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Full text of "Portrait and biographical album of Vermilion county, Illinois, containing ... sketches of prominent ... citizens ... of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States"

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Full  Page  Portraits  and   Biographical  Sketches  of  Prominent 
and  Representative  Citizens  of  the  County, 








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110  i;rL';  of  Knulisli  liistoiiiuis,  IMacaui.av,  and  (uicuf  tlic  must  brilliant  uiitiMs  of 
the  |)iesent  ecntni-y,  has  said :  "The  history  of  a  country  is  best  told  in  a  record  of  the 
lives  of  its  people."  In  conformity  with  this  idea  the  roKruAiT  and  Hioohai-iiicai. 
Ai.iiUM  of  this  county  has  been  prepared.     Instead  of  going  to  musty  records,  and 
t;ilving  tiierefroin  dry  statistical  matter  that  can  be  ai)preciated    by    but  few,  our 
corps  of  writers  have  gone  to  tiie  people,  the  men  and  women  who  have,  ))y  their 
enterprise  and  industry,  brought  the  county  to  a  ranic  second  to  none  among  those 
comprising  this  great  and  noble  State,  and  from  their  lips  have  the  story  of   their  life 
struggles.     No  more  interesting  or  instructive  matter  could   be   jjresented  to  an  intelli- 
gent i)ublic.     In  this  volume  will  be  found  a  record  of  many  whose  lives  are  worthy  the 
imitation  of  coming  generations.     It  tells  how  some,   commencing  life  in  |)overty,  by 
industry    and   economy   have  accumulated   wealth.      It  tells  how  others,   with   limited 
advantages  for  securing  an  education,  liave   become  learned  men  and  women,   witli  an 
I  ^^3^,   intlnence  extending  througiiout  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  land.     It  tells  of  men  who 
'  ?i.        liavc  risen  from  the  lower  walks  of  life  to  eminence  as  statesmen,  and  whose  names  have 
^•^li^^rVS*        liccome  famous.     It  tells  of  those  in  every  waliv  in  life  who  have  striven  to  succeed,  and 
"^  ^  records  how  that  success  has  usually  crowned  their  efforts.     It  tells  also  of  many,  very 

many,  who,  not  seeking  the  applause  of  the  world,  have  pursued  "the  even  tenor  of  their  way,'"  content 
to  have  it  said  of  them  as  Christ  said  of  the  woman  performing  a  deed  of  mercy — -"they  have  done  what 
they  could."  It  tells  how  that  many  in  the  pride  and  strength  of  young  manhood  left  the  plow  and  the 
anvil,  llie  lawyer's  ollicc  and  the  counting-room,  left  every  trade  and  profession,  and  at  their  country'.s 
call  went  forth  valiantly  "to  do  or  die,"  and  how  through  their  efforts  the  Union  was  restored  and  pence 
once  more  reigned  in  the  land.  In  the  life  of  every  man  and  of  every  woman  is  a  lesson  that  should  not 
be  lost  upon  those  who  follow  after. 

Coming  generations  will  appreciate  this  volume  and  preserve  it  as  a  sacred  treasure,  from  the  fad 
that  it  contains  so  much  that  would  never  find  its  way  into  public  records,  and  which  would  otherwise  be 
in.accessible.  Great  care  has  been  taken  in  the  compilation  of  the  work  and  every  opportunity  possible 
giveii  to  those  represented  to  insure  correctness  in  what  has  been  written,  and  the  publishers  (latter  them- 
selves that  they  give  to  their  readers  a  work  with  few  errors  of  consequence.  In  addition  to  the  biograph- 
ical sketches,  portraits  of  a  number  of  rci)resentative  citizens  are  given. 

The  faces  of  some,  and  biogra[>liical  sketches  of  man}',  will  be  missed  in  this  volunir.  For  this  tiie 
pnljlishers  are  not  to  blame.  Not  having  a  iirojicr  conception  of  the  work,  some  refused  to  give  the 
information  necessary  to  compile  a  sketch,  while  others  were  indifferent.  Occasionally  some  member  of 
the  family  would  oppose  the  enterprise,  and  on  account  of  such  opposition  tiie  support  of  the  interested 
one  would  be  withheld.  In  a  few  instances  men  could  never  be  found,  though  repeated  calls  were  made 
at  their  residence  or  place  of  business. 

Chicago,  September,  188'J. 




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HE  Father  of  our  Country  was 
horn  in  WcstmorUuid  Co.,  Va., 
'Feb.  22,  1732.  His  parent.s 
were  Augustine  and  Mary 
(Ball)  Washington.  The  fani'ily 
to  which  lie  belonged  has  not 
jeen  satisfactorily  traced  in 
England.  His  great-grand- 
father, John  Washington,  em- 
igrated to  Virginia  about  1657, 
and  became  a  |)ros[>erous 
[)lanter.  He  had  two  sons, 
Lawrence  and  Jiiini.  The 
former  married  Mildred  W'arner 
and  had  three  children,  John, 
Augustine  and  Mildred.  Augus- 
tine, the  father  of  George,  first 
married  Jane  Butler,  who  bore 
him  foiw  children,  two  of  whom, 
Lawrence  and  Augustine,  reached 
maturity.  Of  six  children  by  his 
second  marriage,  Ceorge  was  the 
eldest,  the  others  beiiii;  Betty, 
Samuel,  Jo!ni  Augustine,  Charles 
and  Mildred. 
Augustine  Washington,  the  father  of  George,  died 
in  1743,  leaving  a  large  landed  property.  To  his 
eldest  son,  Lawrence,  he  bequeathed  an  estate  on 
the  I'atomac,  afterwards  known  as  Mount  Vernon, 
and  to  George  he  left  the  parental  residence.  George 
received  only  such  education  as  the  neighborhood 
schools  afforded,  save  for  a  short  time  after  he  left 
scliool,  when  he  received  private  instruction  in 
mathemat'cs.       His    spellinii   v/as    rather   defective. 

Remarkable  stories  are  told  of  his  great  physical 
strength  and  development  at  an  early  age.  He  wa:; 
an  acknowledged  leader  among  his  companions,  and 
was  early  noted  for  that  r.obleness  cf  character,  fair- 
ness and  veracity  which  characterized  his  whole  life. 

When  George  was  14  years  old  he  luid  a  desire  to  go  to 
sea,  and  a  midshi[)n\an's  warrant  was  secured  forhim, 
but  through  the  ojiposition  of  his  mother  the  idea  was 
abandoned.  Two  years  later  he  was  ap|X)inted 
surveyor  to  the  immense  estate  of  Lord  Fairfax.  In 
this  business  he  spent  three  years  in  a  rough  frontier 
life,  gaining  experience  which  afterwards  proved  very 
essential  to  him.  In  175  r,  though  only  19  years  ol 
age,  he  was  apiwinted  adjutant  with  the  rank  of 
major  in  the  Virginia  militia,  then  being  trained  for 
active  service  against  the  French  and  Indians.  Soon 
after  this  he  sailed  to  the  West  Indies  with  his  brother 
Lawrence,  who  went  there  to  restore  his  health.  They 
soon  returned,  and  in  the  summer  of  1752  Lawrence 
died,  leaving  a  large  fortime  to  an  infant  daughter 
who  did  not  long  survive  him.  On  her  demise  the 
estate  of  Moiuit  Vernon  was  given  to  George, 

UlX)n  the  arrival  of  Robert  Dinwiildic,  as  Lieuien- 
ant-Ciovernor  of  Virginia,  in  1752,  the  militia  was 
reorganized,  and  the  province  divided  into  four  mili- 
tary districts,  of  which  the  northern  was  assigned  to 
Washington  as  adjutant  general.  Shortly  after  this 
a  very  [jcrilous  mission  was  assigned  him  and  ac- 
cepted, which  others  had  refused.  'I'his  v,as  to  ])ro- 
ceed  to  the  French  post  near  Lake  P>rie  in  North- 
western Pennsylvania.  The  distance  to  bo  traverseil 
was  between  500  and  600  miles.  W  inter  was  at  hand, 
and  the  journey  was  to  be  made  without  military 
escort,  through  a  territory  occupied  bv  Indians.     The 


trip  was  a  perilous  one,  and  several  limes  he  came  near 
losing  his  life,  yet  he  returned  in  safety  and  furnished 
a  full  and  useful  reiwrt  of  his  expedition.  A  regiment 
of  300  men  was  raised  in  Virginia  and  put  in  com- 
mand of  Col.  Joshua  Fry,  and  Major  Washington  was 
commissioned  lieutenant-colonel.  Active  war  was 
then  begun  against  the  French  and  Indians,  in  which 
Washington  took  a  most  imix)rtant  part.  In  the 
memorable  event  of  July  9,  1755,  known  as  Brad- 
dock's  defeat,  Washington  was  almost  the  only  officer 
of  distinction  who  escaped  from  the  calamities  of  the 
day  with  life  and  honor.  The  other  aids  of  Braddock 
iveie  disabled  early  in  the  action,  and  Washington 
alone  was  left  in  that  capacity  on  the  field.  In  a  letter 
to  his  brother  he  says :  "I  had  four  bullets  through 
my  coat,  and  two  horses  shot  under  me,  yet  I  escaped 
unhurt,  though  death  was  levelinn  my  companions 
on  every  side."  An  Indian  sharpshooter  said  he  was 
not  born  to  be  killed  by  a  bullet,  for  he  had  taken 
direct  aim  at  him  seventeen  times,  and  failed  to  hit 

After  having  lieen  five  years  in  the  military  service, 
and  vainly  sought  promotion  in  the  royal  avmy,  he 
took  advantage  of  the  tall  of  Fort  Duquesne  and  the 
e.xi)ulsion  of  tiie  French  from  the  valley  of  the  Ohio, 
(o  rasign  his  commission.  Soon  after  he  entered  the 
Legislature,  where,  altiiough  not  a  leader,  he  took  an 
active  and  imixsrtant  jiart.  January  17,  1759,  he 
married  Mrs.  Martha  (Dandridge)  Custis,  the  wealthy 
widow  of  John  Parke  Custis. 

When  the  British  Parliament  had  closed  the  port 
if  Boston,  the  cry  went  \\\>  throughout  the  provinces 
that  "The  cause  of  Boston  is  the  cause  of  us  all." 
It  was  then,  at  the  suggestion  of  Virgini.i,  that  a  Con- 
gress of  all  the  colonies  was  called  to  meet  at  Phila- 
delphia,Sept.  5,  1774,  to  secure  their  common  liberties, 
peaceably  if  i)ossible.  To  this  Congress  Col.  Wash- 
ington was  sent  as  a  delegate.  On  May  10,  1775,  the 
Congress  re-assembled,  when  the  hostile  intentions  of 
England  were  plainly  apparent.  The  battles  of  Con- 
cord and  Lexington  had  been  fought.  Among  the 
first  acts  of  this  Congress  was  the  election  of  a  com- 
mander-in-chief of  the  colonial  forces.  This  high  and 
resix)iisilile  office  was  conferred  upon  Washington, 
wlio  was  still  a  member  of  the  Congress.  He  accepted 
it  on  June  19,  imt  upon  the  express  condition  that  he 
receive  no  salary.  He  would  keep  an  exact  account 
of  expenses  and  e-xpect  Congress  lo  pay  them  and 
nothing  more.  It  is  not  the  object  of  this  sketch  to 
trace  the  military  acts  of  Washington,  to  whom  the 
fortunes  and  liberties  of  the  people  of  this  country 
were  so  long  confided.  The  war  was  conducted  by 
him  under  every  possible  disadvantage,  and  while  his 
forces  often  met  with  reverses,  yet  he  overcame  every 
obstacle,  and  after  seven  years  of  heroic  devotion 
and  matchless  skill  he  gained  liberty  for  the  greatest 
nation  of  earth.  On  Dec.  23,  17S3,  Washington,  in 
a  parting  address  of  surpassing  beauty,  lesigned  his 

commission  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army  to 
to  the  Continental  Congress  sitting  at  Annapolis.  He 
retired  immediately  to  Mount  Vernon  and  resumed 
his  occupation  as  a  fanner  and  planter,  shunning  all 
connection  with  public  life. 

In  February, 1 7 89,  \Vashington  was  unanimously 
elected  President.  In  his  presidential  career  he  was 
subject  to  the  peculiar  trials  incidental  to  a  new 
government ;  trials  from  lack  of  confidence  on  the  part 
of  other  governments;,  trials  from  want  of  harmony 
between  the  different  sections  of  our  own  country; 
trials  from  the  impoverished  condition  of  the  country, 
owing  to  the  war  and  want  of  credit;  trials  from  the 
beginnings  of  party  strife.  He  was  no  partisan.  His 
clear  judgment  could  discern  the  golden  mean;  and 
while  perhaps  this  alone  kept  our  government  from 
sinking  at  the  very  outset,  it  left  him  ex|)osed  to 
attacks  from  both  sides,  which  were  often  bitter  and 
very  annoying. 

At  the  expiration  of  his  first  term  he  was  unani- 
mously re-elected.  At  the  end  of  this  term  many 
were  anxious  that  he  be  re-elected,  but  he  absolutely 
refused  a  tliird  nominalion.  On  the  fourth  of  March, 
1797,  at  the  expiraton  of  his  second  term  as  Presi- 
dent, he  returned  to  his  home,  hoping  to  pass  there 
his  few  remaining  yeais  free  from  the  annoyances  of 
public  life.  Later  in  the  year,  however,  his  repose 
seemed  likely  to  be  interrupted  by  war  with  France. 
At  the  prospect  of  such  a  war  he  was  again  urged  to 
take  command  of  the  armies.  He  chose  his  sub- 
ordinate officers  and  left  to  them  the  charge  of  mat- 
ters in  the  field,  which  he  suiierintended  from  his 
home.  In  accepting  the  command  he  made  the 
reservation  that  he  was  not  to  be  in  the  field  until 
it  was  necessary.  In  the  midst  of  these  preparations 
his  life  was  suddenly  cut  off.  December  1  2,  he  took 
a  seveie  cold  from  a  ride  in  the  rain,  which,  settling 
in  liis  throat,  produced  inflammation,  and  terminated 
fatally  on  the  night  of  the  fourteenth.  On  the  eigh- 
teenth his  body  was  borne  wi'h  military  honors  to  its 
final  resting  place,  and  interred  in  the  family  vault  at 
Mount  Vernon. 

Of  the  character  of  Washington  it  is  ini])ossible  to 
speak  but  in  terms  of  the  highest  resiiect  and  ad- 
miration. The  more  we  see  of  the  operations  of 
our  government,  and  the  more  deeply  we  feel  the 
difficulty  of  uniting  all  opinions  in  a  common  interest, 
the  more  highly  we  must  estimate  the  force  of  his  tal- 
ent and  cliararter,  which  have  been  able  to  challenge 
the  reverence  of  all  parties,  and  principles,  and  na- 
tions, and  to  win  a  fame  as  extended  as  the  limits 
of  the  globe,  and  which  we  cannot  but  believe  will 
be  as  lasting  as  the  existence  of  man. 

The  person  of  Washington  was  iinusally  tali,  erect 
and  well  proportioned.  His  muscular  strength  was 
great.  His  features  were  of  a  beautiful  symmetry. 
He  commanded  respect  without  any  appearance  of 
luiughtiness,  and  ever  serious  without  being  dull. 




^^^'^•^l^V.t  ,t  A  -t.-t  A..t...t..t«.t».t.  Xi.  A  .t.  A  ■t.,.fc.t,.t...t. .+.  -t  .+.  A  A  .t  A,  A  AAA  A.A.  A,.t.  A-.t.A  A  A.AA  A,  A.A.t.  -V 



(1HN  ADAMS,  ilie  secoiui 
President  and  the  Hrst  Vice- 
President  of  tlie  United  Stales, 
was  born  in  Braintree  ( now 
Qiiincy  ),Mass.,  and  about  ten 
^^  miles  from  Boston,  Oct.  19, 
1735.  His  great-grandfatlier,  Henry 
Adams,  emigrated  from  England 
about  1640,  with  a  Himily  of  eight 
sons,  and  settled  at  Braintree.  The 
parents  of  John  were  John  and 
Susannah  (Boylston)  Adams.  His 
father  was  a  farmer  of  limited 
means,  to  which  he  added  the  bus- 
iness of  shoeuiaking.  He  gave  his 
eldest  son,  John,  a  classical  educa- 
tion at  Harvard  College.  John 
graduated  in  1755,  and  at  once  took  charge  of  the 
school  in  Worcester,  Mass.  This  he  found  but  a 
"school  of  .iffliction,''  from  which  he  endeavored  to 
gain  relief  by  devoting  himself,  in  addition,  to  the 
study  of  law.  For  this  piiriKjse  he  placed  himself 
under  the  tuition  of  the  only  lawyer  in  the  town.  He 
had  thought  seriously  of  the  clerical  profession 
but  seems  to  have  been  turned  from  this  by  what  he 
termed  "  the  frightful  engines  of  ecclesiastical  coun- 
cils, of  diabolical  malice,  and  C'alvanistic  good  nature,'' 
of  the  operations  of  which  he  had  been  a  witness  in 
his  native  town.  He  was  well  fitted  for  the  legal 
profession,  possessing  a  clear,  sonorous  voice,  being 
ready  and  fluent  of  s()eech,  and  having  quick  percep- 
tive [lowers.  He  gradually  gained  practice,  and  in 
1764  married  Abigail  Smith,  a  daughter  of  a  minister, 
and  a  lady  of  su[)erior  intelligence.  .Shortly  after  his 
I'larriage,  (i7<'s),  the  attempt  of  Parliamentary  taxa- 
tion turned  him  from  law  to  politics.  He  took  initial 
steps  toward  holdin^,  a  town  meeting,  and  the  resohi- 

tions  he  offered  on  the  subject  became  very  |K)pulai 
throughout  the  Province,  and  were  adopted  woiil  fui 
word  by  over  forty  different  towns.  I  Ic  moved  lo  Bos- 
ton in  1768,  and  became  one  of  the  most  courageous 
and  prominent  advocatesof  the  jiopular  cause,  and 
was  chosen  a  member  of  the  General  Court  (the  Leg- 
lislature)  in  1770. 

Mr.  Adams  was  chosen  one  of  the  first  delegates 
from  Massachusetts  to  the  first  Continental  Congre::S, 
which  in  1774.  Here  he  distinguished  himselt 
by  his  cai)acity  for  business  and  for  debate,  and  ad- 
vocated the  movement  for  indepei;dence  against  t'.:^ 
majority  of  the  members.  In  May,  1776,  he  mcved 
and  carried  a  resolution  in  Congress  that  the  Colonies 
should  assume  the  duties  of  self-government.  He 
was  a  prominent  member  of  the  committee  of  ive 
appointed  June  11,  to  prepare  a  declaration  of  inde- 
pendence. This  article  was  drawn  by  Jefferson,  but 
on  Adams  devolved  the  task  of  battling  it  through 
Congress  in  a  three  days  debate. 

()n  tlie  day  after  the  Declaration  of  Independence 
was  passed,  while  his  soul  was  yet  warm  with  tli  - 
glow  of  e.Ncitcd  feeling,  he  wrote  a  letter  to  his  wife 
which,  as  we  read  ;t  now,  seems  lo  h.ive  been  dictated 
by  the  spirit  of  projihecy.  "  \'esterday,"  he  says,  "t'ae 
greatest  ipiestion  was  decided  that  ever  was  debated 
in  .America;  and  greater,  perhaps,  never  was  or  wil 
be  decided  among  men.  A  resolution  was  passed 
without  one  dissenting  colony,  '  that  these  United 
States  are,  and  of  right  (.)Ughl  to  be,  free  and  inde- 
pendent states.'  The  day  is  passed.  I'lie  fuurlli  of 
Julv,  1776,  will  lie  a  memorable  epoch  in  the  history 
of  America.  I  am  apt  to  believe  it  will  be  celebrated 
by  succeeding  generations,  as  the  great  ar.nivetsary 
festival.  It  ought  to  be  commemorated  as  the  day  of 
deliverance  by  solemn  acts  of  devotion  lo  Almighty 
God.     It  ought  to  be  solemnized  v.iih  (wmp,  shows, 



games,  sports,  guns,  bells,  bonfires,  and  illuminations 
from  one  end  of  the  continent  to  the  other,  from  this 
time  forward  for  ever.  Vou  will  think  me  transported 
with  enthusiasm,  but  I  am  not.  I  am  well  aware  of 
the  toil,  and  blood  and  treasure,  that  it  will  cost  to 
maintain  this  declaration,  and  support  and  defend 
these  States;  yet,  through  all  the  gloom,  I  can  see  the 
rays  of  light  and  glory.  1  can  see  that  the  end  is 
Wvirth  more  than  all  the  means;  and  that  posterity 
will  triumph,  although  you  and  I  may  rue,  which  I 
hoi)e  we  shall  not." 

In  November,  1777,  Mr.  Adams  was  appointed  a 
delegate  to  France  and  to  co-operale  with  Benijarain 
Franklin  and  Arthur  Lee,  who  were  then  in  Paris,  in 
the  endeavor  to  obtain  assistance  in  arms  and  money 
from  the  French  Government.  This  was  a  severe  trial 
to  his  patriotism,  as  it  separated  him  from  his  home, 
compelled  him  to  cross  the  ocean  in  winter,  and  ex- 
posed him  to  great  peril  of  capture  by  the  British  cruis- 
ers, who  were  seeking  him.  He  left  France  June  17, 
1779.  In  Septemljer  of  the  same  year  he  was  again 
chosen  to  go  to  Paris,  and  there  hold  himself  in  readi- 
ness to  negotiate  a  treaty  of  peace  and  of  commerce 
with  Great  Britian,  as  soon  as  the  British  Cabinet 
might  Ije  found  willing  to  listen  to  such  pvoposels.  He 
sailed  for  France  in  November,  from  there  he  went  to 
Holland,  where  he  negotiated  important  loans  and 
formed  important  commercial  treaties. 

Finally  a  treaty  of  peace  with  England  was  signed 
Jan.  21,  1783.  The  re-action  from  the  e.xcitemegt, 
toil  and  an.xiety  through  which  Mr.  Adams  had  passed 
threw  him  into  a  fever.  After  suffering  from  a  con- 
tinued fever  and  becoming  feeble  and  emaciated  he 
was  advised  to  go  to  England  to  drink  the  waters  of 
B.ith.  While  in  England,  still droopinganddes[)ond- 
ing,  he  received  dispatches  from  his  own  government 
urging  the  necessity  of  his  going  to  .\msterdam  to 
negotiate  another  loan.  It  was  winter,  his  health  was 
delicate,  yet  he  immediately  set  out,  and  through 
storm,  on  sea,  on  horseback  and  foot,he  made  the  trip. 

February  24,  17S5.  ("ongress  apix)inted  Mr.  Adams 
envoy  to  the  Court  of  St.  James.  Here  he  met  face 
to  face  the  King  of  England,  who  had  so  long  re- 
garded him  as  a  traitor.  As  England  did  not 
condescend  to  appoint  a  minister  to  the  United 
States,  and  as  Mr.  Adams  felt  that  he  was  accom- 
plishing l)ut  little,  he  sought  ])ermission  to  return  to 
his  own  country,  where  he  arrived  in  June,  1788. 

When  Washington  was  first  chosen  President,  John 
Adams,  rendered  illustiious  by  his  signal  services  at 
home  and  abroad,  was  chosen  Vice  President.  .Again 
at  the  second  election  of  Washington  as  President, 
Adams  was  chosen  Vice  President.  In  1796,  Wash- 
ington retired  from  public  life,  and  Mr.  Adams  was 
elected  President, though  not  without  much  opposition. 
Serving  in  this  office  four  years, he  was  succeeded  by 
Mr.  Jefferson,  his  opponent  in  politics. 

While    Mr.  Adams  was  Vice   President   the   great 

French  Revolution  shook  the  continent  of  Europe, 
and  it  was  upon  this  point  which  he  was  at  issue  with 
the  majority  of  his  countrymen  led  by  Mr.  Jefferson. 
Mr.  .'\dams  felt  no  symiiathy  with  the  French  people 
in  their  struggle,  for  he  had  no  confidence  in  their 
lX)wer  of  self-government,  and  he  utterly  abhored  the 
classof  atheist  philosophers  who  he  claimed  caused  it. 
On  the  other  hand  Jefferson's  sympathies  were  strongly 
enlisted  in  behalf  of  the  French  people.  Hence  or- 
iginated the  alienation  between  these  distinguished 
men,  and  two  ix>werful  i)arties  were  thus  soon  organ- 
ized, Adams  at  the  head  of  the  one  whose  sympathies 
were  with  England  and  Jefferson  led  the  other  in 
sympathy  with  France. 

The  world  has  seldom  seen  a  spectacle  of  more 
moral  beauty  and  grandeur,  than  was  presented  by  the 
old  age  of  Mr.  Adams.  The  violence  of  party  feeling 
had  died  away,  and  he  had  begun  to  receive  that  just 
appreciation  which,  to  most  men,  is  not  accorded  till 
after  death.  No  one  could  look  upon  his  venerable 
form,  and  think  of  what  he  had  done  and  suffered, 
and  how  he  had  given  up  all  the  prime  and  strength 
of  his  life  to  the  public  good,  without  the  deepest 
emotion  of  gratitude  and  respect.  It  was  his  peculiar 
good  fortune  to  witness  the  complete  success  of  the 
institution  which  he  had  been  so  active  in  creating  and 
supporting.  In  1824,  his  cup  of  happiness  was  filled 
to  the  brim,  by  seeing  his  son  elevated  to  the  highest 
station  in  the  gift  of  the  people. 

The  fourth  of  July,  1826,  which  completed  the  half 
century  since  the  signing  of  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
])cndence,  arrived,  and  there  were  but  three  of  the 
signers  of  that  immortal  instrument  left  uixm  the 
earth  to  hail  its  morning  light.  And,  as  it  is 
well  known,  on  that  day  two  of  these  finished  their 
earthly  [lilgrimage,  a  coincidence  so  remarkable  as 
to  seem  miraculous.  For  a  few  days  before  Mr. 
Adams  had  been  rapidly  failing,  and  on  the  morning 
of  the  fourth  he  found  himself  too  weak  to  rise  from 
his  bed.  On  being  reiiuested  to  name  a  toast  for  the 
customary  celebration  of  the  day,  he  exclaimed  "  In- 
dependence FOREVER."  When  the  day  was  ushered 
in,  by  the  ringing  of  bells  and  the  firing  of  cannons, 
he  was  asked  by  one  of  his  attendants  if  he  knew 
what  day  it  was?  He  replied,  "O  yes;  it  is  the  glor- 
ious fotirih  of  July — God  bless  it — God  bless  you  all." 
In  the  course  of  the  day  he  said,  "It  is  a  great  and 
glorious  day."  The  last  words  he  uttered  were, 
"Jefferson  survives."  But  he  had,  at  one  o'clock,  re- 
signed his  spiiit  into  the  hands  of  his  God. 

The  personal  appearance  and  manners  of  Mr. 
Adams  were  not  ]iarticularly  piejiossessing.  His  face, 
as  his  ])ortrait  nianifests,was  intellectual  ard  expres- 
sive, but  his  figure  was  low  and  ungraceful,  and  his 
manners  were  frequently  abrupt  and  uncourteous. 
He  had  neither  the  lofty  dignity  of  Washington,  nor 
the  engaging  elegance  and  gracefulness  which  marked 
the  manners  and  address  of  Tcfiferson. 





^-^'"      '    '       ''■^-    HOMAS  JEFFERSON  was 
liorii  April  2,    IJ43,   ut  .Shail- 
J|>*uell,  Alhermarle  county,   Va. 
His  parents  were    Peter  and 
Jane  (  Randoli)li)    Jefferson, 
tiie  former  a  native  of  Wales, 
and  the  latter  born  in   Lon- 
don.    To  them  were  born  six 
daugliters    and    two    sons,  of 
wiioni  Thomas  was  the  elder. 
When    14   years    of   age     his 
father  died.     He  received  a 
most  liberal  education,    hav- 
ing been  kept  diligently  at  scliool 
from  the  time  he  was  five  years  of 
age.     In  1760  he  entered  Wilham 
and  Mary  College.      Williamsburg  was  then  the  seat 
of  the  ("olonial  Court,  and  it  was  the  obodeof  fashion   splendor.      Young  Jefferson,  who  was  then    17 
years  old,  lived  somewhat  expensively,  kecjting  fine 
horses,  and  much  caressed  by  gay  society,    yet    he 
was  earnestly  devoted  to  his  studies,  and  irrejiroacha- 
alile  in  his  morals.     It    is    strange,    however,    under 
such  inlluencesjlhat  he  was  not  ruined.     In  the   sec- 
ond year  of   his  college  course,  moved  by  some  un- 
explained inward  im[)ulse,  he  discarded    his    horses, 
society,  and  even  his  favorite  violin,  to  which  he  had 
previously  given  much  time.     He  often  devoted  fifteen 
hours  a  day  to  haid    study,  allowing  himself  for  e.v- 
ercise  only  a  run  in  the  evening  twilight  of  a  mile  out 
of  the  city  and  back  again.     He  thus  attained  very 
high  intellectual  culture,  alike  excellence  in  philoso- 
l)hy  and  the  languages.  The  most  difficult  Latin  anil 
C.reek  authors  he  read  with  facility.     A  more  finished 
scholur  has  seldom  gone  forth  from  colle.i;eh.dls;  and 

there  was  not  to  be  found,  perhaps,  in  all  Virginia,  a 
more  pureminded,  upright,  gentlemanly  young  man. 

Immediately  \\\x,\\  leaving  college  he  began  the 
study  of  law.  For  the  short  time  he  continued  in  the 
practice  of  his  profession  he  rose  rapidly  and  distin- 
guished himself  by  his  energy  and  accuteness  as  a 
lawyer.  ISut  the  times  called  for  greater  action. 
The  policy  of  England  had  awakened  the  spirit  of 
resistance  of  the  American  Colonies,  and  the  enlarged 
views  which  Jefferson  had  ever  entertained,  soon  led 
him  into  active  political  life.  In  1769  he  was  chosen 
a  member  of  the  Virginia  House  of  Hurgesses.  In 
1772  he  married  Mrs.  Martha  .Skelton,  a  very  beauti- 
ful, wealthy  and  highly  accomplished  young  widow. 
Upon  Mr.  Jefferson's  large  estate  at  Shadwell,  there 
was  a  majestic  swell  of  land,  called  Monticello,  which 
commanded  a  prospect  of  wonderful  extent  and 
beauty.  This  spot  Mr.  Jefferson  selected  for  his  new 
home;  and  here  he  reared  a  mansion  of  modest  yet 
elegant  architecture,  which,  next  to  Mount  Vernon, 
became  the  most  distinguished  resort   in  our  land. 

In  1775  he  was  sent  to  the  Colonial  Congress, 
where,  though  a  silent  member,  his  abilities  as  a 
writer  and  a  reasoner  soon  become  known,  and  he 
was  placed  uiwn  a  mmiber  of  important  committees, 
and  was  chairman  of  the  one  appointed  for  the  draw- 
ing up  of  a  declaration  of  independence.  This  com- 
mittee consisted  of  Thomas  Jefferson,  John  Adams, 
Benjamin  Franklin,  Roger  Sherman  and  Robert  R. 
Livingston.  Jefferson,  as  chairman,  was  appointed 
to  draw  up  the  paper.  Franklin  and  Adams  suggested 
a  few  verbal  changes  before  it  was  submitted  to  Con- 
gress. On  June  28,  a  few  slight  changes  were  made 
in  it  by  Congress,  and  it  was  passed  and  signed  July 
4,  1776.     VVhat  must  have  been  the  feelings  of  that 



man — what  the  emotions  that  swelled  his  breast — 
who  was  charged  with  the  preparation  of  that  Dec- 
laration, which,  while  it  made  known  the  wrongs  of 
America,  rtas  also  to  publish  her  to  the  world,  free, 
lioverign  and  independent.  It  is  one  of  the  most  re- 
markable papers  ever  written  ;  and  did  no  other  effort 
uf  tJie  mind  of  its  author  exist,  that  alone  would  be 
sufficient  to  stamp  his  name  with  immortality. 

In  1779  Mr.  Jefferson  was  elected  successor  to 
Patrick  Henry,  i.s  Governor  of  Virginia.  At  one  time 
the  British  officer,  Tarleton,  sent  a  secret  expedition  to 
Monticello,  to  capture  tlie  Governor.  Scarcely  five 
minutes  elapsed  after  tlie  liurried  escape  of  Mr.  Jef- 
ferson and  his  family,  ere  his  mansion  was  in  posses- 
sion of  the  British  troops.  His  wife's  health,  never 
very  good,  was  much  injured  by  this  excitement,  and 
in  the  summer  of  1782  she  died. 

Mr.  Jefferson  was  elected  to  Congress  in  1783. 
Two  years  later  he  was  apiwinted  Minister  Plenipo- 
tentiary to  France.  Returning  to  the  United  States 
in  September,  1789,  he  became  Secretary  of  State 
m  Washington's  cabinet.  This  [Xjsition  he  resigned 
Jan.  I,  1794.  In  1797,  he  was  chosen  Vice  Presi- 
dent, and  four  years  later  was  elected  President  over 
Mr.  Adams,  with  Aaron  Burr  as  Vice  President.  In 
1804  he  was  re-elected  with  wonderful  unanimity, 
and  George  Clinton,  Vice  President. 

The  early  part  of  Mr.  Jefferson's  second  adminstra- 
tion  was  disturbed  by  an  event  whicii  threatened  the 
tranquility  and  peace  of  the  Unior. ;  this  was  the  con- 
spiracy of  Aaron  Burr.  Defeated  in  the  late  election 
to  the  Vice  Presidency,  and  led  on  by  an  unprincipled 
ambition,  this  extraordinary  man  formed  the  plan  of  a 
military  expedition  into  the  Spanish  territories  on  our 
soutiiwestern  frontier,  for  the  pur|X)se  of  forming  there 
a  new  republic.  This  has  been  generally  supixjsed 
was  a  mere  pretext ;  and  although  it  has  not  been 
generally  known  what  his  real  plans  were,  there  is  no 
doubt  that  they  were  of  a  f;ir  more  dangerous 

In  iSog,  at  the  expiration  of  the  second  term  for 
which  Mr.  Jefferson  had  been  elected,  he  determined 
to  retire  from  jwlitical  life.  For  a  period  of  nearly 
forty  years,  he  had  been  continually  before  the  pub- 
lic, and  all  that  time  had  been  employed  in  offices  of 
the  greatest  trust  and  resiwnsibility.  Having  thus  de- 
voted the  best  part  of  his  life  to  the  service  of  his 
countr)',  he  now  felt  desirous  of  that  rest  which  his 
declining  years  re(piired,  and  uixsn  the  organization  of 
the  new  administration,  in  March,  1809,  he  bid  fare- 
well forever  to  public  life,  and  retired  to  Monticello. 

Mr.  Jefferson  was  [jrofuse  in  his  hospitality.  Whole 
families  came  in  their  coaches  with  their  horses, — 
fathers  and  mothers,  boys  and  girls,  babies  and 
nurses, — and  remained  three  and  even  six  months. 
Life  at  Monticello,  for  years,  resembled  that  at  a 
fashionable  watering-place. 

The  fourth  of  July,  1S26,  being  the  fiftieth  anniver- 

sary of  the  Declaration  of  American  Independence, 
great  preparations  were  made  in  every  part  of  the 
Union  for  its  celebration,  as  the  nation's  jubilee,  and 
the  citizens  of  Washington,  to  add  to  the  solemnity 
of  the  occasion,  invited  Mr.  Jefferson,  as  the  framer 
and  one  of  the  few  surviving  signers  of  tlie  Declara- 
tion, to  participate  in  their  lestivities.  But  an  ill- 
ness, whicl)  had  been  of  several  weeks  duration,  and 
had  been  continually  increasing,  compelled  him  to 
decline  the  invitation. 

On  the  second  of  July,  tlie  disease  under  whit '1 
he  was  laboring  left  him,  but  in  such  a  reduced 
state  that  his  medical  attendants,  enteitained  nc 
hope  of  his  recovery.  Fioni  this  time  he  was  perfectly 
sensible  tiiat  his  last  hour  was  at  liand.  Un  the  next 
day,  which  was  Monday,  he  asked  of  those  around 
him,  the  day  of  the  month,  and  on  being  told  it  was 
the  third  of  July,  he  expressed  the  earnest  wish  that 
he  might  be  ))ermitted  to  breathe  tl  e  airof  the  fiftieth 
anniversary.  His  prayer  was  heard — that  day,  whose 
dawn  was  hailed  with  such  rapture  through  our  land, 
burst  uixm  his  eyes,  and  then  they  were  closed  for- 
ever. And  what  a  noble  consunnnation  of  a  noble 
life !  To  die  on  that  day, — the  birthday  of  a  nation,-  - 
the  day  v/hich  liis  own  name  and  his  own  act  had 
rendered  glorious;  to  die  amidst  the  rejoicings  and 
festivities  of  a  wliole  nation,  who  looked  up  to  him, 
as  the  author,  under  God,  of  their  greatest  blessings, 
was  all  that  was  wanting  to  fill  u|)  the  rei  ord  his  life. 

Almost  at  the  same  hour  of  his  death,  the  kin- 
dred spirit  of  the  venerable  Adams,  as  if  to  bear 
him  company,  left  the  scene  of  his  earthly  honors 
Hand  in  hand  they  had  stood  forth,  the  champions  ol 
freedom;  hand  in  hand,  during  the  dark  and  desper- 
ate struggle  of  the  Revolution,  they  had  cheered  and 
animated  their  desi^nding  countrymen;  for  half  a 
century  they  had  labored  together  for  tlie  good  of 
the  country;  and  now  hand  in  hand  they  de|iart. 
In  tlieir  lives  they  had  been  united  in  the  same  great 
cause  of  liberty,  and  in  their  deaths  they  were  not 

In  person  Mr.  Jefferson  was  tall  and  thin,  ratlier 
above  six  feet  in  height,  but  well  formed;  his  eyes 
were  light,  his  hair  originally  red,  in  after  life  became 
white  and  silvery",  his  coniplt-xion  was  fair,  his  fore 
head  broad,  and  his  whole  countenance  intelligent  and 
thoughtful.  He  ixjssessed  great  of  mind  as 
well  as  personal  lourage;  and  his  cominai  d  of  tem- 
per was  such  that  his  oldest  and  most  intimate  fiieiuls 
never  recollected  to  have  seen  him  in  a  passion. 
His  manners,  though  dignified,  were  simple  and  un- 
affected, and  his  hospitality  was  so  unbounded  thai 
all  found  at  his  house  a  ready  welcome.  In  conver- 
sation he  was  fluent,  eloquent  and  enthusiastic;  and 
his  language  was  remarkably  pure  and  correct.  He 
was  a  finished  classical  scholar,  and  in  his  writings  is 
discernable  the  care  with  which  he  formed  his  style 
upon  the  best  models  of  antiquity. 

(^X-o^-^      .^>^  it*..-OC^  ^1v 




spilQES  n]JIDISOI].« 

AMES    MADISON,    "Father 
of  the  Constitution, '  ;uul  fouitli 
ijf' President  of  the  United  States, 
was  born  March  i6,  1757,  and 
died  at  his   home  in   Virginia, 
June  28,   1836.     The  name  of 
James  Madison  is  inseparably  con- 
nected with  most  of  tlie  imiwrtant 
events  in  that  lieroic  period  of  our 
'\l,    country  during  which  the  founda- 
tions of   this  great    repulilic   were 
hiid.   He  was  the  last  of  tlie  fountiers 
of  the   Constitution    of  the    United 
States  to   be   called    to    his    eternal 

The  Madison  family  were  among 
the  early  emigrants  to  the  New  World, 
landing  upon  the  shores  of  the  Chesa- 
peake but  15  years  after  the  settle- 
ment of  Jamestown.  The  father  of 
lames  Madison  was  an  o|)ulent 
ilanter,  residing  uiwn  a  very  fine  es- 
tate called  "Montpelier,"  Orange  t^o., 
Va,  The  mansion  was  situated  in 
the  midst  of  scenery  highly  pictur- 
esque and  romantic,  on  the  west  side 
of  South-west  Mountain,  at  the  foot  of 
I'.lue  Ridge.  It  was  but  25  miles  from  the  liome  of 
Jefferson  at  Monticello.  The  closest  personal  and 
political  attachment  existed  between  these  illustrious 
men,  from  their  early  youth  until  death. 

The  early  education  of  Mr.  Madison  was  conducted 
mostly  at  home  under  a  private  tutor.  At  the  age  of 
18  he  was  sent  to  Princeton  College,  in  New  Jersey. 
Here  he  applied  himself  to  study  with  the  most  im- 

prudent zeal ;  allowing  himself,  for  months,  but  three 
hours' sleep  out  of  the  2.4.  His  Ireallh  llius  liecameso 
seriously  impaired  that  lie  never  recovered  any  vigor 
of  constitution.  He  graduated  in  177  i,  with  a  feeble 
body,  with  a  character  of  utmost  i)urity,  and  with  a 
mind  highly  disciplined  and  richly  stored  with  learning 
which  embellisiied  and  gave  proficiency  to  his  subsf 
quent  career. 

Returning  to  Virginia,  he  commenced  the  study  of 
law  and  a  course  of  extensive  and  systematic  reading. 
This  educational  course,  the  spirit  of  the  times  in 
wliicli  he  lived,  and  tlie  society  with  which  he  asso- 
ciated, all  combined  to  inspire  him  with  a  strong 
love  of  liberty,  and  to  train  him  for  his  life-work  o( 
a  statesman.  Being  naturally  of  a  religious  turn  of 
mind,  and  his  frail  health  leading  him  to  think  that 
his  life  was  not  to  lie  long,  he  directed  especial  atten- 
tion to  theological  studies.  Flndowed  with  a  mind 
singularly  free  from  passion  and  i)rejudice,  and  with 
almost  unequalled  iMwers  of  reasoning,  he  weighed 
all  the  arguments  for  and  against  revealed  religion, 
until  his  faith  became  so  established  as  never  to 
be  shaken. 

In  the  spring  of  1776,  when  26  years  of  age,  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Virginia  Convention,  to 
frame  the  constitution  of  the  State.  The  next  year 
(T777),  he  was  a  candidate  for  the  General  Assembly. 
He  refused  to  treat  the  whisky-lovir.g  voters,  and 
conse(]uently  lost  his  election  ;  but  those  who  had 
witnessed  the  talent,  energy  and  public  spirit  of  the 
modest  young  man,  enlisted  themselves  in  his  behalf, 
and  he  was  appointed  to  the    Eveculive  Council. 

Both  Patrick  I  lenry  and  Thomas  Jefferson  were 
(Governors  of  Virginia  while  Mr.  Madison  remained 
men/iier  ot  the  Council  ;    and  their  appreciation  of  his 



intellectual,  social  and  moral  worth,  contributed  not 
a  little  to  his  subsequent  eminence.  In  the  year 
1780,  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Continental 
Congress.  Here  he  met  the  most  illustrious  men  in 
our  land,  and  he  was  immediately  assigned  to  one  of 
the  most  conspicuous  positions  among  them. 

For  three  years  Mr.  Madison  continued  in  Con- 
gress, one  of  its  most  active  and  influential  members. 
In  tlie  year  1784,  his  term  having  ex|)ired,  he  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  Virginia    Legislature. 

No  man  felt  more  deeply  than  Mr.  Madison  the 
utter  inelticiency  of  the  old  confederacy,  with  no  na- 
tional government,  witii  no  jxjwer  to  form  treaties 
which  would  be  binding,  or  to  enforce  law.  There 
was  not  any  State  more  prominent  than  Virginia  in 
the  declaration,  that  an  efficient  national  government 
must  be  formed.  In  January,  1786,  Mr.  Madison 
carried  a  resolution  tlirough  the  General  Assembly  of 
Virginia,  inviting  tiie  other  States  to  appoint  commis- 
sioners to  meet  in  convention  at  Annapolis  to  discuss 
this  subject.  Five  States  only  were  represented.  The 
convention,  however,  issued  another  call,  drawn  up 
by  Mr.  Madison,  urgnig  all  the  States  to  send  their 
delegates  to  Philadelphia,  in  May,  17S7,  to  draft 
a  Constitution  for  the  United  States,  to  take  the  place 
of  that  Confederate  League.  The  delegates  met  at 
the  time  ap[>ointed.  Kvery  Stale  but  Riiode  Island 
was  represented,  (ieorge  Washington  was  chosen 
president  of  the  convention;  and  tjie  present  Consti- 
tirtion  of  the  United  States  was  then  and  there  formed. 
'I'here  was,  perhaps,  no  mind  and  no  pen  more  ac- 
tive in  framing  this  immortal  document  than  the  mind 
and  tlie  jien  of  James  Madison. 

The  Constitution,  adopted  bv  a  vote  Si  to  79,  was 
to  be  presented  to  the  several  States  fur  acce|jtance. 
But  grave  soli(  itude  was  felt.  Should  it  be  rejected 
we  should  be  left  but  a  conglomeration  of  independent 
•States,  with  but  little  jwwer  at  home  and  little  respect 
abroad.  Mr.  Madison  was  selected  by  tlie  conven- 
tion to  draw  up  an  address  to  the  people  of  the  United 
States,  expounding  the  i)rinciples  of  the  Constitution, 
and  urging  its  adoption.  There  was  great  opix)sition 
to  it  at  first,  but  it  at  length  triumphed  over  all,  and 
went  into  effect  in  1789. 

i\Ir.  Madison  was  elected  to  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives in  the  first  Congress,  and  soon  became  the 
avowed  leader  ot  the  Republican  party.  While  in 
New  York  attending  Congress,  he  iiiet  Mrs  Todd,  a 
young  widovv  of  remarkable  [xawer  of  fascination, 
whom  he  married.  She  was  in  person  and  character 
(pieenly,  and  probably  no  lady  has  thus  far  occupied 
so  prominent  a  position  in  the  very  peculiar  society 
which  has  constituted  our  republican  court  as  Mrs. 

Mr.  Madison  served  as  Secretary  of  State  under 
Jefferson,  and  at  the  close  of  his  administtation 
was  chosen  President.  At  this  time  the  encroach- 
ments of  England  had  brought  us  to  the  vergeof  war. 

British  orders  in  council  destioyed  our  commerce,  and 
our  flag  was  exposed  to  constant  insult.  Mr.  Madison 
was  a  man  of  peace.  Scholarly  in  his  taste,  retiring 
in  his  disposition,  war  had  no  charms  for  him.  But  the 
meekest  spirit  can  be  roused.  It  makes  one's  blood 
boil,  even  now,  to  think  of  an  American  ship  brought 
to,  ujjon  the  ocean,  by  the  guns  of  an  English  cruiser. 
A  young  lieutenant  steps  on  boaril  and  orders  the 
crew  to  be  paraded  l)efore  him.  With  great  nonchal- 
ance he  selects  any  number  whom  he  may  please  tu 
designate  as  British  subjects ;  orders  thein  down  the 
ship's  side  into  his  boat;  and  places  them  on  the  gun- 
deck  of  his  man-of-war,  to  light,  by  comiailsion,  the 
battles  of  England.  This  right  of  search  and  im- 
pressment, no  efforts  of  our  (^lovernment  coidd  induce 
the  British  cabinet  to  relinquish. 

On  the  iSth  of  June,  1812,  President  Madison  gave 
his  approval  to  an  act  of  Congress  declaring  war 
against  (Ireat  Britain.  Notwithstanding  the  bitter 
hostility  of  the  Federal  party  to  the  war,  the  country 
in  general  approved;  and  Mr.  Madis(jn,  on  the  4th 
of  March,  1813,  was  re-elected  by  a  large  majority, 
and  entered  upon  his  second  term  of  offire.  I'his  is 
not  the  [jlace  to  describe  the  various  adventures  of 
this  war  on  the  land  and  on  the  water.  Our  infant 
navy  then  laid  the  foundations  of  its  renown  in  grap- 
pling with  the  most  fonnlilable  jxjwer  which  ever 
swept  the  seas.  The  contest  commer.ced  in  earnest 
by  the  appearance  of  a  British  fleet,  early  in  Februaiy, 
1813,  in  Cliesai>eake  )5ay,  declaring  nearly  the  whole 
coast  of  the  United  States  under  blockade. 

The  Enqieror  of  Russia  offcied  his  services  as  ine 
dilator.  America  accepted ;  England  refused.  A  Brit- 
ish force  of  five  thousand  men  landed  on  the  banks 
of  the  Patuxet  River,  near  its  entrance  into  Chesa- 
])eake  Bay,  and  marched  ra;'idly,  by  way  of  Bladens- 
burg,  upon  Washington. 

The  straggling  little  city  of  Washington  was  thrown 
into  consternation.  The  cannon  of  the  brief  conflict 
at  Bladensburg  echoed  through  the  streets  of  the 
metropolis.  The  whole  iX)pulaticn  fled  from  the  city. 
The  President,  leaving  Mrs.  Madison  in  the  Wliite 
House,  with  her  carriage  diawn  up  at  the  door  to 
await  his  speedy  return,  hurried  to  meet  the  officers 
in  a  council  of  war.  He  met  our  troops  utterly  routed, 
and  he  could  not  go  back  without  danger  of  being 
captured.  But  few  hours  elapsed  ere  the  Presidential 
Mansion,  the  Capitol,  and  all  the  public  buildings  in 
Washington  were  in  flames. 

The  war  closed  after  two  years  of  fighting,  and  on 
Feb.  13,  18 1 5,  the  treaty  of  peace  was  signed  at  Ghent. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1817,  his  second  term  of 
office  expired,  and  he  resigned  the  Presidential  chair 
to  his  friend,  James  Monroe.  He  retired  to  his  beau- 
tiful home  at  Montpelier,  and  there  passed  the  re- 
mainder of  his  days.  On  Jmie  28,  1836,  then  at  the 
age  of  85  years,  he  fell  asleep  in  death.  Mrs.  Madi 
son  died  July  12,  1849. 








n]oi]itOE.  ^mm- 

AMRS  MONROE,  the  fifth 
'rcsidentof  Till.'  L'nited  States, 
was  liorii  ill  Westmoreland  Co., 
Va.,  A|)ril  28,  1758.  His  early 
life  was  passed  at  tlie  place  of 
v,*'!,i>^  if  .'/  nativity.   His  ancestors  had  fcjr 

^i.-'"-^',  .i  -^  many  years  resided  in  the  prov- 
■  ■  ince  in  wiiith  he  wnshorn.  ^Vhen, 
J^^\  'It  '7  years  of  age,  in  the  process 
'/jMm  *'  of  completing  liis  education  at 
William  and  Mary  College,  the  Co- 
lonial Congress  assembled  at  I'iiila- 
delphia  to  deliberate  u[)on  the  un- 
just and  manifold  oppressions  of 
(ireat  Hritian,  declared  tiie  separa- 
tion of  the  Colonies,  aiul  promul- 
galed  the  Declaration  ol  Indepen- 
dence. Had  he  been  born  ten  yeari^  before  it  is  liighly 
probable  that  he  would  have  been  one  of  the  signers 
of  that  celebrated  instrument.  At  this  time  he  left 
school  and  enlisted  among  the   [latriots. 

He  joined  the  army  when  everything  looked  ho|)e- 
iess  and  glooaiy.  The  number  of  deserters  increased 
f;oni  day  to  day.  'I'he  invading  armies  came  pouring 
i.i ;  and  the  tories  not  only  favored  the  cause  of  tlie 
I'.iotiier  country,  Imt  dislicartened  the  new  recruits, 
who  were  sutfuiently  terrilied  at  the  prospect  ol  con- 
tending witii  an  enemy  whom  they  had  been  taught 
to  deem  invinciiile.  To  such  brave  spirits  as  James 
Monroe,  who  went  right  onward,  undismayed  through 
difficulty  and  danger,  the  United  States  owe  their 
political  emancipation.  The  young  cadet  joined  the 
r.iiiks,  ami  cs|ioused  the  cause  of  his  injured  country, 
with  a  fnni  determination  to  live  or  die  with  her  strife 

for  liberty.  Firmly  yet  sadly  he  shared  in  the  mel- 
ani  holy  retreat  from  Harleam  Heights  and  While 
I'lains,  and  accompanied  the  dispirittd  army  as  it  fled 
before  its  foes  through  New  Jersey.  In  four  months 
after  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  the  patriots 
had  been  beaten  in  seven  battles.  At  the  battle  of 
Trenton  he  led  tiie  vanguard,  and,  in  the  act  of  charg- 
ing upon  the  enemy  he  received  a  wound  in  the  left 

As  a  reward  for  his  bravery,  Mr.  Monroe  was  pro- 
moted a  captain  of  infantry;  and,  having  recovered 
from  his  wound,  he  rejoined  the  army.  He,  however, 
receded  from  the  line  of  promotion,  by  iiecomin^  an 
oflicer  in  the  staff  of  Loid  Sterling.  During  the  cam- 
paigns of  1777  and  1778,  in  the  actions  of  Brandy 
wine,  Germantown  and  Monmouth,  he  continued 
aid-decamp;  but  becoming  desirous  to  regain  his 
position  in  the  army,  he  exerted  himself  to  collect  a 
regiment  for  the  Virginia  line.  This  scheme  failed 
owing  to  the  exhausted  condition  of  the  State.  Upon 
this  failure  he  entered  the  office  of  Mr.  lefferson,  at 
tiiat  peiiod  Ciovernor,  and  pursued,  with  considerable 
ardor,  tlie  study  of  common  law.  He  did  not,  however, 
entirely  lay  aside  the  knapsack  for  the  green  bag; 
but  on  the  invasions  of  the  enemy,  served  as  a  volun- 
teer, during  the  two  years  of  his  legal  pursuits. 

In  1782,  lie  was  elected  from  King  (}eorge  county, 
a  member  of  the  Leglislature  of  Virginia,  and  by  that 
l)ody  he  was  elevated  to  a  seat  in  the  Executive 
Council.  He  was  thus  honored  with  the  confidence 
of  his  fellow  citizens  at  23  years  of  age  ;  and  having 
at  this  early  period  dis|)hiyed  some  of  that  ability 
and  a|)titude  for  legislation,  whiih  were  afterwaKU 
employed  with  unremittipgenergy  for  tlie  public  good. 



lie  was  in  the  succeeding  year  chosen  a  member  of 
ihe  Congress  of  the  United  States. 
Deeplyas  Mr.  Monroefelt  the  imperfectionsof  theold 
Conlederacy,  he  was  opposed  to  the  new  Constitution, 
■.hiiiking,  with  many  others  of  'he  RepubHcan  parly, 
'.hat  it  gave  too  unich  power  to  the  Central  Government, 
and  not  enougii  to  the  individual  States.  Still  he  re- 
tained the  esteem  of  his  friends  wlio  were  its  warm 
su|)porters,  and  who,  notwithstanding  his  opposition 
secured  its  adoption.  In  17S9,  lie  became  a  member 
(,f  the  United  States  Senate;  which  office  he  held  for 
four  years.  Every  month  the  line  of  distinction  be- 
tween the  two  great  parties  which  divided  the  nation, 
the  Federal  and  the  Republican,  was  growing  more 
distinct.  The  two  prominent  ideas  which  now  sep- 
arated them  were,  that  the  Republican  party  was  in 
sympathy  with  France,  and  also  in  favor  of  such  a 
stiict  construction  of  the  Constitution  as  to  give  the 
Central  Government  as  little  [xswer,  and  the  State 
Governments  as  much  ixswer,  as  the  Constitution  would 
warrant.  Tlie  Federalists  sympatiiized  witli  England, 
and  were  in  favor  of  a  liberal  construction  of  the  Con- 
stitution, which  would  give  as  much  ])ower  to  the 
Central  Government  as  tiiat  document  could  possibly 

The  leading  Federalists  and  Republicans  were 
alike  noble  men,  consecrating  all  their  energies  totlie 
good  of  the  nation.  Two  more  lionest  men  or  more 
pure  patriots  than  John  Adams  tlie  Federalist,  and 
(anies  Monroe  the  Republican,  never  breathed.  In 
building  u]j  this  majestic  nation,  which  is  destined 
to  eclijise  all  (Grecian  and  Assyrian  greatness,  tlie  com- 
bination of  their  antagonism  was  needed  to  create  the 
light  ei|uililirium.  .^nd  yet  each  in  his  day  was  de- 
nounced as  almost  a  demon. 

Washington  was  then  President.  England  had  es- 
poused the  cause  of  the  Bourbons  against  the  jirinci- 
ples  of  the  French  Revolution.  All  Europe  was  drawn 
into  the  conflict.  We  were  feeble  and  far  away. 
Washington  issued  a  proclamation  of  neutrality  be- 
tween these  contending  powers.  France  had  helped 
us  in  the  struggle  for  our  liberties.  All  the  despotisms 
of  Europe  were  now  combined  to  prevent  the  French 
from  escaping  from  a  tyranny  a  thousand-fold  worse 
than  that  which  we  had  endured  Col.  Monroe,  more 
magnanimous  than  prudent,  was  anxious  that,  at 
whatever  hazard,  we  should  help  our  old  allies  in 
their  extremity.  It  was  the  impulse  of  a  generous 
and  noble  nature.  He  violently  opposed  the  Pres- 
ident's proclamation  as  ungrateful  and  wanting  in 

Washington,  who  could  apnreciale  such  a  character, 
developed  his  calm,  serene,  almost  divine  greatness, 
by  appointing  that  very  James  Monroe,  who  was  de- 
nouncing the  policy  of  the  Government,  as  the  minister 
of  that  Government  to  the  Repulilic  of  France.  Mr. 
Monroe  welcomed  by  the  Nntional  Convention 
in  France  witn  the  most  enthusiastic  demonstrations. 

Shortly  after  his  return  to  this  country,  Mr.  Mon- 
roe was  elected  Governor  of  Virginia,  and  held  the 
office  for  three  yeais.  He  was  again  sent  to  France  to 
co-ojierate  vvith  Chancellor  Livingston  in  obtaining 
the  vast  territory  then  known  as  the  Province  of 
Louisiana,  which  France  had  but  shortly  before  ob- 
tained from  Spain.  Tiieir  united  efforts  were  sue 
cessful.  B'or  the  comparatively  small  sum  of  fifteen 
millions  of  dollars,  the  entire  territory  of  C)rleans  and 
district  of  Louisiana  were  added  to  the  United  States. 
This  was  probably  the  largest  transfer  of  real  estate 
which  was  ever  made  in  all  the  history  of  the  world 

From  France  Mr.  Monroe  went  to  England  to  ob- 
tain from  that  country  some  recognition  of  oui 
rights  as  neutrals,  and  to  remonstrate  against  those 
odious  impressments  of  our  seamen.  but  FJng- 
land  was  unrelenting.  He  again  returned  to  Eng- 
land on  the  same  mission,  but  could  receive  no 
redress.  He  returned  to  his  home  and  was  again 
chosen  Governor  of  Virginia.  Tliis  lie  soon  resigned 
to  accept  the  position  of  Secretary  of  Slate  under 
Madison.  While  in  this  office  war  with  England  was 
declared,  the  Secretary  of  War  resigned,  and  during 
these  trj'ing  times,  the  duties  of  the  War  Deixirtnieiit 
were  also  i)ut  upon  him.  He  was  truly  the  armor- 
bearer  of  President  Madison,  and  the  most  efficient 
business  man  in  his  cabinet.  Uixm  the  retiuii  cjI 
peace  he  resigned  the  Department  of  War,  but  con- 
tinued in  the  office  of  Secretary  of  Stale  until  the  ex- 
piration of  Mr.  Madison's  adminstration.  At  the  elec 
lion  held  the  previous  autumn  Mr.  Monroe  himself  had 
been  chosen  President  with  but  little  opposition,  and 
upon  March  4,  1817,  was  inaugurated.  Four  years- 
later  he  was  elected  for  a  second  term. 

Among  the  im|>ortant  measures  of  his  Presidency 
were  the  cession  of  Floiida  to  the  United  States;  the 
Missouri  Compromise,  and  the    "  Monroe  doctrine.' 

This  famous  doctrine,  since  known  as  the  "  Monroe 
doctrine,"  was  enunciated  by  him  in  1823.  At  that 
time  the  United  States  had  recognized  the  independ- 
ence of  the  South  American  states,  and  did  not  wish 
to  have  European  powers  longer  attempting  to  sub- 
due portions  of  the  American  Continent.  The  doctrine 
is  as  follows:  "Tliat  we  should  consider  any  attempt 
on  the  part  of  European  pywers  to  extend  their  sys- 
tem to  any  jxjrtion  of  this  hemisijhere  as  dangerous 
to  our  peace  and  safety,"  and  "that  we  could  not 
view  any  interposition  for  the  ])urpose  of  oppressing 
or  controlling  American  governments  or  provinces  in 
any  other  light  than  as  a  manifestation  by  Euroiiean 
|iowers  of  an  unfriendly  disiwsition  toward  tlie  United 
Slates."  This  doctrine  immediately  affected  the  course 
of  foreign  governments,  and  has  become  the  ai)|)roved 
sentiment  of  the  United  States. 

At  the  end  of  his  fecoiid  term  Mr   Monroe   retired 
to  his  home  in  Virginia,   where  he  lived  until    1830, 
when  he  went  to  New  ^'ork   to  live  with    his  son-in 
law.     In  that  city  he  died, on  the  4th  of  July,  1831 


J,     ^  ,    oA^layiry^ 



*       30r^l|  QUI1]6Y  ^DyillQS.       '■' 

^^V\^ /"<;  k 


sixth  President  of  the   United 
^'States,  w;is   born  in   the   rural 
home   of  his    honored    father, 
John  Adan)s,in  ()iiincy,  Mass., 
|J^„    on  the  I  ith  cf  July,  1767.    His 
UKjllier,   a   woman   of   exahed 
worth,  watclied  over  his  childiiootl 
during   the  ahnost   constant    ab- 
sence of  his  father.      When    but 
eight  years  of  age,  he  stood  with 
liis  motlier  on  an  eminence,  Hsten- 
ing  to  the  l)Ooming  of  the  great  liat- 
tle  on  Bunker's  Hill,  and  ga/ing  on 
ujion  the  smoke  and  flames   billow- 
ing up  frt)m    the    conflagration    of 

Wiien  but  eleven  years  old  he 
took  a  tearful  adieu  of  his  mother, 
to  sail  with  his  falner  for  Europe, 
through  a  fleet  ot  hostile  British  cruisers.  The  bright, 
animated  boy  s[ient  a  year  and  a  half  in  !\iiis,  where 
his  f.ither  was  associated  with  Franklin  and  l^ee  as 
minister  iilenipotentiary.  His  intelligence  attracted 
the  notice  of  these  distinguished  men,  .and  he  received 
from  them  flattering  marks  of  attention. 

Mr.  John  Adams  had  scarcely  leturned  to  this 
cou;.try,  in  1779,  ere  he  was  again  sent  abroad  .Again 
)0l.ii  (^uincy  accom|)anied  his  father.  At  Paris  he 
applied  hiniself  with  great  diligence,  for  six  months, 
to  .'.'udy;  then  accom|)ained  his  fatiier  to  Holland, 
v/nere  he  entered,  first  a  school  in  .Amsterdam,  then 
the  University  at  I.eyden.  About  a  year  from  this 
time,  in  1781,  when  the  manly  I  oy  was  but  fourteen 
yea-;  of  age,  he  was  selected  liy  Mr.  Dana,  our  min- 
ister to  the  Russian  court,  as  his   private  secretary. 

In  this  school  of  incessant  lalior  and  of  enobling 
culture  he  spent  fourteen  months,  and  then  returned 
to  Holland  ihiough  Sweden,  Denmark,  Hamburg  and 
Bremen.  This  l<.ng  journey  he  took  alone,  in  the 
winter,  when  in  his  sixteenth  year.  .Aijain  he  resumed 
his  studies,  under  a  private  tutor,  at  Hague.    Thence 

in  the  spring  of  1782,  he  accompanied  his  father  to 
Paris,  traveling  leisurely,  and  forming  ac(|uaintance 
with  the  most  distinguished  men  on  the  Continent; 
examiningarcliitectural  remains,  galleriesof  paintings, 
and  all  renowned  works  of  art.  At  Paris  he  again 
became  associated  with  the  most  illustrious  men  oi 
all  lands  in  the  contemplations  of  the  loftiest  temporal 
themes  which  lau  engross  the  human  mind.  After 
a  short  visit  to  iMigland  he  returned  to  Paiis,  and 
consecrated  all  his  energies  to  study  until  May,  i7<S5, 
when  he  returned  to  yXnverica.  To  a  biilliant  young 
man  of  eighteen,  who  had  seen  much  of  the  world, 
and  who  was  familiar  with  the  eti<piette  of  courts,  a 
residence  with  his  father  in  London,  under  su(  h  lir- 
cumstanccs,  must  ha\e  been  extremely  attractive; 
but  with  judgment  very  rare  in  one  of  his  age,  he  pre- 
ferred to  return  to  America  to  complete  his  education 
in  an  .Anierii  an  college.  He  wished  then  to  study 
law,  that  wuh  an  honorable  profession,  he  might  be 
able  to  obtain  an  inilependent  su|)port. 

UlK)n  leaving  Harvard  College,  at  the  age  of  twenty, 
he  studied  law  for  thiee  years.  In  June,  1794,  be- 
ing then  but  twenty-seven  years  of  age,  he  was  ap- 
pointed by  Washington,  resident  minister  at  the 
Netherlands.  Sailing  from  IJoston  in  July,  he  leached 
London  in  October,  where  he  was  immediately  admit- 
ted to  the  deliberations  of  Messrs.  [ay  and  Pinckney, 
assisting  them  in  negotiating  a  commercial  treaty  with 
Ciieat  Hrilian.  After  thus  spending  a  fortiiiglit  in 
London,  he   proceeded  to  the  Hague. 

In  July,  1797,  he  left  the  Hague  to  go  to  Portugal  as 
minister  i>lenipotenliary.  On  his  way  to  Portugal, 
upon  arriving  in  London,  he  met  with  despatches 
directing  him  to  the  court  of  Betlin,  luit  reipiesting 
him  to  remain  in  London  until  he  should  receive  his 
instructions.  While  w:;iting  he  was  mairied  to  an 
American  lady  to  whom  he  had  been  previously  en- 
gaged,— Miss  Louisa  Catherine  Johnson,  daughter 
of  Mr.  Joshua  Johnson,  American  consul  in  I  ondon  ; 
a  lady  endownd  with  that  beauty  and  tiiose  ncioin- 
plishnient  which  emiiuiitly  fitted  l-cr  to  move  in  tiie 
elevated  sphere  for  which  she  was  destined. 



He  reached  Berlin  with  his  wife  in  November,  1797; 
where  he  remained  until  July,  1799,  when,  having  ful- 
filled all  the  puriMses  of  his  mission,  he  solicited  his 

Soon  after  his  return,  in  1802,  he  was  chosen  to 
the  Senate  of  Massachusetts,  from  Boston,  and  tlien 
was  elected  Senator  of  the  United  States  for  six  years, 
from  the  4th  of  March,  1804.  His  reputation,  his 
al)ility  and  his  experience,  placed  liim  immediately 
among  the  most  prominent  and  influential  members 
of  tliat  body.  Especially  did  he  sustain  the  Govern- 
ment in  its  measures  of  resistance  to  tlie  encroach- 
ments of  England,  destroying  our  commerce  and  in- 
sulting our  flag.  There  was  no  man  in  America  more 
familiar  with  the  arrogance  of  tiie  British  court  upon 
these  jx)ints,  and  no  one  more  resolved  to  present 
a  firm  resistance. 

In  1809,  Madison  succeeded  Jefferson  in  tlie  Pres- 
idential chair,  and  he  immediately  nominated  John 
Quincy  Adams  minister  to  St.  Petersburg.  Resign- 
ing his  professorship  in  Harvard  College,  he  embarked 
at  Boston,  in  August,  1809. 

While  in  Russia,  Mr.  Adams  was  an  intense  stu- 
dent. He  devoted  his  attention  to  the  language  and 
history  of  Russia;  to  the  Chinese  trade;  to  the 
European  system  of  weights,  measures,  and  coins  ;  to 
the  climate  and  astronomical  observations;  while  he 
kept  up  a  familiar  acquaintance  with  the  Greek  and 
Latin  classics.  In  all  the  universities  of  Europe,  a 
more  accomplished  scholar  could  scarcely  be  found. 
All  through  life  the  Bible  constituted  an  imixntar.t 
part  ot  his  studies.  It  was  his  rule  to  read  five 
cha[)ters  every  day. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1817,  Mr.  Monroe  took  the 
Presidential  chair,  and  immediately  apiwinted  Mr. 
Adams  Secretai7  of  State.  T.ikiiig  leave  of  his  num- 
erous friends  in  public  and  private  life  in  Europe,  he 
sailed  in  June,  18 19,  for  the  United  States.  On  the 
i8th  of  August,  he  again  crossed  the  threshold  of  his 
home  in  Quincy.  During  the  eight  years  of  Mr.  Mon- 
roe's administration,  Mr  Adams  continued  Secretary 
of  State. 

Some  time  before  the  close  of  Mr.  Monroe's  second 
term  of  office,  new  candidates  began  to  be  presented 
for  the  Presidency.  The  friends  of  Mr.  Adams  brought 
forward  his  name.  It  was  an  exciting  campaign. 
Party  spirit  was  never  more  bitter.  Two  hundred  and 
sixty  electoral  votes  were  cast.  Andrew  Jackson  re- 
ceived ninety-nine;  John  Quincy  Adams,  eighty-four; 
William  H.  Crawford,  forty -one;  Henry  Clay,  thirty- 
se<ren.  As  there  was  no  choice  by  the  people,  the 
question  wer.t  to  the  House  of  Re|jresentatives.  Mr. 
Clay  gave  the  vote  of  Kentucky  to  Mr.  Adams,  and 
he  was  elected. 

The  friends  of  all  the  disappointed  candidates  now 
combined  in  a  venomous  and  persistent  assault  upon 
Mr.  Adams.  There  is  nothing  more  disgraceful  in 
•l-.H  nnst  history  of  our  country  than  the  abuse  whic  h 

was  poured  in  one  uninterrupted  stream,  upon  this 
high-minded,  upright,  patriotic  man.  There  never  was 
an  administration  more  pure  in  principles,  more  con- 
scientiously devoted  to  the  best  interests  of  the  coun- 
try, than  that  of  John  Quincy  Adams;  and  never,  per- 
haps, was  there  an  administration  more  unscrupu- 
lously and  outrageously  assailed. 

Mr.  Adams  was,  to  a  very  remarkable  degree,  ab- 
stemious and  temperate  in  his  habits;  always  rising 
early,  and  taking  much  exercise.  When  at  his  homein 
Quincy,  he  has  been  known  to  walk,  before  breakfast, 
seven  miles  to  Boston.  In  Washington,  it  was  said 
that  he  was  the  first  man  up  in  the  city,  lighting  his 
own  fire  and  a|)plying  himself  to  work  in  his  library 
often  long  before  dawn. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1829,  Mr.  Adams  retired 
from  the  Presidency,  and  was  succeeded  by  Andre>v 
Jackson.  John  C.  Calhoun  was  elected  Vice  Presi- 
dent. The  slaveiy  tpiestion  now  began  to  assume 
[xarlentous  magnitude.  Mr.  Adams  returned  to 
Quincy  and  to  his  studies,  which  he  pursued  with  un- 
abated zeal.  But  he  was  not  long  i>ermilted  to  re- 
main in  retirement.  In  November,  1830,  he  was 
elected  representative  to  Congress.  For  seventeen 
years,  until  his  death,  he  occupied  the  post  as  repre- 
sentative, towering  above  all  his  peers,  ever  ready  to 
do  brave  battle' for  freedoin,  and  winning  the  title  of 
"  the  old  man  eloquent."  Ujwn  taking  his  seat  in 
the  House,  he  announced  that  he  should  hold  him- 
self bound  to  no  party.  Probalily  there  never  was  a 
member  more  devoted  to  his  duties.  He  was  usually 
the  first  in  his  place  in  the  morning,  and  the  last  to 
leave  his  seat  in  the  evening.  Not  a  measure  could 
be  brought  ft)rward  and  escape  his  scrutiny.  'I  he 
battle  which  Mr.  Adams  fought,  almost  singly,  against 
I  he  proslavery  party  in  the  Government,  was  suljlime 
in  Its  moral  dating  and  heroism.  For  persisting  in 
presenting  petitions  for  the  al)olition  of  slavery,  he 
was  threatened  with* indictment  by  the  grand  jury, 
with  expulsion  from  the  House,  with  assassination  ; 
but  no  threats  could  intimidate  him,  and  his  final 
triumph  was  complete. 

It  has  been  said  of  President  Adams,  that  when  his 
body  was  bent  and  his  hair  silvered  by  the  lapse  of 
fourscore  years,  yielding  to  the  simple  faith  of  a  little 
child,  he  was  accustomed  to  repeat  every  night,  before 
he  slept,  the  prajer  which  his  mother  taught  him  in 
his  infant  years. 

On  the  2ist  of  February,  1848,  he  rose  on  the  floor 
of  Congress,  with  a  paper  in  his  hand,  to  address  the 
speaker.  Suddenly  he  fell,  again  stricken  by  paraly- 
sis, and  was  caught  in  the  arms  of  those  aionnd  him. 
For  a  time  he  was  senseless,  as  he  was  conveyed  to 
the  sofa  in  the  rotunda.  With  reviving  conscious- 
ness, he  opened  his  eyes,  looked  calmly  around  and 
said  "  This  is  the  end  of  earth  .-"then  after  a  moment's 
pause  he  added,  '' I  am  content"  These  were  the 
last    words  of    the    grand    "OKI     Man     Eloquent." 





iii  <^'3»i/g|,Sifflrir!rav>  i 

NI)RP:vV  JACKSON,  tlie 
seventh  President  of  tiic 
'>''  Llnited  States,  was  born  in 
Waxhaw  settlement,  N.  C, 
Marcli  15,  1767,  a  few  days 
after  his  fatlier's  death.  His 
parents  were  poor  emigrants 
from  Ireland,  and  took  u|) 
their  abode  in  Waxhaw  set- 
tlement, where  they  lived  in 
deepest  poverty. 
Andrew,  or  Andy,  as  he  was 
universally  called,  grew  up  a  very 
rough,  rude,  turbulent  Ijoy.  His 
features  were  coarse,  his  form  un- 
gainly; and  there  was  but  very 
little  in  his  character,  made  visible,  which  was  at- 

When  only  thirteen  years  old  he  joined  the  volun- 
teers of  Carolina  against  the  British  invasion.  In 
I7S[,  he  and  his  brother  Robert  were  cai)tured  and 
imprisoned  for  a  time  at  Camden.  A  British  officer 
ordered  him  to  brush  his  mud-spattered  boots.  "  I  am 
a  i)risoner  of  war,  not  your  servant,"  was  the  reply  of 
the  dauntless  boy. 

The  brute  drew  his  sword,  and  aimed  a  desperate 
iMow  at  the  head  of  the  heli)less  young  prisoner. 
.Andrew  raised  his  hand,  .and  thus  received  two  fear- 
ful gashes, — one  on  the  hand  and  the  other  uixin  the 
head.  The  officer  then  turned  to  liis  brother  Robert 
with  the  same  demand.  He  also  refused,  and  re- 
ceived a  blow  from  the  keen-edged  sabre,  which  iiuite 
disabled  him,  and  which  probably  soon  after  caused 
his  death.  They  suffered  much  other  ill-treatment,  and 
were  finally  stricken  with  the  small-pox.  Their 
mother  was  successful  in   obtaining   tlieir  e.xchanjje. 

and  took  lier  sick  boys  home,  .\fter  a  lung  illness 
.Andrew  recovered,  and  the  death  of  his  mother  soon 
left  him  entirely  frientlless. 

.Andrew  su[)|)orled  himself  in  various  \vays,s  I'lias 
working  at  the  saddler's  trade,  leaching  school  and 
clerking  in  a  general  store,  until  17  84,  when  he 
entered  a  law  office  at  .Salisbury,  N.  C.  He,  however, 
gave  more  attention  to  the  wild  amusenjents  of  the 
times  than  to  his  studies.  In  1788,  he  was  apijoiuted 
solicitor  for  the  western  district  of  North  Carolina,  of 
which  Tennessee  was  then  a  [lart.  This  involved 
many  long  and  tedious  journeys  amid  dangers  of 
every  kind,  but  .Andrew  Jackson  never  knew  fear, 
and  the  Indians  had  no  desire  to  repeat  a  skirmish 
witn  the  Sharp  Knife. 

In  1791,  Mr.  Jackson  was  married  to  a  wonuiu  who 
supix)sed  herself  divorced  from  her  former  husband. 
Crreat  was  the  surprise  of  both  parties,  two  years  later, 
to  find  that  the  conditionsof  the  divorce  had  just  been 
ilefinitely  settled  by  the  first  husband.  The  marriage 
ceremony  was  performed  a  second  time,  but  the  occur- 
rence was  often  used  by  his  enemies  to  bring  Mr 
Jackson  into  disfavor. 

During  these  years  he  worked  hard  at  his  profes- 
sion, and  frequently  luul  one  or  more  duels  on  hand, 
one  of  which,  when  he  killed  1  )irkenson,  was  espec- 
ially disgraceful. 

In  January,  1796,  the  Territory  of  Tennessee  then 
containing  nearly  eighty  thousand  inhabitants,  the 
people  met  in  convention  at  Knoxville  to  frame  a  con- 
stitution. Five  were  sent  from  each  of  the  eleven 
counties.  .Andrew  Jackson  was  one  of  the  delega'es. 
The  new  State  was  entitled  to  but  one  member  in 
the  National  House  of  Rei)resentatives.  Andrew  Jack- 
son was  chosen  that  member.  Mounting  his  horse  he 
rode  to  Philedelphia,  where  Congress   then    held  its 



stssions, — a  distance  of  about  eight   luindred    miles. 

Jackson  was  an  earnest  advocate  of  the  Demo- 
cratic [rirty.  Jefferson  was  his  idol.  He  admired 
Bonaparte,  loved  France  and  liated  iMigland.  As  Mr. 
Jackson  took  his  seat,  Gon.  Washington,  whose 
second  term  of  office  was  then  expiring,  dcHvered  his 
last  sjicech  to  Congress.  A  committee  drew  np  a 
complimentary  address  in  reply.  Andrew  Jackson 
did  not  approve  of  llie  address,  and  was  one  of  the 
twelve  who  voted  against  it.  He  was  not  willing  to 
say  that  Gen.  Washington's  adminstration  had  been 
"  wise,  firm  and  [latriotic." 

Mr.  lackson  was  elected  to  the  United  States 
Senate  ni  1797,  bntsoon  resigned  and  returned  home. 
Soon  after  lie  was  chosen  Judge  of  the  Supreme  Court 
of  his  State,  which  [josition  he  held  fjr  six  years. 

When  the  war  of  1812  with  Great  Kiitian  com- 
menced, Madison  occupied  the  Presidential  chair 
Aaron  Burr  sent  word  to  the  President  that  there  was 
an  unknown  man  in  the  West,  Andrew  Jackson,  who 
would  do  credit  to  a  commission  if  one  were  con- 
ferred ui»n  him.  Just  at  that  time  Gen.  Jackson 
offered  his  services  and  those  of  twenty-five  hurdred 
volunteers.  His  otfcr  was  accepted,  and  the  troops 
were  assembled  at   iNashviile. 

As  the  British  were  hourly  exi)ected  to  make  an  at- 
tack upon  New  Orleans,  where  Gen.  Wilkinson  was 
in  command,  he  was  ordered  to  descend  the  river 
with  fifteen  hundred  troops  to  aid  AVilkinsou.  The 
expedition  reached  Natchez;  and  after  a  delay  of  sev- 
eral weeks  there,  without  accomplishing  anything, 
the  men  were  ordered  back  to  their  homes.  But  the 
energy  Gen.  Jackson  had  disi)layed,  and  his  entire 
devotion  to  the  comrfort  of  his  soldiers,  won  him 
golden  oi)inions;  and  he  became  the  most  popular 
man  in  the  State.  It  was  in  this  expedition  that  his 
toughness  gave  him  the  nickname  of  "  Old  Hickory." 

SoMi  after  this,  while  attempting  to  horsewhip  Col. 
Thomas  H.  Benton,  for  a  remark  that  gentleman 
made  about  his  taking  a  part  as  second  in  a  duel,  in 
which  a  younger  brother  of  Benton's  was  engaged, 
he  received  two  severe  pistol  wounds.  While  he  was 
iiugering  n|Km  a  bed  of  suffering  news  came  that  the 
bulians,  who  had  combined  under  Tecumseh  from 
I'loiida  to  the  L:ikes,  to  exterminate  the  white  sel- 
lers, were  committing  the  most  awful  ravages.  De- 
cisive action  became  necessary.  Gen.  fackson,  with 
his  fractured  bone  just  beginning  to  heal,  his  arm  in 
a  sling,  and  unable  to  mount  his  horse  without  assis- 
tance, gave  his  ama/.ing  energies  to  the  raising  of  an 
army  to  rendezvous  at  Fayeltesvillc,  Alabama. 

Thi-  Creek  Indians  had  established  a  strong forton 
one  of  the  bends  of  theTallaiioosa  River,  near  the  cen- 
ter of  Alabama,  about  fifty  miles  below  Fort  Strother. 
With  an  army  of  two  thousand  men.  Gen.  Jackson 
traversed  the  pathless  wilderness  in  a  march  of  eleven 
d.Tys.  He  reached  their  fort,  called  Tohoyjeka  or 
Horse-shoe,  on  the  27th  of  March.  1814.     The  bend 

of  the  river  enclosed  nearly  one  hundred  acres  of 
tangled  forest  and  wild  ravine.  Across  the  natiow 
neck  the  Indians  had  constructed  a  formidable  bri  a.'.l- 
work  of  logs  and  brush.  Here  nine  hundred  warr'ors, 
with  an  ample  suplyof  arms  were  assembled. 

The  fort  was  stormed.  The  fight  was  utterly  des- 
Iterate.  Not  an  Indian  would  acce|)t  of  tpiarter.  ^\  hen 
l)leeding  and  dying,  they  would  fight  those  who  en- 
deavored to  spare  their  lives.  From  ten  in  the  morn- 
ing until  dark,  the  battle  raged.  The  carnage  was 
awful  and  revolting.  .Some  threw  themselves  into  the 
river;  but  the  unerring  bullet  struck  their  heads  as 
they  swam.  Nearly  everyone  of  the  nine  hundred  war- 
rios  were  killed  A  few  i)rolial)ly,  in  the  night,  swam 
the  river  and  escaped.  This  ended  the  war.  Tiie 
[jower  of  the  Creeks  was  broken  forever.  This  1  old 
plunge  into  the  wilderness,  with  itsterriffic  slaughter, 
so  ajipalled  the  savages,  that  the  haggaid  remnants 
of  the  bands  caine  to  the  camp,  begging  lor  peace. 

This  closing  of  the  Creek  war  enabled  us  to  con- 
centrate all  our  militia  upon  the  British,  who  were  the 
allies  of  the  Indians  No  man  of  less  resolute  will 
than  Gen.  Jackson  could  have  conducted  this  Indian 
campaign  to  so  successful  an  issue  Immediately  he 
was  appointed  major-general. 

Late  in  .\ugust,  with  an  army  of  two  thousand 
men,  on  a  rushing  march,  tlen.  Jackson  came  to 
Moliile.  .\  British  fleet  came  from  Pensacola, landed 
a  force  uj)on  the  beach,  anchored  near  the  little  fort, 
and  from  both  ship  and  shore  commenced  a  furious 
assault.  The  battle  was  long  and  doubtful.  .-\t  length 
one  of  the  ships  was  blown  up    and   the  rest  retired. 

Garrisoning  Mol)ile,  where  he  had  taken  his  little 
army,  he  moved  his  troops  to  New  Orleans, 
And  the  battle  of  New  Orleans  which  soon  ensued, 
was  in  reality  a  very  arduous  campaign.  This  won 
for  Gen.  Jackson  an  imiierishable  name.  Here  his 
troops,  which  inmibered  about  four  thousand  men, 
won  a  signal  victory  over  the  British  army  of  about 
nine  thousand.  His  loss  was  but  thirteen,  while  the 
loss  of  the  British  was  two  thousand  six  hundred. 

The  name  of  Gen.  Jackson  soon  began  to  be  men- 
tioned in  connection  with  the  Presidency,  but, in  182/], 
he  was  defeated  by  Mr.  .\dams.  He  was,  however, 
successful  in  the  election  of  1828,  and  was  re-elected 
for  a  second  term  in  1832.  In  1S29,  just  before  he 
assumed  the  reins  of  the  government,  he  met  with 
the  most  terrible  affliction  of  his  life  in  the  death  of 
his  wife,  whom  he  had  loved  with  a  devotion  which  has 
perhaps  never  been  surpassed.  From  the  shock  of 
her  death  he  never  recovered. 

His  administration  was  one  of  the  most  memorable 
in  the  annals  of  our  country;  ajiplauded  by  one  party, 
condemned  by  the  other.  No  man  had  more  bitter 
enemies  or  warmer  friends.  .\t  the  expiration  of  his 
two  terms  of  office  he  retired  to  the  Hermitage,  where 
he  died  lune  8,  1845.  The  last  years  of  Mr.  Jack- 
son's  life   were  that   of  a   devoted  Christian    man. 

o  7  -i^^^  ^^z^y  u<..s^^^ 



ciL^hth      rresident     of     the 
United  States,  was  born  at 
Kiiiderhook,  N.  Y.,  Dec.   5, 
17S2.     He  died  at  the  same 
Lice,  July    24,    1S62.       His 
iiody   rests  in    tlie   cemetery 
at  Kinderhuok.     Above  il  is 
a  [ilain  gianite    siuil't  fifteen   feet 
high,  bearing  a  simple  inscription 
about  halt  way  up   on    one    face. 
The  lot   is  unfenued,   unbordeied 
or  unbounded  by  siirub  or  flower. 

There  is  but  little  in  the  life  of  Martin  Van  buren 
of  romantic  interest.  He  fought  no  battles,  engaged 
in  no  wild  adventures.  Though  his  life  was  stormy  in 
lK)liiical  and  intellectual  conflicts,  and  he  gained  many 
signal  victories,  his  days  passed  uneventful  in  those 
incidents  which  give  zest  to  biograiihy.  His  an- 
cestors, as  his  name  indicates,  were  of  Duicli  origin, 
and  were  among  tiie  earliest  emigrants  from  Holland 
to  tlie  banks  of  tlie  Hudson.  f{\s  father  was  a  farmer, 
residing  in  the  old  town  of  Kinderliook.  His  mother, 
also  of  Dutcii  lineage,  was  a  woman  of  superior  intel- 
ligeiu:e  and  exem|)lary  piety. 

He  was  decidedly  a  precocious  boy,  developing  un- 
usual activity,  vigor  and  strength  of  mind.  At  tlie 
ige  of  fourteen,  he  had  finished  iiis  academic  studies 
in  liis  u.itive  village,  and  commenced  the  study  of 
law.  As  he  had  not  a  collegiate  education,  seven 
years  of  study  in  a  law-office  were  required  of  him 
before  he  could  be  admitted  to  the  bar.  Iusi)ired  with 
a  lofty  aml)ition,  and  conscious  of  his  powers,  he  pur- 
sued his  studies  with  indefatigable  indLislry.  ;\fter 
spending  si.\  years  in  an  office  in  his    native  village. 

he  went  to  the  city  of  New  York,  and  prosecuted  his 
studies  for  the  seventh  year. 

In  1803,  Mr.  Van  Buren,  then  twenty-one  ycais  of 
age,  commenced  the  practice  of  law  in  his  native  vil- 
lage. The  great  conflict  between  the  Federal  and 
Republican  party  was  then  at  its  height.  Mr.  \'an 
lUiren  was  from  the  beginning  a  politician.  He  had, 
perhaps,  imbibed  that  spirit  while  listening  to  the 
many  discussions  which  been  carried  on  in  his 
father's  hotel.  He  was  in  cordial  sympathy  with 
Jefferson,  and  earnestly  and  eloquently  esiioused  the 
cause  of  State  Rights;  though  at  thai  time  the  l''ed- 
eral  party  lield  the  supremacy  both  in  his  town 
and  State. 

His  success  and  increasing  ruputation  led  him 
after  six  years  of  practice,  to  remove  to  Hudson,  th., 
county  seat  of  his  county.  Here  he  spent  seven  years, 
constantly  gaining  strcngtii  by  contending  in  tht. 
courts  with  some  of  the  ablest  men  who  have  adorned 
the  bar  of  his  State. 

Just  before  leaving  Kinderhook  for  Hudson,  Mi. 
Van  Buren  married  a  lady  alike  distinguished  for 
beauty  and  acconi[ilishmeiits.  After  twelve  short 
years  she  sank  into  the  grave,  the  victim  of  consump- 
tion, leaving  her  husband  and  four  sons  to  weep  over 
her  loss.  For  twenty-five  years,  Mr.  Van  Buren  was 
an  earnest,  successful,  assiduous  lawyer.  The  rei  ord 
of  those  years  is  barren  in  items  of  [)ublic  interest. 
In  1  Si  2,  when  thirty  years  of  age,  he  was  chosen  to 
the  .State  Senate,  and  gave  his  strenuous  support  lo 
Mr.  Madison's  adminstration.  In  1S15,  he  was  ap- 
pointed .'\ttorney-(ieneral,  and  the  next  year  moved 
to  .Mbany.  the  capital  of  the  State. 

'iVhile  he  was  acknowledged  as  one  of  the  most 
l>iominent  leaders  of  the   Democratic   party,   he   had 



the  moral  courage  to  avow  that  true  democracy  did 
not  require  that  "  universal  suffrage"  which  admits 
the  vile,  the  degraded,  tlie  ignorant,  to  the  right  of 
governing  the  State.  In  true  consistency  witli  bis 
democratic  princii)les,  he  contended  that,  wliile  the 
path  leading  to  the  (jrivilege  of  voting  should  be  oi)en 
to  every  man  without  distinction,  no  one  should  be 
invested  with  that  sacred  prerogative,  unless  he  were 
in  some  degree  qualified  for  it  by  intelligence,  virtue 
and  some  property  interests  in  ilie  welfare  of  tlie 

In  1S21  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  United 
States  Senate;  and  in  tlie  same  year,  he  look  a  seat 
in  the  convention  to  revise  the  constitution  of  his 
native  State.  His  course  in  this  convention  secured 
the  approval  of  men  of  all  [larties.  No  one  could 
doubt  the  singleness  of  liis  endeavors  to  promote  tiie 
interests  of  all  classes  in  the  community.  In  the 
Senate  of  the  United  States,  he  rose  at  once  to  a 
conspicuous  position  as  anactive  and  useful  legislator. 

In  1827,  John  Quincy  Adams  being  then  in  the 
Presidential  chair,  Mr.  Van  Buren  was  re-elected  to 
the  Senate.  He  had  been  from  the  beginning  a  de- 
termined opposer  of  the  Administration,  adopting  the 
"State  Rights"  view  in  opposition  to  what  was 
deemed  the  Federal  proclivities  of  Mr.  Adams. 

Soon  after  this,  in  182S,  he  was  chosen  Governorof 
the  State  of  New  York,  and  accordingly  resigned  liis 
seat  in  the  .Senate.  Probably  no  one  in  tlie  United 
States  contributed  so  nmch  towards  ejecting  John  (^. 
Adams  from  the  Presidential  chair,  and  placing  in  it 
Andrew  Jackson,  as  did  Martin  Van  Buren.  Whetlier 
entitled  to  the  rei)Utation  or  not,  he  certainly  was  re- 
garded throughout  the  United  States  as  one  of  the 
most  skiiltiil,  sagacious  and  cunning  of  politicians. 
It  was  supix)sed  that  no  one  knew  so  well  as  he  how 
to  touch  the  secret  spiings  of  action;  how  to  pull  all 
the  wires  to  put  his  machinery  in  motion;  and  how  to 
organize  a  political  army  which  would,  secretly  and 
stealthily  accomplish  tiie  most  gigantic  results.  By 
these  ix)wers  it  is  said  that  he  outv/itted  Mr.  Adams, 
Mr.  Clay,  Mr.  Webster,  and  secured  results  which 
lew  thought  then  could  be  accomplished. 

When  Andrew  Jackson  was  elected  President  he 
ap|)ointed  Mr.  Van  Buren  Secretary  of  State.  This 
[Ktsilion  he  resigned  in  1831,  and  was  immediately 
appointed  Minister  to  England,  where  he  went  the 
sune  autumn.  The  Senate,  however,  when  it  met, 
refused    to   ratify  the   nomination,    and  he  returned 

home,  apparently  untroubled ;  was  nominated  Vice 
President  in  the  place  of  Calhoun,  at  the  re-election 
of  President  Jackson  ;  and  with  smiles  for  all  and 
fiowns  for  none,  he  took  his  place  at  tlie  head  ol  tiiat 
Senate  which  had  refused  to  confirm  his  nomination 
as  ambassador. 

His  rejection  by  the  Senate  roused  al!  the  zeal  of 
President  Jackson  in  behalf  of  his  repudiated  favor- 
ite; and  this,  probably  mure  than  any  other  cause, 
secured  his  elevation  to  the  chair  of  the  Chid  Execu- 
tive. On  the  20th  of  May,  1S36,  Mr.  Van  Buren  re- 
ceived the  Democratic  nomination  to  succeed  (}en. 
Jackson  as  President  of  llie  Lfnited  States  He  was 
elected  by  a  handsome  majority,  to  the  delight  uf  the 
retiring  President.  "  Leaving  New  V'ork  out  ul  tiie 
canvass,"  says  Mr.  Parton,  "the  election  of  Mr.  Van 
Bnren  to  the  Presidency  was  as  much  the  act  of  ( Jen. 
Jackson  as  though  the  Constitution  li.ul  'onfened 
ui'on  him  the  power  to  appoint  a  successor.  ' 

His  administration  was  filled  with  exciting  events. 
The  insurrection  in  Canada,  whicli  threatened  10  in 
vwlve  this  country  in  war  with  England,  the  agitation 
of  the  slavery  question,  and  finally  the  great  commer- 
cial panic  which  sjiread  over  the  country,  all  were 
trials  to  his  wisdom.  The  financial  distress  was  at- 
tributed to  the  management  of  the  Democratic  party, 
and  brought  the  President  into  such  disfavor  that  lie 
failed  of  re-election. 

Wiih  the  exception  of  being  nomiiialcd  lor  the 
Presidency  by  the  "Free  Soil"  Democrats,  in  1S48, 
Mr.  Van  Buren  lived  ipiietlv  njion  his  estate  until 
his  death. 

He  had  ever  been  a  prudent  man,  of  frugal  haljits, 
and  living  within  his  inct)ine,  had  now  furluiialely  a 
competence  for  his  declining  years.  His  uiibleiiiished 
character,  his  commanding  abilities,  his  unquestioned 
l)atriotism,  and  the  distinguished  positions  which  he 
had  occupied  in  the  government  of  our  country,  se- 
cured to  him  not  only  the  homage  of  his  party,  but 
the  respect  ot  the  whole  community.  It  was  on  the 
4th  of  March,  1841,  that  Mr.  Van  Buren  retirctl  from 
the  [)resideiicy.  From  his  fine  estate  at  Lindi-nwald, 
he  still  exerted  a  powerful  influence  vqwu  the  politics 
of  the  country.  F'rom  tliis  time  until  his  death,  on 
the  24th  of  July,  1862,  at  the  age  of  eighty  years,  he 
resided  at  Lindenwald,  a  gentleman  of  leisure,  of 
culture  and  of  wealth;  enjoying  in  a  healthy  old 
age,  probably  far  more  happiness  than  he  had  before 
experienced  amid  the  stormy  scenes  of  his  active  life. 






«        WILLIAjVI,  |rErN,RY-    iCAFtRmC))?^, 

SON, the  iiintli    President  nf 
the    United   States,  was  born 
at  Berkeley,  Va.,  Fel).  9,  1773. 
His  father,    Benjamin    Harri- 
son, was  in  comparatively  op- 
ulent circumstances,  and  was 
one  of  the  most  distinguished 
men  of  his  day.      He  was  an 
intimate    friend    of     George 
Washington,  w  as  early  elected 
a  member  of  the  Continental 
Congress,    and  was    conspicuous 
among  the  patriots  of  Virginia  in 
resisting  the  encroachments  of  the 
British  crown.     In  the  celebrated 
Congress  of  1775,  Benjamin  Har- 
rison   and    John    Hancock    were 
l)Oth  candidates  for  the  office  of 

Mr  Harrison  was  subsequently 
chosen  (rovernor  of  Virginia,  and 
was  twice  re-elected.  His  son, 
William  Henry,  of  course  enjoyed 
in  childhood  all  the  advantages  which  wealth  and 
intellectual  and  cultivated  society  could  give.  Hav- 
ing received  a  thorough  common-school  education,  he 
entered  Hampden  Sidney  College,  where  he  graduated 
with  honor  soon  after  the  death  of  his  father.  He 
';ien  repaired  to  Philailelphia  to  study  medicine  under 
the  instructions  of  Dr.  Rush  and  the  guardianship  of 
Robert  Morris,  both  of  whom  were,  with  his  father, 
signers  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 

Upon  the  outbreak  of  the  Indian  troubles,  and  not- 
withstanding the  remonstrances  of  his  friends,  he 
abandoned  his  medical  studies  and  entered  the  army, 
having  obtained  a  commission  of  Ensign  from  Presi- 

dent Washington.  He  was  then  but  19  years  old. 
From  that  time  he  passed  gradually  upward  in  rank 
until  he  became  aid  to  (leneral  Wayne,  after  whose 
death  he  resigned  his  commission.  He  was  then  ap- 
pointed Secretary  of  tlie  North-western  Territory.  This 
Territory  was  then  entitled  to  but  one  member  in 
Congress  and  Capt.  Harrison  was  chosen  to  fill  that 

In  the  spring  of  1800  the  North-western  Territory 
was  divided  by  Congress  into  two  (xirtions.  The 
eastern  portion,  comprising  the  region  r.ow  embraced 
in  the  State  of  Ohio,  was  called  ''  The  Territory 
north-west  of  the  Ohio."  The  western  portion,  which 
included  what  is  now  called  Indiana,  Illinois  and 
Wisconsin,  was  called  the  "Indiana  Territory."  Wil- 
liam Henry  Harrison,  then  27  years  of  age,  was  ap- 
[winted  by  John  Adams,  Ciovernor  of  the  Indiana 
Territory,  and  immediately  after,  also  Governor  of 
Upper  Louisiana.  He  was  thus  ruler  over  almost  as 
extensive  a  realm  as  any  sovereign  \\\k>\\  the  globe.  He 
was  Superintendent  of  Indian  Affairs,  and  was  in- 
vested with  powers  nearly  dictatorial  over  the  now 
rapidly  increasing  white  jwpulation.  The  ability  and 
fidelity  with  which  he  discharged  these  responsible 
duties  may  be  inferred  from  the  fact  that  he  was  four 
times  appointed  to  this  office — first  by  John  Adams, 
twice  by  Thomas  Jefferson  and  afterwards  by  Presi- 
dent Madison. 

When  he  began  his  adminstration  there  were  but 
three  white  settlements  in  that  almost  boundless  region, 
now  crowded  with  cities  and  resounding  with  all  the 
tumult  of  wealth  and  traffic.  One  of  these  settlements 
was  on  the  Ohio,  nearly  opposite  Louisville;  one  at 
Vincennes,  on  the  Wabash,  and  the  third  a  French 

The  vast  wilderness  over  which  Gov.  Harrison 
reigned  was  filled  with  many  tribes  of  Indians.   About 



the  year  1806,  two  extraordinary  men,  twin  brothers, 
of  the  Shawnese  tribe,  rose  among  them.  One  of 
these  was  called  Tecumseh,  or  "  Tlie  Crouching 
Panther;"  the  other,  OUiwacheca,  or  "'I'he  Prophet." 
Tecumseh  was  not  only  an  Indian  warrior,  but  a  man 
of  great  sagacity,  far-reaching  foresight  and  indomit- 
able perseverance  in  any  enterprise  m  wliich  lie  might 
engage.  He  was  inspired  with  the  highest  enthusiasm, 
and  had  long  regarded  with  dread  and  with  hatred 
the  encroachment  of  the  whites  upon  the  hunting- 
grounds  of  his  fathers.  His  brother,  the  Prophet,  was 
anorator,  who  could  sway  tlie  feelings  of  the  untutored 
Indian  as  the  gale  tossed  the  tree-tops  beneath  wliicli 
tliey  dwelt. 

But  the  Prophet  was  not  merely  an  orator:  he  was, 
in  the  superstitious  minds  of  tlie  Indians,  invested 
with  the  superhuman  dignity  of  a  medicine-man  or  a 
magician.  With  an  enthusiasm  unsurpassed  by  Peter 
the  Hermit  rousing  P2uiope  to  the  crusades,  he  went 
from  tribe  to  tribe,  assuming  that  he  was  si)ecially  sent 
by  the  Great  Spirit. 

Gov.  Harrison  made  many  attempts  to  conciliate 
the  Indians,  but  at  last  the  war  came,  and  at  Tippe- 
canoe the  Indians  were  routed  with  great  slaughter. 
October  28,  1812,  his  army  began  its  march.  When 
near  the  Prophet's  town  three  Indians  of  rank  made 
their  appearance  and  imiuired  why  Gov.  Harrison  was 
approaching  them  in  so  hostile  an  attitude.  After  a 
short  conference,  arrangements  were  made  for  a  meet- 
ing the  next  day,  to  agree  uix)n  terms  of  peace. 

But  Gov.  Harrison  was  too  well  acquainted  with 
the  Indian  character  to  be  deceived  by  such  protes- 
tations. Selecting  a  favorable  spot  for  his  night's  en- 
campment, he  took  every  precaution  against  surprise. 
His  troops  were  posted  in  a  hollow  square,  and  slept 
upon  their  arms. 

The  troops  threw  themselves  upon  the  ground  for 
rest;  but  every  man  had  his  accourtrements  on,  his 
loaded  musket  by  his  side, and  his  bayonet  fixed.  The 
wakeful  Governor,  between  three  and  four  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  had  risen,  and  was  sitting  in  conversa- 
tion with  his  aids  by  the  emliers  of  a  waning  fire.  It 
was  a  chill,  cloudy  morning  with  a  dri/./ling  rain.  In 
the  darkness,  the  Indians  had  crept  as  near  as  jxjssi- 
ble,  and  just  then,  with  a  savage  yell,  rushed,  with  all 
the  dcsiieration  wliich  superstition  and  passion  most 
highly  inflamed  could  give,  ujx)n  the  left  flank  of  the 
little  army.  The  savages  had  lieen  amply  provided 
with  guns  and  ammunition  by  the  English.  Their 
war-whoop  was  accompained  by  a  shower  of   bullets. 

The  camp-fires  were  instantly  extinguished,  as  the 
light  aided  the  Indians  in  their  aim.  With  hide- 
lius  yells,  the  Indian  bands  rushed  on,  not  doubting  a 
speedy  and  an  entire  victory.  But  Gen.  Harrison's 
troops  stood  as  immovable  as  the  rocks  around  them 
until  day  dawned  :  they  then  made  a  simultaneous 
charge  with  the  bayonet,  and  swept  every  thing  be- 
fore    them,     and    completely    routing    th*"    foe. 

Gov.  Harrison  now  had  all  his  energies  tasked 
to  the  utmost.  The  British  descending  from  the  Can - 
adas,  were  of  themselves  a  very  formidable  force  ;  but 
with  their  savage  allies,  rushing  like  wolves  Irom  the 
forest,  searching  out  every  remote  farm-house,  burn- 
ing, [jlundering,  scalping,  torturing,  the  wide  frontier 
was  plunged  into  a  state  of  consternation  which  even 
the  most  vivid  imagination  can  but  faintly  conceive. 
The  war-whoop  was  resounding  everywhere  in  the 
forest.  The  horizon  was  illuminated  willi  the  conflagra- 
tion of  the  cabins  of  the  settlers.  Gen  Hull  had  made 
the  ignominious  surrender  of  his  forces  at  Detroit. 
Under  these  des[)airing  circumstances.  Gov.  Harrison 
was  appointed  by  President  Madison  commander-in- 
chief  of  the  North-western  army,  with  orders  to  retake 
Detroit,  and  to  protect  the  frontiers. 

It  would  be  difficidt  to  place  a  man  in  a   situation 
demanding  more  energy,  sagacity  and  courage;  but 
General  Harrison  was  found  equal   to    the    position, 
and  nobly  and  triuni[)hantly  did  he  meet   all  the    re 

He  won  the  love  of  his  soldiers  by  always  sharing 
with  them  their  fatigue.  His  whole  baggage,  while 
jjursuing  the  foe  up  tlie  Thames,  was  carried  in  a 
valise;  and  his  bedding  consisted  of  a  single  blanket 
lashed  over  his  saddle  Thirty-five  British  officers, 
his  [)risoners  of  war,  supped  with  him  after  tlie  battle. 
The  only  fare  he  could  give  them  was  beef  roasted 
liefore  the  fire,  without  bread  or  salt. 

In  18 16,  Gen.  Harrison  was  chosen  a  member  of 
the  National  House  of  Representatives,  to  represent 
the  District  of  Ohio.  In  Congress  he  proved  an 
active  member;  and  whenever  he  s|ioke,  it  was  with 
force  of  reason  and  power  of  eloc|uence,  which  arrested 
the  attention  of  all  the  members. 

In  iSig,  Harrison  was  elected  to  the  Senate  of 
Ohio;  and  in  1824,  as  one  of  the  jiresidential  electors 
of  that  State,  he  gave  his  vote  for  Henry  Clay.  The 
same  year  he  was  chosen  to  the  United  States  Senate. 

In  1836,  the  friends  of  Gen.  Harrison  Ijroughl:  him 
forward  as  a  candidate  for  the  'Presidency  against 
Van  Buren,  but  he  was  defeated.  At  the  close  of 
Mr.  Van  Buren's  term,  he  was  re -nominated  by  his 
party,  and  Mr.  Harrison  was  unanimously  nominated 
by  the  Whigs,  with  John  'I'yler  forthe  Vice  Presidency. 
The  contest  was  very  animated.  Gen  Jackson  gave 
all  his  influence  to  prevent  Harrison's  'election  ;  but 
liis  triumph  was  signal. 

The  cabinet  which  he  formed,  with  Daniel  Webster 
at  its  head  as  Secretary  of  State,  was  one  of  the  most 
brilliant  with  which  anv  President  had  ever  been 
surrounded.  Never  were  the  prospects  of  an  admin- 
istration more  flattering,  or  the  hopes  of  the  country 
more  sanguine.  In  the  midst  of  these  bright  and 
joyous  prospects.  Gen.  Harrison  was  seized  by  a 
pleurisy-fever  and  after  a  few  days  of  violent  sick- 
ness, died  on  the  4tli  of  .Aiinl ;  just  one  montii  after 
his  inauguration  as  President  of  the  United  States. 






OHN    TYLER,     the    tenth 

j,,i  Presidentof  the  United  States. 
He  w:is  born   in  Charles-city 
Co.,  Va.,  March  29,  1790.   He 
was  the   favored  child   of  af- 
fluence and  high    social    po- 
sition.    At  the    early  age    of 
twelve,  John  entered  William 
and   Mary  College  and  grad- 
uated with  much  honor  when 
but  seventeen  years  old.  After 
graduating,   he  devoted   liim- 
self  with    great   assiduity  to   the 
study    of    law,    partly    with     his 
father    and    p.irtly  with    Edmund 
Randolph,  one  of  the  most  distin- 
guished lawyers  of  Virginia. 

At  nineteen  years  of  age,  ne 
commenced  the  practice  of  law. 
His  success  was  rapid  and  aston- 
ishing. It  is  said  that  three 
months  had  not  elapsed  ere  there 
was  scarcely  a  case  on  the  dock- 
et of  the  court  in  which  he  was 
not  retained.  When  but  twenty-one  years  of  age,  he 
was  almost  unanimously  elected  to  a  seat  in  the  State 
Legislature.  He  connected  himself  with  the  Demo- 
cratic party,  and  warmly  advocated  the  measures  of 
Jefferson  and  Madison.  P"or  five  successive  years  he 
w:is  elected  to  the  Legislature,  receiving  nearly  tlie 
unanimous  vote  or  his  county. 

When  but  twenty-six  years  of  age,  he  was  tlecled 
a  member  of  Congress.  Here  he  acted  earnestly  and 
ably  with  the  Democratic  [jarty,  opposing  a  national 
bank,  internal  improvements  by  the  General  Govern- 

ment, a  ])rotective  tariff,  and  advocating  a  strict  con- 
struction of  the  Constitution,  and  the  most  careful 
vigilance  over  Stale  rights.  His  labors  in  Congress 
were  so  arduous  that  before  the  close  of  his  second 
term  he  found  it  necessary  to  resign  and  retire  to  his 
estate  in  Charles-city  Co.,  to  recruit  liis  health.  He, 
however,  soon  after  consented  to  lake  his  seat  in  ihe 
State  Legislature,  where  his  influence  was  powerful 
in  promoting  public  works  of  great  utility.  With  a 
reputation  thus  canstantly  increasing,  he  was  chosen 
by  a  very  large  majority  of  votes,  Governor  of  his 
native  State.  His  administration  was  signally  a  suc- 
cessful one.     His  popularity  secured  his  re-election. 

John  Randolph,  a  brilliant,  erratic,  half-crazed 
man,  then  represented  Virginia  in  tlie  Senate  of  the 
United  States.  A  portion  of  the  Democratic  party 
was  displeased  with  Mr.  Randolph's  wayward  course, 
and  brought  forward  John  Tyler  as  his  opponent, 
considering  him  the  only  man  in  Virginia  of  sufficient 
popularity  to  succeed  against  the  renowned  orator  of 
Roanoke.     Mr.  Tyler  was  the  victor. 

In  accordance  with  his  professions,  upon  taking  his 
seat  in  the  Senate,  he  joined  the  ranks  of  the  opposi- 
tion. He  opjxjsed  the  tariff;  he  spoke  against  and 
voted  against  the  bank  as  unconstitutional ;  he  stren- 
uously opposed  all  restrictions  upon  slavery,  resist- 
ing all  projects  of  internal  improvements  by  the  Gen- 
eral Government,  and  avowed  his  sympathy  with  Mr. 
Calhoun's  view  of  nullification  ;  he  declared  that  Gen. 
Jackson,  by  his  opjiosilion  to  the  nullifiers,  had 
abandoned  the  i)iincij)les  of  the  Democratic  party. 
Such  was  Mr.  Tyler's  record  in  Congress, — a  recoul 
in  perfect  accordance  with  the  principles  which  he 
had  always  avowed. 

Returning  to  Virginia,  he  resumed  the  |)ractice  of 
his  profession.     There  was  a  rplit  in  the    Democratic 


party.  His  friends  still  regarded  him  as  a  true  Jef- 
fersonian,  gave  him  a  dinner,  and  showered  compli- 
ments upon  him.  He  had  now  attained  the  age  of 
forty-six.  His  career  had  been  very  brilliant.  Incon- 
sequence of  his  devotion  to  public  business,  his  pri- 
vate affairs  had  fallen  into  some  disorder;  audit  was 
not  without  satisfaction  that  he  resumed  the  practice 
of  law,  and  devoted  liimself  to  the  culture  of  his  plan- 
tation. Soon  after  this  he  removed  to  Williamsburg, 
for  the  better  education  of  his  children  ;  and  he  again 
took  his  seat  in  the  Legislature  of  Virginia. 

By  the  Southern  Whigs,  he  was  sent  to  the  national 
convention  at  Hanisburg  to  nominate  a  President  in 
1839.  The  majoritv  of  votes  were  given  to  Gen.  Har- 
rison, a  genuine  Whig,  much  to  tiie  disappointment  ot 
the  South,  who  wished  for  Henry  Clay.  To  concili- 
ate the  Southern  Whigs  and  to  secure  their  vote,  the 
convention  then  nominated  John  Tyler  for  Vice  Pres- 
ident. It  was  well  known  that  he  was  not  in  sympa- 
thy with  the  Whig  party  in  the  No;th:  but  tlie  Vice 
President  lias  but  very  little  power  in  the  Govern- 
ment, his  main  and  almost  only  duty  being  to  pre- 
side over  the  meetings  of  the  Senate.  Thus  it  hap- 
pened that  a  Whig  President,  and,  in  reality,  a 
Democratic  Vice  President  were  chosen. 

In  1S41,  Mr.  Tyler  was  inaugurated  Vice  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States.  In  one  short  month  from 
that  time.  President  Harrison  died,  and  Mr.  Tyler 
thus  found  himself,  to  his  own  surprise  and  that  of 
the  whole  Nation,  an  occupant  of  the  Presidential 
chair.  This  was  a  new  test  of  the  stability  of  our 
institutions,  as  it  was  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  our 
country  that  such  an  event  had  occured.  Mr.  Tyler 
was  at  home  in  Williamsburg  when  he  received  the 
ur.e.xpected  tidings  of  the  death  of  President  Hani- 
son.  He  hastened  to  Washington,  and  on  the  6th  of 
April  was  inaugurated  to  the  high  and  resix)nsible 
office.  He  was  placed  in  a  position  of  exceeding 
delicacy  and  difficulty.  All  his  long  life  he  had  been 
opposed  tc  tlie  main  principles  of  the  party  which  had 
brought  him  into  power.  He  had  ever  been  a  con- 
sistent, honest  man,  with  an  unblemished  record. 
Gen.  Harrison  had  selected  a  Whig  cabinet.  Should 
he  retain  them,  and  thus  suiround  himself  with  coun- 
SL'llors  whose  views  were  antagonistic  to  his  own?  or, 
on  the  other  hand,  should  he  turn  against  the  party 
which  had  elected  him  and  select  a  cabinet  in  har- 
mony with  himself,  and  which  would  op|)ose  all  those 
i-iews  which  the  Whigs  deemed  essential  to  the  pub- 
lic welfire?  This  was  his  fearful  dilemma.  He  in- 
vited the  cabinet  which  President  Harrison  had 
selected  to  retain  their  seats.  He  reccommended  a 
day  of  fasting  and  prayer,  that  God  would  guide  and 
bless  us. 

The  Whigs  carried  through  Congress  a  bill  for  the 
incorporation  of  a  fiscal  bank  of  the  United  States. 
The  President,  after  ten  dnys' debiy,  returned  it  wiih 
his  veto.       He   nuizsested,   however,  that  he  vvould 

approve  of  a  bill  drawn  up  upon  such  a  plan  as  he 
proposed.  Such  a  bill  was  accordingly  prepared,  and 
privately  r.ubmitted  to  him.  He  gave  it  his  approval. 
It  A'as  passed  without  alteration,  and  he  sent  it  back 
with  his  veto.  Here  commenced  the  open  rupture. 
It  is  said  that  Mr.  Tyler  was  i)rovoked  to  this  meas- 
ure by  a  published  letter  fiom  the  Hon.  John  M. 
Botts,  a  distinguished  Virginia  Whig,  who  severely 
touched  the  pride  of  the  President. 

The  op|)osition  now  exuliingly  received  the  Presi- 
dent into  their  arms.  The  parly  which  elected  him 
denounced  him  bitterly.  All  the  members  of  his 
cabinet,  excepting  Mr.  Webster,  resigned.  The  Whigs 
of  Congress,  both  the  .Senate  and  the  House,  held  a 
meeting  and  issued  an  address  to  the  people  of  the 
United  States,  proclaiming  that  all  political  alliance 
between  the  Whigs  and  President  Tyler  were  at 
an  end. 

Still  the  President  attempted  to  conciliate.  He 
appointed  a  new  cabmet  of  distinguished  Whigs  and 
Conservatives,  carefully  leaving  out  all  stiong  party 
men.  Mr.  Welister  soon  found  it  necessary  to  resign, 
forced  out  by  the  pressure  of  his  Whig  friends,  'i'lnis 
the  four  years  of  Mr.  Tyler's  unfortunate  administra- 
tion passed  sadly  away.  N"o  one  was  satisfied.  The 
land  was  filled  with  murmurs  and  vitujieration.  Whigs 
and  Democrats  alike  assailed  him.  i\lore  and  more, 
however,  he  brought  himself  into  sympathy  with  his 
old  friends,  the  Democrats,  until  at  the  close  of  his  term, 
he  gave  his  whole  influence  to  the  support  of  Mr. 
Polk,  the  Democratic  candidate  for  his  successor. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1845,  he  retired  from  the 
harassments  of  office,  to  the  regret  of  neither  party,  and 
probal)ly  to  his  own  unsjteakable  lelief.  His  first  wife. 
Miss  Letitia  Christian,  died  in  Washington,  in  1842; 
and  in  June,  1844,  President  Tyler  was  again  married, 
at  New  York,  to  Miss  Julia  Gardiner,  a  young  lady  of 
many  personal  and  intellectual  accomplishments. 

The  remainder  of  his  days  Mr.  Tyler  passed  mainly 
in  retirement  at  his  beautiful  home, — Sherwood  For- 
est, Chades-city  Co.,  Va.  A  polished  gentleman  in 
his  manners,  richly  furnished  with  niformation  from 
books  and  experience  in  the  world,  and  jxissessing 
Itrilliant  jwwers  of  conversation,  his  family  circle  was 
the  scene  of  unusual  attractions.  With  sufficient 
moans  for  the  exercise  of  a  generous  hos|iitality,  he 
might  have  enjoyed  a  serene  old  age  with  the  few 
friends  who  gathered  around  him,  were  it  not  for  the 
storms  of  civil  war  which  his  own  principles  and 
policy  had  helped  to  introduce. 

When  the  great  Rebellion  rose,  which  the  State- 
rights  and  nullifying  doctrines  of  Mr.  John  C.  Cal- 
houn had  inaugurated,  President  Tyler  renounced  his 
allegiance  to  the  United  States,  and  joined  the  Confed- 
erates. He  was  chosen  a  member  of  their  Congress; 
and  while  engaged  in  active  measures  to  destroy,  by 
force  of  arms,  the  Government  over  which  he  had 
once  presided,   he   was  taken   sick  and  soon  died. 


ELE I  EN  rir  P RESIDES  T. 


.  V.:.. 



AMES  K.  POLK,  the  eleventh 
'f^President  of  the  United  States, 
was  born  in  Mecklenburg  Co., 
N.  C,  Nov.  2,  1795.     His  par- 
ents were    .Samuel    and    Jane 
(Knox)  Polk,  the  former  a  son 
of  Col.  Thomas  Polk,  wlio  located 
at  the  above  [ilace,  as  one  of  the 
first  pioneers,  in  1735. 

In  the  year  i3o6,  with  his  wife 
and  children,  ar.d  soon  after  fol- 
lowed by  most  of  the  members  of 
the  Polk  t'ainly,  .Samuel  Polk  emi- 
grated some  two  or  three  hundred 
miles  farther  west,  to  the  rich  valley 
of  the  Duck  River.  Here  in  the 
midst  of  the  wilderness,  in  a  region 
which  was  subsequently  called  Mau- 
ry Co  ,  they  reared  their  log  huts, 
and  established  their  homes.  In  the 
hard  toil  of  a  new  farm  in  the  wil- 
derness, James  K.  Polk  sjjcnt  the 
early  years  of  his  childhood  and 
youth.  His  father,  adding  the  pur- 
suit of  a  surveyor  to  that  of  a  farmer, 
gradually  increased  in  wealth  until 
he  became  one  of  the  leading  men  of  the  region.  His 
ni(jther  was  a  superior  woman,  of  strong  ( onniion 
sense  and  earnest  piety. 

Very  early  in  life,  James  develo|)ed  a  taste  for 
veadijig  and  expressed  the  strongest  desire  to  obtain 
I  liberal  education.  His  mother's  training  had  made 
iiiui  methodical  in  his  habits,  had  taught  him  punct- 
uality and  industry,  and  had  inspired  him  with  lofty 
l)rincip1es  of  morality.  His  health  was  frail  ;  and  his 
father,  fearing  that  he  might  not  be  able  to  endure  a 

sedentary  life,  got  a  situation  for  hnn  behind  ihe 
counter,  hoping  to  fit  him  for  commercial  pursuits. 

This  was  to  James  a  Ijilter  disa|)i)ointuient.  He 
had  no  taste  for  these  duties,  and  his  daily  t.i^ks 
were  irksome  in  the  extreme.  He  remained  in  this 
uncongenial  occupation  but  a  lew  weeks,  when  at  his 
earnest  solicitation  his  father  removetl  him,  and  made 
arrangements  for  him  to  prosecute  his  studies.  .Soon 
after  he  sent  him  to  Murfreesboro  Academy.  \\'ith 
ardor  which  could  scarcely  be  surpassed,  he  pressed 
forward  in  his  studies,  and  in  less  than  twoandahalf 
years,  in  the  autumn  of  181 5,  entered  the  sophomore 
class  in  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  at  Chapel 
Hill.  Here  he  was  one  of  the  most  exemplaiy  of 
scholars,  punctual  in  every  exercise,  never  allowing 
himself  to  be  absent  from  a  recitation  or  a  religious 

He  graduated  in  1818,  wilh  llie  higliest  honors, be- 
ing deemed  the  best  scholar  of  his  class,  both  in 
mathematics  and  the  classics.  He  was  then  twenty- 
three  years  of  age.  Mr.  Polk's  health  was  at  this 
time  much  impaired  by  the  a.isidnity  wilh  whic  h  he 
had  prosecuted  his  studies.  After  a  short  season  of 
relaxation  he  went  to  Nashville,  and  entered  the 
office  of  Felix  Crundy,  to  study  law.  Here  Mr.  Polk 
renewed  his  accpiaintance  with  Andrew  Jackson,  who 
resided  on  his  plantation,  the  Hernn'tage,  but  a  few 
miles  from  Nashville.  They  had  probably  I  een 
sligh'.ly  acquainted  before. 

Mr.  Polk's  father  was  a  Jeffersonian  Republican, 
and  Janus  K.  Polk  ever  adhered  to  the  same  politi- 
cal faith.  He  was  a  jxipular  public  speaker,  and  was 
constantly  calle<l  u|kiu  to  address  the  meetings  of  his 
party  frieiuls.  His  skill  as  a  speaker  was  such  that 
he  was  [xjpulaily  called  the  Na])olcon  of  the  stump. 
He  was  a  man  of  unblemished    n^orals,   geni.-,l   ard 



courteous  in  his  bearing,  and  with  that  sympathetic 
nature  in  the  jo)s  and  griefs  of  others  which  ever  gave 
him  troops  of  friends.  In  1823,  Mr.  Polk  was  elected 
to  the  Legislature  of  Tennessee.  Heie  he  gave  his 
strong  influence  towards  the  election -of  his  friend, 
Mr.  Jackson,  to  the  Presidency  of  the  United   States. 

In  January,  1824,  Mr.  Polk  married  Miss  Sarah 
Childress,  of  Rutherford  Co.,  Tenn.  His  bride  was 
altogether  worthy  of  him, — a  lady  of  beauty  and  cul- 
ture. In  the  fall  of  1825,  Mr.  Polk  was  chosen  a 
member  of  Congress.  The  satisfaction  which  he  gave 
to  his  constituents  may  be  inferred  from  the  fact,  that 
for  fourteen  successive  years,  until  1839,  he  was  con- 
tinued in  that  office.  He  then  voluntarily  withdrew, 
only  that  he  might  accept  the  Gubernatorial  chair 
of  Tennessee.  In  Congress  he  was  a  laborious 
member,  a  frequent  and  a  popular  speaker.  He  was 
always  in  his  seaf,  always  courteous ;  and  whenever 
he  s])oke  it  was  always  to  the  point,  and  without  any 
ambitious  rhetorical  display. 

During  five  sessions  of  Congress,  Mr.  Polk  was 
S|ieaker  of  the  House.  Strong  passions  were  roused, 
and  stormy  scenes  were  witnessed  ;  but  Mr.  Polk  per- 
formed his  arduous  duties  to  a  very  general  satisfac- 
tion, and  a  unanimous  vote  of  thanks  to  him  was 
|)as3ed  by  the  House  as  he  withdrew  on  the  4th  of 
March,  1S39. 

In  accordance  with  Southern  usage,  Mr.  Polk,  as  a 
candidate  for  Governor,  canvassed  the  State.  He  was 
elected  by  a  large  majority,  and  on  the  14th  of  Octo- 
ber, 1839,  took  the  oath  of  office  at  Nashville.  In  1841, 
his  term  of  office  expired,  and  he  was  again  the  can- 
didate of  the  Democratic  party,  but  was  defeated. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1845,  Mr.  Polk  was  inaugur- 
ated President  of  the  United  States.  The  verdict  of 
the  country  in  favor  of  the  annexation  of  Texas,  exerted 
its  influence  upon  Congress  ;  and  the  last  act  of  the 
administration  of  President  Tyler  was  to  affix  his  sig- 
nature to  a  joint  resolution  of  Congress,  passed  on  the 
3d  of  March,  approving  of  the  annexation  of  Texas  to 
the  American  Union.  As  Mexico  still  claimed  Texas 
as  one  of  her  provinces,  the  Mexican  minister, 
Almonte,  immediately  demanded  his  passports  and 
left  the  country,  declaring  the  act  of  the  annexation 
to  be  an  act  hostile  to  Mexico. 

In  his  first  message.  President  I'olk  urged  that 
Texas  should  immediately,  by  act  of  Congress,  be  re- 
ceived into  the  Union  on  the  same  footing  with  the 
Other  States,  In  the  meantime,  Gen.  Taylor  was  sent 

with  an  army  into  Texas  to  hold  the  country.  He  vns 
sent  first  to  Nueces,  which  the  Mexicans  said  was  the 
western  boundary  of  Texas.  Then  he  was  sent  nearly 
two  hundred  miles  further  wesl,  to  the  Kio  Grande, 
where  he  erected  batteries  which  cominandid  the 
Mexican  city  of  Matamoras,  which  was  situated  on 
the  western  banks. 

The  anticipated  collision  soon  took  place,  and  war 
was  declared  against  Mexico  by  President  Polk.  The 
war  was  pushed  forward  by  Mr.  Polk's  administration 
with  great  vigor.  Gen.  Taylor,  whose  army  was  first 
called  one  of  "observation,"  then  of  "occupation," 
then  of  "  invasion, "was  sent  forward  to  Monterey.  The 
feeble  Mexicans,  in  every  encounter,  were  hopelessly 
and  awfully  slaughtered.  The  day  of  judgement 
alone  can  reveal  the  misery  which  this  war  caused. 
It  v/as  by  the  ingenuity  of  Mr.  Polk's  administration 
that  the  war  was  brought  on. 

'Tdthe  victors  belong  the  spoils."  Mexico  was 
prostrate  before  us.  Her  capital  was  in  our  hands. 
We  now  consented  to  peace  upon  the  condition  that 
Mexico  should  surrender  to  us,  in  addition  to  Texas, 
all  of  New  Mexico,  and  all  of  Upper  and  Lower  Cal- 
ifornia. This  new  demand  embraced,  exclusive  of 
Texas,  eight  hundred  thousand  square  miles.  This 
was  an  extent  of  territory  equal  to  nine  States  of  the 
size  of  New  York.  Thus  slavery  was  securing  eighteen 
majestic  States  to  be  added  to  the  Union.  There  were 
some  Americans  who  thought  it  all  riglit  ;  there  were 
others  who  thought  it  all  wrong.  In  the  prosecution 
of  this  war,  we  expended  twenty  thousand  lives  and 
more  than  a  hundred  million  of  dollars.  Of  this 
money  fifteen  millions  were  |)aid  to  Mexico. 

On  the  3d  of  March,  1849,  Mr.  Polk  retired  from 
office,  having  served  one  term.  The  next  day  was 
Sunday.  On  the  5th,  Gen.  Taylor  was  inaugurated 
as  his  successor.  Mr.  Polk  rode  to  the  Capitol  in  the 
same  carriage  with  Gen.  Taylor;  and  the  same  even- 
ing, with  Mrs.  Polk,  he  commenced  his  return  to 
Tennessee.  He  was  then  but  fifty-four  years  of  age. 
He  had  ever  been  strictly  temperate  in  all  his  habits, 
and  his  health  was  good.  With  an  ample  fortune, 
a  choice  library,  a  cultivated  mind,  and  domestic  lies 
of  the  dearest  nature,  it  seemed  as  though  long  years 
of  tranipiility  and  hapiiiness  were  before  him.  But  the 
cholera — that  fearful  scourge — was  then  sweeping  up 
the  Valley  of  the  Mississippi.  This  he  contracted, 
and  died  on  the  15th  of  June,  1S49,  in  the  fifty-fourth 
year  of  his  age,  greatly  mourned  by  his  countrymen. 





y;AC^MAJ<T    i  ATI  OK. 



GS:^i^VAi^^VVAVAVrViVtV\VA=vVr3^^^^  rX: 


«.  ACHARY  TAYLOR,  twelfth 
ls\  I'rcsideiit  of  the  United  States, 
^:'-  w;i.s  born  on  the  24tli  of  Nov., 
17.S4,  in  Orange  Co.,  Va.  His 
3«  fatlier.  Colonel  Taylor,  was 
(@'h*'.-^i,  ^'r  a  Virginian  of  note,  and  a  dis- 
tiiignisheil  iiattiot  and  soldier  of 
the  Revolution.  When  Zacliary 
was  an  infant,  his  fatlier  with  liis 
wife  and  two  children,  emigrated 
to  Kentucky,  where  he  settled  in 
tlie  pathless  wilderness,  a  few 
miles  from  Louisville.  In  this  front- 
ier home,  away  from  civilization  and 
all  its  refmeuients,  young  Zachary 
could  enjoy  but  few  social  and  educational  advan- 
tages. When  si.\  years  of  age  he  attended  a  common 
school,  and  was  then  regarded  as  a  briglit,  active  boy, 
rather  remarkable  for  bluntness  and  decision  of  char- 
icter  He  was  strong,  feailess  and  self-reliant,  and 
■nanifested  a  strong  desire  to  enter  the  army  to  fight 
Hie  Indians  who  were  ravaging  the  frontiers.  There 
is  little  to  be  recorded  of  the  uneventful  years  of  his 
childhood  on  his  father's  large  but  lonely  plantation. 
In  iSoS,  his  father  succeeded  in  obtaining  for  him 
the  commission  of  lieutenant  in  the  United  States 
ami)  ;  and  he  joined  the  troops  which  were  stationed 
at  New  Orleans  under  Cieii.  Wilkinson.  Soon  after 
thir-  he  married  Miss  Margaiel  Smith,  a  young  lady 
?rom  one  of  the  first  l.imilies  of  Maryland. 

Immediately  after  the  declaration  of  war  with  Eng- 
land, in  1S12,  Capt.  Taylor  (for  he  had  then  been 
jiromoted  to  that  rank)  was  put  in  command  of  Fort 
Harrison,  on  the  Wabash,  about  fifty  miles  above 
Vincennes.  This  fort  had  been  built  in  the  wilder- 
ness by  Gen.  Harrison, on  his  march  to  Tippecanoe. 
It  was  one  of  the  first  points  of  attack  by  the  Indians, 
icd  by  Tecumseh.     Its  garrison  consisted  of  a  broken 

company  of  infantry  numbering    fifty   men,    many  of 
whom  were  sick. 

Karly  in  the  autumn  of  i.Su,  the  Indians,  slealiliily, 
and  ill  huge  immbers,  moved  uiwn  the  fort.  'I'heir 
a|)proach  was  first  indicated  by  the  murder  of  two 
soldiers  just  outside  of  the  stockade.  Ca[it.  Taylor 
made  every  possible  preparation  to  meet  the  antici- 
lialed  assault.  On  the  4th  of  Se|)teniber,  a  band  of 
forty  painted  and  plumed  savages  came  to  the  fort, 
waving  a  white  flag,  and  informed  Capt.  Taylor  that 
in  the  morning  their  chief  would  coii:e  to  have  a  talk 
with  him.  It  was  evident  that  their  object  was  merely 
to  ascertain  the  state  of  things  at  the  fort,  and  Capt. 
'Taylor,  well  versed  in  the  wiles  of  the  savages,  kejit 
them  at  a  distance. 

The  sun  went  down  ;  the  savages  disappeared,  the 
garrison  slept  upon  their  arms.  One  hour  before 
midnight  the  war-whooi)  burst  from  a  thousand  lips 
in  the  forest  around,  followed  Ijy  the  discharge  of 
musketry,  and  the  rush  of  the  f<;e.  Every  man,  sick 
and  well,  sprang  to  his  post.  Every  man  knew  that 
defeat  was  not  merely  death,  but  in  the  case  of  cap- 
ture, death  by  the  most  agonizing  and  prolonged  tor- 
ture. No  pen  can  describe,  r.o  immagination  can 
conceive  the  scenes  which  ensued.  'The  savages  suc- 
ceeded in  setting  fire  to  one  of  the  block-houses- 
Until  si.\  o'clock  in  the  morning,  this  awful  conllict 
continued.  The  savages  tiieii,  baffled  at  every  point, 
and  gnashing  their  teeth  with  rage,  retired.  Capt. 
Taylor,  for  this  gallant  defence,  was  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  major  by  brevet. 

Until  tlie  close  of  the  war,  Majoi  'Ta)  lor  was  placed 
ill  such  situations  that  he  saw  but  little  more  of  active 
service.  He  was  sent  far  away  into  the  de[)thsof  the 
wilderness,  to  Foit  Crawford,  on  Fo.\  River,  which 
empties  into  Green  Bay.  Here  there  was  but  little 
to  be  done  but  to  wear  away  the  tedious  hours  asone 
best  could.     'There  were  no  looks,  no  society,  no  in- 



tellectual  stimulus.  Thus  with  him  the  uneventful 
years  rulled  on  Gradually  he  rose  to  the  rank  of 
colonel.  In  the  Black  Hawk  war,  which  resulted  in 
the  capture  of  that  renowned  chieftain,  Col  Taylor 
took  a  subordinate  but  a  brave  and  efficient  part. 

For  twenty-four  years  Col.  Taylor  was  engaged  in 
the  defence  of  the  frontiers,  in  scenes  so  remote,  and  \\\ 
employments  so  obscure,  that  his  name  was  unknown 
beyond  the  limits  of  his  own  immediate  acquaintance. 
In  the  year  1836,  he  was  sent  to  Florida  to  compel 
the  Seminole  Indians  to  vacate  that  region  and  re- 
tire beyond  the  Mississippi,  as  their  chiefs  by  treaty, 
hac'  promised  they  should  do.  The  services  rendered 
he.e  secured  for  Col.  Taylor  the  high  appreciation  of 
the  Government;  and  as  a  reward,  he  was  elevated 
te  ,he  rank  of  brigadier-general  by  brevet ;  and  soon 
after,  in  May,  1838,  was  appointed  to  the  chief  com- 
mand of  the  United  States  troops  in  Florida. 

After  two  years  of  such  wearisome  employment 
amidst  the  everglades  of  the  peninsula.  Gen.  'I'aylor 
ol)tained,  at  his  own  request,  a  change  of  command, 
;.nd  was  stationed  over  the  Department  of  the  South- 
west. This  field  embraced  Louisiana,  Mississijjpi, 
Alaljama  and  Georgia.  Establishing  his  headi[uarters 
at  Fort  Jessup,  in  Louisiana,  he  removed  his  family 
to  a  plantation  which  he  purchased,  near  Baton  Rogue. 
Here  he  remained  for  five  years,  buried,  as  it  were, 
from  the  world,  but  faithfully  discharging  every  duty 
imposed  upon  him. 

In  1846,  Gen.  Taylor  was  sent  to  guard  the  land 
between  the  Nueces  and  Rio  Grande,  the  latter  river 
being  the  boundary  of  Texas,  which  was  then  claimed 
by  the  United  States.  Soon  the  war  with  Mexico 
was  brought  on,  and  at  Palo  Alto  and  Resaca  de  la 
Palma,  Gen.  Taylor  won  brilliant  victories  over  the 
Mexicans.  The  rank  of  major-general  by  brevet 
was  then  conferred  uix)n  Gen.  Taylor,  and  his  name 
was  received  with  enthusiasm  almost  everywhere  in 
the  Nation.  Then  came  the  battles  of  Monterey  and 
Buena  Vista  in  which  he  won  signal  victories  over 
forces  much  larger  than  he  commanded. 

His  careless  habits  of  dress  and  his  unaffected 
f-iinjilicity,  secured  for  Gen.  Taylor  among  his  troops, 
the  sobriquet  of  "  Old  Rough  and  Ready.' 

Tne  tidings  of  the  brilliant  victory  of  Buena  Vista 
.spread  the  wildest  enthusiasm  over  the  country.  The 
name  of  Gen.  Taylor  was  on  every  one's  lips.  The 
Whig  party  decided  to  take  advantage  of  this  wonder- 
ful pojjularity  in  bringing  forward  the  unpolished, un- 
lettered, honest  soldier  as  their  candidate  for  the 
Presidency.  Gen.  Taylor  was  astonished  at  the  an- 
nouncement, and  for  a  time  would  not  listen  to  it;  de- 
claring that  he  was  not  at  all  (pialified  for  such  an 
office.  So  little  interest  had  lie  taken  in  politics  that, 
.•■or  forty  years,  he  had  not  cast  a  vote.  It  was  not 
without  chagrin  that  several  distinguished  statesmen 
wiio  had  been  long  years  in  the  public  service  found 
t!  claims  set  aside  in  behalf  of  one  whose   name 

had  never  been  heard  of,  save  in  connection  with  Palo 
Alto,  Resaca  de  la  Palma,  Monterey  and  Buena 
Vista.  It  is  said  that  Daniel  Webster,  in  his  haste  re- 
marked, "  It  is  a  nomination  not  fit  to  be  made." 

Gen.  Taylor  was  not  an  eloquent  speaker  nor  a  fine 
writer  His  friends  took  possession  of  him,  and  ])re- 
pared  such  few  communications  as  it  was  needful 
should  be  presented  to  the  public.  The  popularity  of 
the  successful  warrior  swept  the  land.  He  was  tri- 
umphantly elected  over  two  opix)sing  candidates, — 
Gen.  Cass  and  Ex-President  Martin  Van  Buren. 
Though  he  selected  an  excellent  cabinet,  the  good 
old  man  found  himself  in  a  very  uncongenial  ixjsition, 
and  was,  at  times,  sorely  perplexed  and  harassed. 
His  mental  sufferings  were  very  severe,  and  probably 
tended  to  hasten  his  death.  The  pro-slavery  party 
was  pushing  its  claims  with  tireless  energy ,  expedi- 
tions were  fitting  out  to  capture  Cuba  ;  California  w.ns 
pleading  for  admission  to  the  Union,  while  slavery 
stood  at  the  door  to  bar  her  out.  Gen.  Taylor  found 
the  political  conflicts  in  Washington  to  be  far  more 
trying  to  the  nerves  than  battles  with  Mexicans  or 

In  the  midst  of  all  these  troubles.  Gen.  Taylor, 
after  he  had  occupied  the  Presidential  chair  but  little 
over  a  year,  took  cold,  and  after  a  brief  sickness  of 
but  little  over  five  days,  died  on  the  9th  of  July,  1850. 
His  last  words  were,  "I  am  not  afraid  to  die.  I  am 
ready.  I  have  endeavored  to  do  my  duty."  He  died 
universally  respected  and  beloved.  An  honest,  un- 
pretending man,  he  had  been  steadily  growing  in  the 
affections  of  the  people ;  and  the  Nation  bitterly  la- 
mented his  death. 

Gen.  Scott,  who  was  thoroughly  acquainted  with 
Gen.  Taylor,  gave  the  following  graphic  and  truthful 
description  of  his  character: — "  With  a  good  store  of 
common  sense,  Gen.  Taylor's  inind  had  not  been  en- 
larged and  refreshed  by  reading,  or  much  converse 
with  the  world.  Rigidity  of  ideas  was  the  conse- 
quence. The  frontiers  and  small  military  posts  had 
been  his  home.  Hence  he  was  quite  ignorant  for  his 
rank,  and  quite  bigoted  in  his  ignorance.  His  sim- 
plicity was  child-like,  and  with  innumerable  preju- 
dices, amusing  and  incorrigiljle,  well  suited  to  the 
tender  age.  Thus,  if  a  man,  however  respectable, 
chanced  to  wear  a  coat  of  an  unusual  color,  or  his  hat 
a  little  on  one  side  of  his  head;  or  an  officer  to  leave 
a  corner  of  his  handkerchief  dangling  from  an  out- 
side pocket, — in  any  such  case,  this  critic  held  the 
offender  to  be  a  coxcomb  (perhaps  something  worse), 
whom  he  would  not,  to  use  his  oft  repeated  phrase, 
'touch  with  a  pair  of  tongs.' 

"Any  allusion  to  literature  beyond  good  old  Dil- 
worth's  spelling-book,  on  the  part  of  one  wearing  a 
sword,  was  evidence,  with  the  same  judge,  of  utter 
unfitness  for  heavy  marchings  and  combats.  In  short, 
few  men  have  ever  had  a  more  comfortable,  labor- 
saving   contempt   for   learnirg  of  every   kind." 






^'MlLLflRn  FlLLMnHE. ^4^ 


?>)  teenth  President  of  the  United 
ls,'  States,  was  born  at  Siimnier 
Hill,  Cayuga  Co.,  N.  Y  .,  on 
the  7th  of  January,  1800.  His 
father  was  a  farmer,  and  ow- 
ing to  misfortune,  in  luunble  cir- 
cumstances. Of  his  motiier,  the 
daughter  of  Dr.  Abiathar  Millard, 
■>  of  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  it  has  been 
said  that  she  [Kissessed  an  intellect 
ofveryjiigh  order,  united  with  much 
personal  loveliness,  sweetness  of  dis- 
jiosition,  graceful  manners  and  ex- 
quisite sensil)ilities.  She  died  in 
1831  ;  having  lived  to  see  her  son  a 
young  m.ui  of  distinguished  prom-,  though  she  was  not  permitted  to  witness  the  high 
dignity  whicii  he  finally  attained. 

In  consequence  of  the  secluded  home  and  limited 
'■-leans  of  his  father,  Millard  enjoyed  but  slender  ad- 
vantages for  education  in  his  early  years.  The  com- 
mon rxhools,  which  he  occasionally  attended  were 
very  irnperfect  institutions;  and  books  were  scarce 
and  expensive.  Tliere  was  nothing  then  in  his  char- 
acter to  indicate  the  brilliant  career  u[X)n  which  he 
was  alx)ut  to  enter.  He  was  a  plain  farmer's  lx)y; 
intelligent,  good-looking,  kind-hearted.  The  sacred 
influences  of  home  had  taught  him  to  revere  the  Bible, 
and  had  laid  the  foundations  of  an  upright  character. 
When  fourteen  years  of  age,  his  father  sent  him 
some  hundred  miles  from  home,  to  the  then  wilds  of 
Livingston  County,  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  clothier. 
Near  the  mill  there  was  a  small  villiage,  where  some 

enterprising  man  had  commenced  the  collection  of  a 
village  library.  This  proved  an  inestimable  blessing 
to  young  Fillmore.  His  evenings  were  spent  in  read- 
ing. Soon  every  leisure  moment  was  occupied  with 
books.  His  thirst  for  knowledge  became  insatiate; 
and  the  selections  which  he  made  were  continually 
more  elevating  and  instructive.  He  read  history, 
biography,  oratory;  and  thus  gradually  there  was  en- 
kindled in  his  heart  a  desire  to  be  something  more 
than  a  mere  worker  with  his  hands;  and  he  was  be- 
coming, almost  unknown  to  himself,  a  well-informed, 
educated  man. 

The  young  clothier  had  now  attained  the  age  of 
nineteen  years,  and  was  of  fmc  personal  api)earance 
and  of  gentlemanly  demeanor.  It  so  hapjiened  that 
there  was  a  gentleman  in  the  neighborhood  of  ami)le 
pecuniary  means  and  of  benevolence, — Judge  \Valter 
Wood, — who  was  struck  with  the  ])re;)Ossessing  ap- 
pearance of  young  Fillmore.  He  made  hisacipiaint- 
ance,  and  was  so  much  impressed  with  his  ability  and 
attainments  that  he  advised  him  to  abandon  his 
trade  and  devote  himself  to  the  study  of  the  law.  The 
young  man  replied,  that  he  had  no  means  of  his  own, 
no  friends  to  help  him  and  that  his  previous  educa- 
tion had  been  very  imperfect.  But  Judge  Wood  had 
so  much  confidence  in  him  that  he  kindly  offered  to 
take  him  into  his  own  office,  and  to  loan  him  such 
money  as  he  needed.  Most  gratefully  the  generous 
offer  was  acce|)ted. 

There  is  in  many  minds  a  strange  delusion  about 
a  collegiate  education.  A  young  man  is  sui)[X)sed  to 
i>e  liberally  educated  if  he  has  graduated  at  some  col- 
lege. But  many  a  boy  loiters  through  university'  ■. 
Hnd  then  enters  a  law  office,  who  is  by  no   means   a: 



well  prepared  to  [trosecute  his  legal  studies  as  was 
Millard  Fillmore  when  he  graduated  at  the  clothing- 
mill  at  the  end  of  four  years  of  manual  labor,  during 
which  every  leisure  moment  had  been  devoted  to  in- 
tense mental  culture. 

In  1823,  when  twenty-three  years  of  age,  he  v/as 
admitted  to  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas.  He  then 
went  to  the  village  of  Aurora,  and  commenced  the 
l)ractice  of  law.  In  this  secluded,  peaceful  region, 
his  practice  of  course  was  limited,  and  there  was  no 
opportunity  for  a  sudden  rise  in  fottune  or  in  fame. 
Here,  in  the  year  1826,  he  married  a  lady  of  great 
moral  worth,  and  one  capable  of  adorning  any  station 
she  might  be  called  to  fill, — Miss  Abigail  Powers. 

His  elevation  of  character,  his  untiring  industry, 
his  legal  acquirements,  and  his  skill  as  an  advocate, 
gradually  attracted  attention  ;  and  he  was  invited  to 
enter  into  partnership  under  highly  advantageous 
circumstances,  with  an  elder  memlier  of  the  bar  in 
Buffalo.  Just  before  removing  to  Buffalo,  in  1829, 
he  took  his  seat  in  the  House  of  Assembly,  of  the 
State  of  New  York,  as  a  re|)resentative  from  Erie 
County,  'i'hough  he  had  never  taken  a  very  active 
part  in  politics,  his  vote  and  his  sympathies  were  with 
the  \V'hig  jiarty.  The  State  was  then  Democratic, 
and  he  found  himself  in  a  helpless  minority  in  the 
Legislature  ,  still  the  testimony  comes  from  all  parties, 
that  his  courtesy,  ability  and  integrity,  won,  to  a  very 
unusual  degrt  e  the  respect  of  his  associates. 

In  the  autumn  of  1832,  he  was  elected  to  a  seat  in 
the  United  States  Congress  He  entered  that  troubled 
irena  in  some  of  the  most  tumultuous  hours  of  our 
national  history.  The  great  conflict  respecting  the 
national  bank  and  the  removal  of  the  deposits,  was 
then  raging. 

His  term  of  two  years  closed  ;  and  he  returned  to 
his  profession,  which  he  pursued  with  increasing  rep- 
utation and  success.  After  a  lapse  of  two  years 
he  again  became  a  candidate  for  Congress;  was  re- 
elected, and  took  his  seat  in  1837.  His  past  e,\pe 
rience  as  a  representative  gave  hnn  sl»ength  and 
confidence.  The  first  term  of  service  in  Congress  to 
any  man  can  be  but  little  more  than  an  introduction. 
He  was  now  prepared  for  active  duty.  All  his  ener- 
gies were  brought  to  bear  u|)on  the  public  good.  Every 
measure  received  his  impress. 

Mr.  Fillmore  was  now  a  man  of  wide  repute,  and 
his  popularity  filled  the  State,  and  in  the  year  1847, 
he   was   elected  Comptroller  of    the   State. 

Mr.  Fillmore  had  attained  the  age  of  forty-seven 
years.  His  labors  at  the  bar,  in  the  Legislature,  in 
Congress  and  as  Com[)troller,  had  given  him  very  con- 
siderable fame.  The  Whigs  were  casting  about  to 
find  suitable  candidates  for  President  and  Vice-Presi- 
dent at  the  approaching  election.  Far  away,  on  the 
waters  of  tlie  Rio  Grande,  there  was  a  rough  old 
soldier,  who  had  fought  one  or  two  successful  battles 
with  the  Mexicans,  which  had  caused  his  name  to  be 
proclaimed  in  tiunipet-tones  all  over  the  land.  But 
it  was  necessary  to  associate  with  him  on  the  saii'e 
ticket  some  man  of  reputation  as  a  statesman. 

Under  the  influence  of  these  considerations,  the 
namesof  Zachary  Taylor  and  Millard  Fillmore  became 
the  rallying-cry  of  the  Whigs,  as  their  candidates  for 
President  and  Vice-Peesident.  The  Whig  ticket  was 
signally  triumphant.  On  the  4th  of  March,  1849, 
Gen.  Taylor  was  inaugurated  President,  and  Millard 
Fillmore  Vice-1'resident,  of  the  United  Slates. 

On  the  9th  of  July,  1850,  President  Taylor,  but 
aljout  one  year  and  four  ni(inths  after  his  inaugura- 
tion, was  suddenly  taken  sick  and  tlied.  By  the  Con- 
stitution, Vice-President  Fillmore  ihus  became  Presi- 
dent. He  ap|)ointed  a  very  alile  cabinet,  of  which 
the  illustrious  Daniel  Wel)Ster  was  Secretary  of  .State. 

Mr.  Filliiiore  had  very  serious  difficulties  to  contend 
with,  since  the  opposition  had  a  majority  in  both 
Houses.  He  did  everything  in  his  power  toconc  iliate 
the  South;  but  the  pro-slavery  party  in  the  South  felt 
the  inade(piacy  of  all  measuresof  transient  conciliation. 
The  poinilation  of  the  free  States  was  so  rapidly  in- 
creasing over  that  of  the  slave  States  that  it  was  in- 
evitable that  the  power  of  the  Government  should 
soon  pass  into  the  hands  of  the  free  States.  The 
famous  compromise  measures  were  adopted  under  Mr. 
f'"illmcre's  adminstration,  and  the  Jafian  Expedition 
was  sent  out.  On  the  4th  of  March,  1853,  Mr.  Fill- 
more, having  served  one  term,  retired. 

In  1856,  Mr.  Fillmore  was  nominated  for  the  Pres- 
idency by  the  "  Know  Nothing  "  i>arty,  but  was  beaten 
by  Mr.  Buchanan.  After  that  Mr.  Fillmore  lived  in 
retirement.  During  the  terrible  conflict  of  civil  war, 
he  was  mostly  silent.  It  was  generally  sup[H3sed  that 
his  sympathies  were  rather  with  those  who  were  en- 
deavoring to  overthrow  our  institutions.  President 
Fillmore  kejit  aloof  from  the  conflict,  without  any 
cordial  words  of  cheer  to  the  one  party  or  the  other. 
He  was  thus  forgotten  by  both.  He  lived  to  a  ripe 
old  age,  and  died  in  Buffalo.  N.  Y.,  March  8,    1874. 




X  ?W -If. 

L»aajs^      — **= 


,_    ^FHftNKLIN  PIERCE.'^      €K 



RANKLIN     PIERCE,   ihu 
fourteenth    President  of  the 
'United  States,   was  horn   in 
Hillsborough,    N.    H.,    Nov. 
23,  1804.     His  father  was  a 
Revolutionary  soldier,   who, 
with    his    own     strong    arm, 
hewed    out   a    home    in    the 
wilderness.     He  was  a  man 
of    inflexible    integrity;     of 
strong,   though    uncultivated 
mind,  and  an   uncomjjromis- 
Democrat.      The   mother  of 
Franklin  Pierce  was  all  that  a  son 
could  desire, — an  intelligent,  pru- 
dent, affectionate.  Christian  wom- 
an.    Franklin  was  the  sixth  of  eight  children. 

Franklin  was  a  very  bright  and  handsome  boy,  gen- 
erous, warm-hearted  and  brave.  He  won  alike  the 
love  of  old  and  young.  The  boys  on  the  |)lay  ground 
loved  him.  His  teachers  loved  him.  The  neighbors 
looked  uijon  him  with  pride  and  affection.  He  was 
by  instinct  a  gentleman;  always  speaking  kind  words, 
doing  kind  deeds,  with  a  peculiar  unstudied  tact 
which  taught  him  what  was  agreeable.  Without  de- 
veloping any  precocity  of  genius,  or  any  unnatural 
devotion  to  l)ooks,  he  was  a  good  scholar;  in  body, 
in  mind,  in  affections,  a  finely-developed  boy. 

When  sixteen  years  of  age,  in  the  year  1820,  he 
entered  Bowdoin  College,  at  Brunswick,  Me  He  was 
one  of  the  most  ]X)pular  young  men  in  the  college. 
The  i)urity  cf  his  moral  character,  the  unvarying 
courtesy  of  his  demeanor,  his  rank  as  a  scholar,  and 

genial  nature,  rendered  him  a  imiversal  favorite. 
There  was  something  very  peculiarly  winning  in  his 
address,  and  it  was  evidently  not  in  the  slightest  de- 
gree studied:  it  was  the  sinqile  outgushing  of  his 
own  magnanimous  and  loving  nature. 

Upon  graduating,  in  the  year  1824,  Franklin  Pierce 
commenced  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Judge 
Woodbury,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  lawyers  of 
the  State,  and  a  man  of  great  private  worth.  The 
eminent  social  qualities  of  the  young  lawyer,  his 
father's  prominence  as  a  public  man,  and  the  brilliant 
|)olitical  career  into  which  Judge  Woodbury  was  en- 
tering, all  tended  to  entice  .Mr.  Pierce  into  the  faci- 
nating  yet  perilous  path  of  [lolitical  life.  With  all 
the  ardor  of  his  nature  he  espoused  the  cause  of  (Jen. 
Jackson  for  the  Presidency.  He  commenced  the 
practice  of  law  in  Hillsborough,  and  was  soon  elected 
to  represent  the  town  in  the  State  Legislature.  Here 
he  served  for  four  yeais.  The  last  two  years  he  was 
chosen  speaker  of  tiie  house  by  a  very  large  vote. 

In  1833,  at  the  age  of  twenty-nine,  he  was  elected 
a  member  of  Congress.  Without  taking  an  active 
part  in  debates,  he  was  faithful  and  laborious  in  duty, 
and  ever  rising  in  the  estimation  of  those  with  whom 
he  was  associatad. 

In  1837,  being  then  but  thirty-three  years  of  age, 
he  was  elected  to  the  Senate  of  the  United  States; 
taking  his  seat  just  as  Mr.  Van  Buren  commenced 
his  administration.  He  was  the  youngest  member  in 
the  Senate.  In  the  year  1834,  he  mairied  Miss  Jane 
Means  Appleton,  a  lady  of  rare  beauty  and  accom- 
plishments, and  one  admirably  fitted  to  adorn  every 
station  with  which  her  husband  was  honoied.    Of  the 



three  sons  who  were  born  to  them,  all  now  steep  with 
their  parents  in  the  grave. 

In  the  year  1838,  Mr.  Pierce,  with  growing  fame 
and  increasing  business  as  a  lawyer,  took  ii|)  his 
residence  in  Concord,  the  capital  of  New  Hampshire. 
President  Polk,  iiiwn  his  accession  to  office,  appointed 
Mr.  Pierce  attorney-general  of  the  United  States ;  but 
the  offer  was  declined,  in  consequence  of  numerous 
professional  engagements  at  home,  and  the  precariuos 
state  of  Mrs.  Pierce's  health.  He  also,  about  the 
same  time  declined  the  nomination  for  governor  by  the 
Democratic  party.  The  war  with  Mexico  called  Mr. 
Pierce  in  the  army.  Receiving  the  appointment  of 
brigadier-general,  he  embarked,  with  a  portion  of  his 
troops,  at  Newport,  R.  I.,  on  the  27th  of  May,  1847. 
He  took  an  im|X)rtant  part  in  this  war,  proving  him- 
self a  brave  and  true  soldier. 

When  Gen.  Pierce  reached  his  home  in  his  native 
State,  he  was  received  enthusiastically  by  the  advo- 
cates of  the  Mexican  war,  and  coldly  by  his  oppo- 
nents. He  resumed  the  practice  of  his  profession, 
very  freiiuently  taking  an  active  part  in  political  ([ues- 
tions,  giving  his  cordial  sui)|iort  to  the  pro-slavery 
wing  of  the  Democratic  party.  The  compromise 
measures  met  cordially  with  his  approval;  and  he 
strenuously  advocated  the  enforcement  of  the  infa- 
mous fugitive-slave  law,  which  so  shocked  the  religious 
sensibilities  of  the  North.  He  thus  became  distin- 
guished as  a  "Northern  man  with  Southern  [jrinciples.'' 
The  strong  partisans  of  slavery  in  the  South  conse- 
quently regarded  him  as  a  man  whom  they  could 
safely  trust  in  office  to  carry  out  their  [ilans. 

On  the  12th  of  June,  1852,  the  Democratic  conven- 
tion met  in  Baltimore  to  nominate  a  candidate  for  the 
Presidency.  For  four  days  they  continued  in  session, 
and  in  thirty-five  ballotings  no  one  had  obtained  a 
two-thirds  vote.  Not  a  vote  thus  far  had  been  thrown 
for  Gen.  Pierce.  Then  tlie  Virginia  delegation 
brought  forward  his  name.  There  were  fourteen 
more  ballotings,  during  which  Gen.  Pierce  constantly 
gained  strenglli,  until,  at  the  forty-ninth  ballot,  he 
received  two  hundred  and  eighty-two  votes,  and  all 
other  candidates  eleven,  (".en.  Winfield  Scott  was 
the  Wiiig  candidate.  Gen.  Pierce  was  chosen  with 
great  unanimity.  Only  four  States — Vermont,  Mas- 
sachusetts, Kentucky  and  Tennessee  —  cast  their 
electoral  votes  against  him  Gen.  Franklin  Pierce 
was  therefore  inaugurated  President  of  the  United 
States   on    the  4th  of  March,    1853. 

His  administration  proved  one  of  the  most  stormy  our 
country  had  ever  experienced.  The  controversy  l;e- 
tween  slavery  and  freedom  was  then  approaching  its 
culminating  point.  It  became  evident  that  there  was 
an  "  irrepressible  conflict"  between  them,  and  that 
this  Nation  could  not  long  exist  "  half  slave  and  half 
free."  President  Pierce,  during  the  whole  of  his  ad- 
ministration, did  every  thing  he  could  to  conciliate 
the  South  ;  but  it  was  all  in  vain.  The  conflict  every 
year  grew  more  violent,  and  threats  of  the  dissolution 
of  the  Union  were  borne  to  the  North  on  every  South- 
ern breeze. 

Such  was  the  condition  of  affairs  when  President 
Pierce  approached  the  close  of  his  four-years'  term 
of  office.  The  North  had  become  thoroughly  alien- 
ated from  him.  The  anti-slaveiy  sentiment,  goaded 
by  great  outrages,  had  been  rapidly  increasing;  all 
the  intellectual  ability  and  social  worth  of  President 
Pierce  were  forgotten  in  deep  reprehension  of  his  ad- 
ministiative  acts.  The  slaveholders  of  the  South,  also, 
unmindful  of  the  fidelity  with  which  he  had  advo- 
cated those  measures  of  Government  which  they  ap- 
proved, and  perhaps,  also,  feeling  that  he  had 
rendered  himself  so  unixDpular  as  no  longer  to  be 
able  acceirtably  to  serve  them,  ungratefully  dropped 
him,  and  nominated  James  Buchanan  to  succeed  him. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1857,  President  Pierce  le- 
tired  to  his  home  in  Concord.  Of  three  children,  two 
had  died,  and  his  only  surviving  child  had  been 
killed  before  his  eyes  by  a  railroad  accident ,  and  his 
wife,  one  of  the  most  estimable  and  accomplished  of 
ladies,  was  rapidly  sinking  in  consumiition.  The 
hour  of  dreadful  gloom  soon  came,  and  he  was  left 
alone  in  the  world,  without  wife  or  child. 

When  the  terril)le  Rebellion  burst  forth,  which  di- 
vided our  country  into  two  parties,  and  two  only,  Mr. 
Pierce  remained  steadfast  in  the  principles  which  he 
had  always  cherished,  and  gave  his  sympathies  to 
that  pro-slavery  party  with  which  he  had  ever  been 
allied.  He  declined  to  do  anything,  either  by  voice 
or  pen,  to  strengthen  the  hand  of  the  National  Gov- 
ernment. He  continued  to  reside  in  Concord  until 
the  time  of  his  death,  which  occurred  in  October, 
1869.  He  was  one  of  the  most  genial  and  social  of 
men,  an  honored  communicant  of  the  P^piscopal 
Church,  and  one  of  the  kindest  of  neighbors.  Gen- 
erous to  a  fault,  he  contributed  liberally  for  the  al- 
leviation of  suffering  and  want,  and  many  of  his  towns- 
people were  often  gladened  by  his   material   bounty. 


Zly77z^J  (S^'i^yuc^ 





|■'V.^^Si'laS»l^^feV,V&^^'35^^^^^i^S'l^^^gJ^•^.V^^^^'X'.;l^;l^;^^^^^  .  _ 

AMES  BUCHANAN,  the  fif- 
teenth President  of  the  United 
States,   was  born    in    a    small 
frontier  town,  at  the  foot  of  the 
eastern  ridge  of  the    Aileglia- 
nies,  in  Franklin  Co.,  Penn.,  on 
the  23d  of  April,  1791.  The  ; 'lace 
where    the  humble    cabin    of   his 
father    stood    was     called     Stony 
Batter.     It   was    a   wild    and   ro- 
mantic sjx)!  in  a  gorge  of  the  moun- 
tains, with  towering  summits  rising 
grandly    all     arouncf.       His    father 
was  a  native  of  the  north  of  Ireland  ; 
a  jxwr  man,  who  liad   emigrated  in 
1783,  with  little   property    save    iiis 
own  strong  arms.     Five  years  afterwards  lie   married 
Elizabeth  Spear,  the  daughter  of  a  respectable  farmer, 
and,  with  his  young  bride,    plunged  into   the  wilder- 
ness, staked  his  claim,  reared  his   log-hut,    opened   a 
clearing  witli  his  axe,  and  settled  down  there  to    per- 
form liis  obscure  part  in  the  drama  of  life.    In  this  se- 
cluded home,  where   James   was  born,  lie    remained 
for  eight  years,  enjoying  Init  few  social  or  intellectual 
advantagis.     When  James  was  eight  yeais  of  age,  his 
father  removed  to  the  village  of  Mercersburg,   wiiere 
his  son  was    placed    at    school,   and    commenced    a 
course  of  study  in  Englisli,   Latin   and    Greek.       His 
progress  was  rapid,  and  at    the  age   of   fourteen,    he 
entered  Dickinson  College,  at  Carlisle.      Here  he  de 
veloped  remarkable  talent,  and  took  liis  stand  among 
the  first  scholars  in  the  institution.      His  ap|plicaliou 
•o  study  was  intense,  and  yet   his   native   powers    en- 

abled liini  to  master  the  most  abstruse  subjects  with 

In  the  year  1809,  he  graduated  witli  tlie  highest 
honors  of  his  class.  He  was  then  eighteen  years  of 
age;  tall  and  graceful,  vigorous  in  health,  fond  of 
athletic  sport,  an  unerring  shot,  and  enlivened  with 
an  exuberant  flow  of  animal  spirits.  He  immediately 
commenced  the  study  of  l.iw  in  the  city  of  Lancaster, 
and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1812,  when  he  was 
but  twenty-one  years  of  age.  Very  raindly  he  rose 
in  his  profession,  and  at  once  took  undisputed  stand 
with  the  ablest  lawjers  of  the  State.  When  but 
twenty-si.\  years  of  age,  unaided  by  counsel,  he  suc- 
cessfully defended  before  liie  State  Senate  oi:e  of  tiie 
judges  of  the  .State,  who  was  tried  upon  articles  of 
imiieachrnent.  At  the  age  of  thirty  it  was  generally 
admitted  that  he  stood  at  the  head  of  the  bar;  and 
there  was  no  lawyer  in  the  State  who  had  a  more  lu- 
crative practice. 

In  1820,  he  reluctantly  consented  to  run  as  a 
candidate  for  Congress.  He  was  elected,  and  for 
ten  years  he  remained  a  member  of  the  Lower  House. 
During  the  vacations  of  Congress,  he  occasionally 
tried  some  important  case.  In  183 1,  he  retired 
altogether  from  the  toils  of  his  profession,  having  ac- 
cpiired  an  anii)le  fortune. 

tjen.  Jackson,  upon  his  elevation  to  the  Presidency, 
ap|X)inted  Mr.  Buchanan  minister  to  Russia.  The 
duties  of  his  mission  he  performed  with  ability,  which 
gave  satisfaction  to  all  parties.  Uixin  his  return,  in 
1833,  he  was  elected  to  a  seat  in  tlie  United  States 
Senate.  He  there  met,  as  his  associates,  Webster, 
Clay,  Wright  and  Calhoun.  He  advoi  ated  the  meas- 
ures proposed  by  President  Jackson,  of  making  repri- 



sals  against  France,  to  enforce  the  payment  of  our 
claims  against  that  country  ;  and  defended  the  course 
of  the  President  in  his  unprecedented  and  wholesale 
removal  from  office  of  those  who  were  not  tlie  sup- 
porters of  his  administration.  Upon  this  question  he 
was  brought  into  direct  collision  with  Henry  Clay. 
He  also,  with  voice  and  vote,  advocated  expunging 
from  the  journal  of  the  Senate  the  vote  of  censure 
against  (ien.  Jackson  for  removing  the  de[>osits. 
Earnestly  he  oi)posed  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the 
District  of  Columbia,  and  urged  the  prohibition  of  the 
circidation  of  anti-slavery  documents  by  the  United 
States  mails. 

As  to  petitions  on  the  subject  of  slavery,  he  advo- 
cated that  they  should  be  respectfully  received;  and 
that  the  rejily  should  be  returned,  tliat  Congress  had 
no  power  to  legislate  u|)on  the  subject.  "  Congress," 
said  he,  "  might  as  well  undertake  to  interfere  with 
slavery  under  a  foreign  government  as  in  any  of  the 
States  where  it  now  e.xists." 

Upon  Mr.  Polk's  accession  to  the  Presidency,  Mr. 
Buchanan  became  Secretary  of  State,  and  as  such, 
took  his  share  of  the  responsil)ilily  in  the  conduct  of 
the  Mexican  War.  Mr.  Polk  assumed  that  crossing 
the  Nueces  by  the  American  troops  into  the  disputed 
territory  was  not  wrong,  but  for  the  Mexicans  to  cross 
the  Rio  Crande  into  that  territory  was  a  declaration 
of  war.  No  candid  man  can  read  with  pleasure  the 
account  of  the  course  our  Government  pursued  in  that 

Mr.  Buchanan  identified  himself  thoroughly  with 
the  party  devoted  to  the  pi-rpetuation  and  extension 
of  slavery,  and  brought  all  the  energies  of  his  mind 
to  liear  against  the  Wilmot  Proviso.  He  gave  his 
cordial  approval  to  the  compromise  measures  of  1050, 
which  included  the  fugitive-slave  law.  Mr.  Pierce, 
upon  his  election  to  the  Presidency,  honored  Mr. 
Buchanan  with  the  mission  to  Faigland. 

In  the  year  1856,  a  national  Oemocratic  conven- 
tion nominated  Mr.  Buchanan  for  the  Presidency.  The 
])olilical  conflict  was  one  of  the  most  severe  in  which 
oir  country  has  ever  engaged.  All  the  friends  of 
slavery  were  on  one  side;  all  the  advocates  of  its  re- 
striction and  final  abolition,  on  the  other.  Mr.  Fre- 
mont, the  candidate  of  the  enemies  of  slavery,  re- 
reived  114  electoral  votes.  Mr.  Buchanan  received 
174,  and  was  elected.  The  popular  vote  stood 
1,340,618,  for  Fremont,  r, 224, 750  for  Buchanan.  On 
March    4th,    1857,  Mr.   Buchanan  was  inaugurated. 

Mr.  Buchanan  was  far  advanced  in  life.  Only  four 
years  were  wanting  to  fill  up  his  threescore  years  and 
ten.  His  own  friends,  those  with  whom  he  had  been 
allied  in  political  principles  and  action  for  years,  were 
seeking  the  destruction  of  the  Government,  that  they 
might  rear  upon  the  ruins  of  our  free  institutions  a 
nation  whose  corner-stone  should  be  human  slavery. 
In  this  emergency,  Mr.  Buchanan  was  hopelessly  be- 
wildered      He  could  not,  with  his  long-avowed  prin- 

ciples, consistently  oppose  the  State-rights  party  in 
their  assumptions.  As  President  of  the  United  States, 
bound  by  his  oath  faithfully  to  administer  the  laws, 
he  could  not,  without  perjury  of  the  grossest  kind, 
unite  with  those  endeavoring  to  overthrow  the  repub- 
lic.     He  therefore  did  nothing. 

The  opponents  of  Mr.  Buchanan's  administration 
nominaled  Abraham  Luicoln  as  their  standard  bearer 
in  the  next  Presidential  canvass.  The  pro-slavery 
party  declared,  that  if  he  were  elected,  and  the  con- 
trol of  the  Government  were  thus  taken  from  their 
hands,  they  would  secede  from  the  Union,  taking 
witli  them,  as  they  retired,  the  National  Capitol  at 
Washington,  and  the  lion's  share  of  the  territory  of 
the  United  States. 

Mr.  Buchanan's  sympathy  with  the  pro-slavery 
party  was  such,  that  he  had  been  willing  to  offer  them 
far  more  than  they  had  ventured  to  claim.  All  the 
South  had  professed  to  ask  of  the  North  was  non- 
intervention upon  the  subject  of  slavery.  Mr.  Bu- 
chanan had  been  ready  to  offer  them  the  active  co- 
operation of  the  Government  to  defend  and  extend 
the  institution. 

As  the  storm  increased  in  violence,  the  slaveholders 
claiming  the  right  to  secede,  and  Mr.  Buchanan  avow- 
ing that  Congress  had  no  power  to  prevent  it,  one  of 
the  most  pitiable  exhibitions  of  governmental  im- 
becility was  exhibited  the  world  has  ever  seen.  He 
declared  tliat  Congress  had  no  power  to  enforce  its 
laws  in  any  State  which  hnd  withdrawn,  or  which 
was  attempting  to  withdraw  from  the  Union.  This 
was  not  the  doctrine  of  Andrew  Jackson,  when,  with 
his  hand  ujion  his  sword-hilt,  he  exclaimed,  "The 
Union  must  and  shall  be  preserved!" 

South  Carolina  seceded  in  December,  i860;  nearly 
three  months  before  the  inauguration  of  President 
Lincoln.  Mr.  Buchanan  looked  on  in  listless  despair. 
The  rebel  flag  was  raised  in  Charleston;  Fort  Sumpter 
was  besieged;  our  forts,  navy-yards  and  arsenals 
were  seized  ;  our  depots  of  military  stores  were  plun- 
dered ;  and  our  custom-houses  and  post-offices  were 
appropriated  by  the  rebels. 

The  energy  of  the  rebels,  and  the  imbecility  of  our 
Executive,  were  alike  marvelous.  The  Nation  looked 
on  in  agony,  waiting  for  the  slow  weeks  to  glide  away, 
and  close  the  administration,  so  terrible  in  its  weak- 
ness At  length  the  long-looked-for  hour  of  deliver- 
ance came,  when  Abraham  Lincoln  was  to  receive  the 

The  administration  of  President  Buchanan  was 
certainly  the  most  calamitous  our  country  has  ex- 
perienced. His  best  friends  cannot  recall  it  with 
])leasure.  And  still  more  deplorable  it  is  for  his  fame, 
that  in  that  dreadful  conflict  which  rolled  its  billows 
of  flame  and  blood  over  our  whole  land,  no  word  came 
from  his  lips  to  indicate  his  wish  that  our  country's 
banner  should  triumph  over  the  flag  of  the  rebellion. 
He  died  at  his  Wheatland    retreat,   June    i,    1868. 







ABRAHAM  >  »fi<|p  <  LINCOLN.  )>  ^ 





■h  P.RAHAM  LINCOLN,  the 
'' ^  sixteenth  President  of  the 
4i!SUnited  States,  was  born  in 
Hardin  Co.,  Ky.,  Feb.  12, 
1809.  Ai)out  the  year  1780,  a 
man  by  the  name  of  Abraham 
Lincohi  left  Virynia  with  liis 
family  and  moved  into  the  tlien 
wilds  of  Kentucky.  Only  two  years 
after  this  emigration,  still  a  young 
man,  while  working  one  day  in  a 
field,  was  stealthily  a|i|iroa(hed  by 
an  Indian  and  shot  dead.  His  widow 
was  left  in  extreme  [wverty  with  five 
little  children,  three  boys  and  two 
girls.  Thomas,  the  youngest  of  the 
l)oys,  was  four  years  of  age  at  his 
father's  death.  This  Thomas  was 
the  father  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  the 
President  of  the  United  States 
whose  name  must  henceforth  fo'-ever  be  enrolled 
with  the  most  prominent  in  the  annals  of  our  world. 
Of  course  no  record  has  been  kept  of  tiie  life 
of  one  so  lowly  as  Thomas  Lincoln.  He  was  among 
the  |«x)rest  of  the  poor.  His  home  was  a  wretched 
lug-rabin;  his  food  the  coarsest  and  the  meanest. 
Education  he  had  none;  he  could  never  either  read 
or  write.  As  soon  as  he  was  able  to  do  anything  for 
himself,  he  was  compelled  to  leave  the  cabin  cjf  his 
starving  mother,  and  push  out  into  the  world,  a  friend- 
less, wandering  boy,  seeking  work.  He  liired  him- 
self out,  and  thus  spent  the  whole  of  his  youth  as  a 
laborer  in  the  fields  of  others. 

When  twenty-eight  years  of  age  he  built  a  log- 
cabin  of  his  own,  and  married  Nancy  Hanks,  the 
daughter  of  another  family  of  poor  Kentucky  emi- 
grants, who  had  also  come  from  Virginia.  Their 
second  child  was  Abraham  Lincoln,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch.  The  mother  of  Abraham  was  a  noble 
woman,  gentle,  loving,  ]iensive,  created  to  adorn 
a  ])alace,  doomed  to  toil  and  pine,  and  die  in  a  hovel. 
".AH  that  I  am,  or  hope  to  be,"  excl.iims  the  grate- 
tul  son  "  I  owe  to  my  angel-mother. 

When  he  was  eight  years  of  age,  his  father  sold  his 

cabin  and  small  farm,  and  moved  to  Indiana.  Where 
two  years  later  his  mother  ilied. 

Abraham  soon  became  the  scribe  of  the  uneducated 
community  around  him.  He  could  not  have  had  a 
better  school  than  this  to  teach  him  to  put  thoughts 
into  words.  He  also  became  an  eager  reader.  The 
books  he  cotdd  olitain  were  few;  but  these  he  read 
and  re-read  until  they  were  almost  committed  to 

As  the  years  rolled  on,  the  lot  of  this  lowly  family 
was  the  usual  lot  of  humanity.  There  were  joys  and 
griefs,  weddings  and  funerals.  Abraham's  sister 
Sarah,  to  whom  he  was  tenderly  attached,  was  mar- 
ried when  a  child  of  but  fourteen  years  of  age,  and 
soon  died.  The  family  was  gradually  scattered.  Mr. 
Thomas  Lincoln  sold  out  his  squatter's  claim  in  1830, 
and  emigrated  to  Macon  Co.,  III. 

Abraham  Lincoln  was  then  twenty-one  years  of  age. 
With  vigorous  hands  he  aided  his  father  in  rearing 
another  log-cabin.  Abraham  worked  diligently  at  this 
until  he  saw  the  famil)  comfortably  settled,  and  their 
small  lot  of  enclosed  prairie  (ilanted  with  corn,  when 
he  announced  to  his  father  his  intention  to  leave 
home,  and  to  go  out  into  the  world  and  seek  his  for- 
tune. Little  did  he  or  his  friends  imagine  how  bril- 
liant that  fortune  was  to  be.  He  saw  the  value  of 
education,  and  was  intensely  earnest  to  improve  his 
mind  to  the  utmost  of  his  power.  He  saw  the  ruiii 
which  ardent  spirits  were  causing,  and  became 
strictly  tem|ierate;  refusing  to  allow  a  drop  of  intoxi- 
cating liipior  to  pass  his  lips.  And  he  had  read  in 
Cod's  word,  "Thou  shall  not  take  the  name  of  the 
Lord  thy  Cod  in  vain  ;"  and  a  |)rofane  expression  he 
was  never  heard  to  utter.  Religion  he  revered.  His 
morals  were  iiure,  and  he  was  uncontaminated  by  a 
single  vice. 

Yoimg  Abraham  woiked  for  a  time  as  a  hired  laborer 
among  the  farmers.  Then  he  went  to  Springfield, 
where  he  was  employed  in  Iniilding  a  large  flat-boat. 
In  this  he  took  a  herd  of  swine,  floated  them  down 
the  Sangamon  to  the  Illinois,  and  thence  by  the  Mis- 
sissijipi  to  New  Orleans,  \\hati-vcr  Abraham  Lin- 
coln underttwk,  he  performecl  so  faithfully  as  to  give 
great  satisfaction  to  his  employers.      In  this   advcsi- 



ture  his  employers  were  so  well  pleased,  that  upon 
his  return  they  placed  a  store  and  uiill  under  his  care. 

In  1832,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Black  Hawk  war,  he 
enlisted  and  was  chosen  captain  of  a  company.  He 
returned  to  Sangamon  County,  and  although  only  23 
years  of  age,  was  a  candidate  for  the  Legislature,  but 
was  defeated.  He  soon  after  received  from  Andrew 
Jackson  the  appointmentof  Postmaster  of  New  Salem, 
His  only  post-office  was  his  hat.  All  the  letters  he 
received  he  carried  there  ready  to  deliver  to  those 
he  chanced  to  meet.  He  studied  surveying,  and  soon 
made  this  his  business.  In  1834  he  again  became  a 
candidate  for  the  Legislature,  and  was  elected  Mr. 
Stuart,  of  Springfield,  advised  him  to  study  law.  He 
walked  from  New  Salem  to  Springfield,  borrowed  of 
Mr.  Stuart  a  load  of  books,  carried  them  back  and 
beg-in  his  legal  studies.  When  the  Legislature  as- 
sembled he  trudged  on  foot  with  his  pack  on  his  back 
one  hundred  miles  to  Vandalia,  then  the  capital.  In 
1836  he  was  re-elected  to  the  Legislature.  Here  it 
was  lie  first  met  .Stephen  A.  Douglas.  In  1839  he  re- 
moved to  Springfield  and  began  the  practice  of  law. 
His  success  with  the  jury  was  so  great  that  he  was 
soon  engaged  in  almost  every  noted  case  in  the  circuit. 

In  1854  Ihe  great  discussion  began  between  Mr. 
Lincoln  and  Mr.  Douglas,  on  the  slavery  question. 
In  the  organization  of  the  Republican  party  in  Illinois, 
in  1856,  he  took  an  active  part,  and  at  once  became 
one  of  the  leaders  in  that  party.  Mr.  Lincoln's 
speeches  in  opposition  to  Senator  Douglas  in  the  con- 
test in  1858  for  a  seat  in  the  Senate,  form  a  most 
notable  part  of  his  history.  The  issue  was  on  the 
ilavery  question,  and  he  took  the  broad  ground  of 
die  Declaration  of  Independence,  that  all  men  are 
created  e(iual.  Mr.  Lincoln  was  defeated  in  this  con- 
test, but  won  a  far  higher   prize. 

The  great  Republican  Convention  met  at  Chicago 
on  the  i6th  of  June,  i860.  The  delegates  and 
strangers  who  crowded  the  city  amounted  to  twenty- 
five  thousand.  An  immense  building  called  "The 
Wigwam,"  was  reared  to  accommodate  the  Conven- 
tion. There  were  eleven  candidates  for  whom  votes 
were  thrown.  William  H  Seward,  a  man  whose  fame 
as  a  statesman  had  long  filled  the  land,  was  the  most 
orominent.  It  was  generally  supposed  he  would  be 
the  nominee.  Abraham  Lincoln,  however,  received 
the  nomination  on  the  third  ballot.  Little  did  he  then 
dream  of  the  weary  years  of  toil  and  care,  and  the 
bloody  death,  to  which  that  nomination  doomed  him: 
and  aslittledid  he  dream  that  he  was  to  render  services 
to  his  country,  which  would  fix  upon  him  the  eyes  of 
the  whole  civilized  world,  and  which  would  give  him 
apla<:einthe  affections  nf  his  countrymen,  second 
only,  if  second,  to  that  of  Washington. 

Election  day  came  and  Mr.  Lincoln  received  180 
electoral  votes  out  of  203  cast,  and  was,  therefore, 
constitutionally  elected  President  of  the  United  States. 
The  tirade  of  abuse  that  was  ix)ured  uix)n   this    good 

and  merciful  man,  especially  by  the  slaveholders,  was 
greater  than  upon  any  other  man  ever  elected  to  this 
high  position.  In  February,  186 1,  Mr.  Lincoln  started 
for  Washington,  stopping  in  all  the  large  cities  on  his 
way  making  speeches.  The  whole  journey  was  frought 
with  much  danger.  Many  of  the  Southern  States  had 
already  seceded,  and  several  attempts  at  assassination 
were  afterwards  brought  to  light.  .A  gang  in  Balti- 
more had  arranged,  ujx)\i  his  arrival  to  "get  u])  a  row," 
and  in  the  confusion  to  make  sure  of  his  death  with 
revolvers  and  hand-grenades.  A  detective  unravelled 
the  plot.  A  secret  and  special  train  was  provided  to 
take  him  from  Harrisl'urg,  through  Baltimore,  at  an 
unexpected  hour  of  the  night.  The  train  slatted  at 
half-past  ten  ;  and  to  prevent  ai.y  possible  communi- 
cation on  the  part  ot  the  Secessionists  with  their Coi'.- 
fedcrate  gang  in  Baltimore,  as  soon  as  the  train  had 
started  the  telegraph-wires  were  cut.  Mr.  Lincoln 
reached  Washington  in  safety  and  was  inaugurated, 
although  great   anxiety  was   felt  by  all  loyal   peo|)le. 

In  the  selection  of  his  cabinet  Mr.  Lincoln  gave 
to  Mr  Seward  the  Department  of  State,  and  to  other 
prominent  opponents  before  the  convention  he  gave 
imix)rtant  positions. 

During  no  other  administration  have  the  tluties 
devolving  ui)on  the  President  been  so  manifold,  and 
the  responsiliilities  so  great,  as  those  which  fell  to 
the  lot  of  President  Lincoln.  Knowing  this,  and 
feeling  liis  own  weakness  and  inability  to  meet,  and  in 
his  own  strength  to  cope  with,  the  ditficullies,  he 
learned  early  to  seek  Divine  wisdom  and  guidance  in 
determining  his  plans,  and  Divine  comfort  in  all  his 
trials,  bo'h  personal  and  national.  Contrary  to  his 
own  estimate  of  himself,  Mr.  Lincoln  was  one  of  the 
most  courageous  of  men.  He  went  directly  into  the 
rebel  ca|)ital  just  as  the  retreating  foe  was  leaving, 
with  no  guard  but  a  few  sailors.  From  the  time  he 
had  left  Springfield,  in  1861,  however,  plans  had  Ijeen 
made  for  his  assassination, and  he  at  last  fell  a  victim 
tooneofthem.  April  14,  1865,  he,  with  Gen.  Crant, 
was  urgently  invited  to  attend  Fords'  Theater.  It 
was  announced  that  they  would  l.e  jiresent.  (ien. 
Grant,  however,  left  the  city.  President  Lincoln,  fee'.- 
ing,  with  his  characteristic  kindliness  of  heart,  that 
it  would  be  a  disap|Xjintment  if  he  should  fail  them, 
very  reluctantly  consented  to  go.  While  listening  to 
the  ])lay  an  actor  by  the  name  of  John  Wilkes  Booth 
entered  the  box  where  the  President  and  family  were 
seated,  and  fired  a  bullet  into  his  brains.  He  died  the 
next  morning  at  seven  o'clock. 

Never  before,  in  the  history  of  the  world  was  a  nation 
plunged  into  such  deep  grief  by  the  death  of  its  ruler. 
Strong  men  met  in  the  streets  and  wept  in  s|)eechless 
anguish.  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  a  nation  was 
in  tears.  His  was  a  life  which  will  filly  become  a 
model.  His  name  as  the  savior  of  his  country  w-li 
live  with  that  of  Washington's,  its  father;  hisc^-intr)'- 
men  being  unable   to   decide    whii  h   is    the   greater. 




fjiDjK  1'^  ^f  anmii^vsri 

<^-|::,A..7  V^- 


b   NDREW  JOHNSON,  seven- 
p  teenth  President  of  the  United 
^^States.       The    earlj-     Hfe    of 
Andrew  Johnson  contains  but 
the  record  of  poverty,  destitu- 
tion and  friendlessness.      He 
was  born    December   29,     180S, 
in  Raleigh,  N.  C.     His    parents, 
belonging    to    the    class    o."    tlie 
"poor  whites  "  of  the  South,  were 
>¥  V      in  such  circumstances,  that  they 
\  could  not  confer  even  the  slight- 

est advantages  of  education  upon 
their  child.  When  Andrew  was  five 
years  of  age,  his  father  accidentally 
lost  liis  life  while  herorically  endeavoring  to  save  a 
friend  from  drowning.  Until  ten  years  of  age,  Andrew 
was  a  ragged  boy  about  the  streets,  sup[K)rrecl  by  the 
labor  of  his  mother,  who  obtained  her  living  with 
lier  own   hands. 

He  then,  having  never  attended  a  school  one  day, 
and  being  \mable  either  to  read  or  write,  was  ap- 
prenticed to  a  tailor  in  his  native  town.  A  gentleman 
was  in  the  habit  of  going  to  the  tailor's  shop  occasion- 
ally, and  reading  to  the  boys  at  work  there.  He  often 
read  from  the  speeches  of  distinguished  British  states- 
men. Andrew,  who  was  endowed  with  a  mind  of  more 
than  ordinary  native  ability,  became  much  interested 
in  these  speeches ;  his  ambition  was  roused,  and  he 
was  inspired  with  a  strong  desire  to  learn  to  read. 

He  accordingly  applied  himself  to  the  alphabet,  and 
with  the  assistance  of  some  of  his  fellow-workmen, 
learned  his  letters.  He  then  called  upon  the  gentle- 
man to  borrow  the  book  of  speeches.      The  owner, 

pleased  with  his  zeal,  not  only  gave  him  the  book, 
but  assisted  him  in  learning  to  combine  the  letters 
into  words.  Under  such  difficulties  he  pressed  o;. 
ward  laboriously,  spending  usually  ten  or  twelve  hours 
at  work  in  the  shop,  and  then  robbing  himself  of  rest 
and  recreation  to  devote  such  time  as  he  could  to 

He  went  to  Tennessee  in  1826,  and  located  at 
Greenville,  where  he  married  a  young  lady  who  pos 
sessed  some  education.  Under  her  instructions  he 
learned  to  write  and  cipher.  He  became  prominent 
in  the  village  debating  society,  and  a  favorite  with 
the  students  of  Greenville  College.  In  1828,  he  or- 
ganized a  working  man's  party,  which  elected  him 
alderman,  and  in  1830  elected  him  mayor,  which 
position  he  held  three  years. 

He  now  began  to  take  a  lively  interest  in  political 
affairs ;  identifying  himself  with  the  working-classes, 
to  which  he  belonged.  In  1S35,  he  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of  Tennes- 
see. He  was  tlien  just  twenty-seven  years  of  age. 
He  became  a  very  active  member  of  the  legislature, 
gave  his  adhesion  to  the  Democratic  party,  and  in 
1840  "stumped  the  State,"  advocating  Martin  Van 
Buren's  claims  to  the  Presidency,  in  opposition  to  those 
of  Gen.  Harrison.  In  this  campaign  he  acquired  much 
readiness  as  a  speaker,  and  extended  and  increased 
his  reputation. 

In  1 84 1,  he  was  elected  State  Senator;  in  1843,  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  Congress,  and  by  successive 
elections,  held  that  important  post  for  ten  years.  In 
1853,  he  was  elected  Governor  of  Tennessee,  and 
was  re-elected  in  1855.  In  all  these  resjwnsible  ]X)si- 
tions,  he  discharged  his  duties  with  distinguished  abi. 



ity,  and  proved  himself  the  warm  friend  of  the  work- 
ing classes.  In  1857,  Mr.  Johnson  was  elected 
United  States  Senator. 

Years  before,  in  1845,  he  had  warmly  advocated 
the  annexation  of  Texas,  stating  however,  as  his 
reason,  that  he  thought  this  annexation  would  prob- 
ably prove  "  to  be  the  gateway  out  of  which  the  sable 
sons  of  Africa  are  to  pass  from  bondage  to  freedom, 
and  become  merged  in  a  population  congenial  to 
themselves."  In  1S50,  he  also  supported  the  com- 
promise measures,  the  two  essential  features  o\  which 
were,  that  the  white  people  of  the  Territories  should 
be  permitted  to  decide  for  themselves  whether  they 
would  enslave  the  colored  people  or  not,  and  that 
the  ''ree  States  of  the  North  should  return  to  the 
South  persons  who  attempted  to  escape  from  slavery. 

Mr.  Johnson  was  never  ashamed  of  his  lowly  origin: 
on  the  contrary,  he  often  took  piide  in  avowing  that 
he  owed  his  distinction  to  his  own  exertions.  "Sir,'" 
said  he  on  the  floor  of  the  Senate,  "  I  do  not  forget 
that  I  am  a  mechanic ;  neither  do  I  forget  that  .\dam 
was  a  tailor  and  sewed  fig-leaves,  and  that  our  Sav- 
ior was  the  son  of  a  carpenter." 

In  the  Charleston- Baltimore  convention  of  iSlpo,  ne 
was  the  choice  of  the  Tennessee  Democrats  for  the 
Presidency.  In  186  r,  when  the  purpose  of  the  South- 
irn  Democracy  became  apparent,  he  took  a  decided 
stand  in  favor  of  the  Union,  and  held  that  "  slavery 
must  lie  held  subordinate  to  the  Union  at  whatever 
cost."  He  returned  to  Tennessee,  and  repeatedly 
imperiled  his  own  life  to  protect  the  Unionists  of 
Tennesee.  Tennessee  having  seceded  from  the 
Union,  President  Lincoln,  on  March  4th,  1862,  ap- 
pointed him  Military  Governor  of  the  State,  and  he 
established  Ihe  most  stringent  military  rule.  His 
numerous  proclamations  attracted  wide  attention.    In 

1864,  he  was  elected  Vice-President  of  the  United 
States,  and  upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Lincoln,  April   15, 

1865,  became  President.  In  a  speech  two  days  later 
he  said,  "  The  American  people  must  be  taught,  if 
?hey  do  not  already  feel,  that  treason  is  a  crime  and 
must  be  punished;  that  the  Government  will  not 
always  bear  with  its  enemies ;  that  it  is  strong  not 
only  to  protect,  but  to  punish.  *  *  The  people 
must  understand  that  it  (treason)  is  the  blackest  of 
crimes,  and  will  surely  be  punished."  Yet  his  whole 
administration,  the  history  of  which  is  so  well  known, 
was  in  utter  iiKonsistency  with,  and  the  most  violent 

opposition  to,  the  principles  laid  down  in  that  speech. 

In  his  loose  policy  of  reconstruction  and  general 
amnesty,  he  was  opposed  by  Congress;  and  he  char- 
acterized Congress  as  a  new  rebellion,  and  lawlessly 
defied  it,  in  everything  possible,  to  the  utmost.  In 
the  beginnirig  of  1868,  on  account  of  "high  crimes 
and  misdemeanors,"  the  principal  of  which  was  the 
removal  of  Secretary  Stanton,  in  violation  of  the  Ten- 
ure of  Office  Act,  articles  of  impeachment  were  pre- 
ferred against  him,  and  the    trial   began    March   23. 

It  was  very  tedious,  continuing  for  nearly  three 
months.  A  test  article  of  the  impeachment  was  at 
length  submitted  to  the  court  for  its  action.  It  was 
certain  that  as  the  court  voted  upon  that  article  so 
would  it  vote  upon  all.  Thirty-four  voices  pronounced 
the  President  guilty.  As  a  two-thirds  vote  was  neces- 
sary to  his  condemnation,  he  was  pronounced  ac- 
quitted, notwithstanding  the  great  majority  against 
him.  The  change  of  one  vote  from  the  not  guilty 
side  would  have  sustained  the  impeachment. 

The  President,  for  the  remainder  of  his  term,  was 
but  little  regarded.  He  continued,  though  impotentl'", 
liis  conflict  with  Congress.  His  own  party  did  not 
think  it  expedient  to  renominate  him  for  the  Presi- 
dency. The  Nation  rallied,  with  enthusiasm  unpar- 
alleled since  the  days  of  Washington,  around  the  name 
of  Gen.  Grant.  Andrew  Johnson  was  forgotten. 
The  bullet  of  the  assassin  introduced  him  to  the 
President's  chair.  Notwithstanding  this,  never  was 
there  presented  to  a  man  a  better  opportunity  to  im- 
mortalize his  name,  and  to  win  the  gratitude  of  a 
nation.  He  failed  utterly.  He  retired  to  his  home 
in  Greenville,  Tenn.,  taking  no  very  active  part  in 
politics  until  1875.  On  Jan.  26,  after  an  exciting 
struggle,  he  was  chosen  by  the  Legislature  of  Ten- 
nessee, United  States  Senator  in  the  forty-fourth  Con- 
gress, and  took  his  seat  in  that  body,  at  the  special 
session  convened  by  President  firant,  on  the  5th  of 
March.  On  the  27th  of  July,  1875,  the  ex-President 
made  a  visit  to  his  daughter's  home,  near  Carter 
Station,  Tenn.  When  he  started  on  his  journey,  he  was 
apparently  in  his  usual  vigorous  health,  but  on  reach- 
ing the  residence  of  his  child  the  following  day,  was 
stricken  with  paralysis,  rendering  him  unconscious. 
He  rallied  occasionally,  but  finally  passed  away  at 
2  A.M.,  July  31,  aged  sixty-seven  years.  His  fun- 
eral was  attended  at  Geenville,  on  the  3d  of  August, 
with  every  demonstration  of  respect. 

y-  a. 






-,w    LYSSES     S.    GRANT,    the 
A)  eighteenth    President   of  the 
I''-- United  States,  was    born   on 
the  29th   of  April,    1822,   of 
Christian  parents,  in  a  humble 
"  home,  at  Point  Pleasant,  on  the 
banks  of  the  Ohio.   Shortly  after 
his   father   moved    to    George- 
town, Brown  Co.,  O.  In  this  re- 
mote frontier   hamlet,    Ulysses 
received  a  common-school  edn- 
cation.      At  the  age   of  seven- 
teen, in  the  year  1839,  he    entered 
the     Military    Academy    at     West 
I'oint.     Here  he  was  regarded  as  a 
sohd,  sensible  young  man    of   fair  abilities,    and    of 
sturdy,  honest  character.     He  took  respectable  rank 
as  a  scholar.     In  June,  1843,  he  graduated,  about  the 
middle  in  his  class,  and  was  sent  as  lieutenant  of  in- 
fantry to  one  of  the  distant  military  posts  in  the  Mis- 
souri Territory.     Two  years  he  past   in  these  dreary 
solitudes,  watching  the  vagabond    and   exasperating 

The  war  with  Mexico  came.  Lieut.  Grant  was 
sent  with  his  regiment  to  Corpus  Cliristi.  His  first 
battle  was  at  Palo  Alto.  There  was  no  chance  here 
for  the  exhibidon  of  either  skill  or  heroism,  nor  at 
Resacade  la  Palma,  his  second  battle.  At  the  battle 
of  Monterey,  his  third  engagement,  it  is  said  that 
he  performed  a  signal  service  of  daring  and  skillful 
-horsemanship.  His  brigade  had  exhausted  its  am- 
munition. A  messenger  must  be  sent  for  more,  along 
a  route  exposed  to  the  bullets  of  the  foe.  Lieut. 
Grant,  adopting  an  expedient  learned  of  the  Indians, 
grasped  the  mane  of  his  horse,  and  hanging  upon  one 
side  of  the  anir^al,  ran  the  gauntlet  in  entire  safety. 

From  Monterey  he  was  sent,  with  the  fourth  infantry, 
lo  aid  Gen.  Scott,  at  the  siege  of  Vera  Cruz.  In 
preparation  for  the  march  to  the  city  of  Mexico,  he 
was  appointed  quartermaster  of  his  regiment.  At  the 
battle  of  Molino  del  Rey,  he  was  promoted  to  a 
first  lieutenancy,  and  was  brevetted  captain  at  Cha- 

At  the  close  of  the  Mexican  War,  Capt.  Grant  re- 
turned with  his  regiment  to  New  York,  and  was  again 
sent  to  one  of  the  military  posts  on  the  frontier.  The 
discovery  of  gold  in  California  causing  an  immense 
tide  of  emigration  to  flow  to  the  Pacific  shores,  Capt. 
Grant  was  sent  with  a  battalion  to  Fort  Dallas,  in 
Oregon,  for  the  protection  of  the  interests  of  the  im- 
migrants. Life  was  wearisome  in  those  wilds.  Capt. 
Grant  resigned  his  commission  and  returned  to  the 
States;  and  having  married,  entered  upon  the  cultiva- 
tion of  a  small  farm  near  St.  Louis,  Mo.  He  had  but 
little  skill  as  a  farmer.  Finding  his  toil  not  re- 
munerative, he  turned  to  mercantile  life,  entering  into 
the  leather  business,  with  a  younger  brother,  at  Ga- 
lena, 111.  This  was  in  the  year  i860.  As  the  tidings 
of  the  rebels  firing  on  Fort  Sumpter  reached  the  ears 
of  Capt.  Grant  in  his  counting-room,  he  said, — 
"Uncle  Sam  has  educated  me  for  the  army;  though 
I  have  served  him  through  one  war,  I  do  not  feel  that 
I  have  yet  repaid  the  debt.  I  am  still  ready  to  discharge 
my  oliligations.  I  shall  therefore  buckle  on  my  sword 
and  see  Uncle  Sam  through  this  war  too." 

He  went  into  the  streets,  raised  a  company  of  vol- 
unteers, and  led  them  as  their  captain  to  Springfield, 
the  capital  of  the  State,  where  their  services  were 
offered  to  Gov.  Yates.  The  (Governor,  impressed  by 
the  zeal  and  straightforward  executive  ability  of  Capt. 
Grant,  gave  him  a  desk  in  his  office,  to  assist  in  the 
volunteer  organization  that  was  being  formed  in  the 
State  in  behalf  of  the  Government.  "  On  the   15  th  of 



June,  1861,  Capt.  Grant  received  a  commission  as 
Colonel  of  the  Twenty-first  Regiment  of  Illinois  Vol- 
unteers. His  merits  as  a  West  Point  graduate,  who 
had  served  for  15  years  in  the  regular  army,  were  such 
that  he  was  soon  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Brigadier- 
General  and  was  placed  in  command  at  Cairo.  Tlie 
rebels  raised  their  banner  at  Paducah,  near  the  mouth 
of  the  Tennessee  River.  -Scarcely  had  its  folds  ap- 
peared in  the  breeze  ere  Gen.  Grant  was  there.  The 
rebels  fled.  Their  banner  fell,  and  the  star  and 
stripes  were  unfurled  in  its  stead. 

He  entered  the  service  witli  great  determination 
and  immediately  began  active  duty.  This  was  the  be- 
ginning, and  until  the  surrender  of  Lee  at  Richmond 
he  was  ever  pushing  tlie  enemy  with  great  vigor  and 
effectiveness.  At  Belmont,  a  few  days  later,  he  sur- 
prised and  routed  the  rebels,  then  at  Fort  Henry 
won  another  victory.  Then  came  tlie  brilliant  fight 
at  Fort  Donelson.  The  nation  was  electrified  by  the 
victory,  and  the  brave  leader  of  the  boys  in  blue  was 
immediately  made  a  M.njor-General,  and  the  military 
district  of  Tennessee  was  assigned  to  him. 

Like  all  great  captains,  Gen.  Grant  knew  well  how 
to  secure  the  results  of  victory.  He  immediately 
puslied  on  to  the  enemies'  lines.  Then  came  tlie 
terrible  battles  of  Pittsburg  Landing,  Corinth,  and  the 
siege  of  Vicksburg,  where  Gen.  Pemberton  made  an 
unconditional  surrender  of  the  city  with  over  thirty 
thousand  men  and  one-hundred  and  seventy-two  can- 
non. The  fall  of  Vicksburg  was  by  far  the  most 
severe  blow  wliicli  the  rebels  had  thus  far  encountered, 
and  opened  up  the  Mississippi  from  Cairo  to  the  Gulf 
Gen.  Crrant  was  next  ordered  to  co-operate  witli 
Gen.  Banks  in  a  movement  upon  Texas,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  New  Orieans,  where  he  was  thrown  from 
i;is  horse,  and  received  severe  injuries,  from  which  he 
v,'as  laid  up  for  months.  He  then  rushed  Ic  the  aid 
of  Gens.  Rosecrans  and  Thomas  at  Chattanooga,  and 
by  a  wonderful  series  of  strategic  and  technical  meas- 
ures put  the  Union  Army  in  fighting  condition.  Then 
followed  the  bloody  battles  at  Chattanooga,  Lookout 
Mountain  and  Missionary  Ridge,  in  which  the  rebels 
were  routed  with  great  loss.  This  won  for  him  un- 
bounded praise  in  the  North.  On  the  4th  of  Febru- 
ary, 1864,  Congress  revived  the  grade  of  lieutenant- 
gener:d,  and  the  rank  was  conferred  on  Gen.  Grant. 
He  repaired  to  Washington  to  receive  his  credenrials 
and  enter  upon  '.l'-^  duties  of  his  new  office. 

Gen.  Grant  decided  as  soon  as  he  took  charge  of 
ilie  army  to  concentrate  the  widely-dispersed  National 
troops  for  an  attack  upon  Richmond,  the  nominal 
capital  of  the  Rebellion,  and  endeavor  there  to  de- 
stroy the  rebel  armies  which  would  be  promptly  as- 
sembled from  all  quarters  for  its  defence.  The  whole 
continent  seemed  to  tremble  under  the  tramp  of  these 
majesdc  armies,  rushing  to  the  decisive  battle  field. 
Steamers  were  crowded  with  troops.  Railway  trains 
were  burdened  with  closely  packed  thousands.  His 
plans  were  comprehensive  and  involved  a  series  of 
campaigns,  which  were  executed  with  remarkable  en- 
ergy and  ability,  and  were  consummated  at  the  sur- 
render of  Lee,  April  9,   1865. 

The  war  was  ended.  The  Union  was  saved.  The 
almost  unanimous  voice  of  the  Nation  declared  Gen. 
Grant  to  be  the  most  prominent  instrument  in  its  sal- 
vation. The  eminent  services  he  had  thus  rendered 
tile  country  brought  him  conspicuously  forward  as  the 
Republican  candidate  for  the  Presidential  chair. 

At  the  Republican  Convention  held  at  Chicago, 
May  21,  1868,  he  was  unanimously  nominated  for  the 
Presidency,  and  at  the  autumn  election  received  a 
majority  of  the  popular  vote,  and  214  out  of  294 
electoral  votes. 

The  National  Convention  of  the  Republican  party 
which  met  at  Philadelphia  on  the  5tli  of  June,  1872, 
placed  Gen.  Grant  in  nomination  for  a  second  term 
by  a  unanimous  vote.  The  selection  was  emphati- 
cally indorsed  Ijy  the  people  five  months  later,  292 
electoral  votes  being    cast    for  him. 

Soon  after  the  close  of  his  second  term.  Gen.  Grant 
started  upon  his  famous  trip  around  the  world.  He 
visited  almost  every  country  of  the  civili/ed  worid, 
and  was  everywhere  received  with  such  ovations 
and  demonstrations  of  respect  and  honor,  private 
as  well  as  public  and  ofiicial,  as  were  never  before 
bestowed  ujxjn  any  citizen  of  the  United  States. 

He  was  the  most  prominent  candidate  before  the 
Republican  National  Convention  in  1880  for  a  re- 
nominatioii  for  President.  He  went  to  New  York  and 
embarked  in  the  brokerage  business  under  the  firm 
nameof  Grant  &  Ward.  The  latter  proved  a  villain, 
wrecked  Grant's  fortune,  and  for  larceny  was  sent  to 
the  penitentiary.  Tiie  General  was  attacked  with 
cancer  in  the  throat,  but  suffered  in  his  stoic-like 
m.nnner,  never  complaining.  He  was  re-instated  as 
General  of  the  Army  and  retired  by  Congress.  The 
cancer  soon  finished  its  deadly  work,  and  July  23, 
1885,  the  nation  went  in  mourning  over  the  death  of 
the  illustrious  General. 







\  uthe: 

»)  the    nir 

ineteentli  President  of 
^j'''the  United  States,  was  born  in 
Delaware,  C).,  Oct.  4,  1822,  al- 
most tiiree  months  after  the 
y^  death  of  his  father,  Rutherford 
Hayes.  His  ancestry  on  both 
the  paternal  and  maternal  sides, 
was  of  the  most  honorable  char- 
acter. It  can  be  traced,  it  is  said, 
as  far  back  as  12S0,  when  Hayes  and 
Rutherford  were  two  Scottish  chief- 
tains, fighting  side  by  side  with 
Baliol,  William  Wallace  and  Robert 
Bruce.  Both  families  l)elonged  to  the 
nobility,  owned  extensive  estates, 
and  had  a  large  following.  Misfor- 
tune overtaking  the  family,  George  Hayes  left  Scot- 
land in  1680,  and  settled  in  Windsor,  Conn.  His  son 
George  was  born  in  Windsor,  and  remained  there 
during  his  life.  Daniel  Hayes,  son  of  the  latter,  mar- 
lied  Sarah  Lee,  and  lived  from  the  time  of  liis  mar- 
riage until  his  death  in  Simsbury,  Conn.  Ezekiel, 
son  of  Daniel,  was  born  in  1724,  and  was  a  manufac- 
turerof  scythes  at  Bradford,  Conn.  Rutherford  Hayes, 
son  of  F.zekiel  and  grandfather  of  President  Hayes,  was 
born  in  New  Haven,  in  August,  T756.  He  was  a  farmer, 
blacksmith  and  tavern-keeper.  He  emigrated  to 
Vermont  at  an  unknown  date,  settling  in  Brattleboro, 
where  he  established  a  hotel.  Here  his  son  Ruth- 
erford  Hayes    the  father   of  President  Hayes,  was 

born.  He  was  married,  in  September,  18 13,  to  .Sophia 
Birchard,  of  Wilmington,  Vt.,  whose  ancestors  emi- 
grated thither  from  Connecticut,  they  having  been 
among  the  wealthiest  and  best  famlies  of  Norwich. 
Her  ancestry  on  the  male  side  are  traced  back  to 
1635,  to  John  Birchard,  one  of  the  principal  founders 
of  Norwich.  Both  of  her  grandfathers  were  soldiers 
in  the  Revolutionary  War. 

The  father  of  President  Hayes  was  an  industrious, 
frugal  and  opened-hearted  man.  He  was  of  a  me- 
chanical turn,  and  could  mend  a  plow,  knit  a  slock- 
ing, or  do  almost  anything  else  that  he  choose  to 
undertake.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Church,  active 
in  all  the  benevolent  enterprises  of  the  town,  and  con- 
ducted his  business  on  Christian  principles.  After 
the  close  of  the  war  of  181 2,  for  reasons  ine.\plical)le 
to  his  neighbors,  he  resolved  to  emigrate  to   Ohio. 

The  journey  from  Vermont  to  Ohio  in  that  day. 
when  there  were  no  canals,  steamers,  nor  railways, 
was  a  very  serious  affair.  A  tour  of  inspection  was 
first  made,  occupying  four  months.  Mr.  Hayts  deter- 
mined to  move  to  Delaware,  where  the  family  arrived 
in  1817.  He  died  July  22,  t822,  a  victim  of  niaiaiial 
fever,  less  than  three  months  before  the  birth  of  ths 
son, of  whom  we  now  write.  Mrs.  Hayes,  in  her  sore  be- 
reavement, found  the  support  she  so  much  needed  in 
her  brother  Sardis,  who  had  been  a  member  of  the 
household  from  the  day  of  its  departure  from  Ver- 
mont, and  in  an  orphan  girl  whom  she  had  adopted 
some  time  before  as  an  act  of  charity. 

Mrs.  Hayes  at  this  period  was  very  weak,  and  the 



subject  of  this  sketch  was  so  feeble  at  birtli  that  he 
was  not  expected  to  live  beyond  a  month  or  two  at 
most.  As  the  months  went  by  he  grew  weai^er  and 
weaker,  so  that  the  neighbors  were  in  the  habit  of  in- 
quiring from  time  to  time  "  if  Mrs.  Hayes'  baby  died 
last  night."  On  one  occasion  a  neighbor,  who  was  on 
familiar  terms  with  the  family,  after  alluding  to  the 
boy's  big  head,  and  the  mother's  assiduous  care  of 
him,  said  in  a  bantering  way,  '•  That's  right !  Stick  to 
him.  You  have  got  him  along  so  far,  and  I  shouldn't 
wonder  if  he  would  really  come  to  something  yet." 

"  You  need  not  laugh,"  said  Mrs.  Hayes.  "  You 
:vait  and  see.  You  can't  tell  but  I  shall  make  him 
President  of  the  United  States  yet."  The  boy  lived, 
in  spite  of  the  universal  predictions  of  his  speedy 
death;  and  when,  in  1825,  his  older  brother  was 
drowned,  he  became,  if  possible,  still  dearer  to  his 

The  boy  was  seven  years  old  before  he  went  to 
school.  His  education,  however,  was  not  neglected. 
He  probably  learned  as  much  from  his  mother  and 
>f  ister  as  he  would  liave  done  at  school.  His  sports 
were  almost  wholly  within  doors,  his  playmates  being 
his  sister  and  lier  associates.  These  circumstances 
tended,  no  doubt,  to  foster  that  gentleness  of  dispo- 
sition, and  that  delicate  consideration  for  the  feelings 
of  others,  wliich  are  marked  traits  of   his   character. 

His  uncle  Sardis  Birchard  took  the  deepest  interest 
in  his  education;  and  as  the  boy's  health  had  im- 
proved, and  he  was  making  good  progress  in  his 
studies,  he  proposed  to  send  him  to  college.  His  pre- 
paration commenced  with  a  tutor  at  home;  but  he 
was  afterwards  sent  for  one  year  to  a  professor  in  the 
\Vesleyan  University,  in  Middletown,  Conn.  He  en- 
tered Kenyon  College  in  1838,3!  the  age  of  sixteen, 
and  was  graduated  at  the  head  of  his  class  in    1842. 

Immediately  after  his  gr.aduation  he  began  the 
study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Thomas  Sparrow,  Esq., 
in  Columbus.  Finding  his  opportunities  for  study  in 
Columbus  somewhat  limited,  he  determined  to  enter 
the  Law  School  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  where  he  re- 
mained two  years. 

In  1845,  after  graduatmg  at  the  Law  School,  he  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  at  Marietta,  Ohio,  and  shortly 
afterward  went  into  practice  as  an  attorney-at-law 
with  Ralph  P.  Buckland,  of  Fremont.  Here  he  re- 
mained three  years,  acquiring  but  a  limited  practice, 
and  apparently  unambitious  of  distinction  in  his  pro- 

In  1849  he  moved  to  Cincninati,  where  his  ambi- 
tion found  a  new  stimulus.  For  several  years,  how- 
ever, his  progress  was  slow.  Two  events,  occurring  at 
this  period,  had  a  powerful  influence  upon  his  subse- 
(;uent  life.  One  of  these  was  his  marrage  with  Miss 
Lucy  Ware  Webb,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Webb,  of 
Chilicothe;  the  other  was  his  introduction  to  the  Cin- 
cinnati Literary  Club,  a  body  embracing  among  its 
members  such  men  as'^hief  Justice  Salmor^  P.Chase, 

Gen.  John  Pope,  Gov.  Edward  F.  Noyes,  and  many 
others  hardly  less  distinguished  in  after  life.  The 
marriage  was  a  fortunate  one  :n  every  respect,  as 
everj'body  knows.  Not  one  of  all  the  wives  of  our 
Presidents  was  more  universally  admired,  reverenced 
and  beloved  than  was  Mrs.  Hayes,  and  no  one  did 
more  than  she  to  reflect  honor  upon  American  woman- 
hood. The  Literary  Cluu  brought  Mr.  Hayes  into 
constant  association  with  young  men  of  liigh  char- 
acter and  noble  aims,  and  lured  him  to  display  the 
qualities  so  long  hidden  by  his  bashfulness  and 

In  1856  he  was  nominated  to  the  oftice  of  Judge  of 
the  Court  of  Common  Pleas;  but  he  declined  to  ac- 
cept the  nomination.  Two  years  later,  the  office  of 
city  solicitor  becoming  vacant,  the  City  Council 
elected  him  for  the  unexpired  term. 

In  1 861,  when  the  Rebellion  broke  out,  he  was  at 
the  zenith  of  his  professional  life.  His  rank  at  the 
bar  was  among  the  the  first.  But  the  news  of  the 
attack  on  Fort  Sumpter  found  him  eager  to  take  up 
arms  for  the  defense  of  his  country. 

His  military  record  was  bright  and  illustrious..  In 
October,  186 1,  he  was  made  Lieutenant-Colonel,  and 
in  August,  1862,  promoted  Colonel  of  the  79th  Ohio 
regiment,  but  he  refused  to  leave  his  old  comrades 
and  go  among  strangers.  Subsequently,  however,  he 
was  made  Colonel  of  his  old  regiment.  At  the  battle 
of  South  Mountain  he  received  a  wound,  and  while 
faint  and  bleeding  displayed  courage  and  fortitude 
that  won  admiration  from  all. 

Col.  Hayes  was  detached  from  his  regiment,  after 
his  recovery,  to  act  as  Brigadier-General,  and  placed 
in  command  of  the  celebrated  Kanawha  division, 
and  for  gallant  and  meritorious  services  in  the  battles 
of  Winchester,  Fisher's  Hill  and  Cedar  Creek,  he  was 
promoted  Brigadier-General.  He  was  also  brevetted 
Major-General,  "forgallant  and  distinguished  f  ervices 
during  the  campaigns  of  1S64,  in  West  Virginia."  In 
the  course  of  his  arduous  services,  four  horses  were 
shot  from  under  him,  and  he  was  wounded  four  times. 

In  1864,  Gen.  Hayes  was  elected  to  Congress,  from 
the  Second  Ohio  District,  which  had  long  been  Dem- 
ocratic. He  was  not  present  during  the  campaign, 
and  after  his  election  was  importuned  to  resign  his 
commission  in  the  army  ;  but  he  finally  declared,  "  I 
shall  never  come  to  Washington  until  I  can  come  by 
the  way  of  Richmond."  He  was  re-elected  in  1S66. 

r.'  1867,  Gen  Hayes  was  elected  Governor  of  Ohio, 
over  Hon.  Allen  G.  Thurman,  a  jiopular  Democrat. 
In  1869  was  re-elected  over  George  H.  Pendleton. 
He  was  elected  Governor  for  the  third  term  in   1875. 

In  1S76  he  was  the  standard  bearer  of  the  Repub- 
lican Party  in  the  Presidential  contest,  and  after  a 
hard  long  contest  was  chosen  President,  and  was  in 
augurated  Monday,  March  5,  1875.  He  served  his 
full  term,  not,  however,  with  satisfaction  to  his  party, 
but  his  administration  was  an  average  opj^. 



^1  JAMKi  i,  iARFIE'M:,  j 

AMES  A,  GARFIELD,  twen- 
tieth President  of  the  United 
States,    was    born    Nov.    19, 
I,  in  the  woods  of  Orange, 
Cuyahoga  Co.,  O      His   par- 
ents were  Abrani  and    EHza 
(Ballou)    Garfield,   both   of  New 
England  ancestry  and  from  fami- 
^,     lies  well  known  in  the  early  his-' 
^\  tory  of  that  section  of  our  coun- 
try, but  had  moved  to  the  Western 
Reserve,  in  Ohio,  early  in  its  settle- 

The  house  in  which  James  A.  was 
born  was    not  unlike  the  houses  of 
{       poor  Ohio  farmers  of  that  day.     It 
>,  as  about  20x30  feet,  built  of  logs,  with  the  spaces  be- 
tween   the  logs  filled  with  clay.     His  father  was  a 
lard  working  farmer,   and    he   soon    had    his    fields 
■leared,  an   orchard  planted,   and  a  log  barn  built, 
ilie  household  comprised  the  father  and  mother  and 
heir  four  children — Mehetabel,  Thomas,  Mary  and 
Tames.     In  May,  1823,  the  father,  from  a  cold  con- 
.. acted  in  helping  to  put  out  a  forest  fire,  died.     At 
ihis  time  James  was  about  eighteen  months  old,  and 
riiomas  about  ten  years  old.     No  one,  perhaps,  can 
(ell  how  much  James  was  indebted  to  his  biother's 
(cil  and  self  sacrifice  during  the  twenty  years   suc- 
ceeding   his    father's    death,    but    undoubtedly    very 
much.     He  now  lives  in   Michigan,  and  the  two  sis- 
itrs  live  in  Solon,  0.,near  their  birthplace. 

The  early  educational  advantages  young  Garfield 
fujoyed  were  very  limited,  yet  lie  made  the  most  of 
;neni.  He  labored  at  farm  work  for  others,  did  car- 
penter work,  chopped  wood,  or  did  anytliing  that 
would  bring  in  a  few  dollars  to  aid  his  widowed 
mother  in  he'  -struggles  to  keep  the  little   family  to- 

gether. Nor  was  Gen.  Garfield  ever  ashamed  of  \\\% 
origin,  and  he  never  forgot  the  friends  of  his  strug- 
glmg  childhood,  youth  and  manhood,  neither  did  they 
ever  forget  him.  When  in  the  highest  seats  of  honor, 
the  humblest  fiiend  of  his  boyliood  was  as  kindly 
greeted  as  ever.  The  jjoorest  laborer  was  sure  of  the 
sympathy  of  one  who  had  known  all  the  Ijitterness 
of  want  and  the  sweetness  of  bread  earn(jd  by  the 
sweat  of  the  brow.  He  was  ever  the  simple,  ulain, 
modest  gentleman. 

The  highest  ambition   of  young   Garfield   until   he 
was  about  si.xteen   years  old  was  to  be  a  cajjtain  of 
a  vessel  on  Lake  Erie.     He  was  anxious  to  go  aboard 
a  vessel,  which  his  mother  strongly  opposed.     She 
finally  consented  to  his  going  to  Cleveland,  with  the 
understanding,  however,  that  he  sliould  try  to  obtain 
some  other  kind  of  employment.     He  walked  all  the 
way  to  Cleveland.    This  was  his  first  visit  to  the  city. 
After  making  many  applications  for  work,  and  trying 
to  get    aboard  a    lake  vessel,  and   not  meeting  with 
success,  he  engaged  as  a  driver  for  his  cousin,  Amos 
Letcher,  on  the  Ohio  &  Pennsylvania  Canal.     Here- 
mained  at  this  work  but  a  short  time  when  he  went 
home,    and  attended    the    seminary    at   Chester   for 
about  three  years,  when  he  entered   Hiram  and   the 
Eclectic  Institute,   teaching  a  few   terms  of  school  in 
the  meantime,  and  doing  other  work.     This   school 
was  started  by  the  Disciples  of  Christ  in    1S50,  of 
which  church  he  was  then  a  member.     He  became 
janitor  and  bell-ringer  in  order  to  help  pay  his  way. 
He  then  became  both  teacher  and  pupil.     He  soon 
"  exhausted  Hiram  "  and  needed  more  ;  hence,  in  the 
fall  of  1854,  he  entered  Williams  College,  from  which 
he  graduated  in  1856,  taking  one  of  the  highest  hon- 
ors of  his  class.     He  afterwards  returned   to  Hiram 
College  as  its  President.     As  above  stated,  he    early 
united   with    the   Christian   or   Dicii)les    Church    at 
Hiram,  and  was  ever  after  a  devoted,  zealous  mem- 
ber, often  preaching  in  its  pulpit  and    places  where 
he  happened  to  be.     Dr.  Noah  Porter,  Presidcrt  of 
Yale  College,  says  of  him  in  reference  to  his  religion  : 



"  President  Garfield  was  more  than  a  man  of 
strong  moral  and  religious  convictions.  His  whole 
history,  from  boyhood  to  the  last,  sliows  that  duty  to 
man  and  to  God,  and  devotion  to  Christ  and  life  and 
faith  and  spiritual  commission  were  controlling  springs 
of  his  being,  and  to  a  more  than  usual  degree.  In 
my  judgment  there  is  no  more  interesting  feature  of 
his  character  than  his  loyal  allegiance  to  the  body  of 
Cliristians  in  which  he  was  trained,  and  the  fervent 
sym[}athy  which  he  ever  showed  in  their  Christian 
communion.  Not  many  of  the  few  'wise  and  mighty 
and  noble  who  are  called'  show  a  similar  loyalty  to 
the  less  stately  and  cultured  Christian  communions 
in  which  they  have  been  reared.  Too  often  it  is  true 
that  as  they  step  upward  in  social  and  political  sig- 
nificance they  step  upward  from  one  degree  to 
another  in  some  of  the  many  types  of  fasliionable 
Christianity.  President  Garfield  adhered  to  the 
church  of  his  mother,  the  church  in  which  he  was 
trained,  and  in  which  he  served  as  a  pillar  and  an 
evangelist,  and  yet  with  the  largest  and  most  unscc- 
tarian  charity  for  all  'who  loveour  Lord  in  sincerity.'" 

Mr.  Garfield  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Lucretia  Rudolph,  Nov.  1 1,  1858,  who  proved  herself 
worthy  as  the  wife  of  one  whom  all  the  world  loved  and 
mourned.  To  them  were  born  seven  children,  five  of 
whom  are  still  living,  four  boys  and  one  girl. 

Mr.  Garfield  made  his  first  political  speeches  in  1856, 
in  Hiram  and  the  neighboring  villages,  and  three 
years  later  he  began  to  speak  at  county  mass-meet- 
ings, and  became  the  favorite  speaker  wherever  he 
was.  During  this  year  he  was  elected  to  the  Ohio 
Senate.  He  also  began  to  study  law  at  Cleveland, 
and  in  i86i  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  The  great 
Rebellion  broke  out  in  the  early  part  of  this  year, 
and  Mr.  Garfield  at  once  resolved  to  fight  as  he  had 
talked,  and  enlisted  to  defend  the  old  flag.  He  re- 
ceived his  commission  as  Lieut. -Colonel  of  the  Forty- 
second  Regiment  of  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry,  Aug, 
14,  1861.  He  was  immediately  put  into  active  ser- 
vice, and  before  he  had  ever  seen  a  gun  fired  in  action, 
was  placed  in  command  of  four  regiments  of  infantry 
and  eight  companies  of  cavalry,  charged  with  tlie 
work  of  driving  out  of  his  native  State  the  officer 
(Humphrey  Marshall)  reputed  to  be  the  ablest  of 
those,  not  educated  to  war  whom  Kentucky  had  given 
to  the  Rebellion.  This  work  was  bravely  and  speed- 
ily accomplished,  although  against  great  odds.  Pres- 
ident Lincoln,  on  his  success  commissioned  him 
Brigadier-General,  Jan.  10,  1862;  and  as  "he  had 
been  the  youngest  man  in  the  Ohio  Senate  two  years 
before,  so  now  he  was  the  youngest  General  in  tlie 
army."  He  was  with  Gen.  Buell's  army  at  Shiloli, 
in  itsoperations  around  Corinth  and  its  march  through 
Alabama.  He  was  then  detailed  as  a  memberof  the 
General  Court-Martial  for  the  trial  of  Gen.  Fitz-John 
Porter.  He  was  then  ordered  to  report  to  Gen.  Rose- 
crans,  and  was  assigned  to  the  "Chief  of  Staff." 

The  military  history  of  Gen.  Garfield  closed  with 

his  brilliant  services  at  Chickamauga,  where  he  won 
the  stars  01  the  Major-General. 

Without  an  effort  on  his  part  Gei?  Garfield  was 
elected  to  Congress  in  the  fall  of  1862  from  the 
Nineteenth  District  of  Ohio.  This  section  of  Ohio 
had  been  represented  in  Congress  for  si.xty  years 
mainly  by  two  men — Elisha  ^Vhittlesey  and  Joshua 
K.  Giddings.  It  was  not  without  a  struggle  that  he 
resigned  his  place  in  the  army.  At  the  lime  heen- 
tered  Congress  he  was  the  youngest  member  in  that 
body.  Tiiei-!  he  remained  by  successive  re- 
elections  until  he  was  elected  President  in  1880. 
Of  his  labors  in  Congress  Senator  Hoar  says  :  "  Since 
the  year  1864  you  cannot  think  of  a  question  which 
has  been  debated  in  Congress,  or  discussed  before  a 
tribunel  of  the  American  people,  in  regard  to  which 
yon  will  not  find,  if  you  wish  instruction,  the  argu- 
ment on  one  side  stated,  in  almost  every  instance 
better  tlian  by  anybody  else,  in  some  speech  made  in 
the  House  of  Representatives  or  on  the  hustings  by 
Mr.  Garfield." 

Upon  Jan.  14,  1880,  Gen.  Clarfield  was  elected  to 
the  U.  S.  Senate,  and  on  the  eighth  of  June,  of  the 
same  year,  was  nominated  as  the  candidate  of  his 
party  for  President  at  the  great  Chicago  Convention. 
He  was  elected  in  the  following  November,  and  on 
March  4,  1881,  was  inaugurated.  Probably  no  ad- 
ministration ever  opened  its  existence  under  brighter 
auspices  than  that  of  President  Garfield,  and  every 
day  it  grew  in  favor  with  the  people,  and  by  the  first 
of  July  he  had  completed  all  the  initiatory  and  pre- 
liminary work  of  his  administration  and  was  prepar- 
ing to  leave  the  city  to  meet  his  friends  at  Williams 
College.  While  on  his  way  and  at  the  depot,  in  com- 
pany with  Secretary  Blaine,  a  man  stepped  behind 
liim,  drew  a  revolver,  and  fired  directly  at  his  back. 
The  President  tottered  and  fell,  and  as  he  did  so  tlie 
assassin  fired  a  second  shot,  the  bullet  cutting  the 
left  coat  sleeve  of  his  victim,  Init  inflicting  no  further 
injury.  It  has  been  very  truthfully  said  that  this  was 
"  the  shot  that  was  heard  round  the  world  "  Never 
before  in  the  history  of  the  Nation  had  anything  oc- 
curred which  so  nearly  froze  the  blood  of  the  people 
for  the  moment,  as  this  awful  deed.  He  was  smit- 
ten on  the  brightest,  gladdest  day  of  all  his  life,  and 
was  at  the  summit  of  his  power  and  hope.  For  eighty 
days,  all  during  the  hot  months  of  July  and  August, 
he  lingered  and  suffered.  He,  however,  remained 
master  of  himself  till  the  last,  and  by  his  magnificent 
bearing  was  teaching  the  country  and  the  world  the 
noblest  of  human  lessons — how  to  live  grandly  in  the 
very  clutch  of  death.  Great  in  life,  he  was  surpass- 
ingly great  in  death.  He  passed  serenely  away  Sept. 
19,  18S3,  at  Elberon,  N.  J.,  on  the  very  bank  of  the 
ocean,  where  he  had  been  taken  shortly  previous.  The 
world  wept  at  his  death,  as  it  never  had  done  on  the 
death  of  any  other  man  who  had  ever  lived  upon  it. 
The  murderer  was  duly  tried,  found  guilty  and  exe- 
cuted, in  one  year  after  he  committed  the  foul  deed. 




HESTER      A.      ARTHUR, 

twenty-first    Presi'^.^ui   of  tlie 

rUnited    States,    was    born    m 

Franklin  Coui  ty,  N'ermont,  on 

thefifthofOc'obor,  1830,  and  is 

the  oldest    of  a    family    of  two 

sons  and    five    daughters.     His 

father  was  thi  Rev.  Dr.  William 

Arthur,  a  Baptist  d  .rgynian,  wIk. 

emigrated   to   tb.s  country  fro-a 

the  county  Antrim,   Ireland,    in 

his  1 8th  year,  and  died  in   1875,  in 

Newtonville,   neai    .\lbany,   after  a 

long  and  successful  ministry. 

Young  Arthur  was  educated  at 
Union  College,  S(  henectady,  where 
he  excelled  in  all  his  studies.  Af- 
ter his  graduation  he  taught  school 
'  ]  in  Vermont  for  two  years,  and  at 
the  expiration  cf  that  time  came  to 
New  York,  with  $500  in  his  pocket, 
and  entered  the  office  of  ex-Judge 
E.  D.  Culver  as  student.  After 
I  being  admitted  to  the  bar  he  formed 
a  partnership  with  his  intimate  friend  and  room-mate, 
Henry  D.  Gardiner,  with  the  intention  of  practicing 
in  the  West,  and  for  three  months  they  roamed  about 
in  the  Western  States  in  search  of  an  eligible  site, 
l)ut  in  the  end  returned  to  New  York,  where  they 
hung  out  their  shingle,  and  entered  upon  a  success- 
ful career  almost  from  the  start.  General  Arthur 
soon  afterward  iivi.rr'<=d  the  daughter   of  Lieutenant 

Herndon,  of  the  United  States  Navy,  who  was  lost  at 
sea.  Congress  voted  a  gold  medal  to  his  widow  in 
recognition  of  the  bravery  he  displayed  on  that  occa- 
sion. JVIrs.  Arthur  died  shortly  before  Mr.  Arthurs 
nomination  to  the  Vice  Presidency,  leaving  two 

Gen.  Arthur  obtained  considerable  legal  celebrity 
in  his  first  great  case,  Ihe  famous  Lemmon  suit, 
brought  to  recover  possession  of  eight  slaves  who  had 
been  declared  free  by  Judge  Paine,  of  the  Superior 
Court  of  New  York  City.  It  was  in  1852  that  Jon- 
athan Lemmon,  of  Virginia,  went  to  New  York  with 
his  slaves,  intending  to  ship  tliem  to  Texas,  when 
they  were  discovered  and  freed.  The  Judge  decided 
that  they  could  not  be  held  by  the  owner  under  the 
Fugitive  Slave  Law.  A  howl  of  rage  went  up  from 
the  South,  and  the  Virginia  Legislature  authorized  the 
Attorney  General  of  that  State  to  assist  in  an  appeal. 
Wm.  M.  Evarts  and  Chester  A.  Arthur  were  employed 
to  represent  the  People,  and  they  won  their  case, 
which  then  v/ent  to  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United 
States.  Gaarles  O'Conor  here  espoused  the  cause 
of  the  slave-holders,  but  he  too  was  beaten  by  Messrs 
Evarts  and  Arthur,  and  a  long  step  was  taken  toward 
the  emancipation  of  the  black  race. 

Another  great  service  was  rendered  by  General 
Arthur  in  the  same  cause  in  1856.  Lizzie  Jennings, 
a  respectable  colored  woman,  was  put  off  a  Fourth 
Avenue  car  with  violence  after  siie  had  paid  lierfare. 
General  Arthur  sued  on  her  behalf,  and  secured  a 
verdict  of  $500  damages.  The  next  day  the  compa- 
ny issued  an  order  to  admit  colored  persons  to  ride 
on  their  cars,  and   the  other  car  companies  quickly 


followed  their  example.  Before  that  the  Sixth  Ave- 
nue Company  ran  a  few  special  cars  for  colored  per- 
sons and  the  other  lines  refused  to  let  them  ride  at  all. 

General  Arthur  was  a  delegate  to  the  Convention 
at  Saratoga  that  founded  the  Republican  party. 
Previous  to  the  war  he  was  Judge-Advocate  of  the 
Second  Brigade  of  the  State  of  New  York,  and  Gov- 
ernor Morgan,  of  that  State,  apjxainted  him  Engineer- 
in-Chief  of  his  staff.  In  1861,  he  was  made  Inspec- 
tor General,  and  soon  afterward  became  (Quartermas- 
ter-General. In  each  of  these  offices  he  rendered 
great  service  to  the  Government  during  the  war.  At 
the  end  of  Governor  Morgan's  term  he  resumed  the 
practice  of  the  law,  forming  a  partnership  with  Mr. 
Ransom,  and  then  Mr.  Phelps,  the  District  Attorney 
of  New  York,  was  added  to  the  firm.  The  legal  prac- 
tice of  this  well-known  firm  was  very  large  and  lucra- 
tive, each  of  the  gentlemen  composing  it  were  able 
lawyers,  and  possessed  a  splendid  local  reputation,  if 
not  indeed  one  of  national  extent. 

He  always  took  a  leading  part  in  State  and  city 
politics.  He  was  appointed  Collector  of  the  Port  of 
New  York  by  President  Grant,  Nov.  21  1872,  to  suc- 
ceed Thomas  Murphy,  and  held  the  office  until  July, 
20,  1878,  when  he  was  succeeded  by  Collector  Merritt. 

Mr.  Arthur  was  nominated  on  the  Presidential 
ticket,  with  Gen.  James  A.  Garfield,  at  the  famous 
National  Republican  Convention  held  at  Chicago  in 
June,  1S80.  This  was  perhaps  the  greatest  political 
convention  that  ever  assembled  on  the  continent.  It 
was  composed  of  the  'sading  politicians  of  the  Re- 
publican party,  all  able  men,  and  each  stood  firm  and 
fought  vigorously  and  with  signal  tenacity  for  tlieir 
respective  candidates  that  were  before  the  conven- 
tion for  the  nomination.  Finally  Gen.  Garfield  re- 
ceived the  nomination  for  President  and  Gen.  Arthur 
for  Vice-President.  The  campaign  which  followed 
was  one  of  the  most  animated  known  in  the  history  of 
our  country.  Gen.  Hancock,  the  standard-bearer  of 
tlie  Democratic  party,  was  a  popular  man,  and  his 
party  made  a  valiant  fight  for  his  election. 

Finally  the  election  came  and  the  country's  choice 
.vas  Garfield  and  Arthur.  They  were  inaugurated 
March  4,  1 88 1,  as  President  and  Vice-President. 
A  few  months  only  had  passed  ere  the  newly  chosen 
President  was  the  victim  of  the  assassin's  bullet.  Then 
came  terrible  weeks  of  suffering, — those  moment*  of 
anxious  suspense,  vvher  the  hearts  of  all  civilized  na- 

tions were  throbbing  in  unison,  longing  for  the  re- 
covery of  the  noble,  the  good  President.  The  remark- 
able patience  that  he  manifested  during  those  hours 
and  weeks,  and  even  months,  of  the  most  terrible  suf- 
fering man  has  often  been  called  upon  to  endure,  was 
seemingly  more  than  human.  It  was  certainly  God- 
like. During  all  this  period  of  deepest  anxiety  Mr. 
Arthur's  every  move  was  watched,  and  be  it  said  to  his 
credit  that  his  every  action  displayed  only  an  earnest 
desire  that  the  suffering  Garfield  might  recover,  to 
serve  the  remainder  of  the  term  he  had  so  auspi- 
ciously begun.  Not  a  selfish  feeling  was  manifested 
in  deed  or  look  of  this  man,  even  though  the  most 
honored  position  in  the  world  was  at  any  moment 
likely  to  fall  to  him. 

At  last  God  in  his  mercy  relieved  President  Gar- 
field from  further  suffering,  and  the  world,  as    never 
before   in    its    history   over  the  death   of    any   other 
man,  wept  at  his  bier.     Then  it  became   the  duty  of 
the  Vice  President  to  assume   the   responsibilities   of 
the  high  office,  and  he  took  the  oath  in    New  York, 
Sept.  20,  i88r.     The  position  was  an    embarr.issing 
one  to  him,  made  doubly  so  from   the  facts  that  all 
eyes  were  on  him,  anxious  to  know  wliat  lie  would  do, 
what  policy  he  would  pursue,  and  who  he  would  se- 
lect as  advisers.    The  duties  of  the  office  had  been 
greatly  neglected  during  the  President's  long  illness, 
and  many  important  measures  were  to  be  immediately 
decided  by  him ;  and  still  farther  to  embarrass  him  he 
did  not  fail  to  realize  under  what  circumstances  he 
became  President,  and  knew  the  feelings  of  many  on 
this  point.  Under  these  trying  circumstances  President 
Arthur  took  the  reins  of  the  Government  in  his  own 
hands ;  and,  as  embarrassing  as  were  the  condition  of 
affairs,  he  happily   surprised  the   nation,  acting  so 
wisely   that   but   few   criticised    his   administration. 
He  served    the  nation   well  and  faitlifully,  until  the 
close  of  his  administration,  March  4,  1885,  and  was 
a  popular  candidate  before   his   party  for  a  second 
term.     His  name  was  ably  presented  before  the  con- 
vention   at    Chicago,  and   was  received  with  great 
favor,  and  doubtless  but  for  the  personal  popularity 
of  one  of  the  opposing  candidates,  he  would  have 
been   selected   as  the  standard-bearer  of  his   party 
for  another  campaign.     He  retired  to  private  life  car- 
rying with  him  the  best  wishes  of  the  American  peo- 
ple, whom  he  had  served  in  a  manner  satisfactory 
to  them  and  with  credit  to  himself 




,    OOP     - 

LAND, the  twenty- second  Pres- 
ident of  the  United  States,  was 
l)orn  in  1837,  in  the  obscure 
town  of  Caldwell,  Essex  Co., 
N.  J.,  and  in  a  little  two-and-a- 
half-story  white  house  which  is  still 
standing,  characteristically  to  mark 
the  humble  birth-iilace  of  one  of 
America's  great  men  in  striking  con  ■ 
trast  with  the  Old  \Vorld,  where  all 
men  high  in  office  must  be  high  in 
origin  and  born  in  the  cradle  of 
wealth.  When  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  three  years  of  age,  his 
father,  who  was  a  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, with  a  large  family  and  a  small  salary,  moved, 
by  way  of  the  Hudson  River  and  Erie  Canal,  to 
FayetteviUe,  in  search  of  an  increased  income  and  a 
larger  field  of  work.  FayetteviUe  was  then  the  most 
straggling  of  country  villages,  about  five  miles  from 
Pompey  Hill,  where  Governor  Seymour  was  born. 

At  the  last  mentioned  place  young  Grover  com- 
menced going  to  school  in  the  "good,  old-fashioned 
way,"  and  presumably  distinguished  himself  after  the 
manner  of  all  village  boys,  in  doing  the  things  he 
ought  not  to  do.  Such  is  the  distinguishing  trait  of 
all  geniuses  and  independent  thinkers.  When  he 
arrived  at  the  age  of  14  years,  he  had  outgrown  the 
capacity  of  the  village  school   and  expressed  a  most 

emphatic  desire  to  be  sent  to  an  academy.  To  this 
his  father  decidedly  objected.  Academies  in  those 
days  cost  money;  besides,  his  father  wanted  him  to 
become  self-supporting  by  the  quickest  possible 
means,  and  this  at  that  time  in  Fayette 'ille  seemed 
to  be  a  position  in  a  country  store,  whert  his  father 
and  the  large  family  on  his  hands  liad  considerable 
inflaeiice.  Grover  was  to  be  paid  i$5o  for  his  services 
the  first  year,  and  if  he  proved  trustworthy  he  was  to 
receive  $100  the  second  year.  Here  the  lad  com- 
menced iiis  career  as  salesman,  and  iii  two  years  he 
had  earned  so  good  a  reputation  for  trustworthiness 
that  his  employers  desired  to  retain  him  for  an  in- 
definite length  of  time.  Otherwise  he  did  not  ex- 
hibit as  yet  any  particular  "  flashes  of  genius  "  or 
eccentricities  of  talent.  He  was  simply  a  good  boy. 
But  instead  of  remaining  with  this  firm  in  Fayette- 
viUe, he  went  with  tiie  family  in  their  removal  to 
Clinton,  where  he  had  an  opportunity  of  attending  a 
high  school.  Here  he  industriously  pursued  his 
studies  until  the  family  removed  with  him  to  a  point 
on  Black  River  known  as  the  "  Holland  Patent,"  a 
village  of  500  or  600  people,  15  miles  north  of  Utica, 
N.  Y.  At  this  place  his  father  died,  after  preaching 
but  three  Sundays.  This  event  broke  up  the  family, 
and  Grover  set  out  for  New  York  City  to  accept,  at  a 
small  salary,  the  position  of  "  under-teacher  "  in  an 
asylum  for  the  blind.  He  taught  faithfully  for  two 
years,  and  although  he  obtained  a  good  reputation  in 
this  capacity,  he  concluded  that  teaching  was  not  his 



calling  for  life,  and,  reversing  the  traditional  order, 
he  left  the  city  to  seek  hii  fortune,  instead  of  going 
to  a  city.  He  first  tliought  of  Cleveland,  Ohio,  as 
there  was  some  charm  in  thai  name  for  him;  but 
before  proceeding  to  that  place  he  went  to  Buffjlo  to 
isk  the  advice  of  his  uncle,  Lewis  F.  Allan,  a  noted 
stock-breeder  of  that  place.  The  latter  did  not 
cpeak  entluisiastically.  "  What  is  it  you  want  to  do, 
my  boy?"  he  asked.  "Well,  si;,  I  want  to  study 
'aw,"  was  the  rejjly.  "Good  gracious!"  remarked 
.he  old  gentleman ;  "  do  you,  indeed  .''  What  ever  put 
that  into  your  head?  How  much  money  have  you 
got.""'  "Well,  sir,  to  tell  the  truth,  I  haven't  got 
any .  ■'■' 

Alter  a  long  consultation,  his  uncle  offered  him  a 
place  temporarily  as  assistant  herd-keeper,  at  $50  a 
year,  wiii'e  iie  could  "look  around."  One  day  soon 
afterward  he  boldly  walked  into  the  ofifice  of  Rogers, 
Bowen  &  Rogers,  of  Buffalo,  and  told  them  what  he 
waiited.  A  number  of  young  men  were  alreadv  en- 
gaged in  the  ofifice,  but  Grover's  persistency  won,  and 
ne  was  finally  permitted  to  come  as  an  office  boy  and 
have  the  use  of  the  law  library,  for  the  nominal  sum 
of  $3  or  $4  a  week.  Out  of  this  he  had  to  pay  for 
his  board  and  washing.  The  walk  to  and  from  his 
uncle's  was  a  long  and  rugged  one;  and,  although 
the  first  winter  was  a  memorably  severe  one,  his 
shoes  were  out  of  repair  and  his  overcoat^he  had 
I'.one — yet  he  was  nevertheless  prompt  and  regular. 
On  the  first  day  of  his  service  here,  his  senior  em- 
ployer threw  down  a  copy  of  Blackstone  before  him 
with  a  bang  that  made  the  dust  fly,  saying  "That's 
where  they  all  begin."  A  titter  ran  around  the  little 
circle  of  clerks  and  students,  as  they  thought  that 
was  enough  to  scare  young  Grover  out  of  his  plans  ; 
i>ut  indue  time  he  mastered  that  cumbersome  volume. 
Then,  as  ever  afterward,  however,  Mr.  Cleveland 
exhibited  a  talent  for  execuliveness  rather  than  for 
chasing  principles  through  all  their  metaphysical 
possibilities.  "  Let  us  quit  talking  and  go  and  do 
t,"  was  practically  hii  motto. 

The  first  public  office  to  which  Mr.  Cleveland  was 
elected  was  that  of  Sheriff  of  Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in 
which  Bufflilo  is  situated;  and  in  such  capacity  it  fell 
fo  his  duty  to  inflict  capital  punishment  upon  two 
criminals.  In  1881  he  was  elected  Mayor  of  the 
City  of  Buffalo,  on  tlie  Democratic  ticket,  with  es- 
pecial reference  to  the  bringing  about  certain  reforms 

in  tlie  administration  of  the  municipal  affairs  of  that 
city.  In  this  office,  as  well  as  that  of  Sheriff,  his 
performance  of  duty  has  generally  been  considered 
fair,  with  possibly  a  few  exceptions  which  were  fer- 
reted out  and  magnified  during  the  last  Presidential 
campaign.  As  a  specimen  of  his  plain  language  in 
a  veto  message,  we  quote  fiom  one  vetoing  an  iuiq  u- 
tous  street-cleaning  contract:  "This  is  a  time  fur 
plain  speech,  and  my  objection  to  your  action  shall 
be  plainly  stated.  I  regard  it  as  the  culmination  of 
a  mos  bare-faced,  impudent  and  shameless  scheme 
to  betray  the  interests  of  the  people  and  to  worse 
than  squander  the  people's  money."  The  New  York 
Sun  afterward  very  highly  commended  Mr.  Cleve- 
land's administration  as  Mayor  of  Buffalo,  and  there- 
upon recommended  him  for  Governor  of  the  F.mpire 
State.  To  the  latter  office  he  was  elected  in  1SS2, 
and  his  administration  of  tlie  affairs  of  State  was 
generally  satisfactory.  The  mistakes  he  made,  if 
any,  were  made  very  public  tliroughout  tlie  nation 
after  he  was  nominated  for  President  of  the  United 
States.  For  this  high  office  he  was  nominated  July 
II,  1884,  by  the  National  Democratic  Convention  at 
Chicago,  when  other  competitors  were  Thomas  F. 
Bayard,  Roswell  P.  Flower,  Thomas  A.  Hendricks, 
Benjamin  F.  Butler,  Allen  G.,  etc.:  and  he 
was  elected  by  the  people,  by  a  majority  of  about  a 
thousand,  over  the  brilliant  and  long-tried  Repub- 
lican statesman,  James  G.  Blaine.  President  Cleve- 
land resigned  his  office  as  Governor  of  New  York  in 
January,  1885,  in  order  to  prepare  for  his  duties  as 
the  Chief  Executive  of  the  United  States,  in  which 
capacity  his  term  commenced  at  noon  on  the  41  h  of 
March,  1885.  For  his  Cabinet  officers  he  selected 
the  following  gentlemen:  For  Secretary  of  State, 
Thomas  F.  Bayard,  of  Delaware ;  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury,  Daniel  Manning,  of  New  York;  Secretary 
of  War,  William  C.  ^Endicott,  of  Massachusetts; 
Secretary  of  the  Navy,  William  C.  Whitney,  of  New 
York;  Secretary  of  the  Interior,  L.  Q.  C.  Lamar,  of 
Mississippi;  Postmaster-General,  William  F.  Vilas, 
of  Wisconsin;  Attorney-General,  A.  H.  Garland,  of 

The  silver  question  precipitated  a  controversy  be- 
tween those  who  were  in  favor  of  the  continuance  of 
silver  coinage  and  those  who  were  opposed,  Mr. 
Cleveland  answering  for  the  latter,  even  before  hia 







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"©njainin   .^^a'prn^QUo 



..o«o-{§^J'VlQ-o«o. « 


\\  ,  twenty-third     President,    is 
hM,   the  descendant  of  one  of  the 
"/      historical   families  of  this 
?      country.     The  head  of  the 
■  jj)    family  was  a  ]\Iajor  fieneral 
'■i'i,^'^    Harrison,  one  of   Oliver 
^^      ^  Cromwell's  trusted   follow- 

ers and  fighters.  In  the  zenith  of  Crom- 
well's power  it  became  tiie  duty  of  this 
Harrison  to  participate  in  the  trial  of 
Charles  I,  and  afterward  to  sign  the 
death  warrant  of  the  king.  He  subse- 
fjiicntly  paid  for  this  witii  his  life,  being 
hung  Oct.  13,  ICCO.  His  descendants 
came  to  America,  and  the  next  of  the 
family  that  appears  in  history  is  Benja- 
r.:in  ';iarrison,  of  Virginia, great-grand- 
father of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and 
after  whom  he  was  named.  Benjamin  Harrison 
was  a  mcmlier  of  the  Continental  Congress  during 
the  years  177  l-S-O,  and  was  one  of  the  original 
■signers  of  Uie  Declaration  of  Independence.  He 
was  thrc,'  times  clectcil  Governor  of  Virginia. 
Gen    Willium   lUiuy    Harrison,  the  son  of  the 

dislingnished  patriot  of  the  Revolution,  after  a  suc- 
cessful career  as  a  soldier  during  the  War  of  1812, 
and  with -a  clean  record  as  Governor  of  the  North- 
western Territory,  was  elected  President  of  the 
United  States  in  1840.  His  career  was  cut  short 
by  death  within  one  month  :ifter  Ins  inr.uguration. 
President  Harrison  war  born  at  North  Bend. 
Hamilton  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug.  -"^O,  18S3.  His  life  up  to 
tiic  time  of  his  graduation  by  the  Miami  University, 
at  Oxford,  Ohio,  was  the  uneventful  one  of  a  coun- 
try lad  of  a  family  of  small  means.  His  father  was 
able  to  give  him  a  good  education,  and  nothing; 
more.  He  became  engaged  while  at  college  to  thj 
daughter  of  Dr.  Scott,  Principal  of  a  female  schoof 
at  Oxford.  After  graduating  he  determined  to  en- 
ter upon  the  study  of  the  law.  He  went  to  Cin 
cinnati  and  then  read  law  for  two  years.  At  tht 
expiration  of  that  time  young  Harrison  receiv  d  tL  . 
only  inheritance  of  his  life;  his  aunt  dj'ing  left  hin; 
a  lot  valued  at  ^800.  He  regarded  this  legacy  as  t 
fortune,  and  decided  to  get  married  at  once,  *nk^ 
this  money  and  go  to  some  Eastern  town  an '  oe- 
gin  the  practice  of  law.  He  sold  his  lot,  and  with 
the  mone}'  in  his  pocket,  he  started  out  witii  his 
young  wife  to  fight  for  a  place  in   the  world,     '"e 



decideil  to  go  to  Indianapolis,  wliieh  was  even  at 
Uiat  time  a  town  of  promise.  He  met  witli  slight 
encouragement  at  first,  making  scarcely  anything 
the  first  year.  He  worker!  diligently',  applying  him- 
self closely  to  his  calling,  built  up  an  extensive 
practice  aud  took  a  leading  rank  in  the  legal  pro- 
fessif)n.     He  is  the  father  of  two  children. 

In  1 8G0  Mr.  Harrison  was  nominated  for  tlie 
position  of  Supreme  Court  Reporter,  and  then  be- 
gan his  experience  as  a  stump  speaker.  He  can- 
vassed the  State  thoroughl}',  and  was  elected  by  a 
handsome  majority.  In  18G2  he  raised  the  17th 
Indiana  Infantrj',  and  was  chosen  its  Colonel.  His 
regiment  was  composed  of  the  rawest  of  material, 
but  Col.  Harrison  employed  all  his  time  at  first 
mastering  military  tactics  and  drilling  Iiis  men, 
when  he  therefore  came  to  move  toward  the  East 
with  Sherman  his  regiment  was  one  of  the  best 
drilled  and  organized  in  the  army.  At  Resaca  he 
especially  distinguished  himself,  and  for  his  bravery 
.",1  Peachtree  Creek  he  was  made  a  Brigadier  Gen- 
eral, Gen.  Hooker  speaking  of  him  iu  the  most 
complimentarj'  terms. 

During  the  absence  of  Gen.  Harrison  in  the  field 
the  Supreme  Court  declared  the  office  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  Reporter  vacant,  and  another  person 
was  elected  to  the  position.  From  the  time  of  leav- 
ing Indiana  with  his  regiment  until  the  fall  of  1864 
he  had  taken  no  le.ave  of  absence,  but  having  been 
nominated  that  year  for  the  same  oflice,  he  got  a 
thirty-day  leave  of  absence,  and  during  tiiat  time 
m.ade  a  brilliant  canvass  of  the  State,  and  was  clecteil 
for  another  terra.  He  then  started  to  rejoin  Sher- 
man, but  on  the  way  was  stricken  down  with  scarlet 
Tever,  and  after  a  most  trying  siege  made  his  w.ay 
to  the  front  iu  time  to  participate  in  the  closing 
incidents  of  the  war. 

In  1868  Gen.  Harrison  declined  r.  re-election  as 
reporter,  and  resumed  the  pr.actice  of  law.  In  187G 
lie  a  candidate  for  Governor.  Although  de- 
'eated,  the  bi-illiant  campaign  he  made  won  for  him 
1  National  reputation,  and  he  much  sought,  es- 
pecial.y  in  the  East,  to  make  speeches.  In  1880, 
as  usua!,  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  campaign, 
um\  WW  elected  to  the  United  States  Senate.  Here 
lie  served  six  years,  and  was  known  as  one  of  the 
ablest  men,  best  lawyers  and  strongest  debaters  in 

that  body.  "With  the  expiration  of  his  Senatorial 
term  he  returned  to  the  practice  of  his  profession, 
becoming  the  head  of  one  of  the  strongest  firms  in 
the  State. 

The  political  campaign  of  1888  was  one  of  the 
xTiost  memorable  in  the  history  of  our  countr\'.  The 
convention  which  assembled  in  Chicago  in  .Tune  and 
named  Mr.  Harrison  as  the  chief  standard  bearer 
of  the  Republican  party,  was  great  in  ever}'  partic- 
ular, and  on  this  account,  and  the  attitude  it  as- 
sumed upon  the  vital  questions  of  the  day,  chief 
among  which  the  tariff,  awoke  a  deep  interest 
in  the  campaign  throughout  the  Nation.  Shortly 
after  the  nomination  delegations  to  visit  Mr. 
Harrison  at  Indianapolis,  his  home.  This  move- 
ment became  popular,  and  from  all  sections  of  the 
country  societies,  clubs  and  delegations  journeyed 
thither  to  pa^^  their  respects  to  the  distinguished 
statesman.  The  popularity  of  these  was  greatly 
increased  on  account  of  the  speeches 
made  by  Mr.  Harrison.  He  spoke  dail}'  all  through 
the  summer  and  autumn  to  these  visiting  delega- 
tions, and  so  varied,  masterly  and  eloquent  were 
Jiis  speeches  that  they  at  once  pl.aced  him  in  the 
foremost  r.ank  of  American  orators  and  statesmen. 

On  account  of  his  eloquence  as  a  speaker  and  his 
power  as  a  deb.ater,  he  w.a.s  called  upon  at  an  un- 
commonly early  age  to  take  part  in  the  'liscussion 
of  the  great  questions  that  then  began  ij  agitate 
the  country.  He  an  uncompromising  ant: 
slavery  man,  and  was  matched  against  some  of  \,':.e 
most  eminent  Democr.atic  speakers  of  his  St.ate. 
No  who  felt  the  touch  of  his  bl.ade  desired  to 
be  pitted  with  him  again.  AVith  all  his  eloq-'ence 
.as  .an  orator  he  never  spoke  for  effect, 
but  his  words  always  went  like  bullets  to  the  mark 
He  is  purely  American  in  his  ideas  and  is  a  sjjler 
did  t\-pe  of  the  American  Gifted  wifi_ 
quick  perception,  a  logical  mind  and  a  read>'  tongue, 
he  is  one  of  the  most  distinguished  impromptu 
speakers  in  the  Nation.  IMany  of  these  speeches 
si)arkle<l  with  the  rarest  of  eloquence  and  contained 
arguments  of  greatest  weight.  Many  of  his  teVse 
statements  have  already  become  ai^horisms.  Origi- 
nal in  thought,  precise  in  logic,  terse  in  statement, 
3et  withal  f.aultless  in  eloquence,  he  is  recognized  as 
the  sound  statesman  and  brilliant  orator  of  the  day 






HADRACH  BOND,  the  first 
Governor  of  Illinois  after  its 
organization  as  a  State,  serving 
from  1818  to  1822,  was  born  in 
Frederick  County,  Maryland, 
in  the  year  1773,  and  was 
raised  a  farmer  on  his  father's 
plantation,  receiving  only  a  plain 
English  education.  He  emigrated 
to  this  State  in  1794,  when  it  was  a 
part  of  the  "Northwest  Territory," 
continuing  in  the  vocation  in  which 
he  had  been  brought  up  in  his  native 
State,  in  tiie  "  New  Design,"  near 
Eagle  Creek,  in  what  is  now  Monroe 
County.  He  served  several  terms  as 
a  member  of  the  General  Assembly 
of  Indiana  Territory,  after  it  was  organized  as  such, 
and  in  181  2-14  he  was  a  Delegate  to  the  Twelfth 
and  Thirteenth  Congresses,  taking  his  seat  Dec.  3, 
181 2,  and  serving  until  Oct.  3,  1814.  These  were 
the  times,  the  reader  will  recollect,  when  this  Gov- 
ernment had  its  last  struggle  with  Great  Britain. 
The  year  1812  is  also  noted  in  the  history  of  this 
State  as  that  in  which  the  first  Territorial  Legislature 
was  held.  It  convened  at  Kaskaskia,  Nov.  25,  and 
adjourned  Dec.  26,  following. 

While  serving  as  Delegate  to  Congress,  Mr.  Bond 
was  instrumental  in  procuring  the  right  of  pre-emp- 
tion on  the  public  domain.  On  the  expiration  of  his 
term  at  Washington  he  was  appointed  Receiver  of 
Public  Moneys  at  Kaskaskia,  then  the  capital  of  tlie 
Territory.      In    company    with   John    G.    Comyges, 

Thomas  H.  Hanis,  Charles  Slade,  Michael  Jones, 
Warren  Brown,  Edward  Humphries  and  Charles  W 
Hunter,  he  became  a  proprietor  of  the  site  of  the 
initial  city  of  Cairo,  which  they  hoped,  from  its  favor- 
able location  at  the  junction  of  the  two  greai 
rivers  near  the  center  of  the  Great  West,  would 
rapidly  develop  into  a  metropolis.  To  aid  the  enter- 
prise, tliey  obtained  a  special  charter  from  the  Legis- 
lature, incorporating  both  the  City  and  the  Bank  of 

In  1818  Mr.  Bond  was  elected  the  first  Governor 
of  the  State  of  Illinois,  being  inaugurated  Oct.  6 
that  year,  which  was  several  weeks  before  Illinois 
was  actually  admitted.  The  facts  are  these:  In 
fanuary,  1818,  the  Territorial  Legislature  sent  a  peti- 
tion to  Congress  for  the  admission  of  Illinois  as  a 
State,  Nathaniel  Pope  being  then  Delegate.  The 
petition  was  granted,  fixing  the  northern  line  of  the 
State  on  the  latitude  of  the  southern  extremity  of 
Lake  Michigan;  but  the  bill  was  afterward  so  amend- 
ed as  to  extend  this  line  to  its  present  latitude.  In 
July  a  convention  was  called  at  Kaskaskia  to  draft  a 
constitution,  which,  however,  was  not  submitted  to 
the  people.  By  its  provisions,  supreme  judges,  pros 
ecuting  attorneys,  county  and  circuit  judges,  record- 
ers and  justices  of  the  peace  were  all  to  be  a[)pointcd 
by  the  Governor  or  elected  by  the  Legislature.  This 
constitution  was  accepted  by  Congress  Dec.  30.  At 
that  time  Illinois  comprised  but  eleven  counties, 
namely,  Randolph,  Madison,  Gallatin,  Johnson, 
Pope,  Jackson,  Crawford,  Bond,  Union,  Washington 
and  Franklin,  the  northern  jjortion  of  the  State  be- 
ing mainly  in  Madison  County.  Thus  it  appears 
that  Mr.   Bond  was    honored  by    the    naming   of  a 


county  before  he  was  elected  Governor.  The  present 
county  of  Bond  is  of  small  limitations,  about  60  to  80 
miles  south  of  Springfield.  For  Lieutenant  Governor 
the  oeople  chose  Pierre  Menard,  a  prominent  and 
worthy  Frenchman,  after  whom  a  county  in  this  State 
is  named.  In  this  election  there  were  no  opposition 
candidates,  as  the  popularity  of  these  men  had  made 
their  promotion  to  the  chief  offices  of  the  Siate,  even 
before  the  constitution  was  drafted,  a  foregone  con- 

The  principal  points  that  excited  the  people  in 
reference  to  political  issues  at  this  period  were  local 
or  "internal  improvements,"  as  they  were  called. 
State  banks,  location  of  the  capital,  slavery  and  the 
personal  characteristics  of  the  proposed  candidates. 
Mr.  Bond  represented  the  "Convention  party,"  for 
introducing  slavery  into  the  State,  supported  by  Elias 
Kelt  Kane,  liis  Secretary  of  State,  and  John  Mc- 
Lean, while  Nathaniel  Pope  and  John  P.  Cook  led 
the  anti-slavery  element.  Tlie  people,  however,  did 
not  become  very  much  e.xcited  over  this  issue  until 
1S20,  when  the  famous  Missouri  Compromise  was 
adopted  by  Congress,  limiting  slavery  to  the  south 
of  the  parallel  of  36°  30'  excejit  in  Missouri.  While 
tills  measure  settled  the  great  slavery  controversy, 
so  far  as  the  average  public  sentiment  was  tempor- 
arily concerned,  until  1S54,  when  it  was  repealed 
under  the  leadership  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  the  issue 
as  considered  locally  in  this  State  was  not  decided 
until  1824,  after  a  most  furious  campaign.  (See 
sketch  of  Gov.  Coles.)  The  ticket  of  181 8  was  a 
compromise  one.  Bond  representing  (moderately)  the 
pro-slavery  sentiment  and  Menard  the  anti-slavery. 

An  awkward  element  in  the  State  government 
under  Gov.  Bond's  administration,  was  the  imperfec- 
tion of  the  State  constitution.  The  Convention 
wished  to  have  Elijah  C.  Berry  for  the  first  Auditor 
of  Public  Accounts,  but,  as  it  was  believed  that  the 
new  Governor  would  not  appoint  him  to  the  office, 
the  Convention  declared  in  a  sciiedule  that  "  an 
auditor  of  public  accounts,  an  attorney  general  and 
such  other  officers  of  the  State  as  may  be  necessary, 
may  be  appointed  by  the  General  Assembly."  The 
Constitution,  as  it  stood,  vested  a  very  large  appoint- 
ing power  in  the  Governor;  but  for  the  purpose  of 
getting  one  man  into  office,  a  total  change  was  made, 
and  the  power  vested  in  the  Legislature.  Of  this 
provision  the  Legislature   took   advantage,   and   de 

clared  that  State's  attorneys,  canal  commissioners, 
bank  directors,  etc.,  were  all  '"  officers  of  the  State" 
and  must  therefore  be  appointed  by  itself  independ- 
ently of  the  Governor. 

During  Gov.  Bond's  administration  a  general  law 
was  passed  for  the  incorporation  of  academies  and 
towns,  and  one  authorizing  lotteries.  The  session  of 
1822  authorized  the  Governor  to  appoint  commis- 
sioners, to  act  in  conjunction  with  like  commissioners 
appointed  by  the  State  of  Indiana,  to  report  on  the 
practicability  and  expediency  of  improving  the  navi- 
gation of  the  Wabash  River;  also  inland  navigation 
generally.  Many  improvements  were  recommended, 
some  of  which  have  been  feebly  worked  at  even  till 
the  present  day,  those  along  the  Wabash  being  of  no 
value.  Also,  during  Gov.  Bond's  term  of  office,  the 
capital  of  the  State  was  removed  from  Kaskaskia  to 
Vandalia.  In  T820  a  law  was  passed  by  Congress 
authorizing  this  State  to  open  a  canal  through  the 
public  lands.  The  State  appointed  commissioners 
lo  explore  the  route  and  prepare  the  necessary  sur- 
veys and  estimates,  preparatory  to  its  execution; 
but,  being  unable  out  of  its  own  resources  to  defray 
the  expenses  of  the  undertaking,  it  was  abandoned 
until  some  time  after  Congress  made  the  grant  of 
land  for  the  purpose  of  its  construction. 

On  the  whole.  Gov.  Bond's  administration  was 
fairly  good,  not  being  open  to  severe  criticism  from 
any  party.  In  1824,  two  years  after  the  expiration 
of  his  term  of  office,  he  was  brought  out  as  a  candi- 
date for  Congress  against  the  formidable  John  P. 
Cook,  but  received  only  4,374  votes  to  7,460  for  the 
latter.  Gov.  Bond  was  no  orator,  but  had  made 
many  fast  friends  by  a  judicious  bestowment  of  iiis 
gubernatorial  patronage,  and  these  worked  zealously 
for  him  in  the  campaign. 

In  1827  ex-Gov.  Bond  was  appointed  by  the  Leg- 
islature, with  Wm.  P.  McKee  and  Dr.  Gershom 
Jayne,  as  Commissioners  to  locate  a  site  for  a  peni- 
tentiary on  the  Mississippi  at  or  near  Alton. 

Mr.  Bond  was  of  a  benevolent  and  convivial  dis- 
position, a  man  of  shrewd  observation  and  clear  ap- 
preciation of  events.  His  person  was  erect,  stand- 
ing six  feet  in  height,  and  after  middle  life  became 
portly,  weighing  200  pounds.  His  features  were 
strongly  masculine,  complexion  dark,  hair  jet  and 
eyes  hazel  ;  was  a  favorite  with  the  ladies.  He  died 
April  1 1,  1830,  in  peace  and  contentment. 

Lc//^^<-Uyu)  Co^2<^ 



E&wai6  Coles* 

it-g-  ^ .  -  -ill 

gf^'-<<iiSHe>C :   ■■»- 

DWARD  COLES,  second 
Governor  of  Illinois,  1823- 
6,  was  born  Dec.  15,  1786, 
in  Albemarle  Co.,  Va.,  on 
the  old  family  estate  called 
"  Enniscorthy,"  on  the 
Green  Mountain.  His  fath- 
er, John  Coles,  was  a  Colonel  in  the 
Revolutionary  War.  Having  been  fit- 
ted for  college  by  private  tutors,  he 
was  sent  to  Hampden  Sidney,  where 
he  remained  until  the  autumn  of  1805, 
when  lie  was  removed  to  William  and 
Mary  College,  at  Williamsburg,  Va. 
This  college  he  left  in  the  summer  of 
1807,  a  short  time  before  the  final  and  graduating 
exaaiination.  Among  his  classmates  were  Lieut. 
Gen.  Scott,  President  John  Tyler,  Wm.  S.  Archer, 
United  States  Senator  from  Virginia,  and  Justice 
Baldwin,  of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court.  The 
President  of  the  latter  college.  Bishop  Madison,  was 
a  cousin  of  President  James  Madison,  and  that  cir- 
cumstance was  the  occasion  of  Mr.  Coles  becoming 
personally  acquainted  with  the  President  and  re- 
ceiving a  position  as  his  private  secretary,  1809-15. 
The  family  of  Coles  was  a  prominent  one  in  Vir- 
ginia, and  their  mansion  was  the  seat  of  the  old- 
fashioned  Virginian  hospitality.  It  was  visited  by 
such  notables  as  Patrick.  Heury,  Jefferson,  Madison, 
Monroe,  the  Randolphs,  Tazewell,  Wirt,  etc.  At  the 
age  of  23,  young  Coles  found  himself  heir  to  a  plant- 
ation and  a  considerable  numl)er  of  slaves.  Ever 
kince  his  earlier  college  days  his  attention  iiad  been 
Irawn  to  the  question  of   slavery.      He    read    every- 

tiling  on  the  subject  that  came  in  his  way,  and 
listened  to  lectures  on  tlie  rigiits  of  man.  The  more 
he  reflected  upon  the  subject,  tiie  more  impossible 
was  it  for  him  to  reconcile  the  immortal  declaration 
"that  all  men  are  born  free  and-  equal  "  with  the 
practice  of  slave-holding.  He  resolved,  therefore,  to 
free  his  slaves  the  first  opportunity,  and  even  remove 
his  residence  to  a  free  State.  One  reason  which  de- 
termined him  to  accept  the  appointment  as  private 
secretary  to  Mr.  Madison  was  because  he  believed 
that  through  the  acquaintances  he  could  make  at 
Washington  he  could  better  determine  in  what  part 
of  the  non-slaveholding  portion  of  the  Union  lie  would 
prefer  to  settle. 

The  relations  between  Mr.  Coles  and  President 
Madison,  as  well  as  Jeffsrsou  and  other  distinguished 
men,  were  of  a  very  friendly  character,  arising  from 
the  similarity  of  their  views  on  the  question  of  slavery 
and  their  sympathy  for  each  other  in  holding  doc- 
trines so  much  at  variance  with  the  prevailing  senti- 
ment in  their  own  State. 

In  1857,  he  resigned  his  secretarysiiip  and  spent  a 
portion  of  the  following  autumn  in  exploring  the 
Northwest  Territory,  for  the  purpose  of  finding  a  lo- 
cation and  purchasing  lands  on  which  to  settle  his 
negroes.  He  traveled  with  a  horse  and  buggy,  with 
an  extra  man  and  horse  for  emergencies,  through 
many  parts  of  Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois  and  Missouri, 
determining  finally  to  settle  in  Illinois.  At  this  time, 
however,  a  misunderstanding  arose  between  our 
Government  and  Russia,  and  Mr.  Coles  was  selected 
to  repair  to  St.  Petersburg  on  a  s[)ecial  mission,  bear- 
ing important  papers  concerning  tlie  matter  at  issue 
The  result  was  a  conviction  of  the    Emperor   (Alex- 



ander)  of  the  error  committed  by  his  minister  at 
Washington,  and  the  consequent  withdrawal  of  the 
the  latter  from  the  jiost.  On  his  return,  Mr.  Coles 
visited  other  parts  of  Europe,  especially  Paris,  where 
he  was  introduced  to  Gen.  Lafayette. 

In  the  spring  of  i8ig,  he  removed  with  all  his 
negroes  from  Virginia  to  Edwardsville,  111.,  witli  the 
intention  of  giving  them  their  liberty.  He  did  not 
make  known  to  them  his  intention  until  one  lieautiful 
morning  in  .'X-iiril,  as  lliey  were  descending  the  Ohio 
River.  He  lashed  all  the  boats  together  and  called 
all  the  negroes  on  deck  and  made  them  a  short  ad- 
dress, concluding  his  remarks  by  so  expressing  him- 
self that  l)y  a  turn  of  a  sentence  he  proclaimed  in 
the  shortest  and  fullest  manner  that  they  were  no 
longer  slaves,  but  free  as  he  was  and  were  at  liberty 
to  proceed  with  him  or  go  ashore  at  their  pleas- 
ure. A  description  of  the  effect  upon  the  negroes  is 
best  desciibed  in  his  own  language  : 

"The  effect  upon  them  was  electrical.  They  stared 
at  me  and  then  at  each  other,  as  if  doubting  the  ac- 
curacy or  reality  of  what  they  heard.  In  breathless 
silence  they  stood  before  me,  unable  to  utter  a  word, 
but  with  countenances  beaming  with  expression  which 
no  words  could  convey,  and  which  no  language 
can  describe.  As  they  began  to  see  the  truth  of 
what  they  had  lieard,  and  realize  their  situation,  there 
came  on  a  kind  of  hysterical,  giggling  laugh.  After 
a  pause  of  intense  and  unutterable  emotion,  bathed 
in  tears,  and  with  tremulous  voices,  they  gave  vent  to 
iheir  gratitude  and  implored  the  blessing  of  God 
on  me." 

Before  landmg  he  gave  them  a  general  certificate 
of  freedom,  and  afterward  conformed  more  particu- 
larly with  the  law  of  this  State  requiring  that  each 
individual  should  have  a  certificate.  This  act  of 
Mr.  Coles,  all  I  he  more  noble  and  heroic  considering 
the  overwhelming  pro-slavery  influences  surrounding 
him,  has  challenged  the  admiratioti  of  every  philan- 
tiiropist  of  modern  times. 

March  5,  1819,  President  Monroe  appointed  Mr. 
Coles  Registrar  of  the  Land  Office  at  Edwardsvihe, 
at  that  time  one  of  the  principal  land  offices  in  the 
State.  While  acting  in  this  capacity  and  gaining 
many  friends  by  his  jxiliteness  and  general  ititelli- 
geiice,  the  greatest  straggle  that  ever  occurred  in 
Illinois  on  the  slavery  ques  ion  culminated  in  the 
furious  contest  characterizing  the  campaigns  and 
elections  of  1822-4.  In  the  summer  of  1823,  when  a 
new  Governor  was  to  be  elected  to  succeed  Mr. 
liond,  the  pro-slavery  element  divided  into  factions, 
pniting  forward  for  the  executive  office  Joseph 
I'hillips,  Chief  Justice  of  the  State,  Thomas  C. 
r.rowne  and  Gen.  James  B.  Moore,  of  the  State  Mil- 
iia.  The  anti-slavery  element  united  upon  Mr. 
Coles,  and,  after  one  of  the  most  bitter  camiiaigns, 
s'lcceeded  in  electing  him  as  (lovernor.  His  plural- 
ity over  Judge  Phillips  was  only  59  in  a  total  vote  of 

over  8,000.  The  Lieutenant  Governor  was  elected 
by  the  slavery  men.  Mr.  Coles' inauguration  speech 
was  marked  by  calmness,  deliberation  and  such  a 
wise  expression  of  appropriate  suggestions  as  to 
elicit  the  sanction  of  all  judicious  politicians.  But 
he  compromised  not  with  evil.  In  his  message  to 
the  Legislature,  the  seat  of  Government  being  tlien 
at  Vandalia,  he  strongly  urged  the  abrogation  of  the 
modified  form  of  slavery  whi';',i  then  existed  in  this 
State,  contrary  to  the  Ordinance  of  1787.  His  posi- 
tion on  this  sul)ject  seems  the  more  remarkable,  when 
it  is  considered  that  he  was  a  minority  Governor,  the 
population  of  Illinois  being  at  that  lime  almost  ex- 
clusively from  slave-holding  States  and  by  a  large 
majority  in  favor  of  the  perpetuation  of  that  old  relic 
of  barbarism.  The  Legislature  itself  was,  of  course, 
a  reflex  of  the  i)opular  sentiment,  and  a  majority  of 
thciti  were  led  on  by  fiery  men  in  denunciations  of 
tlie  conscientious  Governor,  and  in  curses  loud  and 
deep  upon  him  and  all  his  friends.  Some  of  the 
public  inen,  indeed,  went  so  far  as  to  head  a  sort  of 
mob,  or  "  shiveree  "  party,  who  visited  the  residence 
of  tiie  Governor  and  otliers  at  Vandalia  and  yelled 
and  groaned  and  spat  fire. 

The  Constitution,  not  establishing  or  permitting 
slavery  in  this  State,  was  thought  therefore  to  be 
defective  by  the  slavery  politicians,  and  they  desired 
a  State  Convention  to  be  elected,  to  devise  and  sub- 
mit a  new  Constitution;  and  the  dominant  politics 
of  the  day  was  "Convention"  and  "anti-Conven- 
tion." Both  parties  issued  addresses  to  the  people. 
Gov.  Coles  himself  being  the  author  of  the  address 
published  by  the  latter  party,  'i'his  address  rev.aled 
the  schemes  ot  the  conspirators  in  a  masterly  .nan- 
ner.  It  is  difficult  for  us  at  this  distant  day  to  esti- 
mate the  critical  and  extremely  delicate  situation  in 
which  the  Governor  was  placed  at  that  time. 

Our  hero  maintained  himself  honorably  and  with 
supreme  dignity  throughout  his  administration,  and 
in  his  honor  a  county  in  this  State  is  named.  He 
was  truly  a  great  man,  and  those  who  lived  in 
this  State  during  his  sojourn  here,  like  those  who 
live  at  the  base  of  the  mountain,  were  too  near  to  see 
and  recognize  the  greatness  that  overshadowed  them. 

Mr.  Coles  was  married  Nov.  28,  1833,  by  Bishop 
De  Lancey,  to  Miss  Sally  Logan  Roberts,  a  daughter 
of  Hugh  Roberts,  a  descendant  of  Welsh  ancestry, 
who  cam.;  to  this  country  with  Wm.    Penn   in    1682. 

After  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  service,  Gov. 
Coles  continued  his  residence  in  Edwardsville,  sup- 
erintending his  farm  in  the  vicinity.  He  was  fond 
of  agriculture,  and  was  the  founder  of  the  first  agri- 
cultural society  in  the  State.  On  account  of  ill 
healtli,  however,  and  having  no  family  to  tie  him 
down,  he  spent  much  of  his  time  in  Eastern  cities. 
About  1832  he  changed  his  residence  to  I'iiiladel- 
])hia,  where  he  died  July  7,  1868,  and  is  buried  at 
Woodland,  near  that  city. 


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INIAN  EDWARDS,  Governor 
from  1S27  to  1S30,  was  a  son 
of   Benjamin    Edwards,  and 
was     born    in    Montgomery 
o  County,  Maryland,  in  March, 
''•  I77S-     His  domestic  train- 
ing was  Well  fitted  to  give 
his    mind    strength,  firmness  and 
lior.orable    principles,    and  a  good 
foundation  was  laid  fortlie  elevated 
character   to  which   he  afterwards 
attained.     His    parents   were  Bap- 
tists, and  very  strict  in  their  moral 
[)iinci[)les.     His  education  in  early 
youth  was   in   company    with    and 
partly  under  the  tuition  of  Hon.  VVm. 
Wirt,  whom  his   father  patronized 
and  who  was  more  than  two  years 
older.      An     intimacy    was     thus 
form.d  between  them  which  was  lasting  for  life.     He 
was  farther  educated  at   Dickinson  College,  at  Car- 
lisle, Pa.     He  ne.\t  conmienced  the  study  of  law,  but 
before   completing  his  course   he  moved  to  Nelson 
County,   Ky.,  to  o[)en  a  farm   for  his  father  and  to 
purchase  homes  and  locate  lands  for  his  brothers  and 
sisters.     Here  he   fell   in  the  company  of  dissolute 
companions,  and  for  several  years  led  the  life  of  a 
spendthrift.     He  was,  iiowever,  elected  to  the  Legis- 
lature of  Kentucky  as  the  Representative  of  Nelson 
county  before  he  was   21  years  of  age,  and  was  re- 
elected by  an  almost  unanimous  vote. 

In  179S  he  was  licensed  to  practice  law,  and  the 
following  year  was  admitted  to  the  Courts  of  Tennes- 
see. About  this  tin>€  he  left  Nelson  County  for 
Russellville,  in  Logan  County,  broke  away  from  his 
dissolute  companions,  commenced  a  reformation  and 
devoted  himself  to  severe  and  laborious  study.  He 
then  began  to  rise  rapidly  in  his  profession,  and  soon 
became  an  eminent  lawyer,  and  inside  of  four  years 
he  filled  in  succession  the  offices  of  Presiding  Judge 
of  the  General  Court,  Circuit  Judge,  fourth  Judge  of 
the  Court  of  Appeals  and  Chief  Justice  of  the  State, 
— all  before  he  was  32  years  of  age  [  Li  addition,  in 
1S02,  he  received  a  connnission  as  Major  of  a  battal- 
ion of  Kentucky  militia,  and  in  1S04  was  chosen  a 
Presidential  Elector,  on  the  Jefferson  and  Clinton 
ticket.  In  1S06  he  was  a  candidate  for  Congress, 
but  withdrew  on  being  promoted  to  the  Court  of 

Illinois  was  organized  as  a  separate  Territory  in 
the  spring  of  1809,  when  Mr.  Edwards,  then  Chief 
Justice  of  the  Court  of  Appeals  in  Kentucky,  received 
from  President  Madison  the  ap[X)intment  as  Gover- 
nor of  the  new  Territory,  his  commission  bearing  date 
.\pril  24,  1809.  Edwards  arrived  at  Kaskaskia  in 
June,  and  on  the  r  ith  of  that  month  took  the  oaih  of 
office.  At  the  same  time  he  was  appointed  Su|)erin- 
tendent  of  the  United  States  Saline,  this  Government 
interest  then  developing  into  considerable  proponion.i 
in  Southern  Illinois.  Although  during  the  first  three 
years  of  his  administration  he  had  the  power  to  make 
new  counties  and  appoint  all  the  officers,  yet  he  always 
allowed  the   people  of  each  county,  by  an   informal 



vole,  to  select  their  own  officers,  both  civil  and  mili- 
tary. The  noted  John  J-  Crittenden,  afterwrard 
United  States  Senator  from  Kentucky,  was  appointed 
by  Gev.  Edwards  to  the  office  of  Attorney  General  of 
the  Territory,  which  office  was  accepted  for  a  short 
time  only. 

The  Indians  in  tSio  committing  sundry  depreda- 
tions in  the  Territory,  crossing  the  Mississippi  from 
the  Territory  of  Louisiana,  a  long  correspondence  fol- 
lowed between  the  respective  Governors  concerning 
the  remedies,  which  ended  in  a  council  with  the  sav- 
ages at  Peoria  in  i8i2;  and  a  fresh  interpretation  of 
ihe  treaties.  Peoria  was  depopulated  by  these  de- 
predations, and  was  not  re-settled  for  many  ve.irs 

As  Gov.  Edwards'  term  of  office  expired  by  law  in 
1S12,  he  was  re-appointed  for  another  term  of  three 
years,  and  again  in  1815  for  a  third  term,  serving 
until  the  organization  of  the  State  in  the  fall  of  1818 
and  the  inauguration  of  Gov.  Bond.  At  this  time 
ex-Gov.  Edwards  was  sent  to  the  United  States 
Senate,  his  colleague  being  Jesse  B.  Thomas.  As 
Senator,  Mr.  Edwards  took  a  conspicuous  part,  and 
acquitted  himself  honorably  in  all  the  measures  that 
came  up  in  that  body,  being  well  i^osted,  an  able  de- 
bater and  a  conscientious  statesman.  He  thought 
;criously  of  resigning  this  situation  in  1821,  but  was 
ixirsuaded  by  his  old  friend,  \Vm.  Wirt,  and  others  to 
continue  in  office,  which  he  did  to  the  end  of  the 

He  was  then  appointed  Minister  to  Mexico  by 
President  Monroe.  About  this  time,  it  appears  that 
Mr.  Edwards  saw  suspicious  signs  in  the  conduct  of 
Wm.  H.  Crawford,  Secretary  of  the  United  States 
Treasury,  and  an  ambitious  candidate  for  the  Presi- 
dency, and  being  implicated  by  the  latter  in  some  of 
his  statements,  he  resigned  his  Mexican  mission  in 
order  fully  to  investigate  the  charges.  The  result 
was  the  exculpation  of  Mr.  Edwards. 

Pro-slavery  regulations,  often  termed  "Black  Laws," 
disgraced  the  statute  books  of  both  the  Territory  and 
.he  Stale  of  Illinois  during  the  whole  of  his  career  in 
.his  commonwealth,  and  Mr.  Edwards  always  main- 
tained the  doctrines  of  freedom,  and  was  an  important 
;xtor  in  the  great  struggle  which  ended  in  a  victory 
for  his  party  in  1824. 

In  1826  7  the  Winnebago  and  other  Indians  com- 
mitted soue  depredations  in  the  northern  part  of  the 

State,  and  the  white  settlers,  who  desired  ilie  l;uid=; 
and  wished  to  exasperate  the  savages  into  an  evacu- 
ation of  the  country,  magnified  the  misdemeanors  of 
the  aborigines  and  thereby  produced  a  hostility  be- 
tween the  races  so  great  as  to  precipitate  a  little  war, 
known  in  history  as  the  "Winnebago  War."  A  few 
chases  and  skirmishes  were  had,  when  Gen.  Atkinson 
succeeded  in  capturing  Red  Bird,  the  Indian  chief, 
and  putting  him  to  death,  thus  ending  the  contest,  a*: 
least  until  the  troubles  commenced  which  ended  in 
the  "  Black  Hawk  War  "  of  1832.  In  the  interpre- 
tation of  treaties  and  execution  of  tiieir  provisions 
Gov.  Edwards  had  much  vexatious  work  to  do.  The 
Indians  kept  themselves  generally  within  the  juris- 
diction of  Michigan  Territory,  and  its  Governor, 
Lewis  Cass,  was  at  a  point  so  remote  that  ready  cor- 
respondence vvith  him  was  difficult  or  impossible. 
Gov.  Edwards'  administration,  however,  in  regard  to 
the  protection  of  the  Illinois  frontier,  seems  to  have 
been  very  efficient  and  satisfactory. 

For  a  considerable  portion  of  his  time  after  his  re- 
moval to  Illinois,  Gov.  Edwards  resided  upon  his 
farm  near  Kaskaskia,  which  he  had  well  stocked  with 
horses,  cattle  and  sheep  from  Kentucky,  also  with 
fruit-trees,  grape-vines  and  shrubbery.  He  estab- 
lished saw  and  grist-rnills,  and  engaged  extensively 
in  mercantile  business,  having  no  less  than  eight  or  ten 
stores  in  this  State  and  Missouri.  Notwithstanding 
the  arduous  duties  of  his  office,  he  nearly  always  pur- 
chased the  goods  himself  with  which  to  supply  the 
stores.  Although  not  a  regular  practitioner  of  medi- 
cine, he  studied  the  healing  art  to  a  considerable  ex- 
tent, and  took  great  pleasure  in  prescribing  for,  and 
taking  care  of,  the  sick,  generally  without  charge. 
He  was  also  liberal  to  the  poor,  several  widows  and 
ministers  of  the  gospel  becoming  indebted  to  Inm 
even  for  their  homes. 

He  married  Miss  Elvira  Lane,  of  Maryland,  in 
1803,  and  they  became  the  affectionate  parents  of 
several  children,  one  of  whom,  especially,  is  weh' 
known  to  the  people  of  the  "  Prairie  State,"  namely, 
Ninian  Wirt  Edwards,  once  the  Superintendent  c' 
Public  Instruction  and  still  a  resident  of  Springfield 
Gov.  Edwards  resided  at  and  in  the  vicinity  of  Kas- 
kaskia from  180910  1818;  in  Edwardsville  (named 
after  him)  from  that  time  to  1824;  and  from  the  lat- 
ter date  at  Belleville,  St.  Clair  County,  until  his 
death,  July  20,  1833,  of  Asiatic  cholera.  Edwards 
County  is  also  named  in  his  honor. 


goliE  ^e;§ii 



->t    » o<a«l-<(((|j)».ite.o 

OHN  REYNOLDS,  Governor  183 1- 

^;9»  4,  was  born  in  Montgomery  Coun- 
ty, Pennsylvania,  Feb.  26,  1788. 
His  fatlver,  Robert  Reynolds  and 
his  mother,  nee  Margaret  Moore, 
were  both  natives  of  Ireland,  from 
whicli  country  they  emigrated  to 
the  United  States  in  1785,  land- 
ing at  Philadelphia.  The  senior 
Reynolds  entertained  an  undying 
hostility  to  the  British  Govern- 
ment. When  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  about  six  months  old, 
his  parents  emigrated  with  him  to 
Tennessee,  where  many  of  their 
relatives  had  already  located,  at  the  base  of  the 
Copper  Ridge  Mountain,  about  14  miles  northeast  of 
the  present  city  of  Knoxville.  There  they  were  ex- 
Dosed  to  Indian  depredations,  and  were  much  molest- 
ed by  them.  In  1794  they  moved  into  the  interior 
of  the  State.  They  were  poor,  and  brought  up  their 
children  to  habits  of  manual  industry. 

In  iSoothe  family  removed  to  Kaskaskia,  111.,  with 
eight  horses  and  two  wagons,  encountering  many 
Hardships  on  the  way.  Here  young  Reynolds  passed 
the  most  of  his  childhood,  while  his  character  began 
to  develop,  the  most  prominent  traits  of  which  were 
ambition  and  energy.  He  also  adopted  the  principle 
and  practice  of  total  abstinence  from  intoxicating 
liquors.     In  1807  the  family  made  another  removal, 

this  time  to  the  "  Goshen  Settlement,"  at  the  foot  of 
the  Mississipi)i  bluffs  three  or  four  miles  southwest 
of  Edwardsville. 

On  arriving  at  his  20th  year,  Mr.  Reynolds,  seeing 
that  he  must  look  about  for  his  own  livelihood  and 
not  yet  having  determined  what  calling  to  pursue, 
concluded  first  to  attend  college,  and  he  accordingly 
went  to  such  an  institution  of  learning,  near  Knox- 
ville, Tenn.,  where  he  had  relatives.  Imagine  his 
diffidence,  when,  after  passing  the  first  20  years  of 
his  life  without  ever  having  seen  a  carpet,  a  papered 
wall  or  a  Windsor  chair,  and  never  having  lived  in  a 
shingle-roofed  house,  he  suddenly  usliered  himsel 
into  the  society  of  the  wealthy  in  the  vicinity  of 
Knoxville!  He  attended  college  nearly  two  years, 
going  through  the  principal  Latin  authors;  but  it 
seems  that  he,  like  the  rest  of  the  world  in  modern 
times,  had  but  very  little  use  for  his  Latin  in  after 
life.  He  always  failed,  indeed,  to  exhibit  any  good 
degree  of  literary  disciphne.  He  commenced  tlic 
study  of  law  in  Knoxville,  but  a  pulmonary  trouble 
came  on  and  compelled  him  to  change  his  mode 
of  life.  Accordingly  he  returned  home  and  re- 
cuperated, and  in  1812  resumed  his  college  and 
law  studies  at  Knoxville.  In  the  fall  of  1.S12  lie  was 
admitted  to  the  Bar  at  Kaskaskia.  About  this  lime 
he  also  learned  the  French  language,  which  he 
practiced  with  pleasure  in  conversation  with  his 
family  for  many  years.  He  regarded  this  language 
as  being  superior  to  all  others  for  social   intercourse. 



From  his  services  in  the  West,  in  the  war  of  1812, 
he  obtained  the  sobriquet  of  the  "  Old  Ranger."  He 
was  Orderly  Sergeant,  then  Judge  Advocate. 

Mr.  Reynolds  opened  his  first  law  office  in  the 
winter  and  spring  of  1814,  inthe  French  village  of 
Cahokia,  then  the  capital  of  St.  Clair  County. 

In  the  fall  of  1818  he  was  elected  an  Associate 
Justice  upon  the  Supreme  Bench  by  the  General 
Assembly.  In  1825  he  entered  more  earnestly  than 
ever  into  the  practice  of  law,  and  the  very  next  year 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Legislature,  where  he 
acted  independently  of  all  cliques  and  private  inter- 
ests. In  1S28  the  Whigs  and  Democrats  were  for 
the  first  time  distinctively  organized  as  such  in  Illi- 
nois, and  the  usual  party  bitterness  grew  up  and 
raged  on  all  sides,  while  Mr.  Reynolds  preserved  a 
mdicial  calmness  and  moderation.  The  real  animus 
)f  the  campaign  was  "  Jackson  "  and  "  anti-Jackson," 
he  former  party  carrying  the  State. 

In  August,  1830,  Mr.  Reynolds  was  elected  Gov- 
ernor, amid  great  e.xcitement.  Installed  in  office,  he 
did  all  within  his  power  to  advance  the  cause  of  edu- 
cation, internal  improvements,  the  Illinois  &  Mich- 
igan Canal,  the  harbor  at  Chicago,  settling  the  coun- 
try, etc.;  also  reccmmended  the  winding  up  of  the 
3tate  Bank,  as  its  affairs  had  become  dangerously 
complicated.  In  his  national  politics,  he  was  a 
moderate  supporter  of  General  Jackson.  But  the 
most  celebrated  event  of  his  gubernatorial  admin- 
istration was  the  Black  Hawk  War,  which  occurred 
in  1832.  He  called  out  the  militia  and  prosecuted 
the  contest  with  corp.mendable  diligence,  appearing 
in  iierson  on  the  battle-grounds  during  the  most 
critical  periods.  He  was  recognized  by  the  President 
as  Major-General,  and  authorized  by  him  to  make 
treaties  with  the  Indians.  By  the  assistance  of  the 
gerf  ral  Government  the  war  was  terminated  without 
much  bloodshed,  but  after  many  serious  fights.  This 
war,  as  well  as  everything  else,  was  materially  re- 
tarded by  the  occurrence  of  Asiatic  cholera  in  the 
West.  This  was  its  first  appearance  here,  and  was 
the  next  event  in  prominence  during  Gov.  Reynolds' 

South  Carolina  nullification  coming  up  at  this  time, 
t  was  heartily  condemned  by  both  President  Jackson 
c.nd  Gov.  Reynolds,  who  took  precisely  the  same 
grounds  as  the  Unionists  in  the  last  war. 

On  the  termination  of  his  gubernatorial  term  in 
.834,  Gov.  Reynolds  was  elected  a  Member  of  Con- 
gress, still  coi:sidering  himself  a  backwoodsman,  as 
•  e  had  scarcely  been  outside  of  the  State  since  he 
:-,ecame  of  age,  and  had  spent  nearly  all  his  youthful 
lays  in  the  wildest  region  of  the  frontier.  His  first 
DOve  in  Congress  was  to  adopt  a  resolution  that  in 
all  elections  made  by  the  House  for  officers  the  votes 
should  be  given  viva  voce,  each  member  in  his  place 
naming  aloud  the  person  for  whom  he  votes.  This 
created  considerable  heated  discussion,  but  was  es- 

sentially adopted,  and  remained  the  controlling  prin- 
ciple for  many  years.  The  ex  (Governor  was  scarcely 
absent  from  his  seat  a  single  day,  during  eight  ses- 
sions of  Congress,  covering  a  period  of  seven  years, 
and  he  never  vacillated  in  a  party  vote;  but  he  failed 
to  get  the  Democratic  party  to  foster  his  "  National 
Road"  scheme.  He  says,  in  "  My  Own  Times  "  (a 
large  autobiography  he  published),  that  it  was  only 
by  rigid  economy  that  he  avoided  insolvency  while  in 
Washington.  During  his  sojourn  in  that  city  he  was 
married,  to  a  lady  of  the  place. 

In  1837,  while  out  of  Congress,  and  in  company 
with  a  few  others,  he  built  the  first  railroad  in  the 
Mississippi  Valley,  namely,  one  about  six  miles  long, 
leading  from  his  coal  mine  in  the  Mississippi  bluff  to 
the  bank  of  the  river  opposite  St.  Louis.  Having  not 
the  means  to  purchase  a  locomotive,  they  operated  it 
by  horse-power.  The  next  spring,  however,  the  com- 
pany sold  out,  at  great  sacrifice. 

In  1839  the  ex-Governor  was  appointed  one  of  the 
Canal  Commissioners,  and  authorized  to  borrow 
money  to  prosecute  the  enterprise.  Accord'ngly,  he 
repaired  to  Philadelphia  and  succeeding  in  obtaining 
a  million  dollars,  which,  however,  was  only  a  fourth 
of  what  was  wanted.  The  same  year  he  and  his 
wife  made  at  our  of  Europe.  This  year,  also,  Mr. 
Reynolds  had  the  rather  awkward  little  res[)onsibility 
of  introducing  to  President  Van  Buren  the  noted 
Mormon  Prophet,  Joseph  Smith,  as  a  "  Latter-Day 

In  1846  Gov.  Reynolds  was  elected  a  member  of 
the  Legislature  from  St.  Clair  County,  more  particu- 
larly for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  a  feasible  charter 
for  a  macadamized  road  from  Belleville  to  St.  Louis, 
a  distance  of  nearly  14  miles.  This  was  immediately 
built,  and  was  the  first  road  of  the  kind  in  the  State. 
He  was  again  elected  to  the  LeL;islatnre  in  1852,  when 
he  was  chosen  Speaker  of  the  House.  In  1860,  aged 
and  infirm,  he  attended  the  National  Democratic 
Convention  at  Charleston,  S.  C  ,  as  an  anti-Douglas 
Delegate,  where  he  received  more  attention  from  the 
Southern  Delegates  than  any  other  member.  He 
supported  Breckenridge  for  the  Presidency.  After 
the  October  elections  foreshadowed  the  success  of 
Lincoln,  he  published  an  address  urging  the  Demo- 
crats to  rally  to  tlie  support  of  Douglas.  Immedi- 
ately preceding  and  during  the  late  war,  his  corre- 
spondence evinced  a  clear  sympathy  for  the  Southern 
secession,  and  about  the  first  of  March,  i86r,  he 
urged  upon  the  Buchanan  officials  the  seizure  of  the 
treasure  and  arms  in  the  custom-house  and  arsenal 
at  St.  Louis.  Mr.  Reynolds  was  a  rather  talkative 
man,  and  apt  in  all  the  Western  phrases  and  catch- 
words that  ever  gained  currency,  besides  many  cun- 
ning and  odd  ones  of  his  own  manufacture. 

He  was  married  twice,  but  had  no  children.  He 
died  in  Belleville,  in  May,  1865,  just  after  the  close 
of  the  war. 




LLIAM    LEE    1).    EWING, 
Governor  of  Illinois  Nov.  3 
te.?3  lo  17,  1834,  was  a  native 
of  Kentucky,  and  probably 
of  Scotch  ancestry.  He  had 
a  fine  education,  was  a  gentle- 
man of  polished  manners  and 
refined    sentiment.      In    1S30   John  Rey- 
nolds was  elected  Governor  of  tiie  State, 
and   Zadok   Casey    Lieutenant   Governor, 
and  for  the  principal  events  that  followed, 
and   the   characteristics  of  the   times,  see 
sketch   of   Gov.   Reynolds.     The   first   we 
'^V' '     ^'^'^   "^   history  concerning   Mr.  Ewing,  in- 
'^y'        forms  us  that  he  was  a  Receiver  of  Public 
Moneys  at  Vandalia  soon   after  the  organization  of 
t<ii..  State,  and  that  the  public  moneys  in  his  hands 
vere  deposited  in  various  banks,  as  they  are    usually 
■Mh.    -resent  day.     In    1823  the  State  Bank  was 
ubbed,  by  which  disaster  Mr.  Ewing  lost  a  thousand- 
dollar  deposit. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  had  a  commission  as 
',  olonel  in  the  Black  Hawk  War,  and  in  emergencies 
ne  acted  also  as  Major.  In  the  summer  of  1832, 
^  hen  \-  '■-as  rumored  among  tlie  whites  tiiat  Black 
Hawk  ai.d  "lis  men  had  encamped  somewhere  on 
Rock  Rive.-,  Gen.  Henry  was  sent  on  a  tour  of 
reconnoisance,  and  with  orders  to  drive  the  Indians 
from  the  State.  After  some  opposition  from  his 
:ulx)rdinate  officers,  Henry  resolved  to  proceed  up 
Rock  River  in  search  of  the  enemy.  On  the  rgth  of 
July,   early  in  the    morning,   five   baggage    wagons, 

camp  equii)age  and  all  heavy  and  cumbersome  arti- 
cles were  piled  up  and  left,  so  that  the  army  might 
make  speedy  and  forced  inarches.  For  some  mih-s 
the  travel  was  exceedingly  bad,  crossing  swamps 
and  the  worst  thickets;  but  the  large,  fresh  trail 
gave  life  and  animation  to  the  Americans.  Gen. 
Dodge  and  Col.  Ewing  were  both  actmg  as  Majors, 
and  composed  the  "  spy  corps  "  or  vanguard  of  the 
army.  It  is  supposed  the  army  marched  nearly  50 
miles  this  day,  and  the  Indian  trail  they  followed 
became  fresher,  and  was  strewed  with  much  property 
and  trinkets  of  the  red-skiu'i  that  they  had  lost  or 
thrown  away  to  hasten  their  march.  During  llie 
following  niglit  there  was  a  terrific  thunder-storm,  and 
the  soldiery,  with  all  tlieir  appurtenances,  were  ihor- 
oughly  drenched. 

On  approaching  nearer  tlie  Indians  tlie  next  day. 
Gen.  Dodge  and  Major  Ewing,  each  commanding  a 
battalion  of  men,  were  placed  in  front  to  bring  on  tlie 
battle,  but  the  savages  were  not  overtaken  this  day 
Forced  marches  were  continued  until  they  reached. 
Wisconsin  River,  where  a  veritable  battle  ensued, 
resulting  in  the  death  of  about  68  of  Black  Hawk's 
men.  The  next  day  they  continued  the  chase,  and 
as  soon  as  he  discovered  the  trail  of  the  Indians 
leading  toward  the  Mississippi,  Maj.  Ewing  formed 
his  battalion  in  order  of  battle  and  awaited  the  order 
of  Gen.  Henry.  The  latter  soon  appeared  on  the 
ground  and  ordered  a  charge,  which  directly  resulted 
in  chasing  the  red  warriors  across  the  great  river. 
Maj.  Ewing  and  his  command  proved  particularly 
efficient  in  war,  as  it  seems  they  were  the  chief  actor's 
in  driving  the  main  body  of  the  Sacs  and   Foxes,  in- 



eluding  Black  Hawk  himself,  across  the  Mississippi, 
while  Gen.  Atkinson,  commander-in-chief  of  the  ex- 
pedition, with  a  body  of  the  army,  was  hunting  for 
them  in  another  direction. 

In  the  above  affair  Maj.  Ewing  is  often  referred  to 
as  a  "  General,"  which  title  he  had  derived  from  his 
connection  with  the  militia. 

It  was  in  the  latter  part  of  the  same  year  (1832) 
that  Lieutenant  Governor  Casey  was  elected  to  Con- 
gress and  Gen.  Ewing,  who  had  been  elected  to  the 
Senate,  was  chosen  to  preside  over  that  body.  At 
the  August  election  of  1834,  Gov.  Reynolds  was  also 
elected  to  Congress,  more  than  a  year  ahead  of  the 
time  at  wliich  he  could  actually  take  his  seat,  as  was 
then  the  law.  His  predecessor,  Charles  Slade,  had 
just  died  of  Asiatic  cholera,  soon  after  the  elec- 
tion, and  Gov.  Reynolds  was  chosen  to  serve  out  his 
iniexpired  term.  Accordingly  he  set  out  for  Wash- 
ington in  November  of  that  year  to  take  his  seat  in 
Congress,  and  Gen.  Ewing,  by  virtue  of  his  office  as 
President  of  the  Senate,  became  Governor  of  the 
Stat3  of  Illinois,  his  term  covering  only  a  period  of 
15  dai's.  namely,  from  the  3d  to  the  ryth  days,  in- 
clusive, of  November.  On  the  17th  the  Legislature 
met,  and  Gov.  Ewing  transmitted  to  that  body  his 
message,  giving  a  statement  of  the  condition  of  the 
affairs  of  the  State  at  that  time,  and  urging  a  contin- 
uance of  the  policy  adopted  by  his  predecessor;  and 
jn  the  same  day  Governor  elect  Joseph  Duncan 
c'as  sworn  into  office,  thus  relieving  Mr.  Ewing  from 

the  responsible  situation.  This  is  the  o[ily  time  that 
such  a  juncture  has  happened  in  the  history  of  Illi- 

On  the  29th  of  December,  1835,  Gen.  Ewing  was 
elected  a  United  Slates  Senator  to  serve  out  tlie 
unexpired  term  of  Elias  Kent  Kane,  deceased.  Tiie 
latter  gentleman  was  a  very  prominent  figure  in  the 
early  politics  of  lUinoif,  and  a  county  in  this  State  is 
named  in  his  honor.  The  election  of  Gen.  Ewing  to 
the  Senate  was  a  protracted  struggle.  His  competi- 
tors were  James  Semple,  who  afterwards  held  several 
important  offices  in  this  State,  and  Richard  M. 
Young,  afterward  a  United  States  Senator  and  a 
Supreme  Judge  and  a  man  of  vast  influence.  On 
the  first  ballot  Mr.  .Semple  had  25  votes.  Young  19 
and  Ewing  18.  On  the  eighth  ballot  Young  was 
dropped  ;  the  ninth  and  tenth  stood  a  tie  ;  but  on 
tlie  I  2th  Ewing  received  40,  to  Semple  37,  and  was 
accordingly  declared  elected.  In  1837  Mr.  Ewing 
received  some  votes  for  a  continuance  of  his  term  in 
Congress,  when  Mr.  Young,  just  referred  to,  was 
elected.  In  1S42  Mr.  Ewing  was  elected  State 
Audit-^r  on  the  ticket  with  Gov   Ford. 

Gen.  Ewing  was  a  gentleman  of  culture,  a  lawyer 
by  profession,  and  was  much  in  public  life.  In  person 
he  was  above  medium  height  and  of  heavy  build, 
with  auburn  hair,  blue  eyes,  large-sized  head  and 
short  face.  He  was  genial,  social,  friendly  and 
aff.ible,  with  fair  talent,  though  of  no  high  degree  of 
originality.     He  died  March  25,  1846. 







%t}fk   gHHiCllin. 



OSEPH  DUNCAN,  Governor 
^tjj  1S34-S,  was  born  at  Paris, 
~  Ky.,  Feb.  23,  1794.  At  the 
tender  age  of  19  years  he  en- 
Usted  in  the  war  against  Great 
Britain,  and  as  a  soldier  he 
l!_ai  acquitted  liimself  with  credit.  He 
was  an  Ensign  under  the  daunt- 
less Croghan  at  Lower  Sandusky, 
\  or  Fort  Stephenson.  In  Illinois 
he  first  appeared  in  a  public  capa- 
city as  Major-General  of  the  Militia, 
a  position  which  his  military  fame 
had  procured  him.  Subsequently 
he  became  a  State  Senator  from 
.  Jackson  County,  and  is  honorably 
mentioned  for  introducing  the  first  bill  providing  for 
a  fiec-scliool  system.  In  1826,  when  the  redoubt- 
able John  ?.  Cook,  who  had  previously  beaten  such 
men  as  John  McLean,  Elias  Kent  Kane  and  ex- 
Gov,  Bond,  came  up  for  the  fuurtli  time  for  Congress, 
Mr.  Duncan  was  brought  forward  against  him  by  his 
friends,  greatly  to  the  surprise  of  all  the  politicians. 
'Vs  yet  he  was  but  little  known  in  the  State.  He  was 
an  original  Jackson  man  at  that  time,  being  attached 
to  his  political  fortune  in  admiration  of  the  glory  of 
his  militaty  achievements.  His  chances  of  success 
ngainst  Cook  were  generally  regarded  as  hopeless, 
but  he  entered  upon  the  campaign  undaunted.  His 
speeches,  though  short  and  devoid  of  ornament,  were 
full  of  good  sense.  He  made  a  diligent  canvass  of 
the  State,  Mr.  Cook  being  hindered  by  the  condition  of 
his  health.  Tlie  most  that  was  expected  of  Mr. 
Duncan,  under  the  circumstances,  was  that  he  would 


obtain  a  respectable  vote,  but  without  defeating  Mr. 
Cook.  The  result  of  the  campaign,  however,  was  a 
source  of  surprise  and  amazement  to  both  friends 
and  foes,  as  Mr.  Duncan  came  out  641  votes  ahead! 
He  received  6,321  votes,  and  Mr.  Cook  5,680.  Un- 
til this  denouement,  the  violence  of  party  feeling 
smoldering  in  the  breasts  of  the  people  on  account 
of  the  defeat  of  Jackson,  was  not  duly  appreciated. 
Aside  from  the  great  convention  struggle  of  1824,  no 
other  than  mere  local  and  pergonal  considerations 
had  ever  before  controlled  an  election  in  Illinois. 

From  the  above  date  Mr.  Duncan  retained  his 
seat  in  Congress  until  his  election  as  Governor  in 
.\ugust,  1834.  The  first  and  bloodless  year  of  the 
Black  Hawk  War  he  was  appointed  by  Gov.  Rey- 
nolds to  the  position  of  Brigadier-General  of  the 
volunteers,  and  he  conducted  his  brigade  to  Rock 
Island.  But  he  was  absent  from  the  State,  in  Wash- 
ington, during  the  gubernatorial  campaign,  and  did 
not  personally  participate  in  it,  but  addressed  circu- 
lars to  his  constituents.  His  election  was,  indeed, 
attributed  to  the  circumstance  of  his  absence,  be- 
cause his  estrangement  from  Jackson,  formerly  his 
political  idol,  and  also  from  the  Democracy,  largely 
in  ascendency  in  the  State,  was  complete;  but  while 
his  defection  was  well  known  to  his  Whig  friends, 
and  even  to  the  leading  Jackson  men  of  this  State, 
the  latter  were  unable  to  carry  conviction  of  that  fact 
to  the  masses,  as  mail  and  newspaper  facilities  at 
that  day  were  far  inferior  to  those  of  the  present 
time.  Of  course  the  Governor  was  much  abused 
afterward  by  the  fossilized  Jackson  men  who  re- 
garded party  ties  and  affiliations  as  above  all 
other  issues  that  could  arise;  but  he  was  doubtless 



sincere  in  his  opposition  to  the  old  hero,  as  the  latter 
.';ad  vetoed  several  important  western  measures 
which  were  dear  to  Mr.  Duncan.  In  his  inaugural 
message  he  threw  off  the  mask  and  took  a  bold  stand 
pgainst  the  course  of  the  President.  The  measures 
r.e  recommended  in  his  message,  however,  were  so 
desirable  that  the  Legislature,  although  by  a  large 
majority  consisting  of  Jackson  men,  could  not  refrain 
from  endorsing  them.  These  measures  related 
raainly  to  bar.ks  and  internal  improvements. 

It  was  while  Mr.  Duncan  was  Governor  that  the 
people  of  Illinois  went  whirling  on  with  bank  and  in- 
ternal improvement  schemes  that  well  nigh  bank- 
-upted  the  Slate.  The  hard  times  of  1837  came  on, 
and  the  disasters  that  attended  the  inauguration  of 
;hese  plans  and  the  operation  of  the  banks  were  mu- 
tually charged  upon  the  two  political  parties.  Had 
any  one  man  autocratic  power  to  introduce  and 
carry  on  any  one  of  these  measures,  he  would  proba- 
bly have  succeeded  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  public; 
;:ut  as  many  jealous  men  had  hold  of  the  same  plow 
nandle,  no  success  followed  and  each  blamed  the  other 
"or  the  failure.  In  this  great  vortex  Gov.  Duncan 
was  carried  along,  suffering  the  like  derogation  of 
character  with  his  fellow  citizens. 

At  the  height  of  the  excitement  the  Legislature 
"provided  for"  railroads  from  Galena  to  Cairo,  Alton 
to  Shawneetown,  Alton  to  Mount  Carniel,  Alton  to  the 
eastern  boundary  of  the  State  in  the  direction  of 
Terre  Haute,  Quincy  via  Sjjringfield  to  the  Wabasii, 
Bloouiington  to  Pekin,  and  Peoria  to  Warsaw, — in  all 
about  1,300  miles  of  road.  It  also  provided  for  the 
improvement  of  the  navigation  of  the  Kaskaskia, 
Illinois,  Great  and  Little  Wabash  and  Rock  Rivers  ; 
also  as  a  placebo,  $200,000  in  money  were  to  be  dis- 
tributed to  the  various  counties  wherein  no  improve- 
ments were  ordered  to  be  made  as  above.  The 
estimate  for  the  expenses  for  all  these  projects  was 
;laced  at  a  little  over  $10,000,000,  which  was  not 
more  i.aan  half  enough!  That  would  now  be  equal  to 
saddling  upon  the  State  a  debt  of  $225,000,000  !  It 
wss  sufficient  to  bankrupt  the  State  several  times 
over,    even   counting  all  the  possible  benefits. 

One  of  the  most  exciting  events  that  ever  occurred 
^n  this  fair  State  was  the  murder  of  Elijah  P.  Love- 
'oy  in  the  fall  of  1837,  at  Alton,  during  Mr.  Duncan's 
term  as  Governor.  Lovejoy  was  an  "  Abolitionist," 
editing  the  Observer  at  that  place,  and  the  pro- 
slavery  slums  there  formed  themselves  into  a  mob. 

and  after  destroying  successively  three  presses  be- 
longing to  Mr.  Lovejoy,  surrounded  the  warehouse 
where  the  fourth  press  was  stored  away,  endeavoring 
to  destroy  it,  and  where  Lovejoy  and  his  friends 
were  entrenching  themselves,  and  shot  and  killed  the 
brave  reformer! 

About  this  time,  also,  the  question  of  removing  the 
State  capital  again  came  up,  as  the  20  years'  limit  for 
its  existence  at  Vandalia  was  drawing  to  a  close. 
There  was,  of  course,  considerable  excitement  over 
the  matter,  the  two  main  points  competing  for  it  be- 
ing Springfield  and  Peoria.  The  jealousy  of  the  lat- 
ter place  is  not  even  yet,  45  years  afterward,  fully 

Gov.  Duncan's  term  expired  in  1838.  In  1842 
he  was  again  proposed  as  a  candidate  for  the  Execu- 
tive chair,  this  time  by  the  Whig  party,  against  Adam 
W.  Snyder,  of  St.  Clair  County,  the  nominee  of  the 

Democrats.     Charles  W.  Hunter  was  a  third  candi- 


date  for  the  same  position.  Mr.  Snyder,  however,  died 
before  the  cami)aign  had  advanced  very  far,  and  his 
party  substituted  Thomas  Ford,  who  was  elected, 
receiving  46,901  votes,  to  38,584  for  Duncan,  and 
909  for  Hunter.  The  cause  of  Democratic  success 
at  this  time  is  mainly  attributed  to  the  temporary 
support  of  the  Mormons  which  they  enjoyed,  and  the 
want  of  any  knowledge,  on  the  part  of  the  masses, 
ihut  Mr.  Ford  was  opposed  to  any  given  jwlicy  en- 
leitained  in  the  respective  localities. 

Gov.  Duncan  was  a  man  of  rather  limited  educa- 
tion, but  with  naturally  fine  aliilities  he  profited 
greatly  by  his  various  public  services,  and  gathered 
a  store  of  knowledge  regarding  public  affairs  which 
served  him  a  ready  [jurpose.  He  possessed  a  clear 
judgment,  decision,  confidence  in  himself  and  moral 
courage  to  carry  out  liis  convictions  of  right.  In  his 
deportment  he  was  vi^ell  adapted  to  gain  the  admira- 
tion of  the  people.  His  intercourse  with  them  was 
both  affable  and  dignified.  His  portrait  at  the  Gov- 
ernor's mansion,  from  which  the  accompanying  was 
made,  represents  him  as  having  a  swarthy  complex- 
ion, high  cheek  bones,  broad  foreliead,  piercing  black 
eyes  and  straight  black  hair. 

He  was  a  liberal  patron  of  the  Illinois  College  at 
Jacksonville,  a  member  of  its  Board  of  Trustees,  and 
died,  after  a  short  illness,  Jan.  15,  1S44,  a  devoted 
member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  leaving  a  wife 
but  no  children.  Two  children,  born  to  them,  had 
died  in  infancy. 




^  {^m^^^  ®>^J^<lP  <"^^iinr>  I 


<>  4     » 

'>;H0MAS  CARLIN,  the  sixth 
Governor   of  the    State   of 
Illinois,  serving  from    1838 
to  1842,  was  also  a   Ken- 
tuckian,    being    born    near 
Frankfort,  that   State,  July 
18,  1789,  of  Irish  paternity. 
The  opportunities  for  an  education 
being    very   meager  in   liis   native 
place,  he,  on  approaching  years  of 
jiid<;ment    and    maturity,    applied 
himself  to  those  branches  of  learn- 
mg  that  seemed  most  important, 
and  thus  became  a  self-made  man  ; 
and    his    taste    for     reading     and 
study  remained  with  him  through 
life.     In  1S03  his  father  removed 
10  Missouri,  then  a  part  of  "  New  Spain,"  where   he 
died  in  18 10. 

In  1812  young  Carlin  came  to  Illinois  and  partici- 
pated in  all  the  "ranging"  service  incident  to  the 
war  of  that  period,  proving  himself  a  soldier  of  un- 
daunted bravery.  In  1814  he  married  Rebecca 
Muilt,  and  lived  for  four  years  on  the  bank  of  the 
Mississippi  River,  oiiposite  the  mouth  of  the  Mis- 
sc.ri,  where  he  followed  farming,  and  then  removed 
to  Greene  County.  He  located  the  town  site  of  Car- 
ri..'.on,  in  that  county,  and  in  1825  m-ide  a  liberal 
donation  of  land  for  county  building  purposes.  He 
w:is  tlic  first  Sheriff  of  that  county  after  its  separate 
or_:;anization,  and  afterward  was  twice  elected,  as  a 
1.1.  kson  Democrat,  to  the  Illinois  Senate.  In  the 
I'.i.ick  Hawk  War  he  commanded  a  spy  battalion,  a 
l'o,t  of  considerable  danger.  In  1S34  he  was  ap- 
l.ointed  by  President  Jackson  to  the  position  of 
Receiverof  Public  Moneys,  and   to   fulfill    the  office 

more  conveniently  he  removed  to  the  city  of  Quincy. 
While,  in  1838,  the  unwieldy  internal  improvement 
system   of  the  State  was  in  full  operation,  with  all  its 
expensive    machinery,     amidst     bank     suspensions 
throughout  the    United  States,  a  great  stringency  in 
the  money  market   everywhere,  and    Illinois    bonds 
forced  to  sale  at  a  heavy  discount,  and  the  "  hardest 
limes  "  existing  that  the  peopfe  of  the   Prairie  State 
ever  saw,  the  general  election  of  State  (jfficers  was 
approaching.     Discreet  men  who  had  cherished  the 
hopeof  a  speedy  subsidence  of  the  public  infatua- 
tion,   met  with   disappointment.     A   Governor  and 
Legislature  were  to  be  elected,  and  these  were  now 
looked  forward  to  for  a  repeal  of  the  ruinous  State 
policy.     But  the  grand  schemf;  had  not  yet  lost  its 
dazzling   influence    upon    the  minds  of  the   people. 
Time  and  experience  had  not  yet  fully  demonstrated 
its  utter  absurdity.     Hence  the  question  of  arresting 
its  career  of  profligate  expenditures  did  not  become 
a  leading  one  with   the  dominant  party  during  the 
campaign,  and  most  of  the  old  members  of  the  Leg- 
islature were  returned  at  this  election. 

Under  these  circumstances  the  Democrats,  in  State 
Convention  assembled,  nominated  Mr.  Carlin  for  the 
ofl[ice  of  Governor,  and  S.  H.  Anderson  for  Lieuten- 
ant Governor,  while  the  Whigs  nominated  Cyrus  Ed- 
wards, brotherof  Ninian  Edwards,  formerly  Governor, 
and  W.  H.  Davidson.  Edwards  came  out  strongly 
for  a  continuance  of  the  State  policy,  while  Carlin 
remained  non-committal.  This  was  the  first  time 
that  the  two  main  political  parties  in  this  State  were 
unembarrassed  by  any  third  party  in  the  field.  The 
result  of  the  election  was:  Carlin,  35,573 ;  Ander- 
son, 30,335  ;  Edwards,  29,629  ;  and  Davidson,  28,- 

Uixin  the  meeting  of  the  subsequent   Legislature 
( I S39),  the  retiring  Governor  CDuncan)  in    his  incs- 



sage  spoke  in  emphatic  terms  of  the  impolicy  of  the 
internal  improvement  system,  presaging  the  evils 
threatened,  and  uiged  that  body  to  do  their  utmost 
to  correct  the  great  error ;  yet,  on  the  contrary,  the 
Legislature  not  only  decided  to  continue  the  policy 
but  also  added  to  its  burden  by  voting  more  appro- 
priations and  ordering  more  improvements.  Although 
the  money  market  was  still  stringent,  a  further  loan 
of  $4,000,000  was  ordered  for  the  Illinois  &  Mich- 
igan Canal  alone.  Cli'cago  at  that  time  began  to 
loom  up  and  promise  to  be  an  important  city,  even 
the  great  emporium  of  the  West,  as  it  has  since  in- 
deed came  to  be.  Ex-Gov.  Reynolds,  an  incompe- 
tent financier,  was  commissioned  to  effect  the  loan, 
and  accordingly  hastened  to  the  East  on  this  respons- 
ible errand,  and  negotiated  the  loans,  at  considera- 
ble sacrifice  to  the  State.  Besides  this  embarrassment 
to  Carlln's  administration,  the  Legislature  also  de- 
clared that  he  had  no  authority  to  appoint  a  Secretary 
of  State  until  a  vacancy  existed,  and  A.  P.  Field,  a 
Whig,  who  had  already  held  the  post  by  appointment 
through  three  administrations,  was  determined  to 
keep  the  place  a  while  longer,  in  spite  of  Gov.  Car- 
lln's preferences.  The  course  of  the  Legislature  in 
this  regard,  however,  was  finally  sustained  by  the 
Supreme  Court,  in  a  qjio  wai-ranto  case  brought  up 
before  it  by  John  A.  McClernand,  whom  the  Gov- 
ernor had  nominated  for  the  office.  Thereupon  that 
dignified  body  was  denounced  as  a  "Whig  Court!" 
endeavoring  to  establish  the  principle  of  life-tenure 
of  office. 

A  new  law  was  adopted  re-organlzing  the  Judici- 
ary, and  under  it  five  additional  Supreme  Judges 
were  elected  by  the  Legislature,  namely,  Thomas 
Ford  (afterward  Governor),  Sidney  Breese,  Walter  B. 
Scates,  Samuel  H.  Treat  and  Stephen  A.  Douglas — 
all  Democrats. 

It  was  during  Gov.  Carlin's  administration  that  the 
noisy  campaign  of  "  Tippecanoe  and  Tyler  too  "  oc- 
curred, resulting  in  a  Whig  victory.  This,  however, 
did  not  aflfect  Illinois  politics  very  seriously. 

Another  prominent  event  in  the  West  during  Gov. 
Carlln's  term  of  office  was  the  excitement  caused  by 
the  Mormons  and  their  removal  from  Independence, 
Mo.,  to  Nauvoo,  111.,  in  1840.  At  the  same  time 
they  began  to  figure  somewhat  in  State  politics.  On 
account  of  their  believing — as  they  thought,  accord- 
ing to  the  New  Testament — that   they  should   have 

"all  things  common,"  and  that  consequently  "all 
the  earth  "  and  all  that  is  upon  it  were  the"  Lord's  " 
and  therefore  the  property  of  his  "  saints,"  they 
were  suspected,  and  correctly,  too,  of  committing 
many  of  the  deeds  of  larceny,  robbery,  etc.,  that 
were  so  rife  throughout  this  country  in  those  days. 
Hence  a  feeling  of  violence  grew  up  between  the 
Mormons  and  "anti-Mormons."  In  the  State  of 
Missouri  the  Mormons  always  supported  the  Dem- 
ocracy until  they  were  driven  out  by  the  Democratic 
government,  when  they  turned  tlieir  support  to  the 
Whigs.  They  were  becoming  numerous,  and  in  tlie 
Legislature  of  1 840-1,  therefore,  it  became  a  matter 
of  great  interest  with  Ijoth  parties  to  conciliate  these 
people.  Through  the  agency  of  one  John  C.  Ben- 
nett, a  scamp,  the  Mormons  succeeded  in  rushing 
through  the  Legislature  (both  parties  not  darin,?  io 
oppose)  a  charter  for  the  city  of  Nauvoo  which  nx- 
tually  erected  a  hierarchy  co-ordinate  with  the  Fed- 
eral Government  itself  In  the  fall  of  iS4[  the 
Governor  of  Missouri  made  a  demand  upon  Gov. 
Carlin  for  the  body  of  Joe  .Smith,  the  Mormon  leader, 
as  a  fugitive  from  justice.  Gov.  Carlin  issued  the 
writ,  but  for  some  reason  it  was  returned  unserved. 
It  was  again  issued  in  1842,  and  Smith  was  arrested, 
but  was  either  rescued  by  his  followers  or  discharged 
by  the  municipal  court  on  a  writ  of  habeas  corpus. 

In  December,  1841,  the  Democratic  Convention 
nominated  Adam  \V.  Snyder,  of  Belleville,  for  Gov- 
ernor. As  he  had  been,  as  a  meml^er  of  the  Legisla- 
ture, rather  friendly  to  the  Mormons,  tlie  latter 
naturally  turned  their  support  to  the  Democratic 
party.  The  next  spring  the  Whigs  nominated  Ex- 
Gov.  Duncan  for  the  same  office.  In  the  meantime 
the  Mormons  began  to  grow  more  odious  to  the 
masses  of  the  people,  and  the  comparative  prospects 
of  the  respective  parties  for  success  became  very 
problematical.  Mr.  Snyder  died  in  May,  and 
Thomas  Ford,  a  Supreme  Judge,  was  substituted  as 
a  candidate,  and  was  elected. 

At  the  close  of  his  gubernatorial  term,  Mr.  Carlin 
removed  back  to  his  old  home  at  CarrolUon,  where 
he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  as  before  his  ele- 
vation to  office,  in  agricultural  pursuits.  In  iSrg 
he  served  out  the  unexpired  term  of  J.  D.  Fry  in  the 
Illinois  House  of  Representatives,  and  died  Feb.  4, 
1852,  at  his  residence  at  Carrollton,  leaving  a  wife 
and  seven  children. 








-■*--     '  ■*'<«ewr^l 




!HOMAS  FORD,  Governor 
from  1842  to  1846,  and  au- 
thor of  a  very  interesting 
history  of  Illinois,  was  born 
at  Uniontown,  Pa.,  in  the 
year  i  Soo.  His  mother,  after 
the  death  of  her  first  hus- 
band (Mr.  Forquer),  married  Rob- 
ert Ford,  who  was  killed  ia  1S02, 
by  the  Indians  in  the  mountains 
of  Pennsylvania.  She  was  conse- 
quently left  in  indigent  circum- 
stances, with  a  large  family,  mostly 
girls.  With  a  view  to  better  her 
condition,  she,  in  1S04,  removed  to 
Missouri,  where  it  had  been  cus- 
tomary by  the  Spanish  Govern- 
ment to  give  land  to  actual  settlers ;  but  upon  her 
arrival  at  St.  Louis  she  found  the  country  ceded  to 
the  United  States,  and  the  liberal  policy  toward  set- 
tlers changed  by  the  new  ownership.  After  some 
sickness  to  herself  and  family,  she  finally  removed  to 
Illinois,  and  settled  some  three  miles  south  of  Water- 
loo, but  the  following  year  moved  nearer  the  Missis- 
sippi   bluffs.      Here    young    Ford    received    his   first    I 

schooling,  under  the  instructions  of  a  Mr.  Humphrey, 
for  which  he  had  to  walk  three  miles.  His  mother, 
though  lacking  a  thorough  education,  was  a  woman 
of  superior  mental  endowments,  joined  to  energy 
and  determination  of  character.  She  inculcated  in 
her  children  those  high-toned  principles  which  dis- 
tinguished her  sons  in  public  life.  She  exercised  a 
rigid  economy  to  provide  her  children  an  education ; 
but  George  Forquer,  her  oldest  son  (six  years  older 
than  Thomas  Ford),  at  an  early  age  had  to  quit 
school  to  aid  by  his  labor  in  the  support  of  the  family. 
He  afterward  became  an  eminent  man  in  Illinois 
affairs,  and  but  for  his  early  death  would  probably 
have  been  elected  to  the  United  States  Senate. 

Young  Ford,  with  somewhat  better  opportunities, 
received  a  better  education,  though  limited  to  the 
curriculum  of  the  common  school  of  those  pioneer 
times.  His  mind  gave  early  promise  of  superior  en- 
dowments, with  an  inclination  for  mathematics.  His 
proficiency  attracted  the  attention  of  Hon.  Daniel  P. 
Cook,  who  became  his  efficient  patron  and  friend. 
The  latter  gentleman  was  an  eminent  Illinois  states- 
man who,  as  a  Member  of  Congress,  obtained  a  grant 
of  300,000  acres  of  land  to  aid  in  completing  the 
Illinois  iV  Michigan  Canal,  and  after  whom  the 
county  of  Cook  was  named.     Through  the  advice  of 



this  gentleman,  Mr.  Ford  turned  his  attention  to  the 
study  of  law;  but  Forquer,  then  merchandising,  re- 
garding his  education  defective,  sent  him  to  Transyl- 
vania University,  where,  however,  he  remained  but 
one  term,  owing  to  Forquer's  failure  in  business.  On 
his  return  he  alternated  his  law  reading  with  teach- 
ing school  for  support. 

lu  1S29  Gov.  Edwards  appointed  him  Prosecuting 
Attorney,  and  in  1S31  he  was  re-appointed  by  Gov. 
Reynolds,  and  after  that  he  was  four  times  elected  a 
Judge  by  the  Legislature,  without  opposition,  twice  a 
Circuit  Judge,  oice  a  Judge  of  Chicago,  and  as  As- 
sociate Judge  of  the  Supreme  Court,  when,  in  1841, 
the  latter  tribunal  was  re-organized  by  the  addition 
of  five  Judges,  all  Democrats.  Ford  was  assigned  to 
the  Ninth  Judicial  Circuit,  and  wliile  in  this  capacity 
he  was  liolding  Court  in  Ogle  County  he  received  a 
notice  of  his  nomination  by  the  Democratic  Conven- 
tion for  the  office  of  Governor.  He  immediately  re- 
signed his  place  and  entered  upon  the  canvass.  In 
August,  1842,  he  was  elected,  and  on  the  8th  of  De- 
cember following  he  was  inaugurated. 

All  the  offices  which  he  had  held  were  unsolicited 
by  him.  He  received  them  upon  the  true  Jefferson- 
ian  principle, — Mever  to  ask  and  never  to  refuse 
office.  Both  as  a  lawyer  and  as  a  Judge  he  stood 
deservedly  high,  but  his  cast  of  intellect  fitted  him 
rather  for  a  writer  u|X)n  law  than  a  practicing  advo- 
cate in  the  courts.  In  the  latter  capacity  he  was  void 
of  the  moving  power  of  eloquence,  so  necessary  to 
success  with  juries.  As  a  Judge  his  opinions  were 
■jound,  lucid  and  able  expositions  of  the  law.  In 
practice,  he  was  a  stranger  to  the  tact,  skill  and  in- 
sinuating address  of  the  politician,  but  he  saw  tlirough 
:he  arts  of  demagogues  as  well  as  any  man.  He  was 
plain  in  his  demeanor,  so  much  so,  indeed,  that  at 
one  time  after  the  e.xpiration  of  his  term  of  office, 
during  a  session  of  the  Legislature,  he  was  taken  l)y 
a  stranger  10  be  a  seeker  for  the  position  of  door- 
keeper, and  was  waited  upon  at  his  hotel  near  mid- 
night by  a  knot  of  small  office-seekers  with  the  view 
of  effecting  a  "combination  !  " 

Mr.  Ford  had  not  the  "  brass  "  of  the  ordinary 
politician,  nor  that  impetuosity  which  characterizes  a 
political  leader.  He  cared  little  for  money,  and 
hardly  enough  for  a  decent  support.  In  person  he 
was  of  small  stature,  slender,  of  dark  complexion, 
with  black  hair,  sharp  features,  deep-set  eyes,  a 
pointed,  aquiline  nose  having  a  decided  twist  to  one 
side,  and  a  small  mouth. 

The  three  most  important  events  in  Gov.  Ford's 
administration  were  the  establishment  of  the  high 
financial  credit  of  the  State,  the  "  Mormon  War  "and 
the  Mexican  War. 

In  the  first  of  these  the  Governor  proved  himself 
to  be  eminently  wise.  On  coming  into  office  he  found 
the  State  badly  paralyzed  by  the  ruinous  effects  of 
the    notorious  "internal  improvement"    schemes    of 

the  preceding  decade,  with  scarcely  anything  to 
show  by  way  of  "improvement."  The  enterprise 
that  seemed  to  be  getting  ahead  more  than  all  the 
rest  was  the  Illinois  &  Michigan  Canal.  As  this 
promised  to  be  the  most  important  thoroughfare, 
feasible  to  the  people,  it  was  well  under  headway  in 
its  construction.  Therefore  the  State  policy  wa^ 
almost  concentrated  upon  it,  in  order  to  rush  it  on  Ic 
completion.  Tlie  bonded  indebtedness  of  the  Stale 
was  growing  so  large  as  to  frighten  the  people,  and 
they  were  about  ready  to  entertain  a  proposition  for 
repudiation.  But  the  Governor  had  the  foresight  to 
recommend  such  measures  as  would  maintain  the 
public  credit,  for  which  every  citizen  to-day  feels 

But  perhaps  the  Governor  is  remembered  more  for 
his  connection  with  the  Mormon  troubles  than  for 
anything  else;  for  it  was  during  his  term  of  office 
that  the  "  Latter-Day  Saints  "  became  so  strong  at 
Nauvoo,  built  their  temple  there,  increased  their  num- 
bers throughout  the  country,  committed  misdemean- 
ors, taught  dangerous  doctrines,  suffered  the  loss  of 
theirleader,  Jo  Smith, by  a  violent  death,  were  driven 
out  of  Nauvoo  to  the  far  West,  etc.  Having  been  a 
Judge  for  so  many  years  previously,  Mr.  Ford  of 
course  was  no  i-committal  concerning  Mormon  aff  lirs, 
and  was  therefore  claimed  by  both  parties  and  also 
accused  by  each  of  sympathizing  too  greatly  with  the 
other  side.  Mormonism  claiming  to  be  a  system  of 
religion,  the  Governor  no  doubt  was  "between  two 
fires,"  and  felt  compelled  to  touch  the  matter  rather 
"  gingerly,"  and  doubtless  felt  greatly  relieved  when 
that  pestilential  people  left  the  State.  Such  compli- 
cated matters,  especially  when  religion  is  mixed  up 
with  them,  expose  every  person  participating  in 
them  to  criticism  from  all  parties. 

The  Mexican  War  was  begun  in  the  spring  of 
1845,  and  was  continued  into  the  gubernatorial  term 
of  Mr.  Ford's  su  cessor.  The  Governor's  connection 
with  this  war,  however,  was  not  conspicuous,  as  it 
was  only  administrative,  commissioning  officers,  etc. 

Ford's  "  History  of  Illinois  "  is  a  very  readable  and 
entertaining  work,  of  450  small  octavo  pages,  and  is 
destined  to  increase  in  value  with  the  lapse  of  time. 
It  exhibits  a  natural  flow  of  compact  and  forcible 
thought,  never  failing  to  convey  the  nicest  sense.  In 
tracing  with  his  trenchant  pen  the  devious  operations 
of  the  professional  politician,  in  which  he  is  inimit- 
able, his  account  is  open,  perhaps,  to  the  objection 
that  all  his  contemporaries  are  treated  as  mere  place- 
seekers,  while  many  of  them  have  since  been  judged 
by  the  people  to  be  worthy  statesmen.  His  writings 
seem  slightly  open  to  the  criticism  that  they  exhibit 
a  little  sijlenetic  partiality  against  those  of  his  con- 
temporaries who  were  prominent  during  his  term  of 
office  as  Governor. 

The  death  of  Gov.  Ford  took  place  at  Peoria,  111., 
Nov.  2,  1S50. 

^ C^r>-i-*-v^(y^ 




„„^     ^..^^    ',.-  .  '-.t-  ^^^^ 

~^M.  I       Augustus  O.  French.        | 

Governor  of  Illinois  from 
1846   to   1852,  was  born  in 

the  town  of  Hill,  in  the 
State  of  New  Hampshire, 
Aug.  2,  1S08.  He  was  a 
descendant  in  the  fourth 
generation  ot  Nathaniel 
French,  who  emigrated  from  England 
in  1687  and  settled  in  Saybury,  Mass. 
In  early  life  young  French  lost  his 
father,  but  continued  to  receive  in- 
struction from  an  exemplary  and 
Christian  mother  until  he  was  19  years 
old,  when  she  also  died,  confiding  to 
his  care  and  trust  four  younger  broth- 
ers and  one  sister.  He  discharged  his  trust  with 
parental  devotion.  His  education  in  early  life  was 
such  mainly  as  a  common  school  afforded.  For  a 
brief  period  he  attended  Dartmouth  College,  but 
from  pecuniary  causes  and  the  care  of  his  brothers 
and  sister,  he  did  not  graduate.  He  subsequently 
read  law,  and  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  in  1831,  and 
shortly  afterward  removed  to  Illinois,  settling  first  at 
Albion,  Edwards  County,  wliere  he  established  him- 
self in  the  practice  of  law.  The  following  year  lie 
removed  to  Paris,  Edgar  County.  Here  he  attained 
eminence  in  his  profession,  and  entered  public  life 
by  representing  that  county  in  the  Legislature.  A 
strong  attachment  sprang  up  between  him  and  Ste- 
phen A.  Douglas. 

In  1S39,  Mr.  French  was  appointed  Receiver  of 
the  United  States  Land  Office  at  Palestine,  Craw- 
ford County,  at  which  place  he  was  a  resident   when 

elevated  to  the  gubernatorial  chair.  In  1844  he  was 
a  Presidential  Elector,  and  as  sucli  he  voted  for 
James  K.  Polk. 

The  Democratic  State  Convention  of  1846,  meet- 
ing at  Springfield  Feb.  10,  nominated  Mr.  French 
for  Governor.  Other  Democratic  candidates  were 
Lyman  TgrumbuU,  John  Calhoun  (subsequently  of 
Lecompton  Constitution  notoriety),  Walter  B.  Scates, 
Richard  M.  Young  and  A.  W.  Cavarly, — an  array  of 
very  able  and  prominent  names.  Trumbull  was  per- 
haps defeated  in  the  Convention  by  the  rumor  that 
he  was  opposed  to  the  Illinois  and  Michigan  Canal, 
as  he  had  been  a  year  previously.  For  Lieutenant 
Governor  J.  B.  Wells  was  chosen,  while  other  candi- 
dates were  Lewis  Ross,  Wni.  McMurtry,  Newton 
Cloud,  J.  B.  Hamilton  and  W.  W.  Thompson.  The 
resolutions  declared  strongly  against  the  resuscita- 
tion of  the  old  State  Banks. 

The  Whigs,  who  were  in  a  hopeless  minority,  held 
their  convention  June  8,  at  Peoria,  and  selected 
Thomas  M.  Kilpatrick,  of  Scott  County,  for  Governor, 
and  Gen.  Nathaniel  G.  Wilco-x,  of  Schuyler,  for 
Lieutenant  Governor. 

In  the  campaign  the  latter  exposed  Mr.  French's 
record  and  connection  with  the  passage  of  the  in- 
ternal improvement  system,  urging  it  against  his 
election;  but  in  the  meantime  the  war  with  Mexico 
broke  out,  regarding  whicli  the  Wiiig  record  was  un- 
popular in  this  State.  The  war  was  the  absorbing 
and  dominating  quesrion  of  the  period,  sweeping 
every  other  political  issue  in  its  course.  The  elec- 
tion in  August  gave  Mr.  French  58,700  votes,  and 
Kilpatrick  only  36,775.  Richard  Eells,  Abolitionist 
c.mdidate  for  the  same  office,  received   5,152   vote>s 



By  the  new  Constitution  of  1848,  a  new  election  for 
State  officers  was  ordered  in  November  of  that  year, 
before  Gov.  French's  term  was  half  out,  and  he  was 
re-elected  for  the  term  of  four  years.  He  was  there- 
fore the  incumbent  for  six  consecutive  years,  the 
only  Governor  of  this  State  who  has  ever  served  in 
that  capacity  so  long  at  one  time.  As  there  was  no 
organized  opposition  to  his  election,  he  received  67,- 
453  votes,  to  5,639  for  Pierre  Menard  (son  of  the 
first  Lieutenant  Governor),  4,748  for  Charles  V. 
Dyer,  3,834  for  W.  L.  D.  Morrison,  and  1,361  for 
James  L.  D.  Morrison.  But  Wm.  McMurtry,  of 
Knox  County,  was  elected  Lieutenant  Governor,  in 
place  of  Joseph  B.  Wells,  who  was  before  elected 
and  did  not  run  again. 

Governor  French  was  inaugurated  into  office  dur- 
ing tlie  progress  of  the  Mexican  War,  which  closed 
during  the  summer  of  1847,  although  the  treaty  of 
Guadalupe  Hidalgo  was  not  made  until  Feb.  2, 
1848.  The  policy  of  Gov.  French's  party  was  com- 
mitted to  that  war,  but  in  connection  with  that  affair 
he  was,  of  course,  only  an  administrative  officer. 
During  his  term  of  office,  Feb.  19,  1847,  the  Legisla- 
ture, by  special  permission  of  Congress,  declared  that 
all  Government  lands  sold  to  settlers  should  be  im- 
mediately subject  to  State  taxation ;  before  this  they 
were  exempt  for  five  years  after  sale.  By  this  ar- 
rangement the  revenue  was  materially  increased. 
About  the  same  time,  the  distribution  of  Government 
land  warrants  among  the  Mexican  soldiers  as  bounty 
threw  upon  the  market  a  great  quantity  of  good 
lands,  and  this  enhanced  the  settlement  of  the  State. 
The  same  Legislature  authorized,  with  the  recom- 
mendation of  the  Governor,  the  sale  of  the  Northern 
Cross  Railroad  (from  Springfield  to  Meredosia,  the 
first  in  the  State  and  now  a  section  of  the  Wabash, 
St.  Louis  &  Pacific).  It  sold  for  $100,000  in  bonds, 
although  it  had  cost  the  State  not  less  than  a  million. 
The  salt  wells  and  canal  lands  in  the  Saline  reserve 
in  Gallatin  County,  granted  by  the  general  Govern- 
ment to  the  State,  were  also  authorized  by  the 
Governor  to  be  sold,  to  apply  on  the  State  debt.  In 
1850,  for  the  first  time  since  1839,  the  accruing  State 
revenue,  exclusive  of  specific  appropriations,  was 
sufficient  to  meet  the  current  demands  upon  the 
treasury.  The  aggregate  taxable  property  of  the 
State  at  this  time  was  over  $100,000,000,  and  the 
population  851,470. 

In  1849  the  Legislature  adopted  the  township  or- 
ganization law,  which,  however,  proved  defective, 
and  was  properly  amended  in  185 1.  At  its  session 
in  the  latter  year,  the  General  Assembly  also  passed 
a  law  to  exempt  homesteads  from  sale  on  executions 
This  beneficent  measure  had  been  repeatedly  utgecj 
upon  that  body  by  Gov.  French. 

In  1850  some  business  men  in  St.  Louis  conv- 
menced  to  build  a  dike  opposite  the  lower  part  of 
their  city  on  the  Illinois  side,  to  keep  the  Mississippi 
in  its  channel  near  St.  Louis,  instead  of  breaking 
away  from  them  as  it  sometimes  threatened  to  do. 
This  they  undertook  without  permission  from  the 
Legislature  or  Executive  authority  of  this  State  ;  and 
as  many  of  the  inhabitants  thera  complained  that 
the  scheme  would  inundate  and  ruin  much  valuable 
land,  there  was  a  slight  conflict  of  jurisdictions,  re- 
sulting in  favor  of  the  St.  Louis  project ;  and  since 
then  a  good  site  has  existed  there  for  a  city  (East  St. 
Louis),  and  now  a  score  of  railroads  center  there. 

It  was  in  September,  1850,  that  Congress  granted 
to  this  State  nearly  3,000,000  acres  of  land  in  aid  of 
the  completion  of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad, 
which  constituted  the  most  important  epoch  in  the 
railroad — we  might  say  internal  improvement — his- 
tory of  the  State.  The  road  was  rushed  on  to  com- 
pletion, which  accelerated  the  settlement  of  the  in- 
terior of  the  State  by  a  good  class  of  industrious  citi- 
zens, and  by  the  charter  a  good  income  to  the  State 
Treasury  is  paid  in  from  the  earnings  of  the  road. 

In  r85i  the  Legislature  passed  a  law  authorizing 
free  stock  banks,  which  was  the  source  of  much  leg- 
islative discussion  for  a  number  of  years. 

But  we  have  not  space  further  to  particularize 
concerning  legislation.  Gov.  French's  administra- 
tion was  not  marked  by  any  feature  to  be  criticised, 
while  the  country  was  settling  up  as  never  before. 

In  stature.  Gov.  French  was  of  medium  height, 
squarely  built,  light  complexioned,  with  ruddy  face 
and  pleasant  countenance.  In  manners  he  was 
plain  and  agreeable.  By  nature  he  was  somewhat 
diffident,  but  he  was  often  very  outspoken  in  his  con- 
victions of  duty.  In  public  speech  he  was  not  an 
orator,  but  was  chaste,  earnest  and  persuasive.  In 
business  he  was  accurate  and  methodical,  and  in  his 
administration  he  kept  up  the  credit  of  the  State. 

He  died  in  1865,  at  his  home  in  Lebanon,  St 
Clair  Co.,  111. 




■"•.OEL  A.  MATTESON,  Governor 
|^««  1 85  3-6,  was  born  Aug.  8,  1808, 
■%  in  Jefferson  County,  New  York, 
to  which  place  his  father  had  re- 
moved from  Vermont  three  years 
before.  His  father  was  a  farmer 
in  fair  circumstances,  but  a  com- 
mon English  education  was  all 
that  his  only  son  received.  Young 
Joel  first  tempted  fortune  as  a 
small  tradesman  in  Prescott, 
Canada,  before  he  was  of  age. 
He  returned  from  that  place  to 
his  home,  entered  an  academy, 
taught  school,  visited  the  prin- 
cipal Eastern  cities,  improved  a  farm  his  father  had 
given  him,  made  a  tour  in  the  South,  worked  there 
in  b;iilding  railroads,  experienced  a  storm  on  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  visited  the  gold  diggings  of  Northern 
Georgia,  and  returned  via  Nashville  to  St.  Louis  and 
through  Illinois  to  his  father's  home,  when  he  mar- 
ried. In  1833,  having  sold  his  farm,  he  removed, 
with  his  wife  and  one  child,  to  Illinois,  and  entered 
a  claim  on  Government  land  near  the  head  of  Au 
Sable  River,  in  what  is  now  Kendall  County.  At 
that  time  there  were  not  more  than  two  neighbors 
within  a  range  of  ten  miles  of  his  jjlace,  and  only 
three  or  four  houses  between  him  and  Chicago.  He 
opened  a  large  farm.     His   far.iily    was   boarded    12 

miles  away  while  he  erected  a  house  on  his  claim, 
sleeping,  daring  this  time,  under  a  rude  pole  shed. 
Here  his  life  was  once  placed  in  imminent  peril  by 
a  huge  prairie  rattlesnake  sharing  his  bed. 

In  1835  he  bought  largely  at  the  Government  land 
sales.  During  the  speculative  real-estate  mania  which 
broke  out  in  Chicago  in  1 836  and  spread  over  the  State, 
he  sold  his  lands  under  the  inflation  of  that  period 
and  removed  to  Joliet.  In  1838  he  became  a  heavy 
contractor  on  the  Illinois  &  Michigan  Canal.  Upon 
the  completion  of  his  job  in  184 r,  when  hard  limes 
prevailed,  business  at  a  stand,  contracts  paid  in  State 
scrip;  when  all  the  public  works  except  the  canal 
were  abandoned,  the  State  offered  for  sale  700  tons 
of  railroad  iron,  which  was  purchased  by  Mr.  Mat- 
teson  at  a  bargain.  This  he  accepted,  shipped  and 
sold  at  Detroit,  realizing  a  very  handsome  profit, 
enough  to  pay  off  all  his  canal  debts  and  leave  him  a 
surplus  of  several  thousand  dollars.  His  enterprise 
next  prompted  him  to  start  a  woolen  mill  at  Joliet, 
in  which  he  prospered,  and  which,  after  successive 
enlargements,  became  an  enormous  establishment. 

In  1842  he  was  first  elected  a  State  Senator,  but, 
by  a  bungling  apiiortionmeat,  John  Pearson,  a  Senator 
holding  over,  was  found  to  be  in  the  same  district, 
and  decided  to  be  entitled  to  represent  it.  Mat- 
teson's  seat  was  declared  vacant.  Pearson,  however, 
with  a  nobleness  difficult  to  appreciate  in  this  day  of 



greed  for  office,  unwilling  to  represent  his  district 
under  the  circumstances,  immediately  resigned  his 
unexpired  term  of  two  years.  A  bill  was  passed  in  a 
few  hours  ordering  a  new  election,  and  in  ten  days' 
time  Mr.  Matteson  was  returned  re-elected  and  took 
his  seat  as  Senator.  From  his  well-known  capacity 
as  a  business  man,  he  was  made  Chairman  of  the 
Committee  on  Finance,  a  position  he  held  during 
this  half  and  two  full  succeeding  Senatorial  terms, 
discharging  its  important  duties  with  ability  and  faith- 
fulness. Besides  his  extensive  woolen-mill  interest, 
when  work  was  resumed  on  the  canal  under  the  new 
loan  of  $1,600,000  he  again  became  a  heavy  con- 
tractor, and  also  subsequently  operated  largely  in 
building  railroads.  Thus  he  showed  himself  a  most 
energetic  and  thorough  business  man. 

He  was  nominated  for  Governor  by  the  Demo- 
cratic State  Convention  which  met  at  Springfield 
April  20,  1852.  Other  candidates  before  the  Con- 
vention were  D.  L.  Gregg  and  F.  C.  Sherman,  of 
Cook ;  John  Dement,  of  Lee  ;  Thomas  L.  Harris,  of 
Menard;  Lewis  W.  Ross, of  Fulton  ;  and  D.  P.  Bush, 
of  Pike.  Gustavus  Koerner,  of  St.  Clair,  was  nom- 
inated for  Lieutenant  Governor.  For  the  same  offices 
the  Whigs  nominated  Edwin  B.  Webb  and  Dexter  A. 
Knovvlton.  Mr.  Matteson  received  80,645  votes  at 
the  election,  while  Mr.  Webb  received  64,408.  Mat- 
teson's  forte  was  not  on  the  stump;  he  had  not  cul- 
tivated the  art  of  oily  flattery,  or  the  faculty  of  being 
all  things  to  all  men.  His  intellectual  qualities  took 
rather  the  direction  of  efficient  executive  ability.  His 
turn  consisted  not  so  much  in  the  adroit  manage- 
ment of  party,  or  the  powerful  advocacy  of  great  gov- 
ernmental principles,  as  in  those  more  solid  and 
ehduring  operations  which  cause  the  physical  devel- 
opment and  advancement  of  a  State, — of  commerce 
and  business  enterprise,  into  which  he  labored  with 
success  to  lead  the  people.  As  a  politician  he  was 
just  and  liberal  in  his  views,  and  both  in  official  and 
private  life  he  then  stood  untainted  and  free  from 
blemish.  As  a  man,  in  active  benevolence,  social 
I'irtues  and  all  the  amiable  qualities  of  neighbor  or 
citizen,  he  had  few  superiors.  His  messages  present 
a  perspicuous  array  of  facts  as  to  the  condition  of  the 
State,  and  are  often  couched  in  forcible  and  elegant 

The  greatest  excitement  during  liis  term  of  office 
was  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Compromise,  by  Con- 

gress, under  the  leadership  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas  in 
1854,  when  the  bill  was  passed  organizing  the  Terri- 
tory of  Kansas  and  Nebraska.  A  large  portion  of 
the  Whig  party  of  the  North,  through  their  bitter  op- 
position to  tlie  Democratic  party,  naturally  drifted 
into  the  doctrine  of  anti-slavery,  and  thus  led  to  what 
was  temporarily  called  the  "Anti-Nebraska"  party, 
while  the  followers  of  Douglas  were  known  as  "  Ne- 
braska or  Douglas  Democrats."  It  was  during  this 
embryo  stage  of  the  Republican  party  that  Abraham 
Lincoln  was  brought  forward  as  the  "Anti-Nebraska" 
candidate  for  the  United  States  Senatorship,  while 
Gen.  James  Shields,  the  incumbent,  was  re-nom- 
inated by  the  Democrats.  But  after  a  fewballotings 
in  the  Legislature  (1855),  these  men  were  dropped, 
and  Lyman  Trumbull,  an  Anti-Nebraska  Democrat, 
was  brought  up  by  the  former,  and  Mr.  Matteson, 
then  Governor,  l)y  the  latter.  On  the  nth  ballot 
Mr.  Trumbull  obtained  one  majority,  and  was  ac- 
cordingly declared  elected.  Before  Gov.  Matteson 's 
term  expired,  the  Republicans  were  fully  organized 
as  a  national  party,  and  in  1856  put  into  the  field  a 
full  national  and  State  ticket,  carrying  the  State,  but 
not  the  nation. 

The  Legislature  of  1855  passed  two  very  import- 
ant measures, — the  present  free-school  system  and  a 
submission  of  the  Maine  liquor  law  to  a  vote  of  the 
people.  The  latter  was  defeated  by  a  small  majority 
of  the  popular  vote. 

During  the  four  years  of  Gov.  Matteson 's  admin- 
istration the  taxable  wealth  of  the  State  was  about 
trebled,  from  $137,818,079  to  $349,951,272;  the  pub- 
lic debt  was  reduced  from  $17,398,985  to  $12,843,- 
144;  taxation  was  at  the  same  time  reduced,  and  the 
State  resumed  paying  interest  on  its  debt  i;i  New 
York  as  fast  as  it  fell  due;  railroads  were  increased 
in  their  mileage  from  something  less  than  400  to 
about  3,000 ;  and  the  population  of  Chicago  was 
nearly  doubled,  and  its  commerce  more  than  quad- 

Before  closing  this  account,  we  regret  that  we  liave 
to  say  that  Mr.  Matteson,  in  all  other  respects  an 
upright  man  and  a  good  Governor,  was  implicated 
in  a  false  re-issue  of  redeemed  canal  serin,  amount- 
ing to  $224,182.66.  By  a  suit  in  the  Sangamon  Cir- 
cuit Court  the  State  recovered  the  principal  and  all 
the  interest  exce|)ting  $27,500. 

He   died  in    the   winter  of  187 2-3,   at  Chicago. 








ernor 1857-60,  was  born 
April  25,  181 1,  in  the 
State  of  New  York,  near 
Painted  Post,  Yates  County. 
His  parents  were  obscure, 
honest,  God-fearing  people, 
who  reared  their  children  under  the  daily 
example  of  industry  and  frugality,  accord- 
ing to  the  custom  of  that  class  of  Eastern 
society.  Mr.  Bissell  received  a  respecta- 
ble but  not  thorough  academical  education. 
By  assiduous  application  he  acquired  a 
knowledge  of  medicine,  and  in  his  early 
manhood  came  West  and  located  in  Mon- 
roe County,  this  State,  where  he  engaged  in  the 
practice  of  that  profession.  But  he  was  not  enam- 
ored of  his  calling:  he  was  swayed  by  a  broader 
ambition,  to  such  an  extent  that  the  mysteries  of  the 
healing  art  and  its  arduous  duties  failed  to  yield  him 
further  any  cliarms.  In  a  few  years  he  discovered 
his  choice  of  a  profession  to  be  a  mistake,  and  when 
he  approached  the  age  of  30  he  sought  to  begin 
anew.  Dr.  Bissell,  no  doubt  unexpectedly  to  him- 
self, discovered  a  singular  facility  and  charm  of 
speech,  the  exercise  of  which  acquired  for  him  a 
ready  local   notoriety.     It  soon  came  to  be   under- 

stood that  he  desired  to  abandon  his  profession  and 
take  up  that  of  the  law.  During  terms  of  Court  he 
would  spend  his  time  at  the  county  seat  among  the 
members  of  the  Bar,  who  extended  to  him  a  ready 

It  was  not  strange,  therefore,  that  he  should  drift 
into  public  life.  In  1S40  he  was  elected  as  a  Dem- 
ocrat to  the  Legislature  from  Monroe  County,  and 
was  an  efficient  member  of  that  body.  On  his  re- 
turn home  lie  qualified  himself  for  admission  to  the 
Bar  and  speedily  rose  to  the  front  rank  as  an  advo- 
cate. His  powers  of  oratory  were  captivating.  VVitli  a 
pure  diction,  charming  and  inimitable  gestures, 
clearness  of  statement,  and  a  remarkable  vein  of  sly 
humor,  his  efforts  before  a  jury  told  with  irresistible 
effect.  He  was  chosen  by  the  Legislature  Prosecut- 
ing Attorney  for  the  Circuit  in  which  he  lived,  and 
in  that  position  he  fully  discharged  his  duly  to  the 
State,  gained  the  esteem  of  the  Bar,  and  seldom 
failed  to  convict  the  offender  of  the  law. 

In  stature  he  was  somewhat  tall  and  slender,  and 
with  a  straight,  military  bearing,  he  presented  a  dis- 
tinguished appearance.  His  complexion  was  dark, 
his  head  well  poised,  though  not  large,  his  address 
pleasant  and  manner  winning.  Ho  was  exemplary 
in  his  habits,  a  devoted  husband  and  kind  parent. 
He  was  twice  married,  the  first  time  to  Miss  James, 



of  Monroe  County,  by  whom  he  had  two  children, 
both  daughters.  She  died  soon  after  the  year  1840, 
and  Mr.  B.  married  for  his  second  wife  a  daughter 
of  Elias  K.  Kane,  previously  a  United  States  Senator 
from  this  State.  She  survived  him  but  a  short  time, 
and  died  without  issue. 

When  the  war  with  Mexico  was  declared  in  1846, 
Mr.  Bissell  enlisted  and  was  elected  Colonel  of  his 
regiment,  over  Hon.  Don  Morrison,  by  an  almost 
unanimous  vote, — S07  to  6.  Considering  the  limited 
opportunities  he  had  had,  he  evinced  a  high  order  of 
military  talent.  On  the  bloody  field  of  Buena  Vista 
he  acquitted  himself  with  intrepid  and  distinguished 
ability,  contributing  with  his  regiment,  the  Second 
Illinois,  in  no  small  degree  toward  saving  the  waver- 
ing fortunes  of  our  arms  during  that  long  and  fiercely 
contested  battle. 

After  his  return  home,  at  the  close  of  the  war,  he 
was  elected  to  Congress,  his  opponents  being  the 
Hons.  P.  B.  Fouke  and  Joseph  Gillespie.  He  served 
two  terms  in  Congress.  He  was  an  ardent  politician. 
During  the  great  contest  of  1S50  he  voted  in  favor 
of  the  adjustment  measures;  but  in  1S54  he  opposed 
the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Compromise  act  and 
therefore  the  Kansas-Nebraska  bill  of  Douglas,  and 
thus  became  identified  with  the  nascent  Republican 

During  his  first  Congressional  term,  while  the 
Southern  members  were  following  their  old  practice 
of  intimidating  the  North  by  bullying  language, 
and  claiming  most  of  the  credit  for  victories  in  the 
Mexican  War,  and  Jefferson  Davis  claiming  for  the 
Mississippi  troops  all  the  credit  for  success  at  Buena 
Vista,  Mr.  Bissell  bravely  defended  the  Northern 
troops ;  whereupon  Davis  challenged  Bissell  to  a  duel, 
which  was  accepted.  This  matter  was  brought  up 
against  Bissell  when  he  was  candidate  for  Governor 
and  during  his  term  of  office,  as  the  Constitution  of 
this  State  forbade  any  duelist  from  holding  a  State 

In  1856,  when  the  Republican  party  first  put  forth 
a  candidate,  John  C.  Fremont,  for  President  of  the 
United  States,  the  same  party  nominated  Mr.  Bissell 
for  Governor  of  Illinois,  and  John  Wood,  of  Quincy, 
for  Lieutenant  Governor,  while  the  Democrats  nomi- 
nated Hon.  W.  A.  Richardson,  of  .\dams  County, 
for  Governor,  and  Col.  R.  J.  Hamilton,  of  Cook 
County,  for  Lieutenant  Governor.     The  result  of  the 

election  was  a  plurality  of  4,729  votes  over  Richard- 
son. The  .\merican,  or  Know-Nothing,  party  had  a 
ticket  in  the  field.  The  Legislature  was  nearly  bal- 
anced, but  was  politically  opposed  to  the  Governor. 
His  message  to  the  Legislature  was  short  and  rather 
ordinary,  and  was  criticised  for  expressing  the  sup- 
posed obligations  of  the  people  to  the  incorporators 
of  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Company  and  for  re- 
opening the  slavery  question  by  allusions  to  the 
Kansas  troubles.  Late  in  the  session  an  apportion- 
ment bill,  based  upon  the  State  census  of  1855,  was 
passed,  amid  much  partisan  strife.  The  Governor 
at  first  signed  the  bill  and  then  vetoed  it.  A  furious 
debate  followed,  and  the  question  whether  the  Gov- 
ernor had  the  authority  to  recall  a  signature  was 
referred  to  the  Courts,  that  of  last  resort  deciding  ir. 
favor  of  the  Governor.  Two  years  afterward  another 
outrageous  attempt  was  made  for  a  re-apportionment 
and  to  gerrymander  the  State,  but  the  Legislature 
failed  to  pass  the  bill  over  the  veto  of  the  Governor. 

It  was  during  Gsv.  Bissell's  administration  that 
the  notorious  canal  scrip  fraud  was  brought  to  light, 
'"mplicating  ex-Gov.  Matteson  and  other  prominent 
State  ofiicials.  The  principal  and  interest,  aggregat- 
ing $255,500,  was  all  recovered  by  the  State  except- 
ing $27,500.     (See  sketch  of  Gov,  Matteson.) 

In  1859  an  attempt  was  discovered  to  fraud'j.- 
lently  refund  the  Macalister  and  Stebbins  bonds  and 
thus  rob  the  State  Treasury  of  nearly  a  quarter  of  a 
million  dollars.  The  State  Government  was  impli- 
cated in  this  affair,  and  to  this  day  remains  unex- 
plained or  unatoned  for.  For  the  above,  and  other 
matters  previously  mentioned.  Gov.  Bissell  has  been 
severely  criticised,  and  he  has  also  been  most  shame- 
fully libelled  and  slandered. 

On  account  of  exposure  in  the  army,  the  remote 
cause  of  a  nervous  form  of  disease  gained  entrance? 
into  his  system  and  eventually  developed  paraplegia, 
affecting  his  lower  extremities,  which,  while  it  left 
his  body  in  comparative  health,  deprived  him  of  loco- 
motion except  by  the  aid  of  crutches.  While  he  was 
generally  hopeful  of  ultimate  recovery,  this  myste- 
rious disease  pursued  him,  without  once  relaxing  its 
stealthy  hold,  to  the  close  of  his  life,  March  iS, 
i860,  over  nine  months  before  the  expiration  of  his 
gubernatorial  term,  at  the  early  age  of  48  years.  He 
died  in  the  faith  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  of 
which  he  harl  been  a  member  since  1854. 






::i  )HN  WOOD,  Governo.-  i86o-i,and 
j,ffe»»  the  first  settler  of  Quincy,  111., 
was  born  in  the  town  of  Sempro- 
niiis  (now  Moravia),  Cayuga  Co., 
N.  Y.,  Dec.  20,  1798.  He  was 
the  second  child  and  only  son  of 
Dr.  Daniel  Wood.  His  mother, 
nee  Catherine  Crause,  was  of 
German  parentage,  and  died 
while  he  was  an  infant.  Dr. 
Wood  was  a  learned  and  skillful 
physician,  of  classical  attain- 
ments and  proficient  in  several 
modern  lai.guages,  who,  after 
serving  througliout  the  Revolu- 
tionary War  as  a  Surgeon,  settled  on  the  land  granted 
him  by  the  Government,  and  resided  there  a  re- 
spected and  leading  influence  in  his  section  until  his 
death,  at  the  ripe  age  of  92  years. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch,  impelled  by  the  spirit 
of  Western  adventure  then  pervading  everywhere, 
left  his  home,  Nov.  2,  18 18,  and  passed  the  succeed- 
ing winter  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  The  following  sum- 
mer he  pushed  on  to  Illinois,  landing  at  Shawneetown. 
and  spent  the  fall  and  following  winter  in  Calhoun 
County.  In  1820,  in  company  with  Willard  Keyes, 
iie  settled  in  Pike  County,  about  30  miles  southeast 
of  Quincy,  where  for  the  ne.\t  two  years  he  pursued 
f.irming.  In  1821  he  visited  "the  Bluffs"  (as  the 
present  site  of  Quincy  was  called,  then  uninhabited) 
and,  pleased  with  its  prospects,  soon  after  purchased 
a  quarter-section  of  land  near  by,  and  in  the  follow- 
ing fall  (1822)  erected  near  the  river  a  small  cabin, 

1 8  .X  20  feet,  the  first  building  in  Quincy,  of  whicli 
he  then  became  the  first  and  for  some  months  the 
only  occupant. 

About  this  time  he  visited  his  old  friends  in  Pike 
County,  chief  of  whom  was  William  Ross,  the  lead- 
ing man  in  building  up  the  village  of  Atlas,  of  that 
county,  which  was  thought  then  to  be  the  possible 
commencement  of  a  city.  One  day  they  and  others 
were  traveling  together  over  the  country  between  the 
two  points  named,  making  observations  on  the  com- 
parative merits  of  the  respective  localities.  On  ap- 
proaching the  Mississippi  near  Mr.  Wood's  place, 
the  latter  told  his  companions  to  follow  him  and  he 
would  show  them  where  he  was  going  to  build  a  city. 
They  went  about  a  mile  off  the  main  trail,  to  a  high 
point,  from  which  the  view  in  every  direction  was 
most  magnificent,  as  it  had  been  for  ages  and  as  ye; 
untouched  by  the  hand  of  njan.  Before  them  swept 
by  the  majestic  Father  of  Waters,  yet  unburdened  by 
navigation.  After  Mr.  Wood  had  expatiated  at 
length  on  the  advantages  of  the  situation,  Mr.  Ross 
replied,  "But  it's  too  near  Atlas  ever  to  amount  to 

Atlas  is  still  a  cultivated  farm,  and  Quincy  is  ;> 
city  of  over  30,000  population. 

In  1824  Mr.  Wood  gave  a  newspaper  notice, 
as  the  law  then  prescribed,  of  his  intention  to  apply 
to  the  General  Assembly  for  the  formation  of  a  new 
county.  This  was  done  the  following  winter,  result- 
ing in  the  establishment  of  the  present  Adams 
County.  During  the  next  summer  Quincy  was  se- 
lected as  the  county  seat,  it  and  the  vicinity  then 
containing  but  four  adult  male   residents  and   half 



that  number  of  females.  Since  that  period  Mr. 
Wood  resided  at  the  place  of  his  early  adoption  un- 
til his  death,  and  far  more  than  any  other  man  was 
he  identified  with  every  measure  of  its  progress  and 
history,  and  almost  continuously  kept  in  public  posi- 

He  was  one  of  the  early  town  Trustees,  and  after 
the  place  became  a  city  he  was  often  a  member  of 
the  City  Council,  many  times  elected  Mayor,  in  the 
face  of  a  constant  large  opposition  political  majority. 
In  1850  he  was  elected  to  the  State  Senate.  In  1S56, 
on  the  organization  of  the  Republican  party,  he  was 
chosen  Lieutenant  Governor  of  the  State,  on  the 
ticket  with  Wm.  H.  Bissell  for  Governor,  and  on  the 
death  of  the  latter,  March  18,  i860,  he  succeeded  to 
the  Chief  Executive  chair,  which  he  occupied  until 
Gov.  Yates  was  inaugurated  nearly  ten  months  after- 

Nothing  very  marked  characterized  the  adminis- 
tration of  Gov.  Wood.  The  great  anti-slavery  cam- 
paign of  i860,  resulting  in  the  election  of  the  honest 
Illinoisan,  Abraham  Lincoln,  to  the  Presidency  of  the 
United  States,  occurred  during  the  short  period 
while  Mr.  Wood  was  Governor,  and  the  excitement 
and  issues  of  that  struggle  dominated  over  every 
other  consideration, — indeed,  supplanted  them  in  a 
great  measure.  The  people  of  Illinois,  during  all 
that  time,  were  passing  the  comparatively  petty  strifes 
under  Bissell's  administration  to  the  overwhelming 
issue  of  preserving  the  whole  nadon  from  destruction. 
In  186 1  ex-Gov.  Wood  was  one  of  the  five  Dele- 
gates from  Illinois  to  the  "  Peace  Convention  "  at 
Washington,  and  in  April  of  the  same  year,  on  the 
breaking  out  of  the    Rebellion,   he    was   appointed 

Quartermaster-General  of  the  State,  which  position 
he  held  throughout  the  war.  In  1864  he  took  com- 
mand as  Colonel  of  the  137th  111.  Vol.  Inf,  with 
whom  he  served  until  the  period  of  enlistment  ex- 

Politically,  Gov.  Wood  was  always  actively  identi- 
fied with  the  Whig  and  Republican  parties.  Few 
men  have  in  personal  experience  comprehended  so 
many  surprising  and  advancing  local  changes  as 
vested  in  the  more  than  half  century  recollections  of 
Gov.  Wood.  Sixty-four  years  ago  a  solitary  settler 
on  the  "Bluffs,"  with  no  family,  and  no  neighbor 
within  a  score  of  miles,  the  world  of  civilization  away 
behind  him,  and  the  strolling  red-man  almost  his 
only  visitant,  he  lived  to  see  growing  around  him, 
and  under  his  auspices  and  aid,  overspreading  the 
wild  hills  and  scraggy  forest  a  teaming  city,  second 
only  in  size  in  the  State,  and  surpassed  nowhere  in 
beauty,  prosperity  and  promise  ;  whose  people  recog- 
nize as  with  a  single  voice  the  proverbial  honor  and 
liberality  that  attach  to  the  name  and  lengthened 
life  of  their  pioneer  settler,  "the  old  Governor." 

Gov.  Wood  was  twice  married,— first  in  January, 
1S26,  to  Ann  M.  Streeter,  daughter  of  Joshua  Streeter, 
formedy  of  Salem,  Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.  They  had 
eight  children.  Mrs.  W.  died  Oct.  8,  1863,  and  in 
June,  1S65,  Gov.  Wood  married  Mrs.  Mary  A.,  widow 
of  Rev.  Joseph  T.  Holmes.  Gov.  Wood  died  June  ^, 
18S0,  at  his  residence  in  Quincy.  Four  of  his  eight 
children  are  now  living,  namely:  Ann  E.,  wife  of 
Gen.  John  Tillson;  Daniel  C,  who  married  Mary  J. 
Abernethy;  John,  Jr.,  who  married  Josephine  Skinner, 
and  Joshua  S.,  who  married  Annie  Bradley.  The 
last  mentioned  now  resides  at  Atchison,  Kansas,  and 
all  the  rest  are  still  at  Quincy. 






l^it'l^artl    Yates  4"^ 

•^WCHARD  YATES,  the    "War 
Governor,'  1861-4,   was  born 
Jan.  18,  1818,  on  the  banks  of 
the    Ohio    River,    at    Warsaw, 
GaHatin  Co.,  Ky.     His  father 
-s     moved  in  183 1  to  Illinois,  and^ 
'"C^^    after   stopping   for   a   time  in 
-  Springfield,   settled  at    Island 

Grove,  Sangamon  County.  Here, 
after  attending  school,  Richard  joined 
the  family.  Subsequently  he  entered 
Illinois  College  at  Jacksonville, 
where,  in  1837,  he  graduated  with 
first  honors.  He  chose  for  his  pro- 
fession the  law,  the  Hon.  J.  J.  Har- 
din being  his  instructor.  After  ad- 
mission to  the  Bar  he  soon  rose  to  distinction  as  an 

Gifted  with  a  fluent  and  ready  oratory,  he  soon 
appeared  in  the  political  hustings,  and,  being  a 
passionate  admirer  of  the  great  Whig  leader  of  the 
West.  Henry  Clay,  he  Joined  his  political  fortunes  to 
he  party  of  his  idol.  \\\  1840  he  engaged  with  great 
'■rdor  in  the  exciting  "  hard  cider  "  campaign  for 
r'arrison.  Two  years  later  he  was  elected  to  the 
Legislature  from  Morgan  County,  a  Democratic 
stronghold.  He  served  three  or  four  terms  in  the 
Legislature,  and  such  was  the  fascination  of  his  ora- 
-ry  that  by  1850  his  large  Congressional  District, 
(^■tending  from  Morgan  and  Sangamon  Counties 
.  .jrth  to  include  LaSalle,  unanimously  tendered  him 
'^w".  ■^Vhig  nomination  for  Congress.  His  Democratic 
opponent  was  Maj.  Thomas  L.  Harris,  a  very  pop- 
ular man  who  had  won  distinction  at  the  battle  of 
Csrro  Gordo,  in  the  Me.\ican  War,  and  who  had 
aeaten  Hon.  Stephen  T.  Logan  for  the  same  position. 

two  years  before,  by  a  large  majority.  Yates  wa.s 
elected.  Two  years  later  he  was  re-elected,  over 
John  Calhoun. 

It  was  during  Yates  second  term  in  Congress  tliat 
the  great  question  of  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Com- 
promise was  agitated,  and  the  bars  laid  down  for  re- 
opening the  dreaded  anti-slavery  question.  He  took 
strong  groinids  against  the  repeal,  and  thus  became 
identified  with  the  rising  Republican  party.  Conse- 
quently he  fell  into  the  minority  in  his  district,  which 
was  pro-slavery.  Even  then,  in  a  third  contest,  he 
fell  behind  Major  Harris  only  200  votes,  after  the 
district  had  two  years  before  given  Pierce  2,000 
majority  for  President. 

The  Republican  State  Convention  of  i860  met  at 
Decatur  May  9,  and  nominated  for  the  office  of  Gov- 
ernor Mr.  Yates,  in  preference  to  Hon.   Norman  B. 
Judd,  of  Chicago,  and  Leonard  Swett,  of  Blooming- 
ton,  two  of  the  ablest  men  of  the   State,  who  were 
also  candidates  before  the  Convention.     Francis  A. 
Hoffman,   of  DuPage   County,    was    nominated  for 
Lieutenant  Governor.     This  was  the  year  when  Mr. 
Lincoln  was  a  candidate  for  President,  a  period  re- 
membered as  characterized  by   the  great  whirlpool 
which  precipitated  the  bloody  War  of  the  Rebellion. 
The  Douglas  Democrats  nominated   J.   C.   Allen  of 
Crawford  County,  for  Governor,  and   Lewis  W.  Ross, 
of  Fulton   County,  for  Lieutenant  Governor.     The 
Breckenridge  Democrats  and  the  Bell-Everett  parly 
had  also  full  tickets  in  the  field.     After  a  most  fear- 
ful campaign,  the  result  of  the   election  gave  Mr. 
Yates  172,196  votes,  and   Mr.   Allen  159,253.     Mr. 
Yates  received  over  a  thousand  more  votes  than  did 
Mr.  Lincoln  himself. 
Gov.  Yates  occupied  the  chair  of  State  during  the 



most  critical  period  of  our  country's  history.  In  the 
fate  of  the  nation  was  involved  that  of  each  State. 
The  life  struggle  of  the  former  derived  its  sustenance 
from  the  loyalty  of  the  latter;  and  Gov.  Yates 
seemed  to  realize  the  situation,  and  proved  himself 
both  loyal  and  wise  in  upholding  the  Government. 
He  had  a  deep  hold  upon  the  affections  of  the 
people,  won  by  his  moving  eloquence  and  genial 
manners.  Erect  and  symmetrical  in  person,  of  pre- 
possessing appearance,  with  a  winning  address  and  a 
magnetic  power,  few  men  possessed  more  of  the  ele- 
ments of  popularity.  His  oratory  was  scholarly  and 
captivating,  his  hearers  hardly  knowing  why  they 
were  transported.  He  was  social  and  convivial.  In 
the  latter  respect  he  was  ultimately  carried  too  far. 

The  very  creditable  military  efforts  of  this  State 
during  the  War  of  the  Rebellion,  in  putting  into  the 
field  the  enormous  number  of  about  200,000  soldiers, 
were  ever  promptly  and  ably  seconded  by  his  excel- 
lency ;  and  the  was  ambitious  to  deserve  the  title  of 
"the  soldier's  friend."  Immediately  after  the  battle  of 
Shiloh  he  repaired  to  the  field  of  carnage  to  look 
after  the  wounded,  and  his  appeals  for  aid  were 
promptly  responded  to  by  the  people.  His  procla- 
mations calling  for  volunteers  were  impassionate 
appeals,  urging  upon  the  people  the  duties  and  re- 
quirements of  patriotism;  and  his  special  message 
in  1863  to  the  Democratic  Legislature  of  this  State 
pleading  for  material  aid  for  the  sick  and  wounded 
soldiers  of  Illinois  regiments,  breathes  a  deep  fervor 
of  noble  sentiment  and  feeling  rarely  equaled  in 
beauty  or  felicity  of  expression.  Generally  his  mes- 
sages on  political  and  civil  affairs  were  able  and  com- 
prehensive. During  his  administration,  however, 
there  were  no  civil  events  of  an  engrossing  character, 
although  two  years  of  his  time  were  replete  with 
partisan  quarrels  of  great  bitterness.  Military  ar- 
rests, Knights  of  the  Golden  Circle,  riot  in  Fulton 
County,  attempted  suppression  of  the  Chicago  Times 
and  the  usurping  State  Constitutional  Convention  of 
1862,  were  the  chief  local  topics  that  were  exciting 
during  the  Governor's  term.  This  Convention  assem- 
bled Jan.  7,  and  at  once  took  the  high  position  that 
■''le  law  calling  it  was  no  longer  binding,  and  that  it 
■ad  supreme  power;  that  it  represented  a  virtual 
assemblage  of  the  whole  people  of  the  State,  and  was 
sovereign  in  the  exercise  of  all  power  necessary  to 
effect  a  peaceable  revolution  of  the  State  Government 

and  to  the  re-establishment  of  one  for  the  "happinesS; 
prosperity  and  freedom  of  the  citizens,"  limited  only 
by  the  Federal  Constitution.  Notwithstanding  the 
law  calling  the  Convention  required  its  members  to 
take  an  oath  to  support  the  Constitution  of  the  State 
as  well  as  that  of  the  general  Government,  they 
utterly  refused  to  take  such  oath.  They  also  as- 
sumed legislative  powers  and  passed  several  import- 
ant "laws!"  Interfering  with  the  (then)  present 
executive  duties,  Gov.  Yates  was  provoked  to  tell 
them  plainly  that  "  he  did  not  acknowledge  the  right 
of  the  Convention  to  instruct  him  in  the  performance 
of  his  duty." 

In  1863  the  Governor  astonished  the  Democrats 
by  "  proroguing  "  their  Legislature.  This  body,  after 
a  recess,  met  June  2,  that  year,  and  soon  began  to 
waste  time  upon  various  partisan  resolutions ;  and, 
while  the  two  houses  were  disagreeing  upon  the 
question  of  adjourning  sine  die,  the  Governor,  having 
the  authority  in  such  cases,  surprised  them  all  by 
adjourning  them  "  to  the  Saturday  next  preceding  the 
first  Monday  in  January,  1865  !  "  This  led  to  great 
excitement  and  confusion,  and  to  a  reference  of  the 
Governor's  act  to  the  Supreme  Court,  who  decided  in 
his  favor.  Then  it  was  the  Court's  turn  to  receive 
abuse  for  weeks  and  months  afterward. 

During  the  autumn  of  1864  a  conspiracy  was  de- 
tected at  Chicago  which  had  for  its  object  the  liber- 
ation of  the  prisoners  of  war  at  Camp  Douglas,  the 
burning  of  the  city  and  the  inauguration  of  rebellion 
in  the  North.  Gen.  Sweet,  who  had  charge  of  the 
camp  at  the  time,  first  iiad  his  suspicions  of  danger 
aroused  by  a  number  of  enigmatically  worded  letters 
which  passed  through  the  Camp  postoffice.  K  de- 
tective afterward  discovered  that  the  rebel  Gen. 
Marmaduke  was  in  the  city,  under  an  assumed 
name,  and  he,  with  other  rebel  officers — Grenfell, 
Morgan,  Cantrell,  Buckner  Morris,  and  Charles 
Walsh — was  arrested,  most  of  whom  were  convicted 
by  a  court-martial  at  Cincinnati  and  sentenced  to 
imprisonment, — Grenfell  to  be  hung.  The  sentence 
of  the  latter  was  afterward  commuted  to  imprison- 
ment for  life,  and  all  the  others,  after  nine  months' 
imprisonment,  were  pardoned. 

In  March,  1873,  Gov.  Yates  was  appointed  a  Gov- 
ernment Director  of  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad,  in 
which,  office  he  continued  until  his  decease,  at  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  on  the  27th  of  November  following. 




Micliard  J.  Oqleshy.     Hi- 



aCHARl)  J.  OGLESBY,  Gov- 
ib»»  eriior  1865-8,  and  re-elected 
in  1 87  2  and  1884,  was  born 
July  25,  1824,  in  Oldham  Co., 
Ky., — the  State  which  might 
be  considered  the  "  mother  of 
Illinois  Governors."  Bereft  of 
his  parents  at  the  tender  age 
of  eight  years,  his  early  education 
was  neglected.  When  12  years  of 
age,  and  after  he  had  worked  a  year 
and  a  half  at  tlie  carpenter's  trade, 
he  removed  with  an  uncle,  Willis 
Oglesby,  into  whose  care  he  had 
been  committed,  to  Decatur,  this 
State,  where  he  continued  his  ap- 
jirenticeship  as  a  mechanic,  working  six  months  for 
Hon.  E.  O.  Smith. 

In  1844  he  commenced  studying  law  at  .spring- 
field,  with  Judge  Silas  Robbins,  and  read  with  him 
one  year.  He  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  in  1845,  and 
commenced  the  practice  of  his  chosen  profession  at 
Sullivan,  the  county  seat  of  Moultrie  County. 

The  next  year  the  war  with  Mexico  was  com- 
menced, and  in  June,  1846,  Mr.  Oglesby  volunteered, 
was  elected  First  Lieutenant  of  Co.  C,  Fourth  Illinois 
Regiment  of  Volunteers,  and  participated  in  the  bat- 
tles of  Vera  Cruz  and  Cerro  Gordo. 

On  his  return  he  sought  to  perfect  his  law  studies 
by  attending  a  course  of  lectures  at  Louisville,  but 
on  the  breaking  out  of  the  California  "gold  fever  "  in 
1849,  he  crossed  the  plains  and  mountains  to  the 
new  Eldorado,  driving  a  six-mule  team,  with  a  com- 

pany of  eight  men,  Henry  Prather  being  the  leader. 

In  1852  he  returned  home  to  Macon  County,  and 
was  placed  that  year  by  the  Whig  party  on  the  ticket 
of  Presidential  Electors.  In  1856  he  visited  Europe, 
.\sia  and  Africa,  being  absent  20  months.  On  his 
return  home  he  resumed  the  practice  oi  law,  as  a 
member  of  the  firm  of  Gallagher,  Wait  &  Oglesby. 
In  1858  he  was  the  Republican  nominee  for  the 
Lower  House  of  Congress,  but  was  defeated  by  thj 
Hon.  James  C.  Robinson,  Democrat.  In  i860  he 
was  elected  to  the  Illinois  State  Senate;  and  on  the 
evening  the  returns  of  this  election  were  coming  in, 
Mr.  Oglesby  had  a  fisticuff  encounter  with  "  Cerro 
Gordo  Williams,"  in  which  he  came  out  victorious, 
and  which  was  regarded  as  "the  first  fight  of  the 
Rebellion."  The  following  spring,  when  the  war 
had  commenced  in  earnest,  his  ardent  nature 
quickly  responded  to  the  demands  of  patriotism  and 
he  enlisted.  The  extra  session  of  the  Legislature 
elected  him  Colonel  of  the  Eighth  Illinois  Infantry, 
the  second  one  in  the  State  raised  to  suppress  the 
great  Rebellion. 

He  was  shortly  entrusted  with  important  com- 
mands. For  a  time  he  was  stationed  at  Bird's  Point 
and  Cairo;  in  April  he  was  promoted  Brigadier  Geu.^ 
eral ;  at  Fort  Donelson  liis  brigade  was  in  the  van, 
being  stationed  on  the  right  of  General  Grant's  army 
and  the  first  brigade  to  be  attacked.  He  lost  500 
men  before  re-inforcements  arrived.  Many  of  these 
men  were  from  Macon  County.  He  was  engaged  in 
the  battle  of  Corinth,  and,  in  a  brave  charge  at  this 
place,  was  shot  in  the  left  lung  with  an  ounce  ball, 
and  was  carried  from  the  field  in  expectation  of  im- 



mediate  death.  That  rebel  ball  he  carries  to  tliis 
day.  On  his  partial  recovery  he  was  promoted  as 
Major  General,  for  g  illantry,  his  commission  to  rank 
from  November,  1862.  In  the  spring  of  1863  he 
was  assigned  to  the  command  of  the  i6th  Army 
Corps,  bat,  owing  to  inability  from  the  effects  of  his 
wound,  he  relini^juished  this  command  in  July,  that 
year.  Gen.  Grant,  however,  refused  to  accept  his 
resignation,  and  he  was  detailed,  in  December  follow- 
ing, to  court-martial  and  try  the  Surgeon  General  of 
the  Army  at  Washington,  where  he  remained  until 
May,  1864,  when  he  returned  home. 

The  Republican,  or  Union,  State  Convention   of 

1864  was  held  at  Springfield,  May  25,  when  Mr. 
Oglesby  was  nominated  for  the  office  of  Governor, 
while  other  candidates  before  the  Convention  were 
Allen  C.  Fuller,  of  Boone,  Jesse  K.  Dubois,  of  Sanga- 
mon, and  John  M.  Palmer,  of  Macoupin.  Wm. 
Bross,  of  Chicago,  was  nominated  for  Lieutenant 
Governor.  On  the  Democratic  State  ticket  were 
James  C.  Robinson,  of  ("lark,  for  Governor,  and  S. 
Corning  Judd,  of  Fulton,  for  Lieutenant  Governor. 
The  general  election  gave  Gen.  Oglesby  a  majority 
of  about  31,000  votes.  The  Republicans  had  also  a 
majority  in  both  the  Legislature  and  in  the  repre- 
sentation in  Congress. 

Gov.  Oglesby  was  duly  inaugurated  Jan.  17,  1865. 
The  day  before  the  first  time  set  for  his  installation 
ileath  visited  his  home  at  Decatur,  and  took  from  it 
his  only  son,  an  intelligent  and  si)iightly  lad  of  six 
years,  a  great  favorite  of  the  bereaved  parents.  This 
caused  the  inauguration  to  be  postponed  a  week. 

The  political  events  of  the  Legislative  session  of 

1865  were  the  election  of  ex-Gov.  Yates  to  the 
United  States  Senate,  and  the  ratification  of  the  13th 
amendment  to  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States, 
abolishing  slavery.  This  session  also  signalized 
itself  by  repealing  the  notorious  "  black  laws,"  part 
of  which,  although  a  dead  letter,  had  held  their  place 
upon  the  statute  books  since  i8ig.  Also,  laws  re- 
quiring the  registration  of  voters,  and  establishing  a 
State  Board  of  Equalization,  were  passed  by  this  Leg- 
islature. But  the  same  body  evinced  that  it  was  cor- 
ruptly influenced  by  a  mercenary  lobby,  as  it  adopted 
some  bad  legislation,  over  the  Governor's  veto,  nota- 
bly an  amendment  to  a  charter  for  a  Chicago  horse 
railway,  granted  in  1859  for  25  years,  and  now 
sought  to  be  extended  99  years.  As  this  measure 
was  promptly  passed  over  his  veto  by  both  branches 
of  the  Legislature,  he  deemed  it  useless  further  to 
attempt  to  check  their  headlong  career.  At  this 
session  no  law  of  a  general  useful  character  or  public 
interest  was  perfected,  unless  we  count  such  the 
turning  over  of  the  canal  to  Chicago  to  be  deepened. 
The  session  of  1867  was  still  more  productive  of 
privste  and  special  acts.  Many  omnibus  bills  were 
proposed,  and  some  passed.  The  contests  over  the 
.ocation  of  the    Lidustrial  College,  the  Capital,  the 

Sontliern  Penitentiary,  and  the  canal  enlargement 
and  Illinois  River  improvement,  dominated  every- 
thing else. 

During  the  year  1872,  it  became  evident  that  if 
the  Republicans  could  re-elect  Mr.  Oglesby  to  the 
office  of  Governor,  they  could  also  elect  him  to  the 
United  States  Senate,  which  they  desired  to  do. 
Accordingly  they  re-nominated  him  for  the  Execu- 
tive chair,  and  placed  upon  the  ticket  with  him  for 
Lieutenant  Governor,  John  L.  Beveridge,  of  Cook 
County.  On  the  other  side  the  Democrats  put  into 
the  field  Gustavus  Koerner  for  Governor  and  John 
C.  Black  for  Lieutenant  Governor.  The  election 
gave  the  Republican  ticket  majorities  ranging  from 
35'33-4-  to  56,174, — -ihe  Democratic  defection  being 
caused  mainly  by  their  having  an  old-time  Whig  and 
Abolitionist,  Horace  Greeley,  on  the  national  ticket 
for  President.  According  to  the  general  understand- 
ing had  beforehand,  as  soon  as  the  Legislature  met 
it  elected  Gov.  Oglesby  to  the  United  States  Senate, 
whereupon  Mr.  Beveridge  became  Governor.  Sena- 
tor Oglesby 's  term  expired  March  4,  1879,  having 
served  his  party  faithfully  and  exhibited  an  order  of 
statesmanship  beyond  criticism. 

During  the  campaign  of  1S84  Mr.  Oglesby  was 
nominated  for  a  "  third  term "  as  Executive  of  the 
State  of  Illinois,  again^  Carter  H.  Harrison,  Mayor 
of  Chicago,  nominated  by  the  Democrats.  Both 
gentlemen  "stumped  "  the  State,  and  while  the  peo- 
ple elected  a  Legislature  which  was  a  tie  on  a  joint 
ballot,  as  between  the  two  parties,  they  gave  the 
jovial  "  Dick"  Oglesby  a  majority  of  15,018  for  Gov- 
ernor, and  he  was  inaugurated  Jan.  30,  1885.  The 
Legislature  did  not  fully  organize  until  this  date,  on 
account  of  its  equal  division  between  the  two  main 
parties  and  the  consequent  desperate  tactics  of  each 
party  to  clieckmate  the  latter  in  the  organization  of 
the  House. 

Gov.  Oglesby  is  a  fine-appearing,  affable  man,  with 
regular,  well  defined  features  and  rotund  face.  In 
stature  he  is  a  little  above  medium  height,  of  a  large 
frame  and  somewhat  fleshy.  His  physical  appear- 
ance is  striking  and  prepossessing,  while  his  straight- 
out,  not  to  say  bluff,  manner  and  speech  are  well 
calculated  favorably  to  impress  the  average  masses. 
Ardent  in  feeling  and  strongly  committed  to  the  pol- 
icies of  his  party,  he  intensifies  Republicanism 
among  Republicans,  while  at  the  same  time  his  jovial 
and  liberal  manner  prevents  those  of  the  opposite 
party  from  hating  him. 

He  is  quite  an  effective  stump  orator.  Witli  vehe- 
ment, passionate  and  scornful  tone  and  gesture:., 
tremendous  physical  power,  which  in  speaking  he 
exercises  to  the  utmost;  with  frequent  descents  to 
the  grotesque;  and  with  abundant  homely  compari- 
sons or  frontier  figures,  expressed  in  the  broadest 
vernacular  and  enforced  with  stentorian  emphasis, 
he  delights  a  promiscuous  audience  beyond  measure. 

^^%^^  ^ 



I  .7 

John  WI.  Palmer 

ernor 1869-72,  was  born  on 
Eagle  Creek,  Scott  Co.,  Ky., 
Sept.  13,  1817.  During  his  in- 
fancy, his  father,  who  had  been 
a  soldier  in  the  war  of  18 12,  re- 
moved to  Christian  Co.,  Ky., 
wliere  lands  were  cheap.  Here 
the  future  Governor  of  the  great 
Prairie  State  spent  his  childhood 
and  received  such  meager  school- 
ing as  the  new  and  sparsely  set- 
tled country  afforded.  To  this 
he  added  materially  by  diligent 
reading,  for  which  he  evinced  an 
early  aptitude.  His  father,  an  ardent  Jackson  man, 
was  also  noted  for  his  anti-slavery  sentiments,  which 
he  thoroughly  impressed  upon  his  children.  In  1831 
he  emigrated  to  Illinois,  settling  in  Madison  County. 
Here  the  labor  of  improving  a  farm  was  pursued  for 
about  two  years,  when  the  death  of  Mr.  Palmer's 
mother  broke  up  the  family.  About  this  time  Alton 
College  was  opened,  on  the  "manual  labor  "  system, 
and  in  the  spring  of  1834  young  Palmer,  with  his 
elder  brother,  Elihu,  entered  this  school  and  remained 
18  months.  Next,  for  over  three  years,  he  tried 
variously  coopering,  peddling  and  school-teaching. 

During   the   summer  of    1838  he  formed  the  ac- 
quaintance of  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  then   making  his 

first  canvass  for  Congress.  Young,  eloquent  and  in 
political  accord  with  Mr.  Palmer,  he  won  his  confi- 
dence, fired  his  ambition  and  fixed  his  purpose.  The 
following  winter,  while  teaching  near  Canton,  he  be- 
gan to  devote  his  spare  time  to  a  desultory  reading 
of  law,  and  in  the  spring  entered  a  law  office  at  Car- 
linviUe,  making  his  home  with  his  elder  brother, 
Elihu.  (The  latter  was  a  learned  clergyman,  of  con- 
siderable orginality  of  thought  and  doctrine.)  On 
the  next  meeting  of  the  Supreme  Court  he  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  Bar,  Douglas  being  one  of  his  e.vaminers. 
He  was  not  immediately  successful  in  his  profession, 
and  would  have  located  elsewhere  than  Carlinville 
had  he  the  requisite  means.  Thus  his  early  poverty 
was  a  blessing  in  disguise,  for  to  it  he  now  attributes 
the  success  of  his  life. 

From  1839  on,  while  he  diligently  pursued  his 
profession,  he  participated  more  or  less  in  local 
politics.  In  1843  he  became  Probate  Judge.  In 
1847  he  was  elected  to  the  State  Constitutional  Con- 
vention, where  he  took  a  leading  part.  In  1852  ht. 
was  elected  to  the  State  Senate,  and  at  the  special 
session  of  February,  1854,  true  to  the  anti-slaverj 
sentiments  bred  in  him,  he  took  a  firm  stand  in  op 
position  to  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Compromise, 
and  when  the  Nebraska  question  became  a  part; 
issue  he  refused  to  receive  a  re-nomination  for  tin 
.Senatorship  at  the  hands  of  the  Democracy,  issuin[ 
a  circular  to  that  effect.     A    few    weeks   afterward 



however,  hesitating  to  break  with  his  party,  he  par- 
ticipated in  a  Congressional  Convention  which  nomi- 
T.  L.  Harris  against  Richard  Yates,  and  which 
unqualifiedly  approved  the  principles  of  the  Kansas- 
Nebraska  act.  But  later  in  the  campaign  he  made 
the  plunge,  ran  for  the  Senate  as  an  Anti-Nebraska 
Democrat,  and  was  elected.  The  following  winter 
he  put  ill  nomination  for  the  United  States  Senate 
Mr.  Trumbull,  and  was  one  of  the  five  steadfast  men 
who  voted  for  him  until  all  the  Whigs  came  to  their 
support  and  elected  their  man. 

Ill  1S56  he  was  Chairman  of  the  Republican  State 
Convention  at  Bloomington.  He  ran  for  Congress  in 
1859,  but  was  defeated.  In  i860  he  was  Republican 
Presidential  Elector  for  the  State  at  large.  In  1861 
he  was  appointed  one  of  the  five  Delegates  (all  Re- 
publicans) sent  by  Illinois  to  the  peace  congress  at 

When  the  civil  conflict  broke  out,  he  offered  his 
services  to  his  country,  and  was  elected  Colonel  of  the 
14th  111.  Vol.  Inf ,  and  participated  in  the  engagements 
at  Island  No.  10;  at  Farmington,  where  he  skillfully 
extricated  his  command  from  a  dangerous  position  ; 
at  Stone  River,  where  his  division  for  several  hours, 
Dec.  31,  1862,  held  the  advance  and  stood  like  a 
rock,  and  for  his  gallantry  there  he  was  made  Major 
General;  at  Chickamauga,  where  his  and  Van  Cleve's 
divisions  for  two  hours  maintained  their  position 
when  they  were  cut  off  by  overpowering  numbers. 
Under  Gen.  Sherman,  he  was  assigned  to  the  i4lh 
Army  Corps  and  participated  in  the  .'\tlanta  campaign. 
At  Peach-Tree  Creek  his  prudence  did  much  to  avert 
disaster.  In  February,  1865,  Gen.  Palmer  was  as- 
signed to  the  military  administration  of  Kentucky, 
which  was  a  delicate  post.  That  State  was  about 
half  rebel  and  half  Union,  and  those  of  the  latter 
element  were  daily  fretted  by  the  loss  of  their  slaves. 
He,  who  had  been  bred  to  the  rules  of  common  law, 
trembled  at  the  contemplation  of  his  extraordinary 
power  over  the  persons  and  property  of  his  fellow 
men,  with  which  he  was  vested  in  his  capacity  as 
military  Governor;  and  he  exhibited  great  caution  in 
the  execution  of  the  duties  of  his  post. 

Gen.  Palmer  was  nominated  for  Governor  of  Illi- 
nois by  the  Republican  State  Convention  which  met 
at  Peoria  May  6,  1868,  and  his  nomination  would 
probably  have  been  made  by  acclamation  had  he  not 
persistently  declared  that  he  could  not  accept  a  can- 

didature for  the  office.  The  result  of  the  ensuing 
election  gave  Mr.  Palmer  a  majority  of  44,707  over 
John  R.  Eden,  the  Democratic  nominee. 

Ou  the  meeting  of  the  Legislature  in  January, 
1869,  the  first  thing  to  arrest  public  attention  was 
that  portion  of  the  Governor's  message  which  took 
broad  State's  rights  ground.  This  and  some  minor 
points,  which  were  more  in  keeping  with  the  Demj- 
cratic  sentiment,  constituted  the  entering  wedge  f  u- 
the  criticisms  and  reproofs  he  afterward  received 
from  the  Republican  party,  and  ultimately  resulteJ 
in  his  entire  aleniation  from  the  latter  element.  The 
Legislature  just  referred  to  was  noted  for  the  intro- 
duction of  numerous  bills  in  the  interest  of  private 
parties,  which  were  embarrassing  to  the  Governor. 
Among  the  public  acts  passed  was  that  which  limited 
railroad  charges  for  passenger  travel  to  a  maximum 
of  three  cents  per  mile  ;  and  it  was  passed  over  the 
Governor's  veto.  Also,  they  passed,  over  his  veto, 
the  "tax-grabbing  law"  to  pay  r^ilroai  subscriptions, 
the  Chicago  Lake  Front  bill,  etc.  The  new  State 
Constitution  of  1870,  far  superior  to  the  old,  was  a 
peaceful  "  revolution"  which  took  place  during  Gov. 
Palmer's  term  of  office.  The  suffering  caused  by  the 
great  Chicago  Fire  of  October,  187 1,  was  greatly 
alleviated  by  the  prompt  responses  of  his  excellency. 

Since  the  expiration  of  Gov.  Palmers 's  term,  he  has 
been  somewhat  prominent  in  Illinois  politics,  and  been  talked  of  by  many,  especially  in  the  Dem- 
ocratic parly,  as  the  best  man  in  the  State  for  a 
United  States  Senator.  His  business  during  life  has 
been  that  of  the  law.  Few  excel  him  in  an  accurate 
appreciation  of  the  depth  and  scope  of  its  principles- 
The  great  number  of  his  able  veto  messages  abun- 
dantly testify  not  only  this  but  also  a  rare  capacity  to 
point  them  out.  He  is  a  logical  and  cogent  reasoner 
and  an  interesting,  forcible  and  convincing  speaker, 
though  not  fluent  or  ornate.  Without  brilliancy,  his 
dealings  are  rather  with  facts  and  ideas  than  with 
appeals  to  passions  and  prejudices.  He  is  a  patriot 
and  a  statesman  of  very  high  order.  Physically  he  is 
above  the  medium  height,  of  robust  frame,  ruddy 
complexion  and  sanguine-nervous  temperament.  He 
has  a  large  cranial  development,  is  vivacious,  social 
ill  disposition,  easy  of  approach,  unostentatious  in  his 
habits  of  life,  democratic  in  his  habits  and  manners 
and  is  a  true  American  in  his  fundamental  principles 
of  statesmanship. 


gcv/-:r.\ors  of  Illinois. 



IDGE,  Governor  1873-6,  was 
born  in  the  town  of  Green- 
wich, Washington  Co.,  N.  Y., 
J'-''y  6,  1824.  His  parents 
g_M)  were  George  and  Ann  Bever- 
.'  }  idge.  His  father's  parents,  An- 
drew and  Isabel  Beveridge,  be- 
fore their  marriage  emigrated 
from  Scotland  just  before  the 
Revolutionary  War,  settling  in 
Washington  County.  His  father 
was  the  eldest  of  eight  brothers,  the 
youngest  of  whom  was  60  years  of 
age  when  the  first  one  of  the  num- 
ber died.  His  mother's  parents, 
James  and  Agnes  Hoy,  emigrated 
from  Scotland  at  the  close  of  the 
Revolutionary  War,  settling  also  in 
Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.,  with  their 
first-born,  whose  "  native  land  "  was 
the  wild  ocean.  His  parents  and 
grandparents  lived  beyond  the  time 
allotted  to  man,  their  average  age 
oeing  over  80  years.  They  belonged  to  the  "  Asso- 
ciate  Church,"   a   seceding   Presbyterian    body    of 

America  from  the  old  Scotch  school ;  and  so  rigid 
was  the  training  of  young  Beveridge  that  he  never 
heard  a  sermon  from  any  other  minister  except  that 
of  his  own  denomination  until  he  was  in  his  19th 
year.  Later  in  life  he  became  a  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  which  relation  he  still 

Mr.  Beveridge  received  a  good  common-school  ed- 
ucation, but  his  parents,  who  could  obtain  a  livelihood 
only  by  rigid  economy  and  industry,  could  not  send 
him  away  to  college.  He  was  raised  upon  a  farm, 
and  was  in  jiis  i8th  year  when  the  family  removed 
to  De  Kalb  County,  this  State,  wlien  that  section  was 
very  sparsely  settled.  Chicago  had  less  than  7,000 
inhabitants.  In  this  wild  West  he  continued  as  a 
farm  laborer,  teaching  school  during  the  winter 
months  to  supply  the  means  of  an  education.  In  the 
fall  of  r842  he  attended  one  term  at  the  academy  at 
Granville,  Putnam  Co.,  III.,  and  subsequently  several 
terms  at  the  Rock  River  Seminary  at  Mount  Morris, 
Ogle  Co.,  111.,  completing  the  academic  course.  At 
this  time,  the  fall  of  1845,  his  parents  and  brothers 
were  anxious  to  have  him  go  to  college,  even  thougli 
lie  had  not  money  sufficient;  but,  n,t  willing  to  bur- 
den the  family,  he  packed  his  trunk  and  with  only 
S40    in   money    started    South    to   seek    his  fortune. 



Poor,  alone,  without  friends  and  influence,  he  thus 
entered  upon  the  battle  of  life. 

First,  he  taught  school  in  Wilson,  Overton  and 
Jackson  Cos.,  Tenn.,  in  which  experience  he  under- 
went considerable  mental  drill,  both  in  book  studies 
and  in  the  ways  of  the  world.  He  read  law  and  was 
admitted  to  the  Bar,  in  the  South,  but  did  not  learn 
to  love  the  institution  of  slavery,  although  he  ad- 
mired many  features  of  Southern  character.  In  De- 
cember, 1847,  he  returned  North,  and  Jan.  20,  1848, 
he  married  Miss  Helen  M.  Judson,  in  the  old  Clark- 
Street  M.  E.  church  in  Chicago,  her  father  at  that 
time  being  Pastor  of  the  society  there.  In  the  spring 
of  1848  he  returned  with  his  wife  to  Tennessee, 
where  his  two  children,  Alia  May  and  Philo  Judson, 
were  born. 

In  the  fall  of  1849,  through  the  mismanagement 
of  an  associate,  he  lost  what  little  he  had  accumu- 
lated and  was  left  in  debt.  He  soon  managed  to 
earn  means  to  pay  his  debts,  returned  to  De  Kalb 
Co.,  111.,  and  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  pro- 
fession at  Sycamore,  the  county  seat.  On  arrival 
from  the  South  he  had  but  one-quarter  of  a  dollar  in 
money,  and  scanty  clothing  and  bedding  for  himself 
and  family.  He  borrowed  a  little  money,  practiced 
law,  worked  in  public  offices,  kept  books  for  some  of 
the  business  men  of  the  town,  and  some  railroad  en- 
gineering, till  the  spring  of  1854,  when  he  removed 
to  Evanston,  12  miles  north  of  Chicago,  a  place  then 
but  recently  laid  out,  under  the  supervision  of  the 
Northwestern  University,  a  Methodist  institution. 
Of  the  latter  his  father-in-law  was  then  financial 
agent  and  business  manager.  Here  Mr.  Beveridge 
prospered,  and  the  next  year  (1855)  opened  a  law 
office  in  Chicago,  where  he  found  the  Ijattle  some- 
what hard;  but  he  persevered  with  encouragement 
and  increasing  success. 

Aug.  12,  1861,  his  law  partner,  Gen.  John  F. 
Farnsworth,  secured  authority  to  raise  a  regiment  of 
cavalry,  and  authorized  Mr.  Beveridge  to  raise  a 
company  for  it.  He  succeeded  in  a  few  days  in  rais- 
ing the  company,  of  course  enlisting  himself  along 
with  it.  The  regiment  rendezvoused  at  St.  Charles, 
111.,  was  mustered  in  Se[)t.  18,  and  on  its  organiza- 
tion Mr.  B.  was  elected  Second  Major.  It  was  at- 
tached, Oct.  IT,  to  the  Eighth  Cavalry  and  to  the 
Army  of  tlie  Potomac.  He  served  with  the  regiment 
until  November,  i86j,  participating  in  some  40  bat- 

tles and  skirmishes  :  was  at  Fair  Oaks,  the  seven  days' 
fight  around  Richmond,  Fredericksburg,  Cliancellors- 
ville  and  Gettysburg.  He  commanded  the  regiment 
the  greater  part  of  the  summer  of  1 863,  and  it  was  while 
lying  in  camp  this  year  that  he  originated  the  policy 
of  encouraging  recruits  as  well  as  the  fighting  capac- 
ity of  the  soldiery,  by  the  wholesale  furlough  system. 
It  worked  so  well  that  many  otlier  officers  adopted 
it.  In  the  fall  of  this  year  he  recruited  another  com- 
pany, against  heavy  odds,  in  January,  1864,  was 
commissioned  Colonel  of  the  17th  111.  Cav.,  and 
skirmished,  around  in  Missouri,  concluding  with  the 
reception  of  the  surrender  of  Gen.  Kirby  Smith's 
army  in  Arkansas.  In  1865  he  commanded  various 
sub-districts  in  the  Southwest.  He  was  mustered 
out  Feb.  6,  1866,  safe  from  the  casualties  of  war  and 
a  stouter  man  than  when  he  first  enlisted.  His  men 
idolized  him. 

He  then  returned  to  Chicago,  to  practice  law,  with 
no  library  and  no  clientage,  and  no  political  experi- 
ence except  to  help  others  into  office.  In  tlie  fall  of 
1866  he  was  elected  Sheriff  of  Cook  County,  serving 
one  term;  next,  until  November,  1870,  he  practiced 
law  and  closed  up  the  unfinished  business  of  his 
office.  He  was  then  elected  State  Senator;  in  No- 
vember, 187 1,  he  was  elected  Congressman  at  large; 
in  November,  1872,  he  was  elected  Lieutenant  Gov- 
ernor on  tlie  ticket  with  Gov.  Oglesby;  the  latter  be- 
ing elected  to  the  U.  S.  Senate,  Mr.  Beveridge  became 
Governor,  Jan.  21,  1873.  Thus,  inside  of  a  few 
weeks,  he  was  Congressman  at  large.  Lieutenant 
Governor  and  Governor.  The  principal  events  oc- 
curring during  Gov.  Beveridge 's  administration  were: 
The  completion  of  the  revision  of  the  statutes,  begun 
in  1869;  the  partial  success  of  the  "farmers'  move- 
ment;" "  Haines'  Legislature  "  and  Illinois'  exhibit  at 
the  Centennial. 

Since  the  close  of  his  gubernatorial  term  ex-Gov 
Beveridge  has  been  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Bever- 
idge &  Dewey,  bankers  and  dealers  in  commercial 
paper  at  71  Dearborn  Street  (McCormick  Block), 
Chicago,  and  since  November,  1881,  he  has  aUo  been 
Assistant  United  States  Treasurer:  office  in  the 
Government  Building.  His  residence  is  still  at  Ev- 

He  has  a  brother  and  two  sisters  yet  residing  in 
De  Kalb  County — James  H.  Beveridge,  Mrs.  Jennet 
Henry  and  Mrs.  Isabel  French. 



HELBY  M.  CULLOM,  Gover- 
nor 1877-83,18  the  sixih  child 
of  the  late  Richard  N.  Culloni, 
and  was  born  Nov.  22,  1829,  in 
Wayne  Co.,  Ky.,  where  liis  fa- 
tlier  then  resided,  anci  wlience 
"  both  the  IHinois  and  Tennessee 

branches  of  the  family  originated.  In 
the  following  year  the  family  emi- 
grated to  the  vicinity  of  Washington, 
Tazewell  Co.,  111.,  when  that  section 
was  very  sparsely  settled.  They  lo- 
cated on  Deer  Creek,  in  a  grove  at 
the  time  occui)ied  by  a  party  of  In- 
dians, attracted  there  by  the  superior 
hunting  and  fishing  afforded  in  that 
vicinity.  The  following  winter  was 
known  as  the  "  hard  winter,"  the  snow  being  very 
dee))  and  lasting  and  the  weather  severely  cold;  and 
the  family  had  to  subsist  mainly  on  boiled  corn  or 
hominy,  and  some  wild  game,  for  several  weeks.  In 
the  course  of  time  Mr.  R.  N.  Cullom  became  a  prom- 
inent citizen  and  was  several  times  elected  to  the 
Legislature,  both  before  and  after  the  removal  of  the 
capital  from  Vandalia  to  Springfield.    He  died  about 


Until  about  19  years  of  age  young  Cullom  grew  up 
to  agricultural  pursuits,  attending  school  as  he  had 
opportunity  during  the  winter.  Within  this  lime, 
however,  he  spent  several  months  teaching  school. 

and  in  the  following  summer  he  "broke  prairie  "with 
an  o.K  team  for  the  neighbors.  With  the  money  ob- 
tained by  these  various  ventures,  he  undertook  a 
course  of  study  at  the  Rock  River  Seminary,  a 
Methodist  institution  at  Mt.  Morris,  Ogle  County; 
but  the  sudden  change  to  the  in-door  life  of  a  stu- 
dent told  severely  upon  his  health,  and  he  was  taken 
home,  being  considered  in  a  hopeless  condition.  While 
at  Mt.  Morris  he  heard  Hon.  E.  B.  Washburne  make 
his  first  speech. 

On  recovering  health,  Mr.  Cullom  concluded  to 
study  law,  under  the  instruction  of  Abraham  Lincoln, 
at  S|)ringfield,  who  had  by  this  time  attained  some 
notoriety  as  an  able  lawyer;  but  the  latter,  being  ab- 
sent from  his  office  most  of  the  time,  advised  Mr. 
Cullom  to  enter  the  office  of  Stuart  &  Edwards. 
After  about  a  year  of  study  there,  however,  his  health 
failed  again,  and  he  was  obliged  to  return  once  more 
to  out-door  life.  Accordingly  he  bought  hogs  for 
packing,  for  A.  G.  Ty'>S>  '"  I'eoria,  and  while  he  re- 
gained his  health  he  gained  in  purse,  netting  $400  in 
a  few  weeks.  Having  been  admitted  to  the  Bar,  he 
went  to  Springfield,  where  he  was  soon  elected  City 
Attorney,  on  tlie  .\nti-Nebraska  ticket. 

In  1856  he  ran  on  the  Fillmore  ticket  as  a  Presi- 
dential H^lector,  and,  although  failing  to  be  elected  as 
such,  he  was  at  the  same  time  elected  a  Re|iresenta- 
tive  in  the  Legislature  from  Sangamon  County,  by  a 
local  coalition  of  the  American  and  Repulilican  par- 
lies. On  the  organization  of  the  House,  he  received 
the  vote  of  the  Fillmore  men  for  Speaker.    Practicing 



law  until  i860,  he  was  again  elected  to  the  Legisla- 
ture, as  a  Republican,  while  the  county  went  Demo- 
cratic on  the  Presidential  ticket.  In  January  follow- 
ing he  was  elected  Speaker,  probably  the  youngest 
man  who  had  ever  presided  over  an  Illinois  Legis- 
lature. After  the  session  of  1861,  he  was  a  candidate 
for  the  State  Constitutional  Convention  called  for 
that  year,  but  was  defeated,  and  thus  escaped  the 
disgrace  of  being  connected  with  that  abortive  party 
scheme  to  revolutionize  the  State  Government.  In 
1862  he  was  a  candidate  for  the  State  Senate,  but 
was  defeated.  The  same  year,  however,  he  was  ap- 
pointed by  President  Lincoln  on  a  Government 
Commission,  in  company  with  Gov.  Boutwell  of 
Massachusetts  and  Cnarles  A.  Dana,  since  of  the 
New  York  Sun,  to  investigate  the  affairs  of  the 
Quartermaster's  and  Commissary  De[)artments  at 
Cairo.     He  devoted  several  months  to  this  duty. 

In  1864  he  entered  upon  a  larger  political  field, 
being  nominated  as  the  Republican  candidate  for 
Congress  from  ;he  Eighth  (Springfield)  District,  in 
opposition  to  the  incumbent,  JohnT.  Stuart,  who  had 
been  elected  in  1862  by  about  1,500  majority  over 
Leonard  Swett,  then  of  Bloomington,  now  of  Chicago. 
The  result  was  the  election  of  Mr.  CuUom  in  Novem- 
ber following  by  a  majority  of  1,785.  In  1866  he 
was  re-elected  to  Congress,  over  Dr.  E.  S.  Fowler,  by 
the  magnificent  majority  of  4,103!  In  1868  he  was 
again  a  candidate,  defeating  the  Hon.  B.  S.  Edwards, 
another  of  his  old  preceptors,  by  2,884  votes. 

During  his  first  term  in  Congress  he  served  on  the 
Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs  and  Expenditures  in 
the  Treasury  Department;  in  his  second  term,  on 
the  Committees  on  Foreign  Affairs  and  on  Territories ; 
and  in  his  third  term  he  succeeded  Mr.  Ashley,  of 
Ohio,  to  the  Chairmanship  of  the  latter.  He  intro- 
duced a  bill  in  the  House,  to  aid  in  the  execution  of 
law  in  Utah,  which  caused  more  consternation  among 
the  Mormons  than  any  measure  had  jjreviously,  hut 
which,  though  it  passed  the  House,  failed  to  pass  the 

The  Republican  Convention  which  met  May  25, 
1876,  nominated  Mr.  Cullom  for  Governor,  while  the 
other  contestant  was  Gov.  Beveridge.  For  Lieuten- 
ant-Governor they  nominated  Andrew  Shuman,  editor 
of  the  Chicago  Journal.  For  the  same  offices  the 
Democrats,  combining  with  the  Anti-Monoix)lists, 
placed    in    nomination    Lewis    Steward,    a  wealthy 

farmer  and  manufacturer,  and  A.  A.  Glenn.  The 
result  of  the  election  was  rather  close,  Mr.  Cullom 
obtaining  only  6,800  majority.  He  was  inaugurated 
Jan.  8,  1877. 

Great  depression  prevailed  in  financial  circles  at 
this  time,  as  a  consequence  of  the  heavy  failures  of 
1873  and  afterward,  the  effect  of  which  had  seemed 
to  gather  force  from  that  time  to  the  end  of  Gov. 
Cullom's  first  administration.  This  unspeculative 
period  was  not  calculated  to  call  forth  any  new 
issues,  but  the  Governor's  energies  were  at  one  time 
put  to  task  to  quell  a  spirit  of  insubordination  that 
had  been  begun  in  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  among  the  laboring 
classes,  and  transferred  to  Illinois  at  Chicago,  East 
St.  Louis  and  Braidwood,  at  which  places  laboring 
men  for  a  short  time  refused  to  work  or  allow  others 
to  work.  These  disturbances  were  soon  quelled  and 
the  wheels  of  industry  again  set  in  motion. 

In  May,  1880,  Gov.  Cullom  was  re-nominated  by 
the  Republicans,  against  Lyman  Trumbull,  by  the 
Democrats;  and  although  theformer  party  was  some- 
what handicapped  in  the  campaign  by  a  zealous 
fiiction  oi)posed  to  Grant  for  President  and  to  Grant 
men  for  office  generally,  Mr.  Cullom  was  re-elected 
by  about  314,565,  to  277,532  forthe  Democratic  State 
ticket.  The  Greenback  vote  at  the  same  time  was 
about  27,000.  Both  Houses  of  the  Legislature  again 
became  Republican,  and  no  representative  of  the 
Greenback  or  Socialist  parties  were  elected.  Gov. 
Cullom  was  inaugurated  Jan.  10,  1S81.  In  his  mes- 
sage he  announced  tliat  the  last  dollar  of  the  State 
debt  had  been  provided  for. 

March  4,  1883,  the  term  of  David  Davis  as  United 
States  Senator  from  Illinois  expired,  and  Gov.  Cul- 
lom was  chosen  to  succeed  him.  This  promoted 
Lieutenant-Governor  John  M.  Hamilton  to  the  Gov- 
ernorship. Senator  Cullom's  term  in  the  United 
States  Senate  will  expire  March  4,  i88g. 

As  a  practitioner  oflaw  Mr.  C.  has  been  a  member 
of  the  firm  of  Cullom,  Scholes  &  Mather,  at  Si)ring- 
field ;  and  he  has  also  been  President  of  tlie  State 
National  Bank. 

He  has  been  married  twice, — the  first  time  Dec. 
•2,  1855,  to  Miss  Hannah  Fisher,  by  whom  he  had 
two  daughters;  and  the  second  time  May  5,  1863, 
to  Julia  Fisher.  Mrs.  C  is  a  member  of  the  Method- 
ist Episcopal  Church,  with  which  religious  body  Mr. 
C.  is  also  in  sympathy. 






^^  TON,  Governor  1883-5,  was 
'  liorn  May  28,  1847,  in  a  log 
lioiise  u[X)n  a  farm  about  two 
miles  from  Richwood,  Union 
County,  Ohio.  His  father  was 
Samuel  Hamilton,  the  eldest  son 
of  Rev.  Wm.  Hamilton,  who,  to- 
gether with  his  brother,  the  Rev. 
'■9  Samuel  Hamilton,  was  among  the 
early  pioneer  Methodist  preachers  in 
Ohio.  The  mother  of  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was,  before  her  marriage, 
Mrs.  Nancy  McMorris,  who  was 
born  and  raised  in  Fauquier  or  Lou- 
doun County,  Va.,  and  related  to  the 
two  large  families  of  Youngs  and  Marshalls,  well 
known  in  that  commonwealth;  and  from  the  latter 
family  name  was  derived  the  middle  name  of  Gov. 

In  March,  1854,  Mr.  Hamilton's  father  sold  out 
his  little  pioneer  forest  home  in  Union  County,  C, 
and,  loading  his  few  household  effects  and  family 
(of  six  children)  into  two  emigrant  covered  wagons, 
moved  to  Roljerts  Townsliip,  Marsh.all  Co.,  III.,  being 
2 1  days  on  the  route.  Swamps,  unbridged  streams 
and  innumerable  hardships  and  privations  met  them 
on  their  way.  Their  new  home  had  been  previously 
selected  by  the  father.  Here,  after  many  long  years 
of  toil,  they  succeeded  in  payii/g  for  the  land  and 
making  a  corafortaW^  home.     John  was,  of  course, 

brought  up  to  hard  manual  labor,  with  no  schooling 
except  three  or  four  months  in  the  year  at  a  common 
(oiMitry  school.  However,  he  evinced  a  capacity 
and  taste  for  a  high  order  of  self-education,  by 
studying  or  reading  wliat  books  lie  could  borrow,  as 
the  family  had  but  very  few  in  tjie  house.  Much  of 
his  study  he  prosecuted  by  the  light  of  a  log  fire  in 
the  old-fashioned  chimney  place.  The  financial 
panic  of  1857  caused  the  family  to  come  near  losing 
their  home,  to  pay  debts ;  but  the  father  and  two 
sons,  William  and  John,  "buckled  to''  and  perse 
vered  in  hard  lalx)r  and  economy  until  they  redeemed 
their  place  from  the  mortgage. 

When  the  tremendous  excitement  of  the  t)oliticaI 
campaign  of  i860  reached  the  neighborhood  of  Rob- 
erts Townshi]),  young  Hamilton,  who  had  been 
brought  up  in  the  doctrine  of  anti-slavery,  took  a  zeal- 
ous part  in  favor  of  Lincoln's  election.  Making  special 
efforts  to  procure  a  little  money  to  buy  a  uniform,  he 
joined  a  company  of  I  jncoln  Wide-Awakes  at  Mag- 
nolia, a  village  not  far  away.  Directly  after  the 
ensuing  election  it  became  evident  that  trouble 
would  ensue  with  the  South,  and  this  Wide-Awake 
company,  like  many  others  throughout  the  country, 
kept  up  its  organizatif.n  and  transformed  itself  into  a 
military  company.  During  the  ensuing  summer  they 
met  often  for  drill  and  became  proficient;  but  when 
they  offered  themselves  for  the  war,  young  Hamilton 
was  rejected  on  account  of  his  youth,  he  being  then 
but  14  years  of  age.  During  the  winter  of  1863-4  'le 
attended  an  academy  at   Henry,   Marshall  County. 



and  in  tlie  following  May  he  again  enlisted,  for  the 
fourth  time,  when  he  was  placed  in  the  141st  111. 
Vol.  Inf.,  a  regiment  then  being  raised  at  Elgin,  111., 
for  the  100-day  service.  He  took  with  him  13  other 
lads  from  his  neighborhood,  for  enlistment  in  tiie 
service.  This  regiment  operated  in  Southwestern 
Kentucky,  for  about  five  months,  under  Gen.  Paine. 
The  following  winter,  1864-5,  Mr.  Hamilton  taught 
school,  and  during  the  two  college  years  1865-7,  he 
went  through  three  years  of  the  curriculum  of  the 
Ohio  Wesleyan  University  at  Delaware,  Ohio.  The 
third  year  he  graduated,  the  fourth  in  a  class  of  46, 
in  the  classical  department.  In  due  time  he  received 
the  degree  of  M.  A.  For  a  few  months  he  was  the 
Principal  of  Marsiiall  "  College  "  at  Henry,  an  acad- 
emy under  the  auspices  of  the  M.  E.  Church.  By 
this  lime  he  had  commenced  the  study  of  law,  and 
after  earning  some  money  as  a  temporary  Professor 
of  Latin  at  the  Illinois  Wesleyan  University  at 
Bloomington,  he  entered  the  law  office  of  Weldon, 
Tiplon  &  B,3njaniin,  of  that  city.  Each  member  of 
this  firm  has  since  been  distinguished  as  a  Judge. 
Admitted  to  the  Bar  in  May,  1S70,  Mr.  Hamilton 
was  given  an  interest  in  the  same  firm,  Tipton  hav- 
ing been  elected  Judge.  Iji  October  following  he 
formed  a  partnership  with  J.  H.  Rowell,  at  that  time 
Prosecuting  Attorney.  Their  business  was  then 
small,  but  they  increased  it  to  very  large  pro[X)rtions, 
practicing  in  all  grades  of  courts,  including  even  the 
U.  S.  Supreme  Court,  and  this  [virtnership  continued 
un!)roken  until  Feb.  6,  1SS3,  when  Mr.  Hamilton 
was  sworn  in  as  Executive  of  Illinois.  On  the  4th 
of  March  following  Mr.  Rowell  took  iiis  seat  in  ('on- 

In  July,  187  [.  Mr.  Hamilton  married  Miss  Helen 
M.  Williams,  the  daughter  of  Prof.  Wni.  G,  Williams, 
Professor  of  Greek  in  the  Ohio  We.ileyan  University. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  H.  have  two  daughters  and  one  son. 

In  1S76  Mr.  Hamilton  was  nominated  by  the  Re- 
publicans for  the  State  Senate,  over  other  and  older 
co.npetitors.  He  took  an  active  part  "on  the  stump" 
ill  tiie  campaign,  for  the  success  of  his  party,  and  was 
elected  by  a  majority  of  1,640  over  his  Democratic- 
Greenback  opponent.  In  the  Senate  he  served  on 
the  Committees  on  Judiciary,  Revenue,  State  Insti- 
tutions, Appropriations,  Education,  and  on  Miscel- 
lany ;  and  during  the  contest  for  the  electicjii  of  a 
U.  S.  Senator,  the  Republicans  endeavoring  to   re- 

elect John  A.  Logan,  he  voted  for  the  war  chief  on 
every  ballot,  even  alone  when  all  the  other  Republi- 
cans had  gone  over  to  the  Hon.  E.  B.  Lawrence  and 
the  Democrats  and  Independents  elected  Judge 
David  Davis.  .At  this  session,  also,  was  passed  the 
first  Board  of  Health  and  Medic  al  Practice  act,  of 
which  Mr.  Hamilton  was  a  champion,  againct  c; 
much  opposition  that  the  bill  was  several  times 
"  laid  on  the  table."  Also,  this  session  authorized 
the  location  and  establishment  of  a  southern  peni- 
tentiary, which  was  fixed  at  Chester.  In  the  sessior 
of  1879  Mr.  Hamilton  was  elected  President //•<? /<->«. 
of  the  .Senate,  and  was  a  zealous  supi^orter  of  John 
A.  Logan  for  the  U.  S.  Senate,  who  was  this  time 
elected  without  any  trouble. 

In  May,  1880,  Mr.  Hamilton  was  nominated  on 
the  Republican  ticket  for  Lieutenant  Governor,  his 
principal  competitors  before  the  Convention  being 
Hon.  Wm.  A.  James,  ex-Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Representatives,  Judge  Robert  Bell,  of  Wabash 
County,  Hon.  T.  T.  Fountain,  of  Perry  County,  and 
Hon.  M.  M.  Saddler,  of  Marion  County.  He  engaged 
actively  in  the  campaign,  and  his  ticket  was  elected 
Ijy  a  majority  of  41,200.  As  Lieutenant  Governor, 
he  presided  almost  continuously  over  the  Senate  in 
the  32d  (xeneral  Assembly  and  during  the  early  days 
of  the  33d,  until  he  succeeded  to  the  Governorship. 
When  the  Legislature  of  1883  elected  Gov.  Cullom 
to  the  United  States  Senate,  Lieut.  Gov.  Hamilton 
succeeded  him,  under  the  Constitution,  taking  the 
oath  of  office  Feb.  6,  1883.  He  bravely  met  all  the 
annoyances  and  embarrassments  incidental  upon 
taking  up  another's  administration.  The  principal 
events  with  which  Gov.  Hamilton  was  connected  as 
the  Chief  E.xecutive  of  the  State  were,  the  mine  dis- 
aster at  Braidwood,  the  riots  in  St.  Clair  and  Madison 
Counties  in  M.-xy,  1883,  the  appropriations  for  the 
State  militia,  the  adoption  of  the  Harper  high-license 
liquor  law,  the  veto  of  a  dangerous  railroad  bill,  etc. 

The  Governor  was  a  Delegate  at  large  to  the 
National  Republican  Convention  at  Chicago  in  June, 

1884,  where  his  first  choice  for  President  was  John 
A.  Logan,  and  second  choice  Chester  A.  Arthur;  but 
he  afterward  zealously  worked  for  the  election  of  Mr. 
Blaine,  true  to  his  party. 

Mr.  Hamilton's  term  a?  Governor  expired  Jan.  30, 

1885,  when  the  great  favorite  "Dick"  Oglesby  was 









=c*-       •  ^'^AW'iJs 


•»M;1MI  WILSON  FIFEIi.  This 
ilislinmiislind  gentloman  was 
fes'ii  clccied  Governui'  of  Illinois 
'MiWIfM^'ii--'-  November  0,  1.S88.  He  was 
:f  ,"  l®2  ■  V,.  poimlai'ly  known  during  tlie 
\^'--'  '■■'^^iLi-  '^"'j-'  oainpaiyn  as  "Private  Joe."  He 
liad  served  with  orcat  devotion 
l()  iiis  conntry  dnring  the  He- 
l)enion,  in  the  Thirtj'-third 
Illinois  Infantry.  A  native  of 
X'irginia,  he  was  lioiii  in  ISIO. 
His  parents,  John  and  Mary 
(  Daniels)  Fifer,  were  AniericaTi 
Imni.  though  of  (IcrniMn  de- 
srcnl.  His  father  was  a  lii-ick 
;in<l  slonc  mason,  and  an  old 
Henry  (lay  Whig  in  politics.  .lohn  and  Mar\ 
I'ifei-  h:id  nine  childicn,  of  whom  .losepli  was  the 
sixth,  and  nalurall\  with  so  large  a  family  it  was 
.all  the  father  conld  do  to  keep  the  wolf  from  the 
door;  to  say  nothing  of  giving  his  children  any- 
lliing  like  good  cdnc.ational  adv.-mt.-iges. 

Vonng|ih  Mllciidcd  school  some  in  Vir- 
ginia, hnt  it  was  not  a  good  school,  and  when 
his  father  remo\  ed  to  the  West,  in  1857,  Jo.sepli  had 
not  advanced  nnich  furt  licr  the  "First  Keadei'.'" 

Onr  snlijecl  was  si.vteen  then  and  sntTciiMJ  .i  gre:il 
niisforlnne  in  the  loss  of  his  nnithei-.  After  the  de.atli 
of  Mrs.  Fifer.  which  oeenrred  in  Missonri,  the 
family  ritMrne(l  to  X'iiginia,  lint  remained  only  a 
shoit  linn-,  as  dnring  the  same  ^-ear  Mr.  I''ifer 
eanie  to  Illinois.  He  settled  in  McLean  Comity  and 
started  a  briekya  1(1.  Here  , losepli  and  his  liroth- 
ers  were  put  to  work.  The  elder  Fifer  .soon 
lioughl  a  farm  near  IJIoomingloii  and  liegaii  life  as 
an  agriculturalist.  Here  Joe  workeil  and  attcndeil 
the  neighiioring  school.  He  alternated  f;irm-work, 
brick-laying,  and  going  to  the  ilistriet  school  for 
the  succeeding  few  years.  It  was  all  work  and  no 
play  for  Joe,  yet  it  by  no  means  made  a  iltill  bo^' 
of  him.  All  the  time  he  was  thinking  of  llie  great 
world  ontside,  c>f  which  he  had  caught  a  glim|ise 
when  coming  from  \'irginia,  yet  he  did  not  know 
jiisl  how  he  going  to  get  oiili  into  it.  He 
could  not  feel  that  the  woods  .around  the  new 
farm  ami  the  log  caMn.  in  which  tln>  famiU  lived. 
were  to  hold    him. 

The  oiiportnnit.y  to  gel  out  into  the  uinld  w:is 
soon  offercul  to  j'oniig  Joe.  He  traveled  a  dozen 
miles  barefoot,  in  company  with  his  brother  (ieorge, 
and  eidisted  in  Company  C,  HM  Illinois  Infantry; 
he  being  then    twenty   years   old.      In    a    few    days 



the  regiment  was  sent  to  Canii)  Biitlev,  and  tlien 
over  into  Missouri,  and  saw  sonio  vigorous  service 
tiiere.  After  a  second  time  liel|)ing  to  eliase  Price 
out  of  Missouri,  the  .'>;!d  Ucgitnent  went  down 
to  Milliiien's  Bend,  and  for  several  weelvS  '•  Private 
Joe"  worked  on  Grant's  famous  ditcli.  The  regi- 
ment then  joined  llie  forces  operating  against  Port 
(iilisiin  anil  \'iekslmrg.  Joe  was  on  guard  duty  in 
the  front  ditelics  wiicn  tlie  tlag  of  surrender  was 
run  M|i<>n  the  llli  of  July,  and  stuck  the  l)a3()nel 
of  iiis  gun  into  tlie  endianicnient  and  went  into  the 
city  with  the  vanguard  of  Ifni<ii\  sohliers. 

The  next  ilay,  July  /»,  the  .'iSd  joined  the  force 
after  Johnston,  who  had  lieen  threatening  Grant's 
rear;  and  linally  an  assault  was  made  on  him  at 
Jackson,  Miss.  In  this  charge  "Private  Joe"  fell ,  ter- 
ribly wounded.  He  was  loading  his  gun  when  a 
minie-linll  struck  him  and  p.a.ssed  entirely  through 
his  l)od\'.  He  was  regarded  as  mortally  wounded. 
Ills  brother,  George,  who  lia.d  been  made  a  Lieu- 
tenant, proved  to  be  the  means  of  saving  his  life. 
The  Surgeon  told  him  unless  he  liad  ice  his  brother 
Joe  could  not  live.  It  was  lifty  miles  to  the  nearest 
point  where  ice  conld  be  obtained,  and  the  roads 
were  rough.  A  comrade,  a  McLean  county  man,  whi> 
had  been  wounded,  offered  to  make  the  trip.  An 
ambulance  was  secured  an<l  the  brother  soldier 
started  on  the  journey.  lie  returned  with  the  ice, 
but  the  trip,  owing  to  the  roughness  of  the  roads, 
was  very  hard  on  him.  After  a  few  months"  caic- 
ful  nursing  Mr.  Fifer  was  able  to  come  home.  The 
:!3d  came  home  on  a  furlough,  and  when  the 
boys  were  ready  to  return  to  the  tented  field, 
young  Fifer  was  I'eady  to  go  wilh  them;  for  he  was 
determineil  to  finish  his  term  of  thi'ee  years.  lie 
was  mustered  out  in  October,  18(14,  having  been 
in    the  service   three  years  and  two  months. 

"Private  Joe"  came  out  of  the  .army  a  tall, 
tanned,  and  awkward  young  man  of  twenty-four. 
About  all  he  possessed  amln'tion  to  be  some- 
body— and  pluck.  Though  at  an  age  when  most 
men  have  linished  their  college  course,  the  young 
soldier  saw  that  if  he  was  to  be  anybody  he  must 
have  an  education.  Yet  he  had  no  means  to  ena- 
ble him  to  enter  school  as  most  yt)ung  men  do. 
He  was  determined  to  have  an  education,  however, 
and  thai  to  him  nie;uit  success.      For  the  following 

four  years  be  struggled  with  his  books.  He  entered 
Wesleyan  University  Jan.  1,  18C5.  He  was  not  a 
brilliant  student,  being  neither  at  the  head  nor  the 
foot  of  his  class.  He  was  in  great  earnest,  how- 
ever, stmlied  hard  and  came  forth  with  a  well- 
stored  and  discijilined  mind. 

Immediately  after  being  graduated  he  entered 
an  office  at  P>loomington  as  a  law  student.  He  had 
already  read  law  sonic,  and  ns  he  continued  to  work 
hard,  with  the  spur  of  poverty  and  promptings  of 
ambition  evei-  with  him,  he  was  ready  to  hang  out 
his  professional  shingle  in  1809.  Being  trust- 
worthy he  soon  gathered  about  him  some  inlluen- 
tial  friends.  In  1K71  he  was  elected  Corporation 
Counsel  of  Bloomington.  In  1872  he  was  elected 
State's  Attorney  of  McLean  Count}'.  This  ollice 
he  held  for  eight  years,  wlien  he  took  his  seat  in 
the  State  Senate.  Here  he  served  for  four  years. 
His  ai>ility  to  iierform  abundance  of  hard  work 
made  him  .-i  most  valued  inemliei-  of  llie  Legisla- 

Mr.  Fifer  was  married  in  1S70  to  Gertie,  daugh- 
ter   of     William    .1.  Lewis,  of   Bloomington.      iMr. 
Fifer  is  six  feet  in  height   and    is  s|)are,    weighing 
only  L'lll  pounds.      He  has  a   swarthy  complexion, 
keen  black  eyes,  quick  movement,   and    possesses  a 
frank  and  sympathetic  nature,  and  natur.illy  makes 
f I  lends  wherever  he  goes.      During  the  l.'ite  G\iber- 
natorial  campaign  his  visits   throughout  the   State 
proved    a   gi'eat    power   in   his   behalf.      His  happy 
faculty  of  winning  the  confidence  and  good  wishes 
of  those  with  whom  lu^  comes  in  personal  contact  is  a 
source  of  great  popularity,  esi)cci:i  lly  duringa  [lolit- 
ical  battle.      As  a  sjieaker  he  is  lluent,  his  l.-inguage 
is   good,    voice   clear   and    agreeable,  and    manner 
forcible.     His  manifest  earnestness  in  what  he  says 
as  well  as  his  tact  as  a  public  speaker,  and    his  elo- 
quent and    forceful    laiign.age,  m.akcs   him    a    most 
valuable    campaign    orator    and  a  |)otverful  pleader 
at  the  bar.      At  the   l\e|nibliean   State  Convention, 
held  in  iMay,  1888,  Mr.  Fifer  was  chosen  as  itscandi- 
dalc  for  (iovernor.    He  proved  a  poi)ular  nominee, 
.and  the  name  of    "Private  Joe"   became    f.amiliar 
to   everyone  throughout   the   State.     He  waged    a 
vigorous  cami)aign,  was  elected  by  a  good  majority, 
and  in   due  time  .assumed  the  duties  of  the   Chief 
IC.xecutive  of  Illinois. 



Vermilion  County, 






^W-  ^'.^J  -''"^^'^y HE  time  has  arrived  when  it 
becomes  the  duty  of  the 
people  of  this  county  to  per- 
petuate the  names  of  their 
pioneers,  to  furnish  a  record 
of  their  early  settlement, 
and  relate  the  story  of  their 
progress.  The  civilization  of  our 
day,  the  enlightenment  of  the  age 
and  the  duty  that  men  of  the  pres- 
ent time  owe  to  their  ancestors,  to 
themselves  and  to  their  posterity, 
demand  that  a  record  of  their  lives 
and  deeds  should  be  made.  In  bio- 
graphical history  is  found  a  power 
to  instruct  man  by  precedent,  to 
enliven  the  mental  faculties,  and 
to  waft  down  the  river  of  time  a 
safe  vessel  in  which  the  names  and  actions  of  the 
people  who  contributed  to  raise  this  country  from  its 
primitive  state  may  be  preserved.  Surely  and  rapidly 
the  great  and  aged  men,  who  in  their  prime  entered 
the  wilderness  and  claimed  the  virgin  soil  as  their 
heritage,  are  passing  to  their  graves.  The  number  re- 
niaining  wlio  can  relate  the  incidents  of  the  first  days 
of  settlement  is  becoming  small  indeed,  so  that  an 
actual  necessity  exists  for  the  collection  and  preser- 
vation of  events  without  delay,  before  all  the  early 
settlers  are  cut  down  by  the  scythe  of  Time. 

To  be  forgotten  has  been  the  great  dread  of  mankind 
from  remotest  ages.  All  will  be  forgotten  soon  enough, 
in  spite  of  their  best  works  and  the  most  earnest 
efforts  of  their  friends  to  perserve  the  memory  of 
their  lives.  The  means  employed  to  prevent  oblivion 
and  to  perpetuate  their  memory  has  been  in  propor- 
tion to  the  amount  of  intelligence  they  possessed. 
Th-;  pyramids  of  Egypt  were  built  to  perpetuate  the 
names  and  deeds  of  their  great  rulers.  The  exhu- 
mations made  by  the  archeologists  of  Egypt  from 
buried  Memphis  indicate  a  desire  of  those  people 

to  perpetuate  the  memory  of  their  achievements 
The  erection  of  tlie  great  obelisks  were  for  t!;e  same 
purpose.  Coming  down  to  a  later  period,  we  find  the 
Greeks  and  Romans  erecting  mausoleums  and  monu- 
ments, and  carving  out  statues  to  chronicle  tiieir 
great  acliievements  and  carry  them  down  the  ages. 
It  is  also  evident  that  the  Mound-builders,  in  i)iling 
up  their  great  mounds  of  earth,  had  but  this  idea — 
to  leave  something  to  show  that  they  had  lived.  All 
these  works,  though  many  of  them  costly  in  the  ex- 
treme, give  but  a  faint  idea  of  the  lives  and  cliarac- 
ters  of  those  whose  memory  they  were  intended  to 
perpetuate,  and  scarcely  anything  of  the  masses  of 
the  people  that  then  lived.  The  great  pyramids  and 
some  of  the  obelisks  remain  objects  only  of  curiosity; 
the  mausoleums,  monuments  and  statues  are  crum- 
bling into  dust. 

It  was  left  to  modern  ages  to  establish  an  intelli- 
gent, undecaying,  immutable  method  of  perpetuating 
a  full  history — immutable  in  that  it  is  almost  un- 
limited in  extent  and  perpetual  in  its  action;  and 
this  is  through  the  art  of  [jrinting. 

To  the  present  generation,  however,  we  are  in- 
debted for  the  introduction  of  the  admirable  system 
of  local  biography.  By  this  system  every  man,  though 
he  has  not  achieved  what  the  world  calls  greatness, 
has  the  means  to  perpetuate  his  life,  his  history, 
through  the  coming  ages. 

The  scythe  of  Time  cuts  down  all ;  nothing  of  the 
physical  man  is  left.  The  monument  whicli  his  chil- 
dren or  friends  may  erect  to  his  memory  in  the  ceme- 
tery will  crumble  into  dust  and  pass  away;  but  his 
life,  his  achievements,  tlie  work  he  has  accomplished, 
which  otherwise  would  be  forgotten,  is  perpetuated 
by  a  record  of  this  kind. 

To  preserve  the  lineaments  of  our  companions  we 
engrave  their  portraits,  for  the  same  reason  we  col- 
lect the  attainable  facts  of  their  history.  Nor  do  we 
think  it  necessary,  as  we  speak  only  truth  of  them,  to 
wait  until  they  are  dead,  or  until  those  who  know 
them  are  gone:  to  do  this  we  are  ashamed  only  to 
publish  to  the  world  the  history  of  those  whi)se  live? 
are  unworthy  of  public  record. 



:  A  MKS  8.  SCONCK.  It  is  a  liUing 
^'3;  testimonial  to  the  wortli  and  char- 
I'.'liem  acler  of  this  citizen  to  present 
his  portraii  and  liioj^rapliy  on 
Ihese,  tiie  o|)ening  pages  of  the 
Ai.uuM  of  Vermilion  Comity. 
Of  the  many  citizens  of  Carroll 
'l'i(\vnslii|)  nime  were  l)etter 
known  or  moi'c  highly'  esteenic<l 
thnn  this  gentleman,  who  was 
linrn  near  Brook's  Point,  Ver- 
milion County,  Nov.  14,  1831, 
and  die.1  .Sept.  21,  1«88,  at  the 
age  of  fifty-seven  years.  In 
childhood  he  atlonded  the  pu!i- 
lic  schools,  as  well  as  those  more 
advanced,  at  Danville,  receiving  a  liberal  educa- 
tion. His  father  and  mother  were  .Samuel  and 
Nancy  (Waters)  Sconce,  both  natives  of  Jjourljon 
County,  Ky.,  the  hirlh  of  the  former  occurring  in 
1802,  vvhile  the  mother  was  born  six  years  later. 

The  elder  iMr.  and  Mrs.  .Sconce  removed  to  Illi- 
nois in  1828,  and  settled  in  Vi'rmilion  County  in 
1.S2'.).  !  hey  had  (hree  children,  who  grew  to  ma- 
turity, namely:  .lames  .S..  America  .)..  and  Thomas 
J.  America  J.,  is  the  wi<low  of  Oliver  Calvert, 
and  now  ni;ikes  her  home  at  the  residence  of  her 
brother,  lately  deceased.  'I'liomas  .1.  died  in  this 
County.  Jan.  1,  18.S8,  while  the  father  [nissed  away 
in  .January.  1871.  The  mother  is  slill  living,  with 
the  widow  of  her  son,  at  the  advanced  age  of 
tighty-one  years. 

The  Sconces  were  prominent  in  the  early  history 

of  America,  and  more  especially  in  Kentucky,  of 
which  State  they  were  early  settlers.  The  great- 
grandfather of  the  subject  of  this  sketch  o[ie  of 
the  earliest  settlers  of  Bourbon  County,  where  he 
lived  in  a  log  house,  built  especially  to  resist  the 
depredations  of  the  Indians.  There  were  eight 
brothers,  and  they  were  among  the  brave  settlers 
who  reclaimed  that  beautiful  country  from  the  sav- 
ages, and  in  so  doing  are  ontitle<l  to  the  thanks  of 
a  grateful  nation.  Nearly  all  of  these  brothers  emi- 
grated South  and  West.  There  is  a  large  family  of 
this  name  in  Texas,  .lames  S.  Sconce's  father,  Sam- 
uel, was  born  in  Bourbon  County-,  Ky.  He  lived 
in  the  county  of  his  birth  untd  1828,  when  he 
removed  to  this  Stale,  and  in  the  following  year 
located  in  \ermilion  County-.  His  wife  came  with 
her  parents  to  the  vicinity  of  Brook's  Point,  in 
1  820,  her  marriage  occurring  at  that  place  the  fol- 
lowing year.  .Samuel  Sconce  engaged  in  farming, 
.and  from  start  to  linisli  was  successful.  In  18/)2  he 
eng.ageil  in  the  mercantile  business  in  Indianola, 
under  the  firm  name  of  B.ailey  &  Sconce.  This 
firm  continued  to  do  business  until  the  big  tire, 
which  destroyed  their  stock.  Mr.  Sconce  then  re- 
tired from  active  life,  and  died  .Ian.  'J.  1871,  leav- 
ing behind  him  a  rei>utation  of  which  any  man 
might  be  proud.  In  184'J  he  took  a  drove  of  200 
fat  cattle  to   Phil.-idclphia,  where   he  sold   half  of 

I  them  and  drove  the  rest  to  New  York,  returning 
the  entire  distance  on   foot.     He  also   liauleil    pro- 

!   duce  to  Chicago  in  the  early  d.ays. 

I        On    November    14,    1831,   James  S.  Sconce   was 

I    born,  in  this  county,  and  one  of  its   first  chil- 



(Ireii  born.  He  was  early  taught  industry,  and  be- 
ing reared  upon  a  farm  was  consequently  used  to 
hard  work.  He  remained  with  Ids  parents  until  he 
was  twenty-four  years  of  age,  when  he  engaged  as 
a  clerk  in  tlie  store  of  IJailey  ife  Sconce,  drawing  a 
salary  of  §800  a  year  for  four  years.  In  1 859  lie 
went  to  Kansas,  where  he  [ire-cmpted  160  acres  in 
Lyon  County,  and  at  the  end  of  three  months  he 
traded  this  piece  of  land  for  a  similar  tract  in  Illi- 
nois. Here  commenced  his  career  as  a  stockman 
and  drover.  During  this  time  he  made  the  ac- 
quaintance of  his  estimable  wife.  Miss  Emma  San- 
dusky, or  as  her  father  wrote  it  '•  Sodowsky."  She 
was  the  only  daughter  of  the  well-known  Short- 
horn breeder  of  Carroll  Township.  After  marriage 
Mr.  Sconce  lived  one  year  with  his  father-in-law. 
when  he  located  on  the  present  homestead,  remain- 
ing there'  until  the  day  of  his  death.  lie  worked 
systematically,  and  to  tlii>>  may  be  attributed  his 
success.  At  any  rate  he  became  wealthy,  and 
when  he  died  was  the  owner  of  2,100  acres  of  the 
most  desirable  land  in  the  county.  Upon  this  he 
built  an  elegant  home,  said  to  be  the  finest  country 
house  to  be  seen  in  the  Stale.  It  is  a  large  struct- 
ure, built  of  brick,  beautifully  located  on  a  slight 
elevation,  while  the  surroundings  are  all  that  an 
admirer  of  tlie  beautiful  could  picture.  Giant 
trees  shade  the  grounds,  and  what  nature  has 
omitted  art  has  supplied.  The  lawns  and  gardens 
are  laid  out  artistically,  adding  to  the  beauty  and 
l)iclures(jueness  of  the  landscape,  and  making  it  a 
"thing  of  beauty"  not  excelled  in  this  great  State 
of  Illinois.  The  place  is  called  "Fairview,"  at  the 
suggestion  of  Mrs.  Sconce.  The  house  is  heated  by 
the  Rutan  system,  and  every  room  is  supplied  with 
hot  and  cold  water,  while  the  spacious  parlors  and 
corridors  are  illuminated  by  gas. 

AVhen  Mr.  Sconce  died  he  left  a  fortune  variously 
estimated  at  from  *200,000  to  -'j^OO.OOO,  evei-y 
cent  of  which  was  accumulated  by  judicious  farm- 
ing and  stock-raising.  It  will  be  many  years  be- 
fore the  recollection  of  this  good  man  will  fade 
from  the  memories  of  the  people.  His  life  was 
sinijileand  his  methods  straightforn^ard,  his  manner 
gentle,  kind  hearted  to  the  poor,  indulgent  to  the 
weak,  charitable  to  the  erring,  and  his  memory  like 
a   sweet   fragrance    ascends    on    high.       Generous 

friend,  kind  husband,  noble  citizen,  and  sincere 
Christian,  the  world  is  better  for  thy  living,  and 
the  flowers  of  a  sweet  memory  will  ever  blossom 
upon  thy  grave. 

Like  his  illustrious  ancestors  Mr.  Sconce  was  a 
fine  looking,  active  man.  He  had  keen  blue  eyes, 
a  personal  characteristic  so  marked  in  his  family, 
and  was  of  a  sanguine  temperament.  A  lifetime  of 
usefulness  and  business  activity  had  develoi)ed  in 
liim  good  judgment,  and  as  he  became  older  his 
attention  was  directed  closel3'  toward  the  things 
revealed  in  Holy  Writ.  He  was  a  consistent 
and  active  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  Politically,  he  was  a  Democrat  from  con- 
viction and  from  principle.  In  1  8S2  ho  consented 
to  run  for  the  State  Senate,  making  a  brilliant  can- 
vass an('  running  ahead  of  his  ticket.  He  served 
as  Townshij)  .Sui)crvisor.  and  always  evinced  a 
deep  interest  in  public  affairs,  and  especially  in  the 
welfare  of  his  township,  his  county  and  his  State. 
His  library  was  filled  with  choice  and  valuable 
works,  especially  those  treating  upon  the  laril3f,  a 
cpiestion  which  was  studied  by  him  with  deep  in- 
terest, he  believing  with  other  leading  Democrats, 
in  a  tariff  for  revenue  only. 

In  matters  pertaining  to  schools  he  took  a  great 
interest.  For  several  years  prior  to  his  death  he 
was  a  Regent  of  the  Wesleyan  University  of 
Bloomington,  111.,  which  was  financially  favored 
by  his  generosity.  As  a  husband  and  father  he 
was  most  loving  and  devoted.  As  a  result  of  his 
wedlock  two  children  were  born:  Anna,  who  was 
a  student  of  JNIorgan  Park  two  years,  and  of  Wes- 
leyan University  one  year;  and  Harvey  J.,  a  bright 
lad  of  fourteen  years.  He  was  greatl}'  attached  to 
his  children,  and  in  them  M'as  centered  his  great 
love.  The  poor  young  farmer  and  business  man, 
who  is  almost  discouraged  in  life,  will  miss  in  Mr. 
Sconce  a  friend,  for  it  was  one  of  liis  salient  char- 
acteristics to  hel])  those  who  would  help  themselves, 
and  as  an  illustration  of  this,  it  may  be  stated  that 
his  will  provided  that  those  who  owed  him  on 
loans,  should  be  allowed  to  pay, his  estate  in  small 
yearly  installments,  that  they  might  not  be  dis- 

He  was  buried  with  ^Masonic  honors  at  the  Wood- 
lawn  Cemetery.     Tlie  funeral  was   attended   by  an 



immense  tlirong.  and  the  proicssion  was  lieiuled  tiy 
2(Hi  Masons  in  mourning,  and  was  over  tliroe  miles 
in  length,  the  hugest  funeral  line  ever  seen  in  \'cr- 
miiion  Count}'.  It  was  remarked  by  one  who 
knew  Mr.  Sconce  well  that  "a  secret  society  which 
commanded  the  fealty  of  a  man  like  James  Sconce 
must  have  something  in  it."  If  he  loved  Jla- 
sonry  it  was  equally  true  that  the  Masons  loved 
iiim.  To  his  faithfnl  wife  the  death  of  her  hus- 
band was  sad  beyond  expression.  "Sorrows  come 
not  single."  A  less  noble  woman  would  ha^e  given 
ii|)  to  despairiug  sorrow  at  the  loss  of  her  husband, 
her  father,  and  lier  mother  within  the  spai'c  of  one 
short  year.  Of  true  Christian  grace  and  motherly 
lieart  she  bore  up  bravely  in  her  bereavement,  fidly 
determined  henceforth  to  give  u\>  her  life  to  her 
Master,  and  to  tlK'  welfare  of  her  children.  As 
before  stated  she  is  the  only  living  child  of  Harvej' 
.Saniluskv  and  Susan  Baum.  Coming  from  illus- 
trious ancestors,  ah  effort  will  be  made  to  herewith 
present  a  few  facts  in  regard  to  each  of  her  parents. 
In  the  }-ear  of  1721  there  came  to  America  an 
exile  from  I'oland,  of  noble  Iiirth  and  proud  sijirit, 
and  lofty  i)atriotism.  lie  headed  a  rebellion  against 
the  despotism  of  Russia  and  her  allies  in  the  dis- 
graceful oppression  of  the  defeated  bnt  not  subdued 
Poles.  For  this  brave  act  he  was  exiled  and  came 
to  Riclunond.  Va.  That  noble  man  was  .Tames 
Sodowsky,  who  afterward  married  the  sister  of 
Gov.  Inslip,  of  the  Colony  of  Virginia,  and  from 
them  descended  Harvey  Sandusky,  the  fatiier  of 
Mrs.  Sconce.  Men  of  courage  and  force  of  char- 
acter, the  family  l>as  been  represented  in  every  for- 
ward movement  of  civilization  in  this  great  coun- 
try for  more  than  a  centurj':  with  the  gallant  pio- 
neers in  beating  back  the  savages  of  the  wilderness.; 
with  the  brave  Continentals,  liattlmg  for  freedom 
in  the  heroic  days  of  '70;  at  the  front  in  the  War 
of  1812;  with  Daniel  Boone  in  the  wild  Kentucky, 
where  the  grandfather  of  Harvey  settled  just  after 
the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  ITis  father. 
Abraham  Sandusky,  was  born  there,  and  married 
Miss  .lane  McDowell,  who  bore  him  eight  children, 
Marvty  being  the  eldest.  In  18;31  he  removed 
Irom  Kentucky  to  Illinois,  and  settled  with  his 
family  on  the  Little  ^'el■milion  River,  where  he 
continued  to  reside  until  his  death.  His  oldest  sou, 

Harvey,  was  born  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  May 
17,  1817,  and  came  to  Illinois  with  his  father,  lit- 
erally growing  up  with  the  country.  In  his  twenty- 
fourth  3'ear  he  was  married  to  Susan,  daughter  of 
Charles  and  Susan  Baum,  who  had  emigr.ated  from 
Ohio  and  settled  on  the  Little  Vermilion  River, 
After  marri.age  Mr,  Sandusky  located  on  the  es- 
tate which  has  since  Iiecome  so  famous  .as  '-Wood- 
lawn  Stock  Farm,"  Here,  by  intelligent  and  indus- 
trious use  of  tlieir  f)pportunities,  he  and  his  faithful 
wife  built  uj)  a  princely  home,  and  surrounded  it 
with  an  abundance  that  enabled  them  to  dispense 
the  largest  charity  and  most  unbounded  hospitality. 
INIis.  Sandusk}'  converted  to  Christianity  in 
iicr  girlhood,  and  rejoiced  in  the  hope  of  an  im- 
mortal life. 

In  the  old  family  Bible  is  found  this  record  : 
"Harvey  .Sodowsky  this  day  found  peace  with 
(tO<1.  March  15,  lS,j8."  For  forty  years  their's 
wa.s  a  house  of  pr.ayer.  To  them  were  born  three 
children:  The  oldest  died  in  infancy;  the  second 
is  Emma,  lh(^  wife  of  the  suljject  of  this  sketch; 
Gilbert,  the  third  child  and  only  .sou,  died  at  the 
early  age  of  twenty-three  years,  Harve}'  San- 
dusky died  on  Saturday',  Dec.  18,  188G,  and  the 
following  Tuesday  was  buried  b^-  the  side  of  his 
son  in  the  beautiful  Woodlawu  Cemetery,  which  he 
had  selected  and  donated  to  the  public,  "Uncle 
Harvey,"  as  he  was  familiarly  called,  w;is  in  many 
respects  a  noble  man.  There  is  ahv.ays  good  in  a 
heart  that  is  alw.a3s  tender,  :uid  his  was  a  very  ten- 
der heart.  To  feed  the  hungrj-,  to  clothe  and  help 
the  needy,  afforded  him  the  greatest  pleasure.  The 
foot-sore  itinerant,  whose  horse  had  died,  taken 
to  the  stables  and  told  to  ".select  the  best  nag  in 
the  lot,"  willuint  p.ay  or  promise.  That  preacher 
was  sent  on  his  way  rejoicing,  and  thereby  the 
Gospel  was  spread  to  those  beyond.  By  him  the 
homeless  were  sheltered,  the  friendless  cheered,  and 
the  wretched  soothed. 

He  was  a  very  successful  man  in  business,  was 
enterprising  and  public  spirited.  In  the  stalls  and 
on  the  fields  at  Woodlawu  are  perhaps  the  finest 
specimens  of  Short-horn  cattle  in  .Vmerica,  if  not 
in  the  world.  For  lift}'  3'ears  he  bad  been  interested 
in  raising  and  exhibiting  fine  stock.  No  man  in 
America   has   been  more  successful  than  he,  as  the 



premium  lists  of  principal  fairs  will  show.  Evi- 
dently he  has  ad<led  iiiUold  riches  to  the  general 
ccmimunit}^  by  his  enter|)rise  in  this  particular.  l>ut 
his  work  is  done,  and  the  toils  of  his  busy  life  have 
ceased.  The  familiar  figure  lias  drojiped  out  of  the 
picture  of  this  life,  and  let  us  hope  that  it 
dropped  into  the  life  that  lies  beyond  the  other 
shore.  Mis  home  is  lonely  without  him,  his  fam- 
ily mourn  him,  his  neighbors  will  miss  him,  his 
friends  regret  bis  absence,  but  ''God  doeth  all 
things  well." — (Extract  from  the  Rev.  G.  A.  Fra- 
siei.)  His  wife,  Susan  Sandusky,  came  from  an 
equallj'  illustrious  family.  She  was  the  (laughter 
of  Charles  and  Sarah  (IMoyer)  Baum.  They  were 
likewise  Polish  jjatriots.  and  by  the  Russian  au- 
thorities banished  from  their  native  land.  They 
for  a  few  years  lived  in  Germanj-,  and  tlien  emi- 
grated to  the  Colony  of  Virginia.  This  noble  ex- 
ile and  progenitor  of  the  Baums  of  A'ermilion 
County,  was  Charles  Bauin,  the  great-grandfather 
of  Mrs.  Emma  Sconce.  He  married  Miss  Barbara 
McDonald,  a  relative  of  the  brave  Gen.  McDonald, 
of  Marion's  array.  He  entered  the  Colonial  forces, 
and  served  on  reserve  duty  in  protecting  the 
frontier.  After  the  war  he  settled  in  Bucks  County 
and  the  year  following  Waj-ne's  treaty  with  the 
Indians,  sailed  down  the  Ohio  River  with  his  fam- 
ily. They  landed  at  the  moutii  of  Buliskin  Creek, 
and  there,  close  to  what  is  now  the  river  tow-n  of 
Chilo,  established  the  first  settlement  in  the  Ter- 
ritory of  Ohio.  One  of  bis  sons  was  Charles  Baum, 
Mrs.  Sconce's  grandfather.  He  married  Susan, 
daughter  of  John  Moyer,  a  Revolutionary  soldier, 
who  fought  manj'  3'ears  under  the  immediate  com- 
mand of  Gen.  Washington. 

John  Moyer  lived  in  Pennsylvania  some  time 
after  the  war,  then  removed  to  Ohio,  of  which 
State  he  also  was  an  early  pioneer.  Charles  Baum, 
the  grandsire  of  Mrs.  Sconce,  came  to  Vermilion 
Couutj'  in  1839.  He  lived  to  be  ninety-six  years 
old.  had  prospered  well,  and  was  a  consistent 
Christian.  From  the  Rev.  G.  A.  Frasier  we  quote 
the  following  concerning  Mrs.  Susan  Sandusky. 
•■(  )ur  community  is  again  called  to  mourn  the  loss  of 
a  most  estimable  lady,  who  fell  asleep  at  her  home 
near  Indianola,  March  21.  1888.  She  was  a  daugh- 
ter of  Charles  and  Susan  Baum,  born  in  Claremont 

County,  Ohio,  Sept.  25,  1818.  She  was  converted 
and  joined  tlie  Methodist  Episcopal  Ciiurch  when 
quite  young,  and  was  married  May  20,  1840.  Her 
life  was  singularly  pure  and  exemplary,  and  she 
adorned  those  stations  in  which  true  womanhood 
shines  the  brightest.  As  a  wife,  mother,  friend 
and  neighbor  she  indeed  a  model  woman. 
None  doubted  the  genuinenoss  of  her  Cliristian  ex- 
perience. Alwa\s  consistent,  always  true,  she  was 
a  power  for  good  in  the  community.  Her  chari- 
ties and  uniform  kindness  for  the  poor  had  won  for 
her  the  love  of  .all  who  knew  her.  Her  devotion 
to  dut}-,  and  lier  unswerving  fidelit}'  had  won  the 
confidence  and  esteem  of  all.  She  was  not  only 
ready,  but  willing  to  die.  In  a  conversation  a  few 
days  before  her  death  she  expressed  a  desire  to 
'reach  her  Father's  house.'  She  leaves  but  one 
child  to  mourn  her  absence  from  the  old  home- 
stead. Mrs.  James  S.  Sconce,  the  only  remain- 
ing child  was  with  her  mother  during  her  last  ill- 
ness, faithfulJN'.  lovingly  attending  to  every  w.ant, 
and  tearfully  watching  the  slowly  ebbing  tide  of 
life  till  all  was  still  in  death.  In  this  great  be- 
reavement Mrs.  Sconce  has  the  sympathy  of  the 
entire  community.  The  old  homestead  is  left  deso- 
late. A  family  has  passed  from  earth.  We  hope 
that  on  tiie  other  side  of  the  river  they  are  again 

Mrs.  Emma  Sconce  born  in  the  old  Harvey 
Sandusky  homestead,  better  known  under  the  name 
of  --Woodlawn,"  a  name  suggested  by  her  for  her 
father's  large  farm,  which  was  so  famous  in  pro- 
ducing herdsof  prize-winning  Short-horn  cattle. 
Here  she  grew  up  under  the  influences  of  a  Chris- 
tian home,  attending  Georgetown  Academy-  for 
some  time.  Her  loj'alty  has  marked  her  entire  ca- 
reer from  childhood  to  widowhood.  As  the  wife 
of  James  S.  Sconce  she  was  ever  a  most  worthy, 
affectionate,  and  loving  companion ;  as  mistress  of 
the  "Fairview"  mansion  she  is  modest,  kind,  gen- 
erous and  hospitable;  while  the  taste  with  which 
the  mansion  is  furnished  reflects  great  credit  upon 
its  mistress.  She  possesses  a  great  deal  of  knowl- 
edge, general  and  special,  and  is  respected  and  es- 
teemed by  all  who  know  her.  She  is  a  devout 
Christian,  and  rich  and  poor  alike  are  graced  bj- 
her   favors.     She   deeply   mourns  the  loss  of  her 



iiiisl)and,  for  their  niani:i<re  proved  to  i)e  ;i  most 
liapp^'  one.  Slie  is  truly  tiie  type  of  noble  Ameri- 
can womaniiood.  and  as  a  mother  is  fairly  wor- 
shi|)ped  by  her  two  eliildron.  and  tliov  in  turn 
are  held  most  affectionately  dear.  Her  modesty 
prevents  her  giving  further  facts  in  regard  to  her- 
self. Her  attorney,  however,  has  furnished  the 
following  figures  concerning  her  estate:  Personal 
property  of  James  S.  Sconce,  deceased,  !t!C2. 000; 
personal  property  of  Harvey  Sandusky,  deceased, 
*20,0()0;  total  number  of  acres  of  land  bold  by  Mrs. 
Sconce,  3,CO0. 

-J^^- • 

IRAM  ARMANTROUT.  In  no  portion  of 
jj  the  world  is  there  illustrated  the  result  of 
\S^  patient  industry  more  forcibly  than  in  the 
i^p  great  West.  Could  the  j'ouug  man  of  fifty 
j-ears  ago  have  had  the  power  to  look  forward  into 
tlie  future  and  discover  not  onlj'  what  he  himself 
would  accomplish,  but  what  would  be  done  by  his 
brother  pioneers,  he  would  have  labored  with 
greater  courage  than  he  has  already  done;  for  no 
one  can  dispute  that  the  first  settling  up  of  this  part 
of  the  country  was  necessavilj'  an  experiment.  Few 
however,  stood  in  doubt  .as  to  the  final  result,  but 
fewer  still  would  have  prophesied  the  achievements 
which  have  really  been  accomplished. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  one  of  the  earliest 
settlers  of  Middle  Fork  Township,  whence  he  re- 
moved to  Butler  Townshij)  in  April,  1855.  He 
took  up  a  half-section  of  government  land,  em- 
bracing a  part  of  sections  2,  22  and  13,  in  tow-nsliip 
22,  range  13,  before  there  had  been  any  attempt  at 
cultivation.  In  the  fall  of  1856  he  put  up  a  small 
frame  house,  and  being  unmarried,  took  in  a  tenant . 
with  whom  he  lived.  He  had,  prior  to  tliis,  broken 
sixtj-  acres.  He  proceeded  with  the  improve- 
ments of  his  property  single-handed  until  the 
spring  of  1859,  when  he  took  unto  himself  a  wife 
and  helpmate.  Miss  Celinda  Pugh.  They  spent  the 
first  few  years  of  their  wediled  life  in  the  little 
house,  and  in  due  time,  being  prospercti,  our  sub- 
ject was  enabled  to  erect  a  larger  dwelling.  He 
also  built  a  good  l)arn  and  planted  forest  and  fruit 
trees,  which  flourished,  and  he  now  has  the  finest 
grove  in  the  neighborhood.     Ho  occupied  this  farm 

until  March,  1889,  when  be  wisely  retired  from 
active  labor  and  purcli.ased  property  in  Rossville. 
where  he  took  up  his  abode  and  purposes  now  to 

Our  subject  w^as  born  in  Mi)niivomory  Ci)unly. 
Ind..  Aug.  12,  1829,  an<l  lived  there  until  1H55 
with  his  father  and  mother.  The  former.  Valen- 
tine Armantrout,  was  born  in  Rockingham  County. 
Va..  April  27,  1799,  .and  removed  with  his  father, 
Fiederick  Armantrout,  to  Warren  County,  Ohio, 
in  1808,  where  he  was  reared  to  manhood.  He 
married  Miss  Catherine  Kesling,  and  they  so- 
journed in  the  Buckeye  State  until  1828,  when  they 
removed  to  Montgomery  County.  In<1.  There  the 
father  engaged  in  farming  and  blacksmitliing  com- 
bined, .and  lived  until  his  decease.  wlii<-li  took  place 
March  17.  1840. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  were  born  seven 
children,  of  whom  he  was  the  third,  and  of  whom 
four  are  living:  Ambrose  is  a  resident  of  Chautau- 
qua County,  Kan.;  Simon  lives  in  W.ajnotuwn, 
j\rontgoraery  Co.,  Ind.;  Sarah  became  the  wife  of 
C.  S.  Bratton,  of  Rossville,  and  she  is  now  de- 
ceased. Mary  Ann  is  the  wife  of  .lames  Applegale, 
of  this  county ;  Melinda  dieil  at  the  age  of  seventeen 
years;  Henry  died  in  Linn  County,  Kan.,  in  1887. 
The  paternal  grandfather  was  a  resident  of  \ir- 
ginia  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  in  which  his 
father  and  two  brothers  fought,  while  he  remained 
at  home.  He  was  drafted,  but  Washington  sent 
him  home.  The  family  is  of  (Jerman  d<'scent,  and 
the  first  representative  in  this  country  settled  in 

At  the  time  of  leaving  Butler  Township  Mr. 
Armantrout  was  its  oldest  living  male  resident.  One 
lady.  Mrs.  Pyles,  had  been  there  one  year  lono'cr 
than  himself.  As  a  farmer  ho  was  more  than  or- 
dinarily successful,  and  also  prosecuted  stock-rais- 
ing with  excellent  residts.  He  was  prominent  in 
local  affairs,  being  the  first  Road  Commissioner  in 
the  township,  in  which  office  he  served  eleven  years. 
Ho  officiated  as  Constable  four  years,  was  Justice  of 
the  Pe.ace  seven  years.  School  Trustee  nine  years, 
and  School  Director  for  a  long  period.  Politicallv, 
he  is  a  Republican. 

Of  the  six  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Arman- 
trout, the   third    child,   a   son,  Harmon,  died  when 



one  year  olrl.  The  survivors  are  Scott,  Celia  M., 
Drusilla,  Carrie  and  Ida.  Scott  married  Miss 
Emma  Walters,  and  lives  on  the  liome  farm;  Celia 
Ma}'  is  the  wife  of  Ira  G.  Philips,  and  the  niotliei- 
of  one  child,  a  daughter,  Mabel;  tliey  live  near 
the  homestead.  The  others  are  unmarried  and 
remain  with  their  parents.  Mrs.  Celinda  (Pugh) 
Armantront  was  born  in  Warren  County,  Ind., 
Aug.  •2(i,  1833,  and  is  the  daughter  of  George 
Pugh,  who  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania.  He  mar- 
ried Miss  Elizabeth  Ander-son,  and  they  reared  a 
large  family  of  children.  He  followed  farming  his 
entire  life,  and  after  leaving  his  native  State  set- 
tled near  Lebanon,  in  Warren  County,  Ind.,  where 
he  spent  his  last  days.  His  death  occurred  about 
1 SG4,  at  the  age  of  seventy  years. 

, LIVER  IlAPvRLSGN  CRANE.  The  leading 
event  in  the  life  of  this  gentleman  was  his 
'i'  birth  whieli  occurred  in.  Fountain  County, 
Ind.,  on  the  -Ith  of  March,  1841,  the  day  of  the  in- 
ausuration  of  President  AVilliam  Henry  Harrison? 
and  iu  honor  of  whom  the  infant  was  given  his  sec- 
ond name.  He  is  now  a  man  of  forty-eight  years, 
and  one  of  the  most  substantial  farmers  of  Grant 
Township,  being  the  owner  of  160  acres  of  choice 
land,  jiloasantly  located  on  section  29,  township  23, 
range  12. 

Mr.  Crane  spent  the  first  eighteen  years  of  his 
life  in  his  native  county,  acquiring  a  i)ractical  edu- 
cation in  the  common  schools  and  becoming  famil- 
iar with  farm  i)ursuits.  In  the  fall  of  1859,  leaving 
the  iiarental  roof,  he  came  to  this  county  and  as- 
sumed charge  of  the  land  which  his  father  had  en- 
tered from  the  Government  at  $1.25  per  acre.  He 
boarded  at  the  house  of  a  neighbor  until  the  spring 
of  1 8G 1 ;  then  put  up  a  house  into  which  he  removed 
with  his  young  wife,  having  been  married  Feb.  7 
of  that  year  to  Miss  Charlotte  Bowling  of  his  own 
county  in  Indiana. 

]\Ir.  and  IMrs.  Crane,  although  removing  into  a 
more  modern  domicile,  have  occu|)ied  the  same 
faiin  which  they  moved  upon  at  the  time  of  their 
marriage.  Their  labors  and  struggles  have  been 
>imilar  to  those   of  the   people  around   chem;  their 

rewards  likewise.  Industry  and  economy'  have  been 
repaid  foiirfoUl,  and  now,  in  the  enjoyment  of  all 
the  comforts  of  life  and  many  of  its  luxuries,  they 
sit  under  their  own  vine  and  fig  tree  and  are  blest 
with  the  respect  of  their  friends  and  neighbors. 
For  some  time  after  Mr.  Crane  settled  here  there 
were  no  neighbors  north  for  fifteen  miles,  the  near- 
est being  at  Ash  Grove.  Deer,  wolves  and  other 
wild  animals  were  plentiful,  but  these  slowly  dis- 
apjieared  as  the  country  became  settled  u[). 

The  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Crane,  eleven 
in  number,  are  recorded  as  follows:  The  two  eldest 
died  in  infancy;  Elmer  E.  was  born  May  28,  1865; 
John  N.,  Sept.  3,  1867;  Lillian  L.,  Jan.  6,  1870; 
Alfaretta,  Feb.  11,  1872;  Winifred,  Dec.  4,  1873; 
Morris  S..  Nov.  2,  1876;  Mary  A.,  June  24,  1879; 
Perry  D.,  Jan.  28.  1883;  Anna  M.,  Oct.  23,  1885. 
The  eldest  son  living,  Elmer,  married  Miss  Olive 
Keplinger,  is  a  re.sident  of  Northwest  Nebraska  and 
the  father  of  two  children.  Mrs.  Charlotte  (liow- 
ling)  Crane  was  born  .hily  3,  1843,  in  Fountain 
County,  Ind.,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Willis  P.  and 
Mary  (Bruce)  Bowling,  who  were  natives  of  Ohio. 
The  father  was  born  in  Warren  County,  Jan.  25. 
1816,  and  lived  there  until  a  lad  of  eight  years. 
His  parents  then  removed  to  Indiana,  and  after  the 
death  of  his  father  in  Fountain  County  he  contin- 
ued on  the  farm,  where  he  reared  his,  family  and 
spent  his  last  days.  This  farm  is  located  in  Van 
l>uren  Township  six  miles  northeast  of  Covington. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Crane  was 
Mary  Bruce,  and  the  parents  were  married  in  1838. 
Of  the  eight  children  born  to  them  three  are  living — 
Charlotte,  Arthur  and  Morris.  The  two  boys  live 
at  the  old  farm  in  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  with  their 
father.  The  latter,  with  his  wife,  is  a 
member  of  the  Christian  Church,  and  the  family 
stand  high  in  their  community. 

Mrs.  Mary  (Bruce;  liowling  was  born  in  Law- 
rence Count}-,  Ohio,  Jan.  21,  1K17,  to  Joshua  and 
Margaret  (Innes)  Bruce,  the  father  a  farmer  by  oc- 
cui)ation.  When  Mary  was  a  girl  of  eleven  j^ears, 
they  left  the  Buckeye  State  and  removed  to  Foun- 
tain County.  Ind.,  where  she  remained  umler  the 
parental  roof  until  her  marriage. 

Joel  Crane,  the  father   of  our  subject,  was  bora  i 
Jan.  28,  1817,  in   Warren    County,  Ohit)    near  the 



birthplace  of  Mr.  Howlinjr.  He  lived  there  until 
18.32,  and  then,  a  of  flftecn  j'cars,  migrated 
to  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  with  ills  jinrents,  where 
he  was  married  and  still  lives  on  the  old  farm 
northeast  of  Covington  which  his  father  took  up 
from  the  Government.  His  wife  was  formerly  Miss 
Elizabeth  Jenkins,  and  they  reared  a  family  of  three 
cliildren — Oliver  H.,  Lewis  C.  and  Cyrus,  the  lat- 
ter two  of  Missouri  and  Kansas  respectively.  Mrs. 
Elizabeth  (.Tenkins)  Crane  boru  Dec.  .5,  1820, 
in  Ohio,  and  departed  this  life  at  the  homestead  in 
Indiana  Sept.  2,  18.')3.  She  left  the  Buckeye  St.ate 
with  her  parents  in  1839  and  remained  with  tliem 
until  her  marriage. 

Mr.  Crane,  our  sul)ject,  been  a  man  always 
full  of  business  and  one  who  has  little  respect  for 
the  drones  in  the  world's  busy  hive.  He  has  kept 
himself  well  posted  upon  events  of  general  interest, 
and  is  one  with  whom  may  be  spent  an  hour  very 
pleasantly  and  profitably.  His  course  in  life  has 
lieen  that  of  an  honest  man,  while  iiis  industry  has 
been  rewarded  with  :i  competence. 

HARLKSBIHL.  This  gentleman  occu[)ies 
no  unimijortaiit  (xisilion  among  the  self- 
made  men  of  this  count3-  who  have  arisen 
by  their  own  efforts  from  the  foot  of  the  ladder 
and  who  by  untlagging  industry  and  perseverance 
liMve  accumulated  a  competence  and  in  their  later 
years  are  retired  and  in  the  enjoyment  of  it.  Mr. 
Bulii  represents  a  goodly  amount  of  pro|)erty — in- 
deed is  recognized  as  a  capitalist — and  has  contrili- 
uted  his  fidl  rpiota  to  the  business  interests  of  Dan- 
vdle  and  vicinity.  He  comes  of  substantial  ances- 
try and  is  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  having  been 
born  in  Butler  County,  Feb.  8,  1812. 

Our  subject  remained  a  resident  of  his  nati\e 
place  until  a  young  man  of  twenty  years,  acquiring 
a  practical  education  in  the  common  school  and 
being  variousl\'  occupied.  Finally  resolving  upon 
a  change  of  location,  he  made  his  way  in  1838,  to 
Detroit  and  for  two  years  thereafter  employed 
himself  as  a  teamster.  In  the  fall  of  18-18,  he  vis- 
ited Chicago  and  being  favorably  impressed  with 
the    outlook,    established  himself    in    the  hat,   cap 

and  fur  business  on  Lake  street,  second  door  west 
of  Clark  stieet  where  he  operated  successfully  until 
abonl  l.s.'iO.  Then  .selling  out  he  invested  the 
proceeds  in  a  farm  of  697  acres,  embracing  the 
present  site  of  Kensington  and  which  he  secured 
for  the  sum  of  i!5,000.  Nine  months  later  he  sold 
the  bottom  land — about  300  acres — to  the  Michigan 
Central  Railway  for  the  i>rice  which  he  had  paid 
for  the  whole.  For  about  ten  years  thereafter  he 
engaged  in  farming,  and  then  sold  out  and  coming 
to  Danville  investetl  a  portion  of  his  capital  here 
where  he  has  since  made  hishonu\ 

Mr.  Buhl  has  been  engaged  in  different  enter-  since  coming  to  Danville.  He  invested  a 
portion  of  his  capital  in  the  lots  embracing  Nos.  1 17 
to  123  or.  E.ast  Main'street Where  he  has  put  up 
buildings,  the  rents  from  which  yield  him  a  hniul- 
some  income.  He  has  at  different  times  owned 
considerable  land  in  the  county  and  has  now  eigh- 
teen acres  of  valuable  land  just  outside  the  city 
limits!  Although  a  sound  Republican  politii'ally 
he  never  sought  office,  but  was  twic«  elected  to 
represent  his  ward  in  tlie  City  Council  and  has 
served  as  a  member  of  the  School  Bo:ud.  From 
these,  however,  he  withdrew  before  the  expiration 
of  his  term.  During  the  Civil  ^\'arhis  son  Sidney 
served  as  a  sohlier  in  the  Ihiion  Arm\. 

Mr.  Buhl  was  mairiccl  in  Pennsylvania  .Iul\-  9, 
1834,  to  Miss  Eliza  Aim  McConaughy,  and  they 
became  the  parents  ol  six  children,  four  of  whom 
are  living,  namely:  Sidney,  Frank,  Emma  and 
Laura.  Mrs.  Bidil  was  born  in  New  Lisbon,  Ohio, 
Jan.  1,  1820,  and  is  the  daughter  of  James  and 
Elizabeth  McConaughy,  with  whom  she  lived  in 
the  Buckej-e  State  until  her  marriage.  Mr.  McC. 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation  and  the  parental  house- 
hold included  ten  children — four  sons  and  si.\ 
daugliters.  Sidney  Buhl,  the  only  son  of  our  sub- 
ject married  I\Iiss  Sally  Myers  and  they  have  one 
child,  a  daughter,  Georgia;  he  is  in  the  employ  of 
the  American  Express  Company.  Frank  is  a  resi. 
dent  of  Louisiana  where  he  operates  a  fruit  farm  and 
nursery;  Emma  is  the  wife  of  William  Myers,  to 
whom  she  was  married  Jan.  1,  1888;  Mr.  M-,  is  em- 
ployed as  a  carriage  salesman  and  they  live  in 
Danville.  Laura  was  married  June  5,  1883,  to  Mr. 
.lohn  Lawrence,  a  lioot  and   shoe  merchant,  located 




at  117  East  Main  street.       The  (laughters  are  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Christian  Buhl,  the  father  of  our  subject, was  a  na- 
tive of  Germany,  and  came  to  America  when  a  young 
man,  and  settled  near  Zelcin()i)le.  I'a.,  where  lie  en- 
imaged  in  the  manufacture  of  hats.  He  also  became 
the  owner  of  considerable  land  and  spent  the  re- 
niaiuiler  of  his  life  in  tiiat  vicinit}'.  He  iiad  mar- 
ried Miss  Fredrika  Gearing  and  tiiey  reared  a  fam- 
ily of  ten  children,  of  whom  Cliarles  was  about  the 
fifth  in  order  of  birtli,  and  of  wiioni  seven  are  now 
living.  Mr.  Buhl  die<i  in  Pennsylvania  at  tiie  ad- 
vanced age  of  eight^'-seven  j'ears.  His  wife  sur- 
vived him  three  3'ears  .and  was  also  eighty-seven 
years  old  at  the  time  of  lier  decease. 

■iT/OnN  W.  15AXDY,  junior  member  of  liie 
lirm  of  Smitii  tt  Bandy,  druggists,  is  also 
owner  of  the  Bandy  Block  on  Vermilion 
/  street,  Danville,  and  is  well-known  to  the 
citizens  of  the  city  and  vicinity  .as  representing 
some  of  its  most  important  business  interests.  He 
is  a  native  of  this  place  and  was  born  April  8, 
1844.  Of  his  father,  William  Bandy,  one  of  the 
earliest  ijioneers  of  this  county  and  an  aged  vete- 
ran of  seventy-seven  years,  a  sketch  will  lie  found 
elsewhere  in.  this  volume. 

The  tirst  four  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject 
were  spent  upon  a  farm  and  then  the  family  re- 
moved to  Danville,  where  John  W.,  acquired  a 
practical  education  in  the  common  schools.  When 
approaching  manhood  he  entered  the  office  of  the 
Danville  Plaindealer,  then  under  the  control  of 
John  Leslie  and  with  whom  he  remained  until  the 
oflice  purch.ased  by  Judge  Daniel  Clapp. 
Young  Bandy  continued  with  the  latter  until  1864. 
That  year  he  began  the  study  of  medicine  with  Dr. 
Samuel  Humphre}'  as  preceptor  and  after  a  time 
began  practicing  to  a  certain  extent.  He,  how- 
ever, concluded  that  he  was  better  adapted  to 
some  other  business  than  that  of  a  physician,  which 
resolution  was  strengthened  by  his  failing  haalth. 
He  spent  three  or  four  years  in  recuperating  and  in 

1872  engiiged  as  clerk  iu  the  store  of  E.   E.  Boudi- 
not   about  five   years.     At   the  expiration   of  this 

time  he  was  admitted  to  partnership  with  his  em- 
ployei'.  Three  years  later  he  sold  out  to  Mr.  E.  G. 
Smith,  a  native  of  Danville,  and  the  only  surviv- 
ing member  of  the  family  of  Giles  .Smith.  These 
gcnllcmeu  have  been  in  partnership  since  that 
lime  and  Mr.  Bandy  has  been  in  tlie  store  since 
1872.  Mr.  Bandy  is  a  gentleman  of  great  energy 
and  enterprise,  .and  has  accumulated  a  good  prop- 
erty, including  one  of  the  finest  brick  blocks  on 
North  Vermilion  sti-eet  which  was  erected  in  1887, 
and  is  equipped  with  all  modern  improvements. 

Mr.  Bandy  was  married  in  Danville,  Sept.  28, 
1861,  to  Miss  Margaret  Humphrey,  who  became  the 
mother  of  one  child  and  who  died  together  with  the 
child  in  1865.  Our  subject  contracted  a  second  mat- 
rimonial alliance  withlMiss  Mary  A.  Campbell,  of 
Lafayette,  Ind.,  Aug.  2!l,  1879.  Of  this  union  there 
was  one  child,  a  son,  Clauile  W.,  who  was  born  Aug. 
29,  1880,  and  is  still  living.  Mrs.  M.ary  A. 
(Campbell)  Bandy  was  born  June  1 ,  185."!,  about 
fifteen  miles  southeast  of  Logansport,  Ind.,  and 
spent  her  childhood  and  youth  in  Indiana.  Both 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bandy  are  members  of  good  standing 
of  the  Kimber  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Until 
about  18G.5  Mr.  Bandy  voted  with  the  IJepublican 
party  but  has  since  that  time  affiliated  with  the  De- 
mocracy. He  has  never  had  any  ambition  for  office, 
preferring  to  give  his  best  efforts  to  his  business 
aft'iiirs.  His  home  comprises  a  neat  residence  in  the 
northeast  part  of  the  city  and  as  the  son  of  a  prom- 
inent family  he  occupies  no  secondary  position  in  and  business  circles. 

ENRY  L.  BUSHNELL  is  one  of  the  leading 
|i  and  successful  business  men  of  Hoopeston. 
He  is  the  proprietor  of  the  North  Elevator, 
(^)  which  has  a  capacity  of  75,000  bushels.  He 
also  owns  several  other  large  elevators  on  the  line 
of  the  Chicago  ifc  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad.  He  is 
also  general  agent  for  the  Brazil  Block  Coal  Com- 
jKany.  handling  from  2,500  to  3,000  cars  yearlvi 
besides  his  local  trade. 

Mr.  Bushuell  was  born  Oct.  2,  1843,  near  what  is 
now  Dunlap,  111.,  and  there  remained  with  his  father 
until  he  left  school  to  enter  the  army,     lie  enlisted 



on  July  2,  1SG2,  in  Comiiany  E,  77th  Illinois  Iii- 
fiinti-y.  This  regiment  was  assigned  to  the  I3tli 
Army  Corps,  originally  under  Gen.  Smitii,  hnt 
wiiieli  was  latterly  under  the  command  of  (ien. 
Banks,  and  participated  in  the  battles  of  Black 
River,  Jackson,  Champion  Hill,  Black  River  Bridge, 
tlic  siege  of  Vickshurg,  and  also  in  the  entire  cam- 
paign which  resulted  in  the  oi)eniug  of  the  ^lissis- 
sippi  River.  At  \'icksburg  he  was  wounded  on  the 
22d  of  May,  1863,  in  the  left  knee,  after  which  be 
was  in  the  field  hospital  until  his  recovery.  The 
last  seventeen  months  of  the  service  he  was  Second 
Lieutenant  of  his  company.  Wliile  on  the  ex[)edi- 
tion  with  Banks  u|)  the  Red  River,  he  wjis  cap- 
tured at  Manslield,  La.,  April  8,  18(!1,  and  taken  to 
Camp  Ford.  Tyler,  Tex.,  and  was  tliere  iield  until 
tiie  close  of  the  war.  While  a  prisoner  of  war  he  suf- 
fered untold  hardshii)s,  which  impaired  his  health, 
the  elt'ects  of  which  he  feels  to  tiiis  day.  After  his  he  joined  his  regiment  at  Mobde,  Ala.,  Jan- 
uary, 1 80)5,  but  remained  there  but  a  few  days  when 
he  proceeded  to  St.  Louis,  where  he  i)roperly 
exchanged.  Here  he  detailed  on  Gen.  Dodge's 
staff,  remaining  on  this  duty  until  Aug.  1,  when  he 
was  n)ustered  out  of  the  service  having  served  for 
several  months  more  than  his  regular  enlistment. 
After  leaving  the  army  he  returned  to  Peoria.  III., 
and  engaged  in  the  lumber  business  with  his  father. 
In  this  he  continued  for  some  time,  having  an  ex- 
tensive trade,  and  becoming  accustomed  to  railroad 
business  in  the  mean  time,  he  was  ai)pointed  Assis- 
tant (ieneral  Freight  Agent  of  the  Chicago  & 
Eastern  Illinois  Railro,ad,  with  headquarters  at  Tor- 
re Haute.  He  continued  in  this  capacity  for  five 
years,  when  in  July  1883,  he  resigned  and  removed 
to  Iloopeston  where  he  has  since  been  engaged  in 
business,  and  it  is  not  too  broad  an  assertion  to 
state  that  he  transacts  more  business  than  any  other 
man  in  Eastern  Illinois. 

Mr.  Bushnell  has  served  his  cit}^  as  Mayor  for 
two  terms  and  for  one  terra  has  been  an  Alderman. 
He  has  also  .served  ftve  ye.ars  on  the  Board  of  Edu-' 
cation,  of  which  he  is  now  President.  He  has  never 
.aspired  to  office  but  his  great  business  talents  are 
alwaj's  in  request  by  his  neighbors,  and  he  cannot 
see  his  way  Vlear  to  refuse  them.  He  is  a  hard- 
working   Republican,  is   recognized  as  a   leader  in 

his  party,  and  can  be  found  attending  all  its  conven- 
tions and  gatherings.  He  is  a  member  of  the  First 
Baptist  Church  and  has  been  a  Sunday-school  Su- 
perintendent for  twenty  years. 

On  Septendier  18,  18(;7,  Mr.  Bushnell  married 
,  Ilattie  A.  Littell,  of  Peoria,  anil  they  have 
become  the  parents  of  ten  children,  two  of  whom 
only  are  living,  six  dying  of  diphtheria.  The  living 
are  William  F.,  who  was  born  Jan.  25,  1872  and 
Jessie  A.,  April  21,  1883.  Mrs.  Bushnell  w\as  born 
in  New  York  City,  ftlarch  18,  1814  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Isaa(^  Littell,  who  came  West  in  1855. 
In  closing  this  brief  sketch,  it  is  proper  to  say  that 
there  are  no  more  pojiular  people  in  this  section  of 
the  country  than  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bushnell. 

^^^\IIA1{LES  IM.  BAIM,  a  native  of  this 
(l(  „  county,  may  usually  be  found  at  his  well- 
^^y  regulated  homestead  on  section  25.  Be- 
sides general  agriculture,  he  is  largely  interested 
in  the  breeding  of  draft  horses  and  has  been  of 
signal  service  in  elevating  the  standard  of  hoi'se 
llesh  in  this  part  of  the  Statt'.  Active,  energetic 
and  industrious,  he  i,s  a  scion  of  the  pioneer  ele- 
nu'iit  which  located  in  this  county  at  an  earl}'  day 
and  assisted  largely  in  its  growth  and  develop- 

There  are  some  interesting  f.acts  connected  with 
the  family  history  of  Mr.  Baum  which  cannot  l)\- 
an)'  means  be  proiterly  omitted  from  this  sketch. 
His  father,  Samuel  Baum.  a  farmer  by  occupiition. 
was  born  twenty-five  miles  south  of  the  city  of 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  was  the  son  of  Charles 
Baum,  supposed  to  have  been  born  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, whence  he  removed  lirst  to  Ohio  and  later 
to  Illinois.  He  was  a  gunsmith  by  trade,  but  after 
coining  to  this  country  occupied  himself  mostly  as 
a  farmer,  and  died  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninetv- 
eight  years.  Three  of  his  seven  children  are  yet 
living,  and  Samuel,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
the  oldest  of  the  family.  Samuel  Baum  came  to 
Illinois  as  early  .as  1828,  and  located  on  the  Little 
Vermilion,  near  the  present  site  of  Indianola.  The 
country  then  was  ver}-  thinly  settled  and  \'ermil- 
ion  County  was  considered  quite  a  frontier.     The 



journey  was  made  overland  in  a  Dearliorn  wagon, 
and  tlie.v  brought  with  them  a  bug-horned  cow 
tied  behind  the  wagon.  The  incidents  of  that  long 
and  wearisome  journej',  during  wliifh  they  camped 
and  cooked  by  the  wayside  and  slept  in  the  wagons 
at  night,  and  the  after  experiences,  replete  with 
toil  and  privation,  if  |)roperly  related,  would  fill  a 
good-sized  volume. 

Tiie  parents  of  our  subjec't,  however,  possessed 
the  hardy  spirit  requisite  in  the  pioneers  of  '28 
.and  entered  with  courage  upon  the  task  set  before 
them.  The  mother  was  in  her  girlhood  Miss  Sarah 
Weaver,  daughter  of  ^licliael  Weaver,  who  also 
came  to  this  county  in  1828,  .and  the  young  people 
were  married  in  Ohio.  Mr.  Weaver  prior  to  this 
time  had  served  as  a  soldier  in  the  of  1812, 
and  greatly  prospered  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  t>f 
Illinois,  becoming  one  of  Vermilion  County's 
wealthiest  men.  Mrs.  Baum  was  the  eldest  of  the 
eight  children  comprising  the  parental  family,  of 
whom  only  two  are  now  living. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  1823. 
Samuel  Baum  became  a  very  successful  farmer, 
the  owner  of  1,400  acres  of  land,  and  devoted  him- 
self largely'  to  stock-raising.  After  the  labors  of  a 
well  spent  life  he  departed  hence  in  March,  1861. 
The  mother  had  passed  to  the  silent  land  fourteen 
years  previously,  in  1817.  Of  the  ten  children 
born  to  them  seven  are  still  living.  Charles  M.  was 
the  sixth  child  and  was  born  Dec.  22.  1838,  at  the 
old  homestead  near  Indianola.  He  pursued  his  1 
first  studies  in  the  district  school  and  in  due  time  j 
entered  Bryant  il'  Stratton's  Commercial  College, 
Indianapolis,  from  which  he  was  graduated  and  at 
the  age  of  twenty-two  years  liegan  work  for  him- 
self on  his  father's  farm. 

Our  subject  operated  as  a  general  .agriculturist  | 
two  years,  then  for  one  year  turned  his  attention 
to  shipping  stock.  In  the  meantime  lie  went  into 
Texas  and  purchased  .oOO  Texas  cattle,  which  he 
drove  through  the  Indian  Territory,  in  1806,  to 
Chicago,  consuming  eight  months  on  the  journey. 
He  disposed  of  his  stock,  then  returning  to  New- 
town, this  I'ounty.  embarked  in  the  mercantile 
business  for  two  and  one-half  years.  He  then  pur- 
chased ground  for  a  sawmill  and  in  conii)any  with 
Robert  Craig  put  up  the  necessary-  building,  equip- 

ping it  with  machinery  and  operated  the  mill  for 
two  years.  Then  selling  out  he  resumed  iiis  for- 
mer business  as  a  live  stock  shipper  and  afterward 
farmed  again  for  about  two  j'ears. 

About  this  time  Mr.  Baum  became  interested  in 
fine  horses  and  began  imi)ortiug  Clj'desdales  from 
Canada  and  was  thus  occupied  two  years.  After- 
wards he  began  breeding  fine  horses,  for  which  his 
well-equipped  farm  of  200  acres  affords  every  con- 
venience. He  has  thirty  head  mostly  Clydesdales, 
including  the  Knight  of  Colander,  imported  by 
Galbraith  Bros.,  of  .lanesville.  Wis.,  and  a  very 
valuable  registered  maie  imported  by  himself. 
Mr.  Banra's  horses  are  gaining  an  enviable  reputa- 
tion in  this  part  of  the  State. 

On  the  22d  of  March,  1869,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Mary  J.,  daughter 
of  William  and  Emil}- (Vanderin)  Craig,  wiio  were 
among  the  pioneer  settlers  of  this  county.  Of  this 
union  there  have  been  burn  five  children:  (iracc, 
Ernest.  Katie.  Charles  and  Frank,  all  of  whom  are 
at  home  with  their  pai'ents.  Mr.  Baum  has  been 
active  in  politics  since  l)ecoming  a  voting  citizen, 
and  is  proud  to  record  the  fact,  that  his  first  Presi- 
dential candidate  was  the  martyred  Rresiilent, 
Abraham  Lincoln.  He  kee|)s  himself  well  |)OSted 
upon  the  political  issues  of  the  day,  and  for  twelve 
years  has  ofHciated  as  School  Director  in  his  dis- 
trict. He  is  President  of  the  Newtown  Ho:se  and 
Cattle  Fair  and  a  member  of  the  Clydesdale 
American  Association,  also  f(.)r  the  Newtown  Horse 
Protector  Association.  He  has  been  for  tlje  hist 
three  years  a  Road  Commissioner.  It  will  thus  be 
seen  that  he  has  made  a  g<jod  record  as  a  citizen 
and  is  amply  worthy  of  representation  in  the  I'.io- 
GKAi'iucAL  Albusi  of  Vcrmiliou  Count}'. 


LLIS  AD.VMS.  The  history  to  which  our 
attention  is  now  directed  is  that  of  a  man 
I  possessing  some  admiralile  traits  of  charac- 
ter and  one  whose  course  in  life  been  such  as  to 
command  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  all  who 
have  known  him.  During  the  \i(issiludes  of  lil'i; 
he  has  spent  man}'  ycai's  in  ardiiuiis  l.-llnir.  has 
handled  probably  a  million   dollars    in    money,  h;is 



dealt  honestlj-  and  fairly  bj'  his  fellow-men  and 
should  reap  a  large  measure  of  consolation  from 
ihe  fact  that  comparatively  few  have  made  person- 
ally so  clean  and  admirable  record.  There  are  few 
wiio  have  not  experienced  adversity  in  their  strug- 
gle with  the  world,  some  more  and  some  less,  and 
while  with  some  it  has  had  the  effect  to  make  them 
sour  and  cynical,  others  have  learned  wisely  from 
tlie  lesson  and  in  this  respect  at  least  come  off  con- 
querors in  the  struggle.  Nature  endowed  Mr. 
Adams  with  those  qualities  of  mind  and  heart, 
which  have  enabled  him  to  make  the  best  of  cir- 
cumstances and  leave  the  rest  to  Providence. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  not  far  from 
the  New  England  coast  in  Sussex  County.  N.  J., 
his  birth  occurring  Sept.  25,  1817.  He  commenced 
tlie  battle  of  life  for  liimself  at  the  early  age  of 
fourteen  years,  clerking  in  a  stoi-e  from  that  time 
until  a  young  man  of  twenty.  He  then  accompan- 
ied his  father's  family  to  Virginia  and  remained 
on  a  farm  in  the  Old  Dominion  for  a  period  of 
five  years.  Then  leaving  the  parental  roof  he  emi- 
grated to  Orange  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was 
employed  as  clerk  in  the  grocery  store  of  Mr. 
Reeve  in  Goshen.  Two  3-ears  later  he  established 
himself  as  a  general  merchant  at  Unionville  in  the 
same  county  and  sold  goods  there  for  fifteen  years. 

Mr.  Adams  finally  becoming  wearied  of  mer- 
cantile pursuits  concluded  lie  would  seek  the 
farther  West  and  settle  upon  a  farm.  Coming  to 
this  county,  in  1857,  he  purchased  480  acres  of 
land  south  of  Fairmount  and  put  up  tlie  largest 
residence  in  this  vicinity.  Thereafter  he  occupied 
himself  at  farming  and  merchandising  until  1886, 
when  on  the  account  of  the  failing  health  of  his 
wife  he  removed  to  Kansas,  living  there  with  a 
daughter  one  j'ear  and  then  returned  to  this  county. 

Our  subject  in  1844  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Amanda  R.,  a  daughter  of  Samuel  King  of 
Pennsjivania  and  a  prominent  farmer  in  his  neigh- 
borhood. The  ceremony  took  place  at  the  home  of 
the  bride's  mother  in  Philadelphia.  This  union 
resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom.  Frank  A.,  was  married  and  died  leaving  iiis 
widow  witli  two  children.  Anna  is  the  wife  of 
Stanley  Gonklin.  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Jarvis, 
Conklin   A-    Co.,   in    Kansas    City,  Mo.,    and   they 

have  two  children.  George  C,  married  Miss 
Nellie,  daughter  of  Hiram  Catlett  of  Vance  Town- 
ship, and  they  iiave  two  children.  Mrs  Adams 
has  been  sorely  afflicted  witli  rheumatism,  being  in 
feeble  health  for  the  past  twenty  years  and  in  1884 
was  stricken  with  total  blindne.«s.  She  and  her 
children  are  members  of  the  Baptist  Church  in 
whicii  Mr.  Adams  has  been  a  Deacon  for  tliirtv 
years.  In  politics,  Mr.  Adams  first  a  Whig 
and  later  a  Democrat.  Although  seventy-two 
years  old  he  is  in  the  enjoyment  of  go(jd  health  and 
although  having  met  with  many  reverses  main- 
tains the  cheerful  .and  genial  disposition  which  always  attracted  to  him  numbers  of  warm 
friends.  He  appreciates  the  importance  of  pre- 
serving the  family  record  and  a  few  years  ago 
wrote  up  a  complete  history  of  his  life  placing;  it 
in    the  hands  of  his  son. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Joseph  Adams,  a 
native  of  New  .lersey  and  a  farmer  by  ocupation. 
He  married  Miss  Martha  Post,  a  native  of  New 
Jersey  and  they  lived  there  until  18.311.  'I'hcn 
disposing  of  their  interests  in  that  State  they  re- 
moved to  Spottsylvania  Count}',  Va.,  where  the 
mother  died  at  the  age  of  fifty-two  years.  Joseph 
Adams  spent  his  last  years  in  \'irgini;i  and  de- 
parted this  life  in  July,  1845. 

The  parental  household  included  eleven  cliildrcii. 
all  of  whom  lived  to  m.ature  years.  Grandfather 
Adams  was  a  prominent  man  in  Sussex  Countv, 
N.J.    and  licbl    the    [losition    of  Jud^c    for    s<ime 



illOMAS  D.  McKEE,  of  Oakwood  Town- 
ship, has  for  years  been  i^rominent  in  busi- 
ness circles,  operating  .as  lawyer,  banker  ami 
farmer.  His  home  is  located  on  section  15.  and 
the  farm  is  chiefly  devoted  to  stock-raising,  an  in- 
dustry which  has  always  proved  profitable  in  this 
section.  Mr.  McKee  was  born  in  New  York  State 
June  9,  183;i,  at  the  old  homestead  of  his  parents, 
John  C.  .and  Jeanette  (Stewart)  McKee,  the  former 
of  whom  was  a  n.ative  alsf)  of  the  Empire  St.ate.and 
tlie  mother  of  Scotland. 

John  C.  McKee  was  born   in    1809,  and  died  at 
the  .age  of  seventy-six  3'ears.     The  paternal  graiid- 




father.  Thomas  McKee.  was  born  about  1784  in 
Dryden.  Tompkins  Co..  N.  Y.,  where  he  spent  his 
entire  life,  dying  at  the  age  of  sixty-two  years. 
The  great-grandfather.  James  ^IcKee.  was  born  in 
the  North  of  Ireland,  and  died  at  the  age  of  ninety- 
six  years.  Grandfather  John  Stewart  married  a 
Miss  Mcintosh  and  emigrated  to  America,  settling 
near  Dryden.  N.  Y..  where  he  engaged  in  farming 
and  died  at  the  age  of  sixty-two  }-ears.  Thomas  D. 
had  the  privilege  of  seeing  aU  three  of  the  old 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  New 
York  State,  and  afterwards  lived  upon  the  same 
farm  which  still  remains  in  the  famiij-.  and  which 
is  located  on  the  old  State  Road  four  and  one-half 
miles  from  Cortland,  between  the  latter  place  and 
Ilhica.  The  mother  passed  away  in  1877.  and  the 
father  in  1885.  Their  family  consisted  of  eleven 
children,  all  of  whom  grew  to  mature  years,  and  of 
whom  our  subject  is  the  eldest.  Tliomas  D..  like 
his  brothers  and  sisters,  attended  the  village  school 
at  McLean,  and  later  was  a  student  in  Cortland 
Academj'  at  Homer.  N.  Y.  He  prosecuted  his  law 
studies  in  the  State  and  National  Law  School  at 
Poughkeepsie  under  the  presidencj"  of  J.  AV.  Fow- 
ler, from  which  he  was  graduated  and  then  set  out 
for  the  West. 

Mr.  McKee  left  his  home  in  New  York  State  in 
1855,  and  going  to  Maysville,  Wis.,  taught  school 
there  six  mouths.  Prior  to  this  before  leaving  his 
native  Stale  lie  had  been  similarly  occupied  at 
South  ^Cortland.  In  1857  he  went  to  Faribault, 
Minn.,  and  platted  Morristown  together  with  sev- 
eral other  towns.  He  tiieu  migrated  to  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  and  from  there  to  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  during 
the  days  of  the  troubles  in  the  latter  State  and  wit- 
neesed  many  scenes  of  violence,  enacted  on  the  soil 
of  "'bleeding  Kans.TS."  In  that  State  he  oper.ated 
as  a  surveyor,  and  taught  the  first  school  estab- 
lished at  Atchison.  After  a  two-year's  sojourn  in 
that  region  he  returned  home,  completed  his  law 
course  in  Poughkeepsie,  and,  in  1861,  returning  to 
Illinois,  established  himself  at  Homer.  Champaign 
County,  and  began  the  practice  of  his  chosen  pro- 

The  next  important  event  in  the  life  of  our  suli- 
jeet  was  his  marriage  with  Miss  Mary  Groenendyke, 

and  six  or  seven  years  afterwards  the  newly  wedded 
pair  established  themselves  at  their  present  home 
stead.  While  at  Homer  Mr.  McKee,  in  comjiany  with 
D.  S.  Pratt,  established  the  bank  at  Homer,  and  later 
our  subject  purchased  the  interest  of  his  partner 
therein.  That  same  year  through  the  speculation 
of  his  clerk  the  bank  was  obliged  to  close  its  doors. 
This  individual  had  been  trusted  implicitly  without 
bonds,  and  had  made  away  with  ?23,000  in  cash. 

Subsequently  Mr.  McKee  became  interested  in 
farming  pursuits  and  began  operations  on  240  acres 
of  land,  which  amount  has  been  augmented  so  that 
the  farm  now  embraces  680  acres  all  in  one  bod3\ 
It  is  all  in  productive  condition,  but  largely  de- 
voted to  stock-raising — fortj'  to  fift3'  cattle  in  a 
j'ear.  about  200  head  of  swine  and  numbers  of  very 
fine  imported  Belgium  horses. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McKee  there  were  born  five 
children,  four  of  whom  are  living:  Samuel  G., 
Stewart  T.,  Mallie  and  John,  all  at  home  with  their 
parents.  Our  subject  has  been  for  many  years  the 
School  Director  in  his  district,  and  h:is  served  on 
the  School  Board  in  Homer  for  six  years.  He  was 
President  of  the  Town  Board  there  for  several 
terms,  and  it  was  largelj'  through  his  influence  that 
sidewalks  were  laid  and  shade  trees  were  planted. 
He  also  labored  assiduousl3'  in  suppressing  the  liq- 
uor traffic.  He  votes  the  straight  Republican 
ticket,  and  is  uniformly  in  favor  of  those  me;isures 
tending  to  elevate  society  and  advance  the  inter- 
ests of  the  people.  Mrs.  McKee  is  a  very  capable 
and  estimable  lad^',  with  a  good  talent  for  business 
and  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Presbyte- 
rian Church. 

Samuel  Groenendyke,  the  father  of  Mrs.  McKee, 
was  born  in  Seneca  County,  N.  Y..  in  1803,  and 
married  Miss  Lacj'  Thompson,  of  Cumberland 
County.  Pa.  In  1821  he  removed  with  his  f.imily 
to  the  vieinitj'  of  Terre  Haute,  lud..  and  thence  to 
Vermillion  County-,  Ind..  where  he  established  his 
permanent  home.  He  tinall3'  became  the  owner  of 
nearly  2.000  acres  of  land.  Later  he  established  him- 
self as  a  general  merchant  at  Eugene,  and  also  had 
a  branch  store  at  Homer,  111.  He  was  very  indus- 
trious and  enterprising,  and  was  the  first  i)ork- 
packer  in  his  localitj-.  He  aided  largely  in  encoiir- 
asjing  the  various  industries   of   the  new   countrv. 

^tock-Farmand  Residence  of  J.  W.Goodwi 

£CS. 21, 22.  26.27  &    28.  Pi  LOtTr.VeRMI  LION  Co 



and  wns  prominent  in  his  (.ommunity,  lieing  cspec- 
:illy  well  known  by  llic  old  settlers.  The  parental 
family  included  three  eiiildren,  two  daughters  and 
a  son,  Samuel,  who  is  now  a  resident  of  Euirene. 

-^ '^'■■^' ^ 

J -JOHN  W.  GOODWINE  is  one  of  the  leading.' 
j  farmers  and  stock-growers  of  Vermilion 
I  County,  and  the  owner  of  one  of  its  largest 
/  and  most  valuable  farms,  finely  located  in 
the  township  of  Pilot,  his  substantial  residence, 
with  its  attractive  surroundings,  being  situated  on 
section  2G.  lie  is  the  son  of  a  former  well  known 
prosperous  pioneer  of  this  section  of  the  country, 
who  was  in  his  da}-  an  extensive  land  owner,  and 
did  nuK'h  toward  developing  the  vast  agricultural 
resources  of  the  county-. 

The  father  was  a  n.ative  of  Kentucky,  of  English 
descent,  his  parents  having  Ijeen  earlj'  pioneers  of 
that  State.  In  l.sU)  he  went  to  Bartholomew 
County,  Ind.,  and  was  among  its  earliest  settlers, 
subsequently  removing  from  there  to  Warren 
County  in  the  same  State.  In  1820  he  came  to 
Warren  County  while  it  was  still  in  the  hands  of 
the  pioneers,  and  located  on  government  land,  buy- 
ing at  that  time  200  acres.  He  built  a  log  house 
for  the  shelter  of  his  family  and  entered  with  char- 
acteristic zeal  upon  the  development  of  a  farm 
from  the  wild  prairies,  and  from  time  to  time  in- 
creased its  acreage  till  he  becaTue  the  possessor  of 
2,400  acres  of  fine  farming  land  at  the  time  of  his 
death,  so  fortunate  was  he  in  his  undertakings.  He 
died  IMarch  8,  1851.  His  wife,  who  died  in  1824. 
was  a  native  of  (Germany,  her  maiden  name  being 
Elizabeth  Snyder,  and  she  came  with  her  parents  to 
this  country  when  she  young.  Of  her  mar- 
riage nine  cliildren  were  born:  James,  Martha  and 
John,  the  only  ones  now  living.  James  m.arried 
Sophia  Ruckels,  of  Warren  County,  Ind.,  where  ho 
is  engaged  in  farming,  and  they  have  five  children 
— William,  Christina,  Indiana,  Horace  and  Fre- 
numt;  ISIartha  married  Richard  Lyon,  of  AVarren 
County,  Intl.,  and  they  have  three  children — John, 
Martha  and 

John  Coodwiiie  spent  the  early  years  of  his   life 
in    his   native  State,  gleaning  such  an  education  as 

was  afiforded  by  the  pioiu'er  schools  of  those  days, 
and  on  the  home  farm  a  good  practical  tr.-iining  in 
the  management  of  a  farm.  He  came  to  \ermil- 
iou  County  March  15,  184S,  and  when  he  began  an 
independent  life  for  himself  he  had  a  better  start 
than  nnny  farmer's  sons,  having  inherited  300 
acres  from  his  father's  estate.  Rut  nolwif'listandino- 
such  an  .-ulvantage  he  worked  with  persevering  en- 
ergy, and  liy  wise  management  and  a  jnclicious  ex- 
penditure of  money  he  has  become  possesse<l  of  one 
of  the  1-irgisl  ami  finest  estates  within  the  limits  of 
\'ermilion  Coulity,  owning  over  1.0(10  acres  of 
highly  improved  hind,  besiiles  having  given  his 
children  2,000.  I  haloes  !ni  extensive  business  in 
general  farming,  and  makes  a  speci.-ilty  of  raisin"- 
Short-horns,  having  a  fine  herd  of  highly  graded 
cattle  of  that  breed. 

Mr.  Goodwine  has  been  twice marrie<].  His  liist 
wife  was  Jane  Charletou,  of  Indiana,  and  to  tlieui 
were  born  five  children — -Marion,  John.  James, 
Mary  J.  and  Fremont.  Marion  married  Susan  Sel- 
sor,  and  lives  in  Marysville,  this  county.  They 
have  five  children,  one  of  whom  is  dead;  thd  others 
are  Ilattie,  Fred,  Daly  E.  and  Ary;  John  married 
Mary  Alexander,  and  they  had  one  child,  Annie  ;  his 
first  wifedied  October,  1872,  and  about  1S74  he  was 
again  married  to  Miss  Alice  Lane,  and  they  have 
six  children — John,  Wilbcr,  Nora,  I'lysses,  Cora 
and  Villa;  James,  a  farmer  in  this  count}',  married 
Minerva  King,  of  New  Jersey,  and  they  have  three 
children — Nellie,  Roy  and  (ioldie;  Mary  J.  mar- 
ried James  M.  Tillolson,  of  Warren  Count}-,  Ind.. 
now  a  farmer  in  Louisiana,  and  they  have  three 
children — lessie,  Estella  and  Mabel. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  present  w^ife  of  oursiib- 
ject  was  Arminda  Sijerr}^  and  she  was  born  in  this 
county  Dec.  24,  1842.  Her  parents,  Erastus  and 
Until  (Rees)  Sperry,  were  of  (merman  antecedents 
though  they  were  born  in  this  country,  the  father 
in  Ohio  June  3,  181'J,  and  the  mother  in  Indiana 
Aug.  11),  1819.  Mr.  and  Jlrs.  Goodwine  have  four 
children,  namely :  Martha,  Helen,  Dora  and  Grant 
\V.,  all  of  whom  are  at  home  with  their  parents. 

Mr.  Goodwine  possesses  in  a  rare  degree  far-see- 
ing sagacity  and  energy,  so  comliined  with  those 
useful  (lu.alities  of  prudence  and  steadfastness  of 
liurposc.  that  he  could  not  fail  to  increase  his  wealth 



l)y  k'gitimate  means,  and  accomplish  whatever  lie 
attempted.  His  I'arecr  in  life  has  been  an  lioiiui- 
nble  one,  and  his  place  is  among  the  most  nseful 
and  worthy  of  the  citizens  uf  Vermilion  County, 
with  whose  interests  his  own  have  )>ecn  so  inti- 
mately connected  these  many  years,  and  whose  ma- 
terial prosperity  he  has  greatly  extended.  He  has 
served  on  the  juries  of  the  State  and  county,  and 
as  an  intelligent,  observant  man  is  greatly  inter- 
ested in  the  political  issues  of  the  day,  giving  his 
support  to  the  Republican  party  on  all  (]uestionsof 
National  or  local  importance.         » 

A  fine  large  double  page  view  of  the  handsome 
residence  and  surroundings  on  the  farm  of  Mr. 
Goodwine  is  among  the  attractive  features  of  the 
opening  pages  of  the  aluum,  and  is  a  fitting  intro- 
duction to  those  which  fuljow.  It  shiiws  what  can 
be  accorapJished  by  a  life  of  industry  and  energy, 
coui)led  with  a  good  business  ca[)acity. 

•^}  OHN  R.  BALDWIN.  There  are  few  of  the 
older  residents  along  the  western  line  of 
this  county  who  are  unfamiliar  with  the 
'  name  which  stands  at  the  bead  of  this  bio- 
graphical sketch.  It  is  that  of  a  man  selfmade  in 
the  broadest  sense  of  tlie  term — one  who  in  his 
young  m.anhood  resolved  to  make  life  a  success  if 
it  could  be  accomplished  by  industry  and  wise 
management.  Many  men  who  are  successful  per- 
haps do  not  as  fully  realize  the  fact  as  those  around 
them  who  have  lieen  less  so,  but  the  present  stand- 
ing of  Mr.  Baldwin, socially  and  financially,  should 
give  him  an  extremel}-  comfortable  feeling,  for  his 
career  has  lieen  worthy  of  emulation.  It  is  main- 
tained that  every  man  has  his  hobby,  and  Mr. 
Baldwin,  a  great  lover  of  the  equine  race,  has  for 
many  years  given  his  attention  to  the  breeding  of 
and  dealing  in  horses,  and  in  this  branch  of  business 
can  scarcely  be  excelled.  He  is  an  excellent  judge 
of  this  noblest  of  the  animal  kingilom,  and  while 
developing  their  fine  points  has  made  of  the  indus- 
tr3'  a  profit  as  well  as  a  pleasure. 

The  farm  proi)ert3-  of  ftlr.  Baldwin  is  pleasantly 
situated  on  section  17,  Nance  Township,  and  com- 
prises a  homestead   furnished  with  all  the  modern 

im))rovements,  both  for  agricultural  pursuits  and 
for  stock  operations.  Mr.  Baldwin  is  now  past 
sixty-one  years  old,  having  been  born  March  9, 
1828,  and  is  a  native  of  SLason  County,  Ky.  His 
father,  George  Baldwin,  who  was  born  in  Virginia, 
is  still  living  and  in  good  health,  although  having 
arrived  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  over  eighty-six 
years.  In  addition  to  the  possession  of  a  strong 
constitution  he  has  for  the  last  thirty  years  espec- 
ially avoided  the  use  of  liquor  in  any  form.  His 
life  occupation  has  been  that  of  a  farmer,  and  he  is 
now  living  at  a  comfortable  home  in  Fairmount. 
where  he  enjoys  the  acquaintance  of  a  large  circle 
of  friends. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was,  in  her  girlhood. 
Miss  Reljecca  Downing.  She  was  born  in  Ken- 
tucky, and  was  married  in  her  native  State,  where 
the  family  lived  until  1839.  Thence  they  removed 
to  Ohio,  and  in  the  fall  of  186')  came  to  this 
count}',  and  settled  three  miles  south  of  Fairmount. 
They  liecame  the  parents  of  seven  children,  ft)ur  C)f 
whom  are  living,  and  the  mother  deiiarted  this  life 
in  1884. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  emi- 
grated from  Prince  Edward  County,  Va.,  to  Mason 
County,  IKM, during  the  i)eriod  of  its  earliest 
settlement.  He  there  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life, 
dying  in  1843.  In  the  raeantiine  he  served  as 
a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  had  a  son. 
Pleasant  Baldwin,  who  carried  a  musket  in  the 
War  of    1812.     The   latter  died  in  1880. 

The  early  education  of  John  R.  lialdwin  was 
obtained  partly  in  Kentucky'  and  partly  in  Ohio, 
and  he  remained  a  member  of  the  [larental  house- 
hold until  the  time  of  his  marriage.  This  interest- 
ing event  was  celebrated  Feb.  22.  ISoO,  the  bride 
being  Miss  Catherine  J.,  daughter  of  Nathan  Glaze, 
of  Maryland.  After  their  marriage  ]\Ir.  and  Mrs. 
Baldwin  settled  on  a  rented  farm  near  Ripk^y. 
Ohio,  where  they  lived  until  18;>C.  They  then  re- 
moved to  a  farm  which  Mr.  Baldwin  had  ]iurcliased 
on  Straight  Creek  Ridge.  Ohio,  and  which  he  partly 
improved  and  sold  at  a  good  profit  two  years  later. 
The  next  two  3'ears  he  operated  as  a  renter,  then 
purchased  more  land,  which  he  sold  at  war   prices. 

At  the  expiration  of  this  time  Mr.  Baldwin,  de- 
termining to  see  something  of  the  Western  country, 



came  to  Illinois,  and  after  viewing  the  country 
went  back  home,  pulili.-^lu'd  liis  sale  of  personal 
property,  established  his  family  in  Ripley,  and  in 
May,  18G5,  started  out  on  anotiun'  tour  of  investi- 
gation. This  lime  lie  was  accompanieil  liv  Ids 
father,  they  boarding  a  boat  at  Ripley  whieh  eon-  i 
veyed  them  to  St.  Louis  and  thence  to  Roekport 
Landing,  Mo.  They  were  prevented  from  landing 
at  Lexington  on  account  of  the  bushwhackers,  who 
were  unaware  that  the  war  over.  They  next 
pursned  their  travels  by  stage  and  hack  to  St.  Jo- 
seph, thence  to  (Juincy  and  Chicago,  111.,  and  from 
there  by  way  of  Indianapolis  and  Cincinnati  home. 

Having  seen  so  many  different  places,  and  all 
with  some  advantages,  our  suliject  now  found  him- 
self in  a  dilemma  ,as  to  where  it  was  best  to  settle. 
He  linally  concluded  to  remain  in  Ohio  until  he 
could  get  all  his  money  together,  He  rented  a 
farm  and  commenced  dealing  extensively  in  horses 
and  cattle,  shipping  to  Cincinnati  and  realizing 
handsome  returns.  The  fall  of  18GS  again  found 
him  Westward  bound,  and  passing  through  this 
county.  From  here  he  went  to  Southern  Missouri 
by  waj-  of  City,  and  gravitated  back  to  this 
county  via  St.  Louis  and  the  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road, lie  found  nothing  in  his  opinion  superior 
to  this  region,  and  accordingly  rented  a  house  in 
Fairmount,  and  returning  to  Ohio  had  collected,  by 
the  11th  of  March,  1869,  all  his  money,  and  re- 
turned to  this  county.  He  did  not  then  intend  to 
invest  his  capital  here,  and  in  less  than  two  weeks 
had  loaned  about  $4,000.  He  finally  purchased  the 
land  comprising  his  present  homestead,  and  which 
was  embellished  with  the  best  dwelling  on  the  prai- 
rie. His  stock  shipping  operations  have  extended 
as  far  East  as  Boston  and  AUianj-,  N.  Y.,  and  he 
has  probabl}'  sold  more  young  horses  than  any 
other  man  in  his  neighborhood,  these  being  shippe<l 
largely  to  Pennsylvania  buyers,  who  come  to  him 
and  make  their  purchases  at  first  hands. 

During  the  last  ten  years  Mr.  Baldwin 
operated  as  a  breeder,  and  sold  four  colts  of  his 
own  raising  to  Pennsylvania  buyers  for  §850.  He 
does  no  more  shipping,  lint  since  abandoning  this. 
has  sold  sixteen  head  of  horses  for  over  ^.■5.400.  be- 
sides three  at  from  ^150  to  ^IDO  each. 
One  remarkable  circumstance  in  his  career   is  the 

fact,  that  in  Ohio  he  never  lost  but  |!10  in  his  horse 
operations.  Since  coming  to  Illinois  he  has  handled 
large  numbers  of  valuable  horses  without  loss.  In 
one  carload  he  lost  *-2G2,  but  made  it  all  right  on 
the  next  shipment. 

Of  the  twelve  children  born  to  our  subject  and 
his  estimable  wife  nine  are  living:  Charles  N.,  the 
eldest,  iii.'urieil  Miss  Susie  fJumler,  is  the  father  of 
three  children,  and  lives  two  and  one-half  miles 
southwest  of  D.-uivllle;  Mary  . I.,  the  wife  of  Hu- 
lon  F.lliott.  i>  the  mother  of  three  children,  .•ind 
they  liven  half  mile  east  of  F;urmouiit;  J.  IIeii:y 
marriei!  Miss  Lizzie  Price,  is  the  fritlier  of  six  chil- 
dren, and  lives  tliice  miles  south  of  Fairmount; 
Emma  Belle,  Mrs.  William  Hill,  lives  in  Onkwood 
Township,  and  is  the  mother  of  one  child;  Lama 
E.  married  Edwin  North,  and  they  live;  iu  SMcll, 
without  children;  Cora  L..  Mrs.  Lincoln  Smith,  has 
no  children,  and  they  live  three  .and  one-half  miles 
northwest  of  Fairmount;  Lizzie,  Oscar  G.  and  Rob- 
ert L.  remain  at  home  with  their  i)arents. 

INIrs.  Baldwin  was  the  fifth  child  of  her  parents, 
and  was  born  Aug.  31,182!),  in  Brown  County. 
Ohio.  Her  father,  a  prominent  man  in  his  neigh- 
borhood, came  to  Illinois  in  the  spring  of  18('iG, 
and  died  In  Hancock  County,  in  1883,  in  the  niiu'- 
tietli  year  of  his  age.  The  mother  survived  her  hus- 
band five  years,  dying  in  1888,  in  Hancock  County 
at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety-two.  Tlieir  family 
consisted  of  four  daughters  and  six  sons.  Mrs. 
Baldwin's  people  on  both  sides  of  the  house  were 
largelj'  re[)resented,  many  of  them  living  to  a  great 
age.  Her  grtuidfatlier  on  her  mother's  side  was 
the  father  of  nine  children,  four  of  whom  lived  to 
be  from  eighty  to  eighty-eight  years  old;  their 
united  ages  being  332.  Her  father,  Nathan 
Glaze,  served  as  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812,  and 
was  a  pensioner  at  the  time  of  his  death.  Hoth  he 
and  his  wife  were  members  of  the  Christian  Chnrrli 
for  the  long  period  of  sixty  years.  Mrs.  Baldwin  been  a  member  of  the  ISaptist  Church. 

Conservative  in  polities,  Mr.  Baldwin  votes  the 
straight  I{epulilican  ticket,  and  recalls  the  fact  that 
the  largest  and  most  enthusiastic  political  meeting 
which  he  ever  attended,  was  one  lielil  in  the  inter- 
ests of  William  Henry  Harrison,  in  1  8  10.  at  Ripley, 
lirown  Co.,  Ohio,  when  .Mr.  ISaldiviu  'vas  .a    lad    of 



twelve  \'0<ais.  He  lias  mixed  very  little  in  public 
life  with  tiie  exception  of  serving  as  .School  Di- 
rector twelve  years.  Ilis  interests  have  cliicHy 
centered  in  live  stock,  and  he  has  been  a  prominent 
worker  in  the  County  Fair  Association.  Ilis  con- 
nection witli  this  in  Ohio  extended  from  1853  to 
1867,  and  in  Illinois  from  1869  to  1886.  He  was  for 
four  years  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of 
Vermilion  County  Agricultural  and  Mechanical 
Association  at  Danville,  and  took  an  iuii)ortant 
part  in  the  discussion  of  the  matters  pertaiiiintr  to 
its  best  interests.  He  is  a  Royal  Arcli  Mason,  be- 
longing to  Homer  Lodge  Chapter,  and  in  Fair- 
mount  is  a  memljer  of  lodge  number  500,  in  which 
he  has  served  .as  Master  for  two  3'ears,  having 
passed  all  the  Chairs.  He  is  a  stockholder  in  the 
Homer  Agricultural  Fair  Association. 

<S^DMUND   P.  JONES  has  a  valuable  farm   in 
llkl      Da 

|fe]  Danville  Township,  ]>leasantly  located  four 
I'' — ^  miles  southeast  of  the  city  in  the  center  of 
a  rich  agricultural  region.  He  is  a  fine  type  of 
the  sturdy,  intelligent,  self-reliant  natives  of  \'er- 
milion  County  wlio  were  born  here  in  the  early 
days  of  its  settlement,  reared  amid  its  pioneer 
scenes,  and  after  attaining  a  stalwart  manhood, 
took  their  place  among  its  iiractical,  wide  awake 
citizens  and  liave  ever  since  been  active  in  devel- 
oping and  sustaining  its  many  and  varied  interests. 
The  subject  of  this  sketch  comes  of  good  pioneer 
stock,  and  both  his  paternal  and  maternal  ancestry 
were  early  settlers  of  Kentucky,  and  there  iiis  fa- 
ther and  mother,  and  .lane  (Martin) 
Jones  were  born,  the  former  in  Harrison  County, 
Feb.  21,  1700,  and  the  latter  April  15.  1  7!)5.  They 
were  united  in  marriage  Jan.  23,  1816,  and  con- 
tinued to  reside  in  their  native  State  till  1828, 
when  witli  their  six  children  they  came  to  Illinois 
with  a  team  .and  east  in  their  fortunes  with  the 
early  pioneers  of  Vermilion  County,  locating  near 
D.anville.  in  Danville  Township.  They  lived  a 
short  time  on  section  16,  and  then  the  father 
bought  a  tract  of  land  on  section  11.  It  heav- 
ily timbered,  and  the  family  lived  in  a  riiil-pen  for 
a  time    as    a    temporary    shelter,    and    then     Mr. 

Jones  built  a  log  house  on  the  place,  and  in  that 
humble  abode  the  subject  of  this  sketch  born 
.Ian.  13,  1830.  The  father  improved  a  part  of  his 
land,  and  a  few  j'ears  later  removed  to  another 
l)lace,  and  resided  in  diflferent  parts  of  the  town 
till  his  demise.  Oct.  30,  1859.  A  faithful  citizen 
was  tiuis  lost  to  tiie  community,  one  who  had  led 
an  honest,  sober-minded  life,  and  was  deserving  of 
the  resjiect  accorded  to  him.  His  worthy  wife 
survived  him  till  Sept.  10,  18C7,  when  she  too 
passed  away  at  the  home  of  our  subject.  Tiie  fol- 
lowing is  recorded  of  the  eight  children  liorn  to 
them:  John  P.  is  dece.ised  ;  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of 
Henry  Sallce,  of  Oakwood  Township;  Joseph  M.  is 
deceased;  Sarah  A.  married  Dennis  Olehy,  and  is 
now  deceased;  AVilliam  Perry  and  Mazy  J.  are 
deceased;  Edmund  P.  is  the  suliject  of  this  sketch; 
Thomas  J.  lives  in  Oakwood  Township. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  remembers  well  the 
wildness  of  the  country  around  about  as  it  first  ap- 
peared to  him  when  he  became  old  enough  to 
observe  his  surruundings,  and  the  beautiful  scene 
presented  by  the  virgin  jnairie  and  primeval  for- 
est liefore  civilization  had  wrougiit  its  marvelous 
changes,  is  indellibly  impressed  on  his  mind.  Deer, 
wild  turkeys  and  other  game  were  plentiful  and 
roamed  at  will,  unless  brought  down  by  the  uner- 
ring aim  of  the  hunter  an.xious  to  replenish  the 
scant  larder  in  his  humble  pioneer  home.  There 
were  no  railways  for  many  j'ears  after  our  subject's 
first  recollection,  and  tiie  nearest  m.arket  was  at 
Chicago,  125  miles  distant,  till  after  the  canal  was 
finished,  and  then  produce  was  t.aken  to  Perrys- 
villc,  Ind.  The  farmers  of  those  d.ays  to  con- 
duct their  agricultural  operations  in  the  most  [iriin- 
itive  manner,  and  Mr.  Jones  says  that  when  he 
young  grain  was  cut  with  a  sickle,  and  when  the 
cradle  came  into  use  that  was  considered  a  great 
improvement,  and  the  present  iiarvesting  m.achine  undreamed  of.  Threshing  machines  were  then 
unknown,  and  the  grain  was  either  trampled  out 
by  horses  or  else  whipped  out  by  flails.  The  plows 
in  use  had  wooden  mold-boards,  and  all  corn  was 
dropped  by  hand  and  covered  with  a  hoe,  while 
gr.ass  was  cut  with  a  scythe  and  hay  was  pitched 
with  a  wooden  fork.  Nor  the  work  of  the 
liusy    housewife    lightened    by    modern    improve- 



nicnts.  The  good  luollicr  cooked  the  food  before 
the  tire  in  the  oi(l-f:isliioiicd  liieplace,  and  used  to 
spin,  weave  and  malvC  all  the  cloth  for  tlie  family. 
The  intelligent  pioneers  earlj'  sought  to  give  their 
children  educational  advantages,  and  the  first 
sciiools  were  conducted  in  rude  log  school-houses 
provided  witii  seats  made  of  puncheon  with  wooden 
pins  for  legs,  and  the  window  comprising  an 
opening  from  wliich  a  log  had  been  removed 
and  greased  paper  inserted  through  whicli  the 
hght  had  to  penetrate,  and  a  hirge  firei)Iacc, 
the  cliimney  of  stick  and  clay,  for  heating  purposes. 
In  such  a  structure  our  subject  gleaned  his  eduea-- 
tion.  He  commenced  in  his  boyhood  to  assist  his 
father  on  the  farm,  and  gained  from  him  a  thor- 
ough practical  knowledge  of  farming  in  all  its 
branches,  lie  remained  an  inmate  of  the  parental 
household  till  lie  attained  man's  estate  and  then 
started  out  in  life  for  himself  by  renting  land  and 
carried  on  agriculture  thereon  for  a  while.  At 
the  time  of  his  marriage  he  went  to  Iroquois 
County  and  settled  on  a  tract  of  wild  land  there, 
remaining  till  1859,  when  he  returned  to  \'ermil- 
ion  County,  and  in  1861  he  bought  forty  acres  of 
land  on  section  13  of  Danville  Township.  It  was 
partly  fenced  and  a  few  acres  had  been  broken, 
but  aside  from  that  no  improvements  had  been 
made,  not  even  any  buildings  had  been  erected. 
He  built  a  frame  house  on  fort}- acres  adjoining  his 
original  purchase,  and  has  since  bought  other  land, 
till  he  now  has  220  acres,  under  excellent  cultiva- 
tion and  capable  of  producing  large  crops.  His 
resi-'.ence,  a  well  built  house,  is  located  on  section 
12,  and  he  has  other  substantial  buildings,  and 
everything  about  the  place  is  conveniently  .'u- 
ranged  and  '.veil  ordered. 

Mr.  .lones  has  been  twice  married,  lie  was  first 
wci'iUmI  Oct.  1!),  185i,  to  Sarah  A.  Cox,  wlio  was, 
like  himself,  a  native  of  Danville  Township,  born 
May  5,  1831.  She  closed  her  eyes  to  the  scenes  of 
earth  after  a  brief  and  happy  married  life,  dying 
in  Iroipiois  County.  Nov.  II,  18;j8.  IMr.  .lones 
was  married  to  his  present  wife,  formerly  Mary  K. 
Villars,  Feb.  21,  181)1.  Mrs.  Jones  is  a  native  of 
Clinton  County.  Ohio,  born  Dec.  11,  1810.  to 
William  and  Hutli  (Whitaker)  Villars  (see  sketch 
of  \Villiam  Villars  for  parental  history).     Mr.  and 

Mrs.  Jones  have  had  six  children,  four  of  whom 
are  living,  as  follows:  Rosa  Belle  married  Joshua 
Olehy.of  Danville  Township;  John  W. married  Mary 
J.  Rouse,  and  they  live  in  Danville  Township;  Lillie 
A.  married  Albert  K.  Villars  of  Newell  Township; 
Clark  S.  is  .at  home  with  his  parents. 

Mr.  Jones  is  a  man  of  self-respecting,  energetic 
character,  well  dowered  with  firmness  and  decision, 
ami  his  conduct  in  all  the  various  relations  of  life 
is  such  as  to  inspire  the  trust  and  esteem  of  all 
with  whom  he  comes  in  contact  either  in  a  busi- 
ness or  in  a  social  w.ay.  He  and  his  wife  belong  to 
the  Pleasant  (irove  United  Brethren  Church,  and 
are  active  in  aiding  their  jwstor  and  fellow- mem- 
bers in  an3-  good  work,  and  they  are  alwaj's  to  be 
found  on  the  side  of  the  right.  In  him  the  Dem- 
ocratic party  in  this  section  of  the  country  tind  a 
stanch  ally. 


)HOMAS  UKK.  Among  others  who  came  to 
Central  Illinois  during  the  period  of  its  pio- 
'y  neership  was  the  sturdy  Knglish-born  citizen 
with  the  substantial  traits  of  chariieter  handed  down 
to  hira  by  his  ancestors,  the  qualities  of  industry  and 
perseverance,  which  were  bound  to  win.  He  as- 
sisted in  the  development  of  the  soil,  in  the  build- 
ing up  of  communities,  and  almost  without  an  ex- 
ception acquired  a  competence.  Mr.  Lee  is  one  of 
the  representative  men  of  his  nationality  and  an 
e.irly  settler.  He  came  to  Illinois  in  ]8rj6  and  took 
up  his  residence  in  N'ermilion  County  in  1874  on 
section  32,  township  23,  range  12.  During  the  pe- 
riotl  of  his  fifteen  years'  residence  here  he  has 
oi)ened  up  a  good  farm  of  1 20  acres  and  secured 
himself  against  want  in  his  old  .age. 

Our  subject  born  in  Devonshire,  England, 
Sept.  17.  1838,  and  lived  there  until  approaching 
the  eighteenth  year  of  his  age.  He  wjis  the  first 
child  of  the  family  to  le.ave  home,  and  the  occasion 
was  one  naturally  mixed  with  regret  and  some  ap- 
prehensions. Km  harking  at  Liverpool,  he  m.ade 
the  long  voyage  across  the  Atlantic  in  safety,  land- 
ing in  New  York,  and  proceeded  directly  to  Illinois, 
locating  first  in  Peoria  County-.  He  worked  on  a 
farm   there  several  years,  and  about  1 8(50  changed 



his  residence  to  Woodford  County.  In  that  county 
he  purchased  wild  land,  where  he  opened  up  a  good 
farm  and  lived  about  twelve  years.  During  this 
time  he  put  up  good  buildings,  planted  an  orchard, 
fenced  his  land,  and,  in  fact,  effected  the  improve- 
ments naturally  suggested  to  the  progressive  agri- 

In  Woodford  County,  111.,  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried, March  8,  1862,  to  Miss  Grace  Huxtable.  The 
young  people  began  life  together  on  the  new  farm, 
and  after  selling  out,  Mr.  Lee  traveled  all  over  the 
West  and  the  Pacific  Slope,  but  came  back  to  Illi- 
nois, not  being  able  to  find  any  section  of  country 
which  suited  him  better.  He  then  came  to  this 
county  and  purchased  the  farm  where  he  now  lives. 
There  were  no  buildings  upon  it  to  speak  of,  but  he 
soon  provided  a  shelter  for  his  family,  and  here  he 
has  since  remained,  carrying  on  general  farming 
and  stock-raising  successfully.  He  cast  his  first  vote 
for  Abraham  Lincoln  in  18G0,  and  has  since  been 
a  stanch  supporter  of  the  Republican  part^'.  He 
believes  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Bai)tist  Church,  of 
which  he  is  a  member,  attending  services  at  Iloopes- 

Seven  of  the  eight  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Lee  are  still  living — Hersehel  J.,  Lizzie,  Clarence, 
Delraer,  Newton,  Jtnnie  and  Morris.  The  eldest 
Son  has  been  in  the  farther  West  for  the  past  four 
years.  Lizzie  became  the  wife  of  Loren  Briggs, 
and  they  live  on  a  farm  west  of  the  Lee  homestead; 
they  have  two  children.  Clarence  married  JNIiss 
Ada  Redden  and  lives  in  Butler  Township.  The 
other  children  are  at  home  -with  their  parents.  Mrs. 
Lee  was  likewise  born  in  Devonshire  in  1843,  and 
came  to  America  with  her  father  when  a  child  of 
nine  years,  the  family  settling  on  Kickapoo  Prairie. 
The  father  farmed  there  for  a  time  and  then  re- 
moved with  his  family  to  AVoodford  County,  where 
Mr.  Lee  made  the  acquaintance  of  his  future  wife. 
Mr.  Huxtable,  also  a  native  of  Devonshire,  came  to 
America  in  1852,  and  carried  on  farming  in  Wood- 
ford County  until  1 887.  Then,  retiring  from  active 
labor,  he  took  up  his  residence  in  Benson,  Wood- 
ford County,  where  he  now  lives  and  is  married  to 
his  second  wife.     His  first  wife  died  in  England. 

William  Lee,  the  father  of  our  subject,  also  a  na- 
tive   of  Devonshire,  England,  spent  his  entire  life 

there.  He  married  Miss  Susanna  Davey,  and  they 
became  the  parents  of  five  sons  and  tiiree  daugh- 
ters, all  of  whom,  with  the  exception  of  two  daugh- 
ters, came  to  America,  together  with  the  mother, 
who  died  in  Benson  in  Januarj^  1888. 

-  •*-^N*$-i 

^ILLIAM    DICKINSON,  an    honored  resi- 
dent and  well-to-do  farmer  of  Catlin  Town- 

ship, is  numbered  among  the  far-sighted 
men  of  practical  ability  and  cool  judgment,  who 
have  been  instrumental  in  promoting  its  growth, 
and  making  it  a  rich  agricultural  centre.  He  owns 
a  well-ordered  farm  on  section  26,  ever3'  acre  of 
which  is  highly  cultivated,  and.  with  its  neat  build- 
ings and  other  appointments,  it  does  not  compare 
unfavorably  with  the  many  other  fine  farms  of  which 
Vermilion  County  can  boast.  Here  Mr.  Dickinson 
has  passed  thirty -six  of  the  best  years  of  his  life, 
coming  here  while  yet  in  llie  (irime  of  a  stalwart 
manhood,  and  that  these  3ears  have  been  well 
spent  in  diligent  and  cheerful  lajior,  is  shown  by 
the  substantial  home  that  lie  has  built  up,  in  which, 
now  that  the  infirmities  of  age  are  upon  him,  he 
can  rest  from  his  toils,  and  enjoy  its  comforts  with- 
out the  necessit}'  of  labor  and  drudgcr3'. 

Our  subject  is  of  English  antecedents  and  birth. 
His  parents,  John  and  Hannah  Dickinson,  were 
both  natives  of  England,  and  tlie3-  died  in  Lincoln- 
shire. Their  son,  William  Dickinson,  of  whom  this 
sketch  is  written,  was  born  in  the  old  home  in  Lin- 
colnshire, April  27,  1819,  and  amid  its  jileasant 
surroundings,  he  grew  to  man's  estate.  He  earl3' 
engaged  in  farming,  and  became  quite  a  farmer 
before  he  left  the  old  country  to  try  life  in  the  new 
world,  coming  here  in  1853,  landing  in  New  York 
city  the  first  day  of  JMay.  He  came  directly  to 
Vermilion  County  in  this  State,  having  previously 
lieard  of  its  wonderful  agricultural  resources,  and 
has  been  engaged  in  tilling  the  land  in  Catlin  Town- 
ship ever  since,  though  on  account  of  his  advanced 
age  lie  has  retired  somewhat  from  the  active  duties 
of  the  management  of  his  estate.  His  farm  com- 
prises 197  acres  of  choice  land,  well  cultivated  and 
sup[)lied  with  all    the  necessary   buildings  and  ma- 



cliiiK'rv,  and  is  indeed  one  of  the  most  desirable 
plnees  in  tiie  vicinity. 

.Mr.  Dickinson  was  a  married  iii;in  when  he  emi- 
grated to  tliis  country,  he  having  been  previously' 
wedded  in  the  liistorical  old  town  of  lk)sttm,  in 
Lincolnshire,  to  Miss  Emma  Barker,  a  native  of 
that  shire.  Ten  chihlrcn  were  born  of  their  union, 
as  follows:  Harriet  A.,  wife  of  Frederic  Jones, 
whose  sketch  ap|)ears  on  another  page  of  this  vol- 
ume: Elizabetli  M.,  wife  of  (ieorge  .Stonebraker ; 
William,  who  married  Gallic  Lalleu;  Emma,  the 
wife  of  Arthur  Jones,  whose  sketch  appears  on 
another  page  of  this  work;  James;  Matilda,  the 
wife  of  .lames  Benlley :  Henry.  Hannah  B.,  John 
and  Joseph. 

-Vug.  14,  1888,  she  who  had  walked  by  the  side 
of  our  subject  many  a  year,  leaving,  for  his  sake, 
home  and  friends  in  the  dear  old  England,  and  for 
many  a  year  cheering  and  strengthening  him  in  his 
work,  passed  out  of  his  life,  and  entered  into  the 
rest  that  passeth  understanding. 

"Her  work  is  compassed  and  done; 
All  things  are  seemly  and  ready 
And  her  summer  is  just  begun." 

Mus  Dickinson — obituary. 
Mrs.  Emma  Dickinson,  to  whose  memory  this 
notice  is  inscribed,  was"  born  in,  Boston,  Lincoln- 
shire, England,  Sept.  22,  1823,  making  her  age  at 
time  of  death,  sixty-four  years,  ten  months  and 
twenty-two  days.  Her  maiden  name  was  Emma 
Barker.  She  was  married  to  William  Dickenson, 
March  2.  1847.  Thcj'  emigrated  to  this  country 
May  1 4th.  1  8.53,  and  located  within  three  miles  of 
where  the  family  now  reside.  Her  sister,  Mrs.  Ma- 
tilda Clipson  came  over  at  the  same  time.  She 
the  mother  of  ten  children,  five  girls  and  five  boys, 
of  whom  the  following  were  born  in  England: 
Harriet  A.,  wife  of  Frederic  Jones;  Mary  E.,  wife 
of  (ieorge  Stonebraker;  Emma,  wife  of  A.  Jones, 
and  William,  the  eldest  son.  The  following  were 
born  in  America:  James,  Henry,  .lolin.  Joseph 
and  Matilda,  wife  of  James  Bentley,  and  Hannah 
U.  the  youngest  daughter.  The  children  are  all  of 
mature  age,  and  the  family  have  never  before  been 
b.'i-e:ived  by  death.  The  deceased  was  a  member 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  England,  and 

although  she  did  not  identify  herself  as  a  member 
here,  she  was  an  attendant  on  divine  services,  and 
lived  an  exemplary  and  Christian  life.  Her  illness 
dates  back  several  years,  however,  she  was  not  con- 
fineil  to  her  bed  until  about  the  beginning  of  Sep- 
temlier,  since  which  time  she  was  unable  to  help 
lier.self.  Her  sufferings  were  very  great,  but  were 
borne  with  a  resignation  which  none  but  a  Chris- 
tian woman  could  possess.  She  was  a  devoted 
wife,  a  faithful  mother,  the  light  of  the  home  and 
the  pride  of  the  family.  While  we  must  bid  her  a 
fond  farewell,  her  virtues  will  not  be  forgotten. 

A  short  funeral  service  was  held  at  the  home  bj- 
Rev.  A.  C.  Cummings.  The  music  was  under  the 
direction  of  Mrs.  Elsie  McGreggor,  and  the  follow- 
ing persons  were  (diosen  as  i)all  bearers:  A.  G.,  G.  W.  L.  Church,  Jno.  I'arker.  jr.,  T. 
Brady,  J.  M.  Douglass  and  G.  W.  Tilton. 

By  request  of  the  deceased,  a  sacred  song  was 
sung  during  the  services  by  little  Benny  Louis,  ac- 
companied hy  his  sister.  A  large  ijrocession  of 
friends  accompanied  the  family  to  the  Jones  ceme- 
tery, where  the  body  now  reposes. 

Mr.  Dickinson  is  justly  regarded  as  one  of  the 
solid,  reliable  citizens  of  this  township,  as  during 
the  many  years  that  he  has  resided  here,  he  has 
ever  shown  himself  to  be  faithful  to  his  duties  and 
responsibilities  in  every  tlepartment  of  life  in  which 
he  has  acted,  as  a  husband,  father,  neighbor  and 
citizen,  and  it  may  truly  be  said  that  his  character 
is  suih  as  to  ins|)ire  respect  and  esteem. 

AMES  .M.  (;EDDES,  an  Illinois  pioneer  of 
'56,  and  a  nuan  who  has  been  the  architect 
of  his  own  fortune,  is  now  tlie  owner  of  :i 
fine  properly,  comprising  a  well-appointed 
farm  located  on  section  7,  in  Uoss  'I'ownsliip.  He 
is  a  scion  of  an  excellent  old  family  of  Scotch  an- 
cestry, and  the  son  of  Joseph  (Jeddes,  whose  father, 
George  Geddes,  emigrated  from  the  Land  of  the 
Thistle  to  America  about  1788.  Making  his  way 
to  the  Territory  of  Ohio,  lie  located  on  a  tract  of 
land  in  the  wilderness,  near  where  the  town  of 
East  Liveriiool  now  stands,  but  which  then  for  miles 
around  was  destitute  of  any  signs  of  civilization.  He 



had  been  married  in  Bostou,  Mass.,  to  a  lady  who 
was  descended  from  old  Plymouth  stock — people 
who  came  over  in  the  Ma3'llower — and  who  was 
reared  in  the  strict  doctrines  of  the  old  Presbj-tc- 
rian  faith.  They  began  their  wedded  life  together 
in  the  wilds  of  Ohio,  where  the}'  reared  their 
ily,  and  spent  the  remainder  of  their  days,  each 
attaining  to  a  ripe  old  age.  Of  tiieir  children, 
seven  in  number,  Joseph,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  the  youngest,  and  was  born  in  1805.  He  was 
reared  at  that  home  in  the  wilderness.  The  coun- 
try was  gradually  settled  up,  and  among  the  other 
adventurous  pioneers  who  followed  in  the  wake  of 
the  Geddes  family  were  William  Moore,  wliose 
daughter,  Catherine,  became  the  wife  of  Joseph 
Geddes,  and  the  mother  of  our  subject.  The 
mother's  parents  lived  just  across  the  Ohio  River 
in  Brook   County,  Va.,  until  their  deaths  occurred. 

Joseph  Geddes  and  his  young  wife  continued  to 
reside  near  the  old  folk  in  East  Liverpool  about 
six  3fears,  and  in  the  meantime  their  son,  James  M., 
the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  born  April  21, 1837. 
About  1839  they  removed  to  Tuscarawas  Count}', 
and  later  to  the  northeastern  part  of  Indiana,  where 
Joseph  Geddes  departed  this  life  at  the  age  of 
sixty-five  years,  and  the  mother  at  the  age  of  sev- 
enty-six. They  became  the  parents  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, all  of  whom,  with  one  exception,  are  living. 
The  second  child,  Elizabeth,  died  when  about  seven 
years  old.  Those  besides  our  subject,  are  named 
respectivel}',  John,  William,  Mary  A.,  Wilson, 
Richard,  Robert,  Nancy  J.,  Lucinda,  Joseph,  and 
Minerva.  The  latter,  the  youngest  of  the  familv, 
is  thirty-six  years  old.  The  household  circle  re- 
mained undivided  by  death  for  more  than  fifty 
3'ears — a  circumstance  scai-cely  equalled  in  the  his- 
tory of  any  other  family  in  this  region. 

The  parents  of  our  subject,  during  tlieir  younger 
years,  were  identified  with  the  Presbyterian  Church, 
but  later  became  connected  with  the  United  Breth- 
ren, in  the  faith  of  which  they  died.  James  M., 
upon  coming  to  Illinois  in  1856,  located  first  at 
Momence,  but  later  removed  to  Iroquois  County. 
There  he  was  married,  in  1862,  to  Miss  Emma, 
daugiiter  of  Thomas  and  Anna  (Barkley)  Young. 
They  lived  there  until  the  spring  of  1883,  engaged 
in  farming  pursuits;  then  our  subject  disposed  of 

his  interests  in  section  and  purchased  his  pres- 
ent fine  farm  of  160  acres,  which  he  proposes  to 
make  liis  permanent  home.  Upon  coming  to  this 
State  he  was  without  other  resources  than  his  good 
health  and  strong  liands,  and  like  the  wise  man  of 
Scripture,  he  has  increased  his  talent  ten  fold. 
During  his  younger  years  he  experienced  all  the 
hardships  and  difficulties  of  life  in  a  new  country, 
and  im[)roved  his  first  farm  from  the  raw  prairie. 
He  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Lincoln,  and 
has  been  a  steadfast  supporter  of  Republican  prin- 
ciples, especially  since  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  and  ever  maintained  an  ardent  admiration  for  the 
martyred  President,  Lincoln.  Both  he  and  his 
wife  belong  to  the  Christian  Church  at  Prairie 
Chapel.  Their  seven  children,  who  are  all  living, 
were  named  respectively:  Elmer  L.,  Josejjh  F., 
Maude,  Ruby,  Nellie,  Grace  and  Nora.  They 
form  a  bright  and  interesting  group,  and  are  being 
given  the  educational  advant-ages  which  will  fit 
them  for  intelligent  and  worthy  members  of  so- 

FRANKLIN   BALDWIN.     It   must    be    ad- 
1  mitted  that  although  no  man  attains  to  suc- 

, .         cess  without   encountering  difficulties   and 

drawbacks,  life  still  has  its  compensations,  espec- 
ial!}' when  the  individual  has  chosen  tliatwise  path 
of  rectitude  and  honor  which  has  led  him  to  a  po- 
sition where  he  is  looked  upon  by  his  fellow  men 
with  confiiience  and  esteem.  The  career  of  Mr. 
Baldwin  has  been  pregnant  with  interesting  events 
and  experiences,  some  of  them  dark  and  trying 
and  some  of  them  filled  in  with  a  large  meas- 
ure of  satisfaction.  The  former  served  to  devel- 
op the  naturally  strong  points  of  a  substantial 
character  while  the  latter  have  shomi  like  the  sun 
upon  a  rugged  mountain  side,  rounding  uii  tiie 
whole  to  a  complete  end. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  Decatur,  Ohio,  and  the  date  of  his  birth. 
April  26,  1832.  When  he  was  a  mere  child  Ids 
parents  set  out  for  the  West  and  after  landing  in 
Grant  County,  Ind.,  stopped  there  and  raised  one 
crop.  In  the  spring  of  1838  they  folded  their 
tents  for  a  further  journey  Westward,  starting  out 



with  a  four-li<irso  (cam  and  taking  with  tlieni  their 
household  yoofls  and  a  (luaiitity  of  pnjvisioiis. 
Arriving  at  the  Wabasii  Hivi-r  at  Covington,  they 
then  loaded  their  belongings  on  to  a  ferry  boat. 
The  wind  being  strong  and  the  river  iiigli,  Ihey 
came  very  near  being  capsized  and  drowned  and 
received  sueh  a  fright  that  our  subject  distinctly 
remembers  the  event  to  tliis  day.  They  succeeded 
however,  in  making  the  crossing  in  safety  and  ar- 
rived in  tins  county  on  the  SOtli  daj'  of  March, 
stopping  at  Danville,  tiiat  place  then  being  a  very 
small  town.  The  country-  around  was  compara- 
tively unsettled,  the  cabins  of  the  pioneers  being 
few  and  far  between.  Tliere  was  onlyone  or  two  "ag- 
on roads  and  wild  animals  were  plentifid.  The  fel- 
low feeling  which  makes  all  man  kin  ))revailed.  and 
eaeii  new  comer  was  greeted  with  a  heartiness 
which  made  him  feel  welcome.  Tiie  father  of  our 
subject  died  tiie  succeeding  fall  and  the  family 
were  left  to  struggle  along  .as  best  as  tiie\-  could 
under  the  stress  of  limited  means,  and  the  hard- 
ships and  difilculties  of  life  on  the  frontier.  The 
mother  was  a  lady  of  more  than  ordinary  capacity 
and  by  careful  management  kept  her  famil}-  to 
gether  until  they  were  old  enough  to  take  care  of 
themselves.  Finally,  laying  aside  the  cares  and 
labors  of  life  she  removed  to  the  home  of  her 
daughter  in  Dallas  County,  Iowa,  where  her  death 
took  place  at  the  .age  of  seventh-six  j-ears. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  acquired  his  educa- 
tion mostly  in  the  suliscription  schools.  When  lif- 
teeu  j'ears  old  the  raotiier  broke  up  housekeejjing 
and  Franklin  began  working  out  by  the  day. 
month  and  job,  and  managed  to  maintain  himself 
very  comfortably,  splitting  wood  b}'  the  cord, 
plowing,  sowing  and  gathering  in  the  harvest.  In 
the  fall  of  I80G,  he  took  an  important  step  toward 
establishing  a  home  of  his  own,  being  married  to 
Miss  Editha  Jane,  daughter  of  John  and  Polly 
(Stewart)  Naylor.  The  newly  wedded  pair  took 
up  their  residence  near  Yankee  Point  and  JMr. 
Baldwin  occupied  himself  as  before,  until  18G4. 
when  he  purch.ased  a  tract  of  land  from  which  he 
built  up  a  good  farm  and  which  he  occupied  for  a 
period  of  twenty-one  j'cars.  In  Januar}',  1886,  he 
and  his  estimal)le  wife  decided,  and  wisely,  they 
would    retire  from    active  labor,   and   accordingly 

leaving  the  farm  removed  to  the  new  village  of 
Sidell,  of  which  they  iiave  since  been  residents. 

Mr.  Baldwin  in  the  fall  of  1885,  purchased  from 
Sanson  Rawlings-a  stock  of  hardware  and  has  since 
been  engaged  in  trade,  building  up  a  good  patron- 
.age.  In  the  3'ear  1887,  he  completed  a  neat  res- 
idence on  East  Market  street  and  with  amjile  means 
:\m\  all  the  comforts  of  life,  is  enabled  to  live  eas- 
ily and  enjoy  the  fruits  of  his  early  industry. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Baldwin  became  the  parents  of 
nine  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  John  M.,  mar- 
ried .Miss  Lucy  Thornton  and  is  farming  in  Car- 
roll Township,  they  have  three  children;  Perry  A., 
married  Sarah  E.  Lawrence  and  occupies  the 
homestead;  (hey  liave  four  ciiildren— Maude,  Ellen 
Lester,  and  Rosa;  Charles  M..  married  Miss  Emily 
Crices,  and  they  are  the  parents  of  one  child ;  he 
conducts  a  grocery  store  in  Sidell;  William  A.  and 
Wilbur  A.  were  twins.;  (he  former  is  farming  in 
Sidell  Townsiiip,  and  Wilbur  is  with  his  brother 
Charles  in  the  grocery;  Benjamin  lives  at  the  home- 
stead; Norah  E.,  died  at  the  age  of. eighteen  months; 
Robert  W.,  is  in  Carroll  Township  with  his  brother 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  in  his  early  man- 
hood an  old  line  Whig,  and  Franklin  remembers 
the  election  of  1840,  when  the  grandfather  of  Pres- 
ident Harrison  was  elevated  to  the  first  position  in 
the  land.  He  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for 
J.  C.  Fremont,  and, was  a  staunch  supporter  of  Re- 
publican principles. 

James  Baldwin,  the  father  of  our  subject,  mar- 
ried Miss  Rachel  Parry  and  both  were  natives  of 
Brown  County,  Ohio.  The  paternal  grandfather, 
John  Baldwin,  came  from  England  prior  to  the 
War  of  1812,  and  settled  near  Ripley  in  Brown 
County.  Ohio.  The  grandfather  of  our  subject 
participated  in  the  aljove  war,  enlisting  .at  the  age 
of  twenty-one  years,  after  Hull's  surrender.  The 
father  of  our  subject  came  to  this  county  in  the 
spring  of  1838,  and  rented  a  part  of  the  Drajjer 
farm,  but  died  the  ensuing  fall  when  Franklin  was 
a  lad  of  six  years.  There  were  eleven  other  chil- 
dren, one  of  whom,  the  j'oungest  born.  William, 
died  at  the  age  of  three  years. 

The  remaining  children  of  the  parental  family  of 
our  subject  are  recorded  as  follows:    Caroline,  the 



eldest,  is  a  i-esident  of  Madison  County,  Iowa,  and 
is  seventy-four  years  old;  Amanda  lives  in  Marys- 
ville,  this  State,  and  is  aged  seventy-two;  Polly, 
sixty  five  years  of  age,  is  a  resident  of  Georgetown, 
111.;  Jane,  aged  fifty-five  is  a  resident  of  Dallas 
County,  Iowa;  Thomas  lives  at  Yankee  Point,  this 
eounty,  and  is  fifty-nine  years  old.  He  and  our 
subject  are  tiie  only  two  sons  living.  The  other 
children  were  named  respectively,  Elizabeth,  Dari- 
us, John  N.,  James  and  Elijah. 

Mrs.  Baldwin's  father  was  born  in  Ohio,  and  her 
mother  in  Ireland.  Mrs.  Baldwin  was  born  in  Ver- 
million County,  Ind.,  June  II,  1840,  and  there 
spent  her  childhood  and  youth,  attending  the  com- 
mon school  and  being  trained  by  an  excellent 
mother  to  those  housewifely  duties,  a  knowledge 
of  which  is  essential  in  a  well-ordered  household. 
She  has  stood  bravely  by  her  husband  in  his  toils 
and  struggles  and  he  avers  that  it  is  owing  largely 
to  her  good  sense  and  wise  counsels  that  he  has 
been  enabled  to  attain  to  his  present  position,  so- 
cially and  financially.  They  take  a  natural  and 
pardonable  pride  in  their  fine  family  of  children  to 
whom  they  have  given  all  the  advantages  in  their 
power.  Mr.  Baldwin  believes  in  education  and 
has  carried  out  his  sentiments  in  this  respect  in 
providing  his  children  with  good  schooling.  The 
family  is  widely  and  favorably  known  throughout 
Sidell  Township  and  vicinity  where  they  count 
their  friends  by  the  score. 

yj;ILLIAM  McBROOM  occupies  a  high  place 
among  the  venerable  and  honored  citizens 
^J^^  of  Catlin  Township,  and  though  not  among 
the  earliest  settlers  of  this  jjart  of  Vermilion 
County,  he  may  be  denominated  one  of  its  ijioneers. 
He  is  still  living  on  the  pleasant  tract  of  land  on 
section  35,  that  at  the  time  of  his  i)urchase  formed 
a  part  of  the  wild  iirairie,and  which  he  has  since  im- 
proved into  a  fine  farm.  lie  and  his  wife  are  serenely 
passing  tlieir  decliiung  years  in  one  of  the  cosiest 
and  neatest  homes  in  this  community,  where  they 
are  held  in  respect  and  atfection  by  the  many  who 
know  them. 

Mr.  McBroom  is  a  Keiituckian  b\-  birth,  born  in 

Preston  County  April  28,  IBl.J,  the  eldest  of  the 
five  children  of  Joseph  and  Phebe  (Young)  Mc- 
Broom, the  former  a  native  of  Virginia  and  the 
latter  of  Chilicothe,  Ohio.  After  their  marriage 
they  had  settled  in  Preston  County,  Ky.,  and  thence 
they  removed  to  Crawfordsville,  Ind.,  in  1827,  be- 
coming early  settlers  of  that  place.  Mr.  McBroom 
bought  a  tract  of  land,  and  cleared  forty  acres  of 
it  where  the  city  now  stands.  He  was  a  man  of 
considerable  enterprise,  and  besides  engaging  in 
.agriculture,  he  made  brick  in  that  locality  for  four 
years,  operating  two  brickyards  at  a  time,  anil 
making  the  first  brick  that  was  ever  made  in  that 
county.  His  useful  career  was  closed  in  1841,  in 
the  home  that  he  built  up  there  in  Montgomery 
County,  and  a  valued  citizen  was  then  lost  to  the 
community.  His  wife  survived  him  several  years, 
but  for  fourteen  years  previous  to  her  ileath,  which 
occurred  in  Cass  County,  Neb.,  at  the  home  of  her 
daughter,  Mrs.  Sarah  Young,  she  was  an  invalid. 

Our  subject  still  in  his  boyhood  when  his 
parents  took  him  to  Crawfordsville,  Ind.,  and  there 
he  grew  to  maturity,  developing  into  a  strong, 
shrewd,  capable  man.  He  learned  the  trade  of 
wagon-making  in  that  county,  and  followed  it 
exclusively  for  a  long  term  of  years,  finding  it 
cpiitc  profitable.  He  removed  to  Tippecanoe 
County,  and  was  engaged  in  his  trade  there,  manu- 
facturing w.agonsfor  some  ten  years  He  then  re- 
turned to  Montgomery  County,  where  he  resideil 
until  the  month  of  October,  1854,  when  he  came  to 
Vermilion  County,  and  settled  in  Catlin  Townshi|), 
purposing  to  give  his  attention  to  agriculture  on 
this  rich,  alluvial  soil,  and  he  has  ever  since  made 
his  home  here.  He  owns  120  acres  of  land  that  is 
very  fertile  and  productive,  and  is  supplied  with  a 
good  set  of  buildings;  everything  a))uut  the  place 
is  orderly,  and  the  farm  is  under  good  manage- 

Mr.  McBroom  has  been  three  times  married. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  wife  of  his  early  manhood 
was  Klioda  Ann  Stover,  and  she  was.  like  himself, 
a  native  of  Kentucky.  She  bore  him  one  child, 
which  died  in  infancy,  and,  the  mother  dying  also, 
both  were  buried  in  the  same  grave.  Mr.  McBroom 
was  married  a  second  time  in  Montgomery  County. 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  Boyd  becoming  his  wife;  she  was  a 



daughter  of  Josepli  Hanks.  To  tliera  three  chil- 
dren were  born — Jo.seph.  John  and  Thomas,  the 
latter  dying  when  about  a  year  old.  Mrs.  Mc- 
Broom  departed  this  life  in  Tippeeanoe  County, 
Ind.,  in  1848.  Our  subject  was  married  to  his 
|)resent  wife  in  that  county  March  13.  18ol.  Her 
maiden  name  was  Emily  Allen.  She  the 
dausrhter  of  the  late  Judge  William  and  Susan 
(Spurgeon)  Allen,  and  widow  of  Jacob  Snyder. 
He  died  in  Montgomery  County  Nov.  17,  1846. 
She  had  by  her  first  marriage  four  children — Sarah, 
Susan,  Ivea  Ann,  Amanda  M.  Sar.ah  was  the  wife 
of  Arthur  C.  Scliocky,  and  she  died  in  Kansas. 
Mrs.  McBroom's  parents  were  natives  of  Ken- 
tucky, and  she  was  the  sixth  of  their  ten  children. 
She  was  born  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  May  20, 
1818.  B}-  lier  marri.age  with  our  subject  she  has 
had  six  children,  as  follows:  Pliuibe  E.,  Alfred, 
Franklin,  Josephine,  William  and  Eddie  J.  I'ha-be 
and  Franklin  are  deceased. 

Although  Jlr.  and  Mrs.  McBroom  are  well  ad- 
vanced in  years,  the  snows  of  .age  have  not  yet 
chilled  their  hearts  or  deadened  their  sympathies 
towards  the  needy  and  suffering.  The}'  still  take 
an  active  interest  in  the  .affairs  of  the  day,  and 
keep  well  i)0sted  on  topics  of  general  interest.  Mr. 
McBroom's  career  in  life  has  been  a  useful  one  to 
himself  and  to  the  community  at  large,  as  lie  has 
contributed  his  quota  towards  its  upbuilding,  and 
has  alw.iys  acted  tlie  part  of  a  good  citizen.  He  is 
decided  in  his  political  views,  and  is  a  t'aitiiful  ad- 
herent of  the  Democratic  party. 

*(^n1NS0N  K.  BOARDMAN.  Occasionally 
Wi  />/  we  find  a  man  who  has  had  the  enterprise  to 
v|/^  see  something  of  the  world  before  settling 
down  to  the  sterner  duties  of  life,  as  in  the  case  of 
the  subject  of  this  notice.  He  has  been  (piite  a 
traveler  throughout  the  Western  country,  and 
spent  a  number  of  years  on  the  Pacific  Slope.  He 
came  to  this  county  in  the  fall  of  1840,  and  settled 
on  this  farm  in  1859,  where  he  has  "2G5  acres  of 
choice  land  on  section  26,  township  23.  range  12. 
This  has  been  his  home  for  the  long  period  of 
lliiity-five  \-ears.  .and  he    is  still  on  the  sunny  side 

of  .seventy,  surrounded  by  all  the  comforts  of  life, 
and  blest  with  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his 
fellow  citizens. 

Mr.  Boardman  was  born  in  Ontario  C  ounty,  N. 
Y.,  May  3,  1822,  and  there  spent  his  youthful 
days,  .acquiring  a  practical  education  in  the  com- 
mon school.  He  was  bred  to  farming  pursuits.  In 
the  spring  of  1849,  young  Boardman  decided  to 
visit  California,  and,  [)ur(hasing  an  ox  team  at  In- 
dependence, Mo.,  started  across  the  plains  with  a 
company  of  125  men.  They  "crossed  the  Mis.souri 
River  at  St.  Joseph,  and  followed  the  usual  trail 
taken  by  emigrants.  They  were  five  months  <.n 
the  road,  but  at  the  end  of  that  time  123  of  the 
men  were  scattered  to  different  places,  only  our 
subject  and  one  man  reaching  their  destination  in 
company.  The  others  finally  drifted  to  the  same 
place  after  liaving  wandered  around  north  of  the 
Sacramento  River. 

I'pon  his  arrival  in  California,  our  subject  en- 
gaged in  mining  from  early  in  the  fall  until  late 
in  the  winter,  then  went  down  to  Nappa,  when 
there  was  only  one  building  in  Sacramento  but 
acres  of  tents.  He  staid  there  with  an  att.-ick  of 
fever,  which  lasted  about  four  weeks,  and  then  en- 
tered the  employ  of  the  proprietor  of  the  citv.  with 
whom  he  remained,  hauling  lumber  at  !$I50  per 
month  until  fall,  when  he  made  his  way  to  Oregon, 
where  he  spent  the  winter.  Inthespring  he  entered 
the  mines  of  Northern  California,  but  with  rather 
poor  success,  then  returned  to  Oregon,  but  finally 
went  back  to  California  and  rente<l  land,  where  he 
carried  on  agriculture  until  returning  home. 

This  return  journey  made  by  our  subject  via 
the  water  route,  across  the  isthmus  to  New  Orleans, 
and  up  the  Mississippi,  Mr.  Boardman  arriving  in 
this  county  again  in  the  spring  of  1853.  That 
year  he  visited  New  York  State.  Subsequently 
.Air.  Boardman  employed  himself  at  farming.  li;iv- 
ing  in  view  the  establishment  of  a  home  of  his 
own,  and  on  the  16th  of  November,  1854, 
united  in  marri:ige  with  Mrs.  Susan  Carter.  Soon 
afterward  lie  settled  on  Iiis  present  farm,  where  he  since  made  his  home,  although  the  farm  did 
not  equal  its  present  dimensions,  having  been 
added  to  both  b}'  himself  and  his  sons. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Boardman  there  were  born  four 



cliildren,  all  of  whom  are  livinsj.  Inez  is  the  wife 
of  Tliomas  P.vans.  and  they  are  residing  in  Grant 
Townshi]);  Herbert  \'.  and  Lrnest  C.  arc  at  home 
with  tiieir  fallier;  Marens  A.  is  ti-aveling  Auditor 
for  the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad  Com- 
pany. Mr.  Boardman  has  boon  for  a  ninnbcr  of 
years  a  member  of  the  Presb3'terian  Church  at 
Rossville,  and  politically  gives  his  sup|iort  to  the 
Republican  party.  He  is  a  nian(iuiet  aii<l  unosten- 
tatious in  his  manner  of  living,  and  has  been  con- 
tent to  pursue  the  even  tenor  of  his  way,  making- 
very  little  stir  in  the  world,  and  never  seeking  po- 
litical preferment. 

The  |)arents  of  our  subject  were  Jesse  C.  and 
Mary  (Runyon)  l)(janlnian,  the  former  a  native 
of  Connecticut.  When  about  eight  or  nine  3'ears 
okl  he  removed  with  his  parents  to  New  York 
State,  where  he  was  married  and  settled  on  a  farm 
in  Ontario  County.  His  wife,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  died  there  when  the  latter  was  four  years 
old.  Jesse  Boardman  spent  his  last  days  near 
Rushville,  Ontario  County,  and  departed  this  life 
when  about  sixt}- -seven  years  old. 

MHIN  E.  SMITH  is  classed  among  the  able 
and  highly  intelligent  ^^oung  farmers  of  \'er- 
milion  County,  who  are  active  in  sustaining 
and  extending  its  great  agricultural  inter- 
ests. His  well  appointed  farm  on  section  2G,  Pilot 
Townsliip,  is  in  all  respects  finely  improved,  and 
compares  well  with  other  estates  in  the  vicinity. 
He  has  stocked  it  with  cattle,  horses  and  hogs  of 
fine  grades,  and  he  is  cultivating  it  with  good  re- 
sults so  as  to  make  money.  He  is  a  native  born 
citizen  of  this  county,  Dec.  3,  1854,  being  the  date 
of  his  birth.  His  father,  George  G.  Smith,  was 
born  in  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  Aug.  31,  1828, 
and  he  came  to  this  county  in  company  with  his 
parents,  who  were  of  German  antecedents  and 
birth,  in  1836.  They  thus  became  the  pioneers  of 
Vermilion  County,  and  were  respected  residents 
here  till  death  closed  their  earthly  career,  the  grand- 
father of  our  subject  dying  in  1864,  and  the  grand- 
mother in  1812.  The  following  is  recorded  of  the 
nine  children  born  to    the  parents    of  our  subject: 

Elizal)eth  married  George  Wilson,  of  Ohio,  now  a 
farmer  of  Blount  Township,  and  they  have  two 
children;  Eilias  D.,  a  farmer  of  Blount  Township, 
married  Clara  Smith  and  the}'  have  three  children; 
Saiah  lives  with  her  parents;  Eva  married  Andrew 
Lanliam,  of  Blount  Township,  now  of  Ross  Town- 
ship, and  tiie\- have  one  child;  Wesley,  a  farmer, 
married  Emma  Sperry,  of  Blount  Township,  and 
they  have  one  child;  Marshall,  A\"oodard  and  Jo- 
seiihine  are  the  otiiers. 

John  Smith  received  the  preliminaries  of  a  sound 
education  in  the  pulilic  schools,  wliich  he  attended 
till  he  was  twent\-one  years  old,  and  then  being 
ambitious  to  advance  still  farther  in  his  studies,  he 
attended  the  State  Normal  School,  where  he  pur- 
sued a]i  excellent  literary  course  that  thoroughlv 
fitted  him  for  the  profession  of  teaching  that  he 
afterward  ado|ited.  He  was  successfully  engaged 
at  that  vocation  eight  years,  but  after  marriage  he 
abaniloned  it  to  give  his  attention  to  agriculture, 
and  bought  eighty  acres  of  liiiely  improved  farm- 
ing land.  He  subsequently  sold  that  and  pur- 
chased his  i)resent  farm  of  160  acres  of  land  equally 
good,  and  well  adapted  to  general  farming.  It  is 
under  high  cultivation,  and  is  provided  with  a 
comfortable,  conveniently  arranged  set  of  farm 

Mr.  Smith  has  much  financial  capacity,  is  en- 
dowed with  good  mental  qualities  that  have  been 
stimulated  by  a  liberal  education,  and  he  carries  on 
his  farming  operations  with  intelligent  skill  that 
will  one  day  place  him  among  the  wealthy  and 
substantial  citizens  of  this  township,  if  he  prospers 
as  he  has  heretofore  done.  In  his  politics  he  is  an 
ardent  champion  of  the  Democratic  part}',  and  has 
been  since  the  days  when  he  east  his  first  vote  for 
Samuel  J.  Tilden,  the  great  New  York  statesman, 
his  last  vote  for  president  being  in  favor  of  Grover 

The  marriage  of  Mr.  Smith  with  Miss  Mary  E. 
Eirebaugh,  of  Blount  Township,  occurred  ]\Iarch 
25.  187C.  She  was  Ijorn  Dec.  11,  1853,  in  the 
aforementioned  township,  her  parents  being  Wil- 
liam R.  and  Melvia  (Flora)  P'irebaugh,  the  father 
being  of  German  descent.  They  emigrated  from 
Ohio  to  Indiana,  and  thence  to  Illinois.  The  mo- 
ther departed  this  life  in    1872.     The    father    still 



resides  in  this  county.  Tlioy  were  the  parents  of 
five  fliildren:  Curtis  niarriod  Clirislina  Porter,  of 
tiiis  county,  iiiiil  lliey  iiave  twociiiiilren  ;  P>lizabeth 
married  Georjje  Snyder,  of  this  county,  n(jw  liv- 
ing in  Oaicwood  Townsliip,  .and  tiie^'  have  two 
children;  Robert,  a  farmer,  married  Leo Fairchilds, 
of  iilount  Townsliip,  and  they  have  two  children. 
Kmma  niarricil  Milton  Fairchilds,  of  Blount  Town- 
slii]).  The  following  is  the  record  of  tiie  five  chil- 
dren born  of  the  pleasant  wedded  life  of  Mr.  and 
Mrs  Smith:  Irvin  W.,  was  born  June  .3,1877: 
Edwin  R.,  Jan.  2;i,  1.S79;  Alfred  C.  Jan  !),  1881; 
Everett  J.,  Sept.  5,  1884;  Alga,  Nov.  6,  1886. 



most  prominent  and  busy  men  of  Iloopes- 
l4i    ton,    having    large    interests    in    v.arious 
f^  branches  of   industry  in   the  town.     He  is 

one  of  the  originators  and  present  owner  of  the 
Hoopeston  Canning  Factory,  and  is  also  its  (icn- 
eral  Managei'.  This  enteri)rise  was  inaugurated  in 
1882,  and  at  first,  was  operated  on  a  small  scale, 
but  has  gradually  increased  until  it  has  become 
a  very  important  factor  in  the  business  interests  of 
Hoopeston.  Last  year  the  establishment  used 
about  2,000  acres  of  corn  and  ]ieas,  being  all 
raised  by  the  company,  which  is  composed  of  Mr. 
Catherwood.  J.  S.  McFerren  and  A.  H.  Trego.  'I'he 
concern  furnishes  employment  to  300  people  and 
fift3'  teams,  and  the  out|iut  of  corn  alone  last  year 
amounted  t<i  2,500.000  cans.  The  value  of  the 
plant  and  stock  is  given  .at  §150.000. 

Mr.  Catherwood  is  also  engaged  in  the  grain 
business  on  the  line  of  the  L.ake  Erie  and  Western 
Raili'oad,  on  which  road  he  owns  large  elevators 
at  ditfi'rent  points,  having  .associated  with  him 
partners  at  each  place.  He  also  owns  a  large 
grain  farm  of  1,520  acres  in  the  State  of  hi- 
diana  in  company  with  Mr.  Williams.  It  will  lie 
seen  that  Mr.  Catherwood  has  a  large  business, 
whicli  is  composed  of  grain  handling,  farming  and 
manufacturing,  and.  it  is  safe  to  say,  that  there  is 
no  man  in  tliis  |)art  of  the  counti-y  better  able  to 
handle  these  immense  interests.  lie  has  held  dif- 
ferent public  offices,  and    here    shows  his   capacil\' 

for  doing  business  for  others  as  well  as  for  liim.self. 
He  was  made  Chairman  to  investigate  the  differ- 
ent i)lans  of  waterworks,  with  a  view  to  the  selec- 
tion of  the  best  for  Hoopeston.  He  visited  differ- 
ent places  in  the  country,  and  after  a  decision  was 
finally  reached,  whicli  pi-actically  emliodied  his 
recommendations,  he  was  gi\en  the  general  super- 
vision of  the  erection  of  the  waterworks.  With  his 
partiier,Mr.  Trego,  this  important  inipiovemenl 
reached  a  successful  completion. 

Mr.  Catherwood  was  born  in  HelmonI  County, 
Ohio,  Dec.  15,  1842.  and  when  fifteen  ye.ars  of 
age,  and  two  years  after  the  death  of  his  father, 
he,  with  his  mother  and  family,  removed  lo  Chris- 
tian County,  111.,  where  he  remained  with  his 
mother  on  their  farm  until  his  marriage,  which  oc- 
curred in  October.  1874.  In  187(j  he  removed  to 
A'ermilion  County,  settling  on  a  f;u-m  ne;ir  Hoopes- 
ton. He  engaged  in  thi.s  business  for  awhile, 
when  he  purchased  a  grocery  store.  While  he  had 
no  previous  experience  in  the  mercantile  business, 
his  solid  common  sense  guided  liiin  on  to  pros- 
perity in  his  newly-chosen  vocation.  He  continued 
in  this  trade,  and  also  engaged  extenslveh  in 
stock-raising  (which  he  still  follows)  until  he 
launched  into  the  grain  business,  as  has  been  before 
stated . 

Mr.  Catherwood's  wife's  maiilen  name  was  IMiss 
Cornelia  Hartwell,  and  they  are  the  jiarents  of 
three  children  living — Robert,  Maud  and  N.afimi. 
and  three  who  died  while  young.  l\Ir.  Catherwood 
is  a  member  of  the  INIa.sonic  fr.aternity,  being  a 
Knight  Templar.  He  is  ever  willing  anil  ready 
to  aid  anyone  who  is  deserving,  and,  as  a  leading 
man  of  Hooiieston,  has  an  enviable  record.  It  is 
safe  to  assume  that  there  are  few  better  men  in  this 
liortion  of  the  State  of  Illinois. 

James  Catherwood,  father  of  Allen  1'.,  was  born 
in  Ireland,  and  when  twenty  years  of  .age  came  to 
this  country  and  settled  in  Delaware,  where  he 
mai-ried  Miss  Lydia  Tnssie.  Soon  after  his  mar- 
riage he  removed  to  ( )iiio,  where  all  his  chlldi-eii 
were  born.  Allen  Iieing  the  youngest  of  ten.  He 
was  a  general  farmer,  and  considered  a  suc- 
cessful man  in  his  calling.  When  his  death  oc- 
curred, in  1.S55.  his  wife  and  her  family  removed 
to  Christian  County,  as   before  stated,  where  she 



purchased  a  farm,  which  she  operated  until  the 
marriage  of  Allen,  when  he,  with  the  other  chil- 
dren, bought  her  a  nice  property  in  Taylorville, 
where  she  now  resides  with  a  single  daughter. 


'^1  OHN  McVEY,  general  merchant,  of  Tilton, 
and  Postmaster  of  Vandercook  Post-office, 
^'ernlilion  Co.,  is  one  of  the  most  prominent 
business  men  in  this  locality,  and  is  one  of 
the  leading  civic  ofHcials.  He  is  of  Celtic  ancestry 
and  was  born  in  County  Longford,  Ireland,  in  June, 
1837.  His  father,  John  McVey,  was  a  native  of 
the  same  county,  and  was  there  reared  and  married, 
continuing  his  residence  in  the  home  of  his  nativity 
till  1837.  In  that  year  he  came  to  the  United 
States,  seeking'  to  better  his  fortune,  leaving  his 
family  behind,  intending  to  send  for  them  at  a  later 
date  after  he  liecame  permanently  established.  He 
located  in  Schuylkill  County.  Pa.,  where  he  en- 
gaged in  mining  for  several  years,  till  an  accident 
in  the  mines  caused  his  death  in  1852,  while  yet 
scarce  past  life's  prime. 

His  son  John,  of  whom  we  write,  was  but  an  in- 
fant when  he  had  the  misfortune  to  lose  the  loving 
care  of  a  good  mother,  and  his  father  being  in  this 
country,  he  was  taken  to  the  hoine  of  his  grand- 
parents, and  was  reared  liy  them  till  1851.  In  that 
year  he  followed  his  father  to  America,  setting  sail 
from  Liverpool  and  landing  in  New  York  after  a 
voyage  of  seven  weeks,  a  poor  boy  in  a  strange 
land.  He  hastened  to  join  his  father  whom  he  had 
scarce  seen,  he  having  been  an  infant  when  he  had 
left  home,  and  they  were  reunited  in  Pennsylvania. 
Our  subject  soon  commenced  life  for  himself  as  a 
mule  driver  in  a  coal  mine.  In  1S57  he  decided 
that  he  would  like  to  try  life  in  the  great  West,  and 
making  his  way  to  this  State  he  tried  to  obtain  work 
in  a  coal  mine  at  Danville.  Not  succeeding  in  that 
attempt  he  got  employment  on  a  railway  for  a  few 
months, and  then  engaged  in  mining.  In  May  of  that 
year  he  answered  Lincoln's  call  for  90-day  men, 
and  enlisting  in  Company  C,  12tli  Illinois  Infantry, 
served  with  his  regiment  till  the  expiration  of  his 
term  of  enlistment,  when  he  was  honorably  dis- 
charged and  returned  to  Danville.  In  Avigust,18G2, 

he  again  went  forth  to  aid  his  adopted  country, 
and  enrolling  his  name  with  the  members  of  Com- 
pany C.  125th  Illinois  Infantry,  he  went  to  the  front 
with  his  regiment,  and  bravely  faced  the  foe  on 
man}'  a  hotly  contested  battlefield.  The  most  im- 
portant battles  in  which  he  took  part  were  those  of 
Perryville,  Ky.,and  Chicamauga.  On  the  way  from 
Chattanooga  to  Atlanta  with  General  Sherman,  he 
fought  in  the  various  engagements  with  the  rebels 
that  they  encountered  and  in  the  siege  and  capture 
of  the  Latter  city.  He  was  also  present  at  the  battle 
of  Jonesboro,  where  lie  wiis  severely  wounded,  .and 
was  obliged  to  go  to  the  hospital  for  treatment.  He 
rejoined  his  regiment  that  winter  at  Savannah. 
After  that  he  was  unable  to  carry  a  musket,  so  did 
not  march  with  his  comrades,  but  went  by  boat  to 
Washington,  where  he  was  honorablj^  discharged  in 
May,  18()5. 

After  his  experience  of  inilitary  life,  Mr.  ^IcVe}'- 
returned  to  Danville  and  resumed  mining,  which 
occupation  he  continued  till  1873.  He  then  rented 
land  and  engaged  in  farming  the  ensuing  five  years. 
During  that  time  he  established  himself  in  the  mer- 
cantile business  at  Tilton,  his  wife,  a  woman  of 
more  than  ordinary  ability,  acting  as  man.ager.  She 
proved  so  successful  that  Mr.  McVey  finall}'  deter- 
mined to  enlarge  the  business  and  devote  his  time 
to  it,  and  from  that  small  beginning  has  grown  his 
present  prosperous  business.  He  is  the  only  mer- 
chant in  Tilton,  .and  carries  a  large  stock  of  general 
merchandise,  groceries,  etc.,  and  has  a  neat,  well 
appointed  store. 

July  2,  18G9,  Mr.  MrVey  took  a  stej)  that  has 
had  an  im[)ortant  bearing  on  his  after  life  whereby 
he  secured  a  wife  in  the  person  of  Mrs.  Julia 
(McHenev)  Mulliatt<.>n,  who  has  been  an  important 
factor  in  his  prosperit}'.  She  is,  like  himself,  a  na- 
tive of  Ireland,  born  in  County  Monaghan,  and 
is  the  daughter  of  Patrick  and  Ann  (Mulhollan) 
McIIeney,  an<l  the  widow  of  James  Mulhatton. 
Her  parents  were  both  natives  of  Ireland,  .and  her 
father  dying  when  she  was  very  young,  her  mother 
soon  after  took  her  children  to  England,  and  later 
came  to  America,  five  of  her  children  coming  at 
different  times.  Mrs.  McVey  was  first  married  iu 
County  Durham,  Kngland,  when  but  a  girl  in  her 
teens,  to  James  Mulhatton.     When  she  was  nineteen 



years  of  age  she  accompanied  her  Imsband  to  the 
United  Slates,  and  they  lived  one  year  in  Pennsyl- 
vania. They  subseqiientlj'  came  to  Vermilion 
Connty.  and  here  Mr.  Midliallon  died  while  in  the 
prime  of  life. 

Our  subject  is  a  fine  S|)ecimen  of  the  genus  homo 
denominated  the  self-made  man,  .as  all  that  he  has 
;uid  all  that  he  is  he  owes  to  his  own  exertions, 
lie  is  a  man  of  honor,  whose  char.acter  is  unblem- 
ished, and  his  standing  in  business  and  social  circles 
is  of  the  highest.  Ills  fi-ank,  genial.  :nid  pleasant 
manner  has  given  him  a  warm  pla<'e  in  the  hearts 
of  his  many  as-sociates  and  he  is  [lopular  with  all 
classes.  In  politics  he  afliliates  with  the  Demo- 
crats, but  is  friendly  with  all  parties.  He  has  re- 
presented Danville  Townshi|)  as  Assistant  Supervi- 
sor of  the  County  Board  fuur  years;  has  served 
several  terms  as  a  member  of  the  Tilton  Town 
Council,  and  is  at  piesent  President  of  honora- 
ble body  of  men.  He  and  his  wife  are  members  of 
the  St.  Patrick  Roman  Catholic  Church,  contribute 
liberally  to  its  support,  and  are  active  in  its  every 
good  work. 

-     OOP      - 

•    ooo    - 

'S^OHN  W.  BOGGESS.  M.  I).,  stands  high  in 
I  the  medical  profession  as  represented  in 
^.^1  :  \'ermilion  County,  and  he  has  also  .icfpiired 
(^^//  a  fair  rei)utation  as  an  intelligent,  enter- 
prising agriculturalist,  owning  and  managing  the 
farm  on  which  he  makes  his  home,  ])leasantly  lo- 
cated on  section  29,  Catlin  'I'ownship.  he  having 
retired  to  this  place  a  few  years  ngo  on  account  of 
failing  health.  This,  his  native  township,  good 
reason  to  l>e  proud  of  her  son,  and  he  has  alwaj's 
exerted  his  inlluence  to  ele\ate  her  citizenship. 

The  father  of  this  subject;  likewise  named  John,  a  Virginian  l)y  birth.  Monroe  County  being 
his  native  place.  His  mother,  .lane  O.  (McCorkle) 
lioggess,  was  born  in  (irecnliriar  Counlv,  W.  Va. 
After  marriage  his  parents  settled  either  in  (ircen 
Briar  County,  or  in  Monroe  County,  W.  \'a.,  where 
the  father  was  engaged  as  a  farmer  and  stock 
raiser.  In  IS.SO  he  settled  up  his  affairs  in  that 
section  of  the  country,  and  with  his  famil}'  emi- 
grated to  the  wilds  of  N'ermilion  Count}',  and  be- 
came an  early  pif)neer  of  Catlin  Township,  settling 

in  whiit  is  known  as  Butler's  Point.  About  181(1 
he  removed  with  his  wife  and  children  to  Wiscon- 
sin,  considering  this  locality,  with  the  newly  bro- 
ken  prairie  sod  and  other  miasmatic  influences, 
quite  unhealthful  then.  He  did  not,  however, 
sell  his  real  estate  in  tins  township,  and  after  an 
aljsence  of  three  years,  he  returned  to  this  locality 
with  his  family,  and  settled  on  the  old  Klliott 
place,  just  west  of  Catlin,  living  there  for  conven- 
ience a  short  time,  and  then  went  back  on  to  his 
farm.  In  1856  they  went  to  D.iiiville  to  reside, 
and  dwell  there  four  years  for  the  purixise  of  edu- 
cating their  children.  Mr.  Boggess  then  returned 
again  to  his  fnrin  iu  this  township,  and  continued 
to  live  here  till  his  death,  which  occurred  in  I'"eb- 
ruary.  1871.  His  wife  h:id  preceded  him  to  the 
grave,  dying  in  May,  1,S(;8.  They  had  eleven 
children;  William,  who  died  in  Catlin  Township, 
when  about  twciily-lwo  years  old;  Diana  .M..  (he 
wife  of  .loseph  (iritlilh,  died  when  she  was  tliirty- 
seven  years  old;  Uebccca  ;M.  is  the  wife  of  William 
M.Ray;  Klizabeth  died  when  about  seventeen  years 
old;  Harvey  H.  died  at  the  ngti  of  thirty-eight 
years;  Charles  T.  is  a  farmer  in  ^■ermilion  County; 
America  .1.  is  the  wife  of  .lames  Davis;  Enoch  P. 
is  a  farmer  in  Vermilion  County;  .Iuli;i  iljcd  wIumi 
she  was  six  years  old;  Melissa  died  in  infancy; 
,lohn  W. 

The  latter,  of  whom  we  write,  was  born  in  Cat- 
lin Township,  Feb.  27,  181;!,  and  with  the  excep- 
tion of  three  years  spent  in  Wisconsin,  when  he 
was  but  an  infant,  and  the  four  years  in  Danville 
when  he  was  attending  school,  he  was  reared  to 
man's  estate  in  the  townshi|)  of  his  birth,  lie  was 
educated  p.artly  in  thd  publju  schools,  and  in  the 
seminary  at  Danville,  which  he  attended  till  he  was 
sixteen  years  old.  After  thai  he  became  a  te.-ichcr. 
and  was  engaged  in  that  vocation  in  the  winter  of 
18(!0  and  in  the  summer  of  ISdl.  In  l.S(i2,  andii- 
lions  to  extend  his  education,  he  entered  the  Illi- 
nois Wesleyan  University  at  Bloomington,  and  was 
iiraduated  from  that  institution  in  18G6,  having 
attained  high  rank  for  excellent  scholarship.  He 
then  took  up  the  study  of  medicine,  and  while  |)ur- 
suing  his  course  he  taught  school  to  pay  his  ex- 
penses. He  under  the  tutorship  of  Dr.  A.  H. 
Luce,     a    well-known     physici;in   of    Bloomington, 



and  remained  with  him  till  the  fall  of  1867.  In 
the  winter  of  that  year,  he  entered  the  Chicago 
Medical  College,  the  medical  dejjartment  of  the 
Northwestern  University,  and  pursued  his  studies 
with  characteristic  vigor.  In  the  spring  of  1868, 
he  resumed  teaching  in  C'atlin  Township,  in  f)rder 
that  he  might  he  at  home  with  his  mother,  to  whom 
he  was  devotedly  attached,  and  whose  health  was 
fast  failing,  and  his  presence  soothed  her  dying 
hours.  In  the  fall  of  1 868  he  returned  to  college,  and 
resuming  his  studies,  was  graduated  in  March  1870, 
with  all  honor  for  having  attained  a  high  standard 
in  his  class.  He  established  himself  in  his  profession 
in  Oconomowoc,  Wis.  Bat  he  did  not  remain  there 
lf)ng,  however,  as  in  the  fall  of  that  year  he  heard 
of  a  good  oiicning  for  an  enterprising  young  phy- 
sician at  Coon  Rapids,  Iowa,  and  proceeding  to 
that  place,  he  opened  an  oflice  there,  and  continued 
there  till  the  si)ring  of  1872.  when  he  located  in 
Nevada,  Iowa,  the  count}'  seat  of  Story  County, 
which  presented  a  broader  field,  and  during  his  ten 
years  residence  there,  he  built  up  an  extensive  and 
lucrative  practice,  becoming  one  of  the  leading 
physicians  of  the  countj'.  In  1882  he  retraced  his 
steps  to  liis  native  county,  and  opening  an  oflice  in 
Danville,  he  soon  had  more  patients  than  he  couJd 
attend  to,  as  his  fame  as  a  successful  and  skillful 
practitioner  had  preceded  him  to  his  old  home;  but 
under  the  continuous  strain  of  overwork  his  health 
gave  way,  and  he  was  forced  to  retire  from  the  ar- 
duous duties  of  liis  profession,  and  having  a  nat- 
ural taste  for  out-of  door  labor,  and,  as  a  wise  phy- 
sician fully  believing  in  its  health  restoring  pro- 
perties, he  came  to  Catlin  Township  in  1884  and 
went  to  farming,  and  has  ever  since  devoted  him- 
self to  that  occupation.  He  owns  a  fine  farm  of 
^  sixty  acres,  and  has  it  under  excellent  cultivation. 
The  doctor  was  married  in  Carroll  County,  Iowa, 
Dec.  29,  1872,  to  Miss  ^>lora  B.  Piper,  who  pre- 
sides over  his  home  with  true  grace,  and  makes  it 
cosy  and  attractive  to  its  inmates  and  to  their  nu- 
merous frieiids,  and  even  the  stranger  that  hap- 
pens under  its  roof  is  kindly  made  welcome.  Mrs. 
Boggess  is  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  born  in  Bed- 
foi'd  County,  Jan.  8,  1853,  a  daughter  of  Thomas 
A.  and  Marj-  (Funk)  Piper.  The  following  is  the 
record  of  the  four  children   born   to  her  and   her 

husband:  Charles  Wesley,  born  March  2.  1874, 
died  Aug.  8,  1874;  Carrie  M.,  born  .luly  6,  1875; 
Walter  Thomas,  April  21,  1879;  Genevieve.  April 
28,  1888. 

The  doctor  possesses,  in  a  rare  degree,  those 
noble  traits  of  char.acter  that  mark  a  man  of  honor 
.and  veracity,  one  in  whom  his  fellow-citizens  feel 
they  may  safely  put  their  trust.  He  is  a  man  of 
extensive  learning  and  information,  and  on  his 
retirement  from  active  practice,  the  medical  pro- 
fession of  Vermilion  Count\-  lost  one  of  its  most 
able  members.  He  is  greatly  interested  in  the  wel- 
fare of  his  native  township,  and  takes  an  active 
pari  in  everything  that  tends  to  promote  its  moral 
elevation,  educational  or  material  status,  and  is 
especially  active  in  religious  affairs,  he  and  his  wife 
being  esteemed  members  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church,  and  he  has  l)een  an  active  Sunday- 
school  worker,  holding  the  office  of  superintendent 
.and  also  being  a  teacher.  He  is  infiuential  in  po- 
litical matters,  being  one  of  the  leading  Republi- 
cans in  this  vicinity,  and  a  mcnil)er  of  the  Repub- 
lican Central  Committee  of   1888,  of  his  township. 

ON.  CHARLES  A.  ALLEN,  member  of 
Ij  the  Thirty -sixth  General  Assembly,  from 
the  Thirty-first  District,  comprising  Verm il- 
p  ion  and  Edgar  counties,  was  elected  on 
the  Republican  ticket,  first  in  1884.  and  re-elected 
twice  thereafter,  having  entered  now  upon  bis  third 
term.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Judicial  Com- 
mittee and  several  other  important  committees. 
including  Insurance,  and  has  served  as  Chairman 
of  the  Railroad  and  Warehouse  Committee,  also  of 
Corporations  and  Educatioiial  Institutions.  Dur- 
ing the  Logan  fight  he  was  the  first  man  on  the 
roll  call,  at  that  time  a  very  important  ])osition. 
He  has  frequently  represented  his  district  in  State 
and  other  conventions  and  is  in  all  respects  a  very 
prominent  man  in  Eastern  Illinois. 

Mv.  Allen  was  born  in  Danville,  July  6,  1851, 
and  removed  with  his  parents  when  a  child  of  two 
years  to  the  Ridge  where  they  were  the  earliest 
settlers.  Charles  A.,  upon  leaving  the  district 
school  prepared   himself,  to  become  a  student   of 


^^yZyC-l 1    ^f^-i^-^C^ 



Michiijan  University  from  llie  Law  Department  of 
which  he  was  graduated  in  1875.  He  commenced 
tlie  iiractice  of  his  profession  at  Rossviile  where  he 
remained  until  1881,  then  changed  liis  residence 
to  Iloopeston.  wiiicli  has  since  remained  liis  iiome. 
In  addition  to  a  lucrative  law  practice,  he  has  been 
largely  engaged  as  a  real  estate  dealer,  and  has  oc- 
CLipii'd  many  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility 
among  his  fellow  citizens.  Sociallj-.  he  is  a  char- 
ter member  of  the  K.  of  P.  and  is  identified  with 
the  1.  O.  O.  F.  and  Masonic  fraternity. 

Tlie  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Mary, 
daughter  of  L.  M.  Ihompsou.  of  Rossviile.  was 
celebrated  April  4.  1878.  A  sketch  of  Mr.  Thomp- 
son appears  elsewhere  in  this  volume.  Of  this 
union  there  have  been  born  two  children — John  N. 
and  Lawrence  T.  The  fatlier  of  our  subject  was 
William  I.  Allen,  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Ver- 
milion County,  and  a  sketch  of  whom  ap|)ears  on 
anotlier  page. 

OX.    JOSEPH   G.    CANNON.    Member    of 
\'  Congress  representing  the  Danville  district 

;ll     Ifl 

Ji^  of  Illinois.  On  the  opposite  page  appears 
'■^)  'i  portrait  of  this  gentleman,  who  has  been 
for  many  .years  a  prominent  factor  in  the  official, 
social  and  political  life  of  this  section  of  the  State, 
and  who  made  a  national  rejjutation  as  a  legis- 
lator and  a  statesman. 

For  many  years  there  was  a  large  exodus  of  the 
Society  of  Friends  from  North  Carolina  to  the  AVa- 
bash  Vallej-,  who  left  their  former  homes  to  get 
away  from  the  curse  of  slaver}'.  Among  the  num- 
ber was  Dr.  Horace  F.  Cannon,  who,  accompanied 
by  his  family,  removed  in  1840  to  make  his  home 
in  Park  County-,  Ind.  Thus,  far  removed  from 
the  scenes  of  their  j'outh  he  and  his  wife  jiassed 
the  residue  of  life  in  the  Northern  countrj-, 
surrounded  l)y  olil  friends  who  had  also  come 
North,  and  by  many  new  friends  whom  they  had 
met  in  their  new  home.  Dr.  Cannon  was  in  early 
manhood  united  in  marriage  with  Gulielma  Ibil- 
lingsw(,rth.  He  was  a  native  of  Greensboro,  N.  C, 
and  in  his  early  maturity  practiced  his  [Mofession, 
being  a  physician  and  surgeon.     After  his  removal 

to  the  Wabash  Valley  he  passed  the  remainder  of 
his  life  in  the  practice  of  his  profession,  and  died 
an  accidental  death  in  1851  when  he  was  forty- 
five  years  of  age.  He  was  a  man  of  character  and 
considerable  local  note,  being  a  prominent  early 

Joseph  G.  Cannon,  of  whom  this  brief  record  is 
written,  was  born  in  New  Garden,  Guilford  Co.. 
N.  C,  May  7,  1836.  His  education  was  received 
at  the  Western  Manual  Labor  School,  now  known 
as  Blooraingdale  Academy.  At  the  .age  of  fifteen 
his  school  work  ended,  and  for  five  years  thereafter 
he  was  engaged  as  a  clerk  in  a  store. 

At  the  age  of  twenty-one,  having  a  strong  desire 
for  professional  life,  Mr.  Cannon  entered  the  law 
office  of  the  Hon.  John  P.  Usher,  who  afterward 
became  one  of  President  Lincoln's  secretaries.  In 
1859  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar  to  practice  in  the 
courts  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  located  at  Tus- 
cola, Douglas  Co.,  III.,  for  the  practice  of  his  pro- 
fession, in  which  he  continued  until  1872.  In  that 
year  he  was  elected  to  Congress,  and  has  since  been 
consecutively  re-elected,  now  serving  his  ninth  terra. 
He  made  Tuscola  his  home  until  1876,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Danville,  where  he  has  for  many  years 

Mr.  Cannon  now  stands  as  one  of  the  foremost 
men  in  the  House  of  Representatives.  His  jjosition 
he  owes  to  the  confidence  of  his  constituency,  who 
have  given  him  long  service,  and  to  his  industry 
in  the  public  service.  His  early  preparation  was 
not  all  he  would  have  desired,  as  he  was  deprived 
of  a  college  course,  and  for  financial  re.asons  was 
compelled  to  enter  the  law  practice  as  soon  as  he 
could,  so  it  was  only  by  strenuous  exertion  that  he 
fitted  himself  for  the  responsible  position  he 

After  serving  for  six  years  on  the  Committee  for 
Post-ollices  and  Post-roads.  Congressman  Cannon 
was  appointed  a  member  of  the  Committee  on  Ap- 
propriations, on  whicli  he  has  served  until  the 
present  time.  Said  3Ir.  Cannon,  with  the  justifiable 
pride  and  satisfaction  arising  from  having  accom- 
plished a  good  work:  -'I  had  charge  of  the  Postal 
Appropriation  Hill  while  on  Committee,  upon  which 
legislation  was  had  reducing  letter  postage  from 
three  to  two  cents,  and  containing  other  important 



postal  revisions  and  reforms."  During  the  Forty- 
seventii  Congress  the  Republicans  bad  control  of 
llie  House.  In  this  same  Congress  Mr.  Cannon 
was  continued  on  Appropriations,  having  special 
charge  of  the  Legislative,  Executive  and  Judicial 
Appropriation  Bill,  which  carries  appropriation  for 
the  officials  of  tlie  Public  Service,  and  upon  which 
many  reforms  were  wrought.  For  many  j'ears, 
being  the  head  of  the  minority  on  that  committee, 
it  has  fallen  to  him  to  make  a  statement  of  the  esti- 
mates and  appropriations  for  and  expenditures  by 
the  Government.  It  has  been  received  by 
Congress  and  the  country  as  authoritative  and  ex- 

The  Republicans  have  a  small  majority  in  the 
present  Congress,  which  will  organize  the  first 
Monday  of  December  next  (1889).  It  seems  to 
be  generally  conceded  that  from  seniority  of  service 
and  equipment  for  work,  Mr.  Cannon  will  be  chosen 
Cliairman  of  the  Committee  on  the  organization 
of  the  House,  unless  he  is  elected  Speaker,  for 
which  position  he  is  a  candidate.  His  service  in 
the  House,  his  acquaintance  with  public  men  and 
affairs  has  given  him  good  standing  with  the  Re- 
publicans, and  also  with  those  of  the  opposite 
party,  who  respect  him  for  his  sincerity  and  hon- 
esty, even  though  they  differ  with  him  in  polities. 
His  party  in  the  House  of  Representatives  did 
him  the  honor  for  six  years  of  making  him  Chair- 
man of  its  Caucus  and  of  the  Caucus  Committee, 
which  has  charge  primarily  of  suggesting  the  policy 
of  the  Republicans  in  the  House  touching  matters 
of  legislation. 

Mr.  Cannon  being  engaged  in  politics,  has  paid 
but  little  attention  to  law  practice  of  late  3ears. 
He  has  business  interests  in  the  city  of  Danville, 
and  also  owns  farms  both  in  Vermilion  and  Dong- 
lass  counties. 

Although  politics  has  engaged  a  great  deal  of 
the  consideration  and  thought  of  Mr.  Cannon,  he 
has  spared  the  necessary  time  to  found  home  ties 
of  his  own.  His  marriage  was  solemnized  on  the 
7th  of  .lanuary,  1862,  with  Miss  Mary  P.  Reed,  of 
Canfleld,  Oliio.  Their  union  has  been  blessed  by 
tlie  birth  of  two  daughters,  Helen  and  IMabel,  who 
are  now  at  home,  having  recently  finished  their 
college  education.     Thus  Congressman  Caiuion,  in 

his  leisure  hours,  partakes  of  the  enjoyment  of  a 
beautiful  home,  and  the  society  of  those  he  loves, 
and  whose  interests  are  ever  uppermost  in  his 

W^ALlvER  T.  BUTLER  is  an  enterprising 
wheelwright  of  Sidell.  He  located  in  this 
village  in  December,  1887,  at  which  time 
he  erected  bis  shop  on  Chicago  street.  He  has  laid 
the  foundation  for  a  large  business,  which  is  con- 
stantly increasing,  and  in  the  spring  of  1889  he 
enlarged  his  business  in  a  substantial  manner.  Mr. 
Butler  is  one  of  the  solid  men  of  his  adopted  town, 
and  one  whose  word  is  as  good  as  a  bank  note. 

On  February  23,  1840,  Mr.  Butler  first  saw  the 
light  of  day  in  Edgar  County,  111.,  about  a  mile 
from  Chrisman.  His  father,  Asa  Butler,  was  born 
near  Lexington,  Kj'.,  while  his  mother,  Catharine 
Porter,  is  a  native  of  Madison  County,  that  State. 
The  Butlers  were  originally  from  Virginia,  and 
came  to  Kentucky  in  an  ea.r\y  day.  The  father  was 
a  blacksmith,  the  entire  male  portion  of  the  familj- 
of  Butlers  being  mechanics.  One  of  the  uncles 
was  a  cabinet  maker  at  the  .age  of  ninct^'-two,  and 
the  subject  of  this  sketch  saw  him  at  work  making- 
spinning  wheels  at  that  great  age.  In  1834  Asa 
Butler  and  bis  wife  removed  to  A'ermilion  County, 
settling  dose  to  Indianola,  erecting  a  shop  there. 
He  left  this  jilace  and  went  to  Chrisman,  where  he 
remained  for  a  long  time.  This  couple  are  the 
parents  of  nine  children,  whose  names  are  given: 
Ephraira  P.,  Elizabeth  A.,  William  F.,  Ellen  F., 
Walker  Turner,  S.-mie  F.,  Lucinda  C,  Rosa  A.  and 
and  an  infant  child,  the  two  latter  being  dece.a.sed. 
The  father  died  at  Indianola  in  1878  at  the  age  of 
seventj'two  years,  while  the  mother  is  still  living 
on  the  old  Butler  homestead 

Ephraim  resides  in  Richardson  County,  Neb.; 
Samuel  is  in  the  employ  of  the  Burlington  & 
ilissouri  River  Railroad  ('om|)any  at  South 
Omaha,  Neb.,  as  a  billing  clerk;  Eliza  is  liv- 
ing in  Indianola  with  her  mother;  William  F.  was 
accidentally  killed  by  a  traveling  man  who  mistook 
his  head  for  a  prairie  chicken;  the  after- 
ward went  insane;  Ellen  F.  is  the  wife  of  .Tann  s 
R.  Adams,  who  is  farming  near  Georgetown;   Lu- 



cinrla  C.  married  Melviii  L.  Porter,  who  is  en- 
gaged in  tiie  clothing  hu!iiness  at  Danville;  Walker, 
of  whom  this  sketch  is  written,  was  reared  on  a 
farm,  working  alteiiiately  at  farming  and  in  the 
Maeksniillislioi).  His  schooling  was  obtained  in 
the  subscription  scliools.  His  first  attendance 
upon  the  [)ublic  scliool  was  in  Edgar  County, 
111.,  where  the  sciioolhoiise  was  erected  by  sub- 
scription, and  built  of  logs.  He  worked  on  the 
farm  nine  months,  attending  school  tiie  balance 
of  the  year.  He  continued  in  this  way  until  he 
became  eighteen  years  of  age,  when  he  went  to 
work  exclusively  at  his  trade.  On  March  26. 1861, 
he  w.a.s  married  to  Miss  Susan  .1.  Porter,  daugiiter 
of  Richard  Porter,  and  a  half-sister  of  Mrs.  Hewes. 
Her  mother  was  Elizalieth  Howard.  The  Porters 
originall}^  came  from  Woodford  County.  K3'.,  emi- 
grating to  Illinois  in  1834. 

At  the  time  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  broke 
out  Mr.  Butler  was  a  half  owner  in  a  shf)p,  and 
iiad  just  p.assed  his  honeyjnoon.  There  was  everj' 
inducement  for  him  to  remain  at  home,  and  pros- 
per in  his  business,  but  iiis  duty  lay  in  enlisting 
in  the  Union  army,  which  lie  did  in  May,  1861, 
by  joining  Company  D,  2r)th  Hlinois  Infantry,  being 
mustered  into  service  on  June  4,  following,  at 
Danville.  His  regiment  drilled  at  Arsenal  Park, 
St.  Louis,  for  two  months,  and  here  he  was  elected 
Captain  of  his  company.  He  was  young  and  in- 
experienced, and  being  modest,  he  refused  to 
serve,  but  afterwards  accepted  the  position  of 
Sergeant.  On  account  of  a  severe  wound  in  the 
right  foot,  he  honorably  discharged,  after  which 
he  came  home,  an<l  devoted  his  entire  attention 
to  his  tr.ade.  His  army  record  was  a  brilliant 
one.  and  the  men  are  very  few  who  would  refuse 
a  commission  as  he  did,  which  exhibits  his  entire 
unselfishness  and  patriotism.  He  remained  in  In- 
dianola  until  [><~'J,  when  he  removed  to  Ridge 
Farm,  there  engaging  in  business  at  his  trade  initil 
18«7,  when  he  came  to  his  |)resent  location. 

Mr.  Butler  is  one  of  the  members  and 
organizers  of  the  l'.ai)tist  Church  of  Sidell.  which 
came  into  existence  May  2,  1889,  and  of  which 
he  was  lb  cle  I  Deacon.  He  has  belonged  to  this 
church  since  lie  was  eighteen  years  of  age,  and 
for    twenty-two    years    was    .Superintendent    of  a 

.Sabbath-school.  He  is  also  \'ice-President  of  the 
Snnd.ay-sciiool  Association  of  Carroll  Township. 
.Mr.  Butler  belongs  to  Vermilion  Lodge,  No.  2G5, 
A.  !•'.  it  A.  M.,  and  its  JIaster  for  three  terms, 
and  also  its  delegate  to  the  Grand  Loilge  at  Chi- 
cago in  the  years  1873,  1874  and  1875.  He  is 
also  a  charter  member  of  the  C.  A.  Clark  Post, 
No.  184,  C.  A.  U.,  located  at  Ridge  Farm.  The 
office  of  School  Director  has  been  filled  by  him 
for  fifteen  \ears. 

.Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Butler  have  iiad  five  children:  Mel- 
vine  S.,  Gracie  E.,  Adoniram  J.,  Leslie  F.,  Bessie 
and  Willie.  ^Melvine  S.  was  educated  at  the  .lack- 
sonville  Blind  Institute.  He  dieil,  and  his  parents 
deeply  felt  his  loss,  (ir.acie  E.  is  the  wife  of 
John  Fletcher,  a  farmer  of  Edgar  County,  III.; 
thej' have  three  children:  Henry  T.,  Howard  and 
Charles.  Adoniram  .1.  and  the  rest  of  the  chil- 
dren are  living  at  home.  Mr.  Butler  is  a  stanch 
Republican,  and  for  several  j-ears  has  served  his 
party  on  the  County  Central  Committee.  He  has 
alwavs  been  in  favor  of  temperance  lavvs.  and 
tiieir  strict  enforcement,  and  \i  was  largely  through 
his  instrumentality  that  the  sale  of  whisky  was 
finally  abolished  in  Carroll  Township.  Mr.  But- 
ler is  one  of  the  very  best  men  of  ^'crmilion 
County,  and  is  so  regarded   by  his  neighbors. 

$  I^ILLIAM  CA.ST.  The  subject  of  this  notice 
imbered  among  the  pioneer  residents 
well-to-do  farmers  of  this  count}',  who 
carved  out  their  fortunes  b}'  the  labor  of  their 
han<ls.  and  to  whom  we  are  indebted  for  the  devel- 
opment of  the  rich  resources  of  llie  Prairie  State. 
Jlr.  Cast  has  been  a  resident  of  Danville  Township 
for  a  long  period,  and  is  held  in  high  repute  among 
its  best  citizens. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  in  Vernon 
Township,  Clinton  Co.,  Ohio,  A[)ril  17.1821,  and  is 
the  sou  of  Aquilla  and  Mary  (\'lllars)  Cast,  the 
former  born  in  Kentuekj-,  Dec.  7,  1799,  and  the 
latter  born  in  Pennsylvania,  Dec.  13,  1798.  The 
paternal  grandfather,  Ezekiel  Cast,  is  supi)osed  to 
have  been  likewise  a  native  of  Kentuck3-,  whence 
he  removed  to  Ohio  in   1805,  while  it    w.os    in    the 



third  year  of  its  dignity  as  a  State.  He  was  one  of 
the  earliest  pioneers  of  Clinton  County,  and  pur- 
chased a  tract  of  timber  land  in  Vernon  Townsliip, 
wliere  he  improved  a  farm  and  resided  until  his 

Tiie  father  of  our  subject  was  quite  young  when 
his  parents  removed  to  Ohio.  He  was  reared  and 
married  in  Clinton  County,  and  purcliased  land  in 
Vernon  Township,  where  he  engaged  in  larming 
until  his  death  in  September,  1831.  The  mother  sur- 
vived her  iuisband  for  a  period  of  twenty-five 
years,  and  died  in  Clinton  County  in  1856.  Her 
father,  James  Villars,  is  supposed  to  have  been  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania,  whence  he  removed  to 
Ohio  in  1806,  making  the  journey  down  the  river, 
and  landing  at  Cincinnati,  which  was  then  in  its 
embryo  state.  He  also,  Ukc  grandfather  Cast,  was 
one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  Clinton  C^ountj', 
and  like  him  cleared  a  farm  from  the  wilderness, 
where  he  spent  his  last  da3S.  lie  married  Miss  Re- 
becca Davis,  of  Pennsylvania,  and  she  also  died  in 
Clinton  County,  Ohio. 

Aquilla  C'ast,  and  his  estimable  wife  became  the 
parents  of  eight  children,  seven  of  whom  grew  to 
mature  years,  and  of  whom  William,  our  subject, 
was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth.  He  was  only  ten 
years  old  when  his  father  died,  but  remained  on  the 
farm  with  his  mother,  acquiring  his  education  in 
tiie  common  school  and  becoming  familiar  with  the 
labors  inci<lent  to  the  routine  of  farm  life.  He 
continued  a  resident  of  Clinton  County  until  1843, 
then  started  out  to  seek  iiis  fortunes,  liis  destination 
being  this  county.  He  w^as  equipped  with  a  team 
of  horses  and  a  wagon  and  accompanied  by  his 
family,  they  bringing  with  them  their  household 
goods.  After  fourteen  days'  travel  they  landed  in 
Danville  Township,  and  Mr.  Cast,  in  the  fall  of  that 
year,  purchased  U)0  acres  of  land,  the  nucleus  of 
bis  present  farm. 

There  were  no  railroads  in  Illinois  for  some  years 
after  Mr.  C.ast  settled  in  this  county,  .and  for  a  long 
period  Covington  and  I'errysville  were  the  nearest 
markets.  Deer,  turkeys  and  other  game  were 
plentiful.  The  Cast  family  battled  with  nian3-  dif- 
ficulties and  some  hardships,  and  uiulerwent  the 
usual  experience  of  life  on  the  frontier.  Our  sub- 
ject proceeded  steadily   with   the    improvement   of 

his  property,  and  was  greatly  prospered  in  his  la- 
bors. As  time  passed  on,  he  .ad<led  to  his  landed 
est.ate,  and  now  has  a  well-improved  farm  of  320 
acres.  He  erected  good  buildings,  anil  has 
gathered  around  'himself  and  his  family  all  the 
comforts  and  conveniences  of  modern  life. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Rachel 
Villars  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  in  Clin- 
ton County,  Ohio,  Oct.  28,  1843.  Mrs.  Cast  was 
born  in  Vernon  Township,  Clinton  Co.,  Ohio,  May 
16,  1823.  Her  father,  William  Villars,  was  born 
in  Pennsylvania,  Aug.  31,  1802,  and  is  the  son  of 
.Tames  and  Rebecca  Villars,  who  removed  to  Oh  if) 
when  he  was  four  3'ears  old.  He  was  reared  in  the 
Buckeye  State,  and  married  ISIiss  Ruth  Whittaker, 
a  native  of  Clinton  County.  Her  parents  were 
Oliver  and  Mary  Whittaker,  natives  of  New  Jer- 
sey, who  removed  to  Clinton  County,  Ohio,  during 
its  earl3'  settlement.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Cast  in- 
herited a  large  tract  of  land  in  that  count}',  where 
he  carried  On  farming  until  1843.  He  then  came 
to  this  county,  purch.asing  land  in  Danville  Town- 
ship, and  has  been  a  resident  here  since  that  time, 
and  is  now  in  his  ninety-seventh  year. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cast  there  were  born  four  chil- 
dren, the  eldest  of  whom,  James  W.,  married  Miss 
Klla  Karris,  and  is  the  father  of  two  children — 
Mabel  and  Minnie.  John  Oliver  married  INlarj' 
Thayer,  and  has  two  children — (xcorge  and  Carrie. 
Mary  is  the  wife  of  Perry  Brown,  of  Clietopa, 
Kan.  George  Aquilla  died  at  the  age  of  nineteen 
months.  In  jiolitics  Mr.  Cast  has  been  a  staunch 
Democrat,  as  also  his  father,  and  Mrs.  Cast 

-5 #.# 5^ 

NDREW  H.  KIMBUOUGII,    M.    D..    was 

((^/lJI|  born  near  Elizaliethtown,  Hardin  Co.,  Ky., 
li  on  the  27th  day  of  February,  1823.  His 
father,  Richard  C.  Kiml)rough,  was  a 
native  of  Wexliall  County,  S.  C.,  and  his  grand- 
father, Goldman  Kimbrough.  was  born  in  the  St.ate 
of  Virginia.  The  Kiml)rongli  family  settled  early 
in  Virginia,  and  in  Colonial  times  owned  a  lai'ge 
tract  of  land  and  were  extensive  farmers.  They 
served  with  distinguished  ability  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary   War.       The    grandfather   of    Andrew  H. 



KimliiDiigli  removed  from  Viriiiiiia  to  South  Caro- 
lina aftor  the  Kevolutionary  War  aiul  later  to 
Alabama,  where  he  bouglit  large  blocks  of  l;in<l, 
and  where  he  died  in  18.'5.').  He  was  a  large  slave- 

Richard  C.  Kimbrougli,  the  father  of  Dr.  Kim- 
brougli,  was  under  ago  when  the  AVai-  of  1812 
broke  out,  and  in  order  to  enlist,  he  ran  awaj-  from 
home  and  served  in  the  arra^'  until  the  close  of  the 
war.  He  was  in  several  battles  including  the 
Horse  Shoe  fight  and  was  with  Gen.  .Jackson  at 
New  Orleans.  lie  was  wounded  in  the  former 
battle.  After  the  close  of  the  war  he  went  with 
some  of  his  comr.adesto  Hardin  Count}',  Ky..  and 
there  taught  school  until  his  marriage,  and  then 
with  a  brother,  he  engaged  in  the  business  of  tan- 
ning. In  1825  he  emigrated  to  Illinois  and  was 
therefore  a  pioneer  of  ivigar  County.  The  re- 
moval was  made  with  teams,  bringing  all  the  liouse- 
liold  goods  along,  camping  out  on  the  way.  He 
entered  a  tract  of  eighty  .acres  of  laud  in  Wayne, 
now  Stratton  Township.  There  no  house  on 
the  place  and  he  was  comiielled  to  rent  a  cal)in,  but 
in  the  following  spring  he  erected  a  house  on  his 
his  own  land,  which  was  surmounted  by  a  stick 
and  clay  chimnej'.  There  were  no  sawmills  in  the 
county,  a  fact  which  compelled  him  to  m.ake  his 
own  boards  iu  order  to  build  the  doors.  He  had" 
no  nails  and  so  used  wooden  pegs  instead.  The  old 
fashioned  fire-place  was  used  to  cook  food  in  those 
days,  stoves  being  an  unknown  utensil  in  the 
economy  of  kitchen  work.  The  chitli  with  which 
they  made  their  clothes  was  constructed  from  yarn 
S|)un  entirely  by  hand.  He  l)ought  another  eighty 
acres  of  land  which  aiUled  to  his  former  purchase 
made  a  good  farm.  He  die<i  in  1833.  The  maiden 
name  of  the  mother  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was 
■lane  Morrison,  a  native  of  Kentucky.  Her  father, 
James  Morrison,  it  was  thought  was  l>orn  in  \ir- 
ginia  and  removed  from  there  to  Kentucky  and 
settled  in  Hardin  County.  He  was  a  farmer  and 
spent  his  host  years  there.  The  maiden  name  of 
his  wife  was  Mary  McWilliaras.  She  was  born  in 
Virginia  and  removed  to  Kentucky  with  her  par- 
ents in  1791.  This  family  were  pioneers  of  Hardin 
County,  where  they  brought  a  large  tract  of  timber 
land  and  improved  a  farm   which  Mr.  McWilliams 

afterward  lost  on  .an  old  claim.  Air.  McWilliams 
spent  his  last  years  in  that  State.  The  mother  of 
our  sniiject  was  married  a  second  time  in  1847  to 
Hall  Siuis  ami  resided  in  Kdgar  County  until  her 

-Vndrcw  II.  Kind)riiugh  was  eleven  years  old 
when  his  father  died  leaving  his  mother  with  six 
children  to  care  for.  He  resided  with  his  guard- 
ian until  1842.  and  then  lelurned  home  and  man- 
aged the  farm  for  his  mother  until  her  second 
marriage,  when  he  purchased  her  interest  in  the 
farm.  He  continued  farming  until  18r)4.  He  had 
some  time  before  resunuMl  the  stud}-  of  medicine, 
l)nt  had  to  abandon  that  on  the  account  of  the  lack  of 
funds,  but  later  he  again  took  up  the  study  and  grad- 
uated from  .TetTerson  Medical  College,  Philadelphia, 
in  March,  18.")S.  In  that  year  he  commenced 
pr.actice  .at  Georgetown,  this  county,  and  contin- 
ued so  doing  until  1S73,  when  he  removed  to 
Danville  and  has  practiced  there  continuously  since 
that  time.  He  married  Sarah  Ashmore.  who 
born  in  Clark  County.  April  10,  1820.  She  was  a 
danghter  of  Amos  and  Patience  Ashmore,  natives 
of  Tennessee.  They  were  truly  pioneers  of  Clark 
County,  111. 

Andrew  H.  Kimbrough  is  the  fathei-  of  three 
children — Laura  II..  K.  R.  Kugene,  .and  Lillie  A.  T. 
Politically,  he  is  a  Democrat,  and  socially,  is  a 
member  of  Fianklin  Lodge  K.  of  II.  He  joined 
the  I.  O.  O.  F.  in  18.")0  and  has  filled  all  the  chairs. 

— •* io♦o~@;^^-^^•.o♦o.. <<— 

ENRY  D.VVIS.  The  man  who  ventured 
into  Central  lUinnis  during  its  i)ioneer 
■Si^  daj's  is  worthy  of  more  than  a  passing 
((^  mention.  Few  who  did  not  undergo  the 
ex|)erience  can  have  a  full  realization  uf  the  hard 
lot  of  the  early  settlers.  The  distant  markets, 
the  inadequate  price  for  the  cro|)S  which  they 
raised  under  great  dillictdties,  the  inferior  educa- 
tional advantages,  ami  thi'  miasma  from  the  fre- 
quently low,  wet  laud,  which  confronted  the 
pioneers  with  illness — a  physician  miles  away — 
and  the  generally  wild  condition  of  their  surround- 
ings, no  railroads  or  stage  lines,  and  in  some 
sections  scarcely  a  well-defined   wagon  track,  made 



life  in  the  pioneer  times  a  liire  struggle  frequentlj', 
for  existence. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  has  had  a  fall  exper- 
ience of  pioneer  life  in  all  its  details,  but  at  the 
same  time  he  has  been  the  privileged  witness  of 
changes  almost  miraculous.  He  was  born  in  this 
county,  May  5,  1841,  iiis  father,  William  Davis, 
being  among  the  earliest  pioneers.  The  latter  was 
a  native  of  Ohio,  and  descended  from  excellent 
Scotch-Irish  stock.  He  was  prospered  in  his  labors 
as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  of  Illinois,  and  in  due  time 
became  the  owner  of  2,000  acres  of  land,  a  large 
portion  of  which  he  gave  to  his  children. 

The  father  of  our  subject  still  has  about  1,000 
acres  of  land,  all  in  this  county,  and  is  likewise  in- 
terested in  the  hardware  business  at  Fairmount, 
while  he  has  considerable  other  property.  The 
mother,  Mrs.  Elizabetii  (Hayes)  Davis,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Ohio,  and  the  parental  household  inchided 
ten  children,  six  of  whom  are  living,  and  of  whom 
Henry  is  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth.  He,  like 
his  brothers  and  sisters,  pursued  his  earh' studies  in 
the  old  log  schoolhouse,  the  system  of  instruction 
of  that  day  being  fully  in  keeping  with  the  fashion 
and  furnishings  of  the  temple  of  learning,  into 
which  light  was  admitted  through  greased  paper, 
and  the  seats  and  desks  of  whicli  were  made  of 
slabs,  the  floor  of  puncheon,  a  wide  fireplace  ex- 
tending nearly  across  one  end,  and  the  chimney 
built  outside  of  dirt  and  sticks.  Young  Davis  at- 
tended school  mostly  on  stormy  d.iys,  when  he 
could  not  work  at  iiome.  He  had  few  companions 
and  little  recreation,  as  the  county  was  very  thinly 
settled,  and  for  a  distance  of  forty  miles  south 
there  was  not  a  single  cultivated  farm. 

Our  sul)ject  remained  at  home  working  with  liis 
fatiier  until  about  twenty-two  years  old.  and  then 
determined  to  strike  out  for  himself.  The  first  in- 
teresting event  which  followed  was  his  marriage 
with  Miss  Nancy  Cox,  on  ti)e  24th  of  December, 
1803.  Tills  lady  remained  the  companion  of  her 
husband  less  than  nine  yeais,  her  decease  taking 
place  Oct.  24,  1874,  leaving  no  cliildren.  Their 
wedded  life  had  been  begun  in  a  log  house  on  the 
present  farm  of  Mr.Davis,  and  that  humlile  dwel- 
ling is  still  standing.  Mr.  Davis  was  married  a 
second    time,  Sept.   7,  1875,  to  Miss    Rebecca   E.    I 

Baird.  This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  three 
children — Fred  L.,  born  May  24.  1876;  Grace 
Klizabeth,  July  30,  1877;  and  Sarah  Mabel,  Dec. 
18.  1878.  Mrs.  Rebecca  K.  (Baird)  Davis  de- 
parted this  life  July  18,  1880. 

On  the  5th  of  April,  1881,  Mr.  Davis  was  mar- 
ried a  third  time,  to  Miss  M.  Belle,  daughter  of 
Nathan  B.  and  Mary  F.  (Wilson)  Pemberton.  Mr. 
Pemberton  was  a  native  of  Ohio,  and  his  wife  of  Ken- 
tuck}'.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Davis  left  his  native 
State,  when  twenty-one  years  old,  going  to  Ken- 
tucky,where  he  engaged  in  farming  and  was  married. 
Nineteen  years  ago  thev  left  the  Blue  Grass  State 
for  Indiana,  where  they  lived  on  a  farm  for  seven 
years,  then  came  to  this  county,  and  settled  two 
miles  northwest  of  Fairmount.  After  living  there 
two  j'ears  they  made  another  removal,  and  are  now 
living  one  and  one-iialf  miles  west  of  Catlin,  in  the 
enjoyment  of  good  health,  Mr.  Pemberton  being 
sixty -seven  and  his  wife  flft3-eight  years  old. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pemberton  there  were  born 
seven  children,  five  of  whom  are  living,  and  of 
whom  Mrs.  Davis  was  the  third.  She  first  opened 
her  eyes  to  the  light  in  Maysville,  Ky.,  July  2'J, 
1855.  She  i-eceived  excellent  educational  advan- 
tages, and  grew  up  an  attractive  and  accomplished 
young  woman,  fitting  herself  for  a  teacher,  and 
pursuing  this  calling  in  Indiana  jnior  to  her  mar- 
riage. Mr.  Pemberton  some  years  .igo  was  wounded 
by  an  ax  in  his  own  hands,  which  struck  his  knee, 
and  which  resulted  in  confining  iiim  to  the  house 
for  three  years  thereafter.  He  has  suffered  from 
this  almost  continuously  since  that  time.  He  has 
been  a  plain  and  upright  man  and  a  member  of 
the  Baptist  Church,  while  Mrs.  Pemberton  belongs 
to  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

Mr.  Davis  erected  his  present  residence  about 
1874,  and  in  connection  with  his  farming  opera- 
tions gives  considerable  attention  to  live  stock. 
raising  about  seventy-five  head  of  swine  annually, 
besides  graded  cattle  and  horses.  His  farm  com- 
prises 120  acres  of  land,  including  a  timber  strip 
of  fifteen  acres.  One  year  he  was  engaged  in  the 
grocery  trade  at  Fairmount.  Politically  he  has 
always  been  a  strong  Democrat,  and  has  held  the 
office  of  Commissioner  of  Highways  for  the  past 
nine  years.     He  is  a  School  Director  in  his  district, 



and  for  five  years  i)ast  has  been  I'resident  of  the 
Vcnnilion  County  AgikMiltiiial  and  Meclianieal  As- 
sociation. He  is  also  a  member  of  the  lioard  of 
Direetors  of  the  Fair  Assoeiation,  and  is  crop  re- 
jiorter  for  llie  Ag-ricultiiral  Deitartnient  at  Spring'- 
tield.  He  has  exereised  no  small  intlaenee  upon 
party  politics  in  this  region,  ollieiating  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Central  Committee,  and  as  a  delegate 
to  the  various  county  conventions.  Both  he 
and  ills  excellent  wife  are  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Baptist  Church,  in  which  ^Ir.  Davis  lias 
labored  faithfully  in  the  .Sunday-school,  and  offic- 
iated a,s  Librarian.  Without  making  any  preten- 
sions to  elegance,  the  Davis  homestead  is  without 
question  the  abode  of  peace  and  comfort,  and  wliilo 
the  of  the  family  acquitted  himself  in  a 
creditable  manner,  his  very  intelligent  and  .^,miable 
partner,  a  lady  of  great  worth  and  refinement,  has 
fulfilled  her  whole  duty  in  making  home  the  most 
attractive  spot  on  earth  for  those  dearest  to  her. 

-^ .^^ ^ 

W  ABAN  CiRITTEN  is  classed  among  the  lead- 
I  (f§)  ing  farmers  and  stock  raisers  of  Pilot  Town- 
JIL^  ship,  he  having  contributed  much  towards 
making  it  a  great  agricultural  center.  His  farm  on 
section  22  is  comparable  with  the  finest  and  best 
in  this  section  of  Vermilion  County,  is  so  cultivated 
as  to  produce  large  harvests,  and  its  buildings  and 
all  other  appointments  are  fii'st-class.  Mr.  Gritten 
has  evolved  this  desirable  farm  from  tlie  wild  prai- 
ries of  Illinois,  as  they  were  many  years  ago.  before 
they  had  been  changed  by  cultivation,  it  having 
been  government  land  when  he  purchased  it  more 
than  thirty  years  ago,  and  situated  in  the  midst  of 
a  sijarsely  jiopulated,  scarcely  civilized  countrj-. 

Mr.  Crilten  is  a  Kentuckian  by  birth,  born  in 
Mercer  County. -Ian.  r.t.  1832.  His  father,  John 
R.  Gritten,  was  born  in  the  same  county  in  1807. 
He  married  Nancy  Atkinson,  who  was  born  there 
in  1806.  and  they  came  to  this  county  with  their 
familv  in  1812.  and  located  on  a  farm  of  120  acres, 
pleasanti}'  situated  in  Blount  Townshii),  where 
they  have  built  up  a  comfortable  home,  and  now, 
in  life's  decline  are  enjoying  the  hard-earned  fruits 
of  their  united  labor.     Three  of  the  children  that 

have  blessed  their  union  are  still  living:  Ann,  re- 
siding in  Danville  Township,  is  the  widow  of  Frank 
Watson,  of  Oliiii,  and  li;is  five  children — William, 
-bihn,  Xaney  .1..  .Margaret  and  Martha;  Lloyd  mar- 
ried Sarah  (iriltcn.  daughter  of  one  of  the  first  set- 
tlers of  the  county,  and  they  have  four  children — 
Wesley.  iVunic.  Ella  and  Klisha;  Laban  is  the 
subject  of  this  sketch,  and  we  will  write  further  of 

W^e  have  seen  that  his  parents  brought  him  here 
in  |)ioneer  times,  when  he  was  a  mere  lad.  and  here 
they  bred  him  to  a  life  i)f  usefulness,  and  lilted 
him  for  an  honorable  career,  and  to  their  careful 
training  he  doubtless  owes  much  of  his  prosperity. 
He  became  manly,  self-reliant  and  a  good  worker, 
and  in  early  manhood  prudently  invested  his  money 
in  government  land,  proposing  to  make  farming  his 
life  work,  and  purchased  320  .acres  of  land  at 
twenty-five  cents  an  acre.  He  now  has  the  land  all 
under  excellent  cultivation,  and  has  greatly  in- 
creased its  value  by  the  many  fine  improvements 
that  he  has  made,  including  substantial  Imildings, 
etc.  He  does  a  general  farming  business,  has  his 
farm  well  stocked  with  stock  of  high  grades,  from 
the  sale  of  which  he  makes  good  profits,  and  he 
raises  a  good  deal  of  grain  and  other  farm  produce, 
from  which  he  derives  an  income  amply  sutticing 
to  carry  on  his  agricultural  operations  in  good 
shape,  and  for  all  his  personal  wants. 

Mr.  Gritten  has  been  twice  married.  His  first 
wife  was  a  Miss  Sarah  Potter,  who  was  of  Knglisli 
descent,  and  her  father,  an  early  settler  of  this  p;:rt 
of  Illinois,  took  part  in  the  Black  Hawk  Way  under 
(ieneral  Taylor.  Five  children  were  horn  to  our 
subject  in  that  union,  of  whom  one  died;  the  others 
are  Orsmus,  Charles,  Ivhvard  and  Thomas.  Orsmus, 
a  carpenter  in  Danville,  married  .Aliss  M.ay  Gritten; 
Charles,  living  with  his  father  on  the  homestead, 
m.arried  Matilda  (irilten,  and  they  have  seven  chil- 
dren— Clarence,  Arthur,  Orsmus,  Kl/.m-a,  Oliver, 
Ross  and  Rock.  Edward,  a  farmer  in  this  county, 
married  Miss  Belle  Davis,  of  Ohio,  and  they  have 
one  child,  B. ;  Thomas,  a  blacksmith  at  Bixliy, 
married  Martha  Schank.and  Ihe^-  have  three  children 
—  Earl.  Maude  and  Olive. 

For  his  second  wife  ^Ir.  (Written  married  Miss 
Lydia  Pile,  a  native  of  Breckenridge  County.  Kv., 



and  pf  tlioii-  eleven  children  tlie  following  five  are 
living:     (_)i'ac'ena,  Alvina,  .Tacdb,  Eli  and  William. 

Wiliiair  and  Elizabeth  Pile  were  the  parents  of 
Mrs.  Gritten,  the  father  a  native  of  Virginia,  tlie 
mother  a,  native  of  Kentucky,  and  both  are  de- 

Mr.  Gritten  may  well  be  proud  of  his  farm,  whose 
increased  value  is  due  to  his  hard  labor  and  excel- 
lent business  capacity  and  management.  He  pos- 
sesses sober  judgment,  keen  discernment  and  a 
resolute  nature  that  has  overcome  all  obstacles  in 
the  path  to  success.  In  his  political  views  he  sides 
with  tiie  IJemocr.ats,  and  gives  his  hearty  approval 
to  party  measures. 

t^^ACIIAKIAIIC.  IIOLLOWAY.  Among  quite 
///  a  company  of  young  men  who  came  to  this 
tl^—^j  county  at  different  times  in  the  spring  of 
1853,  was  a  young  man  named  Ilolloway,  plainly 
attired  .and  with  no  means  to  speak  of.  quiet  and 
unobtrusive  in  his  demeanor  but  with  the  lixed  pur- 
pose of  giving  the  Western  country  a  fair  trial  in 
the  building  up  of  a  future  home.  He  was  not  pre- 
pared to  purchase  land  and  so  was  obliged  to  locate 
upon  a  rented  farm  in  Plount  Township  which  had 
been  but  slightly  improved  and  offereil  few  advan- 
tages to  the  pioneer.  Upon  tins  amid  many  dilli- 
culities  he  prosecuted  farming  for  a  period  of 
four  yeai-s.  then  changed  his  residence  to  Newell 
Township  where  he  sojourned  two  years.  His  next 
removal  was  to  a  farm  adjoining  that  whicli  he 
now  owns  and  occupies,  in  the  southern  part  of 
Ross  Township.  This  brought  him  up  to  1859  in 
which  year  he  purchased  eighty  acres  of  wild  prai- 
rie and  two  years  later  established  himself  upon  it 
with  his  young  wife  in  a  log  cabin. 

Mr.  Ilollowa^'  begaii  the  cultivation  of  his  land 
with  an  ox  team  and  in  the  meantime  made  his 
home  in  Newell,  then  a  very  unimportant  villao'e. 
In  the  spring  of  1860  he  hired  thirty  acres  plowed, 
which  he  jilanted  in^corn.  From  that  time  on  he 
labored  industriously  early  and  late  until  he  had 
eighty  acres  under  a  lugh  state  of  cultivation  and 
had  erected  a  neat  and  sulistantial  house  and  barn 
besides  effecting  other  improvements. '31  As  oppor- 

tunity permitted  he  jjlanted  fruit  and  shade  trees 
and  after  a  number  of  years  found  himself  in  a  con- 
dition to  purchase  additional  land  and  thus  in- 
vested his  surplus  capital  until  he  became  the  owner 
of  400  acres.  P^or  many  years  he  has  dealt  in  cattle 
realizing  therefrom  handsome  returns. 

Our  subject  generousl3-  acknowledges  that  he  has 
been  greatly  assisted  and  encouraged  in  his  labors 
and  struggles  by  his  excellent  wife,  who  bore  with 
her  husband  the  heat  and  burden  of  the  daj-  and 
assisted  him  in  saving  as  well  .as  earning.  They 
are  the  |)arents  of  four  children,  all  living,  namely: 
Albert,  Alford,  Frank,  and  Ivy,  the  wife  of  C.  R. 
Crawford,  of  Ross  Township. 

Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen  i\Ir.  Holloway 
identified  himself  with  the  Republican  party  and 
later  cordially  endorsed  Republican  doctrines.  He 
has  made  a  speciality  of  attending  to  his  own  con- 
cerns and  consequently  meddled  very  little 
with  public  affairs,  having  no  desire  for  the  re- 
sponsibilities of  office.  His  jjleasant  home  with  its 
attractive  surroLindings  and  his  intelligent  family 
have  largely-  supplied  his  social  needs,  altliough  he 
is  not  lacking  for  troops  of  friends  among  the  peo- 
l)le  whose  intelligence  always  leads  them  to  respect 
the  man  who  has  been  the  architect  of  his  own  for- 
tune and  who  has  made  the  most  of  his  op|>ortuni- 
ties,  .adding  to  the  talent  with  wliich  nature  en- 
dowed him. 

John  Holloway,  tlie  father  of  our  subject,  was 
the  son  of  Elijah  Holloway,  a  native  of  Maryland 
and  one  of  eight  children.  The  others  were  named 
respectiveljr,  Adam,  William.  Elijah,  Armel.  Fran- 
ces, Hettie  and  Mary,  .lohn  also  was  born  in  Mary- 
land, where  he  was  reared  to  man's  estate  and  mar- 
ried Miss  Elizabeth  Uavis.  About  1804.  with  a 
party  of  probably  eighty  i)ersons,  they  set  out 
across  tlie  mountains  with  teams  and  landed  in  Ross 
County,  Ohio,  where  it  is  believed  the  grand- 
parents also  settled.  The  journey  at  that  time  was  a 
dangerous  one,  the  country  being  infested  with  des- 
perate characters,  who  frequently  juurden  d  trav- 
elers for  their  money.  The  trip  occupiid  about 
six  weeks  and  the  llollowa}^  family  fortunatily  were 
not  molested. 

The  parents  of  our  suliject  settled  in  the  lier.vy 
timber  of  Ross  County,  Ohio,  where  Zachariah  C. 



was  l)oin  -lime  10,  1821.  aiu)  where  the  parents 
spent  their  last  days.  The  fatlier  died  in  Septem- 
ber 1863,  at  tiie  age  of  eighty-live  years  and  the 
mother  at  the  same  age,  in  IMarcli,  1865.  Uoth 
were  members  of  the  Methodist  Kpiseojial  Cliiireh, 
in  the  faith  of  wiiich  tiiey  serenely  passed  away. 
Many  and  great  were  the  hardships  enchired  liy  tlie 
pioneers  in  the  wilderness  of  Ross  Comity  and  our 
sid)ject  lii<e  his  l)rotliers  and  sisters  was  tangiit  to 
mal<e  liimself  useful  al  a  very  early  age.  lie  as- 
sisted in  clearing  the  farm  and  received  a  limited 
education  in  the  subscription  sehoc>l.  Ilis  life 
passed  quietly  and  uneventfully  during  his  boy- 
hood and  youlli,  and  like  the  other  young  men  of 
that  day  and  place,  his  chief  ambition  was  in  due 
time  to  have  a  farm  and  a  liresidc  of  his  own. 

Our  subject  continued  a  resident  of  his  native 
county  until  his  marriage,  in  18U).  The  maiden 
of  Ilis  ciioice  Miss  ^lary,  daugliter  of  Joshua 
fihockie}-,  formerly  of  Delaware,  but  who,  like  the 
Ilolloways,  an  early  pioneer  of  the  IJuckeye 
fState.  Mrs.  Ilollow.ay  was  born  in  Delaware  and 
was  lake  by  her  parents  to  Ohio  when  al)out  two 
years  old.  Her  father  died  lliere.  in  1811.  The 
mother  later  came  to  this  county-  and  made  her 
h<mie  with  her  daughter,  her  death  occurring  in 
May,  1888. 

Jf)OSErH  S.  CllRlSTMANisem[ihaticallyone 
I  of  the  l/usiness  men  of  ^'ermilion  County, 
j  who  has  risen  to  prominence  through  his 
j)  own  exertions.  He  was  born  on  the  ;!Otli 
day  of  January-,  185,0.  He  spent  his  boyhood  days 
with  his  parents  until  he  became  seventeen  years 
of  age,  wdien  being  of  a  studious  mind,  he  went  to 
IndianaiJolis  and  attended  business  college  in  that 
city,  where  he  graduated.  After  leaving  school  he 
returned  to  AVarren  County,  Ind  .  where  his  par- 
ents were  living  at  the  time,  and  remained  there 
for  a  short  peril  id  engaged  in  a  dry  goods  store  in 
Attii.a.  He  returned  to  Indianapolis  and  entered 
into  the  elastic  roofing  business  at241  IMassachu- 
setts  Ave.,  being  successfully  employed  for  one 
year.  He  then  bought  a  grocery  store  on  Merid- 
ian street,  where  be  carried  on  a  good  business  for 

a  period  of  one  year,  when  he  sold  out  and  came  to 
Rossvillc,  III.,  where  he  landed  in  his  twenty-first 
year  wiili  ab(jut  ><1.0(MI.  He  contemplated  pur- 
chasing a  half  interest  in  the  dry  goods  store  of 
Henderson  it  Co.,  but  the  coini)any  making  arrange- 
ments more  satisfactory  to  themselves,  our  subject 
found  he  could  invest  his  money  to  agood  advant- 
age by  loaning  it  and  did  so,  in  the  meantime  en- 
tering the  employ  of  the  dry  goods  firm  mentioned 
as  clerk.  About  this  time  he  bought  GOO  .acres  of 
his  present  home  of  1,100  acres  of  land  upon 
whi<h  be  erected  his  present  farm  buildings,  and 
where  he  now  lives. 

Joseph  S.  Christ  man  is  the  son  of  Isaac  and  Kli- 
zabeth  Christman.  who  are  natives  of  Ohio,  but 
who  came  to  Illinciis  when  they  were  voung.  They 
were  married  Oct.  25,  1843.  when  they  immediately 
moved  to  Warren  County.  Ind.,  where  they  settled 
on  a  farm  which  they  condnclcd  for  two  3-ears,  at 
the  expiration  of  which  i)eriod.  they  came  back  lo 
Vermilion  County,  settling  here  on  a(iuarter  section 
of  land  where  they  now  live.  The  family  compi'ised 
the  following  children — Sarah  J.,  is  at  home;  Su- 
san G.,  is  the  wife  of  W.  11.  Lincoln  and  is  liv- 
ing in  West  Lebanon,  Ind. ;  .Mar^'  II.,  is  the  wife  of 
H.  C.  Swisher  and  the\-  also  reside  in  the  same 
jilace;  Eliza  E..  was  killed  when  nineteen  years  of 
age  by  being  thrown  from  a  carriage:  Maria  C,  is 
the  wife  of  William  Hunter,  a  farmer  who  is  living 
in  Warren  (duuty.  Ind.;  Joseph  S.,  of  whom  this 
sketch  is  written;  Frank  is  in  the  real  estate  liusi- 
ness  at  York,  Neb.;  Mahala  L..died  when  two  years 
of  age.  The  mother  of  this  family  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Christman,  died  July  8,  1872.  She  was  an  ardent 
member  of  tlie  Methodist  Church,  and  sustained  a 
fine  reputation  in  her  neighborhood.  Jlr.  Isaac 
Christman  is  (piietly  living  with  his  son,  .Iosei)h, 
and  enjoying  his  latter  days  in  a  manner  which  he 
has  won  by  hard  work,  lie  is  a  Rcpulilican  in 
politics,  and  takes  great  interest  in  his  party. 

Mr.  Joseph  S.  Chrislman  is  a  dealer  in  live  stock 
shipi)ing  considerable  ipiantities  every  year  to  Chi- 
cago. He  makes  a  specialty  in  breeding  Hamble- 
tonian  horses,  of  which  breed  he  owns  se\eral  fine 
specimens.  I'olitieallj'.  Mr.  Christman  is  a  Repub- 
lican and  has  held  the  otlice  of  Township  Trustee 
for  a  long  time.     He  is  also  a  member  of  the  Ma- 



sonif  fraternity,  having  joined  that  order  in  1876, 
by  nniting  with  Lodge  No.  527  at  Rossviile.  He 
is  also  a  member  of  tiie  Oriental  Consistory  which 
meets  on  Monroe  street,  Chicago.  His  career  in 
bnsiness  is  a  good  illustration  of  what  grit  and  in- 
telligence can  do,  and  shonld  be  eniul.ated  b_v  otli- 
ers  of  the  younger  generation.  Mr.  Christman  is 
unmarried,  ))ut  has  succeeded  in  nialving  a  very 
comfortable  home,  and  tlie  view  given  in  this  vol- 
ume, represents  a  resilience  that  in  no  wise  displays 
tlie  absence  of  a  mistress. 

»— *-^- 


R.  GEORG  EDENS.  In  the  person  of 
this  able  [)ractitioner  the  biographer  dis- 
covers a  gentleman  in  love  with  his  pro- 
fession— one  who  adopted  it  on  account  of 
the  lieen  interest  which  he  has  taken  in  it  almost 
from  bo3'hood,  and  whose  aim  has  been  to  excel. 
He  has  been  located  in  Danville  for  the  past  ten 
years,  and  it  is  not  surprising  to  learn  that  he  has 
built  up  a  lucrative  patronage  among  its  best  peo- 
l)le.  He  has  been  faithful  and  conscientious  in  the 
discharge  of  his  duties,  and  aimed  to  gain  a  full 
understanding  of  the  disorders  which  he  has  been 
called  upon  to  remedy  before  making  the  applica- 
tion of  chemicals  or  drugs. 

Dr.  Edens  was  l)orn  in  the  Province  of  Ilolstein, 
Germanj-,  June  10,1851,  and  remained  a  resident 
of  his  native  province  until  1867.  Then,  a  youth 
of  sixteen  years,  he  crossed  the  Atlantic  with  his 
parents,  they  settling  on  a  tract  of  land  in  Cham- 
paign County,  this  State.  The  father  prosecuted 
farming,  while  the  son,  who  also  assisted  around 
the  homestead,  continued  the  reading  of  medicine, 
which  he  had  begun  when  a  lad  of  fifteen  years. 
Two  years  later,  in  1868,  he  began  to  dispense 
medicine  to  his  acqu.aintances,  and  there  followed 
such  excellent  results  from  his  prescrii>tions  that 
before  he  bad  realized  the  fact  he  had  quite  a  num- 
ber of  regular  patrons. 

In  1876  young  Edens  repaired  to  Chicago  and 
entered  Hahnemann  College,  from  whicii  he  was 
graduated  in  1879,  after  taking  the  special  courses. 
On  the  17th  of  ^March,  that  year,  he  came  to  Dan- 
ville, and  commenced   the  regular  practice  of   his 

chosen  profession,  which  he  has  since  followed 
with  really  surprising  results.  He  adopts  many  of 
the  customs  common  to  the  Fatherland,  where  the 
students  of  medicine  are  subjected  to  the  most 
thorough  training,  and  not  allowed  to  practice 
until  they  are  masters  in  their  profession. 

The  otlice  of  Dr.  Edens  is  situated  on  Noitli 
Street,  near  the  Chicago  &  Plastern  Illinois  depot, 
where  he  has  around  him  his  books  and  the  various 
appliances  requisite  for  his  extensive  business.  He 
not  only  has  a  large  practice  in  Danville,  but  also 
in  the  country  surrounding  it.  He  rejiairs  to  dif- 
ferent points  at  regular  intervals,  usually  once  a 
month.  There  is  every  indication  that  he  has  be- 
fore him  a  most  prosperous  future,  and  the  pros- 
pects of  attaining  to  eminence  in  his  profession. 
He  has  naturally  been  too  full  of  bnsiness  to  t;ive 
much  attention  to  politics,  but  has  liecome  fidly 
identified  and  in  sympathy  with  American  institu- 
tions, and  usually  votes  for  the  men  and  not  the 

Dr.  Edens  was  married  in  Danville.  March  14. 
1885,  to  Miss  Frances  Kcchler,  who  was  born  in 
Posen,  Germany,  Ajiril  .lO.  1»5'.).  She  came  to 
America  in  1881,  after  having  acquired  a  careful 
education,  and  thereafter  was  employed  as  a  [ui- 
vate  teacher  in  tJerman  and  French,  and  also  in  the 
public  schools  of  St.  Louis  and  Chicago.  Mrs. 
Edens  likewise  pijssesses  considerable  musical  tal- 
ent, and  is  at  once  recognized  as  a  very  accom- 
plished and  intelligent  lady.  They  occujjy  a  pleas- 
ant and  attractive  home,  and  enjoy  the  friendship 
of  the  best  citizens  of  Danville. 

AMUEL  COOK,  the  son  of  a  pioneer 
family  of  ^■ermilion  County,  as  one  of  its 
[u-.-ictical,  well-to-do  farmers,  a  man  of 
sound  sense  and  good  understanding,  is 
classed  among  its  most  desirable  citizens.  His 
homestead  on  section  1 1.  Catlin  Township,  com- 
prising 160  acres,  is  one  of  the  finest  in  the  vicin- 
ity, and  he  has  100  acres  of  excellent  farming  land 
in  Georgetown  Township  besides  valuable  property 
in  Danville. 

James  Cook,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 



eitlier  in  Marylaud  or  Virginia,  June  23,  1797.  In 
early  manhood  be  was  united  in  marriage  to  JMiss 
Susanna  Mo3"er,  their  union  taking  place  Oct.  G, 
1822.  She  was  born  in  Pennsylvania.  Dec.  2, 
1803.  and  is  still  living  at  an  advanced  age.  After 
niarriaue  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  settled  in  Clermont 
Count}',  Ohio,  living  there  among  its  early  pioneers 
till  1834,  when  they  migrated  across  the  country 
with  their  family  to  Vermilion  County  and  became 
early  settlers  of  Brook's  Point  in  Oeorgetown. 
There  the  father  rounded  out  a  useful  life,  holding 
the  respect  and  esteem  of  all  about  him  as  he  was 
in  all  respects  a  good  man.  The  wedded  life  of 
himself  and  wife  was  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth 
of  six  sons  and  five  daughters. 

Our  subject  was  the  second  child  of  the  family, 
and  he  was  born  in  Clermont  County,  Ohio,  Oct. 
4.  182.5.  He  was  nine  years  old  when  he  came  to 
'\'ermilit)n  County  with  his  parents  more  than  fifty 
years  ago.  but  he  still  retains  a  recollection  of  that 
memorable  journey  through  the  forests  primeval 
.and  over  the  wild  prairies  to  this  then  sparsely 
settled  country.  He  grew  to  man's  estate  in 
(ieorgetown  Township,  and  gleaned  an  education 
in  the  old  log  'school-house  in  which  the  children 
of  the  pioneers  were  taught  the  rudiments  of  learn- 
ing. He  remained  with  his  father  and  mother  till 
he  was  twenty-six  and  a  half  years  old,  when  he 
married  and  established  a  home  of  his  own.  He 
has  devoted  himself  principallj'  to  farming,  and 
through  many  years  of  persistent  toil  has  accumu- 
lated a  goodly  amount  of  property,  iucluding  one 
of  the  best  farms  in  Catlin  Township.  He  has  his 
land  under  fine  tillage,  and  has  erected  a  sul)stan- 
tial.  conveniently  arranged  set  of  buildings,  in- 
cluding a  handsome,  roomy  residence,  replete  with 
all  the  comforts  of  life.  When  he  was  a  young 
man  Mr.  Cook  assisted  in  making  five  fiatboats  to 
go  down  the  Vermilion  River  into  the  Wabash, 
and  thence  down  the  Ohio  and  Mississippi,  and 
once  he  took  a  trip  to  Memphis. 

Mr.  Cook  has  been  twice  married.  He  was  first 
wedded  to  Miss  Amanda  M.  Graves,  .\pril  1.  1852, 
in  Georgetown  Township.  She  was  a  native  of 
that  place,  born  Aug.  18,  1833,  to  James  and  Mar- 
garet (Black  bourn)  Graves,  who  were  among  its 
earliest   pioneers,  coming    there  from  Kentucky  in 

1829,  and  spending  their  remaining  days  on  their 
homestead  in  that  township.  By  that  marriiige 
our  subject  became  the  father  of  six  children,  of 
whom  the  following  is  recorded:  George  W.  mar- 
ried Eliza  Douglas;  .lames  P.  married  Miss  Eveline 
O'Neal;  Mary  married  John  II.  Wherry;  Margaret 
died  when  she  was  eighteen  years  old;  Charles 
married  Miss  Celia  Padgett;  Ellen  died  when  about 
six  months  old.  Aug.  19,  1866,  after  a  happy  mar- 
ried life  of  fourteen  years  Mrs.  Cook  passed  away 
from  the  scene  of  her  usefulness,  and  thus  was  lost 
to  her  househohl  a  wife  who  had  always  striven  to 
aid  her  husband  and  make  his  home  pleasant  and 
comfortable,  a  mother  who  devoted  to  her 
children,  a  neighbor  who  a  kind  :ind  tiuc 

Mr.  Cook  was  married  to  his  present  wife,  for- 
merly Mrs.  Martha  E.  (Citizen)  Moreland,  in  La- 
f.ayette,  Ind.,  April  14,  1870.  Their  wedded  life 
has  been  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  three 
children:  Bertie  J.,  John  F.,  and  Fred.  Mrs.  Cook 
was  the  fourth  of  the  nine  children,  six  sons  and 
three  daughters,  born  to  William  and  Esther 
(Parker)  Citizen,  and  her  birth  occurred  in  Dark 
County,  Ind.,  July  25,  1838.  Her  father  was  horn 
in  Mar^-land,  Nov.  10,  1809,  and  her  mother  in 
North  Carolina,  Aug.  4,  1812,  her  death  occurring 
in  Warren  County,  Ind.  The  father  survives  at 
an  advanced  age.  When  she  was  two  years  old 
;Mrs.  Cook's  parents  moved  to  Wayne  County, 
Ind.,  and  when  she  was  thirteen  ye.ars  old  her 
father  brought  her  to  this  St.ate.  She  was  married 
in  AVarren  County,  Ind..  Aug.  25,  1854,  to  Joseph 
Jloreland.  Of  this  union  there  was  one  son. 
Charles  \V.,  an  intelligent,  well  educated  young 
man,  who  has  been  engaged  in  the  profession  of 
school-teaching  seven  years. 

It  is  said  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  th;it  ■'  they  are 
people  whom  it  is  a  pleasure  to  meet,  so  friendly 
and  generous  are  they  toward  all  who  come  under 
their  influence,  and  so  kiiul  and  considerate  are 
they  in  their  relations  with  all  about  them."  They 
are  consistent  members  of  the  Christian  Church  — 
of  which  he  is  an  elder  —  contribute  liberally'  to  its 
support,  and  are  never  backward  in  aiding  all 
schemes  that  look  to  the  moral  or  social  advance- 
ment of  the  comnumity.     In  our  subject  the  Dem- 



ocratic  partj-  fiiuls  one  of  its  most  honest  snpport- 
eis  and  the  township  one  of  the  promoters  of 
education  within  its  borders,  he  having  held  seve- 
ral of  the  school  offices,  and  also  being  School 
Director  for  years,  discharging  the  duties  thus  de- 
volving upon  him  with  characteristic  fidelity  and 
to  tlie  eminent  satisfaction  of  all  concerned. 




^  OHN  L.  JACKSON.  In  the  career  of  this 
leading  business  man  of  Sidell,  we  recognize 
the  t3'pe  of  the  live,  energetic  American 
citizen,  who  has  been  peculiarly  favored 
l)y  Providence,  being  the  owner  of  a  fine  property, 
the  son  of  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  the  county, 
anil  one  of  its  leading  citizens,  and  having  had  the 
happ>-  faculty  of  improving  all  his  advantages.  By 
his  straightforward  methods  of  proceedure  he  has 
fully  established  himself  in  the  esteem  and  confi- 
dence of  all  witli  whom  he  has  had  dealings.  He  is 
at  present  engaged  in  general  merchandising  at 
Sidell.  and  is  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  jjatronage  which 
is  steadily  increasing.  The  firm  of  John  L.  Jack- 
son tt  Co.  is  considered  A  1. 

Mr.  Jackson  was  bt>rn  in  Douglas  County,  this 
State,  Sept.  22,  1860,  and  is  the  son  of  Amos  and 
Sarah  (Hesscler)  .Lackson,  the  former  of  whom  was 
born  near  Frankfort,  Ind.,  and  the  latter  in  this 
county.  The}'  were  married  in  Michigan.  The 
elder  Jackson  operates  as  a  farmer  and  cattle 
raiser,  and  is  now  a  resident  of  Danville.  I/e  is 
represented  on  another  page  in  this  volume.  The 
parental  household  was  completed  by  the  birth  of 
four  daughters  and  two  sons,  .and  of  these  .lohn  was 
the  eldest.  He  was  twelve  years  of  age  when  his 
parents  came  to  this  county,  and  settled  near  In- 
dianola.  in  Carroll  Township.  Later  tiiey  removed 
first  to  Paris  and  then  to  Danville.  At  the  age  of 
nineteen  years  our  subject  entered  the  Commercial 
College  at  Terre  Haute,  from  which  he  grad- 
uated in  the  class  of  1870.  Upon  leaving  school 
he  engaged  in  buying  and  sliipiiing  stock,  with 
which  business  he  had  been  familiar  since  a  boy. 
He  shipped  his  first  load  from  Archie  Station,  and 
was  occupieil  at  this  business  until  1883. 

The    marriage   of   our   subject   with  Miss  Eva 

Gray  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home,  in  March, 
1883.  This  lady  was  born  and  reared  in  Cham- 
paign County,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Henry  and 
Louisa  (Weislger)  (iray.  who  settled  in  tiie  above- 
named  county  in  1861.  The  f.ather  died  in  1876, 
aged  about  forty  years.  The  mother  was  subsc- 
quentlj^  married  and  now  resides  near  Kankakee. 
The  three  daughters  were  named  Eva.  Cora  and 
Nettie.  Mr.  and  i\Irs.  Jackson  have  one  child,  a 
daughter,  Meta  J. 

Mr.  Jackson  purchased  the  store  .and  stock  of 
general  merchandise  belonging  to  William  Danley, 
the  pioneer  merchant  of  Sidell,  and  in  addition  to 
looking  after  the  affairs  of  this  establishment,  con- 
tinues to  deal  in  cattle.  Politically,  he  is  an  un- 
compromising Democrat,  and  socially  belongs  to 
Peace  Dale  Lodge  Number  25,  I.  O.  ().  F.  He  is 
also  a  member  of  the  Modern  Woodmen.  His  farm 
comprises  172  acres  of  choice  land,  pleasantly 
located  southwest  of  Sidell. 


OHN  MILTON  DOUGLASS,  a  prominent 
and  honored  citizen  of  Vermilion  County,  is 
classed  among  its  leading  farmers  and  stock- 
i^^  raisers,  he  having  been  intimately  connected 
with  Its  .agricultural  interests  for  many  years;  and, 
the  son  of  parents  who  were  early  settlers  of  this 
part  of  Illinois,  he  nny  indeed  be  regarded  as  a 
pioneer  himself,  as  since,  and  even  before,  attain- 
ing man's  estate,  he  has  done  much  to  develop  the 
rich  resources  of  tiiis  region  and  make  it  a  great 
agricultural  center.  He  owns  a  farm  on  section  16, 
Catlin  Township,  that  is  justly  considered  one  of 
the  best  places  in  the  county,  and  here  he  ,has 
erected  a  handsome  commodious  residence  that, 
with  its  surroundings,  beautiful  lawns  adorned 
with  shade  trees,  etc.,  forms  an  attractive  scene  in 
the  landscai)e.  and  in  this  lovely  home  he  is  quietly 
p.assing  his  declining  years,  calmly  awaiting  life's 
great  change. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  what  is 
now  Ohio  County,  Ind.,  Aug.  23,  1823,  the  second 
child  in  a  family  of  ten  children,  five  sons  and  five 
daughters,  belonging  to  Thomas  W.  and  Delilah 
(Peyne)  Douglass.     The  former   born  in  the 



State  of  ^Slaine,  on  the  Penobscot  River,  and  tlie 
iiiotlier  w;is  ;i  native  of  tlie  State  of  New  \oik. 
After  marriage  tliej'  first  settled  in  Dearliorn 
County,  Ind.,  in  tliat  part  of  it  now  called  Ohio 
Count3',  and  thence  journoyeil  to  this  State  in  the 
siiring  of  IH30.  and  located  in  Catlin  Township,  Ver- 
milion Coiint3-,  where  the  County  farm  now  is,  and 
where  they  spent  their  declining  years,  and  the 
mother  closing  her  eyes  in  death  in  September,  1856, 
and  in  October,  1805,  the  father  departed  this  life. 
They  were  people  of  solid  merit,  who  faithfully  per- 
formed their  allotted  tasks  in  life,  and.  as  pioneers  of 
\ermilion  County,  their  memories  will  ever  be  held 
in  reverence  .along  with  those  of  other  courageous, 
self-sacrificing  spirits  who  came  here  in  the  early 
days  of  the  settlement  of  the  country,  and  toiled  to 
make  it  a  fitting  home  for  those  who  came  after 

Their  son  John  Milton,  of  whom  we  write,  was 
seveit  j-ears  old  when  he  accompanied  his  parents 
in  iheir  migration  from  the  home  of  his  birth  to 
this  county,  and  here  the  remaining  days  of  iiis 
boyhood  and  j-outh  were  i)assed,  and  his  entire 
manhood  has  been  spent  within  the  limits  of  the 
county.  He  early  began  his  career  as  a  farmer, 
and  has  been  greatly  prospered  in  his  life  work, 
lieing  the  fortunate  owner  of  a  fertile  farm  of 
317i  acres  that  is  not  surpassed  in  point  of  culti- 
vation and  value  of  improvements  by  any  other 
l>lace  in  the  township.  He  has  erected  a  commo- 
dious, well-built  house,  a  barn  fifty  feet  square 
on  a  stone  foundation,  and  other  necessary  build- 
ings, and  has  set  out  numerous  beautifid  shade 
and  fruit  trees,  and,  taken  altogether,  he  has  one 
of  tlie  finest  estates  in  the  county.  Mr.  Douglass' 
farm  is  well  adapted  to  stock-raising,  and  he  makes  . 
a  specialty  of  Short-horn  cattle,  and  his  fine  herd 
of  that  breed,  highly  graded,  is  one  of  the  best  in 
this  locality. 

On  the  1  Itli  of  November,  liS4  1,  the  marriage  of 
our  subject  and  Miss  .Mahala  liurroughs  was  sol- 
emnized in  Catlin  Township,  one  mile  west  of  the 
village  of  Catlin.  Mrs.  Douglass  was  born  in  Rip- 
ley County.  Ind.,  April  3,  1824,  a  daughter  of 
Jesse  and  Polly  (Wilson)  Burroughs.  Of  her 
union  with  our  subject  nine  children  were  born, 
as   follows:    Judith    A.,  wife   of   Joseph    Trisler; 

Winfield  S.,  who  married  Lizzie  Clark;  Delilah,  who 
died  when  she  was  two  years  old;  Thomas  U'., 
who  died  when  he  was  eleven  months  old;  Clarissa, 
the  wife  of  James  Clipson;  Maliala;  Pamclia.  who 
died  in  infancy;  Arniild.i.  the  wife  of  Richard 
O'Conell;  and  Ksthcr.  who  died  when  one  week 

On  the  loth  of  October,  1887.  the  iilcasant 
•wedded  life  of  our  suliject  was  brought  to  a  sad 
close  by  the  death  of  lier  with  whom  he  had 
walked,  hand  in  hand,  for  more  than  forty -two 
years.  This  wife  and  companion  had  been 
to  him  all  that  a  true  and  devoted  woman  can  be 
to  her  husband,  and  to  her  children  she  had  liecn  a 
wise  and  tender  mother,  and  her  presence  is  sorely 
missed  in  the  household  where  she  had  been  the 
home-maker  so  long.  But  our  subject  does  not 
mourn  as  one  without  comfort,  as  his  Christian 
faith  points  to  a  reunion  beyond  the  grave. 

Mr.  Dougl.ass  is  a  man  of  decided  character  and 
sound  understanding,  and  his  career  has  marked  him 
as  possessing  those  qualities  that  enable  man  to  make 
his  own  way  in  the  world  without  the  adventitious 
aids  of  fortune  and  hirt^.  He  and  five  of  his  chil- 
dren are  members  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church,  and  are  among  its  most  earnest  workers. 
In  politics  Mr.  Douglass  taken  part  in  the  iinb- 
lie  affairs  of  the  townslii|)  .as  School  Director  and 
Highway  Commissioner.  In  politics  he  favors  the 
Democratic  party,  firmly  lielieving  that  its  policy 
is  the  only  safe  one  for  the  guidance  of  National 

■il/OHN  B.  CRANSON.  It  is  a  homely  and 
time-worn  adage  that  '-virtue  brings  its  own 
reward,"  but  the  truth  of  it  is  frequently 
brought  to  mind,  .as  in  contemplating  the 
career  of  Mr.  Craiison,  which  has  been  that  of  au 
honest  man  and  a  good  citizen,  and  in  which  he  has 
performed  life's  duties  in  a  creditable  manner,  with 
the  exception  that  he  is  still  jikxlding  along  life's 
road  singlc-hiinded  .and  alone,  although  having 
passed  the  fifty-second  j-ear  of  his  age.  While  he 
may  not  be  the  hero  of  any  very  thrilling  event  he 
has  seen  much  of  life  in  its  different  ph;u5es.  and 
during  the  Civil  War  gave  his  services  to  assist  in 




the  preservation  of  the  Union.  His  army  record  is 
a  creditable  one,  as  has  been  that  of  liis  life  after 
leaving  it,  when  he  settled  down  to  farm  life 
again  in  1878  on  his  present  farm,  and  has  now 
one  of  the  attractive  homesteads  in  his  township. 
His  specialty  is  Jersey  cattle,  and  he  is  likewise  in- 
terested in  the  chicken  industry,  having  a  goodly 
number  of  fine  fowls  in  which  he  takes  a  pardon- 
able pride. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  is  a  native  of  Lock- 
port,  N.  Y.,  and  was  born  April  15,  1837.  His 
parents,  Joel  and  Rhoda  (Gray)  Cranson,  were 
natives  of  Massachusetts  and  Vermont  respectively, 
and  lived  in  New  York  until  1854,  then  removed  to 
Michigan,  and  from  the  Wolverine  State  to  In- 
diana, and  from  there  came  to  Illinois  in  1864, 
where  tlieir  death  occurred;  the  fatlier  died  in  1875, 
and  tlie  mother  in  1882.  They  were  the  parents 
of  six  children,  three  of  whom  besides  our  subject 
are  still  living. 

The  union  school  at  Lockport  furnished  young 
Cranson  with  his  early  education,  which  was  com- 
pleted at  the  age  of  fifteen  years.  He  then  began 
an  apprenticeship  at  the  trade  of  tinsmith,  which 
he  followed  two  years,  and  after  the  removal  of  the 
family  to  Michigan  he  engaged  in  the  lumber  busi- 
ness. After  their  removal  to  Indiana  he  Ijecame 
interested  in  farming.  Upon  the  outbreak  of  the 
Civil  War  he  enlisted  in  1861  in  Conipan}-  15,  29th 
Indiana  Infantry,  and  six  months  later  was  pro- 
moted to  the  post  of  Orderly  Sergeant.  The  regi- 
ment was  organized  at  La  Porte,  Ind.,  was  assigned 
to  the  command  of  Gen.  McCook,  and  afterward 
l)articipated  in  the  battle  of  Pittsburg  Landing, 
after  which  lie  fell  and  was  hurt.  Upon  recovering 
sufiflcientl3'  he  was  transferred  to  the  veteran  re- 
serve corps,  in  which  he  remained  until  the  expira- 
tion of  his  term  of  service.  He  received  his  hon- 
orable discharge  in  September,  1864,  and  after  a 
brief  visit  to  his  old  home  in  Indiana  set  out  for 
Illinois  with  the  view  of  permanently  establishing 
himself  in  this  State.  Prior  to  entering  the  army 
he  had  purchased  a  farm  in  Indiana  and  sold  it  be- 
fore coming  to  Illinois. 

The  domestic  arrangements  of  our  suliject  are 
presided  over  by  his  two  sisters,  and  he  has  one  of 
the  pleasantest  homes  in  the  county.     The   sisters 

are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  while  Mr.  Cranson  is  identified 
with  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian.  The  three  op- 
erate together  in  the  business  of  raising  chickens, 
which  is  can-ied  on  by  the  natural  process  and  by 
incubators.  They  market  about  800  per  3'ear,  and 
have  all  the  modern  conveniences  for  hatcliing  and 
taking  care  of  the  chickens.  The  whole  process  is 
so  systematized  that  the  industry  is  pleasurable  as 
well  as  profitable.  Their  cattle  are  grade  Short- 
horn and  full-blooded  Jersejs. 

In  politics  Mr.  Cranson  uniformly  votes  the 
straight  Republican  ticket.  Socially,  he  is  a  mem- 
ber of  Homer  Post.  G.  A.  R.,  and  as  a  Mason  bo- 
longs  to  Blue  Lodge  and  the  Chapter  in  Homer,  in 
the  latter  of  which  he  is  Master  of  Third  Veil.  Both 
in  social  and  business  circles  he  occupies  an  envi- 
able position,  and  is  one  of  those  men  whose  word 
is  considered  as  good  as  his  bond. 

^f^ENRY  G.  BOYCE.  Sixteen  years  have 
[l/jV  passed  since  this  worthy  pioneer  folded  his 
J^^'  hands  in  rest  from  the  labors  of  life,  Imt 
(^)  his  name  will  be  recalled  by  many  as  that 
of  one  of  the  first  men  coming  to  the  vicinity  of 
Danville  and  performing  some  of  the  earliest  work 
in  connection  with  his  trade  as  a  carpenter  and 
joiner.  He  came  witii  his  parents  to  this  count}' 
in  18.31  and  two  years  later  established  himself  in 
the  embryo  town  of  Danville,  which  then  consisted 
of  only  a  few  houses.  With  his  young  wi''e  ho 
took  up  his  abode  in  the  domicile  which  he  built 
that  year,  which  was  weatiier-boarded  in  walnut 
and  which  is  still  standing  and  the  property  of  his 
widow,  who  |)reserve  it  as  a  relic  of  the  older  days. 
Opi)Osite  it  was  built  the  engine  house  whicli  now 
shelters  the  fire  apparatus  of  a  thriving  and  pro- 
gressive modern  city. 

A  native  of  New  York  State,  Mr.  Hoyce  was 
born  in  Schoharie  County.  Feb.  20,  1809.  Thirteen 
months  later  his  parents  rcinoved  to  Harrison 
County,  Ohio,  where  the  father  entered  a  tract  of 
land  from  the  (xovernment  and  whei'e  the  family 
lived  until  1831.  Then  pusliiiig  still  further  west- 
ward   they  came   to   this    county    and    Henry  (i. 



worked  on  a  farm  until  1832.  Thnt  j'ear  he  turned 
liis  attention  more  particularly  to  his  trade  of  a  car- 
penter and  until  his  marriage  tiie  year  followinif 
was  in  the  employ'  of  Mr.  Heekwith  and  Gov. 
l>eander  Rntledge.  His  marriage  with  Miss  Eliza 
Potter  occurred  on  the  ;?d  of  March,  183;5.  the 
Rev.  Freeman  Smally  olJiciating  at  the  ceremony. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Boyce  estab- 
lished tiiemselves  in  a  log  cabin  on  what  is  now 
Walnut  street  and  where  their  first  child  was  born, 
Mary  Jane,  now  Mis.  Henr\-  Fulton  of  Vallejo, 
Cal.  In  the  summer  of  1833  Mr.  Bt)yce  went  to 
Chicagi)  when  there  were  onlj'  two  houses  between 
l^anviile  and  that  now  gre.-it  city.  After  the  father, 
hrotlier  and  brother-in-law  of  Mrs.  Boyce  arrived 
there,  tlie}'  dug  the  cellar  for  the  first  brick  house 
ever  built  in  Chicago,  which  was  for  a  named 
Chapman.  Mr.  Boyce  did  the  carpenter  work  on 
said  building.  He  remained  there  tliat  fall  in  order 
to  earn  money  to  p.ay  taxes  and  later  returned  to 
Danville  purchased  land  lying  along  is  now 
Walbut  street.  He  pursued  his  trade  as  a  carpenter 
and  finally  became  a  contractor  and  builder,  put- 
ting up  many  <if  the  first  buildings  in  the  town. 
lie  thus  lab(jred  until  about  1850  and  in  18.")t)  was 
appointed  Postmaster  of  Danville,  i)rior  to  the 
election  of  President  Buchanan.  He  served  until 
the  ip.cimiing  of  President  Lincoln's  administration 
and  later  was  Deputy  Postmaster  under  President 

Mr.  Boyce  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
abilities  and  occupied  a  leading  position  in  his  coin- 
munity.  He  was  elected  .lustice  of  the  Peace, 
serving  four  terms  of  four  years  each,  holding  this 
ottice  at  the  time  of  his  decease.  He  was  an  .active 
member  of  the  Methodist  Elpiscopal  Church  and 
waiinly  interested  in  the  cause  of  temperance.  Up- 
right and  honorable  in  his  transactions  he  enjoyed 
the  esteem  and  confidence  of  all  who  knew  him 
and  at  his  death,  which  occurred  Dec.  3,  1873,  was 
deeply  mourned  not  only  by  his  own  family  but 
liy  the  entire  cf)niniunitv. 

The  father  of  our  subject  Peter  Boyce,  a 
native  of  Washington  County,  X.  Y.,  and  a  farmer 
by  occu|)ation.  He  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his 
native  State  where  he  married  Miss  Jane  Potter, 
and  later  removed  to  Schoharie  ('ounty,  N.  Y.     He 

was  three  times  married  anrl  the  father  of 
twenty-one  children.  In  his  father's  family  there 
were  thirteen  children  and  his  mother  died  in  Ibir- 
rison  County,  Ohio.  After  coming  to  Illinois  he 
lived  here  only  a  few  years,  then  returning  to  Ohio 
settled  near  Springfield  where  he  spent  his  last  days. 
He  was  a  man  of  considerable  force  of  character 
.and  a  devout  member  of  the  Methodist  Kpiscoiial 

Mrs.  Eliza  J.  (Potter)  Boyce  was  born  in  Jeffer- 
son County.  N.  Y..  one  half  mile  from  Sackett's 
Harbor.  Sept.  11).  1813.  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Elijah  and  I>ana  Potter,  the  former  of  whom 
born  in  Washington  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  4,  1787. 
He  was  there  reared  upon  a  farm  and  was  mai-ried 
to  a  maiden  of  his  own  township,  IMiss  Lana  \'an 
Wormer,  in  1810.  Not  long  afterw aid  the  young 
people  removed  to  a  point  near  Sackett's  Harbor, 
in  .Icfferson  County.  Mrs.  L.aiia  I'otter  was  born 
June  2,  17'J3  and  consequently  seventeen  years 
of  iige  at  the  time  of  her  marri.age. 

The  three  eldest  children  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Potter 
were  born  in  Jefferson  County,  N.  Y.,  l<;iiza  .1. 
being  the  eldest.  Six  more  children  were  addc<l 
to  the  family  after  they  left  the  Empire  State. 
With  one  exception  they  all  lived  to  mature  years, 
one  being  killed  when  about  f»ur  years  old  li\  the 
falling  of  a  tree  upon  him.  About  1820  the  Potter 
family  resolved  to  seek  what  then  the  farther 
West  and  accordingly  removed  to  Richland  County, 
Ohio,  settling  near  the  present  site  of  the  town  of 
Ashland.  That  region  w:is  then  a  wilderness, 
peopled  chiefly  b3'  wild  animals  and  Indians,  there 
being  only  four  other  white  families  in  the  town- 
ship. Mr.  Potter  entered  a  tract  of  land  from  the 
Government  and  the  f.amily  endured  all  the  hard- 
ships and  privations  of  life  on  the  frontier.  The 
nearest  mill  was  thirty  miles  aw.ay  ancl  the  road 
which  led  to  it  was  for  long  distances  nothing  more 
than  .an  Indian  trail. 

As  the  country  began  settling  up  .Mr.  I'ottcr 
distinguished  himself  as  a  leading  citizen  and  was 
one  of  the  first  to  exert  himself  in  the  establish- 
ment of  a  school  which  effected  after  much  dilii- 
culty,  Mr.  Potter  riding  three  days  to  find  a  teacher 
who  could  even  write.  The  family  sojourned  in 
that  neighborhood  for  a  period  of  seventeen  years 



and  in  1 830  concluded  to  make  anollier  change  of 
residence,  this  time  seekinjj  the  Prairie  State.  After 
due  preparation  they  in  October  set  out  overland 
with  a  two-horse  team  and  two  cows,  and  tlieir 
household  goods  and  provisions.  They  were  three 
weeks  on  the  road,  camping  and  cooking  t)y  the 
wayside.  They  arrived  near  tlie  present  site  of 
Newtown,  on  Middle  Fork  Townshi)),  in  November 
following.  The  father  three  or  four  years  later, 
purchased  land  on  tlie  State  road,  at  tiie  edge  of 
Eight  ISIilc  Prairie,  ten  miles  north  of  Danville, 
where  he  opened  up  a  good  farm  and  lived  until 
I860.  The  death  of  the  wife  and  mother  occurred 
June  17,  1856.  Eleven  years  later  Mr.  Potter  re- 
moved to  Missouri  and  subsequently  made  his  home 
with  his  son,  Joseph,  who  was  located  on  a  farm 
nine  miles  from  Chillicothe. 

Mrs.  Lana(Van  Wormer)Potter  was  the  daughter 
of  Jacob  Van  Wormer,  one  of  the  early  pioneers 
of  Washington  County,  N.  Y.,  and  a  strict  adher- 
ent of  the  doctrines  of  tlie  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  His  house  for  man^'  years  was  the  meet- 
ing place  for  the  annual  conference  and  was  the 
frequent  resort  of  the  itinerant.  Among  the  early 
preachers  of  that  da3-  was  the  renowned  Lorenzo 
Dow,  who  made  for  himself  a  name  intimately  as- 
sociated witii  the  early  history  of  Metliodism.  He 
and  his  wife  finally  removed  to  Jefferson  County 
and  made  their  home  with  Mrs.  Potter,  his  young- 
est daughter.  Tliej'  intended  going  to  Ohio  with 
tlie  Potter  fainilj',  but  on  account  of  the  mother's 
health  the}'  were  obliged  to  remain  in  Jefferson 
County  N.  Y.,  where  they  spent  their  last  days. 
The  Van  Wormer  family  traced  its  ancestry  to 

The  paternal  giandfatlier  of  Mrs.  Boyce  was 
William  Potter  one  of  the  pioneers  of  Washington 
County,  N.  Y.,  who  married  Miss  Elizabetli  Sher- 
man and  settled  near  Fort  Ann.  They  became  the 
parents  of  nine  sons  and  two  daughters  and  eight 
of  their  sons  lived  to  mature  years.  They  remained 
residents  of  Fort  Ann  until  quite  aged,  then  went 
to  live  with  their  son,  William,  near  Buffalo,  where 
their  decease  took  place. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Boyce  there  were  born  four 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Mary  J.,  has  been 
already  mentioned.     The  second  daughter,  Emilj-, 

is  at  home  with  her  mother.     Sarah  M.  died  July 

30, 1861;  William  during  the  late  Civil  War  served 

three  j'ears  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Company  A,  1 1th 

Indiana   Infantry  and  was  wounded  at   Champion 

Hill.     At  the  expiration  of  his  first  term  of  enlist- 

i    ment   he  re-entered  the  ranks  and  at  the   battle  of 

'    Winchester   received  a  fatal  shot  and  his   remains 

j    now  lie  in  Winchester  burying  ground.    Mrs.  Boyce 

and    her    daughter,  Emily,  are   members  in  good 

standing  of  the  Methodist  Ejjiscopal  Church.     Miss 

Euiina  is  a  well  educated   lady  and    has    followed 

the  profession  of  a  teacher  fifteen  years  in  Danville. 

Jacol)  Van  Wormer  served  in  tlie  Revolutionary 

War,  Elijah  Potter  served  In  the  War  of  1812  and 

Henry  (J.  Bo3'ce  tendered  his  services  in  the  Black 

Hawk  War. 

- — -b^m- — • 

^^EORCiE  CLARKSON.  This  gentleman  upon 
III  (=1  coming  to  Vermilion  County  purchased 
^^^iSI  160  acres  of  land  in  Sidell  Township  which 
is  now  occupied  by  his  widow,  Mrs.  Elvira  Clark- 
son,  a  very  capable  and  intelligent  lady  who  enjoys 
the  friendship  and  esteem  of  all  who  know  her. 
Since  the  death  of  her  husband  she  has  released  the 
estate  from  its  indebtedness  and  managed  it  in  a 
manner  reflecting  great  credit  upon  her  discretion 
and  good  judgment.  Without  making  any  pre- 
tentions to  elegance,  she  lives  simplj-,  comfortably 
and  modestl}',  and  has  a  true  and  motherly  heart, 
full  of  sympath}'  for  all  the  wrongs  and  woes  of 

Mrs.  Clarkson  was  born  in  Kentucky  where  she 
lived  until  a  maiden  of  eighteen  years  and  then 
her  parents  removed  to  Illinois.  She  was  married 
in  1805,  and  settled  with  her  husband  on  the  farm 
which  she  now  occupies.  Mr.  Clarkson  had  also 
been  reared  in  Kentucky.  Of  their  union  there 
were  born  two  sons  and  two  daughters — Henry  T., 
Jennie  M.,  Allie  V.,  and  George  J.  The  youngest 
was  onl}-  two  months  old  at  the  time  of  his  father's 
death.  Mrs.  Clarkson  has  reason  to  be  proud  of 
her  family,  her  sons  and  daughters  being  more 
than  ordinarily  bright  and  attractive,  the  daugh- 
ters especially  handsome. 

Mrs.  Clarkson  after  the  death  of  her  husband 
was  forced  to  assume  the    responsibilities  of   the 


>      % 

»    C/'    ^'^"Zy^yijtu) 



farm  and  riglit  nobly  bas  she  fultilled  tlie  duties  of 
her  position  and  reared  her  children  in  a  manner 
which  shall  make  of  them  useful  and  respected 
uienibers  of  the  community.  Mrs.  Clarkson  is  an 
active  member  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church,  in  the  northern  part  of  Sidell  Township 
and  comprises  in  her  life  and  ciiaracter  the  faith- 
ful and  devoted  niotlier  and  the  true  woman.  A 
sketch  of  her  father.  .James  Thompson,  will  be 
found  on  another  p.ageof  this  work.  Mr.  Clarkson 
died  Sept.  3,  1877. 

DON.  WILLIAM  P.  PEIRCE,  M.  D.,  Mayor 
|1  of  Hoopeston,  is  also  a  practicing  physician 
^  ,,      and  suryeon  an 

and  senior  })artner  of  the  firm 
!^;  of  Peirce  &  McCaughcy,  proprietors  of  the 
diug  store  on  ^lain  street.  The  various  titles  ap- 
pended to  his  name  have  been  justly  earned  and 
friini  tliem  it  will  be  readily  guessed  that  he  occu- 
pies no  secondary  position  in  his  community. 

Dr.  Peirce  was  born  in  Chautauqua  County. N.V., 
March  2.5,  1830,  and  lived  there  until  about  1852, 
cDmpleting  his  education  in  what  was  then  Fredonia 
Academ}',  but  is  now  the  Fredonia  State  Normal 
School.  Upon  leaving  school  he  commenced  tiie 
study  of  medicine  under  the  instruction  of  his 
fatiier.  Dr.  Austin  Peirce,  beginning  liis  readings 
at  the  age  of  eighteen  years.  Later  he  entered 
upon  a  course  of  lectures  in  the  Universitj'  of  the 
City  of  New  York,  from  which  he  was  gradaated 
in  the  class  of  18o2. 

In  the  fall  of  the  year  above  mentioned  young 
Peirce  came  to  Illinois  and  began  the  practice  of 
his  chosen  profession  in  Kendall  County  where  lie 
resided  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  In 
June,  1861,  he  raised  a  company  of  volunteers 
named  Company  D,  and  assigned  to  the  36th  Illin- 
ois Infantrj'  and  of  which  he  was  elected  Cajjtain. 
After  a  year's  faithful  service  in  this  capacity,  he 
was  appointed  .Surgeon  to  one  of  the  new  regi- 
ments, the  88th  Illinois,  with  the  rank  of  Major, 
and  remained  with  it  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
He  met  the  enemy  in  many  important  battles,  being 
in  the  fight  at  Pea  Ridge,  Bentonville,  Ark.,  Wil- 
son's Creek,  Mo.,  Shiloh,  Tenn.,  and  the  siege  of 

Corinth,  at  which  places  he  was  in  command  of 
his  company.  After  receiving  the  appointment 
of  Surgeon,  he  was  at  Murfreesboro,  Chickamauga, 
in  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  at  Nashville  and 
Franklin,  Tenn.,  besides  many  other  important  en. 
gagements.  The  greater  part  of  the  time  he  acted 
as  Brigade  Surgeon  and  discharged  his  duties  in 
such  a  manner  as  to  gain  him  the  friendship  of  his 
subordinates  and  the  approval  of  his  superiors. 

After  the  war  was  ended  Dr.  Peirce  returned  to 
Illinois  and  located  in  Lisbon,  Kendall  Co.,  111.,  and 
subsequently  at  Lemont,  Cook  County-,  where  he 
followed  his  profession  until  1880,  when  he  took 
up  his  residence  in  Hoopeston  and  is  now  in  the 
enjoyment  of  a  lucrative  business.  He  makes  a 
specialty  of  surgery  and  has  met  with  unqualified 
success.  He  soon  afterward  established  his  drug 
store  and  being  a  liberal  and  public  spirited  citizen, 
has  always  interested  himself  in  the  welfare  and 
progress  of  his  adopted  town. 

While  a  resident  of  Kend.all  County,  Dr.  Peirce 
was  elected  on  the  Republican  ticket  to  represent 
his  party  in  the  25th  (ieneral  Assembly  and  during 
the  sessions  which  followed,  served  on  the  com- 
mittee of  State  Charitable  Institutions  and  Revenue. 
Later  he  was  ap|)ointed  a  delegate  from  the  Fif- 
teenth District  to  the  Constitutional  Convention 
of  1870  .at  Springfield.  In  1871  he  was  elected 
Senator  from  the  district  comprising  Kendall, 
Grundy  and  Will  counties,  living  at  the  time  in 
Minooka,  Grundy  County,  where  he  practiced 
until  his  removal  to  Cook  County.  During  the 
Constitutional  Convention  he  was  on  the  committee 
of  Federal  Relations,  Revenue  and  Judicial  Dis- 
tricts, sometimes  serving  as  Chairman.  In  the 
Senate  he  was  Chairman  of  the  ComYnittee  on  Slate 
Charitable  Institutions,  Railroads,  Penitentiary  and 
Education.  Wherever  residing  he  has  usually 
been  a  representative  to  district  and  State  conven- 
tions, having  always  taken  a  lively  interest  in 
political  affairs.  He  is  a  member  of  tin-  County 
Medical  Society  and  in  Masonry  is  a  i.  uight 

In  Cook  County,  this  State,  Dr.  Peirce  was 
married  July  18,  1879,  to  Miss  Ella  Anderson. 
The  four  children  born  of  this  \uiion  were  nametl 
respectively:  William,  James,  Lamartine  and  John 



Logan.  They  are  all  living  and  form  a  bright  and 
interesting  grouj).  which  the  parents  look  n|i(in 
with  iiarddiKilile  [jride.  Mrs.  Peirce  was  liorn  in 
llarrisbnrg,  Pa.,  May  12,  1848,  and  is  the  daiigjiter 
of  James  Anderson,  who  removed  first  to  Cook 
•County,  111  ,  and  then  to  Kansas  where  he  died  in 

Hon.  Austin  Peirce,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
wa.s  a  native  of  ^'ermont  and  born  in  1799.  Wiien 
a  young  man  he  emigrateil  to  Chenango  County, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  lead  medicine  with  Dr.  Pitcher,  of 
the  town  of  Pitcher,  and  afterward  took  a  course 
of  instruction  at  Geneva.  He  commenced  the 
practice  of  his  profession  at  Hamlet,  Chatauqua 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  made  his  home  for  many 
years.  His  decease  occurred  in  18(50,  when  he 
sixty- one  years  old.  Tiie  motiier  in  her  girlhood 
was  Miss  Mary  Ann  Sterling  of  Chenango  County. 
The  parental  household  included  eleven  chihlren, 
eight  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years  and  five  of 
whom  are  still  living.  The  mother  also  survives 
and  makes  her  home  in  Fredonia,  N.  Y.  She  was 
born  in  Connecticut  in  1808  and  came  with  her 
father,  James  Sterling,  to  Chenango  County,  N.  Y., 
when  quite  young,  living  there  until  her  marriage. 

The  elder  Peirce  during  his  younger  years  be- 
longed to  the  old  Whig  party  and  about  1842  was 
a  member  of  the  New  York  Legislature.  He  was  a 
man  of  decided  views  and  attained  to  much  prom- 
inence in  his  community,  serving  as  Township 
Supervisor  many  years.  In  religious  matters  he 
belonged  to  tlie  Presbyterian  Cluircii  in  which  he 
officiated  .as  Deacon  (or  a  long  period.  Dr.  Peirce, 
our  subject,  is  a  member  of  the  Universalist  Churcii 
at  Hoopeston. 

A  lithographic  portrait  of  Dr.  Peir?e  appears 
elsewhere  in  this  volume  in  connection  with  this 
brief  outline  of  his  life. 

-^5 #w# ^ 

(^-.^.^ENRY  L.  CHACE.     The  farming  lands   of 
'f/ji!  Vermilion   County  comprise  its   most   val- 
'i\^    uable   property,  and   the  men  who  have  re- 
{^;     deemed  them    from   their   primitive   condi- 
tion occujiy  no  unimportant  position  among  a  vast 
and    intelligent    population.     The  subject  of    this 

notice  may  be  properly  classed  among  these,  as  he 
turns  in  annually  a  handsome  sum  to  the  county 
treasury  as  taxes  on  the  property  which  he  has  ac- 
cumulated, largely  by  the  labor  of  his  own  hands. 
He  is  a  land  owner  to  the  extent  of  a  tine  farm  of 
440  acres,  with  the  residence,  on  section  5,  town- 
ship 23,  range  12,  which,  together  with  its  build- 
ings and  improvements,  forms  one  of  the  most  de- 
sirable estates  in  this  part  of  Vermilion  Count}'. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  Newjiort, 
l{.  I.,  where  he  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light 
March  7,  1843.  There  he  sjjcnt  his  boyhood  and 
youth,  completing  his  education  in  the  High 
School.  This  brought  liini  up  to  the  time  of  the 
Civil  War.  On  the  13lh  day  of  October.  18G2,  he 
enlisted  .as  a  Union  soldier  in  Company  D,  12th 
Rhode  Island  Infantry,  in  which  he  first  served  a 
short  time  as  a  private,  and  later  received  the 
rank  of  Sergeant.  His  regiment  was  made  a  part 
of  the  First  Brigade,  Second  Division,  !)th  Army 
Corps,  and  operated  mostlj'  with  the  Army  of  the 
Potomac.  He  particip.-ited  in  the  battle  of  Fred- 
ericksburg, and  under  Gen.  Burnside  in  his 
skirmishes  through  Kentucky.  He  left  the  regular 
ranks  in  August,  1803,  and  was  assigned  to  the 
Quartermaster's  department,  and  given  charge  of 
two  large  pontoon  trains,  numbers  15  and  17, 
Army  of  the  James,  and  was  mostly  stationed  at 
City  Point  until  the  fall  of  1865,  when  he  assisted 
in  the  reconstruction  of  the  burned  bridge  at  Rich- 
mond after  the  surrender  of  Lee's  army,  when  he 
was  mustered  out  and  returned  home. 

Our  subject  for  a  year  after  leaving  the  army 
engaged  in  business  in  his  native  town,  and  in  the 
meantime  was  married,  IMarch  26,  1866,  to  Miss 
Anna  E.  Cogswell.  Soon  afterwards  they  removed 
to  Kendall  County,  this  State,  where  he  engaged  in 
farming  two  years,  then  moved  to  the  vicinity  of 
Seneca,  LaSalle  County,  where  he  sojourned  for  a 
period  of  eight  years.  His  next  removal,  in  1877, 
was  to  the  farm  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies. 
Upon  this  he  has  effected  manj^  improvements, 
gathering  around  him  all  the  conveniences  and  ap- 
pliances of  the  enterprising  and  progressive  agri- 
cultiu'ist.  He  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket, 
and  has  held  the  various  minor  offices  of  his  town- 
ship.    As  an  ex-soldier  he  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R., 



:iii(l   finils   liis   leligious    home  in   tlie  Uiiiversalist 

Henry  C'liacc,  the  IVitlicr  of  our  suhjecl.  was  like- 
wise a  native  of  Newpoit,  R.  I.,  wiiere  lie  was  born 
in  1812.  The  paternal  grandfather  was  Capt. 
James  Cliaee.  who  followed  the  sea  for  many  years, 
hut  finally  settled  on  terra  firiim  in  Xowport,  and 
lliere  spent  his  last  days.  There  was  a  largo  repre- 
sentation nf  the  C'liaee  family  in  that  eily,  where 
they  were  faniiliarl}' known  for  several  generations, 
and  traeed  their  ancestors  to  the  Puritans.  Henry 
Chaee  in  early  manhood  was  married  to  Miss  Mary 
Lyon,  and  for  a  time  was  engaged  as  a  merehant 
in  (ieorgetown,  iS.  C.  The  wife  of  our  subject  was 
also  a  native  of  Newport.  She  was  the  daughter 
of  Aaron  S.  Cogswell,  of  Revolutionary  fame, 
who  was  the  representative  of  an  old  and  honor- 
.'ililc  family,  which  furnished  a  numbei-  of  success- 
ful liusinoss  men  to  the  commercial  interests  of  that 


>*  IVILLIAM  PANDV.  In  taking  this  intelji- 
\/\JJl  gent  old  gentleman  by  theliand,  we  extend 
VtW  greeting  to  the  oldest  living  resident  of 
Danville.  He  is  now  approaching  tlie  seventy-sev- 
enth year  of  his  age,  having  been  born  July  22, 
1S12.  in  Bedford  County,  ^'a.  When  a  youth  of 
sixteen  years,  he  was  brought  by  his  foster-parents, 
.Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Howell,  to  this  county,  thej- 
arriving  at  the  present  site  of  Danville,  Dec.  13, 
1828.  There  were  then  not  to  e.vceed  nine  families 
in  the  town.  Some  men  go  abroad  to  look  upon 
great  and  wonderful  things,  but  Mr.  Bandy  has 
seen  enough  at  home  to  satisfy  the  ordinary  indi- 
vidual in  the  almost  incredible  change  which  has 
eome  over  the  Prairie  State  since  his  arrival  within 
its  limits. 

Upon  leaving  the  Old  Dominion,  the  little  cara- 
van of  which  our  subject  was  a  member,  having 
amid  much  ))re|)aration  and  siieculation  l)idden 
their  friends  adieu,  set  out  with  a  four-horse  team, 
the  wagon  loaded  with  bonseliold  effects  and  pro- 
visions, and  traveled  for  thirty-six  dajs  before 
reacliing  their  destination.  They  made  their  bed 
in  their  wagon  at  night,  and  set  their  table  by 
the  wayside,  traveling  in  the    primitive   f.ashion   of 

those  days,  before  the  time  of  railroads,  or  even 
st.ages  in  this  region. 

I  |)on  their  arrival  here  the  emigrants  could  not 
even  rent  a  caliin,  but  limdly  succeeded  in  finding 
shelter  in  a  log  house  which  already  contained  two 
families  of  four  persons  each,  and  which  was  six- 
teen feet  square,  and  stood  upon  the  (iresent  site  of 
the  First  National  Bank.  Thus  they  spent  the 
winter,  being  able  to  do  but  little  except  to  make 
preparations  for  the  spring  cani|)aign.  The  nearest 
land  ollice  was  at  Palestine,  ninety  miles  away,  and 
the  father,  after  making  the  joiu-ne.y  thither,  was 
not  able  to  purchase,  as  the  ollicer  in  charge  re- 
fused to  accept  the  \'irginia  money,  which  was  the 
only  currency  Mr.  Howell  possessed.  Finally,  how- 
ever, he  bridged  over  his'ditliculties,  and  succeeded 
in  entering  481)  acres  of  land,  upon  wliich  he  erected 
four  cabins,  the  princii)al  one  of  which  was  located 
one  mile  southeast  of  the  court  house  and  con- 
structed of  rough  logs,  with  a  puncheon  floor,  two 
windows  and  a  door,  using  greased  piaper  instead  of 
glass.  The  building  was  lGxl8  feet  square,  an<l 
boasted  of  window  shutters  of  rived  boards.  For 
the  lireiilace  there  was  was  made  in  the  logs  an  ap- 
erture eight  feet  wide,  and  liuilt  out  three  feet 
back,  and  this  was  lined  with  earth,  while  the  chim- 
ney was  Ijuilt  outside  six  feet  high  and  covered  witli 
mortar.  This  contrivance  lasted  for  j'ears,  and 
furnished  suflicient  heat  for  cooking  purposes,  as 
well  as  warming  the  building. 

The  furniture  in  this  humble  domicile  was  like- 
wise home-made,  the  bedstead  being  riven  boards 
set  up  on  wooden  legs,  and  upon  it  there  was  (irst 
placed  a  straw  tick,  and  then  a  feather  tick.  The 
table  was  constructed  in  a  similar  manner,  only 
made  higher.  The  family  had  brought  with  them 
tvvo  chairs,  which  were  given  to  the  father  and 
mother,  while  the  boys  had  to  m.ake  stools  to  sit 
ui)on.  Tlie  groceries  and  provisions  had  to  be 
transported  fifty  miles  from  Terre  Haute,  and  as 
may  be  supposed,  at  times  the  family  were  placed 
upon  short  rations  in  this  line,  although 'wild  oamo 
being  plenty,  they  never  lacked  for  meats,  and  in  a 
few  years  there  was  a  surplus  of  cattle  and 

After  the  cabin  was  built,  the  Bandy  faniilv  had 
to  carry  water    300  yards   until  a  well    w.«ls    du"'. 



The  father  anil  sons  made  a  contract  to  get  out 
10,000  black  walnut  rails  at  25  cents  per  100,  and 
in  the  meantime  carried  on  as  rapidly  as  possible 
the  cultivation  of  the  new  farm.  William,  our 
subject,  assisted  in  lireaking  the  first  timber  land  in 
this  region,  and  harvested  some  of  the  finest  corn 
ever  raised.  There  was,  however,  no  market  for  it. 
and  he  was  oliliged  to  feed  it  to  his  liogs,  and  sell 
the  perk  for  from  ^1  to  81.50  per  100.  A  daj^'s 
work  was  equal  to  ten  or  twelve  pounds  of  salt 
pork,  or  eight  bushels  of  corn,  or  from  thirty- 
seven  and  a  half  to  fifty  cents  in  casli,  and  tlie 
latter  jirice  could  onl\'  be  cinnmanded  by  extra 
good  men. 

In  tliis  waj^  were  pa.ssed  the  first  few  years  of 
the  life  of  our  subject  in  this  county,  lie  attended 
the  first  school  taught  in  his  township,  and  re- 
mained a  member  of  the  parental  household  until 
1831.  About  that  time  he  engaged  witli  the  State 
Militia  in  the  Black  Hawk  War,  under  Capt.  J. 
Palmer  and  Col.  I.  R.  Moore.  They  went  first  to 
Joliet  and  built  a  fort.  Two  or  three  of  their 
comrades  were  killed  by  the  Indians.  Thence  they 
])roceeded  to  Ottawa,  and  subsequent!}'  our  subject 
joined  the  United  States  Mounted  Rangers,  which 
comprised  six  com|)anies.  At  Rock  Island  many  were 
stricken  down  with  cholera.  After  operating  around 
Oalena  and  I'rairie-du-Chien,  tlioy  finally  returned 
!uid  wintered  southeast  of  Danville  until  .January, 
when  they  were  ordered  to  the  other  side  of  the 
Illinois  River,  but  there  being  no  need  of  their 
services  in  that  region,  they  came  back  to  the  old 
cami).  and  remained  until  the  1st  of  May.  They  re- 
mained ready  for  duty  and  reeonnoitering  in  dif- 
ferent sections  until  the  fall  of  that  year,  when 
they  were  discharged. 

Mr.  Bandy  now,  in  comp.any  with  JMr.  Howell, 
commenced  oiierating  as  a  carpenter,  and  put  up  a 
house  on  what  was  called  Sul[)hur  Spring  Place, 
about  one  mile  southeast  of  the  present  court- 
house. In  the  spring  of  1834  the}-  built  a  flat  boat, 
75x16  feet  in  dimensions,  and  upon  this  loaded 
great  quantities  of  [xn-k,  which  Mr.  Bandy  had 
purchased  for  the  purpose  of  transporting  to  New 
Orleans.  The  craft  was  propelled  by  hand  power, 
and  when  arriving  at  the  Crescent  City,  the  "trav- 
eling salesman"  was   confronted   by  a  cholera  epi- 

demic, and  sold  only  enough  to  pay  exjienses, 
putting  the  balance  of  his  propert}-  into  the  hands 
of  commission  men.  He  then  returned  home  and 
awaited  results.  One  morning,  two  years  later, 
going  to  the  post-oftice  soon  after  the  blowing  of 
the  horn  by  the  carrier  on  horseback,  he  received  a 
letter,  stating  that  all  his  i)ork  had  been  sold,  but 
at  very  little  profit,  and  the  proceeds  were  sent  him 
in  a  draft  on  a  bank  in  Louisville,  Ky. 

Mr.  Bandy  finally  succeeded  in  getting  iiis 
money,  and  after  building  another  boat,  proceeded 
as  before,  and  carried  on  this  business  for  several 
years,  conveying  wheat  and  pork  to  New  Orleans, 
and  building  a  new  boat  each  year.  He  was  the 
first  man  to  run  a  boat  down  the  Mississippi  River, 
and  about  1839  or  1S40  aljandoned  the  river  until 
after  the  close  of  the  Mexican  War.  He  then  .se- 
cured a  sub-contract  to  deliver  horses  in  New  Or- 
leans, and  by  this  time  could  transport  by  steam- 
boat. The  business  proved  quite  profitable  until 
the  last  trip,  when  he  got  as  far  as  St.  Louis,  and 
found  that  the  war  was  ended,  and  he  was  left  with 
fifty  horses  on  his  hands.  He  finally  traded  them 
for  a  lot  of  worn-out  Santa  Fe  horses,  getting  §17 
a  i)iece  for  his  own  to  boot,  and  reserving  two  of 
his  best  animals.  He  returned  home  with  the  poor 
horses,  fed  them  u|i.  and  sold  them  to  the  Illinois 
Canal  Ciimpauy.  receiving  therefor  gc)od  prices. 
Later  Mr.  Bandy  furnished  a  large  proportion  iif 
the  packet  horses  of  this  company,  and  in  the 
meantime  had  carried  on  general  merchandising  in 
company  with  his  father-in-law.  William  Murphy, 
they  operating  together  five  or  six  years.  Later 
he  engaged  in  the  hardware  trade  and  conducted 
the  largest  business  of  this  kind  in  the  count}-  for 
a  number  of  years.  Finally  selling  out  for  a  large 
lot  of  Wisconsin  lands,  he  began  dealing  in  real 
estate,  and  was  at  one  time  the  owner  of  1,500 
acres.  Mr.  Bandy  sold  considerable  of  this  land 
afterwards,  but  he  and  his  wife  own  together 
1,600  acres  at  the  present  time. 

In  addition  to  his  other  enterprises,  Mr.  Bandy 
put  up  a  large  number  of  business  houses  and  resi- 
dences, and  during  the  last  years  of  his  active  life 
confined  himself  largely  to  the  business  of  real 
estate  dealer  and  capitalist.  About  1882  he  re- 
tired, and  for  the  last  eight  years    has    made    his 



home  in  I):mville.  His  first  residence  was  on  North 
street,  nliere  lie  Larl  a  half  acre  of  ground,  and  ef- 
feele'l  sonic  fine  improvements.  In  183(5  he 
.ipiwinted  l)y  the  Legislature  as  one  of  the  com-  i 
niissioners  to  make  the  slack  w,ater  of  the  N'errailion  ' 
River,  but  did  not  see  it  practical.  Later  lie  was 
appointed  Marshal  of  the  Eastern  District  of  Illi- 
nois, with  a  bond  of  $10,000,  but  there  being 
nothing  particularly  desirable  in  the  office,  he  with- 

Mr.  Bandy  has  represented  his  towuihip  in  the 
County  Board  of  Supervisors  two  terms;  he  has 
served  as  President  of  the  City  Council,  and  also 
as  Alderman.  He  voted  with  the  Republican  party 
until  the  administration  of  President  Lincoln,  and 
lias  since  been  a  Democrat.  His  whole  career  has  been 
signalized  by  liberality  and  publie-spiritedness,  he 
having  probably  contributed  as  much  as  any  other 
man  in  furthering  the  interests  of  Danville  and 
vicinity.  A  goodly  portion  of  his  capital  is  now 
invested  in  the  live-stock  business,  which  yields 
him  handsome  returns. 

The  marriage  of  William  Bandy  and  Miss  Har- 
riet J.  Mur()hy  occurred  at  the  home  of  the  bride 
in  Edgar  County,  III.,  Oct.  16,  1833.  Of  this 
union  there  were  born  five  sons  and  two  daughters, 
and  six  of  the  children  are  living.  Samuel  J.,  the 
eldest,  is  a  resident  of  Danville;  .John  W.  Is  the 
owner  of  the  Bandy  block,  and  is  in  the  drug  busi- 
ness; Bennett  E.  is  the  School  Commissioner  of  the 
townshq),  and  interested  in  the  Building  Associa- 
tion; Emma,  thi;  youngest  born,  remains  at  home 
with  her  parents,  and  there  is  also  in  the  lionsehold 
circle  a  foster  child  named  Bella  E.  Bandy.  Mrs. 
Harriot  Bandy  departed  this  life  March,  1872.  She 
was  born  in  Bedford  County,  Va.,  and  came  with 
her  parents  to  this  count}'  in  1818,  about  the  time 
that  Illinois  was  transformed  from  a  Territory  into 
a  State. 

Mr.  Bandy,  in  1881,  contracted  a  second  mar- 
riage with  Mrs.  Deborah  (King)  Johnson.  This 
lady  was  born  in  Kentucky.  Oct.  13,  1815,  and 
when  quite  young  was  taken  by  her  parents  to 
Indiana,  they  settling  on  the  western  line  of  the 
State,  just  across  from  Danville.  She  spent  the 
gro-iter  part  of  her  early  life  in  Warren  County, 
Ind.  wliere  she  was  married  to   Mr.  Johnson,  who 

died  near  West  Lebanon.  Ind.,  in  18.")3.  Joseph 
King,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Bandy,  wa.s  a  native 
of  \irginia,  and  a  farmer  by  occupation.  He  spent 
his  last  years  in  Missouri. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  James  Bandy,  who 
was  born  in  Virginia  about  1790,  and  upon  reach- 
ing man's  estate  was  married  to  Miss  Xancy  Brown, 
also  of  the  Old  Dominion.  Only  two  of  their  chil- 
dren lived,  and  the  mother  died,  when  William,  our 
subject,  was  an  infant  of  three  years.  A  few  years 
later  he  was  taken  into  the  home  of  the  Ilowells. 
James  Bandy  finally  removed  to  Tennessee  to  take 
care  of  his  father.  He  was  married  a  second  time, 
and  came  to  the  southern  part  of  Illinois,  where  he 
died  in  1883,  at  Ihe  advanced  age  of  ninet^'-three 
years.  He  came  to  Virginia  after  his  children,  both 
of  whom  were  with  the  Ilowells,  but  the  latter 
were  unwilling  to  give  them  up.  He  became  the 
owner  of  lands  and  slaves,  which  he  gave  to  his 

.    pro    . 

'    cC>o  • — 

ILLIAM  O.  CUNNINGHAM,    an    cxten- 


stock  shipper  of  Newell  Township  was 
on  the  1.5th  day  of  Decendjer,  1838, 
in  this  township,  and  is  the  son  of  James  and  Mary 
(Andrews)  Cunningham,  the  father  a  native  of 
Kentucky.  The  mother  of  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  born  in  New  York,  and  is  deceased. 
The  father  is  now  retired  and  living  at  State 
Line,  Ind. 

William  O.,  of  whom  we  write,  is  the  third  child 
of  a  famil}'  of  four  children.  He  spent  his  boy- 
hood days  at  home  on  the  farm  until  he  was  about 
eighteen  years  of  age  when  the  restless  spirit  of 
the  typical  American  youth  seized  him  and  he  con- 
cluded to  see  more  of  the  world ;  .accordingly  he 
went  to  Nebraska  where  he  wtjrked  for  a  time 
breaking  prairie  sod,  but  this  being  too  slow  work 
for  him  he  made  up  his  mind  that  he  would  go  to 
California,  which  he  did.  He  started  from  Nebras- 
ka City  for  Pike's  Peak  in  1859,  and  from  llicre 
went  overland  to  California.  Here  ho  was  engaged 
in  mining  and  farming  alternately,  and  worked 
with  .some  degree  of  success  in  this  manner  for 
about  four  years,  when  he  returned  to  Nebraska 
where  he  worked  for    a  short  time  and  then  came 



back  to  Illinois  with  §1. 200  in  his  pocket,  every 
cent  of  which  was  gained  by  reason  of  his  indus- 
trious and  prudent  habits,  lie  invested  his  money 
ill  land,  buying  his  father's  farm  of  200  acres 
which  was  really  the  nucleus  of  his  present  fortune. 
He  then  married  Feb.  22,  1865,  Martha  J.  Chand- 
ler; she  is  the  daugliter  of  James  and  Elizabeth 
(Frazier)  Chandler,  who  both  died  in  one  week 
from  milk  sickness,  also  two  children;  at  that  time 
Mrs.  Cunningham  was  only  five  years  old.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Cunningham  became  the  parents  of  nine 
children,  of  whom  seven  are  living,  viz;  Irwin, 
Alice.  James.  Porter,  Sophia,  Minnie  and  Roy. 
Stella,  the  oldest  child,  died  in  infancy,  and  a  baby 
boy  died  unnamed,  and  the  balance  are  at  home. 
Mr.  Cunningham  is  giving  his  children  the  benefit 
of  a  good  education. 

Mr.  Cunningham  is  the  owner  of  a  large  farm  of 
556  acres  of  as  good  land  as  there  is  in  Illinois,  es- 
timated to  be  worth  at  least  $70  per  acre.  His 
residence  and  buildings  are  models  of  convenience 
and  of  these  he  ought  to  feel  proud.  He  has  dis- 
pla3-ed  a  great  deal  of  common  sense  in  all  of  the 
inprovements  he  has  made  and  in  none  more  than 
in  the  erection  of  his  buildings.  Mr.  Cunning- 
ham makes  a  specialty  of  Cotswold  and  Shropshire- 
down  sheep,  of  which  he  always  keeps  a  large 
flock.  He  is  also  engaged  in  buj-ing  and  shipping 
live  stock  to  Chicago,  a  business  which  he  has  pros- 
ecuted with  success,  all  due  to  his  shrewd  judg- 
ment as  a  buyer.  He  supplements  his  other  bus- 
iness by  dealings  in  superior  grades  of  fine  horses, 
and  it  is  said  that  he  is  a  most  excellent  judge  of 
this  noble  animal. 

Politically,  Mr.  Cunningham  believes  that  the 
part}'  that  obliterated  slavery  from  the  American 
continent  is  right,  and  he  therefore  votes  and  works 
for  the  Republican  party  and  never  omits  an  op- 
portunity to  forward  its  success.  He  has  never 
been  an  active  aspirant  for  political  honors,  but  by 
reason  of  his  superior  judgment  has  held  the  of- 
fice of  Assessor  of  this  township.  While  he  was  liv- 
ing in  California  he  made  an  endeavor  to  enlist 
duriuu  the  War  of  the  Rebellion,  his  motives  be- 
ing based  wholly  upon  the  love  he  bore  his  coun- 
trj-.  But  being  disabled  he  was  refused  admission 
to  the  ranks  of  the  Union  army,  though  he  was  al- 

ways in  hearty  and  active  sympathy  with  the  ob- 
jects for  which  it  fought.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cunning- 
ham are  active  members  of  the  Christian  Church 
and  are  alwa^'s  alive  to  any  move  that  will  uplift 
humanity  and  make  life  hap[)ier. 

RA  FAUROT.  This  venerable  gentleman  was 
long  intimately  connected  with  the  agricult- 
/4i  ural  interests  of  Vermilion  County,  and  is  still 
the  possessor  of  one  of  its  many  valuable  farms, 
finely  located  in  the  midst  of  a  rich  farming  re- 
gion on  section  34,  Pilot  Township.  When  he  pur- 
chased this  farm  it  was  wild,  uncultivated  land 
with  no  l)uildings  on  it,  and  but  one  dwelling  house 
in  sight,  the  country  roundabout  still  being  not  far 
removed  from  its  primitive  condition  and  sparsel}' 
settled.  It  is  a  fact  of  which  he  may  well  be  proud 
that  our  subject  has  witnessed  the  greater  part  of 
its  development,  and  has  aided  its  growth  as  only 
a  skillful,  practical  farmer  can  do.  He  is  now  liv- 
ing here  in  retirement  in  his  comfortable  home, 
having  accumulated  a  competency  sufficient  to 
guard  his  old  age  against  want  in  any  form. 

The  ancestors  of  our  subject  were  natives  of 
sunny  France  as  is  betokened  liy  his  name,  and 
from  them  he  inherite<l  those  genial  and  pleasing 
traits  of  character  that  have  gained  him  a  warm 
place  in  the  hearts  of  those  about  him,  and  also  the 
thrifty  and  industrious  habits  that  have  led  him  to 
prosperity.  His  parents,  Joseph  and  Sarah  (Sears) 
Faurot,  were  of  French  ancestry,  but  were  natives 
of  this  country.  They  at  one  time  made  their  home 
in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  whence  they  came 
to  Illinois,  and  located  in  Champaign  County, 
Ohio.  They  afterward  turned  their  steps,  and  go- 
ing to  Steuben  County,  Ind.,  made  their  home 
there  till  death  claimed  them,  the  father  dj'ing  in 
1836,  and  the  mother  in  1839.  They  were  the  pa- 
rents of  five  children,  of  whom  two  are  living: 
Jane  is  the  widow  of  David  Porter,  of  Kentucky, 
and  she  is  now  living  in  Missouri  with  her  three 
children;  Benjamin,  deceased,  married  Louisa 
Avey,  of  New  York,  and  they  had  two  children, 
Elmira  and  Harriet;  Alva,  deceased,  was  a  farmer; 
he  married  Louisa  Farmer,  of  Ohio,  and  they  had 



lliree  children — AVilliam  II.,  Alva  ami  Fanner; 
Henry,  deceased,  married  Maria  Wolf,  of  Ohio,  and 
she  is  now  living  in  iMissouri  nith  iier  four  chil- 
dren— Sylvester,  Theodore,  Melvin  and  iSIary. 

Our  suljject  horn  in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y., 
April  23,  1>>19,  and  he  accompanied  his  parents  to 
('hami)aign  County,  Ohici,  when  he  was  young.  At 
the  age  of  fifteen  a  liardy,  self-reliant  youth,  manly 
heyond  his  years,  he  left  tlie  slielter  of  the  parental 
roof  to  go  forth  into  the  world  to  fight  life's  bat- 
tles on  his  own  account,  and  for  some  years  wiis 
engaged  in  working  l)y  the  month.  After  mar- 
riage he  commenced  to  rent  land,  but  always  with 
the  end  in  view  of  owning  land  himself  as  soon  as 
his  means  would  allow.  Hy  frugality  and  hard  la- 
bor, at  the  expiration  of  three  years,  he  had  money 
enough  to  buy  sixty  acres  of  timbered  land,  ami  he 
lived  on  it  the  next  nine  years,  busily  engaged  in 
its  clearance  and  imprctvement.  In  1850  he  sold 
it,  and  going  to  Marion  County,  in  this  State,  he 
resided  there  the  ensuing  four  years.  Returning 
to  this  county  he  invested  some  of  his  money  in 
200  acres  of  wild  land,  from  which  he  has  devel- 
oped his  [jresent  tine  farm,  on  which  he  has  erected 
suitalile,  well-a|)pointed  Imildings,  and  has  every 
convenience  for  carrying  on  agriculture  to  the  best 

To  the  wife  who  shared  his  fortunes  and  been 
an  imi)ortant  factor  in  bringing  about  his  pros- 
perity, Mr.  Faurot  was  united  in  marriage  July  2, 
1840.  Her  maiden  name  was  Elvira  Fowler,  and 
she  is  a  daughter  of  Willey  and  Cynthia  (Perkins) 
Fowler,  natives  respectively  of  London,  P^ngland, 
and  (ierinany.  They  came  to  this  country  and 
spent  their  last  days  here.  The  following  is  the 
record  of  the  five  children  born  to  our  subject  and 
his  wife:  Hannah  was  liorn  June  ;!0,  1841  ;  Cyn- 
thia. Feb.  19,  IHi;!;  Sarah.  Feb.  l.O,  184C;  Victo- 
ria, Aug.  21,  LSI!),  died  Oct.  10,  1851;  Willie, 
born  Sept.  11,1 852 ;  Joseph,  Jan.  1 8,  1858.  Hannah 
marr'cd  John  Davidson,  of  Ohio,  now  living  in  this 
county,  and  they  have  five  children — Arabella,  Ira, 
Zcruah  and  two  <lead;  Cynthia  married  Hugh  V. 
Davidson,  of  Maiion  County,  Ohio,  now  living  in 
this  county,  and  they  have  four  chiklren — Ella, 
Josephine,  James  and  Estella;  Sarah  has  been 
twice  married.  Her  first  husljan<l  was  Aaron  Davis, 

of  Shelby  County.  111.,  and  they  four  children 
— Olive,  Seigel,  Ktlie  and  Leona.  Her  present  hus- 
band is  .Vlexander  Steward,  of  Champaign  County, 
111.,  and  the\'  have  four  children — l.i/.zie,  .\lviiia, 
Jessie  and  James  ().;  Willie  married  Annie  .\y,  of 
Douglas  County,  111,,  and  they  are  living  in  this 
county;  they  have  three  children — Ira.  KIsie  and 
Florence;  Joseph,  a  retired  farmer  living  in  Arm- 
sti'ong.  married  Flora  Thompson,  and  they  have 
one  child.  Amy. 

.Mr.  Faurot  is  a  thoroughly  good  and  upright 
man.  who  is  well  thought  of  by  the  entire  commu- 
nity. His  life-record  shows  that  he  is  a  man  of 
good  cap.acity  and  sound  discretion,  always  cordial 
and  kindly  in  his  I'elalions  with  others  and  fair 
in  his  dealings  with  them.  As  consistent  members 
of  the  Christian  Chuich,  he  and  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren exert  a  good  influence  in  the  township,  or 
wherever  they  may  be.  Politically,  Mr.  Faurot  is 
a  decided  Republican,  and  gives  his  party  the  ben- 
efit of  his  hearty  support. 

'^JOSEPH  J.  SIDELL.  The  son  of  the 
founder  of  the  village  of  Sidell,  naturally 
occupies  no  secondary-  position  among  the 
I  people,  not  only  of  the  village  but  the  town- 
ship at  large.  The  late  Hon.  John  Sidell,  after 
whom  the  township  was  named,  was  long  recog- 
nized as  one  of  the  leading  men  of  ^'ermilion 
County,  and  posscs.sed  those  talents,  both  natural 
and  re(piired,  which  distinguished  him  as  a  charac- 
ter more  than  ordinarily  forcible  and  efficient,  and 
one  who  had  a  sensible  and  permanent  influence 
on  the  community  where  he  was  so  favorably 
known  for  so  many  years. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  l)orn  at  Ilagers- 
lown,  Washington  Co.,  M<l..  .luue  27.  181G,  and 
his  early  life  was  spent  in  IMaryland  and  Ohio. 
His  father  having  died  when  he  was  a  of  eight 
years  the  boy  was  thrown  largely  upon  his  own  re- 
sources, but  he  seemed  to  have  within  him  the  ele- 
ments of  success,  and  those  years  which  were 
fraught  with  perhaps  hardship  and  privation  suf- 
ficed to  develop  a  character  vi  more  than  ordinary 
excellence.     At  the  :ige  of    nineteen  years,  being 



dissatisfied  witii  his  condition  nnd  liis  prospects  in 
his  native  state,  he  emigrated  to  Ohio  and  engaged 
to  work  out  by  the  month  in  Greene  County  on  a 
farm  at  $12.50  per  month. 

Saving  what  he  could  of  his  earnings  young 
Si(1ell  in  due  time  purchased  a  horse  and  mounting 
it  started  for  the  farther  West.  He  crossed  Illinois 
and  visited  Iowa,  but  linding  notliing  jmrticularly 
desirable  returned  to  Ohio  and  took  a  contract  to 
cut  cordwood  at  tliirty-three  and  one-third  cents 
per  cord.  This  was  extremelj'  hard  work  for  sucli 
small  pa}',  but  he  persevered  at  it  until  he  was  able 
to  do  something  better.  While  a  resident  of  Ohio 
he  was  married  Jan.  20,  184C,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Cline,  vvho  became  the  mother  of  two  children  and 
died  in  1854.  He  was  then  married  to  Miss  Ada 
B.  Ransoni,  who  also  died  after  a  comparatively 
short  period  of  married  life. 

Mr.  Sidell  came  to  the  county  in  18G0,  and  for 
the  first  few  years  occupied  himself  iu  agricultural 
'pursuits.  Later  he  drifted  into  stock-raising  and 
became  one  of  the  leading  men  in  this  industry  iu 
Vermilion  County.  His  eldest  son,  George  A., 
started  West  at  the  age  of  nineteen  years  and  i>ros- 
pected  for  gold  in  and  around  Fair  Play,  South 
Park,  Col.  He  was  one  of  the  first  men  to  discover 
silver  at  Leadville.  and  was  founder  of  the  town. 
He  became  owner  of  the  celebrated  Beaver  Creek 
Silver  Mine,  eight  or  ten  miles  southwest,  and  con- 
tinues his  residence  there.  Allie  E.,  the  daughter 
of  his  first  wife,  married  Mr.  C.  C.  Tincher,  who 
is  well  known  in   the   linancial  circles  of  Danville. 

Mrs.  Ada  B.  (Ransom)  Sidell,  mother  of  the 
subject  of  this  sketch,  was  born  in  the  city  of 
Toronto,  Canada,  and  being  left  an  orphan 
when  quite  young,  was  reared  to  womanhood  by 
an  excellent  family  who  gave  her  a  good  educa- 
tion. She  left  the  Dominion  when  a  young  lady, 
and  going  to  Greene  County,  Ohio,  engaged  in 
teaching,  and  formed  the  acquaintance  of  her  fut- 
ure husband.  There  were  born  to  them  two  chil- 
dren. Mr.  Sidell  in  coming  to  Illinois  settled  near 
Paris  in  Eidgar  County,  and  having  some  means 
engaged  .at  once  extensively  in  the  cattle  trade. 
He  had  learned  carpentering  early  in  life.  Before 
locating,  however,  he  traveled  extensively  on 
horseback  in  the  West,  crossing  Illinois  nine  times 

and  through  portions  of  Texas  and  Iowa.  He  was 
in  the  Lone  Star  State  before  its  admission  into 
the  Union.  It  will  be  remembered  that  Samuel 
Houston  was  chief  sovereign  of  that"  country  at 
that  time,  and  .John  Sidell  erected  a  residence  for 
him  at  Houston. 

The  live  stock  enterprise  of  Mr.  Sidell  prospered 
very  well,  and  not  finding  a  sufficient  area  of  land 
to  suit  his  purpose  in  Edgar  County  he  came  to 
this  county  where  in  d^ie  time  he  became  the  owner 
of  7,000  acres.  Upon  becoming  a  voter  he  had 
identified  himself  with  the  Old  AVhig  party,  but 
upon  its  abandonment  allied  himself  with  the  Re- 
[lublicans.  He  interested  himself  greatly  in  politi- 
cal affairs,  and  was  elected  a  representative  to  the 
Lower  House  of  the  Legislature,  in  which  position 
he  acquitted  himself  in  a  manner  reflecting  great 
credit  upon  his  good  judgment  and  honesty.  He 
was  instrumental  in  defining  and  improving  the 
road  laws  of  Illinois,  an<l  was  an  iulluential  member 
of  the  General  Assembly,  participating  in  most  of 
its  important  deliberations.  In  later  years  he 
gradually  retired  from  public  life. 

At  the  suggestion  of  Mr.  .lohn  C.  Short,  one  of 
the  earliest  settlers  of  Sidell  Township,  it  was 
given  its  present  name.  JMr.  Sidell  was  verj'  lib- 
eral and  public  spirited  and  cheerfully  gave  of  his 
time  and  means  to  encourage  the  enterprises  calcu- 
lated for  the  general  good.  Several  years  iigo  he 
decided  to  open  a  portion  of  his  lands  to  settlers 
who  would  locate  and  make  homes  for  themselves, 
and  thus  disposed  of  a  large  tract  at  a  very  reason- 
able price,  realizing  from  the  sales  the  sum  of 
8115,000.  At  the  s.Tme  time  he  retained  a  large 
portion  of  land  himself  and  was  instrumental  in 
bringing  the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad  to 
this  section,  freely  donating  the  right  of  way.  The 
town  of  Archie  had  been  laid  out  and  was  boom- 
ing before  Sidell  had  an  existence,  but  finally  was 
practically  absorbed  by  the  superior  advantages 
offered  by  the  founder  of  Sidell  as  a  business  point, 
and  consequently  enterprising  men  invested  their 
ca|)ital  here. 

Mr.  Sidell  at  one  time  chartered  a  train  and  ran 
it  free  from  Columbus,  Ohio,  for  the  benefit  of 
those  desiring  to  make  a  home  in  the  West.  Sidell 
was  laid  out  in   1884,  and    its  illustrious  founder 

Hazel  Farm '.'Residence  of  a. g. Olmsted  .Sec. 22.(T.19.-R.  12.)  Catlin  Township. 


Residence  or  Alvin  Stearn5,  ,  5ec  1.  (  VanccTownship. 


Residence  of  John  R. Kinsey, 5ec.23.(T.I9.- R.13)  Oakwojod  Township. 



lived  to  note  its  piienoraenal  growth  and  prosper- 
ity, lie  departed  tliis  life  Jan.  29,  1889,  after  a 
severe  illness  of  eleven  weeks.  Altlioiigli  not  a 
member  of  any  church  he  donated  generously  to- 
ward the  erection  of  the  various  church  edifices  in 
this  region,  giving  to  the  Kimlior  Methodist  Epis- 
copal CMiurcli  alone  SoOO,  this  structure  being  lo- 
cated in  Danville.  He  had  identified  iiiniself  with 
the  Masons  some  years  before  his  decease  and  was 
buried  witli  the  honors  of  the  fraternity. 

To  Mr.  Sidell  and  his  second  wife  there  were 
born  three  children,  Jennie  II.,  Joseph  John  and 
Luella  Blanche.  The  eldest  daughter  is  now  the 
wife  of  William  Southwick,  a  clothier  of  Streeter, 
III.;  Luella  married  Frank  Hastings,  an  extensive 
cattle  breeder,  and  they  live  in  Essex,  Page  Co., 
Iowa;  Mr.  Hastings  makes  a  specialty-  of  three  dif- 
ferent breeds  of  cattle,  the  AVest  Higiiland  Scotcii 
—  the  first  ever  bred  in  America — the  Hereford 
and  the  Short-horn. 

The  sulijeet  of  this  sketch  was  born  March  14, 
1862,  at  Dudley.  Edgar  Co.,  III.,  and  the  scenes  of 
his  first  recollections  were  in  connection  with  the 
first  cattle  ranch  of  his  father  near  that  place.  He 
began  at  an  early  age  to  assist  his  father  in  looking 
after  the  cattle,  and  mounted  on  his  broncho 
scoured  the  couiitry  for  many  a  mile  in  the  fall 
enjoyment  of  boyish  j'outh  and  strength.  He  at- 
tended the  schools  of  his  home  district.  While  a 
boy  of  seven  he  went  in  charge  of  a  train  load  of 
cattle  from  Farimonnt,  III.,  to  Buffalo,  N.Y.  In 
case  one  of  the  bovines  sought  repose  by  l3"ing 
down  at  the  risk  of  being  trampled  to  death,  he 
exerted  himself  to  keep  it  in  a  standing  position, 
and  if  not  able  to  do  this  alone  would  solicit  the 
assistance  of  a  brakeman. 

When  a  youth  of  seventeen  our  subject  entered 
the  Russell  Preparatory  School  for  Yale  College, 
but  he  was  Western  in  his  mode  of  thinking  and 
in  his  habits  and  manners,  and  an  utter  stranger  to 
the  mode  of  living  of  the  light-headed  Eastern 
students,  so  he  abandoned  his  first  intention  of  en- 
tering Yale,  and  returning  home  continued  with 
his  father  in  the  cattle  business.  He  is  now  re- 
volving in  his  mind  the  plan  of  embarking  exten- 
sively- in  this  in  the  near  future  farther  west,  prob- 
ably in   Nebraska,  but  will  make   his  home  at  the 

old   place,  which    is    be;iulifnlly  silualcd    210  rods 
northwest  of  Sidell. 

The  marriage  of  onr  subject  with  Miss  Maude 
C,  daughter  of  Michael  Eislier,  of  Indianola,  took 
place  at  the  bride's  home  in  1884.  Mr.  Fisher  is  a 
hardware  merchant  and  one  of  the  leading  nieii  of 
his  town.  A  sketch  of  him  will  be  found  elsewhere 
in  this  Ai.nuM.  Mrs.  Sidell  was  born  at  Indianola. 
where  she  completed  her  studie.s,  being  graduated 
from  the  High  School.  Of  her  union  with  our  sub- 
ject  there  are  two  children:  Rozalia  and  Zelda 
Luella.  Mrs.  Sidell  belongs  to  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  Our  subject,  like  liis  father  be- 
fore him,  is  Republican  in  politics  and  belongs  to  the 
Masonic  fraternity,  being  a  member  of  Vermilion 
Lodge,  No.  2f)5,  of  Indianola.  He  is  endeavoring 
to  comply  with  his  father's  wish  of  having  a  Ma- 
sonic lodge  established  in  Sidell,  and  is  a  charter 
member  of  the  M.  W.  C.  at  this  place.  He  is  a 
young  man  of  sterling  worth  .and  very  popular 
both  in  business  and  social  circles. 

ELDER  GEORGE  W.  DODSOX,  a  promi- 
nent and  influential  citizen  of  Blount  Town- 
ship, is  tlie  owner  of  a  farm  on  section  16, 
which  in  regard  to  cultiv.ation  and  neat,  well-ap- 
pointed buildings  is  indeed  one  of  the  best  in  this 
part  of  Vermilion  County.  The  Elder  is  one  of  the 
leading  members  of  the  Regular  Bai)tist  Church, 
and  for  a  number  of  years  has  preiiched  almost 
constantly  in  this  and  Champaign  County,  .and  .as  a 
man  of  true  piet}'  is  an  acknowledged  power  for 
good  wherever  he  may  be.  He  is  also  closely  con- 
nected with  the  m.anagement  of  local  public  affairs, 
and  has  been  an  incumbent  of  some  of  the  most  re- 
sponsible civic  offices.  He  has  held  the  position  of 
Supervisor  of  Blount  Township  three  terms,  has 
served  :is  Road  Commissioner  the  same  length  of 
time  and  has  been  School  Director  many  j'ears.  He 
has  not  taken  an  active  part  in  political  affairs,  but 
is  a  decided  Democrat  in  his  views. 

The  subject  of  this  biographical  review  was  born 
in  the  vicinity  of  Hendricks,  in  Boone  County, 
Ind.,  Aug.  1,  1839,  being  the  eldest  son  and  fifth 
child  of  Ihe  six  children,  four  daugliters  and  two 



sons,  born  to  Kuel  and  Mar}'  (Diekerson)  Dodson, 
natives,  respectively,  of  Kentucky  and  Virginia. 
His  parents  married  and  settled  in  Boone  County 
and  lived  there  till  February.  1848,  when  tliey 
came  to  Vermilion  County  and  cast  in  tlieir  lot 
with  tlie  pioneers  of  Blount  Townshiii.  settling 
about  a  mile  northeast  of  Higginsville.  They  lived 
there  only  three  or  four  years,  however,  when  tlie 
fatlier  sold  that  farm  and  bought  another  that  he 
considered  more  desirable,  pleasantly  located  in  the 
Fairchild  settlement  in  Blount  Township.  There 
the  mother  died  Aug.  8,  1860.  and  the  father  took 
for  his  second  wife  Lucinda  Walls,  who  survives 
liini.  He  died  at  Riekart's  Corner  in  Blount  Town- 
ship, Feb.  28,  1871,  thus  rounding  out  a  life  that 
was  a  credit  to  himself,  his  friends  and  his  com- 

His  son  George,  of  whom  we  write,  between 
eight  and  nine  years  old  when  his  parents  brought 
iiini  to  their  new  home  in  A'ermilion  County,  and 
he  grew  to  man's  estate  in  Blount  Township,  his 
parents  training  him  in  all  useful  labors  and  care- 
fully instilling  into  his  mind  those  high  and  hoi}' 
l)rincip!es  that  have  been  his  guides  in  all  his  after 
life.  He  attended  the  common  schools,  and  being 
an  apt  pupil  gained  a  good  practical  education.  He 
has  alwaj'S  paid  attention  to  the  calling  to  which 
he  was  bred,  and  there  is  no  more  skillful  or  shrewd 
farmer  in  the  neighborhood  than  he,  as  is  shown  by 
the  appearance  of  his  farm  of  350  acres  of  well 
tilled  land,  with  its  comfortable  dwelling,  fine  con- 
venientl}'  arranged  barn  and  other  substantial 
buildings,  among  the  best  in  the  township. 

Elder  Dodson  has  been  twice  married.  The  first 
time  in  Blount  Township,  to  Miss  Sarah  A.  Walls, 
who  was  boin  in  Hendricks  County,  Ind.,  July  29, 
1842.  She  was  a  member  of  the  Regular  Baptist 
Church  and  a  truly  good  and  virtuous  woman, 
whoso  death  Aug.  8,  1867,  was  deplored  far  beyond 
the  home  circle.  She  bore  her  husband  three  chil- 
dren: Annie  M..  the  wife  of  William  O'TooIe; 
Juhn  AV..  who  married  Eva  K.  Fairchild;  George 
W.,  who  married  Lillie  Parks. 

Our  subject  was  married  to  his  present  wife  March 
12,  1868.  and  in  her  he  has  found  a  cheerful  and 
ready  lielper,  and  an  able  man.ager  in  her  depart- 
ment, she  making  their  home  cosy  and  comfortable 

for  the  family  and  attractive  to  others,  who  often 
share  its  generous  hospitalities.  Mrs.  Dodson's 
maiden  name  Dorcas  T.  Pilkington.  and  she  was 
b(irn  in  Hamilton  County,  Ind.,  Dec.  10,  184C. 
Her  marriage  with  our  subject  has  been  blessed  by 
the  l)irlh  of  eleven  children,  as  follows:  Sarah  L., 
who  died  when  about  two  years  old;  Carrie  E.; 
Ruel  F.,  who  died  when  six  months  old;  Ira  W.  W., 
Dora  E..  who  died  at  the  age  of  nine  months;  James 
F.,  Jesse  R.,  Effle  L.,  Bertha  W.,  who  died  when 
one  year  old;  Lillie  M.  and  Bessie  Orella. 

In  all  his  useful  and  honoraljle  career  the  Elder 
has  been  guided  b\'  tlie  highest  moral  sentiments, 
and  has  ever  shown  himself  to  be  a  just,  kind- 
liearted,  pure-souled  man,  one  in  whom  his  fellow- 
men  can  safel}'  place  their  trust,  and  whose  sagacity 
and  wisdom  eminently  fit  him  for  the  part  of  coun- 
sellor. He  has  been  identified  with  the  Regular 
Baptist  Church  for  many  years,  has  filled  the  office 
of  Deacon,  and  was  ordained  Elder  in  the  church 
Nov.  28.  1874,  since  which  time  he  has  preached 
regularly  in  this  and  Champaign  County,  as  before 
mentioned,  with  great  acceptance  to  his  hearers. 
His  ministry  has  been  very  successful  and  much 
good  has  resulted  from  it.  He  has  brought  joy  to 
many  hearts,  has  soothed  and  comforted  many  in 
grief,  and  many  have  turned  from  the  error  of  their 
ways,  persuaded  to  do  thus  by  his  simple,  earnest 
words  of  warning,  and  by  the  example  of  a  godly, 
upright  life. 

n  SAAC  Cl'RRP]NT  comes  of  sterling  pioneer 
I  stock,  his  immediate  ancestry  on  both  sides  of 
/ii  the  house  having  been  early  settlers  of  Ver- 
milion Count}',  who  figured  honoral)ly  in  the  his- 
toiy  of  its  settlement.  He  is  a  fine  representative 
of  the  native  born  citizens  who  ai-e  sustaining  and 
extending  the  large  agricultural  interests  of  this 
fair  land  of  their  birth,  and  the  farm  that  he  ovvns 
and  is  successfully  managing  in  Danville  Town- 
ship compares  very  favorably  with  the  best  in  this 
vicinity  in  point  of  cultivation,  neat  and  substan- 
tial buildings  and  well  ordered  appearance,  and  its 
fertile  acres  yield  him  an  ample  income. 

Mr.  Current  was  born  in  Newell  Township,  Xer- 


2.)  7 

milion  County.  Nov.  17.  184.i.  lie  is  .i  descend- 
ant of  ^'il•ginia  families,  both  his  [larenls  and  their 
parents  having  been  born  in  the  Old  Dominion, 
his  father,  William  Current.  April  2(1.  180:3,  and 
his  mother,  Mary  R.aston,  Oet.  19.  1807.  The  pater- 
nal grandfather  of  subject  a  farmer  in  Harri- 
son Count}'.  Va.,  but  he  finally  disposed  of  his 
property  in  that  State,  and  coming  to  Vermilion 
County  in  1827.  with  his  family,  was  one  of  the  ear- 
liest settlers  in  ■nhat  is  now  known  as  Newell  Town- 
ship. He  entered  a  tract  of  Government  land 
and  was  a  resident  in  that  township  till  death  called 
him  hence,  though  he  did  not  die  on  that  farm, 
but  on  the  old  of  his  father,  which  he 
had  entered;  after  the  death  of  his  father  he  buying 
that  farm  of  tlie  other  heirs.  The  father  of  our 
subject  was  reared  in  his  native  State,  and  there 
married  Miss  Mary,  daughter  of  Henry  liaston. 
Her  father  was  a  resident  of  Harrison  County  in 
his  native  Virginia  till  1827,  when  he  came  with 
others  to  Vermilion  Count}-,  and  entered  a  tract  of 
land  and  improved  a  farm  in  is  now  Danville 
Township,  .and  lived  here  m.iny  3'ears.  He  had 
learned  the  tr.ade  of  a  hatter  in  his  youth;  and  after 
he  came  here  found  it  very  profitable  to  work  at  it 
a  part  of  the  time,  his  hats  finding  a  ready  sale. 
From  this  place  Mr.  Baston  moved  to  Iowa  in 
1848  and  became  a  pioneer  of  Marion  County.  A 
few  3'ears  later  he  came  back  to  Illinois  and  made 
his  home  with  his  children  for  a  time,  and  then  re- 
turned to  the  Hawk  Eye  State  and  resided  there  till 
his  demise  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninet^'-eight 
years.  His  wife  lived  to  be  about  the  same  .tge. 
They  were  the  parents  of  fourteen  children,  ten  of 
whom  grew  to  maturity  and  married. 

The  father  of  our  subject  continued  to  live  in 
Harrison  Countj'  till  1827,  but  early  that  year  he 
left  the  State  of  his  nativity  accompanied  bj-  his  wife, 
his  parents  and  her  parents,  bound  for  the  then  far 
West,  and  made  tlie  entire  journey  with  ox  teams. 
He  settled  in  Newell  Towmship  and  entered  the 
tract  of  Government  land  that  is  now  owned  and 
occupied  by  his  eldest  sou.  It  was  wild  prairie  at 
the  time,  with  no  improvements  whatever,  .and  he 
had  to  erect  a  rude  pole  house  for  temporary  shel- 
ter, and  in  that  the  family  resided  a  year.  It  was 
then  burned  with  all  its  contents,  and  a  more  sub- 

stantial log  house  was  put  up  in  its  place,  and  in 
that  humble  abode  the  most  of  his  children  were 
born.  When  he  first  went  onto  this  land  he  did 
not  have  money  enough  to  i)uy  for  it  and  held  it 
as  a  claim  till  he  could  earn  money  enough  break- 
ing prairie  for  others,  to  buy  it.  He  had  learned 
the  trade  of  wagon-maker  before  coming  here,  and 
he  liuilt  a  shop  on  his  place  and  devoted  part  of 
his  time  to  making  wagons.  When  he  had  three 
or  four  wagons  made  he  would  yoke  his  oxen  and 
start  for  Chicago  to  sell  them,  and  at  the  same  time 
his  wife,  who  was  a  thrifty,  economical  housekeep- 
er, would  send  the  eggs  and  butter  that  she  had 
saved,  to  market.  There  were  no  railways  for 
years  after  he  settled  here,  and  deer  and  other 
kinds  of  wild  game  were  plentiful  and  often  troub- 
lesome in  the  wheat  fields  of  the  pioneers,  and 
where  the  flourishing  city  of  Danville  stands  there 
was  then  no  village.  Mr.  Current  closed  a  life 
that  had  bt-eTi  a  useful  one  and  an  honor  to  his  coni- 
munit}-,  on  his  old  homestearl  Aug.  6.  1851,  dvino- 
while  yet  in  his  prime.  His  wife  died  in  October, 

Isaac  Current  of  this  sketch  was  reared  and  educa- 
ted in  this,  his  native  county.  He  was  but  six 
years  old  when  his  father  died,  and  he  continued 
with  his  mother  till  his  marriage.  He  then  estab- 
lished himself  on  a  part  of  the  homestead,  and  two 
years  later  bought  his  present  farm,  where  he  has 
built  up  one  of  the  most  attractive  homes  in  the 

Mr.  Current  been  three  times  married.  Clar- 
issa E.  Lynch,  to  whom  he  was  wedded  Dec.  14, 
1862,was  bis  first  wife.  She  was  born  in  Danville 
Township  in  1843,  and  died  here  June  14,  18C9, 
leaving  one  child.  Rachel  11.  She  is  now  the  wife 
of  Isaac  Bowman  of  Vance  Township,  and  they  have 
one  child  named  William  Isaac.  Mr.  Current's 
second  marriage  was  to  Mary  (Campbell)  Wy.att, 
their  union  taking  place  Oct.  28,  1 809.  She 
born  in  Newell  Township  Aug.  1,  1845,  and  died 
June  21,  1872. 

Mr.  Current's  marriage  with  his  |)resent  wife. 
Mrs.  Derotha  (Jones)  Noel,  took  place  .Ian. 
26,  1883.  Her  first  hnsbaml  was  Arthur  Noel  by 
whom  she  had  one  son.  Shelby  1".  Noel — he  married 
Hannah  Lappin,  they  have  three  children,  viz :  Percy 



Leo,  Lofla  Belle,  and  Artluir  Raymond.  She  was 
born  in  Rockville.  Park  Co..  Ind...Jan.  13, 1845.  Her 
father,  CorneHiis  .loues  was  born  in  Viiginia,  and 
when  a  joiuig  man  went  to  Park  County,  Ind.,  and 
there  married  Nancy  Hull,  a  native  of  Ohio.  He 
lived  in  Park  County  till  1881,  and  then  came  to 
Illinois  and  made  liis  home  witli  a  son  in  Douglns 
County'  till  his  decease  in  March,  1885.  His  wife 
died  May  10,  18(J0.  ]Mr.  and  Mrs.  Current  liave 
one  .son,  Charles  P. 

It  may  well  be  the  pride  of  our  subject  it 
lias  been  his  privilege  not  only  to  witness  the  won- 
derful progress  of  his  native  county  since  his  birth, 
but  that  he  had  a  share  in  adv.ancing  its  mate- 
rial (nosperity  and  making  it  a  great  agricultural 
centre.  '  He  has  .accumulated  a  valuable  i)roperty 
by  the  exercise  of  those  faculties  that  mark  him  as 
a  man  of  more  than  usual  sagacit}',  far  reaching 
foretliought,  and  practical  tenacit3-  of  purpose. 
Underlying  all  these  traits  are-  tliose  high  princi- 
ples that  have  gained  him  tlie  trust  and  respect  of 
his  fellow-citizens.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  act- 
tivc  members  of  the  Asbury  Methodist  p]piscopal 
Church,  as  is  also  their  son.  In  politics,  on  Na- 
tional issues  he  sides  with  tlie  Democrats,  but  in 
local  affairs  the  best  man  for  the  office  gets  his 
vote  without  regard  to  his  party  affiliations. 


■JYiOHN  J.  SOUTHWORTH  is  one  of  the  young 
leading  and  progressive  business  men  of  one 
of  the  most  promising  villages  in  Vermilion 
County,  Allerton.  The  town  lies  on  the  line 
which  divides  Vermilion  from  Cliami)aign  County, 
and  was  laid  out  in  1887.  The  depot  was  built  the 
same  fall  and  located  on  lands  given  to  that  pur- 
pose b}'  .Sam  \V.  Allerton,  of  Chicago. 

Mr.  South  worth  the  first  business  man  who 
located  at  the  town  of  Allerton.  Before  coming 
here  he  was  engaged  in  the  town  of  Arciiie  in  tiu; 
lumber  l)usiness.  In  1887  he  took  charge  of  A 1- 
lerton's  steam  elevator,  removing  his  lumber  yard 
here  at  the  same  time,  and  on  July  20,  1887,  he 
bought  the  first  load  of  grain  purchased  in  Aller- 
ton, a  load  of  corn,  from  Thomas  L.  Miller,  of 
Champaign  County.  The  price  paid  was  fortj' cents 

a  bushel.  As  soon  as  the  railroad  was  completed 
to  his  town  he  added  to  his  stock  of  lumber,  salt, 
liinding  twine,  sand  and  barbed  wire.  Mr.  South- 
worll)  is  a  son  of  John  H.  and  Anna  ( Akcrs)  South- 
worth,  the  nativity  of  the  former  being  at  Thom- 
aston,  Mass.,  while  the  latter  was  born  in  Harris- 
burg,  Pa. 

John  R.  Soutlnvorth  was  reared  as  a  mechanic, 
working  in  the  woolen  mills  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  but 
ill  1854,  thinking  the  l)road  prairies  of  tiie  West 
were  more  conducive  to  liappiness  tlian  the 
cramped  shops  of  the  East,  he  came  to  Champaign 
County,  III.,  eventually.  His  first  removal  west 
was  to  Ohio,  where  he  was  married.  As  a  farmer  of 
Illinois  he  was  fairly  prosperous,  and  was  promi- 
nently identified  with  the  progress  of  his  neighbor- 
hood. Ho  died  on  his  farm  at  the  age  of  seventy- 
four  years,  while  his  wife  still  lives  there.  The 
maternal  grandparents  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
died  while  Mrs.  Soutliworth  was  quite  young.  They 
were  natives  of  lOngland,  .as  were  also  tlie  paternal 
grandparents.  The  great-grandfather,  Roy  South- 
worth,  served  with  distinguished  honor  througii 
the  entire  period  of  the  Revolutionary  War,  and 
his  descend.'uits  are  in  possession  of  a  cane,  tlie  head 
of  which  is  composed  of  solid  silver  in  thesiiape  of 
a  dog's  head,  and  inscribed  thereon  are  the  words, 
"Soutliworth,  1776."  The  silver  was  taken  from 
the  hilt  of  a  British  sword,  which  he  captured  from 
the  eneni}'.  Our  subject's  parents  had  six  children: 
Addie,  Julia,  Frank,  Lehmond,  John  J.  and   Lillie. 

John  Jay  Southworth  was  born  .at  Coldwater, 
Mich.,  in  1852,  and  when  he  was  but  three  years 
old  emigrated  with  his  parents  to  Illinois,  where  he 
was  reared  upon  a  farm  and  received  his  primary 
education  at  the  public  schools.  At  the  age  of 
twenty  he  entered  Oberlin  College,  where  he  con- 
tinued a  .student  for  some  time,  and  afterward  com- 
pleted his  education  at  Champaign.  In  1875  he  was 
married  to  Miss  Mar^-  F.  Irwin,  who  born  in 
Ch.ampaign  County,  HI.,  and  who  was  graduated 
from  the  women's  department  of  the  Bloomington 
College.  She  was  engaged  as  a  teacher  in  her  na- 
tive county,  for  sometime  and  was  reckoned  as  one 
of  the  best  te.achers.  Soon  after  their  marrjnge  the 
young  couple  removed  to  Archie,  where  Mr.  Soutli- 
worth engaged  in  business,  and  from  the  start  has 



^\  W-lLLlAMUUPJiLAJNJJ  IS  these 
vftAyw  "liose  frtlluT  was  likewise  nai 
W^      a    native   of    Ireland,     having 

been  successful.  They  have  hart  four  ehildreu: 
Grace.  Walter.  Ida  and  Anna  Mary;  the  latter  died 
when  she  was  twenty  months  old. 

Mr.  Soutliworth  owns  a  line  farm  of  eighty  acres 
four  miles  nortii  of  Aiiertou.  lie  is  also  engaged 
in  the  hotel  Imsincss.  he  and  his  wife  being  the  i)ro- 
prietors  of  the  Allerton  House.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  Odd  Fellows  lodge,  and  votes  the  Repulilican 
ticket.  The  offices  of  Scliool  Director  and  Trustee 
have  been  fdled  by  him  with  ability.  In  all  his 
efiforts  of  life  in  which  he  has  succeeded  he  lias 
been  ably  seconded  by  his  intelligent  and  faithful 
wife,  and  it  is  safe  to  predict  that  they  will  go  on 
prospering.  Thej-  are  prominently  identified  with 
the  prosperity  of  llic'r  town,  and  tliere  are  no 
better  people  in  it. 

ILLIAM  COPELAND  is  the  son  of  Samuel. 

me<l  Samuel, 
g  been  born 
near  Dublin.  He,  with  his  brother,  Robert,  came 
to  the  United  States  when  young  men  and  located 
at  Phihideiphia,  Pa.  From  there  the  brother  went 
to  South  Carolina,  and  has  not  since  been  heard 
from  by  our  subject.  The  grandfather  married 
near  Philadelphia,  and  after  a  few  years  removed 
to  Galia  Count}-,  Ohio,  tlie  sul)ject's  father  being 
then  a  little  boy.  The  jouiiiey  was  made  on  pack 
horses.  The  father  an:l  older  brothers,  Isaac  and 
Robert,  were  carried  in  a  basket  i.a.shed  to  a  horse. 
That  journey  was  made  al)0ut  1805,  many  years 
(irevious  to  the  building  of  an}'  railroads.  Plven 
road  wagons  were  not  in  general  use  at  that  time. 
Sleds  were  used  in  all  seasons  of  the  year.  The 
onl}'  wagons  in  use  in  those  parts  were  such  as  wore 
known  as  truck  wagons,  the  wheels  of  which  were 
made  of  a  piece,  perhaps  six  inches,  sawed  off  the 
end  of  a  round  log  and  a  hole  bored  in  the  center 
for  the  axle,  which  was  also  wood.  The  wheels 
were  held  on  the  axle  b\  wooden  linch-pins,  in  (ait 
the  entire  wagon  was  made  of  wood.  The  grand- 
parents located  among  the  hills  and  heavy  timber 
and  there  made  a  farm  on  which  they  reared  their 
family  of  eight  children,  of  whom  our  subject's 
father  was  the  third  child  ami  only  survivor.    The 

children  were:  Robert,  Lsaiic,  .Samuel,  James,  Ham- 
ilton. Mary  A.  Jane,  and  Mahala.  The  grand- 
l>arents  spent  their  last  days  on  the  Ohio  farui. 
The  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  (i.alia 
County.  Ohio,  the  mother  being  Klizabeth,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Ham.  of  (iermau  aucestry  and  early 
settlers  of  Ohio. 

Like  the  graudparents,  the  parents  of  our  subject 
reared  a  large  family  consisting  of  eleven  children: 
William  H.,  George  W.,  Perry.  Mary  A.,  Njuicy. 
Malinda,  Andrew,  Delila,  Ciarinda,  Kmily.  and 
Elizabeth.  The  four  elder  were  born  in  Ohio. 
In  1827.  the  i)areuts  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
with  their  family,  removed  to  this  county  ;ind 
made  the  journey  on  a  keel-boat  down  the  Ohio 
and  up  the  to  Perrysville,  Ind.  The  father 
made  the  boat  for  the  journey  and  brought  the 
household  goods  ami  also  salt.  Out  of  the  profit  <m 
that  k)ad  of  salt  he  made  a  start  in  life.  He  sold 
it  at  Perrysville,  where  he  hired  a  man  with  a  team 
j  to  haul  his  goods  and  family  seven  miles  north- 
west of  Danville,  where  he  entered  eighty  acres, 
part  timber  and  part  prairie.  His  first  house  was 
made  by  laying  a  (jole  from  one  tree  to  another 
about  ten  feet  apart  on  a  fork  in  either  tree,  against 
which  poles  and  rails  were  leaned  on  each  side  for  a 
roof.  In  that  tent  they  lived  until  they  could 
build  a  log  house,  and  in  this  house  the  family  was 
chiefly  reared.  After  getting  the  eight}'  acres  in 
a  good  state  of  cultivation  he  would  buy  more 
land  .as  he  could,  until  he  had  increased  his  farm  to  a 
considerable  extent.  On  that  farm  the  worth \ 
mother  spent  her  last  days.  The  father  makes  his 
home  with  our  subject  during  the  winter  and  with 
his  daughter,  Elizabeth,  now  Mrs.  Milton  l,;iml), 
of  Danville,  in  the  summei-.  Thefatherof  William 
H.  is  a  member  of  the  .Missionary  Baptist  Church, 
in  which  faith  his  mother  died. 

In  the  wilds  of  Illinois  education;d  advantasi'es 
were  very  limited,  and  the  school  which  our  sub- 
ject attended  at  twelve  years  of  .age  was  called  a 
••subscription  school."  Each  family  would  board 
the  teacher  in  proportion  to  the  nundier  of  puplis. 
The  school-house  was  built  of  round  logs,  punch- 
eon floor  and  slab  doors.  The  window  made 
with  gre:i.sed  paper  pasted  over  the  hole  cut  in  a 
log.     The  seats  were  also  made  of  puncheon.     The 



scLool  term  only  lasted  about  three  jnontlis  of  the 
year,  these  being  the  winter  months,  when  the 
work  on  the    farm   was   retarded   by  cold  weather. 

The  next  step  of  importance  was  the  marriage  of 
our  subject  to  Miss  Rachael  Sterns.  Her  i)arents 
were  Zara  and  Mary  (Smalle^y)  Sterns.  They  too 
were  pioneers  in  this  county  and  came  from  near 
Clarkesville,  Ohio,  and  were  among  the  verj^  earl- 
liest  settlers.  They  died  at  an  advanced  age  near 
Williamsport.  Ind.  hy  his  first  marriage  there 
were  ten  children:  Mary  married  James  Wilson 
and  died  in  1800.  Mr.  "Wilson  enlisted  in  the  war 
and  was  killed  at  tlie  battle  of  Chickasaw.  Tlieir 
only  surviving  child,  William  II.,  was  reared  by 
our  subject  for  whom  he  was  named;  Nane^y,  now 
Mrs.  W.  II.  Duncan  lives  in  this  county;  E.  II.; 
Ahneda  is  married  to  Frank  Johns  and  died 
al)0ut  1875;  Eli  lives  in  Missouri;  Andrew  Z  ;  an 
infantsou;  Elizabeth  now  Mrs.  John  B.  Chambers; 
George;  Harmon;  and  Charles,  who  died  at  the  age 
of  four  years.  Mrs.  Copeland  died  Jan.  27,  1831, 
a  wortiiy  member  of  the  ISaptist  Churcli  in  which 
faitli  she  lived.  Our  subject  was  married  a  sec- 
ond time  to  Elizabeth  Kirkliart,  September,  1885. 
Her  parents  were  also  early  settlers  here  and  came 
from  Whitsell  County,  Va.,  in  which  State  they 
were  born.  Her  mother,  Ann  (^Courtney)  Kirk- 
hart,  died  when  Mrs.  Copeland  was  about  eight 
years  old.  Her  father,  John  died  a  few  3-ears 
later,  thus  leaving  her  an  orphan  in  early  life. 
Previous  to  her  marriage  with  the  subject  of  this 
sket'ch  Mrs.  Copeland  had  been  married  to  Stephen 
Lamb,  wiio  died  in  1882. 

William  Copeland  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church,  while  his  wife  is  a  member  of  the  United 
Brethern  Church.  He  has  held  the  offices  in  this 
county  of  Supervisor,  twelve  years;  School  Direc- 
tor, twenty  years;  Road  Commissioner,  three  years. 
His  politics  are  strictly  Republican.  His  indus- 
trious habits  have  been  crowned  by  a  splendid 
property  in  the  village  of  Potomac,  where  he  lives. 
He  owns  a  large,  well  furnished  frame  house  and 
three  lots,  finely  planted  with  shade  and  fruit  trees. 
The  house  has  all  modern  conveniences,  and  testi- 
fies to  the  neatness  and  taste  of  its  owners.  He 
also  owns  another  residence  and  a  large  business 
house  in  the  village.      Beside  these,  a  fine  farm  of 

440  acres  in  this  county,  wliere  lie  lived  for  many 
_vears,  and  here  his  family  was  reared.  He  has 
given  each  of  his  children  at  their  marriage  §2,500, 
and  still  has  a  com|)eteuc\'  remaining  to  keep 
himself  and  wife  as  long  as  the)-  live.  His  pres- 
ent prosperous  condition  speaks  well  for  his  good 
management  and  frugality,  for  when  first  married, 
in  1841,  he  was  destitute  of  means.  Mr.  Copeland 
is  one  of  those  worthy  pioneers,  who  is  novv  living 
a  life  of  peaceful  retirement. 

HARLES  E.  WHITTON  has  been  a  resident 
of  Illinois  nearlj'  all  his  life,  though  he  has 
(  lived  in  Vermilion  County  but  a  short  time. 
He  was  born  in  Oneida  County,  N.  Y.,  July  3, 
1847,  and  when  a  boy.  came  West  with  his  parents, 
l\ol>ert  and  Mar)-  (Ferguson)  Whitton.  They  set- 
tled on  a  farm  in  Grundy  County,  111.,  and  the 
father  and  mother  are  now  living  at  Hammond, 
Ind.,  near  Chicago.  The  former  is  an  Englishman 
by  birth,  and  came  to  this  countrj-  with  an  elder 
brother  when  quite  young,  while  the  latter  is  a 
native  of  Oneida  County,  N.  Y. 

Charles  E.  Whitton  was  brought  upon  the  home 
farm  in  Grundy  County,  and  when  Fort  Sumter 
was  fired  upon,  ardently  desired  to  enter  the  Union 
army,  but  was  not  accepted  because  of  his  youth. 
On  Feb.  7,  1865,  however,  he  stole  a  few  months 
of  the  time  necessar)-,  and  at  the  age  of  seventeen 
3'ears  and  six  months  enlisted  in  Company  C,  147th 
Illinois  Infantr)'.  and  served  for  a  3'ear.  On  the 
declaration  of  peace,  his  company  was  assigned  to 
Provost  Marshal  duty  in  Georgia,  and  was  so  en- 
gaged until  Jan.  20,  1866.  on  whicli  daj'  they  were 
mustered  out.  After  his  return,  being  still  but  a 
boy,  although  a  veteran,  Mr.  Whitton  went  to 
school,  and  for  two  years  studied  with  an  especial 
view  of  preparing  himself  for  the  profession  of 
school  teaching.  In  this  vocation  he  was  subse- 
quently engaged  for  more  than  twelve  years,  mostlj- 
in  Iroquois  County.  III.,  and  in  Benton  County, 
Ind.  In  the  latter  county  he  was  also  Superinten- 
dent of  Schools  for  two  years,  discharging  the  res- 
ponsible duties  of  that  position  satisfactorily  to 
the  people,  and  with  credit  to  himself.     During  ail 



tlie  3eais  ho  was  teacliiiia:  he  was  also  working  at 
farming  during  tliesnninier  months.  In  the  spring- 
of  1884  he  began  work  ()n  a  rented  farm  in  Iro- 
quois County,  but  his  first  wife  dying  about  that 
time,  Mr.  Wliitton  gave  u\i  this  place,  and  after  his 
second  marriage  lived  for  three  years  on  a  farm  in 
Iroquois  County,  belonging  to  his  present  wife. 
This  they  sold  in  1S88,  and  then  bought  and  re- 
moved to  the  fine  farm  of  200  acres,  on  section  21, 
in  Grant  Township,  where  they  now  make  their 

As  stated,  Mr.Whitton  has  been  twice  ni.arried — 
first  in  1877,  to  Miss  Salinda  Jones,  who  died  in  the 
spring  of  1884,  leaving  two  boys,  Lewis  and  Law- 
rence. On  Dec.  IG,  1884,  Mr.  Whitton  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Mrs.  Laura  B.  Dunham,  widow  of 
Quiney  Dunham,  of  Logan  County,  III.  She  is  a 
daughter  of  David  and  Mary  (Ilouser)  Alsop.  and 
was  born  in  Spencer  County,  Ky.,  Aug.  26,  1849. 
Both  the  i)arents  were  also  born  in  that  county, 
where  Mr.  Alsop  was  a  farmer.  They  emigrated 
to  Logan  County,  111.,  when  Laura  was  but  nine 
years  old,  and  she  has  ever  since  been  a  resident  of 
this  State.  Her  mother  died  in  1875,  and  her 
father  is  still  living  in  Logan  County.  He,  loo, 
although  a  southerner  by  birth,  was  a  soldier  of 
freedom,  and  served  for  three  years  in  the  Union 
army  as  a  member  of  Companj'  F,  lOGth  Illinois 
Infantrv.  In  fact,  all  of  .Mrs.Whitton's  connections 
showed  themselves  to  be  true  patriots,  her  father, 
her  father-in-law,  her  first  and  her  second  husband, 
all  having  served  bravely  in  the  Union  ranks.  Wil- 
liam Dunham,  her  first  husband's  father,  was  Cha]i- 
lain  of  the  106th  Illinois  Infantry,  the  same  regi- 
ment in  which  her  father  was  a  soldier.  He  served 
through  the  war,  but  contracted  a  disease  from 
which  he  never  recovered,  and  which  termin.-ited 
his  life  in  1877. 

Laura  B.  Alsop  (now  .Mrs.  Whitton)  was  married 
to  (^)uincy  Dunham,  Dec.  1.0,  1870.  He,  like  Mr. 
Whitton,  was  a  youthful  soldier,  having  been  horn 
Aug.  6,  1847,  in  Warren  County,  Ohio,  and  on 
Feb.  10,  1865,  when  seventeen  years  and  six  months 
old,  enlisted  in  Company  M,  6th  Illinois  Cavalry, 
serving  for  nine  months,  and  was  discharged  Nov. 
5,186.5.  After  his  return  from  the  army,  young 
Dunham  was  engaged  in  farming  [iursuitsin  Logan 

County  until  his  death.  He  bouglit  the  farm  in 
Iroquois  County,  on  which  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Whillon 
lived  after  their  marri.age.  but  never  occupied  it 
himself.  The  circumstances  attending  his  death, 
which  occured  Dec.  I),  were  very  sad.  A  ni;iu 
wiiom  he  had  iiireil  to  work  on  the  farm  was  found 
to  be  suffering  from  smalipo.x:,  and  Mr.  Duniiani 
contracted  the  disease,  and  died  from  it.  His 
brother,  Monroe  Dunham,  who  was  married  tj)  a 
sister  of  Mrs.  Whitton.  and  a  sister  of  Mrs.  I.ucv 
ZoUars,  with  a  child  of  Monroe's,  named  Maud, 
also  fell  victims  to  the  same  dread  flisease,  as  did 
five  of  their  neighbors,  making  nine  in  all  who  died 
before  the  pest  could  be  controlled. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  (,)uincy  Dunham  became  the  parents 
of  six  children,  all  of  whom  are  now  living  with 
their  mother,  and  are  named  Clarence  F.,  Mary  L.. 
William  D.,  Arthur  A.,  I'earl  F.  and  Grace  L.  Mr. 
and  ftlrs.  Whitton  have  one  child,  a  bright  little 
girl,  named  Fstella  K.  Though  not  long  residents 
in  Vermilion  County,  they  have  lived  near  its  bor- 
ders, and  are  well  known  in  this  partof  the  county. 
Both  are  respected  members  of  the  Christian 
Churcli,  and  he  is  a  member  of  Boswell  Lodge,  No. 
486,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  of  Boswell,  Ind. 

Mr.  Whitton  is  known  as  an  industrious,  hard- 
working man,  who  attends  closely  to  the  duties  of 
his  farm,  in  which  he  is  ably  .assisted  by  his  ener- 
getic and  capable  wife.  The  farm  they  now  own 
is  a  fine  property,  and  under  their  careful  manage- 
ment is  being  rapidly  improved,  and  when  their 
plans  are  fully  carried  out,  it  will  be  one  of  the 
best  properties  of  its  size  in  this  neighborhood. 

•• •J*?^- 

OHN  H.  PARHISIl  hMs  for  twenty  yens 
or  more  been  one  of  the  leading  men  of 
Sidell  Township.  As  a  farmer  he  is  skillful 
and  successful,  has  a  comfortable  and  be;ui- 
tiful  home,  and  is  genial  and  hospitable  in  his 
manner,  gaining  the  good  will  of  all  with  whom  he 
comes  in  contact.  He  is  considerable  of  a  i)()liti- 
cian,  and  in  1879  was  elected  Highw.ny  Commis- 
sioner for  a  term  of  three  years.  He  was  re-elected 
in  1885.  and  served  another  term.  I'rior  to  his 
assuming    the    duties    of    this    ollice   the   Commis- 



sioners  had  contracted  for  a  large  amount  of  road 
grading,  and  unwisely  involved  the  township  in 
debt  to  the  amount  of  84,000.  By  careful  man- 
agement on  the  part  of  Mr.  Parrish  this  sum  has 
been  greatly  reduced,  so  that  the  township  finances 
are  placed  upon  a  sound  basis. 

Our  subject  was  born  May  7,  1839,  In  Coshocton 
County,  Ohio.  There  his  early  life  was  spent,  and 
as  his  brother  had  left  the  parental  roof  when 
about  sixteen  years  old,  John  naturall3-  assumed 
the  principal  charge  of  the  homestead.  To  this  he 
brought  a  bride  in  1864,  being  married  that  year 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Donnelly.  This  lady  was  a  na- 
tive of  his  own  county — in  fact  they  had  grown  up 
together  from  childhood.  They  resided  in  Ohio 
until  after  the  birth  of  two  children,  coming  to 
this  county  in  1868.  In  the  meantime  the  brother, 
Joseph  Parrish.  had  become  owner  of  a  large  farm, 
a  part  of  which  oursul)ject  rented,  and  upon  which 
lie  operated  with  success.  He,  however,  with  many 
others  at  the  time  suffered  greatly  from  ague,  a 
disease  common  among  the  early  settlers,  be- 
fore the  land  had  been  sufficiently  cultivated  to 
do  away  with  miasma. 

The  first  purchase  of  our  subject  in  this  county 
was  eighty  acres,  the  nucleus  of  his  present  home- 
stead, and  to  which  he  added  until  he  had  200 
acres.  He  ]jut  up  a  fine  dwelling  in  18S8,  and  has 
brought  his  land  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  To 
him  and  his  estimable  wife  there  were  born  nine 
interesting  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  daugh- 
ter, Giula,  is  the  wife  of  Joseph  Thompson,  of 
Sidell  Township;  Melvin  P.  remains  at  the  home- 
stead; Charles  died  when  eighteen  months  old: 
Horace  t'.,  Allie,  Grace,  and  llarley  are  at  home. 
Belle  died  at  the  age  of  eighteen  months,  and  Gro- 
ver  C.  died  when  an  infant.  Mr.  I'arrish  votes 
with  the  Democracy,  and  is  quite  prominent  in 
local  politics,  frequently'  serving  .as  a  delegate  to 
the  county  conventions.  He  has  also  served  on 
tlie  Circuit,  Petit,  and  Grand  .Juries,  and  has  ofii- 
eiated  as  School  Director  for  a  period  of  fifteen 

James  and  Lania  (Hardman)  Parrish,  the  parents 
of  our  subject,  were  natives  respectively  of  Bel- 
mont and  Coschocton  counties,  Ohio.  The  Par- 
rishes  were  originally  from  Pennsylvania,  in  which 

State  the  mother's  family  also  flourished  quite  nu- 
merously at  an  early  day.  The  parents  were  mar- 
ried in  Kosciusko  County,  where  the  father  success- 
fully pursued  his  trade  of  carpenter  .and  joiner,  and 
lived  to  be  seventy-two  years  old.  The  mother 
died  when  our  subject  was  a  lad  of  seven,  leaving 
besides  himself,  an  older  brother,  Joseph,  and  a 
sister  younger,  Hannah,  now  Mrs.  W.  B.  Shane,  who 
lives  in  Smithfield,  Ohio. 

-s^^^^* ■ 

^^lUY  C.  HOWARD.  Among  the  most  promi- 
lll  (=j,  nent  merchants  of  Armstrong,  Mr.  G.  C. 
^^5)  Howard  takes  the  lead.  He  is  noted  for  his 
success  and  excellent  business  qualifications.  He 
was  the  son  of  Joseph,  whose  father,  Nathan,  was 
a  native  of  Ohio,  and  who  was  of  English  descent. 
This  gentleman  came  to  Illinois  among  the  j)io- 
neers,  and  located  three  miles  northeast  of  Dan- 
ville. His  wife,  Nancy,  was  of  Irish  ancestry. 
This  worthy  couple  were  blest  with  six  children; 
Joseph,  Clinton,  Milton.  Richard;  Julia,  who  mar- 
ried C.  Campbell,  and  died  in  tins  county;  and  one 
other,  who  died  quite  young.  Our  subject's  father, 
who  was  born  in  Ohio,  is  the  eldest  of  these  chil- 
dren. Here  he  was  united  in  wedlock  with  Miss 
Barbara  Snyder,  a  daughter  of  Asa  B.  Snyder,  who 
was  also  a  pioneer.  Of  this  marriage  there  was  but 
one  child,  our  subject.  The  father  had  been  pre- 
viously married  to  a  daughter  of  Ralph  Martin, 
another  [lioneer  of  this  county.  It  was  here  in 
Vermilion  County  that  the  father  died  in  the  year 
IS.'jO,  eighteen  months  after  the  birth  of  their  son. 
The  mother  lived  and  devoted  all  her  attention  to 
her  child,  whom  she  reared  on  the  farm  with  great 
care  and  precision,  and  whom  she  has  educated  in 
the  district  schools.  When  he  became  of  age  lie 
was  married  to  Miss  Emil3%  daughter  of  William 
H.  Price.  This  happy  event  occurred  in  April, 
1878.  He  profitably  engaged  in  farming  until 
1887,  when  he  found  emiJoyraent  as  a  clerk  for  a 
Mr.  Tilton,  in  Potomac,  for  aliout  eighteen  months. 
From  here  he  came  to  Armstrong,  where  he  has  a 
general  store  and  where  he  enjoys  great  prosperity. 
His  stock  is  valued  from   $3,000   to  $.5,000.       His 




trade  runs  from  $12,000  to  ¥15,000  a  year.  He 
carries  an  unusnallj'  fine  line  of  general  merchan- 

Mr.  Howard  is  a  Democrat,  and  ameml)er  of  the 
A.  F.  it  A.  M.  of  Potomac,  his  wife  being  a  mem- 
bi'r  of  the  "  Eastern  Stnr''  of  that  lodge.  When 
our  subject  began  business  he  had  nothing  to  help 
him  on  but  a  determined  character  and  a  pair  of 
willing  hands.  These,  however,  are  effectual  in- 
struments, and  never  fail  to  prove  themselves  true 
weapons  in  his  battles  with  the  ordinary  obstacles 
of  life  From  what  we  have  already  seen  of  his 
energy,  we  cannot  l)ut  predict  for  him  a  bright  and 
prosi)erous  future. 

-{fOHN  M.  McCABE.  This  friend  of  the 
iaborino'  man  has  made  for  himself  an  un- 
deniably fine  record  in  connection  with  the 
/  important  question  which  is  to-day  absorb- 
ing the  minds  of  intelligent  men  everywhere.  A 
man  of  more  than  ordinary  talent  and  possessed  of 
hu-ge  information,  he  has  not  only  studied  this  but 
many  other  questions  of  political  economy,  and  his 
iniblished  opinions  have  had  a  marked  effect  upon 
the  complexion  of  party  politics  in  this  part  of  the 
Stale.  A  man  of  broad  and  liberal  ideas,  and  with 
the  faculty  of  giving  voice  to  his  opinions  in  forci- 
ble language,  he  has  for  years  been  a  power  in  the 
community,  and  has,  it  is  evident,  sought  to  exert 
his  influence  for  good  and  good  only.  Mr.  JSIc- 
Cabe,  while  alliliating  with  the  Union  Labor  party, 
is  also  a  strong  advocate  of  prohibition,  and  fa- 
vored a  union  of  the  two  parties. 

We  are  constrained,  before  proceeding  further, 
to  glance  at  the  home  surroundings  of  Mr.  McCabe, 
who  has  one  of  the  most  j)leasant  and  inviting 
mansions  in  Fairmouut  and  vicinity — a  large,  old- 
fashioned  house,  built  in  the  early  days,  and  situ- 
ated on  the  corner  south  of  the  Methodist  Episcoiial 
Church.  It  stands  on  an  eminence  gentl}'  slo|(ing 
to  the  south,  while  stretching  east  is  a  fine  orchard 
containing  large  and  spreading  trees,  a  useful  old- 
fashioned  garden,  and  twenty  acres  of  pasture,  in 
the  midst  of  which  is  a  fish  pond  stocked  with 
German  carp.     Recently  the  School  Directors  have 

purchased  two  acres  of  the  twenty  for  the  purpose 
of  building  a  fine  graded  school  building.  The 
whole  premises  are  both  comfortable  and  elegant, 
and  form  one  of  the  most  attractive  features  in  the 
lan(lscai)e  of  this  region.  The  tile  works,  of  which 
Mr.  McCabe  is  proprietor,  and  which  lie  at  the 
north  end  of  Main  street,  were  erected  in  1882, 
and  have  been  prosecuted  successfully  since  that 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Dearborn 
County,  Ind.,  Feb.  19,  18-14,  and  is  the  fifth  child 
in  a  family  of  nine,  the  offspring  of  Alex  and 
Rhoda  (Knai)p)  McCabe,  who  were  natives  respect- 
ively of  Ohio  .and  North  Carolina.  The  father 
followed  farming  after  his  marriage,  in  Dearliorn 
County,  Ind.,  to  which  he  had  removed  with  his 
parents  at  an  early  day.  Grandfather  Knapp  w.a.s  a 
native  of  New  York  State.  Alex  McCabe,  after 
his  marriage,  continued  in  Indiana  until  1872,  then 
removed  with  his  family  to  Stanberr}',  Mo.,  where 
he  and  his  excellent  wife  still  live.  '•x  sons  and 
two  daughters  lived  to  become  men  and  w.  '^en. 

Mr.  McCabe,  our  subject,  attended  school  cpiite 
regularl}'  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years,  mostly 
in  the  winter  season,  and  worked  on  the  farm  with 
his  father.  In  1863,  desirous  of  starting  out  in 
life  for  himself,  he  left  home,  arriving  at  Fair- 
mount  with  a  capital  of  $2.37,  and  in  debt  $5  to 
his  mother  for  money  borrowed  to  help  him  get 
away.  Arriving  at  Fairmount,  he  engaged  in  work 
for  Mr.  James  M.  Dougherty,  about  one  mile  north- 
east of  town,  and  with  whom  he  rera.ained  until  the 
fall  of  that  }-ear.  The  winter  following  he  taught 
school  at  Walnut  Grove.  The  year  following  he 
attended  school  at  Danville  a  short  time,  and  sub- 
sequently resumed  work  on  a  farm. 

In  the  meantime  our  subject  had  his  mind  in- 
tent upon  establishing  a  home  of  his  own,  .and  in 
the  fall  of  1861  was  united  in  marri.age  with 
Miss  Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Mr.  Samuel  Dougherty. 
The  maiden  name  of  Mrs.  McCabe's  mother  was 
.lane  Dalby,  and  Miss  Mary  was  the  third  child  in 
a  family  of  seven.  The  newly  wedded  pair  set- 
tled on  a  rented  farm,  where  they  struggled  along 
amid  man^'  dilliculties  and  drawbacks,  Mr.  McCabe 
farming  in  summer  and  teaching  school  in  winter 
until    the  spring   of    1880.       He   then   resolved  to 



change  his  occupation,  .inri  aliandoniiig'  the  farm. 
sociD'ed  an  interest  in  a  flour  mill  at  Fairmount. 
He  wilhiii-ew  from  this  eighteen  months  later,  anil 
turned  liis  attention  to  the  manufacture  of  tile. 
He  put  up  an  old-fashioned  Indiana  tile  shed  on  a 
small  scale,  using  one  kiln.  B_v  the  exercise  of 
great  industry  and  energy  his  Ijusinoss  advanced 
slowl3'  but  surely,  and  in  time  he  was  obliged  to 
enlarge  his  facilities.  He  now  has  one  of  the  most 
extensive  factories  of  the  kind  in  his  part  of  the 
State,  and  in  addition  to  the  lirst  products,  has 
added  brickmaking  and  roofing-tile  of  a  new  de- 
sign known  as  '-Donaldson's  patent,"  which  is  by 
one-half  the  lightest  roofing-tile  ever  manufac- 
tured in  any  country. 

Mr.  McCabe  has  now  the  only  manufactory,  ex- 
cepting a  flour  mill,  in  the  town,  and  the  people  of 
this  vicinity  are  justly  proud  of  this  enterprise, 
which  gives  employment  to  a  numljer  of  men.  and 
enters  largely  into  the  success  and  reputation  of 
its  industrial  interests.  At  present  (June,  1889) 
the  works  demand  the  services  of  fifteen  men,  with 
a  prospect  in  the  near  future  of  the  number  being 
doubled.  The  buildings  and  equipments  are  fully 
in  keeping  with  the  demands  of  the  business,  which 
is  not  only  a  credit  to  the  town,  but  to  its  instigator 
and  proprietor. 

In  politics  Mr.  McCabe  always  has  an  opinion 
and  is  never  afraid  to  express  it.  He  in  for- 
mer years  an  ardcMit  Republican,  but  of  late  has 
not  been  tied  to  any  jiarty.  He  was  a  delegate  to 
the  National  Labor  Conference  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio, 
and  was  nominated  for  Representative  in  this  dis- 
trict on  the  Union  Labor  ticket  in  1888.  He  has 
officiated  as  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Village  Trustee 
and  .School  Director,  and  has  been  for  years  a 
member  of  the  Knights  of  Labor,  the  Good  Tem- 
plars, the  Grange,  and  the  Masonic  fraternity,  hold- 
ing in  each  organization  important  ofUces.  He  and 
his  excellent  wife  are  members  of  the  Cumberland 
Presbyterian  Church  at  Fairmount,  and  for  some 
time  Mr.  McCabe  was  Superintendent  of  the  Sun- 

Only  two  of  the  four  children  born  to  our  sub- 
ject aud  his  estimable  wife  are  living,  both  daugh- 
ters. The  eldest,  Effie,  was  married  in  March, 
1889,    to    Owen   McClenathan,   and    they   live  five 

miles  east  of  F'airmount.  Elsie,  a  bright  child  of 
nine  years,  is  pursuing  her  studies  in  the  village 
school,  and  is  a  fine  amateur  musician,  playing  well 
on  both  organ  and  guitar. 

Among  other  valuable  features  of  this  volume, 
the  portraits  of  influential  citizens  of  the  county 
hold  no  second  rank.  And  of  these  portraits  an 
important  place  belongs  to  Mr.  McCabe,  the  friend 
of  the  laborer. 



EV.  MICHAEL  OAKWOOD.     The  strong 
'(     points  in  the  character  of  this  most  efficient 
minister  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
p  have  been  his  energetic  and  uniform  advo- 
cacy of  temperance,  and  his  flevotion  to  the  cause 
of  the  Master,  as  exemplified  in  his  pul[)it  work,  ex- 
tending over  a  period  of  thirty-five  years.       He  is 
possessed  in  a  marked    degree   of  the  gift  of  lan- 
guage, and  has  delivered  some   ver3'  powerful  and 
stirring  sermons,  calculated  to  have  a  lasting  effect 
upon  his  hearers.       A  man's  habits  and  disposition 
are  usually  indicated  l)y  his  home  surroundings,  and 
the  fact  that  we  find  Mr.  Oakwood  the  possessor  of 
a  fine   farm,    with   all   needful  appurtenances,  and 
surrounded  by  the  evidences  of  refined   and  culti-j 
vated  tastes,  indicates  the  effieienfy  with  which  hei 
luas  labored  and  the  si>lidity  of  his  general  character, " 
by  which  he  has  attained   to  an   enviable    position  j 
socially  and  financially  among  his  fellow-citizens. 

The  subject  of   this  sketch   was   born  in  Drown  1 
County,  Ohio,  Nov.  10,  1823.       His   father  was  a) 
native  of  Virginia,  of  German  ancestry,  and  reared! 
in  Tennessee.       Being  an   only  son,  the  name  was 
only  preserved  in  America  through  him.     When  a] 
youth  of  nineteen  years  he  emigrated  to  Kentucky,! 
where  he  afterward  married  Miss  ^Margaret  Remley, 
who  was  also  of  German  descent.       She,  with   her 
parents,  had  emigrated  to  Kentucky  from  Pennsyl- 
vania, going  down  the  Ohio   River  on  a  flatboat,j 
when  the  Indians   were   numerous  along  its  shores. ' 
Tlie  Remleys  were  a  thrifty  and  long-lived  family, 
the  mother  of   our   subject   living    to   nearly  the 
eighty-ninth  year  of  her  age. 

Henry  Oakwood  departed  this  life  at  the  age  of 
sixty-five  3ears.     He  was  a  strong,  athletic  man.  of 



very  geiiinl  tciiiperament,  and  kept  himself  well 
posted  111)011  the  geiieia!  events  of  the  age  in  which 
he  lived,  especial!}'  in  the  polities  of  the  country. 
He  was  a  warm  siipi)(.)rter  of  the  Whiu-  party,  and 
iield  some  of  the  local  offices,  ainoiig  them  justice  of 
the  peace.  lie  f<illowcd  f;inning  for  hisocciipalion. 
and  reared  a  family  of  si.\  sons  and  three  dangli- 
ters.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812.  and  partici- 
pated in  the  battles  of  the  British  and  Indians  at 
the  fall  of  the  celebrated  chief,  Tecumseh. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  a  resident  of  Oliio 
for  a  nunilier  of  years,  but  in  1833  emigrated  to 
Illinois,  settling  in  this  county  when  .Mieh.ael  was  a 
lad  of  ten  years.  'Ihe  people  around  him  were  few 
and  f;ir  between,  and  located  inostl}'  along  the  bor- 
ders of  the  timber  that  skirted  the  streams.  The 
broad  |)rairies  were  occupied  by  deer,  wolves  and 
other  wild  animals  in  abundance.  A  village  of  In- 
dians was  located  about  a  mile  from  the  Oakwood 
residence,  which  was  frequently  visited  bj-  these 
native  sons  and  daughters  of  America,  who  seemed 
to  enjoy  their  contact  with  civilization  although 
unwilling  to  give  up  their  own  rude  manner  of  life. 

On  account  of  the  limited  number  of  white  i)co- 
ple  in  the  new  settlement,  the  early  education  of  our 
subject  waf  conducted  at  home,  there  being  no  es- 
tablijhed  school  in  his  township  for  three  years. 
This  want,  however,  was  partially  compensated  for 
I)}'  the  father  taking  the  place  of  instructor  on  win- 
ter evenings,  when  the  eliildren  would  form  a  semi- 
circle around  the  huge  fireplace,  and,  largel}- by  the 
light  of  the  burning  wood,  would  pursue  their 
evening  studies  with  their  books  and  slates.  Greater 
ambition  to  excel  is  seldom  witnessed  in  the  school- 
room than  existed  in  that  little  family  circle,  and 
Michael  was  greatly  encouraged  to  find  himself  a 
little  in  .advance  of  some  of  his  older  lirothcrs  in 
his  studies. 

B}'  the  prosecution  of  his  home  studies,  with  the 
aid  of  the  later  meager  school  privileges  afforded, 
our  subject,  with  four  of  his  brothers,  became  a 
teacher,  and  still  further  anxious  to  excel  in  learn- 
ing, mastered  some  of  the  higher  branches  of  an 
English  education,  and  especiall}'  delighted  iu 
wrestling  with  difficult  mathematical  problems  and 
investigating  the  principles  of  metaplj3"sical  science. 
Historv.  both  ancient  and  modern,  received  a  fair 

share  of  attention.  He  was  much  interested  in  the 
history  of  the  nations  of  the  earth,  as  made  in  his 
own  day  by  their  struggles,  both  in  time  of  war  and 
in  peace,  the  gradual  advance  of  human  liberty,  and 
the  improved  condition  of  mankind,  politically  in- 
tellectually, morally,  socially  and  religiously. 

In  politics  Mr.  Oakwood  a  Ivepulilican  from 
the  foundation  of  the  party  through  all  its  strug- 
gles an<l  took  an  active  part  in  promoting  its  suc- 
cess. During  the  Civil  War  he  was  frequently 
called  upon  to  address  large  gatherings  of  citizens, 
and  labored  as  far  as  he  was  able  to  keep  alive  the 
enthusiasm  necessary  to  the  success  of  the  I'nion 
arms.  Although  never  aspiring  to  political  honors, 
he  frequently  held  the  local  offices.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  board  of  supervisors  seven  years,  served 
one  term  as  justice  of  the  i)eace  much  against  his 
inclination,  and  frequently  discharged  the  duties  of 
the  other  local  office:^. 

Mr.  (Jakwood  very  early  in  life  was  made  the 
subject  of  deep  religious  impressions.  His  parents 
were  members  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church,  and  in  the  piimeordays  before  the  couiitr}'  supplied  with  church  buildings,  their  large  farm 
house  afforded  a  place  for  regular  meetings  for 
preaching  and  other  religious  services.  Being  lib- 
eral in  their  views,  there  wei"e  welcomed  under  this 
hospitable  roof  JMethodisls,  Presbyterians,  and  vari- 
ous other  religious  denominations,  who  were  all 
permitted  to  seek  God  in  the  manner  best  suited  to 
their  separate  views. 

Michael  Oakwood,  at  the  age  of  twentj'-eight 
years,  united  with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
and  soon  afterward  was  licensed  to  preach,  but  de- 
clined entering  the  itinerant  field.  He  was  ambi- 
tious to  study  and  to  "  show  himself  approved  unto 
God,  a  workman  that  need  not  be  .ashamed,  rightly 
dividing  the  word  of  truth,"  as  Paul  advised  Tim- 
otliy.  So  he  committed  himself  to  a  Biblical  and 
theological  course  of  study. 

In  entering  upon  his  ministerial  career.  Mr.  Oak- 
wooil  rather  adopted  the  expositor}'  and  didactic 
style,  and  his  gifts  .as  a  pul|)it  orator  were  speedily 
recognized  to  be  such  as  would  command  the  re- 
spect and  attention  of  his  hearers.  On  the  2d  of 
October,  1864,  he  was  ordained  deaccni  by  Ibsliop 
K.  R,  Ames,  and    on  Sept.  28,  1873,  was  ordained 



elder  by  Bishop  I.  W.  Wiley.  During  his  ministry 
ho  hns  rteeiveil  m;uiy  inlu  the  church,  united  many 
in  marriage,  preached  many  funeral  sermons,  and 
administered  upon  many  occasions  the  ordinances 
of  the  church,  haptizing  as  many  as  fifty  in  ;i  day. 
at  other  times  tiiirty,  twenty  and  in  lesser  numljers. 
He  held  the  office  of  recording  steward  for  the  long 
period  of  thirty-one  years,  besides  many  other  offi- 
cial positions  in  liis  church. 

Mr.  Oakwood  has  been  twice  married.  In  1846 
he  was  wedded  to  Aliss  Nancy,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Copcland  of  Blount  Townshi|).  with  whom  he  lived 
happily  for  six  years,  and  at  her  death  was  left  with 
one  child — Samuel  II.  Their  first-born,  Elizabeth, 
died  in  infancy.  In  1853  Mr.  Oakwood  was  again 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Rev.  John 
P.  Mills,  then  of  Ross  Township.  She  is  still  liv- 
ing, and  is  a  higiily-esteemed  Christian  lady,  well 
educated,  and  for  some  time  before  her  marriage 
was  engaged  as  a  teacher.  The  issue  of  this  union 
was  one  daughter  and  three  sons.  The  daughter, 
Belle,  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-five  years;  she  was 
possessed  of  superior  intellectual  endowments  and  a 
fine  Christian  character,  wiiieb.  united  to  her  thor- 
ough education  and  usefulness  as  a  teacher,  con- 
spired to  draw  around  her  a  large  circle  of  warm 
friends.  AVilbur,  a  promising  boy,  died  in  the  sec- 
ond year  of  his  age;  Edwin,  a  deeply  pious  child. 
!Uid  a  member  in  full  connection  with  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church,  died  at  the  age  of  nine 

John  M.  Oakwood,  the  only  surviving  child  of 
our  subject,  is  now  (1880)  twent3'-three  j'cars  of 
age.  He  was  married  in  1888  to  Miss  Effie,  daugli- 
ter  of  Rev.  A.  (4.  Copel.and  of  Danville.  He  has 
lieen  a  Christian  from  childhood  and  a  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  He  is  well  edu- 
cated, a  lover  of  books,  and  has  been  engaged 
in  teaeiiing  in  the  Champaign  county  schools  for 
several  years,  being  at  present  principal  of  the  high 
school  at  St.  Joseph.  Samuel  H.,  the  son  of  the 
first  marriage,  has  likewise  been  a  consistent  mein- 
ber  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal' Church  since  child- 
liiiod;  he  is  now  forty  years  of  age.  He  acquired 
a  good  education  in  his  youth,  and  followed  the 
profession  of  a  teacher  several  years,  after  which  he 
embarked  in  the  mercantile  business  at  Newtown. 

He  lived  there  a  few  years,  then  removed  his  busi- 
ness to  Danville,  where  he  still  resides.  In  1878 
he  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Laura  Bennett, 
daughter  of  John  Bennett  of  Georgetown.  Two 
sons  and  two  daughteis  were  born  of  this  union,  but 
only  one  child  is  living,  Belva,  a  promising  little 
girl  of  four  j^ears. 

The  Oakwood  homestead  is  one  of  the  most  at- 
tractive and  l)eautiful  in  the  township  of  the  same 
name,  and  our  subject,  at  the  age  of  sixty-six  years, 
with  his  faithful  and  estimable  companion,  sur- 
rounded by  friends  and  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  happy 
home,  sees  nuuli  that  is  desirable  in  life,  and  as  op- 
portunity occurs  seeks  to  alleviate  the  afflictions  of 
those  less  fortunate. 

Rev.  John  P.  Mills,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Oakwood, 
was  a  regularly  ordained  local  preacher  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  died  at  his  home 
in  Fairmount  Aug.  20,  1882.  His  estimalile  wife 
passed  away  some  years  before,  Nov.  15,  1868. 
The  father  of  Mr.  Oakwood  died  in  October,  1856, 
and  the  mother  March  8,  1878. 

ivHILlP    Y.    PETERSON    is    one    of    the 
I  younger  citizens  of  Grant  Township,  living 

Ton  section  5.  He  was  born  in  Salem 
County,  N.  J.,  Nov.  11,  1847.  His  parents 
were  named  Samuel  and  Jane  (Paden)  Peterson, 
both  of  whom  are  now  living  in  Woodford  County, 
this  State.  The  elder  Peterson  is  now  retired  from 
active  life,  being  seventy-two  years  of  age,  and  his 
wife  sixty-seven.  Both  are  hearty  and  rugged. 
They  are  natives  of  Salem  County,  N.  J.,  and  are 
descended  from  Swedish  ancestors  who  settled  in 
this  country  many  generations  ago.  The  elder 
Peterson  was  left  an  orphan  at  the  age  of  four 
years,  and  his  mother  marrying  again,  he  was 
brought  up  in  the  liouse  of  his  stepfather,  and  is 
essentially  a  selfmade  man,  who  has  made  his  own 
way  in  the  world,  and  now,  in  his  old  age  is  enjoy- 
ing an  ample  fortune,  the  result  of  years  of  indus- 
try and  good  management.  He  was  married  in  his 
native  State  at  the  age  of  twenty-five,  but  some 
ye.ars  later  he  determined  to  try  his  fortunes  in  the 
great  West,  and    with   his  wife  and   family  moved 



to  Jefferson  County,  Ind.,  but  lie  staj-ed  there  only 
six  months,  not  liking  the  conntrj',  and  so,  taking 
his  wife,  six  cliildren  and  household  goods,  he  came 
to  Peoria,  111.  This  was  in  the  fall  of  1856,  and 
to  support  liis  family  that  winter  he  engaged  in 
hauling  coal,  his  wife  also  helping  to  support  the 
family'  by  her  labor.  Next  spring  he  rented  a  farm 
twentj'  miles  west  of  Peoria  and  the  succeeding 
year  bought  a  place  twenty-five  miles  northeast  of 
that  city.  On  this  latter  place  he  made  his  home 
till  1885,  when  he  relinquislied  all  active  labor. 
When  he  first  came  to  Illinois.  Mr.  Peterson  was 
poor  In  this  world's  goods,  but  rich  in  pluck,  energy 
and  ambition.  He  now  owns  three  farms  in  Wood- 
ford County,  111.,  for  the  poorest  of  which  he  has 
refused  870  an  acre.  He  owns  400  acres  of  land 
altogether.  lie  also  possesses  a  half  interest  in  the 
elevator  at  Benson,  a  handsome  residence  there, 
and  other  proijerty,  also  a  farm  of  160  acres  in 
Grant  Township,  this  county,  besides  personal 
pru[)erty.  Mr.  I'eterson  has  all  of  his  lifetime 
been  very  industrious  and  has  taken  care  to  avoid 
public  office,  attending  strictly  to  his  own  affairs. 
He  and  lils  wife  joined  the  Baptist  Church  the  year 
after  they  were  married,  and  for  manj' years  he  has 
Ijeen  an  officer  of  his  church  in  Benson.  He  was  also 
Trustee  of  his  township.  He  is  a  man  of  genial, 
happy  temperament  and  kind  disposition,  upright 
and  lionoraljle  in  his  dealings  with  his  fellow  men 
and  Is  held  In  universal  esteem  for  his  correct  life 
and  conduct. 

Samuel  and  Jane  Peterson  are  the  parents  of 
eight  children,  all  (»f  whom  are  living,  the  family 
cord  being  unlirokeu  by  death.  They  are  named 
respectively:  Mary  P.  wife  of  James  I.  Jeter,  a 
farmer  in  Woodford  County;  .Simeon  P.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Sarah  .lane  Iluxtable  and  is  a  farmer,  tile 
manufacturer  and  owner  of  three  threshing  ma- 
chines and  Is  living  in  Benson,  111.;  Philli)  Y.  was 
next  In  order,  then  David  C,  who  married  Ellen 
Deal:  he  is  a  butcher  in  Rossvllle,  this  county. 
Lewis  S.  and  Sarah  Jane  are  twins;  the  former  is 
married  to  Emma  Raj',  living  In  Benson,  where 
Lewis  S.  is  running  an  elevator,  lumber  yard,  and 
also  operates  a  liranch  bank.  Sarah  Jane  is  the 
wife  of  George  Tallman,  a  dairyman  of  Grant 
Town-hip.  this  county;  Annie  Margaret  is  the  wife 

of  Cal.  Hoff,  a  farmer  in  Woodford  County,  111., 
and  Maria  Frances  is  married  to  James, 
a  merchant  of  Benson,  111.  Beside  their  children 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peterson  have  twenty-four  grand- 
children living,  and  an  unusual  ease,  is  that  they 
have  never  lost  a  child  by  death,  and  but  one 

Philip  Y.  Peterson,  was  eight  years  of  age  when 
his  parents  emigrated  to  Indiana.  He  well  remem- 
bers passing  through  Danville  on  their  way  to 
Peoria,  and  says  then  it  was  but  a  collection  of 
small  houses,  principally  shanties  Inhabited  by  coal 
miners.  He  spent  his  boj'hood  on  the  home  farm 
in  Woodford  County,  111,  receiving  such  education 
as  was  afforded  by  the  limited  facilities  of  the  time 
and  place.  The  nearest  school  three  and  a  half 
miles  away  and  not  a  bridge  being  built  in  the  lo- 
cality, when  he  attended  school  he  had  to  wade 
across  the  sloughs  the  best  way  he  could.  Under 
these  circumstances  he  got  what  little  schooling  he 
received.  He  st.ayed  on  the  home  farm  until  he 
was  twenty-one,  after  which  he  began  farming  on 
land  belonging  to  his  father,  who  furnished  each 
of  his  boys  with  a  team,  and  boarded  them  the 
first  year  for  half  the  produce  of  their  farms.  He 
lived  on  land  of  his  father's  for  five  years  and  then 
bought  a  place  of  120  acres  in  Woodford  County, 
and  there  continued  to  live  until  in  March,  1882, 
he  sold  out  and  removed  to  this  county.  Land 
here  was  much  cheaper,  and  just  as  good  as  there, 
and  he  bought  120  acres  of  his  present  home,  sub- 
sequentlj'  adding  forty  more,  and  he  also  leases 
eighty  acres,  which  joins  his  land  on  the  south.  In 
1886  Mr.  Peterson  erected  the  fine  new  modern 
house  which  he  now  occupies  and  which  makes  a 
conifortalile  and  commodious  home  for  the  family 

February  23,  1872,  Mr.  Peterson  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Allie  Chaney,  who  was  left  an 
orphan  at  an  earlj-  age,  her  mother  dying  when  she 
was  six  years  old,  and  her  father  two  years  later 
while  he  was  in  the  Union  army.  She  was  adopted 
and  brought  up  by  a  German  couple,  n:inied  .Shonp. 
She  was  born  in  Huntington  Count3',  Ind.,  Aug.  10, 
1854.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peterson  are  the  parents  of 
four  children,  all  at  home:  Katie  F.,  Lillle  Dell, 
Bessie  Jane  and  Myrtle  Edna.  Mr.  Peterson  has 
never  held  any  office  in  this  county  other  than  that 



of  School  Diroetor.  Me  and  his  wife  are  membei's 
of  the  Clirlstian  Church  in  Grant  Township  and  he 
isconnecled  with  its  Sabbath-scliool.  By  his  neigh- 
bors who  know  him  best,  Mr.  Peteison  is  highly 
respected  as  an  honest  straightforward  man  and  a 
arood  citizen. 

ANII<;L  CAMPBELL  stands  among  the 
honest,  manly,  industrious  farmers  and 
stock- raisers  of  Pilot  Township  who  have 
made  its  interests  their  own,  and  while 
building  up  comfortable  homes  in  this  pleasant 
locality  have  materially  contributed  toils  advance- 
ment. His  fine  well-stocked  farm  on  section  12 
compares  favorably  in  all  its  appointments  witli 
the  liest  in  the  vicinit}'.  and  is  sntHcient  evidence 
that  he  has  achieved  success  in  iiis  chosen  calling, 
although  he  began  life  as  a  [wor  man  and  tias  had 
to  work  his  way  up  from  the  lowest  round  of  the 
ladder  leading  to  prosperity. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  New  York,  and  tirst 
opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  of  da^-  in  Washington 
County  Aug.  20,  1828.  His  father,  Thomas  Cani})- 
bell,  was  born  in  Massachusetts,  came  to  this  coun- 
ty in  1868.  following  his  son  Daniel  to  this  place, 
and  died  in  1879  at  a  ripe  old  age.  The  mother  of 
our  subject  was  Nabj' Swain,  whose  parents  were  of 
.Scottish  birth  and  ancestry,  and  they  came  to  this 
country-  some  time  early  in  this  century  or  in  the 
latter  part  of  the  last  one,  and  settled  in  Washing- 
ton County,  N.  Y.,  where  she  was  born.  She  died 
in  1831,  while  yet  a  young  woman.  She  bore  to 
her  husband  five  children,  two  of  whom  are  living, 
Marvin  S.  and  our  subject.  The  former,  who  mar- 
ried a  Miss  Cole  of  New  York,  lives  in  Tro3',  that 
State,  retired  from  active  business. 

Daniel  Campbell  passed  his  boyhood  and  the 
opening  3-ears  of  his  manhood  in  the  State  of  his 
nativity,  gleaning  such  education  .as  was  afforded 
b_y  the  schools  of  the  time.  In  1856,  being  then 
twenty-eight  years  of  age,  and  in  the  possession  of 
a  sound  mind  in  a  sound  body,  he  determined  to 
try  life  on  the  rich,  virgin  plains  of  the  great  West, 
and  selecting  this  part  of  Illinois  as  having  in  all 
respects  the  characteristics  of  soil,climate,  etc.,  most 

desirable  in  the  c^'es  of  a  young  farmer  and  neces- 
saiy  to  the  successful  prosecution  of  his  calling,  he 
came  to  Vermilion  County  and  bought  240  acres 
of  improved  land  in  Pilot  Township.  lie  imme- 
diately', entered  iijion  his  task  of  bringing  it  to  a 
high  state  of  cultivation,  erecting  suitable  build- 
ings as  his  means  allowed,  making  the  place  in  every 
way  one  of  the  most  desirable  farms  in  this  part  of 
Vermilion  County.  By  well-directed  toil,  close 
economy  and  sagacious  management  lie  has  become 
ver}-  prosperous,  and  now  owns  500  acres  of  ;is 
well  tilled  and  productive  soil  as  is  to  be  found  in 
this  fine  agrleulUiral  region,  and  he  has  erected  a 
comfortable,  roomy  set  of  buildings  for  all  needful 
jjurposes.  He  is  engaged  extensively  in  mixed 
hustiandry,  raising  grain,  and  other  farm  products 
common  to  the  soil,  and  he  has  his  farm  well  sup- 
plied with  stock  of  good  grades,  comprising  sixty 
head  of  cattle,  thirty  horses,  160  sheep  and  forty- 
five  hogs. 

Mr.  Campbell  has  had  the  effective  aid  of  one  of 
the  most  heli)ful  of  wives  in  his  work,  their  mar- 
riage occurring  in  1854.  Mrs.  Campbell's  maiden 
name  was  Maggie  Campbell,  and  she  was  of  Irish 
l)irth  and  parent.age.  her  parents  being  James  and 
Nancy  (Pinkertou)  Campbell.  She  came  to  this 
country  with  two  of  her  l)rothers.  .Seven  children 
have  come  to  our  subject  and  his  amiable  wife  in 
their  pleasant  wedded  life,  of  whom  the  following 
are  married  and  settled  in  life:  Sarah  J.  is  the  wife 
of  Marion  Kirkpatrick.  a  tile  maker,  of  Indiana, 
and  they  have  one  child.  Pearl;  Thomas,  an  agri- 
cultural implement  dealer  and  grain  buj'er  of  I'en- 
fleld.  III.,  married  Dora  Kirkpatrick  of  Indiana, 
and  they  have  two  children,  Samuel  and  May;  Mary 
F.  is  the  wife  of  Fred  Thomas,  a  farmer  of  AVis- 
consiu,  and  they  have  two  children,  Otis  and  Reed; 
Rosetta  is  the  wife  of  Henry  Hibbler,  a  farmer  of 
this  county,  and  they  have  five  children — Logan, 
Earl,  Lola,  Amj',  Ernest. 

Mr.  Campbell  is  gifted  with  keenness  and  tenacity 
of  purpose,  and  a  well-balanced  mind,  and  these 
attributes  have  not  only  placed  him  with  the  solid, 
representative  men  of  the  townslii|).  but  they  have 
rendered  his  services  as  a  civic  official  invalualile 
during  his  incumbency  of  the  various  local  offices 
that  have  been  entrusted    to  him   by  the  votes  of 



liis  fellow  townsmen,  and  as  a  jurvman.  In  politics 
lie  is  a  firm  believer  in  the  Re|)ubliran  party,  and 
;idvocates  its  policy  on  all  proper  times  and  occa- 
fiions.  IJotli  he  and  his  wife  are  devoted  members 
of  the  Christian  Church,  and  their  children  also 

^  ACOB  DAZEY.  The  present  commercial 
importance  and  prosperity  of  Hoopestoii  is 
UM(|iu'stit>nnl)ly  traceable  to  the  wisdom  of 
her  merchants,  and  it  is  a  fitting  tribute  to 
those  who  have  honorably  distinguished  tiienisolves 
in  the  coninieriial  arena  that  their  names  sliould  be 
commcnioraled  in  history.  It  is  a  fact  worth}'  of 
consideration  tliat  nearly  all  of  our  prominent  busi- 
ness men  have  struggled  up  from  obscurity  to  the 
foremost  places  in  every  branch  of  trade.  As  a 
representative  of  this  cl.ass,  the  following  is  a  brief 
outline  of  one  who  has  attained  the  leading  positioii 
he  holils  to-diiy  among  the  merchants  of  ^'ermilion 

IMr.  Dazey  is  a  prominent  merchant  of  lloopeston, 
where  he  carries  on  an  extensive  business  in  heavy 
and  shelf  hardware,  agricultural  iraiilenients  and 
lumlier.  In  1)^55  he  came  from  Indiana,  his  native 
State,  having  been  born  there  on  tlie  2.>th  of  March. 
1831,  near  Attica.  lie  remained  with  his  father  on 
the  old  homestead  until  he  was  married,  which 
event  occurred  on  Aug.  18,  1853.  His  wife.  Miss 
Sarah  Whitlatch.  died  about  one  year  after  her 
marriage.  When  Mr.  Daze}-  came  to  Illinois,  he 
purcliased  a  farm  of  IGO  acres  which  he  increased 
later  on  to  640.  Upon  this  tract  of  land  he  erected 
the  very  best  of  buildings  and  the  improvements 
are  of  the  very  highest  order.  He  continued  the 
business  of  farming  until  Dec.  15,  1881  when  he 
removed  to  lloopeston  and  engaged  in  his  present 

On  .\|)ril  27.  1855,  Mr.  Dazey  married  the  second 
time,  taking  for  his  wife.  Miss  Loriiida  Wilkinson, 
who  was  born  in  Montgomery  County,  Ind.,  May 
1.  1838,  where  slie  resided  until  coming  to  Illinois 
in  1851.  She  is  the  daughter  of  Abrani  Wilkinson, 
one  of  the  earl}'  pioneers  of  Vermilion  County,  who 
mnrried  Mrs.  Harriet  Hawkins.  They  were  the 
parents  of  two  SOUS  and  two  daughters.     Mr.  Haw- 

kins  came  from  Indiana  to  this  county  and  entered 
Land  upon  which  he  resi<led  until  about  1877,  when 
he  removed  to  I'.enton  County.  Ind..  remaining 
there  until  1881.  when  he  finally  came  to  Hooi)eston, 
where  he  has  lived  with  his  wife  a  retired  life. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dazey  are  the  parents  of  si.x  sons 
and  one  daughter,  all  of  whom  are  still  living: — 
Charles  M.,.Uanies  H..  John, William.  Frank,  (Jeorge, 
and  Klizalieth.  1  lie  youngest  son  .■uid  daughter 
are  at  home.  James  II.  is  married  and  has  three 
children;  Charles  M.  married  Miss  Mary  Kitzgil)- 
bons;  they  are  living  on  a  farm  near  Jlilford, 
111.,  and  have  one  child.  John  married  Maggie 
AVilliarason  and  is  residing  on  the  old  homestead; 
they  have  one  child.  William  m;irried  MissSmith; 
they  are  living  on  a  farm  and  have  two  children. 
Frank  married  Jliss  Eva  Dobe;  he  is  engaged  in  the 
mercantile  business  at  Hoopeston. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dazey  are  raembeis  of  the  Metho- 
dist F^piscotxal  Church  in  which  they  take  great 
interest.  He  is  one  of  the  trustees  of  that  organi- 
zation and  politically  he  is  identified  with  the  Re- 
publican party. 
I  James  Dazey,  father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
was  born  in  Ohio,  where  he  married  Miss  .Mary 
C4obel  and  came  from  Montgomery  County,  Inil., 
where  he  was  engaged  in  farming.  In  his  early 
days  he  was  a  shoemaker,  a  business  he  carried  on 
with  success,  but  latterl}-  he  was  a  farmer.  He  died 
at  Tolona,  111.,  his  wife  passing  away  at  the  same 
place  in  1883. 


(l^p'REDERlC  JONIvS  is  intimately  connected 
|[Mfe>  with  the  material  prosi)erity  of  Catlin 
tL\  Township  as  one  of  its  enterprising,  pro- 
gressive, business-like  farmers  and  stock-raisers, 
and  the  farm  that  he  possesses  here,  finely  hicated 
on  section  35,  is  in  all  respects  a  well-appointed, 
well-managed  estate,  comparing  favorably  with  the 
best  in  this  region  of  line  farms. 

Our  subject  is  of  English  ancestry  and  birth,  as 
were  also  his  parents,  Henry  and  Sarah  (Hougli) 
Jones.  He  was  their  sixth  child  and  was  born  in 
the  city  of  London,  England,  May  28,  1814.  In 
1849  his  parents  brought  him  to  America,  and    he 



was  reiired  to  manhood  in  Catlin  Township,  and 
can  scarcely  remember  any  other  home.  He  was  a 
quick  scholar  and  gleaned  a  very  good  education 
in  the  common  schools.  When  about  fourteen 
years  old  he  entered  upon  a  mercantile  career,  going 
into  his  father's  employ  at  that  age  as  a  clerk.  He 
was  in  the  store  about  a  vear  and  a  half  when  he 
went  to  Lafayette,  Ind.,  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  black- 
smith in  the  Lafa3'ette  and  Indianapolis  Railway 
shops.  He  served  an  apprenticeship  of  two  years 
and  two  months,  and  at  the  expiration  of  that  time 
returned  to  Catlin  and  building  a  blacksmith  shop, 
formed  a  partnership  with  S.  A.  McCiregor,  8r., 
and  carried  on  his  trade,  of  which  he  had  gained 
I  thorough  mastery,  the  ensuing  two  j'ears.  At 
the  eij  'f  that  time  he  dissolved  his  partnership 
with  Mr.  IK  Oregor  and  again  became  a  clerk  in 
his  brother  Richard's  store.  He  remained  with 
him  sixteen  years,  and  when  his  brother  died  he 
entered  into  partnership  with  his  brother  Arthur, 
and  they  conducted  the  business  together  about  two 
years.  Our  subject  then  sold  out  his  interest,  having 
decided  to  devote  his  attention  to  the  more  conge- 
nial calling  of  a  farmer,  and  at  that  time  invested  a 
part  of  his  capital  in  his  present  farm,  which  he 
has  owned  since  1880.  It  comprises  171  acres,  all 
under  good  cultivation  and  finely  improved,  having 
an  excellent  set  of  farm  buildings  and  modern  ma- 
chinery for  conducting  agriculture  after  the  most 
approved  methods. 

The  successful  career  of  our  subject  is  partly 
attributable  to  the  fact  that  he  is  blessed  with  a 
wife  who  is  in  every  sense  a  helpmate.  Their  mar- 
riage was  solemnized  Dec.  fj,  1866,  and  to  them 
have  come  ten  children — James,  Emma,  Richard, 
Harriet  A.,  Elizabeth,  fSarah,  Frederic,  Arthur, 
Henry,  Edward.  Mrs.  Jones'  maiden  name  was 
Harriet  Ann  Dickinson,  and  she  is  like  her  husband 
a  native  of  Englantl,  born  in  Boston,  Lincolnshire, 
Dec.  28,  1847,  to  William  and  Kmnia  (Barker) 
Dickinson.  (For  parental  history  see  the  sketch  of 
William  Dickinson  that  appears  on  another  page  of 
this  work). 

Mr.  Jones  is  in  all  respects  a  manly,  upright 
man,  is  well  and  favorably  known  here,  and  his  in- 
fluence In  the  community  is  felt  in  everything  that 
tends  to  promote  its  welfare.     He  takes  an   active 

part  ill  |iolitic:il  matters,  and  in  him  the  Republican 
pari}'  finds  one  of  its  truest  and  staunchest  advo- 
cates. Religiously  both  he  and  his  amiable  wife 
sympathize  with  the  teachings  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  and  carry  its  Christian  spirit 
into  their  everyday  lives.  They  are  genial,  court- 
eous people,  and  their  attractive  home  is  the  center 
of  perfect  hospitality. 

/p^  EORGE  M.  EVANS.  The  Keystone  State 
II  (— ,  has  contributed  largely  of  her  best  elements 
^^^4  to  the  development  of  the  Great  West, 
numbers  of  men  coming  thither  at  all  ages  and  un- 
der all  conditions,  the  greater  majority,  perhaps, 
those  who  were  dependent  upon  their  own  resources 
and  just  starting  out  in  life  to  carve  their  fortunes 
by  the  labor  of  their  hands.  The  homes  of  these 
men  are  among  the  finest  in  Central  Illinois.  The 
farm  of  Mr.  Evans,  finely  situated  on  the  northern 
line  of  this  county,  invariably  attracts  the  attention 
of  the  })assing  traveler,  and  gives  ample  evidence 
of  iK'ing  under  the  control  of  a  man  of  more  than 
ordinary  ability.  It  will  be  acknowledged  that  lie 
has  the  true  conception  of  the  manner  in  which  to 
conduct  agriculture,  and  he  possesses  the  cultivated 
tastes  which  have  enabled  him  to  construct  a  home 
second  to  none  in  this  region. 

The  property  of  Mr.  Evans  embraces  328  acres 
of  land,  lying  on  section  26,  township  23,  range 
12,  where  he  settled  seven  years  ago,  although  lie 
purchased  it  in  1879.  He  has  effected  a  radical 
change  in  its  condition,  and  purposes  to  still  fur- 
ther augment  its  beauty  and  value.  He  came  to 
Illinois  when  a  young  man,  twenty-four  years  old, 
from  Berks  County,  Pa.,  where  he  was  born  in  1852. 
He  made  his  first  trip  West  in  1876,  and  after  so- 
journing in  Grant  Township  one  j-ear  he  returned 
to  Pennsylvania,  where  he  spent  the  winter  follow- 
ing and  came  back  to  this  county  in  the  spring  of 
1877,  and  tvvo  years  later  purchased  his  present 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  married  in  Grant 
Township,  to  Miss  Tillie  Groom,  the  wedding  tak- 
ing place  at  the  bride's  home,  Sept.  22,  1885.  This 
lady  is  a  native  of  this  county.     Her  father,  Fred- 


!     7   5 



erick  Groom,  came  to  Illinois  from  England,  car- 
ried on  farming  a  number  of  years,  and  then  retir- 
ing from  active  labor  took  ui)  his  abode  in  Rossville, 
where  he  now  lives.  John  Evans,  the  father  of 
our  subject,  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  where, 
upon  reaching  manhood,  he  married  Miss  Anna 
Aliller.  He  settled  on  a  farm  in  Berks  County, 
and  died  when  his  son  George  M.  was  a  lad  of  ten 
(jr  twelve  j'ears.  His  widow  survived  him  until 
about  four  years  since,  her  deatii  taking  place  in 

Mr.  Evans  upon  becoming  a  naturalized  citizen 
allied  himself  with  the  Republican  party,  and  still 
gives  to  it  his  unqualified  support.  Aside  from 
serving  as  School  Director  in  his  district  he  had 
very  little  to  do  with  public  affairs. 

-5 #-#* i— 

=^,  HILLIP  CADLE.  an  extensive  and  well- 
known  farmer  of  Vermilion  County  and 
one  whose  career  has  been  marked  by  suc- 
cess, was  born  in  England  on  the  22d  of 
February,  1849.  Wlien  four  years  of  age  he  came 
to  America  with  his  parents  and  is  practically  an 
American  bred  man.  His  education  was  acquired 
in  the  common  schools,  and  until  he  became  of 
age,  he  worked  for  his  father  faithfully  on  the  old 

Phillip  Cadle  is  the  son  of  George  and  Elizabeth 
(Saunders)  Cadle,  who  were  natives  of  England 
and  were  living  in  Bradfordshire  at  the  time  they 
concluded  to  better  themselves  by  emigrating  to 
America.  The}'  sailed  from  the  old  country  in 
IS.").'}  and  after  landing  upon  American  soil,  they 
immediately  proceeded  to  Attica,  Ind.,  where  for 
four  years  they  were  engaged  in  farming,  at  the 
expiration  of  which  period  they  removed  to  Iro- 
quois County,  111.,  four  miles  north  of  Hoopeston. 
Here  they  remained  for  two  years  more,  when  they 
again  removed  to  a  farm  ?ituatetl  one  and  a  half 
miles  southwest  of  Rossville,  111.,  remaining  there 
for  three  years.  Their  next  removal  was  to  Salt 
Fork,  west  of  Danville,  where  they  lived  for  thir- 
teen years,  removing  from  that  place  to  Homer, 
111.,  where  the  elder  Cadle  is  living  in  retirement, 
with  his  wife,  enjoying  a  vvell   earned  rest.     They 

are  the  parents  of  eight  children :  Emma  was  mar- 
ried in  England  to  Edwards  and  they  are 
now  living  near  Armstrong,  111.;  .\nn  is  the  wife  of 
D.  Young  and  they  are  residing  in  Idaho;  Jane 
married  .James  Tolliver.  both  of  whom  are  deceased; 
Rachael  is  the  wife  of  C.  Hayes.  She  died  some 
years  ago;  Sidney  G.  is  dead;  Martha  married 
John  Mann;  Phillip  is  the  subject  of  this  article, 
while  Dora  is  at  home  with  her  father  and  mother 
at  Homer,  111.  Mr.  Cadle's  first  marriage  occurred 
in  Vermilion  County,  111.,  May  30,  1871,  his  wife 
being  Miss  Emma  Weaden,  a  native  of  Virginia. 
Of  this  union  one  child  was  born,  Mary  Anna,  who 
died  when  four  months  of  age.  The  wife  died 
Oct.  23,  1872. 

In  1875  Phillip  Cadle  married  Miss  America 
Seymour.  She  is  a  native  of  Virginia  but  came 
here  when  a  very  small  child  with  her  parents,  wdio 
are  living  at  Oakwood,  this  county.  She  was  the 
sixth  child  of  a  family  of  nine  children.  .Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Cadle  are  the  parents  of  four  bright  children: 
Lilian,  Maud,  George  and  Dode,  all  of  whom  are 
living  at  home  and  going  to  school.  In  addition 
to  his  general  farming  i\Ir.  Cadle  is  engaged  very 
extensively  in  the  stock  business,  a  combination 
wliieh  has  been  a  success  from  a  pecuniary  point 
of  view. 

In  1876  he  purchased  381  acres  where  he  now 
lives,  and  at  this  time,  really  commenced  his  active 
career  as  a  large  dealer  in  hogs  and  cattle.  In  the 
aggregate  he  owns  915  acres  of  the  very  choicest 
land  that  lies  in  Vermilion  County,  and  the  build- 
ings that  he  has  erected  are  nearly  equal  to  that  of 
a  small  village,  consisting  of  barns,  stables,  gran- 
eries,  an  elevator,  and  in  fact  everything  that  goes 
to  make  up  a  well  appointed  farm.  He  has  also  a 
fine  system  of  water-works  that  sui)plies  his  house, 
pastures  and  different  barns  with  fresh,  pure  water. 
Mr.  Cadle  deals  in  grains  of  all  kinds,  but  more 
especially  in  wheat. 

Mr.  Cadle  is  a  consistent  Republican  and  wliile 
he  has  never  aspired  to  office,  has  held  local  posi- 
tions, filling  them  with  the  same  fidelit}'  which  he 
has  shown  in  his  private  affairs.  Mr.  Cadle's  suc- 
cess in  life  can  be  directl}"  traced  to  his  prompt 
business  habits,  his  integrity  and  his  capacity  for 
judging  human   nature.     He  is  truly  a  self-made 



mail   and   the  fortune  he  now  owns  has  been  accu- 
niuhiteil  within  the  last  eighteen  years. 

A  view  of  tlie  t'aiin   residence   of    Mr.  C'adle  is 
shown  elsewhere  in  tliis  volume. 

^=^EORGE  ALLEN  is  the  proprietor  of  Shrop- 
[II  |_^  shire  Park.  His  father,  George  Allen,  was 
^^^  known  to  Europe  and  America  as  the  lead- 
ing breeder  of  Hate  Short-horn  cattle  and  Shrop- 
hire  sheep.  The  history  of  this  extensive  enter- 
prise of  breeding,  dates  Ijaek  to  the  early  life  of 
the  father.  While  yet  a  yi)ung  man  he  showed  a 
desire  and  liking  for  the  better  grades  of  cattle  and 
sheei)  and  his  son  has  inherited  this  disposition  to 
an  eminent  degree. 

(4eorge  Allen,  Sr.,  was  born  in  Derbyshire,  Eng- 
land, while  the  grandfather  was  a  tenant  farmer 
of  the  same  place  and  born  there  also.  This 
family  were  all  remarkable  for  their  great  stature, 
the  great-grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
being  a  man  of  six  feet  five  inches  in  height,  and 
mcasuied  one  yard  from  one  shoulder  i)oint  to  au- 
jiother.  George  Allen,  Sr.,  was  a  remarkably 
large  and  well-proportioned  man  and  possessed 
great  vigor  and  unusual  activity'.  Me  served  in 
the  English  cavalry  for  several  years,  and  was  dis- 
tinguished as  one  of  the  finest  ajjpearing  soldiers 
in  the  British  army.  He  married  Elizabeth  Tur- 
ner, who  was  a  native  of  England  and  the  d.augh- 
ter  of  William  and  Sarah  Turner,  farmers.  After 
their  marriage,  thev  settled  at  Knightly,  England, 
and  there  began  the  breeding  of  Short-iiorn  cattle, 
and  for  the  long  period  of  thirty-five  j-ears,  ]\Ir. 
Allen  continued  in  this  business  on  the  same  farm, 
gaining  a  wide-spread  reputation  as  a  most  success- 
ful breeder  of  the  best  strains  of  cattle  and  sheep 
111  England.  He  operated  an  extensive  farm  of 
400  acres  and  here  he  reared  a  familj-  of  four  chil- 
dren— George,  Robert  H.,  Mary  Ann  and  Harrj-. 
Robert  IL,  is  residing  at  Darlington,  Ind.,  where 
he  is  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business.  Mary 
Ann  is  residing  at  Stafford,  England,  where  she 
married  William  Ebbern.  who  is  an  extensive  man- 
ufacturer of  ladies'  fine  shoes  and  operates  a  very 
large  business.     They  have  four  cliildren,     Harry, 

is  the  executor  of  the  Allen  estate  and  the  firm  ac- 
cording to  the  father's  will  is  to  continue  under 
the  same  management  and  retain  the  firm  name  of 
George  Allen  &  Son. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  and  bis  father  saw 
greater  fields  for  operations  in  America  than  in 
England.  They  shi|)ped  several  cargoes  of  sheep 
here,  exhibiting  them  for  the  first  time  at  St. 
Louis  in  1871.  This  shipment  proved  profitable 
and  fully  exceeded  their  expectations.  The  entire 
management  of  this  enterprise  was  under  (ieorge, 
Jr.  He  exhibited  his  stock  at  Dayton,  Ohio,  also, 
in  1K72.  on  the  occasion  of  Goldsmith  Maid's  mak- 
ing her  great  record.  The  same  _year  he  also 
showed  his  stock  at  Indianai)olis  and  St.  Louis. 
This  plan  of  business  was  followed  for  several 
years  and  so  successfully  that  in  187;»,  (ieorge  and 
his  father — including  the  entire  family — came  to 
America,  for  the  purpose  of  engaging  in  cattle  and 
sheep  raising,  bringing  100  head  of  Shropshire 
sheep  and  twenty-two  head  of  the  Bate  Sliort-hom 
cattle.  After  casting  about  for  a  suitable  location 
they  finally'  concluded  that  Vermilion  County,  met 
all  the  requirements  they  were  seeking.  H<>re  they 
purchased  9G0  acres  of  land,  and  at  once  entered 
upon  a  career  as  breeders  of  cattle  and  sheep,  which 
in  many  ways  cannot  be  duplicated  inAmerica. 
The  mother  died  M.arch  G,  1881,  at  the  age  of 
fifty-six  j-ears,  while  the  father  met  his  death, 
March  16,  1889,  at  the  age  of  sixty-two.  And  so 
p.assed  away  a  couple  whose  reputation  was  of  the 
very  best  and  who  made  this  world  the  better  for 
their  living  in  it. 

George  Allen,  of  whom  this  is  written,  was  born 
April  15,  1848  at  Tean.  Staffordshire,  England. 
He  was  reared  as  a  stock-raiser  and  fanner,  an  oc 
cupation  which  he  has  folk)wed  since  he  was  twelve 
years  of  age.  He  received  a  common  school 
education,  which  has  been  added  to  since  by 
intelligent  and  careful  reading.  At  the  age  of 
twenty-seven  years  he  was  married  to  Miss  Ann 
lilizabeth  E^llsmore,  who  is  a  daughter  of  .lohn  and 
Lucy  EUsinore.  They  were  farmers  in  England 
and  had  two  children  that  grew  to  maturity:  Ann 
E.,  and  William  T.  The  latter  is  residing  at  Staf- 
ford, England,  and  is  a  shoe  manufacturer.  Mr. 
and  Mrs,  Allen  had  two  children  born  in  England; 



Ocoiiie  and  FloiX'iico.  who  are  now  at  lionu'  and 
nttenilinn;  t^cliool.  Since  t'oniin<r  to  America  the 
following  chihlren  have  been  born  —  Frederick  C, 
William.  Elizabeth  and  Harry. 

It  is  unnecessary  to  state  that  perha|)s  there  is 
no  man  in  this  country  who  has  a  bettor  reputation 
as  a  breeder  of  Short-horn  cattle  and  Shropshire 
shee|>,  than  Mr.  Allen,  who  has  taken  more  [jrizes 
for  the  excellent  qualities  of  sheep  than  any  other 
man  in  the  world,  a  record  of  which  he  feels,  nat- 
•urally,  very  proud.  From  a  linancial  standpoint, 
he  has  been  most  eminently  successful,  and  the  pro- 
ceeds of  the  earnings  of  his  great  stock  f;uin  is  in- 
vested in  more  lands  and  stock.  He  has  liccome  a 
naturalized  citizen  and  is  a  Republican  in  iMilitics. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Allen  worship  at  the  Presliyterian 

Of  the  celebrated  Bate  Short-horn  cattle,  the  Al- 
iens have  on  hand  about  150  of  the  following  fam- 
ilies: Airdrie  Duchess,  Grand  Duchess,  Oxfords, 
Barringtons.  Wild  Eyes,  Waterloos,  Kirk  Leving- 
tons.  Fletchers,  Fennel  Duchess.  Acombs,  Places, 
Darlingtons,  Gcoi'giannas,  Eden  Rose,  Rose  of 
Sharon  and  Surmises.  The  Duke  of  Vermilion  No. 
80443,  stands  at  the  head  of  the  herd.  The  Grand 
Duke  of  Oxford  holds  the  second  [ilace,  and  is  the 
son  of  the  Duke  of  Vermilion.  lie  will  some  day 
take  his  i)lace  at  the  head  of  the  herd.  The 
most  valuable  animals  on  the  farm  are  the 
Duchess  of  Vermilion,  Grand  Duchess  No.  28  and 
the  Duke  of  Vermilion,  which  in  point  of  excel- 
lence have  never  been  surpassed  inlhe  State  of  Illi- 
nois or  perhaps  in  America.  They  have  a  flock  of 
500  sheep  with  three  celebrated  imported  rams  at 
the  head.  Goodsort  No.  9904,  won  second  prize 
at  the  Royal  Agricultural  Society  in  Elngland  in 
1888,  and  cost  $300  delivered  at  Boston.  True- 
type,  No.  5603,  A.  S.  R.  A.,  won  first  prize  as  a 
lamb  at  the  Shropshire  Agricultural  Show,  .at 
Shrewsbury,  England,  in  1887.  This  animal  was 
importi'd  the  same  year.  T.  it  W.  S.  No.  13438, 
A.  S.  R.  A.  was  the  first  prize  winning  lamb  in 
England  in  1888.  Among  the  most  valuable  ewes 
on  this  farm  may  be  mentioned  Lady  Bradburn 
second,  and  Jane  L.,  who  are  great  prize  winners. 

The  horse  breeding  department  of  this  farm  has 
been  added  lately.      The  celebrated  English  Shire 

horse  Wymondlifuu  29(;o  E.  ('.  U.S.  I',,  isconsidered 
to  be  as  well  bred  a  shire  horse  as  can  be  found  in 
America.  There  are  also  six  registered  Shire 
mares  on  this  farm. 

Shropshire  P:uk  is  a  most  fitting  name  for  this 
extensive  f;um,  which  is  one  of  the  most  valuable 
in  the  State  of  Illinois  It  has  more  the  appear- 
ance of  a  fair  ground  than  a  farm.  It  is  well  pro- 
vided with  a  nudtilude  of  houses,  sheds,  corn  cribs 
and  implement  houses.  There  are  live  windmills 
on  the  farm  which  furnish  water  and  grinding 
power.  In  concluding  this  sketch  it  woidd  be 
proper  to  state  that  there  are  probably  no  more 
intelligent  stock  breeders  than  the  gentlemen  who 
compose  the  lirm  of  George  Allen  &  Son,  of  Aller- 
ton.  111. 

ESSE  DAVIS.  Although  not  a  native  of 
Vermilion  Count}',  this  gentleman,  the  son 
of  pioneer  parents,  was  reared  within  its 
limits,  and  has  for  many  years  occupied  an 
important  place  among  its  enterprising,  far-seeing, 
thrifty,  well-to-do  farmers  and  stock-raiseis.  On 
section  36,  C'atlin  Townslu|),  he  owns  a  large  and 
valuable  farm,  cultivated  by  the  best  methods,  so 
that  It  yii4ds  an  extensive  yearly  income.  He  has 
erected  a  line  residence  and  other  substantial,  wi'U 
arrangetl  buildings,  while  everythiiTg  about  the 
place  shows  every  evidence  of  a  master  n)ind  and 
skillful  hand  controlling  affairs. 

Our  subject  is  of  Southern  antecedents,  although 
a  native  of  Ohio.  His  parents,  Joseph  and  Eliza- 
beth (George)  Davis,  are  supposed  to  have  been 
natives  of  Virginia,  but  after  their  marriage  they 
settled  in  Pickaway  County,  Ohio,  among  its  earl\' 
settlers.  The}'  remained  there  until  1833,  when, 
hoping  to  better  their  pecuniary  condition  by  going 
to  a  still  newer  country,  they  came  with  their 
family  to  \'ermilion  County  to  try  farming  on  its 
virgin  soil.  They  selected  Catlin  4'ownship  .as  a 
desirable  location,  and  thus  became  pioneers  of  the 
township.  The  father's  useful  career  was  cut  short 
however,  in  a  few  years,  and  while  yet  in  life's 
prime  it  was  closed  in  death,  August,  1839.  He 
was  a  man  of  sound  sense,  a  good  farmer,  and  one 
whom  all   respected   for   his  unswerving    integrity 



aiifl  kind  heart.  His  widow  survived  liim  many 
years,  dying  in  tliis  townsliip  Dec.  30,  18G9.  She 
was  a  woman  of  true  Cliristian  i)iety  and  a  faithful 
memljer  of  the  Presliyterian  Cliiucli.  To  lier  and 
her  husl)and  were  horn  four  sons  and  four  daugli- 
ters,  our  subject  being  the  j-oungest  son  and  the 
seventh  child. 

He  was  l)orn  near  Darbysville,  Pickaway  Co., 
Ohio.  Oct.  24.  1832.  He  was  about  a  year  old 
wiien  his  parents  brouglit  him  to  Vermilion  Coun- 
ty, and  here,  amid  the  pioneer  scenes  of  tliose  early 
days  in  tlie  settlement  of  the  county,  he  grew  to 
be  a  stalwart,  manly  man.  He  had  sucii  schooling 
as  could  lie  obtained  in  those  days  of  limited  edu- 
cational advantages  wiien  the  rude  log  cabin  was 
the  only  literary  institution  of  this  section  of 
country,  and  its  doors  were  only  opened  to  the 
children  of  the  pioneers  a  few  short  weeks  in  the 
different  seasons  of  the  year.  He  was  bred  to  the 
life  of  a  farmer,  and  has  made  the  tilling  o(  the 
land  his  principal  occupation.  He  has  met  with 
more  than  ordinary  success  in  his  calling,  and  may 
well  feel  |)roud  of  what  he  has  achieved  by  hard 
labor,  directed  by  sound  business  acumen  and 
the  prudent  management  of  his  monetary  affairs. 
His  farm,  comprising  44<t  acres  of  land  of  exceed- 
ing fertility,  is  well  stocked  and  isamijly  provided 
with  all  the  necessary  appliances  ,and  machinery  for 
making  it  one  of  the  model  places  of  the  township. 

Mr.  Davis  holds  that  a  ])art  of  his  prosperity  is 
due  to  the  f.act  that  he  is  blessed  with  a  good  wife, 
who  has  actively  oo-operated  with  him  in  all  his 
plans.  They  were  united  in  marriage  in  Catlin 
Township  March  10,  1859.  and  to  them  have  come 
live  children,  as  follows:  Clara  J.,  the  wife  of 
Willis  Lesher;  Van  C;  one  who  died  in  infancy; 
Scott  G.;  Minnie  L.,  the  wife  of  David  McMillin. 
The  maiden  name  of  Mrs.  Davis  was  Melvina  Eliza- 
beth Hj'att,  .and  she  is  the  daughter  of  James  and 
Martha  (Rouland)  Hyatt,  both  of  whom  are  de- 
ceased. Her  father  was  born  in  South  Carolina 
and  her  mother  in  Kentucky,  and  after  marriage 
they  settled  in  Davis  County,  Ky.,  where  he  was 
engaged  in  farming,  and  there  thej'  died.  Thev 
had  seven  children,  four  sons  and  three  daughters. 
Mrs.  Davis  was  their  second  child,  and  she  was  born 
in  Davis  County,  Ky„  Nov.  24,  1838,     She  grew 

to  womanhood  there,  and  came  to  ^'ermilion  Coun- 
ty in  the  month  of  November.  18.58,  with  her  sister. 
Mis.  M:uy  Wallace,  who  was  an  invalid.  .She  is  a 
genial,  lovable,  motherly  woman,  whose  genuine 
kindness  has  won  her  a  warm  [ilace  in  the  hearts  of 
the  entire  community. 

When  i\Ir.  Davis  was  brought  here  in  his  infancy, 
the  surrounding  country  jjresented  a  far  different 
npiiearance  from  what  it  does  to-day.  Then  it  was 
a  literal  wilderness,  savage  animals  and  abundant 
game  roamed  over  the  wild,  uncultivated  prairies, 
or  found  shelter  in  the  primeval  forests  along  the 
water  courses,  and  the  bold,  hardy  frontiersman  had 
scarcely  more  than  begun  to  turn  the  virgin  sod 
and  lay  the  foundations  of  the  wealth  and  pros- 
perity that  obtain  to-day  on  all  sides,  as  evidenced 
by  flourishing  and  busy  towns,  smiling  farms,  and 
many  happy  homes.  That  he  has  had  a  hand  in 
bringing  about  this  great  change  may  be  a  source 
of  pride  to  our  subject,  who  is  a  man  of  eminent 
liublic  spirit,  and  has  generously  contributed  of  his 
means  to  further  all  enterjjrises  that  will  in  any 
way  add  to  the  prosperity  of  the  community  with 
whose  interests  his  own  are  identical,  and  among 
whose  peoiile  he  has  lived  in  peace  and  friendship 
for  more  than  half  a  century.  He  is  a  man  of  high 
moral  character,  and  is  gifted  with  many  worthy 
attributes  that  render  him  respected  of  all  men.  In 
his  political  views  he  strongly  favors  the  Prohibi- 
tion party,  being  himself  a  sound  temperance  man. 
He  and  his  wife  are  worthy  members  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church,  she  having  been  a  communicant 
ever  since  she  was  thirteen  yeaj-s  old. 

APT.  -lOSKPH  TRUAX.  Oakwood  Town- 
ship contains  no  more  active  or  energetic 
business  man  than  Capt.  Truax,  who  is  in 
the  prime  of  life  and  in  the  midst  of  a  prosperous 
career.  The  opening  years  of  his  life  were  spent 
in  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  where  be  wa?  born 
July  25,  1838,  being  the  eighth  in  a  family  of  nine 
children,  the  offspring  of  Josejjh,  Jr.,  and  Nancy 
(Robison)  Truax,  who  were  both  natives  of  Penn- 
sylvania, the  father  born  in  Bedford  County,  May 
16,  1800,  , and  the   mother  March    15,1801.     The 



paternal  grnnflfatlier,  .Iosei)li  Tniax.  Sr.,  was  like- 
wise a  native  of  the  Keystone  State  and  of  (iernian 
descent.  He  entered  the  Revolutionary  Army  at 
tlie  betrinning  of  the  war  and  served  on  the  side  of 
the  colonists  until  its  close.  His  wife  was  a  Miss 
Slillwell.  a  native  of  his  own  .State,  where  they  set- 
tled and  died.  Their  family  consisted  of  four  sons 
•ind  two  daughters,  all  of  whom  are  deceased. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  the  dausrhter  of 
James  and  Ellen  Robison,  lioth  of  whom  were  na- 
tives of  Dublin,  Ireland.  Grandfather  Robison 
was  a  very  prominent  Knight  Templar  of  iJublin. 
and  our  subject  has  in  his  possession  a  demit  once 
belonging  to  the  olil  gentleman  and  signed  107 
years  ago. 

Tlie  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  I'enn- 
s^ivania  and  remained  there  until  1.S39.  Then  re- 
moving to  Ohio  they  settled  on  a  farm  in  Mus- 
kingum County  where  they  lived  until  the  fall  of 
1854.  then  took  up  their  line  of  march  for  Illinois. 
Coming  to  this  county  Ihej'  settled  two  miles  east 
of  Pilot  Grove,  and  in  1859  removed  to  Blount 
Township,  where  the  father  died  March  7.1861. 
The  mother  passed  away  Jan.  I,  1885.  Seven  of 
their  nine  children  lived  to  mature  years  and  three 
are  still  living. 

Our  subject,  upon  coming  to  this  county,  had  a 
fine  young  horse  which  he  sold  and  devoted  the 
proceeds  to  advance  his  education,  attending  school 
in  Danville,  where  he  closely  applied  himself  to  his 
studies  for  some  eighteen  months.  In  1859  he  be- 
gan teaching  .at  Collison's  Point  .and  remained  there 
til  rough  the  fall  .and  winter  until  spring.  In  the 
latter  part  of  1860  he  commenced  teaching  at 
Craig's  schoolhouse,  and  in  the  winter  taught  in  the 
old  Union  Church  building  at  Blue  Corner.  On  the 
:?d  of  July,  1861,  the  Civil  War  having  broken 
out.  he  entered  the  I'nion  Army  as  a  member  of 
Company  1,  35th  Illinois  Infantry,  being  mustered 
in  as  First  Lieutenant.  Aug.  24,  1861  at  .St.  Louis. 

The  35th  Illinois  saw  much  hard  service.  The}' 
were  first  ordered  to  Jefferson  City,  thence  to  Se- 
dalia,  Mo.,  and  from  there  started  south  on  the 
lookout  for  the  rebel  General  Price.  They  marched 
120  miles  to  Springfield,  and  from  there  to  Rolla, 
a  like  distance.  Lieut.  Tiuax  was  here  seized  with 
illness  and  sent  home  on  a  two   month's   furlough. 

He  returned  to  his  regiment  in  Fel)ruary.  1862, 
and  was  placed  in  command  of  n  detachment  of 
seventy  men,  with  which  he  repaired  to  Spring- 
Held  still  after  Gen.  Price.  Later  he  was  detailed 
with  his  command  to  remain  and  guard  the  city. 
After  the  battle  of  Pea  Riilge  he  rejoined  his  regi- 
ment on  the  road  to  Batesvillc,  Ark.,  but  .it  this 
place  they  were  ordered  to  t'ai)e  Girardeau,  ji  dis- 
tance of  250  miles,  which  distance  they  covered  in 
nine  d.ays,  taking  one  d.aj'  to  rest,  making  ten  in 
all.  On  account  of  walking  without  shoes  the  feet 
of  many  of  the  men  were  sore  and  bleeding.  At 
Cai)e  Girardeau  they  were  i)aid  their  monthly  sti- 
pend by  Maj.  McKibben,  an  old  resident  of  this 

Lieut.  with  his  regiment,  now  boarded 
the  transport  ".Sunshine"  and  proceeded  to  Cairo, 
and  from  there  up  the  Ohio  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Tennessee,  anil  tiionc(>  to  the  old  battle-ground  of 
Pittsburg  Landing.  Here  thej-  joined  tiie  army  of 
Gen.  Halleck  and  moved  toward  Corinth  from  the 
east,  witnessing  the  burning  of  the  city.  From 
there  they  marched  to  Clear  .Springs  and  spent  .Inly 
4  near  Jacinto.  Miss.  Later  they  were  placetl  on 
guard  at  Bear  Creek  Bridge,  near  luka.  Then  tlie 
division  to  which  the  35th  Regiment  l)elonged  cut 
loose  and  crossed  the  Tennessee  at  Mussel  .Shoals, 
marching  through  the  enemy's  country  and  joining 
Buell's  army  at  Murfreesboro. 

Our  subject  and  his  comm.and  now  started  after 
the  rebel  General,  Bragg,  reaching  Louisville  be- 
fore him  and  followed  him  on  his  retreat  to  Perry- 
ville,  to  Crab  Orchard  and  to  Nashville,  Tenn. 
Afterward,  succeeded  the  battle  of  Murfreeslioro, 
and  the  regiment  then  entered  upon  the  Cliicka- 
mauga  camp.aign.  .Subsequently  followed  the  two 
day's  battle  of  Cliickaniauga  wlien  they  fell  back  to 
Chattanooga,  and  the  November  following  charged 
upon  Mission  Ridge  driving  the  enemy  before 
them  and  capturing  the  place.  Their  next  business 
was  to  relieve  Cien.  Burnside  at  Knoxville,  to 
which  they  hurried  on  a  forced  march,  .and  later 
the}'  proceeded  to  Strawberry  Plains  and  to  Lou- 
don, Tenn.,  where  they  built  a  bridge  in  the  spring 
of  1864. 

The  35th  Regiment  then  ordered  to  the  vi- 
cinity of  Clevcl.and,  Tenn.,  where  they  prepared  to 



join  Sherman's  Army  on  its  march  to  the  sea,  and 
Lieut.  Truax  was  with  his  regiment  in  every  battle 
and  skirmish  in  which  it  afterward  participated.  In 
1862  he  was  rewarded  for  his  bravery  and  fidelity 
to  duty  by  promotion  to  a  Captaincy,  receiving  his 
commission  at  Crab  Orchard,  and  with  his  regi- 
ment at  his  expiration  of  term  of  enlistment,  was 
relieved  from  duty  ou  the  28th  of  August,  1864, 
and  was  mustered  out  at  Springfield  in  September 

After  retiring  from  tiie  army.  Capt.  Truax  first 
took  his  mother  to  01iio,then  came  back  and  resumed 
teaching  in  the  same  old  I'nion  Chureii  building 
soutii  of  Oakwood.  On  tlie  19th  of  March,  1865, 
he  was  married  to  Miss  Marj'  E.  Ilelmick,  and  set- 
tled on  a  farm  one  and  one-half  miles  west  of  Oak- 
wood,  where  they  lived  until  the  fall  of  1884.  He 
then  bought  out  the  firm  of  Stillwell  <fe  Young, 
general  merchants,  and  has  since  been  in  trade,  be- 
sides handling  grain  quite  extensively.  He  owns 
the  entire  block  in  which  his  store  is  located,  and 
has  also  a  good  residence  in  the  northern  part  of 
the  city. 

Capt.  Truax  takes  an  active  part  in  politics  and 
votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket.  He  has  served 
as  School  Trustee  for  twenty  years.  Justice  of  the 
Peace  four  years,  and  Commissioner  of  Iligliways 
two  terms.  lioth  ho  and  Ills  wife  belong  to  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  with  which  the  Cap- 
tain became  identifie<l  in  1866,  and  in  which  he  has 
served  as  Steward  and  Trustee.  Socially,  he  be- 
longs to  Oakwood  Lodge  Xo.  .564,  I.  O  O.  F.,  in 
wliich  he  has  occupied  .all  the  offices  from  Warden 
to  Past  Grand.  He  is  also  identified  with  George 
Morrison  Post,  G.  A.  R.  The  Captain  and  his  es- 
timable lady  are  the  parents  of  five  children,  one  of 
whom,  Nancy  B.,  who  was  born  Dec.  21,  1868, 
died  Jan.  20,  1869;  Frances  E.  was  born  Feb.  10, 
1866;  Ruberta  A.,  April  1,  1867;  Charles  E., 
Aug.  9,  1872,  and  Josephine,  March  24,  1876. 

Rev.  Eli  Ilelmick,  the  father  of  Mrs.,  was 
born  in  Randolph  County,  Va.,  INIay  4,  1800,  and 
her  mother.  May  25,1804.  After  marriage  they 
resided  in  the  Old  Dominion  for  awhile,  then  about 
18.32  came  to  this  count}'.  He  was  an  ordained 
minister  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Churcli,  a  man 
of  fine  aliilities.  good  judgment  and    great  perse- 

verance, and  was  of  essential  service  in  tiie  Master's 
vine3-ard.  After  the  death  of  his  first  wife.  .Airs. 
Rachel  (Villers)  Ilelmick.  the  mother  of  ilrs. 
Truax,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Amanda  Oakwood, 
who  died  about  1874.  Mr.  Ilelmick  departed  this  life 
July  18,  1887,  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty- 
five  j'fars.  Of  his  first  marriage  there  were  born 
nine  children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Truax  was  the  sixth. 
Her  birth  took  place  in  Vermilion  County,  111., 
Nov.  21.   1835. 

-^ -#-^ V- 

^OHN  J.  PARTLOW.  Th-  neat  and  well- 
I  regulated  home  of  this  gentleman  lies  adja- 
I  cent  to  the  city  of  Danville,  and  embraces 
I  twenty -six  acres  of  land,  which  is  in  a  high 
state  of  cultivation,  and  devoted  to  the  raising  of 
small  fruits.  Upon  it  the  proprietor  has  erected  a 
fine  residence,  and  e.ach  year  .adds  something  to  the 
beauty  and  value  of  the  property.  Mr.  Partlow  is 
numbered  among  the  steady-going  and  reliable  citi- 
zens of  this  count}- — one  who  without  making  a 
great  deal  of  stir  in  the  world  has  fulfilled  his  obli- 
gations, to  his  family  and  societ}-  in  a  praisew-orthy 
manner,  and   deserves   more  than  a  passing  notice. 

A  native  of  this  county,  our  subject  was  born  in 
Middle  Fork  Township,  Aug.  7,  1832.  and  is  the 
son  of  James  Partlow,  who  was  born  in  Miginia, 
and  was  the  son  of  Samuel  Partlow,  to  whom  fur- 
ther reference  is  made  in  the  sketch  of  Asa  Part- 
low,  on  another  page  in  this  volume.  J.ames  Part- 
low  was  reared  in  Kentiick}',  and  learned  the  trade 
of  a  wheelwright  in  his  youth,  wliicii  lie  followed 
in  the  Blue  Grass  regions  until  1831.  Tiiat  j'ear 
he  came  to  Illin<iis,  overland  with  a  team,  accom- 
panied by  his  family  and  traveling  after  the  prim- 
tive  f.ashion  of  those  days — carrying  with  him  his 
household  goods,  and  camping  and  cooking  Ijy  the 

The  father  of  our  subject  upon  his  arrival  in  this 
county  took  up  a  claim  of  (Jovernnient  land  before 
it  had  come  into  the  market.  Indians  were  still  to 
be  seen  prowling  over  the  country,  while  deer,  wild 
turk_v  and  wolves  were  also  plentiful.  'l"hc  land 
which  Mr.  Partlow  selected  was  part  timber  anil 
jiai-t  prairie.      He  put  up  a  rail  pen  for  the  tempor- 




ary  shelter  of  liis  family,  and  afterward  built  a  \og 
house,  iu  whieb  structure  the  sulijeet  of  this  sketch 
was  horn.  The  eliininey  of  this  primitive  dwell- 
ina  was  made  of  earth  and  sticks  outside,  the  floor 
was  laid  of  split  puncheon,  and  the  roof  covered 
with  chiphords.  It  was  before  the  time  of  rail- 
roads, and  the  nearest  market  was  at  the  towns  ou 
the  Wabash  River.  James  Partlow  here  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  days,  passing  away  about  the  year 
\H')l.  lie  had  lived  to  see  the  wilderness  around 
him  transformed  into  smiling  grain  fields  and  com- 
fortable homes,  and  himself  put  up  a  third  dwell- 
inii,  in  tlie  shape  of  a  commodious  frame  house. 
This  latest  structure  was  built  prior  to  the  con- 
struction of  the  railroad  through  this  part  of  the 
county,  and  the  doors  for  it  were  hauled  from  Chi- 
cago. The  weather-boarding  was  sawed  from  black- 
walnut  loss  which  Ml-.  I'artlow  drew  to  the  mill. 
He  brought  his  farm  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation, 
and  in  liis  last  years  was  surrounded  liy  all  the  com- 
forts of  life. 

Mrs.  Ellen  (Milton)  Partlow,  tlie  mother  of  our  I 
sulijeet,  was  born  in  Kentucky,  and  died  at  the 
home  of  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Dr.  Humphrey,  of  i 
Danville,  about  IX-'u).  Both  she  and  her  husband 
hail  been  twice  married.  .John  .T.,  our  subject,  pur- 
sued his  first  lessons  in  a  log  scIkxiI-Iiouso.  into 
which  light  was  a(imitted  through  greased  paper 
stretched  along  an  aperture  from  which  one  of  the 
logs  been  sawed  away.  He  was  at  an  early  age 
trained  to  habits  of  industry,  and  as  soon  as  large 
enouo-h  his  services  were  utilized  in  the  labors  of 
the  farm.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he  was  employed 
in  a  drug  store  two  years,  but  later  attended 
Georo-etown  Academy  and  the  Red  Seminary  in 
Danville.  Later  he  officiated  as  clerk  in  the  dry- 
goods  store  of  E.  V.  &  P.  Leshure  three  years. 
Subsecjuently  he  became  the' employe  of  Partlow  S; 
Humphrey,  with  whom  he  remained  one  year.  At 
the  expiration  of  this  time  he  assoeiatei!  himself 
in  partnership  with  R.  A.  Short,  and  they  engaged 
in  mercantile  business  together  two  years,  when 
our  subject  purchased  the  interest  of  his  partner  in 
the  business,  and  conducted  it  twelve  years.  At 
tliis  point,  abandoning  merchandising,  Mr.  Partlow 
entered  the  employ  of  tin:  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illi- 
nois  Company,  with  whom   he  continued 

two  years,  and  was  then  appointed  n  Railway  Mail 
Clerk  on  the  same  road,  running  lirst  from  Chicairo 
to  Danville,  and  later  from  Chicago  to  Tcric 
Haute,  IikI.  lie  performed  in  this  mannei- failhfiii 
and  efticient  service  for  a  period  of  eleven  years, 
and  in  1884  invested  a  portion  of  his  earnings  in 
his  present  projierty. 

Miss  Frances  L.  Giddings.  the  eldest  child  of 
William  and  Caroline(Kitchener)Giddings.  became 
the  wife  of  our  sulijeet  Nov.  5.  18.')7.  Of  this  un- 
ion there  have  been  born  two  children,  the  eldest 
of  whom.  Elmer  E..  marrieil  Miss  Mattie  Collins, 
and  is  the  father  of  a  son  and  two  daughters — 
(ieorge  E..  ^'era  and  Frances.  The  younger  son, 
Charles,  is  a  printer  by  trade.  :ind  makes  his  home 
with  his  parents.  Mr.  Partlow,  politicHlly,  is  a 
stanch  Republican,  and  with  his  estimable  wife  is 
a  member  iu  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church. 

yfelLLIS  B.  CAITSLE,  Physician  and  Sur- 
/  geon.  Among  the  truly  successfid  pro- 
fessional men  of  this  county  is  the  younu- 
man  whose  name  initiates  this  sketch.  He  came 
to  Sidell  right  after  bis  graduation  from  Rush 
Medical  College,  of  Chicago,  through  the  urgent 
reipiest  of  some  of  the  leading  citizens  of  this  eii- 
ter|irising  village.  Naturally  gifted  to  fill  his  re- 
sponsible position  of  ministering  to  the  health  of 
his  fellownien.  and  after  a  long  and  studious  course 
in  the  intricacies  of  his  profession  at  diffcicnt 
places,  he  is  well  ecpiipped  to  meet  the  expectations 
of  his  friends. 

Dr.  Cauble  was  born  at  Alto  Pass,  riiimi  Co  . 
111.,  where  his  father  is  a  large  land  owner  and  one 
of  the  wealthiest  and  most  prominent  men  of  bis 
county.  Willis  C.  and  Serena,  father  and  mother 
of  the  subject  of  this  sketch  are  leading  people  in 
society  in  I'nion  County,  the  native  place  of  the 
former.  The  grandfather  of  Willis  Jr..  John  F. 
Cauble,  was  born  in  North  Carolina,  where  he  was 
an  extensive  land  owner.  He  subsequently  came 
to  Illinois,  where  he  acquired  large  tracts  of  land 
also.  His  son,  Willis  Sr.,  being  the  onl}-  heir  and 
a   good    business    man,  became   the  owner  of  the 



large  property  left  by  his  father,  and  he  afterward 
engaged  in  the  erection  of  a  sawmill  and  grist- 
mill, shipping  lumber  and  flour  to  St.  Louis  and  is 
now  very  extensively  engaged  in  growing  fruits 
and  vegetables.  He  owns  three  large  farms,  one 
of  them  being  two  miles  and  three-quarters  long. 
The  parents  of  Willis  Jr.,  had  nine  children,  five 
of  whom  are  living,  namely :  Willis  Benton,  Cora 
E.,  Adam  J.,  Flora  M.,  and  Myrtle  A. 

Dr.  Cauble  passed  his  childhood  days  in  rural 
life  with  his  parents  and  in  his  early  boyhood  at- 
tended the  district  scliools.  Later  on  he  entered 
St.  Vincent  College  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Mo., 
from  which  institution  he  graduated  with  distin- 
guished honors  in  the  class  of  1885,  in  the  scientific 
course.  While  studj'ing  at  college,  he  became 
imbued  with  the  idea  that  the  medical  profession 
was  one  which  would  suit  his  inclinations  and  he 
therefore  chose  that  for  his  life  work.  He  studied 
under  the  direction  of  Dr.  W.  W.  Esick  of 
Murphysboro,  III.,  for  one  year,  and  in  the  fall 
of  1887  entered  the  medical  department  of  the 
University  of  Tennessee  at  Nashville,  there  prose- 
cuting his  studies  for  one  year.  From  there  he 
proceeded  to  Louisville,  Ky.,  and  attended  for  six 
months  the  summer  lectures  at  the  Medical  and 
Surgical  Institute  of  that  city.  He  graduated  from 
those  two  courses,  when  he  returned  to  Murphys- 
boro and  began  practice  under  his  old  pre- 
ceptor which  he  continued  for  two  months.  In  the 
fall  of  1887  he  entered  Rush  Medical  College, 
graduating  in  Feb.  1888.  His  thesis  on  "T^'phoid 
Fever  and  Death  from  Uremic  Poisoning,"  was  de- 
livered before  the  faculty  and  won  the  prize,  and 
was  also  pronounced  by  Prof.  Ross  as  one  of  the 
ablest  productions  of  any  student  of  Rush  College, 
while  a  letter  was  written  by  Dr.  Ross  to  Dr. 
Cauble's  preceptor,  filled  with  commendatory 

Dr.  Cauble  was  born  April  24,  1866  and  is  one  of 
the  j'oungest  medical  men  of  the  State  and  the 
youngest  practitioner  in  Vermilion  County.  He 
seems  intent  uijon  reaching  the  highest  round  in 
the  ladder  of  his  profession,  and  never  wearies  in 
studying  and  writing  upon  subjects  connected  with 
his  noble  calling.  He  is  especially  proficient  in  the 
subject  of  the  diseases  of  women  and  children.    The 

citizens  of  Sidell  may  well  congratulate  themselves 
upon  the  acquisition  of  a  physician  of  such  marked 

The  Doctor  is  a  member  of  the  Catholic  Church 
and  votes  with  the  Democratic  part}'.  He  was  ap- 
pointed County  Ph3'sician  of  the  district  including 
Sidell,  and  is  also  the  examining  phj'sician  of  the 
Aetna  Life  Insurance  Company  of  Hartford,  and 
he  fills  a  similar  position  for  other  insurance  com- 
panies. It  is  his  intention  to  go  to  Vienna  in  three 
or  four  3'ears  and  there  take  instruction  under  the 
celebrated  German  medical  professors.  There  is  a 
great  future  in  store  for  Dr.  Caulile. 

■  >  ysA.^ 

llJj-^  ARRY  L.  FREEMAN,  junior  partner  in 
k]  the  firm  of  John  Jackson  &  Co.,  dealers  in 
general  merchandise  at  Sidell,  although 
young  in  years,  occupies  no  secondary  posi- 
tion among  the  business  interests  of  this  thriving 
village.  He  is  bright,  capable  and  energetic,  and 
is  universally  popular  among  the  people  who  have 
known  him  almost  since  his  boyhood.  He  was 
born  in  Fairmount,  this  county,  and  is  the  son  of 
Alfred  C.  and  Mary  W.  (Dustin)  Freeman,  the 
former  a  n.ative  of  Washington  County,  Pa.,  and 
the  latter  of  St.  Johnsbury,Vt.  Mrs.  Freeman  was 
a  direct  descendant  of  Hannah  Dustin,  one  of  the 
most  notable  and  heroic  women  of  her  time — the 
old  Puritan  days. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  came  to  Illinois  prior 
to  their  marriage,  Mr.  Freeman  settling  in  Edgar 
County,  and  Miss  Dustin  with  her  i)arents  in  this 
county.  They  were  married  at  Fairmount.  The 
father  was  reared  to  farming  pursuits,  but  finally 
changing  his  occupation,  became  station  of 
the  Wabash  Railroad  at  Fairmount,  and  served  in 
that  capacity  satisfactorily  several  years.  Finally 
in  1868,  he  changed  his  residence  to  Danville,  and 
has  been  citj'  clerk  there  for  the  last  sixteen  or 
eighteen  years.  During  this  time  he  has  made 
many  warm  friends,  having  performed  the  duties 
of  his  olBce  in  an  admirable  manner,  and  possessing 
the  good  judgment  and  discretion  which  is  so 
essential  to  every  individual  occupying  a  position 
of  trust  and  responsibility.       The  wife  and  mother 





is  still  living,  and  is  now  about  fifty  j'ears  of  age. 
Their  family  consisted  of  five  children,  wlio  were 
named  respectively  Harry  L..  Fred  D.,  Bert  D., 
Nettie  .].,  and  Edmund  fJ. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  Sept.  8,  1  86,t. 
He  attended  school  at  Danville  during  his  boyhood 
and  youth,  and  received  careful  parental  training. 
When  of  suitable  years  and  attainments  he  launched 
out  in  life  for  himself,  and  at  the  early  age  of 
seventeen  j-ears  became  Deputy  Assessor  and  Col- 
lector of  Danville  Township,  which  position  he 
held  for  nine  years.  Shortly  after  reaching  the 
twentieth  year  of  his  age  he  was  married,  Dec.  2, 
1885,  to  Miss  Jennie  W.  Jackson,  daughter  of 
Amos  Jackson,  a  sketch  of  whom  will  be  found 
elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

Mrs.  Freeman  was  born  in  Indianola,  thiscount\-, 
Dec.  3,  1865,  where  she  was  reared  to  womanhood. 
Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  was  one  child, 
Anna  J.,  born  Sept.  6,  1887,  died  Nov.  13,  1888. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  F"recman  removed  to  Sidell  in  July, 
1888,  in  which  time  our  subject  became  a  member 
of  the  firm  above-mentioned.  They  occupy  a  neat 
and  tasteful  dwelling  in  the  southern  part  of  the 
city,  and  number  their  friends  among  its  best  peo- 
ple. Mr.  Freeman  votes  the  Republican  ticket, 
and  socially,  belongs  to  the  Modern  Woodmen. 
He  has  started  out  in  life  with  fair  prospects,  and 
has  the  wishes  of  hosts  of  friends  for  his  continued 

<^       frILLIAM 

\J//    si^'efani 

\W      3,800  ac 

fclLLIAM  G.  IIERRON  is  the  most  exten- 
rmer  in  Vermilion  Countj',  having 
acres  under  his  immediate  super- 
vision, all  of  which  is  in  a  highly  improved  state 
of  cultivation.  Tiie  firm  of  Allerton  &  Ilerron  was 
established  in  1880,  when  Sam  W.  Allerton,  of 
Chicago,  purchased  this  extensive  tract  of  land, 
from  J.  G.  Clark,  of  the  Singer  Sewing  Machine 
Company,  who  foreclosed  the  mortgage  on  the  cel- 
el)rated  Joseph  Sullivan  farm,  which  called  by 
the  earlier  settlers  "Twin  Grove." 

Two  groves  of  about  100  acres  each  on  this  tract 
of  land  looked  so  much  alike  that  the  people  gave 
the   farm  the   name  (]uoted  above.     Michael  Sulli- 

van was  made  trustee  of  the  Sterling  estate  in 
Kentucky  and  Ohio,  by  reason  of  his  son  Joseph 
being  one  of  the  heirs.  The  father  invested  the 
funds  thus  inherited  in  lands,  purchasing  them  at 
their  regular  government  price,  immediately  upon 
the  reopening  of  the  land  oflice  after  the  Illinois 
Central  Railroad's  time  for  choosing  its  lands  in 
the  State  of  Illinois  had  expired.  This  period  ex- 
fended  from  1849  to  1852. 

William  G.  Herron  was  born  in  Madison  County, 
Ohio,  near  London.  He  remained  on  a  farm  until 
he  was  twentj'  years  old,  and  there  learned  his  earl^- 
lessons  of  industry.  His  father,  Gardner  Herron, 
and  his  mother,  Maria  (Moraine)  Herron,  were  born 
in  Dorchester  Count}-,  Md.  His  father  was  a  sol- 
dier in  the  War  of  1812,  and  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
two  he  removed  to  Ohio.  His  mother  was  brought 
to  Madison  County  when  she  was  fouryears  of  age. 
Ilis  father  and  a  brother  and  sister  were  left  or- 
phans; the  sister  married  and  died  when  sixtj^ 
J'ears  of  age.  Gardner  Ilerron  was  a  man  of  mod- 
erate circumstances,  owning  his  farm  in  Madison 
County  where  he  died,  which  event  occurred  in 
1855.  His  wife  is  still  living  with  a  daughter  at 
Mahomet,  111.  This  worthy  couple  had  ten  chil- 
dren, of  whom  four  boys  and  three  girls  grew  to 
maturity;   the  others  died  in  infancy. 

William  G.  Herron  was  born  April  6,  1829.  His 
educational  advantages  were  exceedingly  limited. 
He  was  the  oldest  child  of  the  family,  and  of  course 
was  expected  to  take  an  important  part  in  carrying 
on  the  farm.  In  1851  he  left  Ohio  in  the  employ 
of  a  stockman.  On  his  first  visit  to  Illinois,  which 
was  at  the  time  indicated,  his  impressions  were  not 
favorable  to  his  location  in  this  county,  for  at  the 
time  he  remarked  he  would  not  give  ten  cents  an 
acre  for  any  of  the  land.  So  he  continued  in  the 
occupation  of  drover,  proceeding  backward  and 
forward  from  Ohio  on  horseback  and  in  a  buggy, 
driving  many  cattle  from  Illinois  to  Ohio  and 
Pennsylvania.  He  became  very  well  acquainted  on 
the  National  Road,  so  that  he  knew  almost  every 
one  located  on  that  thoroughfare.  He  was  married 
in  1855  to  Miss  Evelyn  liobison,  a  native  of  Mad- 
ison County,  Ohio,  and  the  same  j'ear  he  settled  in 
Piatt  County.  III.  Ilis  wife  is  the  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Mary  (Lane)   Robison.  the   former  of 



whom  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  Madison 
County.  lie  was  born  in  South  Carolina,  wliile 
Mrs.  Robison  was  a  native  of  Maryland.  Tiiey 
came  of  good  Revolutionary  stock.  The  Robison 
family  was  a  leading  one  in  the  Soutii,  while  the 
Lanes  were  prominent  in  colonial  times. 

After  marriage  Mr.  Ilerron  engaged  in  farming 
and  stock-raising  until  1860,  when  lie  bought  into 
a  general  meichandise  business  at  Monticello.  111., 
continuing  in  this  with  varied  results  for  several 
years.  He  and  S.  W.  Allerton  became  acquainted 
in  Chicago  in  1860.  Fortune  had  favored  ilr.  Al- 
lerton, and  in  1881,  when  he  [lurchased  this  vast 
farm,  he  offered  his  friend  an  opportunity  that  was 
embraced,  giving  Mr.  Herron  the  entire  man.age- 
ment  of  the  place. 

The  firm  of  Allerton  &  Ilerron  was  therefore 
formed,  and  it  has  been  a  successful  business  ven- 
ture from  the  start.  The  influence  of  this  firm  in- 
duced the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad  to 
forward  its  work,  and  Mr.  Allerton  donated  the 
right  of  way  through  his  land  and  laid  out  the  vil- 
lage i)lat  of  Allerton  which  is  .yet  in  its  infancy,  but 
on  account  of  its  fine  loeai,ion  is  destined  to  become 
a  good  point  for  shipping  grain,  cattle  and  liorses. 
General  trade  is  also  bound  to  prosper  here,  and  the 
people  of  the  town  have  great  faith  that  their  hopes 
will  be  fully  realized.  The  large  steam  elevator  was 
put  up  by  Mr.  Allerton  in  1887,  and  is  operated  by 
.John  II.  Herron,  our  suliject's  son,  and  is  run  in 
the  lirm  name  of  Allerton  &  Herron.  Mr.  Herron 
gives  employment  to  about  twenty-five  men,  and 
runs  from  sixty  to  seventy  teams.  He  is  following 
general  or  mixed  farming,  and  is  constantly  im- 
proving his  large  farm. 

Mr.  .and  Mrs.  Ilerron  have  reared  nine  children: 
Fannie  died  when  she  was  twenty-one  years  of  age, 
at  the  time  being  a  student  at  the  Wesle^'an  Uni- 
versity at  Bloomington,  III.;  Emma  was  married 
■June  26,  1889,  to  Prof.  F.  W.  Martin,  of  Chaddock 
College,  Quincy,  III.  She  is  one  of  the  faculty  at 
Chaddock  College.  She  is  a  graduate  of  the  Wes- 
lyan  University  and  is  a  Master  of  Arts  and  Pro- 
fessor of  (ireek  and  Latin;  David  W.  is  on  a  ranch 
at  Cedar  Rapids,  Neb.,  where  he  is  conducting  a 
7,000-acre  farm  for  Allerton.  He  is  married  and 
has  two  children  ;  William  H.  is  connected  with  the 

United  States  Geological  Survey,  and  has  charge 
of  the  survey  in  Kansas;  John  H.  is  running  the 
steam  elevator  at  Allerton;  Una  is  a  student  at 
Chaddock  College  in  the  class  of  '90;  Edwin  is  at- 
tending the  High  School  at  Mahomet;  Clyde  is  at 
home  as  is  also  Raliih,  who  is  attending  school. 
Mr.  Herron  has  given  all  of  his  children  the  ben- 
efit of  good  educational  advantages,  and  they  have 
improved  them. 

Mr.  Herron  is  an  tincomprising  and  stalwart  Re- 
publican and  attends  most  of  the  conventions  his 
party  holds.  He  has  served  as  a  member  of  the  Ex- 
ecutive commitee  and  is  President  of  the  Republi- 
can Club  of  Sidell.  He  has  been  an  active  mem- 
ber of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  from  boy- 
hood up.  He  has  given  large  sums  to  the  Wesleyan 
University.  He  and  his  wife  have  been  members 
of  the  Broad  land  Jlethodist  Episcopal  CHiurch  for 
many  years,  where  they  take  great  interest  in  the 
Sunday-school.  Jlr.  Herron  was  Superintendent 
of  the  Sabbath-school  at  Monticello,  111.,  for 
eighteen  years,  and  in  this  work  he  is  perhaps  bet- 
ter known  than  in  any  other,  as  he  began  active 
operations  in  the  Sunday-schools  thirty  years  ago, 
and  has  continued  in  the  work  without  ll.agging 
during  long  period.  He  assisted  in  the  for- 
mation of  most  of  the  Sunday-schools  of  Piatt  and 
Chami)aign  counties,  and  also  of  the  southern  por- 
tion of  Vermilion.  In  all  things  he  is  a  leader, 
whether  in  politics  or  religion.  As  a  man  and  as  a 
neighbor,  there  is  none  who  stands  higher  than 
William  G.  Ilerron. 

On  another  page  of  the  Album  appears  a  tine 
portrait  of  Mr.  Herron,  who  occupies  a  prominent 
position  among  his  fellow-men,  and  is  accordingly 
worth}-  of  an  important  jilace  in  a  book  of  this 

ORIN  SPERRY  represents  the  agricultural 
interests  of  Blount  Township  as  a  farmer  of 
more  than  ordirary  shrewdness  and  practical 
ability.  He  met  with  marked  success  in  his 
chosen  calling,  and  a  large  farm  on  section  20, 
which  by  good  management  he  has  made  one  of 
the  most  valuable  estates  in  this  part  of  Vermilion 
County.      Mr.  Sperry  is  the  son  of  a  pioneer  fam- 



ily,  was  reared  here  from  ciul}'  uliihlliood,  :niil  lins 
.•ihvays  made  his  home  here. 

Mr.  Speriy  is  of  New  England  ancestry  on  his 
fallier's  side,  and  tlial  parent,  whose  name  was 
\VaUace  Six'rry,  was  born  in  the  good  ohl  State  of 
Connectifut.  Sarah  Watkins,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  came  of  Southern  parentage,  and  she  was 
born  in  Maryland.  During  some  period  in  their 
lives  the  parents  went  to  Ohio,  in  the  early  days  of 
its  settlement,  and  there  he  was  born  in  Warren 
County  Sept.  4,  1828,  the  sixth  of  nine  children. 
When  he  was  but  two  years  old,  in  1830,  they 
brought  him  to  this  State,  and  in  their  new  pioneer 
home  in  Blount  Township  he  was  reared  to  a  stal- 
wart, vigorous  manhood.  He  gleaned  a  practical 
education  in  the  district  schools,  and  his  parents 
trained  him  thoroughly  in  the  duties  of  life,  drill- 
ing iiim  well  in  all  that  pertains  to  a  farmer's  ciill- 
ing.  When  he  became  independent,  after  reaching 
man's  estate,  he  bought  a  Mexican  land  warrant, 
paying  $150  for  160  acres  of  land,  which  he  took 
up  on  section  20,  Blount  Township,  and  still  re- 
tains it  in  his  possession.  But  he  has  added  to 
it  as  he  became  more  prosperous  and  wealthy,  and 
now  owns  509  acres  of  as  fine  farming  land  as  is  to 
be  found  within  the  limits  of  the  county.  He  has 
it  under  admirable  tillage,  and  has  a  comfortable, 
substantial  set  of  Ijuildings,  and  everything  nec- 
essary to  carrying  on  agriculture  to  the  best  ad- 

Mr.  Sperry  has  been  twice  married.  He  was  first 
wedded  Sept.  23,  1852,  to  Mary  Stewart,  daughter 
of  William  and  Charlotte  Stewart,  who  at  that 
time  lived  in  Scotland,  but  afterward  came  to  this 
county.  Of  that  marriage  nine  children  were 
born,  of  whom  the  following  four  are  living: 
Eli  S.,  who  married  Sueldo  .lohnson;  Demna,  who 
married  Wesley  Smith;  Asa  and  Eben  are  3-et  un- 
married. The  others,  who  died  when  quite  3oung, 
are  William  A.,  Charles  F.,  Clarissa  J.,  George  M., 
and  .lessie  G.  Aug.  30,  1883,  the  household  of 
our  subject  was  bereft  of  the  beloved  wife  and 
mother,  who  had  been  devoted  to  the  interests  of 
her  family,  and  was  in  every  respect  a  true  woman 
whom  to  know  was  to  respect. 

Mr.  Sperry  was  married  to  his  present  amiable 
wife  Oct.  11,  1888.      She  is  a  good   hous'-wife  and 

looks  carefully  after  the  comforts  of  the  inmates  of 
the  pleasant  home  over  which  she  presides.  Her 
maiden  name  was  Ellen  Cozatt,  and  she  is  a  daugh- 
ter of  Henrj'  and  Nancy  Wood,  and  widow  of 
Perry  C.  Cozatt. 

Mr.  Sherry  is  a  man  of  sterling  worth,  one  in 
whom  his  fellow-citizens  place  the  utmost  confi- 
dence. He  possesses  foresight,  thrift  and  sound 
discretion  in  an  eminent  degree,  and  they  have  been 
factors  in  his  prosperity.  In  him  the  United  Breth- 
ren Church  finds  one  of  its  most  earnest  and  valued 
members,  who  carries  his  religion  into  the  every 
da}'  affairs  of  life.  In  politics  he  has  been  a  stanch 
Republican  since  the  early  days  of  the  formation  of 

the  party. 

.    <xrx>    , 

fl  ICHAEL  McCAUL.  There  are  many 
\\\  greater  men  than  their  g.irb  would  indi- 
LB  cate.  We  find  in  the  person  of  this  gen- 
tleman a  classical  scholar  who  pursued  his 
30uthful  studies  with  the  intention  of  becoming  a 
priest,  but  untoward  circumstances  compelled  him 
to  leave  college  and  engage  in  manual  labor.  This 
necessarily  changed  the  whole  course  of  his  life 
and  we  now  find  him  a  thorough-going  farmer, 
who  in  company  with  his  brother  owns  120  acres 
of  land  on  sections  1  and  6  in  Sidell  Township. 

Probablj'  Mr.  McCaul  is  the  only  man  in  his 
township  who  has  circumnavigated  the  globe. 
After  leaving  college  his  mother  was  unwilling  to 
have  him  come  to  America  on  account  of  the 
Civil  War,  so  he  went  to  Australia.  He  was  born 
In  County  Cavan,  Ireland,  in  August,  1844,  and 
pursued  his  earlj-  studies  in  the  common  schools 
until  the  age  of  fifteen  years,  when  he  entered  the 
Larrali  Classical  School  in  the  same  count}-,  where 
he  pursued  his  studies  for  tlu'ee  years  and  then  his 
lack  of  finances  compelled  him  to  withdraw.  In 
setting  out  for  Australia,  he  was  accompanied  by 
his  brother,  Bernard.  They  sailed  around  the  coast 
of  Africa,  doubled  Cape  Hope  and  arrived  at  IMor- 
ton  Bay  Colony,  Queensland,  where  they  became 
employed  on  the  public  works,  principally  railroads 
for  five  years. 

At  the  expiration  of  this  time  the  McCaul 
brothers  determined  to    come    to    America  and  set 



tail  from  Melbourne,  going  up  through  the  Pacific. 
douLling  Cape  Horn  and  landing  in  Liverpool, 
whence  they  embarked  on  a  steamer  to  the  prom- 
ised land.  They  arrived  in  New  York  in  tlie  earl3' 
part  of  November,  18G7,  and  thence  made  tlieir 
wa3'  to  Marshall  County,  this  State,  where  they  be- 
gan farming  together  and  o|ierated  thus  several 

Our  subject  finally  removed  to  Woodford 
County,  where  he  sojourned  a  few  j'ears,  then 
changing  his  residence  to  Champaign  County,  from 
which  he  came,  in  1880,  with  Ins  brother  to  his 
present  farm.  The}'  took  out  their  nattiralization 
papers  in  1884.  Mr.  MeCaul  believes  in  protection 
to  American  industries  and  consequently  has  iden- 
tified himself  with  the  Republican  party.  He  is  in  full 
s^'mpath}^  with  the  cause  of  Ireland  and  a  warm 
admirer  of  Patrick  Egan,  Patrick  Ford  and  other 
who  are  endeavoring  to  free  their  country  from 
the  oppressions  of  British  rule.  He  has  signi- 
fied his  sympathy  in  a  substantial  manner,  donat- 
ing liberally  of  his  means. 

The  parents  of  our  sulijeet  were  Bernard  and 
Mary  (McEiitee)  Mc(Jaul,  natives  of  County  Cavan, 
Ireland,  and  the  father  was  a  farmer  by  occupation. 
They  spent  their  entire  lives  upon  their  native 
soil,  each  living  to  be  sixty -three  j-ears  old.  Their 
five  children  were  named  respectively,  Ann.  Ed- 
ward, Patrick,  Bernard,  and  Michael.  Ann  is 
the  vvidow  of  John  Reile^'  and  resides  in  8idell 
Township;  Edward  and  Patrick  remain  in  their 
native  Ireland.  Bernard  married  Jliss  IMary 
Gulcheon,  a  native,  like  himself  of  County  Cavan. 
and  they  have  three  chihlren — Mary,  Bernard,  and 
Maggie.  Michael,  our  subject,  continues  in  a  state 
of  single  blessedness. 

RANKLIN  EMMET  ABBOTT,  well-known 
ri)  as  one  of  the  most  enterprising  of  the 
younger  farmers  of  Grant  Township,  was 
born  in  Brown  County,  Ohio,  Sept.  12,  1859,  and 
came  to  Illinois  with  his  parents  when  but  six 
years  of  age.  His  parents  were  "Wilson  and  Sarah 
J.  (Brown)  Abbott,  who  were  natives  of  Ohio  and 
after  their  removal    to  Illinois,  coming   direct   to 

Verniilion  County,  they  settled  on  a  farm  on  sec- 
tion 22  in  this  same  township  a  short  distance 
from  where  Franklin  K.  now  resides. 

There  the  family  lived  for  about  three  years  when 
they  removed  to  a  rented  farm  a  short  distance 
off,  and  a  year  later  Mr.  Abbott  bought  a  40- 
acre  farm  on  which  the  family  made  their  home 
for  many  years,  and  on  which  place  Wilson 
Abbott  died  on  Feb.  14,  1883  at  the  age  of  fifty- 
two.  He  was  a  farmer  all  his  life-time,  giving  his 
entire  time  and  attention  to  the  work  pertaining  to 
his  farm,  and  having  no  desire  for  notoriet}-, 
as  far  as  possible  avoided  public  position,  never 
holding  any  office,  save  such  as  school  director,  or 
the  like,  that  he  could  not  evade.  He  was  known  as 
one  of  the  older  settlers  of  the  township,  which  was 
comparatively  new  when  he  located  here,  a  quar- 
ter of  a  century  ago.  He  left  behind  him  a  splen- 
did record  as  a  man  and  as  a  farmer.  Mrs.  Sarah 
J.  Abbott  survived  her  husband  nearly  four  years, 
dying  in  the  house  of  her  son,  Franklin  E.,  on  Dec. 
10,  1  886,  aged  fifty-two  years. 

Wilson  Abbott  and  wife  were  the  parents  of  eight 
children,  of  whom  seven  are  3'et  living  as  follows: 
F^ ranees  Evelyn,  is  the  wife  of  Martin  Davis,  a 
farmer  in  Grant  Township;  James  L.,  is  married  to 
iSIiss  JIaggie  Schoolcraft,  and  is  also  a  farmer  in 
Grant  Township;  Franklin  E.,  was  next  in  order 
of  birth;  Isodora  Albertine  is  the  wife  of  William 
Trueheart,  a  farmer  in  INIead  County,  Kan.;  !Mar\- 
Luella  and  Cyrena  Belle,  make  their  home  with 
their  brother  of  whom  this  is  written,  and  Charles 
L.  is  unmarried  and  engaged  in  farm  work. 

Franklin  E.  Abbott,  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
has  spent  his  entire  life  in  the  count}-  and  town- 
ship, where  he  now  lives,  since  he  was  six  years  old. 
Two  or  three  years  after  the  death  of  his  father, 
the  old  farm  was  sold  and  the  family  home  has 
since  been  where  Franklin  now  lives.  The  elder 
members  of  the  family  were  justly  regarded  as  the 
very  best  people  in  the  neighborhood  for  industr}-, 
intelligence  and  straightforward  conduct,  and 
the  younger  members  are  closely  following  the 
footsteps  of  their  parents.  INIr.  Abbott  is  unmar- 
ried, his  sisters  keeping  house  for  him.  He  has 
been  School  Director  of  the  township,  and  all  of  the 
family  are  members    of  the  Christian  Church,    he 



being   treasurer   of  the  Sabhatli-sc-liool  connected 

Mr.  Abbott  belongs  to  that  \oiinger  element  of 
of  farmers  of  Illinois,  which  is  rapidly  coming  to 
tiie  front,  and  after  attaining  that  position  is 
sure  to  remain  there.  He  is  constructed  of  the 
material  that  make  a  useful  citizen  and  a  good 

•  OHN  E.  THOMPSON.  The  people  of  Oak- 
wood  Township  with  one  accord  declare 
that  this  is  "•one  of  the  finest  old  gentlemen 
within  its  precincts."  This  kindlj'  express- 
ion of  opinion  among  those  who  have  known  him 
long  and  well,  should  in  a  measure  compensate  him 
for  the  artliction  from  which  he  is  suffering,  he  hav- 
ing become  almost  blind  and  passing  many  days 
which  seem  long  and  dreary.  He,  however,  has  a 
mind  to  direct  his  farming  operations,  and  is  en- 
abled to  live  comfortably  upon  his  little  farm  of 
eighty  acres,  besides  which  he  has  eight  acres  of 
timber.  He  raises  as  much  stock  as  the  place  will 
support  Comfortably,  and  in  his  struggles  and  la- 
bors has  been  ahly  assisted  by  his  estimable  wife — 
a  lad^'  possessing  all  the  womanly  virtues,  devoted 
to  her  family,  remarkably  industrious  and  frugal, 
and  who  has  ordered  the  waj's  of  her  household  in 
the  most  admirable  manner. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  is  the  offspring  of  an 
excellent  old  family,  and  was  one  of  a  pair  of  twins 
born  March  5.  1824,  in  Clark  Count}',  Ohio.  His 
boyhood  days  were  spent  in  his  native  State,  where 
he  received  a  practical  education  in  the  common 
school,  and  when  reaching  his  majority  began  farm- 
ing for  himself.  ^Vhen  twenty-five  years  old  he 
was  married  in  1849,  to  Miss  Sarah  E.  Simpkins. 
and  the  young  people  lived  thereafter  for  three 
years  at  the  Thompson  homestead.  In  1852  they 
came  to  Illinois  and  settled  first  in  Edgar  Count}', 
where  they  sojourneil  five  years.  Their  next  re- 
moval was  to  their  present  farm,  which  was  then 
merely  a  tract  of  wild  land  with  not  a  stick  of  tim- 
ber or  a  shrub  upon  it. 

Our  subject  set  himself  iudustriousl}'  to  work  for 
the  improvement  of  his  property  ablj'  assisted  by 
his  faithful  wife,  and  making  each  year  some  head- 

way toward  the  desired  end.  After  a  lapse  of  years 
six  children  were  embraced  in  the  family  house- 
hold, four  of  whom  are  living:  Rowena  Harriet  is 
now  the  wife  of  Silas  Bean,  and  the  mother  of  one 
child  by  her  present  husband;  they  live  in  Hodge- 
man County,  Kan.  By  her  first  marriage  with 
Frank  Funk  she  became  the  mother  of  four  chil- 
dren; .John  Henry  married  Miss  Emma  Royer; 
they  live  in  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  and  have  two  chil- 
dren; Darius  S.  is  unmarried,  and  has  principal 
charge  of  the  home  farm,  and  is  a  member  of  Lodge 
No.  489.  I.  O.  O.  F.;  Charles  S.  married  Miss  Re- 
becca Hubbard,  and  lives  in  Pilot  Township,  hav- 
ing no  children. 

Mr.  Thompson  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for 
Zaehary  Taylor,  :uid  was  a  memlier  of  the  Old 
Whig  party  until  185G,  when  he  cast  his  lot  with 
the  Republicans  at  the  organization  of  this  party. 
He  has  ofl3ciated  as  Road  Overseer  in  Edgar  County, 
and  has  been  School  Director  in  his  i)resent  dis- 
trict for  eight  years.  Socially,  he  belongs  to  Lodge 
No.  489  I.  O.  O.  F.  at  Fithian,  in  which  he  has 
been  Right  Supporter  and  Outside  Guardian.  Jlrs. 
Thom[(son  is  a  devout  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  Her  parents  were  D.  S.  and 
Rowena  Simpkins.  the  former  of  whom  was  a  na- 
tive of  Maryland,  and  later  removed  with  his  fam- 
ily to  Ohio,  settling  in  Clark  County,  where  he  be- 
came prominent  and  well-to-do.  The  parental 
household  included  eight  children,  of  whom  Mrs. 
Thompson  was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth.  .She 
was  born  Nov.  G,  1828,  in  Maryland,  and  received 
an  excellent  education.  Her  parents  spent  their 
last  years  in  Clark  County,  Ohio. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Jeremiah  C. 
Thompson,  a  native  of  Harper's  Ferr^-,  Va.,  and  a 
farmer  by  occupation.  He  married  Miss  Susannah 
Wolfe,  a  maiden  of  his  own  township  and  a  daugh- 
ter of  Henry  Wolfe,  a  native  of  ^'irginia  and  a 
prominent  man  of  his  time,  who  lived  till  nearly 
eight}^  years  of  age.  From  the  Old  Dominion, 
about  a  year  after  their  marriage,  the  parents  of 
our  subject  emigrated  to  Clark  County,  Ohio,  set- 
tling among  its  earliest  pioneeis.  The  father  in  due 
time  became  owner  of  nearly-  400  acres  of  land  and 
was  prominent  in  the  community,  ofticiating  as 
Justice  of  the  Peace  and  occupying  other  i)osition5 



of  trust  and  responsibility.  He  departed  this  life 
at  the  old  homestead  in  1851.  The  mother  had 
preceded  her  husband  to  the  silent  land  eleven 
years,  her  death  taking  place  in  1840.  They  were 
the  parents  of  eleven  children,  the  most  of  wliom 
lived  to  mature  years,  and  were  scattered  through 
different  States. 

y^ILLIAM  CLirSON,  deceased,  was  form- 
erly an  honored  resident  of  Vermilion 
Couniy,  with  whose  farming  interests  he 
was  identified.  Coming  here  with  his  family  when 
this  section  of  the  country  was  still  in  the  hands  of 
the  pioneers  and  purchasing  land  in  Catlin  Town- 
ship, he  was  actively  engaged  in  its  improvement, 
and  in  the  few  years  that  he  was  spared  to  the 
community  he  greatly  increased  the  value  of  his 
farm.  His  death  when  but  a  few  years  past  the  me- 
ridian of  life  was  a  severe  blow  to  the  township 
with  whose  interests  his  own  were  bound  up,  and 
his  name  and  memory  are  still  cherished  here  by 
those  who  knew  him  best. 

He  was  of  English  birth  and  breeding,  born  in 
Lincolnshire,  May  18,  180C,  and  reared  to  man- 
hood in  a  town  known  as  Minonsb^',  where  he 
lived  till  he  was  about  eighteen  years  old,  when  he 
went  to  Devonshire,  England.  He  was  first  married 
in  that  shire  to  Jane  Shaw,  by  whom  he  iiad  eight 
children,  of  whom  only  two  lived  to  grow  up, 
Catherine  and  Jane.  Catherine  is  the  wife  of  Mil- 
ligan  M.  Moore,  of  Georgetown,  111.  Jane  married 
John  Swanell,  and  died  in  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  in 
1859.  After  his  marriage  Mr.  Clipson  removed  to 
London,  and  there  his  wife  died  July  1,  1839. 
While  in  Devonshire  he  enlisted  as  a  soldier  in  the 
British  Army,  and  served  as  raessman  to  King 
William.  After  his  removal  to  London  he  served 
on  the  police  force  of  that  city,  and  was  afterward 
inspector  for  the  London  Gas  Company  for  some 
ten  or  twelve  years,  and  at  the  same  time  was  en- 
caged in  the  management  of  a'  hotel.  He  was  mar- 
ried a  second  time  in  that  city,  his  union  with 
Miss  Matilda  Ann  Barker  being  solemnized  Nov.  5, 
1840.  She  was  born  in  Boston,  Lincolnshire,  Eng- 
land, Dec.  22,  1815.    Of  the  thirteen  children  born 

of  her  marrin^e  with  our  subject  the  following  six 
grew  to  maturity:  William  H.,  John  C,  James, 
Harriet  A.,  Richard,  Albert.  William  married 
Mirantlia  Tipton,  and  they  reside  in  Clarinda, 
Iowa.  John  C.  married  Margaret  Hutchinson,  and 
they  reside  in  Clarinda,  Iowa.  James  married  Cla- 
rissa Douglas,  and  they  reside  in  Catlin  Township. 
Albert  married  Ethlen  Sanford,  and  they  reside  in 
Catlin  Township.  Harriet  and  Richard  live  with 
their  mother  on  the  old  homestead. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clipson  continued  to  live  in  Lon- 
don till  thespringof  1853,  when  they  emigrated  to 
America  with  their  family,  making  the  voyage  on 
a  sailing  vessel  in  six  weeks,  and  landed  in  New- 
York,  whence  they  came  directly  to  Vermilion 
County.  They  settled  in  Catlin  Township,  cast- 
ing in  their  lot  with  its  pioneers,  and  here  he  en- 
gaged in  farming,  having  purchased  IGO  acres  of 
wild  land.  He  caused  a  good  house  to  be  erected, 
and  made  man}'  other  substantial  im|)rovements, 
besides  getting  much  of  the  land  under  excellent 
cultivation,  and  was  continually  increasing  the 
value  of  his  farm,  when  death  closed  his  busy,  use- 
ful career  July  6,  1862.  He  was  a  man  of  varied 
experience  in  life;  intelligent  and  thoughtful,  and 
his  place  in  this  township  was  among  its  best  and 
most  desirable  citizens.  He  was  a  fair-minded 
man,  and  was  possessed  of  ripe  judgment,  tact  and 
sound  discretion,  and  was  always  found  to  be  faith- 
ful and  Irustworth}-  in  his  dealings,  so  that  his  life- 
record  is  without  stain.  His  venerable  widow  is 
still  making  her  home  on  the  old  homestead,  sur- 
rounded by  all  the  comforts  that  the  loving  care  of 
her  children  can  devise.  She  is  a  fine  lady  of  well- 
known  English  stock,  is  hospitable  and  entertain- 
ing, and  with  her  family  occupies  a  high  position 
in  the  social  circles  of  the  community.  She  is  a 
valued  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
and  has  been  connected  with  it  for  more  than 
twenty  years,  and  her  conduct  in  the  daily  affairs 
of  life  show  her  to  be  possessed  of  a  trul^-  religious. 
Christian  nature. 

Richard  and  Albert  Clipson,  sons  of  our  subject, 
have  formed  a  partnership  and  are  extensively  en- 
gaged in  the  stock  business.  Besides  having  the 
management  of  the  old  homestead,  they  own  and 
operate  360  acres  of  choice  farming   land.     They 



buy  find  ship  a  large  aiiiount  of  stock,  liaving  sev- 
eral men  in  their  employ  who  are  engaged  all  tlie 
time  in  buying  for  them.  The  firm  is  well-known 
throughout  this  part  of  the  West  and  stands  high 
in  limiufinl  circles,  as  the  Clipson  Bros,  are  known 
to  be  men  of  honor  who  are  always  fair  and  up- 
right in  their  dealings.  They  are  men  of  large  en- 
terprise, full  of  energy  and  push,  and  possess  a 
marked  talent  for  business,  which  they  conduct 
system.atically  and  after  the  most  approved  meth- 
ods. Richard  Clipson  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F., 
of  Catlin.  and  Albert  belongs  to  the  Modern 
Woodmen  Camp  of  Catlin. 


UGH  WRIGHT  is  the  son  of  William,  whose 
father,  Hugh,  was  a  native  of  Bourbon  Co., 
'*V<^'  Ky.,  where  he  married  Miss  Anna  Patter- 
'^)  son.  After  their  marriage  the}'  removed  to 
Bourbon  County,  Kentucky,  where  they  located  on 
a  fnrm  and  reared  their  family  of  eight  children, 
viz.:  William,  .lohn,  Hugh,  Thomas,  Margred, 
Polly,  Peggy,  and  our  subject's  father,  William. 
The  four  eldest  died  at  an  early  age;  Margred,  the 
lifth  child,  niarrieil  a  Mr.  Piper,  who  is  now  de- 
ceased, after  which  she  was  again  married  to  Eli 
Current,  of  Kentucky,  who  also  died.  She,  how- 
ever, continued  to  live  in  Kentucky.  Polly  and 
her  husband,  Mr.  Piper,  both  died  leaving  two  chil- 
dren; Peggy,  the  seventh,  married  James  Looman, 
who  died.  She  now  resides  in  Kansas.  The  sub- 
ject's father,  the  eighth  and  Last  born,  was  married 
in  Kentucky,  to  Miss  Ellen,  daughter  of  Silas  and 
Margaret  (Duffy)  Waters. 

The  subject's  grandfather  was  a  native  of  Vir- 
ginia but  removed  to  Kentucky  when  the  children 
were  young.  In  1828  Hugh's  father  with  his 
family  came  to  this  county;  there  were  at  this  time 
but  three  children,  Hugh,  Silas  and  James.  The 
latter  was  born  in  Hush  County,  Ind.,  where  the 
parents  lived  one  year  previous  to  coming  here. 
Those  born  here  are  John  A.,  William  A.,  now  de- 
ceased, Margaret  A.,  who  died  at  the  age  of  eight- 
een years,  and  Elizabeth,  who  married  John  Rut- 
ledire.     Since  her  husljand's  death  Mrs.  Rutledge 

has  lived  in  McLean  County.  The  first  settlement 
made  here  by  the  father  was  some  three  miles  north 
of  Danville.  At  the  time  of  his  location  here  there 
were  but  three  white  families  in  the  village,  this 
part  of  the  county  being  chiefly  occupied  by  In- 
dians. The  land  had  not  3'ct  come  into  market: 
he,  however,  ventured  to  settle  in  the  timber,  and 
reckoned  that  the  prairies  would  never  become 
populated.  The  first  liouse  was  made  of  logs,  and 
the  firejjlace  was  concocted  of  a  substance  called 
stone-coal,  which  was  supposed  to  be  fire-proof. 
This,  however,  proved  to  l)e  a  mistake,  for  the  fire 
was  no  sooner  built  than  the  stone-coal  at  once  be- 
gan to  burn,  and  it  was  with  ditliculty  that  the 
cabin  itself  was  saved.  After  considerable  exertion 
the  flames  were  extinguished.  Immediately  after 
this  disaster  what  remained  of  the  coal  chimney 
was  torn  down  and  it  was  replaced  by  a  stick  and 
clay  one. 

The  little  log  cabin  was  soon  surrounded  by  a 
nicelj-  cultivated  farm,  and  later,  in  its  stead  a 
pretty  house  might  be  seen.  There  the  family 
lived  for  ten  years.  During  this  time  the  vil- 
lage of  Denmark,  as  it  is  now  called,  was  started. 
It  was  a  rough  frontier  town  situated  near  to  the 
house  of  our  subject's  father.  On  .account  of  the 
many  disadvantages  arising  from  their  nearness  to 
Deiunark,  the  father  sold  his  farm  and  removed  to 
this  township,  which  was  better  suited  to  his  taste. 
Here  he  spent  his  last  days.  His  death  occurred  in 
1845.  His  wife  survived  him  by  thirty-six  years. 
She  died  at  Farmer's  City,  McLean  County,  in 
1881,  her  daughter  being  with  her  at  the  time. 

Hugh  Wright  was  married  first  in  this  county  to 
;\Iiss  Manerva,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Elizabeth 
Payne,  who  came  from  New  York,  their  n.ative 
city,  to  be  pioneers  in  this  county.  Of  this  mar- 
riage there  were  six  children:  Margaret,  America. 
Mary,  Fannie,  now  Mrs.  Henry  Kadymaker,  Clarissa 
and  Frank.  Margaret  and  America  are  no  longer 
living;  Mary  is  now  Mrs.  .Samuel  A.  Oliver,  and 
resides  in  Southern  Texas;  Clarissa  married  Mr. 
Staunton  Foster  and  lives  in  this  township;  Fannie 
and  her  husband  are  living  in  Armstrong.  The 
whole  family  are  members  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church,  of  which  the  father  was  a  Class- 
Leader  for  many  3'ears.     Hugh  Wright's  first  wife 



(liwl  ill  April,  1881.  After  seven  j'ears  he  was 
again  married  to  Mrs.  Stacy  (Potts)  Wilcoff.  This 
happy  event  took  place  in  Nov.  1888.  By  her 
first  husband  she  had  three  children:  Thomas, 
Ellen  and  James.  Wikoff  is  a  name  well  remem- 
bered among  the  old  families  of  Ohio. 

Mr.  Wright  is  the  proprietor  of  a  fine  farm  com- 
prising 400  acres  all  under  good  cultivation.  This 
he  has  made  his  home,  adding  yearly  to  it  all  the 
advantages  and  improvements  that  suggest  them- 
selves. An  important  feature  in  his  character  is 
his  business  accurac}^  and  punctuality.  These 
enable  him  at  any  time  to  command  the  assistance 
of  any  bank  with  which  he  does  business.  Besides 
the  farm  on  which  he  lives,  he  is  the  owner  of  800 
acres,  all  fine  farms,  in  this  township.  His  mill 
has  been  improved  and  an  artesian  well  has  been 
supplemented  to  the  list  of  conveniences  on  his 

Mr.  Wright's  father  seems  to  have  been  consti- 
tutionally destitute  of  fear.  He  was  made,  as  it 
were,  without  that  peculiar  faculty  which  makes 
people  take  danger  into  the  account  and  try  to 
keep  at  a  distance  from  it.  Tlie  full  possession  of 
tliis  deficienc}'  (if  the  phrase  is  not  too  direct  a 
contradiction  in  terms)  is  now  quite  uncommon. 
It  was  therefore  without  trepidation  he  made 
a  friend  of  W.ipanim,  the  chief  of  an  Indian  tribe. 
They  were  in  fact  on  such  friendly  terms  that  Mr. 
Wright  did  not  hesitate  to  allow  his  son  Hugh, 
who  was  then  a  child,  to  ride  on  the  Indian's  back 
through  the  woods.  The  tribe  was  at  that  time  a 
peaceful  one. 

One  day  while  talking  with  Mr.  AV'right  the 
chief  requested  him  to  report  anything  that  a  mem- 
ber of  his  tribe  might  do  which  did  not  happen  to 
meet  with  Mr.  Wright's  approbation.  This  request 
was  soon  to  be  made  use  of.  The  occasion  was  as 
follows:  A  stalwart  Indian  came  to  the  house  and 
threatened  to  harm  our  subject's  mother  for  having 
refused  to  give  him  the  eggs  that  he  had  asked  for. 
This  fact  was  stated  to  the  chief,  who  had  the  In- 
dian whipped  most  severely.  The  lash  used  was  a 
stout  one  and  was  plied  by  a  strong  hand.  The 
result  was  that  the  poor  creature's  skin  was  Ijroken 
and  the  raw  bleeding  flesh  exposed.  Still  the  pun- 
ishment was  continued  so  long  that  fully  a  pint  of 

lilood  iiuist  have  been  shed.  ]\Ir.  Wright  and  his 
family  were  called  upon  to  witness  the  scene. 

This  little  incident  is  given  partly  to  direct  at- 
tention to  the  care  and  assiduity  with  wliieh  this 
exceptionally  good  chief  guarded  the  interests  of 
the  white  families  against  the  barbarous  injustice  of 
his  own  men.  Wapinim  spoke  English  well,  and 
for  a  man  of  his  type  was  unusually  intelligent. 

Hugh  Wright  was  seventeen  years  old  when  he 
got  his  first  suit  of  store  clothes,  which  he  bought 
with  the  money  he  himself  had  earned  by  tramping 
out  some  oats  with  horses  and  hauling  them  to 
Chicago,  where  the}-  sold  at  ten  cents  per  bushel. 
Before  this  his  clotlies  were  such  as  his  mother 
would  make  by  means  of  the  old  spinning-wheel. 
He  was  very  proud  of  his  new  apparel,  which  cost 
him  $10,  the  price  of   100  bushels  of  oats. 

-*?=5^EORGE    WHEELER   JONES,    M.  D..  one 

of  the  foremost  phj'sicians  of  the  State  of  Illi- 
nois, and  who  has  a  fine  professional  reputa- 
tion beyond  its  borders,  was  born  in  Bath,  Steuben 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  in  February,  1839.  Dr.  Jones'  father, 
John  S.  Jones,  also  a  phj-sician,  was  born  in  High- 
land, Kings  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  his  fatiier,  John  Jones, 
was  born  in  or  near  New  York  City.  The}'  were 
of  Welsh  ancestry.  Dr.  Jones,  father  of  George 
W.,  commenced  the  study  of  medicine  while  quite 
a  young  man,  and  was  graduated  from  the  medical 
college  at  Albany,  after  which  he  practiced  his  pro- 
fession in  New  Y'^ork  State  until  1847,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Indiana  and  settled  in  Covington,  practi- 
cing there  many  years.  He  removed  from  Coving- 
ton to  Danville,  where  he  died  in  the  fall  of  1871, 
but  a  few  months  after  his  last  removal.  Dr. 
Jones,  Sr.,  married  Charlotte  Wheeler,  a  native  of 
Steuben  County,  N.  Y.  Her  father,  George 
Wheeler,  was  a  native  of  Connecticut,  and  they 
trace  their  ancestry  to  England.  The  mother  of 
the  subject  of  this  article  still  resides  in  Danville. 
There  were  seven  children  born  to  her:  George 
W.,  James  S.  (deceased),  Ly-dia,  Frank  and 
Caleb  (deceased),  Mary  S.  and  Lottie  E.  James 
enlisted,  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  in  the  63d  Indiana 
Infantry,  and  was  mustered  in  as  private,  but  was 

Residence  and  Farm  Property  of  John  LEEMON.or, 

Ec'sA.^iO.(23.-lE.)  AND Sec's. 33.(2-^.-12.)  Vermilion  &.  Iroquois  Cos.. 



rapidly  i)romotecl  through  difiFerent  gTarlcs  until  he 
reached  tlie  rank  of  <  Quartermaster.  He  served 
until  the  close  of  the  war,  and  is  now  deceased. 

Dr.  G.  W.  Jones  attended  the   pulilic  schools  in 
New  York  State  and  later  in  Covington,  and  finally 
completed   his  literary  studies  at  Wabash   College, 
and   also    hegan    the   study   of  medicine  with  his 
father  and  uncle  Caleb  .lones,  at  Covington.       lie 
attended   several   courses  of  lectures  at  a  medical 
college  in  Chicago,  during  which   time  he  received 
private  instructions  from  Dr.  Byford.  of  that  city. 
In    March,    1862,    he    was   graduated,  and   imme- 
diately entered  the  army  as  Acting  Surgeon  of  the 
2Gth  Illinois  Regiment.     After  a  few  month's  serv- 
ice in  that  capacitv  he  was  tendered  a  commission 
with  the  rank  of  Major  and   Surgeon  of  that  regi- 
ment, but  preferred   to  be  with   his  brother  in    the 
63d  Indiana,  and  .accepted  the  position  of  Assistant 
Surgeon  of  that  regiment,  where   he  served  until 
the  close  of  the  war.     For  two  years  he  was  one  of 
the  Surgeons  in  charge  of  the  field  hospital  of  the 
third  division  of  the   2."d  army  corps.       He  served 
with  Sherman  in  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  also  in 
the  operations  against   Hood's   armj-  in   Tennessee. 
He    carries    the   scars   of   the    wound   received  at 
Pumpkin  "Vine  Creek,  caused  by  tiie  explosion  of  a 
shell.      After  being  mustered  out  of  the  service  in 
18G5  he  came  to  Danville,  and  at  once  inaugurated 
a  successful  practice.     Dr.  Jones  has  a  brilliant  war 
record,  and  one  of  which  he  can  justly  feel  i)roud. 
The  subject  of  this  sketcli  was   married  in  1865, 
to  Emelyn   K.    Enos,   of    Cincinnati,   Ohio,   and  a 
daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Susan  Enos.     She  is  the 
mother  of  one  child,   Hubert   W.       Dr.  Jones  and 
wife    are    members    of    llul}'  Trinity    (Episcopal) 
Church.     Politicallj',  the  Doctor  is  a  standi  Repub- 
lican, and  for  many  }'ears  has  served  as  a  member 
of  the  Pension  Board,  a  position   he  has  filled  with 
marked  ability.     He  is  a  member  of  the   following 
medical  societies:    The  Vermilion  County  Medical 
Society,  The  Illinois  Central,  Chicago  Medical  So- 
ciety.  Illinois   State    Medical  Society,  Mississippi 
Valley,    and    the    American    Medical    Association. 
He    was  a  delegate   to   the  meeting  of  the  Inter- 
national  Medical  Congress  which  met  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,   in    1888.  and   which   was  composed  of 
many  of  the  scientific  men  of  the  world.      While 

Dr.  Jones  stands  at  the  head  of  his  profession  in 
his  portion  of  the  country,  he  is  reckoned  :us  one  of 
the  l)est  of  neighbors  and  citizens.  The  Doctor  is  a 
member  of  Lodge  No.  69,  I.  O.  O.  F.,  of  Danville, 
and  also  a  prominent  Mason,  olflciating  with  (Jri- 
ental  Consistory  of  Chicago,  and  several  other 
secret  societies. 

'ifJOHN  LEEMON.  The  man  who  has  flowing- 
I  through  his  veins  the  blood  of  an  lionor- 
I  able  ancestry  has  occasion  for  being  jnoud, 
'  for  he  has  thus  been  endowed  with  thac 
which  is  better  than  silver  and  gold.  If  he  has  like- 
wise been  endowed  with  the  wisdom  to  improve  his 
talent,  he  is  doubly  fuituu.itc,  for  no  matter  what 
circumstances  surniund  him.  he  is  usually  able  to 
fight  his  way  resolutely  to  success.  Some  men  are 
met  with  seeminglv  more  than  their  share  of  ad- 
versit3-,  while  the  course  of  others  is  comparatively 
smooth,  but  in  either  event  men  usually  have  about 
all  they  wish  to  contend  with  of  trouljlc  and  toil. 
Those  who  have  succeeded  in  breasting  the  waves 
are  naturally  looked  up  to  by  their  fellow-men, 
among  whom  the^'  become  captains  and  leaders. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  presents  a  fine  illus- 
tration of    the   results  of  perseverance,  and   what 
man  maj'  accomplish   from  a  very   humble  begin- 
ning.    Commencing  in  life  without  other  resources 
than  his  own  energy  and  resolution,  he  climbed  his 
w.ay  steadih'   upward  until   he    is   now  a   man    of 
property  and  importance,  owning  one  of  the  finest 
farms   in  Central  Illinois.       This  comprises   1,080 
acres  in  one  boily,  occui)ying  the  greater  portions 
of  sections  4   and  10,   township  23,  range   12,  the 
residence   being  on  4,  and   the  balance  in  Iroquois 
Counts'  on   the   north,  in   township  24.  range   12 
In  Fountain  Creek  he  has  520  acres,  and  120  acres 
near  East  Lynn.     In  Scott  and  Christian  counties 
he  has  an  interest  in  1,785  acres.     The  home  farm, 
which  has  naturally  been    under  the  especial  over- 
sight of  the  proprietor,  has  been  brought  to  a  high 
state  of  cultivation,  and  mainly  devoted  to  general 
farming  together  with  stock-raising.     The  residence 
with  its  surroundings,  which  are  represented  by  a 
lithographic  engraving  on  another   page,  give  it 



the  air  of  plenty  and  comfort  which  is  delightful  to 
coiiteinplate.  The  buildings  and  machinerj'  are 
all  that  is  required  for  the  successful  prosecution 
of  agriculture. 

Mr.  Leemon  was  horn  of  Scotch  parentage  in 
County  Armagh  in  the  North  of  Ireland,  May  8, 
18-29,  and  emigrated  to  America  when  he  was 
twenty-two  years  old,  coming  directly  to  Illinois 
and  settling  in  Jersey  Count3^  He  worked  out  by 
the  mouth,  first  at  *512,  and  during  the  winter  sea- 
son husked  corn  at  fifty  cents  per  day  and  board. 
His  wants  were  few,  and  at  these  small  wages  he 
managed  to  save  a  little  money  nntil  he  had  enough 
to  buy  a  team.  This  accomplished,  he  rented  a 
tract  uf  land  in  Jersey  County,  where  he  carried 
on  farming  until  185G.  In  the  meantime  he  had 
come  to  this  county  and  purchased  444  acres  of 
wild  land.  As  soon  as  possible  he  commenced  its 
improvement  and  cultivation  at  a  time  when  there 
was  not  a  house  in  that  vicinity,  excepting  the  one 
occMi)ied  by  Mr.  Iloopes,  with  whom  he  boarded, 
going  back  and  forth  to  his  place,  two  and  one- 
h:ilf  miles,  night  and  morning. 

In  the  fall  (_>f  IS.jT  Mr.  Leemon  put  up  a  small 
house  on  his  farm,  and,  like  the  bachelor  of  old, 
"lived  b}'  himself,"  until  he  judged  it  prudent  to 
take  unto  himself  a  wife.  In  the  meantime  he 
planted  forest  and  fruit  trees,  set  out  a  goodly 
anuniul  of  hedge,  and  instituted  the  improvements 
winch,  as  time  passed  on,  resulted  in  making  his 
farm  a  vevy  valuable  and  desiiable  piece  of  prop- 
erty. He  has  now  two  windmills  and  a  feedmill, 
his  barn  being  underlaid  witli  water-pipes  which 
lead  to  various  tanks  wherever  recpiired  for  the 
convenience  of  stock.  The  wet  land  has  been 
thoroughly  drained  with  tiling,  which  was  con- 
veyed from  Bloomington.  When  Mr.  Leemon 
settled  here  wild  animals  of  all  kinds  were  plentiful, 
especially  deer  and  wolves.  He  has  seen  as  mani- 
as seventy-five  deer  in  one  herd,  while  men  fre- 
quently got  together  to  hunt  the  wolves,  which 
hunger  made  altogether  too  familiar  to  suit  the 
settlers,  sometimes  stealing  the  deer  meat  from 
their  doors. 

When  the  time  came  that  Mr.  Leemon  felt  that 
he  could  justifiablj'  assume  the  resjjonsibility  of  a 
family,  hewasxinited  in  marriage  with  MissLodema 

Brown,  of  Butler  Township,  the  wedding  taking 
place  at  Rossville  Aug.  26,  1865.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Leemon  commenced  the  journey  of  life  together  in 
their  own  home,  and  in  due  time  they  became  the 
parents  of  six  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a 
daughter,  Izele,  died  at  the  age  of  twelve  j-ears. 
The  survivors  are  Lida,  Robert  A.,  John  A., 
Charles  N.  and  Edith,  and  they  are  all  at  home 
with  their  parents,  being  given  the  training 
and  education  which  will  fit  them  for  their  proper 
station  in  life,  as  the  offspring  of  one  of  the  first 
families  of  this  county. 

Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen  Mr.  Leemon 
identified  himself  with  the  Democratic  party,  but 
in  local  or  State  politics,  votes  independently, 
aiming  to  support  the  men  whom  he  considers  best 
qualified  to  serve  the  interests  of  the  people.  He 
has  been  the  incumbent  of  nearl3'  everj'  office  in 
Fountain  Creek  Township.  He  served  as  Justice 
of  the  Peace  eight  j'ears,  also  as  School  Director, 
and  Trustee,  and  Supervisor  for  four  3'ears,  and 
has  uniformly  distinguished  himself  as  a  man  of 
progressive  and  liberal  ideas — one  willing  to  give 
his  time  and  influence  to  those  enterprises  calcu- 
lated for  the  general  good.  He  was  reared  in  the 
doctrines  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  During  the 
early  days  he  labored  early  and  late,  frequently 
plowing  all  night  long  and  resting  a  part  of  the 
daj',  on  account  of  the  flies.  Notwithstanding  this  he 
took  good  care  of  his  health,  never  abusing  himself 
by  using  liquor,  and  is  consequently  still  a  well- 
preserved  man  and  able  to  enjoy  the  fruits  of  his 
labors,  now  that  he  is  in  a  condition  to  retire. 
Many  of  the  enterprises  of  Hoopestown  have  found 
in  Mr.  Leemon  a  substantial  friend  and  benefactor. 
He  is  ^'ice  President  and  Director  of  the  new  bank. 

Thomas  Leemon,  the  father  of  our  sidiject,  was 
likewise  a  native  of  the  North  of  Ireland,  to  which 
his  forefathers  had  been  driven  during  tlie  times  of 
religious  persecution  in  Sci>tland.  lie  married 
IMiss  Elizabeth  Thompson,  and  they  reared  a  fam- 
ily of  six  children,  all  of  whom  followed  our  sub- 
ject to  America  in  1854,  three  3'ears  after  his  arri- 
val here.  They  sojourned  for  a  time  in  Jersey 
County,  this  State,  then  removed  to  Christian 
County-,  where  the  father  died  in  1862.  The 
mother   survived    lier    husband    some    3-ears,    and 



spent  her  last  days  with  her  son  John,  (inssing 
away  in  1883.  S.iniuel  aTul  William  Leeiuon,  the 
two  brothers  of  our  subject,  are  residents  of  Chris- 
tian County.  Mis.  Leemon  was  born  near  Lock- 
poit.'in  Niagara  County,  N.  Y.,  and  when  about 
seventeen  j'ears  old  emigrated  with  her  parents  to 
Indiana,  where  she  lived  until  about  twenty-two 
\-ears  old.  They  then  removed  to  East  Lynn,  this 
county.  Her  father,  John  Brown,  spent  his  last 
days  in  Marysville.  EastTenu..  where  he  died  some 
3'ears  ago.  The  mother.  Mrs.  Catherine  (Bears) 
Brown,  still  lives,  and  makes  her  home  with  her 
daughter,  at  the  advanced  age  of  eight3'-one  years. 



Jr)OHN  R.  THOMPSON.  Few  men  are  bet- 
I  ter  known  throughout  Oakwood  Township 
I  than  Mr.  Thompson.  He  owns  a  good  farm 
j  of  COO  acres,  on  sections  24  and  25,  where  ue 
has  effected  most  of  the  improvements  upon  it, 
erecting  the  barn  and  other  buildings,  and  himself 
clearing  loO  acres.  He  has  made  a  specialty  of 
sheep-raising — Shropshires  and  Merinos — and  has 
probably  had  a  larger  experience  in  this  industry 
than  any  other  man  in  the  county.  In  this  he  has 
been  unifornil}'  successful,  and  maintains  that  the 
only  money  he  has  ever  made  and  saved,  he  has 
accumulated  in  this  manner.  He  has  also  dealt 
largel}'  in  cattle,  swine  and  general  farm  produce, 
and  cultivates  250  acres,  which,  from  its  soil  and 
location,  is  classed  among  the  best  land  in  the 
township.  He  is  a  lover  of  the  equine  race  like- 
wise and  has  four  fine  specimens  of  thorough-bred 
Kentucky  running  stock,  two  of  Harkaway,  one  of 
Gloster,  and  one  from  Laurence,  promising  young 
horses,  who  will  probably  make  a  fine  record.  Mr. 
Thompson  proposes  retiring  from  active  labor  in 
the  near  future,  which  he  can  well  afford  to  do, 
having  an  ample  competence. 

The  eighth  in  a  familj'  of  eigiiteen  children,  our 
subject  was  born  April  12,  1830,  in  W.ashington 
County,  Pa.  His  parents  were  Joseph  and  Nancy 
(Stonghton)  Thompson,  natives  respectively  of 
New  Jersey  and  Pennsylvania.  The  p.iternal 
grandfather  was  a  native  of  Wales,  whence  he  emi- 
grated   to   America    at     an     early    d.ay.      Joseph 

Thompson  and  his  wife  spent  their  entire  lives  in 
their  native  State,  the  father  dying  in  18C5.  and 
the  mother  in  1880.  Thirteen  of  their  childien 
lived  to  mature  years,  and  ten  are  still  living,  mak- 
ing their  homes  mostly  in  Pennsylvania,  Ohio,  Illi- 
nois and  Kansas. 

The  boyhood  d.ays  of  Mr.  Thompson  were  spent 
in  his  native  county  and  his  education  was  acquired 
in  the  district  school,  after  which  he  engaged  in 
farm  work  until  1851.  Then,  having  reached  his 
majority,  he  started  for  the  farther  West,  landing 
in  this  county  and  for  six  years  thereafter  operated 
as  a  shepherd,  thus  gaining  his  knowledge  of  the 
proper  care  and  treatment  of  sheep.  He  watched 
his  flocks  on  the  wild  prairie  when  the  settlers  were 
few  and  far  between  and  occupying  farms  within 
a  mile  of  the  timber.  In  coming  to  Illinois  Mr. 
Thompson  drove  a  flock  of  1,300  sheep  for  another 
man.  lieing  sixty-six  daj's  on  the  way.  He  attended 
these  until  the  spring  of  1852  then  returned  to  his 
native  State  and  returned  with  a  flock  of  1,500  to 
this  countj',  making  the  entire  distance  on  foot  and 
consuming  seventy-two  days. 

On  the  27  of  November,  185G,  our  subjet;t  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  David  C.  Wright,  who  had  died  previously. 
The  j'oung  people  commenced  the  journey-  of  life 
together  on  ai-ented  farm  which  the}'  occupied  three 
years,  Mr.  Thompson  still  maintaining  his  inter- 
est in  sheep,  which  he  began  to  raise  in  goodly 
numbers  and  which  brought  him  handsome  returns. 
In  due  time  he  purchased  I  GO  acres  of  land  adja- 
cent to  that  which  he  now  owns.  He  lived  upon 
this  four  years,  then  sold  it  and  purchased  lilO 
acres,  partly  improved  and  near  the  timber.  Three 
years  later  he  sold  out  once  more  and  purchased 
his  present  farm. 

To  Mr.  and  .Mr.  Tlioui|)son  there  were  born 
twelve  children,  one  of  whom  died  young.  The 
survivors  form  an  unusually  bright  and  interesting 
group,  of  which  the  parents  are  justly  proud.  The 
eldest,  Joseph  Morton,  married  Miss  Molly  Steen 
and  is  a  leading  member  of  the  (!.  A.  R.,  of  Dan- 
ville. D.  Lincoln  married  Miss  Melissa  Hall  and 
is  senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Thompson  Bros., 
general  inorchauts  at  Fithian;  he  has  two  children. 
Annie,   Mrs.  Elijah    Board,  is    the   mother  of  one 



child  and  lives  in  Oakwood  Township;  Nellie  F., 
Jolin  R.,  (iertie  E.,  Ulysses  S.,  Frauciena,  Maude, 
Harrison  and  DoUie,  are  at  home  with  their  pa- 
rents. The  firm  of  Thompson  Bros.,  is  conspicuous 
for  its  admiral)le  business  abilities  and  has  few 
equals  in  this  part  of  the  country.  The  children 
of  our  subject  have  all  been  given  an  excellent  edu- 
cation, four  of  the  six  eldest  receiving  first-gi-ade 
certificates.  .Joseph  M.  was  graduated  from  the 
University  of  Michigan,  .at  Ann  Arbor,  receiving 
special  instruction  from  Judge  C'ooley. 

Mr.  Thom[)son  votes  the  straight  Republican 
ticket,  being  the  only  one  of  seven  brothers  who 
cast  his  lot  with  this  party — the  other  six  and  the 
the  father  being  staiinch  JJemocrats.  He  has  offi- 
ciated as  School  Director  most  of  the  time  since 
coming  to  Oakwood  Township  and  has  been  Path- 
master  for  many  years.  Socially,  he  belongs  to 
the  I.  O.  ().  F.  at  Fithian  and  has  passed  all  the 
Chairs  and  tlirougli  the  Encampment.  A  man 
never  idle  when  there  is  anything  to  do,  he  has 
uinde  for  himself  a  good  recortl  in  point  of  industry 
and  perseverance.  One  of  the  most  fortunate 
things  which  has  fallen  to  his  lot  is  his  estimable 
and  sensible  wife,  a  lady  greatly  esteemed  in  her 
community  for  her  excellent  qualities  of  character 
and  her  devotion  to  her  family. 

Mrs.  Thompson  was  the  eldest  child  of  her  pa- 
rents and  was  born  Dec.  26,  1837,  in  Champaign 
County,  111.  Of  the  four  children  born  to  her  pa- 
rents three  are  now  living,  one  residing  |n  Iowa 
and  one  in  Nebraska.  Her  grandfather,  John  B. 
Wright,  of  Pennsylvania,  removed  first  to  Indiana 
and  tlien  to  this  county  of  which  he  was  one  of  the 
pioneer  settlers. 


(«1       ^ILLIAM   W 

\J//    '"ember  of 
W^J      nan,  is  with 

Ihe  lirm  of  Crimmins  &  Bucha- 
his  partner  operating  the  liv- 
ery stable  at  Sidell,  and  is  highly  popular  among 
the  residents  of  this  well-regulated  little  village. 
He  also  operates  considerably  as  an  auctioneer  and 
salesman.  He  is  a  man  of  undoubted  ability,  and 
fine  personal  appearance,  and  possesses  those  correct 
ideas  in  relation   to  both   public  and  private  life 

from  which  spring  the  better  elements  of  society. 
He  was  born  in  Gentry  County,  Mo.,  March  17, 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Enoch  and  Su- 
san (Beard)  Buchanan,  the  father  a  native  of  Ohio 
and  the  mother  of  Kentuck}-.  The  paternal  grand- 
father removed  from  the  Buckeye  State  and  settled 
in  Edgar  County,  111.  about  1845,  bringing  his 
family  with  him.  He  and  his  father  both  served 
in  the  war  of  1812.  The  Buchanan  family  is  of 
Scotch  ancestr}-  and  upon  coming  to  this  country, 
settled  in  Pennsylvania  where  they  carried  on  farm- 
ing. They  were  a  'large,  muscular  set  of  people 
and  usually  thrifty  and  well-to-do.  Enoch  Bucha- 
nan was  reared  to  manhood  in  Edgar  County,  this 
State,  l)ut  was  married  in  Vermilion  County, 
whence  he  moved  to  Missouri  about  1854,  settlino' 
on  a  farm  near  Fairview.  The  troubles  during  the 
Civil  War  induced  him  to  return  to  Illinois  and  in 
the  meantime  his  properly  was  destroyed.  He  was 
thus  left  without  resources,  Imt  set  himself  to  work 
and  was  prospered,  finally  becoming  the  owner  of 
a  farm  in  Carroll  Township.  He  departed  this 
life  in  1878  after  an  active  career  of  fifty  3ears. 
The  mother  is  still  living  and  makes  her  home  with 
our  subject;  she  is  novv  fifty-eight  years  old. 
Their  four  children  were  named  respectively,  Sarah, 
John.  William  Wilson  and  Elizabeth.  The  eldest 
daughter  is  a  resident  of  Carroll  Township;  John 
died  at  the  age  of  one  3'ear;  Elizabeth  became  the 
wife  of  Benjamin  Black,  one  of  the  leading  citi- 
zens of  Carroll,  Township. 

Our  subject  acquired  his  education  in  the  com- 
mon school  and  as  his  father's  business  called  the 
latter  away  from  home,  William  W.,  being  the 
onl}'  son,  necessarily  assumed  the  responsibility 
of  looking  after  the  family,  although  but  twenty 
years  of  age.  In  1878  Mr.  Buchanan  engaged  in 
the  sewing  machine  business  which  he  followed  un- 
til the  spring  of  1889.  At  the  same  time  lie  super- 
intended the  operation  of  his  farm.  He  was 
married  in  1881  to  Miss  Alice  C.  Gilroy  at  her 
home  in  Carroll  Township.  Mrs.  Buchanan  is  the 
daughter  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Beard)  Gilroy, 
whose  parents  came  to  this  county  in  1845  and 
were  among  the  pioneer  settlers  of  Carroll  Town- 
ship.      The   mother   is  still  living  and  makes  her 



home  in  Butler  Count}',  Kan. ;  she  is  about  fifty- 
two  years  old.  Of  her  first  niarringe  tliere  was 
liiini  niie  child  only — Mrs.  Burhanaii.  After  the 
death  of  lier  first  husband  she  was  married  twice, 
having  three  cliildren  by  the  second  husband  and 
one  liy  the  third. 

Mrs.  Bnclianan  was  reared  to  womanhood  in 
Carroll  Township,  this  county,  and  com])leted  her 
studies  in  the  High  School  at  Indianola.  Of  her 
union  with  our  subject  there  have  been  born  four 
cliildren^Essie,  Leila,  Floy  E.  and  Elma.  Mr. 
Buchanan,  politically,  votes  the  Democratic  ticket 
and  socially  belongs  to  the  Modern  AVoodmen 
Camp  at  Indianola.  The  firm  of  which  he  is  a 
member  was  organized  April  17,  1889.  but  not- 
withstanding the  business  is  comparatively'  new,  is 
in  the  enjoyment  of  a  good  patronage.  They  have 
put  in  an  excellent  stock  of  new  buggies  and 
harness,  have  good  horses,  and,  in  fact,  conduct 
their  enterprise  in  a  manner  which  makes  it  ex- 
tremely i>opular  among  the  people  of  this  region. 
They  are  consequently  justified  in  their  expectations 
of  the  future. 

Aside  from  his  livery  business  Mr.  Buchanan  is 
recognized  as  one  of  the  leading  auctioneers  of 
this  county,  operating  principally  along  its  south- 
ern line.  He  has  been  in  practice  for  the  last  five 
years,  his  transactions  being  princii)ally  in  live- 
stock deals.  He  is  thus  widely  known  throughunt 
Western  Indiana  and  Northern  Illinois.  He  also 
oHiciated  as  Constable  of  Carroll  Township. 

.JLLIAM  DAVIS.  The  man  who  has  thought 
much  and  studied  much,  and  whose  char- 
acter has  commended  itself  to  his  fellow- 
men,  naturally  has  an  influence  in  shaping  their 
views  and  opinions;  and  this  influence  will  be  felt 
](>n<i  after  he  has  been  gathered  to  his  fathei's.  Here 
and  there  we  find  one  far  in  advance  of  his  age — 
one  whose  children  will  probablv  live  to  see  the 
time  when  his  i)rophecies  will  have  been  fulfilled 
and  his  ideas  adopted  by  a  later  generation.  These 
thoughts  involuntarily  arise  in  contemplating  the 
cireer  of  Mr.  Davis,  who  is  a  man  of  more  than 
ordinary  intelligence,  possessing  a  mind  filled  with 

those  broad  and  philanthropic  ideas  which  musi 
necessarily  in  time  become  of  benefit  to  the  human 
race.  He  was  born  with  a  natural  antipathy  to 
tyranny  in  all  its  forms,  believing  with  P:itriek 
Henry,  that  death  is  preferable  to  oi)prcssion.  He 
is  totally  averse  to  trusts  and  monopolies  and  when- 
ever opportunity  occurs  lifts  up  his  voice  .against 
those  corijorations  whicli  have  proved  the  ruin,  not 
only  of  individuals,  but  sometimes  almost  of  entire 

Mr.  Davis  was  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of 
Vermilion  County  and  was  at  an  early  day  acknowl- 
edged as  one  of  its  leading  men.  He  was  born  in 
Guernsey  County,  Ohio,  .Tan.  2,"),  181  Land  was  the 
third  in  a  family-  of  ten  children,  the  olTspring  of 
Ilenrv  and  Rachel  (Polock)  Davis,  both  natives  of 
Pennsylvania  and  the  father  born  in  Greene 
County.  The  paternal  grandfather,  also  a  native 
of  the  Keystone  State,  was  a  patriot  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War,  after  which  he  settled  in  Ohio,  reared 
two  families  of  twelve  children  each  and  departed 
this  life  aliont  1823.  Grandfather  Polock  died  in 
Guernse\-  County  about  1820.  This  liranch  of  llie 
Davis  family  was  of  Dutch  and  Welsh  descent  while 
the  Polocks  traced  their  ancestry  to  Ireland.  Henry 
Davis  occupied  himself  largely  as  a  farmer  and  was 
also  successfullv  engaged  in  raising  tol)acco. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  after  marriage  lived 
in  Pennsylvania  two  years,  then  in  1807  matle  their 
w.ay  to  the  young  State  of  Ohio,  accompanied  by 
grandfather  Polock,  and  settled  in  Guernsey 
County.  The  mother  of  our  subject  died  in  Illi- 
nois in  1848.  The  father  survived  his  wife  five 
years,  dying  in  1853.  They  came  to  Illinois  in 
the  fall  of  1836.  Mr.  Davis,  prior  to  this,  had  vis- 
ited Illinois  four  times,  being  determined  to  settle 
here.  Five  of  their  children  are  still  living,  making 
their  homes  in  Illinois  and  Iowa. 

The  boyhood  and  yf)uth  of  our  suliject  were 
spent  amid  the  wild  scenes  of  pioneer  life  during 
the  earlj'  settlement  of  Ohio  and  he  naively  states 
that  the  only  bear' hunt  he  ever  took  part  in  was 
when  he  was  five  months  old  .and  his  father  killed 
the  bear.  He  attended  school  two  months  in  the 
winter  season  for  a  few  years,  and  after  reaching 
his  majority'  began  making  arrangements  for  the 
establishment  of  a  home  of  his  own.     In  the  fall  of 



1834,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabetli,  daughter 
of  David  Hayes  of  Washington  Couiitj',  Pa.  The 
young  couple  thirteen  days  afterward  started  for 
Illinois  with  a  wagon  and  accompanied  by  an  uncle 
of  our  subject  and  his  brotiier  Azariah  with  his 
wife  and  child.  They  were  nineteen  days  on  the 
journey  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Davis  walked  nearly  all 
the  way. 

Mr.  Davis  received  from  his  father  seventy -seven 
acres  of  land  in  Vance  Townsliip,  this  county,  upon 
which  was  a  hewed  log  cabin.  The  newly  wedded 
pair  liad  brought  with  them  a  couple  of  beds  and 
a  few  things  stowed  away  in  sacks,  while  Mr.  Davis 
had  his  ax  and  gun.  Two  hours  after  reaching  their 
destination  they  were  visited  by  prairie  wolves 
which  were  frequent  callers  for  many  years  after- 
ward. After  olitaining  some  wheat  which  had  been 
raised  on  his  place  the  year  before,  Mr.  Davis  re- 
paired to  Eugene,  Ind.,  and  selling  tliis  wheat, 
purchased  a  few  cooking  utensils.  He  and  his 
wife  had  stools  to  sit  upon  and  a  table  made  by 
boring  holes  in  the  log  wall  of  their  dwelling,  driv- 
ing in  a  couple  of  pins  and  laying  a  few  slabs 

In  those  days  there  were  only  a  few  houses 
between  Catlin  and  Sidney.  Homer  was  not  in 
existence.  The  Wabash  Railway  track  was  sur- 
veyed in  1837.  Our  subject's  little  farm  was 
partly  liroken  before  it  became  his,  his  father 
giving  liini  the  deed  for  it  in  1837.  He  was  suc- 
cessful in  his  first  fanning  operations,  although  he 
had  very  crude  implements  with  which  to  culti- 
vate the  .soil  and  uo  help  save  that  of  his  wife. 
He  struggled  along  in  the  new  country  and  grew 
slowly  with  it.  He  thinks  the  most  prosperous 
times  for  this  "section  were  between  1850  and  1860 
and  the  two  years  following  the  close  of  tlie  war. 

Ten  children  came  to  bless  the  union  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Davis,  seven  of  whom  grew  to  mature 
years.  Rachel  became  the  wife  of  Daniel  Roudebush 
wlio  is  now  deceased;  she  has  four  children  and 
lives  near  Portland,  Ore.;  Edith  married  Ben- 
jamin Browning  and  became  the  mother  of  four 
children;  they  live  near  Sacramento,  Cal.;  D.  Cook 
married  for  his  second  wife  a  Mrs.  Miller  of  Pen- 
field.  III.,  and  they  have  six  children;  Henry  is 
written  of  elsewhere  in  this  volume;  Jemima  is  the 

wife  of  Sullivan  Cox,  lives  in  Dement  and  has  one 
child;  Lydia,  E.,  the  wife  of  George  W.  Baird,  is 
the  mother  of  four  children  and  they  live  in  Vance 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Hayes)  Davis  departed  this  life 
at  the  homestead  in  the  fall  of  1861. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  matrimonial  al- 
liance Aug.  21,  1863,  with  Miss  Mary  C,  daughter 
of  Lawrence  T.  Catletl  and  sister  of  Hiram  and 
Harold  Catlett  of  Vance  Township.  Mrs.  Davis 
was  the  third  in  a  family  of  twelve  children  and 
was  born  Aiig.  23,  1821,  in  Charlottesville,  Va. 
She  attended  school  for  a  time  in  her  native  State 
and  comi)leted  a  good  education  in  Ohio.  She  fol- 
lowed the  profession  of  a  teacher  for  some  years 
prior  to  her  marriage.  The  family  came  to  Illinois 
in  1846  and  Miss  Mary  taught  school  for  some 
time  in  this  county.  She  is  a  most  estimable  and 
worthy  lady,  kind,  generous  and  hospitable  and 
especially  attentive  to  those  in  affliction.  She  has 
always  been  interested  in  educational  matters  and 
donated  $75  from  her  own  private  purse  to  the 
university  at  Upper  Alton.  She  also  gave  $50  to 
the  Baptist  Church  in  Danville  of  which  both  she 
and  her  husband  have  been  members  for  many 
years,  Mv.  Davis  serving  as  Deacon  and  Trustee 
and  both  laboring  earnestly  in  the  Sunday-school. 
The  health  of  Mrs.  Davis  for  the  past  two  years 
has  been  delicate,  preventing  her  from  pursuing 
this  good  work  as  she  would  have  liked. 

Mr.  Davis,  more  fortunate  than  many  of  lii.s  com- 
peers, ru)anciall3%  received  $2,500  fromhis  father  and 
had  the  good  judgment  to  take  care  of  it  and  add  to 
it.  He  is  now  the  owner  of  about  1,000  acres  of  land 
in  this  county  and  five  good  houses.  He  an 
interest  in  the  implement  firm  of  Davis  &  Stearns, 
and  also  in  a  large  grain  warehouse.  Besides  this 
he  owns  fifteen  or  eighteen  lots  in  Fairmount  and 
has  given  to  each  of  his  children  $3,500.  He 
donated  $1,000  to  the  Universitj-  at  Chi- 
cago, $500  to  the  Wabash  Railroad,  $500  to  the 
university  at  Upper  Alton  and  always  been  a 
liberal  supporter  of  the  schools,  churches  and  other 
worthy  enterprises  in  this  County.  His  estate  is 
valued  at  $60,000.  While  busy  with  the  accumu- 
lation of  this  world's  goods  for  himself  he  has  the 
satisfaction  of  knowing  that   the  needy  have  never 



been  turned  empty  from  liis  door.  He  sympathizes 
with  those  less  fortunate  than  himself  and  none  are 
more  ready  to  aid  those,  who  will  try  to  help  them- 

The  first  presidential  vote  of  Mv.  Davis  was  cast 
in  1832  for  Andrew  Jackson,  and  he  been  a 
uniform  supporter  of  the  Democratic  party  until 
1876,  since  which  time  he  has  been  a  Greenbacker. 
Taking  a  lively  interest  in  polities,  his  expressed  sen- 
timents have  al  w.ays  been  pure  and  upright  and  could 
he  have  his  way  there  would  be  no  wire-working  and 
no  political  dishonesty.  During  the  election  of 
1888  he  supported  the  Union-Labor  nominee  .and 
he  has  favored  the  election  of  a  Greenbacker.  He 
is  ratlier  opposed  to  secret  societies  and  has  held 
aloof  from  them.  He  served  .as  School  Director 
many  years  and  for  several  terras  officiated  as 
Road  Overseer.  Few  men  have  kept  them.selves 
more  conversaiit  with  matters  of  interest 
to  the  intelligent  citizen,  and  few  have  been  of  more 
essential  aid  in  supporting  the  various  worthy  en- 
terprises tending  to  elevate  society  and  benefit  the 

^p^EORGE  HO  AG  LAND.  In  the  fall  of  18G0 
ml  ^—.  there  might  have  been  seen  wending  their 
^^jl  wa}'  across  the  new  country,  a  young  man 
with  his  wife  and  four  children,  intent  upon  mak- 
ing a  home  in  a  new  section,  and  practically  grow- 
ing up  with  the  country.  Few  men  had  settled  at 
that  time  in  township  23,  range  12,  where  our  sub- 
ject secured  120  acres  on  section  32.  Upon  this 
land  there  was  a  small  house,  into  which  he  moved 
his  family,  and  made  them  as  comfortable  as  pos- 
sible. Little  of  the  land  around  them  had  been 
fenced  or  cultivated,  while  deer,  wolves  and  other 
wild  animals  had  scarcely  learned  to  be  afraid  at 
the  approach  of  man.  The  nearest  trading  point  at  Rossville,  and  for  anything  out  of  the  com- 
mon line  of  merchandise  Mr.  Hoagland  was  obliged 
to  repair  to  D.anville.  Attica  or  Paxton,  twenty 
miles  away. 

Our  subject  came  a  long  distance  from  his  birth- 
place to  seek  a  permanent  home,  having  first  opened 
his  eyes  to  the  light  on  the   Atlantic    coast.   New 

Jersey,  M.ay  l.i,  1802.  There  he  spent  the  first 
nineteen  years  of  his  life,  and  then  emigrated  with 
Ills  jjarents  to  Hamilton  County.  Ind.,  where  they 
were  among  the  earliest  pioneers.  In  due  time  he 
was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Van  Zant.  who  died, 
leaving  one  child.  His  second  wife  was  Rachel 
Cushman,  and  to  them  there  were  born  five  chil- 
dren, of  whom  Jonathan  C,  who  lives  on  the  farm 
with  his  father,  is  the  only  survivor. 

Our  subject  first  cleared  eighty  acres  from  the 
wilderness,  then  sold  out,  and  purchased  that  which 
he  now  owns  and  occupies.  He  l)uilt  this  up  from 
the  raw  prairie,  and  given  to  it  the  labor  of 
many  years  in  bringing  it  to  its  present  [josition, 
besides  a  generous  outlay  of  money.  Although 
now  quite  well  advanced  on  the  down  hill  of  life, 
he  retains  much  of  the  activity  of  his  former  yc'ars, 
and  keeps  himself  well  posted  upon  current  events. 
He  voted  for  both  the  Harrisons,  and  no  man  has 
rejoiced  more  in  the  results  of  the  war  whiih 
brought  about  freedom  and  preserved  the  LTnion. 
He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church  since 
1828,  and  is  of  kindly  and  genial  disposition 
which  has  made  him  friends  wherever  he  so- 

Jonathan  C.  Hoagland,  the  onl\-  living  child  of 
our  subject,  born  in  Indiana,  April  24,  1846, 
and  lived  there  until  coming  to  this  countv.  in 
1860.  Soon  .after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  AVar 
he  enlisted  in  Company  E,  149th  Illinois  Infantry, 
which  was  assigned  to  the  Arm}'  of  the  Tennessee. 
Tliis  regiment,  however,  while  before  Atl.anta  dur- 
ing the  siege  of  the  city,  was  not  called  upon  to 
do  any  active  fighting,  but  was  sinipl}'  assigned  to 
guard  duty.  They  received  their  honorable  dis- 
charge, and  were  mustered  out  in  1866.  Mr.  Hoag- 
land then  returned  to  this  county,  and  eng.agcd  in 
farming  with  his  father,  and  has  since  remained  a 
resident  here. 

Jonathan  C.  Ho.agland,  son  of  our  subject,  was 
married  on  tlie  24th  of  December,  1874,  to  Miss 
Rebecca  Sanders,  of  Butler  Township.  The  three 
children  born  to  them — Rose  E.,  M.ary  ;\I.  and 
Flora  B. — are  .all  living  at  home  with  their  parents. 
Jonathan  C.  Ho.agland  been  School  Direc- 
tor in  his  district  several  terms,  and,  like  his  hon- 
orcil  father,  is  held  in  high  esteem  by  his  neighbors. 



Mrs.  George  Iloaglancl.  wife  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Pennsylvania,  July  30,  18L5.  and  removed 
witii  her  parents  to  hidiana  when  a  maiden  of  eigh- 
teen years.  She  remained  under  tlie  parental  roof 
until  her  marriage.  Her  father,  Thomas  Cushman, 
was  a  farmer  bj'  occupation,  and  spent  his  last 
years  in  Indiana. 

Charles  Bareus,  the  grandson  of  our  subject,  and 
the  child  of  his  daughter,  Mary,  resides  at  the 
homestead.  John  Barcus,  his  father,  after  his  mar- 
riage with  iMiss  Hoagland,  located  in  Grant  Town- 
ship, and  they  became  the  parents  of  three  sons 
and  one  daiigiiter,  one  older  than  Charles,  and  two 

• '^^^m- 

!|i!_,^ENRY  LLOYD,  a  veteran  of  the  late  war. 
jT")!'  wherein  he  did  loyal  service  for  his  adopted 
'l^^  country,  is  one  of  the  leading  citizens  of 
(^)  Catlin  Township,  jn'ominent  in  the  manage- 
ment of  its  public  affairs,  and  closely  identified 
with  its  material  interests  as  an  intelligent,  pro- 
gressive farmer,  stock- raiser,  and  stock-dealer. 
His  farm  on  section  3-1,  with  its  broad,  well-tilled 
acres,  its  orderly,  commodious  buildings,  and  pleas- 
ant dwelling  is  one  of  the  most  desii-able  and  at- 
tractive places  in  this  part  of  Vermillion  County. 

Mr.  Lloj'd  is  of  good  English  stock,  and  is  him- 
self a  native  of  the  mother  country,  born  in  Berk- 
shire, April  5,  1841.  His  parents,  Richard  C.  and 
Susan  (Wicks)  Lloyd,  were  also  born  in  England, 
and  were  life-long  residents  of  the  old  countrj', 
dying  in  Berkshire.  They  were  people  of  sterling 
worth,  well  thought  of  by  their  neighbors,  and  the}' 
trained  their  seven  children  to  habits  of  useful- 
ness and  honesty. 

Henry  Lloyd  was  the  fourth  child  of  the  family 
and  the  years  of  his  boyhood  were  passed  among 
the  pleasant  scenes  of  his  native  land.  In  1858, 
when  seventeen  years  of  age  he  left  his  old  home, 
ambitious  to  see  more  of  life  and  to  avail  himself 
of  the  many  advantages  offered  by  the  United 
States  of  America  to  the  poor  3'outh  of  other  coun- 
tries to  make  their  w.ay  in  the  world  to  positions  of 
comfort  and  even  affluence.  After  landing  on 
these  shores  be  came  to  Catlin  Township,  of  which 
he  has    been  a    resident   since,    excepting   during 

the  trying  times  of  the  great  Rebellion,  when  with 
a  patriotism  not  exceeded  by  those  native  and  to  the 
manor  born,  he  bravely  consecrated  his  young  life 
to  the  defence  of  the  land  of  his  adoption.  In 
August.  1862,  tearing  himself  away  from  his  little 
family,  and  laying  aside  all  business  interests,  he 
enlisted,  and  in  the  following  September  he  was 
mustered  into  Compau}-  G,  12.")th  Illinois  Infantry, 
and  was  in  the  army  until  after  the  war  closed. 
He  took  an  active  part  in  the  battles  of  Perryville, 
Mission  Ridge,  second  battle  of  Mission  Ridge, 
battle  of  Dallas,  and  was  with  Gen.  Sherman  in  his 
famous  march  to  the  sea.  During  two  years  of  his 
service  he  detailed  to  haul  ammunition.  He 
was  honorably  discharged  June  9,  1865,  and  re- 
turning to  Catlin,  resumed  his  former  vocation. 
The  first  four  years  after  coming  to  Catlin  Town- 
ship he  was  engaged  in  the  butcher  business,  but 
aside  from  that  he  has  been  occupied  in  farming  and 
in  raising,  burying  and  shipping  stock  quite  ex- 
tensively. He  owns  240  acres  of  choice  land,  all 
improved,  and  amplj-  supplied  with  excellent 
buildings  for  .all  necessary  purposes  and  with  mod- 
ern machinery  for  facilitating  the  labors  of  the 

Mr.  Lloyd  and  ^Miss  Sarah  Church  were  united 
in  marriage  in  Catlin  Township,  Dec.  20,  1860, 
and  nine  children  have  been  born  to  them — Edwin 
C,  who  died  when  ten  and  a  half  months  old; 
Maria  L.  is  the  wife  of  Abraham  Wolf;  two  who  died 
in  infancy;  Alice  E.,  Fred  R.,  Fannie  E.,  Edwin 
H.,  and  William  R. 

Mrs.  Lloyd  is  like  her  husband,  a  native  of 
England,  born  in  London  Jan.  7,  1844.  In  1850, 
when  she  was  six  years  of  age,  her  parents,  Henry 
and  Sophia  (Puzey)  Church,  who  were  likewise  of 
English  birti),  brought  her  to  this  country\  They 
cast  their  lot  with  the  early  settlers  of  Catlin 
Township,  and  passed  their  remaining  days  here. 
They  had  seven  children,  Mrs.  Lloj'd  being  the 
youngest.  She  is  a  woman  of  a  happy,  amiable 
disposition,  is  well  liked  by  .all  who  know  her, 
and  is  a  member  in  higli  standing  of  the  Methodist 

Mr.  Lloj'd  is  a  frank,  open  hearted  man,  gifted 
with  rare  energy  and  stability  of  character.  His 
public  spirit  is  well  known,  and  any  good  scheme 





that  will  in  an3'  way  promote  the  best  interests  of 
tiic  town.ship  is  sure  to  meet  with  his  cordial  ap- 
proval and  sul)stantial  support.  His  fellow-citi- 
zens have  often  calk'd,  upon  him  for  advice  in 
weiifiity  matters,  and  as  a  public  ofticial  he  has 
shown  his  disinterested  regard  for  the  welfare  of 
the  community.  He  has  been  Road  Commissioner 
three  }-ears,  Township  Collector  two  years,  School 
Director  six  years,  and  Vice-President  of  the 
Vermilion  Agricultural  Society  seven  ^-ears.  He 
is  connected  with  tlie  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  as  a  member 
of  C'atlin  Lodge,  No.  28.5.  He  and  his  familj-  are 
people  of  high  social  standing  in  this  community, 
and  their  pleasant  residence,  situated  a  short  dis- 
tance from  the  road  and  close  to  the  corporation 
of  Catlin,  is  the  centre  of  a  genuine  hospitality, 
tlie  graceful  and  kindly  courtesy  of  its  inmates 
making  friends  and  strangers  alike  feel  at  home 
within  its  walls. 


IRAM  YERKES.  The  firm  of  Yerkes  & 
Reese  conduct  a  first-class  meat-market  in 
Fairmounl,  obtaining  their  supplies  from 
the  farm  of  Mr.  Yerkes,  which  furnishes 
the  pure  article  so  essential  to  the  health  of  man- 
kind. The  firm  is  one  of  first-class  standing,  and 
enjoys  the  patronage  of  the  best  peojjle  of  Fair- 
mount  and  vicinit}'.  The  subject  of  this  notice  is 
a  man  of  more  than  ordiniuy  abilities,  with  a  thor- 
ough-going business  talent,  while  at  the  same  time 
he  is  whole-souled,  genial  and  companionable,  en- 
J03'ing  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  hosts  of  friends. 
The  Y'erkes  family  originated  in  German}-,  from 
which  country  tlie  paternal  great-grandfather  of 
our  subject  emigrated  jirior  to  the  Revolutionary 
War.  He  reared  a  fine  family,  and  among  his  sons 
was  Jacob  S.,  the  father  of  our  subject,  who  was 
liorn  in  Pennsylvania  and  adopted  the  business  of 
a  wagon-maker  and  farmer  combined.  He  was 
married,  in  his  native  State,  to  Miss  Ann  S.  Shoe- 
maker, who  was  born  there,  and  not  long  after- 
ward they  removed  to  Ohio,  where  Mr.  Yerkes 
followed  wagon-making  for  four  years.  Then  he 
removed  to  Indiana,  and   remained   a  resident  of 

the  Hoosier  State  a  quarter  of  a  century  and  en- 
g.aged  in  wagon-making  and  agricultural  pursuits. 
There  the  parents  passed  tlie  remainder  of  tlieir 
lives,  the  mother  dying  in  1882,  and  tiie  father  in 
the  fall  of  188G. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  l)oni 
eight  children,  only  four  of  whom  reached  their 
m.ajority.  Hiram,  the  second  in  the  family,  was 
born  Jlay  7,  18-10,  in  Ohio,  and  was  a  mere  child 
when  his  parents  left  the  Buckeye  State  for  Indi- 
ana. In  the  latter  State  his  early  education  was 
conducted  in  the  primitive  log  schoolhouse,  the 
terms  being  very  short  and  far  between.  He,  how- 
ever, took  kindly  to  his  books,  and  gained  a  very 
good  knowledge  of  the  common  liranches.  He  re- 
mained under  the  home  roof  until  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War,  and  in  August,  18G2,  enlisted  in  the 
Union  army  as  a  member  of  Company  II,  G3d  In- 
diana Infantry,  which  regiment  was  organized  in 
Indianapolis,  first  commanded  by  Col.  Williams 
and  later  by  Col.  I.  N.  Stiles. 

Mr.  Yerkes  fought  in  sixteen  battles  and  fol- 
lowed his  regiment  in  all  its  marches,  participating 
in  all  the  hardships  and  vicissitudes  of  a  soldier's 
life.  The  records  indicate  that  he  was  one  of  the 
bravest  men  of  his  company,  and  while  at  the  fr(mt, 
in  some  of  the  hardest  fought  battles  of  the  war, 
stood  at  his  post  without  fear  or  llinching.  He  was 
content  to  enter  the  ranks  as  a  private,  and  was 
first  promoted  to  the  post  of  Corporal,  and  after- 
ward to  Sergeant.  He  met  the  enemy  in  the  field 
at  Uesaca,  Ga.,  Franklin  and  Nashville,  Tenn.,  At- 
lant.i.  Kenesaw  JNIountain,  Jonesboro,  Cassville, 
Lost  Mountain,  Altooua,  Chattahoochie,  Town 
Cicek.  Burnt  Hickory,  Buzzard's  Roost,  Ft.  Ander- 
son, Wilmington  and  Columbia,  N.  C. 

Although  experiencing  many  hairbreadth  es- 
capes, Mr.  Yerkes  never  received  a  scratch.  He 
was  at  one  time  entirely  buried  in  the  dirt  plowed 
up  bv  a  Rebel  cannon  ball,  escaping  by  a  miracle 
from  lieing  torn  to  pieces  by  the  deadly  missile. 
He  had  the  satisfaction  of  witnessing  the  sur- 
rciiilor  of  the  rebel  (ien.  Johnston  to  Gen.  Sher- 
man, but  the  joy  of  the  Union  array  was  soon  sad- 
dened by  the  news  of  Lincoln's  assassination. 
After  tlie  surrender  spoken  of,  they  remained  in 
(Ireensburg   until    July,  18G.'),  wluni    tlu-    regiment 



was  dischargeil,  anfl  our  suliject,  being  mustcreil 
out  at  IiKlianapolis,  returned  to  his  home  in  In- 

On  the  21st  of  Septemlier,  in  the  above-men- 
tioned 3ear,  our  subject  was  united  in  marriage 
with  Miss  Hester  E.  Prevo,  daughter  of  a  promi- 
nent farmer  of  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  and  one  of 
tlie  most  lovely  young  ladies  of  tliat  region.  Mrs. 
Hester  E.  Yerkes  was  one  of  a  family  of  six  chil- 
dren, and  was  born  in  Indiana,  in  Octolier,  18.39. 
Soon  after  tiieir  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ycrices 
came  to  Illinois,  arriving  in  tliis  county  Oct.  17, 
1865,  and  settling  upon  tlie  land  wliicli  constitutes 
the  present  homestead  of  onr  subject.  Of  this  con- 
genial union  tliere  were  born  six  cliildren,  the 
eldest  of  wliom,  a  son.  Spencer  G.,  remains  at 
home  with  his  fatlier.  Alice  M.  is  the  wile  of 
Charles  Price,  and  they  live  on  a  farm  two  miles 
northeast  of  Fairmount.  Ella  Ma^-,  Anna  L., 
Snsie  and  Hattie  are  at  home  with  their  fatlier. 
Tlie  mother  of  tliese  cliildren  departed  this  life 
at  the  home  farm  in  Vance  Township,  on  the 
Gtli  day  of  September,  1877.  She  was  a  lady 
greatly  Ijeloved  by  her  family  and  friends,  possess- 
ing those  estimable  qualities  by  which  she  was  en- 
abled to  illustrate  in  her  life  the  best  traits  of  the 
devoted  wife  and  mother,  the  kind  and  generous 
friend,  and  the  hospitable  neighbor.  Iler  name  is 
held  in  tender   rememhrance  by  all  who  knew  her. 

Our  subject,  in  January,  1878,  contracted  a  sec- 
ond marriage  with  Miss  Mary  Olive,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  J.  H.  Noble,  a  prominent  minister  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  This  union  resulted 
in  the  birth  of  four  children,  one  of  whom.  Pearl, 
died  in  infancy.  The  others  are  Hiram  N..  Lola 
G.  and  Winnie  M.  The  boj'  Hiram  is  especially 
bright,  very  attentive  to  his  studies  in  school,  and 
maintains  his  position  at  the  head  of  his  class, 
gaming  great  eneoniums  from  his  teacher.  Mr. 
Yerkes  has  ofliciated  as  Township  Supervisor  for 
five  years,  holding  the  office  during  the  erection  of 
the  County  Court  House  (at  Danville),  which  bears 
his  name  upon  its  corner-stone.  This  was  a  scheme 
in  which  he  was  intensely'  interested,  and  it  was 
largely  through  his  efforts  that  the  edifice  was  fin- 
ished in  good  shape  and  without  involving  the  loss 
of  a  dollar  to  the  county.     So  judiciously  were  its 

affairs  managed  that  the  taxpa3ers  hardly  realized 
that  they  were  contributing  to  its  erection,  and 
never  missed  the  additional  sum  imposed.  The 
County  Jail  was  erected  about  the  same  time  and 
under  the  same  conditions. 

Our  subject  has  officiated  as  Highway  Commis- 
sioner three  years,  and  in  this,  as  in  all  other  posi- 
tions of  trust  and  responsibility,  which  he  has 
occupied,  bent  his  energies  to  effect  those  improve- 
ments which  would  benefit  the  people  and  at  the 
same  time  prevent  excessive  taxation.  While  hold- 
ing the  above-mentioned  office,  he  furthered  the 
introduction  of  the  system  of  stone  arch  bridges 
in  Vance  Township,  and  they  arc,  without  question, 
the  cheapest  and  most  durable  bridge  which  can 
be  erected.  Sewer  drainage  for  the  small  streams 
instead  of  the  old  plank  culverts  was  also  adopted, 
through  the  persistent  efforts  of  Mr.  Yerkes.  He 
has  been  School  Director  in  his  district  for  many 
years,  and  so  well  has  he  performed  his  duties  in 
connection  therewith,  that  the  ISoard  is  about  to 
purchase  a  site  and  erect  a  new  building  at  a  cost 
of  about  §7,000. 

Politicall}',  Mr.  Yerkes  uniformlj'  votes  the  Re- 
publican ticket,  and  has  frequently  been  sent  as  a 
delegate  to  the  County  Conventions.  In  connec- 
tion with  this,  as  in  all  other  matters,  he  is  content 
with  no  halfway  measures,  and  has  thus  been  of 
effective  service  to  his  party  in  this  section,  being 
thoroughly  well-informed  and  alive  to  all  tlie  po- 
litical issues  of  the  day.  Both  he  and  his  estimable 
wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church.  Sociall}',  Mr.  Yerkes  be- 
longs to  Fairmount  Lodge  No.  590,  A.  F.  &  A.  JI., 
and  to  George  N.  Neville  Post,  G.  A.  R..  of  which 
he  was  once  Vice  Commander.  In  his  church  he 
officiates  as  Steward  and  Trustee,  and  for  the  p.ast 
eighteen  years  has  been  one  of  the  most  efficient 
workers  in  the  .Sunday- school,  officiating  as  Super- 
intendent nine  years,  as  teacher  of  the  Bible  Class 
the  same  length  of  time,  and,  when  not  chief  Su- 
perintendent, acting  as  assistant. 

The  farm  of  Mr.  Yerkes  is  finely  situated  on 
section  9,  and  com])rises  320  acres  of  land — all  in 
one  body.  Being  just  outside  the  corporate  limits 
of  Fairmount,  on  the  southwest,  it  is  naturally  very 
valuable.     Ihe  whole  is  in  a  productive  condition, 



and  yields  abundantly  the  rich  crops  of  Central 
Illinois.  Mr.  Yerkes  feeds  nearly  100  head  of 
cattle  each  year,  and  alxMiL  seventy-five  head  of 
swine.  He  keeps  sini[)ly  enough  horses  to  operate 
the  farm.  He  has  recently  disposed  of  18,i  acres 
of  ro.'il  land,  seven  miles  west  of  Danville. 

It  is  an  appropriate  testimonial  to  the  worth  of 
Mr.  Yerkes  that  his  portrait  should  occupy  a 
prominent  place  in  the  Album  of  the  county,  to  the 
material  ndvnni'cment  of  which  he  has  so  largely 

fact  that  tills  gentleman  is  successfuUj*  oper- 
ating three  farms  in  Sidell  Township  is  suf- 
ficient indication  of  his  aljilitj'  as  a  business 
man  and  agriculturist,  while  his  home  is  one  of  the 
most  hospitable  places  to  be  found  in  many  a  mile. 
Although  not  a  long-time  resident  of  the  town- 
sliip,  he  has  established  himself  in  the  esteem  and 
confidence  of  its  people,  and  is  recognized  as  a  citi- 
zen holding  no  secondary  place  in  point  of  sterling 
worth,  honesty  and  integrity.  He  has  supervision 
of  the  Charles  Wright  farm — 220  acres  in  extent 
— upon  which  he  resides;  the  A.  J.  Baura  farm  of 
;540  acres,  and  a  little  farm  of  seventy  acres,  be- 
longing also  to  this  estate,  all  of  which  comprises 
6.30  acres,  and  all  of  which,  with  the  exception  of 
forty  acres,  is  under  the  jjIow.  The  land  is  largely 
devoted  to  the  raising  of  corn  and  oats,  and  in  the 
operation  of  this  extensive  tract  there  are  utilized 
thirteen  teams,  with  a  goodly  amount  of  machinery 
and  all  the  other  implements  required  for  success- 
ful agriculture.  The  firm  of  Snowden  &  Sons  has 
become  generall}'  recognized  in  this  section  as  the 
svnonym  of  reliability,  push  and  enterprise. 

William  Snowden.  the  father  of  our  subject,  with 
his  wife,  formerly  Miss  Martha  Pigg,  were  natives 
of  Clark  County,  Ky.,  where  the  paternal  grand- 
father, Joshua  Snowden,  was  also  born  and  was  tlu; 
son  of  David  Snowden,  a  native  of  Virginia,  wlios.- 
father  was  also  l)orn  in  the  Old  Dominion  and 
whose  grandfather  emigrated  from  Kngland.  Joshua 
Snowden  served    as  a  soldier    in  the  War  of   1H12, 

and  the  great-grandfather  of  our  subject  carried  a 
musket  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  The  Snowden 
family  is  noted  for  longevity,  many  of  them  reach- 
ing the  age  of  ninety  years  ami  some  living  to  be 
over  one  hundred  years  old.  The  Pigg  family  in 
X'irginia  owned  lands  and  slaves.  They  had  origin- 
ally settled  in  Kentucky,  and  several  of  the  male 
ancestors  of  our  subject  on  Ibis  side  of  the  house 
likewise  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 

The  father  of  our  subject  carried  on  farming 
and  prosecuted  quite  an  extensive  trade  in  fine 
horses,  cattle  and  mules,  purchasing  them  in  Ken- 
tucky and  shipping  to  ^'irginia,  IMissouri.  Illinois 
and  other  States.  He  lirought  about  the  first  Short- 
horn cattle  known  in  this  State,  landing  them  in 
Blooniington,  111.  He  was  born,  reared,  married 
and  died  in  Clark  County,  Ky.,  where  he  was  a 
prominent  citizen,  well  known  and  highly  respected. 
His  business  relations  extended  to  Bourl)on.  Fay- 
ette, Merritt,  Esther,  Powell,  and  other  counties  of 
that  State,  as  also  into  various  other  States  of  the 
Union.  In  addition  to  his  extensive  private  in- 
terests he  served  as  Notary  Public  several  years, 
and  was  noted  for  his  i)ublic-spiritedness  and  gener- 
osity. He  beca'me  quite  wealthy,  but  finally  became 
security  for  large  amounts  and  lost  the  whole  of  his 
property,  leaving  his  son,  our  subject,  almost  penni- 
less. His  death  occurred  April  17,  1884,  at  the  age 
of  sixty-seven  years.  The  mother  only  survived 
her  husband  a  short  time,  her  death  taking  place 
.luly  4,  1883,  when  she  was  sixty-five  years  old. 

Nine  children  were  born  to  the  parents  of  our 
subject,  being  named  respectively :  Benjamin  Frank- 
lin of  this  sketch,  Thomas  J.,  William  N.,  John  W., 
Louisa,  Joshua,  Mary,  Melissa,  who  died  at  the  age 
of  thirteen  years,  and  Nancy,  who  died  when  three 
years  old.  Thomas  J.  is  a  live-stock  commission 
merchant  at  the  Union  Stock  Yards,  Cincinnati, 
Ohio;  William  N.  is  farming  in  Clark  County,  Ky. ; 
John  AY.,  a  physician  and  surgeon,  is  located  at 
Wade's  ISIill  iii  Clark  County,  Ky.;  Louisa  is  the 
wife  of  T.aylor  Mansfield,  a  farmer  of  the  above- 
mentioned  county;  Joshua  is  farming  and  resides 
on  the  Parkvillc  homestead;  Mary  is  the  wife  of 
David  15.  Duncan,  a  f.'irmcr  of  Madison  County, 

Thesul)ject  of  this  notice  was  luirii  Dec.  8,  1839, 



fourteen  miles  east  of  Paris  in  Bourbon  Count}', 
Ky.  He  was  a  mere  child  when  his  father's  family 
removed  to  Clark  Count}-,  where  he  developed  into 
manhood.  He  attended  the  subscription  schools 
before  the  days  of  public  schools,  and  engaged  in 
farming  and  shipping  stock.  When  twenty-one 
years  old  he  was  married  to  Miss  Amanda  F.  Craig 
of  Estill  Count3%  Ky.,  and  the  daughter  of  Olando 
Whitne}'  Craig,  one  of  the  first  Methodist  i:i)isco- 
pal  preachers  in  tlie  Blue  Grass  State.  Her  mother, 
Miss  Maria  (Bellis)  Craig,  was  a  native  of  Estill 
County.  Mr.  Craig  was  born  in  Montgomery 
County.  The  progenitors  of  both  removed  from 
Virginia  at  an  early  date.  The  great-grandfather 
Craig  w;is  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Montgom- 
ery County,  locating  tliere  aliout  1821,  and  he  lived 
to  be  one  hundred  and  two  years  old.  He  also  was 
a  preacher  of  tlie  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  His 
son,  William,  the  grandfather  of  our  subject,  spent 
his  entire  life  in  Montgomer}'  County. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  iSnowden  preached  at  various 
places  in  Kentucky — in  Montgomery,  Clark,  Estill 
and  Powell  counties — and  died  in  Estill  County  in 
1848,  when  only  forty  years  of  age;  the  mother 
survived  her  husband  several  years,  d}ing  in  1802 
at  the  age  of  fortj'-two.  Their  children,  six  in 
number,  were  named  respectively  William  T., 
Amanda  F.,  Eliza  J.,  John  T.,  Mary  E.  and  Sarah 
E.  The  parents  were  excellent  and  worthy  people, 
and  the  father  esiieciall}'  beloved  wherever  known. 

Mrs.  Snowden  was  born  in  Estill  County,  Ky., 
and  received  a  very  good  education.  She  finall}' 
began  teaching,  and  followed  this  three  years  prior 
to  her  marriage  and  for  some  time  afterward.  Mr. 
Snowden  in  the  meantime  engaged  extensively  as 
a  stock  dealer,  buying  and  selling  cattle,  horses 
and  mules.  He  also  carried  on  farming  in  Ken- 
tucky. In  the  spring  of  1887  he  came  to  this 
county  and  rented  the  Wright  farm,  where  they 
iiave  since  lived.  Tlie  record  of  the  eleven  chil- 
dren born  to  them  is  as  follows:  Nancy  B.  died  at 
the  age  of  three  years;  .lohn  W.  assists  his  father 
in  his  extensive  farming  interests;  Thomas  ,).  is 
?>lso  at  home;  Martha  M.  is  the  wife  of  .James  W. 
Young  of  Danville,  and  they  have  one  child,  Annie 
L'lura;  William  M.,  Lena  Rivers,  .Joshua  H.,  Mary 
E.  and    Nora  A.  are  at    home  with    their    parents. 

The  eighth  child,  Maggie  L.,  died  at  the  age  of 
nine  years  and  the  youngest  born,  Algan,  died 
when  seven  months  old. 

Mr.  Snowden,  political!}',  affiliates  with  the  Dem- 
ocratic party.  Socially,  he  belongs  to  Estill  Lodge, 
No.  469,  of  Spout  Springs,  Ky.,  and  his  wife  is  a 
member  of  the  Ladies'  Aid  Society.  The  maternal 
grandfather  of  Mrs.  Snowden  served  in  the  Revo- 
lutionary War,  and  one  of  her  uncles  was  in  the 
Mexican  War.  Two  of  her  brothers  were  in  the 
late  Civil  War- — William  in  the  Confederate  Army 
and  John  in  the  Union  Army,  in  which  he  enlisted 
three  times.  The  old  home  of  Mr.  Snowden  is 
located  ten  miles  from  Boonesboro,  Clark  C'o.,Ky., 
and  was  formerly  the  home  of  Daniel  Boone,  the 
old  pioneer  of  Kentucky  and  of  historic  fame. 
Our  subject  is  well  acquainted  with  several  mem- 
bers of  the  Boone  family,  and  speaks  of  them  as 
very  worthy  people,  prominent  in  local  aff.airs  and 
invariably  Hard  Shell  Baptists  in  their  religious 

ARL  C.  WINTER,  editor  of  the  Danville 
Deutsche  Zeitung,  was  born  in  Heidelberg, 
any,  April  21,  1841.  He  is  descended 
from  a  prominent  .and  distinguished  ancestry,  who 
have  wielded  much  influence  in  their  native  land. 
Originally  the  family  came  in  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury from  the  coast  of  Holland,  near  Amsterdam. 
settling  first  at  Heilbronn,  whence  the  great-grand- 
father of  our  subject  removed  to  Heidelberg  in 
1807.  His  grandfather,  Christian  Frederick  Win- 
ter, was  for  many  years  Mayor  of  the  City  of  Hei- 
delberg, an  office  of  greater  honor  and  respectability 
in  that  country  than  in  this,  and  one  to  which  only 
prominent  men  are  chosen.  He  was  for  many 
years  also  a  member  of  the  Legislatiiie  of  the 
Grand  Duchy  of  Baden,  and  exercised  a  wide  in- 
tliience  in  its  affairs.  He  introduced  and  procured 
the  passage  of  the  bill  inaugurating  the  jury  system 
in  the  State,  and  securing  the  liberty  of  the  press. 
He  was  afterward  Commissioner  of  the  Republic 
of  Baden  during  the  celebrated  Revolution  of 
1849,  in  Germany,  which  was  the  successor  of  the 
abortive  attempt  of   1848.     During    the   year    the 

^AKL    V 
^^^  Germai 



Independent  Republic  of  Baden  existed,  Jlr.  Win- 
ter was  one  of  the  leading  spirits  in  the  affairs  of 
the  new  Stale,  being  an  orator  of  great  power  and 
influence.  On  tlie  supi)ressioii  of  the  Republic  b}' 
the  Prussians,  Mr.  Winter  was  imprisoned  in  Hei- 
delberg, and  was  compelled  to  indemnify  the  gov- 
ernment for  all  the  odieial  funds  in  the  treasury  at 
tiie  time  of  the  inauguration  of  the  Republic.  This 
cost  him  almost  all  his  large  private  fortune.  He  was 
a  political  prisoner  for  about  a  year  and  after  his 
release  occupied  a  |)rominent  position  in  business 
life,  and  for  several  years  prior  to  his  death  was 
again  INIaj'or  of  Heidelberg.  He  was  a  close  per- 
sonal friend  of  the  leaders  of  the  revolutionary 
movement,  and  esi)ecially  of  Col.  F"ritz  llecker.  He 
was  also  an  intimate  associate  of  Liebig,  the  chemist. 
Humboldt,  Goethe,  Fichte,  Schlegel,  and  Schlosser, 
the  celebrated  German  historian,  with  vvhom  he  was 
engaged  in  literary  correspondence.  He  was  the 
founder  of  the  great  jiuhlishing  house  of  C.  F. 
Winter,  which  printed  the  works  of  Dr.  Liebig,  of 
Bunsen,  the  chemist,  of  Ilaeusser,  of  Fresenius, 
AV'ohler's  "Annals  of  Chemistry,"  and  the  works  of 
many  other  world  renowned  writers. 

Christian  Frederick  Winter  died  in  IS.'jG,  and  his 
wife  in  1858.  Of  their  sons  several  became  prom- 
inent in  the  State  and  in  business  circles.  The  eld- 
est, Jonathan,  whom  in  his  admiration  for  this  free 
land  his  father  had  named  after  -'Brother  Jonathan," 
held  the  position  of  Under-Secretary  of  State  in 
Baden,  and  was  about  to  be  promoted  to  the  posi- 
tion of  Minister  of  State,  when  he  died  in  1886,  in 
Carlsruhe,  being  then  in  the  prime  of  life.  Another 
son.  Christian  Frederick,  afterward  became  a  prom- 
inent publisher  in  Frankfort,  and  printed  many 
famous  works,  principally  on  theological  and  agri- 
cultural subjects.  lie  died  in  Frankfort  in  1883. 
Carl  became  publisher  and  bookseller  in  his  native 
city  of  Heidelberg,  where  he  was  a  prosperous  and 
inlluential  citizen.  He  died  in  1871,  leaving  a 
numerous  family  and  a  large  estate.  The  remain- 
ing son.  Anton,  was  the  father  of  our  subject.  He 
was  born  in  Heidelberg  in  1808.  and  received  his 
higher  education  in  tlu^  celebrated  university  of 
that  city.  He  succeeded  to  his  father's  business, 
wliich  he  had  conducted  during  the  latter  part  of 
bis  father's  life.     He  maintained  the  national  repu- 

tation of  the  great  publishing  house  of  C.  F.  Winter 
fully  up  to  the  standard  which  had  been  reached 
by  its  founder.  After  his  father's  death  he  removed 
the  establishment  to  Leipsic,  the  great  center  of  the 
book  trade  of  Germanj%  and  there  he  conducted 
it  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  1851). 

Anton  Winter  was  married  in  1840  to  Emily 
Broenner,  whose  father,  H.  L.  Broenner,  was  a  pub- 
lisher at  Frankfort.  She  was  born  in  that  city  in 
1820,  and  was  a  highly  educated  lady,  a  graduate 
of  the  Female  Academy  at  Rumperheim-on-the- 
Main.  She  died  in  Decemlier,  1887.  She  was  a 
lad}'  of  many  accomplishments,  a  fine  painter,  and 
well  versed  in  science,  literature  and  art.  Her 
union  with  Mr.  Winter  was  blessed  b}-  the  birth  of 
six  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  eldest; 
Henrietta,  the  second  child,  died  in  Leipsic  in 
1885;  Ludwig  is  a  landscape  gardner  and  florist, 
and  has  an  establishment  of  world-wide  reputation 
at  Bordighera,  on  the  Riviera,  near  Nice,  Italy. 
He  was  educatetl  in  his  profession  at  Potsdam,  is 
royal  gardener  to  the  King  of  Italy,  and  holds  a 
position  in  his  art  second  to  none  in  the  world. 
Sophia  is  a  noted  teacher  in  the  Female  Academy 
of  Leipsic,  of  which  she  was  a  graduate;  Ferdi- 
nand is  a  merchant  in  London,  England,  being  a 
partner  in  and  manager  of  the  English  house  of 
the  Hamlnirg  Rubber  Company,  the  largest  hard 
rubber  establishment  in  the  world.  Clara  died  in 

Carl  C.  AVinter,  our  subject,  passed  his  boyhood 
amid  the  beautiful  scenery  in  and  around  the  city 
of  his  birth.  His  early  education  was  in  its  public 
schools,  and  he  was  carefuU}- trained,  both  mentally 
and  physically,  by  highl}'  cultured  parents,  who  left 
upon  him  impressions  deep  and  lasting.  He  was 
prepared  for  and  entered  the  Lyceum  at  Heidel- 
berg, then  under  the  direction  of  Professor  Ilautz. 
He  was  thoroughly  prepared  for  the  Universit\-, 
which  he  entered  at  the  unusually  early  age  of 
eighteen.  He  was  educated  especially  to  lit  liim 
for  the  business  of  publishing,  and  took  a  general 
historical  course  under  Prof.  Ludwig  Ilaeusser. 
author,  amongst  other  works,  of  an  exhaustive  his- 
tory of  the  Revolution  of  1819.  He  attended  a 
course  in  philosophy  under  Prof.  Kuno  Fischer, 
and  a  course  in  English  and  French  literature  under 



Prof.  Dr.  Emil  Otto,  wlio  gave  him  private  lessons, 
a  distinction  shared  by  two  other  people  only.  On 
nccount  of  the  death  of  his  father  he  left  the  Uni- 
versity to  assist  his  mother  in  settling  up  the  busi- 
ness of  the  estate,  and,  being  himself  too  young  to 
carry  it  on,  the  publishing  business  was  sold  to  an 
association  of  capitalists,  who  still  continue  it  at 
Leipsic,  under  the  original  title  of  C.  F.  Win- 

In  order  to  become  practically  acquainted  with 
the  printing  business,  our  subject  worked  in  several 
book  publishing  houses  in  Prague,  Bremen,  Mar- 
burg and  in  London,  England.  During  this  period 
he  contributed  man}'  articles  to  the  Ilhislrirte  Welt 
and  the  Illustrirtes  Faniilienbuch,  the  former  pub- 
lished at  (Stuttgart,  and  the  latter  at  Trieste  and 
Vienna.  While  in  London,  he  decided  to  come  to 
the  iruited  States.  He  made  a  short  visit  to  his 
native  land  in  the  early  part  of  the  year  18C6,  and 
in  Ajiril  of  tliat  year  sailed  for  New  York,  landing- 
there  about  the  first  of  May.  In  that  city  he  en- 
gaged as  a  clerk  with  L.  W.  Schmidt,  bookseller 
and  publisher,  but  his  inclinations  being  toward 
literary  pursuits,  he  soon  became  city  editor  of  the 
New  York  Staats-Zeitunrj,  under  the  veteran  editor 
Oswald  Ottendorfer.  He  tilled  that  position  for 
two  years,  at  the  same  lime  contributing  literary 
articles  to  the  New  York  Herald,  and  articles  on 
German  and  French  literature  to  tiie  New  York 
Nation.  In  18(j8  he  resigned  from  the  Staals-Zei- 
tumj.  to  accept  the  position  of  editor  of  the  Lehigh 
County  Patriot,  published  at  Allentown,  Pa.  There 
he  remained  for  a  year,  and  in  that  time  wrote  for 
the  Nation  a  series  of  articles  on  the  Pennsylvania- 
Dutch  dialect,  also  contributing  a  series  of  letters 
on  American  life  to  the  Daheim  of  Leipsic,  Ger- 

In  1869  Mr.  Winter  was  offered  and  accepted  the 
position  of  city  editor  of  the  Daily  Telegraph,  a 
German  paper,  publisiied  in  Indianapolis,  Ind.,and 
remained  with  that  paper  until  1871,  when  he  re- 
ceived a  flattering  offer  from  the  manager  of  the 
Louisville  Aiizeiger,  tendermg  him  the  position  of 
city  editor  and  literary-  writer.  He  stayed  there  until 
187"J.  when  he  was  re-engaged  by  the  Indianapolis 
Telegraph  to  conduct  its  cit}-  department  during 
the  exciting  Presidential  contest  of  that  year.    He 

was  also  engaged  by  Elijah  Halford,  then  editor  of 
the  Indianapolis  Journal,  now  Pres.  Harrison's  pri- 
vate secretary,  and  also  by  the  managing  editor  of 
the  Indianapolis  Sentinel,  to  report  and  translate 
for  their  respective  papers  the  first  speech  in  that 
memorable  campaign  delivered  in  German  at  In- 
dianapolis by  Carl  Schurz.  Mr.  Winter,  after  writ- 
ing out  his  notes  for  the  German  paper,  began  the 
translation  into  P^nglish  for  the  two  other  journals, 
using  manifold  paper,  finishing  the  task  in  little 
over  two  hours,  the  speech  occupying  nearly  two 
columns  in  each  paper.  Each  of  the  editors,  after 
reading  a  few  pages.  i)aid  him  the  compliment  of 
sending  his  manuscript  to  the  printers  witliout  re- 
vision. Mr.  Schurz  afterwards  told  Mr.  ^V'inter  it 
was  the  best  translation  ever  made  of  any  of  his 
German  speeches. 

Mr.  Winter  stayed  in  Indianapolis  until  1873,  when 
he  was  called  by  telegraph  to  accept  the  position 
of  city  editor  of  the  Westliche  Post,  the  German 
paper  published  in  St.  Louis  b\-  Carl  Schurz.  He 
managed  that  successfully,  and  while  there,  also  for 
two  years  contributed  literary  articles  to  his  Sunday 
edition,  and  several  times,  while  the  Missouri  Legis- 
lature wiis  in  session,  acted  as  its  correspondent  at 
Jefferson  City,  the  capital.  In  187.J,  failing  eye- 
sight necessitated  a  cessation  of  night  work,  and 
Mr.  Winter  resigned  his  position,  and  went  to  Rock 
Island,  111.,  where  he  began  the  publication  of  the 
Volks  Zeitung,  a  semi-weekly  journal.  In  this  ven- 
ture he  was  very  successful,  and  he  conducted  the 
paper  until  1882,  when  lie  sold  it.  He  then  bought 
an  interest  in  the  Champion  of  Personal  Liberty,  a 
paper  published  in  Chicago  in  the  interest  of  indi- 
vidual freedom.  He  traveled  in  the  interest  of  this 
journal  .as  correspondent  collector  and  agent  six 
mouths,  then  came  to  Danville,  where  he  bought 
the  good  will  of  the  journal  of  which  he  is  now 
the  editor,  and  which  had  by  mismanagement  been 
compelled  to  suspend  [uiblication.  This  paper  he 
has  placed  upon  a  secure  basis,  and  it  has  acquired 
much  influence  among  the  German  speaking  resi- 
dents of  the  county,  by  whom  it  is  liberally  patron- 

Another  literary  venture  of  Mr.  Winter's  was 
the  writing  of  a  four-act  comedy  in  German,  en- 
titled ".Ks  Siimmt,"  which    has    been    successfully 



performed  in  the  German  theaters  of  Cliicago. 
Davenport,  Molina,  Dayton,  Fort  Madison,  and  in 
several  otlier  places.  l\Ir.  Winter  submitted  it  to 
a  celebrated  critic  at  Leipsic,  who  spol<e  iiiglily  of 
it,  s.iying  it  was  a  very  dramatic  and  interesting  pic- 
ture of  German-American  life.  Tiiis  work  he  pro- 
duced in  1880.  wliile  lie  was  publishing  his  paper  in 
Rock  Island. 

Since  taking  up  his  residence  in  N'crniilion 
County,  Mr.  Winter  has  become  a  leader  in  its 
German-American  circles,  in  which  he  wields  much 
inllueuce.  He  was  United  States  Deputy  Collector 
for  the  eighth  district  of  Illinois  from  the  fall  of 
1885  until  1887,  when  the  office  was  abolished.  He 
is  a  bus}'  man.  for  in  addition  to  conducting  his 
paper  he  performs  the  duty  of  a  Notary  Public, 
attends  to  applications  for  United  States  licenses, 
is  a  fine  insurance  and  real-estate  agent,  procures 
steamship  tickets,  attends  to  Eurojiean  collections 
and  is  the  Secretary  of  the  Germania  15uilding  As- 
sociation of  Danville.  Being  a  man  of  force  and 
executive  capacity,  he  drives  his  multifarious  busi- 
nesses, and  does  not  let  them  drive  liim.  He  is  also 
correspondent  of  the  Chicago  Times. 

The  social  relations  of  Mr.  Winter  are  extremely 
pleasant.  He  is  happily  married,  and  moves  among 
the  best  elements  of  German  society.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Feuerbach  Lodge,  No.  499,  I.  O.  O.  F., 
and  of  tlie  Danville  Turner  Society,  of  which  he 
has  twice  been  President,  and  also  Corresponding 
Secretarj'.  He  is  pleasant  and  genial  in  his  deport- 
ment, liberal  to  his  friends,  to  whom  his  hand  is 
ever  open,  and  is  deservedly  esteemed  b}'  all  who 
know  him. 



J'jOHN  CESSNA  is  busily  engaged  in  tilling 
'  the  soil  and  raising  stock  on  his  well-man- 
I  .aged,  corafortablj'  improved  farm  on  section 
'  10,  Pilot  Township.  He  is  a  representative 
self-m.ade  man,  and  by  industrj'  and  prudence  has 
succeeded  in  accumulating  a  competence  and  in 
building  a  cosy  liome  where  he  may  pass  his  de- 
clininff  j^ears  well  fortified  against  want  and  pov- 
erty,    Mr.  Cessna  was  born  in  Cociiocton  Countj% 

Ohio,  June  29,  1833,  his  parents  being  Jonathan 
and  Margaret  (Divan)  Cessna.  His  father  was 
born  in  Pennsylvania  in  1810,  his  mother  in  Bel- 
mont County,  Ohio. 

At  the  age  of  seventeen  thesubjeil  of  this  sketch 
accompanied  his  i)arents  to  another  home  near 
Toledo,  Ohio,  where  tlii'y  lived  but  a  short 
time.  'I'hey  then  went  down  the  Ohio  River 
on  a  trailing  to  Cairo,  III.,  where  the  father 
died  in  1844.  After  that  sad  event  the  subject 
with  his  mother  and  sister  returned  to  Coshocton 
Count\',  Ohio,  and  in  about  two  years  the  mother 
married  again,  becoming  the  wife  of  Josepli  Rich- 
ardson. In  1848  the  famil}-  once  more  came  to 
Illinois  and  located  on  the  homestead  Mr.  Richard- 
son then  purchased  in  this  county,  and  now  occu- 
pied 1)3'  the  mother  of  our  subject.  Mr.  Cessna 
has  but  one  sister  now,  the  widow  of  Elisha  Grimes, 
living  on  her  husband's  homestead.  She  has  eight 
children,  namely:  John  JI.,  Elisha  C,  William 
and  Jacob  (who  are  deceased),  Alvin,  Margaret, 
Ellen,  Charles  and  Belle. 

John  Cessna,  of  whom  we  write,  commenced 
life  as  a  farm  hand.  He  wisely  saved  his  earnings 
and  in  a  few  years  had  money  enough  to  buy  a 
good  farm.  In  18.)7,  smitten  with  a  desire  to  ac- 
cumulate wealth  still  faster,  he  went  to  California 
by  the  wa}'  of  New  York  and  Panama.  In  the 
Golden  State  he  found  employment  on  a  ranche, 
and  was  well  paid  for  his  work  in  that  country, 
where  good  and  reliable  help  was  scarce.  Twenty- 
two  months  of  life  in  that  climate  satisfied  our  sub- 
ject and  he  retraced  his  steps  homeward,  and  on 
his  return  invested  some  of  his  capital  in  an  80-acre 
farm,  which  he  subsequently  disposed  of  at  a  good 
advance  price,  and  then  bought  his  present  home- 
stead, which  then  com])rised  but  140  acres.  He 
has  kept  adding  to  his  landed  pro|)erty  till  he  now 
owns  2G0  acres  of  fine  land,  with  excellent  im- 
provements, that  add  greatly  to  its  value,  and  he  is 
profitably  engaged  in  a  general  farming  business, 
raising  cattle,  horses  antl  hogs  of  good  grades. 

Mr.  Cessna  has  twice  married.  The  maiden  name 
of  his  first  wife  was  Ann  Rebecca  Truax.  She  was 
born  in  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  in  1841,  and  died 
in  the  pleasant  home  slie  helped  her  husband  to 
build  up,  in  187().    Her  people  were  of  Irish  origin. 



Of  lier  marriage  with  our  subject  seven  children 
were  born,  two  of  whom  are  dead ;  those  living  are 
William,  Mar}',  Charles  E.,  Lemuel  .E.,  and  Eliza- 
beth. Mr.  Cessna  was  united  in  marriage  to  his 
present  wife  in  1877,  and  to  them  have  come  six 
children,  two  of  whom  are  dead,  Frank  and  Jona- 
than. Tiie  others  are  Ann  R.,  John  R.,  Albert  B., 
and  Mont  P.,  all  being  at  home. 

Mr.  Cessna  has  been  a  hard  working  man,  but 
ids  labors  have  been  amply  rewarded,  as  he  knows 
well  how  to  direct  his  energies  so  as  to  produce  the 
desired  results.  He  is  possessed  of  sound  sense, 
discretion  and  other  good  traits,  is  honest  and 
straitforward  in  his  manner  and  dealings,  and  is  in 
all  things  a  sensible  man.  He  and  his  wife  are  es- 
teemed members  of  the  Christain  Cliureh,of  which 
he  is  one  of  the  trustees  at  the  time  of  the  erection 
of  the  present  house  of  worship.  He  is  prominentlj- 
connected  with  the  Masonic  order  as  Master  Mason. 

In  politics,  he  is  a  good  democrat,  and  is  loyal 
in  every  fibre  to  his  country.  He  has  held  school 
offices  and  has  served  on  the  juries  of  his  county. 
Our  subject's  mother  died  since  the  above  was  writ- 
ten, her  death  occuring  June  30,  1889. 


^  **» 

j^^AMUEL  ALBRIGHT.  The  subject  of 
^^^^  this  notice  was  one  of  the  first  men  to  set- 
(l\/_l|)  -tie  in  Ross  Township,  along  Bean  Creek, 
taking  up  his  abode  there  on  the  11th  day 
f>f  (Jctober,  1855.  His  first  purchase  was  240  acres 
of  land  where  he  built  a  small  house,  and  he  was 
the  first  man  to  stir  the  soil  with  a  plowshare. 
He  did  a  large  amount  of  breaking  himself,  en- 
closed and  divided  liis  fields  with  fencing,  put  out 
fruit  and  shade  trees  and  erected  buildings  as  his 
needs  multiplied  and  his  means  permitted.  He  was 
prospered  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  and  invested  his 
surplus  capital  in  additional  land  which  under  his 
wise  management  became  very  fertile  and  yielded 
handsome  returns.  His  property  lies  on  sections 
19,  30  and  31,  and  is  considered  as  including  some 
of  the  most  desirable  land  in  this  part  of  the 

About    1875,  the  first  humble  domicile  of '  our 

subject  uave  i)laee  to  an  elegant  residence,  wliile 
adjacent  is  a  very  fine  barn  flanked  by  the  other  ne- 
cessary- buildings.  He  has  the  latest  improved  ma- 
chinery, including  an  expensive  windmill  and  an 
artesian  well  which  throws  a  running  stream  of  wa- 
ter two  feet  above  the  ground,  with  its  source  130 
feet  below.  In  his  stock  operations,  Mr.  Albright 
breeds  mostly  horses  and  cattle. 

Mr.  Albright  in  March,  1886,  rented  his  farm 
and  retiring  from  active  labor,  purchased  a 
pleasant  home  in  Rossville  where  he  now  resides. 
His  has  been  a  remarkabl}'  bus}'  life,  as  in  addition 
to  his  farming  operations,  he  has  given  consider- 
able of  his  time  to  looking  after  the  local  interests 
of  his  township,  officiating  as  School  Director  and 
serving  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  seven  years. 
He  nsuallj^  gives  his  support  to  the  Democratic 
party  and  for  a  period  of  forty-five  years  has  been 
a  member  of  the  United  Brethren  Church.  He 
has  been  at  two  different  times  the  candidate  of  his 
party  in  this  county  for  the  Legislature,  but  being 
in  the  minority,  was  beaten  as  he  expected. 

Mr.  Albright  was  born  in  Fairfield  Count}-,  Ohio, 
Sept.  12,  1816',  and  lived  there  until  a  lad  of 
twelve  years.  He  then  removed  to  Pickaway 
County  where  he  sojourned  until  his  marriage, 
which  took  place  four  miles  southeast  of  Circleville 
the  bride  being  Miss  Clemency  jMorris.  Of  this 
union  there  were  born  two  children — John  ]\I.  and 
Mary  Ellen,  the  latter  the  wife  of  William  McMur- 
trie  of  Potomac,  and  is  the  mother  of  four  children. 
Mrs.  Clemency  (Morris)  Albright  died  at  her  home 
in  Ross  Township  in  1865. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  matrimonial  al- 
liance, Sept.  10,  1866,  with  Miss  Mary  M.  Davis. 
This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  two  children — 
Orrie  Lulu  and  Lilly  Belle.  The  elder  is  the  wife 
of  William  Cunningham  of  Rossville  and  the 
younger  remains  with  her  parents.  Mrs.  Mary  M. 
(Davis)  Albright  was  born  in  Muskingum  County, 
Ohio,  Februar}%  1836,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Am- 
aziah  Davis,  who  came  to  this  count}'  at  an  early 
day  and  became  one  of  its  most  prominent  farmers 
and  citizens. 

David  Albright,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  whence  he  removed  to 
Ohio  when  quite  young.     He  was  there  married  to 



Miss  Pbebe  Newman  and  tliey  reared  a  family  of 
nine  children.  Upon  leaving  tbe  Buckeye  State 
they  settled  in  Frankfort,  Ind.,  wliere  the  father 
died  some  years  ago.  The  mother  subsequently 
came  to  this  county  and  made  her  home  with  our 
subject  until  her  death. 

^       WILLIAM    II.   PRICK,   the    son  of  an  e.irly 
\^f/    settler  of  Vermilion  C'ount3',    may  also  be 

wW  denominated  as  one  of  its  pioneers,  as  he 
iiad  a  hand  in  developing  its  great  agricultural 
resources  and  assisted  in  laying  the  foundations 
of  its  wealth  and  high  standing  among  its  sister 
counties.  lie  is  to-day  one  of  the  foremost 
farmers  and  stock  raisers  of  Pilot  Township,  and  is 
a  man  of  considerable  importance  in  the  public  life 
of  this  community.  He  has  a  large  farm  of  over 
700  acres  of  well-improved  land,  comprising  sec- 
tions 8,  9  and  10,  whose  broad  fields  are  under  high 
cultivation,and  which  is  amply  supplied  with  roomy, 
conveniently  arranged,  well  made  buildings,  and 
all  the  appliances  for  facilitating  farm  work,  while 
everything  about  the  place  betokens  order  and 
superior  management. 

Mr.  Price  was  born  in  Pike  County,  Ohio,  July 
4,  1827.  His  father,  Robert  Price,  was  a  native  of 
Lexington,  Ky.,  born  of  pioneer  parents  July  29, 
1788.  The  grandparents  were  from  Wales  and 
England.  They  removed  to  Pike  County,  Ohio 
when  the  father  of  our  subject  was  a  lad  of  nine 
years,  and  there  he  grew  to  maturity  and  married 
Miss  Nancy  Howard,  a  native  of  Ohio.  Her  par- 
ents came  from  England  to  that  part  of  the  coun- 
try in  the  early  da3-s  of  its  settlement.  She  was 
born  Feb.  27,  1793  and  died  in  middle  life,  Dec.  22. 
1842,  some  years  after  the  removal  of  the  family 
to  this  county,  which  occurred  in  1830.  She  and 
her  husband  were  early  pioneers  of  this  section  of 
the  country. 

The  father  died  Jan.  G,  1850,  in  Vermilion 
County,  111.  They  were  tiie  parents  of  four  chil- 
dren, of  whom  our  sul)ject  is  the  only  survivor. 
The  others  were  Lloyd  H.,  Drusilla,  and  Jerusha. 
JJoyd  married  Minerva  Ilow'ard,  of   Pike  County, 

Ohio,  whose  parents  came  to  Vermilion  County  in 
an  early  day,  and  to  them  (Lloyd  and  wife)  were 
born  nine  children,  namely:  William.  Robert, 
Thomas,  Sarah,  Nancy,  P'rank.  Lloyd.  May,  and 
George.  Drusilla  was  the  wife  of  Joseph  Dalay,  of 
^'ermilion  County,  now  deceased,  and  they  left  one 
child,  Nancy,  who  became  the  wife  of  David  Clay- 
pole,  a  farmer,  and  they  have  five  children.  Jeru- 
sha married  Franklin  Adams,  of  X'ermilion  County, 
now  deceased,  and  Ihey  have  three  children — 
John  L.,   William,  and  Sanuiel. 

When  our  subject  was  brought  to  tins  county,  a 
child  of  three  years,  it  was  a  wild  waste  of  prairie, 
and  the  settlers  at  that  time  thought  that  the  land 
away  from  the  streams  where  the  timber  giew  was 
worthless  for  settlement,  so  they  confined  them- 
selves to  the  banks  of  the  creeks  and  rivers.  He 
grew  to  a  strong  manhood  in  the  pioneer  life  that 
obtained  at  that  day,  and  early  became  independ- 
ent and  self-supporting.  Having  determined  to 
make  farming  his  life  work,  he  entered  200  acres 
of  prairie  land  from  the  Government,  as  his  keen 
discernment  foresaw  the  worth  of  the  rich  and 
fertile  soil  to  the  intelligent  and  enterprising  ^'oung 
farmer.  After  his  marriage  in  1850,  he  erected  a 
house  and  commenced  the  task  of  upbuihling  his 
[iresent  desirable  home.  He  is  still  living  on  the 
land  that  he  purchased  from  the  Government,  and 
has  added  more  to  it  as  his  means  have  allowed 
till  he  owns  one  of  the  largest  farms  in  the  neigh- 
hood,  comprising,  as  before  mentioned  over  700 
acres  of  choice  land.  He  has  besides  helped  to 
establish  his  children  in  life  by  giving  them  land. 
He  does  a  general  farming  business,  raising  all 
kinds  of  stock,  making  a  speciality  of  breeding 
Short-horn  cattle,  of  which  he  has  a  herd  of  sixteen 
thoroughbreds,  besides  all  other  kinds  of  stock  us- 
ually found  on  a  model  farm. 

Mr.  Price  and  Mary  A.  Cazatt  were  \inited  in 
marriage  in  1850.  She  was  born  in  Mercer  County, 
Ky.,  Jul3'  4,  1833,  to  Henry  and  Susan  (Gritten) 
Cazatt,  native  of  the  same  county,  her  father  was 
born  about  1808  and  her  mother  Dec.  I,  l.sio. 
Mrs.  Prices's  grandparents  were  Irish  and  Dutch. 
They  were  pioneers  of  X'erniilion  County,  coming 
here  in  1837,  and  here  they  spent  their  remaining 
years,  thefnlher  dying  in  1811,  and  the  mother  in 



1878,  aged  sixty-three  years.  Mrs.  Price  has  one 
own  sister — Minerva  J.,  who  married  Otho  Allison, 
a  resident  of  this  county.  The  union  of  our  sub- 
iect  and  his  wife  has  been  blessed  to  them  by  the 
birth  of  six  children — Jerusha  J.,  Lloyd  IL,  Emily 
M.,  Ch-irles  R.,  Alice  N..  EinraaB.,  the  latter  is 
deceased.  Jerusha  married  Ileniy  J.  Ilelmick,  a 
farmer  of  this  county,  and  they  have  two  children 
— Charles  and  William  E.  Lloyd  IL,  a  farmer, 
married  Mary  J.  Snyder,  of  this  county.  Emily 
married  Gu3^  C.  Howard,  a  merchant  in  Armstrong, 
this  county.  Charles  R..  a  farmer,  married  Delia 
Hatfield,  of  this  county,  and  they  have  one  child — 
Everett  Lloyd.  Alice  married  Berry  Duncan,  a 
farmer  of  this  county,  and  they  have  one  child, 

Mr.  Price  is  a  noble  type  of  our  self-made  men, 
who  while  building  up  a  fortune  for  themselves 
have  been  instrumental  in  advancing  the  material 
interests  of  the  county.  He,  and  his  wife  are  lead- 
ing members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
of  which  he  has  held  the  office  of  Steward  and 
Trustee.  He  has  held  the  office  of  Highwaj'  Com- 
missioner for  twelve  years.  He  is  prominently 
identified  with  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  order,  and  is  a 
Master  Mason.  In  politics,  he  is  a  thorough  and 
consistent  Republican.  He  has  served  with  credit 
on  the  juries  of  the  State  and  county. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Price  have  some  valuable  heir- 
looms, which  they  highly  prize,  in  the  old  bibles 
of  their  fathers  and  mothers. 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  country  resi- 
dence and  surroundings  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Price 
appears  in  the  Ai.uuji,  and  represents  a  home 
of  which  the  owners  are  justly  proud. 

^ .^^ '^ 

I'THER  TILLOTSON,  Supervisor  of  Pilot 
Townsiiip.  and  one  of  its  most  intelligent 
and  iuHuential  public  officials,  is  closely 
connected  with  its  material  interests  as  a  practical 
agriculturist,  owning  and  profitably  managing  a 
good  farm  on  section  30.  He  was  born  in  Warren 
County,  Ind.,  Aug.  13,  1849,  a  son  of  E.  B.  and 
Mary   A.    (Cronkhite)   Tillotson.     His   father  was 

born  in  Cayuga  County,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  8,  1811.  and  his 
father,  Luther  Tillotson,  was  a  native  of  New 
York.  The  mother  of  our  subject  was  born  in 
Hamilton,  Ohio,  Dec.  26,  1816.  During  some 
period  of  their  lives  the  parents  of  our  subject 
settled  in  Indiana,  and  of  their  marriage  twelve 
children  were  born,  and  the  following  is  recorded 
of  the  nine  now  living:  Sarah  A.  married  Edward 
Foster,  a  farmer  living  near  Armstrong,  this  count}', 
and  they  have  seven  children.  Rebecca  married 
,leremiah  Butts,  who  lives  retired  in  Potomac,  and 
they  have  six  children.  James  IM..  a  stock  dealer 
and  farmer  in  Calcasien  Parish,  La.,  married 
;Mary  J.  Goodwine,  and  tUey  have  three  children. 
Buell,  a  farmer  of  Pilot  Township,  married  Eliza- 
beth Wiles  and  the}-  have  one  child.  Walter  B., 
a  farmer  of  Pilot  Township,  married  Lucetta  Endi- 
cott.  Frances  married  J.  A.  Knight,  a  farmer  of 
this  county,  and  they  have  four  children.  William 
M.,a  farmer  of  this  county,  married  Millie  French, 
and  they  have  three  children.  Mary  A.  married 
Frank  H.  Ilenr^',  who  is  living  retired  in  Armstrong 
Village,  and  they  have  two  children.  Luther  is 
the  subject  of  this  sketch.  [For  parental  history 
see  sketch  of  Buell  Tillotson.] 

Our  subject  came  this  county  iu  18j6  with  his 
parents.  His  father  is  deceased  ;  his  mother  resides 
in  this  county.  Mr.  Tillotson  and  Mary  E.  Myrick 
were  united  in  the  holy  bonds  of  matrimony  Sept- 
ember. 1871,  and  five  children  complete  their  happy 
household — Bertie,  Alden,  Cora  E.,  Luther  E.,  and 
Charles.  Mrs.  Tillotson  was  born  in  Illinois  Sept. 
15,  1853,  and  is  a  daughter  of  Thomas  P.  and 
Susanah  (Firebaugh)  M3'rick,  natives  of  Ohio  and 
Indiana  respectively.  They  came  from  the  Buck- 
eye State  to  this  and  settled  in  Pilot  Township  at 
an  early  day. 

After  marriage  Mr.  Tillotson  rented  land  for 
eleven  years  and  carried  it  on  to  such  good  advan- 
tage that  at  the  expiration  of  that  time  he  had 
money  enough  to  invest  in  eighty  acres  of  improved 
land,  which  forms  his  present  farm.  He  has  his  land 
well  tilled,  and  it  is  capable  of  yielding  large  crops 
in  repa3'ment  for  the  care  bestowed  upon  it,  and 
Mr.  Tillotson  has  a  neat  and  well  ordered  set  of 
buildings  for  every  needful  purpose.  He  is  doing 
well    from    a    financial    standpoint,    has    his    farm 



stocked  with  cattle  of  good  grade  as  many  as  it 
will  carry,  and  (lis|)lays  commendable  enterprise  in 
the  management  of  his  interests. 

Mr.  Tillotson  brings  a  well  trained  mi  ml  to  bear 
on  his  work  and  fully  understands  how  to  perform 
it  so  as  to  obtain  the  best  results,  which  is  the 
secret  of  his  success.  His  fellow-citizens,  feeling 
that  in  a  man  of  his  education,  of  sound  and  sensi- 
ble views  on  all  subjects,  the  township  would  find  a 
superior  civic  oflicial  who  would  promote  its  high- 
est interests,  have  called  him  to  some  of  the  most 
responsible  offices  within  their  gift,  and  his  whole 
course  in  public  life  has  justified  their  selection. 
He  has  been  .Supervisor  for  six  years,  and  was  re- 
elected to  that  office  this  spring,  and  he  has 
been  Assessor  for  one  term,  besides  having  held 
the  otKce  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  eight  3'ears. 
In  politics  he  is  a  true  Republican,  although  he 
performs  his  official  duties  without  regard  to  party 

*~*~W  ^ 

^^;  ARON  DALBY.  The  late  Civil  War  de- 
*v/  I  veloped  some  rare  characters,  the  depths 
///  i£  of  which  would  probably  never  have  been 
(^  disturbed  had  it  not  been  for  this  revolution 
which  shook  the  country  from  turret  to  foundation 
stone.  There  were  then  brought  to  the  surface 
that  God-given  quality — the  love  of  the  true  man 
for  his  native  land — and  the  extent  of  the  sacrifices 
which  he  was  willing  to  make  to  save  her  from  dis- 
memberment. Among  all  those  who  are  written 
of  in  this  volume  there  probably  no  truer  pat- 
riot during  the  war  than  Aaron  Dalby,  and  he 
justly  esteems  the  period  of  his  life  spent  in  the 
Union  Army  as  one  of  the  brightest  spots  in  his 
whole  career.  We  give  this  matter  prominence  be- 
cause it  is  a  subject  dear  to  his  heart  and  he  has 
lost  none  of  the  patriotic  affection  which  enabled 
him  a  quarter  of  a  century  ago  to  lay  aside  all  per- 
sonal ties  and  give  his  best  efforts  to  the  preserva- 
tion of  the  Union.  We  now  find  him  comfortably 
located  in  a  quiet  country  home,  embracing  a  well- 
regulated  farm  on  section  11,  in  Vance  Township, 

where,  since  the  war,  he  has  g.athered  around  him 
all  of  the  comforts  and  many  of  the  luxuries  iif 

In  reverting  lo  the  family  histury  of  our  .'iul)ject 
we  find  that  his  father,  James  Dalby,  was  a  native 
of  Pennsylvania,  a  car()enter  by  trade  and  in  politics 
an  old  line  Whig.  He  married  Miss  .Sarah  Sewell,  a 
native  of  Ohio,  April  4,  1820,  the  wedding  taking 
place  in  Clinton  County, that  State.  They  lived  there 
about  fourteen  years,  Mr.  Dalby  engaged  as  a  gro- 
ceryman,  a  farmer  and  an  hotelkeeper.  conducting 
the  old-fashioned  country  tavern  after  the  most 
approved  methods  of  those  times. 

About  this  time  the  lead  mines  near  Dubuque 
were  being  opened  up  and  the  demand  for  carpen- 
ters was  great,  so  the  father  of  our  suljject  re- 
moved 'hither  with  his  family'  in  1835,  purposing 
to  work  at  his  trade.  He  found  the  times  very  hard 
and  the  countiy  peopled  largel3'  with  desperate 
characters,  among  whom  a  murder  was  committed 
nearl}-  ever}'  night.  This  state  of  things  made  it 
impossible  for  him  to  remain  and  so  he  established 
himself  at  Quinc}-,  III.,  where  he  lived  three  years 
and  woj'ked  at  his  trade.  He  then  returned  to 
Ohio,  where  he  sojourned  two  years  and  f  lom  there 
removed  to  Peru  Ind.,  but  only  remained  there 
eight  months.  In  August,  1843,  he  came  to  this 
count}-  and  on  the  19th  of  October  following 
passed  from  earth  at  the  age  of  fifty-three  years. 
He  was  a  well  educated  man  and  especially  fine 

The  mother  uf  our  subject  survived  her  first 
husband  for  the  long  period  of  nearlj-  fortj'-eight 
j-cars.  She  was  born  March  12,  1803,  and  died 
Feb.  26,  1885,  when  nearly  eighth-two  years  old. 
The  parental  household  was  completed  by  the  birth 
of  six  children,  four  of  whom  are  living.  Aaron, 
our  subject,  was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth  and 
was  born  in  Clinton  Count\-,  Ohio,  April  25,  1831. 
He  attended  school  at  t^uincy,  111.,  and  also  in 
Ohio  a  short  time  and  in  Indiana,  and  came  to  this 
count}-  in  time  to  avail  himself  of  instruction  in 
the  subscription  schools  here.  Being  the  eldest 
son,  he,  after  the  death  of  his  father,  naturally  in 
due  time  assumed  many  responsibilities,  and  at  the 
age  of  twelve  years  worked  out  for  83  per  month, 
six  mouths,  from   spring  until  fall.     The  year  fol- 



lowing  lie  was  employed  by  the  same  man.  with  an 
increase  of  salary  of  *1  i)er  month. 

The  mother  of  onr  snliject  was  married  a  second 
time  to  James  Elliott.  Our  subject  was  bound  out 
for  a  term  of  six  years  to  Alvin  .Stearns.  Becom- 
ing dissatisfied  with  the  arrangement  he  served  out 
only  half  his  time  and  went  to  Ohio  to  learn  a 
trade.  He  came  back  to  Illinois,  however,  a  \'ear 
later  and  employed  himself  at  whatever  he  could 
find  to  do,  being  at  one  time  the  partner  of  Aaron 
Hardin  in  si)litting  rails  and  cord-wood.  Their 
best  week's  work  was  forty-eight  cords  of  wood, 
cut,  split  and  juled,  and  this  was  done  at  twenty- 
live  cents  per  cord,  when  I'ails  were  forty-five  cents 
per  100. 

The  next  most  important  event  in  the  life  of  our 
suljjeet  was  his  marriage,  which  occurred  Dec.  23, 
lb.34,  with  Miss  Martha  E.  Custer.  The  newl^- 
wedded  pair  commenced  the  journey  of  life  to- 
gether at  the  old  Custer  homestead,  which  is  now 
the  [jroperty  of  our  subject,  and  Mr.  Dalby  there- 
after farmed  on  rented  Land  until  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War.  In  l.S()2  he  went  one  day  to  assist 
a  neighbor  with  his  work  and  when  he  came  back 
with  his  pitchfork  over  his  shoulder  his  attitude 
and  bearing  were  such  that  his  wife  exclaimed 
when  she  saw  him  coming,  "there,  I  liethe  is  going 
to  the  war."  He  entered  the  house  and  asked  for 
some  clothing,  and  in  ten  minutes  was  off  for  Ho- 
mer, and  joining  some  of  his  comrades  repaired 
with  them  to  Camp  Butler  and  enlisted  in  Company 
E,  7.3d  Illinois  Infantry. 

Mr.  Dalby  accompanied  his  regiment  to  the 
front  and  Qrst  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Perryville, 
Oct.  8,  1862.  In  the  early  part  of  the  engage- 
ment he  was  in  the  front  line  of  battle  and  had 
only  discharged  six  or  seven  shots  when  a  rebel 
bullet  struck  him  in  the  right  side  of  the  abdomen, 
passing  through  the  npijer  lobe  of  the  liver  and 
came  out  at  the  right  of  the  spine,  grazing  the 
point  of  one  of  the  vertebrifi.  The  ball  before  en- 
tering his  body  struck  the  cap  box  on  his  belt, 
passed  through  the  box  and  his  belt,  through  his 
coat,  the  waistband  on  his  pants  then  through  his 
body  and  returning  cut  through  the  waistband  and 
"  body  belt "  and  knocked  the  handle  off  the 
butcher  knife  on   his  belt,  leaving  the  blade  in  its 

scabbard  and  glanced  off  to  the  rear.  He  pulled 
out  of  the  wound  a  bunch  of  the  wood  from  his  cap 
box,  some  cotton-batting  from  his  coat  and  a  metal 
primer  which  he  carried  in  the  box.  He  was  taken 
to  the  field  hospital  and  a  rubber  tube  pulled 
through  his  bod3'  twice:  He  was  then  conveyed  to 
the  Perryville  General  Hospital,  where  he  remained 
until  October  1863,  and  was  then  transferred  to 
New  Albany,  Ind.  He  was  discharged  from  the 
hospital  there,  Jan.  20,  1864. 

Mr.  Dalby  now  returned  to  his  family  and  al- 
though he  has  been  almost  wholly  disabled  for 
work  since  that  time  he  declares  he  is  ready  to 
fight  the  battle  over  .again  if  the  occasion  arises. 
He  and  his  excellent  wife  have  no  children  of  their 
own.  but  have  performed  the  jjart  of  parents  to  a 
boy  and  girl,  the  former  the  sou  of  a  comrade  of 
Mr.  Dalby,  who  was  discharged  from  the  army  for 
disability  and  died.  The  1)03'  Joe  H.  .Summers,  be- 
came an  inmate  of  their  home  at  the  age  of  seven 
years  and  remained  there  until  twenty-one.  He  is 
now  married  and  lives  in  Mendon,  Neb.  The 
girl  Mary  J.  Custer  was  taken  by  them  when  but 
eleven  months  old  and  is  still  with  them,  now 
grown  to  womanhood. 

It  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  in  view  of  his  war 
record  that  Mr.  Dalby,  politically,  is  a  decided  Re- 
publican. He  had  two  brothers  in  the  army,  one 
of  whom,  Alliert,  enlisted  in  Compan3'  C.  2.5th 
Illinois  Infantry  and  at  Blurfreesboro  was  wounded 
through  the  wrist  and  arm.  At  the  expiration  of 
his  first  term  of  enlistment  he  entered  the  veteran 
reserve  corps  from  which  he  was  honorablj'  dis- 
charged. Anotlier  brother,  William  H.  H.,  the 
3'oungest  of  the  family,  was  born  in  1840  and  en- 
listed in  Company  D,  63d  Illinois  Infantry.  He 
was  killed  by  the  explosion  of  a  magazine  at  Co- 
lumbia, S.  C,  Feb.  19.  1865,  being  terribly 
mangled  and  blown  into  a  river.  He  had  strength, 
however,  to  swim  ashore  and  was  taken  to  the  hos- 
pital where  he  died.  He  had  been  i)romoted  to  the 
rank  of  Sergeant.  Mr.  Dalbj-  has  officiated  as  Road 
Overseer  and  is  a  member  of  Homer  Post  No.  263, 
G.  A.  R. 

Jacob  M.  Custer,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Dalbj,  was. 
with  his  wife  ,  Elizabeth  Ocheltree,  a  native  of  Vir- 
ginia.      They  came  to  Illinois  in  1849  settling  in 



this  county,  but  Later  removed  to  Clianipaign 
County,  where  the  death  of  Mr.  Custer  to<jk  place, 
Sept.  17,  1865.  His  widow  svdjsequentlj'  married 
.lolui  L.  Myers  who  has  since  died,  and  Mrs.  flyers 
is  now  living  .at  Homer  at  the  ripe  age  of  seventy- 
nine  years.  She  is  the  mother  of  nine  children,  six 
of  whom  are  living  and  of  whom  Mrs.  Dalby 
next  to  the  eldest.  She  was  born  Sept.  4,  18.'5G,  in 
Fayette  County  Ohio,  received  a  fair  education  and 
was  married  at  the  age  of  eighteen  years.  Siie 
is  a  very  estimable  lady  of  more  than  usual  benev- 
olence and  is  a  member  of  the  Homer  Woman's  Re- 
lief Corps,  No.  69.  She  was  at  one  time  President 
of  this  body  and  presented  with  a  very  fine 
gold  badge  as  Past  President  by  the  members  of 
her  corps  as  a  token  of  their  appreciation  of  her 
worth  and  services.  She  has  never  missed  a  meet- 
ing, either  regular  or  special  since  its  organization, 
in  April,  1887.  In  religious  matters,  she  belongs 
to  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Cliurch. 

Mr.  Dalb\'  during  the  days  of  his  early  manhood 
was  an  exjjert  hunter  and  has  brought  down  many 
a  deer  in  this  county.  He  is  naturally  possessed 
of  great  courage  and  bearing,  but  is  unifornfily 
kind-hearted  to  all  except  the  enemies  of  his 

\  ;  OHN  COLE.     The  bold,  h.ardy,    intelligent 

S(;ns  of  New  England  have  borne  a  i)rom- 

inent  part  in    the  settlement  of    the  great 

West,  and  as  a  noljle  type  of  these,  one  who 

•  was  a  |)ioneer  of  Vermilion  County  in  early  days, 

we  are  pleased  to  present  to   the  readers  of   this 

work  a  review  of  the  life  of   the  gentleman    whose 

name  is  at  the  head  of  this  sketch. 

In  the  pleasant  spring  month  of  May.  1837,  just 
fifty-two  years  ago,  our  sul)ject,  then  in  the  prime 
and  vigor  of  early  manhood,  twenty-two  years  of 
age,  left  Lis  native  home  among  the  beautiful  hills 
of  Vermont  to  see  if  life  held  anything  better  for 
him  on  the  broad  prairies  of  this  then  far  Western 
.State,  animated  doubtless,  bj'  the  pioneer  spirit 
that  caused  some  remote  ancestor  to  leave  his  En- 
glish cot  and  seek  a  new  home  on  this  side  of  the 
Atlantic,  and  still  later  caused  one  of  his  descend- 

ants, in  turn,  to  journey  to  the  Green  Mountain 
State  on  the  same  quest.  In  that  day  the  tripcon- 
teMii)latod  by  our  subject  was  a  great  undertaking, 
it  being  but  slow  traveling  before  railways  spanned 
the  continent,  and  many  days  and  weeks  even 
passed  before  he  reached  ii is  destination.  He  went 
first  with  a  team  to  Tro}'.  and  thence  by  the  Erie 
Canal  to  Buffalo,  expecting  to  proceed  on  his  jour- 
Uf^y  from  there  on  the  lakes,  but  the  ice  ])revented 
furtiier  passage  after  the  boat  had  gone  thirty  miles 
on  Lake  Erie.  His  next  courses  was  lo  hire  a  man 
to  take  him  in  a  wagon  to  Chicago,  paying  him 
$10.  There  he  saw  a  little  city,  or  village,  rather, 
situated  in  a  low  sivamp,  from  which  the  frogs 
would  venture  to  sun  themselves  on  the  narrow 
plank  walks  till  some  passing  pedestrian  disturbed 
their  repose  and  caused  them  to  jump  into  the 
water.  There  were  no  indications  that  one  <hiy  that 
spot  was  to  bo  the  site  of  one  of  the  largest  and 
finest  cities  on  the  continent.  From  there  Mr.  Cole 
proceeded  on  foot  to  the  fertile  and  beautiful  val- 
ley of  the  Fox  River,  and  after  tarrying  there  a 
few  days  to  visit  some  old  friends  he  walked  on  to 
Vermilion  County.  He  loaned  what  money  he  had 
taking  a  mortgage  on  a  piece  of  land  which  was 
encumbered  by  a  prior  mortgage,  and  he  soon  had 
to  buy  the  land  in  order  to  save  his  money.  The 
summer  of  1838,  was  noted  among  the  early  settlers 
as  the  sickly  season,  and  almost  everybodv  was  ill, 
but  Mr.  Cole's  tine  constitution  withstood  the  at- 
tacks of  diseaseand  lie  remained  sound  and  healthy. 
Our  subject  found  here  the  virgin  ))rairieand  prim- 
eval forest  scarcely  disturbed  by  the  few  pioneers 
that  had  preceded  him;  there  were  still  traces  of 
the  aboriginal  settlers  of  the  country,  and  deer, 
wolves,  and  other  wild  animals  had  not  tied  before 
the  advancing  step  of  civilization.  .Settlements 
were  few  and  scattering,  and  Chicago  and  New  Or- 
leans were  the  most  accessible  markets,  the  only  wav 
'  lo  the  former  city  being  over  rough  roads  by  team, 
and  to  the  latter  by  tlatboat,  via  the  ^'erlnilioll,  Wa- 
bash, Ohio  and  Mi-ssissippi  rivcis.  Mr.  Cole  fie- 
ipiently  sent  jjioduce  to  those  cities  but  did  not 
journey  there  himself.  He  was  one  of  the  first 
wool  growers  in  the  county,  but  experienced  much 
difficulty  in  raising  sheep  in  the  early  days  here  on 
account  of  the  wolves  that  would  frequently  kill 



some  of  his  flock  In  sight  of  the  house.  He  liad  a 
small  horse  that  was  an  expert  jumper  and  mount- 
ed on  that  animal  Mr.  Cole  pursued  the  wolves 
and  killed  many  of  them.  He  commenced  with 
forty-nine  sheep  and  finall}-  had  a  large  flock,  num- 
bering 2,200  of  a  fine  breed.  He  invested  in  real 
estate  here  and  engaged  in  farming,  and  in  course 
of  years  met  with  more  than  ordinary  success  in 
his  calling  and  became  a  large  land  owner,  and 
now  has  1,360  acres  of  fine  land,  divided  into  three 
farms.  The  one  on  which  he  resides  on  sections 
19  and  20,  is  one  of  the  choicest  in  the  county. 

We  must  now  go  back  to  the  early  history  of  our 
subject,  and  refer  to  his  birth  and  ancestry.  lie 
was  born  in  the  pretty  town  of  Shaftsbury,  Ben- 
nington Co.,  Vt.,  May  27,  1815,  a  sou  of  Uriah 
Cole,  a  native  of  the  same  county  and  town.  Par- 
ker Cole,  the  grandfather  of  our  subject,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Rhode  Island,  of  Elnglish  ancestry.  Wlien 
he  was  sixteen  j-ears  old  his  parents  moved  tu  the 
wilds  of  Vermont,  before  the  Revolutionary  War, 
the  removal  being  made  with  one  yoke  of  oxen 
and  one  cow,  they  were  guided  by  marked  trees  for 
twenty  miles,  the  road  from  Williamstown,  Mass., 
being  a  mere  trail.  The  grandfather  of  our  subject 
spent  his  remaining  da3's  in  the  (Treen  Mountain 
State,  buying  a  tract  of  timbered  laud,  from  which 
he  cleared  a  farm,  and  he  at  oue  time  owned  1,000 
acres  of  land.  For  some  time  the  nearest  market 
was  at  Williamstown,  Mass.,  twenty  miles  away, 
and  Troy,  N.  Y.,  thirty-two  miles  distant  was  also 
a  market  town.  The  maiden  name  of  the  grand- 
mother of  our  subject  was  Mollie  Nash,  and  she  was 
also  a  native  of  Rhode  Island.  She  frequently  told 
her  grandchildren  the  story  of  their  removal  to 
Vermont,  and  how  when  she  forded  the  Connecti- 
cut River,  the  water  was  so  deep  that  the  pony  on 
which  she  rode  had  to  swim.  She  died  in  the  eighty- 
fourth  year  of  her  age,  on  the  old  homestead, 
and  now  lies  beside  her  husband  in  the  cemetery 
at  Shaftsbury.  The  father  of  our  suliject  was  reared 
in  his  native  town,  and  after  he  grown  to  man's 
estate  his  father  gave  him  a  farm  in  Shaftsbury, 
and  he  bought  other  land  till  he  had  about  400 
acres.  He  spent  his  entire  life  in  iiis  birthplace, 
dying  there  when  about  sixty  years  of  age.  The 
maiden  name  of  his  wife,  the  mother  of  our  sub- 

ject, was  Nanc3'  Barton,  and  she  was  also  a  native 
of  Shaftsbury,  coming  of  good  old  New  England 
stock.  Her  father,  Garner  Barton,  was  a  native  of 
Rhode  Island,  and  in  earl3'  life  was  a  sailor.  He 
was  a  pioneer  of  Shaftsbury  and  buying  land  he  en- 
gaged in  farming  and  also  built  and  operated  a 
tanner3^  He  was  a  resident  there  till  his  demise  at 
the  advanced  age  of  ninety-six  3'ears.  The  mater- 
nal grandmother  of  our  subject  died  on  the  home 
farm  at  the  venerable  age  of  ninety'-four  years. 
She  was  a  Quaker.  The  mother  of  our  subject  was 
reared  and  spent  her  entire  life  among  the  green 
hills  of  Vermont  in  the  town  of  Shaftsbury-.  There 
were  seven  chiljlren  born  of  her  marriage,  namel3': 
Hiram,  living  in  North  Bennington,  Vt. ;  John; 
Ahnira,  who  married  George  Clark,  and  died  two 
years  later;  Elizabeth,  who  died  in  infanc3';  James 
I!.,  living  in  Vermilion  Counl3-;  Mary,  wife  of  Jon- 
athan C.  Houghton,  of  North  Bennington,  Vt.; 
George  Byron  ilied  in  Shaftsbury'. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  grew  to  man's  estate 
in  the  home  of  his  birth,  gleaning  his  education  in 
the  public  schools,  and  as  soon  as  large  enough  he 
assisted  on  the  farm  until  he  came  West  as  before 
mentioned.  In  the  summer  of  1839  he  returned  to 
Vermont,  and  in  the  following  December  he  was 
married  to  Miss  Aurelia  Miranda  Huntington,  and 
at  once  started  with  his  bride  for  his  new  home  in 
the  Western  wilds;  traveling  with  a  horse  and  a 
covered  wagon,  they  arrived  in  Vermilion  County 
six  weeks  and  three  days  later.  There  was  an  un- 
finished frame  house  on  iiis  land  on  sections  29  and 
30,  Danville  Township,  and  in  that  he  and  his  bride 
commenced  housekeeping.  He  resided  there  about  ' 
nineteen  years,  and  then  rented  his  farm  and  moved 
to  Elwood  Township  where  he  improved  a  large 
farm,  and  made  his  home  theie  till  1877.  Then 
leaving  his  son  in  charge  he  went  to  Shelbyville, 
111.,  wheie  he  bought  property,  and  was  a  resident 
of  that  city  till  1882,  when  he  bought  the  farm  on 
which  he  now  resides  in  Danville  Township. 

Jlr.  Cole  has  been  married  three  times.  The 
wife  of  his  earl3'  manhood  died  in  Janu.ar3',  1847, 
leaving  one  child,  Miranda  S.,  now  the  wife  of 
James  McKee.  of  Danville.  Mr.  Cole's  second  mar- 
riage, which  occurred  in  1850,  was  to  Miss  Nanc3' 
Weaver,  a  native  of  Brown  Count3-,  Ohio,  a  daugh- 



ter  of  Michael  and  Mary  Weaver.  She  ilied  about 
1HG3.  leavinii  one  son,  Henry  .T..  who  lives  on  the 
Ridge  farm  in  Klwood  Township.  Mr.  Cole  was 
married  to  his  present  wife  Sue  Patterson,  and  to 
them  have  come  one  ehild,  Mar^-  Edith. 

Our  sul)jeet  can  look  back  over  a  long  life  that 
has  been  wisely  spent,  and  his  record  is  that  of  an 
honorable,  upright  man,  whose  high  personal  char- 
acter has  made  him  an  influence  for  good  in  the 
county  where  he  has  made  his  home  for  over  half 
a  century,  and  witli  whose  interests  his  own  are  so 
closely  allied  that  in  .acquiring  wealth  he  has  fur- 
thered its  material  prospeiity.  In  politics  be  is  a 

^I^DREW  J.  SINKHORN,  Supervisor  of 
Blount  Township,  with  whose  .igricultural 
1)  and  milling  interests  he  is  connected  as  a 
^//  practical,  wide-awake  farmer    and  skillful 

miller,  owning  and  operating  a  sawmill,  is  a  fine 
type  of  the  citizen-.soldiers  of  our  country,  who 
.saved  the  Union  from  dissolution  in  the  trying 
times  of  the  Great  Rebellion,  and  since  then  have 
quietly  pursued  various  vocations  and  professions, 
and  have  been  important  factors  in  bringing  this 
country  to  its  present  high  status  as  one  of  the 
greatest  and  grandest  nations  on  earth.  In  the 
carl}'  days  of  the  war  our  subject  went  forth  with 
his  brave  comrades  to  fight  his  country's  battles, 
he  being  then  but  nineteen  years  of  age,  a  stalwart, 
vigorous  youth,  and  he  consecrated  the  opening 
years  of  his  manhood  to  the  cause  for  which  he  was 
ready  to  give  up  even  life  itself,  if  need  be.  Not- 
withstanding his  j'outhfulness,  he  displayed  the 
qnalities  of  a  true  soldier,  and  in  course  of  time  was 
promoted  from  the  ranks. 

Andrew  Sinkliorn,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Virginia.  During  some  period  of  his  life 
he  went  to  Kentucky,  and  was  there  married  to 
Frances  Shannon,  a  native  of  that  State,  and  the}' 
began  their  wedded  life  there  in  Boyle  County, 
and  there  their  useful  lives  were  rounded  out  in 
death.  They  had  a  family  of  nine  children,  of 
whom  our  subject  was  the  eighth  in  order  of  birth. 

Dec.  3.  18^-2,  he  was  born  in  his   parents'  pleasant 
home  in  Boyle  County,  Ky.       He  was  reared  on  a 

'  farm.  .Tud  his  education  was  obtained  in  the  common 
schdols.  Aug.  1'2,  18G1.  his  heart  beating  high 
with  youthful  ardor  and  patriotism,  he  entered 
upon  his  career  as  a  sohlier.  enlisting  at  tliat  date  in 
Company  A,  4th  Kentucky  Infantry,  and  four 
years  experience  of  life  on  the  balllefield  or  in 
rebel  prisons.  He  took  an  .active  part  in  the  bat- 
tles of  Chicaumauga  and  Mill  Springs,  Ky..  and  in 

\  the  latter  contest  lost  a  part  of  his  inde.x  finger. 
He  was  at  Perryville,  Ky.,  Mission  Ridge,  .and 
Atlanta,  and  while  near  the  latter  city  he  cap- 
tured by  the  rebels,  and  was  held  for  seven  months, 
during  which  time  he  was  confined  in  Anderson  ville, 
and  later  in  Florence,  S.  C,  suffering  all  the  horrors 
and  hardships  of  life  in  rebel  prisons.  His  steady 
courage  and  heroic  actions  in  the  face  of  the  enemy, 
and  his  obedience  to  his  superiors,  won  him  their 
commendation,  and  he  received  deserved  promo- 
tion from  the  ranks  to  the  position  of  Sergeant. 
After  the  close  of  the  war  he  vvas  nuistered  out 
of  the  s(  rvice  and  honorably  discharged. 

After  his  bitter  experience  of  militar}-  life  Mr. 
Sinkhorn  returned  to  his  old  Kentucky  home  and 
engaged  in  farming  in  Boyle  County  the  ensuing 
two  years.  In  the  spring  of  1869  he  decided  that 
he  could  do  still  better  in  his  chosen  calling  on  the 
rich  soil  of  Illinois,  and  coming  to  \'ermilion 
County,  he  settled  in  Blount  Township,  and  has  re- 
sided here  and  in  Ross  Township  since  that  time, 
engaging  both  in  .agricultural  pursuits  and  in  mill- 
ing with  great  success,  and  he  is  justi}-  cl.assed 
among  the  most  citizens  of  the  township. 
Mr.  Sinkhorn  has  been  three  times  married. 
He  was  first  married  in  his  native  county,  to  Je- 
mima .^nn  Cozatt,  who  also  a  native  of  Boyle 
County.  After  the  birth  of  one  chikl  that  died  in 
infancy,  she  |)assed  away  in  her  native  county. 
Mr.  Sinkliorn's  second  marriage  was  to  Emily  J. 
Sexton,  they  having  been  wedded  in  Ross  Town- 
ship, this  county.  March  28,  1880,  she  departed 
this  life.  She  was  a  sincere  and  active  member  of 
the  Christian  Church.  Four  children  were  born  of 
that  marriage — William  II.,  Edward  E..  Jesse  O.. 
and  Anna  M.  The  maiden  name  of  Mr.  Sinkliorn's 
present    wife,  to  whom    he  was   united    in    Blount 



Township,  was  IVLary  E.  Pilkington,  and  she  was 
the  widow  of  John  Pilkington,  and  dauglitor  of 
Williaiu  Giitton.  Two  children  have  been  born  of 
this  marriage,  Ida  E.  and  Girtie. 

Since  coming  to  this  township  Mr.  .Sinkhorn  has 
proved  a  usefnl  citizen,  and  a  valuable  addition 
to  the  citizenship  of  the  place.  He  takes  an  active 
part  in  the  administration  of  public  affairs,  and  in 
every  way  manifests  an  earnest  desire  to  promote 
the  highest  interests  of  the  community.  His  pleas- 
ant, genial  di.sposilion  has  made  him  popular  with 
his  fellow-townsmen,  and,  what  is  better,  he  enjoys 
their  confidence.  He  was  elected  Constable  of 
Blount  Township,  and  served  to  the  satisfaction  of 
his  constituents  seven  years.  In  the  spring  of 
1886  he  was  elected  Supervisor  of  the  township, 
held  the  office  one  year,  and  in  the  spring  of  1889 
was  again  selected  for  this  important  office,  and  is 
still  an  incumbent  thereof.  He  has  a  deeply  re- 
ligious nature,  and  in  him  the  Free  Methodist 
Church  has  one  of  its  most  esteemed  members,  and 
at  the  present  time  he  is  Class-Leader. 


||r^^  EV.  THOMAS  COX  was  born  Aug.  6,  1829, 
Viic       in  Lawrence  County,  Ky.       He   is  the  son 

.John    and  P< 

Cox,    the    former    of 

\  whom  was  born  in  Lawrence  County,  June 
22,  1799,  while  his  wife,  Polly  (Markham)  Cox, 
first  saw  the  light  at  the  same  place  on  Feb.  17, 
1817.  John  Cox  served  in  the  War  of  1832  known 
as  the  Black  Hawk  War,  and  was  the  father  of  six 
children,  Thomas  being  the  fourth  child. 

John  Cox  and  family  came  to  this  county  in 
1829,  settling  six  miles  west  of  Danville  on  the 
Middle  Fork,  where  he  followed,  with  a  large  de- 
gree of  success,  the  occui)ation  of  acar|ienter,  and 
also  owned  a  fine  farm.  He  died  on  May  23,  1840, 
universally  respected  by  all  his  acquaintances.  Po- 
litically he  was  a  Democrat.  Both  he  and  his  wife 
belonged  to  the  Baptist  Church;  the  latter  died  on 
Sept.  2,  1851.  This  couple  were  among  the  origi- 
nal settlers  of  this  county,  and  as  such,  went 
through  all  the  vicissitudes  that  surround  the  pio- 

neer. They  were  faithful  in  everything  they  un- 
dertook, and  with  them  life  was  not  a  failure. 

Thomas  Cox,  of  whom  this  sketch  is  written, 
came  to  this  county  with  his  father  when  he  was 
but  six  weeks  old,  and  at  the  age  of  fifteen  years 
his  father  died  leaving  him  to  make  his  own  way 
in  the  world.  He  went  into  the  unequal  battle 
with  a  determination  to  win,  and  his  endeavors 
have  been  met  by  success.  He  followed  agricul- 
tural pursuits  until  he  was  twenty-two  years  old 
when  he  commenced  to  learn  the  carpenter's  trade, 
which  occupation  he  followed  until  1867,  when  he 
purchased  a  farm  in  Xewell  Township  and  where  he 
now  resides.  On  Nov.  28, 1850  he  was  married  to 
Susan  On-,  daughter  of  John  and  Parthenia  Orr, 
natives  of  Kentucky.  They  came  to  Indiana  in  a 
very  early  day  and  were  united  in  marri.ige  in 
Fountain  County,  that  State.  Mrs.  Cox  was  horn 
July  1,  1831,  she  being  the  fourth  child  of  a  family 
of  twelve.  She  resided  in  Indiana  until  she  became 
eighteen  3'ears  of  age,  when  she  removed  to  Illinois 
with  her  parents,  both  of  whom  are  dead.  The 
Rev.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cox  are  the  parents  of  three 
children:  William  L.,  who  is  a  farmer  of  this 
county,  married  Miss  Kate  Robinson;  Martha  J.,  is 
the  wife  of  A.  Clapp,  who  is  engaged  in  farming  in 
Newell  Township,  while  David  M.  is  the  husband 
of  Miss  Sarah  Bell.  Thej'  are  living  on  a  farm  in 
the  same  townshi)). 

iMr.  Cox  is  the  owner  of  200  acres  of  good  land 
which  he  cultivates  with  a  large  degree  of  success, 
and  l>esides  this  he  has  given  all  his  children  a  farm 
and  has  educated  them  as  best  he  could  in  the  pub- 
lic schools.  This  is  one  of  the  beauties  of  the  sys- 
tem of  American  farming  which  makes  it  possible 
for  the  parent  to  start  his  children  out  in  life  with 
land  enough  to  insure  their  comfort  and  even  com- 
petence, and  it  is  within  the  reach  of  every  provi- 
dent farmer  to  do  this  to  a  Large  or  small  extent. 
The  industry  that  Mr.  Cox  inherited  has  been  the 
keynote  to  his  success.  In  1886  he  was  ordained 
as  a  regular  minister  of  the  gospel  of  the  Regidar 
Baptist  Church.  Before  his  ordination  as"  a  minis- 
ter, he  was  actively  and  intelligently  engaged  in 
religious  work,  a  f.nct  which  led  him  up  to  occupy 
a  pulpit. 

Mr.  Cox   has  served  his  township    as  a  Comrais- 



sioner  of  Highways  :iml  Sclioul  Treasurer,  filling 
these  offices  with  rare  fidelity  and  intelligence.  He 
has  always  taken  great  interest  in  educational 
matters  and  has  consequently  aided  his  neighbor- 
hood in  having  the  best  of  schools.  I'olitically 
he  acts  with  the  Democratic  party,  but  since  en- 
tering ministerial  woric  he  docs  not  take  nuicli 
interest  in  political  ipiestions.  As  a  Christian 
worker  jMr.  Cox  is  very  zealous.  He  preaches 
every  Sabbath  eitlier  at  home  or  on  a  circuit, 
which  comprises  Crawfordsville,  Ind.,  l>ig  Shaw- 
nee and  .Stony  Creek.  The  record  of  Mr.  Cox 
as  a  citizen  and  a  preaciicr  is  of  the  very  best. 

JOHN  W.  TURNER.  M.D.,  Mayor  of  Fair- 
mount  and  a  practicing  phj'sician  of  first- 
class  standing,  has  been  a  resident  of  this 
city  since  1881.  He  occupies  one  of  the 
finest  residences  in  tlie  place,  and  there  are  few 
men  more  widely  or  f.avoral)l3'  known  in  the  town- 
ship. He  has  been  iirominent  in  polities  and  relig- 
ion—  a  leading  light  in  the  Republican  party  and 
an  earnest  laliorer  in  tlie  Sunday -sciiool,  the  friend 
of  temperance  and  the  uniform  supjiorter  of  all 
those  measures  instituted  to  elevate  society  and 
benefit  the  people. 

In  referring  to  the  parental  history  of  our  sub- 
ject, we  find  that  lie  is  a  son  of  Jolin  T.  Turner,  a 
native  of  Maryland,  who  married  Miss  Catherine 
Shane,  a  native  of  ^'irginia.  Soon  after  marriage 
the  ])arent9  settled  in  Warren  County,  Ohio,  then 
removed  to  Clay  County,  Ind.  The  father  was  a 
wagon  manufacturer,  and  tlie  household  circle  in 
due  time  included  eight  children,  four  sons  .and 
four  daughters.  Of  these  John  W.  was  the  seveutli 
ciiiid.  He  was  born  in  C'la^-  County,  Ind.,  March 
24,  1839,  and  there  spent  the  da3'S  of  his  boyhood 
and  youth,  pursuing  his  early  studies  in  the  com- 
mon schools. 

The  subsequent  years  of  Dr.  Tuniei'  until  a  man 
of  twent\-six  were  occupied  mostl\-  as  a  medical 
student.  Tiien  determined  to  see  something  of  the 
country  in  wliich  lie  lived,  lie  started  over  the 
plains  to  Oregon,  crosserl  the  Mississippi  at  Oiiiaiia 

and  soon  afterward  bidding  farewell  to  the  haunts 
o(  civilization,  journeyed  on  the  north  side  of 
the  Platte  River,  through  Nebraska.  Wyoming. 
Idalio  and  on  to  Oregon.  He  reached  Portland 
six  mouths  after  leaving  home.  During  the  trip 
the  party  had  numerous  engagements  with  the 
Sioux  Indians,  one  verj-  serious  among  the  Black 

Besides  the  Indians  the  Doctor  met  men  from 
most  all  parts  of  every  couuti\  during  his  lour  iu 
the  wild  West,  and  learned  many  interesting  facts 
in  connection  therewith  and  the  habits  of  life  on 
the  frontier,  besides  having  an  opijortunity  to  view 
some  of  the  most  wild  and  romantic  scenery  in  the 
world.  We  next  find  him  ofliciating  as  a  peda- 
gogue in  Oregon  for  six  months.  He  had  already 
made  up  his  mind  to  adopt  the  medical  (n'ofession, 
and  at  the  expir.atiou  of  this  time  entered  the  med- 
ical department  of  Willamette  University,  Oregon, 
from  which  he  was  graduated  with  honors  in  J  872. 
He  commenced  the  practice  of  his  profession  at 
Vancouver,  Wash.,  where  he  sojourned  four  years. 
Here  occurred  the  first  great  affliction  of  his  life  in 
the  loss  of  his  estimable  wife,  which  occurred  in 
187(j.  Soon  .afterward  he  returned  to  this  State 
and  was  located  in  O.aklaud,  Coles  County,  for  five 

In  1881  Dr.  Turner  took  uii  his  residence  in 
Fairmounl,  where  he  has  made  all  arrangements  to 
spend  at  least  the  greater  part  of  his  life.  He  has 
a  most  pleasant  and  attractive  home,  a  fine  and 
growing  practice  and  apparently  everything  to  make 
existence  desirable.  first  married  in  18(31  to 
I\Iiss  Harriet  N.,  daughter  of  Judge  William  E. 
Smith,  of  Toledo,  Cumberland  County,  this  st.ate. 
Of  this  union  there  were  born  four  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  Alva  M.,  married  Miss 
Phieba  A.  Reese,'and  is  employed  in  the  drug-store 
of  Lamon  &  Lamon,  of  Fairinount;  his  wife  died 
April  25.  188'.),  of  aiioplexy;  Sharon  C.  is  doing 
a  large  business  as  a  contractor  at  Ocean  Beach, 
Pacific  Co.,  Wash.  He  is  unmarried;  Nancy  C. 
is  the  wife  of  Ednanl  Busby  and  lives  seven  miles 
south  of  Fairmount;  they  have  no  children;  Will- 
iam E.  was  .accidentally  killed  on  the  railroad  track 
west  of  llie  depot,  April  18,  18,SiJ.  at  tlie  age  of 
lliirteeu   years.     Mrs.  Harriet   X.  (Smith)   Turner 



fleparted  this  life  at  her  residenee,  in  Vancouver, 
Wash.,  in  .laniiarv,  187G. 

Dr.  Turner  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
April,  1877,  with  Miss  Kh'za  J.  Hongland,  foster 
daughter  of  John  8.  C'ofer,  of  Areola.  111.,  the  wed- 
ding taking  place  at  Paris.  This  union  resulted  in 
the  birth  of  two  children,  John  W.  and  Mary,  hotli 
living  with  their  father  and  attending  school.  The 
mother  died  April  30,  1884.  On  the  10th  of  July. 
1884,  the  Doctor  was  married  to  IMiss  iSIary  E. 
Mills,  one  of  the  leading  lady  teachers  of  ^'ermilion 
County.  Mrs.  Turner  is  a  lady  of  more  than  ordi- 
nary accomplishments  and  stands  high  in  the  social 
circles  of  the  community.  The  Doctor  and  his 
wife  with  the  elder  children  are  all  connected  with 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Cluirch.  Dr.  Turner  is  a 
member  of  the  Official  Board  and  Vice-president 
of  the  Township  Sunday-school  Association,  which 
latter  office  he  has  held  for  the  last  three  years. 
He  gives  much  time  to  the  religious  instruction  of 
the  young,  a  subject  in  which  he  has  entertained  a 
lifelong  interest. 

At  the  last  election  for  the  city  offices.  Dr.  Turner 
was  reelected  President  of  the  Board  of  Aldermen, 
receiving,  with  the  exception  of  eleven,  all  of  the 
votes  cast  for  this  office.  He  is  a  pronounced  Re- 
j)ublican  with  broad  and  liberal  ideas,  and  belongs 
to  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  being  Master  of  the  lodge  at 
Fairmount  for  four  years  in  succession.  He  also 
belongs  to  the  Modern  Woodmen,  in  which  Order 
he  is  Medical  Examiner  and  holds  the  same  position 
in  connection  with  eight  life  insurance  companies 
doing  business  in  this  state.  As  may  be  supposed, 
his  practice  and  his  official  duties  absorb  a  large 
portion  of  his  time,  but  he  still  finds  the  opportun- 
ity to  indulge  occasionally  in  hunting  and  fishing, 
in  which  he  is  an  expert  and  of  which  sports  he  is 
excessively  fond.  The  temperance  cause  finds  in 
him  one  of  its  firmest  advocates.  Genial  and  com- 
panionable by  nature,  he  is  one  naturally  making 
hosts  of  friends.  As  an  orator  he  possesses  talents 
of  no  mean  order,  and  is  frequently  called  upon  to 
address  political,  religious  and  other  meetings. 
There  are  always  a  few  men  who  must  lead  in  a 
community,  and  Dr.  Turner,  of  Fairmount,  is  an 
admirable  representative  of  this  class  of  the  com- 
munity.      Therefore  we   are    pleased    to    jiresent 

to  the  readers  of  this  volume  a  splendid  por- 
trait of  Dr.  Turner,  as  perpetuating  the  features 
of  one  honored  and  esteemed  by  all,  and  the  pres- 
ent incumbent  of  the  most  important  official  posi- 
tion in  Fairmount. 


/^^EORGE  W.  SMITH,  who  lives  on  section 
II  (i--  31  in  Grant  Township,  Vermilion  County, 
^^U)  has  resided  here  but  six  j-ears.  He  for- 
merly resided  in  Champaign  Count}',  111.  He  was 
born  in  Fairfield  County,  Ohio,  July  11,  1833,  his 
parents  being  John  C.  and  Azenith  (Lewis)  Smith, 
the  former  a  native  of  Delaware  and  the  latter  of 

The  parents  of  John  C.  Smith  died  in  Delaware 
when  he  was  quite  young,  and  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
one  years,  in  1808,  he  emigrated  to  what  was  then 
considered  the  Far  West.  He  a  carpenter  by 
trade,  and  located  at  what  is  now  the  capital  of 
Ohio,  Columbus,  then  known  as  Franklin.  There 
he  put  on  the  first  shingle  roof  ever  constructed  in 
that  locality.  He  was  still  there  when  the  War 
of  181  "2  broke  out,  and  he  enlisted  in  the  army 
under  Capt.  Sanderson,  of  Lancaster,  Ohio.  He 
served  during  the  entire  time  of  the  war,  and  re- 
ceived for  his  services  two  warrants,  each  entitling 
him  to  eighty  acres  of  land.  He  w.ts  with  the 
army  at  Detroit,  and  there  endured  the  hardships 
suffered  bj'  that  part  of  the  army  during  that  try- 
ing period.  At  the  conclusion  of  the  war  Mr. 
Smith  returned  to  Lancaster,  staying  there  for  two 
or  three  years.  He  never  located  his  land  war- 
rants, which  he  did  not  receive  for  manv  years, 
but  sold  them  to  another  part}-.  In  181',)  he 
settled  on  a  farm  on  the  line  that  separates 
Fairfield  and  Pickaway  counties,  Ohio,  and  there 
lived  for  the  remiiuder  of  his  life,  dying  Maj'  21, 
1857,  in  his  seventy-first  year,  having  been  born 
March  10,  1787.  He  was  married  in  Fairfield 
County,  in  1819,  to  Mrs.  Azenith  Julian,  widow  of 
Stephen  L.  Julian,  by  whom  she  had  three  chil- 
dren, one  of  whom  yet  survives,  and  is  also  named 
Stephen  L.,  and  who  is  now  living  near  Marion, 
Grant  Co.,   Ind..  and    is    in    his    sevent}- -seventh 



3'ear.  Slie  owned  ;uul  lived  on  tlic  farm,  where  they 
afterwiird  both  died.  Mr.s.  Smith  was  born  May 
24.  1  7.SK.  and  ilied  Sept.  24,  1852,  aged  sixty-four 
j-ears  and  four  months.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith  were 
the  parents  of  seven  chiklren,  the  following  four 
being  deceased:  Rebecca  L.  was  the  wife  of  James 
M.  Stewart,  and  died  near  Logan,  Ohio;  Hliza  H. 
was  married  to  llenr}'  Dustman,  and  died  at  Reaver 
Dam,  Wis.;  Mary  W.,  who  the  wife  of  James 
S.  ]\IcDowell,  died  at  Tolona,  111.;  and  Kli/.abeth  S., 
wlio  was  married  to  John  Burton,  died  also  at  that 
place.  The  survivors  are:  Ilann.ah  A.,  the  wife  of 
L.  C.  Burr,  a  furniture  dealer  in  Tolona;  ^Martha 
J.  is  living  with  tlie  subject  of  this  sketch,  the  lat- 
ter being  the  youngest  of  the  famil3-. 

(ieorge  W.  Smith  was  brought  up  on  the  home 
farm  at  Tarleton,  Ohio,  where  he  lived  until  he 
was  twenty-five  years  of  age.  Both  his  parents 
being  deceased,  lie  sold  the  Ohio  farm  in  18.58 
and  removed  to  Tolona,  111.,  where  he  bought  a 
farm,  on  which  he  lived  until  1883,  when  be  sold 
it  and  removed  to  his  present  home.  His  birlli- 
place  was  in  a  hilly  country,  and  the  work  in  clear- 
iiig  and  cultivating  it  was  arduous.  lie,  therefore, 
had  long  directed  his  attention  to  Illinois  as  a 
place  where  he  could  better  his  fortunes.  When  he 
came  to  Illinois  he  was  accompanied  by  his  tlirec 
younger  sisters,  all  remaining  with  him  until  the 
the  marriage  of  the  two  eldest.  Mr.  Smith  was 
united  in  marriage  Feb.  14,  1865,  to  Miss  Julia 
II.  Lock,  daughter  of  William  and  Hannah  (Eseot) 
Lock,  natives  of  England,  where  Mrs.  Smith  was 
born  March  20,  1842.  llcr  parents  emigrated  to 
Canada  when  she  was  seven  years  old,  and  in 
1864  settled  in  Champaign  County,  111.  Both  are 
now  deceased,  the  mother  dying  in  Canada  of  apo- 
plexy while  on  a  visit  to  a  son  living  there,  in 
1874,  aged  sixty-eight.  Her  father  died  in  Cham- 
paign County,  in  1885,  in  his  eighty-fonrth  year. 
Mr.  Lock  came  to  Canada  alone  in  1842,  and 
bought  a -farm  there,  and  then  returned  to  Eng- 
land, where  he  remained  for  seven  years,  and  then 
came  back  with  his  family.  He  made  several 
changes  there  before  coming  to  the  United  States, 
buying  considerable  propertj'.  He  ultimately  be- 
came a  large  land-owner,  alone  owning  1 ,500  acres 
in   Champaign   County,   111.     Mr.   and   Mrs.  Lock 

iiad  eleven  children,  all  but  one  of  whom  are  now 
living.  William  is  a  farmer  in  Canada;  Louisa  is 
the  wife  of  Joseph  Spettigue,  of  London,  Canada; 
Henry  is  a  f.armer  at  Belmont,  Canada;  Eliza 
was  the  wife  of  Corelia  Fields,  and  died  in 
Canada;  James  is  living  at  St.  Thomas,  Canada, 
where  he  is  a  boot  and  shoe  dealer;  P.enjamin  lives 
in  Champaign  County,  111.  Mrs.  Smith  was  next 
in  Older  of  birth,  then  Daniel,  a  farmer  in  Marshall 
County,  Kan.  John  is  also  a  farmer  ,at  Philo,  III., 
and  Hattie  is  the  wife  of  M,  L.  Brewer,  a  farmer 
in  the  same  place.  Frank  was  drowned  while  swim- 
ming, when  eight  years  of  age.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Smith  have  no  children,  but  the  child  of  his  sister 
Rebecca  L.,  Frank  L.  Stewart,  has  lived  with  them 
since  he  was  four  months  old,  having  been  adopted 
by  his  aunt.  Miss  Martha  J.  Smith.  He  was  born 
in  Logan,  Hocking  Co.,  Ohio,  Jan.  30,  1857, 

While  living  in  Champaign  Count}',  III.,  Mr. 
Smith  was  a  School  Director  for  twenty-four  j'cars, 
and  also  Assessor  for  five  consecutive  terms.  He 
also  held  the  oftices  of  Highway  Commissioner, 
Treasurer  .and  Clerk  of  the  Board.  He  is  now  one 
of  the  School  Directors  of  Vermilion  County,  and 
has  been  since  the  first  year  of  his  residence  here. 
iMr.  Smith  has  always  sustained  the  character  of 
an  upright  man,  and  the  people  who  know  him 
best  are  those  who  admire  him  most  for  his  good 
qualities  as  a  man  and  a  neighbor. 

]Jl  EWIS  HOPPER.  Among  the  notable 
characteristics  in  the  makeup  of  this  gen- 
tleman is  his  great  self-reliance  and  the  abil- 
ity to  take  care  of  himself,  which  was  evinced  at 
an  early  age  and  when  thrown  among  strangers. 
His  life  occupation  has  been  that  of  farming,  in 
which  he  has  been  eminently  successful  and  from 
which  it  been  exeeedingly  difficult  for  him  to 
make  up  his  mind  to  retire,  although  he  has  now 
done  so,  and  is  comfortably  established  in  a  pleasant 
vilLage  home  at  Fairmount.  Among  the  other 
fortunate  things  which  befell  him  during  his  early 
manhood  was  the  careful  wife  anri  mother  who  has 
stood  by  the  side  of  her  husband   for  these  many 



years,  encouraging  liim  in  his  worthy-  ambitions  and 
aljly  assisting  liini  in  the  struggle  for  a  competence. 
They  have  lived  happily  together  for  manj^  j-ears 
and  are  now  reaping  a  mutual  enjoyment  from  the 
fruits  of  their  earl}-  toil  and  sacrifices.  Such  have 
heen  their  lives  that  tliej-  have  commanded  the 
esteem  and  confidence  of  the  people  wherever  they 
have  lived,  I)earing  tliat  reputation  for  solid  work 
.and  reliability  of  character,  which  form  the  basis  of 
all  well  regulated  society. 

In  reviewing  the  antecedents  of  Mr.  Hopper  we 
find  that  his  parents  were  Beverly  and  Sarah 
(Miller)  Hopper,  natives  of  Virginia  and  the 
father  born  in  Culpeper  County.  The\'  lived  in 
the  Old  Dominion  after  their  marriage  until  1829, 
then  changed  their  residence  to  the  vicinity  of 
Newark  in  Licking  Co.,  Ohio.  Later,  they  re- 
moved to  Indiana,  where  they  died  after  their  nine 
children  were  married  and  scattered.  (_)f  these 
our  subject,  was  the  youngest  born  and  six  are  still 
living.  He  first  opened  his  eyea  to  the  light  in 
Virginia  on  the  13th  day  of  February,  1827,  and 
was  a  child  in  his  mother's  arras  when  they 
removed  to  the  Buckeye  State.  He  attended  the 
subscription  school  and  worked  with  his  father  on 
the  farai  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years. 

Upon  reaching  his  majority  young  Hopper  be- 
gan learning  the  carpenter's  trade,  but  the  failure 
of  his  eniploj-ers  soon  threw  him  out  of  business 
and  he  returned  to  the  farm.  He  was  married  in 
1847  to  Miss  Margaret,  daughter  of  Jacob  Kinsey, 
of  Peru,  Ind..  and  lived  in  the  Iloosier  State  until 
August.  1853.  That  year  he  came  to  this  county 
with  his  little  family  and  settled  four  miles  north- 
east of  Fairmount,  residing  thei-e  for  a  period  of 
eleven  years.  He  then  sold  out  and  purchased  a 
farm  five  miles  south-east  of  Fairmount  and  com- 
prising 160  acres  all  prairie.  He  turned  the  first 
furrow  there  and  effected  all  the  other  improve- 
ments which  finally  rendered  it  a  valuable  piece  of 
prdpcrty.  and  occupied  it  until  their  removal  to 
the  village. 

The  six  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
fii'st  wife  are  recorded  as  follows:  John  married 
Miss  Rebecca  A.  Carrington,  is  the  father  of  three 
children  and  lives  on  a  farm  four  miles  south-east 
of  Fairmount;  Sarah  is  the  wife  of  Joseph  English, 

lives  near  Peru,  Ind..  and  is  the  mother  of  one 
child;  Susannah  married  George  Darr  and  is  the 
mother  of  four  children;  they  live  three  miles 
south-west  of  P'airmount;  Martha  Jane,  Mrs. 
Charles  Pemberton,  is  the  mother  of  four  children 
and  lives  six  miles  south  of  Fairmount;  Frank 
married  Miss  Cora  Hall,  is  the  father  of  one  child 
and  lives  six  miles  south  of  Fairmount;  Vina,  Mrs. 
James  Smith,  is  the  mother  of  three  children  and 
lives  near  Peru,  Ind.  Mrs.  Margaret  (Kinsey) 
Hopper  departed  this  life  at  the  home  farm  in  1876. 

Mr.  Hojiper  contracted  a  second  marriage  March 
27,  1H80  with  Mrs.  Lou  (Stansberry)  Olmstead, 
daughter  of  Bonai)arte  and  Jane  (Wooden)  Stans- 
berry of  Catliu  this  State.  Mr.  Stansberry  was  a 
farmer  by  occupation  and  the  parental  household 
included  six  children  of  whom  Mrs.  Hopper  was 
the  fifth  in  order  of  birth.  She  was  born  at  Cat- 
lin,  Jan.  27.  18t2,  and  grew  u))  amid  the  scenes  of 
pioneer  life,  her  parents  having  been  early  settlers 
of  that  region.  IMr.  Stansberry  died  when  his 
daughter  Lou  was  a  young  child.  The  mother  is 
still  living  and  is  now  aged  seventy-seven  years; 
she  is  a  bright  and  intelligent  old  lady  and  takes 
delight  in  reviewing  the  scenes  of  her  early  life  in 
Illinois  to  which  her  father  came  as  early  as  1812. 
She  was  present  at  the  opening  of  the  first  court  in 
Vermilion  County. 

Mrs.  Hopper  attended  the  common  schools  dur- 
ing her  childhood  days  and  was  carefully  trained 
by  an  excellent  mother  in  those  housewifely  duties 
which  have  so  much  influence  upon  the  happiness 
and  comfort  of  a  home.  Although  not  belonging 
to  an}-  religious  denomination  Mr.  and  Mrs  Hop- 
per have  made  it  the  rule  of  their  lives  to  do  unto 
others  as  they  would  be  done  l>y,  and  among  their 
neighbors  and  friends  have  maintained  that  kindly 
Christian  character,  which  is  the  true  index  of  an 
unselfish  and  benevolent  heart.  Their  home  is 
pleasantly  situated  at  the  east  edge  of  Fairmount, 
where  they  have  five  acres  of  ground  and  a  neat 
residence,  erected  in  1887.  The  year  following 
Mr.  Hopper  put  up  a  fine  barn.  He  keeps  some 
stock  and  pays  special  attention  to  the  raising 
of  swine.  He  has  enough  to  keep  himself  com- 
fortably busy  without  overtaxing  his  energies. 

While  not  by  any  means  a  politician,  Mr.  IIo[i- 



per  keeps  himself  well  infonned  ii|)on  .State  and 
National  events  and  votes  indeiiendentl}-  of  any 
party.  He  has  otiiciated  as  School  Director  and 
Trnstce  in  his  District,  also  as  Road  Overseer,  fulfiU- 
ini^  the  duties  of  the  latter  office  in  an  especially 
creditable  manner.  He  identified  himself  with 
the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  fraternity  some  3'ears  ago,  and 
is  connected  with  Fairmonnt  Lodge  No.  590. 


yylOI-IN  F.  McfTEE  has  been  a  highly  respected 
citizen  of  Blount  Township  since  1857,  and 
is  numbered  among  its  prosperous  farmers. 
\f^/J  He  has  a  good,  well-a|)pointed  farm  on  sec 
tion  34.  comprising  eighty  acres  of  well-tilled  soil 
that  yields  him  rich  harvests  in  repayment  for  the 
care  and  skill  that  he  expends  in  its  cultivation. 
In  the  COS3'  home  that  he  has  built  up  here  he  and 
his  wife  are  enjoying  the  comforts  of  life,  and  are 
well  fortified  against  want  and  privation. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  William  McGee,  was 
a  native  of  East  Tennessee,  born  in  one  of  its  pio- 
neer homes  in  the  year  1807.  He  was  bred  to  the 
life  of  a  farmer,  and  in  1831  assumed  the  responsi- 
bilities of  a  domestic  life,  marrying  Rebecca  Hes- 
sey,  daughter  of  John  and  Sarah  Ilessey.  Some 
time  after  they  removed  to  Missouri,  .lud,  after 
living  in  St.  Louis  awhile,  they  settled  in  Greene 
County.  Twelve  years  later  they  went  to  .Scott 
County,  Ark.,  where  the  father  bought  a  farm. 
They  lived  there  only  two  years,  however,  and  in 
1852  departed  for  the  Lone  Star  State.  They 
staid  but  three  j'ears  in  Texas,  in  Cook  County, 
when  they  again  found  themselves  on  the  move, 
and,  ret\irning  to  Missouri,  they  settled  in  New- 
ton Count}',  on  .Shoal  Creek,  eleven  miles  above 
the  Neosha  (New  Granby)  lead  mines.  March  3, 
1856.  the  father  closed  his  earthly  pilgrimage  when 
scarce  past  the  prime  of  life.  His  wife  died  in 
October,  1882.  Of  the  ten  children  born  to  that 
worthy  couple  seven  are  now  living,  and  he  of 
whom  we  write  was  their  fourth  in  order  of  birth. 
He  was  born  during  their  residence  in  St.  Louis, 
Mo..  Doc.  19.  1839.  Shortly  afterward  his  parents 
removed  to  Greene  County,  that  State,  and  there, 

as  soon  as  old  enough,  he  was  sent  to  a  subscrip- 
tion school,  which  was  conducted  in  a  rude  log 
cabin  without  a  lloor.  and  with  rough  logs  for 
benches,  wooden  pins  in  the  ends  serving  as  legs. 

Our  subject  accompanied  his  parents  in  their 
various  removals  to  and  fro,  and,  being  a  lad  of 
intelligence  and  observation,  profited  by  what  he 
saw  of  the  country.  He  remained  an  inmate  of 
the  parental  household  till  the  year  of  his  fa- 
ther's death  (1856),  and  then,  in  1857,  came  to 
V^ermilion  County  and  to  this  township.  Being 
pleased  with  the  country  around  here,  and  the  fa- 
cilities offered  to  an  industrious,  brainy,  young 
farmer,  he  decided  to  locate  here  permanently, 
and,  with  that  end  in  view,  two  years  later  bought 
his  present  farm.  In  the  years  of  hard  labor  that 
have  followed  his  settlement  here  Mr.  McGee  has 
greatly  increased  the  original  value  of  his  farm, 
and  has  brought  it  under  good  cultivation.  He 
has  it  amply  provided  with  the  necessary  build- 
ings, and  everything  about  the  place  is  in  good 
order,  and  betokens  thrift  and  neatness  on  the  part 
of  the  owner. 

Mr.  McGee  been  twice  married.  In  1860 
he  wiis  wedded  to  Sarah  Jane  Watson,  daughter  of 
James  Watson.  She  was  a  truly  estimable  woman, 
and  made  a  good  wife  and  a  true  helpmate.  In 
1866  she  closed  her  eyes  in  death,  leaving  three  chil- 
dren as  the  fruit  of  her  union — Rebecca  Jane,Joseph 
Thomas,  and  Precious.  The  marriage  of  our  sub- 
ject with  his  present  wife  took  place  in  1874.  Her 
maiden  name  was  Elizabeth  Ilessey,  and  she  is  a 
daughter  of  Abram  Hessej'.  Mrs.  IMcGee  is  a 
true  helpmate  in  every  sense  of  the  word,  and  of 
her  pleasant  married  life  four  children  have  been 
born,  two  of  whom  died  in  infancy.  The  names 
of  the  others  are  Mary  M.  and  Farrin  A. 

During  the  thirty-two  years  that  he  has  been  a 
resident  of  Vermilion  Count}',  Mr.  McGee  has  won 
the  esteem  and  respect  of  all  about  him  by  his 
kind,  obliging  ways,  and  by  his  conscientious,  uj)- 
right  conduct  in  all  the  affairs  of  life.  He  is  a 
hard- working,  cajiable  man,  and  by  persevering 
and  well-directed  labor  has  established  himself 
comfortab]}'.  In  politics  he  is  a  sound  Democrat, 
and,  religiously,  is  a  consistent  member  of  the 
Christian    Church,    known    as     the    Campbellite 



Chureli.  He  was  elected  Road  Commissioner  in 
1886,  and  again  in  1889,  and  is  performing  the 
duties  of  that  office  with  credit  to  himself  and  to 
the  advantao-e  of  the  townsliiii. 


ILLIAM  JUDY.  Tiiis  gentleman  bears 
the  reputation  of  being  one  of  tlie  best 
farmers  in  Middle  Fork  Township,  where 
where  he  has  resided  since  aljout  1851.  That  year 
he  came  with  his  parents  to  this  county  from  Hardy 
County,  Ya.,  the  journey  being  made  overland  with 
teams  and  occupying  thirty-one  days.  The  father 
located  a  claim  ajjon  wliicli  tliere  was  a  log  cabin, 
and  into  it  the  family  removed,  and  lived  there 
several  years.  William  was  then  a  lad  of  thirteen 
years.  L'pon  reaching  manhood,  he  purchased  a 
half  section  of  land  in  sections  19  and  20,  and  by 
subsequent  purchase  100  acres  have  been  added  to 
the  original  purchase.  The  elder  Judy  and  his 
boys  improvetl  a  good  farm,  and  the  father  died 
in  1854,  at  the  age  of  about  sixty -two  j'ears.  The 
mother  is  still  living,  making  her  home  with  her 
son  Samuel,  in  Iroquois  County,  this  State. 

Our  subject  during  his  boyhood  pursued  his 
studies  in  a  log  cabin  on  the  subscription  plan,  at- 
tending there  two  terms.  Afterwards  a  regular 
schoolhouse  was  built  at  Wallace  Chapel,  about 
two  miles  from  his  liome.  wliich  he  also  attended 
for  a  time.  Later  he  prosecuted  his  studies  in 
Danville.  He  distinctly  remembers  the  time  when 
this  section  of  the  countr3r  was  a  wild  prairie, 
thinly  settled,  when  deer  and  wolves  were  numer- 
ous, mill  and  market  far  away,  and  when  the  set- 
tlers endured  mau}-  privations  and  hardships  in 
the  struggle  to  maintain  existence. 

Young  Judy  remained  with  his  widowed  mother 
until  his  marriage,  in  1862,  to  Miss  Nancj'  A. 
"Wood.  This  lady  the  daughter  of  Absalom 
and  Melinda  (Copeland)  Wood,  and  the  grand- 
daughter of  Henry  A.  Wood,  a  native  of  Virginia, 
who  emigrated  to  this  county-  antl  settled  in  Grant 
Township,  when  tbere  was  scarce!}'  another  white 
man  within  its  limits.  (Further  notice  will  be 
found  in   the    biography   of   Samuel  Copeland  in 

another  ciinpter  of  this  book.)  Here  he  reared  a 
large  family'  and  spent  his  last  days.  He  was  a 
man  of  great  energy  and  industr}',  and  improved  a 
good  farm  from  the  wilderness.  The  father  of 
Mrs.  Judy  was  his  eldest  child,  and  also  entered  a 
tract  of  land  from  the  Government,  from  which  he 
built  up  a  farm.  The  grandparents  were  members 
of  the  Methodist  Church.  Her  great-great-grand- 
father Wood  was  born  in  England  in  1739.  Grand- 
mother Wood's  maiden  name  was  Hoover. 

The  young  couple  took  up  their  abode  in  the 
humble  dwelling,  and  from  that  time  on  labored 
with  the  mutual  purpose  of  making  a  home  for 
themselves  and  their  children.  Their  toils  and 
sacrifices  in  due  time  met  witli  a  reward,  and,  in 
addition  to  developing  his  first  land,  Mr.  Judy 
added  to  his  possessions  until  he  now  has  -420 
broad  acres,  the  greater  part  of  which  is  enclosed 
with  beautiful  hedge  fencing,  neatly  trimmed,  and 
the  land  all  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation.  A  fine 
large  dwelling  has  supplanted  their  first  humble 
residence,  and  a  barn  and  other  necessary  out- 
buildings, a  flourishing  apple  orchard  and  the 
smaller  fruit  trees  form  a  most  attractive  picture 
in  the  landscape. 

There  came  in  due  time  to  the  fireside  of  our 
subject  and  estimable  wife,  twelve  children,  who 
were  named  respectively  :  Lizzie  Grant,  now  Mrs. 
F.  M.  Slusher;  Frank  L.,  J.  Milton,  Charles,  An- 
nettie,  Alta  jMay.  Robert  Earl,  Myrtle  Florence, 
Fanny  Clarinda.  Wilber  Wood,  Mary  Melinda  and 
Grace  Ethel.  They  are  all  living,  and  form  a  re- 
m^arkably  bright  and  interesting  group.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Judy  are  members  in  goo'I  standing  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  attending  Wallace 

Two  brother  of  our  subject,  Ambrose  and  John, 
during  the  late  Civil  War  enlisted  in  Company  E, 
51st  Illinois  Infantry.  John  was  killed  in  the 
battle  of  Franklin,  Tenn.,  and  his  friends  have 
never  been  able  to  find  his  resting-place.  All  the 
male  members  of  the  family  uniformly  vote  the 
Republican  ticket.  The  father,  Nicholas  Judy, 
was  tiie  son  of  Martin  Judj',  who  reared  his  fam- 
ily in  Virginia,  the  State  of  his  birth. 

The  father  of  our  subject  passed  his  bo3liood 
aiul  youth  in  the  Old    Dominion,  and  was  married 



to  Miss  Mary,  daughter  of  Andrew  and  Mary  Skid- 
more.  To  tiiem  was  born  a  family  of  seventeen  chil- 
(lieii:  .leliii,  .lolin.  Andrew,  Rebecca,  Isaac,  Ellen, 
Amos.  Elizabeth.  William  (our  subject),  Gabriel, 
Eve,  Ambrose,  Edward,  Xannie,  Samuel,  and  two 
who  <lied  in  infanc)'.  Eight  of  these  children  are 
living,  and  making  their  homes  mostly  in  Illinois. 

Our  subject's  grandfather,  Andrew  Skidmore, 
married  Miss  Mary  Stonestreet,  of  Virginia.  They 
were  both  born  in  that  State.  He  was  a  farmer 
and  stock  dealer,  and  was  the  owner  of  slaves,  and 
died  at  the  age  of  eighty-four  years.  Grandmother 
Skidmore  was  a  noble  woman,  and  taught  the  first 
Sabbath-school  ever  held  in  that  county. 

(irandfather  Martin  Judj'  was  of  (German  ances- 
try and  the  father  of  twelve  children,  six  boys  and 
six  girls.  He  was  also  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser, 
and  a  member  of  the  liUtheran  Church.  He  lived 
and  died  in  Pendleton  Co.,  Va. 

(ireat-grandfather  John  Skidmore,  an  English- 
man by  birth,  married  a  (ierman  lady,  Mary 

Grandfather  Stonestreet,  on  the  mother's  side, 
married  Miss  Williams,  an  English  lady. 

^  ESSE  LEEKA,  M.D.  One  would  scarcely 
suppose  upon  meeting  this  gentleman  that 
he  has  attained  to  nearly  his  threescore 
/  years,  for  he  is  still  young  looking  and 
more  than  usually  active.  This  has  been  the  re- 
sult of  a  correct  life  and  temperate  habits  and  ex- 
ercising good  care  over  -'the  house  he  lives  in." 
He  has  been  a  resident  of  Oakwood  Village  since 
1886  and  is  numbered  among  its  most  successful 
and  prominent  physicians,  having  built  up  a  good 
patronage  and  accumulated  a  fair  amount  of  this 
world's  possessions. 

The  first  thirty  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject 
were  spent  in  Clinton  County,  Ohio,  where  he  was 
born  May  19.  1830.  He  received  a  common 
school  education  and  at  the  age  of  twenty  years 
began  his  apprenticeship  to  the  trade  of  a  cabinet- 
m.aker.  at  which  he  worked  in  connection  with 
farming  for  many  years.    At  the  age  of  twenty-five 

he  was  married,  Feb.  2,  18.55,  to  Miss  Rebecca  A., 
daughter  of  Francis  B.  Macy,  of  Indiana,  and  now 
resding-  in  Kokomo,  that  state.  Afterward  the 
newly  wcdiled  pair  settled  in  New  ^'ienna,  Ohio,  of 
which  the  Doctor  in  diic  time  became  Mayor. 
Subsequently  he  resided  in  Rush  County,  Ind., 
where  he  was  Constable  and  later  in  Howard 
County,  that  State,  where  he  held  the  office  of 
Coroner  two  terms.  After  the  outbreak  of  the 
Civil  War,  he  on  the  12th  of  December,  1863,  en- 
listed in  Company  E.  9th  Indiana  Cavalry  and  was 
detailed  to  serve  in  the  ( Juartermaster's  depart- 
ment. He  was  willi  his  regiment  all  through 
Hood's  campaign  and  in  theengagement  at  Pulaski. 
He,  however,  saw  little  of  active  service  but  en- 
dured the  hardships  and  privations  incident  to  life 
in  the  army,  was  afflicted  with  rheumatism  some 
time,  and  in  October,  18G-4,  hatl  a  severe  attack  of 
bilious  remittent  fever.  After  the  close  of  the  war 
he  received  his  honorable  discharge  with  the  regi- 
ment, Aug.  28,  1865,  at  Vicksburg,  Miss. 

Dr.  Leeka  began  the  practice  of  his  profession 
in  the  spring  of  1876  at  Jerome,  Ind.  Later  he 
entered  the  medical  college  of  Indianapolis,  from 
which  he  was  graduated  in  the  class  of  1878.  He 
has  practiced  in  Howard  Count}',  Ind.,  at  Fair- 
mount,  this  county,  whence  he  came  to  Oakwood, 
and  is  the  only  established  ph^-sician  in  this  place, 
where  he  has  property  and  a  pleasant  home. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Philip  Leeka,  a 
native  of  Virginia,  who  in  early, life  was  taken  by 
his  parents  to  Washington  Countj-,  Tenn.,  where 
;he  was  reared  to  manhood.  The  patL-rnal  grand- 
father. Christian  Leeka,  was  a  native  of  Germany 
and  crossed  the  Atlantic  as  one  of  the  body  of 
troops  employed  by  the  British  Government  to 
subjugate  the  American  Colonists.  Upon  his  ar- 
rival here  Grandfather  Leeka  was  ill  and  was  con- 
fined in  the  hospital  until  after  peace  was  declared. 
He  settled  in  Southern  Virginia  and  married  an 
American  lady  of  German  parentage.  In  1815 
they  removed  to  Clinton  County,  Ohio,  wliere  the 
grandfather  died  a  few  j-ears  later.  Philip,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  the  fifth  of  his  seven 
children.  Two  of  the  older  boys  served  under 
General  Jackson  in  the  Seminole  War.  One  of 
them.  Christian,  Jr.,  died  while  in  the  service  in 



Floiida.  The  other,  Henry,  after  leaving  the  army 
settled  in  Randolpli  County,  Ind.-,  where  he  became 
a  prominent  citizen  and  served  as  Justice  of  tlie 
Peace  for  a  period  of  eighteen  years.  He  there 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  passing  away  at  a 
ripe  old  age. 

Philip  Leelia  was  bom  March  21,  1799,  and 
reared  to  farming  pursuits.  lie  acquired  a  good 
education  and  taught  school  considerabl3^  after  his 
marriage.  He  maintained  a  warm  interest  in  edu- 
cational matters  and  ofHciated  as  a  School  Director 
in  his  district  from  the  time  of  settling  there  until 
his  decease.  He  was  married  in  Clinton  County, 
Ohio,  in  1821,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Hodson,  who  wasof 
Quaker  parentage  and  was  born  in  North  Carolina 
in  1797.  The  Hodson  family  emigrated  to  Clinton 
County,  Ohio,  about  1814.  After  their  marriage 
the  parents  of  our  subject  settled  on  a  farm  in  that 
countj-,  poor  in  jnirse  but  with  strong  hands  and 
hopeful  hearts,  and  after  years  of  industry  and 
economj',  accumulated  a  good  propertj'  including  a 
fine  farm.  Tlie  mother  passed  away  at  the  old 
homestead  in  lSi'2,.  Philip  Leeka  survived  his 
wife  forty-two  years,  his  death  taking  place  near 
New  Vienna,  in  1884,  when  he  was'quite  aged.  The 
household  circle  included  ten  children,  nine  of 
whom  are  still  living,  and  of  whom  Jesse,  our  sub- 
ject, was  the  fifth  in  order  of  birth. 

To  the  Doctor  and  his  first  wife  there  were  born 
five  children,  four  sons  and  a  daughter.  The  latter, 
Cora  A.,  died  when  an  interesting  girl  of  twelve 
years.  The  sons  are  all  living.  Francis  Edgar 
married  Miss  Sadie  Sisson,  and  lives  in  St.  Joe, 
111.;  Charles  Frederick  married  Miss  Ida  Ayles- 
worth,  and  they  live  in  Hebron,  Ind.  Of  the  four 
children  born  to  them  only  one  is  living.  William 
L.  married  Miss  Mary  Gibson,  is  the  father  of  three 
children,  and  lives  in  Durango,  Col.;  Daniel 
Cary  is  unmarried  and  a  resident  of  Danville. 
Mrs.  Rebecca  A.  Leeka  departed  this  life  April  14, 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  matrimonial 
.alliance  in  April,  1885,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  J.  Tim- 
mons,  formerly  of  Carroll  County,  Ind.  Her  father 
Elijah  Timmons  was  a  native  of  Ohio,  her  mother 
was  Mary  A.  (Bennett)  Timmons.  of  Pickaway  Co., 
Ohio.  This  lady  was  one  of  a  family  of  ten  children, 

five  boys  and  five  giils,  and  was  born  May  15.  1838. 
Seven  only  are  living.  The  Doctor  became  iden- 
tified with  the  Masonic  fraternity  thirtj'-six  years 
ago  and  has  always  taken  a  warm  interest  in  its 
prosperit3'.  He  is  Senior  Vice  Commander  of 
George  Morrison  Post,  No.  635  G.  A.  R.,  Depart- 
ment of  Illinois,  in  which  he  has  held  the  office  of 
Surgeon.  He  was  at  one  time  a  member  of  the 
Sons  of  Temperance,  and  religiously  is  connected 
with  the  Societ3'"of  Friends.  Mrs.  Leeka  finds  her 
I'eligious  home  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 
Politically  the  Doctor  is  an  ardent  Republican,  tak- 
ing a  lively  interest  in  the  success  and  princijiles 
of  his  part}'  and  laboring  as  he  has  opportunity,  to 
advance  the  political  doctrines  which  he  believes 
are  the  surest  means  of  prosperitj'  to  one  of  the 
best  governments  on  the  face  of  the  earth. 

ENOCH  VANVICKLE.  More  than  sixty  years 
have  gone  by  since  the  subject  of  this  bio- 
^_ '  graphical  review,  then  a  stout,  manly  lad  of 

fourteen  years,  first  came  to  Vermilion  County 
with  his  parents  from  his  early  home  in  the  Buck- 
e^'e  State.  Here  he  grew  to  a  stalwart,  capable 
manhood,  and  has  since  been  identified  with  the 
development  and  prosperity  of  his  adopted  county, 
and  has  been  a  factor  in  promoting  its  agricul- 
tural interests,  with  which  he  is  still  connected, 
having  a  good  farm  on  section  35,  Blount  Town- 
ship, comprising  140  acres  of  as  fine,  tillable  land  as 
is  to  be  found  in  the  whole  precinct.  By  down- 
right, hard  and  |)crsistent  labor  he  has  brought 
it  to  a  high  state  of  cultivation,  it  yielding  him  a 
good  income,  and  he  has  erected  suitable  buildings. 
His  parents  were  among  the  early  settlers  of  the 
county,  and  it  has  been  iiis  pleasure  to  witness  and 
assist  in  almost  its  entire  development  from  a  state 
of  nature. 

The  father  of  our  subject.  Evert  Vanvickle, 
born  cither  in  Pennsylvania  or  Virginia.  His 
mother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Sarah  White,  was 
a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  and  after  marriage  the 
•parents  settled  in  IJutler  Countj^,  Ohio,  from  there 
they    removed    to   Jennings  County,  Ind..  where 

:  f  ^"*-^  ^  ;5,  -fr^fm^  *r^ 

Residence  of  William  Kelly,  5ec.2.  Danville  Township. 

Residence  ofMrs.  Cliza  CASSEL,  Pilot  Township. 

iiif8^(?B^ri'»''^^»»''^^^>g=<iifei^^-^fe.i^feA»w^  — ,   ^   ,    ^  .■■ -T-^.  ,^i^.-....^vj^-aiiigteu..»t<a3»^»ff,«yy»yi^^ 

Residence  of  B.C.PATE,SEc.2l.(T.i9rR.l2)  CatlinTowmship. 



they  lived  till  1828.  In  that  year  tliey  made  an- 
other move  westward  and  penetratiny  to  tiie  wilds 
of  Illinois,  came  to  Venuilion  Count}'  and  settled 
in  Blount  Township.  After  a  residence  here  of 
some  twenty  j-ears  they  went  to  Holt  County,  Mo., 
where  their  remaining  years  were  passed.  To  that 
worthj'  cou[)lc  were  born  five  sons,  of  wliom  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  second. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  the  pioneer  home  of  his 
parents  in  Hutler  County,  Ohio,  Ai)ril  26,  1814. 
He  accompanied  his  parents  to  this  county  in  1828* 
and  has  ever  since  been  an  honored  citizen  of  this 
place.  After  attaining  man's  estate  he  .adopted  the 
calling  of  agriculture  to  which  he  had  l)een  reared 
and  for  which  he  had  a  natural  taste,  and  as  the 
years  have  rolled  In-  he  has  acquired  a  comfortalile 
competency,  and  with  the  aid  of  a  good  wife  he 
has  built  up  a  cozy  home,  in  which  they  are  spend- 
ing the  declining  j-ears  of  a  life  of  usefulness  in 
quietness  and  peace,  enjoying  the  full  respect  and 
affection  of  their  neighbors  and  friends. 

Mr.  Vanvickle  has  been  twice  married.  The 
first  time  in  Vermilion  County,  in  1837,  to  Miss 
Nancy  White.  Nine  children  were  the  fruits  of 
that  union,  of  whom  the  following  seven  grew  to 
maturity:  Ruth;  Andrew,  who  was  a  soldier  in  the 
army,  enlisted  from  Indiana,  and  gave  up  his  life 
for  his  country  at  Knoxville,  Tenn.;  Sarah,  Evert, 
Harriet,  John,  and  Enoch.  Mrs.  Vanvickle  de- 
parted this  life  in  her  husband's  home  in  Blount 
Township.  She  was  a  thoroughh'  gooil,  upright 
woman,  and  an  esteemed  member  of  the  Chris 
tian  Church.  Mr.  Vanvickle  was  married  a  second 
time  in  Blount  Township  to  Mrs.  Cynthia  (Souders) 
Cline.  She  is  a  native  of  Pike  County,  Ohio,  born 
April  11,  1823.  She  has  also  been  twice  married. 
Her  first  husband  was  Nathaniel  Cline.  He  was  a 
native  of  Gallatin,  Tenn.,  and  took  part  in  the 
Rebellion,  enlisting  from  Danville,  111.,  in  Com- 
pany A,  125th  Illinois  Infantry.  He  died  at  Gal- 
latin, Tenn.  By  that  marriage  Mrs.  ^'anvickle 
became  the  mother  of  eight  children — Amanda, 
Martha,  Marj',  Benjamin  F.,  John  B.,  Charles, 
Luketta,  and  Emma.  Amanda  and  Martha  are 

Our  subject  is  held  in  veneration  by  his  fellow- 
men  not  only  for  his  pioneer  labors  in  Blount  Town- 

ship, in  whose  welfare  he  lias  always  taken  a  genuine 
interest,  but  for  those  honest  traits  of  mind  and 
heart  that  mark  him  as  a  good  man  and  a  desirable 
citizen.  He  is  one  of  the  few  survivors  of  the 
famous  Black  Hawk  War,  in  which  he  served 
about  thirty  days,  Iteing  then  a  youth  of  eighteen 
years.  He,  and  his  wortliy  wife  are  esteemed 
members  of  the  Cliristian  Church,  with  which  he 
connected  himself  some  twenty  years  ago,  and  she 
joined  thirty  years  ago.  Mr.  Vanvickle  is  a  true 
Republican,  and  in  him  the  party  finds  a  devoted 

-    cx-x>     ■ 


J'"'  AMES  DAVIS  is  one  of  the  prosperous  and 
influential  farmers  of  ^'ennilion  County, 
who  takes  great  pride  in  doing  all  things 
well.  His  father  was  Henry  Davis,  who 
was  born  in  Pennsylvania.  He  removed  to 
Ohio  in  1808,  and  lived  there  twenty-eight 
years,  and  in  18.'5C  settled  in  Illinois,  locating 
on  the  farm  now  owned  and  occupied  by  his  son 
James.  His  mother,  whose  maiden  name  was 
Rachael  Pollock,  was  also  a  native  of  Pennsylvania. 
Henr3'  Davis  lived  in  Pennsylvania  but  a  short 
time  after  his  marriage,  when  he  emigrated  to  Ohio, 
and  there  cleared  a  farm  of  200  acres.  After  his 
removal  to  Illinois  he  became  a  ver}-  large  land- 
holder, owning  at  one  time  about  4,200  acres  of 
uncultivated  Illinois  prairie.  He  was  the  father  of 
ten  children,  five  of  whom  are  now  living.  The 
mother  died  in  1848,  at  the  age  of  sixty -one,  while 
the  father  p.assed  away  in  November,  1855,  aged 
seventy-four  years.  James  was  the  youngest  of 
this  family  of  children,  his  hirlii  occurring  Jan. 
21,  1828,  in  Guernsey,  County.  l)hio.  He  received 
a  limited  education  in  tiie  old-fashioned  logschool- 
house,  and  his  boyhood  was  mostly  employed  at 
work  upon  the  farm.  In  those  days  he  spent  a 
great  deal  of  time  hunting  deer,  wolves,  and  other 
wild  game,  and  refers  to  these  times  as  the  hap- 
piest moments  of  his  life.  He  remained  at  home 
helping  his  father  on  the  farm  until  he  was  twent}'- 
two  years  of  age.  when  he  m.arried  America  J. 
Boggess,  Oct.  18.  184",).  She  is  the  daughter  of 
John  Boggess,  who  was  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers 



Residence  of  William  Kelly,  5ec.2.  Danville:  Township. 

Residence  of  Mrs.  Eliza  Cassel,5ec.I7.(T.20-R  13.)  Pilot  Township. 

7l  MW"  ^^^'  j^m 


Residence  of  B.C.PATE,SEc.21.(T.l9rR.12)  Catlin  Township. 



life  he  coiifliuled  that  he  was  adapted  to  the  pro- 
fession of  medicine  and  surgery,  and  following  that 
idea,  he  commenced  the  study  of  medicine  with  liis 
father,  after  which  he  attended  three  years  at  the 
medical  department  of  Michigan  University'  at  Ann 
Arbor,  and  graduated  in  the  class  of  '83.  After 
his  graduation  he  returned  to  Rome  and  commenced 
l)ractice  and  pursued  his  profession  there  until  the 
spring  of  1884,  when  he  removed  to  Danville, 
where  he  has  built  up  an  extensive  and  lucrative 
practice.  Tlie  doctor  nitikes  a  specialty  of  cancer, 
tuni(jr.s  and  clu'onic  diseases,  and  has  been  eminently 
successful  in  pursuing  these  specialties.  Patients 
visit  him  from  many  different  states.  His  office  is 
well  filled,  a  greater  portion  of  the  time,  and  all 
curable  diseases  are  treated  with  success.  The 
Doctor's  pleasant  ways  and  professional  ability  are 
drawing  cards. 

Dr.  Kingsley  was  married  in  1884,  to  Miss  Ella 
Brown,  a  native  of  Oneida  County,  New  York 
State  .and  daughter  of  Marv  Brown. 

— sJli-i- 


^-IMOTHY  PARK,  who  lives  on  section  24, 
in  Grant  Township,  \'ermilion  County,  near 
the  Indiana  State  line,  was  born  in  Franklin 
County,  Ohio,  in  1844.  His  parents  were  .Silas 
and  Mary  (Good)  Park,  both  of  Virginia.  The}- 
removed  to  Franklin  County,  Ohio,  at  an  early 
day,  but  later  went  to  Delaware  County  in  the  same 
State,  where  both  died,  the  father  in  1877,  the 
mother  about  twenty  years  ago.  Silas  Park  was  a 
farmer  by  occupation,  and  a  plain,  hardworking 
man  who  never  took  any  part  in  public  affairs,  but 
attended  closely  to  the  business  of  making  a  home 
for  his  family,  and  he  succeeded.  They  had  nine 
children,  of  whom  five  are  living,  namely:  Ezek- 
iel,  William  and  Branson,  farmers  in  Delaware 
County,  Ohio;  Rose,  who  is  the  wife  of  William 
Hazlett,  also  living  in  Ohio.  Those  deceased  were 
named  respectively:  Susanna,  Samantha,  Hardy 
and  Ashforth. 

Timothy  Park,  of  whom  we  write,  was  brought 
up  to  farmmg,  which  has  been  ins  lifelong  occu- 
pation.      He  remained   in   Ohio  until   186'J,  when 

he  came  to  this  county,  buying  a  farm  on  section 
25  in  Grant  Township,  one-half  mile  south  of  his 
present  home.  He  lived  there  but  a  year,  however, 
when  he  returned  to  his  native  State.  A  few 
months  later  he  came  back  to  this  county,  was 
married  and  rented  a  farm  on  section  19,  town- 
ship 23,  range  10  and  11,  and  there  he  and  his 
wife  lived  for  four  years,  when  he  bought  the 
farm  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies.  It  was 
then  but  a  tract  of  uncultivated  prairie,  without 
a  building,  fence  or  tree,  in  fact,  being  wholly 
destitute  of  the  work  of  man.  Now  he  has  all 
the  improvements  necessary  for  a  well  regulated 
farm,  his  house  being  neat  and  comfortable,  his 
buildings  ample  for  all  his  needs,  and  his  land 
more  than  ordinarily  well  cultivated,  the  trans- 
form.ition  being  due  to  his  untiring  energy  and 
knowledge,  and  the  picture  of  his  broad  acres  with 
their  fine  surroundings  is  one  on  which  he  can  look 
with  just  pride.  Eighty  acres  of  his  land  are  on 
the  section  on  which  his  house  stands,  while  another 
eighty  is  located  on  section  13,  adjoining  it  on 
the  north.  Mr.  Park  has  always  been  an  ardent 
advocate  of  thorough  drainage,  and  was  one  of 
the  first  to  build  tile  drains  in  this  pavt  of  the 
countj^  and  he  now  has  his  entire  farm  tiled  in  tlie 
most  thorough  manner.  On  the  northern  half  of 
his  farm  he  has  the  biggest  and  deepest  ditch  in  the 
northeast  corner  of  the  county,  and  the  results  of 
tills  careful  attention  to  proper  drainage  and  till- 
age of  the  soil  are  apparent  in  the  splendid  con- 
dition of  his  land  and  his  usual  good  crops. 

Although  not  one  of  the  original  settlers  of  the 
county,  Mr.  Park  located  here  when  the  land  was 
new  and  sparsely  settled.  The  presence  of  large 
sloughs  and  much  low  land  in  the  neighborhood 
had  retarded  the  progress  of  this  section  of  the 
county,  and  he  has  witnessed  its  development  from 
its  wild  state  to  its  present  prosperous  condition, 
and  has  been  no  small  factor  in  assisting  its  growth, 
to  which  he  has  contributeil  his  full  share.  The 
first  work  that  he  did  here  was  for  his  wife's  father, 
James  Bndd,  who  was  largely  interested  in  the  cul- 
tivation of  broom  corn,  having  as  much  as  300 
acres  planted  at  one  time.  The  nearest  market  for 
the  product  was  at  Lafayette,  Ind.,  and  no  regular 
and  direct  roads  having  been  laid  out,  the   w.agons 



had  to  go  the  best  way  they  could  around  the 
nuineroiis  sloughs  and  across  the  prairies,  making 
the  distance  between  here  and  there  from  fort3f-flve 
to  fifty  miles.  Often  Mr.  Park  has  started  long 
before  daj-light,  sometimes  as  early  as  two  o'clock 
in  the  morning,  in  order  to  get  to  Lafayette  l)y 
sundown,  which  could  only  be  accomplished  by 
hard  driving.  The  next  day  was  occupied  bj'  the 
return  trip.  Farmers  of  the  present  day  would 
think  this  an  overpowering  hardship,  but  such  trials 
as  this  the  pioneers  had  to  endure  in  their  efforts 
to  build  up  homes  on  the  prairies,  and  their  labors 
and  sacrifices  have  made  this  country  what  it  is. 
Without  them  railroads  would  not  so  soon  have  been 
built  to  carrj'  the  farmer's  produce  so  far  and  near, 
and  bring  the  articles  he  needs  almost  to  his  very 
door.  All  honor,  then,  to  those  brave  and  sturdy 
men  who  from  the  wild  and  bleak  prairies  have 
made  this  country  one  of  prosperous  farms,  dotted 
with  groves,  among  which  nestle  thousands  of 
comfortable  homes.  Theirs  were  the  toils  and  sac- 
ritices,  while  we  in  comfort  and  ease  enjoy  the 
fruits  of  their  labors.  Among  these  true  men,  Mr. 
Park  is  justly'  entitled  to  a  place.  When  he  settled 
here,  Hoopeston  was  not  thought  of,  and  he  men- 
tions as  an  interesting  fact  that  he  sold  the  first 
dozen  brooms  ever  disposed  of  in  that  now  thriv- 
ing town.  Although  yet  a  young  man,  he  is  to-day 
one  of  the  oldest  settlers  living  in  the  northeast 
corner  of  the  county. 

On  April  IG,  1876,  Mr.  Park  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Nancy  S.  Budd,  daughter  of 
James  and  Susanna  Budd,  then  and  now  resi- 
dents of  Iroquois  County,  111.,  who  emigrated 
from  Ohio,  where  Mr.  Budd  was  largely  en- 
gaged in  the  occupation  of  sheep-raising.  He 
has  now  a  general  farm,  but  is  virtual!}'  retired 
from  active  life,  being  seventy -six  j'ears  of  age. 
]Mrs.  Park  was  born  in  Ohio,  1841,  and  is  the 
mother  of  one  child — Elnora  Jeanette,  a  bright 
3'oung  miss,  now  attending  school.  Mr.  Park  is 
one  of  tlie  younger  farmers  of  Orant  Township, 
who  is  becoming  known  as  one  of  its  most  enter- 
[irising  and  go-ahead  citizens.  He  has  never  been 
an  applicant  for  public  office,  but  has  held  some  of 
the  minor  township  positions.  lie  is  an  honest, 
trustworthy  man.  whose  neighbors  give  him  an  ex- 

cellent character  as  a  citizen,  and  one  of  the  sub- 
stantial sort  who  contribute  much  to  the  prosperity 
of  the  county.  Politically  he  is  a  supporter  of 
the  Democratic  party  in  State  and  national  affairs, 
but  in  local  matters  party  ties  rest  lightly  on  him, 
for  he  believes  in  voting  for  the  man  best  qualified 
for  the  position,  the  proper  waj'  for  those  who 
have  the  best  interests  of  the  community  at   heart. 


(»^?^I10i\IAS  KEPLINGER.  The  snug  and  well- 
^,  regulated  farm  occupied  bj'  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  comprises  120  acres  of  choice 
land,  located  on  section  29,  Grant  Township. 
This,  when  he  took  possession  of  it  in  1870  was  but 
slightly  improved,  only  a  little  breaking  having 
been  done  and  not  a  shrub,  post  or  tree  upon  it, 
being  all  open  prairie.  During  the  nineteen  years 
of  his  proprietorship  Mr.  Keplinger  has  effected  a 
great  transformation,  there  being  now  a  fine  resi- 
dence with  a  good  orchard  and  numerous  shade 
trees,  together  with  a  barn  and  the  other  outbuild- 
ings required  for  the  successful  prosecution  of  farm 
pursuits.  'J'hc  fields  are  enclosed  to  a  good  extent 
with  hedge  fencing,  and  by  a  process  of  underdrain- 
ing  the  land  has  become  remarkably  fertile  and 
the  source  of  a  handsome  income. 

At  the  time  of  his  coming  to  Illinois.  Mr.  Kep- 
linger found  deer,  wolves  and  all  kinds  of  wild 
animals  in  abundance.  For  the  first  few  years  his 
farm  was  mostly  devoted  to  the  raising  of  grain  to 
which  it  seemed  best  adapted,  but  now  he  raises 
all  the  cereals,  besides  the  jn-oduce  required  for 
family  use  and  considerable  to  sell.  He  is  at  this 
writing  (April  1889)  completing  a  handsome  new 
residence,  the  main  part  occupj-ing  an  area  of 
16x24  feet  with  an  "L"  15x26  feet  and  which  when 
finished,  set  in  the  midst  of  shrubbery  as  it  is, 
will  form  one  of  the  most  attractive  homes  in  this 
region.  Everything  about  the  place  is  indicative 
of  thrift  and  prosperity,  cultivated  tastes  and  the 
refinements  of  modern  life. 

Mr.  Keplinger  was  born  in  Fountain  County,  Ind., 
six  miles  east  of  Covington,  April  7.  1829,  and 
lived  there  until  a  man  of   thirty-two   years.       He 



remained  a  menibor  of  tlie  parental  household  until 
the  death  of  his  father,  which  occurred  in  1859,  at 
the  age  of  fifty-three  j-ears.  The  mother  had  died 
when  he  was  a  lad  of  twelve.  On  the  10th  of  Maj', 
I860,  he  was  married  to  i\liss  Eliza  Shaffer  and 
the  year  following  removed  to  the  vicinity  of 
Sugar  Grove,  Champaign  County,  upon  which  he 
operated  ten  or  eleven  years.  In  1870  he  came  to 
this  county  and  secured  the  land  which  he  now 
owns.  Since  Incoming  a  voting  citizen  he  has 
given  his  influence  and  support  to  the  Democratic 
part}-,  but  has  carefully  avoided  the  responsibili- 
ties of  ollicc. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Keplinger  have  had  six  chihlren,  five 
of  whom  are  living,  as  follows:  Nancy,  born  Feb.  .5, 
1 800,  and  died  Aug.  2,  1862;  James  married  Miss 
Ella  Gunn,  is  a  resident  of  lloopeston  and  is  the 
father  of  one  chilli;  George,  Annie  and  Andrew- 
are  at  home  with  their  parents;  Allie,  the  third 
child,  is  the  wife  of  Elmer  Crane  and  lives  in  Ne- 
liraska;  they  have  two  children.  Mrs.  Keplinger 
was  born  in  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  Jan.  24,  1835, 
and  is  the  daughter  of  Daniel  Shaffer,  a  farmer  of 
that  county.  She  received  her  education  in  the 
common  school  and  remained  with  her  parents 
until  her  marriage. 

Jacob  Keplinger,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Virginia  and  lived  there  until  a  man  of 
twenty -seven  years.  He  then  emigrated  to  Indiana 
and  was  married  to  Miss  Nanc}'  Dediraore.  To 
them  there  were  born  three  sons  and  two  daugh- 
ters of  whom  only  three  are  living — Thomas,  our 
subject,  and  his  brother,  John,  a  resident  of  Indiana 
and  a  sister  ^Martha,  who  resides  in  Iowa. 

LFRED  M.  DIXON.  This  well-known 
gentleman,  who  owns  a  farm  on  section  10, 
in  Grant  Township,  was  born  in  Fayette 
County,  Pa.,  May  25,  1834,  his  parents 
being  William  and  Jane  (Montgomery)  Dixon, 
both  natives  of  the  Keystone  State.  The  father 
was  a  farmer  in  the  county  where  his  son  was  born, 
and  there  he  died  when  the  latter  about  ten 
years  of  age.     Alfred  was  brought  up  to  farm  work 

from  an  early  age,  also  drove  cattle  to  market,  and 
worked  at  all  such  like  occupations  until  1861,  in 
which  year  he  removed  to  near  Attica,  in  Fountain 
County,  Ind.,  making  that  his  home  for  two  or 
three  years,  but  spending  a  summer  during  that 
time  in  \'ermilion  County,  in  which  he  settled  per- 
manently in  April,  1868,  .at  a  place  known  jis  Burr 
Oak  Grove,  in  Grant  Totvnship.  There  he  worked 
for  four  years,  when  he  remove,!  to  the  farm  on 
which  he  now  lives.  This  land  was  given  to  him- 
self and  wife  by  the  hitter's  father  and  was  then 
nothing  but  a  tract  of  raw  prairie  land,  with  neigh 
bors  few  and  far  between,  and  to  one  accustomed 
to  the  more  densely  populated  communities  of  the 
Eastern  States  ii  did  not  present  a  very  invititio- 
appearance.  With  stout  hearts  and  w-illing  hands,  ■ 
assisted  by  the  labors  of  a  faithful  wife,  our  subject 
set  to  work  improving  his  land,  and  at  length 
brought  it  to  its  present  state  of  thorough  cultiva- 
tion. Wild  game  was  in  that  day  plentiful  in  this 
region,  and  Mr.  Dixon  mentions  that  he  counted  at 
one  time  seven  deer  at  a  small  creek  near  his 
house.  Wild  fowl  were  also  plenty-;  ducks,  geese 
and  prairie  chickens  being  constant  and  not  always 
welcome  visitors  to  the  farmers'  grain  fields. 
Prairie  wolves  were  unpleasantly  numerous,  the 
farmers'  pig  pens  often  suffering  by  their  depra- 

In  the  seventeen  years  that  have  elajised  since 
Mr.  Dixon  settled  at  his  present  home,  great 
changes  have  been  wrought,  and  the  countr}' about 
has  been  thickly  settled.  His  own  place  shows  the 
work  of  an  industrious  and  thrifty  hand.  About 
nine  years  ago  he  put  up  a  new  frame  house  and 
his  outbuildings  are  all  that  the  necessities  of  his 
farm  require.  These  have  all  been  the  results  of 
his  own  labor,  and  the  comforts  he  is  now  enjoying 
are  deserved. 

In  October,  1804,  Mr.  Dixon  was  married  in 
F'ountain  County,  Ind.,  to  Miss  Serena  Dunkel- 
barger,  born  in  that  place  in  1845  and  a  daughter 
of  John  and  Fanny  Dunkelbarger,  whose  home 
was  in  the  county  named,  but  who  w-ero  the  own- 
ers of  large  tracts  of  land  in  Vermilion  County, 
comprising  900  acres  in  all.  Both  of  Mrs.  Dix- 
on's parents  were  natives  of  Perry  County,  Pa., 
and   they  removed  to  Indiana    at    an    earl}-  day. 



The  mother  died  a  few  years  afterward  and  Mr. 
Dunkelbarger  has  since  been  twice  married,  both  of 
his  later  wives  being  from  Indiana,  where  he  still 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dixon  became  the  ijarents  of  ten 
children,  six  of  whom  are  yet  living,  four  d3n'ng 
vuung.  The  survivors  are:  Fannie,  wife  of  Burn 
Deeten,  a  farmer  of  Grant  Township;  John,  who 
is  a  machinist  by  trade,  lives  in  Milwaukee.  Wis.; 
Jennie,  Emma,  Ella  and  Dale  Wallace  are  yet  under 
the  parental  roof. 

Mr.  Dixon  takes  an  active  interest  in  township 
affairs  and  has  held  several  offices.  He  is  now 
Highway  Commissioner.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
Masonic  fraternity,  affiliated  with  Star  Lodge,  No. 
709,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.;  and  with  the  Hoopestou 
Chapter,  No.  181,  R.  A.  M.  In  everj'  position  Mr. 
Dixon  has  filled  he  has  discharged  the  duties  im- 
posed upon  him  with  such  fidelity  and  judgment  as 
to  win  the  good  opinion  of  all,  and  to-day  no  man 
stands  higher  in  the  respect  and  esteem  of  all  who 
know  him  than  does  he. 

'^1  OHN  H.  VAN  ALLEN.  In  noting  the  men 
of  prominence  who  are  residents  of  Oak- 
wood  Township  and  have  been  instrumental 
in  bringing  it  to  its  present  position,  the 
suliject  of  this  notice  could  by  no  means  properly 
be  omitted,  and  those  who  in  the  future  may 
peruse  the  records  of  this  county  will  recognize  in 
him  one  of  its  representative  men,  who,  in  assist- 
ing to  develop  a  portion  of  its  soil  and  each  year 
turning  in  a  handsome  sum  to  the  county  treasurj' 
from  the  proceeds  of  his  taxable  property,  has 
borne  no  unimportant  part  in  estalilisliing  its  repu- 
tation and  importance.  The  value  of  history  and 
biograpli}'  are  becoming  more  thorouglily  recog- 
nized each  year  among  the  intelligent  people  of  the 
great  West,  who  realize  the  fact  that  their  cliildren 
and  their  children's  children  in  future  years  will 
reap  great  satisfaction  in  noting  the  names  of  their 
progenitors  among  those  who  contributed  to  the 
development  of  Central  Illinois. 

In  noting  the  events  of  the  life  of  a  prosperous 

and  respected  citizen,  the  mind  naturally  reverts 
to  those  from  whom  he  drew  his  origin.  The 
father  of  onr  subject  was  Stats  B.  Van  Allen,  a 
native  of  New  York  City,  who  learned  carpenter- 
ing when  a  young  man  and  in  later  j-ears  operated 
quite  extensively  as  a  contractor.  The  family  is  of 
Scottish  descent,  and  was  represented  in  this  coun- 
try probably  during  the  colonial  days.  Mrs.  Mar- 
garet (Hill)  Van  Allen,  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  a  native  of  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  and  the 
daughter  of  William  Hill,  who  was  born  in  Virginia, 
and  for  a  time  was  connected  with  the  iron  works 
in  Gilim's  Falls  as  foreman  of  a  forge.  He  also 
carried  on  farming.  He  spent  his  last  years  in 
Henry  County,  Ohio,  dying  at  the  age  of  seventy- 

Stats  B.  Van  Allen,  tiie  father  of  our  subject, 
spent  his  last  years  in  the  Buckeye  State,  dying  in 
February,  1888,  at  the  age  of  seventy.  The  mother 
is  still  living  there,  and  is  now  in  the  sixty-eighth 
year  of  her  age.  They  were  the  parents  of  twelve 
children,  all  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years.  John 
H.,  our  subject,  was  the  thiid  in  order  of  birth, 
and  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  <Lan.  22,  1843, 
in  Licking  County,  Ohio.  His  boyhood  was  spent 
in  his  native  State,  and  he  received  a  limited  edu- 
cation in  the  common  schools.  He  remained  at 
home  with  his  parents,  turning  over  his  cainings 
into  the  family  treasury-,  until  entering  the  army 
to  fight  the  battles  of  the  Union. 

Our  subject,  on  the  14tli  of  August,  1862,  en- 
listed in  Company  G,  97th  Ohio  Infantry,  and 
served  one  year.  Tiie  regiment  was  first  ordered 
to  Cincinnati  and  then  to  Louisville  to  follow  up 
Gen.  Bragg's  army.  At  Wild  Cat  Mountain  he 
received  a  very  severe  fall  and  was  sent  to  the 
hospital  at  Nashville,  where  he  was  confined  in  tin' 
Zollii'offer  House.  Being  very  discontented  here  he 
left  and  returned  to  his  regiment,  with  which  he 
remained  until  the  battle  of  Murfreesboro.  Thence 
he  went  to  Nashville,  and  finally  was  sent  to  Camp 
Denison,  Ohio,  where  he  was  obliged  to  accept  his 
honorable  discharge  on  account  of  disability. 

Mr.  Van  Allen  now  returned  to  his  father's  farm 
and  remained  there  about  one  year.  On  the  24th 
of  November,  1864,  he  united  in  marriage  witli 
Miss  Rebecca,  daughter  of  John  Morrison,  a  i)r()ni- 



inent  faniicr  of  his  locality  and  one  of  the  repre- 
senlalivc  men  of  Licking  County.  Mv.  Morrison 
died  in  Jlarch.  1889,  at  the  age  of  seventy-two 
years,  lie  had  been  twice  married,  and  by  his  first 
wife,  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Van  Allen,  was  the  father 
of  seven  children.  After  her  death,  which  occurred 
about  twenty-four  years  ago,  he  was  married  the 
second  time  and  there  were  born  to  him  two  more 

Mrs.  Van  Allen  was  the  second  child  of  her  par- 
ents and  was  born  in  Licking-  County,  Ohio,  Fell.  1. 
1812.  She  received  a  very  good  education  in  the 
common  schools,  and  remained  a  member  of  the 
parental  household  until  her  marriage.  The  newly 
wedded  pair  commenced  tiie  journey  of  life  to- 
gether in  Mt.  Sterling,  Ohio,  and  Mr.  A'an  Allen 
employed  himself  as  a  carpenter  for  two  years 
thereafter.  Next  he  engaged  in  teaming  three 
years,  hauling  principally  stoneware  and  crockery. 
Finally,  in  1861),  he  determi)ied  to  seek  the  farther 
West,  and  coming  to  Illinois  with  his  family  located 
nearGlenlnirn,  where  he  established  a  pottery  which 
he  conducted  about  eighteen  months.  Then  aban- 
doning this  he  turned  his  attention  to  farming,  with 
which  he  has  since  been  occupied  and  has  met  with 
flattering  success. 

Tlie  property  of  Mr.  Van  Allen  embraces  205 
acres  of  choice  land,  mostly  in  one  body  and  nearly 
the  whole  under  a  thorough  state  of  cultivation.  It 
is  pleasantly  located  on  section  26.  The  residence 
was  put  up  in  IS81,  and  comprises  a  neat  and  sub- 
stantial dwelling,  which,  with  its  surroundings  is 
indicative  of  the  enterprising  and  progressive  spirit 
of  the  proprietor.  Of  the  nine  children  born  to 
our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife,  .seven  are  living 
and  all  at  home  with  their  parents.  They  were 
named  respectively:  Effle,  Charles  H.,  William  K., 
-lames  M.,  Jessie  F.,  Gracie  M.  and  Robert  S. 

In  politics  Mr.  Van  Allen  is  a  Republican  both 
by  inheritance  and  a  most  decided  preference  for 
the  principles  of  this  i)arty.  At  the  time  of  Gen. 
Oarfield's  election  as  President  of  the  United  States 
the  father  of  our  subject  had  the  lumor  of  casting 
eleven  votes  for  the  Republican  ticket,  nine  of 
these  being  for  his  own  sons  .and  one  for  a  giand- 
son.  Our  subject  has  served  as  Si-hool  Director 
for    the    last    twelve   years,  and   still   occupies  the 

oflice.  In  religious  matters  his  views  coincide  witli 
those  of  the  Methodist  E|)iscopal  Church.  Mrs. 
Van  Allen  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the 
Christian  Church.  Socially,  Mr.  Van  Allen  belongs 
to  Newtown  Lodge,  No.  7 1 4,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  also 
to  George  Morrison  Post,  No.  635,  G.  A.  R.,  of 

ji,.,  LEX     L.  WHITE,  a  highly  esteemed  old 
(ff"*iy|l    resident   of  Vance    Township,  is   without 

questioji  one  of  the  most  popular  men  of 
Fafrmount,  where  he  has  spent  many  years 
and  with  whose  people  he  been  closely  identi- 
fied both  in  friendly  and  business  relations.  His 
wide  knowledge  of  human  nature  and  his  uniform- 
l}' good  judgment  m.ake  him  the  recipient  of  many 
confidences,  especially  among  the  old  people  of  the 
place,  who  often  solicit  hira  for  advice  in  business 
matters,  and  he  seldom  fails  to  give  them  wise  and 
judicious  counsel. 

The  native  place  of  Mr.  White  was  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  Logan,  Ohio,  and  the  date  of  his  birth  Nov. 
2,  1849.  His  early  education  was  conducted  in  the 
schools  of  his  native  town,  and  he  made  such  good 
use  of  his  time  that  at  the  .age  of  sixteen  years  he 
began  teaching,  and  followed  this  profession  at  in- 
tervals for  a  period  of  fourteen  years.  He  taught 
first  in  the  schools  of  his  native  town,  when  there 
were  but  two  male  teachers  out  of  a  corps  of  nine. 
At  one  time  he  was  Superintendent  of  the  Gore 
Coal  Mines.  Upon  coming  to  Fairmount  he  oHici- 
ated  as  Principal  of  the  schools,  and  in  1880  took 
the  census  in  Sidell  Township,  this  county.  The 
3ear  following  he  journeyed  to  the  Indian  Terri- 
tory and  became  superintendent  of  the  lunilier 
business  conducted  by  Osgood  it  Haywood,  of 
Indianapolis,  being  stationed  in  the  Creek  Nation. 
In  the  si)ring  of  1882  Mr.  White  elected 
Assessor  and  Collector  of  Vance  Township,  and 
belli  the  positicni  two  years.  In  1884  he  was  elected 
Township  Supervisor,  which  office  he  has  since  held 
by  re-election  each  year.     He  was  appointed  Post- 



master  of  Fairmountin  1885,  retaining  the  position 
until  1889,  when  he  resigned  ou  account  of  ill 

The  marriage  of  our  suliject  and  Miss  Angelina 
E.  Noble  took  place  at  tlie  bride's  liome  in  Fair- 
mount  July  20,  1876.  Rev.  J.  II.  Noble,  the  father 
of  Mrs.  White,  was  a,  leading  member  of  the  Illi- 
nois Conference  and  Presiding  Elder  of  the  Dan- 
ville district.  Later  he  was  stationed  at  .Springfield, 
and  now,  after  an  active  service  in  the  blaster's 
vineyard  of  over  forty  years,  contemplates  retir- 
ing from  his  arduous  duties.  He  is  a  strong  and 
eloquent  expounder  of  the  Word,  and  thousands 
have  listened  to  the  admonitions  which  have  fallen 
from  his  lips  and  borne  good  fruit.  In  the  dis- 
charge of  his  pious  duties  he  has  been  stationed  at 
Lincoln,  INIattoon.  Slielbyville  and  Paxton  in  Illi- 
nois; and  in  Indiana  was  in  Greencastle,  New 
Albany  and  Indianapolis. 

Mr.  Noble  was  born  in  Ohio  in  the  fall  of  1821, 
and  was  twice  married.  He  became  the  father  of 
thirteen  children,  ten  of  whom  are  living.  His 
first  wife  was  Miss  Angeline  Simmons,  and  his  sec- 
ond her  sister  Caroline. 

Mrs.  White  was  born  Aug.  3,  1857,  in  Indiana, 
and  received  an  excellent  education.  She  was 
married  to  our  subject  when  a  maiden  of  nineteen 
years,  and  is  now  the  mother  of  three  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom,  Anna  Lee,  was  born  Jul3''  30, 1877. 
The  latter  is  a  bright  young  girl,  and  takes  a  re- 
markable interest  in  her  studies,  priding  herself 
upon  her  progress  therein.  The  second  daughter, 
Edna  Noble,  was  born  June  20,  1879,  and  the  only 
son,  Edgar  Paul,  April  14,  1885.  Mr.  White 
politically  is  a  strong  Democrat,  and  has  been  quite 
prominent  in  politics.  Several  of  his  male  rela- 
tives in  Ohio  occupied  prominent  positions,  one 
uncle  being  Clerk  of  the  County  Court,  another 
County  Commissioner,  and  two  others  Auditor  and 
Recorder  respectively,  all  holding  olfice  at  the  same 
time.  Leaving  Ohio  in  1873,  he  came  to  this  coun- 
ty, locating  in  Fairmount,  with  which  his  interests 
have  since  been  closely  identified.  For  the  last  six 
years  he  has  been  manager  for  the  firm  of  Davis 
&  Stearns,  dealers  in  lumber,  hardware  and  aa:ri- 
cultural  implements.  He  only  officiated  as  Post- 
master six  months,  and  when  sending  in  his  resig- 

nation Mrs.  White  received  the  appointment  and 
held  the  ofiice  until  the  early  part  of  June,  188'J. 
Mrs.  White  is  a  very  estimable  lady  and  a  member 
in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  Our  subject  socially  lias  been  Master  of 
Fairmount  Lodge,  No.  590,  for  the  last  three  years, 
and  still  holds  the  position. 

Mr.  White  was  the  third  child  of  his  parents, 
Darius  and  Esther  (McBroom)  White,  who  were 
also  natives  of  the  Buckeye  State,  and  the  father 
is  now  principal  owner  of  the  Logan  Manufacturing 
Plant.  The  paternal  grandparents  were  likewise 
natives  of  the  Buckeye  State.  Grandfather  Mc- 
Broom, also  a  native  of  Ohio,  served  in  the  War 
of  1812  and  died  in  1883,  when  over  ninety  years 
of  age.  His  wife  was  a  native  of  Maryland,  and 
died  in  1882.  They  had  lived  together  for  the 
long  period  of  sixty-four  years.  To  Darius  White 
and  his  estimable  wife  there  were  born  nine  chil- 
dren, all  of  whom  are  living,  together  with  tlie 
parents — a  circumstance  seldom  equalled  the  world 
over,  death  having  not  yet  entered  this  interesting 
household  circle. 

(^LBERT  GIDDINGS.  One  of  the  largest 
@lUl  and  best-api)ointed  conservatories  in  East- 
ern Illinois,  embracing  8,000  square  feet 
of  glass,  is  owned  and  conducted  b}'  the 
subject  of  this  notice,  who  commands  a  wholesale 
and  retail  trade  extending  into  most  of  the  States 
froni  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific.  As  a  florist  he 
cannot  be  excelled,  and  he  is  of  that  enterprising 
and  go-ahead  disposition  which  is  the  surest  guar- 
antee of  success.  His  life-long  interests  have  cen- 
tered in  Vermilion  County,  for  it  is  the  county  of 
his  birth,  wliieh  took  place  in  Danville,  Dec.  3, 

Our  subject  is  the  son  of  William  and  Caroline 
(Kitchener)  Gidtlings,  prominent  residents  of  this 
county,  and  a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere 
in  this  work  in  connection  with  that  of  John  W. 
Giddings.  their  son.  Albert  was  reared  and  edu- 
cated in  his  native  cit}',  although  spending  much 
of  his  time  at  the  farm  of  his  father,  where  he  con- 

(s^ (^yy't^^^^ 



tinned  until  the  death  of  liie  lallei-.  He  tlien  en- 
gaged in  the  gioceiy  trade  in  parlnersliip  with 
W.  H.  Johns,  and  the  firm  of  .lolms  A-  (iiddings 
existed  until  May,  1HK2.  Our  subject  then  <lis- 
posed  of  his  interests  in  lite  business  to  his  partner, 
and  the  year  following  established  himself  in  that 
in  which  he  is  now  engaged. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Mary 
J.  Cromer  took  place  at  the  home  of  the  bride, 
Oct.  4,  1877.  Mrs.  Ciddings  was  born  near 
Perrvville,  Ind.,  in  February,  ISi'j'J,  and  was  the 
daughter  of  Francis  and  Isabelle  Cromer.  Mrs. 
Giddings  died  .lune  5,  1883.  and  nui-  subject,  on 
the  ■23d  of  March.  1887,  contracted  a  second  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Ella  Dill,  of  Danville.  Ind.  This 
lady  was  born  Jan.  4,  18C3.  in  Clearnninl.  Ind. 
Mr.  and  ilrs.  (iiddingsare  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  First  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and 
INIr.  (biddings,  politically,  is  a  Republican.  Socially, 
he  belongs  to  Olive  Branch  Lodge  No.  38,  A.  F. 
&  A.  M.;  Vermilion  Chai>ter  No.  82,  R.  A.  M.; 
Athelstane  Commandery  No.  45,  Knight  Temp- 
lar, and  Oriental  Consistory  of  Chicago.  He 
is  a  man  intelligent  anil  well  informed,  and  a  favoi'- 
ite  iioth  in  social  and  business  circles  among  the 
people  with  whom  he  has  grown  up  from  boyhond. 


y^ILLIAM  CANADAY.  Su.  In  giving  their 
just  due  to  the  i)ioneers  of  Central  Illinois, 
^f^  there  is  required  the  pen  of  the  historian, 
who  will  perpetuate,  their  names  and  deeds  to  fu- 
ture generations,  who  as  time  passes  on  will  learn 
to  appreciate  tliem  at  their  full  value.  It  is  doubt- 
ful if  those  sturdy  characters  themselves  realized 
the  magnituile  of  the  work  which  they  had  begun, 
and  the  resnlts  which  were  to  follow.  Not  only 
did  their  labors  affect  themselves  personally,  but 
the  works  of  each  man  contributed  to  make  a  grand 
whole  in  the  development  of  a  rich  section  of  the 
country  which  is  looked  u|)on  with  pride  by  the 
l)eople  to-day.  The  fact  that  Mr.  Canaday  came 
to  Elwood  Township  when  there  was  but  one  cabin 
within  its  limits  is  sufficient  to  establish  him  as  one 
of  the  most  prominent  men  of   this  region,  and  the 

further  fact  that  he  has  labored  industriously  and 
lived  worthily,  forms  for  him  t)ne  of  the  most  en- 
during monuments  which  can  be  erected  to  man. 

Tliere  are  four  men  in  Elwood  Township  bearing 
the  name  of  William  Canaday,  and  of  these  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  is  the  most  prominent  and 
the  oldest.  Of  Southern  birth  .and  |)arentage,  he 
was  born  in  Jefferson  County,  East  I'enn.,  Dec.  22, 
1809,  and  is  the  son  of  Henry  Canaday,  a  native  of 
North  Carolina,  who  removed  with  his  family  to 
^Vayne  County,  Ind.,  in  the  fall  of  1820  and  there 
spent  the  following  winter.  In  the  meantime  two 
of  the  sons  came  to  this  e<iuuty  and  \n\i  up  in  El- 
wood Township  a  round  leig  cabin  near  the  present 
residence  of  our  subject  and  on  the  same  section. 
Earl\-  in  tlie  spring  of  1821  the  family  took  posses- 
sion of  the  cabin,  the  only  house  in  this  region. 
Indians  were  numerous  and  often  visited  the  family 
to  beg,  trade  or  steal.  They  camped  on  the  banks 
of  the  Little  N'ermilion  in  the  spring  of  the  year  to 
hunt  and  fish,  but  never  serionslj'  troubled  the 

The  Canad.ays  made  sugar  that  first  spring  and 
prepared  to  carr\-  on  farming,  but  flnall}-  one  of 
the  sons,  Benjamin,  returned  to  Tennessee,  where 
he  bought  a  farm  and  soon  afterwards  was  joined 
by  the  balance  of  the  family.  The  whole  family 
returned  to  this  county  the  following  fall,  having 
sold  their  Tennessee  property.  They  were  visited 
considerably  with  sickness  and  the  nearest  doctor 
was  at  Clinton.  They  had  to  go  to  the  mill  to 
Racoon  Creek,  in  Park  County,  Ind.,  and  Terre 
Haute  was  the  nearest  trading  point.  Thej-  had  no 
horses  and  broke  the  new  ground  with  oxen.  Wild 
o-ame  was  i)lentiful — deer,  turkey  and  a  few  buffalo. 
In  the  fall  they  filled  the  smoke-house  with  deer 
hams  and  also  had  plenty  of  pork. 

When  returning  to  Tennessee  the  Canaday  family 
left  thirty  hogs  whii'h  they  had  brought  from 
Indiana  and  which  the}- could  not  well  take  with 
them  upon  going  back  South.  So  the  animals  ran 
wild,  and  for  years  thereafter  their  progeny  roamed 
through  the  woods  and  became  so  ferocious  that  a 
boar  would  sometimes  kill  a  cow.  The  Canaday 
family  occupied  the  small  log  cabiu,  containing  one 
room,  for  some  time,  and  the  mother  did  the  cook- 
ing by  the  rne-i)lace.     The  tloor  was   of  puncheon, 



the  roof  of  clapboarris  held  down  with  weight  polos 
and  the  stick  and  clay  chimney  was  built  on  the 

About  the  second  year'of  their  residence  in  Ver- 
milion Count}',  Henry  Canaday,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  together  witii  John  Haworth,  set  up  a 
"meeting,"  as  it  was  called  by  the  Society  of 
Friends,  (or  in  common  i)arlance  organized  a 
church).  These  two  men  and  others  who  after- 
wards came  to  the  neighborhood  built  a  log  cabin 
and  worshiped  therein,  and  afterwards  built  a 
church  of  hewed  logs.  Sometimes  the  attendance  so  small  that  Henry  Canaday  and  his  son  Bi-n- 
jamin  would  go  to  ''meeting"  and  sit  through 
the  hour  for  worship,  in  order  to  keep  up  the 
church  organization  as  per  the  discipline  of  that 

Mrs.  M.atilda  (Barnard)  Canad.ay  was  a  native  of 
Nantuckett's  Island,  Mass.,  whence  she  went  to 
North  Carolina  with  her  parents  when  a  little  girl. 
Her  father,  Capt.  Benjamin  Barnard,  followed  the 
sea  for  man}'  years.  The  parental  family-  consisted 
of  five  children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Canad.ay  is  the  onl}- 
one  living.  Her  brother  Benjamin,  died  at  the  age 
of  seventy-eight  years;  John  died  when  about  fifty 
years  old;  Frederick  and  Mary  were  each  about 
eighty-two  years  of  age  at  the  time  of  their  de- 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  reared  at  tlie  olil 
homestead  and  grew  up  with  a  limited  education, 
there  being  no  schools  during  his  boyhood  in  this 
region.  His  fatiier  established  a  tanyard  in  which 
young  Canaday  worked,  he  also  learned  saddlery 
and  harness-making.  Besides  his  tanyard  and  the 
farm  the  father  also  conducted  a  tin  shop.  William 
in  later  years  turned  his  attention  exclusively  to 
farming  .and  stock-raising  and  operated  largely  as 
a  stock-dealer.  He  grew  wealthy  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  430  acres  of  land,  besides  having  given 
540  acres  to  his  children. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Mary 
Haworth  took  place  in  1831.  This  lady  was  born 
in  East  Tennessee  and  is  the  daughter  of  William 
Haworth,  a  well-known  resident  of  this  county. 
This  union  resulted  in  the  birtli  of  ten  children — 
seven  of  whom  are  living,  viz:  Julia  A..  Mrs. 
Harold  ;  G.  Franklin;   Richard    II. ;  .lames  A.;   ]\Ia- 

tilda  J.,  Mrs.  Brown;  Benjamin  F.  and  Alice,  Mrs. 
Morris.  Julia  married  Wilton  Harold,  of  Ridge 
Farm,  but  has  no  children;  Fr.anklin  married  Miss 
Mary  Jackson,  who  lived  near  Homer,  and  thev 
have  two  children — Gcrtude  and  Edwin  ;  Richard 
married  Miss  Catherine  Harold  and  occujiies  part 
of  the  homestead,  he  has  one  child,  William:  James 
married  Miss  Drusilla  Diven,and  lives  at  Burr  Oak 
Grove,  in  Ch.ampaign  County;  they  have  four 
children — Mary  E.,  Dora,  Earl  and  Ora;  Matilda 
married  Rev.  C.  Brown,  of  Elwood  Town- 
ship, and  has  two  children — M.  Alice  and  Oliver 
W.;  Benjamin  took  to  wife  Miss  Cornelia  Green, 
and  lives  in  Elwood  Township,  and  has  seven  chil- 
dren— Howard  W.,  Richard  A..  Anna  A.,  Jesse, 
Mary,  Martha  and  an  infant  boy  unnamed.  The 
last  three  are  tri|)lets;  Alice  married  Dr.  Charles  C. 
Morris,  of  Rockville,  Ind.,  and  they  have  three 
children — Jesse  C,  Estella  E.  and  Mary  H. 

Mrs.  Mary  (Haworth)  Canaday  departed  this 
life  in  the  fall  of  1855.  Our  subject  was  married 
the  second  time,  Oct.  30,  1873,  to  Miss  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Nathaniel  Diament,  deceased.  She  was 
was  born  in  New  Jersey,  (Jet.  26,  182G,  and  is  a 
member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Mr.  Canaday 
was  reared  in  the  faith  of  the  (^lakers,  to  which 
be  still  loyally  adheres.  In  politics  he  is  a  sound 
Republican  but  has  held  aloof  from  the  res])onsi- 
bilities  of  office.  A  fine  lithographic  portrait  of  Mr. 
Canada}-  is  shown  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

-^,L  MOS  JACKSON  was  born  in  Clinton 
i^O|  County,  Ind.,  on  Sept.  15,  1837.  He  is 
IS'  one  of  the  largest  land-owners  in  the 
township  of  Sidell.  His  father  and  mother 
were  born  in  Washington  County,  Pa.,  and  Ohio, 
respectively.  By  his  first  marriage  bis  father  had 
eleven  children,  of  which  Amos  was  the  tenth 
child  and  youngest  son.  The  first  wife  died  at 
Jefferson,  Ind.,  in  1840,  when  Amos  was  a  little 
over  two  years  of  age.  His  father  remarried  but 
died  soon  after  at  the  age  of  forty-eight  years. 

Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  Amos  was  left  mother- 
less at  the   age  of  two  and  a  half  years,  and  when 



he  was  ten  years  old  he  was  left  without  a  fatlier, 
and  at  this  time  ho  bciran  to  fight  the  battle  of  life 
alone.  His  fnthiT  left  a  fMiiii  of  200  acres.  Imt  the 
ailministration  of  the  estate  left  hut  little  for  the 
lieiis.  As  before  related,  Amos  be<;an  at  the  age 
of  ten  years,  to  work  for  his  l)o;ird  and  elothes, 
and  nnder  these  eircnmslaiu'es  his  e<lneational  ad- 
vantages were  necessaril}'  extremely  limited.  He 
attended  school  abont  eight  months  in  all  in  a  little 
log  sehool-honse,  walking  two  miles.  He  continued 
to  live  in  Indiana  until  he  was  eighteen  years  of 
age,  when,  in  1855.  in  company  with  his  uncle, 
Johnson  Ross,  he  came  to  Kdgar  County,  111.,  and 
assisted  his  nnele  in  elcaring  up  a  farm.  At  the 
age  of  twenty  he  returned  to  Indiana  b\it  remained 
only  a  year  when  he  returned  to  Illinois  and  en- 
gaged at  brick-making  at  Indianola.  It  was  at 
this  place  he  first  met  his  wife,  ^liss  Sarah  Hesler. 
who  at  that  time  was  living  with  her  grandfather, 
John  Gilgis.  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  Indian- 
ola. Her  father  and  mother  were  born  in()hio 
and  Kentucky  respectively.  IMr.  (i  ilgis  was  a  mer- 
chant at  Indianola  and  a  man  of  considerable 
wealth.  Francis  Hesler,  father  of  Mrs.  Jackson, 
was  a  farmer  in  Douglas  County  and  the  father  of 
eleven  children,  of  whom  six  were  girls.  He  was 
married  three  times  and  had  two  children  by  his 
first,  two  liy  his  second  and  seven  by  his  third  wife. 
Mrs.  Jackson's  mother  was  his  first  wife,  who  died 
when  Mrs.  Jackson  was  but  three  or  four  years  old. 
and  since  that  time  and  till  her  marriage  she  re- 
sided with  her  grandfather.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jackson 
became  attached  to  each  other  while  very  young, 
and  at  the  age  of  seventeen  years,  and  recognizing 
the  fact  that  "love  laughs  at  locksmiths,"  quietly 
crossed  over  into  the  State  of  Michigan,  where 
they  were  married.  Returning  to  Indianola,  the}- 
were  of  course  forgiven  and  at  once  launched  out 
on  life's  highway  with  the  resolution  of  contradict- 
ing the  theory  that  marriage  is  a  failure.  And  in 
this  they  have  succeeded.  In  the  spring  of  18()U 
Mr.  Jackson  rented  a  farm  north  of  Indianola  and 
commenced  work  in  earnest  to  earn  a  home.  ]\Irs. 
fJilgis  died  about  two  years  subsequent  to  their 
marriage  and  they  were  called  back  to  the  home  of 
Mrs.  Jackson's  grandfather,  and  when  he  died  he 
left  the  young  couple  eighty  acres  of  land.     After- 

ward Mr.  .Tackson  purcli.a.sed  a  section  of  land,  640 
acres,  in  Sidell  Township,  for  which  he  .agreed  to 
pa^'  §20,000.  He  sold  his  (jriginal  eighty  acres  for 
*4,000,  this  leaving  him  in  debt  ^Ifi.OOO.  drawing 
ten  jier  cent,  interest.  'I'hrough  prudent  in.'inage- 
nient  Mr.  .I.'ukson  has  not  oidy  paid  for  that  land 
but  has  .added  thereto  492  .acres.  lieside  all  that 
he  had  made  many  valuable  improvements,  auKtng 
whicli  may  be  mentioned  5.100  rods  of  drain  tile, 
and  there  is  not  five  .acres  of  w.aste  land  on  this 
immense  tract.  He  also  erected  a  splendid 
barn  for  general  purposes,  a  cattle  barn  (1(1x100. 
a  granary  and  feed-mill  .'SOxaO,  and  the  other  nec- 
essary buildings  for  a  large,  well  regulated  farm. 
He  has  150  head  of  cattle  and  is  feeding  a  large 
number  of  hogs.  Of  late  years  Mr.  Jackson  has 
begun  breeding  running  horses  and  has  abandoned 
the  raising  of  Clydesdales.  He  is  a  great  lover  of 
the  Morgan  horse,  of  which  he  has  some  si)lendid 
specimens.  He  owns  the  celebrated  running  horse 
''King  Nero,"  who  took  the  four  first  prizes  on  a 
Chicago  track  in  the  fall  of  1887,  amounting  to 
§1,000.  He  is  said  to  be  the  best  bred  horse  in 
Illinois,  being  sired  by  "  Harry  Baasett,"  the  cele- 
br.ated  Kentucky  horse.  As  a  stock-raiser  there  is 
none  who  stands  higher  in  Vermilion  County  than 
Amos  Jackson. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jackson  are  the  parents  of  seven 
children:  John  L.;  Bertie,  who  died  at  the  .age  of 
four  months;  Jennie.  Laura,  Frank,  Ada  and  Lula 
B.  Politically  Mr.  Jackson  acts  with  the  Demo- 
cratic party  and  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  Lodge. 
Mr.  Jackson  is  exceedingly  popular  with  his  neigh- 
bors, and  is  fully  entitled  to  enjoy  the  large  for- 
tune which  he  has  .iccumulated  by  his  energy  and 
good  management. 

<i|  OHN  S.  CRANE,  a  resident  of  Vermilion 
]  County  for  more  than  twenty  years, 
lived  in  (i  rant  Township  since  the  spring  of 
18(37,  and  on  his  present  place  for  sixteen 
years.  He  is  a  native  of  Yoxford,  Suffolk  County, 
England,  and  was  born  Aug.  22,  1828.  He  was 
brought  up  in  his  native  county,  leru'ning  the  trade 



of  a  shoemaker,  in  which  lie  was  engaged  until  his 
removal  to  Illinois.  After  his  marriage  in  the  fall 
of  1852,  he  emigrated  to  Canada  accompanied  by 
his  parents.  They  started  from  London  for  New 
York,  and  on  arrival  there  at  once  left  for  Gault, 
in  the  Province  of  Ontario,  Canada.  There  the 
family  settled  and  John  8.  eaniid  on  business  in 
his  trade  as  a  manufacturer  and  dealer,  until  he  re- 
moved to  the  United  States.  His  parents  made 
their  permanent  home  in  Gault  where  tliey  were 
afterwiirds  joined  by  others  of  the  family  who 
emigrated  from  time  to  time. 

When  he  was  eighty-four  years  of  age,  Grand- 
father Crane  made  a  trip  to  America  alone  to  see 
his  descendants.  Here  he  .stayed  two  years  and  re- 
turned to  his  home  in  England  where  he  lived  to 
be  ninety-six  years  of  age.  The  parents  of  .John 
S.  Crane  were  namnd  John  and  Mary  (Girling) 
Crane.  The  father  was  also  a  shoemaker  and  like- 
wise carried  on  business  on  his  own  account  until 
he  was  quite  old.  He  also  lived  to  be  an  old  man 
and  at  the  age  of  eighty-four  made  a  visit  to  his 
son  in  this  country.  He  died  four  years  afterward 
in  his  eighty-ninth  year.  His  wife  died  several 
years  ])rior  to  the  decease  of  her  husl)and,  aged 
about  seventy-six.  Of  their  nine  children  six  are 
now  living,  a  record  of  whom  folloivs:  Harry,  who 
is  a  carpenter  and  builder  in  Gault;  George  was  a 
1  lumber  and  painter  by  trade  in  London,  England 
and  is  now  a  farmer  in  Kanosli,  L'tah;  William, 
also  a  carpenter  and  builder  in  Gault;  Caroline  is 
the  wife  of  John  Milligan,  a  graindealer  in  Ross- 
ville,  this  county  ;  Charles  is  also  a  resident  of  Kan- 
oshjUtah,  and  is  largely  interested  in  sheep  raising 
and  is  President  of  the  Wool  (Growers  Association 
of  Utah.  He  is  also  interested  in  the  Salt  Lake 
Tribune,  the  leading  pfii)er  in  that  territory.  He 
was  learning  the  trade  of  a  carpenter  at  Lafayette, 
Ind.,  when  the  war  broke  out  and  at  the  age  of 
seventeen  enlisted  in  the  10th  Indiana  Infantry 
for  three  months,  during  which  time  he  was  in  the 
battle  of  Rich  Mountain.  He  afterward  joined 
the  63d  Indiana  Infantry,  serving  until  the  close  of 
the  war  and  for  some  time  after  that  was  Govern- 
ment messenger  on  the  supply  trains  to  the  South. 
The  other  survivor  is  John  S. 

The  three  who  are   deceased  arc  Clara,  who  was 

the  wife  of  James  McKendrick,  of  Gault,  and  died 
in  that  place  leaving  a  family  of  four  children. 
James  was  a  resident  of  New  Orleans  at  the  out- 
break of  the  Rebellion,  and  being  a  LTnion  man 
made  his  escape  from  that  city  intending  to  go  to 
Canada,  but  contracted  a  fever  and  died  on  reach- 
ing Lafayette,  Ind.,  where  his  brother  Charles  was 
then  living.  Adaline,  the  youngest  sister,  died  on 
her  way  to  America  and  was  buried  at  sea. 

John,  of  whom  this  sketch  was  written,  stayed 
in  Gault  until  1867,  when  he  decided  to  give  up 
his  business  and  move  to  the  United  States.  He 
had  always  desired  to  become  a  farmer,  and  the 
year  prior  to  his  removal  came  to  Illinois  to  visit 
an  uncle  whom  he  had  not  seen  for  many  years, 
and  being  much  pleased  with  the  appearance  of  the 
country  he  decided  to  make  this  State  his  home. 
Returning  to  Canada  he  sold  out  his  proi)ert3-  and 
in  the  spring  of  1867  located  east  of  where  the 
thriving  city  of  Hoopeston  now  stands.  No  rail- 
road was  then  in  existence  here  and  the  site  of 
Hoopeston  was  an  o[)en  prairie.  On  the  place 
where  he  first  settled  he  stayed  but  a  year,  when 
he  removed  ti:)  a  farm  of  the  uncle  named,  situated 
on  what  is  known  as  the  Chicago  road.  Having 
bought  125  acres,  a  pait  of  his  present  pro|)erty, 
he  rented  a  farm  east  of  it  while  he  was  imtting  up 
a  house  and  other  buildings.  The  farm  was  then 
all  wild  prairie  and  the  improvements  upon  it  have 
been  made  b}'  Air.  Crane — all  the  buildings,  fences, 
trees,  etc.,  being  the  result  of  his  labors.  To-day 
it  is  as  fine  a  property  of  its  siz^.-  .as  there  is  in  this 
part  of  the  county,  and  comprises  in  all  217  acres. 

Mr.  Crane  was  united  in  marriage  in  England  in 
1852  with  Miss  Eliza  (iarwood,  who  was  boi'n  in 
Stratford,  St.  Mary,  that  county,  March  21,  18,'iO. 
She  was  the  only  one  of  the  family  to  come  to 
America.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Crane  are  the  parents  of 
four  children,  one  of  whom  Adeline,  died  in  Gault 
at  the  age  of  three  years.  The  survivors  are 
Oscar  G.,  who  is  now  a  resident  of  Rossvillc,  this 
county;  Edith  is  the  wife  of  II.  A.  Hoover,  living 
near  Oskaloosa,  Iowa;  Charles  G.  is  at  home  with 
his  parents.  Mr.  Crane  is  a  gentleman  who  has,  by 
his  quiet,  unassuming  manners,  and  upright  living, 
won  the  respect  of  the  people  with  whom  he  has 
lived    for  now  more  than  a  score   of  j'ears,  and   he 



is  justly  counteil  as  one  of  the  most  valued  citi- 
zens of  the  nortlic:isterii  jiart  of  \'erinilion  County'. 
He  belongs  to  the  ]\Iasoiiic  fraternity,  being  a 
member  of  Star  Lodge  No.  709,  of  Hoopeston. 
lie  is  a  gentleman  of  domestic  habits  and  tastes 
and  has  never  aspired  to  oflSce,  preferring  the 
quiet  of  his  own  home  to  the  worry  attending 
public  position.  In  his  comfortable  home  he  and 
his  estimable  wife  dispense  hospitality  to  all  who 
visit  them,  and  they  are  justly  entitled  to  the  high 
mea,<ure  of  esteem  in  which  tiiey  are  held. 

„..^  SA  PARTLOW  is  a  native  of  Danville, 
!iLUi  where  he  was  born  on  the  Gth  day  of  Jan- 
uary, 183."5.  His  father,  Rueben  Partlow. 
was  born  in  A'irginia  and  his  grandfather, 
Samuel  Partlow,  was  a  native  of  the  same  State. 
Tlie  latter  removed  from  Virginia  to  Kentucky  in 
an  early  day  and  located  in  Nelson  Count}-,  vvliere 
he  purchased  a  tract  of  land  and  cleared  a  farm. 
In  18;?5,  accompanied  by  his  wife,  he  came  to  ^'er- 
milion  Count\-  to  spend  the  winter  with  his  cidl- 
dreu.  who  were  then  living  here.  The  journey  was 
made  on  horseback,  and  in  tiic  fall  of  the  year. 
They  stopped  witii  their  son  Samuel,  in  Middle 
Fork  Township,  where  the  old  gentleman  was 
taken  sick  and  died  during  tlie  winter.  In  these 
times  lumber  was  very  scarce,  there  being  no  saw- 
mills in  tills  section  of  the  country  and  it  was  with 
difficulty  that  Itoards  could  be  purchased  at  anj- 
price.  At  any  rate,  it  is  stated  that  not  enough 
lumber  could  be  had  to  construct  a  cotHn  in  which 
to  liury  Jlr.  Partlow.  His  sons  went  to  the  timber 
and  cut  down  trees  and  split  enough  off  them  to 
build  a  coffin,  and  in  this  manner  Mr.  Partlow  was 
interred.  .Soon  after,  and  during  the  same  winter. 
his  wife  was  seized  with  illness  and  followed  her 
husband  to  the  grave.  In  this  family  there  were 
nine  children,  seven  of  whom  came  to  this  county 
and  are  entitled  to  the  aijpellalion  of  pioneers. 
There  were  four  sons — .lohn.  James,  Reuben,  and 
.Samuel,  and  three  daughters. 

Reuben   Partlow,    the  father  of  Asa,   was  very 
yi>ung    when   his    parent.s  removed   to    Kentucky, 

where  he  was  reared  and  resided  until  1831.  He 
married,  and  then  accompanied  by  his  wife,  came 
to  Vermilion  County,  making  the  journey  on 
horseback,  carrying  a  few  household  goods  with 
them.  He  located  at  Danville,  and  being  a  wheel- 
wright and  cooper,  he  worked  at  his  ir.ade  until 
1834,  when  he  made  a  claim  in  Newell  Township, 
upon  which  he  Innit  a  log  house.  At  this  lime 
stoves  were  possessed  only  by  the  rich,  but  fuel 
was  plenty,  and  their  old  fashioned  fire-place  was 
a  typical  one.  They  made  all  their  clothes  of 
homespun  cloth,  and  were  ha[)pier  than  many 
who  wear  their  fine  clothes  in  these  later  da3'S. 
Mr.  I'artlow  lived  there  about  a  year,  when  he  dis- 
posed of  his  claim  and  returned  to  Danville,  where 
he  followed  his  trade  for  a  while,  afterward  taking 
another  claim  in  Jliddle  Fork  Township.  When 
this  came  into  market,  lie  purchased  it  from  the 
Government,  and  this  tract  of  land  has  since  been 
the  old  homestead.  Of  course,  in  those  d.ays  there 
were  no  I'ailroads,  and  for  many  years  all  sup|)lies 
were  drawn  by  horses  or  oxen  from  Perrvsville 
and  LaFayette  and  also  from  Chicago.  At  one 
time  Mr.  Partlow  took  a  half  barrel  of  honey  to 
Chicago  and  supplied  the  whole  town,  returiung 
home  with  a  good  portion  of  it.  He  was  a  resident 
of  the  old  homesteail  until  18.52.  when  he  relumed 
to  Danville  and  lived  retired  until  his  death  which 
occurred  in  May.  1866,  aged  sixty-two  years.  His 
wife's  maiden  name  was  Llizabeth  H.  Huraphrev, 
a  native  of  Kentuck}'.  Iler  father,  .lohn  Ihuii- 
plirey  was  born  in  Virginia  and  one  of  the 
early  settlers  of  Kentucky.  She  died  in  1865. 
She  was  the  mother  of  six  chihlren — Asa,  Alraira, 
who  married  Robert  Davidson  (now  deceased); 
.John  H.  died  when  tV)urteen  years  of  age;  David 
is  also  dead;  Sarah  A.,  married  A.I.  Draper,  and 
the}'  are  residents  of  Danville;  Elizabeth  married  Z. 
Morris,  of  (Jeorgetown,  this  county,  who  is  now 

Asa  Partlow,  whose  name  initiates  this  sketch, 
attended  tiie  pioneer  public  schools,  ile  describes 
the  first  school-house,  which  he  atteudeil,  as  having 
no  window,  but  sim|)ly  a  log  was  taken  out  where- 
with to  admit  the  light.  As  soon  as  he  was  large 
enough  he  was  comi)elle(l  to  assist  his  father  on  the 
farm,    but   at    the   age  of   seventeen   he  went   to 



Georgetown,  where  lie  attended  a  semiiian-,  and 
after  tliat  taught  one  term  of  school.  In  1852  he 
formed  a  partnership  with  S.  A.  Humphrey  and  J. 
M.  Partlow,  under  the  firm  name  of  Humphrey  & 
Co.  The}-  prosecuted  a  general  mercantile  busi- 
ness, and  financially  were  very  successful.  He  was 
in  the  trade  until  1873,  with  various  partners,  and 
in  that  year  he  sold  out  his  store  and  engaged  in 
llie  insurance  business,  and  has  built  up  a  fine  trade. 
He  is  also  secretary  of  the  Equitable  Building 
and  Loan  Association. 

In  1857  Mr.  Parilow  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Mary  Murdock,  who  was  born  near  LaFayette, 
Ind.,  March  15,  1831.  She  was  the  daughter  of 
John  and  Jane  Murdock,  natives  of  New  Jersey, 
and  is  tiie  mother  of  the  following  children:  Harry 
G.  married  Stella  Doane  and  resides  in  Danville; 
Edwin  R.  and  Augustus.  Fannie  Mabel  died  at 
the  age  of  four  jears;  Minnie  Ellen  died  at  the  age 
of  ten  months. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Partlow  are  members  of  the  First 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  of  which  Mr.  Part- 
low  has  been  steward  and  treasurer  for  a  long  time. 
He  is  also  a  member  of  Danville  Lodge  No.  69, 
1.  O.  O.  F. 

— ■^■^mi' — - 

*-RUMAN  WILLIAMS.  The  farming  com- 
\  munity  of  Catlin  Township  has  no  more 
worthy  representative  than  this  venerable 
gentleman.  an<l  it  gives  us  pleasure  to  insert  a 
review  of  his  life  in  this  Biographical  Album.  He 
has  been  a  resident  of  this  place  for  more  than 
forty  years,  and  during  that  time  has  improved  a 
good  farm  on  section  36,  and  has  built  up  a  cozy 
home,  in  which  he  and  his  estimable  wife,  who  lias 
worked  Ijy  his  side  for  more  tliau  half  a  century, 
are  comfortably  spending  life's  declining  years,  en- 
joying the  respect  and  affection  of  all  about  them. 
Eli  Williams,  the  father  of  subject,  was  born  in 
tlie  good  old  New  England  State  of  Connecticut, 
as  was  also  his  mother,  whose  maiden  name  was 
JIartha  Aldermon.  They  first  settled  in  their 
native  State  after  their  marriage,  but  subsequently 
removed  from  there  to  Pensyl  vania,  and  from  thence 
to  Onondago  County,    N.    Y.,  and  afterwards  to 

Gcnisi'u  ('(iiiiity.  Finally  the}'  returned  to  the 
Keystone  State  and  settled  in  Crawford  County, 
and  there  their  earthly  pilgrimage  ceased,  and  they 
were  gathered  to  their  fathers  at  a  ripe  old  age. 
Ten  children  were  l)0rn  of  their  marriage,  five  sons 
and  five  daughters.  an<l  of  these  our  subject  is  the 
third  in  order  of  birth  and  the  only  one  now  liv- 

He  was  burn  in  Onondago  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept. 
6,  1812.  Those  were  pioneer  times  in  that  part  of 
the  country,  and  our  subject  was  bred  to  a  hardy 
manhood  under  their  influence.  He  remained  an 
inmate  of  the  parental  household  till  he  was  twen- 
ty-six years  old,  and  then  married  and  established 
a  home  of  his  own,  his  marriage  with  Miss  Marga- 
ret Nelson  taking  place  in  Crawford  County,  Pa., 
Oct.  30.  1838.  Mrs.  Williams  was  born  in  that 
county  Jan.  29,  1817,  the  third  child  in  the  family 
of  nine  children,  two  sons  and  seven  daughters  of 
James  anil  Sarah  (Sloan)  Nelson.  Her  father  was 
a  native  of  Ireland,  and  came  to  America  when  he 
was  about  thirteen  years  old.  His  wife  was  a 
native  of  Virginia,  and  after  their  marriage  they 
settled  in  Crawford  County  in  an  early  day  of  its 
settlement,  and  lived  there  till  death  closed  their 
earthly  career. 

After  marriage  our  subject  and  his  wife  contin- 
ued to  live  in  Crawford  County  until  the  fall  of 
1846,  .and  then  with  their  little  family  of  children 
they  made  their  w.ay  across  the  country  by  the  slow- 
modes  of  traveling  in  those  days,  and  came  to  the 
still  wild  and  sparsely  settled  country,  embraced 
in  this  part  of  the  State  of  Illinois.  They  spent  the 
first  two  years  after  their  arrival  in  Danville  Town- 
ship, and  at  the  ex[)iration  of  that  time  located  on 
the  farm  where  they  still  make  their  home  in  Cat- 
lin Township.  Its  120  acres  are  under  good  til- 
lage and  many  valuable  improvements  have  been 
made,  so  that  as  a  whole  it  compares  very  favor- 
ably with  the  farms  around  it.  and  it  yields  fine 
harvests  in  repayment  of  the  care  bestowed  on  its 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Williams  are  the  parents  of  ten 
children,  .as  follows:  Minerva;  Charles,  who  died 
when  about  six  years  old;  Nancy,  the  wife  of  John 
Harrin;  Clarissa,  who  was  the  wife  of  George  Jami- 
son, and  died  when  about  twenty-four  years  old; 



Ann  (lied  when  about  ten  years  old;  Elizabeth,  the 
wife  of  Joiin  Gones;  Nelson  manied  Mis.  Ida 
(C'hilds)  Doran ;  Charles  marrifd  Liida  Tonant; 
Truman  married  Isadora  ^'alentine;  Maggie  is  the 
wife  of  George  Cook. 

Mr.  Williams  iniierited  from  a  sterlinc:  New 
England  ancestry  the  tiiritt  and  wisdom  that  have 
marked  his  course  and  tiie  honorable  traits  of  char- 
acter that  make  him  a  good  husband,  father,  neigh- 
bor, citizen.  He  has  borne  a  part  in  tlie  [jublic 
affairs  of  lils  township  and  has  served  very  accept- 
ably as  School  Director  and  in  minor  othces.  In 
pf>litics,  he  firmly  adheres  to  the  Republican  jjarty. 
Religiously,  both  he  and  his  wife  have  been  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  a  long 
term  of  years,  and  have  always  performed  the 
duties  incumbent  upon  tiiem  in  a  true  Christian 

ILLIAM  WHITE,  a  vete-au  of  the  late  war 
is  numbered  among  the  .skilled  farmers  of 
Catlin  Township,  and  his  pleasantly  located 
farm  on  section  2,  with  its  well-tilled  fields  and  at- 
tractive buildings,  is  one  of  the  first-class  places  of 
this  locality,  and  from  its  cultivation  he  derives 
an  excellent  income  that  puts  him  among  the  well- 
to-do  agriculturists  of  his  neighborhood. 

James  White,  the  father  of  our  sul)ject,  born 
in  Baltimore,  Md.,  while  his  motlier,  Hannah  Rodg- 
ers,  was  a  native  of  Perrysville,  Vermillion  Co., 
Ind.  After  marriage  in  1839  these  people  settled 
in  Perrysville,  and  there  she  died  in  184.0  while 
yet  in  life's  prime.  The  father  married  again  and 
in  1859  came  with  his  family  to  Vermilion  Count}', 
this  .State,  and  settling  in  Catlin  Township,  he  made 
his  home  here  till  his  demise  .July  (!,  1882.  He  was 
a  good  man,  who  led  an  upright  life,  and  was  well 
thought  of  by  the  neighbors  among  whom  he  had 
lived  for  so  many  years.  He  was  the  father  of 
three  children  by  his  first  marriage,  as  follows: 
William,  Samuel  and  Hannah. 

William,  of  whom  this  sketch  was  written,  was 
born  in  Perrysville,  \ermillion  Co.,  Ind.,  Oct.  30, 
1841.  llis  education,  conducted  in  the  common 
schools,  was  necessarily  somewhat  limited,  as  being 

the  eldest  of  the  family,  his  father  required  his  as- 
sistance. He  .accompanied  his  father  to  this  county 
in  1859,  an<l  has  since  been  a  useful  citizen  of  this 
communit\.  He  had  not  attained  his  majority 
when  the  war  l)i(ike  out,  and  in  August,  18G2, 
though  not  yet  of  age,  ho  patriotically  resolved  to 
do  what  he  could  to  aid  the  cause  of  his  country, 
and  enlisted  in  Company  K,  12:y  Illinois  Infantry. 
To  his  regret  his  eyesight  became  imi)airodso  much 
as  to  disable  him  for  a  soldier,  and  he  was  honora- 
bly discharged  in  October  of  the  same  year.  Since 
then  he  has  given  his  attention  wholly  to  farming 
and  stock-raising.  He  owns  eighty  acres  of  highly 
fertile  land,  which  is  under  admirable  cultivation 
and  is  well  supplied  with  an  excellent  class  of  build- 
ing, including  a  substantially  built,  commodious 
residence.  He  has  his  farm  well  stocked  to  its  full 
capacitj'  with  cattle  of  good  grades,  and  is  doing 
well  in  that  branch  of  agriculture. 

Mr.  White  has  been  twice  married.  He  was  first 
wedded  in  Danville  to  Miss  Susan  Cook,  by  whom 
he  had  three  children — Oscar,  James  and  Susan. 
March  19,  1872,  this  happy  household  was  bereft 
of  the  much  loved  wife  and  tender  motlier  by  her 
untimely  death.  Mr.  White's  second  marriage, 
which  took  place  in  Georgetown  Township,  to 
Miss  Minerva  Bowen.  Three  children  blessed  their 
union — Elmer  who  died  when  about  a  year  old; 
Melvin  and  Dotlie  B.  Jan.  11,  1889  the  dark 
shadow  of  death  again  fell  across  the  threshold  of 
the  dwelling  of  our  subject,  and  in  a  few  days  all 
that  was  mortal  of  her  who  had  been  the  home- 
maker  was  borne  to  its  last  resting  place.  In  her 
happy  wedded  life  she  had  been  all  that  a  true  wife 
and  mother  could  be;  devoted  to  her  husband's  in- 
terests, and  to  the  motherless  children  that  thus  fell 
to  her  charge  she  gave  as  much  care  and  love  as  if 
they  were  her  own,  and  in  her  death  the}'  have 
again  lost  a  good  mother,  while  her  own  darlings, 
the  youngest  a  dear  little  girl,  scarce  two  years 
old,  have  met  with  an  irreparable  loss. 

Mr.  White  has  succeeded  by  p.atient  toil  in  plac- 
ing himself  on  a  solid  basis  fin.ancially  speaking, 
and  since  becoming  the  owner  of  this  farm  has 
greatly  increased  its  value  by  wise  management 
and  a  judicious  expenditure  of  money  for  improve- 
ments.    He  is  a  quiet,  unassuming  man,  but  withal 



has  that  force  of  character  that  en.ihles  him  to  work 
with  a  iiurposc.  and  cany  his  plans  to  a  successful 
issue.  He  has  never  given  his  fellow-citizens 
cause  to  distrust  him,  hut  has  always  aimed  to  do 
rightly  by  others.  In  i)olitics,  he  affiliates  with 
the  Democrats,  and  is  ever  loyal  to  his  party.  For 
nearly  nine  years  he  has  held  the  important  office 
of  School  Director,  and  tiie  educational  interest.^  of 
the  township  with  wiiich  he  has  thus  heconie  identi- 
fied liave  not  suffered  at  his  hands. 


srt  isiLLiAM  \villia:\j 
\/\/l'  P*''*'".?  ^^^^  history 
^n?      settlers  of  Vermilio: 

<\1        I^ILLIAM   WILLIAMS.       In  a  record  com- 

ry  of  tiie  principal  old 
ion  County,  the  name  of 
Mr.  Williams  cannot  pro|)erly  he  omitted.  He  e3- 
taljlislied  himself  in  township  23,  range  12,  in 
1871,  securing- a  tract  of  wild  land,  whicii,  after 
years  of  arduous  labor,  he  has  converted  into  a 
comfortable  homestead.  It  is  IGO  .acres  in  extent, 
and  |)leasantlj' located  on  secticms  18  and  I'J,  the 
dwelling  being  on  the  latter.  His  career  has  been 
similar  to  that  of  many  of  the  men  around  him,  in 
whicli  he  labored  early  and  late  to  provide  for 
tiie  wants  of  coming  years,  and  in  all  respects  has 
conducted  himself  as  an  iionest  man  .and  a  good 
citizen . 

Mr.  Williams  is  a  native  of  the  Prairie  State, 
liaving  been  born  in  McLean  County,  D(>c.  13, 
1832.  He  there  reared  to  farming  pursuits, 
and  remained  a  member  of  bis  father's  household 
until  reaching  his  majority.  He  was  blest  with 
good  common  sense  and  excellent  health,  and  made 
the  most  of  his  opportunities  for  obtaining  a  prac- 
tical education  in  the  common  school.  At  the  .age 
of  twenty-one  years  he  began  the  battle  of  life  on 
his  own  account,  operating  first  on  rented  land,  and 
within  a  few  years  purchased  land  and  constructed 
a  farm  of  his  own. 

In  the  fall  of  1871  Mr.  Williams  took  pcissession 
of  the  land  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies,  at  a 
time  when  it  was  nothing  but  raw  prairie.  He  has 
effected  all  the  improvements  which  we  now  behold, 
and  which  certainly  do  great  credit  to  his  taste  .and 
industry.      He  made  it  his  business  at  an  early  day 

to  set  out  a  grove  of  young  trees,  which  are  now 
grown,  and  furnish  a  delightful  shade  for  the  resi- 
dence and  surroundings.  Under  his  wise  manage- 
ment the  land  become  highly  productive.  Mr. 
Williams  at  first  purchased  eighty  acres,  and  sub- 
sequently .added  to  it  until  he  is  the  owner  of  the 
quarter-section.  He  has  a  goodly  assortment  of 
live  stock,  and  the  necessary  conveniences  for  their 
care  and  keeping,  besides  the  required  machinery 
for  running  the  farm  in  a  scientific  and  profitable 

Shortly  before  reaching  the  twenty  second  year 
of  his  age  Mr.  Williams  was  married,  Aug.  27, 
18.54,  to  Miss  Abigail  Dean.  The  young  couple 
commenced  the  journey  of  life  together  on  rented 
Land  in  a  manner  corresponding  to  their  means  and 
surroundings,  and  worked  with  a  mutual  purpose 
for  the  future.  In  due  time  the  household  circle 
included  six  children,  four  of  whom  are  living: 
Elnora  is  the  wife  of  Samuel  Umbanhowar;  they 
live  .about  one- ha  If  mile  east  of  the  Williams  home- 
stead, and  arc  th.e  parents  of  five  children — Nellie, 
(ieorge,  Charles,  May  and  William.  .lames  .1.  mar- 
ried INIiss  Anna  Sellers,  and  lives  north  of  his 
father's  place  on  a  farm;  he  is  the  father  of  two 
children — Girace  and  Lula.  Mary  Evarilla,  usually 
called  Eva,  and  .lonathan  Lee  arc  at  home  with 
their  parents. 

Mrs.  Aliigail  (Dean)  Williams,  the  wife  of  our 
subject,  born  in  Knox  County,  Ohio,  Nov.  20, 
1833,  and  is  the  daughter  of  J.  M.  Dean,  a  native 
of  Maryland.  Jdr.  Dean  emigrated  when  a  young 
man  to  the  Ikickeye  State,  and  was  there  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Mary  Elwell.  They  removed  to 
McLean  County,  this  State,  when  their  daughter 
Abigail  was  a  maiden  of  seventeen  years,  and  set- 
tled on  a  farm,  where  the  father  died  in  1872  at 
the  age  of  seventy  years,  and  the  mother  in  Feb- 
ruary, 1888,  .aged  eighty-seven.  Thej-  were  the 
parents  of  nine  children,  five  of  whom  are  living, 
and  residents  of  Illinois,  Kansas  and  Nebraska. 

William  Williams,  Sr.,  the  father  of  our  suT;)ject, 
was  born  in  Tennessee,  and  when  a  you7ig  man 
came  to  McLean  County,  111.,  where  he  took  up  a 
tract  of  raw  land,  and  began  farming  in  true  pio- 
neer style.  In  INIcLean  County  he  married  Miss 
Eyarilla  Hobson.  and   they  became   the  parents  of 

.  S'.lVUiV 

Residence  ofW!^.  Hawkins  , Sec. 7.,(T.18.  R.12.)  Catlin  Township. 

:.-\\J-:  ■■-.-'-^^i^t^iic-f^.^--.*' 

Residence  of  W-  Jurgensmeyer,  Sec.23.(T.18.-R.i^)  Vance  Township. 



one  child,  William,  onr  subject.  Mr.  Wiilinms 
dierl  when  a  young  man,  and  his  widow  subse- 
([uently  married  to  J.  G.  Hpyburn;  she  died  in 
1848,  when  her  son  William  was  a  youth  of  sixteen 
years.  .She  was  a  native  of  North  Carolina,  when 
she  removed  with  her  parents  to  Ohio,  and  from 
there  to  McLean  C'ount3',  where  her  father,  Joshua 
Ilobson,  enijajied  in  farming  and  spent  the  re- 
mainder of  his  life. 

Mr.  Williams,  our  subject,  cast  his  first  Presiden- 
tial vote  for  .lohn  C.  Fremont,  and  while  not  mix- 
ing any  with  political  nffairs,  has  his  own  ideas  in 
regard  to  matters  and  things,  and  gives  his  un- 
(lualiticd  supiiort  to  the  Rcp\iblican  party.  He  is 
one  of  those  solid  old  landmarks  whose  word  is 
considered  as  good  as  his  bond,  and  w-ho  can  always 
be  depended  upon  to  do  as  he  says. 


Al         WILLIAM   llA\Vlvl.> 

\/\/l     " '"'  '"''  *'"*  niuch  t 
^^^      from  destruction  in 

ILLIAM  HAWKINS.  The  citizen-soldier, 
toward  saving  the  L'nion 
the  late  war,  since,  as 
is  well-known,  been  a  prominent  element  in  further- 
ing the  dcvelo|>ment  of  the  vast  resources  of  our 
country,  and  has  contributed  largely  to  its  material 
prosi)erily.  As  a  representative  of  element  it 
gives  us  pleasure  to  transcribe  to  these  pages  a 
brief  record  of  the  life-work  of  William  Hawkins. 
He  is  actively  engaged  in  tilling  the  soil  and  raising- 
stock  in  \'ermilion  County,  having  on  section  7, 
Catlin  Township,  as  finely  improved  and  well  cid- 
tivated  a  farm  .as  is  to  be  found  throughout  the 
length  and  l)readth  of  this  rich  agricultural  region. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  Indiana,  his  birth 
taking  place  in  Wayne  County,  .I.'in.  1,  1S31.  His 
parents,  Nathan  and  Sarah  (Wright)  Hawkins, 
were  also  born  in  that  county,  and  there  they  were 
reared  and  married,  and  in  turn  reared  a  family  of 
ten  children.  The  good  mother  passed  away  from 
the  scenes  amid  which  her  entire  life  had  been 
passed,  stricken  by  the  hand  of  death,  but  the  aged 
father  still  survives,  and  makes  his  home  in  the 
place  of  his  nativity. 

He  of  whom  we  write  was  the  eldest  of  the  fam- 
ily, and  was  bred  to  the  life  of  a  farmer,  and  habits 

of  industry  and  frugality  were  early  taught  him  by 
precept  and  example.  He  engaged  in  farming 
tending  sawmill,  and  in  other  occuiiations  till  he 
had  obtained  man's  estate,  and  in  the  spring  of 
18()(i  sought  the  fertile  prairies  of  Vermilion 
County,  this  State,  accompanied  by  his  wife  and 
child,  with  a  view  of  establishing  a  home  here  per- 
manently. He  has  since  been  a  valued  resident  of 
Catlin  Township,  with  the  exception  of  the  bitter 
years  spent  on  Southern  battlefields,  when  with 
true  patriotism  he  heroically  gave  iii)  home  and 
tore  himself  from  his  loved  ones  to  aid  his  country 
ill  the  time  of  her  greatest  trial.  He  enlisted  on  the 
1 1th  of  August.  18()2.  in  Company  G,  12r»th  Illinois 
Infantry,  and  for  three  long  and  weary  years  served 
faithfully  and  efiicientl}'  through  many  hard  cani- 
jiaigns.  and  suffered  the  hardships  and  privations  of 
a  soldier's  life  without  a  murnuir.  He  took  jiart 
in  all  the  engagements  with  which  his  regiment 
had  anything  to  do,  with  the  exception  of  that  at 
Chickamauga.  At  Dallas.  Ga.,  while  on  picket 
duty,  he  came  near  being  captured,  but  he  cun- 
ning'}' managed  to  elude  the  rebels.  His  gallant 
conduct  in  the  face  of  the  enemj'.  received  merited 
commendation  from  his  superior  officers  and  he 
was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  sergeant  before  his 
honorable  discharge  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

After  his  experience  of  military  life  Mr.  Hawkins 
returned  to  this  county,  and  resumed  his  interrupted 
labors,  and  has  since  given  his  entire  attention  to 
farming  and  stock-raising.  He  owns  170  acres  of 
choice,  well-tilled  land,  on  which  he  has  erected  a 
fine  set  of  Iniildings,  including  a  I'oomy,  substan- 
tially built  residence,  a  view  of  which  with  the 
surrounding  lawns,  beautified  by  lovely  shade  trees, 
is  an  attractive  addition  to  this  volume. 

March  28,  1855,  Mr.  Hawkins  and  Miss  Duaiiah 
IJurgoyne  were  united  in  the  holy  bonds  of  niatri- 
nioiiy.  Mrs.  Hawkins  is  a  native  of  Ohio,  born  in 
Muskingum  County,  Aug.  20.  1835,  to  .lames  and 
Mary  (Miner)15iirgoyne,  the  former  of  English  an- 
tecedents. The  wedded  life  of  our  subject  and  his 
wife  been  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  four 
children,  namely:  Lizzie,  the  wife  of  George  Patter- 
son; Nora,  the  wife  of  Thom.os  Church;  Ella;  Etta. 

Mr.  Hawkins  is  a  valued  member  of  this  com- 
munity,    and    his    loyalty     to    his    country    is    as 



marked  as  in  the  da3's  when  he  courageously  took 
his  life  in  his  hands  and  marched  fortli  to  do  battle 
for  its  honor  and  the  preservation  of  its  integrity. 
In  him  the  Republican  parly  finds  one  who  faith- 
fully upholds  its  principles  at  the  ballot  bos.  He 
and  his  wife  belong  to  the  Presbyterian  Church, 
and  are  zealous  workers  in  the  cause  of  religion, 
seeking  to  promote  the  moral  and  social  elevation 
of  the  community. 

^  felLLIAM  JURGENSMEYER.  The  career 
\/\j//  of  the  subject  of  this  biography  illustrates 
'^7^  in  an  admirable  manner  what  may  be  ac- 
complished by  a  man  beginning  at  the  foot  of  the 
ladder  and  by  force  of  persistent  industry  making 
his  way  upward  to  a  good  position  socially  and 
financially.  I'pon  coming  to  this  county,  Mr. 
Jurgensraeyer  had  verj'  little  means  but  is  now 
quite  an  extensive  land  owner  and  has  a  homestead 
of  great  value  embellished  with  fine  buildings  and 
everything  to  make  life  pleasant  and  desirable. 
His  course  in  life  should  prove  an  encouraging  ex- 
ample to  the  young  man  starting  out  dependent 
upon  his  own  resources  and  with  nothing  but  his 
own  hands  t<)  pave  his  way  to  a  wortiiy  position 
among  his  fellow  men. 

The  .lurgensmeyer  family  originated  in  Prussia 
where  Gottlieb,  the  father  of  our  subject,  served 
as  a  soldier  in  the  Prussian  army  three  years,  hold- 
ino-  the  rank  of  Lieutenant.  He  was  married  in 
early  manhood  to  Miss  Caroline  Rohlfink,  a  native 
of  his  own  I'rovince  and  whom  he  met  after  com- 
ing to  this  country  in  Lancaster,  Ohio.  In  that 
place  they  were  married  and  lived  about  ten  years. 
Thence  they  removed  to  Hamburg  in  the  same 
county  and  five  years  later  changed  their  residence 
to  Hocking  County,  sojourning  there  also  five 
years.  Their  next  removal  was  to  Logan,  county 
seat  of  Hocking  County,  where  they  spent  their 
last  years  and  died  within  a  week  of  each  other,  in 

The  father  of  our  subject  began  life  in  this 
country  without  means,  but  was  prospered  in  his 
labors  as  a  farmer  and    liesides   comfortably  sup- 

porting his  family  of  ten  children,  managed  to 
.accumulate  a  goodly  amount  of  property.  Nine 
of  these  children  lived  to  mature  years  and  seven 
are  now  living.  William,  our  subject,  was  the  sec- 
ond child  and  was  born  March  30,  1843,  in  Lan- 
caster, Ohio.  He  received  very  limited  schooling 
and  with  the  ax  and  mattock  assisted  in  digging 
out  two  big  farms  in  the  Buckeye  State.  He  re- 
mained with  his  father  until  twenty-three  years  of 
age,  then,  in  1867,  left  home  for  Illinois,  coming 
directly  to  Fairmount,  this  county.  Here  he  met 
an  .acquaintance,  Jacob  Hies,  whose  brother  was 
well-known  to  his  father's  family.  He  staid  with 
him  about  a  week,  then  entered  the  employ  of 
.Tan)es  Dickson  with  whom  he  worked  for  nine 
months.  Later  he  engaged  for  a  short  time  with  a 
threshing  machine  and  after  that  for  four  weeks 
earned  ^18  per  week  cutting  corn. 

Our  subject  now  sent  home  for  money  and  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  land  which  is  included  in  his 
present  farm  and  of  which  he  took  possession  in 
1868.  He  put  up  a  house,  then  returning  to  Ohio 
was  married  April  18,  1869,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Hengst.  The  young  couple  shortly  afterward 
directed  their  steps  to  their  new  home  in  this 
countj'  and  began  laboring  hand  in  hand  with  a 
mutual  purpose  in  view.  The  young  wife  had 
come  from  her  father's  homestead  well  supplied 
with  all  modern  conveniences,  to  a  new  country  and 
a  home  tiien  presenting  few  attr.actions.  It  required 
great  courage  and  perseverance  to  meet  the  diffi- 
culties with  which  they  had  to  contend,  as  the}' 
were  poor  and  at  one  time  they  could  not  raise 
enough  cash  to  mail  a  letter.  Mr.  Jurgensmeyer 
began  breaking  the  sod  and  preparing  his  land  for 
cultivation  as  rapidly  .as  iwssible.  There  were 
fences  to  be  laid  and  buildings  erected  and  it  re- 
quired incessant  labor  to  make  both  ends  meet  and 
cany  on  the  desired  improvements  on  the  new 

The  condition  of  things  since  that  time  have 
materially  changed  with  our  subject  and  his  indus- 
trious and  efficient  wife.  Their  estate  now  com- 
prises 640  acres  of  good  land  with  as  fine  a  resi- 
dence as  can  be  found  in  A'ance  Township.  The 
main  barn  occupies  an  area  of  60  x  54  feet  with 
20-foot  posts,  being   built   in   tiiat  solid  and  sub- 



stantial  iiiannor  wliicli  will  insure  its  solidity  for 
the  sirealcr  jKait  of  a  cciitiirv  unless  some  very 
unusual  eatastro|)he  destroys  it.  A  fnie  api)le 
ort'liard  of  thirteen  acres,  more  than  supplie':  the 
needs  vf  the  family  in  this  direction  while  there  is 
a  flourishing  vineyard  and  an  abundance  of  the 
smaller  fruits.  A  beautiful  grove  of  maple  trees 
stands  adjacent  to  the  residence  and  the  whole 
very  nearly  approaches  the  ideal  country  home, 
where  peace  and  plenty-  aliound.  A  view  of  their 
beautiful  residence  is  presented  on  another  page 
and  will  be  appreciated  by  all  the  readers  of  this 

Stock-raising  forms  one  of  the  distinctive  feat- 
ures of  the  Jurgensme\er  farm,  our  subject  having 
usually  about  \.')o  head  of  high-grade.  Short-horn 
cattle,  twenty-four  of  horses  and  about  150 
swine.  It  is  conceded  the  world  over  that  the 
sons  of  the  Fatherland  have  especial  good  taste 
and  discretion  in  the  selection  of  their  draft  ani- 
mals and  in  their  care  of  them.  Mr.  .hirgensiiiey- 
er's  favorite  breed  is  the  Clydesdales,  while  he  has 
some  fine  roadsters  of  the  Gold  Dust  strain.  His 
sleek  and  well-fed  stock  are  at  once  an  ornament  to 
the  farm  and  a  matter  in  which  he  may  take  par- 
donable pride. 

Of  the  four  children  born  to  our  subject  .and  his 
estimable  wife  only  two  are  living:  Mary  Eliza- 
beth was  born  Sept.  18,  1871,  and  has  received  a 
good  education  completing  lier  studies  in  the  schools 
of  Danville;  she  is  a  flue  performer  on  the  piano 
and  has  an  elegant  instrument  which  adds  greatly 
to  the  home  recreations.  The  son,  Louis  V.,  was 
born  May  3,  1876,  and  is  a  bright  and  promising 
boy  still  pursuing  his  studies.  ISIr.  .lurgensmeyer 
votes  with  the  Democratic  party  on  national  issues 
bvit  at  the  local  elections  aims  to  su|)port  the  men 
best  cpialified  to  serve  the  interests  of  the  people. 
He  has  served  as  School  Director  for  a  period  of 
fifteen  years,  and  with  his  excellent  wife  inclines 
to  the  doctrines  of  the  Lutheran  Church  but  there 
being  no  organization  of  that  cliuich  in  their  town- 
ship, they  have  united  with  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  and  are  greatly  interested  in  Sunday -school 

In  the  fall  of  1864  Mr.  Jurgensmeyer  returned 
to  his  native  laud  where  he   spent  several  months 

visiting  some  of  the  i)rincipal  cities  of  (Jermany— 
Hanover,  Bremen  and  Berlin,  also  going  into  Eng- 
land. This  journey  was  a  source  of  great  enjoy- 
ment and  much  useful  information,  and  Mr.  .lur- 
gensmeyer considered  the  time  and  money  well 
spent,  returning  with  enlargcl  views  and  noting 
with  satisfaction  the  n.atural  changes  occurring 
anK)ng  an  energetic  and  progressive  peo|)Ie. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  is  the  daughter  of  I^ewis 
Hengst,  who  with  his  estimable  wife  is  still  living 
in  Fairfield  County,  Ohio,  both  being  in  the  seven- 
tieth year  of  their  age,  having  been  bcnn  the  same 
year.  Mr.  and  ]Mrs.  Jurgensmeyer  in  addition  to 
their  own  children  took  into  their  home  and  uiiiler 
their  protecting  love  about  188?,  a  little  girl,  Edna 
.biliiisoii,  whom  they  purpose  to  keei)  until  she 
shall  have  attained  womanhood  and  goes  to  a  home 
of  her  own.  She  was  bom  Aug.  27,  1879,  in  Eu- 
gene, Vermillion  Co.,  Ind.,  and  will  be  given  a 
good  education  with  the  careful  training  which 
the\'  have  bestowed  upon  their  own  children. 
Mrs.  Jurgensmeyer  is  a  ver}'  capalile  and  intelligent 
lady  and  has  done  her  full  share  in  the  accumula- 
tion of  the  fine  estate,  the  taxes  upon  which  each 
Near  add  handsomelv   to  the  sum    in  the   countv 



JAMES  HAYS.  Here  and  there  upon  the 
dusty  highway  of  life  we  come  across  an 
individual  plentifully  moistened  with  the 
dew  of  human  kindness,  and  of  this  class 
Mr.  Hays  is  a  shining  light.  All  his  neighbors 
testify  to  his  generosity  and  hospitality,  he  being 
one  who  is  ever  ready  to  lend  a  helping  hand  to 
those  in  need,  never  asking  or  expecting  any  re- 
turn, lie  has  a  comfoitalile  homestead,  compris- 
ing a  good  farm  on  section  14  in  Nance  Township, 
where  he  pursues  the  even  tenor  of  his  way,  letting 
the  world  wag  as  it  will  and  striving  to  do  good 
as  he  has  opportunity. 

In  referring  to  the  parental  history  of  Mr. 
[lays,  we  find  that  his  father,  lienjamin  Hays,  was 
a  native  of  Fayette  Count\-,  Ohio,  and  born  .Alarch 
5,  1809.  The  paternal  grandparents  were  natives 
of  Kentucky,  and  two  uncles  of  our  subject  served 



ill    tbe  War  of  lHr2.  one   receiving   an    honorable 
wonnd  in  tlie  leg,  from  which  he  recovered. 

Benjamin  Ilays.  in  1820,  was  married  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Thompson,  in  Fayette  County,  Ohio, 
wliere  he  operated  as  a  farmer  and  trader,  and  so- 
journed there  with  his  famil}-  about  forty  years. 
Then,  emigrating  to  Illinois,  he  settled  on  320 
acres  of  land  in  the  vicinitj'  of  Sydney.  Champaign 
County,  200  acres  of  which  he  l)rouglit  to  a  fine 
state  of  cultivation.  The  jounu\v  hither  was  made 
overland,  in  1850,  witli  teams,  the  travelers  being 
thirteen  days  on  the  road.  The  family  included 
nine  cliildreu.  of  whom  only  three  are  living, 
.lames  being  the  eldest  of  these.  The  otiicrs  are 
Mrs.  ^Nlartlia  Humes,  of  Sidney,  and  Mrs.  Maggie 
I  lulling,  of  San  Francisco,  Cal.  The  mother  died 
on  llie  'Jth  of  August,  1870. 

After  the  death  of  his  wife.  Benjamin  Hays 
1  in  (lie  u|)  housekeeping,  sold  liis  farm  and  pur- 
cliased  property  in  Sidney,  111.  Later,  he  went  to 
Oliio  on  a  visit,  which  he  prolonged  about  six 
years.  Upon  returning  to  Illinois,  be  took  up  his 
abode  with  his  son,  our  subject,  with  whom  he  has 
since  lived,  and  is  now  in  his  eightieth  year.  He 
ride^  about  the  farm  on  horseback  every  daj^,  looks 
after  the  stock,  and  is  iu  S|ilendid  health,  plaj'ing 
his  violin  and  dancing  with  much  of  the  grace  and 
agility  of  his  earlier  years.  He  is  a  great  lover  of 
the  equine  race,  and  has  owned  some  valuable 
horseflesh,  among  which  was  "Buck  K!k,"  a  Keii- 
tuck^'  racer  of  phenomenal  speed,  and  "Cherokee," 
a  very  fine  animal  which  he  purchased  of  Thomas 

'J'he  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  second  child 
of  his  parents,  and  was  born  Dec.  10,  1830.  iu  the 
same  house  in  F^aj'ette  County,  Ohio,  wherein  his 
honored  father  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  of 
day.  He  received  a  practical  education  in  the 
common  school,  mostly  under  one  teacher,  David 
Eastman,  who  died  about  fourteen  yesLvs  ago.  He 
made  his  home  with  his  father  on  the  farm,  assum- 
ing many  of  the  responsibilities,  until  twenty -tn-o 
years  of  age,  when  he  began  the  business  of  life  for 
himself  by  breaking  prairie  with  seven  yoke  of 
oxen.  In  the  winter  of  1852-53  he  fed  100  head 
of  cattle  for  Hendrickson  &  Cowling.  In  the 
spring  of  1853,   April    10.   he   started    with   these 

cattle  on  foot  for  New  York  City,  where  he  ar- 
rived safely  on  the  1 1th  of  July.  The  head  steer 
of  the  herd  was  led  by  Heniy  White,  of  Cham- 
paign. This  errand  executed,  Mr.  Hays  retarned 
home,  and  in  due  time  started  with  another  lot  of 
cattle  from  I'arisb's  Grove,  near  LaFayette,  Ind., 
driving  them  through  to  Lancaster,  Pa.,  and  being 
105  daj's  on  the  voad.  UiJOii  returning  home,  he 
engaged  in  a  store  at  Old  Homer  for  two  years, 
and  in  the  meantime  shipped  a  load  of  cattle  to 
Chicago  for  his  father.  Afterward  he  handled  con- 
siderable stock  for  other  parties.  He  assisted  in 
removing  the  first  house  from  Old  Homer  to  the 
present  town,  and  all  this  time  watched  the  growth 
and  development  of  Central  Illinois  with  that  abid- 
ing interest  which  is  only  felt  b}'  the  intelligent 
and  thoughtful  citizen. 

The  6th  of  May,  1858.  witnessed  the  marriage 
of  our  subject  with  Miss  Maiy  E.,  daughter  of  .1. 
M.  Custer  and  sister  of  Mrs.  Aaron  Dalbe}'.  These 
were  the  only  girls  in  the  Custer  family.  Mrs. 
Hays  born  Oct.  10,  1838.  in  Fayette  County, 
Ohio,  and  was  ten  years  old  when  she  came  with 
her  parents  to  Illinois.  She  received  her  education 
in  lioth  States,  and  grew  up  a  very  attractive 
young  woman,  with  a  large  amount  of  practical 
good  sense.  After  their  marriage,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Hays  lived  in  Sidney  two  years,  removing  to  their 
present  home  in  1861. 

The  neat  and  well-regulated  farm  of  our  subject 
bears  very  little  resemblance  to  the  uncultivated 
tract  of  land  upon  wdiieli  he  and  his  young  wife 
settled  upon  coming  to  this  county'.  It  was  theri 
an  open  prairie,  uufenced  and  without  buildings. 
Although  ni.aking  no  pretentions  to  elegance,  they 
live  comfortably,  and  probably  enjoy  more  solid 
happiness  than  maii3'  who  make  a  greater  dis- 
play in  the  world.  The  five  children  born  to  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Ilaj's  are  all  living.  The  eldest,  Dollie 
E.,  is  the  wife  of  George  T.  Poage,  a  merchant  at 
Prairie  View,  and  they  have  two  children;  Mattie 
E.  married  Amos  C.  Harden,  who  is  now  deceased, 
is  the  mother  of  one  child,  and  lives  three  miles 
west  of  Fairmount;  William  S.,  Ella  and  John  M. 
remain  at  home  with  their  parents. 

Mrs.  Hays  and  most  of  her  children  are  mem- 
bers in  good  standing  of  the  Cumberland  Presby- 



teriau  Church,  and  Mr.  H..  although  not  identified 
witli  any  religious  organization,  has  a  full  belief  in 
the  doctrines  of  the  Christian  religion.  He  main- 
tains a  lively  interest  in  politics,  and  keeps  himself 
well  posted  in  regard  to  those  questions  of  inter- 
est to  every  intelligent  citizen.  I'pon  becoming  a 
voting  citizen,  he  identified  himself  with  the  Demo- 
cratic part}',  but  in  1800,  when  Abraham  Lincoln 
had  steal  his  way  to  Washington  for  fear  of  assas- 
sination, Mr.  Hays  said  to  hiniself,".Ianies,  this  party 
is  not  your  right  place."  Since  that  time  he  has  been 
a  decided  Republican.  He  is  a  strong  temperance 
man.  never  having  used  ardent  spirits, and  steadily 
o|)poses  their  manufactxire.  Aside  from  serving  as 
a  Road  Overseer  in  1864,  he  has  steadily  declined 
becoming  an  office-holder.  Socially,  he  belongs  to 
Homer  Lodge  No.  199,  A.  F.  6j  A.  M..  being  the 
oldest  member  but  one,  entering  the  lodge  after  its 
formation,  and  in  this  he  otlicialed  only  as  Tyler, 
although  he  might  have  held  all  the  other  ofHees. 

l^tJ^\  ILES  ODLE.  This  gentleman  is  one  of  the 
most  prominent  and  best  known  citizens  in 
the  northeastern  part  of  this  count}-.  He 
was  born  in  Warren  County.  Ind..  Dec.  26, 
1841,  and  was  brought  up  to  farming,  receiving 
in  his  boyhood  such  education  as  could  be  obtained 
in  the  common  schools  of  his  native  i)lace.  His 
parents  were  Nathan  B.  and  Frances  (Watkins) 
Odle,  the  father  a  farmer  in  the  place  where  his 
son  was  Ijorn.  Our  subject  remained  quietly  at 
the  liome  farm  until  the  outbreak  of  the  War  of  the 
Rebellion,  when  he  offered  iiis  services  to  his 
country  and  enlisted,  while  still  under  age,  on 
June  3.  1861,  in  Company  A..  15th  Indiana  In- 
fantry, commanded  by  Col.  D.  G.  Wagner  and  on 
the  14th  of  the  same  month,  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  at  Lafayette.  Ind.  For  over 
three  years  the  young  soldier  did  valiant  service  in 
his  country's  cause.  His  regiment  was  first  en- 
gaged in  active  duty  in  West  Virginia  and  three 
mouths  after  being  mustered  in,  was  in  the  battle 
of  Cheat  Mountain,  W.  Va  ,  on  Sept.  12,  1861,  and 
on    Oct.  3,  following,   was  eng.oged  at    Greenbrier 

Springs.  W.  Va.,  both  being  Federal  successes.  In 
November,  1861,  the  1.5th  Indiana  was  transferred 
to  the  army  of  the  Ohio,  under  Gen.  Buell.  Nelson's 
division,  and  here  Mr.  Odle  took  a  part  in  several 
general  engagements.  He  was  in  the  great  battle 
of  Shiloh.  Tenn.,  begun  on  April  6,  1802,  his  regi- 
ment taking  part  on  the  second  day,  when  the 
hardest  fighting  done,  Buell  arriving  on  the 
7tli  in  time  to  reinforce  Grant's  troops.  He  was 
under  fire  at  the  siege  of  Corinth,  Miss.,  and  after 
the  evacuation  of  that  place,  went  East  with  his 
regiment  to  Decatur,  Ala.,  and  later  from  there  to 
Tuscumbia.  Tenn.,  and  was  in  all  the  toilsome 
marches  and  maneuvers,  undertaken  to  prevent  the 
return  of  the  rebel,  Gen.  Bragg  to  Kentucky. 
Finally  the  Union  army  fell  back  on  Nashville, 
Tenn.,  and  from  that  point  were  sent  to  Louisville, 
K}'.  The  first  open  Ij.altle  between  the  opposing 
forces  fighting  for  the  possession  of  Kentucky'  was 
fought  at  Perry  ville  on  Oct.  8,  1862,  .and  in  that 
the  l.jth  Indiana  were  active  participants.  They 
were  then  returned  to  Nashville,  where  they  stayed 
uuntil  Dec.  26,  1802,  when  they  were  hurried  to 
the  front,  and  were  engaged  on  the  last  day  of  the 
year  on  the  hotly  contested  field  of  Stone  River. 
The  following  ^car  they  were  all  through  the  Tul- 
lahoum  campaign,  and  were  afterwards  engaged  at 
the  battle  of  Chickamauga  on  Sept.  19.  and  in  the 
great  fight  at  Mission  Ridge,  the}'  were  a  part  of  the 
army  that  marched  to  the  relief  of  Knoxville.  when 
it  beleaguered  by  the  enemy,  and  succeeding 
that  were  in  many  minor  battles  and  skirmishes. 
The  15th  Indiana,  were  no  holiday  soldiers,  but 
during  their  entire  term  of  service,  were  acti\ely 
eng.aged,  marching  and  fighting,  and  in  all  their 
trials,  hardships,  battles,  and  skirmishes.  Mr.  Odle 
bore  himself  as  a  brave  and  gallant  soldier.  His 
term  of  service  having  expired,  he  was  mustered 
out  at  Iudlana|)olis  on  the  30th  of  .June,  1804. 
Returning  then  to  the  pursuits  of  peace  Mr.  Odle 
engaged  in  farming  in  his  native  county,  in  which  he 
remained  until  he  decided  to  make  his  home  in 
Vermilion  Count}  .  III.  He  bought  120  acres  of 
land  on  section  3  in  Grant  Township,  now  a  part 
of  his  homestead,  and  to  that  pl.ace  removed  in 
March  1871.  and  there  his  home  has  since  been.  To 
this  property  he  has  aiKIeil  by  subsequent  purchase, 



Laving  now  a  flue  farm  of  490  acres,  all  thoroughly 
improved  and  cultivated  with  a  good  house  and 
farm  buildings,  and  worth  probahly  about  $18,000. 
In  addition  to  this  Mr.  Odle  is  tiie  owner  of  a  farm 
of  320  acres  in  Holt  County,  Neb.,  and  of  otlier  real 
estate,  and  personal  property,  and  all  has  been 
acquired  b)'  his  own  energy,  industry,  and  fore- 
sight. He  is  a  man  of  keen  business  judgment, 
and  his  success  is  the  legitimate  reward  of  his  close 
attention  to  his  own  affairs. 

Although  always  a  farmer,  Mr.  Odle  has  been  a 
a  successful  merchant  as  well.  The  store  in  Che- 
neyville,  in  this  township,  was  his  property,  and  on 
Dec.  1.  1886,  he  took  it  into  his  own  possession, 
and  under  his  own  immediate  care  and  direction 
he  successfully  carried  on  mercantile  business  there 
until  May  1889,  when  he  exchanged  it  for  a  West- 
ern farm. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  has  been  twice  mar- 
i-ied — first  on  Aug.  30,  1866  to  Miss  Susan  Hunter, 
who  was  born  Nov.  25,  1847  and  died  May  17, 
1870,  leaving  two  children,  Ella  Florence,  born 
Sept.  17,  1867,  and  Anna  Ross.  Oct.  18,1869.  The 
first  wife's  parents  are  both  living  in  Warren 
County,  Ind.,  at  the  advanced  age  of  seventy  years. 

Mr.  Odle  was  on  Jan.  12,  1872,  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Sarah  E.  Hunter,  born  Jan.  22,  1850. 
His  present  wife  was  a  daughter  of  John  Hunter, 
a  farmer  of  Warren  County,  Ind.  He  was 
a  native  of  Scotland,  and  came  to  this  countr\' 
when  eighteen  years  old,  in  the  year  1836.  He 
staid  in  the  city  of  New  York  for  a  couple  of 
years,  and  then  emigrated  to  Warren  County,  Ind., 
of  which  he  was  a  very  early  settler.  There  he 
adopted  the  vocation  of  a  farmer.  He  died  Nov. 
18,  1880,  when  nearly  sixty-three  years  of  age.  He 
was  a  well-informed  man  and  took  considerable  in- 
terest in  public  affairs,  but  never  held  office.  In 
politics  he  was  a  stauncli  Republican,  and  through 
the  Civil  an  ardent  supporter  of  the  Govern- 
ment. He  was  married  in  Warren  County,  Jan.  13, 
1842,  to  Miss  Jane  Montgomery,  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky, born  April  22,  1820.  Tiiey  had  eight  chil- 
dren, of  whom  five  are  now  living.  Mrs.  Hunter 
lives  with  her  different  children  but  her  home  is 
with  Mrs.  Odle. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Odle  have  five  children,  .as  follows: 

Hattie  Letilia,  born  Feb.  21,  1874;  John  Lindsay, 
Aug.  3,  1875;  Miles  Sherman,  Nov.  2,  1878;  Na- 
than W.,  Nov.  2,  1880,  and  Frances  J.,  Nov.  3, 

Mr.  Odle  is  a  man  of  mark  and  influence,  in  the 
community  in  which  he  lives,  and  his  sound  judg- 
ment leads  his  advice  to  be  sought  by  his  neigh- 
bors in  business  affairs.  From  comparatively  hum- 
ble beginnings,  he  has  raised  himself  to  the  position 
lie  now  occupies,  and  the  competence  he  has  ac- 
quired he  is  justlj'  entitled  to.  For  a  number  of 
years  he  has  been  a  School  Trustee  in  Grant  Town- 
ship, and  from  1885  to  1889,  was  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  He  is  a  member  of  Harmon  Post  No.  115, 
G.  A.  R.,  of  Hoopeston.  and  in  politics  is  a  stau.ich 
adiierent  of  the  Republican  part\'  in  all  State  and 
National  affairs. 

ORIN  M.  DANIEL  is  extensively  identified 
with  the  agricultural  interests  of  Vermilion 
Count}-,  and  is  one  of  its  most  enteri)rising, 
energetic  and  able  farmers.  He  has  a  fine  farm  on 
section  20,  Danville  Township,  comprising  sixty 
acres,  pleasantly  located  on  the  Georgetown  Road, 
two  and  one-half  miles  from  the  court-house.  He 
also  leases  a  large  tract  of  land  from  the  coal  com- 
pany, and  has  1,000  acres  under  his  jjersonal  super- 
vision, and  in  addition  has  the  contract  to  fur- 
nish timber  to  the  Grape  Creek  and  Consolidated 
Coal  Company. 

Mr.  Daniel  was  bi>ni  .lune  19,  1842,  in  Moores- 
ville,  Delaware  Co.,  N.Y..  and  is  a  son  of  Aaron 
Burr  Daniel,  a  native  of  the  same  place,  who  was 
in  turn  a  son  of  Mathew  Daniel.  The  latter  was  a 
native  of  Scotland  who  came  to  America  when  a 
young  man.  and  so  far  as  known,  is  the  only  mem- 
ber of  his  family  that  came  to  this  country.  He 
located  in  the  wilderness  at  Mooresville,  buying  a 
tra(!t  of  timbered  land,  from  which  he  cleared  a 
farm  and  resided  there  some  years.  He  then  sold 
that  place,  and  removing  to  Deposit  about  1840, 
bought  a  farm  there  on  which  he  made  his  home 
till  (Jeath  claimed  him.  The  maiden  name  of  his 
wife    was  Eunice   Sturgis,  who  is  thought  to  have 



been  a  native  of  New  York  Stsito,  and  her  last 
days  were  also  passed  on  the  homestead  in  D('i)osit. 
The  father  of  our  subject  was  reared  and  married 
in  his  native  county,  and  then  bought  a  farm  one 
mile  from  Deposit,  located  partly  in  Delaware  and 
partly  in  Broome  County.  He  resided  there  till 
187tl,  iirosperously  prosecuting  his  calling,  and 
then  came  to  Vermilion  C'ount3%  where  he  is  now 
passing  the  declining  years  of  a  busj',  honorable 
life.  He  has  been  twice  married,  and  is  the  father 
of  twelve  children,  seven  by  the  first  marriage  and 
five  by  the  second. 

Orin  M.  Daniel  of  this  l)riof  biograpliical  review 
was  educated  in  the  public  schools  of  his  native 
town,  and  from  his  father  received  a  sound,  prac- 
tical training  in  agricultural  pursuits.  He  re- 
mained under  the  parental  roof  till  he  was  twenty- 
one,  and  then  in  the  pride  of  a  vigorous,  self-reli- 
ant manhocid.  he  came  West  to  try  life  in  the 
Prairie  State,  rightly  thinking  that  its  rich  soil 
offered  man}'  inducements  for  one  who  intended 
at  some  time  to  become  a  farmer.  He  came  to 
Danville,  but  did  not  at  first  enter  upon  his  career 
as  a  farmer  but  was  employed  by  his  uncles  in  the 
coal  business.  He  subsequently  engaged  on  the 
Illinois  Central  Railway  in  some  capacity  for  two 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  that  time  he  returned 
to  his  native  New  York,  and  was  engaged  in  farm- 
ing and  other  kinds  of  work  in  that  part  of  the 
country  till  1872.  In  that  year  he  came  b.nck  to 
Illinois  and  obtained  employment  with  the  Ells- 
worth Coal  Company,  remaining  with  them  five 
years.  Since  first  coming  here  he  had  wisely  saved 
his  money,  and  at  the  expiration  of  that  time  had 
enough  to  invest  in  a  good  farm  and  so  bought  the 
one  where  he  now  resides.  It  is  well  tilled,  is  sup- 
plied with  substantial,  conveniently  arranged  build- 
ings and  all  kinds  of  machinery  for  conducting 
agriculture  in  the  best  possible  manner,  and  it  is 
indeed  a  model  farm.  We  have  referred  to  his 
other  interests  in  the  first  part  of  this  sketch. 

In  June  2,  1868,  Mr.  Daniel  took  unto  himself 
a  wife  in  the  person  of  Miss  Jane  Thompson,  who 
has  proved  to  him  a  veritable  helpmate,  and  he  is 
indebted  to  her  for  aiding  him  to  become  prosper- 
ous. She  was  born  in  Delhi,  Delaware  Co.,  N.Y., 
May  8,  1841,  to  Robert  and  Nellie  (Shaw)  Thomp- 

son. The  pleasant  household  of  our  subject  and 
his  wife  is  completed  by  the  live  children  born  to 
them:  Orin,  Alvin,  Walter  F.,  Perry,  Eflie. 

Mr.  Daniel  is  a  busy  man,  devoting  his  time  to 
his  many  and  varied  interests,  and  while  so  doing 
has  done  much  to  promote  the  material  prosperitv 
of  his  township  and  county.  He  is  prompt  and 
systematic  in  his  work  and  knows  how  to  conduct 
it  so  as  to  produce  the  best  results  financially.  He 
and  his  wife  are  esteemed  members  of  the  Presby- 
terian Church,  contribute  liberally  to  its  supjmrt, 
and  are  always  active  in  advancing  all  charitable 
and  benevolent  objects.  In  politics  Mr.  Daniel  is 
a  decided  Democrat.  Socially  he  is  a  member  of 
Vermilion  Camp,  No.  244  M.  W.  A. 

-€-*^ — ^ 

ir^)KrBEN  JACK.  Notary  Public  and  eng.aged 
1^  in  the  insurance  business  at  Fairmount.  is  a 
W  man  of  note  in  his  communit}'.  possessing 
^P)  good  business  capacities  and  making  for 
himself  the  record  of  an  honest  man  and  a  good 
citizen.  He  was  born  in  Carroll  County,  Ind., 
March  19,  1840.  and  was  the  eldest  child  of  Silas 
S.  and  Bashaba  (Elmore)  J.ack  who  were  both  na- 
tives of  Ohio,  and  the  mother  belonging  to  the  So- 
ciety of  Friends.  They  left  their  native  State  in 
their  youth  and  were  married  in  Tijipecanoe  Count\-, 
Ind.,  in  1837. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  remained  residents  of 
Indiana  until  April,  1860,  then  came  to  this  county 
and  located  in  Fairmount.  Only  three  of  their 
children  lived  to  mature  years,  viz:  two  daugh- 
ters and  Reuben,  our  subject.  During  the  pro- 
gress of  the  Civil  War  the  father  enlisted  in  Com- 
pany E,  73d  Illinois  Infantry  in  August,  1862  and 
was  given  the  post  of  Orderly  Sergeant.  He  soon 
afterward  contracted  a  fatal  disease  and  died  in 
the  hospital  at  St.  Louis  on  the  11th  of  September 
following.  The  mother  survived  her  husband  over 
twenty  years,  remaining  a  widow,  and  died  in  .Jan- 
uary. 1883. 

Our  subject  ac(iuired  his  education  in  the  com- 
mon school  of  his  native  State  and  when  approach- 
ing   manhood     learned  the  trade  of  a  shoemaker 



whicU  he  has  followed  continuously  until  quite  re- 
cently. He  remained  at  home  with  his  parents 
until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion  and  en- 
listed in  the  same  company  and  at  tlie  same  time 
witli  his  father.  He  was  first  made  a  Corporal  and 
later  promoted  to  a  Sergeant.  He  served  three 
years  and  engaged  in  all  the  marches  and  battles  in 
which  his  regiment  participated,  being  at  Stone 
River,  Chattanooga,  Mission  Ridge  and  all  the  bat- 
tles of  the  Atlanta  campaign,  including  Franklin  and 
Nashville.  Aside  from  the  natural  effects  of  hard- 
•shii)  and  exposure  on  hi.s  constitution,  and  a  slight 
affection  of  his  eyes,  he  escaped  uninjured,  being 
neither  wounded  or  taken  prisoner.  He  was  under 
the  command  of  (len.  George  H.  Thomas,  Phil 
Sheridan.  Granger,  Rosecrans,  Sherman,  O.  O. 
Howard  and  (irnnt,  at  the  time  when  .lames  A. 
Gartield  was  Adjutant  General  of  Rosecran's  arm>'. 
He  received  his  honorable  discharge  with  his  regi- 
ment in  .lunc,  1865.  Like  thousands  of  others 
who  were  willing  to  offer  up  their  lives  as  a  sacri- 
fice to  their  country,  he  was  content  in  knowing 
that  he  had  done  iiis  whole  duty,  standing  his 
his  ground  during  the  enemy's  fire  and  bearing 
with  fortitude  and  patience  the  vicissitudes  of  a 
soldier's  life. 

I'ljon  retiring  from  the  army  jNIr.  Jack  resumed 
work  at  his  trade  and  on  the  'Jth  of  August,  1865, 
was  married  in  Fairmount  to  Miss  Mar}',  daughter 
of  Daniel  Shroyer.  This  lady  was  born  in  Indiana 
and  departed  this  life  in  Fairmount,  Felj.  20,  1869, 
leaving  no  children.  Our  subject  contracted  a 
second  matrimonial  alliance  June  15,  1870,  with 
IMiss  Frances,  daughter  of  Charles  Rufing,  of  Del- 
phi, Ind.  Mrs.  Frances  Jack  departed  this  life 
March  7,  1871,  witliout  children. 

Mr.  Jack  was  married  to  his  present  wife,  form- 
lerly  Miss  Jennie  Fellows,  Sept.  17,  1872  Mrs. 
Jennie  Jack  born  in  Wells  County,  Ind.,  and 
is  the  daughter  of  (Jeorge  and  Mary  Fellows,  who 
are  now,  the  mother  in  Fairmount  the  father  de- 
ceased. This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  two 
children— George  B.,  born  June  7,  1875,  and  Nellie, 
June  26,  1884.  They  area  bright  pair  and  will  be 
given  the  education  and  advantages  suited  to  their 
position  in  life. 

Mr.  Jack  has  been  quite  prominent  in    local  af- 

fairs. He  was  elected  Assessor  and  Collector  of 
Vance  Township,  in  1884,  and  has  been  re-elected 
each  }'ear  since  that  time.  In  1872  he  was  elected 
Township  Clerk,  holding  the  office  until  1881.  lu 
1877  he  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  served 
eight  years.  He  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for 
Lincoln  and  has  ever  continued  a  staunch  supi)orter 
of  the  Republican  parly.  As  an  ex-soldier  he  was 
one  of  the  leading  members  of  the  G.  A.  R.  at 
Fairmount,  which  has  recently  surrendered  its  char- 
ter. In  this  organization  he  was  first  an  Adjutant 
and  later  a  Commander.  In  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  he  is  a 
member  of  Homer  Lodge,  No.  252,  in  which  he  is 
Past  (irand.  He  formerly  belonged  to  the  Lodge 
at  Faii'mount  in  which  he  held  all  the  ollices,  until 
it  disbanded. 

r)ur  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are  active  mem- 
bers of  the  ISIethodist  E|)iscoi)al  Churcii,  in  which 
Mr.  Jack  has  been  an  earnest  Sunday-school  worker 
for  years,  officiating  as  Superintendent  of  the  school 
and  Trustee  of  the  church.  A  man  of  domestic 
tastes  and  correct  habits,  he  makes  it  his  aim  and 
object  to  stand  on  the  right  side  of  all  questions 
and  give  his  su|)port  to  those  projects  calculated  to 
benefit  the  community,  socially,  morally  and  finan- 
cially. In  connection  with  his  other  business 
already  spoken  of,  he  does  some  conveyancing  and 
represents  as  a  Fire  Insurance  Agent,  the  Phienix  of 
Brooklyn,  the  Hartford  and  the  ^F^tna.  He  is  gen- 
tlemanly, courteous  and  liberal,  and  while  not  pos- 
sessed of  great  wealth  manages  to  stand  square 
with  the  world  and  extract  a  large  measure  of  com- 
fort and  happiness  from  life. 

^UY  SANDUSKY.  The  surname  of  this 
gentleman  is  well-known  in  Vermilion 
County  as  that  of  a  pioneer  family  who  had 
a  share  in  its  early  development  and  in  promoting 
its  later  growth.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  a 
worthy  representative  of  his  sire  and  grandsire,  who 
planted  their  homes  here  when  the  surrounding 
country  was  a  w  ilderness,  and,  in  doing  so,  pur- 
chance  were  more  fortunate  than  they  at  first 
deemed  possible,  and  he  of  whom  we  write  is  en- 





joying  the  result  of  tlieii-  labors,  ;vs  well  as  of  his 
Oivn  active  toil.  He  was  born  Feb.  .5,  I.Sol,  on  the 
old  homestead  on  section  34.  C'atlin 'rowiisiiip,  that 
he  now  owns  and  occiii)ies.  and  licrc  he  has  erected 
a  handsome  residence,  one  of  tlie  most  attiactive 
homes  in  the  county.  He  is  carrying  on  agricul- 
ture and  stock-raising  with  great  skill,  and  from  his 
3(K)-aere  farm  derives  a  substantial  income. 

The  iiarents  of  our  subject,  Josiah  and  Elizabelli 
(Sandusky)  Sandusky,  were  natives  of  Bourlion 
County,  Ky.,  where  they  marrietl.  and  iuimediatel}- 
came  to  tiiis  township.  The  father  had  lived  in 
this  count}'  while  a  single  man,  having  removed 
here  with  his  parents  as  early  as  1811),  and  he  went 
iiack  to  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  to  marry.  His 
father,  Isaac  Sandusk}',  had  come  here  in  the  early 
days  of  its  settlement,  he  accompanying  him,  and 
had  made  a  claim,  and  before  his  death  accumu- 
lated quite  a  little  property.  In  1837  the  father 
and  mother  of  our  subject,  after  their  marriage, 
settled  in  this  count}-,  and  lived  at  Brook's  Point 
some  two  or  three  years,  and  then  Isaac  Sandusky, 
the  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject,  dving,  the 
father  was  appointed  administrator  of  tlie  estate, 
and  coming  to  Catlin  Township  .villi  his  family,  he 
located  southwest  of  Catlin  Village  on  section  31. 
He  resided  with  his  wife  on  this  homestead  vintd 
his  demise  Sept.  15,  1868.  she  surviving  him  until 
Jan.  10,  1884.  Of  their  eight  children  four  lived  to 
maturity,  three  sons  and  a  daughter. 

Guy  Sandusk}',  of  whom  we  write,  was  the  third 
child  of  the  family,  and  he  was  born  and  reared  on 
the  old  homestead  where  he  has  spent  his  entire  life. 
His  education  was  conducted  in  the  common 
schools,  and  was  supplemented  at  home  by  a  wise 
training  from  his  worth}-  parents,  and  on  arriving 
at  years  of  discretion  he  chose  farming,  of  which 
he  had  a  thorough,  practical  knowledge,  as  the  [nir- 
suit  best  adapted  to  his  tastes.  He  has  a  good- 
sized  farm  that  is  complete  in  all  its  appointments, 
and  is,  indeed,  one  of  the  choicest  places  in  the 
whole  township.  It  is  amply  provided  with  a  con- 
veniently arranged  set  of  buildings  for  every  nec- 
essary purpose,  and  with  all  kinds  of  machiner}- 
for  lightening  the  labors  of  farm  life.  The  resi- 
dence is  one  of  the  handsomest  in  the  county. 

Mr.   Sandusk}'    and    Miss    Ada    M.    Williamson 

were  united  in  marriage  Nov.  12,  1876,  and  to 
them  has  come  one  child.  Inez.  Mrs.  Sandusk)- 
is  a  daughter  of  Henry  and  Jane  (Gray)  William- 
son, natives  respectively  of  Ohio  and  Indiana,  and 
now  residents  of  l.iun  County,  Kan.  Mrs.  San- 
dusky  born  about  ten  miles  northwest  of  JJan- 
ville  Oct.  15,  1868. 

Mr.  Sandusky  possesses  an  abundant  and  never 
failing  supply  of  sound  sense  and  sharpness,  cou- 
pled with  a  faculty  of  doing  well  whatever  he 
attempts,  so  that  his  success  in  his  chosen  calling  is 
not  at  all  surprising.  The  Democratic  party  finds 
ill  him  a  steadfast  supporter  through  fair  and 
through  foul  report.  He  is  a  valued  member  of 
Catlin  Lodge  No.  285,  A.  F.  &  A.  M. 

\y)  AMES  CLIFTON.  The  results  of  persever- 
ance and  energy  have  been  admirabl}'  illus- 
trated in  the  career  of  this  gentleman,  who 
(^^i  is  one  of  the  most  prosperous  citizens  in  a 
prosperous  communit}-,  who  has  been  the  architect 
of  his  own  fortune  and  is  in  the  enjo3'mont  of  a 
competence.  He  is  approaching  the  fifty-seventh 
year  of  his  age,  having  been  born  Oct.  8,  1832, 
and  has  spent  his  entire  life  in  Vermilion  County, 
III.,  in  Georgetown  Township  where  he  was  born. 
He  remembers  the  time  when  wild  animals  abounded 
in  this  region  and  killed  deer  within  the  limits  of 
this  township  as  late  as  twenty-five  years  ago. 

William  Clifton,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Ohio  and  married  Miss  Jane  Brown,  who 
was  born  in  Tennessee.  The  grandparents  emi- 
grated to  Illinois  about  1827,  when  the  parents  of 
our  subject  were  in  their  youth  and  the  latter  were 
married  in  Vermillion  Count}-,  Ind.  They  became 
the  parents  of  thirteen  children,  six  sons  and  seven 
daughters,  and  spent  their  last  years  in  Vermilion 
County,  111.,  the  father  dying  at  the  age  of  fifty- 
seven  and  the  mother  when  sixty-two  years  old. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  ]\Ir.  James  Clifton 
was  of  English  liirtli.  but  came  to  make  his  home 
under  our  Republican  fiiriii  of  government.  He 
was  married  and  became  the  father  <if  two  children 



in  Ohio.  A  short  time  before  the  birtli  of  his  son, 
William  Clifton,  he  started  for  his  old  home  in 
Enirland  and  was  never  afterward  seen  or  heard  of. 

The  early  education  of  our  subject  was  con- 
ducted in  the  log  school  house  of  the  primitive 
times,  upon  the  subscription  plan  and  carried  on 
during  the  winter  season.  In  the  summer  he  as- 
sisted in  the  development  of  the  new  farm,  grnb- 
bing  out  the  stumps,  chopping,  Ijreaking  prairie 
and  sf>metimes  flat-boating  on  the  river.  Hunting 
formed  his  chief  recreation — a  pastime  of  which 
he  was  extremely  fond.  He  served  an  apprentice- 
ship at  the  cooper's  trade,  which  he  followed  mostly 
for  a  period  of  fifteen  yeais.  In  the  meantime  he 
was  married  ,hine  1 4,  1 85,5,  to  Miss  Martha,  daughter 
of  Abraham  and  Sarah  (Brown)  Barnhard.- 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Clifton  removed  fro'm  Ohio 
to  Indiana  at  an  earlj-  date  and  in  that  State  Mrs. 
Clifton  was  born,  reared  and  married.  Soon  after 
the  wedding  the  young  ]ieople  took  up  their  aboile 
in  Georgetown  Township,  where  our  subject  occu- 
pied himself  <at  his  tr.ade  but  kept  steadily  in  view 
his  intention  of  becoming  owner  of  a  farm.  He 
accomplished  his  project  .and  is  now  the  proprietor 
of  205  acres.  This  was  mostly  in  a  wild  condition 
when  he  assumed  possession,  but  now  forms  one 
of  the  finest  farms  in  the  township.  It  makes  a 
most  delightful  and  attractive  home  while  at  the 
same  time  it  is  the  source  of  a  handsome  income. 

Seven  children  have  been  born  to  our  subject 
and  his  estimable  wife,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son, 
William,  died  when  four  months  old.  The  others 
are  Ella,  Stephen  A.  D.,  Olive,  Laura,  Alonzo,  who 
died  at  the  age  of  two  years,  and  James,  Jr,  Ella 
is  the  wife  of  H.  (t.  Can.ady,  and  resides  at  Ver- 
milion Grove  and  has  one  child,  Estella;  Stephen 
oper.ates  a  fine  farm  of  305  .acres  in  Georgetown 
Township;  the  other  surviving  children  are  at 
home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  and  Mis.  Clifton 
are  prominently  connected  with  the  Presbyterian 
Church  and  our  subject,  politically,  is  one  of  the 
warmest  adherents  of  the  Democratic  party.  Pub- 
lic-spirited and  liberal,  he  is  ever  found  giving 
his  cordial  support  to  those  enterprises  calculated 
to  benefit  his  community,  and  possesses  those  quali- 
ties of  character  which  have  made  him  a  universal 
favorite  lioth  in  social  and  business  circles. 

Among  the  most  valuable  features  of  this  volume 
is  a  fine  portrait  of  .lames  Clifton,  which  is  pre- 
sented elsewiiere. 

R.  S.  A.  COFFMAN.  physician  .and  sur- 
geon, is  the  pioneer  of  his  profession  in  the 
the  town  of  Allerton.  He  is  a  young  man 
of  more  than  .average  ability  and  is  rap- 
idly increasing  his  practice.  The  growth  and 
development  of  his  adopted  town  command  his 
earnest  and  intelligent  attention. 

Dr.  Coffraan  is  a  native  of  Gallipolis,  Gal- 
lia Co.,  Ohio.  His  father,  Capt,  Josiah  Coffman, 
was  one  of  the  most  prominent  river  captains  and 
pilots  on  the  Ohio  and  Mississippi  rivers,  his  ac- 
quaintance extending  from  Pittsl)urgto  New  Or- 
leans, He  ran  his  first  barge  down  the  rivers  men- 
tioned to  New  <  )rleans,  when  he  was  eighteen  years 
of  age  and  at  that  time  began  his  popularity  as  a 
river  man.  He  purchased  a  farm  in  Gallia  County 
but  did  not  remain  long  in  the  business  of  agri- 
culture. His  Last  boat  was  the  "  Pine  Ridge,"  one 
of  the  lai'gest  steamers  that  navigated  the  Ohio 
River.  He  died  in  186G  .at  the  age  of  fifty-two 
years.  His  wife  continued  on  the  farm  until  her 
death,  which  occurred  in  June  1879.  She  was  born 
at  Shelby  ville,  Ind. 

The  parents  of  Dr.  Coffman,  had  twelve  chil- 
dren of  whom  eight  were  boys  and  nine  are  now 
living.  The  Doctor  was  born  on  Ma}-,  12,  1858  and 
was  hut  seven  years  old  when  his  father  died.  He 
was  reared  in  Ohio,  where  his  educational  advan- 
tages were  of  the  best.  He  first  attended  the  com- 
mon schools  at  home,  then  the  High  Schools.  He 
was  engaged  in  West  A'irginia  for  two  years  in 
teaching.  From  his  boyhood  days  his  inclinations 
were  all  toward  the  medical  profession,  and  during 
the  time  he  was  teaching  he  was  studying  to  the 
end  that  he  might  some  day  enter  its  ranks.  His 
first  studies,  medically,  wei'e  under  Dr.  T.  F.  Sien- 
cknecht,  of  Kingston,  Tenn.,  with  whom  he  con- 
tinued his  studies  for  eighteen  months,  when  he 
became  destitute  of  means.  He  then  came  West, 
spending  one  year  in   Missouri   and  from  thcie  he 



went  to  tlio  Indian  Teri'Itoiy,  fin;illy  landing  at  Os- 
sawottaniio,  Kan.,  where  he  engaged  in  the  hosi)ital 
for  the  insane.  Here  his  preceptor  was  Dr.  A.  11. 
Knajip.  of  that  institution.  By  this  time  liis  means 
were  suffieient  to  take  him  through  the  Beaumont 
Hospital  and  Medical  College  from  which  he  grad- 
uated March  15,  1888,  standing  near  the  head  of 
his  class.  He  was  married  in  Kansas  to  Miss  Hat- 
tie  E.  Smith,  a  native  of  Columbus,  Wis.  She 
is  the  daughter  of  Asa  and  3Iary  Smith,  who  were 
pioneers  of  Sumner  County,  Kan.  Through  the 
influence  of  Dr.  Parks  and  others,  the  subject  of 
this  sketcli  was  induced  to  locate  at  AUerton,  which 
he  did  in  1887  and  where  he  is  achieving  success 
to  a  large  degree.  In  his  practice  he  has  met  with 
no  obstructions  but  has  steadily  gained  the  confi- 
dence of  his  clients.  The  Doctor  is  an  ardent  Re- 
publican, and  is  always  ready  to  doanj'thing  to  for- 
ward the  interests  of  his  party,  that  lies  in  the  path 
of  honor.  He  is  examiner  for  the  Manhattan  Life 
Insurance  Company,  and  is  also  a  member  of  the 
St.  Louis  Medical  Association. 

Dr.  Cofifman  was  one  of  twelve  children  whose 
names  follow:  Elizabeth,  Joseph  C.,  William, 
Harriet;  Daniel  M.,  Cyrus  P.,  Thomas  J.,  Cunning- 
ham, Sylvan  G.,  P>mma,  Sjdvester  and  P^lla.  liliza- 
beth  married  Henry  Irion,  a  farmer  of  Gallia 
County,  Ohio;  .loseph  C.  served  in  the  Union 
Army,  enlisting  at  the  age  of  eighteen  years,  com- 
ing out  of  the  service  with  the  rank  of  Lieutenant. 
After  the  war  was  over  he  was  commissioned  in 
the  regular  army  serving  at  Ft.  Riley,  Ark., 
and  at  Fort  Union.  N.  M.  He  resigned  from 
the  army,  when  he  commenced  the  study  of 
law,  graduating  at  Ann  Arbor  and  is  now  practic- 
ing at  Quincy,  111.  He  married  Miss  Carrie  Hawk; 
Harriet  married  the  Rev.  Rose,  who  is  her  second 
husband,  and  a  pastor  in  the  Jlethodist  Church  in 
Athens,  Ohio.  She  had  five  children  by  her  first 
husband,  James  Hamilton;  Daniel  M.  resides  at 
Rockwood,  Tenn.  lie  is  an  attorney  at  law  and 
married  Miss  Romaine  Blazer,  tbej'  have  one 
child;  Cyrus  P.,  died  at  the  age  of  eighteen  3-eais; 
Thomas  is  practicing  law  at  Hume,  111.  He  mar- 
ried Esta.sia  Kerns.  They  have  four  children; 
Cunningham  died  in  Texas  at  tlie  age  of  twenty- 
eight;   William,  who  was  a  twin  brother  to  Joseph, 

died  when  one  year  old;  P>mma  is  a  resident  of 
Anoka,  Minn.;  she  married  J.  C.  Willey,  a  railroad 
contractor  and  has  three  children;  Ella  resides  in 
St.  Paul,  and  is  the  wife  of  W.  Thornley,  who  is  a 
contractor  in  that  city. 

OHN  C.  SALLADAY.  The  life-long  career 
of  this  gentleman  is  one  which  his  children 
will  love  to  contemplate  in  future  years.  In 
his  make  up,  he  is  possessed  of  modesty, 
good  manners,  sound  sense  and  high  principles. 
He  has  all  the  qualities  of  a  good  citizen,  is  a  kind 
husband  and  father  and  in  all  respects  approaches 
the  ideal  of  the  Christian  gentleman.  We  find  him 
situated  in  a  comfortable  home,  the  possessor  of  a 
pretty  farm,  and  his  family  relations  leave  little  to 
be  desired.  His  property  is  pleasantly  located  on 
Section  .3  in  Vance  Township. 

Mr.  Salladay  was  the  eldest  child  of  his  parents 
and  was  born  in  Fayette  County,  Pa.,  April  16, 
1831.  When  a  little  lad  of  three  years  he  removed 
with  his  parents  to  Ohio  and  acquired  a  good  edu- 
cation in  the  common  schools  of  the  Buckeye 
State,  pursuing  his  studies  mostly  during  the  win- 
ter season  until  twenty  j-ears  of  age.  In  the  mean- 
time he  became  familiar  with  farming  pursuits  and 
remained  a  member  of  the  parental  household  until 
reaching  his  majority. 

In  December,  ISa.S,  our  subject  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Daniel  A. 
Rich  of  Ohio,  a  jirominent  farmer  in  his  commu- 
nity. There  were  four  children  of  whom  IMrs.  Sal- 
laday was  the  second  and  she  was  born  in  Ohio  in 
1833.  Her  childhood  and  youth  passed  quietly 
and  uneventfull}',  during  which  time  she  attended 
the  common  school  and  received  careful  home- 
training  from  her  excellent  parents.  The  young 
people  after  their  marriage  settled  on  the  home 
farm  of  the  Salladay's,  our  subject  working  it  upon 
shares  with  his  father  until  18G0.  He  then  purchased 
fifty  acres  of  land  and  made  his  home  upon  this 
until  1864  when  he  sold  out  and  set  his  face  toward 
the  farther  West. 

LTpon  coming  to  Illinois  Mr.  Salladay  |)urchascd 



the  land  constituting  liis  present  farm  and  coin- 
nicneed  at  first  principles  to  build  up  a  homestead. 
II(^  was  prosi)ered  in  his  labors  as  a  tiller  of  the 
soil  and  added  to  his  real  estate  until  lie  lias  now 
163  acres  in  the  home  farm  and  1(50  acres  in  Powe- 
sliiek  t'oiintj',  Iowa.  In  connection  with  general 
agricullure,  he  is  considerably  interested  in  stock- 
raising,  keeping  a  good  grade  of  cattle  and  shipping 
eacli  year  to  the  eastern  market. 

Five  children  came  to  bless  the  union  of  our 
subject  and  his  good  wife,  one  of  whom  died  at  the 
age  of  eight  years.  Salina  and  (Jeorge  D.  remain 
with  their  parents;  Florence  is  the  wife  of  J.  H. 
Bowen  and  lives  three  miles  south  of  the  home 
farm;  John  B.  remains  at  the  latter.  Mr.  Salladay 
cast  his  first  presidential  vote  for  John  P.  Hale  and 
is  one  of  the  most  active  members  of  the  Repub- 
lican party  in  this  section.  He  keeps  himself  well 
posted  in  relation  to  current  events  and  votes  with 
his  party  upon  the  national  issues.  In  local  mat- 
ters he  aims  to  su|iport  the  man  best  qualified  for 
office,  irrespective  of  part}'.  He  has  officiated  as  a 
delegate  to  the  county  conventions  and  is  a  School 
Director  in  his  district  which  office  he  lias  held  for 
twenty  years.  He  has  been  Ilighwa}'  Commissioner 
for  six  years.  He  and  his  estimable  wife  find  their 
religious  home  in  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church  in  which  Mr.  8allad.ay  has  been  an  Elder 
si.K  years  and  when  a  younger  man  labored  actively 
in  the  .Sunda3'-school. 

Our  subject  is  the  offspring  of  an  excellent  fam- 
ily, being  the  son  of  George  and  Rebecca  (Craft) 
Sallada}',  who  were  natives  of  Pennsylvania  and  of 
German  descent.  Grandfather  John  Salladay  emi- 
grated from  the  Fatherland  at  an  early  period  in 
the  history  of  this  country  and  settled  in  Pennsyl- 
vania. Upon  the  coming  of  the  Revolutionary 
War  he  was  a  baggage  master  in  the  Continental 
Army  from  the  beginning  to  its  close.  The  ma- 
ternal grandparents  of  our  subject  were  born  in 
Pennsylvania  but  were  of  German  descent.  The 
parents  of  Mr.  Sallada}-  were  married  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, where  the  mother  died  in  1833,  leaving  two 
children — our  subject  and  a  younger  brother.  The 
father  subsequently'  remarried,  and  in  1834  removed 
to  Ohio  where  he  sojourned  for  a  period  of  thirty 
years.   Thence  he  came  to  this  county  in  the  spring 

of  1864,  residing  here  until  1877.  His  next  re- 
moval was  to  Homer,  Champaign  County,  where 
he  lived  eleven  years,  dying  in  September.  1888. 
The  mother  survives  and  makes  her  home  with  her 
son-in-law,  Mr.  Bennett,  near  Homer  and  is  now 
sevent3--six  years  old.  Both  the  Craft  and  the 
Salladay  families  were  people  of  note  in  their  com- 
munity, distinguished  for  the  high  principles  ami 
sturdy  industry  which  were  among  the  character- 
istics of  their  German  nationality.  They  were 
uniformly  well-to-do,  industrious  and  frugal  and 
uniformly  exercised  a  good  influence  upon  the  va- 
rious communities  in  which  they  resided.  The 
subject  of  this  sketch  is  one  of  the  worthiest  of 
their  descendants,  [lerpetuating  the  name  with  dig- 
nity and  honor. 


^,.^'LBERT  G.  OLMSTEAD  is  a  worthy  de- 
@lUl  seendant  of  Puritan  anccstr}',  his  fore- 
fathers having  been  numbered  among  the 
early  settlers  of  New  England.  In  a  later 
day  and  generation  his  grandparents  and  parents 
became  pioneers  of  \'ermilion  County,  and  here  the 
most  of  his  life  has  been  passed.  He  has  not  only 
been  a  witness  of  the  marvelous  growth  of  this 
section  of  the  country  in  the  fifty  years  that  he  has 
lived  here  as  boj-  and  man,  but  it  has  been  his  good 
fortune  to  aid  in  its  upbuilding.  For  many  j'ears 
he  has  been  intimately  connected  with  the  material 
prosperity  of  Catlin  Township  as  a  progressive 
and  skillful  agriculturist,  and  as  one  of  its  most  in- 
Huential  public  officers.  He  owns  a  farm  on 
section  23,  that  in  all  its  appointments  and  improve- 
ments is  equal  to  any  other  in  this  locality,  and 
here  he  and  his  wife  liave  an  attractive  home,  to 
which  they  welcome  many  friends,  as  the}'  have  a 
warm  place  in  the  hearts  of  the  entire  commu- 

Stanley  Olmstead,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  the  city  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  to  George 
Olmstead,  Sr.,  and  his  wife,  Hannah  ( Roberts )01m- 
slead,  natives  of  New  England.  They  came  to 
Vermilion  County  from  Ohio  in  1  839,  and  he  died 
here  two  years  later.  His  wife  did  not  long  survive 



liim.  dying  in  September,  1843.  Their  son.  Stanley, 
raarrieil  Aliiiiia  Green,  a  native  of  Vermont,  and 
tiiey  began  tiie  journey  of  life  togetlicr  in  .lames- 
town,  Chautauqua  Co..  N.  V.,  where  he  was 
l)usily  engaged  for  several  years  in  constructing  a 
farm  from  the  primeval  forests  of  that  section  of 
the  country.  He  subsequently  removed  from  there 
with  his  family  to  Marietta,  AVashington  Co., 
Oiiio,  but  after  living  there  five  years,  lie  came 
with  tiiem,  in  1839,  to  Vermilion  County,  making 
the  journej-  down  the  Ohio  River,  up  the  Wabash 
River  to  Perrysville,  and  thence  going  to  what  is 
now  known  as  Batestown,  and  settling  in  that  vi- 
cinity among  the  pioneers  that  had  preceded  them 
to  this  then  wild,  sparsely  settled  countrj-.  The 
father  operated  a  sawmill  known  as  Olmstead  Mill, 
and  besides  manufacturing  lumber,  engaged  in 
building  flatboats,  that  being  the  onl}'  mill  where 
such  boats  were  built,  and  the  most  of  those  that 
were  made  in  this  section  of  the  country  were 
built  there.  He  was  a  member  of  the  M.asonic  fra- 
ternity, and  quite  a  prominent  in  liis  commu- 
nity, and  his  death,  in  1848,  was  considered  a  loss 
to  the  township.  His  widow  was  re-married  about 
ten  j'ears  afterwards,  becoming  the  wife  of  Thomas 
W.  Douglas,  and  is  still  living  in  Catlin  Township 
at  an  advanced  age.  She  holds  to  the  Presbyter- 
ian faith,  and  is  a  sincere  Christian. 

Of  the  ten  children  that  blessed  the  union  of 
Stanley  Olmstead  and  wife,  our  subject  was  the  sec- 
ond in  order  of  birth.  He  was  born  in  the  vicinity 
of  Jamestown.  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  14, 
1831.  He  was  a  lad  of  al>out  eight  years  when  he 
,accompanied  his  parents  and  grandparents  to  this 
county,  and  the  remaining  years  of  his  boyhood 
and  his  youth  were  passed  in  Danville  and  Catlin 
townshiiis.  His  education  was  obtained  in  the  old 
log  schoolhouse  of  those  early  days.  He  early  be- 
gan life  for  himself,  as  he  was  but  seventeen  years 
of  age  when  his  father  died,  and  the  main  charge 
of  the  family  devolved  upon  him,  he  renting  land 
.and  working  .at  farming  to  support  those  depend- 
ent upon  him.  When  he  was  twenty-four  years 
old  he  married  and  rented  a  farm  in  Catlin  Town- 
ship the  ensuing  seven  years,  the  pLace  belonging 
to  Harry  Sandusky.  After  that  he  bought  a  small 
[)lacc  in  Catlin  Village,  .and  continued  renting  land 

for  three  years.  The  second  year  after  the  pur- 
chase of  the  County  Farm  in  18G7,  he  was  ap- 
pointed Superintendent  of  it,  and  he  was  found  to 
be  the  right  man  in  tiie  right  place,  faithfully  and 
conscientiously  discharging  the  duties  of  that  oner- 
ous |)osition,  by  his  skillful  farming  improving  the 
land,  and  treating  the  poor  people  under  his  charge 
with  tlrmness  and  kindness.  He  retained  that  office 
eight  3'ears,  and  then  tendered  iiis  resignation,  as 
he  desired  to  invest  some  of  his  nxmey  in  land  and 
go  to  farming  on  his  own  account.  Soon  after  he 
took  possession  of  the  land  ho.  now  owns  and  op- 
erates, it  having  been  the  homestead  of  the  parents 
of  Mrs.  Olmstead.  of  which  she  inherited  a  portion. 
The  balance  was  purch.ased  by  Mr.  Olmstead.  His 
present  farm  consists  of  180  acres  of  land,  exceed- 
ingly rich  and  productive,  and  he  been  con- 
stantly making  improvements  till  the  pl.ace  is 
considered  one  of  the  best  in  the  neighborhood. 
He  has  erected  a  good  set  of  farm  buildings  and  a 
pleasant  residence,  finely  located  somewhat  back 
from  the  highwa}'. 

This  homestead  formerly  belonged  to  Mrs.  (Jlm-'s  parents,  Thom,as  N.  and  Mary  Brown  (S,an- 
dusky)  Wright,  earl^-  pioneers  of  Vermilion  County', 
and  here  she  was  born  and  bred,  and  on  this  spot, 
under  an  apple  tree  in  the  yard,  her  marriage  with 
our  subject  was  solemnized  July  22, 1855,  and  here 
her  life  thus  far  been  spent  happily  and  se- 
renely. She  has  never  been  ver^-  far  from  this 
home  of  her  birth,  and  never  ridden  in  the 
cars,  or  been  beyond  the  limits  of  the  county.  Mrs. 
Olmstead  is  a  notable  housekeeper,  .and  is  well 
versed  in  the  art  of  making  those  about  her  c'om- 
fortable,  and  everj'  one  who  crosses  her  threshold 
is  sure  of  a  cheerful  welcome.  Her  parents  were 
born  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  and  when  the  father 
was  nineteen  years  old  and  the  mother  twenty, 
they  came  to  \'ermilion  County',  and  were  united 
i:i  marriage  six  weeks  Later,  in  the  year  1831,  near 
Indianolia.  and  immediately  settled  on  the  farm 
now  owned  by  .Mr.  Olmstead.  Mr.  Wright  built  a 
log  cabin,  tmd  in  that  humble  abode  they  began 
their  wedded  life.  May  31.  1851.  Mrs.  Wright 
died,  leaving  five  children,  of  whom  Elizabeth 
Ann.  Mrs.  Olmstead,  was  the  eldest.  The  father 
was  afterwards  married  to  Nancy   Dougherty,  and 



he  (licJ  Nov.  18,  1872,  on  the  homestead  t^at  he 
had  cliiniiiated  from  the  wild  prairies.  Mrs.  Olra- 
stead  was  born  Sept.  22,  1832.  In  this  borne  of 
her  girlhood  and  womanhood  five  children  have 
blessed  her  wedded  life  witii  our  subject,  namely: 
Mary  B.,  the  wife  of  John  H.  Palmer;  Charles,  who 
married  Agnes  Enimett,  who  died  Nov.  17,  1887; 
William  C,  who  married  Miss  Eva  Beck;  George 
K.;  and   Albert  C. 

;Mr.  Olmstead  has  been  a  valuable  citizen  of  this 
section  of  ^'ermilion  County  since  attaining  man- 
hood, as  he  is  a  man  of  good  personal  habits,  is 
just  and  honest  in  his  dealings,  wise  and  safe  in 
counsel,  and  lias  alwaj's  exerted  his  influence  to 
advance  the  interests  of  his  community  morally, 
socially  and  educationally.  He  has  taken  an  active 
part  in  the  public  life  of  this  township,  has  held 
the  office  of  Supervisor  two  terms,  and  for  eleven 
jears  vvas  School  Trustee.  He  is  a  valued  member 
of  Catlin  Lodge,  No.  285,  A.  V.  &  A.  M.  He  has 
been  Master  of  the  lodge.  In  politics  he  sides 
with  the  Democrats,  and  is  a  strong  supporter  of 
partly  princi|)les.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  faithful 
members  of  the  Presbj'terian  Church,  and  the  acts 
of  their  daily  lives  show  them  to  be  consistent 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  home 
and  surroundings  of  Mr.  Olmstead  is  shown  else- 
where in  this  volume. 


^  IfelLLIAM  CESSNA,  Sk.,  who  is  well  known 
\/iJ//  throughout  Vance  Township  as  one  of  its 
W^J  most  prosperous  men  financially,  is  now 
approaching  the  sixty-seventh  year  of  his  age,  hav- 
ing been  born  Nov.  7,  1 822.  He  is  a  native  of 
Bedford  County,  Pa.,  where  his  father,  Evan 
Cessna,  was  also  born.  The  latter,  when  approach- 
ing manhood,  learned  the  trade  of  a  blacksmith. 
Later  he  turned  his  attention  to  agricultural  [uir- 
suils,  and  became  owner  of  a  good  farm.  He  mar- 
ried Miss  Mary  Motelena  Fenstermaker,  also  a  na- 
tive of  the  Kej'Stone  State,  and  whose  ancestors 
•were  from  Germany. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  continued  residents  of 

Pennsylvania  for  several  years  after  their  marriage. 
The  father  carried  on  blacksmithing  and  farming 
combined,  and  operated  with  fair  success.  He 
finally  decided  upon  a  change  of  residence,  and  in 
1842  set  out  for  Ohio  with  his  family,  settling  in 
the  Western  Reserve  In  what  was  then  Trumljull 
but  was  afterward  changed  to  Mahoning  County. 
There  the  parents  spent  the  remainder  of  their 
lives.  The  household  circle  originally  comprised 
nine  children,  eight  of  whom  grew  to  mature  years, 
and  six  of  whom  are  now  living.  William  was  the 
third  child  of  the  family,  and  like  his  brothers  and 
sisters,  acquired  a  limited  education  b^-  attendance 
in  a  log  school-house,  under  a  system  of  instruc- 
tion in  keeping  with  that  time  and  place.  Upon 
approaching  manhood  he  learned  the  trade  of  a 
tanner,  also  that  of  a  brick  and  stone  mason.  Since 
a  boy  of  twelve  he  has  been  mainly  dependent 
upon  his  own  resources,  and  assisted  his  father  con- 
siderably until  his  marriage.  Evan  Cessna  was 
very  nearly  blind  for  many  years,  having  a  cata- 
ract over  each  eye,  and  losing  the  sight  of  one  en- 

The  18th  of  May,  1850,  marked  an  interesting 
epoch  in  the  life  of  our  subject,  as  on  that  da3-  he 
was  wedded  to  Miss  Sarah  Jane,  daughter  of  Rich- 
ard Hawkins,  a  farmer  and  mechanic  of  Stark 
County,  Ohio.  The  j-oung  couple  commenced  the 
journey  of  life  together  in  a  m,anner  corresponding 
to  their  means  and  surroundings,  and  Mr.  Cessna  for 
several  years  thereafter  followed  his  trade  in  Mahon- 
ing County.  Finally  he  removed  to  Stark  County', 
sojourning  there  probabi}'  two  years,  and  then,  in 
1856,  changed  his  residence  to  Marshall  County, 
Ind.  In  the  latter  place  also  he  followed  his  trade, 
and  purchased  300  acres  of  land,  the  cultivation 
and  improvement  of  Which  he  carried  on  until 

During  the  above  mentioned  year  Mr.  Cessna 
moved  into  Champaign  County,  111.,  and  about 
twelve  months  later  purchased  the  farm  upon  which 
his  son  William  now  lives,  in  Vermilion  County. 
Later  he  added  forty  acres  to  it,  theu  traded  forty 
acres  for  that  which  he  now  occupies.  LTpon  this 
he  has  lived  for  a  period  of  thirteen  years,  and  ef- 
fected very  many  improvements,  planting  a  10- 
aqre  orchard,  putting  the  fences  in  repair,  and  add- 



iiig  the  necessai'3'  buildings.  He  has  invested  his 
surplus  capital  in  additional  land,  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  .500  broad  acres.  His  possessions  are  the 
result  of  his  own  industry  and  perseverance,  and 
ho  has  delved  from  the  soil  an  ample  competence 
for  his  declining  years. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Jane  (Hawkins)  Cessna  departed  this 
life  .Sept.  \b,  1801,  at  the  early  age  of  thirty-three 
years,  four  months  and  eleven  days.  Of  her  union 
with  our  subject  there  were  born  five  children, 
four  of  whom  are  living:  John  W.  married  ]\Iiss 
Myra  Nichols,  who  is  now  deceased;  he  is  the 
father  of  five  children,  and  lives  in  Mineral  Point, 
Kan.;  Sarah  Amelia  is  the  wife  of  Wallace  A. 
Yazel;  they  live  four  miles  northwest  of  Homer, 
and  have  five  children;  Martha  Ellen  married 
Marion  Tilibetts,  and  is  the  mother  of  four  chil- 
dren; they  live  four  and  one-half  miles  southwest 
of  Fairmount;  William  L.  D.  married  Miss  Sally 
0"Shca;  they  have  one  child,  and  live  one  mile 
west  of  Mr.  Cessna. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  Jan. 
29,  186,5,  with  Mrs.  Lucina  Melser,  who  was  the 
mother  of  two  children  by  her  first  husband.  The 
result  of  this  union  was  three  children — Rosa  I., 
Charles  M.  and  Mary  M.,  who  are  all  living  at 
home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Cessna  has  always 
taken  a  lively  interest  in  politics,  and  keeps  himself 
fully  posted  upon  all  matters  of  national  interest. 
He  is  one  of  the  warmest  supporters  of  the  Repub- 
lican party,  believing  it  the  party  of  progress  and 
reform,  and  the  party  upon  which  the  prosperity 
of  America  depends.  In  Indiana  he  served  as 
Pathmaster  three  years,  and  in  the  district  where 
he  now  lives  been  a  School  Director  nine  years. 
Formerly  he  belonged  to  the  I.  0.  O.  F. 

Mr.  Cessna,  with  wise  forethought  and  care  has 
furnished  us  with  a  portion  of  tlie  family  record, 
which  we  append  as  follows.  Mrs.  Sarah  J.  (Haw- 
kins) Cessna  was  born  in  Washington  County,  Pa., 
May  i,  1811.  John  \V.,  her  eldest  son,  was  born 
in  Mahoning  County,  Ohio,  Sept.  7,  I  85 1 .  Artlissa 
A.,  the  eldest  daughter,  was  born  Feb.  ISI,  1854, 
and  died  in  Ohio.  Sarah  A.  was  born  in  Stark 
Count}',  Oliio,  Feb.  11,  1856.  JNIartha  Kllon  was 
born  in  Marshall,  Intl..  April  24,  1858.  William  ' 
L.  D,  was  born  in  Marshal!  County,   Ind..  Oct.  23,   j 

1861.  Rossa  Ilora  was  born  in  Marshall  County, 
Ind.,  May  28,  1806;  Charles  M.  was  l)orn  in  Cham- 
paign County.  111.,  .la;i.  20,  180'.).  Mary  Matilda 
was  born  in  N'ermilion  County,  III..  Oct.  27,  1872. 
Evan  Cessna,  the  father  of  our  subject,  died  July 
29,  1861,  at  the  age  of  sixty-eight  years.  His 
wife,  Mary  Motelena.  died  20,  1876,  at  the  age 
of  seventy -six  years. 

j^^  AMl'EL    STARK,   of  Sidell,   is  numbered 
^^^   among   its  most   useful  and    praiseworthy 
(ll/_Jl)  citizens,  and    performed  no  small   part  in 
the    early    settlement    of    the    i)lace    with 
whose  growth  and  development    he  has  ever  main- 
tained a  warm   interest.     In  1  885  he  purchased  the 
Cleveland  Hotel  and  from  a  small  beginning  built 
up  a  good  patronage   and  became   popular   among 
traveling  men  generally.     In  connection  with  this 
heo|)erated  excavating  machines  such  as  the  Mould 
Ditcher,  the  Plow  Ditcher  and   Road  Grader,  and 
graded  several  miles  of   road   in  Vance,  Sidell  and 
Carroll  townships,  making  an  excellent  thorough- 
fare which    is    greatly  a|)preciated    bj-  those  most 
nearly  concerned. 

The  parents  of  -Mr.  Stark  were  John  and  Mary 
(Cassadyj  Stark,  who  were  of  Kentucky  birth  and 
parentage  and  came  to  this  county  during  its  early 
settlement,  locating  on  its  southern  line.  Their 
family  comprised  fourteen  children,  eleven  sons 
and  three  daughters.  Samuel  was  liorii  in  Indiana 
and  was  reared  to  farming  pursuits.  He  received 
a  limited  education  in  the  primitive  schools  and 
developed  into  a  strong  and  healthful  man,  sound 
in  mind  and  bod}'  and  well  fitted  for  the  position 
which  he  was  called  upon  to  fill  as  a  leading  mem- 
ber of  his  community.  He  was  married  in  .\u- 
gust,  1875,  to  IMiss  Christina  Rawlings,  and  the 
young  people  commenced  their  wedded  life  toge- 
ther on  the  Amos  Jackson  farm.  Later  Mr.  Stark 
was  connected  with  several  farms  as  general  over- 
seer, among  them  being  the  well-knovvn  Allerton 
farm,  formerly  the  propert}-  of  John  Sidell.  In 
1881  they  took  up  their  abode  in  Danville.  .Mr. 
Stark  having    purchased  the  furniture    in    the  .Mc- 



rorraick  House  of  that  city.  Eight  months  later 
they  again  removed  to  a  farm  at  Garrett  Grove, 
where  they  remained  four  years.  Their  subsequent 
movements  we  have  aheady  indicated.  On  mov- 
ing to  Sidell  Mrs.  Stark  assumed  charge  of  the 
Cleveland  House,  wliich  she  has  since  conducted 
with  marked  success  and  has  become  very  popular 
with  the  traveling  public.  She  seems  admirably 
adapted  to  her  responsible  position  and  possesses  a 
great  deal  of  tact,  generosity  and  kindness,  having 
the  faculty  of  making  welcome  all  who  come  within 
her  doors.  She  is  a  ladj' of  more  than  ordinar}' 
business  abilities,  and  is  increasing  iier  patronage 
perceptibly  each  year. 

A  native  of  Lee  County,  Va.,  Mrs.  Stark  was 
born  Jan.  19,  1855,  and  is  the  daughter  of  .Sampson 
B.  Rawlins,  also  a  native  of  Die  Old  Dominion  and 
wiio  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Sanford,  of  his  own 
State.  Botli  were  of  English  descent.  They  were 
married  in  Virginia,  whence  they  renioved  to  Clay 
County,  Ivy.,  about  18G0.  The  father  prosecuted 
farming  for  tluee  years,  but  in  1863  again  changed 
his  residence,  settling  this  time  near  Paris  Edgar 
County,  this  State.  Ten  years  later  they  came  to 
this  county  and  located  on  a  farm  in  Sidell  Town- 
ship. Finally  selling  this  also,  they  removed  to 
Fairmount  and  conducted  tlie  Hall  House  one  j'ear. 
Afterward  Mr.  Rawlings  engaged  in  the  hoot  and 
shoe  business  of  that  place  abont  a  year.  He  re- 
moved to  Sidell  in  1885  and^^in  1887  established  a 
store  of  general  merchandise  at  Archie.  After  a 
time  he  was  burned  out,  suffering  a  loss  of  -^8,000. 
He  is  now  employed  as  a  traveling  salesman  for  a 
grocery  house  in  Chicago. 

The  mother  of  Mrs.  Stark  departed  this  life 
March  19,  1888,  at  the  age  of  fifty-six  years  eight 
months  and  twenty-eight  days.  Her  family  con- 
sisted of  nine  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Nancy, 
is  the  wife  of  J.  P.  Jackson,  a  farmer  of  Sidell 
Township,  and  is  the  mother  of  two  children; 
Christina,  Mrs.  Stark,  was  the  second  child  of  the 
family;  James  W.  H.  II.,  married  Miss  Ida  Patter- 
son and  opcr.ates  as  a  carpenter  and  builder  in 
Sidell;  he  is  the  father  of  one  child.  Zarilda  mar- 
ried George  B.  Baum,  of  Sidell,  who  operates  as  a 
farmer  and  liveryman,  and  they  have  two  chil 
dren;  Bertha  is  the  wife  of  Austin  Jones,  a  business 

man  of  Mt.  Carniel,  and  they  have  one  child; 
Sarah  J  is  at  home  with  her  father;  John  F.  is 
farming  in  Sidell  Township;  Dora  is  a  salesladj-  at 
Cerro  Gordo,  111.;  Fanny  M.  lives  with  her  father 
and  sister. 

Mrs.  Stark  thus  in  her  youth  lived  in  three  dif- 
ferent States,  Kentucky,  A'irginia  and  Illinois.  She 
.attended  the  common  school  and  at  an  early  age 
evinced  an  aptitude  for  business  details.  At  the 
age  of  twenty  years  she  was  married  to  Mr.  Stark. 
She  has  contributed  her  full  quota  to  the  rapid  and 
tiirifty  growth  of  the  village  of  Sidell,  in  the  ex- 
cellent man.agement  of  her  house  and  in  attracting 
to  it  a  class  of  well-to-do  and  intelligent  people. 

A  large  force  of  builders  is  now  (June,  1889) 
actively  engaged  in  enlarging  the  Cleveland  House, 
which  when  completed  a  month  hence,  will  accom- 
modate a  large  number  of  guests  and  [Move  an  or- 
nament to  the  village.  Mrs.  Stark  i)atronizes  the 
worthy  enterprises  established  in  the  village, 
among  them  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in 
whose  erection  she  took  a  warm  interest.  She  is  a 
lover  of  music  and  all  those  things  which  contril)- 
ute  to  the  comfort  and  satisfaction  of  the  people 
who  ra.ay  sojourn  under  her  roof.  She  is  a  lady  of 
decided  views  and  sympathizes  with  the  Demo- 
cratic party.  The  Ladies'  Aid  Society  finds  in 
her  one  of  its  efficient  members.  To  her  and 
her  husliand  have  been  born  four  children: 
Callie,  who  died  in  infancy;  Mary  Alice;  an  infant 
who  died  unnamed;    and  Forest  E. 

)  EN  J  AM  IN  ZEIGLER.     This  gentleman  is 

^  the  oldest  settler  in  the  eastern  half  of 
l$©)j/]  *^'™"''  Township,  in  this  county,  having 
lived  there  more  years  than  any  other  per- 
son now  residing  within  its  liorders.  He  was  born  in 
Cumberland  County,  Pa.,  March  5,  1830,  and  when 
twenty  years  old  came  to  Fountain  County,  Ind., 
with  his  elder  brother,  John,  making  the  journey 
the  entire  distance  in  a  two-seated  wagon  drawn 
by  one  horse.  They  came  from  Carlisle,  in  their 
native  county,  to  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  over  the  road 
then  known  as  the   National   Pike,  and  thence  to 

Residence:  OF  John  Pollard, 5cc. 21.  Carroll  Tp.  Verm i  lion  Co 

i. waa'  mum  imi  "•      "i  i  ■'— t-— — ■— f 

RESIDENCE  OF  W-    H  .  SCONCE,  5 EC,  16.  SiDELLTp.  VeRMILION  Co 

Store  and  Residence  of  Michael  Fi5herJndianola,\/ermilion  Co. 



their  stopiiins  place,  now  named  Reileislnirali.  tlien 
known  as  ('lianil]ersliurg.  The  tiii)  occupied  two 
weeks  anil  four  days,  hut  it  can  now  he  made  he- 
tween  those  two  points  in  sixteen  lioursi  .lohn 
Zeigler  had  spent  the  previous  j'car  in  Indiana, 
and  our  siilijeel  made  the  journey  West  with  him 
simply  as  an  adventure.  But  he  liked  the  looks  of 
the  country,  and  determined  to  stay,  especially  as 
ho  found  he  could  get  twice  as  much  for  his  labor 
there  as  he  could  in  the  East.  Accordimjly  he 
located  in  Fountain  County  and  beiran  workinij  out 
by  the  month.  He  ni.-ide  his  home  there  until 
1856,  when  having  by  this  time  secured  a  life 
partner,  he  came  to  Vermilion  C'ount3'  aiul  for 
two  3'cars  worked  for  his  father-in-law.  Ilaxlng 
saved  a  little  money  he  had  in  1852  bought  320 
acres  of  (iovernnient  land  on  section  15  in  (Jranl 
Townsiiip.  and  it  is  on  this  place  his  home  now 
stands.  He  was  too  poor,  however,  to  build  on  it 
or  cultivate  it,  and  he  let  it  lie  idle  until  1858. 
when  he  managed  to  get  a  house  built  on  it,  but  was 
yet  unable  to  get  it  "  broke,"  and  therefore  for  the 
following  two  years  he  farmed  what  is  known  as 
the  "Ann  Brown"  place,  of  IGO  acres,  one  and 
one-half  miles  east  of  his  house.  In  this  way  he 
accumulated  some  small  means,  and  the  following 
year  he  broke  forty  acres  of  his  own  land  with  a 
team  of  four  j'oke  of  cattle  and  a  twenty-four  inch 

His  industry  and  energy  soon  made  themselves 
felt,  and  each  successive  year  saw  Mr.  Zeigler  a  little 
better  off.  Gradually  more  and  more  land  was 
brought  under  cultivation,  fences  and  hedges  were 
made  and  planted,  farm  buildings  were  erected,  and 
after  the  lapse  of  3'ears  more  land  was  bought,  and 
to-day  our  subject  owns  an  excellent  farm  of  540 
acres  in  one  body,  well  fenced,  drained,  cultivated 
and  with  good  and  sullicient  buildings,  .and  as  he 
looks  around  over  his  broad  acres  he  can  reflect 
with  satisfaction  upon  the  fact  that  this  is  all  the 
work  of  his  own  hands.  When  he  lirst  bought 
this  land  it  was  all  bare  open  prairie,  not  a  tree  or 
shrub  was  on  the  ground.  Now  it  presents  to  the 
eye  a  typical  American  western  scene.  The  house 
stands  back  some  distance  from  the  road  and  is  ap- 
proached from  the  front  through  an  avenue  lined 
on  either  side  with    well  grown    maple    trees;    the 

buildings  .-ue  all  that  are  needed,  for  the  large  farm, 
the  growing  crops  and  the  contented  cattle  grazing 
in  the  enclosed  fields,  all  bespeak  thrift  and  com- 
petence. All  this  is  tli(!  work  of  Mr.  Zcigler's  own 
hands.  The  line  grove  of  maples  which  surrounds 
his  house  was  raised  by  himself  from  seed  and  cov- 
ers nine  acres,  and  an  apple  orchard  of  four  acres, 
also  of  his  own  planting.  The  country  when  he 
lirst  (ame  here  was  wild  and  unsettled,  and  his 
nearest  ncighl)or  for  some  time  was  two  miles  away, 
and  from  the  rising  ground  near  his  house,  as  far 
as  the  ej'e  could  see,  there  were  less  than  a  dozen 
houses.  Prairie  wolves  were  numerous,  com[ielling 
tlie  settler  to  house  his  stock  at  night,  wild  game 
was  plentiful,  and  deer,  ducks,  geese  and  prairie 
chickens  were  in  such  alumdance  that  dogs  were 
kept  and  trained  to  keep  them  from  the  fanner's 
grain  fields,  and  the  pioneer's  table  was  well  sup- 
plied with  delicacies,  the  fruit  of  his  gun.  But 
one  road  was  then  laid  out  hereabouts,  the  settlers 
making  their  way  across  the  prairies  by  following 
tracks  made  by  others  who  had  gone  before.  Not 
a  fence  was  up,  and  to  leave  the  beaten  path  was 
to  run  the  risk  of  being  lost  on  the  prairie.  Trad- 
ing  ilone  mostly  at  Attica,  Ind.,  thirty  miles 
away,  the  trip  to  store  and  back  consuming  two 
days.  Mr.  Zeigler  says  it  was  his  custom  when  re- 
turning, if  overtaken  liy  darkness,  to  tie  his  lines 
and  let  his  horses  take  their  own  way.  they  never 
failing  to  bring  him  safely  home  when  human 
eyesight  was  of  no  avail  in  finding  the  road. 

Now  how  different  the  scene.  Public  highways 
are  laid  out  in  all  directi(jns.  The  country  about 
is  thickly  settled,  and  half  a  mile  from  Mr.  Zeigler's 
door  is  the  village  of  Cheneysville,  a  station  on 
the  Lake  Eiie  and  Western  Railroad.  Around  his 
home  is  a  thickly  settled  and  prosperous  commun- 
ity, with  evidence  on  every  hand  of  comfort, 
schools  .-uid  churches  are  eas\-  of  .access,  and  all 
the  ai)pliances  of  civilization  are  at  the  farmer's 
door.  This  change  has  been  brought  about  by 
the  toils  and  sacrifices  of  such  men  as  our  subject, 
and  to  such  all  honor  is  due. 

Mr.  Zeigler  was  united  in  marriage,  in  Fountain 
County,  Ind.,  Jan.  3.  1854.  with  Miss  Verlina 
Brown,  daughter  of  .Tolin  and  Catherine  Brown, 
early  settlers  in  that  part  of  Indiana.     The  former 



was  born  in  Perry  County,  Pa.,  and  the  latter  in 
Dauphin  County  in  the  same  state.  After  mar- 
riage they  emigrated  to  Indiana,  where  Mr.  Brown 
iniinoved  a  large  number  of  farms,  certainly  as 
many  as  twenty,  selling  as  soon  as  he  could  get 
advance  on  his  property.  In  this  way  he  made 
considerable  money  aud  during  the  latter  years 
was  quite  well-to-do.  lie  died  in  Hoopeston 
in  the  winter  of  1884-85.  His  wife  had  passed 
away  some  years  previously  at  Otterbein,  Benton 
County,  Ind.  Mrs.  Zeigler  was  born  in  Fountain 
County,  Ind.,  March  27,1834.  By  this  marriage 
nine  children  were  born,  all  except  one,  who  died 
ill  childhood,  lieiiig  now  living:  Cyrus  A.,  the  eld- 
est, farms  a  jiortiou  of  the  homestead  half  a  mile 
cast  of  liis  father's  house,  aud  is  married  to  Miss 
Cyrenia  Levcrton,  and  they  have  one  child  and 
one  is  deceased;  Peter  M.  is  married  to  Susan 
Labaw,  has  one  child,  and  lives  two  miles  east  of 
his  birtli|)lace  on  a  farm  belonging  to  his  aunt, 
Catherine  A.  ISrown;  John  B.  is  married  to  Jose- 
pliine  Stufflebeam,  and  lives  on  a  rented  farm 
in  tlie  northeastern  corner  of  Grant  Township; 
George  B.  is  married  to  Mary  Ann  Labaw,  and 
has  two  children  and  lives  on  a  part  of  his  father's 
farm;  Benjamiu  Franklin,  Mary  Amanda,  Rachael 
Mahala  and  William  J.  are  unmarried  and  are  yet 
under  the  parental  roof. 

Mr.  Zeigler  has  witnessed  and  participated  in  the 
growth  and  increasing  prosperity  of  tliis  part  of 
Vermilion  County.  When  he  came  within  its 
borders, growth  liad  hardly-  lieen  begun  in  this  part 
of  tlie  county.  T\u;  site  of  the  tlourisiiing  city  of 
Hoopeston  was  a  liarren  prairie  which  he  could 
have  bought  from  the  Government  at  ^l.2ij  per 
acre,  but  he  thought  it  dear  at  that,  when 
prosiiecting  for  a  site,  as  the  land  was  low  and  wet, 
aud  therefore  liought  where  he  is,  where  the  land 
lies  higher.  On  such  small  things  does  fortune 
soiiietim('S  hinge.  Yet  lie  has  no  reason  to  com- 
plain. .Starting  from  an  humble  station  ami  frcuii 
small  beginnings  he  has  achieved  a  competence, 
and  what  is  still  better,  has  gained  the  universal 
respect,  esteem  and  confidence  of  the  community, 
a  just  tribute  to  the  moral  and  upright  life  of  tlie 
man  and  to  his  entire  trustworthiness  of  character. 
For  many  years  he  has  lieen  compelled   by  his  fel- 

low-townsmen to  accept  office  at  their  hands,  hav- 
ing been  School  Director,  Town  Trustee,  Road 
Overseer,  etc.,  aud  he  is  now  Assistant  Supervisor, 
and  among  the  worthy  citizens  of  V'^ermilion 
County  none  stands  higher  in  the  estimation  of 
those  who  know  him  than  does  Benjamin  Zeigler, 
the  pioneer. 

-    cxrx>    , 

'   oiio  " 

/  more  than  twenty  years  been  prominently 
identiOed  with  the  leading  farmers  and 
stock  growers  of  Vermilion  County,  a  shrewd,  in- 
telligent set  of  men,  and  in  that  time  he  has  been  an 
important  factor  in  extending  its  great  agricul- 
tural interests.  He  has  a  farm  on  section  36,  Cat- 
lin  Township,  of  some  over  400  acres,  which  is 
well  cultivated,  and  on  which  be  has  erected  a 
substantial,  roomy  set  of  buildings,  and  has  all  the 
needful  maeliinerj'  and  appliances  for  carryino- 
on  agriculture  with  facility  and  to  the  best  ad- 

Our  subject,  although  a  Kentuckian  by  birth, 
was  reared  in  Illinois,  and  has  passed  the  most  of 
his  life  here,  his  parents  having  been  amono-  the 
earliest  settlers  of  Shelby  County.  His  father, 
William  Sandusky,  was  a  native  of  Kentucky, 
while  his  mother,  Julia  (Earp)  Sandusky,  was  born 
in  Virginia.  They  were  married  in  Kentucky. and 
there  commenced  their  wedded  life,  but  in  1829, 
when  our  subject  was  a  small  infant,  they  emi- 
grated to  Illinois  and  settled  in  Shelby  Countj-. 
In  the  following  spring  ]\Ir.  Sandusky's  earthly 
career  was  cut  short,  while  he  was  yet  in  life's 
prime,  by  his  premature  death.  The  wife  survived 
him  ten  years,  when,  in  1840,  she  too  passed  away. 

Of  a  family  of  three  children,  our  subject  was 
the  second  child  and  the  only  son.  He  was  born 
in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  March  11,  1829,  and  was 
consequently  but  a  few  months  old  when  his  par- 
ents brought  him  to  this  State.  He  bred  to  a 
farmer's  life  in  Shelby  County,  and,  amid  the  pio- 
neer influences  that  surrounded  his  early  life,  be- 
came strong,  manly,  self-reliant  and  energetic.  In 
the  spring  of  1848  he  left  the  jilace  where  his  life 
had  been  mostly  passed   hitherto  and  came  to  ^'er- 



railion  County,  Laving  in  his  charge  a  drove  of 
cattle,  which  he  herded  here  till  tlie  fall  of  the 
year,  when  he  proceeded  with  them  toward  New 
York.  He  only  went  as  far  as  .Sandusky,  however, 
when  he  disposed  of  his  cattle  at  a  good  price.  He 
then  returned  to  Vermilion  County,  and  for  some 
years  after  that  was  engaged  in  farm  work  and  iu 
in  tending  cattle.  In  the  spring  of  1853,  .amlii- 
tious  to  accumulate  money  faster  than  he  was 
doing,  he  determined  that  he  would  seek  the  gold 
mines  of  California,  and  going  there  by  the  way 
of  the  Isthmus  of  Panama,  he  pursued  mining  on 
tlie  Pacific  Coast  with  fair  success  till  the  fall  of 
18.1.').  Tiring  of  the  rough  life  of  the  camps,  he 
turned  his  face  homeward,  and.  coming  to  Ver- 
milion County  once  more,  was  soon  actively  en- 
gaged in  the  business  of  buying  stock,  continuing 
that  till  the  spring  of  1859.  At  that  time  he  turned 
his  attention  to  the  hotel  business,  having  gone 
to  Greeneastle,  Putnam  Co.,  Ind.,  in  June,  and 
building  a  hotel  known  as  the  Junction  House.  He 
was  profitably  engaged  in  its  man.agement  till  the 
spring  of  1866.  when  he  sold  out,  returned  to 
Vermilion  County  and  bought  the  farm  where  he 
now  lives,  having  decided  to  turn  his  .attention 
once  more  to  the  calling  to  which  he  had  been 
reared,  and  for  which  he  has  a  natural  aptitude. 
He  now  gives  his  attention  wholly  to  .agricultural 
pursuits,  and  for  several  j'ears,  besides  managing 
his  farm,  was  extensively  engaged  in  buyiug  .and 
shipping  stock,  and  stdl  continues  to  raise  a  goodly 
number  of  cattle  and  hogs. 

November  30,  1859,  was  an  imiiortant  date  in 
the  life  of  Mr.  Sandusky  as  it  was  the  occasion  of 
his  marriage  with  Miss  Emily  A.  Clements,  who 
has  been  to  him  all  that  an  intelligent,  refined, 
capable  woman  can  be  to  the  man  by  whose  side 
she  w.alks  the  journey  of  life,  making  his  home 
l)le.asant  and  attractive,  and  a  welcome  retreat 
from  the  cares  of  business.  She  is  a  wise  and 
tender  mother  to  their  children,  of  whom  they  had 
four,  .as  follows:  Ada,  who  died  in  infancy;  Charlie, 
who  <lie(l  at  the  age  of  five  months;  Maggie  and 
Kate,  who  are  left  to  brighten  the  household  by 
their  presence.  Mrs.  Sandusky  born  in  Shel- 
byville,  111..  May  28,  1839,  a  daughter  of  John 
•and    Emily  (Livers)  Clements,    natives  of    Mary- 

land. Her  parents  were  among  the  early  settlers 
of  .Shelby  County,  and  there  the  father  died.  The 
mother  is  living  in  Shelbj'  County,  III. 

Mr.  Sandusky  is  a  man  of  much  experience, 
gifted  with  firmness,  sagacity,  and  foresight  to  a 
marked  degree,  which  traits  have  no  doubt  been 
instrumental  in  gaining  him  a  position  among  the 
first  citizens  of  Catlin  Township  as  a  substantial, 
well-to-do  farmer.  He  is  very  liberal,  and  never 
hesitates  to  spend  his  money  where  it  will  do  good 
or  relieve  suffering.  He  has  a  mind  of  his  own, 
and  is  very  tenacious  in  his  ojjinions.  This  is  es- 
pecially true  in  regard  to  his  political  views,  he 
being  a  ver}-  strong  Repul)liean,  active  in  political 
affairs,  and  giving  material  support  to  his  party. 
He  has  not  mingled  much  in  public  life,  having 
devoted  himself  strictly  to  his  own  private  affairs, 
but  he  been  School  Director  for  a  long  term 
of  years,  interesting  himself  greatly  in  educational 

HAULlvS  llIJvLMAX.  There  are  few  mort 
^_  industrious  or  more  conscientious  and 
^^Jf'  worthy  men  in  Oakwood  Township  than 
the  subject  of  this  notice,  who  is  located  upon  a 
well-improved  farm  upon  section  24.  His  projjerty 
is  the  result  of  his  own  unaided  industr3-  and 
been  accumulated  by  3'ears  of  arduous  labor  and 
close  economy.  Modest  and  retiring  in  disposition 
he  is  a  man  making  very  little  show  in  the  world, 
but  one  whom  his  friends  recognize  as  possessed  of 
high  principle  and  sound  common  sense,  and  one 
whose  word  is  considered  as  good  .as  his  bond.  A 
patriot  during  the  late  Civil  War,  he  contributed 
his  quota  in  assisting  to  preserve  the  Union  and  it 
is  hardly  necessary  to  say.  uniformly  votes  the 
straight  Republican  ticket.  He  has  ever  been  the 
.advocate  of  temperance,  practically  and  theoretic- 
ally and  with  his  estimable  wife  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
iu  which  he  has  officiated  as  .Steward  and  Cl.ass- 
Leader  and  held  other  positions  of  trust  and 

The  offspring  of  a  good    family,  our   subject  is 
the   son  of  Edward    Ilillnian.    a    native  of     Ensj- 



land  niul  a  tailor  by  trade  which  he  followed  for 
some  time  in  London,  Province  of  Ontario.  Can- 
ada, to  which  he  emigrated  when  a  young  man. 
His  mother,  who  was  of  Scotch  descent,  died  when 
a  young  woman,  and  when  her  son  Charles  was 
scarcely  more  than  nine  years  old.  Charles  and  his 
eldest  sister  were  afterward  taken  to  the  home  of 
Mr.  John  Lateman,  of  (Ontario,  with  whom  he  lived 
until  coming  to  Illinois  in  October.  1857,  when  a 
3'outh  of  seventeen  j'ears. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  tiiere  were  born 
four  children,  Charles  lieing  the  eldest.  He  first 
opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  March  8,  1840  and  re- 
ceived verj'  few  opportunities  for  an  education.  He 
attended  school  for  a  time  after  coming  to  this 
State  but  had  his  own  living  to  make  and  was 
mostly  employed  on  a  farm.  He  saved  what  he 
could  of  his  earnings  as  ^-ears  [lassed  on.  and  at  the 
age  of  twenty-seven  was  owner  of  eighty  acres  of 
land  in  Oakwood  Township,  and  some  personal 

Upon  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  JMr.  Hill- 
man  that  same  year  enlisted  in  Company  I,  3,5th 
Illinois  Infantry,  and  served  with  his  regiment  in 
the  battles  of  Stone  River,  Perry  ville  and  Chicka- 
mauga.  At  the  latter  he  was  wounded,  Sept.  19. 
186.3,  being  shot  through  the  left  thigh  in  a  pecu- 
liar and  dangerous  manner.  His  recovery  was  long 
and  tedious,  he  laying  in  the  hospital  until  Septem- 
ber. 1864,  at  which  time  expired  his  term  of  en- 
listment and  he  received  his  honorable  discharge. 
Upon  his  recovery  he  again  entered  the  ranks,  Feb. 
I,  1865,  as  a  member  of  Company  K,  150th  Illinois 
Infantry.  He  served  with  his  regiment  in  Georgia 
and  Tennessee  some  months  after  the  close  of  the 
war,  receiving  his  second  and  final  discharge,  Feb. 
1,  1866,  and  now  draws  a  pension  from  the  Gov- 
ernment. He  went  into  the  service  as  a  jirivate 
and  on  account  of  fidelity  to  duty  and  bravery  in 
times  of  danger,  was  first  promoted  to  Sergeant 
and  afterward  to  Second  Lieutenant,  with  which 
rank  he  was  mustered  out. 

The  8tli  of  October,  18(J7,  witnessed  the  mar- 
riage of  our  subject  with  Miss  Sarah  A.  Hilliary  and 
the  newly  wedded  pair  settled  at  once  upon  the 
farm  which  they  now  own  and  occupy.  This  em- 
braces 202^  acres  of  land  all  in  one   body,  132^ 

acres  under  cultivation  and  embracing  property 
formerlj'  owned  by  Martin  Oakwood.  The  four 
children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hillman  are  named 
respectively  Edward  J.,  Bertha,  fJeorge  F.  and 
Mary  F.  They  are  all  at  home  with  their  parents, 
are  well  educated  and  form  a  most  intelligent  and 
interesting  group.  ]\Ir.  Hillman  has  officiated  as 
School  Director  in  his  disti'ict  for  a  period  of 
twelve  years,  and  luas  been  Commissioner  of  lligh- 
wajs  three  years.  Stock-raising  forms  a  leading 
feature  of  his  farming  operations,  an  industry 
which  is  very  profitable  in  Central  Illinois.  As  an 
ex-soldier  our  subject  is  identified  with  George 
Morrison  Post,  (i.  A.  R.,  at  Glenburn. 

Mrs.  was  br)rn  M.arch  15,  1849,  in  Ver- 
milion County,  111.,  and  is  the  daughter  of  George 
Hilliary,  one  of  the  pioneer  settlers  of  this  county 
and  who  died  about  1876.  His  widow  is  still  liv- 
ing being  now  seventy-five  ^-ears  old  and  making 
her  home  in  Oakwood. 

LINTON  D.  HEXTON,  M.  D.,  a  popular 
physician  of  "N'ermilion  County,  was  born 
;  in  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  on  the  3d  day  of 
August,  1831.  His  father,  Evan  Henton,  it  is  be- 
lieved, w,as  a  native  of  Virginia.  He  was  married 
in  Ohio  and  in  an  early  day  moved  to  Indiana  and 
settled  in  Fountain  County,  where  he  purchased  a 
tract  of  land  four  miles  from  Attica.  He  resided 
here  until  1838,  when  he  sold  his  farm  and  re- 
turned to  Ohio  and  settled  in  Highland  County, 
where  he  purchased  a  farm  one  and  a  half  miles 
from  Hillsboro,  and  there  resided  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  in  1856.  His  wife's  maiden  name 
was  Maria  Inskeep,  a  native  of  Ohio  and  daughter 
of  the  Rev.  Daniel  Inskeei).  She  died  on  the  home 
farm  in  1876.  She  was  the  mother  of  seven  chil- 
dren, six  of  whom  grew  to  manhood  and  woman- 
hood and  whose  names  follow:  Eliza,  Clinton, 
Rachael,  Colmau,  Samuel  and  Mary. 

Dr.  Henton  was  a  lau  of  six  years  when  his 
parents  removed  to  Ohio,  where  he  received  his 
early  education  in  the  public  schools.  He  also  at- 
tended Hillsboro  Academy.     At   the  age   of  six- 



teen,  he  commenced  teaching  and  taught  and  at- 
tended school  alternately.  In  the  meantime  he 
became  anxious  to  study  medicine,  and  pursued  his 
studies  in  this  directiim  .-ill  through  the  time  cov- 
ered by  teaching  school.  In  July,  1853  he  came 
to  Vermilion  County  and  inaugarated  a  successful 
practice  of  his  profession,  but  being  anxious  to 
further  post  himself  he  went  from  Myersville, 
where  he  lived,  to  Chicago,  where  he  attended  Rush 
Medical  College,  graduating  therefrom  in  1861. 
He  returned  to  Myersville  and  practiced  until  May. 
1872,  when  he  came  to  Danville,  where  he  has  been 
a  successful  practitioner  since.  In  1 855  he  mar- 
ried Susan  Gund}',  who  is  a  native  of  Ross  Town- 
ship, this  county,  andadaughter  of  Joseph  Gundy, 
(a  sketch  of  whose  life  appears  in  another  part  of 
this  vcjlume.) 

Dr.  Ilenton  is  a  member  of  Olive  Branch  Lodge 
No.  38,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  also  of  '\'crmilion  Chap- 
ter Xo.  82,  R.  A.  M.  The  Doctor  and  wife  are 
communicants  of  the  Methodist  Ei)iscopal  Church. 
I'rofessionally  Dr.  Heutoii  has  been  very  successful, 
and  as  a  citizen,  his  reputation  is  one  of  the  high- 
est. He  keeps  well  read  ujion  current  events,  and 
is  what  the  world  calls  a  well-posted  man. 

•»  -HH-<jii:J::tt>j}!-HH.^ 

j'^IRD  C.  PATH  is  numbered  among  the 
,  worthy  citizens  of  Vermilion  County  who, 
natives  of  its  soil,  have  for  many  }-ears  been 
active  in  developing  and  extending  its 
great  agricultural  interests,  and  while  so  doinf 
have  placed  themselves  in  independent  and  pros- 
perous circumstances.  He  was  born  and  reared  in 
Catlin  Township,  and  since  attaining  man's  estate 
has  been  a  practical  member  of  its  farming  com- 
munity, owning  and  busil}'  engaged  in  the  man- 
agement of  a  good  farm  of  200  acres  of  fertile  land 
on  section  21. 

Adam  Pate,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Virginia.  When  he  established  himself 
in  life  he  married  Elizal)eth  Owens,  a  native  of 
Kentucky.  They  Cdmmenced  their  wedded  life  in 
Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  but  in  1829  they  made 
their  way  through    the    rude    and    sparsely   settled 

country  to  A'ermilion  County,  and  became  early 
settlers  in  this  vicinity,  locating  at  lir.-^t  about  three 
miles  north-west  of  Catlin.  and  then  removing  to 
this  farm,  whicli  is  now  in  the  possession  of  our 
subject.  Here  their  remaining  lives  were  spent 
in  the  toil  necessar}-  to  improve  a  farm  in  the  wil- 
derness, and  now  that  they  have  passed  aw;i  v.  their 
memory  will  be  cherished  with  that  of  other  pio- 
neers who  labored  and  sacrificed  that  they  might 
build  up  comfortable  homes,  .'uiil  in  so  doing 
aided  in  building  up  this  commonwealth  of  Ill- 
inois. The  father  died  Feb.  24,  18G7,  aged  seventy- 
four  years,  two  months  and  five  daj-s.  The'mother 
died  Oct.  8,  1874,  aged  eighty  years,  nine  months 
and  twenty-six  days.  They  were  tiie  parents  of 
fourteen  children,  of  whom  Bird  was  the  thirteenth. 
He  was  born  in  Catlin  Township,  July  12,  183G, 
and  grew  to  manhood  amid  the  primitive  suriound- 
ings  of  those  early  days  of  the  settlement  of  the 
county,  and  on  the  homestead  where  he  reared 
he  has  spent  his  entire  life  thus  far,  and  de- 
voted himself  exclusively-  to  farming. 

To  the  lady  who  presides  over  his  pleasant  home 
and  helps  him  to  dispense  its  abundant  hospital- 
ities to  whosoever  comes  under  its  sheltering  roof, 
he  was  united  in  marriage  in  Vermilion  Count3-, 
Dec.  21,  1857.  Her  maiden  name  was  Rebecca 
Tanner,  and  she  was  born  in  this  county.  Julv  30, 
1839  to  William  and  Lucinda  (McKinsey)  Tanner, 
early  settlers  of  the  county.  Six  children  have  blessed 
the  marriage  of  our  subject  and  his  wife,  of  whom 
five  are  living — Laf.ayettc  P.  married  Rebecca 
Jones,  and  is  engaged  in  tiie  coal  business  north  of 
Catlin;  Horace  M.  is  unmarried  and  resides  in  Gar- 
vanza,  Cal.;  Asa  married  Jennie  Alexander,  and  is 
engaged  in  farming  in  this  township;  Clay  and  Clara 
O.,  the  two  latter  reside  at  home  with  their  par- 
ents. Their  eldest  child,  George  W.,  died  when 
about  four  years  old,  and  thus  early  taken  from  this 
weary  world,  he  is  "safe  from  all  tli;U  can  liiuni, 
safe,  ancl  quietly  sleeping." 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pate  are  very  jjleasanl  people, 
kindly  and  generous  in  their  dealings  with  their 
neiglil)ors,  by  whom  they  are  much  liked.  jMr. 
Pate  has  been  Hoad  Commissioner  and  Seliocjl  Di- 
rector, holding  the  latter  oHice  twentiy-one  years, 
and  in  both  caiiacities  has  served  the  public  eflSci- 



ently.  He  is  a  sound  Republican  and  earnestly 
supports  the  principles  promulgated  by  his  party. 
He  is  a  man  of  correct  moral  habits,  .and  though  a 
member  of  no  religious  societj'  yet  takes  an  active' 
part  in  the  affairs  of  the  church  and  does  what  he 
can  for  its  welfare.  He  is  a  member  of  the  A.  F. 
&  A.  M.,  Catlin  Lodge,  No.  285. 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  homestead  and 
surroundings  on  the  farm  of  Mr.  Pate  is  shown 
elsewhere  in  this  work. 

-i #W# 8- 


is  seemingly  natural,  at  least  it  is  easier,  for 
mankind  to  wander  into  crooked  paths 
^^J)  than  to  follow  the  straight  road  of  recti- 
tude and  honor;  but  he  who  fortunately  con- 
fines himself  to  the  latter,  must  have  some  realiza- 
tion of  the  homely  and  ancient  adage  that  "virtue 
brings  its  own  reward."  Men  do  not  realize  the 
truth  of  this  so  much  as  in  life's  decline,  when  the 
shadows  of  the  great  change  which  is  soon  to  come 
are  already  visible;  then  fortunate  is  he  who  may 
humbly  feel  that  his  life  labors  have  not  wholl}' 
been  in  vain.  These  thoughts  involuntarily  arise 
in  contemplating  the  career  of  Judge  Davis,  which 
has  been  perhaps,  like  that  of  a  deep  stream,  little 
disturbed  at  the  surface,  but  with  an  under-current 
whose  strength  has  been  clear  and  decided.  A 
native  of  New  York  City,  he  was  born  Dec.  20, 
1819,  and  is  the  sou  of  William  and  Olivia  (Tiiomp- 
son)  Davis,-who  were  natives  respectively,  of  Sar- 
atoga, N.  Y.,  and  Connecticut.  After  their  re- 
moval to  the  metropolis  the  father  was  for  many 
years  engaged  with  varying  success  as  a  shipping 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  pursued  his  first  studies 
in  a  select  school  in  bis  native  city,  afterward  en- 
tered Hamilton  Academy,  and  later  was  a  student 
at  the  academy  in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.  After  lay- 
ing aside  his  books  he  entered  the  service  of  the 
American  Fur  Company,  which  was  founded  by 
John  Jacob  Astor  and  which  was  at  that  time  un- 
der the  presidency  of  Ramsey  Crookes.  He  con- 
tinued with   this    company   until    1841,    and  then, 

having  determined  to  make  his  home  in  the  West, 
came  to  this  county  and  settled  in  Danville,  where 
he  now  lives. 

Earl}'  in  life  Judge  Davis  had  looked  forward  to 
the  time  when  he  could  enter  the  legal  profession 
and  now  in  keeping  with  his  long  cherished  desire, 
he  placed  himself  under  the  tuition  of  Isaac  P. 
Walker  and  began  the  stud}'  of  law.  By  close 
api)lication  and  untiring  diligence  he  made  rapid 
progress  in  his  studies  aud  on  the  15th  day  of  De- 
cember, 1842,  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  Soon 
afterward  opening  an  office  on  his  own  .account,  he 
began  the  practice  of  his  profession,  but  contin- 
ued his  studies  and  in  due  time  established  him- 
self as  a  reliable  practitioner  and  was  regarded 
as  an  able  advocate  who  signalized  himself  as  ex- 
ceptionally honorable  and  high-minded. 

In  1861  upon  the  formation  of  the  Twenty- 
seventh  Circuit  Court,  Mr.  Davis  was  elected  Judge 
and  was  appointed  by  Judge  Treat  as  United 
States  Commissioner.  On  the  1st  of  July,  follow- 
ing, he  was  re-elected  to  the  former  otiice,  which 
he  held  until  July  10,  186G,  when,  owing  to  the 
meagreness  of  the  salary  he  resigned  and  resumed 
the  practice  of  his  profession,  which  he  continued 
with  marked  success  until  1873.  He  was  then 
elected  Judge  of  the  Fifteenth  Judicial  Circuit 
which  office  he  held  until  1879,  and  in  that  3ear  he 
was  elected  and  commissioned  Judge  of  the  Fourth 
Judicial  Circuit. 

In  the  meantime,  on  the  25th  of  September, 
1877,  our  subject  was  appointed  by  the  Stipreme 
Court  as  one  of  the  Judges  of  the  Appellate  Court 
— an  office  to  which  he  was  twice  subsequently  re- 
appointed and  in  which  he  served  with  great  wis- 
dom and  discretion  for  twelve  years  and  at  the  end 
of  the  second  appointment  retired  from  the  bench. 
He  is  particularly  distinguished  for  his  legal  acumen 
and  honesty,  together  with  great  purity  of  motive, 
while  his  equitable  rulings  and  gentlemanly  bearing 
have  secured  him  the  high  esteem  of  all  with  whom 
he  has  had  dealings.  As  a  lawyer,  he  has  honored 
his  profession,  while  as  a  Judge,  he  holds  the  un- 
qu.alified  respect  of  both  bench  and  bar. 

In  politics.  Judge  Davis,  was  originally  a  Demo- 
crat, but  upon  the  organization  of  the  Republican 
part}'  he  became    identified  with   that   body.     He 


■  ■  ^:^SMMLi3^'-.'^ 



was  elected  to  the  Legislature,  first  in  IS;")!,  and 
again  in  1857.  Aside  from  tliis  lie  has  declined 
Ijolitical  preferment,  finding  more  satisfactory  oc- 
cupation in  the  practice  of  his  chosen  profession. 
In  his  religious  views,  he  is  a  Presbyterian,  having 
united  with  that  church  in  1870. 

Judge  Davis  was  married  Dec.  .5,  1844,  to  Miss 
Sarah  M.  C'unninghani,  a  daughter  of  Ilezelviah  and 
Mary  (Alexander)  Cunningham,  who  were  natives 
respectivcij- of  Virginia  and  Georgia.  In  the  lat 
tcr  .State  were  many  members  of  the  Alexander  fam- 
ily who  rose  to  eminence,  and  were  particularly 
gifted  with  the  traits  of  an  illustrious  ancestry.  Mrs. 
Davis  is  a  native  of  this  county  and  was  born  Sept. 
3,  1827.  To  the  Judge  and  his  accomplished  wife 
there  were  born  ten  children,  six  of  whom  are  liv- 
ing— Mary  married  Charles  J.  Palmer;  Lucy,  mar- 
ried J.  B.  Mann;  Jennie,  married  S.  M.  Millikcn; 
Nellie,  Henry  Harmon,  and  Fannie.  E. 

^  AMES  E.  WHITE  is  industriously'  pursuing 
the  calling  of  a  farmer  on  section  10,  Catlin 
Township,  where  he  owns  a  good  farm 
whose  well-tilled  acres  yield  him  an  income 
that  enables  him  to  support  his  family  in  comfort. 
He  was  born  in  Perrysville.  Ind.,  Sept.  4.  18;')1,  a 
son  of  James  and  Frances  Ann  (Sanders)  White. 
The  former  was  twice  married,  his  first  wife  being 
Hannah  Rogers,  the  mother  of  AVilliam  White,  of 
whom  a  brief  account  is  given  on  another  page  of 
this  work. 

Our  subject  is  the  oldest  living  son  of  his  father 
and  mother,  and  wius  a  lad  of  eight  years  when  his 
parents  came  to  Vermilion  Countj',  this  State,  and 
here  the  remaining  years  of  his  boj'hood  and  youth 
were  spent,  and  when  it  became  time  for  him  to 
settle  upon  some  calling  by  which  to  earn  a  living, 
he  selected  agriculture  as  the  one  for  which  he  was 
the  best  fitted.  He  has  been  quite  successful  thus 
far  and  has  already'  placed  his  ICO-acre  farm  under 
excellent  tillage  and  ra.ide  many  good  improv- 

June  3,  1874,  was  the  date  of  one  of  the  most 
important  events  that  ever  occurred  in  the  life  of 

Mr.  White,  our  subject,  .as  at  that  time  lie  was 
united  in  the  holy  bonds  of  matrimony  to  Miss 
Emily  Eliza  Browne,  who  is  faitlifuUy  co-operating 
with  him  in  his  work.  Seven  children  have  come 
to  brighten  their  home,  as  follows:  Henry  W., 
Eliza  P.,  Mirriam  R.,  Frederic  J.,  Alice  E..  who 
was  taken  from  the  home  circle  Feb.  2,  1888;  Jes- 
sie L.,  and  Minnie  E. 

Mrs.  White  is  a  native  of  Catlin  Townshii).  and 
was  born  Dec.  23,  1852,  to  William  and  Eliza 
(Jones)  Browne,  natives  of  England.  The  latter 
was  born  Feb.  3.  1829,  and  became  the  wife  of 
William  Browne  May  IG,  1850,  and  with  liini  sot- 
tied  in  Catlin  Township  On  the  24th  day  of 
March.  1854.  he  was  suddenly  removed  by  an  ac- 
cidental death,  from  the  sphere  of  his  usefulness 
while  yet  in  life's  prime.  On  that  day  he  was  un- 
loading hay  from  a  w,agon  near  the  residence  of 
the  late  Henry  Jones,  on  the  road  between  Catlin 
and  Danville.  He  was  on  the  ground  at  the  rear 
of  the  load  unloosening  the  pole  that  bound  the 
hay,  and  the  horses  becoming  frightened  started  to 
run  away,  and  while  he  was  trying  to  catch  them 
he  was  struck  by  the  hay  ladder  of  the  rack,  across 
the  heart,  and  in  less  than  a  half-hour  was  dead. 
He  was  the  father  of  two  children — Eliza  and  Em- 
ily E.,  (Mrs.  White).  Eliza  died  when  about  fif- 
teen months  old.  The  widow  of  William  Browne, 
and  mother  of  Mrs.  White  was  afterward  again  mar- 
ried, this  time  being  united  with  Frederic  Tarrnut. 
a  native  of  England.  Mr.  Tarrant  was  horn  at 
Stanford  in  the  Vale,  County-  of  Berks,  old  Eng- 
land, his  birth  occurring  Jlay  15,  1824.  He  left 
his  njitive  land  in  June,  1853,  coming  almost  im- 
mediately to  the  great  and  growing  AVest. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tarrant  became  the  parents  of  a 
large  family  of  children,  whose  names  are  given 
below:  Sarah  Louisa,  l)orn  Feb.  6,  1857.  married 
Charles  P.  Williams,  Sept.  1,  1875:  Frederic  Rich- 
ard, born  Jan.  1,  1859,  and  died  May  17,  1859; 
Miriam  Whitfield,  born  Feb.  10,  I8C0,  and  mar- 
ried Nov.  1,  1882,  to  Robert  White;  Ellen  Eliz- 
abeth, born  Dec.  18,  1861,  and  died  May  7,  1862; 
Arthur  Henry,  born  May  20,  1863.  and  married 
June  (!.  1888.  to  Annie  Estella  Ludy;  Jessie  Bent- 
ley,  born  Dec  20,  1XG5,  and  married  March  31, 
1887,    to   Thomas  J.    Dale;    Thomas   Alfred,    born 



Feb.  11,  1868;  Alice  BerlLu,  June  21,  1870,  and 
Elsie  K.ate,  boru  Feb.  10,  1873,  and  died  Dec.  14. 

Mr.  White  is  an  honest,  sober,  hardworking  man, 
and  is  regarded  as  a  useful  member  in  the  commu- 
nity. He  has  served  his  township  faithfully  as 
Sciioul  Director.  He  and  his  wife  are  people  of 
i-eligious  views  and  habits,  and  belong  to  the  Meth- 
odist Episco|3al  Church.  Mr.  White  is  identified 
with  tlie  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  as  a  member  of  the  C'atlin 
Lodge,  No.  285.  In  politics,  he  is  a  follower  of  the 
Democratic  party. 





vsi       yr^ILLIAM  W.  CURRENT  occupies  a  prom- 
'  ■'■        among  the  i)rogressive,  en- 

'<\  rj^lLLlAM  W.  CU 
\&j//  inent  position  f 
W^      terprising    citiz( 

rprising  citizens  of  Newell  Township, 
his  native  place,  of  which  he  is  Supervisor,  and 
with  whose  agricultural  interests  he  is  closely  iden- 
tified. He  is  a  veteran  of  the  late  war,  in  whicli 
he  won  an  honorable  record  as  a  l)rave,  faithful 
soldier,  ready  to  do  or  die  for  his  country. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  Henry  B.  Current,  is 
a  native  of  Virginia,  while  his  mother,  Martha 
Srout,  was  born  in  Ohio.  [For  parental  history 
see  sketch  of  Henry  B.  Current].  The}'  had  eight 
children,  tlu'eesons  and  five  daughters,  and  William 
of  whom  we  write,  was  the  eldest  of  the  family. 
He  was  born  in  tiiis  township  Nov.  27,  1842.  He 
was  reared  to  manhood  in  iiis  native  countj',  re- 
ceiving uonimon  educational  advantages  in  the 
public  schools.  When  he  was  sixteen  years  old, 
an  independent,  self-reliant  youtli,  he  left  tlie 
shelter  of  the  parental  roof  to  learn  the  trade  of 
harness  and  saddler\-  making,  serving  an  apjiren- 
ticeship  of  two  3ears.  But  after  that  he  did  not 
follow  the  trade,  but  engaged  as  a  clerk  in  a  dry 
goods  and  clothing  house  in  Danville,  and  was 
there  for  three  years.  During  that  lime  he  had 
been  watching  the  progress  of  the  great  civil  war 
that  was  then  raging  so  fiercely,  and  he  tlien  deter- 
mined to  cast  in  his  lot  with  the  noble  defenders  of 
the  stars  and  stripes  and  fight  with  them  his  coun- 
try's battles.  Accordingly  in  the  prime  and  vigor 
of  young   manhood   he  enlisted   in   the    spring  of 

1864  in  Company  K,  37th  Illinois  Infantry,  under 
the  command  of  Capt.  J.  C.  Black,  afterward  Gen. 
Black.  He  did  good  service  on  Southern  battle- 
fields for  about  a  year,  but  the  hardships  and  pri- 
vations of  a  soldier's  life  told  on  his  naturally 
strong  constitution,  and  after  the  war  ended  he 
was  discharged  on  account  of  disability. 

After  his  experience  of  military  warfare  Mr. 
Current  returned  to  his  native  county  and  engaged 
as  switchman  in  the  Danville  yards  for  the  Wabash 
Railway.  He  acted  in  that  capacity  about  a  year 
and  was  then  transferred  to  the  freiglit  otticc  where 
he  was  employed  some  six  or  seven  years.  When 
the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railway  was  com- 
pleted he  was  appointed  conductor  of  a  freight 
train  running  from  Chicago  to  Danville.  A  year 
and  a  half  afterwards  he  gave  that  up  to  accept  a 
position  in  the  Chicago  office.  After  working- 
there  one  winter  he  returned  to  Danville  and  in 
June  took  charge  of  the  yard.  A  j'ear  and  a  half 
later  he  abandoned  railroading,  and  then  engaged 
in  the  grocery  business  in  Danville  about  three 
years  and  then  in  farming.  In  the  month  of 
August.  1886  Mr.  Current  returned  to  Newell 
Township  where  his  early  life  had  been  passed,  and 
has  since  been  engaged  in  farming  here  at  the  old 
homestead  of  his  father,  farming  on  shares. 

Mr.  Current  has  been  twice  married.  He  was 
first  wedded  in  this  county,  in  Catlin  Township,  to 
Miss  Jlargaret  Ellsworth,  a  native  of  the  county. 
She  bore  him  three  children — Oscar  E.,  Harry  S.^ 
Ida  M.  July  10,  1878,  the  devoted  wife  and 
mother  was  called  to  a  higher  life,  leaving  many 
friends  to  sympathise  with  her  alHicted  household. 
Mr.  Current  was  married  to  his  present  estimable 
wife  in  Newell  Township,  Fel).  15,  1880.  She  is, 
like  himself,  a  native  of  this  place,  born  June  8, 
1858,  her  maiden  name  Mary  A.  Makemson.  Her 
parents,  Hiram  and  Prudence  (Campbell)  Makem- 
son, are  residents  of  this  township. 

iMr.  Current  is  an  ambitious,  wide-awake  man^ 
skilled  in  his  calling,  and  his  ability  and  well- 
known  integrity  have  been  duly  recognized  by  his 
fellow-citizens,  who  have  twice  called  him  to  the 
resi>onsible  oflice  that  he  now  holds  as  Supervisor 
of  Newell  Townshii),  electing  him  first  in  the 
spring  of    1888,  and  re-electing  him  in   the  spring 




of  1889.  While  living  in  Danville  he  was  City 
CMerk  for  one  year.  He  is  a  member  of  tliu  A.  F. 
X'  A.  M.,  Olive  Branch  Lodge,  No.  38,  ^'ernlilion 
Cliapter  at  Danville  and  Atholstan  Commander}', 
No.  15,  at  Danville.  He  is  a  man  of  sincere  reli- 
gions principles,  and  an  active  worker  in  tiie 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in  which  he  lias  been 
an  officer,  and  lie  heartily  cooperates  with  his 
fellow  members  in  wliatever  will  promote  the  best 
interests  of  the  church  and  of  society  at  large. 
Politicallv.  he  is  a  Democrat. 



the  self-made  men  of  Vermilion  County 
ll\  none  deserve  greater  credit  than  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice  who  is  in  possession  of  a 
comfortable  amount  of  this  world's  goods,  obtained 
by  downright  hard  labor  and  wise  management.  At 
the  beginning,  when  he  started  out  in  life  for  him- 
self, he  made  it  a  rule  to  live  within  his  income, 
and  this  resolve  closely  followed  has  given  him 
that  independence  than  which,  there  is  no  more 
comfortable  feeling  in  the  world.  In  possession  of 
a  fine  home  and  a  splendid  famil}',  together  with 
the  respect  of  his  fellow  men,  he  surely  has  much 
to  make  life  desirable.  His  occupation  through 
life  has  been  principally  agriculture,  but  he  is  now 
retired  from  active  labor  and  has  wisel}' determined 
to  spend  his  remaining  years  in  the  comfort  and 
quiet  which  he  so  justly  deserves. 

The  ancestors  of  the  Major  were  Southern  peo- 
ple mostly,  and  his  father,  Jesse  Burroughs,  a  na- 
tive of  Kentuek)',  was  born  in  1803.  Early  in  life  he 
was  married  May  8,  1823,  to  Miss  Mary  C.  Wilson 
who  was  born  in  1804  in  Fennsj'lvania,  the  wedding 
taking  place  in  Deaborn  County,  Ind.,  to  which  place 
the  young  people  had  emigrated  with  their  parents. 
Tliey  resided  in  that  county  for  sixteen  3'ears.  then 
coming  to  Illinois,  in  1839,  settled  on  a  farm  near 
Catlin,  this  county,  where  they  lived  a  number  of 
years,  then  changed  their  residence  to  F.nirmount. 
The  father  died  on  the  5th  of  March,  1880,  aged 
seventy-six  3'ears,  ton  months  and  sixteen  days. 
The  mother  survived  her  partner    less  than  a  ycu'. 

passing  away  Feb.  25, 1881,  aged  seventy-six  years, 
three  months  and  twenty- four  days. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  were  born  nine 
children,  six  sons  and  three  daughters,  five  of  whom 
are  living,  and  of  whom  Wilson  was  the  second 
child.  He  was  born  Nov.  21,  1825,  in  Dearborn 
County,  Ind.  His  early  education  was  conducted 
in  a  log  school-house  with  gre.ased  pa|)er  for  win- 
dow panes  and  the  other  finishings  and  furnishings 
common  to  the  buildings  of  that  place  and  time. 
It  was  never  his  privilege  to  attend  a  higher  school. 
He  had  the  ordinary  experience  of  a  farmer's  boy 
in  a  new  country,  assisting  in  the  development  of 
the  farm,  plowing,  sowing  and  reaping,  becoming  in- 
ured to  hard  work  at  an  early  age.  There  were 
very  few  settlers  in  this  region  at  the  time  of  the 
arrival  of  the  Burroughs  family,  there  being  a  few 
Indians  and  French  on  the  Sault  fork  of  the  Ver- 
milion River. 

Four  days  before  attaining  the  nineteenth  year  of 
his  age  young  Burroughs  was  married  Nov.  17, 
1844,  to  Miss  Martha  Ann  Thompson,  daughter  of 
John  and  Esther  (Paine)  Thompson,  who  came  to 
Illinois  from  Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  in  1830,  and 
settled  on  a  farm  in  Vance  Township,  this  county. 
Their  family  included  eight  children,  four  of  whom 
are  living  and  of  whom  Mrs.  Burroughs  the 
second  child,  was  born  Ma\'  11,  1827,  in  Dearborn 
Count}-,  Ind.  Her  early  education  was  conducted 
in  a  similar  manner  to  that  of  her  husband,  and  her 
father  officiated  as  a  pedagogue  for  several  years. 
After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Burrouglis  set- 
tled on  a  rented  farm  near  Catlin,  and  like  their 
neighbors  frequently  had  difficulty  to  make  both 
ends  meet.  There  was  an  aliundance  of  labor  and 
with  but  very  little  return.  They  raised  their  own 
(lax  and  wool,  .and  Mrs.  Burroughs  spun  and  wove 
and  fashioned  the  garments  for  her  family.  Mr. 
Burroughs  often  thinks  of  the  time  when  he  went 
to  church  dressed  in  home-made  linen  shirt  and 
pants  and  a  straw  hat.  He  maintains,  however, 
that  those  were  happy  d.ays,  during  which  mutual 
affection  and  mutual  purposes  enabled  them  to  bear 
with  courage  the  burdens  of  life  and  sustain  their 
liopes  for  tlie  future. 

Our  subject  operated  five  years  upon  rented  lancj 
1(1  such    gfiod  ailvautage  that    at  the  expiration  of 



this  time  he  was  enabled  lo  purchase  100  acres — 
eighty  acres  of  prairie  at  85  per  acre  and  twenty 
acres  of  timber  at  $4  i)er  acre.  lie  paid  cash  down 
for  the  timber  but  was  obliged  to  go  in  debt  for  the 
other.  He  put  up  a  frame  house  and  hauled  the  fin- 
ishing lumber  for  it  from  a  point  cast  of  Eugene, 
Ind.,  the  trip  occupying  three  days.  He  lived  at 
this  place  seven  years  then  traded  it  for  a  tract  of 
raw  land,  three  and  one-half  miles  southwest  of 
Fairmount.  Removing  to  this  he  went  through 
the  same  pi-ocess  as  before,  l;)ringing  the  new  soil  to 
a  state  of  cultivation,  putting  up  another  house  and 
hauling  the  lumber  as  before  from  the  same  place. 
This  continued  the  home  of  our  subject  and  his 
little  family  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  late 
Civil  War. 

Although  there  was  much  toengross  the  time  and 
thoughts  of  Mr.  Burroughs  in  connection  with  his 
personal  interests  he.  nevertheless,  responded  to  the 
call  of  his  country  and  in  August,  1 862,  entered  the 
army  as  Captain  of  Company  E,  73d  Illinois  Infan- 
try. He  participated  with  one  exception,  in  all  the 
battles  of  his  regiment,  being  prevented  by  illness 
from  taking  part  in  the  fight  at  Murfreesboro,  Tenn. 
On  the  l.Stli  of  December,  186  4,  he  was  promoted  to 
tiie  rank  of  .Major.  Although  in  many  of  the  im- 
portant engagements  which  followed  he  was  never 
WDunded  except,  as  he  expressed  it,  "  in  the  hat." 
He  has  a  vivid  recollectit)n  of  the  battles  of  Perry- 
ville.  Chickamanga,  Mission  Ridge,  Rocky  Face, 
Burnt  Hickory,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Peach  Tree 
Creek,  Atlanta,  Jone.sboro,  Lovejoy's  Station, 
Franklin,  the  two  days  atXashville  and  the  fight  at 
Dalton  and  Resaca.  After  Lee's  surrender  he  was 
mustered  out  in  June,  186.5,  at  Camp  Butler,  111. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  army  Major  Burroughs 
returned  to  his  farm  which  he  occupied  until  1867. 
Then,  removing  to  Fairmount,  he  purchased  a  home 
and  has  since  lived  retired  from  active  labor.  Af- 
ter giving  to  his  two  children  each  a  farni  he  still 
has  324  acres  left.  There  were  born  to  him  and  his 
excellent  wife  four  children,  of  whom  Melissa,  the 
eldest  daughter,  became  the  wife  of  I.  N.  Wilcox, 
who  died  Sept.  19,  1887,  leaving  his  widow  with 
one  child,  Harry  B:  Elsworth  Thompson  Burroughs, 
the  eldest  son  of  our  subject,  married  Miss  Laura 
Custer,  and  is  the  father  of  two  children — Fred  and 

Frank — living  near  Westville;  Esther  M.,  is  the 
wife  of  William  P.  Witherspoon  and  the  mother  of 
three  children — Stella,  Wilson  W.  and  Myrtle;  they 
live  in  a  home  adjoining  that  of  INIr.  Burroughs. 
The  youngest  child  Newton  W.,  remains  at  home 
with  his  parents. 

Mr.  Burroughs  usually  votes  the  straight  Repub- 
lican ticket  but  further  than  this  takes  no  active 
part  in  politics  and  has  .avoided  the  responsibilities 
of  office,  although  serving  as  Director  .and  Trustee 
in  his  district.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the 
Town  Council  and  as  an  ex-soldier,  belonged  to 
George  N.  Neville,  Post,  G.  A.  R.  until  its  discon- 
tinuance. Major  and  Mrs.  Burroughs  together 
with  all  their  children,  are  members  of  the  Cum- 
bc'land  Presbyterian  Church  at  Fairmount.  This 
was  organized  in  1869  and  the  M.ajor  been  one 
of  its  Elders  since  th.'ittime.  He  has  alw.ays  enter- 
tained an  active  interest  in  the  .Sunday-scliool  in 
whicli  he  held  the  office  of  Superintendent  many 
j'ears.  He  ranks  among  the  foremost  temperance 
men  of  this  communitj'  and  in  all  his  dealings  has 
preserved  that  honest  and  upright  course  in  life 
which  as  l>een  the  surest  guarantee  of  a  substantial 
success  and  paved  the  waj'  to  a  position  in  the 
front  ranks  among  the  responsible  men  of  this 
community.  lie  knows  by  what  toil  and  struggle 
his  posessions  were  accumulated,  and  a  faculty 
of  investing  his  capital  to  the  best  advantage. 

A  portrait  of  M.ajor  Burroughs,  which  appears 
in  this  volume  will  be  valued  b}'  his  many  friends 
in  the  county,  and  especially  by  his  comrades  in  the 
G.  A.  R. 

,,1  LBERT  VOORHES,  a  prominent  and 
^KM  well-to-do  farmer  and  stock-raiser  of  Cat- 
lin  Township,  numbered  among  its  most 
benevolent  and  public-spirited  citizens,  is 
a  fine  tyi>e  of  our  self-made  men,  who  while  work- 
ing hard  to  establish  themselves  in  the  world  have 
materially  added  to  the  wealth  of  this  countv. 
When  he  and  his  wife  began  life  together,  the}' 
had  to  commence  in  the  humblest  way,  having  no 
means,  but  by  their  united  labors,  with  wise  econ- 



omy  .111(1  pniilcut  niiuiajjcinont,  they  liavi' secureil  !i 
conipcleiife,  and  have  built  up  one  of  tlii'  most  at- 
tractive homes  in  the  township. 

Mr.  Voorlies  is  a  native  of  the  sootl  old  State 
of  Pennsylvania,  horn  in  Washington  County  Dec. 
•2().  1833,  the  fourth  child  in  the  family*  of  twelve 
children,  five  sons  and  seven  daughters,  belonging 
to  Andrew  W.  and  Mary  (Crockard)  Voorhes. 
His  father  was  born  in  New  Jersey  and  his  mother 
in  Pennsylvania,  and  after  marriage,  they  made 
their  home  in  Washington  County,  Pa.,  and  there 
their  entire  wedded  life  was  passed,  and  there  death 
found  them  well-prepared  for  its  summons.  The 
father  was  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser. 

Their  son  Albert,  the  subject  of  this  biograph- 
ical review,  was  reared  to  manhood  in  the  home  of 
his  birth,  remaining  an  inmate  of  the  parental 
luHLsehold  till  he  married  and  established  domestic 
ties  of  his  own.  That  important  event  in  his  life  took 
pl.ace  in  his  native  county  Sept.  12,  1857,  on  which 
date  he  was  united  in  the  holy  bonds  of  matrimon}- 
to  Miss  Sarah  J.  Baker.  Mrs.  Voorhes  is  a  daugii- 
ter  of  Enoch  and  Margaret  (S|)eers)  Baker,  who 
were  natives  of  Washington  County,  Pa.,  tjie  fa- 
ther spending  his  entire  life  there.  The  mother  is 
still  living  at  an  advanced  age.  Mrs.  Voorhes  is 
the  eldest  of  the  eight  children,  three  daughters 
and  five  sons,  born  to  her  parents,  and  she  first 
saw  the  light  of  day  amid  the  prett)'  scenes  sur- 
rounding her  early  home  Dec.  19,  1839.  She  was 
reared  to  womanhood  in  Washington  Count}',  and 
carefully  trained  in  all  the  duties  of  caring  for  a 
household,  and  was  thus  .admirably  fitted  for  the 
part  of  wife  and  mother  that  she  has  performed  so 
well.  To  her  and  our  subject  ten  children  have 
been  born,  of  whom  the  following  is  recorded: 
Emery  A.,  died  when  he  was  six  months  old ;  Sam- 
uel W.,  died  when  he  was  twenty-one,  his  death 
having  been  caused  by  a  horse  kicking  liim; 
Charles  L.,  married  Miss  Cora  A.  McDonald;  JJn- 
nia  I.,  married  Wallace  Acree;  Albert  N..  died 
when  four  months  old;  Delia  J.  married  Albert 
Fisher;  Henry  H..  Florence  B.,  Kimbro  E.,  and 
Earl  E..  are  at  home. 

In  the  fall  of  1857,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  X'oorhes,  then 
recently  married,  left  their  old  Pennsylvania  home, 
and   coming  to    Illinois,   settled  in  Edgar  County 

alxMit  eight  miles  west  of  Paris.  After  living 
there  two  years,  they  came  to  Vermilion  Count.y 
where  they  have  ever  since  made  their  home.  Mr. 
Voorhes  has  a  farm  of  243  acres  on  section  1, 
Catlin  Township,  and  eighty  acres  in  \'ance  Town- 
ship two  miles  south  of  Fairmount,  on  which  he 
has  erected  a  fine  set  of  buildings,  and  has  made 
other  valuable  improvements,  besides  putting  the 
land  under  good  cultivation,  and  has  a  place  of 
which  he  may  well  be  proud.  At  one  time  Mr. 
Voorhes  moved  to  Fairmount  with  his  family, 
and  lived  in  retirement  there  for  two  j^ears. 

Mr.  Voorhes  possesses  in  a  large  degree  the 
rugged  honesty,  truthfulness  and  steadfast  char- 
acter that  mark  the  man  of  all  men  in  whom  to  place 
implicit  confidence.  He  has  good  natural  abilities, 
and  knows  well  how  to  work  to  the  best  advantage, 
hence  his  prosperity.  He  and  his  wife  are  people 
of  warm  hearts  and  genial,  social  dispositions,  so 
that  they  r\re  much  loved  in  this  community  with 
whose  people  they  have  dwelt  in  amity  and  peace 
these  many  years.  They  are  devoted  members  of 
the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church,  of  which  he 
has  been  an  Elder  for  more  than  twenty  j'ears. 
In  politics,  Mr.  Voorhes  is  a  sturdy  Democrat  of 
the  Jacksonian  style.  He  takes  a  livel}'  interest  in 
public  affairs,  and  has  done  his  township  good  ser- 
vice as  Road  Commissioner,  which  oflice  he  has 
held  for  the  last  six  years;  and  as  School  Direc- 
tor, he  having  acted  in  that  capacity  a  long  term 
of  years. 



ILLTAM  P.  VAN  ALLEN.  The  subject 
1/  of  this  notii^e  deserves  more  than  a  passing 
mention  in  noting  the  events  in  the  lives 
of  the  prominent  men  of  Vermilion  County,  to 
wliom  it  owes  in  a  large  measure  its  uniform 
prosiierity  and  steadily  increasing  growth,  both 
morally,  socially  and  financially.  We  find  this 
representative  agriculturist  plea-santly  situated  on 
a  fine  farm  occupj'ing  a  jmrt  of  section  36  in  Oak- 
wood  Township,  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  homestead 
which  he  has  built  up  by  his  own  industry  and  i)erse- 
verance.  He  came  to  this  county  like  many  of  his 
comi)eers,  witli  limited  means,  but  was  possessed  of 



those  invaluable  qualities  of  persistence  and  enero;y 
which  are  usually-  attended  by  success.  He  was 
soon  recognized  as  a  valued  addition  to  the  com- 
munity, and  from  time  to  time  was  placed  in  vari- 
ous positions  of  trust  and  responsibility,  the  duties 
of  which  he  lias  uniformly  discliarged  with  honesty 
and  fidelity. 

In  the  biogr.nphy  of  .lohn  II.  \'an  Allen,  on 
anotlier  page  in  tiiis  Album,  will  be  found  the  pa- 
rental history  of  our  subject,  who  is  a  child  of  the 
same  family.  He  was  born  Dec.  20,  1840,  in  Lick- 
ing County,  Ohio,  and  there  spent  his  boyhood  and 
youth,  receiving  a  practical  education  in  the  com- 
mon school.  He  served  an  apprenticeshij)  at  the 
carpenter  trade  with  his  father  and  worked  at  this 
until  reaching  his  majority.  After  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War  he  entered  the  Union  Army,  Aug. 
14,  1862,  as  a  member  of  Company  G,  97th  Ohio 
Infantry,  with  which  he  served  three  years  and  un- 
til the  close  of  the  conflict.  He,  like  his  brother, 
met  the  enemy  first  in  battle  at  Perryville,  and 
later  was  at  Wild  Cat  Mountain,  Crab  Orchard 
and  Nashville,  where  his  regiment  was  placed  un- 
iler  the  command  of  General  Rosecrans  and  subse- 
quently fought  at  Stone  River.  They  spent  the 
winter  at  this  point,  in  the  meantime  engaging  in 
several  skirmishes  and  then  proceeded  to  Talla- 
horaa,  Tenn.,  and  to  Chattanooga,  following  up  the 
rebel  general,  Bragg.  The  97th  Regiment,  was, 
witli  others  of  the  brigade,  ordered  in  company 
with  Gen.  Wilder's  Mounted  Infantry  to  march 
ten  miles,  pulling  the  artillery  by  hand  up  the 
mountain,  and  opened  fire  on  Chattanooga  on 
Waldon  Ridge  for  ten  days.  This  was  in  order  to 
allow  Gen.  Rosecrans  with  his  arni3-  to  cross  at 
Stevenson,  forty  miles  below. 

Our  subject  with  his  comrades  was  now  con- 
stantly under  fire,  and  the  97th  was  the  first  regi- 
ment to  enter  Chattanooga.  They  did  i)rov()st 
duty  tliere  during  the  battle  of  Chickamauga,  and 
later  participated  in  the  fight  at  Mission  Ridire, 
where  the  regiment  lost  over  14i)  kilh'il  and 
wounded.  Soon  afterward  they  were  ordered  upon 
a  forced  march  to  relieve  Gen.  Burnside.  at  Knox- 
ville,  Tenn..  and  later  our  subject  with  his  com- 
rades was  assigned  to  the  command  of  Gen.  O.  O. 
Howard.     After    this  he   fought  at  the    battle  of 

Dandridge.  The  regiment  then  retreated  back  to 
Knoxville.  They  guarded  the  railroad  in  that 
vicinity  during  the  winter.  On  the  3d  of  May, 
1864,  they  concentrated  at  Cleveland,  Tenn.,  pre- 
paring for  the  memorable  march  to  the  sea. 

At  the  battle  of  Kenesaw  Mountain,  on  the  22d 
of  June,  Mr.  Van  Allen  was  severely  wounded  in 
tlie  right  thigh  by  a  minie  ball.  He  was  sent  first 
to  the  hospital  at  Nashville  and  subsequently  trans- 
ferred to  Louisville,  from  which  point  his  father 
took  him  home.  When  sufficient!}'  recovered  he 
reported  at  Columbus,  Ohio,  and  was  sent  to  Camp 
Dennison,  where  he  received  his  honorable  dis- 
ciiarge  in  1865.  He  had  his  full  share  of  the  hard- 
ships and  privations  of  army  life,  and  has  never 
fully  recovered  from  the  effects  of  his  wounds  and 
the  drain  upon  his  constitution  caused  by  hard 
fare,  the  forced  marches  and  the  sojourn  among 
the  malarial  districts  of  the  South. 

Upon  returning  home  Mr.  Van  Allen  served  an 
apprenticeship  at  the  potter's  trade  and  followed 
it  about  three  years.  In  the  meantime  he  was 
married,  Nov.  21.  1866.  to  Miss  Caroline  V.  Kiger, 
who  was  the  only  child  of  her  parents,  and  was 
l)orn  in  Virginia,  in  1847.  The  young  people  so- 
journed in  the  Buckeye  State  until  1869,  then 
came  to  Illinois,  and  a  year  later  Mr.  Xan  Allen 
inirchased  land  and  began  the  construction  of  a 
farm.  He  put  up  a  fine  residence  in  1879  and  is 
the  owner  of  112  acres  under  a  thorough  state  of 
cultivation.  Stock-raising  forms  a  leading  feature 
in  his  operations,  and  he  makes  a  specialty  of 
Poland-China  swine,  while  he  nearly  twenty 
head  of  draft  horses  and  a  few  equines  not  quite 
so  valuable. 

Mr.  Van  Allen  takes  a  pnnlonable  pride  in  the 
fact  that  his  first  presidential  vote  was  cast  for 
Abiaham  Lincoln,  and  he  voted  for  Benjamin 
Harrison  with  equal  enthusiasm  early  upon  election 
day  in  1888.  He  is  a  sound  Republican  with  cle;ir 
and  decided  ideas  as  to  the  reason  of  the  faith 
within  him.  He  at  an  early  date  liecame  identi- 
fied with  the  G.  A.  R.,  and  has  been  Commander 
of  (ieorge  Morrison  Post,  No.  635,  at  Glenburn. 
since  its  organization.  He  is  likewise  connected 
with  Newtown  Lodge,  in  which  he  has  been  Treas- 
urer  for  3ears.     He  repi-esented  (_)akwood  Town- 



sliip  in  the  County  Board  of  Supervisors  two  years, 
was  .lusLice  of  the  Peace  four  years  and  has  been 
Schotjl  Director  nine  years.  Probably  no  man  in 
tiie  lownsliip  has  contributed  in  a  more  etTectual 
iiiannor  to  its  steady  growlli  and  imifiirni  pros- 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  \'an  Allen  are  the  [laicnts  of  nine 
children,  four  sons  and  five  daughters,  all  living: 
Walter.  Frank,  Stats,  Hertie,  .John.  Mary,  Etta, 
Nellie  and  Vida.  1  he}-  are  being  carefully-  reared 
and  educated  in  a  manner  fitting  them  for  their 
future  station  in  life  as  the  offspring  of  one  of  the 
representative  families  of  Central  Illinois. 

^§^%U^c :  ■»> 

f^IIOMASC.  McCAUOHEY,  M.  D.  The  med- 
1IK^^  ical  profession  of  N'ermilion  County  nuni- 
'  bers  among  its  members  some  very  able  and 
conscientious  men,  and  among  them  may  be  classed 
tlie  subject  of  this  notice.  He  has  distinguished 
himself  as  a  conscientious  practioner,  both  of  med- 
icine and  surgery  and  has  been  located  in  Hoopes- 
ton  since  1871.  lie  is  well  known  as  the  junior 
partner  of  the  firm  of  Peirce  &  McCauglie^',  the 
druggists  of  ^lain  street. 

Dr.  McCaughcy  is  a  gentleman  in  the  prime  of 
life,  in  the  forty-ninth  j-ear  of  his  age,  having  been 
born  Jan.  20,  1841,  in  Sharon  Center,  Medina  Co., 
Ohio.  He  spent  his  youthful  days  there  and  at 
Fredericksburg,  Wayne  County.  His  father,  Rob- 
ert McCaughey,  c<  inducted  an  hotel  and  engaged 
in  mercantile  jiursuils.  Thomas  C.  completed  his 
education  at  Fredericksburg  and  soon  afterward, 
the  Civil  War  being  in  progress,  he  enlisted  as  a 
I'nion  soldier  in  Company  II,  102(1  Ohio  Infantry. 
This  was  assigned  to  the  Army  of  the  Cumberland 
and  our  subject  i)articipated  in  all  the  eng.agements 
of  his  regiment,  serving  three  years  without  wound 
or  capture  while  half  of  his  comrades  were  killed 
or  wounded.  He  was  frequently  in  the  tiuckest  of 
the  light  and  upon  several  occasions  his  escape 
seemed  nothing  less  than  a  miracle.  At  the  close 
of  the  war  he  was  mustered  out  at  Columbus,  Ohio, 
and  received  his  honorable  discharge  .Inly  8,  18Go. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  army  our  subject  visited 

his  home  for  a  brief  time,  then  came  directly  to 
Paxton,  this  Stale,  where  he  con)nienced  the  study 
of  medicine  under  Drs.  Kelso  and  Randolph,  with 
whom  he  remained  two  ye.ars.  Next  he  entered  the 
medical  department  of  Michigan  Ifniversity  at  Ann 
Arbor,  Ixjing  a  member  of  the  class  of  1.SG7.  This 
was  followed  by  another  course  in  Rush  Medical 
College,  Chicago,  after  which  he  received  his  di- 
ploma and  established  liimself  in  Ford  Cdunty,  near 
the  present  town  of  Rankin,  where  his  rides  ex- 
tended over  a  large  section  of  country. 

In  1«71,  soon  after  the  laying  out  of  Hoopeston, 
Dr.  .McCaughey  came  to  this  place,  being  the  first 
physician  to  establish  himself  here.  In  1881  he 
associated  himself  in  partnership  with  Dr.  Peirce. 
For  over  twelve  years  he  has  been  surgeon  for  the 
Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad  Company.  He 
makes  a  specialty  of  surgery  and  in  liisofHce  may 
be  seen  the  latest  instruments  and  a|)pliances  in 
keeping  with  the  progress  of  this  science.  He  has 
been  a  close  studer-t  and  avails  himself  of  every 
opportunity  for  information  in  connection  with 
this  most  important  calling.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  Board  of  Pension  Examiners  and  of  the  Board 
of  Health  in  Hoopeston.  He  has  for  some  years 
been  connected  with  the  United  Presbyterian 
Church  of  which  he  is  an  Elder  and  has  olIiciate<l 
as  Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school  for  seven- 
teen years.  He  has  always  maintained  a  warm  in- 
terest in  its  prosperity'  and  given  to  it  a  liberal  sup- 
port. He  has  no  |iolilical  aspirations,  but  tlnu'- 
oughly  believes  in  the  principles  of  the  Republican 

Miss  Mary  E.  .lohnson,  of  Rankin,  became  the 
wife  of  our  subject  Jan.  24,  1871,  and  to  them 
have  been  Ijorn  three  children, — Cora  Etta,  Mary 
Isie  and  Robert  S.  Of  these  Cora  Etta  is  dead  and 
tlie  last  two  are  li\  ing  and  are  aged  liftcen  and 
thirteen  rcsix'ctively.  Cora  Etta  was  the  first  child 
Lorn  in  Hoopeston.  It  is  tlie  intention  of  their 
parents  to  bestow  upon  them  all  the  social  and 
educational  .•idvantages,  befitting  theii'  station  in 
life.  Mrs.  McCaugliey  was  born  near  Bellefon- 
taine,  Ohio,  Sept.,  1845  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Stanton  and  Jane  (Stevenson  )  Johnson,  who  settled 
in  the  vicinity  of  Rankin,  where  the  fatlier  pur- 
cha.Sfd  land  from  which    lie  built    u[)   a  gooil  farm 



and  there  his  daughter,  Jlary  K.,  lived  until  her 
marriage.  The  faliier  is  deceased.  The  niotiier  is 
still  living  and  is  now  quite  aged. 

Koliert  MeCaugliey,  the  father  of  our  subject,  in 
early  manhood  engaged  in  general  merchandising, 
being  lo'jated  on  the  road  between  Medina  and 
Akron,  Ohio,  wliere  also  was  situated  his  hotel  and 
where  he  lived  until  Thomas  C,  our  subject,  was  a 
lad  of  ten  jeais.  He  tlien  removed  to  Doyleston 
where  his  death  took  place  in  1853.  Politically, 
he  was  an  old  line  Whig. 

EVIN  VINSON.  In  the  life  of  the  subject 
jjl  of  this  notice  there  are  illustrated  the  re- 
^  suits  of  a  strong  will  under  adverse  circum- 
stances, and  that  which  may  be  accomplished  b\- 
steady  ()erseverance  in  an  honest  i)urpose  and  fol- 
lowing the  impulses  of  a  worthy  nature  stirred  to 
continuous  action,  together  with  the  promptings 
which  fill  a  man  witli  a  desire  to  be  able  not  only 
to  respect  himself,  but  to  secure  a  like  sentiment 
from  his  fellow-citizens.  There  are  few  men  who 
have  warmer  or  truer  friends  than  Mr.  Vinson, 
who,  without  making  any  great  stir  in  the  world, 
hiis  fully  estalilished  himself  in  the  confidence  of 
those  who  know  liim,  and  who  is  designated  as 
having  a  tender  heart  under  a  rough  exterior.  The 
place  which  he  holds  in  this  community  has  not 
been  secured  by  the  amount  of  his  wealth,  but  Ijy 
the  possession  of  those  qualities  which  are  better 
than  silver  and  gold. 

Tiie  Mnson  family  were  first  represented  in  this 
country  in  Maryland,  whence  they  emigrated  to 
Kentucky,  where  Ilenson  Vinson,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  was  born  and  engaged  in  farming  pursuits. 
Upon  reaching  manhood  he  was  jnarried  to  Miss 
Abigail  McDowell,  likewise  a  native  of  the  Blue 
Grass  State,  whence  they  removed  to  Park  Count}', 
Ind.  They  sojourned  there  until  18-tl,  then  com- 
ing to  Illinois,  settled  in  this  county,  and  the  father 
died  seven  years  later,  in  1848.  His  widow  is  still 
living  in  this  county,  and  has  now  arrived  at  the 
advanced  age  of  ninety  j'ears.  They  are  the 
parents  of  nine  children,  six  of  whom    are   living. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  the  fourth  child 
of  his  parents,  and  was  born  in  Park  County,  Ind., 
Feb.  20,  1829.  He  received  a  very  limited  educa- 
cation.  which  was  mostlv  obtained  before  he  reached 
tlie  age  of  twelve  years.  He  remained  at  the  farm 
working  for  his  father  until  twenty  years  old,  then 
purchased  320  acres  of  wild  land  through  a  sol- 
dier's land  warrant,  which  proved  to  have  been  a 
forgery,  and  which  resulted  in  the  loss  of  160  acres. 
When  approaching  the  twenty-first  year  of  his  age, 
he  was  married,  Nov.  12,  1849,  to  Miss  Naomi  Lig- 
get,  daughter  of  Jesse  Ligget,  who  is  represented 
elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

The  young  people  commenced  their  wedded  life 
under  favorable  auspices,  and  though  their  little 
farm  was  undeveloped,  they  were  blest  with  good 
health,  cheerful  hearts  and  willing  hands,  and 
united  in  a  mutual  ])urpose  to  liuilt  up  a  home  for 
themselves.  They  still  live  in  the  house  whicli 
was  i)uilt  thirty-five  years  ago,  and  Jlr.  Mnson  is 
now  the  owner  of  200  acres  of  thorougly  cultivated 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Vinson  have  never  had  ciiildrenof 
tlieir  own,  Init  have  raised  two  others.  The  eldest, 
whom  they  named  Edwin  Vinson,  is  now  a  man  of 
thirty-three  3-ears.  He  married  Miss  Annie  Rogers, 
lives  on  a  part  of  the  farm,  and  is  th.e  father  of 
live  children.  The  other  boy  was  sent  to  Illinois 
from  a  New  York  juvenile  asylum  when  seven 
years  of  age,  was  then  taken  by  JMr.  Vinson,  and 
is  now  a  [iroKiising  youth  of  seventeen,  a  good,  in- 
dustrious boy.  who  has  been  susceptible  to  good 
training,  and  bids  fair  to  make  a  worthy  citizen 
and  a  tirst-class  farmer. 

In  1862. during  tiie  progress  of  the  Civil  War,  our 
subject,  in  company  with  his  brother  John,  raised  a 
company  of  men, which  was  made  a  part  of  the  12jth 
Illinois  Infantry.  Of  this  Mr.  Vinson  was  elected 
Captain,  and  served  as  such  for  nearly  two  years, 
commanding  his  company  at  the  battle  of  Perry- 
ville  and  during  the  campaign  about  Nashville. 
During  the  last  five  months  of  the  service  he  was 
quite  ill  and  finally  obliged  to  resign  his  positio^i 
and  return  home.  He  votes  the  straight  Republi- 
can ticket,  and  has  served  .as  School  Director  and 
Road  Commissioner.  Socially  he  belongs  to  New- 
town Lodge,  No.  7 1 4,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  in  which  he  has 



Id'cii  Treasurer  for  several  years.  He  is  likewise 
identiliod  with  the  U.  A.  a  member  of  George 
ftlorrisoii  Post,  No.  635,  at  (ilenbuni  in  which  he 
lias  been  CJuartermaster  since  its  organization.  Mrs. 
Vinson  has  been  connected  with  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church  for  the  last  thirt3'-flve  }'ears,and 
when  a  younger  lady  was  greatly  interested  in 
Sunday-school  work,  officiating  as  a  teacher  and 
otherwise  looking  after  the  religious  interests  of 
the  young. 

The  paternal  grandmother  of  our  subject  lived 
to  be  one  hundred  and  seven  years  old,  and  was 
twice  married,  her  second  husband  being  Mr.  Gib- 
bons, of  Maryland.  At  the  age  of  one  hundred 
she  went  out  and  held  a  prairie  plow  to  which  eigiit 
yoke  of  oxen  were  attached,  and  followed  it  for  a 
quarter  of  a  mile.  During  the  last  five  years  of 
her  life  she  made  her  home  with  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

[(^_^  ENRY  V.  DAVIS  owns  and  operates  a 
splendid  farm  in  Vance  Townsiiii).  As 
earlj'  as  the  3'ear  1835  he  located  in  Illinois, 
coming  from  Ohio.  lie  and  his  brolhei- 
Abram  came  with  their  father  to  put  in  a  crop. 
Tiiey  remained  here  while  the  fatlier  returned  to 
Ohio  to  close  up  his  business.  When  he  returned 
he  made  the  largest  entry  of  land  that  is  on  record 
at  the  Danville  land-office  in  one  man's  name — 
over  3,000  acres. 

Mr.  Davis,  of  whom  this  sketch  is  written,  re- 
ceived his  education  in  tlic  primitive  schools  in  the 
pioneer  days  of  Illinois.  Wlien  lie  was  nineteen 
years  of  age  he  left  the  schoolroom  and  gave  liis 
attention  to  work  on  his  father's  farm,  continuing 
to  labor  in  this  way  until  after  lie  was  married. 
On  Feb.  18.  1842,  he  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Mary  Ann  Copeland,  a  daughter  of  Samuel 
Copeland,  a  farmer,  who  lived  seven  miles  north- 
west of  Danville.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Davis  were  the 
jiarents  of  six  children,  who  lived  beyond  infancy. 
Samuel  IL,  the  eldest  son,  was  born  Sept.  5,  1844, 
and  when  tlie  war  broke  out  lie  enlisted,  Aug.  22, 
1861.  ill  Company  F,  26th  Illinois  Infantry.  He 
reuKiiiied  with  liis  regiment  until  June,  1862,  when 

he  was  taken  sick  and  died,  his  deatli  occurring  at 
Darlington,  Tenn.,  .lime  it,  1862.  He  was  interred 
at  the  above  named  place.  William  E.  a  farmer 
who  lives  in  Nebraska,  married  Mrs.  Lilly  .M.Lucas, 
daughter  of  Samuel  King,  and  wiilow  of  Rob- 
ert Lucas.  Sarah  Elizabeth  married  (ieorge  R. 
(iamlile,  ;i  pliotogr;i|>her  of  Champaign,  111.;  they 
have  two  children.  The  mother  of  these  children 
died  Sept.  6,  18.')8.  Mr.  Davis  continued  house- 
keeping after  tiie  death  of  his  wile,  and  l\Iay  25, 
1859,  he  remarried,  taking  for  his  second  wife 
Catherine,  a  daughter  of  Cornelius  and  Mary  Calla- 
han, of  Canada.  .Mr.  Callahan  was  a  farmer  and 
had  seven  children,  of  wliom  Mrs.  Davis  was  the 
eldest,  having  been  born  March  11,  1833,  She  re- 
ceived her  early  education  in  Canada,  .'iiid  com- 
pleted it  in  Union  Seminary,  located  at  Danville, 
111,  She  was  a  very  successful  school  teacher,  and 
is  a  lady  of  culture  and  relinement.  Mr,  and  Mrs. 
Davis  are  the  parents  of  three  children:  Oscar 
llariiion  married  Clara  H.  Brown;  he  is  a  farmer 
living  in  Minnesota.  They  are  the  parents  of  three 
cliikheii:  Ira  (Irant,  the  second  son,  married  Mary 
Elizabeth  Palmer,  Tlicy  arc  residing  on  the  old 
homestead  and  are  the  parents  of  one  child — Mallie 
Leona,  who  was  born  on  Christmas  Day.  1888; 
George  AV.  is  unmarried  and  lives  at  home. 

Mr.  Davis  owns  426  acres  of  land  in  this  county, 
and  514  in  Champaign  County;  a  half-section  in 
Minnesota,  and  a  and  four  lots  in  Cham- 
paign, where  he  lived  thirteen  years  for  the  purpose 
of  educating  his  family.  As  a  farmer  Mr.  Davis 
has  been  eminently  successful,  and  to  his  children 
he  has  given  much  land  and  utlier  pro|)ertv.  All 
of  the  home  farm  is  under  excellent  cultivation  ex- 
cepting about  lifty  acres.  This  place  he  rented  in 
1854  and  removed  to  his  Champaign  County  farm, 
where  he  remained  a  year,  returning  to  the  old 
homestead.  In  1852  he  sold  a  lot  of  mules  with 
the  intention  of  reinvesting  the  money  in  the  same 
kind  of  property,  but  instead,  he  entered  982  acres 
of  land,  and  he  never  has  regretted  it.  His  father 
gave  him  400  acres  to  begin  life  with,  and  he  has 
added  to  that  until  he  now  owns  nearly  2.000  acres 
of  land. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Davis  worship  at  the  Baptist 
Church,  of  which  he  has  been  Trustee  and   Deacon 



for  a  long  time.  He  gave  -^1,000  to  aiil  in  llii; 
erection  of  tlie  Baptist  University  at  Ciiitago,  tlie 
site  for  which  was  given  by  Stephen  A.  Douglas. 
AVhile  Mr.  Davis  does  not  take  an  active  part  in 
politics,  he  always  attends  elections,  and  the  last 
Democratic  ballot  cast  b}'  him  was  for  Franklin 
Pierce.  The  troubles  in  Kansas  and  Nebraska 
made  him  a  Republican,  and  he  has  since  voted  for 
tlie  nominees  of  tliat  party.  Mr.  Davis'  ability  for 
accumulating  land  and  other  property,  is  an  evi- 
dence of  his  cleverness  as  a  sound  ousincss  man 
and  a  progressive  farmer. 

®fS/OT  ijr.^'vw. 


■S/  OHN  BRADY,  a  veteran  of  the  late  war,  is 
I  a  representative  of  one  of  the  earl}'  settlers 
^_^|  I  of  Vermilion  County  who  boro  an  lionora. 
(^^'  ble  part  in  the  development  of  its  immense 
agricultural  resources.  He  is  a  native  of  Danville 
Township,  born  Feb.  1,  1837,  and  the  old  home- 
stead which  was  hia  birthplace  is  still  in  his  posses- 
sion, and  he  derives  a  good  income  from  its  rental. 
He  is  uow  living  in  retirement  iu  the  village  of 
Tilton,  having  accumulated  a  handsome  compe- 
tence by  shrewd  man.'igement  and  judicious  in- 

His  fatlier,  also  named  John,  was  one  of  the 
pioneers  of  this  county,  a  native  of  Virginia, 
whence  he  was  taken  when  he  was  very  young  to 
Ohio,  his  parents  then  becoming  early  settlers  of 
Brown  County.  Tiiere  he  grew  to  manhood  and 
married,  but  instead  of  settling  there  he  decided  to 
come  further  west,  making  the  journey  hither  at 
flrst  on  horseback  to  prospect.  He  was  so  pleased 
with  the  country  that  he  went  liack  to  Ohio  for  his 
family,  and  they  returned  liere  with  team.  This 
section  of  the  countrj'  was  very  sparsely  settled  at 
tliat  time,  and  the  most  of  the  land  was  owned  by 
the  Government,  and  was  for  sale  to  whomso- 
ever cared  to  bu\'  it,  at  $1.25  an  acre.  Mr. 
Brady  very  soon  made  a  claim  to  a  tract  of  land 
three  miles  southwest  of  the  city  of  Danville, 
or  of  its  present  site,  and  entered  it  from  the 
Government  at  the  land  office  at  Palestine.  He 
first    built  a  round   log  house  on    the   place   for  a 

lerupiiiary  residence,  but  soon  afterward  put  up  a 
moru  substantial  hewed  log  house,  in  which  dwell- 
ing the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born.  A  short 
time  after  he  erected  a  frame  house,  which  is  still 
standing,  and  is  one  of  the  oldest  frame  houses  in 
existence  in  the  county.  The  frame  of  this  house 
was  first  put  up  in  Soutii  Town  by  a  man  who  in- 
tended it  for  a  hotel.  He  failed,  however,  before 
it  was  completed,  and  the  father  of  our  subject 
bought  the  frame  and  ertcted  it  on  his  homestead. 
The  sideboard,  casings,  window  frames,  in  fact,  all 
the  finishing,  was  made  of  black  walnut.  Mr. 
Brady,  Sr.  improved  a  good  farm,  and  was  a  resi- 
dent thereon  till  death  closed  his  useful  career. 
The  maiden  name  of  his  wife,  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  Rosanna  Kratzer,  and  she  was  a  native  of 
Ohio.  Her  father,  Henry  Kratzer,  removed  from 
Ohio  to  Indiana,  and  was  a  pioneer  of  Marion 
County.  He  developed  a  farm  from  the  wilderness 
about  one  mile  from  Indianapolis,  and  resided 
there  the  remainder  of  his  life.  The  mother  of  our 
subject  died  on  the  old  homestead.  She  and  her 
husband  were  people  of  sterling  worth  and  were 
influential  in  their  neighborhood,  all  regarding 
thcin  with  esteem  and  respect. 

He  of  whom  we  write  remembers  well  tlie  inci- 
dents of  pioneer  life  here  and  the  primitive  style 
of  living  necessitated  Ijy  the  distance  from  the 
centres  of  civilization.  He  grew  to  be  a  stalwart, 
manly  lad,  fond  of  the  chase,  and  as  soon  as  large 
ciiuugh  to  shoulder  a  rifle  he  often  went  hunting 
and  killed  many  a  deer,  wild  turkeys  and  other 
game  that  were  a  welcome  addition  to  the  home 
larder.  Me  gleaned  liis  education  in  the  jMOneer 
school  which  was  held  in  tlie  old  log  school  house, 
with  rude  home-iiKule  l)enches  for  seats.  He  re- 
sided with  his  parents  till  after  the  breaking  out  of 
the  war,  and  ii!  -Tuly.  18G2  he  answered  his  coun- 
try's call  for  her  brave  and  [latriotic  citizens  to  aid 
in  suppressing  the  rebellion,  and  enlisted  in  Com- 
pany A,  12oth  Illinois  Infantr}-.  The  first  impor- 
tant engagement  in  which  he  took  an  active  part 
was  tlie  battle  of  Perrysville.  He  afterward 
fought  in  the  battle  of  Chickamauga,  and  was  witii 
Siiermaii  in  his  campaign  from  Chattanooga  to  At- 
lanta, engaging  in  all  the  important  battles  on  the 
march.     After  the  siege  and  capture  of  Atlanta  he 



folkiwecl  his  gallant  leader  to  SmvmihimIi.  ami  tlieiiru 
by  the  way  of  l\icliiiiuii(l  to  \\  .'isliiiiiiton.  and  was 
present  at  the  yrand  review.  IIi'  was  lionoral)ly 
diseharged  with  his  regiment  at  Chieago,  iiaving 
proved  a  brave  anil  efficient  sol<iier,  willing  to  face 
all  danger,  and  never  shirking  his  dnty,  and  ar- 
rived here  on  the  .'Sd  of  Jul}-,  18C5. 

After  leaving  the  army  Mr.  Brad}'  resumed 
farming  on  the  old  homosteail  which  he  now  owns. 
In  llS8;i,  h:iving  accumulated  a  fine  pro|)erty  by 
j'ears  of  steady  industry,  he  retired  from  farming 
and  removed  to  Tilton.  where  he  purchased  his 
present  residence  and  has  since  made  his  home 

Mr.  Pirady  married  in  February,  IHTiO,  to 
Miss  Mary  Conlin,  a  native  of  the  .State  of  New 
York,  and  they  have  four  children  living  —  Mar- 
garet, John,  Charlie,  Edith.  Margaret  married 
William  Martin,  a  resident  of  Tilton,  and  they 
have  two  children,  Mary  and  William. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hradj-  are  ver}'  estimable  people 
and  are  held  in  the  highest  regard  by  all  who  know 
them.  lie  is  a  man  of  sound  discretion  and  sober 
judgment,  a  safe  counsellor,  and  one  who  kindly 
and  unostentatiously  extends  a  helping  hand  to  the 
needy  and  suffering  with  whom  he  comes  in  con- 
tact. He  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the 
Congregational  Church. 

"jflOHN  N.  ENGLEMANN  is  entitled  to  rep- 
resentation in  this  BioGRAi'iin'Ai.  Albuji  as 
an  intidligent,  practical  mcmlicr  of  the 
farming  comniunit}'  of  N'ermilion  County. 
lie  is  classed  among  our  self-made  men,  as  he  be- 
gan life  with  no  capital  but  a  sturdy,  self-reliant, 
capable  manhood,  and  has  become  indci)endent 
and  prosperous,  and,  as  old  age  a|)proaclies,  finds 
himself  in  possession  of  a  comfortable  competence 
and  well  fortified  .against  want  and  poverty. 
His  farm  on  section  22,  C'atlin  Township,  is  pro- 
vided with  an  excellent  class  of  liuildings,  and  its 
soil  is  aduiirably  tilled,  yielding  aliundant  harvests 
in  repayment  for  the  labor  anil  money  bestowed 
on  it. 

Our  subject  was  Ixnii  in    Prussia,  .lul}-  29,  182S, 

and  is  the  son  of  .lohn  Nicholas  and  Margaret 
(Kimmel)  Kiiglemann.  'I'he  wife  died  in  Ger- 
many. The  father  subsequently  emigrated  to  this 
country,  and  after  a  tinu'  removed  to  l)u(^uoin, 
111.,  where  he  died.  'i"he  boyhood  and  youth 
of  our  suliject  were  passed  in  his  native  coun- 
tr}',  but  in  the  early  years  of  his  m.anhood  he 
determined  to  cross  the  Atlantic  and  seek  in 
the  I'nited  .States  of  America  the  prosperity  de- 
nied him  at  home.  In  March,  l.s.")l.lie  Irfl  the 
beloved  Fatherland  on  an  American-bound  vessel, 
and  twenty-eight  days  later  the  ocean  was  between 
him  and  the  fan)iliar  scenes  amid  which  he  hail 
been  reared.  He  disend)arked  at  New  York  and 
made  his  way  from  that  city  to  .Summit  County, 
Ohio,  where  he  engaged  in  digging  coal,  which 
employment  lie  had  followed  in  the  old  country. 
He  lived  in  diff'eretit  places  in  Ohio  till  l,S;j7,wlien 
I  be  came  to  Vermilion  County  to  avail  himself  of 
the  many  advantages  it  offered  a  poor  man  to 
make  his  way  to  comparative  affluence,  l^iking 
the  country  here,  he  decided  to  remove  his  f.amily 
to  this  county  and  settle  here  permanently.  At 
first  they  lived  in  Danville  Township,  but  a  year 
later  Mr.  Englemann  came  to  Catlin  Townsliij)  with 
his  wife  and  children,  and  rented  a  farm  five 
j'ears;  and  at  the  same  time  he  worked  in  the  coal 
mines  in  the  winter,  carrying  on  his  farming  o|)eia- 
tions  during  the  other  seasons  of  the  year.  In 
1864  he  had  been  so  prudent  and  industrious  that 
he  had  managed  to  save  up  ipiitc  a  little  sum  of 
money,  and  was  enabled  to  purchase  eighty  acres 
of  land,  which  is  included  in  his  |)rescnt  farm. 
In  the  busy  years  that  fullowed  he  made  many  val- 
uable imi)rovements,  erecting  a  substantial,  well- 
built  dwelling,  a.  good  barn  and  other  necessary 
outbuildings,  and  i)laccil  his  land  under  a  high 
state  of  cultivation,  devoting  himself  entirely  to 
agricultural  pursuits.  He  l)OUght  more  land,  and 
his  farm  now  comprises  12(1  acres  of  line  farming 
land  that  compares  in  fertility  and  productiveness 
with  the  best  in  the  township. 

During  these  years  of  toil  Mr.  Englemann  has 
not  been  without  the  assistance  of  a  good  wife, 
who  has  been  to  him  all  that  a  faithful  helpmate 
could  be.  They  were  united  in  mai'riage  in  their 
mitive    Prussia,  in    Sc|)teuiber,  I.SO;i.      Her  maiden 



narat'  was  IMaria  Seluietz,  and  she  was  born  Dec. 
18,  1834.  She  is  tlie  daujihter  of  Michael  and 
Maria  (Graser)  Schuetz.  who  emigrated  to  this 
country  and  were  buried  in  tiiis  township.  Their 
hapi)y  wedded  life  has  been  lilessed  to  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  En<rlemann  by  the  birth  of  eight  cliildren,  as 
follows:  Niciiolas,  Jacob,  Mary  F.,  Margaretta  S., 
.lohn  W.,  Soplii.i,  CIkuIcs  and  Elizabeth;  all  are 

In  our  subject  his  fellow- townsmen  find  those 
desirable  qualities  and  manly  traits  of  character 
tiiat  make  him  a  useful  citizen  and  a  good  neigli- 
l)or,  one  in  whom  they  may  place  their  trust  with 
a  surety  that  it  will  not  be  abused.  In  politics  he 
is  a  Republican,  and  faithfully  supports  his  party 
at  the  polls.  Religiously,  he  and  his  wife  are  ex- 
emplary members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  and 
carry  tlieir  Christian  faith  into  tlieir  everyd.ay 

A  tine  lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  resi- 
dem-c.  farm  and  outbuildings  on  the  [ilace  of  Mr. 
Englemann  is  shown  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

^.-^g^J#^*gc :  ■> 

^J^^EORGE  M.  VILLARS,  one  of  the  best 
ill  __,  known  residents  of  this  county  and  the 
^s41  owner  of  a  fine  property,  was  born  in  Dan- 
ville Tt)wnship,  Oct.  16,  1832,  and  is  consequentl3- 
but  little  past  the  prime  of  life.  He  is  the  off- 
spring of  a  good  family,  being  the  son  of  the  Rev. 
John  Villars,  who  was  born  in  Jefferson  County, 
Pa.,  Feb.  14,  1797. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
James  Villars,  who  it  is  believed  was  also  a  native 
of  Jefferson  County,  Pa.,  and  who  was  born  July 
28,  1774.  His  father  was  a  native  of  England, 
and  it  is  supposed  spent  his  last  years  in  the  Key- 
stone State.  Grandfather  .lames  Villars  was  there 
reared  to  man's  estate  and  married  Miss  Rebecca 
Davison,  April  19,  1796.  In  April,  1806,  they 
removed  to  Ohio  by  means  of  a  flat-boat,  which 
landed  them  at  Cincinnati,  then  Ijut  a  hamlet. 
They  settleil  in  what  is  now  Clinton  County,  where 
grandfather  Villars  purchased  quite  a  large  tract 
of    land   and   improved    the  farm,  upon  which  he 

resided  until  his  death.  In  1812  he  put  up  a  sub- 
stantial double  hewed-log  house  with  a  large  stone 
chimney  in  the  center  of  the  building  and  a  huge 
tirei)lace  on  e.ach  side.  This  structure  stood  for  a 
great  many  years  and  was  a  fitting  monument  to 
the  character  and  enterprise  of  its  builder. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  piously  inclined 
from  his  j'outh  and  when  a  young  man  united  with 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  In  1823  he  was 
given  a  license  to  exhort,  and  from  that  time 
labored  as  a  local  preacher.  In  the  fall  of  1830  he 
came  to  this  county  with  his  famil}',  making  the 
journey  overland  with  teams,  camping  and  cook- 
ing by  the  wayside  and  sleeping  in  the  wagons  at 
night.  He  had,  however,  visited  the  country  jirior 
to  his  removal  here  and  had  entered  a  tr.act  of  land 
upon  which  he  a  log  house  built  ready  for  the 
famil3-  upon  their  arrival.  From  that  time  on,  in 
addition  to  his  ministerial  labors,  he  carried  on 
the  im|)rovement  and  cultivation  of  his  land,  living- 
there  until  1857. 

In  the  year  above  mentioned  the  father  of  our 
subject  decided  to  seek  another  home  beyond  the 
Mississi[)pi,  and  emigrated  to  Nemeha  County, 
Neb.,  where  he  was  one  of  the  pioneers  and  to 
which  he  m.ade  the  journey  overland  as  before. 
He  lived,  however,  only  until  the  following  year, 
his  death  taking  place  in  JIarcli,  1858.  He  had 
been  twice  married,  the  first  time,  March  14,  1816, 
to  Miss  Eliz.abeth  McGee.  This  lady  was  born 
Sept.  25,  1797,  and  died  in  Vermilion  County, 
April  22,  1848.  His  second  wife  was  Elizabeth 
Cam[)bell,  and  they  were  married  Oct.  10,  1849. 
She  was  a  native  of  Harrison  CV)unty,  Va.,  and 
born  Sept.  2,  1816.  Of  the  first  marriage  there 
were  born  ten  children  and  of  the  second  marriage 
three.  The  father  left  the  Alethodist  Episcopal 
Chureli  after  a  time  and  identified  himself  with  the 
United  Bretiiren  and  was  a  preacher  in  the  latter 
Church  at  tlie  time  of  his  death.  He  was  a  life 
member  of  the  American  Bible  Society  and  be- 
(jueathed  to  it  the  sura  of  -¥6,(100. 

Our  subject  still  retains  a  vivid  recollection  of 
many  of  the  incidents  of  pioneer  life  in  Illinois, 
when  deer,  wolves  and  other  wild  animals  abounded, 
together  with  Indians  who  were  often  to  be  seen 
in  roving  bands  going  across  the  prairie.     He  ac- 



quired  his  education  in  tiie  primitive  schools,  the 
first  of  wliich  was  taugiil  in  a  log  house.  The 
seats  and  floor  were  made  of  |)nm'iioon,  and  writing 
desks  were  manufactured  from  planlis  with  wooden 
pegs  for  legs.  As  soon  as  old  enough,  young  Vil- 
lars  began  to  assist  his  father  in  the  various  labors 
of  the  farm  and  remained  under  the  parental  roof 
until  the  time  of  his  marriage,  lie  then  settled  on 
a  tract  of  land  which  his  father  had  given  him  and 
upon  wliich  were  two  log  cabins.  In  one  of  these 
our  subject  and  his  bride  commenced  their  wedded 
life.  Their  home  consisted  of  one  room  sixteen 
feet  square,  and  in  this  they  liv'ed  a  number  of 
years  and  until  they  were  able  to  put  up  their 
l)rcscnt  residence.  The  furnisliing  of  this  humble 
dwelling  was  in  keeping  with  the  fashion  of  that 
day,  but  tlity  probably  experienced  as  much  hap- 
piness and  content  as  the  young  people  whii  now 
commence  life  upon  a  grander  scale. 

Mr.  Villars  has  been  a  life-long  farmer  and  still 
owns  the  land  upon  which  he  settled  at  the  time  of 
his  marriage,  lie  has  now  ISO  acres,  located  five 
miles  east  of  D;mvillc,  on  sections  7  and  12  of  Dan- 
ville Township.  It  has  all  been  brought  to  a  good 
slate  of  cultivation,  is  vvell  stocked,  and  upon  it 
Mr.  Villars  has  erected  a  good  set  of  frame  build- 
ings. His  marriage  with  Miss  Amanda  Srouf  was 
cclebr.ated  at  the  bride's  home  in  this  townshi|), 
Oct.  20,  1853,  and  there  have  })cen  born  to  lliem 
eleven  children,  of  whom  the  record  is  .as  follows: 
.lohn  U'.  married  Martha  Marble,  and  is  a  resident 
of  Warren  County,  Ind.;  (George  Henry  married 
jMartha  Brewer,  and  lives  at  F'ort  Belknap,  Mont.; 
Martha  J.  is  the  wife  of  William  P.  Lynch,  of 
this  county;  Rachel,  Mrs.  Presley  Martin,  lives 
in  Vermillion  County,  Ind.;  William  married  Ida 
.Sliaffer,  and  is  a  resident  of  this  county;  Ruth,  Mrs. 
Charles  Elder  resides  in  State  Line  City,  Ind.; 
Marv  Frances  is  the  wife  of  John  Elder,  of  Terre 
Haute,  Ind.;  Augusta  is  the  wife  of  William 
Gnaden,  and  they  live  in  Danville  Township;  Ella 
married  William  F.  Shaffer,  and  resides  in  Warren 
County,  Ind.;  .Sophia  and  Janet  remain  with  their 

Mrs.  Villars  was  born  near  Hanover,  Hancock 
Co.,  Ind..  Feb.  7.  1832,  and  is  the  daughter  of  .Se- 
bastian Srouf,  who  was  born  in  Kentucky,  July  25, 

1796.  Her  paternal  grandfatlier,  John  Srouf,  it  is 
believed,  was  a  native  of  either  ^'orth  or  .South 
Carolina,  and  his  f.ather,  the  great-grandfather  of 
Mrs.  ^'illars,  was  a  native  of  (Jermany.  .lohn 
Srouf  removed  from  one  of  tlie  Carolinas  to  Ken- 
tucky, where  he  was  an  early  pioneer,  then  moved 
on  into  Ohio,  locating  in  Brown  County  during 
its  early  settlement.  He  served  in  the  war  of  1812 
and  spent  his  last  years  in  the  Buckeye  State. 

Scb.astian  Srouf,  father  of  Mrs.  ^'illars.  was  l)orn 
July  25,  1791),  and  was  a  young  child  when  his 
parents  settled  in  Ohio,  where  he  was  reared  to 
manhood,  and  was  married  Sept.  11.  1817,  to  VM- 
yrier  Parker.  She  was  born  in  Ohio,  and  the  date 
of  her  birth  was  June  25,  17'.»G.  In  1830  they  re- 
moved to  Indiana,  settling  in  Hancock  County, 
where  they  lived  until  1834.  That  year  they  came 
to  this  county,  making  the  journey  overland  with 
teams,  locating  in  what  is  now  Newell  Township. 
The  parents  remained  residents  of  this  township 
until  their  decease,  the  mother  passing  away  Oct. 
29,  1874,  and  the  father  less  than  a  year  later, 
Feb.  12,  1875. 

There  were  born  to  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Villars 
eleven  children,  viz.:  Xaiiey,  Martha,  George, 
Mary,  Wilson,  .Sarah,  .buic,  Amanda,  Arie,  John 
and  Christiana.  Four  of  these,  Mary.  John.  Arie 
and  Christiana,  died  young.  Our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of 
the  United  Brethren  Church,  of  Pleasant  Grove, 
in  which  Mr.  \'illars  has  served  as  Class-Leader  and 
labored  in  the  Sunday-school.  In  politics  at  large 
he  is  a  sound,  but  in  loi^al  affairs  votes 
inde|>endently,  aiming  to  support  the  men  whom  he 
considers  best  qualified  for  office.  We  invite  the 
attention  of  our  numerous  readers  to  a  fine  engrav- 
ing of  the  handsome  home  and  surroundings  of 
Mr.  N'illars,  on  another  p.agc  of  this  volume. 

/*?=^EORGE  M.  SPRY,  prominent  among  the 
l[  (=^  boys  in  blue,  whose  name  deserves  to  be 
^^|j  recorded  in  history  is  the  name  of  the  per- 
son at  the  he;id  of  this  sketch.  He  was  born  in 
Vermillion  County.   Ind.,  three-fourths  of   a   mile 



from  the  Illinois  line,  on  Jan.  5,  1846.  His  father. 
David  Spi-y,  was  a  native  of  North  Carolina  and 
was  reared  in  Tennessee  and  Kentncky,  principally 
the  latter.  The  Spry  family  was  i)rominently  iden- 
tified with  Colonial  history  and  were  very  active  in 
the  strnggle  for  independence. 

Early  in  life  David  Spr}'  was  thrown  upon  his 
own  resources,  but  by  ids  great  force  of  character 
he  made  a  success  in  life.  He  was  married  to  Miss 
Patsey  Cummings  in  Clark  Countj',  Ky.  She  was 
Lorn  in  that  State  as  were  also  her  parents.  The 
elder  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sprj-,  removed  to  Perrj-sville, 
lud.,  two  3-ears  after  their  marriage,  which  was  in 
the  fall  of  1829.  They  settled  on  their  farm  in 
1830,  where  they  resided  until  1857,  when  Mr. 
Spry  retired  from  active  life  and  moved  to  Perrys- 
ville.  where  he  has  since  lived.  His  wife  died  on 
Liie  farm  at  the  age  of  forty-five  years,  her  death 
occurring  in  1854.  She  became  the  mother  of 
twelve  children,  nine  of  whom  grew  to  manhood 
and  womanhood.  Their  record  is  herewith  given: 
Catherine  married  Talt  Parish,  who  is  a  farmer;  she 
died  in  1855.  Joseph  W.  is  a  carpenter  and  is 
living  at  Turner,  Ind.;  he  enlisted  in  the  125th 
Illinois  Infantry,  serving  three  years;  he  married 
Debora  Paggett.  Hester  married  William  Hughes, 
a  wealthy  farmer,  who  is  living  near  Gessie,  Ind.; 
they  have  six  children  :  Ella,  Anna,  David.  Charles, 
Albert  and  Ora.  Nancy  A.  married  Henry  Caru- 
thers;  she  died  in  1863,  leaving  three  children — 
William,  Albert  and  Marintha.  Judia  married 
Elij.ah  Lowe;  she  died  in  1863.  Caroline  is  the 
wife  of  Almond  Hunt,  a  prosperous  farmer  who 
lives  near  Gessie,  Ind.;  they  have  one  child, 

George  M.  Spry  passed  his  early  childhood  on 
his  father's  farm  at  first  attending  the  common 
schools,  afterwards  studying  at  the  High  School  at 
Perrysville,  Ind.,  where  he  was  at  the  time  of  his 
enlistment  in  the  army.  He  joined  Company  D.of 
the  57th  Indiana  Infantry  and  served  until  the 
close  of  the  war.  Among  other  engagements  in 
which  he  took  part  are:  Pulaski,  Columbia,  Spring 
Hill,  P'ranklin  and  Nashville.  From  the  latter 
place  he  assisted  in  driving  Hood  over  the  Tennes- 
see River,  after  which  his  regiment  proceeded  to 
Huntsville,  Ala.,  where  it  remained  from  Jan.  5, 

to  March  26,  1865.  From  here  it  was  transported 
via  Chattanooga  and  Knoxville  through  Bulls  Gap 
to  Blue  Springs  and  Greenville,  Tenn.,  where  it 
was  exi)ected  to  aid  in  the  opposition  of  Lee's  ad- 
vance westward.  But  at  this  place  they  received 
the  news  of  the  collapse  of  the  Southern  Confed- 
eracy. Mr.  Spry  was  slightly  wounded  by  a  ball 
which  struck  his  breast- plate  at  the  battle  of  Nash- 
ville, and  Nov.  30,  1864,  received  two  slight 
wounds  .at  Franklin,  Tenn.  He  was  seriously 
injured  at  Pulaski,  Tenn.,  by  a  wagon  running  over 
his  right  instep,  but  this  did  not  prevent  him  from 
missing  more  than  two  or  three  roll  calls.  He  was 
iit  Blue  Springs  when  the  sad  news  of  Lincoln's 
.assassination  was  received.  Returning  to  Nash- 
ville his  regiment  was  ordered  to  the  Southwest  via 
New  Orleans  and  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  They  went 
to  Victoria,  Tex.,  to  correct  some  disorders  which 
were  prevalent  there  at  the  time.  Here  on  Oct. 
20,  1865,  after  fourteen  mouths  of  hard  service, 
Mr.  Spry  was  mustered  out  of  the  service.  He 
arrived  home  on  the  18th  of  the  following  month 
and  immediately  took  up  his  studies.  In  the  spring 
of  1866  he  engaged  in  the  general  merchandise 
business  at  Perrysville,  Ind.,  doing  a  very  large 
business,  but  on  account  of  the  depression  in  the 
value  of  goods  he  closed  out,  jiaying  100  cents  on 
the  dollar.  When  he  wound  up  his  affairs  he  found 
that  his  capital  amounted  to  just  ten  , cents.  He 
next  directed  his  attention  to  the  hedge  planting 
industry,  starting  a  nursery  on  the  "  Shady  Nook" 
farm,  and  continued  in  that  business  for  two  sea- 
sons, in  the  meantime  carrying  on  a  farm.  From 
1876  to  1878  he  devoted  all  his  time  to  te.aching, 
when  about  this  time  he  made  the  acquaintance  of 
Chapman  Bros.,  publishers  of  Chicago,  in  whose 
employ  he  entered  and  where  he  has  worked  with 
a  large  degree  of  success  since.  The  publishers 
wish  to  take  this  opportunity  in  expressing  their 
satisfaction  of  the  services  rendered  bj-  Mr.  Spry. 
He  has  proven  a  most  valuable,  reliable  and  effi- 
cient agent  in  the  discharge  of  whatever  duties 
imposed  upon  him.  During  these  years  he  has 
been  jjlaced  in  many  resi)onsible  positions  and 
always  acquitted  himself  manfullj-. 

In  1868  Mr.  Spry   was  married  to  Miss  Martha 
A.  Gray,  daughter  of  Harvey  M.  and  Susan  Gray. 



Mrs.  Spry  was  born  in  Clinton  County,  Ind.,  cum- 
ing  to  Illinois  with  her  parents  wiien  she  was  ton 
yours  of  age.  Her  father,  Mi-.  H.  (!ray,  one 
of  tin-  leading  men  of  Sidoll  Township.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Spry  have  become  the  parents  of  six  children: 
Kdith  died  when  she  was  three  months  old.  Amy 
is  also  deceased,  dying  at  the  age  of  four.  Ziia  is 
a  sncoessful  teacher  of  Vermilion  County., 
Haymond  M.  and  Mabel  are  at  home  attending 
school.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Spry  are  living  happily  in 
their  unpretentious  home,  where  they  are  alwnj's 
ready  to  dispense  hospitality.  In  choosing  their 
homo  they  have  exhibited  good  judgment  in  locat- 
ing in  the  charming  and  entei'prising  village  of 
Sidell.  Mrs.  Spry  is  a  member  of  the  Christian 
Church  and  the  two  oldest  daughters  are  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  and 
also  of  the  Ladies  Aid  Society.  Mr.  Spry  is  a 
member  of  the  1.  ().  ().  F.,  No.  252  at  Homer,  111., 
and  belongs  to  the  encampment.  He  is  identified 
with  the  iModern  Woodmen  and  with  Post  No. 
.'iSG,  (1.  A.  R.  In  his  political  views  he  is  a  stanch 

— V 


THORNTON  K.  HAGLEY.  On  section  24, 
ff^^  Newell  'i'ownshii),  lies  a  fine  farm  whose  fair 
holds  yield  abundant  harvests  to  careful  and 
skillful  cultivation.  The  gentleman  whose  name  is 
at  the  head  uf  this  biographical  sketch  is  the  |)ro- 
priotor  of  this  dosii-ablc  estate  comprising  IJJo  acres, 
and  here  ho  and  his  family  are  enjoj'ing  all  the 
comforts  of  life  in  the  cosiest  of  homes. 

Our  suliject  is  a  native  of  Ohio,  the  place  of  his 
birth  in  Pickawaj'  County,  and  the  date  thereof 
Nov.  7,  18.'!.'!.  His  father,  John  .1.  Ilagloy,  was  a 
native  of  Germany,  and  after  his  migration  to  this 
country  he  married  Rebecca  Kendrick,  a  native  of 
Virginia.  After  marriage  they  settled  in  Pickaway 
County,  Ohio,  among  its  pioneers.  From  Ihore  they 
subsequently  removed  to  Covington,  Fountain  Co., 
Ind.,  and  were  early  settlers  there.  Their  remain- 
ing years  were  passed  in  Fountain  County  in  peace 
and  contentment  till  death  closed  their  eyes  to  the 
scenes  of  earth.   To  those  worthy  people  worebdrn 

five  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  young- 
est. He  was  five  years  old  when  his  parents  estab- 
lished a  homo  in  the  wilds  of  Southern  Indian;i, 
and  his  lioyhood  and  youth  after  that  were  passed 
in  Fountain  Comity  till  he  was  niiu'toon  years  of 
age.  Then,  ambitious  to  make  his  own  way  in  the 
world,  he  resolved  to  seek  the  wonderful  gold  fields 
in  California,  whose  discovery  a  few  years  before  caused  such  intense  excitement  throughout  the 
world.  He  tried  life  in  the  mines  of  the  Golden 
State  four  years,  mooting  with  fair  success,  and 
then  tiring  of  the  rough,  wild  life  of  the  frontier 
he  retraced  his  stops  to  the  more  civilized  roi;ions 
of  this  part  of  the  country,  and  resided  in  Foun- 
tain County,  Ind.,  till  the  spring  of  1801.  In  that 
season  he  removed  to  Warren  County,  Ind.,  close 
to  the  Illinois  State  line,  where  he  lived  the  ensu- 
ing seven  years.  At  the  exi)iration  of  that  time  he 
came  to  A'ermllion  County  and  invested  some  of 
his  capital  in  the  farm  where  he  now  makes  his 
home,  and  has  ever  since  that  time.  He  owns  l;').'! 
acres  of  land  that  is  not  surpassed  by  any  in  the 
locality  in  point  of  fortilitj-  and  cultivation.  There 
is  a  substantial  set  of  buildings  and  ovorvthiin)- 
about  the  jjlace  wears  an  air  of  thrift  and  order- 

Jan.  13,  1859,  Mr.  II:igley  took  an  important 
step  in  his  life  by  marriage  with  Miss  Melinda  J. 
Diffendorfor,  whereby  he  secured  a  good  wife  who 
looks  well  to  the  ways  of  her  household  and  cares 
tenderly  for  the  comfort  of  its  inmates.  Her  ])ar- 
ents,  Gotloib  and  Mary  Ann  (Rogers)  Diffoiidorfer, 
were  liorn  respectively  in  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio. 
After  their  marriage  they  settled  in  Pickawav 
County,  Ohio,  and  from  there  removed  to  P'oiui- 
tain  County,  Ind.,  where  he  died.  She  still  sur- 
vives at  an  advanced  age.  The}-  had  ten  children. 
of  whom  Mrs.  Ilagley  was  the  fourth  in  order  of 
birth.  She  was  born  in  Pickaway-  County,  Ohio, 
Dee.  28,  1843.  Her  wedded  life  with  our  subject 
has  been  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  four  chil- 
dren, as  follows:  Clara  A.,  who  died  when  seven 
years  old;  William  W .,  who  married  Minnie  l!y- 
ers;  they  live  in  this  township;  Ida  M.,  who  died 
when  twenty-one  months  old;  Albert  ('•.,  a  young 
man  aged  eighteen.  Sorrow  has  come  to  our  sub- 
ject :uid  wife  in  the  death  of  thoir    litllo   girls,  but 



the}'  are  not  without  comfort  in  the  thought  of 
what  those  innocent  children  may  have  been 
spared  bj  being  so  early  removed  from  the  cares 
and  stains  of  this  weary  work-a-day  world. 

"The  sun  comes  up,  and  the  sun  goes  down 

On  sorrow,  and  sm,  and  aching, 
And  to  all  the  evil  that's  in  the   world, 

Their  darlings  will  know  no  waking; 
They  are  wrapped  in  that  dream  of  sweetness  an<l 

That  will  know  no  cruel  waking." 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hagley  stand  well  in  this  commu- 
nity as  people  of  kind  hearts  and  sound  heads,  who 
do  what  in  them  lies  to  promote  the  moral  and  ma- 
terial advancement  of  their  township.  Mr.  Hagley 
has  taken  quite  an  interest  in  school  affairs,  and 
while  holding  some  of  the  ollices  has  done  much  to 
forward  the  advance  of  education  in  this  locality. 
In  politics  he  is  a  Democrat,  stanchly  supporting 
his  party  at  all  times. 



^/SAAC  V.  G0INC4S,  an  ex -soldier  of  the  Union 
Army,  and  who  was  obliged  to  accept  his  hon- 
orable discharge  for  disability  Feb.  14,  1863, 
has  been  since  that  time  able  to  do  but  little 
manual  labor  and  has  his  farm  operated  by  other 
parties.  This,  however,  yields  him  a  comfortalile 
income  and  he  receives  a  pension  from  the  govern- 
ment. He  is  thus  comfortably  situated  and  is  of 
that  sanguine  disposition  which  enables  him  to  ex- 
tract consideralile  happiness  and  content  from  life. 
He  takes  a  lively  interest  in  politics,  votes  the 
straight  Repuliliean  ticket,  and  been  Constable 
in  Catlin  for  two  j'ears  and  .an  Elder  in  the  Cumber- 
land Presbyterian  Church  for  the  long  period  of 
twenty  j-ears.  He  thus  presents  a  very  fair  record 
and  is  generally  respected  among  the  people  of  his 

A  native  of  Hardy  County,  now  West  Virginia, 
our  sidjject  l)Orn  Nov.  7,  1822,  and  was  the 
fourth  in  a  family  of  twelve  children,  only  three 
of  whom  are  living.  His  parents,  Shadrack  and 
Hester  (Sears)  Goings,  were  natives  respectively  of 
Virginia  and^Monongahela  County,  Pa.  The  pater- 

nal grandfather  of  our  subject  was  born  in  Eng- 
land, and  upon  coming  to  America  settled  in  the 
Old  Dominion  where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
life.  The  father  of  our  subject  was  a  blacksmith 
by  trade  and  died  in  I8(!2.  The  mother  iireceded 
her  husband  to  the  silent  land  a  number  of  years, 
her  decease  taking  place  in  1847. 

The  early  education  of  Isaac  X.  Goings  was  con- 
ducted in  the  subsciiption  schools  of  his  native 
.State  and  he  made  his  home  with  his  parents,  work- 
ing for  his  father  until  he  was  twenty-three  yea,rs 
old,  and  in  the  meantime  learning  the  trade  of 
a  blacksmith.  After  leaving  home  he  became 
overseer  of  negroes  for  a  man  by  the  name  of 
Gabriel  Fox,  by  whom  he  was  employed  four  years. 
The  two  years  after  that  were  spent  in  the  em))lo3' 
of  a  Mr.  Cunningham  at  the  same  business.  At  the 
expiration  of  that  time  Mr.  Goings  emigrated  to 
Ohio  where  he  first  worked  on  a  farm  and  then  be- 
gan feeding  stock,  prosecuting  this  business  two 
years.  He  was  married  in  the  Buckeye  State,  Sept. 
15,  1854,  to  Miss  Frances,  daughter  of  John  Price, 
of  Madison  County.  Ohio,  and  who  was  born  in 
that  State  in  June,  1838. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Goings  came 
directly  to  this  county.  Mr.  Goings  rented  a  farm, 
purchased  a  team  on  credit  and  thus  began  life  in 
Illinois  on  a  limited  scale.  He  carried  on  agricul- 
ture for  a  number  of  years  on  different  farms  until 
the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion.  On  the  3d  of  July, 
1861,  he  entered  the  ranks  of  the  Union  Army  as  a 
member  of  Companj'  I,  35th  Illinois  Infantry,  en- 
listing as  a  private,  and  was  soon  promoted  to  Cor- 
poral. The  regiment  was  first  sent  to  the  Marine 
Hospital  at  St.  Louis,  after  which  they  repaired  to 
Wilson's  Creek,  at  Springfield,  Mo.,  where  the^'  had 
a  skirmish  with  the  rebels,  the  Color  Bearer  of  the 
regiment  was  shot  down  and  Mr.  Goings  was  or- 
dered to  rescue  the  colors  and  take  them  to  the 
top  of  the  court-house,  pulldown  the  rebel  fl.agand 
put  in  its  iilace  the  Union  ensign.  He  jjicked 
up  the  banner  and  commenced  the  ascent  and  after 
considerable  dilficulty,  hauled  down  the  rebel  tlag 
just  as  the  enemy  began  to  drive  back  the  Union 
troops.  Our  hero  soon  saw  the  position  in  which 
he  was  placed  and  waved  the  stars  ami  stripes  back 
and  forth  from  the  toi)  of  the  court-house  to  en- 



courage  the  boys.  It  liad  the  desired  effect  and 
the  I'nioii  troops  rallied  and  soon  drove  the  rebels 
from  the  town.  It  must  be  remembered  that  this 
feat  was  performed  in  the  face  of  a  murderous  fire 
from  the  eneni\'.  who  .limed  their  guns  at  the  in- 
trepid Unionist  and  sought  to  dislodge  him  from 
iiis  retreat. 

The  next  eng.agement  of  the  3ylh  was  at  Pea 
Ridge,  and  after  this  they  went  to  Booneville, 
where  Mr.  Goings  was  knocked  down  bv  the  Imlt 
of  a  rebel  musket  but  sustained  no  serious  injury. 
They  left  Cape  Girardeau  by  steamer  and  reaching 
Hamburg  Landing  took  jiart  in  the  battle  of 
Corinth,  Miss.,  after  which  followed  the  battle  of 
Stone  River.  At  this  point  Mr.  Goings  was  taken 
ill  and  sent  to  a  hospital  where  he  languislu'il  tvvo 
weeks  and  was  then  transferred  to  a  hospital  at 
Quincy,  III.,  from  which  he  was  finally  discharged. 

At  P>ooneville  Mr.  (ioings  and  a  part  of  his  reg- 
iment, including  the  Colonel,  were  taken  prisoners 
by  the  rebels  and  marched  about  one  mile  when 
the  latter  were  obliged  to  take  off  their  picket 
guard  antl  place  them  over  the  prisoners.  Mr. 
Goings  saw  an  opportunity  to  escape  and  breaking 
aw.ay  van  for  his  life  while  the  whole  force  of  rebels 
opened  tire  upon  him.  He  pursued  a  zigzag  course 
as  much  as  possible,  but  one  buckshot  passed  en- 
tirely through  his  right  forearm  and  he  received  a 
scalp  wound.  The  only  part  of  his  gun  left  in  liis 
h.and  when  he  reached  the  Union  camp  was  the 
metal  barrel. 

Upon  another  occasion,  while  assisting  in  guard- 
ing a  bridge  across  a  river  in  Missouri,  Mr.  Goings 
anil  his  comrades  were  attacked  by  the  reliels  and 
driven  off.  'I'hey  finally  rallied  and  compelled  the 
rebels  to  run.  .and  during  the  skirmish  Mr.  Goings 
received  a  gunshot  wound  in  the  left  side  just  be- 
low his  heart.  He  was  given  up  for  dead  and  left 
upon  the  ground  but  later  rallied  and  partially  re- 
covered, but  he  still  suffers  from  acute  heart  dis- 
ease or  valvular  affection  of  the  heart. 

Upon  one  occasion  Mr.  Goings  fought  a  duel 
with  a  Texas  Ranger.  lie  and  his  foe  were  sta- 
tioned on  o|)posite  sides  of  a  large  tree  and  each 
endeavored  to  use  his  gun  upon  the  otlier.  Finally 
bj'  accident  Mr.  Goings  remembeicd  that  he  had  a 
navy  revolver  in  his  belt  and  drawing  it  he  sprang 

out  and  sliot  the  Texan  through  the  body,  the  ball 
breaking  his  watch  ciiain.  Mr.  Goings  secured  the 
watch  from  his  dead  foe.  but  it  was  afterward  taken 
from  him  by  the  Commissary  Sergeant.  He  was 
certainly  not  lacking  iii  cour.age  during  those 
troublous  times  and  he  takes  a  pardonable  pride 
in  recalling  the  scenes  of  other  days  which  often 
"  tried  men's  souls." 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Goings  have  no  children  of  their 
own  but  several  years  ago  took  into  their  hearts 
and  home  a  little  girl  (Lizzie  who  is  now  the 
wife  of  Kdwin  linrroughs,  (the  license  was  issued 
in  the  name  of  Lizzie  I).  Goings)  but  who  still  lives 
with  her  foster  parents.  Mr.  Goings  is  a  member 
of  Homer  Post  G.  A.  R.  and  enjoys  a  wide  acquain- 
tance with  the  people  of  this  section.  His  estima- 
ble wife  is  a  very  intelligent,  capable  lady  highly 
esteemed  in  her  community. 


55iEORGE  W.  MILLER  has  been  a  resident 
of  \'ermilion  County  for  forty-four  years. 
^5^^  He  was  born  in  Vermillion  County,  Ind., 
Nov.  26,  1841,  his  parents  being  Andrew  ,1.  and 
Catherine  (Moyer)  Miller.  The  father  was  a  na- 
tive of  Kentucky  and  the  mother  of  Ohio.  The 
Millers  had  been  residents  of  Kentucky  for  several 
generations,  and  Andrew  Miller  had  been  brouoht 
to  Indiana  by  his  parents  when  twelve  years  old. 
There  he  lived  until  a  few  3'ears  after  his  marriage 
when  he  removed  to  this  county,  living  the  first 
year  near  Alvan,  and  then  coming  to  where  his 
son  now  lives.  His  first  house  was  a  log  structure 
in  which  he  lived  for  several  years  before  he  built 
the  tine  roomy  residence  on  the  opposite  siileof  the 
road  located  on  section  9,  which  is  now  owned  by 
his  widow.     Tliere  he  died  on  Aug.  23,  187.S. 

When  he  first  came  to  this  county,  Andrew  Mil- 
ler was  a  poor  man,  having  the  means  to  buy  only 
forty  acres  of  land,  a  yoke  of  oxen  and  a  horse. 
He  worked  faithfully  and  soon  began  to  accumu- 
late property,  gradually  adding  to  his  possessions 
until,  before  his  death,  he  was  the  owner  of  sev- 
eral farms  in    this  county,  and  atone  time  having 



1.500  acres  and  when  lie  died  he  left  over  1,000 
acres,  ns  he  bought  and  sold  whenever  he  could 
with  advantage.  His  first  start  in  life  was  ob- 
tained by  hauling  produce  to  Chicago  with  his  ox- 
team.  In  this  slow  and  laborious  way  he  began, 
and  his  success  well  illustrates  the  capaeitj'  and 
energ\'  of  the  man.  When  he  first  settled  in  ^'ermil- 
ion  County  in  1845,  this  was  an  entirely  new  coun- 
try  and  he  witnessed  its  rapid  growth  and  prosper- 
ity, in  which  he  was  no  small  factor,  and  which  was 
brought  about  by  just  such  men  as  he.  At  this 
time  there  was  only  one  house  in  sight  of  his  cabin, 
that  being  another  log  house  about  three  miles 
north  of  his,  and  where  tlie  thriving  vill.age  of 
Rossville  now  stands  was  another  cabin.  Hard 
work  and  plenty  of  it  was  the  lot  of  the  pioneer 
and  his  family,  and  they  literally  earned  their 
bread  by  the  sweat  of  Jtheir  brows.  Breaking 
prairie  was  the  first  thing  in  order,  and  to  the 
struggling,  poor  pioneer  was  no  easy  task,  (irad- 
ually  it  was  accomplished  and  he  soon  had  his 
forty  acres  under  cultivation.  Fencing  it  was  a 
necessity,  but  it  had  to  be  dela^'ed  for  some  time. 
George  W.  being  the  eldest  of  the  children,  at  an 
early  age  learned  what  hard  labor  was, which  contri- 
buted largely  to  his  own  success.  Not  only  was 
hard  work  npcessary  in  reclaiming  the  land  but  it 
was  imperative  that  the  pioneer  guard  against  dan- 
ger from  wild  animals,  the  wolves,  especially 
being  very  numerous  and  daring,  compelling  him 
to  shelter  his  live  stock  and  poultry  every  night. 
Andrew  J.  Miller  and  Catherine  Moyer  were 
married  in  Vermillion  County,  Ind.,  and  became 
the  parents  of  twelve  children.  The  first  two 
died  in  infancy  before  being  named;  the  next  was 
(ieorge  W.;  then  Cornelius,  who  was  a  farmer  of 
Ross  Township,  this  county;  Tabitha,  deceased, 
was  the  wife  of  Jesse  Tomlinson,  after  whose  death 
she  married  Jonathan  Frather;  Nancy  also  deceased, 
was  the  wife  of  James  U.  Prather;  Mary  Isabelle, 
John  T.  and  Enoch  died  when  young;  Joseph  S. 
is  a  farmer  in  Ross  Township,  this  county;  Cather- 
ine is  the  wife  of  Maxwell  Beckett,  also  a  farmer 
in  Ross  Township;  and  Mildred  is  married  to  Mor- 
ton Langsdon  a  farmer  of  the  same  place.  Mr. 
and  JNIrs.  Miller  were  well  known  to  the  old  settlers 
of  this  county   and  greatlj'    respected,      lie   was  a 

temperate  and  moral  man.  noted  for  his  destesta- 
tions  of  obscenity  and  profanity,  which  he  never 
failed  to  check  if  uttered  in  his  presence.  He 
refused  to  accept  office  of  any  kind  though  often 
pressed  to  do  so,  preferring  to  devote  all  his  time 
and  attention  to  his  own  affairs.  His  widow,  now 
in  her  sixty-fourth  3-ear  is  in  good,  health  and 
strength,  and  makes  her  home  with  her  youngest 
daughter,  Mildred. 

George  W.  Miller  in  his  youth  endured  the 
hardships  and  privations  insei)arable  from  the  life 
of  a  pioneer.  His  first  reccollections  are  of  the  log 
cabin  which  sheltered  him  when  he  was  a  boy. 
There  his  initiation  into  the  rudiments  of  an  edu- 
cation was  received,  the  first  school  in  this  locality 
being  held  in  his  father's  house,  when  the  settlers 
became  numero\is  enough  to  hire  a  teacher  for  their 
children.  It  was  a  good  many  years  before  a  dis- 
trict school  was  established,  and  that  was  on  the 
subscription  plan.  In  this  way  the  children  of  the 
first  settlers  giew  up  but  although  their  actual 
'•schooling"  was  little,  they  learned  how  to  become 
good  men  and  women  and  useful  members  of  soci- 
ety. They  early  imbibed  from  their  parents  those 
lessons  of  industry  and  frugality,  which  were  the 
general  characteristics  of  the  pioneer.  George 
assisted  his  father  on  the  farm  until  he  was  thirty 
years  old  when  he  married  and  settled  on  a  part  of 
the  same  tract,  on  which  he  now  has  his  home,  and 
which  he  subsequently  bought  from  his  father's 
estate.  In  the  spring  of  1 873  he  went  to  Nebraska 
with  the  intention  of  making  that  State  his  home, 
but  the  Last  illness  of  his  father  caused  his  return. 
In  less  than  three  months  after  he  came  back  his 
father  died,  and  he  settled  the  estate  and  built  for 
himself  the  house  in  which  he  now  lives.  His  pres- 
ent property  was  partly  bequeathed  to  him  and 
partly  purchased  from  the  other  heirs.  When  he 
got  it  there  was  onlj^  one  building  of  any  kind  on 
the  place,  the  present  buildings  have  been  erected 
b}'  him.  He  has  since  added  more  land  by  pur- 
chase of  adjoining  property  and  has  now  410  acres 
in  all.  A  creek  runs  through  a  part  of  the  farm 
making  that  portion  especially  desirable  for  stock- 
raising  purposes  to  which  it  is  devoted.  Mr.  Mil- 
ler having,  on  an  average,  about  fifty  head  of  cat- 
tle and  generally  raising  aliout  100  hogs  each  year. 

Jh^^^wij^  o^Z^^/^,^ 



His  principal  crops  are  corn  and  oats,   a    ujreater 
pdition  of  wliieli  is  consumed  on  the  farm. 

On  Feb.  la,  1872,  Mr.  Miller  was  united  in  mkii- 
riajic  with  Mi.^s  Vienna  Catherine  Ilawes,  daughter 
of  Daniel  and  Louisa  (Miller)  llawes,  liotli  of  wlioin 
came  from  Pennsylv.ania  to  this  covinty.  luealinf^ 
first  in  Danville  and  afterward  removing  to  a  farm 
near  lio.ssville.  Mrs.  Miller  is  a  n.ative  of  I'eiui- 
sj'lvania,  her  birtli  oe<'urringon  Nov.  7,  1852.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Miller  are  the  parents  of  eight  children, 
one  died  in  infancy  and  the  rest  are  at  home  and 
are  named  as  follows:  Louisa  Catherine,  Andrew 
D..  Samuel  J.,  ISIarj'  E.,  George  H.,  Elsie  May,  and 
Annie  Maud.  Mr.  Miller  belongs  to  the  young 
enterprising  and  progressive  class  of  farmers  and 
is  deservedly  achieving  success.  Almost  his  en- 
lire  life  has  been  spent  on  the  place  which  he  now 
lives  and  he  is  known  b>-  every  one  in  this  section 
of  the  country,  being  as  widely  respected  as  he  is 
known.  He  has  held  several  township  ollices  and 
is  at  present  Highway  Commissioner. 

-^^ — ■•o♦o.•^Q^><^-o♦o — 

If^  RS.  NANCY  AMIS.  It  can  hardly  be 
questioned  that  women,  although  called, 
with  reason  or  without,  the  weaker  half  of 
iiumanity,  have  always  done  a  full  share 
of  the  world's  work.  In  the  opening  up  of  the 
Great  West,  especially  worthy  of  note  is  the  part 
that  has  been  taken  by  the  wives  and  daughters  of 
the  pioneers  who  have  cleared  the  timber  and 
plowed  the  prairie.  Here  as  elsewhere  the  co-oper- 
ation of  husband  and  wife  has  produced  some  of 
the  best  results  of  modern  civilization,  homes 
whieh  are  the  seat  of  intelligence  and  refinement, 
a  society  where  good  morals  are  the  rule,  not  the 
exception.  One  of  these  true  helpmates  is  tlie 
subject  of  the  sketch  now  before  us,  the  wqduw  of 
Mr.  James  T.  Amis — late  resident  of  Danville 
Township,  a  man  of  character  and  integrity — and 
the  daughter  of  Abraham  IIesse3',  of  Mrginia.  It 
is  said  that  the  father  of  Mr.  Hessej-  came  to  Amer- 
ica from  Ireland  when  a  j'oung  man,  the  vessel  in 
which  he  sailed  being  wrecked  and  he  being  one  of 
llie    few    passengers     saved.       Settling    in    Cooke 

Count}',  Va.,  he  there  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
days.  His  son  Abraham  lived  in  Virginia  till  the 
death  of  his  jjarents,  and  then  moved  to  Nelson 
County,  Ky.  and  bought  a  tract  of  wooded  land,  a 
part  of  which  was  in  a  state  of  cultivation,  and  a 
comfortable  log-cabin,  his  home  as  long  as  he  lived. 
Here  ovir  subject  was  born.  Her  mother,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Sarah  McCormick,  was  a  native 
of  Nelson  County,  Ky.,  daughter  of  Andrew  Mc- 
Cormick, a  i)ioneer  of  that  county  from  Ohio. 

Nancy  llcssey  was  six  years  old  when  her  mother 
died  and  fifteen  when  her  fatlier's  death  occurred. 
Mr.  Hessey  having  contracted  a  second  marriage, 
she  was  brought  u))  by  a  step-mother,  and  became 
accomplished  in  the  hoiisewifelj'  arts  of  the  period, 
learning  to  spin  both  wool  and  flax.  Her  cards  and 
spinning  wheel  are  still  preserved  as  precious 
mementos  of  early  days.  In  1853  her  brother, 
Andrew  Hessey,  being  out  of  health  and  a  change 
of  climate  being  considered  desirable,  she  came 
with  him  to  Illinois,  accompanying  a  family,  who, 
in  the  absence  of  railways,  were  making  the  jour- 
ney with  a  team.  Her  first  home  in  this  State  was 
with  her  cousin,  William  Ilessey,  in  Pilot  Town- 
ship. Being  a  prairie,  this  region  had  not  been 
settled  as  early  as  some  other  parts,  and  was  still 
but  partially  reclaimed  from  the  wilderness ;  deer  yet 
roamed  .at  will.  The  marriage  of  Nancy  Hessey 
and  James  T.  Amis  took  place  Sept.  16,  1855. 

Mr.  Amis  was  born  in  Hardin  County,  Ky.,  June 
18,  1831.  His  parents,  William  and  Fannj'  (Davis) 
Amis,  natives  of  Tennessee,  were  earl^'  settlers  of 
Hardin  County,  and  later  of  Vermillion  County, 
Ind.  Mr.  Amis  was  a  young  man  when  his  par- 
ents removed  to  Indiana,  and  he  there  grew  to 
maturity  and  was  educated  in  the  pioneer  schools. 
He  came  to  this  county  in  1853,  and  settling  in 
Pilot  Township,  lived  there  till  1868,  when  he 
bought  the  present  family  home  in  Danville. 
When  he  came  here  the  estate  was  but  little  im- 
proved. He  labored  diligently  and  successfully-  in 
reclaiming  and  cultivating  the  land,  and  in  1883 
built  a  fine  brick  house  in  a  modern  st\-le  of  arch- 
itecture. The  place  is  now  one  of  the  best  im- 
proved in  the  township  and  a  nM)numcnl  to  his 
wise  forethonglit  and  untiring  industry.  He  con- 
tinued a  resident  there  till  his  death  June  8,  1884. 



Mr.  Amis  was  a  man  of  exemplary  habits  .ind  of 
sound  judgment,  a  kind  liusliand  and  father,  an 
obliging  neighbor,  a  good  citizen,  and  respected 
by  all  wiio  knew  him.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
United  Brethren  Churcli  in  Pilot  Township,  as 
was  also  liis  wife,  a  woman,  be  it  said,  in  every 
way  worthy  of  such  noble  companionship.  Tlie 
liomestead  is  now  occupied  by  ]Mrs.  Amis  and  her 
four  children — Hania  Edward,  WilHam  1).,  .lames 
A.,  and  Lizzie  Hessey. 

A  portrait  of  the  late  iiusband  of  Mrs.  Amis  ap- 
pears on  another  page  of  this  work  and  will  be 
highly  valued  bj'  those  with  whom  he  was  wont  to 
associate,  but  from  among  whom  he  has  now  gone 

HOMAS  WILLIAMS.  The  fact  of  a  man 
A  being  well  spoken  of  by  those  with  whom 
he  has  spent  the  greater  part  of  liis  life  is 
a  sufflrient  indication  of  his  character,  and  thus  ]\Ir. 
Williams  ma^'  be  mentioned  as  a  representative 
of  the  best  element  of  his  community — a  man  of 
the  strictest  integrity  and  one  who,  by  a  life  of 
industry,  and  the  exercise  of  economy  and  a  wise 
judgment  has  obtained  for  himself  a  competence. 
He  is  now  living  retired  from  active  labor,  in  a 
pleasant  home  at  Hoopeston.  He  settled  in  tliis 
town  during  its  infancy  and  has  been  one  of  tliose 
who  assisted  the  most  largely  in  giving  to  it  its  pres- 
ent importance. 

The  first  nineteen  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject 
were  spent  in  Harrison  County,  Ohio,  where  he 
was  born  Nov.  29,  1828.  He  acquired  his  educa- 
tion in  the  common  school  and  liVed  with  his  wid- 
owed mother  until  tiie  age  mentioned,  when  with 
tlie  natural  desire  of  youth  for  change,  lie  left 
home  and  went  to  work  for  his  uncle,  Thomas 
Hoopes,  in  Marion  County,  Ohio.  (A  sketch  of 
Mr.  Hoopes  appears  elsewhere  in  this  Album),  He 
worked  by  the  month  for  his  uncle  Thomas  seven 
years,  and  then  taking  100  sheep  on  the  shares,  he 
started  on  foot  and  drove  them  througli  from  ISIarion 
County.  Ohio,  to  Hoopeston.  this  county,  a  distance 
of  400  miles,  being  thirty  days  on  the  road.  He 
reached   his  destination   Oct.   20,    1853,  and  made 

his  home  that  first  winter  with  old  '-Uncle"  Samuel 
Gilbert.  He  spent  the  time  looking  after  his  sheep, 
feeding  them  down  in  the  timber,  and  in  the  spring 
went  on  to  a  farm  owned  by  Mr.  Hoopes,  on  sec- 
tion 1 1 ,  northwest  of  the  present  site  of  the  town. 
At  that  lime  the  nearest  house  was  two  and  one- 
half  miles  south,  on  the  farm  which  our  subject  now 
owns,  and  the  next  one  was  eight  miles  north;  so 
there  was  no  one  but  himself  and  a  hand  to  keep 
the  wolves  away  from  the  sheep,  although  his  dogs 
would  chase  the  wolves  for  a  short  distance;  then 
the  latter  would  run  the  dogs  back  to  the  house,  so 
Mr,  Williams  had  to  be  on  his  guard  all  through 
the  day  and  at  night  sleep  with  one  eye  open,  al- 
though he  had  a  wolf-proof  pound  for  his  sheep  at 

Mr,  Williams  thus  operated  for  two  3'ears  and  the 
second  winter  his  flock  was  increased  by  the  addition 
of  400  more.  The  bad  weather  and  the  rattle  snakes, 
however,  made  sad  havoc  with  his  live-stock 
and  lie  was  obliged  to  turn  his  attention  in  another 
direction.  He  purchased  five  yoke  of  oxen,  together 
with  a  breaking  plow,  and  followed  breaking  for 
three  years,  being  usually  able  to  make  ^100  per 
month  in  the  summer  time,  WHien  the  weather  was 
suitable  he  could  turn  an  eighteen  or  twenty-inch 
furrow.  In  the  meantime  he  preempted  IGO  acres 
of  land  in  Iroquois  Covinty,  This  he  lived  upon  a 
short  time,  effecting  considerable  improvement 
prior  to  his  marriage. 

The  above  interesting  event  in  the  life  of  our 
subject  took  place  on  the  lUli  of  June,  1859,  the 
bride  being  Miss  Lavina  McFarland  of  Iroquuis 
County,  111.  Mr;  Williams  about  this  time  put  up 
a  small  frame  house  and  added  to  it  a  house  stand- 
ing near,  thus  forming  quite  a  comfortable  abode 
for  tliose  times  and  which  the  newly  wedded  pair 
occupied  until  Christmas.  Aliout  that  time  the^' 
removed  to  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of  Hoopeston, 
the  same  on  which  Mr.  Williams  had  first  herded 
his  sheep.  He  rented  this  until  1803  and  later  pur- 
chasing seventy-five  head  of  cattle,  established 
himself  southeast  of  what  is  now  the  town,  where 
he  lived  on  the  creek  about  six  years.  Then  he 
purcliased  the  Churchill  Boardman  farm,  consisting 
of  500  acres,  and  which  was  partially  improved. 

Our  subject  now  began   stock-raising  in  earnest, 



and  prosecuted  this  industrv  luilil  llie  construction 
of  the  railroad  througli  this  section,  after  whicii 
he  eiiiijaued  more  generally  in  farming.  In  1870 
he  met  with  an  accident  which  resnllt'd  in  the 
hieaking  of  his  leg  and  accordingly  leaving  the 
farm,  he  took  up  his  abode  in  Iloopeston,  where  he 
con)menced  buying  grain  and  operated  the  elevat- 
ors in  partnership  with  A.  T.  Catherwood.  Me  was 
thus  occupied  for  a  period  of  seven  jears,  the  last 
two  years  operating  with  twelve  different  elevators, 
then  retired  from  active  business.  During  these 
years,  he  became  the  half  <iwner  of  \J)'2;>  acres  of 
land,  near  Anibia.  in  llenton  Connty,  Ind.,  whicli 
is  now  largel}'  devoted  to  the  raising  of  grain,  1,000 
acres  alone  being  planted  in  corn  and  2r)0  acres  in 
oats.  Mr.  Williams  visits  this  farm  ever}-  week  in 
summer,  while  Mr.  Catherwood  attends  to  it  during 
the  winter  season.     See  sketch. 

Mr.  Williams  kee[)s  himself  well  posted  upon 
current  events  and  gives  his  jiolitical  support  to 
the  Republican  party.  Socially,  he  is  a  Knight  Tem- 
plar and  in  religious  matters  a  meml)er  of  tlieUni- 
versalist  Church.  Ui)on  first  coming  to  Hooi)eston 
he  [lurchased  ground  on  Second  street,  where  he 
lived  four  years  aud  later  purchased  propeity  at 
the  corner  of  Penn  and  Fifth  streets,  where  he  has 
resided  for  the  past  six  years.  He  was  the  first 
man  in  company  with  others  to  experiment  with 
the  cane  here  and  later  liecame  interested  in 
the  canning  factory,  i)Utting  up  the  corn  [irodnced 
from  ',100  acres  the  first  year,  but  only  prosecutcil 
this  two  seasons. 

^lissLavina  McFarland  of  Marion  County,  Ohio, 
became  the  wife  of  our  subject,  June  9,  1859.  She 
was  the  daughter  of  Andrew  and  Sarah, 
who  in  1857  removed  to  Illinois  and  settled  in  Iro- 
quois County  where  Mrs.  W'illianis  lived  liiider 
the  parental  roof  until  her  marriage.  Of  her  union 
with  our  suliject  there  were  born  six  children,  of 
whom  only  three  are  living — Charles  C.,  \\ulter 
W.  and  Frank.  The  first  mentioned  is  occupit'd  as 
a  bookkeeper  at  Omaha,  Neb.;  the  others  remain 
at  home  and  will  be  given  the  educational  advan- 
tages suitable  to  their  position  in  life. 

Nathan  Williams,  the  father  of  tinr  subject,  was 
born  in  Bedford  Connty,  Pa.,  and  when  a  young 
man  emigrated  to  Hariison  County,  Ohio,  where  1k' 

taught  school  two  years.  He  had  prior  to  this 
learned  the  tailor's  trade.  In  Ohio  he  purchased  a 
tract  of  land  near  (ieorgetown  from  which  he  con- 
structed a  good  farm.  He  married  Miss  Sarah, 
daughter  of  Nathan  lloo|)es.  Ten  children  came 
to  bless  this  union,  of  whom  Thomas,  our  subject, 
was  the  fifth  in  oi'der  of  birth.  The  father  died 
when  a  comparatively  young  man,  in  1841.  The 
mother  kept  her  home  in  Ohio  until  the  children 
were  grown  to  mature  years,  then,  although  retain- 
ing her  property  there,  she  came  to  the  home  of  her 
son  in  this  county,  where  her  death  took  place  in 
1881,  when  she  was  seventy-nine  years  old,  having 
been  born  in  1802.  She,  like  her  husband,  a 
member  of  the  Society  of  Friends. 

\f;  AMES  M.  STINE,  Postmaster  of  Fairmount, 
is  without  question  the  most  popular  man 
in  this  community.  The  fact  that  his  ap- 
pointment as  Postmaster  was  endorsed  by 
two  of  the  Democratic  papers  in  1 889,  he  being  a 
Republican,  is  sufficient  indication  of  the  estima- 
tion in  which  he  is  lield  liy  his  fellow-citizens.  His 
early  educational  advantages  were  limited,  but 
good  sense  and  energy  have  proved  his  valuable 
stock  in  trade.  Under  favorable  circumstances 
he  might  have  made  for  himself  a  reputation  in 
the  literary  field,  as  he  has  been  a  frequent  con- 
tributor both  of  prose  and  poetry-  to  the  local 
|)ress.  He  took  a  conspicuous  jjart  in  the  late 
Civil  War,  and  among  other  duties  commanded 
the  flatboat  which  carried  the  rock  to  build  the 
dam  constructed  by  Col.  Bailey  in  the  Red  River, 
to  float  down  the  gunboats  at  the  time  of  Banks' 
expedition  up  that  river.  His  career  has  been  es- 
sentially that  of  a  self-made  man,  who  in  early  life 
was  tluown  upon  his  own  resources  and  whose  ex- 
perience served  to  develop  within  him  a  most 
admirable  character. 

Our  subject  comes  of  excellent  stock,  being  the 
sou  of  .Tohn  and  Mary  (Winn)  Stine,  who  were 
natives  respectively  of  Pennsylvania  and  X'irginia. 
They  became  residents  of  ( )hio  in  their  vouth,  and 
were   married   in    Muskingum    Counly.    that  State, 



wliere  they  lived  until  1865.  Tlience  they  came 
to  this  counly  and  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  Dan- 
ville, where  the  father  prosecuted  farminji'  and 
died  in  1871.  The  mother  preceded  her  luisliand 
to  the  silent  grave,  dying  in  1870.  Tlieir  hovise- 
hold  included  ten  children,  five  of  whom  are  still 
living  and  making  their  homes  mostly  in  Illinois. 
The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  seventh  child 
of  his  parents,  and  was  horn  April  26,  1843,  in 
Muskingum  County,  Ohio.  He  learned  what  he 
could  in  the  common  schools  jirior  to  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War,  and  made  a  visit  to  Illinois  in 
1860,  working  in  this  county  on  a  farm  for  about 
one  year.  Then,  returning  to  Ohio,  he,  in  Sep- 
tember, 1861,  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Com- 
pany D,  16th  Ohio  Infantry,  wiiich  was  organized 
in  Wooster  and  soon  afterward  |)roceeded  to  the 
South.  Yoting  Stine  was  the}i  but  eighteen  years 
old,  but  he  performed  all  the  soldierly  duties  of  a 
full-grown  man,  and  engaged  in' all  the  battles  in 
which  his  I'egiment  participated,  being  at  Cumber- 
land Gap,  Tazewell,  Tenn.,  Chicasaw  Bayou,  Port 
Gibson,  Raymond,  Champion  Hills,  Black  River, 
the  siege  of  Vicksburg;  was  at  Jackson,  Miss.,  and 
ill  the  Red  River  expedition.  At  the  expiration 
of  his  term  of  enlistment  he  was  mustered  out 
with  his  comrades  at  Morgauza  Bend,   in    October, 

1864.  Although  experiencing  many  hairbreadth 
escapes,  he  came  out  without  a  scratch,  and  re- 
:nained  at  home  that  winter.     In    the   spring   of 

1865,  being  unable  to  content  himself  at  home 
while  man}'  of  his  comrades  were  still  fighting  in 
the  field,  he  enlisted  a  second  time,  in  Company  B, 
196th  Ohio  Infantry,  and  went  with  his  regiment 
to  the  Shenandoah  Valley,  remaining  there  until 
the  surrender  of  Lee  at  Appomattox.  .Soon  after- 
ward they  repaired  to  Baltimore,  and  thence  to 
Camp  Chase,  Columbus,  Ohio,  where  the  regiment 
was  mustered  out  in  October,  1865. 

Upon  leaving  the  army  the  second  time.  Air. 
Stine  joined  his  parents  in  this  county,  and  on  the 
rith  of  August,  1866,  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza 
Bates,  a  daughter  of  Joel  Bates,  one  of  the  pioneer 
settlers  of  Danville  Township.  Mrs.  Stine  has  an 
inicle,  James  O'Neal,  who  was  the  first  male  white 
child  born  in  this  count}',  and  who  now  resides  six 
miles  south  of  Danville.     Mr.  Stine    worked   on   a 

farm  for  two  years  after  his  marriage;  then,  in 
1870,  removing  to  Kentucky,  was  a  resident  of  the 
Blue  Grass  State  for  the  following  six  years.  We 
next  find  him  in  St.  Lf>uis.  Mo..  wheiK;  he  was  en- 
gineer in  a  rolling-mill  for  one  year.  His  next 
removal  was  to  this  county,  of  which  he  has  since 
remained  a  resident.  For  the  last  four  years  he 
has  been  a  butter-maker  in  the  creamery  at  Fair- 

To  our  subject  and  his  wife  there  were 
liorn  live  children,  only  one  of  whom  is  living,  a 
daughter,  Mary  Belle,  who  was  born  Oct.  5,  1876. 
Aliss  Mary  is  an  apt  scholar  in  the  High  School  at 
Fairmount,  and  possesses  more  than  ordinary  musi- 
cal talent,  being  a  fine  performer  on  the  violin. 
They  have  a  very  pleasant  and  comfortable  home, 
situated  in  the  west  part  of  the  town,  and  enjoy  the 
fi-iendship  of  a  large  circle  of  acquaintances.  Mr. 
Stine  has  taken  an  active  part  in  political  matters, 
and  is  familiarly  known  as  "Old  Baldy  No.  2." 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Rei)ublican  Central  Com- 
mittee during  the  late  campaign,  has  been  X'illage 
Trustee  two  years,  and  the  second  year  was  Presi- 
dent of  the  Board.  As  an  ex-soldier  he  was  a 
member  of  the  (i.  A.  R.  Post,  which  was  disbanded 
in  1  888,  and  of  which  he  was  Post  Commander  one 
year.  Both  he  and  Mrs.  Stine  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
and  the  daughter  is  prominently  connected  with 
the  Sunday-school.  The  family  is  well  known 
throughout  Vance  Township,  and  are  amply  worthy 
of  representatation  in  a  work  of  this  kind. 

^r^  UST AVUS  C.  PEARSON  was  born  in  Ra- 
ff (  g—.  venna,  Portage  Co.,  Ohio,  July  17,  1827.  His 
^^41  father,  the  Hon  John  Pearson,  was  born  in 
Avon,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  23,  1802.  The  Pearsons  are  de- 
scendants of  the  Rev.  Abraham  Pearson  of  York- 
shire, England  and  came  to  America  in  1639,  and 
whose  son,  also  Pearson,  was  the  first 
President  of  Yale  College. 

The  grandfather  of  Gustavus  went  from  Elling- 
ton, Conn.,  to  New  York  State,  when  a  young  man 
and  was  married  in  Schenectady,  Jan.  4,  1789,  to 



Rebecca  (Waterous)  Hull.  He  located  in  Dtiaiies- 
burg,  where  lie  lived  on  patent  land  until  IT'JO. 
He  then  concluded  to  l)uild  a  home  which  he  could 
call  his  own,  where  the  fee  of  the  land  could  be 
obtained  and  free  of  all  incumbrance,  and  therefore 
went  to  the  wilds  of  Western  New  York  and  loca- 
ted at  Hartford  (now  Avon),  in  com|)any  with  his 
mother-in-law,  Canada,  purchasing  400  acres  of 
land  there.  He  first  erected  a  log  cabin  but  later 
built  the  first  frame  house  in  the  neighborhood, 
which  was  called  "John's  Industry  and  Rebecca's 
Economy."  He  brought  a  grindstone  with  him 
in  to  the  country-  which  the  Indians  soon  found 
would  sharpen  their  tomahawks.  Knowing  the 
fear  of  the  family,  they  would  strike  the  hatchets 
into  the  logs  and  give  an  Indian  whoop.  Thej^ 
however  became  civil  and  docile  afterwards.  He 
also  built  a  store  and  engaged  extensively  in  mer- 
cantile pursuits.  This  was  long  before  there  were 
either  railroads  or  canals,  and  his  goods  which  vvere 
bought  in  the  city  of  New  York  and  Philadelphia, 
were  transported  by  pack  horses.  He  used  to  take 
cattle,  horses  and  sheep  in  exchange  for  goods,  and 
these  he  drove  to  market  at  Philadelphia  or  New 
York,  the  journey  occupying  from  four  to  six 
weeks.  His  death  occurred  in  Avon,  Dec.  23, 
1812,  while  his  wife  survived  him  many  years,  dy- 
ing in  Vernon  Township,  Pa.,  Dec.  10,  18C1,  lack- 
ing but  three  years  of  rounding  out  a  full  century. 
The  father  of  Gustavus,  the  Hon.  John  Pearson, 
was  graduated  from  Princeton  College  in  Septem- 
ber, 1824,  when  he  began  the  study  of  law  with 
the  Hon.  George  Hosmer.  at  West  Avon.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  at  Ravenna,  Ohio,  in  the  spring 
of  1832,  from  which  place  he  went  to  Detroit, 
Mich.,  and  took  i)assage  on  a  sailing  vessel  bound 
for  Chicago.  Maj.  Whistler  then  commandant  of 
Ft.  Dearborn  was  a  friend  of  the  Pearsons,  and  in- 
vited them  into  the  fort  where  the  family  remained 
while  the  father  started  out  to  seek  a  location, 
as  Chicago  was  then  considered  unsafe  on  account 
of  the  Indians.  In  the  month  of  July  of  that 
year,  the  first  steamer  that  ever  floated  on  Lake 
Michigan,  landed  at  Chicago,  bringing  Gen.  Scott's 
troops  and  an  unwelcome  visitor,  the  cholera.  Mr. 
Pear~on  soon  removed  his  family  to  Danville  on 
acc(,)unt  of    there   being  a  cvn)i)any  <jf  rangers  sta- 

tioned there  which  seemed  to  insure  safety  for  the 
settlers.  In  1830,  he  was  elected  Presidential  elec- 
tor on  the  Van  Buren  ticket  and  was  selected  as 
messenger  to  return  the  vote  of  Illinois  to  Wash- 
ington City.  During  the  same  year  he  was  elected 
Circuit  Judge  and  removed  his  residence  to  Joliet. 
His  circuit  included  all  of  Cook,  Will,  DuPagc, 
Kane,  DeKalb,  and  other  contiguous  counties.  He 
held  the  oflice  of  Judge  until  he  was  elected  State 
Senator.  In  1849,  he  went  to  California,  making 
the  journey  across  the  plains.  He,  however,  did 
not  make  a  lengthy-  stop  there,  but  returned  East 
locating  in  New  Y'ork  City,  where  he  practiced 
law  for  a  time.  He  shortly  returned  to  Chicago 
and  thence  to  Danville,  where  he  had  large  real 
estate  interests,  and  here  resiiled  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  in  June,  1875. 

Judge  Pearson,  the  father  of  the  sul)jecl  of  this 
sketch,  in  his  day  did  more  for  the  upbuilding  of 
Danville  than  any  other  man.  To  people  who  would 
agree  to  build  on  lots,  he  gave  them  awa3',  a  policy 
which  showed  great  wisdom.  Judge  Pearson  will 
remain  in  the  memories  of  many  people  as  an  up- 
right and  able  man.  His  kindness  to  the  poor  was 

Judge  Pearson  twice  married.  The  maiden 
name  of  his  first  wife,  and  the  mother  of  Gustavus, 
was  Catherine  Tiffany,  daughter  of  Judge  (ieorge 
S.  Tiffany.  She  was  a  native  of  New  York  and 
her  death  took  place  June  4,  1842.  She  was  the 
mother  of  three  children,  (iustavus  being  the  eld- 
est, and  Elizabeth  who  is  the  wife  of  Col.  William 
C.  McReynolds.  George  is  deceased.  The  second 
wife  of  Judge  I'earson  was  Catherine  Passage,  of 
Princeton.  N.  J.  She  became  the  mother  of  two 
children:  Fannie,  wife  of  Dr.  Morehouse  of  Dan- 
ville, anil  Hattie,  wife  of  Mr.  Knox,  of  St.  Paul, 

Gustavus  C.  Pearson,  of  whom  this  sketch  is 
written,  is  in  every  sense  of  the  word  an  old  set- 
tler. He  came  to  Illinois  with  his  parents  when 
not  five  years  old,  and  he  recalls  the  incidents  oc- 
curring during  the  residence  of  the  family  at  Ft. 
Dearborn,  the  Indian  dances  and  the  cholera  scare, 
which  caused  a  temporary  depopulation  of  the  fort. 
He  attended  the  pi(jneer  schools  of  Danville  siiiil 
later  the  Juliilee   College    in   Peoria  County.      He 



also  :it.en<1e(l  at  Allegheny  College  in  Meadville, 
Pa.,  from  which  place  he  went  to  New  York  and 
clerked  in  a  store  for  a  short  time,  afterwaid  re- 
turning to  Danville,  where  he  began  the  study  of 
law  with  Judge  JNIcRoberts.  This  occupied  one 
year,  when  he  went  to  Joliet  and  engaged  with 
Gov.  Matteson  as  clerk,  and  by  hard  work  be- 
came, in  course  of  time,  general  man.ager  of  his  bus- 
iness, and  so  valuable  were  young  Pearson's  ser- 
vices, that  Gov.  Matteson  offered  him  the  profits 
of  a  one-half  interest  in  the  business,  without  capi- 
tal, if  young  Pearson  would  remain  in  his  position 
and  not  go  to  California.  Here  he  remained  until 
184',i,  when  he  started  for  California,  having  fitted 
out  one  team  with  tliree  yoke  of  oxen,  with  others. 
In  their  journey  across  the  plains  they  encountered 
vast  herds  of  buffalo  and  especially  in  the  vicinity 
of  where  Lincoln.  Neb.,  is  now  situated.  Guards 
were  mounted  eveiy  night  after  crossing  the  Mis- 
souri River.  Along  this  drearj'  and  lonel}'  route 
ever}'  variety  of  i)ersonal  property  was  scattered, 
from  .St.  Joseph  to  California,  by  emigrants  going 
to  the  Eldorado.  At  Salt  Lake  City,  wiiere  the 
Mormons  had  settled,  the  party  was  induced  by 
Brigham  Y(_)ung  and  others  to  stop,  it  being 
represented  by  the  great  apostle  that  the  surround- 
ing country  was  fully  as  rich  in  minerals  as  Cali- 
fornia. The}'  accordingly  staid  there  about  three 
months,  when  Brigham  declared  that  tiiose  (ientiles 
who  would  not  unite  with  the  Mormon  Church 
should  leave  at  once  for  C'alifornia.  and  that  in  go- 
ing they  should  make  themselves  useful  to  the 
the  Mormons  by  oiiening  a  new  tiail.  Young 
knew  that  it  was  loo  late  for  them  to  go  by  the 
Northern  or  Humboldt  route,  and  thought  to  make 
them  useful  to  his  own  people.  Tims  the  party 
was  obliged  to  start  and  make  their  way  600 
miles  across  a  countr\'  without  any  tr.ail.  Mr. 
Pearson's  wagon  was  the  first  one  that  ever  went 
through  Calion  Pass  on  wheels,  but  prior  to  reach- 
ing this  Pass,  his  part}',  composed  of  ten  young 
men  who  had  left  their  teams  at  Armagosa  or  Bit- 
ter Waters,  traversed  a  desert  of  113  miles,  arriv- 
ing at  Prudom's  Ranch  in  an  almost  famished 
condition.  Capt.  Hunt  had  the  previous  year  gone 
through  the  Pass  eastward,  but  had  taken  his  wagon 
to  pieces,  iind   packed  it  on    the  backs   of  mules. 

The  i):irty  siopp.'d  at  Prudom's  Ranch  for  a  few 
weeks  and  from  there  went  to  Los  Angeles,  thence 
to  San  Pedro,  where  they  embarked  in  a  sailing 
vessel,  and  arriving  at  San  Francisco  pitched  their 
tent  on  the  beach.  A  nund)er  of  the  company 
had  perished  en  route.  At  this  jieriod  .San  Fran- 
cisco was  composed  of  a  few  adobe  houses  and  a 
great  many  tents.  The  party  remained  there  a 
few  weeks,  when  Mr.  Pearson  went  to  the  mining 
regions  and  engaged  in  digging  for  gold  until 
1852,  and  the  money  thus  accumulated  was,  in 
1850,  sent  to  Pennsylvania  and  loaned  at  six  per 
cent.  He  then  returned  home  l)V  the  Nicaraugua 
route.  In  1853  he  again  visited  California,  a)id  es- 
tablished the  first  grape  ranch  on  the  red  lands, 
southeast  of  Sacramento;  this  land  is  since  celehrated 
as  the  best  vineyard  land  in  the  State,  and  among  the 
finest  in  the  United  Slates.  The  land  was  then  de- 
clared worthless  by  the  Spanish  and  Gen.  Sutter. 
During  the  summer  of  1855,  the  weather  was  so  dry 
that  mining  was  neither  pleasant  nor  profitable,  so 
Mr.  Pearson  in  company  with  nine  others,  formed 
a  party  and  started  on  a  hunting  expedition.  It 
was  tills  company  that  first  explored  and  laid  claim 
to  the  Yosemite  Valley  and  made  its  wondrous 
beauties  known  to  the  world.  Mr.  Pearson  re- 
turned East,  and  in  1859.  commenced  operating  on 
the  Board  of  Trade  in  Chicago,  which  he  contin- 
ued until  1809,  when  he  went  again  to  California, 
and  in  Vallejo  erected  the  fiist  elevator  ever 
built  on  the  Chicago  plan  in  that  State.  He  was 
also  associated  with  A.  D.  .Starr,  as  Pearson  &  Starr, 
in  building  tlouring-iuills  at  South  \allejo,  which 
are  at  the  present  time  the  largest  in  the  world, 
having  a  capacity  of  9.000  barrels  a  day.  He 
remained  a  resident  of  California,  and  aided  in 
establishing  the  San  Francisco  Board  of  Trade,  but 
in  the  year  1880  returned  to  Danville,  where  he 
has  since  lived,  retired  from  active  life.  He  erected 
a  beautiful  residence  on  the  land  which  his  father 
purchased  in  18.'54. 

Mr.  Pearson  was  married  Sept.  13,  1864.  to  Hat- 
tie  P.  Brown,  daughter  of  the  Hon.  William  and 
Mary  J.  (Pearson)  Brown,  natives  of  New  York 
State.  Her  father  was  a  resident  of  Ogdensburg, 
where  he  was  for  many  years  County  Judge,  and 
was    always    promineut,ly    identified    with  the   up- 



Imililiiii;-  of  lliat  city,  wlicro  ho  spoilt  his  last  years. 
Air.  mill  Mrs.  Pearson  have  three  chihireii:  John  A., 
Frances  N.,  and  Nomen  N. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pearson  are  members  of  tlie  Holy 
Trinity  (Episcopal)  (lunch.  Mr.  Pearson  has 
always  been  greatly  interested  in  public  atTairs  and 
in  politics  lias  ever  been  arrayed  against  the  iiio- 
nopdlists.  lie  ^Yas  largely  instrumental  in  organ- 
izing the  (Grange  Revolution  in  California,  of 
which  he  was  a  prominent  member  for  many  years. 
He  drafted  the  California  Warehouse  law.  and  suc- 
ceeded in  having  it  passed  after  ten  years  of  per- 
sistent effort,  which  regulated  warehouses,  and 
makes  their  receipts  availiiblc  for  business  purposes. 
The  entire  grain  trade  of  the  Paeilic  Coast 
been  controlled  until  then  Ijy  an  individnal  operator, 
lie  has  been  a  contributor  to  the  Journal  of  Com 
merce.  in  Chicago,  and  also  the  Pen  Ijic  Rural  Press, 
and  (ilher  newspapers.  Mr.  Pearson  has  attained 
high  success  as  a  business  man,  and  this  can  be 
attril)uted  to  his  strict  probity  and  his  s.agacity.  In 
l,s,s(i,  he  returned  to  Danville  for  the  purpose  of 
educating  his  children.  Our  subject  is  a  member 
of  the  Old  Settler's  .Society  of  Chicago,  and  is  also 
numbered  among  the  pioneers  of  California,  being 
one  of  the  settlers  of  '49. 


'\f/()HN  W.  BREWER,  a  prominent  citizen  of 
Vermilion  County,  was  born  in  the  city  of 
Danville  .luly  7,  1837.  His  father,  William 
Brewer,  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this 
county,  and  was  born  in  Virginia  or  Ohio.  The 
grandfather  of  .lohn  W.,  whose  name  was  .John 
Brewer,  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  and  of 
Dutch  ancestry,  the  name  being  formerly  spelled 
Brower.  The  latter  moved  from  Pennsylvania  to 
Virginia,  and  thence  to  (Jhio.  where  he  spent  his 
last  years  in  Miami  County.  William  Brewer,  the 
father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  reared  in 
Ohio,  and  when  a  young  man  started  for  the  West, 
going  to  Lafayette,  Ind.,  and  there  married.  In 
about  1832  he  came  to  Vermilion  County,  locating 
in  D:u:ville.  Soon  after  coming  here  he  entered 
Government  land,  which  was  situated    in   Danville 

and  Newell  Townships;  part  of  this  land  is  now  in- 
cluded in  the  city  of  Danville.  Early  in  manhood 
he  liad  learned  the  cabinet-maker's  trade,  and  after 
coming  to  D.uiville.  he  labored  as  a  carpenter,  and  the  honor  of  lieing  the  l)uilder  of  the  first 
frame  house  erected  in  tlie  city.  The  timbers  were 
hewn,  and  the  weather  boards  rived  or  si)lit.  liy 
hand.  He  residi'd  here  until  1840,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Cl.ay  County,  where  he  lived  eight  years, 
then  returned  to  this  county.  His  death  occurred 
in  1857  in  Newell  township  The  maiden  name  of 
his  second  wife,  and  the  mother  of  John  W.,  was 
Sarah  Switzer,  a  native  of  Ohio  and  daughter  of 
Peter  and  Mary  Switzer,  natives  of  Penn.sylvania. 
She  was  married  a  second  tune  to  11.  B.  Current. 

.lohn  W.  Brewer  had  five  brotheis  and  one  sister 
who  lived  to  maturity:  Mary  A.  married  W.  H. 
Rodrick;  she  is  now  deceased.  Abraham  lives  in 
Danville;  Richard  is  a  resident  of  Oakwood  Town- 
ship, while  Peter  and  Isaac  are  deceased,  .lohn  W. 
attended  the  pioneer  schools  of  this  county  in  the 
old-fashioned  log  school-houses,  furnished  with 
primitive  seats  and  desks.  The  benches  were  con- 
structed bv  splitting  small  logs,  hewing  one  side, 
and  inserting  wcn)den  pins  for  legs.  The  method 
of  securing  an  education  in  those  early  dajs.  com- 
pared to  that  of  these  times,  is  a  practical  illustra- 
tion of  the  march  of  civilization  in  the  nineteenth 
centur}-.  He  resided  with  his  parents  until  his 
father's  death,  when  he  learned  the  carpenter's 
trade,  in  which  business  he  had  received  previous 
instructions  from  his  father.  Immediately  after 
his  marriage  he  located  on  the  farm  that  he  now 
owns  and  occupies.  This  contains  180  acres  of 
well-improved  land,  the  greater  part  being  located 
in  Danville  Township,  aiiout  five  miles  from  the 
(•it3\  He  was  first  married  in  18.")8,to  Harriet  Kester. 
She  was  born  in  Ohio,  and  died  in  18C2.  leaving 
one  child,  George.  His  second  marriage,  which 
ociLirred  in  18G7,  was  to  Sar.ali  01i\er.  a  native  of 
Vermilion  County,  and  a  daughter  of  John  and 
Elizabeth  Oliver.  Of  this  union  there  are  seven 
children:  Albert  Frank,  Edmund,  Perry,  Ben, 
Effie,  C4ara  and  Ettie. 

Mr.  Brewer  is  a  member  of  the  Pleasant  Grove 
United  Brethren  Church,  of  which  he  been 
Steward  one  \  ear.     He  has  always  taken  an  interest 



in  educational  affairs,  and  lias  served  as  Clerk  of 
the  School  Board.  Mr.  Brewer  is  one  of  the  sub- 
stantial and  reliable  eitizeiis  of  his  neighboriiood. 
In  polities,  he  is  a  stanch  Democrat. 

(^,  liJLLIAM  KELLY,  a  talented  business  man 
\/\ii/  '^"*^  ''^'-''^  financier, is  classed  aniony  the  fore- 
^^J  most  citizens  of  this  part  of  Vermilion 
County.  He  is  a  coal  operator,  and  is  also  extensivel}' 
eno'ao-ed  in  farming  and  stock  raising,  owning  and 
personally  superintending  a  large  farm  on  section 
2,  Danville  Township.  Here  he  has  one  of  the 
finest  countrj-  seats  in  Illinois,  comprising  a  hand- 
some and  commodious  l)rick  residence  of  a  modern 
and  ple:ising  st^'le  of  architecture,  tastefully  fur- 
nished and  replete  with  all  the  comforts  and  lu.xur- 
ies  that  make  life  worth  living,  with  grounds 
around  it  beautifully  and  artistically  laid  out.  The 
representation  of  such  a  beautiful  home  as  this  is 
certainly  a  pleasing  and  attractive  addition  to  a 
book  of  this  character  and  will  be  aiipreciatcd  by 
all  readers. 

Mr.  Kelly  was  born  in  County  Meatli.  Jreland, 
Nov.  1,  1842.  His  fatlier  Michael  and  his  grand- 
father, Bernard  Kelly,  the  latter  a  fanner,  were 
life-long  residents  of  the  same  county,  the  father 
dying  in  Dee.  23,  1888.  The  maiden  name  of 
the  grandmother,  a  native  of  the  same  county,  was 
Shaw.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our 
subject  was  Kate  Glennan,  also  a  native  of  County 
Meath,  and  there  she  died  111185!).  There  were 
eleven  children  in  the  family  of  the  parents  of  our 
subject,  nine  of  whom  grew  to  maturity,  and  five 
of  them  came  to  the  Ihiiled  States,  as  follows: 
Michael;  Kate,  who  married  Horace  Jlitchell; 
Margaret,  who  married  Thomas  Gerahty;  Ann. 
who  married  Edward  Oaks;  all  are  residents  of 

The  subject  of  this  biography  was  reared  in  his 
native  land,  and  when  eighteen  years  of  age  the 
intelligent,  ambitious  youth  determined  to  see  what 
life  held  for  him  in  the  United  States  of  America, 
the  goal  of  so  manj'  of  his  countrymen,  and  going 
to  Liverpool  he  embarked   in  a  vessel  bound  for 

these  shores,  and  landed  in  New  York  City  after 
an  uneventful  voyage.  He  had  about  §30  in 
cash  at  that  time,  his  only  capital  with  which  to 
begin  life  in  a  new  country.  He  went  to  West- 
chester County,  N.  Y.,  and  there  did  his  first  work 
on  American  soil,  finding  employment  on  a  farm 
at  i!12  a  month.  Six  months  after  that  he  made 
his  way  to  N'ermilion  County,  and  the  ensu- 
ing nine  months  workeil  in  Danville,  and  then, 
with  characteristic  enterprise  embarked  in  business 
on  his  own  account  as  a  coal  operator  by  leasing  a 
bank.  The  first  few  months  he  did  all  the  work 
himself,  but  was  so  successful  in  his  venture  from 
a  [lecuniary  staudiioint  that  he  was  soon  enabled 
to  employ  men.  and  is  still  carrying  on  the  busi- 
ness, often  having  as  many  as  thirty  men  at  work. 
In  1873  Mr.  Kelly  turned  his  attention  in  another 
direction,  desiring  to  expend  some  of  his  super- 
fluous energies  in  agricultural  [nirsuits.  and  he 
purchased  in  that  year  the  farm  which  is  still  in 
his  possession  and  under  his  management.  It  con- 
tains 400  acres  of  choice  land,  under  splendid  cul- 
tivation and  yielding  large  harvests,  and  amply 
supplied  witii  roomy,  conveniently  arranged  build- 
ings, including  his  handsome  residence  which  he 
erected  in  1888,  and  has  all  the  modern  machinery 
and  appliances  for  facilitating  farm  labors.  Mr. 
Kelly  raises  stock  quite  extensively,  and  has  fine 
herds  of  blooded  cattle,  horses  and  hogs. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Elizabeth 
T3'iall  was  solemnized  in  18G4.  She  is  a  native  of 
County  Meath,  Ireland,  and  a  daughter  of  Garrett 
Tyrall.  She  is  a  woman  of  fine  character  and 
warm  heart,  and  unites  with  her  husband  in  makin<'- 
their  beautiful  home  attractive  to  their  many 
friends  or  to  the  stranger  within  their  gates,  by  a 
genial,  gracious  hospitality.  Their  pleasant  house- 
hold circle  is  completed  by  the  seven  children  born 
unto  them,  namely:  Kate,  Margaret,  Lizzie,  Annie, 
Emma,  Lulu,  Bertie. 

Mr.  Kelly  is  a  distinguished  rejjresentative  of 
our  self-made  men  whose  industrious,  methodical 
business-like  habits,  combined  with  a  steadfast 
purpose  and  great  executive  talent,  have  led  them 
on  to  fortune.  It  is  to  such  men  of  large  enter- 
prise and  liberal  spirit  that  Vermilion  County  is 
indebted    for  her  high  standing  as  a  prosperous 


'Jinsldertcc  of  F.  \A ,0\-^\\X,  See.  10.  ^L>cfnvd^e  Toumsldp,  V^^r^ailion  Gju/it/^ 


9^esf.denc6f  of^  ^/.Y^\OKkWT.jSeo.8.'-lloss  Township,  \'(JrimUon  CouMty. 



wealtliy  coinmuiiity.  with  flourisliiiii^  aj^riciiltiiijil, 
mining,  nianufacluring,  and  commercial  interests. 
Our  subject  possesses  great  weiglit  and  influence  in 
this  locality,  where  he  is  looked  up  to  as  a  wise,  far 
sighted,  noble  minded  citizen,  and  his  hand  is  felt 
in  all  schemes  tliat  are  in  any  way  calculated  to 
benetit  the  township  or  county. 

«  WILSON  X.  RK'K.VRT.  I'liere  are  few 
\iJ/i  'lO'n'^steads  in  this  county  more  attr.ictive 
W^  or  more  valuable  than  that  owned  b^'  the 
subject  of  this  sketch.  Without  ostentation  or  any 
great  amount  of  display,  it  is  the  synonym  of  com- 
fort and  plenty,  with  all  the  evidences  of  cultivated 
tastes  and  the  refinements  of  modern  life.  The  large 
and  well  cultivated  farm  has  been  brought  to  its 
l)rescnt  condition  onlj-  by  the  exercise  of  the  most 
unflagging  industry,  together  with  wise  judgment 
and  economy,  which  has  enabled  the  proprietor  to 
invest  his  capital  where  it  would  yield  the  best  re- 
turns. He  is  widely  and  favorably  known  as  a 
skillful  and  progressive  farmer,  prompt  in  his  busi- 
ness transactions  and  in  all  respects  a  valued  mem- 
ber of  his  communily. 

Next  in  importance  to  a  man's  own  person- 
ality is  the  record  of  those  from  whom  he  drew 
his  origin.  The  father  of  our  subject  was  John 
Rickart  and  his  paternal  grandfather  was  Leon- 
ard Rickarl,  the  latter  probably  a  nati\e  of 
North  Carolina.  It  is  known  that  .John  Rick- 
art was  born  in  that  State  and  was  one  of  five 
brothers,  all  of  whom  signalized  themselves  as 
efficient  soldiers  in  the  ^\'ar  of  1812.  They,  how- 
ever, became  separated  during  the  vicissitudes  of 
that  war  and  never  met  again.  John  emigrated  to 
Ohio  when  a  young  man  and  was  married  in  Butler 
County  to  Miss  Nancy  Clem,  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky. His  parents  also  removed  to  Ohio,  where 
they  spent  their  last  days. 

Twelve  children  completed  the  household  circle 
of  John  Rickart  and  his  excellent  wife,  eiglu  of 
«hom  were  born  in  Ohio:  Susan  married  William 
Allen  and  came  with  her  husband  to  this  connt3'  at 
an  early  day,  where   her   death    took   place  about 

IHoO;  Mary  J.  became  the  wife  of  GJeorge  Cope- 
lanfl  and  also  died  in  this  county;  Lucinda  married 
Resa  M.  Davis,  and  resides  in  this  county;  Julia 
A.  is  the  wife  of  T.  B.  Bleevens.  of  this  county; 
Leonard  is  deceased;  Nancy  is  the  wife  of  Charles 
Howard,  and  they  live  in  Labette  County,  Kan.; 
Maria  is  the  wife  of  Robert  1).  Kinman,  of  Poto- 
mac, this  county.  These,  with  Wilson  \'..  our  sub- 
ject, were  natives  of  the  Buckeye  State.  The 
younger  children,  Jacob,  Frances  M.,  Samuel  C. 
and  Elmira,  were  born  in  this  county.  The  latter 
died  at  the  age  of  sixteen  yeai-s. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  came  to  Illinois  iu 
the  fall  of  1838,  making  the  trip  (jverland  by  team 
and  located  in  Blount  Township  aljout  nine  miles 
northwest  of  Danville.  The  father  purchased  of  a 
Mr.  Skinner  a  tract  of  land  upon  which  some  im- 
provements had  been  made  and  built  u[i  a  good 
home,  where  he  and  bis  estimable  wife  spent  their 
last  days.  He  was  ver}-  successful  as  a  tiller  of  the 
soil  and  tlie  old  home  farm  was  considered  one  of  the 
best  in  that  region.  The  mother  departed  this  life 
in  November,  1871,  when  about  sixty-six  years  old. 
Mr.  Rickart  survived  his  wife  less  than  a  year,  dy- 
ing in  June,  1872,  at  the  age  of  seventy-two.  The^' 
were  i)eo]ile  honest  and  upright  and  enjoyed  the 
highest  respect  of  all  who  knew  them. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  distinctly  remembers 
that  at  the  time  of  coming  to  this  county  deer, 
wolves  and  other  wild  animals  were  plentiful,  so 
that  whatever  else  the  family  huder  lacked  thev  al- 
ways had  an  abundance  of  wild  meats.  During  his 
boyhood  days  the  nearest  market  was  at  Chicago, 
which  was  then  an  unimportant  village.  On  his 
first  tri|)  to  the  [ilacc  in  company  with  a  party  of 
neighbors,  they  cncani[)ed  the  first  night  near  the 
present  site  of  Hoo|)eston,  and  the  wolves  came  .'ind 
howled  within  thirty'  steps  of  their  camp,  keeping 
them  awake  by  their  noise,  but  doing  no  further 
damage  than  to  frighten  them  considerably.  \Vhen 
a  family  needed  a  fresh  snp|)ly  of  (irovisions  they 
would  kill  a  hog  of  about  200  pounds  weight,  sell- 
ing it  for  whatever  they  could  gel,  sometimes  «10 
and  sometimes  $5,  and  calculated  that  this  must 
furnish  them  with  groceries  for  the  year.  On  his 
first  tri|)  to  Chicago  young  Rickart  took  a  load  of 
wheat,  and    when    within    forty    miles  of  the  place 



met  a  party  of  men  returning  who  reported  wlieat 
worth  $1  per  bushel.  The  day  following  it  was 
quoted  at  fifty  cents.  Upon  his  arrival  there  tiie 
price  had  risen  a  little  again  and  he  obtained 
fifty- five  cents.  There  were  then  three  elevators 
in  operation,  but  others  were  in  process  of  con- 
struction. There  was  only  one  street  south  of  the 
river  and  none  of  the  streets  were  paved.  A  wagon 
would  sink  in  the  sand  and  mud  to  the  depth  of 
about  eight  inches. 

About  eight  years  later  Mr.  Rickart  hauled  grain 
to  Chicago,  when  there  was  about  seven  miles  of 
town  south  of  tlie  river.  A  hotel  had  been  built 
several  miles  south  on  the  open  prairie,  where  dro- 
vers stopped  over  night  and  their  cattle  grazed 
upon  the  prairie  grass.  Upon  his  second  trip  Mr. 
Rickart  found  the  city  had  extended  to  a  point 
near  the  hotel.  After  the  building  of  the  railroad 
to  Danville  there  was  a  good  market  at  that  place, 
and  farm  produce  was  accordingly  shipi)ed  there. 

One  of  the  most  important  events  in  the  life  of 
our  subject  was  his  marriage,  which  occurred  Dec. 
29,  IH.Oii,  in  Blount  Township,  this  county,  with 
]Miss  Hester  A.,  daughter  of  Josiah  and  Hannah 
(Walkins)  Crawford.  Mrs.  Rickart  was  born  in 
Hocking  County,  Ohio,  November,  1836.  Her  pa- 
rents were  natives  respectively  of  ^■irginia  and 
Maryland,  whence  they  removed  to  Ohio  prior  to 
their  marriage.  Thence  in  lH'Sii  they  came  to  this 
county,  locating  not  far  from  the  home  of  the  Rick- 
art family.  The\-  likewise  opened  up  a  farm  from 
the  wilderness,  and  there  the  mother  died,  March 
24,  18G0,  at  the  age  of  forty-seven  years.  Mr. 
Crawford  is  still  living  at  the  old  homestead.  Five 
of  their  ten  children  are  also  living:  Sarah  J.  mar- 
ried Vinton  I.,ane,  of  this  county;  William,  Hester 
A.  and  Benjamin  are  the  next  in  order  of  birth; 
Mary  L.  married  William  Blankenship,  of  this 
county;  Minerva  died  at  the  age  of  fourteen  years; 
Samuel,  .lames,  Elmira  and  Lucinda  died  prior  to 
the  decease  of  the  mother.  The  latter  was  a  lady 
of  many  estimable  qualities  and  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Methodist  Kpiscoi)al  Church.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Rickart  belong  to  the  United  Brethren 

The  Rickart  homestead  comprises  560  acres  of 
land,  which  was  chietlj-  wild  and  uncultivated  when 

coming  into  the  possession  of  our  subject.  Under 
his  careful  in.anageraent  it  has  become  exceedingly 
fertile,  yielding  him  a  handsome  income.  He  set- 
tled upon  it  in  the  spring  of  1860,  and  for  many 
years  ha.s  made  a  specialty  of  stock-raising,  chiefly 
cattle.  He  uniformly  votes  the  Democrat  ticket 
and  has  held  the  various  township  offices,  includ- 
ing that  of  Constable  and  Commissioner  of  High- 
ways. The  first  school  attended  by  our  subject  was 
taught  in  a  little  frame  house  bj'  Miss  Emma 
Palmer,  of  Danville,  and  conducted  on  the  sub- 
scription plan.  The  next  teacher  was  Samuel  Hum- 
phrey, who  subsequently  studied  medicine  and  con- 
ducted a  drug  st^jre  in  Danville,  where  he  practiced 
and  died  several  years  later.  Another  teacher 
whom  Mr.  Rickart  remembers  was  a  Mr.  Robison, 
an  old  sailor.  Later  Elder  William  AVebster.  who 
now  lives  in  Danville,  officiated  as  the  first  peda- 
gogue under  the  free  school  law.  The  prairie  grass 
in  those  days  grew  to  a  height  of  five  or  six  feet, 
and  the  yellow  blossoms  of  the  weeds  would  fre- 
quentlj'  hide  a  team  and  wagon  completely  out  of 
sight.  JMr.  and  Mrs.  Rickart  have  only  two  chil- 
dren living,  Hattie  J.  and  Ella  V.  The  first  men- 
tioned is  the  wife  of  John  V.  Lane,  and  they  live  at 
the  homestead.  The  second  child,  Emma  C,  died 
at  the  age  of  six  years.  Tlie  paternal  grandfather 
of  Mrs.  Rickart,  William  Crawford,  was  a  soldier 
in  the  War  of  1812.  Grandfather  William  Watkins 
hired  a  substitute  for  the  same  war. 

We  take  pleasure  in  inviting  the  attention  of 
readers  to  a  fine  view  of  the  country  residence  of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rickart  on  .'>nf)ther  page  of  the 


M.  OLEHY.  On  section  10,  Danville 
Township,  about  a  mile  outside  of  the  cor- 
porate limits  of  the  cit^-,  lies  one  of  the 
finest  farms  in  this  part  of  the  county,  owned  b}'  the 
gentleman  whose  name  stands  at  the  head  of  this 
sketch.  He  is  a  native  of  Vermilion  County,  born 
in  this  township  May  3,  1837,  and  a  son  of  one  of 
its  early  pioneers. 

His   father,    Dennis   Oleliy,    was  of     Irish   des- 
cent  and   bori.    near   Portsmouth,   Ohio.     He  was 



qiiilo  young  when  his  parents  died  so  thai  noliiiiiii 
is  ivnown  of  their  history.  He  was  reared  in  his 
native  State  to  a  sturdy,  self-reliant  manhood,  mar- 
ried, and  resided  there  until  1  830.  He  then  started 
for  the  far  West,  journeying  with  a  team  to  Ver- 
milion County,  and  iiere  made  a  claim  to  a  tract 
of  land  in  what  is  now  Danville  Township.  The 
greater  part  of  the  land  in  this  State  was  then  in 
the  hands  of  the  Government,  liidiansstill  lingered 
around  their  old  haunts,  ileiT  ami  other  wild  game 
were  plentiful  in  the  then  sparsely  settled  country 
which  showed  but  few  signs  of  the  coming  civil- 
ization. Mr.  Oleh^'  erected  a  pole  shanty  as  atem- 
jjorary  shelter  for  his  famil\-.  and  they  lived  in  it 
till  he  could  put  up  a  round  log  house,  the  same  in 
which  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born.  The 
father  continued  to  live  on  his  homestead  till  his 
demise,  which  occurred  March  2,  1877.  He  occu- 
pied an  honorable  place  among  the  brave,  self-sac- 
rificing pioneers  of  the  county,  and  left  to  his  chil- 
ilren  the  precious  legacy  of  a  life  well-spent.  The 
maiden  name  of  his  wife,  mother  of  oni'  sul)ject, 
was  Elizabeth  Glaze,  she  was  of  German  descent, 
and  is  supposed  to  have  been  born  in  Ohio,  a 
daughter  of  John  Glaze,  a  pioneer  of  W'rmilion 
County.  Her  death  took  phu'e  on  the  old  home- 
Stead  in  1845. 

Dennis  Olehy,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
twice  married;  his  first  wife  was  Elizabeth  Glaze, 
by  whom  he  had  seven  children,  viz:  Nancy  be- 
came the  wife  of  Joseph  Martin,  she  Is  now  de- 
ceased; Rachel,  wife  of  John  t^.  MUars;  Mary  A., 
wife  of  Martin  Current;  F.  M.,  our  subject;  Isaac 
Newton,  (deceased),  married  Sarali  Emily;  James 
died  when  a  boy;  Perry  died  in  the  army  while 
serving  as  a  Union  soldier  of  the  late  war. 

After  the  death  of  his  first  wife  Dennis  Olehy 
married  Sarah  Ann  Jones,  by  whom  he  had  ten 
children.  Those  who  lived  to  maturit}'  are — Jane 
married  Henry  Olehy;  Adeline  married  Marion 
Fagins;  Elizabeth  jnarried  lleiliert  Hall;  Martha 
married  Job  Marble;  Ruth  A.,  deceased,  married 
Thomas  Hathaway;  Joshua  married  Rosa  Belle 
Joues;  Ellen  married  John  Marble,  and  is  deceased: 
Alice  married  Sherman  Waits;  Martin  and  William 
died  when  they  were  small  boys. 

The   subject   of     this   sketch    was    educated     in 

the  priinilive  pioneer  schools  of  the  early  days  of 
the  settlements  of  Illinois,  which  with  their  rude 
slab  benches,  dirt  and  stick  chimney's  with  open 
fireplaces  for  lieatinu  purposes,  were  not  much  like 
the  fine  educational  institutions  where  the  vouthof 
to-d.ay  are  trained.  As  soon  as  he  was  able  to 
shoulder  a  gun  he  took  pleasure  in  hunting  and  he 
shot  several  deer  in  the  course  of  his  boyhood. 
He  assisted  on  the  farm,  living  at  home  till  his 
marri,age,  and  occasionally  accomiianied  his  father 
to  the  nearest  markets  at  I'errysville,  Compton  or 
Lafa3'ette,  on  the  Wabash  Ri\i'r,  quite  a  distance 
from  home,  with  produce,  and  once  in  a  while  he 
made  a  trip  to  Chicago,  12;">  miles  distant.  He 
continued  to  live  in  Danville  Township  for  a  time 
after  marriage,  then  went  to  Warren  County,  Ind., 
where  he  rented  land,  and  also  leased  some  land 
near  Burr  Oak  (4rove.  In  1868,  he  returned  to 
this  place  with  his  family  and  located  on  the  fai'm 
that  he  now  owns.  This  homestead  comprises  190 
acres  of  choice  land,  whose  finely  tilled  fields  yield 
a  handsome  retuiii  in  repayment  of  the  labor  and 
care  spent  upon  it.  It  is  furnished  with  a  good 
set  of  frame  buildings  which  he  has  erected  and  he 
has  otherwise  greatly  increased  the  value  of  his 
proiierty  since  it  came  into  his  possession. 

Mr.  Olehy  and  Miss  Minerva  J.  Martin  were 
luiited  in  marriage  Sept.  9,  1858,  and  they  have 
four  children  living,  iiamely:.  Mary  the  wife  of 
John  Yillars,  of  Champaign  County,  III.;  William 
D.;  Albert  and  Minnie  are  at  home  with  their  par- 
ents; George  M.,  died  at  the  .age  of  about  four 
months.  Mrs.  Olehy's  father,  George  Martin,  was 
born  in  Beaver  County,  Ohio,  near  Georgetown, 
Oct.  18,  1809.  His  father,  Hudson  M.-vrtin,  was  a 
native  of  Virginia,  and  his  father,  George  Martin, 
Mrs.  Olehy's  great-gr.andf.ather,  silent  his  'entire 
life  in  that  State.  Hudson  Martin  moved  to  Ohio 
when  a  young  man,  and  was  married  there  to  Mar- 
tha Laycock,  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  a  daughter 
of  William  Laycock,  who  nnjved  from  his  native 
^■irginia  to  Ohio  among  the  first  settlers  of  Brown 
County.  He  took  up  a  tract  of  land  there,  im- 
proved a  farm,  and  erecte<l  good  Iiuildings.  only 
to  find  that  he  had  labored  for  nothing  as  he  lost 
his  land  by  some  one  else  having  a  prior  claim. 
The  maiden  n:ime  of  his  wife  Harper,  and  she 



came  of  an  old  Virginia  family  tliat  owned  Har- 
per's Ferry  and  gave  it  its  name.  Mrs.  Olehy's 
grandfather  Hudson  resided  in  Ohio  many  years, 
but  subsequently  moved  to  Ripley  County.  Ind., 
whence  he  came  to  Vermilion  County  in  1827,  the 
removal  being  made  with  teams  to  bring  the  fam- 
ily and  household  goods,  while  the  stock  was  driven 
along  at  the  same  time.  He  was  one  of  the  early 
settlers  of  the  county,  locating  in  what  is  now 
Newell  Townshii),  making  a  claim  and  entering 
land  from  the  (iovernment.  Mr.  Martin  at  once 
commenced  the  improvement  of  a  farm,  on  which 
he  resided  many  years.  He  finally  sold  it  and 
moved  to  AVasiiington,  where  his  last  years  were 
spent.  Mrs.  Olehy's  grandmother  died  at  the  home 
of  her  daughter  in  Newell  Township. 

Mrs.  Olehy's  father  was  in  his  eighteenth  year 
when  lie  came  to  this  county  with  his  parents,  and 
can  remember  well  tlie  incidents  of  their  early  life 
hi're.  Two  years  after  coming  here  he  returned 
to  Indiana  and  engaged  in  boating  on  the  Ohio  and 
Mississippi  rivers  about  four  jears.  He  then  re- 
turned to  N'ermilion  County  and  established  him- 
self as  a  farmer.  He  worked  by  the  month  or  day 
for  awhile,  and  at  the  time  of  marriage  rented  land, 
and  later  bought  some,  and  was  a  resident  here  till 
1875.  In  that  year  he  went  to  California  on  ac- 
count of  ill  health  .and  was  gone  two  years.  He 
then  came  back  to  the  old  homestead,  which  is  lo- 
cated in  Danville  Township,  two  miles  from  the 
court  house.  Feb.  23,  1837,  was  the  date  of  his 
marriage  with  Miss  Mary  McKee.  She  was  born 
in  Fleming  County,  Ky.,Jnne  2, 1812.  Her  father 
William  McKee,  was  born  in  Pennsylvania  .Ian.  18, 
1783.  and  was  a  son  of  (iuian  McKee,  who  is  sup- 
posed to  have  lieen  a  native  uf  Scotland,  whence 
he  came  to  America  in  colonial  times  and  served 
in  the  Revululioiiary  War.  He  located  in  Penn- 
svlvania,  and  from  there  a  few  years  after  the  Rev- 
olution he  went  to  Kentucky  and  was  a  pioneer  of 
Fleming  County.  He  bought  a  tract  of  land, 
cleared  a  farm,  .and  was  a  resident  there  till  his 
death.  Mrs.  Martin's  father  was  young  when  his 
parents  removed  to  Kentucky,  and  there  he  was 
reared.  He  learned  .and  followed  the  trade  of  a 
wheelwright  some  years,  and  then  bought  a  tract 
of  timber  land  and  built  a  log  house  iu  which  Mrs. 

Martin  was  born.  In  1832,  he  sold  out  his  prop- 
erty ill  liis  Kentucky  home,  and  coming  to  Ver- 
milion County,  located  on  the  place  where  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Martin  now  reside.  It  consisted  at  that  time 
of  100  acres  of  wild  land,  and  he  improved  it  into 
a  good  farm  before  his  death,  which  occurred  Feb. 
21,  1872.  The  maiden  name  of  his  wife  Hes- 
ter Adams.  She  liorn  either  iu  Kentucky  or 
Ohio  Aug.  12,  1785,  and  died  on  the  home  farm 
here  Dec.  1,  1866. 

Mr.  Olehy  is  a  man  of  good  habits  and  sterling 
princi|)lcs,  and  is  a  creilit  to  his  native  county. 
He  is  a  hard  worker  and  uses  good  judgment  in  the 
management  of  his  affairs,  so  that  he  has  acquired 
considerable  property,  and  is  numbered  among  the 
well-to-do  citizens  of  the  township.  Politically, 
he  associates  with  the  Democratic  party,  and  is  an 
earnest  supporter  of  its  policy.  A  fine  lithographic 
view  of  the  handsome  farm,  residence  and  out- 
buildings of  Air.  Olehy  is  shown  on  another  page 
of  this  work,  and  we  invite  the  reader's  attention  to 
the  same. 

f/_^^  KNRV  J.  OAK  WOOD.  It  is  said  of  this 
y  jovial,  practical,  genial  and  companionable 
gentleman  that  "he  is  the  3'oungest  looking 
old  man  you  will  find  in  six  States,",  and 
that  "'he  has  not  a  single  enem3'  on  earth."  It  is 
evident  by  this  that,  notwithstanding  partial  frieuds 
may  look  upon  him  through  rose-colored  glasses, 
he  is  a  man  of  no  ordinary  stamp,  and  has  ex- 
ericised  in  a  marked  degree  the  rare  qualities  of 
discretion,  good  judgment  and  temperance  of 
speech  and  action,  which  have  gathered  around  him 
many  warm  personal  friends.  His  business  qiiali- 
flcations  arc  fully  equal  to  the  other  distinguishing 
traits  of  liis  cliaracler,  he  having  been  uniformly 
successful  and  accumulating  a  competence. 

A  native  of  the  Buckeye  State,  Mr.  Oak  wood 
was  born  in  IJrown  County,  Ohio,  March  7,  1811), 
and  came  with  his  parents  to  Illinois  when  a  yt)utii 
of  fourteen  years.  His  education  was  completed  in 
()akwoo<l  Township,  in  an  old  log  school-house  on 
the  land  which  he  now  occupies,  and  later  he  taught 
school  for  three  years  in  succession.      In  due  time 



he  built  a  log  cabin  u|)oii  his  own  land,  and  com- 
nionced  farniino;  for  himself.  In  18.')0  he  took 
unto  himself  a  wife  and  helpmate,  Miss  Abigail 
Smith,  but  the  young  wife  only  survived  until  the 
following  year,  dying  in  1851,  leaving  one  child. 
This  child,  a  son,  James,  came  to  his  death  by 
drowning  in  the  Middle  Fork  when  four  years  old. 
In  1H,")2  Mr.  Oakwood  contracted  a  second  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Priseilla  .Sailor,  and  continued  to 
reside  at  the  same  [ilace,  which  by  degrees  he  added 
to.  and  is  now  the  owner  of  T.tO  acres  of  land,  all 
in  Oakwood  Township,  which  was  organized  "after 
he  canie  to  this  county,  and  was  named  in  his 
honor.  He  pas  largely  instrumental  in  founding 
the  village  of  Oakwood,  and  contributed  no  small 
amount  of  monej'  as  an  inducement  to  have  it  lo- 
cated \ipon  its  present  site.  He  at  one  time  owned 
the  ground  oceu|iied  by  the  south  half  of  the  town. 
He  put  uji  his  present  residence  in  1877,  and 
through  his  careful  supervision  and  good  manage- 
ment, he  has  one  of  the  best  regulated  farms  in  this 
part  of  the  county.  Adjoining  it  on  the  east  is 
the  largest  coal  field  in  the  State,  belciiging  to  the 
Consolidated  Coal  Company  of  St.  Louis.  The 
farm  is  largely  devoted  to  stock-raising.  Mr.  Oak- 
wooil  keeping  about  thirty  head  of  cattle,  forty 
head  of  horses  and  100  head  of  swine,  of  excellent 
grades.  Adjacent  to  the  residence  are  the  barns 
and  various  outbuildings,  conveniently  arranged 
for  the  shelter  of  stock  and  the  storage  of  grain. 
The  latest  and  most  improved  machinery  is  utili/.ed 
in  the  cultivation  of  the  land,  and  everything 
about  the  piemises  in<iicates  the  supervision  of  the 
thorough  and  pr(_)gre.ssi ve  agriculturist.  To  our 
sulijecl;  and  his  present  wife  there  have  been  born 
nine  children,  one  of  whom  died  when  about  one 
month  old.  William,  the  eldest  cliild  living,  mar- 
ried Miss  Annie  Longstreth,  is  the  father  of  three 
children,  and  lives  on  a  farm  adjoining  Oakwood 
on  the  northeast;  Morgan  married  Miss  .lulia 
Trimmell,  lives  south  of  Oakwooil,  and  has  two 
children;  Emma  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Smith,  and 
the  mother  of  one  child;  thej'  live  three  miles 
northwest  of  Fithian.  Thomas  marrii'cl  Miss  Ktta 
Longstreth,  is  the  father  of  two  children,  and  lives 
a  half  mile  westof  thelioniestea<l ;  Matlie,  Il.arvey, 
Charles  and  Stella  remain   at  home  with  their  p;ir- 

ents.  All  the  children  of  Mr.  Oakwood  have  ob- 
tained  a  good  education  in  the  district  school, 
being  more  than  ordinarily  bright  and  intelligent, 
and  taking  kindly  to  their  books. 

Both  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are 
church  members,  the  former  belonging  to  the  Pres- 
byterian and  the  latter  to  the  Methodist,  and  their 
children  attend  Sunday-school  regularly.  Mr. 
Oakwood,  politically,  has  been  a  stanch  Republican 
since  reaching  his  majority,  and  has  olliciated  as 
Director  in  his  school  district  for  the  long  period  of 
twenty-one  years.  He  was  Road  Overseer  six 
years,  Commissioner  of  Highwaj^s  seven  j-ears,  and 
represented  Oakwood  Township  in  the  County 
Board  of  Supervisors  eight  years.  At  peace  with 
all  mankind,  enjoying  good  health,  and  in  possess- 
ion of  a  happy  home  and  an  intelligent  family,  it 
would  seem  that  he  has  little  more  to  ask  for  to 
make  him  contented  with  life. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Henry  Oakwood, 
a  native  of  East  Tennessee  and  a  farmer  by  occu- 
pation. In  early  manhood  he  married  Miss  Mar- 
garet Remley,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  and  a  daughter 
of  Henry  Remiey,  of  Pennsylvania,  who  emigrated 
to  the  Blue  Grass  regions  at  an  early  period,  and 
sojourned  there  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Henry 
Oakwood  look  an  active  part  in  the  War  of  181'2, 
was  with  Hull's  army  at  the  surrender  of  Detroit, 
as  a  member  of  the  Kentucky  IMounted  Troops, 
under  the  command  of  Col.  R.  M  Johnson.  The 
parents  were  married  in  Kentucky,  where  they 
lived  for  a  timeafterw.ard,  then,  removing  to  Ohio, 
purchased  the  farm  and  remained  there  until  the 
fall  of  1833.  Then  coming  to  this  county,  thej' 
settled  on  section  24,  in  whac  is  now  Oakwood 
Township,  where  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their 
lives  engaged  in  the  peaceful  occupation  of  farm- 
ing. Indians  encamped  on  the  place  now  occupied 
by  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  for  a  year  after  the 
family  came  here. 

The  O.akwood  family  experienced  all  the  priva- 
tions and  hardshi|)s  of  pioneer  life  upon  coming  to 
this  countj^  being  the  (iist  settlers  in  their  neigh- 
borhood, before  the  time  of  railroads  or  even  a 
well  delined  wag<jn  track.  Mr.  Oakwood  became 
\  the  prominent  man  of  his  community,  holding 
i    manv  of  the  ofliccs,  serving  as  Justice  of  the  Peace 



for  a  period  of  twelve  years,  and  Township  Treas- 
urer for  nearly  the  same  length  of  time.  After  a 
life  well  spent  he  was  gathered  to  his  fathers,  in 
1854,  at  the  age  of  sixty-six  ye.irs.  The  mother 
survived  her  husband  until  ISSl.  dying  at  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eighty-seven.  Thej'  were  the  par- 
ents of  five  sons  and  four  daughters,  only  four  f)f 
whom  are  living,  and  of  vvhom  Henry  .1.,  our  snl)- 
ject,  was  the  third  in  order  of  birth. 


^,;  LVIN  STEARNS.  Among  the  men  of  ths 
(@//j|i  county  who  have  risen  from  a  small  be- 
ginning to  .an  eminent  position  in  the  esti- 
mation of  their  neighbors,  is  the  gentle- 
man whose  name  initiates  this  biography.  To  be  a 
a  self-made  man  means  something.  It  indicates 
that  the  man  who  has  earned  the  honor  of  being 
so  called,  has  passed  through  many  h.ardships,  and 
had  seen  the  dark  clouds  of  adversity  when  per- 
haps despair  was  but  a  step  ahead,  but  by  persever- 
ance and  intelligence  has  emerged  in  the  sunlight 
of  prosi)erity. 

Harvey  Stearns,  the  father  of  Alvin,  was  born 
in  Vermont,  but  afterward  removed  to  New  York, 
and  was  there  married  to  Fanny  Lockwood,  a  na- 
tive of  New  York.  Thence  he  removed  to  Ohio, 
in  1814,  where  he  bought  a  small  farm,  and  re- 
mained there  until  1832.  He  then  located  on  the 
site  of  Alvin  Stearns'  present  home,  building  a  log 
house  and  becoming  a  full-fledged  citizen  of  Illi- 
nois. At  that  time  there  were  scarcely  half-a- 
dozen  houses  between  his  farm  and  Danville,  where 
the  Government  had  stationed  some  troops  to  keep 
the  Indians  in  subjection.  Harvey  Stearns  and 
his  wife  were  respected  by  all  their  acquaintances 
for  their  sterling  qualities.  They  were  the  parents 
of  eight  children,  five  of  whom  are  living.  He  died 
Nov.  30,  1847,  aged  fifty-six  j'ears,  while  the 
mother  survived  until  Aug.  1.  1877,  passing  away 
at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-seven  years. 

Alvin  Stearns  was  the  eldest  of  the  family,  and 
was  born  Nov.  28,  1815,  in  Ohio.  He  was  sixteen 
years  of  age  when  his  father  located  in  Illinois. 
He  and   his   brother  Calvin  walked    the  entire   dis- 

tance from  Ohio  to  Illinois,  driving  cows,  sheep 
and  hogs.  Mr.  Stearns  obtained  his  education 
partly  in  his  native  State,  but  finished  it  in  Illi- 
nois. He  attended  subscription  schools,  and  his 
learning  was  -secured  in  the  usual  manner  of  the 
early  pioneer  days.  He  was  very  studious,  and  al- 
w.ays  aimed  to  be  at  the  head  of  his  class — a  posi- 
tion he  generally  secured.  Being  the  oldest  son, 
and  his  father  being  in  poor  health  most  of  the 
time,  he  was  obliged  to  take  the  lead  in  the  work 
of  the  farm.  Man}'  times  he  has  gone  thirty  or 
forty  miles  to  mill,  and  often  was  obliged  to  ^o 
to  Danville  in  the  night,  sixteen  miles  distant,  to 
call  a  physician  for  his  father.  In  those  days  the 
farmers  in  this  section  transported  their  wheat  by 
team  to  Chicago,  bringing  back  supplies.  Mr. 
Stearns  remained  at  home  until  he  was  past  twent\'- 
two  3'ears  of  age,  aiding  his  father. 

Mr.  Stearns  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Lee.  April 
12,  1837.  She  was  a  daughter  of  William  H.  and 
Rebecca  Lee,  who  came  from  Ohio  to  Illinois  in 
1829,  and  located  a  mile  and  a  half  west  of  Mr. 
Steam's  present  home.  Mr.  Lee  was  a  prominent 
and  prosperous  citizen  of  the  earl^'  days,  and  the 
father  of  eight  children,  all  of  whom,  except  one, 
are  now  dead,  and  the  father  and  mother  have 
long  since  passed  to  their  reward.  Mrs.  Stearns 
was  the  eldest  child,  born  in  1819,  and  at  the  time 
of  her  marriage  was  nineteen  years  of  age.  Mr. 
Stearns  located  on  a  part  of  his  father's  place  im- 
raediatel}'  after  his  marriage,  where  he  built  a  log 
house  and  commenced  seriously  the  battle  of  life. 
When  his  father  died  he  purchased  the  interest  of 
the  other  heirs,  except  that  belonging  to  his 
mother.  T'he  old  farm  consists  of  600  acres,  and 
he  given  each  of  his  children  a  quarter  section 
of  good  land,  and  to  one  of  them  a  house  and  lot. 
which  cost  §6,000.  At  the  time  of  his  marriaoe 
Mr.  Stearns  did  not  possess  $50,  but,  aided  bj'  his 
most  estimable  wife,  he  has  long  since  passed  the 
mark  that  divides  poverty  from  wealth.  He  has 
now  a  handsome  and  costly  residence,  which  is 
represented  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stearns  are  the  jjarents  of  three 
children,  all  of  whom  are  living:  Lawson  married 
Amanda  Izard,  and  they  are  residing  in  Homer, 
III.,  with  their  three  children;  Ersom  is  unmarried. 



and  resiMes  in  Homer;  Rocella  .T.  is  the  wife  of  T. 
B.  C'luig.  Tliej-  are  living-  on  the  next  farm  east 
of  llie  old  homestead,  and  have  five  chihireii.  Mrs. 
Stearns,  the  mother  of  these  ehihlrei).  died  .Lan.  23, 
1M87,  aged  sixty-seven  years,  nine  months  and 
four  (Lays.  Mr.  Stearns  has  l)een  an  administrator 
for  many  estates,  amoiiij  whieh  may  be  mentioned 
those  of  his  fatlior  and  the  Lee  estate,  also  Aaron 
Hardin's,  William  Clutter's.  Alfreil  Harden's  and 
the  immense  estate  that  heloni;ed  to  Mr.  ^ount.  He 
has  sneeessfully  administered  all  these  large  trusts, 
and  with  satisfaction  to  each  of  the  heirs,  all  of 
whieh  constitutes  a  most  remarkable  record  in  this 
line.  For  twelve  years  Mr.  Stearns  has  been  As- 
sessor and  Collector,  and  for  six  years  has  held  the 
office  of  Road  Commissioner.  He  has  also  been 
School  Director  for  twenty  years. 

Politically,  Mr.  Ste.arns  is  a  stalwart  Republican, 
ami  always  votes  for  the  candidates  of  that  party. 
His  first  ballot  was  cast  for  William  Henry  Ilaiii- 
son,  and  he  heard  that  distinguished  gentleman  de- 
liver two  speeches — one  at  Wilmington,  and  the 
other  at  Lebanon,  Ohio.  It  is  unnecessary  to  state 
tliat  his  last  vote  was  cast  for  the  other  Harrison. 
Mr.  Sti'arns  has  been  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church  for  the  last  thiity  years,  and  the  fact  that 
he  has  been  chosen  to  adjust  so  many  estates  is 
evidence  that  he  stands  high  in  the  estimation  of 
his  fellows. 


^^!^KORGE  N.  NEVILLE.  The  preserv.ation  of 
ill  __.  choice  bloo<l  in  the  human  species  has  as 
'^^jj  much  to  do  with  the  characteristics  of  an  in- 
dividual, asdoes  careful  breedinginthe  animalking- 
dom  in  determining  the  fine  points  of  that  portion 
of  creation ;  and  he,  who  can  look  back  upon  his 
ancestry,  tracing  its  lines  through  generations  of 
high-minded  and  honorable  people,  has  something 
of  whieh  to  be  truly  proud.  The  ancestry  of  Mr. 
Neville  is  traced  back  to  the  Land  of  the  Thistle, 
his  paternal  grandparents  emigrating  from  Scotland 
to  Virginia,  in  time  for  his  grandfather,  Joseph 
Neville,  to  take   part  as  a  brigadier-general  on  the 

side  of  the  colonists  in  their  great  struggle  for  lib- 
erty. Unlike  many  of  those  who  crossed  the 
Atlantic  at  that  lime,  he  came  fortified  with  ample 
means  which  he  invested  largely  in  land,  comprising 
a  valuable  plantation,  worked  by  slaves  whom 
he  liberated  at  his  death. 

Among  the  sons  of  granilfathcr  Neville  was 
(ieorge,  the  father  of  our  subject,  who  was  born  in 
Moorefield,  W.  \'a.,  and  was  the  voungest  of  a 
family  of  twelve  children.  He  studied  law  at 
Winchester,  Va.,  nnder  Abrarn  Lock  .and  was 
(July  admittecl  to  the  bar.  His  first  and  last  case 
in  conrt  was  one  in  which  his  client,  an  old  man, 
in  a  fit  of  insanity  killed  his  wife,  after  they  had 
lived  a  long. -uid  app.arenfly  happy  life  togetherand 
rai.sed  a  large  famil\'  of  children,  who  had  married 
and  settled  in  homes  of  their  own  in  the  neighbor- 
hood. The  old  man  was  arrested  and  tried  on  the 
charge  of  murder.  Ceorgc  Neville  undertook  to 
defend  him  and  made  a  vow  to  clear  him  or  never 
practice  again.  The  prisoner  was  founil  uuiltv  and 
sentenced  to  be  hnng  which  sentence  was  carried 
out  to  the  letter  of  the  law.  Mr.  Neville  kept  his 
vow,  immediately  took  n|)  the  study  of  medicine 
and  practiced  that  as  long  as  he  lived,  his  decease 
taking  pl.ace  in  1822. 

]\Irs.  Elizabeth  (Wolfe)  Neville,  the  niDthcr  of 
our  subjei't.  was  the  da\iglitei-  of  Lewis  and  Cathe- 
rine Wolfe,  natives  of  Germany,  who  emigrated  to 
America  and  settled  in  Winchester,  Va.,  where  the 
father  became  a  very  prominent  man  and  was  en- 
gaged in  mercantile  inirsuits  the  remainder  of  his 
life.  They  reared  a  large  family  of  children  and 
gave  them  an  exceptionally  fine  education.  One 
son,  Thomas,  was  a  pupil  in  one  of  the  ( icrman 
Universities,  and  another  son,  Lewis,  developed 
into  a  promising  lawyer,  becoming  a  leading  poli- 
tician and  rei)resenting  his  district  in  the  State 
Legislature.  One  daughter  marric<l  a  brother  of 
of  Wade  Hampton,  Sr. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  Win- 
chester, Va.,  in  IT'.tH  and  removed  thence  to  Moore- 
field, where  the  father  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
life.  The  mother  in  1837  removed  to  Indi.inaaud 
died  there  in  1«13.  Their  seven  cliililren  included 
two  daughters  and  live  sons  and  but  two  of  the 
family  survive — our  subject  and  his  brother,  Joseph 



B..  a  resident  of  Sumner  Count}',  Kan.  George  N. 
was  the  youngest  child  of  his  parents  and  was  born 
Feb.  2,  1820  at  Moorefield,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va. 
He  received  a  very  good  education  in  the  common 
schools,  attending  until  a  youth  of  sixteen. 
About  that  time  the  family  came  north  and  George 
N.  remained  a  member  of  his  f.-itlier's  household 
until  his  marriage. 

The  above  mentioned  interesting  event  in  the 
life  of  our  subject  took  place  Sept.  21,  1840,  the 
bride  being  ;\Iiss  Mary  S.,  a  daughter  of  Warner 
Throckmorton,  a  leading  lawyer  of  Homney, 
Hampshire  Co.,  Va.  The  great-grandfather  of  Mrs. 
Neville,  William  Throckmorton  by  name,  emigrated 
before  the  War  of  the  Revolution  from  the  old 
county  of  Gloucester,  Va.,  to  Jefferson  Countj-,  Va. 
The  Throckmorton  family  had  been  of  ten  and  hon- 
orahh'  named  in  the  pages  of  history,  before  they 
became  residents  of  the  United  States.  Very  few 
of  their  descendants  now  reside  in  the  old  home; 
indeed  all  of  that  name  have  removed  therefrom, 
and  collateral  descendants  alone  remain  of  a  former 
influential  family.  Grandfather  Throckmorton  was 
))orn  and  reared  to  man's  estate  in  .Jeff eron  County, 
Va.  lie  studied  law  with  his  uncle,  John  Dixon, 
one  of  the  ablest  lawyers  and  most  talented  man 
in  the  State.  Under  his  friendly  counsel  Mr. 
Throckmorton  acquired  legal  ability,  ami  rapidly 
rose  in  the  profession  until  he  occupied  a  ver}' 
prominent  position  among  members  of  the  l)ar  in 
his  own  State  and  countr}-.  He  died  in  the  prime 
of  life,  being  fort3--two  years  of  age. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Neville  began  their  wedded  life 
on  a  farm  eight  miles  south  of  La  F.ayette,  Ind., 
where  they  lived  until  1854.  That  year  they  came 
to  this  county,  settling  on  the  north  half  of  section 
10  in  Vance  Township,  when  there  were  but  a  few 
people  located  outside  of  the  towns  and  prior  to 
the  laving  out  of  Fairniount.  Mr.  Neville  evolved 
a  good  farm  from  the  virgin  soil,  the  land  becom- 
ing highly  productive,  and  upon  which  he  made 
excellent  im[)r()vements.  Here  with  his  excellent 
wife  he  lived  and  labored  until  advancing  3'ears 
admonished  him  it  would  be  wise  to  la}'  aside  some 
of  the  sterner  duties  of  life,  and  accordingly  in 
1884  he  left  the  farm  and  established  himself  in 
Fairmovuit,  where,  surrounded  by  all  the  comforts  of 

a  pleasant  and  attractive  home,  he  is  spending  his 
later  days  in  peace  and  quiet. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Neville  there  were  born  ten 
children,  seven  of  whom  are  living.  The  eldest 
son  ,  George  Warner,  during  the  Civil  War  en- 
listed in  the  25th  Illinois  Infantry.  At  the  battle 
of  Kenesaw  Mountain  he  was  severely  wounded 
.and  was  removed  to  the  hospital  at  Chattanooga 
where  he  died  on  the  Utli  of  July,  1864,  at  the 
.age  of  twenty-one  j'ears,  six  months  and  twent}'- 
one  days.  The  G.  A.  R.  Post,  organized  at  Fair- 
mount  subsequently  adopted  the  name  of  this  gallant 
boy,  who  was  a  general  favorite  among  his  young 
■associates.  Miss  Anna  C.  Neville  became  the  wife 
of  Alvin  A.  Ta3'lor,  of  Fairmount,  and  they  have 
one  child;  Norbourn  married  Miss  Lizzie  Price, 
and  they  live  on  the  home  farm;  they  have  no 
children.  Mary  E.  is  the  wife  of  Rev.  Henry  Col- 
lins, a  member  of  the  Illinois  Conference  of  t!ie 
Methodist  Ei)iscopal  Church  and  they  have  one 
child;  Frank  married  Miss  Margaret  Cannon,  is 
the  father  of  three  children  and  lives  five  miles 
south  of  Fairmount;  Sally  Virginia  remains  at 
home  with  her  parents;  Ada  is  the  wife  of  Rev. 
D.  W.  Calfee,  a  member  of  the  California  Confer- 
ence of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  and  they 
have  three  children;  Nellie  is  the  wife  of  Walter 
G.  Owen,  living  at  Fort  Smith,  Ark.,  and  thc\'  have 
two  children. 

Mr.  Neville  has  held  the  office  of  Inspector  of 
Elections  and  School  Treasurer  in  Indiana,  and  in 
Illinois  held  the  latter  office  for  seven  years,  unti 
resigning.  He  has  been  Road  Commissioner  for 
fifteen  jears,  also  School  Director.  Although  not 
an  active  politician,  he  takes  a  lively  interest  in 
the  success  of  the  Republican  paity.  of  which  he 
has  been  a  member  since  its  organization,  and  al- 
though born  and  reared  in  the  Old  Dominion,  was 
strongly  opposed  to  the  institution  of  slavery,  his 
views  upon  this  question  assuming  ilefinite  foi'm  at 
the  early  age  of  fifteen  years  and  experiencing  no 
change  thereafter. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Neville  are  devout  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcojial  Church  with  which  I\Ir.  Ne- 
ville has  been  identified  since  a  youth  of  nineteen 
years,  and  for  many  years  he  has  ofHciated  as  Stew- 
ard and  Trustee.   He  has  always  maintained  a  warm 

o/fo/r^y^^     id,,aA/xX^ 




interest  in  Snndav-seliool,  mission  and  temperance 
work,  to  which  he  has  given  largehof  his  time  and 
means  and  labored  as  he  hart  opportunity,  to  ad- 
vance the  moral  and  social  status  of  the  people 
around  hiin.  His  life  lias  been  one  of  large  experi- 
ence during  which  lie  has  learned  well  from  men  and 
things,  and  he  possesses  a  tine  fund  of  information 
which  makes  him  a  gentleman  willi  whom  it  is 
most  ple.asurable  and  profitable  to  converse. 


ZKA  .1.  IJANTZ.     The  preservation  of  fam- 

Eily  history  is  beginning  to  assume  due  im- 
portance in  the  minds  of  the  intelligent 
people  of  the  present  day,  as  the  biographer  finds 
here  and  there  one  who,  like  the  subject  of  this 
notice,  has  carefully  preserved  whatever  informa- 
tion he  could  obtain  concerning  the  lives  of  his 
aneestr}-.  He  has  given  to  this  matter  considerable 
thought  and  attention,  and  next  to  his  personal  his- 
tory and  that  of  the  Bantz  family,  esteems  in  im- 
portance everj'thing  connected  with  the  history  of 
his  native  land,  lie  is  one  of  those  patriotic  spir- 
its who  appreciate  the  .idvanlages  of  living  in  an 
enlightened  country,  and  who  realize  what  efiftirls 
have  been  put  forth  to  bring  it  to  its  present  jMjsi- 
tion  among  the  nations  of  the  eartli.  The  fact  that 
l)atriotism  is  beginning  to  be  tauglit  in  tlic  public 
schools  speaks  well  for  the  civilization  of  the  pres- 
ent day,  and  none  are  in  more  earnest  .sympathy 
with  this  movement  than  he  with  wiiose  name  wc 
introduce  this  biographical  record. 

We  find  Mr.  Bantz  pleasantlj-  located  on  a  well- 
regulated  farm,  occujiying  a  part  of  section  17  in 
Oakwood  Township.  He  made  his  first  purchase 
here  In  1864,  and  the  year  following  took  up  his 
permanent  residence  in  this  county.  He  has  now 
2.30  acres  of  fine  farming  land,  located  one  nnle 
south  of  Muncie,  partly  prairie  and  ()artly  timbir, 
and  nearly  all  in  productive  condition.  Mr.  Bantz 
proposed  the  name  of  Muncie  for  the  above-men- 
tioned town,  and  out  of  respect  for  him  it  duly 

Our  subject  was  born  Jan.  12,  1S27,  in  Preble 
County,  Ohio,  and  was   the  eldest  of  ten   children, 

the  offspring  of  Joshua  and  Elizabeth  (Brenner) 
Bantz,  the  former  a  native  of  Frederickstown,  Md., 
born  in  1805,  and  the  latter  a  native  of  Ohio,  born 
in  1807.  Joshua  Bantz  was  a  farmer  by  occupa 
tion,  and  lived  to  the  good  old  age  of  seventy 
years,  departing  hence  in  1875.  The  mother  had 
l)receded  her  husband  to  the  silent  Land  in  180:5. 
The  paternal  grandfather.  John  Bantz,  a  native  of 
Germany,  died  in  Ohio  at  the  age  of  seventy  years. 
His  father  and  brothers,  Solomon  and  Feltj',  emi- 
grated to  America  from  Pru.ssia  at  an  earlv  d.ay, 
and  settled  in  Maryland.  Grandfather  Bantz  took 
an  active  part  in  the  defence  of  Baltimore  during 
the  War  of  1812.  He  married  Miss  Byerly  ,of 
Maryland,  who  was,  like  himself,  of  German  de- 
scent. He  was  a  weaver  by  trade,  but  after  his 
marriage  removed  to  Preble  County.  Ohio,  where 
he  purchased  120  acres  of  land,  and  thereafter  oc- 
cupied him.self  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil.  He  spent 
his  last  daj's  upon  the  farm  which  he  opened  up 
from  the  wilderness.  Grandmother  Bantz  sur- 
vived her  husband  a  few  years,  dying  at  the  age 
of  about  seventy-five. 

The  maternal  gr.ind  father  of  our  subject  was 
John  Brenner,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  and  whose 
lather  emigrated  from  ("iermany  during  the  first 
settlement  of  the  Blue  Grass  State.  He  built  a  log 
cabin  in  the  wilderness  among  the  Indians,  and  had 
a  little  square  window  in  the  rear,  which  also 
served  .as  a  port  h(jle,  through  which  he  thrust  his 
gun  in  time  of  danger  and  defended  himself  against 
his  enemies.  He  owned  a  negro  slave  named  Ned. 
One  morning  the  master  was  aroused  by  the  ap- 
parent cry  of  a  wild  turkey,  and  arising  from  bed 
loiik  dovvn  his  gun,  and  on  the  point  of  leav- 
ing the  house  to  shoot  the  game  when  Ned  juni|)ed 
u|).  crying  out:  "Hold  on,  Massa;  let  me  shoot 
that  turk."  The  master  gave  him  the  gun,  and 
Ned  going  out  by  the  front  door,  made  a  wide 
( ircle  around,  and  in  a  short  time  grandfather 
Brenner  heard  the  report  of  a  rifle  in  the  rear  of 
the  cabin.  Directly  Ned  came  in  with  the  head  of 
an  Indian  stuck  on  a  pole.  "Here,  Massa,  here  is 
your  turkey."  The  negro  understood  the  coming 
of  the  Indian  that  time  better  than  his  master. 

.Vfter  a  time  grandfather  Brenner  emigrated  to 
Ohio,  and  died  there  at  the  ad  viuK-ed  age  of  ninety- 



five  years.  His  wife  was  in  lier  girlhood  Miss 
Sarali  Warren,  of  Massauluisetts,  and  died  liefore 
leafliiiig  her  tiirce-seoie  years.  Her  fatiicr,  .John 
W.  Warren,  served  in  the  Kevolutionary  War  from 
the  beginning  to  the  close,  on  the  side  of  the  col- 
onists. He  a  native  of  England  and  a  cousin 
of  the  lamented  Cen.  .loseph  Warren,  who  fell  at 
linnker  Hill.  John  Warren  also  participated  in 
that  liattle,  and  was  at  Brandywine  when  so  many 
British  were  killed  and  fell  into  the  creek  that  the 
Americans  could  cross  dry-shod  over  their  dead 
bodies.  He  died  about  1830  at  the  age  of  eighty- 
five  years. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  married  in  (^hio 
about  1825.  Six  of  their  ten  children  are  still  liv- 
ing, being  residents  mostly  of  Indiana.  The  family 
removed  to  Indiana  in  183.5,  where  Ezra  J.  received 
a  practical  education  in  the  common  schools,  and 
grew  up  an  adnurable  young  man  of  excellent 
habits,  sound  principles,  and  a  well-informed  mind. 
When  twenty-one  years  of  age,  he  walked  from 
eastern  Indiana  through  the  woods  to  Logansport, 
and  at  that  point,  on  the  10th  of  March.  1848,  en- 
listed in  the  15th  Regiment  of  Regulars  for  the 
War  with  Mexico.  They  started  for  the  field,  but 
the  war  over  by  the  time  the  company  of  our 
sul)ject  had  reached  Newport,  K}'.  He  there  re- 
ceived his  discharge,  and  returning  to  Indiana, 
resumed  work  on  the  farm  of  his  father  until  his 

The  above  mentioned  event  in  the  life  of  our 
suljjcct  took  place  Nov.  'J.  1848,  the  bride  being 
Miss  Nancy,  daughter  of  Eli  and  Elizabetli  (Forbes) 
Thornburg.  After  the  marriage  INIr.  Bantz  and 
his  young  wife  settled  in  Delaware  County,  Ind. 
Mr.  Bantz  obtained,  from  the  land  warrant  given 
him  liy  the  (iovernnient.  land  in  the  Indian  Reserve 
in  Indiana,  but  not  long  afterw\ards  sold  out  and 
purchased  land  in  Eastern  Indiana,  adjoining  a 
farm  ahead}'  owned  by  his  wife.  This  they  occu- 
pied until  18(!5,  and  in  that  year,  as  already  stated, 
came  to  Illinois,  of  which  the^'  have  since  been 

Of  the  six  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife,  four  are  living.  Daniel  J.  married 
Miss  Sarah  Ross,  is  the  father  of  six  children,  and 
lives  on  a  farm  in  Champaign  County;  .lames  mar 

ried  Miss  Addie  Dalbey,  is  the  father  of  four  chil- 
dren, and  occupies  the  farm  north  of  the  Bantz 
homestead;  Louisa  E.  became  the  wife  of  Erastus 
Dow,  and  they  live  in  Texas;  Mary  M..  the  wife 
of  William  Ellis,  is  the  mother  of  four  children, 
and  they  are  also  residents  of  the  Lone  Star  State. 
Mr.  Bantz  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  fur  Gen. 
Cass,  and  has  been  a  uniform  supporter  of  Demo- 
cratic [irinciples.  He  enjoys  a  pension  on  account 
of  his  proffered  services  during  the  Mexican  War. 
Socially  he  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  and 
in  religious  matters  is  libeial.  His  estimable  wife 
and  their  children  are  members  in  good  standing 
of  the  Baptist  Church.  Our  subject,  while  a  resi- 
dent of  Indiana,  olliciated  .as  Township  Trustee, 
and  in  his  [tresent  district  has  been  School  Director 
and  Road  Overseer.  He  is  one  of  the  solid  and 
reliable  men  of  Oakwood  Township — one  who  has 
contributed  ra.aterially  to  her  advancement  and 

As  reiiresentatives  of  the  worth  of  Vermilion 
County,  we  present  elsewhere  in  this  Album  fine 
portraits  of  Mr.  Bantz  and  his  wife,  which  will  be 
highl}'  prized  by  all  their  friends. 

-^ ^^^ ^ 

RA  BABB  was  l)orn  in  the  house  he  now  occu- 
pies, Nov.  2,  1842.  His  father  Levi  Babb, 
/1\  was  a  native  of  Greene  County,  Tenn.,  and  his 
birth  occurred  Oct.  2G.  1788.  The  senior  Babb 
came  to  Vermilion  County  in  (Jctober,  1826,  stop- 
ping near  Yankee  Point  for  a  short  time  and  then 
settling  in  December  of  the  same  year  on  section 
14,  range  11,  Elwood  Township,  about  one  mile 
northeast  of  Ir.a's  present  residence.  He  remained 
there  about  three  years  and  a  half,  entering  the 
west  half  of  the  quarter  of  the  section 
named,  when  he  built  the  house  in  which  his  son 
Ira  now  lives,  in  1830. 

During  the  time  before  specified,  Levi  Babb, 
entered  the  following  tracts  of  land  all  situ.ated  in 
township  17.  north  of  range  II,  west  of  the  second 
principal  meridian,  viz:  the  east  half  of  northwest 
quarter  and  the  west  half  of  northeast  quarter  of 
section  24,  entered  March  20.  1827.     Also  the  west 



half  iif  llie  southeast  quarter  of  section  13.  on  same 
(late.  Tlie  east  half  of  the  soutlieast  quarter  of 
section  23,  Dec.  8,  1827.  The  ea,sl  half  of  the 
southwest  quarter  of  section  24.  Dec.  I.  1830,  and 
the  west  half  of  northeast  quarter  of  section  20, 
.Inne  C.  1831,  also  other  sniallor  tracts  aniounl- 
inji'  in  all  to  aliout  G(lO  acres.  The  Inilians  had 
their  camping  grounds  where  the  old  hcunc- 
stead  is  now  situated.  The  subject  of  this 
sketcii  has  picked  up  many  Hint  .Trrow  heads  on 
his  land  and  he  also  lias  in  his  possession  a 
stone  axe  discovered  there  also.  Ilis  father, 
in  the  earl}'  days  was  obliged  to  go  to  Racoon 
anil  .Sugar  Creeks,  Parke  Coiuity,  Ind.,  to  mill. 
He  endured  man}'  hardships  and  privations,  and 
when  he  emigrated  to  this  county  his  means  of 
transportation  was  a  Sve  horse  wagon,  in  which  he 
and  his  family  rode  a  distance  of  GiiO  miles.  He 
taught  ason  of  one  of  the  Indian  chiefs  to  jilow  and 
in  many  other  ways  did  things  which  made  the  In- 
dians his  friends  forever,  and  he  also  spoke  the  In- 
dian language  fluently.  Levi  Bal)b  was  .a  tireless 
worker  and  in  everything  that  pertained  to  his 
farm  he  spared  no  pains  to  procure  the  best.  lie 
used  to  haul  his  produce  to  Chicigo  and  return 
with  salt  and  groceries  and  was  at  that  place  when 
the  first  warehouse  was  being  built.  He  was  of- 
fered forty  acres  of  land  for  a  yoke  of  oxen.  wIkmc 
Chicago  now  stands,  but  declined  as  he  thought 
the  land  would  never  be  worth  anything.  He 
owned  atone  time  600  acres  of  land  and  left  neirh 
that  amount  at  the  time  of  his  death.  He  was  mar- 
ried twice,  his  first  wife  being  .Susannah  Dillon. 
and  by  her  he  had  ten  children,  two  of  whom  are 
living:  Jonathan  and  Levi.  She  was  born  .luly 
10,  1788,  in  Greene  County,  Tenn.  Levi  Ilabh 
married  for  his  second  wife,  P^lizabeth  Prcvo.  The 
ceremony  occurreil  on  Nov.  21,  1839.  She  was 
born  in  North  Carolina  Oct.  31,  1801.  near  Ash- 
boro,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Alex.ander  and  ll.-iii- 
nali  Prevo,  who  emigrated  to  P'oimtain  County, 
Ind.,  in  an  early  day.  She  was  the  mother  of  three 
children:  Ira,  Hannah  and  Allie.  the  two  latter  bi - 
in"  deceased.  Allie  was  the  wife  of  William  llot- 
tel,  of  this  township.  She  died  .Ian.  13,  1887,  at 
the  age  of  forty  and  was  a  nuMnlier  of  the  Cumber- 
land   Presbyterian   Church.      Father    liabl)  died   at 

the  advanced  age  of  eighty-three  years,  four 
months  and  twenty-seven  days,  his  death  occur- 
ring March  23,  1S72.  while  his  wife  jiassed  aw.iy 
on  Feb.  3.  of  the  same  year,  aged  sixty -seven  years 
three  months  and  two  days. 

Ira  l>abb  has  always  lived  on  the  oM  homestead. 
He  owns  lOil  .acres  of  land  here  and  twenty-two 
acres  in  \'ermillion  Count}'.  Ind.  He  is  engageil 
in  general  farming,  and  in  the  manufacture  of 
drain  tile.  His  stock  consists  of  Shurt-horn  cattle 
and  Poland -China  hogs,  all  of  a  high  grade,  and 
general  purpose  horses.  He  erected  his  tile  fac- 
tory in  1887.  It  is  a  fine  frame  structure  20x60, 
two  stories  high,  with  an  Lof  the  same  dimensions. 
He  is  manufacturing  tile  from  three  to  twelve 
inches  in  diameter,  and  also  brick  of  a  fine  quality. 
The  factory  is  driven  by  a  twenty-five  horse-power 
engine,  which  is  supplied  with  steam  by  a  Iladley 
&  Wright  boiler,  which  is  f(_>rty-fonr  inches  in  di- 
ameter and  ten  feet  long.  The  tile  made  at  this 
factovy  is  of  the  very  best  (jnality  and  in  great 

On  Sept.  28,  1882,  our  subject  was  married  to 
Miss  Minerva  E.,  daughter  of  Elihu  Canaday. 
Mrs.  Babb  born  in  Clarke  County  Nov.  19, 
1845.  Elihu  Canaday,  Mrs.  Babb's  father,  was 
married  to  Elizalteth  McCowan.  They  were  the 
parents  of  seven  children,  viz:  Adam,  Sarah  J., 
Henry  D,,  Annie  M,.  Mary  Jemima.  Minerva  FL, 
and  Rebecca  J.  Elihu  Canad.ay  died  Oct.  4,  1848. 
Elizabeth  (  Canaday  dieil  in  April,  1863. 
Annie  M.  (Canaday  who  born  A\n\l  11,  1838. 
when  two  years  old  went  blind.  She  was  a  sister 
of  Mrs.  Babb.  This  child  died  at  the  Blind  Insti- 
tute at  Jacksonville,  at  the  .age  of  twenty  years. 
The  grandparents  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
Thomas  and  ^lartha  (ICwiiig)  Babb,  emigrated 
from  Winchester,  Va.,  to  (ireene  County,  Tenn..  in 
the  early  settlement  of  the  latter  State,  locating  in 
IJabb's  ^'alley.  They  luul  a  family  of  twelve  chil- 
dren who  are  scattered  throughout  the  west  and 
Northwest,  while  some  remained  in  Tennessee. 
Their  son,  Levi,  the  father  of  Ira,  was  a  soldier  in 
the  war  of  1812.  He  also  had  two  brothers.  David 
and  Caleb,  who  served  in  the  army  at  the  same 
lime,  all  being  under  Gen.  Jackson.  Al  one  lime 
they  were  in  ;i  l)art}'  of  soldiers  that  chased  the  In- 



rti.aiis  for  six  days  and  nights  with  nothing  to  eat 
save  a  little  spoiled  tloni-,  some  hickory  nuts  and 
sweet  hickory  roots,  and  this  incident,  so  Mr.  Babb 
says,  is  what  gave  the  name  of  -'Old  Hickory"  to 
Gen.  Jackson,  as  he  too  partook  of  the  nuts  and 

Mr.  Babb  has  never  sought  official  lioiiors.  He 
is  a  pronounced  and  enthusiastic  Democrat.  He 
is  proud  of  the  record  his  fatlier  has  made  aud  is 
in  all  respects  a  praiseworthy  citizen.  Mr.  Babli 
has  in  his  possession  a  portion  of  two  almanacs, 
dated  respectively  1828  and  1829,  also  implements 
and  relics  of  -'ye  olden  tyme,"  such  as  a  sickle, 
and  pitchfork  over  onehinidrd  years  old  ami  many 
other  things. 

!)IIOMAS  A.  TAYLOR,  a  |)rominent  resident 
of  Callin  Township,  is  a  man  wliose  well 
trained,  vigorous  mind  and  progressive 
views  place  him  iu  the  front  ranks  of  the  en- 
lightened, wide-awake  agriculturists  of  Vermilion 
County.  He  has  a  large  farm  of  nearly  600  acres, 
whose  broad,  fertile  fields,  roomj'  substantial 
buildings  and  well  ordered  appearance  generally, 
mark  it  as  one  of  the  best  managed  and  choicest 
estates  in  this  part  of  the  county,  and  here  on  sec- 
tion T)  he  has  erected  a  handsome  residence  that  is 
replete  with  all  the  modern  comforts. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Ti|)pecanoe  County, 
Ind.,  April  25,  1847,  a  son  of  Thomas  A.,  and  Ivea 
(.\llen)  Taylor,  natives  respectively  of  Ohio 
Connly  and  Shelby  County,  Ky.  After  marriage 
his  i»arents  began  their  wedded  life  in  Tippecanoe 
County,  Ind.,  near  Lafaj'ette,  where  he  followed 
his  trade,  that  of  a  tanner,  living  there  till  1852, 
where  they  came  with  their  family  to  Vermilion 
Countj-  to  settle  among  its  pioneers,  taking  up 
their  al)ode  in  Catlin  Township.  The  father  died 
here  in  September,  187(5,  and  an  upright  and  hon- 
ored citizen  was  thus  lost  to  the  community  with 
whose  highest  interests  his  own  had  been  identical 
from  the  first  hour  of  his  settlement  here.  He  was 
a  man  of  sincere  piety  and  a  worthy  member  of 
the  Cumlierland  Presbyterian  Church.  His  wife 
still  survives  and  makes  her  home  in  Catlin  Town- 

ship. She  is  a  truly  good  woman  and  a  devoted 
member  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church. 
They  had  eight  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was 
the  seventh  in  order  of  birth. 

He  was  five  years  old  when  he  accompanied  his 
parents  to  Vermilion  Countj'.  and  the  remainder  of 
his  life  has  since  Ijeen  passed  here.  He  was  given 
the  advantages  of  a  liberal  education,  olitaining 
the  basis  of  it  in  the  public  schools,  aud  he  then 
liecame  a  student  at  Lincoln  University  in  Logan 
County  and  subsequently  took  an  excellent  course 
of  study  at  Mt.  Zion  Academy,  Macomb  County,  III., 
his  studies  being  of  a  practical  character  such  as 
would  be  of  benefit  to  him  in  his  business  relations 
and  in  his  work.  After  leaving  school  he  devoted 
himself  to  the  teacher's  profession  for  nine  years, 
meeting  with  great  success  in  that  vocation  and  by 
his  intelligent  methods  placing  himself  in  the  fore- 
front of  the  best  educators  in  this  part  of  the  coun- 
try. He  has  resided  in  Catlin,  and  aside  from 
teaching  has  given  his  attention  wholly  to  agricul- 
tural [)ursuits,  owning  and  managing  one  of  the 
largest  and  finest  farms  in  this  region,  as  before 

Mr.    T.aylor    frankly    acknowledges    that    he    is 
greatly  indebted  for  much  that  is  good  in   his  life 
to  his   amiable  wife,  to    whom    he  was    married  in 
Catlin  Township,  March  1 1,  1869.    She  is  in  every 
respect  a  true  Christian,  possessing    much    intelli- 
gence and  capacity,  and    a    model    housewife,  and 
fills  the  perfect    measure   of    wife,  mother,  friend, 
than  which  no  higher   eulogy  can    be  pronounced. 
In  her  the    Christian    Church  finds  one  of  its  most 
consistent  members.     Mrs.  Taylor's  maiden  name 
was    Mary  C.  Acree,  and  she  is  a    daughter  of    the 
late  Joel   and  Elvessa  (Yount)   Acree,  known  and 
honored   as  among  the  earliest  settlers  of    Catlin 
Township,  where    he  continued    to    reside    till  his 
death,    Nov.  27,  1880.       The  father  was    born    in 
Alabama,  and   the  mother  in   Shelliy  County,  Kv. 
Tliey  married  and  settled    in   Catlin    Township    in 
early   pit)neer  times.     He  was  a  valued  member  of 
the    Christian   Church   and    a   thoroughly  upright 
man.     The  motiier   is  still   living   in  Catlin  Town- 
ship, and    she    is   also  a  respected    member  of    the 
Christian   Church.     They  had    two   children    who 
lived  to    grow    up,    Mrs.  Taylor    l>eing  the  eldest. 



and  she  was  born  in  Catlin  Townsliip,  Nov.  12, 
1848.  Ten  of  the  twelve  children  that  have  glad- 
dened the  happy  wedded  life  of  our  subject  and 
Ins  wife  are  still  with  them,  two  having  died  in  in- 
fancy. The  names  of  the  survivors  are  Clemmer, 
(iailen  11.,  Elvessa,  Joel,  Benjamin,  Robert,  Mag- 
gie, Lois,  Whiltier  and  Catherine.  Our  subject  is 
prominently  identified  with  the  Republican  party 
and  its  councils.  He  is  a  member  of  the  A.  F.  & 
A.  M.,  Catlin  Lodge,  No.  285,  Vermilion  Chapter 
and  Atiielstiin  Commandery  at  Danville. 

Mr.  Taylor  is  endowed  with  a  keen,  resolute 
nature,  and  by  prompt,  systematic  methods  and 
other  excellent  business  habits,  has  accumulated  a 
valuable  property  and  is  one  of  tiie  moneyed  men 
of  Catlin  Township.  He  is  a  man  of  earnest  relig- 
ious feelings,  and  in  him  the  Cumberland  Presby- 
terian Church  has  one  of  its  most  active  workers 
and  influential  members,  he  having  united  with  it 
early  in  life,  and  for  twenty  years  or  more  he  has 
been  one  of  its  Klders.  He  interests  himself  greatly 
in  the  Sund,ay-school,  and  has  been  Superintendent 
for  many  years. 

R.  J.  R.  LYTLE,  physician  .and  surgeon 
of  Rankin,  is  enjoying  an  extensive  and 
lucrative  practice  in  this  vilLage  and   the 

surrounding  country,  and  he  has  already 
won  an  envial)le  reputation  as  a  skillful,  well-read 
and  finely  educated  member  of  the  medical  profes- 
sion of  Vermilion  County.  He  is  active  in  pui)lic 
and  iiolilical  matters,  and  is  a  valued  civic  official 
of  this  yillago,  in  wiiich  he  t.akes  a  deep  interest, 
using  his  influence  to  advance  its  status,  education- 
ally, religiously  and  socially. 

He  comes  of  good  old  Pennsylvania  stock,  and 
is  himself  a  native  of  the  Keystone  State,  born  m 
Armstrong  County  Dec.  2,  1850.  His  father, 
.John  Lytle,  was  born  Smicksburg,  Indiana 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  18,  1808.  His  early  manhood  was 
spent  in  clearing  for  .himself  a  farm  in  what  was 
then  a  forest  near  Dayton,  Armstrong  Co.,  Pa.  He 
resided  on  this  farm  until  I8()0,  when  he  removed 
witli  his  family  to  the  i)lace  he  now  (jccnpies  near 

Chambersville,  Indiana  County,  lie  is  of  English 
iincestry,  is  well  endowed  intellectually  and  phys- 
icall}-,  and  although  he  attaineil  the  advanced 
age  of  eighty-one  years,  he  still  retaiu.s  his  mental 
faculties.  The  maiden  name  of  his  wife  was  La- 
vinia  Reed.  She  born  Jan.  26,  1810,  near 
Ligonier  in  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  and  was  of 
Scotch-Irisli  lineage.  Feb.  24,  188'.),  she  passed 
avvaj'  from  the  joys  and  cares  of  earth,  leaving  be- 
hind to  those  who  loved  her  the  precious  memory 
of  a  good  and  virtuous  life.  Six  children  were 
born  of  her  marriage — Catherine,  Robert  J.,  John 
P.,  James  R.,  S.  Jennie,  and  Mattie  A.  Robert  J., 
residing  in  Altoona,  Pa.,  is  a  carpenter  fur  the 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company'.  During  the 
war  he  served  almost  three  years  in  Company  K, 
14th  Pennsylvania  Cavalry.  He  married  Sarah 
Fleming  of  Indiana  County,  Pa.,  and  they  have 
had  two  children — Frank  lilmer  and  Myrtle,  the 
liitter  is  deceased;  John  and  Jennie  live  on  the 
old  homestead  uear  Chambersville,  Pa.  He 
ried  Debbie  Reeder,  of  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  .and  they 
have  a  family  of  children;  Catherine  is  the  widow 
of  Ferguson  Speedy,  of  Indiana  County,  Pa.,  where 
she  is  still  residing;  Mattie  A.,  married  McCloud 
Brady,  of  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  and  he  is 
now  engaged  at  his  trade  in  a  shoe  factory  in  La- 
trobe.  Pa. 

Dr.  Lytle  was  reared  in  the  home  of  his  birth, 
.and  was  given  good  educational  advantages,  pur- 
suing an  excellent  course  of  study  at  Dayton  Acad- 
emy, and  after  leaving  school  he  engaged  awhile  in 
teaching.  He  was  desirous  of  becoming  a  physi- 
cian, and  entered  upon  his  studies  for  that  pur|)oso 
with  Dr.  Thomas  McMullen  of  Greenville,  Iniliana 
Co.,  Pa.,  and  in  1 879,  attended  medical  lectures, 
lie  was  graduated  in  the  class  of  1884,  from  Uusli 
Medical  College,  Chicago,  111.,  and  at  once  opened 
an  ofHce  in  Paxton,  this  State,  remaining  there  two 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  that  time  he  came  to 
Vermilion  County  and  established  himself  at  Ran- 
kin, where  he  still  practices.  He  has  a  large  num- 
ber of  patients  and  is  very  popular  with  all  classes. 

The  Doctor  was  married  to  Lauretta  M.  Burrell, 
of  Marshall  County,  111.,  June  30,  1881.  She  is 
a  daughter  of  the  late  Jacob  and  Mary  (Withrow) 
Bnrrcll.  of  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.      IKr  father 



(lied  ill  1.S83.  Iler  mother  nuw  inakus  liei- home 
with  her.  She  is  tlie  niolber  of  six  children — 
.lames  W.,  Joseph  II.,  J.  G.,  Amos,  (deceased), 
Nannie  and  Mrs.  LyMe.  James  was  a  soldier  for 
the  Union,  survivini;-  tiie  horrors  of  Southern  pris- 
ons, and  is  now  a  carpenter,  residing  in  La  Prairie, 
Marsliall  Co.,  III.  Me  married  Mary  Butler,  of 
Johnstown,  Pa.,  and  tliey  have  six  children;  J.  (?., 
an  .'irchitect  and  liuihler,  married  a  Miss  Johnson 
of  Monmouth,  III.,  and  tlie3'  have  two  children; 
Joseph  married  Miss  Saraii  Yont.  and  is  living-  at 
Tliayer,  Iowa;  Amos  was  a  soldier  who  gave  up 
his  life  in  tlie  late  war.  having  received  an  injury, 
from  wliicli  lie  died  just  after  iiis  return  home  on  a 
furlough;  Nannie  married  William  liitiier,  of  West- 
moreland C'ouiit\',  Pa.,  now  a  resident  of  Kansas 
City,  Mo.,  where  he  is  engaged  in  a  iiu'al  market. 
Allhi^ugh  Dr.  Lytic  has  been  a  resident  of  this 
village  only  a  very  few  3ears.  he  is  already  prom- 
inently identilied  witli  its  highest  puljlic  inter- 
ests, and  is  found  to  be  a  wise  and  safe  counsel- 
lor. As  A'illage  Trustee,  he  is  active  in  piomoting 
all  feasible  schemes  for  the  advancement  of  Rankin 
in  every  way  [losible.  In  politics,  the  Republican 
part}'  has  in  him  one  of  its  truest  and  most  intelli- 
gent upholders, who  kee|)s  himself  well-posted  on  all 
political  issues  and  other  matters  of  interest  concern- 
ing the  welfare  of  the  Nation.  Both  he  and  his 
amiable  wife  are  influential  members  of  the  United 
Presbyterian  Church,  of  which  he  has  been  an  Elder 
for  some  years. 

RS.  EMMA  C.  McDowell,  is  an  exten- 
sive land  owner  of  Sidell  Township,  and 
one  of  its  leading  residents.  She  also  owns 
land  in  Carroll  Townshij).  upon  which  is 
situated  a  tile  factor}'.  Her  father,  William  Porter, 
was  born  fifteen  miles  from  Lexington,  Ky.,  while 
her  mother  is  a  native  of  Pickaway  County,  Ohio. 
Her  grandfather,  Samuel  Porter,  was  a  native  of 
Maryland,  as  was  also  his  wife.  They  removed  to 
Kentucky  and  from  there  came  to  Vermilion 
County  in  1836,  where  they  remained  until  their 
death.     Her  maternal   grandfather,  Capt.   William 

SwaiiA,  a  nalive  also  of  Maryland,  while  her 
maternal  grandmother  was  born  in  Virginia.  Her 
great  grandfather  was  killed  by  the  Indians,  and 
his  wife  was  left  with  a  large  family  of  small  chil- 
dren. The  Porter  family  were  closely  identified 
with  the  early  history  of  Virginia.  Capt.  William 
Swank  was  an  officer  in  the  War  of  1812.  He  was 
married  in  Ohio  and  came  to  Vermilion  County,  in 
1820,  bringing  with  him  his  wife  and  two  children. 
He  was  one  of  the  very  first  settlers  of  the  countv. 
and  located  close  to  Butler's  Point,  at  a  |)lace  then 
called  Indianola,  where  the  old  salt  works  were  lo- 

Mrs.  McDowell's  mother  was  one  of  the  two 
children  referred  to.  She  used  to  rel.-ite  many  in- 
cidents of  the  early  [lioneer  history  which 
thrilling  in  the  extreme,  and  to  tlie  jieople  of  this 
day  seemed  almost  incredible.  The  hardshi[is  that 
these  old  pioneers  went  through  's  the  basis  upon 
which  is  founded  this  splendid  State.  Mrs.  Mc- 
Dowell's grandfather  went  to  mill  in  the  early 
days  to  the  Big  Racoon  River,  a  journey  which  oc- 
cupied Ml  entire  week's  time.  Ca|it.  Swank  became 
well-to-do,  owning  600  or  700  acres  of  land  at  the 
time  of  his  death.  Ho  laid  out  one  of  the  earliest 
town  sites  in  Vermilion  County^  which  was  then 
called  Dallas,  later  he  also  laid  out  the  town  of 
Indianola.  He  was  associated  in  this  last  enter- 
prise with  Mr.  William  Beard.  Tlie  Ca|)tain  died  in 
1851  and  was  buried  in  the  Weaver  Cemetery  east 
of  Indianola.  The  Swanks  also  belonged  to  lead- 
ing families  in  A'irginia.,  and  were  of  Eno-lish 

Grandfather  Porter  came  to  Vermilion  County 
in  1837,  ami  settled  about  one  and  a  half  miles 
cast  of  Indianola,  where  he  died  in  1848.  Mrs. 
McDowell's  father  was  born  in  1813  and  was  of  a'>e 
when  he  came  to  Illinois.  He  resided  ujion  the  orio- 
inal  homestead  for  some  years.  After  selling  this  he 
removed  to  Indianola  where  his  wife  died,  which 
occurreil  in  1886,  since  which  time  he  has  lived 
with  his  daughter,  Mrs.  McDowell.  He  was  the 
father  of  seven  children:  Rosa.  Mar}-,  P^mma  C, 
William  E.,  Cordelia,  Minerva  and  Samuel.  Rosa 
resides  in  Ellwood  Township,  this  county,  and  is 
the  wife  of  Mr.  W.  Hay  worth.  Thev  have  three 
thildren;    Mary     married     A.    H.    Mendenhall,    a 



fnruK'i-  uf  Carroll  Township.  Tliev  are  the  parents 
of  six  L-iiildren;  William  E.  marrioil  Zetta  Black; 
Cordelia  diod  in  1874.  She  was  tlic  wife  of  Paul 
IMorriain.  She  died  in  Missouri  wiiere  liiey  re- 
moved after  their  marriage;  Jlinerva  married  Mar- 
shal Cummings,  a  contractor  of  Indianapolis.  They 
have  four  children;  Samuel  is  unmarried. 

Mrs.  McDowell  was  born  in  Carroll  Township, 
one  and  a  half  miles  east  of  Indianola.  on  April  3, 
1849.  At  the  time  of  her  birth  the  town  was 
called  Chlllieothe.  Here  is  where  she  spent  her 
j;irlhood  days  and  attended  school  in  the  little  log 
structure  that  answered  to  the  name  of  school- 
house,  her  first  teacher  being  Miss  Parks,  who  is 
remembered  as  a  very  genial  and  pleasant  lady. 
She  attended  school  for  three  or  four  years,  when  she 
was  promoted  to  the  first  frame  school  house 
erected  at  Indianola,  and  in  this  edifice  she  pursued 
her  studies  so  dilligently  that  she  passed  a  success- 
ful examination  to  enter  the  profession  of  teacher. 
She  began  teaching  at  the  age  of  seventeen  years, 
and  was  very  successful  as  an  educator.  She  be- 
came ac(|uainted  with  her  husband,  Mr.  McDowell, 
wlien  she  was  a  j-oung  girl  anil  in  181!',)  was  married 
to  him. 

■)ohn  A.  McDowell  was  born  also  in  Cairoll 
Township,  not  far  from  the  present  homestead.  He 
was  the  son  of  John  1>.  and  Eleanor  (Yarnell)  Mc- 
Dowell, who  were  natives  of  Kentucky.  They  re- 
moved from  their  native  State  to  Palestine,  and  a 
few  years  later  came  to  Vermilion  County,  wliere 
ihev  liecame  a  prominent  family.  Mrs.  McDowell's 
husband  was  born  Nov.  l(j,  1841.  and  was  the 
fourth  of  a  family  of  live  children.  lie  was  born 
and  educated  in  Vermilion  County,  and  while  yet 
a  boy  he  exhiViited  strong  inclinations  for  business 
and  began  to  deal  in  live  stock,  a  business  he  con- 
ducted all  his  days.  His  generosity  was  one  of  his 
salient  characteristics,  and  when  he  was  called  away 
he  was  not  only  mourned  sincerely  b^-  his  relatives 
and  friends,  but  by  the  [loor  people  of  his  commu 
nily  as  well.  No  deserving  poor  man  ever  came 
to  him  and  went  away  empty-handed.  He  was  ac- 
tive in  matters  pcitaiuing  to  education  and  for  the 
general  developement  of  the  comnnmily. 

Mi  .  McDowell  was  emphatically  a  self-made  man 
and  wiiiu  he  died  was  well-to-do.     He  was  entirely 

domestic  in  his  tastes,  and  his  home  was  sweet  to 
him.  He  was  an  honored  member  of  the  Masonic 
fraternity,  and  his  obsequies  were  perhaps  more 
largely  attended  than  any  other  similar  event  that 
ever  occurred  in  Vermilion  County.  He  left  behind 
him  a  beautiful  home  and  every  thing  to  make  life 
comfortable.  His  death  occurred  on  Oct.  9,  1886. 
He  left  seven  children  to  mourn  the  loss  of  a  trul)- 
noble  father.  Their  names  are:  (iraeie,  .Jennie, 
Carrie,  Fred,  Uaj',  CuUom,  and  Ned.  But  these 
children  are  under  the  guidance  of  a  good  mother 
who  will  rear  them  to  be  good  men  and  women. 
Mrs.  McDowell  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church 
of  Indianola. 

^  ERHY  O'NEAL  is  one  of  the  oldest  of  the 
native  born  I'itizens  of  Vermilion  County', 
his  birth  occurring  .Ian.  16,  1825,  on  the 
homestead  once  owned  by  his  father,  on 
section  27,  Georgetown  Township.  He  is  a  son  of 
one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  the  county,  who  was 
quite  a  prominent  man  in  his  time  and  did  consid- 
erable to  advance  its  interests.  He  is  noted  as  hav- 
ing established  the  very  first  manufactory  of  any 
kind  in  the  county,  a  tannery,  which  he  operated 
successfully  several  years. 

Thomas  O'Neal,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Nelson  County,  Ky.,  a  son  of  .John  O'Neal, 
whose  early  histor^^  is  nnkno(\-n,  although  he  was  a 
pioneer  of  Kentucky,  and  there  spent  his  last  years. 
The  father  of  our  subject  was  reared  in  his  native 
State,  and  when  a  young  man  started  out  to  seek 
his  fortune  in  the  young  State  of  Indiana,  and  lo- 
c'lting  in  Jladison  Jefferson  County,  he  worked  at 
his  trade  of  tanner,  married  there,  and  in  1820  re- 
moved to  Edgar  County.  But  he  did  not  remain 
there  long,  coming  in  the  following  j-ear  to  what  is 
now  Vermilion  Count}',  and  taking  a  claim  in  what 
is  now  Georgetown  Township.  Hebuilta  log  house 
on  the  place  for  the  slielter  of  his  family,  and  the 
land,  which  was  part  timber  and  part  prairie,  he 
commenced  to  prepare  for  cultivation.  The  land 
was  owned  by  the  government  and  had  not  tlu  n 
come  into  the  market.     As  soon  as  it  was  for   sale 



lie  sent  n  nuiii  to  tlit'  laml  oUiec  to  enter  and  pay 
for  it.  hut  lie  failed  to  enter  the  land,  and  another 
man  bought  it.  Mv.  O'Neal  then,  in  182G,canie  to 
Danville  Township  and  entered  eight}'  acres,  in- 
cluding the  eastern  half  of  the  soutlnvestern  quar- 
ter of  section  27.  It  was  heavil}-  timbered  land  at 
the  time,  and  he  felled  trees  and  erected  a  hewed 
log  house.  He  soon  established  a  tannery,  the  first 
manufacturing  industry  within  the  limits  of  the 
county.  lie  continued  its  management  several 
years,  and  in  the  meantime  cleared  a  part  of  his 
land  and  engaged  in  farming.  In  the  comfortable 
home  that  he  built  up  by  his  unremitting  and  well 
directed  toil  his  eyes  closed  to  the  scenes  of  earth, 
and  a  long  and  busy  life  was  brought  to  an  honor- 
able end.  His  wife  also  died  there,  surviving  him 
only  two  jears,  and  they  who  had  walked  the  path 
of  life  together  more  than  forty  years  were  not 
long  divided  in  death.  Her  maiden  name  was  Sarah 
Howard,  and  she  was  born  in  Nelson  County,  Ky., 
in  1794.  Her  father,  Sanuiel  Howard,  was  a  pio- 
neer of  that  State,  and  moving  from  there  to  Mad- 
ison, Jefferson  Co.,  Ind.,  he  spent  his  last  years  in 
that  place.  Four  of  the  children  born  to  the  par- 
ents of  our  subject  grew  to  maturit}-,  as  follows: 
James,  living  in  Georgetown  Township;  Perry; 
Nancj',  wife  of  Lewis  liallah,  a  resident  of  Dan- 
ville Township;  Cynthia,  wife  of  Joel  Bates,  of 
Batestown.  The  father  of  our  subject  was  a  man 
of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence,  gifted  with 
a  just,  well  balanced  mind,  was  wise  in  council, 
and  held  a  prominent  place  among  his  fellow  pio- 
neers. In  1840  he  was  elected  Coroner  of  the 
county,  and  held  that  office  many  years  to  the  en- 
tire satisfaction  of  all  people  and  classes.  In  early 
life  he  was  a  A\'hig  with  liberal  views,  and  he  was 
always  bitterly  opposed  to  slavery,  and  was  o;je  of 
the  first  Republicans.  lie  was  well  acquainted  with 
Lincoln  and  with  other  men  of  note. 

The  subject  of  this  biographical  review  spent  his 
entire  life  here  in  his  native  county,  and  has  been 
a  witness  of  the  gre.ater  part  of  its  development 
from  the  wilderness  to  its  present  advanced  state 
of  civilization.  He  remembers  well  when  the  abo- 
riginal settlers  of  the  soil  made  their  home  here, 
and  when  deer,  turkeys  and  other  kinds  of  wild 
game  were  plenty.    Lafayette  and  Perrysville  were 

llie  iiiily  markets,  but  after  Chicago  was  founded 
his  father  made  an  annual  trip  to  that  cit}-  with  a 
team,  taking  wheat  which  he  exchanged  for  house- 
hold supplies.  The  mother  of  our  subject  used  to 
card  and  sjiin  wool  and  flax,  and  made  all  the  cloth 
and  clothes  used  in  the  family,  oven  making  the 
thread  with  which  the  clothes  were  put  together. 
Perry  assisted  his  father  on  the  farm,  and  attended 
the  early  schools  that  were  taught  on  the  subscrip- 
tion iilaii  in  a  log  house,  with  rude  benches  made 
of  slabs  with  wooden  pins  for  legs.  In  1852  he 
commenced  to  work  a  tract  of  land  in  Vance  Town- 
ship, which  he  and  his  father  had  entered  from  the 
government.  He  built  a  good  frame  house  and 
improved  100  acres  of  land,  and  during  that  time 
making  his  home  on  the  old  homestead.  He  now 
has  180  acres  of  land  under  admirable  tillage  and  of  producing  large  crops,  and  he  has  erected 
a  substantial,  roomy  set  of  frame  buildings,  and 
has  everything  about  the  place  in  good  order,  de- 
noting that  he  has  been  prospered  in  his  calling, 
and  is  now  in  comfortable  circumstances. 

Mr.  O'Neal  is  a  man  of  thrifty,  industrious  hab- 
its, and  these  with  other  notable  traits  have  en- 
abled him  to  lay  up  a  competence,  so  that  as  old 
age  draws  on  apace  it  finds  him  well  fortified  against 
material  want.  He  is  numbered  among  the  most 
estimable  and  highly  respected  citizens  of  his  na- 
tive count}',  in  whose  development  he  has  had  a 
hand,  and  he  merits  the  regard  in  which  he  is  held. 
In  his  early  years  he  was  a  Whig  and  cast  his  first 
vote  for  Gen.  Taylor.  Since  the  formation  of  the 
Republican  party  he  has  been  a  firm  advocate  of 
its  principles. 

— V 



I  ITCHELL  B.  GOSSETT,  is  a  leading,  pros- 
///  ll\  P'''"'-'^'*'  •■^"'^  energetic  farmer  of  Sidell 
Township.  His  farm  consists  of  160  acres 
on  section  34,  and  there  is  not  one  that  is 
better  tilled  in  \ermilion  County.  He  purchased 
this  farm  in  1881,  when  but  partially  improved, 
and  the  condition  that  it  is  now  in  speaks  well  for 
the  owner. 

His  father  and  mother,  G.  B.  and  Julia  Gossett, 



m  1^ 


z^,:.:^',3^::,-^ - 1. -^r  -^i^j  ■  ■ ' ' ■^gtpgTJcEv^aaTCg 

^G^r^fFAi  View  fron.^^  north:  -' '  ^^^^^^^^^^^^S^ 

[B9A!UliWUk#"^V  ^  I 

■^      V  UUM^>l4:i.- 




-^'-^    ^i*— W^S^I^^JJStH- 

IN  Sec?  S3. 24. 25.  (T.Sir  RJ2.) 
ANoSic  I9(T23.-R.ll.) 

Gfant    Tonwship. 
Vermilion  Co.  III. 


it I'^ffwijUfiMimi |i    iii|iiii| II ii|ii»' I  ji  "I    i"'i ^     H      i|iii    I 



8CN£:m/:r,  p4i-..,.,  ..jiyi- 


"Meadow  Brook- Farm'.' Residence  of  VVatts  Finley,5ec 

j>3.  24.  25.(123.  R.I 2.)  and  SEC.I9.(T.23.  R.ll.j  Grant  Tp.Vermilion  Co 



are  natives  of  Iliglilaiul  Countv,  Ohio,  wlific  llivy 
were  uiai lied.  In  1859  the\  removeil  to  Kdgar 
County,  III.,  where  they  are  still  re.sicling.  enjoying 
<foo(l  health  at  a  hale  and  heuily  old  ai;e.  The 
maternal  grandfather  served  with  distinguished 
ahility  in  the  War  of  181'2.  and  the  ancestry  on 
both  sides  of  the  house  is   an  honorable  one. 

Mitchell  riossett  was  born  in  liighland  County, 
Ohio,  July  24,  1848.  Ilis  early  childhood  was 
s|)eul  in  his  native  county,  and  there  ho  i)egau  at- 
tending scliool.  His  first  work  was  on  a  farm  in 
Edgar  Countv,  I!!.,  wheic  he  finished  iiis  education. 
He  remaineil  at  home  until  the  year  before  he  was 
married,  which  ceremony  occurred  Marcli  If),  1882. 
the  bride  being  Miss  Josephine  Mark,  a  native  of 
Edgar  County.  Her  parents,  Antony  and  Ellen 
(Ilo])pus)  Mark,  removed  to  Edgar  County  from 
Ohio,  and  were  among  the  early  settlers  of  Edgar 
Township,  of  that  county.  They  are  botii  living, 
and  are  looking  back  upon  a  record  of  which  they 
can  be  proud. 

:\lr.  Gossett  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  frater- 
nity, lielonging  to  Broadlands  Lodge,  of  which  he 
is  a  charter  member.  He  believes  that  tlic  Demo- 
cratic party  is  one  which  embodies  correct  political 
jirincipies,  and  consequently  he  is  an  ardent  sup- 
porter of  the  candidates  of  that  organization.  In 
business  affairs  Mr.  Gossett  exhibits  rare  sense  and 
good  judgment,  and  the  condition  of  his  farm  and 
its  surroundings  is  an  exhibition  of  the  fact  that 
in  the  race  of  life  he  has  won.  His  home  is  always 
tilled  with  cheerfulness,  and  everything  in  it  de- 
notes the  intelligence  of  those  who  occupy  it.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Gossett  are  uniformly  in  tlie  frfint  rank 
in  anytiiing  that  will  lead  to  the  betterment  of  so- 
ciety, and  are  ever  willing  to  aid  the  unfortunate 
in  any  manner  the}'  can. 

(|1  FfcATTS  FINLEY.  A  residence  of  over 
\/\j//  fi^t'.y-fo"''  years  in  one  county  is  usually 
^y^  considered  long  enough  to  establisii  a  man's 
character  and  standing  among  his  fellow-citizens, 
and  he  naturally  liecomes  a  part  and  parcel  of  the 
community,  with  which,  if  he  is  at  all  worthy,  it 
can  scarcely  dispense.  If,  as  in  the  case  of  Mr. 
Finley,  he  has,  by  his  industry   and   energy,  accu- 

mulated enough  properly  to  considerably  swell 
the  amount  of  internal  revenue,  he  should  be  con- 
sidered of  no  small  importance  as  a  tax-payer,  and 
a  prominent  an<l  usefid  citizen.  A  farm  of  740 
acres  located  on  .sections  23,  24,  and   2o,  township 

23,  ranges  1 1  and  12,  indicates  the  manner  in  which 
Mr.  Finley  has  improved  his  time  and  talents.  His 
residence  is  on  section  24.  and  his  land  is  largely 
devoted  to  stock-raising,  including  cattle,  horses 
and  swine. 

Our  subject  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light 
near  Lawrenceburg,  in    Ripley  County,   Ind.,  Nov. 

24,  1833,  anil  in  the  cai'ly  part  of  the  following 
year,  when  aliout  six  months  old,  was  brought  by 
his  parents  to  this  county,  they  settling  on  a  tract 
of  land  south  of  Danville.  He  remained  a  member 
of  the  parental  hcnisehold  until  some  time  after  the 
parents  passed  aw.ay,  they  dying  not  manj^  weeks 
apart,  in  18.')3.  In  the  spring  of  1855,  in  company 
with  his  brother.  Miller  T.,  and  his  sister,  Mrs. 
Ca[)t.  Frazier,  he  came  to  the  farm  which  the  for- 
mer now  occupies,  and  where  he  lived  four  years. 
In  185'J,  April  17th,  he  was  married  to 
Margaret  Davis,  and  with  his  3'oung  wife  took  up 
his  abode  at  his  present  homestead,  having  then 
purchased  240  acres  of  wild  land.  Of  this  union 
there  have  been  born  three  children,  of  whom  but 
two  arc  living — Mary  and  Charles.  The  former  is 
the  wife  of  Alva  M.  Honeywell,  formerly  of  Iro- 
quois County.  The  son  remains  at  home  with  his 

It  has  required  no  small  amount  of  labor  and 
money  to  bring  the  valuable  Fiidey  homestead  to 
to  its  present  condition,  and  this  has  been  effected 
solely  by  the  present  proprietor,  who  has  aimed  to 
excel,  and  it  cannot  l)e  denied,  has  very  nearly  at- 
tained to  the  realization  of  his  ambition.  He  has 
carefully  avoided  the  I'esponsibilities  of  political 
office,  although  a  stanch  sup|)orlcr  of  Republican 
principles.  Among  his  neighbors  and  fellow- 
townsmen  he  is  well  spoken  of,  which  fact  is  as 
much  to  his  credit  as  anything  which  can  be  said 
by  the  biographer.  Every  peaceable  and  laiv-abid- 
ing  citizen  who  has  aided  in  the  development  of 
this  county,  deserves  recognition  and  the  perpetua- 
tion of  his  name  in  its  history. 

Mrs.  Margaret  (Davis)  Finley  was  born  in  Ohio, 



April  16,  1834,  and  is  tiie  daugliter  of  Araaziali 
Davis,  who  came  to  Illinois  and  located  in  Yerniii- 
ion  County  dining  the  period  of  its  early  settle- 
ment, lie  made  farming-  his  life  occupation,  and 
departed  this  life  at  liis  homestead  about  the  year 
1881.  Mrs.  Davis  is  still  living  and  a  resident  of 

David  Flnley,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Kentucky,  and  married  Miss  Nancy 
Miller,  eitlier  in  Ohio  or  Indiana.  They  lived  for 
^.oine  years  in  the  Miami  bottoms,  then,  in  1834, 
came  to  this  county  and  located  near  the  [iresent 
site  of  C'atlin.  lie  died  in  18.^3  at  the  .age  of  sev- 
iiity-three  years.  The  wife  and  mother  passed 
away  when  sixty-six  j'ears  old.  A  handsome 
litliographic  engraving  of  Mr.  Finley's  residence 
aiipears  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

ESSE  LIGGET.  This  veteran  of  eighty- 
four  years  retired  some  time  since  from  the 
active  laliors  of  farm  life,  and  is  situated  in 
a  comfortable  home  in  Muncie,  where  he 
often  reviews  the  scenes  of  the  past  and  the  ardu- 
ous labors  of  a  long  life,  during  which  he  has  prob- 
ably performed  more  downright  hard  work  than 
any  man  within  the  precincts  of  Oakwood  Town- 
ship. He  received  no  educational  advantages 
during  his  youth,  haying  to  bend  his  energies 
toward  making  a  living,  but  has,  from  first  to  last, 
maintained  the  principles  of  honesty  and  integ- 
rity, able  to  stan<l  up  before  the  world  like  Long- 
fellow's A'illage  Blacksmith  "for  he  owes  not  any 

A  native  of  the  Old  Dominion,  Mr.  Ligget  was 
born  in  180.'),  and  the  following  year  liis  parents 
removed  to  Ohio,  which  had  only  been  converted 
from  a  Territory  into  a  State  four  years  before. 
The  country  was  in  its  primitive  condition,  the 
settlers  being  few  and  far  between,  and  the  fam- 
ily endured  all  the  hardships  and  dilliculties  of 
life  on  the  frontier.  Our  subject  was  orphaned 
when  a  lad  of  twelve  years  by  the  death  of 
both  parents,  who  died  in  the  same  year,  and 
without   a    guardian    or    assistance    of    any    kind. 

be  was  thrown  upon  his  own  resources,  and  after- 
ward made  his  own  way  unaided  in  the  world. 

.John  Ligget,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Virginia,  and  married  a  maiden  of  his  own 
county,  Miss  Susannah  Bennett.  They  became  the 
parents  of  eight  children,  and  Jesse,  our  subject, 
is  the  only  survivor  of  the  family.  After  their 
settlement  in  Ohio,  they  were  greatly  anno^-ed  b}- 
the  Indians.  It  was  never  their  lot  to  accumulate 
propert}-,  and,  although  they  worked  hard,  they 
possessed  little  of  this  world's  goods. 

Mr.  Ligget  never  went  to  school  a  day  in  his  life, 
but  he  grew  up  very  industrious  and  frugal,  and 
when  eighteen  years  old  purchased  an  old  farm  on 
credit,  and  four  years  later  had  it  all  paid  for.  He 
was  then  married  to  Miss  Polly  Coddington,  who 
was  born  in  Maryland,  and  who  at  the  time  of 
her  marriage  was  only  fifteen  years  old.  They  be- 
gan housekeeping  on  their  little  farm,  worked  hard 
and  lived  happily  together  until  her  death.  There 
were  born  to  them  twelve  children,  eight  of  whom 
are  still  living. 

Wilson  Ligget,  the  eldest  son  of  our  subject, 
married  Miss  Amanda  Dysert;  they  live  three 
miles  northeast  of  JMuncie,  and  have  four  chil- 
dren; Henjaniin  married  Miss  Mary  Hughes,  lives 
seven  miles  northeast  of  Muncie,  and  has  eight 
children;  Samuel  married  Miss  Mary  Barrickman; 
they  live  two  and  one-half  miles  west  of  New- 
town, and  have  one  child;  Jesse,  Jr.,  married 
Miss  Sadie  Warner,  and  lives  on  the  Middle  Fork; 
they  have  four  children:  N.aomi  is  the  wife  of 
Levin  Vinson,  and  they  live  in  Pleasant  Grove 
Hall;  they  have  no  children.  Mary  was  first  mar- 
ried to  Hugh  Louman,  who  died,  leaving  his 
widow  with  two  children;  she  was  then  married  to 
Johnson  Gaminel,  and  lives  in  Danville;  of  this 
union  there  have  been  born  four  children;  Susan, 
the  wife  of  John  McVicker,  lives  in  Danville,  and 
has  three  children;  Anna,  Mrs.  Asbury  Young, 
lives  in  Indiana,  and  has  four  children. 

The  second  wife  of  Mr.  Ligget  was  Susan  D3'- 
sert,  who  died  about  1880  without  children.  In 
1881  he  was   married   to   Mrs.  Mahala  Bloomfield. 

Our  subject  came  to  Illinois  in  1836,  and  lo- 
cated on  eighty  acres  of  land  one  mile  northeast  of 
Newtown,     In  due    time    he  purchased  16tJ  acres, 


■14. -5 

tlu'ii  .al  two  (lifffrcnl  limes  ail()i'il  fnitj-  acres  to 
liis  farm,  later  piirclitised  another  quarter-section, 
and  finally  was  the  owner  of  600  acres.  He  has 
jiiven  all  of  his  boys  and  two  of  his  girls  forty  acres 
(>.i(li.  besides  other  property,  and  is  still  the  owner 
of  1(10  acres,  all  in  Vermilion  County.  Me  raises 
cattle  :ind  swine  in  goodly  numbers,  and  derives 
therefrom  a  handsome  income.  In  his  old  age  he 
is  situated  in  a  comfortable  residence  at  Muncie, 
and  takes  great  satisfaction  in  reviewing  the  scenes 
of  other  years. 

Mr.  Ligget  east  his  first  I'residential  vote  for 
(ien.  .lackson,  and  continuecl  a  member  of  the 
Democratic  party  until  Aljrahani  Lincoln  was 
made  the  candidate  of  the  Republicans.  lieing 
personally  acquainted  with  honest  old  .Mic  and 
greatly  admiring  his  character,  he  could  not  very 
well  do  otherwise  than  vote  for  him.  and  since 
that  time  has  been  identified  with  the  party  which 
made  Lincoln  President.  He  has  served  as  School 
Director  in  his  district,  and  been  a  member  of  the 
Christian  Church  since  1830.  Prior  to  this  he  had 
united  with  the  ^lethodist  Episcopal  Church.  He 
has  met  with  some  severe  accidents  during  his 
battle  with  the  world,  having  once  had  his  feet 
badl}'  mashed,  his  leg  broken  twice,  and  his  left 
ankle  broken  twice.  This  has  left  him  a  cripple, 
but  has  not  impaired  the  activity  "f  his  mind, 
which  is  still  capable  of  recalling  many  of  the  in- 
teresting events  of  other  days. 

THOMAS  GUTHRH^:.  The  early  pioneers  of 
this  county  will  be  held  in  grateful  remem- 
V  brance  long  after  they  have  been  gathered 
to  their  fathers.  The  hardships  and  privations 
which  thej'  endured  during  the  first  settlement  of 
this  county,  .and  the  result  of  their  labors,  are  at 
the  present  day  receiving  greater  recognition  than 
ever  Ijefore,  as  the  fact  is  becoming  evident  that 
they  are  passing  away,  and  what  we  learn  of  them 
must  be  gathered  at  once,  and  put  in  a  shape  which 
may  be  preserved  for  future  generations.  The 
sturdy  old  veteran  with  whose  name  we  introduce 
this  sketch,  is  a  man  of  sixty-seven  ^-ears,  and  one 

of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Illinois,  li\  iiii;  in  Ivlgnr 
County  before  locating  in  Sidell  Township,  this 
count}',  of  which  \w.  is  now  a  resident.  The  story 
of  his  life  is  one  of  remarkable  interest,  and  the 
scenes  which  he  has  witnessed  during  his  sojourn  in 
the  West,  could  they  be  told  by  himself,  would 
make  a  most  readable  volume. 

A  man's  antece<lents  are  ahv.ays  of  interest,  espe- 
cially in  the  case  of  him  who  has  distinguished 
himself  as  a  citizen  of  more  than  ordinary  merit. 
The  parents  of  our  sul)ject  were  George  and  Mar- 
garet Guthrie,  natives  of  the  town  of  Inniskillen, 
County  Fermanagh,  Ireland.  They  emigrated 
to  America  when  quite  young,  settling  in  Penn- 
sylvania, where  they  were  married  and  after- 
ward made  their  home,  thirty  miles  south  of  Pitts- 
burg, in  Washington  County.  There  they  became 
the  parents  of  eleven  children,  viz:  William,  .John, 
Christine,  Thomas,  Mar}',  Andrew,  Eliza;  Cather- 
ine, who  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-eight  years; 
James,  who  died  when  thirty  years  old ;  8arali  J. 
and  George.  The  last  mentioned  son  went  to  New 
Mexico,  where  he  lived  five  years,  and  became  a 
leading  merchant  at  Richmond,  in  Grant  County. 
The  station  of  Guthrie,  on  the  the  Lawrenceburg 
i\.'  Clifton  Railroad,  was  named  after  him.  He  vvas 
elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  in  the  of 
his  duties  rendered  judgment  against  a  desperado 
who  afterward  murdered  him  in  his  store.  There 
was  a  requisition  for  the  ass.assin  from  Arizona,  to 
which  place  he  was  taken  and  hung  fora  murder  com- 
mitted in  that  territory.  George  Guthrie  was  mar- 
ried, and  left  his  widow  with  one  child,  a  daughter, 

Miss  Eliza  (Juthrie  became  the  wife  of  Robert 
Black,  and  died  at  the  ;ige  of  fort}'  years,  in  this 
county,  leaving  six  children — Maggie,  Clara,  John, 
William,  Samuel  and  (ieorge.  A  sketch  of  An- 
drew Guthrie,  the  next  chikl,  will  be  found  else- 
where in  this  volume;  Mary  became  the  wife  of 
Thomas  Metealf,  and  died  when  about  twenty -seven 
years  old.  in  Mohican  County,  Ohio,  leaving  one 
child,  James;  Christine  married  Samuel  Marshall, 
and  died  at  Palermo,  at  the  age  of  fifty-eight  years, 
leaving  two  children,  Abner  J.  and  Maggie;  John 
died  in  Sidell  Township  in  1884.  leaving  six  chil- 
dren—  Maggie,   Mar}-,    Reniia,  Charles,   Irving  and 



Emma,  by  his  second  wife,  and  one  child,  Samuel, 
by  his  first  wife;  William  died  in  Effingliam 
County,  tliis  Slate,  at  the  age  of  sixty-two  years, 
leaving  tliiee  cliildren — Thomas,  William  and  Mar- 
garetta;  Sarali  .1.  is  tlie  wife  of  C4eorge  Powell, 
and  they  have  four  children — Irving,  Mary,  Ilattie 
and  Oscar. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  Aug.  1 1 , 
1 822,  in  Washington  County,  Pa.,  where  he  received 
a  limited  education,  and  was  reared  to  man's  estate. 
Upon  reaching  his  majorit3'  he  commenced  working 
out  by  tlie  month,  and  later  wisely  devoted  a  por- 
tion of  his  earnings  to  adding  to  his  fund  of  learn- 
ing, attending  the  academy  at  Merrittstown,  Pa., 
where  he  pursued  his  studies  with  such  good  suc- 
cess that  he  became  fitted  for  a  teacher,  and  fol- 
lowed this  profession  four  years  in  Washington 
County,  and  one  year  in  (ireene  County.  Later  he 
engaged  as  a  drover,  buying  stock  in  Western 
Pennsylvania,  and  driving  through  to  New  York 
and  Pliiladel|ihia.  He  also  handled  a  great  many 
sheep,  selling  them  |)rincipally  in  Lancaster  County, 

In  1854,  desirous  of  estal)lishing  a  Iiome  of  his 
own,  Tiiomas  Guthi'ie  w.-is  married  to  Miss  Chris- 
tian Keys,  of  Fayette  County,  Pa.  Subsequently 
lie  engaged  to  drive  1,600  sheep  to  Danville,  this 
county,  which  trip  he  made  successfully,  and  lie  has 
continued  to  handle  stock  since  that  time,  being 
one  of  the  pioneers  of  the  business  in  this  section, 
and  making  of  it  an  art  and  a  science.  In  the 
meantime  he  has  operated  extensively  as  a  grain- 
raiser,  and  has  shipped  hundreds  of  car  loads  of 
both  grain  and  stock  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Chicago, 
III.,  and  Indianapolis,  Ind.  He  resided  for  a  num- 
ber of  years  near  Palermo,  in  Edgar  County,  and 
shipped  from  Hume.  In  the  meantime  he  was 
ipiite  prominent  in  local  affairs,  serving  as  Assessor 
and  Collector  seven  years.  He  takes  :'.  warm  in- 
terest in  politics,  and  is  well  known  as  an  active 
member  of  the  Democratic  party.  He  has  s?rved 
as  Justice  of  the  Peace  three  terms  in  Edgar  County, 
and  one  term  in  this  count3'. 

During  the  progress  of  the  Civil  War  Mr.  Guth- 
rie enlisted  as  a  I'nion  soldier  in  Company  K, 
125tli  Illinois  Infantry,  being  mustered  into  serv- 
ice at  Danville  Oct.  2,  1862  for  three  years.      The 

boys  comprising  Company  K,  were  mainly  from 
Catlin  and  Carroll  townships,  Mr.  Guthrie  en- 
listed as  a  private,  drilled  at  Covington,  Ky.,  and 
met  the  enemy  in  battle  at  Chaplin  Hill,  and  at 
Murfreesboro  in  January,  1863.  After  the  first 
mentioned  he  was  promoted  to  Sergeant,  and  later 
serve<l  with  the  Provost  (4uards  at  Nashville. 
Mr.  fiuthrie  was  sent  out  as  a  scout  nine  miles 
south  of  Nashville  to  a  place  called  Brentwood, 
where  he  received  an  injury  from  a  shot,  and  suf- 
fered greatlj'  for  some  time,  when  it  was  thought 
he  would  never  recover.  He  received  his  honora- 
ble discharge  at  Nashville  Oct.  30,  1863,  on  ac- 
count of  his  wound. 

The  three  children  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Guthrie — 
George  B.,  Hugh,  and  Sarah  J.- — are  all  at  home 
with  their  parents.  The  latter  are  members  of  the 
Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church  in  Sidell  Town- 
ship, in  which  Mr.  (iuthrie  is  an  Elder  and  Trustee, 
als<j  an  active  Sunday-school  worker,  and  contrib- 
uted liberally  to  the  erection  of  the  church  edifice. 
He  officiates  as  guardian  of  the  children  left 
by  the  decease  of  Dr.  Keys,  of  Iliime,  and  has  offi- 
ciated as  administrator  of  other  estates  of  Dr.  Keys- 
He  has  also  been  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  his  de- 
cisions have  been  unifoniily  sustained.  A  simple, 
plain,  straightforward  man,  his  object  in  life  has 
been  to  do  good  as  he  has  had  opportunity.  He  is 
one  who  has  made  many  warm  personal  friends, 
and  one  who.  in  both  his  public  and  private  life, 
bears  an  irreproachable  character. 

^;  OSEPII  B.  COOK.  This  well-to-do  and  en- 
teiprising  citizen,  still  on  the  sunny  side  of 
forty,  owns  and  operates  a  well-regulated 
farm  on  section  13,  in  Elwood  Township,  of 
which  he  is  a  native  and  where  he  has  thus  far 
spent  his  life.  He  was  orphaned  113-  the  death  of 
his  parents  when  he  was  quite  young,  and  is  thus 
not  as  familiar  with  the  history  of  his  progenitors 
as  he  would  desire.  Nature  endowed  him  with 
those  qualities  of  character  by  which  he  has  been 
enabled  to  attain  to  a  worthy  manhood  and  secure 
the  respect  and  confidence  of  all  who  know  him. 



Our  subject  was  born  Sept.  29,  1851,  and  is  tlie 
son  of  .1.  Riley  Cook,  who  was  born  in  this  county. 
The  i^aternal  grancJfather,  Zimri  Cook,  was  one  of 
tlie  pioneers  of  Central  Illinois,  and  here  spent  his 
last  days.  .1.  Uiley  Cook  departed  this  life  when 
Joseph  15.,  our  subject,  was  a  lad  of  five  years. 
The  mother  of  the  latter  had  died  when  he  was  an 
infant.  lie  was  then  taken  into  the  home  of  his 
uncle,  Joshua  Thornton,  the  husband  of  bis  mother's 
sister,  and  Mr.  Thornton  died  when  young  Cook 
was  a  lad  of  fifteen  years. 

Our  subject,  after  the  death  of  his  uncle  Thorn- 
ton, began  working  for  himself,  and  afterward,  de- 
sirous of  adding  to  his  store  of  knowledge,  attended 
Blooraingdale  Academy,  under  the  instruction  of 
Prof.  Hobbs,  in  1870-71.  In  187.5-76  he  .attended 
Vermilion  Grove  Academy  and  afterward  turned 
his  attention  to  farming  pursuits.  He  is  the  owner 
of  fiftj'-one  acres  of  good  land,  and  has  charge  of 
forty  more  belonging  to  his  mother-in-law.  He 
was  married  April  5,  1883,  to  Miss  .Sicily  E., 
daughter  of  David  and  Miriam  (Mills)  Haworth, 
the  former  deceased  and  the  latter  living  in  Elwood 
Township.  John  Mills,  the  7iiatern,al  grandfather 
of  Mrs.  Cook,  was  a  native  of  North  Carolina,  and 
removed  to  Ross  Creek,  East  Tenn.,  prior  to  the 
War  of  1812.  There  his  daughter  Miriam  was 
born,  June  12,  1809,  and  came  with  her  parents  to 
this  county  in  1822,  arriving  here  the  day  she  was 
thirteen  years  old. 

The  Mills  family  settled  in  the  northwest  quarter 
of  section  23,  range  12,  township  17,  Elwood 
Townshij),  after  a  journey  attended  with  many  dif- 
ficulties. There  were  various  swamps  along  the 
route,  and  when  four  or  five  miles  south  of  (Quaker 
Point  the  teams  were  unable  to  proceed.  Miriam, 
with  two  of  her  sisters,  together  with  Ann  Haworth 
and  Nancy  Biggs,  all  3'oung  girls,  left  the  wagons 
and  walked  to  the  Point,  while  the  teams  and  the 
men,  women  .and  little  children  were  left  to  follow- 
as  best  they  could.  They  reached  Jonathan  Ila- 
worth's  about  dark.  He  located  near  Qu.aker 
Point,  just  across  the  State  line,  in  this  count}-.  In 
due  time  the  travelers  extricated  themselves  and 
proceeded  on  their  journey. 

John  Mills  settled  among  the  Indians  and  wild 
animals,  and  entered  four  and    one-fourth   sections 

of  land,  where  he  put  up  a  round-log  cabin,  with 
a  puncheon  lloor.  a  huge  fireplace  in  one  end  of 
the  room,  with  a  stick-and-clny  chimney  outside 
and  a  claplioard  roof.  The  house  contained  only 
one  room,  but  there  was  a  loft,  in  which  the  boys 
slept.  The  nearest  trading  point  was  at  Terre 
Haute,  In(l.,and  the  pioneers  went  to  mill  on  Sugar 
Creek,  in  Parke  Countj',  Ind..  with  o.x  teams.  Deer 
were  numerous,  the  settlers  being  enabled  to  kill 
them  almost  at  their  own  door.  The  wolves  made 
night  dismal  with  their  howling,  and  the  chickens, 
liigs  and  sheep  had  to  be  securely  housed  in  <irder 
to  save  them.  The  woods  were  full  fif  bee  trees 
and  there  an  abundanee  of  wild  fruit.  This 
section  of  the  country  at  that  time  was  almost  lit- 
erally a  land  flowing  with  milk  and  honey,  but 
there  was  much  sickness.  The  death  of  Hannah 
Mills  was  the  first  which  occurred  in  the  township. 
She  died  in  the  summer  of  1823,  and  her  remains 
were  the  first  to  be  buried  in  what  is  now  A'ermilion 
Grove  Cemetery. 

The  first  wedding  in  Elwood  Township  was  that 
of  Andrew  AVagcrman  and  Tabitha  L3  ons.  There 
came  with  the  family  of  .lohn  Mills,  Mr.  James 
Haworth  and  his  family,  to  whose  son,  David  A., 
Miss  Miriam  was  married,  .and  became  the  mother 
of  eleven  children.  These  all  lived  to  mature 
years,  and  were  named,  respectively:  Wilison, 
Clayborne,  Maria  (deceased),  James  W.,  Elvin, 
.lohn  (deceased),  Mary  J.,  Beriah,  Horace,  Sicily 
and  Linle}-.  Mr.  Haworth  died  about  fifteen  years 
ago;  Mrs.  Haworth  makes  her  home  with  her  chil- 
dren, and  is  remarkably  active  and  healthy  for  one 
of  her  years.  She  has  been  a  life-long  member  of 
the  Society  of  Friends,  to  which  Mr.  Cook,  our 
subject,  and  his  wife  also  belong. 

0BP:RT  M.  KNOX.  Hoopeston,  soon  after 
beitig  laid  out,  became  the  home  of  a 
/ll  W  goodly  number  of  solid  and  substantial 
^  men,  to  whom  it  owes  its  |)rogress  and 
prosperity.  Among  them  came  Mr.  Knox,  in  Sep- 
tember of  1871,  a  young  man,  active  and  enter- 
prising, anri  who  has  proved  one  of  its  most  valued 



citizens.  He  is  now  engaged  in  the  real  estate, 
loan  and  insurance  business,  and  has  become  well- 
known  to  a  large  portion  of  tlie  people  of  this  lo- 
cality. He  is  regarded  as  a  man  who  can  be  de- 
pended upon  in  all  his  transactions  for  honesty  and 
integrity,  and  lias  a  well-equipped  ottice  located  on 
Market  street. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  in  Salt 
Creek  Townslii|),  Wayne  Co.,  Ohio,  where  his  birlli 
occurred  Jan.  14,  1840.  He  there  spent  the  days 
of  Ills  boyhood  and  youth,  attending  the  puhlic 
school,  and  later  pursued  his  studies  at  Hayesville 
Institute,  in  Ashland  County.  Upon  leaving  school 
he  commenced  learning  the  trade  of  carriage-makei' 
and  was  occupied  at  this  luisiness  until  the  second 
year  of  the  Rcljellion.  (_)u  the  7tli  of  August, 
IH(i2,  under  the  call  of  President  Lincoln  for'-.SOO- 
000  more,"  he  enlisted  in  Com))any  H,  102d  Ohio 
Infantry,  and  served  most  of  the  time  in  the  Army 
of  the  Cumberland.  He  remained  in  the  army  two 
years,  and  then,  on  account  of  disability,  was 
obliged  to  accept  his  honorable  discharge  in  De- 
cember, 1864. 

Upon  leaving  the  army  Mr.  Knox  for  a  time 
resumed  his  studies  in  the  institute  before  men- 
tioned. Thence  he  came  to  Paxton,  Ford  County, 
this  State,  in  1865,  and  was  engaged  in  teaching 
one  year.  Subsequently-  he  taught  in  winter,  and 
farmed  in  the  summer  season.  He  also  traveled  a 
l)art  of  the  time  for  the  Illinois  Central  Insurance 
Company,  of  Decatur,  and  was  thus  occupied  until 
coming  to  this  county  in  the  fall  of  1871.  He  now 
became  interested  in  grain,  and  associated  himself 
with  a  partner,  and  they,  under  th('  firm  name  of 
Given  &  Knox,  began  operations  when  there  were 
only  four  or  five  buildings  upon  the  present  site  of 
Hoopeston,  and  when  thirty  or  forty  men  were 
obliged  to  sleep  in  a  large  store  room  in  pro- 
cess of  construction,  making  their  beds  upon  the 
shavings  as  there  were  no  other  lodgings  to  be 
had.  This  firm  was  the  second  of  the  kind  in  the 
place.  Before  winter  set  in  there  had  been  erected 
enough  buildings  to  accommodate  all  the  people. 

An  estimate  of  the  rapid  progress  of  business  in 
the  embryo  village  of  Hoopeston  at  this  time,  can 
be  had  when  it  is  learned  that  the  first  day  the 
weighing  scales  were  in  operation  there  was  a  train 

of  wagons  waiting  for  three  blocks,  as  thick  as 
the}'  could  stand,  sometimes  as  many  as  100  in 
a  day,  and  from  that  time  on  the  grain  business  es- 
pecially was  prosperous.  Our  subject  and  his 
partner,  after  making  a  snug  little  sura  of  monej', 
sold  out,  and  Mr.  Knox  became  interested  in  real 
estate,  which  kept  him  very  busy  as  long  as  town 
lots  were  in  demand.  Later  he  began  oi^erating  as 
a  money  lender.  He  also  has  charge  of  property 
of  many  who  are  non-residents.  He  has  meddled 
very  little  in  political  affairs,  otherwise  than  to 
give  his  support  to  the  principles  of  the  Repub- 
lican and  Prohibition  parties.  He  for  many 
j'ears  Lad  charge  of  the  Cemetery  Association,  Of 
which  he  is  Secretary,  and  olHciates  in  the  same 
capaciti'  for  the  Building  Association.  "Whether 
in  connection  with  these  or  any  other  body,  he  lias 
a  thorough  contempt  for  wire  working,  and  for 
any  corporation  which  shall  take  advantage  of  the 

Nearly  tvvent3'-four  years  ago,  in  October,  1805. 
our  subject  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  ^Mary 
J.  Given,  and  to  them  there  were  born  three  cliil- 
dren,  of  whom  two  are  living — Lulu  B.  and  Ed- 
ward. The  daughter  is  at  Monmouth,  Col.,  and 
the  son  is  at  home  with  his  father.  Mrs.  JNJary  J. 
Knox  departed  this  life  at  her  home  in  Hoopeston, 
Aug.  10.  1875.  She  was  born  near  Xew  Concord, 
Muskingum  Co.,  Ohio,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
David  Given,  who  came  to  Illinois  in  the  fall  of 

Mr.  Knox,  in  June,  1880,  contracted  a  second 
marriage  with  Miss  Jennie  M.  Bruce,  of  Wooster, 
Ohio,  who  was  born  in  1849.  Of  this  union  there 
are  two  children,  a  son,  Robert  R.,  and  an  infant 
daughter.  Andrew  J.  Knox,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  Wayne  County,  Ohio,  in 
1818.  and  was  there  reared  to  manhood  and  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Mary  J.  Richards,  about  1837.  The}- 
lived  on  a  farm  in  that  county  probabl}'  ten  j-ears, 
the  father  in  the  meantime  also  operating  as  a 
blacksmith.  He  is  now  retired  from  active  labor, 
and  makes  his  home  in  Fredericksburg,  Ohio.  The 
w-ife  and  mother  died  while  a  young  woman,  in 
1844,  leaving  three  children.  The  elder  Knox  was 
subsequently  twice  married.  He  has  ofHciated  as 
an  Elder  of  the  I*iesbyterian  Church  nearl}-  half  a 



century,  and    as  a    Sunday-school    Snpciiult'ndant 
twenty-five  years. 

Roliert  M.  Knox,  like  his  fatlier  before  him.  has 
been  dili,i;ent  in  church  work,  lioldini;'  tlie  olliee  of 
Klder  in  tiie  United  I'resliyterian  Cliureli  at  Hoop- 
eston,  and  lieing  connected  "ith  the  Sunday-school 
as  Superintendent  and  Assistant  for  many  years. 
He  is  (juiet  and  unassuming  in  his  manners,  and 
avoids  placing  himself  before  the  public  in  an  os- 
tentatious way.  |)erferring  to  transacti  his  luisiness 
with  little  noise  or  display.  lie  has  occupieil  m.any 
positions  of  trust,  and  responsibility  in  I'onnection 
with  property  matters,  and  eiijo_\-s  in  a  marked 
degree  the  confidence  anc'  esteem  of  those  with 
wlujin  he  has  had  dealings. 


AMUEL  DALBEY.  In  every  community 
there  are  lives  which  run  still  but  deep, 
the  lives  of  men  who  perliaps  make  but  lit- 
tle stir  in  the  world,  and  yet  who  are  i)os- 
sessed  of  those  qualities  which  have  a  sensible  in- 
fluence uiion  the  people  by  whom  they  are  sur- 
roiuuled,  and  an  influence  uniformly  good.  The 
fact  that  Mr.  Dalbey  probably  has  not  an  enemy  in 
this  community  speaks  well  for  his  general  charac- 
ter, habits  and  disposition,  and  he  is  recognized  as 
a  member  of  society  who  has  contributed  to  its 
best  interests  as  he  has  had  o]iportunity,  a  father 
who  has  been  faithful  in  the  training  and  educa- 
tion of  Ills  children,  and  a  neighbor  uniformly 
kind,  generous  and  obliging.  He  is  conservative 
in  iiolitics  on  National  questions,  toasting  his  vote 
with  the  Democratic  party,  but  in  local  elections  is 
not  governed  by  party  lines,  aiming  to  support  the 
men  whom  he  considers  best  qualified  to  .serve  the 
interests  of  the  i)eople.  In  his  \ounger  years  he 
was  frequently  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  various 
Democratic  conventions  and  did  some  good  work 
for  the  advancement  of  his  party.  "The  l)oys"  .a.s 
he  calls  his  brothers,  are  equally  divided  between 
the  two  great  political  parties. 

The  biographer  found  Mr.  Dall)ej'  |)leasantly  lo- 
cated on  a  snug  farm  occujiying  a  part  of  section  5 
in   Oakwood    Township,   and  ccjmprising  100  acres 

of  finely  improved  land  besides  fifteen  acres  of 
timber.  He  has  himself  elected  most  of  the  build- 
ings and  etTcctcd  nearl\- .all  of  the  improvements 
on  the  place.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  fine  dnift,  and  in  company  with  his  son,  ^'erner  R,, 
owns  the  imported  horse.  "I'lowshare,"  a  son  of  the 
celebrated  "I'lowboy."  of  I'lngland,  which  was 
brought  ovci'  in  .March.  1.SM7,  and  is  registered  in 
the  English  stud  book.  They  have  in  all  about  forty 
head  of  horses  and  a  herd  of  thorough-l)reil  Sliort- 
liorn  cattle. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  liorn  in  Randdlpli 
County.  Ind.,  Oct.  12,  1820,  mid  is  the  son  of 
Aaron  and  Nancy  (Wright)  Dalbey.  who  were  na- 
tives respectively  of  I'ennsylvania  and  Indiana,  the 
father  born  in  1797,  and  by  trade  a  mill-wrighl 
and  general  mechanic.  He  served  in  the  War  of 
1812,  and  came  to  Illinois  in  1831,  from  Randolph 
County,  Ind.  He  settled  on  the  farm  now  owned 
by  George  Jones,  and  the  year  later  later  imrcliased 
300  acres  of  land  comprising  the  present  faiiii  of 
John  McFarland  and  lived  there  until  his  decease, 
which  took  place  in  18,55.  He  was  a  prominent 
man  in  his  (■oinmuuity  and  erected  the  old  mill  lo- 
cated on  South  Fork.  He  was  three  times  mar- 
ried, having  five  children  l)y  the  first,  two  by  the 
sfcond,  and  four  now  living  b\'  the  third  wife. 
Our  suliject  was  the  child  of  his  second  marriage, 
and  is  the  onl}*  one  living  of  that  union.  Mrs. 
Nancy  (Wright)  lialbey,  the  mother  of  our  suliject, 
died  in  this  county  in  1833. 

The  boyhood  days  of  our  suliject  were  spent 
raostlj'  in  this  county  to  which  his  parents  came 
where  he  was  a  mere  child.  He  studied  his  first 
lessons  in  the  old  log  school  house  with  its  stick 
chimney,  slabs  for  seats  and  desks  and  greased  pa- 
per for  window  panes,  and  therein  learned  the 
mysteries  of  reading,  writing  and  ciphering.  He 
attended  school  only  about  three  months  in  the 
winter  until  he  was  twenty  years  of  age.  The 
country  was  very  thinly  settled  and  Indians  still 
roamed  over  it.  Our  subject  remained  on  the  farm 
an<l  worked  with  his  father  a  j'ear  after  re.aching 
his  majority.  He  was  married  Dec.  28,  1851,  to 
Miss  Sarah  ('.  Watts,  then  rented  his  father's  farm, 
one  year  ;uid  afterward  rented  a  farm  one  mile 
north  of  the  present  site  of   Fithian,  at  a  time  when 



there  was  but  one  bouse  between  him  and  Burr  Oak 

Industry  and  economy  on  the  part  of  our  sub- 
ject soon  bore  their  legitimate  fruits,  and  in  due 
time  he  was  enabled  to  purchase  120  acres  of  land, 
the  farm  upon  which  Owen  IMcKnight  now  lives. 
Two  years  later,  however,  he  sold  it,  and  his  father 
having  died,  returned  to  the  old  homestead  and 
lived  with  his  step-mother  for  two  }-ears.  In 
1857,  crossing  the  Mississippi  with  his  family,  he 
took  uj)  his  residence  in  Lawrence,  Kan.,  during 
the  early  struggles  in  that  Territory  and  cast  his 
vote  for  the  admission  of  Kansas  into  the  Union  as 
a  free  State.  He  returned  through  Illinois  and  in 
the  fall  of  that  same  year  settled  in  Warren  County, 
Ind.,  but  a  year  later  came  liack  to  Illinois  and 
purchased  the  interest  of  one  of  the  Cass  heirs  in 
tlie  well-known  farm  of  that  name,  which  he  occu- 
pied four  years  and  which  is  situated  near  the  Cuss 
School-house.  I'pon  selling  that  property  he  pur- 
chased his  present  farm. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dalbey  there  have  been  born 
seven  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  Franklin 
married  Miss  Seals;  they  have  four  children,  and 
live  one  mile  north  of  Fithian.  Theresa  A.  R.,  is 
the  wife  of  James  Bautz;  they  have  four  children, 
and  live  just  south  of  Muncie.  Verner  R.,  mar- 
ried Miss  Sarah  Lucas,  is  the  father  of  five  children 
and  lives  on  the  Fox  farm;  Mary  E.,  remains  at 
home  with  her  parents.  The  next  born  were  twins 
Ophelia  and  Otis.  The  former  is  at  home;  Otis 
married  Miss  Franie  Henry,  is  the  fatiier  of  one 
child  and  lives  southeast  of  Muncie;  Rosa,  the 
youngest,  continues  under  the  home  roof.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Dalbey  and  all  their  ciiildren,  are  mem- 
bers of  the  Baptist  Church,  in  which  Mr.  Dalbey 
officiates  as  Deacon,  and  all  are  actively  interested 
in  the  Sunda3--school.  In  iiis  district  Mr.  Dalbey 
has  served  as  School  Director  and  Trustee,  and 
socially  he  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  be- 
ing a  member  of  Newtown  Lodge. 

Mrs.  Dalbey  was  the  second  child  of  her  parents 
— John  and  Nancy  (Jones)  Watts,  and  was  born 
Sept.  5,  1829.  Her  father  was  a  farmer  by  occu- 
pation in  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  and  died  when 
his  daughter,  Sarah  C  was  a  mere  child.  The 
seven    ciiildren   Comprising  the   ()arcntal  household 

all  lived  to  mature  years.  Sarah  like  her  brothers 
and  sisters,  acquired  her  education  in  the  subscrip- 
tion schools  and  developed  into  a  teacher,  follow- 
ing this  profession  some  years  before  her  marriage 
in  Indiana.  In  due  time  she  came  to  Illinois  on  a 
visit  to  her  uncle  Joseph  Jones,  who  was  a  pioneer  of 
this  county  and  owned  the  farm  where  the  village 
of  Muncie  is  now  located.  After  his  death  his 
widow  sold  the  propeit}-  to  Edwin  Corbley.  In 
the  meantime  INIrs.  Dalbej'  was  married  to  our  sub- 

The  house  of  Aaron  Dalbey  in  those  days  was  the 
best  structure  of  the  kind  in  the  neighborhood 
and  the  onlj'  one  for  years  which  had  glass 
window  panes.  It  was  a  struggle  for  the  farmers 
to  support  their  families  and  make  both  ends  meet, 
as  corn  in  the  crib  would  only  sell  for  six  and  a 
fourth  cents  per  bushel  on  a^-car's  time.  Our  sub- 
ject has  hauled  shelled  coin  to  Fairmouiit  for  six- 
teen cents  per  bushel. 


■^/OHN  I.  McDOAVELL  is  one  of  the  leading 
I  young  men  of  Sidell  Township.  He  is  the 
i  son  of  Archibald  McDowell,  one  of  the  earl3' 
l^^,'  settlers  of  Vermilion  County,  and  is  the 
worthy  son  of  a  worthy  sire.  He  has  many  ster- 
ling cpialities  that  place  him  in  the  front  rank  in 
point  of  (lopularity.  It  alw.ays  speaks  well  of  an^' 
man  in  a  community  who  is  spoken  of  by  name  in 
an  endearing  manner,  and  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
is  known  as  '•Johnnie"  McDowell,  which  appella- 
tion exhibits  the  popularity  he  enjoys  with  the  cit- 
izens of  ArcUie  and  Sidell,  and  in  fact  in  all  this 
portion  of  Vermilion  County-,  as  well  as  apart  of 
Edgar  County. 

Mr.  McDowell  was  born  Nov.  23.  1861,  on  the 
nlil  lioineslead,  and  is  tlie  first  child  by  his  father's 
second  wife.  His  parents  are  both  living,  whose 
biograph}'  apjicars  in  another  [lart  of  this  Album. 
lie  received  his  early  impressions  of  liusiness  on  a 
farm,  and  was  taught  that  if  a  thing  is  worth  doing 
at  all,  it  is  worth  doing  well,  and  this  principle  has 
been  his  guiding  star.  He  obtained  his  education 
at  the  eiiinmoii  schools,  and  beluga  bright  scholar. 




soon  :idv;uirtMi  to  tliu  lieuil,  until.  :iL  Ibe  iige  of 
twenty  jeiirs,  lie  lieu.inie  a  \'eiiiiilioii  County 
teacher.  con(luclin<r  his  first  school  in  District  No. 
I,  in  Sidell  Township.  Ileie  he  was  reniarkal>ly  suc- 
cessful, as  his  kind  \\ays  and  persuasive  methods 
endeared  him  to  all  his  pupils.  When  he  liecame 
of  .age  he  engaged  in  the  general  merchandise  luis- 
iness  at  Archie,  .md  from  the  start  has  enjoyed  a 
large  and  profitable  trade,  a  distinction  he  has 
reached  by  reason  of  his  fair  dealings  an<l  ni.-iiily 
methods.  It  would  not  be  exaggeration  to  say  his 
store  was  as  well  patronized  as  any  other  for  miles 
around.  ISut  a  disastrous  fire  which  was  attended 
with  considerable  loss  destroyed  his  store  building 
and  stock,  and  since  this  he  has  directed  his  atten- 
tion to  teaching  during  the  winter  months  and 
assisting  on  the  old  homestead  in  summer  time, 
a  fact  which  illustrates  his  capacity  for  turning 
to  anything  which  circumstances  throw  in  his  way. 
Mr.  McDowell  is  a  member  of  Peace  Dale 
Lodge.  I.  O.  (),  F..  which  is  located  .at  .Siilell,  and 
is  an  enthusiastic  Odd  Fellow.  In  his  pulilical 
views  he  is  a  Democrat,  and  is  an  ardent  advocate 
of  anytliing  that  will  honorably  (iroiuote  the  inter- 
ests of  his  part}'.  Being  public  spiriteil  nud  pofiu- 
lar  it  is  a  safe  prediction  to  make  th.-it  .b>hn  I.  Mc- 
Dowell is  a  rising  man. 

Tt  LPIIOXSO  T.  ARBUCKLE,  A.  M.,  M.  1)., 

^ZJI,  D.  D.  S.,  one  of  the  uest  established  l)hy- 
sicians  and  surgeons  of  this  count}%  was 
born  in  .Sjmmes  Township.  Edgar  County, 
this  .Stale,  Dec.  20.  1S.>6.  and  is  the  son  of  Samuel 
Ross  Arbuckle,  a  native  of  Knox  County.  Ohio. 
His  paternal  grandfather,  Samuel  Ross  Arbuclde. 
Sr..  was  born  in  West  Virginia  and  was  the  son  of 
Samuel  Arbuckle.  a  native  of  Scotlaml.  '1  he  l:iller 
emigrated  to  America  at  an  early  diiy,  when  a  young 
man.  and  settling  in  the  Old  Dominion  was  theic 
marritid  to  a  lady  whose  name  was  Elizabeth  lieiiy. 
He  engaged  in  farming  [inrsuits  and  became  llie 
lather  of  seventeen  sons  and  three  daughters.  His 
son.  .Samuel  R.,Sr.,  was  reared  in  his  native  county 
anil  married    .Miss   Rebecca    Meacher.   a    nalist-    <if 

that  State  and  of  Scotch-Irish  ancestry.  The^-  em- 
igrated to  Ohio  during  the  pioneer  d.a3-s  of  Knox 
County,  and  sojiuirned  there  until  1H27.  They 
then  i-h;inged  their  residence  to  Symme?,  Hamilton 
Co.,  Ohio,  where  (irandfather  Arbuckle  kept  a  ho- 
tel known  as  the  "Sixteen  ^lile  Stand." 

This  properly  is  now  owned  by  our  subject. 
There  were  then  no  railroads  in  Ohio,  and  Gran.!- 
falher  Arbuckle  engaged  in  teaming  from  Cincin- 
nati to  JjOgausport  and  Indianapolis,  driving  six 
horses  to  a  vehicle,  and  transporting  general  mer- 
chandise. He  died  in  187;')  at  the  advanced  age  of 
eighty-two  j'ears.  Many  and  great  were  the 
changes  which  he  witnessed  in  his  adopted  State 
where  he  lived  to  see  the  country  developed  from  a 
wilderness  into  farms,  villages  and  cities,  with  the 
iron  horse  rushing  across  the  hills  and  valh'3s. 
which  when  hetettled  among  them  hail  been  scarcely 
disturbed  by  the  foot  of  a  white  man. 

Grandmother  .\rbuckle  |)assed  awa}'  one  j'ear 
l)rior  to  the  decease  of  her  husband,  dying  in  1874. 
They  reared  nine  children — four  sons  and  five 
daughters — and  Samuel  Ross,  Jr.,  the  father  of 
our  sul>ject,  was  six  years  old  when  they  took  up 
their  abode  in  Hamilton  County,  Ohio.  He  was 
there  reared  to  man's  estate  and  in  18a4  came  to 
Edgar  Count}',  111.,  where  he  lived  one  year,  then 
removed  to  Macon  Connly,  sojourning  there  t'.T(j 
years;  at  the  expiration  of  this  time  he  returned 
to  Edgar  in  limited  circumstances,  the 
h.iving  been  made  overland  with  teams,  to  Sj-mmes 
Township,  Edgar  Co..  III.  There  the  father  of  our 
subject  inirchascila  sawmill  which  he  operated  wliile 
clc.iring  the  timbi'r  from  his  land.  At  the  tinu' 
r,r  his  settlement  in  Illinois  there  was  but  one  store 
up<in  the  [nesent  site  of  Paris.  He  put  up  a  log 
house  containing  one  room  and  in  that  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  was  born.  The  father  is  still  living 
aii<l  is  a  resident  of  Embarrass  Township,  Edgar 
CouutA  ,  111.  He  now  owns  a  farm  of  ;)20  acres, 
embellished  with  fine  buildings  and  well  stocked 
and  there  is  every  reason  to  suppose  will  spend 
his  declining  3'ears  amid  all  the  comforts  of  life. 

Mrs.  Lamanda  (\andervert)  .\rbuckle,  the 
mother  of  our  subjei't.  was  btnii  in  182;(  in  Fayette 
County,  I'a..  and  is  the  daughter  of  .lames  and 
Margaret  \  anderxiMl.    Her  family  consisted  of  live 



cliildren:  The  eldest  daughter,  Medora,  became  the 
wife  of  Zoloia  Green,  and  tlie^-  reside  in  Oakland, 
Coles  Co.,  III.  Alphonso  T.,  our  subject,  was  the 
second  born;  Byron  E.,  occupies  the  home  farm  in 
Edgar  County,  III.;  James  L.,  is  a  traveling  sales- 
man; Waller  ^'.  is  pursuing  his  studies  in  the  Wes- 
leyan  University  at  Bloomington,  111. 

Our  subject  was  reared  in  his  native  county  anil 
acquired  his  classical  education  in  Paris,  III.,  being 
a  graduate  from  the  High  School  there  m  187G 
with  the  degree  of  A.  !M.  There  also  he  began  the 
study  of  medicine  in  1881  with  Dr.  William  H. 
Tenbroeck,  with  whom  he  remained  two  j'ears.  He 
next  entered  Rush  Medical  College.  Chicago,  from 
which,  after  a  three  years'  course,  he  graduated  in 
1886.  Two  years  of  this  time  he  practiced  in 
Cook  County  Hospital,  and  in  the  winter  of  !88y 
and  1886  gave  his  attention  especially  to  dental 
surgery  ami  was  graduated.  He  commenced  the 
practice  of  his  j)rofessioii  at  Sidell  on  the  8th  of 
March,  of  that  year,  and  eighteen  months  later 
came  to  Danville,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  res- 
ident and  where  he  has  built  up  an  extensive  and 
lucrative  [n-aclice.  He  is  popular  among  all  classes 
and  gives  that  conscientious  attention  to  the  de- 
tails of  his  calling  which  invariably  brings  success. 

Dr.  Arbuckle  was  married  Dee.  14,  1877,  at  the 
bride's  home  in  Sidell  Township,  this  county,  to 
Miss  Mar3'  E.  Rowand.  Mrs.  Arbuckle  was  born 
near  Springfield,  Ohio,  in  1861,  and  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  Rev.  Edward  and  Margaret  Rowand,  the 
former  deceased,  while  the  mother  still  survives, 
and  lives  in  Sidell.  The  Doctor  and  his  wife 
occupy  a  neat  home  at  No.  821  East  Fairchild 
street,  and  enjoy  the  acquaintance  of  the  best  people 
of  the  city.  Our  subject  is  a  member  of  the 
Medical  Alumni  Association  of  Chicago,  and  occu- 
pies a  position  in  the  front  ranks  of  the  fraternity- 
in  this  part  of  the  State.  He  meddles  ver}-  little 
with  political  matters,  aside  from  casting  his  vote 
for  the  man  of  his  choice. 

Mrs.  Arbuckle  is  considered  one  of  the  most  ac- 
complished ladies  in  Danville,  being  a  graduate  of 
a  literary  school,  in  which  she  ranked  among  the 
best  of  the  pupils,  being  ambitious  in  her  studies 
and  quick  to  learn,  while  her  retentive  memory 
easily    retained  what  it  once  grasped.     She  is    also 

considered  an  expert  in  all  kinds  of  fancy  work, 
and  is  a  graduate  of  a  fine  art  school.  She  occu- 
pies a  front  lank  in  the  liest  society  of  the  town  she 
makes  her  home,  and  is  welcomed  into  the  most 
select  circles,  which  her  education  and  refinement 
fit  her  to  adorn. 

Mr.  Arbuckle  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this 
volume  by  a  fine  portrait,  which  perpetuates  the 
features  of  a  man  well-known  and  highly  respected 
among  the  entire  community. 

eALVIN  STEARNS  is  one  of  the  good  citi- 
zens and  pnulent  farmers  whose  industry 
.  and  perseverance  have  pl.aced  him  in  an  en- 
viable position  in  his  community.  He  is  the  third 
child  of  Harvey  and  Fannie  (Lockwood)  Stearns 
and  was  born  in  Pickaway  County,  Ohio,  Oct.  28, 
1820,  and  when  he  was  twelve  years  of  age  re- 
moved with  his  parents  to  Illinois,  locating  in  Ver- 
milion County,  vvhere  he  has  since  residefi. 

In  those  earl}-  days  education  was  considered  a  sec- 
ondary necessity.  If  the  parents  of  the  pioneer  boy 
had  no  work  for  him  to  do,  he  was  sent  to  school, 
but  on  the  other  hand,  if  he  was  needed  at  home 
for  .anything  at  all,  the  school  was  neglected.  Mr. 
Stearns  was  a  typical  pioneer  boy.  His  limited 
schooling  was  received  in  the  old-fashioned  log 
school -house  and  under  the  inspiration  of  the  ever 
present  birch  rod.  But  despite  all  these  difficulties 
he  has  accumulated  knowledge  enough  to  entitle 
him  to  be  called  a  fairly  educated  man.  The  elder 
Stearns  built  a  sawmill  on  Salt  Fork,  and  there 
Calvin  worked  until  he  left  home,  which  was  at 
the  time  of  his  marriage — in  1843 — taking  for  his 
wife  Miss  Priscilla  Lee,  a  daughter  of  Henry  Lee, 
and  a  sister  to  Mrs.  Alvin  Stearns.  The  young  couple 
began  house-keeping  in  a  small  frame  house  on  the 
old  homestead,  where  his  father  gave  him  eighty 
•acres  of  timber.  Mrs.  Stearns  died  June  10,  1850, 
leaving  one  daughter,  Eveline.  In  1853  Mr. 
Stearns  took  for  his  second  wife  Mary  Rogers.  He 
then  purchased  his  present  place  and  improved  it 
by  building  a  house  and  the  necessary  outlmild- 
ings,  and  planting    trees.     By    his  last  union    Mr. 



Steanis  \v;is  the  father  of  a  daughter — Mary  IL. 
who  marriefl  F'raneis  Croiikhite.  who  lives  two  miles 
and  a  half  northeast  of  Muncie,  111.  They  have 
five  children.  Mr.  Stearns'  second  wife  died  in  Octo- 
ber. 18.'j9  and  her  mother  lived  with  him  as  house- 
keeper until  his  third  marriaae,  wiiieh  occurred  in 
1867  to  Clarinda  t'ronkhite.  l>y  this  marriage  lie  is 
the  father  of  two  children — one  boy  and  one  ii'irl. 
William  C  and  Lilley  M.,  both  of  whom  are  un- 
married and  live  at  home. 

Mr.  Stearns  cultivates  eighty  acres  of  fine  prai- 
rie land  and  owns  nineteen  acres  of  timber.  His 
farm  is  a  model  one,  though  not  extensive,  and 
everj'thing  connected  with  it  denotes  thrift  and  in- 
telligence. He  has  been  a  sufferer  financially  by 
reason  of  his  good  nature  in  indorsing  a  note  for  a 
friend  who  betrayed  his  confidence,  and  while  he  has 
had  a  hard  time  to  recover  from  the  effects  of  this 
swindle,  he  nevertheless  is  prospering.  The  office 
of  School  Director  has  been  held  by  him,  a  position 
in  which  he  has  given  satisfaction.  Mr.  Stearns  is 
a  member  of  the  German  Baptist  Church  and  his 
wife  also  worships  in  the  same  faith.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  Homer  Lodge  of  Masons,  and  politically  is 
conservative,  but  always  votes  the  Re|niblican 
ticket  at  the  National  elections,  and  in  local  affairs 
chooses  those  for  the  office  whom  be  knows  are 
good  men,  regardless  of  political  aOiiliations. 

«■'    va   •'t:::^fe:f'   1^-    "■ 

7="    \r'-7",tr^~~^    ■=» 

^^NTIIONY  LEL  ANKRUM  is  a  genial, 
v@!0,  whole-souled  farmer  and  stock-raiser  of 
Elwood  Township,  where  he  owns  :i  line 
farm  on  section  29.  His  father,  D.iviii. 
was  born  in  Virginia,  whence  he  removed  to  Bil- 
niont  County.  Ohio,  in  the  early  days  of  the  Re- 
public. He  was  a  weaver  by  trade,  his  spcciMlty 
being  table  linen,  coverlets,  etc.  Anthony  still  has 
some  of  the  coverlets  his  father  manufactured  and 
which  he  considers  very  valuable  as  heirlooms. 

'The  grandfather,  Archibald  Ankrum.  was  a  na- 
tive of  the  north  of  Ireland  and  emigiatccl  lo 
America  when  a  young  married  man.  Antluiny's 
uncle,  George  Ankrum,  was  a  soldier  who  made  a 
good  record  in  the   warof  1812.     The  grandfather 

had  throe  sons,  George,  David  and  John.  The  lat- 
ter went  to  New  Orleans  and  was  never  heard  from. 
Anthony's  mother  was  a  daughter  of  Robert  IJoak, 
and  her  name  vva.s  Abigail.  She  was  the  mother 
of  thirteen  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living: 
George  W.,  Anthony  Lee,  John,  Elwood,  David, 
Wesley  and  Harrison.  One  son,  Asa,  whose  biog- 
raph}'  is  printed  in  this  work,  died,  leaving  a  fam- 
ily; another  son,  Allen,  passed  away  in  his  nine- 
teenth year;  the  good  mother  died  on  Feb.  18, 
1857,  wiiile  the  father  survived  until  Feb.  16, 

Anthon}-  L.  Ankrum  I)orn  in  Belmont 
Count}',  Ohio,  on  Sept.  18,  1828.  He  was  married 
to  Miss  Lydia  A.  Smith,  on  Aug.  31,  1854.  She 
was  the  daughter  of  Isaac  Smith,  a  native  of 
Greene  County,  East  Tennessee,  and  a  prominent 
citizen  of  his  county.  He  was  born  in  Berkley  Co., 
Va.,  Feb.  18,  1832.  Her  mother  was  Martha  Ross, 
daughter  of  Enos  Ross.  He  went  out  on  the  first 
boat  that  ever  floated  on  the  Ohio  River.  The 
vessel  was  lost  and  Mr.  Ross  was  never  heard 

Mrs.  Ankrum's  parents  have  seven  children: 
William  and  Mary  (deceased),  David,  Hannah, 
John,  Mrs.  Ankrum  and  Isaac.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
,\nkruin  were  the  parents  of  six  children,  two  of 
whom  are  living:  Martha  E.  and  William  B.;  one 
daughter,  Allie  B.,  died  after  she  had  attained  ma- 
turity; she  was  married  to  Charles  Foster,  and  left 
one  child,  who  has  since  died.  One  son,  Harry  L.died 
in  his  twenty-first  year;  he  was  physically  disabled 
and  a  graduate  of  the  Ridge  Farm  High  School;  he 
had  just  begun  teaching  .school,  having  taught  one 
term  when  he  died.  Martha  married  James  Fletcher 
(for  a  record  of  her  children  see  sketch  of  John 
Fletcher).  William  B.  married  Alice  Barker;  he 
lives  with  his  father  and  assists  in  managing  the 
old  homestead. 

Mr.  Ankrum  owns  18G  acres  of  land  and  is  en- 
gaged in  general  farming  and  stock-raising.  He 
has  on  his  farm  a  fine  herd  of  graded  cattle  and 
also  a  lot  of  Poland-China  hogs,  each  one  of  which 
would  be  a  prize  winner.  He  takes  great  pride  in 
raising  and  feeding  his  stock,  and  out  of  them  he 
makes  a  great  deal  of  money.  His  farming  opera- 
tions have  been    very  successful,  ;ind   since   he   has 



come  here  he  has  been  devoted  to  his  business. 
Ills  (irsL  [Anue  of  settlement,  was  vvitli  bis  parents, 
in  l.s3,S,  at  Yanlcee  Point,  in  Elwood  Township, 
where  he  has  resided  continuonsl}'  since.  His  wife 
emigrated  to  this  township  in  1836,  locating  near 
Georgetown,  wliere  her  parents  bolli  died.  Her 
father  passed  away  wlien  he  was  fifty-two  years 
old.  while  her  motlier  died  in  December.  1874. 

Mr.  Ankrum  is  a  stalwart  Republican  in  iwlitics, 
tliouyh  he  never  has  sought  office  of  any  sort.  lie 
has  held  the  |iosition  of  Road  Overseer  and  with 
satisfaction  to  his  constituents.  The  office  of 
Treasuier  in  the  INIasonic  Lodge  has  been  held  by 
him.  and  he  has  also  been  a  Trustee  and  Steward  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  Ridge  Farm. 
Vermilion  County  contains  no  bettor  citizen  than 
Anthony  Lee  Ankrum. 

t^^jHOMAS   H.  HUMl'HREYS.      Few  men    in 

Ross  Township  are  more  widely  known  than 
tliis  honoralile  pioneer  an<l  none  are  more 
generally  respected.  He  is  a  man  i)lain  in  speech 
and  manners,  contented  with  |.ilain  and  comfortable 
surroundings,  bnt  a  thorough  .and  skillful  faiMUcr, 
and  owns  2O0  acres  of  the  most  valuable  and  fertile 
laml  in  this  vicinity.  I'nder  his  careful  manage- 
ment it  produces  in  abundance  the  rich  crops  (tf 
the  Prairie  State,  yielding  to  the  proprietor  a  gen- 
erous income  and  enabling  him  like  Longfellow's 
■•Blacksmith,"  to  "look  the  whole  world  in  the 
face,"  as   not  owing  any  man. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject,  .John 
Humphreys  by  name,  was  a  native  of  North  Car- 
olina where  it  supjiosed  he  was  married  and  reared 
his  family  and  where  undoubtedly  his  son,  Jonathan 
B.,  the  father  of  onr  subject,  was  born.  The  latter 
when  reared  to  man's  estate  was  married  about  1815, 
to  .Miss  Nancy  .lohnstdu  and  to  them  there  was  born 
one  child,  a  daughter,  Deborah,  before  their  removal 
to  the  North.  About  1817,  they  changed  their  lo- 
cation to  Harrison  County,  Ind.,  settling  on  a 
tract  of  land  in  the  woods  and  where  their  son, 
Thomas  B.,  onr  subject,  was  born  June  27,  1818. 
It  was  probably  four  years  later,  about  1822,  when 

they  removed  from  Harrison  to  Putnam  County, 
Ind.,  settling  in  the  heavy  limber  where  the  chief 
amusement  of  Thomas  B.,  in  his  boyhood  was  pick- 
ing up  and  burning  brush,  alternated  occasionally 
with  the  recreation  of  fishing.  He  assisted  his 
father  in  the  clearing  of  the  farm  at  a  time  when 
bears  and  wolves  roamed  through  the  forest,  and 
the  latter  often  made  night  hideous  near  the  cabin 
of  the  pioneer. 

The  mother  of  the  family  spun  ami  wove  wool 
and  llax  and  manufactured  most  of  their  clothing. 
In  his  boyhood  our  subject  much  of  the  time  wore 
"leather  breeches,"  made  from  the  skins  of  deer. 
His  first  pair  of  boots  were  purchased  when  he  was 
nearly  a  man  grown,  for  :si2.5().  Prior  to  this  the 
father  had  made  the  shoes  worn  liy  the  family. 
The  Indians  had  not  then  left  Putnam  County,  and 
were  frequently  seen  skulking  through  the  f(  rest 
stealing  when  they  could,  but  offering  no  particu- 
lar molestation  to  the  family.  The  father  of  our 
subject  died  in  Putnam  County,  Ind.,  about  18;!2. 
He  had,  prior  to  this  time  come  to  this  county  and 
piu'chased  a  farm,  building  u[ion  it  a  log  house  for 
future  occupancy,  but  n|ion  returning  to  his  fam- 
ily, was  soon  afterward  seized  with  the  fatal  illness 
which  terminated  in  his  death.  Themolherand  chil- 
dren then  remained  in  Imliana  until  the  latter  were 
nearly  grown,  coming  to  this  county  in  18.38.  A 
few  years  later  the  mother  died  leaving  five  chil- 
dren, namely:  Deborah,  Thomas  B.,  our  subject, 
Barbara  A.,  ^lary  J.,  and  Margaret  B.,  of  whom 
three  are  living.  She  and  her  hirsbaml  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Ei)iscopal  Church. 

The  old  home  farm  of  the  Humphreys  family 
was  in  Blount  Township,  this  county,  from  which 
they  hauled  their  grain  anil  drove  their  stock  to 
Chicago  to  market.  Some  times  they  would  drive 
their  hogs  to  Wabash.  Ind.,  and  have  them  slaugh- 
tered there,  receiving  two  and  one-half  to  thrive 
and  one-half  cents  per  pound. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  married  in 
ville,  this  county,  in  1842,  to  Aliss  Rachel,  daugh- 
ter of  Albert  Cossart,  one  of  the  earliest  |iioneers 
of  this  county.  Of  this  union  there  were  born  two 
sons — Albert,  now  a  resident  of  Barlier  County, 
Kan.;  and  Samuel,  who  o))erates  the  home  farm. 
Mrs.  Rachel    lluiu|ibreys   departed    tins  life  ii\  De- 



t'cinlicr,  1877.  Slio  \v;ks  ;i  Imly  |)OSsessing  niiiiiy 
excolleiit  qualities  and  was  a  ODMsislciil  iiu'iiil)t'r  of 
the  Christian  Chnroii.  ISIr.  lluiiiphrevs  has  ICO 
acres  in  the  lioniestead  pniiier.  liesides  fui't^' acres  of 
tinilier  formerly  bek)uuing  to  tlie  old  home  farm 
of  his  falhei-.  He  has  yiven  to  eacii  of  liis  sons  a 
pari  of  his  oriuinal  purchase.  The  home  of  .Mr. 
Humphreys  is  one  to  which  Ihe  people  of  the 
ueiuhliorhood  love  to  resort.  Althouyli  mak- 
iui^  no  pretentions  to  style  or  elegance,  there  is 
aliont  the  dwelling  an  air  of  conifoi't  and  hospi- 
tality whicli  invariably-  goes  to  llie  heart. 

—5 #-£#^ J— 

ANFORD  S.  DICKSON,  one  of  the  most 
enterprising  business  men  of  Mnncie  and 
its  leading  grain  merehant,  is  numbered 
among  its  most  prominent  citizens  and  is 
very  i)0[ailar  both  in  its  business  and  circles. 
Genial,  gentlemanly  and  possessing  nioi'e  than  or- 
dinary abilities,, he  is  following  up  a  career  which 
thus  far  has  been  excessively  prosperous  with  a 
fair  outlook  f(.)r  the  future.  He  has  an  attracti\i' 
home,  an  accomitlished  and  amiable  partner,  and 
apparently  everything  .around  him  to  make  life 
pleasant  and  desirable. 

In  reverting  to  the  family  history  of  our  subject 
we  find  that  he  is  tlie  son  of  Simon  A.  Dickson.  ;i 
native  of  this  county  and  was  born  in  IS.i;).  Tlie 
Dickson  fanuly  was  originally  from  Kentucky, 
from  which  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our  sub- 
ject emigrated  to  Illinois  in  1824,  settling  near 
Indianola,  this  county.  In  this  vicinity  Sinujn 
s|ient  his  bo3'hood  and  youth  until  the  outbi'eak  of 
the  Civil  War.  In  18G2  he  enlisted  in  Company 
C,  12.")th  Illinois  Infantiy.  participating  in  the  iiat- 
tle  at  I'erryville  and  shortly-  aftci'ward  was  taken 
ill  with  pneumonia  and  died  in  the  hospital  at 
Nashville,  Tenn.,  June  2,  18(;3. 

The  mother  of  our  suliject  was  in  hei- girlhood 
Miss  Klizabeth,  daughter  of  Hiram  C.  Catlin,  a 
native  of  I'arkc  County,  Ind.  He  laid  out  the  town 
of  Catlin  which  was  nar.ied  in  his  honor,  and  died 
in  1  ^71  at  the  a<lvanced  age  of  nearly  ninet}'  years. 
lie  cai  lied   on   farming,   and    became  a    prominent 

man  in  his  eoiiiinunity.  After  the  death  of  Simon 
A.  Dickson,  his  widow  was  married  to  Dr.  Samuel 
T.  Smith  in  18i;t;.  and  they  now  live  in  Hernando 
County,  Fla.  T<i  the  parents  of  (uir  sul)ject  there 
were  born  four  children — Wilbur  T.,  t)liver  P., 
iliram  C..  and  Sanfoi<I  S.,  all  of  whom  are  living. 
The  subject  of  this  notice  was  the  eldest  child  of 
his  parents  and  was  born  In  Indianola,  this  county, 
July  22.  18.')."i.  His  education  was  accpiired  in  the 
district  school,  which  lu'  attended  niostiy  winters 
until  about  eighteen  years  old.  He  commenced 
his  business  career  as  a  clerk  in  the  store  of  John 
Littler  at  Fithian,  wliei-e  he  remained  about  one 
year,  then  to(jk  a  position  under  Mr.  J.  A.  Cowles, 
who  had  bought  out  Mr.  Littler.  On  the  1st  of 
January,  1S77,  he  became  a  [lartner  of  his  eni- 
|)loyer  and  on  the  27tli  of  that  month  they  re- 
moved their  stock  of  goods  to  Muncle  establishing 
the  first  store  of  general  merchandise  in  the  place. 
On  the  1st  of  January,  188G,  the  firm  was  dissolved, 
Mr  Dickson  purchasing  the  interest  of  his  partner 
and  since  that  lime  has  curried  on  business  ahjne, 
makin"'  of  it  a  pronounced  success.  He  carries  a 
full  stock  of  all  the  articles  rerpiired  in  the  city 
and  countr}'  household  and,  as  the  most  extensive 
grain  dealer  in  this  part  of  the  county,  handles 
thousands  of  dollars'  worth  of  this  commodity 
each  year.  He  owns  a  Ihree-fourths  interest  in  a 
farm  two  and  one-half  miles  north  of  Fithian, 
which  is  operated  by  a  teutiit  and  comprises  i60 
acres  of  good  land.  He  also  has  the  county  agency 
for  the  Davis  Sewing  machine,  keeping  two  wagons 
and   two  men  on   the  mad  all   the  year  round. 

Mr.  Dickson  started  out  in  life  tor  himself  at  the 
early  age  of  sixteen  years  and  is  one  of  the  fore- 
most young  business  men  of  \'ermilion  County. 
He  was  married  Jan.  2',),  187'J,  to  Miss  Olive, 
daughter  of  M.  W.  Selby,  of  West  Mrginia,  the 
wedding  taking  place  in  Fithian.  Tim  Selby  fam- 
ily came  to  Illinois  in  IStili  and  settled  four  miles 
north  of  Catlin,  this  county,  where  they  lived  five 
years.  Thence  they  removed  to  Fithian,  where 
Mr.  Selby  became  connected  with  the  mercantile 
;  business  of  Hooker  A:  Littler,  and  has  followed 
merchandising  since  that  time.  The  Selby  family 
for  the  last  nine  ^ears  have  been  residents  of 
Muncie.     Of  their  live  children  (Uily  two  are  living 



— Mrs.  Dickson  and  Irt  hiotlicr.   C'lilvin.  the  latlei- 
of  whom  is  a  resident  of  Vance  Township. 

Mrs.  Dickson  was  the  fourth  child  of  her  parents 
and  was  born  in  Pahitine,  Marion  C^o..  W.  Va., 
Sept.  5,  1856.  She  received  the  rudiments  of 
of  a  good  education  in  her  native  State  and  com- 
pleted it  in  the  schools  of  this  county.  She 
was  a  bright  and  ambitious  girl  and  after  leaving 
school  was  for  a  time  employed  as  a  clerk  in  a 
store  in  Muncie.  She  possesses  considerable  liter- 
ary ability  and  for  the  last  four  years  has  been  the 
regular  correspondent  from  Muncie,  of  the  Dan- 
ville News.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there 
have  been  born  three  children,  one  of  whom  died 
in  infancy.  The  eldest,  Lola  M.,  is  attending 
school  at  Muncie.  Fred  C.  is  a  promising  little 
lad  eight  years  of  age. 

Mr.  Dickson  was  Postmaster  at  Muncie  from 
1879  to  1885  and  was  the  Assistant-postmaster  after 
resigning  the  chief  position.  He  was  elected  Super- 
visor of  Oakwood  Township  in  the  spring  of  1888 
and  re-elected  in  1889.  He  has  officiated  as  School 
Director  in  his  district;  politically,  uniformly  votes 
the  straight  Republican  ticket,  with  which  party  he 
has  been  identified  since  reaching  majority.  Soci- 
ally, h(  belongs  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  and  with  his 
estimable  wife  inclines  to  the  doctrines  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  t'liurch,  but  there  being  no 
society  of  this  denomination  in  Muncie  they  attend 
upon  other  services. 

Mayruder  W.  Selby,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Dickson, 
enlisted  on  the  25th  of  February,  1864  as  a  private 
in  Company  L,  6th  West  Virginia  Cavalry.  He 
was  first  promoted  to  Quartermaster,  then  to  Ser- 
geant and  in  April,  1864,  to  the  rank  of  Second- 
Lieutenant.  In  October  following  he  was  promoted 
to  First-Lieutenant.  The  regiment  was  stationed 
fur  a  time  at  Moorfleld,  Va.,  and  later  at  New 
Creek.  Some  of  the  men  including  Lieut.  Selby 
were  captured  by  the  enemy,  but  the  latter  made  his 
escape.  They  fought  with  the  bushwhackers  in  the 
vicinity  of  Beverly  and  for  a  time  were  stationed 
in  Cumberland,  Md.,  guarding  the  railroad.  Prior 
to  Lee's  surrender  the  regiment  had  been  ordered 
to  Richmond,  and  afterward  it  was  sent  to  Camp 
Relief  at  Washington,  D.  C.  Here  they  were  de- 
tailed as  mounted  [latrol  of  the  city,  in  which  they 

reujaini':!  until  afier  tlie  grand  review.  Thence  the}' 
were  ordered  to  Ft.  Leavenworth.  Kan.,  and  later 
crossed  the  plains  to  Ft.  Casper,  Dak.,  arriving 
there  in  October,  1865  and  were  stationed  as  a 
guard  along  the  American  telegraph  lines  over  the 
old  Pony  Express  Route.  Thej'  had  several  skir- 
mishes with  the  Black  Feet,  Sioux  and  Che3'enne 

On  the  1st  of  January,  1^(66,  Lieut.  Selbj-  was 
made  Assistant-!  ^)uartermaster  and  Commissaty  on 
the  staff  of  Gen.  AVheaton,  and  on  the  1st  of  April 
following  they  were  ordered  back  to  Ft.  Leaven- 
worth, where  they  arrived  May  14  and  remained 
about  two  weeks.  The  regiment  was  then  mus- 
tered out  and  ordered  to  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  where 
they  received   their   final  discharge  June   1,  1866. 

»— *-^"  ^ 

IIARLES  W.  BAUM.  of  Carroll  Township. 
is  the  offspring  of  an  old  and  prominent 
'^  family  which  three  generations  back  was 
of  the  royal  blood  of  Poland.  His  paternal  grand- 
father, Charles  W.  Baum,  a  native  of  Poland,  was 
banished  from  his  birth-place  during  the  troubles 
of  that  unhappy  country  and  fied  to  German}' 
where  he  sojourned  until  coming  to  America, 
during  the  colonial  days  and  about  the  time  of  the 
Revolutionary  War.  It  is  not  known  just  how 
long  he  .-.ojourned  in  the  Fatherland,  but  he  learned 
to  speak  and  read  the  German  language  fluently, 
although  it  is  possible  that  he  had  also  lieen  taught 
this  in  his  native  country,  as  being  of  high  birth, 
he  received  a  thorough  education. 

After  coming  to  America,  Grandfather  Baum 
served  as  a  militia  man  on  the  reserve  force  in  the 
American  army,  protecting  the  frontier.  During 
that  period  he  won  and  wedded  Miss  Barbara 
McDonald,  a  relative  of  Gen.  McDonald  of  Mar- 
ion's staff.  He  served  several  years  as  a  soldier 
and  the  year  after  Gen.  (Mad  Anthony) 
Wayne's  treaty  with  the  Indians,  removed  from 
Bucks  County,  Pa.,  to  the  farther  West.  Sailing 
down  the  Ohio  River  and  landing  near  the  mouth 
of  Bullskin  Creek,  he  made  the  first  settlement  in 
Ohio,       From    him  sprang  the  Baums  of  America 



and  the  first  ie|U'esi'iit;itive  of  tlie  family  in  tills 
idunty,  was  Samuel  Uaum,  a  lirotliiT  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch. 

Charles  W.  Haum.  the  third  of  the  name  and  the 
the  subject  of  this  notice,  was  born  in  Clermont 
County.  Ohio,  April  1,">.  and  was  the  sixth  in 
a  family  of  ten  children  who  were  named  respect- 
ively, S.'imuel;  John;  Mary,  Mrs.  Weavei-;  Sarah, 
Mrs.  \'antreese;  Catherine,  Mrs.  Patterson;  Charles, 
our  subject;  Susan,  Mrs.  Sandusky;  Klizabeth,  who 
died  at  the  age  of  seven  years;  Gideon  X.  and 
Eliza.  Jlrs.  Carter.  Charles  W..  like  his  brothers 
and  sisters,  was  reared  on  the  farm,  received  a 
common-school  education  and  was  trained  to  hab- 
its of  industry  and  economy.  His  father  was  a 
man  of  more  than  ordinary  enterprise  and  although 
of  (ierman  parentage,  learned  to  s|)eak  and  read 
the  English  language  and  gave  much  attention  to 
the  education  of  his  children. 

Samuel  IJaum  in  miking  his  journey  to  Illinois 
was  accompauied  by  his  wife's  father,  old  Michael 
Weaver  and  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  say.  made  the 
journey  overland  by  team,  starting  from  Ohio, 
Oct.  12,  1827,  and  arriving  in  this  county  on  the 
12th  of  November  following.  They  had  stopped 
for  a  short  time  in  Parke  County.  lud.,  having  in- 
tended to  settle  there,  but  Mr.  Weaver  did  not  like 
the  ai)pearance  of  things  in  that  region  and  so  they 
pushed  on  further  westward,  settling  among  the 
Alexanders  and  McDonalds  of  this  county.  In 
due  time  they  were  joined  by  Charles  W..  our  sub- 
ject, who  was  the  second  Baum  to  come  West.  lie 
made  the  journey  alone  on  horseback  and  was  about 
eighty  days  on  the  road,  arriving  at  the  house  of 
his  brother  Samuel,  Dec.  26.  18;!G. 

Our  subject  soon  took  up  ItJO  acres  of  land  from 
the  Government  and  made  subsequent  purchases 
until  at  one  time  he  was  the  owner  of  IGGO  acres 
besides  200  acres  given  his  wife  by  her  father. 
When  it  is  remembered  that  he  came  to  this  region 
with  very  little  means  it  must  be  acknowledged 
that  he  was  remarkably  successful  in  the  accumula- 
tion of  property,  .\fter  coming  to  this  county  he 
was  married  March  14.  18;59,  to  Miss  Catherine 
AVeavcr,  who  was  the  fourth  daughter  and  sixth 
child  Ml  a  family  of   twelve  children. 

Mr-,  liaum  like  her    husband   was  born  in  Cler- 

mont County.  Ohio.  .luue  28,  1818,  and  when  an 
infant  of  six  months  her  parents  removed  to  Brown 
County,  that  State.  Mr.  Weaver,  a  very  energetic 
and  industrious  man.  improveil  several  farms  an<l 
became  quite  wealthy.  lie  bore  the  reputation  of 
great  honesty  and  integrity  with  a  stern  sense  of 
justice,  and  loaned  large  sums  of  money  at  six  per 
cent,  interest.steadilj'  refusing  a  highei  rate  although 
he  might  easily  have  secured  it.  lie  sold  his  corn 
at  twenty  five  cents  per  bushel  although  he  could 
have  obtaineil  fifty  cents,  his  motto  being  "live  and 
let  live."  He  put  his  own  shmddcr  to  the  wheel 
and  was  one  of  the  hardest  workers  of  his  time. 
When  more  than  sixty  years  old  he  made  three 
trips  a  year  to  Chicago,  engaged  in  hauling  bacon 
and  other  produce.  He  was  a  man  who  attr.icted 
to  Iiimself  many  warm  friends  and  he  lived  to  be 
a  feM'  months  over  one  hundred  years  olil.  His  birth- 
place was  Washington  County,  Md.,  and  he  was 
the  son  of  a  rich  planter  who  was  excessively  patri- 
otic and  enlisting  in  the  army  rendered  etliciei.t 
service.  He  died  when  Michael  was  but  four  years 
old,  at  the  age  of  niuety-six  years.  He  had  been 
married  on  the  very  farm  whereon  was  fought  the 
battle  of  Antietam  during  the  late  Rebellion.  His 
wife,  Mary  Spessard,  also  a  native  of  Washington 
County.  Md..  lived  to  be  ninety  years  old  and  she 
had  a  brother  who  lived  to  the  great  age  of  one 
hundred  and  five  years. 

The  childhood  days  of  Mrs.  Baum  were  spent  in 
her  native  county  where  she  attended  school  and 
became  proficient  in  the  common  branches.  Al- 
though quite  young  when  the  family  (;anie  to  this 
State  she  still  remembers  many  of  the  incidents  of 
the  journey  and  the  old  Alexander  school-house 
which  was  the  first  of  its  kind  within  the  limits  of 
Carroll  Township.  It  was  a  large,  log  structure. 
18x24  feet  scjuare  with  a '-cat  and  clay"  cliiinne\' 
and  the  other  finishings  of  that  piimitive  time. 

Of  the  twelve  children  born  of  this  union  the 
eldest,  Celestine  A.,  is  the  wife  of  William  T. 
Hiuit.  and  they  reside  in  the  Indian  Territory;  Jas- 
per N..  married  a  ^liss  Stewart  and  owns  over  G((l 
acres  of  land,  his  residence  being  in  Young  Amer- 
ica Township;  they  have  four  children.  Blanche, 
Georgia.  Dollie  and  Weaver,  the  two  latter  twins* 
Charles    Cyrus  married   first  a  Miss  Gilky.  and  be- 



c'liio  the  fatlier  of  one  eliild — Leiia  E.  Ilis  wife 
died  and  lie  was  then  married  to  Miss  .losie  Baiun 
and  tliey  live  on  a  large  farm  in  Carroll  Townslii|); 
A.  Jaeob,  a  resident  of  Side!!,  owns  a  farm  in  Si- 
dcll  Townsliip  and  makes  a  specialty  of  breeding 
fine  liorses;  he  marrieil  a  Miss  Rowand  and  they  have 
five  children — Cliarles,  Lelia  C.,,  Spessavd  and 
Estelle  (twins)  and  (ieorge  Roy.  (Jideon  P.  mar- 
ried a  Miss  Lucas  and  is  the  father  of  two  children 
— Lnlie  W.  and  Earl  L;  lie  operates  a  large  farm  in 
Carroll  Township.  George  B.  INIcC.  married  a  Miss 
Rawlings  and  is  the  father  of  two  cliildren — ()i)ie 
and  Wilbert;  he  conducts  a  livery  stable  in  Ridge 
Farm  and  owns  a  farm  in  Carroll  Township.  Tiie 
deceased  children  are  Marcus  I).,  who  died  at  tiie 
age  of  two  \ears;  Orintlia,  who  died  when  ten 
years  olil ;  .lames  II..  who  died  at  the  age  of  two 
years;  two  infants  who  died  u.inamed,  and  John 
W.  who  died  wdien  two  years  old. 

To  each  of  his  children  who  have  starteil  out  iu 
life  for  tliemselves  Mr.  ISaum  lias  given  a  good 
farm.  They  have  been  provided  with  a  practical 
education  and  are  well  fitted  to  make  their  own 
way  in  the  world.  The  present  homestead  of  our 
subject  .and  his  estimable  wife  was  given  to  the 
latter  by  hei-  father,  Michael  Weaver.  Although 
mixing  very  little  with  political  affairs  Mr.  Bauin 
keeps  himself  posted  upon  matters  of  general  in- 
terest and  uniformly  supports  the  principles  of  the 
Democratic  party. 

if/^^  ENRY  J.  BENNETT.  The  man  of  nerve 
iJ  and  muscle  and  perseverance,  who  bends 
his  energies  to  the  scientific  tilling  of  the 
soil,  is  one  of  those  forming  the  bone  and 
sinew  of  the  industrial  comniunit}'  without  which 
the  world  could  make  little  progress.  Here  and 
there  we  find  one  who  ennobles  his  calling, 
adding  dignity,  wealth  and  strength  to  the  nation. 
The  suliject  of  this  notice  operates  in  a  skillful  and 
intelligent  manner  a  good  farm  of  160  acres  in 
Sidcll  Township,  where  he  is  held  in  the  highest 
respect  by  all  classes  of  citizens.  Fie  possesses 
more   than   ordinary  intelligence,  energy  and  fore- 

iliouglii.  and  lins  the  best  wishes  of  hosts  of  friends 
for  continued  prosperity. 

Mr.  Bennett  was  liorn  in  Catlin  Township,  this 
count}',  and  is  the  son  of  Philander  and  Sarah  Ann 
(Wolfe)  ISennett,  who  are  natives  respectively  of 
New  Yoi'k  .State  and  \'irginia.  The  mother  was  a 
member  of  the  old  well-known  Wolfe  family  wliich 
was  represented  in  America  at  an  early  daj'.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Bennett  came  uuniai'ried  to  this  cfuinly. 
Grandfather  Wolfe  was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers 
here  and  located  on  the  banks  of  South  Fork  Creek, 
where  he  estalilished  a  home  in  the  wilderness 
some  time  prior  to  the  tide  of  immigration,  wliich 
redeemed  the  wilderness  around  from  its  original 
condition.  He  had  many  a  liattle  with  the  Indians, 
also  with  wild  animals.  He  made  some  ini|)rove- 
ments  on  his  land,  which  subsequently  became  fa- 
miliarly known  as  the  old  Wolfe  homestead.  Our 
subject  has  seen  forest  trees  and  some  apple  trees 
which  were  undoubtedly  ijlanted  by  the  hand  of 
his  grandfatlier,  the  former  of  which  now  form  a 
dense  thicket. 

After  their  marriage  tiie  parents  of  our  subject 
settled  in  Catlin  Township,  where  the  father  occu- 
pied himself  as  a  millwright,  putting  up  the  old 
Harris  Mill  and  several  other  strnctnres  of  the 
kind  iu  this  county.  Both  he  and  his  estimable 
wife  are  still  living  on  a  farm  in  lOdgar  County, 
the  father  being  seventy-three  years  old  and  the 
mother  sixty-four.  The\-  have  seven  children 
living:  Ann  E.,  Henry  .].,  DeAVitt  C,  Mary  E. 
Jacob  F.,  Ida  M.  and  Allie  M. 

Henry  J.  Bennett  was  born  Feb.  IG,  1817.  in 
Catlin  Township,  where  he  was  brought  up  on  a 
farm  and  was  never  outside  the  county  until  be- 
coming of  age.  When  twenty-two  3'ears  old  he 
began  working  out  by  the  month  for  that  well 
known  citizen,  John  Sidell,  with  whom  he  remained 
six  years  —  a  fact  which  speaks  well  for  both. 
After  this  he  operated  considerably  as  a  carpenter. 
In  the  meantime  he  was  married  in  1879  to  Miss 
Melissa  A.,  daughter  of  John  Stark,  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  Sidell  Township,  where  Mrs.  Ben- 
nett was  born.  They  liave  three  daughters:  Wash- 
tella,  Fra  and  Sarah  A.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bennett  are 
members  in  good  standing  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church.     Our  subject  is  a  charter  member  of  the 




Residensbof  Wm  SMITH.^Ee.1.(T.18=R.14)YANeETt,YERMiHON®ouNq^ 



Modern  Wdodmeii  C'niiip  at,  SiiU>ll  mikI  ;il  llii'  iiiiie 
of  its  organizalioii  was  installed  its  liist  banker. 
He  scrve<l  his  term  and  was  then  elected  .Vdvisor. 
He  is  also  a  nieniher  of  Peace  Dale  Lodijo,  No. 
•i-Ji).  1.  O.  O.  F..  at  Sidell. 

Mrs.  Uennett  was  born  in  Can-oil  '^l>«ll^hi|l  and 
f^rew  to  womanhood  on  her  fathei's  farm,  being 
nianietl  at  the  age  of  twenty-two  years.  Her  pa- 
rents were  natives  of  Kentuek}'.  and  the  mother, 
forjiierly  iNHss  Mary  A.  (L'assady).  was  born  in 
liourbon  Connty,  Ky.  'I'hey  were  married  in  the 
Hlue  (irass  State,  where  their  two  eldest  children 
were  born.  Thence  they  came  to  Illinois  and  set- 
tled near  the  [ilace  whieli  was  named  Stark's  (iruve 
in  honor  of  the  f.ather.  He  became  well-to-do. 
and  died  at  the  age  of  sixty  years;  the  mother  diecl 
at  the  age  of  fifty-nine.  Tlieir  fourteen  children 
were  named  respectively.  .Jerry.  Jefferson.  Henry 
(who  died  young),  Madiscm,  William.  Hannah. 
Joel,  IJelle,  Samuel,  Monroe,  Henry.  Robert,  .Me- 
lissa A.  anil  Josephine  W. 


ylLLIA.AI  SMITH  is  one  of  the  solid,  in- 
ttuential  farmers  of  ^'ance  'I'ownship.  His 
\jn^  parents  came  to  Illinois  in  the  fall  of  182!). 
His  father's  name  James  Smith,  and  he  was 
a  native  of  Ohio,  where  he  was  engaged  in  farm- 
ing. His  mother,  whose  maiden  name  Mary 
Sewell.  was  also  born  in  the  same  State. 

When  the  parents  of  Mr.  Smith  removed  to  \'er- 
milion  Connty,  three  other  families  accom))anicd 
them,  but  there  are  none  of  their  representatives 
living  in  this  county  e.\cepl  the  subject  of  this 
sketch.  His  father  was  the  first  to  settle  in  this 
immediate  neighborhood,  where  he  entered  XOO 
acres  of  land  and  during  his  life  improved  nearly 
all  of  it.  giving  each  of  his  chihhen  a  portion. 
James  Smith  was  a  verj*  careful  and  settled  up 
all  his  affairs  before  his  death.  He  the  father 
of  live  children,  four  boys  and  one  girl,  of  whom 
there  are  three  now  living.  He  died  in  1872.  his 
wife  preceding  him  to  the  grave  ten  years. 

William  Smith  was  the  third  child  of  his  family 
and  was  born  June  12.  1  827.  near  Springfield,  Ohio, 

ami  whin  he  was  but  two  years  of  age.  his  parents 
removiMl  to  Illinois.  He  received  his  earl^'  educa- 
tion in  an  old  log  school-house,  situated  on  his 
fathei's  land.  When  he  was  eighteen  years  of  age 
he  ceased  going  to  school  and  remained  at  work 
on  his  father's  f.arni  until  he  w-as  twenty-one.  The 
fall  after  he  had  att.-iiiied  his  majority,  he  drove  a 
team,  in  com|)an\-  with  sl.vteeii  others,  to  Austin, 
Tex.,  the  journey  occupying  ninety  d.ays.  This  fort^'  years  ago  .-ind  he  remained  there  until 
March  1,  1849,  when  he  walked  from  Austin  to 
Houston,  Tex.,  took  p.assage  on  a  boat  to  Galves- 
ton, from  there  across  the  (iulfof  .Mexico  on  a 
steamer  to  New  Orleans,  thence  u|i  the  Mississi|)pi 
to  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio,  ascending  that  stream  to 
where  the  Wabash  intersects  it,  then  to  PerryviUe, 
Ind.  He  tlien  walked  to  Danville  and  from  there 
home.  In  the  winter  of  1848-4!)  the  cholera  was 
raging  and  four  deaths  occurred  on  the  same  boat 
that  Inonght  him  up  the  Mississippi   River. 

Jlr.  Smith  was  married  May  'J,  1841)  to  Miss 
Lucy  A.  Saddler,  daughter  of  William  and  Keziah 
(Lrooks)  Saddler,  natives  of  Richmond,  \'a.  They 
settled  in  this  county  in  an  early  da}'  and  were  the 
parents  of  seven  children,  two  of  these  being  from 
Mr.  Saddler's  second  marriage,  i\L's.  .Smith's  mother 
having  ilied  shortly  after  locating  in  Hlinois.  Mrs. 
Smith  was  the  fifth  child  of  this  family,  and  was 
born  June  8,  1  821),  near  Richmond.  \'a.  .She  .at- 
tended school  in  a  log  house,  about  three  miles 
from  her  present  home.  Her  father  died  in  I8(jl. 
After  marriage  Mr.  Smith  renu)Ved  to  the  farm  he 
now  owns  and  occupies;  it  then  belonging  to  his 
father  who  gave  each  of  his  children  120  acres  of  land 
with  which  to  start  in  life.  Mr.  .Sniitli  has  made 
four  trips  to  and  from  Texas,  three  lj\'  team,  and 
one  by  railroad.  ( )ii  one  of  these  journeys  the 
trii)  was  made  on  horseback.  In  187(J  he  visited 
tlie  Centennial  at  Philadelphia,  and  March  4,  1881) 
was  present  at  Harrison's  inangnrtilion,  and  while 
on  that  trip,  visited  .Ml.  \'eriion;  he  has  been  a 
great  traveler  and  has  visited  nearly  all  points  of 
interest  in  this  country. 

Mr.  .Smith  is  now  the  owner  of  a  fine  farm  of 
320  acres  in  one  body,  and  under  a  high  state  of 
cultivation.  He  horses,  cattle  and  hogs,  and 
conducts  a  general  f.arming  business.      .Some  very 



fine  horses  of  the  Norman,  Clj'desdale  and  English- 
shire  draft  horses,  and  also  Short-horn  cattle  may 
lie  seen  on  this  s|ilendid  farm.  On  the  whole,  Mr. 
Smith  has  lieen  a  ver}'  successful  farmer.  Four 
boys  and  two  girls  constitute  INIr.  and  Mrs.  Smitli's 
family,  .lames  Everett  married  Laura  Price,  who 
died  in  1^*87,  leaving  three  little  boys  to  mourn 
her  loss;  William  E.,  is  now  living  in  Iowa,  and 
his  son,  Lester,  is  now  living  with  his  grandfather, 
Smith;  Byron  married  Emma  Black,  they  reside  on 
the  old  homestead  and  are  the  parents  of  two  girls; 
Abraham  L.  married  C^ora  Baldwin,  and  tiiey  also 
reside  on  the  father's  old  homestead;  Mary  Belle 
is  the  wife  of  Andy  Yount;  Sadie  Jane  lives  at 
home.  Mr.  Smith  has  two  brothers  living,  bis  only 
sister  dying  in  1850.  His  brother  James  is  living 
in  San  Antonio,  Tex.,  while  David  is  a  farmer  in 
Guthrie  County,  Iowa;  his  brother  Jolin  died  last 
summer  in  Dallas  County,  Iowa,  leaving  live  chil- 
dren, all  of  whom  have  grown  to  maturity. 

Mr.  Smith  has  retired  from  active  farming  and 
by  his  industrious  and  intelligent  manners  has 
earned  a  competency  and  is  entitled  to  the  rest  he  is 
now  enjoying.  He  has  always  taken  an  active  in- 
terest in  politics  and  has  invariably  voted  the  Re- 
puiilican  ticket  since  the  organization  of  that  partj'. 
The  oflices  of  School  Director  and  Road  Over- 
seer have  been  tilled  by  him  in  his  usual  pains-taking 
manner.  Sociall}',  he  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F. 
and  is  temperate  in  all  things.  In  the  commu- 
nity, where  Mr.  and  i\Irs.  Smith  have  lived  sixty 
years,  they  command  the  universal  respect  of  all 
their  neighliors. 

As  representing  one  of  the  beautiful  homes  in 
this  county,  a  view  of  the  residence  of  our  subject 
and  liis  family  is  given  on  another  page  of  this 


^TLLIAM  J.MANN.  Catlin  Township  has 
better  representative  of  its  agricultural 
^^^  and  manufacturing  interests  than  this  gen- 
tleman, who  has  long  been  identified  by  the  shrewd, 
intelligent  farmers,  owning  and  managing  a  valua- 
ble farm  on  section  11,  and  for  some  time  he  has 
been  actively  engaged  in   the    manufacture  of  tile. 


He  comes  of  fine  old  stock,  and  was  born  in  what 
is  now  AVesl  A'irginia,  in  Monroe  County,  Oct.  20, 
1824.  His  father,  likewise  named  AVilliam,  was  a 
native  of  the  Old  Dominion,  one  of  the  F.  F.  Vs., 
and  his  mother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Rhoda 
Stodghill,  was  also  a  Virginian  by  birth.  The  par- 
ents of  our  subject  began  their  wedded  life  in  their 
native  State,  living  amid  its  beautiful  scenery  till 
185G,  vvhen  they  sought  to  establish  a  new  home  in 
the  Praiiie  State,  and  they  spent  the  remainder  of 
their  lives  in  Sidell  Township,  where  he  died  March 
16,  1858,  and  she  March  10,  1878.  They  left  to 
their  children  and  children's  children  the  precious 
legacy  of  an  honorable  name,  and  the  memory  of 
exemplary  lives.  They  had  a  family  of  six  children, 
of  whom  our  subject  was  the  ehlest  son  and  the 
fourth  child  in  order  of  birth. 

He  remained  at  home  till  he  was  twenty-one,  and 
the  following  year  went  to  Alabama.  Having  prior 
to  that  time  learned  dentistry,  he  followed  that  pro- 
fession in  that  State  for  some  two  years.  At  the 
expiration  of  that  time  he  returned  to  the  Shenan- 
doah Valley  in  Eastern  Virginia,  and  passed  the 
ensuing  eight  years  there,  actively  engaged  at  his 
profession.  He  then  returned  to  his  native  county, 
and  after  remaining  there  two  years,  he  sought 
green  fields  antl  pastures  new  in  the  West,  and 
making  his  way  to  Monroe  County,  Mo.,  opened 
an  office  for  the  jjractice  of  dentistry  there.  Two 
years  after  that,  in  1859,  he  came  to  Vermilion 
County,  this  State,  and  established  himself  as  a 
dentist  at  Fairmount,  continuing  there  till  the 
breaking  out  of  the  war,  when  he  gave  his  attention 
wholly  to  agricultural  pursuits.  He  afterward  re- 
turned with  his  family  to  Virginia  on  account  of 
his  wife's  ill-health,  the  entire  journey  being  made 
in  a  private  conveyance,  and  they  remained  there 
three  years.  After  his  return  to  this  State,  Mr. 
Mann  resumed  farming,  and  now  owns  a  farm  of 
205  acres,  that  is  well  tilled,  and  supplied  with  a 
substantial  set  of  buildings,  including  a  handsome 
dwelling  beautifully  located  on  section  11,  on 
Blue  Mound.  A  view  of  this  attractive  farm  resi- 
dence appears  on  another  page,  and  adds  much  to 
the  value  of  the  Albu.ii.  The  place  is  amply  sup- 
plied with  all  the  machinery  and  appliances  for 
facilitating    farm    labors.       In    1881    our    subject 



formed  a  partnersl)i|)  witli  David  Vauglin  to  engage 
in  the  niaiuifactme  of  tile,  and  he  also  operated  a 
sawmill  with  him.  They  ivinaiiied  together  till 
1884,  when  Mr.  Aaiighn  withdrew  from  the  firm, 
and  !\Ir.  Mann  has  since  carried  on  the  husiness 
alone.  lie  manufactures  a  superior  kind  of  tile, 
wliich  commands  a  large  sale  on  its  own  merits, 
and  is  reaping  great  profits  therefrom. 

Mr.  Mann  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  F. 
Tliompson  April  2,  1851,  in  Augusta  County,  Va. 
JMrs.  Mann  was  a  native  of  that  county,  her  birth 
taking  place  there  in  1H21.  She  was  a  daughter  of 
■William  and  Elizabeth  (Beard)  Thoiniison,  who 
died  in  that  count\'.  Five  children  were  born  of 
the  wedded  life  of  our  subject  and  his  amiable  wife: 
Mary,  the  wife  of  Rev.  Luther  llendrick;  William 
T..  who  married  Miss  Lizzie  Farrin;  Walter; 
(ieorge,  who  married  a  Miss  t'onkliu;  Emma  and 
an  infant  son,  Ellis,  deceased. 

Aug.  30,  1887,  death  crossed  the  threshold  of  the 
!iap|)y  home  of  our  subject,  and  she  wlio  was  the 
home-maker,  the  loved  wife  and  mother,  was  taken 
from  tlie  stricken  family.  She  was  a  woman  of 
deep,  noble  character,  in  whom  the  Christian  vir- 
tues were  exemplified.  She  was  kindness  itself,  and 
her  charity  knew  no  bounds,  her  large  heart  over- 
flo'ving  with  tender  sympathy  toward  the  needy 
and  suffering.  She  was  one  o!  the  most  active  and 
prominent  members  of  the  Presb\lcrian  Cliurcli, 
and  in  early  life  was  a  Sunday-school  teacher; 
the  church  and  society  at  large  sustaineil  witli  her 
faniilj*  an  irreparable  loss. 

Mr.  Mann  is  a  true  gentleman,  ever  courteous 
anil  genial  in  his  intercourse  witli  others,  and  his 
frank,  kindly  nature  has  won  him  a  wjinii  |)lace  in 
the  hearts  of  his  neighbors  and  iiiuneroiis  other 
friends.  In  his  career  in  life  he  has  met  with 
assured  success  in  the  various  vocations  that  he 
liiis  pursued,  and  is  numbered  among  the  moneyed 
men  of  his  township,  as  well  as  one  of  her  most 
trustworthy  citizens.  He  is  a  man  of  earnest  relig- 
ious feelings,  and  has  long  lieen  connected  with  the 
Cumljerland  Presbyterian  Church  at  F:iirmount, 
of  wliich  he  is  Deacon,  and  bis  fellow-members  al- 
ways tiiid  liim  ready  to  aid  in  carrying  out  any 
plan  for  the  moral  or  the  .social  elevation  of  the 
coniiiiunity.     I'olitically,  he  is  a  loyal  supporter  of 

the  Democratic  party.  He  has  held  various  school 
offices,  and  takes  considerable  interest  in  educa- 
tional affairs,  as  all  intelligent,  pultlic-siiirited  cit- 
izens ought  to  do. 

j^^  QLTIRE  11.  E.  1>.  r.VM'.OTT  is  one  of  the 
^^^  most  inlluential  men  in  Sidell  Townsliip, 
l(\/j))  where  he  owns  and  operates  a  large  farm. 
His  father  and  mother,  Augustine  and  Jo- 
sella  (Parker)  'I'albott,  were  natives  of  Bourbon 
County,  Ky.  The  father  was  a  merchant  at  Mil- 
lersburg,  that  State,  for  several  years,  but  liavino- 
become  security  for  other  jieople  too  largely,  he 
failed  in  business,  when  in  182(;,  he  removed  to 
Madison  County,  Ohio,  and  there  began  the  race 
of  life  anew  by  te.aching  school  in  a  k>g,  on 
the  subscription  plan.  He  died  at  the  carl^'  age  of 
twenty -eight,  a  poor  man,  leaving  a  widow  and  three 
children:  John  Mason,  Hugh  A.  and  Henry  Ed- 
ward Parker.  The  mother  was  married  a  second 
time  in  Madison  County,  Ohio,  to  Marcus  Garrett, 
a  farmer  of  that  county,  by  whom  she  the 
mother  of  seven  children. 

In  1851  the  stepfather,  mother  and  all  the 
children  but  Henry,  who  was  serving  out  an  ap- 
prenticeship, removed  to  Carroll  Township,  which 
is  now  Sidell  in  this  county.  Tliej'  prosiiered 
fairly  well,  but  the  mother  died  in  1804  at  the  age 
of  fifty-five  years.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  was 
born  -A-ug.  7,  1831,  near  London,  Madison  Co., 
Ohio.  His  early  life  w:is  passed  in  much  the  same 
manner  as  that  of  any  farmer's  boy,  receiving  his 
education  under  difficulties.  He  remained  at  home 
until  he  was  seventeen  years  old,  wiu'king  for  his 
steiifather  on  the  farm.  At  th:U  age  he  begiui  to 
learn  the  eariieiiter's  trade,  :iiiil  served  an  a|ipren- 
ticcshii)  covering  three  years,  and  during  this  time 
he  saw  the  need  of  an  education,  and  therefore  he 
attended  the  common  schools  in  the  winter,  work- 
ing at  his  trade  during  the  summer  time.  He  came 
out  to  visit  his  folks  in  Illinois,  remaining  here  but 
a  short  time,  when  he  went  to  Indianapolis,  and 
there  worked  at  his  trade  for  nine  years  [irior  to 
his  enlistment  in    the   :irniy.       In    1856,  he  began 



taking  c-oiitracts  ami  erected  a  luiinlier  of  city  and 
eouiitrv  residences,  and  as  a  contractor  he  was  very 

Up  to  tlie  year  last  mentioned  his  sympathies 
had  lieen  with  tlie  Wliig  party,  but  at  tlie  l)irLli  of  the 
Repulilican  party  he  joined  its  ranks  and  has  con- 
tinued to  act  witli  that  organization  until  the  pres- 
ent day. 

When   Lincoln  issued  his  call  for  300,000  trc>ops, 
he  laid  aside  his  hammer  and  saw,  and  took  up  the 
musket.     Me  enlisted  in  Company  G,  TOth  Indiana 
Infantry  in  Aug.  18G2  and    was    mustered  into  the 
service  at  Indianapolis  as  a  corporal.       Here  they 
were  drilled  for  three    weeks,   when    they  were  or- 
dered   to   Louisville,    and    there    learned    further 
duties  of  the  soldier.  The  first  engagement  in  which 
All'.  Talliott  was  engaged   was  the  battle  of  Perry- 
ville,  Ky.,   in   the   fall  of  1862  and   during   their 
pursuit  of  Bragg  to  Nashville,  he  was  taken  ill  and 
sent  to  the  liospital  at  that  place,  and  after  Ij'ing 
there  for  one   month,   he   was    discharged    in    the 
si)ring  of  1863,  when    he  returned  to  Indianapolis. 
After  coming  out  of  the  army  he   was  for  a  long 
time  unable  to  perform  physical   labor.       In  1865 
he  removed  to  Illinois  and  engaged  at  his  trade  at 
Catlin,  building  several  houses  that  sumniei.       In 
1867  he  was  married  to  Miss  Lucj'  E.  Utterliack,  a 
native  of  Rolls  County,  Mo.,  and  daughter  of  Har- 
mon and  Lovina   (Falls)    Utterback.       Her  father 
was  a  native  of  Kenton    County,   Ky.,    while   her 
mother  was  born  in  Indiana.     Her  parents  had  ten 
children,  all  of  whom  were  born  in  Missouri.    Mrs. 
Talbott  came  to  Vermilion  County  for  the  purpose 
of  attending  school.       She  had   relatives  here  who 
had  no  children   and   therefore    lived    with    them. 
After   marriage    Mr.    and   Mrs.  Talbott  settled  on 
their  |)resent  farm,  wliere  they  have  resided  contin- 
uously since.       They  have  had  three  children:  Au- 
gustin  Mason;  H.  Hugh  and  Sarah  E.      Hugh  died 
at  the  age  of  twelve  years  and  six  months,  and  the 
other    children    are    living    with    their   parents    at 

]Mr.  Talbott's  grandfather  was  born  in  Maryland, 
of  Englisli  ancestry.  His  grandmother,  maternally, 
was  a  Sandusky  and  of  the  same  family  after  which 
the  Ohio  city  was  named.  In  the  early  part  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  three  brothers  came  over  from 

I'olaml,  one  (if  whom  settled  in  ()hi(),  ami  foundcil 
the  city  of  Sandusky,  another  locating  in  Maiy- 
land.  while  Mr.  Talliott's  ancestor  settled  in  Ken- 
tucky. His  paternal  grandmother  was  a  Mason  and 
a  lineal  descendant  of  the  surveyor  Mason,  who  in 
company  with  Dixon,  settled  a  dispute  between 
Lord  Baltimore  and  William  Penu  by  agreeing  on 
the  present  State  line  between  Pennsylvania  and 
Maryland,  popularly  known  as  Mason  and  Dixon's 
line,  and  surveyed  by  them  in  colonial  times.  The 
name  of  Mason,  therefore,  will  be  perpetuated  in 
the  Talbott  family. 

JMr.  Talbott  has  served  as  School  'I'reasurcr  for 
ten  years  and  as  Dii'ector  for  seven  years.  He  has 
also  taught  two  terms  of  school  in  the  district 
where  he  lives.  In  1 872  he  was  elected  Justice  of 
the  Peace  and  has  served  with  distinguished  ability 
in  that  ofliee  since,  and  in  the  course  of  that  time 
has  bad  a  great  many  cases  appealed  to  the  higher 
courts,  but  his  decisions  have  been  invariably  sus- 
tained. -In  1870  he  was  elected  Supervisor,  and 
with  the  exception  of  one  year,  has  served  for  nine 
years  consecutively.  He  is  a  member  of  the  G.  A.  R., 
and  was  the  first  commander  of  Sidell  post  No. 
536.  He  was  an  active  man  in  organizing  it,  and 
was  one  of  its  charter  members.  Mr.  Talbott  is  an 
uncompromising  and  stalwart  Republican  and  has 
serveil  on  the  central  committee  of  his  county  for 
several  years.  W'hen  the  Odd  Fellows'  Lodge  was 
started  at  Sidell  in  1886,  he  was  one  of  its  charter 
members  and  its  first  presiding  officer  and  he  has 
represented  bis  lodge  in  the  graml  liody.  Our 
subject  joined  the  Odd  Fellows  May  22,   1857. 

ANIEL  GURLEY.  Few  who  look  u|)on 
this  hale,  hearty,  bright  and  intelligent 
old  gentleman  would  suppose  that  he  has 
passed  the  eighty-first  year  of  his  age.  His 
has  been  a  familiar  figure  among  the  older  resi- 
dents of  this  county  for,  lo,  these  many  years,  and 
since  the  spring  of  1 864  he  has  been  a  resident  of 
Danville.  He  commenced  in  life  at  the  foot  of 
the  ladder  without  other  resources  than  the  excel- 
lent qualities  of   mind,  heart  and    disposition  with 



which  nature  has  endowed  him,  but  these  proved 
ail  invaluable  capital,  from  whicli  he  has  built  up 
for  himself  a  goodl3'  position  amoiiir  his  fellow- 

Our  subject  was  born  in  the  town  of  Rui)ert, 
Bennington  Co.,  Yt..  Mareli  .'!.  1808.  and  is  the 
son  of  Nahum  (uirlev.  a  native  of  Glastonbury, 
Conn.,  and  of  substantial  .Scotch  ancestry.  Nahum 
Gurlcy  was  roared  to  manhood  in  his  native  State. 
from  which  he  removed  to  Vermont,  and  was  one 
of  the  earliest  settlers  of  the  town  of  Rupert,  lie 
had  learned  the  trade  of  a  blacksniilh  in  his  youth, 
but  after  settling  in  ^'ermout,  purchased  land  and 
devoted  a  part  of  his  time  to  its  improvement  and 
cultivation.  At  the  same  time  he  carried  on  l)lack- 
sniithing,  but  in  1820  disposed  of  his  interests  in 
the  Green  Mountain  Sta^.e  and  made  his  way  to 
Western  New  York,  before  there  was  either  a  canid 
or  railroad  in  that  region.  The  jonrney  was  made 
with  ox  teams,  and  the  father  of  our  subject  set- 
tled with  his  family  in  the  vicinity  of  All)ion,  Os- 
wego County,  where  he  was  a  pioneer.  He  purchased 
.1  |)artially  improved  tract  of  land,  engaged  in 
farming  and  also  worked  at  his  trade.  He  there 
spent  his  last  days,  passing  away  about  18r)8. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  rnaiden- 
iiood  .Miss  Nellie  Goodrich,  and  she,  like  her  hus- 
band, was  a  native  of  Connecticut.  The  simple 
story  of  her  life  was  that  of  a  pioneer  wife  and 
mother  who  stood  bravely  by  the  side  of  her  hus- 
liand  in  his  labors  and  struggles,  and  set  bcff>re  her 
children  the  example  of  virtue,  thrift  and  industry, 
.she  spun  wool  and  tlax.  and,  besides  manufactur- 
ing the  cloth  for  the  family  use,  made  the  garments 
as  well.  She  depiuled  this  life  prior  to  the  decease 
of  her  husl)and  at  the  old  hfiinestcad.  in  Oswego 
County,  N.  Y. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  a  lad  of  twelve 
years  when  his  parents  removed  from  ^'ermont  to 
New-  York  State,  and  he  still  distinctly  remembers 
many  of  tlie  incidents  connected  with  the  long 
journey,  especially  through  the  wilds  of  New  York. 
As  soon  as  old  enough,  he  was  taught  to  make 
himself  useful,  and  lein-ned  the  trade  of  a  black- 
smith of  his  father.  At  that  earlj-  day  plows  and 
axes  were  made  by  hand,  anil  young  (hirley  has 
turneil  out  manv  of  these   in    connection   willi   the 

other  general  work  at  the  forge.  Along  in  the 
thirties  he  determined  to  see  something  more  of 
the  world,  and  made  his  way  to  Ypsilanti,  Mich., 
and  Worked  at  bis  trade  there  and  at  .Vuburn  nearlv 
a  3'ear  and  until  winter,  when  he  started  for  home. 
He  crossed  the  ri\er  at  Detroit  and  walked  the 
entire  distance,  passing  through  the  sparselv  .set- 
tled portions  of  Canada,  and  finall\-  lu'iiving  in 
safety  at  his  destination. 

.Soon  after  his  return  Injine,  Mr.  Gurlcy  opened 
a  shop  at  Albion,  where  he  prosecuted  blacksmith- 
ing  until  18(;.'i.  He  then  returned  to  ^Michigan, 
and  in  <^uincy.  IJranch  County,  purchased  ground 
and  put  up  a  shop.  The  year  following  he  sold 
out,  and.  coming  to  this  county,  purchased  [irop- 
ert^'  in  Danville.  He  erected  one  among  the  first 
store  buildings  put  up  on  Vermilion  street,  and  en- 
gaged in  the  hide  and  leather  business  about  a 
dozen  \-ears.  lie  was  quite  prosperous  in  this 
enterprise,  and  at  the  expiration  of  the  time  men- 
tioned retired  from  active  business,  and  since 
occupied  himself  in  looking  after  his  property. 

Mr.  (Jurley  was  lirsl  married,  in  All)ion.  N.  Y.. 
to  Miss  Lydia  Rich,  a  u.alive  of  Middlefield,  (Otsego 
Co.,  N.  Y..  and  a  daughter  of  Col.  Moses  Rich. 
She  became  tin;  mother  of  four  children,  .and  dieil 
Aug.  4,  185G.  Their  eldest  son.  Fr.anklin,  is  now 
a  resident  of  Riuinels  County,  Tex.  Hewitt  re- 
sides in  La  Crescent,  Minn.;  Jerome  is  a  resident 
of  Wisconsin,  and  Nahum  lives  in  St.  Louis.  The 
second  wife  of  our  subject,  to  whom  he  was  mar- 
ried in  March,  1 8r)8.  was  Mrs.  Leonora  (Hall) 
Reed,  a  native  of  Kllisbiirg,  Jefferson  Co.,  N.  Y.. 
and  the  daughter  of  Rufus  Hall.  Her  f.ather  was 
born  in  Belleville,  Jefferson  County,  and  was  the 
son  of  Giles  Hall,  one  of  the  pioneers  of  that 
countj',  who  owned  several  large  tracts  of  land  and 
was  one  of  the  most  extensive  farmers  there.  He 
spent  his  last  years  at  Kllisburg.  His  wife  was 
Rachel  Pier,  a  native  of  Coopei'Stown,  N.  V.,  and 
who  died  in  Belleville. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  (iurlcy  was  reared  in  Jeffer- 
son County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  learned  the  trade  of  a 
blacksmith.  .Miout  181.')  lie  removed  to  ( )swego 
Countv.  where  he  carried  on  blacksmithing  and 
fanning  combined,  ;ind  where  he  spent  the  remain- 
der of    his   life.      His    wife.   Mrs.   Harriet  (Taylor) 



Hall,  was  born  in  Balston  Spa,  Saratoga  Co.,  N.  Y. 
Her  father,  James  Taylor,  removed  finally  from 
Saratoga  to  Oneida  County,  and  later  to  Oswego 
County,  where  he  died,  and  where  also  the  death  of 
the  mother  took  i)lace.  Miss  Hall  was  first  mar- 
ried, in  the  twentieth  year  of  her  age,  to  Benjamin 
F.  Reed,  of  Elniira,  N.  Y.  Mr.  Reed  was  a  printer 
by  trade,  at  which  he  worked  in  Oswego,  and 
where  his  death  took  place  Oct.  7,  185.5.  Of  this 
mariiage  there  were  born  two  children — one  of 
wliom  died  in  infancy,  and  a  son,  William  Reed 
(iurley,  resides  in  Danville.  Mrs.  Gurle}'  has  been 
in  all  respects  the  suitable  partner  of  her  husband, 
and  is  still  spared  to  lie  his  stay  and  comfort.  She 
is  a  lady  highl\-  respected  wherever  known,  and 
both  number  their  friends  b}'  the  score  in  this 
county.  I'hej'  occupy  a  comfortable  and  pleas.ant 
iiome  in  tlie  northern  part  of  the  city. 

^WJOHN  GRIFFITH  CLARK,  J.  P.,  a  veteran 
I  merchant  and  early  settler  of  Sidell,  has 
I  been  one  of  the  men  most  closely  identified 
)  with  the  interests  of  this  vicinity,  for,  lo, 
these  many  ^ears,  and  has  dispensed  justice  in  his 
bailiwick  for  the  past  four  years.  He  is  of 
that  stanch  and  substantial  character  which  was 
most  needed  in  the  early  settlement  of  Cenlral 
Illinois,  and  has  borne  no  unimportant  part  in  the 
development  of  his  township  and  the  establishment 
of  the  various  enterprises  which  have  made  it  a 
desirable  location  for  an  industrious  and  intelli- 
gent class  of  people. 

The  scenes  of  the  first  recollections  of  our  sub- 
ject were  in  the  township  of  Hamilton,  Warren 
Co.,  Ohio,  where  his  birth  took  place  July  4,  1819. 
Six  or  seven  years  later  his  father  removed  to 
Indianapolis,  Ind.,  which  was  then  in  its  infancy, 
there  being  only  five  or  six  frame  houses  and  a 
few  log  cabins  upon  the  present  site  of  that  now 
important  cit3'.  The  early  education  of  young 
Clark  was  carried  on  under  many  disadvantages, 
he  attending  the  free  schools  two  and  one-half 
months,  and  later  a  "rate"  school.  After  working- 
hard    during    the   daj-,    he  would   take  his  book  at 

evening  and,  by  the  light  of  a  dip  candle  and  the 
fireplace,  extract  sueli  knowledge  as  he  could. 
During  those  days  he  wore  buckskin  breeches  and 
morocco  hats.  He  plowed  in  the  field  when  a  boy 
of  eleven  years,  and  made  himself  generally  useful 
about  the  farm  from  tliat  time  on  until  approach- 
ing manhood. 

After  reaching  his  majority,  young  Clark  began 
teaching  school  in  Indiana,  and  followed  this  pro- 
fession twenty-one  months  at  one  place,  when  he 
resigned,  much  against  the  wishes  of  tlie  School 
Board,  who  full\'  appreciated  his  faithful  services. 
In  1840,  the  State  of  Kentuckj-  now  having  estab- 
lished a  free  school  at  Alexandria,  our  subject  re- 
paired thither,  and  by  a  course  of  study  qualified 
himself  still  further  for  the  duties  of  his  chosen 
[irofession.  Later,  he  taught  the  first  school  ever 
conducted  under  the  free  school  system  in  Indi- 
ana, holding  certificate  No.  1  and  being  examined 
by  Joshua  Stevens  and  Samuel  Merrill,  the  latter 
subsequentl\-  becoming  the  first  President  of  the 
State  Bank  of  Indiana.  Upon  his  second  applica- 
tion foi'  examination  by  Miles  De  Couicy,  the  lat- 
ter issued  him  a  certificate  upon  the  strengtli  of 
his  former  one.  AV'hile  teaching  at  Alexandria,  he 
met  his  first  wife.  Miss  Ann  Benedict,  whu  was 
born  in  Kentucky.  They  were  married  in  l.S4'2. 
and  settled  near  Alexandria. 

Our  subject  continued  teaching,  and  also  carried 
on  farming  several  years  in  Kentucky,  becoming 
the  owner  of  a  farm  there.  He  also  mixed  con- 
sidcralily  in  politics,  and  in  due  time  was  dulibed 
"the  leader  of  the  Democratic  party  in  Camiibell 
County."  He  served  on  the  County  and  State 
Central  Committees  several  times,  and  on  the  latter 
in  the  campaign  of  1864.  Finally,  becoming  dis- 
gusted with  the  canvass  of  that  campaign,  he  re- 
tired from  the  field,  although  serving  later  in  the 
same  capacity  as  before. 

Of  the  first  marriage  of  Squire  Clark  there  were 
born  nine  children — Elizabeth,  Sarah  A..  William. 
John  T.,  Nancy  J.,  Hester  E.,  and  three  who  died 
in  infancy.  The  mother  of  these  departed  this 
life,  at  New  Richmond,  in  1857.  Our  subject 
married  for  his  second  wife  Mrs.  Mary  Battles,  a 
native  of  Campbell  County,  Kj'.,  who  was  born  on 
the   29th  of   April,  1816,  and  was  the  daughter  of 



.lolin  anil  Ellen  (Gillhara)  Fuller.  Of  her  iii;uriau;c 
to  Mr.  Hatlles  there  were  born  seven  oliilflren.  and 
of  her  marriage  with  our  subject  there  are  two 
(I'lngliters — Carrie  B.  and  Alice  H. 

I^eaving  Kentucky  in  1874,  our  subject  came  to 
this  county  and  settled  on  a  farm  five  or  six  miles 
northwest  of  Sidell.  He  lived  there  until  1882, 
then,  coming  into  town,  purchased  a  slock  of 
merchandise,  the  first  ever  exhibited  at  this  place, 
and  established  himself  as  a  ))ioneer  merchant,  lie 
keeps  a  well-:issorted  stock  of  everything  required 
in  the  vilKage  or  country  household,  and  b:is  built 
up  a  thriving  trade.  lie  and  his  family  occupy-  a 
good  position  in  social  circles,  anrl  the  .Squire  and 
his  wife  belong  to  the  America  Missionary'  Baptist 

After  the  marriage  of  Miss  Oillham  and  Mr. 
Battles,  they  settled  in  Hancock  County,  this 
State,  but  later  removed  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where 
the  death  of  ^Ir.  Battles  occurred.  Their  seven 
children  were  named  respectively:  Mary  E., Reuben, 
John  Stephen,  America,  Sarah  E.,  Louisa  and 
Nancy  Jane.  Mrs.  Battles  after  the  death  of  her 
husband  returned  to  her  native  State  of  Kentucky, 
where  she  formed  the  acquaintance  of  Mr.  Clark. 
They  came  to  Sidell  before  the  completion  of  the 
Chicago.  Danville  Ar  Ohio  Railroad,  and  boarded 
some  of  the  laborers  during  its  construction.  Mr. 
Clark  was  the  first  Postmaster  of  Sidell,  and  its 
first  grain  bu^-er — purchasing  the  first  load  of 
grain  ever  shipped  from  the  place.  One  daj-, 
while  at  Allerton  holding  an  inquest,  an  accident 
happened  which  crippled  him,  and  he  now  gets 
about  with  the  assistance  of  crutches.  He  cast  his 
first  Presidential  vote  for  Martin  Buren  in 
1  840,  and  since  then  has  never  missed  voting  at  a 
Presidential  election.  While  living  in  Kentucky, 
he  held  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Pe.ace  in  Alex- 
andria Precinct  for  a  period  of  fourteen  years. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Caleb  and 
Elizabeth  (Griffith)  Clark,  the  father  a  native  of 
Greene  County,  Pa.,  and  the  mother  of  Campbell 
County.  Ky.  They  were  married  in  the  latter 
pl.'ice.  Caleb  Clark  was  a  farmer  by  occupation, 
and  upon  removing  from  Kentucky  settled  in 
Warren  County,  Ohio,  where  he  sojourned  five  or 
seven  years,  and  then   removed  with  his   faniMy   to 

.Marion  County,  Ind.  lie  was  one  of  the  promi- 
mcnt  lights  of  the  Democnitic  i)arty  in  that  region. 
and  a  member  of  the  State  Central  Committee  in 
1.840-4  4.  He  accumulated  a  very  good  property, 
but  was  finally  disabled  by  a  stroke  of  palsy,  and 
for  the  Last  ten  years  of  his  life  was  incapable  of 
labor,  and  died  a  poor  man.  in  1  8C'J.  in  the  seventy- 
fifth  year  of  his  age. 

The  mother  of  our  suliject  after  the  death  of  her 
husband  removed  to  the  home  of  her  dauuhler. 
Mrs.  Hannah  Parker,  in  this  State,  where  she  died, 
in  1872,  at  the  age  of  seventy-three  years.  Of  the 
twelve  children  in  the  parental  family  six  grew 
to  mature  years,  and  four  are  now  livinjr,  John 
C;.,  our  subject,  being  the  eldest.  Hannah,  Mrs. 
Parker,  is  the  mother  of  ten  children,  and  lives  in 
Callin,  this  county;  William  R.,  a  liutcher  of  Si- 
dell, is  married  and  the  father  of  three  children — 
Hannah,  John  and  J.  P.;  Mary  A.,  Mrs.  Reddick, 
is  a  resident  o(  Indiana,  and  has  a  family. 

Caleb  Clark,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  the 
first  man  that  volunteereil  in  the  city  of  Cincin- 
nati in  the  War  of  1812.  He  was  captured  by  the 
British,  but  soon  afterward  paroled.  The  paternal 
grandfather,  .Tohn  Griffith,  served  four  years  in 
the  Revohitionary  "Wnv.  and  was  in  several  b.attles 
under  the  direct  command  of  Gen.  Washington. 
The  Griffiths  tr.iced  their  ancestry  to  Wales. 

'ii^'RANCIS  MARION  ALEXANDER,  a  thor- 
iIp^I  ough,  skillful,  careful  and  prosperous  farm- 
Ig^  er  of    Georgetown    Township,   owns    and 

occupies  a  snug  homestead  of  eighty  acres  with 
good  buildings,  on  section  (!.  He  is  known  to 
most  of  the  people  of  this  region  and  recognized  as 
one  of  the  most  reliable  members  of  his  commun- 
ity. His  course  has  been  marked  by  honesty  and 
uprightness,  and  in  all  his  worthy  andiitions  he  has 
reci'ived  the  aid  and  eiu'our.agement  of  one  of  the 
best  of  wives.  Mrs.  Alexander  deserves  esjiecial 
mention  as  having  performed  her  share  in  preserv- 
ing the  reputation  of  the  family  and  assisting  in  the 
accumulation  of  the  pnipcrty  which  secured 
them    against    future    want.      \\'c     liud    them    sur- 



rounded  by  all  the  comforts  of  life  and  those  evi- 
dences of  taste  and  refinement  which  are  so  pleasant 
to  the  eye.  Our  subject  was  named  after  Gen. 
Francis  Marion,  who  was  a  relative  on  subject's 
grandmotiier's  side. 

A  native  of  Fountain  County.  Ind.,  our  .suitjeet 
was  born  Nov.  4,  1834,  and  was  the  youngest  in  a 
family  of  seven  children,  the  offspring  of  Robert 
and  Margaret  (Hawkins)  Alexander,  who  were  na- 
tives of  South  Carolina.  They  emigrated  to  Indi- 
ana with  their  respective  parents  in  their  youth, 
and  were  married  in  Fa^yette  County,  that  state. 
Later  they  removed  to  Fountain  County,  where 
the  mother  died  .at  the  early  age  of  thirty-five  years. 
The  elder  Alexander  was  married  a  second  time, 
Init  died  soon  afterward  at  the  age  of  fifty-five. 
Their  children  were  named  respectively:  .Tames, 
William,  .John,  Francis  M.  our  subject,  Hester,  Re- 
becca and  Martha  A.     Five  of  these  are  living. 

Soon  after  the  death  of  his  father  our  subject 
went  to  live  with  William  T.  Stevens,  who  had 
married  his  sister,  Martha  Ann,  and  in  1848  began 
working  on  a  farm  in  Georgetown  Township,  Ver- 
milion County.  Later  he  operated  rented  land  on 
his  own  account.  When  twenty-two  j'ears  old 
he  was  married,  Nov.  4,  185G,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
McCorkle,  who  was  a  native  of  Indiana  and 
a  daughter  of  Charles  McCorkle.  She  became 
tlie  mother  of  five  children  and  departed  this 
life  at  the  homesteail  in  1875.  Tlieir  eldest 
daughter,  Mary  E.,  is  now  the  wife  of  John 
Girard,  a  merchant  of  Westville,  and  the  mother 
of  one  child,  Bertie  F. ;  Martha  E.  was  married  to 
H.  G.  McMillan  and  died  nt  tlie  age  of  twenty-one 
years,  leaving  one  child,  Clarence  E.,  wlio  soon 
followed  the  mother;  Matilda  A.  is  the  wife  of  H. 
T.  Parker,  who  has  cliarge  of  the  Alexander  farm, 
anil  they  are  the  parents  of  a  son,  .lones  N.;  Mar- 
garet E.  married  I).  E.  Beebe,  a  stock-man  and 
farmer  near  Huron,  Dak.,  and  they  have  one  child, 
a  daughter,  Blanche;  Minnie  I),  is  unmarried  and 
remains  with  hei'  father. 

Onr  subject  in  1878  contivicted  a  second  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Mary  E.  Parker,  wiio  was  born  in 
iMarion  County,  Ind.,  and  is  tiic  daughter  of  John 
and  Hannah  (Clark)  Parker,  both  natives  of  Ken- 
lucky.      Mrs.    Alexander   was  simply   .-i  child  when 

her  parents  came  to  Illinois  and  settled  first  on  a 
farm  in  Carroll  Township,  ^■ermilion  County. 
They  are  now  residents  of  Catlin  T'ownship.  Miss 
Mary  lived  at  home  with  her  parents,  receiving 
careful  training  from  an  excellent  mother  until  her 
marriage.  She  attended  the  common  school,  and 
grew  up  to  a  modest  and  worthy  womanhood, 
greatly  esteemed  by  lier  young  a.ssociates.  Siie 
has  fulfilled  the  promise  of  her  youth,  and  has 
proved  in  every  way  the  suitable  partner  of  a  good, 
man's  home.  Religiously  inclined,  she  is  a  consist- 
ent member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at 
Fairview,  while  Mr.  Alex.ander  finds  his  religious 
home  in  the  Christian  Cliurch.  in  which  he  is  Elder. 
Politically  our  subject  advocates  the  principles  of 
the  Democratic  party  and  has  served  several  terms 
as  School  Director  and  Road  Supervisor.  Beyond 
this  he  carefully  avoids  the  responsibilities  of 
ollice,  finding  his  chief  satisfaction  in  looking  after 
his  farm  and  fimily.  \\'hen  our  subject  was 
twenty-one  years  of  age  he  went  to  Iowa  and  pur- 
chased land  near  Des  Moines;  then  went  into  mer- 
chandising, continuing  in  that  three  years;  then  re- 
turned to  Westville  and  went  into  business  at  that 
place;  sold  that  and  bought  his  present  place. 

-,  »y .oto..^;>><A^..o*o. -v— 

dlOMAS  IIAWORITI,  who  dei)arteil  this 
life  May  4,  1885,  at  his  homestead  in  El- 
wood  Township,  was  esteemed  as  one  of 
its  best  citizens  and  in  his  death  it  suffered  an  irre- 
parable loss.  He  was  bcnii  in  this  townshi|)  July 
12,  1845,  and  was  the  son  of  Joel  Haworth,  a  native 
of  Tennessee,  who  came  to  this  county  when  a 
boy,  settling  among  the  Indians  and  wild  animals, 
as  early  as  1825,  and  in  common  with  other  pio- 
neers ot  that  period  his  career  was  made  an  item  of 
history  in  the  published  records  of  this  county 
some  years  since. 

Young  Haworth,  as  may  be  su()posed,  received 
only  limited  school  .advantages  during  hislioyhood 
and  youth,  but  his  natui-ally  bright  mind  and 
habits  of  observation  conspired  to  make  him  a  very 
intelligent  and  thoroughly-well  informed  man.  He 
assisted  his  father  in  the   o|iening  up  of    the  home- 





stead  fi-<iin  the  wilderness  and  ii|miii  apiiruacliiiiy- 
manliood  learned  the  traile  of  a  plasterer  which  he 
followed  several  years.  Later  he  ahaiidoiied  this 
for  the  more  congenial  pursuits  of  agricnltiire.  lie 
was  married  when  nearly  thirty-three  years  of  age, 
Mareh  28,  1^78,  to  Mrs  Hannah  M.  Si)ray,  widow 
of  Jesse  Spray,  who  dii'd  in  Indian:ipolis,  Feb.  22. 

Mrs.  Ilaworth  was  horn  in  Hendritks  County, 
Ind..  and  is  the  daughter  of  David  Mendenhall, 
who  is  long  since  dcceaseiL  After  the  death  of  Mr. 
Ilaworth  she  was  married  to  .Silas  Mendenhall, 
March  11.  1889.  A  sketch  of  Mr.  Mendenhall  ap- 
jjears  on  another  page  in  this  Alhum.  Mr.  Ilaworth 
was  a  liberal  and  pul)lic-spirited  citizen  and  in  re- 
ligious matters  belonged  to  the  Society  of  Friends. 
He  was  a  man  of  the  most  kindly  Christian  charac- 
ter, beloved  and  resi)ected  by  all  who  knew  him 
and  none  can  point  to  an  unworthy  or  dishonest 
act  associated  with  his  life. 

BRAHAM  SANDUSKY  is  one  of  the  lead- 
ing men  of  Carroll  Township,  and  was 
/  ii)  born  in  liourbon  County.  Ky..  March  24, 
^  1 8;5;3.      His  father,   also  named   Alirahani, 

was  a  native  of  the  same  coiint3',  and  was  born 
March  29,  1793,  His  mother,  Jane  (McDowell) 
was  born  there  also,  her  tiirtli  occurring  Dec.  l(i, 

The  grandparents  were  among  the  early  settlers 
of  Kentucky,  and  were  there  at  the  time  the  Indi- 
ans were  very  troublesome.  This  family  traces  its 
ancestry  b.ack  to  Poland's  royalty.  They  came  to 
America  in  17.5G.  and  as  foreigners,  were  at  fiist 
looked  upon  with  suspicion,  but  their  true  charac- 
ter becoming  known,  they  were  soon  in  great  favor 
witli  tlie  |ie(jple  of  the  colonies,  and  since  that  time 
there  have  been  no  more  lo3'al  Americans  than  the 
Sandusky  family.  The  original  forefather  liecan.e 
an  Indian  huntei'  and  tradei',  and  liy  them  was 

Of  the  eight  childien  born  to  the  |>arents  of  the 
subject  of  this  sketch,  Abraham  w:is  lln'  si.\th.  He 
■was   the  last  one  whose   nativit\-    was   in    Kentucky 

and    he   was   lirought    to     Illinois   in    his   mother's 
arms,  a  babe  of  six  nn)nths.      He  has  a  good  claim 
to  the  title  of   pioneer,    and   nobly  does  he  sustain 
that  title.      His  schooling  was  gained  at  the  public 
schools  of  the  d.ays  of  his  boyhood  but  his  greatest 
lessons  were  gleaned  from  his   father  and  mother, 
who  taught  him  industry  ami  liojiesty.  He  worked  on 
his    father's   faiin    until   he   was  married,  Dec.    Hi, 
1  8(;9  to  Miss  Ellen  Baird,  a  native  of  Carroll  Town  ■ 
ship.      He   purchased  his   first    land    in    1802,   and 
since  that  time  has  dealt  steadily  in   real   estate,   in 
this  way  accumulating  a  great  deal  of  wealth.     He 
speculated  in  cattle,  horses  and  live-stock  generally, 
and   during  the   war  when  values   were  much  in- 
tlated.  and  fortunes  so  easily  gained,  he  did  partic- 
ularly well.     He  became    connected    with  the  E.\- 
change  Bank  and  was  interested  in  the  cori)oration 
to  the  extent  of  one-fourth  interest.   This  institution 
transacted  a  general  banking  business  for  some  four 
or  five  years,  when  the  railroad  was  projected  from 
Paris  to  Danville.     This  bank  uniU'rtook  the  build- 
ing and  operating  of  the  road,  a  bonus  of  ^itOO  a 
mile  being  voted  for  its  construction   b3'   the  sev- 
eral towns  through   which  it  passed.     The  bonded 
stock  of  this  companj-  amounting  to  $1,5(J0,000,  at 
one  time  could  have  been  sold  for  eighty  per  cent. 
The  road  was  sold   at  forced  sale,   and    being  pur- 
chased by  the  Wabash,  it  consequently  forced  Mr, 
Sandusky  into  bankruptcy,  this  occurring  in  1873 
ard   sweeping    his   whole   fortune  awa\-.      At    that 
time  he  was  worth  $300,000  in   money  that  he  had 
accumulated   by    his    own   efforts,     .lust    here  the 
nobility  of  Mr.  Sandusky's  character  asserted  it- 
self,   anil  while   many    others  attribute    his    great 
losses  to  the  deliniiuenc}-  of  another  man,  yet  Mr. 
Sandusk}'  remains  mule,  and  simply  says  that  the 
money  was  lost.     His    farm  was  bought  in  by  his 
brother,   William,  and    through   industry  and  per- 
severance .Vbraham    has   been   able    to   regain   600 
acres  of  it. 

Through  all  his  trials  and  losses  Mr.  Sandusky 
hiis  stistained  his  hoixir,  always  appearing  what 
he  really  is.  ;i  public-spirited  and  generous  citizen. 
Nearly  every  church,  aiul  all  other  enterprises  de- 
signed for  the  public  good,  have  felt  the  strength  of 
his  lilieralily.  Mr.  Sandusky  is  now  following 
licneral  or  mi.\ed  farming,  and  !iis   Short-horn  cat- 



tie  are  the  best  specimems  of  their  breed  in  lliis 
country.  Political!}-,  he  is  a  strong  uncompro- 
mising Republican,  and  never  omits  an  opportun- 
ity to  aid  his  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Cum- 
berland Presbyterian  Church,  while  his  wife  is  a 

Nancy  KUeu  Haird,  the  wife  of  Abraham  San- 
dusky, was  l)orn  in  Carroll  Township.  Her  father. 
Joseph,  and  motlier  Lydia  ( .Mendcnhnll)  Baird,  were 
early  settlers  of  ^'ernlilion  County.  The  father  was 
born  in  Kentucky  and  the  mother  in  Ohio.  She  came 
here  with  her  ])arents  when  she  was  eleven  years 
old.  while  Mr.  Baird  was  a  young  man,  when  he 
arrived  in  this  county.  After  their  marriage  they 
settled  upon  their  farm  where  they  became  the 
parents  of  eight  children:  John  G.,  David  A., 
Nancy  Ellen,  Elizabeth  A.,  Lydia  Jane.  Emily  F., 
William  S.,  and  Joseph,  who  died  in  infancy.  Mrs. 
Baird  is  residing  on  the  old  Mendenhall  liomestead 
with  her  son,  Silas,  and  is  in  good  liealtii  at  the  age 
of  sevent3-seven  years.  Her  husband  died  in  1869 
nearly  seventy  years  old. 

Fine  lithogra|)hic  portraits  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  San- 
dusky are  shown  elsewhere  in  this  work,  and  repre- 
sent people  of  fine  family,  prominent  social  position 
and  philanthropic  spirit.  It  is  the  wish  of  the 
Album  as  well  as  its  many  readers  that  they  may 
remain  for  many  years  among  those  who  love  them. 


%  OSEPH  F.  COOK.  Somebody  has  said  that 
the  man  who  loves  a  good  horse  is  generally 
a  good  citizen.  The  converse  of  this  proi)o- 
/  sition  in  certainly  true  that  a  man  who 
abuses  this  noblest  of  all  animals  is  certainly  a  bad 
citizen.  If  there  is  anything  in  this  world  that 
Mr.  Cook  likes  belter  than  another  it  is  a  good 
horse.  He  is  especially  proud  of  the  fact  that  he 
is  the  owner  of  as  fine  horses  as  can  be  found  in 
Vermilion  County.  He  is  a  man  who  possesses 
great  intelligence  and  uses  his  talents  freely  in  his 
business  of  putting  on  the  market  splendid  horses. 
His  financial  success  in  this  direction  fully  attests 
the  fact  that  he  has  not  failed  to  make  for  himself 
an  enviable  reputation  as  a    fair.  ca|)able  and  relia- 

ble business  man.  His  excellent  judgment  has  led 
him  to  select  Cleveland  Bays  and  Manibrino  strains 
as  the  most  superior  breeds  for  the  class  of  animals 
he  deals  in. 

Mr.  Cook  was  born   in  Vermillion  County.  Ind.. 
about  two  miles  from  his  present  home  on  Oct.  2.5. 
18.59.     His  father,  Dr.  Joseph   C.  Cook,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Virginia  .and  came  with  his  father — and  the 
grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch — William 
Cook,  to  Parke  County.  Ind..  where  the  latter  set- 
tled on  new  land.     At  this  time  the  countrv  was 
overrun  with   wild  animals  and  wilder  Indians,  but 
they  were  bound  to  make  a  home  and  in   this    de- 
termination  the}'  were    successful.     Dr.   Cook   lo- 
cated in    A'ermillion  County.  Ind..  soon  after  his 
marriage,  which  was  about  forty  years  ago  and  his 
capital  at  that  time  consisted  of  only  fifty  cents.  He 
also  owned  a    horse,  saddle  and  bridle,  but    above 
all  possessed  no  little  ambition  to  make  a  name  and 
accumulate  proiierty.      He  became  one  of  the  most 
eminent  physicians    in  this   country,  and    when   he 
died  he  was  the  owner  of  1.700  acres  of  land  beside 
having  ^48.000  in  accounts  on   his  books  as  well  as 
notes  and  other  property.  No  call  from  the  sick  ever 
went  un.answered  by  him  and  the  afflicted  poor  re- 
ceived as  much  attention  .as  those  that  were  wealthv. 
One  feature  of  his  philantliroph}'  was  the  giving  of 
$600  a  year  to  the  worthy  poor.       He  died  in  Ver- 
million Township.  Jan.  22,    1875,    honored  and  re- 
spected by  the  entire  community.     His  widow  who 
was  Margaret  J.  Dallas,  before  her  marriage,  is  now 
living  on  the  old   homestead,  and  is   the  mother  of 
twelve  children,  five  of  whom  are  living:  William 
C.  Charles,  Joseph   F.    Addison  W.  and  Bertie  C. 
Joseph    F.  Cook  received  his    education  at  the 
common  schools,  and  nearly  all   his  life    has    been 
spent  in  the  occupation  of  farming.      He  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Drusilla  P..  daughter  of  James  Camp- 
bell, who  was  an  earl}'  settler  of  this  tovvnship.   ;Mr. 
and  Mrs.    Cook  are  the    parents  of  four  children: 
Nettie  P.,  Roy  F.,  May   D.  and    Bertie    C.     Mr. 
Cook's  farm  is  situated  on  section  36,  range  11,  El- 
wood  Township,  where  he  owns  a  quarter  section  of 
splendid  land.     As  before  indicated  he  is  a  breeder 
of  fine  horses.     He  owns  the  Duke  of  Cleveland,  an 
imported    Cleveland  Bay,    four  years  old,    which 
weighs  1,400  itounds  and  is  sixteen  and  one-fourth 



hands  liigli.  Me  is  also  llic  owner  of  Hoy  Davis, 
whose  graixisire  isolfl  Dr.  Iluir,  of  Paris,  sired  by 
Mainbriiio  Davis,  abrotlierof  .loe  Davis,  tlie  noted 
trotter  tliat  made  a  record  of  2:17  a  few  j'cars  ago. 
The  dam  of  Roy  Davis  is  Senorita  Parepa.  corrected 
from '^  volume  1.  page  ^n.'i,  of  J.  II.  Wallace's 
American  Trotting'  Register,  making  R03'  Davis  a 
thorough  lired. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  are  devoted  members  of  the 
Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church  and  are  always 
found  ready  to  extend  financial  help  to  any  be- 
nevolent project.  Mr.  Cook  is  a  wealthy  man  and 
and  is  espeeiall}-  proud  of  the  record  of  his  father 
as  a  phy.sii-ia7i  and  philanthropist. 

— V 


f;;AMI<:S  SYLVESTER  CLING  AN,  a  retired 
farmer  and  a  resident  of  AVestville,  is  the 
owner  of  a  flne  body  of  improved  land  in 
Catlin  Township,  which  is  operate<l  by  his 
sons.  Me  is  in  comfortable  circnmstances  and  has 
been  blessed  with  a  life  partner  of  more  than  ordin- 
ary woith.  who  has  been  his  efficient  helpmate  in 
the  accumulation  of  their  property  and  has  con- 
tributed largely-  in  maintaining  the  dignity  and 
reputation  of  the  family.  They  are  peo|)le  held  in 
high  esteem  and  are  classed  among  the  best  ele- 
ments of  their  community. 

In  glancing  at  the  antecedents  of  <jur  subject  we 
find  that  he  was  born  in  iMiami  County,  eight  miles 
southwest  of  Troy,  Ohio,  Dec.  1.5,  18.30,  and  is  the 
son  of  William  and  Nancy  (Ramsey)  Clingan,  the 
former  a  native  of  the  same  county  as  his  son  and 
the  mother  born  near  Susquehanna,  Pa.  The  latter 
descended  from  substantial  old  Pennsylvania  s'^ock, 
while  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject, 
James  Clingan,  by  name  was  a  native  of  Ireland. 
The  i)arents  were  married  in  Dayton,  Ohio,  and  the 
father  carried  on  farming  in  that  vicinity  until 
184;").  That  year  they  came  to  Illinois,  settling  six 
miles  east  of  Danville  .and  one-half  mile  from  the 
Stale  line,  where  tlic  elder  Clingan  commenced 
opening  up  a  farm  from  the  wilderness,  but  was 
called  away  by  death  two  years  after  his  arrival 
here.     The   eiglitv  acres  of    l:ind  which  he  had  se- 

cured was  only  partially  paid  for  and  two- thirds  of 
it  had  to  be  sold.  Our  subject,  then  a  youth  of 
seventeen  years,  began  working  out  In  the  month 
and  .assisted  his  mother  until  slie  no  longer  required 
his  fdial  services.  She  passed  away  Sept.  19,  IH.'jl. 
The  parental  hou.sehold  consisted  of  eight  chil- 
dren, namely:  William,  James  .Sylvester,  our  sub- 
ject, John.  Robert,  .loshua,  Mason,  Sarah,  .and 

When  twenty-four  years  of  age  our  subject  was 
married,  in  18.'i5  to  Miss  Alvira,  a  daughter  of 
John  iind  Mary  Olehy.  The  young  people  com- 
menced their  wedded  life  together  on  a  rented  farm 
in  Danville  Township,  where  the}-  lived  seven 
years,  and  then  Mr.  Clingan  i)urchased  part  of  the 
estate  of  his  wife's  father.  Later  he  sold  this  and 
bought  120  .acres  of  land  in  Catlin  Township.  He 
subsequently  added  to  this  and  is  now  the  owner 
of  200  acres  which  is  largely  devoted  to  the  raising 
of  grain  and  stock  and  which  yields  handsome 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Clingan  there  have  been  born 
four  children:  The  eldest,  John  W.,  a  farmer  of 
Georgetown  Township,  married  Miss  M.ary  Nesbitt, 
and  is  the  father  of  two  children — Dennis  A.  .and 
Edna  A. ;  Dennis  R.,  who  resides  on  the  home  farm, 
married  Miss  Louisa  Graves;  INIary^  E.,  died  at  the 
age  of  two  j'ears;  Luther,  a  resident  of  George- 
town Township,  married  Miss  Martha  Graves  and 
is  the  father  of  two  children — Blanche  and  Hersch- 
ell.  Our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  left  the 
farm  in  November,  1886,  and  took  up  their  .abode 
in  Westville,  where  they  purpose  living  retired 
from  the  arduous  labors  with  which  they  were  em- 
ployed during  their  younger  years.  Mr.  Clingan 
politically  affiliates  with  the  Democratic  party,  but 
has  never  sought  office  and  mingled  very  little 
with  public  affairs,  with  the  exception  of  serving 
as  a  School  Director  in  his  district  for  a  perod  of 
nine  years. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  were  natives  re- 
spectively of  Virginia  and  Kentuck3-.  They  were 
married  in  C)hio  where  their  two  eldest  children 
were  bom  and  came  to  Illinois  in  1833,  .settling 
three  miles  east  of  Danville.  There  the  birth  of 
IMrs.  Clingan  took  place  in  183,").  Only  four  of 
the  fourteen  children  born  to  the  p.arents  are  living. 



The  eldest.  Louisa,  is  tlie  wife  of  Dennis  Rouse  of 
l^aiiviUe.  Alvii-a.  Mrs.  C'lingaii,  is  the  next  eldest; 
M;uy,  Wis.  Herman  Clyman,  lives  on  a  farm  in 
Georgetown  Township;  Rebecca  Jane,  is  the  wife 
of  George  Watson,  a  farmer  of  Pilot  Townsliip. 

'S^LIZA  (SNYDER)  CASSEL  is  the  relict  of 
ILi]  the  late  ,lohn  C'assel,  a  former  prominent 
1^^)  citizen  of  Pilot  Township  and  one  of  the 
leading  farmers  of  this  part  of  Vermilion  County, 
owning  a  large  farm  and  carrying  on  stock-raising 
quite  extensively  during  many  years  of  a  busy  and 
useful  life.  Our  subject  makes  her  home  on  this 
farm,  which  she  helped  her  husband  to  jjlace 
among  the  best  and  most  desirable  estates  in  this 
locality  in  point  of  size,  cultivation  and  st3'le  of 

Mrs.  C'assel  is  a  native  of  Muskingum,  County, 
Oliio,  born  in  ALay,  1827.  Her  parents,  John  and 
Mary  (Blunt)  Snyder,  were  natives  of  ^'il•ginia, 
nw\  pioneers  of  Ohio,  and  sulisequently  early  set- 
tlers of  this  county,  coming  here  in  1831  and  lo- 
cating in  Blount  Township.  The  father  died  in 
1848,  thus  ending  a  life  of  usefulness,  and  leaving 
a  name  that  is  held  in  respect  by  his  descendants. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  were  of  Irish  antecedents. 
The  latter  died  in  1872  at  a  venerable  age.  They 
were  the  parents  of  ten  children,  six  of  whom  are 
living,  as  follows:  our  subject,  of  whom  we  will 
speak  further;  C'enith,  living  in  New  Pontiac,  III., 
n  widow,  who  has  been  twice  married,  Mr.  Alfred 
Lane  being  her  first  husband  and  Isaac  Norman 
her  second  husband,  she  having  three  children  bv 
her  last  union — lolin,  Charles  and  Wesley:  John, 
a  farmer,  married  Rachel  Robinson,  and  is  the 
father  of  ten  children;  Cliai'les  married  Margaret 
Olhand,  of  this  county,  and  they  have  eight  chil- 
dren; Wesley,  living  retired  in  Danville,  married 
3\Iary  Cunnigan,  and  they  have  seven  children. 
Margaret  married  James  Gillen,a  farmer  in  Chero- 
kee County,  Kan.,  and  they  have  twelve  children. 
Our  subject  was  a  small  child  of  scarcely  four 
years  when  her  parents  brought  her  to  Vermilion 
County,  therefore  she  can  have  Init  little  recollec- 

tion of  any  inevious  home,  and  here  she  was  reared 
amid  the  pioneer  scenes  of  those  early  da^s  of  the 
settlement  of  this  section  of  the  country  to  a 
strong,  self-reliant,  useful  womanhood.  When 
quite  young  she  assumed  the  responsibilities  of 
married  life  by  uniting  her  fate  with  that  of  Henry 
Bailey,  a  young  farmer  of  the  neigliltorliood,  his 
p.arents  coming  from  South  Carolina  in  early  dnys 
and  settling  among  the  pioneers  of  the  county. 
Three  children  blessed  our  subject  and  her  hus- 
banil,  namely:  Melissa,  Mary  ancl  William.  Me- 
lissa married  F.  M.Ogle  of  this  county,  now  living 
in  Linn  County,  Kan.,  and  they  have  ten  children; 
Mary  married  James  Goff,  of  this  county,  now 
living  in  Wilson  County,  Kas.,  and  they  have  six 
children;  William  enlistetl  in  the  army  in  1861, 
and  gave  up  his  life  to  his  country,  dying  at  the 
battle  of  Corinth,  Miss.,  in  1862.  Mr.  Hailey  de- 
parted this  life  about  1848. 

Our  subject  was  united  in  marriage  to  John  Cas- 
!  sel  in  1850.  He  was  born  in  Georgia,  his  parents 
being  John  and  Martha  (Dark)  C'assel.  Of  this 
marriage  ten  children  were  born,  of  whom  the  fol- 
lowing is  recorded:  Columbus,  a  farmer  in  Gray 
County,  Kan.,  married  Eva  C'lark,  of  Champaign 
County,  111..  ;ind  they  have  three  children;  Caro- 
line married  Allen  Kirkpatrick.  a  farmer  of  this 
county,  and  the}'  have  five  children;  Ann  married 
James  Nichols,  a  farmer  of  this  county,  and  they 
have  two  chililren;  Charles  is  at  home,  unmarrieil; 
Alice,  Frank  and  Martin  are  deceased;  Martha 
married  Harry  Canad,ay,  of  Champaign  Count}-, 
III.,  now  a  merchant  in  Gray  County.  Kan.,  and 
the}'  have  two  children;  Rosa  married  John  McAl- 
ister,  a  farmer  of  this  county,  and  they  have  two 

Mr.  C'assel  came  to  this  count}'  when  a  young 
man,  and  commenced  life  on  his  own  account.  lie 
had  absolutely  nothing  to  depend  on  luit  the  labor 
of  his  own  hands,  but  in  the  course  of  a  life  of  ex- 
traordinary industry  he  accomplished  a  great  deal, 
and  placed  himself  among  the  men  of  wealth  and 
solid  standing  in  the  county.  He  owned  640  acres 
of  valuable  land,  all  well  improved,  with  substan- 
tial buildings,  ;ind  all  the  appointments  of  a  well- 
managed  farm. 

In  the  death  of  Mr.  Cassel,  which  occurred  July 



15,  1880,  Pil(jt  Towiisliip  sustained  a  severe  loss, 
as  he  was  in  ever^'  way  a  fine  man  anrl  a  desirable 
citizen,  wlio  had  taken  a  strong  interest  in  the 
township  and  had  done  a  great  deal  to  advance  its 
material  prosperity,  lie  was  a  considerate  hus- 
band, a  loving  father  and  a  good  neighbor,  ever 
just  and  upright  in  his  dealings.  He  was  a  sound 
Republican  in  liis  political  views,  and  in  working 
for  the  good  of  his  party  deemed  tliat  he  was  pro- 
moting the  highest  interests  of  his  couiiUv.  He 
was  a  devoted  member  of  the  Methodist  E|)iscopal 
Church,  contributed  liberally  to  the  support  of  the 
Gospel,  and  was  prominent  in  the  management  of 
the  nffairs  of  his  church,  holding  its  various  oflices. 

Mrs.  Cassel  has  shown  herself  to  be  in  ever>'  waj' 
worthy  of  her  husband.  She  is  a  quiet,  unobtru- 
sive lad}-,  who  has  conscientiously  done  her  duty 
in  the  various  departments  of  life  that  she  has 
been  called  on  to  fill  as  wife,  mother  and  friend, 
and  her  place  in  this  coramunity  is  among  our  best 
and  most  warralj'  esteemed  people.  She  possesses 
excellent  judgment  and  sound  common  sense,  and 
is  a  vvise  manager,  so  that  her  husband's  estate  has 
not  diminished  in  value  since  it  came  into  her 

A  view  of  her  pleasant  home  is  given  on  another 
page  of  this  volume,  and  is  a  good  representation 
of  one  of  tiie  most  comfortable  country-  residences 
in  tiie  county. 


«^;RCHIBALI)  McDowell,  an  honored 
i@A-Jr    citizen  an<l  early  pioneer  of  this  section  of 

///  *  the  State  of  Illinois,  is  now  passing  his  ad- 
^fl  vanced   years  in    the  quiet   of   his    home, 

looking  back  upon  a  long  record  of  usefulness  that 
perhaps  is  not  equaled  by  an}'  of  his  compeers.  He 
was  born  in  Todd  County,  sixteen  miles  from  llop- 
kinsville,  Ky.,  Sept.  4,  1813.  William  and  Mollic 
Nancy  (Thompson)  McDowell  were  his  parents 
and  were  born  in  Greenbrier  County.  \'a.  Shortly 
after  their  marriage  they  remo\  ed  to  what  was 
tlien  inllcd  Christian  Cf)unty  (later  Todd)  Kj'., 
where  all  of  their  children  were  born,  whose  names 
folli'v:  .Josiah,  Margaret.  .lohn  1)..  Eliza,  James, 
Archiliil'l.    Robert    and    William.     All    of    these 

came  to  Illinois  with  their  parents  in  1826,  and  of 
whom  now  only  two  are  living.  Archibald  and  Wil- 

William  McDowell  was  theowuerof  a  large  plan- 
tation in  Kentucky,  but  a  desire  seized  him  to  em- 
igrate to  Illinois,  a  move  which  he  never  regretted. 
The  journey  was  m.-ule  by  the  means  of  one  wagon 
and  a  cart,  which  were  diawn  by  oxen.  He  started 
with  thirty  head  of  cattle  and  thirteen  head  of 
horses.  On  the  road  the  cattle  were  all  seized  by 
an  epidemic,  as  were  also  the  horses,  and  when  they 
landed  at  their  destination  an  inventory  of  their 
stock  exhibited  the  fact  that  they  had  one  cow,  one 
ox,  and  one  horse.  He  settled  in  Crawford  County, 
four  miles  from  Palestine,  where  he  lived  six  .years, 
when  he  removed  to  Vermilion  Count>-.  It  was 
under  these  early  circumstances  and  environments 
that  Archibald  McDowell  grew  to  m.Tuhood.  The 
country  for  a  few  years  after  his  father's  arrival  in 
Illinois  was  entirely  destitute  of  educational  privi- 
leges, and  when  alleged  school-bouses  were  erected, 
the  advantages  to  obtain  an  eiiucation  were  not 
very  much  better.  The  teachers  of  those  days  were 
not  chosen  for  their  especial  literary  qualifications, 
but  for  their  physical  ability.  'Ihe  schools  lasted 
only  four  to  six  months  in  the  year. 

About  two  jears  after  William  IMcDowell  re- 
moved to  this  county  he  desired  to  return  to  Ken- 
tucky to  settle  up  some  affairs,  which  he  did.  On 
his  return  trip  to  Illinois  be  was  seized  with  a  ma- 
lignant fever  and  died.  Several  members  of  the 
family  who  went  to  see  him,  were  also  taken  ill 
with  the  same  disease  which  cariicd  off  two  of  the 
children,  the  mother  nm\  one  brother  recovering 
after  a  long  siege  of  illness.  Archibahl,  William 
and  one  of  the  younger  sisters  were  the  only  ones 
of  the  family  who  wei-e  not  ill.  The  following 
season  the  subject  of  this  sketch  and  ^Villiilm 
jilanted  the  crops  alone  and  from  that  day  Archibald 
became  the  head  of  the  househohl. 

At  the  age  of  twenty-one,  Mr.  McDowell  was 
mariied  to  Miss  Mary  Ilildreth,  who  is  a  native  of 
P.onrbon  County.  Ky.,  and  reared  in  Illinois.  Her 
parents  came  to  this  State  in  183;?.  After  Mr.  Idc- 
Dowell's  marriage  he  settled  on  115  acres  of  land 
which  belonged  to  his  mother  and  the  heirs.  His 
energy  and  industry   united   with    his  speculative 



genius  ill  liaiidliiig  land,  soon  placed  liiiu  eompaia- 
tivel3-  well-off.  His  first  wife  lived  fifteen  years 
after  marriage,  when  she  died,  leaving  six  children: 
Columbus,  Ijouisa,  Margaret  A..  William,  Nancy  A. 
ami  Melissa.  Mr.  McDowell's  second  marriage  oc- 
curred in  18.J9  to  Miss  Cyntliia  Ann  Se.als,  who  was 
born  in  Clark  County.  111.  Siie  is  still  living  and  is 
the  niolhcrof  the  following  children:  John  I..  Alice 
.1., George.  Amanda. Thomas,  Cyrus, ( )ra  and  (Jdbert. 
Mrs.  McDowell  is  the  daughter  of  Ivan  and  Mancy 
Seals,  the  former  being  born  in  A'irginia,  while  the 
latter  is  a  native  of  Kentucky.  This  couple  had  five 
children  who  grew  to  maturity :  Henry,  .lane, 
William.  Cynthia  and  T.aylor.  Henry.  William  and 
Taylor,  enlisted  in  the  Union  Army  and  onl\'  one 
of  the  trio  returned  from  the  war.  William  is  now 
faiiiiing  neai-  Preston,  Kan.;  .lane  married  William 
Craig.  They  are  living  four  miles  east  of  Oak- 
land. 111. 

Mrs.  McDowell  reared  in  Clark  County.  III., 
and  came  to  Edgar  County,  when  she  was  eighteen 
j'ears  old,  where  her  parents  died,  the  father  in 
1878aL_the  age  of  sixty-six  years  and  tlie  mother  in 
187G  at  the  age  of  sixty-three  years.  Mr.  Mc- 
Dowell has  held  several  i)laces  of  responsibility,  es- 
pecially those  pertaining  to  educational  advance- 
ment, he  having  served  for  sixteen  years  as  a 
School  Director.  Politically  he  is  in  sympathy 
with  the  labor  movement,  although  raised  in  the 
Democratic  faith. 

The  Chicago  &  Ohio  River  Railroad  was  built  in 
1881,  when  Mr.  McDowell  gave  that  corporation  the 
right  of  way  through  his  land.  A  depot  was  erected 
upon  his  premises  and  the  station  was  named  Archie 
in  honor  of  the  owner  of  the  land.  The  Post-ottice 
also  goes  by  the  same  name. 

rf/OHN  P.  CLOYD,  M.  D.,  the  leading  physi- 
cian and  surgeon  of  (ieorgetown,  and  a  very 
able  pr.actitioner,  has  been  a  resident  of  this 
_  |)lace  since  18(19.  A  conscientious  attention 
to  business  and  a  more  than  ordinary  understand- 
ing of  the  duties  of  his  calling  has  resulted  in  the 
building  up  of  a  tine  patronage,  while  at  the  same 

time  he  is  lilicral-jninded  and  public-S|nrited,  and 
one  of  the  mosL  enterprising  and  poimlar  men  of 
the  place.  In  personal  ap|)earance  he  is  of  fine 
stature,  with  a  jile.asing  address  and  an  ever  ready 
wit,  and  is  welcomed  as  a  general  favorite  in  the 
social  circles.  As  a  business  man  his  career  has 
been   irreproachable. 

Our  subject  w,as  born  near  the  old  home  of  An- 
drew .lohnson,  in  Greenville,  Tenn.,  June  28.  1838, 
and  is  the  son  of  William  and  Julia  (Northington) 
Cloyd,  the  former  of  whom  was  l)orn  in  Washing- 
ton County,  Tenn.,  and  was  the  son  of  a  native  of 
Virginia,  who  carried  a  musket  in  theA\'arof  1812. 
The  great-grandfathei-,  \\'illiam  Cloyd.  was  Ijorn  iu 
Belleinoii}',  Ireland,  and  was  of  pure  Scotch  ances- 
try-, followers  of  the  Protestant  religion.  The 
mother  of  our  subject  was  a  native  of  \'irginia, 
whence  she  removed  with  her  parents  to  East  Ten- 
nessee when  a  young  lady.  The  Nortliingtons  were 
of  Scotch-Irish  blood,  while  the  maternal  giand- 
inother  of  our  subject,  formerlv  a  Miss  Crouch,  was 
of  English  stock.  The  Cloyds  were  represented  in 
this  country  during  the  colonial  d.ays  and  the  great- 
grandfather of  our  subject  served  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.  Grandfather  James  B.  Cloyd  was  in 
the  Wai-  of  1812  under  Gen.  Andrew  .Jackson,  and 
also  fought  the  Creek  Indians  in    Alabama. 

Tlie  parents  of  our  subject  were  reared  and  m:ir- 
ried  in  East  Tennessee,  where  the>'  spent  their 
entire  lives.  The  father  carried  on  a  wagon  manufac- 
tory, turning  out  the  celebrated  old  schooner-bed, 
six-horse  wagon,  numbers  of  wlinli  were  afterwards 
seen  making  their  way  slowly  to  llie  Great  West, 
over  the  trackless  prairie.  lie  was  a  very  indus- 
trious and  energetic  man  and  accumulated  a  good 
property.  He  died,  however,  at  the  earl\-  age  of 
thirty'  years,  after  a  short  illness  of  pneumonia,  in 
1848.  He  left  his  widow  with  three  children:  John 
Patton,  our  subject.  David  Northington  and  Ja- 
nus W. 

After  our  subject  had  attained  manhood  his 
mother  contracted  a  second  marriage,  and  there  was 
born  one  child.  She  died  at  (ireenville,  Tenn.,  at 
the  age  of  sixt}' -seven  j-ears.  .lohn  Patton  Cloyd 
received  a  common  school  education,  and  as  soon 
as  old  enough  begau  .assisting  his  father  iu  the 
wagon  shop.     Later  he  entered  Rhea  Academy  at 



(iri'fiivilli',  whcic  he  coiiiiiU'lt'd  the  preparatory 
coursii,  niul  ahoul  this  time  dccidod  upon  entering 
the  niedieal  profession.  At  the  !ii;e  of  seventeen 
he  becnnie  a  student  in  Wrtsiiington  County,  East 
Tenn..  but  on  aecount  of  liu\ited  nieuns  was  ol)liged 
to  abaiulon  liis  studies  and  engage  in  tcaeliing.  At 
the  elose  of  ins  tirst  term  he  set  out  for  Indiana, 
and  hailing  in  \'erinlllion  County  tauglit  school 
two  years,  and  in   hsr)'.)  came  to  Illinois. 

Here  our  subject  followed  the  profession  of  a 
ped.Tgt>gue  until  18()4.  In  the  meantime  he  em- 
|)loycd  his  leisure  hours  in  the  study  of  medicine, 
wliieli  he  had  Ijcgun  when  a  youth  of  eighteen.  In 
18(!4  he  repairetl  to  Chicago,  and  entering  Rush 
Medical  College  took  two  courses  of  lectures,  and 
was  graduated  with  the  class  of  l.SG'.i.  In  the  mean- 
time, however,  he  had  begun  the  practice  of  his  cho- 
sen profession  at  Yankee  Point,  tlirec  and  one-half 
years  prior  to  receiving  his  diploma  from  Rush. 
After  leaving  the  college  Dr.  Cloyd  established 
himself  in  Georgetown,  where  he  has  since  re- 
mained. He  has  suffered  nothing  else  to  distract 
his  attention  from  the  duties  of  his  i)rofession,  and 
besides  being  the  oldest  practitioner  in  the  place,  is 
the  most  skillful  and  successful. 

In  iH,j9  our  subject  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Hannah  Golden,  a  native  of  this  county,  and 
the  daughter  of  .lacoli  and  .\lcie  (Frazier)  Golden: 
they  also  were  from  East  Tennessee  and  numbered 
aiuoug  the  pioneers  of  Elwood  Township,  this 
county,  (-)f  this  union  there  have  been  born  five 
children:  Richard.  Belle,  Fr.azier,  Grace  and  .John, 
the  latter  now  a  bright  lad  of  ten  years;  Richard 
has  chosen  his  father's  profession,  and  is  a  student 
at  Rush  Medical  College,  Chicago,  in  the  class  of 
".)0.  Prior  to  entering  there  he  wasgradu.Ued  from 
the  Eastern  Illinois  College,  and  has  taught  school 
five  years  in  this  county;  Belle  is  the  wife  of  Rev. 
I).  G.  Murray,  pastor  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  at  Jacksonville,  and  they  have  one  child. 
Rose;  Frazier  is  following  the  profession  of  a 
teacher  in  this  county  ;  G nice  and  .lohn  are  at  home 
with  their  parents.  The  family  resi<l('nce  is  pleas- 
antly situated  in  the  central  part  of  the  village  and 
is  the  frequent  resort  of  its  best  peo|)lc. 

Thr  Doctor,  socially,  Iielongs  to  Russell  Lodge 
>'o.  i.jl.  A.  F.  iV:  .V.  M..  at  (Georgetown,  and  is  also 

a  member  of  Athelstan  Commandery  at  D;uiville. 
He  has  been  Master  in  his  lo<lge  at  Georgetown 
since  the  time  of  his  first  election  in  lUl'.i,  with  the 
excepticm  of  three  years.  He  is  a  charter  member 
of  the  Medical  .Vssocialictn  of  ^'ermilion  County, 
and  one  of  its  bi'ighlest  lights.  Politic^ally,  he  allil- 
iates  with  the  Democratic  [)art\'. 

— ^.^ <^ 

HARLES  COOPER.  There  is  probably  no 
,  more  popular  or  more  promising  young 
''  citizen  of  Carroll  Township  than  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice.  Nature  has  endowed  him  with 
those  admirable  (jualities  which  constitute  the  basis 
of  all  good  society  and  u[)on  which  the  wellbeing 
of  a  community  depends.  He  is  fully  in  sympathy 
with  the  broad,  free,  inilependcnt  life  of  a  farmer, 
and  is  comfortably  established  at  a  neat  homestead, 
IGO  acres  in  extent  and  pleasantly  located  on  sec- 
tion 7.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  fine  cattle  and 
horses  and  is  able  to  exhibit  some  of  the  handst)m- 
est  specimens  of  these  to  be  found  in  the  county. 
His  farm  is  finely  located  near  the  village  of  Indi- 
anola.  and  the  dwelling  is  just  f;u-  enough  from  the 
highway  to  insure  quiet,  seclusion  and  cleanliness. 
In  its  aijpointnients  and  surroundings  it  very 
nearly  realizes  the  modern  itiea  of  the  country 

Our  subject,  a  native  of  this  cinmly,  was  born 
in  Georgetown  Township,  Dec.  .'iO.  1857,  and  is 
the  son  of  .lohn  E.  Cooper,  a  Virginian  by  birth, 
who  upon  leaving  his  native  state  emigrated  to 
Ohio  and  in  1840  came  to  Illinois.  He  mar- 
ried in  Georgetown  Township,  this  county,  to  Miss 
Lucinda  Cook,  and  after  establishing  a  home  of 
his  own,  set  himself  to  work  to  gain  a  comi)etence 
and  become  a  man  among  men.  He  was  prospered 
in  his  labors  and  in  due  time  became  one  of  the 
foremost  men  of  his  town  and  the  tiwner  of  (ilO 
acres  of  laml.  He  kept  himself  thoroughly  posted 
with  regard  to  the  new  methoils  of  farming  pro- 
duced from  time  to  time,  and  purcli:ised  and  used 
the  first  steel  plow  ever  brought  to  this  cotuity. 

The  old  Cooper  honu-stead  is  a  familiar  feature 
in  the  lanilscape  to  most  of  the  older  residents  of 



this  region.  Tlie  fiirm  is  emlioUisiicil  with  a  l:u-ge 
brick  mansion  four  stories  in  height,  witli  an  ob- 
servatoiy  wliose  roof  is  reared  fifty-ninr  feet  from 
the  ground .  Jolin  E.  Cooper  and  liis  excellent 
wife  were  both  consistent  Christians  and  members 
in  good  standing  of  the  Cumberland  I'resliyterian 
Church.  Tlie  fatlier  departed  this  life  at  the  old 
liomestead  in  1885  at  the  age  of  fift3'-nine  years; 
the  mother  is  still  living  and  is  now  aged  sixty- 
one.  Tiie  nine  cliildren  comprising  the  household 
circle  are  recorded  as  follows:  George  P>.,  the  eldest, 
and  John  W.,  tlie  second  son  and  tliird  child,  are 
conducting  in  partnership  a  large  livery  establish- 
ment at  (Jreencastle,  Ind.;  (ieorge  married  Miss 
Carrie  Morcland,  and  is  the  father  of  three  children, 
O pie.  Effort  and  Glenn;  .John  married  Miss  Nora 
Hill,  and  tiiej-  also  have  three  children,  Elmo, 
Elgin  and  Jennie;  Miss  .Jennie  Cooper  married 
Russell  .Tones,  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser  in  the  vi- 
cinity of  Carthage,  ]\Io..  and  they  have  one  child, 
Bert;  Sally  was  married  to  John  A.  Gilkey,  who  is 
now  deceased,  and  she  has  two  children.  Signal 
and  Ora;  they  reside  at  the  Cooper  homestead  with 
the  mother;  Annie  is  also  at  home;  Lizzie  became 
the  wife  of  Will  Moreland,  and  died  leaving  one 
child,  Johnnie;  Kate  married  J.  R.  Jones,  a  whole- 
sale and  retail  merchant  of  Ft.  Scott,  Mo.;  <iuin  L. 
is  unmarried  and  operates  the  old  Cooper  home- 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  a  little  lad  of  four 
years  when  his  father  purchased  the  land  which  lie 
afterward  constructed  into  one  of  the  finest  farms 
of  this  region.  He  there  spent  his  bo^diood  and 
youth,  assisting  his  father  in  the  development  of 
the  land  and  acquiring  his  education  in  the  com- 
mon school.  He  remained  a  member  of  the  parental 
household  until  twenty-four  years  old,  and  was 
married  in  September,  1 882,  to  Miss  Kate,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  and  Catherine  T.  (Hedges)  More- 
land,  who  were  natives  of  Kentucky.  They  came 
to  Illinois  at  an  early  day  and  Mrs.  Cooper  was 
born  in  Carroll  Township,  this  county,  in  1860. 
The  first  year  after  his  marriage  our  subject  rented 
the  old  Moreland  Farm  and  then  moved  upon  that 
which  he  now  occupies.  He  makes  a  specialtj-  of 
road  horses  and  is  in  the  habit  of  carrj'ing  off  the 
blui'  riblKjns   at  the  Danville  an<l  Catlin  fairs.      In 

c.r.'.L'  lii-- favaritc  breed  is  the  Short-horn,  of  which 
he  has  some  excellent  specimens  with  registered 
pedigree.  In  1881  he  rented  the  Hedges  farm 
wliich  he  has  since  conducted  with  success. 

Two  bright  children  grace  the  famih'  circle, 
Fleda  and  Luie,  who  are  aged  three  and  five  re- 
spectively. Although  having  little  time  to  give 
to  politics.  Mr.  Cooper  is  a  man  of  decided  ideas 
and  gives  his  unqualified  support  to  the  DeuKj- 
cratic  party.  'I'he  beaulifui  \\'oodIawn  Cemetery  is 
within  sight  of  Mr.  Cooper's  home  and  in  which  was 
built  the  Cooper  family  vault,  largely  through  the 
instrumentality  of  the  elder  Cooper,  whose  remains 
now  repose  within  it.  Tliis  vault,  a  tasteful  and 
substantial  structure,  was  built  at  a  cost  of  SI. 900 
and  adds  greatly  to  the  appearance  of  the  cemetery, 
which  is  frequently  visited  by  the  sight-seers  of 
this  region. 

//^  ASSIUS  M.  HESTER,  a  young  man  ap- 
ill  _  proaching  the  twenty-eighth  year  of  his 
^^^J  age,  is  a  son  of  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this 
county  and  was  born  at  his  father's  old  liomestead 
in  Elwood  Township,  Dec.  15,  1861.  A  sketch  of 
his  fatlier,  William  Hester,  will  be  found  on  an- 
other page  in  this  Album.  The  latter  is  a  man  of 
note  in  his  community  and  the  son  has  ap|)arenlly 
inherited  many  of  the  excellent  qualities  of  his 

Our  suliject  studied  his  first  lessons  in  the  schools 
of  his  native  district  and  later  attended  \'eriullion 
Academy.  At  the  age  of  fifteen  years  he  started 
out  to  see  the  world  and  going  to  Colorado,  in 
1870,  worked  on  a  farm  four  months,  then  engaged 
in  teaming  between  Fountain  City  and  Colorado 
Sjjrings.  He  also  engaged  in  hauling  hay  and 
wliatever  else  he  could  find  to  do.  He  returned 
home  in  the  summer  of  1877  and  remained  on  the 
farm  until  his  marriage. 

The  above-mentioned  interesting  event  in  the 
life  of  our  subject  occurred  on  the  3d  of  Septem- 
ber, 1885,  the  bride  being  Miss  Rosa,  daughter  of 
Rev.  James  Haworth.  Mr.  llaworth  was  formerly  of 
i.^uaker  Hill,  Ind..  but  is  now  in  Ackworth,  Warren 

'f,  .v,„% 



Co.,  Iowa,  wlicri'  lie  is  |iii'Mc-liiiiu;  llio  GosiX'l  in  llie 
t'l-iend's  Churcli.  Mr.  mid  Mrs.  Hester  were  the 
parents  of  one  eliilil  wliicli  was  taken  from  tlie 
liome  circle  in  infancy.  Uiir  subject  like  his  fore- 
fiilhers  belongs  to  the  Society  of  Friends,  and  is 
Recorder  of  births  and  deatlis  in  the  Church  at 
A'erniilion  Grove  in  whicli  he  also  ottieiates  as 
Treasurer.  He  is  one  of  the  leading  lights  among 
his  religious  brethren  and  a  young  man  who  is  a 
favorite  generally  in  the  social  circles  of  his 




RED  TILTOX.  Could  the  pioneers  of 
§1  forty  years  ago  have  been  given  the  power 
to  discern  the  result  of  their  long  and  ar- 
duous labors  upon  first  coming  to  this  section  of 
country,  they  would  have  had  everything  to  en- 
courage them,  and  there  woidd  have  been  little 
excuse  for  any  failure  which  they  might  have 
made.  As  it  was,  many  of  them  were  giving  the 
best  part  of  their  lives  to  an  experiment,  as  it  were, 
ho|)ing  indeed  that  their  labors  would  be  rewarded, 
but  not  being  entirely  assured  of  the  fact.  Too 
much  credit,  therefore,  cannot  be  given  them  for 
the  manner  in  which  they  persevered  under  many 
difficulties,  and  to  them  is  the  present  generation 
indebted  for  the  blessings  which  they  to-day  enjoy, 
the  comforts  of  life  and  many  of  its  luxuries. 

Among  those  who  were  willing  to  risk  their  labor 
and  their  capital  on  a  new  soil  during  the  early 
settlement  of  this  count\',  was  he  whose  name 
stands  at  the  head  of  this  sketch,  and  who  was 
then  at  the  beginning  of  life's  journey.  He  had 
little  capital  but  his  own  strong  hands  and  resolute 
will,  but  he  entered  upon  the  task  before  him  with 
that  high  courage  which  distinguished  so  many  of 
his  compeers.  As  he  now  looks  over  his  fine  farm 
of  400  acres,  the  toils  and  labors  of  first  years 
seem  to  melt  away  in  the  reward  of  the  present. 
His  lionie  is  pleasantly  located  on  section  29,  town- 
shi|)  2.'!.  range  12.  He  purchased  his  land  from  the 
Government  in  the  fall  of  1852.  paying  therefor 
$1.2o  per  arn'.       It  was   then  a   raw  prairie,  which 

the  plowsliare    had    never  touched,    and  there  wiis 
not  a  tree  or  shrub  upon  the  whole  area. 

The  first  business  of  our  subject  after  |)urchasing 
his  land  w.-is  to  provide  a  shelter  for  himself  and 
family.  He  purchased  a  small  liouse  in  lliggins- 
ville.  which  he  had  removed  to  his  farm,  and  then 
put  in  his  first  season's  crops,  after  which  he  began 
those  improvements  natui-ally  suggested  to  the  in- 
telligent and  enterprising  farmer.  The  only  wagon 
road  through  this  part  of  llie  ctjuntry  at  this  time 
was  the  old  Chicago  road,  and  wild  animals  were 
plentiful,  so  that  the  family  never  lacked  for  meat. 
A  number  of  years  passed  before  the  land  all 
brought  to  a  state  of  cultivation,  but  in  due  time 
it  began  to  iissunie  the  proportions  of  a  well-re- 
gul.ated  farm,  with  substantial  fences  and  good 
buildings.  Mr.  Tilton  hiis  set  out  good  shade  and 
fruit  trees,  and  has  the  latest  improved  machinery 
for  the  tilling  of  the  toil.  He  is  looked  upon  as 
one  of  the  le.ading  farmers  of  his  township,  and 
one  who  has  contributed  his  full  share  in  develop- 
ing its  resources. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  the 
town  of  Sherbrook,  Canada,  March  5,  1821,  and 
lived  there  until  a  youth  of  fourteen  years.  His 
parents  then  removed  to  Ohio,  whence  they  came 
to  this  countj'  in  I83().  They  settled  at  Danville, 
where  the  father  established  a  brick  kiln,  and  also 
operated  as  a  contractor  and  builder,  and  among 
other  work  constructed  a  dam  across  the  N'ermil- 
ion  for  the  mill  built  bj'  Amos  Williams,  who  was 
one  of  the  most  prominent  millers  in  this  part  of 
the  State.  Fred  assisted  his  father  in  his  labors, 
and  in  1838  was  engaged  in  hauling  stone  for  the 
abutments  of  the  Wabash  Railroad,  which  was 
being  built  hj  the  State.  He  also  that  year  for  a 
time  carried  the  mail  fiom  Danville  to  .loliet,  a 
distance  of  110  miles  with  about  seven  offices  be- 
tween. There  was  not  a  bridge  between  the  two 
places,  and  the  trip  occupied  two  days.  Many  a 
time  he  made  it  with  not  a  thing  in  the  mail  bag. 
A  large  number  of  people  in  this  region  were  then 
suffering  from  ague,  and  not  able  even  to  get  out 
and  cut  the  feed  for  the  horses,  so  the  mail-carrier 
had  to  do  it  himself.  Young  Tilton  was  thus  in 
the  employ  of  Uiicle  Sam  until  the  fall  of  1810, 
and  then,  settling   ui)()u  a  tract  of  land    in  Middle 



Fork  Towiisliip,  about  ten  miles  norlli  of  DMiiville, 
began  farming  on  liis  own  account. 

In  due  lime  our  subject  by  (lilligent  labor  was  in 
a  eoniHtion  to  establish  a  home  of  iiis  own.  and  in 
May,  1846,  took  unto  liinisclf  a  wife  and  helpmate, 
Mis.s  Affa  K.  Hurton.  Shortly  afterward  they  re- 
moved to  North  Fork  Township,  where  Mr.  Tilton 
rented  land  of  Alvin  Gilbert,  and  as  soon  as  other 
land  in  that  region  came  into  market  he  purchased 
160  acres.  One  of  the  first  tasks  to  which  he  set 
himself  on  his  new  farm  was  to  plant  a  grove  of 
forest  trees,  and  as  the  result  of  this  he  has  now  cut 
froni  this  his  own  fire  wood  for  the  last  five  or  six 
years.  At  one  time  he  was  the  owner  of  720  acres 
of  land,  all  of  which  he  brought  to  a  state  of  cul- 
tivation. Finally  he  turned  his  attention  to  stock- 
raising,  which  yielded  him  handsome  profits.  He 
lins  seen  the  time  when  a  large  hog  dressed  sold  for 
§1  to  41.25,  and  a  small  one  at  seventy-five  cents, 
and  under  these  circumstances  Mr.  Tilton,  like 
many  of  his  neighbors,  naturally  met  with  some 
difficulty  in  making  both  ends  meet. 

iMr.  Tilton,  in  reviewing  a  career  which  has  been 
remarkably  successful,  acknowledges  that  lie  has 
been  greatly  assisted  by  his  intelligent  and  sensible 
wife,  who  stood  by  him  through  sunshine  .ind  storm, 
and  by  her  careful  management  of  her  household 
expenses,  proved  a  most  wise  and  efficient  liclp- 

As  the  farm  of  our  subject  grew  in  dimensions 
and  value,  so  also  the  household  circle  enlarged, 
and  eight  of  the  ten  children  born  to  him  and  his 
estimable  wife  are  still  living:  Mary,  the  eldest 
daugliter,  is  now  the  wife  of  Wesley  Blackford; 
the^'  live  in  Butler  Township,  and  have  two  chil- 
dren;  George  was  first  married  to  Miss  Mary  .Tud}^, 
who  died  after  becoming  the  mother  of  two  chil- 
dren. Me  was  then  married  to  Miss  Florence 
Clemens,  and  lives  on  his  160-acre  farm  given  him 
by  his  father,  lying  east  of  the  homeste,ad.  Sarah 
is  unmarried  and  remains  with  her  parents;  Charles 
occupies  a  120-acre  farm  given  him  by  his  father; 
James  is  cultivating  eighty  acres  of  his  own  land; 
Alice  is  a  milliner  l)y  trade  and  does  business  at 
Potomac;  Jane  is  the  wife  of  Perry  Fowler,  of 
Kcd  Lake  Falls,  Minn.,  and  the  mother  of  one  child; 
Jesse  G.  is  at  home  with  his  father.      The  children 

of  Jlr.  'I'ilton  have  been  carefully  trained  and  edu- 
cated, and  thoroughly  fitted  for  their  future  sta- 
tions, as  the  representatives  of  one  of  the  first  fam- 
ilies in  the  township. 

Mrs.  Affa  K.  (Horton)  Tilton  was  born  in  Haber- 
sham County.  Ga.,  April  16,  182'!,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  iJavid  Horton,  who  was  a  prominent 
local  politician,  and  remained  in  Georgia  during  the 
Confederate  d.ays.  His  daughter  came  north  with 
her  future  husband,  Mr.  Tilton,  riding  600  miles 
on  horseback  aud  being  on  the  road  twent^'-one 
days.  Slie  lived  with  her  aunt  in  Blount  Township 
until  her  marriage;  her  father  is  still  living  in 
Georgia,  and  is  quite  well  advanced  in  years. 
Abial  F.  Tilton,  the  f.ither  of  our  subject,  w,as 
born  in  New  Hampshire  late  in  1700,  and  when 
leaving  his  native  State,  removed  first  to  Vermont, 
and  later  to  Canada.  In  the  Dominion  he  married 
Miss  Cynthia  Thompson,  of  M.issachusetts,  and 
they  reared  a  family  of  ten  children,  six  sons  and 
four  daughters.  Finally  coming  West,  he  settled 
in  Danville,  this  county,  at  an  early  day,  but  after- 
ward moved  to  Middle  Fork  Township,  and  began 
farming.  He  departed  this  life  in  1866.  His  wife 
haddiei.  in  1838.  Mr.  Tilton  isan  Independent  in 
politics,  but  of  late  years  voted  the  Prohibition 
ticket.  He  served  as  Township  Supervisor  two 
years,  also  officiated  .as  Township  Trustee,  and  has 
occupied  other  positions  of  trust.  He  is  a  man 
uniforml}^  esteemed  and  respected  by  his  fellow- 
citizens,  and  is  considered  a  representative  of  the 
best  elements'  of  his  community'.  A  lithographic 
view  of  Mr.  Tilton's  residence  appears  elsewhere  in 
this  volume. 

11,^-^ENRY  COTTON,  familiarly  known  througli- 
out  Westville  and  vicinity,  as  '-I'licle 
!1\^'    Harry"  and   "The  Squire,"   is  one   of   the 

(1^  most  popular  men  of  the  place,  and  an 
especial  favorite  with  the  "boys."  There  is  not  a 
more  genial  or  companional)le  individual  in  this 
region,  and  he  has  the  faculty  of  preserving,  under 
all  circumstances,  that  equable  temperament  and 
serene  countenance,  which  is  one  of  man's  best 
gifts.       He  occupies  himself  as  a  general  merchant 



and  without  being  wealthy  is  in  ouinfovlable  cir- 
cumstances, cnjoving  a  fair  income  and  a  modest 
home.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this  section 
and  has  been  prominent  from  tiie  start,  serving  as 
Postmaster  and  occ'n|)ying  other  positions  of  trust 
and  res|)onsibility. 

Our  snl)ject  was  born  in  Decatur  County.  Ind.. 
March  lit.  1S:>2.  His  fatlier.  Koliert  Cotton,  was 
born  in  the  vicinity  of  Beardstown,  Ky..  and  emi- 
grated to  this  connty  in  the  fall  of  1822,  during 
the  period  of  its  earliest  settlement  and  wiien  few 
vviiite  men  had  ventured  onto  the  frontier.  Henry 
was  then  an  infant  of  six  months  and  is  therefore 
one  of  the  oldest  living  settlers  of  the  county. 
JMrs.  Hannah  (Howanl)  Cotton,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  a  native  of  the  same  ))lace  as  her  hus- 
band and  was  there  reared  and  married  and  became 
the  mother  of  two  children  in  the  Blue  (uass  State. 
I'lion  leaving  Kentucky  they  removed  to  Switzer- 
land County,  Ind.,  and  not  long  afterward  to  De- 
catur County,  whence  they  came  to  this  county. 
The  Cottons  trace  their  ancestry  to  the  stanch  old 
Puritan  stock  of  Massachusetts,  where  .John  Cot 
ten.  one  of  its  first  representatives  in  this  country, 
setthnl  at  a  very  early  date  and  figured  consi)ic- 
uously  in  public  affairs. 

The  father  of  ou  r subject oidy  lived  twoyears  after 
coming  to  this  county,  dying,  when  a  young  man. 
in  1824.  He  left  his  widow  with  a  family  of  seven 
children  of  whom  Henry  was  next  to  the  youngest. 
He.  like  his  brothers  and  sisters,  grew  u|)  amid  the 
wild  scenes  of  pioneer  life  at  a  time  when  wild  ani- 
mals abounded  in  this  region,  deer  being  especially 
plentiful,  and  wolves  howled  around  their  cabin 
door  at  night.  Frequently  the  broad  and  unhab- 
ited  prairie  covered  with  wild  dry  grass,  was  lighti'<l 
up  by  a  contlagration,  started  perhaps  by  some  uii 
warv  traveler  dropping  a  spark  from  his  pipe. 
when  the  smoke  and  Hames  would  sweep  perhaps 
for  miles  destroying  animal  life  to  a  great  extent 
ami  threatening  that  of  human  beings.  Every 
level-headed  settler  made  it  his  first  business  to 
protect  himself  from  this  cataslro|)he  b}'  plowing 
around  his  dwelling  and  tlius  destroying  the  food 
or  the  flames  which  could  be  forestalled  in  no 
Other  way. 

The  education  of  the  Cotton   children    was  con- 

fined to  a  few  months  instruction  each  year  in  a 
log  school-house,  with  puncheon  floor,  seats  and 
desks  made  from  unplaned  slaljs.  the  window 
panes  of  greased  paper,  a  huge  lire-i)lace  extending 
nearly  across  one  end  of  the  building  and  the  chim- 
ney built  outside  of  earth  and  sticks.  The  system 
of  instruction  corresponded  with  the  lime  and 
place,  little  being  required  of  the  teacher  except  to 
be  able  to  read,  write  and  "cipher."  Henry  Cot- 
ton, however,  availed  himself  of  these  meager  ad- 
vantages and  in  1814  began  teaching  and  followed 
this  during  the  winter  season  for  two  or  three  years. 
In  tiic  meantime  on  the  KJtli  of  January,  1845,  he 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  (Tctty,  a  descendant 
of  the  well-known  Getty  familj'  of  I'ennsvlvania, 
from  which  the  town  which  gained  historic  fame 
during  the  Rebellion  was  named. 

Ipoii  reaching  manhood,  our  subject,  leaving  the 
farm  took  to  the  river  and  followed  the  life 
of  a  flatboatman  during  which  he  made  eighteen 
trips  to  and  from  New  Orleans.  It  was  upon  one 
of  these  tri|)S  that  he  met  his  future  wife  at  Xin- 
cennes,  Ind..  wliere  in  due  time  they  were  married 
and  began  housekeeping,  residing  at  ^■incennes 
eight  years.  When  not  on  the  river  Mr.  Cotton 
occupied  himself  as  a  carpenter.  Upon  coming  to 
this  county,  he  began  farming  in  Danville  Town- 
ship and  was  on  the  highway  to  prosperity,  having 
comfortable  means  and  last  but  not  least,  a  faiiiil\- 
of  four  interesting  children.  This  happy  state  was 
broken  in  upon  by  the  notes  of  war,  and  in  response 
to  the  call  of  President  Lincoln  for  3i)0.o(lii  men 
ff)r  three  3-ears,  our  subject  enlisted  July  I),  18G2. 
in  C'ompan}'  G,  125th  Illinois  Infantry.  He  was 
mustered  into  service  at  Danville,  where  the 
company  remained  drilling  for  a  time,  then  was 
ordered  to  Cincinnati.  Ohio,  and  from  there  to 
Louisville.  Ky.  Tlie^'  drilled  also  at  the  latter 
pl.ace  and  then  proceedi'd  to  ( iailatin.  Tenii.,  where 
during  the  arduous  duties  assigned  him.  Mr.  Cotton 
was  over-heated  and  suffered  .so  long  thereafter 
from  illness  that  he  was  oblige(l  to  accept  his  hon- 
orable discharge  in  February.  I8(;3. 

In  the  fall  of  the  year  above  mentioned  Mr. 
Cotton  changed  his  residence  lo  Knox  County, 
Ind..  where  he  sojourned  ten  years.  His  next  re- 
moval was  to   Clay    County-,    this  State,  and  from 



tliei-e  he  leUinied  to  this  c-oiint3'  in  188-2  and  en- 
gaged in  mercantile  business  at  Westville.  On 
April  30,  1883  his  store  and  stock  was  destroyed 
by  fire  but  he  rebuilt  and  in  time  attained  to  his 
old  footing  financially.  lie  wa.s  appointed  Post- 
master of  Westville  under  President  Arthur  and 
served  three  years.  P^or  four  years  he  has  been 
Justice  of  the  Peace  and  has  discharged  tho  duties 
of  tliis  office  with  credit  to  himself  and  satisfaction 
1(1   all  concerned. 

jMr.  Cotton  cast  his  first  presidential  vote  for 
Henry  Cla\'  in  1844,  being  a  member  of  the  old 
Whig  part)'.  Upon  its  abandonment  he  cordially- 
endorsed  Republican  principles  and  has  since  given 
his  undivided  support  to  this  party.  Socially  he 
is  n  prominent  member  of  Kyger  Post,  G.  A.  R.  at 
Georgetown.  He  is  the  father  of  six  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom,  Robert  D.,  died  Aug.  13,  1888  and 
left  two  children.  William  I.,  the  second  son,  was 
also  married,  became  the  father  of  two  children  and 
died  Feb.  29,  1884;  John  H.  died  Sept.  30,  1888; 
Mary  J.  died  in  infancy;  George  Elmer  is  a  well- 
to-do  farmer  of  SIcLean  County,  this  State,  and  the 
father  of  one  child;  Klleu,  the  youngest  of  the  fam- 
ily, is  at  home  with  her  parents.  Both  Mr.  Cotton 
and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Christian  Church. 

W  AWRENCE  V.  MANNING,  the  veteran 
II  ^  threshing  machine  man  of  Sidell  Township, 
jJ^Vi  established  himself  at  this  business  in  Ver- 
million County.  Ind.,  as  early  as  1863  and  with 
the  exception  of  eight  years  spent  at  Fairmount 
has  since  been  engaged  therein.  He  has  worn  out 
several  machines,  at  Hrst  using  horses,  but  as  time 
passed  on  availed  himself  of  the  modern  improve- 
ments in  connection  with  this  business  and  now 
has  one  of  the  latest  and  most  improved  machines 
in  use,  the  Hubert  Thresher,  which  is  operated  by 
a  r2-h(n-se  power  engine,  with  the  Shrieves  Stacker. 
This  ha,s  a  capacity  of  3,300  bushels  of  oats  in 
nine  hours,  as  demonstrated  by  Mr.  Manning,  who 
has  performed  with  it  some  of  the  biggest  da3-'s 
work  in  this  line  on  recoril  in  ^'ermili^.ln  County. 

Personally',  the  subject  of  this  notice  is  a  gen- 
tleman of  fine  appearance,  large,  symmetrical  ami 
well  developed,  and  with  mental  powers  equal  to 
iiis  stature  and  muscular  system.  As  a  business 
man  he  has  uniformly  disj^layed  superior  judgment, 
investing  his  ca|)ital  wisely  and  has  thus  acquired 
a  handsome  property.  Politically,  he  is  a  strong 
Republican  and  one  of  the  most  prominent  members 
of  his  part^-  in  this  section.  A  native  of  Tomp- 
kins Countj',  N.  Y.,  he  was  born  June  24,  1 83(5,  and 
is  the  son  of  Charles  and  Harriet  (Austin)  Manning, 
also  natives  of  that  county'.  The  Manning  family 
is  of  Scotch  and  English  blood  and  crossed  the 
Atlantic  at  an  early  day,  settling  in  New  England, 
where  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
born.  Both  he  and  Grandfather  Austin  were  early 
pioneers  of  Tompkins  County,  X.  Y.  Secretary 
Manning  belonged  to  thesarae  family. 

The  father  of  our  subject  learned  the  carpenter 
trade  early  in  life  and  was  married  in  Tompkins 
County,  N.  Y.,  whence  he  removed  in  1831)  to  Ber- 
lin, this  State,  where  he  began  working  at  his  trade, 
but  died  that  same  year,  leaving  iiis  widow  with 
three  children — John.  Jeremiah  and  Lawrence  \a\\ 
Cleark.  The  latter  was  but  three  years  old  at  the 
time  of  his  father's  death.  The  mother  was  mar- 
ried a  second  time  to  J.  M.  Rogers  at  Springfield 
and  removed  from  there  in  1845  to  Vermillion 
County,  Ind.,  settling  in  Parisville,  where  Mr. 
Rogers  prosecuted  his  trade  of  cooper  and  finally 
became  owner  of  a  farm.  Of  this  marriage  there 
were  born  five  children. 

The  early  life  of  our  subject  was  S[)ent  on  the 
farm  of  his  stepfather  in  ^'ermillion  County,  Ind., 
where  bis  time  was  filled  in  with  hard  work  and  no 
education  whatever,  he  being  seventeen  years  old 
before  he  could  read  or  write.  At  this  time  he 
started  out  for  himself  witliout  a  dollar,  and  when 
the  clothing  on  his  back  would  not  have  l)rought 
this  sum  if  put  up  and  sold  to  the  highest  l)i(lder. 
He  hail,  however,  been  trained  to  habits  of  industry 
and  honesty  and  it  was  his  good  fi^rtune  to  enter 
the  employ  of  one  Mr.  Lewis,  a  school  teacher  for 
whom  he  worked  in  summer  and  under  whose  in- 
struction he  attendeil  sciiool  winters,  working  nights 
and  mornings  for  his  board.  By  faithful  a|)plica- 
tion  to  his  books  he  learned  the  common  l.iranches 



and  the  nietlioils  of  transacting  general  l)usinpss. 
He  saved  what  he  eonid  of  his  earnings  and  in  due 
time  was  enaMed  to  Ijuy  a  team. 

At  tlie  age  of  twenty'  j'ears  our  subject  was 
married  to  Miss  Armilda  .1.  Swisher  who  was  horn 
in  Danville,  this  county,  and  is  a  daughter  of  John 
and  l-.llzalietli  (Hathaway)  Swisher.  Mr.  Swi.sher 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation  and  his  family  con- 
sisted of  seven  children,  namely:  Armihla,  Cerilda, 
Alex,  Orilia,  Savilla.  Thomas  and  Lawrence.  .Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Manning  after  their  marriage  settled  on 
the  ■).  M.  Rogers' farm  where  they  lived  two  years, 
then  removed  to  Daniel  .Schutzc's  farm  where  they 
lived  seven  years.  In  1861)  Mr.  Manning  pur- 
chased eighty  acres  of  land  which  was  improved 
and  considered  the  best  farm  in  tli;it  region  of 
country  and  which  formed  the  nucleus  of  his  pres- 
ent homestead,  which  embraces  200  acres.  He 
labored  early  and  late  in  tilling  the  soil  and  carry- 
ing forward  the  improvements  upon  it  nntil  1874, 
then  having  contracted  a  painful  dise.ase,  he  left  the 
farm  and  removing  to  Fairmount  engaged  in  the 
hardware  and  agricultural  implement  business  in 
which  he  ra.ide  large  sales. but  found  difficulty  in  col- 
lecting and  thus  suffered  a  loss  approaching  $2, .500. 
Withdrawing  from  this  venture  he  turned  his  atten- 
tion to  live-stock  and  subsequently  shipjied  thou- 
sands of  dollars  worth.  In  the  meantime  he  also  con- 
ducted a  restaurant  one  year  and  had  been  0[)ei;it- 
ing  his  threshing  machine  as  before  stated. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Manning  there  have  been  born 
ten  children;  the  eldest,  Elizabeth,  is  the  wife  of 
Will  Sanders,  a  farmer  of  Sidell  Townshij)  and 
they  have  two  children  — Adelberl  and  Bessie. 
Ella  married  George  Reese,  a  farmer  of  Fairmount 
Township  and  they  have  two  children — Nellie  and 
Fred.  The  other  children — (irant,  Sherman,  Mai-- 
ion,  Lilly,  Eva,  Fanny,  Loids  and  Oscar  are  at 
home  with  their  parents.  In  1887  Mr.  Manning 
erected  a  handsome  and  commodious  residence,  two 
stories  in  height,  32  x  34  feet  and  which  is  finished 
and  furnished  in  modern  style  and  forms  a  most 
attractive  home.  He  believes  in  extracting  all  the 
enjoyment  i>ossible  from  life  and  in  giving  to  his 
children  the  .advantages  which  shall  make  of  them 
good  and  useful  citizens.  He  allows  education,  art 
and  music  to  occupy  an  import.-uil  pari  of  his  home 

life  and  givis  his  chief  altention  to  the  comforts 
.'uid  happiness  of  his  family-.  Both  he  and  his  esti- 
mable wife  are  members  of  the  New  Light  Church 
at  Danville,  in  which  Mr.  Manning  has  officiated 
as  chorister,  possessing  much  musical  talent  an<l 
having  a  clear,  strong  voice  foi'  singing. 

While  keeping  himself  well  posted  upon  jiolitical 
matters  Mr.  Manning  has  little  ambition  for  the 
emoluments  of  oMice,  although  serving  as  School 
Director  in  his  district  a  number  of  years  and  he  is 
at  present  a  Trustee.  His  home  is  one  of  the  most 
hospitable  in  this  region  and  no  man  is  more  kind 
or  attentive  in  time  of  sickness  or  tiouble  among 
his  neighbors.  He  possesses  considerable  skill  as  a 
physician  and  is  frequently  called  upon  instead  of 
the  regular  practitioner,  having  excellent  judg- 
ment and  quite  an  extensive  experience  in  treating 
various  ailments. 

iil^^ENRY  F.  CANADAY.  The  family  of 
|f~  J!  this  name  has  been  prominent  in  this  count}' 
'^^  since  its  pioneer  days  when  they  first  came 
(^)  within  its  limits  and  fi'oni  a  wilderness 
built  up  good  homes,  .acquiring  valuable  property 
,an<l  taking  no  unimimrtant  part  in  its  advance- 
ment, sociallj',  morally  and  financially.  The  sub- 
ject of  this  notice  a  fine  estate  on  section  34  in 
El  wood  Township,  and  which  in  all  its  details  gives 
evidence  of  the  supervision  of  a  well-regulated 
and  intelligent  mind — the  mind  of  a  man  possess- 
ing energy  and  enterprise  in  a  marked  degree. 
He  was  born  at  Vermilion  Grove,  this  count},  Dec. 
12,  1840,  and  is  consequently  appro.aching  the  fif- 
tieth year  of  his  age  although  he  would  pass  for  a 
man  many  year.<  younger.  His  life  is  a  fine  illus- 
tration of  temperance  and  the  correct  habits  which 
form  the  basis  of  good  citizenship. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Fred  Canada y. 
late  of  Elwood  Township  who  entered  land  within 
its  limits,  about  1821-22,  and  built  ui)  a  valuable  upon  which  he  spent  his  last  years.  He 
was  born  in  New  JLarket,  East  Tenn.,  and  left  his  na- 
tive State  in  the  fall  of  1820,  coming  to  this  county 
and    settling  in   the   wilderness  amoni;  the  Indiaus 



and  wild  aniinals.  His  father,  Henry  Canaday, 
broiiglit  liis  family  North  that  same  fall  and  settled 
near  the  present  city  of  Terre  Haute  whence  he 
came  to  this  countj'  the  following  spring.  Henry 
brou<;iit  with  him  over  $4,000  in  gold  and  silver, 
carrying  it  in  a  box  in  the  front  part  of  his  wagon  as 
he  traveled  overland  with  a  team.  During  that 
journey  they  camped  upon  the  present  site  of  In- 
dianaiiolis  when  there  was  nothing  to  mark  the 
spot  of  a  future  great  city.  The  wagon  was  drawn 
by  a  six-ho]se  team  driven  by  one  Robert  E.  Bar- 
nett  and  in  attempting  to  make  a  short  turn  it  was 
tipped  over.  The  precious  box  burst  and  llie 
money  was  spilled  out  into  a  little  creek.  They, 
however,  after  much  labor  succeeded  in  rescuing  it 
from  the  nuul  and  water  and  [)roceeiled  on  their 

The  Canaday  family  for  several  generations  liad 
been  born  and  reared  in  the  (Quaker  faitli  and  had 
the  natural  abhorrence  of  slavery  [)eculiar  to  that 
peaceable  and  liberty-loving  sect  and  they  deter- 
mined to  get  away  from  the  slave  countr\'.  Henry 
the  grandfather  of  our  subject,  upon  coming  to 
this  county  entered  several  hundred  acres  of  land 
which  he  sold  to  the  settlers  as  they  slowh-  came 
in.  He  was  recognized  the  county  over  as  one  of 
its  benefactors  and  here  spent  his  last  days. 

Mrs.  Charity  (Haworth)  Canaday,  the  mother  of 
our  subject  was,  like  her  husband,  a  native  of  New 
Market,  Tenn.,  where  they  were  married  one  day 
and  the  next  day  started  on  horseback  for  'S'ermil- 
ion  Count}'.  Seven  of  the  ten  children  born  to 
this  pair  are  still  living — Jane,  Mrs.  Patterson,  is  a 
resident  of  Vermilion  County;  Mary  A.,  Mrs.  Isaac 
Larrance.  lives  in  Topeka,  Kan.;  Henry  F.,  is  the 
next  in  order  of  birth;  Isaac  lives  in  Vermilion 
County;  Sarah.  Mrs.  fieorge  Ankrum.  lives  in 
Ridge  Farm;  .John  sojourns  in  ^'ernlilion  Countj'. 
The  mother  died  while  still  a  young  woman,  in 
1840,  and  Frederick  Canaday  was  subsequently 
married  to  Miss  Anna  Haworth.  in  1849.  He 
died  Nov.  6,  1886. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  completed  his  studies  at 
Vermilion  Orove  Academy  under  the  instruction 
of  Gen.  John  C.  Black.  From  his  youth  up  he 
has  been  familiar  with  farming  pursuits  and  chose 
these  for  his  vocation.     After  the  outbreak  of  the 

Civil  AVar  he  entered  the  Union  army  as  a  member 
of  Company  A,  25th  Illinois  Infantry,  in  which  he 
served  two  years  and  was  in  many  of  the  import- 
ant battles  which  followed;  viz:  Pea  Ridge,  Spring- 
field, Mo.,  Stone  River,  Crab  Orchard  and  subse- 
quently served  two  years  in  Company  F,  12tli 
Kansas  Mounted  Infantry,  being  in  the  Red  River 
campaign  and  various  other  engagements.  Aft°r 
the  war  closed  he  returned  to  the  peaceful  pursuits 
of  agriculture. 

When  ready  to  establish  domestic  ties  of  his  own 
our  subject  was  married  Sept.  2(5,  1875,  to  Miss 
INLaggie  S.  Brewer.  This  lady  wa,s  the  daughter  of 
John  Brewer,  deceased,  late  of  Parke  County,  Ind., 
and  was  born  in  (Uirnsey  County,  Ohio.  She 
came  with  her  parents  to  Vermillion  County,  Ind., 
when  a  small  child  and  later  they  removed  to  Parke 
Count}'.  Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  the  parents 
i>f  three  children,  only  one  of  whom  is  living.  (Jov- 
crn  H.,  who  was  born  June  3,  188G. 

The  farm  of  our  subject  comprises  1 10  acres  of 
choice  land  and  he  also  has  an  interest  in  his  fa- 
ther's old  homestead.  He  cast  his  first  Pi'esidentiid 
vote  for  Abrahnm  Lincoln  and  continues  a  stanch 
supporter  of  the  Republican  party.  He  has  never 
sought  office  but  as  an  ex-sohlier  receiving  an 
honorable  discharge,  is  a  member  in  good  standing 
of  the  (i.  A.  R.,  and  also  a  member  of  the  Grand 
Woodmen  of  America.  Mrs.  Canaday  has  been  a 
member  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church, 
for  the  past  twenty  years. 

John  Brewer,  the  father  of  jNIrs.  Canaday,  was 
born  in  I'ennsylvania  and  was  the  son  of  Jacob 
Brewer.  Jr.,  also  a  native  of  the  Keystone  State. 
The  great-grandfather  was  Jacob  Bi'cwcr. 
Sr.,  who  spelled  his  name  •■Brower"  and  who  was  a 
native  of  Amsterdam,  Holland,  and  the  son  of 
Swybrant  IJrower,  a  millionaire  of  Amsterdam. 
John  Brewer  married  Miss  Minerva,  daughter  of 
John  Priest  and  his  wife,  Mary  A.  Mercer,  the  lat- 
ter a  daughter  of  John  Jacob  Mercer.  The  last 
named  was  a  native  of  Germany  and  emigrated  to 
the  United  States  in  1770.  His  grandfather  was 
Ciideon  Mercer,  a  very  wealthy  man  who  spent  his 
entire  life  in  the  Fatherland.  John  Jacob  married 
Miss  Elizabeth  Gower,  of  Hagerstown,  Md..  and 
they    had     one    child — Mary     Ann,    who    marrieil 



John  Priest  in  ISOt.  These  families  represented 
a  wide  and  eMiinently  respectable  folii)wintr  who 
were  pet)i)le  nenerallj-  well-to-do  an<l  i)rorninent 
and  inlluential  oitizens.  Both  of  Mrs.  Canaday's 
grandparents  on  the  fatlier"s  side  were  descendants 
of  King  I'liiiip  III. 

'\fOHN  K.  BOLDEX.  When  the  Kniancipa- 
tion  Proclamation  of  Lincoln  was  made,  it 
oroke  the  shackles  of  3,(100.000  of  human 
beiniis.  These  slaves  had  reniainetl  in  ig- 
norance for  generations,  and  their  masters  had  con- 
sidered that  learning  was  dangerous  to  a  colored 
man.  When  their  freedom  became  one  of  the  logi- 
cal sequences  of  the  great  Rebellion,  the  question 
arose.  Will  they  make  good  citizens?  Statesmen  of 
all  stuades  of  opinion  have  finally  come  to  the  con- 
clusion that  slavery  is  wrong,  and  that  in  all  races 
there  are  men  who  have  made  a  failure  in  life,  but 
that  the  negro  would  in  time  assimilate  with  his 
white  In-other.  Those  who  have  so  willed,  and 
have  graspeil  their  new  condition  with  intelli- 
aence — other  things  being  equal — have  solved  the 
problem  of  life  as  well  as  a  majority  of  other  races. 
The  man  whose  name  api>ears  at  the  head  of  this 
biography  is  one  of  those  who.  born  in  slaver\-,  has 
made  for  himself  an  honorable  place  among  men. 

John  E.  Bolden  is  a  lil.acksniith  at  Ridge  Farm, 
where  he  enjoys  a  good  patronage.  He  was  born 
ill  r.edford  County,  Va..  March  3,  1836,  his  father 
and  mother  being  also  slaves.  Mr.  Bolden  was 
reared  on  a  iilantatioii  by  William  lliidncl.  who 
sold  him  in  18(33  to  one  Charles  Miller,  at  Blacks- 
buro-,  Montgomery  Co.,  Va.  During  (ien.  Stone- 
man's  raid,  in  February.  1865.  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  ran  away  from  slavery,  and  was  taken  in  by 
Company  JL.  l^th  Ohio  Cavalry.  lie  renniined 
with  this  compan3'.  doing  his  duty  well,  until  .lune. 
186;"),  when  he  went  to  East  Tennessee  for  the  pur- 
pose of  entering  the  United  States  Army  in  a  ci>l- 
ored  regiment,  but  he  was  too  late.  He  then  cn- 
gao-ed  at  work  at  his  trade,  in  Rheatown,  Tcnn., 
where  he  continued  to  labor  until  l.sTO.  when  he 
came  to  Ridge  Faim.  and   there   since    woiked 

industriously  at  his  trade,  owning  both  his  shop 
and  residence.  This  property  he  has  accumulated 
bj-  steadfastly  minding  his  own  business,  working 
hard  and  being  economical. 

On  Fell.  6,  1865.  Mr.  Bolden  was  married  to 
Ann  E.  Oble.  just  a  few  days  before  ho  ran  away. 
He  left  his  young  wife  in  \'irginia.  and  while  in 
Tennessee  he  sent  for  her.  He  is  tire  fathei-  of 
twelve  children,  seven  of  vvhom  are  living — l^aura 
A.,  Vinnie  A..  .lohn  II.  \V.,  Florence  L.,  .Mabel  I)., 
Joshua  W.  and  an  infant  girl.  Laura  married 
Frank  Davis,  the  liarber  of  Ridge  Farm.  Mr.  Bol- 
den has  lieen  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  here  for  fourteen  years,  and  his  wife  wor- 
ships at  the  same  church.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
colored  Masonic  Lodge  at  Danville,  and  is  a  man 
who  is  highly  respected  by  all  his  acquaintances 
for  his  many  sterling  qualities.  The  dreams  of 
Garrison,  Wendel  Phillips,  Garrett  Smith  and  .b>hn 
G.  Whittier  are  fully  illustrated  as  realities  in  the 
person  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch.  They  had 
always  maintained  that  the  colored  man  would 
some  day  take  his  place  among  the  men  of  the 
earth,  and  their  predictions  have  come  true.  Of 
course,  the  color  line  still  exists  in  some  portions 
of  this  great  country,  but  the  time  is  fast  ai)proach- 
ing  when  it  will  lie  obliterated. 

— ^'^^ii^^ilt?^^^ 

JOHN  BLAKENEY.  This  genial  old  pio- 
neer of  Vermilion  County,  although  ap- 
proaching his  three-score  and  ten  years 
presents  the  picture  of  a  green  old  age,  the 
culmination  of  a  well-spent  life,  during  which  he 
has  marked  his  course  uprightly,  lived  at  |ieaee 
with  his  fellow- men  an<l  gained  in  a  high  degree 
their  unqualified  esteem.  The  picture  of  the  sturdy 
oak.  which  has  withstood  the  storms  of  time  and 
maintained  its  strength  and  honor,  may  be  well 
comiiared  to  the  life  of  Mr.  Blakeney.  He  has  al- 
ways been  willing  to  "live  and  let  live."  has  helped 
a  fallen  brother  whenever  in  his  power,  and  has 
been  satisfied  in  the  accumulation  of  sullicient  of 
this  world's  goods  to  insure  him  against,  want  in  his 
<leclining  years.      He  owns  and  oc^•upie^  .a  comfort- 



able  home  comprising  seventy-seven  acres  of  good 
farming  land,  13'iug  on  sections  4  and  5  in  George- 
town Township. 

A  native  of  the  Blue  Grass  State,  our  suliject 
was  born  in  Bourbon  County  April  26,  1820,  and 
lived  there  until  a  lad  of  nine  or  ten  years.  Then 
leaving  Kentucky  he  came  with  his  parents  to  Ver- 
milion County,  111.,  in  September,  1829,  and  com- 
pleted his  education  as  it  had  been  begun,  in  a  log 
school-house.  His  father,  John  Blakeney,  was  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania,  and  the  mother,  who  in  her 
girlhood  was  Sarah  Oliver,  was  born  in  A'irginia. 
The  Blakeney  family  was  noted  for  its  strong  men, 
who  were  almost  without  exception  finely  devel 
oped  physicall}',  and  followed  agricultural  pursuits. 
The  pr.rcnts  of  our  subject  spent  their  last  3-ears  in 
Georgetown  Township.  John  Blakene}',  Sr.,  lived  to 
be  seventy-seven  years  old,  and  the  mother  was  six- 
ty-five years  old  at  the  time  of  her  decease.  They 
were  the  parents  of  twelve  children,  namely:  Mar- 
tha, William,  Hezekiah,  Nancy,  John,  Thomas, 
Sarah  J.,  Polly  A.,  Mclinda,  Hugii,  James  and 

Young  Blakeney  grew  up  amid  the  wild  scenes 
of  life  on  the  frontier,  assisting  in  the  development 
of  his  father's  farm,  and  also  followed  the  river 
transporting  produce  from  Danville  to  New  Or- 
leans. He  remained  a  bachelor  until  approaching 
the  twenty-eighth  year  of  his  age,  and  then 
married  Feb.  10,  1848,  to  Miss  Angeline.  daughter 
of  Ldward  and  Mary  (Ashby)  Bowen,  of  Bourbon 
County,  Ky.  Airs.  Blakeney  w'as  a  mere  child  when 
coming  to  Illinois  in  1829.  Her  father  secured  a 
tract  of  land  in  Georgetown  Tt)wnship,  Vermilion 
County,  where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  years, 
and  died  at  the  age  of  seventy-four.  The  mother 
died  when  comparatively  a  young  woman  and 
when  Mrs.  Blakeney  was  but  a  child,  leaving  four 
children :  Angeline,  Nanc}\  John  and  James 

iVIrs.  Blakeney,  after  her  motJier's  death, 
taken  into  the  home  of  her  maternal  grandfather, 
with  whom  she  remained  until  his  death,  then  re- 
turned to  her  father,  who  was  twice  married  after 
the  death  of  his  first  wife.  (Jf  his  second  union 
there  were  born  six  children  and  none  by  the  third. 
Mrs.  Blakeney  still  retains  a    faint    recollection   of 

her  native  county  in  Kentucky.  Of  lier  union  with 
our  subject  there  were  born  ten  children,  namely  : 
James  H.,  Martha  J.,  Wesley,  Mary  C,  who  died 
when  one  year  old;  Francis,  who  also  died  at  the 
age  of  one  year;  Alwilda,  who  died  at  the  age  of 
three;  Lincoln,  who  died  when  a  promising  lad  of 
fourteen  years;  Thomas  W.,  who  died  at  the  age  of 
eight  years;  Lura,  who  died  when  one  year  old. 
and  an  infant  who  died  unnamed. 

Both  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are 
members  in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church. 
Mr.  Blakeney,  politically,  was  a  Whig  until  the 
abandonment  of  the  old  party,  and  is  now  a  strong 

James  H.  Blakeney,  the  eldest  son  of  our  sub- 
ject, married  Miss  Charlotte  Bennett,  and  is  a  resi- 
dent of  Summit  Grove,  Ind.,  and  the  father  of  two 
children,  Nellie  and  Hazel;  Martha  J.  married  .lohn 
Lacy,  who  is  a  farmer  of  Vermilion  County,  this 
State.  The}'  have  four  children — Hard}'.  Elbert, 
(Joldie  and  Minnie;  John  married  Josephine  Hinds, 
and  they  have  one  child,  a  son,  Freddie;  they  are 
residents  of  Georgetown  Township.  Mr.  Blakene}' 
has  lived  on  his  present  farm  for  the  long  perifid 
of  thirty-two  years,  and  has  naturally  become  one 
of  the  old  landmarks,  whose  name  will  be  held  in 
kindly  remembrance  long  after  he  has  been  gath- 
ered to  his  fathers. 

'■-'^ i^m— •'^^- 

rlLLIAM  F.  BANTA,  Jk  .  proprietor  of  the 
Ridge   Farm   Flourino;   Mill   and   dealer  in 

grain  and  hay,  occujiies  a  leading  position 
among  the  business  men  of  Ridge  Farm,  among 
whom  he  has  l)oen  known  from  boyhood.  He  was 
born  in  Elwood  To>vnship,  Dec.  9,  1857,  and  is  the 
son  of  James  II.  Banta,  a  well  known  and  prominent 
citizen,  who  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this  work. 
Our  subject  remained  with  his  parents  on  the 
farm  until  twelve  years  old,  then  the  family  re- 
moved to  Ridge  Farm.  He  received  a  limited  ed- 
ucation, but  b}'  keejiing  himself  posted  upon  cur- 
rent events,  is  at  once  recognized  as  an  intelligent 
and  well  informed  man.  He  served  an  apprentice- 
ship at  the  miller's  trade  and  followed  this  Imsiness 

2^%?^  -^^^,/yfi 




until  I.s,S2.  ulicii  he  iniifluiscil  tlio  mill  prujierty 
wliifli  lio  now  owns  and  which  is  u|)cr:il(;(l  under 
his  supervision  l>y  other  parlies.  The  building  was 
[)ut  up  in  ISTI  by  Davis  Ar  Co  and  was  formerly 
operated  by  burr  machinery.  It  is  now  equipped 
with  a  full  set  of  rollers,  operating  by  the  gradual 
reduetiiin  [iroeess.  an<l  in  which  is  utilized  Nor- 
d\ke.  Marmon  &  Co's  system  of  milling,  together 
with  the  Kureka  Separator  &  Smith's  I'urifier.  A 
Iiurroughs  engine  of  seventy-five  iiorse  power 
drives  the  machiner}'.  and  the  boiler  is  of  steel 
from  the  Atlas  Kngine  Works  of  Indianapolis. 
This  boiler  is  1()  inches  by  14  feet  in  dimensions 
and  contains  sixty-two  flues.  The  mill  has  a  ca- 
pacity of  100  barrels  in  twenty-four  hours.  It 
turns  out  the  very  best  of  flour,  the  Peerless  brand 
being  especially  line  and  pure.  The  Ridge  Farm 
Mills  is  steadfastly  growing  in  popularity-,  and  the 
projirietor  evidently  possesses  in  an  eminent  degree 
the  secret  of  success. 

Mr.  Banta.  in  connection  with  his  milling  oi)era- 
lions.  owns  and  runs  the  elevator  at  Ridge  Farm, 
])esides  a  large  steam  hay  press.  He  usually  ships 
about  700  car-loads  of  grain  annually  and  300  cars 
of  baled  hny.  He  gives  employment  to  a  number 
of  men  and  has  been  no  unimportant  factor  in  ad- 
vancing the  business  interests  of  his  town.  He  has 
without  question  inherited  from  his  ancestors  those 
qualities  of  character  which  are  inse[)arable  from 
the  successful  business  man  and  the  useful  citizen. 
He  is  not  married. 

\t;  AMES  SANDUSKY.  It  is  now  considered 
no  small  honor  to  have  lived  during  the 
pioneer  days  of  Central  Illinois,  and  lie  who 
'^Jj  looked  upon  the  wilderness  ere  the  feel  of 
white  men  had  made  their  permanent  inroads  into 
this  region,  is  viewed  with  more  than  ordinary  in- 
terest. To  those  hardv  spirits  are  the  people  of 
t<j-dav  indebted  for  the  great  .advantages  which 
they  enjoy,  the  prosperous  farms  and  villages 
which  have  arisen  from  the  wilderness  and  the  ad- 
vance of  civilization,  which  was  led  1)\'  the  adven- 
turous i)ioneer.     To  this  region  came  the  Sandusky 

family  at  a  very  early  tUiU\  and  they  have  left 
their  ineffaceable  mark  not  oidy  by  tiieir  industr3- 
and  perseverance,  but  in  the  implanting  of  those 
moral  principles  which  form  the  basis  of  all  good 
society.  Their  children  were  reared  to  habits  of 
industry  and  sentiments  of  honor,  while  they  ex- 
tended to  high  and  low  that  cordial  hospitality 
which  is  especially  prized  where  people  are  neces- 
sarily dependent  upon  eacii  other  for  manj'  of  the 
conveniences  and  comforts  of  life. 

The  suliject  of  this  nt>tiee  and  his  estimable  wife 
form  no  unworthy  offshoots  of  their  respective  an- 
cestral trees,  which  have  groNvn  and  flourished  and 
the  names  of  which  will  descend  to  coming  gene- 
rations. The}'  endured  all  the  hardships  and  pri- 
vations of  life  on  the  frontier,  labored  arduously 
in  the  building  up  of  a  homestead  and  reared  a 
family  of  intelligent  children,  all  but  two  of  whom 
have  fled  from  the  home  nest  and  taken  their 
places  as  honored  members  of  society.  The  two 
remaining  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  form  the 
light  and  joy  of  the  household. 

.Tames  Sandusky  was  born  in  Bourbon  Count}', 
Ky.,  July  17,  1817,  and  has  thus  more  than  num- 
bered his  three-score  years  and  ten.  His  father, 
Isaac  Sandusky,  was  likewise  a  native  of  the  Blue 
Grass  State,  where  he  attained  to  manhood  and  was 
married  to  Miss  Euphemma  McDowell,  a  maiden  of 
his  own  neighborhood.  Later  he  served  in  the 
war  of  181  "2  and  was  under  Gen.  Harrison  at  the 
battle  of  Tippecanoe.  He  was  a  resident  of  Ken- 
tucky until  the  fall  of  1827  and  then  coming  to 
\'ermilion  County,  111.,  settled  on  a  tract  of  land 
near  Brooks  Point  and  built  up  a  farm  from  the 
wilderness,  where  he  and  his  estimalilc  wife  spent 
the  remainder  of  their  days. 

In  the  Sandusky  famih'  tliere  were  eleven 
children,  who  were  named  respectively:  Sarah 
E..  Mary  A.,  .Julia  A.,  Josiah,  James,  our  sub- 
ject, Ilenrv  Clay.  .Vnn  Eliza,  Stephen  A.  Douglas. 
Thomas,  Susan  A.  and  Laura,  .lames  was  a  boj'  of 
ten  3-ears  when  his  (jarents  removed  to  Illinois.  In 
preparing  for  the  removal  the  father  had  purchased 
large  numbers  of  cattle,  horses  and  sheep,  to  bring 
with  him.  T'he  journey  was  made  overland  in  the 
primitive  style,  the  travelers  camping  and  cooking 
b}'    the    wayside    and    slee|)ing    in    a   tent  at  night. 



During  that  journey,  our  subject  saw  a  cookin-i 
stove  for  the  first  time,  and  it  was  viewed  not  only 
liy  liimself  but  by  many  otliers  with  great  curios- 
ity. Til  is  article  w.os  purchased  liy  liis  father  from 
Rafe  Lytton  of  Cincinn.ati,  Oliio,  and  brought  to 
Vermilion  County,  being  the  first  of  its  kin<l  in 
til  is  region. 

Young  Sandusky  prior  to  the  removal  to  the 
Prairie  Stale  had  been  married  in  Woodford 
County.  Ky.  Dec.  6,  1846  to  Miss  Mary  Ann, 
daughter  of  James  Green,  a  native  of  Woodford 
County,  Ky.  Her  paternal  grandparents  were 
natives  respectively  of  England  and  Germany. 
After  coming  to  America  they  were  married  in 
Virginia,  whence  they  soon  afterward  removed  to 
Kentucky,  settling  in  Woodford  County,  where 
they  spent  their  last  days.  James  Green  upon 
reaching  man's  estate  chose  for  his  wife  Miss  Polly 
Hudson,  whose  family  had  figured  conspicuously 
in  the  early  history  of  the  State  and  whose  paternal 
grandfather,  Raleigh  Hudson  of  Scotch-Irish  blood, 
did  valiant  service  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 
The  Iludsons  invaded  the  soil  of  Kentucky  at  a 
time  when  Indians  were  plentiful  .and  the  forest 
abounded  with  wild  animals.  The  mother  of  Mrs. 
Sandusky  was  first  married  to  William  Campbell 
and  the}'  became  the  parents  of  six  children.  Of 
her  marriage  with  James  Green  there  was  born  one 
child  only,  a  daughter,  Mary  Ann,  in  Woodford 
County.  They  were  wedded  in  the  fall  of  1847 
and  the  following  spring  emigrated  to  Illinois  and 
settled  upon  Land  owned  jointl}'  by  Mr.  Green  and 
our  subject.  Mr.  Green  departed  this  life  in  1845 
and  the  mother  di^d  at  the  home  of  our  subject 
April   14,  1870. 

Eleven  chihlron  likewise  came  to  bless  the  union 
of  James  Sandusky  and  his  excellent  wife.  The 
eldest  born,  Sarah  E.,  became  the  wife  of  Benjamin 
(rirard  of  Georgetown  Township  and  thej'  have 
nine  children — Emma,  Delia,  Mary,  Julia,  James, 
Jessie,  Euphemma.  George  and  Dottie.  Mary  A.  and 
Julia  A.  are  deceased;  Josiah  P.  married  Miss 
Emma  Boughton  and  they  have  four  children — 
Ettie,  Fred,  James  (iould  and  Grant;  James  I. 
married  Miss  ^lary  Engleman  and  is  farming  on 
liis  father's  farm  in  Georgetown  Township;  they 
have  two  ciiildren — Clinton  and  Mattie;  Henry  C'., 

a  resident  of  Georgetown  Township,  man-led  Miss 
Mary  Pratt  and  they  have  two  children — Floyd  E. 
and  Annie.  Ann  Eliza  married  Thomas  Bennett 
of  Georgetown  Township  and  they  have  one  child, 
Bertie;  Stei)lien  A.  D.  is  a  resident  of  Catlin  Town- 
ship; Thomas  is  sojourning  in  Lyons  Count}'.  Neb.; 
Susan  T.  and  Laura  H.  K.  are  at  home  with  their 

As  will  be  seen  by  referring  to  the  sketches  of 
Josiah.  William  and  Abraham  Sandusk}',  as  well  as 
that  of  .lames  S.  Sconce,  the  Sandusky  family  came 
originally  from  Poland  where  they  were  closely 
allied  to  royalty.  In  their  native  countr}'  their 
name  was  spelled  •'.Sodowsky."  The  city  of 
dusky,  Ohio,  derives  its  name  from  one  of  the 
earlier  representatives  of  this  family,  who  settled 
in  northeastern  Ohio,  where  the  Indians  had  suffered 
numerous  wrongs  at  the  hands  of  the  white  man. 
In  a  spirit  of  revenge  they  vowed  to  put  to  de.ath 
the  first  white  person  who  should  venture  into  what 
they  esteemed  their  dom.ain.  This  unsuspecting 
individual  proved  to  be  an  Indian  trader  by  the 
name  of  Sodowsky.  an  ancestor  of  our  subject  and 
who  was  one  of  their  best  friends.  They  carried 
out  their  purpose  but  when  learning  his  true  char- 
acter deeply  lamented  the  cruel  deed.  In  order  to 
partially  atone  for  it  they  gave  his  name  to  the 
embryo  town  which  had  begun  to  grow  up.  As 
the  whites  came  in  the  more  modern  name  grad- 
ually adopted. 

The  Sandusky's,  as  far  back  as  the  records  go, 
have  been  mostly  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits 
making  a  specialty  of  live  stock  and  being  very 
successful.  The  father  of  our  subject  brought  in 
the  first  drove  of  good  cattle  from  Kentucky  to 
Illinois,  in  the  driving  of  which  young  James  as- 
sisted. He  also  brought  in  the  first  flock  of  sheep 
which  ever  graced  the  prairies  of  Vermilion 
County,  driving  them  from  the  Blue  Grass  regions 
in  the  fall  of  1827.  Their  ox-team  was  likewise 
the  first  driven  from  Kentucky  to  this  county. 
Thus  it  will  be  seen  the  Sandnskys  have  borne  no 
unimportant  part  in  opening  up  tliis  portion  of 
Central  Illinois. 

Mr.  Sandusky  voted  for  William  II.  Harrison  in 
1840  but  in  1856  felt  that  be  had  reason  to  change 
his  political  views  and    identified   himself  with  the 



(leini>rr:u-y  of  wiidbf  |ir'muiples  he  li:is  since  been  a 
strong  su|i|)()rter.  He  has  never  souglit  |)olitieal 
|)refeirnenl  and  has  never  hehl  otiiee  with  the  ex- 
ception of  serving  two  terms  as  Scliool  Director. 
The  iiorses  on  Mr.  Sanilnsky's  farm  are  from  a 
stock  <if  horses  that  have  been  in  the  Sandnsi^y 
family  for  nearly  a  hnndreil  years,  brought  to 
Kentucky  by  his  forefathers  and  from  there  to  Illi- 
nois liy  his  father.  A  portrait  of  Mr.  Sandnsky  is 
shown  in  this  work  and  representsa  worthy  member 
of  an  honored  family. 

jjp^  ERGEANT  T.  W.  BLAKENEV.  The  per- 
^^^  sonal  appearance  of  the  subject  of  this 
liL^-il  notice  must  invariably  attract  attention  in 
a  crowd,  he  being  fine  looking  and  of  com- 
manding presence,  with  a  countenance  indicative  of 
the  most  estimable  traits  of  character  and  the  bear- 
ing which  signalizes  a  gentleman.  Me  i.s  the  off- 
spring of  a  fine  old  family  of  Irish  origin,  and 
noted  for  great  strength,  cour.age,  endurance,  hon- 
esty and  patriotism. 

The  paternal  great-grandfather  of  our  subject 
was  born  in  Ireland  and  crossed  the  Atlantic  in 
time  to  assist  the  colonists  in  their  struggle  for  in- 
dependence. Me  was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence;  one  who  loved  liberty,  and  whose 
sympathies  were  warmly  enlisted  in  the  American 
cause.  At  the  close  of  the  war  the  government 
owed  him  ¥1.400  for  his  services  .is  a  soldier.  This 
he  refused  to  accept,  however,  claiming  that  an 
Irishman  could  afford  to  do  this  much  for  the  sake 
of  citizenship  and  independence.  He  was  married 
and  became  the  father  of  a  family,  and  his  son, 
John,  fought  all  through  the  war  of  1812.  Later 
he  served  in  the  Black  Hawk  War.  True  to  the  in- 
stincts of  patriotism  which  had  distinguished  his 
ancestry,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  soon  after  the 
outbreak  of  the  great  rebellion,  jjroffered  his  ser- 
vices as  a  soldier  of  the  Union  arniy.  and,  like  his 
ancestors,  gave  his  support  to  the  cause  of  freedom. 
Mr.  Blakeney  is  a  native  of  this  county,  and  was 
born  in  Georgetown  Township,  July  19,  1842.  His 
father.   William    Blakenev.  was    born    in    Bourbon 

County,  Kentucky,  and  married  Miss  Susan  Ellis,  a 
native  of  Greene  County.  Ohio.  Tlie  latter  is  the 
oldest  woman  pioneer  of  the  county,  having  come 
hitlier  when  a  young  lady,  with  her  parents  as  early 
as  1821.  .She  is  now  seventy- four  years  old,  while 
Jlr.  Blakeney  is  sevenl}--six.  The  latter  came  to 
this  county  in  182;).  He  traveled  over  the 
State  on  foot,  visiting  the  lead  mines  at  (ialena. 
and  fought  in  the  Black  Hawk  War  in  1832. 
He  was  a  splendid  specimen  of  manhood  |ihys- 
ically,  being  of  i)owcrful  frame  and  ver\- 
active.  He  was  acknowledged  as  the  strongest  man 
west  of  the  Wabash,  and  could  outrun  any  man  in 
this  section,  either  white  manor  Indian. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  tiiere  was  born  a 
family  of  twelve  children,  eight  of  whom  grew  to 
mature  years,  are  still  living  and  have  families  of 
their  own.  Those  named  are  .as  follows:  John  R., 
who  died  young;  Sarah;  William  Anderson,  who 
died  in  childhood;  Thomas  W.,  our  suliject;  Rach- 
ael,  Nancj-,  Wright  E.,  JIartha,  Mary,[.S\isan,  and 
two  infants  who  died  unnamed.  Thomas  W.  was 
born  July  19,  1812  and  had  a  pioneer  expe- 
rience in  common  with  the  other  boys  of  George- 
town Township,  attending  upon  his  studies  in  a  log 
school-house,  and  becoming  at  a  verj'  early  age  fa- 
miliar with  farm  pursuits.  Like  his  forefathers  he 
grew  up  with  almost  perfect  health  and  a  muscular 
frame,  remaining  with  the  family  and  assisting  in 
the  labors  around  the  homestead  until  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War.  Then  in  response  to  the  call  of 
President  Lincoln  for  "  300,000  more"  he  enlisted 
at  Catlin,  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Compan}-  K,  12.5th 
Illinois  Infantr\-,  under  command  of  Capt.  George 
W.  Cook.  He  was  mustered  in  at  Danville,  and 
drilled  on  the  old  fair  grounds.  At  the  outset  he 
was  elected  Corporal,  and  after  leaving  Danville 
they  repaired  flrst  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  then  to 
Covington  and  Louisville,  Ky.  Later  they  moved 
on  to  Perryville,  where  our  subject  first  saw  the 
smoke  of  battle  in  an  active  engagement,  one 
month  lacking  live  days,  from  the  time  of  his  en- 
listment. Soon  afterward  he  was  in  the  battles  of 
Chickamauga  and  INIission  Ridge,  and  in  the  former 
was  wounded  in  the  thigh  l>y  the  explosion  of  a 
shell,  although  not  seriously  linii.  He  accompa- 
nied liis  regiment  on  the   Knoxvillc  caniuaiirn  rind 



participated  in  the  siege  of  Atlanta.  Wliiie  cljarg- 
inir  lip  Kenpsaw  Mountain  lie  was  seriously  wound- 
cil.  and  to  this  day  carries  five  buckshot  received  at 
that  time.  This  division  of  the  army  was  engaged 
fifty-two  days  around  Atlanta,  and  after  the  fall  of 
the  city  the  regiment  of  our  subject  was  assigned 
to  the  comraand  of  (ien.  Sherman  and  entered  upon 
the  famous  march  to  the  sea.  In  the  meantime  at 
Atlanta,  on  account  of  liravery  and  gallant  ser- 
vices, Mr.  Blakeney  was  promoted  to  Sergeant- 
Major,  which  rank  he  held  until  the  close  of  the 
war.  After  leaving  Atlanta  he  went  up  through 
the  Carolinas  to  Washington,  being  present  at  the 
grand  review  June  '22,  18C,5,  and  was  there  mns- 
tered  out  and  received  his  honorable  discharge  in 
that  same  month. 

Upon  leaving  the  army  Mr.  Blakeney  re-engaged 
in  the  peaceful  pursuits  of  farm  life,  making  his 
home  with  his  father  until  his  marriage.  This  most 
important  and  interesting  event  of  his  life  was  cel- 
el)iated  Oct.  22,  1868,  the  bride  being  Miss  Matilda 
Brooks,  and  the  wedding  taking  place  at  her 
home  in  Catlin.  The  newly  wedded  pair  resided 
in  Georgetown  Township,  this  county,  a  number  of 
years,  then  removed  to  Beadle  County,  Dak.. 
where  Mr.  Blakeney  purchased  320  acres  of  land 
and  improved  a  farm,  which  he  still  owns.  After 
a  three  years  residence  in  that  place  they  returned 
to  this  county  and  settled  at  Westville,  where  they 
have  since  remained. 

In  addition  to  serving  as  Township  Assessor,  Mr. 
Blakeney  travels  for  the  Bible  house  of  Chandler 
Bros.,  of  Rockford,  and  is  considered  one  of  their 
most  successful  salesmen.  While  in  Dakota  he  be- 
came a  charter  member  of  theT.  O.  Howe  G.  A.  R. 
Post  at  Altoona,  Beadle  County,  .and  religiously,  is 
with  his  estimable  wife  a  prominent  member  of  the 
Christian  Church  at  Westville.  He  takes  a  great 
interest  in  the  Sunday-school  work  and  has  for 
years  served  as  Superintendent,  never  missing  a 
single  appointment  for  the  last  ten  years.  Politi- 
cally he  is  a  strong  Republican. 

Mrs.  Blakeney  is  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Louisa  (Black)  Brooks,  a  sketch  of  whom  may  be 
found  elsewhere  in  this  volume.  They  were  among 
the  first  settlers  along  the  eastern  line  of  this  county. 
Px'ujninin     Brooks,     the    paternal  grandfather    of 

Mrs.  Brooks,  settled  at  Brooks  Point  at  a  very  earh' 
<lny.  The  Point  was  named  in  honor  of  Benja- 
min Brooks.  His  wife,  Matilda  Manville,  was  the 
first  white  woman  coming  into  the  county.  To  our 
subject  and  his  estimahle  wife  there  were  born 
three  children,  the  eldest  nf  whom,  Mabel  N.,  died 
at  the  .age  of  eleven  years  and  six  months;  Lou  P. 
is  the  only  child  surviving  and  lives  at  home  with 
her  liarents.  A  son.  Brooks,  died  at  the  age  of 
three  years. 

SA  ANKRUM,  late  of    section    26,  Harri- 
son's   Purchase,    Elwood    Township,    was 
born  at  Yankee  Point,  this  county.  March 
(g^  10,    1837,  and   died    Jan.    2.5,    1886.      His 

father,  David  Ankrum,  was  a  jiioneer  of  this 
countj'  and  a  prominent  man  of  his  lime.  He  came 
here  when  land  was  chea[),  and  cousequentl}-  im- 
proved his  opportunities,  and  when  he  died  was 
well-off  in  this  world's  goods. 

Asa  Ankrum  one  of  the  best  citizens  of  this 
county,  and  by  frugality,  coupled  with  good  judg- 
ment, he  left  his  family  above  want.  He  received 
his  education  at  the  common  schools  incident  to 
the  early  days  of  Illinois.  He  spent  all  his  younger 
days  at  home  with  his  father  on  the  farm,  where 
he  worked  hard,  thus  aiding  his  father  in  getting 
the  competence  of  which  he  was  possessed.  On  the 
1st  of  February,  1865,  he  married  Rhoda  C.  Men- 
denhall,  whose  father,  James  ]Mendenhall,  removed 
to  Hamilton  County,  Ind.,  at  an  early  day,  and  lo- 
cated in  this  county  in  1857.  Her  father  was  born 
in  Greene  County,  Ohio.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ankrum 
became  the  parents  of  ten  children,  five  of  whom 
aie  living:  Ollie  C,  Ira  A.,  Meda  ]\L,  Minnie  J., 
and  Oris  B.  Mr.  Ankrum  was  an  ardent  Repub- 
lican, but  he  never  sought  official  honors.  He 
deemed  it  his  duty  to  support  a  i)arty  which  has 
done  so  much  for  intelligence  and  industry-.  He 
was  not  connected  with  any  church,  but  his  purse 
was  always  open  to  aid  any  enterprise  which  sought 
to  support  the  gospel  or  aid  the  poor.  In  1880  he 
erected  an  elegant  three-story  house,  which  contains 
thirteen  rooms  and  three  halls,  finished  in  elegant 
style  throughout.     It  is  well  furnished  with  every- 



thing  calciilate'l  to  proiluco  comfort.  At  the  time 
of  liis  ilratli,  Mr.  Ankniin  owiicd  over  220  acres, 
hut  Wiis  somewhat  in  ffebt,  which  was  liqiiidalcd  b}' 
[lis  widow  and  sons  since.  Tlie^'  liave  luiiit  a 
large  barn,  pnrcliascd  implements,  wagons  and 
carriages,  and  have  money  loaned  and  interest 
coming  in.  Tiiey  iiave  also  met  witli  some  losses 
since  llie  fatlicr's  ileath,  among  wiiich  may  be  men- 
tioned tiie  burning  of  a  tenant  house.  On  tlie 
wliole.  the  father  left  his  interest  in  [jriident  hands. 
Mrs.  Ankrum's  father,  .lames  MeiKlcnhall.  was 
ln>rn  near  Xcnia,  (Jreeue  Co.,  Ohio,  whence  he  re- 
moved to  the  State  of  Indiana,  settling  in  Elwood 
Township  in  l.S;)7,  as  before  indicated,  and  in 
in  every  move  he  made  he  bettered  himself,  lie 
married  Rebecca  Campbell,  and  the}'  have  five 
children  living:  Piiscilla,  Mrs.  Patten,  Ira;  Ryan  G. ; 
Mrs.  Ankruni;and  Jane,  Mrs.  Klliott.  Three  daugh- 
ters ilied  after  attaining  their  maturity:  Sarah,  Mrs. 
Reeve;  Lydia,  Mrs.  Newlin;  Almeda,  Mrs.  Thomp- 
son. Mr.  jMendenhall  was  a  [irominent  farmer,  in 
which  avocation  he  exhibited  a  great  deal  of  inter- 
est, and  he  held  the  office  of  School  Treasurer  for 
several  j'ears.  He  died  in  1878,  while  bis  wife 
[passed  away  April  5,  1886.  They  were  consistent 
members  of  the  Friends'  Church,  and  were  good 
people  in  all  things. 

AMKS  J.  FIF^ALV  is  an  excellent  example 
for  young  men  just  embarking  in  the  field 
of  active  life,  of  what  mav  be  accomplished 

^11/  by  a  man  l)eginning'  poor,  but  honest,  pru- 
dent and  industrious.  In  early  life  he  enjoyed  but 
few  advantages,  for  his  school  days  were  limited, 
and  he  had  neither  wealth  nor  position  to  aid  hiui 
in  starting.  He  relied  solely  on  his  own  efforts 
and  his  own  conduct  to  win  for  iiim  success.  He 
is  a  careful,  conscientious  man,  ever  adhering  to 
the  dictates  of  his  own  conscience  to  guide  him. 

Mr.  Ilealy  is  the  manager  of  the  large  general 
merchandise  store  in  Indianola,  known  under  the 
lirm  name  of  Pattison  &:  Healy.  He  was  born  in 
Ijos'cm,  Alass.,  November,  1855,  where  his'  father, 
Pa'riik    Healy,  was   a    mechanical  engineer  on  the 

Pittsburg,  Cincinnati  &  St.  Louis  Uajiroad.  His 
mother.  .Alary  Tracey,  was  a  native  of  Canada  and 
was  reared  upon  a  farm.  The  father  is  now  resid- 
ing in  Chicago,  while  the  mother  is  dead.  They  had 
eight  children,  five  of  whom  grew  to  manhood,  as 
follows:  .lames  .Joseph,  William,  Thomas,  Dennis 
and  lOlizabcth.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  began 
his  life  work  as  a  brick  carrier  in  CJhicago,  his 
wages  being  fifty  cents  a  da}-.  He  was  thrown  en- 
tirely upon  his  own  resources  while  very  young,  and 
had  he  not  been  naturally  gifted  with  .a  buoyant  dis- 
l)osition  he  perhaps  would  have  fainti'd  by  the  w.ay- 
side.  Being  conscious  of  the  necessity  of  an  edu- 
cation he  attended  the  evening  schools  at  Cliicago. 
AI)ouL  this  time  he  became  connected  with  tiie 
Chicago  Post  as  a  newsboy,  and  while  thus  en- 
gaged he  one  day  happened  to  dravv  the  attention 
of  a  gentleman  from  St.  .Joseph,  Mo.,  who  per- 
suaded him  to  go  to  that  city,  for  he  perceived  the 
intelligence  of  the  lad  and  knew  he  would  some  day 
become  an  able  man. 

In  Missouri  the  boy  was  treated  kindly  by  liis 
newly-made  friend  and  his  famil}'.  He  was  enabled 
to  take  a  commercial  couise  at  the  St.  .Tose|ih  Col- 
lege, after  the  completion  of  which  he  returned  to 
Chicago  and  engaged  as  a  book-keeper  for  a  South 
Water  Street  firm,  where  he  had  ample  o[)[)orlHni- 
ties  for  learning  the  ways  of  the  world,  and  to  gain 
an  insight  into  business.  After  a  three-years'  en- 
gagement with  this  firm  he  accepted  a  position  with 
a  retail  grocer  and  wholesale  liquor  dealer  of  Chi- 
cago, and  for  four  years  faithfully  attended  to  the 
affairs  of  that  concern  in  the  capacity  of  book- 
keeper. His  firm  seeing  his  bright  and  capable 
abilities,  induced  him  to  accept  the  position  of 
commercial  traveler  which  he  did,  acquiring  many 
friends  and  gaining  steadily  in  the  esteem  of  liis 
employers.  Having  gained  the  warm  fiiendship  of 
Mr.  Pattison  while  in  Chicago,  it  was  but  natural 
that  he  should  make  the  acquaintance  of  iiis  sister, 
Emma,  to  whom  he  was  united  in  marriage.  She 
is  the  daughter  of  Elijah  and  Mary  (Cox)  Patti- 
son, the  latter  of  whcun  is  now  sixty-si.x  years  old 
and  living  in  N'ermilion  County,  where  slie  was 
born,  oeing  one  of  tlie  oldest  of  the  living  nati\(s 
of  this  count}'.  Mr.  aiul  Mrs.  Healy  made  their 
home  in  Cliicago  for  about  twoyears.  ami  allluiugh 



lieiii;^  perfectly  temperate  in  his  liabits.  yut  ^Ii-. 
Healy  found  there  was  a  stion«:  prejudice  against 
liquor  dealing,  and  that  social  advantages  were  de- 
nied him,  that  b\'  right  were  his.  He  therefore  con- 
cluded to  abandon  the  business,  thougli  by  so  doing 
he  I'elinquisbed  a  good  situation. 

Ill  lSh!2  the  firm  of  P.-ittison  &  Healy  was 
formed  and  the}-  engaged  in  their  present  business, 
at  first  on  a  sm;dl  scale.  l)Ut  which  since  has  steadily 
increased  until  it  is  now  |)a3-ing  well.  On  Sept.  16, 
1885  he  was  appointed  Postmaster  of  Indianola, 
and  has  proved  himself  the  best  incumbent  of  that 
otfiee  his  town  has  ever  had.  He  resigned  on  March 
20,  1889,  a  move  which  was  much  regretted  by  all 
regardless  of  politics.  He  is  Secretary  of  the  B\iild- 
ing  an<l  Loan  Association,  and  also  Secretary  of  the 
Masonic  lodge  here.  Politically,  he  is  a  strong 
Democrat  and  an  officer  of  the  Democratic  club. 
He  is  serving  as  Collector  of  Taxes  in  Carroll 
Township,  and  in  all  these  positions  he  has  acquit- 
ted himself  with  singular  fidelit3-  and  honesty  of 
purpose.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Healy  are  'he  parents  of 
one  child.  Anna  May. 


^,  OHN  HUMRICHOUS,  founder  of  the  vil- 
lage of  Humrick,  is  recognized  as  one  of  the 
leading  farmers  and  stock-raisers  of  Elwood 
(^^y  Township,  a  self-made  man — one  who  l)egan 
life  at  the  foot  of  the  ladder,  and  113'  hard  work  and 
good  management  has  arrived  at  a  position  verv 
near  the  top.  Unlike  many  men  his  struggles  and 
sacrifices  have  not  made  him  cold  or  avaricious, 
but  on  the  contrary  he  is  accounted  as  one  of  the 
most  hospitable  and  public-spirited  men  of  his 
community.  Success  has  attended  his  efforts  and 
he  is  now  in  possession  of  a  fine  projjerty  lying  in 
the  southeastern  part  of  the  township  on  section 
24.  Here  he  has  all  the  modern  improvements  as- 
sociated with  the  well  regulated  country  estate, 
besides  a  snug  bank  account,  which  will  insure  his 
declining  j'ears  against  anxiety  and   want. 

A  native  of  York  County,  Pa.,  our  subject  was 
born  Dec.  30,  1823,  and  is  the  son  of  .John  Hum- 
richous.  who  was  born  in  what  was  then  the    Kiuij- 

ilom  of  IIano\ir,  and  who  came  to  the  United 
States  after  his  marriage,  about  1818.  His  wife, 
formerly  Elizabeth  Little,  was  a  native  of  his  own 
province,  and  to  them  there  were  born  twelve  chil- 
dren, eleven  of  whom  lived  to  mature  j'ears,  and 
of  whom  our  subject  was  the  sixth  in  order  of 
birth.  The  latter,  like  his  brothers  and  sisters,  onl3^ 
enjoyed  very  limited  school  advantages,  attending 
about  six  months  in  all,  paying  therefor  three  cents 
per  day. 

The  father  of  our  subject  died  when  John  was  in 
the  sixteenth  year  of  his  age,  and  he  then  had  to 
look  out  for  himself  as  well  as  the  family.  He 
worked  out  by  the  month  and  assisted  his  mother 
until  after  her  second  marriage.  Later  he  learned 
the  carpenter  trade,  which  he  followed  ten  years. 
He  left  his  native  State  in  1851,  proceeding  to 
Dayton,  Ohio,  where  he  sojourned  two  j-eais.  His 
next  stopping  |)lace  was  at  Horse  Shoe  Bend,  on  the 
Little  Vermillion  River  in  Indiana,  and  from  there 
in  185G  he  went  to  Bloomfield,  111.  The  j-ear  fol- 
lowing he  traveled  through  Kansas  and  Missouri, 
but  finall3'  returned  east  as  far  as  Vermillion 
County,  Ind.,  and  resided  in  Newport  Township 
until  the  fall  of  18G4.  He  then  came  to  iilwood 
Township,  this  county,  settling  where  he  now  lives, 
and  thereafter  gave  his  attention  almost  exclu- 
sivel3'  to  farming  pursuits. 

At  the  age  of  twenty-six  3'ears,  in  Maj%  1850, 
our  subject  was  married  to  Miss  Susannah  Keller, 
a  native  of  his  own  county  in  Peuns3dvania  and  the 
daughter  of  John  Keller,  deceased.  This  union  re- 
sulted in  the  birth  of  eleven  children.  onl3-  five  of 
whom  are  living:  John  A.  married  Miss  Malinda 
Menges,  is  a  resident  of  Elwood  Townshii)  and  the 
father  of  three  children — Ada,  .lohn  and  Jonathan; 
Susie  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Waggaman.  of  Elwood 
Township,  .•ind  they  have  two  children,  .lohu  and 
M3rtle;  Laura  married  Charles  Brown,  of  Vermill- 
ion County.  Ind;  tlie3-  have  no  children;  Emma  is 
the  wife  of  Roliei t  Slaughter,  of  Bethel,  this  county, 
and  they  have  two  children,  Artie  and  an  infant 
unnamed;  Melissa  is  the  wife  of  (ieorge  A.  Collier, 
and  lives  with  her  father;  she  has  one  child.  John 

The  property  of  our  subject  embraces  over  400 
acres  of  tine  land,  to  which  he  has  given  his  main 



.•ittcntioM,  li;i\  iiiji:  no  desire  for  the  responsibilities 
of  ollicc  or  tlie  anxlelie.s  of  :i  piililic  life.  He  lias, 
lio«\.-vi'r,  served  as  Seliool  Director  and  .lustiee  of 
the  I'eaie,  and  is  recognized  as  a  citizen  of  more 
tlian  ordinar}-  intelligence.  Socially,  he  belongs  to 
the  Masonic  lodge  of  Ridge  Farm,  and  with  iiis 
wife  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Cumber- 
laml  l'resl)Vterian  Church  at  Bethel. 

^   O.SES  L.  LARRANCE    is    a  wealthy    pio- 
neer of  Klwood  and  is  a  man   who  is   ver}' 

prominent  in   the  affairs  of    his  township. 
■*  He  owns  340    acres  of   land,    unparalleled 

for  its  fertility,  on  section  25,  range  12,  where  he 
carries  on  in  a  successful  manner  general  farming. 
j\Ir.  Larrance  was  liorn  in  Jefferson  County, 
Tenn.,  on  May  9,  1818.  His  father,  .John  Lar- 
rance.  a  native  of  North  Carolina.  He  came 
to  Kdgar  Count_y  in  1827  settling  in  Elwood  Town- 
ship, two  miles  north  of  where  iMoses  L.  now  re- 
sides. Tlie  land  was  then  in  its  wild  state,  but  he 
had  his  choice  of  nearly  the  whole  county,  and  he 
chose  well.  He  entered  240  acres  of  land  for 
which  he  paid  the  Government  i)rice,  .and  thereon 
erected  a  cabin,  made  of  round  logs  and  witli  one 
room.  The  floor  was  constructed  of  logs  split  in 
two,  with  the  tlat  side  up;  clapboard  roof  and 
doors  of  the  same  material.  They  lived  ha|)piiy 
for  one  year  in  this  house  and  were  determined  to 
make  a  comfortable  home  though  they  were  ob- 
liged to  suffer  privations  innumerable  in  order  to 
do  it.  In  those  days  stoves  could  be  procured 
only  bv  the  rich,  and  in  the  cabin  of  the  pioneer 
they  were  an  unknown  luxury.  The  good  luother 
cooked  in  a  long  handled  skillet  by  the  lire-place, 
and  did  her  baking  in  an  old  fashioned  brick  oven. 
When  Moses  was  eighteen  years  old,  his  father 
went  to  Chicago  and  bought  a  cook-stove,  which 
was  a  curiosity  to  the  boy,  as  this  was  the  first  one 
he  ever  saw.  They  lived  m  a  frugal  manner, 
never  complaining,  but  liapjiy  in  the  enjoyment 
of  good  health,  and  that  in  the  future  they  would 
reap  ihcir  harvest.  The  mother  of  Moses  L.  was 
iJutli,  the  daughter    of  John    Mills,   a  pioneer   of 

this  county.  .She  was  the  mother  of  nine  children, 
five  of  whom  are  living,  namely:  Moses  L.,  Leroy, 
\\  illiam,  Isaac,  and  Lant}'.  Thosit  deceased  are 
Edith,  Jane,  Richard,  Jon;ilh;in  ;nid  an  infant. 

Moses  L.  Larrance  received  his  early  education 
in  the  old  school-house  with  the  greaseil  paper  win- 
dows, stick  and  clay  chimney,  slali  benches  and 
wall  desks,  of  the  pioneer  days  of  Illinois.  The 
boys  of  those  days  were  fortunate  if  they  secured 
three  months'  school,  as  their  p:irents  were,  of 
course,  unable  to  pay  a  teacher  for  a  longer  term. 
He  w^as  married  Nov.  1,  1H3H  to  Nancy,  daughter 
of  Aaron  Jlendenh.ill,  who  came  from  North  Caro- 
lina to  Greene  County.  Ohio,  during  the  year  1812. 
His  father,  Richard  Mendenliall  was  killed  by  the 
Indians  during  that  war.  Aaron  purchased  a  farm 
from  the  Government  in  1«21,  settling  in  Carroll 
Township,  where  Silas  Baird  now  lives.  ^Ir.  and 
Mrs.  Larrance  are  the  parents  of  ihiiteen  children, 
nine  living  and  grown  up.  The  following  is  a 
record  of  the  children  n^)w  alive.  Their  names 
are:  Jolin,  William,  Betsey,  Richard.  Emily,  Char- 
ity, Lydia,  David,  and  Paris.  John  married  Mary 
Baum,they  have  six  chilclren — Ella,  Frank,  Henry, 
Rosa,  Cass,  and  Cephas;  William  first  married 
Ella  Patterson,  by  whom  he  had  four  children, 
two  of  wlioin  are  living — Charles  and  Cassius.  His 
wife  died  and  he  married  Betsey  Frasier;  Betsey 
married  Carroll  F'ellows  and  they  have  seven  chil- 
dren— Sylvanus,  Cyrus,  Louisa,  Charley,  Oliver, 
Alice,  and  .lane;  Richard  married  Jane  Wheeler, 
and  they  are  the  parents  of  seven  children — Allen 
J.,  Bert,  Maude,  Frederick,  Art,  Thoinas,  and 
.Samuel;  Emily  married  .lohn  Canaday,  they  have 
five  children — Cora,  (uace,  Charily  J.,  t'lorence 
and  Flora;  Charity  married  Frank  Thompson,  who 
have  two  children — Odbert  and  (i(jlden;  Lydia 
married  William  Nier,  they  have  two  children — Ida 
and  Mark:  David  married  Caroline  Tuggle,  and 
they  are  the  iiarents  of  three  children,  two  of  whom 
are  living — Moses  L.  and  Morton  M.;  Paris  mar- 
ried ^Martha  Snyder,  they  one  child — Mola. 
w  ho  is  deceased. 

Mr.  Larrance  at  this  time  owns  340  acres  of  land 
and  has  given  GOO  acres  to  his  children.  180  acres 
of  which  he  entered  from  the  tJovernmiiit.  H.' 
belongs  to  the    Republican    party   and    has    never 



sought  official  luinors.  He  is  a  lucinher  uf  the 
Frienrls'  Church  at  Vermilion  Gri)ve.  JMr.  and 
Mis.  Larrance  began  life  with  nothing;  have 
worked  bard  and  liy  good  management  the^'  are 
now  enjoying  a  comfortable  fortune,  and  thc,y  de- 
serve it. 

ylLLIAM  SANDUSKY.  Tlie  Sandusky 
Bros.,  AVilliam  and  Harvey,  are  two  of  the 
WW  most  wealthy  and  prominent  men  in  this 
county,  and  have  distinguished  thomselves  as  suc- 
cessful live-stock  breeders,  in  which  business  they 
have  engaged  for  many  years,  the  latter  bringing 
the  first  carload  of  thorough-bred  Sliort-horn  cattle 
to  this  county  in  the  spring  of  lH(i-2.  They  were 
pnrciiascd  from  the  celebrated  breeder  of  the  groat 
trotter  ••  Minide  S.,"  R.  A.  Alexander,  who  was  at 
that  time  in  company  willi  .Icrry  Dunc'an  and  .Tames 
IImII.  forming  the  most  illustrious  trio  (if  breeders 
at  tliat  time  in  America. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  is  a  gentleman  largely 
endowed  by  nature  with  some  remarkable  qualities, 
possessing  sound  common  sense  and  a  line  judg- 
ment, broad  an<l  lilieral-minded  in  his  views,  an 
ardent  lover  of  national  liberty  and  a  strong  be- 
liever in  the  Republican  theory  of  protection  for 
America  and  all  its  citizens.  His  native  place  was 
Bourbon  County,  K^^,  and  he  was  born  Nov.  H), 
1S2G.  VVIien  he  was  a  mere  child  the  family  left 
tlie  Blue  Grass  State,  being  transported  to  Ohio 
(via  Cincinnati)  and  Indiana,  whose  .houses  were 
mostly  log  cabins,  and  passing  through  Indianapo- 
lis, their  outfit  consisting  of  three  wagons,  two 
drawn  by  four  horses  each  and  one  by  an  ox  team. 

The  father  of  our  subject  had  visited  the  AVest 
prior  to  this  time  and  started  out  for  permanent 
settlement  in  the  fall  of  1829.  William  was  edu- 
cated in  a  log  school  house  and  grew  up  amid  the 
wild  scenes  of  life  on  the  frontier,  as  Central  Illi- 
nois was  then  considered  the  far  AVest.  The  first 
time  he  went  to  Chicago  he  rode  on  a  load  of  pro- 
duce hauled  by  two  yoke  of  oxen,  which  were  fed 
on  a  s|iot  near  the  present  site  of  the  Commercial 
lloti'l.     The  youth  of  that  period  were  at  an  early 

ago  inuri-d  to  labor,  and  young  Sandusky,  like  his 
comrades,  grew  up  strong  and  healthful  and  soon 
after  reaching  his  majority  began  to  lay  his  plans 
for  a  home  of  his  own.  He  was  married  in  A|>ril. 
1848,  when  twenty-two  years  old  to  IHss  INIary  E., 
daughter  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Weaver)  Baum, 
further  mention  of  whom  will  be  made  in  the 
sketch  of  Frank  Baum  on  another  page  in  this 

The  earliest  records  of  the  Weaver  family  indi- 
cates them  to  have  been  of  Scotch-Irish  descent, 
who  upon  emigrating  to  this  country  settled  in 
Maryland.  Michael  Weaver,  the  paternal  grand- 
father of  Mrs.  Sandusky,  served  as  a  soldier  in  the 
Revolutionary  War  and  was  a  very  wealthy  man. 
He  was  born  in  ^laryland,  whence  he  removed  to 
Pennsylvania  an<l  from  there  to  Ohio,  after  which 
he  resided  in  lii-own  and  Clermont  counties.  He 
set  out  for  niiuois  in  1828,  in  which  year  the  i)ar- 
ents  of  Mrs.  Sandusky  also  came  to  this  State. 
The  grandfather  was  a  peculiar  man  in  many  re- 
spects, possessing  a  high  sense  of  honor  an<l  justice, 
benevolent  and  hospitable,  and  was  so  extremely 
conscientious  that  he  would  never  accept  more 
than  six  per  cent,  for  his  money,  although  he  could 
have  loaned  it  sometimes  at  forty  per  cent.  Noth- 
ing pleased  him  better  than  to  assist  those  who 
would  try  to  help  themselves,  while  he  was  decid- 
edly averse  to  speculation  of  any  kind.  He  would 
never  charge  more  than  twenty-five  cents  per  bushel 
for  his  corn  under  any  circumstances,  as  he  declared 
that  he  could  raise  it  for  that  and  it  was  worth  no 
more.  He  lived  to  be  a  centennarian  and  Mrs. 
Sanduskj' gave  him  a  reception  on  the  anniversary 
of  his  one  hundreth  birthday,  which  was  made  the 
occasion  of  a  very  cheerful  gathering  of  friends  and 
relatives  and  will  be  long  remembered  liy  those 
who  participated  in  it. 

To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Sandusky  there  were 
born  eleven  children,  viz.:  Oliver,  Mary  E.,  Susan, 
Catherine,  Francis,  Charles,  Emeline,  Samuel,  Wil- 
liam and  Angeline.  After  the  death  of  the  mother 
when  JIary  E,,  the  wife  of  our  subject,  was  a 
maiden  probably  of  seventeen  years,  Mr.  Weaver 
was  married  the  second  time  and  became  the  father 
of  four  more  children. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  Sandusky  and  his  young 

ilillitllMliiiillliriltltfiiififtiiiliiriiriTliii-  "m  'ion    MnWIHiiiftiifi' —  ^urtWnm.*  ■  Mfc^Mfcant. 

Residence  or  J.  M.  Current, Sec. i9.(T.i8rR. 13.)  Vance  Township. 

Residence  OF  C.T.  Caraway, Sec. 29.  (  T.i9-R.i2 J  Cat lin  Township 

Residence  of  A  .D.  Owen,Sec.5.(^T.23.-R.11.J  GrantTownship. 



wife  settled  on  tlie  farm  wliere  llicv  Imve  .since 
lived,  and  expended  their  liest  etTorts  in  the  cou- 
stiuetion  of  a  homestead.  As  may  he  supposed  it 
liears  but  little  resemblance  to  its  original  condi- 
tion, being  tiien  but  a  tract  of  wild  land,  with  no 
improvements  to<  of.  One  of  the  first  tasks 
to  which  Mr.  Sandusky  set  himself  the  planting 
of  an  orchard,  the  trees  of  which  have  now  be- 
come almost  of  giant  size.  Gradually  he  erected 
the  various  l)uildings  needed  for  the  general  pur- 
poses of  agriculture,  and  for  a  number  of  years 
labored  early  and  late  in  Iho  cultivation  of  his 
land  bringing  abf)Ut  Ihe  ctjuiforts  and  conven- 
iences essential  to  the  liappiness  of  a  home.  .\1- 
tliough  almost  uniformly  successful,  he  at  one  time 
met  with  a  loss  of  ^;?0,00(l  through  one  of  the 
Presidents  of  the  Exchange  Bank  of  IJanviUe.  He 
has  liandled  thousands  of  beef  cattle,  also  tliorough- 
Incd  Short-horns  and  has  now  a  very  tine  herd — 
thirty  head  of  registered  animals. 

As  a  lovi  r  of  the  equine  race  Mr.  Sandusky  is 
now  paying  special  attention  to  thorough-lircd  lun- 
ning  horses,  of  which  he  has  ten  or  twelve  tine 
animals,  including  the  trotting  stallion,  "  Wilful 
Bov,"  a  standard-bred  three-year  old  of  great 
speed  and  value.  Mr.  Sandusky  was  at  one  time 
the  owner  of  220  acres  of  land  upon  which 
lie  operated  largely  as  a  general  farmer  and  stock- 
raiser.  He  keeps  himself  well  jiosted,  not  only 
upon  matters  connected  with  agriculture,  but  of 
national  interest  and  is  thoroughly  opposed  to  se- 
cret orders.  He  cast  his  first  vote  for  Abraham 
Lincoln  with  whom  he  was  well  accpiainted,  and 
fre(iuenlly  heard  him  relate  some  of  his  cliar.-iclcr- 
istic  yarns.  The  Kepulilican  party  finds  no  more 
sincere  or  earnest  follower  than  Mr.  Siuidusk}',  al- 
though he  is  no  office-seeker  and  mingled  very 
little  in  pulilic   affairs. 

The  five  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his  ex- 
cellent wife  arc  recorded  as  follows:  Sai-.-di  .1.  died 
at  the  age  of  two  j-ears;  Caroline  is  tlie  wife  of 
James  Snapp.  a  farmer  of  Carroll  Township;  she 
has  tliroe  children,  two  by  a  former  inisband  and 
one  bv  Mr.  Snapp.  Rochester,  who  has  inherited 
his  father's  love  for  fine  horses,  is  an  expert  in  this 
line  and  remains  at  the  home  farm ;  Addie  is  the 
wife  ol  ,1.  T.  McMillen.  a  lumberman  of   Danville; 

she  has  four  children — William.  Nell,  Rochester 
and  Edmund.  Caroline  and  .Vddie  were  both 
students  of  Illinois  Female  College  and  Miss  Belle 
attended  the  Female  Seminary  at  .Morgan  Park, 
near  Chicago;  she  is  now  at  home  with  her  parents. 
Rochester  was  graduated  from  Bryant  iV  Stratton's 
Business  College. 

.Tosiiih  Sandusky,  the  father  of  our  sid)ject,  is  one 
of  the  wealthiest  men  in  this  county,  owning  1,000 
acres  of  land  in  Carroll  Township  and  dealing  ex- 
tensively in  live-stock,  including  line  road  and 
trotting  horses.  He  was  born  .Sept.  11,  lis.!?,  in 
Kentucky  and  is  the  son  of  Abrahatn  Sodowskj', 
whose  forefathers  were  natives  of  Poland,  whence 
originated  the  name  which  has  since  been  American- 
ized into  its  present  form.  Abr.aham  .Sodowsky 
was  born  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  March  21),  1793, 
and  m.arricd  Miss  Jane  McDowell,  also  a  native  of 
that  county  and  born  Dec.  1(),  1792.  The  family 
were  among  the  earliest  settlers  of  that  comity,  lo- 
cating there  when  Indians  were  still  |)lentiful. 

The  earliest  records  of  this  family  take  us  back 
to  one  Sodowskj',  a  descendant  of  the  Royal  family 
of  Poland  and  a  tlistinguished  citizen  who  was 
finally  banished  from  the  realm  for  some  part 
which  he  had  taken  in  political  affairs.  We  find 
the  forefathers  of  our  subject  were  first  represented 
in  America  in  1756  and  they  gained  favor  with 
the  Colonists  on  account  of  their  high  bearing  .■^.nd 
strict  integrity.  One  married  a  sister  of  Gov. 
Inslip  and  operated  largely  as  an  Indian  trader. 
He  was  finally  murdered  by  the  Inilians  in  the 
vicinity  of  Lake  Erie.  He  was  a  hunter  and  a 
trader  and  his  death  was  the  result  of  a  mistake, 
as  the  savages  had  been  imposed  upon  by  the 
whites  and  in  the  fury  of  their  revenge  attacked 
the  first  white  man  they  met.  not  recognizing  who 
it  was  at  the  time,  .as  he  had  l«en  their  best  friend. 
They  regretted  their  deed  greatly  and  in  order  to 
partly  atone  for  it  named  the  Bay  in  his  honor, 
also  the  two  towns  which  afterward  siiriing  up  and 
are  now  familiarlj-  known  as  ITpper  and  Lower 
Sanduskj'.  The  McDowell  f.amily  were  likewise 
early  settlers  of  America  and  pioneers  of  Kentucky. 
The  j)aternal  grandparents  of  our  subject  were 
married  in  Bourbon  County,  that  State,  and  euii- 
gr.ated  to  Illinois  in  1837.  settling  on  the  farm  now 



occupied  by  Josiali  Sandusky.  The  old  cabin  still 
stands  near  its  original  site,  having  for  its  compan- 
ion the  stately  residence  erected  by  Josiah  Sandusky 
in  1872.  Eight  children  were  born  of  this  union 
the  father  of  whom  was  successful  in  accumulating 
a  good  property  and  died  iu  1865.  His  wife  had 
passed  away  the  year  previously;  Josiah,  the  father 
of  our  subject,  was  the  youngest  of  their  family. 
He  grew  up  a  sturdy  and  healthful  youth,  iionest 
and  industrious  and  acquired  a  practical  education 
in  the  common  school,  tinally  succeeding  to  tiie 
management  of  the  farm  of  500  acres  which  was 
given  him  by  his  father.  Upon  this  he  and  his 
brother  Abraham  operated  together  and  the  parents 
were  cared  for  by  them  until  their  decease.  Grand- 
fatlier  Sandusky  was  a  first-class  business  man  and 
his  sons  wisel}^  submitted  to  his  counsels  during 
his  lifetime.  Religiously,  lie  was  ft  strong  Presby- 
teiian  and  very  kind  to  the  poor  and  unfortunate. 
His  death  was  greatly  mourned,  not  only  by  his 
immediate  faniil}',  but  by  the  entire  eommunit}'. 
Harvey  was  the  only  one  of  the  children  to  retain 
liie  Polish  name  of  Sodowsky,  the  rest  adopting 
the  Anglicised  pronunciation.  On  the  18th  of 
December,  1873,  Josiah  Sandusky  was  wedded  to 
Miss  Susan  Moreland,  daughter  of  Thomas  and 
Catherine  (Hedges)  Moreland  who  were  of  P>nglish 
ancestry  and  coming  to  Illinois  in  1857  settled  in 
Carroll  Township. 

Mrs.  Susan  Sandusky  was  born  in  Bourbon 
County,  K}'.,  and  was  a  child  of  six  years  when 
her  i)arents  came  to  this  county.  She  attended  the 
Sisters'  school  at  St.  Mar}''s,  near  Terre  Haute,  be- 
came a  musician  and  finely  accomplished  lady.  In 
1872  the  father  of  our  subject  erected  an  elegant 
brick  residence  at  a  cost  of  §20,000,  which,  with 
its  surroundings  made  one  of  the  most  beautiful 
homes  in  the  county.  Later  he  added  500  acres  to 
his  farm.  The  Sandusk\'  family  has  always  been 
noted  for  its  dealings  and  successes  in  the  live- 
stock business  and  the  father  of  our  subject  usu- 
ally keeps  a  herd  of  fifty  to  sixty  head  of  thorough- 
bred cattle,  numbers  of  which  he  exhibits  at  the 
State  and  county  fairs  and  is  in  the  habit  of  carry- 
ing off  the  blue  ribbons.  He  has  sold  cattle  for 
breeding  purposes  to  parties  in  nearly  every  State 
in  the  I'nion.     lie  also  is  a  lOver  of  fine    horses, 

keeping  about  thirtj'-five  or  forty  head  of  road 
and  trotting  thorough-breds,  man}'  of  them  being 
very  valuable  and  never  having  had  a  bridle  on 
them.  He  has  a  one- half-mile  track  and  employs 
a  competent  trainer  to  take  charge  of  the  stables. 
Several  of  his  horses  have  shown  a  record  of  2:19. 
In  addition  to  his  stock  operations  the  elder 
Sandusky  has  swine,  poultry  and  Merino  sheep, 
bred  from  the  best  strains  and  has  probably  done 
more  than  any  other  man  in  the  county  to  raise 
the  standard  of  its  live  stock.  He  is  a  Republican, 
"  dyed  in  the  wool,"  having  cast  his  first  Presi- 
dential vote  for  Abraham  Lincoln,  but  meddles 
very  little  with  public  affairs  and  has  kept  aloof 
from  the  offices. 


^S^IDEON  T.  BAUM,  one  of  the  well-known 
ml  ,=,  Baum  family  of  Carroll  Township,  is  rec- 
^^!|  ognized  as  a  verj'  industrious  and  enter- 
prising young  farmer  and  has  a  beautiful  home  on 
section  29.  Here  with  his  estimable  and  amiable 
wife  lie  has  built  up  what  might  be  likened  to  a 
little  paradise,  and  is  apparentl}'  surrounded  with 
all  the  good  and  detirable  things  of  life.  His  nat- 
ural proclivities  are  such  as  have  gained  him  the 
esteem  and  confidence  of  his  fellow-citizens  and  he 
thus  occupies  a  good  position  socially  as  well  as 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Charles  Baum,  a 
sketch  of  whom  will  be  found  on  another  page  in 
this  volume.  Gideon  T.  was  born  Oct.  12,  1860, 
at  the  old  homestead  in  Carroll  Township,  and  was 
the  fourth  son  and  fifth  child  of  his  parents.  His 
boyhood  days  were  spent  in  a  manner  common  to 
that  of  farmer's  sons  and  when  reaching  the  twenty- 
fourth  year  of  his  age  he  was  married  Nov.  13, 
1884  to  Miss  Clara,  daughter  vf  Elijah  and  Susan 
(Jones)  Lucas. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Baum  is  a  native  of  George- 
town, Ky.,  and  her  mother  of  Harrodsburg,  that 
State.  The  paternal  great-grandfather  was  of 
English  descent  and  closely  allied  to  ro3-ality;  her 
mother's  people  were  from  Maryland.  The  Lucas 
family  removed   from   Kentucky   in    187G    and  the 



parents  of  Mrs.  Bauin  are  now  living  retired  at 
Areliie,  in  Sidell  Township.  Mr.  Lucas  is  sixty- 
eight  years  of  age  and  his  good  wife  is  ten  j-ears 
his  junior.  Tbey  are  the  parents  of  four  cluldren, 
and  llie  ehlest,  George,  is  a  resident  of  Hume. 
Ciiarlos  makes  his  home  in  Archie;  James  likewise 
remains  with  his  parents;  Clara  was  born  at  Har- 
rodsburg,  Ky.,  where  she  lived  until  a  girl  of 
eleven  years  tiien  came  with  her  parents  to  Ill- 
inois. Tiiey  first  settled  near  Georgetown  and  the 
father  occupied  himself  at  farming  until  retiring 
from  the  active  labors  of  life. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Baum  after  their  murriage  settled 
on  the  farm  which  tliev  now  own.  and  which 
embraces  "215  acres  of  fertile  land.  The  residence 
had  been  put  up  the  summer  previous  to  their 
marriage.  The  two  children  born  of  this  union 
are  a  daughter  and  a  son — Lulu  Weaver  and  Karl 
Lucas.  Mrs.  Baum  is  a  member  in  good  standing 
of  tlie  Baptist  Ciiurch.  Our  subject,  politically, 
supports  the  principles  of  the   Democratic  party. 

^^x  YRFS  CHARLES  BAl'M,  the  fourth  "Char- 
[l(  ^Yi  lie"  '"  t.lie  Baum  genealogy,  and  a  member 
'^ti^  of  the  popular  and  well-known  family  of 
that  name  in  this  county,  is  a  sober,  industrious, 
intelligent  young  man,  and  rapidly  becoming 
wealtliy.  He  has  a  charming  home,  a  very  attrac- 
tive and  accomplished  wife  who  possesses  rare 
musicr.l  talent,  and,  in  short,  is  apparently  sur- 
rounded by  a  large  portion  of  that  which  makes 
life  desirable  and  satisfactory.  His  well-regulated 
farm  is  pleasantly  located  on  section  29  in  Carroll 
Township,  and  comprises  250  acres  of  choice  land 
thoroughly  developed. 

Of  Charles  W.  and  Catherine  (Weaver)  Baum, 
the  parents  of  our  subject,  a  sketch  appears  else- 
where in  this  volume.  Cyrus  C.  was  the  second 
son  and  third  child  in  a  family  of  six,  and  was 
born  in  Carroll,  Feb.  18,  l.s.">3.  His  boyhood  .and 
youth  were  spent  in  a  comparatively  uneventful 
manner,  first  at  the  common  school  and  then  at  the 
graded  school  in  Indianola.  while  during  the  vaca- 
tions   he    employed    himself    in    a    useful   manner 

around  the  homestead.  From  boyhood  up  he 
been  temperate  and  of  correct  habits,  and  upon 
reaching  his  majoritv.  his  father  presented  him 
with  a  large  tract  of  land,  which  he  traded  for  his 
present  farm  in  1  H84  To  this  latter  he  has  given 
his  undivided  attention  for  the  last  five  years,  to 
what  good  purpose  its  present  condition  indicates. 
In  1876  Mr.  Baum  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Emma,  daugher  of  Allen  and  Alma  (iilkey, 
who  were  both  natives  of  Kentucky.  They  left 
the  Dlue  (irass  regions  at  an  earl^-  date,  and  set- 
tled in  this  county  during  its  pioneer  days.  Of 
this  union  there  was  born  one  cliikl,  a  daughter, 
Leiia,  who  is  now  a  bright  girl  of  ten  years,  and 
is  cared  for  with  a  mother's  affection  by  the  pres- 
ent wife  of  our  suliject.  Mrs.  Emma  (Gilkey) 
Baum  departed  this  life  Oct.  5,  1880. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage,  Nov. 
28,  1887,  with  Miss  .losie,  daughter  of  Josephus 
Baum,  a  native  of  Clermont  County,  Ohio.  The 
maiden  name  of  her  mother  was  Sarah  Beall,  and 
she  was  a  native  of  the  same  county  as  her  hus- 
band. Mr.  Baum  was  a  blacksmith  by  trade,  and, 
before  leaving  Ohio,  lived  at  Point  Isabel,  and  in 
Bainbridge.  Ross  Count3-.  He  came  to  Illinois  in 
187,0,  and  settled  at  Ridge  Farm,  where  he  is  still 
engaged  at  his  tr.adeand  is  now  probably  fifty-nine 
years  old.  His  good  wife  is  ten  years  his  junior. 
They  are  the  parents  of  seven  children,  viz:  Al- 
bert, Josie,  Jessie,  Lelia,  Maggie,  Charles  and 

Mrs.  Josie  (Baum)  Baum  was  born  at  Point 
Isabel,  Clermont  Co.,  Ohio,  Sept.  6,  1869,  and  was 
a  young  maiden  of  fifteen  j'ears  when  her  parents  re- 
moved to  Bainbridge.  Two  years  later  they  came 
to  Illinois,  and  she  completed  her  studies  in  the 
High  School  at  Ridge  Earm.  She  received  a  care- 
ful home  training  from  an  excellent  mother,  and 
api)arently  takes  a  loving  pride  in  the  adornment 
of  her  home  and  making  it  the  dearest  sjjot  on 
earth  to  those  immediately  in  its  precincts.  She  is 
a  l.asteful  performer  on  the  piano,  and  the  home 
circle  is  often  enlivened  by  music  and  the  pleasant 
intercourse  of  friends. 

Mr,  Baum,  politically,  like  his  father  and 
brothers,  gives  his  unqualified  support  to  the 
Democratic  party,  although  he  meddles  very  little 



with  public  affairs,  i)iefenintf  to  give  his  time  and 
attention  to  the  improvement  of  his  farm  and  tiie 
coiiifort  and  liappiness  of  those  bj-  whom  lie  is 
connected  by  the  most  sacred  of  eartlilv  ties. 



THOMAS  HOOPES.  The  old  pioneers,  who 
are  fast  passing  away,  are  naturally  looked 
upon  with  that  interest  and  respect  with 
which  mankind  is  prone  to  regard  those  things 
wliich,  when  once  departed,  can  never  be  recalled. 
These  thoughts  involuntarily  force  themselves 
upon  the  mind  in  contemplating  the  career  of  the 
subject  of  this  sketch,  who  was  the  first  settler  at 
Iloopeston,  and  in  whose  honor  it  was  named.  He 
came  to  this  county,  and  invested  in  land  Aug.  9, 
1853.  Returning  to  Ohio,  he  remained  there  until 
April  8,  1855,  when  he  with  his  family  removed  to 
this  county,  and  endured  his  full  share  of  the  hard- 
ships and  privations  of  life  in  a  new  settlement, 
operating  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  a  series  of^ears,  and 
is  now  enjoying  the  fruits  of  his  labors  amid  tiie 
comforts  of  a  pleasant  and  well-ordered  home  fii 
the  southeastern  part  of  the  village,  wiiich  has  been 
the  object  of  his  fostering  care.  He  retired  from 
tlie  active  labors  of  life  in  June,  1882,  and  occupies 
a  tasteful  and  commodious  brick  residence  at  the 
corner  of  Penn  and  Fourlii  streets.  He  is  the 
owner  of  a  good  propert\'.  which  he  accumulated 
solely  by  his  own  industry  and  perseverance.  He 
owns  2,233  acres  of  fine  land,  contracted  to  young 
men,  and  upon  which  the}'  pay  a  low  interest.  He 
also  controls  5.180  acres  in  his  own  name,  making 
the  total  of   his  land  holdings  7,413  acres. 

Sir.  Hoopes  was  born  on  the  26th  of  June,  180G, 
in  a  log  cabin  in  the  woods  of  what  was  then  Jeffer- 
son County,  but  is  now  the  southeast  corner  of  Har- 
rison County,  Ohio,  His  father  in  1810  removed 
to  a  point  seven  miles  distant  in  the  same  county, 
and  there  our  subject  sojourned  until  1846.  He 
pursued  his  studies  mostly  at  home  under  the  in- 
struction of  his  mother,  and  also  attended  a  pri- 
vate school.  He  remained  a  member  of  the 
parental    household    until    reaching    his    majority. 

soon  after  which  time  occurred  the  death  of  his 
father,  and  the  propert}-  was  divided.  Thomas,  in 
1829,  purchased  a  two-thirds  interest  in  the  estate, 
and  carried  on  the  improvements,  which  had  been 
begun,  clearing  the  land  of  the  remaining  timber 
upon  it  and  preparing  the  soil  for  cultivation. 
There  being  six  children  in  the  family,  the  share 
of,  estimated  to  be  8334.04  in  value,  was 
accordingly  one-sixth  of  the  estate,  and  in  con- 
tracting to  buy  out  the  other  heirs,  subject  to  the 
mother's  life  interest,  he  was  obliged  to  go  into 
del>t.  The  task  before  him,  he  was  aware,  required 
n)ore  than  an  ordinary  amount  of  courage  and  per- 
severance, but  nature  had  generously  endowed  him 
with  these  qualities,  and  from  that  modest  begin- 
ning he  succeeded  in  building  up  the  ample  prop- 
erty of  which  he  is  now  the  owner. 

Our  subject  continued  on  the  old  farm  until  the 
summer  of  1846,  and  on  the  30th  of  July  that  year, 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Anna  Gray,  of 
of  the  same  county.  Shortly  afterward  they  re- 
moved to  the  vicinity  of  Marion,  Ohio,  where  Mr. 
Hoopes  purchased  a  farm  of  803  acres  on  what 
was  familiarly'  known  as  Sandusky  Plains,  and 
added  100  acres  three  years  later.  It  was  nearl}' 
fenced  and  has  been  largely  devoted  by  our  subject 
to  pasturage.  Mr.  Hoopes  began  the  improvement 
of  his  i)roperty,  and  in  1850  put  up  one  of  the 
first  brick  houses  in  that  locality.  He  devoted  his 
land  mostly  to  grazing,  and  gathered  together  a 
large  tlock  of  sheep.  He  also  took  in  cattle  to 
feed,  and  continued  this  course  profitalily  for  a 
period  of  nine  years.  His  property  naturally  in- 
creased in  value,  and  became  the  source  of  a  com- 
fortable inei)me. 

In  1853, however,  Mi-.  Hoopes  decided  to  see  what 
lay  beyond,  and  accordingly  disposed  of  his  interest 
in  the  Buckeye  Slate,  and  after  residing  for  a  year 
in  Marion  A'ill.age  came  here  to  buy,  moving 
here  with  his  family  in  1855.  There  were  then 
but  few  settlers  in  Grant  Township,  this  county,  and 
frc(pientl3'  the  traveler  would  go  from  fifty  to  100 
miles  without  passing  a  farm,  a  large  proportion  of 
the  land  still  belonging  to  the  Government.  j\Ir. 
Hoopes  at  once  bought  of  W.  I.  Allen  480  acres, 
upon  which  he  established  a  homestead,  and  was 
unif«.irnily  successful  in  his  labors  as  au   agricultur- 



ist  and  a  stock-raiser.  lie  later  purchased  ad- 
dititmal  land,  and  in  due  time  became  the  owner 
i)f  7,4  i;i  acres;  besides  this  he  sold  several  thousand 
acres  at  different  times.  The  Hrst  ho\ise  which  he 
put  up  was  a  frame  structure  of  fair  proportions, 
located  at  the  top  of  a  hill  on  the  old  "Chicago 
l{<)a<l."  lyinij  north  of  the  present  site  of  the  town. 
He  occu[>ied  this  with  his  family  for  a  nutnber  of 
j'cars.  and  added  other  buildings  as  time  passed  on. 
He  still  continued  sheep-raising,  and  frequently 
jjastured  large  droves  of  cattle  for  other  men. 
From  the  first  he  made  it  a  rule  to  keep  out  of 
debt,  live  within  his  income,  and  meet  his  obliga- 
tions as  the;)'  became  due.  Mr.  Hoopes,  in  1803," 
disposed  of  his  flocks  of  sheej)  on  account  of  the 
ditliculty  in  getting  help  to  look  after  them,  and 
at  the  same  time  laid  aside  many  of  the  cares 
which  had  been  his  for  many  jears.  Since  that 
time  he  has  taken  life  more  easily.  On  the  4th  of 
July,  1871,  the  track  of  what  is  now  the  Danville 
&  A'incennes  Railroad  was  laid  across  what  is  now 
IMaiii  street,  and  the  year  following  the  Lake  Erie  it 
"Western  began  running  its  trains.  Mr.  Hoopes, 
always  a  man  of  wise  forethought,  judged  that 
here  would  be  a  good  site  for  a  town,  and  accord- 
ingly commenced  Laying  out  a  portion  of  his  farm 
in  tovvn  lots.  He  did  not  undertake  town-making, 
but  laid  out  his  land  after  it  had  been  started. 
Thereafter  lie  eng.ageil  in  selling  these  lots  and 
looking  after  the  interests  of  the  embryo  village. 
The  town  was  named  Hoopeston  by  one  of  the 
prospectors  of  a  railroad.  Mr.  Hoopes  afterward 
sold  1,000  acres  to  the  firm  of  Snell  &  Ta3ior,  who 
had  a  part  of  the  land  jilatted,  and  sold  town  lots. 
In  187;3  Mr.  Hoo|)es  purchased  a  house  a  short  dis- 
tance west  of  that  which  he  now  occupies,  and 
moved  into  it.  occupying  it  until  1882,  when  he 
erected  his  present  residence.  In  connection  with 
his  deiilings  in  real  est,ite,  he  still  continued  the 
general  supervision  of  his  farm,  but  emploj'ed 
agents  to  carry  on  the  work.  In  the  fall  of  1874 
he  started  for  the  Pacific  Slope,  arriving  in  Califor- 
nia October  28,  and  sojourned  there  until  the  27th 
of  March,  1875.  In  the  meantime  he  traveled 
over  a  large  portion  of  the  country  with  his  wife, 
the  latter  being  in  delicate  health. 

Mr.  Hoopes  cast   his    first  vote    iu    1828  for   a 

defeated  candidate,  being  then  identified  with  the 
old  Whig  party,  but  upon  its  abandonment  cor- 
dially cndoised  the  principles  of  the  Republican 
party,  whom  he  has  since  for  the  most  part  given 
his  sui)port.  In  local  affairs,  however,  he  is  not 
hound  by  party  ties,  but  aims  to  support  the  man 
best  qualified  for  office.  During  his  long  residence 
in  this  county,  he  has  pursued  that  upright  and 
honorable  course  which  hasgaineil  him  the  confi- 
dence and  esteem  of  his  fellow-citizens,  striving 
alw.ays  to  be  not  only  just,  Init  also  generous,  as  he 
has  had  opportunity. 

Mrs.  Anna  ((iray)  Hoopes  was  born  in  ll.uiison 
County,  Ohio,  .luly  2.5,  1810.  and  the  daughter 
of  Thomas  and  Hannah  (Kckley)  (4ray,  who  spent 
their  Last  years  in  Fulton  County.  111.  To  oin-  sub- 
ject and  his  estimable  wife  there  were  born  no  chil- 
dren. Mrs.  Hoopes  departerl  this  life  on  the  2!Hh 
of  April,  188G,  greatly  mourned  by  her  husl)and, 
and  regretted  by  all  who  know  her.  .She  was  a  de- 
voted wife,  u  lady  possessing  all  the  Christian  vir- 
tues, and  who  the  uniform  .and  efficient  helper  of 
her  hnsliand  during  his  toils  and  struggles,  and  his 
clieerfnl.  faithful  companion  amid  the  hardships 
and  ditticulties  which  they  encountered.  Her  name 
is  held  in  kindly  rememlirance  by  :ill  who  knew 

Nathan  Hoopes,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Chester  County,  Pa  ,  May  .">,  1765,  and  was 
the  son  of  Daniel  A.  Hoopes,  a  native  of  the  same 
county.  He  lived  there  until  reaching  man's  es- 
tate, and  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Gardnei-. 
Soon  afterward  they  removed  to  Ohio,  and  settled 
in  the  woods  of  what  was  then  Jefferson  County, 
about  seven  miles  from  where  the  town  of  Mount 
Pleasant  grew  up.  He  put  up  a  log  cabin  and  be- 
gan felling  trees,  and  preparing  a  portion  of  the 
soil  for  cultivation.  His  first  property  consisted  of 
only  thirty  acres,  and  at  this  little  homestead  oc- 
curred the  birth  of  his  son  Thomas. 

Later  the  father  of  our  subject  disi)Osed  of  this 
])roperty,  and  purch,ascd  IGO  acres  of  land,  where 
he  opened  up  a  good  farm,  and  upon  which  he 
spent  his  last  days,  p.assing  away  in  the  spring  of 
1828.  The  household  circle  was  completed  by  the 
birth  of  seven  children,  six  of  whom  lived  to 
years   of    maturity,  namely :     James    and    Joseph, 



wild  were  residents  of  Morgan  County,  Ohio, 
until  tlieir  deatli;  Sarah.  Mrs.  Nathan  Williams,  of 
Harrison  County,  Ohio;  Thomas,  our  subject;  Ann, 
the  widow  of  George  W.  Scott,  living  in  Camp 
Chase;  and  Mary,  Mrs.  W.  Spurier,  who  died  in 
Harrison  County,  whither  she  returned  from  Mor- 
gan County.  The  mother  survived  her  husband 
only  six  years,  her  death  taking  place  at  the  old 
homestead  on  May  12,  1834.  She  was  a  member 
and  minister  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  Mr. 
Hoopes,  our  subject,  is  not  a  member  of  any 

Mr.  Hoopes  owns  large  tracts  of  land,  also  buys 
any  tract  a  young,  but  honest  and  industrious  man 
may  desire,  lets  him  have  it  and  pay  a  very  low 
rate  of  interest,  instead  of  rent,  and  avoids  double 
taxation;  thus  helping  man3'  young  men  to  start, 
simply  for  the  |)urpose  of  doing  what  good  he  can. 
If  he  is  proud  of  an3'thing,  it  is  of  that,  to  be  con- 
sidered a  ]iliilant!iropist. 


SJ  RA  G.  JONES.  Here  and  there,  like  a  bright 
I'  light  on  the  hill  top,  we  find  a  character  which 
/li  convinces  us  that  the  world  is  by  no  means  all 
bad,  and  the  subject  of  this  notice  may  most  prop- 
erly be  placed  in  this  category.  Not  only  is  he  the 
wealthiest  farmer  in  Elwood  Township,  but  its  old- 
est living  settler,  and  one  who  is  known  far  and 
wide  for  his  kindly  character,  and  as  looking  upon 
the  mistakes  and  wrong- doings  of  his  fellow-men 
with  charity.  He  had  long  been  known  as  the 
poor  man's  friend — one  never  seeking  popularity — 
but  he  has  sought  to  help  those  who  have  tried  to 
help  themselves,  and  has  set  before  iiis  fellow-men 
an  examiile  worthy  of  their  imitation.  He  is  by 
occupation  a  farmer,  and  has  for  many  years  been 
engaged  extensively  in  stock-raising.  His  large 
possessions  are  the  accumulation  of  a  lifetime  of 
industry,  good  management,  and  the  prudent  econ- 
omy which  has  been  the  rule  of  his  life. 

A  native  of  Eastern  Indiana,  oiu'  subject  was 
born  near  Liberty,  fifteen  miles  from  the  present 
flourishing  city  of  Richmond,  .Ian.  11,  182'!.      His 

father,  Aaron  Jones,  long  since  deceased,  was  a  na- 
tive of  New  Jersey,  and  removed  with  his  parents 
to  Fayette  County,  Pa.,  when  quite  small.  Tiie 
paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  a  soldier 
in  the  Revolutionary  War.  The  wife  of  Aaron 
Jones  was  Phebe  Watkins,  a  native  of  Fayette 
County,  Pa.,  who  became  the  mother  of  eleven 
children,  all  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years,  and 
three  survive,  those  beside  our  subject  being  Will- 
iam and  Henry.  The  former  occupies  the  old 
homestead  near  Quaker  Point,  just  across  the  line 
in  Indiana,  and  the  latter  lives  in  Fremont  County, 

Aaron  Jones  brought  his  famil}-  to  this  county 
in  October,  1827,  settling  at  (Quaker  Point,  where 
he  rented  land  two  or  three  seasons.  He  then  en- 
tered a  tract  from  the  Government  about  one  mile 
east  of  Quaker  Point  in  Vermilion  Townshij),  A'er- 
million  Co.,  Ind.  The  first  house  the  Jones  fam- 
il}'  occupied  was  a  double  log  cabin  with  a  stick 
and  claj'  chimney,  a  puncheon  floor  and  the  roof 
made  of  clapboards  held  down  with  knees  and 
weight  |joles.  Some  of  the  pioneer  bedsteads  of 
that  day  consisted  of  poles  fastened  in  the  wall  and 
resting  on  a  fork  in  the  middle  of  the  floor.  The 
nearest  trading  points  were  Newport  and  Eugene. 
•'Father  Jones,"  as  he  was  familiarly  called,  was  a 
very  hospitable  man,  and  entertained  many  a  trav- 
eler under  his  humble  roof.  People  came  as  far  as 
eight  miles  to  the  Shaw  and  the  Eugene  mills,  and 
sometimes  would  have  to  wait  a  week  for  their 
grinding.  Many  of  them  put  up  with  the  Jones 
family,  and  were  never  charged  a  cent.  It  was 
common  to  drink  whisk}'  in  those  days,  and  "rncle 
Aaron"  always  had  plenty  of  it  in  his  house — the 
genuine  article,  made  from  bis  own  grain.  Not- 
withstanding this  he  was  a  temperate  man  himself, 
and  never  allowed  liquor  to  get  the  better  of  him. 

The  earl}'  education  of  our  subject  was  conducted 
in  "Hazel  Brush  Ct^llege."  a  log  cabin  erected  in 
the  same  manner  as  the  dwelling  'leretofore  de- 
scribed. His  lioyhood  and  youth  were  spent  in 
a  similar  manner  to  that  of  other  sons  of  the 
pioneer  fanner,  during  which  time  he  assisted  in 
tilling  the  soil,  and  upon  approaching  manhood 
began  to  lay  his  plans  for  the  establishment  of  a 
home  of  his  own.     He  was  twenty-nine  years  old, 



however,  before  securing  unto  himself  a  wife  and 
helpmate,  and  was  then  married  in  July,  18")."),  to 
Miss  Ruth  Connor.  This  union  resulted  in  tlif 
hirlh  of  seven  children,  four  of  whom  are  living 
— Eiiieline,  Oeorge,  Rozella  and  Seymour.  One 
daughter,  Indiana,  was  married  to  .lohn  Patton, 
and  died,  leaving  five  eliildren — Jennie,  Neal,  May, 
George  and  Lucretia.  Elmeline  married  William 
Arrissmitli,  of  Pilot  Township,  this  county,  and 
thoy  have  four  children — Lilly,  Ira,  James  and 
Bertha;  George  married  Miss  Annie  Phillips,  lives 
in  IJethel.  and  is  the  father  of  one  child,  a  son, 
Claude;  Rozella  married  Charles  Busby,  of  Kl- 
wood  Township,  and  has  two  children.  Mrs.  Ruth 
(C'onnor)  Jones  deiiarted  this  life  .at  the  home- 
stead. Aug.  9,  1861). 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage,  Nov. 
24,  1871,  with  Mrs.  Hhoda  J.  Rice.  This  lady 
the  widow  of  .lames  M.  Hice,  and  the  daughter 
of  James  F.  Weller,  of  Elwood  Township.  Of 
their  marriage  there  h.ave  been  born  four  chil- 
dren, all  sons.  Pearl,  Frank,  Bertie  and  Arthur. 
Mrs.  .lones  is  a  member  of  the  New  J>ight  Chris- 
tian Church.  Our  subject,  politicalh',  votes  the 
Republican  ticket,  and  has  been  quite  inominent 
in  local  affairs,  ofliciating  as  Road  Overseer  and 
Highway  Commissioner,  and  is  at  present  .School 
Trustee  and  a  member  of  tlic  village  Council.  lie 
is  the  owner  of  1,000  acres  of  land,  most  of  it  in 
Flwood  Township.  His  agricultural  operations 
have  been  conducted  with  thoroughness  and  skill, 
and  his  home  is  one  whose  inmates  are  sur- 
rounded with  all  the  comforts  and  many  of  the 
luxuries  of  life. 

HENRY  BANTA.  Intil  within  a  few 
years  back  the  subject  of  this  iK^tice  was 
one  of  the  leading  business  men  of  Elwood 
Township.  He  came  to  this  county  in  1858 
settling  near  Pilot  Grove  where  he  carried  on  farm- 
ing until  1869.  He  then  came  to  the  Ridge  where 
he  since  lived.  He  for  some  time  owned  and 
operated  the  Ridge  Farm  Flouring  Mill  and  built 
the  elevator   here  in  1871.     He  dealt  in  grain  ex- 

tensively anil  at  the  same  time  interested  himself 
in  the  various  enterprises  calculated  to  build  up 
the  town,  lie  is  a  man  of  excellent  business  capa- 
cities and  strong  (pialitics  of  character,  oiu'  whose 
intluence  has  been  .sensibly  felt,  both  in  the  l) 
and  social  circles  of  his  community 

Our  subject  was  burn  in  ISoiirbon  Count}',  Ky., 
Aug.  14,  1831,  and  is  the  son  of  Abraham  Banta. 
now  deceased.  The  Latter  born  in  Bourbon 
County,  Ky.,  whence  our  subject  icmovcd  to 
Nicholas  County  with  his  parents  when  quite 
young.  They  settled  on  a  farm  two  and  one-half 
miles  west  of  Carlisle  on  the  old  Lexinutun  and 
Maysville  pike.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mothci- 
of  our  subject  was  Dorcas  Hedges.  His  paternal 
grandfather,  Henry  Banta,  served  as  a  solilici'  of 
the  Revolutionary  War.  The  parental  household 
included  eight  children,  five  of  whom  are  li\insi-, 
viz.:  .Scythia  A.,  Mrs.  Fulton;  J.  Henry,  our  sub- 
ject; Margaret,  Mrs.  Campbell;  William  F.  and 
Elizabeth,  twins,  the  latter  of  whom  .also  married  a 
Mr.  Campbell.  The  deceased  were  Andrew  .1., 
Sarah,  Mrs.  Collins  and  Annie  M.,  ;Mrs.  Bo^ard. 

Young  Banta  commenced  his  education  in  a  loo- 
cabin  in  Bourbon  County.  Ky.  The  temple  of 
learning  was  a  very  primitive  affair,  with  greased 
Ijaper  for  window  panes,  split  log  seats,  puncheon 
tloor  and  clapboard  roof  held  in  place  by  weight 
poles.  His  childhood  and  youth  passed  in  a  com- 
paratively uneventful  manner  until  his  mari-inge 
which  occurred  in  ,\pril.  18.i2.  his  bride  bein"- 
Miss  Mary  J.  Russell.  This  lady  boi-n  in  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Andrew  Ku-- 
sell,  deceased.  (  H'  this  union  there  were  born  eight 
children,  namely  :  James  A.,  Nancy  E.,  William  F., 
Sarah  A.,  Margaret  E.,  Annie  D.,  Andre  .v  J.  and 
John  II. 

One  of  the  leading  characteristics  of  Mr.  Banta 
is  his  steady  op()osition  to  the  manufacture  and 
sale  of  intoxicating  drinks.  While  serving  as 
Mayor  of  Ridge  Farm  in  1888-89,  he  vetoed  the 
whisky  license  ordinance  passed  by  the  Council, 
and  has  left  no  stone  unturned  in  using  his  inlhi- 
ence  to  put  down  the  licpior  trallic.  He  h;is  been 
a  member  of  the  Town  Council  several  years  which 
fact  is  suHicient  indication  c)f  tl  e  estimation  in 
which  he  is  held    by  his  fi.^llow  citizens,      lie  is  not 



connected  with  any  religious  organization  hut  so- 
cially is  a  charter  memher  of  Lodge  jS'o.  032  A.  F. 
&  A.  M.,  at  Ridge  Farm.  His  estimable  wife  is  a 
niemher  in  good  standing  of  the  Cumberland 
Presbyterian  Church.  Mr.  Ban^a,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  inflammatory  riieumatism,  is  usually  in 
good  health  and  well  preserved.  In  March,  1889, 
he  took  a  trij)  to  Hot  Springs.  Ark.,  and  the  treat- 
ment he  received  there  was  verj'  beneficial. 

The  ancestors  from  whom  our  sul)ject  sprang  were 
first  represented  in  this  country  by  one  Epke.Iacol) 
Banta.a  farmer  from  Harlingen,  East  Friesland.  Hol- 
land, who  will)  liis  wife  and  five  sons, emigrated  from 
Amsterdam  in  the  ship  ••  DeTrouw,"  which  s.ailed 
Feb.  13,  1639  for  the  New  World.  The  account 
of  its  passage  and  its  voyagers  may  be  found  in 
the  "  Documental  History  of  New  York,  volume  3, 
pages  52  and  53  and  volume  14,  [>age  90."  Kpke 
Jacob  Banta  was  appointed  one  of  tlie  couit  of 
Oyer  and  Terminer  at  Bergen,  now  a  part  of  .Terse3' 
City  in  1679.  See  ••  Winfield's  History  of  Wood- 
ford Count}',  page  100." 

In  1695  four  of  the  five  sons  si)oken  of  above — 
Seba,  Cornelius,  Mendrick.  and  Dirck,  with  sl.x  other 
persons,  purchased  from  the  proprietors  of  East 
Jersey  a  tr.act  of  land  extending  in  breadth  from 
the  Hudson  River  to  Oveipeck  (English  neiglibor- 
hood)  Creek,  and  in  length  about  two  miles  and  a 
quarter  from  north  to  south.  (See  deed  recorded 
at  office  of  Secretary  of  State,  Trenton,  N.  J.) 
The  third  son,  Hendrick  Epke  Banta,  married  Mary 
Lubliertse  Westervelt,  at  Bergen.  Nov.  17,  1678, 
and  there  were  born  to  them  six  children.  He 
became  a  man  promirient  and  well-to-do  in  his 
comnninity  and  was  elected  )eacon  of  the  Re- 
formed Dutch  Church  at  Haokensack,  N.  J.,  at  its 
organization  in  September,  1686. 

Hendrick  Banta,  Jr.,  upon  reaching  manhood  mar- 
ried Geertru}'  Terhuyne,  Jan.  26, 171 7, and  they  had 
four  children,  the  eldest  of  whom  was  also  named 
Hendrick.  This  latter  and  his  wife,  Rachel  Brou- 
wer,  removed  aljout  the  3'ear  1 753  to  Somerset 
County,  N.  J.,  where  he  was  an  Elder  in  the  Church 
at  Millstone.  Later  he  removed  to  the  northern 
part  of  the  county  and  was  elected  an  Elder  in  the 
Churcli  at  Bedminster  at  its  organization,  Oct.  25, 
1758.     In    1768    he    removed    with    a   colony    to 

Adams  Conntw  Pa.,  settling  near  tlie  present  site  of 
Gettysburg  and  was  a  conspicuous  member  of  tlie 
Church  at  Conewayo.  Ten  j'ears  later  he  became 
one  of  the  pioneers  of  Madison  County,  K\'.,  set- 
tling near  liooncsboro,  but  subsequently  removed 
to  Mercer  County,  and  fin.illy  to  Shelby  County. 
In  the  latter  he  settled  near  Plensuieville  on  what 
was  known  as  the  Dutch  Tract  where  he  died  in 

Of  this  Latter  family  there  were  born  six  children 
of  whom  the  fourth,  Abraham,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  was  born  April  7,  1805.  There  was  onlj' 
one  famih'  of  the  name  who  came  to  America  and 
their  descendants  have  been  people  uniformly  re- 
speclal.)le  and  well-to-do.  The  subject  of  this 
sketch  has  inherited  some  of  the  peculiar  trails  of 
his  ancestors  and  besides  being  totally  averse  to 
liquor  in  an}' shape,  never  had  tobacco  in  his  moulli 
and  never  smoked  a  cigar.  He  has  done  what  he 
could  to  advance  those  principles  in  which  he  con- 
scientiously beliei'es,  and  his  record  has  been  that 
of  an  honest  man  and  a  praiseworthy  citizen. 


\/iJl/  ^  «i''iiill'<-"'  County,  Ind.,  departed  this  life 
V^  near  Ridge  Farm,  111.,  Oct.  12,  1867.  His 
widow,  Mrs.  Irene  Haworth,  retains  possession  of 
the  pro[)ert3'  left  her  b\'  her  husband,  and  is  a  lady 
held  in  high  esteem  in  her  community.  She  was 
born  in  Wayne  County,  Ind.,  Dec.  12,  1827.  and  is 
the  daughter  of  Seth  Mill,  deceased,  who  was  a  na- 
tive of  Ohio,  and  who  came  to  this  count}'  with  his 
family  in  1828.  They  settled  on  what  is  now 
known  as  the  Thomas  Brown  place,  where  they 
lived  seven  years,  then  removed  to  the  Aaron 
Glick  farm,  two  miles  east  of  Vermilion  Grove, 
where  the  father  died  Aug.  19,  1846. 

On  the  10th  of  August,  1845,  Miss  Mills  was 
to  married  William  B.  Haw^orth,  and  they  at  once 
settled  across  tlie  line  at  Quaker  Point,  in  ^'ermillion 
County,  Ind.,  where  Mrs.  Haworth  lived  until 
1875.  She  then  removed  to  Vermilion  Grove,  her 
present  home.  Of  the  thirteen  children  liorn  to  her 
and  her  husliand,  nine  lived    to  mature  years,  and 



c4/rKru^<^  ©^-li^^A^H/ 

^.  l3.  ^cn^^<^C^ 



eiirlit  arc  slill  living,  viz:  Maria,  Susan,  lli'iiry  M., 
Ziiuii  L.,  Mary  E.,  Saiali,  Lsiiira  M..  and  Eva  .1. 
One  son,  Selii,  niai-ried  Miss  Martha  .1.  Hecs.  and  is 
now  deceased.  Of  the  two  eiiildren  liorn  tn  tlniii 
only  one  is  living,  Anna  I^;  Maria  married  Amos 
C'o(jli,  of  Yankee  Point;  Susan  is  the  wife  of 
Thomas  E.  Commons,  of  Wiehita.  K:ui..  and  has 
has  five  ehildren — Arthur  X.,  Adella.  Walter. 
Pearl,  and  Dren.  Henry  married  Eaura  Ilendrieks. 
and  lives  at  (Quaker  Point.  Ind.:  they  lKi\'e  live 
children — Kenneth  E.,  .Alaria,  Alice,  George  and 
Myrtle;  Ziniri  married  Miss  Syliil  Rees.  lives  in 
Elwood  Township,  and  has  two  children — Mary 
and  Albert  C;  Mary  married  Ezra  Cook,  of  Yankee 
Point,  and  lives  in  Elwood  Township;  they  have 
five  children — llertha,  Nora.  Fhjra.  Seth  and  Ethel. 
Sarah  married  Josiah  Marsh,  of  Frankfort,  Ind., 
and  they  have  one  child.  Charlie;  Eaura  married 
Newton  Morris,  of  Elwood  Township,  and  they  have 
two  children — Orpha  D.  and  Barclay  D.;  Eva  mar- 
ried I>evi  Saunders,  of  Elwood  Township,  and  thev 
have  three  children — Octavia,  JOlton  and  Estella. 

Mr.  Ilaworth  was  a  mend)er  of  the  S(K'iety  of 
Friends,  to  which  Mrs.  Ilaworth  and  her  fanuly  also 
belong.  The  mother  of  ilrs.  Ilaworth  was  in  her 
girlhood  Rebecca  Canaday,  a  native  of  .lefterson 
County,  East  Tenn.,  and  born  .lune  2.3,  ISOO.  The 
parental  family  included  five  children:  Irena. 
Henry,  Aaron.  Lucinda  15.  (deceased)  and  Annie 
M.  The  mother  dietl  June  IH,  1888.  in  Elwood 
'I'ownship,  X'ermilion  Co..  III.  She  was  a  life 
long  mendjer  of  the  Society  of  Friends. 

ORMAN  B.  DOUGLASS  stands  in  the 
front  rank  of  the  enlightened,  enterprising 
agriculturists,  who  are  active  in  sup- 
porting the  immense  farming  and  stock- 
raising  interests  of  A'ermilion  Count}'.  lie;  owns 
one  of  the  largest  and  finest  improved  farms  in  all 
C.-itlin  Townshi|i.  beautifully  located  on  section  2. 
where  he  has  a  very  pretty  home,  rendered  still 
more  attractive  by  the  number  of  shade  and  fruit 
trees  with  which  he  has  adorned  the  grounds. 

Our  subject  conies  of  worth\   New   England  an- 

cestiy  on  the  father's  side,  and  of  good  Pennsyl- 
vania stock  on  the  maternal  side  of  the  house.  Ilis 
father,  Cyrus  Douglass,  was  born  in  >'ermoiit,  and 
his  niuther  was  a  native  of  Tioga  County,  Pa. 
They  were  married  about  three  miles  north  of  Dan- 
ville, in  this  county,  and  settled  soon  after  about 
three  miles  and  a  half  south  of  that  city,  where 
tlie>'  lived  for  a  long  term  of  years,  being  very 
cirly  pioneers  of  that  lownshii).  In  l^tlJo,  they 
retired  to  Fairmount  to  spent  their  last  years  free 
from  the  cares  and  labors  that  had  beset  their  early 
life,  whereby  they  had  won  a  competence.  She 
did  not  long  survixe  the  removal  fidin  her  old 
home,  where  her  married  life  had  [lassed  so  [ilcas- 
antl}-  and  peacefully,  but  Dec.  15,  1  8()l!,  closed  her 
eyes  to  the  scenes  of  earth.  The  father  lived  four- 
teen years  longer,  and  then,  Dec.  20,  1880,  he  was 
summoned  to  the  life  be3'ond  the  grave.  He  had 
served  under  Capt.  Morgan  L.  Payne  in  the  Indian 
War  of  1831-2.  He  and  his  wife  were  the  parents 
of  thirteen  children,  nine  sf)ns  and  four  daughters, 
all  of  whom  lived  to  grow  up.  with  the  exception 
of  one  son,  vvho  was  injured  and  died  when  about 
nine  years  old. 

Our  subject  was  the  secoinl  child  of  the  f;iiiiilv 
in  order  of  birth,  and  was  born  in  Danville  Town- 
ship, Oct.  11.  1827.  He  was  reared  to  man's  estate 
in  the  place  of  his  nativity  in  the  pioneer  home  of 
his  birth.  He  gleaned  his  education  in  the  primi- 
tive schools  of  the  eaily  days,  was  bred  to  a  farm- 
er's life  on  the  old  homestead,  and  has  always  given 
his  attention  to  agricultural  pursuits.  He  remained 
under  the  parental  roof  till  lS51,and  then,  buoyed 
with  the  hopes  and  ;iml>itions  of  an  energetic 
young  manhood,  he  took  his  deiiartnre  from  the 
scenes  of  his  boyhood  and  youth,  and  crossed  the 
continent  to  Oregon  to  see  something  of  the  world 
and  to  Ixtter  his  prospects  in  life  if  he  could.  He 
stayed  in  Oregon  but  a  short  time,  and  then  made 
his  waj'  to  California,  where  he  rennuned  some  time 
engaged  in  iiiining.  In  October,  185.'3,  he  gathered 
together  his  gains,  iiaving  a  great  desire  to  set-  his  old 
home  once  more  after  ex|)erienciiig  the  rough  life 
of  a  miner  for  two  years,  and  embarked  on  a 
vessel  that  took  him  by  the  Nicaragua  route,  and 
thence  made  his  way  by  New  \'ork  Cily  lo  Illinois 
and  Vermilion  Couiilv.      On  his  ntuiii  he  icsnined 



farming,  and  followed  that  peaceful  vocation  some 
year^.  But  life  in  tlie  wild  West  still  held  a  fasei 
nntion  foi-  him,  and  in  the  summer  of  1864  lie 
made  another  trip  toward  tiie  setting  sun,  journey- 
ing across  the  plains  to  Idaho  and  Montana.  That 
time  he  was  gone  from  hero  about  two  and  a  half 
years,  and  was  variously  emplojed  as  a  miner  and 
at  different  occupations.  Since  his  second  return 
from  the  far  West  Mr.  Douglass  has  been  engaged 
continnousl}'  in  farming,  and  has  met  with  more 
than  ordinary  success  in  that  pursuit.  He  owns 
410  acres  of  as  choice  land  as  is  to  be  found  in 
tins  part  of  Vermilion  County,  has  it  under  perfect 
cultivation,  has  erected  good  buildings,  including 
a  substantial.  well-app(.inted  residence,  and  made 
other  valuable  improvements. 

The  marriage  of  our  suljject  with  Miss  Anna 
Downing,  a  noble,  ti-ue-hearted  woman,  wjio  has 
devoted  her  life  to  the  interests  of  her  husband 
and  children,  took  place  in  Danville  Township, 
their  union  being  solemnized  in  the  month  of  Se))- 
tember.  1855.  Mrs.  Douglass  is  the  daughter  of 
Ellis  and  Louisa  (Hathaway)  Downing,  natives 
respectively  of  Virginia  .and  Kentucky,  and  now 
deceased.  Her  [jarents  began  tiieir  m.irried  life  in 
Kentucky,  anil  from  tiiere  went  later  in  life  to  Li- 
diana,  and  were  |)ioneers  of  Logansport,  where  he 
died.  The  mother  afterward  came  to  Catlin  Town- 
ship, and  made  her  home  here  till  death.  P'our 
children  were  born  of  lier  marriage,  two  sons  and 
two  daughters,  Mrs.  Douglass  being  the  eldest  of 
the  family.  Slie  was  born  near  Wa-shington,  in 
Mason  County,  Ky.,  Dec.  25,  1825.  She  is  the 
mother  of  five  children,  as  follows:  Samuel;  Eliza, 
tiie  wife  of  George  W.  Cook;  Allen  who  married 
Maggie  Byeiley;  Belle  B.,  the  wife  of  Charles  Lu- 
cas; and  George  W. 

Mr.  Douglas  is  a  man  whose  frank  geniality,  tact 
and  readiness  to  olilige,  have  won  him  many  f.ast 
fiiends,  and  with  his  wife,  wiio  is  of  an  amiable, 
charitable  disposition,  he  stands  high  in  the  social 
circles  of  this  community.  He  is  a  man  of  wide 
and  varied  experience  and  information,  a  good  con- 
versationalist, and  is  accordingly  a  pleasing  com- 
panion. He  is  a  good  financier,  and  also  an  able 
manager,  having  his  affairs  under  good  control;  he 
possesses    in   a  large    degree    those   characteristics 

without  which  success  in  life  is  unattainable  He 
has  mingled  somewhat  in  the  pulilic  life  of  the 
township,  has  proved  an  efHcient  school  otticer, 
and  has  held  some  of  the  minor  offices  with  credit 
to  hiniself,  and  to  the  benefit  of  the  community. 
He  is  an  esteemed  member  of  Catlin  Lodge.  No. 
285,  A.  F.  (k  A.  M.  He  is  a  loyal  and  faithful  citi- 
zen, having  the  best  interests  of  his  country  at 
heart,  and  is  in  his  politics  a  pronounced  Democrat 
of  the  Jacksonian  t3'pe. 

Elsewhere  in  this  volume  the  re.ader  will  notice 
a  portrait  of  Mr.  Douglass,  and  beside  it  is  fittingly 
|)laeed  that  of  his  wife,  who  has  been  at  his  side  a 
faithful  companion  for  more  than  thirty  years. 

MOS  COOK,  a  representative  farmer  of 
Elwood  Township,  is  a  hardworking,  typi- 
cal Quaker.  He  is  a  native  of  El  wood 
Township,  and  was  born  Dec.  15,  1845. 
His  father,  Daniel  Cook,  was  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  Vermilion  County,  and  a  man  whoso  repu- 
tation for  everything  that  constitutes  a  model  man. 
was  of  the  very  best.  The  mother  was  Hannah 
Hester,  a  daughter  of  Thomjis  Hester,  also  a  pio- 
neer of  Eastern  Illinois.  The  elder  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Cook  had  four  children,  three  of  whom  are  Hying: 
Amos,  Ezra  and  Daniel,  all  born  in  Elwood  Town- 
ship. Daniel  was  born  on  Feb.  27th,  1855.  He 
married  Electa  Powell.  They  have  one  child. 
Alice,  and  are  living  on  section  10  of  Elwood 
Township.  Mary  died  after  she  married  and 
become  the  mother  of  two  children. 

Mr.  Cook  enjoyed  but  limited  advantages  for 
securing  an  education,  as  the  common  schools  of 
his  boyhood  had  not  attained  to  the  perfection  of 
the  public  schools  of  the  present  daj'.  He  im 
proved  well,  however,  his  opportunities,  and  re- 
grets that  he  co'id  not  have  secured  better  educa- 
tional privileges.  On  Nov.  3d,  186;i.  Mr.  Cook 
was  married  to  Maria,  daughter  of  Bartley  Ilaw- 
ortli  (deceased).  They  have  no  children.  The 
brother  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  Ezra  Cook,  of 
Vermilion  Grove,  was  born  in  October,  1848.  in 
Elwood  Township.     He  received  a  common-school 



education  ami  lias  always  workoil  on  a  farm.  He 
owns  seventy  aeies  of  lanii,  where  he  eanies  on  a 
general  fanning  anil  slock  raising  business.  He 
has  been  very  prosperous  and  has  accumulated  a 
conijietence.  He  was  married  in  Sei)teniber,  1875, 
to  .Alary  E.  Ilaworth.  The}'  are  the  ])arenls  of  six 
children,  five  of  whom  are  living:  Bertha  L..  Nora 
A.,  Flora  I!..  Setli  H..  and  Eliiel  M.  His  wife  was 
born  in  Edgar  Countj-,  111.,  and  reared  in  Vermill- 
ion County,  Iiid.  Ezra  never  has  sought  office. 
.111(1  politically,  he  belongs  to  the  Prohibition  party. 
He  and  his  wife  are  leading  membei'S  of  the  .So 
ciety  of  Friends,  as  were  also  their  parents. 

Amos  Cook  owns  ninety-two  .acres  of  land,  most 
of  which  is  under  a  perfect  state  of  cultiv.ation. 
He  prosecutes  a  general  farming  and  stock-raising 
business.  Tlie  stock  on  his  farm  is  of  the  very 
best  blood,  and  he  spares  no  pains  to  obtain  the 
best,  among  which  may  be  mentioned  graded  Bel- 
gian horses,  Sliorl-horn  cattle  and  Poland-China 
hogs.  Mr.  Cook  is  considered  by  his  iieighbijis  a 
model  farmer,  and  a  survey  of  his  farm  will  corro- 
borate that  estimate.  He  is  thorough  in  all  his 
work,  and  leaves  nothing  undone  that  should  be 
done,  and  everything  connected  with  his  place 
seems  to  be  in  perfect  order. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  are  members  of  the  Friends' 
Church,  where  tbey  regularly  attend  divine  wor- 
ship, and  of  which  they  are  birth-right  members. 
Jlr.  Cook  has  never  held  any  office,  nor  does  he 
want  one,  luit  he  voles  and  works  for  the  Prohibi- 
tion part>-  as  a  matter  of  dut}'  and  principle.  He 
has  never  lived  outside  of  Elwood  Township. 




^^EORCE     W.     CANADAY.       Among    the 
steady-going  men  of  Carroll  Township  none 

U  are  : 

^^^4!  ai"6  more  responsible  and  hard-working  than 
he  with  whose  name  we  introduce  this  sketch.  He 
pursues  the  even  tenor  of  his  w.ay  quietly  and  iin- 
oslcnl.atiously,  and  is  a  fine  representative  of  that 
responsible  and  reliable  element  which  is  so  essen- 
tial to  the  well-being  of  every  community.  He  is 
the  owner  of  two  medium  sized  farms,  a  good 
home  and   a  pleasant   family,  iiu'luding  a  group  of 

children  which  he  and  his  cxci'llcnt  wife  may  be 
pardoned  for  looking  upon  vvith  much  [iiide. 

The  son  of  a  pioneer,  our  subject  was  born  in 
Georgetown  Township  near  Concord,  Nov.  18, 
1812,  being  the  youngest  of  three  children,  the  off- 
spring of  Boater  .Mud  F>llen  (  Weidener)  Caii.iday. 
who  were  married  in  Ohio,  iuid  came  to  this  county 
about  1S35.  They  settled  in  (leorgetown  Township, 
where  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  days.  The 
fatlui'.  however,  only  lived  until  1845,  leaving  his 
widow  with  three  children  —  William  R.,  Sarah  J., 
and  George  W..  our  subject.  She  was  married  the 
second  time  and  became  the  mother  of  six  more 

Mr.  Canaday  spent  liis  boyhood  and  youth  amid 
the  quiet  scenes  of  rural  life,  le;niiing  to  plow,  sow 
and  reap.  He  says,  "I  have  been  plowboy  lliirty- 
eight  years."  He  attended  the  schools  at  Coi.cjrd, 
and  grew  up  to  a  healthful  and  vigorous  manhood, 
vvith  stout  muscles  and  feeling  fully  equal  to  the 
demands  of  the  future.  When  tvveuty-live  3'ears 
old  he  was  married,  in  18()7,  to  Miss  Mary  .lane, 
daughter  of  (ieorgeW.  Smith,  who  is  now  living 
three  miles  south  of  Georgetown.  The  young  peo- 
ple commenced  the  journey  of  life  together  in  El- 
wood Township,  and  from  that  time  on  have 
worked  with  a  mutual  purpose  to  make  for  them- 
selves a  home  and  leave  a  good  record  to  their 
children.  In  the  fall  of  that  3'ear,  thinking  he 
would  do  better  beyond  the  Mississippi,  Mr.  Cana- 
day went  into  Worth  County,  Mo.,  and  purchased 
a  farm  of  lOd  acres,  driving  to  it  in  a  wagon.  For 
seven  years  thereafter  he  prosecuted  farming  on  that 
land,  performing  a  great  deal  of  hard  labor  with 
encouraging  results. 

Mrs.  Canaday  finally-  became  homesick,  and  the 
family,  including  three  children,  in  1874,  returned 
to  this  county,  making  the  journey  overland  in  a 
wagon.  Mr.  Canada}'  purchased  a  small  tract  of 
land — seveuty-two  .teres — near  Ridge  Farm,  which 
he  still  owns,  and  in  1881  purchased  the  120-acre 
farm  in  Carroll  Township,  which  he  now  occupies, 
and  to  which  he  gives  his  [iriiieipal  attention. 
Their  three  eldest  children,  Emma  E.,  Florence  and 
Cora,  were  born  in  .Missouri.  Ollie  and  Fiank  are 
natives  of  Illinois.  Our  subject  and  his  estimable 
wifi'  belong  to  the  Cumberland  Presbvteri:ui  Church 



at  Conconl.  and  Mr.  Canada^-,  politically,  votes  the 
stiaiglit  DernoL'ralic  ticket.  He  has  served  as  School 
Director  in  his  district,  and  believes  in  the  educa- 
tion of  t!ie  young  as  tlie  best  means  of  insuring 
good  citizenship. 

Mrs.  Canaday  was  born  in  Georgetown  Town- 
ship Sept.  24,  1845,  anil  is  the  only  child  of  her 
father  by  his  wife,  who  in  her  girlhood  was  Mar\' 
.bine  Sniitli.  After  the  death  of  his  first  wife  Mr. 
Srnitli  was  married  a  se(!ond  time,  and  became  the 
faiiier  of  seven  more  children,  five  living  and  two 


Ci. — ,f,'RANK  A.  BAUM,  one  of  the  most  populnr 
||i^gi  men  of  Carroll  Township,  was  born  and 
/li,  ^  reared  witiiin  its  jirecincts.  and  is  tlie  off- 
.spring  of  an  old  and  well-known  family,  the  son  of 
Samuel  Baum,  whose  great-grandfatlier  was  born 
in  Poland,  from  v.liich  lie  lied  during  the  troubles 
of  that  unhappy  country,  and  for  some  time  after- 
ward made  his  home  in  (lermany.  Later  he  came 
t<i  America,  prior  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  and 
married  an  English  lady  by  the  name  of  Barbaia 
^McDonald,  a  relative  of  the  daring  and  gallant 
young  McDonald,  fighting  under  Gen.  Marion  in 
that  war.  The  senior  15aum  was  later  ai)pointed 
o'l  the  reserve  corps  for  special  dutj-  and  the  pro- 
tection of  the  early  settlements.  After  the  close  of 
the  war  he  settled  in  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  where  the 
nine  children  of  the  family  were  reared,  among 
wliom  the  grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  Charles  Baum,  Sr. 

The  year  following  Wayne's  trealv  with  the  In- 
dians Charles  Baum  and  his  family  sailed  down  the 
Ohio  River  to  the  month  of  Bullsiuk  Creek,  near 
where  the  town  of  Chilo  now  stands.  Here  they 
commenced  the  first  fiettlement  made  in  the  Terri 
tory  of  Ohio.  Grandfather  Charles  Baum  upmi 
reaching  manhood  married  Miss  .Snsnu  Moiei'.  of 
Germantown,  Ky.  They  became  the  parents  of  tru 
children,  viz:  Samuel,  John,  RL  D.;  Mary,  Mrs. 
Weaver;  Sarah,  Mrs.  \'an  Treese;  Charles;  Calher- 
i;ie.  Mrs.  Patterson;  Susan.  Mrs.  Sandusky;  Eliza- 
beth, Gideon  N. ;  and  Elizi.  Mrs.  Carter. 

Samuel  Baum  was  the  eldest  son  of   his    parents 

(who  came  to  this  county  with  their  children  in 
1839),  and  while  a  resident  of  Ohio,  was  married 
to  a  daughter  of  old  Michael  Weaver.  The  latter 
came  to  this  county  in  1827,  and  settled  one 
miles  northeast  of  the  present  site  of  Indiau- 
ola.  There  were  then  luit  five  log  houses  on  the 
Little  A'ermilion.  two  of  whii;h  were  purchased 
1)V  a  Baum  and  a  Weaver.  The  latter  gentleman 
li\ed  to  be  one  hundred  years  old,  the  oldest  man 
on  record  in  Carroll  Township.  He  was  the  father 
of  seven  children,  of  whom  Sarah,  the  wife  of  Sam- 
uel Baum,  was  the  eldest.  She  was  a  native  of 
Ohio,  and  after  her  marriage  became  the  mother  of 
tw a  children  there,  Elizal>eth  and  Oliver  P.  After 
their  removal  to  Illinois  there  were  born  six  more 
children — Susan,  Catherine,  Charles  M.,  Samuel, 
^Villiam  and  Angeline.  The  first  wife  died,  and 
Samuel  Baum  married  a  second  time  to  Mrs.  Polly 
!  Matkins.  widow  of  William  INLatkins,  by  whom  she 
j  became  the  mother  of  two  chiMreu — Theodore  and 
Mary.  Of  her  mnrriage  with  .Mr.  Baum  there 
i  were  born  four  children:  Frank,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch;  America,  Winchester  C.  and  May.  Grand- 
father liaum  was  perhaps  as  generous  a  man  as 
ever  set  foot  in  Carroll  Tovvnship.  He  posscsseil 
tlie  character  and  attributes  of  a  true  Christian,  and 
was  one  of  the  i)illars  of  the  Methodist  Ejiiscopnl 

Uncle  Sam  Baum.  as  ho  was  familiarly  termed,  was 
a  laro^e,  powerful  man,  six   feet  one  inch  in    height, 
and  weighing  300  (lounds.      He  was  born   in  Ohio, 
and    reared  amid  the  wild  scenes    of  pioneer    life, 
j    o-powing  up  good-tempered  and  jovial,  and   follow- 
ing farming   iiursuits.       He    took   the    first  jiroduce 
which  be   raised    in   Carroll    Township  to  Chicago, 
driving  tive  yoke  of  oxen.      His  sole  earthly  pos- 
sessit.ns  upon   coining   to  this  county  weie  a  horse, 
bridle  and  saddle,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death,  in 
March.  18Ij1,   he  was   the   owner  of   1.500  acres  of 
!    good  land,  besides  personal  property.     During  the 
'    latter  years   of    his  life   he  bekmged   to  the  Repub- 
lican party,  and  died   at   the  age  of   flfty-six  years. 
The  mother  of  our  sul)ject  came   to  Illinois  with 
her  father   in    1831,   he  settling  three  miles  east  of 
Indianola.       She  was    then   but  thirteen   years  old. 
.Mtir  a  time  they  moved   to  Louisville,  Ky.,  where 
tlicy  sojourned  three  years,   then   returned    to  this 


.")  1  ;t 

couiity,  and  the  mother  died  aliout  1H83  at  the  age 
of  si.\ly-t"i>  years.  Slie  was  a  woninii  of  many  e.\- 
celleiit  (iiialities.  and  in  ri'li^ion  a  I'resbytcrian. 

The  siibjeel  of  this  sl<i'leh  was  liorn  Nov.  1.'), 
l!S.")l,m  Carrol!  Towijslii|i.  whrrr  he  was  reared  on 
a  farm,  and  at  an  early  age  lieeanu:  familiar  with 
agrirnilnral  pursuits  and  stock-raising.  lie  was 
briulit  and  eonrageons,  and  at  an  I'arly  age  as- 
snnu'd  niuisnal  responsiliililies  for  a  boy.  whicii  iiad 
tlie  effect  of  niiiUing  him  self-reliant  and  liule  in- 
clined to  asl<  fa\drs  of  anyone.  His  father  died 
wliiMi  he  was  a  lai'i  of  eleven  years,  bnt  prior  to  this 
I'"rank  had  been  enga^fd  hel|wng  his  father  in  pur- 
chasing cattle  two  in- three  years.  With  llie  demise 
of  the  head  of  the  family  the  household  circle  wa.s 
broken  np,  but  Frink  icmaincd  with  his  mother  on 
the  liiium  homestead  until  two  years  after  his  niar- 
riaaje.  The  above  mentioned  event  in  the  life  of 
our  subject  was  celebrated  Nov.  18,  187:5.  the  bride 
being  Miss  Kliza.  daughter  of  Dr.  Mcdlallie.  one  of 
the  earliest  physicians  in  Carroll  Township.  Mrs. 
Binm  was  born  in  Indianola.  an(]  was  a  child  at 
school  with  her  hnsbaml.  In  187.")  they  moved  on 
to  the  part  of  the  father's  estate  which  fell  to  our 
subject,  and  to  which  the  latter  subsequently  added 
bv  the  |)urch;ise  of  land.  There  were  born  to  Ihem 
five  children:  Harry,  .Joseph,  Beratice;  Samuel,  who 
when  sixteen  months  old;  and  Benjamin  F. 

Ml-.  I5aum  has  given  his  attention  largely  to  the 
live-stock  business,  and  has  fed  all  the  cattle  his 
farm  could  sustain.  He  has  never  sold  any  other 
grain  besi<les  wheat.  Heshippeil  his  cattle  to  New 
York,  Buffalo,  and  Chicago,  and  began  operati(jns 
in  this  business  when  a  jouth  of  seventeen  years. 
He  has  made  two  trips  to  the  Far  West,  and  is  a  man 
who  keeps  his  eyes  open  to  what  is  going  on  around 
him.  embracing  every  opportunity  for  useful  in- 
formation. He  is  at  present  interested  in  the  breed- 
ing of  Clydesdale  horses,  and  is  a  life  member  of 
the  Scotch  and  American  Clydesdale  Associations. 
He  has  also  bred  Short-horn  cattle  consider.-dily. 
His  son.  Harry,  a  bright  boy  of  fourteen,  is  said  to 
be  the  best  posted  youth  in  the  county  in  connec- 
tion with  this  industry.  When  thirteen  years  old 
he  passed  a  successful  examination  for  a  teacher's 
certllicate,  and  in  18S8  was  again  examined  and 
r.anked  the  highest  of   any   ap|)licanl.       Mr.    Baum 

thoroughly  believes  in  education,  and  has  given  to 
his  children  the  best  advantages  in    his  power. 

The  farm  of  our  subject  eml)races  KU)  acres  of 
land,  well  improved  and  very  fertile.  .Mr.  lianm 
put-  in  the  lirst  tile  i-ver  laid  in  Carroll  Township, 
of  which  he  has  live  miles  on  120  acres.  Being 
thrown  upon  his  own  rescjurces  early  in  life,  he  has 
had  .-1  stern  liattle  with  the  worhl,  and  is  of  th.-it  in- 
dependent and  outsi)()ken  dis))osition  whi(-h  might, 
with  one  unacipniinted  with  him,  seem  abrupt,  but 
at  heart  he  is  ger.uine  golil.  with  sympathy  for  the 
unfortunate,  and  a  line  ap|irecialion  of  th(;se  senti- 
ments of  honor,  which  is  the  leading  characteristic 
of  every  trm-  man.  He  is  one  who  naturally  es- 
pouses the  cause  of  the  persecuted  and  down  fallen, 
.and  has  more  than  once  wrested  a  friend  from  trou- 
ble and  disaster. 

I'olitically,  Mr.  Baum  is  a  decided  He;mblican. 
and  has  very  clear  ideas  in  regard  to  tiie  ))rotective 
system  of  that  party.  WHien  assailed  upon  this 
point  he  is  ;Uways  enabled  to  cause  the  most  hot- 
headed Democratic  free-traders  to  sto))  and  think. 
He  has  been  for  sonu-  time  Township  Trustee,  and 
is  Clerk  of  the  I5oard  of  School  Directors  of  In- 
dianola. He  was  remai-kably  fortunate  in  the  selec- 
tion <if  a  wife  and  help/nate,  Mrs.  Baum  being  a  very 
estimable  and  intelligent  lady,  one  who  has  greatly 
assisted  her  husband  in  his  labors  and  struggles,  ami 
very  nearly  a[)proaches  the  ideal  of  the  self-dcn\- 
ing  and  devested  wife  and  mother.  Although  not 
wealthy,  they  have  accnmulated  sutHcienl  to  shield 
them  from  want  in  their  old  age,  and,  what  is 
better,  the}'  enjoy  the  esteem  and  confidence  of 
hosts  of  friends. 


,ILI.IA;\I  brown  ha 

^  IftlLl.lA.M  liKOW  >>  lias  been  eminently  snc- 
\/\///  cessful  as  a  farmer  and  a  citizen.  He 
^^  resiiles  on  section  :!•_'.  l-'.lwood  Township, 
where  he  owns  a  good  farm.  He  was  born  in  But- 
ler County,  Ohio,  on  .Ian.  4,  18i:i,  and  in  his  time 
has  seen  a  great  many  changes  in  the  affairs  of  this 
countr}'.  by  which  he  has  profited. 

His    father,    Samuel    Brown,    was     born    on    the 
•■beautiful   .Inniata"    U'iver  in    Mitllin    C(innl\,  I'a, 



His  wife,  wliose  maiden  name  wa*  Polly  Heain,  is 
also  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  but  was  reiired  to  wo- 
manhood in  Kentucky.  She  and  tier  husband  reared 
ten  child ren.five  of  whom  are  living:  "William;  Mar- 
Mnrgaiet.  Mrs.  Ross;  C.  Perry,  Mary,  Mrs.A.  Shurk; 
and  .Sidney.  Mrs.  Tenbrook.  William  came  with  his 
parents  to  Parke  County,  Ind.,  in  1824,  where  they 
settle<l  in  a  country  that  was  in  a  wild  state.  Game 
of  every  kiml,  and  especially  wild  turkeys,  was 
abundant.  They  were  not  obliged  to  go  hunting 
for  turkeys,  but  could  sit  in  their  doors  and  shoot 
them  as  they  passed.  The  early  settlers  of  that  county 
for  the  first  few  years  of  their  residence  there 
were  providentially  supplied  with  the  best  of  meat 
by  reason  of  the  plentitude  of  wihl  game.  The 
Brown  family  built  their  fiist  lioui^e  of  round  logs, 
and  in  its  consti'uclion  not  a  sa\ved  board  was  used. 
The  roof  was  constructed  of  chipboards  which  were 
split  out  of  straight-grained  timber.  The  doors 
had  wooden  lati'hes  and  hinges,  and  no  nails  w3re 
used  in  building  them,  wooden  (jegs  t.aking  their 
jilace.  The  bedsteads  vvere  made  by  boring  holes 
in  the  wall  and  inserting  therein  poles.  The  win- 
dows were  constructed  by  cutting  a  hole  in  the  side 
of  the  cabin  and  using  greased  paper  in  the  place 
of  glass.  All  the  hardships  that  could  be  imagined 
they  underwent,  and  at  one  time  the  water  was  so 
high  in  that  country'thal  the  mills  were  obliged  to 
stop  grinding,  and  in  most  instances  the  dams  were 
washed  away,  and  in  consequence  the  Brown  family 
for  a  month  and  a  half  were  destitute  of  tlour  or 
meal,  and  the  whole  section  of  country  was  obliged 
to  use  boiled  corn  instead.  This  was  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  winter  of  182;j-'26.  The  river  at  IMon- 
tezuma  inundated  the  valley  and  covered  the  tow- 
path  of  the  old  canal.  William  was  present  in 
Montezuma  and  heard  Gen.  Howard  make  his  last 
speech  just  prior  to  his  embarking  on  a  steamboat 
on  his  journe}'  as  Minister  to  Texas. 

William  Brown  came  to  Vermilion  county  in 
March,  185G,  where  he  has  since  lived.  In  August, 
1848.  he  married  Lizzie,  daughter  of  Salmon  Lusk. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  ISrown  are  the  parents  of  eight  chil- 
dren, six  of  whom  are  living:  Salmon  H.,  Commo- 
dore P.,  John  L..  William  C,  Edgar  D.,  and  Benj- 
amin F.  Salmon  married  Alice  Coe.  and  is  living 
in    Ridge   Farm.     They  have    one    child,  Herbert. 

Cc.muo'.rr  ii'.iirried  Llla  Campbell.  The3'  are 
living  in  this  township  anvl  have  one  child.  Mr. 
Brown  owns  700  acres  of  land  in  Edgar  and  Ver- 
milion counties,  and  320  acres  in  Lyon  County, 
Kansas,  independent  of  which  he  has  given  to  his 
children  an  .aggregate  of  1280  acres.  He  is  engaged 
largely  in  raising  graded  Short-horn  cattle  and 
Clydesdale  horses,  and  as  a  stock-raiser  he  has  pros- 

Mr.  Brown  is  devoted  to  home  and  cares  little 
for  popular  applause.  His  wealth  has  been  gained 
mainly  by  sticking  to  the  motto  of  minding  his 
own,  and  this  has  been  the  key-note  of  his 
success.  He  never  seeks  ottlce.  leaving  that  to  oth- 
ers. In  his  day  he  has  done  a  great  deal  of  hard 
work,  and  knows  all  about  chopping  wood,  hauling 
logs,  etc.  He  has  the  old  gun  that  his  uncle  car- 
ried during  the  war  of  1812,  which  has  been  the 
cause  of  the  death  of  more  than  one  Indian,  and 
has  slaughtered  tons  of  wild  game.  His  father 
disliked  an  Indian,  as  the  redskins  killed  the  most 
of  his  relatives.  William's  brother.  Perry  Brown, 
still  lives  in  Parke  County,  Indiana,  where  he  is  one 
of  the  wealthiest  real  estate  owners  in  that  part  of 
the  country. 


,.^  ARTIN   HAYWARD   is   one   of   the   well- 
///      IV    educated    farmer 
//'       II   He  o 

of    'N'ermilion    County. 
wns  a  most  excellent  farm  on  section 

20  of  Elwood  Township,  where  he  is  en- 
gaged in  general  farming  and  stock-raising.  He 
believes  in  the  principle  of  getting  the  best,  acting 
intelligently,  and  using  energy,  and  b3-  this  sign  he 
has  conquered. 

Mr.  riayward  was  born  in  Clarke  County,  Ohio, 
May  5,  1836.  His  father,  Charles  Hay  ward,  of 
Warren  County,  Ind.,  is  a  native  of  Baltimore,  Md., 
being  born  there  April  17,  1811.  He  is  a  man  of 
iron  constitution,  and  as  active  as  many  men  are  at 
fort}'.  He  has  worked  for  many  years  alternately 
as  carpenter  and  joiner  and  farmer,  and  is  now  en- 
joying the  reward  of  his  labors  in  earlier  jears. 
He  settled  on  wild  land  in  Warren  County,  Ind..  in 
1840,  the  year   Gen.   Harrison   was  elected   Presi- 



ilcnt.  Martin  wull  remembers  the  entliusiasin  that 
was  c<)U|)Ioil  with  tliat  campaijin.  He  saw  one 
c"il)in  (hawn  liy  twenty  yolie  of  oxen,  also  Uuclicye 
lojr  caliins  with  coon  skins,  live  coons,  and  iiard 
cider  in  abundance. 

Mr.  Hayward  received  liis  learning  primarily  at 
tlic  common  schools,  afterward  attending  Oberlin 
College,  and  the  Farmers'  Institute  ,'it  Lafayette, 
Ind.  lie  taught  scliool  for  six  winters  in  all.  three 
tcrnis  of  which  were  in  that  county  and  of  six 
months  each,  beginning  in  the  falls  of  18r)^i-59-62. 
lie  also  taught  two  winters  in  Warren  County,  Ind., 
in  the  township  where  he  was  reared.  He  was  very 
successful  as  an  instructor  and  disciplinarian.  Since 
he  aliandoned  the  profession  of  teacher  he  has  been 
engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits. 

Mr.  Hayward's  mother  was  Emily  E.  Viekers,  a 
native  of  Clarke  County,  Ohio.  She  was  the  motiier 
of  four  children,  three  of  whom  are  living:  Mar- 
tin; Celia  K.,  Mrs.  Kirkpatrick;  Ruth,  Mrs.  Homing. 
Tlie  youngest  boy,  James  AV.,  was  a  soldier  in  the 
I'nion  Arm}',  in  the  2d  New  York  Cavalry,  or,  as 
it  was  otherwise  known,  the  "Ira  Harris  Light  Cav- 
alry." He  was  a  bugler  and  served  from  the  fall 
of  lHi;i  until  the  spring  of  1861,  when  he  was 
taken  prisoner  on  the  Rappahannock,  and  placed 
by  the  rebels  on  Belle  Isle.  This  island  was  sit- 
uated in  the  river  nearly  opposite  Richmond,  and 
was  destitute  of  any  conveniences  whatever  to 
protect  its  defenseless  inhabitants  from  the  elements. 
Here  he  contracted  a  cold,  from  the  effects  of  which 
he  died  in  tiie  summer  of  186.5,  at  the  old  home- 
stead in  Indiana,  and  so  passed  away  another  victim 
of  the  barbarities  incident  to  the  late  Civil  War. 

On  the  13th  day  of  February,  I860,  Mr.  Ilay- 
wai-d  married  Marietta  Ilollingsworth,  whose  father, 
John,  is  a  resident  of  Tippecanoe  Count}',  Ind. 
She  is  the  mother  of  four  children — Lillian.  John 
H.,  Charles  S.  and  William  C.  Lillian  married 
John  Haird,  of  CarioU  Township,  and  has  two  chil- 
dren— Helen  and  Bernice.  Mr.  Hayward  came  to 
Iroquois  County,  111.,  in  1864,  removing  in  1872  to 
this  county,  locating  on  his  present  farm.  He 
owns  180  acres  of  land,  and  is  doing  a  general 
farm  and  stock-raising  business.  He  is  a  tliorough 
farm:-.'  and  doe*  nothing  by  halves. 

A\it!i  the  exception  of  the  eldest  son,  the  family 

of  Mr.  Hayward  belong  to  the  Friends'  Church. 
The  son  referred  to  was  born  before  yiv.  Hayward 
embraced  the  doctrines  of  the  Quakers.  Mr.  Hay- 
ward is  a  stanch  Republican,  and  is  a  firm  believer 
in  all  its  platforms.  In  all  A'ermilion  County  there 
is  not  a  man  who  has  a  better  record,  or  finer  repu- 
tation as  a  man,  than  Martin  Hayward. 

^OHN  FLETCllKR  is  one  of  the  solid,  sub- 
stantial and  trustworthy  residents  of  El- 
wood  Township.  He  was  born  in  Clinton 
County.  t)liio,  on  May  20,  181  ,i.  His  father. 
Henry,  was  a  native  of  England,  and  a  son  of 
John  Fletcher,  who  in  turn  was  a  son  of  Henry 
Fletcher.  1  he  latter  was  a  wealthy  olfieer  in  the 
English  army  and  educated  his  son  John — the 
grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch — for  the 
army,  but  he  joined  the  Quaker  Church,  and  was 
driven  by  his  father  to  Ireland,  where  he  was  given 
sixty  acres  of  land  in  that  country.  His  son,  Henry 
Fletcher,  father  of  our  subject,  was  obliged  to  leave 
Ireland  or  join  the  army,  but  being  a  Quaker,  he 
refused  to  become  a  soldier  and  came  to  America, 
locating  in  Philadelphia.  This  was  in  1793.  He 
was  on  the  ocean  eleven  weeks  and  four  da3's  where 
the}'  drifted  about,  the  ship  being  in  charge  of  a 
drunken  captain  and  mate.  The  people  on  board 
the  boat  were  reduced  to  a  gill  of  water  a  day  and 
to  a  very  small  amount  of  food.  IJut  they  linallv 
rtachcd  land  in  safety. 

The  father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  after 
landing,  lived  three  years  in  Philadelphia,  and  in 
179G  he  emigrated  to  the  Sciota  A'alley,  Ohio, 
where  he  worked  on  a  farm  for  one  season,  retuin- 
ing  to  Pennsylvania  and  there  remaining  until 
1804,  when  he  went  to  \Varren  County.  Ohio,  and 
dug  a  mill  race  on  Cresar  Creek,  lie  bought  200 
acres  of  military  land  in  Clinton  County,  Ohio, 
and  then  retraced  his  steps  to  Pennsylvania,  re- 
maining there  until  1806,  when  he  returned  to 
Ohio  and  imi)roved  his  land.  'I"he  Indians  were 
numerous  but  peaceable,  in  the  m.iin. 

In  1806  the  father  of  the  one  of  whom  we  wriie 
this  sketch,  married   Mrs.  Sarah  (Duncin)    Taylor. 



TliC'3'  had  four  chiklren  of  niioin  .Tolin  is  tliu 
_VOiiiigest.  mid  only  one  livinir.  The  otiiers  were: 
Mary,  Hannah  and  Sarah.  The  .sisters  all  lived  to 
be  over  seventy  years  of  age.  John  Fletcher  came 
witli  his  parents  to  this  connty  in  the  fall  of  lS3t), 
settling  on  the  old  homestead,  wiiere  he  now  lives. 
He  was  married  in  October,  183;')  to  Rachael  Ruth. 
Tiiey  had  seven  children,  six  of  whom  are  living: 
Sarali  .1.,  Henry,  Mar_y  A.,  John  W.,  Amanda  and 
James.  ()nc  son.  AVilliam,  died  in  liis  twenty- 
third  year.  :\Irs.  Fletcher  died  Oct.  5,  1862  and 
her  husband  was  again  married  on  Nov.  1st.  1866 
to  Mrs.  Lydia  Haworth,  widow  of  Eli  Haworth, 
and  daughter  of  Ganett  Dillon,  the  latter  a  [jioueer 
of  Elwood  Townsliip,  and  a  native  of  Greene 
County,  Tenn. 

Mrs.  Fletcher  was  Itvvn  Dec.  5,  181.")  and  was  the 
mother  of  nine  children  by  her  marriage  witli  Mr. 
Haworth.  Six  of  those  are  living:  Samuel,  Julia, 
Blahala,  Mary,  William  P.,  and  Charles  F.  Her 
grandfather,  Peter  Dillon,  removed  from  North 
Carolina  to  Greene  County,  Tenn.,  during  the  Re- 
volutionary War,  and  was  a  prominent  citizen  in 
both  States.  The  grandfather  of  Mr.  Fletcher  on 
his  mother's  side,  Samuel  Duncan,  was  a  soldier  in 
the  Reviilutionary  War  and  participated  in  the 
battle  of  the  Cowpens  and  others.  He  had  holes 
shot  in  his  clothes  and  buttons  taken  off  by  bullets, 
but  was  not  wounded.  He  was  known  as  the 
••  fighting  Quaker,"  and  he  sustained  his  reputation 
well.  He  was  a  teamster,  and  the  Tories  captured 
three  of  his  horses,  when  lie  mounted  the  remaining 
one,  and  joined  the  American  forces,  afterward  re- 
capturing one  of  his  horses. 

Mr.  Fletcher  has  held  the  ofUce  of  School  Trustee 
for  twentj-eight  years,  and  has  served  on  the 
ju'-ies  a  great  many  times.  He  has  also  filled  the 
positions  of  Highway  Commissioner  and  School 
Director  but  has  never  sought  office.  He  was  the 
tieasurer  of  the  fund  which  was  raised  to  procure 
substitutes  for  those  drafted  during  the  late  war. 
He  was  very  patriotic  dui-ing  the  Rebellion  and 
had  he  not  been  so  old,  would  have  joined  the 
army.  A  record  of  his  children's  families  is  as 
follows:  Sarah  J.,  married  John  Armstrong,  of 
Noblesville,  Ind.,  and  they  have  one  child,  May. 
Ilenrv  married  Mahala  Haworth;  they  are  living 

ill  KIwGol  Townsliip  with  .six  children,  John, 
Albert,  Marcus  M.,  William,  Lydia  and  Ola;  Maiy 
married  Larkins  Lewis  of  Carthage,  Mo.,  and  they 
have  two  childien,  Laura  and  Rachael;  John 
married  JIartha  Price;  they  live  in  Cherokee,  Kan., 
and  have  eight  children.  Mary,  Miiuiie,  Amanda, 
Oliver,  Lennie,  Grace,  William  and  Irene;  Amanda 
married  Lemuel  V.  Cupp,  of  Carthage,  Mo.,  and 
they  have  five  children  as  follows:  Ora,  Maud,  Carl. 
Ethel.  Pearl;  James  married  INLartha  E.  Ankrum. 
He  lives  with  his  father  with  two  children,  Robert 
A.  and  Allic. 

Mr.  Fletcher  has  always  been  a  strong  anti- 
slavery  man  having  voted  for  W^illiaiu  Henry 
Harrison  in  1836  and  again  in  184(1.  His  Repub- 
licanism began  with  the  date  of  the  birth  of  that 
party  and  he  never  has  omitted  an  opportunity-  to 
forward  its  interests.  He  had  the  great  pleasuie 
of  voting  in  1888  for  Benjamin  Hariison.  Mr. 
Fletcher  began  life  poor,  but  is  now  wealthy,  living 
in  ease  and  comfort  which  no  one  hegrndges  him 
and  his  estimable  wife.  He  is  a  man  of  more  than 
ordinary  intelligence,  and  well  beloved  by  all  his 

NDREW  J.  DARNALL,  one  of  the  lead- 
ing   merchants    of    Indianola   and    Ridge 

If  Is  Farm,  is  an  extensive  dealer  in  drygoods, 
gjf  boots  and  shoes,clothing,  hats  and  caps.and, 

in  fact,  everything  that  is  kept  in  a  well-regulated 
general  store.  He  resides  at  Ridge  Farm,  hut  car- 
ries on  his  extensive  store  in  Lidianola,  doing  a 
very  large  business  in  both  places,  and  by  his 
methods  of  dealing  he  has  gained  the  respect  and 
confidence  of  all  his  patrons  and  neighbors. 

Mr.  Darnall  was  born  in  Edgar  County,  HI.,  on 
the  8th  of  November,  1833.  His  father  and 
mother,  Aaron  and  Mar}-  (Doke)  Darnall,  came 
from  Kentucky  at  an  early  day.  They  were  inai-- 
ried  at  Catfish  Point.  The  mother  died  when  An- 
drew was  seven  years  old,  leaving  three  children 
— Daniel,  Andrew  J.  and  Thomas,  the  latter  dying 
while  in  infancy.  Daniel  is  a  brick  manufacturer 
at  Petersburg,  III.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  at- 
tended the  common  schools    in    his    boyhood,  and 


workt'il  (in  liis  fiitluM's  f:irni.  When  lie  alUiiiR'il 
his  majority,  lif  fnu;iu;o(l  witii  Willinin  ISniloy  for 
tiireo  years  and  a  iialf  as  clerk,  at  liloointield.  111. 
His  first  wages  were  $12.50  per  iiionlh.  In  com- 
pany vvitii  Williain  Smick,  he  liouiiht  his  employer's 
entire  slock,  and  continued  the  business  under  the 
firm  name  of  Smick  tt  Darnall,  when,  in  .Tune. 
1.SG3,  Mr.  Darnall  sold  out  his  interest  in  the 
business  and  went  to  Hidire  Farm.  an<l  there, 
under  the  firm  name  of  A.  .1.  Darnall  &,  Co.,  oper- 
ated a  general  store,  dealiny;  in  all  kinds  of  mer- 
chandise. After  awhile  he  bought  out  his  partner 
and  ran  the  business  alone,  finally  selling  out  en- 
tirely in  1884.but  after  some  lime  he  formed  another 
co-partnership,  styled  Darnall  A-  Ilecimc 
to  Indiauola  in  the  fall  of  1885,  locating  here  and 
inaugurating  his  |>resent  successful  business, 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Darnall  are  the  paients  of  two 
bo3'S  and  one  girl — Harley,  Manfred  and  Minnie. 
Mrs.  Darnall  is  a  member  of  the  l>aptist  Churcli, 
and  one  of  the  leading  members  of  the  society. 
The  Democratic  party  finds  in  tlie  subject  of  ttiis 
sketch  an  ardent  supporter,  and  one  who  never 
flags  in  his  devotion  to  its  principles.  He  has  never 
sought  office,  finding  in  liis  own  business  plenty 
to  do.  but  always  takes  great  care  in  his  choice  of 
candidates,  geuerallj-  voting  for  the  man  whom  he 
believes  to  be  the  best  fitted  to  fill  the  position  to 
which  he  aspired.  lie  is  eminently  a  No.  1  busi- 
ness man,  and,  commencing  with  nothing,  he  has 
ascended  the  scale  of  prosperity  until  he  now  finds 
himself  in  the  proiul  position  of  independence.  In 
all  that  the  words  imply,  he  is  a  self-made  man. 
and,  as  such  is  regarded  by  all  his  acquaintances. 
His  neiglibors  are  always  ready  and  willing  to 
vouch  for  him  as  an  upright,  conscientious  and 
able  citizen. 


J^/t',  ARTIN  PUGII.  Among  the  self-made  and 
///  \\\  successful  men  of  Carroll  Township  proba- 
bly none  have  distinguished  themselves  in  a 
more  marked  degree  for  industry  and  perse- 
verance than  the  subject  of  this  notice.  He  occu- 
pies a  most  attractive  rural  homestead,  embellished 
witli  an  elegant  brick  residence,  which  with  its  sur- 

roundings indicates  the  existence  of  cultivated 
tastes  and  ample  means.  A  finely  executed  view 
of  his  home  appears  in  this  volume  and  will  attract 
the  admiring  attention  of  the  many  readers.  His 
family  at  home  consists  of  live  very  bright  and 
intelligent  daughters,  and  he  has  another  daughter 
who  is  married  and  a  resident  of  .Sidell  Townshi|), 
The  family  met  with  a  deep  alliiction  in  the  loss  of  the 
beloved  \vife  and  mother,  who  deparle<l  this  life 
•Sept.  7,  1 887,  at  the  age  of  fifty-three  years.  .She  was 
lady  possessing  all  the  womanly  virtues,  wholl}- 
devoted  to  her  family,  a  faithful  wife  and  mother 
and  one  who  was  held  in  the  liighest  esteem  l)v  the 
entire  community. 

A  native  of  Marion  County.  Ind..  our  suljject 
was  born  five  miles  northwest  of  Indianajiolis, 
March  2,  1831,  and  was  reared  to  manhood  in  the 
suburbs  of  the  capital  city.  He  began  working  on 
the  farm  when  a  boy  of  eleven  or  twelve,  holding 
the  i)low  when  he  could  scarcely'  reach  the  handles. 
His  early  education  was  conducted  in  the  subscrip- 
tion schools  of  his  native  county,  and  his  life 
passed  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  maimer  amid 
the  quiet  scenes  of  rural  life  until  he  obtained  his 
majority.  Then  starting  out  fi^r  himself  he  worked 
for  ii>13  per  month  on  a  farm  about  three  months, 
then  began  operations  for  himself  on  rented  land 
lying  six  or  seven  miles  northwest  of  Indi:inai)olis. 
He  was  fairly  successful  in  his  new  venture,  and  in 
1859  was  united  in  mairiage  with  Miss  Catherine 
I'.aum,  daughter  of  Samuel  Baura,  one  of  tlu'  well- 
known  pioneers  of  this  county.  The  young  people 
l)egan  the  journey  of  life  together  in  Can-oil 
Townsliip.  and  in  1859  took  up  their  al)ode  at  the 
present  home  of  our  subject.  Here  he  has  etiected 
fine  improvements,  putting  up  the  ilwclling  in 
1881  and  adding  from  time  to  time  the  other  build- 
ings necessarj^  for  the  prosecution  of  agriculture 
and  stock-raising  after  the  most  approved  methods. 

The  seven  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pugh 
were  named  respectively.  Kli/.abeth  .1..  Charles  (who 
died  when  one  year  old).  Wilnietta,  Mamie,  Win- 
nie. Lulu  and  Helen;  Kli/.aln'th  became  the  wife  of 
Mr.  Thomas  Howard,  and  they  live  at  the  home- 
Stead;  Wilnietta  married  .Mr.  Gust  Rowand,  one 
of  the  leading  horse-breeders  of  Sidell  Township, 
and   thev    have    one   child.    D.ilc;    Maudi'.    Winnie, 



Lulu  niid  Helen  are  at  home  with  their  father.  IMr. 
Fiiuli  identified  himself  with  the  Methodist  Episco 
pal  Church  at  Indianola  in  1881,  and  since  the 
death  of  his  wife,  for  whom  he  sorrows  with  more 
than  ordinary  grief,  has  been  especially  faithful 
upon  his  attendance  upon  his  religious  duties.  He 
has  very  liltle  to  do  with  public  affairs,  ))ut  keeps 
himself  posted  upon  current  events  and  uniformly 
votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket.  He  has  per- 
formed jury  service  at  different  times  and  for 
eight  or  ten  j'ears  has  been  a  member  of  the  School 
Board  of  his  district. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Enoch  and 
Charlotte  (Martindale)  Pugh,  the  father  a  native 
of  >sortli  Carolina  and  born  a  short  distance  from 
the  city  of  Raleigh.  The  paternal  grandfather, 
.lacob  Pugh.  was  also  a  native  of  North  Carolina, 
and  the  great-grandfather  was  born  in  Scotland. 
The  latter  upon  leaving  his  native  soil  went  into 
England,  where  he  sojourned  for  a  time,  then  emi- 
grated to  America,  settling  in  North  Carolina  about 
the  time  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  His  sympa- 
thies were  decidedly  in  favor  of  the  Colonists,  and 
lie  met  his  death  in  a  fray  between  the  tories  and 
patriots,  he  fighting  with  the  latter. 

The  father  of  Martin  Pugh  left  his  native  State 
with  his  [jarents  early  in  life  to  make  his  home  in 
the  woods  of  Marion  Couniy,  Ind.,  when  few  peo- 
l)le  had  migrated  to  that  region,  and  when  Indians 
and  wild  animals  were  plentiful.  In  due  time  be  | 
became  owner  of  160  acres  of  land,  which  he  lived 
upon  and  cultivated  until  his  death  in  1860,  when 
about  fifty  \'ears  of  age.  His  wife,  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  bor)i  in  South  Carolina  and  emi- 
grated with  her  parents  to  Marion  County,  Ind., 
when  a  young  girl.  She  died  at  the  early  age  of 
tliirty-five  years,  leaving  seven  children,  namely: 
Mnrtin  our  subject.  Dorcas  A.,  Jacob,  Alexander, 
Jane.  Thomas  Jefferson  and  Clarinda. 

Mr.  Pugh  was  married  a  second  lime,  to  Miss 
Susan  Smith,  and  to  them  there  were  born  four 
children,  who  lived  to  mature  years:  Charlotte, 
Joel.  John  and  Mary.  Martin,  our  subject,  first 
opened  his  eyes  to  the  light,  March  2,  1831,  and  is 
(•onseijuently  past  fifty -eight  years  of  age.  His 
praiseworthy  manner  of  living  and  his  correct 
habits  have  been  the  means  of  preserving  his  fac- 

ulties in  an  admirable  manner,  physically  and  men- 
tally. In  1887  he  identified  himself  with  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church  at  Indianola  and  is  one  of  its 
most  efficient  workers.  Self-made  in  the  best  sense 
of  the  word,  he  has  made  for  himself  a  worthy 
record  and  feels  indebted  to  no  man  for  his  posi- 
tion socially  and  financially.  As  one  of  the  rep- 
resentative men  of  this  county  he  stands  second  to 
none  in  point  of  sterling  integrit}'  and  those  qual- 
ities which  go  to  make  up  the  responsible  citizen 
and  useful  member  of  the  community. 

OHN  AVILLIAM  MILLER  is  a  prominent 

li    figure  in  church  circles  in  N'ermilion  County. 

His   handsomely    located    and  commodious 

^M)  country  seat  is  situated  one-half  mile  south 
of  Sidell,  on  a  farm  which  comprises  152  acres. 
He  also  leases  a  farm  of  160  acres.  He  has  been 
identified  with  this  community  as  a  dealer  and 
shipper  of  horses  and  mules  for  a  long  time.  His 
operations  have  been  mainly  in  the  southern  por- 
tion of  Vermilion  County,  but  he  occasionally  ex- 
tends his  field  of  operation  into  Edgar  and  Cham- 
paign counties,  where  he  has  formed  a  large  ac- 
quaintance and  made  many  friends. 

Mr.  Miller  was  born  in  Warren  County,  Ind., 
near  West  Point,  April  13,  1848.  His  father, 
Abraham  Miller,  was  a  native  of  Kentucky,  of 
German  extraction,  and  a  farmer  by  occupation, 
but  through  misfortune  lost  his  farm.  He  was 
married  in  his  native  State,  and  became  the  father 
of  four  children.  His  second  union  was  with  Miss 
Mary  Biggs,  who  was  born  near  D;irlington.  Ind. 
The  second  wife  died  soon  after  coming  to  Indiana, 
after  becoming  the  mother  of  three  children — Ce- 
lecta,  wife  of  Joseph  Cuppy,  a  butcher  of  Bloom- 
ington,  111.;  John  William,  and  Mary  Jane.  The 
father  ended  his  days  at  the  home  of  his  son  Will- 
iam, dying  in  1873,  at  the  age  of  seventj'-four 

Mr.  Miller  passed  his  boyhood  da3s  in  Indiana, 
where  poveity  prevented  him  from  getting  the  ed- 
ucation he  desired.  At  the  age  of  eleven  he  begjin 
to  work  on  a  farm  for  his  board    and  clothes.     He 




worked  as  a  (laj'-laborer  in  a  ixvam  \varelio\ise  at 
Lafa3ettc,  Iiid.,  fcir  three  yeai>.  In  the  fall  of 
1869  he  came  t(i  C'anoU  To\v;islii|).  where  he  eoni- 
nieneed  work  at  cutliiisj  corn  At  this  time  he  met 
his  future  wife.  Rebeeea  .].  Morse,  who  was  working 
by  the  week  for  his  employer.  In  eight  weeks  after 
making  her  aequaintanee  liiey  were  married,  the 
ceremony  oeenrring  Dec  II.  1869.  She  is  the 
daughter  of  Joseph  and  Ctitherine  Marsh,  the  for- 
mer a  native  of  \'erniilion  County,  and  is  said  to 
be  the  first  while  child  born  in  this  county.  Her 
mother  was  born  at  (Jeorgetown.  \'ermilion  Count}', 
and  was  one  of  the  lirst  n.ative  girls  of  said  county. 
Her  father's  ancestry  dates  back  to  the  early  history 
of  Pennsylvania,  while  her  great-grandfather  was 
a  < Quaker,  and  was  present  at  William  Penn's 
famous  treaty  with  the  Imlians.  INIrs.  Miller's 
father,  Lieut.  .Marsh,  served  under  Gen.  Setitt  in 
the  Jlexican  War.  He  also  enlisted  in  the  War  of 
the  Rebellion,  but,  being  crippled,  was  not  ac- 
cepted. He  lived  to  be  a  man  of  seventy-four 
years  of  age,  dying  April  31,  1887.  His  wife  is 
still  living  at  Sedalia,  Mo.,  and  is  active  and  vig- 
orons.  They  were  the  parents  of  fourteen  chil- 
dren, of  whom  eight  are  now  living — Cynthia  A., 
Rebecca  J.,  William,  Esau,  Mary  E.,  Jesse  C,  James 
and  Ida  G.  Emma  died  at  Sedalia.  Mo.;  she  was 
the  wife  of  James  Larkins.  and  left  one  child. 
Cynthia  resides  in  Missouri,  and  is  married  to  a 
farmer  by  the  name  of  John  Wyley;  they  have 
three  children:  John  M.  is  a  dealer  in  lime,  and  is 
married.  Esau  is  at  Sedalia,  Mo.,  where  he  lives 
with  his  wife,  whose  maiden  name  was  Ida  Bennett; 
the}'  have  two  children.  Mary  E.  is  the  wife  of 
Millard  Perry,  who  is  residing  in  .Sidell  Township, 
being  one  of  the  leading  stockmen  there;  his  sketch 
appears  in  this  book.  Jesse  C.  is  building  a  tele- 
graph line  in;  James  is  operating  his  mother's 
farm  at  Sedalia,  Mo.,  where  Ida  G.  is  also  living. 
At  the  time  of  his  marriage,  INIr.  Jliller  had 
§1  in  inoney,  while  his  wife's  .assets  amounted 
to  twenty  five  cents,  and  from  this  small  beginning 
they  have  marched  along,  meeting  every  obstruc- 
tion ill  tlie  highway  of  life  with  industry  and  in- 
telligence, and  so  have  succeeded.  After  marriage 
Mr.  Miller  left  his  bride  at  Lafayette  and  started 
out,   walking  twenty-live  miles  in  order  to  get  a 

job  of  work.  After  laboring  a  while  he  returned 
for  his  wife.  They  rented  a  farm  in  Warren 
Count}'.  Ind.,  working  for  one-third  of  the  prolit. 
The  first  year  they  made  just  enough  to  buy  a  cow. 
Mr.  Miller  came  l)ack  to  X'erndlion  County,  and 
in  partnership  with  his  father-in-law,  Mr.  Marsh. 
renteil  a  farm,  continuing  to  work  in  this  manner 
for  six  or  seven  years.  The  farm  was  locateil  in 
\ance  Township,  and  at  (list  fortune  seemed  to  be 
against  him.  He  paid  ^4  per  acre  rent,  and  the 
lirst  being  a  wet  season,  crops  failed.  He  pur- 
chased seventy  head  of  hogs,  and  calculated  to  fat- 
ten them  on  soft  coi'ii,  but  they  were  sei/.i'd  with 
cholera,  anil  all  died  but  three.  This  left  him  $2,50 
in  debt.  Although  coiniilctel}-  used  up  linaiiciallv. 
he  was  not  discouraged.  His  landlord  was  unre- 
lenting, and  demanded  the  last  cent  of  the  rent  due. 
Mr.  Miller  prophesied  that  he  would  sometime  see 
him  a  day-laborer,  and   it    came    true.     The    next 

;  year  he  rented  a  farm  close  to  Catlin,  and  made 
enongii  to  pay  back  his  former  landlord,  and  from 
this  on  he  continued  to  pros|ier.  He  first  purchased 
a  small  fai'in  unimproved,  broke  it  and  sold  it.  He 
then  purchased  a  lot  of  young  cattle  and  began  to 
rent  on  a  largerscale.  He  bought  a  farm  of  eiglit\- 
acres,  but  sickness  came  upon  him,  and  for  three 
years  he  was  an   invalid.      He    had    mortgaged    his 

I  farm  for  82,000,  at  ten  per  cent  interest,  and  he  re- 
alized the  fact  that  he  must  lose  his  farm,  and 
against  the  advice  of  his  doctor  started  out  and 
!>egan  to  trade  horses,  anil  although  at  first  he  was 
scarcely  able  to  ride  a  mile,  he  gradually  grew 
stronger,  and  the  dark  clouds  of  ad  veisity  began  to 
disappear.  In  this  way  he  managed  to  raise  the 
niortg.age  on  his  farm,  selling  it  the  followinii  fall 
at  a  nice  advance.  At  this  time  he  intended  to  re- 
linquish farming,  but  availed  himself  of  an    op))oi-- 

!  tunity  to  buy  a  good  farm.  In  the  nieantinie.  bis 
health  growing  better,  he  managcHl  to  keep  on  top, 
and  has  accumulated  a  comfortable  fortune. 

'  He  is  the  father  of  twelve  children:  William  Iv; 
Franklin  died  when  he  was  three  months  old;  John 
D.;  Edgar  L.;  Mabel  <lied  when  three  monlhs  old; 
Cloyd  C.,  Cleinme  Thomas;  Emma  I.  died  when 
she  was  one  year  old;  the  remaining  children  died 
while  very  young.  William  E.  is  at  home,  and  has 
charge  of  the  farm,  assisted  by  his  brother  .lohn  1).- 



tlif  n'liiainder  of  the.  cliiklren    nre    also    living   at 
lioiiie.     Mr.  Miller  is  a  Proiiibitionist,  nml  omits  no 

enjoy  the  nequaiiitance  of  hosts  of  friends,  who  are 
watehino-  ilieir  career   wiUi    kindly  interest.     Tlie 

opportunity  of  aiding  tlie  cause  of  temperance.    He   j    duelling  is  surrounded  witli   all    the   evidences   of 

is  serving  a  second  term  as  Counsellor  of  the 
Modern  Woodmen  of  Sidell.  and  is  also  an  Odd 
Fellow,  but  he  takes  greater  interest  in  Sa'ibath- 
sciioolsand  churches  than  in  anything  else,  he  and 
liis  wife  being  members  of  the  Cumberland  Presby- 
terian Church,  where  he  has  served  as  Deacon  for 
several  years.  He  organized  the  first  Presbyterian 
Sunday-school  in  Sidell  Township.  Mr.  Miller  has 
plainly  demonstrated  that  a  horse  buyer  can  prose- 
cute his  calling  and  yet  be  a  sober  man  and  total 
abstainer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Miller  are  among  the 
very  best  citizens  of  Sidell. 

A  tine  lithographic  view  of  Mr.  Miller's  beauti- 
ful and  commodious  residence  ajjijcars  in  an  appro- 
pi-iate  place  in  the  Aluvm. 

honorable  mention  among  the  younger  mem- 
bei's  of  the  farming  community  of  George- 
town Township.  A  native  of  Catlin  Town- 
ship, he  was  born  March  27,  1855.  was  reared  at 
his  father's  homestead,  and  acquired  his  education 
in  the  common  school.  His  boyhood  and  youth 
were  spent  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  mannei', 
he  in  the  meantime  becoming  familiar  with  the 
pursuits  of  fai-m  life,  acipiiring  those  habits  of  in- 
dustry and  being  imbued  with  those  high  moral 
principles  which  have  made  him  a  man  atnong 
men,  and  one  of  the  most  highly  esteemed  citizens 
of  his  township.  He  remained  a  member  of  his 
father's  household  until  twenty-two  years  of  age, 
and  then,  ambitious  to  establish  a  fireside  of  his 
own,  was  married,  Sei)t.  5,  1877,  to  Miss  lua 
O'Neal,  the  wedding  taking  place  at  the  bi-ide's 
sister's  home  in  Georgetown. 

The  young  people  began  t\iv  jouiney  of  life  on 
the  farm  which  they  noNv  occupy,  and  where  Chey 
have  one  of  the  neatest  homes  to  be  found  in  the 
township.  Both  have  si)rung  from  good  families, 
and  are  laboring  with  a  nuitual  purpose  to  make  a 
record  which  shall  be  wiirlhy  of  emulation.      'l\u-\ 

This  gentleman  deserves 

taste  and  refinement,  while  the  farming  operations 
of  Mr.  Cook  are  conducted  with  that  thoroughness 
anil  good  judgment  whicli  cau  scarcely  fail  of  suc- 
cessful results.  The  farm  is  ninety-two  acres  in 
extent,  lying  on  section  G,  in  Georgetown  Town- 
ship.    The  residence  is  near  the  limits  of  Westville. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Samuel  and 
Melvina  (Graves)  Cook,  who  were  natives,  resjiect- 
fully,  of  Ohio  and  Kentucky,  and  further  mention 
of  whom  is  made  in  the  sketch  of  Samuel  Cook  on 
another  page  of  this  work.  The  mother  died  in 
1867,  at  the  early  age  of  thirty-three  years,  leaving 
five  children,  namely:  George  W.,  James  P.  (our 
subject),  Mary,  Maggie  (who  died  at  the  interest- 
ing age  of  fifteen  3'ears),  and  Charles  F.  The  eld- 
est son  is  a  resident  of  Catlin  Township,  is  married 
and  the  father  of  three  children;  Mary  married 
John  Wherry,  a  farmer  of  Catlin  Township,  and  is 
the  mother  of  two  childicn;  Charles  F.  is  farming 
in  Georgetown  Township. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Cook  was  Lliiee  times  mar- 
ried, and  there  were  born  five  children  by  the  first 
uni(jn  and  five  b}'  the  second.  Mrs.  C.  was  the 
third  child  of  the  second  wife,  and  was  born  in 
Danville  Township,  "N'ermilion  County.  March  23, 
1857.  The  family  removed  to  G;eorget(>wn  Town- 
ship a  few  years  later,  of  which  she  has  since  been 
a  resident.  Of  her  unimi  with  our  suliject  there 
have  been  born  four  children — Lillian  Gertrude, 
Stella  E.  and  Lena  .1.  (twins),  an<l  Herman.  Mr. 
Cook  politicall}'  voles  tlie  straight  Dennjcratic 
ticket,  and  both  he  and  his  wife  are  [irominently 
connected  with  the  Christian  Church. 


*XNIAS   BRANIIAM.     This  gejitleman    is 
particularly    distinguished  as  haying  been 

an  old  soldier  with  a    gou<l    army    record. 
!^  After  laying  aside  the   implements  of    war 

he  turned  his  attention  to  the  peacefLil  employments 
of  rural  life  and  has  gained  quite  a  reputation 
aniont!'  the  horsemen  of  tlie   county  as  being  a  good 



jmlj>;o  of  tlii.s  ;iiiiin;il  :in(l  (luitc  sUillril  .-is  a  doclor 
in  this  line.  Mc  had  (•(insidirabU' I'xpciicncc  in  the 
army  as  a  veterinary  surgeon  and  is  tiie  owner  of 
some  fine  horses,among  them  ■•Sam,  the  Canadian.  " 

The  sulijcct  of  this  lii()<;ra|iliy  was  born  near 
Mioonungu.n,  iii  ^Monroe  Co..  Ind.,  on  the  Bean 
Pdossoni  River,  in  the  tdwnship  of  the  s;ime  name, 
.Ian.  "27,  IH.'IO.  His  [)arents  were  Livingston  and 
Snsannah  (^leade)  IJranliam,  tiie  former  a  native  of 
Last  Tennessee  and  llie  latter  of  Norlli  Carolina. 
The  paternal  grand-i)aients  were  natives  of  \'ir- 
ginia  and  of  Irish  ancestry  while  the  Jleades  traee 
their  origin  to  Holland.  'I'lie  parents  of  our  sub- 
ject were  married  in  East  Tennessee  whence  tiiev 
removed  to  Indiana  in  the  latter  part  of  1821).  set- 
tling in  i\Ionroe  County.  The  father  carried  on 
farming  in  ^lonroe  and  Owen  counties  anc'  died 
near  Spencer  in  the  latter  county  in  the  year  LSO.") 
at  the  age  of  .seventy  years.  He  served  in  the 
P.lack  Hawk  War  in  1832.  The  mother  survived 
her  hu5l)and  until  1875.  and  p.assed  awa}' at  the  ad- 
vanced .age  of  eighty  years.  They  were  the  iiarents 
of  twelve  children,  viz:  Jonathan,  Sar.ali,  William, 
.lames.  Elizabeth,  Annias,  Amanda,  .loseph,  Mary, 
Miltcni.  Elishaand  liud.  who  died  in  infanc}'. 

The  education  of  our  subject  was  obtained  bv  an 
attendance  at  school  three  months,  and  upon 
appi'oaching  uianhood  he  worked  fourteen  years  bv 
the  month,  from  the  age  of  thirteen  until  a  man  of 
twenty-seven.  On  the  Tith  of  April,  l.S(3(),  he  took 
unto  himself  a  wife  anil  helpmate,  Miss  Esther  E., 
daughter  of  .laeob  and  Esther  R.  (Kirli_v)  .Summet. 
The  |)arents  of  Mrs.  Uranham  were  natives  lesiiec 
tively  <if  North  Carolina  and  Halifax  Count\'.  \':i. 
They  removed  to  Indiana  in  their  youth  and  were 
married  at  Ellettsville.  Monroe  Co.  to  which  (Trand 
father  Kirby  had  removed  as  early  as  1824.  Theie 
was  born  to  them  ten  children,  the  eldest  d3'ing  in 
iufanc}'.  The  others  were  Jeremiah  ('..  Alice  C  Es- 
ther E.,  William  L..  Sally  A..  ,Ioel  II.,  an  infaiit 
who  died  unnamed,  Emily  and  Mary  1).  Esther  E. 
the  wife  of  our  subject  was  born  in  Moni'oe  County', 
Ind.,  A|)ril  1,  1831),  and  remained  a  member  of  th" 
parental  household  until  her  marriage. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ibanham  began  their  wedded  life 
on  a  rented  farm  in  Indiana.  ( )n  the  3d  of  Juh'. 
18(Jl,our  subject  entered    the   I'nion    .Vrnij'    as    .i 

member  of  Conip.any  I.  22d  Indiana  Infantry  an<l 
was  mustered  into  the  service  at  North  Madison. 
The  regimentdrilled  there  for  a  time,  then  rep.-iired 
to  St.  Louis  to  guard  the  city,  having  for  their 
weapons  10,000  clubs  and  no  nniskets  for  si.v  .vi^eks. 
Thence  they  were  ordered  to  Jefferson  Cit^y  where 
they  met  the  enemy  in  battle  and  subsequently 
were  at  (ilasgow,  where  in  the  (tonfusion  and  dark- 
ness of  midnight  a  light  took  place  among  the 
Inion  troops  who  through  mistake  attacked  each 
other,  killing  several  men  and  odicers. 

This  regiment  next  met  thi'  enem^•  in  battle  at 
Oeorgetown  and  followed  up  the  rebel  general. 
Price  on  his  raid,  fighting  at  Warrensburg.  Mo., 
and  capturing  1,100  rebels,  next  moving  upon 
U.-deigh,  Springfield  and  Pea  Ridge,  Ark.  Prior  to 
this  Mr.  Branham  had  been  detailed  as  a  te.anister. 
Later  they  were  ordered  to  Cape  Girardt'au. 
Mo.,  where  they  took  the  boats  and  landed  at  Ham- 
burg early  in  the  morning.  In  the  afti-rnoon  they 
[)articipated  in  the  l)attle  of  Corinth  then  moved 
on  to  Nashville,  Ti'iiu..  and  Perrysville  and  Crab 
Orchard,  Ky.  A'ext  returning  to  Nashville,  they 
fought  on  the  vv.«iy  to  .Alumfordsville,  Ky..  ;uid  af- 
terward at  .Mnrfreesboro,  Tenn.,  where  our  subject 
with  loo  other  teamsters  was  captured  by  the  no- 
torious Texas  rangers,  but  the)'  were  re-taken  by 
the  Union  troops  on  the  sanu'day. 

Mr.  Ibanhani  [jarticipatecl  later  in  some  of  the 
important  battles  of  the  including  the  siege  of 
Atlanta,  during  which  time  his  term  of  enlistment 
expired.  He  received  his  discharge  in  that  city  and 
was  out  at  Louisville.  Ky.  He  returned 
U>  Indiana  in  the  fall  of  isill  and  remained  there 
till  the  spiing  of  1870.  His  ne.xt  was  to 
Chrisman,  Hi.,  where  he  carried  on  farming  for 
several  years,  then  in  187.')  purchased  the  farm 
which  he  now  owns  and  (occupies,  and  rents  120 
acres  besides.  From  these  various  sources  he  rea- 
lizes a  handsome  income,  which  enables  him  losur- 
ro\uid  himself  and  family  with  all  of  the  comforts 
of  life  and  many  of  its  luxuries. 

.Seven  children  were  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife,  the  eldest  of  whom.  Emily  F..  is  a 
resilient  of  Nebia.ska:  Ellsworth.  Kirby,  Walter. 
Ollie,  Lossie  and  P'rank.  tiu'  baby,  arc  all  at  home 
with  their  [jarcjits.       Tlie  Latter  are  consislent  mem- 



bers  of  the  Alethoclist  Episcopal  Church  at  Dallas, 
and  our  subject  as  an  ex  soldier,  belongs  to  the  G. 
A.  R.  Post  at  Ridge  Farm,  of  which  he  is  a  charter 
member  and  in  which  he  lias  held  the  otfices  of 
Senior  Vice  Commander,  Sergeant  and  Officer  of 
the  Guard.  He  entered  the  army  from  a  sense  of 
duty  and  it  is  one  of  his  dearest  wishes  that  when 
he  is  consigned  to  mother  earth  it  shall  be  done 
with  the  honors  properly  belonging  to  a  soldier.  It 
is  hardly  necessary  to  state  that  he  is  a  true-blue 
Rcpulilican  and  believes  in  the  "Union  forever." 



W^  ENRY  C.  HOLTON,  M.  D.  There  is  no 
iTj)  class  of  men  of  more  iniijorlance  in  a  com- 
ilV^  munity  than  the  pliysicitin  and  surgeon,  and 
l,^)  none  who  have  intrusted  to  them  more  ser 
ious  and  weighty-  interests.  He  who  has  the  deli- 
cac}%  the  honor  and  the  fine  judgment  to  hold  these 
interests  as  they  should  be  held,  is  worthy  of  more 
than  a  passing  notice.  No  man  in  the  profession 
along  the  eastern  line  of  the  State  probal)!j'  lias 
performed  his  duty  with  a  more  conscientious  fidel- 
ity than  the  subject  of  this  notice.  Nature  has 
endowed  him  with  great  gifts,  and  he  has  had  the 
wisdom  to  make  the  most  of  his  oiiportunities. 
Home-loving  and  domestic  in>.his  tastes,  he  is  well 
qualified  to  preside  at  the  bedside  of  suffering 
humanity,  and  to  extend  that  ready  sympathy-  which 
in  most  cases  is  more  effective  than  drugs  and  nos- 

Personally,  Dr.  Holton  is  a  man  of  line  presence 
and  superior  address,  cultivated,  affable  and  pleas- 
ant, and  one  who  invariably'  commands  respect 
wherever  he  is  known.  He  is  the  eldest  resident 
physician  of  Sidell,  and  one  of  those  who  has  been 
largely  interested  in  building  up  the  town.  Dur- 
ing his  six  years'  practice  here  he  lias  been  re- 
markably successful.  He  is  still  young  and  in  the 
midst  of  his  usefulness,  having  been  born  Oct.  23, 
1853,  at  what  was  then  Dallas,  but  is  now  Indianola, 
this  county.  He  was  reared  in  his  native  town, 
and  received  his  early  education  in  the  common 
schools.  At  the  age  of  seventeen  years,  and  after 
the    death    of   his    father,    he  entered  the  Illinois 

University,  where  he  took  a  year's  course,  and  at 
the  expiration  of  this  time  began  teaching,  which 
profession  he  followe<l  for  a  period  of  ten  years  in 
the  schools  of  Palermo  and  Indianola.  In  the  for- 
mer place  he  began  reading  medicine  under  Dr. 
Martinie,  with  whom  he  remained  two  j'ears.  and 
afterward  read  with  Dr.  Worthington,  of  Indianola, 
two  years.  In  the  fall  of  1881  he  entered  Jefferson 
Medical  College  at  Philadelphia,  where  he  pursued 
his  studies  until  being  graduated  in  1883.  He 
worked  his  way  upward  unaided,  earning  the 
money  to  pay  his  tuition  and  expenses. 

Dr.  Holton  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  pro- 
fession at  Homer,  but  as  the  town  of  Sidell  began 
to  grow  up  he  determined  to  settle  at  this  place.  In 
the  meantime  he  [iracticed  at  Archie  until  18«7, 
ami  put  u|)  a  fine  frame  residence  there.  Later  he 
lie  moved  his  otiice  and  barn  from  Archie  to  Sidell. 
He  was  married  in  the  fall  of  1883  to  Miss  Ira, 
•  laughter  of  A.  L.  Ames,  a  lineal  descendant  of 
Oliver  Ames,  well  known  in  the  early  hifitory  of 
this  countr\'.  The  maiden  name  of  her  mother  was 
Urania  IIowcll.  Her  father  was  born  in  \eimoiit 
and  her  mother  in  New  York  State.  After  mar- 
riage they  went  to  California,  where  their  daughter 
Ura  was  born,  and  where  they  lived  from  1852 
until  1859.  Upon  returning  to  Illinois  thcv  set- 
tled in  Belviderc.  but  later  removed  to  Ed^ar 
County,  where  Mrs.  Holton  developed  into  woman- 
hood. Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  have 
lieen  born  three  children.  Max.  Wade  and  Dean, 
who  died  at  the  age  of  five  months.  Mrs.  Holton 
is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church  at  Palermo. 
The  Doctor  advocates  the  principles  of  the  Repub- 
lican party,  but  has  never  been  active  in  politics, 
preferring  to  give  his  best  efforts  to  his  profession. 
To  this  he  is  devoting  all  his  energies,  and  is  meet- 
ing with  flattering  success.  He  expends  a  large 
sum  of  money  each  year  in  prosecuting  his  re- 
searches into  the  science  of  medicine,  and  has  one 
of  the  largest  private  librai'ies  in  the  county. 

Dr.  Holton  is  a  charter  member  of  Peace  Dale 
Lodge  No.  225,  I.  O.  O.  F.,  and  has  been  through 
all  the  Chairs  at  Palermo,  being  likwise  a  charter 
member  of  this  lodge.  He  is  also  a  charter  mem- 
ber of  the  Modern  Woodmen's  Camp  at  Sidell 
and  officiated  as  the  first  Chief  Consul.     He  was  a()- 



pointed  a  delegate  to  the  (irand  Camp  at  Des 
Moines,  but  on  account  of  professional  duties  was 
not  able  to  attend.  lie  is  the  Lxamining  Physician 
for  this  camp,  and  operates  in  the  same  capacity 
for  the  Union  Central  Life  Insurance  Company  of 
Cincinnati,  also  for  the  N.  Y.  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pan3'.  lie  has  an  unusually  fine  collection  of  sur- 
gical instruments,  and  fully  understands  the  use  of 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Leonard  C.  and 
Helen  L.  (Dudley)  Holton.  the  former  a  native 
of  Chester,  Vt.,  and  the  latter  born  in  the  neighbor- 
hood of  Bennington,  that  State.  They  were  mar- 
ried in  Kentuck}',  to  which  State  the  mother  had 
removed  and  taught  school  when  a  young  lady. 
Leonard  Holton  was  Captain  of  a  steamboat  i)lying 
on  the  Ohio  River,  which  he  followed  until  1815. 
when  the  whole  family  came  to  Illinois  and  settled 
near  the  present  site  of  Indianola.  Capt.  Holton 
then  engaged  in  uierchandising,  and  assisted  in 
laying  out  the  town.  It  was  found  that  there  were 
two  post-offices  bearing  the  name  of  Dallas,  so  the 
name  was  clTanged  to  Indianola.  The  father  died 
there  in  1870,  in  the  sixty-first  year  of  his  age.  He 
w.ns  very  active  and  energetic,  and  contributed  his 
full  quota  to  the  building  up  of  the  town.  The 
mother,  after  the  death  of  her  hnsband,  removed  to 
Danville,  became  identified  with  the  public  schools 
in  the  fall  of  1871,  and  for  fourteen  years  there- 
after was  actively  and  promincntlj'  connected  with 
educational  matters.  Then,  on  account  of  ill-health, 
she  resigned  her  position  and  is  now  living  in 
retirement  at  Danville.  She  has  followed  the  pro- 
fession of  a  teacher  in  ^'er^l()nt,  Kentucky  and 
Illinois,  making  of  it  an  art  and  a  science,  and 
being  uniformly  successful. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born  four 
children:  Abbie,  Frank  D.,  Henry  C.  and  William 
James.  Abbie  became  the  wife  of  A\'illiani  Donne, 
an  attorne3--at-law  of  New  York  City.  She  died  in 
1876.  leaving  one  child,  a  daughter.  Lulu,  and  the 
latter  is  now  living  with  our  subject's  motht-i-  at 
Danville.  Frank  1).  married  a  Miss  Shedd,  and  is 
mining  for  gold,  silver  and  tin  in  the  Black  Hills 
in  Dakota;  he  has  two  children — Leo  Frank  and 
Lef)nard.  William  .lames  married  Miss  Lizzie 
Sanders  of   Danville,  and   operates   as  Chief   Train 

Dispatcher  for  the  Chicago  it  Western  Indiana, 
with  headquarters  at  Chicago;  he  has  two  children 
— Abbie  and  Frank.  The  Holton  family  traces  its 
ancestry  to  Fngland.  .-ind  was  first  represented  in 
America  during  the  Colonial   times. 

.  IT  ;    .  n  ]  A.» 

^g)  IIARLES  F.  HULL.  s,,nie  of  the  finest  vchi- 
I       „  cles  dri; 

(II  jp  <''es  driven  on  the  streets  of  Indianola  have 
^^y  been  turned  out  from  the  shop  of  this  citizen, 
who  is  an  expert  mechanic,  doing  general  black- 
smithing  and  manufacturing  road  vehicles.  He  be- 
gan learning  his  trade  without  a  dollar  of  assist- 
ance and  has  placed  himself  in  a  goorl  jxjsition, 
financially,  by  close  apjilication  to  business.  He  is 
a  fine  horse-shoer — in  fact,  understands  all  the  de- 
tails of  his  line  of  business  from  beginning  to  end 
and  has  hosts  of  friends  who  rejoice  at  his  prosper- 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  the  son  of  Dr. 
James  S.  Hull,  who  is  well  remembered  by  the 
citizens  of  this  county  as  one  of  its  oldest  and 
most  reliable  physicians.  The  latter  was  born  in 
Ohio  and  was  the  son  of  a  typical  Pennsylvanian  of 
Revolutionary  stock.  He  followed  his  practice  in 
Indianola  for  a  period  of  eighteen  years  and  is 
still  living  there,  being  now  seventy-two  years 
f)ld.  while  his  wife  is  aged  seventy.  She  also  was 
boiii  in  Ohio.  They  were  married  in- Covington, 
Ind.,  where  they  resided  several  years  before  com- 
ing to  this  county.  Five  of  their  children  lived  to 
mature  years,  viz:  Francis  Marion,  Kissey,  Mattie 
A.,  Charles  F.,  our  sul)ject  and  Edwin  M. 

Mr.  Hull  was  born  June  .'!,  1856,  at  Covin<j-ton, 
Ind..  :uk1  was  a  lad  of  eleven  years  when  his 
father's  family  came  to  this  county.  He  gave  evi- 
dence of  his  mechanical  genius  at  an  earlj'  age  and 
fiist  learned  the  blacksmith  trade.  He  began  work 
with  Frank  Miller,  remaining  with  him  nine  months 
!\ud  then  engaged  with  Mr.  Ilewes  for  seven  ^'ears 
finishing  his  trade  with  him.  He  then  formed  a 
partnership  with  T.  F.  Hewes  and  they  operated 
together  until  1887  when  their  stock  was  deslro\ed 
by  fire,  involving  considerable  loss.  After  this 
Mr.  Hull  and    llewes    est;dj|ished    a   shop  at  Sidell 



and  iel)uilt  the  one  at  Indianola.  The  partnership 
was  dissolved  in  the  full  of  1888,  Mr.  Hull  tlien  re- 
suming the  shop  at  Indianola. 

Our  subject  was  married  Dec.  11.  1883.  to  Miss 
Martha  A.,  daughter  of  William  and  Mary  A. 
(Bartler)  Pollard.  Her  parents  were  natives  of 
Yorkshire,  England,  and  emigrated  to  America  in 
18a().  They  spent  one  year  in  Canada,  then  in  1857 
came  to  this  county  and  the  father  put  up  one  of 
the  first  steam  sawmills  along  its  southern  line. 
They  made  their  home  in  Carroll  Township  and 
Mr.  Pollard  built  up  a  good  business  and  was 
doing  well  when  he  unfortunately  went  security 
for  a  friend  with  the  usual  result — losing  nearly  all 
he  possessed.  lie  was  drowned  in  Indianola  July 
4.  1886,  at  the  age  of  sixty-six  yenrs.  The  mother 
is  still  living  and  is  now  sixty-nine  _vears  old.  They 
were  the  parents  of  four  children — Paul,  .lohn, 
Saraii  and  .Martha  .\. 

Mrs.  Hull  was  l)orii  near  Bradford  in  Yorksjiire, 
England,  and  was  quite  young  when  her  [jarenls 
came  to  America,  although  she  recollects  m.iny 
scenes  and  incidents  connected  witii  her  native 
place.  Of  her  union  witli  our  subject  there  have 
born  two  children — Clarence  Elmo  and  Rosa 
Myrtle,  aged  (1889)  four  and  two  years  resi)ect- 
ively.  The  family  residence  is  situated  in  the  east 
part  of  town  and  forms  a  very  comfortable  home, 
which  is  the  resort  of  man^'  friends  of  our  subject 
and  his  estimable  wife. 

Mr.  Hull,  politically,  is  a  sound  Republican.  Init 
has  had  no  time  to  assume  the  responsibilities  of 
office,  preferring  to  give  his  attention  to  his  busi- 
ness affairs.  He  is  a  charter  member  of  the  Mod- 
ern Woodmen  Lodge  of  Indianola  and  in  religious 
matters  belongs  to  the  Baptist  Church.  Mrs.  Hull 
finds  her  religious  home  in  the  Methodist  Episco- 
jjal  Church. 

The  paternal  grandparents  of  Mrs.  Hull  were 
John  and  Ann  Pollard,  the  grandfather  a  mill- 
wright by  trade  and  a  very  fine  mechanic.  He  was 
pecidiiirly  trusty  and  faithful. and  sojourned  at  one 
place  for  the  long  period  of  forty-five  years.  He 
was  never  ill  a  day  in  his  life  and  died  at  the  age 
of  ninety-six  years.  His  son,  William,  the  father 
of  Mrs.  Hull,  was  born  in  Bradford,  England, 
where  he  became  a   mechanical    engineer  and  ope- 

rated various  mills  in  the  old  country,  being  an 
expert.  He  was  a  prominent  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  but  his  mind  became 
impaired  through  illness  and  he  ended  his  life  by 
drowning.  He  had  made  three  trips  to  America 
and  spent  his  last  days  in  C'arrull  Township,  this 
county.  Mrs.  Pollard  is  still  living  and  is  a  genial 
and  pleasant  lady,  making  her  home  in  Carroll 
where  siie  has  manv   friends. 


LEXANDER  COLLIER  is  one  of  the 
JS'/UII  early  settlers  of  this  country,  who  is  now 
living  in  the  enjo3'raent  of  the  pleasant 
surroundings  which  are  the  result  of  his 
early  privations  in  doing  his  share  to  build  u|)  this 
great  Empire.  In  the  career  of  Mr.  Collier  we 
find  an  excellent  example  for  young  men  just  em- 
barking in  the  field  of  active  life,  of  wljat  may  be 
accomplished  by  a  man  beginning  poor,  l)ut  honest, 
prudent  and  industrious.  In  early  life  he  enjoyed 
but  tew  advantages.  His  school  days  were  limited, 
nor  had  he  wealth  or  position  to  aid  him  in  start- 
ing in  the  great  battle.  He  relied  solel}'  upon  his 
own  efforts  and  his  own  conduct  to  win  for  liim 
prosi)erit_y,  nor  lias  liis  been  a  success  solely  in  the 
sense  of  accumulating  wealth,  liut  in  doing  good 
to  others  and  in  winning  their  rcs|)ect  and  esteem. 
He  has  ever  strictly'  oliserved  that  most  important 
factor  in  the  successful  public  or  business  life  of 
anyone — honesty. 

Mr.  Collier  owns  250  acres  of  land  on  section 
19,  El  wood  Township,  where  he  resides.  He  was 
born  in  Washington  County,  Tenu.,  Nov.  12, 
1830.  His  father,  Leonard  Collier,  was  a  native 
of  Virginia,  and  located  in  Tennessee  in  1820, 
where  he  became  [uosperous  and  influential  among 
his  neighbois.  Alexander's  education  was  received 
at  subscription  schools  and  under  difficulties.  The 
schoolhonse  in  which  he  attended  school  was  but 
a  rude  hut,  with  no  conveniences  whatever  to  in- 
duce a  child  to  seek  knowledge,  but,  on  the  con- 
trary, the  surroundings  of  the  alleged  schoolhouses 
of  those  days  were  repulsive  to  the  youthful  mind 
and  engendered  hostility    to    learning.     He  came 


\Q  a^2^2^i-t.^^'c/y    c/  X)  //^yiA-€^^2^ 



to  Vermilion  County  in  liio  autumn  of  1851,  and 
has  lived  in  Ibis  nt'iglibovliood  since,  except  for 
four  years,  when  lie  resided  just  across  the  State 
line.  His  mother  was  Charlotte,  daujihter  of  John 
Sl.aygle.  She  was  the  mother  of  leu  children, 
four  of  whom  are  living:  John.  (W'orge.  Sarah 
(Mrs.  Moore),  and  Alexauiler.  Four  of  the  other 
children  lived  to  be  women  before  they  died,  viz: 
Catherine.  Kliza  \..  Nancy  and  Elizabeth. 

Mr.  Collier  married  Klizabeth.  daughter  of  Will- 
iam Jennings.  Dec.  20,  IHrif).  She  was  borri  in 
Greene  County.  Tenn.,  and  her  mother's  maiden 
name  was  Sarah  Jones.  Both  the  parents  are  de- 
ceased. Mr.  and  Mrs.  Collier  are  the  parents  of 
four  children,  three  of  whom  are  living:  Francis 
M..  Ph(ebe  J.  and  Sarah  C.  Francis  married  Dora 
Moore,  of  Missouri,  and  Mves  in  this  township; 
they  have  two  children — Josephine  B.  and  Charles 
S.  Phcebe  J.  married  Eli  Stahl  of  this  township, 
ami  is  the  mother  of  three  children — Bertie.  \'ora 
Belle  and  an  infant.  Bessie  May;  .Sarah  is  the  wife 
of  James  A'an  Dnyn;  they  have  three  children — 
Alexander,  Coy  and  Addic  Belle. 

Mr.  Collier  rents  the  most  of  his  large  farm  to  his 
children,  who  .are  engaged  in  stock-raising  and 
general  farming.  He  has  never  sought  ofliee.  hut  found  that  he  enough  to  attend  to  in 
strictly  minding  his  own  affairs.  Mrs.  Collier  is  a 
member  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church, 
to  which  her  husband  is  a  liliei'al  contributor. 

(^^  AMUEL  T.  STEVENS,  one  of  the  sur- 
^^^  vivors  of  the  "ioth  Illinois  Infantry,  and 
lll/^j  now  a  prospei'ous  farmer  of  (ieorgetown 
Township,  is  one  of  the  most  highly  es- 
teemed citizens  in  this  communty,  being  upright 
and  industrious,  greatly  attached  to  his  home  ;.nd 
justly  i)rou(l  of  his  army  record,  which  is  creditalilo 
in  the  extreme.  He  was  born  in  Vernon  Town- 
ship. Jennings  Co..  Ind.,  near  the  town  of  ^'ernon. 
Nov.  4.  1834,  and  is  a  son  of  John  and  .lane 
(Thompson)  Stevens,  the  former  a  native  of  Indi-  and  the  latter  of  Kentucky.  They  were  mar- 
ried at  Brooks  Point.  Vermilion  Co..  111.,  to  whii-h 

they  had  corneal  a  very  early  day,  and  subsequently 
took  up  their  abode  in  Jennings  County,  Ind., 
where  the  father  died  when  his  son,  .S.amuel  was 
only  five  years  old.  The  mother  came  back  to 
Urooks  Point  in  1853,  and  died  therein  1873,  when 
sixty-two  years  old.  She  was  married  three  times 
after  the  death  of  her  first  husband  by  whom  she 
had  four  children — Sarah  II.,  Samuel  T.,  Francis 
M.,  and  Nancy.  By  her  .second  husband.  William 
McCabe,  she  had  three  children.  Her  thinl  hus- 
band was  ^^'illianl  Brown  .'ind  the  fourth  .lames 
Ogden.      By  the  latter  two  she  had  no  children. 

Samuel  Stevens  began  to  "paddle  his  own  canoe" 
when  a  lad  of  twelve  ye.ars.  He  learned  the  tr.ade 
of  a  stone  mason  and  pl.asterer,  serving  three  j'cars 
ai)prenticeship,  but  not  liking  the  business  aban- 
doned it  and  turned  his  attention  to  farming  pur- 
suits, working  out  by  the  n)onth.  When  about 
twenty  j'ears  old  he  returned  to  Illinois  and  on  the 
7lh  of  June.  1861.  enlisted  at  Indianola  in  Com- 
l)any  D.  •25th  Illinois  Infantry.  He  w.ns  mustered 
into  service  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  fought  the 
rebels  at  Pea  Ridge,  after  which  he  went  with  his 
regiment  after  the  rebel.  Gen.  Price,  in  the  South - 
w^est.  In  June,  1862  they  joined  the  Arm^'  of  the 
Tennessee  .and  fought  at  Corinth  and  Green  River 
Bridge.  At  Louisville  they  recruited,  after  which 
followed  the  battle  of  Perryville,  Oct  7,  of  that 

From  Perryville,  our  subject  went  with  his 
regiment  to  N.ashville,  Tenn.,  where  the}'  remained 
until  the  •26th  of  November,  1862,  then  entered  on 
the  Murfreesboro  campaign.  They  fought  with 
the  rebels  at  Tullahoma  and  were  next  at  Chatta- 
nooga, after  which  followed  the  battle  of  Chieka- 
manga.  Sept.  19,  20,  1863,  whence  they  retreated 
to  Chattanooga,  and  later  engaged  with  the 
enera}'  ;it  Lookout  Mountain,  Mission  Ridge  and 
Tunnel  Hill.  Subsequently  followed  the  Atlanta 
campaign,  upon  which  they  entered  May  4, 1864,  and 
while  I'etreating  through  a  peach  orchard  at  Chicka- 
niauga.  Mr.  Stevens  was  struck  by  a  missile  on  the 
left  hip  and  knocked  several  yards.  He  suc- 
ceeding in  getting  to  the  ambulance  and  was  t.aken 
to  the  hospital  at  Chattanooga,  where  he  remained 
two  weeks  and  was  sulliciently  recovered  to  engage 
ill  tlie  liglit  at  .Mission  Ridge;   he  w;is  also  engaged 



in  the  Knoxville  campaiijn  whieli  was  sent  to  tliu 
relief  of  Gen.  Bnrnside,  vviio  was  bottled  up  near 

Our  subject  was  wounded  a  second  time  at  Noon- 
day Creek,  near  Marietta,  Ga.,  by  a  niinie-ball 
which  passed  through  his  leg  above  the  knee.  He 
was  taken  a  second  time  to  the  hospital  at  Chatta- 
nooga and  later  to  the  Cumberland  hospital  at 
Nashville,  Tenn.  The  term  of  his  enlistment  soon 
expired  and  he  was  mastered  out  Sept.  5,  1864,  at 
Springfield,  III.  From  that  time  until  1868  he 
occupied  himself  in  farming  pursuits  and  in  that 
year  was  married  to  Miss  Hannah  (rerard,  who  is  a 
daughter  of  .lohn  and  Mary  (Fisher)  Gerard,  who 
earae  from  Indiana  to  this  State  and  settled  in 
1851  upon  the  land  now  owned  and  occupied  l)y 
our  subject.  Of  this  union  there  have  been  born 
nine  children,  namely:  Ulysses  S. ;  Ezra  A.,  Luc}' 
A.,  Mary  J.,  Robert  T.,  WlUian  F.,  Viola  M., 
Johnnie  H.,  and  Clarence  E.  Mr.  Stevens,  politi- 
cally, is  a  strong  Reijublican,  and  he  and  his  esti-  wife  are   members  of  the  Christian  Church. 

A  portrait  of  Mr.  Stevens  is  shown  elsewhere  in 
this  work. 

^^^     • — w—o-isr'' — • — ■'*    ~ 

^  IMLLIAM  HESTER.  Those  middle-aged  men 
%JiJi/  ^^'"^*  '""'^  natives  of  this  county,  were  born 
'y™  under  the  most  primitive  conditions  and 
spent  their  childhood  and  youth  in  the  wilder- 
ness, amid  the  frequently  thrilling  scenes  of  pioneer 
life.  They  became  inured  to  arduous  labor  at  an 
early  .age,  and  thus  acquired  that  independence  of 
thought  and  character  of  which  are  made  the  best 
men  of  this  period  of  the  world.  The}'  also  ,ac- 
(piired  the  habit  of  viewing  toil  and  danger  undis- 
Tn,ayed,  and  were  fully  prepared  for  the  later  labors 
and  struggles  which  developed  the  wilderness  into 
the  homes  of  an  intelligent  and  prosperous  people. 
Those  who  to-day  are  enjoying  the  blessings  of 
civilization  can  scarcely  realize  what  they  owe  to 
those  men  who  ,assisted  in  bringing  about  the  pres- 
ent order  of  thinos. 

A  native  of  Elwood  Townshiii,  this  county,  our 
subject  was  horn  Miiy  17.  1838,  and  is  the  son  of 
Thom,as  Hester,  who  was  born  in  Guilford  County, 

X.  C,  and  who  removed  with  his  parents  to  Clin- 
ton County,  Ohio,  when  n.  lad  nine  years  of  age. 
He  left  the  Buckeye  Stale  in  1 835,  coming  to  Ran- 
dolph County.  Ind.,  settling  near  Winchester,  tliat 
count}-,  where  he  improved  a  farm  from  the  heavy 
timber  land  in  White  River  Township  and  where 
he  sojourned  ten  years.  Next  he  removed  to  Taze- 
well County,  this  State,  where  he  lived  six  years 
engaged  in  farming.  His  next  removal  to  this 
county  and  he  settled  M,arch  31,  1838,  on  the  land 
now  occupied  by  his  son,  our  subject,  on  section 
24  in  Elwood  Township.  He  did  his  own  black- 
smithing  for  about  thirty  years,  and  was  a  true  type 
of  the  industrious  pioneer  who,  by  his  sturdy  indus- 
tr}'  and  perseverance  built  up  a  good  home  and 
accumulated  a  comfortable  property. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  maiden- 
hood Miss  Mary  Leonard.  She  also  like  her  father, 
Ezekiel  Leonard,  w,as  born  in  North  Carolina  and 
was  of  Irish  .ancestry.  Grandfatiier  Francis  Hester, 
also  a  native  of  the  above  mentioned  State,  was  of 
Scotch  ancestry  and  followed  the  occupation  of 
both  farmer  and  shoemaker.  To  the  parents  of 
our  subject  there  were  born  seven  children,  four  of 
whom  are  living,  and  William  is  the  youngest.  The 
other  three  are  Jesse,  Rebecca,  Mrs.  Reece,  and 
John.  The  others  lived  to  mature  vears.  They 
were  Hannah,  Mrs.  Cook;  IMary,  Mrs.  Larrance; 
anil  Robert.     All  at  their  decease  left  families. 

William  Hester  was  reared  to  maiilunid  at  the  old 
homestead  where  he  now  lives,  and  completed  his 
education  in  Bloomingdale  Academy  under  the  in- 
struction of  Prof.  Hobbs.  He  taught  school  two 
winters,  but  with  this  exception  has  been  engaged 
in  farming  pursuits  all  his  life.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  Society  of  Friends  and  contributed  gener- 
ousl}'  toward  the  erection  of  their  fine  new  church 
and  the  Vermilion  Academy  building  at  Vermilion 
Grove.  The  academy  is  under  the  auspices  of  the 

Mr.  Hester  was  married  March  8,  1860,  to  Miss 
Maria,  daughter  of  Ira  Mills,  deceased,  who  came 
to  this  county  in  18'21.  This  lady  became  the 
mother  of  two  children  one  only  of  whom  is  liv- 
ing— Cassius  M.  She  died  Jan.  19,  1863.  Our 
subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  March  6, 
1867,   with  Miss  Rachel  J.,  daughter  of    William 



Stafford,  of  \"oi'railioii  Grove,  and  of  tliis  union 
llicie  were  l)oin  tliiee  cliildi-eii,  only  two  of  whom 
are  living — Rlioda  J..  Mrs.  Mills  and  Thomas  W. 
The  mother  of  these  children  died  .Iiine  15,  1885, 
and  on  the  7lli  of  March,  1887.  Mr.  Hester  was 
married  to  Miss  Martha  A.,  daughter  of  Joseph 
Hawkins,  near  Rardin,  Coles  Co. 

The  land  possessions  of  Mr.  Hester  .aggregate  248 
aores  and  he  makes  a  specialtj'  of  graded  horses. 
Short-horn  cattle,  Poland-China  swine  antl  high 
grade  Merino  slieep.  He  uniforml}'  votes  the  Re- 
publican ticket  and  keeps  himself  well  posted  upon 
matters  of  State  and  National  interest.  Like  liis 
honored  parents  he  belongs  to  the  Society  of 
Friends.  The  mother  of  Mr.  Hester  died  ALay  2. 
1867.  and  his  father  Nov.  10.  1875.  'I'hey  were 
most  worth}'  and  excellent  people,  living  at  |)eace 
with  their  neighbors  and  doing  good  .-is  they  had 



ILAS  DICKSON.  Few  peisons  can  sojourn 
very  long  in  Indianola  without  becoming 
f.'unili'ir  with  the  name  of  Mr.  Dickson, 
who  is  a  son  of  one  (jf  the  earlv  pioneers 
of  N'erniilion.  and  one  of  the  first  chihlren  who, 
horn  in  this  county,  have  gniwn  up  with  the  coun- 
tr}'.  He  is  now  |)ast  the  meridian  of  life.  He  has 
inherited  <^rom  a  substantial  ancestry  those  qualities 
of  character  which  have  made  him  an  enteipri^iug 
business  man  and  [ilaced  him  in  an  enviable  posi- 
tion in  his  community. 

Jlr.  Dickson  wns  born  Ma}'  25,  1830,  in  Caiioll 
Township,  and  spent  his  boyho(_)d  and  youth  amid 
the  scenes  of  pioneer  life,  becoming  familiar  with 
healthy  haid  work  and  receiving  liis  education  in 
the  common  school.  He  remained  a  memlM  r  of 
the  parental  household  until  a  man  of  tliir(y-four 
years,  and  was  then  married.  Oct.  l.'i.  ISdl.  to  Aliss 
Frances  Foos.  The  newly  wedded  pair  .settled 
down  on  a  farm  and  for  a  number  of  years  thereaf- 
ter Mr.  Dickson  gave  his  attention  to  agriculture  and 
the  cattle  business.  In  the  latter  he  became  inter- 
ested when  only  a  boy.  and  since  reaching  manhood 
has  driven  liundreds   of   fat    cattle    to    New    York 

'City,  selling  them  to  local  butchers.  He  saw  the 
first  ear-load  of  beef  cattle  that  were  ever  shipped 
into  that  metrf)|)olis  from  Illinois,  and  about  th(! 
time  there  was  Ijeing  agitated  the  advisability  of 
shipping  stock  by  rail. 

Mr.  Dick.-jon  is  an  extensive  lan<l  owner,  having 
600  .acres  in  Ivlgar  County  and  a  farm  of 
eighty  acres  adjoining  Indianola.  To  him  .ind  his 
estimable  wife  there  have  been  born  three  chihlren: 
Robert.  Lena,  and  Albertus.  The  d.anghter  is  the 
wife  of  K'lwai'd  Cannon,  who  is  interested  in  an 
electric  light  plant  in  Portland,  Oregon.  The  sons 
are  at  home  with  their  parents  Mr.  Dickson  uni- 
forndy  votes  the  Democratic  ticket,  but  with  the 
exception  of  serving  as  a  juryman  several  times, 
has  never  mingled  much  in  public  affairs.  Mrs. 
Dickson  is  a  member  of  the  M('thodist  l-",pisc(ipal 

Mrs.  Dickson  is  the  daughter  of  Fr.inklin  ;uid 
Amelia  (Howe)  Foos.  the  former  of  whom  is  the 
oldest  living  native  of  what  was  then  Frankliji, 
but  is  now  Columbus  County.  Ohio.  He  was  born 
.luly  4.  18(1;!.  and  uuw  makes  his  home  in  Danville. 
Mr.  Foos  and  Michael  Sullivan  were  school  lioys 
together.  The  mother  was  a  native  of  Jlaryland 
and  a  flistant  relative  of  Klias  Howe,  the  inventor 
of  the  sewing  machine.  One  of  the  members  of 
the  firm  of  Foos  &  Co.,  of  Springfield.  ( )hio,  is  a 
half  brother  of  Mrs.  Dickson's  father.  The  mother 
died  in  November,  1883,  at  the  age  of  seventy-five 
years.  She  had  a  family  of  eleven  children,  seven 
of  whom  grew  to  mature  years,  viz:  Louisa.  L\dia. 
Joseph,  Amelia,  Lovina,  Francis,  and  Ellen.  .Airs. 
Dickson  was  born  in  Madison  County.  Ohio,  In 
ISll,  and  a  girl  of  ten  3'ears  when  she  came 
with  her  parents  to  this  county.  She  made  the 
.acquaintance  of  her  future  husband  in  Indianola. 

David  Dickson,  the  father  of  our  subject,  is  now 
a  gentleman  of  eighty-three  j'ears.  He  traveled  all 
over  this  State  from  north  to  south  .and  from  east 
to  west  at  a  very  earlj'  day.  whiii  it  was  the  ex- 
treme frontier  and  there  were  but  very  few  settle- 
ments within  its  limits.  He  was  born  in  Lewis 
County.  Ky..  and  married  .Miss  Margaret 
Waters,  a  native  of  StalTord  Court  House,  ^'a., 
.aud  closely  allied  to  the  F.  F.  \'.'s.  Her  ancestors 
came  from  .'Scotland,    while  the    Dicksons    were    <jt 



English  origin,  and  upon  coming  to  this  country* 
settled  in  Maivbiml.  Subsequently  they  removed 
to  Kentucky.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  our 
subject,  whose  name  was  Means,  was  of  Irish  de- 
scent, and  at  an  early  day  settled  in  New  Jersey, 
whence  he  removed  to  Pennsylvania,  and  then  to 
Kentucky  during  its  pioneer  da3's.  lie  was  the 
representative  of  a  very  large  and  influential 

ftlr.  Dickson  came  to  Illinois  a  single  man  and 
was  married  in  Vermilion  County.  He  took  up 
hind  and  settled  near  Paris  in  1824,  when  it  was  a 
mere  trading  place.  He  became  the  father  of  four 
children:  Silas,  Robert,  Permelia,  and  Jemima. 
Robert  died  unmarried  at  the  age  of  thirty-three 
years;  Peimelia  became  the  wife  of  Dr.  Ralston, 
and  resides  in  Danville;  Jemima,  Mrs.  Varner,  lives 
in  Kdgar  County.     The  mother  died  in  1887. 

jENJAMlN  F.  LEACH.  In  the  subject  of 
^  Ibis  notice  there  is  easily  recognized  a  man 
ij'^  ii  of  high  social  qualities,  well  educated,  cul- 
^^^^=^'  tivated  in  his  tastes,  one  who  is  public- 
spirited  and  takes  a  warm  interest  in  educational 
matters.  He  was  in  former  years  occupied  as  a 
teacher,  but  of  late  has  been  interested  in  agricul- 
tural pursuits,  and  is  the  (irain  AVelgher  of  Hum- 
rick.  He  was  born  in  Pickaway  County,  Ohio, 
Sept.  23,  184G,  and  is  consequently  a  man  in  the 
l)rime  of  life  and  in  the  midst  of  his  usefulness. 

B3'  reverting  to  the  family  history  of  our  subject 
we  find  that  he  is  the  son  of  William  and  Mary 
(Monroe)  Leach,  natives  of  Cnlpeper  County,  Va., 
and  the  parents  of  fourteen  children,  of  whom 
live  are  living,  as  follows.  .Sarah  A.,  now  Mrs. 
Parker,  is  a  resident  of  Gentry  County,  Mo.;  AVill- 
i  im  M.  lives  in  Phillips  County,  Kan. :  Henry  C. 
resides  in  Washington  County',  Ark.,  as  does  also 
his  sister,  Mary  C,  Mrs.  Carney.  Benjamin  F.,  our 
subject,  came  with  the  family  to  this  county  in 
October,  1852.  They  met  with  a  great  affliction  in 
the  death  of  the  father,  which  occurred  less  than  a 
yeiir  later,  June  23,  1853.  The  mother  and  sons 
carried  on  the  farm  as  best  they  could  until  all  the 

children  were  able  to  take  care  of  themselves. 
Mrs.  Leach  finally  went  to  Neosha  County,  Kan., 
where  her  death  took  place  in  1873. 

Mr.  Leach,  our  subject,  has  been  familiar  with 
agricultural  pursuits  since  his  earliest  recollections, 
and  followed  them  exclusively  with  the  exception 
of  the  time  occupied  as  a  teacher.  His  early  ad- 
vantages were  necessarily  limited,  but  he  made  the 
most  of  his  opportunities  for  observation  and  in- 
formation and  came  out  a  bright  and  intelligent 
young  man  of  more  than  ordinary  abilities.  When 
twenty-four  years  old  he  was  married,  in  Elwood 
Township,  March  31,  1875,  to  Miss  Alma  J., 
daughter  of  Darius  Baldwin,  one  of  the  early 
settlers  of  Danville  Township,  and  now  deceased. 
The  four  children  born  of  this  union  were  named 
respectively,  Albert  W.,  Richard  B.,  Mary  E.,  and 
Nellie  C. 

After  their  luarriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leach  took 
up  their  residence  in  Elwood  Township,  where  our 
subject  confined  his  attention  to  the  development 
of  his  farm  and  lived  there  until  Fcluuary,  1886; 
then,  retiring  from  the  more  arduous  duties  of 
farm  life,  he  took  up  his  residence  in  Ilumrick  and 
now  busies  himself  with  lighter  employments.  He 
has  officiated  as  Tax  Collector  of  the  township 
three  terms;  was  Highway  Commissioner  one  term, 
and  is  at  present  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  finds 
his  religious  home  in  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church,  and  socially  belongs  to  the  Masonic  frater- 

LAYTON  B.    ELLIOTT.     This  well-to-do 
and    intelligent    b.achelor    citizen    may    be 


'J  found  usually  at  his  well-regulated   home-  on  section  26  in  Elwood  Township,  where  he 
is  successfully  engaged  in  general  agriculture,  and 
fiom  which  he  realizes  annually  a  snug  income. 
His  farm  contains  seventj'  acres  and  lies  adjacent  to 
Yankee  Point.  He  also  has  160  acres  near  New- 
man, in  Douglas  County,  III.  He  has  been  quite 
an  extensive  traveler  in  the  South  and  the  West, 
and,  although  possessing  a  limited  education,  has 
made  such  good  use  of  his  opportunities  for  the 
observation  of  men  and  things  that  he  is  at  once 



iccdgnizc'il    as   a    well-iiifoiiiu'il  man  of  inoi-c  than 
drdiiiai'v  intelligenee. 

Our  siiliJL'Cl  was  boni  in  Wayne  County,  Ind., 
Maicli  10.  1854.  and  is  tlie  son  of  Nathan  Elli- 
ott, vvlio  is  now  decc'aso(],  and  the  brother  of  II.  C. 
and  Wesk'}-  Klliott,  sketches  of  wlioni  appear  else- 
where in  this  Albu>i.  He  brought  to  this 
county  by  his  parents  when  an  infant  of  ten 
niontlis,  and  after  attending  the  common  school  be- 
came also  a  student  of  Vermilion  Academy  and  the 
Wesleyan  University  at  Bloomington.  In  tlie 
fall  of  1881  he  set  out  for  Washington,  trav- 
ersing the  L^nion  and  Central  Pacific  Railroads 
from  Chic.igo  to  San  Prancisco  an<l  thence  by 
steamer  to  Portland,  Ore.,  where  he  spent  the 
winter.  In  the  meantime  he  was  at  Puget  Sound. 
In  the  spring  of  1882  lie  went  up  the  Willamette 
Valley,  where  he  sojourned  until  after  the  4th  of 
.July.  On  that  day  he  attended  a  celebration  at  a 
point  near  by  across  the  river,  and  saw  half-breed 
Indians  and  French  taking  part  in  the  foot  races. 
Later  he  repaired  to  Pataha,  in  the  southeastern 
part  of  Washington,  and  occupied  himself  at  lum- 
bering in  the  Blue  Mountains  until  harvest  time, 
in  the  month  of  August.  He  then  repaired  to  the 
Pataha  Flats  and  assisted  in  threshing  wheat  for 
twenty-seven  days,  and  until  in  September,  when 
he  returned  to  the  Blue  Mountains  and  worked  in 
the  lumber  woods  until  the  deep  snow  drove  out 
the  men.  Returning  now  to  Pataha  Flats  he  so- 
journed there  until  the  spring  of  1883,  then  trav- 
eled on  foot  to  Spokane  Falls  and  to  the  Big  Bend 
country,  in  the  Columbia  River  region.  He  staid 
over  night  with  Wild  Goose  Bill,  who  had  a  squaw 
for  a  wife.  There  he  secured  a  pony,  and,  in  com- 
pany with  Bill's  two  boys  started  out  to  see  a  large 
spring  near  by.  The  boys  had  a  lasso,  and  one  of 
thcni  exerted  his  skill  on  our  subject.  The  latter 
having  money  feared  at  first  that  they  were  intend- 
inof  to  overpower  and  rob  him,  but  he  found  that 
they  were  simply  amusing  themselves  at  his  ex- 
pense. They  called  him  a  '•  tenderfoot,"  and  had 
great  sport  in  lassoing  his  horse  and  a  colt  which 
was  following  the  pony  he  rode. 

Our  subject  finally  returned  to  Spokane  Falls  and 
the:ire  by  the  Northern  Pacific  Railroad  to  its  ter- 
nii.iii>.    where   he   took  the  stage  and    traveled  300 

miles  to  Bozcman,  Mont.  We  next  find  him  at 
Livingstone,  vvheie  he  remained  until  .luly  3,  en- 
gaged in  a  lumber-yard  and  !.s  a  carpenter.  From 
there  he  traveled  up  the  Yellowstone  Park,  enter- 
ing it  July  1.  1883,  and  viewing  the  Yellowstone 
Falls  and  Canyon,  the  Hot  Springs,  and  all  the  other 
natural  wonders  of  that  region.  He  spent  the  fol- 
lowing winter  at  Livingstone,  Montana,  then  jour- 
neyed to  St.  Paul  via  the  Northern  Pacific  Railroad. 
He  visited  Chicago  on  his  way  home.  That  same 
spring  he  took  a  trip  through  Southern  Kansas, 
visiting  his  brother  Alvin.near  Cedar  Vale.  In 
September  following  he  settled  on  a  farm  ami  has 
since  given  his  undivided  attention  to  its  various 

Mr.  Klliott,  |Hjliticall\-.  supports  the  principles 
of  the  Republican  parly,  luit  has  never  sought  offi- 
cial honors.  In  his  youth  he  was  extremely  anx- 
ious to  obtain  a  thorough  education,  but  on  account 
of  the  death  of  his  father  when  he  was  twenty 
years  old  he  was  obliged  to  abandon  his  cherished 
plan.  He  reninincd  with  his  mother  and  operated 
the  farm  two  years. 

RANCIS  GAINES.  After  a  busy  life  has 
beon  nearly  spent,  and  all  the  trials  and 
vicissitudes  incident  to  a  i)ioneer's  career 
have  been  met  with  courage,  honor  and  industiy, 
there  is  nothing  more  pleasant  than  to  see  a  man 
who  has  been  faithful  in  all  things,  retire  from  ac- 
tive pursuits.  Here  he  can  look  back  upon  all  his 
actions  with  pleasure,  and  can  with  truth  say  that 
he  has  done  the  best  he  could.  And  what  more  is 
expected  of  any  man?  And  this  is  the  case  with 
Francis  Gaines. 

Mr.  Gaines  was  born  In  Clarke  County,  (Jhio.  on 
July  28,  1823.  His  parents  went  to  Greene  County, 
Ohio,  soon  after  his  birth,  where  they  lived  contiii- 
uousl}'  until  death  called  them  away.  His  mother 
died  in  1881,  at  the  age  of  eighty-four,  and  his 
father  followed  her  to  the  grave  in  188C,  at  the 
great  age  of  foiu'-score  and  six.  They  had  eleven 
children — Elizabeth,  Francis,  James,  William  .b  11- 
athan,  Benjamin,  Henry,  Plucbe.  Susan.  Sirah   u\u\ 



Amai.da.     The  latter  died  wlion  slie  was  tlirec  years 
of  age,   while  the  remaining  chlMreii   lived  to   he 
men  and  women.     Mr.  Gaines  acquired  his  educa- 
tion ii!  tlie  primitive  scliool-liouses  lliat  were  scat- 
tered ail  over  Oliio  at  the  time  of  his  boyhood,  and 
hcing  the  oldest  son,  he  was  obliged  to  defer  many 
ad  vintages  that  he  could  have  taken  to  gain  an  ed- 
ucation.   By  an  insirii table  decree  of  mankind,  the 
oldest  boy  (^f  a  farmer's  family  has  always  been  the 
cart-horse  that  lias  drawn  the  rest  of  the  children 
after  him.     Responsibilities  have  rested   upon  the 
oldest  boy  that  have  as  a  rule  kept  him  from  gain- 
ing the  education  he  should  have,  and   Mr.  Gaines 
was  in  this  position.     For  many  a  day,  and  before 
he  was  ten  years  of  age  he  has  followed   the  plow 
wliosf  moMldlxiard  was  constructed  of  wood.     What 
would  the  boys  of  this  generation  think  of  such   a 
proceeding  as  this.'     And  such  things  as  this  ought 
to  increase  the  resjjcct  that  is  certainly  due  to  those 
who  tilled  the  soil  in  an  early  day,   and   paved   the 
way  for  an  empire. 

By  the  time  that  Mi'.  Gaines  became  twenty-one 
j-ears  of  age  he  was  an  expert  in  agricultural  pur- 
suits, and  also  as  a  woodman.  At  this  time  he  se- 
cured a  job  of  cutting  wood  for  twcnty-tive  cents 
a  cord,  and  three  or  four  cords  a  day  was  easy  work 
for  him.  In  1845  he  was  married  to  Miss  Mary 
,lane  .McFarland,  of  Greene  County,  Ohio,  and  in 
1847  the  young  couple  settled  in  Carroll  Township, 
this  county,  about  three  miles  south  of  Indianola. 
His  wife  made  all  their  clothes  from  the  raw  ma- 
terial, and  everytliing  that  was  procured  in  those 
days  was  by  hard  labor.  In  1871  the  good  mother 
died,  and  out  of  seven  children  born  to  her  but 
two  were  reared  to  maturity — .Sarah  A.  and  Ed- 
mund. Sarah  married  F.  D.  Xeblick,  who  is  re- 
.siding  on  the  homestead:  they  have  two  children — 
Francis  D.  and  ISIabel. 

Mr.  Gaines  married  a  second  time  in  1871, 
to  Mrs.  Josephine  Gaines,  widow  of  his  brother 
William,  and  by  this  union  one  child  was  born — 
Mary  E.  William  Gaines  died  in  186.3.  Mrs. 
Gaines  is  the  daughter  of  L.  Patterson  and  Cath- 
erine (Baum)  Patterson,  the  former  a  native  of 
Ohio,  where  he  was  married,  and  came  to  this  State 
in  1839.  He  lived  to  be  seventy-three  years  old, 
and  his  wife  died  at  the  early   age   of  thirty-nine. 

She  left  six  children:  Augustus  D.,  Josephine  A. 
(Mrs.  Gaines),  Emily  C,  Charles,  John  Harvey  and 
Albert,  who  was  drowned.  Mrs.  Gaines  was  born 
in  Brown  County,  Ohio,  and  came  to  Illinois  when 
she  was  eighteen  months  old.  She  was  but  four- 
teen years  old  when  her  mother  died,  and  her 
youngest  brother,  Albert,  was  but  three  years  of 
age.  She  was  obligged  to  assume  the  responsibil- 
ity of  the  household,  and  nobly  she  cared  for  her 
younger  brothers  and  sisters.  By  her  first  marriage 
she  is  the  mother  of  one  child — Franklin  W. — 
who  is  still  living. 

In  1883  Mr.  (Raines  erected  a  very  commodious 
and  elegant  house  in  Indianola,  which  is  surrounded 
with  everything  to  make  the  place  pleasant.     The 
highest  amount  of  land   he   has  ever  owned  at  one 
time,  was  375  acres,  and  he  owns  now  a  half   sec- 
tion, all  under  a  fine  slate  of  cultivation.     This  is 
all  due  to  his  own  industi-y,  excepting  1-400  which 
was  given  him  by  his  father,  and  invested  in  lands. 
He  has  speculated  somewhat  in  real  estate,  and  in 
this  he  has  prospered.     Mr.  and   Mrs.   Gaines  are 
members  of  the   Methodist   Episcopal    Church,  she 
having  belonged  to  that  organization  since  she  was 
nineteen,  while  her  husband   lirst  united    with   the 
church  thirt}--nine years  ago.     He  was  Siii)erintend- 
ent  of  the  Sunday-schools  in  the  southern  part  v(  the 
county,  and  has  served  in  various  capacities  in  his 
church,  holding  the  otHces  of    Trustee,    Treasurer 
and  Steward.     He  held  the  positions  of  School 
Director  and  Trustee  for  a  long  time,  and  also 
served   as    Road    Overseer   and    Commissioner    of 
Ilighwtys.     Mr.  Gaines  has  always  exhibited  great 
interest  in  the  schools  aLid   roads.     He   votes   with 
the  Democratic  party  and  has  never  sought  office. 

=^RANVILLE  PUGH.  Those  who  have  been 
r  ,— -,  eye-witnesses  of  the  pioneer  scenes  of  Cen- 
^^^Jl  tral  Illinois  are  fast  passing  away;  and 
when  vve  are  privileged  to  take  such  an  one  b}-  the 
hand,  it  is  an  event  which  will  be  remembered  for 
man}'  a  day.  Mv.  Pugh  is  one  of  the  oldest  set- 
tlers of  this  county,  to  which  he  came  when  In- 
dians and  wild  animals  abounded,  and    when   the 



f(K)t  of  the  white  nuiii  had  .■iciircoly  pressed  the 
soil  of  Elwood  Towiisliip.  Here  lie  has  spent  tlie 
best  years  of  his  life,  and  his  lonji  and  ardnous 
labors  have  been  erowned  vvitli  success.  He  owns 
anil  occupies  one  of  tlie  finest  farTiis  in  this  re- 
gion, enibellisiied  with  an  imposing  residence,  two 
stories  in  heigiit,  al)ove  the  basement,  and  not  far 
away  a  magnificent  grove.  Under  liis  careful 
management  the  land  has  been  brought  to  a  high 
state  of  cultivation,  and  is  improved  witii  all  the 
appliances  suggested  to  the  enterprising  and  |)ro- 
gressive  farmer. 

The  opening  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject  were 
spent  in  Jefiferson  County  ( )hio,  where  he  was  born 
Feb.  -2.  1824.  Ills  father,  John  I'ugh,  deeea.sed, 
was  a  native  of  Chester  County,  l'a..and  emigrated 
to  the  Buckeye  State  in  1823.  He  had  been  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Jane  Gamble,  a  native  of  Cecil  County, 
Md..  and  to  them  there  were  born  three  children, 
all  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years.  Edwin  is  now 
deceased;  Granville,  our  subject,  was  the  second 
child;  Hannah,  Mrs.  Kendall,  lives  in  Kinggold 
County,  Iowa. 

The  ancestors  of  our  subject  were  born  and 
reared  in  the  Quaker  faith  for  many  generations 
back.  His  maternal  grandfather,  John  Gamble, 
was  a  native  of  Ireland,  and  crossed  the  Atlantic 
in  time  to  participate  in  the  War  of  1812.  John 
Pugh  came  with  his  family  to  this  county  as  early 
as  1830,  settling  on  the  Little  Vermilion  in  Carroll 
Township.  In  1836  he  changed  his  residence,  and 
became  owner  of  the  land  which  his  son,  Granville, 
now  owns  and  occupies.  Here  both  parents  spent 
their  last  years,  the  father  dying  in  1847,  in  middle 
life,  and  the  mother  surviving  her  husband  ninny 
years,  passing  away  in  1884. 

The  first  studies  of  our  subject  were  conducted 
in  a  log  cabin,  with  its  puncheon  floor,  greased 
paper  for  window  panes,  seats  and  desks  made  of 
slabs  and  fastened  to  the  wall  with  rude  wooden 
pins.  Young  Pugh  took  great  interest  in  spelling. 
and  on  Christmas  night,  in  1848.  spelled  down  the 
whole  large  school  at  Ridge  Farm.  He  assisted  his 
father  in  the  development  of  his  homestead,  and 
remained  a  member  of  the  parental  family  until 
p.assiii::  his  thirty-second  birth-day.  He  then 
nnvviicl.  May    31,  185G,  to    Miss    Lydin,  daughter 

of  Isaac  Thompson,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of 
IClwood  Townslii|).  Mrs.  Pugh  was  born  in  Parke 
County,  Iiu).,  .March  7,  18.'!;').  and  of  her  union 
with  our  subject  there  were  I^mii  nine  children, 
eight  of  whom  arc  living.  John  .1..  the  eldest, 
married  Miss  Emily  Dillon,  and  lives  in  Prairie 
Township;  they  have  six  children — (Irace,  Ada, 
Bertha.  Charles,  Ella  :ind  Howard;  Ezra  K.  mar- 
ried Miss  Lilly  Thompson,  lives  in  Broadlaud, 
Ch.'inipaign  County,  and  two  children — Roscoe 
E.  and  May;  Paris  J.  married  Miss  Lucy  Iliberly, 
and  occupies  a  part  of  the  homestead;  they  have 
one  child — Mary  A.;  Isaac  M..  Monroe,  Howard, 
Jane  E.  and    Dolly  are  at  home  with  their   parents. 

The  Landed  possessions  of  Mr.  Pugh  aggregate 
350  acres,  largely  devoted  to  stock  purposes,  he 
making  a  specialty  of  graded  Short-horn  cattle  and 
Poland-China  swine.  .Since  reaching  his  majority 
he  has  been  a  prominent  man  in  his  community, 
and  has  held  the  office  of  School  Director  for  the 
long  period  of  forty  years.  He  officiated  as  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace  and  Township  Supervisor  one 
year,  and  was  Highwiy  Conuuissioner  several 
years.  He  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket, 
and  his  estimable  wife  is  a  member  of  the  Cumber- 
land Presbyterian  Church.  The  family  stands  sec- 
ond to  none  in  Vermilion  County. 

In  1832,  during  tlie  progress  of  the  Black  Hawk 
War,  a  man  bv  the  name  of  I.saac  Mardick  lived 
upon  the  same  section  as  Mr.  Pugh,  and  in  the 
month  of  June  was  jilowing  corn.  Another  man 
in  the  vicinity,  named  Laban  Dillon,  thinking  to 
have  some  sport,  dressed  himself  upas  an  Indian, 
took  a  gun  and  repaired  to  the  field  where  Mr. 
Mardick  was  at  work,  crawling  along  Indian 
fashion,  until  he  was  discovered  by  Mr.  Mardick. 
Then  he  rose  and  lifted  ids  gun,  as  if  to  fire,  when 
Mr.  ISIardick  ran  home  as  fast  as  his  legs  would 
carry  him,  leaving  his  horse  and  plow  in  the  field. 
Arriving  there  he  offered  another  man  a  colt  if  he 
would  go  and  bring  the  horse  to  the  house.  The 
stor3'  naturally  leaked  out.  and  Mr.  Mardick  became 
the  laughing-stock  of  the  neighborhood.  Many 
were  the  practical  jokes  played  in  those  times,  and 
each  one  was  made  the  most  of  in  the  absence  of 
the  amusements  and  recreations  of  more  enlightened 
times.     None  enjoyed  those   little  incidents  more 




than  Mr.  Pugli,  and  it  is  safe  to  .S'ly  that  he  eoii- 
tribatfd  Ills  share  to  the  general  stock.  He  has 
been  prospered  in  his  hibors.  and  now,  sitting  under 
his  on-n  vine  and  figtree,  feels  properly  that  he  has 
not  lived  in  vain.  He  has  endeavored  to  do  as  little 
harm  as  possible  in  the  world,  and  enjoys  the  con- 
fiilence  and  esteem  of  raan3'  friends. 


/p^EOROE  IIEILEMAN,  the  leading  carriage 
•II  manufacturer  of   Indianola,  is  a  skilled   me- 

^^1  t'hanie  of  ability,  active  and  enterprising 
as  a  business  man,  and  one  who  is  regarded  as  a 
most  useful  meraljer  of  society,  temperate,  peace- 
able and  law-abiding,  uniformly  upholding  the 
elements  which  form  the  basis  of  good  citizenship. 
lie  has  risen  from  an  humble  position  to  one  of 
prominence  and  intluencc  in  his  comnuuiity.  soci- 
ally and ;  and  for  a  period  of  seventeen 
vears  he  Ikis  been  engaged  in  his  present  business 
in  the  town  where  he  now  lives. 

I\Ii-.  Ileilenian  was  born  in  (iermantown,  a 
suburl)  of  Philadelphia,  Pa..  Aug.  22,  1847,  ami 
there  spent  tlie  days  of  his  childhood  and  youth. 
Mis  father,  John  lleilemau,  a  native  of  (Germany, 
was  a  blacksmith  by  trade  and  was  married  in  the 
Fatherland  to  JMiss  Anna  Barbara  .Shimi).  They 
lived  one  year  after  their  marriage  in  their  native 
province,  then  about  1843,  cro.ssed  the  Atlantic  with 
their  lirst  born  child — Katie,  and  settled  near  the 
City  of  Brotherly  Love,  where  the  household  cir- 
cle was  increased  by  the  birth  of  five  more  children, 
viz:  an  infant^  who  died  nnamed,  Michael,  George, 
our  subject,  Rose,  and  John. 

Michael  Heileman  served  four  years  in  the 
Union  Army  during  the  Civil  War  and  after- 
ward emigrated  to  Corsicana,  Tex.,  where  he 
engaged  as  a  harness-maker.  Rose  married  George 
Mebs,  a  carpenter  and  Imilder,  and  they  live  in 
Columbus,  Ohio;  John  is  a  blacksmith  by  trade 
and  also  a  resident  of  Columbus.  The  father  died 
in  middle  life  and  the  mother  was  left  in  straight- 
ene<l  circumstances,  being  obliged  to  part  with 
some  of  her  children.  Michael  and  George  were 
pla?ed  in  the  Northern  Home  for  friendless  chil- 

dren, where  the  l-iter  remained  four  years.  When 
nine  years  old  he  was  taken  into  the  home  of  James 
I).  Lawson,  of  Woodstown,  N.  J.,  to  whom  he  was 
bound  until  he  reached  his  majority.  He  only  stayed 
with  him  seven  years,  as  Mr.  Lawson  retired  from 
the  farm  and  re-bound  the  boy  to  a  carriage-maker 
of  Salem,  N.  J.  The  natural  inclinations  of  young 
Heileman  were  in  the  line  of  mechanics,  and  he 
never  found  greater  delight  than  in  using  tools. 
He  served  one  year  in  the  carriage-shop  and  then 
the  Civil  War  being  in  progress,  although  near  its 
close,  he  enlisted  April  9,  1865,  in  Company  K, 
215tli  Pennsylvania  Infantry,  for  one  year  and 
was   mustered   into  service  at  Camp  Cadwallader. 

This  regiment  left  at  once  for  Fairfax,  Va.,and 
was  uK^stly  afterward  employed  on  guard  duty 
around  ^Vashington,  and  Ft.  Delaware,  where  were 
imi)risoncd  5,000  rebels.  These  were  paroled  at 
the  close  of  the  vvar  and  our  subject  received  his 
hon(jrable  discharge,  Aug.  15,  1865,  when  less  than 
seventeen  years  old.  He  now  returned  to  his 
former  employer,  with  whom  he  remained  four 
years.  Next  we  find  him  in  ^\'illiamsporl.  Pa., 
employed  in  a  carriage  shop,  previous  to  this, 
he  had  made  the  acquaintance  o.f  T.  F.  Hewes, 
tlu'ough  whose  intluence  he  subsequently  came 
west  and  joined  Mr.  Hewes  in  Indianola  in  May, 
1872.  He  was  in  the  employ  of  Frank  ^Miller 
afterward  for  a  [)eriod  of  five  years,  then  engaged 
with  W.  T.  Butlei'  for  one  year,  and  in  1879  pur- 
chased the  shoii  standing  upon  the  site  of  that 
which  he  now  owns  and  occupies  and  which  was 
destroyed  by  fire  March  4,  1887. 

Mr.  Heileman  now  occupies  a  snug  brick  building, 
the  second  floor  of  which  is  used  as  a  public  hall 
and  the  reading  room  of  the  Modern  Woodmen 
Cami)  of  Indianola.  In  it  are  also  held  the  village 
and  township  meetings,  and  in  addition  it  is  used  as 
the  headquarters  of  the  Indianola  liuilding  and 
Loan  Association,  of  which  Mr.  Heileman  is  a  char- 
ter member  and  Treasurer.  In  the  Camp  above 
spoken  of  he  is  banker.  He  belongs  to  the  A.  F. 
&  A.  M.  fraternity,  being  Master  of  Vermilion 
Lodge  No.  265,  and  with  his  estimable  wife  be- 
longs to  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Our  subject  was  married  May  7,  1874.  to  Miss 
Emma  V,    McHaflie,    who  was  born  in  Indianola, 

s^->  -^ 



180  A. 
SEC.  30. 


heside:nce  of  john  sec.  3/..  sidell  t'p,   vermilion  CO. 


o  lo 

and  is  the  rlaughter  of  Dr.  J.  B.  IMi'IialHc  who  was 
one  of  the  first  physicians  of  tliis  placi;.  and  ooiu- 
mands  a  first-class  practice.  His  wife,  formerly 
Miss  Elizabeth  Kverhart,  is  a  native  of  (iermany, 
and  is  still  living,  being  sixty  fonr  years  old. 
They  have  four  children  surviving,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  Mary,  is  the  wife  of  William  Stark,  who  is 
searching  for  gold  in  the  mines  of  Q'olorado;  Eliza 
is  the  wife  of  Frank  Uaum  of  Carroll  Township; 
Andrew  is  at  home  with  his  mother. 

Mr.  and  Jlrs.  Hieleman  have  three  children — 
William  Howard,  Garnet,  and  Leonidas.  Mr.  Hiele- 
man is  serving  his  seventh  term  as  Township 
Clerk,  and  his  politics  will  readily  be  guessed  from 
the  fact  that  he  is  one  of  the  leading  u'embers  of 
the  Indianoia  Democratic  Chill.  He  is  also  Treas- 
urer of  the  .School  Board,  and  has  served  three 
terms  as  Clerk  of  the  Village  Board,  besides  one 
term  as  Trustee.  He  also  officiates  as  Treas- 
urer and  Secretary  of  the  Woodlawn  Cemetery 
Association,  being  on  the  socon<l  term  of  six  years. 
His  neat  and  comfortable  residence  is  pleasantly 
located  on  West  Main  street.  The  fact  that  he  is 
well  spoken  of  by  his  neighbors  and  his  fellow- 
townsmen,  is  ample  evidence  of  the  estimation  in 
whicli  he  is  helil  as  a   business  man  and  a  citizen. 

— -m^i- — 

<ifl'  OHN  TRLSLER.  It  is  usually  fair  to  judge 
of  a  man's  character  and  capacities  by  his 
surroundings,  and  we  would  thus  presume 
that  Mr.  Trisler  is  second  to  no  man  in  iiis 
townsiiip  as  a  farmer  and  business  man.  wiiile  he 
possesses  the  cultivated  tastes  which  have  led  him 
to  build  u))  one  of  the  most  attractive  homes 
within  its  limits.  Soon  after  settling  upon  the 
farm  which  he  now  occupies  lie  began  planning 
for  the  residence  which  he  contemplated  building, 
and  prepared  the  grounds  accordingly.  There 
now  stands  upon  them  an  elegant  twt)-story  resi- 
dence, in  the  niulst  of  a  grove  planted  by  the  pro- 
prietor fourteen  years  ago,  and  which  serves  to 
make  !i  delightful  shade  iu  summer  time,  while 
protecting  the  dwelling  from  the  bitter  blasts  of 
winter.     Interspersed  with  forest  trees   are  beauti- 

ful everureens,  while  the  buildings  and  appur- 
tenances adjoining  serve  to  complete  the  ideal 
country  estate. 

Mr.  Trisler  m.ay  most  properly  be  termed  a  self- 
made  man.  Having  been  tlirown  upon  his  own  re- 
sources at  an  earl}"  period  in  life,  he  has  worked  his 
way  up  by  steady'  jjcrseverance  ami  industry  to  a 
good  position,  socially  and  financially.  He  pays 
strict  attention  to  his  own  affairs,  is  rather  exclu- 
sive in  his  tastes  and  manner  of  llxlng.  and  is  well 
respected  in  his  community.  In  his  laliors  and 
worthy  ambitions  he  has  found  a  most  eflicieiit  as- 
sistant in  his  industrious,  business-like  and  capable 
wife,  who  has  done  her  share  towani  the  accumu- 
lation of  the  property  and  the  building  up  of  the 
homestead.  Mr.  Trisler  during  the  stormj'  days 
of  the  Rebellion  arrayed  himself  most  decidedly  on 
the  side  of  the  I'nion,  ami  no  man  was  more  re- 
joiced at  its  perpetuation  and  the  extinction  of 

Until  a  boy  of  eight  years  our  subject  spent  his 
early  life  iu  Maysville.  Ky.,  where  he  was  born 
Dec.  18,  1842.  Thence  his  parents  removed  to 
Illinois  about  1350,  making  the  journey  thither  by 
water  and  overland.  During  the  progress  of  this 
trip  the  boy  was  lost  iu  Cincinnati,  which  occa- 
sioned great  distress  to  his  parents  until  lliey 
found  hira.  Arriving  in  this  State,  the  family  lo- 
cated in  Coles  County,  where  our  subject  attended 
school  until  about  fourteen  years  old,  and  then  re- 
moved with  his  parents  to  this  county.  Here  he 
attended  scliool  in  Danville  for  two'years.  Later 
the  father  decided  to  take  up  his  residence  in  Cat- 
lin  Township,  and  .lolin  continued  a  member  of 
the  parental  household  until  it  was  disbanded.  In 
18(50.  He  had  begun  work  on  a  farm  when  a  boy 
of  seven  or  eight  years,  and  was  tlius  employed 
after  leaving  home. 

After  the  outbreak  of  the  (nil  War,  Mr.  Tris- 
ler, in  1862,  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Com- 
Company  A,  71st  Illinois  Infantry,  in  the  ninety- 
days'  service,  being  mustered  in  at  Springfield 
and  assigned  mostly  to  guard  duty  in  the  vicinity 
of  Columbus,  Ky.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  of 
enlistment,  he  was  discharged  at  Chicago,  but  in  the 
spring  of  1803  re-enlisted  with  tlie  100-day's  men, 
in  Company  E,  13.5th  Illinois  Infantry-.     The  com- 



.  pany  was  mustered  into  service  at  Mattooii,  whence 
they  proceeded  to  St.  Louis,  IMo.,  and  were  as- 
signed as  guard  to  prisoners,  after  wliich  lliey 
were  sent  to  Iron  Mountain.  The  second  time 
our  subject  was  dischargeil  at  Maltoon,  III..  tV)ur 
weeks  beyond  the  expiration  of  tlie  time  for  wliirh 
he  liad  enlisted. 

The  war  not  yet  being  ended,  our  suliject  for 
the  third  time  i)roffered  his  services,  this  time  for 
one  vear  or  during  tlie  war,  in  Company  K,  140th 
Illinois  Infantry.  He  was  mustered  in  at  Dan- 
ville, and,  going  to  the  front,  marched  through 
Oeoiyia,  Tennessee  and  Alabama.  In  18G2  he  had 
been  promoted  to  Corporal,  and  in  1864  received 
the  commission  of  Sergeant.  While  along  the 
^lississippi  he  suffered  from  jaundice,  from  which 
he  has  never  been  entirely  relieved  since.  He  was 
finally  discharged  at  the  close  of  the  war,  in  May, 
186,'),  at  Dalton,  Ga. 

After  retiring  from  the  army,  ."\Ir.  Trisler  re- 
turned to  C.atlin  Township,  this  county,  and  be- 
gan operating  on  rented  land.  On  the  Gth  of  Oc- 
tober, 1868,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Abbie  A. 
Douglas,  who  was  born  at  Stoughton,  Dane  Co., 
Wis.  In  due  time  our  subject  purchased  eighty 
acres  of  laml.  which  was  the  beginning  of  his  large 
farm,  now  endtraeing  300  acres.  He  has  made  of 
agriculture  an  art  and  a  scienc(!,  which  fact  accounts 
for  his  success.  Under  his  careful  management 
his  land  has  become  highly  productive,  while  he 
."vails  himself  of  modern  methods  and  the  latest 
improved  machinery  in  the  titling  of  the  soil.  He 
keeps  himself  well  posted  both  in  regard  to  agri- 
culture and  other  things  of  interest  to  the  broad 
and  liberal-minded  citizen,  and  is  consequently  en- 
abled to  operate  to  the  best  advantage  as  the  re- 
sult of  observation  and  experience.  The  house- 
liold  circle  includes  three  bright  children — Veron- 
ica T.,  Gushing  II.  and  John  Earl. 

Joseph  and  Elizabeth  (Wells)  Trisler,  the  i)ar- 
ents  of  our  subject,  were  natives  respectively  of 
Ohio  and  Kentucky,  and  were  n>arried  in  the  lat- 
ter State.  The  father  was  a  farmer  by  occupa- 
tion, and  came  with  his  family  to  Illinois  in  1850, 
settling  in  Coles  County.  The  father  is  still  liv- 
ing, at  the  age  of  seventy-three  years,  and  makes 
his   home   in    Milwaukee,  Wis.     The  mother    died 

April  28,  1855,  in  Coles  County.  Seven  of  their 
children  grew  to  mature  years:  William,  John 
(our  subject),  Sarah  E..  Mary  M.,  Robert,  Johanna 
and  Joseph. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Trisler  were  Cushing  and 
Clarissa  Ann  (Douglas)  Douglas,  the  father  born 
near  Bangor,  Me.,  and  the  mother  in  Indiana.  Her 
father  was  a  near  kinsman  to  Stepiien  A.  Douglas,  of 
Illinois,  and  followed  the  occupation  of  a  farmer. 
Thoy  were  residents  of  Adams  County,  Wis., 
twelve  3'ears,  and  from  there  came  to  this  count3', 
settling  in  Catlin  Township.  Later  in  life  they 
removed  to  Catlin  Milage,  where  they  now  live, 
the  father  being  sixty- five  and  the  mother  fifty- 
six  years  old.  Their  four  children  were  named 
respectively':  Abbie  Ann,  Hortensia,  Clara  I. 
(who  died  when  one  3ear  old)  and  Florence.  The 
second  mentioned  is  the  widow  of  Ed  Ruby.  She 
resides  in  New  Mexico,  and  has  one  child — Burda. 
Florence  married  Theodore  Terpening,  a  druggist 
of  Catlin,  and  the>-  have  four  children — Alax,  Don 
D.,  Pussy  P.  and  a  babe  unnamed.  Mrs.  Trisler 
was  a  girl  of  fifteen  jears  when  her  parents  settled 
in  Catlin  Township. 

Both  our  subject  and  his  excellent  wife  are 
members  in  good  standing  of  the  Cumljerland 
Presbyterian  Church,  to  which  they  have  alw.ays 
given  a  liberal  support,  especially  during  the  erec- 
tion of  the  church  edifice.  Mr.  Trisler  is  an  un- 
compromising Democrat,  politically,  and  has  served 
as  Director  in  the  school  district  three  years. 

A  fine  view  is  presented  elsewhere  in  this  work, 
of  the  pleasant  home  and  surroundings  of  Mr. 
Trisler,  where  he  lives  in  the  enjo3'ment  of  a  happy 
family-,  and  where  his  friends  are  ever  kindly  wel- 

■yfj  ACOB  FULTZ.  The  fine  farm  of  our  sub- 
ject, comprising  180  acres,  on  section  11, 
Gorgetown  Township,  is  a  standing  monu- 
ment to  his  intelligent  industry.  Mi-.  Fultz 
is  a  native  of  Indiana,  having  been  born  in  Eugene 
Township.  Vermillion  County,  of  that  .State.  Aug. 
17,  1830.  He  inherits  his  fine  constitution  from 
bis  mother,  whose  people  came  from  the   verdure- 



elad  sliores  of  In-laiid,  luintrini;'  with  Urmii  tlie  fiiic 
physique  for  which  the  natives  of  that  isle  are 
noted.  On  renchini;-  tliis  country  they  settled  in 
Virginia,  from  which  (ilace  our  subject's  mother. 
Miss  Nancy  (iivens,  came  to  I'arke  County,  Ind., 
while  yet  in  her  teens.  From  his  father's  side  Mr. 
Fnltz  inherited  liis  full  share  of  the  bountiful  sup- 
jil^'  of  brain  power  with  which  that  [larent  was  en- 
dowed. William  Fultz.  the  father  of  the  sul)ject 
of  this  notice,  was  a  native  of  the  (jld  Keystone 
State.  Ills  parents  having  come  to  Pennsylvania 
from  Germany.  While  a  mere  boy  the  family  turned 
their  faces  Westward  and  came  to  Ohio.  ( )u  reach- 
ing more  mature  years,  young  William  followed 
on  toward  the  setting  sun,  and  while  in  Parke 
County,  Inil..  met  and  married  his  auiiablc  wife. 
Although  Indians  were  plentiful  in  their  neighbor- 
hood, they  succeeded  in  esca|)ing  iui|>leasant  cour- 
tesies from  them.  In  lls-J(iMr.  and  Mrs.  William 
Fidtz  set  up  their  household  gods  in  Eugene  Town- 
ship, Vermillion  Co.,  Ind..  where  they  continued 
to  reside  until  death,  the  former  expiring  in  llS7(i, 
at  the  ripe  age  of  seventy-one,  and  the  latter  eight 
years  later,  in  1884,  after  having  traveled  life's 
rugged  pathway  for  three  years  longer  than  the 
alotted  time  of  three-score  years  and  ten,  being 
just  seventy-three  years  old.  Having  been 
bees  in  life's  hive  of  workers,  they  had  the  .satis- 
faction of  seeing  abundant  prosperity  crown  their 
efforts  before  they  crossed  the  river  trj  the  great 
beyond.  Nine  children  came  to  claim  their  care 
and  reward  their  affection,  as  follows:  Margaret, 
Jacob,  Isaac,  Mary,  Rebecca,  Martha,  William. 
John  and  Isabella. 

Jacob,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  commenced  his 
'school-life  at  the  usual  age  of  six  years,  attending 
school  the  three  winter  months,  while  the  rest  of 
the  year  was  devoted  to  work.  The  school-house 
that  the  children  of  that  district  attended  was  built 
mostly  of  buckeye  logs,  hewn  on  two  sides.  Slabs 
ami  planks  surrounding  the  fireplace,  in  the  center, 
formed  the  seats  of  the  youthful  seekers  after 
knowledge.  When  necessary  to  heat  the  building 
a  fire  was  built  and  the  smoke  coaxed  to  ascend 
outward  by  means  of  a  stick  and  mud  chimney,  all 
not  escaping  by  that  means  finding  ready  access 
to  the  outer  air  through  the  numerous  cracks  in  the 

walls.  .Vllhough  his  school  facilities  were  so  mea- 
ger, yet  he  there  laid  the  foundation  of  the  love  of 
learning  that  has  remained  with  him  until  the 
present  (bay,  making  him  an  .-lulhority  ••imonu-  his 
neighbors  on  many  disputed  points,  especially  in  his- 
tory, in  which  subject  a  naturally  good  memory, 
kept  in  constant  practice  by  abundant  ;iiid  judi- 
ciously selected  reading,  enables  him  to  keep  abreast 
of  the  times,  and  supplies  the  lack  he  might  other- 
wise feel  of  a  better  edncaliun  in  his  youth.  While 
on  a  visit  to  relatives  at  Springlield,  III.,  he  became 
acquainted  with  Joe.  Agey  and  Kd  Randal,  who 
engaged  him  to  drive  a  team  for  them  to  Kansas. 
Rorder-rnllianism  prevailed  in  that  region  in  those 
days,  which  S(»>n  disgusted  him,  and  he  returned 
lionu'.  remaining  until  September.  18G2.  at  which 
time  he  enlisted  in  Company  K..  71st  Indiana  In- 
fantry, for  three  years  or  during  the  war.  He  wiis 
mustered  into  the  service  at  Penny's  Mills,  Ind.. 
whence  they  w^ent  to  Terre  Haute  and  afterward  to 
Indianapolis,  at  each  of  which  places  they  weie 
drilled  preparatory  to  going  .South  for  active  ser- 
vice. At  the  battle  of  Ixichniond,  Ky.,  lu'  nobly 
sustained  his,  fighting  desperately  until  cap- 
lured  by  the  Confederates  under  the  renowned 
Kirby  Smith.  The  prisoners  were  parolled  .ami 
permitted  to  return  t<i  Terre  Haute,  where  they  re- 
mained until  exchanged.  He  was  then  assigned  to 
guard  duty  at  Indianapolis,  serving  faithfully 
through  the  winter  of  1802-63.  Owiiig  to  ex- 
posure while  there,  he  was  taken  ill  with  i)ncurn(jnia 
and  nearly  succumbed  to  its  attack;  but  in  the 
|)rovidence  of  Ood  he  rallied  sufficiently  to  get 
about,  although  he  was  not  able  to  do  anvthin" 
but  liglit  work  for  a  periotl  of  about  four  years. 
In  the  latter  part  of  A|)ril,  18(!;},  he  dischar"-ed 
on  account  of  [ihysical  disability,  having  been  in 
the  Pnited  States  service  a  year  lacking  five  days. 
Coming  home  he  operated  his  father's  farm  in  Eu- 
gene Township,  Vermillion  Co.,  Ind..  for  a  number 
of  years.  In  the  year  1  87.'i,  the  .'id  day  of  October, 
he  was  married  to  Miss  Louisa  Murrey.  This  lady 
had  an  eventful  experience  m  her  youthful  days. 
Being  born  in  New  Orleans  before  the  war,  and 
losing  her  mother  while  yet  a  cluld,  her  father  had 
her  conveyed  up  the  Mississipi)i  River  to  an  uncle 
and  aunt  living  in    Mississippi.     Being    I'nionists 



when  the  war  broke  out,  they  were  in  great  peril 
for  soinetiine,  but  succeeded  in  escaping  on  a 
steamer  coniinu  North.  Reaching  Eugene  Town- 
ship, the^-  settled  there,  and  in  that  pleasant  lo- 
cality the  amiable  Mrs.  Fullz  blossomed  into 
womanhood.  AVhile  living  there  she  made  the 
acquaintance  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and,  as 
before  stated,  was  united  in  marriage  with  him. 
In  the  spring  of  1874  they  came  to  their  present 
farm,  securing  at  first  sixty  acres,  which  formed 
the  nucleus  of  lln'ir  present  large  possession.  In 
politics  Mr.  Kultz  is  a  strong  protectionist,  agreeing 
in  that  respect  with  the  majority  of  the  Rejjublican 
[Kirty,  to  whicii  he  adheres. 

Believing  in  progress  as  he  does,  and  having 
such  a  high  regard  for  education,  his  neighbois 
have  shown  their  appreciation  of  his  merits  by 
electing  him  School  Trustee  of  the  townsl)ip,  a  |)0- 
sition  he  is  eminently  qualilied  to  fill.  Their  fam- 
il3'  has  been  increased  by  the  addition  of  seven 
children,  named  respectively:  John.  ;Mary  P>.,  Olive 
M..  Owen  Wendel,  Nancy,  Lola  M.  and  Carrie. 
Jacob  Fultz  is  one  of  the  best  known  men  in 
Georgetown  Township.  Being  endowed  by  nature 
with  a  good  judgment,  he  readily  distinguishes  in 
reading  between  meritorious  works  and  those  of 
little  or  no  intrinsic  worth.  His  happy  disposition 
makes  him  an  agieeable  companion  among  friends, 
while  his  generous  and  public-spirited  actions  com- 
mend him  to  progressive  citizens  everywhere.  Hav- 
ing a  profound  mind  as  well  as  a  retentive  memory, 
lie  has  escaped  the  misery  of  those  narrow-minded 
men  whose  ideas  all  run  in  one  groove,  and  instead 
enjoys  the  blessing  of  the  liberal-minded,  who  see 
good  in  many  places  where  inferior  intellects  see 
only  evil.  Being  fond  of  literature,  he  seldom  lets 
an  opportunity  pass  of  securing  a  good  book  when 
one  is  brought  to  his  notice.  He  enjoys,  more- 
over, that  great  boon,  a  good  home,  and  his  love 
for  his  family  and  honest  pride  in  their  well-being 
is  fully  returned,  his  children  not  only  holding  him 
in  affectionate  regai-d,  but  respecting  his  honest 
worth  as  well. 

Following  the  occupation  of  our  first  parents,  he 
does  not  disdain  to  use  his  intelligence  in  directing 
the  operations  of  his  farm,  but  uses  his  best  efforts 
to  pursuade  mother  Earth  to  yield  him  her  choicest 

treasures.  Any  one  wishing  to  know  "how  doth 
the  little  l)ns3'  bee,"  ma^^  easily  and  pleasantly  se- 
cure the  information  by  calling  on  Mr.  Fultz,  who 
will  be  delighted  to  give  them  an  object  lesson  on 
his  farm,  where  numbers  of  the  little  creatures 
••  iiniirove  the  shining  hours,"  to  his  profit  and  the 
visitor's  enlightenment.  A  generous  hospitalit3'  is 
extended  to  guests  by  Mr.  Fultz  and  his  estimable 
wife.  A  lithographic  view  of  their  home  appears 
elsewhere  in  this  volume. 


AVID  S.  DICKEN.  Here  and  there  we 
iV  find  an  individual  who  first  opened  his  eyes 
to  the  light  during  the  pioneer  days  of 
this  county,  and  practically  grew  up  with 
the  country.  The  early  impressions  which  those 
3'onlhs  received  were  such  as  would  naturally  de- 
velop within  them  health  and  strength,  both  of 
mind  and  body,  and  they  have  almost  without  ex- 
ception attained  to  a  worthy  and  vigorous  man- 
hooil.  The  subject  of  this  notice  was  at  an  early 
age  intrtxhiced  to  labor,  and  has  come  out  of  his 
struggle  with  the  world  with  a  competence  for  his 
old  age.  He  is  now  retired  from  the  active  duties 
of  life,  and  lives  comfortablj'  in  a  pleasant  home  at 
Ridge  Farm. 

Our  subject  was  born  on  section  1,  Elwood 
Township.  May  14,  1836,  and  is  the  son  of  John 
C.  Dicken,  deceased,  the  latter  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky. His  paternal  grandfather  was  born  in  Vir- 
ginia, and  coming  West  at  an  early  daj',  was  the 
third  settler  on  Coleman's  Prairie,  Vermillion  Co., 
Ind.,  to  which  Mr.  Coleman  and  one  Mr.  Hopkins 
had  preceded  him.  In  1832  he  came  to  this  county 
and  settled  in  F^lwood  Township.  The  maiden 
name  of  the  mother  was  Hannah  Golden,  daugiiter 
of  William  (lolden,  and  the  parental  househeld  in- 
(  hided  ten  children.  Of  these  onlj'  three  are  living 
— David  S.,  our  subject;  Julia  A.,  Mrs.  Burehett, 
of  Paris,  and  Susanna,  Mrs.  Porter,  of  Prairie 
Township,  Edgar  County. 

The  father  of  our  subject  removed  to  George- 
town in  the  spring  of  18.53,  and  to  the  Ridge  in 
the  following  fall.       He  put  up  a  store  and  carried 



on  general  inereliaiidising  several  years.  In  \x'i'i 
lie  went  to  Newman  arid  built  the  first  store  in  tiiat 
plaee.  He  sold  goods  there  two  years,  then  re- 
turned to  tiie  Ridge  and  died  in  tlie  early  part  of 
187.3.  The  mother  had  jiassed  to  her  liiial  in 

Mr.  Diciien.  oiir  subject,  attended  first  the  com- 
mon school.  In  tieorgetown  he  attended  a  High 
School,  which  was  considered  the  liest  institution  of 
the  kind  in  the  county.  Later  he  began  an  ap- 
prenticeship  at  harnes.-i-making.  which  ho  folk>wed 
sevei'al  years,  and  finall}'  estalilished  in  husinessfor 
himself,  conducting  a  large  trade.  During  the  pro- 
gress of  the  Civil  War,  and  soon  after  the  call  for 
three  years'  troops,  iie  enlisted  in  Company  A, 
■i.'ith  Illinois  Infantry,  in  .June,  18G1,  going  in  .as  a 
private.  Later  he  was  promoted  to  a  Sergeant,  but 
on  account  of  disaljilitv  was  obliged  to  accej)!  his 
honorable  discharge,  March  9,  1863. 

Mr.  Dicken  assisted  in  raising  C'onipanj'  E,  1  35tli 
Illinois  Infantry,  in  ^May.  186J.  for  the  100-days 
service.  He  was  elected  First  Lieutenant,  served 
out  his  time,  then  enlisted,  in  February.  18(1;").  in 
Company  E,  l.'iOlh  Illinois  Infantry.  While  at 
Camp  Butler  he  was  made  (Quartermaster  Sergeant, 
and  when  the  first  vacancy  occurred  was  made  Sec- 
ond Lieutenant  of  Company  F',  in  the  same  regi- 
ment. Subsequently  he  was  commissioned  First 
Lieutenant  of  Company  II,  136th  U.  S.  Colored 
Troops.  After  three  week's  service  he  was  elected 
Captain,  but  was  discharged  before  receiving  his 
commission.     He  now  draws  a  small  pension. 

Our  subject  was  appointed  to  the  Railway'  Postal 
Service  in  January,  1872,  first  on  the  Chicago, 
Danville  it  \'incennes,  then  transferred  to  the  Illi- 
nois Central  and  Rock  Island  Roads  mostly,  until 
sending  in  his  resignation  on  account  of  ill-health, 
Oct.  27,  1883.  He  was  first  assistant  at  the  post- 
office  in  Danville,  one  year  under  Mr.  Jewell, 
which  i)Osition  he  held  until  failing  health  compelled 
him  to  retire.  He  has  thus  been  about  seventeen 
years  in  the  United  States  service,  during  which 
time  he  discharged  his  duties  in  that  faithful  and 
conscientious  manner  which  made  for  him  many 

The  11th  of  September,  18.5'J,  witnessed  the  mar- 
riage of  our  subject  with  Miss  Ann  M.,  daughter  of 

William  Crawford,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of 
this  county,  and  now  deceased.  Of  this  union 
there  have  been  born  three  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  Ida  .M.,  mairied  Charles  E.  Cliesley,  of  Dan- 
ville, and  is  the  mother  of  two  children — Buelah  and 
F:(lna;  Etlie  R.  married  Dr.  1).  C.  Hinshaw,  of 
Ridge  Farm,  and  of  whom  a  sketch  appears  else- 
where in  this  volume;  Mark  L.,  the  youngest  of 
the  faniil\-.  makes  his  home  with  his  father.  The 
mother  of  these  children  departed  this  life  Apiil  3, 
1874.  Our  subject  contracted  a  seconil  marriage, 
M.ay  12.  18K6.  with  Mrs.  .Mary  F.  Little,  widow  of 
George  C.  Little,  and  daughter  of  Dudley  Mc- 
Clain  (deceased),  and  niece  of  Deacon  .Mien  Mc- 
Clain.  of  Uibana.  Mrs.  Dicken  had  one  chili!  lib- 
ber first  husliruid,  Lewis  McClain  Little.  She 
born  at  Old  Itlodinlield.  this  .Stati;,  and  is  a  lady 
l)rominent  in  her  community,  being  a  devout  mem- 
ber of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  a  busy  and  earnest 
Sund.ay-school  worker.  Mr.  Dicken  was  the  first 
Commander  of  the  (L  .V.  R.  Post  at  Ridge  Farm, 
and  is  still  connected  with  the  organization.  He  is 
widely  and  favorably  known  to  most  of  the  older 
residents  of  the  count\',  is  an  honest  man  :  nd 
good  citizen,  and  has  contiiliuled  his  full  share 
toward  the  development  of  her  must  important 



bENRY  C.  ELLIOTT,  Attorney-at-Law  and 
Notary  Public,  is  also  I'resident  of  the 
_.^^  Count3'  Hoard  of  Supervisors  and  makes 
f^j  his  home  and  head(|uarters  at  Ridge  F.arm. 
He  is  now  entering  upon  his  second  term  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Board,  and  is  fulfilling  the  duties  of  his 
position  in  a  manner  creditable  to  himself  and 
satisfactory  to  his  constituents.  He  is  very  [lopu- 
lar  among  his  fellow  citizens,  a  man  of  a  very 
bright  mind  and  more  than  ordin.arily  well  in- 
formed. lli>  aim  is  toexcel  in  whatever  he  under- 
takes, and  there  is  a  fair  prospect  of  bis  attaining 
to  his  best  ambitions. 

A  native  of  Wayne  County.  Ind,.  Mr.  Elliott 
was  born  .UiLC.  1,  1813.  and  is  the  son  of  Nathan 
Elliott,  a    native    of  South   Carolina    and    now  de- 



ceased.  The  family  left  the  South,  removing  to 
Indiana,  when  Heiiiy  C  was  a  small  boy.  They 
were  among  the  earliest  pioneers  of  that  region, 
settling  in  the  woods  when  Indians  and  wild  animals 
abounded.  The  mother  in  her  girlhood  was  Miss 
Naomi  Jlendenhall.  also  a  native  of  North  Caro- 
lina. Eight  children  were  born  to  the  parents, 
seven  of  whom  are  living  and  of  whom  Henry  C. 
is  the  eldest.  His  sister,  Annie  E.,  Mrs.  Rork,  is  a 
resident  of  Sullivan,  this  State.  Wesley  lives  at 
Pilot  Grove;  Alvin  makes  his  home  in  Cowley 
County,  Kan.;  Clayton  B.  lives  in  Elwood  Town- 
ship, this  county;  Mary  E.,  Mrs.  Stogsdill,  is  a 
resident  of  Spencer,  Iowa;  Delphia,  Mrs.  Lynch, 
resides  in  Ridge  Farm.  Prior  to  his  marriage  with 
the  motlier  of  onr  subject,  Nathan  Elliott  was 
married  to  Elizabetii  Maxwell,  and  to  them  there 
were  born  three  chihlien.  t^mly  oue  of  whom  is 
living — John,  of  Elwood  Township. 

The  Elliott  family  came  to  Elwood  Township  in 
18o5,  settling  one  and  one-half  miles  southwest  of 
Ridge  Farm,  wiiere  onr  subject  pursued  his  primary 
studies  in  the  district  school.  He  remained  a 
member  of  the  parental  household  until  the  out- 
break of  the  war,  then  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier 
in  Company  A,  71)tli  Illinois  Infantrj',  under  com- 
mand of  Col.  Buckner.  He  met  the  eneni}'  in 
battle  at  Rock  Face  Ridge.  Dandridge,  Resaca,  New 
Hope  Church,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Marietta,  Rose- 
ville,  Peai^h  Tree  Creek,  Atlanta,  Chattanooga  .and 
Nashville.  He  was  wounded  at  Atlanta  July  22, 
186-1,  hut  only  disabled  a  short  time,  and  remained 
with  his  regiment  until  the  close  of  the  war,  re- 
ceiving his  honorable  discharge  in  June,  1865. 

After  the  war  our  subject  returned  to  this  coun- 
ty, teaching  school  three  winters  thereafter  and 
farming  in  summer  until  1872.  Then,  repairing 
to  Danville,  he  entered  upon  a  regular  law  course, 
and  later  served  four  years  as  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
We  next  find  him  in  Newman,  Douglas  County, 
where  he  entered  upon  the  regular  practice  of  his 
profession,  and  remained  until  the  fall  of  1882. 
Afterward  he  spent  four  years  in  Menard  and 
Sangamon  counties,  principally  engaged  in  the  in- 
surance business.  He  returned  to  the  Ridge  in 
1886  and  continued  his  practice  with  excellent 
results.     lie  was   elected  Supervisor  in  the  spring 

of  1888.  and  re-elected  in  1889  with  little  or  no 
opposition.  He  discharges  the  duties  of  Chairman 
of  the  Board  with  dignity  and  excellent  judgment, 
and  has  ever  evinced  a  genuine  interest  in  the  wel- 
fare of  his  adopted  county.  While  teaching  in 
Edgar  County  he  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace 
two  years,  and  one  year  was  the  Tax  Collector  of 
Ross  Township. 

Mr.  Elliott  w-as  married  on  the  7tli  of  March, 
1867,  to  Miss  Rebecca,  daughter  of  Mills, 
one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  this  county  and 
now  deceased.  Five  of  the  jevcn  children  born 
of  this  union  are  living,  namely-:  Oliver  M.,  Annie 
I)..  Mary,  Flora  and  Blanche.  One  daughter,  Ora, 
was  taken  from  the  home  circle  l^y  death  when  a 
maiden  of  sixteen  yeais.  In  this  great  atliiction 
Mr.  ;uid  Mrs.  Elliott  were  given  the  deep  and 
and  heartfelt  sympathy  of  their  hosts  of  friends. 
Another  daughter,  Einil^-,  died  in  infancy;  Oliver 
is  in  the  employ  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad, 
with  headquarters  at  St.  Louis.  Mr.  and  .Airs. 
Elliott  are  memliers  of  the  Friends'  Cliurrh  at 
Ridge  Farm  and  our  subject  is  a  sound  Repulilican. 
Socially,  he  belongs  to  tlie  Modern  \\'oodmeii,  and 
as  an  ex-soldier  is  a  member  of  the  G.  A.  U. 


AMES  W.  FISK.  In  connection  with  the 
history  of  the  men  who  came  as  [lioneers  to 
this  county,  there  is  more  of  interest,  per- 
liaps,  than  can  be  centered  iii  any  otliei- 
period  of  its  existence;  and  they  who  looked  uiiou 
Central  Illinois  when  it  in  effect  a  wilderness, 
and  who  assisted  in  the  development  of  its  rich  re- 
sources, have  made  for  themselves  an  enduring 
name,  which  from  this  time  on  is  destined  to  be 
perpetuated,  for  the  people  of  to-day  realize  full}' 
the  importance  of  preserving  from  oblivion  the 
records,  which,  as  time  goes  on,  seem  to  increase 
rather  than  diminish  in  value. 

In  the  subject  of  this  notice  we  find  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  Ridge  Farm  (having  served  one 
term  as  President  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the 
Village,  and  one  term  as  a  member  of  that  body), 
and  at  present  a  successful   dealer    in    agricultural 



impleinents,  Iniggies,  carriages,  wagons  and  farm 
luacliiiiery.  The  earlier  years  of  his  life  were  filled 
in  with  arduous  labor,  during  which  time  hedevel- 
ojied  strength  of  musele,  and  those  cjiialities  of  mind 
which  have  made  him  one  of  the  most  reliahle  and 
substantial  men  of  his  community.  lie  was  born 
six  miles  north  of  Greencastle,  Putnam  Co.,  Ind., 
July  10,  1834,  and  is  the  son  of  Col.  James  Fisk, 
one  of  the  pioneers  of  that  county.  The  latter  is 
still  living,  and  is  now  eighty-four  years  old.  Ik- 
was  born  in  Virginia,  and  removed  to  Indiana  as 
earlv  as  \><2n.  His  father.  John  Fisk.  became  a 
resident  of  Montgomery  County-,  Ky.,  when  James 
was  a  boy,  and  settled  among  the  Indians,  whom 
he  often  met  in  bloody  contliet.  He  also  served  as 
1  soldier  in  the  Hevolutionarj'  Col.  .lames 
Fisk  married  Cassander  Frakes,  daughter  of  .lo- 
sepli  Frakes,  also  a  revolutionary'  soldier  and  a 
great  Indian  fighter.  The  men  of  this  branch  of 
the  Fisk  family  were  noted  for  their  courage  and 
daring,  having  been  engaged  in  every  one  of  our 
country's  wars,  and  the  women  for  their  virtue  and 
common  sense. 

James  W.  began  his  eilucation  in  a  siibscriii- 
tion  school  conducted  in  a  log  cabin,  the  seats 
made  of  split  logs,  the  floor  of  the  same,  and  tlie 
claiiboard  roof  held  to  its  place  with  knees  and 
weight  poles.  The  master  began  the  exercises  of 
the  day  by  administering  the  rod  to  those  l)oys 
whom  he  considered  needed  it  most,  and  among 
them,  young  Fisk  received  his  share.  After  coming 
to  this  State,  he  attended  a  more  advanced  school 
in  Paris,  in  185G.  and  made  his  home  in  Sims 
Township.  The  first  house  in  his  father's  neigh- 
boihood  whose  roof  constructed  without 
weight  poles,  was  the  dwelling  of  Joseph  Albln, 
and  the  roof  of  this  was  fastened  by  means  of 
gimlet  holes  witii  pins  driven  in,  and  consid- 
ered quite  stylish. 

In  1857,  starting  out  for  himself,  our  subject  re- 
paired to  Coles  County,  where  he  harvested  one 
crop.  He  then  took  up  his  resilience  in  Chirk 
County,  of  which  he  was  a  resident  until  Ai>iil. 
1884.  In  the  meantime,  during  the  progress  of 
the  Civil  War,  he  enlisted  in  Company  A,  38th 
Indiana  Infantry,  in  which  he  served  nine  months, 
mostly  as  wagon-master,  participating   in  some  of 

the  most  noted  battles  of  the  Rebellion,  and  in  the 
memorable  march  to  the  .sea.  In  May,  I8G5,  he 
received  a  sunstroke,  which  disabled  him  for  three 
months.  Altho\igh  iiot  being  cng.aged  in  active 
Ijattle,  he  .saw  much  of  the  hardships  and  priva- 
tions of  a  soldier's  life — enough  to  make  him,  like 
thousands  of  others,  long  for  the  return  of  pe.ace. 

Prior  to  entering  the  array.  Mr.  Fisk  was  mar- 
ried, .Ian.  25,  1858,  to  Miss  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of 
Kmanuel  and  Mary  .1.  Dodd.  This  lady  was  born 
in  Clark  County.  III.,  April  2,  I  HI,!,  and  they  bo- 
came  the  parents  of  four  children.  Of  liiese  but 
two  are  living — Robert  \V..  born  Nov.  7.  1858. 
and  James  E..  Sept.  21.1  H(i3.  James  E.  married  .Miss 
M.aggie  E.  Horner,  and  is  the  father  of  one  child, 
Earl  A.;  he  has  l)een  in  ill  health  for  the  past  three 
years,  but  is  at  present  City  Marshal  of  Ridge  Farm 
One  son,  Albert  S.,  died  Oct.  4,  1880.  when  a 
promising  young  man  of  twenty-  years.  Ilotli  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Fisk  are  members  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  and  formerly  attended  Wesley 
Clia]K'l  in  Clark  County. 

Emanuel  Dodd.  tlie  father  of  Mrs.  Fisk.  was 
born  near  Dayton,  Ohio,  Feb.  12,  181 G.  He  came 
with  his  parents,  when  a  iioy.  to  Clark  County,  this 
Slate,  they  settling,  in  IS.'iO,  on  a  tract  of  wild 
land  at  a  time  when  Indians  were  plentiful  and  wild 
animals — deer,  panthers  and  wolves — abounded. 
The  father  of  Mrs.  Fisk  carrieil  on  farming,  and 
later  conducted  a  hotel  in  Melrose  for  many  3'ears. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  was  Mary  .1. 
Wells.  Their  family  consisted  of  two  children 
only — Mrs.  Fisk,  and  licr  brother,  Frank,  who  is 
twenty  years  younger  than  she.  Mrs.  Fisk  became 
the  mother  of  two  children  before  her  brother, 
Frank,  was  liorii.  The  Latter  is  a  resident  of  Alel- 

Mrs.  Mary  .1.  (Wells)  Dodd  departed  this  life 
Dec.  31,  1880,  and  the  father  of  .Mrs.  Fisk  died 
June  i),  1884.  Mrs.  Fisk  h.ns  been  the  true  pioneer 
wife  and  mother  in  every  sense  of  the  word,  and 
has  done  a  great  deal  of  hard  work  in  her  time. 
During  the  absence  of  her  husband  in  the  army, 
she  plowed  with  oxen,  planted  corn  with  her  own 
hands,  .and  performed  all  kinds  of  a  man's  labor 
with  the  e.xce|)tion  of  making  rails  and  cradling 
wheat.     In  the  meantime  she  exerted  herself  in  the 



education  of  her  children,  and  bestowed  upon 
them  that  careful,  niotherl}-  training  wliieli  no  con- 
scientious woman  is  willing  to  disjjense  with.  She 
deserves  special  mention  among  those  whose  names 
are  honoralily  recorded  in  this  volume. 

I  IVILLIAM  II.  MILLS.  The  farming  com- 
\oJ/!  munity  of  Carroll  Township  is  composed 
^^  of  a  large  number  of  more  than  ordinarily 
intelligent  and  progressive  men,  and  among  them 
may  be  numbered  Mr.  Mills,  who  evidently  has  the 
proper  conception  of  life  in  the  country  and  the 
advantages  to  be  derived  therefrom,  as  a  moans  of 
expanding  the  mind,  the  tastes  and  the  intellect. 
While  an  excellent  business  man  and  prosperous  in 
tne  accumulation  of  this  world's  goods,  he  does  not 
place  the  acquisition  of  money  above  all  other  things 
but  gives  due  attention  to  those  matters  which 
nourish  the  affections,  enlarge  the  understanding 
and  enter  into  tlie  home  life,  making  it  beantifnl 
and  the  condition  most  to  be  desired  on  earth.  In 
his  worthy  ambitious  and  his  cultivated  tastes,  Mr. 
Mills  has  a  most  ardent  symp.athizer  and  hel|)er  in 
the  person  of  his  amiable  and  accomplished  wife, 
who  has  illustrated  in  a  marked  manner  the  influ- 
ence which  a  woman  may  have  in  the  construction 
of  a  home  and  the  happiness  of  a  family.  The 
Mills  farm  in  all  its  appointments  very  nearly  ap 
proaches  the  ideal  country  estate,  set  in  the  midst 
of  peace  and  plenty  and  with  the  surroundings 
which  are  so  delightful  to  contera4)late. 

Our  subject,  a  native  of  this  county,  was  born 
in  Elwood  Township  Feb.  18,  1843,  and  spent  his 
boyhood  days  at  the  old  Mills  homestead.  He  was 
at  an  early  age  trained  to  habits  of  industry  and 
while  i)ursuing  his  studies  in  the  district  school, 
likewise  jjursued  an  excellent  course  of  reading  at 
home  under  the  instruction  of  his  excellent  mother, 
the  father  having  died  when  he  was  a  small  child. 
He  and  his  brother  Richard,  at  the  ages  of  twelve 
and  ten  years  respectively,  practically  assumed  the 
management  of  the  farm  and  a  few  years  later  en- 
gaged successfully  in  the  live-stock  business,  send- 
ing annually  to  market  large  numbers  of  fat  cattle. 

Mr.  Mills  and  his  brother  have  worked  and 
farmed  together  since  boyhood  and  still  continue 
in  partnership.  They  have  been  phenomenally 
successful  and  are  numbered  among  the  substantial 
and  influential  men  of  the  countj'.  In  addition  to 
general  farming  and  cattle-raising,  they  are  distin- 
guishing themselves  as  skillful  breeders  of  Clydes- 
dale horses  and  are  able  to  exhibit  some  very  fine 
and  valuable  animals.  William  H.,  in  1879  wiis 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Anna  Woodyard,  who 
was  born  in  Wirt  County-  (now  West)  Virginia, 
Dec.  2.'5,  1849.  Her  parents  were  Louis  and  Cath- 
erine (Wiseman)  Woodyard,  also  natives  of  the  ( )ld 
Dominion,  and  who  came  to  Illinois  in  April,  1865, 
st(i[)ping  in  Paris,  Edgar  County,  two  weeks.  Upon 
the  day  of  Lincoln's  assassination  (ley  removed  to 
the  farm  which  thev  now  own  and  occupy  in  Ross 
Township,  that  oountj-.  'Jlieir  eleven  children 
were  all  born  in  Virginia.  The  eldest  son,  William, 
is  still  living  there  and  occupied  as  a  merchant,  in 
Spencer;  he  has  been  jjrominent  in  politics  and  is 
a  member  of  the  State  Senate.  Harriet  is  the 
widow  of  Senator  Alfred  Foster  of  West  Virginia, 
and  makes  her  home  with  her  father  in  Ross  Town- 
shi}).  Kdgar  County.  Senator  Foster  came  to  Illi- 
nois about  1867,  and  died  here  some  few  years 
later.  Caleb  is  one  of  the  leailing  farmers  of  Ross 
Township;  James  owns  a  farm  and  resides  near 
Parsons,  Kan.;  Mary  is  the  wife  of  Abe  Pribble  of 
Prairie  Township.  Edgar  Count}-;  Isaac  is  farming 
in  Ross  Township,  that  county;  John  is  a  grain 
buj'er  of  AVoodyard  Station  and  makes  his  home 
with  his  parents;  Frank  is  farming  in  Prairie 
Township;  Emma  is  the  wife  of  Luuis  Riffe,  a  dry- 
goods  merchant  of  Craig,  Mo. 

Mrs.  Mills  was  a  young  girl  of  fifteen  years 
when  her  jiarents  came  to  Illinois,  her  life  i)rior  to 
this  time  having  been  spent  among  the  mountains 
of  her  native  State.  She  attended  school  quite 
steadily  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion,  and 
was  a  i)n|iil  in  the  district  school  after  coming  to 
this  State.  She  remained  a  member  of  her  father's 
household  until  her  marriage.  Afterward  Mr. 
Mills  and  his  wife  took  up  their  abode  at  their 
present  homestead,  the  old  Holiday  farm  which 
Mr.  Mills  purchased  prior  to  his  marriage  and 
which   comprises  a  little  over  241   acres   of   land. 





'I'lic  two  brothel's  arc  the  proprietors  togetlier  of 
70(1  acros  and  operate  luuler  tlic  firm  name  of  R. 
&   W.  H.  Mills. 

To  our  subject  and  liis  cstiuialilc  wife  tlicic  has 
been  born  one  ciiihl,  a  daughter.  ISlaiiche,  .liily  SO, 
1880.  Politically.  Mr.  Mills  aniliates  with  the  Re- 
iniblican  party.  He  is  the  luonounced  friend  of 
education  and  donated  ig'JOil  to  the  \'crinilion 
Grove  Academy.  His  father,  .lohn  JM.  Mills,  was 
born  in  Knox  Count}',  Tenn..  and  came  to  Illinois 
with  his  parents  when  a  boy  of  five  or  six  years. 
He  was  the  son  of  John  and  Charity  (Mendenhall) 
Mills  who  emigrated  from  Tennessee  at  an  early 
day.  settling  in  this  county  when  Indians  and  wild 
animals  were  plentiful.  He  chose  fanning  for  his 
vocation  and  when  reaching  man's  estate  was  mar 
ried  to  iSIiss  Elizabeth  Mendenhall.  They  became 
the  parents  of  three  children,  the  eldest  of  whom  is  j 
a  daughter,  .lane,  who  is  now  Mrs.  Maddock  and  a 
resident  of  Bloomingdale,  Ind.  The  otliers  were 
Richard  and  William  IL,  our  subject. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Mendenhall)  Mills  was  born 
near  Xenia.  Greene  Co.,  (Jhio,  and  is  now  an  in- 
telligent old  lady  of  seventy-two  years.  She  makes 
her  liome  with  Richard,  her  son.  The  wife  of  our 
subject  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church. 




^^  HARLES  S.  YOUNG,  a  prominent  citizen 
'If  ^^  of  Voiinilion  Count\-  and  one  of  its  leading 
^^?'  agriculturists,  is  distinguished  as  having 
been  one  of  the  very  early  settlers  of  the 
Coming  here  in  1829,  he  has  not  only  witnesscil 
almost  its  entire  growth,  but  has  been  an  iniportait 
factor  in  liringing  it  to  its  present  high  conditii.n 
as  a  wealthy  and  tlourishing  community.  Heo\^ns 
not  less  than  twenty-five  farms  within  the  limits  of 
Vermillion  Count}',  and  cultivates  a  large  number 
of  acres  from  which  he  derives  a  fine  income. 
His  home  for  many  j'ears  has  been  on  his  estate  on 
section  21,  Newell  Townshij),  where  he  has  erecteil 
a  substantial  and  roomy  set  of  buildings,  includ- 
ing a  handsome  residence,  second  to  none  in  tlic 
township  in  lieaiity  of  arciiitecture  and  lU'at  appoint- 

ments. Mr.  Young  is  literally  a  self-made  man,  .is 
he  began  life  without  any  means,  and  when  he 
came  here  he  had  only  an  eagle,  a  half  dollar  and 
twenty-live  cents  in  his  pocket.  That  small  sum 
of  money  hamlled  judiciousi}'  proved  the  nucleus 
of  a  fortune  in  his  hands,  and  to-d.ay  ho  stands 
among  tho  richest  men  in  this  locality. 

Our  subject  is  a  Kentuukian  by  birth,  born  in 
Woodford  County,  Sept.  l(i,  1809,  the  second  of 
five  children  of  .lames  and  Lucinda  (Baldwin) 
Young,  the  former  a  native  of  Woodford  County. 
Ky.,  and  the  latter  of  Culi)eper  Court  House,  \'a. 
They  married  and  settled  in  AYoodford  County. 
K}-.,  where  they  spent  their  entire  wedded  life. 
He  died  in  Harrison,  and  then  she  came  to  \'er- 
milion  County  and  made  her  home  with  our  subject 
till  death  called  her  hence.  Charles  Y'oung,  of  this 
sketch,  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native  county, 
living  there  until  he  was  nineteen  years  old.  He 
married  there,  and  in  1829,  coining  to  Vermilion 
County,  settled  in  Newell  Township  on  the  1  1th 
da}'  of  October,  sixty  years  ago.  He  purchased 
eighty  acres  of  wild  prairie  land  three  miles  south 
of  his  present  residence,  and  lived  there  for  many 
years.  In  1857  he  purchased  the  property  wliich 
has  ever  since  been  his  home.  He  has  met  with 
more  than  usual  success,  as  before  noted.  He  has 
engaged  largely  in  agricultural  pursuits  and  in 
stock-raising,  has  bought  and  sold  all  kinds  of 
stock,  and  has  driven  horses  to  the  Cincinnati, 
Chicago,  Racine  and  Milwaukee  markets.  During 
the  Mexican  war  he  was  oi)erating  in  Cincinnati, 
and  has  been  extraordinarily  successful  in  all  his 
enterprises.  Ho  has  been  connected  with  numer- 
ous transactions  involving  large  amounts  of  money, 
although  he  has  never  signed  his  name  to  anything 
in  his  life. 

January  14,  1829,  Mr.  Young's  marriage  with 
Elizabeth  Leonard  was  duly  solemnized  in  Har- 
lison  County,  Ky.  She  was  born  in  that  county 
.lanuary  27,  1810,  and  her  death  occurred  in  this 
county  Xovember  21,  1871  after  a  happy  wedded 
life  of  more  than  forty-two  years.  She  was  a 
pleasant,  kind  hearted  woman,  a  sincere  Christian, 
and  a  valued  member  of  the  Methodist  l'4)isco|)al 
Church,  and  always  took  a  great  interest  in  all 
religious  matters.     To  her  and  her  husband  were 



born  nine  children,  six  daughters  and  three  sons, 

(if  whiim  the  following  is  recorded:  i\LTry  E.  is 
llic  wife  of  Milton  Iless;  is  the  wife  of 
Franklin  Stevens;  Martha  J.  is  tlie  wife  of  .Tolm 
Huffman;  Cindica  is  the  wife  of  George  Claypool ; 
Noah  married  Mary  Cunningliani ;  Samantlia  is  the 
wife  of  Andrew  Huffman;  Leonard  married  Mary 
J.  Chandler,  and  died  in  Vermilion  County,  JIarcli 
9,  1871;  James  L.  married  JNIiss  Nancy  Silve.y, 
who  died,  and  he  afterward  married  Miss  Elizabetli 
Norris;  Matilda  C.  married  Dean  Tomlinson,  and 
died  in  Vermilion  County,  Feljruary,  22,  18S9. 

In  this  lirief  life-record  of  our  subject  it  will 
be  seen  that  he  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary- 
sagacity,  foresight,  and  shrewd  business  ability. 
He  has  led  an  honorable,  upright  life,  has  wronged 
no  one  in  his  many  extensive  dealings,  and  has 
gained  a  good  name  .as  well  as  riches,  his  word 
being  as  good  as  a  Ijond  wherever  lie  is  known. 
He  is  interested  in  the  political  situations  of  the 
day,  and  is  a  stanch  Democrat  of  the  Jacksonian 
type.  A  portrait  of  Mr.  Young  appears  elsewhere 
in  this  work. 


W  EVI  HENRY  GRAVES,  belongs  to  one  of 
J  (^  the  pioneer  families,  being  the  son  of  James 
-J'— ^\s  and  Margaret  (Blackburn)  Graves,  and  was 
born  I'^eb.  25,  1827,  at  the  village  of  Millersbnrg, 
Ky.,  where  his  father  was  occupied  as  a  cabinet- 
maker. Tlie  family  came  to  Illinois  in  Septem- 
ber, 1828,  battled  with  the  elements  of  life  on  the 
frontier,  and  made  for  themselves  an  admirable 
record  as  members  of  a  settlement  struggling  for 
recognition  and  destined  to  form  the  nucleus  of  one 
of  the  most  intelligent  communities  of  the  great 

James  Graves  and  his  excellent  wife  were  natives 
respectively  of  Mercer  and  Clark  counties,  Ky. 
TIk;  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  a  na- 
tive of  Scotland  and  crossed  the  Atlantic  in  time 
to  assist  in  the  earl}'  settlement  of  Mercer  County. 
He  was  married  and  reared  a  family  and  his  son 
James,  the  father  of  onr  subject,  signalized  himself 
as  a  soldier  in  the  Wai'  of  I  ,SI2,  fighting  undei-  Gen. 
Harrison  on  the  Iviver  Thames,  in  Canada,  and  be- 

coming a  personal  friend  of  the  hero  of  Tippeca- 
noe. He  was  married  in  Clark  Count}',  Ky., 
whither  his  father  had  removed  during  his  boy- 

James  Graves  followed  cabinet-making  about 
twelve  years  after  coming  to  Illinois.  He  m.ade 
his  first  trip  to  the  State  in  company  with  Isaac  San- 
dusky and  they  both  took  up  land  in  Vermilion 
County,  about  one-half  mile  from  each  other.  In 
1828  they  lirought  their  families  here,  settling  in 
their  new  liomes  in  Octoljer  of  that  year.  Mr. 
(iraves  prospered  in  his  undertaking  and  became 
the  owner  of  400  acres  of  land  in  what  is  now 
Georgetown  Township.  He  departed  this  life  in 
1857  at  the  age  of  sixty-seven  years.  The  mother 
survived  her  husband  thirty  years,  remaining  a 
widow  and  |)assing  away  in  1887  at  the  advanced 
age  of  ninety-three  years.  They  brought  with  them 
seven  children  from  the  Blue  Grass  Slate  and  four 
more  were  added  to  the  family  circle  after  they 
became  residents  of  Illinois.  The  eleven  were 
named  respectively:  (ireenville  H.,  Evaline,  Or- 
ville  S.,  Cerelda,  Joseph  B.  and  James  L.,  twins, 
and  Levi  Henry;  all  these  were  born  in  Kentucky. 
The  others  were:  Mary,  who  died  at  the  age  of 
five  or  six  years;  Franklin,  IMelvina,  and  John  L., 
natives  of  Illinois. 

The  father  of  our  subject  practically  abandoned 
his  trade  after  coming  to  Illinois  and  turned  his 
attention  to  farming.  Levi  H.,  our  subject,  was 
brought  here  an  infant  at  a  time  when  deer  and 
other  wild  game  were  plentiful  and  when  the  set- 
tlers still  felt  insecure  from  the  Indians.  On  the 
prairie  the  grass  grew  higlier  than  the  back  of  an 
oi'dinary  horse.  Fever  and  ague  added  to  the 
other  discouragements  encountering  the  pioneers, 
but  they  were  made  of  stern  stuff  and  there  were 
Tint  few  who  withdrew  from  the  contest  and  souoht 
their  old  homes  in  the  East.  All  the  Graves' 
children  were  required  to  make  themselves  useful 
around  the  homestead,  and  our  subject  when  but  a 
lad  commenced  breaking  prairie  with  the  old-fash- 
ioned "Kerry"  plow  and  cut  grain  with  the  reaping 
hook  or  sickle.  The  introduction  of  the  cradle 
which  he  remembers  well,  was  looked  upon  as  a  re- 
markable inxention.  the  popular  opinion  at 
that  time  that  [iiairie  land  was  of  little  value  so  the 


people  settled  in  tlie  timber  from  wiiicli  tliey 
eleaied  the  trees  and  cultivated  the  soil.  Verj' 
little  wheat  was  used  duriug  tlie  first  few  years,  and 
tlie  corn  was  ground  in  a  mill  uf  very  primitive 
construetion  and  operaterl  by   horse  power. 

Our  subject  reni.nined  at  homo  with  his  parents 
until  tvventy-three  years  old.  but  in  the  meantime 
had  been  planning  for  an  establishment  of  his  own. 
On  tiie  2 1st  of  Feburary,  18.30,  he  was  iniited  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Matilda,  daughter  of  .John  and 
Mary  (Medscor)  Cook,  of  Fulton  County,  to  which 
they  had  emigrated  fi'om  Ohio.  Mrs.  Graves  was 
liorn  in  Brown  County,  Ohio,  and  was  a  young- 
lady  when  coming  to  Illinois  with  her  parents. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  ^Irs.  (Waves  settled 
upon  a  little  farm  of  forty  acres  in  Vermilion 
County,  which  formed  the  nucleus  of  their  [present 
homestead,  upon  which  they  have  .since  lived  with 
the  exception  of  three  years  which  .Air.  (i raves 
spent  in  improving  a  farm  in  Bureau  County,  111. 
Of  this  marriage  there  were  liorn  four  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom  a  daughter,  Olive  A.,  married  David 
E.  Moore,  and  lives  in  Montgomery  County,  Kan., 
and  is  the  mother  of  nine  cliildren — Milton  A., 
Levi  H.,  Matilda.  Lydia  A.,  George  W..  James  A., 
JIary  D.,  Hannah  L.  and  Daisy;  Mary  JI.  married 
JNIilton  Ashby  of  the  above  mentioned  county  and 
is  the  mother  of  four  children — Lillie  N..  .James 
L.,  Alva  M.,  and  Maud  M.;  Amanda  M.  married 
.Samuel  O'Niel,  of  Montgomery  County,  Kan.,  and 
has  two  children — ^Minnie  J>.  and  (iertudc.  .James 
died  when  two  years  old.  The  mother  of  these 
children  passed  from  eartli  in  18.j',». 

Mr.  Graves  contracted  a  second  marriage  in  1  Ml  1 
with  Mrs.  Luciuda  (Bayless)  Chandler,  daughter  of 
.Sanuiel  Bayless.  Her  father  and  mother  v/eic 
natives  of  the  Blue  Grass  State,  where  she  li\i'd 
until  her  first  marriage,  of  which  there  was  bor.i 
one  child,  a  daughter,  Mary  Alice.  Of  her  union 
with  our  suljject  there  are  four  ehihlren — ^lartha 
B.,  Lou  A.  and  Emma  S.,  twins,  and  i^etta.  Martha 
married  Luther  A.  Clingan,  a  resident  of  Cicor^e- 
town  'i'ownship.  and  they  have  two  children  — 
Blanche  and  Herschell;  Lou  became  the  wife  of 
Dennis  Clinan  and  is  a  resident  of  Catlin  Town- 
ship; they  have  no  children;  Emma  S.  and  Letla 
are  at   home  with   their  parents.     The    farm   com- 

prises 340  acres  of  prime  land  upon  which  Mr. 
(;raves  has  labored  industriously  for  years  and  de- 
veloped its  best  resources.  He  has  labored  early 
and  late  and  for  the  first  few  years,  before  the  ad- 
vent of  the  mower  and  reaper,  swung  the  cradle  in 
the  harvest  field  and  farmed  amid  the  other  dilli- 
cidties  and  disadvantages  (jf  that  time.  He  is  a 
strong  temperance  advocate  and  in  politics  a 
warm  supporter  of  the  Republican  party.  He  cast 
his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Henry  Clay,  being  a 
AVhig  until  the  abandonment  of  the  old  party  and 
totall3'  oppo.sed  to  the  institution  of  slavery.  He 
and  his  wife  and  their  daughters  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church,  in  wliich 
iMr.  Graves  ofliciates  as  Eldi-r. 


OIIN  BROOKS.  The  names  Brooks  and 
Brooks  Point,  bring  back  recollections  of 
early  days  to  all  of  the  older  settlers  in  the 
!JJ  southeastern  \y.ut  of  this  county.  Benja- 
min Brooks,  father  of  the  subject  of  this  notice, 
came  to  this  region  in  the  fall  of  1821.  The 
mother,  Matilda  (Manville)  Brooks,  was  a  native 
of  Madison,  Ind.,  and  came  to  this  county  from 
Jefferson  County.  Ind.  They  were  married  in 
Indiana.  The  father  was  a  millwright  by  trade 
and  died  from  the  effects  of  ague,  while  i)uildiiig  a 
mill  on  Sugar  Creek.  He  left  a  widow  with  five 
chiltlren,  and  another  child  was  born  after  his 
death.  The  second  child,  David,  died  in  infanc}'. 
The  others  were  named  respectively:  Benjamin, 
l\)lly,  .Sarah,  John  and  Lucinda.  The  mother  was 
married  a  second  time  and  there  were  born  five 
more  children;  of  this  family-  six  are  living  and 
located  mostl}*  in  Illinois. 

John  Brooks  was  born  March,  20,  1824.  in  A'er- 
luilion  County,  111.  Tpon  the  sec(jnd  marriage  of 
his  mother  he  left  home  and  thereafter  "paddled 
his  own  canoe."  When  about  thirteen  years  old 
he  became  a  member  of  the  family  tif  John  Black, 
an  old  Kentuckian  and  [Moneer  and  remained  with 
him  seven  ^ears.  Like  Jacob  of  old,  he  worked 
these  seven  j^ears  for  a  daughter  of  .Mr.  ISlaek,  Miss 
Louisa  T.,  to   whom  he  was  married    in    1  8;57.   and 



afterward  settled  near  Brooks  Point,  which  was 
named  after  his  father.  This  marriage  resulted  in 
the  birth  of  eight  children,  the  eldest  of  whom, 
Tilda  J.,  became  the  wife  of  Thomas  W.  lilak- 
eney,  who  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this  work, 
and  tliey  live  in  Westville;  Belle  became  the  wife 
oi  John  Nicholas,  a  railroad  man  of  Westville,  and 
they  have  six  children — Ed,  Lou,  Bert,  Ella,  Dycie, 
and  Oney;  John  P.,  married  Miss  Josie  Cunning- 
ham and  is  farming  in  Catlin  Township,  they  have 
three  children — Clara,  Bobbie  and  Elsie;  Robert 
L.  is  farming  in  Dakota,  he  married  Miss  Saloma 
Dukes;  they  have  three  children — Ethel,  C03-,  and 
Osa;  Martha  became  the  wife  of  Charles  Snook,  a 
farmer  of  Dakota  and  they  have  four  children — 
Chester,  Ada,  Ray,  and  John  Franklin;  Benjamin 
Franklin,  Rosella  G.,  and  JSarali  E.  are  living 
with  their  father. 

Mr.  Brooks  is  supposed  to  be  the  oldest  pioneer 
in  Georgetown  Township,  if  not  in  the  county, 
having  come  here  as  early  as  1821.  He  saw  the 
face  of  the  country  when  it  was  a  wild,  uncultivated 
prairie  abounding  with  wild  .animals,  when  deer 
wore  plentiful  and  when  the  cabins  of  the  settlers 
were  few  and  far  between.  He  has  been  a  privi- 
ledged  witness  of  the  great  change,  which  has  trans- 
formed the  wilderness  into  cultivated  farms  and 
prosperous  villages,  and  has  arisen  from  a  humble 
position  in  life  to  tliat  well-to-do  citizen,  the 
owner  of  two  good  farms,  one  in  Georgetown  and 
one  in  Catlin  Township.  Upon  becoming  a  voting 
citizen  he  identified  himself  with  the  old  Whig 
party,  remaining  with  it  until  its  abandonment  in 
1S56,  then  cast  his  lot  with  the  Republicans.  This 
partj'  has  his  warmest  support  and  he  keeps  himself 
well  posted  upon  currrent  events.  He  is  a  man  of 
decided  ideas  and  one  justly  proud  f)f  iiis  pioneer- 

\f/_^  ENRY  FLETCHER.  The  farmers  of  this 
I   day  read  a  great  deal  of    literature  pertain- 

,  (>^'    ing   to   their    calling   and    they  digest    it. 

(^  The  time  has  gone  by  when  agriculturists 
scolf  at  what  has  been  i)opularly  called  "  book 
farming."  The  farmer  who  reads  the  most  and  who 

heeds  what  he  reads,  is  invariably  the  man  who  suc- 
ceeds the  best  in  his  vocation.  Natural  intelligence 
can  be  largely  supplemented  by  judicious  reading. 
One  of  the  men  who  has  brought  a  great  deal  of 
intelligence  to  bear  upon  his  business  is  the  person 
whose  name  initiates  this  sketch.  He  never  omits 
to  do  an3'thing  that  will  forward  his  interests,  and 
his  information  in  this  respect  is  gleaned  by  copi- 
ous reading. 

Henry  Fletcher  is  one  of  the  most  prosperous 
and  intelligent  farmers  of  this  county.  He  owns 
and  operates  a  large  farm  on  section  32  in  Elwood 
Township.  He  is  a  native  of  this  county,  having 
been  born  at  Vermilion  Grove,  Oct.  28,  1839. 
John  Fletcher,  his  father  (whose  biography  appears 
elsewhere  in  this  work),  removed  to  a  farm  which 
his  son  Henry  now  owns,  in  March,  1840.  Henry 
received  a  common  school  education,  which  was 
finished  .at  the  Bloomingdale  Academy,  under 
Prof.  Hobbs.  He  was  always  desirous  of  attaining 
a  good  education,  and  consequently  was  studiously 
inclined.  This  desire  bore  fruit,  and  therefore  Mr. 
Fletcher  is  in  possession  of  a  good  common-sense 
education.  Onthel4tliof  March,  1861,  he  mar- 
ried Mahala  Ilaworth,  daughter  of  Eh  Haworth, 
an  early  settler  of  this  county.  She  was  born  in 
Georgetown,  this  county,  Oct.  15,  1842,  and  re- 
ceived her  education  at  the  public  schools.  She  is 
the  mother  of  eight  children,  six  of  whom  are  liv- 
ing: John.  Albert  I.,  Marcus  S.,  William  R.,  Lydia 
R.  and  Ola  M.;  John  married  Grace  Butler,  and 
they  are  living  near  Hildreth,  111.,  with  their  three 
children,  Henry,  Howard  and  Charlie  H.;  Albert 
married  Belle  Newlin;  he  is  living  with  his  father, 
working  on  the  old  homestead. 

Mr.  Fletcher  owns  one  of  the  best  farms  in  Ver- 
milion County,  everything  considered.  It  consists 
of  333  acres  and  is  all  under  improvement.  Its 
owner  has  done  everything  to  make  it  a  good  farm, 
that  intelligence  might  suggest.  He  is  a  farmer 
and  a  stock-raiser  on  a  large  scale,  and  in  this  par- 
ticular line  he  has  prospered  in  a  large  degree. 
The  place  is  supplied  with  fine  buildings  of  all 
kinds.  The  residence  is  a  model  of  convenience, 
and  its  interior  is  furnished  in  good  style.  Mr. 
Fletcher  has  held  the  office  of  Highw.ay  Commis- 
sioner   in  Prairie  Township,    Edgar   County,   for 



five  years,  having  liveil  just  across  the  line  for 
eleven  j-ears.  lie  also  been  a  Supervisor,  fill- 
ing these  olfices  with  rare  fidelity.  He  is  an  influ- 
ential member  of  the  Friends'  Church,  to  which  his 
family  also  belongs.  He  is  connected  with  the 
lodge  of  Modern  Woodmen.  Mr.  Fletcher  enjoys 
a  reputation  among  n  large  circle  of  acquaintances 
of  being  a  man  of  good  judgment  and  ])osscss- 
ing  all  the  attributes  that  belong  to  a  good  citizen. 
If  there  is  anything  in  his  community  talked  of 
that  looks  to  tlie  public  good,  Mr.  Fletcher  is  in- 
terested in  it,  and  his  undivided  efforts  can  always 
be  drawn  u(ion  in  any  project  that  looks  for  the 
betterment  of  his  fellow  man. 



(ll^^^^ON.  ANDREW  GUNDY,  one  of  the  promi- 
W'jl'  nent  merchants  and  public  men  of  ^'ermilion 
'^^  County,  was  born  on  the  20th  of  November, 
(^)  1829.  His  father  and  mother.  .Joseph  and 
Sarah  Gundy,  were  natives  of  Pennsylvania  and 
Ohio  respectively.  They  wore  married  in  the  latter 
St.ate  and  afterward  emigrated  to  Indiana,  where 
they  remained  for  a  short  time,  when  they  re- 
moved to  Vermilion  Countj'  and  settled  near 
Myersville.  Joseph  Gund^-  was  the  owner  of 
about  4,000  acres  of  land,  which  he  improved. 
He  was  counted  as  one  of  the  leading  citizens  of 
the  count}',  and  sustained  an  excellent  reputation 
for  probity  and  business  tact.  He  died  in  1864, 
while  his  wife  preceded  him  to  the  grave  in  1854. 
A  stately  monument  is  erected  to  their  memory  in 
the  Gundy  cemetery,  and  one  which  this  worthy 
couple  deserve,  for  there  were  no  better  people 

Andrew  Gundj'  received  his  education  at  the 
Georgetown  High  School.  After  leaving  the 
school  he  embarked  in  the  mercantile  business  in 
Myersville,  where  he  also  was  engaged  in  shipping 
grain  and  other  farm  products.  He  continued  in 
lliis  business  until  1877  when  he  gave  it  up  to  at- 
tend to  the  interests  of  his  large  farm  of  300  acres, 
all  of  which  is  improved.  As  a  farmer,  Mr. Gundy  met  with  all  the  success  that  the  most  ambiti- 
ous could  desire,  and  he  is  one  of  the   many  men 

who  believe  that  agricultural  pursuits  are  as  sus- 
ceptible of  intelligent  direction  .as  any  other. 
There  are  many  farmers  in  this  land  who 
believe  that  •'  book  farming"  is  impracticable,  and 
that  the  authors  of  the  works  on  agriculture  are 
men  who  know  nothing  of  what  they  write.  This 
is  all  a  mistaken  idea,  .as  can  be  illustrated  all  over 
the  groat  State  of  Illinois,  where  farmers'  liter.a- 
ture  is  read  and  digested.  As  liefore  suggested. 
Mr.  fiundy  believes  that  it  p.-iys  to  read  up  on  ag- 
ricultural affairs  as  well  as  any  other. 

In  politics  Mr.  (iund}'  is  an  honest  hard-working 
and  conscientious  Republican,  and  by  his  fidelity 
to  the  party  of  his  choice,  coupled  with  his  natural 
abilities,  he  has  risen  to  be  one  of  the  leaders  of 
the  Republican  party  in  \'erinilion  Countj'.  The 
people,  recognizing  in  him  the  qualities  that  unite 
in  forming  a  good  officer,  have  repeatedly  elected 
liim  to  responsible  positions,  and  they  have  never 
been  mistaken  in  their  choice.  In  1861  he  was 
elected  to  the  office  of  Supervisor  and  has  held  that 
office  a  great  deal  of  the  time  since.  In  1874  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Lower  House  of  the 
Illinois  Assembly,  a  position  he  held  for  two  years, 
giving  complete  satisfaction  as  a  law-maker.  He 
served  on  important  committe(!S  in  tiie  House  and 
always  voted  right. 

Mr.  Gundy  is  an  attendant  of  the  Methodist 
Church  and  is  prominent  in  the  affairs  of  that  or- 
ganization. He  never  married.  He  divides  his 
time  between  his  agricultural  occupation  and  tiav- 
eling.  Vermilion  County  has  no  better  citizen 
than  the  Hon.  Andrew  Gundy. 

^,  AMUEL  ROSS  MORGAN.  The  man  who 
has  lived  uprightly,  attended  strictly  to  his 
business,  defrauded  none,  and  advanced 
the  business  interests  of  his  community,  has 
made  for  himself  a  record  which  he  maj'  justly 
look  upon  with  jiride.  He  has  added  dignity  to 
his  calling  whatever  it  may  be.  and  shown  to  the 
world  what  may  be  accomplished  by  steady  perse- 
verance, courage  and  industry. 

Mr.  Morgan  is  a  leading  grocer  of   Hidge   Farm, 



and  one  wlio  has  performed  no  unimportant  part 
in  tbe  development  of  its  various  interests.  In  poli- 
tics he  is  a  sound  Republican,  and  after  the  election 
of  Benjamin  Harrison,  in  the  fall  of  1888.  signal- 
ized his  patriotism  by  one  of  the  biggest  bonfires 
of  cigar  boxes  probably  ever  built  of  this  material. 
The  flames  crackled  and  roared,  and  added  meas- 
urably to  the  general  noise  and  hilarity  following 
uijon  that  glorious  Republican  victor}'. 

A  native  of  Elwood  Township,  our  subject  was 
born  March  24,  1836,  and  is  the  son  of  Dr.  Levi 
Morgan,  deceased.  The  latter  was  a  native  of  Vir- 
ginia, and  came  to  Illinois  in  1834,  settling  in 
Georgetown,  where  he  engaged  in  the  practice  of 
his  profession,  and  conducted  a  drug  store  several 
years.  In  1838,  while  on  a  visit  to  his  native 
State  he  died,  in  Cambridge,  Ohio.  Samuel  Ross 
was  the  onlj'  child  of  his  jiarents,  and  after  the 
death  of  his  fatiier  his  mother  removed  to  Berkley 
County,  where  our  subject  was  reared,  and  at- 
tended school  at  Bunkerhill.  His  mercantile  expe- 
rience commenced  when  he  was  a  mere  boy,  and  he 
has  all  his  life  been  more  or  less  in  the  channels  of 

In  1870  Jlr.  Morgan  repaired  to  Baltimore,  Md., 
where  he  was  engaged  as  clerk  in  a  hardware  and 
grocery  store,  but  later  embarked  in  the  grocery 
business  on  his  own  account.  He  sojourned  in 
Baltimore  four  years,  then  came  to  this  county,  and 
in  1883  established  himself  in  his  present  business. 
He  carries  a  full  stock  of  everything  pertaining  to 
his  line — groceries,  provisions,  crockery,  glass  and 
queensware,  cigars  and  tobacco,  having  an  espec- 
ially fine  trade  in  the  latter.  He  operates  with  a 
capital  stock  of  $1,800  and  his  annual  sales  aggre- 
gate $8,000.  His  trade  and  stock  are  steadily'  in- 
creasing, while  he  has  a  flrst-class  location,  and  full}' 
understands  the  art  of  handling  goods  and  dealing 
with  customers.  Always  courteous  and  obliging, 
those  who  visit  him  once  are  sure  to  call  again. 

Miss  Sail}' S.  Dare  became  the  wife  of  our  sub- 
ject Aug.  10, 1  870.  She  is  tiie  daughter  of  Dr.  John 
Dare,  late  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  and  \yas  born  in  Cal- 
vert County,  that  State.  She  was  reared  and  edu- 
cated in  the  city  of  Baltimore,  and  is  a  member  of 
the  Episcopal  Church.  INIr.  Morgan,  aside  from 
enunciating  his  political  principles  as  opportunities 

occur,  meddles  very  little  with  matters  outside  of 
his  business,  althougli  in  1888  he  officiated  as  Vil- 
lage Treasurer.  Socially  he  belongs  to  the  I.  0.  O.  F. 
The  pleasant  and  attractive  lumie  of  the  Morgans, 
situated  in  the  east  part  of  the  town,  is  the  resort 
of  its  best  people,  and  the  abode  of  refined  and  cul- 
tivated tastes. 

\t?$^R.  DOUGAN  C.  IIINSHAW.     It  may  be 

safe  to  sa}'  that  there  are  comparatively 
few  physicians  who  have  a  full  sense  of 
tiie  vital  importance  of  their  calling — 
taken  in  all  its  phases — and  to  what  extent  the  hap- 
piness of  mankind  is  dependent  upon  their  knowl- 
edge of  their  profession.  In  order  to  attain  com- 
plete success  there  must  not  only  be  a  practical 
and  thorough  education  in  the  intricacies  of  the 
art  of  healing,  but  a  humane  and  sympathetic 
understanding  of  the  extent  to  which  the  mind 
maj'  influence  the  body.  In  most  cases  drugs  and 
medicines  are  of  little  avail  unless  other  condi- 
tions are  equal.  The  sul)ject  of  this  notice  has 
built  up  a  large  and  lucrative  practice,  and  the 
fact  that  he  is  uniformly  iiopular,  speaks  well  for 
him  as  the  humane  physician  as  well  as  the  hon- 
ored citizen.  He  is  a  man  of  fine  intellect,  a  deep 
thinker  and  an  extensive  reader,  ami  omits  no  op- 
portunity of  availing  himself  of  the  latest  methods 
connected  with  the  practice  of  his  profession. 

Dr.  Hinshaw  has  been  located  at  Ridge  Farm 
since  the  middle  of  August,  1882.  He  established 
himself  here  soon  after  being  graduated  from  the 
Medical  College  of  Indiana,  at  Indianapolis,  where 
he  had  taken  a  three-years'  course.  For  four 
months  thereafter  he  practiced  in  Vermilion  Grove, 
and  thence  came  to  Ridge  I<"arin.  He  is  equally 
good  in  both  general  practice  and  surgeiy.  He  is 
essentially  a  Western  man,  having  been  born  in 
Hamilton  County,  Ind.,  April  22,  1858,  and  is  the 
son  of  John  Hinshaw,  a  native  of  Ran(loli)h 
County,  N.  C. 

The  father  of  our  subject  came  North  in  1851, 
locating  in  Indiana,  of  whii-h  he  is  still  a  resident. 
The  [)aternal  great-grandfather  of  our  subject  was 



of  Scotch  ancestry.  Doiigan  C.  first  attended  the 
coninion  schools  of  Westfield,  in  iiis  native  county, 
and  later  attended  the  High  School,  fioni  which  he 
was  graduated  in  1877.  Soon  afterward  he  liegan 
the  reading  of  medicine,  and  in  orih-r  to  augment 
liis  income  engaged  as  a  teacher.  In  1879  he  en- 
tered upon  his  medical  course  in  tlie  college  at  In- 
diana, where  he  paid  strict  attention  to  his  books, 
with  the  result  already  indicated. 

Dr.  Hinshaw  was  married,  Soiit.  (!,  1883,  to  Miss 
EtHe  R.,  daughter  of  David  S.  I)icl<en,  of  Elwood 
Township,  and  they  are  now  liic  |)arents  of  two 
children,  only  one  of  whom  is  living — Hazel  Bes- 
sie. The  Doctor  owns  a  good  residence  in  the 
western  part  of  the  town,  which  is  the  favorite  re- 
sort for  the  best  people  of  his  comnuinity.  He  is  a 
Republican,  politically,  and  socially,  a  member  of 
tiie  Modern  Woodmen.  He  belongs  to  the  Society 
of  Friends,  while  his  estimable  wife  in  her  religi- 
ous belief  is  identified  with  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church.  Thej'  stand  high  in  social  circles 
and  their  home  is  one  indicative  of  cultivation  and 
refinement,  and  whose  inmates  are  surrounded  by 
all  the  comforts  of  life. 



X.ATHAN  J.  NORRLS,  M.  D.,son  of  a  pio- 
neer family  of  Vermilion  County,  has  had 
jl\J^  an  honorable  career  in  life,  both  as  a  skill- 
ful physician  and  as  a  practical,  successful  farmer. 
Within  a  few  years  he  has  retired  from  the  practice 
of  liis  profession  and  now  devotes  his  time  almost 
exclusively  to  the  management  of  his  fine  farm  in 
Newell  Township,  on  section  26. 

The  Doctor  is  a  native  of  Ohio,  born  in  Brown 
County  Dec.  14,  1824.  He  comes  of  good  old 
Kentuck}'  families,  both  of  his  parents,  James  and 
Elizabeth  (Carter)  Norris,  having  been  born  in 
tiiat  State,  children  of  its  early  settlers.  The 
mother  was  reared  and  married  there.  The  father 
was  reared  in  Ohio,  but  born  in  Kentucky,  and 
sul)sequently  settled  in  Brown  County.  Ohio,  where 
they  remained  till  the  fall  of  18;5;3.  In  that  season, 
animated  by  tlie  pioneer  spirit  that  had  actuated 
their  sires  to  penetrate  the  wilds  of  Kentucky,  they 

set  out  for  the  rude,  sparsely  settled  country  em- 
braced in  \'ermilion  County,  this  State,  to  take  up 
their  abode  among  its  earliest  white  settlers.  They 
were  among  the  first  to  settle  in  wimt  is  now  Oak- 
wood  Township,  and  there  the  patient,  self-sacrific- 
ing mother  died  in  1841.  The  father  of  our 
sul)ject,  after  the  loss  of  his  wife,  came  to 
Newell  Township  and  here  spent  his  remaining 
days,  dying  in  1850. 

Our  subject  was  the  eldest  of  the  len  children 
born  to  him  and  his  wife.  He  was  a  latl  of  nine 
years  when  he  came  with  his  parents  to  their  new 
home  in  Oakwood  Township,  ,ind  there  he  passed 
the  remaining  years  of  his  boyhood  and  youth.  He 
gleaned  bis  early  education  in  the  public  schools  in 
Brown  County,  Ohio,  and  in  this  county,  and  in 
1854,  returning  to  his  native  county  he  took  up  the 
stud}'  of  medicine,  attending  lectures  in  Cincinnati. 
He  was  graduated  from  the  American  Medical 
College,  in  which  institution  he  had  maintained  a 
high  standing  among  the  leading  scholars  of  iiis 
class.  After  getting  his  diploma  he  began  to 
practice  his  profession  in  Georgetown,  Ohio,  where 
he  remained  till  1864,  the  skill  and  success  with 
which  he  treated  difficult  cases  securing  him  a  larjia 
number  of  patients.  In  that  year  he  returned  to 
Vermilion  County,  and  purchasing  I  10  acres 
of  fine  farming  land  in  Newell  Township 
has  since  lived  here.  For  many  \'ears  he  was 
in  active  practice,  ranking  high  among  the  mem- 
bers of  the  medical  profession  in  this  county,  but 
in  1886  he  retired  from  that  vocation  and  has  since 
given  his  entire  time  to  the  improvement  and 
cultivation  of  his  farm.  He  now  owns  153 
acres  of  land,  and  has  erected  a  substan- 
tial set  of  farm  buildings,  including  a  well- 
appointed  dwelling,  which  is  one  of  the  niosl 
attractive  homes  in  the  vicinity. 

Dr.  Norris  and  Miss  Martha  Xorris  w<.re  united 
in  marriage  Jan.  29.  1852.  in  Brown  County,  Ohio. 
She  was  born  in  that  county  Feb.  17.  1827,  and 
was  the  eldest  of  the  five  children  of  .Nathan  and 
Phillis  Norris,  natives,  respectively,  of  Maryland 
and  Kentuck}'.  The}'  married  and  settled  in  Brown 
County,  Ohio,  where  they  passed  their  remaining 
3'ears,  he  carrying  on  the  occujiation  of  a  f:irniei-. 
Dr.  and  Mrs.  Norris  are  the  parents  of  nine  children  : 



Nathan  J.  Jr..  Emma  P.,  lA/./Ae  I)..  John  M..  Eva, 
Mattie.Luella,  William  N..  Jennie.  John  M.  died 
when  about  two  years  old. 

Our  subject  has  been  greatly  blessed  in  the 
possession  of  a  w-ife  of  high  personal  character, 
much  tact  and  amiability  of  disposition,  at  once  a 
lielpmatc  and  companion.  Their  social  position  is 
ainong  the  best  people  in  the  communitj'.  The 
doctor  has  mingled  much  in  the  public  life  of  the 
tongshiii,  as  his  learning  and  ripe  judgment  make 
him  a  wise  counselor,  and  for  five  years  he  has  held 
the  important  olHce  of  Su[)ervisor.  He  has  always 
manifested  a  genuine  interest  in  the  cause  of  edu- 
cation, and  while  serving  in  the  various  local  school 
ofBces  has  promoted  it  as  much  as  possible.  In 
politics  he  is  a  stanch  adherent  of  the  Democratic 

■-^ ^-^ ■— 

yj.,  ILTON  MILLS,  of  Carroll  Township,  a  widely  an<l  favorablj'  km^iwn  in 
his  comnuinity,  is  a  scion  of  one  of  the 
pioneer  families  of  this  county  and  he  is 
pardonably  proud  of  the  fact  that  they  bore  no  un- 
important part  in  its  early  development.  They 
were  simple  and  honest  people,  (Quakers  in  religious 
belief,  and  reared  their  children  to  habits  of  in- 
dustry and  principles  of  honor,  impressing  upon 
their  minds  the  importance  of  truthfulness,  moralitj' 
and  industry. 

Mr.  Mills  has  a  countenance  which  indicates  the 
results  of  his  early  training,  which  instilled  within 
him  contempt  for  a  mean  action,  and  the  love  of 
all  which  is  healthful  and  broadening,  both  to  the 
heart  and  intellect.  He  is  jirominent  in  the  circle 
of  Friends  in  this  countv  and  has  taken  an  active 
part  in  the  Sunday-school  carried  on  by  tliem.  His 
father,  William  Mills,  was  one  of  the  leading  pio- 
neers of  Central  Illinois  and  lived  in  three  different 
counties  without  changing  his  place  of  residence — 
all  being  at  one  time  Edgar  County  and  undergo- 
ing subsequent  divisions.  He  had  come  to  Illinois 
when  a  young  man  of  twenty  years  and  when  this 
region  was  a  wilderness.  He  was  one  of  the  first 
men  to  build  a  house  within  the  present  limits  of 

Vermilion  County,  and  afterwards  traveled  forty 
miles  to  mill  in  Indiana,  driving  a  four-horse  team 
and  occupying  several  da3's  in  m.aking  the  journey. 
He  transported  his  live  pork  on  foot  to  Chicago  at 
a  time  when  Indians  and  wild  animals  were  plenti- 
ful and  experienced  all  the  hardships  and  privations 
of  life  on  the  frontier.  He  was  successful  as  a  til- 
ler of  the  soil,  accumulating  a  comfortable  prop- 
erty and  rested  from  his  earthly  labors  in  1872, 
passing  away  at  the  old  homestead  in  Elwood 
TovFnship  when  seventy-four  ycais  of  age. 

Mrs.  Jane  B.  (Durham)  Mills,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  Indiana,  where  she  was  reared 
to  womanhood  and  came  to  Illinois  with  her  pa- 
rents. She  was  married  prior  to  her  union  with 
Mr.  Mills  and  became  the  mother  of  one  child — 
Dorcas  D.  Hunt — who  married  Josephus  Hollings- 
worth  and  lives  in  this  county.  Mr.  Mills  had  also 
lieen  jjreviously  married  and  had  become  the  father 
of  five  children,  viz:  Adam  M.,  Sarah  J.,  Arminta, 
Mary  A.  and  Rebecca.  To  William  and  Jane  B. 
Mills  there  were  born  six  children — William  D., 
Emma,  Milton,  our  subject.  Pleasant.  Milo  E.  and 
Everett.  The  mother  died  in  1880  at  the  .age  of 
sixty-four  years. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  Dec.  1,  1853 
in  Elwood  Township,  thiscountj-.  The  first  twenty- 
one  years  of  his  life  were  spent  on  the  farm  and  in 
attendance  at  the  district  schools.  Later  he  pur- 
sued his  studies  at  Vermilion  Grove  Academy  and 
continued  a  student  there  mostly  during  the  winter 
season  for  four  3ears,  in  the  meantime  improving 
his  leisure  time  with  his  books.  In  November,  29, 
1882,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Nora  B.,  daughter  of 
R.  W.  Ashbrook.  of  Mattoon,  III.  He  purchased 
his  present  farm  of  eighty  acres  in  1 882  and  has 
operated  it  to  such  good  advantage  that  the  whole 
is  now  in  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  there  being 
scarcely  a  foot  of  it  that  does  not  yield  something 
to  the  proprietor.  The  residence  is  beautifullj'  lo- 
cated three  miles  southeast  of  Indianola. 

Jlrs.  Mills  was  born  in  Coles  County,  111.,  Nov.  1, 
18.")7  and  by  her  union  with  our  subject  has  become 
the  mother  of  two  bright  children — Bessie  D.  and 
Jane  B.  3Ir.  Mills  was  carefully  reared  in  the 
(Quaker  faith  and  since  reaching  manhood  has  be- 
come one  of  the  most  useful  and  active  members 


.  RcsiDcucs  OF  !ryviCA^^\PBELL. 

'RiHi^lJtl^lS^^JIKl  t>i'".Mo>SESRB7S:NO>iiI3S.  SjECS.EuVe^OOD  TFT.'VELE^JMIliIOirr  Oo. 



of  that  chiiicli,  serving  in  the  double  capacity  on 
the  Evangelistic  Committee,  besides  Superintendent 
of  the  Sunday-school,  of  whieh  he  has  been  Vice- 
President  likewise  for  the  past  three  years.  He  has 
ever  maintained  a  warm  interest  in  educational 
matters  and  besides  being  one  of  the  most  generous 
patrons  of  the  Vermilit)n  Grove  Academy,  is  serv- 
ing on  the  Hoard  of  Trustees  of  said  acadeni}'.  Al- 
though strictly  a  temperance  man,  he  has  not 
thouglit  liest  to  identify  himself  with  the  Prohibi- 
tionists, but  maintains  a  warm  adherence  to  the 
Republican  faith,  believing  it  not  the  part  of  wis- 
dom to  encourage  a  third  party  In  politics. 
Through  the  influence  of  his  honored  father,  Milton 
while  a  boy,  conceived  a  strong  aversion  to  the  in- 
stitution of  slaver}'  and  no  man  rejoiced  more  when 
the  land  bad  been  purged  of  it,  together  with  other 
evils  which  were  remedied  by  the  success  of  the 
Union  arms. 

MOSES  REYNOLDS  is  a  leading  citizen  uf 
Elwood  Township.  The  Society  of  Friends 
and  the  Vermilion  Aeadeni}',  which  are 
located  at  Vermilion  Grove,  have  in  him  a 
liberal  supporter  and  an  ardent  friend.  He  donates 
largely  to  the  support  of  his  church  and  the 
educational  enterprises  connected  with  it,  and  the 
sum  of  money  that  he  yearly  gives  away  to  those 
who  need  it  more  th.-in  he,  is  known  to  nobody  but 
himself,  as  he  religiously  believes  in  the  doctrine  of 
not  letting  the  left  hand  know  what  the  right  liaiul 
does.  Enough  is  known  of  his  character  to  say 
that  his  benevolence  is  proverbial. 

Mr.  Reynolds  owns  and  operates  a  fine  farm  of 
290  acres  of  land  on  sections  5.  G,  and  8, 
where  he  carries  on  an  extensive  business  of 
stock-raising  and  diversified  farming.  He  was 
born  in  Parke  Count}-,  Ind.,  on  the  Gth  of 
May,  IH.'jO.  His  father,  Mahlon  Reynolds,  was  a 
native  of  Randolph  Count}'.  N.  C,  whence  he 
emigrated  to  Indiana  in  1823,  settling  first  on 
Honey  Creek  in  Vigo  County,  six  miles  below 
Terre  Haute,  but  in  1826  he  removed  to  Parke 
County.  Lid.      He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  that 

part  of  Parke  County,  and  his  reputation  as  a  man 
was  of  the  highest.  His  wife,  Ruth  Rubottom,  was 
a  daughter  of  Simon  Riibott-oin,  who  was  the 
father  of  twelve  children:  Joel,  Linton,  Alvira, 
Moses,  Eliz.-ibeth  (Mrs.  Kolger).  Mariam  (Mrs.  Ma- 
worth),  Mahala  (Mrs.  Wright),  Rachael  (Mrs. 
Smith),  Susan  (Mrs.  Parker),  David,  Ruth  (Mrs. 
Newlin),  and  William.  The  mother  of  these 
children  died  on  the  old  homestead  in  Indiana  in 
1  si;);,  and  the  father  died  in  this  county  ten  years 

Mr.  Reynolds  came  to  this  (•oiinty  in  IS.jl, 
settling  where  he  now  lives.  He  is  engaged  exten- 
sively in  raising  graded  Short- horn  cattle,  and 
Poland-China  and  Chester-white  hogs.  He  feeds 
and  ships  a  great  deal  of  slock,  and  in  this  way 
has  become  independent.  His  farm  indicates  that 
its  owner  is  a  man  who  understands  his  business 
thoroughly,  for  everything  around  it  shows  thrift 
and  intelligence.  On  the  14th  of  August,  1851, 
Sir.  Reynolds  married  Eunice  Pearson,  daughter  of 
William  Pearson,  and  to  them  have  been  born  two 
children:  Mary  J.  and  Alvira  A.  The  latter  is 
deceased.  Mary  is  the  wife  of  Marion  Camijbell, 
of  i;iwood  Township.  They  have  had  three 
children,  one  of  whom  is  now  living — Paul. 

Mr.  Reynolds  meddles  very  little  in  politics,  but 
devotes  his  spare  time  to  the  interests  of  his  church 
and  to  the  Academy  of  which  he  is  a  Trustee.  He 
is  a  Trustee  of  the  property  of  the  Friends'  Church 
at  Vermilion  Grove  and  holds  the  position  of  Over- 
seer in  the  same  society.  He  is  also  one  of  three 
trustees  of  the  funds  of  the  quarterly  meetings  that 
have  been  set  apart  for  the  edncalicni  of  worthy 
and  needy  children,  and  in  this  position  he  is 
eminently  the  right  mail  in  the  right  place.  The 
fund  alluded  to  originated  in  the  following  manner: 
An  unmarried  man — Richardson  Henderson — died 
leaving  §500  In  the  (Quarterly  Meeting  for  the 
purposes  before  described,  and  Mr.  Reynolds  added 
to  that  sum  an  equal  amount,  making  a  fund  of 
§1000,  which  is  invested,  and  the  interest  only  is 

Mr.  Reynolds'  son-in-law.  1".  M.  Campbell,  lives 
on  the  farm  adjoining  him  on  the  east,  and  owns 
194  acres  of  very  fine  land.  Mr.  Campbell  is 
engaged    in    breeding  fine    Norman    horses,    and 



his  other  stock  is  similar  to  that  raised  by  his 
father-ill- li\w.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  Friends' 
Church,  and  was  born  in  Parke  County,  Ind.,  but 
was  brought  up  and  educated  in  Vermilion  County, 
and  has  always  been  a  farmer.  He  and  his  father- 
in-law  are  good  Republicans. 

Mr.  Reynolds  is  also  largely  interested  in  Sunday- 
school  work,  where  he  teaches  a  class  regularly  every 
Sunday.  He  has  also  ably  served  as  Sunday-school 
Superintendent  for  many  years. 

On  .another  page  of  this  volume  the  residence  of 
Mr.  Reynolds  is  presented  in  a  fine  view,  justly  a 
valuable  featiue  of  the  Album. 



\f7  0HN  COLLINS.  The  Irish-American  citi- 
zen has  operated  largely'  in  the  growth  and 
development  of  Vermilion,  and  he  whose 
'  name  stands  at  tlie  head  of  this  sketch  is  one 
of  the  most  worth}'  representatives  of  his  national- 
itv.  He  owns  a  good  farm  of  200  acres,  lying 
on  sections  'J  and  10  in  Sidell  Township,  and  has  a 
remarkably  [ileasant  home  and  intelligent  family. 
He  is  one  of  a  pair  of  twins,  born  in  County  Cork, 
Ireland,  June  20,  182G.  His  twin  brother,  Richard, 
emigrated  to  America  in  184.5,  and  in  due  time 
wrote  back  for  .Toiin  to  join  him  here,  w-hich  the 
latter  did;  tliey  located  five  miles  south  of  Boston, 
Mass.,  and  worked  in  the  foundries  seven  jears.  In 
1853  they  came  to  La  Salle  County,  this  Stale,  and 
worked  on  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad  several 
years  thereafter.  On  the  23d  of  March,  18()1,  our 
subject  was  married  to  Miss  Ann  Cregor,  born  in 
1833  ill  his  native  country.  Tiie}'  settled  on  a  farm 
in  La  Salle  County,  where  they  lived  a  number  of 
years,  coming  thence  to  this  county  in  1881.  In 
1880  our  subject  had  [lurchased  tiie  farm  which  lie 
now  owns  and  occupies.  He  also  owns  160  acre.s 
in  Shildh  Townsliip,  Edgar  County,  wliicli  is  ope- 
rated by  his  sons,  IJennis  and  Michael. 

There  were  born  to  Mr.  and  ISIrs.  Collins  eleven 
children,  of  whom  the  third  and  fourth  sons  have 
l)een  alrca<ly  mentioned.  The  others  are  recorded 
as  follows:  Richard  married  a  Miss  Brown,  and 
died  in  188-t.     To  them  there  was  born   one  child. 

now  deceased.  John  is  at  home  with  his  parents ; 
Dennis  married  a  Miss  Burns:  Mary  married  Mr. 
Brown,  a  farmer,  and  they  have  four  children:  Leo, 
John,  Charles,  and  Richard.  Daniel,  Bridget, 
Juliana,  Margaret,  and  Ann  are  at  home  with  their 
parents.  The  farm  is  devoted  to  general  agricul- 
ture and  is  carried  on  with  that  thoroughness  and 
good  judgment  which  is  characteristic  of  its  pro- 
prietor. He  has  become  thoroughly  identified  with 
American  institutions,  and  is  a  man  greatly  attached 
to  his  family. 

The  parents  of  our  suliject  were  John  and  ]\Iary 
(Carty)  Collins,  likewise  natives  of  County  Cork, 
where  they  lived  on  a  small  farm.  Their  family 
consisted  of  five  sons  and  one  daughter,  of  whom 
our  subject  was  the  third  in  order  of  birth.  The 
latter  and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  of  the 
Catholic  Church  at  Hume. 

A  view  of  the  home  of  Mr.  Collins  is  given  in 
this  volume,  and  represents  a  well-kept  country 
residence  with  pleasant  rural  surroundings. 

\fj  AMES  McMELLAN,  who  is  one  of  the  most 
popular  men  of  Carroll  Township,  is  oper- 
ating the  celebrated  Woodlawn  Farm  of  200 
acres,  where  with  his  excellent  wife  and  his 
two  bright  and  promising  boys,hejhasoneof  the  pleas- 
antest  homes  to  be  found  in  the  county.  He  is 
largely  possessed  of  all  the  manly  virtues,  being 
upright,  temperate  and  faitliful  in  the  discharge  of 
his  duties,  both  in  a  business  and  social  w.ay.  He 
is  widely  known  as  having  been  for  years  the 
'right-hand  man,'  of  j\Ir.  Harvey  Sandusky,  a 
wealth}-  and  prominent  land-owner  of  this  county 
wlio  for  some  time  employed  Mr.  McMellan  to  look 
after  his  agricultural  interests  and  his  fine  cattle. 
In  the  discharge  of  these  duties  Mr.  JIc.Mellan  had 
the  satisfaction  of  leading  more  prize-winners  into 
the  show  ring  at  the  county  and  State  fairs  than 
any  other  man  in  Illinois. 

Tlie  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  Greene 
County,  East  Tenn.,  Sept.  17,  1853,  and  is  the 
son  of  John  D.  .and  Rachel  (Rector)  McMellan, 
natives  of  Tennessee  and   the   father  a  saddler  bv 



tnidc.  Tlu'  Intloi-  .'ifter  tlic  dcalh  of  his  first  \vit\', 
rc'iiiari'i('(l  ;\ikI  moved  to  Missouri  whore  he  spent 
Ids  hist  (hiys.  The  mother  of  our  subject  died  in 
(ireenville,  Teun.,  at  the  ngc.  of  fortj'  years.  James 
R.,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest  of  lier  two  sons,  tlie 
younger  lieing  Jolm,  who  is  now  living  in  INIis- 
souii.  Of  the  second  marriage  of  John  I).  McMel- 
laii  there  were  V)orn  four  children. 

During  the  Civil  War  the  father  of  our  subject 
was  pressed  into  the  Confederate  service  and  James 
Avent  to  live  with  his  grandfather  Rector,  in  East 
Tennessee,  where  he  received  only  limited  educa- 
tional advantages,  attending  school  only  :\  few 
mcjuths  at  the  close  of  the  war.  He  worked  nu)stly 
on  the  farm  and  finally  was  persuaded  by  an  aunt 
to  come  West.  He  made  his  way  to  Logan  County, 
this  State,  and  wtirked  there  two  and  one  half  years 
upon  a  farm.  Then  desirous  of  a  change  he  emi- 
grated to  Indianola  and  entered  the  employ  of  Dr. 
Ralston,  with  whom  he  remained  one  year.  In  the 
meantime  he  formed  the  acquaintance  of  Mr.  Har- 
vev  Sanduskj',  and  in  due  time  assumed  charge  of 
Ills  fine  cattle,  remainiig  in  the  cmi)loy  of  this 
gentleman  for  a  period  of  ten  years.  In  the  mean- 
Lime,  taking  with  him  some  of  the  finest  specimens 
of  their  fat  cattle,  he  visited  the  fairs  at  Lafayette, 
Indianapolis,  Chicago,  Kansas  City,  Peoria;  Spring- 
field, St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  many  other  places.  A 
warm  attachment  sprang  u|)  between  the  two  men 
and  Mr.  McMcUan  was  at  the  bedside  of  his  friend, 
Mr.  Sandusky,  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

The  marriage  of  James  Mc^Mellan  with  Miss  Ida 
Dye  was  celebrated  in  Carroll  Township,  in  18liU. 
Airs.  MeMellan  is  the  daughter  of  John  Dye,  a  son 
of  Lawrence  Dj'e,  one  of  the  oldest  jiioneers  of 
Georgetown  Township.  Mr.  Dye  a  man  pos- 
sessing some  peculiar  traits  of  character,  was  a 
strong  Presbyterian  in  his  i-eligious  views,  was 
peculiarly  kind  and  genial  in  his  disposition,  a 
great  lover  of  music  and  a  universal  favorite  in  his 
community.  His  wife  was  the  da\ighter  of  Col. 
Girard  of  Mexican  war  fame  and  a  good  man  in  the 
broatlest  sense  of  the  term,  slrictlj-,  temperate,  hon- 
est and  upright,  kind  in  his  family  and  a  generous 
neighbor.  Everybody'  knew  Col.  (iirard  and  ever3'- 
body  was  his  friend. 

To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  MeMellan  1  here  were  born 

nine  children  and  .Aliss  Ida  inherited  from  her 
father  a  great  taste  foi'  and  love  of  music.  It  was 
not  the  lot  of  Col.  Girard  to  become  wealthy,  and 
when  a  young  girl  Miss  Ida  entered  the  employ  of 
IVfrs.  Sandusky,  with  whom  she  remained  the  long 
period  of  eleven  years,  her  faithful  and  trusted 
maid  and  companion.  She  there  met  her  future 
husband,  our  subject,  a:nl  they,  living  under  one 
roof  for  many  years,  had  a  good  opportunity  to 
become  acquainted.  Of  this  congenial  union  there 
were  born  two  children  only — Harvey  and  James 
S.,  who  are  bright  and  |)roniising  bo^'s  aged  seven 
and  one  years  respectively. 

Politically.  Mr.  MeMellan  is  a  stanch  supporter 
of  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party,  and  soci- 
ally he  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity.  His 
estimable  wife  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  It  is  generally  con- 
ceded that  there  is  not  a  more  hospitable  roof  in 
Carroll  Township  than  the  house  at  Woodlawn 
Farm,  and  no  host  and  hostess  who  exton'l  to  their 
guests  a  more  ;  high-bred  and  hearty  welcome. 
Neither  friend  nor  stranger  departs  from  their  door 
with  other  than  a  comfortable  feeling  and  a  sen- 
sation that  it  was  good  to  be  there. 

NDERSON  DUNAV.VN.  The  labors  of 
this  honest,  upright  and  w<'ll-to-do  citizen 
'»  have  resulted  in  the  possession  of  a  well- 
regulated  farm  of  170  acres,  on  sections 
and  6,  in  Georgetown  Townshii).  The  greater 
part  of  this  the  propiietor  cleared  from  the  forest, 
and  labored  early  an<l  late  for  manj'  years  in  onler 
to  bring  it  to  its  i)resent  condition.  I>y  the  exer- 
cise of  great  industry,  frugality  and  good  nnm.age- 
ment,  he  hasaccuTunlated  sullicient  means  to  protect 
him  against  want  in  his  declining  3'ears.  while  his 
career  as  a  citizen  has  been  such  as  to  establish  him 
in  the  esteem  and  conti<lence  of  his  neighbors. 

The  native  [ilace  of  our  subject  was  in  .Mason 
County,  now  West  \'irginia.  eight  miles  .-ibove 
Point  Pleasant,  on  the  Kanawha  River.  His  parents 
were  John  and  Frances  (Hughes)  l)uua\an,  the 
former  a  native  of  Culpeper  County,  \'a.,  and   the 



latter  of  the  same  place.  The  mother's  people  were 
of  En2;lish  stock,  and  early  residents  of  Pennsyl- 
vania. Her  grandfather  served  in  the  Revolution- 
ary War,  and  was  shot  through  the  breast.  He 
recovered,  however,  and  lived  to  be  nearly  one 
hundred  years  old.  He  was  provided  for  during 
his  old  age  by  a  pension  from  the  Government. 
He  traced  his  ancestry  to  Ireland,  where  his  fore- 
fathers were  mostly  linen  weavers  by  trade. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  with  the  exception  of 
the  time  spent  as  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812,  oc- 
cupied himself  in  agricultural  pursuits.  He  and  his 
wife  spent  their  last  3'ears  in  Indiana.  They  were 
the  parents  of  eight  children,  seven  of  whom  grew 
to  mature  j'ears— three  sons  and  four  daughters. 
Anderson,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest,  and  was 
born  March  22,  1820.  He  lived  in  the  Old  Do- 
minion until  a  lad  of  thirteen  years,  then  emigrated 
with  his  parents  to  Indiana,  they  settling  near  the 
State  line  in  Vermillion  County,  Ind.  He  remem- 
bers the  time  when  there  but  five  houses  between 
Eugene,  Ind.,  and  Danville,  111.  As  soon  as  old 
enough,  he  was  required  to  make  himself  useful 
about  the  new  farm,  following  the  breaking  plow, 
learning  to  cut  wheat  with  tlie  cradle,  and  laboring 
in  the  i)rimitive  style,  both  in  sowing  and  reaping 
the  harvests.  Upon  reaching  man's  estate  he  was 
married.  May  29,  18-14,  to  Miss  Elizalieth  Beau- 

Mrs.  Dunavan  was  born  in  Oiiio,  and  removed 
with  her  parents  to  Perry ville,  Ind.,  in  18.30.  The 
newly  wedded  pair  settled  on  a  farm  in  A'ermillion 
County,  Ind.,  and  Mr.  Dunavan  in  due  time  pur- 
ciiased  166  acres  of  land.  Later  he  sold  this,  and 
crossed  the  State  line  into  Illinois,  i)ureliasing.  in 
1855,  the  farm  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies. 
Much  of  this  was  covered  with  timber,  and  he  has 
cleared  all  but  fifteen  acres. 

The  eleven  children  born  to  Mv.  and  Mrs.  Duna- 
van are  recorded  as  follows:  .lames  II.  died  when 
a  promising  youth  of  eighteen  years;  John  A. 
married  Miss  Rebecca  Mossberger,  is  the  father  of 
four  children,  and  resides  in  Douglas  Countj^; 
Mary  J.  married  Samuel  Hines,  and  died,  leaving 
three  children:  Harriet  ,T.  died  at  the  age  of  two 
j'ears;  Charles  W..  who  remains  at  the  homestead, 
married  Miss  Anna  J.  Howard,  and  is  the  father  of 

one  child;  David  A.,  also  at  home,  married  Miss 
Mary  Williams,  and  has  three  children;  Anderson 
J.  married  Miss  Caroline  Cravens,  and  is  the 
father  of  three  children;  Edward  H.  married  Miss 
Holder,  and  lives  at  the  homestead;  Edmund  H. 
died  when  three  months  old;  Lottie  married  Frank 
Breesley,  and  is  the  mother  of  two  children,  they 
live  in  this  township;  Tilda  E.  is  the  wife  of  Till- 
man Wilcox. 
I  James  H.  Dunavan  during  the  Civil  War  en- 
listed in  an  Indiana  Regiment,  and  died  of  the 
measles  at  home.  ISIrs.  Dunavan  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church,  and  a  lady 
greatly  respected  in  her  community.  Mr.  Dunavan 
votes  the  straight  Democratic  ticket,  and  has 
served  as  School  Director  in  this  district  several 
years.  He  may  properly  be  classed  as  a  represen- 
tative citizen  of  Georgetown  Township — one  who 
has  assisted  materially  in  maintaining  its  reputation 
as  a  community  of  law-abiding  and  intelligent 

1  OLDEN  PATTERSON.  The  gratifying  suc- 
cess which  has  crowned  the  efforts  of  the 
life  of  Mr.  Patterson,  is  the  more  noticealile 
and  praiseworthy',  because  of  the  few  ojiportunities 
afforded  him  in  the  earlier  days  for  that  training 
and  other  help  that  are  sometimes  considered  abso- 
lutely indispensible  to  a  start  in  life  and  the  suc- 
cess which  is  desired.  In  the  case  before  us,  the 
subject  is  one  of  that  class  of  whom  many  worthy 
representatives  are  found  in  the  great  West,  which 
is  best  designated  by  the  term  "  self-made." 

Golden  Patterson  lives  on  section  13,  range  11, 
Elwood  Township,  and  was  born  on  the  old  iionie- 
stead  where  he  now  resides,  July  17,  1833.  His 
father,  Andrew  Patterson,  canie  from  (Granger 
County,  Tenn.,  in  an  early  day,  settling  on  a  farm 
which  he  then  located  and  upon  which  his  sou  now 
resides.  The  country  at  that  time  was  almost  des- 
titute of  civilization,  and  the  Indians  were  prac- 
tically in  possession.  They  roamed  about  at  will, 
although  the  land  belonged  to  the  Government. 
The  elder  Patterson  entered  about  500  acres  of 
land,  for   wliich   he    paid    the    government    price. 



This  land  rapidly  rose  in  value,  and  at  this  time  is 
worth  a  great  deal  of  money.  His  wife,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Amelia  Golden,  was  a  daii<,diter 
of  William  Golden,  a  prominent  pioneer  of  \er- 
milion  County. 

The  suhjeet  of  this  biograiihj-  is  the  joungest  of 
six  children,  five  of  whom  are  now  living — Will- 
iam. Thomas.  Sarah  .1.  (Campbell)  of  (ieorgetovvn, 
Elizabeth  (Campbell)  of  the  same  place,  and  Gol- 
den. The  mother  of  these  children  died  when 
(iolden  was  an  infant,  and  the  father  |)assed  away 
in  1845  at  the  old  homestead.  Golden  received 
his  education  at  the  common  schools  of  his  lioy- 
hood  and  at  the  Georgetown  High  School.  After 
leaving  school  he  learned  the  tr.ade  of  a  carpenter, 
but  followed  this  vocation  Imt  a  short  time.  He 
has  alwaj's  been — with  the  exception  of  the  short 
time  he  worked  at  the  carpenter  business — a  suc- 
cessful farmer.  He  owns  420  acres  of  land  where 
the  old  homestead  is  situated  and  a  quarter  section 
in  anotlier  part  of  the  township,  making  580  acres 
in  all.  Mr.  Patterson  manages  his  farm  with  rare 
intelligence,  and  in  all  his  operations  he  has  been 
most  eminently  successful.  He  takes  great  care  in 
all  the  work  he  does,  and  therein  may  be  attributed, 
to  a  large  degree,  his  success. 

He  has  never  held  any  official  position,  for  the 
simple  reason  that  he  never  has  time.  Politically. 
he  belongs  to  the  Republican  party,  and  may  al- 
ways be  found  in  its  ranks  doing  good  work.  Mr. 
Patterson  enjoys  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  all 
his  neighbors,  and  is  known  by  the  sobriquet  of 
"The  Jolly  Bachelor"  of  eastern  Elwood  Town- 

eHARLES   LEONARD   DOWNING,  a    suc- 
,   cessful  farmer,  a  defender  of  the  Union  dur- 
. .     ing  the  late  Civil  War.  and  a  true  Christian 

gentleman,  occujnes  a  leading  |>osition  in  the  com- 
munity of  Georgetown  Township,  where  he  has 
been  a  resident  for  a  period  of  twenty  years.  We 
find  him  in  comfortable  circumstances  surrounded 
by  a  verj'  interesting  family  of  intelligent  rhildren 
and  seemingly  in  the  enjoyment  of  that  which 
makes  life  most  pleasant  ami  desirable.     Of  this  he 

is  amply  deserving,  having  led  an  upright  life  and 
to  the  best  of  his  .ability  seeking  to  set  a  good  ex- 
ample to  those  around  him.  His  homestead  com- 
prises eighty  acres  of  choice  land  on  section  7, 
and  besides  this  he  cultivates  twenty-eight  acres 
in  the  vicinity.  His  farm  buildings,  machinery 
and  live  stock  are  in  excellent  condition  and  in- 
dicative of  the  i)rogrcss  and  enterprise  of  the 

Tiie  opening  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject 
were  spent  in  Mason  Coiinty,  Ky.,  where  he 
born  March  21,  1838.  His  jiarents,  Robert  .and 
Susan  (Haw)  l)(^wning,  were  natives  respectively 
of  Kentucky  and  Ohio,  the  latter  born  a  few  miles 
from  the  "Beautiful  IJiver."  They  were  marrie(I  in 
the  Buckeye  SUite  aufl  lived  there  and  in  Ken- 
tucky until  their  removal  to  Marion  County.  Ind.. 
to  which  they  removed  about  I8-i'.l.  The  father 
opened  up  a  farm  from  the  wilderness,  where  he 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  days,  dying  in  .January, 
1882.  at  the  age  of  sixty-six  years.  The  mother 
still  occupies  the  old  homestead  and  is  now  about 
seventy-one  years  old.  Their  five  children  were 
named  resjiectively,  A  Hie.  Lucretia,  Charles  L., 
Susan   A.  and  .lames  Robert,  who  are  all  living. 

Mr.  Downing  attended  the  common  schools  of 
Ohio  and  Indiana,  and  liveil  with  his  father  on  the 
farm  in  Marion  County,  the  latter  state,  until  ap- 
proaching the  twenty-second  year  of  his  age.  In 
March.  18(30.  he  came  to  Illinois  and  engaged  to 
work  by  the  month  for  William  Stevens,  in  Vermil- 
ion County.  In  Dccemljer  follovving  he  returned 
home  and  in  the  spring  of  18G1  entered  the  em[)lo3' 
of  H.  H.  Hall,  a  minister  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church,  in  Marion  County,  Ind.,  with  whom 
he  remained  seven  years.  It  is  proper  to  state 
he  began  working  out  summers  wlieji  a  lad  of 
fourteen.  The  winter  season  was  devoted  mostly  to 
his  books,  and  he  attended  school  duiing  these  sea- 
sons nntil  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War, 
then,  desirous  of  having  a  hand  in  the  subjugation 
of  the  rebels,  he  enlisted  on  the  I2tli  of  jMarcli, 
1862,  in  Company  1),  Ti'tli  Indi.-ina  Infantry,  and 
was  mustered  into  service  at  ludiana|i((lis.  He 
drilled  there  with  his  regiment  two  weeks,  and  in 
less  than  a  month  after  his  enlistment  met  the 
enemy  in  the  liattle  at  l'err\  ville.      He  afterward 



foiiglit  in  some  of  the  most  important  battles  of 
tlie  war,  being  at  Crab  Orchard.  Stone  River, 
Cliic-kamanga,  Mission  Ridge.  Lookout  Mountain, 
Knoxvilie  and  Spring  Hill,  at  which  latter  place 
they  remained  several  da3-s  before  starting  on  the 
Atlanta  Campaign.  On  the  way  thither  they  en- 
countered the  enemy  at  Buzzard's  Gap,  l^alton 
and  Resaca,  Ga..  where  on  the  27th  of  May,  1863, 
they  lost  1,400  men  in  one  hour  out  of  the  third 
division  of  the  fourth  army  cori)S.  Later  Mr. 
Downinf  was  with  his  comrades  at  the  liattle  of 
Kenesaw  :Mountain  (where  the  father  of  Mrs. 
Downing  was  killed).  After  the  fall  of  Atlanta. 
our  subiect  was  in  the  battle  of  Jonesboro.  which 
ended  that  campaign.  Thence  they  retraced  their 
steps  to  follow  up  the  rebel  general.  Hoixl,  and  en- 
tered upon  one  of  the  most  arduous  campaigns  of 
the  war,  which  soon  afterward  came  to  a  close.  Our 
subject  was  mustered  out  at  N.ashville,  Tenn.,  in 
June,  18C5,  and  received  his  final  discharge  at  In- 
dianapolis the  same  month.  Although  he  was  in 
all  the  engagements  of  his  regiment  he  was  never 
wounded,  and  with  the  exception  of  four  days, 
when  he   had  the  mumps,  he  never  lost  a  roll-call. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  array  Mr.  Downing  re- 
turned to  his  old  haunts  in  Marion  County,  where 
he  entered  the  employ  of  Mr.  H.  H.  H.all,  and 
three  days  after  laying  aside  his  uniform  was  cra- 
dling in  the  wheat  field.  He  continued  with  Mr. 
Hall  until  1868,  then  returning  to  Illinois  re- 
entered the  employ  of  Mr.  Stevens.  In  tlie  mean- 
time the  little  orphan  girl  whose  father,  Thomas 
Guess,  had  been  killed  in  the  charge  on  Kenesaw 
Mountain,  had  been  legally  .adopted  by  Mr.  Ste- 
vens and  had  now  grc^n  to  an  attractive  woman- 
hood. Our  subject  in  due  time  made  her 
acquaintance,  and  the  result  was  a  mutual  at- 
tachment which  culminated  in  their  marriage, 
Sept.  25,  18G8,  at  the  home  of  the  bride's  adopted 
father,  in  Georgetown  Township. 

After  their  marriage  Jlr.  and  Mrs.  Downing 
settled  on  the  farm  which  they  now  own  and  oc- 
cup3',  and  the  nucleus  of  which  was  purchased  in 
the  spring  of  1869.  In  1871  he  added  eighty  acres 
and  has  since  given  to  it  his  best  efforts,  bringing 
the  whole  to  a  fine  state  of  cultivation  and  effect- 
ing modern   improvements  in    the  way  of    fences. 

buildings  and  the  other  appliances  naturally  sug- 
gested to  the  mind  of  the  progressive  agriculturist. 
In  the  meantime  the  household  circle  had  been 
gradually  enlarged  l\y  tli€  birth  of  eight  children, 
wlio  were  named  respectively,  Priscilla  M.,  Oscar 
J..  Frank,  Susan,  Ella,  Lottie.  Reason  E.  and 

Mr.  Downing  cast  his  first  presidential  vote  for 
Douglas,  and  has  since  given  his  unqualified  sup- 
port to  the  Democratic  party.  He  has  served  ss  a 
Director  in  his  School  District,  also  as  Road  Over- 
seer. As  an  ex -soldier  he  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R. 
Post  at  Georgetown,  No.  204.  He  finds  his  relig- 
ious home  in  the  Christian  Church,  to  which  also 
his  wife  and  daughter,  Priscilla,  belong,  and  of 
which  he  has  been  a  Deacon  ten  j'ears  and  a  mem- 
ber twelve  J'ears.  All  those  enterprises  tending  to 
the  best  good  of  the  people,  socially,  morally  and 
financially,  have  found  in  him  a  steadfast  friend. 

f)AMES  i\EWTON  MITCHELL.  Perhaps 
no  very  thrilling  event  has  transpired  in  the 
life  of  this  steadj'-going  and  reliable  citi- 
zen, but  he  is  one  of  those  forming  the  bone 
and  sinew  of  his  community,  and  one  who  has  as- 
sisted in  establishing  its  financial  prosperity,  and 
ujiholding  the  standard  of  moralif v.  His  life  occu- 
pation has  been  that  of  a  farmei-,  in  which  he  has 
been  very  successful,  accumulating  a  good  prop- 
erty and  fortifj'ing  himself  against  the  days  when 
perhaps  he  may  be  found  unfitted  for  labor.  His 
homestead  lies  on  section  12,  in  Georgetown  Town- 
ship, and  with  its  well-tilled  fields,  substantial 
buildings  and  general  air  of  jilenty  an^!  comfort, 
forms  a  most  delightful  picture  in  the  landscape  of 
that  region. 

Our  subject  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in 
Brown  Township,  Montgomerj-  Co.,  Ind.,  April  7, 
D^30,  and  remained  a  resident  of  the  Iloosier  State 
until  approaching  manhood.  His  education  was 
acquired  under  the  primitive  methods,  and  in  the 
log  school-house  of  that  early  d.ay,  and  when  a 
youth  of  nineteen  years  he  started  out  for  himself, 
taking  a  contract  to  made  5,000  rails  at   fifty  cents 



per  hundreil,  the  scene  of  his  operations  heini;-  in 
Parke  Count}-.  There  also  he  made  the  acquaint- 
anee  of  Miss  Sar.ah  E.  Ilnrlam,  a  native  of 
coiintj',  and  in  due  time  they  vvere  married.  The 
spring  following  they  removed  to  Peoria  Count}', 
111.,  where  they  lired  eight  years,  then,  in  the  fall 
of  1858,  returned  to  Montgomery  County,  Ind. 
Sojourning  there  until  the  spring  of  1861,  they  re- 
turned to  Parke  County,  Ind.  Their  family  now 
consisted  of  four  children,  and  the  wife  and  mother 
died  upon  the  place  where  she  spent  her  chililhood 
and  youth.  Four  other  children  had  been  liDrn 
and  died  in  the  meantime.  The  eldest  daughter, 
Bashaby  R.,  married  William  Skinner,  and  died  in 
1886,  leaving  three  children — Louis,  .Tames  Nor- 
man, now  deceased,  and  Harriet  E.  George  H..  a 
grocer  of  Ft.  Scott,  Kan.,  married  Miss  Laura  R. 
Rhnby,  and  they  have  two  children — Harlam  R. 
and  Garnett  R. ;  John  F.  is  a  resident  of  George- 
town Township;  he  married  Miss  Cora  Pickett,  and 
they  have  one  child,  Frederick  A.;  .Tames  1).,  a 
resident  of  Vermillion  County,  Ind.,  is  a  wagon- 
maker  by  trade:  he  married  Miss  Cora  E.  Ilolde- 

After  the  death  of  his  wife  Mr.  Mitchell  removed 
to  a  'farm  of  eighty  acres  in  Vermillion  County, 
Ind.,  and  on  the  28th  of  .September,  1869, 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  (Cox)  Falls.  This  lady  is 
the  daughter  of  John  Ritchie  and  Mary  (Cox) 
Ritchie,  who  were  natives  of  Ohio.  The  fatlicr 
served  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  subsequently  occu- 
pied himself  as  a  farmer,  carpenter  and  brick- 
mason.  L'pon  leaving  the  Buckeye  State  he  set- 
tled in  Parke  County,  Ind.,  where  he  spent  his  last 
davs.  The  parental  family  consisted  of  twelve 
children,  ten  of  whom  grew  to  [mature  years,  viz: 
Elizabcth,IIester  A.,  Joseph,  Meliuda,  John,  Mary. 
Eleanor,  Edward,  Jefferson  and  IJobert  G.;  two 
died  in  infancy. 

The  present  wife  of  our  subject  was  born  in 
Parke  County.  Ind.,  and  was  married  in  18.V,)  to 
Mr.  .Jesse  B.  Falls,  also  a  native  of  that  county. 
They  became  the  parents  of  three  children — Mary 
E.,  John  E.,  .and  Joseph  I.,  and  Mr.  Falls  died  in 
Indiana.  Her  wedding  with  our  subject  took  place 
in  Vermillion  County,  Ind.  In  1872  Mr.  Mitchell 
sold  his    Indiana    yiroperty  and   cunc  to  ^'ernlilion 

County,  where  he  is  now  the  owner  of  two  farms, 
the  homestead  embracing  106 J  acres.  His  other 
farm  is  forty-seven  and  one-fourth  .acres  in  e.vtent. 
Our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  have  by  their 
present  marriage  four  children— Sarah  E.,  Martha  A.. 
Cassius  L.,  and  .losei)liine  II.,.  Mr.  Mitchell  votes 
the  straight  Hopiiblican  ticket,  and  has  served  as 
Road  Master  and  SchoolDi  rector.  He  comes  from 
old  Kentucky  stock,  being  the  son  of  Gabriel  and 
Ruth  (Van  Cleve)  Mitchell,  who  vvere  both  natives 
of  Shelby  County,  that  State.  They  wore  reared  and 
married  in  the  Blue  Grass  regions,  where  the  father 
cairiod  on  farming  until  removing  to  Montgomery 
County,  Ind.,  in  1 827.  There  he  was  one  of  the  pio- 
neer settlers.  His  was  the  common  lot  of  those  who 
had  ventured  onto  the  frontier,  and  ho  labored  suc- 
cessfully in  building  up  a  home  in  the  wilderness. 
He  was  three  times  married,  and  had  b}'  the  first 
wife  twelve  children,  namel}-:  Daniel  H.,  who  died 
in  Kankakee  Count}',  this  State,  .at  the  age  of  sixty- 
three  years;  John  W..  Margery  A.,  Polly  B.. 
James  N..  Martha  J-,  Sally  E.,  Robert  L.,  Alinnie 
(deceased).  Amelia  S.,  Nancy,  and  .Molina  H.  The 
mother  of  these  children  died  in  1817.  at  the  age 
of  forty-flve  years.  By  his  second  marriage  Gab- 
riel Mitchell  was  tlie  father  of  four  children,  viz: 
David  B..  Jose|)li  L..  Ruth  A.  and  George  15.  Of 
his  third  marriage  there  were  no  childn'ii.  He  re- 
moved to  Wilson  County,  Kan.,  in  I.S70.  and  died 
in  1H7L). 

i|,_,  ENRY  jMILLS  resides  on  section  .3,  Elwood 
Ji  Township,  and  was  born  on  is  known 
Jy  as  the  Thomas  Brown  farm,  near  Vermil- 
((^  ion  Grove.  March  2:5,  18;?0.  He  began  life 
poor  but  has  been  eminently  successful  in  building 
up  a  competency.  He  gives  one-tenth  of  his  in- 
come to  the  support  of  the  gospcl.and  for  benevolent 
])urposes,  a  characteristic  which  entitles  him  to  the 
name  of  philanthropist. 

Seth  Mills,  the  father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
was  boru  in  Jefferson  County,  East  Tcnn..  Oct. 
10,  1805,  and  was  a  son  of  John  and  .Mary  (Davis) 
Mills,  who  removed  to  the  ;\liama  \alloy,  Ohio, 
in  1806,  settling  a  few   miles   from    Dayton.     Seth 



Mills  came  with  his  parents  to  Wajiie  County, 
Ind..  in  1815,  and  they  were  consequently  among 
the  very  early  settlers  of  that  region.  At  that  time 
there  were  man\^  Indians  i-oving  about,  but  they 
were  peaceable.  The  heavy  beech  timber  that  cov- 
ered that  country  made  it  difficult  to  clear  the 
land.  The  elder  Mills,  fcinned  leather  and  also  made 
the  shoes  for  the  family.  He  married  Reljecca, 
daughter  of  John  and  Julatha  Canaday  on  the  21st 
day  of  March,  1827,  and  to  this  union  Ave  children 
were  born,  three  of  whom  are  living:  Irena  Ila- 
worth,  Henry,  and  Anna  M.  Ilaworth.  The  father 
came  to  Vermilion  County  in  the  spring  of  1828 
raising  a  crop  of  corn  that  year.  In  the  autumn 
he  brought  his  famil}'  here,  accompanied  by  John 
and  Herman  Canaday  and  families.  An  inventorj' 
of  the  effect  of  the  elder  Mills  when  he  arrived 
here,  would  exhibit  that  he  had  one  horse,  two 
cows,  three  calves,  a  few  sheep  and  fifty  cents  in 
money.  He  bought  a  horse  soon  after  his  arrival, 
givii}g  110  days  work  for  it.  In  1846  he  wrote  a 
short  sketch  of  his  life  from  which  the  above  facts 
were  gleaned.  He  died  in  this  township  on  the 
19th  day  of  August,  184C,  his  wife  surviving  him 
for  man}'  years,  dying  at  her  son  Henry's  house  on 
on  the  18th  day  of  July,  1888.  This  most  estim- 
able couple  were  life-long  Quakers,  as  are  all  their 
children.  They  were  rigidly  honest  and  when 
they  left  this  world,  the}'  did  not  leave  an  enemy 
behind  them. 

Henry  Mills  received  his  education  at  the  com- 
mon schools  of  Illinois  and  has  always  worked 
hard  since  he  was  old  enough.  All  of  his  life  has 
been  spent  in  this  township.  He  is  an  Elder  in  the 
Quaker  Church  at  Elwood  and  occupies  the  impor- 
tant office  of  '"Head  of  the  Church"  at  that  place. 
On  the  10th  of  November,  1852  he  was  married  to 
Mary  Folger,  who  was  born  in  Elwood  Township 
also,  they  are  the  parents  of  eight  children,  seven  of 
whom  are  living:  Aaron,  Alpheus,  Zimri,  Marietta, 
Matilda,  Seth,  and  Allen  G.  Alpheus  married 
Matilda  Newlin.  They  are  living  in  the  State  of 
Oregon  and  have  four  children — Lewis,  Ella,  Ja}', 
and  an  infant  boy;  Zimri  married  Miriam  Newlin, 
they  also  reside  in  Oregon  and  have  two  children — 
Dennis  C.  and  Foster  M;  Marietta  married  Levi 
E.  Lewis,  they  are  living  on  the  old  homestead  with 

the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and  have  two  chil- 
dren— Mary  E.  and  Russell;  ^Matilda  is  the  wife  of 
Justin  L.  Haworth.  they  are  living  across  the  Slate 
line  in  Vermillion  Count\',  Ind.,  and  are  the  parents 
of  two  children — Lucv  M.  and  Huber;  Lucy  is 
deceased;  Seth  married  Rhoda  J.  Ilesttr,  they 
live  in  this  township  and  have  one  child — Ola  R. 
Henry  Mills  owns  33(5  acres  of  land,  where  the 
old  homestead  is  located,  and  forty-seven  acres  in 
another  tract  near  by.  He  is  engaged  in  raising 
stock  consisting  of  Short-horn  cattle  and  Poland- 
China,  hogs.  He  has  been  very  successful,  fuian- 
cially,  which  is  due  to  his  industrious  habits  and 
prudent  business  managenit'nt.  He  believes  that 
the  Prohibition  party  is  right,  and  votes  the  ticket 
upon  which  is  printed  the  names  of  men  who  be- 
lieve in  temperance  principles.  There  is  not  a 
farm  in  his  township  upon  which  are  better  build- 
ings, and  there  is  none  that  is  in  a  higher  state  of 
cultivation.  His  wife  has  been  a  valualjle  help- 
jnate  to  him.  and  she  has  done  her  full  share  in 
placing  tln'in  in  the  independent  position  they  now 


APT.  FRANK  J.  PASTEUR,  editor  and 
proprietor  of  the  Ridge  Farm  Times,  foun- 
ded this  journal  in  1887,  and  is  conducting 
it  with  success.  He  was  born  near  Wheeling, 
AV.  Va.,  Sept.  12,  1838,  and  came  to  Illinois  with 
his  parents,  they  settling  in  Griggsvillc,  I'ike 
County.  He  is  the  grandson  of  Maj.  John  JIc- 
Elro}'  of  Revolutionary  fame.  He  enlisted  in 
18C2,  in  Company  D,  79th  Illinois  Infantry,  and 
was  wounded  in  the  hip  at  the  battle  of  Stone 
River,  Dec.  31,  1862. 

After  recovering  from  his  wound,  our  subject 
was  assigned  to  duty  by  the  Secretary  of  War,  in 
the  Inspector  General's  department,  on  the  staff  of 
Gens.  Rosecrans  and  Thomas,  Commanders  of  the 
Army  of  the  Cumberland.  He  participated  in  the 
battles  of  Chickamauga,  Missionary  Ridge,  Resaca, 
Kenesaw,  New  Hope  Church,  Siege  of  Atlanta, 
Jonesboro,  Franklin,  etc.  He  is  an  editor  and 
practical  printer,  and  founded  the  Rossville  (111.) 
Press,    West  Lebanon   (Ind.)    Gazette,   Meredosia 

^.    0/^^ 




(111.)  Commercial,  and  has  liail  a  large  experience 
as  a  traveler.  He  has  been  nearly  all  over  the 
United  Slates,  and  to  Canada.  Cuba  and  Mexico, 
cliielly  in  tlic  interest  of  the  nietropnlitan  news- 
papers, and  is  widely  known  in  the  West  as  a  suc- 
cessful newspaper  man. 

-  «>":xk$-i- — •> 


?i?SAAC  N.  BUSBY.    Among-  the  retired  farmers 

I  of  Fairmount  Village,  Mr.  Busby  may  be  given 

II  as  a  fair  sample  of  the  worth  and  respectabil- 
ity wliich  have  so  many  illustrations  in  this  county 
— men  who  have  risen  from  an  humble  ))osition  in 
life  and  wliose  characters  have  been  developed  l)y 
the  force  of  circumstances;  while  their  innate  hon- 
esty and  integrity  enabled  them  to  make  for  them- 
selves a  good  record  financially  and  in  their  busi- 
ness relations.  The  second  in  a  family  of  twelve 
children,  Mr.  Busby  was  born  Nov.  10,  1822,  in 
Virginia,  and  when  a  child  of  four  years  was  taken 
b}'  his  parents  to  Madison  County,  Ind.     llischild- 

I  hood  and  youth  were  passed  amid   tlic  wild   scenes 
!  of  life  on  the  frontier,  as  there  were    less  than  100 
people  in  that  county  when  the  Busby  family  took 
up  their  abode  there. 

The  early  education   of  our   subject  was  there- 
ifore  quite  limited,  he  pursuing  his   first  studies   in 
[a  log  school  house,  averaging  about  two  months  in 
the  year.     As  soon  as  old  enough  his  services  were 
utilized  upon  the  new  farm,  from  wiiich  he  assisted 
!  his    father    in    clearing  the   timber,  and   remained 
I  with    his    parents   until   a  young  man  of  twenty- 
three  years.     He  was  then  married   to  Miss   .Sar:di 
Ann,  daughter  of  Edward    and    Margaret  (Volcu- 
tine)  Cott}',  Mr.  Cutty  being    a  farmer  of  his  oun 
neighborhood  and   the  father  of  eight  children,  of 
I  whom  his  daughter  Sarah  was  the  fifth   in  order  of 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Busby  settled 
upon  a  farm  belonging  to  the  father  of  our  subject, 
but  six  months  later  removed  to  Pendleton,  Ind., 
where  Mr.  Busby  purchased  a  half  interest  in  a 
cabinet  shop,  and  carried  on  this  l)usiness  for  five 
years.     Then  selling  out  he  changed    his  resideme 

to  Miiacleville.  wiiere  he  purchased  a  store  of  gen- 
eral  merchandise,  and  conducted   this   two  years. 

Selling  out  once  more  he  came  to  this  county,  in 
1853,  and  purcliased  a  farm  in  Catlin  Townshi]). 
He  sold  tliis  in  18.')«  and  bought  another  in  Carroll 
Township,  to  which  he  removed,  and  still  owns  the 
property.  In  1858  he  came  to  the  farm  which  he 
now  occupies  and  which  comprises  320  acres  of 
choice  land,  nearly  all  under  cultivation.  He  has 
given  some  attention  to  stock-raising,  and  rather 
prefers  it  to  general  farming,  although  peihaps  in 
the  latter  he  has  met  more  uniformly  with  success. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Busby  are  the  parents  of  a  fine 
family  of  children,  eight  in  number,  and  ;dl  living. 
The  oldest,  W.,  married  iSIiss  Amy  Ford, 
is  the  father  of  four  children,  and  lives  in  Adair 
Count}',  Iowa;  Alice  is  the  wife  of  Franklin 
Swisher,  of  Carroll  Township,  and  thej-  have  one 
child;  Horace  C.  left  home  some  years  ago,  and  is 
in  the  West;  Mary  L.  is  the  wife  of  "William 
Carrington,  of  Carroll  Township,  and  the}-  have 
three  children ;  Margaret  married  Charles  Cox, 
lives  in  Fairmount  and  is  the  mother  of  one  child; 
John  E.  married  Miss  Birdie  Tuiner,  and  they 
occupy  the  home  farm;  they  have  no  children. 
Ira  M.  and  Carrie  are  unmarried  and  remain  with 
their  parents. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Busljy  left  the  farm  in  188G,  and 
now  occup}-  a  pleasant  and  attractive  little  home 
in  Fairmount,  near  that  of  the  well-known  Dr.  J. 
W.  Turner.  Mr.  Busby  owns  two  and  one-half 
acres  of  land  within  the  corporation,  and  is 
generally  well-to-do,  having  no  cause  for  anxiety 
as  to  life's  comforts  in  his  declining  years.  Both 
he  and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  have  been  very 
active  workers  in  the  Sunday-school.  Socially, 
Mr.  Busby  belongs  to  Fairmount  Lodge,  No.  590, 
A.  F.  &  A.  M. 

Our  subject  for  the  last  eighteen  years  has  been 
Township  Trustee.  Politically  he  is  quite  con- 
servative, and  has  a  due  appreciation  of  the  privi- 
leges of  the  voting  citizen,  vvhicii  are  too  often 
held  in  light  esteem.  During  his  early  manhood 
he  belonged  to  tlie  old  Whig  party  until  its  aban- 
donment, in  185G.  He  was  not  an  admirer  of  John 
C.    Fremont,    the    Presidential    candidate    of    the 



newly-formed  Republican  party,  neither  could  he 
conscientiously  vote  for  James  Buchanan,  the  can- 
didate of  the  Democracy.  Scarcely  knowing  how 
to  escape  from  the  dilemma  in  which  he  found  him- 
self, he  and  an  ardent  Democratic  neighbor  finally 
paired  off  and  decided  to  dig  potatoes  all  day  in 
their  adjoining  fields,  and  if  either  one  jumped 
upon  a  horse  and  left,  the  other  one  was  to  go  and 
vote.  They  dug  ir.dustriously  all  day,  and  as  a 
consequence  neither  voted  at  that  election.  From 
that  time  Mr.  Busby  has  voted  the  Republican 

Tiie  father  of  our  subject  was  John  Busby,  a 
native  of  Monroe  County,  Va.,  and  who  married 
Miss  Phebe  Boggcss,  likewise  born  in  the  Old 
Dominion.  Grandfather  Busby  was  a  native  of 
Virginia  and  the  great- grandfather  was  born  in 
England.  On  the  mother's  side  Grandfather 
Boggess  traced  his  ancestry  to  Scotland.  The 
p-irents  of  our  suliject  were  reared  and  married  in 
their  native  State,  where  they  lived  until  182G. 
They  then  emigrated  to  Madison  Count}',  Ind., 
where  the  father  entered  240  acres  of  land  and 
where  he  sojourned  for  a  period  of  twenty-seven 
years, enduring  the  toils  and  vicissitudesof  pioneer 
life.  In  1853  he  came  to  this  county  and  purchased 
160  acres  of  land  in  Catlin  Township.  After 
putting  in  one  crop  he  returned  to  the  Hoosier 
State  for  his  family,  removing  them  here  in  1854. 
They  lived  in  a  log  house  a  number  of  years,  and 
in  the  meantime  labored  in  the  opening  up  of  the 
farm,  their  industry  and  perseverance  meeting  with 
success.  The  elder  Busby  accumulated  a  good 
property,  becoming  quite  an  extensive  land-owner. 
He  rested  from  his  earthly  labors  in  1880,  and  his 
name  is  hold  in  kindly  remembrance  by  all  who 
knew  him  as  having  been  a  useful  man  in  his  com- 
munity, and  one  who  ever  sought  its  best  interests. 
The  motlier  survived  her  husband  until  1887, 
passing  away  in  Winterset,  where  the  father  also 
died.  Six  of  their  twelve  children  are  still  living 
and  making  their  homes  mostl}'  in  Illinois  and 

Mrs.  Busby  was  born  in  Wa^ne  County,  Ind.. 
May  23,  182G,  and  there  spent  the  days  of  her 
childhood  and  youth.  She  obtained  her  education 
in    the    same    manner   as    her   husband,  under    the 

primitive  system  of  instruction  in  the  log  school 
house,  and  became  familiar  with  all  useful  house- 
hold duties  which  fitted  her  for  the  careful  wife 
and  mother  who  has  looked  after  the  family  in- 
dustriously and  conscientiously,  and  who  labored 
equally  with  her  husband  in  the  building  of  their 
homestead  and  the  accumulation  of  property. 

Thomas  W.  Busby,  the  eldest  son  of  our  subject, 
entered  the  army  as  a  drummer,  during  the  late 
Civil  War,  before  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age. 
Through  some  misunderstanding  he  was  not  regu- 
larly enlisted,  but  he  served  all  through  the  war  as 
a  private  soldier  in  Company  E,  73d  Illinois  In- 
fantry, participating  in  everj'  battle  in  which  this 
gallant  regiment  engaged.  For  two  years  he  never 
missed  a  roll  call,  but  suffered  later  considerably 
from  illness.  He  remained  with  his  regiment,  how- 
ever, and  with  it  received  his  honorable  discharge, 
having  escaped  wounds  and  capture  by  the  enemy. 
His  experience  was  similar  to  that  of  the  common 
soldier  who  suffered  hardship  and  privation  un- 
complainingly- while  he  never  lacked  in  braverj-, 
being  always  found  at  his  post  when  able,  and 
])repared  to  accept  whatever  fate  should  befall  him. 

The  many  friends  of  Mr.  Biisb}"  will  welcome 
with  pleasure  the  valuable  addition  to  the  Ai.ium 
in  a  fine  portrait  of  him  whose  life  has  been  passed 
among  them  as  a  book,  the  open  jjages  of  which 
all  might  turn  and  read. 


AMUEL  P.  DOXOVAN.  Although  for 
many  years  past  engaged  in  the  peaceful 
jHirsuits  of  agriculture,  the  subject  of  this 
notice  will  be  remembered  by  a  large  pro- 
portion of  the  old  residents  of  this  county,  <as  one 
of  Kit  Carsons'  fifty-two  Invincibles  who  distin- 
guished themselves  bj'  their  ex))lorations  in  New 
Mexico  and  Arizona  in  1861.  The  romantic  his- 
tory of  that  enterprise  and  the  men  who  conducted 
it  is  almost  synonomous  with  the  history  of  this 
country.  There  are,  however,  but  comparatively 
few  living  of  the  valiant  spirits  who  took  their 
lives  in  their  hands  and  ventured  into  a  savage 
country,  far  beyond   the    bounds   of   civilization. 



Mr.  Donovan,  one  of  t!ie  bravest  of  these,  made  for 
himself  an  honorable  record.  After  the  close  of 
the  war  he  turned  his  attention  to  farming,  and  has 
now  one  of  tlie  finest  homes  in  Carroll  Township. 
This  is  presided  over  by  a  very  estimable  lady, 
Mrs.  Donovan  being  endowed  with  more  than  or- 
dinary intelligence,  and  one  who  enjoys  in  a  large 
measure  the  esteem  of  all  who  know  her.  The}' 
are  the  parents  of  four  children,  named:  Luella. 
William  O.,  Emma  E.  (deceased)  and  Eva  A. 

A  son  of  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  this 
county,  our  subject  was  born  on  Stone  Creek  about 
two  miles  north  of  Danville,  Aug.  27,  1829.  It 
will  thus  be  seen  he  is  among  the  oldest  living 
natives  within  its  precincts.  Born  and  reared  amid 
the  wild  scenes  of  pioneer  life,  he  grew  up  healthy 
in  mind  and  body,  acquiring  a  limited  education 
in  the  log  school -house  of  those  times,  and  being 
harnessed  into  work  at  an  early  age.  When  sixteen 
years  old  he  left  home  and  was  employed  on  a 
farm  b}'  the  month  until  18151,  then  seized  with 
the  California  gold  fever  he  crossed  the  Rocky 
Mountains  to  Pike's  Peak,  starting  on  foot  and  alone 
to  Fairmount,  where  he  took  the  train  to  St.  Louis 
and  thence  proceeded  via  the  Missouri  River  to 
Omaha.  At  this  point  a  company  of  eighteen 
equipped  themselves  with  wagons  and  mules,  in- 
tending to  start  on  a  land-exploring  trip.  After 
traveling  over  Southeastern  Nebraska  and  North- 
eastern Kansas,  the  whole  company  finally  set  out 
across  the  plains  from  Ft.  Leavenworth  to  Denver. 
being  forty-one  days  on  the  road.  Thence  they 
proceeded  to  Golden  City,  where  young  Donovan 
worked  by  the  day  for  two  weeks,  then  started 
over  the  range,  wading  in  snow,  in  June,  until  lie 
came  to  Blue  River. 

At  the  above-mentioned  point  there  was  consid- 
erable excitement  concerning  the  prospects  in 
California,  and  Mr.  Donovan  proceeded  thither. 
Taking  a  claim  he  went  to  mining  in  the  snow  about 
July  1,  then  sold  out  and  pocketed  the  snug  sum 
of  ^1,G00  as  his  share  of  the  profits  for  two  months. 
We  next  find  our  hero  on  the  way  to  the  San  Juan 
Mountains.  At  Taos,  N.  M.,  the  party  stopped  to 
lay  in  a  store  of  provisions  and  then  fell  in  with 
Kit  Carson,  who  was  organizing  a  compan}'  for  the 
purpose  of  going  to  the  southwestern  part  of  Ari- 

zona. Young  Donovan  eagerly  embraced  the  op- 
portunity to  join  the  expedition,  and  they  were 
soon  proceeding  on  their  long  and  perilous  trip. 
They  traveled  through  the  country  of  the  Navajo 
Indians,  where  no  white  man  had  ever  ventured 
before  and  met  with  many  exciting  incidents, 
fighting  with  the  savages  and  only  losing  one  in- 
dividual, a  Dutchman,  who  through  mistaken  brav- 
ely exposed  himself  unnecessarily  and  was  shot 
through  by  an  arrow. 

Kit  Carson  is  described  by  Mr.  Donovan  as  being 
one  of  the  best  natured  and  most  kindiv  disposed 
men  it  was  ever  his  fortune  to  meet.  His  \\U'  on 
the  frontier  had  naturally  made  him  somewhat 
rough  at  times  in  his  manner  and  conversation,  but 
at  heart  he  possessed  the  elements  of  true  manhot)d. 
The  company  explored  the  country  along  the  Colo- 
rado and  Gila  rivers  and  in  Southern  California, 
breaking  up  at  Ft.  Garland,  whence  thej'  returned 
to  Colorado,  our  subject  and  twelve  others  return- 
ing by  the  same  route  on  which  they  went  out. 
They  engaged  in  mining  at  Buckskin  Joe,  forming 
a  company  and  working  on  the  Phillips  lead  and 
sinking  all  the  money  they  possessed  uitli  poor  re- 

Next  Mr.  Donovan  jiroceeded  to  Denver  and 
Central  City,  where  he  commenced  working  bv  the 
day,  and  was  thus  occupied  nine  months,  making 
18  per  day.  He  then  invested  a  portion  of  his 
capital  in  No.  3  Nottaway  Lead,  which  he  and  his 
partner  worked  until  they  made  ^25,000  in  about 
six  months.  Being  satisfied  with  this  Mr.  Donovan 
decided  to  return  to  Illinois  and  soon  afterward 
was  married,  Sept.  10,  18G5,  to  iMiss  L3'dia  Stun- 
kard.  Shortly  afterward  he  purchased  his  present 
farm  of  188  acres  in  Carroll  Township.  Of  this 
union  there  were  born  no  children,  and  Mrs.  Lydia 
Donovan  died  after  eight  years  of  married  life. 

Our  subject  in  due  time  contracted  a  second 
matrimonial  alliance  with  Miss  Sarah  Jane,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Pollard,  of  whom  mention  is  made 
in  the  sketch  of  Charles  Hull  on  another  page  in 
this  volume.  The  Pollards  are  of  English  descent 
and  for  many  generations  have  been  noted  for  their 
mechanical  genius.  The  mother  of  Mrs.  Donovan 
was  in  her  girlhood  Mary  Ann  Bartel,  and  was  the 
offspring  of  a  noted  English  family  who  emigrated 



to  Anieri'-a  at  an  early  period.  Her  father  built 
llie  first  steam  saw-mill  along  the  southern  line  of 
this  county,  and  for  years  tliereafter  operated  as  a 
millwright  and  wheehvriglit.  ]\Irs.  Dunovan,  a  verj' 
estimable  lady,  is  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Cluirch,  and  our  subject,  politically,  has 
voted  with  the  Republican  party  since  its  organiza- 
tion. After  voting  for  John  C.  Fremont,  the  first 
Republican  canilidate  for  President,  Kit  Carson 
declared  that  if  he  should  live  to  be  more  than  a 
hundred  years  old  he  would  never  vote  for  so  good 
a  man  as  Fremont.  While  Mr.  Donovan  was  in  the 
mountains  his  wife  was  in  her  native  England.  She 
was  born  in  Yorkshire,  where  she  attended  a  pri- 
vate school,  and  was  a  girl  of  fourteen  years  when 
coming  to  America.  Her  father  had  visited  this 
country  twice  before  his  family  joined  him  in  this 
county.  He  crossed  the  Atlantic  seven  times  prior 
to  his  death,  which  took  pLace  in  1886,  when  he 
was  sixty -five  years  old.  The  mother,  now  a  lady 
of  sixty-eight  years,  is  still  living  and  makes  her 
home  in  Indianola.  Their  Ave  children  were  named 
respectively,  Paul.  .lolm.  Sarah  ,1..  Peter  and  Mar- 
tha A.  Mr.  Donovan  has  served  as  School  Director 
for  a  numljer  of  years,  and  has  always  signalized 
himself  as  a  public-spirited  and  liberal-minded  citi- 
zen, giving  the  right  of  way  to  the  Chicago  & 
Eastern  Illinois  Railroad,  and  contributing  in 
other  directions  to  the  best  interest  of  the  county. 
The  parents  of  our  subject  were  James  and  Mary 
(Perkins)  Donovan,  natives  of  Bourbon  Countj', 
Ky.,  where  they  were  reared  and  married.  They 
came  to  Illinois  in  1828.  The  father  when  a  3'outh 
of  sixteen  years  served  in  the  regular  army  under 
(;en.  Andrew  Jackson  as  private  in  a  Kentucky 
comp.iny.  After  coming  to  this  county  he  was 
employed  in  the  salt  works  near  Catlin;  he  also 
hauled  quantities  of  produce  to  Chicago  and  trans- 
ported produce  down  the  river  to  New  Orleans. 
After  a  life  of  industry  and  many  hardships  he 
departed  hence  when  about  sixty-years  old.  The 
mother  died  in  1861,  at  the  age  of  sixt^'-six  years. 
'J  hey  were  the  parents  of  fifteen  children,  three  of 
whom  died  in  infancy.  The  others  were  named  re- 
si)ectively,  Joseph,  Rebecca,  William  (deceased), 
James,  Corneli\is,  Martha.  Richard,  Samuel  Porter 
our    subject,    Sarah    .1..    Arlhui-    C,  Jerry,   Marj', 

Louisa,  Nellie,  and  Robert,  deceased.  The  paternal 
grandfather  was  born  in  Ireland,  and  was  there 
married  to  a  maiden  of  his  own  county.  Upon  com- 
ing to  America  thej-  settled  in  Kentucky  where 
they  spent  their  last  days.  Grandfather  Joseph 
Perkins  was  a  native  of  England  and  was  married 
in   Kentucky  to  a  lady  who   was  born  in  Scotland. 

—5 #-«# i— 

Tr^\OBERT  W.  FISK.  This  bright  .and  prom- 
\^  ising  young  attorney  is  the  eldest  son  of 
tA^  \\\  James  W.  and  Sarah  A.  Fisk,  and  although 
^^jonly  admitted  to  the  bar  May  8,  1884,  has 
already  gained  an  enviable  reputation  as  a  member 
of  the  legal  fraternity  and  made  many  friends  among 
the  people  of  this  connt\'',  especially  in  Ridge 
Farm,  to  which  he  came  soon  after  completing  his 
law  course.  He  is  possessed  of  a  worthy  ambition 
to  excel,  and  devotes  much  careful  study  to  the 
various  knotty  questions  which  are  constantly  aris- 
ing in  connection  with  his  profession,  aided  b}-  an 
auij)le  library,  to  which  he  is  gradually  adding  as 
time  and  opportunity  permit.  He  has  fair  pros- 
pects for  the  future  and  numbers  of  friends  who  are 
w.atching  his  career  with  kindly  interest. 

Our  subject  vvas  born  aX,  Melrose,  Clark  County, 
this  State,  Nov.  7,  1858,  and  attended  the  common 
school  during  the  days  of  his  boyhood  and  youth. 
He  at  an  early  period  in  his  life  evinced  an  interest 
in  common  law,  and  in  September,  1883,  entered 
the  law  department  of  the  Michigan  University  at 
Ann  Arbor,  where  he  studied  until  March,  1884. 
Then  returning  to  Melrose  he  sojourned  there  until 
being  .admitted  to  the  Indiana  bar,  i\Iay  8,1884. 
On  the  8th  of  May.  1888  ho  was  admitted  to  prac- 
tice in  the  courts  of  Illinois.  He  elected  Police 
Magistrate  of  Ridge  Farm  in  April.  1887,  for  a 
term  of  four  years,  and  at  the  Republican  District 
Conyention  in  1888,  received  twent^-Rve  votes  for 
Representative  out  of  the  fifty-four  required  for 
nomination.  He  officiates  as  Notary  Public,  .and 
is  building  up  a  practice  which  is  steadily  increas- 
ing in  extent  and  import.ance,  and  has  recently  been 
ap|)ointed  Dei)uty  States  Attorney  for  this  county. 
Mr.  F'isk  has  set  a  worthy  example  for  his  young 



men  associates,  being  an  active  member  of  tiie 
Methodist  F^piscopal  {'liuifli,  and  giving  his  un- 
qualified support  to  those  enterprises  set  on  foot 
for  tlie  purpose  of  elevating  tlie  social  status  of  the 
community  where  he  is  destined  to  make  liis  mark. 
He  was  for  one  ^-ear  C'ai)tain  of  Charles  A.  Clark 
Camp,  No.  77  Sons  of  Veterans,  and  is  at  present 
First  Sergeant  in  that  bod3^  He  possesses  business 
qualifications  of  no  mean  order,  and  is  a  general 
favorite  both  in  the  social  and  business  circles.  He 
remains  unmarried.  As  an  orator  he  is  exceptionally 
eloquent  and  forcible,  .ind  invariably  brings  his 
oratorical  powers  to  his  support  when  arguing 
questions  liofore  the  courts. 

UILLIAM  MILLER.  In  that  day  when 
freedom  shall  make  up  the  muster  roll  of 
^^W  her  heroes,  none  on  the  majestic  list  shall 
meet  with  greater  honor  than  those  who.  when  the 
Secessionists  sought  to  force  our  flag  from  its  proud 
place,  sprung  to  its  aid.  The  farmer  l)oy,  the  stud- 
ent, the  wealthy,  all  touched  shoulders  and  nmrchfil. 
suffered  and  died,  that  we  might  have  a  land  un- 
divided, free  and  prosperous.  It  will  be  an  un- 
propitious  da^-  for  this  country  when  it  forgets  to 
sing  the  praises  of  her  noble  defenders.  Lot  his- 
tory make  a  record  of  the  fact  that  the  man  whose 
name  heads  this  sketch  was  one  of  those  who  dared 
to  do,  when  that  act  meant  something,  and  when  the 
dark  clouds  of  adversity  and  war  hovered  over  our 
fair  land. 

William  Miller  is  a  retired  farmer  of  Indianola. 
His  father  and  mother,  James  and  Ruth  (\Veile\). 
both  died  when  William  was  young,  and  of  whom 
he  has  no  recollection.  At  the  time  of  their  death 
there  were  but  two  children  in  the  familj- — Squire 
and  William,  the  former  going  to  Missouri  in  about 
18m.  and  when  the  Mexican  War  broke  out  he  en- 
listed, and  that  was  the  last  Mr.  Miller  heard  of 
him.  William  was  born  March  1.5,  1816,  in  Giles 
Countj',  Va.  His  ancestors  were  leading  people  in 
tlu'  Colonies,  and  his  grandfather  Weiley  was  a  sol- 
dier   in   the    Revolution.ary  AVar.      Soon   after  his 

mother's  death  William  was  thrust  upon  the  world 
to  do  for  himself,  and  so  his  young  life  was  spent 
in  struggling  to  obtain  a  livelihood.  The  most  of 
this  period  of  his  life  was  spent  on  a  farm,  and  at 
the  age  of  seventeen  he  came  to  Vermilion  County, 
without  money  and  without  friends.  He  was  en- 
deavoring to  work  Ills  w.ay  to  jMissouri,  where  his 
brother  was  then  livin;;.  hut  induciinents  were  laid 
before  him  that  were  strong  enough  to  keep  him 
here,  where  he  worked  continuously  for  three  or 
four  years,  lie  made  his  first  trii)  on  a  fiatboat  to 
New  Orleans  in  1812,  having  rafted  on  the  Ohio 
before.  At  this  time  he  was  a  man  grown,  and  a 
strapping  fellow  of  six  feet  three  and  a  half,  weigh- 
ing 220.  and  fully  calculated,  physically,  to  make 
his  way  in  the  world.  He  made  three  tri|)s  to  New 
Orleans,  and  then  abandoned  the  liver.  IK'  rented 
a  farm  for  several  years,  after  which  he  came  to 
Carroll  Township,  in  1815,  in  which  year  he 
married  to  Miss  Maiy  George,  who  was  born  in 
Hamilton  County.  Ohio.  In  1857  he  removed  to 
Indianola,  and  two  years  later  went  to  Kansas, 
where  he  purchased  160  acres  of  land,  intending  to 
permanently  remove  there  the  nest  year.  At  this 
time  the  struggle  was  going  on  in  Kansas  that  was 
to  determine  whether  that  State  to  be  free  or 
slave,  and  society  was  so  unsettled  that  he  gave  up 
his  I  Ian  of  iral-ing  that  his  home. 

When  the  war  broke  out.  in  I.SGI.  he  enlisted  in 
('omyany  D,  25th  Illinois  Infantrj-,  and  was  mus- 
tered in  at  Danville.  His  regiment  proceeded  to 
St.  Louis,  remaining  at  that  place  for  a  fortnight, 
when  it  was  ordered  to  .lefferson  City  for  drill. 
It  then  went  to  .Springfield,  JNIo..  thence  south  and 
back  again  to  the  latter  place,  when  they  were  or- 
dered to  Rolla,  where  the  regiment  spent  its  first 
winter.  In  the  following  March  the  orders  came 
to  go  to  Springfield  again,  whence  the  regiment 
)iroceeded  to  Pea  Ridge  and  there  engaged  in  its 
first  fight.  Mr.  I\liller  was  also  in  the  following 
battles:  Corinth.  Champion  Hills.  Stone  River, 
Chickamauga.  AHssion  Ridge,  Noonday  Creek,  ' 
Pinetop  JNIountain,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Cliatt(dioo- 
ehee.  Peach  Tree  Creek  and  .\tlanta.  This  is  a 
brilliant  record.  By  reason  of  the  expiration  of 
his  terin  of  service  he  was  discharged  at  Atlanta. 
During  the  entire   term  of  enlistment  he  had  been 



home  on  fiirlougli  but  once  to  sec  his  wife  and 

In  ISCr)  Mr.  Miller  went  to  Montana,  making  the 
journej'  with  a  wagon.  Ilis  trip  embraced  Wash- 
ington, Oregon  and  Idaho,  touching  the  British 
Possessions.  He  retnrned  in  1867,  rich  inexper- 
ience, if  in  nothing  else.  Being  a  good  shot,  he 
enjoyed  hunting  in  the  mountains.  About  the  last 
of  September  the  mines  would  close,  when  lie 
would  shoulder  his  rifle  and  go  into  the  mountains 
in  pursuit  of  bear,  buffalo,  deer,  and  antelope,  and 
he  has  killed  :is  high  as  fifteen  deer  in  one  day. 
Since  he  has  returned  he  has  devoted  himself  to 
mone3'- getting,  and  success  has  been  his. 

On  March  6th,  1889,  his  good  wife  died  at  the 
age  of  seventy,  leaving  five  children,  whose  record 
is  given:  John  W.  enlisted  in  the  Union  Army,  and 
died  at  (iriftin,  Ga.,  in  1865;  Sarah  E.,  married 
John  H.  Grimes,  of  Villa  Grove.  He  died  in  1889. 
and  was  the  father  of  three  children — Gordon, 
INIaud  and  Roy;  Mary  C.  is  the  wife  of  Van  Mitch- 
ell, a  resident  of  Sidell  and  an  ex-soldier.  They 
have  five  children — Minnie,  William,  Pearl,  Walter, 
and  Nellie;  Winfleld  lives  at  Sidell;  Lucy  is  the 
wife  of  Allen  Spicer,  a  fanner  of  Carroll  Townshij), 
and  has  one  child,  Benjamin  Harrison. 

Mr.  Miller  is  a  Republican  from  principle.  He 
voted  for  William  Henr}'  Harrison  in  1840,  and 
for  Benjamin  Harrison  in  1888.  He  has  never 
sought  office,  but  adheres  to  his  party  at  all  times. 
Mr.  Miller  is  one  of  the  citizens  of  ^'ermilion 
Count}'  who  is  respected  by  his  neighbors,  and  all 
those  with  whom  he  is  acquainted. 

(^^HEODORE  MATKIN,  an  extensive  handler 
(f^^  and  shipper  of  live  stock,  is  one  of  the  liest 
5^^'  known  men  in  this  county.  He  handles 
more  cattle  than  any  other  dealer  in  Carroll  Town- 
ship and  is  exceedingly  popular  with  the  f.arraers. 
lie  was  born  in  this  township  on  June  22,  1842, 
where  he  grew  to  manhood  and  gained  his  present 
[iroud  position  in  the  esteem  of  those  who  know 
him  best. 

His  father  and  mother,  William  and  Mary  (San- 

dusky) Matkin,  were  early  settlers  of  this  county. 
The  father  was  born  in  Kentuckj^  and  came  to  Illi- 
nois in  1835,  then  a  young  man  of  twenty  3'ears. 
He  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business  at  (irand- 
view,  and  while  there  became  acquainted  with  his 
future  wife.  His  life  was  not  to  be  spared  long, 
however,  for  in  about  three  years  after  his  mar- 
riage he  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-seven  years, 
leaving  two  children:  Theodore,  and  Mary,  now 
Mrs.  Baird.  The  mother  remained  a  widow  for 
some  time,  then  she  married  Samuel  Baum,and  by 
this  union  four  children  became  men  and  women: 
Frank,  Winchester,  America  and  May. 

Theodore  Matkin  has  no  recollection  of  his 
father,  and  when  his  stepfather  died  he  was  but 
eighteen  years  tf  age,  after  which  he  assumed  the 
management  of  the  Baum  farm  of  1,500  acres.  He 
remained  at  home  caring  for  his  mother  and  the 
children.  During  the  war  he  prospered,  .as  the 
products  of  his  farm  were  in  great  request  and  at 
exorbitantly  high  prices.  His  education  was  lim- 
ited to  his  attendance  upon  the  public  schools,  but 
he  has  been  a  constant  reader  and  is  always  seeking 
knowledge  of  the  substantial  sort.  The  cattle  busi- 
ness comes  naturally  to  him.  He  herded  stock 
while  but  a  mere  boy  and  grew  up  among  the  cat- 
tle. At  the  age  of  twenty-two  years,  in  1864,  he 
was  married  to  Sallie  E.,  daughter  of  William  and 
Sarah  (Weaver)  Raney.  Her  father  was  born 
near  Flemingsburg,  Ky.,  and  by  occupation  was  a 
farmer.  He  served  his  country  during  the  Mexi- 
can War.  The  mother  was  also  a  native  of  the 
same  State  and  was  a  widow  when  she  married  Mr. 
Raney.  Her  first  husband,  James  Culbertson,  left 
four  children  when  he  died:  William,  Edward, 
Amanda  and  John.  Edward  enlisted  in  the  army 
at  the  same  time  his  stepfather  did  and  went  to 
Mexico.  Mrs.  Matkin  was  a  little  girl  of  five  or  six 
when  they  enlisted,  and  recalls  how  her  fatlier  en- 
treated her  to  be  a  good  girl  and  how  he  promised 
when  he  returned  to  bring  her  some  presents;  but 
he  never  returned.  The  mother,  in  1850,  came  to 
Vermilion  Count}-,  where  in  1852,  at  the  age  of 
fifty-one  years,  she  passed  away,  universally  be- 
loved as  a  kind  neighbor  and  a  perfect  mother. 
She  kept  her  family  together  until  her  death.  She 
had   three  children   by    her    last   marriage:   John, 




Tli(ini!is  and  Sai.ali  E.  Thomas  siM'Vpd  in  the  late 
war  and  died  in  New  Orleans;  Julm  went  to  Iowa 
when  a  hoy  of  twenty  years,  where  he  niarrieil  and 
soon  after  died. 

,Mr,s.    Matkin   was    born    in   Kdgar    Counly,  111. 
Coming  to  Georgetown   she  made  her  home  vviili 
her  sister,  Mrs.  .lohn  Grace,  and   thns  she  came  to 
atten<l  the  same  school    as  her  futnre  husband  did. 
Cupid  did  effective  woriv  in  a   log  school-house  this 
time.     Mr.    and    ]\Irs.    Matkin    continued    on    the 
IJauni   farm  three  years  after   their  marriage,  when 
they  removed    to    Chicago  at  the    time    the   great 
I'nion  Stock-yards  were  first  opened.    The  purpose 
of  this  removal  was  to  enter  the  live  slock  commis- 
sion business,  but  not  liking  it  there,  his  next  ven- 
ture was  in   the  dry-goods  trade  at    Indianola,  re- 
maining in   that  business  three  years.     During  all 
this  time  his  ideas  were  centered   upon  the  stock- 
dealing,  and  so  he  st>ld  out  his  dr3'-goods  and  inau- 
gurated the  business  of  farming  and  dealing  in  cat- 
tle.   He  shipped  his  stock  largely  to  Buffalo,  N.Y., 
where  he  became   acquainted  with  C.  F.  Reynolds, 
and  in  1872  he  formed  a  union  with  him  under  the 
firm  name  of  C.  F.  Reynolds  &  Co.,  and  for  Iwleve 
years  they   transacted   an    extensive     business    in 
Buffalo,  where   their  main  office  was   located.     In 
the  stock  business  Mr.  Matkin  has  bandied  millions 
of  dollars,  sometimes  paying  out  from  $;')(). 000  to 
1100,000  per  week;    but   unwiselv  a    third  partner 
■was    taken    into   the    firm,    and    they     failed     for 
130,000.     The  debts,  however,  were  paid  off  dollar 
for  dollar,   although    everything  Mr.  Matkin   had 
■was  sold  under  the    hammer,  even  to  his    private 
horses  and  carriage.     It  took  about  five  years  to 
pay  their  debts,  but  the  firm  kept  on  doing 
and  eventiially  won  the  fight.     In  1884  Mr.  Mat- 
kin retired  from  business  and  came  back    to    Indi- 
anola.    During  his  business    career    in  Buffalo    he 
became  quite  well  acquainted  with  the  law  firm  of 
Cleveland  &:  Bissell,  and  he   says  he  found  the  ex- 
President    an    honest   lawyer.     On  the  whole,  Mr. 
Matkin  has  been  successful    in  his  life  work.     He 
IS  now   living   in  his  elegant  home,  well  ])rovidefl 
with  everytliing  calculated  to   round  out  his  hoii- 
nral'le   life.       With   music  and    children    around 
him.  lie  is   happv.     Jessie,  his  little  daughter,   was 
born   in   Buffalo,   Feb.   10,   1880,  while  Susjin  first 

saw  the  light  in  Indianola,  Feb.  28,  1885.  He  is 
at  present  engaged  some  in  buying  and  shipping 
stock  to  Buffalo,  Chicago.  Indianapolis  and  the 

Mr.  JIatkin  is  a  Uei)ublican,  but  party  ties  rest 
lightly  upon  him.  Whenever  the  opposition  nom- 
in.atesa  man  he  likes,  he  breaks  through  the  lines  of 
his  party  and  votes  for  whom  he  thinks  to  be  the 
best  man — as,  for  instance,  he  voted  for  Cleve- 
land, a  personal  friend  of  his,  for  Governor. 

i^iLDER  URIAH  FOLGKU.  There  is  no 
fe]  other  religious  organization  that  embraces 
1^ — ^  a  greater  number  of  ccjnsislent,  true  and  de- 

vout Christians  than  that  of  the  Friends'  Church. 
It  is  proverbial  that  the  people  of  this  denomina- 
tion have  done  more  to  inculcate  sim|)le  honesty 
than  any  other  of  equal  numbers.  When  William 
Penn  came  to  this  country  the  natives  had  posses- 
sion of  the  most  of  it,  and  they  were  distrustful  of 
the  whites.  They  had  been  deceived  and  studi- 
ously imposed  upon,  and  had  come  to  think  that 
all  white  men  were  bad.  But  when  this  simple 
(Quaker  told  them  what  he  would  do  they  believed 
him,  for  the  sect  to  which  he  belonged  was  known 
to  them  as  people  incapable  of  deception.  A  treaty 
was  made,  based  upon  the  honor  of  the  great  foun- 
der of  Pennsylvania,  and  its  provisions  ■were  relig- 
iously kept.  It  is  a  lamentable  fact  that  before 
that  time  the  contracts  made  with  the  Indians  were 
drawn  \\\)  with  a  view  of  being  broken.  Thus  the 
Quakers  were  largely  instrumental  in  settling  the 
difficulties  that  existed  between  the  whites  and  the 
Indians,  and  the  foundations  for  a  great  State  were 
therefore  laid.  All  honor  to  the  Society  of 

I'riah  Folger  is  an  Elder  in  the  Friends'  Church 
and  a  typical  (Quaker.  He  was  born  in  Elwood 
Township  April  23,  1834.  His  father,  Asa,  a  na- 
tive of  North  Carolina,  came  to  this  county  in 
1831,  settling  in  the  Elwood  neighborhood.  He 
carried  on  the  business  of  tanning  and  shoemaking 
for  man}^  j'ears.  and  did  the  work  for  the  settlers 
who  lived  for  miles  around.   He  employed  at  limes 



four  or  five  men,  and  as  a  business  man  he  pros- 
pered. He  was  one  of  the  best  of  men.  His  wife  was 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Uriah  Starbuclv.  This  wor- 
thy couple  were  the  parents  of  ten  children:  Wal- 
ter, Erasmus,  Matilda  Hawortb.  Lydia,  John,  Mar}', 
Sarah,  Raclmel  and  Thomas.  Thomas,  the  youngest, 
is  forty-nine  j-ears  old.  The  father  and  mother 
died  in  1.S50  and  1880  respectively. 

Uriah  Folger  received  his  primary  education  at 
the  common  schools,  and  later  he  attended  the 
Bloomingdale  Academj',  where  he  studied  under 
Prof.  Hobbs.  He  was  an  apt  scholar  and  therefore 
received  a  good  education.  On  Nov.  10,  1858,  he 
was  married  to  Edith  C  Dillon,  daughter  of  Laban 
and  Jane  (HoUid.ay)  Dillon,  both  deceased.  The 
former  died  when  Edith  was  an  infant,  while  the 
mother  passed  away  in  1859.  Tin's  worthy  couple 
had  many  traits  of  character  that  endeared  them  to 
their  neighbors,  and  their  death  was  mourned  bj' 
all  their  acquaintances.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Folger  never 
had  any  children.  He  owns  twenty  acres  of  land 
in  Ehvood  Township  and  640  acres  in  Crosby 
County,  Tex.,  and  also  a  town  lot  in  Marriette, 

Mr.  Folger  was  reared  in  the  faith  of  the  (Quaker 
Church,  while  his  wife  united  with  that  most  ex- 
cellent denomination  at  the  age  of  fifteen  years. 
He  is  an  exhorter  of  considerable  note  in  his  church, 
and  devotes  the  most  of  his  time  to  that  work.  He 
is  eminentlj-  successful  in  his  labors  to  make  the 
world  better,  and  those  who  know  him  best  are  his 
most  aident  admirers.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Folger  never 
weary  in  doing  good,  and  the  respect  in  which  thej' 
are  held  by  their  neighbors  is  well  earned. 

^i?  EWIS  ALLEN  REID.  It  has  been  custom 
I  ((S)  ary  to  speak  of  men  who  have  raised  them 
Jl^^  selves  to  honorable  positions  in  life  without 
the  aid  of  wealth,  as  self-made  men.  There  is  much 
less  significance  in  this  expression  than  people  sup- 
pose who  use  it.  It  would  seem  to  imply  that  there 
were  some  men  who  are  not  self  made,  that  they  were 
made  by  others,  and  that  the  qualities  necessary  to 
render  the    man   successful   in  life  need  not  be  ac- 

quired but  might  be  conferred.  Such  is  not  the 
case.  All  men  who  are  made  are  self  made,  and 
there  is  no  exception,  for  it  cannot  be  otherwise. 
In  whatever  department  one  may  enter,  if  he  desires 
success  he  must  achieve  it.  There  is  no  short  cut. 
no  patent  process.  It  is  work  that  makes  men,  and 
that  work  must  be  done  by  the  man  himself  who 
would  be  made.  Hard  work  has  made  I.ewis  Allen 
Reid  what  he  now  is  in  the  estimation  of  his  fellows. 

Mr.  Reid  was  born  in  Vermillion  Count}',  Ind., 
Oct.  2G,  184G.  His  father,  David  Reid,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Mason  County,  Ohio,  and  came  to  \'ermill- 
ion  County.  Ind.,  in  1837,  with  his  parents  when  a 
small  boy.  He  removed  to  Elwood  Township  in 
1848,  where  he  died  April  7,  1865.  His  wife  was 
Eleanor,  daughter  of  John  Whitlock,  a  prominent 
pioneer  of  the  same  township.  She  was  born  in 
Kentuck}-  and  came  to  Illinois  when  she  was  a  lit- 
tle girl.  Sjic  was  the  mother  of  eight  children, 
seven  of  whom  are  now  living.  Lewis  A.,  of  whom 
this  sketch  is  written;  Cynthia  Henderson,  Thomas, 
Lance  L.,  Laura  Glick,  Eliza  Trimble  and  Rosa 

Lewis  A.  Reid  was  primarily  educated  at  the 
common  schools  and  finished  his  education  at  the 
Georgetown  High  School.  He  taught  two  years 
in  this  township,  two  terms  of  which  were  in  his 
home  district,  and  two  in  district  No.  4.  lie  was  a 
soldier  in  the  late  war,  having  enlisted  in  Company 
E,  135th  Illinois  Infantry-.  He  served  a  term  of 
four  months,  his  regiment  being  only  called  out  for 
100  days.  On  May  7,  1865,  Mr.  Reid  married 
Anna,  daughter  of  Wright  Cook.  The  latter  was 
a  pioneer  of  Elwood  Township.  He  em  igrated  from 
North  Carolina  to  Illinois  in  1825,  locating  here 
when  the  Indians  and  wild  animals  held  almost  un- 
disputed possession  of  the  country.  His  wife,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Rachael  Maxwell,  was  a  native  of 
Knoxvillc,  Tenn.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cook  had  twelve 
childi  en,  eight  of  whom  still  survive :  Elam,  of  Tus- 
cola, Ill.,Keziah,  Mrs.  Rudd,  of  Elwood  Township; 
Hugh,  of  Springfield,  Mo.;  Thomas,  Asa,  of  El- 
wood; Sarah,  Mrs.  Patterson,  of  Montgomery 
County,  Kan.;  Mrs.  Reid  and  Rachel  Thompson, 
both  of  Elwood.  Two  of  the  children  died  after 
they  had  attained  maturity,  viz.;  Elizabeth.  Mrs. 
Smith,  who  left  a  husband  and  four  children,  and 



Jt)el,   who    died  at  the  age  of  twenty-two.     Mrs. 
Reid  was  born  in  Elwood,  .Inly  21,  1841. 

Mr.  Reid  located  on  his  present  farm  in  the  fall 
of  1865,  where  he  owns  and  operates  1 10  acres  of 
land.  He  is  engaged  in  raising  graded  cattle, 
Clydesdale  and  Xorman  horses  and  Poland-China 
and  15erksliire  pigs.  Politically,  he  belongs  to  the 
Republican  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Cum- 
berland Presbyterian  Church  at  Yankee  Point,  and 
in  the  Sunday-school  he  is  a  great  worker,  where 
he  has  been  Superinten<lent  or  teacher  for  the  past 
ton  years.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  (i.  A.  R. 
Mrs.  Reid  is  a  consistent  member  of  the  Cumberland 
Presbyterian  Church,  and  an  incident  will  exhibit 
that  she  came  from  iilucky  stock.  Iler  mother  rode 
on  horseback  and  drove  a  cow  all  the  way  from 
Tennessee  to  Union  County,  Ind.,  where  the  family 
resided  for  a  time. 

;  OHN  MAKEMSON,  one  of  the  good  far- 
mers of  his  neighborhood,  is  a  native  of 
Kentucky,  born  on  the  22d  day  of  February, 
1821.  He  was  reared  in  Harrison,  in  that 
State,  and  he  married  Amanda  Adams,  daughter  of 
Samuel  and  Nanc}-  Adams,  who  were  also  natives 
of  Kentucky.  Their  marriage  occurred  on  Christ- 
mas Day,  1848,  after  which  thev  settled  on  a  farm 
two  miles  south  of  their  present  location. 

This  couple  are  the  parents  of  five  children: 
William  T.;  Hannah,  wife  of  Lester  Leonard; 
Nancy,  wife  of  John  C'lapp;  Arena  P..  wife  of 
Robert  Phillips;  Perry  is  at  home.  Mr.  Makem- 
son  owns  900  acres  of  good  land,  and  he  can  justly 
say  that  ever}'  cent  he  has  accumulated  has  been 
through  his  own  exertions.  His  biography,  could 
space  be  given  for  its  details,  would  prove  truth  as 
strange  as  fiction,  inasmuch  as  it  would  l)e  pregnant 
with  examples  of  courage  and  will-power  that 
compel  circumstances  to  shape  themselves  to  events, 
and  would  show  the  ambitious  youth  of  loda^'  that 
notwithstanding  iioverty.  and  the  misfortunes  of 
a  neglected  education,  a  boy  however  poor  can 
rise  as  high  as  his  ambition  can  carry  him.  In  list- 
ening to  the  life  story  of  Mr.  Makemsou,  we  would 

hear  enough  to  teach  us  that  however  discouraged 
we  may  be,  there  is  always  hope  and  assurance  that 
labor  and  faith  will  eventually  conquer. 

Politically  Mr.  Makemson  votes  the  Republican 
ticket,  though  he  does  not  care  for  the  active  life 
of  the  politician,  but  goes  to  the  polls  and  deposits 
his  ballot  for  the  candidates  of  his  party,  believing 
in  the  wisdom  of  the  leaders,  and  he  is  gencndly 
right.  His  family  worships  at  the  Methodist 
Church,  and  are  reckoned  among  iIk^  devout  and 
consistent  Christians  of  the  neighborhood.  When 
the  roll  of  good  citizens  is  made  up.  the  person  of 
whom  this  brief  biography  is  written,  will  stand  In 
the  list  as  one  of  the  best. 

-— >'>^:i^^it5<-^^ 

UKSLEY  ELLIOTT  is  a  modest   and  unas- 
suming   man,  devoted    to    his    home   and 

\J?^  family.  As  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  he 
has  been  eminently  prosperous.  He  owns  a  farm, 
which  is  highly  cultiv.ated.  of  143  acres  on  section 
26,  on  the  Harrison  Purchase,  Elwood  Township. 
He  was  born  in  Wayne  County,  Ind.,  Nov.  12, 
1848.  His  father,  Nathan,  was  a  native  of  North 
Carolina,  and  came  to  Vermilion  County  in  De- 
cember, 1854,  settling  in  Elwood  Township,  one 
mile  and  a  half  southwest  of  the  Ridge. 

Mr.  Elliott  received  his  primary  education  at 
the  public  schools,  but  desiring  to  better  himself 
in  an  educational  w.a}-,  he  attended  IJIoomingdale 
Academj-.  where,  by  his  studious  habits  and  his 
determination  to  win.  he  acquired  a  good  educa- 
tion. He  has  always  been  a  farmer,  and  has  ascer- 
tained the  fact  that  the  more  intelligence  a  man 
possesses  the  better  farmer  he  is ;  that  labor  can  be 
lightened  by  reading — something  that  in  the  gen- 
eration before  him  would  have  been  laughed  at. 
But  this  is  a  progressive  age,  and  in  nothing  has 
there  been  more  progression  than  in  agriculture. 
Within  the  last  forty  years  all  of  the  substantial 
improvements  in  agricultural  machinery  have  been 
made,  and  now  it  is  possible  to  operate  a  farm  with 
one-half  the  labor  that  was  required  in  the  last 

On  the  11th  of  February.  1875,  Mr.  Elliott  was 



married  to  Rebecca  J.,  daughter  of  James  Men  den - 
hall,  who  emigrated  from  Hamilton  County,  Ind., 
to  Illinois  in  1858.  He  was  a  prominent  citizen,  a 
man  very  much  respected  by  everybody,  and  at 
the  time  of  his  death  was  considered  well-to-do. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliott  are  the  parents  of  three  cliil- 
(\yeii — Otis  M.,  Lulu  G.,  and  Annie  M.  Wesley 
Elliott's  mother,  Naomi  Mendenhall,  was  a  lady 
noted  for  her  charitable  works  and  man}'  lovely 
traits  of  character.  She  was  the  mother  of  eight 
children,  seven  of  wiiom  are  living:  Henry  C,  Annie. 
Mrs.  Rorlv ;  Wesley,  Alvin,  Clayton  B.,  Mary  E..Mrs. 
StofTsdill;  and  Delphinia,  Mrs.  Lynch.  The  father 
was  married  twice,  his  first  wife  being  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Maxwell,  and  by  her  he  had  three  children, 
hut  one  of  whom  is  now  living — .John.  Mrs. 
Elliott's  mothei-,  Rebecca  (Campbell),  was  the 
uiotlier  of  ten  children,  five  of  whom  are  living: 
Priscilla,  Mrs.  Patten;  Ira  C,  Ryan  G.,  Rhoda  C, 
Mrs.  Ankrum  and  Mrs.  Elliott.  The}'  are  worthy 
adherents  of  the  Society  of  Fi-iends. 

Mr.  Elliott  is  engaged  in  mixed  farming  and 
stock-raising,  a  calling  which  has  been  a  success 
with  him.  He  liandles  and  feeds  nothing  but  the 
best  kind  of  stock,  and  is  always  ready  to  try  any 
new  improvement  will  forward  the  work  of 
agriculture,  and  has  any  merit  at  all  in  it.  He  be- 
lieves that  the  Republican  party  is  the  one  to 
which  this  country  must  look  for  its  reforms,  and, 
while  he  never  seeks  office,  has  held  many  local 
positions,  which  he  has  invariably  filled  with  abil- 
ity. Being  of  the  Quaker  persuasion,  that  fact  is 
guarantee  enough  of  the  stability  of  his  character, 
and  shows  that  his  neighbors  can  trust  him  in  any 
position  in  which  he  is  placed. 

W WILLIAM  JASPER  OLEHY,  an  exsoldier 
of  the  Union  Army  and  one  of  the  best- 
known  residents  of  Georgetown  Township, 
is  the  proprietor  of  a  snug  farm  of  seventy-eight 
acres  on  section  18,  where  he  has  effected  good  im- 
provements and  is  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  comforta- 
ble home.  He  was  born  in  Danville  Township. 
Vermilion   County,  July  24.  1810,  and  was  reared 

upon  his  father's  farm,  attending  the  common 
school  a  short  time — only  six  months — and  then 
commenced  in  earnest  the  battle  of  life.  He  worked 
out  by  the  month  until  after  reaching  his  majority 
and  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  enlisted, 
July  17,  1862,  for  three  years,  or  during  the  war, 
in  Company  A,  125th  Illinois  Infantry,  under  the 
command  of  Capt.  Ralston.  He  was  mustered  in  at 
Danville  where  they  drilled  three  weeks  and  were 
then  ordered  to  the  front,  going  to  Covington,  Ky. 
via.  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Our  subject  first  met  the  encm}'  in  battle  at  Per- 
ryville,  next  at  N.ashville,  Murfreesboro  and  at 
Ch.ittanooga;  after  this  followed  the  march  to 
Kuoxville, whence  they  returned  to  Chattanooga  and 
soon  afterward  entered  u|)on  the  Atlanta  campaign. 
In  the  meantime  the  regiment  was  assigned  to  the 
14th  Army  Cor|)s  under  command  of  Gen.  Thomas 
and  with  Sherman  marched  to  the  sea.  Their  mis- 
sion ended  in  the  Southeast  they  repaired  to  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  were  present  at  the  grand  review, 
M.ay  22-25,  1865,  and  were  mustered  out.  He  re- 
ceived his  honoralile  discharge  in  Chicago,  June 
29,  1865. 

Returning  now  to  the  farm,  Mr.  ( )lchy  occupied 
himself  in  agricultural  pursuits  and  in  a  sawmill 
east  of  Danville  until  his  marriage.  This  interest- 
ing event  occurred  in  1870,  the  bride  being  Miss 
Mary  A.,  daughter  of  William  and  Mary  (Glaze) 
Oleli}-.  The  young  people  settled  in  Pilot  Town- 
ship, where  our  subject  was  engaged  in  farming 
until  1881,  then  purchased  his  present  homestead. 
Of  this  first  marriage  there  were  born  two  chil- 
dren— Annie  R.  and  Mary  E.,  and  the  mother  died 
in  1880.  Mr.  Olehy  votes  the  straight  Democratic 
ticket.  He  has  very  little  to  do  with  public 
affairs,  avoiding  the  resiionsibilities  of  otlice  and 
giving  his  undivided  attention  to  his  farnung  in- 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Jacob  and  Annie 
(Glaze)  Olehj',  who  were  both  natives  of  Ohio,  and 
the  father  born  near  Chillicothe.  The  paternal 
grandfather,  Virginius  Olehy,  was  of  English  and 
German  descent.  The  parents  were  marrie<l  in 
Vermilion  County,  III.,  to  which  they  came  in  their 
youth,  in  1833-34.  ;Mr.  Olehy  carried  on  farming, 
and  both  he  and  his  wife  died  of  cholera  in    1849. 



The}'  were  the  iniroiUs  of  five  children,  four  of 
whom  are  living.  Relu'C-ea,  the  eldest,  is  the  wife 
of  Alonzo  Cook,  a  coal  dealer  of  ( ieorgetown  Town- 
ship. Dennis  is  a  carpenter  bj-  trade  and  a  resi- 
dent of  Danville.  .Martha  R..  is  the  widow  of  John 
Martin,  a  mechanical  engineer  wiio  died  in  Danville. 

'^1  S.  ^lOSE.S  is  a  prominent  business  man  of 
Hoopeslon,  news  dealer,  Justice  of  the 
I'eace.  and  dealer  in  musical  instruments' 
books, stationer V  and  notions.  lie  was  born 
in  Portsmouth,  N.  IL,  March  2G,  1846,  and  there 
resided  with  his  parents  outside  of  the  city,  obtain- 
ing his  education  in  Portsmouth,  later  attending 
school  at  Dixon,  111. 

When  Mr.  Moses  came  to  Illinois  he  was  about 
twenty-one  years  of  age.  He  located  in  White- 
side Count}-,  where  he  taught  school,  following  the 
same  pursuit  also  in  Lee  County,  and  while  living 
there  he  attended  school  part  of  the  time  at  Dixon. 
In  1875  he  first  came  to  Vermilion  County,  teach- 
ing school  for  three  or  four  years,  after  which  he 
engaged  in  the  business  mentioned  above,  and  has 
so  continued  ever  since.  He  has  made  a  success  in 
everything  he  has  undertaken,  in  a  financial  point 
of  view,  and  as  an  otliclal  bis  record  is  of  the  ver^- 
best.  He  has  been  City  Treasurer,  Alderman. 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  all  of  these  offices  have 
come  to  him  unsought,  as  his  neighbors  believe 
that  he  possesses  all  of  the  attributes  necessary-  to 
hold  any  position  within  their  gift. 

On  the  14th  of  February,  1870,  Mr.  Moses  mar- 
ried Miss  Hattie  Bixby,  of  Aniboy,  111.  They 
have  had  two  children,  of  whom  only  one  is  liv- 
iuo-,  Fred  W.  Mr,  Moses  has  built  a  good  home  on 
Second  avenue,  where  he  has  lived  for  some  time, 
and  where  it  is  hoped  he  may  enjoy  many  years  of 
his  useful  life.  He  has  done  much  to  build  up  the 
literary  tastes  of  the  people  of  his  town,  and  there 
not  being  any  good  library  here,  he  has  personal!}' 
expended  a  generous  amount  in  maintaining  a  good 
circulating  library  of  1 ,200  volumes.  This  alone 
is  a  good  recommendation  for  any  man. 

Mrs.  Moses  was  born  in  Lee  Center,  Lee  Co.,  111., 

Dec.  22,  1 853,  and  is  a  daughter  of  L,  L.  Bixby,  a 
prominent  farmer  of  that  section  of  the  country. 
She  remained  at  home,  except  for  the  time  she  at- 
tended school,  until  her  marriage.  William  Moses, 
father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  born  in 
Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  where  he  was  reared  on  the  old 
homestead,  which  has  been  in  the  Moses  family 
since  1680.  lie  received  his  education  in  his  native 
city,  and  when  he  attained  his  majority,  located  on 
a  farm  two  miles  from  town,  where  he  engai;ed  in 
the  business  of  general  farming.  His  wife's  maiden 
name  was  Miss  Abigail  A.  Seavcy,  and  they  are  the 
parents  of  seven  children,  of  whom  only  three  are 
now  living:  .Mrs.  Julia  (Moses)  Moses  is  living  in 
Portsmouth;  Mrs.  Augusta  O.  (Moses)  .Seavey,  and 
the  subject  of  this  sketch.  The  father  is  still  living, 
but  his  wife  died  in  1886.  William  Moses  has  held 
the  various  local  c>ttices  of  Portsmouth,  although 
he  never  was  possessed  of  political  aspirations.  He 
has  voted  invariably  with  the  Democratic  i)artj', 
and  is  prominent  in  its  counsels.  Religiously  he 
believes  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Baptist  Church, 
and  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  0.  F.  William  Moses 
is  respected  in  his  native  town  as  a  man  of  many 
good  qualities. 

J.  S.  Moses  is  a  stalwart  Democrat,  and  has  been 
very  prominent  in  his  party.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  Odd  Fellows  and  M.  W.  A.  He  belongs  to  the 
Union  Church  of  his  cit}',  and  in  all  social  .affairs 
does  his  share  toward  making  life  hapi)ier  and 

ATHAN   WILLIAMS,  a  successful  farmer, 
)  stock-raiser  and  merchant,  of  IIoopeslon,was 

_^^ )   born    in    Harrison    County.    Ohio.  Nov.  1, 

1834.  His  farm  is  situated  on  section  11.  town- 
ship 23,  range  12,  and  near  the  fair  grounds. 
Beside  his  farming  and  cattle-feeding  interests,  he 
is  also  largely  interested  in  the  drygoods  business, 
which  is  conducted  in  the  firm  name  of  Williams 

Mr.  Williams  rem;iined  in  his  native  county  with 
his  father  and  mother  until  he  became  of  age,  at- 
tending the  common  schools  and  working  on  the 
farm  allernalelv.     In  1854  he  came  to  Illinois  and 




engaged  with  his  brother,  who  was  also  following 
asrricultiir:il  pursuits.  He  remained  here  hut  one 
season,  tlien  returning  to  Ohio,  wliere  he  took  f!iarge 
of  the  old  lioinestead.  In  1802  lie  married  Miss 
Susanna  Norman,  of  Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio, 
and  in  1864,  he  returned  to  Illinois,  and  concluded 
to  remain  here.  In  1 865  he  l)ought  a  farm  in 
Prairie  Green  Township,  Iroquois  Co.,  111.,  wliich 
was  partially  improved.  Here  lie  prosecuted  the 
business  of  stock-raising,  handling  large  herds,  and 
was  successful.  He  improved  tliis  farm  by  build- 
ing the  necessary  houses  and  barns  that  were 
needed,  and  by  fencing  and  hedging.  In  1871, 
when  Hoopeston  first  came  into  existence,  he  came 
iiere  and  erected  a  large  boarding  house.  In  1875, 
in  company  with  his  brotlier  .loiiii.  he  purchased  a 
grocery  business,  which  was  his  first  mercantile  ven- 
ture, but  which  was  a  successful  one,  notwithstand- 
ing the  tinancial  depression  that  carried  down  other 
firms  in  the  vicinity.  He  continued  in  the  grocery 
business  until  1881,  when  his  brotlier  sold  out  to 
Mr.  Catherwood.  and  our  sulijcct  and  Mr.  Cather- 
wood  continued  the  business,  going  into  the  grain 
liusincss  in  addition.  He  remained  in  this  partner- 
ship for  a  short  time,  when  he  purchased  the  whole 
business  and  has  built  up  a  large  trade,  also  in  dry- 
goods,  last  \ear  amounting  to  $.S0,000.  The  firm 
at  this  writing  is  Williams  Bros.,  his  brother  .loseph 
having  [lurchased  an  interest  in  the  business.  In 
their  em|)loy  as  general  manager  is  Mr.  Bond,  a 
nephew  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and  a  man 
of  large  i^xiierience.  This  recapitulation  is  given 
merely  to  exhibit  the  business  ability  of  ;Mr.  Will- 
iams and  to  show  his  capacity  in  different  lines  of 
trade.  He  has  not  made  a  failure  in  anything  that 
he  has  undertaken,  but  has  stea<lily  gone  forward 
and  lifted  u|)  every  Iiusiness   he  has  handled. 

Politically  Mr.  Williams  is  a  Republican,  but  has 
never  cared  for  office,  though  enthusiastic  in  his 
advocacy  of  the  party  to  which  he  belongs.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
and  also  of  the  Sunday-school. 

;Mrs.  Williams  was  born  in  Tuscarawas  County, 
Ohio,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Dorcas 
Norman,  who  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  who 
removed  from  Ohio  to  Indiana,  where  his  wife  died 
in    1887.     He    is    now  residing  with   his  daughter, 

Mr.s.  Williams.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Williams  are  the 
parents  of  seven  children,  of  whom  but  three  are 
living:  Joseph  O.,  is  residing  with  his  father,  while 
James  A.  is  a  partner  in  the  firm  of  Williams  Bros. ; 
Anna  Ma}'  is  also  at  home. 

\L^  ENRY  DORUS  NEWELL,  owns  a  large 
jj  farm  in  f 'arroU  Township,  acquired  b}'  his 
jW^  own  industry,  being  a  self-made  man  and 
'^^  receiving  no  financial  assistance  in  making 
his  start  in  life.  Mr.  Newell  has  been  engaged  in  the 
tailoring  business  for  the  long  period  of  forty-five 
years  and  operates  considerably  as  a  money  loaner. 
His  land,  170  acres,  is  all  prairie. 

Mr.  Joseph  Newell,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  a  tailor  by  trade  and  conducted  a  general 
merchant  tailoring  in  Birmingham,  England,  where 
he  was  born  and  spent  his  entire  life,  accumulating 
a  good  property.  He  married  Miss  Jane  Young 
who  was  born  two  miles  south  of  Birmingham. 
Both  the  grandfathers  of  our  subject  were  farmers 
and  with  their  wives  lived  to  be  over  eighty 
years  old.  To  .loseiili  and  Jane  Newell  there 
were  born  ten  children,  viz:  An  infant  who  died 
unnamed,  Frederick.  Henry  Dorus,  our  subject; 
Maria,  John,  Herbert,  AVilliam,  Harriet,  and  two 
more  infants,  unnamed,  deceased.  The  great-grand- 
father was  a  Norman  Count  by  the  name  of  Joseph 
DeNewell;  the  "De"  was  dropped  by  the  father  of 
our  subject. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  attended  a  private 
school  in  Birmingham,  prior  to  the  era  of  the  na- 
tional schools.  He  learned  rapidly,  being  more  than 
ordinarily  bright  and  intelligent,  and  completed  his 
studies  at  the  age  of  fourteen  years,  being  also  at 
that  age  confirmed  in  the  Episcopal  Church.  He 
then  began  working  in  his  father's  shop,  acquiring 
the  trade  of  a  tailor  readily,  but  he  was  fond  of 
adventure,  and  as  soon  as  able  to  do  journeyman's 
work,  left  home  and  traveled  through  the  northern 
part  of  England,  also  going  to  Greenock  and  other 
places  in  Scotland.  He  was  thus  occupied  for  a 
period  of  nine  years,  during  which  time  he  was 
the    hero  of    many  a   romance  in   which    the    fair 



English  girls  and  Scotcli  lassies  figured  quite 
prominently.  He  visited  tlie  principal  cities  of 
England,  these  containing  more  than  Ul,()00  in- 
habitants, and  in  1846  became  deeply  interested 
in  politics  and  in  the  charter  movement,  which  he 
favored  very  strongly.  This  was  his  first  experi- 
ence in  politics  and  made  him  strongly  Democratic. 
During  the  year  above  mentioned,  he  estalilished 
himself  in  business  in  London,  where  he  remained 
three  years,  then  went  to  Erance  and  worked  at 
his  trade  in  Paris  six  weeks. 

Our  subject,  finally  returning  to  his  native  city, 
was  married  there  Jan.  24.  1S.51,  to  Miss  Hanniih 
l^ovey,  the  ceremony  taking  place  in  St.  Phillip's 
Church,  Birmingham.  This  maiden  was  his  sweet- 
heart when  he  was  a  bo_y.  they  attending  the  same 
school  and  growing  up  together.  The}'  lived  in 
Birmingham  for  a  time  after  their  marriage  and 
then  Mr.  Xewell  decided  to  seek  his  fortune  in  the 
land  of  liberty.  There  had  then  l)een  b(jrn  to  the 
young  coui)le  one  child,  a  son,  William  Henry. 
On  the  13th  of  August,  1854,  they  embarked  from 
Liverpool  on  the  sailing  vessel  "Enoch  Train" 
from  which  they  landed  safely  at  New  Orleans, 
October  8,  following. 

Mr.  Newell  pursued  his  trade  in  the  Crescent 
City  that  winter,  and  on  the  28th  of  March.  1855, 
set  out  for  Memphis,  Tenn.  On  the  w.ay  he  fell  in 
with  Samuel  Grondyck.  of  Eugene,  Ind..  who  had 
just  marketed  his  jiork  in  New  Orleans  and  wiis 
persuaded  by  him  to  return  with  him  to  Eugene. 
He  followed  his  trade  there  six  months  and  in  the 
meanliuie  became  acquainted  with  some  of  the 
leading  men  of  Indianohi.  which  was  then  Dallas. 
So  he  changed  his  residence  once  more  and  being 
a  lirst-class  workman,  with  little  or  no  competition, 
soon  established  a  large  trade. 

Einall}'.  Mr.  Newell,  changing  his  occui)ation 
somewhat,  entered  the  Government  service  and  for 
six  months  was  stationed  at  Johnsonville  on  the 
Tennessee  River.  He  had  become  a  naturalized 
citizen  as  soon  as  the  law  would  permit,  and  cast 
his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Douglas  in  1860. 
He  invested  his  accumulated  capital  in  land  in 
Carroll  Township,  which  steadily  increased  in  value 
and  in  1873  associated  himself  with  Mr.  Knipe  and 
began  operating  a  sawmill.     Later  he   sold  out  his 

interest  in  this  enterprise,  but  has  a  one-half  inter- 
est in  a  sawmill  with  Abraham  SMiidiisky,  which  is 
located  on  Sandusky  IJrancli. 

In  1881  Mr.  Xewell  formed  ;i  ii.artnership  with 
.lolin  W.  Baum  to  build  a  tile  manufactory  at 
Chrisman  in  Edgar  County.  'I'his  they  have 
since  operated  prolitably.  Indeed  all  the  enter- 
prises with  which  Mr.  Newell  has  been  connected 
have  resulted  creditably  to  his  good  judgment. 
He  has  expended  a  handsome  sum  of  money  in 
law  books  and  historical  works,  and  frequently 
olliciates  as  an  attorney,  his  ready  s])eech  and  ex- 
cei)ti()nally  good  nuMnory  serving  him  well  upon 
these  occasions  and  causing  his  opponents  to  kxjk 
well  to  their  laurels.  He  is  likewise  well  vcised  in 
history  of  the  world  at  large,  especially  that  i)f 
England  and  the  United  States. 

The  home  of  Mr.  Newell  is  pleasantly  situated 
in  the  north  (lart  of  the  village  and  comprises  a 
neat  and  tastefid  residence  with  sur- 
roundings, and  within  it,  are  books,  nuisic.  works  of 
art  and  all  the  appliances  of  rdinfil  life.  His 
chihireu  are  bright  and  intelligent,  jjossessing  much 
musical  talent,  and  the  elegant  upright  piano  in 
their  honu'  is  the  source  of  much  pleasure  and 
satisfaction  both  to  them   and   tl.eir   many   friends. 

Mrs.  Hannah  (Dovey)  Xewell  departed  this  life 
at  her  home  in  Indianola  in  1857  leaving  two  chil- 
dren, William  11.,  who  died  at  the  aged  of  twenty- 
three  years,  and  Jennie  who  died  at  the  age  of  four 
months.  Our  subject,  in  1«61 ,  was  married  a  sec- 
ond time  to  Mrs.  Laura  A.  (Eerrell)  James,  widow 
of  Elijah  James  by  whom  she.  had  five  children. 
Jasper  L.,  Syrena  V.,  W.  W ..  .Myrtle  and  Scniour. 
Mrs.  Laura  Newell  was  born  at  Clinton,  \'ermillion 
Co.,  Ind.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there 
have  been  born  likewise  five  children,  Beatrice. 
Birdie,  who  died  in  infancy;  Dixie,  Harvey,  and 
Georgie,  who  died  when  one  year  old.  Beatrice 
is  the  wife  of  Jasper  Moore,  an  engineer  at  Sidell. 
and  they  have  three  children,  Harry  I)..Mossieand 
a  liabe  named  Laura.  Dixie  married  .Milton  Hen- 
son,  a  farmer,  and  they  reside  in  \'illa  (Jrovc  in 
Douglas  County,  111.  The  other  child  is  at  home 
with  the  parents.  Mr.  Newell  belongs  to  the 
Episcopal  Church  while  Mrs.  Newell  is  a  member 
of  the    Methodist  Episcop;d    Chuich  at   Indianola. 



Although  a  decifled  Deniocmt.  politicall}^  Mr. 
Newell  iijixes  very  litUe  in  public  affairs,  with  the 
exception  of  serving-  twice  on  the  County  Central 
C'ommitte.  He  visited  his  native  land  in  1883 
during  the  AVorld's  Exhibition  at  the  Crystal 
Palace  in  London,  and  attended  a  ver_y  interesting 
shooting  match  at  Windjledon.  America  was  finely 
represented  at  the  exposition  and  it  was  a  source 
of  no  little  pride  to  him  that  he  was  a  citizen  of  the 
United  States.  During  this  tour  he  made  the 
acquaintance  of  several  noted  individuals,  among 
them  being  George  C.  i\Iiln,  the  famous  preacher- 
actor,  who  vyas  one  of  the  passengers  on  the  steamer 
"Parthia"  on  which  Mr.  Newell  made  the  return 

'^B'l- — - 

,^f  LBERT  HARl^ER,  President  of  the  Dan- 
l.@//J|'     ville  Commercial  Company,  and   business 

I  1!'  manager  of  that  establishment,  was  born  in 
1^  Michigan  City,  Ind.,  April  22,  1846.     His 

paternal  ancestors,  who  were  of  Irish  extraction, 
were  for  several  generations  residents  of  the  South, 
and  his  father,  Arcliiliald  Reed  Harper,  was  born  in 
South  Clarolina  in  18L5.  When  the  latter  was 
quite  young  the  family  removed  to  Rush  County, 
Ind.,  where  our  subject's  father  lived  until  18.33. 
In  that  year  he  and  an  elder  brother  went  to  Michi- 
gan Cit3',  LaPorte  Co.,  Ind.,  which  at  that  time 
seemed  destined  to  be  the  leading  point  of  the 
southern  shore  of  Lake  Michigan.  Having  estab- 
lished a  home  there,  the  brothers  sent  for  their 
parents  and  the  rest  of  the  famil}-,  who  soon  after- 
ward joined  them.  There  the  grandparents  lived 
the  remainder  of  their  lives,  and  both  died  in  1851. 

Archibald  Harper  and  his  brother  Asa  were  car- 
penters and  cabinet-makers,  and  worked  at  this 
trade  together  until  1850,  when  the  former  re- 
moved to  Porter  Count}',  Ind.,  where  he  engaged 
in  farming  until  1880,  when  he  retii-ed  from  active 
life,  and  is  now  living  at  Chesterton,  an  honored 
pioneer  of  Northern  Indiana.  He  was  twice  mar- 
ried, his  first  wife  being  Miss  Foster,  who  died 
leaving  one  child,  O.  E.  Ilai-per,  now  a  resident  of 
Danville.  The  second  wife,  mother  of  our  sub- 
ject, was   Miss   Emily   A.   At  water,  who  was   born 

Sei)t.  4,  1824,  in  Canada,  whence  her  parents  re- 
moved first  to  Pennsylvania,  and  later  to  Michigan 
City.  She  is  living  with  her  husband  in  Chester- 
ton. This  second  union  was  blessed  by  the  birth  of 
eight  cliildren.  Two  died  in  infancy,  and  one,  Mar- 
garet, after  reaching  womanhood.  The  survivors 
are:  Albert,  who  is  the  eldest ;  Aimer,  a  merchant  of 
Chesterton;  Laura,  wife  of  Irving  Brush,  a  farmer 
near  that  place;  Homer  S.,  a  painter,  living  in 
Pierre,  Dak.;  and  Samuel  A.,  a  druggist  in  Ches- 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  spent  his  boyhood  on 
the  farm,  receiving  his  education  in  the  district 
schools.  When  fifteen  years  of  age  he  began  learn- 
ing the  trade  of  a  printer  in  Valparaiso,  Ind.,  where, 
with  the  exception  of  one  year  spent  in  Williams- 
port.  Inil.,  he  remained  until  1869,  when  he  came 
to  Danville,  which  has  since  been  bis  home.  He 
began  life  there  as  acompositor  on  the  Commercial, 
and  he  has  since  been  identified  with  that  journal. 
In  1870  he  bought  a  quarter  interest  in  the  estab- 
lishment, still  retaining  his  position  in  the  compos- 
ing room.  The  following  year  the  business  was 
reorganized  under  the  name  of  the  "Commercial 
Company."  and  Mr.  Harper  was  chosen  President. 
In  1877  he  was  installed  as  Business  Manager,  a 
position  for  which  his  practical  knowledge  of  the 
business,  and  his  affable  and  pleasing  manners,  pe- 
culiarly qualify  him.  The  success  of  this  prosper- 
ous journal  is  largely  due  to  his  careful  and  prudent 
management  of  its  financial  interests. 

May  29,  1873,  Mr.  Ilaiper  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Julia  Pa\'ton,  who  was  born  in 
Vance  Township,  Vermilion  County,  Feb.  8,  1847. 
Her  parents  were  John  M.  and  Sarah  (Frazier) 
Payton,  and  her  grandfather,  Peter  Frazier,  was 
one  of  the  first  pioneers  of  the  county,  where  he 
entered  Government  land  at  a  very  early  day.  He 
lived  to  an  advanced  age,  dying  in  1881,  aged 
ninety-seven  years,  one  of  the  oldest  white  men 
who  ever  lived  in  Vermilion  County.  The  mother 
of  Mrs.  IIar|icr  died  Aug.  28,  1878,  in  Danville, 
and  since  then  her  father  has  made  his  home  with 
his  daughter  and  our  subject.  He  is  now  in  his 
sixty-seventh  year.  Some  seven  j-ears  ago  he  gave 
up  his  farm  and  is  now  living  a  retired  life. 

The   union   of    Mr.   and   Mrs.  Harper  has  been 



blesseil  to  tlieiii  by  the  birth  of  two  ehildrun — Katie 
Paytoii  and  Ernest  Herbert,  both  attending  school 
at  Danville.  The  parents  are  both  members  of  the 
Kimber  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  Mr.  Har- 
per belongs  to  the  order  of  tiie  Royal  Templars  of 
Tempeianee  and  the  National  Union. 

During  his  residence  of  twent3^  years  in  Danville, 
Mr.  Harper  has  become  widely  known  and  higlily 
respected.  A  gentleman  of  modest  and  unassum- 
ing deportment,  of  genial  manners  and  of  real 
merit,  he  has  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  the 
entire  community. 

¥<ii  MLBUR  CAST,  the  well-known  "Short 
Stop"  of  the  base  liall  nine,  the  Sidell 
Reds,  is  designated  as  the  "cute  hitter"  and 
with  Ids  comrades  has  furnished  great  recreation 
for  the  denizens  of  SidoU  and  vicinity,  displaying 
in  a  marked  degree  the  skill  which  may  be  attained 
by  long  practice  and  which  really  amounts  to  a 
science.  This  "nine"  is  the  pride  of  the  town  and 
Mr.  Cast  one  of  its  most  popular  boys.  Base  liall, 
however,  occupies  only  a  small  portion  of  his  lime 
as  he  is  industriously  engaged  in  the  cultivation  of 
his  little  farm  of  eighty  acres,  where  he  makes  his 
headquarters  and  although  living  in  an  unpreten- 
tious style,  manages  to  extract  a  great  deal  of  com- 
fort from  life.  His  career  thus  far  has  been  signal- 
ized by  perseverance  and  integrity-,  and  he  is  a 
universal  favorite  among  his  townspeople.  He  has 
attained  to  his  position  solely  by  his  own  efforts, 
having  been  thrown  upon  his  own  resources  early 
in  life.  Upon  coming  to  this  county  twelve  years 
ago  or  so,  he  engaged  as  a  laborer  by  the  month  at 
Fairmount,  and  by  a  course  of  industry  and  econ- 
omy succeeded  in  making  the  purchase  of  his 
present  farm. 

Mr.  Cast  was  born  in  Clinton  County,  Ohio,  six 
miles  north  of  Clarksville.  Dec.  22,  18u8.  and  was 
reared  to  manhood  in  the  Bucke^-e  State,  receiv- 
ing good  educational  advantages.  His  father, 
Ezekiel  Cast,  was  married  in  early  manhood  to 
Miss  Martha  (Francis)  Berkely,  a  native  of  Clarks- 
ville, and  subsequently  operated  as  a  carpenter  and 

farmer.  He  is  still  living  on  his  farm  and  is 
seventy  years  of  .age.  The  mother  died  in  1861 
aged  about  forty  years.  ."Mr.  Cast  married 
three  times  after  the  death  of  his  fust  wife.  The 
parental  hou.sehold  included  .seven  children,  viz: 
Mary  F.,  Isaac  William.  Letta  .loseph,  Wilbur  F. 
L.,  Jennie  and  Charles.  Our  subject  was  only  three 
years  old  at  the  time  of  his  mother's  death  and  re- 
mained in  his  native  State  until  a  youth  of  sixteen 
years.  Then  coming  to  this  county  he  entered  the 
employ  of  W.  H.  Barlley,  now  a  resident  of  Fair- 
mount,  and  he  attended  school  two  winters  after- 
ward.  lie  was  marriol  in  .March.  1886.  to  Miss 
Celia.daughterof  .lolin  and  Rachel  Frances(Collins) 
Nugent,  of  Fairmount.  The  latter  named  came  to 
this  county  in  1861.  Mrs.  Cast  born  and 
reared  near  Fairmount.  and  of  her  union  with  our 
subject  there  are  two  children,  Raymond  E.  and 
Katie  F. 

Mr.  Cast  purchased  his  present  farm  in  the  fall 
of  1885,  and  is  making  ^lerceptilile  headway  as  the 
seasons  pass.  He  is  a  strict  K'epublican,  politically, 
and  a  favorite  in  lioth  the  social  and  business 
circles  of  this  comnuinity.  Mrs.  Cast  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Jlethodist  Episcopal 
Church.  The  father  of  our  subject  served  in  the 
Union  army  from  the  beginning  to  the  close  of 
the  Civil  War. 


all  the  good  things  of  life,  there  are  few 
^^  more  pleasant  or  desirable  than  a  neat,  at- 
tractive and  well-regulated  home,  be  it  in  the  city 
or  country,  although  to  most  minds  a  home  amid 
the  green  fields  with  their  peaceful  and  ipiiet  scenes 
is  the  most  desirable.  They  who  have  a  true  con- 
ception of  the  advantages  of  life  in  the  rural  dis- 
tricts, may,  as  in  the  case  of  Mr.  Witherspoon  and 
his  estimable  wife,  build  u])  a  home  very  nearly 
approaching  the  ideal,  as  they  have  done,  working 
without  question,  with  the  mutual  aim  in  view  of 
gathering  around  themselves  the  appliances  craved 
by  cultivated  tastes  and  refined  instincts.  That 
thcv   have  succeeded    in   an    admirable   manner,   is 



quite  evident  in  looking  about  their  home,  which 
is  one  of  the  most  attractive  spots  in  Vance  Town- 
ship. Their  children  are  receiving  careful  home 
trnining  and  a  good  education,  sucli  as  will  fit  them 
for  their  station  in  life  and  make  them  uood  and 
worthy  citizens. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  is  a  native  of  Indiana, 
and  was  born  Feb.  11,  1848,  being  the  sixth  child 
of  William  P.,  Sr.,  and  Permelia  (Berlin)  Wither- 
spoon,  the  former  a  native  of  Alabama  and  the  lat- 
ter of  Patoka.  Ind.  The  father  of  our  subject  was 
born  in  1808,  and  twenty  years  later,  leaving  his 
native  State,  emigrated  north  to  Southern  Indiana, 
and  since  that  time  has  lived  in  the  vicinity  of  Pa- 
toka. Grandfather  Berlin  was  born  in  Germany, 
nhenee  he  removed  to  Scotland,  and  finally  came 
to  America,  spending  his  last  daj-s  in  Indian.n. 
William  P.  Witherspoon,  Sr.,  was  married  in  Gib- 
son County,  Ind.,  served  in  the  Black  Hawk  War, 
and  subsequenth'  became  a  prominent  citizen  of 
his  county.  The  wife  and  mother  died  in  1878. 
Their  family  consisted  of  nine  children,  eight  of 
whom  ai-e  living.  The  father  has  attained  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eighty-three  years  and  is  in  reasona- 
bly good  healtli. 

Oar  subject  pursued  his  first  lessons  in  the 
schools  of  Patoka,  Ind.,  and  later  attended  school 
on  the  old  Tippecanoe  battle  ground  north  of  La 
Fayette.  He  took  kindly  to  his  books  and  became 
thoroughly  well  informed.  He  was  but  a  lad  of 
fifteen  years  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  and 
three  years  later,  in  1864,  entered  the  ranks  of  the 
Union  army,  enlisting  in  Company  G,  I43d  Indi- 
ana Infantry,  in  which  he  was  made  first  color 
guard  and  occupied  a  very  conspicuous  place  in 
time  of  action.  He  was  with  his  regiment  during 
the  battles  of  Nashville,  Murfresboro,  Tallahoma 
and  Knoxville,  and  from  this  latter  place  went  to 
Clarksville,  Tenn.,  where  he  remained  until  the 
close  of  the  war.  He  was  mustered  out  at  Nash- 
ville in  October,  1865. 

Three  brothers  of  our  subject  also  served  in  the 
Union  army.  John  was  a  member  of  Company  II, 
17th  Indiana  Infantry,  and  re-enlisted  after  the 
expiration  of  his  first  term  of  service.  Moses  and 
James  were  in  Company  A,  80th  Indiana  Infantry. 
The    former   was  shot   five  times  at  the  battle  (jf 

Resaca,  Ga.,  receiving  wounds  in  the  left  arm,  hip, 
thigh,  the  calf  of  his  leg  and  his  foot.  He  is  still 
living,  making  his  home  near  Patoka,  Ind.  James 
participated  in  all  the  battles  of  his  regiment,  ex- 
periencing many  hairbreadth  escapes,  but  returned 
home  comparatively  uninjured,  and  also  resides 
near  Patoka. 

After  leaving  the  arm3'  our  subject  lived  with 
his  father  on  the  farm  until  in  October,  1868,  when 
he  came  to  this  county  and  entered  the  store  of  his 
cousin,  J.  R.  Witherspoon,  of  Fairmount,  where  he 
continued  eighteen  months.  Then  returning  to  tlie 
farm  lie  sojourned  there  one  year,  and  in  1870,  in 
company  with  his  brotlier  Moses,  opened  a  store  of 
general  merchandise  at  Patoka,  which  they  con- 
ducted until  the  spring  of  1872.  On  the  12th  of 
^larch,  that  year,  our  subject  was  united  in  mar- 
marriage  with  Miss  Esther,  daughter  of  Maj.  Wil- 
son Burroughs  of  Fairmount,  and  a  sketch  of 
whom  appears  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

About  this  time  Mr.  Witherspoon  disposed  of 
his  interest  in  the  store  at  Patoka,  Ind.,  and  rented 
the  farm  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies.  Later 
he  purchased  a  farm  on  section  19,  to  which  he  re- 
moved and  lived  upon  it  until  in  December,  1875. 
Then  selling  out  he  returned  with  his  family  to 
Indiana,  purchasing  a  farm  near  Patoka,  where  he 
lived  three  j-ears.  Then  selling  out  once  more  he 
came  back  to  this  county  and  purchased  his  pres- 
ent farm,  which  consists  of  100  acres  of  thor- 
oughly cultivated  land.  He  is  considerably  inter- 
ested in  live-stock,  horses,  cattle  and  swine,  in 
which  industry  he  has  been  fairly  successful.  He 
keeps  about  eighteen  head  of  horses  and  mules.  He 
has  built  a  fine  barn,  36x40  feet  in  dimensions,  and 
an  ample  sj'Stem  of  sheds  occupying  an  area  of 
16x40  feet.  There  is  ,no  more  desirable  home  on 
the  south  road  from  Fairmount  to  Homer.  East  of 
the  dwelling  is  the  first  orchard  which  he  planted, 
and  west  of  it  another  one  younger,  but  in  good 
bearing  condition.  Numerous  evergreens  surround- 
ing the  house  add  greatly  to  the  beaut}'  and  value 
of  the  homestead. 

The  three  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife  were  named  respective!}',  Stella  Z.. 
Wilson  W.  and  Myrtle  M.  The  eldest  is  sixteen 
years    old   and  the  youngest  six.     Our  subject  is 


WRITTEN  AT,  83, 



rather  eonservativt'  in  politics  and  has  always  voted 
the  straight  Democratic  ticket.  Aside  from  otflciat- 
iiig  as  School  Director  in  his  district,  he  has  steadily 
declined  the  res|)onsil)ililics  of  otlice.  Both  he  and 
his  wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Pres- 
l)3'terian  Church,  and  his  children  attend  the  Sun- 
day-school regularly. 



AVID  DICKSON.  The  resulls  of  u  health- 
ful, temperate  and  honorable  life  are  finely 
illustrated  in  the  career  of  this  sturdy  old 
veteran  of  eighty-three  years,  who  still  re- 
tains his  faculties  unimpaired,  and  with  whom  it 
is  most  pleasant  and  profitaljle  to  converse.  He  is 
one  of  the  oldest  men  in  Carroll  Township,  and 
preserves  a  distinct  recollection  of  many  events 
occurring  during  the  period  of  the  early  settlement 
of  this  county,  in  which  he  bore  a  conspicuous 
part,  and  assisted  largely  in  its  growth  and  devel- 
opment. He  was  the  pioneer  stockman  and  stock 
feeder  of  this  region,  and  in  all  his  intercourse  with 
his  fellow-men  preserved  that  upright  and  honor- 
able demeanor  which  gained  him  their  highest  es- 
teem and  confidence. 

A  native  of  Lewis  County,  Kj-.,  our  subject  was 
born  Dec.  13,  1806,  and  is  the  son  of  Robert  and 
Phebe  (Means)  Dickson,  the  former  a  native  of 
Maryland,  and  the  latter  of  Mittlin  County,  Pa. 
The  paternal  grandfather,  David  Dickson,  was  of 
English  descent,  and  grandfather  John  Means  traced 
his  ancestry  to  Ireland.  Upon  coming  to  America 
the  parents  of  the  latter  settled  in  li\icks  Count}', 
where  he  was  born,  reared  and  marrie<l,  his  bride 
being  Miss  Jemima  Scudder,  a  native  of  Trenton, 
N.  J.,  and  of  Holland-Dutch  ancestry.  The  maiden 
name  of  grandmother  Dickson  was  Jane  Stephen- 
son. She  was  a  native  of  Maryland,  and  of  Kng- 
lish  descent. 

The  parents  of  oiu-  subject  were  married  in 
Mason  County,  Ky.  They  were  of  exactly  the 
same  age,  being  born  on  the  same  day — Dec.  16, 
1765.  Some  time  after  their  marri.age  they  settled 
in  Lewis  County,  and  thence  came  to  Illinois  in  the 
spring  of  1824.  The  mother  died  that  year  at  the 
age  of  forty-eight  years.     To   hei'  hnd    been    born 

eleven  children,  viz.:  James,  who  died  in  infancy; 
John,  Jane,  James  S.,  Amos,  David,  our  subject. 
Margaret,  Robert,  Moses,  Jemima  and  Andrew  S. 
Mr.  Dickson  was  married  a  second  time  to  Miss 
Hester  Stretch,  who  died,  leaving  two  children — 
William  T.,  living,  and  Moses  15.,  dead.  The  elder 
Dickson  survived  his  wife  onlj-  three  j'ears,  his 
death  taking  place  in  1827,  from  typhus  fever.  He 
was  a  stanch,  politically,  and  with  his 
good  wife  was  firmly  grounded  in  the  doctrines  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church. 

The  boyhood  days  of  our  subject  were  spent  in 
his  native  count}',  where  he  became  familiar  with 
farm  pursuits,  and  was  required  to  make  himself 
useful  at  an  early  age  about  the  homestead.  His 
eldest  brother  was  a  boat  builder,  and  when  the 
family  decided  upon  a  removal  from  the  Blue 
(4rass  St.ate,  the  two  boys  constructed  a  flatboat, 
and  with  the  father  purchased  a  kcelboat  besides. 
Upon  these  the}-  loaded  their  stock,  farming  uten- 
sils and  household  goods,  together  with  the  family, 
and  set  sail  on  the  Ohio  River  to  the  promised  land. 
At  Louisville,  however,  on  account  of  high  water, 
they  were  obliged  to  abandon  their  boats  after  un- 
loading their  stock,  consisting  of  oxen,  horses  and 
cows,  and  made  their  waj'  overland  to  this  county, 
settling  upon  tlie  land  comprising  our  subject's 
present  farm.  The  latter  with  his  brothers,  James 
and  Amos,  pushed  the  keelboat  up  the  Wab.ish 
River,  and  unloaded  its  contents  a  little  wa3-s  above 
Newport,  Ind.,  at  Coleman's  prairie.  Thence  they 
hauled  their  property  to  their  destination — the  land 
which  their  father  had  entered  from  the  Govern- 
ment u|H)n  his  first  trip  to  the  West,  in  the  full  of 

The  educati(jn  of  young  Dickson,  like  that  of 
his  brothers  and  sisters,  was  conducted  in  a  log 
schoolliouse  in  old  Kentucky,  where  the}'  sat  upon 
benches  made  from  slalis,  and  tried  to  look  out  of 
the  window,  which  had  greased  paper  instead  of 
glass  for  panes.  A  huge  fireplace  extended  nearly 
across  one  end  of  the  building,  and  the  chimney 
was  built  outside  of  earth  and  sticks.  The  teacher 
instilled  learning  into  his  pupils  largely  by  the  use 
of  the  rod,  and  David  Dickson,  it  is  hardly  to  be 
doubted,  was  one  of  the  most  mischievous  of  his 
students.     The  system  of  instruction  was  far  iufe- 



rior  to  that  of  tlie  present  day,  and  one  book  went 
tlirough  tlie  faniil_v  until  it  was  worn  out. 

Wlien  about  twenty-tiiree  years  of  age,  being; 
ready  to  establisli  domestic  ties  of  liis  own,  our 
subject  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Margaret 
Waters  on  tlie  3d  of  August,  1829.  This  lady  was 
born  in  Stafford  County,  Va.,  May  10,  1810,  and 
removed  to  P.ourlion  County.  Ky.,with  her  parents 
in  1814.  In  1828  they  came  to  this  county,  the 
family  com|}rising  three  sons  and  six  daughters. 
Parents  and  children  were  remarkable  for  their 
healthful  frames  and  robust  constitutions.  The 
two  families  soon  became  acquainted,  and  it  was 
not  long  until  David  Dickson  was  the  accei)led 
suitor  of  Miss  Waters. 

Mr.  Dickson  often  recalls  to  his  mind  the  appear- 
ance of  the  country  in  Central  Illinois  at  this  time 
and  prior  to  it.  He  describes  it  as  exceedingly 
beautiful,  diversified  with  prairie  and  timber,  the 
meadows  and  marshes  thriving  with  a  luxurious 
grovvth  of  prairie  grass  and  wild  flowers.  At  inter- 
vals some  careless  traveler  or  thoughtless  settler 
would  accidentally  set  fire  to  the  dry  vegetation, 
and  then  would  ensue  a  conflagration  terrible  to 
behold,  and  frightful  to  those  who  did  not  know 
how  to  protect  themselves  from  it.  Wild  animals 
of  all  kinds  abounded,  deer,  wolves,  etc.,  while 
poisonous  reptiles — the  rattlesnake,  the  l)lue  racer, 
the  black  and  the  garter  snake — kept  the  traveler 
on  the  look-out.  There  were  also  great  quantities 
of  wild  birds — geese,  ducks  and  pheasants,  besides 
turkeys  and  jiigeons.  The  Kickapoo  and  Pottawa- 
tomie Indians  had  not  yd  left  the  country — prowl- 
ing around  until  1835,  when  they  were  removed 
west  of  the  Mississippi. 

The  people  of  that  time  and  place  were  noted 
for  their  hospitality  anil  the  community  of  interest 
which  led  them  at  all  limes  to  be  regardful  of  each 
other's  welfare.  They  had  all  come  to  build  uj) 
homes  for  themselves,  and  socially,  as  well  as  finan- 
cially, were  upon  common  ground,  very  few  of 
them  possessing  much  of  this  world's  goods.  Thev 
had  many  difficulties  in  common  to  contend  with, 
having  to  go  long  distances  to  mill  and  market, 
and  obtaining  tlieir  mail  at  Paris,  the  county 
seat    of    Kdgar    County.     That  (•f>nntv    then    em- 

braced a  large    tract  of   land,  extending    from  its 
present  limits  to  Chicago. 

After  the  death  of  the  father,  each  one  of  the 
Dickson  boys  started  out  in  life  for  himself.  They 
were  all  bright  and  energetic,  but  David,  perhaps, 
led  the  van  in  enterprise  and  perseverance.  He 
began  entering  land,  and  in  due  time  found  himself 
the  owner  of  1,400  acres.  A  large  proportion  of 
this  was  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation, 
and  he  gave  away  1.000  acres  to  his  children,  so 
that  he  now  has  but  400  acres.  Much  of  this  land 
was  obtained  on  a  Mexican  warrant.  In  1827  he 
walked  to  Fort  Clarke,  now  Peoria,  stopping  there 
on  his  way  to  Galena.  He  made  the  journey  on 
foot  on  what  was  then  called  the  Kellogg  trace,  a 
distance  of  180  miles.  He  carried  his  clothes  and' 
provisions  in  a  knapsack,  and  saw  the  vessel  which 
was  fired  upon  by  the  Winnebago  Indians,  on  ac- 
count of  which,  originated  the  subsequent  troubles 
of  that  time.  He  worked  for  a  time  in  the  mines 
at  New  Diggings,  and  in  the  meantime  became  ac- 
quainted with  the  founder  of  Fort  Gratiot.  Some 
of  the  time  he  was  emplo.yed  for  others  at  the  rale 
of  $1G  per  month.  In  the  fall  of  the  year  above 
mentioned  he  worked  his  passage  down  the  Missis- 
sippi to  St.  Louis  on  a  keelboat,  then  ])<irchased  a 
pony,  and  rode  across  the  Slate.  He  at  Shelhv- 
ville  when  that  city  was  laid  out  for  the  county 
seat.  At  one  time  he  was  employed  in  the  salt- 
works north  of  Catliu,  prior  to  going  to  Galena. 

Mr.  Dickson  made  his  first  trip  to  the  little  town 
of  Chicago  in  1  835,  taking  with  him  a  load  of  pro- 
duce drawn  by  oxen.  Later,  in  1839,  he  began 
feeding  cattle,  and  was  the  first  man  to  engage  in 
this  industry  on  the  Little  Vermilion.  In  1844  he 
drove  100  head  of  hogs  to  Chicago,  and  during 
1848.  1849  and  1850  transported  in  this  manner 
several  herds  of  fat  cattle  to  Philadelphia  and  New 
York  City.  In  connection  with  this  fact  it  may  be 
noted,  that  Carroll  Township  has  produced  more 
and  finer  cattle  than  any  other  township  in  the 
State  of  Illinois,  and  Mr.  Dickson  in  his  palmy 
days  was  recognized  as  one  of  the  leaders  in  this 
business.  Four  children  came  to  bless  the  union  of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dickson,  and  three  are  living.  Silas 
is  married  and  the  father  of  three  children — Eve- 
lina. Robert  and  Bertinus;   he  makes  his   home  in 



Indianola,  aiul  is  ropi'esented  elsevphere  in  this 
HOik;  Robert  died  unmarried  at  tlieage  of  tliirly- 
lliree  years;  Permelia  J.  is  the  wife  of  Dr.  J.  \V. 
Rawlston,  of  Danville;  Jemima  is  the  wife  of 
Alien  Varnor,  a  farmer  of  Ross  Township,  Edgar 
County,  and  tliey  have  six  children — Jacob  1)., 
Mary,  Margaret,  Robert,  William  and  David  I). 

Mr.  Difkson  cast  his  first  I'reiiidential  vote  for 
Andrew  Jackson  in  1832,  and  has  voted  at  four- 
teen Presidential  elections,  never  omitting  one  sinct' 
reaching  his  niajonty.  lie  has  continued  from  the 
first  a  pronounced  Democrat,  and  keeps  himself  well 
posted  upon  all  matters  of  general  interest,  lie 
finds  his  religious  home  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  at  Indianola.  He  has  been  an  observant 
witness  of  the  extraordinarj'  changes  occurring  in 
Central  Illinois,  and  his  esiieriences,  if  properly 
written  up,  would  fill  a  good-sized  volume.  The 
wife  of  his  youth  was  spared  to  him  until  quite 
aged,  her  death  taking  place  Aug.  21,  1887.  when 
seventy-seven  years  old.  There  are  few  men  of 
the  iige  of  Mr.  Dickson  whose  faculties  are  so  little 
impaired  by  the  flight  of  time,  and  who  can  recall 
so  vividly  events  of  more  than  fifty  years  ago. 
He  is  never  at  a  loss  for  words  with  which  to  pre- 
sent tlie  contrast  between  the  past  and  the  present, 
and  no  man  has  a  finer  conception  of  what  has 
been  accomplished  in  the  great  West  b}'  the  hardy 
spirits  who  ventured  to  tiie  frontier,  and  whose 
labors  resulted  in  the  transformation  of  the  wilder- 
ness to  the  abode  of  a  peaceful,  intelligent  and 
law-abiding  people. 

A  volume  of  this  character  would  be  incomplete 
witlioul  the  |)ortrait  of  a  pioneer  settler,  whose  life 
and  history  are  inseparably  associated  with  that  of 
the  county  for  which  he  has  done  so  much.  As  the 
reader  turns  the  pages,  he  will  gaze  with  pleasure 
upon  the  loved  face  of  the  venerated  David  Dick- 

AMUEL  BLAIR  is  a  native  of  Verniilicm 
County   and   was  born   in   Newell    Town- 
ship, Dec.  5,  1  8.38.     His  father  and  motliei', 
William   (j.   and   Christina   (Braden)    Blair 
were  natives  of  Kentucky,  the  former  having  been 

born  Feb.  (!.  1797,  and  died  M.ay  4,  1882,  while 
Mrs.  Blair's  birth  occurred  on  April  19,  1798.  She 
died  Oct.  2,  1877.  This  venerable  couple  settled 
in  Newell  Township  on  1 20  acres  of  land  and  as  old 
settlors,  are  entitled  to  all  the  praise  that  clusters 
around  that  brave  class  of  peo|)le.  They  came 
here  when  \Crmilioii  County  was  in  its  infancy 
and  lived  to  see  it  take  its  place  as  one  of  the 
prominent  counties  of  a  great  .State. 

Samuel  Blair  is  the  youngest  of  a  family  of 
seven  children,  and  as  before  stated  was  born  in 
the  township  where  he  now  resides.  He  married 
Miss  Mary  M.  Casart,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Mary 
Casart,  natives  of  Kentucky.  Mrs.  ]>lair  was  born 
in  Glass  County,  Mo.,  .March  7,  1842,  and  came  to 
Illinois  with  her  parents  while  very  younir.  She 
is  the  sixth  child  of  a  family  of  nine  children. 
She  is  the  mother  of  six  children,  whose  record 
follows:  Henry  M.  is  engaged  with  his  father  in 
buying  and  shi|)i)ing  grain  and  also  in  the  mercan- 
tile business;  Robert  is  the  Iiusband  of  .Icnnie 
Watson  and  is  a  near  neighbor  of  his  father  and 
mother;  Alice  died  at  the  age  of  ten  months;  Clara 
M.  is  at  home;  Franklin  F.  is  dead;  S;inniel  A. 
lives  with  his  p.arents. 

Mr.  Blair  is  tile  owner  of  120  acres  of  good  land 
all  of  which  is  finely  improved.  In  his  farniin>> 
o[)erations  he  makes  a  specialty  of  breeding  Short- 
horn cattle,  and  the  i)lace  is  especially  noted  for 
the  fine  shade  trees  thereon.  In  an  early  day  these 
trees  afforded  shelter  for  the  emigrants,  and  were 
noted  and  favorably  commented  upon  from  Chi- 
cago to  Cairo.  They  were  indeed  an  oasis  on  these 
vast  prairies.  During  hi,s  boyhood  d.ays  Mr.  Blair 
fiequently  drove  to  Chicago  with  apples  and  other 
produce  that  was  raised  on  the  farm,  and  the 
events  of  these  pioneer  days  are  related  by  him 
with  :ui  evident  relisli. 

Politically  Mr.  Blair  is  a  Democrat,  and  is  now 
postmaster  at  Newell,  where  he  is  engaged  with  his 
son  in  business.  He  has  held  the  otlices  of  Town 
Clerk,  Treasurer,  and  Road  Commissioner,  and  his 
conduct  of  these  offices  has  merited  the  applause 
of  his  neighbors.  There  is  no  person  in  \'ermilion 
County  who  is  more  public  spiriteil  than  he,  and 
he  is  ever  willing  to  do  anything  that  will  jii<i  in 
in  the  prosperity  of  his  community.     His  home  is 



surrouncled  by  all  that  a  cultivated  taste  and  com- 
fort could  siigsfest,  and  is  one  of  which  a  king 
mijr'.it  be  proud.  As  a  business  man,  it  goes  with- 
out saying  that  Samuel  Blair  is  unqualifiedly  suc- 
cessful. His  re])Utation  for  honorable  dealing  has 
given  him  a  large  prestige,  which  is  used  with  dis- 
cretion. Religiously  jNIr.  Blair  is  an  energetic 
member  of  the  United  IJrethern  Church,  an  organ- 
ization in  which  he  figures  as  a  leading  light. 


■iDOIIN  L.  PADGITT  of  Georgetown  Town- 
ship, is  pursuing  the  even  tenor  of  his  way 
as  a  farmer  in  comfortable  circumstances, 
the  hero  of  a  com|iaralively  uneventful 
career,  and  has  passed  the  greater  part  of  his  life 
in  tills  region.  He  has  signalized  himself  as  a 
l)eacefu]  and  law  abiding  citizen,  and  has  a  com- 
fortable home  on  section  C>,  where  underneath  his 
hospitable  roof  are  frerpientl}'  welcomed  the  many 
friends  whom  ho  and  his  estimable  wife  have  made 
during  their  long  sojourn  in  this  county. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Highland  Townshi|), 
N'erinillion  Co.,  Ind.,  .June  2S,  1810,  and  is  the 
son  of  Alfred  and  Klizabetli  (Bell)  Padgitt,  who 
were  natives  of  Kentucky,  where  they  were  reared 
and  married.  The  father  served  in  the  vvar  of 
1812  and  died  in  Indiana  when  his  son  John  L.  was 
but  sis  years  f>ld.  The  mother  and  her  chihlren 
thereafter  lived  in  Indiana  until  the  latter  were 
able  to  look  out  for  themselves.  Her  death  took 
place  in  Indiana  in. Inly.  1(>61.  There  were  twelve 
cliildren  in  tlie  family,  four  sons  and  eight  daugh- 
ters, all  of  whom  lived  to  become  men  and  women 
and  of  whom  .lohn  L.,  our  subject,  was  the  ninth 

Mr.  Padgitt  remained  a  resident  of  his  native 
county  until  reaching  man's  estate  and  when  a  little 
over  nineteen  years  old  was  married  July  10,  1859. 
to  Miss  Ellen  O'Neal,  a  maiden  of  seventeen, 
'i'hey  settled  upon  a  tract  of  rented  land  in  George- 
town Township,  where  they  lived  until  IMr.  Padgitt, 
in  18G.i,  enlisted  at  I^anville  as  a  soldier  in  the 
Union  army  in  Company  E,  150th  Illinois  Infantry 
under  Capt.  I'tirker.     From  Danville  thej'  repaired 

to  Springfield,  whera  they  were  mustered  into  ser- 
vice and  were  afterward  employed  at  Provost 
Marshal  duty  around  Bridgeport,  Ala.,  Cleveland, 
Tenn.,  Dalton,  Atlanta,  and  Griffin,  Ga.  There 
being  then  no  further  need  of  their  services,  they 
were  mustered  out  at  Atlanta  Jan.  16,  1866,  and 
received  their  discharge  at  Camp  Butler,  111. 
Afterward,  Mr. Padgitt  resumed  farming  in  George- 
town Township  and  in  1877  purchased  his  present 
place  of  seventy-one  acres.  Here  he  has  made  a 
comfortable  living  and  by  his  industry  and  good 
qualities  as  a  member  of  the  community,  has  fully 
established  himself  in  the  confidence  and  esteem  of 
his  fellow  citizens. 

To  our  subject  and  his  excellent  wife  there  were 
I)orn  three  children,  the  eldest  of  whom.  \'iola  F., 
is  the  wife  of  Dr.  Buford  Ta3'lor  of  Westville,  who 
is  rcpresontcil  in  this  work.  They  have  two  chil- 
dren— Louie  and  Bertha  E;  Celia  J.  is  the  wife 
of  Charles  Cook  a  farmer  of  Georgetown  Town- 
ship; Birdie  D.  remains  at  home  with  her  parents. 
The  latter  are  members  of  the  Chiistian  Church. 
Mr.  Padgitt  |)olitically  is  a  si)un<l  Republican  and 
has   held  the  office  of  Constable. 

Mrs.  Padgitt  is  the  daughter  of  Isaac  and  America 
(Lowe)  O'Neal,  who  came  to  A'ermilion  County 
with  their  parents  in  their  youth  and  were  married 
here.  The  mother  died  in  1851  at  the  early  age 
of  twenty-eight  3-ears.  Mr.  O'Neal  was  married 
twice  afterwards.  He  had  five  children  each  bv 
his  first  and  second  wives.  His  eldest  daughter, 
Ellen,  is  the  wife  of  our  subject;  Sanuiel  married 
a  Miss  (Graves,  is  the  father  of  two  children. 
Mamie  and  fJertie,  and  resides  in  Kansas;  Flvaline 
married  James  Cook,  who  resides  at  Westville  and 
the  others  are  deceased.  Mr.  O'Neal  was  a  farmer 
b}'  occupation  and  is  now  deceased. 

-t 4wi^^ i^ 

ENRY  BASS,  who  is  ])rominent  among  the 
\]  well-to-do  farmers  of  Middle  Fork  Town- 
ship, owns  and  occupies  230  acres  of  choice 
land  upon  which  he  has  effected  good  im- 
provements. He  is  a  native  of  Buckinghamshire, 
England,  and   the  sou  of  Henry  and   Sarah  (Hart) 



Hnss  wlio   were   liorn    in    Bedfordshire.     They  ro-  !  probably  100  years  ago  at  the  age  of  ninety-three, 

moved  to  the  first  mentioned  county  in  their  youth,  j  The  family  had  bucii  for  several   generations  resi- 

where  they  were  married   and  settled  in  the  shire  j  dents  of   I'.ucUinghaiiishire   and    Bedfordshire,  and 

town   of  Olney,  where   there  were    born    to   them  |  were  i)eo|)ie  ijeneraliy   well-to-do  and    miiversallv 

seven  children,  viz.:    Thoiuas;   I  lonry,  our  subject;  i  respected.      Our    sulijeil    is    the    fiithcr    (jf   seven 

Kliza;   Sarah,  who  married   .lohn  Cook,  a  native  of  chihhen,    three    of    wiiom — Tlionias,    Samuel    and 

England    and   is  now  living   in   Chicago;    James,  Harriet,  died  young.     Mary  is  tiie  wife   of  W'.V. 

WilliRm  and  Fanny.  Tiie  latter  was  mairied  and  diiil 
in  Kngland,  leaving  five  sons  and  one  daughter. 
One  of  tlie  sons,  Bernard  Craves,  is  now  living 
with  liis  uncle,  our  subject.  Fanny  Bass  died  in 
Kngland  about  1KS4.  The  niothei-  is  still  living 
and  is  now  ninety-four  years  old. 

( )ur    subject    and   his    father's    family  for   years 

liurl  of  Middle  P'ork  Towtishii);  Fanny  married 
Samuel,  the  son  of  .lames  Gilbert  of  Ross  Town- 
shi|);  F'red  is  selling  goods  in  Armstrong;  Arthur 
S.  is  farming  in  .Middle  Fork  Township.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Bass  have  been  alile  to  surround  themselve.s 
with  all  the  comforts  of  life  and  are  held  in  high 
esteem   bv  their   neighbors.      Both  are  memliers  in 

used   the  church    pew,  originally   occupied   by  the    ;    good  standing  <if  the  Metliodist  l-'.i)isi-oi>al  Church 
poet  Cowper  in  the  Baptist  Church  <if  Olney,  and 

the  house  in  wliicli  the  poet  lived  is  still  standing 
in  tliat  town.  Mr.  Bass  was  reared  to  manhood  in 
his  native  place  and  was  married  to  Miss  Harriet, 
daughter  of  Thomas  and  Klizabeth  (Stewart) 
Bennett.  The  maternal  grandparents  of  3Irs. 
Bass  were  born  in  Norfolk,  where  they  were  also 
reared  and  married,  and  where  their  children  were 
born  and  reared.  Her  people  on  her  father's  side 
of  the  house  were  mostly'  residents  of  Bedfordshire, 
and  all  were  Methodists  in  religious  belief.  In  the 
history  of  (^lne,v  the  catching  of  eels  formed  one 
of  its  imjiortant  industries,  there  being  a  large  eel 
tra|i  in  the  river  and  a  portion  was  given  annually 
to  the  crown,  according  to  law.  This  was  in  an 
earl^'  day. 

In    1851   our  subject   and  his  wife,   with    father 
Bennett  and  family  of  four  sons  and  one  daughter. 


AMES  H.  STE\EXS.  a  gentleman  very  [pop- 
ular in  his  conununity  and  possessed  of 
more  than  ordinary  intellig.  nee,  is  engaged 
in  farming  on  a  modest  scale  on  section  0 
where  he  has  eighty  acres  of  well  developed  land 
with  comfortable  buililings.  He  makes  a  spet-ially 
of  market  ganlening,  his  produce  finding  a  ready 
tlemand  among  the  coal  miners  in  that  vicinity. 
Honesty  and  integrity  form  the  leading  (jualities 
in  a  character  of  superior  excellence,  and  which  has 
gained  for  Mr.  Stevens  in  a  marked  degree  the  es- 
teem and  confidence  of  all  who  know  him. 

Our  subject    was   born  at  his  father's  homestead 
on    section    '.),  near    Brooks'  Point  in   Georgetown 

emigrated  to  the  I'nitcd  States  on  the  sailing  vessel       Township.   Vermilion    County,  .Ian.  5,    lH2(i.  and 

"Vanguard,"'  landing  in  New  York  Cit}'  after  a 
voyage  of  nineteen  days.  Thence  they  proceeded 
to  Buffalo  by  rail,  and  from  there  by  the  lake  to 
Toledo,  at  which  point  they  t,X)k  a  canal  lioat  to 
Attica,  Ind.,  from  which  |)oiut  they  came  overland 

there  spent  the  opening  years  of  his  life.  He  ob- 
tained his  education  in  the  subscription  schools, 
which  were  con<luctc(l  in  a  log  house  built  in  the 
primitive  fashion  of  those  tinu's  with  puncheon 
floor,  seats   and   desks  of  slabs,  greased    paper   for 

by  team  to  this  countj'  antl  located  in  Middle  Fork    i    window  panes,  and  a  few  other  finishings  and  fiuii- 

Township.  Mr.  Bass  opened  the  first  store  of  gen- 
eral merchandise  in  the  town  of  Marysville,  but  a 
year  or  two  later  decided  he  would  [jrefer  farmiug 
and  accordingly  settled  to  that  occupation. 

In  a  burying  ground  near  the  old  luiglish  home 
of  our  subject  is  a  stone  which  marks  the  resting 

ishings  incident  to  pioneer  times.  He  was  at  an 
early  age  taught  to  make  himself  useful  around  the 
homestead.  The  nearest  mill  for  a  number  of  years 
was  at  Terre  Haute,  Ind.  There  was  for  a  long 
time  only  two  wag<ins  in  the  neighborhotxl  within 
a  radius  of   ten   miles,  and  the  neighbors  f(U'  some 

place  of  one  of  his  ancestors,  Amos  Bass,  who  died   1   distance  around  used  to  each  send  a  of  corn  to 



be  ground,  while  two  men  would  go  in  charge  of 
the  grist.  Later  a  mill  was  established  half  a  mile 
from  the  home  of  the  .Stevens  family'  and  operated 
by  horse  power.  This  was  considered  quite  a  lux- 
ury, being  a  great  saving  of  time  and  travel. 

Upon  approaching  manhood  young  Stevens  be- 
gan making  arrangements  for  a  home  of  his  own, 
and  in  1857  took  unto  himself  a  wife  .and  helpmate, 
Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Charles  Rountree. 
This  lady  was  born  in  Ohio  and  removed  with  her 
parents  to  Indiana  when  a  girl.  She  lived  at  home 
until  her  marriage  with  our  subject,  which  took 
place  near  t'rawfordsville,  Ind.  Prior  to  and  for 
some  time  after  his  marriage  Mr.  Stevens  engaged 
as  teacher  in  Illinois  and  Indiana,  covering  a  period 
of  fifteen  years.  He  met  with  success  as  an  in- 
structor and  was  proffered  the  professorship  of  a 
seminary  in  Missouri.  On  account  of  the  outbreak 
of  the  Rebellion  lie  declined,  feeling  it  his  duty  to 
assist  in  the  preservation  of  the  Union.  lie  raised 
a  company  in  Catlin,  of  which  he  was  to  have  been 
Captain,  but  upon  reporting  to  the  Governor  un- 
der the  call  for  75,000  men,  the  quota  was  found  to 
be  full  and  they  were  not  accepted. 

Mr.  Steven.s  now  turned  his  attention  to  agri- 
culture and  purchased  his  present  farm  of  eighty 
acres,  where  he  took  up  his  abode  and  has  since 
resided.  Three  children  were  born  to  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Stevens,  namely :  Charles  P^remont,  Winfield 
S.  and  Jessie  F.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stevens  are  mem- 
bers of  the  North  street  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  at  Danville,  and  our  subject  politically  is  a 
strong  Republican.  Upon  becoming  a  voting  citi- 
zen he  joined  the  Democratic  party,  but  in  1856, 
finding  his  party  had  violated  their  professed  prin- 
ciples, he  wheeled  into  tlie  Republican  ranks  the 
year  of  their  organization,  voted  for  John  C.  Fre- 
mont, and  has  since  labored  for  the  success  of  Re- 
publican principles,  lie  takes  a  warm  interest  in 
educational  matters  .and  keeps  himself  well  posted 
upon  topics  of  general  interest. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  James  and  Su- 
stmnali  (Thomas)  Stevens,  the  father  a  native  of 
Kentucky  and  the  mother  born  in  Knox  County, 
E.  Tenn.,  in  the  old  fort  of  historic  fame.  The 
I)aternal  grandfather,  Solomon  Stevens,  was  born 
in   England,  and  when  c<jming  to  America  settled 

in  one  of  the  Carolinas,  whence  he  removed  later  to 
Kentucky  and  finally  came  to  Illinois  iu  1826  in 
company  with  his  son  James.  They  settled  near 
Brooks'  Point,  and  Grandfather  Stevens  lived  to 
be  seventy  years  old.  James  Stevens  was  seventy- 
six  years  old  at  the  time  of  his  death,  and  his  wife, 
Susannah,  was  sevent3'-three.  The  latter  was  of 
German  descent  and  was  an  offshoot  of  the  family 
of  the  Union  (ieneral,  George  H.  Thomas,  who  dis- 
tinguished himself  during  the  late  war.  Grand- 
father Stevens  was  an  own  cousin  to  Alexander 
Stevens  of  Georgia,  and  one  of  the  noted  Confeder- 
ate leaders.  Both  father  and  grandfather  served  in 
the  war  of  1812.  James  Stevens  was  then  only  a 
bo3-  and  could  (mly  enter  the  army  under  his  father'.s 
permission.  They  fought  side  by  side  iu  the  same 
company.  The  parental  household  included  nine 
children,  namely:  Lovina,  William,  Polly  A.,  James 
H.,  Henderson  P.,  John,  Sarah  F.,  Nancy  and  Sam- 

-^/\J\,  ■^.^JlQJ2/^S^^^^^ 

;  j»@{^l/?OT>v-'vw» 

'^1  OHN  R.  KINSE  Y.  The  community  of  Oak- 
wood  Township  recognizes  in  the  subject 
of  this  notice  one  of  its  most  useful  and 
worthy  citizens,  a  man  liberal  and  jniblic 
spirited,  one  who  gives  generously  to  his  church 
(the  United  Brethren),  in  which  he  is  a  Class 
Leader  and  Steward  and  an  active  worker  in 
the  Sunday-school,  and  who  in  all  the  walks  of 
life  strives  to  makes  the  best  of  circumstances  and 
follow  that  line  of  conduct  bj-  which  he  may  be 
enabled  to  leave  a  good  record  for  his  children  to 
look  upon  in  future  j'ears.  Conservative  in  poli- 
tics, he  first  identified  with  the  Old  Line 
Whigs  and  upon  the  abandonment  of  that  party  by 
the  (organization  of  the  Republicans,  he  identified 
himself  with  the  latter  in  whose  principles  he 
thoroughly  believes  and  votes  accordingl3'.  His 
occupation  is  that  of  a  farmer,  and  he  operates 
fortj'  acres  of  good  land  on  section  23,  also  owning 
fift3-seven  acres  in  Catlin  Towhship.  He  has 
neat  and  substantial  modern  buildings  and  a  com- 
fortable home.  Iiuill  up  b3-  his  own  euergy  and  in- 

The  native  place  of   our  subject  was  a  few  miles 



west  of  the  city  of  Dayton,  Ohio,  and  his  birth  oc- 
fiinod  Oct.  20.  183K  Ilispaients  were  .laeoli  ami 
I'^liza  (Hessor)  Kinsej'.  the  former  a  native  of  Ohio, 
and  the  latter  horn  in  German}',  whence  she  was 
was  hrought  to  America  hy  her  parents  in  early 
cliil<lliood.  Grandfather  John  Kinsey,  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, removed  at  an  early  day  to  the  vicinity  of 
Dayton,  Ohio,  and  purchased  land  from  whicli  he 
constructed  the  farm  which  now  belongs  to  tlie 
grounds  of  the  Soldier's  Home.  There  his  son 
Jacob  was  Ijorn  about  1812.  Tiie  Latter  was  reared 
to  manhood  and  ninrricd  in  his  native  State  where 
lie  followeil  farming  and  carpentei'ing  and  became 
owner  of  a  fine  property.  Later  he  met  with  re- 
verses and  had  little  to  leave  to  his  children  at  the 
time  of  his  death. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  a  lady  possessing 
all  the  womanly  virtues,  and  a  member  of  the 
United  Brethren  Church.  There  were  born  to  her 
and  her  husband,  nine  sons  and  four  daughters  and 
five  of  these  cdiildren  are  living.  Four  of  the  bo3's 
entered  the  Union  Army  during  the  late  Civil 
War.  Jacob  was  in  the  S.'JtIi  Illinois  Infantry  and 
died  in  the  service;  David  passed  safely  through 
the  vicissitudes  of  army  life  and  after  the  war  took 
up  his  abode  in  Spring  River.  Mo.,  where  he  died 
about  1867  or  1868;  Benjamin  Franklin  contracted 
measles  in  the  armj',  was  sent  home  and  died ; 
Daniel,  of  the  35th  Illinois  Infantry,  was  taken 
prisoner  and  wounded  but  recovered;  returning 
home,  he  is  now  a  resident  of  Butler  Count}',  Kan. 
The  mother  has  long  since  passed  away.  Her 
children  cherish  and  revere  her  memory  above  all 
others  for  she  was  truly  a  mother  in  every  sense, 
devoted  to  her  husband  and  regarding  her  children 
as  her  dearest  treasures  on  earth.  Mr.  Kinsey.  the 
father  was  twice  married  after  the  death  of  his  first 
wife  and  spent  his  last  years  in  Kansas. 

Our  subject  remained  a  resident  of  his  native 
State  until  a  youth  of  sixteen  years,  then  in  1847, 
removed  with  his  father's  family  to  Peru,  Ind.  He 
lived  there  until  1853,  then  coming  to  this  county 
he  located  on  a  farm  just  east  of  his  jjresent  home- 
stead. He  had  received  a  common  school  educa- 
tion, but  was  of  that  temperament  and  disposition 
which  led  him  to  keep  his  eyes  open  to  what  was 
"(iiiii'  on  around  him.  and  he    thus  became  a  well- 

informed  and  intelligent  citizen.  When  ready  to 
establish  a  home  of  his  own  he  was  married  at 
Peru,  Ind.,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Chronister  and  soon 
afterward,  coming  to  this  county,  purchased  fifty 
acres  of  land  from  his  father  where  he  ()ut  up  a  frame 
house  and  became  involved  in  debt.  Then  selling 
out  he  rented  land  of  his  father  for  a  year  and  a 
half,  after  which  he  purchased  forty  acres — his 
present  farm.  Here  he  hewed  his  own  logs  and 
built  a  house  and  stable  ami  since  that  time  has 
given  his  .attention  to  the  cultivation  and  improve- 
ment of  his  land.  It  has  been  well  tiled  and 
drained  and  is  very  productive.  Besides  this  he 
has  fifty-seven  acres  in  Catlin  Township.  He  rents 
other  land  of  his  neighbors  and  besides  raising 
quantities  of  fruit,  having  a  flourishing  orchard,  he 
feeds  each  year  a  goodly  nunilier  of  cattle  and 

Mr.  Kinsey  ami  his  laniily  now  ofC(i[iy  a  two 
Story  frame  <lwelling,  thirty-six  feet  stjuare  and 
which  was  erected  in  1881.  It  makes  a  very  at- 
tractive home,  beautifully  located  in  liic  edge  of 
the  timber,  and  is  elsewhere  represented  in  this 
work.  To  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Kinsey  there  have  been 
born  live  children.  The  eldest,  .Margaret  A.,  is  the 
wife  of  Thomas  J.  Peterson,  lives  in  Kansas  and 
has  two  children.  Jasper  N.,  and  the  youngest 
child — Sardis  II.,  remain  at  home  with  their 
parents.  John  A.,  is  unmarried  and  a  resident  of 
Dakota.  Sarah  Ellen.  ISIrs.  Daniel  Clapp.  has  one 
child  and  lives  in  Oakwood  Township. 

ACOl!  J.  ROBERTSU.N,  the  son  of  a  well- 
known  pioneer  family  of  Newell  Township, 
his  native  place,  is  now  classed  among  its 
lirominent  citizens  and  practical  agricultur- 
ists who  are  alily  sustaining  its  highest  material 
and  social  interests.  His  father,  Zachariah  Robert- 
son, was  born  in  Harrison  County,  Ky.,  and  his 
mother  Elizal)eth  (Storr)  Robertson,  was  a  native 
of  Ohio.  (For  furliier  paicnlal  history  see  sketch 
of  Z.  Robertson). 

Our  subject  was  the  eldest  of  their  large  famil}' 
of  sixteen  children,  eight  sons  and  eight  daughters. 



and  his  birth  took  place  here  Sept.  22,  1848.  lie 
was  reared  to  man's  estate  on  his  father's  farrai 
orainini;'  a  thorough  knowledge  of  the  vocation  that 
lie  afterwards  adopted  as  his  life-work,  and  receiv- 
ing his  education  mostly  in  the  public  schools. 
Since  attaining  manhood  he  has  devoted  himself 
exolusivply  to  farming  and  stock-raising,  making  a 
si)ocialty  of  Short-horn  cattle,  and  his  fine  herd  of 
that  breed  compares  witli  the  best  in  the  neighbor- 
hood. He  owns  a  good  farm  whose  100  acres  of 
fertile  soil  are  under  the  higheststate  of  cultivation, 
and  yield  liim  a  reliable  income.  Tlie  buildings 
standing  on  the  farm  are  in  good  order,  and  he  and 
his  family  have  a  comfortable  borne. 

Mr.  Robertson  was  married  at  State  Line,  Feb. 
6,  1872,  to  Miss  Melissa  Brithingham,  who  has 
greatly  aided  him  in  liis  work  as  only  a  capable,  de- 
voted wife  can  do,  and  to  her  he  frankly  acknowl- 
edges his  indebtedness.  Her  parents,  Benjamin 
and  Eliza  (Maeehinson)  Urithingham,  natives  of 
Ohio,  where  they  were  married,  were  among  the 
early  settlers  of  Vermilion  County.  He  died  in 
Middle  Park  Townshij),  and  she  died  on  the  old 
homestead  in  Pilot  Townsliip.  They  had  a  family 
of  six  daughters  and  four  lioys.  Mrs.  Robertson 
was  the  ninth  child  and  was  born  on  the  old  farm 
in  Pilot  Township,  Nov.  21,  1818,  and  has  always 
resided  in  Vermilion  County.  Five  children  are 
tlie  fruit  of  her  happy  marriage  with  our  subject — 
Hallie  G.,  an  infant,  Charles  B.,  (irace  M.  and 
Fa}-.     Charles  B.  died  when  two  years  old. 

In  our  subject  his  native  township  sees  one  who 
is  an  honor  to  its  citizenship,  botii  in  public  and  in 
private  life,  as  his  career  has  been  without  a  stain. 
His  manly,  honest,  straightforward  disposition  has 
secured  him  the  confidence  of  his  fellowmen  and  he 
has  proved  an  inv.aluable  civic  official.  He  has 
been  Tax  Collector  for  two  3'ears,  and  hss  been 
School  Director,  taking  much  interest  in  educational 
matters.  He  was  elected  Supervisor  of  Newell 
Township  in  the  spring  of  1887  and  served  with 
great  credit  to  himself  and  the  community.  Dur- 
ing his  term  of  office  an  invesligation  was  made 
into  the  affairs  of  some  of  the  county  offices  and  a 
shortage  was  discovereil  of  $3,800.  One  of  the 
count}'  officials  offered  to  compromise  by  paying 
into    the  treasury  $2,000.     Our  subject    with  but 

one  other  of  the  supervisors  voted  not  to  accept 
the  amount,  f.ailingto  see  why  a  shortage  of  13,800 
should  be  settled  for  scarcely  more  than  half  of  tlie 
amount.  Mr.  Robertson  had  the  appointment  of 
one  of  the  grand  jurors  and  he  gave  him  special 
instruction  to  do  all  in  his  power  to  find  an  indict- 
ment against  the  guilty  parties,  and  if  unable  to  do 
.so,  then  to  use  his  influence  to  have  the  entire 
Board  of  Supervisors  indicted,  as  all  hut  two  had 
voted  to  accept  the  12,000  offered  in  settlement  of 
the  deficit.  An  indictment  was  found  against  the 
guilty  officials,  and  but  one  was  cleared  of  im- 
plication in  the  affair;  the  others  reimbursed  the 
county  for  the  full  amount.  Mr.  Robertson  is  a 
prominent  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  being  Vice- 
Grand  of  mini  Lodge,  No.  2  10.  He  and  his  wife 
are  true  Christians,  and  valued  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  of  which  he  has  lieen 

1^  EV.  FRANCIS  A.  POETTKEN,  pastor  of 
IILiir  St.  Joseph's  Church,  came  to  Danville  in 
T,  September,  1886,  and  is  discharging  the 
^P;  duties  of  his  calling  with  that  conscien- 
tious fidelity  which  has  gained  him  the  confidence 
and  esteem  of  all  with  whom  he  is  associated.  He 
is  a  native  of  the  Prussian  province  of  Westphalia, 
and  was  born  in  the  town  of  Muenster,  June  2, 
1838.  He  received  a  thorough  education  in  his 
native  tongue,  and  was  ordained  as  a  priest  Nov. 
11,  1864,  at  Mentz.  Subsequently,  until  1875, 
he  officiated  as  pastor  of  different  churches  in  Ger- 
many, and  in  September,  that  year,  came  to  the 
United  States. 

The  church  edifice  in  which  the  congregation  of 
St.  Joseph's  worship,  is  a  handsome  brick  structure 
located  on  Green  street.  It  was  first  opened  for 
services  in  1867,  under  the  pastorate  of  Rev.  M. 
Rosenbauer.  In  1886  the  building  was  enlarged, 
and  a  steeple  added.  It  was  consecrated  Aug.  1, 
1886,  by  Rt.  Rev.  Bishop  Spaulding,  of  Peoria.  It 
belongs  to  the  Peoria  Diocese,  and  has  a  member- 
ship of  ninety  families.  A  parochial  school  was 
established  in  1875,  and  is   now   under  the  charge 






of  the  Fraiu'iscan  Sisters,  willi  :iii  attendance  of 
sixty-five  pupils. 

In  connection  witli  St.  .Joseijli's  C'lmrcli  tliere  is 
St.  Joseph's  Benevolent  Society,  wiiicli  was  organ- 
i/i'il  in  1877.  The  followiny  named  priests  have  at 
ditferent  times  olliciated  in  this  parish:  Rev.  Anton 
Keck,  now  deceased,  Henrj-  Koehne,  William  Kucii- 
enhuch,  Thomas  Frouenkefer,  deceased,  Peter  Jo- 
sepii  Sc'hmal,  I'eter  .losepli  (Jerhardy,  C.  Sciuirtz, 
Bernhard  Wenning,  deceased,  and  Father  I'oell- 

A  very  iniport.-iiil  institution  in  coniieclidn  witli 
this  church,  and  known  as  .St.  KliztdictU  ll()s|)ital, 
was  established  in  IfSHl.and  the  building  it  now 
occupies  was  erected  in  1888.  This  is  a  handsome 
brick  structure,  three  stories  iu  height,  with  base- 
ment, covering  a  area  of  i9xl02  feet  and  with  its 
finishings  and  furnishings  is  a  most  valuable  piece 
of  property.  It  is  in  charge  of  fourteen  F^nmcis- 
can  .Sisters,  and  at  present  accommodates  thirty 

AMES  BARN'F:TT  is  one  of  the  leading  busi- 
ness men  of  Indianola.  He  owns  and  oper- 
ates an  extensive  liver}',  sales  and  boarding 

^M  stable,  and  has  acquired  a  reputation  in  his 
business  that  is  praiseworth}-.  He  also  owns  a  beau- 
tiful farm  of  222  acres,  which  he  carries  on  in  con- 
nection with  his  other  business.  On  this  farm  is  a 
pleasant  commodious  residence,  which  is  illustrated 
by  a  fine  view  given  elsewhere  in  this  work,  and 
which  is  surrounded  by  stately  trees  and  gardens 
of  beautiful  flowers. 

]Mr.  Barnett  is  the  son  of  James  Barnett,  who  was 
a  native  of  Kentucky,  and  settled  in  Illinois  iu 
1828.  The  father  was  married  twice,  the  first  time 
to  Miss  Conway,  by  whom  he  had  five  children; 
while  his  second  wife,  the  mother  of  the  one  of 
whom  this  sketch  is  written,  was  named  Rosa  Neil. 
He  became  the  owner  of  about  600  acres  of  land, 
and  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  farmers  in  this 
part  of  the  country.  His  ancestors  were  from  Ire- 
land, and  after  coming  to  America  settled  in  Penn- 
sylvania, away  back  in  Colonial  times.  The  father 
of  James  Barnett,  Sr.,  was  born  in  the  State  named, 

and  was  there  married  to  Miss  Delila  Davis,  of 
Welsli  lineage.  The  father  of  our  subject  died  in 
1866,  while  his  second  wife  <lied  the  same  year,  at 
the  age  of  sixty-seven  years.  She  was  the  mother 
of  seven  children,  whose  names  follow:  ICmily, 
F;ii/.a,  Lenora,  ^lary,  Willis,  James  and  Harris. 

James  Barnett  was  born  Ai)ril  11,  1845,  on  the  old 
Barnett  homestead,  where  he  was  reared  to  man- 
hood. He  attended  the  common  schools,  working 
alternately  on  his  father'*  farm,  thus  ac(iuiring  his 
knowledge  of  agriculture  and  of  horses,  which  has 
served  him  well.  In  1874  he  was  marrieii  to  Miss 
Lucinda  Martin,  a  native  of  Douglas  County,  III., 
and  a  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  (Wheeler)  Mar- 
tin, the  latter  of  whom  were  natives  of  Athens 
County,  Ohio.  John  .Martin  was  married  three 
times,  Mrs.  Barnett  being  a  child  of  the  first  mar- 
riage. His  children  areas  follows:  Susannah,  John 
Joseph,  Margaret.  Nancy,  Levi,  Isaac.  Mary  and 
lAicinda.  Mrs.  Barnett  was  but  four  years  old 
when  her  mother  died.  Fight  children  were  born 
to  her  father's  second  union,  and  by  his  third  mar- 
riage he  was  the  father  of  one  child. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Barnett  re- 
sided on  the  old  homestead,  where  they  met  all  the 
responsibilities  thrust  upon  them  with  characteris- 
tic industr}-  and  intelligence.     He  has  since   added 

I  to  the  old  farm,  so  that  now  it  is  a  beautiful  place 
of  about  222  acres.  In  1878  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Barnett 
removed  to  Jewell  County,  Kan.,  where  they 
owned  a  quarter  section  of  land.  This  move  was 
made  on  account  of  Mrs.  Barnett's  health,  and 
while  there  she  improved   greatly.     In    the   mean- 

•  time  the  Kansas  land  rose  in  value,  so  much  so,  that 
they  concluded  to  dispose  of  it,  which  they  did  to 
a  good  advantage  and  returned  to  Illinois,  where 
they  have  since  resided.  They  have  an  interesting 
family  of  five  children,  whose  names  are:  Rose  A., 
Wilbur  J.,  Armilda  Pearl,  Edith  F.  and  (ilcnwood. 
Mrs.  Barnett  belongs  to  the  Methodist  Fpiscoiial 
Church,  of  Indianola,  and  is  always  found  at  the 
front  in  anything  that  will  forward  the  interests  of 
her  chosen  faith.  Mr.  Barnett  is  a  member  of  \'er- 
inilion  Lodge  No.  265,  A.  F.  k  A.  M.,  and  of  the 
Modern  Woodmen.  Politically  there  is  no  more 
ardent  Republican  in  the  Stale  than  he.  Mrs.  Bar- 
nett is  one  of  the  best  of  neighbors,  and  tenderest 



of  mothers.  She  is  justly  pioiul  of  her  family,  and 
of  her  home,  while  the  interior  of  the  latter  shows 
that  the  hand  of  the  mistress  is  never  idle. 

^•VN^      *• 

^li'NDREW  GUTHRIE  is   one  of  the  promi- 
01    nent   and    well-to-do     farmers    of    Sidell 

Township,   where    he    owns   and  operates 
^)  eight}'  acres  of  well-improved  land  on  sec- 

tion 25.  His  father  and  mother,  George  and  Mar- 
garet Guthrie,  were  born  in  Ireland.  The  poverty 
and  reign  of  landlordism  in  that  country  is  one  of 
the  great  causes  of  its  people  coming  to  America. 
Here  if  they  are  industrious  and  sober  they  can 
find  occupation  for  themselves  and  land  for  their 
children,  and  in  pursuance  of  this  object,  the  elder 
Guthrie  concluded  to  leave  his  native  country  and 
seek  the  more  hospitable  shores  of  Ameriya.  He 
first  settled  in  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  married, 
and  later,  about  18.J0,  he  came  to  Carroll  Town- 
ship. Vermilion  County,  where  he  lived  on  his 
farm  until  death  called  him  away,  at  the  age  of 
seventy' -three  years.  His  wife  died  at  the  same 
a^e.  They  had  ten  children,  of  whom  five  were 
sons  and  five  daughters,  and  but  three  of  these  are 
DOW  living,  namely:  Thomas,  Andrew  and  Sarah. 
Thomas  resides  in  Sidell  Township,  and  is  prosper- 
ing; Sarah  married  George  Powell,  and  is  residing 
at  Danville. 

Andrew  Guthrie  was  born  July  6,  1826,  in 
Washington  County,  Pa.,  twenty-four  miles  south 
of  Pittsburgh.  He  grew  to  manhood  in  that  coun- 
try, and  married  Miss  Rachael  Reynolds,  a  native 
of  Fayette  County,  Pa.  He  lived  in  that  State  two 
years  after  marriage,  until  in  1854,  he  heard  of  the 
wonderful  resources  of  this  part  of  Illinois,  he  con- 
cluded to  remove  here,  and  upon  his  arrival  settled 
in  Vermilion  County,  where  for  a  few  years  he  was 
obliged,  on  account  of  the  lack  of  means,  to  rent  a 
farm.  But  industry  and  honesty  will  win.  In 
1873  he  found  himself  able  to  bu}'  forty  acres  of 
land,  and  to  which  he  has  since  added  another 
forty.  His  farm,  though  not  large,  yields  good  re- 
turns upon  the  investment,  anti  is  a  model  in  every 
respect,  as  its  owner  does  nothing  at  all  but  that 

which  he  can  do  well.  He  has  erected  a  commo- 
dious residence  on  his  homestead,  and  we  are 
pleased  to  present  on  another  page  a  Hne  view  of 
this  pleasant  country  home. 

JMr.  and  Mrs.  (iulhrie  have  six  children  :  Mary 
E.,  Ella,  Wilbur,  George.  Samuel  and  Ernest. 
Mary  E.  married  Abner  Orr,  who  is  a  large  farmer 
of  Clark  Countv.  111.  They  have  six  children,  and 
all  are  well-to-do;  Ella  and  Wilbur  are  at  home 
with  their  parents;  George  is  a  cai'penter.  and  is 
living  in  California;  Samuel  is  a  telegraph  oijera- 
tor  at  Allerton;  vvhile  Ernest  is  at  home  attending 
school.  Mr.  Guthrie  has  taken  a  great  interest  in 
educational  matters,  and  is  always  found  ready  to 
do  anything  that  will  benefit  the  common  schools. 
Mrs.  (iuthrie  was  a  teacher,  and  held  a  first-grade 
certificate  in  Vermilion  and  Edgar  counties,  this 
State.  The\  are  members  of  the  Cuniberlan<l  Pres- 
byterian Church,  and  largely  aided  in  building  the 
edifice  in  which  they  worship.  In  1869  Mr.  Guth- 
rie had  the  misfortune  to  lose  an  eye,  but  other- 
wise he  is  in  perfect  health  and  strength. 

Mr.  Guthrie  is  an  adherent,  mainly,  to  Demo- 
cratic [irinciples,  but  when  he  votes  he  scrutinizes 
the  candidates'  record  and  qualifications,  and  then 
invariably  votes  for  the  best  man.  He  is  one  of 
the  best  men  of  his  tovvnship,  and  is  hehl  in  high 
esteem  by  his  neighbors. 

^  IfclLLIAM  REES.  There  is  a  goodly  repre- 
\jjJII  sentation  of  the  peaceable  Friends  in 
W^  Elwood  Township,  and  among  them  the 
subject  of  this  notice  is  one  of  the  prominent 
members.  He  is  a  man  justly  proud  of  his 
ancestry,  who  made  for  themselves  a  good  record, 
and  has  inherited  from  them  many  excellent  traits 
of  character.  His  life-long  occupation  has  been 
that  of  a  farmer,  and  he  is  at  present  located  on 
section  24  in  Elwood  Township.  Here  bj'  his  in- 
dustry and  perseverance  he  has  made  good  use  of 
his  time,  built  up  a  verj'  desirable  home  and  accu- 
mulated a  competence  for  his  declining  j-ears. 

Our  subject  was  born    in   Greene  County,  East 
Tennessee,  April  16,  1819,  and  is  the  son  of  Will- 



iani  Rees,  Jr.,  n-lio  was  born  near  Ricliiuoiul,  Va., 
and  wlio  died  many  years  ago.  Tlie  paternal 
grandfather  of  our  sulijeel  was  also  William  Rees, 
who  removed  witii  his  family  to  Guilford  Count}-, 
N.  C,  aliout  1771,  when  his  son  William  was  l)ul 
two  years  old  and  prior  to  the  Hevohitionary  War. 
The  family  were  at  onetime  witliin  three  miles  of 
the  battle-ground  of  (luilford  Court-himso  and 
heard  the  report  of  eannon  and  niusketry  at  that 
battle.  The  army,  however,  moved  on,  but  for 
some  time  the  cannonading  cdiild  still  be  heard. 

William  Rees,  Sr.,  the  grandfather  of  our  sub- 
ject, was  also  a  native  of  X'irginia  and  the  son  of 
Thomas  Rees,  who  emigrated  from  Wales  soon 
after  his  marriage  and  a  sh(n't  time  before  his  son 
William  was  born.  The  parents  of  Thomas  Rees 
were  of  the  Saxon  race.  Thomas  was  manied  in 
his  native  country  to  Jliss  Mary  Bowen,  and  the^' 
immediately  set  sail  for  America.  L'pon  their  ar- 
rival they  settled  near  Richmond,  Va..  and  became 
the  parents  of  four  sons.  William,  Robert,  Solomon 
and  David.  William  married  Miss  Charity  Dillon, 
of  Irish  ancestry,  and  by  her  became  the  father  of 
seven  children,  Moses,  William,  James,  John, 
Mary,  Margaret  and  a  daughter  whose  name  does 
not  appear.  Thomas  Rees  lived  to  be  10;j  years 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  the  second  child 
of  his  parents  and  upon  reaching  manhood  was 
married  to  Miss  Susanna  .lones,  a  native  of  N'irginia, 
wlio  was  taken  by  her  parents  to  Tennessee  when 
but  a  child.  There  were  seven  other  children  in 
the  family',  three  of  whom  are  living:  Mar}',  Mrs. 
Bales;  Rachel,  who  is  unmarried,  and  our  subject, 
who  was  the  youngest  born;  the  others,  who  all 
lived  to  mature  years,  were  named  respectively. 
Charity,  Deborah,  John,  James  and  Jane. 

Our  subject  came  to  this  county  in  18.30,  settling 
in  Klwood  Townshij).  where  he  has  since  lived,  in 
the  following  winter  occurred  the  deep  snow  which 
fell  two  feet  on  the  level  and  when  nearly  all 
the  deer  and  wolves  were  frozen  to  death.  The 
Rees  family  experienced  all  the  hardships  and  ditli- 
culties  of  pioneer  life,  living  far  from  mill  and 
market  and  struggling  for  a  number  of  years  to 
make  both  ends  meet.  Their  grinding  was  fre- 
quently done  in  a  horse-mill.     Three  days  after  his 

arrival  our  subject  received  a  wound  on  his  riglit 
knee  and  still  carries  the  scar,  by  reason  of  an 
injury  in  a  horse-mill. 

Young  Rees  studied  his  first  lessons  at  the  sub- 
scription schools,  conducted  in  a  log  cabin,  with 
slab  seats  and  desks  set  up  on  rude  wooden  legs, 
with  a  clapboard  roof,  n  huge  lireplace  extending 
nearly  across  one  end  of  thi'  biiihling  and  the 
chimney  built  <mtside  of  clay  and  slicks.  Win- 
dow glass  was  too  expensive  or  unattainable  in 
those  days  and  in  its  place  there  was  used  greased 
paper  for  (janes.  The  system  of  instrucli(jn  was 
conducted  in  a  manner  corresponding  to  the  time 
and  place.  Our  subject  remained  at  the  f.arm  as- 
sisting his  father  in  its  development  until  ready  to 
establish  a  lK)me  of  his  own. 

The  marriage  of  William  Rees  and  Miss  Rebecca 
Hester  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  in  El- 
wood  Township,  Nov.  7,  1843.  This  lady  was  the 
daughter  of  Hester  and  a  sister  of  William 
Hester,  whose  biograjihy  appears  on  another  page. 
She  was  born  in  Randolph  County,  Ind..  Jan.  23, 
1824,  and  remoNed  with  her  parent  to  Tazewell 
well  Comity  this  State,  in  1829.  Six  years  later, 
in  1835,  they  came  to  this  county.  Ten  of  the  thir- 
teen chihlren  Ijorn  of  this  union  are  still  living, 
viz:  Levi.  Martha,  Mary,  Sarah,  Thomas,  Sibyl, 
Perry  O.,  Omar  II.  and  15ertram. 

Levi  Rees  was  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  A.  Par- 
ker. At  an  early  age  he  exhibited  an  luicom- 
monly  bright  mind  of  a  deeply  religious  turn,  and 
he  is  now  p:istor  of  the  Friends'  Church  in  Indian- 
apolis; he  has  no  children.  Martha  married  Mr. 
Seth  Haworth,  who  is  now  deceased,  and  lives  near 
her  father.  She  is  the  nudlier  of  five  children, 
onl}'  one  of  whom  is  living,  Aini;i  L.;  Mary  is  the 
wife  of  Thomas  llolliday,  of  Douglas  Countv,  this 
State,  and  is  the  mother  of  three  children,  Grace, 
Alice  and  Lizzie;  Sarah  is  the  wife  of  Pleasant 
Cook,  of  Champaign  Countv,  and  they  have  two 
children,  Lewis  and  Arthur;  Thomas  married  Miss 
Florence  Elliott,  and  lives  in  Carroll  Township; 
they  had  one  child,  Lucille,  fiecea.sed.  Sibyl  mar- 
ried Zimri  Haworth,  of  Khvood  Township,  and 
they  have  two  children,  Mary  and  .\lbert. 

The  Rees  homestead  includes  ninety-two  acres  of 
choice  land  which,  under  the  careful  management 



of  its  proprietor,  is  tlie  source  of  a  good  income. 
Our  subject  is  a  standi  Kcpulilican  politically  hut 
has  never  souirlit  ollice.  and  in  religious  matters 
belongs  to  the  Societ}-  of  Friends.  His  father  was 
born  in  1769  and  voted  for  Washington  at  his 
second  election  for  President.  He  subserpiently 
voted  for  both  of  the  Adamses  and  was  always  a 
Whig  politically. 

LEXANDEK  1).  ()WP:N,  a  farmer  widely 
and  favorably  known,  and  living  in  Grant 
Township, was  born  in  Washington  County, 
Ohio,  Sept.  6,  184;'),  and  came  to  this  State 
after  his  marriage  in  186',t.  His  great-grandmother, 
Mary  (Gardner)  Owen  was  the  first  white  woman 
who  ever  crossed  the  Ohio  River  and  set  foot  upon 
the  soil  of  the  Imperial  State  of  that  name,  and  her 
history  is  given  in  its  annals.  James  Owen  and  liis 
wife  Mary  ((Tardner)  Owen,  were  the  great-grand- 
parents of  Alexander  1).,  our  subject.  They  were 
both  natives  of  Kliode  Island  and  left  their  home  in 
South  Kingston,  R.  I.,  in  17118,  for  the  territory  of 
Ohio.  They  settled  at  Fort  Ilarnier.  now  the  site 
of  Marietta,  Ohio,  landing  there  June  5,  1798 — 
in  company  with  (Jen.  James  Varnum.  As  before 
stated  Mrs.  Owen  was  the  first  white  woman  to 
settle  in  the  Northwest  'I'erritory.  Her  son,  Daniel 
Owen,  grandfather  of  Alexander  D.,  was  therefore 
one  of  the  earh'  settlers  of  Washington  County, 
Ohio,  and  became  the  owner  of  a  farm  on  the  Mus- 
kingum River,  on  which  lie  lived  until  his  death 
It  was  near  what  was  then  known  as  Ft.  Ilarmer, 
where  Marietta  now  stands.  Ills  wife  also  died  at 
that  place. 

Their  son,  Vincent,  the  father  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  and  born  at  the  above  mentioned 
place  in  181 1.  He  likewise  was  a  farmer  and  a  life- 
long resident  of  his  native  county,  where  he  died 
in  1876  aged  sixty-live  years.  He  was  a  stock 
dealer  and  raiser  as  well  as  farmer,  and  accumu- 
lated a  handsome  competency  as  a  result  of  his  in- 
dustry and  correct  business  habits.  He  was  mar- 
ried to  Jane  Adams,  also  a  native  of  Ohio,  who  died 
several  years  before  her  husband's  decease,  leaving 

a  family  of  nine  children,  of  whom  but  two  are 
now  living — Alexander  1).  and  a  sister,  Louisa, 
wife  of  ]).  1'.  Adams,  a  plumber,  now  residing  in 
Washington  County,  Ohio.  Three  of  the  sons  were 
in  the  Union  army  and  one  died  in  the  service  at 
I'ulaski,  Tenn.  The  others  died  after  the  war  at 
their  homes,  the  one  in  Ohio  and  the  other  in 
West  A'irginia. 

Alexander  1).  Owen  was  reared  on  the  farm 
where  he  was  born,  living  there  until  Januaiy, 
1863,  when  at  the  age  of  eighteen  j'ears,  he  too, 
offered  his  services  to  his  country,  enlisting  in 
Company  L,  1st  Ohio  Cavalry,  with  which  he 
served  until  Dec.  1865.  His  company  served  as 
Gen.  'I'honias'  body  guard  and  was  also  on  detailed 
duty  as  despatch-bearers,  carr3ing  messages  along 
the  lines,  especiallj-  during  engagements,  the  serv- 
ice being  especi.allj-  hazardous.  They  were  so  en- 
gaged at  Lookout  Mountain,  Buzzard's  Roost, 
Macon,  Ga,.  Dallas,  Ala,,  Peach  Tree  Creek,  where 
(ien.  Harrison  ascended  the  first  step  that  led  to 
the  White  llou.Re:  Three  Forks  and  in  all  engage- 
ments of  that  arm3-  down  to  Atlanta.  After  peace 
was  declared  the  company  was  ordered  to  Nash- 
ville, Tenn.,  where  they  were  on  duty  until  De- 
cemlier,  1865,  when  they  were  mustered  out. 
Being  honorably  discharg-ed,  Mr.  Owen  returned  to 
his  home  and  resumed  work  on  the  farm,  remaining 
there  until  his  marriage  Dec.  2,  1868,  to  Miss 
Catherine  Rubrake,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Cathe- 
rine Rubrake,  natives  of  Germany,  who  emigrated 
to  this  country  after  their  marriage,  over  forty 
years  ago.  The  father  died  in  Noble  County,  Ohio, 
in  March  1888  aged  nearly  seventy-five  years,  while 
the  mother  is  still  living  at  the  same  place  and  is 
now  about  sixty-five  years  old. 

In  February  following  their  marriage  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Owen  removed  to  Logan  County,  111.,  where 
they  lived  for  seven  years,  then  came  to  the  place 
he  now  owns  on  section  5,  in  Grant  Townshii), 
where  he  has  a  good  farm  of  eighty  acres,  on  which 
he  has  built  a  fine  residence.  All  the  improvements 
on  the  place  have  been  made  by  himself,  as  his  land 
when  })urchased  was  nothing  but  raw  prairie.  To- 
day it  is  one  of  the  best  improved  and  most  desir- 
able pieces  of  property  in  this  part  of  the  county. 
It  is  all  thoroughly  tiled,  fenced,  and  in  a  high  state 



of  cultivation.  Beside  his  general  fanning,  .Mr. 
Owen  gives  cousiderable  attention  to  dairying  in 
wliii  h  he  has  met  with  success. 

-Mr.  Owen  is  a  member  of  Harmon  Post  No.  115 
G.  A.  R.  of  Iloopeston,  and  both  he  and  his  wife 
are  communicants  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  of 
that  [ilaee.  In  politics  he  is  a  Democrat.  By  the 
people  who  know  him,  Mr.  Owen  is  spoken  of  as  an 
upri;;lit,  honorable  and  trustworthy  man.  and  a 
good  citizen,  who  can  always  be  depended  upon  to 
do  just  what  he  promises,  and  he  justly  merits 
the  respect  and  confidence  of  his  neighbor. 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  numerous  readers 
to  a  handsome  engraving  of  the  elegant  home  and 
surroundings  on  the  farm  of  Jlr.  Owen. 

SlKORGE     I\I.    SULLIVAN  is  the  entcri)ris- 
,   ing  and   industrious   Pathmaster  of  Sidell, 
1    which    position    he    has    held   for  the    long 

[leriod  of  eleven  years.  A  native  (jf  the  Blue 
Grass  State,  he  was  born  Sept.  16,  1836,  and  there 
spent  his  childhood  days  amid  its  pioneer  scenes, 
attending  the  subscription  schools  in  a  log  house, 
with  its  seats  and  desks  made  of  slabs  and  the  other 
furnishings  and  finishings  corresponding  to  that 
period.  He  was  harnessed  into  work  at  an  early 
age,  following  the  i)low  when  a  lad  of  nine  years, 
and  thus  were  formed  within  him  those  habits  of  in- 
dustry which  have  made  of  him  a  wealthy  and 
successful  man. 

In  18.01  the  family,  leaving  Kentucky, 
emigrated  to  Decatur  County,  lud.,  and  our  sul)- 
ject  cng.aged  first  in  breaking  land  upon  the  new 
farm.  After  a  time,  however,  longing  for  a  change 
"of  occupation,  he  secured  a  position  as  Freight 
Agent  with  the  Indianapolis  it  Cincinnati  Railroad 
Comjiau}',  and  was  entrusted  with  the  purch.'ise  of 
ties,  timber  and  general  construction  lumber,  being 
in  the  employ  of  this  company  about  eight  j'ears. 
In  the  meantime  he  was  marrieil,  in  1861,  to  Miss 
Lucinda  Ann  l>aker,  who  was  then  an  attractive 
young  lady  of  nineteen  years. 

In  1866  JMr.  and  Mrs.  Sullivan  settled  on  a  farm 
in  Shelby  County,  Ind..  where  they  lived  two  years. 

In  1868  they  came  to  this  county,  and  Mr.  Sullivan 
rented  a  farm  of  160  acres  in  Sidell  Township  from 
Mr.  Oakwood.  He  was  pros|iered  in  his  labors  as 
a  tiller  of  the  soil,  and  in  1871  purchased  forty 
acres  of  raw  land  on  section  30.  Upon  this  he 
effected  some  improvements,  and  three  years  later 
sold  it  to  good  advantage.  Later  he  purchased  the 
100  acres  on  section  31,  which  constitutes  his  pres- 
ent homestead.  'I'o  this  he  has  given  his  unilivided 
attention,  with  most  excellent  results.  The  land  is 
highly  productive  and  embellished  with  a  sot  of 
good  buildings,  the  dwelling  being  a  neat  frame  of 
one  and  one-half  stories,  well  fitted  up  with  the 
conveniences  of  modern  life.  The  outbuildings, 
live-stock  and  machinery  are  what  might  be  natur- 
ally expected  from  a  man  of  Mr.  Sullivan's  push 
and  enterprise,  and  compare  favorably  with  those 
of  the  others   enterprising   farmers  of  this  section. 

Seven  of  the  ten  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Sullivan  are  still  living,  viz:  James  H.,  Oliver  P. 
and  Henry  A.  (twins  j,  Carrie  B..  Home  IL,  Charles 
W.  and  Arthur  (J.  .lames  H.  married  Miss  Lucy 
Clester,  and  is  the  father  of  onechihl.  He  is  em- 
ployed as  salesman  for  Charles  Forbes,  the  agri- 
cultural implement  dealer  of  Sidell,  and  in  this 
capacity  ranks  second  to  no  m;ui  in  the  county. 
The  other  children  are  at  home  with  their  parents. 
Oliver  and  Henry  are  cultivating  120  acres  of 
rented  land  on  section  2.  making  a  specialty  of 
corn.  Our  subject,  politically,  uniformly  votes 
with  the  Democratic  party,  and  with  his  wife  is  a 
member  of  the  Cumberland  Presliyterian  Church. 
He  has  held  several  of  the  township  olllce.^,  giving 
general  satisf.acti<ni    in   the  discharge  of  his  duties. 

The  |)arents  of  our  subject  were  natives  lesiieel- 
i  vely  of  Maryland  and  Kentucky,  the  mother  born  in 
Mercer  Count}'.  Her  maiden  name  was  Mary  Hill, 
and  her  mother  was  a  native  of  Scotland.  The  ten 
children  of  the  parental  family  were  named,  re- 
spectively. Nancy  K.,.Iohn  11.,  Louisiana,  Myriana. 
Sarah,  George  Marion. our  subject,  Martha  .1..  Mary 
K.,  James  P.  and  William  .1.  Both  the  grandfathers 
served  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  Grandfather 
Sullivan  was  a  Sergeant  under  the  direct  commaiul 
of  Gen.  Washington.  A  fife  belonging  lo  him  and 
used  (luring  that  war,  is  still  in  possession  of  tlie 
i    f.amih'.      The  father  of  o\ir  subjeet  dicil    in  ^\'asli- 



jiigton  County,  Ky.,  at  about  the  age  of  sixty-one 
years,  when  George  M.  was  a  lad  of  eleven  years. 
The  mother  died  ten  years  later  and  was  also  sixty- 
one  years  old. 

Mrs.  Sullivan  was  born  in  Decatur  County.  Ind., 
and  is  the  daughter  of  James  H.  and  Louisa  Bowen, 
the  fatlier  a  native  of  Ohio.  They  were  the  parents 
of  six  children— four  daughters  and  two  sons. 

JUDGE  JACOB  W.  AVILKINS.  one  of  the 
Justices  of  tiie  Supreme  Court  of  Illinois, 
has  enjoyed  a  large  and  varied  experience 
in  his  profession,  while  his  learning  and 
dignity  and  the  deep  sense  of  justice  he  is  gifted 
with,  especially  fits  him  to  grace  this  honorable 
position.  His  naturally  good  judgment  and  sound 
learning,  together  with  his  studious  habits  and 
legal  ability  have  long  since  gained  for  him  tlie 
hitrhest  esteem  of  his  fellow  citizens  and  the  respect 
of  his  professional  bretlij-en.  while  his  fidelity  to 
duty  has  ever  been  apparent  in  liis  rulings  and  pro- 
ceedings. He  is  an  Ohio  man  by  birth,  and  wns 
born  near  Newark,  Licking  County,  June  7.  ISoT. 
When  our  subject  was  a  mere  child  his  father 
decided  to  seek  tlie  farther  West,  and  coming  to 
Crawford  County,  111.,  settled  on  a  farm  in  Licking 
Township,  where  Jacob  W.  lived  until  a  youth  of 
ei<^hteen  years.  He  had  up  to  this  time  pursued 
his  studies  in  the  common  schools,  and  by  close 
application  prepared  himself  for  McKendree  Col- 
leo-e  at  Lebanon,  St.  Clair  Co.,  111.  He  entered  this 
institution  and  for  the  following  two  years  prose- 
cuted liis  studies  with  his  well  known  energj'  and 
thoroughness.  He  left  the  college  halls  in  18(il  and 
begun  the  study  of  law  under  Judge  John  Scofleld, 
who  was  afterward  his  law  partner,  residing  at 
Marshall.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion  he  en- 
listed as  a  Union  soldier,  but  was  soon  obliged  to 
return  home  on  account  of  ill  health.  His  p.atriot- 
ism,  however,  would  not  permit  him  to  remain  at 
home,  and  soon  again  he  presented  himself  to  the 
enrolling  officer  and  joined  Company  K,  i;?Oth  Il- 
linois Infantry,  and  mustered  in  as  Captain. 
His  regiment  was  thereafter  in  different  divisions 

of  tlie  Arm3-  of  the  Cumberland,  and  later  in  the 
Department  of  the  Gulf.  It  passed  througli  the 
Vieksburg  campaign  and  participated  in  all  the  bat- 
tles connected  therewith,  after  which  they  joined 
the  army  assigned  to  make  the  Red  River  expedi- 
tion. Our  subject  was  engaged  in  the  battles  of 
Sabine  Cross  Roads.  Spanish  Fort  and  Fort  Blake- 
le3',  and  was  before  Vieksburg  during  the  siege  of 
that  cit}'.  Later  he  on  dutj-  at  the  headquarters 
of  Gen.  Grant  and  served  until  the  close  of  the 
war — a  little  over  three  3ears — receiving  his  dis- 
charge in  the  fall  of  1865  with  the  rank  of  Major. 
Then  returning  to  M.arshall  he  completed  his  law 
studies,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  the  spring 
of  186G.  He  opened  an  office  in  Marshall  and  com- 
menced the  regular  practice  of  his  profession, 
following  it  alone  until  1867.  That  year  he  asso- 
ciated himself  in  partnership  with  Judge  Scofleld, 
and  they  remained  together  until  1873,  when  the 
partnership  vvas  dissolved  b_y  the  election  of  Judge 
Scofield  to  his  present  high  position,  being  also  a 
member  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  State  of 

For  a  time  our  subject  continued  his  practice 
singly  in  Marshall,  then  formed  a  partnership  with 
a  j'ounger  brother  and  they  continued  together 
until  in  June,  1879.  when  Mr.  Wilkins  was  elected 
Judge  of  the  Fourth  Judicial  Circuit  of  Illinois,  the 
other  two  judges  of  that  circuit  being  JuflgeO.  L. 
Davis,  of  Danville,  and  C.  D.  Smith,  of.  Cham- 
paign. In  June,  1885.  be  was  re-elected,  and,- 
Judge  Davis  retiring.  Judge  Wilkins  took  up 
his  residence  in  Danville,  where  he  since 
resided.  He  was  assigned  to  dutj'  on  the 
bench  of  the  Appellate  Court  of  the  Fourth  Dis- 
trict in  1885,  and  was  elected  to  the  Supreme 
bench  in  June,  1888. 

Politically,  Judge  Wilkins  is  a  sound  Republi- 
can, and  been  of  signal  service  to  his  party, 
frcquenti}'  being  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  various 
conventions.  On  the  21st  of  September,  1865,  he  • 
was  married  to  Miss  Alice  Constable,  who  was  the 
daughter  of  Judge  Charles  H.  Constable,  a  man  of 
prominence  and  liroad  attainments  in  lega,!  lore. 
This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  children 
— Harry  O.,  John  Scofield  and  Jessie  Belle.  Mrs. 
Alice    Wilkins    died    at   her   home    in    Marshall   in 



Miircli,  1883.  Her  eliildieii  are  still  livinj;',  and  are 
being  given  the  best  advantages  in  the  way  of  ed- 
neation  and  careful  training. 

Jndge  Wlllvins  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
July.  1885,  with  Mrs.  Sarah  K.  ( Whitloek)  Archer, 
daughter  of  Judge  Williiun  C.  Whitloek,  of  Mar- 
shall. The  faniih'  residence  is  pleasantly  located 
in  the  central  i)art  of  the  city,  and  its  inmates  are 
surrounded  by  all  that  ample  means  and  cultivated 
tastes  can  supply.  They  occupy  a  high  social  po- 
sition in  their  community.  The  Judge  has  .accumu- 
lated a  comfortable  propert}'. 

The  father  of  our  .subject  was  Isaac  Wilkius,  a 
native  of  \'irginia,  and  born  Jidy  11,  1806.  When 
ayoungman  he  emigrated  to  Licking  County,  Ohio, 
where  he  was  married  to  ISIiss  .Sarah  Burner  in 
1827.  In  Ohio  he  operated  as  a  contractor  and 
builder,  but  after  his  removal  to  Crawford  County, 
this  State,  turned  his  attention  to  farming  and  be- 
came the  owner  of  320  acres  of  land,  which  he 
brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  He 
dealt  considerably  in  live  stock,  and  linally  accu- 
mnluated  a  good  property,  so  that  he  was  able  l<i 
retire  from  active  labor.  He  died  Nov.  17,  188(>. 
His  wife  is  still  living,  and  a  resident  of  Marshall. 
She  born  in  Virginia  Nov.  9,  1811,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Henry  Burner,  who  removed  witli  his 
family  to  Licking  County,  Ohio,  about  the  same 
time  that  the  Wilkins  family  settled  there.  The 
parental  family  included  nine  children,  five  of 
whom  are  living. 

felLLIAM  T.  STEVENS.  Among  other  ven- 
Jl  tnresome  spirits  who  sought  the  frontier 
during  the  early  settlement  of  Central  Il- 
linois came  the  subject  of  this  notice,  and  he  lias 
made  for  himself  a  record  worthy  of  preservation. 
We  find  him  a  well  iireserved  old  gentleman,  ap- 
proaching his  three-score  and  ten  years,  having 
been  born  March  18,  1821.  Ills  native  place  was 
Hush  County.  Ind.,  and  his  parents  were  James  and 
Susannah  (Thomas)  Stevens,  both  of  excellent 
families,  wdiich  produced  names  of  historic  fame — 
;\lexander   Stevens   on   one   side  of  the  house  and 

Gen.  George  H.  Thomas  on  the  other.  In  the 
sketch  of  James  H.  Stevens  found  elsewhere  in  this 
volume,  is  given  a  more  extended  notice  of  the 
parental  history.  The  family  of  ten  children  were 
named  respectively:  Lovina,  William  Thomas. 
James  II.,  Mary  A.,  Henderson  P..  Nancy.  .Samuel 
(;.,  John  A.,  Sarah  and  Stephen  C. 

Mr.  Stevens  has  resided  in  Vermilion  County  for 
the  long  period  of  sixty  years,  and  for  forty  year.s 
luas  occni)ied  his  present  farm.  There  is  nothino- 
which  confers  dignity  and  stability  in  a  hirgei- 
measure  than  a  prolonged  residence  in  one  commu- 
nity, especially  if  the  career  of  the  man  ha.s  been 
such  that  he  has  found  favor  in  the  eyes  of  his  fel- 
low-men, as  in  the  case  of  Mr.  Stevens.  He  came 
to  Illinois  a  child  with  his  parents,  grew  uji  on  a 
farm,  trained  to  habits  of  industry,  .and  ob- 
tained a  liuiiled  education  in  the  subscription 
school.  The  tales  which  he  could  tell  of  |)ionoer 
life  would  verify  the  adage  that  "truth  is  stranger 
than  fiction."  For  several  years  after  the  settle- 
ment of  the  Stevens  famil}-  in  this  region  there  was 
no  mill  nearer  than  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  to  which 
one  member  of  the  family  would  travel  on  horse- 
back, carrying  his  bag  of  corn  or  wheat  with  him. 
an<l  returning  in  the  same  manner  with  the  meal  or 
Hour.  To  guard  against  bad  weather  or  a((i<ients 
preventing  the  journey  to  the  mill.  the3-  made 
ready  what  was  called  a  hominy  mortjir  block,  be- 
ing simply  a  large  oak  log,  hollowed  out  by  burn- 
ing and  scraping,  in  which  they  could  pound  their 
grain  and  thus  prepare  a  sort  of  meal  which  could 
be  made  into  bread.  If  not  fashionable  it  at 
least  unadulterated  and  sweet,  and  formed  when 
cooked  very  palatable  food.  'I'liey  made  a  rnile 
sieve  out  of  a  deer  skin,  in  which  they  sifted  their 
meal.  The  finer  portion  of  this  woidd  be  made 
into  bread,  and  that  which  w(jnld  not  go  through 
the  sieve  was  made  into  hondny. 

In  due  time  a  snudi  null  run  by  horse  power  was 
est.abli.shed  near  Brooks  Point,  which  later  was  suc- 
ceeded by  a  larger  mill,  au<i  the  settlers  felt  very 
rich  in  its  possessi(jn.  In  order  to  build  a  school 
house  all  of  the  people  within  a  radius  of  several 
miles,  brought  in  two  or  tliree  logs  and  put  up  a 
temple  of  learning.  The  master  who  understood 
the    "Rule    of  'I'hree"   was  considered  s\illiciently 



competent,  and  eacli  head  of  the  family  woiikl  pa_v 
so  much  a  quaiter  for  each  scholar.  Thus  the 
teacher  received  a  part  of  his  salary  and  "boarded 
around"  for  the  rest. 

Young  Stevens,  like  his  l)roLhers  and  sisters,  was  [ 
required  to  make  himself  useful  at  an  early  age, 
and  as  soon  as  strong  enough  followed  a  breaking 
plow,  the  old  "bar  share,"  driving  an  ox  team.  He 
remained  a  member  of  the  parental  liouseliold  until 
his  marriage,  which  occurred  in  1848,  with  Miss 
Martha,  daughter  of  Robert  Alexander,  who  died 
leaving  no  •hildrcn.  JSIr.  Stevens  contracted  a  sec- 
ond marriage  Feb.  1,  1872,  with  Miss  Nancy, 
daughter  of  'William  and  Susan  (Ellis)  Blakeney. 
Mr.  Blakeney  was  an  old  pioneer  of  this  count}', 
and  served  in  the  Black-Hawk  War.  He  was  of  a 
si)lendidly  dcveloi)ed  frame,  and  bore  the  reputa- 
tion of  being  the  strongest  man  west  of  the  Wa- 
bash. He  and  his  aged  partner  are  still  living, 
being  respectively  sevent^'-six  and  sevent^'-Hve 
years  old.  Tiiey  occupy'  a  neat  and  comfortal)le 
dwelling  a  few  rods  from  the  house  of  their  daugii- 
ter,  Mrs.  Stevens,  by  whom  they  are  cared  f(_>rwitli 
the  most  filial  affection  and  their  w.auts  studiously 
looked  after.  They  are  the  parents  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, of  whom  Mrs.  Stevens  the  sixth  in  order 
of  birth.  She  was  born  in  this  township,  Vermilion 
County,  May  16,  1843,  and  l)y  her  union  with  our 
subject  has  become  the  mother  of  three  children — 
Ina  J.,  Susanna  and  Savannah  E. 

The  Stevens  homestead  comprises  1 65  acres  of 
thoroughly  cultivated  land,  which  is  very  valuable 
and  a  portion  of  which  is  underlaid  with  a  rich 
coal  deposit  which  has  never  been  developed.  Our 
subject  and  his  amiable  partner  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church,  in  which 
Mr.  Stevens  officiates  as  Elder.  Socially,  he  be- 
longs to  the  Masonic  lodge  at  Catlin.  He  assisted 
in  the  erection  of  the  church  building  at  Westville 
and  has  been  Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school 
four  or  five  years.  He  has  served  on  the  Grand 
and  Petit  Juries,  and  politically  is  a  solid  Demo- 
crat, casting  his  first  vote  for  Andrew  Jackson. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stevens  some  time  ago  bound  a  little 
girl,  Matilda  Ann  Guess,  whose  mother  had  died 
when  she  was  a  small  child,  and  whose  father  fell 
in   the   I'nion   service  at  the  baUle  of  Knoxville. 

The  child,  now  a  woman  grown,  is  the  wife  of  C. 
S.  Downing,  who  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this 
work.  There  is  no  pleasanter  place  of  resort  in 
'S'ermilion  County  than  the  hospitable  home  of  the 
Stevens  family,  made  so  as  much  by  the  prudence, 
good  judgment  and  cultivated  tastes  of  the  wife  as 
by  the  business  capacities,  resolution  and  perse- 
verance of  the  head  of  the  house.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Stevens  deserve  honorable  mention  among  the  pio- 
neers  of  \'crmili(>n  County. 

,^^  ILAS  M 
^^t^,     abiding 

ILAS  MENDENHALL,  a  peaceful  .and  law- 
g  citizen  of  El  wood  Township,  re- 
sides at  a  comfortable  homestead  on  sec- 
tion 13,  where  he  pursues  the  even  tenor  of 
his  way,  making  very  little  stir  in  the  world  and 
striving  therein  to  do  the  least  possible  harm.  He 
was  born  in  Greene  County,  Ohio,  Jlay  28,  182;). 
and  is  the  son  of  Malachi  Mendenliall.  who  was  a 
native  of  North  Carolina,  and  spent  his  last  years 
in  Carroll  Township,  passing  away  years  ago. 

From  the  South,  the  father  of  our  subject  re- 
moved ti>  Ohio  when  a  small  boy,  whence  he  came 
to  this  county  in  1838,  and  thereafter  made  his 
home  in  Carroll  Township,  where  his  death  oc- 
curred in  Jaiuiary,  1880.  He  had  married  in  early 
manhood  to  j\liss  Elizabeth  Stair,  and  to  them 
were  born  ten  children,  five  of  whom  are  living — 
Joy,  Frederick,  Silas,  our  subject,  James  and 
Lewis.  They  were  given  a  common-school  edu- 
cation and  Silas  has  always  followed  the  occupa- 
tion of  a  farmer. 

Our  subject  was  first  married  April  10,  1854,  to 
Miss  Asenath,  daughter  of  William  Maxwell  and  of 
this  union  there  were  born  five  children — Dora  C, 
Frank  W.,  Kate  C,  Anna  M.,  and  Hattie.  Dora 
married  Oscar  Larrance,  of  Carroll  Townshi)),  and 
has  three  children — George  S.,  Hugh  M.,  and 
Claude  E.  Frank  married  John  Morris  of  this 
township,  and  thej'  have  three  children — Ivy  A., 
Mabel  A.,  and  Odbert  A.  The  mother  of  these 
children  departed  this  life  Jan.  8,  1885. 

Mr.  Mendenhall  was  married  a  second  time  on 
March   11.   1889  to    Mrs.    Hannah    M..    widow    of 

^^^^-700^  y^uy/^iJ^O)A^ 



Thomas  Haworth.  Mr.  Mendenhall  supports  the 
principles  of  the  Repiitilic.-in  parly,  but  lias  ni'vor 
been  an  oftice-seeker  and  prefers  the  fitiiet  boiuc 
life  to  tiie  responsibilities  connected  with  ollice. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  .Society  of  Friends,  and  has 
followed  farming  all  his  life,  giving-  of  late  consiil- 
erable  attention  to  stock-raising.  His  mother  is 
still  living  and  resides  at  the  (jld  homestead. 

<j|'AMF,S  TI 
I!    whieh  ha 

Jwhieh  have  been  passed  in  a  pleasant  and 
profitable  manner  by  the  biographer,  listen- 
ing to  the  stories  of  the  pioneers  of  tins 
county,  some  of  whom  still  survive  and  furnish  a 
valuable  link  between  the  past  and  present.  In 
looking  upon  them  it  is  almost  impossible  to  realize 
the  toils  and  dangers  which  the3'  encountered  dur- 
ing the  period  of  their  early  life  on  the  frontier, 
the  battle  with  the  primitive  soil,  the  disadvantage 
of  the  distant  market  and  the  numberless  other 
dillicuUies  whieh  beset  those  intent  upon  building 
up  a  home   from  the  wilderness. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  a  man  of  large  ex- 
perience, and  one  who  has  watched  the  growth  and 
development  of  central  Illinois,  with  more  than 
ordinary  interest,  as  the  friend  of  progress  and  all 
the  enterprises  tending  to  elevate  the  people.  He 
has  had  the  unspeakable  satisfaction  of  witnessing 
the  downfall  of  slavery  in  this  countr3-  and  the 
preservation  of  the  Union,  and  in  his  day  suffered 
no  little  on  account  of  his  sympathy  with  the 
cause  of  freedom.  He  is  now  quite  well  advanced 
in  j'ears  and  has  the  satisfaction  of  knowing  that 
his  life  has  been  honest  and  upright,  and  that  he  has 
lived  in  an  .age,  which,  |)erhaps,  has  witnessed 
more  of  change  and  advancement  than  that  of  any 
other  period  since  the  world  began. 

The  first  forty-five  j'ears  of  the  life  of  our  sub- 
ject were  spent  on  a  plantjition  in  his  native  State 
of  Kentucky,  where  he  was  born  in  Mason  County, 
Aug.  13,  1818,  near  Maysville.  He  attended  the 
subscription  schools,  and  at  the  age  of  twenty-four 
was  married,  in  18f2.  to  JNIiss  ]\Iary  A.  Harrison. 
He  settled  with  his  young  wife  on  a  [ilantation  near 

Maysville.  Mrs.  Thompson  had  taught  school 
l)rior  to  her  marriage  and  was  a  lady  of  decided 
ideas.  Our  subject,  as  well  as  his  father,  was  a 
stnmg  Whig, and  It  finally  became  not  only  very  un- 
pleasant, but  absolutely  dangerous  for  him  to 
remain  in  his  native  State,  especially  after  the  out- 
break of  the  Rebellion,  lie  was  finally  obliged  to 
flee  with  his  wife  and  children  for  safety,  and 
crossing  the  Ohio  Hiver  made  his  way  to  Carroll 
Township,  this  county.  That  period  of  his  life, 
more  than  any  other,  brought  out  the  true 
ter  of  the  man,  and  devehjped  the  fact  that  he 
would  sacrifice  bis  property  rather  than  his  [Hincl- 
ples,  and  he  c<^iisequently  met  with  great  loss. 
Three  or  four  years  after  coming  to  this  county  he 
purchased  a  tract  of  land  which  he  sold  later  and 
finallj-  removed  to  Sidell  Township,  where  he  now 
owns  two  farms.  'J'hat  upon  which  he  resides 
comprises  IGO  acres  and  is  supplied  with  very  good 
buildings.  He  in  all  314  acres  of  fine,  well- 
cultivated  laud.  Mr.  Thompson  is  spending  his 
declining  years,  retired  from  acli\e  labor  .'uid  in 
the  cnjoyaient  of  a  competence. 

Of  the  seven  interesting  children  born  to  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Thompson,  the  eldest  son,  John  J.,  died 
when  a  promising  young  man  of  twenty-four  years; 
Elvira  is  the  widow  of  (ieorge  Clarkson.  who  is 
represented  elsewhere  in  this  work,  she  has  four 
children — Henry  Thomas,  Marj'  ,1.,  Alice  B..  and 
(ieorge  James;  Charles  ISI..  married  Miss  Lucy 
Sconce,  is  a  resident  of  Sidell  Township,  and  the 
father  of  one  child — Marj'  C;  Mary  J.  became  the 
wife  of  John  S.  lies,  a  farmer  of  Sidell  Township, 
and  has  three  children — Ivory  \'.,  Jacob  J.,  and 
Grace  A.;  William  H.  died  at  the  .age  of  seven 
years;  Joseph  II.  married  A'iola  Parrish  and  is  a 
resident  of  Sidell  Township;  he  is  represented  else- 
where in  this  work;  Benjamin  A.  died  when 
twenty-one  months  okl. 

Mr.  Thompson  is  now  as  strong  a  Republican  .as 
he  was  a  Whig  in  the  earl}-  daj's,  and  has  frequently 
served  as  a  delegate  to  the  various  conventions. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the  Cumber- 
land Presbyterian  Church.  Mr.  Thompson  has 
served  as  School  Director  In  his  District  and  has 
taken  a  warm  interest  In  educational  matters,  lie 
is  the  offspring    of    an  excellent  farnily.   being  tln' 



son  of  John  and  Eliza  (Cole)  Thompson,  the  father 
born  in  Washington  County',  Pa.,  and  tlie  mother 
in  Mason  County,  K3'. ;  thej^  were  married  in  the 
Blue  Grass  State,  and  the  father  was  a  farmer  by 
occupation.  lie  died  in  1848.  when  about  sixt}-- 
five  years  old.  Tlie  mother  survived  her  husband 
for  tiie  long  period  of  twenty-eight  j'ears.  dj'ing  in 
1870,  when  about  eighty-four  years  old.  Benja- 
min Cole,  the  maternal  grandfatlier  of  our  subject, 
served  in  the  Revolutionary  War  and  was  wounded 
.at  tlie  battle  of  Brandj'wine. 

Mrs.  Thompson  is  the  daugliter  of  Alfred  and 
Sarah  (Vice)  Harrison,  the  former  a  native  of  Lewis 
Count}',  Ky.  Her  paternal  grandfather,  .lohn  Har- 
rison, was  a  native  of  Virginia.  The  parents  of 
Mrs.  Thompson,  spent  their  entire  lives  in  Ken- 
tucky, the  father  dying  when  a  young  man  of 
thirty-five  years,  and  the  mother  at  the  age  of  sixty- 
four.  They  had  a  family  of  eight  children,  four 
sons  and  four  daugliters  of  whom  Mrs.  Thompson 
was  the  eldest,  she  being  born  May  13,   1825. 

An  excellent  portrait  of  this  worthy  citizen  and 
well-known  resident  of  Sidell  Township  is  pre- 
sented on  another  page  of  this  Album,  and  will  be 
highly  v.ilued  both  bj'  the  j'ounger  generation  and 
the  sturdy  old  pioneers  of  the  county. 

"if;  OHN  R.  NEWKIRK.  an  insurance  agent  and 
a  leading  undertaker  of  Indianola,  is  also 
an  old  and  faithful  public  servant,  having 
/  served  in  various  capacities  for  many  years. 
He  has  held  the  offices  of  Collector,  Assessor  and 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  filling  these  i)ositions  with 
ability  and  fidelity,  and  for  the  past  thirty-one 
years  has  been  a  resident  of  the  State  of  Illinois. 

Mr.  Newkirk  was  born  in  Somerset  Township, 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  on  Dec.  12,  1827.  His 
father.  Tunis  Newkirk,  and  mother,  Jane  Rainey, 
were  also  natives  of  the  same  place  as  their  son. 
His  grandfather,  Newkirk,  was  a  native  of 
N'irginia,  where  he  entered  land  from  the  gov- 
ernment immediately  succeeding  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.  The  Newkirks  are  of  German  ex- 
traction,   wliil(!   the    Rainey    family    were    English. 

The  elder  Newkirks  died  in  Pennsylvania,  the 
father  being  seventy-two  years  old  at  the  date  of 
his  death,  while  the  mother  was  forty-two  years 
old  when  she  died.  She  left  eight  children,  seven 
of  whom  grew  to  maturity.  Their  names  are: 
Isaac  J.,  Eliza,  and.  Sarah  A.,  deceased.  John 
R.,  Rhoda  A.,  Carolina  O.,  deceased,  and  Will- 
iam. John  U..  learned  the  trade  of  cabinet-making 
and  undertaking  and  became  very  proficient  in  his 
calling.  His  ingenuity  and  industry  aided  him  in 
soon  mastering  the  intricacies  of  his  trade,  .so  that 
he  was  able  to  start  out  in  life,  m.aster  of  tlie 

On  Dec.  12,  1854,  Mr.  Newkirk  married  Miss 
Elizabeth  Neblick.  He  remained  in  Pennsylvania 
until  1857.  At  this  lime  he  concluded  that  the 
West  offered  a  better  field  for  his  trade  and  in 
pursuance  of  that  idea,  he  concluded  to  emigrate  to 
Illinois.  The  journey  from  bis  native  St.ate  to 
Vermilion  County  was  made  the  entire  distance,  in 
wagons.  He  located  on  the  east  side  of  Sidell 
Townshij),  on  what  is  now  called  the  Rowand  farm, 
which  he  rented  for  five  j-ears,  afterwards  buying 
twenty  acres  and  living  on  that  for  five  years. 
He  rented  Barnett's  farm  for  two  years,  at  the 
expiriition  of  which  time  he  came  to  Indianola 
and  here  he  has  resided  since,  worklncr  at  his 
trade  and  prosecuting  the  insurance  business 
in  a  manner  that  has  won  for  him  success.  He 
is  the  fathei-  of  four  children:  Lolie  J.,  Wil- 
mot,  Albertis  and  Alaquinpa.  Lolie  married 
E.  E.  Weaver,  who  is  a  leading  merchant  of  Em- 
poria, Kan;  Wilmot  married  Dora  Smick  and  is 
residing  at  Cushman,  Edgar  Co.,  III.  They  have 
two  children — Cassius  and  Maud;  Albert  is  en- 
gaged in  the  restaurant  business;  AhKiuinpa  mar- 
ried Edward  McVey,  who  is  residing  in  Pittsburo-, 
Pa.,  where  he  is  an  expert  in  the  electric  light 

Mr.  Newkirk,  as  before  indicated,  has  served  in 
various  public  capacities,  and  his  terms  as  Assessor 
and  Collector  have  covered  the  period  of  twelve 
years.  He  is  now  serving  as  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
These  matters  of  record  are  pointed  out  to  exhibit 
the  esteem  in  which  he  is  held  by  his  fellow-citizens. 
He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Masonic  Order  since 
he  beeame  of  age  and  is  enthusiastic  in  ever\-tliin"- 



pertaining  to  that  ancient  organization.  The 
Democratic  party  has  no  more  faithful  follower  than 
he,  as  he  believes  that  true  Democracy  teaches  the 
correct  principles  for  the  administration  of  the  gov- 
ernment. He  believes  that  the  leaders  of  his  parly 
are  better  fitted  to  choose  candidates  than  anyone 
else,  and  therefore,  usuallj-  votes  the  straight  ticket. 
He  lias  inherited  his  honesty  and  i):itriotism  for  the 
reason  that  his  ancestors  were  of  the  verj'  best  peo- 
ple of  their  section  of  the  country. 

^^  EORGE  F.  SANDERS  is  one  of  the  farm- 
ili  (=,  ers  of  Elwood  Township,  who  exhibit 
^^i)  great  interest  in  all  benevolent  enterprises, 
and  in  matters  that  look  to  the  education  of  the 
rising  generation.  His  farm,  which  is  situated  on 
section  10.  is  improved  [>}■  the  best  methods  known 
to  modern  agriculture,  and  the  buildings  on  it  are 
of  the  l)est,  the  dwelling  house,  especiall}-,  being 
noticeable  for  its  fine  appearance  and  its  comforta- 
ble arrangement.  The  place  is  well  tiled  and 

Mr.  Sanders  was  born  in  PittS3'lvania  County-, 
Va.,  on  Feb.  11,  1836,  where  his  father,  Coleman 
Sanders,  was  also  born.  His  mother  was  a  native 
of  the  same  place  and  was  born  Aug.  15,  1815. 
They  were  the  parents  of  fifteen  children,  seven  of 
whom  are  living:  George  F.,  Daniel,  Elizabeth, 
Rutli.  \irginia.  Amos,  and  Maria.  One  daughter, 
Susan,  died  after  having  attained  maturity.  Mr. 
Sanders  had  two  uncles,  James  and  Leonard    San- 

tders,  who  were  soldiers  in  the  War  of  1812,  the 
latter  holding  the  commission  of  captain.  Mr. 
Sanders'  maternal  grandfather,  Steplien  Sea,  also 
fought  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  iiis  remains  ai-e 
interred  at  Yankee  Point,  where  his  grave  is  deco- 
rated each  Memorial  Day. 

Mr.  Sanders  came  with  his  parents  to  Eugene, 
Ind.,  in  the  fall  of  1840,  when  Gen.  W.  H.  Harrison 
was  a  candidate  for  president.  The  excitement  of 
that  memorable  campaign,  with  its  log  caljins,  coon 
skins  and  hard  cider,  is  vividly  recalled  by  him. 
and  especially  the  ceremonies  which  occurred  at 
Terre  Haute.      He  was  iri  his  fifth  year  at  tlie  lime 

and  was  glad  to  have  the  honor  to  vote  for  the 
grandson  of  Gen.  Harrison  for  the  same  high  office 
forty-four  years  later.  The  family  lived  in  Ver- 
million County.  Lid.,  until  Feb.  1,  18.J5.  when  they 
came  to  Elwood  Township,  settling  on  section  10, 
where  the  subject  of  this  sketch  now  resides. 
Here  he  owns  240  acres  of  land  and  is  engaged  in 
general  farming  and  stock  riiising.  He  takes  great 
pride  in  raising  the  best  of  cattle  and  horses,  and 
in  this  wa3'  has  made  a  great  deal  of  money.  He 
is  a  thorough  and  energetic  farmer  and  does  every- 
thing well. 

On  June  the  4th,  18.56,  Mi:  Sanders  was  united 
in  marriage  to  Xancy  J.  Shires,  daughter  of  James 
and  Ruth  Shires,  the  latter  deceased.  There  are 
four  generations  living  in  Mr.  Sanders'  house. 
Politically  he  votes  the  Republican  ticket,  and  has 
held  the  office  of  Highway  Commissioner  for  five 
3'ears,  but  has  never  sought  an  office.  His  famil}' 
are  members  of  the  Cumberland  Presbj'terian 
Church,  and  while  Jlr.  Sanders  is  not  a  member  of 
any  denomination. he  gives  liberally  to  the  support 
of  the  gospel  and  every  charitable  purpose.  While 
he  was  a  bo}'  he  was  obliged  to  work  early  and  late, 
and  therefore  his  advantages  to  secure  an  educa- 
tion were  limited.  He  now  sees  where  the  benefits 
of  a  school  can  aid  the  rising  generation,  and  he 
therefore  does  everything  iu  his  power  to  promote 
educational  enterprises.  By  his  own  efforts  he  has 
risen  from  poverty  to  the  position  of  a  wealthy 
farmer,  as  a  survey  of  his  fine  farms  and  buildings 
will  demonstrate.  Mr.  .Sanders  is  one  of  the  best 
citizens  of  his  neighborhood,  and  bj-  the  people 
who  are  best  acquainted  with  him  he  is  held  in  the 
highest  estimation. 

' >«n  "4*3*n'£*A'*  «°* 

MANUEL  SNYDER.  One  of  the  best  regu- 
|-5j  l.ated  farms  in  Carroll  Township  belongs  to 
iL^  the  subject  of  this  notice,  and  where  with 
his  large  and  interesting  family  he  is  extracting 
much  comfort  out  of  life.  Providence  has  blest 
him  in  his  labors  and  enabled  him  to  accumidate  a 
good  propert)',  while  he  is  endowed  with  the  (ju.ali- 
ties  which  iiave  insiiired  him  to  an  upright  life  and 



gained  him  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his  fel- 
low-men. lie  owns  iind  occupies  273  acres  of 
choice  laud  ou  sections  9  and  10.  wliich  willi  its 
improvements  constitutes  a  tine  estate,  upon  wliicli 
is  paid  in  taxes  a  round  sum  annuallj'. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Clay  Township,  Fair- 
field Co.,  Oliio,  May  6,  1830,  and  was  tliere  reared 
to  man's  estate,  attending  the  common  school,  and 
becoming  familiar  with  the  various  employments 
of  rural  life.  When  a  young  man  of  twenty-three 
years,  lie  was  married,  in  1853,  to  Miss  Lovina 
Glick,  a  native  of  the  same  count}-  as  her  husband, 
and  boru  in  Bloom  Township.  A  year  later  the 
young  people  removed  to  Bartholomew  County, 
Ind.,  where  Mr.  Sn3'der  purchased  a  farm,  where 
he  lived  five  years.  Later  he  removed  to  Tippe- 
canoe County,  where  he  sojourned  seven  years  and 
came  tlience,  in  18G7,  to  this  county,  settling  on 
his  present  farm,  to  which  he  has  since  added. 

Mr.  Snyder  has  almost  rebuilt  his  present  resi- 
dence, which  is  large  and  commodious,  admirably 
adapted  to  the  convenience  of  the  inmates.  His 
barns  and  sheds  are  substantial  structures  like  the 
dwelling,  with  little  ornamentation,  to  be  sure,  but 
amply  adapted  to  health  and  comfort.  Much  of 
the  labor  upon  them  has  been  done  liy  his  own 
liands.  Tl>e  fences  are  kepi  in  good  order,  the 
fields  well  tilled,  and  everything  about  the  premises 
is  indicative  of  thrift  and  good  management.  Mr. 
.Sn3der  makes  a  specialty  of  live-stock.  Short-horn 
cattle,  Poland-China  swine  and  good  horses,  and 
has  raised  a  great  deal  of  winter  wheat.  He  has 
done  a  large  amount  of  very  hard  work,  and  while 
ill  the  Hoosier  State,  engaged  considerably  in 
threshing,  log-rolling,  etc.  He  is  at  present  inter- 
(  sled  in  bee-keeping,  having  about  forty-six  swarms, 
which  produce  a  vei\y  tine  quality  of  hone}',  with 
which  the  family  is  amply  supplied  the  3-ear 

The  household  circle  of  our  subject  and  his  wife 
was  completed  by  the  birth  of  ten  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom,  a  daughter,  Catherine,  became  the 
wife  of  Thomas  Bone,  of  Champaign  County,  and 
died  in  1888;  Simon  married'  Miss  Lydia  .limes, 
and  they  are  living  in  Carroll  Townshi|);  they 
have  two  children — Emery  and  Kdith.  Martha  A. 
is  tlie    wife  of    1'.  Lawrence,  a   lanner  of    Carroll 

Township;  Henry  D.  married  Miss  Jane  Hinton ; 
they  have  one  child,  and  live  at  the  home  farm. 
Monroe  is  married  and  farming  in  Broadland, 
Champaign  County;  .lonathan,  William,  Erraa, 
Periy  and  Maude  remain  at  home  with  their 
parents.  i\lr.  and  Mrs.  .Sn}'der  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Cumlierland  PresViyterian 
Church,  and  our  subject,  politically,  is  an  uiicom- 
|)romising  Democrat. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Henry  and 
Elizabeth  (Tosh)  Snyder,  natives  of  Germany,  who 
came  to  America  after  their  marriage.  The  father 
had  settled  in  Fairfield  County,  that  State,  about 
1840,  and  there  both  parents  spent  their  after 
lives,  Mr.  Snj'der  dying  at  the  .age  of  seventj^-five 
years,  and  the  mother  .at  the  age  of  eighty,  in  1878, 
ten  years  after  the  dece.ase  of  her  husband.  Six  of 
their  children  grew  to  mature  years,  viz.:  Philip, 
Henry,  George,  Fred,  Emanuel  and  Elizabeth. 

»— *-^- 

<;|'OHN    W.  NEWLIN,  a  native-born    citizen 

I    of  thiscounty.  and  a  veteran  of  the  late  Civil 

War,  W  which  he  consecrated  the  opening 

years  of   his  manhood  to  the  service  of  his 

country,  and  won  an  honorable  record  as  a  fearless, 
patriotic  soldier,  being  promoted  from  the  ranks — 
is  to-day  one  of  the  leading  citizens  of  Catlin 
Township  and  one  of  its  most  able  and  popular 
civic  otticials.  He  has  a  good  farm  on  section  34 
and  a  fine  residence  near  Catlin  village,  and  is 
actively  eng.aged  in  buying,  feeding  and  shijiping 

He  is  derived  from  worthy  parentage  and  comes 
of  good  old  pioneer  stock.  His  father,  Thomas  B. 
jSewlin,  is  supposed  to  have  been  born  in  Harrison 
County,  \'a.,  and  his  mother,  whose  maiden  name 
wasAngeline  Griffith,  was  born  in  W.ayne  County, 
Ind.  Her  father  was  Stephen  Griffith,  one  of  the 
earliest  settlers  of  this  county,  coming  here  in 
1826,  the  mother  of  subject  being  then  about  nine 
years  old.  The  father  of  our  subject  had  attained 
manhood  when  he  accompanied  his  fatliei-,  ,lohu 
Newlin,  to  this  county  in  1837,  coming  from 
Champaign  County,  Ohio,  and    settling  in   Catlin 



Townslii)).  !ui(l  thus  becoming  pioneers  of  this 
plricc  in  an  early  day  of  its  settlement.  After 
marriage  the  parents  of  suljjcet  settled  in  Oakwood 
Township,  where  the  father  carried  on  his  occupa- 
tion as  a  fariiur  for  many  years,  being  an  impor- 
tant factor  in  developing  the  agricidtnra!  resources 
of  that  township.  In  I  SCfi  he  and  iiis  wife  re- 
moved to  Kansas.  I)iit  in  1.S72  they  returned  to 
this  county  and  est.ablished  themselves  in  Danville, 
where  he  died  in  February,  1877,  thus  closing  a 
life  that  had  been  an  exemplary  one  and  leaving 
the  precious  legacy  of  an  honorable  name  to  its  de- 
scendants. The  mother  of  subject  makes  her 
home  in  Kansas  and  is  held  in  high  respect  in  her 
community  as  a  woman  of  tme  worth  and  line 

Our  subject  was  the  elilest  of  seven  children, 
and  he  was  born  June  13,1840,  in  what  is  now 
known  as  Oakwood  Township.  He  was  reared  to 
man's  estate  on  his  fatlier's  farm  and  there  obtained 
that  thorough  training  in  agricultural  pursuits  that 
has  contributed  so  much  to  his  success  in  later 
years.  He  obtained  an  excellent  education  in  the 
common  schools  of  Vermilion  Count}'  and  was 
thus  well  equipped  to  start  out  in  life  on  his  own 
responsibility.  He  was  not  twentj-one  j'cars  of 
age  when  the  great  Rebellion  broke  out,  and  while 
watching  its  course  with  intense  interest  he  longed 
with  patriotic  ardor  to  fling  himself  into  the  cause 
and  aid  in  fighting  his  conntrj-'s  battles.  In  a 
short  time  he  was  enabled  to  leave  home  and  enter 
the  army,  and  in  Jul}',  1861,  the  month  following 
that  in  which  he  became  of  age,  be  enlisted  in 
C'ompan}'  I,  35th  Illinois  Infantr}-,  and  served 
with  great  credit  till  September,  1864,  a  period  of 
more  than  three  jears.  He  took  part  in  the  bat- 
tles of  Pea  Ridge  (Ark.),  Stone  River,  Siege  of 
Corinth,  Chickaniauga,  Mission  Ridge,  etc.,  and 
was  with  Gen.  Sherman  on  his  famous  march  to 
the  sea.  He  was  slightly  wounded  at  the  battle  of 
Kenesaw  Mountain,  and  was  twice  taken  prisoner 
but  managed  to  elude  the  vigilance  of  his  captors 
anil  make  his  escape  both  times.  That  his  services 
were  of  value  on  the  field  is  shown  li}'  the  fact  that 
he  was  mustered  out  at  Springfield  with  the  rank 
of  .Sergeant,  he  having  received  deserved  promo- 
tion for  gallant  conduct  in  the  face  of  the  enemy. 

After  retiring  from  the  army  Mr.  Xewlin  re- 
turned to  iiis  native  township  and  there  engaged 
in  farnung  and  also  in  te.iehing.  After  .-issuming 
the  cares  and  responsibilities  of  married  life  he 
took  his  bride  to  AVinterset.  Iowa,  where  they 
established  their  home.  He  engaged  in  agricul- 
ture there  one  year,  and  at  the  expiration  of  tliat 
time  returned  to  this  county  with  his  family,  and 
has  since  resided  in  Callin  'I'owr.shii),  where  he 
owns  a  choice  farm  of  eighty  acres,  and.  as  before 
mentioned,  is  (piite  extensively  engaged  in  the 
stock  business. 

Mr.  Nevvlin  has  been  blessed  by  a  good  wife,  who 
has  not  only  added  to  his  hajjpiness  but  aided  and 
encour.iged  him  in  his  work,  as  a  sensible,  practi- 
cal woman  alone  could  do.  They  were  luiited  in 
marriage  Sept.  19,  1865.  1  br  niMideu  name  was 
Ivea  E.  Ta3'lor,  and  she  is  a  daughter  of  the  late 
Thomas  A.  Taylor,  Sr.,  and  his  wife  Ivea  (Allen) 
T.aylor.  They  came  to  this  county  in  1853  and 
located  in  Callin  Township,  where  he  died  Sept. 
11),  1876.  Mrs.  Taylor  survives  him  and  makes 
her  home  with  her  daughter,  Sirs.  Smith.  Mrs. 
Newlin  was  born  in  Tippecanoe  County,  lud., 
Feb.  2,  1845,  and  received  from  her  mother  care- 
ful instruction  in  all  household  duties,  so  that 
when  she  came  to  have  a  home  of  her  own  she  was 
amply  able  to  manage  it.  Five  children  have  been 
born  to  her  and  our  subject,  :is  follows:  Tempie  J., 
Nora,  Mildred.  Lena,  Lowell  T. 

Mr.  Newlin  [lossesses  a  clear  head,  sound  busi- 
ness faculties,  a  strong  will  and  a  stable  character, 
which  traits,  with  his  well  known  incorruiitibilily. 
render  him  one  of  the  l)esl  township  ollicials,  and 
he  has  held  some  of  the  most  important  and  re- 
sponsible local  public  olliees.  He  has  been  Super- 
visor of  Catlin  Township  three  terms,  has  been 
Assessor  and  Collector  and  also  l>een  an  incum- 
bent ot  the  various  school  otiices.  He  is  a  man  of 
exceptional  public  s|)irit,  alwa\s  favoring  all  feasi- 
ble plans  for  the  advancement  of  the  lownshiii  or 
county.  lie  is  a  Republican  1(j  the  heart'.-  core, 
taking  an  active  (lart  in  political  matters,  although 
his  oflicial  course  is  never  biased  by  i)arty  prefer- 
ences, and  he  stanchl}'  sui)|)orls  those  principles  for 
which  he  fought  so  nobly  in  days  of  yore.  He  is 
identified  with  the  \.  F.  it  A.  M.  as  a  member  of 



Catlin  Lodiie,  No.  285  ;  Vermilion  Chapter,  No.  89, 
and  Athelstan  Commandery.  No.  45.  He  and  his 
wife  are  zealous  members  of  the  Cumberland  Pres- 
byterian Church  and  take  an  active  interest  in 
Sunday-school  work.  He  has  been  elected  Elder 
of  the  cliurch  but  did  not  feel  inclined  to  serve  in 
that  capacity. 

FERDINAND  M.  HACKER.  This  gentleman 
1,—^)  came  to  Danville  in  1853,  when  it  was  only 
jti  a  small  place,  and  the  country  roundabout 
was  still  in  a  wild,  sparcely  settled  condition,  deer 
in  the  vicinity,  and  squirrels  and  rabbits  and  other 
game  abounding  near  tlie  city.  Since  that  time  he 
has  been  closely  identified  with  the  industrial  in- 
terests of  this  part  of  Vermilion  County,  both  as  a 
practical  farmer  and  as  a  skilled  mechanic.  He  now 
devotes  tlie  most  of  his  time  to  the  cultivation  of 
his  highly  prixUictive,  well-improved  farm  in  this 

Our  subject  is  of  foreign  birth,  a  representative  of 
the  German  nationality,  born  in  the  province  of 
Pomerania,  Prussia,  Oct.  18,  1831.  His  father 
John  Hacker,  and  his  grandfather.  Joseph  Hacker, 
were  natives  of  jMeeklenbnrg,  the  latter  being  a 
life- long  resident  of  that  province.  The  father  was 
reared  in  the  land  of  his  nativity,  and  when  a 
j'oung  man  was  an  overseer  on  a  large  estate  be- 
longing to  some  person  of  wealth.  He  was  but 
eleven  5ears  old  when  the  great  Napoleon  invaded 
his  native  place  and  he  was  drafted  into  the  ser- 
vice of  the  French,  and  made  to  drive  a  team  a 
short  time.  He  went  from  Mecklenburg  to  Prus- 
sia, and  was  a  resident  there,  engaged  there  as  be- 
fore mentioned,  till  1852.  In  September  of  that 
year,  accompanied  by  his  wife  and  the  four  chil- 
dren that  had  been  born  to  them,  he  set  sail  from 
Hamburg  and  going  to  Liverpool,  Eng.,  embarked 
on  board  of  an  American-bound  vessel,  and  landed 
in  New  York  on  the  d.ay  of  the  N.ational  Thanks- 
giving, after  being  forty-si.\  days  on  the  ocean. 
The  fares  had  been  ))aid  to  Wisconsin,  but  the 
family  were  swindled  out  of  their  tickets,  and  iiav- 
ing  no  money  concluded  not  to  go  further  than 
Chicago,  and  there  the  father  and  the  children  that 

were  large  enough,  found  work.  In  1853  Mr. 
Hacker,  Sr.,  made  the  acquaintance  of  Judge  Pear- 
son, who  induced  him  and  other  families  to  come  to 
Danville,  giving  to  each,  who  would  build  a  house, 
a  lot,  and  he  and  his  family  started  for  this  place 
in  the  month  of  July,  that  year,  coming  with  a 
horse  and  wagon  and  taking  their  household  goods 
along.  The  father  built  a  log  house  here  and  was 
a  resident  of  this  city  till  his  death  in  1881,  at  the- 
venerable  age  of  eighty-two  years.  Thus  he  was 
an  interested  witness  of  much  of  the  growth  of  this 
flourishing,  busy  cit}',  and  aided  in  bringing  about 
the  change.  The  maiden  name  of  his  wife 
was  Dorathe  Lewerenz,  and  she  was  a  native  of 
Pomerania.  She  is  now  a  welcome  inmate  of  the 
household  of  our  subject,  and  has  attained  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  seventy-eight  years.  There  were  six 
children  born  to  her  and  her  husband  :  Ferdinand 
M.;  Fred  C.  living  in  Danville;  Charles,  in  New- 
port, Ind.;  Minnie  married  John  Balls,  and  after- 
ward died.  Two  died  in  Germany. 

Ferdinand,  of  whom  we  write,  attended  school 
in  his  native  pl.ace  quite  steadily  until  he  was  four- 
teen years  old,  and  as  is  tlie  custom  of  his  church, 
was  then  confirmed,  and  was  afterward  employed 
with  his  father.  In  18-17  he  commenced  to  learn 
the  cabinet-maker's  ti'ade,  his  father  paying  $'>-i 
cash  for  that  privilege,  and  he  received  his  board 
during  the  three  years  he  served.  At  the  expira- 
tion of  that  time  he  did  journeyman  work  a  few 
months,  and  then,  in  1852.  came  to  America  with 
jus  parents.  After  coming  to  this  countrj'  he 
worked  for  a  time  in  a  bos-factor>'  in  Chicago,  and 
in  1853,  after  settling  in  Danville,  went  to  work  at 
the  carpenter's  trade  till  the  fall  of  the  j'ear,  and 
then  engaged  at  his  old  calling  as  cabinet-maker, 
doing  journeyman  work  till  1855.  In  that  year  he 
went  to  Fithian  Station  and  worked  on  a  farm  a  few 
monlhs,  and  then  returned  to  town  and  worked  at 
his  trade  till  1856.  After  that  he  was  actively  and 
prosperously  engaged  as  a  carpenter,  and  was  a  res- 
ident of  Danville  till  1870,  when  he  bought  the 
farm  wliere  he  now  resides.  On  this  he  has  made 
many  fine  improvements,  greatly  increasing  its 
value,  has  erected  a  good  set  of  frame  buildings, 
and  lias  brought  (he  land  to  an  excellent  state  of 
cultivation  so  that  it  is  highly  productive,  yielding 



lioiiiUiful  harvests  in  repayment  for  liis  toil.  Here 
lie  and  liis  family  liave  a  pleasant,  cosy  home,  and 
its  generous  hospitalities  are  appreciated  b\'  the 
weary  stranger  who  happens  within  their  gates. 

.Mr.  Hacker  W.1S  married  Aug.  13,  1854,  to  Anna 
Ueal,  a  native  of  Germany,  who  came  to  America 
when  quite  young.  To  them  came  seven  children — 
Albert,  Mary,  Charles,  Martin,  Edward,  .lohn  an<l 
Emma.  This  happ\'  home  circle  was  invaded  l)y 
death  in  1874,  and  the  wife  and  mother  was  taken 
from  her  sorrowing  family  and  friends. 

Mr.  Hacker  was  married  to  his  present  wife  in 
187(;,  and  their  peaceful  wedded  life  has  been 
blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  three  children — 
Annie,  Ferdinand  B.  and  Ida  Ma}-.  JNIrs.  Hacker's 
maiden  name  was  Emma  Kaley  Sheets,  and  she 
was  born  in  Reading.  Burks  Co..  Pa. 

Mr.  Hacker  stands  well  in  this  community  as  a 
man  and  as  a  citizen,  and  in  all  the  relations  of  life 
that  he  has  been  called  on  to  fill,  as  son,  husband, 
father  and  neighbor,  he  has  done  his  duty,  and  no 
one  can  bring  aught  against  bis  character  or  his  re- 
cord, which  are  stainless.  That  he  has  a  comforta- 
ble home  he  owes  to  his  incessant  industry-,  di- 
rected by  sound  common  sense  and  excellent 
judgment.  Mr.  Hacker  has  a  deepl}'  religious  na- 
ture, and  in  him  the  Lutheran  Church  finds  one  of 
its  most  active  supporters,  he  having  been  one  of 
the  first  members  of  the  denomination  in  Danville. 
He  belongs  to  the  Fire  Beck  Lodge  No.  499,  I.  O. 
O.  F.,  and  to  the  Turner  Society. 

UFORD  TAYLOR,  M.  D.,  one  of  the  favor- 
ite sons  of  Georgetown  Township,  is  now  a 
resident  of  Westville,  and  is  rai)idly  making 
*^^^  his  mark  as  a  physician  and  surgeon,  and 
also  !>s  a  politician.  He  is  married  to  one  of  the 
accomplished  daughters  of  Georgetown,  and  they 
occupy  a  neat  and  comfortable  home  in  the  village 
of  Westville,  where  they  enjoy  the  warm  friend- 
sliip  of  many  acquaintances.  The  Doctor  has  a 
good  practice,  and  living  as  he  does  In  the  midst 
of  the  coal  regions,  has  frequently  the  opportunity 
lo  exercise  his  skill  as  a  surgeon  among  the  miners, 

wiio  often  meet  with  nccidents  requiring  his  ser- 
vices. In  ijolltical  circles  the  Doctor  is  a  member 
of  the  Republican  Central  Committee,  and  promi- 
nent in  the  councils  of  the  party  in  this  sction. 
He  has  attained  to  his  present  position,  both  in  the 
profession  and  among  men  generally,  by  his  own 
exertions,  paying  his  way  through  college  and  sig- 
nalizing himself  by  the  industry  and  perseverance 
which  is  the  surest  guarantee  of  success  In  every 
avenue  of  life. 

Our  subject  was  born  May  L"),  18()2,  and  grew 
up  familiar  with  farming  pursuits.  He  attended 
the  common  school  and  made  such  good  headway 
that  when  but  fourteen  j'ears  old  he  began  teach- 
ing, and  followed  this  five  winters  In  succession. 
In  the  meantime  he  conceived  the  idea  of  becoming 
a  physician.  He  began  the  study  of  medicine  un- 
der the  instruction  of  Dr.  J.  E.  Balch,of  Westville, 
with  whom  he  remained  two  and  one-half  3-ears, 
then  entered  the  office  of  Dr.  W.  A.  Vohn,  of  \:i\- 
paraiso,  Ind.  Later  he  became  a  student  of  the 
Medical  College  at  Indianapolis,  from  which  he 
was  graduated  Feb.  18,  1885.  He  commenced  the 
practice  of  his  profession  In  Westville,  and  has 
since  been  making  steady  progress  toward  the  lop 
of  the  ladder. 

A  few  months  after  receiving  his  diploma,  being 
prepared  to  establish  a  home  of  his  own,  the  Doc- 
tor was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Mola  Padgitt, 
the  wedding  taking  place  at  the  home  of  the  bride 
in  Georgetown,  July  26,  1885.  Mrs.  Taylor  was 
born  in  Georgetown  Township,  April  3,  1860.  and 
is  the  daughter  of  .lohn  L.  an<l  Ellen  (O'Neal) 
Padgitt,  who  arc  wi'll  known  in  this  part  of  the 
county  as  among  its  most  esteemed  citizens.  She 
acquired  a  good  education,  and,  like  her  husband, 
engaged  in  teaching,  which  she  followeil  si.x  years. 
After  their  marriage  the  Doctor  and  his  bride  set- 
tled in  Westville,  where  they  have  since  resided, 
and  where  our  subject  enjoys  the  patronage  of  Its 
best  people.  He  is  pardonably  proud  of  some  of  his 
performances  in  surgery,  especially  a  ease  which  he 
recently  had  in  charge,  wiiere  a  very  dillicult  ani- 
l)utation  was  required,  and  which  he  executed  with 
great  skill  and  with  successful  results. 

To  the  Doctor  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  two  children,  bright    little    d;uighters — 



Louie  and  Bortlia  E.  Mrs.  Taylor  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  tlie  Christian  Church.  The  poli- 
tics of  the  Doctor  have  already  been  indicated. 
Socially,  he  belongs  to  the  IMasonic  Fraternity  of 
Georgetown,  and  is  also  identified  with  the  Sons  of 
Veterans  at  Danville.  He  is  serving  as  a  School 
Director  in  his  district,  and  is  recognized  as  a  lib- 
eral and  [)ublic-spirited  citizen,  one  always  ready 
to  contribute  of  his  time  and  means  for  the  ad- 
vancement of  the  enterprises  calculated  for  the 
general  good  of  the  community. 

^  R.   PATRICK  II.  SWAIM,  of  Ridge  Farm, 
)l    is  recognized   by   the    people    of   Elwood 

1*^  Township  and  tlie  outlying  country  as  one 
of  the  most  successful  physicians  and  sur- 
geons in  the  county.  He  is  comparatively  a  young 
man,  on  the  sunny  side  of  forty,  having  been  born 
Oct.  19.  1849.  His  native  place  was  Guilford 
County,  N.  C,  from  which  he  removed  with  his 
parents  in  1852  to  Parke  County',  Ind.,  they  settling 
nine  miles  north  of  Montezuma,  where  the  father, 
Brantle}'  Swaim,  died  in  1882.  The  mother,  Mrs. 
Irene  (Fields)  Swaim,  is  still  living  at  the  old 
homestead  in  Indiana. 

Eight  children  comprised  the  family  of  the  pa- 
rents of  our  subject,  seven  of  whom  are  living, 
viz:  Byron,  Christopher  W.,  Isabelle,  William  B., 
Patrick  H.,  John  B.  and  Milton.  Our  subject  first 
attended  the  common  schools  of  Bloomingdale, 
Ind..  then  entered  the  acadeni}-  conducted  by 
Prof.  Barnabas  B.  Hobbs.  When  twenty-three 
years  old — in  the  fall  of  1871 — he  began  teaching, 
aud  followed  this  profession  tliereafter  for  five 
years  in  his  own  neighborhood.  He  then  began 
reading  medicine,  and  in  the  meantime  attended 
medical  lectures  in  Rush  College,  Chicago.  Later 
he  attended  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 
of  Indianapolis,  by  which  he  was  graduated  in  1879. 
He  began  the  practice  of  his  profession  at  Annapo- 
lis that  same  year,  but  shortly'  afterward  removed 
to  Quaker  Hill,  Ind.,  and  from  there  a  year  later 
to  Bethel  in  this  count}  .  In  the  latter  place  he 
remained'  three  years,  and   we   next    find    him    in 

Hum  rick.  111.,  where  he  sojourned  until  April,  188.J. 
Thence  he  changed  his  residence  to  Ridge  Farm, 
where  he  has  built  up  a  large  practice  and  been 
eminentlj'  successful.  In  the  fall  of  1888  he  treated 
forty  cases  of  typhoid  fever  successfully,  losing  no 
case  from  that  epidemic.  In  the  fall  of  1887  he 
journeyed  to  the  Pacific  Slope,  visiting  the  princi- 
pal cities  of  California,  and  spending  two  months 
very  pleasantl)-  and  profitably.  He  is  a  man  of 
large  observation,  aud  leaves  no  stone  unturned  in 
the  acquirement  of  useful  knowledge. 

The  marriage  of  Dr.  Swaim  with  Miss  Carrie 
York  was  celebrated  in  December,  1 875.  This 
lady  is  the  daughter  of  Eli  York,  who  met  his 
death  on  the  battlefield  at  Spring  Hill  during  the 
Lite  Rebellion.  The  Doctor  and  Mrs.  .Swaim  are 
the  parents  of  two  interesting  children — Musa  and 
Mabel.  Politically,  the  Docto'-  is  a  sound  Re- 
publican. He  belongs  to  the  Modern  \\'oodmen, 
being  Examining  Surgeon  of  his  lodge  at  Ridge 


^l^'RANX'IS  P.  SxMITH.  The  young  geuera- 
r^^  tion  that  has  sprung  up  since  the  pioneers 
\  of  this  country  have  passed  off  the  stage  of 

action,  is  composed  of  young  people,  who  have 
profited  by  the  experience  through  which  their 
fathers  have  passed.  They  have  had  before  them 
nil  object  lesson  that  has  taught  them  the  facts 
that  nothing  is  g.iined  without  labor.  Some 
of  them  have  passed  through — in  their  early  life — 
scenes  of  Iiardship  and  know  what  privations  are 
and  what  it  is  to  want  for  the  necessaries  of  life. 
They  farther  know  what  it  is  to  procure  an  educa- 
tion under  ditticulties.  But  those  who  have  been 
born  within  the  last  thirty  3'ears  have  compar- 
atively easy  sailing  on  the  sea  of  life.  Their  parents 
have  become  able  to  educate  them  and  give  them 
a  start  in  life.  This  young  generation  appreciate 
all  these  things,  and  none  more  than  the  man 
whose  name  appears  at  the  head  of  this  notice. 

Francis  P.  Smith  is  one  of  the  young  and  enter- 
prising farmers  of  Elwood  Township.  He  is  proud 
of  his  father's  record,  (which  appears  in  this  vol- 
ume) and  he  has  every   reason  to  be.     He  is  resid- 






ing  on  the  old  homestead,  wliich  is  situated  on 
section  18,  range  11,  wliere  he  was  born  Dec.  31. 
1854.  His  fatiier,  George  W.  Smith,  is  a  native  of 
Tennessee  and  u  worthy  pioneer  of  N'crinilion 
County,  having  emigrated  here  with  his  f:ilher, 
Jesse  Smith,  at  a  time  when  tliis  eounlry  liud  little 
evidence  of  civilization.  Francis  received  his  edu- 
cation at  the  common  schools,  and  the  N'ermilion 
Academy'.  He  lia-s  workeil  on  a  farm  since  lie  has 
been  old  enough  to  do  anything,  and  he  has  been 

On  Feb.  22.  1S77,  .Mr.  .Smith  was  married  to 
Sarah  .1.  Canaday,  daugiiter  of  Henry  Canadaj', 
who  was  a  fanner  in  this  township.  .She  w.a.s  boiii  on 
a  farm  adjoining  her  present  home  .July  l.'j.  18.50. 
.She  is  the  mother  of  four  children,  three  of  whom  are 
living — p]verett,  Ethel,  and  Noble.  Mr.  Smith  is 
the  owner  of  178  acres  of  first-class  land,  all  of 
which  is  perfectly  cultivated.  He  follows  general 
farming  and  stock-raising,  and  doe.s  so  intelligently. 
His  stock  consists  of  graded  horses,  .Short-horn 
cattle,  roland-China  hogs  and  Merino  and  Shrop- 
siiiredown  slieep.  He  many  fine  specimens  of 
good  stock  and  is  an  enthusiastic  admirer  of  blooded 

Mr.  Smith  and  his  amiable  wife  arcalwa3's  found 
at  the  front,  where  their  duly  calls  them.  Tiicy 
."re  enthusiastic  members  of  the  Cumberland  Pres- 
byterian Cliurch  al  Sharon. 

^OHN  M.  ELLIOTT.  As  a  rule,  if  a  man 
belongs  to  the  society  of  t^uakers,  no  other 
recommendation  need  be  given  him.  It  is 
I  a  rare  thing  to  liud  a  dishonest  or  idle  man  in 
this  most  excellent  sect.  They  are  conceded  to  be 
honorable,  just  and  industrious,  and  if  a  [lerson  pos- 
sesses these  qualities,  we  place  in  him  im|)]icii  con- 
fidence and  uuliounded  trust.  .lohn  M.  lllliott  is 
a  (Quaker. 

Mr.  Elliott  owns  and  operates  12.j  acres  of  laud 
on  section  25,  Range  1  1,  Elwood  Township.  His 
father,  Nathan  Elliott,  was  a  native  of  Guilford 
County,  N.  C.  and  a  son  of  Exum  Elliott,  who  emi- 
grated to   Wayne  C(junly,   Ind..  when  Nathan  was 

five  years  old.  Indiana  was  a  territory  at  that 
time  and  the  Indians  and  wild  animals  held  :iliiiost 
undisputed  possession  of  the  country.  Tliis  was 
just  after  the  war  of  1812.  The  mother  of  John 
M.  was  Betsey  Maxwell,  daughter  of  John  Max  w. 11. 
She  was  born  wliere  i:arlham  College  now  stands, 
and  died  in  Indiana  May  17.  1841 ,  leaving  three 
children:  Jane,  ( Mendenhall),  .S;ir:ih  ( Larrance) 
and  John  M.  The  father  afterward  married  Naomi, 
daughter  of  Jonathan  .Mendeuhall.  and  by  this  last 
marriage  he  was  the  father  of  nine  children,  seven 
of  whom  are  living:  Henry  C,  Anna  E.,  Wesley, 
Alvin,  Clayton  15.,  Mary  E.  and  Del[)hina.  One 
son.  David,  died  in  his  .seventh  year,  in  185."i,  and 
another  one  died  in  infancy. 

John  M.  Elliott  was  born  Dec.  22,  is;!;),  .-md 
enn'grated  with  his  father  to  this  county  in  1855, 
locating  in  Elwood  Township,  one  mile  and  a  half 
west  of  Ridge  Farm.  He  received  his  education 
primarily  at  the  public  schools,  he  having  also 
taught  two  terms.  Otherwise  he  has  worked  at 
the  business  of  farming  since  he  was  old  enough  to 
do  anything.  He  was  married  on  .Ian.  .'Jl,  ISlil, 
to  Miss  Sarah,  daughter  of  John  .MeudenhiUl,  a 
prominent  resident  of  Carroll  Township,  where  she 
was  born.  Mr.  and  Jlrs.  Elliott  are  the  parents  of 
nine  children:  Melbourne,  Florence,  Francis  A., 
Ada  R.,  Orange,  Howard  .1.,  William  IL.  .Martha 
and  Mary,  the  latter  being  twins.  Melbourne  mar- 
ried Grace  M.  P.atton  and  lives  on  the  old  home- 
stead in  this  township;  Florence  is  the  wife  of 
Thomas  H.  Rees,  of  Carroll  Township  and  the 
mother  of  one  ciuld,  born  June  15,  188y,  died  Julv 
22,  1889;  Frank  is  in  the  C:iscade  Mountains  of 
Oregon,  connected  with  a  surveying  party. 

The  whole  family  belong  to  the  Friends'  Chureh 
and  take  great  interest  in  religious  matters.  .Mr. 
Elliott  hiis  been  a. School  Director  for  twenty  years, 
and  is  a  Trustee  of  the  N'ermilion  Academy  being 
one  of  the  original  incorporators  of  that  institution. 
Politically  he  votes  the  way  tlie  most  of  the  people 
who  belong  to  his  church  do — with  the  Repub- 
lican party — and  is  always  willing  to  do  what  he 
can  honorably  to  enhance  its  interests.  He  has 
never  aspired  to  official  honors  but  in  religious  .-md 
educational  affairs  exhibits  great  solicitude.  His 
pleasant  home  is  always  open  to  his  friends  and  he 



ami  his  most  excellent  wife  are  liberal  in  their  hos- 
pitality. We  present  on  another  page  of  the 
AiBUM  a  fine  view  of  the  residence  of  Mr.  Elliott, 
where  he  lives  in  comfort  and  happiness  with  his 
wife  and  those  of  his  children  who  vet  remain  at 

ILLIAM  GRAY  is  pleasantly  located  on 
his  valuable  farm  of  240  acres,  and,  al- 
Jj^  though  at  an  advanced  age.  still  retains 
the  active  management  of  all  its  details.  He  was 
born  in  Butler  County,  Ohio,  about  seven  miles 
north  of  Hamilton.  His  father,  Louis  Gray,  was 
a  native  of  ]S'ew  Jersey,  but  came  to  Fort  Cincin- 
nati in  1801  and  built  a  log  cabin  on  what  is  now 
known  as  Third  street  in  the  city  of  Cincinnati. 
Here  he  purchased  200  acres  of  laud  at  a  shilling 
an  acre,  which,  xiyoa  his  remov.iI  to  Butler  County, 
Ohio,  the  so-called  land  of  promise,  he  sold  at  a 
small  advance  on  the  origiual  cost.  He  was  mar- 
rie<l  to  Miss  Mary  Winnigs.  this  event  taking  place 
in  New  Jersey  a  short  time  previous  to  their  re- 
moval to  Ohio.  Louis  Gray  was  a  strong  sup- 
IX)rter  of  the  old  Whig  party  and  an  ardent  ad- 
mirer of  Henry  Cla}',  Harrison,  and  other  men  of 
his  party.  When  the  Republican  iMrt}'  was  formed, 
in  1856,  he  joined  that  political  organization,  but 
died  regretting  the  fact  that  he  could  never  have 
the  opportunity  of  casting  his  vote  for  John  C. 
Fremont.  At  the  time  of  his  death,  in  1S56,  he 
was  seventy-eight  years  old.  Early  in  life  he  was 
crippled,  a  fact  which  prevented  him  from  enlist- 
ing in  the  war  of  1812.  He  made  an  endeavor  to 
join  the  army,  but  was  rejected.  Louis  Graj'  was 
married  twice,  his  first  wife  being  the  mother  of 
William.  His  second  wife  was  Mrs.  Ann  Collins. 
a  native  of  New  Jersey.  By  his  first  marriage  he 
was  the  father  of  five  children;  Amos,  who  was 
drowned  in  boyhood;  Phfjel>e.  Daniel,  William  and 
Harvey.  The  grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  born  in  America,  but  his  father  was  a 
native  of  England,  coming  to  this  country  in 
colonial  times. 

William  Gray's  birth  occurre'l  on  May  9,  1816. 
he  is  the  onlj-  survivor  of  his  mothers  family,  but 

has  three  half  sisters  living.  His  first  boyish  recol- 
lections are  of  the  old  log  house  in  the  woods  on 
the  banks  of  the  Miama  River,  but  this  stream  has 
since  washed  away  the  site  of  the  structure.  Here 
the  happiest  moments  of  his  childhood  were  passed. 
His  father  was  a  coutraetor  for  the  building  of  the 
Miami  Canal  from  Dayton  to  Cincinnati,  and 
about  the  firet  work  in  which  William  engaged,  driving  a  yoke  of  oxen  on  this  contract,  while 
his  father  had  charge  of  100  men  and  about  forty 
or  fifty  teams  of  cattle.  William  was  obliged  to 
stand  on  a  flour  barrel  in  order  to  put  the  3'oke  on 
j  his  oxen.  His  father,  in  common  with  other  sturdy 
pioneers  of  this  country,  believed  implicitlj'  in  the 
pl.on  of  rearing  his  sons  to  industry,  a  fact  which 
has  left  its  imprint  upon  the  generation  succeeding 
him.  After  the  was  completed,  William's 
father  invested  his  earnings  in  Butler  Count}'  land, 
but  in  1844  he  concluded  to  remove  to  Indiana. 
which  he  did.  locating  near  LaFayette. 

It  was  under  these  circumstances  that  the  sub- 
ject of  this  sketch  grew  to  manhood.  He  attended 
the  subscription  schools  in  the  winter  time,  and 
during  the  summer  months  worked  upon  the  farm. 
He  also  learned  the  cooper's  trade,  as  his  father 
owned  a  cooper  shoii  in  connection  with  his  grist- 
mill. In  1841,  when  he  was  twent.y-five  yeai-s  of 
age.  he  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  A.  Harman.who 
was  born  three  miles  east  of  Lebanon,  Warren  Co., 
Ohio.  She  is  the  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Mary 
Harman.  who  came  to  Warren  County  while  they 
were  children.  Her  grandfather,  Henry  Harman. 
was  a  native  of  Germanj',  while  her  mother's  peo- 
ple came  from  an  old  American  famil}'  of  Scotch- 
Irish  descent,  Her  parents  continued  to  live  in 
Warren  County  several  years,  but  finally  removed 
to  Tippecanoe  County.  Ind.,  and  later  si>ent  their 
declining  years  with  Mrs.  Gray,  her  father  dying 
in  March.  1875,  at  the  age  of  seventy-four  3'ears, 
while  her  mother  i>:issed  awa}-  in  Februar}-,  1887. 
at  the  advanced  .age  of  eighty-four  years.  This 
venerable  couple  were  the  parents  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, whose  names  are  herewith  given:  Sarah  A., 
Alfretl,  Elizabeth,  .Susan,  Henry,  David,  Rebecca 
and  Mary  (twins),  Samuel,  Catherine,  Martha  and 

Mrs.  Gray  was    born  Oct.  14,  1822.     Her   eariv 



•lays  were  pa;>aed  in  a  manner  simitar  to  tboi»e  of 
ber  bmband.  Tber  lived  oalj  twelve  or  fcKuieen 
miles  apart,  and    b*f^me   aw  vbile    ret 

cfaildren.     In  |!^44  ilr.  Gray  w  -aily — aaul 

also  accompanied  bj  bis  father's  familj — removed 
to  Clinton   C  "   i„  and   resided   tber*   ontil 

lSo9.  when    '     _    -       -J   on    their   present  bome- 
5tead   in  Vermilion  Conntr.     3Ir.  Giaj  parcfa^ied 
400  acres   of  land,  wbrcb    at   the  time  was  anim 
proved.     He   staked   off    the   foandatioo   for   his 
boose  br  the  shadow  of  the  son  at  noootide;.  but 
his  watch  being  a  little  fast,  the  foandatton  wk 
not  located  dne  north  and  soath.     While  in  I:.  !'- 
ana  Mr.  Gniy  b^an  to  pock  purfc.  working 
every  winter,  and    in    company    with    John    I>Li.. 
bailt  a  plant  for  this  porpose  and  also  for  packiL_ 
beef.    Hb  packing  boose  was  located  at  Crawfords- 
ville,  and  in  this  industry  he  wi  - 
aboot  20 .tXW  hogs  each  year,  ic-    -.-.  .  .    -...,e 

3Ir.  Gray  has  lived  in  Illinois,  however,  be  has 
devoted  bis  entire  time  to  farming,  and  in  tli> 
occupation  has  been  eminently  successfoL 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gray  have  become  the  parents  >. " 
nine  children :  Harvey.   Mary  -Jane.  Al :' 
iam  H..  who  died  at  the  age  of  five  years;  .... 
A.:  Sarah  Cwho  died  when  fiteen  years  old :  31 
who  died  when  six   months  old;  Clara  and  .'. 
Harvey  enlisted   in  Company  D..  2.5tfa  Illinu.^    .-- 
&ntrv.  and   at    Chiekamaoga   was   woonded   and 
taken  prisoner,  bnt  being  disabled  was 
rebels  on  the  field  of  battle.     He  was  :_i_..  .    ^ 
Union  hospital  at  St.  Lonts,  where  he  died  a  victim 
of  small-pox.     ilary  -Jane  married   James  M'lls.  a 
UniiHi  soldier,  and  he  died   in  April.  1S79.  leaving 
three  children — Alfred.  Elma  and  EMe.     Since  the 
death   of  Mr.  Mills   his  children,  as  well  as  thetr 
mother,   have   lived   at  the   home   of  Mr.    Gray. 
Alfred  married  Mis>  Vena  Carroll,  and  b  farming 
in   Sidell    Township.     They    have    two   children. 
John  and   William.     Elizabeth  Au.  is  t&e  wife  of 
John  Wilaoo.   also  a  Union  soldier,  and   a   farmer 
of  Sidell  Township.     They  have   two  children — 
Otto  and  Charles.     Clan  is  at  borne.     Alice  mar- 
ried Samuel  Guthrie,  who  was  also  a  soldier  of  the 
Unioc  army  and  now  a    farmer   near   Toscoh.  l'.- 
They  have    four   children — Eva.   Sarah,  Ola   at.. 

ilr,  and  Mr-   ' 
home,  which 
other  pa.- 

ings  tnd .  „.    .^..^aien 

occupants,  while  their  spJe 

re  living  in  a  very  pleasant 

~:ed   by  a  fine  view  on  an- 

me.     All  of  the  sorrooDd- 

•  --  '   —.'/I   tagteof  its 

ff  boots  also 

exhibits  the  fact  that  3fr.  and  Mrs.  iiray  are  fowl 
of  good  reading.     Mr.  Gray  has  served  as  School 

I  Director  for  several  years,  and  is  much  interested 
in  educational  matters.  He  has  also  been  a  Jnstke 
of  the  Peace,  holding  that  honorable  office  for  six 

,  years,  and   for  many  years   held   the   pc<utioa  of 

Highway  Commiseiooer.     Politically  he  b  a  stanch 

Republican,  and  does  good  work  for  his  party.    In 

ill  thb  section  of  the  country  there  b  not  a  more 

^    and    pablic-«pirited  couple 

-A.VID   JI-:  V.     It  b   a  fact  gener- 

ally ackn.,  .  >^  .  ^uid  widely  commented 
upon,  that  in  the  great  world  with  its  mil- 
lions of  men  no  two  are  alike,  ahboush 
iiey  may  be  possessed  of  many  corresponding 
:raits  of  character.  Mr.  Johnston  b  ooe  of  tbose 
''•bo  have  assisted  largely  in  the  development  of  a 
^rdon  of  the  soil  of  Vermilion  Coontv.  and  las 
dlstingut^Kd  himself  by  hard  labor,  sobriety. 
^ooesty  and  the  other  solid  qualities  which  ?•>  to 
aiake  up  the  nsehil  citizen.  Hb  life  occa|«tion 
has  beoi  that  of  a  farmer,  and  we  find  him  com- 
fortably located  at  a  aiug  little  bomestead  on  sec- 
ti«xi  I.  Oakwoo>1  Townshipi.  He  h^  been  re^on- 
ably  rewarded  for  the  toil  and  sacrifices  of  his 
earlier  years,  and  has  been  surroonded  by  an  the 
ojmforts  of  life,  while  at  the  same  time  enjoyins 
msay  of  its  luxuries. 

The  Sist  record  we  have  of  thb  branch  of  the 
Johnston  family  was  the  settlement  in  Piouksyl- 
vania  of  Grand£>ther  David  H.  Johnston,  who  sub- 
sequently rem  -  a  Coontv.  Ky„  daring 

the  peiiod  of  1- ^    -  ^  ^:-ement,  where  he  deah 

excenetvely  in  fat  cattle,  hocses  and  mnlesv  and  be- 

r  ^yoe  of  the  wealthiest  men  in  that  region.    He 

...r     .  wned  and  operated   a  distiller}-,  bat   distin- 

gubhed  himself  as  a  patriot,  and  was  appointed 



by  the  American  Congress  during  the  Revolution- 
ary War  to  visit  the  Tories  in  his  region  and  con- 
fiscate whatever  he  could  lay  his  hands  upon  of 
their  property,  which  he  sold,  and  applied  the  pro- 
ceeds to  the  carrying  on  of  the  war.  It  is  easy  to 
imagine  that  nothing  pleased  the  old  hero  better 
than  this  errand,  and  none  rejoiced  more  than  he 
at  the   result  of  the   Declaration  of  Independence. 

Among  the  sons  of  Oraudfather  Johnston  was 
John,  the  father  of  our  subject,  who  was  born  in 
Mason  County,  Ky.,  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and 
removed  to  Ohio  about  1826.  He  had  three  sis- 
ters— Hannah,  Nancy  and  Polly  Ann.  He  married 
Miss  Sarah  Mathanej-,  a  native  of  that  State, 
and  the  daughter  of  Klias  Mathanej-,  who  was 
born  near  Harper's  Ferry,  in  West  Virginia,  and 
in  connection  with  farming  pursuits  became  one 
of  the  best  breeders  of  fine  horses  in  the  Blue 
Grass  regions.  He  was  married  three  times,  and 
died  about  1862. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  after  their  marriage 
visited  Kentuck)',  then  settled  in  Adams  County, 
Ohio,  and  there  spent  the  remainder  of  their  days. 
John  Johnston  was  a  well-educated  man,  and  be- 
came prominent  in  his  communit}'.  He  wsis  b}' 
nature  a  polished  gentleman,  and  a  man  ,always  in 
demand  at  public  meetings  to  introduce  the 
speakers  to  the  people,  and  make  other  various 
little  arrangements  so  essential  to  the  smooth  work- 
ings of  those  gatherings.  He  departed  this  life  at 
his  home,  in  1834,  and  the  mother  followed  her 
husband  to  the  land  of  the  hereafter,  four  years 
later,  in  1838.  The  latter  frequentl}-  related  the 
incident  of  her  father  '-poling"  a  keel  boat  from 
New  Orleans  to  Pittsburg  before  the  days  of  steam. 

To  John  and  Sarah  (Mathauey)  Johnston  there 
were  born  five  children,  three  sons  and  two  daugh- 
ters, of  whom  three  are  living,  and  of  whom 
David,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest.  He  was  born 
in  Mason  County,  Ky.,  Feb.  6,  1820,  and  at  the 
early  age  of  twelve  began  to  i)addle  his  own  canoe. 
His  education  was  ver}'  limited,  and  he  worked  for 
his  uncle  about  three  years  after  leaving  home. 
Later  he  was  employed  by  John  Dalton,  of  Brown 
County,  Ohio,  several  years.  In  September,  1844, 
when  a  youth  of  eighteen,  he  started  for  Illinois 
on  horseback,  and  upon  his  arrival  in  this  county 

was  eraplo^yed  the  first  }'ear  on  a  farm  for  Henry 
Florher,  and  he  was  similarly  occupied  until  his 
marriagL-.  This  important  and  interesting  event 
was  celebrated  Nov.  11,  18.52,  the  bride  being 
Miss  Mary  A.  E.,  daughter  of  Dr.  A.  AV.  Britting- 
liaui,  an  old  Thoinpsonian  physician  wIki  came  to 
Illinois  in  1830,  and  was  a  veiy  prominent  man  in 
his  day.  His  grandfather,  William  Brittingham,  was 
born  in  Maryland,  and  married  a  lady  whose  first 
name  was  Elizabeth.  His  parents  were  Jeremiah 
and  INIary  (Williams)  Brittingham,  the  latter  a 
daughter  of  John  Williams,  of  Maiyland.  Jere- 
miah was  born  Dec.  3,  1764,  and  his  wife,  Mary, 
Oct,  12,  1760. 

Jeremiah  Brittingham  removed  to  Ohio  in  1810, 
and  to  Illinois  in  1830,  arriving  in  this  county 
Nov.  5.  1830.  He  became  the  father  of  eight  chil- 
dren, five  of  whom  died  when  quite  young  in 
Maryland.  The  three  who  grew  to  m,'iture  years 
were:  Benjamin  A.,  Mary  and  Arthur  W.,  the  lat- 
ter the  father  of  Mrs.  Johnston.  To  the  latter  .and 
his  excellent  wife  there  were  born  eight  children, 
of  whom  five  are  living,  viz:  Mrs.  Johnston,  Mrs. 
Lucreiia  Osliorn,  Mrs.  Julia  Ann  Osborn,  Arthur 
W.,  Jr.,  and  Jeremiah.  The  last-mentioned  is  still 
unmarried,  and  makes  his  home  with  our  subject. 
He  is  a  prominent  member  of  Oakwood  I.  O.  O.  F. 
Lodge  No.  .564,  in  which  he  has  passed  all  the  chairs, 
and  in  Februaiy,  1889,  finished  his  term  as  Past 
Grand.  Arthur  W.  Brittingham  departed  this  life 
Aug.  19,  1885.  The  mother  of  Mrs.  Johnston  was 
in  her  girlhood  Miss  Matilda  Watson,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  Henry  and  Mary  Ann  Watson,  who  were 
among  the  early  settlers  of  this  county.  She  was 
born  Sept.  3,  1804,  and  died  Aug.  19,  1877. 

Mrs.  Johnston  is  a  native  of  this  county,  and 
was  born  Nov.  8,  1833.  After  their  marriage  Mr. 
Johnston  operated  on  a  rented  farm  about  seven 
3'ears,  then  entered  160  acres  of  land  from  the 
Government,  and  purchased  forty  acres.  This  he 
he  sold  later,  and  bought  100  acres,  which  he  now 
owns  and  occupies.  His  landed  possessions  com- 
prise 297  acres,  nearly  all  under  cultivation.  He 
erected  his  jjresent  residence  in  1876.  He  raises 
considerable  stock,  feeding  a  carload  of  cattle  each 
year.  Only  a  son  and  daughter  have  been  born  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnston.    The  latter,  Matilda  Jane, 



became  the  wife  of  David  Young',  and  lived  on 
one  of  her  fatber's  farms  until  her  (loath  in  1880; 
she  left  one  child,  who  is  hcin;^-  reared  li^'  the  grand- 

John  W.  JoluLston,  the  only  son  of  our  subject, 
is  a  very  bright  and  promising  yo\ing  man.  and  re- 
mains on  the  homestead  with  his  parents,  .assisting 
in  the  operation  of  the  farm.  lie  is  a  [)r(>n)inent 
member  of  Ijodge  No.  714,  A.  V.  &  A.  iVI.,  at  New- 
town, in  which  he  has  been  Secretary  five  jears  and 
Senior  Warden  three  years,  still  holding  the  latter 
office.  lie  is  also  a  mend)er  of  Vermilion  Chap- 
ter No.  82,  at  Danville,  and  of  Atlielstan  Com- 
mandery  No.  45,  at  Danville.  He  is  also  Record- 
ing Steward  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  a 
School  Trustee  and  Vice-President  of  the  Town- 
ship Sunday-school  Association. 

Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnston  have  been  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Cluirch  for  the 
past  six  years.  Mr.  Johnston  cast  liis  first  Presi- 
dential vote  for  Zacliar_v  Taylor,  and  has  alw.iys 
kept  himself  well  posted  upon  the  political  issues 
of  the  day.  He  identified  himself  with  the  Repub- 
lican party  at  its  organization,  in  18.56,  and  since 
tliat  time  has  steadfastly  remained  a  supporter  of 
its  (trinciples. 

munity,    is    now    engaged 

i  ATTHEW  TRIMBLE,  one  of  tlie  sub- 
stantial and  successful  men  of  Sidell 
Townslii|).  and  one  who  is  well  iden- 
tified with  the  advancement  of  his  com 
n  general  or  mixed 
farming.  He  is  one  of  the  substantial  men  of  his 
township,  and  is  entitled  to  a  place  in  history  as  a 
self-made  man.  lie  was  born  Dec.  27,  1827  in 
Ohio,  and  was  reared  on  a  farm,  and  in  a  new 
country.  His  father  was  one  of  the  |iioneers  who 
\yas  obligeil  to  hew  his  wa\'  through  the  forest,  in 
order  to  make  a  farm,  and  as  Matthew  was  the 
oldest  boy  of  the  family,  he  was  obliged  to  work 
hard  at  plowing  and  breaking  among  the  stumps. 
His  boyhood  days,  as  before  stated,  were  desti- 
tute of  any  of  the  advantages  calculated  to  give 
him  an  eduialion,  as  the   school    teachers   in    those 

days  were  on  a  par  with  the  schoolhouses,  exceed- 
ingly crnde.  Later,  as  he  grew  to  be  a  young 
man.  a  brick  school-house  was  built,  of  which  he 
aided  in  the  conslriiction,  and  there  he  attende<l 
school  for  three  leims.  \\'heii  he  came  from  <  )liio 
in  the  summer  of  LSfi;),  he  brouglit  with  him  a 
drove  of  700  sheep,  driving  them  the  entire  dis- 
tance with  the  aid  of  .'i  boy  and  a  dog.  and  this  was 
his  first  substantial  in  the  stock  business.  His 
first  wife,  wliosc  maiden  name  was  Cassandria  Pig- 
man, died  in  18(!2.wlien  he  sold  his  farm  ami  engaged 
exclusively  in  the  slock  business.  He  has  traded 
and  dealt  in  live  stock  of  all  kinds  since  his  boy- 
hood, and  at  the  time  of  selling  his  farm  was  con- 
sidered one  of  the  shrewdest  buyers  in  this  section 
of  the  country,  and  up  to  this  lime  he  had  made 
an  even  ^2,000  on  his  sheep. 

He  was  uiarried  the  first  time  in  184i)  and  by 
this  union  he  was  the  father  of  four  children: 
Rebecca  A.,  William,  Rachael  and  James.  Rebecca 
married  Scott  Ilildreth.  a  farmer  of  Carroll  Town- 
ship. The}'  have  three  children,  Elizabeth  A., 
Joseph  and  Blaine:  William  resides  in  Powesheik 
County.  Iowa;  Rachel  married  Oeorge  Bennett. 
They  have  four  children:  Clinton,  Minnie,  Erank 
and  an  infant.  Erank  is  a  tinner  by  trade.  Mr. 
Trimble  was  married  a  second  time  in  1864  to  Mrs. 
Lydia  Ilarve}'.  She  born  in  Pennsylvania  and 
came  to  Indiana  when  a  snuill  girl,  and  in  1862, 
emigrated  to  Vermilion  County.  Her  first  husband, 
whose  name  wjis  Oliver  W.  Harvey,  died  in  the 
army,  leaving  two  children — Jane  and  Charles  AV. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Trimble  have  two  children — Chaun- 
cey  and  Lucy.  The  former  is  at  home  working  on 
the  farm,  while  Lucy  married  Elmer  Hite.  who  lives 
in  Kansas.  Mr.  Trimble  has  assisted  his  children 
in  getting  a  start  in  the  world,  and  they  are  the 
pride  of  his  declining  years,  lie  has  taken  an 
active  and  intelligent  part  in  all  the  matters  per- 
taining to  public  schools,  and  has  served  as  Direc- 
tor fifteen  years.  He  has  also  filled  various  other 
positions  in  the  township,  although  he  never 
aspired  to  political  honors.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Trim- 
ble are  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
at  Sidell.  and  they  are  materially  aiding  in  the  erec- 
tion of  a  new  house  of  worship.  He  is  an  original 
Lincoln  Republican,  as  he  considers  that  the  prin- 



ciples  of  that  great  man  are  the  correct  ones  for 
tlie  government  of  politics.  He  belives  that  the 
Union  Labor  party  of  America  is.  some  day.  bound 
to  succeed.  Mr.  Trimble  since  he  has  commenced  to 
do  for  himself,  has  been  successful,  which  is  wholly 
due  to  his  judgment  of  men  and  his  industrious 
habits.  He  takes  hold  of  all  matters  of  business 
with  energy,  and  never  has  known  that  there  is  such 
a  word  as  "fail." 

*  ICHAEL  P^ISHER  has  for  the  past  (cu 
years  been  engaged  in  the  hardware  liusi- 
'i  ness  in  Indiauola,  where  he  has  conducted 
a  large  and  prosperous  business.  His 
store  is  one  of  the  finest  in  the  town,  and  is  always 
the  scene  of  activity. 

He  was  born  in  Carroll  Townshi|).  within  half  ;i 
mile  of  Indianola,  Nov.  6,  18.35.  His  father,  IJavid 
Fisher,  came  to  this  county  in  1833,  bought  school 
lands  from  the  State,  and  also  entered  a  tract  of 
o-overnment  land  in  the  same  year,  and  at  the  time  of 
his  death,  which  occurred  in  1878,  he  owned  nearly 
1,000  acres  of  land.  He  was  born  in  Ohio,  his 
father  being  of  good  old  Pennsylvania  stock.  'J'he 
Fishers  were  of  German  extraction  and  pioneers  of 
Pennsylvania,  where  they  settled  during  Colonial 
times.  David  Fisher  was  married  in  Carroll  Town- 
ship to  Miss  Jane  Weaver,  who  is  still  living.  She 
is  a  native  of  Ohio,  her  father  coming  to  this  coun- 
try in  1828  and  being  therefore  one  of  the  very- 
earliest  pioneers.  He  lived  to  be  one  hundred 
years  old,  while  his  wife  was  past  ninety  when  she 
was  called  away. 

David  F""isher  was  the  father  of  five  children, 
whose  names  are:  Michael,  John  W.,  Alar^-  J., 
George  and  Lucinda.  Michael  was  reared  on  a 
farm  and  received  good  educational  advantages  in 
the  schools  of  his  childhood,  which  were  of  the 
subscription  sort.  He  was  married  in  1864  to  Miss 
Maryette  IJaum,  daughter  of  John  W.  P,aum.  an 
old  settler  of  Carroll  Township.  She  was  born  in 
Indianola.  After  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fisher 
continued  farming  until  1877,  when  he  engaged  in 
the  hardwai-e    business,  as    before    indicated.     He 

started  the  erection  of  the  -'Fisher  Block"  in  1881, 
completing  it  the  next  year.  The  store  is  44x66, 
anil  comprises  two  store  rooms,  the  Masonic  and 
Fisher's  Hall. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fisher  have  three  children:  Frank, 
Maud  and  Eva.  Frank  is  attending  tiie  Univerity 
of  Illinois  and  is  a  member  of  the  class  of  '90. 
He  is  taking  the  civil  engineering  course.  Maud 
is  the  wife  of  Joseph  J.  Sidell — whose  sketch  ap- 
pears in  this  volume — while  Eva  is  at  home.  In 
addition  to  his  hardware  business  Mr.  Fisher  deals 
largely  in  agricultural  implements,  and  also  owns 
and  manages  two  farms  near  Indianola.  He  has 
served  his  neighbors  in  several  offices,  having  been 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  sixteen  years  and  Asses- 
sor and  Collector  for  four  years  each.  While  liv- 
ing in  Kansas  in  1857,  he  joined  the  Odd  Fellows 
fraternity  to  which  society  he  has  since  adhered. 
Politically  he  belongs  to  the  Democratic  party,  but 
is  in  favor  of  the  best  man  being  elected  to  any 
position,  and  in  consequence  he  votes  independ- 
ently*. As  before  stated  he  has  held  many  town- 
ship offices  and  witli  distinguished  honor,  but  he 
has  never  been  an  ottice-seeker,  as  his  neighbors 
have  recogni/.cd  in  him  the  qualities  which  should 
belong  to  every  man  occupying  a  public  position. 
His  fine  education  coupled  with  his  splendid  judg- 
ment has  been  recognized  and  appreciated. 

Mr.  Fisher  was  a  student  at  the  Georgetown 
Seminary  where  he  acquired  a  classical  education, 
and  in  his  younger  days  was  a  teacher,  being  eminent 
in  his  profession.  He  is  one  of  the  leading  citizens 
of  Vermilion  County  and  is  respected  and  hon- 
ored as  such.  A  fine  view  of  the  home  of  Mr. 
Fisher  is  shown  in  this  volume. 


^  ANII'^L  OAKES,  a  gentleman  of  unusually 
modest  demeanor,  may  be  usually  found 
'•-^  at  his  homestead,  on  section  11,  in  Vance 
Township,  where  he  carries  on  farming 
and  has  lived  since  186!).  The  inroads  upon  his 
health,  made  by  the  rigors  of  war  when  he  was  but 
a  j'outh,  have  had  their  Lasting  effect  upon  his  con- 
stitution, SI)  that  he  has  not  been  enabled  to  realize 



the  full  iiieasurc  of  his  amiiition  anioiiu^  tln'  busy 
laliorers  of  the  world.  He  is.  however,  a  ni.TH 
liijrhly  respectcil  ainoiii,^  his  fellow-citizens,  possess- 
ing that  integrity  of  character  which  has  enabled 
him  to  live  uprightly  and  at  peace  with  all  the 

The  early  tramping  ground  of  our  ,siil)jeet  was 
in  .Seneca  County,  Ohio,  where  he  born  Aug. 
•if),  1813.  His  father,  Mich.ael  ( )akes.  w.-is  a  native 
of  Pennsylvania,  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  mar- 
ried .Miss  Hel)ecca  Farner.  who  was  liorn  in  Ohio. 
In  1850  tliev  moved  to  Clark  County,  111.,  and 
later  returned  to  Ohio  to  make  a  visit,  and  Mrs. 
Oakes  died  while  on  the  journey  thither.  The 
father  was  subsequently  married,  and  after  some 
years,  about  1858,  returned  to  this  county.  The 
children  of  his  first  wife  comprised  three  .sons  and 
one  daughter,  of  whom  three  are  living.  One  son, 
John,  during  the  Civil  AVar,  enlisted  in  Company 
F,  2.5th  Illinois  Infantry,  and  died  in  camp  at 
Scottsboro.  Ala.,  in  the  winter  of  18()2.  Michael 
Oakes  departed  this  life  at  his  home  in  Vance 
Township,  in  1882. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  attended  school  in 
Clark  County,  111.,  the  temple  of  learning  being  an 
old  log  schoolhouse,  with  its  primitive  accommoda- 
tions, and  the  system  of  instruction  far  inferior  to 
that  of  the  jjresent  day.  When  a  youth  of  seven- 
teen, the  Civil  War  being  in  progress,  he  enlisted 
as  a  Union  soldier  in  Company  F,  71st  Illinois  In- 
fantry for  three  months.  At  the  expiration  of  this 
time  be  re-enlisted  in  Company  F,  26th  Infantry-, 
for  three  years,  and  took  pari,  in  m!in3-  of  the  im- 
portant battles  which  followed — Atlanta,  Scotts- 
boro, Savannah,  New  Hope  Church,  Kenesaw 
Mountain,  Grape  Creek — and  went  with  Sherman 
in  his  memorable  march  to  the  sea.  He  had  the 
pleasure  of  witnessing  the  surrender  of  the  rebel 
(leneral  Johnston  in  North  Carolina,  and  after  the 
surrender  of  Lee,  repaired  with  his  comrades  to 
W.isbington,  and  took  part  in  the  (Jrand  Review. 
On  the  28th  of  July,  186L  at  Atlanta,  Mr. 
Oakes  received  a  gunshot  wound  in  the  right  side, 
but  he  kept  on  fighting,  and  never  lost  a  day  on 
accouut  of  it.  At  .Savannah  he  was  wounded  in 
the  right  knee.  His  health  was  greatly  impaired 
by  hardshi[)  and  exposure,  and  it  is  hardly  possible 

that  he  will  over  regain  his  former  robust  health.- 
Mr.  Oakes  was  first  married  in  1867,  to  Miss 
Melissa  .Morrison,  who  became  the  mother  of  four 
children  (two  of  whom  are  living),  and  who  died 
in  1880.  The  tivo  children  remaining  are  Charles 
and  Eva,  who  are  living  with  their  father.  Mr. 
Oakes  w.Ts  married  a  second  time  in  1881,  to  Miss 
Margaret  Hickman,  and  they  have  one  child — 
Willie.  Jlrs.  Oakes  is  a  member  of  the  Presbyte- 
rian Cluiich.  Our  subject  takes  no  active  part  in 
liolitics,  but  goes  regularly  to  the  polls,  and  votes 
the  Republican  ticket,  even  if  'he  has  to  leave  a 
sick  bed,  as  at  the  last  election.  He  is  a  member 
of  Homer  Post.  O.  A.  R.,  but  on  account  of  fr.ail 
health,  has  not  been  permitted  to  attend  the  regu- 
lar meetings.  The  most  of  his  time  is  spent  on 
his  snug  farm  of  1 10  acres,  which  is  finely  located 
on  section  7.  and  is  undera  irood  state  of  cultivation. 

-^.  NDKUSON  W.  ELDKK.  The  subject  of 
[@/u[  this  notice  came  to  this  county  from  Ohio 
111  in  1878,  for  the  purpose  of  taking  charge 
i^J  of  the  large  farm  which  he  now  operates, 

and  which  comprises  320  acres,  the  east  half  of  sec- 
tion 31,  in  Sidell  Township.  His  efficient  manage- 
ment is  observable  in  the  well-cultivated  fields  and 
the  general  appearance  of  the  premises.  While 
o()erating  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil,  Mr.  Elder  is  also 
engaged  in  the  cultivation  of  his  mental  capacities 
— a  man  who  has  read  and  ol)served  much,  and 
who  has  decided  ideas  coupled  with  the  faculty  of 
giving  them  expression,  and  with  the  good  .sense 
which  usuajly  inspires  him  to  temperance  of  speech 
and  prevents  him  from  giving  offense  to  those  dif- 
fering from  him  in  oi)inion.  He  is  in  the  prime  of 
life,  active  and  energetic,  and  the  son  of  one 
of  the  most  wealthy  farmers  of  the  Buckeye 
State,  John  Elder,  who  was  the  owner  of  nearly 
1,000  acres  of  lan<l  in  Clark  County,  Ohio,  and 
who  died  Ma3'  31,  1889,  at  the  advanced  age  of 
eiijhtv-one  years,  one  month  and  nineteen  d;ivs. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  near  Spring- 
field, in  Greene  Township,  Clark  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug. 
26.  18a2.anrl  was  there  reared  to  man's  estate  on  a 



farm.  About  1877,  he  started  on  a  traveling  tour, 
visiting  the  Eastern  States,  the  Duniinion  of  Can- 
ada, also  Kentucky  and  Missouri,  after  which  he 
came  to  tiiis  count3^  He  was  married  in  1881,  to 
Miss  Libby,  daughter  of  W.  B.  Squires,  of  Sidell 
Townsliip.  Mrs.  Elder  was  born  in  Iowa,  wlience 
her  parents  later  came  to  Illinois,  then  removed  tj 
Kentucliy,  and  slie  was  reared  in  these  two  States. 
Of  her  union  with  our  subject  tliere  have  been 
born  four  children,  viz.:  Edna,  Inez,  Editli  and 
Jolinie  B.,  who  are  all  living  and  at  home  witli 
tlieir  parents,  and  are  looived  upon  by  tlie  latter 
witli  pardonable  pride,  being  remarkalily  interest- 
ing and  intelligent.  Mr.  Elder,  politically,  is  a 
sound  Republican,  and  is  able  to  give  a  reason  for 
tlie  faitli  tliat  is  in  him.  He  is  no  ofliceseeker, 
and  has  liad  very  little  to  do  with  public  affairs, 
simply  serving  on  tlie  Circuit  Jury. 

The  father  of  our  suliject  was  a  native  of  Ilarris- 
burg,  Pa. ;  the  mother,  wliose  maiden  name  was 
Phebe  Casey,  was  born  in  Springfield,  Ohio.  She 
died  in  1860  at  tlie  age  of  fortj'-flve  years.  Nine 
children  comprised  the  parental  family,  who  were 
named  respectively,  Ann  J.,  Wallace,  Findlaj',  Me- 
linda,  Samuel,  Anderson  W.,  David,  Robert  and 

ICHARD    R.     WORTHINGTON,    M.    D., 

'((  physician  and  surgeon,  is  one  of  the 
best  of  the  profession  in  his  cominunitj', 
^  where  he  has  resided  for  the  past  fifteen 
years.  He  is  a  native  of  Mason  County,  Ky., 
having  been  born  near  Ma3sville  on  Aug.  14, 
1851.  His  father  and  motiier  were  also  natives  of 
the  same  county,  and  were  very  prominent  citizens 
there.  The  father,  the  Hon.  Samuel  Worthington, 
was  elected  as  a  Whig  to  the  State  Legislat,ure  and 
was  noted  as  an  independent,  outspoken  man.  He 
died  in  his  native  county,  in  1862,  at  the  compar- 
atively early  age  of  fifty-four,  and  in  this  world's 
goods  he  was  fairly  well  off.  He  was  killed  by  one 
of  his  former  slaves.  His  wife  is  still  living  at 
her  old  home  and  is  a  lady  of  seventy-one  years  of 
age.  The  elder  Worthington  had  been  married 
three  times  and  liy   his  (iisl  wife    was  the  fatlier  of 

two  children,  who  grew  to  maturity.  He  had  three 
by  his  second  wife  and  eight  by  his  third,  four  of 
whom  grew  to  maturity ;  the  latter  of  whom  were 
Mary  R.,  who  died  in  Mason  County,  Ky.;  Anna; 
Richard  Kun^'on,  of  whom  this  sketch  is  written ; 
and  Martha  L.  Anna  married  Elder  W.  G.  Cox, 
and  is  residing  at  Middletown,  Ky.  Martha  L.  is 
the  wife  of  .1.  G.  Thompson,  who  is  a  prosperous 
merchant  and  la':d-owner  of  Fernleaf,  Ky. 

Dr.  Worthington  was  reared  on  a  farm.  He  at- 
tended the  common  school,  and  later  on,  the  col- 
lege at  Minerva,  Ky.,  which  institution  he  entered  at 
the  early  age  of  thirteen.  Here  he  continued  a 
student  for  three  years  when  he  relinquished  his 
studies  to  take  charge  of  his  father's  farm,  which 
occupied  his  time  for  two  3'ears.  In  1870,  he 
removed  to  Catlin,  ^'ermilion  County,  where  he 
began  to  read  medicine  under  Dr.  T.  H.  Runyoii. 
He  continued  his  studies  in  this  manner  for  ab(nit 
eight  months,  when  he  entered  the  Medical  College 
of  Ohio  at  Cincinnati,  graduating  from  that  insti- 
tution in  the  class  of  1874.  In  October,  of  the 
same  year  he  located  at  Indianola,  entering  upon 
a  successful  medical  career. 

He  was  married  in  187'J  to  Miss  Vina  McMellaii, 
daughter  of  'Squire  William  McMellan,  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  Indianola,  whose  biography  ap- 
pears in  this  volume.  She  was  born  in  Carroll 
Townshi|i,  and  attended  the  common  schools  other 
town,  gaining  a  good  education.  She  is  the  mother 
of  three  children — Samuel  Lester,  Chester  Allen 
and  Anna  Love.  Dr.  Worthington  put  in  a  stock 
of  drugs  the  first  }'ear  he  located  at  this  place,  buy- 
ing out  tlie  store  operated  bj'  Dr.  J.  L.  Hull.'  His 
practice  has  increased  until  to-day  he  has  all  the  pa- 
tients that  he  can  attend  to.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
County  Medical  Association  and  is  constantly 
studying,  thus  keeping  apace  with  the  i)ractical  de- 
tails in  the  improvements  of  medicine.  Asaphysl- 
eiaii  he  is  patient,  constant,  sympallietic,  yet  intlis 
hour  of  extremity,  cool,  calm  and  courageous,  thus 
inspiring  the  sick  and  distressed  in  scenes  of  dan- 
ger. He  is  tlie  Examining  Ph3sician  for  the  Little 
Vermilion  Camp  of  Modern  Woodmen,  of  which 
he  is  a  charter  member.  He  was  a  charter  member 
of  the  I.  O.  ().  F.,  Lodge  No.  584,  and  passed 
through  chairs  of  that  order,   and   was  Representa- 




live  to  the  (; rami  Lodge.  He  was  the  first  Presi- 
dent elected  under  tiie  incorpoiatiun  act  of  tlie  vil- 
lage and  served  with  fidelity  and  intelligence,  and 
has  held  that  office  ever  since.  He  was  elected 
Supervisor  in  1889. 

Dr.  Worlliington  is  an  adherent  to  the  princi- 
ples of  the  Democratic  party  and  is  an  .active 
worker  in  its  ranks.  He  was  one  of  the  original 
projectors  of  the  Indianola  Building  and  Loan  As- 
sociation, being  President  of  that  organization.  He 
is  very  prominent  in  the  affairs  that  look  to  the 
improvement  of  his  town,  anil  a  i)ul)lic-spirited 
citizen  in  every  sense  of  the  word. 

/OlIN  F.  ROWAND,  Supervisor  of  Sidell 
Township, .although  quiet  and  unobtrusive  in 
manner,  possesses  strength  of  cliaracter  and 
from  the  fact  that  he  has  just  entered  upDn 
his  seventh  year  in  this  capacity,  it  is  evident  that 
he  stands  high  among  his  fellow-citizens.  He-is  a 
farmer  by  occupation,  owning  and  oireratiug  300 
acres  of  choice  land,  200  on  section  12  and  100  on 
section  1.  Nature  has  endowed  liira  with  a  gen- 
erous fund  of  sound,  common  sense,  a  quality  des- 
lended  to  him  from  a  most  excellent  ancestry. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  the  present 
site  of  Springfield  in  Clark  County,  Ohio,  where 
his  birth  occurred  June  2,  18r)3.  His  parents, 
Edward  iind  Margaret  (Smith)  Rowand  were  nat- 
ives respectively  of  Mar3'land  .and  Ireland.  The 
father  emigr.ated  to  Ohio  at  an  early  date  and 
settled  on  a  tr.act  of  land  near  the  present  city  of 
Springfield  where  he  cleared  a  farm  from  the  wil- 
derness. He  was  first  married  to  a  Miss  Luce  who 
became  the  mother  of  seven  children,  all  of  whom 
lived  to  m.ature  years.  Of  his  marriage  with  Miss 
Smith  there  were  also  born  seven  children,  viz.: 
Kdward  M.,  .John  F.,  our  subject,  Isaac,  an  infant 
who  died  unnamed,  Margaret  J.,  Mary  E.  and 
Davis.     Of  these  six  are  living. 

The  Rowand  family  came  to  Hlinois  in  1857. 
and  settled  near  Paris  in  Edgar  County,  where 
they  lived  one  year:   then  coming   to    this   county 

they  located  where  the  city  of  Sidell  now  stands. 
The  father  was  a  very  able  man  and  especially  act- 
ive in  church  work.  He  accumulated  a  comfortable 
property  but  finally  returned  East  as  far  as  Ross 
County,  Ohio,  about  1859.  Here  his  death  oc- 
curred in  18G1  when  he  was  seventy-four  years  old. 
The  mother  then  came  back  to  this  county  and  is 
now  living  at  the  old  homestead,  three-fourths  of  a 
mile  southeast  of  Sidell. 

Our  subject  was  in  the  fifth  year  of  his  age  when 
his  parents  cann!  to  Illinois,  and  after  their  return 
to  Ohio  he  attended  school  in  Ross  County.  After 
the  death  of  his  father  he  went  to  live  with  his 
half-l>rotlier,  William  Rowand,  in  Clark  County 
and  remained  a  resident  of  the  Buckeye  State  until 
1869.  In  the  rae^antime,  upon  approaching  man- 
hood he  worked  on  a  farm  at  *8  per  month,  during 
the  summer  and  .attended  school  during  the  winter. 
He  earned  the  money  for  his  books,  notwithstand- 
ing his  father  left  a  good  property.  One  of  the 
half-brothers  managed  to  hold  tlie  estate,  which 
was  in  litigation  for  a  period  of  five  years  before 
divided  equally  among  the  rightful  heirs,  being 
settled  in  1877. 

While  aresidentof  Illinois  our  subject  was  married 
April  2,  1878,  to  Miss  Eliz.alieth  A.  Cross.  This 
lady  was  born  in  Greene  County,  Ohio,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  0.  and  Nancy  Ann  (Webster) 
Cross  who  came  to  Illinois  in  1 8C2  and  settled  in  this 
county.  The  father  prosecuted  farming  and  died 
in  1884,  when  about  fifty  years  of  age.  The  mother 
h.ail  passed  away  ten  years  before,  at  the  eiuly  age 
of  tliirt^'-eight  years.  Their  eight  children  were 
named  respectively',  Charles  E.,  Elizabeth  Almira, 
Sarah  Matilda.  Frank  who  died  at  t]w  age  of  two 
moiillis,  Fanny  B.,  .Jennie  .S.,  Bessie  who  died  when 
one  year  and  ten  months  old  and  Nettie  Adelaide 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rowand  settled 
ui)on  200  acres  of  land  which  fell  to  our  subject  as 
his  sli.'M-e  of  his  father's  estate.  Upon  this  he  has 
effected  good  improvements  and  for  the  past  five 
years  has  been  largely  inlercsled  in  live  stock, 
milking  a  specialtj'  of  cattle.  In  1880  he  purchased 
eight}'  acres  of  land  on  section  1  and  in  188-1 
twenty  acres  on  the  same  section,  which  is  watered 
by  the  Little  Vermilion.  The  farm  is  well  equipped 
with  good  buildings  and  mudern  maciiinery,  includ- 



ing  a  winrlinill  and  an  artesian  well,  the  latter  210 
feet  (leeji. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimal)le  wife  have  been 
born  four  children — John  K.,  .Ir.,  Jennie  E.,  Charles 
D.  and  HattieM..all  livinj,'.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rowand 
are  members  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Sheridan  in  which  Mr.  Rowand  is  serv- 
ing liis  fifth  year  as  Elder.  Me  has  served  as  Town- 
ship Supervisor  and  in  jjolilics  votes  the  straight 
Democratic  ticket.  He  is  quite  jirominent  in  local 
politics  and  a  member  of  the  Democratic  County 
Central  Committee,  also  of  the  Democratic  Clul)  of 

Nancy  Ann  Whit,  the  great-grandmother  of 
Mrs.  Rowand,  was  the  daughter  of  a  Mr.  Zanes  after 
wliom  the  town  of  Zancsville,  Ohio,  was  named; 
she  was  married  to  Mr.  Maxwell  at  the  age  of  six- 
teen years  and  in  the  Revolutionary  War  carried 
bullets  in  her  apron  to  the  soldiers,  said  Inillets 
being  "run"  by  her  sister.  She  was  a  courageous 
and  loyal  old  lady — one  of  the  typical  grandames 
of  the  colonial  times.  A  (lortrait  of  Mr.  Rowand 
appears  on  another  page  of  this  volume. 



ARIUS  BOSWELL  REID,  President  of  the 
\'illage  Board  an<l  Supervisor  of  George- 
town Township,  is  recognized  as  one  of 
the  leading  men  of  this  county,  with  whose 
interests  he  has  been  closel}-  identified  for  many 
years.  A  Kentuckian  \>y  bii'tli,  his  native  ])lace 
was  near  Maysville,  in  Eleming  County,  and  he  is 
the  son  of  Joseph  V.  Reid,  who  was  born  on  the 
eastern  shore  of  Maryland.  The  family  is  of  Irish 
origin.  Mrs.  Rebecca  (Montgomery)  Reid,  the 
mother  of  our  sul)ject  was  born  in  Pennsylvania, 
af  English  ancestry. 

Joseph  C.  Reid  was  first  married  to  Miss  Susan 
Lee,  in  Kentucky.  She  was  a  high-liorn  lady  and 
a  descendant  of  old  Gen.  Richard  Ileniy  i^ee,  of 
Revolutionary  fame.  Of  this  union  tiiere  were  born 
three  children,  only  one  of  whom  grew  to  mature 
years — a  daughter,  Mary  M.,  who  became  the  wife 
of  Thomas  Scott,  and  at  the  time  of  her  deatli  left 
two  children — Marion  and  Alexander.  The  former 

was  a  soldier  of  the  late  war  and  died  during  that 
struggle.  Josepii  Reid  was  a  man  liighly  endowed 
by  nature,  remarkably  intelligent  and  a  great  lover 
of  music  in  which  he  was  quite  proficient,  having  a 
tine  voice  for  singing  and  skillfully  playing  the 
violin.  He  taught  school  during  his  early  man- 
hood and  in  the  meanwhile  prepared  the  manuscript 
for  an  arithmetical  text  book,  wliich,  however,  was 
never  publislied  but  is  still  in  the  possession  of  the 

The  father  of  our  subject  likewise  learned  the 
trade  of  a  shoemaker  which  he  followed  mostly 
during  the  vvinter  season,  while  in  the  summer  he 
was  engaged  in  the  cultivation  of  a  small  farm. 
Born  in  1775,  he  fought  under  Gen.  Harrison  as 
ensign  at  Ft.  Meigs  in  1813,  and  after  the  war  re- 
turned to  his  home  in  Kentucky.  His  first  wife 
died  in  the  Blue  Grass  State  and  he  was  then  mar- 
ried to  the  mother  of  our  subject.  In  1835,  after 
the  birth  of  three  children  they  left  Kentucky, 
coming  to  Edgar  County,  this  State,  and  settling  in 
what  is  now  Brucllet  Creek  Township.  They  re- 
sided there  until  1850,  then  removed  to  Wayne 
County,  where  the  father  entered  120  acres  of  land 
on  his  war  claim.  He  only  lived  two  years  there- 
after, passing  away  in  1852. 

After  the  death  of  her  husband  Mrs.  Reid  sold 
the  farm  and  returned  to  Edgar  County.  Later 
she  came  to  live  with  her  son,  our  subject,  and 
died  at  his  residence,  Dec.  14,  1884,  when  seven ty- 
five  years  old.  She  had  been  a  devoted  Christian 
for  more  than  twenty  years  and  was  a  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Joseph  Reid, 
politically,  first  belonged  to  the  old  Whig  part\- 
and  was  true  to  the  |)rinciples  which  afterward  laid 
the  foundation  of  the  Republican  party.  The  pa- 
rental househohl  included  four  children,  the  eld- 
est of  whom,  a  daughter,  Susan  J.,  married  Jason 
B.  Sprague,  who  later  became  Captain  of  Company 
D,  29th  Illinois  Infantry,  and  was  killed  on  the 
battle-field  of  Sliiloh.  He  left  his  widow  with  six 
children — Sarah  A.,  Edgar  B.,  Thomas,  Wealthy 
A..  Charles  and  Mary,  ftlrs.  Sprague  died  in  La- 
bette County,  Kan.,  at  the  age  of  forty  years.  The 
second  daughter,  Elizabeth  A.,  married  Shirle\' 
Trotter,  became  the  motlier  of  three  children  and 
died  in  Wayne   County,  this  State;  Sally  F.  is    the 



widow  of  Fnincis  Robinson  and  resides  in  Wayne 
County-;  she  has  four  cliildren. 

The  subject  of  tliis  sketch  was  born  Jul}'  H. 
1833,  and  was  but  two  and  one-half  years  ok)  when 
brought  by  his  parents  to  Illinois.  Ilis  education 
was  confined  principally  to  his  own  liomc,  liis  fa- 
ther being  his  tutor,  although  he  attended  for  a 
short  time  the  subscription  schools  in  Kdgar 
Count}'.  There  he  made  the  acquaintance  of  his 
future  wife.  He  was  brought  up  on  a  farm  and 
after  leaving  Wayne  County  the  last  time  worked 
one  j'ear  in  a  briek-yard  and  subsequently  was  em- 
ployed the  same  length  of  time  on  a  farm.  Ho 
came  to  Georgetown  in  the  summer  of  1855  and 
entered  the  employ  of  I'ike  Sprague  for  a  term  of 
three  j'ears,  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  he  was 
married,  July  14,  1858,  to  Miss  Sar.ah  A.,  daughter 
of  Rev.  Patrick  and  Lurena  (Wilson)  Cowan. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Reid  were  from  Virginia 
whence  they  removed  to  Indiana  and  then  to  this 
State,  settling  finally  in  Edgar  County.  Their 
family  consisted  of  nine  children,  of  whom  Sarah 
A  .  was  next  to  the  youngest.  She  was  born  in 
Illinois,  .and  was  reared  in  Edgar  Countj';  her 
father  was  one  of  the  pioneer  preachers  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  Eastern  Illinois. 
Since  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reid  have  made 
their  home  in  Georgetown,  and  have  a  snug  resi- 
dence in  the  eastern  part  of  the  town.  In  later 
years  our  subject  turned  his  attention  to  carpenter- 
ing and  has  built  a  great  manj'  fine  residences  in 
and  about  Georgetown  besides  churches  and  school 
buildings.  He  put  up  the  academy  building  at 
X'crmilion  Grove  and  the  Friends'  churches  at 

Seven  children  came  to  bless  the  union  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Reid,  but  the  first-born  died  in  infancy. 
Rebecca  A.,  the  fourth  child,  died  at  the  age  of 
three  years;  Mary  L.,  Robert  J.,  James  F.,  Alex.  C. 
and  Luranah  are  the  survivors.  Miss  Mary  became 
tiie  wife  of  Enos  Campbell,  a  blacksmith  by  trade; 
they  live  in  Georgetown  and  are  the  jiarents  of  one 
child.  Robert  J.  is  a  telegraph  operator  and  sta- 
tion agent  of  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad  Company, 
at  H.iyes  City,  Kan.;  James  F.,  an  expert  mechanic 
and  builder,  is  in  the  employ  of  the  P.  E.  Lane 
Bridge  Company,  of    Chicago,  making  his    head- 

quarters at  Lincoln,  Neb.,  where  he  is  at  present 
superintending  the  construction  and  laying  of  the 
iron  works  on  one  of  the  public  buildings  of  Lin- 
coln. Alex,  has  charge  of  Mr.  Reid's  farm  of 
forty  acres  and  lives  .at  home.  Lur.anah  is  attend- 
ing school  .at  Georgetown,  being  a  rnombcr  of  the 
claiss  of  '91. 

Politically,  Mr.  Reid  is  a  strong  Republican  and 
in  full  sympathy  with  the  principles  advocated  by 
that  part}'.  He  has  held  the  olllce  of  Connnis.soner 
of  Ilighw.ays  with  great  credit  to  himself  for  the 
p.ast  nine  years.  He  has  been  School  'I'rustee  a 
number  of  3'ears  and  for  several  terms  has  occupied 
his  present  position  as  President  of  the  Village 
Bo.ard.  In  the  spring  of  1885  the  Democr.ats 
brought  forward  .an  opposition  candidate  for  Su- 
pervisor, but  notwithstanding  this  Mr.  Reid  was 
unanimously  elected  to  the  office.  He  has  served  as 
juryman  several  times  and  thus  has  made  himself 
useful  in  the  affairs  of  his  community,  whose  con- 
fidence and  esteem  he  enjo3's  in  a  marke<l  degree. 
Roth  he  and  Mrs.  Reid  are  nu'mbers  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  George- 
town.  Mr.  Reid  has  been  identified  with 
the  Masonic  fraternity  for  a  [jcriod  of  twenty  j'cars, 
belonging  to  Russell  Lodge  No.  154,  at  George- 
town, in  which  he  has  served  two  terms  as  Master 
and  is  now  Junior  Warden.  Personally  Mr.  Reid 
is  of  large  and  commanding  figure  with  a  counte- 
nance and  bearing  highly  indicative  of  his  true 
ehar.acter — that  of  an  honest  man  and  a  gentleman. 


IIARLES  F.  GRAY.  Prominent  among 
the  manufacturers  of  Vermilion  County 
_^)  and  a  leading  citizen  of  Sidell,  is  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice  who  hiis  been  known  to  the 
people  of  this  region  since  bis  boyhood,  having 
grown  up  among  them,  being  the  scm  of  one  of  the 
earliest  settlers  of  Sidell  Township.  His  specialty 
is  the  manufacture  of  tile  and  brick,  in  connection 
with  which  he  a  $15,000  plant  and  gives  em- 
ployment to  a  large  number  of  men.  In  .addition 
to  being  a  young  man  of  more  than  ordinary  busi- 
ness  ability,   he  is   of  that   generous   and    genial 



temperanieiit  by  which  he  makes  friends  wherever 
lie  goes  and  is  highly  esteemed,  not  only  by  his 
compeers,  but  by  his  subordinates.  Hh  aim  in 
dealing  with  his  employes  is  to  be  not  only  just. 
but  generous.  In  appearance  he  would  attract  at- 
tention most  any  where,  being  portly  and  robust, 
wiiile  his  high  sense  of  honor  shines  out  tiirough 
his  expressive  countenance  and  is  at  once  a  pass- 
port to  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  his  fellowmen. 
llis  business  affairs  neoessarily  demand  much  time 
and  attention,  but  these  have  not  prevented  him 
from  taking  a  warm  interest  in  the  enterprises  set 
on  foot  for  the  good  of  his  community. 

In  glancing  at  the  antecedents  of  Mr.  Gra}'  we 
find  that  his  father,  Harvey  M.,  was  born  near  Mid- 
dletown,  in  Butler  County.  Ohio,  and  was  the  son 
of  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Hamilton  Count}', 
Ohio,  Lewis  Gray,  who  located  as  early  as  1800  near 
the  present  site  of  Cincinnati  and  established  the  first 
cooper  shop  in  that  place.  He  finally  liecame  a 
contractor  on  the  Big  Miami  Canal  and  accumu- 
lated a  large  proi>crly,  operating  both  a  mill  and  a 
distillery.  During  the  panic  of  18.37  he  lost  nearly 
the  whole  of  his  property,  but  finally  regained 
p.artially  his  financial  standing  and  spent  his  last 
days  surrounded  by  the  comforts  of  life.  He  died 
in  1  8.") G  at  the  age  of  seventy-five  j-ears  at  Jeffer- 
son, Clinton  Co.,  Ind.,  where  he  had  owned  and 
conducted  a  hotel.  He  was  a  native  of  New  .Jersey 
an<l  of  iMiglish  ancescry.  The  great-grandfather 
of  our  subject  lived  to  be  ninety-six  years  old. 

Mrs.  Susan  (Ilarman)  Gray,  the  mother  of  our 
subject  born  in  Warren  County,  Ohio,  and  is 
still  living,  being  now  a  lady  of  sixty  years.  Her 
parents  were  Samuel  and  Mary  (Anderson)  Ilar- 
man, the  former  a  native  of  Virginia  and  whose 
parents  were  born  in  Germany.  The  m.aternal 
grandmother  of  our  subject  was  born  in  New  .ler- 
sey  and  was  of  Scotch  descent.  Upon  their  re- 
moval to  Ohio  the  Ilarmans  settled  near  what  was 
then  Lebanon  and  engaged  in  farming  pursuits, 
and  there  the  childhood  and  youth  of  ]Mrs.  Gray 
\' ere  spent  until  her  marriage,  which  occurreil  when 
she  was  a  maiden  of  seventeen. 

The  p.'irents  of  our  subject  after  their  marriage 
loaded  up  their  wordly  effects  and  started  overland 
for  Clinton  County,  Ohio,  where  Air.  Gray  with  his 

father  had  l)ecome  the  proprietor  of  a  cooper  shop 
at  .Jefferson.  Father  and  son  prosecuted  coop- 
ing in  the  winter  and  carpentering  in  the  summer 
for  eleven  years,  and  at  the  expiration  of  this  time 
Harvey  Gray  decided  to  strike  out  for  the  farther 
West,  liy  this  time  the  household  included  six 
eliildren  and  he  was  desirous  of  acquiring  more 
land,  also  in  hopes  to  regain  his  failing  health  by  a 
cliange  of  climate.  Upon  their  arrival  in  this 
county  they  unloaded  their  goods  directly  west  of 
the  present  site  of  Symmes'  burying  ground,  and 
Mrs.  Gray  witnessed  the  first  burial  there  in  the  fall 
following.  They  only  staid  there  one  year,  then 
removed  to  what  has  now  for  man\'  years  been 
familiarly  known  to  tlie  people  of  this  region  as 
the  Gray  homestead. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  an  important  mem- 
ber of  the  pioneer  community  and  aided  largely  in 
ft)rwarding  the  enterprises  leading  to  its  advance- 
ment. Politically,  he  was  a  strong  AVhig  and  cast 
his  first  vole  for  Gen.  Harrison  in  1840.  He  was 
a  man  of  progressive  ideas  and  in  religion  was  a 
Universalist.  He  took  particular  interest  in  the 
establishment  of  schools,  and  carried  out  his  idea 
of  Christianity  Ijy  assisting  those  in  need  immedi- 
ately around  him.  Many  a  poor  man  was  fed  from 
his  table  and  received  the  assistance  and  advice 
most  needed.  In  his  family  he  was  reniarkal)ly 
kind  and  indulgent,  a  lover  of  home  who  found 
his  highest  enjoyment  there.  He  improved  a  good 
farm  of  160  acres  and  left  his  family  in  comfort- 
able circumstances  at  the  time  of  his  death,  which 
occurred  in  1866. 

After  the  death  of  her  husband  Mrs.  Gray  dis- 
played remarkaljly  good  judgment  in  the  manage- 
ment of  her  family  and  her  [jroperty,  giving  toiler 
cbildrcn  a  good  practical  education  and  training 
them  to  habits  of  industry  and  sentiments  of 
honor.  She  is  a  bright,  intelligent  and  well-pre- 
served lady,  with  an  attractive  countenance,  sug- 
gestive of  much  l)eauty  in  younger  years,  and  her 
heart  has  never  grown  old.  The  record  of  her 
twelve  children  is  as  follows:  Samuel  who  married 
Miss  Loah  Harman,  is  occui)ying  a  part  of  the 
homestead  and  is  the  father  of  five  children; 
Martha  A.  married  (i.  M.  Spry,  of  Sidell,  a  sketch 
of  whom   appears  elsewhere  in  this  work;  Hannah 



M.  became  the  wife  of  Osear  Milfliell  and  died 
leaving  two  cliildren,  Ilaivey  and  Birdie;  Sarah 
F.  is  junior  partner  of  the  liiin  of  V.  F.  &  S.  F. 
Cvay  and  presides  over  the  domestic  affairs  of  her 
lirother  Charles;  Ida  E.  is  the  wife  of  George  T. 
Mason  of  Areola,  III.,  and  they  have  four  children. 
.Mr.  ^L■lson  is  assi>ciated  with  Chapman  ]5ros.,  pul)- 
lishers  of  this  work.  Emma  M.  was  first  married  to 
Flenry  Siiear  wlio  was  killed  in  a  well;  her  present 
husband  is  J.  R.  Morrison  and  they  live  on  a  farm 
near  Sidell;  they  have  one  child.  Laura  married  fS. 
\V.  liaird,  a  farmer  near  Indianola,  and  the}'  have 
one  chiUl;  Frank  married  Miss  Lilly  Ilarman  and 
resides  in  Sidell;  Lewis  M.  died  when  a  iironiising 
youth  of  nineteen  years:  Alliert  at  the  same  age 
and  Harvey  when  three  weeks  old. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  Feb.  11, 
185'.).  at  the  homestead  where  he  si)eMthis  boyhood, 
remaining  on  the  farm  until  twentj'-four  ^-ears  old. 
He  then  became  interested  iu  the  tile  business  at 
Sidell,  which  enterprise  was  first  inaugurated  by 
his  brother,  Samuel  Gray,  backed  by  John  Sidell 
and  operated  under  the  firm  name  of  S.  Gray  & 
Co.  In  1883  it  was  merged  intoGr.a}'  Bros.  The 
first  buildings  were  put  up  in  the  fall  of  1882,  but 
in  .luly  1,  1884  a  cyclone  tore  the  building  to 
pieces  and  the  ^5,000  plant  was  destroyed  in  less 
time  than  it  takes  to  write  of  it.  The  property- 
was  then  sold  under  a  mortgage  and  purchased  by 
Miss  Sarah  Gr.ay  and  managed  Ity  our  subject 
for  two  years,  at  the  end  of  which  lime  the  indebt- 
edness was  all  paid  and  the  firm  became  C.  F.  &  S. 
F.  Gray. 

Mr.  Gray  has  given  his  whole  time  and  attention 
to  his  present  business  since  becoming  part  proprie- 
tor, and  as  a  result  of  his  enterprise  the  town  of 
Sidell  boasts  of  the  best  tile  factory  in  Eastern 
Illinois.  He  added  to  it  the  manufacture  of  brick 
in  the  spring  of  1888.  He  gives  employment  to 
about  twenty-three  men  and  enjoys  an  extensive 
patronage  throughout  the  county.  The  kilns  and 
the  drying-room  machinery  are  models  in  their 
way,  and  constructed  after  the  most  approved  pat- 
terns. The  works  turn  out  about  150  miles  of 
tiling  annually,  running  winter  and  summer.  The 
brick  business  is  in  its  infancy,  but  there  is  every 
prospect    of    its   complete   success.      A    railroad 

switch  has  been  made  by  Mr.  Gray  so  that  he  has 
shipping  facilities  over  two  roads,  the  Chicago  & 
EastRrn  Illinois  and  the  Chicago  &  Ohio  River. 

Although  the  pcrson.'d  interests  of  Mr.  Gray 
necessaril}'  occupy  a  large  portion  of  his  time  and 
attention,  he  is  found  always  willing  to  put  his 
shoulder  to  the  wheel  in  support  of  the  enterprises 
calculated  to  promote  the  interests  of  Sidell  and 
vicinity,  lie  was  one  of  the  leading  men  in  the 
erection  of  the  elegant  new  lirick  school  building 
and  has  been  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors 
for  the  past  four  years.  He  belongs  to  the  ISajjlist 
Church  of  Palermo,  and  is  a  Trustee  and  Treasurer 
of  the  new  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  Sidell 
which  has  the  finest  church  edifice  in  the  count}'  out- 
side of  Danville.  He  served  as  Town  Clerk  one  yer.r 
and  in  the  spring  of  1889  was  the  candidate  of  his 
party  for  Supervisor,  but  his  ticket  being  in  the 
minority,  he  was  defeated.  Socially,  he  is  an 
.active  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  Peace  Dale,  No. 
•225,  in  which  he  has  filled  all  the  chairs.  He  also 
belongs  to  the  Encam|)racnt  at  Homer.  He  is 
likewise  identified  with  the  new  Masonic  lodge  at 
Indianola  iu  which  he  takes  much  interest.  Of 
strictly  temperance  principles,  he  is  a  charter  mem- 
ber of  the  lodge  in  Sidell,  and  is  a  man  upon 
whom  is  naturally  conferred  many  positions  of 
trust  and  responsibility.  As  the  appointed  agent 
of  the  iSidell  heirs  he  is  looking  after  this  property 
with  that  conscientious  fidelity  to  duty  which  has 
marked  all  his  transactions,  and  given  him  a  posi- 
tion as  a  business  man  and  a  citizen  second  to  none 
in  his  county. 

ON.    JACOB    H.  OAKWOOD,  a    man   of 

»^  much  prominence  in  public  life  in  Vermilion 
County,  who  is  connected  with  its  agricul- 
v;;  tural  interests,  owning  and  managing  a  val- 
uable farm  on  section  33,  Callin  Township,  is  the 
representative  of  a  leading  and  well-known  [lioneer 
family  of  this  county  whose  record  is  inteiwoven 
with  its  early  history.  His  parents  came  here  in 
the  early  days  of  settlement,  and  the  father  being 
a  man  of   more  than  ordinary  ability    and   under- 



standing,  though  entirely  a  self-made  and  self-edu- 
cated man,  soon  became  very  influential  in  tlie 
adraiuistration  of  public  affairs,  and  was  often 
souglit  out  for  advice  and  counsel.  Oakwood 
Township,  where  he  located,  was  named  in  his 
honor,  and  during  his  life  he  was  instrumental  in 
advancing  its  growth. 

The  t).ikwood  family  originally  came  from  Ger- 
manj',  but  so  long  ago  that  all  record  of  their 
arrival  in  this  country  has  ))een  lost.  They  were  a 
thrifty,  enterprising,  well-to-do  people,  and  have 
been  land  owncre  and  home  owners  from  their  ear- 
liest known  history.  They  settled  in  Virginia  in 
■  colonial  times,  and  the  first  member  of  the  family 
of  whom  personal  mention  is  made  is  the  grand- 
father of  our  subject,  who  owned  400  acres  of  laud 
in  the  Old  Dominion  near  the  town  of  Abingdon 
and  close  to  the  Tennessee  line.  He  died  when 
the  father  of  our  subject  quite  young,  leaving  a 
widow,  one  son,  and  three  daughters.  One  of  his 
daughters  married  the  late  Jacob  IIickn)an,  whose 
family  reside  in  this  county.  Another  married 
Peter  Hickman,  who  died,  leaving  two  sons  who 
settled  in  Missouri.  The  other  daughter  married 
a  Mr.  ]\IcCracken  and  remained  in  Tennessee.  The 
grandmother  of  our  subject  married  again,  becom- 
ing the  wife  of  Peter  Hickman,  who  owned  800 
acres  of  land,  lying  partly  in  Virginia  and  partly 
in  Tennessee,  a  part  of  the  dwelling  house  being 
in  each  State.  The  grandmother  is  said  to  have 
been  a  woman  of  many  good  qualities,  and  her 
step-children  lauded  her  very  highlj',  saying  that 
she  was  the  best  woman  in  the  world,  a  praise  not 
often  given  to  step-mothers. 

Henry  Oakwood,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  either  in  Virginia  or  Tennessee,  probably  on 
the  line  between  those  States,  and  there  he  was 
reared  to  a  vigorous  manhood,  remai]iing  at  home 
till  he  was  twenty  or  twenty-one  years  of  age, 
when,  animated  by  the  spirit  of  liis  pioneer  sires, 
he  sought  to  build  a  home  for  himself  in  the  wilds 
of  the  more  recently  settled  State  of  Ohio,  and 
thus  became  an  early  settler  of  Brown  County. 
He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  took 
an  active  part  in  the  battle  in  which  the  famous 
Indian  chief,  Tecuraseh,  was  killed.  He  married 
Margaret  Remley,  who  was  probably  born  in  Green 

County,  Pa.,  their  marriage  taking  place  in  Bracken 
County,  K3'.,  and  they  settled  in  Brown  County, 
Ohio,  on  land  which  he  had  previously  bought, 
and  there  he  was  busily  engaged  at  his  occupation 
of  farming.  In  Octol)er.  1833,  he  and  his  wife 
with  their  nine  cliildreu  came  to  Vermilion  County, 
111.,  and  located  in  what  is  now  Oakwood  Town- 
sltip  the  following  spring,  ))eing  among  its  earliest 
pioneers,  and  the  township  was  subsequently  named 
in  his  honor.  Although  lie  attended  school  but 
six  weeks  in  his  life,  Henry  Oakwood  was  fairly 
well  educated  for  the  times,  his  vigorous  intellect 
compens.ating  him  for  the  lack  of  educational  ad- 
vantages, and  being  a  man  of  keen  vision,  and 
well  balanced  mind,  well  dowered  with  firmness, 
activity  and  enterprise,  he  became  a  conspicuous 
figure  in  the  public  life  of  the  township  and  county, 
and  bore  an  honorable  part  in  their  government, 
holding  many  olHces  within  the  gift  of  his  fellow- 
citizens,  serving  as  County  Commissioner,  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  etc.  His  death  in  1855  was  consid- 
ered a  serious  blow  to  the  interests  of  the  commun- 
ity where  he  had  made  his  home  for  more  than 
twenty  years,  and  his  memory  is  still  held  in  honor 
as  that  of  a  noble  man,  a  leading  pioneer,  and  a 
good  citizen.  His  wife,  who  was  in  every  way 
worthy  of  such  a  husband,  survived  him  till  1877, 
when  she  too  passed  away  in  Oakwood  Township. 
Of  their  family  of  nine  children,  six  sons  and 
three  daughters,  all  were  born  in  Brown  County, 
Ohio,  and  all  lived  to  maturity. 

Jacob  H.  Oakwood,  the  subject  of  this  biograph- 
ical review,  was  their  eighth  child,  and  he  was 
born  Nov.  18,  1828.  He  was  about  five  years  old 
when  he  came  with  his  parents  to  Vermilion  County, 
and  he  has  always  made  his  home  here  since  that 
time.  He  was  reared  to  manhood  in  Oakwood 
Township,  receiving  such  educational  advauta"es 
as  were  afforded  to  the  youth  of  his  day.  In  1 857 
he  estalilished  himself  in  the  mercantile  business  in 
Catlin  Village,  and  was  suecessfull3'  engaged  that 
and  the  following  year,  and  in  the  years  1862, 1863. 
Aside  from  that  he  has  given  his  attention  entirely 
to  agricultural  pursuits  and  stock  raising.  He  has 
a  farm  of  132  acres,  which  is  well  stocked,  and  in 
point  of  cultivation  and  improvements  is  ecjual  to 
the  other  farms  in  the  vicinity.     Here  he  and   his 



family  liave  an  attractive  lioiiie,  nuat  in  its  ap- 
pointments, anil  replete  witli  al!  the  comforts  that 
enhance  the  pleasnre  of  livini^. 

Mr.  Oakwood  has  been  twice  marrieiL  To  tlie 
wife  of  his  early  manhood,  whose  maiden  name  was 
Isalieila  Caraway,  he  was  united  in  marriage  in 
Catliii  Townsiiip,  Feb.  13,  1S5L  Siie  was  a  (hiugliter 
of  diaries  and  I'^lizahetli  (McCoricU?)  Caraway,  wlio 
died  in  Catlin  Township,  of  whicli  they  were  early 
pioneers.  She  was  a  native  of  this  townsiiip.  born 
Nov.  27,  1834,  and  here  her  life  closed  Feb.  15, 
1H82,  two  days  after  the  anniversary  of  her  wed- 
ding that  had  occurred  thirty-one  years  before. 
Of  her  happ3'  married  life  with  our  subject  eight 
children  were  born,  as  follows:  ALiry  E.  died  Oct. 
8,  1861,  aged  fourteen  years;  Charles  II.  married 
Dora  Smith  of  Georgetown  Township;  (icorge  \Y. 
married  Isabella  Graves;  Franklin  died  in  infancy; 
Knima  .1.  is  the  wife  of  L.  W.  Jeflfres;  two  children 
who  died  in  infancy';  Anna,  living  at  home  with 
her  father.  Mr.  Oak  wood  was  married  to  his  iires- 
ent  estimable  wife,  formerly  Mrs.  Rosanna(Coleman) 
Alexander,  widow  of  the  late  .T.  J.  Alexandei',  in 
Danville,  111.,  May  1,  1884. 

Our  subject  bears  worthily  the  mantle  of  his 
honore<lsire,  and  since  the  latter's  deftth  has  seemed 
to  fill  his  place,  and  has  had  a  distinguished  public 
career.  His  fellow-citizens  have  twice  called  him 
to  one  of  tlie  highest  offices  within  their  gift,  that 
of  State  He|)resentative,  being  elected  as  the  candi- 
date of  the  Republican  party,  and  his  course  as  a 
legislator  marked  him  as  a  wise  and  ellicient  states- 
man, who  looked  carefully  after  the  interests  of 
his  State  and  county,  lie  was  first  elected  to  the 
General  Assembly  of  Illinois  in  the  fall  of  1872. 
and  served  one  term,  and  in  the  fall  of  1876  he 
was  again  elected  as  a  member  of  that  honorable 
body.  During  his  second  term  occurred  the 
memorable  contest  for  the  I'nited  Slates  Senator- 
shi})  between  Gen.  John  A.  Logan  and  .ludge  David 
Davis.  Mr.  Oakwood  has  filled  several  of  the 
local  offices  verj'  accei)tabl3-,  such  as  Township 
Cleik,  Justice  of  the  Pe.ace,  etc.  He  has  taken  a 
prominent  jiart  in  the  movement  to  deepc^i  the  in- 
terest in  agriculture,  to  advance  its  growth,  and  to 
promote  the  study  of  the  best  methods  of  conduct- 
ing it  profitably,  first  in  his  position  as  Secrctarj' 

of  the  Society-  of  \'ermilion  County 
for  five  years,  and  then  as  President  of  tliat  organ- 
ization, which  position  he  filled  ably  and  intelli- 
gentlj'  for  the  long  term  of  twenty  years.  He  is 
identified  with  the  A.  F.  it  A.  M.  as  a  member  of 
Catlin  Lodge,  No.  285.  He  is  a  public  spirited 
man  in  the  truest  sense  of  the  term,  has  the  dearest 
interests  of  his  county  and  township  at  heart,  and 
never  neglects  an  oi)portunily  t(;  promote  their 
welfare  in  eveiT  way  [)ossihU'.  His  personal  char- 
acter is  irreproMchalile  both  in  public  and  in  private 
life,  and  he  is  ever  courteous,  coiisidciate.and  affa- 
ble in  his  intercourse  witli  all,  and  is  held  in  high 
regard  by  the  entire  coranuinity. 

P=,a;RANK  V.  BARNKTT,  one  of  the  leading 
builders  and  contractors  of  Indianola,  and 
a  very  rapid  anti  efficient  workman,  has  left 
the  marks  of  his  skill  upon  some  of  the  most  im- 
portant buildings  in  this  part  of  the  county. 
Among  them  are  the  extensive  steam  grain  eleva- 
tors at  Sidell  and  Broadlands,  the  largest  structures 
of  their  kind  on  the  Chicago  and  Eastern  Illinois 
Railroad,  one  having  a  storage  ca[)acit3'  of  65,000 
bushels,  and  a  loading  capacity  of  one  car  in  twenty 
minutes.  Both  are  fitted  u[)  with  the  latest  and 
most  improved  machineiv,  the  placing  of  whicli 
was  superintended  by  Mr.  Barnctt,  he  setting  the 
engines  and  locating  the  boilers.  He  takes  i)ride 
in  his  business  and  has  always  aimed  to  excel.  It 
must  be  admitted,  he  has  come  vi'r\  ne:ir  the  rea- 
lization of  his  hopes. 

A  native  of  Niciiolas  County,  Ky.,  our  subject  born  within  two  miles  of  the  celebrated  Blue 
Lick  Sijrings,  whose  name  is  contemporary'  with 
that  of  the  Indian  hunter.  Daniel  Boone.  His  fa- 
ther, Ambrose  Barnett,  was  the  son  of  John  T. 
Barnctt,  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  the  Blue 
Grass  State.  The  great-grandfather,  John  Barnett, 
was  a  native  of  Maryland  and  a  noted  frontiers- 
man, conspicuous  for  his  bravery  and  daring,  and 
who  bore  a  wounti  received  at  Fort  Meigs.  Indeed 
the  whole  familj-  were   prominent  in    the   govern- 



mental  affairs  of  Kentuclv\',  at  a  time  when  tlie  set- 
tlers were  seldom  ever  secure  from  the  ravages  of 
tlie  Indians,  and  tlie  agitation  following  the  out- 
break of  the  Revolutionar}'  War. 

In  1855  the  father  of  our  subject  emigrated 
from  his  native  State  to  Illinois,  settling  near  Paris, 
in  Edgar  Count}'.  In  18G3  he  changed  his  resi- 
dence to  this  count>',  locating  on  a  tr.act  of  land  in 
Carroll  Townshii),  where  he  labored  as  a  car|>enter 
and  joiner,  and  departed  this  life  in  1874,  at  the 
age  of  sixty-three  years.  The  men  of  the  Barnett 
family,  as  far  back  as  the  records  go,  were  cele- 
brated for  their  mechanical  genius,  being  able  to 
handle  edged  tools  of  all  kinds,  and  to  construct 
nearly  everything  required  in  those  d.ays.  The 
motlier  of  our  subject  survived  her  husband  a  num- 
ber of  years,  dying  in  1882,  at  the  age  of  sixt}'- 
nine.  The  household  circle  was  completed  by  the 
birth  of  six  children,  of  whom  the  record  is  as  fol- 
lows: Frank  V.,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest  of  the 
family;  Elizabeth  J.  became  the  wife  of  Robert 
Anderson,  and  lives  in  Western;  Nancy 
married  William  Spiccr,  and  lives  near  George- 
town, 111.;  Mary  A.  is  the  wife  of  Tillman  Smink, 
a  farmer  of  Sidell  Township;  John  died  in  cliild- 
hood  at  Paris.  Edgar  County;  James  A.  is  a 
carpenter  and  blacksmith  combined,  .and  liv(!S  in 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  born  Aug.  30. 
1845,  and  studied  his  first  lessons  in  the  public 
school  at  May's  Lick  in  Kentucky.  He  was  a  boy 
of  ten  years  when  the  family  came  to  Illinois,  and 
distinctly  remembei's  many  of  the  incidents  con- 
nected with  the  journey,  and  that  they  were  among 
the  first  travelers  over  the  new  thoroughfare,  as  the  Terre  Haute.  Alton  &  St.  Louis  Rail- 
road, now  the  ''Bee"  or  tiie  Indianapolis  &  St. 
Louis  line.  He  enjoyed  the  journey  immensely, 
and  at  its  end  made  himself  useful  in  the  building 
up  of  the  new  homestead.  Along  with  the  hard 
work  there  also  came  much  pleasure  and  recrea- 
tion, and  young  Barnett  being  very  skillful  with 
his  rifle  was  recognized  as  one  of  the  most  expea't 
hunters  of  his  neighborhood,  bringing  down  manj- 
fine  specimens  of  deer,  wild  turkey  and  other 

During  those  times  also  our  subject  assisted  in 

the  plowing,  the  sowing  of  crops  and  the  harvest, 
besides  working  with  his  father  at  the  trade  of  a  car- 
penter. His  education  was  obtained  mostly  during 
the  short  sessions  of  the  winter  school.  In  Feb- 
ruar}',  1865,  the  Civil  War  being  in  progress,  he 
entered  the  ranks  of  the  LTnion  Army  as  a  member 
of  Company  E,  150th  Illinois  Infantry,  which  went 
into  Cam|)  liutler  to  drill,  and  from  there  jour- 
neyed south,  where  the  regiment  was  held  as  a  re- 
serve at  Bridgeport,  AI.i.,  Cleveland,  Tenn.,  Daltfm. 
Atlanta  and  Griffin,  Ga.  Not  long  afterward  fol- 
lowed the  surrenrler  of  the  Confederate  forces,  and 
our  subject  received  his  linal  discharge  without 
being  required  to  participate  in  any  active  engage- 
ment. He  was  blessed  usually  with  good  health, 
never  absent  at  roll  call,  never  in  a  hospital,  and 
never  reprimanded  for  any  misdemeanor. 

After  leaving  the  army  our  suliject  resumed  the 
peacefid  pursuits  of  farm  life  one  .year,  then  began 
to  work  with  a  ditching  machine  in  Edgar  and 
Vermilion  counties,  and  v\as  thus  occupied  four 
j'ears.  In  1869  he  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Isabel,  daughter  of  John  Stark,  one  of  \'er- 
milion  County's  earliest  pioneers.  This  union  has 
resulted  in  the  birtii  of  seven  children,  namely : 
Carrie  E.;Sissie,  who  died  in  infancy;  Ella  and 
John,  twins,  both  of  whom  died  in  infancy;  Will- 
iam, also  deceased  in  infancy;  Melissa  and  Ru villa. 

Mr.  Barnett  has  never  had  any  weakness  for  of- 
ficial preferment,  although  he  has  his  political  pref- 
erences, which  may  be  guessed  at  from  the  fact 
that  he  is  best  known  in  political  circles  as  "the 
Democratic  pole-raiser."  At  this  business  he  has 
proved  himself  an  expert,  raising  liberty  poles  at 
Ridge  Farm,  Indianola,  Palermo,  Catlin.  George- 
town, Hume  and  other  pl.aces.  In  addition  to  the 
structures  already  mentioned  be  superintended 
the  erection  of  school-bouses  at  Indianola  and  Si- 
dell, besides  other  important  structures  in  different 
parts  of  the  county. 

Socially,  IMr.  Barnett  was  Master  of  Lodge  No. 
265,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  in  1883-4-5  at  Indianola.  and 
has  filled  all  the  other  offices  of  the  lodge.  He  has 
represented  it  three  times  in  the  Grand  Lodge  at 
Chicago,  and  is  a  warm  advocate  of  the  principles 
of  the  brotherhood.  In  business  and  social  circles 
be  is  a  general  favorite,  being  recognized  as  a  man 



prompt   to    meet    his  obligations,  and    one  whose 
word  is  considered  as  good  :is  his  Ixind. 

^  I^ILLIAM  VEST  WINTERS.  We  find  this 
\/\l//  geiitleiiuin  in'ssion  of  one  of  the  most 
^^^  attractive  homesteads  in  this  county,  located 
in  the  northwest  corner  of  Sidcll  Township.  Mis 
farm  is  very  valuable,  under  a  high  state  of  culti- 
vation, and  euiliellishod  with  a  commodious  two- 
story  frame  residence  set  in  the  midst  of  a  well- 
kept  lawn,  surrounded  by  handsome  evergreens  and 
other  shade  trees.  We  present  on  another  page  a 
tine  view  of  this  i)leasant  home  with  its  lovely  sur- 
roundings. A  fine  apple  oreliard  adjacent  and  the 
well  regulated  outbuildings,  are  suggestive  of  the 
l)lenty  and  comfort  which  is  one  of  the  leading- 
features  in  connection  with  this  home,  built  up  by 
one  of  the  leading  men  of  his  township. 

Mr.  Winters  is  a  man  of  large  experience  and 
great  intelligence,  of  fine  personal,  appearance  and 
unlimited  hospitalit}'.  He  is  a  very  strong  Repub- 
lican, politically,  is  fond  of  reading  and  study,  and 
in  his  home  are  all  the  evidences  of  refined  tastes 
— music,  literature  and  the  embellishments  of 
modern  art.  The  family  is  universally  popular, 
and  occupies  an  enviable  position  among  the  intel- 
ligent people  of  this  region. 

A  native  of  Indiana,  our  subject  was  born  Aug. 
19,  1824,  in  Washington  County,  twelve  miles 
south  of  Salem.  He  grew  up  on  a  farm  and  acquired 
his  early  education  in  the  subscription  schools.  Ik- 
first  visited  Illinois  when  a  youth  of  nineteen  or 
twenty  years,  but  remained  a  member  of  the  pa- 
rental household  until  his  marriage.  This  most 
interesting  event  in  his  life  occurred  on  the  27lii 
of  March,  1847,  the  bride  being  Miss  Nancy, 
daughter  of  John  and  Betsey  Hepburn. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Winters  set- 
tled on  a  farm  in  Carroll  County,  this  State,  where 
they  sojourned  for  a  period  of  fifteen  years.  Then, 
in  1 868,  they  moved  back  to  Vermillion  County, 
Ind.  In  1872  they  came  to  this  county,  and  for 
.seven  years  thereafter  made  their  home  in  Ross- 
ville,  after  which  they   removed  to  their  present 

farm,  which  comprises  160  acres  of  choice  land 
and  which,  with  its  appurtenances,  constitutes  one 
of  the  most  desirable  estates  in  this  |)art  of  the 

Nine  children  canu'  to  bless  the  union  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Winters,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son.  Will- 
iam, married  Miss  Martha  Cosy  and  lives  on  a  farm 
in  Beadle  County,  Dak.;  liiey  have  eleven  children. 
Klizabeth  is  the  wife  of  1!.  W.  Macklin,  who  served 
tlirough  the  entire  Civil  War,  and  is  now  farming 
in  Champaign  County;  they  have  six  children. 
Hannah  is  the  wife  of  Mr.  Harvey  Thompson, 
also  of  Beadle  County,  Dak.,  and  they  have  five 
children.  John,  a  tinner  by  trade,  resides  in  Huron, 
Beadle  Co.,  Dak.;  he  married  Miss  Laura,  daughter 
of  Dr.  Steele  of  Indiana,  and  they  iiave  two  chil- 
dren; Martin  married  a  jMLss  Braden  and  died, 
leaving  his  widow  with  two  little  girls;  James 
married  Miss  Rosa  Edwards,  and  is  farming  in 
Sidell  Township;  David  married  Miss  Ottie  Cus- 
ter, and  lives  at  the  homestead;  they  iiave  two 
cliildren;  ]\Iary  is  the  wife  of  Joseph  'J'attraan  of 
Sidell  Township,  and  has  charge  of  the  homestead; 
Miranda,  the  youngest,  is  unmarried  and  remains 
with  her  parents. 

In  religious  matters  our  subject  and  his  excellent 
wife  believe  in  .an  inspired  religion,  and  Mr.  Win- 
ters has  always  been  the  friend  of  education,  doing 
whatever  lay  in  his  power  to  assist  in  the  mainten- 
ance and  establishment  of  schools  in  his  townshij), 
and  has  otcupied  the  unsalaried  ollice  of  Director 
several  terms. 

In  connection  with  his  farming  o|)erati()ns;  Mr. 
Winters  has  followed  threshing  for  the  last  twenty- 
five  years,  and  thereby  has  added  a  smig  little  sum 
to  his  annual  income.  In  this  he  is  associated  with 
Benjamin  Macklin  and  Samuel  Crow,  and  the  three 
are  accounted  as  among  the  leading  men  following 
this  business  in  Vern\ilion  and  C'hanipaign  counties. 
The}'  have  a  complete  Rumley  steam  threshing 
outfit,  which  does  beautiful  and  expeditious  work. 

The  offspring  of  a  good  fandly.our  subject  is 
the  son  of  Timothy  and  Jane  (Scritchfield)  Win- 
ters, who  were  natives  respectively  of  New  York 
and  Pennsylvania.  They  were  married  in  Wash- 
ington County,  Ind.  The  father  made  farming  his 
principal  occupation,  although    he  also  operated  as 



a  pilot  on  tlie  Wliite  River,  durinj?  wliicli  time  lie 
landed  many  a  cargo  safely  at  its  desliiialiun.  He 
served  in  the  War  of  1812  and  spent  his  last  days 
in  Indiana,  dying  in  the  prime  of  life.  The  mother 
survived  her  hnsl)and  only  one  year,  her  death 
taking  place  when  she  was  between  thirty-five  and 
forty  years  of  age.  She  was  the  second  wife  of 
Mr.  Winters  and  the  mother  of  seven  children,  viz: 
Margaret,  William  V.,  our  subject,  Clinton  and 
Alexander,  who  died  in  infancy,  Mary,  Sarah  and 
McAUen.  Of  his  first  marriage  there  had  been 
born  six  children. 


ELIM  ().  I.ALL.  This  gentleman,  a  vet- 
eran of  the  late  war  in  which  he  did  gal- 
lant service  for  his  country,  is  a  fine 
representative  of  the  shrewd  and  energetic 
mcml)ers  of  the  farming  community  of  Pilot  Town- 
ship, who  are  prominent  factors  in  ujjholding  its 
material  prosperity,  and  are  among  its  most  intelli- 
gent and  public-spirited  civic  officials.  He  is 
prosperously  engaged  in  mixed  husbandry,  raising 
grain  and  rearing  stock,  and  his  farm  on  section 
36  is  under  a  fine  state  of  cultivation,  and  is  pro- 
vided with  a  neat  and  tasl3'  set  of  buildings,  in- 
chuling  a  commodious  and  well-built  residence  and 
a  substantial,  roomy  barn,  wtih  all  the  needful  ma- 
chinery for  lightening  its  labors. 

Mr.  Ball  comes  of  sterling  ancestr}',  and  was 
burn  in  West  Bloomfield,  Essex  Co.,  N.  J.,  Oct. 
5,  1834.  His  father,  Moses  l>all  was  born  in  the 
same  county  in  the  month  of  July,  1801,  and  lived 
in  the  place  of  his  birth  till  the  year  1837,  actively 
engaged  at  his  trade  as  a  mechanic,  and  then  re- 
moved to  Fayette  County,  Ohio,  with  his  family, 
and  is  still  living  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty- 
eight  years,  respected  and  esteemed  as  a  man  of 
upright  character,  whose  long  life  has  been  a 
worthy  one.  The  good  wife  who  walked  hand  in 
hand  with  him  through  so  man}'  years  of  his  life, 
numbering  more  than  half  a  century,  passed  away 
in  April,  1884.  Her  maiden  name  was  Jane  Camp- 
bell, and  she  was,  like  himself,  a  native  of  Essex 
County,  N.  J.     She    was   of  Scotch    lineage,  and 

among  her  ancestry  were  the  founders  of  the  city 
of  Newark,  N.  J.  To  her  and  her  husband  were 
born  eight  children,  six  of  whom  grew  to  maturity. 
John  C.,  deceased,  married  Annie  Davidson,  of 
Madison  County,  Ohio,  now  living  in  Nebraska, 
and  they  five  children;  Sarah  is  a  retired 
school  teacher,  making  her  home  in  Ohio;  Isaac 
has  been  twice  married,  his  first  wife  was  Miss 
Stitt  of  Ohio,  and  they  had  two  children;  after  her 
death  he  married  Mary  Trimble,  of  Johnson 
County,  Mo.,  where  he  is  engaged  in  farming,  and 
they  have  four  children.  Theodore,  living  in 
Bloomsburg,  Ohio,  married  Helen  Friend,  of  that 
Stale,  and  they  have  six  children;  Ilattie  married 
Mr.  Allison,  of  \'crmilion  County,  III.,  formerly 
of  Terre  Haute,  Ind  ,  now  a  merchant  in  Cham- 
paign County,  III.,  and  they  have  two  children; 
Scott,  a  farmer  in  Colorado,  married  a  Bliss  Lara- 
more  of  Ohio,  and  they  have  three  children;  Mary 
and  A\illiam  dieil  in  infancy. 

Selim  liall.of  this  biographical  review,  was  given 
a  common  school  education,  and  when  he  started 
out  in  life  had  no  capital,  aside  from  a  strong 
young  manhood,  and  had  to  make  his  way  unaided 
to  the  honoralile  position  he  has  since  achieved. 
In  January,  18yiS,  he  came  to  Illinois  and  bought 
forty  acres  pf  land  in  a  wild  state,  but  shortly 
after  disposed  of  it  at  an  adv-ancc,  and  purchased 
eighty  acres  of  land  unimproved.  Selling  that  in 
1864  he  turned  away  from  his  personal  interests  to 
offer  his  services  in  defence  of  the  stars  and  stripes, 
and  enlisted  in  the  10th  regiment  of  Illinois  In- 
fantry under  command  of  Col.  McWoods  and 
Ca|)lain  Wilson.  Our  subject  was  with  Sherman 
on  his  famous  march  to  the  sea,  and  was  honorably 
discharged  at  Washington  in  June,  1865,  having 
done  his  duty  as  a  soldier  faithfully  and  eflicieutly. 

After  his  return  from  the  South  Mr.  Ball  pur- 
chased a  farm  near  Homer,  in  Champaign  County, 
111.  This  he  subsequently  sold,  making  a  good 
profit  on  the  sum  paid  for  it,  and  then  invested 
some  of  his  money  in  his  present  farm  in  Pilot 
Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  highly  re- 
spected resident,  and,  as  before  noted,  has  been 
very  much  prospered  in  his  vocation. 

Mr.  Ball  has  been  twice  married.  His  first  wife, 
Eleanor  McCoy,  of  Ross   County,  Ohio,  was   born 



in  1830.  and  died  in  .Tune,  18G7.  Her  parents.  Al- 
exander and  Martha  (Oulieltrce)  McCoy,  Nvere  early 
settlers  of  the  Buckeye  State  from  Kentucky.  By 
lliat  union  Mr.  Ball  became  the  father  of  five 
diildrcn,  of  whom  Mary  and  Eleanor  are  decease<l, 
and  of  the  others  it  is  recorded  that  Scott,  a  farmer, 
married  Belle  Franklin,  of  tills  count}-,  and  they 
have  one  child,  Maggie;  Jessie  married  Benjamin 
Strickland,  a  farmer  of  tiiis  county,  and  luid  four 
children:  Karl,  Mabel,  Estella  and  Hans,  the  latter 
deceased.  The  present  wife  of  our  subject,  to 
whom  he  was  united  in  marriage  in  1872  was  Ze- 
ruah  Roberts.  She  was  born  Nov.  22,  1854.  ber 
parents.  Abraham  and  Klizabeth (Walters)  Roberts, 
being  of  Welsh  and  English  origin.  They  came 
to  this  county  in  1865. 

Tlie  pleasant  home  of  our  subject  and  his  wife 
has  been  gladdened  by  the  liirlh  of  four  children, 
namely :  Austin  A.,  Sadie,  Elise,  Arena. 

Mr.  liall  is  prompt  and   systematic  in  the  man- 
agement of  his  affairs,  and  brings  to  his  work  zeal 
and  a  good   degree  of   proficiency   in   carrying  it 
on  intelligently  by   the   most  ajiprovcd   methods. 
These  traits  also  render  him  invaluable  as  a  town- 
ship official,  as  has  been  found  in  his  incumbency 
of  the  various  local  offices,  and  likewise  as  a  jury- 
man.    In  him  the  Republican   part}-  has  an  active    ! 
and  stanch  supporter.     He  and  his  wife  are  mem-   | 
hers    in    high   standing   of    the    United    Brethren 
Church,  being  among  its  most  earnest  workers,  and 
he  has  held  the  different  offices  of  the  church.    Mr,    I 
Ball  is  a  reader  of  good    literature,  keeps    himself 
closely  informed  on  all  topics  of  general  interest, 
and  can  converse  well  on  all  subjects. 

A  view  of  the  pleasant  rural  home  of  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Ball  is  presented  elsewhere   in   this   volume, 
and  is  a  fine  illustration  of  one  of  the  representa-    i 
five  residences  of  Vermilion  County.  | 

^^HOMAS  R.  RICE,  is  one  of  the  wealthy 
im^\  and  influential  farmers  of  Carroll  Township 
^^^y  and  one  of  its  largest  land-owners.  His  home 
farm  consists  of  a  little  over  a  quarter  of  a  section  of 
the  productive  land  of  Hlinois,  and  besides  this  he 

owns  about  420  acres  in  other  parts  of  the  county, 
all  of  which  he  has  accuisnialed  through  industry, 
sobriety  and  a  good  use  <jf  his  opportunities. 

Mr.  I{ice  was  horn  .lune  "22.  1825  in  eastern 
Tennessee.  His  lather  and  mother.  Charles  and 
Mary  Jane  (Rhea)  Rice,  were  also  natives  of  that 
State.  They  came  to  Ohio  when  was  a 
child  of  two  years,  and  in  IS.'JS  settled  in  Ver- 
milion (irove,  residing  for  a  few  years  before  that 
in  Madison  County.  Ind.  The  father  was  a  prom- 
inent farmer  and  when  he  died  was  considered  a 
wealthy  man.  His  death  occurred  when  he  was 
seventy-four  years  old,  and  his  wife  was  about 
tiftv-four  years  of  age  when  she  died.  They  had 
Qve  children — William,  Thomas  R.,  .lacob,  James 
and  Mary. 

Thomas  spent  part  of  his  bo^'hood  days  in  Indi- 
ana, but  most  of  his  j'ounger  experience  has  been 
in  Illinois.  He  attended  private  subscription 
schools,  but  never  went  to  a  free  school  a  da}'  in 
his  life.  During  his  boyhood  days  his  health  was 
extremely  poor,  and  the  early  schools  of  the  sub- 
scription sort  that  obtained  in  Illinois,  were  not 
calculated  to  be  conducive  to  anybody's  health. 
Many  times  they  were  so  far  distant  that  it  occu- 
pied from  two  to  three  hours  to  reach  them,  and 
when  they  were  reached  they  were  destitute  of 
comfort  and  their  only  characteristic,  perhaps,  that 
would  interest  the  scholar  was  the  frowns  and 
birch  rod  of  tlie  alleged  teacher.  To  compare 
these  schools  with  those  of  our  day,  would  be  as  a 
comparison  of  Sodom  and  (iomorrah  to  Eden.  Mr. 
Rice  grew  up  among  the  (Quakers  of  Elwood  Town- 
ship, working  on  his  father's  farm  until  after  he 
attained  his  majority.  In  those  days  he  hauled 
wheat  to  Chicago,  for  which  he  received  fifty  cents 
per  bushel,  and  transported  shelled  corn  by  team 
to    Lafayette  getting  therefor  a  shilling  a  bushel. 

In  1808,  Mr.  Rice  was  married  to  Baum. 
[See  sketches  of  the  Baums  in  this  Album.]  Af- 
ter marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rice  settled  on  a  farm, 
purchased  by  him  some  years  before,  where  they 
have  prospered.  They  have  two  chlildren — Min- 
nie M.ay  and  Charles  F.  Their  elegant  brick  man- 
sion, situated  pleasantly  just  south  of  Indianola,  is 
a  beautiful  and  commodious  one.  This  house  was 
erected  in  18711  and   contains  everything  to  make 



life  desirable,  while  the  entire  premises  give  evi- 
dence of  prosperity  and  good  management.  In 
the  pastures  of  this  farm  there  can  be  seen  some 
of  the  very  finest  cattle  and  horses  in  this  section 
of  the  country.  Mr.  Rice  is  respected  by  his  neigh- 
bors for  his  public-spiritedness,  and  many  good 
traits  of  character.  Politically,  he  acts  wilii  tlie 
Democratic  party. 

"~w  vvt;jjaa/©-i@» 

»^.g)/OTjr»\» -w*!- 

ylLLIAM  A.  VANNEMAN.  One  of  the 
most  beautiful  homes  in  Carroll  Township 
is  that  of  Mr.  Vannemau,  whicli  is  situated 
on  section  27.  Everything  about  it,  within  and 
without,  gives  evidence  of  the  touch  that  beauti- 
fies and  the  taste  that  refines.  Thrift  and  pros- 
perity have  gone  hand  in  hand  with  intelligence 
and  culture,  and  the  result  is  an  ideal  rural  home. 
It  has  taken  years,  however,  to  rear  this  monument 
to  man's  industry  and  woman's  refined  taste,  and 
the  proprietor  m.iy  well  regard  it  and  the  broad, 
well-tilled  and  fertile  acres,  in  the  midst  of  which 
it  is  situated,  with  pardonable  pride,  for  both  the 
home  and  farm  at  Lirge  are  speaking  witnesses  of 
the  career  of  patient  and  persevering  industry 
which  have  been  exercised  in  its  construction. 

The  life  of  our  subject  has  been  an  extremely 
busy  one,  in  which  he  has  used  his  brains  as  well  as 
his  hands,  and  his  prosperity  is  but  tlie  legitimate 
outcome  of  well  directed  and  intelligent  effort.  The 
career  of  such  a  cannot  but  prove  interesting, 
and  we  therefore  give  below  the  story  of  his  labors, 
whicli  furnishes  but  another  evidence  of  the  f.ict  that 
success  and  prosperity  seldom  fail  to  reward  the 
efforts  of  those  who  with  dilligence  and  frugality 
pursue  their  way,  and  are  content,  not  only  to 
labor,  but  to  wait. 

Mr.  Vanneman  comes  of  German  ancestr3'.  His 
grandparents  on  both  sides  of  the  house  emigrated 
to  America  soon  after  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary 
War.  His  parents,  Andrew  and  Ann  (Miller)  Van- 
neman, were  born  in  Salem  County,  N.  J.,  about 
the  beginning  of  the  present  century.  The  father 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  died  while  his  son 
William  was  but  an  infant,  leaving  besides  him  his 

sisters,  Annie  and  Margaret.  The  former  is  now 
Mrs.  AVaddington,  of  Salem,  N.  J.;  the  latter  mar- 
ried a  Mr.  Simpkins,  and  died  at  the  age  of  thirty 
years,  leaving  one  child. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  a  fine-looking 
tall  man,  with  blonde  complexion  and  light  blue 
eyes.  He  was  given  a  college  education,  and  after 
removing  to  Brown  Conntj-,  Ohio,  operated  as  a 
farmer  and  teacher.  In  1839  he  came  to  this  State, 
and  settled  in  Elwood  Township,  but  a  few  years 
later  removed  to  Carroll  Township.  He  soon  be- 
came active  in  public  matters,  and  served  for  a 
number  of  j'ears  as  Township  Supervisor  and  School 
Trustee.  During  the  war  he  was  Overseer  of  the 
Poor.  He  died  suddenly  of  heart  disease,  in  the 
seventy-fourth  year  of  his  age,  and  until  six  months 
prior  to  his  decease  was  robust,  hearty,  and  appar- 
ently health}'  in  everj'  way. 

A  few  years  after  the  death  of  Mr.  Vanneman 
the  mother  of  our  subject  married  Joseph  Mapes, 
by  whom  she  had  four  children — Emily,  Joseph  B., 
Thomas  and  Jane.  William  A.,  our  subject,  was 
born  March  11,  1826,  and  lived  in  Salem  County, 
N.  J.,  until  a  boy  of  thirteen  years.  He  then  en- 
tered a  drug  store  in  Wilmington,  Del.,  having  in 
vievv  the  study  of  medicine.  The  lack  of  means 
necessary  to  give  him  a  college  education  com- 
pelled him  to  change  his  plans,  and  accordinglj', 
returning  to  New  Jersey,  he  apprenticed  himself  to 
a  painter  and  grainer.  After  serving  the  required 
time,  five  years,  he  at  the  age  of  twenty  and  a  half 
began  work  for  his  instructor  as  a  journe3-man.  He 
soon  became  verj'  skillful,  and  was  given  steady 
employment  at  good  wages.  Painting,  notwith- 
standing he  liked  it,  was  injurious  to  his  health,  and 
a  change  of  occupation  became  a  necessitj*.  There- 
fore, at  the  age  of  twenty-five  years,  he  and  his 
brother-in-law,  Joshua  Waddington,  came  to  Illi- 
nois for  the  purpose  of  engaging  in  agriculture  and 

Upon  their  arrival  in  this}' our  subject  and 
Mr.  Waddington  purchased  the  farm,  then  consist- 
ing of  320  acres,  upon  which  Mr.  Vanneman's  home 
now  stands.  Before  the  deed  could  be  made  out 
Mr.  Vanneman  purchased  the  interest  of  his  brother- 
in-law,  and  in  1853  moved  his  family  from  New 
.lersey  to  this  county.     They  proceeded    by  rail  as 



far  aa  LaFayette,  Ind.,  then  tlic  railroad  termimis 
of  the  West,  and  the  rcniaintler  of  the  journey  was 
made  overland  by  team. 

Being  now  installed  in  his  new  homo,  in  a  new 
couiitry,  Jlr.  V.annemau  proeee<led  with  the  task  of 
changing  the  virgin  prairie  into  productive  fields. 
He  worked  early  and  late.  D.aylight  was  so  prec- 
ious and  so  necessary  for  pressing  work,  that  he 
made  his  needed  purchases  at  the  store  after  night- 
fall. The  cows  were  often  milked  before  daylight 
and  after  dark.  In  connection  with  his  farm  work 
Mr.  Vanneraan  followed  his  trade  of  painting, 
graining  and  decorating,  and  many  evidences  of 
his  skill  as  a  workman,  and  taste  as  an  artist,  may 
still  be  found  in  the  neighborhood  where  he  resides- 
The  interior  decorations  of  his  own  handsome  resi- 
dence are  highly  artistic,  and  exhibit  much  origin- 

As  Mr.  Vanneman  prospered  he  added  to  his 
possessions,  and  enlarged  the  home  place  until  it 
embraced  nearly  400  acres  of  land.  He  also  ac- 
quired 400  acres  in  Sidell  Township,  and  twenty 
acres  in  the  heart  of  Ridge  Farm.  At  one  time  his 
landed  possessions  in  Illinois  and  Iowa  amounted 
to  about  1,600  acres.  When  Albert,  his  youngest 
son,  became  of  age  he  gave  him  .and  his  other  two 
children,  Mary  and  Franklin,  each  eighty  acres  of 
land.  He  also  sold  several  tracts,  leaving  as  his 
present  estate  320  acres  in  .Sidell  Townihip,  and  the 
homestead  in  Carroll  Township.  The  latter,  when 
Mr.  Vanneman  first  moved  upon  it,  in  1853.  con- 
tained much  swampy  land,  but  Iiy  intelligent  ditch- 
ing, draining  and  tiling,  he  has  converted  the  swami) 
into  rich  and  productive  fields.whose  exhanstless  soil 
seems  to  know  no  deterioration.  As  the  result  of 
many  years  of  hard  labor  Mr.  Vanneman  is  now  in 
well-to-do  circumstances,  and  ranks  as  one  of  flic 
wealthiest  and  most  influential  farrniu's  and  stock- 
raisers  of  this  county. 

In  1849  Mr.  Vanneman  married  to  Miss 
Margaret  E.  Miller,  a  native  of  Cumberland  County, 
N.  J.,  and  when  they  came  to  Illinois,  in  1853, 
they  were  the  proud  parents  of  two  bright  little 
girls.  The  first  great  shadow  fell  upon  the  house- 
hold in  the  death  of  the  wife  and  mother,  which 
occurred  June  17,  1876,  in  New  Jersey,  whither 
she  had  gone  purposing  to  visit  the  Centennial   Kx- 

position  at  Philadelphia.  The  home  of  lier  infancy 
and  youth  was  at  Bridgeton,  in  Kdgar  County, 
where  her  father  occupied  himself  as  a  farmer  and 
tanner.  Mrs.  \'anneman  in  her  youtli  was  a  Hicksile 
Friend,  but  after  her  marriage  she  and  her  husband 
joined  the  Orthodox  Friends.  She  had  three  sis- 
ters and  two  brothers — F^Iizabeth,  Margaret,  Anna, 
John  and  Franklin.  The  latter  is  now  a  blacksmith 
in  Indianola. 

Mary,  the  eldest  child  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Vanne- 
man, attended  school  at  Bloomingdale,  Ind. ;  Frank 
and  Albert  were  students  of  the  Friends'  Academy, 
at  Vermilion  Grove,  and  later  Albert  graduated 
from  the  Wesleyan  Ihiiversity,  at  Bloomington, 
111;  Anne  M.,  the  youngest  daughter,  died  at  the 
age  of  four  years;  and  Howard,  the  youngest  born, 
died  when  but  eighteen  months  old;  Mary  M.  is 
the  wife  of  William  I).  Brown,  an  active  temper- 
ar)ce  worker,  and  a  recorded  minister  of  the  F^riends' 
Church.  She  is  now  at  Long  Beach,  She  is 
the  mother  of  two  daughters — Ruth  and  Mattie, 
aged  sixteen  and  fourteen  years  respectively. 
Franklin,  the  third  child  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A'anne- 
man,  is  located  at  Hickory  Grove,  in  Sidell  Town- 
ship; he  married  Miss  Margaret  Canady,  and  is  the 
father  of  three  children.  Albert,  the  j'oungest 
child  living,  graduated  from  Weslej'an  Uni- 
versity, at  Bloomington,  111.,  and  soon  afterward 
starting  out  to  seek  his  fortune,  proceeded  to  Da- 
kota and  engaged  in  teaching  school.  He  is  now 
in  the  real-est.ite  business  in  California. 

On  the  14tli  d.ay  of  August,  1H77,  Mr.  Vanne- 
man contracted  a  second  marriage  with  Miss  Emma 
C,  daughter  of  Leonard  and  Catherine  (Baum) 
P.atterson.  Leonard  Patterson  was  born  in  Ken- 
tucky, but  when  a  child  of  eight  years  removed 
with  his  parents  to  Brown  County,  Ohio.  John 
Patterson,  the  paternal  grandfather,  was  of  Irish 
descent,  and  a  man  who  in  stature  and  presence 
universally  commanded  attention,  being  very  large 
and  tall,  with  a  fair  complexion  and  blue  eyes.  He 
engaged  in  farming,  and  for  many  years  was  a  lay 
minister  of  the  Methodist  F^piscopal  Church.  His 
mother,  Mary  Sellers,  was  a  native  of  Germany. 

]\Ir.  Patterson,  politically,  was  a  Whig  until  that 
party  went  out  of  existence,  when  he  identified 
himself  with  the  Republicans.     He   was   the  f.ather 



of  six  ehiUlren — Augustus  D.,  Josephine  A..  Emma 
C,  John  H.,  Charles  M.,  and  Albert  W.,  all  of 
whom  lived  to  mature  years.  The  last  mentioned 
was  drowned  in  the  Little  Vermilion  River,  when 
about  twentj'-five  years  old  and  unmarried.  Mrs. 
Catherine  (Long)  Patterson  was  of  Polish  ancestry, 
and  in  whose  veins  llowed  the  blood  of  kings  and 
princes  of  unfortunate  country.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Charles  Baum,  who  after  the  dismem- 
berment of  Poland  was  banished  from  his  native 
land  by  the  Russians,  and  made  his  home  in  (4er- 
raany  for  a  number  of  years.  He  came  to  America 
about  the  time  of  the  Revolution.nry  War,  and 
served  with  the  militia  on  the  frontier,  protecting 
the  settlers  from  the  British  soldiery  and  their  sav- 
age allies.  After  the  war  was  over  Mr.  P.aum  toqk 
up  his  residence  in  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  where  he 
continued  to  live  until  the  year  after  Geu.  Anthony 
Wayne's  treaty  with  the  Indians.  Then  with  his 
family  he  moved  liack  to  Ohio,  sailing  down  the 
"beautiful  river"  in  a  Hat  boat,  and  landing  near 
the  mouth  of  BuUskin  Creek.  Here  they  began 
tiieir  first  settlement,  in  the  then  new  Territory  of 

It  will  be  seen  therefore  that  Mrs.  Vanneman  is 
the  descendant  of  a  hardy,  rugged  and  liberty- 
loving  race.  Her  parents,  Leonard  and  Catherine 
(Baum)  Patterson,  were  married  in  Clermont 
County,  Ohio,  .and  she  was  their  tliird  child  and 
eldest  daughter.  She  was  born  in  Elwood  Town- 
ship, this  county,  July  26,  1840.  Her  father  owned 
140  acres  of  choice  land,  and  was  in  good  circum- 
stances. He  was  well  read,  and  religiously  in- 
clined, though  not  a  member  of  any  church.  He 
died  Sept.  19,  1884. 

Mrs.  X'anneman  is  a  l.ady  of  culture  and  excel- 
lent education.  She  is  a  lover  of  music,  and  sup- 
plemented her  early  education  by  a  judicious  read- 
ing of  the  best  authors.  The  fine  library  which 
adds  to  the  attractions  of  this  beautiful  liome  bears 
testimony  to  the  tastes  and  inclinations  of  its  in- 
mates. Personally  Mrs.  N'annenian  is  very  attract- 
ive, and  possesses  a  kindly  and  loveable  disposition. 
.She  is  a  raemlier  of  the  Methodist  Flpiscopal 
Church  at  Indianola,  and  takes  an  active  interest 
in  its  affairs. 

Mr.  Vanneman  during  liis  long  career  of  honoi 

able  Industry  has  never  sought  or  accepted  office. 
An  anti-slavery  Whig,  and  a  Republican  during 
and  since  the  war,  he  has  remained  true  to  his  po- 
litical principles  with  neither  noise  nor  parade,  and 
has  been  the  stanch  friend  of  religion  and  educa- 
tion, contributing  liberally  in  aid  of  both,  and  en- 
dowing a  scholarship  in  Vermilion  Grove  Academy. 
He  has  served  as  School  Director  and  on  the  Petit 
Jury,  and  is  a  thorough  temperance  man,  although 
he  has  never  allied  himself  with  those  who  seek  to 
m.ake  that  a  question  of  political  issue.  He  is  self- 
made  and  self-taught,  energetic  and  progressive, 
and  is  acknowledged  by  ail  to  be  one  of  the  most 
public-spirited  citizens  of  his  county. 

\TOHN  MENDENHALL.  Although  four- 
I  score  3'ears  of  .age,  this  old  and  highly  re- 
I  spected  resident  of  Carroll  Township  is  still 
1]^//'  a  sprightly,  active  and  vigorous  man.  Of 
him  it  may  be  said  as  one  of  old,  "his  eye  is  not 
dimmed  nor  is  his  natural  strength  abated."  His 
mind,  memory  and  body  have  withstood  the  rav- 
ages of  time.  As  the  result  of  a  temperate  and 
alistemious  life,  old  age  finds  him  free  from  the 
decrepitude  usually  consequent  upon  advanced 
years.  His  present  hale  appearance  and  rugged 
health  give  promise  of  another  decade  at  least,  of 
placid  and  peaceful  life. 

Mr.  Mendenhall  is  the  scion  of  a  hardy  and  long- 
lived  Scotch-Irish  ancestry,  the  son  of  Aaron  Men- 
denhall by  his  second  wife,  Lj'dia  Anderson.  His 
father  was  born  in  Guilford,  N.  C,  near  the  scene 
of  the  battle  of  (4uilford  Court-House,  and  fought 
lietween  the  British  and  the  Continentals  during 
the  Revolutionary  War.  His  paternal  grand  father, 
Richard  Mendenhall,  was  killed  by  the  Indians 
while  on  his  way  from  North  Carolina  to  Ohio,  soon 
after  the  opening  up  of  that  Territory,  and  was  one 
of  the  many  daring  and  intrepid  pioneers  who  lost 
their  lives  while  endeavoring  to  plant  civilization 
in  the  Western  wilderness  in  the  face  of  a  murder- 
ous and  merciless  savage  foe. 

At  this  time  the  father  of  our  subject  was  a  small 
child.     His  maternal  gr.andmother  wa.s  a  native  of 



Nantucket,  Mass.  After  inarriage  she  removed  to 
Greene  County,  Ohio,  where  his  mother  was  born. 
Prior  to  lier  luarriaji'e  with  Mr.  Mendenliall  siie  had 
buried  one  husband.  By  the  first,  a  Mr.  Horney, 
she  becnme  the  mother  of  five  children — Hester, 
Paris,  Deliorah,  lilioda  an<l  Anderson,  are  all  de- 
ceased. By  her  marriage  with  Aaron  MencU^nhall  she 
was  the  motiicr  of  six  chiiciren:  John,  our  subjec^t, 
was  born  Nov.  .S,  1809;  Aaron  died  half  a  century 
ago;  Lydia  is  the  widow  of  Joseph  Beard,  and  is 
living  in  Carroll  Township;  Nancy  is  the  wife  of 
M.  L.  Larrance,  of  Carroll  Township;  Klizaheth, 
the  widow  of  John  Mills,  also  lives  in  this  town 
ship,  and  Richard  died  here  in  Ma}',  1880. 

When  Mr.  Mendenliall  a  youth  of  fifteen 
years  his  parents,  leaving  the  Buckeye  State,  emi- 
grated to  this  county  and  settled  upon  the  farm 
now  owned  bj'  Silas  Baird.  The  father  entered  240 
acres  of  land  about  the  year  1824,  when  Illinois 
was  one  vast  wilderness — a  |)rairie  peopled  only  by 
Indians  and  wild  animals.  Like  all  the  early  set- 
tlers his  parents  endured  the  hardships  and  priva- 
tions incident  to  pioneer  life.  They  were,  however, 
brave  .and  stout-hearted  and  did  successful  b.attle 
m  subduing  the  virgin  [irairie  to  the  uses  of  agri- 
culture. Being  thrifty  and  industrious  people  their 
children  were  early  broken  int(j  farm  work.  Joliu's 
ruo^'ed  frame  was  made  strong  and  iiis  muscles 
were  hardened,  following  the  plow  and  tilling  the 
soil  with  the  rude  implements  in  use  in  those  [irirn- 
itive  days.  His  educational  advantages  were  few, 
and  confined  to  such  instruction  as  could  bo  ob- 
t;iincd  in  a  suliscription  school,  whenever  an  itin- 
erant preacher  happened  along  and  organized  one. 
Politically,  to  use  his  own  exi)ressive  language, 
Mr.  Mendenliall  was  "a  Whig  morning,  noon  and 
afternoon"  as  long  as  that  party  was  in  power.  He 
cast  his  first  vote  for  Henry  Clay,  and  looked  u|)on 
that  leader  as  one  of  America's  greatest  statesmen. 
Later  he  became  a  decided  Republican.  He  served 
six  years  as  a  School  Director  and  was  never  sum- 
moned to  attend  court  other  than  .as  a  ]ietit  juror. 
Religiouslj',  he  has  been  a  Friend  for  twenty-five 
years  and  a  liberal  contributor  according  to  iiis 
means  to  the  support  of  \'ermilioii  (irove  Acad- 
emy. Nov.  24.  IHol,  he  was  united  in  marriage 
with  Miss  Rebecca,  daughter  of  .loliii   and   Cliaiily 

Mills.  Mrs.  IMendenliall  was  born  Nov.  8,  1812, 
twenty  miles  east  of  Knoxville  in  Jefferson  Countv, 
Tenn.  Her  parents  prior  to  this  had  removed  from 
North  Carolina,  llcr  mother  was  a  daughter  of 
Mordecai  Mendenliall.  and  was  of  Scotch-Irish  de- 
scent. In  this  family  there  were  eleven  children: 
Ruth  died  at  the  age  of  eighty-three  years;  Wil- 
liams (lied  when  past  seventy;  H.annah  died  in 
182.'5,  when  a  maiden  of  eighteen  years;  Sarah  died 
in  1871),  aged  nearly  eighty;  Ira  died  in  .Missouri 
about  1881,  at  the  age  of  seventy-four;  Miriam  is 
the  wife  of  H.  H.ay worth,  of  Vermilion  (Irove;  Re- 
becca, Mrs.  Meiidcnhall,  was  the  next  in  order  of 
birth;  Millican  is  living  in  this  township,  .au-ed 
seventy-four;  .lolin  died  at  about  the  age  of  thirty 
years,  probably  thirty  years  ago;  Cliarty  J.  died 
when  four  years  old,  and  Lanty  died  in   infancy. 

Mrs.  Mendenliall  nine  years  of  age  when  her 
parents,  in  1822,  removed  from  Tennessee  to  this 
State.  Her  educational  advantages,  like  those  of 
her  husband,  were  limited,  but  she  le;irned  bj 
and  spell  at  home,  and  was  carefully  trained  in  the 
doctrines  of  the  (Quaker  faith.  Of  her  union  with 
our  subject  there  were  born  eleven  cliiklicn,  and 
they  can  now  gather  about  them  forty-eight  "rand- 
children  and  seven  great-grandchildren.  Their 
eldest  child,  Millican,  died  when  about  fifty-five 
years  old;  James  died  when  a  lad  of  twelve;  Char- 
ity Jane,  Mrs.  Thomas  (!.  Reese,  and  Sarah,  Mrs. 
John  W.  Elliott,  live  at  Ridge  Farm;  Fr.ancis 
Marion  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-six  years  of  par- 
alysis contracted  in  the  .army  during  the  late  war; 
Rhoda  died  at  the  interesting  .age  of  eighteen  years; 
Aaron  II.  lives  on  a  farm  in  Carroll  Township; 
Lydia  died  when  four  years  old;  John  M.  is  a  far- 
mer .and  a  resident  of  Carroll  Townslii();  Kmeline 
married  Silas  Hester  and  died  at  the  age  of  thirty- 
three  years,  leaving  four  children  ;  Louisa  E.  is  the 
wife  of  Frank  E.  B.aird  and  the  mother  of  five 
children — Lester  W.,  Albert  C,  Blanche  R.,  Algia 
M..  and  an  infant,  Wilbcr  .i.  The  son.  Francis 
Marion,  enlisted  in  Company  A.  TDtli  Illinois  In- 
fantry, in  July,  18()2,  and  served  until  Aug.  20, 
18(!1;  he  died  shortly  after  his  return  home. 

Mr.  Mendenliall  is  a  ruddy  faced,  well  built  fuid 
well  preserved  old  gentleman,  one  of  the  finest 
specimens  of  an   octogenarian    in   Centnil  Illinois. 



His  mind  is  active,  his  memory  briglit  and  clear, 
and  his  e^'esight  good.  His  healthful  looking  com- 
plexion, sparkling  eye,  and  vigorous,  active  step 
lietoken  both  health  and  strength  not  usually  found 
in  one  so  .aged.  His  wife  is  a  quiet,  placid-man- 
nered, motherly  looking  old  lady,  and  but  three 
years  3'ounger  than  her  husband.  She  does  not 
appear  to  be  much  above  sixty.  There  is  a  purity 
of  expression  in  her  face,  which  reveals  a  mind  that 
lias  often  communed  in  prayer  with  Him  who 
doeth  all  things  well.  Although  she  has  known 
sorrow,  it  has  but  made  her  life  sweeter  and  her 
hope  brighter.  One  does  not  need  to  be  told  that 
she  is  a  sincere  and  earnest  Cliristian,  whose  faith 
will  endure  to  the  end. 

J,  OHN  W.  FISHER,  of  Carroll  Township  is 
I  recognized  as  one  of  its  most  wealthy 
I  farmers,  who  has  accumulated  a  fine  property 
'  solelj'  by  the  exercise  of  his  own  inherent 
industry  and  perseverance.  His  early  advantages 
were  quite  limited,  he  being  thrown  largely  upon 
his  own  resources  and  obliged  to  fight  the  battle  of 
life  for  some  time  with  little  to  encourage  him. 
The  fact  that  he  is  now  the  owner  of  980  acres  of 
land  is  sufficient  indication  of  the  manner  in  which 
he  has  spent  his  time,  and  illustrates  forcil)ly  what 
a  man  may  accomplish  by  a  resolute  will,  prudence, 
economy  and  good  management. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  Jan.  25, 
1810,  on  the  old  Fisher  homestead  in  this  town- 
ship where  he  grew  to  man's  estate  and  acquired  a 
practical  education  in  the  common  school.  He 
worked  on  the  farm  and  about  the  time  of  reaching 
his  majority,  was  married,  in  1861,  to  Miss  Mary 
L.  Dye.  After  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fisher  set- 
tled on  forty  .acres  of  land  in  Carroll  Township, 
which  Mr.  Fisher  had  purchased  prior  to  this  time, 
and  which  formed  the  nucleus  of  his  present  large 
estate.  He  later  received  from  his  father's  estate 
176  acres,  and  like  the  wise  man  of  Scripture,  has 
been  enabled  to  add  to  his  talent  in  a  marked  de- 
gree. Upon  locating  here,  his  land  was  a  cornfield 
without  trees  or  buildings,  and   the   improvements 

which  embellish  the  present  homestead  have  been 
effected  by  him. 

Eight  children  were  born  of  the  union  of  IMr. 
and  Mrs.  Fisher,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  Ever- 
ette,  died  at  the  interesting  age  of  fifteen  years; 
Charles  married  Miss  Jennie  Meyers  and  lives  in 
Sidell  Township,  they  have  one  child,  Charles, 
who  is  farming  near  Sidell;  Olive  died  when  two 
years  old;  Eddie  is  at  home  with  his  parents;  Ar- 
meda  married  Douglas  Miller  of  Carroll  Township, 
and  they  have  one  child,  Winona;  Mattie  died 
when  eight  years  old  ;  Joscpliine  and  Jacob  remain 
with  their  parents.  Mr.  Fisher  votes  the  straight 
Democratic  ticket,  but  in  looking  after  his  exten- 
sive farming  interests,  has  little  time  to  devote  to 

Our  subject  is  the  son  of  David  P.  and  Jane 
(Weaver)  Fisher,  the  former  a  native  of  Ohio  and 
the  latter  of  Mass.achusetts.  The  maternal  grand- 
father of  our  subject,  Michael  Weaver,  lived  to  be 
a  centenarian  and  was  one  of  tlie  leading  pioneers 
of  this  count}',  to  which  he  came  from  Ohio  where 
he  had  accumulated  a  large  amount  of  property. 
He  was  noted  for  his  strict  honesty  and  upright 
dealings  with  his  fellow  men.  The  Weaver  family 
was  of  excellent  ancestry,  and  various  members  of 
them  are  reverted  to  elsewhere  in  this  Alhum. 

David  P.  Fisher,  the  fatiier  of  our  subject,  lived 
in  Indiana  before  coming  to  this  State  and  had 
only  II  in  his  pocket  when  he  came  to  this  county. 
By  untii'ing  industry  and  great  jjrudence  in  living 
he  gained  a  solid  footing,  financiallj',  becoming  the 
owner  of  nearly  1,000  .acres  of  land.  His  career  is 
that  of  .in  upright  man  and  a  good  citizen  and  he 
lived  to  reach  the  age  of  seventy-two  years,  passing 
away  in  1880.  His  wife  survives  and  lives  with 
her  son  Michael,  being  now  seventy-six  years  old. 
The  five  children  of  the  parental  household  were 
named  respectively:  Michael,  John  W.,  our  sub- 
ject, Mary  J.,  George  W.  and  Lucinda.  Mary 
was  married  and  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-four 
years,  leaving  two  daughters,  Jennie  and  Nora. 
The  other  brothers  and  the  sister  of  our  suliject 
are  still  living. 

Mrs.  Fisher  is  the  daughter  of  Lawrence  and 
Mary  Ann  (Van  Treese)  Dye,  to  whom  were  born 
nine    children,    viz.:     Hiram,   (dece.ased).  INIartha, 



I'licbi',  ((lcc(';iseil ).  Kli/.alicl  li.  Albi'rl  who  diinl  in 
iiif;iiKy.  AnucliiK'.  .lolui,  Mary  L  .  Mis.  Fisher.  All 
hilt  the  yi^iiiiigest  were  horn  in  KenliK'i<y.  Mrs. 
Fisher  was  only  ime  anil  ime-half  xcai's  old  when 
h<'r  parents  eanie  Ik  IlliiKiis  and  settled  in  (ieorge- 
town  'I'ownship.  'J'he  mother  died  at  the  age  of 
forty-three  years.  The  father  lived  to  he  seventy 
years  old.  During  the  Civil  War  and  when  he 
was  jiast  fifty  years  old,  he  enlisted  as  a  I'nion 
.soldier  froTii  eonseientions  motives,  feeling  that  it 
was  his  duty  to  gixe  his  serviees  to  his  country. 

Vf/OnN  15.  IIILDRFTH,  one  of  the  first-elass 
agrieulturists  of  Carroll  Township,  owns 
and  operates  a  |well-regiilaled  farm  of  .'552 
acres,  ninety  acres  of  which  lie  in  Vermil- 
ion County  and  262  in  Fjdgar  County.  The  resi- 
dence is  in  the  former.  Tiie  leading  features  in 
the  character  of  Mr.  Ilildreth  are  his  strict  atten- 
tion to  busines.s,  his  promptness  in  meeting  his 
obligations  and  his  excellent  understanding  of  all 
the  branches  of  general  agriculture.  In  person, 
he  is  a  man  who  would  attract  attention  in  a  crowd, 
being  of  commanding  presence,  of  portly  figure 
and  a  handsome  and  intelligent  countenance.  He 
numbers  his  friends  by  the  score  in  this  county  and 
welcomes  beneath  its  hospitable  roof  its  best  peoiile. 
lie  has  a  beautiful  home  where  he  has  effected 
modern  improvements,  including  a  commodious 
dwelling,  handsomely  and  conveniently  arranged 
and  second  to  none  in  this  part  of  the  county. 
Ills  standing  in  society  is  first-class  and  in  his  politi- 
cal affiliations  he  is  in  sympathy  with  the  Demo- 
cratic party.  The  Ilildreth  family  pri()r  to  Iheir 
removal  to  Illinois  nourished  in  the  South,  some 
of  them  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  where  Alvin  K., 
the  father  of  our  subject,  and  his  wife,  Sarah  A., 
Relter,  were  born  and  where  they  were  reared 
and  married.  Leaving  the  Blue (!rass  State  about 
1832  they  came  to  this  county  and  settled  on  the 
Little  Vermilion,  on  the  tract  of  new  land  from 
which  the}'  constructed  a  homestead,  where  they 
spent  the  lemainder  of  their  lives,  and  where  they 
died.    The  father  died  .luly  I '.I,  1.S7  I,  and  the  mother 

.luly  1.  1S77.  There  were  born  to  them  eleven  chil- 
dren. \  i/.:  Mary  E.,  William  II..  five  who  dii'il  in 
infancy,  Sarah  A.,.Iohn  B.,  our  subject.  Lou  visa  and 
I'aithenia;  four  of  these  .are  living  and  i-esidents  of 
N'erniilion  and  Ivlgar  counties. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  Ijoru  March  10, 
IH12,  in  Carroll  Township,  this  t'ount}',  and  here 
has  spent  his  entire  life.  He  was  at  an  early  age 
iutiodnced  to  the  various  employments  of  the  farm 
and  chose  its  peaceful  |inrsuits  a.s  his  vocation. 
When  n'.ady  to  establish  domestic  ties  of  his  own, 
he  was  inarrie<l  to  Miss  Philetta  Ross,  of  F'.dgar 
County.  This  l:idy  liccanie  the  mother  of  four 
children,  only  two  of  whom  are  living — Carrie  A. 
is  the  wife  of  William  lilack,  of  Carroll  Township, 
and  Alice  remains  at  home  with  her  father. 

Our  subject  cintracled  a  second  matrimonial 
alliance  with  Miss  Eliza  Barnett,  daughter  of  Rob- 
ert Barnett,  and  of  this  union  there  have  been 
born  two  children,  only  one  of  whom  is  living,  a 
daughter — Daisy.  The  present  wife  of  our  subject 
was  foiincrly  Miss  Sarah  A.  Cook,  and  they  have 
four  children — .lohn  ().,  Emma,  May  .lennie  anil 
Leunie  L. 

^iOBERT  S.  SLAUGHTER.  By  far  the 
greater  portion  of  the  .solid  men  of  N'er- 
niilion County  have  been  those  who  com- 
menced life  dependent  upon  their  own 
resources,  and  who,  gathering  together  their  posses- 
sions little  by  little,  were  blest  with  the  faculty  of 
being  able  to  take  care  of  them.  It  is  not  alone 
the  man  who  is  able  to  make  money  that  is  able  to 
keep  it;  indeed  the  latter  f.aculty  seems  to  be  one 
of  the  most  importance,  and  the  ability  to  ilisburse 
with  good  judgment  and  free  from  avarice  is, 
perhajjs,  the  l)est  quality  of  all. 

The  snug  farm  of  the  subject  of  this  notice 
comprises  eighty-one  and  one-half  acres  of  laud 
0.1  section  25  in  Elwooil  Township,  and  makes  a 
pleasant  and  comfortable  homestead,  every  acre  of 
which  heearneil  with  the  labor  of  his  hands.  It  is 
all  under  a  good  stale  of  cultivation,  with  good 
liuildings.  subst.'intial  fences,  and  the  other  appli- 
ances necessary  to  the   modern    and  well-regulated 



estate.  Mr.  Slaughter  is  comparatively  n  young 
man.  iiaving  l)een  born  Dec.  -JH.  1849,  and  is  a 
native  of  llanliu  County.  Ky.  His  father,  (4eorge 
H.  Slaughter,  also  a  native  of  tliat,  county,  removed 
at  an  early  d.ay  to  Vermillion  County.  Ind..  where 
he  sojonrned  two  years,  and  \intil  IHiid.  Tliatyear 
he  came  to  Edgar  County.  111.,  settling  in  Prniiie 
Township,  where  he   now  lives. 

The  boyhood  and  youth  of  our  suliject  passed 
quietlv  and  uneventfully,  uliile  he  assisted  his 
father  on  the  farm  and  attended  the  common 
school.  At  the  .age  of  twenty- Ave  years  he  was 
mai-ried.  March  1,  1885,  to  Miss  'Kniina,  daughter 
of  .lohn  Ilumrichous,  a  well-known  resident  of 
Khvood  Township,  and  a  sketch  of  whom  a|ipears 
elsewhere  in  this  work.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Slaughter 
are  the  [jarents  of  two  children,  a  daughter,  Artie 
Frances,  born  May  18,  188(!;  and  an  infant  un- 
named. Mrs.  Slaughter  was  horn  in  Klwoo<I  Town- 
ship, March  14.  18(17.  and  remained  mostly  with 
her  jrarents  until  her  marriage.  She  is  a  member 
of  the  Cumberlanil  Presbyterian  Chuich.  while 
our  subject  guides  his  life  by  the  (lolden  Rnle  and 
belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  is  lirnily 
established  as  a  respected  citizen,  with  the  pros- 
])ect  of  a  competence  for  his  declining  3'ears. 



HKISTIAN  FAONKR.     The  character  and 
standing  of  a,  man    are    usually    determined 

^('  by  what  he  has  accomplished.  The  life- 
work  of  Ml-.  Fagner  is  finely  illustrated  in  the 
amount  of  [tropert}'  which  he  has  accumulated  and 
the  comforts  by  which  he  is  surrounded.  He  has 
one  of  the  most  attractive  homesteads  in  township 
23;  range  12,  linely  located  on  section  3.S.  This 
embraces  200  acres  of  choice  land  while  he  has  a 
farm  in  the  township  south. 

The  Fagner  farm  is  supplied  with  tirst-class  build 
ingsand  an  especially  fine  and  commodious  barn — 
one  of  the  best  in  the  township.  Everything  about 
the  premises  are  kept  in  good  shape,  from  the  live- 
stock to  the  farm  machinery,  aucl  tlie  many  con- 
veniences which  the  proprietor  has  gathered  about 
himself  and  family  indicate  the  progressive  charac- 

ter of  the  man.  He  comes  of  substantial  stock  and 
is  a  native  of  Pennsylvanin.  having  been  born  in 
Dauphin  County,  Dec.  15,  1835.  When  a  }'ear 
old  his  parents  removed  to  Lancaster  County, 
vvhei'e  he  spent  his  youthful  days  until  reaching  his 
majority.  He  received  the  advantages  of  the  com- 
mon schools  and  became  familiar  with  farming  pur- 
suits as  carried  on  in  the  Keystone  State. 

At  the  age  of  twenty-one  our  subject,  ambitious 
to  do  for  himself,  left  the  parental  roof  and  m.Tking 
his  way  to  Fountain  County,  Lid.,  located  in  Cov- 
ington, where  he  sojourned  eight  years,  em|)loying 
himself  for  a  time  at  anything  he  could  find  to  do — 
principally  .'it  painting.  Thence  he  went  to  War- 
ren County,  one  mile  from  the  Illinois  line  and  re- 
mained there  ten  years.  In  18(17  he  rented  a  farm 
;  u|)on  which  he  o[)erated  two  years;  prior  to  this  he 
had  worked  six  years  in  order  to  get  a  team.  In 
1877  he  ciTissed  over  into  Illinois  and  purcli.ased 
200  .acres  of  land  from  which  he  constructed  his 
present  admirable  farm.  The years  which  followed 
were  replete  with  labor  and  the  exercise  of  great 
prudence  and  economy  in  living,  this  course  faith- 
fully followed  producing  the  results  which  we  look 
upon  to-day.  One  of  the  most  attractive  features  of 
the  homestead  is  a  fine  large  grove  adjacent  to  the 
residence,  while  around  it  is  choice  shrubbery,  and 
near  by,  a  fine  orchard  in  good  bearing  condition, 
with  trees  of  the  smaller  fruits. 

One  secret  of  Mr.  hagner's  success  has  been  his 
faculty  of  attending  strictly  to  his  own  concerns. 
In  political  affairs  he  has  lefused  to  be  bound  by 
part}'  lines,  and  su|)ports  the  men  whom  he  consid- 
ers best  (lualilied  for  olHce,  independent  of  Repub- 
lican or  Democrat. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  in  her  girlhood  Miss 
Louisa  Schvvalen,  was  born  in  Schuylkill  County, 
Pa.,  Oct.  18,  1841,  and  they  were  married  Feb.  7, 
18G1  in  Pennsylvania.  Soon  afterward  they  re- 
moved to  Indiana.  The  three  children  born  to 
thera  are  all  living.  Frederick  E.,  is  a  resident  of 
Dakota;  Alice  married  John  Bauinan,  of  Ross 
Township;  Anna  May  is  their  only  child;  AViUiani 
II.  remains  at  home  with  his  parents.  The  fatlier 
of  our  subject  was  John  Fagner,  a  native  of  Ger- 
many and  lioru  in  1802.  He  emigrated  to  America 
when  a  single  man,settleil  in  Pennsylvania  and  w;is 



tli(M'e  inariitMl  to  Miss  Margiuvt  Mile}'.  Ho  i-;une 
U)  Iiuliaiia  in  ISIJl  aii'l  piircliased  a  farm  in  Warren 
County,  near  tlie  Illinois  line,  where  lie  spent  liie 
icuiainder  of  his  life,  living  in  1881,  at  the  ail- 
vaiucil  atje  of  eiiihtv-two  years.  'I'iie  wife  and 
niotiiei-  departed  hence  twenty-throe  yoais  prior  to 
the  decease  of  lior  husliand.  her  death  tal<in<;'  place 
in  18(;i.  They  were  the  iiarents  of  six  children, 
five  of  whom  ai'e  livint;  and  located  mostly  in  Illi- 
nois and    Indiana. 


\|7  ITIIEK  A.  RKUiS.  This  oont 
11  (?S,  been  a  resident  of  Illinois  since 
/i^is^   with  the  exception  of  two  year 

RHUjS.  This  oc'iitloman  h;is 
i-i'  18(iO,  and 
irs  has  spent 

that  entire  iioriod  in  Vermilion  County.  He  was 
horn  in  Washington  County,  Pa..  Oct.  '2'.l,  1830. 
and  is  a  son  of  Joseph  Ct>ok  and  IJethany  (Axtell) 
Riggs,  the  former  a  native  of  Now  .lorsey,  horn 
March  '28,  1788,  and  the  latter  horn  in  Washington 
County,  Pa.,  April  7,  17i)2.  -Joseph  U'iggs  was 
aliout  eight  years  of  age  when  his  parents  removed 
from  New  .Ierse3^  to  Washington  County  in  171)6. 
His  early  life  was  therefore  one  of  toil  and  hard- 
ship in  the  dense  wilderness.  All  of  his  life  was 
spent  in  the  occupation  of  farming  in  Washington 
County,  where  he  died  June  U»,  1849,  at  the  ago 
of  sixty-two  years,  two  months  and  twenlj'-two 
days.  He  had  been  married  throe  times  and  was 
the  father  of  a  large  family,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  being  a  child  of  the  third  wife.  His  wife 
died  in  Dec.  1803,  aged  seventy  years  and  niui^ 
months.  Of  their  seven  children  five  are  yet  sur- 
viving: Hannah,  born  Nov.  13,  181!t,  is  the  widow 
of  Cephas  Condit,  and  is  still  living  in  Pennsylv.T- 
nia;  Eunice  w.«is  born  Sept.  21,  1824,  and  is  the 
wife  of  James  Peden  and  lives  in  Danville,  this 
county;  Sophia  was  born  Oct.  6,  1833;  she  is  un- 
married and  makes  her  home  with  her  brother  in 
Washington  County,  Pa. ;  Joseph  was  born  Juno 
IS.  1838  and  also  lives  in  the  last  mentioned  jilace: 
Luther  A.,  of  whom  this  written.  The  deceaseil 
were  named:  Lucinda,  born  Nov.  2,  1827,  who  be- 
eam(!  the  wife  of  Washington  Gregory  and  died  in 
this   county    April    It),    1870.   .Mnd     Ksenath,    born 

Feb.  23  1822.  who  was  the  wife  of  John  Peden  and 
I  died  April  o.  1852.  in  Washington  Count}',  Pa. 
Luther  A.  Riggs  was  brought  up  to  farming,  first 
on  a  f.-uin  on  Ten  Mile  Creek  in  his  native  eonnty, 
which  had  belonged  to  his  grandfather,  descending 
to  his  father.  When  young,  however,  his  father 
s<,ld  his  place  and  removed  to  (ireene  County.  Pa., 
returning  to  W.nshington  County  several  years 
afterward.  In  these  places  Luther  spent  his  early 
life,  but  he  had  his  thoughts  turned  toward  the 
broad  prairies  of  the  W\'st,  on  which  he  believed 
farming  could  bo  more  easily  and  comfortabl}' 
prosecuted.  When  he  was  twenty-seven  j'ears  old 
he  made  an  airangemcnt  with  his  future  brother- 
in-litw.  John  Carter,  to  come  with  him  to  Edgar 
County,  111.,  where  the  latter  had  rented  a  farm. 
Taking  his  own  team  and  putting  it  in  with  one  of 
Mr.  Carter's  he  made  the  trip  alone  with  the  four 
horses,  his  wagon  loaded  with  household  goods. 
He  was  cm  the  road  nineteen  days,  arriving  in 
Grand  View,  Edgar  Co.,  III.,  April  10,  18.07, 
where  he  remained  six  months,  returning  to  Penn- 
sylvania in  the  fall.  A  strong  attraction,  however, 
existed  in  Illinois,  which  brought  him  back  to  Ed- 
gar County  with  a  view  of  settling  down,  and  on 
.\ug  25,  1860,  he  was  there  married  to  Miss  Debo- 
rah Carter,  whom  hf>  had  known  about  all  his  life- 
time in  his  native  county. 

Mrs.  Riggs  was  born  in  Washington  County,  Pa., 
April  !),  1828.  Her  parents  were  Harvey  and  Char- 
lotto  (Clark)  Carter,  the  former  of  whom  lived  and 
died  there  in  September,  1840,  when  he  was  but 
thirty-seven  j-ears  of  age,  having  been  born  in  the 
year  1 803.  The  mother  survived  her  husband  nearly 
forty  years,  remaining  a  widow  and  doing  her  j)art 
nobly  in  l)ringing  up  her  family  of  seven  young 
children.  She  died  in  Xormilion  County  in  No- 
vember. 1878,  full  of  honors  and  years.  Her  eld- 
est son,  Ezekiel,  came  to  Edgar  County,  III.,  in 
18.'>1.  and  two  years  later  she,  with  the  rest  of  the 
family,  followed,  locating  near  him.  She  was  ac- 
conipanied  by  her  sons,  William  and  Harvey,  and 
her  da\ightors  Deborah  and  Rebecca.  They  lived 
in  Edgar  County,  III.,  two  years  and  then  came  to 
Vermilion  County,  locating  on  a  farm  about  four- 
teen miles  s<»uthwest  of  Danville,  and  there  the 
faithful  wife  and  devoted  mother   lived   until   her 



rloath.  Four  of  lier  .sons,  Ezekiel,  Jolin.  William 
mid  Harvey  are  farmers  in  the  southwestern  portion 
of  the  county.  Her  daughter  Rebecca  is  the  niilow 
of  John  Ross  and  resides  in  Rossville,  this  county. 
Another  daughter  named  Lottie,  died   in  girllmod. 

Jlr.  Riggs  and  his  wife  removed  to  N'ermiiion 
County  in  tiie  autumn  of  l.Sli'i  and  rented  a  farm 
in  Carroll  Township,  where  they  lived  two  years, 
then  rented  anotlier  f<ii-  a  year,  llis  first  imrchase 
of  land  was  made  at  this  time,  wlieu  he  bought  eighty 
acres  of  uncultivated  praiiie  wliieh  was  destitute 
of  any  Uind  of  Negetalion  except  a,  luxuriant  growtli 
of  grass.  He  built  a  small  house  into  which  he 
moved  in  the  spring  of  I8GG.  At  once  he  liegan 
the  labor  of  improving  it,  and  soon  had  a  |»arl  of 
it  broken,  giving  to  it  much  hard  lalior.  and  the  re 
suit  was  a  finely  cultivalc(l  farm,  which  has  no.v 
on  it  good  buildings,  is  all  well  fenced  and  diained 
and  is  in  every  respect  first-class.  Here  he  made 
his  home  for  twenty -one  yeai's  and  there  his  eldest 
son,  Harvey  •'■•  now  lives.  As  the  years  rolled  by 
prosperity  came  to  the  pioneer  and  his  wife,  and 
easier  times  were  in  store  for  them.  Three  cliil- 
<lien  grew  up  around  their  hearthstone,  and  as  they 
^()t  old  enough,  shared  ;uid  lightened  the  labors  of 
their  parents.     One  child  died  in  infancy. 

In  the  spring  of  1S87  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Riggs  gave 
up  their  old  home  and  removed  to  a  jjlace  of  IGO 
acres,  which  he  had  bought  in  Grant  Township. 
Here  they  have  a  comforlable  home  and  good  sur- 
ro\indings,  and  are  sitting  in  the  twilight  of  old 
age,  enjoying  what  they  have  earned  by  long  years 
of  patient  labor  and  thrift.  The  farm  is  carried 
on  by  their  sons,  Cyrus  and  Frank.  The  mai-riage 
of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Riggs  has  been  blessed  by  the 
birth  of  four  cliildren,  as  follows:  Harvey  J.,  born 
Aug.  23,  1861,  who  married  Miss  Dora  West: 
Cyrus  A.  was  born  Feb.  ;i.  1804,  while  Frank  L., 
first  saw  the  liglit  of  day  April  l."),  187(1;  .lolin  E. 
was  born  Feb.  11.  lS(l(i.  and  dieil  .Inly  31,  ISOC. 
They  have  also  an  adopted  diuighter.  Flora  B. 
Devenger,  whom  they  are  rearing  as  their  own.  and 
who  goes  by  hei-  adopted  |)arents'  name. 

During  the  more  than  thirty  years  that  have 
(lapsed  since  Mr.  Riggs  first  came  to  Illinois,  great 
changes  have  occurred,  and  since  taking  up  his 
residence   in  Vermilion  County  he  has    witnesscil 

and  iiarticipated  in  its  growth,  from  its  wild  and 
unsettled  strite  to  its  present  condition,  as  one  of 
the  most  prosperous  agricultural  counties  of  the 
eastern  part  of  the  State.  Mr.  Riggs  has  done 
his  share  in  its  transformation.  He  has  been 
a  haril-working  man  all  his  life,  and  has  but  little 
lime  or  inclination  for  politics,  and  has  held  but  a 
few  minor  offices.  In  his  fourteenth  year  he  joined 
tlie  Cumlierland  Presbyterian  Church, and  he  and 
his  wife  are  both  members  of  that  organization  at 
Pleasant  Ridge,  of  which  for  several  years  he  was 
an  Elder.  By  the  people  who  know  him  well,  Lu- 
ther A.  Riggs  is  spoken  of  as  an  honorable,  upright 
and  trust-worthy  man  and  most  excellent  citizen. 

//^)  '^•^^^'''^■''  '^-  ''-AKFR,  one  of  the  younger 
||!  „  members  of  the  faiming community  of  Ross 
^^^'  'I'owuship,  is  comfortably  established  on  sec- 
tion 1),  where  he  is  successfully  conducting  a  well- 
regulated  farm  and  has  seemingly  a  very  fair  out- 
look for  the  future.  He  is  not  yet  twenty-eight 
years  old,  ha^  ing  been  born  Oct.  \'.K  18(!1.  in  Ilar- 
rislnirg,  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.  When  a  little  lad  of  six 
years  he  went  to  live  with  his  Grandnxjther  Yost, 
in  Womelsdorf,  and  remained  with  her  until  four- 
teen years  old.  Thence  he  rei)aire(l  to  AUentown, 
Pa.,  where  he  attained  his  majority  and  after  one 
or  two  changes,  came  to  this  State  in  188  4  and 
located  at  Rossville,  this  county.  In  his  native 
State  he  had  gained  considerable  experience  in 
mercantile  business,  having  officiated  as  clerk  in 
both  a  grocery  and  dry-goods  store,  but  after 
coming  to  this  county,  he  took  up  house-palnling, 
which  he  followed  a  year,  and  later  became  inter- 
ested in  farming  pursuits. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  1)\' 
birth  a  Frenchman,  while  his  grandnn)ther  of 
Fnglish  ancestry.  Their  son  Cornelius,  the  father 
of  Charles  A.  Baker,  was  born  and  reared  in  Dau- 
plnn  County.  Pa.  He  was  there  married  to  Miss 
Mary  Shower,  a  native  of  Lebanon  County,  Pa., 
and  who  died  in  1872  at  the  age  of  forty-four 
years,  leaving  a  family  of  eleven  children.  The 
father  is  still  livin"  and  a  resident  of  Heading.  Pa. 



The  brothers  :iii(l  sisters  of  our  subject  were  named 
respectively,  \Villi;iiii  11.,  Silas  C,  Kumin.  the  wife 
N.  I).  Heilinner.  of  AUentown,  l*;i.;  Lcnli,  Mrs. 
Isiine  l)e  Turk,  of  liossville,  this  county-;  Edwin 
('.,  Samuel  I).,  Kntie,  Mrs.  Christoi>hcr  Garni-in.of 
of  I'eunsylvauia;  Harry  M..  Magdalena,  Mrs.  Will- 
iam RumuK'l.  of  Ueiuliny,  Pa.,  and  who  ('ic<l  in 
.\|iril.  l.SSO;  and  Susan  ('.  The  father  mariied  for 
his  secoiid  wife  .Miss  Sally  .V.  Snyder,  of  Reading, 
I'a.  He  has  ln'(>n  a  meuilier  of  the  Kvaiigelieal 
Church  since  a  lad  of  fourteen  years  and  since  l.S()l 
has  odiciated  as  a  minister  of  that  body.  The 
mother  also  belonged  to  the  same  church  and  <lied 
tirni  in  the  faith. 

Charles  A.  BaUei'  was  niairied  Feb.  28,  l!S8iS,  U> 
Miss  Catherine,  daughter  of  Thomas  .Vrmstrong.  a 
sketi'h  of  wliom  will  lie  found  elsewhere  in  this 
Ai.iu'M.  The  young  people  have  a  very  nice  home 
and  the  wi.shes  of  hosts  of  friends  for  their  future 
hapi)iness  and  i)rosperity. 

^f^^HOMAS  REYNOLDS.  (iiblion  has  sai.l 
jfn^^  well  that  every  man  has  two  educations,  one 
V^^  which  is  given  him,  and  the  other  and  most 
important  that  which  he  gives  himself.  Sir  Walter 
Scott  emphasized  this,  when  he  said:  The  best  part 
of  a  man's  education  is  that  which  he  gives  himself. 
The  mind  has  been  endowed  with  no  more  powerful 
ambition  than  that  of  self-improvement.  The  self- 
made  man  carries  with  him  his  own  capital,  a  cap- 
ital unaffected  liy  nionetarv  crises,  an  investment 
whose  interest  is  not  regulated  \ty  success  of  si)ec- 
nlation — a  treasure  v/hich  none  can  dispute,  and  of 
which  no  one  can  deprive  him.  Such  a  man  is 
Thomas  Reynolds,  the  subject  of  this  sketch.  He 
is  the  son  of  William  and  Gemima  (  Reyn- 
olds, natives  of  England,  who  lived  .about  forty- 
miles  northeast  of  London,  where  their  son  Thomas 
was  born.  He  is  purely  of  Hlnglisli  descent,  his  an- 
cestors having  been  members  of  the  established 
church  of  that  country  for  many  generations. 

Thomas  Reynolds  was  reared  in  his  native  coun- 
try, prior  to  the  establishment  of  the  Com|)ulsory 
Ivliication   Law.       The  f.ather  being  in  limited  cir- 

cumstances, the  education  of  the  son  was  com- 
pletely neglected;  all  the  knowleilge.  therefore,  that 
he  has  ae(|uired,  has  come  to  him  by  virtue  of  his 
own  untiling  lalior  in  its  pursuit.  He  was  married 
ill  England  October  18r>4  to  Miss  Ann,  the  daugh- 
ter of  James  and  Sarah  Perry,  who  were  natives  of 
the  [lart  of  England,  from  which  he  himself  came. 
Miss  Perry's  family,  like  that  of  her  husband  was 
of  old  English  origin,  but  this  is  not  Iheoiily  feature 
of  similarity  between  llieni  as  they  were  both  ineiii- 
licrs  of  the  same  church.  Of  this  marriage  there  was 
one  son,  Phili|i  by  name,  who  was  born  in  England. 
On  .(uiie  2,  in  the  year  18')().  our  subject  started 
on  a  voyage  to  America.  His  intention  was  to 
come  direct  to  the  United  States  but  unfortunately 
the  steainshl|)  "Canadia"  in  whicli  he  set  out  was 
wrecked.  This  ocnirred  aliout  forty  miles  fr(Uii 
(^)iiebec  after  a  cruise  of  eleven  days.  From  the 
Canadian  coast  they  were  taken  by  a  sailship  down 
the  St.  Lawrence  river.  As  soon  as  the  "Canadia" 
was  taken  off  the  Rock  on  which  she  was  wrecked, 
she  sank,  it  was  a  scene  never  to  be  forgotten,  but 
although  startling  it  was  not  as  dangerous  as  might 
have  been  ex|)eeted,  as  the  p.assengers  and  crew 
were  all  saved,  by  what  seemed  to  some,  a  miracu- 
lous interposition  of  Providence.  Having  landed  in 
(.Quebec.  Mr.  Reynolds  traveled  by  railroad  to  Loda, 
III.  F^om  here  he  walked  the  country  over 
a  matter  of  some  twent\-  miles,  when  he  arrived  at 
Mr.  Mann's  resi<Ience,  which  situated  near 
Rossville.  He  was  offered  a  position  by  ISIr.  Mann 
to  work  on  his  farm.  He  accepted  the  offer  an<l 
Labored  by  the  montli  for  about  seven  years.  Hav- 
ing in  this  manner  obtained  a  fine  start,  he  did  not 
rest  until  he  had  worked  his  way  so  far  as  to  enable 
him  to  purchase  for  himself  a  tine  farm  of  2(10 
acres.  His  estate  is  now  one  that  attracts  the  at- 
tention of  all  who  pass  that  way.  Its  picturesque 
neatness  and  the  care  and  taste  with  which  it  is  de- 
signed, cannot  but  be  admired.  The  sha<le  trees 
by  which  his  [iretty  residence  is  surrounded  are 
unusually  line  and  large.  Before  the  house  is  a  neatly 
sodded  lawn  and  the  beautiful  arrangeinent  of  the 
whole  grounds,  speaks  well  for  the  skill  of  the 
supervisor.  The  water  used  on  the  farm  is  con- 
veniently furnished  from  the  well  by  a  windmill. 
Notwithstanding  the  attention  which  is  paid  by 



Mr.  Reynolds  to  the  cultivalion  of  his  properly  his 
lime  is  not  wholly  cuiployed  in  that  one  pursuit. 
He  takes  great  pleasure  in  the  raising- of  the  cattle, 
hogs  and  sheep,  with  which  his  farm  is  well 
stocUed.  He  is  also  greatly  interested  in  liorses, 
his  favorite  being  the  Englishshire. 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the 
INIethodist  Episcopal  Church  of  Wallace  Chapel. 
lie  has  eight  chihben  living,  their  names  are  as  fol- 
lows: Philip;  George  W.;  Susan,  now  Mrs.  John 
W.  Smook,  who  lives  in  Ilutler  Township,  this 
county,  and  is  the  parent  of  five  children:  Walter, 
Ida  Belle,  Martha,  Thomas  and  Minnie  M.  Tiiere 
were  two  other  children,  James  and  Sarah,  who 
unfortunately  died  when  young. 

When  fiur  subject  arrived  at  Loda  he  had  only 
one  cent,  and  was  in  debt  l!!200  to  his  brothers 
Philip  and  Samuel.  This  money  which  they  loaned 
him  had  paid  the  expenses  of  his  trip  from  Eng- 
land. The  life  of  this  gentleman  has  comprised  a 
mostinterestingarray  of  facts  and  figures;  in  reading 
it  we  wonder  at  the  tact  and  perseverance  which 
marked  his  career.  His  trials  indeed  were  heavy 
ones,  so  burdensome  in  fact  that  only  a  strong  de- 
termination and  a  sturdy  nature,  such  as  his 
proved  to  be,  could  have  overcome  them.  He  is  a 
stanch  Ivepublican  and  a  liberal  contributor  to  the 
interests  of  schools  and  churches. 

<•» — .^ 

■  '--^fa!- 

NTIIONY  LONG  is  a  young  man  of  more 
(frJ./  Ill  i\inii  ordinary  enterprise,  judgment  and 
capacity,  and  by  those  traits  has  already 
won  an  assured  success  as  a  farmer  and 
stock-raiser,  although  he  began  life  a  few  years  ago 
in  comparative  poverty.  He  has  a  model  farm  of 
200  acres  of  land  of  exceptional  fertility,  carefully 
tilled  and  well  supplied  with  comfortable  buildings 
and  good  machinery,  his  place  being  very  pleasantly 
located  on  section  34  of  the  prettj'  township  of 

Our  subject  is  of  Pennsylvania  origin.  His 
father,  Anthony  Long,  was  born  in  the  year  1805, 
mar  Ilarrisburg,  (he  capital  of  the  Keystone  State, 
and    lived    in   liiat   region   many  years,  being  cm- 

liloyed  as  a  carpenter  after  attaining  man's  estate. 
After  his  marriage  with  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
which  occurred  Dec.  20,  1843,  he  moved  with  his 
family  to  Ohio,  and  engaged  in  farming  among 
the  pioneers  of  Seneca  County,  and  was  also  profit- 
ably emploj'ed  at  his  trade.  In  IblJShe  again  took 
up  his  westward  march,  and  coming  to  Vermilion 
County  purchased  a  farm  here,  and  devoted  the 
remainder  of  his  life  toiigricultural  pursuits  on  this 
rich  soil.  He  was  a  man  of  undoubted  worth  and 
stability  of  character,  and  during  his  residence 
here  his  conduct  merited  and  received  the  apprecia- 
tion of  all  in  the  community,  who  respected  him 
accordingl}'.  He  was  twice  married,  and  the  fol- 
lowing are  his  three  children  by  his  first  wife: 
Sarah,  the  wife  of  Ephraim  Norris,  of  Seneca 
County,  Ohio;  Catherine,  the  wife  of  William 
Miller,  a  farmer  of  Wood  Count}',  Ohio;  Susanna, 
the  wife  of  Michael  Walker,  a  farmer  of  Williams 
County,  Ohio.  The  maiden  name  of  his  second 
wife,  the  mother  of  our  subject,  was  Jane  Engler, 
and  she  was  born  in  Maryland,  Oct.  20,  1817,  and 
died  on  the  homestead  here  Nov.  27,  1879.  To 
them  three  children  came — Samuel.  Walter  and 
Anthony.  Samuel  was  a  soldier  in  the  late  war. 
He  eidisted  in  the  1  (list  Ohio  regiment  in  1862, 
engaged  in  many  hard  fought  battles,  and  while  in 
the  .South  contracted  consumption,  of  which  he 
died  March  9,  1867,  thus  giving  up  his  life  for  his 
country  as  much  as  if  he  had  fallen  in  battle. 
Walter  was  born  March  23,  1851,  and  died  July 
23,  1869. 

Anthony  Long,  of  whom  we  write,  was  born  in 
Seneca  County,  Ohio,  Oct.  21,  1855,  was  an  active, 
wide-awake  lad  of  eight  yeai-s  when  he  came  with 
his  parents  to  this  county,  and  he  was  alre.adj'  large 
enough  to  be  of  great  use  to  his  father  on  the  farm, 
and  received  from  him  a  sound,  practical  training 
in  the  best  methods  of  conducting  agriculture, 
which  lias  been  of  great  profit  to  him  in  his  after 
career  as  an  independent  farmer.  His  educational 
advantages  were  necessarily  limited,  but  he  availed 
himself  of  what  schooling  he  could  get,  and  by 
observation  and  reading  has  in  great  part  made  up 
for  the  early  deficiencies  of  his  education.  When 
he  first  began  life  for  himself  he  had  no  capital 
except   a   stout   heart,  strong  muscles  and  a  clear 


6.")  7 

lu':i(l.  :iii(l  nftiT  iiKirriafi^e,  nut  liaviiiy  llie  wlicre- 
willial  to  liiiy  huKl,  Ik'  rented  soiiio  for  a  fewyears. 
lie  prudently  ^lavtd  his  money  till  lie  was  enabled 
lo  liu\  eitfhty  acres  of  partly  improved  land,  and 
t'roiii  tlmt  time  on  has  been  much  prospered. in  his 
imilertnkings,  so  that  ho  is  now  the  owner  of  200 
acres  of  as  fine  farminjf  land  as  is  to  be  fonnd  in 
this  part  of  Vermilion  County,  and  has  it  under 
good  improvement,  as  before  noted.  He  engages 
in  Uiixeil  liusl)audry,  raising  considerable  grain  and 
other  farm  [iroducts  and  rearing  stock  of  tine 

Feb.  22,  1^77.  Mr.  Long  took  an  important  step 
in  his  life,  which  has  undoubtedly  contributed  much 
lo  his  success,  as  on  that  dale  he  and  Elizabeth 
Dixon  were  united  in  the  holy  bands  of  matrimony. 
She  is  a  native  of  Kentucky,  born  Oct.  1).  1856,  to 
.John  and  Elizabeth  (Leeper)  Dixon,  who  were  of 
( JerniMU  ancestry.  They  came  to  this  country  dur- 
ing the  late  war,  and  settled  in  Sangamon  County, 
III.  Two  children  have  blessed  the  union  of  our 
subject  and  his  wife:  Alice,  born  May  1),  1S7'J; 
.Maude,  born  Sept.  7,  1883. 

It  is  the  united  testimony  of  his  fellow-towns- 
nieu  that  Mr.  Long  is  in  all  things  a  man  of  con- 
scientious principles  and  e.xemi)lary  habits,  one 
who  is  free  hearted,  kind  and  considerate,  and 
always  willing  to  lend  a  helping  han<l  to  others 
less  fortunate  than  himself.  He  and  his  wife  are 
regarded  as  among  the  most  worthy  and  consist- 
ent members  of  the  Christian  Church,  and  they 
cheerfully  give  of  their  means  to  its  support.  Mr. 
Long  takes  an  intelligent  interest  in  the  affairs  of 
his  country,  and  on  all  i)olitical  questions  sides 
with  the   Republican  party. 

\l)AMES  M.  CCRKENT.  Elsewhere  in  this 
volume  is  presented  a  view  of  one  of  the 
most  inviting  homes  in  Vance  Township. 
It  belongs  to  the  subject  of  this  notice,  and 
1  omprises  a  well-regulated  farm,  endiellished  with 
:i  ri'w  dwelling  and  the  other  necessary  buildings, 
1  liMsintly  locateii  on   section    I'J.     The  proprietor 

)f  the  representative  men  of  bis  ciunmuuit}'. 

prominent  in  religion  and  ])olitics,  liberal-minded 
and  public-spiiited.  and  in  all  resiiccts  a  first-class 
citizi'u.  He  Is  a  native  of  this  county,  and  was 
lioru  .Ian.  21,  1H42,  being  the  son  of  one  of  its 
oldest  and  most  honored  pioneers,  William  Current, 
who  with  his  wife,  Mary  Baston,  were  natives  of 

The  [iaternal  grandparents  of  our  subject  were 
natives  of  I'eun.sylvania,  and  Grandfather  Baston 
was  one  of  the  most  prominent  men  in  his  county, 
having  much  to  do  with  its  affairs  generally.  Will- 
iam and  Mary  Current  were  married  in  their  native 
State,  and  resided  there  five  or  si.v  years  after  that 
event.  Coming  to  Vermilion  County  iu  1827  they 
settled  five  miles  northeast  of  Danville,  in  Newell 
Township,  and  endured  the  usual  experiences  of 
pioneer  life.  The  father  secured  a  tract  of  land 
and  built  up  a  good  homestead,  where  he  ;ind  his 
excellent  wife  spent  the  remain<lerof  their  d.ays. 
William  Cnricnt  ile[iarted  this  life  in  1«51.  The 
mother  survived  her  husliand  the  long  [leriod  of 
thirty-three  years,  remaining  a  widow,  ano  ilying 
in  I.SSI.  He  wa^  born  iu  1H03,  and  his  wife  in 
l.S(i7.  Ho  sor\-od  iu  the  Black  Hawk  War,  and  the 
family  arrived  in  Hlinois  in  time  to  experience  the 
rigors  of  the  winter  remarkable  for  the  deep  snow. 
The  household  circle  comprised  fourteen  children, 
seven  of  whom  are  living. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  the  eighth  child 
of  his  i)arents,  and  received  his  early  education  in 
the  old  log  structure  known  as  the  Landj  school 
house.  Although  his  advantages  were  necessarily 
limited,  he  imi)roved  his  o|)portunities,  and  by  a 
sleadv  course  of  reading  has  always  kept  himself 
well  informed  upon  current  events.  He  has  been 
a  r>ible  student  all  his  life.  He  started  out  for 
himself  in  life  when  a  youth  of  eighteen  years,  and 
when  ready  to  establish  a  home  of  his  own  was 
united  in  marriage,  Oct.  18,  18;")9,  with  Miss  Mary 
E.  Lynch,  daughter  of  Abraham  and  Sarah  Lynch, 
who  were  natives  of  Virginia. 

Our  subject  and  his  young  bride  began  their 
wed(ie(l  life  on  the  old  Current  homestead,  in  this 
county,  where  they  lived  until  1872;  then  remov- 
ing to  Danville  Mr.  Current  engaged  in  the  butch- 
ering and  grocery  business,  operating  thus  until 
187.J,  when    he    established    himself   on  l;is  present 



faini.  This  cominisos  170  acres  of  choice  land 
in  one  body,  and  the  whole  is  under  a  good  state 
of  cultivation.  Mr.  Current  makes  a  specialty  of 
stock-raising  half  or  three-fourth  blooded  Short- 
horn cattle.  Poland-C^hina  swine,  and  graded 
Clydesdale  horses.  In  the  early  days  lie  set  out  an 
orcha'-d,  which  is  now  in  fine  bearing  condition, 
and  his  residence,  erected  in  1888,  is  one  of  the 
finest  in  the  neighborhood.  All  that  ample  means 
and  cultivated  tastes  can  do  has  been  brought 
about  in  the  erection  of  this  model  home. 

Of  the  six  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cur- 
rent two  died  at  the  ages  of  three  and  one.  Their 
eldest  son,  William  li.,  married  Miss  Lavina  II., 
daughter  of  Thomas  Gibson,  and  they  live  one  mile 
east  of  the  homestead ;  they  are  the  [)arents  of  one 
ehihl.  Abraham  L.  married  Miss  Hester  A.. 
daughter  of  Francis  Roderick,  of  Newell  Town- 
ship; is  the  father  of  one  child,  and  lives  three 
miles  south  of  his  father.  Martin  A.  and  Fay  Kay 
complete  the  family  circle.  The  former,  a  promising 
youth  of  nineteen  years,  is  a  student  in  the  Junior 
class  of  Chaddock  College,  at  Quincy,  III.,  where 
he  proposes  to  take  the  full  course. 

Mr.  Current  at  one  time  held  theollice  of  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  but  finally  resigned.  He  has  also 
officiated  as  School  Director  and  Road  Overseer, 
and  in  politics  votes  the  straiglit  Republican  ticket, 
having  been  a  member  of  this  party  since  the  late 
war.  He  believes,  however,  in  voting  for  princi- 
ples and  not  men,  and  in  local  matters  supports  the 
men  whom  he  considers  best  qualified  to  serve  the 
interests  of  the  people.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Current 
united  with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in 
1850,  and  have  been  prominent  and  consistent 
members  since  that  time.  Our  subject  was  Assist- 
.ant  Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school  prior  to 
his  marriage.  In  Danville  he  was  Steward  in  the 
North  Street  Church,  and  has  been  Class-Leader 
for  the  past  fourteen  years;  likewise  Superintend- 
ent of  the  Sunday-school  thirteen  years,  still  hold- 
ing the  position.  His  excellent  wife  is  in  no  wise 
behind  him  in  all  good  works,  having  a  class  in  the 
Sunday-school,  and  laboring  as  she  has  opportunity 
in  the  Master's  vineyard. 

Abraham  Lynch,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Current, 
came    to    Illinois   at  an  early  day.  and   was    soon 

recognized  as  one  of  the  most  worthy  citizens  of 
Danville  Townshii).  His  family  included  seven 
children,  all  of  whom  are  living,  and  of  whom  Mrs. 
Current  was  the  second  child.  She  was  born  in 
Newell  Township,  this  county,  March  9,  1840,  and 
like  her  husband  pursued  her  early  studies  in  a  log 
school  house  under  the  imperfect  system  of  instruc- 
tion given  at  that  day. 

Vf?OHN  VAN  DUYN  was  born  in  Parke 
County,  Ind.,  April  28,  1835.  His  farm 
which  is  situated  on  section  19  in  Elwood 
Township,  consists  of  150  acres  of  good  land 
all  of  which  is  cultivated  in  a  manner  that  will 
liring  about  the  highest  results.  He  is  SMccessfiiUy 
eng.ageil  in  raising  graded  Sliorthorns  and  Poland- 
China  hogs. 

Cornelius  \'in  Duyn.  the  father  of  Joliii.  was  a 
native  of  New  Jersey,  and  came  with  his  father  to 
Indiana,  when  a  boy.  The  mother  was  Catherine 
Blue,  a  native  of  Pickaway  County,  Ohio.  She  was 
the  inolher  of  eleven  children,  seven  of  whom  are 
living:  John,  Cornelius,  Henry  J.,  AVMIliain,  Tilgh- 
nian  A.  II.,  Luther  \V.  and  James  C.  The  elder 
A'an  Duyns  were  leading  citizens  of  their  time  and 
were  regarded  as  among  the  best  people  in  the 
country.  They  were  thrifty  and  intelligent,  and  in 
financial  matters,  generall}'  succeeded. 

John  Van  Du3n  received  a  limited  education  at 
the  subscription  schools  which  were  in  vogue  in  this 
country  during  the  pioneer  days.  The  school-house, 
where  he  learned  to  read  and  write  was  built  of 
logs  and  contained  a  fire-place  in  one  end,  slabs  for 
seats  and  oiled  paper  for  window  panes.  Let  the 
youth  of  to-day  contemplate  the  difficulties  which 
surrounded  their  fathers  and  grandfathers  in  their 
effort  to  get  an  education,  and  be  thankful  for  the 
splendid  school  ])rivileges  they  now  enjoy  and 
strive  the  harder  to  improve  them.  Mr.  Van  Duyn 
came  to  Vermillion  Count}',  Ind.,  with  his  parents 
ill  1  853, whence  he  removed  to  this  county  three  years 
later.  He  married  March  26,  1867,  to  Dorothy, 
daughter  of  Archibald  Edmonston,  a  native  of  ISun- 
combe  County,  N.  C.       She  was  born  in  Vermilion 



County.  Iiid..  wluTC  liur  parents  Idcaloii  in  1831. 
Ilcr  father,  an  old  pioneer  of  Indiana,  was  a  soldier 
of  the  war  of  1«12.  Ilei  mother  Melissa  Ander- 
son, was  ;i  native  of  Mercer  County,  Ky.  The  lat- 
ter removed  with  her  parents  to  Dubois  County, 
Ind.,  at  the  age  of  eleven  years,  and  in  18;51,  she 
located  with  her  husl)and  in  \'ormillioii  County,  the 
same  .State.  She  was  the  mother  uf  eight  children, 
five  of  whom  are  living:  Thomas  A.,  Mrs.  \'an 
Duyn.  William,  Leroy  T.  and  Melissa.  Mother 
iMlmonston  still  lives  in  Indiana,  six  miles  southwest 
of  Newport  and  is  eighty-four  years  old.  She  is 
possessed  of  extra  good  health  for  a  lady  of  her 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  V'au  Duyn  have  had  live  children 
and  but  one  is  living,  Melissa,  who  is  the  wife  of 
I'lofessor  Miteliell.  [irineipal  of  the  Ridge  Farm 
.school.  She  is  also  teaching  there  with  her  husband. 
.She  began  work  in  her  profession  when  but  fifteen 
years  old,  and  is  a  graduate  of  the  State  Normal 
School  of  Terre  Haute.  Both  have  State  certificates 
of  Illinois.  They  are  the  parents  of  one  child — 
\er;ie  V. 

By  his  own  efforts  Mr.  Van  Duyn  has  prospered 
linaneially,  and  is  now  living  in  ease  and  comfort, 
lie  is  generous  and  hospitable  and  is  never  lia|)pier 
than  when  he  is  smoothing  the  road  of  some  un- 
fortunate whose  footsteps  are  handicapjied  in  the 
race  of  life. 

— -mm- — 

li,-,^     (iARLAl'GII.    The  extensive  tract  of  land 

familiarly   known   as   the  fiarlaugli     farm 

is   operated   in    two    divisions  by    the  sub- 

■a^  jeet  of  this  notice  and  his  brother,  Tay- 
lor Garlaugh,  and  comprises  some  of  the  finest  land 
lying  out  of  doors.  It  was  purchased  by  the  f.ather 
in  1873  at  the  time  of  the  famous  Sidell  land  sale, 
which  is  noted  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

Mr.  Garlaugh,  our  subject,  has  effected  many 
valuable  improvements  on  this  property,  erecting  a 
commodious  two-storj'  frame  dwelling,  a  good  barn 
and  cattle  sheds,  has  gooil  fences  and  the  latest  im- 
proved machinery  for  the  prosecution  of  his  calling. 
A  windmill  forms  one  of  the  appurtenances  and  the 
land  is  amply  watered  and  very  fertile.      In  riding 

past  the  farm  (he  traveler  is  at  once  impressed 
with  the  idea  that  its  manager  is  not  only  a  man  of 
entciprise  and  energy,  but  is  one  liound  to  succeed. 
Mr.  Garlaugh  employs  two  men  and  four  two- 
horse  teams  in  carrying  on  the  farm  and  feeds  an- 
nually 100  head  each  of  cattle  and  swine.  He 
makes  a  specialty  of  attending  to  his  own  concerns 
and  does  not  aspire  to  political  honors,  although 
thoroughly  in  syini)athy  with  the  princi[)les  of  the 
Republican  party  and  the  watch-cry  "America  for 

In  referring  to  the  parental  history  of  our  sub- 
ject we  find  that  his  father,  Jacob  Garlaugh,  was 
born  in  Greene  County,  Ohio,  and  remains  a  resi- 
dent of  that  State,  living  near  the  city  of  Da3'ton. 
The  mother,  formerly  Miss  Elizabeth  Miller,  was 
born  in  ^'irginia  and  emigrated  to  Ohio  with  her 
parents  when  a  young  girl.  The  first  representa- 
tives of  the  Garlangh  family  in  America  came  across 
the  water  from  Germany  and  settled  in  Maryland 
whence  Grandfather  (iarlaugh  removed  to  (ireene 
County,  Ohio,  in  1807.  The  homestead  which  lie 
built  up  from  the  wilderness  has  never  passed  out 
of  the  hands  of  the  family  and  upon  it  the  father  of 
our  subject  is  still  living  with  his  estimable  wife 
at  the  ages  of  seventy-nine  and  sixty-nine  years 

Thirteen  chiklren  were  born  to  the  |)arents  of 
our  subject — seven  sons  and  six  daughters — of 
whom  he  was  tbe  seventh.  He  first  opened  hiseycs 
to  the  light  Feb.  17,  1853.  He  attended  the  com- 
mon schools  and  was  reared  to  farm  pursuits,  re- 
maining a  mendier  of  the  parcntid  household  until 
coming  to  Illinois  in  IJSTli  when  n  man  of  twenty- 
six  years.  He  was  m.-uiied  in  this  county  in  1883 
to  Miss  Nellie,  daughter  of  Calvin  and  Elizabeth 
(Collison)  Martin  now  of  State  Line.  Mrs.  Gar- 
laugh was  born  at  Bixby,  111.,  and  completed  her 
studies  in  the  Normal  School  at  Danville.  Subse- 
(juentl^'  she  followed  the  profession  of  a  teacher 
until  her  marriage.  She  became  the  mother  of  two 
children — Mamie  E.  and  Ida  M.  and  dit'd  Dec.  2(!, 
1S87.  The  ytiung  wife  and  mother  |)assed  avva3', 
deeply  mourned  by  her  husliau<l  anil  a  large  (;ircle 
of  friends.  She  possessed  many  estimable  qualities 
and  in  her  di  ath  our  subject  receiveil  the  sympathy 
of  all  who  had  known   them   during  the  brief  years 



of  their  luippy  inunitMl  life.  Mr.  Garlau,<;li  is 
lotiked  ii|ioii  ;is  one  of  the  rising  yoiuiij;-  men  of  his 
eoniuiunity — one  eminently  worthy  of  a  record  in 
a  work  designed  to  i)eri)etnate  the  n.'imes  and  deetis 
of  the  lea<lin';'  men  uf  N'ermilion  County. 

/^^  HAKLKS  \V.F()RBKS,the  leading  and  pioneer 
(l[  ^_  agrienltnral  implement  dealer  of  Sidell,  ear- 
^■^'  ries  an  extensive  stock  of  merchandise  per- 
taining to  his  line  of  trade,  and  from  his  long 
residence  in  this  locality  and  his  snhstantial  traits 
of  character,  is  regarded  as  one  of  its  leading  men. 
A  native  of  Medina  County,  Ohio,  he  was  born 
March  17,  185:>,  and  in  conseipience  is  on  the 
sunny  side  of  forty  and  in  the  prime  of  a  vigorou.s 
and  healtlifnl  manhood.  His  career  lias  been 
marked  by  success,  and  he  possesses  liiose  mental 
qnidilies  which  have  not  only  been  of  great  service 
in  tlie  management  of  his  business  affairs,  but  has 
estal)lished  him  in  an  envialile  position  among  his 
fellovvmen.  He  takes  a  warm  interest  in  the  growth 
of  the  village  and  as  a  liljeral-minded  and  public- 
spirited  citizen,  contributes  as  he  is  able  toward  its 

Mr.  Forbes  is  the  offspring  of  a  good  family, 
being  the  son  of  Alex  and  Cornelia  Ann  i  Uandall) 
Forbes  who  are  still  living  and  in  good  health,  the 
father  being  eighty-five  years  old  and  the  mother 
seventy-six.  Charles  W.  was  the  eighth  in  the 
family  of  ten  children,  five  of  whom  are  living, 
the  other  four  being  Medwin,  Geoige,  Hiram  and 
Marietta.  Alex  Forltes  was  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  Medina  County,  Ohio;  where  he  0|)erated 
promiiientlj'  as  a  builder  and  contractor  until  he 
retired  from  active  labor,  and  still  resides  in  Ohio. 

Our  subject  pursued  his  first  studies  in  the  com- 
mon schools,  and  later  at  a  select  school  at  Litch- 
field, Ohio.  When  a  youth  of  eighteen  years  he 
became  interested  in  a  creamery  at  Wellington,  with 
which  he  was  connected  until  coming,  in  1881,  to 
Shelby  County  this  State.  He  built  a  creamery  in  the 
latter  place  which  he  operated  two  years  and  then 
removed  to  Rantoul,  where  he  prosecuted  the 
same  business  successfully  for  a    time,  then  selling 

out,  established  himself  in  Casey,  Clark  County, 
this  Stati-^,  where  he  built  another  creamer}',  but 
only  sojourned  six  months,  coming  to  Sidell  in 
the  fall  of  1885.  In  his  business  here  he  has  been 
successful  from  the  start,  and  his  progress  may  be 
indicated  by  the  fact  that  his  sales  in  1885 
amounted  to  *10,OOll.  and  those  of  1888  to  $47,- 
OUO.  He  has  erected  a  commodious  store  with 
ware-rooms,  and  now  also  conducts  a  tiiriving 
tr;ulc  in  fuiiiilure  as  well  as  carriages  and  wagons. 
He  has  put  up  a  tasteful  and  substantial  residence 
of  nnjdern  architecture  at  the  corner  of  (iray  and 
Fnglish  streets,  which  with  its  surroundings  forms 
a  very  pleasant  and  attractive  home. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  ]M3ra 
Fisher  was  celebrated  at  the  home  of  the  bride  in 
Clarkslield,  Huron  Co.,  Ohio.  Dec.  10,  187'J.  Mrs. 
Forbes  was  born  at  Rochester,  Lorain,  Co.,  that 
State,  February,  1857,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Robert  and  Olive  M.  (Cunningham)  Fisher,  the 
former  a  native  of  the  i)rovince  of  Ontario, 
Canada,  and  the  latter  of  Clarksfield.  Ohio.  Mr. 
Fisher  left  the  Dominion  when  a  young  man  and 
afterward  followed  the  trade  of  a  harness-maker  until 
his  death.  whii;h  took  |)lace  in  1870  when  he  was 
lift\-  years  old.  The  pareiUs  were  marrie<l  in  Clarks- 
field. Ohio.  The  mother  is  living  and  makes  her 
home  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Forbes;  she  is  now 
fifty  three  years  old.  Of  her  five  children,  i\Iyra, 
Mrs.  Forbes,  was  the  eldest  born.  The  next  one, 
a  son,  Foster,  died  in  infancy;  Hiram  Way,  Frank 
S.  and  F^mma  D. 

Mr.  Forbes,  piiliticall}'.  is  a  stanch  Republican 
and  is  a  mendjer  of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  belong- 
ing to  Peace  Dale  Loilge,  No.  225.  He  is  a  charter 
member  of  the  Modern  \\'oodraen  of  America,  be- 
longing to  Sidell  Camp.  No.  405.  The  maternal 
grandmother  of  Mrs.  F'isher  was  married  the  first 
times  to  Corydon  Sheldon,  and  by  him  became  the 
mother  of  one  child,  Jairus  C,  who  was  a  representa- 
tive  from  the  Fifteenth  District  of  Illinois  to  the 
Forty-ninth  Congress  and  served  two  terms.  After 
the  death  of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Sheldon  was  mar- 
ried to  Hiram  Way  Cunningham,  and  to  them  were 
born  nine  children,  among  whom  was  the  mother 
of  Mrs.  Forbes  and  Joseph  Oscar  Cunningham, 
who  is  one  of    the  leading    lawyers  and   prominent 

POR'rHAir  AM)    lUOlMJAIMIK'AI,  AI>1,UM. 


filizeiis  of  Uibaiia.  111.,  and  was  for  several  years 
Prol)ato  Judge.  The  girlhood  of  Mrs.  Forbes  was 
spent  in  Clariislield.  Ohio,  and  she  alteniled  the 
liigii  School  at  Norwalli.  Later,  at  the  age  of 
.sevi'iiteeii,  she  entered  lltiiduin  I  iii ver.sity,  takinjif 
the  eias.sical  and  musical  courses,  antl  continued  a 
student  there  for  some  time.  Afterward  slie 
engaged  in  teach ini;' in  Huron  C'lmnl y.  Oliio.  fdjjow- 
ing  this  profession  for  four  years  pi'ior  to  her  mar- 

Mr.  .-ind  Mrs.  Forl)es  aic  niembcis  of  tlie  iNIelho- 
ilisl  Ki)iscopal  Church  at  Sidell  in  wiiicli  Mr. 
Forties  is  one  of  the  Hoard  of  Trustees  and  is  on 
the  IJuitding  Committee.  Tliis  cliui<-ti  tias  one  of 
ttie  linest  edifices  in  ^■ermilion  County,  ontsidt'  of 
Danville.  Mrs.  Forbes  was  the  first  I'lesident  of 
tlie  Ladies'  .Vid  Society,  which  was  estatilislic(l  for 
the  purpose  of  raising  means  to  build  a  new  chnich. 

^^ 4>e|^^ 5- 

FWITT  C.  HFNNKTT.  fajniliarly  known 
throughout  Carroll  Township  as  '•  Clint 
Bennett,"  is  one  of  the  most  popular 
young  men  of  his  community  and  ;i  farmer 
by  occui)ation.  operating  a  line  body  of  land  in  the 
southwestern  i>artof  the  township,  lie  has  worked 
his  way  up  from  an  luunlile  position  in  life,  signal- 
izing himself  b.y  his  industry-  and  integrity  of  char- 
acter, and,  aside  from  being  on  the  highway  to 
sueeess  financially,  has  fully  established  himself  in 
the  eontidenee  and  esteem  of  his  fellow-citizens. 
The  fact  that  he  was  from  the  age  of  eighteen 
years  until  twenty-eight  —  a  period  of  ten  years  — 
the  "right  hand  man  "  of  the  cattle  king,  John 
Sidell,  is  sutticient  indication  of  his  true  character 
and  furnishes  as  good  a  recommendation  as  he 
could  possibly  wish  for.  Thei'e  was  also  another 
party  in  the  emploj-  of  the  same  family,  namely, 
a  most  estimable  young  lady,  who  became  the  wife 
of  our  subject  and  whose  record  is  fully  equal  to 
that  of  her  husband  in  point  of  sterling  worth  of 
character  and  cultivated  tastes.  As  the  wife  of 
our  subject,  she  has  been  in  all  respects  his  true 
companion  and  heliimate,  and  they  are  justly 
proud  of  their    blooming  family  of  children,  and 

their  attractive  home,  which,  without  making  any 
pretensions  to  elegance,  is  the  place  when'  affection 
abides  anil  to  which  they  frequently  welcome  the 
many  friends  and  acipiaintanccs  who  have  watched 
their  career  with   kindly  interest. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  is  a  native  of  this 
county,  and  was  born  in  X'ance  Township,  June  A, 
|y|',).  lie  was  reared  in  \aiice  and  Catlin  town- 
shi|is,  ac([uiring  his  education  in  the  common  school, 
and  left  home,  as  we  have  already  indicated,  at  the 
age  of  eighteen  years.  \\'liilc  in  the  employ  of  Mr. 
Sidell,  he  drove  thousands  of  cattle  to  the  Fast, 
frequently  riding  night  and  day.  without  sleep  or 
rest.  His  father.  Philander  liennett,  was  a  native 
of  New  York  .State,  and  married  Miss  Sarah  Ann 
AVolf.  who  was  liorn  in  Tennessee,  [n  the  biogra- 
phy of  Henry  .1.  15ennutt,  found  on  another  page 
in  this  volume,  will  be  noted  the  parental  histor}'. 
Philander  Bennett  and  his  excellent  wife  are  still 
living,  making  their  home  in  Palermo,  Edgar 
County,  where  the  father  and  his  younger  sons  are 
operating  a  rented  farm.  Mr.  Bennett  is  now 
about  seventy-four  years  old  and  his  wife  ten 
years  his  junior.  They  are  the  parents  of  nine 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Ann  E.,  is  the  wife 
of  W.  M.  Jamison,  of  Catlin.  and  the  mother  of  six 
children:  Charles,  Kate.  Mar\',  (Jeorge,  Willie  and 
Bertie.  Henry  J.  was  the  second  born;  DeWitt 
Clinton,  our  subject,  was  the  third  child;  (ieorge 
Franklin  married  i\Hss  Rachel  Trimlilc.and  is  a  farm- 
er tif  Dundee  County,  Neb.,  and  tiiey  have  ft)ur  chil- 
dren, Clinton,  Minnie,  Frank  and  a  babe  unnamed. 
.Mary  F.  is  the  wife  of  Jonah  Turner,  a  farmer  of 
Edgar  County;  they  have  no  children.  William  K. 
died  in  boyhood;  Jacob  remains  at  home  with  his 
father;  Ida  B.  married  F^sau  Marsh,  resides  in 
Missouri,  and  is  the  mother  of  two  children;  Allie 
married  Wilson  Glaze,  a  resident  of  Chrisman, 
Edgar  County,  and  they  have  two  children. 

Mr.  Bennett  was  married  in  1877  to  Mrs.  Nancy 
Jane  Si)ellman,  daughter  of  Jerry  and  Mary 
I.  Fuller.  Her  father  was  born  in  Illinois  and 
her  mother  in  Campbell  County,  Ky.  The  par- 
ents were  married  in  the  latter  State  and  were  of 
Irish  descent.  They  settled  first  in  Cincinnati, 
Ohio,  where  Mr.  Fuller  engaged  in  teaming,  and 
later  removetl  on  to   a   farm   in  Kentucky,    where 



his  ilealli  took  pl.'K'C.  The  miitlior  was  sub- 
seciuently  inaniert  to  John  (lark,  a  sketch  of 
wlioin  ap|)|)pai-s  cIscwIrtc  in  this  work,  and  they 
are  living-  at  Sidell.  Of  the  liist  niari-iago  there 
were  born  seven  children,  viz:  Reuben,  John  and 
Mary  (who  died  young),  America,  Sarali,  Louisa 
and  Nancy  Jane.  Mrs.  Bennett  was  born  in  Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio,  but  was  reared  in  Kentucky,  and 
wlien  nineteen  years  of  age  became  the  wife  of 
Thomas  B.  Spellnian.  Of  this  union  there  was 
born  one  cliild. 

For  six  years  after  their  marriage  Mr.  and  JMrs. 
Bennett  continued  with  Mr.  Sidell  and  afterward 
began  farming  on  rented  land.  They  are  now  the 
parents  of  six  children,  namely :  Sarah  I.,  Charles 
Clinton,  Jacob  C,  Bessie  W.  and  Luella.  Mr.  Ben- 
nett is  a  prominent  member  of  the  Modern  Wood- 
men at  Sidell,  and  has  filled  most  of  the  offices  of 
the  order.  Politically  he  votes  the  straight  Dem- 
ocratic ticket  and  has  been  School  Director  in  his 

— -^^^^m- — 

DAM     STADLia;. 

The    armies    of    the 

North — so  statistics  exhibit — were  com- 
posed of  (me-third  foreigners,  or  their 
direct  descendants.  These,  or  their  par- 
ents, had  come  from  countries  where  tyranny  held 
them  in  as  firm  a  grasp  as  the  negroes  were  held  in 
America,  and  their  condition  was  but  little  aliove 
that  of  the  slave  c>f  South  Carolina.  They  longed 
for  that  perfect  political  freedom  that  characterizes 
this  country,  and  in  consequence  fought  for  a  prin- 
ciple that  was  dear  to  thon,  and  the  most  of  these 
people,  by  the  peculiar  laws  of  their  native  land, 
were  obliged  to  serve  in  the  army.  The  pcrsi)n 
whose  name  heads  this  sketch  is  one  of  those  who 
had  seen  service  in  his  native  country. 

His  father  was  Christopher  Stadler,  a  farmer  of 
Baden  and  a  native  of  that  country,  while  his 
mother,  Regina  (Horsch)  was  also  a  native  of  the 
same  province.  This  coui)le  were  married  in  Baden 
and  came  to  America  in  1854,  locating  in  Henry 
County,  Ind.,  with  their  son  Adam,  who  had  come 
to  America  before  them.  The  father  died  in  1856 
aged   sixty-eight,  and    the  mother  is  still   living  in 

Ohio  with  one  of  her  daughters.  They  had  five 
children,  three  lioys  and  two  girls,  four  of  whom 
arc  now  living  in  America.  The  oldest  boy  died 
in  (iermany.  Adam,  of  whom  we  write,  is  the 
second  cliild  of  the  family,  and  vvas  born  Dec.  28, 
18-21,  in  Baden.  There  he  went  to  school  until  he 
was  fourteen  years  old,  receiving  a  very  fine  edu- 
cation in  the  higher  mathematics  and  engineering, 
lie  finished  his  schooling  in  the  military  academy 
of  Carlsruhe,  the  ca|)ital  of  Baden,  graduating  from 
that  institution  and  receiving  his  diploma  in  1844. 
Previous  to  this,  he  served  his  time  as  an  appien- 
tice  at  the  cooper's  trade  an<l  continued  at  that  for 
six  years,  or  until  he  was  twenty  years  of  age. 

In  184  1  Mr.  Stadler  was  drafted  into  the  armj'. 
He  served  six  n^onths  as  a  |)rivate  and  was  pro- 
moted to  the  ranks  of  Corporal  ami  Sergeant,  serv- 
ing in  these  positions  for  one  and  two  years  re- 
spectively. In  1848  the  rebellion  lii'oke  out  in 
Baden  against  King  Leopold,  at  which  time  Jlr. 
Stadler  was  .serving  as  (Quartermaster  Sergeant. 
The  army  in  which  he  was  doing  duty  was  directed 
against  the  rebels,  but  in  184i)  the  soldiers  became 
disaffected  and  rebelled  against  the  King.  Mr. 
Stadler  was  then  elected  as  Captain  of  the  same 
hatter3'  of  ai'tillery  in  which  he  had  served  [ire- 
viously  as  a  loyal  soldier. 

His  company  fought  in  every  battle  in  181'.)  in 
the  rcln^l  army.  At  that  time  the  comnian<1er  of 
the  rebellious  soldiers  was  Gen.  Miiollefski.  who 
turned  out  to  be  a  traitor  to  the  cause.  He  was 
succeeded  liy  Gen.  Fr[U)Z  Sigel.  who  afterward 
distinguished  himself  in  the  Union  army  during 
the  late  Rebellion.  Gen.  Sigel  was  in  command  of 
about  25,(100  men  and  in  opposition  to  this  smaH 
army,  Prussia  sent  150,000  troops  and  the  States 
of  VVurtemburg,  Bavaria  and  Hesse-Darmstadt  fur- 
nished as  many  more.  This  immense  army  of 
troops  succeeded  in  killing  many  of  the  rebels,  Init 
failed  to  crush  them.  Sigel's  army  was  driven  into 
Switzerland  and  the  war  closed.  The  remnant  of 
this  little  army  two  months  after  was  dis[)ersed. 
The  private  soldiers  were  allowed  to  go  where 
the3-  pleased,  but  the  officers  were  condemned  to 
be  shot  whenever  found  on  their  native  soil.  The 
natural  place  for  them  to  seek  refuge  was  in  America, 
and    here    they  came,  Mr.  Stadler    being    one    of 



tliem.  He  e.iriie  in  tlie  same  vessel  that  broiiglit 
Liuvience  Bi'cntano,  now  of  Chicago  and  they  ar- 
liveil  at  New  Yori<  in  Nov.  1849. 

Mr.  Sladler  was  married  May  28,  1846  to  Sophia 
Yazoll,  (laugliter  of  John  and  Caroline  (Sweitzer) 
Va/A'll.  Mrs.  Sladler  was  the  yo\ingest  of  the 
l':niiily  and  was  horn  Fel).  2,  182'J.  She  received 
a  line  education,  and  married  Mr.  Stadler  while  he 
was  a  Sergeant  in  the  army  of  the  King.  AViiile 
Uie  war  was  in  progress — in  which  her  husliand 
l(H)]<  so  active  a  part — she  remained  at  C'arlsruho. 
and  when  the  army  was  driven  into  Switzerland, 
she  joined  her  hnsli.Mud  there  and  sailed  with  liini 
to  America,  '{"hey  went  to  Cincinnati,  where  lie 
was  employed  al  his  trade,  and  also  in  a  brewerv. 
foi-  one  year.  At  this  time  botli  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Stadler  were  seized  witii  typhoid  fever,  which  was 
t'dllowed  by  fever  and  ague,  thc^r  illness  lasting  in 
all,  fourteen  months.  After  recovering  their 
health  they  renioved  to  Indiana,  where  Mv.  Stadlei- 
started  a  cooper's  shop  and  remained  in  that  l)usi- 
ncss  for  fourteen  years.  He  then  rented  a  farm. 
!uid  l)egan  the  life  of  a  farmer. 

In  18(!I,  wiien  the  first  call  for  troops  was  made 
liy  President  Lincoln,  Mr.  Stadler  enlisted  in  the 
I2lh  battery  of  Indiana  Volunteers,  commanded 
by  Capt.  Stall ings.  He  went  out  with  the  battei-y 
as  i'Mrst  Lieutcmuit,  proceeding  from  Indianapolis 
to  St.  Louis  and  thence  to  Fort  Donelson.  After 
l,lie  fall  of  that  fort,  the  battery  was  ordered  to 
Nashville,  and  from  there  to  Pittsburg  Landing, 
am!  after  the  battle  of  Sliiloh,  the  company-  was 
changed  to  heavy  artillery,  and  again  returned  to 
N.ashville.  In  the  fall  of  18(52  Mr.  Stadler  resigne<l 
his  comniissif)!!.  because  of  rheumatism.  He  rc- 
ttii-ne<l  home  and  again  took  u[)  his  work  on  the 
farm  in  Indiana.  He  had  escaped  unhurt  in  the 
many  battles  in  which  lie  was  eng.aged  both  in 
Oerinany  and  America,  and  while  in  the  service  in 
llie  old  country,  he  had  three  lioi-ses  killed  while 
riding  them. 

In  October,  18(17  Mr.  Stadler  removed  to  Illinois 
and  bought  his  present  home  where  he  has  lived 
since.  He  has  125  .acres  of  good  land,  and  as  a 
farmer  he  has  been  successful.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Stadler  have  had  six  children,  three  sons  and  three 
daughters,  live  of   whom    are    living:   ( ieorye  C.  a 

banker,  married  Ada  Newton;  they  are  living  in 
RIonticello,  where  he  is  Clerk  of  the  Court,  and 
hav(  two  children;  Adam  A.,  married  Anna  P.ell, 
the}'  are  residing  at  Bement  and  are  the  parents  of 
one  child;  Rena  is  the  wife  of  Dr.  Clark  Smith  of 
Cornelius,  Ore.;  Jacob  F.,  married  Susan  Simpson, 
and  they  are  living  on  a  part  of  her  father's 
farm,  and  have  one  child;  Caroline  lives  at  home 
with  hei-  parents,  and  is  an  accomplished  young 
lady,  being  noticeably  proficient  in  painting.  She 
has  executed  many  fine  specimens,  which  adorn 
her  father's  |>arlor. 

Mr.  Stadler  is  a  strong  free-trade  Democrat  and 
while  he  is  not  an  office-seeker  he  takes  great  inter- 
est in  i)olitics.  He  has  held  the  oHice  of  Road 
()verseer,  tilling  the  position  with  his  usual  energy. 
Before  leaving  Baden  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stadler  were 
members  of  the  Evangelical  Protestant  Church, 
but  since  coming  to  America  they  have  been  united 
with  no  religious  organization  but  attend  church 
regularly.  I'hey  are  held  in  high  esteem  by  all 
their  acquain'tanees  as  possessing  all  the  attributes 
that  cluster  around  good  neighbors,  andjlavv-abiding 

>?,(M-IN  POLLARD.  This  branch  of  the  Pol- 
lard family  is  noted  chielly  for  its  mechan- 
ical genius — the  ancestors  of  our  sidiject 
being  peculiarly  gifted  in  this  mrnncr. 
\Villiani  Pollard,  the  father  of  our  subject,  learned 
mechanical  engineering  in  his  native  England 
when  quite  a  young  man,  and  the  paternal  grand- 
father, John  Pollard,  was  a  wheelwright,  mill- 
wright and  wood-worker  of  great  skill. 

To  William  and  Mary  Ann  (Bartel)  Pollard, 
natives  of  Ytjrkshirc,  England,  there  were  born 
(ivc  cliildren  in  their  native  country:  Paul  lives 
in  Carroll  Township;  John,  our  subject  the 
second  child;  Sarah  J.  is  the  wife  of  S.  P.  Dono- 
van, a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere  in  this 
volume;  Peter  died  in  infancy;  Martha  is  the  wife 
of  Charles  llidl.  also  re|)resented  elsewhere  in  this 
work.  The  futhcr  crossed  the  Atlantic  seven 
times — four  timts   before  bringing  his  family  here. 



in  1864 — when  he  located  in  Carroll  Townsliip. 
this  connly.  He  liiiilt  tjie  first  steam  sawmill  south 
of  Danville,  and,  liesides  being  a  first  class  me- 
chanic, was  au  excellent  Imsiness  man.  ami  soon 
found  himself  on  the  high  road  to  (irosiierity.  Of  a 
most  generous  and  easy  disposition,  it  was  often 
remarked  that  he  "was  too  good  for  his  own 
good."  He  could  never  say  "no"  when  solicited 
by  a  friend  for  a  favor,  consequently  he  appended 
his  name  to  various  notes  for  friends,  which  re 
suited  in  tlie  usual  way,  namel^y,  the  loss  of  a 
large  amount  of  his  property.  He  lived,  however, 
to  rally  from  this  disaster,  and  .it  the  time  of  iiis 
death,  July  3.  1«86,  left  his  family  in  comfortable 
circumstances;  he  was  then  aged  sixty-nine  years. 
The  mother  is  still  living,  making  her  home  in  In- 
dianola,  and  is  of  the  same  !ige  as  her  husb.and  was 
at  his  decease. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch,  like  his  ])arents.  was 
a  native  of  Yorkshire.  England,  and  born  May  .'i, 
1S47.  He  pursued  his  early  studies  under  careful 
instruction  in  a  private  school,  which  was  held 
under  the  auspices  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  While  still  a  boy,  he  began  working  in  a 
factory  as  a  spinner,  and  at  the  earl3'  age  of  seven- 
teen was  given  the  position  of  overseer  in  the  si)in- 
niug  department  of  Scott's  Woolen  RHlls,  in  Eng- 
land. After  a  time,  however,  he  conceived  the 
idea  of  coming  to  America,  so  gave  up  his  ])osition 
and  sailed  across  the  Atlantic  with  his  brother, 
the  rest  of  the  family  coming  later. 

The  labors  of  young  I'ollard  were  oidy  inter- 
rupted for  a  com|)aratively  brief  time,  .ind,  after 
reaching  Illinois,  he  entered  the  employ  of  his 
father  in  a  sawmill,  and  w!is  thus  occupied  until 
thirty  six  ;\'ears  of  age.  Then,  as  projirietor,  he 
assumed  the  entire  charge.  Hundreds  of  thou- 
sands of  feet  of  lumber  have  passed  thiough  his 
hands,  and  he  has  been  uniforml}-  successful  in  this 
department  of  industry.  He  purchases  the  logs  iu 
the  rough,  and  from  them  manuf.actures  all  kinds 
of  lunilier  for  buililing  and  other  purposes,  dealing 
mostly  in  the  finer  grades — oak.  walnut,  and  woods 
of  that  description.  He  has  built  up  a  regulai 
])atronage,  doing  an  extensive  custom  business. 

Mr.  Pollard  and  his  famil)-  occupy  a  very  pleas- 
annt  and  comfortable    home.     His  farm  comprises 

choice  land,  with  a  neat  and  substantial  frame 
dwelling  and  the  other  buildings  necessary  for 
their  convenience  and  comfort.  He  was  married, 
Aug.  29,  188C,  to  Mrs.  Fanny  (Thresher)  Hunt, 
daughter  of  P^verett  Thresher  and  widow  of  Ely 
Hunt.  jMrs.  Pollard  was  born  in  Pickaway  County, 
Ohio,  Dec.  6,  IS-OS.  'J'he  maiden  name  of  her 
mother  was  Elizabeth  Collins,  and  both  parents 
were  born  in  Pickaway  County.  <  >hio.  Mr.  Thresher 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  when  a  boy  of 
eight  years  came  with  his  parents  to  Illinois,  set- 
tling in  Coles  C'ounty.  Later  they  removed  to 
Douglas  County,  where  the  parents  still  live,  and 
are  comfortably  situated  upon  a  good  farm  of  their 
own.  Mr.  Thresher  is  si.xty-seven  years  of  age, 
ami  his  good  wife  fifty-nine.  Of  the  twelve  chil- 
dren born  to  them  ten  lived  to  mature  yeais,  viz: 
Sarah,  Hugh,  Fanny,  INIary,  John.  Maliala.  Miuirya, 
Celia,  Henry  and  (leorge. 

Miss  Fanny  Thresher  was  first  married  in  Doiig- 
l:is  County,  this  Stale,  to  Ely  Hunt,  a  fai'nier  by 
occupation,  and  they  became  the  parents  of  one 
child — Lewis,  who  born  in  1877.  Mrs.  Hunt 
in  1882  occupied  the  position  of  a  clerk  in  Danville, 
where  she  met  f)ur  subject,  .and  in  due  time  they 
were  married.  Holh  f)ur  suljject  and  his  estiinalile 
wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church,  at  ludianola.  and  Mr.  Pol- 
lard, iiolitically,  gives  his  unqualified  sni)port  to 
the  Democratic  party. 

A  view  of  Mr.  Pollard's  place  is  shown  elsewhere 
in  this  work. 

JLISHA  C.  P..  FITHIAX.  The  Fithian  fam- 
las  been  widely  known  in  Central 
Illinois  for  many  years.  We  find  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice  comfortably  located  on  section 
19,  in  Oakwood  Townslii|),  where  he  has  followed 
agriculture  since  18.04.  He  is  the  youngest  of 
three  sons,  the  offspring  of  Dr.  William  and  Orle- 
thea  T.  (Berry)  Fithian,  who  were  natives  of  Ohio, 
where  they  were  reared,  educated  and  married,  and 
came  to  Illinois  as  early  as  1830.  [See  sketch  on 
another  page.]     They  settled   at   Danville,   where 



the  father  followed  liis  profession  coiiliuuously  until 
about  1879.  'i  he  niannerin  whieh  he  was  iirospered 
is  indicated  from  the  fact  tliat  he  is  now  tlie  owner  of 
2,700  aeres  of  land  ill  Oaknood  and  X'anee  tciwii- 
ships,  400  acres  beiiiu'  in  limber  and  the  balance 
nnderagood  state  of  eiilti\atioii.  It  is  mostly  leased 
to  other  parties,  anil  our  subject  is  suiierintendeiit  of 
the  whole.  The  parental  family  comprised  three 
ehihiren.  only  two  of  whom  are  living,  the  eldest  son. 
Georjje  B..  havinjj;  died  in  1871.  I'lie  son  besides 
our  subject  is  ^^'illianl  Ileniy,  a  resident  of  Kithian, 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  the  youngest  of 
his  jiarents"  three  sons,  and  was  born  Nov.  8,  1837, 
in  Danville,  this  county.  He  acquired  a  pr.'ictical 
education  in  the  public  schools,  and  at  the  age  of 
seventeen  years  began  farming  for  himself  on  the 
land  which  he  now  occupies.  He  met  with  fair 
success,  and  on  the  Ulth  of  February,  18(;.'),  estab- 
lished domestic  ties  of  his  own  by  his  marriage  with 
Miss  Annie  M.  Hays.  Mrs.  Fithian  was  the  third 
child  in  tin;  family  of  John  Hays,  who  came  to  Illi- 
nois from  Ohio,  in  18(;2,  and  settled  near  Homer, 
Champaign  County,  where  he  occupied  himself  in 
farming.  His  family  consisted  of  twelve  cliililreii. 
eight  of  whom  are  living.  Mrs.  Fithian  was  born 
March  ITi.  18  40,  in  Athens  Co.,  Ohio. 

Since  his  marriage  Mr.  Fithian  has  continued 
the  superintendence  of  his  father's  farm.  The 
Doctor  is  now  past  his  ninetieth  year,  and  is  cpiile 
IVeble  in  health.  He  continues  a  resident  of  Dan- 
ville. He  has  been  a  very  prominent  man  in  his 
conimunity — .active,  energetic  and  public-spirited — 
.■ind  the  town  of  Fithian,  which  was  laid  out  by  the 
Indiana.  Bloomington  A'  Western  Railroad  Com- 
(lany,  was  named  in  his  honor.  His  tiist  wife  died 
ill  early  womanhood,  in  18.'57,  and  he  subse- 
quently married  to  Mrs.  Black,  the  widowed  mother 
of  Gen.  .lolin  C.  Black,  and  she  died  in  1 88(;. 
John  Hays,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Fithian,  died  on  the 
7th  of  August,  188G.  Her  mother  is  still  living, 
making  her  home  in  Muncie,  111.,  and  is  now 
seventy-one  years  old. 

Mr.  Fithian  is  quite  conservative  in  politics,  and 
has  always  been  a  member  of  the  Republican  part}', 
casting  his  first  vote  for  Abraham  Lincoln  in  IHtiO. 
He  was   persoiiall\-   acquainted    with    him,    having 

often  met  him  at  his  father's  house,  the  martyred 
President  regarding  Dr.  Fithian  as  one  of  his  warm, 
personal  friends,  and  frequentl3- visiting  him.  .Mr. 
Fithian  has  been  a  School  Director  for  many  years, 
and  socially  belongs  to  Fairmount  Lodge,  No.  ^>'JfK 
A.  F.  ife  A.  M..  with  which  he  has  been  connected 
for  about  sixteen  years.  The  five  children  of  our 
subject  and  his  estimable  wife  were  named,  re- 
spectively: I'.-iul  H..  Lalla  R.,  Klislia  C.  B.,  John 
C.  B.  and  David  \V . 

DAAI    KATON.     There  is  nothing  in  life 
>5gZyj|    more  beautiful  and   attractive  than   a  se- 
///  ifc    relic  and  quiet  old  .age,  the  result  of  a  life 
p  well    spent,    with    a    conscience     void    of 

offense,  and  a  consciousness  of  having  liveii  up- 
rightly and  in  a  maimer  deserving  of  the  esteem 
and  confidence  of  mankind.  These  thouo-lits  in- 
voluntarily arise  in  noting  the  career  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch,  who  is  in  fair  circumstances,  and 
occu|>ies  a  coinlorl.'ible  homestead  on  section  l,iii 
.Sidell  Township. 

Mr.  Katon  is  a  man  of  large  experience,  a  native 
of  r>arren  County,  Ky.,  and  born  near  (ila.sgow, 
March  1,  1822.  His  early  studies  were  pursued  in 
the  subscription  schools  of  his  n.ative  township,  and 
he  accoin|ianied  his  father's  family  in  their  various 
removals  through  Kentucky  to  Tennessee,  Missis- 
sippi and  Alabanin.  In  the  meantime,  upon  reachiiif 
man's  estate  he  employeil  himself  in  connection 
with  the  "tobacco  ;u)d  the  cotton  and  the  corn," 
and  was  a  witness  of  all  the  phases  of  life  in  the 
South  dining  that  period  and  prior  to  the  outbreak 
of  the  Rebellion.  In  Tennessee  he  found  his  wife, 
being  married  in  1841  to  Miss  Frances  (Jiner,  a 
native  of  that  State. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Eaton,  after  their  marriage,  iv- 
niovcd  to  Kentucky,  and  thence,  in  184.5,  to  In- 
diana, where  they  lived  seven  3'ears,  and  where 
their  eldest  child  was  born.  In  1852  they  came  to 
this  county  and  .settled  live  miles  e.i-st  of  Danville, 
where  our  subject  rented  a  farm  of  Dr.  Porter, 
upon  which  In-  remained  ten  years.  Then,  in  187!) 
with  the  results  of  his  labors,   he   piirch.ased   eighty 



ac-ies  of  land,  from  which  he  constructed  his  pres- 
ent liomestead.  lie  has  effected  good  improve- 
ments and  surrounded  himself  and  iiis  family  with 
all  the  comforts  of  life.  Living  at  peace  among 
his  neighbors  and  giving  his  chief  attention  to  the 
interests  immediately'  connected  with  lii.s  home,  he 
has  had  ample  time  to  reflect  upon  the  vicissitudes 
of  life  and  draw  his  own  conclusions  therefrom. 
The  four  living  children  of  Mr.  and  Mrs  Katon  aie 
recorded  as  follows:  David  married  Rachel 
Raffet,  and  lived  in  Sidell;  the^-  have  seven  children 
living.  Malen  married  Miss  Ida  Soycr.  lives  in 
this  township,  and  is  the  father  of  one  child — Les- 
lie; Maiy  is  the  wife  of  Simon  Hill,  of  Sidell,  and 
they  have  two  children — Elmer  and  Walter;  Pres- 
ton remains  at  home  with  his  parents.  Mr.  Katon 
votes  the  straight  Democratic  ticket,  and  both  he 
and  his  wife  are  members  c>f  the  New  Light  Church. 
The  [lareuts  of  our  subject  were  David  and  I^liz- 
abetli  (Thomas)  E.'don.  the  father  a  native  of  Ten- 
nessee. They  were  married  in  Kentucky,  and  lived 
there  for  a  time  on  a  farm.  About  184,")  they  re- 
moved to  Indiana,  settling  in  Harrison  County,  and 
later  came  to  this  county,  where  the  fathei-  died  at 
the  age  of  eighty-six  3ears.  The  mother  was 
eighty  years  old  .at  the  time  of  her  decease.  Their 
family  consisted  of  eleven  children — four  sons  and 
seven  daughters — of  whom  Adam,  our  subject, 
W!is  the  second  born. 

AM  TEL  W.  I5AITM  is  one  of  the  m,any 
well-to-do  men  of  Carroll  Township,  and 
a  po[)ular  stockman  of  Vermilion  County. 
For  several  years  he  has  been  eng.aged  in 
breeding  Shorthorn  cattle,  and  at  this  writing  has 
on  hand  a  herd  of  his  favorite  breed  of  cattle  of 
good  pedigrees.  The  animal  standing  at  the 
of  this  line  herd  of  cattle  is  the  celebrated  "Com- 
modore Barney,"  a  well-known  prize  winner,  and 
was  owned  by  the  late  Harvey  Sodowsky,  which  is 
a  guarantee  of  the  excellence  of  tin's  beautiful 

Mr.  Baum  is  the  son  of  Samuel   P.aum,  who  was 
a  very  popular  gentleman,  and  one  of  the  old   set- 

tlers of  Carroll  Township.  His  mother  was  Sarah 
Weaver,  a  daughter  of  Michael  AVeaver,  who  lived 
to  be  on(^  hundred  years  old.  The  elder  Baum  and 
Weaver  came  together  to  this  county  in  wagons 
drawn  I13'  oxen.  The  Bauins  built  up  the  oldest 
city  in  tlie  county — Indianola — and  were  instiu- 
nicntal  in  directing  the  outsiilo  W(jrld  to  the  fer- 
tility and  resources  of  Vermilion  County  as  a 
desirnblc  locition.  The  Baunis  were  also  distin- 
guished pioneers  of  Bucks  County,  Pa.,  and  of 
Clermont  County,  Ohio,  while  that  country 
under  territorial  rule.  The  grandfather,  Charles 
I'laum,  was  a  gunsmith  by  trade.  He  volunteered 
in  the  War  of  1K12,  but  was  thought  to  be  too 
\aluable  a  man  to  enter  the  I'anks,  so  he  was  em- 
liloycd  in  making  and  repairing  firearms.  He  made 
;i  gun  for  his  own  use  in  the  .army,  but  gave  it  to 
another  soMier.  He  was  very  religiously'  inclined, 
and  respected  by  all  who  knew  him.  Samuel 
B.Mum  was  married  twice,  and  by  the  first  union 
had  ele\cn  cliildren:  Oliver  P.,  Mary,  Elizabeth, 
Susan  A..  Cathei'iiie,  Francis,  Einiliue,  Samuel  W., 
William  and  Angeline. 

Samuel  W.  was  liorn  Feb.  15,  1843,  and  was 
reared  to  agriculture  in  this  c(;unty.  He  is  largely 
engaged  in  the  stock  business,  and  is  an  extensive 
shipper.  He  owns  several  farms,  the  homestead 
containing  (JdO  acres.  All  his  land  has  been  im- 
proved by  himself,  as  when  he  bought  it,  it  wa,s  in 
a  wild  condition.  His  farms  are  all  well  fenced, 
conveniently  arranged,  and  well  sup|)lied  with 
water;  the  barns  are  commodious,  and  the  pastures 
are  of  the  very  best.  His  dwelling  is  a  comfort- 
able one,  and  in  it  can  be  found  a  genial  hostess, 
whose  hospitality  is  proverbial.  The  stock  on  this 
farm  is  of  the  very  finest.  Any  one  of  the  ani- 
mals would  take  a  prominent  place  at  a  fair  or  a 
fat  stock  show.  It  is  safe  to  make  the  assertion  there  are  no  better  cattle  in  the  State  of  Illi- 
nois than  those  owned  by  Mr.  Baum. 

Mr.  Baum  wa.s  married  to  Miss  Delia  F.  Stewart, 
a  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Sar.ah  (Cochrane)  Stew- 
art, the  former  being  a  native  of  Ohio,  while  the 
la;tter  was  a  daughter  of  (ien.  Cochrane,  a  hero  of 
the  War  of  1812,  and  who  represented  his  people 
in  the  Legislature.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stewart  came  to 
GeorgeUjwn  from  Woodford    County,    111.,  having 



sottlod  there  first  upon  enming  t<i  lliis  Stiite.  Tliey 
lluated  down  the  Oliio  and  eauie  up  the  Mississippi 
and  Illiiiiiis  rivers,  until  tlioy  reaelied  tlieir  des- 
tination. j\lr.  and  Mrs.  Stewart  are  botli  living, 
and  in  this  world's  goods  are  well-to-(U).  They  are 
the  parents  of  seven  children,  all  girls:  Tamer  E. 
and  Mary  M.  (decea.sed),  twins;  FiOvina,  Sarali  A. 
(deceased),  .Tosephine.  Frances,  Deli)hine  and  I)oll\ 
.1.  Mrs.  Banni  was  horn  in  Georgetown,  where  she 
attended  the  |)ublic  stIiooIs.  and  at  the  age  of  six- 
then  entered  tlie  High  School  at  Danville.  Slie  is 
an  accomplished  lad}'  and  a  faithful  wife.  Mr. 
.and  Mrs.  Baum  have  no  children. 

Ml'.  Baum  is  a  strong  Reiiulilicui,  a  protectionist, 
and  a  friend  of  progress  and  prosperity-.  He  be- 
lieves that  his  party's  platforms  endiody  political 
wisdom,  and  that  its  candidates,  as  a  rule,  are 
good,  and,  therefore,  he  votes  the  Republican 
ticket,  though  he  never  seeks  ollice.  Mr.  Baum's 
reputation  among  those  who  know  him  best  is  irre- 

ILi^  KNRY   B.  CM  n  RENT  has  a  pleasant  home 
ill  Newell  Township,  and  is  a  gentlenian  of 

good  family  and  social  |)roniinence  in  the 
(1^)  coiumunit}'  in  which  he  lives.  His  parents, 
\\illiam  and  Mary  (  Bastian)  t'ui-rent,  natives  of 
Monongalia  t'ounl.\ ,  W.  Va.,  eiuigr.ated  to  Illinois 
in  lS-J7,and  located  in  Newell  Township  about  one- 
h.-df  mile  from  the  place  which  is  at  preseutowned 
by  the  subject  of  this  sketch.  Their  lot  was  the 
common  one  of  all  the  pioneers,  but  as  the  reward 
of  industry  and  frugality  the}'  were  enabled  to 
spend  their  latter  years  in  comfort  and  ease,  and 
now  sleep  side  b}-  side  in  the  silent  city  of  the  dead, 
known  locally  as  the  Lyneli  Cemetery,  where  their 
final  resting  place  is  marked  by  a  handsome  monu- 
ment which  informs  the  p.isserb}'  that  the  mother 
entered  into  rest  in  the  year  1855,  and  the  father  in 
the  following  year,  the  date  of  his  departure  being 

When  Mr.  and  Mrs.  William  C'urrcmt  arrived  in 
Newell  Township  they  purch.-ised  forty  acres  of 
land    on    which    they    erected    such    Ijuildings    as 

they  could  atford,  which  it  must  be  confessed  were 
built  with  an  e^-e  to  convenience  and  economy, 
rathi'r  than  to  minister  to  the  a>sthetic  tastes  of  the 
beholder.  But  in  those  |irimitive  log  cabins  were 
to  be  found  i)eople  of  intelligence  and  fre(|uenll\' 
people  of  liliei'.'d  education,  wIki,  although  often 
obliged  to  deny  themselves  man}'  conveniences 
and  limit  themselves  to  the  barest  necessaries  of  life 
were  >et  not  inhospitable  but  welcomed  the  stran- 
ger and  traveler  with  warm  hearts,  and  provided 
for  his  needs  to  the  best  of  their  ability. 

I'nder  such  conditions  and  amid  such  i)eople  the 
youth  of  our  subject  was  passed.  His  parents 
reared  a  family  of  fourteen  children, 'of  which  he 
was  the  eldest,  and  by  the  blessing  of  the  God  they 
served  they  were  enabled  to  .add  to  their  original 
purchase  some  31  2  acres,  so  that  at  the  time  of  their 
decease  the  estate  which  was  left  to  their  heirs  em- 
braced 352  acres,  finel}'  improvi'd  and  yielding  a 
good  income. 

Henry  B.  Current  was  born  on  the  4th  of  -Inly, 
1821,  hence  was  a  mere  child  when  his  parents  be- 
came residents  of  Illinois.  His  early  life  was  spent 
uniler  the  parental  roof,  where  he  received  the  usual 
schooling  of  the  times  and  i)ursued  the  ordinary 
round  of  duties  pertaining  to  a  boy's  life  on  a 
fiuni.  The  monotony  of  life  in  that  neighborhood 
was  broken  on  Feb.  10,  1S42,  by  a  wedding,  the 
princiiial  actors  beingour  subject  and  Miss  Martha 
Shroff,  the  ceremony  taking  place  at  the  home  of 
the  hrides's  parents.  Mrs.  Current's  parents  were 
natives  of  Ohio,  and  removed  to  Illinois,  in  which 
Slate  they  made  their  home  until  released  from 
earth's  trials  and  cares. 

Mrs.  Current  was  an  estimable  woman  and  be- 
came the  mother  of  nine  children,  as  follows:  \\ill- 
iani,  a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere  in  this 
work;  Mary  is  the  wife  of  David  Cuningham ; 
Margaret;  Sarah,  the  wife  of  C.  Campbell;  Vallie, 
the  wife  of  M.  Elder;  Amanda  (deceased)  was  the 
wife  of  R.  Elder;  John  died  when  only  two  ye.irs 
and  six  months  old;  David  died  when  two  years 
old,  and  Rebecca  died  when  an  infant  of  three 
weeks.  Mrs.  Current  joiued  her  departed  children 
in  the  beautiful  Land  of  rest,  leaving  to  the  remain- 
ing members  of  her  family  the  bright  example  of 
a    goodi}-    life.     Our    subject    was  again   united  in 



marriage,  taking  for  his  life  partner  INIiss  Sarah 
Bewer,  by  wliotn  lie  had  one  child,  Jlartha,  now 
i\Iis.  Pel  ly  Adams.  Following  the  ileath  of  his  sec- 
ond wife  our  subject  was  for  the  third  lime  united 
in  the  bonds  of  niatrimony.  with  Miss  Knima  Watts 
Aug.  17,  hSSl.  This  amiable  l.ady  is  a  daughter 
of  David  and  Frances  Watts,  natives  of  Eng- 
land, who  emigrated  to  America  while  young  and 
toiik  up  land  in  Vermilion  County,  making  a  eom- 
forlablo  home  in  Newell  Towiishii),  where  Miss 
Emma  was  born  and  grew  into  sweet  and  gracious 
wonianhood,  remaining  in  her  childhood's  home 
untilcalled  to  her  present  s|)bere  of  activit}' and  use- 
fulness, where  she  is  the  presidinu'  genius 
ened  yet  cheerful  family. 

The  farm  belonging  to  ]Mr.  Current  com|)rises 
320  .acres  of  laud  under  excellent  cultivation,  and 
is  well  su|)plic<I  with  all  necessary  outbuildings 
and  a  handsome,  commodious  residence,  which  is 
the  abt)de  of  peace,  plenty  and  content.  Our  sub- 
ject is  a  popidar  man  in  his  district  and  has  held 
tlie  office  of  Road  Commissioner;  the  right  of  a 
freeman  is  exercised  by  him  in  favor  of  the  Demo- 
cratic party.  The  INLasonic  order  claims  him  as  a 
brother.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cia-rent  arc  consistent 
members  and  regular  attend.ants  on  the  service  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

BRUCE  .SMITH.  There  are  few  men 
<(-  more  widely  .and  favorably  known  to  the 
*i  citizens  of  Danville  and  vicinity  than  the 
^p!  subject  of  this  notice.  Here  have  centered 
ids  life-long  interests,  ami  in  this  city  he  was  born, 
Dec.  20,  1847,  when  the  home  of  his  parents  was 
at  the  corner  of  what  is  now  Main  and  Franklin 
streets,  in  one  of  the  first  lirick  buildings,  owned 
by  his  father,  Isaac  P.  Smith,  wlio  was  one  of  the 
earliest  [lioneers  of  the  county. 

Our  subject  actjuired  his  education  in  the  schools 
of  his  native  town  and  entered  upon  his  active 
business  career  at  the  early  age  of  fifteen  years, 
when  he  commenced  scaling  the  L.afayette  Cour- 
i(;r.  which  came  in  on  the  10  o'clock  P.  M.  train, 
and  which   he  would    deliver   afterward.     During 

the  day  he  employed  at  a  nevvs-stand  to  deliver 
papers  to  regular  subscribers.  He  next  engaged  as 
clerk  in  a  hardware  store,  and  subsequenth'  was  in 
the  cmploj^  of  T.  H.  M3'ers,  the  first  Mayor  of 
Danville,  and  Agent  of  the  United  Slates  Express 
Co.  He  also  operated  a  grocerj'  and  purchased 
furs  and  hides.  Voung  Smith  was  in  the  employ 
of  Mr.  Myers  about  five  years,  and  in  the  mean- 
time officiated  as  clerk  for  the  Wabash  Railroad, 
and  for  Daniel  (iurlcy,  who  dealtin  hides  and  furs. 

After  leaving  Mr.  Myers  for  the  last  time  our 
subject  entered  the  l)oot  and  shoe  store  of  D.  11. 
Haggard,  where  he  remained  one  year.  We  next 
find  him  in  the  employ  of  tlie  boot  and  shoe  mer- 
chant, Mr.  IMcClennatlien.  He  ne.xt  assumed  the 
managenuMit  of  the  postotfice  and  the  book-store  of 
AV.  T.  Cunningham,  on  the  southwest  corner  of 
the  |iublic  square,  and  under  the  postmastership  of 
of  Mr.  IMcKiblien.  Later  the  office  was  moved  to 
Vermilion  street.  After  the  appointment  of  Sam- 
uel Fairchild  as  I'ostraaster,  Mr.  Smith  was  ap- 
pointed Deput}'  I'ostmastei',  and  remained  con- 
nected with  the  office  some  years. 

Upon  withdrawing  from  the  postoffice  Mr.  Smith 
established  in  the  grocery  business  at  the  corner  of 
Main  and  Franklin  streets,  but  sold  out  a  year  later 
and  became  bookkeeper  for  Smith  &  Piel,  butchers. 
During  1873-'74  he  was,  on  account  of  ill-health, 
unable  to  engage  in  any  arduous  laboi-,  and  during 
the  latter  year  repaired  to  Chicago  and  underwent 
a  surgical  opeiation  which  resulted  in  the  entire 
recovery  of  his  health.  Soon  afterward  he  was 
solicited  to  become  the  candidate  for  City  Treas- 
urer. He  was  elected  by  a  majority  of  418,  served 
his  term,  and  in  187.'j  was  re-elected,  beating  his 
two  opponents  by  187  votes.  Since  a  youth  of 
eighteen  ye.ars  he  has  been  occupying  his  leisure 
time  in  the  reading  of  law.  In  1878  he  entered 
the  office  of  the  Danville  OnnmerviaU  a  few  weeks 
after  it  was  established,  and  the  way  in  which 
he  wrote  up  the  county  fair  so  pleased  the  proprie- 
tors of  the  paper  and  the  people  generally  that  he 
was  given  the  post  of  City  Editor,  which  he  held 
one  year.  Next  he  became  .associated  with  the 
Danville  iVe»''.s,  and  in  due  time  resigned  this  posi- 
tion to  t.ake  one  with  Maj-or  Lawrence. 

In  the  Spring  of   1881  Mr.  Smith  was  one  of  six 



candidates  for  .lustiee  of  tlie  I'caco,  and  secured 
1302  out  of  18;31  votes.  This  office  lie  held  four 
years,  and  in  the  meantime  continued  liis  law 
studies.  lie  passed  a  written  examination  and  was 
admitted  to  the  liar  in  Sprinyfieid,  and  ;is  a  .lustiee 
of  the  Peaceacquitted  himself  so  satisfactorily  that 
he  was  re-elccted,  receiving  18.'il  out  of  2400 
votes,  heating  the  closest  competitor  of  seven  can- 
didates by  290  votes.  In  the  spring  of  1 HH',)  lie 
was  elected  f>n  the  Republican  ticket  by  12.i  inajoi-- 
ity,  tin'  first  time  in  whicli  party  (lolitics  had  any 
tiling  to  do  with  the  election  of  this  officer.  He 
pursued  liis  law  studies  first  under  Col.  Jesse  Har- 
per eighteen  montlis.  and  then  witli  W.  R.  Tjaw- 
rence  six  montlis.  After  being  admitted  to  the  liar 
he  opened  an  office  on  East  M.ain  street-and  prac- 
ticed in  all  the  courts,  besides  discharging  the 
duties  of  his  office  as  Ju.stice  of  the  Peace.  He 
also  operates  as  a  real-estate  dealer  and  io.-iti  agent, 
and  has  just  (int  out  a  Directory  for  tiie  city  of 
Danville.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  he  must  pos- 
sess great  energy  and  has  few  idle  hours.  So 
ciallv  he  belongs  to  the  I.  O.  ().  F.,  the  K.  of  P., 
and  .Modern  Woodmen  of  America.  In  religious 
views  he  coincides  with  the  doctrines  of  the  Presby- 
terian Church.  He  at  one  time  officiated  jis  Kditor- 
in-chief  of  the  D.anville  Anj^is,  and  as  Special 
Correspondent  of  the  Ciiicago  Times,  and  Trihuiii'. 
Isaac  P.  Smith,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  near  Snow  Hill,  in  Worcester  County,  Md., 
in  1702.  Ilis  lioyhood  d.ays  were  spent  upon  a 
farm  and  his  ediu'ation  was  acrpiired  in  the  com- 
mon school.  In  his  }'onth  he  learned  the  ti-ade  of  a 
carpenter,  also  that  of  a  baker,  and  later  became  a 
contractor  and  builder.  Of  his  first  marriage  there 
there  were  born  eleven  children,  all  of  whom  li\ed 
to  mature  years.  Finally  he  left  IMarybind  ;iiid 
took  up  his  abode  in  Pickaway  County.  Ohio, 
where  he  entered  a  tract  of  land,  which  he  ini- 
pruved,  and  also  followed  his  trade.  Later  he 
moved  to  Northern  Indiana,  whence  he  came  to 
this  county  in  tlie  summer  of  1832.  All  these 
journeyings  had  been  made  overland  with  teams, 
the  teams  being  utilized  in  hauling  the  goods, 
while  the  family  came  most  of  the  way  on  foot. 
After  arriving  in  this  county  Mr.  Smith  entered  a 
tract  of  land  in  what    is    now    Danville    Township, 

and  situated  six  or  seven  miles  south  of  the  pres- 
ent city.  He  set  out  a  great  many  trees,  especi- 
ally sugar  raajiles,  from  which  he  made  a  large 
amount  of  mnplc  sugar,  and  lost,  consideralile  by 
the  Indians. 

-    OOP     . 


,l,  BRAM  MANN.  Picture  to  the  mind's  eye 
an  imposing  and  beautifully  appointed  resi- 
dence situated  on  a  gentle  rise  of  ground 
in  the  midst  of  shade  trees  and  shrubbery, 
with  tasteful  walks  and  driveway,  with  the  var- 
ious needed  carriage  bai'ns  and  outbuildings  in  the 
rear,  a  choice  apple  orchard  of  bearing  trees  in 
good  condition  and  trees  of  the  smaller  fruits, 
yielding  abundantly  in  their  season,  and  we  have 
the  surroundings  of  the  subject  of  this  .sketch. 

The  Mann  family  originated  in  England  prob- 
ably several  hundred  years  ago,  and  this  branch  of 
it  was  represented  in  the  United  States  about  1834, 
by  Abram  Mann,  Sr. 

The  paternal  grandparents  of  our  subject  were 
people  in  good  standing  in  their  coiiiiniiiiity  and 
members  of  the  Church  of  Eugl.and.  Their  son, 
Abram,  likewise  a  native  of  Bedfordshire,  was 
married  there  to  Miss  Mary  A.  Smith  and  they  be- 
came the  parents  of  four  children  who  were  named 
respectively,  Mary  A.,  Catherine,  Abram,  our  sub- 
ject, and  John.  In  1835  the  whole  family  emi- 
grated to  the  United  States  and  coming  to  Illinois 
settled  at  Danville.  Our  subject  although  a  mere 
bo\-  remembers  well  the  time  when  there  were  but 
few  Ikiuscs  between  this  point  and  the  then  unim- 
portant little  town  of  Chicago.  There  were  but 
few  families  then  in  Ross  Township.  In  1837  the 
famih'  removed  to  this  latter  township  where  the 
parents  spent  their  hast  days.  The  father  •■uid 
mother  were  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
C'luirch.  Mann,  Jr.,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was 
born  in  February,  1820.  in  Bedfordshire,  England. 
He  chose  for  his  life  occupation  farming  pursuits, 
and  remained  a  member  of  the  parental  household 
until  renching  man's  estate.  He  was  married  to 
Miss  Margaret  Dale.  d.Mughlcr  of  .lohn  .1.  Dale,  who 
was     born     in     M;irylaiid    an<l     iciiinved    to    Clark 



County,  Ohio,  when  quite  young.  Upon  reaching 
man's  estate  he  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Davison,  by  wliom  he  became  the  father  of  eigiit 
children  in  Oliio  and  one  after  their  removal  to 
ludiana.  In  ISfiOthey  came  to  this  county,  settling 
in  Ross  Township  where  the  father  died  in  1878. 
IMrs.  Dale  and  seven  of  her  children  are  still  living. 
One  son,  Daniel  D.,  served  in  the  Union  Army 
during  the  late  Civil  War  and  met  his  death  on  the 
liattlefield  of  Murfreesboro,  Teim.  The  father  of 
our  subject  at  his  death  left  a  fine  estate  including 
5,000  acres  of  land.  This  splendid  tract  of  land 
is  remarkably  rich  and  fertile  and  it  has  most  pr()p- 
crly  lieen  embellished  with  one  of  the  finest  farm 
residences  in  the  county.  The  main  building  cov- 
ers an  area  of  50  x  57  feet  with  an  "  L  "  40  x  20 
feet,  is  two  stories  in  height  and  built  of  brick. 

In  addition  to  carrying  on  general  farming  Mr. 
Mann  for  many  years  dealt  extensively  in  cattle, 
horses  and  sheep.  The  accommodations  for  the 
shelter  of  stock  and  the  storage  of  grain  are  ample, 
while  the  farm  m.achinery  is  of  the  latest  improved 
pattern  and  all  the  other  appliances  are  fully  adapted 
to  the  general  purposes  and  employments  of  rural 
life.  Mr.  Mann  and  his  sister  ai'c  liotli  members 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  the  doctrines 
of  which  they  were  carefull3'  trained  from  child- 
hood and  in  the  faith  f)f  which  their  parents   died. 

Mr.  Mann  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  in  1852 
and  has  since  given  his  support  to  the  Republican 
party.  During  the  late  Civil  War  he  contributed 
lai-gely  to  the  support  of  the  Union  cause.  To  him 
and  his  estimable  wife  there  were  born  two  children 
only,  lioth  sons,  John  and  George  Dale.  Mis 
brother  John  also  left  two  children,  Abraham  and 
ftlari.nn  who  are  now  living  with  liini. 

eminent  educator  of  Vermilion  County, 
and  is  a  gentleman  who  takes  a  great  inter- 
est in  .anything  pertaining  to  the  education 
of  the  youth.  lie  is  the  Principal  of  the  Vermilion 
Academy,  Elvvood  Township,  ;ind  all  his  energies 
are   centered   in   this   institution.       lie   is  a  tireless 

worker,  and  one  in  whose  hands  the  academy  will 
never  suffer,  for  nothing  escapes  his  notice  that 
will  forward  its  material  or  moral  welfare. 

Mr.  Ro\nolds  was  born  in  Elwood  Township, 
three  miles  east  of  Ridge  Farm,  on  June  7th,  1855. 
His  father,  Linton  Reynolds,  was  a  native  of  Indi- 
ana, and  in  his  early  life  a  wagon-maker  and  car- 
l)cnter,  but  of  late  years  he  has  followed  farming 
exclusively,  and  in  this  line  of  business  he  has 
|iros|)ered,  lieing  a  man  of  intelligence  and  energy. 
His  wife  Lydia.  daughter  of  Asa  Folger,  a 
prominent  pioneer  of  this  county,  who  came  here 
from  Indiana  about  IS.'iO,  with  her  parents,  when 
she  was  three  years  of  age,  and  therefore  has  been 
practically  reared  in  this  neighborhood.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Reynolds  arc  the  parents  of  five  children,  four 
of  whom  are  living:  Theodore,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch;  Luther,  Othello  and  Mary  E.  (Mrs.  Lewis). 

Jlr.  Reynolds  was  educated  in  the  common 
schools,  the  liloomingdale  Academy  and  Wabash 
College,  being  graduated  from  the  latter  in  June, 
1884,  with  a  degree  of  1>.  .S.,  and  in  1887  he  re- 
ceived the  degree  A.  M,  from  the  same  institution. 
Before  being  graduated  from  college  Mr.  Reynolds 
taught  school  for  five  years,  his  first  effort  in  this 
direction  being  at  Locust  Corner,  in  Elwood  Town- 
sliij).  He  made  an  application  in  1881  for  his 
l)resent  position,  but  was  rejected.  After  his  rejec- 
tion he  taught  the  Vermilion  |)ublic  school  for 
eight  months,  commencing  in  September,  1884,  and 
before  the  year  had  expired,  the  same  board  that 
had  rejected  him  gave  him  a  call  to  take  charge  of 
the  academy,  which  he  .accepted,  entering  upon  his 
duties  in  SeptendxM-,  1K85.  He  Uas  remained  in 
charge  of  the  institution  since,  being  elected  for 
the  fifth  consecutive  year.  Mr.  Rej'nolds  has 
given  great  satisfaction  to  all  the  people  who  aie 
connected  with  the  academy,  and  it  is  safe  to  say 
that  the  tenure  of  his  otHce  rests  solelj'  upon  his 

The  Vermilion  Academy  is  r.apiilly  coming  to 
the  front  as  a  standard  institution  of  learning.  It 
was  established  at  \'ermilion  Grove  in  1874,  by  the 
(.Quarterly  Meeting  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  which 
meets  at  this  i)lace  annually.  They  recognized  the 
fact  that  they  needed  a  place  where  their  people 
could  be  educated    in  the  same  manner  as  other  de- 



niiniin.'iliuri.'il  scIiooIn,  .111(1  thv  result  of  tlii-ir  <k'liln'- 
ratioiis  in  this  dircctiuii  "vas  tliu  osl;ililisliiiient  of 
this  Ac-:Kleniy.  The  biiiUliiig  is  a  laii;e  two-story 
stiiicture,  hiiilt  of  Ijrick,  and  was  I'recti'd  in  tlic 
\eai'  naini'il  liy  piivato  siibscii|>tions,  and  also  lias 
bt'fii  the  lieiu'liciaiy  of  eiidowiiients.  The  incorpo- 
rators were  all  members  of  the  (^»iiniterly  Meetiiiii', 
and  in   1 87."),  when   the  corporation    was  formed,  a 

resolution  was  passed  ereatini''  all    members  of   the 

(Quarterly    Meetini;-  over   twenty-one  years   ot  age    i 

le^al  ineiiibers  of  the  corporate   body,  thus  making    I 
the  school  the  property  of  the  clinrch.      There  are 
about    seventy   students    in    attendance,    and     Mr. 
Reynolds  has  one  assistant.  [ 

Mr.  Keynolds  married  l.ovina  .1.,  daughter  of 
.Samuel  Knykendall.  The  latter  is  a  resident  of 
Indiana,  and  a  farmer  living  near  Terre  Haute. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reynolds  have  three  children — 
Cora  B.,  Ktliel  L.  and  Bertha.  Mr.  Keynolds  es- 
tablished a  gradnating  course  and  nine  were  gradu- 
ated this  year.  The  commencement  exercises 
were  full  of  interest,  each  one  acquitting  himself 
and  iierself  nobly.  As  a  matter  of  course,  Mr.  and 
.Airs.  Reynolds  belong  to  the  (Jiiakcr  (hurch.  They 
are  very  highly  respected  in  the  cominunity  as 
good  neighbors  and  excellent  citizens. 

of  Thomas  U.  Morelaiid,  is  one  of  the  most 
active  and  cheerful  of  the  elderly  ladies  of 
Carroll  Township,  and  is  a  general  favor- 
ite with  all,  old  and  young.  She  is  the  daughter 
of  I'eter  and  Susan  (Miller)  Hedges,  natives  of 
Bourlion  County,  Ky.,  where  they  passed  their  en- 
tire lives,  and  where  thei  r  remains  were  laid  to  rest 
to  await  the  resurrection  morn. 

Grandfatlier  John  He<lges  was  liorn  near  Balti- 
more, Md.,  on  his  father's  farm,  the  Hedges  having 
been  farmers  throughout  several  generations,  fol- 
lowing that  occupation  in  Maryland  and  Virginia. 
The  genealogy  of  tiie  Hedges  family  can  lie  traced 
back  to  the  person  of  Sir  Charles  Hedges,  who  was  a  | 
worthy  English  Parliamentarian,  and  graduate  of 
Oxford   University,  from    which  institution  he  re-   | 

ceived  hisdiploma  in  Kw.j.  He  was  appointed  one  of 
the  chief  Secretaries  of  Slate  under  (^iieeii  Anne  in 
170  0,  and  about  the  same  time  was  returned  to  Par- 
liament in  which  body  he  held  a  seat  several  years, 
Iiut  when  the  Whigs  obtained  control  of  the  gov- 
ernment in  1707  he  was  dismiosed.  At  his  death 
111  1711  h('  left  one  son,  Charles,  who  on  his  <leraise 
divided  liis  vast  estate,  liy  will,  between  his  family 
of  five  children  which  consisted  of  one  son  and 
four  daughters.  This  son,  .loscpli,  emigrated  to 
America  where  he  made  a  home,  and  continued  to 
reside  in  this  country  until  lii.s  death  which  oc- 
curred ill  I'rinee  George's  Coimt3',  1^1''-  Prom 
him  siiring  the  large  family  of  Hedges  in  America, 
and  a  vast  estate  estiiuati'd  at  :fi2;JO.00O,00O  is  still 
left  in  Kngland  awaiting  the  rightful  heirs  to 
prove  tlu'ir  claim  and  secure  the  money. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  had  four  children  who 
grew  to  maturity,  iiaiiiely:  Henry.  Zcrilda  A., 
Catherine  T.,  Mary  A.  and  .lohn  T.,  who  was  ason 
(jf  Mr.  Peter  Hedges  by  his  second  wife  and  now 
resides  in  Bourbon  County.  K\ .  Mrs.  Moreland 
is  the  only  survivor  of  the  chihlren  born  to  the 
first  wife.  She  was  born  Nov.  5,  liS27,  in  Bour- 
bon County,  Ky..  where  she  passed  her  childhood 
and  young  ladyhood.  She  attendeil  the  best  pri- 
vate schools  in  the  county  and  coinjileted  her 
education  at  a  semin.aiy  taught  by  the  Sisters  in 
Lexington,  Ky.  .She  entered  that  institution  when  a 
miss  of  fourteen  and  completed  the  course  with  high 
honor  when  about  eighteen,  having  endeared  herself 
by  her  many  good  qualities  ami  amiable  traits  of 
{•haracter  not  only  to  the  gentle  ladies  in  charge  of 
the  school,  but  also  to  her  school-mates  with 
whom  she  was  a  general  favorite. 

Miss  Catherine  took  ujion  herself  the  duties  of 
wifehood  at  the  earlj'  .age  of  nineteen  years  in  IK  17 
when  she  was  married  to  Thomas  R.  Moreland  in 
1817.  The  wedding  occurred  during  the  palmy 
days  of  slavery,  and  .as  the  parents  of  Mrs.  More- 
land  owned  a  large  number  of  slaves,  the  exquisite 
fairness  of  the  dainty  bride  and  her  attendants,  was 
well  set  off  against  a  dusky  background  formed  by 
the  salile  followers  of  the  numerous  guests  usual 
on  such  occasions,  mingling  with  the  home  repre- 
sentatives of  the  "peculiar  institution."  Although 
the  colored  members  of  the  Hedges'  estate  occupied 



.1  seivilo  pusitioii,  their  love  and  esteem  was  lav- 
ishly besluvved  upon  yoimj^  ■•missie,"  and  no  truer 
or  more  lieartfelt  wishes  for  her  welfare  were 
uttered,  than  eamo  from  the  lips  of  the  so-called  in- 
ferior race. 

Mr.  Moreland,  a  native  of  Bourbon  County, 
Ky.,  was  born  March  27,  1827.  His  i)arents  Will- 
iam and  Maij,'aret  (Whaby)  Moreland,  were  both 
natives  of  Peiinsyivania,  in  which  State  they  were 
married  and  from  wlii.-li  they  emigrated  to  Ken- 
tucky, establishing  themselves  in  the  above  named 
county,  and  making  that  their  home  during  the 
remainder  of  their  lives.  They  prospered  in  the 
new  locality  and  reared  their  family  in  comfort 
giving  them  an  excellent  education. 

About  ten  years  after  marriage,  ftlr.  an<l  Mrs. 
Moreland  left  their  childhood's  home  and  located 
in  Carroll  Township,  Vermilion  Co.,  111.,  the 
date  of  their  arrival  in  that  State  being  1857. 
Their  change  of  location  proved  a  fortunate  one 
as  they  prospered  finely  in  their  new  home,  and 
their  bark  glided  smoothly  over  the  stream  of 
life,  meeting  few  obstacles  to  hinder  its  progress 
until  1804,  when  Mr.  Moreland  crossed  over  the 
river,  leaving  Mrs.  Moreland  to  continue  the  jour- 
ney onward  without  his  s^'mpathy  and  companion- 
ship. Although  louel^'  and  sad  at  times,  she  is,  at 
the  age  of  sixty-two,  a  cheerful,  active  lady,  a  de- 
sirable acquaintance  for  those  in  prosperity'  and  a 
sympathetic  friend  to  those  in  adversity.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Moreland  became  the  parents  of  eight 
children,  seven  of  whom  are  living,  their  resid- 
ences being  in  various  places  in  the  States  of  Indi- 
ana, Missouri  and  Illinois. 


v  ;  ON  All  M.  DAVIS.  Thesubject  of  this  notice 
established  himself  at  Ridge  Farm  in  the 
spring  of  1855,  where,  with  the  exception  of 
one  summer  spent  as  a  clerk  in  old  Bloom  fieldi 
he  has  since  lived  and  engaged  in  various  branches 
of  business.  He  is  ni)w  engaged  :i8  a  furniture 
dealer  and  undertaker,  and  from  his  known  in- 
tegrity and  iiromptness  In  meeting  his  obligations, 
ranks    among    its    leading   business     men.      He  is 

well  educated  and  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence — one  who  has  made  the  most  of  his 
opportunities  in  life,  and  kept  his  eyes  oi)en  to 
what  has  been  going  on  about  him.  He  numbers 
his  friends  by  the  score  in  Elwood  Townsliip, 
where  his  familiar  figure  has  been  passing  to  and 
fro  for  the  long  period  of  thirt>'-four  years. 

Our  subject  was  born  on  the  sea  co.ast  near  Cape 
Lookout,  in  Carteret  County,  N.  C,  March  2,  1824. 
His  father,  Jesse  Davis,  was  a  native  of  the  same 
county  and  of  Welsh  ancestry.  The  faunly  was 
first  represented  in  America  on  Nantucket  Island, 
whence  they  emigrated  to  different  parts  of  the 
country.  The  [)arcnts  of  our  subject  set  out  for  the 
North  in  the  spiingof  1832,  establishing  themselves 
at  Milton,  Wayne  Co..  Ind.,  where  our  subject  pur- 
sued his  early  studies  in  a  school  carried  on  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  In  due 
time  he  developed  into  a  teacher,  but  after  teach- 
ing two  terms,  desirous  of  .adding  to  his  store  of 
knowledge,  he  entered  the  High  School  of  the 
Friends  at  New  Garden,  (J uilford  Co.,  N.  C,  where 
he  spent  the  spring  and  summer  of  1847.  He 
taught  school  the  following  winter  near  the  old 
homestead,  and  returned  to  Indiana  in  184.H.  He 
was  a  resident  of  Henry  County  for  nearly  a  year 
thereafter,  then  entered  the  Friends'  High  School 
near  Annapolis,  novv  (Bloomingdale),  Ind.,  and 
studied  while  also  .acting  as  .assistant  teacher  a  por- 
tion of  the  time.  The  school  was  then  presided 
over  by  Prof.  Harvey  Thomas,  its  founder.  From 
this  place  our  subject,  in  the  fall  of  184',),  made  his 
way  to  Miami  County,  Ohio,  where  he  taught 
school  a  year  on  the  Still  Water,  near  Ludlow 
Falls,  where  there  is  an  extensive  cedar  grove, 
supposed  to  have  been  planted  by  the  Indians,  and 
which  was  an  object  of  admiration  to  both  resi- 
dents and  travelers. 

Mr.  Davis,  in  the  fall  of  1850,  came  to  this 
county  and  took  charge  of  the  [lublic  school  at 
Vermilion  Grove,  which  numbered  110  jnipils, 
considered  at  that  d.ay  something  remarkablt!.  He 
W!is  obliged  to  employ  assistants,  and  held  this 
position  tive  vears,  after  which  he  came  to  Ridge 
Farm,  and  was  engaged  with  Abraham  Smith  in 
the  mercantile  business  for  a  few  years,  and  then 
with  Henry  C.  Smith  a  year  or  two;  continuing  the 



luisincss  in  ('oinpany  with  !i  brother  under  the 
linn  imiiH^  of  Davis  Bros,  uiilil  tlu'  year  18G7. 
Mi'ich.iinlisinji  was  a  lucrative  avocation  during 
llicse  years,  wlilch  iiK-lu<ie(l  the  war  of  llie  slave- 
liohlor's  reliellion.  In  llio  year  1.S72  llie  brothers 
liiiili  the  Ridge  Farm  tlouriiig-iiiill,  whieli  they  sold 
six  mouths  thereafter,  and  our  sulijeet  retired  from 
active  business  life  for  several  years. 

The  '.Hh  of  November,  IMTf),  witnessed  the  mar- 
riage of  luir  snbjeeL  with  Aliss  ICUa,  daughter  of 
KcMJamiu  !•".  .leuivins,  and  who,  like  her  iiusl)auti, 
was  also  a  popular  teaciiei'  prior  to  her  nuuriage. 
'I'lu'V  have  three  children — Royal,  Ruby  and  Nellie. 
Mrs.  Frances  ('.  Jenkins,  tiie  mother  of  Mrs.  Davis, 
is  a  prominent  minister  in  llie  l-'rieuds'  Church,  a 
noted  tem|)erance  worker,  ami  an  active  member 
the  W.  C.  T.  U.  Mr.  Davis  ami  his  wife  are  both 
connected  with  the  Society  of  Fiicmls,  and  render 
ellicientserviee  in  every  Christian  euterinise,  being 
careful  to  devote  at  least  one  tenth  of  their  income 
ti,)  benevolence. 

In  the  year  188G  Mr.  Davis  purchased  a  furni- 
ture store  in  Ridge  Farm,  and  has  been  pleasantly 
emiiioyed  with  his  congenial  wife  in  pleasing  the 
tastes  of  their  great  host  of  friends  far  and  near. 
Mr.  Davis,  politically,  votes  witii  the  Republican 
partv,  but  has  no  time  or  inclination  for  the  re- 
s|)onsil)ilitics  of  ollice. 

(*!  IfclLLlAM  H.  RODRICK.  As  a  native  cit- 
\/\//i  '^^"  *•'*'  ^'e^l'lllilion  County,  Ijorn  here  in 
^^^  pioneer  times,  son  of  one  of  the  very  ear- 
liest settlers,  tiiis  gentleman  has  witnessed  the 
i,'reater  part  of  its  development,  and  since  attaining 
maidiood  has  borne  an  honoralile  part  in  |)romoting 
its  i'rowth.  and  is  identilied  with  its  agricultural 
interests,  lie  owns  and  managtw  a  good  farm  in 
Danville  'I'ownshii),  and  is  numbered  among  its 
substantial,  highly  respected  citizens. 

He  was  born  in  Newell  Township,  this  county, 
Ai)ril  21.  183;5.  His  father,  .Solomon  Rod  rick,  was 
born  in  Ohio,  Sept.  U),  1803.  His  grandfather, 
Daniel  R('driek,  was  a  native  of  (Germany,  was 
reared  and  married  there,  and  afterwards,  coming 

to  America,  settled  near  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  and  was 
a  pioneer  there.  He  bought  a  large  tract  of  land, 
on  which  he  built  a  log  house,  and  then  commenced 
to  chiar  a  faru).  But  floods  in  the  Ohio  River 
spoiled  his 'crops  and  drowned  his  stock,  and  tliat 
disaster,  with  prior  claims  on  his  land,  ruined  iiim 
financially,  and  he  died  there  a  poor  man.  The 
father  of  our  subject  was  reared  in  tiiat  [lionecr 
home,  an<l  lived  there  until  18'i."i.  lie  then  came 
to  Illinois,  and  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  \  er- 
milion  {'ouuty.  He  entered  a  tract  of  (ioveriunent 
land  in  Newell  Township,  improved  a  gotxl  farm, 
an\  resided  Hkmc  until  1884.  In  lliat^ear,  having 
accumulated  a  coni|)etency,  he  I'ame  to  Danville  to 
make  his  homi>  for  the  future,  and  is  still  living 
here  in  honorable  retireu)ent,  free  from  the  cares 
and  labors  of  his  earlier  years.  He  has  been 
three  times  married.  The  maiden  name  of  his  first 
wife,  motiier  of  our  subject,  was  Sarah  Brewer. 

William  Rodrick  obtained  his  education  in  the 
primitive  pioneer  schools,  tauglit  in  a  log  house, 
the  seats  being  nuule  by  si>litting  logs  and  hewing 
one  side  and  inserting  wooden  pins  for  legs,  and 
the  rude  structure  was  heated  by  a  huge  fireplace 
with  a  dirt  ami  a  stick  chimney.  As  soon  as  he 
was  large  enough,  the  active  lad  began  to  hunt 
deer,  wild  t<irkeys  and  other  game  that  abounded 
at  that  time,  and  he  supplied  the  family  larder  with 
delicious  venison,  etc.  There  were  no  railways 
here  in  those  early  days,  and  his  father  used  to 
draw  his  wheat  to  Chicago,  12;>  miles  distant,  sell- 
ing it  for  fifty  cents  a  bushel.  At  first  he  used  to 
cut  grain  with  a  sickle,  and  later  with  a  cradle,  and 
having  no  threshing  machine  his  grain  was  trodilen 
out  by  horses  or  beaten  with  a  Hail.  Our  subject 
remained  an  inmate  of  his  father's  house  until  he 
married  and  estal)lished  a  home  of  his  own,  settling 
at  that  time  on  the  fartu  he  still  owns  aiul  occu- 
pies. It  was  heavilj'  timbered,  w  itii  the  e.xcepliou 
of  six  acres,  and  his  has  been  the  task  of  the  (lio- 
neer  to  develop  it  from  the  liaiul  of  nature  to  a 
well-cidtivated  estate,  all  but  thirty  acres  cleared 
and  under  tillage,  neatly  fenced,  and  provided  with 
a  substantial,  roomy  set  of  frame  buildings,  the 
whole  forming  one  of  the  pleas.anlcsl  homes  in  the 

Mr.  Rodrick  was  married    in    18.V3    to    Mary  A. 



Brewer,  who  was,  like  himself,  :i  native  of  \  eniiil- 
ioii  County,  born  in  IJunville  to  William  and  Sa- 
rail  (Switzer)  Brewer.  To  tlieiii  came  ten  chil- 
dren, five  of  whom  are  living — Thomas  K.,  Sarah 
C,  Mary  E.,  Francis  and  Minnie  IMay,  six  having 
died  in  infancy.  Death  invatlcd  the  hai)ij\-  house- 
hold of  our  sultject  and  removed  the  loved  and 
loving  wife  and  mother. 

In  his  life-work  Mr.  Kodrick  has  shown  himself 
to  he  possessed  of  prudence,  thrift,  steadiness  of 
purpose,  .and  other  traits  necessary  to  success  in 
any  calling.  And  while  laboring  to  gain  a  com- 
petence, he  has  not  been  luimindful  of  his  duties  as 
a  good  man  and  a  reliable  citizen,  and  has  won  for 
himself  a  reputation  for  honesty  and  tiuthfulness, 
.and  for  considerate  and  kindly  dealings  with  his 
neighbors,  who  h(jlii  him  in  great  respect. 

-~'Vy^-'>*il£<2'©'fS*  2 


i)IIOMAS  BRADY,  living  in  honorable  re- 
tirement in  Catlin  Village  in  one  of  the 
finest  residences  in  the  place,  and  one  of  the 
pleasantest  homes  in  the  county,  was  formerly 
largely  identified  with  the  agricultural  interests  of 
this  section,  and  still  owns  500  acres  of  very  valuable 
farming  land,  nearly  all  located  in  this  township. 
Our  subject  is  a  native  of  Vermilion  County,  born 
of  pioneer  parentage,  Oct.  8,  1832,  in  Danville 
Township,  and  he  may  well  he  [iroud  of  its  prog- 
ress and  of  the  part  that  he  has  played  in  bringing 
about  his  [iresent  high  stantling,  wealth  and  pros- 

The  father  of  Thomas  Brady,  John  Brad^',  was 
born  in  the  old  commonwealth  of  Virginia,  while 
his  mother  was  a  native  of  Ohio.  They  married 
and  settled  in  Brown  County,  the  latter  State,  and 
remained  there  till  1832.  In  that  year  they  de- 
cided to  try  pioneer  life  still  farther  westward,  and 
pushing  their  wa3'  to  Illinois,  they  located  in  Dan- 
ville Township  and  were  among  its  early  settlers. 
The  father  took  up  land  and  busily  engaged  in  its 
improvement  till  death  removed  him  from  his 
sphere  of  usefulness  in  18.55.  His  wife  died  in 
18)8,  when  she  laid  aside  the  cares  and  toils  of 
earth  to  fall  into  that  dreamless  sleep   that    knows 

no  waking  this  side  of  the  grave.  Fourteen  children 
were  the  fruits  of  the  marriage  of  those  good  peo- 
ple, of  whom  was  the  seventh.  His  early 
years  were  passed  on  iiis  father's  farm,  where  he 
learned  the  practical  part  of  a  farmer's  life,  and 
his  education  was  gleaned  in  the  log  school-houses 
of  those  days.  He  remained  an  inmate  of  the  pa- 
rental household  till  he  was  twenty-two  years  old, 
when  he  married  and  settled  in  a  home  of  his  own 
across  the  line  in  Catlin  Township,  and  was  a  resi- 
dent of  his  farm  there  till  1881,  giving  all  his  time 
and  attention  to  agricultural  pursuits,  and  to  such 
purpose  that  his  well  directed  labors  were  hand- 
somely rewarded  b}'  a  [inc  competence,  and  he  was 
enabled  to  take  his  place  among  the  wealthy,  sub- 
stantial farmers  of  this  section  of  the  country.  In 
the  year  just  mentioned  he  retired  from  the  active 
labors  of  his  farm  to  the  village,  where  he  erected 
his   [iresent  commodious,   well-fitted    up  dwelling. 

Mr.  Biady  has  been  twice  married.  To  the  wife 
of  his  early  manhood,  America  Finley  by  name,  he 
was  wedded  in  (leorgetown  Township.  She  vvas  a 
native  of  Vermilion  County,  and  a  ilaughter  of 
Mahlon  and  Margaret  (Falls)  Finlcv,  deceased. 
Two  children  were  born  to  our  subject  by  thai  mar- 
riage— Clarence  M.  and  George  M.  Mrs.  Brady 
was  a  woman  whose  character  combined  so  many 
fine  traits  of  mind  and  heart  that  she  was  an  in- 
fiuence  for  good  to  those  about  her.  She  was  a 
woman  of  devoted  Christian  i)iety  and  a  consistent 
member  of  the  INIethodist  Episcopal  Church.  Her 
death,  which  occurred  in  W infield,  Kan.,  May  8, 
1883,  while  on  a  health-seeking  tour,  was  a  loss  not 
only  to  her  family,  but  to  church  and  society,  and 
to  the  community  at  large,  where  she  was  so  well 
known  and  esteemed. 

Mr.  Brad\'  was  married  to  his  present  wife,  form- 
erly Miss  Lura  Williams,  March  21,  1885.  She  is 
a  native  of  Vermilion  County,  born  .Ian.  20,  1§51 
to  Myron  and  Sarah  (Sterrett)  Williams,  natives, 
respectively,  of  Pennsylvania  and  Virginia.  She  the  second  child  of  their  family  of  ten  chil- 
dren. l\Irs.  Brady  Is  a  woman  of  true  refinement 
and  much  culture,  and  is  an  artist  of  much  merit, 
many  of  her  beautiful  pictures  adorning  the  walls 
of  the  attractive  home,  over  which  she  presides  so 
graciously,  warmly  co-operating  with  her  husband 


ReSIDENGE  OFj^gMMlTM©MfVS,SESS.EO"21  (  T  19=R  lg)©AT"hlNTp.yERMIblON  ©O. 

F^ESIDENeE    OF  W^W^MEMT.  f  EC.  25.(^21  -  R.II.)  NEWEIat  TV.,  Verm.i.ion  ©o. 



in  extentling  its  chaiuiiiig  liospitiilitv   to   friend   or 

.Mr.  Brady  lias  accnnuilated  wealth,  nut  only  by 
stead}-  industry  and  sound  judgment  in  all  matters 
pertaining  to  bis  biL^iness,  but  b^'  a  strictly  uprigbt 
course  in  all  bis  dealings  with  others  has  won  the 
fullest  trust  of  his  fellow-townsmen.  He  is  a  Dem- 
ocrat in  his  political  beliefs,  but  has  never  sought 
otiicc,  preferring  the  quiet  and  peace  of  his  hap|)y 
fireside  to  the  turmoil  of  pulilic  life.  Mrs.  Brady 
is  connected  with  the  Christian  Church  as  one  of 
its  most  zealous  workers  and   members. 

yj)  W.  KENT  is  a  nif>st  affable  and  agreeable 
gentleman,  who  is  proud,  as  he  well  may 
^^  be,  of  his  family  and  splendid  residence. 
Mr.  Kent  was  born  in  1^50,  on  the  ■Jlith  of  JNIarch, 
and  sijent  his  boyhood  days  near  State  Line,  Lid. 
In  18(J8  he  married  Miss  Emma  Cronkbite,  the 
daughter  of  llosa  and  Elenor(Oarrettson)Cronkhite, 
natives  of  New  York,  from  which  State  they  came 
at  an  early  date,  and  settled  in  Warren  Count}',  Lid. 
Here  Mrs.  Kent  was  born  and  raised  with  her  five 
tlder  sisters  and  brothers.  Her  union  with  Mv. 
Kent  was  blessed  with  six  children:  Clau<lie  W., 
tlece:\sed  at  the  age  of  two  years  and  six  mouths; 
I'errine,  who  attended  college  at  Greencastle,  Lid., 
and  at  the  De  Pauw  I'niversity ;  Clarence,  Stelle,  and 
(! race,  who  died  at  the  .age  of  four  months:  and 
Liez,  the  last,  who  was  twenty-three  months  old  at 
the  time  of  her  death. 

Mr.  Kent  lived  in  Lidiana  until  1872,  when  he 
went  to  Kansas  and  located  in  Coffee  County. 
Here  he  f.arraed  for  eighteen  mouths,  after  which 
he  came  back  to  Llinois  and  settled  on  his  present 
farm  of  200  acres.  Year  by  year  he  increased  the 
extent  of  his  possessions  until  it  now  amounts  to 
460  acres,  which  he  has  improved  by  placing  upon 
it  an  unusually  fine  building,  in  which  he  resides. 
This  house  was  in  fact  the  finest  in  the  county  at 
the  time  of  its  erection  in  1883.  The  arrangement 
of  his  land  is  as  artistic  as  it  is  convenient.  The 
laying  of  the  lawns,  the  fixing  of  the  shrubbery, 
and  the  placing  of  trees  and   walks,  speak    a  taste 

Euroiiean  in  its  accuracv.  In  ids  staljlcs  may  be 
found  studs  of  the  finest  horses,  and  he  is  the  owner 
of  the  celelirated  stallion  "RL'dino."  He  makes  a 
specialty  of  fine  Sliort-lioni  cattle  and  I'ercheroii 

In  politics  Mr.  Kent  is  a  Democrat,  and  his 
views  are  strong  and  well  founded,  and  his  opinion 
is  often  sought  to  settle  a  deliate.  Alllioiigh  he  is 
stanch  in  his  ideas  he  has  never  aspired  to  the  hold- 
ing of  an  ottice.  Mr.  Kent's  education  is  an  excel- 
lent one.  and  his  stock  of  general  information  is 
unrivaled  by  that  of  any  man  in  the  township  in 
which  be  lived.  This  education  was  acquired  by 
hard  study  at  the  college  of  Crawfordsville,  Ind., 
of  which  he  is  a  graduate  of  the  business  course. 
It  is  not  learning  alone,  nor  is  it  phj'sical  power 
that  makes  a  perfect  man,  but  it  is  the  combination 
of  both  of  these  attributes.  This  fact  is  fully  ap- 
preciated by  our  subject.  Me  is  therefore  never 
tired  of  aiding  the  workingman  to  obtain  the 
knowledge  necessary  to  his  calling. 

]Mr.  Kent  has  served  .-is  School  Director  in  his 
township  for  some  time.  He  affiliates  with  the 
Presbyterian  Church.  His  home  is  surrounded  with 
every  convenience  an<l  comfort,  and  he  is  generally 
appealed  to  in  local  matters,  as  he  takes  great  pride 
in  assisting  in  an3tliing  whatever  that  ma}- serve  to 
aid  or  improve  his  surrounding  friends. 

In  all  the  township  in  which  he  lives,  there  is  no 
man  more  respected  and  looked  up  to  than  our  sub- 
ject. His  sound  judgment,  his  large  charities,  and 
bis  kindly  disposition,  have  made  him  loved  .and 
honored  by  all  who  know  him.  I\Ir.  Kent  has  one 
of  the  finest  residences  in  the  township,  a  view  of 
which  is  shown  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

^  I  OlIN  THOMAS  is  identified  with  the  agri- 
cultural and  coal  interests  of  Vermilion 
County,  and  has  a  fine  farm  on  sections  21 
and  20,  Catlin  Township.  On  it  there  is  a 
valuable  deposit  of  coal  which  he  works,  while  at 
the  same  time  he  is  active!}-  engaged  in  the  culti- 
vation of  his  land.  Our  subject  is  of  mingled  Welsh 
and  English  ancestry,  although  his  parents,  Jacob 


PORTRAIT  AND   l!IO(  aiAl'lllCA  l>  ALBUM. 

and  Sarali  Thomas,  were  botli  natives  of  England. 
After  iiiariiage  tliey  settled  in  tlie  soutbeni  part  of 
Wales,  where  they  ultimately  died,  Laving  spent  a, 
part  of  their  wedded  life,  however,  in  England, 
and  there  their  sou  John,  of  this  biogra[)hy.  was 
horn  Jan.  11,  1834,  near  the  town  of  Bristol,  in 
(!k)ucestershire.  His  parents  moving  to  Southern 
Wales,  he  was  reared  to  manhood  in  that  part  of 
the  country,  and  was  early  put  to  work  to  earn  his 
own  living  in  the  eoal  mines.  In  1851.  anxious  to 
better  his  prospects  in  life,  he  resolved  to  try  life 
in  the  New  World,  in  that  part  of  it  embraced  in 
tlie  United  States  of  America.  According  he  enii- 
i^raled  to  these  shores  with  his  wife  and  four  chil- 
drcn  in  1851,  and  landing  in  New  York  made;  his 
way  to  Tioga  County,  Pa.,  and  lived  there  and  in 
Ohio  for  some  years.  In  1857  he  cauic  from  Cam- 
liria  County,  the  former  State,  to  Vermilion  Count}-, 
and  has  ever  since  resided  here.  He  was  at  first 
employed  in  the  coal  mines  in  the  vicinity  of  Dan- 
ville, but  about  1859  he  invested  some  of  his 
hard-earned  savings  in  his  present  farm  in  Catlin 
Township,  and  has  built  up  a  substantial  home  here. 
He  owns  IGO  acres  of  line  land,  and  liy  its  cultiva- 
tion and  the  mining  of  the  valuable  coal  bank  on 
it,  derives  an  income  that  places  him  among  the  in- 
dependent, moneyed  men  of  his  neighborhood. 

Mr.  Thomas  has  been  three  times  married.  His 
lirst  marriage,  which  took  place  in  South  Wales, 
was  to  Miss  Jeanette  Price,  by  whom  he  had  two 
chihlren.  John  and  Mary  Ann.  The  wife  and 
mother  departed  this  life  in  South  Wales.  Mr. 
Thomas  was  a  second  time  married  in  South  Wales, 
.Miss  Ann  Davis  becoming  his  wife,  and  the  fol- 
lowing children  were  born  to  them:  John,  Tom, 
Sar.ah.  Emma,  Anna,  Shadrack,  Mesback,  Abednego 
and  Maltha.  Abednego,  Jacob  G.  and  Anna  are 
tlead.  Mrs.  Thomas  accompanied  her  husband 
across  the  waters  from  their  old  home,  and  in  1865 
closed  her  eyes  to  the  scenes  of  earth.  Mr. 
Thomas'  marriage  to  his  present  wife  took  place  in 
Danville,  111.,  March,  1868.  At  that  time  she  was 
the  widow  of  a  Mr.  Baker,  and  by  her  first  mar- 
riage had  five  children — Elizabeth  J.,  Eva  M., 
Cora  B.,  Mark  B.  and  Lewis  E. 

Mrs.  Thomas'  maiden  name  was  Paulina  Will- 
iams, and   she   is   a  daughter  of  Thomas  and   Pau- 

lina (Rote)  Williams,  the  fourth  child  in  a  family 
of  twelve  children,  and  was  born  in  Riple^-,  Ind., 
March  21,  1835.  Her  father  came  to  this  country 
from  his  native  England  when  he  was  fifteen  years 
old,  and  lived  to  quite  an  advanced  age,  dying  in 
Catlin  Township,  March  15,  188S).  After  the  death 
of  his  first  wife,  Mrs.  Thomas'  mother,  a  native  of 
Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  who  died  in  Rii)ley  County, 
Mr.  Williams  came  to  A'ermilion  County  in  1851, 
and  established  himself  permanently  in  Catlin 
Townshi)".  lie  married  for  his  second  wife  Mrs. 
Catherine  (P\alls)  Pate,  and  she  dying  in  Catlin 
Township,  he  was  again  married,  taking  to  wife 
Mrs.  Margaret  (Emits)  Patterstjn,  who  is  still  a 
resident  of  Catlin  Township.  Mrs.  Thomas  is  a 
woman  of  more  than  average  ability  and  force  of 
character,  and  is  well  endowed  with  sound  sense 
and  good  judgment,  and  these  traits  have  made  her 
an  invaluable  heljier  to  her  husband.  She  is  a 
cheerful  and  ready  giver,  possessing  a  charitable, 
sympathizing  nature,  and  is  highly  thought  of  by 
all  in  the  community. 

INIr.  Thomas  is  a  man  of  gond  slanding  in  the 
towiishi|i,  and  his  thrift,  shrewd  management  of  his 
[jroiierty,  and  methodical  habits  have  been  the 
means  of  placing  hiin  among  the  well-to-do  citizens 
of  the  place.  He  is  a  worthy  member  of  the  Oak- 
wood  Lodge  I.  ().  O.  E.  No.  564  at  Oakwood.  He 
atliliates  with  the  Republican  party,  having  cast  his 
first  Presidential  vote  for  Abraham  Lincoln,  and 
is  an  ardent  supporter  of  the  principles  of  that 
party.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  have  a  comfortable 
home,  a  view  of  which  is  presented  elsewhere  in 
this  work,  and  there  they  welcome  and  most  hos- 
pitably entertain  their  many  friends. 

^^  HARLES  T.  CARAWAY  is  a  son  of  one 
(11  ^  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  Vermilion  County, 
^^^  and  for  many  years  has  been  connected  with 
its  immense  farming  interests.  A  native  of  Catlin 
Township,  where  he  was  reared  and  the  most  of  his 
life  has  been  spent,  it  has  no  better  or  more  jjublic 
spirited  citizen  that  be,  one  who  is  ever  interested 
in  its  welfare,  and  is  always  glad  to  promote  in  any 



way  ill  liis  power,  its  liiuliest  interests,  miiterial, 
social,  educational,  and  moral.  His  well-ordered 
farm  on  section  21)  is  conducted  after  the  most  a[)- 
|)ioved  metiiods,  so  as  to  produce  the  best  results 
with  the  least  expenditure  of  labor  and  time,  and  here 
he  has  built  up  a  home  that  is  not  rivalled  in 
pleasantness  and  comfort  bj-  any  in  its  vicinity. 
As  representinij  one  of  the  many  beautiful  homes 
of  \'eimilion  County,  we  are  pleased  to  present  to 
our  readers  a  view  of  Mr.  Caraway's  residence. 
Mr.  Carawav  is  a  fine  representative  of  the  citizen- 
soldiers  of  our  country,  who  in  the  trying  times  of 
the  late  Rebellion,  laid  aside  all  personal  aims,  and 
leavinji'  happy  homes  and  loved  friends,  went  forth 
to  Southern  battle-lields  to  fight  for  the  dear  old 
Hag-  or  die  in  its  defense.  I'\>r  good  conduct  in 
camp  and  field,  and  for  bravery  in  the  face  of  the 
enemy,  our  subject  was  promoted  from  the  ranks, 
and  won  an  JHinorable  militar}'  record,  of  which  he 
.Hid  his  may  well  be  i)roud. 

Charles  T.  Caraway,  was  born  in  this  township 
Oct.  22,  1)S38,  the  posthumous  son  of  another 
Charles  Caraway,  whose  earthly  career  had  been 
unliniely  ended  the  month  iu'eceding  that  in  which 
our  subject  first  saw  the  light  of  day.  The  father 
was  a  son  of  Thomas  Caraway,  and  was  born  in  ( Jreen- 
briar  County,  W.  \'a.,in  1788.  After  attaining  to 
man's  estate  he  married  one  of  his  neighbor's  fair 
daughters,  Kli/.abeth  McCorkle  by  name,  who  was 
also  a  native  of  that  county.  They  lived  a  few 
years  in  their  native  State,  but  in  1S2'J  made  their 
waj'  across  the  wild,  Sjiarsely  settled  country  in- 
tervening between  their  old  home  and  this  State, 
and  coming  to  Vermilion  Count}',  became  very 
early  pioneers  of  the  county.  They  located  in 
what  is  now  Callin  Township,  and  here  a  few  years 
later  the  stalwart  husbanil  and  father  met  liis  death, 
in  September,  IH.'iS,  while  yet  in  life's  prime,  leav- 
ing his  desolate  widow  with  four  children  and  an 
unborn  babe,  who  on  his  birth  was  named  Charles 
T.,  in  memory  of  his  father.  The  other  children 
were  Harriet,  Martha,  Isabella,  and  Ann  K.  The 
mother  afterward  married  Anson  Butler,  and  con- 
tinued to  reside  in  Catlin  Township  until  her  death, 
in  1848. 

Our  subject  grew  to  a  strong  and  vigorous  man- 
hood   in   Catlin   Township,   where    he    has  always 

made  his  home,  and  when  he  arrived  at  years  of 
discretion  chose  the  calling  of  agriculture,  for 
which  he  had  a  natural  aptitude,  and  has  ever  smite 
made  it  his  life-work.  His  farm  comprises  1  fiO 
acres  of  valuable  land,  which  is  well  tilled,  and  he 
has  erected  good  buildings  for  every  necessary  pur- 
pose, including  a  neat  and  pretty  dwelling.  He  is 
also  a  breeder  of  thorough-bred  Short-horn  cattle. 

In  the  opening  years  of  his  manhood  the  great 
Civil  War  broke  out,  and  our  subject,  thrilled  to 
the  heart  by  the  deep  and  abiding  love  of  country 
that  animated  so  many  of  the  true  and  patriotic 
spirits  of  this  great  Republic  in  those  trying  days, 
and  caused  them  to  leave  pleasant  firesides  and 
and  loving  friends  to  go  forth  to  battle  for  the 
grazid  old  Stars  and  Strijies.  cast  aside  the  lio|(es 
and  ambitions  of  a  generous  j'oung  mind,  and  the 
bright  [irospects  of  a  successful  career  in  his  chosen 
calling,  to  join  his  brave  compatriots  on  Southern 
battle-fields  with  the  solemn  feeling  that  he  owed 
even  life  itself  toliis  native  land.  In  xVugust,  1801, 
he  enlisted  in  Company  I,  85111  Illinois  Lifantry, 
as  a  private,  and  was  with  his  regiment  in  many  im- 
portant engagements  with  the  enemy,  includin-'- 
the  siege  of  Corinth,  battle  of  Stone  River,  Chick- 
amauga  and  Mission  Ridge.  In  the  latter  battle 
he  was  severely  wounded  in  the  left  leg,  and  con- 
fined to  the  hospital  nine  months,  sufferin"' greatly. 
Soon  after  the  battle  of  Cliickaniauga  the  names  of 
himself  and  a  few  of  his  comrades  were  placed  on 
the  Roll  of  Honor,  on  account  of  meritorious  con- 
duct and  daring  in  the  encounter  with  the  enemy, 
by  order  of  (ion.  Rosecrans.  Our  subject  also 
received  further  merited  mark  of  approval  for  his 
courage  and  ability  as  a  soldier,  whereby  he  w:is 
raised  from  the  rank  and  file  to  the  position  of 

Shortly  after  the  close  of  the  war  Mr.  Caraway 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Jennie  Dough- 
erty, their  union  being  solemnized  in  Decatur, 
Macon  Co.,  III.,  Aug.  22,  18G5.  She  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  William  and  Mary  (Myers)  Dougherty,  well 
known  antl  highly  respected  residents  of  Catlin 
Township,  with  whose  interests  they  have  been 
identified  for  many  years.  The  father  was  born  in 
Montgomery  County,  Va..  Aug.  1.5,  181.5,  and  the 
mother   in    ISrown   County,   Ohio,    Dec.    15,    1815. 



After  inai  riage  tliey  lived  for  some  time  in  Ohio 
Couiitv,  Ind.,  whence  tiiey  came  t(j  Verniilioii 
County,  III.,  and  cast  in  tlieir  lot  with  tlie  pioneers 
that  had  preceded  tliem.  Tiiat  was  in  the  fall  of 
18ati,  and  tliey  first  settled  near  Tilton.  but  came 
from  there  in  1858  to  Catlin  Tfiwnship.  wliidi  has 
since  l)een  their  home.  Their  happy,  peaceful 
wedded  life  has  been  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth 
of  six  children,  namely  :  Andrew,  Sarah  A.,  .fosepii, 
Jennie,  AVallace  and  IMaggie.  Andrew  and  Maggie 
are  deceased.  Jennie,  Mrs.  Caraway-,  born  in  Ohio 
County,  Ind.,  Oct.  20.  1844,  and  was  twelve  years 
of  age  wlien  she  accompanied  her  parents  to  this 
county.  Four  cliildren  have  been  born  of  her  union 
witli  our  suiiject — an  infant  that  died  unnamed, 
Warren  E..  Ciiarles  H.  and  Nellie  B. 

Mr.  Caraway  stands  high  in  the  estimation  of  his 
fellow-men,  not  only  for  his  loyalty  and  patriotism 
in  the  late  war,  but  for  his  conduct  in  tlie  more 
peaceful  pursuits  of  life  before  and  since  that  time, 
lie  is  a  man  whose  honor  is  unquestioned,  anil 
whose  strict  regard  for  what  is  right  is  beyond  dis- 
pute. His  public  spirit  is  conuuendable.  and  leads 
him  to  take  a  genuine  interest  in  all  that  concerns 
the  material,  moral,  or  educational  welfare  of  his 
native  township.  He  has  been  connected  with  the 
administration  of  its  public  affairs  as  Highway 
Commissioner  and  in  various  school  otlices.  He  is 
prominently  identilied  with  the^following  social  or- 
ganisations; Catlin  Lodge  No.  285,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.; 
^^ermilion  Chapter  and  Athelstan  Comnianderv  at 
Danville,  and  politicalh'.  belongs  to  the  Union 
Labor  party. 

'fi(  AMES  J.  RICE,  coming  of  good  okl  Revo- 
lutionary stock,  is  a  representative  pioneer 
of  Vermilion  County,  one  of  those  whose 
courageous,  self-sacrificing  toil  in  the  early 
.and  later  years  of  the  settlement  of  tlie  county 
laid  a  solid  fouudation  for  its  present  prosperity, 
in  which  they  have  also  been  factors,  and  who  have 
lived  to  enjoy  the  fruit  of  the  seed  that  they 
planted  so  long  ago.  that  has  yielded  so  abundantly 
in  the  h.appy  homes,  smiling  farms,  and  busy  towns 


and  cities  now  flourishing  on  the  once  wild  prairies. 
Our  subject  came  to  Vermilion  County  as  early  as 
1835  and  in  1849  came  to  his  present  location  in 
Pilot  Township.  Here  he  a  farm  of  .320  acres 
of  choice,  highl}'  cultivated  land,  pleasantly  situ- 
ated on  sections  10  and  21. 

Mr.  Rice  was  born  in  Chautauqua  County,  N.Y., 
June  13,  1812.  His  |)aternal  grandfather  was  of 
Scotch  descent,  and  he  was  a  faithful  soldier  in  the 
licvolutionary  War,  having  served  seven  years. 
Silas  Rice,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  the 
eastern  part  of  New  York,  and  dying  when  he  was 
aw.ay  from  home,  the  dates  of  his  liirth  .anil  death 
are  unknown.  The  maiden  name  of  his  wife  was 
Pliebe  Leonard,  and  she  was  a  native  of  Cavucra 
County,  N.  Y.  She  died  in  N'ermilion  County, 
III.,  in  1857,  at  a  ripe  old  age.  She  was  the  mother 
of  eight  children,  three  of  whom  are  still  living, 
Luc}-.  Hannah  and  James.  Lucy,  living  in  Dan 
ville,  this  county,  is  the  widow  of  Is,aac  Baleugee, 
who  was  in  the  rebel  army  during  the  late  war. 
She  four  children,  namely:  .lames  H.,  America, 
Minerva  and  Lucy.  Hannah  married  Charles  Clifton, 
of  Piqua  County,  Ohio,  now  a  farmer  near  Omaha, 
Neb.,  and  they  had  three  children,  Sarah,  George 
and  Elizabeth,  deceased. 

James  Rice,  of  whom  we  write,  received  a  lim- 
ited education  in  common  with  most  farmers'  boys 
of  his  time,  and  in  the  fall  of  1835,  in  the  opening 
years  of  his  maniiood,  he  came  to  this  county,  hav- 
ing chosen  farming  as  his  life-work,  and  deciding 
to  cast  in  his  lot  with  the  pioneers  of  this  section 
of  the  country  who  had  preceded  him,  and  take 
advantage  of  the  rich  alluvial  soil  of  the  virgin 
prairies.  He  lived  nine  years  on  Salt  Fork,  and 
then  coming  to  Pilot  Township  took  up  his  abode 
in  the  eastern  part  of  it  and  dwelt  tliere  five  j^ears. 
At  the  expiration  of  that  time  he  located  on  his 
present  farm,  whose  value  he  has  greatly  increased 
bj'  unremitting  toil,  wise  economy  and  a  judicious 
expenditure  of  money,  so  that  it  is  classed  among 
the  first  and  best  farms  of  the  vicinity.  Starting 
out  in  life  with  a  capital  of  *100,  he  has  thus  in- 
creased  it  many  fold,  and  is  now  a  man  of  means 
and  is  accounted  one  of  the  solid,  substantial  citi- 
zens of  the  township. 

Mr.  Rice  was  fortunate  in  the  selection  of  a  wife 



who  has  been  to  liiin  nil  that  a  true  woman  can 
lit'  to  her  luisband,  and  an  imi)ortant  factor  in 
making  liis  life  a  success,  as  she  has  worked  nn- 
vveariediy  at  his  side  for  the  highest  interests  of 
llioir  family.  Her  maiden  name  was  Mary  Davis, 
and  she  was  born  in  Pickaway  County,  Ohio,  Sept. 
I.'!,  182.'?,  her  marriage  with  our  subject  taking 
|)l.ace  in  Vermilion  County,  Seiit.  11,  1815.  Her 
parents  were  Isaac  and  Elizabeth  (Coyle)  Davis. 
'I'he  father  was  born  in  Kentucky  in  171)0,  anil  the 
inf)thcr  in  Ross  Count}',  Ohio,  in  about  17'J9. 
The  father  died  in  1878  at  a  ripe  old  age,  and  the 
mother  in  March,  18C7.  They  were  among  the 
early  |)ioneers  of  \'ermilion  County,  coming  here 
in  1832,  and  their  memory  is  held  in  respect. 
They  were  the  parents  of  seven  children,  of  whom 
the  following  is  recorded:  Irene  married  F.  M. 
Brewer,  of  South  Carolina,  now  deceased,  .and  she 
is  living  in  Champaign  County  III.,  with  her 
tvvo  children;  Emily  married  George  Wilson,  of 
Indiana,  now  living  in  Cliami)aign  Comity,  and 
they  have  four  children;  Cynthia  A.  is  the  widow  of 
Milton  Cannon,  of  Ohio,  and  she  and  her  live  chil- 
dren are  living  in  Cham|)aign  County;  Diana,  liv- 
ing in  Vermilion  County,  near  Muncie,  is  the 
widow  of  Daniel  C^annon  and  the  luother  of  two 
children;  Lura  J.  married  James  II.  West,  of 
()lii(i,  now  deceased,  and  she  and  her  two  children 
are  living  in  Linn  County,  Ka;;. ;  Owen,  a  farmer, 
married  Sarah  Brown,  of  Arkansas.  Mary  is  tlie 
wife  of  our  subject,  and  they  have  six  chil- 
dien,  najuely:  P>ruce  I..,  Isaac  L.,  Georgia  C, 
iMueretta  .1.,  John  D.,  JIary  C. ;  Bruce  married 
I'jncline  Neff,  of  Indiana,  and  they  live  in  this 
county  with  their  six  children,  Mary,  (Jraiit,  Min- 
nie, Oscar,  Lucy,  Elmer  .1.;  Isaac,  a  farmei-  in 
llico,  ISenton  Co.,  Ark.,  married'i  T.  \\'ils(>n, 
of  this  county,  and  they  have  two  childi'en,  Carrie 
and  J.  J. :  (ieorgc  C.  is  a  merchant  and  Postmaster 
in  Charity.  111.;  Kmerelta  married  T.  ,1.  Il.'irler,  of 
Indiana,  now  a  farmer  in  this  county,  and  they 
have  three  children.  John  I.,  Nellie  and  Lillie; 
John  D.,  merchant  and  Assistant  Postmaster  at 
Charit}-,  this  county,  married  Emma  Todd,  of 
Putnam  County,  Ind.;  Mary  C.  lives  at  home 
with  her   parents. 

Mr.  Rice  occujiies  a  high  |)laee  among    the   best 

citizens  of  Pilot  Township,  where  so  many  years 
of  his  life  have  been  passed,  and  his  strong  integ- 
rity in  word  and  deed  causes  him  to  be  regarded 
with  absolute  trust  b}'  the  entire  community.  He 
is  a  prominent  member  of  the  Church  of  Christ 
and  has  held  the  oflice  of  Elder  for  many  ^-ears. 
In  him  the  Prohibition  party  has  one  of  its  most 
earnest  and  and  consistent  supporters.  Mr.  Rice 
has  served  very  acceptably  on  the  juries  of  State 
and  county. 

OLIVEK  P.  B.M'iM  owns  and  carries  on  two 
farms,  the  homestead  containing  465  acres, 
while  the  other  embraces  a  half-section  ad- 
joining the  village  of  Sidell  on  the  east.  He  also 
has  sixteen  and  Ihree-fonrths  acres  of  timber  land, 
close  to  Indianola.  Therefoie  Mr.  15aum  may  be 
considered  one  of  the  leading  land  owners.  He  is 
a  very  extensive  f:irmer  .-ind  one  whose  success 
has  lieen  steadily  growing  since  he  first  started  in 

His  father,  Samuel  Baum,  settled  in  Carrfdl 
Township  in  182!),  in  company  with  Michael  Wea- 
ver, and  was  one  of  the  prominent  pioneers.  The 
father  was  a  very  large  man,  weighing  365  pounds. 

The  grandfather,  Charles  Baum,  was  a  prominent 
man  in  his  da\',  and  noted  for  his  piety.  The 
great-grandfather  was  b.Tnisherl  from  Poland  and 
came  to  the  colonies,  where  he  soon  estalilished  a 
reputation  for  patriotism  ami  fidelity  to  American 
principles.  He  married  Barbara  McDonald,  and 
settled  in  Bucks  Count}-,  Pa.,  immediately  succeed- 
ing the  struggle  for  independence  in  1776.  Soon 
after  Wayne's  treaty  with  the  Indians,  he  with  his 
family  sailed  down  the  Ohio  in  a  family  boat,  and 
made  the  first  settlement  in  that  territory,  close  to 
the  mouth  of  the  Bullskin  Creek.  He  died  full  of 
years  and  honors  in  Clermont  County,  in  the  State 
\h'.  heli)ed  to  form. 

The  mother  of  the  subject  of  this  biography 
was  Sarah  Weaver,  the  oldest  daughter  of  Michael 
AVeavcr,  who  was  a  man  possessed  of  a  great  many 
peculiar  characteristics.  He  always  had  money  to 
lo.'in.  but  would  never  take  more  than  six  per  cent. 



for  its  use,  when  he  could  easily  ask  and  obtain 
t'oity.  He  was  a  ric-h  man  when  he  earae  from 
Ohio  to  this  county,  in  1829,  and  many  a  pioneer 
owes  to  INIiehael  Weaver  a  debt  of  gratitudo.  He 
was  as  generous  and  open-hearted  a  man  as  ever 
lived.  He  would  fix  the  price  for  his  corn  at  a 
reasonable  rate,  and  would  not  take  for  it  either  a 
iiigher  or  a  lower  price.  He  adhered  inflexibly  to 
the  rule  that  it  was  not  right  to  extort  by  specula- 
tion or  any  other  methi id.  and  when  he  made  a  price 
on  any  commodity,  it  was  based  upon  actual  cost, 
with  a  living  proflt  added.  IVIr.  Weaver  studiously 
endeavored  to  aid  the  poor,  but  ho  invarialily  re- 
fused to  loan  money  to  speculators.  By  this  it  will 
be  seen  that  his  peculiarities  were  all  virtues.  At 
the  great  age  of  nearly  one  hundred  and  one  years 
he  passed  away  to  his  reward.  The  mother  died 
when  she  was  about  forty  years  old,  leaving  eight 
children,  of  whom  Oliver  P.  is  the  oldest.  His 
father  was  married  a  second  time,  to  Mrs.  Polly 
(Sandusky)  Matkin,  four  children  being  born  of  this 

Oliver  P.  l>aum,  was  born  in  .lanuary,  1828,  his 
birthplace  being  Clermont  County,  Ohio.  He  grew 
to  man's  estate  in  Carroll  Township,  and  at  the  age 
of  thirty-three  his  father  died,  leaving  him  a  good 
property.  He  has  been  engaged  in  feeding  cattle 
for  the  past  thirty  years.  The  market  places  for 
his  stock  are  Cliicago  and  Buffalo,  where  he  is  well 
and  favorably  known  as  a  business  man.  He  also 
feeds  a  large  number  of  hogs,  and  in  this  branch 
of  stock-raising  he  is  equally  successful.  As  JNIr. 
Baum  puts  it,  "nothing  but  prairie  grass  and  rattle- 
snakes were  on  the  land  in  Vermilion  County  when 
he  came  here."  He  passed  through  all  the  trials 
and  tribulations  of  a  pioneer,  and  has  witnessed 
Illinois  struggle  from  comparative  poverty  up  to 
artluence,  and  attain  the  proud  jjosition  of  a  sov- 
erign  State.  Far  better  than  all  tlie  titles  that  roy- 
alty can  bestow,  is  the  simple  one  of  a  pioneer. 
The  nobility  has  torn  down,  while  the  mission  of 
the  ijioneer  was  to  build  up,  and  when  the  awards 
are  given  to  mankind,  whose  will  be  the  highest? 

Mr.  Baum  erected  the  elegant  mansion  which  he 
now  occupies  in  1875,  and  in  its  construction  is 
exhibited  a  great  deal  of  common  sense.     He  also 

and  utility.  His  place  is  laid  out  in  a  manner  to 
insure  good  results,  and  for  the  peifect  handling  of 
stock.  Taking  this  farm  as  a  whole'.  Including  its 
buildings,  surroundings  and  everything  cfinnectefl 
with  it,  it  would  he  no  exaggeration  tf)  make  the 
statement  that  for  the  purposes  for  which  it  is  de- 
signed there  is  not  a  better  farm  in  ^'erlnilion 

In  1871  Mr.  Baum  was  mnrriod  to  Miss  Helen 
McCleuathen,  of  Wasliington  County,  Pa.,  daugh- 
ter of  George  S.  and  Sarah  (Remlcy)  McClenatlien, 
lioth  natives  of  the  Keystone  State.  When  her 
parents  came  to  Danville  Township,  Mrs.  Bnum  was 
five  years  old,  and  therefore  her  earl}'  training  and 
growth  to  womanhood  occurred  in  this  neighbor- 
hood. Her  father  and  mother  are  both  living  in 
Fairmoiint,  retired  at  the  ages  of  seventy  and  sixty- 
four,  respectiveiy.  I'liey  had  twelve  children: 
James,  William,  Helen,  Lucj%  John,  Belle,  Anna, 
Emma,  Owen,  Ethel,  Volne}^  and  George  Byron. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Baum,  arc  the  parents  of  one  child — 
Herbert.  She  is  a  member  of  the  Kingsley  Chapel, 
Methodist  Episeopal  Church.  Mr.  Baum  votes 
with  the  Democratic  party.  His  present  fortune 
and  position  in  society  are  based  upon  his  intelli- 
gence and  industry. 

\T(OHN  J.  JACKSON,  a  popular  and  energetic 
farmer  of  Sidell  Township,  owns  and  oper- 
ates 160  acres  of  Innd  on  section  31,  town- 
J  ship  18,  ranch  1  4.  He  is  a  native  of  Ohio  and 
was  boin  Jan.  31,  1828.  His  parents  came  to  Clin- 
ton County,  Ind.,  when  he  was  a  small  bo}-.  His 
father  and  mother,  John  and  Katie  (Ross)  Jackson, 
were  born  in  Pennsylvania,  and  before  leaving  that 
State  were  married.  From  there  they  removed  to 
Ohio,  where  they  resided  for  some  time  and  in  1829 
cmigr.ated  to  Indiana,  remaining  there  until  death 
called  them  away. 

The  father  was  an  early  settler  and  a  leading  man 
in  his  county  and  was  considered  one  of  the  best 
farmers  in  his  section.  He  died  in  1846  at  the 
early  age  of  forty-seven  years,  leaving  behind  him 

hasalarge  barn,  14x60,  which  isamodel  of  strength    i    eight  children:  Christina,  Elizabeth,  Martha,  llenr^ 



Joliii  .1.,  Abialiain,  Aiiily  jukI  Amos.  Tlic  siib- 
jei't  i)f  this  skeVcli  rei^eived  his  cdiication  at  the 
suhscri|>ti()n  schools — incident  to  the  days  of  ills 
boyliood,  and  therefore  Ids  ad  vant;iges  for  securing 
an  cilucalioii  wore  liniit('(l.  His  father,  iHio  all  of 
till'  early  pioneers  of  [ndituia,  was  extremely  jtoor, 
and  his  children  were  therefore  obliged  to  work  as  j 
soon  as  they  were  able.  John  .1.,  being  the  oldest  \ 
boy,  was  obligcil  to  take  the  in  work,  and  was 
held  responsible,  in  a  measnrc,  for  its  being  well 
done,  and  to  this  fact  may  be  traced  the  reason  of 
his  being  painstaking  in  everything  he  does. 

At  the  age  of  twenty-one  years  Mr.  Jackson  was 
married  to  I\Iiss  Ellen  McCray,  a  native  of  Vir- 
gia,  liut  who  was  reared  to  maturity  in  Clinton 
County,  hid.  After  marriage,  the  young  couple 
lived  in  the  latter  slate  for  two  years  on  a  farm, 
after  which  they  removed  to  Coles  County,  III., 
and  in  the  fall  of  1853  they  took  up  their  residence 
in  Vermilion  County,  where  they  purchased  120 
acres  of  land,  which  is  a  part  of  the  quarter  section 
where  they  now  live.  There  was  a  log  house,  and 
forlj^  acres  broken  on  this  land  when  they  bought 
it,  and  inde|)cndent  of  this,  there  were  nc)  imi>rove- 
ments.  By  his  first  wife  he  became  the  father  of 
two  children:  Susan  J.,  who  ilied  at  the  age  of  eigh- 
teen j'cars  and  five  months,  and  Laura,  who  is  the 
wife  of  Richard  Keys,  the  latter  couple  having 
three  children:  John  J.,  Grace  and  Lydia.  Mr. 
Keys  is  engaged  as  a  smelter  and  lead  miner  in  .las- 
per  Count3S  Mo.  Mr.  Jackson's  first  wife  died  in 
1860  and  he  married  a  second  time,  in  1881,  Mrs. 
Mary  K.  Kieffer,  widow  of  Frank  Kieffer  of  Ohio. 
She  was  born  in  Crawford  County,  Ohio,  and  is  a 
daughter  of  Jacob  and  ]<>leaiior  (Monlgomer}' )  y\n- 
drews.  Her  father's  people  were  from  l'enns\l- 
vani.a,  and  her  mother  was  born  n(^■lr  lialtiniore, 

Mrs.  J.ackson's  parents  removed  to  Oreene 
Connly.  I'a.,  in  1827,  where  they  first  met  each 
other  and  were  married.  They  later  removed  to 
Ohio,  where  they  resi<led  on  a  farm  which  they 
purchased  from  the  Government.  Here  they  re- 
sided until  their  de.atli,  the  father  dying  in  1878  at 
at  the  age  of  seventy-nine,  while  the  mother  passed 
away  in  1871,  sixty-eight  years  old.  Twelve  of 
their    children   are    living:    Samuel,    John,    Hir.aiii. 

Robert,  St.  Clair.  Madison,  Klla,  Charity,  Lemon, 
Jane,  l>ois  and  Mai'y;  besides  there  were  two 
brothers  who  died  in  the  .army — Jacob  and  Frank. 
Two  sisters  also  di(!d  in  infancy. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jackson  :ivi\  the  jifirents  of  two 
children — Alta  Marie  and  Lemon  .1.  Mrs.  .(ackson 
attended  public  school  at  home  after  which,  at  the 
age  of  nineteen,  she  entered  Hucyrus  College,  her 
studies  embracing  the  scientific  course.  She  later 
took  up  her  studies  at  Oberlin  College,  where  she 
continued  a  student  for  a  short  time.  Mr.  Jackson 
is  a  leading  citizen  in  his  townshi[),  where  he  has 
served  as  Commissioner  of  Highways  at  various 
times  for  the  last  (juarter  of  a  century  and  is  at 
present  holding  that  office.  He  is  a  memherof  the 
Deraociatic  pait\'  and  an  energetic  worker  in  its 
ranks,  .and  socially  he  belongs  to  Palermo  fjodge. 
No.  G46.  located  at  Palermo,  Edgar  C'ount\ . 

m.   .i?.?iYfir.'?l.  mt 

\^^  AVID  LAYTON.  In  passing  through  a  sec- 
tion of  country,  it  is  not  ditlicult  to 
determine  who  aie  the  thrifty  and  enter- 
l)rising  meji,  and  who  aie  the  drones  in  a 
community.  Occupying  a  part  of  section  19,  in 
Middle  Fork  Township,  is  the  Layton  farm,  built 
up  by  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and  noticeable  on 
account  of  the  commodious  and  substantial  In-ick 
residence,  which  with  its  surroundings,  compris- 
ing all  the  appliani'cs  of  the  well-regulated  country 
estate,  forms  the  home  of  our  subject,  and  which 
has  been  erected  by  his  own  thrift  and  energ}'.  He 
is  one  of  the  many  who  began  life  poor  in  pui-se, 
and  who  have  presented  to  their  communit\-  the 
spectacle  of  perseverance  amid  ditficnlties  and  the 
success  of  well-directed  effort. 

The  Layton  record  leads  us  back  to  the  |)aternal 
grandfathi'r  of  our  subject,  John  Layton,  who,  it  is 
believed,  was  a  native  of  New  Jersey.  Early  in 
life  he  migrated  to  New  York  State,  where  he  lived 
many  years,  and  where,  it  is  believed,  he  was  llrst 
married.  Among  his  sons  was  Job,  the  father  of 
our  subject,  and  the  second  in  a  family  of  eight 
children,  of  whom  the  first  wife  was  the  mother. 
After    her    deatli    .lohn    Layton    was    married    to  a 



widow  lacl3',  Mrs.  Ayers,  aiirl   with   her    spent   liis 
last  days  in  New  York  State. 

Tiie  fatiier  of  our  subject  was  roared  to  manliood 
in  the  place  of  his  birth — Brown  County,  N.  Y. — 
and  was  there  married  to  Miss  Rachel,  daughter  of 
Alford  Rounds,  a  native  of  Rhode  Island.  In  the 
Rounds  faniilj'  there  were  perhaps  nine  children, 
who,  with  the  exception  of  two,  are  supposed  to 
have  been  born  in  New  York  State.  The  parents 
of  Mrs.  La3ton,  like  those  of  her  husband,  spent 
their  last  years  there. 

Job  Layton  and  his  estiuiable   wife  also   became 

the  parents  of  nine  children,  of  whom  David,  our 

subject,  was  the  eldest.     The   others    were    named 

respect! vel}':       John,  Jacob,  James   E.,   Franklin, 

George,  Elizabeth,  Harriet — these  all   living — and 

one  deceased.     The  mother   was  a  member  of  the 

Presbyterian    Church.     David,  who    was    born    in 

1828,  was    reared    at    the    homestead    in     Brown 

County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  acquired  his  education  in 

the  suliseription  schools.     In  1850   he  started   out 

to  paddle  his  own  canoe,  launching  his  little  craft 

for  the  far  West.      In  making  the  journey  thither, 

he  embarked   on   a  steamboat  at  Dunkirk,  N.   Y., 

whence  he  proceeded  to  Toledo,  and  from  there  by 

canal   to    Covington,  Ind.,  where  he   took   up  his 

abode,  and    worked    on   a  farm    five   years,  by   the 

month,  for  one  man,  Mr.  R.  D.  Brown.       For  the 

first  year  he  received  $10  per  month,  and  was  given 

an   increase  of  salary  each  year   until  the  fourth, 

when  he  was  paid  125    per   month  for  the  entire 

year.     This  at  that  time  was  considered  a  generous 

sum,  and  the  young  man  was  naturally  proud  of  it. 

He  saved  his  earnings,  and  when  he  left  the  emploj' 

of  Mr.  Brown,  purchased  a  ditching  machine  with 

which  he  operated  profitably,  earning  from  $1,000 

to    |!1,200    per   year    for   several   years,  and   thus 

laid  the  foundation  of  future  competence. 

I5eing  thus  prospered,  it  is  quite  natural  that  Mi . 
Layton  at  the  proper  time  should  think  about  es- 
tablishing a  home  of  his  own.  A  young  man  of 
his  acquii-ements  was  naturally  a  favorite  among 
the  maidens  of  his  community,  and  he  chose  one  of 
its  most  estimable  young  ladies — Miss  Martha, 
daughter  of  William  and  Sarah  (Bows)  Wilson, 
their  wedding  taking  place  in  Indiana.  In  April, 
1863,  they  settled  on  the  farm  where  they  now  live. 

Only  seventy  acres  had  been  plowed,  aud  the  only 
improvement  was  a  little  log  house.  Into  this  the 
newly  wedded  pair  removed,  and  occupied  it  until 
they  were  enabled  to  do  better.  Our  subject  added 
to  his  first  purchase,  and  now  has  240  acres  of  land, 
all  fenced  and  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation.  He 
has  now  nine  acres  of  timber.  Notwithstanding  he 
has  labored  assiduously,  and  has  suffered  somewhat 
from  the  toils  and  struggles  of  his  earlier  years,  he 
is  still  in  good  health,  and  can  accomplish  more 
than  many  a  younger  man. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  were 
born  four  children,  namely:  Charles;  Anna,  the 
wife  of  t'harles  Cardell;  C.  Gr.ant,  who  is  in  the 
grocery  and  hardware  business  at  Potomac;  and 
William,  who  died  when  a  promising  youth  of  fif- 
teen years.  Mr.  Layton,  politically,  is  a  sound  Re- 
publican, and  in  all  respects  a  worthy  representative 
of  the  worth  and  respectability  of  the  community. 
The  parents  of  Mrs.  Layton  were  natives  of  Penn- 
sylvania, where  the  father  learned  the  trade  of  a 
cabinet-maker,  which  he  followed  until  his  removal 
to  Indiana,  after  which  he  engaged  in  farming. 

<*  IJ'ILLIAM  II.  DOWN.S,  proprietor  of  the 
wJi  '■^""''''^''"  Hotel,"  of  Ridge  Farm,  al- 
W^J  though  not  very  long  established  in  this 
place — coining  here  in  IMaicli,  1888 — is  giving  am- 
ple evidence  of  his  fitness  for  his  present  calling, 
and  has  become  exceedingly  jtopular  with  the 
traveling  public.  He  is  a  man  of  liberal  ideas,  en- 
terprising and  active,  studying  the  comfort  of  his 
guests,  and  attending  to  those  details  which  make 
up  the  sum  and  substance  of  a  successful  whole. 
He  is  a  native  of  this  county,  having  been  born  in 
Klwood  Township,  Oct.  25,  1860. 

Leander  Downs,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Ohio,  and  came  with  his  parents  to  Illi- 
nois when  a  boy.  They  settled  in  Clark  County 
111.,  and  Leander  when  reaching  man's  estate,  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  M.aria  A.  Inman, 
who  was  a  native  of  that  county.  Of  this  union 
there  were  born  three  children,  only  two  of   whom 

^  ^:;^-L^;;4^S^^!^^^ 


arc  liviiiii: — Lilly  i\L  niul  our  subjt'cl.  Tlu"  former 
is  llio  wift:  of  Kenjainin  Cook,  of  Klwood  Towp.- 

Young'  Downs  piirsuod  his  earl_y  stu(li(>s  in  ilic 
I'onunon  sfliools.  and  then  worked  with  his  falhcr 
on  the  faini  until  his  uian-iane.  ih'  followed  aijri- 
eulluial  pursuits  until  Maich.  1888,  and  soon  afler- 
waid  purchased  Mio  "Southeni  Motel."  This  heiiijr 
in  nee<l  of  many  repairs  he  refitted  it  enlirelv, 
greatly  improving  its  appearance,  and  instituting 
many  other  reforms.  In  ad<litiou  he  Inis  a  livery 
liusiness  which  yields  him  good  returns.  Allhough 
usually  voting  with  the  Rei)ul)lican  party  he  med- 
dles very  little  with  [lolitics.  making  a  specialty  of 
attending  to  his  own  concerns. 

( »ur  subject  was  married  on  the  8th  of  March, 
1881,  to  Miss  Ella  E.,  daughter  of  Benjamin  I'ur- 
dum.  of  Ridge  Farm,  and  to  them  have  l)ecii  born 
three  children — Maude,  Bertie  and  C'a.ssius.  Mr. 
Downs  has  an  interest  in  his  father's  old  homestead, 
and  from  various  sources  is  in  the  e;ijo3'ment  of 
a  vciv  cduifortahle  income. 


)ENJAMIN  F.  DOUOIIERTV.  I'he  family 
(^  history  of  this  gentleman,  who  is  a  success- 
/j^yjllj  ful  hardware  merchant  of  Fairmount,  Ver- 
milion Co.,  III.,  possesses  more  tluan  ordi- 
nary interest  and  has  fortunately  been  carefullj' 
preserved  by  the  latter  re|)resentatives  who,  were,  as 
their  ancestors,  people  of  more  than  ordinary  in- 
telligence. This  branch  of  the  Doughert3's  is  of 
Scotch  origin  and  the  great-grandfather  of  the 
subject  of  this  notice  was  an  active  participant  in 
the  Revolutionary  War.  His  son,  Francis,  the 
grandfather  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  Maryland, 
IVIarch  2i).  17G!),and  died  Se|)t.  29,  18G0,  at  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  ninety-one  years  and  six  tnonths. 
Christian  Doughertj',  the  wife  of  Francis  Dougherty, 
dieil  Ai)ril  I'J,  18.')1,  aged  seventy-five  years,  five 
months  and  sixteen  days.  He  was  master  of  two 
trades,  those  of  shoe-iuaker  and  stone-mason,  and 
."dso  carried  on  farming.  .Vmong  his  children  was 
Samuel,  the  father  of  our  subject  who  was  born 
near  Rii)ley,  Brown   Co..   Ohio;  and    who    married 

Miss   .lane   Dalby,   whose    native    place   wa,s    near 
White  River  in  Pennsylvania. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  the  daughter  of 
Aaron  and  Christina  (I'rong)  Dalby.  who  were 
married  Oct.  12,  ISl.j.  The  mother  died  when  a 
young  woman,  and  at  her  death  was  the  mother  of 
five  children.  Grandfather  Dall)3-  was  subsequently' 
married — .Ian.  1,  1829 — to  Nancy  Kizer.  She  also 
died  and  he  was  married  the  third  time.  .Ian.  23 
1837.  to  Henrietta  Catlin.  She  is  now  living  and 
is  the  wife  of  .luhn  .McFarland,  of  Oakwood  Town- 
ship. Aar<in  Dalby  was  born  .luly  3,  1796,  and 
his  first  wife,  Christina,  was  born  7.  of  that 
same  year.  .Nancy  Kizer  born  Oct.  li).  1804, 
and  Henrietta  Catlin,  Nov.  16,  1821.  Mrs.  Jane 
(Dalby)  Dougherty,  the  mother  of  our  subject  was 
born  June  24,  1816,  and  was  married  to  Samuel 
Dougherty  Aug.  20,  183.").  Their  wedding  took 
l)lace  at  the  homestcMil  where  (irandfather  Dalby 
settled  in  1832. 

(grandfather  Dougherty  after  coming  to  Illinf)is 
'n  1832,  settled  on  the  Little  Vermilion  River  in 
Carroll  Township,  about  one  and  a  half  miles  north- 
west of  where  Indianola  now  stands,  where  he  re- 
mained over  winter  then  |)urchased  land  from  the 
government  one  mile  north  of  where  F^ilirniount, 
now  stands.  Samuel  after  his  marriage  lived  on 
the  farm  with  his  father  about  one  year,  which 
jiropert}-  is  now  owned  by  the  widow  of  .lames 
Dotighertv'.  Later  the^'  removed  to  another  part 
of  the  homestead,  which  now  comprises  the  farm 
owned  by  (ieorgc  Price  and  which  lies  on  the 
south  side  of  the  State  road.  It  was  purchased 
from  the  goverinnent  by  (irandfather  Doughert}'. 
Samuel  with  the  help  of  his  neighbors  put  up  a  log 
house  upon  the  present  site  of  Mr.  Price's  residence 
and  in  that  humble  dwelling  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  born  Feb.  15,  1848. 

The  father  of  our  subject  commenced  life  in 
true  pioneer  style  upon  a  tract  of  raw  prairie  about 
sixty  rods  from  the  timber,  (juite  isolated  and  being 
the  fartlierest  fi'om  the  timber  of  any  other  settler. 
Their  dwelling,  a  hewed  log  house,  was  finished  and 
furnished  in  the  most  primitive  st^-le.  Their 
slumbers  were  often  disturbed  bj"  the  howling  of 
wolves  (frc(|iicntly  poking  their  noses  in  the  cracks 
of  the  house  I  which  often  lasted  the  greater  part  of 



the  nifflit.  There  was  tlien  nothing  to  mark  the 
present  site  of  Danville  as  a  town,  anrt  nothing'  luit 
tali  grass  and  a  vast  prairie  between  Salt  Fork  and 
Little  Vermilion  timber.  Being  on  the  State  road 
the  government  mails,  carried  by  stage,  stopped 
at  the  honse  and  Mr.  Dougherty  officiated  ,as 
Postmaster  for  a  number  of  years.  The  nearest 
mill  was  at  Perrj'ville,  to  which  i)oi])t  he  frequently 
hauled  his  oats,  while  he  (h'ove  his  hogs  to  Chicago 
to  market. 

Upon  this  farm  of  120  aeres  Samuel  Dougherty 
lived  and  labiired  until  March,  1852,  effected  good 
improvcuients,  [Hitting  up  building  and  planting  an 
orchard,  which  at  this  time  was  in  good  bearing 
conditiiin.  His  entire  family  of  seven  children 
were  born  at  this  place.  lie  finally,  however,  im- 
agined he  could  im|)rovo  his  condition  by  selling 
out,  and  on  the  IGth  of  March,  that  year,  removed 
to  another  farm  of  120  acres,  located  on  section  IG, 
one  and  three-fourth  miles  south  of  Fairmount. 
Here  he  proceeded  as  before,  opening  u[)  a  farm 
from  the  raw  prairie,  set  out  another  orchard,  ef- 
fected various  imiirovements  then  sold  .again,  this 
time  til  Ellis  .4danis.  whose  biography  ap|jears  else- 
where in  this  volume. 

On  the  20th  of  November,  18.56. Samuel  Dough- 
erty once  more  took  up  his  line  of  inarch  to  another 
farm  of  120  acres,  three  miles  south  of  Fairmount, 
to  which  he  latei'  added  160  acres,  scarcely  any  of 
which  was  under  culti\ation  at  the  time  of  [nircliase. 
There  he  continued  to  live  until  his  decease.  He 
found  that  the  labor  involved  in  the  improvement 
of  three  farms  was  altogether  too  great  for  an  or- 
dinary constitution,  and  there  followed  the  natural 
result — the  undermining  of  his  health — from  which 
he  suffered  for  years  piior  to  his  death.  lie  had 
also  met  with  an  accident,  IS'ov.  21,  1867,  while 
loading  logs  on  a  wagon  with  his  eldest  son,  Wilh 
iani;  the  chain  breaking,  the  log  rolled  back  upon 
him  and  crushed  one  of  his  feet,  and  as  a  result  of 
this  he  was  confined  to  his  bed  until  March  14, 
1868.  He  never  fully  recovered  from  the  shock 
of  this  and  the  debilitating  effect  t)f  his  other  ail- 
ments, and  passed  avv.ay  on  the  ;5d  of  January,  1871, 
at  the  age  of  fifty-seven  years,  seven  months  and 
six  days. 

The  mother  of  our  subject   was   a    l.ady    of    fine 

constitution,  usually  remarkably  healthy  and 
weighing  over  200  pounds.  She  survived  her  hus 
band  a  number  of  years,  dying  Feb.  22,  1878,  aged 
sixty-one  3-ears,  seven  months  and  twenty-eight 
days.  Five  of  the  seven  children  born  to  them  are 
now  living,  and  Benjamin  F.  was  next  to  the 
youngest.  Nancy  K.  the  eldest  of  the  family  was 
was  born  Oct.  13,  1836,  and  was  married  Oct.  9, 
1854  to  Alonzo  P.  Mitchell;  they  have  three  chil- 
dren and  live  in  Lowry  City,  Mo.  Harriet  Ann 
was  born  Jan.  27,  1838  and  was  married  June  22, 
1854  to  John  William  Cass;  they  have  six  children 
and  live  one  mile  and  a  half  south  of  Muncie. 
Mary  Elizabeth  was  born  March  22,  1840  and  was 
married  Nov.  27,  1864  to  John  M.  McCabe,  whose 
biography  appears  elsewhere  in  this  volume;  they 
have  four  children,  two  of  whom  are  living;  Will- 
iam Aaron  was  born  Feb.  2,  1842  and  was  married 
April  2!),  1868  to  Miss  Margaret  Orr;  he  died  Nov. 
1,  1887  .aged  forty-five  years,  anil  his  widow  now 
lives  in  Fairmount.  Francis  Marion  was  born  April 
13,  1844,  and  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War 
enlisted  in  Company  E,  73d  Illinois  Infantry,  known 
in  the  army  as  the  "Methodist  Regiment."  He 
died  from  the  effects  of  a  gun-shot  wound  at  Knox- 
ville,  'I'enn.,  F'eb.  14,1864.  at  the  .age  of  nineteen 
years,  ten  months  and  one  day,  and  his  remains 
fill  a  soldier's  grave  in  the  National  cemetery  at 
Kuoxville.  Tenn.  He  and  his  brother  William 
were  members  of  the  same  company,  eidistino-  at 
the  same  time — in  August,  1862,  leaving  our  sub- 
ject, a  lad  of  fourteen  years  of  age,  at  home  to  work 
the  farm.  The  youngest  chikl,  Christian  Jane,  was 
born  Oct.  2,  1850,  and  was  married  to  David  Wal- 
lace. Nov.  12,  1868.  Mr.  Wallace  served  three 
years  in  the  1st  Indiana  Cavalry,  then  re-enlisted 
and  continue<l  in  the  army  until  the  close  of  the 
war.  'I'hey  are  the  jjaients  of  two  children,  one 
living  and  reside  five  and  one-h.alf  miles  southeast 
of  Fairmount. 

In  December,  1562,  the  father  of  our  subject 
received  this  startling  telegram  from  Nashville, 
Tenn:  "Come,  Jesse  dead,  sick."  (Jesse 
was  an  own  cousin  of  AVilliani.)  He  responded  at 
once  and  upon  his  arrival  in  Nashville  found  Will- 
iam stricken  down  with  typhoid  fever,  and  nursed 
him  and  some  of  his  comrades  for  some  time  there- 



after.  The  loss  of  icst  and  tlic  nieiitiil  strain  coni- 
l)leteiy  sliatterc(1  the  lieallh  of  Jfr.  Doughei ly,  so 
tliat  lie  never  fully  n-covered.  As  soon  as  William 
was  able,  he  prociii-fcl  his  discharge,  ami  bronjjlit 
him  home,  almost  a  skek'ton.  When  Francis  was 
shot,  the  father  was  notified  Ijy  telegram,  and  im- 
mediately started  South,  hut  eoukl  only  get  as  far 
as  Louisville,  Ky.,  where  he  learned  that  his  boy  was 
beyond  his  earthly  aid,  having  gone  to  join  thcarmj' 
above.  lie  left  money  to  have  the  liody  shipped 
home,  bill  owing  to  the  danger  of  an  attack  from 
the  rebels,  it  could  not  then  be  done,  and  it  was 
never  done,  and  the  money  was  finally  returned  to 

Beujaiiiiii  F.  Dougherty  received  his  education 
in  tlie  common  schools  of  ^'ermiiion  County,  at- 
tending uiioii  an  average  three  months  in  the  year 
for  five  years.  His  first  teacher,  when  he  was  six 
years  old,  was  Lewis  Kirkpatrick.  and  his  last, 
Pret.  Stevens.  During  the  last  three  months,  hav- 
ing completed  the  third  [lart  of  IJay's  Aritlinictic, 
he  took  n|i  book-keeping,  and,  being  an  apt  |)upil. 
made  fine  prt>gress.  He  has  been  a  reader  nil  his 
life,  and  may  be  justly  considered  one  among  the 
best  informed  men  of  his  neighlioihood.  JMcry 
book  pertaining  to  the  late  Civil  War  has  been 
l>ernsed  li}'  him  with  absorliing  interest.  IJciiig 
the  only  stay  of  his  [larents.  he  remained  with 
them  until  they  no  longer  needed  his  filial  oDices, 
laboring  twenty-three  years  on  the  last  settled 
homestead,  and  he  has  the  consciousness  of  know- 
ing that  he  smoothed  their  jiathwa^-  down  the  hill 
of  life,  and  lightened  as  far  .as  possible  their  afflic- 
tions and  their  losses. 

On  the  ■2Gth  of  September.  1 876, oiir  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Lilly,  daughter  of 
Thornton  and  Nancy  (Dickson)  Iliibliard,  at  the 
home  of  her  uncle,  James  A.  Dickson.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Hiilibard  were  among  the  earliest  settlers  of 
this  county,  owning  a  large  farm  of  37(1  acres,  one 
and  one  half  miles  north  of  Muncie.  Mr.  IInbl)ard 
was  very  successful  as  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser, 
and  was  numbered  among  the  prominent  citizens  of 
this  county.  He  born  March  20,  182 1,  near 
Chillic(jtlie.  Ross  County.  Ohio,  and  departed  this 
life  at  his  homestead  Oct.  18,  I8Klj.aged  sixty-livi- 
years,   six    months    and    twenty-eight   days.      Mrs 

Hubbard  was  born  May  1,  1827,  in  Kentucky,  and 
passed  away  some  years  prior  to  the  decease  of  her 
husband,  dying  .Ian.  25.  1859.  They  were  the 
parents  of  two  chihlrcn.  of  whom  Mrs.  Dougherty 
was  the  elder,  and  she  was  born  Sejit.  I,  1855. 

Mr.  Dougherty  .after  his  marriage  eontinnod 
farming  until  early  in  1880.  On  It.e  13th  of 
February,  that  year,  he  had  a  public  sale  of  his 
personal  proi)erty,  and  on  the  23d  was  removed 
to  I''airinouiit  on  a  feather  lied — the  result  of 
illness  from  being  overheated  in  the  harvest  field 
the  precefling  summer — without  hope  of  recovery, 
lint  after  nioxing  to  I'^nirmoiint,  his  health  im- 
proved simiewhat,  and  in  the  summer  of  1881  he 
drove  over  the  count}-,  canvassing  for  school  seats, 
which  farther  improved  his  health.  In  the  follow- 
ing fall  he  purchased  the  hardware  stock  in  his 
present  building,  having  in  tlic  meantime  sold  his 
farm,  lie  did  not  coiitem|)late  continuing  in  the 
hardware  trade,  hut  even  in  poor  health  success  was 
the  result  of  his  efforts,  and  finally  he  changed  his 
iniiiil  and  piirchasecl  the  |)ropert_y  connected  with  his 
business,  together  with  his  home  in  Fairmount. 
He  has  been  very  su(H;essful  in  trade,  and  besides 
his  stove  and  hardware  stock,  handles  a  general  line 
of  agricultural  implements  and  lumber. 

The  five  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dough- 
erty are  recorded  as  follows:  Willie  was  born 
April  17,  1879,  and  died  in  infancy;  Freddie  M. 
was  born  April  13,  1880,  and  died  April  !».  1,S8I, 
aged  eleven  montlis  and  twenty-six  days;  i-'loyd 
Everett  was  born  May  20,  1882,  and  is  now  a 
blight  lad  of  seven  years;  Samuel  E.  was  born 
.Jan.  22,  1881,  and  died  .Ian.  24.  1889,  aged  live 
years  and  two  days.  Little  Eddie  was  a  sweet, 
bright  child,  whose  mind  seemed  far  in  advance  of 
his  years.  He  was  gentle,  oiiedient  and  affectionate, 
not  only  with  the  home  circle,  but  with  all  his  a.sso- 
ciates.  A  short  time  previous  to  his  death  he  ap- 
peared to  comprehend  that  life  for  him  would  soon 
be  over,  and  told  his  mamma  that  "(iod  loved  him, 
and  would  take  care  of  him."  A  few  minutes  he- 
fore  brcat-hiiig  his  last  lu;  re))eated  his  little  prayer, 
"Ni^w,  I  lay  me  down  to  sleep,"  and  soon  the  pure 
spirit  fied  to  be  forever  at  rest.  The  younnest 
child  of  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Dougherty.  Stella  P.,  was  born 
l''eb.   111.   18.Si;.    She  is  a  hearty  and  promising  child. 



Fortunately  for  Mr.  Doiiglierty,  liis  excellent 
wife  has  alw.nys  enjoyed  fine  health,  and  he  attrib- 
utes the  prolongation  of  his  life  to  her  affectionate 
care  and  attention.  Mr.  Douoherty  has  never  been 
an  active  politician  iu  the  sense  of  office-seeking. 
On  the  contrary,  he  has  several  times  declined  to 
enter  upon  tlie  responsibilities  of  a  public  position. 
Since  becoming  a  voter,  he  has  uniformly  supported 
tlie  principles  (if  the  Republican  party  and  temper- 
ance, and  has  endeavored  to  exert  his  influence  on 
the  side  of  rigiit.  Upon  the  organization  of  the 
Fairmount  Building  and  Loan  Association,  he  was 
made  a  Director,  and  has  since  been  connected  with 
it  in  this  caiiacity. 

Mrs.  Dougherty  became  identified  with  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church  fourteen  years  ago,  and  at 
last  succeeded  in  lii-inging  her  husband  into  the 
fold,  he  having  united  with  this  church  quite  re- 
cently—  Feb.  18,  188:».  He  has  always  been  a  l)e- 
liever  in  the  Cliristian  religion,  but  his  poor  healtii 
interfered  largely  with  his  taking  part,  as  he  de- 
sired, in  the  duties  belonging  to  the  church  mem- 
ber. The  death  of  his  little  son  was  a  severe  blow 
to  liim,  as  well  as  to  his  wife,  but  liis  new  interest 
and  belief  in  the  comforting  and  redeeming  power 
of  the  Savior,  has  given  him  strengtii  to  bear  iiis 
affliction,  and  to  believe  that  "He  doeth  all  things 

rj^'RANCIS  M.  ALLIIANDS,  of  Danville,  took 
ll^sfe;  up  his  residence  at  this  [ilace  in  the  fall  of 
/ll,  186fi,  and  in  the  fall  of  the  year  following, 

was  elected  County  Treasurer  in  which  oHice  he 
served  ten  years.  Afterward  he  served  six  and 
one-half  years  as  Deputy  County  Clerk.  He  is 
thus  well  known  to  the  people  of  this  vicinity. 
He  was  liorn  in  Montgomery  County,  Ind.,.Ian.  17. 
1H.32,  and  is  the  son  of  Andrew  Allhands.  a  native 
of  Butler  County,  Ohio.  His  patei-nal  grandfather, 
Daniel  Allhands,  was  born,  it  is  believed,  iji  Penn- 
sylvania of  German  parents,  and  was  one  of  the 
early  pioneers  of  Butler  County,  Ohio. 

Grandfather  Allhands  removed  from  Ohio  to 
Indiana  about  1830  and  purchasing  land  in  Mont- 
gomery County  cstMbiished    himself  there   for  life. 

His  son.  Andrew  was  reared  and  married  in  his 
native  county  and  later,  like  his  father,  removed 
to  Montgomery  County,  Ind.,  where  he  purchased 
land  that  was  partially  improved,  and  later  sold  it 
at  an  advanced  price  and  purchased  again  in  that 
locality,  where  he  first  settled  in  a  log  house  and 
remained  there  until  1842. 

In  the  year  above  mentioned  the  father  of  our 
subject  set  out  for  Illinois,  making  the  journey 
overland  with  teams.  Upon  his  arrival  in  this 
county  he  purchased  a  tract  of  timber  land  four 
and  one-half  miles  west  of  the  present  site  of  Dan- 
ville and  upon  which  was  a  double  log  house  and 
forty  acres  cleared.  He  proceeded  with  the  im- 
provement of  his  property  and  there  spent  the  re- 
mainder of  his  days,  resting  from  his  earthly  labors 
in  18i)l.  His  first  wife,  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  in  her  girlhood,  INIargaret  Swank,  a  native 
of  Butler  Count}',  Ohio,  and  the  daughter  of  Jacob 
Swank  who  was  born  in  Penns3ivania,  was  of  Ger- 
man descent,  and,  like  Grandfather  Allhands,  a 
pioneer  of  Butler  County,  Ohio.  Airs.  Margaret 
Allhands  departed  this  life  in  April,  184 1,  while 
still  a  young  woman. 

Our  subject  was  ten  years  old  when  he  came  to 
this  county  with  his  parents.  He  spent  his  boy- 
hood and  youth  in  assisting  to  open  up  the  farm, 
while  he  acquired  his  education  in  the  pioneer 
school.  This  before  the  time  of  railr(jads  and 
Chicago  was  the  principal  market  for  grain  and 
other  farm  produce.  Francis  M.  resided  with  his 
parents  until  eighteen  j-ears  old,  then  started  for 
Oshkosh,  Wis.,  with  a  drove  of  horses  and  cattle, 
from  which  trip  he  leturned  with  an  ox  team.  This 
now  fiourisliing  town  was  then  but  a  hamlet  and 
Indians  were  plentiful. 

Later  young  Allhands  learned  the  carjjenter's 
trade  which  he  followed  iu  this  county  until  18G1. 
There  was  now  nee<l  for  his  services  as  a  soldier, 
and  he  enlisted  Se|)t.  2(1  that  year  in  Company  E, 
3fith  Illinois  Infantry,  after  which  he  particii)ated 
in  many  of  the  important  battles  of  the  war,  in- 
cluding tlie  Atlanta  campaign.  He  was  severely 
wounded  at  Rocky  F'ace  Ridge,  May  11,  1864,  and 
on  the  18th  of  .Inly  following  suffered  amputation  at 
Xashville,  Tenn.  Being  unable  to  rejoin  his  regi- 
ment  he  was   given   his   honorable    discharge  and 



reached  home  on  the  (!lh  of  .lanuary,  I8G0.  The 
spriiig  following-  lie  was  elected  Assessor  of  Catlin 
Towiishii)  an<l  in  18()6  took  up  his  abode  in  Dan- 
ville of  which  he  has  since  i)een  a  resident. 

Mr.  Allhauds  was  married  in  I808  to  Miss  Mary 
.1.  Ililliary,  a  native  of  this  county.  The  four 
children  lioru  of  this  union  were  named  respect- 
ively, Orvilla  A.,  (iraut  W.,  Meltie  M.,  and  Mabel 
K.  Mr.  AUhands  belongs  to  the  Methodist  Ki)is- 
copal.  Church,  the  Kc|)ublican  party,  and  Kenesaw 
Post.  G.  A.  H. 

,  OIIN  .T.  CAMIM'.KLL,  a  iirouiineut  and  wtll- 
iiiformed  farmer  au<l  f^l(,i(k- raiser  of  \ermil- 
iou    Counlv,   was    born    Rlarch    1,    l.s.")-l  in 

({^1/  Newell  Township,  where  he  passed  all  his 
boyhood  days  ou  his  father's  farm.  When  he  was 
nineteen  years  of  age  he  went  to  college  at  Craw- 
fordsville,  Ind.,  where  he  spent  one  year,  after 
which,  being  e(juippcd  with  a  good  education,  he 
began  his  life  work,  that  of  farming. 

INIr.  Cani[)beirs  father  and  mother  C'orri>van 
Campbell  and  Mary  ( iSritingham)  Campbell  were 
born  in  New  York  in  1833.  The  father  removed 
at  an  early  day  to  AVisconsin  where  be  engaged  in 
trade  and  where  he  was  successful.  The  wife  died 
in  1871). 

John  .1.  Campliell  married  Catherine  (iernand, 
daughter  of  John  H.  and  Tena  (Honi.-ui)  (ieniand, 
who  are  natives  of  Pennsylvania  and  who  came  to 
X'ermilion  County  in  an  earl\  day  and  settled  on  a 
farm  one  mile  north  of  Danville,  where  Mr.  Gei''- 
nand  now  resides.  His  wife  died  Oct.  IG,  18C."> 
and  is  now  resting  in  the  Danville  Cemetery.  Mrs. 
Campbell  received  hei-  echualion  in  Danville  where 
she  was  reared  to  womanhood,  and  is  the  oldest  in 
a  family  of  three  chiliben.  She  was  born  Oct.  17, 
1856  anil  is  the  mother  of  three  childien:  Charles 
G.,  was  born  Nov.  'J,  1876  and  is  at  home;  Stella 
S.  was  born  Sept.  12,  1878,  while  the  birth  of 
Nellie  A.  occurred  on  Oct.  8,  1885.  After  re- 
maining on  the  farm  for  about  six  years  Mr. 
Campbell  removed  to  Danville  and  engaged  in  the 
grocery  business,  which  he  successfully  prosecuted 

for  about  four  years,  when  lie  went  back  to  his 
farm  where  he  now  resides,  enjoying  life  with 
everything  oomf(jrtable  surrounding  him.  His 
beautiful  home  consists  of  2!»;!  acres  of  splendid 
land,  all  in  a  high  state  of  ciillivation  and  the 
buildings  which  arc  erected  here  are  of  a  substan- 
tial kind.  In  everylliing  pertaining  to  the  higher 
grades  of  live-stock  Mr.  Campbell  is  an  expert. 
He  is  particularly  interested  in  Short-horn  cattle 
of  the  Hates  famil\-  and  Poinoto  strains.  He  is 
also  devoting  a  great  deal  of  altentioii  to  the  ini- 
Itroveinent  in  the  bree(l  of  horses  and  owns  some  line 
specimens  of  the  Cleveland  bays.  As  a  stock-raiser 
there  is  none  more  successful  in  this  county  than 
he.  simply  because  he  invites  intelligence  to  guide 
his  efforts  in  this  direction.  He  reads  extensively 
and  piolits  thereby,  and  therein  lies  the  success 
of  many  a  man  who  is  engaged  in  stock-raising 
and  general  fanning. 

Politically,  iSIr.  Campliell  is  an  active  Democrat. 
He  is  always  ready  and  willing  to  make  an  honor- 
able fight  for  his  party  which  he  chjes  wholly  on 
l)rineiple.  Mr.  Campliell  is  a  member  of  the 
Methodist  Church,  while  his  wife  worshi|)s  with 
the  Presbyterians.  Mr.  Campbell  is  a  member  of 
the  Masonic  Lodge  and  has  belonged  to  the  order 
since  1852.  There  is  not  a  man  in  \'erniilion 
County  who  takes  holil  of  any  project  with  more 
energy  than  Mr.  Cam|ilicll.  and  of  course  he  is 



LIVEIJ  P.  Sl'UFFLEPLAM.  This  gentle- 
man represents  property  in  this  county  to 
the  extent  of  over  1,000  acres  of  land,  and 
oci'iijiies  an  elegant  brick  residence  in  Hossville — 
one  of  the  finest  in  the  county  outside  of  Danville. 
His  |)ossessions  are  the  result  of  his  own  industry 
and  good  management.  During  the  years  of  his 
early  manhood  he  labored  early  and  lute,  having  in 
view  the  accumuhilion  of  a  competence  for  his 
Later  years,  ami  has  arrived  at  a  point  very  near 
the  realization  of  his  ambition.  The  example  of 
his  courage  under  dilliculties.  is  one  which  iiiav 
well  be  imitated  by  many  another 3'ouug  tiinii  who. 
like  himself,  has  been  earlv    in    life    thrown  on  his 



(iwii  icsmuTcs.  ^Vrti-reii  County.  Tiid.,  was  the  early 
Irampini;- gi-uiiii(l  of  our  suliject.  wlii-re  liis  birtli 
l<iok  placv  Ful).  i;i,  1.S37.  He  spent  his  boyhood 
ajid  youth  iu  liis  native  county,  acquiring  a  prac- 
tical ciUuulion  in  tlie  common  school.  He  had 
been  left  an  orphan  at  the  age  of  seven  years  and 
made  his  home  with  his  maternal  uncle,  Zeljulon 
i'"oster,  until  reaching  his   majority. 

Mr.  Stuftiebeam  came  to  this  county  in  l«;jh,  and 
ill  ISGU  purchased  a  tract  of  raw  land  in  Ross 
Townslii|i.  He  at  once  set  about  its  imi)rovement 
and  cultivation,  and  in  the  course  of  time  set  out 
fruit  and  shade  trees,  together  with  hedge  fencing, 
and  instituted  the  iin[)rovements  naiurally  sug- 
gested to  the  enterprising  i)ioneer.  Tiiere  sprang 
up  seven  miles  west  of  it  tlie  tcjvvn  of  Rossville,  and 
our sulijcct  occupied  that  farm  until  1872.  That 
year  he  removed  to  another  part  of  his  farm,  lying 
in  South  r.ranch  Tuwnsliip,  and  lived  there  until 
his  removal  to  Rossville.  Like  most  of  the  men 
around  him  he  eventually  became  interested  i« 
stock-raising,  whicli  yieldeil  liim  large  profits. 

The  residence  of  Jlr.  Sutllebeam  is  linel\'  located 
and  built  of  pressed  brick,  with  tasteful  trimmings, 
handsomely  finishi;d,  and  within  bears  the  evi- 
dences of  refined  taste  and  anqjle  means.  A  large 
numlier  of  natural  shade-trees  furnish  a  delightful 
coolness  in  summer  and  protect  it  from  the  chilling 
winds  of  winter.  Kcar  by  is  a  ten-acre  private 
park,  heavily  wooded,  and  the  object  of  admiration 
in  all  the  country  around. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  and  Miss  Anna 
Johnson,  of  Tippecanoe  County,  Ind.,  was  cele- 
brated at  the  bride's  home,  March  G,  1862.  The 
household  circle  was  completed  by  the  birth  of 
eight  children,  all  of  whom  are  living.  Hattie,  the 
eldest  Ijorn.  is  the  wife  of  II.  H.  Ilrown,  of  Cirant 
Townsliii).  and  the  mother  of  one  chiUl.  The  other 
children.  Caroline,  Kittle,  Charles,  P^arl,  Abner, 
iMarcia,  and  Jlyron  remain  under  the  home  roof, 
and  are  being  carefully  trained  and  educated. 

Jlrs.  Stnttlbeam  was  biirn  JNIay  12,  1811,  and  is 
the  daughter  of  Abner  .lohnson.  who  died  in  Ti))- 
pecanoc  County,  Ind.,  Dec.  1,  1885,  aged  seventy- 
one.  His  wife,  Mrs.  Hannah  (Fuller)  .Johnson,  had 
pi'ccedi'd  him  to  the  silent  land,  her  deatii  taking 
place  in  Jtfciuarv,  1881,    when  she  vvas  sixty-three 

years  of  age.  The  father  of  our  subject  vvas  John 
Stuffl beam,  who  was  born  in  Scoharie  County,  N. 
Y.,  in  1795.  He  lived  there  until  reaching  man's 
estate,  and  then  started  for  the  West.  His  first 
wife  died  in  her  youth,  and  he  vv;is  then  married  to 
Miss  Harriet  Ostrander,  in  Indiana.  Subsequently 
he  removed  to  Warren  County,  that  State,  and  tak- 
ing up  new  land  opened  a  farm  upon  which  he  lived 
and  labored  until  his  death  on  May  4,  1844.  Our 
subject,  who  was  the  child  of  the  second  wife,  was 
then  less  than  seven  ^ears  of  age,  and  his  mother 
died  in  Januar3-,  1845,  at  the  early  age  of  twenty- 
nine  years.  She  was  born  in  Kingston,  Ross  Co., 
Ohio.  By  her  death  four  children  were  left  in 
orphanage,  all  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years,  and 
of  whom  Oliver  P.  was  the  eldest.  His  younger 
brother,  Mcngan,  is  a  resident  of  Warren  County, 
Ind,;  Miller  O.  lives  in  Kansas;  IMargaret  nuxrried 
a  Mr.  Walteis  ami  tiny  li\c  in  Washington. 

The  paternal  giandfathcr  of  our  subject  was 
Michael  Stuftiebeam,  a  native  of  Germany,  who 
upon  (;oming  to  America  located  on  laud  in  Sco- 
liaiie  County,  X.  Y.,  where  he  operated  as  a  farmer 
a  number  of  years.  Later  he  came  West,  to  War- 
ren County,  Ind.,  and  s|ient  his  last  days  with 
his  son.  He  was  born  in  1741)  and  liveil  to  a  ripe 
old  age.  His  wife  died  in  Scoharie  County,  N.  Y. 
Our  subject  politically  votes  the  straight  Repub- 
lican ticket,  but  otherwise  than  this  has  kept  aloof 
from  public  affairs,  preferring  to  devote  his  time 
and  talents  to  his  farming  interests. 

MNGHAM  C.GREEN.  There  is  no  better 
indication  of  a  man's  life  and  character 
than  the  fact  that  those  nearest  to  him  hold 

his  name  in  lasting  remembrance  and  evince 
a  desire  to  perpetuate  it  in  honor  and  affection. 
The  subject  of  this  notice,  late  a  resident  of  Ross 
Township,  this  county,  departed  this  life  at  his 
homestead  on  section  25,  March  2(),  1888,  and  has 
left  behind  him  the  record  of  an  upright  life,  till- 
ed in  with  benevolence,  honesty  of  purpose  and 
all  the  qualities  which  form  a  character  worthy  of 
imitation.     Mr.  Green  was  a  native  of  New  York, 



Oiitiiiio  County,  mid  was  born  in  Seijlcniljer,  1817, 
His  father,  Uenjnniin  Green,  is  su|)|)<>sed  to  have 
lieen  a  native  of  New  York  Slate,  and  was  tiie  son 
of  Hezekiaii  Green,  who  traced  his  ancestry  to  Eng- 

liini^hani  ('.  spent  his  early  years  in  liis  native 
count}',  and  came  to  Illinois  in  1810,  settling  in 
this  county,  where  he  met  and  married  Miss  .Jose- 
phine, daui^hter  of  Alonzo  and  Mary  A.  (Hill) 
Knight.  Alter  their  marriage  Mr.  and  iMrs.  Green 
settled  upon  the  farin  which  has  since  remained  the 
home  of  the  family.  It  was  then  onl}'  slightly 
improved,  and  Mr.(ireen,  with  characteristic  energy 
and  perseverance,  labored  early  and  late  in  the  cul- 
tivation of  the  soil,  and  carrying  forward  the  im- 
provements naturally  suggested  to  the  enterprising 
and  progressive  citizen,  lie  added  to  his  landed 
estate,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  was  the  owner 
of  1,000  acres  largely  devoted  to  grain  and  stock- 
raising.  This  property  he  had  accumulated  solelj- 
by  his  own  industry  and  good  management,  having 
begun  life  without  means  and  dependent  upon  his 
own  resources. 

Mr.  Green  was  an  active  member  of  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church,  in-which  he  officiated  as 
Trustee  and  to  which  he  contributed  liberally  for 
its  support.  The  Green  homestead  is  excelled  b}- 
none  in  the  county  in  point  of  beauty  and  location 
and  natural  attractions,  which  have  been  augmented 
by  the  exercise  of  cultivated  tastes  and  ample 
means.  The  residence  stands  about  200  yards 
from  the  road, and  is  approached  by  a  gravel  drive 
through  a  pretty  grove,  which  lends  coolness  in 
summer  and  protection  from  the  blasts  of  wintei'. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Green  were  natives  of  \'er- 
mont  and  came  to  Illinois  in  tiieir  youth.  Mr. 
Knight  for  many  years  operated  as  a  contractor, 
and  as  such  assisted  in  the  construction  of  the 
Erie  Canal.  Later  he  was  interested  in  a  saw-mill. 
To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Green  there  were  born  seven  chil- 
dren: Ellen,  the  eldest  daughter,  is  the  wife  of 
William  A.  Yeazel  of  this  county,  and  they  have 
seven  children;  May  married  V.  (;.  Wilber,  of 
this  county,  and  they  have  two  children;  Maurice 
L.  married  Miss  Mary  Thompson  and  they  have 
two  children;  Charles  and  Eva  F.  remain  at  home 
with  their  mother;  El  wood   and  Clark   died  when 

quite  young.  Ellen  belongs  to  the  United  Brethren 
Church,  and  Mrs.  Green  with  her  other  children  is 
a  Methodist  in  religious  belief,  being  connected 
with  the  church  at  .Mann's  Chapel. 

^ €-*-B- ^ 

RS.  Lie  I.XDA  COOI'LU  is  the  wid.,w  of 
•lohn  E.  Cooper,  who  died  Aug.  8,  1882. 
4'  She  is  the  daughter  of  i.aikin  and  .lennie 
(Hoyce)  Cook;  the  father  was  a  native  of 
Ohio  or  Virginia,  the  mother  of  Ohio.  Her  parents 
were  married  in  Dearborn  County,  Ohio,  where 
they  lived  on  a  farm  for  some  time,  when  they 
removed  to  Indiana.  .Vfterward  they  again  removed 
in  1827  to  Vermilion  County,  111.  Her  father  was 
noted  for  his  stiict  integrity,  and  with  his  amiable 
wife,  soon  became  known  far  and  wide  for  their 
genial  dispositions.  Their  home  became  famous 
for  hospitality',  and  they  were  the  leaders  in  all  the 
merry-making  around.  They  had  ten  children, 
Mrs.  Cooper  being  the  eighth  in  order  of  birth. 

Mrs.  Cooper  lirst  saw  the  light  of  da}'  in  Dear- 
born County,  Ind.  Although  but  four  years  old 
when  she  left  her  old  home  in  Indiana,  she  can 
remember  it  very  well,  and  loves  to  recall  incidents 
that  hai)p'^ied  there.  When  twenty-three  years 
old  she  married  Mr.  John  E.  Cooper,  a  native  of 
Kentucky.  Although  a  Kentuckian  b}'  birth,  Mr. 
Cooper  was  reared  in  Greene  County,  Ohio.  Com- 
ing to  Illinois  when  eighteen,  he  met  and  married 
his  wife  when  he  was  twent\- -seven.  Fourteen 
years  after  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cooper  moved 
on  their  jirescnt  farm,  becoming  the  owners  of  400 

Their  union  has  been  blessed  by  eleven  childr.'u: 
Rol)ert  and  Eliza,  died  in  infancy;  (;eorge,  Clara, 
.lohnnie,  Sallie,  Anna,  Charles,  Lizzie,  Kate  and 
Quinn.  George  married  Miss  Carrie  Moreland, 
and  they  live  in  Greencastle,  Ind.  He  is  in  the 
livery  business.  They  have  three  children — Opa, 
Everett  and  Glen.  Jennie  married  Russell  Jones, 
and  they  reside  on  their  farm  near  Carthage,  .Mo. 
They  have  one  child,  Bertie,  .lohn  married  Miss 
Nora  Hill,  and  resides  in  Greencastle,  Ind.,  being 
in  partnership  in  business  with   his  brother  George 



'J'hc}-  have  three  children,  Klrai),  L.  G.,  and  Jennie. 
iSallie  married  John  Gilky,  who  died  in  1879.  She 
now  makes  her  home  witli  her  mother  at  the 
Cooi)er  horae.stead,  and  ha.s  two  chihlren — Sygna 
E.  and  <)ia  A.  Anna  still  brightens  her  mother'.s 
home  with  lier  presence.  Charles,  wiio  married 
Miss  Katie  Moreland,  resides  in  Carrol!  Township, 
Vermilion  Count}',  where  he  has  a  fine  farm.  They 
have  two  children — Fle<lM  and  Louis.  Will  More- 
land,  now  of  Chrismaii,  111.,  where  he  is  engaged 
in  the  livery  business,  married  Lizzie,  who  died  in 
1881,  leaving  one  child,  Jolm.  Ivatc  married 
Jethrow  Jones,  a  commercial  man.  and  they  now 
live  in  Fort  Scott,  Kan.  They  liave  four  children 
— Elgie,  Lelali.  J.  C.  and  Cora,  (^uinn  manages 
tiie  home  farm,  and  has  proven  an  adept  in  agri- 
cultural matters. 

Mrs.  Cooper  is  a  lady  of  elegant  manners  and 
refined  tastes,  belonging  to  one  of  the  best  families 
of  our  country.  She  has  the  finest  home  in  George- 
town Township  and  one  that  will  compare  favor- 
ably with  any  i)lace  in  the  State. 

f^^  USAN   E.  ROSS,    is    the    widow    <,{    .kiini 
^^^    Uoss  and  is  operating   11.5  acres  of  land  in 
'\[/Jj]  Sidell    Township.      She  is  a   daughter  of 
Samuel   and   Eleanor  McCray,   who    were 
born  in  ^'lrgillia.      In  1832  Mr.  McCray  came  with 
his  father  to    Clinton    Count}',    Ind.,  where  he  be- 
came a  farmer.     lie    continued    in    that    business 
with  a  laige  degree  of  success  until  liis  death  which 
occurred  in  1849  at  the  age  of  lifty-five  years.    His 
wife  died  at  the  home  of  Mrs.   Ross.       They  were 
the    parents    of    ten    children :  John  C.,  ]\Iary  E., 
James  R.,  George  G.,  Susan  E.,  Nanc}'  E.,  Martha, 
and  Samuel.     Two  died  in  infancy  unnamed. 

Mrs  Ross  is  the  only  one  of  tiiis  large  family  now 
living.  John  and  James  enlisted  during  the  war 
of  the  Rebellion  and  the  former  was  shot  at  Mnr- 
freesboro,  where  he  died,  while  James  was  drowned 
ill  the  Missouri  River  on  his  way  to  the  field  of 
battle.  So  it  will  be  seen  that  her  family  contrib- 
uted its  share  to  the  imtting  down  of  the  great  re- 
bellion.      Mrs.   Ross   was   born    Oct.    17.  1831,  in 

Rockbridge  County,  Ya.  Her  early  days  in  her 
native  county  were  si)ent  on  her  father's  farm  and 
she  received  no  schooling  until  she  came  to  Indiana. 
On  JLareh  9.  1854,  she  was  married  to  John  Ross, 
who  was  born  in  Butler  County,  Ohio,  and  came  to 
Indiana  in  an  earl}-  d.ay  with  his  parents.  He  con- 
tracted his  first  marri.age  on  Feb.  11,  1838,  the 
bride  being  Rebecca  C.  Davis.  After  his  second 
marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ross  lived  on  a  farm  in 
Indiana,  for  a  year  and  a  half,  and  in  the  early  part 
of  18.")6,  he  and  his  wife  removed  to  Illinois,  set- 
tling on  the  banks  of  the  Little  Vermilion  River. 
They  lived  with  Mr.  Ross's  brother  until  their 
house  on  their  present  farm  was  completed,  and  in 
this  house  Mr.  Ross  lived  until  the  day  of  bis 
dcalli.  and  ^Irs.  Ross  continued  to  reside  there 
since.  They  became  the  parents  of  ten  children : 
Rebecca  J.;  Mary  E.;  Martha  A.;  Samuel  J.,  who 
died  at  the  age  of  eleven  months;  Almeda;  two  in- 
fants who  died;  John  and  Williams,  twins,  the  lat- 
ter dying  at  the  age  of  two  years  and  si.x  montiis, 
and  Elizabeth.  Rebecca  married  George  W.  Huff- 
man. She  died  in  1875,  leaving  two  boys:  AVeldon 
G.  and  Charles  C.  Mary  E.  is  the  wife  of  W .  D. 
Brad  field,  who  is  now  in  charge  of  the  Ross  farm. 
They  own  a  farm  in  Kansas.  Martha  A.  married 
Isaac  M.  Cundiff,  a  residelit  of  Saunders  Countv, 
Neb.  They  have  three  children:  L.  Lestei^  Orville 
and  Elizabeth.  Almeda  married  J.  W.  McCoy,  of 
Wyandotte,  Kan.  They  have  one  child — -Clarence 
I).  Ji:)hn  is  a  student  at  G.alesburg.  III.,  and  grad- 
uated in  June,  1889.  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of 
Jolm  D.  Daniels,  a  teacher  residing  at  Archie. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ross  made  all  the  improvements 
on  their  farm,  which  .are  ipiite  valuable.  They 
worked  hard  to  accomplish  an  end  and  nobly  suc- 
ceeded. Mr.  Uoss  died  April  5,  1877.  He  was  a 
mcmlier  of  the  Masonic  fraternit}'  and  a  man  of 
most  excellent  character,  and  is  remembered  as  one 
of  the  kindest  men  in  tliis  community.  He  was 
commonly  called  "rncle  John,"  which  is  an  evi- 
dence of  the  respect  borne  him  liy  his  neighbors. 
He  and  his  wife  early  joined  the  Cumberland  Pres- 
byterian Church,  he  remaining  a  consistent  and 
worthy  member  of  that  organization  up  to  the 
time  of  his  death,  while  his  wife  still  worships  at 
the  same  place.       Mrs.   Ross  is  living  in  the  enjo}- 




nicnt  of  wliat  slio  has  t>nnn'(l  hy  tlip  early  saeri- 
tiues  of  licr  pioiioui'  days,  ami  lliin'o  is  not  a  person 
who  will  Ijcyiuilge  her  anj-  comfort  she  may  enjoy. 
She  is  one  of  the  best  of  women,  .-iml  by  her  c-hil- 
(ben.  will  be  remembered  always  as  one  of  tlie 
Uindcst  of  mothers,  while  her  husband's  memory  will 
be  eheiished  as  loni>:  as  any  of  his  descendants 

ASl'KR  JAMKS  LANG1>I-;Y,  born  in  Dan- 
ville 'rownship,  \ermiiion  County,  Feb.  25, 
S^^J  18.')5,  in  the  jjioneer  home  of  one  of  the 
well-known  early  settlers  of  this  region,  is  now-  one 
of  its  representative  citizens.  He  is  one  of  the 
most  extensive  land  owners  of  the  township,  and 
is  a  man  of  weight  and  influence  in  the  community 
where  his  life  has  been  passed. 

Nathaniel  l>angley.  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  born  in  Nelson  County,  Ky.,  his  father  having 
been  a  pioneer  of  that  county,  spending  his  last 
years  there.  The  father  was  reared  in  the  place  of 
his  birth,  and  was  there  married,  continuing  to  live 
there  till  about  1830,  when  became  with  his  fa\uily 
to  this  county,  the  removal  being  made  with  teams. 
lie  located  in  Danville  Township,  buying  seventy 
acres  of  timber  land  on  section  27.  He  built  a 
lo"'  house,  in  which  the  family  lived  aliout  three 
vears.  He  then  sold  that  place,  and  bought  over 
200  .acres  on  sections  26  and  27,  this  township,  and 
made  his  home  thereon  till  death  called  him  to  a 
higher  sphere  in  1848,  at  which  time  the  communit_y 
lost  a  valuable  citizen — one  who  had  ever  taken  a 
warm  interest  in  its  welfare,  and  had  promoted  it 
to  the  best  of  his  ability.  The  maiden  name  of 
his  wife  was  Margaret  Holtshouser.  She  was  born 
in  Nelson  County,  Ky.,  a  daughter  of  John  Holts- 
houser, who  had  gone  from  his  native  State,  North 
Carolina,  to  Kentucky  in  pioneer  times,  and  was 
one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Nelson  County. 
There  were  no  roads  at  that  time,  and  the  removal 
was  made  with  mules,  on  which  the  household 
"•oods  were  packed.  He  cleared  a  farm,  and  was  a 
resident  there  till  death  closed  his  earthly  career, 
when  he  attained  the  age  of  nearly  one  hundred 
years,  his  wife  also  attaining  the  same  remarkable 

age.  The  mother  of  our  subject  died  on  the  home 
farm  in  18C5.  There  were  four  children  born  of 
her  marriage:  Elizabeth  married  .John  Stevenson, 
and  now  lives  in  Danville  Township;  Thomas  and 
Charles  are  dead. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  youngest 
child  of  the  family'.  He  attended  the  pioneer 
schools  taught  in  a  log  schoolhouse.  with  home- 
made furniture,  the  benches  being  made  of  pun- 
cheon, with  pins  for  legs.  When  he  young, 
deer  and  other  wild  game  were  plentiful,  and  our 
subject  used  to  find  pleasure  in  hunting  and  sup- 
plying the  table  with  the  delicacies  of  the  chase. 
There  were  no  railroads  here  for  years,  and  his 
father  used  to  go  to  Chicago,  125  miles  distant, 
it  taking  from  seven  to  ten  days  to  make  the 
journey  over  the  rough  roads.  Our  subject  was 
thirteen  years  old  when  his  father  dietl,  and  he 
continued  to  live  with  his  mother  and  to  assist 
her  in  the  management  of  the  farm  till  her  death. 
After  his  marriage  he  settled  on  his  present  jilace, 
and  has  been  actively  engaged  in  carrying  it 
on.  He  has  been  very  much  prospered,  and  his 
496  acres  of  choice  land  are  in  a  high  state 
of  cultivation,  and  the  improvements  compare  with 
the  best  in  the  townshi|).  He  has  erected  a  fine  set 
of  frame  Iniildings,  with  all  the  modern  conve- 
niences, and  has  good  machinerj-  to  carry  on  his 

In  the  wife,  to  whom  he  was  married  in  August, 
1865,  he  has  found  an  able  helpmate,  one  who  has 
co-operated  with  him  in  his  work,  and  makes  his 
home  comfortable  and  cosy.  Their  pleasant  house- 
hold circle  is  completed  by  the  presence  of  their 
nine  children — Leona,  Nora,  .Margaret,  Hortense, 
Isabelle,  Roscoe  C.,  .Iosei>h,  Bessie  and  .lames  Blaine. 
Mrs.  Langle3''s  maiden  name  was  Isabelle  Ander- 
son, and  she  was  born  in  Fulton  County,  N.  Y.,  a 
daughter  of  William  and  Martha  (Warner)  An- 
derson. Her  father  was  born  in  the  North  of 
Ireland,  of  Scotch  ancestry,  anti  came  to  America 
in  1812.  He  located  in  New  York  State,  and  in 
1819  married  m  Albany.  A  few  years  afterwards 
he  bought  a  farm  in  Fulton  County,  and  eng.aged 
in  farming  there  till  his  death  ,in  1851.  Mrs. 
Langley's  mother  was  born  in  Balston,  Saratoga 
Co.,  N.  Y.     In  1852,  with  her  children,  she  moved 



to  Penysville,  Ind..  ai,<l  resided  there  several  years, 
finally  coming-  to  Danville,  where  she  died  in  tlie 
home  of  our  subject,  Dec.  Ki,  1H77. 

Mr.  Laugley  is  in  every  way  a  credit  to  tlie  citi- 
zenshi))  of  his  native  county,  as  he  is  a  man  of  tine 
jicrsonal  cliaracter,  whose  habits  arc  exemplaiy, 
and  lie  deserves  the  confidence  and  respect  of  his 
fellow-citizens,  who  have  watched  his  career  with 
satisfaction.  In  him  the  Repniilican  party  of  this 
part  of  tlie  Slate  liiids  one  of  its  most  intelligent 
and  stanch  champions.  Mrs.  Langley  is  a  valued 
meiiil)er  of  the  I'liited  Brethren  Church,  and  is  in 
all  respects  a  sincere  C'iiristian. 

^ .^-^ ^ 

ylLLIAM  II.  SCONCE.  Among  the  men 
who  looked  upon  A'ermilion  County  in  its 

^^  pioneer  days,  the  subject  c>f  this  notice  is 
worthy  of  more  than  a  |)assing  ineiilion.  He  has 
occupied  one  farm  since  1858,  a  perioil  of  thirty-one 
years,  having  settled  upon  it  when  it  was  nothing 
but  raw  [irairie,  without  tree,  shrub,  of  liuilding. 
He  labored  early  and  late  in  the  improvement  of  his 
property,  lived  economically  and  prudently,  and  at 
the  same  lime  watched  the  growth  an<l  develep- 
ment  of  this  section  of  country  with  the  interest 
which  is  always  felt  by  the  intelligent  and  pro- 
gressive citizen.  He  lent  a  helping  hand  to  those 
in  need  during  the  early  days,  and  has  not  yet 
parted  with  his  character  for  probity,  benevolence 
and  kindness.  Without  making  any  great  disjilay 
in  the  world,  he  has  lived  the  life  of  an  honest  man 
and  a  good  citizen,  loyal  to  his  home  and  his  coun- 
try, and  contributing  his  full  share  toward  the 
progress  and  development  of  his  adopted  county. 

A  native  of  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  our  subject 
was  born  Jlay  I,  1823,  and  spent  his  childhood  in 
the  Blue  Cirass  Sl.ite.  Ho  distinctly  remembers 
the  journey  to  Illinois,  and  that  the  family  crossed 
the  Ohio  River  at  Cincinnati  in  October,  1830. 
Later  they  crossed  the  Waliash  on  a  cold,  cloudy 
day,  and  arrived  at  Brooks  Point  the  latter  part  of 
the  month.  There  was  an  abundance  of  wild  game 
and  a  great  many  snakes,  and  in  llie  spring  the 
horizon  was  darkened  by  the  smoke  of  jiiairie  fires. 

In  the  waters  of  the  AVabash  were  pike,  suckers, 
[lerch,  bass  and  other  choice  specimens  of  the  finny 

Mr.  Sconce  pursued  his  early  studies  in  a  log 
school-house,  with  lis  huge  lirei)lace,  the  chimney 
outside  of  earlli  and  slicks,  and  its  one  small  win- 
dow. The  seals  and  desks  were  home-made,  and 
tlie  school  was  conducted  on  the  subscription  i)lan 
three  months  every  winter.  His  father  engaged 
in  stock-raising,  selling  to  home  buyers.  Our  sub- 
ject made  three  trips  down  the  river  to  New  Or- 
leans witii  pioduce  loaded  on  a  Hatboat  or  barge, 
which  excursions  he  enjo3ed  very  much,  because 
they  afforded  him  an  opportunity  of  seeing  the 

Our  subject  was  mariied  Oct.  18,  1855,  to  Miss 
Catheiinc,  born  Aug.  1,  1837,  in  Burr,  Tipperary 
Co.,  Iieland,  to  .lohu  and  INIaiy  O'Marrow,  who 
were  natives  of  Ireland,  where  the  father  spent  his 
entire  life.  He  died  when  his  ilaughler,  the  wife 
of  our  subject,  was  small,  and  the  widowed  motlicr, 
with  her  four  children,  two  sons  and  two  tlaughleis, 
sought  a  home  in  the  ITniled  States.  The  date  of 
her  removal  from  Ireland  was  1841),  and  three 
months  were  consumed  in  crossing  the  ocean.  Thc^y 
settled  in  Xenia,  Ohio,  which  was  her  home  for  a 
|)eriod  of  nunc  than  seven  years.  In  1857  she 
fame  to  Oeorgetowii,  III.,  and  on  the  18th  of  Oc- 
tober, as  before  mentioned,  she  w.-is  united  in  the 
holy  bonds  of  matrimony  with  A\illiam  II.  Sconce. 
Mr.  Sconce  made  his  first  purchase  of  land  aliout 
this  time — eighty  acres — u[)on  which  he  settled 
with  his  young  wife  after  his  marriage,  and  which 
was  then  uncultivated  prairie.  Later  be  purchased 
another  eighty  acres,  and  brought  the  wliole  to  a 
good  state  of  cultivation. 

Seven  children  came  to  bless  the  union  of  our 
subject  and  his  estimable  wife,  the  eldest  of  whom, 
a  daughter,  Lucy  E.  L.,  married  Charles  Thomjison, 
a  prosperous  farmer  of  Sidell  Township,  and  they 
have  one  child — Mary  C.  The  next  daughter, 
Mary  M.  J.,  married  Joseph  AV'illison,  and  they 
have  five  children — Asil  William,  Norali  M.,  Or- 
rell  G.,  Joseph  E.  and  John  E. ;  they  live  on  a  farm 
in  Carroll  Township,  and  are  doing  well.  Cerro 
(iordo  married  John  Cheney,  and  they  have  two 
children — Leslie  (!.  and  a  babe  named  Treovie  O.- 



llu'\'  live  oil  :i  f:ini)  iu  Cjinoll  Towiishiii.  Lilly  l"\ 
iimnii'd  Kemp  A.  CatK'tt,  a  fai'inor  and  a  stock- 
lirocder  of  Fiilloii  Cuuiily.  and  tlicy  live  near  Fair 
View;  they  had  cine  child — Ht'ssie  A.  i,iu'lla  iiiar- 
rii>d  W.  C.  Layloii.  a  faiiiicr  of  Kidton  County. 
John  \V.  C.  and  Althca  1).  aic  at  homo  with  their 

.Mr.  Seonce  votes  the  straight  Hepubliean  ticlvel 
and  is  at  present  the  Drain  {.'onnnissioner  of  his 
lown.shi[i.  lie  has  served  as  School  Director  sev- 
eral years,  lie  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity 
at  (ieoritetown.  while  his  estiniahle  wife  has  been 
a  faithful  nu'Uiber  of  the  Methodist  I-;piscopal 
Church  since  IXGl.  Their  dauiihters  Lucy  and 
Lilly  completed  their  studies  in  the  formal  School 
at  Danville,  and  subserpiently  engaged  as  teachers. 

The  (larents  of  our  subject  were  .lohn  L  and 
Luey  (Spicer)  Seonce,  the  father  a  native  of  Nich- 
olas County,  Ky.,  born  near  North  Middleton,  and 
the  mother  a  native  of  Hoiirlxin  County.  They 
were  married  in  the  latter  conutj',  where  the  elder 
Seonce  carried  on  farming  until  emigrating  to  Illi- 
nois, in  1830.  He  settled  at  Brooks  Point,  about 
six  miles  south  of  Danville,  where  he  engaged  in 
farming  and  was  prospered.  The  mother  died  at, 
Brooks  Point  in  1854,  at  the  age  of  lifty-six  years, 
leaving  nine  children,  of  whom  onlj'  David  and 
Philemon  S.  are  living.  Tlie  others  were  named, 
respectively:  Minerva  J.,  Louisa  A.  D.,  John  R., 
Elizabeth  Luc}',  Martha  S.  and  Susanna  A.  These 
are  located  mostly  iu  this  county'. 

On  another  p.age  appears  a  fine  view  of  the 
pleasant  residence  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Scouce. 


«  li-ILLI.VM  II.  GARDNER,  editor  and  pro- 
\/\Jl/'  prietor  of  the  Rossville  Week!)/  J'ress.  Ross- 
W^J  ville,  III.,  formerly  of  St.  Jo.seph  County, 
Mich.,  although  having  been  only  a  brief  time  a 
resident  of  this  place,  already  established  him- 
self in  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  the  citizens. 
He  is  a  gentleman  of  ability,  and  of  excellent  fam- 
ily, a  native  of  .Steuben  County,  N.  Y.,  and  born 
March  15.  1830. 

Hiram   Gardner,  the   father  of  our  subject,  was 

born  in  Bi-islol  County,  R.  I.,  whence  he  removed 
to  Steuben  Counlj-,  N.  V.,  when  it  was  a  wilder- 
ness, constructed  a  comftjrtable  homestead  after 
years  of  industrious  labor.  an<i  there  spent  the  last 
years  of  his  life.  The  wife  of  his  youth  was  Miss 
Saiah  Patchen.  and  they  became  the  parents  of  two 
children.  Both  the  latter  are  living,  the  brother 
residing  at  Cooper's    Plains,  N.  V. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  grew  up  amid  the 
si-enes  of  pioneer  life  in  the  Empire  Slate,  receiv- 
ing such  ednc.'ition  as  the  imperfect  school  system 
of  that  day  aftordeil.  His  education  was  carried 
on  mostly  duriiig  the  winter  season,  wdiile  the  bal- 
ance of  the  year  he  made  himself  usefid  around 
the  homestead,  manufacturing  rails  ami  shingles, 
driving  oxen  and  utilizing  himself  in  whatever 
manner  required.  When  out  of  school  he  l)y  no 
means  neglected  his  books,  making  a  practice  of 
reading  as  time  and  opportunity  presented.  At  the 
age  of  nineteen  years  he  commenced  teaching,  and 
olliciated  thereafter  as  a  pedagogue  for  a  jjcriod  of 
more  than  twenty  jears.  Leaving  his  native  State 
in  the  spring  of  18r)(j,  he  emigrated  to  Lee  County, 
111.,  where  he  emplo3ed  himself  in  farming  and 
teaching,  and  became  a  prominent  citizen  in  con- 
nection with  educational  affairs.  He  was  twice 
elected  Superintendent  of  Schools.  During  the  war 
he  got  out  timber  for  the  LInited  States  Govern- 
ment, and  upon  one  occasion  seven  days  from  the 
time  the  trees  stood  in  the  forest,  a  bridge  was 
made  of  them  spanning  a  river  in  Tennessee. 

Mr.  Gardner  has  been  eng.aged  in  the  newspaper 
work  since  18G6,  being  formerly  part  owner  of  the 
Grand  Rapids  Demoa'ai.  He  withdrew  from  this 
to  enter  the  office  of  H.  N.  F.  Lewis,  publisher  of 
the  Western  Kural,  at  Chicago,  and  took  the  first 
order  for  advertising  for  that  paper,  nailing  up 
the  first  office  sign  for  it  in  Chicago.  He  con- 
ducted the  affairs  of  this  office  one  year,  when  the 
main  office  was  removed  from  Detroit  to  Chicago, 
and  Mr.  Gardner  became  traveling  correspondent 
and  editor.  Later  he  was  connected  with  the 
Humane  Journal  for  a  period  of  eleven  years.  He 
purchased  the  St.  Joseph  County  Republican  in 
M.ay,  1888,  of  which  he  took  charge  in  the  July 
following.  It  was  a  spicy,  six-column  octavo  de- 
voted   to  the    inleresls  of   the   county    and  Repub- 



lic'iui  ii;uty.  At  present  lie  is  managing  the  affairs 
of  tlie  Kossville  Weekb/  Press  with  his  ciistoinarv 
ability  and  tact. 

Tlie  inaiiiage  of  William  H.  Gardner  and  Miss 
Margaret  Holmes  was  celebrated  in  Homer,  K.  Y.. 
Dec.  31,  I8.")5.  This  lady  was  the  daughter  of 
Amasa  Holmes,  of  Homer,  and  of  her  union  with 
our  subject  there  -sverc  born  two  children,  one  of 
whom,  Frances,  liecame  the  wifejof  Walter  Chad- 
band,  Suiierintendent  of  Uosehill  Cemetery.  They 
reside  in  the  beautiful  suburb  of  Roger's  Park, 
near  Chicago.  Mrs.  Margaret  ( Holmes)  Gardner 
departed  this  life  at  her  home,  in  Rogers  Park, 
March  2,  1888.  Shu  was  a  lady  highly  esteemed 
l)y  her  accpiaintances.  a  member  in  good  standing 
of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  an  active  Christian 


fVp^/RANClS  A.  RICHARDSON.  In  .iddition 
^^]  to  being  a  thorough  and  skillful  fanner, 
\  this  gentleman  possesses  mechanical  genius- 
of  no  mean  order,  is  expert  with  tools  and  occupied 
largely  as  a  carpenter  and  builder.  He  is  remark- 
ably industrious  and  energetic,  never  content  with 
being  idle,  and  oper.ates  successfully  a  good  farm 
of  267  acres  in  Georgetown  Townshiji.  He  has 
spent  his  entire  life  in  this  legion,  having  been 
born  in  Vermilion  County,  Ind.,  in  what  was  then 
called  Springfield,  Dec.  17,  1846.  The  opening- 
years  of  his  life  -were  spent  upon  the  farm  where 
he  made  himself  useful  as  his  size  and  strength 
permitted,  and  acquii-ed  his  early  education  in  the 
district  school.  In  the  meantime,  while  yet  a  boy, 
he  began  to  use  carpenter  tools  and  in  1868  en- 
gaged as  a  contractor.  Thereafter  he  sui)erln- 
tended  the  building  of  man}'  houses  in  that  immed- 
iate vicinity.  He  also  at  the  same  time  engaged  in 
moving  houses,  and  operated  a  threshing  machine 
and  a  steam  sawmill  in  Georgetown  Townslii|),  this 

When  twenty-two  years  old  Mr.  K'ichardson  was 
married,  in  1868  to  Miss  Mary  K.,  daughter  of 
Isaac  and  Elizabeth  (Cook)  Thornton.  Mrs.  Rich- 
ardson was  born  in  Elwood  Township,  Vermilion 
County.   .Mud   renH)ved    with    her   (jarents  to  Iowa 

when  a  small  child.  They  linally  returned  to  Ver- 
milion Count\-,  where  they  are  now  living.  They 
had  a  family  of  four  children — Mary  E.,  Derinda, 
Matilda  Esther  and  Edom.  JMiss  Mary  remained 
under  the  parentsil  roof,  acquiring  a  common-school 
education  and  becoming  familiar  with  all  house- 
wifely duties.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there 
have  also  been  born  four  children — Horace  M., 
Harmon  A..  Orpheus  A.  and  iMvia  A.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Richardson  belong-  to  the  Christian  Church 
and  Mr.  Richardson,  politically,  is  a  sound  Repub- 
lican. He  has  mingled  very  little  with  public  af- 
fairs, simply  serving  as  a  School  Director  in  his 
district  six  years. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Adonirani  .lud- 
son  and  Maria  (Taylor)  Richardson,  who  were 
natives  of  New  Hampshire  where  they  were  reared 
and  married.  After  mnrriage  they  emigrated  to 
Iniliana,  settling  in  tlie  vicinity  of  Terre  Haute 
and  later  changed  their  residence  to  A'crmilion 
County,  that  State.  They  finally  removed  to 
Georgetown  'i'ownship.  wliere  they  are  still  living, 
both  having  arrived  to  the  ail vaiiced  ageof  eighty- 
four  years.  They  are  the  parents  of  nine  children, 
viz. :  Geoige  T;.  Mary  A.,  deceased;  IMartha  A;, 
Francis  K.,  and  William  II..  deceased;  Sarah  E., 
John  T;,  Ferona  E.,  deceased  and  Francis  A. 

ILLIAM  I.  ALLEN,  one  of  the  earliest 
settlers  of  Eastern  Illinois,  came  to  the 
State  in  1841  and  to  this  county  the  year 
following-.  He  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  Danville, 
and  fur  three  years  thereafter  taught  the  village 
and  adjoining  schoitls.  He  entered  lanil  now  oc- 
cupied by  the  northwestern  part  of  lloopeslon,  but 
at  that  time  a  tract  of  uncultivated  ground, 
over  whicli  deer,  wolves,  prairie  chickens  and  other 
wild  creatures  had  up  to  this  time  wandered  un- 
disturbed by  man.  There  was  not  a  tree  or  shrub  in 
sight  and  the  pioneer,  after  erecting  his  cabin,  fre- 
quently stood  in  his  door  and  counted  numbers  of 
deer,  sometimes  as  high  as  sixty  in  one  herd. 

]Mr.  Allen  came  to  this  county  a  single  man,  but 
after  becoming  settled  was  married,  Oct.  17,  1848, 




to  Miss  Emily  Newell.  lie  then  commenced  break- 
ing his  prairie  land,  and  in  due  time  put  up  a 
liuuse  and  ham.  set  out  an  on-hanl.  planted  hedges 
.'iiiil  proceeded  witli  tlie  improvements  naturallj' 
.-ui;,<;e*ted  to  one  of  his  progressive  mind  and  in- 
dustrious haliits.  lie  occupied  his  farm  during 
the  summer  months  and  in  winter  taught  school, 
and  studied  and  i)racticeil  law  for  a  number  of 
years.  F.inally  lie  sold  out  to  Mr.  Hoopes  and  set- 
tled six  miles  west  where  Lynn  now  stands. 
15v  entering  and  purchase  he  acquired  3,-2(l()  acres 
of  land  which  was  mostly  devoted  to  grazing, 
alUmngh  he  carried  on  agriculture  considerably. 
He  put  up  three  houses  and  effected  other  improve- 
ments, remaining  there  until  after  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War.  He  then  enlisted  in  Company  C, 
rilh  Illinois  Infantry,  which  regiment  was  first 
urdeied  to  Cairo  and  then  to  Padiicah,  K\-.  Mr. 
Allen  in  due  time  was  i)resented  with  a  Captain's 
coiiunission,  but  was  obliged  to  resign  on  account 
of  disaliility,  and  returned  home. 

()ur  suliject  now  occu[nc<l  his  farm  for  a  time, 
then  purchased  :>O0  acres  in  the  vicinity  of  Koss- 
ville.  A  few  years  later  he  sold  out  once  mf)re 
and  returned  to  the  northern  part  of  East  Lynn, 
which  was  located  on  a  part  of  the  old  farm,  about 
the  time  the  railroad  was  built  through.  In  1884 
he  went  to  Cherry  County,  Neb.,  but  in  18,s,S  re- 
turned to  lloopeslon.  where  he  still  lives.  lie  has 
liuilt  up  for  himself  a  good  record,  serving  ns 
County  Treasurer  two  terms  and  the  same  length 
of  time  as  School  Coiniiiissioner.  lie  usually 
voics  with  the  Republican  party,  and  is  proud  of 
the  fact  that  in  all  his  life  he  never  cast  a  ballot 
for  a  1  )eiiiocral. 

To  Mr.  and  JMrs.  .Mien  tliere  were  born  six  chil- 
dri'ii.  live  of  whom  arc  living,  namely:  Hugh  A. 
of  Holt  Coimty,  Neb.;  Charles  A.,  who  is  reine- 
sented  elsewhere  in  this  work;  Mary,  Mrs.  Thomas 
\nn  ISriint;  iMuily  N..  who  is  uuniarried;  Clyde  H. 
and  .Martha,  who  died  in  .lanuary,  1880  at  the  age 
of  twenty-three  years.  Mrs.  Emily  (Newell)  Allen 
was  born  in  Kentucky  in  1824  and  came  to  Illinois 
with  her  parents  when  a  small  child.  Newell 
Township  was  named  after  her  father.  .lames 
Newell,  who  w;is  a  [irominent  fanner  and  useful 
citizen.     (>i[r   subject's   father,  .Vsapli  Allen  was  a 

native  of  Massachusetts,  but  reared  in  \'erinont 
and  W!is  married  to  Miss  Sarah  McClond.  Tliej'  emi- 
grated to  Franklin  County,  Ohio,  settling  upon  land 
now  occupied  by  a  part  of  the  city  of  Columbus. 
Finally  the}'  removed  over  the  line  into  Madison 
County,  and  lived  until  a  few  years  ago  when  the 
father  died  at  the  .age  of  eighty-three.  The  mother 
of  Mr.  Allen  dieii  while  he  was  an  infant. 


•d.  )fILLIA:M  FLEMING,  editor  and  proprie- 
tor of  the  Iloopeston  Democrat,  was  born 
in  Gurnsey  County.  Ohio,  .July  2,  1846, 
wliere  he  spent  a  large  portion  of  his  boyhood, 
moving  from  there  to  Birds  Run,  Tuscarawas 
County,  and  from  there  to  West  Lafayette,  Cosh- 
octon, Co.,  Ohif);  after  a  residence  at  the  latter 
|)lace  a  number  of  years  he  went  to  Cadiz,  Harri- 
son, Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  learned  the  printing  busi- 
ness on  the  Sentinel,  published  by  the  Hun.  C.  N. 
Allen.  Here,  Mr.  Fleming  worked  till  the  war-fever 
seized  him.  Being  refused  the  [jrivilege  of  volun- 
teering on  account  of  jouthfuliiess,  by  Jlr.  Allen, 
his  uncle,  he  reiiaired  to  Tod's  Barracks.  Columbus, 
Ohio,  and  on  the  litth  day  of  Februaiy,  18(;4,  vol- 
unteeied  for  the  Infantry  service  for  three  years  or 
during  the  war,  and  was  assigned  to  Company  H, 
88tli  Ohio  Infantry,  and  was  on  duty  at  Cam|j 
Chase,  Ohio,  guarding  and  transporting  prisoners 
all  of  the  term  of  his  service.  He  was  discharged 
July  3.  18()."i.  by  reason  of  General  Order.  No.  136, 
headquarters,  N(jrthern  l)e|)aitment.  Cincinnati, 
Ohio,  the  war  being   over.     One    month    after    his 

i  discharge  from  the  army,  Mr.  Fleming's  father  died 
leaving  a  family  of  eight  children  and  with  no 
means  of  sup[iort.  With  characteristic  energy 
that  is  worthv  of  all  praise,    he    went  to  work  on  a 

I  railroad  section  at  ^\..'iO  per  day,  to  keep  his 
brothers  and  sisters  tf)gether. 

After  three  years  of  hard  service  in  this  line  his 
brothers  grew  up,  so  that  they  could  take  care  of 
tliemselves  by  the  older  ones  working  out,  when 
Mr.  Fleming  returnedto  his  trade,  that  of  a  printer, 

i  engaging  in  an  ollice  at  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  remain- 
ing there  foi-  some  lime,    but     (Inallv    retuining  to 



Crescent  Cil3',  Iroquois  Co.,  111.,  where  he  married 
Miss  Frances  Hunter,  on  the  2Gtii  clay  of  March, 
1874.  From  there  he  went  to  Hoopestou  and 
worked  for  seven  years  and  three  mouths  .as  fore- 
man of  tlie  Chronicle.  He  was  finally  induced  to 
take  charge  of  the  Hoopeston  Journal  and  edit  and 
publish  it.  which  he  did  April  27.1882.  On  Novem- 
bi-r  10,  of  the  same  year,  he  bought  the  plant  and 
ran  the  paper  until  September,  3,  1885,  when  he 
sold  it  to  a  syndicate.  On  November  10.  he  flung 
to  the  breezes  the  Hoopeston  Independp.nt,  which 
met  with  favor  with  the  people.  This  paper  he 
published  eighteen  months,  when  he  liought  tlio 
Hoopeston  Journal  and  merged  the  two  papers 
into  the  Hoopeston  Democrat,  which  he  still  con- 
ducts with  ability  and  energy. 

By  his  first  wife  Mr.  Fleming  was  the  father  of 
two  children,  one  of  whom  is  still  living — Ella. 
His  first  wife  died  at  Hoopeston.  March  12,  1881. 
He  afterward  married  Mrs.  Alice  M.  Ililler  nee  Os- 
born,  and  by  this  union  two  boys  were  born — 
LeroyandJay.  Thornton  Fleming,  the  father  of 
William,  was  a  merchant  of  West  Lafayette,  Ohio, 
and  married  Miss  Eliza  Ann  Gorseline.  He  died 
at  the  last  named  i)lace,  and  his  wife  is  now  living 
at  Kearney,  Neb.  Mr.  Fleming  is  conducting  his 
paper  with  success,  and  it  is  looked  upon  as  a  re- 
liable journal.  His  advertising  patronage  is  good, 
and  upon  the  whole  he  is  scoring  a  success  in  his  of  maintaining  a  first-class  paper  at 

ji  Champaign,  111.,  familiarly  known  in  Fair- 
,^  mount  and  vicinity  as  ■•Mont  Koliinson," 
^  while  not  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  this 
countj',  came  here  when  the  prairie  was  fiot  con- 
sidered suitable  for  human  habitations,  and  the 
residents  were  mostly  timber  settlers,  very  few 
liaviug  yet  ventured  far  from  the  woods.  He  was 
born  in  Darrtown,  Butler  Co.,  (Jhio,  Sept.  7,  1835, 
and  came  to  the  Wabash  Valley  in  the  spring  of 
1853.  His  father  was  a  native  of  Harrisbiiro-,  Pa. 
and  his  mother  was  a  member  of  the  Valliant(orio-in- 

ally  Y.allant.  from  France)  family  from  the  eastern 
shore  of  Maryland,  some  of  whom  figured  conspicu- 
ously in  official  positions  in  Baltimore  :ind  other 
places  in  that  State. 

At  the  age  of  twenty  years  Mr.  Robinson  was 
married,  Nov.  28,  1855  to  Miss  Mary  Jane,  a 
daughter  of  Isaac  Dickason  of  Perrysville.  For 
some  time  afterward  he  worked  at  Danville,  but 
was  deterred  from  moving  his  family  to  that  vil- 
lage on  account  of  its  notoriety  as  a  milk-sick  cen- 
ter. Very  few  people  moved  to  Danville  in  those 
days  on  that  account.  Later,  Mr.  Robinson  ven- 
tured within  three  miles  of  the  place  and  finalh- 
took  up  his  residence  within  it.  He  resided  there 
six  years  and  in  18(52  changed  his  residence  to  Sid- 
ney. In  18()5  he  removed  to  Fairmount.  of  which 
he  was  a  resident  until  July,  1  88i».  His  next  re- 
moval was  to  Champaign,  in  onler  to  estalilisli  a 
new  Democratic  paper,  the  Champaign  Orbit. 

Ill  the  meantime,  in  1882.  Mr.  Robinson  was 
seized  with  Brighl's  disease  and  not  beiii<;-  able 
to  follow  his  trade  of  shoe-making,  himself  and  his 
daughter,  Ida,  started  a  small  paper,  which  they 
named  the  Fairmount  Veto,  intending  only  to  pub- 
lish this  until  the  health  of  Mr.  Robinson  slionld 
be  restored  and  he  could  return  to  his  trade.  Bv 
means  of  an  exclusively  skimmed-milk  diet  Mr. 
Robinson  not  only  regained  his  health,  but  w.xscven 
better  than  he  had  ever  been  before  in  all  his  life, 
and  indeed  is  practically  ten  years  younger  than 
when  he  commenced  this  treatment.  He  wishes 
this  fact  recorded  so  that  others  may  be  benefited 
by  the  experiment. 

The  Veto  became  eminently  successful  and  pop- 
ular and  was  continued  until  the  removal  to  Cham- 
paign. Miss  Ida  Robinson  deserve?  especial 
mention  for  the  part  she  has  borne  in  making  the 
Veto  a  signal  success.  In  1886,  in  connection  with 
this,  Miss  Ida  and  her  father  estalilislied  the  Sid- 
ney By-Way  and  this  too  proved  a  fortunate  ven- 
ture. Afterward  Mr.  Robinson  turned  over  the 
establishment  to  his  widowed  daughter,  Mrs.  Eva 
Stewart,  who  is  conducting  it  singly  and  alone 
and  making  it  a  paying  institution. 

Mrs.  Mary  Jane  (Dickason)  Robinson  was  born 
in  Fountain  County,  Ind.,  March  19.  1837.  Eva. 
the  eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robinson  was 



born  in  Paris,  III.,  Oct.  2,  1856.  Their  eldest  son. 
Hart  Benton,  now  married  and  livin!>:  in  Sidney 
was  i)orn  in  Danville.  Aug.  15,  1858;  Ida  was 
also  born  in  Danville.  May  18,  ISfiO;  Larkin  (iray, 
the  j'onngest,  was  born  in  FairnHnmt,  Aug.  Ki, 
186'.i.  They  now  reside  at  No.  .'Ml,  Kast  Clark 
Street.  Cliam|iaign,  where  they  will  welcome  any 
of  their  old-time  friends,  and  hope  to  cultivate 
new  ones. 


^(OSEIMI  MOSS.  In  the  career  of  the  sul)ject 
of  this  notice,  we  find  an  excellent  exam- 
jile  for  young  men  just  einbaiking  iu  the 
(^|/;  lield  of  active  life,  of  what  ni.ay  be  accom- 
plished by  a  man  beginning  poor,  but  honest, 
prudent  and  industrious.  Mr.  Moss  in  early  life  en- 
joyed but  few  advantages.  His  school  days  were 
limited  nor  had  he  wealth  or  position  to  aid  him  in 
his  struggle  with  the  world.  He  was  obliged  to  rely 
solely  upon  his  own  efforts  to  win  for  him  success, 
and  he  has  reason  to  believe  that  his  lalxn's  both  of 
hand  .and  brain  have  not  been  for  naught.  He  is 
now  in  comfortable  circunistanees,  retired  from 
active  labor,  and  has  a  very  pleasant  home,  com- 
prising a  well-tilled  farm  in  Middle  F'ork  Town- 

The  Moss  homestead  is  es|iecially  noticeable  on 
account  of  its  modern  improvements,  including  a 
line  artesian  well  from  which  flows  a  constant 
stream  of  water  through  the  milk  house,  and  to  tanks 
in  the  b.arnyard  for  the  accommodation  of  the  stock 
and  whatever  other  purpose  required.  Tin;  build- 
ings are  commodious  and  conveniently  arninged 
and  the  farm-machinery  is  (irst-class. 

Next  in  importance  to  the  ])ersonal  history  of  our 
subject  is  the  record  of  those  from  whom  he  sprang. 
His 'i)aternal  grandfather  Moss,  it  is  believed,  was 
born  in  Germany  and  after  his  emigration  to 
America  died  in  one  of  the  Eastern  States.  Among 
his  sons  was  John,  the  father  of  our  subject,  who 
spent  his  early  years  in  Ohio  where  he  was  married, 
and  whence  he  came  to  Illinois  when  his  son,  .lo- 
seph,  was  four  years  of  .age.  The  latter  was  born 
in  Preble  County,  Ohio.  The  journey  to  this 
county  made  overland  by  teams,  the  |iarty  cini- 

sisting  of  the  parents  of  our  subject  with  their 
three  children,  the  paternal  grand[)arents  and  the 
step-grandfather,  the  grandmother  having  died 
many  years  previously.  John  Moss  and  his  step- 
father entered  eighty  acres  of  land  in  the  vicinity 
of  Georgetown,  this  county,  where  Mr.  Moss  estab- 
lished a  tanyard.  which  he  operated  until  the  fall 
of  182(1,  when  his  labors  were  cut  short  by  his 

The  widowed  mother  of  our  subject,  Mrs.  Cathe- 
rine JVIoss,  was  left  with  three  small  children. — 
Joseph,  Jesse  ami  Klmore.  They  exi)eiienced 
man}'  hardslii|)sand  difliculties  until  Joseph  was  old 
enough  to  assist  in  the  support  of  the  family. 
When  he  was  thirteen  years  old  his  mother  was 
married  to  Mr.  (Jeorge  Swisher,  and  Joseph  was 
bound  out  until  he  should  become  nineteen  years 
of  age.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Swisher  became  the  parents 
of  three  children. — John,  George  and  a  daughter 
now  deceased.  The  mother  died  in  this  cotnity 
about I84L 

Young  Moss,  when  released  from  his  bond.age  at 
the  age  of  nineteen  years,  began  to  paddle  his  own 
canoe  .and  engaged  as  a  farm  laborer  by  the  n'lonth. 
His  honesty  and  industry  secured  him  friends  on 
every  hand  and  in  due  time  he  was  in  a  condition 
to  establish  a  home  of  his  ow)i.  On  the  17th  of 
April.  1845,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Delilah  Starr, 
who  like  himself  was  a  n.ative  of  Preble  County, 
Ohio.  The  young  people  began  housekeeping  in  a 
log  cabin,  the  chinks  stojjped  up  with  mud,  the 
lire-place  laid  with  earth  and  the  floor  of  puncheon. 
The  chimney  was  built  outside  of  earth  and  sticks, 
and  a  clapboard  door  was  hung  on  wooden  hinges 
closing  with  a  wooden  latch  raised  b}-  a  strinsr. 
The}-  occupied  this  domicile  one  summer  then  re- 
moved to  a  larger  cabin  but  furnished  pretty  much 
in  the  same  style.  Mr.  Moss  after  his  marriage  was 
employed  for  a  time  in  a  carding-mill,  then  began 
tanning  and  tinnlly  purch.ased  sixty  acres  of  land 
near  Myersville,  for  which  he  contracted  to  pay 
$.'S50.  He  paid  cash  down  $150,  and  eighteen 
montlis  later  sold  the  land  at  an  adv.ancC  of  #50. 

About  1850  Mr.  Moss  entered  160  acres  of  wild 
land  in  Middle  Fork  Township,  located  near  Blue 
Grass  Grove.  He  put  ii|)  a  small  frame  house, 
made    some  other   ini|)iovements  and  lived    there 



until  March,  1884.  In  that  year  he  purchased 
and  took  possession  of  his  present  home  wliere 
lie  has  twenty-seven  acres  of  choice  land  and 
elsewhere  has  300  acres,  all  improved,  besides 
property  in  Potomac.  He  has  given  liis  son,  .John 
11,  eiglity  acres  of  land,  thus  providing  him  with 
a  flue  start  in  life.  His  daughter,  .Sarah  A.,  is  the 
wife  of  Benjamin  Wise.  These  two  are  the  only 
children  of  Mr.  Moss.  He  and  his  estimable  wife 
belong  to  the  Metliodist  Episcopal  Church  in 
whicli  Mr.  Moss  lias  held  the  office  of  Steward  and 
Trustee.  He  identified  himself  with  tlie  churcli 
when  a  young  man,  twenty-two  years  of  age,  while 
Mrs.  Moss  has  been  a  member  since  a  maiden  of 
sixteen.  They  have  been  acquainted  with  each 
other  from  the  time  when  in  his  3'outh  our  subject 
.issisted  fatlier  Starr  in  the  harvest  field  and  raked 
hay  with  a  hand  rake. 

Peter  and  Catherine  (Hewet)  Starr,  tlie  parents 
of  Mrs.  Moss  were  n.atives  of  North  Carolina  and 
removed  to  Preble  Count)',  Ohio,  where  they  lived 
many  years  and  wliere  Mrs.  Moss  was  born.  Tliej^ 
came  to  tliis  county  in  in  1830  and  located  on  land 
three  miles  west  of  Stale  Line  City,  where  tlie}'  so- 
journed man)'  j'ears.  After  the  parents  had  trav- 
eled the  journey  of  life  together  over  fifty  years 
and  were  too  old  to  be  left  alone,  they  took  up 
their  abode  with  our  suljject.  IMr.  Starr  departed 
this  life  Feb.  20,  18C2.  The  mother  survived  her 
liusband  man}'  years,  passing  away  A|)ril  18,  1881. 

>v\«[  f^Z 

►— 3'w* 

^^.  APT.  SAMUEL  FHAZIER.  This  honored 
(l(  n  *^'*^  veteran  ox  nearly  eight3'-three  years,  is 
^^/  one  of  the  i>ioneers  of  '33,  coming  to  this 
count)'  when  a  young  man  of  twenty-seven  years. 
During  the  long  j)eriod  of  flfty-slx  years  which 
he  has  spent  in  Central  Illinois,  there  has  passed 
like  a  panorama  before  his  eyes  the  change 
which  has  transformed  the  wide  and  houseless  prai- 
rie into  the  homes  of  an  intelligent  and  civilized 
people.  The  slow  ox  team  of  the  early  emigrant 
has  given  place  to  the  luirry  and  dispatch  of  steam; 
three  important  wars  have  been  fought,  and  a  free 
people  each   time    come  off   victorious;    men    have 

changed  for  the  better  in  their  ideas  of  labor  and 
their  pride  in  progress,  and  the  intelligent  man  be- 
lieves that  the  world  is  grovving  better  in  iirnpdr- 
tion  to  its  increasing  population. 

The  middle  of  September,  1833,  found  the  sub- 
ject of  this  sketch  established  on  a  tract  of  l:iii<l 
two  miles  northwest  of  what  is  now  Catlin.  hut 
was  then  a  lonel}'  prairie.  His  life  pr'inr  to  this 
had  been  spent  in  the  Buckeye  State,  where  he  was 
born  Sept.  13,  1806,  in  the  Township  of  Hubbard, 
Trumbull  County.  When  a  lad  of  six  years  his 
father  enlisted  as  a  soldier  in  the  war  of  1812.  He 
returned  home  the  year  following,  dis|)ose(l  of  his 
interests  in  Trumbull  County,  and  settled  at 
Siiriugfield,  about  fifteeen  miles  from  Cincinnati. 
The  family  sojourned  there  four  years,  then  re- 
moved to  Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  where  the  fatiier 
secured  a  tract  of  land,  and  where  the  subject  of 
our  sketch  remained  with  them  until  a  3'onth  of 
eigiiteen  years.  Tlien,  desirous  of  a  change,  he 
began  following  the  river,  Hatboating  and  steam- 
boating,  and  ill  I.S21  was  at  Natchez,  Miss.,  about 
the  time  of  the  visit  of  (ien.  Lafayette  at  that 
place.  Our  subject  looked  upon  the  present  great 
cit}'  of  Cincinnati  before  a  single  pavement  was 
laid.  After  the  family  came  to  this  county  he  em- 
ployed himself  mostl}'  at  farming.  Prior  to  com- 
ing to  Illinois,  our  subject  made  the  acquaintance 
of  ]\Iiss  Buelah  Ann  Fiiiley,  who  was  liorn  in  De- 
cember, 1812.  and  to  whom  he  was  married  Mnrch 
15,  1832. 

E'er  two  3'ears  after  his  marriage  Mr.  Fra/.ier 
rented  land  over  the  line  in  Indiana,  raised  two 
crops  of  corn,  and  in  tiie  fall  of  1833,  purchased 
200  acres  of  laud,  the  product  of  two  3ears'  work. 
The  spring  following  he  moved  upcm  it  with  his 
wife  and  one  child,  making  the  journe}'  with  an 
ox  team,  and  being  fifteen  d.ays  on  the  road.  Lfpon 
coming  to  this  county  Danville  was  a  little  town 
of  400  or  ;jOO  inhabitanls,  but  it  had  alread3'  lieen 
made  the  count3'  seat  and  a  court-house  had  been 
built.  Upon  his  own  land  was  a  cabin  into  which 
Mr.  Frazier  moved  with  his  little  famil}'.  and  for 
two  3'ears  tliereafter  confined  his  attentitm  to  the 
improvement  of  his  proi)ert3',  breaking  eight3' 
acres,  putting  up  a  liani,  and  making  an  addition 
to  the  dwelling.      He  then  sold  out   for  ij!l,O00,  Inil 



aftcrw.'iril!;  rriisi'il  ;iii(itlii'icr<)|)  on  the  siiiiii,'  liuid. 
He  moved  into  Danville  in  February,  IH.'i.S.  sct- 
tlinji'  on  \'erniilion  street,  between  Main  and  North 
streets,  where  he  lived  until  |)Uieliasini:;  l)ro|iert3' 
on  Main  street. 

About  18;i(>  our  sulijeet  entered  a  tract  of  land 
Iti  Champaign  County",  this  StatP,  which  he  sold 
two  years  later  ata  handsome  i)riee.  He  conducted 
an  hotel  one  year,  then  purchased  property  on 
Main  street,  where  he  has  erected  a  big  brick  blocli, 
extending' from  the  court-house  to  Hazel  street,  and 
known  as  the  Frazier  Block.  He  lived  there  for 
twenty-live  years.  carr\ing  ou  his  hotel  five  years 
of  this  time.  In  1840  he  was  elected  sheriff  of 
N'ermilion  Count3',  which  otiiee  lie  held  eightyears. 
being  the  third  man  elected  to  this  position.  Ipon 
retiring  fr<.m  this  ho  engaged  in  bu\ing  cattle,  and 
made  many  a  trip  driving  these  through  to  Chi- 
cago, when  the  country  was  all  open  prairie. 

Merchandising  also  formed  one  of  the  enter- 
prises of  our  subject  as  senior  member  of  the  fiiin 
of  Frazier,  I>anil)  tV-  Co.,  which  continued  two 
years.  Then  Mr.  Lamb  withdrew,  and  the  firm  be- 
came Frazier  A-  (Jessie,  the  latter  the  son-in-law  of 
the  Captain.  After  two  years  the  latter  assumed 
sole  eiiarge  of  the  business,  which  he  conducted 
])robal)ly  ten  years,  and  until  the  outbreak  of  the 
civil  war.  Strongly  imbued  with  the  Union  senti- 
ment, lie  then  raised  the  first  company  of  men  in 
this  county — Company  C,  which  was  assigned  to 
the  12th  Infantry  under  Col.  .John  McArtliur.  Mr. 
Frazier  was  elected  captain,  and  proceeding  to 
Cairo,  served  three  months,  and  then  being  no 
longer  needed  retained  iiomc  with  his  men,  and 
thereafter  gave  his  attention  to  his  business  affairs. 

Mrs.  Huelah  Ann  (Finley)  Frazier  became  the 
mother  of  twelve  cliildren,  and  departed  this  life 
Marcli  2o,  1864.  leaving  four  children,  the  only 
ones  remaining  of  that  numerous  family.  Edward 
entered  the  army,  was  taken  ill,  returned  home  and 
died  ten  days  afterward,  at  the  age  of  nineteen 
3ears;  Angeline  became  the  wife  of  James  H. 
Phillips  of  Danville,  and  is  now  the  mother  of  six 
chihlren;  Mary  F.,  the  wife  of  M.  A.  Lapham,  is  a 
resi<lent  of  .S|)ringfield,  Mo.,  and  the  mother  of  two 
children;  Florence.  Mrs.  \V.  W.  Phillips,  lives  in 
Danville,  and  is    the  motlici' of    four   children,  one 

of  wlioui  is  dead:  De  Witt  C.  married  Miss  Kmma 
Uced.  and  is  a  practicing  attorney  of  Danville. 

In  18(il  ('apt.  Fi'azier  disposed  of  his  mercantile 
interests  and  iiurcliased  his  present  home  at  the 
corner  i){  North  and  Pine  streets,  where  he  has 
since  resided.  On  the  12tli  of  April.  18(;.'),  he  was 
marrieil  to  Miss  Nancy  Finley.  who  was  born 
Sept.  17,  182;],  a  sister  of  his  first  wife. 
The  family  residence  is  a  fine  large  brick  struel- 
uie.  and  after-  standing  over  twenty  years  gives 
little  evidence  of  its  age.  At  the  time  of  its 
erection  it  was  considered  one  of  the  best  in  the 
town.  The  Captain  cast  his  first  [)residential  vote 
for  .lohn  i^hnncy  Adams,  and  was  an  old  line  \\'hig 
until  the  abandonment  of  the  party  b\'  the  organ- 
ization of  the  Ro|)ublicans.  He  was  well  acquainted 
with  Abraham  Lincoln,  who  often  partook  of  his 
hospitality  in  the  above  named  block  while  prose- 
i-uting  his  law  business  in  this  part  of  the  county'. 
Capt.  Frazer  reverts  to  those  episodes  with  pardon- 
able [iride,  and  declares  that  Mr.  Lincoln  was  one 
(if  the  most  congenial  and  companionable  men  it 
w.'is  ever  his  lot  to  meet. 

The  Captain  for  over  half  a  century  has  been  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  to 
which  his  first  w  ife  belonged,  and  with  which  the 
present  Mrs.  Frazier  is  also  connected.  He  was  for 
many  j-ears  quite  active  as  an  official  and  lias  given 
liberally  to  its  support.  For  a  number  of  years 
Capt.  Frazier  operated  as  a  farmer,  and  is  the 
owner  of  700  .acres  of  land  near  Catlin.  which  he 
has  since  divided  up  among  his  cliildren.  He  was 
one  of  the  first  directors  of  the  First  National 
Bank,  and  has  lieen  interested  in  most  of  the  en- 
terprises calculated  to  build  up  the  town.  He  con- 
stitutes one  of  the  old  landmarks,  and  will  be 
kindly  rememiiered  long  after  he  has  been  gath- 
ered to  his  fathers. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  .Samuel  Frazier, 
Sr.,  a  native  of  Maryland,  born  on  the  eastern 
shore  across  the  bay  from  Baltimore.  He  lived  in 
that  vicinitj'  until  after  his  marriage  witli  Miss 
Mary  M.assey.  They  liecame  tlie  parents  of  nine 
children,  six  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years,  and 
of  whom  our  subject  is  the  only  survivor,  the  eld- 
est dying  .at  the  age  of  twenty-six.  The  family 
left    Maryhmd    in  the    spring  of    1  SIKI,  and  moved 



across  the  nioiintains  into  t)liio  in  a  two-hoise  cart, 
alltlie  property  the  elder  Frazier  possessed.  There 
ncconipanied  him  six  men  and  one  woman  besides 
his  wife.  He  purchased  a  tract  of  timber  land  in 
Trumbull  County,  upon  which  he  labored  six  years 
and  worked  some  at  his  trade  of  shoemaking,  which 
he  liad  learned  in  his  native  State. 

In  tlic  meantime  occurred  the  war  of  1812.  and 
the  elder  Frazier  joined  the  militia  and  was  np 
pointed  to  the  rank  of  Major.  After  the  surren- 
der of  Hull  the  Ohio  militia  was  called  out,  and  at 
the  end  of  three  montli.s  the  lommand  was  muster- 
ed out.  The  Frazier  family  then  moved  to  Dear- 
born County,  Ind.,  where  they  resided  twenty 
years,  and  upon  leaving  there,  about  1838,  came 
to  this  county.  The  father  purchased  land  adjoin- 
ing that  now  belonging  to  our  subject,  and  which 
is  still  owned'lty  one  of  his  heirs — Mrs.  Lawrence. 
He  departed  this  life  in  1846,  and  his  wife  died  the 
following  year.  He  was  first  a  Whig,  politically, 
and  then  a  Republican,  a  man  of  decided  ideas,  and 
and  one  whose  opinions  were  generally   respected. 

David  Finley.  father  of  the  two  Mrs.  Fraziers, 
was  born  in  Kentucky,  Dec.  10,  1781,  and  was 
there  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Miller,  who  was  born 
April  14,  1787.  He  departed  this  life  August  29, 
1853,  and  his  wife  passed  away  four  days  prior  to 
his  decease — August  25.  He  had  been  mostly  en- 
gaged in  agricultural  pursuits,  but  for  a  number  of 
years  was  on  the  rivei-.  running  to  New  Orleans. 
His  daughters,  Buelah  and  Nancy,  were  born  in 
Dearliorn  County,  Ind.,  and  the  latter  named  re- 
sided with  her  parents  until  the  time  of  their  death. 

iR^UELL  TILLOTSpN,  a  skillful,  practical 
\yi.<  farmer,  is  quietly  and  pros|>erously  carr3- 
ing  on  his  farming  operations  on  his  farm, 
one  of  the  best  and  inost  highly  productive 
of  Pilot  Township,  very  pleasantly  located  on  sec- 
tion 36.  He  is  a  native  of  Indiana,  born  in  War- 
ren County,  Sept.  23.  1847.  His  grandparents  on 
both  sides  of  the  house  were  pioneers  of  Ohio  in 
the  early  days  of  its  settlement.  His  fathei-,  Eph- 
raim    Tillotson.   born   in    Miami   Conntv,  that 

State,  in  1811.  his  ancestors  being  of  English  origin, 
and  he  a  descendant  of  the  same  branch  of  the  fam- 
ily as  that  famous  English  divine.  Archbishop  Til- 
lotson. The  mother  of  our  subject,  whose  maiden 
name  was  Mary  A.  Cronkhite,  was  also  born  in 
Miami  County.  After  her  marriage  with  the  father 
of  t)nr  suliject  they  came  westward  to  the  State  of 
Indiana  and  located  in  Warren  County,  and  there 
tlic  father  died  in  1881.  The  mother  survives  at 
an  advanced  age  and  makes  her  home  on  a  farm  in 
N'ermilion  County.  Of  her  marriage  twelve  chil- 
dren were  born,  of  whom  the  following  eight  are 
living:  W.alter,  a  farmer  of  this  county  married 
Lucetta  Endicott;  Madison,  who  lives  in  Louisiana, 
married  Kate  Goodwine,  and  they  have  three  chil- 
dren; Luther,  a  farmer,  married  Mary  E.  Myriek, 
and  they  have  five  children ;  AVallace,  a  f.armer  of 
this  county,  married  Emily  French,  and  they  have 
three  children;  Buell  is  our  subject:  Sarah  married 
Edward  Fostei',  of  Indiana,  now  living  in  this 
county,  and  they  have  seven  children ;  Rebecca 
married  J.  K.  Buettz,  a  retired  farmer  of  Potomac, 
and  they  have  six  childien;  Frances  married 
Alonzo  W.  Knight,  a  farmer  of  this  county,  and 
they  have  four  children:  Mary  married  F'rank 
Henry,  a  retired  farmer  of  this  county,  and  they 
have  two  children. 

Buell  Tillotson  gleaned  a  good  education  in  the 
common  schools,  and  a  practical  training  at  homo 
that  fitted  him  to  cope  with  the  world  when  he  be- 
came independent.  When  he  first  began  life  he  did 
not  have  the  wherewithal  to  buy  the  land  for  him- 
self, and  as  he  was  very  desirous  ofcarrying  t)n  farm- 
ing he  rented  a  farm.  He  met  with  such  good  success 
ill  that  venture  that  in  a  few  years  by  unremit- 
ting toil  and  frugal  economy  he  was  enabled  to  lay 
up  money  enough  to  buy  a  farm  of  his  own,  and  he 
became  the  possessor  of  one,  comprising  160  .acres 
of  land  of  unsurpassed  fertility.  He  now  has  it  under 
good  cultivation,  ;uid  has  made  many  substantial 
improvements  that  have  greatly  increased  its  v.alue, 
and  he  has  established  a  cozy,  comfortable  home 
for  his  family.  He  is  engaged  in  mixed  husbandr}', 
and  besides  raising  grain  and  other  products  cfim- 
mon  U>  this  climate  raises  stock,  all  that  his  farm 
will  carry. 

!\Ir.  Tillotson   was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 



I-izzio  Wilt's,  wliosc  (iMrents  were  linth  nativi's  of 
Di'iiniark,  Imt  wlio  emigrated  at  an  earlv  <1ate  to 
this  eoiiiity,  where  Mrs.  'rillolsoii  was  horn.  The 
wedded  life  of  our  snhjeet  and  liis  wife  has  heen 
bU'Ssed  to  them  1)\-  the  birth  of  two  ehilihen.  one 
alone  living,  a  (huighter,  I.ucetta. 

Onr  snbject  is  a  quiet,  unassuming  ui:ui,  with 
mueii  force  and  decision  of  character,  lK)wever, 
and  his  place  in  the  community  i.s  among  its  best 
and  most  deserving  citizens.  He  and  his  wife  are 
vvoitliy  niemlier.s  of  liie  Christian  C'luirch,  as  is 
attested  by  their  conduct  in  the  every-day  ntTairs 
of  life.  Mr.  Tillotson  is  a  firm  ally  of  the  liepnb 
lican  party,  taking  an  intelligent  interest  in  politi- 
cal matters.  lie  has  served  on  several  juries,  and 
is  in  every  way  fitted  to  perform  the  duties  attend- 
ant '■.(ion  good  citizenship. 

'S'^'S'^'**" • 

^jp^  QUIRK  STEPHEN  S.  SHAW.  To  be  the 
^^^  founder  of  a  town  is  no  small  honor,  and 
l|V/^j  next  to  the  founder  is  the  man  who  has 
mailc  it  the  object  of  his  fostering  cni-e. 
The  town  of  AUerton  is  largely  indebted  to  IMr. 
Shaw,  who  bears  the  honor  of  being  the  first  I'ost- 
master,  for  its  incipient  growth  and  develoi)nient, 
and  for  the  interest  which  he  has  taken  in  its 
(uogress  and  welfare.  He  is  a  man  of  sterling 
worth  .T.nd  integrity,  the  ow-ner  of  n  good  property 
without  being  wealthy,  and  is  possessed  of  those 
substantial  and  reliable  traits  of  cliaracter  which 
have  made  him  a  man  to  be  depended  upon  in 
whatever  he  says  and  where  assistance  is  needed 
in  furthering  every  good  and  worthy  enterprise. 

Our  suliject  opened  his  infant  eyes  in  Jefferson 
C^ounty,  Ky.,  August  17,  1818,  but  while  a  smiill 
jhild  was  taken  by  his  parents  to  Vigo  County, 
lud.,  where  he  attended  the  common  school,  and 
later  entered  the  seminary  at  Farmersburg,  which 
he  attended  four  years,  completing  a  normal 
course.  For  the  same  length  of  lime  he  engaged 
in  teaching  in  A'igo  and  Parke  counties.  He  came 
to  Illinois  in  1876  and  rented  a  1 0()-acre  farm  in 
Champaign  CViunly,  in  company  with  his  brother 
.lames,   ami   where   he   reniainc<l    four    years.      For 

some  time  they  kept  b.Mclitlor's  hall,  but  Stephen  S. 
finally  resolved  it  was  not  good  for  man  to  be  alone, 
and  was  accordingly  married  Jan.  21.  18HI,  to  Miss 
Lucrelia  Ackers,  in  County.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Shaw  after  their  marriage  resided  for  a  time 
on  a  farm  in  Eilgar  County,  III. ,  then  coming  to 
this  county  settled  at  AUerton,  soon  after  which 
Mr.  Shaw  was  ap|)oiiitcd  Postmaster  and  also  as- 
sumed an  interest  in  a  stock  of  groceries  and  general 
merchandise.  Since  that  time  his  interests  have 
centered  here,  and  he  is  looked  up  to  as  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  the  place.  In  the  spring  of  188;* 
ho  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  is  dis- 
charging the  duties  of  his  ollice  with  his  usual  good 
ju<lgmont,  giving  satisfaction  to  the  people.  Po- 
litically' he  is  a  strong  Democrat.  The  father  of 
our  subject  was  Temple  Shaw,  a  native  of  Jefferson 
County,  Ky.,  and  who  married  Miss  P2lizabeth 
Moore,  also  of  the  Blue  Grass  State.  Grandfather 
Je.sse  Shaw  was  an  early  settler  of  Kentucky,  and 
his  father  came  from  Scotland.  The  Moore  family 
flourished  in  Maryland.  The  parents  of  our  subject 
moved  to  Indiana  in  1855,  where  the  father  carried 
on  farming  successfully  and  became  well-to-do. 
Hoth  he  and  his  excellent  wife  are  still  living  and 
aged  respectively  seventy-four  and  sixty-six  years. 
Mr.  Shaw  has  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  for 
the  long  period  of  forty  years. 

Eleven  children  were  born  to  the  parents  of  our 
subject,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Julia,  is  the  wife  of 
Jacob  Ridgeway,  her  second  husb.and  and  a  farmer 
of  Sullivan  County,  Ind.  She  is  the  mother  of 
three  children  by  each  husband,  the  first  one  being 
Elijah  Ilauger.  Eliza  naarrled  H.  A.  Pratt,  a 
barber  of  Wavclaud,  Inil.,  and  died  childless  in 
18H7.  Alex  married  IMiss  Martha  Allen,  is  the 
father  of  two  childien  and  operates  a  farm  in 
Vigo  County,  Ind.;  Martha  married  Henjamin  L. 
Dowell,  a  farmer  of  \'igo  County;  they  have  no 
children.  Stephen  S.,  of  this  sketch,  was  the  fifth 
child;  James  W.,  married  Miss  Pliua  Danes  and 
they  have  one  child;  Alice  married  William  Yaw, 
a  fa-mer  of  Vigo  County,  Ind., and  they  have  four 
children;  MoUieis  the  wife  of  John  Howell  of  \'igo 
County,  and  they  have  two  children;  Theodore 
married  Miss  Clara  Jones,  is  farming  in  Vigo 
Count)',  and  they  have  one  child;   Clara  remains  .at 



home  '\'illi  lier  parents;  Helen  lieeame  the  wife  of 
Siinuiel  MeMiiHn.  wlio  died  on  his  farm  in  Sullivan 
County,  Ind.,  nnd  she  now  makes  her  home  with 
her  parents;  she  has  one  eliild. 

Mrs.  Shaw  is  the  daughter  of  .lohn  .■iiid  Susan 
(Kanneer)  Ackers  of  Pennsylvania.  'J'he\'  removed 
to  I^ouglas  County,  III.,  at  a  very  early  day  and 
are  .still  living  on  the  farm  which  tin'}'  o|iened  up 
from  the  wilderness,  and  which  lies  eight  miles 
from  Allerton.  Mrs.  .Shaw  was  the  seventh  in  a 
family  of  eleven  children;  she  wa.s  horn  in  Penn- 
sylvania and  was  a  mere  child  when  her  parents 
came  to  this  .State.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject 
there  have  been  born  four  children:  Russell, 
Charles  P.,  Fre(Mie  (who  died  when  an  infant), 
and  Jennie  H. 

Mr.  Shaw  is  not  at  present  engaged  in  any  active 
business.  The  neat  and  shapely  family  residence 
was  put  up  in  18S7,  and  with  its  sui'roundings  and 
furnishings,  forms  a  very  pleasant  and  attractive 
home.  Mr.  .Shaw  .socially  is  a  charter  member  of 
Centennial  Lodge,  in  Philo,  Campaign  Count}', 
from  which  he  was  demitted,  and  now  belongs  to 
Broadlands.  He  was  active  in  securing  a  dispen- 
sation from  Rrt>ad lands. 

|r^  OBERT  P:LLI0TT  is  one  of  the  men  who 
|1^  have  done  much  to  develop  the  resources 
/4iW,  of  this  county.  He  owns  an(i  lives  on  a 
VP^  farm  in  Ross  township,  situated  on  section 
7,  township  23,  ranges  10  and  11,  which  has  been 
his  home  since  18G8.  He  horn  in  Muskingum 
County,  Ohio,  about  fourteen  miles  east  of  Zaiies- 
ville,  on  Sept  8,  18'2(j,  his  parents  being  Francis 
and  Jane  (Hunter)  Elliott.  His  grandparents  on 
both  sides  cam(!  from  the  north  of  Ireland,  and 
were  of  the  excellent  old  Scotch-Irish  Presbyterian 
stock,  which  given  to  our  country  many  of  its 
best  citizens,  possessed  as  they  were  of  sturdy  in- 
de|)endence  and  honesty,  traits  which  the  majority 
of  their  descendants  inherit  in  a  marked  dciee. 
The  paternal  grandfather  of  the  subject  of  this 
biography  also  named  Robert.  He  emigrated 
from  Ireland  many  years  ago,  and  after  landing  in 

Americn  came  direct  to  Muskingum  County,  Ohio, 
then  considered  the  Far  West.  He  and  his  wife 
settled  in  the  densely  wooded  country  and  there 
literally  hewed  out  a  home  in  the  wilderness.  Years 
afterward  Rcjbert  Elliott  and  one  of  his  sons  re- 
moved to  Licking  County,  Ohio,  settling  on  a  farm 
near  the  site  of  the  present  city  of  Newark,  and 
there  the  elder  Elliott  spent  the  remainder  of  his 

Francis  Elliott,  father  of  the  one  of  whom  this 
biograph}'  is  written,  was  born  in  Ireland,  and  was 
but  a  year  old  when  his  i)arents  bn^ught  him  to 
America.  He  was  reared  on  a  farm  and  followed 
the  occupation  of  a  farmer  all  his  life.  He  had  his 
share  of  the  hard  work  necessary  to  clear  the  home- 
stead farm,  the  country  thereabout  being  very 
hilly  as  well  as  heavily  wootled.  He  did  not  ac- 
com|iany  his  father  to  Licking  County-,  remaining 
in  jMuskingiini  County  until  his  death  which  oc- 
curred in  l8o7,  when  he  was  in  the  prime  of  life, 
and  in  a  very  mysterious  manner.  He  left  his  house 
one  cold  and  slip|)ery  morning  with  a  bag  of  grain 
on  his  back,  to  feed  his  cattle.  The  subject  of  this 
sketch  and  a  brother  noticed  an  hour  afterward 
that  the  cattle  were  not  at  their  usual  feeding  place, 
and  going  out  to  ascertain  the  cause  found  their 
father  on  his  knees  by  a  stump,  dead.  It  was  sup- 
posed that  he  had  stumlded  and  fell,  breaking  his 
neck,  but  as  no  post  mortem  examination  was  held 
it  was  impossible  to  determine  exactly  the  cause  of 
his  death.  He  married,  in  Muskingum  County, 
to  Miss  Jane  Hunter,  who  was  born  in  Westmore- 
land County,  Pa.,  iier  parents  being  also  from  the 
north  of  Ireland,  of  the  same  stock  as  her  husband's 
family.  She  proved  herself  a  noble  woman,  a  faith- 
ful wife  and  devoted  mother,  whose  memory  is  held 
in  veneration  by  her  children.  After  her  husband's 
untimely  death  she  devoted  herself  to  rearing  her 
family  and  saw  them  all  happily  married  and  set- 
tled, .and  then  she  herself  married  James  Howell, 
an  old  friend  and  neighbor.  She  died  in  1879,  .aged 
about  sixty-seven  years. 

Francis  and  Jane  Elliott  had  eight  children.  The 
eldest,  Eliza,  who  married  to  James  Herdman, 
a  civil  engineer,  died  in  Zancsville,  Ohio,  where  her 
husband  is  still  living;  William  is  married  to  Elhe- 
linda    Carter;    he   is   engaged  in   blacksmithing  at 


70 ;) 

Ihiiniltoii,  Mil.  TIk'  next  in  uri\cv  is  Rolioit. 
.lami'S,  wliu  was  niariit'il  to  I'.li'cta  St.  Clair,  was  a 
faniKM-  living  on  the  old  hduit'stoad  when  he  died; 
.lohn  is  a  farmer  in  Oretron  and  was  married  to 
Naney  Owensbey,  who  died  in  that  State;  Mary 
.lane  is  the  wife  of  Johnson  Morgan,  a  carpenter  of 
Danville.  111.;  .Margaret  Catherine  ilicd  in  girlhood, 
and  Ksther  is  married  to  Kdward  Dunkin.a  f;irincr 
of  .Middle  l-'ork  Townshiii,  this  eonnty. 

Robert  ¥...  of  whom  this  is  written,  spent  his 
lioyhood  in  MusUingnm  Connty,  Ohio,  and  early 
learned  what  hard  work  was.  lie  lived  with  his 
parents  until  he  was  twenty-one  years  old.  and  be- 
ing then  married  he  bought  a  farm  of  eighty  aeres 
iibont  a  mile  from  his  old  home,  where  he  lived 
until  his  removal  to  Vermilion  County,  111.,  in  ISC.'i. 
Mis  farm  in  Ohio  was  hilly  anil  roeky,  and  its  cul- 
tivation made  extremely  hard  labor.  Making  a 
visit  to  this  county  in  1861  U>  his  sister  Mrs.  Dun- 
kin,  who  with  her  husband  had  settled  here  some 
vcars  before,  he  was  so  much  pleased  with  the  l;iy 
of  the  land  that  here  he  determined  to  make  his 
future  home.  lie  sold  his  land  in  the  East  and 
made  the  change  at  the  time  stated.  His  first  pur- 
chase in  this  count}'  was  a  farm  of  120  ;icres  north- 
east of  State  Line,  on  which  he  lived  for  four 
years,  when  he  sc>ld  it  and  rented  for  two  years 
another  farm  in  the  same  neighborhood,  then  bu}-- 
iiiir  his  present  homestead  of  KJO  acres,  upon  which 
he  luis  lived  continuously  since.  When  he  bought 
this  place  eighty  acres  of  it  was  under  partial  cultiva- 
tion. The  outbnililings,  fences,  hedges,  good  ban  s, 
commodious  two-story  house  28x28.  are  all  there- 
suit  of  his  own  labor  and  energy-.  A  large  part  of 
this  land  was  swamp  and  bog, the  eastern  eighty  acres, 
being  by  many  considered  worthless.  With  thor- 
ough and  careful  draining  and  gooil  cultivation  he 
has  not  only  reclaimed  this  land  but  has  made  of  it 
one  of  the  most  fertile  pieces  of  soil  in  this  section 
of  the  connty,  producing  fine  crops.  In  fact  he 
has  brought  every  acre  of  his  land  into  thorough 
condition,  not  a  foot  of  it  being  waste. 

Many  changes  have  taken  place  since  Mr.  IClliolt 
settletl  here  and  he  has  not  only  witnessed  the 
growth  and  develoiiment  of  this  part  of  the  county, 
but  has  himself  jiarticipatcd  in  it.  and  to  accom- 
plish this  great  result,  has  done  his  part.     He  is  an 

industrious  man  both  b\-  nature  and  haliit,  ami 
though  he  has  reached  a  position  where  his  own 
laljor  is  not  necessary,  still  his  active  habits  will  not 
permit  him  to  be  idle,  and  he  is  always  to  be  found 
usefully  ein|iloyed  about  his  place. 

Mr.  Klliott  was  married  on  the  I  Itli  of  Sep- 
tcinljcr  l.sis.  to  .Miss  Nancy  Morgan,  daughter  of 
.Morgan  Morgan,  lii'r  mother's  maiden  name  being 
Nancy  Sisly,  and  who  died  when  her  dangliter  was 
a  young  gill.  Mrs.  Klliott  was  born  July  .'!0,  1831, 
in  Westmoreland  County,  l'a.,aiul  a  few  years  after 
that  date  her  parents  emigrated  to  New  Concord, 
Ohio.  .Mr.  and  Mrs.  Klliott  have  ten  children,  as 
follows.  Lewis  Henry,  the  eldest,  is  marricil  to 
Katie  ,Ienkins.  and  is  a  farmer  in  this  county; 
Nancy  Jane  is  the  wife  of  Dr.  D.  D.  \\  cbii.  of 
llo(jpeston;  Ida  May  is  the  wife  of  Kd  Leighton,  of 
Kossville;  Carrie  died  unmarried  at  the  age  of 
twenty-two  years;  PMson  and  KIda  are  twins,  the 
former  assists  his  father  on  the  home  farm  and  the 
latter  at  present  teaching  school  in  Wichita,  Kaii.; 
Hubert,  Morgan  and  Odessa  arc  still  with  tlu'ir 
father  and  mother,  while  an  infant  son,  .lohnson, 
second  of  the  faiuil}-,  died  before  the  removal 
from  Ohio. 

Mr.  Klliott  is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Rossville,  of  which  he  has  for  over 
twenty  vears  been  a  Deacon.  Those  peoi)le  who 
know  him  best  are  unanimous  in  the  opinion  that 
Robert  Elliott  is  a  thoroughly'  manly  man.  No 
better  eulogy  can  be  pronounced  upon  anyone. 





^  ARGARKT  RICH.VRDSON  is  the  widow 
\\  of  the  late  Joseph  Richardson,  a  former 
■ell-known  and  highly  esteemed  pioneer  of 
Vermilion  County.  This  venerable  lady 
still  lives  on  the  old  homestead,  on  section  10,  Pi- 
lot Tovvnship,  owning  120  acres  of  it,  which  her 
husband,  with  her  active  co-operation,  wrested 
from  the  wild  prairies  in  the  \ears  of  the  early  set- 
tlement of  this  part  of  Illinois.  .She  has  witues.sed 
with  pleasure  almost  the  entire  development  of  this 
section  of  the  country,  where  she  has  dwelt  for 
nearly  sixty  years,  and  has  lived  to  see  the  iiiicul- 



livated  imurie  and  foivst  laud  siuiliuii'  with  abun- 
dant haivfsts  and  the  home  of  a  prosperous  and 
contented  people. 

Mrs.  Riciiardson  was  horn  Feb.  3,  1815.  She 
received  a  training  in  all  tlie  duties  pertaining  to 
llic  care  of  a  fainii}',  and  was  tlius  enabled  to  act 
well  her  part  in  the  care  of  her  own  in  after  years. 
In  1832  she  was  wedded  to  Joseph  Richardson,  and 
they  soon  came  to  establish  themselves  in  the  wilds 
of  Vermilion  County,  and  were  thus  early  pioneers 
of  this  section.  Mr.  Uichaidson  a  native  of 
the  State  of  Maryl.and,  and  when  he  was  a  mere 
lad,  his  parents  removed  to  Washington  County, 
Pa.,  and  subsequently  to  Ohio,  where  the  father 
died.  The  mother  survived  him,  and  coming  to 
Illinois,  her  life  closed  in  ^■ermilion  County  in 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Riciiardson  settled  on  300  acres  of 
wild  land,  purchased  of  the  (iovernment,  and 
passed  through  the  usual  e,\i)eriences  and  hardsiiips 
that  Ijefall  pioneers  in  a  new  country,  but  by  per- 
severance they  overcame  every  obstacle,  and  by 
indefatigal)le  toil  were  enable<l  to  build  ui)  a  good 
home.  After  her  husband's  death  Mrs.  Richardson 
received  as  her  share  of  the  pro|>erty  the  120  acres 
they  had  jointly  accumulated,  and  is  living  in  peace 
and  plenty,  enjoying  all  the  comforts  of  life,  as  she 
richly  deserves. 

Mr.  Richardson's  death  was  considered  a  loss  to 
the  conununit}'  where  he  had  dwelt  so  many  years. 
His  whole  course  of  life  won  him  the  thorough 
respect  and  regard  of  all  with  whom  he  came  in 
contact,  and  his  reputation  in  his  adopted  town- 
ship was  of  the  highest  order.  In  him  the  United 
Brelhern  Church  found  one  of  its  most  zealous  and 
valued  members,  who  ably  held  the  various  offices 
of  tlie  church  at  different  times.  In  politics  he  was 
a  firm  believer  in  the  Democratic  party,  and  was 
active  in  its  support. 

In  his  wife  Mr.  Richardson  found  a  true  com- 
panion ajid  a  useful  hel|)matc.  She  is  a  worthy 
member  of  the  United  Brethren  Church,  and  her 
daily  life  has  always  been  giddcd  by  true  Christian 
principles,  as  shown  b^-  her  kindly,  helpful  conduct 
towards  her  neighbors  and  others;  she  has  won 
a  warm  [ilace  in  their  affections,  and  none  know 
her  but  to  respect  her.     The  snows   and    frosts  of 

seventy-four  winters  have  whitened  her  head,  but 
they  have  not  affected  her  heart,  and  none  appeal 
to  her  in  vain  who  need  her  assistance  or  sympathy. 
Of  the  two  children  born  to  her  and  her  husband — 
Mickham  and  A\'illiam — the  latter  is  spared  to  her, 
and  with  his  children  and  grandchildren  Idess  her 
declining  years  and  make  life  pleasant.  William,  a 
farmer  in  A'ermilion  County,  married  Sarah  A. 
Rhodes,  of  Defiance,  C)hi<>,  and  they  have  four 
children — loseph  C,  Samuel,  John  and  Mary  Ann. 
William's  son,  Samuel,  a  farmer  in  Montgomery 
County,  Kan.,  married  Miss  Clara  Smith,  and  they 
have  two  children,  Arthur  C.  and  Clemence  E. 

\f5ii,  ANIKL  RICK,  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
is  now  approaching  his  three  score  years 
and  ten,  and  is  alllicted  with  partial  Ijlind- 
ness,  butlie  has  made  it  the  business  of  his 
life  to  rise  aljove  circumstances  as  far  as  possible, 
and  gain  all  the  comfort  which  men  may  enjoy  by 
an  upright  and  honest  life  a)id  the  endeavor  to  do 
unto  others  as  he  would  be  done  by. 

Mr.  Rice  came  to  this  county  in  Se|)tember,  1  »(;3, 
settling  at  once  in  Sidell  Townslii|i.  lie  is  the 
scion  of  a  good  family,  being  the  son  of  Klijali 
and  Sarah  (Rife)  Rice,  the  former  being  a  native 
of  Kentucky.  The  paternal  grandfather,  William 
Rice,  was  born  near  Centreville,  Ohio,  and  was  the 
son  of  James  Rice,  a  native  of  Engl.and.  The  lat- 
ter was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Centreville, 
an<l  upon  the  anniversary  of  his  one  hundredth 
birthday  his  man^'  descendants  assembled  there, 
and  in  the  hilarity  of  the  occasion  the  centenarian 
ran  a  r.ace  with  our  subject,  then  a  boy  of  twelve 
or  thirteen  years,  and  came  out  ahead.  He  lived 
to  the  great  age  of  one  hundred  and  thirty  years, 
but  during  the  last  fourteen  j'enrs  of  his  life  was 
blind,  (iraudfather  Rice  fought  in  the  Revolution- 
ary War  in  Virginia  and  on  the  frontier  with  the 
Indians  in  Ohio;  he  lived  to  l)e  nearly  one  hun- 
dred years  old. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  married  in  Ken- 
tucky; the  mother  was  a  native  of  Virginia  and 
of  English  and  Swiss  descent.     The   maiden   name 



of  her  iiiotlier  was  Mary  Mimcey,  a  iialivc  of 
ICiiglaiiil.  Mrs.  Rice  removed  to  Kontiicky  willi  her 
parents  when  a  young  lady,  they  settling  in  Law- 
rence County.  Later  they  removed  to  Carter 
County  and  died  there  in  1851,  at  about  the  age  of 
sixty-five  years.  The  mother  subsequently  came 
to  this  county  and  lived  on  a  farm  near  Fairniount 
until  her  death  which  occurred  in  1 8GG,wlicn  she  was 
sixty-nine  years  old.  All  of  their  thirteen  children 
— with  the  exception  of  the  eldest  boy — grew  to 
mature  years;  nine  sons  and  three  daughters.  Our 
subject  was  the  fourth  child  .-ind  sci'ond  sou,  and 
the  eldest  son  now  living. 

Daniel  Rice  was  born  Oct.  21,  182(1,  in  Lawrence 
County,  K>.,  at  a  time  when  dcci'.  bear  and  other 
wild  animals  abounded  in  the  eastern  part  of  the 
Slate  among  the  Curnlierland  Mountains.  He 
brought  down  many  of  these  with  his  trusty-  rifle, 
shooting  one  day  six  deer,  and  another  day  one 
bear  with  four  cubs.  In  hunting  the  latter  animals 
— the  black  bear — he  experienced  many  narrow 
es(n()es  as  this  animal  is  very  ferocious.  His 
oiiportunities  for  education  were  very  limited,  he 
atteiuling  a  subscriiition  school  three  niontlis  dur- 
ing the  winter,  in  a  log  school-house  with  a  teacher 
that  could  merely  read  and  write.  His  love  for  fine 
horses  was  developed  at  an  early  age,  and  indeed 
the  entire  Rice  family  has  been  distinguished  for 
its  love  of,  and  skill  in  training  this  nolilest  of  all 

Our  subject  continued  a  member  of  the  parental 
household  until  approaching  the  twenty-fifth  year 
of  his  a^e;  when  he  was  married  in  August,  1845, 
to  Miss  Flora  Ann  .lourdan.  This  lady  was  born 
in  (h-eenui)  County,  Kv.,  and  was  eighteen  years 
old  .'it  the  time  of  her  wedding,  which  took  place 
under  her  father's  roof.  They  remained  residents 
of  the  lilue  (irass  .State  until  after  the  birth  of  six 
chililren,  then  in  Sei)tembci'.  1863,  came  to  this 
eounty.  Their  eldest  son,  William  J.,  married 
Miss  Martha  I'ratt  and  they  have  one  child,  a  son, 
Carl ;  he  is  engaged  as  a  stock  lui^'er  and  shi|)per 
lit  Fairnidiuit.  Mary  E.  married  (i.  Dellart.  They 
settled  in  Kentucky  where  she  became  the  mother 
of  two  children — Annie  and  .lames — and  died. 
Albert  R.  r.  has  charge  of  the  homestead,  he 
married  Miss  Mary    K.  Moore,  who    died   leaving 

no  children;  he  makes  a  specialty  of  horse  training 
and  is  remarably  successful.  James  G.  married 
.Miss  Faraba  .lane  Mugen;  liiey  have  two  children 
— Waverly  W.  and  Robert — and  live  on  a  farm. 
Kdward  A.  married  ,Josc[>liine  I'rice  and  the^'  re- 
side on  a  farm  in  Sidcll  Township;  they  have  three 
children — Charles,  Mary  E.  and  Walter.  Lemuel 
died  in  infancy. 

After  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr.  Rice 
enlisted  .is  a  Union  soldier  (Jet.  24,  1801,  from 
Carter  County,  Ky.,  in  Company  D,  22d  Kentucky 
Infantry,  and  w:vs  mustered  in  at  Carai)  Swygart 
on  the  Ohio  for  three  years,  or  during  the  war. 
He  was  under  the  command  of  George  Morgan, 
and  eng.iged  in  various  skirmishes  in  the  eastern 
part  of  Kentucky.  At  Ashland  he  was  taken  se- 
verely ill  with  measles,  and  for  a  time  his  life 
despaired  of.  He  was  finally  sent  home  on  a  fur- 
lough, but  returned  tohis  regiment  at  IJaton  Rouge 
in  February,  18G4.  His  health  continued  poor 
and  he  was  obliged  to  .accept  his  honorable  dis- 
charge. May  10,  following.  Tins  experience  ended 
in  nervous  |)rostr.ation  and  undermined  his  health 
to  such  an  extent  that  he  has  never  l)een  the  same 
man  since. 

In  the  meantime  Mr.  Rice  while  at  home  on  his 
furlough,  brought  his  family  to  this  county  for 
safety  from  the  depredations  of  guerrillas.  After 
leaving  the  service  he  went  first  to  Arkansas  with 
a  view  of  looking  uj)  a  location  for  his  future 
home,  but  finally  returned  to  his  family  and  pur- 
chased land  in  this  county.  His  first  wife  died 
and  he  was  married  to  Mrs.  KU/.ii  .lane  Moore, 
daughter  of  William  .1.  and  Susan  (Rawlings) 
Robertson.  The  latter  were  natives  respectively 
of  Kentucky  .and  ^'irginia,  were  married  in  Indiana 
and  are  now  residents  of  West  \'irginia.  Grand- 
father Rawlings  and  his  wife  were  from  Germany, 
while  (irandfather  Robci'tson  and  his  wife  were 
natives  of  Kentuckj'  and  of  Scotch  deseeut.  Mr. 
Moore  removed  to  Indiana  with  his  family  where 
he  oi)erated  as  a  farmer  and  carpenter,  ami  they 
became  the  parents  of  five  cliildren — .Martha  A., 
Eliza  J.,  .lohn  W.,  Elijah  R.,  and  Catherine. 

Mrs.  Rice  was  born  in  Parke  County,  Ind.,  and 

remained  with  her  parents  until    her  first  marri.age, 

1    at  the  .age  of  seventeen  years,  to  William  II.  Moore 



of  that  cuiiiity.  Of  this  union  there  were  born 
five  chihlreu— Mary  K.,  Charles  A.,  Millie  S., 
Reuben  II.  and  William  W.  Tlie  eldest  daughter 
became  the  wife  of  AUiert  Rice  and  is  deceased; 
Charles  A.,  a  stock  man  is  married,  has  one  child 
and  lives  at  Colorado  Springs;  Millie  S.  is  the  wife 
of  Carl  Iliberger,  of  AVicliita.  Kan.;  Reuben  H.  is 
a  nows|)ai)cr  man  and  connected  with  one  of  the 
journals  of  Wichita;  William  W.  remains  with  his 
mother;  the  daughters  were  teachers  prior  to  their 
marriage,  one  of  them  beginninsj'  at  the  early  age  of 
sixteen  years.  Mrs.  Rice  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church  at  Terre  Haute.  Ind.  Mr.  Rice  in  his 
political  views  supports  the  principles  of  the  Demo- 
cratic party. 

\i;OHN  M.  CRIMMINS  is  the  seiiiur  partner 
ill  the  tirni  of  Crimmins  &  Buchanan,  livery 
men  of  Sidell.  They  are  also  proprietors  of 
the  feed  and  sale  stable,  which  is  0])erated 
in  connection  with  tlieir  livery  business.  He  is  a 
native  of  Clark  County,  Ohio,  and  was  l)orn  on 
April  15,  18.t8.  Ills  father,  Morgan  Crimmins, 
and  niiilher.  Ellen  Kager,  were  natives  of  Ireland, 
where  they  were  married  in  1848.  A  few  days 
after  their  marriage  they  started  for  America,  and 
settled  first  in  (Greene  County  and  eventually  in 
Clark  County,  Ohio,  where  they  followed  farming 
and  became  well-to-do,  although  they  landed  in 
the  I'nited  States,  whollj'  without  means.  The 
mother  is  still  living  on  the  Crimmins'  homestead 
in  Carroll  Township,  about  three  miles  east  of 
Sidell,  where  they  settled  in  185!).  Her  husband 
died  Jan.  22,  1889,  aged  sixty-nine  years.  They 
were  the  parents  of  five  children — Robert,  Honora, 
Jeremiah,  John  M.  and  Maggie.  Robert  is  a  grain- 
buyer  at  Ilildreth  Station;  Honora  is  residing  in 
Edgar  Count}-,  III.,  and  married  to  Samuel  Stunk- 
ai'd,  who  is  engaged  in  farming;  Jeremiah  is  in 
charge  of  the  old  homesteail  in  Carroll  Township, 
while  Maggie  also  resides  in  the  same  township  and 
is  the  wife  of  Thomas  Ramsey. 

Mr.  Crimmins  was  but  a  babe   when   his   parents 
came  to   Illinois  and    has  substantially'    lived  here 

most  of  the  time  since.  His  education  was  ac- 
quired at  the  public  schools,  which  has  been  sup- 
plerae;ited  by  extensive  reading.  He  remained  at 
home  until  he  was  twenty  years  of  age,  when  on 
Christmas,  1878,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Ella 
Stunkard,  who  was  born  and  reared  in  Carroll 
Township.  She  is  a  daughter  of  Robert  and  Eliza- 
beth nieavliu)  Stunkard.  Her  father  was  a  farmer 
and  came  to  Vermilion  County,  settling  in  Carroll 
Township,  where  he  resided  until  his  death,  which 
occurred  when  he  was  sixty -six  years  old.  Ilcr 
mother  died  at  the  age  of  sixty-three.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Stunkard  were  the  parents  of  twelve  children, 
ten  of  whom  are  living,  as  follows:  Joseph,  Han- 
nah, Rluebe,  John.  James,  Jacob.  Samuel,  (Jeorge, 
Ella  and  Sadie. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Crimmins  are  living  in  a  quiet  way 
and  are  filling  tiieii'  mission  in  tiie  world  as  good 
neighbors.  He  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F., 
having  Ijeen  a  charter  member  of  Peace  Dale 
Lodge,  No.  225.  Mr.  Crimmins  is  a  firm  believer 
in  the  principles  adv(jcated  by  the  Democratic 
party.  He  is  one  of  the  rising  young  men  of  his 
town,  highly  poiudar  and  possessing  great  business 
capability.  Morgan  Crimmins,  father  of  our  sub- 
ject, after  coming  to  America  sent  money  back  to 
Ireland  to  pay  the  i)assage  of  three  relatives  and 
three  friends.  He  located  in  Clark  County.  Ohio, 
and  when  he  came  to  Illinois,  they  came  with  him. 
S<->me  of  them  are  still   living  in  A'ermilion. 

<iYi  OSEPH  WHERRY  is  a  worthy-  member  of 
the  farming  comnumity  of  Catlin  TownsIii[), 
and  is  faithfully  performing  his  share  in  sus- 
taining its  prosperity.  His  farm  on  sec- 
tion 3G  is  under  excellent  cultivation,  is  capable  of 
producing  fine  harvests,  and  compares  favoralily 
with  others  in  the  neighborhood.  Mr.  Wherry  is 
a  Kenluckian  liy  birth,  born  in  INIason  County, 
Feb.  24.  1819.  to  James  and  Catherine  (Downing) 
Wherry,  natives  of  Pennsylvania.  After  marriage 
his  [larents  had  settled  in  Mason  County,  Ky..and 
thence  they  subsequently  removed  to  Clinton 
County  Ohio,   where    their  last  years    were  spent. 


PORTKAir  AM)   lil()(;UA[*illt'AL  AI-HUM. 


They  weio  peoplo  of  nu'i'it,  sober-iniiuled  and  iii- 
(liislrioiis,  !iM(l  liioiiglit  up  the  thirtciMi  cliililreii 
lidi'ii  to  them  ill  the  p.-illi  of  hdiiesty  mid  j^ood 

Our  .suliji'ct  was  their  seventh  eliild,  and  he  was 
a  year  ol<l  wlieii  they  crossed  the  Oliio  to  make 
their  iiome  for  tlie  future  in  Clinton  County,  and 
there  the  years  of  ids  boyliood  and  youth  were 
ptissed.  At  tlie  age  (if  eighteen  lie  left  the  shelter 
of  the  parentfd  roof  to  begin  an  independent  life, 
and  I'eturning  to  his  native  State  and  (■oimt\-.  he 
found  employment  by  the  year  on  a  farm  and  thus 
engaged  there  nearly  eleven  years.  During  his 
residence  in  that  county  he  contracted  a  matrimon- 
ial alliance  with  Harriet  P.  Barclay,  April  1,  1847, 
and  to  them  live  children  were  born;  namely: 
Catherine.  CtnaE.,  Florence  IJ.,  William  .S.  and 
John  A.;  the  first  three  are  deceased.  This  wife  of 
his  early  years,  who  had  been  a  good  helpmate  and 
a  lemler  mother  to  their  children,  departed  this 
life  in  Catlin  Townshii),  Oct  12,  18(!().  Mr. 
Wherry's  second  marriage  took  place  in  C'allin 
Township,  and  was  to  Mrs.  Elsie  (Brady)  Bur- 
roughs, danghti'r  <  f  .lohn  and  Kosanna  Brady,  and 
widow  of  Jonathan  Burroughs.  (Shu  was  :i  native 
of  Brown  County,  Ohio,  born  May  20,  1828,  anil 
when  young  was  wedded  to  Jonathan  Burroughs, 
who  aftervvard  died  in  C'allin  Townshii),  leaving 
her  with  two  children — Mar^-  J.  and  Araniinta. 
She  is  the  mother  of  two  children  by  her  present 
marriage,  Ida  and  Hannah.  She  is  a  capable,  kind- 
hearted  woman,  antl  makes  her  husband  and  chil- 
dren comfortable  in  their  cozy  home. 

Mr.  Wherry  has  always  devoted  himself  to  agri- 
cultural pursuits,  and  thinking  to  improve  his 
prospects  on  the  fei'tile  soil  of  the  broad  prairies  of 
this  State,  he  came  here  with  his  family  from  Ken- 
tucky in  1853,  locating  first  in  McLean  County, 
and  coming  to  this  county  two  years  latei'  and 
settling  in  Catlin  Township.  He  has  done  well 
since  he  has  been  here,  antl  his  many  years  of  toil 
have  been  productive  of  gocxl  results,  as  he  has  a 
desirable  farm  of  103  acres  of  land  of  exceeding 
fertility,  on  which  he  has  made  many  fine  improve- 

Mr.  Wherry  is  a  man  of  excellent  character  and 
standing  in  this  cdiumuiiity,  and  as  a  good  citizen, 

and  kind  neighbor,  and  a  steadfast  friend  is  all 
that  can  lie  wished  for.  In  him  the  Democratic 
party  has  a  faithful  follower.  Both  he  and  his 
wife  are  exemplary  members  of  the  Christian 
Church,  and  their  daily  conduct  is  guided  by  sin- 
cere religious  principles. 

-S ^W^^ J- 

LBA    IlONKVWKLL.     The   man  who   h.-us 
been  a  witness  of  the  great  changes  occur- 
ring in  Illinois  during  the  past  forty  years, 
l§  and    has  given   to  these  his  intelligent  and 

thoughtful  attention,  is  worthy  of  more  that  a  pass- 
ing notice.  As  one  of  these  Mr.  Honeywell  stands 
prominently  among  the  pioneers  of  this  region, 
and  he  has  lieen  no  idler  during  the  labors  which 
have  transformed  a  wild  tract  of  country  into  the 
homes  of  an  industrious  and  intelligent  people.  He 
is  one  of  the  oldest  residents  of  the  little  city  of 
Hoopeston,  coming  here  soon  after  its  inception, 
about  1871,  and  he  has  since  been  a  resident  here 
most  of  the  time. 

Cayuga  County,  N.  V.,  is  the  native  place  of  our 
subject,  and  his  birth  occurred  Dec.  15,  1821.   When 
a  lad  of   twelve  years  he  removed  with  his  parents 
into  that  part  of  Steuben  now  call  Schuyler  County, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  first  attended  the  common  school  ami 
academy  of   that  period,  and  completed  his  studies 
at    Oneida    Institute,    near    Utica,   then    under  the 
[(residency  of  the   noted  reformer   and  theologian, 
the    Rev.    Beriali    Green,    and   later  spent  several 
3ears    lecturing    on    temperance   and    anti-slavery, 
meantime  contributing   to   the  several  reformatory 
periodicals  of  the  day.   He  also  occupied  himself  con- 
siderably as  a  teacher  in  common  schools  and  acad- 
emies, and  was  one  of  the  first  to  actively  engage  in 
the  Abolitiini  movement.    He  served  as  a  delegate  to 
the  Buffalo  Convention,  which  nominated  James G. 
Birney,  the  Liberty  Party  candidate  for  Piesident, 
and  subsequently  read  law  in  the  office  of  Gilbert  & 
Osborne,  a  prominent  law  firm  of  Rochester.  N.  Y. 
During  those  3'cars  Mr.  Honeywell   made  the  ac- 
quaintance   of    many   eminent    men,    among  them 
Gerritt  Smith,  William  Goodell.  Alvan  Stewart  and 
others  interested  in  the  anti-slavery  movement. 



Upon  leaving  Rochester  Mr.  Honeywell  removed 
to  New  York  City,  and  bscamc  editor  of  the  New 
York  Eagle,  and  siibsequentli'  became  connected 
with  the  American  Anti-.Slaver3^  Society  of  New 
Y'ork  City,  and  for  four  years  was  sub-editor  of  the 
AnU-Slarery  Stanilani,  until  failing  health  com- 
pelled him  to  retire.  During  those  years  he  made 
the  acquaintance  of  Wendell  Phillips,  Fred  Doug- 
l:»s,  AVilliam  Lloyd  Garrison,  James  Russell  Low- 
ell, Sidney  Howard  Gay,  and  many  other  men  of 
that  time  who,  for  the  sake  of  their  principles,  suf- 
fered to  a  large  extent  ostracism  from  society. 
This,  however,  instead  of  discouraging  either  Mr. 
Honeywell  or  his  compeers,  still  morejleeply  rooted 
their  principles,  and  while  Mr.  Honeywell  was 
called  to  other  fields  of  labor,  he  rejoiced  in  the 
fact  that  the  anti-slavery  cause  moved  on  ar.d 
finally  triumphed. 

In  the  spring  of  IHo.'i  Mr.  Honeywell  made  liis 
way  to  Iroquois  County,  this  State,  landing  at  La- 
Fa  vette  on  the  14th  of  April  from  a  packet-boat. 
The  peoi)le  were  then  talking  up  the  Wabash  Rail- 
road. Mr.  Honeywell  located  in  Iroquois  County, 
III.,  purcliasing  1,00(1  acres  of  land  in  what  is  now 
Stockland  Townsliip.  He  lived  ui)on  tliis  three 
years,  effecting  considerable  improvement,  and  pur- 
chased 400  acres  additional.  WJiile  teaching  and 
farming  he  never  failed,  whenever  opportunitj'  oc- 
curred, to  disseminate  his  anti-slavery  sentiments. 
In  the  spring  of  185C  he  started  out,  accompanied 
by  his  family,  and  traveled  all  through  Minnesota 
Territory,  arriving  in  Chicago  during  Fremont's 
campaign,  and  became  associated  with  the  Chicago 
News  (not  the  News  of  to-day),  and  which  was 
edited  and  c(mtrolled  by  the  Republican  element, 
whicii  was  then  l)eing  brought  into  prominence 
and  in  which  year  the  party  was  organized  and 

Mr.  Honeywell  spent  that  winter  in  Chicago, 
and  in  the  spring  of  18o7  removed  to  Logansport, 
Ind.,  where  he  established  himself  as  a  manufac- 
turer and  dealer  in  lumber,  and  also  taught  school 
for  several  terms  at  that  place  and  LaFayette. 
During  the  progress  of  the  Civil  War  he  was 
offered  the  api)ointment  of  Adjutant  in  the  army, 
but  circumstances  prevented  his  accepting  it,  and 
in  1803  he  returned  to  his  farm  in  Iroquois  County. 

He  proceeded  with  the  improvementof  his  land,  and 
in  tlie  meantime  became  prominent  in  local  affairs, 
serving  as  Township  Su|)ervisor  each  3ear  until 
18(!9,  when  he  was  elected  County  Clerk  for  four 
ye.nrs,  and  served  in  this  capacity  until  1873.  In 
1871  he  purchased  land  on  the  |)resent  site  of 
lloopeston,  and  at  the  close  of  his  term  of  ollicc 
removed  here  with  his  family.  He  assisted  in  laj'- 
ing  out  the  town,  and  secured  the  location  of  the 
Chicago  railroad  to  the  place.  It  was  largely 
tiirough  iiis  aid  that  the  town  grew  and  became 
prosperous,  being  a  portion  of  the  time  its  IMayor. 
He  made  two  sujjdivisions,  and  still  controls  the 
sale  of  lots.  He  assisted  in  the  organization  of  the 
sugar  and  canning  factories  located  here,  and  was 
connected  with  them  until  the  latter  became  self- 
supporting,  expending  $.5,000,  for  which  he  received 
no  return. 

JNIeantime  and  later  Mr.  Honeywell  gave  his  at- 
tention to  agricultural  pursuits,  having  a  farm  of 
nearly  1,000  acres  adjoining  the  city.  He  was  one 
of  the  founders  of  the  First  National  Bank  of 
Watseka,  with  which  he  has  been  connected  as 
stockholder  and  director  for  a  period  of  twenty 
years.  In  addition  to  his  Illinois  property,  he  has 
several  liundred  acres  of  land  and  a  fine  orange 
grove  in  Florida,  where  he  frequently  spends  his 
winters.  Altogether  he  is  the  owner  of  about 
3,000  acres  of  land,  much  of  it  rich  and  valuable, 
in  Iroquois,  Vermilion,  Cook,  Laive  and  Scott 
counties,  III,  and  in  Lake  and  Marion  counties, 
Fla.  Politically,  until  about  1884,  he  sup[)orted 
the  principles  of  the  Rei)ublican  party,  then  iden- 
tified himself  with  the  Prohibitionists,  and  lives  in 
hopes  that  the  entire  prohiliition  of  the  manufac- 
ture and  sale  of  alcoholic  liquors  as  a  beverage, 
will  ultimately  be  secured.  He  is  a  man  of  decided 
views  and  opinions,  fearless  iu  the  exi)ression  of 
them,  and  while  necessarily  enunciating  some 
trullis  distasteful  to  some  men,  is  nevertheless  held 
in  universal  respect 

Our  subject  was  married  April  3,  1851,  in 
Schuyler  County,  N.  Y.,  to  Miss  Cornelia  Andrews, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Anson  Andrews,  and  they  are 
now  tiie  parents  of  four' children,  all  living  and 
named  respectively:  Estella  Emma,  Florence  An- 
drews, Lillian  Amelia,  and  Sarah  Eliza.     'I'lie  eldest 




daughter  is  the  wife  of  Jolin  C.  Cromer,  and  tiie 
motlier  of  one  chil<l,  a  son.  Alba,  named  after  the 
grandfather;  Florence  jjossesses  considerable  talent 
as  an  artist,  teaching  both  portrait  and  landscape 
painting,  and  is  otlierwise  quite  accomjilished;  she 
remains  at  home  with  iier  parents.  Lillian  occupies 
the  Chair  of  Matiiematics  in  Hedding  College,  Knox 
Co..  111. ;  Sarah  is  pursuing  her  studies  at  that  in- 

Mrs.  Hone\-well  was  born  at  Sodus  Bay,  on 
Lake  Ontario,  in  182'J,  and  lived  there  and  in  Yates 
County,  N.  Y.,  with  her  parents  until  her  mar- 
riage. The  father  of  our  subject  was  Enoch  Hon- 
eywell, who  was  born  in  Westchester  County-,  N.  Y  , 
in  1787.  He  received  his  education  mostly  in  that 
county  near  New  York  City,  and  upon  approach- 
ing manhood  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  patent 
wheel  heads  for  spinning,  wiiich  |)roved  a  paying 
enterprise.  In  181G  he  made  his  way  to  Indiana, 
and  entered  160  acres  of  wild  land,  embracing  the 
present  site  of  the  city  of  Terre  Haute,  wiiere  he 
established  a  iioiiie  and  lived  for  several  years 
until  malaria  drove  him  away.  In  the  meantime 
he  engaged  |in  farming  and  shipped  pork,  via  Nevv 
t)rleans  to  Nevv  York  City,  going  with  his  mer- 
chandise himself.  He  subsequently  located  in 
Cayuga  County,  N.  Y.,  and  engaged  in  chair  mak- 
ing, and  lived  there  until  1836,  when  he  went  onto 
a  farra  in  Steuben  County,  N.  Y..  where  he  lived 
until  his  deatli  in  1887. 

Mrs.  Eliza  (Dye)  Honeywell,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  a  native  of  Rhode  Island,  and  the 
parental  household  included  three  children,  of 
whom  Alba  was  the  eldest  born.  His  younger 
brother,  (iilbert,  is  living  in  Schuyler  County', 
N.  Y.  Emma,  the  only  sister,  married  a  Mr. 
Fenuo;  and  lives  on  the  old  homo  farm  in  lliesarae 
county.  Enoch  Honeywell  was  a  man  who,  under 
favorable  circumstances,  would  have  distinguished 
himself  in  the  world  of  letters,  being  a  ready  writer 
both  in  prose  and  |ioetry.  Our  subject  caine  hon- 
estly by  his  hatred  of  slavery  and  his  love  of  tem- 
perance, having  inherited  the  sentiments  from  liis 
honored  father.  Our  subject  was  at  one  time 
greatl3'  interested  in  the  Pittman  System  of  Pho- 
netic Printing  and  Short-Hand.  He  was  editorially 
associated  wilii  Andrew  and   Boyle  iu  1848,  and  iu 

the  Amjlo-Saxiiii.  a  newspaper  in  New  York  City, 
advocating  the  phonetic  reform,  and  printed  wholly 
in  the  new  type  advocated.  He  is  also  the  author 
of  several  works,  the  largest  of  which  (yet  un- 
published) is  an  exhaustive  treatise  on  language, 
embracing  all  its  departments  from  elementary 
phonetics  to  rhetoric  and  logic — in  all  eleven  books. 
The  father  of  our  subject,  in  addition  to  his 
other  views,  was  directly  opposeil  to  Masonry  and 
all  secret  societies.  He  traveled  over  a  large 
portion  of  the  United  St.itea,  and  althougii  promi- 
nent as  an  agitator,  never  sought  political  ollice. 
In  his  early  manhood  he  was  a  member  of  the  Bap- 
tist Church,  but  becoming  dissatisfied  with  the  apa- 
thy of  his  church  in  regard  to  the  slavery  question, 
lie  left  it  and  identified  himself  with  the  Wesleyan 
iMcthodists,  remaining  with  them  until  his  decease, 
which  occurred  in  New  York  State  Jan.  11,  1887, 
at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety-nine  years.  He  re- 
tained his  faculties  in  a  remarkable  degree  until 
the  time  of  his  decease,  which  was  the  result  of  an 
accident.  Ileliad  put  forth  a  number  of  pamphlets 
largely  at  his  own  expense,  and  wrote  scores  of 
newspaper  articles,  setting  forth  his  convictions, 
which  were  wi<lely  distributed  throughout  the 
country.  The  wife  and  mother  departed  this  life 
in  1866,  when  about  seventy-four  years  old. 

THEODORE    LEMON,    M.   D.,  one   of    the 

pioneers  of  the  city  of  Danville,  was  born 
in  the  village  of  Bunker  Hill,  Va.,  Dec.  16, 
11S12,  and  here  began  the  study  of  medicine,  which 
he  completed  in  the  cities  of  Baltimore,  Aid.,  and 
Washington,  D.  C.  Here  he  turned  his  attention 
to  the  ^Vest  and  decided  to  locate  in  Danville,  this 
county,  for  another  brother,  .loseph  B.,  had  been 
for  a  year  a  resident  before  our  subject's  emigra- 
tion. In  18.'5.5  he  made  the  trip  from  N'irginia  by 
horse  and  wagon  in  company  with  an  uncle,  the 
Rev.  James  Chenoweth,  who  was  on  his  way  to 
the  West.  For  a  3ear  succeeding  his  arrival  in 
Danville,  Dr.  Lemon  taught  school  in  what  then 
the  Presbyterian  Cliurcii  building.  He  soon,  how- 
ever, acquired  a  practice    in   his    profession    which 



demanded  all  his  time  and  attention,  often  beinj; 
ill  that  day  compelled  to  ride  to  a  distance  of 
fifteen  or  twenty  miles  away  to  see  a  patient.  His 
snecess  was  assured  from  the  very  first,  and  he 
became  a  leading  physician  in  this  county,  in  wliicli 
he  passed  a  long  and  useful  life,  and  in  wdjich  he 
became  widel}'  kuown  and  highly  esteemed.  He 
ever  evaded  notoriety,  but  was  called  by  his  fellow- 
citizens,  rather  against  liis  will,  to  fill  several  pub- 
lic |)ositions.  He  remained  a  student  all  his  life 
.nud  kept  aln-easl  of  all  of  the  latest  developments, 
not  only  in  the  [irofession  of  whicii  he  was  an 
honored  member,  but  he  gave  much  time  and 
thought  to  other  branches  of  advanced  studies. 
Especially  did  he  take  great  interest  in  matlietnat- 
ics,  of  wliicli  exact  science  he  was  an  ardent 
student,  and  in  which  he  was  regarded  as  an  author- 
ity. He  died  Dec.  19,  188.5,  in  his  seventy-fourth 

Dr.  Lemon  a  cousin  of  Hon.  W.nrd  Lamon. 
the  friend,  biograiilier,  and  coiiu-sellor  of  President 
Lincoln.  The  family  name  w.'is  originally  spelled 
Lamon,  but  the  people  of  Danville  called  him 
Lemon,  and  the  Doctor  fell  into  that  way  of  siiell- 
ing  it,  until  it  has  now  become  the  recognized 
orthography.  He  was  a  (jaiet  and  courteous  gentle- 
man, who  always  conducted  himself  with  a  dignity 
and  self-respect  which  commanded  the  respect  of 
others,  and  won  for  him  hosts  of  sincere  friends 
and  the  esteem  of  the  entire  community.  Duriuf 
his  half-century's  residence  in  Danville  Dr.  Lemon 
had  witnessed  the  many  changes  and  developments 
which  transformed  it  from  a  mere  hamlet  to  a 
thriving  city,  and  he  was  ever  foremost  in  advo- 
cating all  measures  which  he  believed  tended  to  its 
growth  and  prosperity,  which  he  did  his  fidl  share 
in  promoting.  He  was  one  of  a  family  of  seven 
sons  anil  six  daughters,  of  whom  the  following  yet 
survive:  Jlary  E.  is  unmarried  and  is  a  resident 
of  Danville:  Oeorge  is  a  farmer  in  Texas;  Virginia 
D.,  widow  of  John  H.  Moores,  lives  in  Oregon;  R. 
Bruce  is  Judge  Advocate  of  the  Pension  Depart- 
ments at  Washington,  D.  C".;  Ella  E.  is  widow  of 
1.  R.  Moores,  and  is  also  a  resident  of  Oregon,  and 
Charles  K.  is  a  practicing  physician  at  Fairmount, 
in  this  county.  Those  deceased  were  named  re- 
spectively:   Joseph  B.,  who  died    in  Danville ;  Re- 

becca R.  was  wife  of  Dr.  Cromwoll,  who  died  in 
\'irginia;  she  subsequently  came  to  this  county, 
where  she  died;  James  C.  went  to  California,  where 
he  died;  Ann  E.,  who  was  the  wife  of  Carlisle 
Turner,  died  in  Danville;  John  E.,  who  was  a 
Union  soldier,  fills  an  unknown  grave  in  the  South, 
and  Lucy  A.,  who  was  the  wife  of  W.  T.  Cun- 
ningham, died  in  Danville. 

Sept.  14,  1848,  Dr.  Lemon  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Lavinia  E.  Sconce,  who  was  born 
in  Bouibon  County,  Ky.,  Jan.  20,  1828.  The  year 
following  that  of  her  birth  her  parents  removed  tc 
^'ermilion  County,  where  her  entire  life  since  has 
been  |)assed.  Her  father,  James  Sconce,  was  a 
cabinetmaker  by  trade  and  carried  on  a  shop  in 
Danville  for  many  years.  He  and  his  wife,  Mary, 
were  well  known  to  the  early  settlers,  they  them- 
selves ranking  as  pioneers  of  >'ermilion  County. 
The  first  court,  house,  a  small  wooden  building,  was 
erected  in  Danville  some  ycnrs  after  tliey  came 
here,  and  Mrs.  Lemon  remembers  that  the  few 
houses  then  comprising  Danville  were  grouped 
about  the  square,  which  was  then  covered  with 
hnzle  brush.  She  has  since  that,  seen  the  then 
insignificant  village  become  the  thriving  cii\-  of 
to-day.  Her  life  for  sixty  years  has  been  si)ent 
here,  and  she  is  now,  at  the  age  of  si.Kly-one, 
calmly  awaiting  the  summons  which  shall  reunite 
her  with  her  companion  of  nearly  forty  years.  The 
liarents  of  Mrs.  Lenioii,  James  and  Mary  Sconce, 
made  Danville  tiieir  home  ever  after  their  first 
settlement  in  that  place.  He  died  in  1857,  at  the 
age  of  sixty-three,  and  she  in  18G2,  when  nearly 
seventy  \ears  old.  Mr.  Sconce  was  a  man  of  (juiet, 
retiring  dispositit)n,  and  never  tot)k  any  part  in 
[lublic  affairs,  but  was  esteemed  as  an  honest  and 
worthy  citizen. 

Dr.  and  Mrs.  Lemon  were  the  jiareuts  of  eleven 
children,  of  whom  three  died  in  infancy.  None 
are  married,  and  when  not  absent  from  the  city  on 
business  all  make  their  home  with  their  widowed 
mother.  They  are  named,  respectively:  Albert 
T.,  who  is  now  Town  Clerk  of  Danville;  Charles  V., 
Edward  B.,  Theodore  H.,  Mar^'  L.,  John  James, 
Lavinia  E.,  and  Lafayette  F"ay.  All  of  the  sons 
have  adopted  music  as  a  [jrofession,  and  all  are 
performers  of  note,   being  fi'ecpiently   called   upon 



lo  fill  ciiijageiiu'iits  all  over  IIr'  coiintrv.  Their 
musical  |)ii<lik'ulioiis  svere  dciiveil  from  their  ma- 
Icriial  mules,  wiio  were  well-known  musieiaus. 
'J'he  famil\-  have  the  entire  eonlldence,  goo<l-will 
ami  eateein  f>f  the  entire  eomnuinity.  as  well  on 
their  own  aecuunt,  as  on  that  of  their  honored 

^   owo   - 

• •    CCX> 

<^Fl{THriJ   .TONES,  an   enteiprisinsj.  i)rosper- 

//^y  III 

(CgyJI     ous  merehant  of  Catlin  \'iila<j;e  and  Siiper- 

//(   111    visor  of  the  township,  is  one  of  the  leadinjjf 
*  business   and    pnlilie    men    in    this   ()art  of 

\'einiilion  County.  Although  he  wa.s  horn  in  Kng- 
huid.  the  most  of  his  life  has  been  passed  in  this 
eountry,  and  he  is  thoroughly  imbued  with  the 
Anieriean  si)irit  and  as  loyal  to  the  institutions  of 
the  I'nited  States  as  if  he  were  to  the  manor  borii. 
His  i)arents.  Henr}'  and  Sarah  (Hough)  .lones, 
were  born,  reaied  and  married  in  l^ngland,  and  re- 
mained in  the  olil  home  till  after  the  birth  of  their 
chihlren,  seven  of  whom  grew  to  maturity.  'I'liey 
then  deeitled  to  emigrate  to  this  eountry.  hoping 
thercl)v  to  give  their  family  a  better  start  in  life 
than  was  possible  in  the  old  country,  and.  with 
that  end  in  view  the  father  set  sail  from  London  in 
18411,  about  six  weeks  in  advance  of  the  remaining 
members  of  the  family,  and  after  landing,  made  his 
way  to  this  State,  and.  selecting  Catlin  Townshii) 
as  a  desirable  point  to  locate,  he  was  soon  joined 
by  his  wife  and  children.  In  his  native  land  he 
liiid  been  a  brass  and  gas  finisher  and  contractor, 
but  after  coming  here,  he  turned  his  attention  to 
agriculture,  which  he  carried  on  till  ls,j6.  He 
then  entered  into  the  mercantile  business  with  his 
.son  Kichard.  without,  however,  abandoning  his 
farming  interests.  He  was  a  valuable  citizen  of 
this  eomnuinity,  his  entcri)rise  materially  advanc- 
ing its  prosperity,  and  his  death,  in  N(jvembcr. 
lH(i2.  was  esteemed  a  |)ublic  loss.  His  wife  pre- 
ceded him  to  that  '•bourne  whence  no  traveler  re- 
turns," dying  in  IHyti. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  London,  England.  .Inly 
1-1,  184!^,  and  he  was  a  year  old  the  very  day  the 
fannl}'  set  sail  for  this  country.  He  grew  to  man- 
hoo<l  in  Catlin  Township,  and    being  a    bright,  apt 

scholar,  received  a  subst.antial  education,  attending 
first  the  public  schools,  and  then  becoming  a  stu- 
dent at  the  Commercial  College,  at  Westfiold, 
Clark  Co..  111.,  where  he  obtained  a  fine  business 
training  that  has  lieen  of  inestimable  service  to  him 
in  his  career  as  a  merchant.  When  he  left  college 
he  entered  his  l)r()ther  Richard's  store,  .and  con- 
tinued with  him  as  a  clerk  till  the  latter's  death, 
which  occurred  in  October,  187.5.  After  that  he 
formed  a  partnership  with  his  brothel'  Ercnleric, 
and  they  carried  on  the  business  together  two  or 
three  years,  and  at  the  expiration  of  that  time  he 
bought  out  Fiederic's  interest,  and  has  since  man- 
aged t!ie  business  alone.  He  has  a  comnu)dious. 
wcll-titted  up  stoi'e,  carries  a  full  stock  of  general 
nicrchandise,  .'iiid  has  a  lai'ge  and  [irofitable  trade. 
He  also  deals  extensively  in  coal  and  slock,  be- 
sides man.aging  a  fine  farm  of  1(!0  acres. 

On  the  '2'Jt]  of  .lanuiu'v,  1870,  an  important 
event  in  the  life  of  Mr.  Jones  occurred,  as  on  that 
date  he  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Emma 
Dickinson,  daughter  of  William  and  Euuna  (  Barker) 
Dickinson,  natives  of  Lincolnshire,  England.  (For 
[larental  history  see  sketch  of  William  Dickinson, 
which  apjiears  on  another  page  of  this  volume. ) 
Mrs.  .lones  is,  like  her  husband,  of  English  birth, 
born  in  Lincolnshire,  Dec.  25,  1852,  and  she  was 
but  an  infant  of  six  or  eight  weeks  when  her  par- 
cuts  came  to  this  countr}',  and  therefore  has  known 
no  other  home.  Five  children  have  lieen  born  of 
I  the  wedded  life  of  our  suliject  and  his 
'  wife,  namely:  Edward  A.,  William  II.,  Nettie  !>., 
Cora  M.  and  Dora  15.  Nettie  and  Cora,  who  were 
twins,  are  dead. 

Our  subject,  possessing  high  and  honoral)le  traits 
of  character, is  cl.assed  among  the  most  estimable  and 
trustworthy  men  of  the  count}',  and  his  fellow- 
citizens,  often  entrusting  to  his  wise  guidance  some 
of  the  most  responsible  otliees  within  their  gift,  have 
found  him  to  be  an  invaluable  civic  official,  who 
[)laces  the  interests  of  the  public  above  private 
or  [tarty  considerations.  He  was  first  elected 
Supervisor  of  Catlin  Township  in  188(1,  and  served 
one  year.  In  the  spring  of  1885  he  was  .again 
I  calleil  to  that  important  position,  and  has  acted  in 
that  capacity  ever  since,  being  re- elected  in  the 
spring  of  18H'.).    He  is  i)rominently  connected  with 



the  Vermilion  Count\'  Agricultural  Society,  and 
was  treasurer  of  that  orgauization  for  several 
years.  During  Gen.  Giant's  administration  he 
was  appointed  Postmaster  of  Catlin  Township, 
and  held  that  office  tliirteen  years,  giving  general 
satisfaction  to  all  witliout  regard  to  party.  Our 
subject  takes  an  active  part  in  politics,  and  is  a 
leader  among  the  Republicans  of  this  section.  He 
is  identified  with  tiie  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  as  a  member 
of  t'atjin  I>odge  No.  285. 

IRAM  MAKEMSON  is  the  youngest  of 
four  children  liorn  to  Andrew  and  Hannah 
Makemson,  natives  of  Kentucky,  where  they 
^  were  residents  of  Harrison  County  until 
1828,  when  they  emigrated  to  Illinois  and  settled 
in  Newell  Township,  about  two  and  (juc-half  miles 
from  where  tlieir  son,  the  suljject  of  this  sketch, 
now  resides.  Mr.  Andrew  Makemson  was  a  stal- 
wart Republican,  and  always  faithful  to  what  he 
considered  the  best  intej'ests  of  his  country.  He 
and  his  wife  were  both  worthy  and  sini'erely  good 
members  of  the  Methodist  Church,  and  were  highly 
esteemed  not  only  by  their  religions  associates  but 
also  by  the  large  circle  of  friends  which  their 
many  good  qualities  had  gathered  around  them. 
Their  death  was  a  loss  to  the  communitj',  and  they 
were  followed  to  their  last  resting  i)lace  in  Lamb's 
Cemetery  by  a  large  concourse  of  relatives  and  ac- 
quaintances. Mr.  INIakemson  died  in  1880 ..and  his 
wife  in  188',). 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Harrison 
County,  Ky.,  April  2,  1825,  hence  was  only  three 
years  old  when  his  jiarcnts  removed  to  Illinois.  His 
youthful  days  were  enlivened  by  witnessing,  and 
when  old  enough  participating  in  the  various  hunt- 
ing parties  which  were  made  up  from  time  to  time 
in  the  neighborhood,  which  sometimes  had  for  their 
object  the  providing  of  food  for  the  talile,  and  at 
others  the  dispeising  of  depredatory  packs  of  wolves 
or  roving  bands  of  Indians,  which  served  to  make 
things  lively  for  the  settlers,  and  varied  the  monot- 
ony of  the  usual  routine  of  farm  life. 

Mr.  Makemson  remained  under  the  parental  roof 
tree  until    lie    reached  his  majority,  gettino-  such 

education  as  the  short  term  of  the  public  school 
each  year,  assisted  by  an  occasional  term  of  sub- 
scription school,  afforded,  and  making  himself  use- 
ful when  out  of  school  in  whatever  capacity  he 
could  be  employed.  On  April  2'Jth,  1852,  he  took 
to  wife  Miss  Prudence  Campbell,  a  charming 
maiden  of  Newell  Township,  where  she  was  born 
Sept.  18,  1834.  She  was  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Almira  Campbell,  natives  of  New  York,  who  came 
to  Illinois  in  the  early  days  of  its  settlement  and 
located  in  Newell  Township,  where  they  reared  a 
family  of  nine  children,  of  which  Mrs.  Makemson 
was  the  youngest. 

Upon  the  return  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Makemson 
from  Danville,  where  their  marriage  took  place, 
they  immediately  entered  into  possession  of  tlieir 
present  home,  where  they  have  continued  to  reside 
happily  and  contentedly  ever  since,  rejoicing  in 
tlie  addition  to  their  family  of  five  children, 
namely:  Almira  D.,  who  remains  at  home  to  com- 
fort and  cheer  the  parents  for  the  absence  of  the 
other  members  of  the  family;  Mary  A.,  wife  of 
W.  W,  Current;  Bertha  P.,  wife  of  Morton  Bird, 
and  lives  in  this  county;  Sherman  T.  married  Miss 
Sadie  Bird,  on  the  4th  of  November,  1886,  and 
lives  on  a  portion  of  his  father's  farm.  Mis.  Sher- 
man Makemson  is  a  daughter  of  Moser  an<]  Polly 
Bird,  and  shares  in  the  prosperity  and  excellent 
reputation  which  her  husband  justly  enjoys  as  a 
resident  of  tiie  township.  They  have  no  children. 
Joseph  ('.,  the  youngest  child,  is  also  at  home,  where 
he  assists  his  elder  sister  to  drive  dull  care  away 
from  the  old  place. 

Mr.  Makemson  owns,  and  witii  the  .assistance  <jf 
his  sons  operates,  an  estate  of  810  acres  of  land,  all 
lying  in  Newell  Township,  and  under  good  culti- 
tioii.  Politically,  he  votes  with  the  Repuhlic-an 
party,  in  whose  i)rinciples  he  is  a  firm   believer. 

OHN     STALLINGS,    dealer    in    drugs  and 
medicines   at    Sidell,    was    born    in   Orange 
County,    Ind.,  June  7,   18G2.     His  parents, 
Samuel   and    Martha  K.  Stallings,  were  na- 
tives of  Indi.ana;  the  mother  is  now  a  lady  of  fifty- 



seven  yc-ars.  Ten  I'liildren  were  Ixnii  to  tlieni, 
nine  still  siiivivinsr.  'I'lie3'  are  iianicd :  Cliiulos, 
I'x'llo  (Mis.  Tli()m|)S()ii),  Ziiio,  IJeiley,  I'".lz<)ra  (Mrs. 
I'licot.  ,Ii>lin,  oiii-  siilijei-t:  .lames,  LeUoy,  and 

,Iohn  Stallings  was  a  cliiM  of  two  years  when  his 
parents  removed  to  Parke  C()nnty.  Ind..  and  in 
1870  removed  to  Fairmount,  III.,  where  the  f.ither 
engaged  in  farming.  Our  subject  went  to  Chicago, 
where  he  entered  the  Chicago  College  of  Pharmacy 
at  the  age  of  twenty-one,  h.iving  previoiisly  been 
graduated  by  the  lUisiness  College  of  Ladoga,  Ind. 
He  was  graduated  liy  the  I'harmaeciitical  College 
with  the  class  of  '81.  lie  then  engaged  with  A.  C. 
Miisselwhite,  No.  50  Clark  street,  Chicago,'and  con- 
tinued in  his  employ  until  I88;j,  when  he  set  up  a 
store  for  himself  at  Sidell,  an<l  has  done  a  very 
satisfactory  business. 

The  marriage  of  our  suljjecland  wife,  Miss  (Jrace 
Cornelius,  daughter  of  .lohu  Cornelius,  took  place 
at  the  bride's  home  July  28,  1885.  Mrs.  Stallings 
is  the  youngest  of  three  ciiildren  born  to  her  par- 
ents, namely:  William,  Lizzie,  and  (iracc  Amanda. 
Our  subject  and  wife  are  the  parents  of  one  child. 
Eva  Ella.  Mr.  Stallings  has  erected  a  hue  and 
commodious  residence  on  Chicago  street,  of  this 
city,  lie  is  a  meml)er  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  I'e.ace 
Dale  Lodge  No.  225,  of  which  order  he  is  at  pres- 
ent Treasurer.  He  is  also  a  memlier  of  the  Modcin 
Woodmen,  Sidell  C'ani|)  No.  405,  and  astalwait 
Republican;  he  appointed  Postmaster  April  .'!0, 

\TJAMKS  \\'.  Olilt.  Among  the  prominent 
l)usiness  men  of  Sidell  is  the  above-named 
gentleman,  who  is  a  lumber  and  grain  dealer. 
The  former  business  is  cairied  on  under  the 
lirni-name  of  I-yons  and  Orr,  but  the  grain  trade 
is  controlled  solely  by  Mr.  Orr.  His  father,  .lames 
Orr,  was  born  in  West  Virginia,  and  his  mother, 
formerly  Mary  Uoss,  was  a  native  of  (ireeue 
County,  Pa.  For  ancestry  see  sketch  of  .lames  Orr 
elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

The  parental  family  numbered  four  ciiildren,  all 
boys,  of  whom  the  subject  of  oursketcli  isthe  third 

in  order  of  birth;  he  was  born  in  Coles  County.  III., 
April  15,  1857.  When  he  was  two  years  old  his 
parents  removed  to  Kdgar  Count}-.  Oiiio,  where  the 
son  grew  up  on  a  farm,  and  attended  the  common 
schools  of  the  township.  In  1885  he  engaged  in 
business  at  Sidell  in  which  he  has  continued  ever 
since.  In  1887  Mr.  Hnshnell.of  lloopostowii,  built 
the  largest  grain  elevator  in  the  county  at  Sidell. 
Mr.  Orr  married  Miss  Eli/.a  Todd,  daughter  of 
David  and  Maria  Todd  in  1884. 

Mrs.  Orr  was  born  in  Vermilion  County,  whither 
her  parents  moved  in  1854.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Orr  are 
the  |)arents  of  one  child,  Edward  Lisle,  two  years 
old.  The  wife  is  a  member  of  the  Metiiodist  Epis- 
coi)al  Church.  Mr.  Orr  is  a  charter  member  of  the 
I.  O.  O.  F.  Lodge  No.  225.  Pence  Dale  of  Sidell, 
wliicii  was  organized  in  1886,  and  of  which  he  is 
now  serving  as  \'ice  Grand.  Mr.  Orr  is  the  owner 
of  forty  acres  in  theaddition  to  Sidell,  south.  The 
firm  are  doing  a  very  satisfactory  business  as  re- 
gards tile  lumber  interests.  Mr.  Orr  usually  votes 
with  the  Democratic  [)arty,  but  uses  his  own  judg- 
ment in  local  elections. 


^ACHARIAH  ROBERTSON,  who  resides  in 
Newell  Township,  is  a  son  of  Zachariah  and 
/M^^,  Elizalveth  (.Tones)  Robertson,  natives  of 
Kentucky.  Mr.  Robertson,  Sr.,  the  parent  of 
seven  children  by  his  first  wife,  the  mother  of  our 
subject.  He  was  a  Revolutionarv  War  A'eteran 
and  located  near  Brunswick,  111.,  in  1837,  on  the 
land  which  Dr.  Henders(m  now  owns.  During  his 
long  life  of  ninety-four  years  he  was  .associated 
with  the  Democratic  party  and  always  u|)held  its 
principles;  he  and  his  good  wife  were  faithful  and 
consistent  members  of  the  Bajitist  Church  and 
foremost  in  everj'  good  work.  His  death  took  place 
in  18;!',t  and  that  of  his  wife  a  year  later. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  ()ctol)er  1, 
1822,  auil  passed  the  early  years  of  his  life  in  his 
native  Kentucky,  then  removed  with  his  father  to 
Illinois  and  engaged  in  work  on  a  farm,  which  oc- 
cupation he  followed  the  rest  of  his  life.  Aug.  25, 
1H12.  he  was  married  to  Miss  Abigail  Stan,  daugh- 



ter  of  Peter  and  Catharine  Starr.  Mrs.  Robertson 
was  born  Jnly  4.  1824,  in  Preble  County.  Ohio, 
and  after  a  life  of  usefulness  and  faithful  jiorform- 
ance  of  duty,  was  ferried  over  tiie  river  liy  the 
l)oatman  pale  to  the  beautiful  land  beyond,  her 
earthly  remains  being  laid  to  rest  Dec.  25,  1879. 

Mr.  Robertson  was  tlie  seventh  in  order  of  l)irtli 
of  a  family  of  fifteen  children,  and  became  the 
father  of  sixteen  sons  and  daughters.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Rofiortson  located  on  their  farm  in  1  844,  and  it  has 
continued  to  be  the  family  residence  ever  since. 
Mr.  Robertson  procured  a  patent  from  tlie  Govern- 
ment which  he  still  holds,  it  having  never  been 
transferred  to  any  other  person.  He  owns  at  pres- 
ent 105  acres  of  finely  improved  and  highlj-  culti- 
vated land.  Being  a  good  judge  of  horse  tlesh  he  has 
alvvays  kept  a  number  of  fine  animals  on  his  place 
to  either  trade  or  for  use.  He  has  always  manifested 
a  deep  interest  in  educational  matters  and  has  filled 
the  office  of  Scliocd  Director  for  man3'  years.  In 
political  life  he  sustains  the  principles  of  the 
Democratic  jiarty.  The  Methodist  Church  and 
Granger  Lodge  arc  ])leased  to  number  him  among 
their  most  useful  and  influential  members. 

present  postmaster  of  Hoopeston,  taking 
charge  of  that  office  April  25,  1885.  Hoopes- 
ton and  Danville  are  the  only  two  presiden- 
tial offices  in  Vermilion  Count}'.  He  is  engaged  in 
life  and  fire  insurance,  and  does  a  general  collect- 
ing business  in  connection  with  the  firm  of  Allen 
A  Catherwood,  the  former  being  a  re|iresentative 
in  the  Legislature  from  this  district. 

Mr.  Catherwood  was  born  in  Belmont  Count}', 
Ohio,  April  12,  1845,  and  when  a  child  not  a  year 
old,  removed  into  Guernsey  County,  Ohio,  where 
his  father  engaged  in  farming.  The  family  resided 
tliere  until  -lames  was  twelve  years  of  age,  when 
they  removed  to  Shelby  County,  III.  Here  he  re- 
mained engaged  on  the  farm  until  1859,  when  he 
removed  to  Christian  County,  111.,  where  he  re- 
ceived his  education  at  the  common  schools. 
He  enlisted  April  7,  in  the  1  15th  Illinois  Infantry. 

This  regiment  served  in  the  western  army  under 
Rosecrans,  and  was  at  Raleigh,  Mo.,  from  April 
until  September,  when  it  was  mustered  out  of  the 
service.  After  coming  of  age,  he  attended  school 
at  Mount  Zion,  and  then  going  to  Pennsylvania, 
attended  school  at  Concord  Hill  Academy.  After 
leaving  this  institution,  he  came  back  to  Illinois, 
and  engaged  as  a  clerk  in  a  store  for  a  year 
with  his  older  brother  at  Stonington.  In  August. 
18()9,  he  went  to  Kansas,  where  he  was  engaged  in 
the  stock  business,  being  four  years  in  Salem,  one 
in  McPherson  and  two  in  Ellsworth.  He  and  his 
brother  worked  in  this  manner,  keeping  ahead  of 
civilization,  where  their  stock  could  feed,  and  in  the 
winter  time  retracing  their  steps  to  where  they  could 
procure  food  for  their  animals.  They  continued 
in  this  business  for  five  years,  their  herd  averag- 
ing from  1,200  to  1,500  head  many  times,  the  enter- 
prise being  financially  a  success,  until  the  last  year 
of  their  O|)eration.  when  they  lost  about  ¥6,000  by 
leason  of  an  unusual  [lanic  in  the  business.  In 
1874  they  sold  out,  and  .lames  came  to  Indianapo- 
lis, and  engaged  as  a  commercial  traveler  for  a  firm 
of  that  city,  following  this  business  for  three  years 
and  traveling  in  the  States  of  Illinois  and  Indiana, 
and  occasional!}-  in  Ohio.  In  September.  1877,  Mr, 
Catherwood  removed  to  Ho'A-ard  County.  Ind.,ancl 
engaged  in  the  general  merchandise  business  at 
Fairfield.  Here  on  the  2Gth  day  of  December  of 
the  same  year,  he  married  Mary  Ilartwell. 
In  December,  1879,  he  again  took  up  his  residence 
in  Indianapolis,  and  engaged  in  the  retail  grocery 
business,  which  was  successful,  and  in  1882  became 
to  Hoopeston,  and  engaged  in  the  grain  business 
until  he  was  appointed  postmaster.  Mr.  Cather- 
wood, from  its  inception,  has  been  .Secretary  o'  the 
North  Vermilion  Loan  Association,  and  has  filled 
the  difficult  duties  of  that  office  with  rare  ability 
and  fidelity. 

Mrs.  Catherwood  was  born  on  Dec.  Ki,  1847, 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Dr.  Hartwell,  who  died 
when  she  was  nine  years  of  age.  She  spent  the 
early  part  of  her  life  in  Ohio.  She  received  a  lin- 
nished  education,'and  after  coming  to  Danville,  be- 
gan literary  work.  Her  (iist  labors  in  that  direction 
were  for  Li|ipincolt.  She  wrote  for  tills  house  for 
several    years,  when   she    turned    her    attention    to 



jiivcnilf  liliMvitiii-f.  writing  foi-  the  i>l.  Nicholas  Ani\ 
llarper's  Binar.  Her  first  sUiry  for  the  Ceiitur;/ 
Magazine  was  the  iranieiisely  [lopuhir  '-Romnnceof 
DolLird."  She  has  written  several  p(>|  hooks. 
incluriinii'  "Rouky  Fork."  "Tlie  Doghcrrj'  Riincli," 

"Olil  f'ar.avan  Days, I'lie  Hells  of  Sle.  Anne,"  all 

(if  which  were  juveniles;  anil  two  historical  ro- 
mances, "The  Romance  of  Dtillard,"  and  ■•'riie 
Story  of  Tont\ ." 

Dr.  Marcus  Hartwcll,  fatliernf  Mrs.  Catlicrwooil, 
was  bcirn  Oct.  13.  18'21,  and  died  on  .)an.  27,  1857. 
He  received  his  early  education  at  Worthington 
College,  and  after  leaving  school  took  up  the  study 
of  medicine  at  Columbus.  Oiuo.  lie  pr.acticed  in 
that  State  fur  two  or  thi'ee  years,  wiien,  in  1851,  he 
removeil  to  Milford,  III.,  and  there  he  remained 
practicing  his  profession  until  his  death.  He  mar- 
ried Miss  Plnehc  Thom|)Son  in  Fairfield  County. 
Dec.  21,  184().  The  result  of  this  union  was  seveti 
children,  of  whom  only  three  lived  to  mature  age. 
Mrs.  Catlicrwood  is  the  oldest  ciuld;  Rdxaiina, 
now  Mrs.  Smith,  is  living  near  Portland,  Ore., 
where  her  brother,  Marcus,  also  resides.  Mrs.  Hart- 
well  died  on  Feb.  3,  1858,  aged  thirty-Miree  years. 
!)r.  Hartwell  afiiliated  with  the  Republican  party, 
having  voted  for  John  C.  Fremont. 

Ml.  and  Mrs.  Catherwood  are  the  parents  of  but 
one  child,  a  daughter,  named  ll.azcl.  He  is  .an  active 
worker  in  the  Democratic  party,  but  has  never 
iK'cn  a  political  aspirant.  He  organized  the  first 
Democratic  club  in  Hoopeston.  and  through  the 
influen(;e  of  (!cn.  Black  of  Diinvilk^  was  apjiointed 
postmaster,  which  position  he  filled  to  the  en- 
tire satisfaction  of  all  the  patrons  of  the  oHIce.  His 
commission  will  expire  in  .lanuary,  181(0. 

?)HOMAS  ARMSTRON(;.  It  is  usually  safe 
to  judge  of  a  man's  character  by  what  he 
has  accomplished,  both  as  a  financier  and  a 
member  of  the  corammiity.  We  find  Mr.  Arm- 
strong oecup3ing  one  of  the  most  lieautiful  farms 
in  Ross  Township.  whei-e  he  has  a  choice  body  of 
lan<l    well  drained  and  very  productive;   indeed,  it 

stands  second  to  none  in  this  part  of  the  county 
and  has  been  brought  to  its  present  condition 
solely  by  the  untlagging  industry  of  its  pro|>rietor. 
Mr.  Anderson  labored  e.arly  and  laic  during  the 
first  years  of  his  residence  upon  it,  expending  -a 
large  amount  of  time  and  money,  and  is  now  enjoy- 
ing ample  returns.  At  the  same  time,  while  hav- 
ing extensive  interests  of  his  own  to  look  after,  he 
has  distinguished  himself  as  liberal-minded  and 
public-spirited,  encouraging  the  enteri)riscs  calcu- 
lated for  the  best  good  of  the  people  around  him 
:nid  keeping  himself  well  posted  upon  matters  of 
national  interest.  During  the  progress  of  the 
Civil  War  he  took  an  ,'ictive  part  in  raising  funds 
to  prosecute  the  struggle  for  union  and  liberty',  and 
this  in  itself  is  a  lasting  honor  to  his  name. 

In  looking  at  the  antecedents  of  our  subject  we 
find  that  he  springs  from  an  excellent  family,  being 
the  son  of  Robert  Armstrong,  the  son  of  James 
Armstrong,  who  was  born  in  AVestmoreland  County, 
Pa.,  and  when  a  young  man  emigrated  to  Kentucky. 
A  few  years  later  he  pushed  on  into  Ohio,  settling 
in  Chillicothe,  where  he  employiul  himself  consid- 
erably as  a  carpenter  and  assisted  in  tlu^  erection 
of  the  Hi'st  house  built  in  that  city.  He  also  oper- 
ated as  a  8urve3C)r  and  was  one  of  the  ('(^mmission- 
ers  who  located  the  city  of  Coluinlms  and  assisted 
in  the  laying  out  of  the  town,  lli^  was  recognized 
as  a  useful  and  intelligent  citizen,  and  after  filling 
other  i)ositions  of  trust  and  responsibility,  was 
elected  Associate  Ju«lge  of  one  of  the  courts  and  is 
still  remembered  by  his  grandson  .as  making  a 
dignified  appearance  on  the  bench. 

The  parents  of  Grandfather  Armstrong  were 
buriecl  three  miles  north  of  Chillicothe  on  the  old 
Armstr<mg  farm.  Grandmother  Armstrong  and 
her  children  were  at  one  time  ca|)tured  by  the  In- 
dians and  lu^ld  piisoners  three  years,  this  being 
prior  to  the  birth  of  her  son  James.  Her  liusban<l 
had  gone  to  the  mill  and  upon  rt'tui-ning  he  found 
his  house  burned  to  the  groud  and  his  wife  and 
four  childi-en  missing,  (irandmother  Armstrong 
finally'  made  her  escape  and  walked  the  whole  dis- 
stance  of  about  5110  miles  to  her  h(jme  in  Pcnnsyl- 
vaina,  where  she  and  her  husband  were  reu}iited. 
.\fter  the  birth  of  their  son  .lames,  the  grandfather 
I    of  our  sul)jcct,    the  family  removed     to    Kentucky, 



and  in  company  with  a  party  of  six  men  went  up 
the  Ohio  and  Sciota  rivers  in  a  keel  boat  to  Chilli- 
eothe,  wliere  the  iirandparenis  spent  their  last 

It  is  believed  that  Orandfiitlier  .lanies  Armstrong 
was  married  in  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.  Ilis 
wife  was  Naney  Fulton,  a  near  relative  of  Robert 
Fulton,  tlie  inventor  of  the  steamboat.  They  be- 
came the  parents  of  seven  ciiiidren,  namely:  .lohn, 
Roliert.  tlie  father  of  our  subject,  James.  Jr.,  Jane, 
Maria,  Eliza  and  Rachel,  all  of  whom  are  now  de- 
ceased. The  great-grandfather  was  born  in  En- 
gland and  emigrated  to  America  at  an  early  dale. 
The  Fulton  f.amily  was  of  Irish  ancestry.  Robert 
Armstrong  was  born  in  Ross  County.  Ohio,  in 
1801,  on  the  old  farm  three  miles  north  of  Chilli- 
cothe  and  was  there  reared  to  manhood.  He  mar- 
ried Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Th(imas  and 
Riioda  Earl,  in  1824.  The  young  people  soon 
afterward  removed  to  Madison  Count}',  that  State, 
and  settled  upon  a  farm.  There  were  born  to 
them  ten  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Fulton,  is 
now  the  owner  of  the  old  homestea(i ;  Thomas,  our 
subject,  was  the  second  cliild;  M.aria  married  Ed- 
ward Cowling,  and  died  in  Ohio;  Albert  came  to 
this  county,  and  died  in  1853;  Robert  is  a  resident 
of  Missouri;  Elizabeth  married  John  McMiilen, 
and  lives  in  Kansas  C'it^',  Mo.;  William  is  a  resi- 
dent of  IJloomiiigton,  111. ;  James  lives  in  Ilenr}- 
County,  Mo.;  John  F.  is  in  T^ivingston  Counly, 
this  State;  Mary  J.  married  Rile\-  McMiilen,  and 
lives  in  Henry  County,  Mo. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Earl)  Armstrong,  the  mother 
of  our  subject,  departed  this  life  wliile  a  3'oung 
woman,  in  1844,  and  was  buried  at  London,  Ohio; 
the  fatlu'i'  survived  foi-  m.  pciiod  of  twenty-two 
years,  dying  in  18G(!.  Thomas,  our  subject,  was 
born  April  18,  182(i.  and  reared  in  Madison 
County,  Ohio.  In  1848  he  ni.ade  his  way  to  this 
State  and  settled  in  Hancock  County,  where  he 
lived  two  years,  and  upon  iiis  removal  thence 
came  to  tliis  county.  Here  he  formed  the  acipiaint- 
ance  of  Miss  Is'ancy  Smith,  daughter  of  William 
Smith,  to  whom  he  was  marrie<l  August  24,  18uO. 
They  have  four  childi-eu  living,  the  eldest  of 
whom.  Isabelle,  was  fii-st  married  to  Calvin  Lamb, 
in  March,   1878.      He  died,  and  she  was   then  mar- 

ried to  James  Alison,  in  March.  1888;  they  are 
living  at  Armstrong,  this  county.  Thomas  J., 
James  L.  and  Catherine  M..  Mrs.  Charles  A.  Baker, 
renriin  upon  the  homestead.  The  deceased  are. 
l\Lary,  who  died  in  the  fourteenth  year  of  her  ajje, 
and  an  infant  son  who  died  unnamed;  the  wife  and 
mother  departed  this  life,  Nov.  27,  1878. 

Our  subject  was  soon  recognized  as  a  valued 
addition  to  the  community  of  Ross  Townshii)  and 
was  tendered  from  time  to  time  nearly  all  the  loeal 
offlces.  He,  liowever,  had  about  all  he  could  at- 
tend to  in  the  management  of  his  f.arm,  and  sirajjly 
discharged  the  duties  of  Tax  Collector  for  a  num- 
ber of  years,  declining  other  responsibilities.  He 
is  one  of  the  most  extensive  land-owners  in  the 
county,  having  in  his  home  farm  1,546  acres,  in  a 
high  state  of  cultivation.  He  came  to  this  county 
with  a  capital  of  $1,500  given  him  by  his  father, 
and  aside  from  the  farm  mentioned  775  acres, 
upon  a  part  of  which  the  village  of  Armstrong,  in 
ISIiddle  Fork  Township,  is  now  located.  For  the 
last  few  years  he  has  been  largely  interested  in 
live-stock,  mainly  cattis  and  swine.  On  his  home 
farm  are  five  tenement  houses  besides  his  own  ])ri- 
vate  residence,  which  is  beautifully  situated  about 
forty  rods  from  the  road,  witii  a  handsome  drive 
and  a  beautiful  lawn  with  shrubbery  and  ornamen- 
tal trees.  The  graded  road  which  leads  from  his 
house  to  the  village  of  Rossville,  about  one  mile 
distant,  is  the  result  of  his  enterprise. 

Mrs.  Armstrong  was  a  member  in  good  standing 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  in  politics  our  sub- 
ject is  an  ardent  Republican.  No  man  done 
more  in  the  building  up  of  his  township  than  he. 
lie  [Hit  uj)  the  first  two  houses  in  the  village  of 
Ro.ssville,  the  site  of  which  was  donated  by  Alvin 
Gilbert  and  Joseph  Satterthwaite,  in  1858.  That 
lirst  house  is  still  standing,  but  the  other  re- 
moved a  few  years  ago.  Upon  the  farm  of  our 
subject  is  a  tile  factory,  from  which  Mr.  Arm- 
strong has  manufactured  sS  15,0110  worth  of  tiling, 
the  most  of  which  has  been  used  in  the  drainage  of 
his  home  farm,  while  on  his  other  farm  he  laid 
$1(1,(100  worth. 

On  the  2(itli  of  September,  1864,  at  a  meeting- 
held  in  Rossville  a  committee  was  formed  to  solicit 
funds    for   the  prosecution    of    the    L'nion    cause. 



Alvin  (Jillicrt  was  clKisen  Clmiriiuin  nii<l  Mr.  Arm-       check    for  enoiigl 

strong  one  of  llic  UKinihers.  The  comniiUcc  raisec) 
by  snliscription  in  Ross  and  (Jraiit  townships  the 
sum    of     17,708.50,    and     ^^r.    (iilbert     gave    his 

We  give  below 
the  amount  they 
oientcomtncnt  npi 

Alvin  (iilbert 

S.  I).  'I'honipson  .  .  .  . 

T.  U.  Bicknel 

Miller  Finley 

L.  S.  Metealf 

Thomas  Aiwiistrong. 


.  30 
.  30 
.  50 
.  30 
.    GO 

Abram  Mann 'JO 

John  Mann 90 

Richard  Bieknell 30 

.lames  B.  Davis 30 

J.  J.  Davison 30 

Z.  B.  IloUiway 30 

Perry  Cos.satt 30 

\\'illiam  Sperry 30 

ILC'ossett..  ..' 30 

Hugh   McGrannahan 30 

\\'illiani  Anderson 10 

.1.  II.   Fairchilds 5 

William  H.  Martin 30 

.lohn  Martin 30 

Curtis  Klliott 5 

Charles   Ilavanna 30 

John  D.  Collet 30 

'I'homas  .Smith 30 

.lames  Haas 30 

John  Cork 30 

Weslej-  Swisher 30 

Elijah'Hale 30 

Thomas  Edward 30 

William  Harrison 30 

Fulton  Armstrong 40 

E.  S.  Towersen 30 

Fred  Grooms 30 

U.  B.  Rav 30 

William  'I'ilkerlon 30 

Thomas  Williams 30 

.lames  Carter 30 

Parker  Satterwhite 30 

J.  A.  Bradley 30 

Wesley  T.  Harri.s 30 

Samuel  Thomas 30 

George  Steely 30 

Mahlon  Lewen 30 

George  Ruth 30 

William   Smith 30 

Frederick  Tilton 30 

John  S.  TovYnsend 30 

Abel  Tilton 30 

Samuel   Bennett 30 

Simon  Bennett    30 

S.  W.  Catches 30 

William  Edwards 30 

V.  R.  Boardman 30 

J.  R.  Hoover 30 

Davis  Per  vines 30 

James  II.  Petty 30 

W.  H.  Compton 30 

Edward   Fisher 30 

S.  V.  Davison 30 

James  R.  Crandal 30 

Johnson  Henderson 30 

James  Conel 30 

Henry  Boyd 30 

Isaac  Cruder 30 

William  I.  Allen 30 

Thomas  Campbell 30 

.lohn  Yates 30 

John  Litle 30 

Chancy  Dayton 30 

George  R.  Messic 30 

John  Putnam 30 

Al  Davis 30 

Frank  Jlay 30 

Ephraim   Edwards 30 

Samuel  Alerchant 30 

John  Bivens 30 

John  Smith 30 

W.D.  Foulke 30 

Andrew  Kerr 30 

William  Ludlow 30 

William  York 30 

L.  M.  Thompson 30 

John  Sines 30 

Thomas  MeKibben 25 

Van  B.  Hass 30 

Bennet  B.   Crook 30 

J.  R.  Stewart : 10 

C.  O.  Davis 30 

John  Ellison 30 

Harr}'  lirijwn 30 

William  Ross 30 

Jacob   Boltroff 30 

William  \'ining 30 

R.  Pendergrass 30 

Henry   Dayton 30 

Watts  Finiey 30 

E.  B.  Jenkins 30 

.lohn  Bridgeman 30 

1  to  swell  the  amount  to  18,000. 
the  names  of  contributors  and 
thus  donated,  and  which  is  suffic- 
»n  the  spirit  of  that  time  and  place: 

I).  F.  Baker 30 

I'hilii)  Holmes 30 

G.  C.  Davis 30 

Daniel  Knight 30 

W.  A.  Boardman 20 

James  Dayton 30 

A.  H.  Grenana 30 

W.  I).  Hanley 30 

A.  M.  Davis 30 

George  Inglas 30 

John  Davidson 30 

W.  W.  Harris 30 

E.  F.  Yates   30 

Brien  Carter 30 

Jacob  Dale 30 

O.  P.  Stufflebeam 30 

Miles  Stufflebeam 30 

George  A.  Collins .- .  30 

Henry  Calarsttern 30 

Isaac  Dale 30 

Josiah  Rivens 30 

.lames  M.  Lane 30 

Andrew  Lane 30 

Joseph  Lane 30 

Enoch  Watkins 30 

Henry  Conner 30 

Isaac  Clapp 30 

William  Kight 30 

John  Holmes 30 

Ed  F'oster 30 

J.  W.  MeKibben 30 

William  H.  Collins 30 

John  W.  Collins 30 

M.  M.  Allison 30 

E.  McElhauey 30' 

John  EUwell 30 

J.  J.  Grant 30 

S.  Andrews 30 

Lemuel  S.  Bigges 30 

AVilliam  P.  Hanah 30 

.1.  W.  McTagget 30 

John  A.  Clapp 30 

William   Salmons 30 

J.  H.  .lohnston 30 

F.  A.  Bandolph 30 

Enoch  Bullock 30 

Bernard  Pullers 30 

Thomas  J.  Jones 30 

J.  J.  Jones 30 



There  were  a  few  more  wliose  names  are  not 
herein  mentioned  and  wliose  contribntions  were 
o))tained  oh  the  second  round,  nearly  every  one  of 
whom  gave  as  much  more  as  is  mentioned  in  the 
foregoinn;  list,  until  the  desired  sum  was  raised  to 
clear  the  township  from  a  draft.  Prior  to  this 
there  had  been  raised  about  4;.'),0()(i  in  the  township 
in  the  way  of  bounties. 

Mr.  Armstrong  has  always  taken  an  .active  part 
in  the  support  of  the  schools  and  churches  of  Ross- 
ville  and  all  the  other  measures  calculated  for  the 
advancement  of  the  peoi)lc,  .sociall)',  morally  and 
financially.  He  controls  the  operations  of  his 
farm,  hiring  the  men  who  live  in  his  houses  for 
cash  and  each  one  jiaying  his  rent  in  the  same  way. 
The  work  is  let  out  by  the  job,  and  accordingly 
the  man  who  works  the  hardest  makes  tiie  most 
money.  The  plowing  is  done  l)y  the  acre,  the  corn 
cultivated  in  the  same  manner  and  gathered  by 
the  bushel.  Each  man  furnishes  his  own  team  and 
imjilements.  Mr.  Armstrong  pa3's  for  breaking,  #1 
l)eracre;  cutting  of  corn-stalks,  1,5  cents  per  acre; 
harrowing,  15  cents  per  acre;  planting,  17  cents  per 
acre;  cultivating,  35  cents  per  acre  for  each  time 
gone  over.  ]Mr.  Armstrong  determines  as  to  the 
lime  and  manner  in  whieli  all  the  work  shall  be 
(lone.  This  simple  method  of  transacting  business 
is  at  once  understood  \>y  all  concerned  and  si^ttle- 
7nents  are  made  without  any  trouble.  The  career 
of  Mr.  Armstrong  has  been  from  the  start  distin- 
guished by  this  s^-stematic  manner  of  transacting 
business,  and  thus  he  knows  at  .all  times  iiow  lie  is 
standing  financially. 

^^KORGE  D.  HUEFMAN.  To  most  minds 
(ll  <^  there  is  something  very  praiseworthy  in  not 
^^jl  only  the  accumulation  of  i)ro[)erty,  but  in 
transmitting  that  property  from  one  generation  to 
another;  and  almost  invariably  the  homestead 
which  remains  with  one  family  is  regarded  by  the 
people  as  something  possessing  more  than  ordinary 
interest  and  value.  The  subject  of  this  notice 
owns  and  occupies  the  old  homestead  of  his  father, 
which  was  liuilt    up    iiy    the   latter   from  a  tract  of 

wild,  uncultivated  land,  and  which  now  stands  as 
an  illustration  of  what  persevering  industiy  and 
determination  in.ay  accomplish.  The  Huffman 
family  are  widely  and  favorably  known  in  their 
co7nmunity,  and  represent  its  best  elements. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Harrison 
County,  Ky.,  May  14,  1829,  and  was  brought  by 
his  parents  to  Illinois  when  a  child  four  years  of 
age.  He  is  the  son  of  Daniel  P.  and  Elizabeth 
Huffman,  who  left  the  Blue  Grass  State  in  the  fall 
of  1 832,  and  coming  to  this  county,  settled  in  Newell 
Township,  not  far  from  the  present  site  of  the  fam- 
ily residence.  The  father  only  lived  four  years 
thereafter,  his  decease  taking  place  in  1836.  The 
niotliei'  survived  her  husband  twenty-one  years, 
dying  in  1857.  There  being  no  burying  ground 
within  ten  miles,  the  remains  of  the  parents  were 
laid  to  rest  in  a  pleasant  spot  on  the  farm,  a  few 
3ards  from  the  present  residence,  and  a  fine  monu- 
ment marks  the  spot.  The  father's  first 
was  169  acres  of  land,  and  the  property  has  never 
changed  hands  except   to  pass  from   father  to  .son. 

Our  subject,  after  the  death  of  his  father,  was  at 
an  early  .age  invested  with  much  responsibility-, and 
remained  the  main  stay  and  su))|)ort  of  his  mother 
until  her  death.  The  farm  was  mostly  developed 
by  him,  and  was  literally  transformed  from  a  wil- 
derness to  a  valuable  homestead.  In  his  boyhood 
h(^  attended  the  subscription  school  two  winters, 
and  this  comprised  the  greater  part  of  his  educa- 
tion. He  has,  however,  been  a  reader,  and  keeps 
himself  well  informed  upon  matters  of  general  in- 
terest. He  put  up  the  comfortable  house  in  which 
he  now  lives,  .and  added  all  the  other  iin])rovements 
which  have  combined  to  made  a  valuable  estate. 

Mr.  Huffman  has  been  a  man  quite  prominent  in 
his  community,  serving  as  R<iad  Commissioner  six- 
years,  .and  been  a  school  Director  in  his  district 
for  a  period  of  thirty  years.  He  has  taken  a  par- 
ticular interest  in  education,  balieving  that  the 
young  should  be  given  all  the  advantages  which 
will  fit  them  for  honest  and  iutelligciit  citizens.  In 
politics  he  is  a  sound  Democrat,  and  in  religious 
matters  is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Chuich. 

The  18th  of  iSeptember,  1!^(;5,  was  a  day  memo- 
rable in  the  life  of  our  suliject,  made  so  by  his 
marriage  with    Miss    Mary,    daiighlfr  of   .loliii  and 



I')li/.;ilietli  (\ix.  'I'liis  huly  i-i'inovc(r\vitli  licr  pnix'iits 
from  Ohio  to  Iiiiii.iiia.  and  after  a  coiupiiiativcly 
hiiuf  sojouin  thcrt^  the}'  e.'iiiie  to  lliis  county.  To 
Mr.  and  .Mrs.  lliiffiiian  tlicre  li;i\i'  been  liorn  seven 
eliililicn,  the  two  ehleslof  whom  .lohn  F.  and  Daniel 
P.  died  at  the  a<;;e  of  sixteen  months.  ( Jeorge  D.  died 
when  Ihree  nuHiths  ohi ;  iMuily  .1.  is  tlie  wife  of 
.lohn  F.  (Iruler;  Mary  E.  ma'ried  Charles  Uiehie; 
KdiKi  A.  died  when  liiree  years  old;  Filie  M.  re- 
mains at  home  wilh  her  paients.  .\ll  of  the  ile- 
eeased  children  werelmried  in  the  family"  cemeleiT, 
ami  beautiful  stones  mark  the  spot. 

--»/vv -A«jie£'©i@^ 

KNMS    II.   lUHSF. 


Pleasant  is  the  task 
)Jj  of  the  biographer  when  employed  iu  re- 
counting the  life  and  liistory  of  those  who, 
bravely  enduring  the  hardships  and  iniv.a- 
tions  of  pioneer  life  iu  western  wilds,  have  b}' 
laborious  industry  and  sagacious  management  of 
affairs,  secured  a  competence  for  their  declining 
years,  together  with  the  respect  and  confidence  of 
their  fellow-citizens.  Such  a  career  is  the  one  now 
given  us  to  contemplate,  and  thus  it  began:  To 
Re:isou  and  Martha  (Olehy)  Rouse,  of  Scioto 
County,  Ohio,  Feb.  11,  1828,  was  born  a  son,  our 
subject.  His  father  is  thought  to  have  been  born 
in  Delaware,  iis  it  is  known  that  his  grandfather, 
Solomon  Rouse,  supi)Osed  from  the  best  informa- 
tion at  hand  to  have  been  a  native  of  England,  re- 
moved in  181,")  from  Delaware  to  Ohio.  He  was 
an  early  settler  in  the  Scioto  \'alle3',  where  he, 
bought  a  tract  of  timber  land  and  imjiroved  it  as  a 
farm,  spending  thereon  the  remainder  of  his  life. 
Here  his  son  Iveason  grew  u|)and  married,  his  bride 
being  a  native  of  Frederic  County,  \'a.  Slie  was  a 
daughter  of  Dennis  Olehy,  who  was  born  in  Ire- 
land, near  Kilkenny,  and  coming  to  America  in 
1790,  settled  in  that  county,  anrl  lived  thereuntil 
his  death.  In  1831  Jlr.  Rouse  sold  out  his  interest 
in  Ohio  and  prepared  to  remove  with  his  family  to 
Illinois.  .Inst  on  the  eve  of  their  intended  depar- 
ture he  sickened  and  died.  Two  weeks  later  iNIrs.  started  with  her  six  children  and  made  the 
entire  journey  with  teams,  driving  the  stock  before 

them.  At  that  time  this  part  of  the  country  was 
but  sparsely  po|iul!\lcd,  the  land  being  yet  owned 
by  the  (ioN  I'rnmenl,  the  settlers  selecting  tin'  tim- 
ber along  the  streams.  Mrs.  Rouso  bought  rt^hty 
acres  of  forest  covered  land,  two  ami  one-half 
miles  from  the  present  site  of  the  court-house  in 
D.anviilo.  The  family  s|)eiit  the  winter  in  a  vacant 
log  cabin  near  hy.  Before  the  dost'  of  the  seasoii 
the  mother  was  taken  ill,  and  in  April,  18:^2,  she 
died.  After  that  sad  event  five  of  thi'  oi-[ihau 
children  retuined  to  Ohio,  a]id  resideil  for  the  t)ext 
three  years  with  uncles  and  aunts,  at  the  und  of 
that  time  coming  back  to  Illinois.  Our  subject 
was  taken  into  the  family  of  his  uncle,  Dennis 
Olehy,  in  this  count\',  whose  sketch  appeal's  else-' 
where  in  this  volume.  Here  he  rcui.-iined  until  he 
attained  the  age  of  nineteen  years.  The  log  house 
in  wliicli  he  received  his  first  schooling  was  a  most 
primitive  structure,  window  glasses  being  conspic- 
uously al)seut,  a  piece  of  paper,  smeared  withgre.ase, 
inserted  in  an  aperture  ma<le  by  taking  out  a  |)iecc 
of  a  log,  admitting  the  light  somewhat  dimly. 
Benches  for  seats  were  made  of  split  poles  fitted 
with  wooden  legs.  When  not  in  school  joung 
House  worked  with  his  uncle  on  the  farm,  improv- 
ing the  land.  He  distinctly  remembers  being  sent 
out  frequently  in  early  si)ring'  to  drive  deer  iroiii 
the  wheat  field.  Wild  turkeys  were  common,  so 
that  the  tables  of  our  pioneers  can  hardly  have 
lacketl  for  game.  For  many  years  LaFayette, 
Ind.,  was  the  nearest  market.  A  great  deal  of 
produce  was  taken  on  flatboals  to  New  Orleans. 
The  boats  were  built  on  the  W'rmilion  River,  lloated 
ilown  that  stream  and  the  Wabash  to  the  Ohio  and 
Mississijipi.  At  nineteen  our  sul)ject  took  a  new 
start  in  life  \)y  working  out  at  i5-7  a  nionth,  continu- 
ing this  for  the  next  three  years,  lie  then  hired 
land  and  cultivated  f<u'  five  years.  In  this  way  he 
acquired  means  which  enabled  him  to  obtain  a 
farm  for  himself.  He  bought'eighty 'acres  of  wild 
prairie  land  in  Catliu  Township  for  |1  an  acre. 
On  this  he  built  a  frame  house,  in  which  he  lived 
with  his  family  until  18»'J,  when  he  left  the  farm 
iu  charge  of  his  son  Ueason,  and  moved  wilh  the 
other  members  of  his  household  into  Danville, 
where  he  now  resides. 

On  the  30th  of  October,    I8,')0,   took    place   the 



marriage  of  Dennis  Rouse  and  Louisa  Oleh}',  of 
Scioto  County,  Ohio.  Two  children  were  the  fruit 
of  this  union — Reason  A.  and  Dennis  A.  Reason 
married  Feb.  20,  1889,  Dolly  .1.  Stewart,  and  lives 
on  the  home  farm  near  Catliu.  Mrs.  Rouse  was  a 
daughter  of  John  and  Mary  (Ritter)  Olehy,  of 
Scioto  County,  Ohio.  A  virtuous  woman,  looking 
well  to  the  wa^-s  of  her  household,  she  has  mater- 
ially aided  iiei'  husband  in  the  building  of  their 
common  fortune. 

Mr.  Rouse  has  met  with  more  than  ordinary  suc- 
cess in  the  prosecution  of  his  calling,  and  has  con- 
tinued to  add  at  intervals  to  his  original  purchase 
until  he  is  now  the  owner  of  1,090  acres  of  well- 
improved  farm  land,  besides  his  city  property. 
Having-  begun  life  a  poor  boy  with  two  strong 
hands,  a  stout  heart,  a)id  little  more,  he  may  point 
to  his  i)ossessions  with  partlonable  pride  as  the  rich 
result  of  self-denj'ing  toil.  A  pioneer  farmer,  one 
who  has  taken  the  lead  in  reclaiming  the  wilderness, 
causing  hitherto  untilled  soil  to  laugh  with  the 
harvest,  is  a  public  benefactor.  His  estate  is  more 
honorable  than  that  of  the  lucky  speculator  in 
Wall  Street.  Laboring  not  for  selfish  ends  alone, 
he  has  the  satisfaction  of  knowing  that  he  has 
materially  increased  the  sum  of  the  world's  wealth, 
and  has  so  far  made  it  practically  a  better  world 
to  live  in. 

]ERIAH  HAW.ORTH  resides  on  section  14, 
range  12,  El  wood  Township,  Vermilion 
f®)Jly  County,  near  the  place  where  he  was  born, 
—^  Sept.  15,  1847.  The  father  of  Beriah  was 
named  David,  who  is  now  deceased.  Our  subject 
was  educated  in  Vermilion  Grove  Seminary,  and 
has  always  followed  farming  as  his  occupation,  and 
has  lived  in  this  township  on  his  present  farm  as 
long  as  he  can  remember. 

Our  subject  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Anna  Lewis  (Oct.  30,  1879),  daughter  of  William 
Lewis  (deceased)  a  jjioneer  of  Crab  Apple  Grove, 
just  across  the  line  in  Edgar  County,  111.,  but  has 
lived  mostly  in  this  county.  Three  children  have 
come  to  brighten  the  home  of  our  subject,  uamed 

respectively:  Carrie  M.,  born  Sept,  13,  1882;  Ho- 
mer, Oct.  12,  1884;  and   Mary,  Dec.  (J,  1888. 

Mr.  Haworth  owns  a  farm  of  seventy-five  acres 
of  good  land,  and  in  connection  with  his  agricultu- 
ral pursuits  is  engaged  in  stock-raising.  His  favor- 
ites are  the  Cl^'desdale  and  Morgan  horses,  Short- 
horn cattle  and  Poland-China  swine. 

Our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are  devoted 
members  of  the  Quaker  Church.  Mr.  Haworth, 
politically,  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket, 
but  has  carefully  refrained  from  the  cares  and  re- 
sponsibilities of  office,  preferring  to  give  his  time 
and  attention  to  his  farming  interests. 


among  the  leading  agriculturists  of  Catlin 
Township.  He  is  a  native-liorn  citizen  of  Vermil- 
ion County;  the  most  of  his  life  has  been  pissed 
within  its  limits,  and  he  is  one  of  the  many  who 
have  furthered  its  progress  in  various  directions, 
till  it  stands  in  the  foremost  rank  among  its  sister 
counties  in  this  [)art  of  Illinois.  He  and  his  family 
are  living  on  the  old  Sandusky  homestead,  on  sec- 
tion 3,  one  of  the  pleasantest  and  most  desirable 
estates  in  the  vicinity,  which  he  purchased  some 
years  ago,  and  has  since  greatly  increased  its  value. 
It  comprises  240  acres  of  land  of  exceeding  fer- 
tility, well  adapted  to  general  farming,  to  which 
Mr.  Pratt  devotes  it.  He  has  been  extensively  en- 
gaged in  buying  and  shipping  stock  of  all  kinds, 
and  now  makes  a  specialty  of  raising  Short-horn 
cattle.  Our  subject  owns,  besides  his  homestead, 
seventy-three  acres  of  fine  land. 

Mr. Pratt  comes  of  sturdy  Indiana  stock,  his 
father,  Jonathan  Pratt,  and  his  mother,  Nanc}- 
(Stevens)  Pratt,  b<ilh  being  natives  of  that  State 
the  former  being  born  in  Ripley  County,  and  the 
latter  in  Jasper  County.  They  met  and  were  mar- 
ried at  Danville,  in  this  county,  and  were  among 
the  earliest  settlers  of  this  (lortioii  of  the  State. 
They  began  their  wedded  life  at  Brook's  Point, 
but  subsequently  removed  from  there  into  the  Big 
i    Vermilion  River  district,  and    while  living  there, 



Mr.  I'ratt  ciilistfd  in  ilie  Rangers  soon  after  the 
lihifk  Hawk  War.  lie  liad  served  nearly  a  year, 
proving;  to  lie  a  fearless,  ellicient  soldier,  when  he 
die<l  of  cholera,  near  Galena,  within  six  days  of 
the  expiration  of  iii.s  term  of  serviee.  The  mother 
afterward  married  .lohn  MeCarty,  and  removing 
to.  the  vicinity  of  \Ve.stville,  spent  her  last  days 

Our  subject  was  the  \-oungest  of  the  two  chil- 
dren lioni  to  his  (lareuts,  a  girl  and  a  hoy,  and 
lii.s  hirth  took  place  Nov.  (!,  l.S.Tl,  at  what 
then  known  as  Brook'.s  Point,  lie  was  reared  to 
manhood  in  that  place  and  in  the  vicinity  of  the 
I?ig  Vermilion  River,  and  received  as  good  school- 
ing as  was  obtainable  in  those  pioneer  days.  At 
one  time  he  was  engaged  for  a  year  in  the  butciier- 
ing  business  in  Danville,  and  was  also  interested 
in  a  market  in  tlial  city.  He  subsequently  went 
to  \Vestville,in  Georgetown  Township,  this  county, 
and  was  engaged  in  buying  and  grain  from 
that  point  the  ensuing  five  years.  For  about  fifteen 
years  be  was  engaged  in  buying  and  shipping  stock 
of  all  kinds  in  connection  with  farming.  He  con- 
tinued to  reside  in  Georgetown  Township  with  his 
family  till  the  spring  of  1880,  when  he  removed 
with  them  to  this  township,  having  purchased  the 
old  Sandusky  farm,  as  before  mentioned.  He  has 
his  land  under  adniiralile  tillage,  has  a  good  class 
of  neat  .and  conveniently  arranged  buildings,  and 
a  home  re|)lete  with  all  the  comforts  that  add  so 
largely  to  the  enjoyment  of  life. 

Mr.  Pratt  was  first  married  at  Brook's  Point, 
Feb.  20,  1851,  to  Miss  Nancy  Scott,  who  was  born 
in  that  place  Jan.  2.'),  18"2;i.  There  her  life  was 
brou'dit  to  a  iieaceful  close  ere  it  had  fairly  reached 
its  meridian,  and  she  fell  into  that  sleep  that  knows 
no  w.aking,  Dec.  a,  1870.  ICight  children  were 
born  of  her  marriage  with  our  subject,  as  follows: 
Laura,  wife  of  ,1.  15.  Clayton;  .lonathan,  who  mar- 
ried Agnes  Cherington;  Maigaret,  the  wife  of 
Wesley  'I'hompson;  Vista,  the  wife  of  M.  1).  Hut- 
sonpiUar;  Henry  C;  Mary  E.,  the  wife  of  Clay 
Sandusky;  Charles  II.;  and  Lewis.  May  20,  1871, 
Mr.  I'ratt  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Mary 
E.  Clayton,  his  present  wife.  She  is  a  native  of 
Ohio,  a  (huighler  of  Jonathan  ('.  and  Esther  (Sny- 
der) Clavton.  the  former  a  native  of  Virginia,  the 

latter  of  Ohio.  They  came  to  ^'ermilion  County 
from  Ohio  in  lx.")l,  when  Mis.  Pratt  was  a  child  of 
nineyeais,  and  tluy  spent  their  last  years  iu  George- 
town T()wnshi|).  I'hey  had  nine  children,  six 
daughters  and  three  sons.  Mary  E.  being  the  sev- 
enth in  order  of  birth.  She  was  horn  in  Licking 
County,  Ohio,  .\ug.  lU,  184;").  Her  union  with  our 
subject  has  been  blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of 
two  children,  Esther  N.  and   Thomas  C. 

Mr.  Pratt  is  a  man  of  strong,  decisive  character, 
has  a  well-balanced  mind,  and  is  quite  capable  of 
thinking  and  acting  for  himself,  and  especially  is 
this  true  in  regard  to  his  political  convictions,  and 
he  is  a  firm  advocate  of  the  Democrat  policy  in  the 
man.agement  of  national  affairs.  He  bears  an  un- 
sullied reputation,  and  is  considered  in  every  way 
a  desirable  ac(piisition  to  the  citizenship  of  this 

^^  ISS  SARAH  WEBSTER  is  the  daughter  of 
Reuben  and  Elizabeth  (White)  Webster, 
natives  of  Indiana  and  Ohio  respectively; 
they  eloped  and  were  married  in  the  former 
State  and  after  a  short  stay  returned  home  and 
were  forgiven.  The  father  farmed  in  Greene 
Count}',  Ohio,  for  some  time,  when  he  went  io 
visit  a  brother  in  Indiana,  where  he  suddenly  died 
attheageof  about  fifty-six;  he  was  a  devoted  member 
of  the  Baptist  C'hurcli,  in  which  faith  he  died.  The 
mother  is  still  living  in  Dayton,  Ohio;  she  is  a  de- 
vout member  of  the  IMethodist  E|)iscopal  Church. 
The  father  agreed  with  the  rest  of  the  celebrated 
Webster  family  of  whirh  he  was  a  meudier,  and 
was  in  polities  a  strong  anti-slavery  man,  a  \\'hig 
and  a  Republican.  Seven  children  resulted  from  the 
union  of  the  elder  Webster  and  wife,  named  as  fol- 
lows: Nancy  A.,  Sarah,  our  subject,  John.  Minerva, 
Adelaide;  Matilda  died  at  the  age  of  seventeen; 
and  (ieorge,  who  died,  when  seven  years  old. 
Nancy  married  Mr.  Ethan  Cross,  iu  Greene  County, 
Ohio.  They  came  to  Illinois  and  settled  in  Ver- 
nulion  County,  Sidell  Township,  where  Mrs.  Cross 
died  and  was  soon  followed  by  her  husband;  they 
had  six  children.  John  enlisted  in  the  army  at  the 
.age  of  twentv-three,  and  killed  in  the  first  .act 



ive  ciigai::eraciit  in  which  he  participated;  Minerva 
became  the  wife  of  William  Mullen  and  resides  in 
Sidell  Township  on  a  farm;  Adelaide  is  at  home  in 
Dayton,  Ohio. 

The  families  of  the  yidells'  and  the  Websters'  had 
lived  neiglibors  in  Ohio  for  some  time,  and  a  strong 
affection  grew  up  bttween  the  two  mistresses.  Mrs. 
Sidell  having  no  girls,  our  subject  then  a  child  of 
eight  years,  was  by  mutual  consent  adopted  into 
the  Sidell  family,  and  was  a  lady  of  twenty-two 
years  of  age,  when  John  Sidell,  the  cattle  king  of 
Illinois,  removed  to  the  township  which  later  bore 
his  name.  Mrs.  Sidell  died  in  Ohio,  and  Air.  Sidell 
was  a  second  time  married,  his  wife  dying  a  few 
years  after  coming  to  this  State,  leaving  three 
children.  Our  subject  ctmtinucd  to  be  the  mistress 
of  the  Sidell  mansion  until  the  death  of  the  owner, 
which  occurred  in  .Ian.  1  88'J.  She  has,  therefore, 
been  almost  a  mother  to  the  children  liy  the  second 

Miss  Webster  is  vei-y  prominent  in  the  religious 
and  social  circles  of  Sidell,  being  President  of  the 
Ladies  Aid  Societ}'  and  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcoi)al  C'liurch.  She  is  also  prominently  iden- 
tified with  the  MetlK.idist  Episcopal  Sunday-school 
of  Sidell. 

/p^KOKGE  W.  SM 
III  g— ,  and  representati' 
^^^5)    sli'P  's  residing 

'^KOKGE  W.  SMITH,  one  of  the  worthy 
ati ve  citizens  of  Elwood  Town- 
on  section  18.  He  is  a 
native  of  Washington  County,  East  Tenn.,  where 
he  was  born,  Sept.  27,  1819.  His  father,  Jesse 
Smith,  was  a  native  of  Virginia,  having  Ijecn  born 
near  Winchester  in  1794.  He  followed  the  occu- 
pation of  a  tanner  and  farmer  and  migrated  to 
Tennessee  when  a  boy.  Thence  he  came  in  1832 
to  this  county  and  settled  on  section  18  which  af- 
terward became  the  property  of  our  subject.  Upon 
his  settling  here  the  land  was  in  its  primitive  con- 
dition; Indians  were  numerous;  deer,  turkeys  and 
thousands  of  prairie  chickens  could  be  had  for  the 
shot)ting.  Mr.  Smith's  entry  of  land  consisted  of 
160  acres  and  which  was  subsequently  added  to  b}' 
the  |)urchase  of  many  more  acres.  The  mother  of 
our  subject,  whose  maiden    name  was  Mary  Carri- 

ger,  was  the  daughter  of  Michael  Carriger,  now  de- 
ceased. She  was  one  of  a  family  of  seven  children, 
five  of  whom  are  living,  namely:  William,  .bihn, 
Isaac,  and  Elizabeth,  now  Mrs.  Baum. 

Our  subject  received  a  limited  education  in  the 
subscription  school  held  in  a  log  cabin  with  its  slab 
seats,  wall  desks,  etc.  This  early  training  was  sup- 
plemented by  attendance  at  the  schools  in  George- 
town, and  Vermilion  (xrove  which  education  fitted 
him  the  better  for  coping  with  life's  difficulties 
when  he  shouhl  launch  out  for  himself.  Our  sub- 
ject chose  farming  and  stock  rai.sing  for  his  occu- 
pation and  has  had  no  reason  to  regret  his  choice. 
In  those  early  days  there  were  no  steam  cars  rush- 
ing over  the  country-  and  emigrants  came  in  wagons 
bringing  their  few  household  effects  along  with 
them.  In  order  to  lind  a  market  for  their  stock 
they  had  to  drive  them  to  Wisconsin.  Pork  sold 
for  $1.50  per  hundred  and  good  cows  for  HO. 
The}'  also  hauled  produce  to  Chicago  and  our  sub- 
ject often  drove  a  team  to  and  from  that  now 
great  city,  and  on  the  return  trip  loaded  his  wagon 
with  salt.  Upon  his  first  trip  to  Chicago,  that  city 
was  about  the  size  of  Ridge  Earm  at  the  present 
time.  (1889.) 

On  the  15th  day  of  January,  1352,  our  subject 
took  a  very  important  step  in  his  life,  namely  his 
marriage  to  Elizabeth  Hester.  Mrs.  Smith's  father, 
John  Hester,  was  a  pioneer  of  Tazewell  County, 
this  State.  Mrs.  Smith  was  born  in  that  county  and 
b)'  her  union  with  our  subject  has  become  the 
mother  of  six  children,  who  bear  the  names  of  Mar^' 
J.,  Erancis  P.,  Amanda,  Isaac,  Perry  and  Delia. 
Mrs.  Smith  passed  from  earth  Eeb.  1,  1888.  Both 
our  sulijeetand  his  wife  have  for  many  years  been 
active  and  consistent  members  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church  at  Ridge  Farm. 

Mr.  Smith  holds  a  leading  position  among  the 
citizens  of  his  township  and  is  one  of  its  represent- 
ative farmers,  owning  1,2.30  acres  of  land.  This 
he  hasilivided  among  his  chiklren,  reserving  eighty 
acres  for  himself.  During  the  early  settlement  of 
the  county,  our  subject  sold  a  cow  to  George  Geb- 
hart  for  ^9  and  took  his  pay  in  rail  making  at 
fort}-  cents  per  100.  .Soon  after  the  State  road  was 
laid  out,  our  subject,  his  father  and  brother  secured 
six  yoke  of  oxen  and  a  team  of  horses  and  plowed 



the  furrows  in  order  to  locate  a  track  fnjin  Elwooil 
to  Clirisinan.  'I'liis  undertaking  required  all  da^' 
:uul  they  receiveil  from  Amos  Willianiti,  the  con- 
tractor, §;j.  The  many  fiiends  of  Mr.  .Smith  rec- 
ognize in  liini  such  character  and  per.sonal  wortii  as 
entilh's  him  to  a  position  among  the  representa- 
tive citizens  of  the  county. 

^T'AMKS  F.  IHLl.,  M.  U..  followed  his  pro- 
fession in  Iiidianola  for  twi'nty-one  years, 
but  retired  from  its  active  pursuits  several 
jcars  ago  and  now  lives  in  the  quiet  enjoy- 
ment of  his  modest  income  at  his  comfortable  home 
in  the  above  named  city.  He  is  a  native  of  Ross 
County,  Ohio,  and  is  a  son  of  Daniel  Hull,  who 
was  brought  by  his  parents  to  that  county  from  the 
East,  while  in  his  earl^-  childhood.  'I'he  father  of 
our  subject  was  reared  in  Ross  Counly,  wiiere  he 
received  a  good  common-school  education,  and 
after  leaving  school  was  apprenticed  to  a  brick- 
mason.  Upon  completing  his  term  of  apprentice- 
s-hip to  that  trade,  lie  returned  to  liis  favorite  oc- 
cupation of  farming,  which  lie  followed  during  the 
remainder  of  bis  life,  varied  with  work  at  his  trade, 
which  was  confined  principally  to  building  brick 
chimneys.  When  the  United  States  came  to  blows 
with  Great  Brltian  in  1812,  he  enlisted  in  his  coun- 
try's service  and  returned  blow  for  blow,  doing- 
good  service  till  the  hauglity  British  finally  aban- 
doned the  attempt  to  re-conquer  the  vigorous 
young  Republic,  which  the  Revolutionary'  heroes 
had  established  on  the  soil  of  America.  lie  de- 
parted this  life  at  the  age  of  seventy-four,  in  Cov- 
ington, Ind,  whither  lie  had   removed  in  the  fall  of 

The  mother  of  Dr.  Hull  was  Margaret  Long,  a 
native  of  Pick  Countj',  Ohio;  she  was  born 
near  Circleville,  and  passed  her  youth  in  that 
couiiiv,  which  was  also  the  place  of  her  marriage 
and  residence  during  the  earl}-  years  of  her  wed- 
ded life.  She  died  when  our  subject  was  but 
twelve  j'ears  old  leaving  him  and  a  younger 
brother  and  sister  to  the  care   of  their  father,  who 

married  a  second  time  and  became  the  |)arent  of 
two  more  children.  Following  the  loss  of  the 
second  wife  the  father  was  again  married. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  Jl.ay.'Jl, 
1821, and  when  eight  years  of  age  rc^moved  in  the 
care  of  his  parents  to  Covington.  Ind.,  where  the 
father  entered  eighty  acres  of  land  from  the  (iov- 
ernment  and  began  farming.  His  early  life  wa.s 
passed  in  the  usual  manner  of  a  farmer's  boy  until 
he  reached  the  age  of  seventeen  years  when  he  was 
apprenticed  to  learn  the  tanners  and  curriers' 
trade,  which  occiij)alion  lie  followed  some  six  or 
seven  years  |during  which  time  he  was  married, 
Nov.  1,  1813,  to  Miss  Gemima  IJaum,  a  native  of 
Ohio.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Hull  removed  to  Foun- 
tain County,  Ind.,  when  she  was  only  one  year  old, 
and  that  remained  her  home  until  her  marriage  as 
above  stated  in  Covington,  Ind.  to  Dr.  Hull. 

The  first  records  of  the  family  of  Mrs.  Hull  are 
found  in  Pennsylvania,  whero  her  mother's  father 
figured  as  a  German  I5a[)tist  or  Dunkard  preacher. 
He  was  a  good  German  scholar  but  never  learned 
to  either  speak  or  write  the  English  language. 
Her  paternal  gr.andfatber  anil  mother  were  also 
(iermau  scholars  and  confined  their  reading  aud 
nearly  all  their  conversation  to  that  langu.age.  Her 
father,  Jonas  Bauni  served  honorably  throughout 
the  War  of  1812. 

Dr.  Hull  began  the  study  of  medicine  in  the 
office  of  Dr.  Weldon,  of  Covington,  continuing 
there  some  three  or  four  years  when  he  began  the 
practice  of  medicine  near  Paxtou,  Ford  Co.,  111., 
where  he  purchased  a  piece  of  land.  He  remained 
there  about  three  years  then  removed  to  Higgins- 
ville,  Vermilion  County,  in  1859.  when  after  a 
short  stay  in  that  place  he  moved  to  Marysville, 
where  he  followed  his  profession  until  he  finally 
located  in  Dallas  now  Indi.anola,  in  18(J9. 

Dr.  and  Mrs.  Hull  have  had  eight  children,  five 
of  whom  grew  to  maturit\'.  They  are  named  res- 
pectively :  Francis  M.,  Kissy  B.,  William  W.,  who 
died  in  infancy;  Martha  A.;  .lames  M.  died  an 
infant;  John  C.  Freemont;  Emma  8.  died  when 
four  years  old;  and  Edwin  M. 

Dr.  Hull  has  had  an  extensive  practice  in  his 
profession,  as  large,  perhaps,  as  any  phj-sician  in 
Indianola,  and  was  at  one   time  (juite  wealthy  not- 



witlistandiiif,^  his  generous  libeialily,  but  his  kind- 
ness was  cuuellv  taken  advantage  of  by  a  man 
engaged  in  the  business  of  buying  horses  for  the 
western  trade.  Tliis  man  persuaded  Dr.  Hull  to 
endorse  his  notes,  but  after  securing  the  horses  by 
means  of  the  security  furnislied  by  them,  decaini)eil 
taking  the  animals  but  leaving  the  delits,  which,  of 
course,  were  collected  off  the  unfortunate  doctor 
and  caused  him  the  loss  of  several  thousand  dol- 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  has  lived  in  retire- 
ment for  the  last  four  or  live  years,  a<lvancing  age 
and  delicate  health  compelling  him  to  relinquish  the 
calls  made  upon  him  except  those  whose  urgency 
would  not  admit  of  refusal,  lie  and  his  excellent 
wife  are  consistent  Christians  and  lilieral  conlribu- 
ters  to  every  good  work  and  are  worthy  members 
of  the  Baptist  Church.  The  Doctor  is  a  Mason  on 
holding  iiis  membership  iij  the  Vermilion  Lodge 
No.  2(55. 

The  jiecuniary  interests  of  Dr.  Hull  have  all  been 
centered  at  Indianola.  He  was  one  of  the  iucorpor- 
ters  of  the  village  and  has  served  on  the  Village 
Board  a  position  which  afforded  him  the  opportu- 
nity of  advancing  the  interests  of  his  constituents. 
lie  was  an  old  line  Whig,  but  at  the  disruption  of 
parties  consequent  upon  the  agitation  of  the  slavery 
question,  and  the  formation  of  new  ones  based 
upon  that  issue.  He  cast  his  lot  with  the  Republi- 
cans, voting  for  John  C.  Fremont,  after  whom  he 
named  his  son — .1.  C.  Fremont  Hull. 

^ ^^ ^ 

^=!?iEORC;E  VV.  ANKRUM  who  was  born  Oct. 
[I I  (_,  19,  182G,  in  Berkeley  County,  Va.,  was 
^^jj  raised  at  Ridge  Farm  where  he  lived  with 
iiis  father,  who  was  a  weaver,  ins  mother  and  nine 
brothers,  six  of  whom  are  living,  viz:  Anthony 
L.,  John,  Elwood,  David,  Wesley  and  Harrison; 
one  of  these  died  at  the  age  of  fourteen  years  and 
Asa  who  came  to  this  county  in  1837  settling  in 
this  township,  near  Yankee  Point,  died  at  the  age 
of  forty -seven. 

The  subject  of  this  sketcii  received  a  primary  edu- 
cation in  a  log  cabin  with   puncheon  lloor,  greased 

paper  window  panes,  claplioard  roof,  and  split-log 
scats.  When  still  a  boy  lie  learned  the  weaver's 
tra<le  at  which  he  was  very  apt  and  soon  became 
|)roficient  in  weaving  double  coverlets,  carpets, 
woolen  and  cotton  goods.  He  followed  this  trade 
until  his  health  began  to  fail  and  then  became  a 
farmer.  He  plowed  witli  the  old  fashioned  plow, 
with  wooden  moldlR>ard  .■aid  had  to  carry  a  paddle 
with  him  to  clean  off  the  plow  ever}'  few  minutes. 

Oct.  4,  1  8G0,  Mr.  Ankruni  married  Sarah  Canada, 
a  daughter  of  Frederick  Canada,  a  pioneer  of  this 
township.  They  became  the  parents  of  four  chil- 
dren. The}-  were  named  as  follows:  Donnie  E., 
Hairison  15.,  Lilly  A.,  and  Frederick  B.  Donnie 
was  married  to  James  L.  Bell  of  this  township  and 
had  one  child,  Georgia.  Lilly  married  John  H. 
Davis  of  the  Ridge  and  has  no  children. 

He,  of  whom  we  write  never  sought  official 
honors,  but  passed  the  remainder  of  his  life  at  the 
Ridge  where  he  had  a  fine  residence  and  250  acres 
of  huid. 

EKRICK  PATTON,  late  of  section  29  El- 
,|i  wood  Township  and  now  deceased,  first 
IB  saw  the  light  near  Zanesville,  Ohio,  having 
lieen  born  March  27,  1830.  His  parents 
dying  when  he  was  quite  small  he  accompanied  his 
older  brothers  and  sisters  to  Hamilton  County, 
Ind.,  to  which  they  removed.  His  education  was  re- 
ceived in  the  primitive  school  house  so  many  times  ' 
described  in  this  volume,  with  its  puncheon  lloor, 
clapboard  roof  and  split-log  seats.  Notwithstand- 
ing the  many  disadvantages  which  he  labored  under, 
our  subject  acquired  a  fair  education  and  later 
turned  his  attention  to  agriculture,  in  which  occu- 
pation he  was  successfully  engaged  until  his  death. 
The  subject  of  this  biography  was  married  July 
14,  1852,  to  Miss  Priscilla  Mendenhall.  daughter  of 
James  Mendenhall,  deceased.  This  congenial  union 
has  been  blest  by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  five 
of  whom  are  living.  They  were  named  respect- 
ively: Mahlon  R.,  Mary  J.  (Mrs.  Lancaster),  Davis 
R.,  Lilla  E.  and  Ira  E.  Mr.  Patton,  of  this  sketch, 
passed  from  life  Feb.  15,  1870.  He  was  a  devoted 
and  consistent  member  of   the  Society  of  Friends. 



of  which  Society  liis  family  were  also  iiu'iubers. 
()ur  subject  lived  in  such  a  manner  as  to  coniniand 
the  respect  of  his  fellow  townsmen,  and  now  that 
he  has  gonp.will  always  be  remembered  as  an  active 
and  useful  racmlter  of  tlie  conimunitv. 



eUARLES    A.  WRICIIT   is  a  yoiin- man    of 
great  promise,  universally  esteemed   for   his 
.      many    sterling    qualities,  prominent   among 

which  are  courtesy,  good  judgment.  abilit\-  and  his 
exhibition  of  public  spirit,  lie  came  from  a  most 
excellent  family-,  his  fatlier  being  one  of  the  lead- 
ing citizens  of  Sidell  Township.  He  has  liecn  par- 
ticularly active  in  furthering  the  advancement  of 
his  stirring  little  village,  and  his  name  will  go 
down  in  its  history  as  one  of  its  earliest  and  most 
enterprising  journalists. 

Mr.  Wright  is  also  a  young  man  of  considerable 
means,  owning  a  large  farm,  printing  oflice  and 
other  property.  He  may  well  look  forward  to  a 
promising  future.  If  Sidell  ever  becomes  a  large 
town,  its  growth  may  be  attributed  in  a  large  meas- 
ure to  the  enterprise  and  public  spirit  of  Mr.  Wright. 
The  Sidell  Journal  was  established  May  1,  by 
James  E.  Whipple,  of  Cayuga,  lud.,  who  sold  the 
plant,  after  operating  it  fourteen  weeks,  to  Mr. 
Wright,  who  took  charge  of  it  August  1,  of  that 
year.  It  was  au  eight-page  folio,  bright,  newsy 
and  well  i)rinted,  and  was  one  of  the  chief  instru- 
ments in  the  growth  of  the  town.  Mr.  Wright 
leased  his  office  building  and  presses  to  T.  M.  Mor- 
gan, who  is  now  publishing  the  .Sidell  Wdi/aidc. 

Mr.  W'right  is  the  son  of  Silas  Wright,  who 
came  to  Vernulion  County  in  1846,  and  who  was  a 
resident  here  for  more  than  forty  years.  He  died 
on  the  6th  day  of  May,  1886,  his  wife  following 
him  to  the  grave  five  weeks  later.  They  were  the 
parents  of  five  children:  William  H.,  Charles  A., 
Ella  M.,  Mabel,  and  George  A.,  who  died  at  the 
age  of  six  years.  William  is  a  farmer  in  Sidell 
Township;  Ella  M.  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Church, 
a  miller  of  the  same  place;  Mabel  resides  at  home 
with  her  brother  William.  Charles,  of  whom  this 
is  written,  was  born  April  15,  1860,  iu    this    town- 

ship, on  the  old  \V light  homestead,  where  his  early 
life  w.'is  passed.  He  attended  the  pulilic  schools  of 
this  eountj',  and  at  the  age  of  twenty-three  he  en- 
tered the  Normal  School  at  Danville,  where  he 
continued  his  studies  until  his  duties  called  him 
home  to  labor  on  his  father's  farm,  which  he  inher- 
ited after  the  decease  of  his  parents.  In  1887  he 
went  to  San  Antonio,  Tex.,  where  he  purchased  a 
ear-load  of  Texas  ponies,  and  shipped  them  to 
Sidell.  and  there  sold  them.  He  has  also  dealt  ex- 
tensivel}'  in  mules,  purchased  at  St.  Louis  and 
shijiped  north.  On  Dec.  12.  1«88,  he  was  appointed 
postal  clerk  on  the  route  from  (!hicago  to  Terre 
Haute,  Ind.,  and  in  March.  18s;t.  he  resigned  this 
[losilion.  He  is  an  a<lvocate  of  temperance,  hav- 
ing been  a  eli.arler  nieml)er  of  the  (iood  Templars' 
Lodge  at  Sidell. 

Although  young  in  years,  Mr.  Wright  has  a  large 
knowledge  of  the  world,  and  is  therefore  well  fitted 
to  fill  any  position  to  whic'li  he  ma}'  asjiire.  He  is 
an  enthusiastic  Democrat,  and  will  employ  all  hon- 
orable means  for  the  success  of  his  party,  while 
he  and  his  newsi)ai)erare  |)otcnt  factors  in  the  Demo- 
'•ratic  cause. 

tr^)EV.  DAVID  COAKE,  farmer  and  preacher 
iLgir  of  the  gospel,  a  resident  of  Danville  Town- 
-*i  w,  ship,  was  born  in  Carter  County,  Ky.,  Oct. 
\^  6,1848.  His  great-grandfather,  of  the  same 
name,  came  to  America  with  his  family  in  colonial 
times,  and  fought  in  the  War  of  the  Revolution. 
He  settled  in  Scott  County,  W.\'a.,  and  there  spent 
his  last  years.  The  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
three  years  old  when  he  came  with  his  parents  to 
this  country  He  was  reared  in  Scott  County. 
After  his  marriage  to  Rebecca  Elanner}',  a  native 
of  Scott  County,  he  removed  to  Lee  County,  where 
he  was  engaged  in  farming  till  his  death.  His  son, 
Henry  J.  Coake,  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in 
that  county,  Aug.  18,  1818.  At  twenty  years  of 
age,  his  father  being  dead,  the  young  man  went  with 
his  mother  to  Kentucky.  He  there  married  Elenor 
Rowe,  daughter  of  Edward  and  Elenor  (Littleton) 
Rowe,  of  Carter  Couniy.     Mr.  and  Mrs.  Coake  re- 

7.;  2 


sulwl  ill  that  foimty  till  18(J3.  when  they  came  to 
Illinois,  and  iHirchaseil  the  farm  that  he  and  his 
son  now  oeciipy.  which  is  beautifully  located  on 
section  10,  Danville  Township. 

The  subject  of  this  present  sketch  was  in  his  fif- 
teenth year,  when  he  accompanied  his  father  and 
mother  to  this  place,  lie  married  in  187.")  Miss 
Ann  Willim,  a  native  of  Carter  County,  Ky.,  daugh- 
ter of  Edward  and  Clara  C.  (Duncan)  Willim. 
Of  their  liap|>y  wedded  life  one  child  has  been 
born,  P.ertha.  David  Coake  united  with  tlie  Chris- 
tian C  hurch  when  seventeen  years  of  age,  and  be- 
gan ineaching  at  thirty-six.  Bred  U>  agriculture, 
a  lover  of  the  country  and  its  peaceful  iiursuits, 
Mr.  Coake.  in  taking  up  the  clerical  luofession.  did 
not  abandon  the  plough,  and  has  not  ceased  sowing 
seed  in  material  soil  sinc('  he  began  the  culture  of 
spiritual  fields.  No  doubt,  in  practice  the  blending 
of  the  two  vocations  is  a  benefit  to  both.  Sharing 
on  the  week  <lay,  the  laliors  of  the  people,  yet  not 
engrossed  by  them,  partaking  of  their  joys  and 
anxieties,  yet  not  bound  up  in  worldly  cares,  he  is 
lietter  fitted  to  give  counsel  to  the  erring,  advice 
to  the  incpiiring,  to  lend  a  helping  hand  to  the  weak 
and  stumbling,  and  to  speak  of  heavenly  things 
to  those  who  are  bidding  farewell  to  things  of 

^^^IIARLliS  CHURCH,  junior  member  of  the 
ill  ^  firm  of  Rice  A-  Church,  general  stock  buyers 
^g^  and  shippers  of  Sidell,  is  also  the  proprie- 
tor of  the  Sidell  Star  Feed  Blills.  He  was  liorn  in 
Catlin  Township  and  reared  there.  His  father, 
William  A.  Church,  is  one  of  the  substantial  farm- 
ers of  this  township,  and  is  a  native  of  this  county. 
The  grandfather,  Alexander  Church,  is  still  living, 
is  iu  his  eighty-seventh  year  and  was  one  of  the 
first  pioneers  of  this  county,  where  he  came  in 
1821,  from  Virginia.  Our  subject's  mother  is 
Hester  (Douglas)  Church,  a  member  of  the  Douglas 
family  from  which  the  Hon.  Stephen  A.  Douglas 
came.  Alexander  Church  and  wife  are  the  parents 
of  five  children,  nameh' :  Sarah  D.,  William  J., 
Annie  L.,  Thomas  W.  and  Charles  S.  Sarah  is  the 
wife  of  J.  Acree  of  Danville;  William    is  fanning 

ill  Catlin  Township;  Annie  L.  married  L.  Bushy, 
who  also  farms  in  Catlin  Township;  Thomas  W. 
lives  at  home  with  his  parents. 

The  birth  of  our  subject  occurred  Feb.  9,  18()1. 
He  acquired  his  education  in  the  public  schools  at 
Danville.  At  the  age  of  twenty-four  our  subject 
met  and  married  his  wife.  Miss  Ella  Wright.  He 
came  to  Sidell  Nov.  8,  1888  and  bought  village 
|)ioperty  and  the  feed  mill  the  same  fall.  He  then 
formed  a  partnership  with  Mr.  W.  J.  Rice  and 
they  are  now  shipping  hogs  to  Chicago  and 

Our  subject  owns  a  fine  farm  of  ICO  acres  north 
of  Sidell,  and  has  placed  tenants  on  it.  i\lr.  Church, 
in  his  political  sentiments,  is  firmly  established 
upon  the  I{ei>ublican  foundation,  and  is  a  young 
man  of  character,  ability  and  enterprise. 


ON.  DAVH)  D.  EVANS,  .Judge  of  the 
111  County  Court  of  A'ermilion  County,  is 
^  regarded  as  one  of  the  ablest  lawyers  of 
Central  Illinois.  A  close  student  and  an 
extensive  reader,  he  is  not  only  well  ver.sed  in  the 
duties  of  his  profession,  but  in  all  respects  is  a 
man  of  more  than  ordinary  cajiacities.  Not  alone 
has  he  distinguished  himself  at  the  bar,  but  in  his 
private  life  and  as  a  citizen  possesses  those  traits 
of  character  which  form  the  basis  of  all  good  so- 
ciety. In  politics  he  is  a  sound  Republican,  and 
luas  had  a  sensible  influence  amid  the  councils  of 
his  party  in  Illinois,  serving  in  various  positions 
of  trust  and  responsibility.  In  1876  he  was  a  del- 
egate to  the  National  Republican  Convention  that 
met  at  Cincinnati. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Ebens- 
buig,  Cambria  Co.,  Pa.,  April  29,  1829.  His 
grandfather  on  his  father's  side  was  a  freeholder 
in  the  north  of  Wales.  Having  a  large  family  and 
his  land  being  subject  to  the  English  law  of  entail- 
ment, he  concluded  to  sell  his  life  estate  to  his  old- 
est son  and  move  to  America,  to  give  his  other 
children  a  chance  for  fame  and  fortune  in  a  free 
country.  He  settled  in  Peiiusylvania  about  the 
year  1780,  but  soon   thereafter  died,  leaving  only 



an  oxaniple  of  industry  and  energy,  as  an  inherit- 
ance to  liis  family.  David  Evans,  father  of  the 
sulijeet  of  this  sketcli,  learned  the  trade  of  a  stone 
mason  and  followed  that  business  as  a  workman 
and  eontractor  until  about  tlie  ^ear  1810,  when  he 
married  and  settled  on  a  farm  near  Ebensburg,  Pa. 
He  followed  the  business  of  a  farmer  and  eontractor 
the  balance  of  his  life,  and  died  in  lObensburi;',  Dec. 
I  '.t,  !  S.'iil. 

'riiirteeii  children  were  born  to  David  Kvans, 
(Hie  of  whom  died  in  infancy.  Seven  are  still  liv- 
ing. His  wife,  Anna,  was  the  daughter  of  Rev. 
Kees  Llo^-d.  Mr.  Lloyd  came  from  Wales  about 
the  year  177i(,  and  a  fellow  emigrant  with  the 
I'atluM  of  ex-dov.  Bilib.  The  latter  went  to  Ohio, 
but  Mr.  Llo.yd  settled  in  the  woods  whcic  now 
stands  the  quaint  old  town  of  Ebcnsliuig,  I'a. 
There  he  chopped  out  a  farm,  fought  the  wolf  from 
the  door,  preached  the  Gospel  and  raised  his  fam- 
ih  .  Soon  after  settling  in  these  then  western  wilds 
he  procured  the  org.anization  of  a  new  county,  and 
caused  it  lo  be  called  Cambria,  in  honor  of  the  .an- 
cient name  (tf  Wales.  He  also  donated  fifty  acres 
of  his  farm  and  Laid  out  a  town,  which  he  called 
Ebensburg  in  honor  of  a  deceased  son,  named 
Eben  or  Ebenezer,  and  procured  its  soleclion  as  the 
county  seat  of  the  county. 

In  his  old  age  Mr.  Llo3'd  again  became  smitten 
with  the  spirit  of  emigration  and  the  western  fe- 
ver, and  started  for  the  village  of  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 
Finding  it  only  a  few  log  huts  among  the  hills,  and 
not  liking  its  scenery,  nor  foreseeing  its  future,  he 
puslu'd  on  to  the  southern  part  of  Butler  Coiiniy, 
that  State,  where  he  again  met  his  fricnil  and  fel- 
low emigrant,  Mr.  Bibb.  Here,  with  a  part  of  his 
family,  on  the  rich  bottoms  of  Paddy's  Run,  near 
the  village  of  New  London,  he  spent  the  remain- 
der of  liis  days,  dying  at  the  ripe  ohl  age  of  about 
ninety  years. 

Mr.  Evans,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  worked 
on  his  fatlier's  farm  until  he  was  twenty-three  years 
of  age,  with  the  exception  of  one  summer,  when 
he  was  employed  in  a  blacksmith  shop  with  a  broth- 
er-in-law. His  early  education  and  advantages 
were  extremely  limited.  He  was  a  stranger  to  the 
in.side  of  a  school  house  until  in  his  tenth  year. 
For  a  few  years  thereafter  he   attended  a    country 

district  school  for  about  two  months  each  winter. 
Coinmenc;iig  in  his  I  wentj'-fourth  year,  he  attend- 
ed several  terms  of  the  Eclectic  Institute  at  Hiram, 
Ohio,  pajing  his  way  without  assistance  from  any 
sour(^e,  teaching  school  in  the  winter  and  working 
in  the  haivest  field  <luriug  the  summer  vacations. 
One  f)f  his  fellow  students  at  the  Eclectic  Institute 
was  the  late  Pres.  (iarfield.  I'pon  leaving  Hiram, 
Mr.  F^vans  went  to  Southern  ( )hio,  where  he  taught 
school  one  term  at  West  l<;ikton,  l'iel)le  County, 
and  for  five  years  and  six  nn)nths  in  r)no  house  at 
Miltonville,  lUitler  County.  While  teaching  he 
commenced  reading  law,  entered  the  law  depart- 
mentof  the  University  of  Michigan  in  1860.  and 
was  gradu.ated  with  his  class  in  1863. 

While  during  the  war  of  the  rebellion,  the  gov- 
ernment had  the  support  and  warmest  sympathy 
of  Ml-.  Evans,  his  military  service  was  of  but  little 
material  assistance.  Soon  after  going  to  the  field 
he  w.ns  attacke(i  with  a  malignant  ty|>e  of  typhoid 
fever  which  unliile<l  him  for  duty,  and  he  was  hon- 
orably discharged  in  the  fall  of  1861.  After  his 
recovery  he  repaired  to  Danville,  III.,  taught  school 
for  a  few  terms,  and  in  1865-66  he  was  editor  and 
part  proprietor  of  the  Danville  Plaindpnler.  He 
commenced  the  active  practice  of  law  in  the  fall 
of  1866.  .and  continued  successfully  until  the  sum- 
mer of  1882.  He  then  became  a  candidate  for  the 
Republican  noTninalion  for  the  office  of  County 
.ludge.  After  a  close  and  acrimonious 
(•ontest,  he  succeeded  against  a  very  popular  oppo- 
nent, and  was  elected  without  opposition  by  the 
Democrats.  He  found  the  affairs  of  the  oHice  in 
exceedingly  bad  condition,  straightened  them  out, 
and  revolutionized  the  heretofore  loose  [n-actico  of 
the  c<jurt.  At  the  end  of  the  term  he  was  renom- 
inated without  much  opposition,  and  was  re-elected 
over  a  strong  Democratic  opponent  by  the  largest 
majority  of  any  Republican  on  the  ticket.  Hestill 
keeps  up  the  business  and  the  vigorous  practice  of 
the  court.  He  is  in  excellent  health,  and  good  for 
twenty  years  more  of  active  life. 

.ludge  F>aiis  was  married  to  Mrs.  FMwilda  .\. 
Sconce,  Oct.  9,  1867.  To  them  three  children  have 
been  born,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Lloyd  Cromwell, 
died  in  the  eighth  year  of  his  age.  The  second 
chilli.  Ruth  I'.dwi Ida,  died  in  infancy.    WaldoCarl, 



the  youngest,  remains  to  his  parents,  and  is  now 
(1889)  in  his  thirteenth  year.  Mrs.  Evans  was  born 
in  Berkeley  County,  W.  Va..  July  31,  18.38,  and 
is  the  daughter  of  Dr.  Edward  and  Rebecca  Bruce 
(Lemon)  Cromwell.  Mrs.  Cromwell  was  the  daugh- 
ter of  .John  Lemon,  who  came  from  Berkeley 
County,  W.  Va.,  to  D.anville  at  an  early  day.  Dr. 
Cromwell  practiced  in  Kentucky,  and  died  while 
Mrs.  Evans  was  an  infant.  Mrs.  Cromwell  like- 
wise i)assed  from  earth  many  years  ago.  Their 
daughter,  Edwilda  A.  Cromwell,  was  first  married 
to  George  Fithian,  a  son  of  Dr.  William  Fithian, 
who  is  still  living,  and  over  ninetj'  ye.irs  old.  Of 
this  union  there  was  born  one  child.  Will  E.  Fith- 
ian, now  of  San  Antonio,  Texas.  Mrs.  Fithian 
was  married  the  second  time  to  Lafayette  11. 
Sconce,  of  Danville,  who  only  lived  a  short  time 
after  his  marriage. 

Mr.  Evans  is  a  member  of  Olive  r>ranch  Lodge, 
No.  45,  A.  F.  tt  A.  JL,  of  A'ermilion  Chapter,  No. 
82,  R.  A.  M.,  and  of  Atlielstan  Commaiidery,  and 
is  also  a  memljcrof  Damascus  Lodge  K.  of  P. 

/  C.  FREEMAN  will  be  remembered  as  the 
polite  and  eltieient  gentleman  who  for  fif- 
teen j-ears  has  served  the  city  of  Danville 
as  its  City  Clerk.  Forceii  to  resign  that 
])ositioii,  which  he  had  ci-editably  held  for  the  last 
fifteen  years,  on  acccnint  of  lieing  troubled  with 
heart  disease,  he  refused  to  again  become  a  candi- 
date for  the  otlice.  lie  was  born  Aug.  7,  1832, 
at  Boallsville.  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  eight  miles 
from  Blaine's  birthplace.  His  father,  Lewis  Free- 
man, was  a  very  prosperous  merchant,  who  died 
at  the  early  age  of  thirty-five  years.  The  subject 
of  our  sketch  attended  the  common  school  until 
the  age  of  fourteen,  when  he  began  to  clerk 
at  different  points  in  the  county  until  he  was 
twenty-three  ^■ears  of  age,  when  he  came  to  Edgar 
County,  this  State,  and  worked  on  a  farm  until 
1861.  He  was  subject  to  asthma,  but  the  Western 
country  agreed  with  him  and  in  a  great  measure 
he  regained  his  health.  Jennie   R.  Newkirk,  who   became   the  wife 

of  our  subject  in  1850.  was  the  daughter  of  George 
and  Maria  Newkirk,  of  Washington  County,  I'a. 
She  came  of  a  family  distinguished  for  their  Ikiu- 
esty  and  patriotism.  Li  1859.  the  year  of  their 
marriage,  she  came  to  Illinois  with  her  husband. 
In  1861  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Freeman  came  to  Fairraount, 
Vermilion  County,  where  Mr.  Freeman  became 
Station  Agent  and  Postmaster.  In  1867  he  was 
placed  in  charge  of  the  station  .at  State  Line,  Ind., 
also  on  the  Waliash,  and  continued  in  the  emj)loy 
of  the  Wabash  until  1872.  In  187-4  he  was  elected 
City  Clerk,  which  position  he  held  for  fifteen  years. 
His  first  wife  lived  about  two  years  and  left  two 
children:  Charles  A.,  an  infant  who  died  a  f-w 
days  after  the  mother,  and  Ella  Nora,  now  living. 
Mr.  Freeman  married  a  second  time  in  1864, 
to  Miss  Mary  W.  Dustin,  born  in  JMifield,  N.  II., 
and  daughter  of  Sylvester  and  Marilla  (Wells) 
Dustin.  by  whom  he  had  five  chiblren:  Harry  1^., 
Fied  D..  Albert  D..  Neltie  J.  and  Edmund  G 

IMr.  Freeniaii's  life  and  position  in  connection 
with  the  Wabash  Railroad  Company,  as  well  as 
with  the  city  of  Danville,  has  implied  a  great  deal 
of  responsibility  .as  the  custodian  of  thousands  of 
dollars,  both  for  the  Wabash  .and  the  city.  Mr.  has  been  a  Mason  since  1854  and  became 
a  Knight  Templar  in  1882.  He  is  a  member  of 
Atlielstan  Commander\-  of  Danville,  No.  45.  He 
is  also  a  member  of  the  Knights  of  Honor,  Frank- 
lin Lodge,  No.  409.  A  very  decided  Republican, 
he  with  his  son  are  the  only  members  of  the  family 
belonging  to  that  party.  Since  his  retirement  from 
office  he  has  led  a  quiet  and  rctireil  life  at  his  home 
in  Danville. 

-l^m- ■ 

\Jl  ONATHAN  LARRANCE,  late  a  resident  of 
section  35,  Elwood  Township,  is  a  native  of 
this  county,  having  spent  his  entire  life  in 
the  township  where  he  first  saw  the  light. 
Jan.  7,  1834.  The  p-irents  of  our  subject,  John 
and  Ruth  Larranee,  emigrated  to  this  county  from 
East  Tennessee  in  the  fall  of  1827  and  immediately 
set  about  establishing  for  themselves  a  comfortable 
home,  which  they  succeeded  admirably  in  doing. 
The  subject  of    this   biography  conned  his  first 



Irssons  in  Vermilion  Seminaiy.  now  Vermilion 
AcMilem}',  which  was  quite  nn  improvement  over 
tlie  primitive  log  caliin  in  wliieli  tlu;  most  of  the 
vouth  of  those  daj's  were  obliged  lo  get  an  educa- 
tion. Mr.  Larrance.  Iiowever.  upon  lauucliing  out 
in  life  on  his  own  account,  cliose  farming  for  iiis 
vocation  and  had  no  cause  for  regretting  liis  choice. 

Tiie  lirst  important  step  in  the  life  of  our  sub 
ject  upon  establishing  a  home  of  his  own  wiis  his 
marriage.  Dec.  5,  1861,  witli  Miss  Hannah,  daugh- 
ter of  Alexander  and  Mary  McGee,  botli  uf  wlioni 
are  deceased.  Mrs.  Larrance  was  burn  in  Tuscar- 
w;is  County-,  Ohio.  .Ian.  28,  IH.'iT,  and  of  her 
union  with  our  subject  has  become  the  mother  of 
seven  children,  six  of  whom  are  still  living,  viz.: 
Perry  M.,  born  Aug.  -22,  1862;  .lohn.  May  27, 
1865;  Alice,  March  .5,  1867;  Laura,  Sept.  1,  1870; 
Mark,  April  17.  1874;  Martha  E.,  Dec.  25.  1876. 
One  son.  Marion,  born  Dec.  10,  1868,  died  May  (!, 
1 870.  Perry  married  Miss  Nancy  K.  lilack,  and  lives 
on  a  part  of  the  old  homestead;  he  is  the  father  oi 
a  daughter,  Annie;  Alice  was  married  to  Charles 
Cnnady,  of  Georgetown  Township,  this  county. 

Our  subject  was  the  owner  of  295  acres  of  e.xcel- 
leiit  farming  laud,  which  has  since  been  divided 
amfiug  his  heirs.  He  also  held  a  half  interest  in  the 
Hidge  Farm  Tile  Factory,  which  has  since  been 
sold.  He  passed  from  earth  .Ian.  25,  1885,  regret- 
ted and  mourned  by  all  who  knew  him.  He  hail 
earned  for  himself  a  position  among  the  honorable 
and  upright  citizens  of  the  county. 

Mr.  Larrance,  although  never  seeking  political 
picfcruicnt.  always  cast  his  vote  .and  inflnence  on 
the  side  of  right.  Socially  he  was  a  Freemason, 
and  religiously'  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends. 


j^  RSOM  FRENCH  was  the  son  of  George,  and 
■^  the  grandson  of  IIenr\'  French.  The  latter, 
ka^  after  being  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Ersom, 

left  his  home  in  Germany  and  sought  a  new  field 
of  labor  under  the  banner  of  freedom,  in  the  land 
of  liberty.  After  this  worth}'  couple  had  been  in 
the  I'nited  States  for  some  time,  there  was  born  to 
them  a  son,  to  whom  the^-  gave  the  name  of  George. 

His  birth  occurred  in  Mercer  County,  Ky.  Henrv 
French,  when  in  Germany,  had  learned  the  trades 
of  blacksmith  and  gunsmith.  Besides  their  son 
(ieorge.  who  was  the  third  son,  they  had  six  other 
children — two  boys  and  four  girls.  After  a  hajjpy 
and  peaceful  life  the  father  ami  mother  died,  at  the 
old  homestead  in  Mercer  County.  George,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  brought  up  in  Kentucky, 
where  he  nj.arried  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Stermau.  in  about  1800.  Miss  Sterman's  grand- 
father was  a  reliable,  trustworthy  man,  which  is 
evinced  by  the  fact  that  as  a  guard  he  was  with 
(ien.  Washington  for  seven  years  during  the  Revo- 
lutionary War,  after  which  betook  up  his  residence 
in  North  Carolina,  or  N'irginia.  In  180iM;eorge 
French  and  his  wife  removed  to  Knox  County, 
Ind..  where  Ersom,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was 
born,  in  April,  1811.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
War  of  1812  the  father  took  his  family  back  to 
Kentucky,  left  them  with  his  parents  and  returned 
to  Indiana,  where  he  became  wagoner  for  the 
soldiers.  The  road  on  which  he  traveled  was  that 
extending   between  Forts  Knox  and   Harrison. 

On  two  occasions  his  wagons  loaded  with  provi- 
sions were  captured  by  Indians.  They  burned  the 
wagons,  took  possession  of  the  eatables,  and  had  it 
not  been  for  the  fleetness  of  his  horse,  George 
French  would  not  have  escaped  as  he  did  without 
injury.  He  drt)ve  a  team  of  five  horses,  the  leader 
of  which  was  a  remarkably  swift  mare.  After  the 
close  of  the  war,  Mr.  French  brought  his  f.amily 
back  to  Indiana  and  settled  northeast  of  N'iucennes. 
After  a  few  years,  being  dissatisfied  with  his  resi- 
dence, he  removed  to  a  place  neai-  Terre  Haute  on 
the  prairie,  where  he  spent  his  last  days,  leaving 
-eleven  children,  whose  names  were  as  follows: 
1  inphery.  Henry,  .lohn,  Erscnn,  Mary,  Erastus, 
Thomas,  Eliz.abeth,  (ieorgiu  Washingtcin,  and  Marj- 
,1.  Mrs.  George  French  dice!  at  the  .age  of  eighty- 
two  years;  she  evidently  inherited  in  part  her 
mother's  longevity,  that  lady  having  lived  to  be 
ninety-three  years  of  age. 

Ovir  subject  while  in  Indiana,  was  m.ade  ae- 
(piainted  with  Miss  Harriet  Clem,  whom  he  greatly 
admired,  and  in  the  course  of  time  he  married  her. 
They  had  one  daughter,  named  after  her  mother, 
Harriet.    This  daughter  is  now  Mi-s.  Elijah  Cheno- 



wetli.  His  first  wife  died,  and  Mr.  P^rencii  took  as  his 
next  partner  in  life  Mrs.  Eliza  (Boling)  Carrol,  a 
widow,  by  which  inarria<i;e  he  had  three  children, 
viz.,  Truman  P.,  (ieorge,  now  deceased,  and  Alg3' 
D.  In  1852  Ersoni  came  to  Illinois  and  located  in 
this  township,  where  he  has  since  lived.  In  1850 
he  traveled  to  Kansas,  which  he  left  later  on  ac- 
count of  llie  frontier  ruffians.  He  naturally  found 
it  difficult  to  live  with  men  whose  political  opin- 
ions were  so  diametricall3'  opposed  to  his  own, 
es|)ecially  on  the  s\tbjeft  of  slavery,  of  wliich  they 
approved  and  wished  to  have  extended,  and  of 
which  he  as  heartily  disapproved  and  desired  to 
have  abolished.  Our  subject  then  located  on  a 
farm  iu  this  county,  where  he  lived  until  the  death 
of  his  wife,  in  February,  188().  Since  this  event 
his  son.  Dr.  Truman,  and  Ills  family  have  lived 
witli  him,  at  his  house  adjacent  to  the  village  of 
Armstrong,  which  is  partly  on  his  farm.  Truman, 
after  having  finished  his  studies  in  the  common 
school,  attended  Rush  Medical  College,  at  Chi- 
cago, and  in  Indianapolis,  Tnd.  The  school  where 
he  cf)mmenc('d  his  studies  when  a  cliild,  was  a  pri- 
vate one,  which  li.'id  licen  built  by  our  subject  and 
three  either  men.  After  Truman's  graduation,  he 
first  practiced  in  Ogden  seven  years,  liut  finally 
came  tn  this  vill.age,  .January,  1880.  He  has  now 
had  a  good  pr.actice  here  for  about  seventeen  years 
and  still  continues  to  l)e  successful. 

On  March  1,  1K77,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Eu- 
genia I.,  daughter  of  Hiram  and  Mary  A.  (Blan- 
chard)  Robinson,  of  Peoria  County,  this  State. 
His  two  l)oys,  George  M.  and  Morris  I).,  are  still 
living.  The  household  was  last  sununer  increased 
by  the  l)irtli  of  another  child,  a  boy  who  died  when 
seven  weeks  old.  Together  with  two  stores  and 
other  buildings  in  the  village,  Truman  French  is 
owner  of  the  farm,  including  eighty  acres  on  which 
he  lives.  Our  subject  and  his  ancestors  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Metho<list  Church,  and  the  family  was 
well  known  for  its  knowledge  and  iiitelligenco. 
A.  1).,  one  of  the  sons  of  Ersoiii  and  brotlicr  of  Tru- 
man French,  was  also  graduated  at  the  Chicago  and 
Indianapolis  medical  colleges;  he  practiced  at  Po- 
tomac, III.,  until  the  sining  of  1889.  He  then  went 
to  Crete,  Neb.,  where  lie  now  is  busily  employeil 
with  his  profession. 

Algy  D.  was  married  at  Potomac,  111.,  to  Miss 
Mamie  Morse.  Their  only  daughter  Gracie  E.  hav- 
ing died  when  two  years  of  age,  the  [tarents  are 
left  childless. 

Truman  P.  French  is  the  much  respected  Master 
of  the  Potomac  Lodge,  No.  782,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  of 
which  he  is  a  charier  member.  The  duties  of 
Ersora  French  and  his  sons  have  been  of  a  brilliant 
nature  and  such  as  require  the  greatest  and  most 
solid  as  well  as  useful  of  the  civic  virtues,  integrity, 
forethought,  justice  and  steady,  inexhaustilile  in- 

<|1        )»MLLIAM    McMIL 

WiJi/    '''''1'   '*  "■   "■''■'''^° 
\y^      Washington   Co. 

ILLIAM  McMILLlN,  of  Carroll  Town- 
ve  of  Somerset  Township. 
I'.i.  1 1  is  father,  Robert 
McMillen,  was  a  native  of  Rlaryland,  and  his 
mother,  Elizal)eth  (Thom|)soii>  McMillin  was  a  na- 
tive 'of  Washington  County,  Pa.,  and  t)f  Scotch 
Iiarentage.  The  grandfaiher  also  bore  the  given 
name  of  Robert,  which  he  received  in  his  native 
country,  Ireland.  The  dale  of  his  emigration  to 
America  is  not  known  for  certain,  but  it  was  some- 
time  before  the  K'evolution. 

The  revolution  of  the  American  Colonies 
completed;  the  Constitution  was  formulated  and 
accejited  by  the  requisite  number  of  States;  a  new 
Nation  asjjired  to  a  place  among  the  (iovernments 
of  the  World,  but  although  tiie  ship  of  State  was 
successfully  launched  on  the  ocean  of  |)]ogrcss, 
there  were  yet  many  dangers  to  be  encountered  and 
many  difficulties  to  be  overcome  before  the  \oulli- 
ful  Republic  could  establish  its  claim  to  a  ])criiia- 
ncnt  position  among  the  Nations  of  the  earth.  One 
of  the  earliest  questions  to  confront  the  new  Con- 
gress of  the  United  States  was  the  one  relating  to 
the  manner  of  securing  a  revenue  adequate  to  the 
recpiireini'iits  of  the  recently  adopted  Constitution. 
After  much  consultation  and  mature  refiection  a 
system  of  taxation  was  adopted  which  seemed  to 
the  heads  of  the  departments  reasonable  and  just, 
but  which  created  considerable  opposition  in  some 
quarters;  the  farmers  of  Pennsylvania  in  particular 
conceived  themselves  aggrieved  by  the  tax  on 
whisky,  a  considerable  quantity  of  which  was  man- 



ufactured  bv  tlieni  and  constiluted  :i  large  part  of 
their  iiicoiiie;  tbey  therefore  refused  to  pay  it  and 
organized  a  rebellion  against  the  enforcement  of 
the,  to  them,  obnoxious  tax.  Tiiis  event  known  as 
the  Whisky  Insurrection  threatened  to  be  formida- 
ble liut  the  President  promptly' sent  a  force,  com- 
posed principally  "f  volunteers,  against  tlicni. 
which  speedil}'  subjugated  and  reduced  them  to 
obedience.  As  a  volunteer  on  that  occasion  the 
father  of  Mr.  McMillin  took  an  honorable  part, 
serving  in  the  (Sovernment  ranks  with  great  credit. 
On  being  mustered  out  of  service  at  the  conclusion 
of  the  trouble  Mr.  McMillin  returned  home  and 
resumed  woi'k  at  his  trade. 

Tiie  mother  of  the  subject  of  this  sketcii  died  in 
middle  life  leaving  three  children  who  were  care- 
fully reared  by  a  sister  of  their  father.  Robert,  the 
eldest,  was  born  in  1808,  and  ,al though  so  old  is 
still  active  and  enterprising.  He  resides  in  AV'ash- 
ington  County,  Pa.,  and  is  the  parent  of  eight  chil- 
dren, who  are  all  living.  William,  the  second 
child,  is  the  subject  of  this  notice.  Elizalieth  is 
the  youngest. 

William  McMillin  was  born  in  IfSlO  and  reared 
in  Bentl3'sville,  Pa.  Although  his  father  never 
acquired  [wssession  of  any  land,  William  was  early 
put  to  work  on  a  farm  beginning  the  task  of  earn- 
ing his  own  living  when  a  lad  of  only  twelve,  and 
cijmnicncing  to  plough  at  the  age  of  thirteen  when 
lie  received  the  sum  of  twelve  and  one-half  cents  a 
dav,  i)erforniing  the  work  with  an  old  fashioned 
wooden  mouhl-board  plow.  He  continued  to  fol- 
low this  occupation  as  long  as  he  remained  in 
Pennsylvania.  In  1853  he  married  to  Miss 
Mary  Hill,  a  daughter  of  William  and  Annie 
(Lindsy)  Hill,  both  natives  of  Crawford  County, 
Pa.  The  father  was  a  stone  cutter  and  built  many 
an  abutment  and  arch  for  the  bridges  which  span 
the  Allegheny  River.  They  were  the  parents  of 
live  children,  namely:  John,  .lacob,  Sheldon,  Mary, 
and  Alon/.a. 

Mrs.  McMillin  was  a  native  of  Crawford  County, 
I'a..  hut  removed  to  AV.ashington  County,  where 
she  made  the  ac(piaintancc  of  our  subject.  The 
journey  to  Illinois  was  made  overland  in  a  wagon. 
After  a  short  pause  in  Vermilion  County  Mr.  Mc- 
Millin   located    in    Kdsar    County,   where    he    re- 

mained about  one  3'ear,  removing  in  the  following 
S|)ring  to  Vermilion  County  where  he  purchased 
200  acres  of  land  close  by  where  Sidell  now  stands. 
The  land  was  partially  improved,  and  he  continued 
to  reside  on  it  for  some  years  but  there  were  no 
schools  and  he  a  family'  of  children,  so  he  sold 
out  to  John  Sidell  and  once  more  removed,  locat- 
ing the  next  time  in  Indianola. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  McMillin  are  the  parents  of  six 
children.  For  several  years  they  kept  a  hotel  and 
later  bought  150  acres  of  land  two  miles  south  of 
Indianola,  which  is  their  present  home.  Mr.  Mc- 
Millin has  been  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  the  last 
twenty  3'ears  and  in  all  that  time  has  never  had  a 
single  decision  of  his  reversed  in  the  higher  courts, 
which  shows  that  his  ability  as  a  jurist  stands  de- 
servedly high. 

\|l  (WATIIAN  DILLON  resides  on  section 
15,  Ijlwood  Township.  He  is  a  native  of 
Clinton  County,  Ohio,  having  been  born 
___^  there  Feb.  12,  1820.  His  father,  Luke 
Dillon  (deceased  ),was  a  native  of  Guilford  County, 
N.  C,  and  came  to  Ohio  when  seventeen  years  old, 
and  engaged  in  farming,  and  in  the  fall  of  1830 
purchased  a  large  farm  one  mile  north  of  George- 
town, when  it  was  a  wild  country  inhabited  by  a 
few  settlers,  and  wild  animals  were  many. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  reared  upon  a 
farm,  and  received  a  limited  education  in  the  primi- 
tive log  schoolhonse  with  split-pole  seats,  clap- 
board roof,  clapboard  ceiling,  huge  fireplace  in 
one  end  of  the  room;  stick  and  clay  chimney,  and 
log  out  for  a  window.  The  family'  to  which  our 
subject  belonged  first  lived  in  a  log  house  with  one 
room  which  afterward  had  a  kitchen  built  on  it.  The 
family  consisted  of  ten  children,  six  of  whom  are 
living:  Naomi,  James  W.,  Hannah,  Jonathan,  Will- 
iam and  George.  One  son,  John  L.,  First  Lieu- 
tenat  of  a  company  in  the  38th  Illinois  Infantry, 
in  the  late  war,  was  killed  in  the  battle  of  Stone 
River;  the  others  were:  Sallie,  Ruth  and  Jesse,  all 
grown  up  :uid  had  been  married. 

The  inarri;ige  of  our   subject   occurred   Oct.   1.3, 



1841,  to  Charity  Haworth,  daughter  of  Dillon 
Haworth  (deceased).  By  her  union  with  our  sub- 
jeut  there  have  been  born  three  children,  named 
respectively:  Mary,  Kuth  (deceajied)  and  Barclay. 
Mary  married  .Toseph  Henderson,  of  this  township, 
and  is  the  mother  of  five  children — William,  Ln- 
eretia  E.,  Minnie,  Rosa  and  Josephine.  Barclay 
married  Lizzie  Hawortli,  and  resi<les  in  Graham 
Count}';  Iowa;  they  have  become  the  parents  of 
six  children.  Mrs.  Dillon  died  May  21.  1850,  and 
subsequently  Mr.  Dillon  was  again  married  to 
Mas.  Permelia  Henderson,  Dee.  20,  1853,  widow 
of  (ieorge  Henderson  and  daughter  of  Charles 
Madden  (deceased),  a  [lioneer  of  this  township. 
By  this  second  union  our  subject  has  become  the 
father  of  seven  children,  six  of  whom  are  living 
— Charles,  Emily,  .lane,  Lucy,  Lewis  and  Sallie. 
Charles  married  a  Miss  Emory,  and  lives  in  this 
township;  Emily  married  .John  Pugh,  of  Edgar 
County,  this  State,  and  has  six  children;  .lane 
married  Garrett  O.  Heron;  Lucy  became  the  wife 
of  John  Crtnaday,  of  this  township;  and  Lewis 
married  Flora  Wolf. 

The  sul)ject  of  this  notice  owns  an  extensive 
farm  of  228  acres,  and,  in  connection  with  his  agri- 
cultural pursuits,  devotes  considerable  time  to 
stock-raising.  His  favorites  are  the  Poland-China 
swine  and  the  fShort-horn  cattle.  Religiously,  oui- 
subject  and  some  of  his  family  are  members  of  the 
Society  of  Friends,  and  he  is  a  stalwart  Repub- 

1,  ILLER  T.  FIX  LEV.  In  the  history  of 
countries  and  men  the  world  over,  it  is  in 
*  acknowledged  fact  that  those  who  have 
performed  the  grandest  part  on  life's  stage 
have  arisen  from  an  humble  position  in  life  and 
through  difficulties  which  called  forth  their  great- 
est energies.  lie  who  has  succeeded  under  the 
stress  of  circumstances  deserves  all  the  credit 
which  his  fellowmen  can  bestow  upon  him;  for 
where  one  has  succ(ded  ten  have  failed  and  relapsed 
into  obscurity. 

The  career  of    Mr.  Fiidey   is  one  of    more  than 
ordinary  interest,  illustiatiiig    in  a  marked  manner 

what  a  man  may  accomplish  through  steady  per- 
se verance  and  a  strong  will.  He  is  one  of  the 
t)ldpst  settlers  in  (xrant  Township,  and  occupies  a 
farm  of  COO  acres  on  section  24,  township  23, 
range  12.  He  also  owns  another  farm  of  300 
acres  in  the  same  township  on  sections  27  and  28, 
besiiles  two  acres  of  town  lots  and  other  property 
in  Rossville.  He  had  to  begin  with,  a  land  war- 
rent  for  160  acres  from  his  brother  David,  who 
died  in  the  Mexican  War,  and  from  he  has 
built  up  his  present  fortune  with,  it  is  hardly 
necessary  to  say,  the  exercise  of  rare  good  judg- 
ment and  great  industry  and  economy.  He  is 
known  to  most  of  the  people  of  this  region,  who 
h.ave  watched  his  prosperous  career  with  the  inter- 
est which  is  naturally  felt  in  looking  upon  those 
who  have  achieved  success  under  many  disadvant- 

Mr.  Finlev  was  born  in  Ripley  County,  Ind., 
Jan.  2(j,  182G,  but  while  he  was  a  small  child  his 
parents  came  to  this  county,  settling  in  1833  near 
the  present  site  of  Catlin.  The  father  took  up  new 
land  and  labored  ver}'  hard  to  improve  it.  He 
was  not  destined,  however,  to  realize  his  hope,  and 
becoming  involved  in  debt,  a  large  portion  of  his 
property  had  to  be  sacrificed  for  much  less  than 
what  it  was  really  worth.  Both  pai-ents  died  in 
1852  within  three  days  of  each  other.  Our  sub- 
ject and  his  sister,  Nancy,  remained  with  their 
parents  until  the. latter  no  longer  needed  their  filial 
offices.  Then  the  sister  lived  with  lier  brother 
until  her  marriage  with  Capt.  Samuel  Frazier,  of 
Danville,  a  sketch  of  whom  will  be  foun<l  on  an- 
other page  in  this  volume. 

Before  the  death  of  his  parents  our  subject  had 
begun  operating  on  his  quarter  section  of  land 
heretofore  spoken  of,  and  in  due  time  added  forty 
acres,  and  entered  in  earnest  upon  its  improvement 
and  cultivation.  He  put  up  a  little  frame  house  of 
two  rooms  and  there  later  himself,  his  sister  and 
his  brother.  Watts,  lived  engaged  in  farming  and 
stock  raising.  As  he  increased  the  value  of  his 
land  and  there  were  furnished  better  facilities  for 
the  transportation  of  produce,  he  gradually  alian- 
doned  the  live-stock  business  and  gave  his  atten- 
tion more  generally  to  farming.  He  invested  his 
surjilus  capital  in  additional  land,  and  is  now  one  of 



the  leading  land-ownuis  in  the  tu\vi)t.hii).  In  1871 
he  completed  a  handsome  and  commodious  resi- 
<kMice — one  of  the  finest  in  this  part  of  tlio  coun- 
try— and  upon  wliich  lie  expended  ><  1.000.  He 
has  a  fine  barn  also,  occupying  an  area  of  4(),vl4 
feet  with  a  solid  stone  liasemeiit  and  all  the  other 
buildings  and  appliances  necessar_v  to  the  complete 
equipment  of  the  modern  rural  homestead.  lie 
avails  himself  of  the  most  approved  maehiner\-  and 
Ueeps  himself  well  [josted  upon  liolh  agriculture 
and  politics. 

Although  a  stanch  suiiporter  of  Republican  prin- 
ci|iles,  ISIr.  Finley  has  no  political  aspirations,  but 
no  man  rejoices  more  in  the  success  of  his  part}- 
as  he  declares  that  he  would  rather  have  lost 
a  ?.')00  bill  than  that  Harrison  should  have 
failed  of  election.  I'pon  two  different  occasions  he 
left  the  farm  and  removed  to  Rossville,  deciding 
to  retire  from  active  labor,  lint  found  time  hang- 
ing heavy  on  his  hands  and  twice  went  back  to  the 
farm  where,  although  not  performing  any  of  its 
duties,  he  is  busily  employed  looking  after  its 
extensive  interests.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Metho- 
dist Church  at  Rossville,  and  has  alwa\s  con- 
tributed to  the  support  of  churches  both  at  lloopes- 
ton  and  Rossville. 

In  preparing  to  celebrate  Independence  day  in 
1867  Mr.  Finley  fortified  himself  with  a  congenial 
eomp.'inion  on  the  .'Id  of  July  that  year,  being  mar- 
ried to  jNIrs.  Rebecca  Pate,  an  occasion  both  will 
remember  as  long  as  life  lasts.  They  commenced 
their  wedded  lives  together  in  (iraiit  Township 
and  is  due  time  there  were  born  to  them  three 
children — Nannie  J.,  Gertie  and  Kilith.  They  still 
make  their  home  with  their  parents  and  are  lieing 
given  the  educational  and  social  advantages  befit- 
ting their  liirth  and  station.  Mrs.  Finley  is  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  lOpiscopal  Church  of 
Rossville  to  which  our  subject  has  contriliuted 
generously,  especially  in  the  erection  of  their 
church  edifice  at  Iloopeston. 

Mrs.  Fiidey  was  liorn  in  Ripley  County.  Inil.. 
Sept.  2,  1830,  and  is  the  daughter  of  .lane  and 
Nehemiah  Morehouse  vvIkj  are  now  deceased.  .She 
remained  a  resident  of  her  native  county  until  her 
marriage  with  Mr.  Pate,  then  came  wilh  him  to 
this  county,  settling    near  Catlin.  where    the  death 

of  Mr.  Pate  took  place  in  18G7.  David  Finley, 
the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a  native  of 
Kentucky  and  lived  till  the  advanced  age  of  seven- 
ty-two years.  He  removed  to  the  vicinity  of  Law- 
renceburg.  Ohio,  when  a  young  man  and  was  there 
married  to  Miss  Nancy  Miller.  l'i>on  leaving  the 
Buckeye  State  they  settled  in  Ripley  County,  Ind.. 
whence  they  came  to  Illinois.  Their  family  in- 
eluded  seventeen  children,  thirteen  of  which  lived 
to  mature  age.  Mr.  F'inley  followed  farming  all 
his  life,  the  most  t>(  which  he  spent  on  the  frontier. 
Her  mother's  maiden  name  was  Henderson. 


'41  )>>ILLIA:M  FITHIAN,  M.D.,  for  many  years 
\&Ji/  '"^  "*■'"  l^"Own  resident  of  Danville,  and  one 
WW  of  its  most  poiiular  practitioners,  was  born 
in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  on  April  7,  1709.  His  father, 
(ieorge  Fithian,  a  native  of  Elizabethtown,  N.  J., 
was  reared  and  married  in  that  .State.  Afterward 
he  removed  to  the  Northwest  Territory,  and  was 
one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Cincinnati  and  t\w 
first  to  engage  in  mercantile  business  there.  A  few 
3ears  later,  however,  he  removed  to  Springfield, 
Ohio,  where  he  lived  but  a  short  timg.  When  the 
town  of  Urbana  was  laid  out  he  removed  thence,  and 
erected  the  first  house  in  the  place.  This  was  a 
commodious  log  building,  which  he  opened  as  a 
publichouse  and  kept  a  tavern  several  years. 
Finally  he  and  his  wife  came  to  this  count}',  and 
S|ient  their  declining  years  in  Danville  with  their 
son,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and  their  remains 
were  laid  to  rest  in  Danville  Cemetery. 

William  Fitlnan  was  but  thirteen  years  of  age  at 
the  breaking  o\it  of  the  War  of  1812.  Most  of  the 
abh'diodied  men  of  the  neighborhood  eidisted  in 
the  service,  and  when  the  Indians  became  trouble- 
some the  elder  men  were  called  into  the  service, 
leaving  the  younger  ones  at  home.  These  latter 
organized  themselves  as  homeguards,  and  y'oung 
F'ilhian  joined  them.  MMien  seventeen  years  old  he 
began  the  study  of  medicine  under  Dr.  .loseph  Car- 
ter, a  successful  and  eminent  physician  of  I'rliana, 
Ohio.  He  commenced  practice  at  Mechanicsburg, 
eleven    miles   east   of  ITrbana,   .'uid   nfti'r  t  wo  years 



foimerl  a  paitiiersbip  with  his  preceptor.  Dr.  Car- 
tel-, with  whom  he  praeticed  until  1830. 

Dr.  Fithian  now  rlecidetl  to  move  to  tlie  frontier, 
and  aeeordingl}',  accomi>anied  by  his  wife,  came 
overland  by  team  to  this  county,  settlini;  in  Dan- 
ville when  tiiere  were  but  few  families  upon  its  pre- 
sent site.  Indians  still  lingered  here,  while  deer 
and  other  wild  game  was  plentiful.  The  surround- 
ing country  was  very  thinly  settled,  tlie  iaiid  being 
mostly  owned  bv  the  Oovernment  and  for  sale  at 
^1.2')  per  acre.  The  doctor  had  saved  some  money 
while  |)raeticing  and  I)egan  entering  land,  acquir- 
ing in  due  time  a  goodly  area,  lie  at  once  entered 
upon  a  successful  practice,  covering  miles  of  the 
surrounding  country,  and  even  extending  as  far  .as 
Chicago.  He  pursued  this  prosjierons  course  for 
upwards  of  fifty  years,  and  liecame  the  owner  of 
land  not  only  in  Vermilion  County;  but  indifferent 
parts  of  the  State.  lie  now  has  a  well  improved 
farm  of  2.500  acres  in  this  county,  which  is  oper- 
ated by  his  sons. 

The  doctor  has  been  four  times  married.  His 
first  wife,  Francis  L.  Sliain,  died  two  years  after 
her  marriage  without  children.  He  was  then  wed- 
ded to  Miss  Oleatlui  T.  Berry,  a  native  of  Urbana, 
Ohif),  who  became  the  mother  of  four  children,  of 
whom  George  and  .lolm  are  both  deceased.  The 
survivors  are  Henry  and  Elisha  C.  B.  Mrs.  Oleatha 
Fithian  only  lived  eight  3ears  after  her  mariiage. 
His  fourth  wife  was  Miss  Josephine  L.  Black,  who 
remained  his  companion  for  a  period  of  sixteen 
years,  and  then  she,  too,  jiassed  away. 

^^^  LLEN   LEWIS.     It  is  fifty-one  years  since 
^^ /l  I     Mr.  Lewis,  the  oldest  living  resident  of  his 
Ij    I*    township,  first  set  foot  upon  the  soil  of  \'er- 
Qj  milion  County.     He  had  emigrated  hither 

fi-oni  his  native  State  of  New  York,  coming  on 
foot  the  entire  distance,  with  the  exception  of  four- 
teen miles,  being  about  one  month  on  the  way. 
His  purpose  was  to  secure  a  tract  of  new  land  in  the 
uihl  West,  and  which  he  hoijcd  in  time  would 
prove  to  him  a  valuable  acquisition,  although  the 
prospect    then    was    anything    but    flattering.      He 

entered  ninety-seven  acres  on  section  22.  After  a 
six  months'  stay,  he  went  back  to  New  York  State, 
where  he  remained  three  3'ears  and  was  married  to 
Miss  .leanette  (Treen. 

U|ton  returning  to  this  county  for  permanent 
settlement,  our  subject  and  his  young  wife  made 
the  trip  from  Chicago  to  Rossville  in  a  "  prairie 
scliooner."  They  sojourned  near  Rossville  four  or 
five  years,  then  rented  an  hotel,  which  fuinished 
one  of  the  eaily  stopiiing  jilaccs  for  travelers  com- 
ing from  Milford.  and  was  the  first  house  of  its 
kind  in  this  region.  Mr.  Lewis  officiated  as  '•  mine 
host "  three  or  four  years.  He  had  entered  con- 
siderable land  in  the  meantime,  but  finally  con- 
cluding it  was  of  little  value,  sold  it  at  $4  ov '^o  [ler 
acre.  There  were  few  people  coming  in  at  first, 
and  wild  animals,  especially  deer,  were  plentiful. 
Of  these  he  believes  that  he  has  seen  as  many  as 
300  in  one  day,  so  whatever  else  the  settlers  lacked 
in  the  way  of  provisions,  there  was  plenty  of  wild 
meats,  and  in  the  summer  season  there  were  quant- 
ities of  gooseberries,  mulberries,  blackberries,  etc. 

Mr.  Lewis  during  his  residence  in  this  count,- 
has  improved  a  great  man}'  acres  of  land.  His 
present  farm  cost  him  only  §1  per  acre,  and  he  set- 
tled upon  it  in  1853.  I'rior  to  the  establishment  of 
a  postoffice  at  Rossville  he  was  made  Postmaster  of 
a  place  called  Rio.  and  this  frequently  was  the  re- 
sult of  an  income  for  the  Postmaster  of  only  -^1.25 
per  quarter  or  about  $5  or  |;('i  a  year.  Mr.  Lewis 
was  the  first  Postmaster  in  this  jiart  of  the  county, 
and  held  this  office  for  about  four  years.  He  as- 
sisted in  the  establishment  of  the  first  school,  and 
has  a  large  portion  of  the  time  officiated  as  School 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimalile  wife  there  were 
born  four  children,  only  two  of  whom  are  living. 
The  son,  Sylvester,  married  Miss  llattie  Clanahan; 
they  have  four  children,  and  live  three-fourths  of 
a  mile  north  of  the  old  farm.  Isalielle,  the  daugh- 
ter, is  the  wife  of  Albert  Boardman,  and  they  are 
living  in  Rossville,  for  the  purpose  of  educating 
their  two  children.  Mrs.  .leanette  (Green)  Lewis 
was  born  in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y..  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Benjamin  Green,  who  was  one  of  the 
early  settlers  of  that  region,  and  whose  farm  ad- 
joined that  of  the  Lewis  family.     Mr.   tireen  died 



some  years  ago;  lie  was  the  father  of   Ira  Green, 
who  is  represented  elsewliere  in  this  Aluim. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  .Sylvester  and 
Catherine  (Dubois)  Lewis, and  the  father  was  born 
in  New  York  State,  near  the  Hudson  River.  He 
came  to  the  West  while  it  was  a  wilderness,  living 
in  the  woods  four  years  before  seeing  a  wagon.  He 
opened  up  a  good  farm  upon  which  he  s|)cnt  the 
remainder  of  his  days.  He  lielonged  to  the  Pres- 
byterian Church,  while  his  wife  a  Baptist  in 
leligion.  The\-  were  the  parents  of  nine  children. 
Allen,  our  suliject.  in  religious  matters,  inclines  to 
the  Presbyterian  Church,  of  which  he  is  a  member 
at  Rossville.  He  is  one  of  the  oldest  living  resi- 
dents of  his  township,  and  made  for  himself  a 
good  record  as  a  man  and  a  citizen. 

-5 #>.# ^ 

box.  CHARLES  A.  ALLEN,  member  of 
^  the  Thirty-Sixth  General  Assemlily  from 
_^  the  Thirty-First  District  of  Illinois,  was 
(^  elected  on  the  Reimblican  ticket  in  1884, 
1880  and  1888,  and  is  consequently  serving  his 
third  term.  He  has  brought  to  his  position  tine 
natural  abilities,  a  large  experience,  and  a  con- 
scientious fidelity  to  dut}',  which  h.'is  enal)led  him 
to  study  the  best  interests  of  his  constituents,  to 
whom  he  has  given  uniform  satisfaction. 

Mr.  Allen  is  recognized  as  a  gentleman  of  more 
tluui  ordinary  ability,  and  has  been  jirominent  in 
tlie  councils  of  liis  party  for  years,  both  in  Cen- 
tral Illinois  and  in  the  Legislative  halls  at  the 
Capitol  of  the  State.  In  188.5  he  served  on  the 
.Iiuliciary  Committee  and  with  several  other  im- 
portant Ijodies,  and  in  1887  was  Chairman  (^f  the 
KMllroad  ;nid  Warehouse  Coniniissiou,  lieing  that 
year  also  on  the  .Judiciary  Committee.  In  1881) 
he  was  Chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Corpora- 
tions and  Educational  Institution.^,  while  at  the 
same  time  remaining  with  the  .hidiciary  Commit- 
tee. During  the  lively  discussion  over  the  matter 
of  Geu.  Logan's  a|)pointment  he  was  the  first  man 
on  the  roll  call,  at  that  time  a  \ery  imiiortaut 

All  the  interests  of  Mr.  Allen  have  been  centred 

in  this  county  and  vicinit}',  and  here  he  has  spent 
nearl}'  his  entiri'  life.  He  was  Ijorn  in  Danville, 
July  2G,  lS.')l,and  two  years  later  the  family  re- 
moved to  the  Ridge,  in  the  nortiiern  part  of  the 
e()unl3'.  where  they  were  the  earliest  settlers. 
^'oung  Allen  after  leaving  tlie  district  scIkjoI  en- 
tered the  law  department  of  the  .Michigan  .State 
University,  liy  which  he  was  gratlnated  in  1876. 
He  began  the  [iraciJee  of  his  ludfession  in  Ross- 
ville, where  he  remained  until  1881,  when  the  new 
town  of  Iloopeston  began  to  assume  encouraging- 
proportions,  and  he,  accordingly,  removed  thither, 
where  he  has  since  made  his  home.  In  connection 
with  his  practice  he  has  dealt  considerably  in  real 
estate,  and  is  now  the  owner  of  1,200  acres  of 
land.  In  the  meantime  he  became  one  of  the  most 
prominent  attorne3-s  of  this  p;ul  <if  the  county. 
and  he  has  held  various  rcs|)oiisiljle  positions  con- 
nected with  local  affairs.  Socially',  he  is  a  charter 
member  of  the  K.  of  P.,  and  also  belongs  to  the 
Masonic  fraternity  and  tlie  1.  ().  O.  F. 

In  Kossville,  on  the  4tli  of  April.  187"J,  Mr, 
Allen  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Mary 
Thompson,  daughter  of  L.  M.  Thompson,  a  sketch 
of  whom  appears  elsewheie  in  this  volume.  Of 
this  union  there  have  been  born  two  bright  chil- 
dren, both  sons — John  N.  and  Lawrence  T.  The 
family  residence  is  pleasantl}-  situated,  and  forms 
an  attractive  resort  for  its  most  cultivated  and  re- 
fined element. 

The  father  of  our  subject  is  William  1.  Allen, 
the  first  man  to  settle  along  the  Northern  line  of 
this  count\'.  He  is  still  living,  and  is  represented 
on  another  page  in  this  work. 

— V 

AVID  K.  8.MITH,  one  of  the  self-made 
men  of  Elwood  Township,  is  engaged  in 
farming  on  section  17.  His  native  .Stjite 
was  West  Mrginia,  lie  having  been  born 
there  .Sept.  17.  1824.  II is  father,  Isaac  Smith,  now 
deceased,  was  a  native  of  East  Tennessee  and  his 
mother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Martha  Ross, 
claims  Mrginia  as  the  place  of  her  birth.  The 
[lareiital  household  numbered   seven    children,  two 



of  whom  .ire  deceased.  Tliose  living  are  named: 
Isaac,  Joliii,  Lydia  A.,  Ilannali  and  David  R  ,  our 

Our  subject  accompanied  his  parents  to  this 
county  when  a  lad  of  ten  or  twelve  years  and  re- 
ceived his  i)riinary  education  in  the  customary  log 
s'.'hool  house  with  its  puncheon  floor,  clapboard 
roof,  slab  seats  and  wall  desks.  His  first  step 
towards  establishing  a  home  for  himself  was  his 
marriage  April  8,  l«.j6,  to  Lydia  McNeese,  daugh- 
ter of  William  McNeese,  who  is  now  deceased. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith  have  lieen  born  six 
children,  only  three  of  whom  are  living — Alfred, 
Pleasant  and  Isaac.  Alfred  took  to  wife  Mah.ala 
Biggs  of  Georgetown,  tliey  have  no  children; 
Pleasant  married  Jliss  \'iola  Biggs  and  resides  in 
this  township;  they  have  one  child  a  daughter, 
Edna.  Our  suliject  is  the  possessor  of  sixty  acres 
of  good  farming  land  and  which  yields  him  a 
comfortable  income.  He  has  served  his  township 
several  years  in  the  capacity'  of  School  Director, 
and  has  also  held  tlie  position  of  Path  JNIaster  and 
Constable,  the  latter  oflice  three  years.  Both  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Smith  are  members  and  active  workers 
of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church.  Politi- 
cally our  subject  casts  his  vote  and  intluence  with 
the  Republican  party. 

^A  RS.  MARY  PATTERSON.  Indianola  claims 
one  of  the  oldest  children  of  N'ermil- 
ion  County  in  the  jierson  of  Mrs.  Mar}' 
I'atterson.  She  was  born  in  what  is  now 
Carroll  Township,  .luue  13,  1823,  and  is  the  daugh- 
of  Simeon  and  Nancy  (Mundlc)  Cox.  Her  father 
was  a  native  of  Virginia,  where  in  the  bracing 
mountain  air  he  grew  to  manhood.  While  sc>journ- 
ing  awhile  in  Pennsylvania,  he  met  nnd  married  a 
daughter  of  the  Ke3Stone  State.  Following  his 
occupation  of  a  millwright,  he  built  a  number  of 
mills  in  his  immediate  neighborhood,  but  in  the 
year  1823  emigrated  to  Carroll  Township.  He 
also  built  several  mills  in  this  vicinity,  although 
making  a  farm  his  home  until  his  death.  Mr.  and 
Jlrs.  Cox   had    thirteen    children:  Charles,  Abner, 

Lot,  Thomas,  George,  Adeline,  Melinda,  Mary, 
Jane,  Louisa,  Pi'iscilla,  Annie  D.  and  Minerva  E. 
The  subject  of  our  sketch  attained  to  years  of 
maturity  in  Carroll  Township,  enduring  the  vicis- 
situdes and  enjoying  the  pleasures  of  pioneers  of 
those  days.  When  nineteen  j'cars  of  age  she  was 
married  to  Mr.  Elijah  Patterson,  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky, but  reared  to  manhood  in  Brown  County, 
Ohio.  Upon  reaching  manhood,  stories  of  the 
Great  West  attracted  him  thither,  Init  after  his 
marriage  he  returned  to  his  old  home  in  Ohio, 
where  he  lived  twelve  or  thirteen  years.  For  a 
second  time  he  cast  his  lot  with  those  brave  pio- 
neers of  the  desolate  frontier,  and,  with  his  fam- 
ily, settled  in  Carroll  Township,  which  was  his 
home  until  death  called  him  auay  in  187.'),  at  the 
age  of  sixt}'  two  years. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Patterson  were  born  ten  chil- 
dren, as  follows:  George,  Simeon,  Eugene  D.,  Ann 
E.,  Emma  C,  Franklin  !>.,  Leaiider,  .lohn  W., 
Mary  J.  and  Louella.  Of  these,  John  and  Mary 
died  at  the  ages  of  four  years  and  three  months  re- 
spectively. The  others  reside  as  thus  stated;  George 
lives  in  Chicago,  being  a  commission  merchant  in 
the  Union  Stockyards;  his  sister,  Ann  E.,  resides 
with  him.  Simeon  is  a  liarber  in  Indianola,  and 
Eugene  I),  is  a  carpenter  in  the  same  town;  Emma 
C.  married  Mr.  James  J.  Healy,  who  is  a  merchant 
in  Indianola,  and  whose  sketch  appears  in  this  vol- 
ume; Franklin  P.,  Leander  and  Louella  are  still 
at  the  old  homestead. 

Mrs.  Patterson  is  an  intelligent  and  devoted 
Christian,  having  been  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church  in  Indianola  for  a  period  of 
more  than  thirty  years.  During  a  long  life  of  use- 
fulness she  has  made  a  large  circle  of  friends,  and 
is   known  and   loved  for  miles  around.     Glancin""- 


back  tliiough  more  than  half  a  century,  and  com- 
paring the  condition  of  the  country  then  with  wnat 
it  is  to-daj-,  she  feels  that  the  years  have  not  only 
brought  prosperity'  to  the  country,  but  have 
brought  to  her  the  right  of  enjoying  well-earned 
repose  in  the  bosom  of  her  family.  In  her  child- 
hood's home  she  could  stand  at  the  door,  and  as 
far  as  the  eye  could  reach  there  appeared  nothing 
but  the  seemingly  boundless  prairie,  save  where 
the  solitude  was   broken  by  the  fleeing  deer  or  the 



wMmleriiig  lniiit.siii;iii.  Indians  soinetiaies  came 
near  llie  lunulv  c:ibins,  but  even  at  that  early  dale 
they  were  drifting  toward  tlie  setting  sun.  The 
saniecliihl,  now  grown  to  lie  a  prosperous  and  ven- 
erated woman,  eau  still  stand  at  the  door  of  her 
eouifortabic  home  and  witness  the  changes  which 
time  has  wrouglit  lui  the  old  familiar  landscape. 
The  former  solitude  is  now  as  a  blooming  garden, 
with  prosperous  pco|)le  and  elegant  residences.  Hut 
among  all  these  present  residents  the  name  of  Mrs. 
Mary  Patterson  will  be  remembered  with  pleasure 
long  after  she  has  passed  from  among  those  who 
love  her. 

'   oCm  ' — ■ 

H.  JOIIX  HOLK,  a  dentist  of  rare  talent, 
makes  his  residence  at  Kidge  Farm,  lie 
was  born  in  Belmont  County,  Ohio,  in 
1831,  and  is  a  son  of  Jonah  Hole,  a  native 
of  Loudoun  County.  \'a.,  and  who  is  now  deceased. 
The  mother  of  our  sul)ject  was.  Miss  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  .Ion;illian  Ellis,  a  distinguished  (Juaker. 
Mrs.  Hole  was  a  native  of  t'ulpeper  County,  N  a.  The 
grandfather  of  our  subject,  Jacob  Hole,  married 
Mary  Thomas,  sister  of  Col.  Thomas  of  Hevolu- 
tionar3'  fame.  Jonah  Hole,  father  of  our  subject 
was  a  Quaker  minister  and  preached  throughout 
Canada,  the  Caroliuas,  New  England  and  the  Mid- 
dle .States. 

Our  subject  migrated  to  Champaign  County'. 
Ohio  with  his  parents  in  1840,  where  Ihe^y  settled 
on  a  farm.  His  education  was  received  in  the  cus- 
tomarj'  log  school-house  of  those  days.  He  remained 
with  his  parents  until  September  1851,  at  which 
lime  he  went  to  Oregon,  in  the  northwestern  part 
of  Missouri,  remaining  there  only  a  year,  when  he 
retraced  his  footsteps  to  Illinois,  settling  at  Ridge 
Farm  where  he  has  since  resided,  and  bears  the 
dittinction  of  being  the  oldest  settler  but  one  of 
the  village. 

Margaret  L.  Ric(^  became  the  wife  of  our  subject, 
Aug.  13,  1853.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Lewis  and 
F^liza  Rice,  both  of  whom  are  deceased.  Eleven 
children  have  come  to  bless  this  union,  seven  of 
whom  are  living:  Lewis  W.,  Lydia,  Oliver  C, 
Margaret    L..  Charles   W..   Louisa   J.   and    Frank. 

Lydia  is  the  wife  of  Evans  J.  Arnold  and  resides 
at  St.  Augustine,  l'"la. :  she  is  the  mother  of  two 
children,  Rolla  and  .M.  Pearline.  Mr.  Arnold  is 
Grand  Master  of  the  I.  O.  ().  F.  of  Florida;  Oliver 
married  Lucy  Castle,  is  the  father  of  one  child, 
.Melvin,  and  makes  his  home  in  Hutchinson,  Kan.; 
Margaret  became  the  wife  of  Hugh  F.  Gilkerson 
and  resides  at  Ridge  F.arm,  where  her  husband  is 
Township  Collector  and  architect;  she  is  the 
mother  of  one  son,  Noble. 

Socially-.  Dr.  Hole  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic 
fraternity  and  was  Master  of  the  lodge  five  years. 
Mrs.  Hole  is  an  active  memlier  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  The  Doctor  sympathizes  with 
the  Republican  party  in  his  political  views.  He 
was  Railway  Postal  Clerk  on  the  Danville  and 
Cairo  route  for  eleven  3'ears.  In  1801  he  estab- 
lished himself  as  a  dentist  and  has  since  followed 
that  profession  with  the  exception  of  the  eleven 
yeai's  above  mentioned.  Our  subject  has  the 
marriage  certificate  of  one  of  his  ancestors — Wil- 
loughby  Warder  and  .Mar3'  Howell,  who  were  mar- 
ried June  1,  lti',)G.  It  is  printeil  and  written  on 
[larchment  and  bears  the  signatures  of  William 
Penn.  George  Whitehead  and  other  noted  Quakers. 
He  also  has  in  his  possession  a  lease  given  his  an- 
cestors, to  a  part  of  the  land  where  Philadelphia 
now  stands,  and  which  was  executed  in  1785.  Of 
sterling  worth  and  integrity,  Dr.  Hole  is  accorded 
that  tacit  respect  earned  by  the  pioneer  of  Illinois, 
and  is  a  man  whose  word  is  considered  as  good  as 
his  bond. 

AMUEL  TllO.MPSON,  one  of  the  well- 
known  farmers,  now  residing  on  section 
;)5.  Elwood  Township,  was  born  either  in 
this  or  lulgar  County,  Oct.  6,  1835.  His 
father.  .lames  Thompson,  was  a  native  of  Kentucky, 
and  came  to  the  ISlue  Ixiver  W'llley,  Ind.,  when  a 
young  married  man,  and  removed  to  this  county 
before  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born.  His 
mother  was  Elizabeth  .May,  also  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky, and  died  Sept.  M,  1858.  The  parental 
household  numbered  ten  children,  five  of  whom 
are  living,  viz:    William,  Thomas,   George,    Isaon. 



and  our  subject.  William  ami  Thomas  are  resi- 
dents of  this  township;  George  lives  in  Prairie 
Township,  Edgar  County,  and  Isaac  lives  in  Arkan- 
sas City,  Kan. 

Our  subject  received  his  first  education  at  a  sub- 
scrii)tion  school,  held  in  a  log  cabin  with  puncheon 
Hoor,  split-log  seats  with  pin  legs,  and  having  for 
desks  a  log  hewed  and  pinned  to  the  wall.  Greased 
paper  also  served  for  window  panes;  a  huge  fire- 
place in  one  end;  clapboard  roof.  After  receiving 
his  education  our  subject  began  to  shift  for  him- 
self, and  chose  farming  for  his  occupation,  which 
he  has  always  followed  suecessfull3'. 

Mr.  Thompson  was  married  Aug.  28,  1855,  to 
Miss  Osie  Grosser,  daughter  of  Jacob  Grosser,  now 
deceased,  and  who  was  .also  a  pioneer  of  this 
count}'.  Mrs.  Thompson  was  born  in  this  town- 
ship, and  has  become  the  mother  of  seven  children: 
>Sylvanus,  Sylvester,  Flora,  Charlie,  Doni.  Amanda, 
and  William  C.  Sylvanus  married  Lucy  Mangus; 
lives  in  this  township,  and  has  two  children — Frank 
and  Osie.  Sylvester  married  Minerva  Jane  Hol- 
lingsworth,  and  lives  in  this  township;  they  have 
one  child — Verney. 

Our  subject  never  was  an  office-seeker,  and  re- 
ligiously is  a  member  of  the  Cumberland  Presby- 
terian Church.  His  son.  Sylvanus,  is  also  a  mem- 
ber of  that  denomination.  Mr.  Thompson  is 
the  proprietor  of  175^  acres  of  fine  land.  He 
turns  his  attention  mostly  to  the  raising  of  stock, 
his  favorites  being  the  graded  Short-horn  cattle 
and  Poland  China  swine. 

f/ONATHAN  KILBOURN  was  born  in  Ham- 
ilton County,  Ohio,  in  1817.  His  father, 
Joseph  Kilbourn,  was  a  native  of  Connecti- 
cut. His  ancestors  came  to  America  among 
the  first  emigrants  and  became  earlj-  settlers  of  this 
county.  The  father  was  reared  in  his  native  State 
and  received  a  general  education,  which  fitted  him 
for  teaching.  He  removed  from  Connecticut  in 
the  year  1805.  and  made  the  trip  overland  to  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  and  tlicnco  down  the  Ohio  River  to 
Cincinnati,  then  a   very   small   place.     He  located 

near  Mt.  Pleasant,  and  bought  a  tract  of  timber 
land  and  built  a  log  house  thereon.  He  taught 
school  during  the  winter  and  the  rest  of  the  year 
released  land,  and  resided  in  Hamilton  County 
until  his  death.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother 
of  our  subject  was  Miss  Rebecca  Howe,  a  native  of 
the  same  State  as  her  husband,  and  who  departed 
this  life  six  weeks  after  his  death,  in  Hamilton 
Countj',  Ohio. 

Jonathan  Kill)ourn  was  a  lad  of  five  j'ears  when 
his  parents  died,  and  he  was  left  to  the  care  of  his 
elder  brothers  and  sisters  until  he  could  take  care 
of  himself,  which  he  did  at  the  age  of  twelve  or 
fourteen  3'ears,  when  he  worked  out  for  $4  a  month; 
he  continued  to  work  out  for  several  years.  He 
saved  his  earnings  and  engaged  in  the  mercantile 
business  in  A'eniee,  Ohio,  which  he  continued  until 
the  year  1854,  .vhen  he  came  to  Danville,  Vermil- 
ion County,  and  bought  sixty  acres  of  land,  en- 
gaged in  farming,  and  resided  there  until  1 8G8. 
He  then  sold  it  and  bought  where  he  now  resides, 
which  consists  of  2G0  acres  of  land  on  the  east  bank 
of  the  Vermilion  River.  He  has  retired  from 
active  labor  and  his  sons  run  the  farm. 

Our  suliject  was  married  on  May  12,  1840,  to 
Susan  M.  Lutes,  a  native  of  Butler  County,  Ohio. 
By  this  union  there  have  been  six  children  born  to 
them,  viz:  Sarah  married  J.  B.  Bradford,  and  re- 
sides in  California;  Perley  P.  lives  in  Oregon; 
Emma,  Andrew,  AVilliam,  and  Herbert  are  still 
under  the  |)tueutal  roof. 


WILLIAM  PATTERSON  is  the  owner  of  160 
acres  of  prime  land  on  section  34,  Elwood 
Township,  Vermilion  County.  He  was 
born  Feb.  22,  1824,  in  Granger  County,  East  Tenn. 
His  father  was  Andrew  Patterson  (deceased),  native 
of  the  same  State  as  his  son,  who  brought  his  fam- 
ily to  this  county  in  1827.  They  settled  at  Yankee 
Point,  in  this  township,  among  Indians  and  wild 
animals,  such  as  deer,  wolves,  wild  hogs,  and  an 
abundance  of  turkeys,  pheasants,  prairie  chickens, 
and  other  wild  fowl.  The  pioneers  settled  in  and 
along  the  timber,  lliinking  the  prairie  could  never 
be  utilized    for    anything  except   grazing.     They 



went  to  Suniir  Mild  C'oiil  Crei'ks,  in  I'.-irkt' County  , 
Ind.,  for  tlii'ir  milling,  but  later  mills  were  built 
over  the  country  run  by  horse  powei-.  The  bolting- 
was  done  by  turning  :i  crank  by  hand. 

Our  subject  endured  all  the  hardships  and  priva- 
tions incident  to  pioneer  life.  The  maiden  name 
of  his  mother  was  Amelia  Golden,  daughter  of 
William  Golden  (deeeaseil),  who  came  from  Gran- 
ger County,  Tcnn.,  in  1>S24,  settling  in  this  town- 
ship at  Yankee  Point.  She  became  the  mother  of 
six  children,  our  subject  being  the  eldest.  The 
others  are:  Thomas,  Sarah  (Mrs.  Campbell),  .lohn 
(deceased),  Elizabeth  (Mrs.  Campbell),  and  Golden. 
All  live  in  this  county,  the  girls  in  Georgetcjwn 
Township  and  the  boys  in  this  township. 

William  Patterson  led  Mary  Patty  to  the  nnir- 
riage  altar.  Jan.  IG,  l.S,');S.  She  is  the  daughter  of 
Eli  Patty,  deceased,  who  came  to  this  county  from 
Carroll  (Jounty,  Fnd.,  in  1817.  They  have  been 
blessed  by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  four  of 
whom  are  yet  living,  viz:  .lohn.  Pleasant,  Cathe- 
rine, and  Lincoln.  They  are  all  single  and  still 
under  the  home  roof,  hi  LS.')4  our  subject  went  to 
Broailland,  in  the  southwestern  |)art  of  Cliam|iaign 
County,  111.,  imiiroved  a  fine  farm,and  residing 
there  when  Mike  Sullivan  fiist  started  his  noted 
Broadland  farm;  he  remained  there  until  the  spring 
of  1861,  when  he  returned  to  this  townshii),  where 
he  has  since  resided.  Religiously,  both  Mr. 
tersonand  his  excellent  wife  are  members  in  good 
standing  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church, 
where  much  respect  is  given  this  worthy  old  pio- 


Sf'OHN  FOLGER  resides  on  section  25,  Harri- 
I    son's,   Elwood  Township,  and   was 

born  in  the  same  township  on  Sept.  17,  18"29. 

He  was  the  sou  of  Latham  Folger,  a  whaler, 
who  was  taken  prisoner  while  in  whaling  during 
the  Revolutionary  War,  by  the  British,  and  because 
he  would  not  consent  to  fight,  was  taken  to  a  small 
rocky  island,  and  left  to  starve  to  death,  but  to  his 
good  fortune  an  American  vessel  soon  came  along 
and  rescued  him.  He  was  then  a  resident  of  Nan- 
tucket Island.     Benjamin  Franklin's  mother  was  a 

Folger,  and  was  relatecl  lo  ( iraudfallicr  l''olger.  be- 
ing his  first  cousin.  Ex-Sccretar,>'  of  the  nniled 
States  Treasurer  Folger,  was  also  a  mendicr  of  the 
same  family. 

Latham  Folger,  the  father  of  the  one  of  whom 
we  write,  entered  land  in  the  Harrison  Purchase, 
and  was  a  tanner,  shoe-makei' and  a  manuf.'ictnrer 
of  horse  collars.  He  ran  a  tannery,  and  the  above 
namc(l  trades  in  Elwood  from  the  spring  of  1820 
until  181."),  when  he  settled  on  his  land  in  the  south- 
ern part  of  Elwood  Townshii).  where  he  carried  on 
farming  extensively.  The  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Elizabeth  Starbuck.  '  She  becanu'  the  mother 
of  ten  children,  namely  :  Walter,  Erasmus,  Matilda, 
who  married  a  Mr.  Ilaworth,  and  is  now  deceased; 
Lydia.  married  Mi'.  Reynolds,  and  is  a  twin  of  JMa- 
tilda;  our  subject.  Mary,  Mrs.  Mills;  Uriah,  Sarah, 
(Mrs.  Dubre),  Rachael  (Mrs.  Ellis)  and  Thomas. 
The  father  died  early  in  the  year  of  18.'J2,  and 
the  mother  departed  this  life  in  the  fall  of   1S7'.I. 

The  early  life  of  our  subject  was  s|ieut  in  the 
tan-yard,  and  later  he  worked  on  the  farm,  lie  ob- 
tained his  education  at  the  \'ermilion  Academy 
and  at  Blooiningdale.  Ind.,  under  Professors  Thomas 
and  Ilobbs.  He  then  acted  in  the  capacity  of  a 
pedagogue  for  three  winters,  but  finally  chose  farm- 
ing for  his  life  occupation.  In  September,  1852, 
occurred  an  interesting  event  in  the  life  of  i)ur  sub- 
ject, namelj',  his  marriage  to  Miss  Elizabeth,  daugh- 
ter of  MalUon  and  Ruth  Reynolds.  Mrs.  Folger 
first  saw  the  light  March  8,  1831,  in  Parke  County, 
lud.,  and  remained  a  resident  of  that  county  until 
her  marriage. 

The  union  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Folger  has  been 
blessed  by  the  birth  of  nine  children,  all  living  but 
two.  Ida  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-three  years; 
she  was  a  student  in  the  State  Industrial  College, 
Chami)aigu,  III,  and  :i  bright  and  accom|)lished 
young  lady.  Her  death  was  caused  by  hard  study, 
which  injured  her  brain  and  ultimately  resulted  in 
her  death.  The  remaining  children  were  named, 
respectively:  Alonzo  M.,  .lulius,  Adolphus  I).,  Ro- 
mania ,L,  Rjichael  E.,  Clotillie  and  Lottie  R.  The 
eldest  son,  Alonzo,  married  Carrie  Castle;  they  live 
in  Dana,  Ind.,  and  are  the  parents  of  one  child,  a 
.son,  Ray.  Julius  was  married  to  Annie  Jorilan,  is 
the  father  of   two  (diildren,  only   one   of    whom   is 



living,  Alvin;  he  makes  his  residence  in  Pontiae, 
Midi.  Romania  became  the  wife  of  Jacob  M.  IIul- 
lingsworth.  resides  in  Prairie  Township,  Edgar 
County,  this  State,  and  is  the  mother  of  three  chil- 
dren— Harry,  Esther  and  an  infant  girl. 

Mr.  Folger  is  tiie  possessor  of  154  acres  of  One 
farming  land,  and  has  added  stock  raising  to  his 
farming  interests.  His  favorites  are  the  graded 
.Shurt-horn  and  full-blooded  Durhams,  with  regis- 
tered pedigree.  He  also  has  some  fine  horses  of  the 
Clydesdale,  Norman  and  Whij)  breeds.  His  hogs 
are  the  Poland-China  and  Berkshires. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Folger,  together  with  their  chil- 
dren, have  for  many  years  been  active  members  of 
the  Society  of  Friends,  in  which  communion  our 
suliject  was  a  nnnister.  He  traveled  (juite  exten- 
sively attending  the  annual  meetings  at  Pliiladel- 
phia,  r>allimore.  and  Lawrence,  Kan.,  defraying  his 
own  expenses.  He  also  attended  many  of  the 
yearly  meetings  in  Indiana  and  Oskaloosa,  Iowa. 
He  now  fills  the  i)ulpit  at  various  points  in  this 
State  anil  in  Indiana.  Himself  and  wife  are  held 
in  the  highest  possible  regard  by  a  large  circle  of 
friends,  who  recognize  in  them  such  character  and 
personal  worth  as  entitle  them  to  a  position  among 
the  representative  citizens  of  the  county. 

■^■4m^<r- — 

ylLLlAM  CHANDLER,  a  retired  farmer 
and  a  resident  of  Bismarck,  was  one  of  the 
earliest  pioneers  of  this  county,  coming  to 
this  region  with  his  parents  when  a  boj'  of  seven 
years.  The  country  was  but  little  removed  from 
its  primitive  condition  and  not  many  years  prior  to 
this  was  mostly  the  tramping  ground  of  the  Indian. 
Wild  animals  were  still  plentiful  and  onl3'  here  and 
there  was  erected  the  cabin  of  the  adventurous  set- 
tler. Some  who  came  in  grew  discouraged  and 
moved  away,  usually  returning  to  their  old  homes. 
The  Chandler  family-,  however,  had  come  to  stay 
and  they  prepared  themselves  for  every  emergency, 
labored  early  and  late,  endured  manj'  hardships 
and  privations  and  in  due  time  reaped  the  reward 
of  their  toil  and  sacrifices. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Harrison 

County,  Ky.,  Sept.  5,  1821,  and  was  the  fifth  in  a 
family  of  nine  children,  the  offspring  of  .John  and 
Polly  (Jones)  Chandler.  The  parents  were  mar- 
ried In  llie  Blue  Grass  State,  but  in  1828  resolved 
to  seek  their  fortunes  in  the  West. and  made  their 
way  to  lliis  county,  arriving  here  on  the  16th  of 
November,  that  year.  They  located  on  a  tract  of 
wild  land  in  Newell  Township,  where  the  father 
tilled  the  soil  and  made  some  improvements,  then,  in 
18o3,sold  outand  took  up  his  residence  in  theyoung 
town  of  Danville,  where  he  spent  the  remainder  of 
his  life,  passing  away  in  185!).  The  mother  had 
died  at  the  farm  some  time  previously. 

Our  subject  remained  a  member  of  his  father's 
household  until  reaching  his  majority,  acquiring  a 
limited  education  in  the  subscription  schools. 
Then  starting  out  for  himself  he  settled  on  a  tract 
of  land  a  short  distance  from  the  farm  of  his  father, 
becoming  the  owner  of  fifty-one  acres.  Shortly 
afterward,  however,  he  sold  this  and  purchased  140 
acres  which  he  improved  and  which  he  occupied 
until  1864.  Then  selling  out  once  more  he  changed 
his  residence  to  Danville  where  he  remained  ten 
years.  In  1874  he  removed  to  Bismarck  of  which 
he  has  since  been  a  resident. 

Mr.  Chandler  was  married  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
three  years  to  Miss  Melinda,  daughter  of  William 
and  Mary  Cunningham.  Mrs.  Chandler  was  the 
eighth  in  a  family  of  eleven  children.  She  became 
the  mother  of  five  children  and  departed  this  life 
in  1863.  Their  eldest  daughter,  Mary  G.,  is  the 
wife  of  Andrew  Claypool;  Emma  A.  married  .lames 
R.  Hoover  and  is  living  at  St.  Lawrence,  Dak. ; 
Rosetta  C;  William  J.  and  Laura  E.  is  the  wife  of 
How.ird  S.  Hicks  of  Milford,  111.  In  politics  Mr. 
Ciiandler  uniformly  supports  the  principles  of  the 
Republican  party  and  at  present  holds  the  olliee  of 
Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Notary  Public.  He  served 
two  years  as  Assessor  of  Newell  Township  and  is 
one  of  the  representative  men  of  this  community. 
In  religious  matters  he  is  identified  with  the 
Christian  Church.  He  has  been  an  interested  wit- 
ness of  the  marvelous  changes  going  on  in  the  great 
West,  since  he  came  to  years  of  discretion,  and  has 
pursued  the  even  tenor  of  his  way  as  an  honest 
man  and  a  good  citizen,  encouraging  those  projects 
calculated  for   the   moral  elevation   of   the  people 



am]  lending  liis  intliieiice  to  the  enterprises  calcu- 
lated to  develop  the  county.  The  old  settlers  are 
fast  passing  away  and  in  recounting  their  names 
and  deeds  the  career  of  Mr.   Chandler   can   by  no 

mcins  be  allowed  to  pass  unnoticeil. 


^(OSIAHS.  SANDUSKY,  one  of  the  [ironi- 
inent  farmers  in  this  section  of  Illinois,  and 
one  whose  operations  as  a  stockman  are 
among  the  first  in  this  great  State,  owns  and 
occupies  1,000  acres  of  land  in  Carroll  Township, 
where  he  handles  all  kinds  of  stock  and  fine  road 
and  trotting  horses.  His  stock  dealings  embrace 
the  best  strains  of  blood  that  can  be  procured,  and 
in  his  selections  he  is  aided  by  great  experience 
and  a  natural  aptitude  for  the  business. 

His  father  r'lid  mother,  Abraham  and  .T.iiie  (Mc- 
Dowell) Sandusky,  were  natives  of  iJourbon 
County,  Ky.,  the  former's  birth  occurring  on  March 
•2d,  171)3,  while  the  mother  was  born  on  Dec.  IG, 
1792.  The  grandparents  were  among  the  brave 
[lioneers  whose  fortitude  aided  in  the  settlement  of 
Kentucky,  and  who  were  constantly  in  peril  by 
reason  of  the  desi)erate  red  men  of  that  region  be- 
ing particularly  troublesome.  The  Sandusky 
family  contains  what  is  commonly  known  as  "  blue 
blood,"  as  it  descended  from  the  nobility  of  Poland. 
The  original  Sodowsky,  as  he  spelled  and  pro- 
nounced his  name,  was  a  distinguished  nobleman 
of  that  country,  and  by  reason  of  his  desire  to  aid 
the  downtroclden,  he  was  forever  banished  from  his 
native  land.  He  came  to  America  in  17.00,  and 
soon  was  a  great  favorite  with  the  American  colo- 
nists. He  married  the  sister  of  Gov.  Inslip,  of 
Virginia,  and  later  on,  while  in  the  vicinity  of 
Lake  Erie,  was  brutally  murdered  by  the  Indians, 
who  had  been  imposed  upon  by  the  whites,  and  in 
the  fury  of  their  revenge  attacked  the  first  white 
man  they  met.  This  happened  to  be  Sodowsky,  their 
best  friend.  They  regretted  their  deed  very  much, 
and,  in  order  to  p.'irtly  atone  for  the  crime,  sought 
to  show  their  respect  to  their  murdered  friend  by 
naming  a  bay  in  Lake  Erie  "  Sandusky,"  from 
which    was    named    the    Ohio    city.     The  mother's 

!)eople  were  early  settlers  and  patriots  of  this 
country,  and  the  McDowell's  were  a  leading  family 
of  Kentucky. 

The  parents  of  .losiah  ha<l  five  children  when 
they  emigrated  to  Illinois  in  1837,  where  they 
.settled  on  the  land  now  owned  by  tlie  sul)ject  of 
this  sketch.  The  old  cabin  still  stands  close  to  its 
original  site,  which  was  where  the  magnificent  ni;ui- 
sion,  erected  by  Josiah  in  1872,  now  stands.  The 
l)arents  continued  to  prosper  for  a  long  time,  iiiul 
were  indeed  model  farmers.  Their  memor\-  will 
be  cherished  1)\  all  their  acquaintances  as  noble 
people.  The  father  died  in  1865,  while  the  mother 
passed  away  a  year  previous.  Eight  children  were 
left  to  mourn  their  loss,  whose  names  are  herewith 
given:  Il.arvey,  Elizabeth,  Folly,  Agnes  (who 
died  young),  William,  Abraham,  Euphemia  .lane, 
and  Josiah.  Harvey  was  the  only  one  of  the 
children  who  spelled  his  name  in  the  Polish  man- 
ner, the  rest  changing  it  to  Sandusky. 

.Josiah  Sandusky  born  in  this  count3'  on 
Sei)t.  11,  1837,  and  in  the  township  where  he  now 
resides  he  grew  to  manhood.  His  father  was  a 
most  industrious  man,  and  he  expected  his  boys  to 
follow  his  footsteps  in  this  regard.  At  the  age  of 
six  years  .losiah  was  atHicted  with  the  white  swell- 
ing which  crippled  him  in  his  left  leg.  He  attended 
the  schools  of  the  township  and  his  education  was 
gained  from  this  source.  He  succeeded  to  the 
management  of  the  farm  of  .500  acres  given  him 
by  his  father. 

Josiah  Sandusky  was  married  Dec.  18.  1873,  to 
Miss  Susan  Moreland,  who  is  a  daughter  of  Thomas 
and  Catherine  (Hedges)  Moreland,  of  English  an- 
cestry. The  latter  came  to  Illinois  in  18.57, 
settling  in  Carroll  Township,  and  were  the  [larents 
of  eight  children,  who  lived  to  be  men  and  women. 
Their  names  follow:  Mary  E.,  Margaret  Susan, 
Fannie,  William,  Peter  H.,  John,  Carrie,  and  Katie. 
Mrs.  Sandusky  was  a  native  of  Bourbon  County, 
Ky.,  and  removed  to  Illinois  with  her  parents  when 
she  was  a  little  girl  of  six.  She  attended  the 
Sister's  School  at  St.  Mary's,  near  Terre  Haute, 
where  she  acquired  a  fine  education,  and  is  an  ac- 
complished lady.  I'.efore  his  marriage  Mr.  .San- 
dusky erected  a  luick  mansion,  upon  which  he 
spent  iJ20,000  in   building  and   in   beautifying  the 



grounds,  aiul  since  tliat  time  he  has  atkled  .jOO  .icres 
to  his  farm,  maiuiig  it  the  most  valuable  place  in 
tills  part  of  the  county.  His  fatlier  was  a  great 
stocl<man,  and  his  inclinations  all  tended  to  the 
breeding  of  fine  stock.  .So  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  inherited  his  love  for  the 
business  in  which  he  is  now  engaged.  He  keeps 
constantly  on  hand  a  large  herd  of  thoroughbred 
cattle  and  horses,  which  he  exhibits  at  the  fairs, 
generally  securing  prizes  and  honors.  He  has  sold 
cattle  for  breeding  purposes  in  nearly  every  State 
in  the  Union,  and  his  mind  does  not  run  to  cattle 
alone.  He  is  a  good  judge  of  horses,  and  owns 
many  fine  animals  that  are  prize  winners,  his 
specialty  being  road  animals  and  trotters.  He  has 
several  horses  whose  record  reaches  below  2:20. 
Sheep,  swine,  and  poultr3'  are  also  seen  ou  this 
magnificent  estate. 

The  allurements  clustering  around  otlicial  jjosi- 
tion  have  never  had  an3'  charms  for  Mr.  Sandusky, 
and  while  he  is  a  thoroughgoing,  aggressive  Repub- 
lican, he  never  permits  polities  to  interfere  with  his 
business  in  an\-  manner. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sandusky  are  the  parents  of  five 
children,  three  living,  named:  Pearl,  born  Jan.  22, 
1878;  Abraham  J.,  Oct.  2,  188.-3;  and  William  H., 
May  27,  1880.     Two  died  unnamed. 

^p!5)E0RGE  BARNETT  is  the  sou  of  one  of 
Iff  g— ,  Vermilion  County's  earliest  pioneers  and 
^^j;  most  highly  respected  citizens.  He  is  pleas- 
antly located  ou  his  farm  of  160  acres  immediatel}' 
west  of  the  village  of  Sidell. 

Robert  E.  Barnett,  the  father  of  the  subject  of 
this  sketch,  was  a  pioneer  of  Vermilion  County, 
arriving  there  sometime  in  1828  or  1830,  coming 
from  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  which  was  the  State  of 
his  nativity',  he  having  been  born  there  in  1806. 
The  mother  of  Mr.  Barnett  was  Miss  Rebecca 
Moore,  a  native  of  Ohio.  The  farm  belonging  to 
her  father,  on  which  she  was  born,  is  now  embraced 
within  the  limits  of  Columbus.  His  grandfather, 
George  Barnett,  emigrated  to  Illinois  with  his  familj' 
about  1828  or   1830,  and   established  himself  on  a 

farm  southeast  of  what  is  now  the  village  of  Sidell. 
at  the  head  of  Little  ^'ermili()n  timber. 

Robert  E.  Barnett  was  a  young  gentleman  of 
twenty-two  or  three  3'ears  when  he  tried  his  fortune 
in  Illinois  for  the  first  time,  but  he  had  received  a 
good  education,  which  was  a  commodity  rather 
scarce  in  the  wilds  of  a  new  country  at  that  time, 
and  was  correspondingly  highly  appreciated.  He, 
therefore,  found  no  ditHculty  in  getting  himself 
ap|iointed  to  the  position  of  teacher  for  the  district. 
So  far  as  known,  his  was  the  first  school  to  be  o|)ened 
in  the  township,  and  he  naturally  felt  somewhat 
elated  to  find  himself  occupying  the  elevated  posi- 
tion of  "  schoolmaster;"  however,  pupils  were  not 
numerous,  and  he  soon  wearied  of  the  monotony 
inseparable  from  a  country  teacher's  life,  so  after 
teaching  a  few  terms,  he  abandoned  the  profession 
and  betook  himself  to  a  more  lucrative,  if  not  more 
congenial  calling.  lie  engaged  in  the  business  of 
general  merchandise  at  Eugene,  Ind.  One  of  the 
prettiest  young  ladies  in  town  was  a  customer  at 
his  store,  and,  being  of  an  obliging  disposition,  he 
frequentl3'  found  it  convenient  to  call  at  her  father's 
house,  presumably  to  inform  them  of  rare  bargains 
to  be  had  at  the  store,  but  by-and-by  the  services 
of  a  minister  were  requested,  and  the  ceremony  that 
followed  secured  for  the  enterprising  3'oung  mer- 
chant a  partner  whose  interest  in  the  business  was 
equal  to  his  own  and  who  engaged  for  life.  Im- 
mediatel}'  following  their  marriage  the  young  couple 
began  housekeeping,  and  remained  residents  of 
that  city  until  after  the  birth  of  all  their  children, 
whose  names  were:  Jane,  Alice,  Thomas  (died 
unmarried  at  the  age  of  forty),  George,  and  John. 
Mr.  Barnett  continued  in  the  mercantile  business 
in  Indiana  until  the  spring  of  1858,  when  he 
I'emoved  to  Illinois,  on  to  the  farm  which  had  been 
previously  purchased  by  his  father.  He  conilucted 
the  operations  of  the  farm  with  such  energy  and  pru- 
dence that  he  soon  became  quite  wealthy,  owning  at 
one  time  some  sixteen  or  seventeeii  thousand  acres 
of  excellent  land,  which  was  well  stocked  and  im- 
proved, but  unfortunatel}'  for  the  continuance 
of  his  prosperity,  he,  through  misplaced  confidence 
in  a  supposed  friend  and  honest  man,  lost  about 
$13,000,  which  necessitated  the  putting  of  his  estate 
into  the  hands  of  a  receiver  at  the  time  of  his  death. 



He  departed  this  life  in  1886.  .at  the  age  of  eighty 
3'ears.  The  mother  survives  and  makes  her  home 
in  Danville,  at  the  home  of  her  daughter  Alice, 
where  at  the  age  of  seventy'  years,  she  occupies 
"  grand-ma's  corner,"  and  tells  the  little  ones  who 
like  to  surround  her  easy  chair,  story  after  story  of 
the  olden  time,  which  are  more  fascinating  to  tiicir 
youthful  minds  than  the  most  thrilling  fairy  tales. 

Mr.  George  Barnett  was  born  September  4,  1848, 
in  Eugene;  lud.,  and  a  small  boy  when  his 
father  moved  to  the  farm  in  Illinois.  The  public 
schools  of  Eugene  numbered  him  among  their 
brightest  pupils,  but  before  he  had  .idv.anced  far 
in  his  studies  he  was  obliged  to  leave  consequent 
upon  the  removal  of  the  family  mentioned  above. 
He  pursued  his  studies  for  some  time  longer  in  the 
.schools  of  Illinois,  but  compelled  to  abandon 
the  study  i>f  books  in  any  regular  fashion  and 
betake  himself  to  work  at  something  that  would 
.assist  the  family  in  the  struggle  for  a  livelihood. 
His  first  work  was  begun  on  his  father's  farm,  when 
he  was  about  fourteen  years  old.  After  some 
months  spent  in  that  manner  he  enabled  to 
resume  his  pursuit  of  knowledge,  and  entered  the 
Academy  of  Moreland,  Ind.,  where  he  continued 
one  year,  studying  diligently  and  making  good  pro- 
gress, then  returned  to  the  fai'm  and  settled  down 
to  regular  work,  which  he  continued  uninteri  upt- 
edly  until  he  reached  his  majority. 

Jlr.  Harnett  and  Miss  Liz/.ie  Keys,  a  native  of 
Washington  County,  I'a.,  were  married  in  1877, 
at  the  residence  of  the  britle's  parents,  William 
and  Emily  (Mills)  Keys,  in  Palermo,  Edgar  Co., 
Ind.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Barnett  are  well  ad- 
vanced in  years,  and  are  passing  the  evening  of  life 
in  the  qniet  enjoyment  of  their  pleasant  home  in 
Talermo,  Mr.  Keys  having  retired  from  the  active 
pursuit  of  his  business.  Mrs.  Barnett  was  one  of 
a  family  of  eight  children,  their  names  being:  Har- 
riet, Sarah.  Richard,  Cassey,  Seth.  Hugh,  Will  and 
Lizzie,  who  was  a  mere  child  when  her  parents 
removed  from  their  home,  in  Pennsylvania,  to 

The  family  of  Mr.  Barnett  been  increased  by 
the  addition  of  three  children:  Lena,  Alice  and 
Jane.  The  second  daughter  died  when  an  infiint, 
the  other  two  are  at  home  attending  school.  wlK'ie 

their  bright  minds  and  pleasant  manners  make  them 
general  favorites.  Two  years  before  marriage  Mr. 
Barnett  formed  a  partnership  with  his  brother-in- 
law,  L.  T.  Davis,  of  Palermo,  and  entered  upon 
the  business  of  general  farming  anil  stock  raising. 
They  operate  a  faini  of  '.iCd  acres  of  land,  which 
they  have  managed  for  seven  years,  meeting  with 
good  success. 

As  before  stated.  Mr.  Harnett's  father  dux!  in- 
solvent, but  the  two  sons,  by  hard  work  and  good 
management,  succeeded  in  rescuing  a  considerable 
portion  of  the  large  estate  from  the  general  wreck, 
so  that  they  now  have  a  tr.act  of  580  acres  clear  of 
debt  and  under  good  cultivation.  In  1882.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Barnett  established  themselves  in  their 
l)rcsent  home,  which  is  one  calculated  to  create  in 
the  hearts  of  the  dwellers  in  crowded  cities  a  long- 
ing for  the  delights  of  country  life.  Their  home  is 
indeed  a  charming  one,  and  being  situated  onl}' 
about  240  rods  from  the  village  postofflce  of  Sidell, 
they  enjoy  all  the  comforts  of  rural  life  and  the 
conveniences  of  town. 

Mr.  Barnett  was  elected  Township  Clerk  several 
jears  ago,  and  has  been  re-elected  every  year  since, 
so  that  he  is  now  serving  his  sixth  term  with  honor 
to  himself  and  entire  satisfaction  to  his  constit- 

j^K  BNER  SNOW  was  born  at  Butler's  Point, 
'®Oi  \ermilion  County,  Oct.  28,  1828,  where 
he  has  resided  continuously  since.  His 
father,  Marcus  Snow,  was  born  in  Mont- 
pellier,  \'t.,  while  his  mother,  whose  maiden  name 
was  Annis  Butler,  was  a  native  of  Chittenden 
County,  the  same  State.  Marcus  Snow  emigrated 
from  Vermont  to  Ohio  but  did  not  remain  there 
long,  eventually  removing  to  \'ermilion  County 
with  James  Butler  in  a  very  early  d.iy.  The  latter, 
Mrs.  Snow's  father,  settled  at  Butler's  Point,  where 
the  father  and  mother  spent  their  last  days.  The 
parents  of  Abner  Snow  were  married  in  Vermilion 
County  and  settled  where  Westville  now  stands, 
hut  lived  there  only  a  few  years  when  they  re- 
moved to  Catlin  Township,  locating  on  land  that 
was  situated  on  the  State    road,    near  the  residence 



of  Jesse  Davis.  Here  the  elder  Suow  and  his  wife 
prospered,  lived  and  died.  They  were  among  the 
people  who  came  here  when  Vermilion  County  was 
a  wilderness  for  the  puri)ose  of  building  up  a  home 
for  themselves  and  their  children  and  they  met 
with  success.  Their  reputation  in  their  neighl)or- 
iiood  was  that  of  honest,  hardworliing  and  intelli- 
gent people.  Mrs.  Snow,  the  mother  of  Abner, 
outlived  her  husband  and  became  the  wife  of  Cyrus 
Douglas.  Marcus  Snow  is  the  father  of  six  chil- 
dren, five  sons  and  one  daughter,  Abner  being  tlie 
second  son. 

Aimer  Snow,  as  lias  been  slated,  has  alw.ays  lived 
in  this  eountj',  a  larger  portion  of  the  time  in 
Catlin  Township.  Here  he  has  successfully  followed 
agricultural  pursuits,  and  is  counted  as  one  of  the 
prosperous  men  in  this  section.  By  his  inherited 
industry-  and  good  management  he  has  accumu- 
lated a  tine  property  and  now  owns  285  acres  of 
gootl,  rich  soil.  General  farming  occupied  the 
most  of  his  time.  He  was  married  in  tliis  count}' 
to  a  Miss  Ashman  by  whom  he  is  the  father  of  five 
children:  Albert,  Jessie,  William,  Lucius  M.  and 
Bertha  A. 

Mr.  Snow  i.s  an  active  Republican,  but  the  allure- 
ments of  office  has  little  cliarms  for  him.  He  is 
contented  to  carry  on  his  fine  farm,  believing  that 
the  honors  gained  by  making  n  home  for  himself 
and  children  transcend  all  others. 

(S^^HOMAS  M.  MORGAN.  The  journalistic 
profession  of  Illinois  finds  a  worthy  repre- 
sentative in  tlie  able  and  [.opular  editor  and 
pulilishor  of  the  Sidell  Wayside,  who  is  a  man  of 
excellent  education,  cultivated  tastes  and  literary 
ability.  Before  entering  upon  the  sketch  of  his 
life,  it  may  be  well  to  devote  some  space  to  his  an- 
cestors. His  grandfather,  Daniel  Morgan,  was  a 
member  of  a  family  of  Scotch  origin,  which  had 
settled  in  Virginia  in  colonial  times.  He  was  a 
nephew  of  Gen.  Daniel  ]\Iorgan  of  Revolutionary 
fame,  and  became  the  grandfather  of  Gen.  John 
H.  Morgan,  who  bore  a  prominent  part  in  the  Con- 
federate array  during  the   late  civil  war.     He   set- 

tled in  Kentucky  about  1790  and  resided  there 
until  the  time  of  his  death  in  1869.  The  father  of 
our  subject  when  a  young  man  learned  the  black- 
smithing  trade.  ]:)uring  the  Mexican  war  he  en- 
listed in  the  famous  Kentucky  regiment  known  as 
the  Salt  River  Tigers,  only  seventeen  men  of  which, 
out  of  an  enrollment  of  104,  survived  the  san- 
guinary contests  of  that  conflict.  He  was  honor- 
ably discharged  at  Newport  Barracks,  Ky.,  after 
having  served  two  years  and  eight  days.  He  was 
m.arried  in  1852  to  Martha  E.  Watson,  who,  like 
himself,  a  native  of  the  Blue  Grass  State,  a 
member  of  an  old  Virginia  family  who  settled  in 
Kentucky  at  an  early  date.  After  following  his 
trade  for  a  short  time  in  Kentucky  he  removed  to 
Macon  County,  111.,  and  later  to  Wabash  County, 
Ind.,  where  he  died  in  the  year  1882  at  the  age  of 
fifty-six.  Our  subject's  mother  is  still  living  at 
the  age  of  fifty-two,  and  resides  with  her  parents 
near  Moweaqua,  Shelby  Co.,  111.  Slie  is  the 
mother  of  eleven  children:  Thomas  lAI.,  Worth  M., 
who  died  at  the  age  of  three;  Sylvester  V.,  Sarah 
J.,  Olive,  Ida  JM.,  Mary  B.,  who  died  at  the  age  of 
one  and  a  half  years;  Luella.  who  died  at  the  age 
of  fourteen;  Delia  A.,  Estella  and  Charles  W. 
Sylvester  Y.  is  now  connected  with  a  prominent 
Kansas  City  house;  Sarah  J.  is  the  wife  of  Benja- 
min Phillips,  and  resides  in  Wabash  County,  Ind.; 
Olive  is  the  wife  of  Wesley  Pyle,  a  prominent 
young  farmer  of  Waiiash  County,  Ind.  The  re- 
mainder of  the  family,  with  the  exception  of  our 
subject,  are  unmarried. 

Thomas  M.  Morgan  was  born  in  Anderson  Coun- 
ty, Ky.,  May  10,1853.  He  was  but  five  years  of 
.age  when  his  parents  removed  to  Illinois,  where 
two  years  of  his  childhood  were  spent  in  Macon 
County.  His  parents  then  removed  to  Wabash 
County,  Ind.,  where  his  young  manhood  was  passed. 
Having  been  crippled  by  an  accident  at  the  age  of 
thirteen,  his  school  days  were  limited  to  a  period 
twenty-  months.  This  accident  occurring  at  the 
ver^'  period  of  life  when  an  active  boy  finds  most 
enjoyment,  he  passed  many  weary  hours  wliile  his 
youthful  companions  were  enjoying  the  sports 
fitted  to  their  years.  For  three  years  and  a  half  he 
walked  uiion  crutches,  but  his  mind  seemed  to  de- 
velop more   rapidly  on  account  of  his   bodily  in- 



firmity.  lie  pursued  liis  studies  at  home,  carrying 
on  the  work  with  great  /.est,  nnd  alone  and  unas- 
sisted took  up  tlie  studies  of  algebra,  geometry, 
ancient  and  modern  history,  and  carried  on  a 
varied  course  of  reading.  At  tlie  age  of  twenty 
lie  took  up  the  profession  of  teacher,  his  first  school 
being  at  Stockdale,  W.abash  Co.,  Ind.  From  this 
time  until  18H2,  lie  continued  in  this  profession, 
teaching  in  different  counties  in  Indiana  and  llli 
nois.  In  18.S2  he  entered  upon  .a  more  public  life, 
taki.ig  the  slump  in  Indiana  as  a  Submission  Dem- 
ocrat, favoring  the  submission  i>f  the  pruhibitidU 
amendment  to  the  peoi)lc.  In  18,S5,  he  came  to  this 
county  and  engaged  in  teaching  in  the  district  and 
graded  schools.  In  the  summer  of  1887  he  became 
city  editor  of  the  Danville  Daily  and  Weekly  Pycs.s. 
loeginning  his  labors  with  its  first  issue,  and  contin- 
uing on  the  Press  statt'  until  the  succeeding  sum- 
mer, when  he  was  obliged  to  withdraw  on  account 
of  his  frail  health.  In  the  si)ring  of  1889  he  took 
charge  of  the  Sidell  Wayside.  It  is  a  bright, 
newsy  sheet,  a  credit  to  southern  \"ermilion  Coun- 
ty, and  is  deservedly  enjoying  a  good  circulation. 
Like  a  true  jdurnalist,  Mr.  Morgan  conducts  his 
paper  according  to  his  own  best  judgment,  with- 
out rcgai-d  to  fear  or  favor.  Politically  the  sheet 
is  independent,  although  the  publisher  is  looking 
forward  to  the  time  when  he  can  publish  a  red  hot 
Democratic  paper,  he  being  a  staunch  adherent  of 
the  principles  of  Democracy. 

Mr.  Morgan  was  married  .hine  7,  1888,  to  Miss 
Lulu  Montgomery  of  Coles  County.  III.  Her 
father.  Rev.  0.  W.  Montgomery,  now  of  Newman, 
111.,  is  a  native  of  Tennessee  and  has  been  identi- 
fied with  the  clerical  jjrofession  since  his  twenty- 
eighth  >ear.  lie  now  belongs  to  the  Foster  Pres- 
bytery of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  ('hiirch. 
Ilis  wife,  formerly  Miss  Sarah  A.  Rankin,  was  also 
a  native  of  Tennessee,  but  grew  up  in  Missouri, 
where  she  was  married.  She  was  the  mother  of 
twelve  children,  one  of  whom  died  in  infancy.  They 
are  named  respectively:  .loliii  1'.,  Mack  A.,  Mai}' 
K.,  George  W..  Samuel  T.,  Laura  M.,  U.  Lincoln, 
Lulu  S.,  Carrie  M.,  Donald  R..  Finis  K.,  the  de- 
ceased infant  having  borne  the  name  of  Rosa.  Mrs. 
Morgan  was  born  in  Caland,  Coles  Co.,  111.,  .-Xpril 
2,    18G7,   and    grew   to   womanhood    in    her  native 

State,  living  at  various  places,  where  her  father 
served  his  different  congregations.  She  became  a 
pupil  of  Bethany  Academy  at  the  age  of  twelve  and 
was  also  a  student  in  the  Southern  Illinois  College 
for  three  j'ears.  She  is  a  most  estimable  young 
lady  of  refined  character  and  cultured  mind  and 
has  been  i)rominently  identified  with  the  educa- 
tional profession  in  this  and  in  Coles  County. 

Mr.  Morgan  is  a  very  well  read  man  and  having 
decided  literary  tastes,  covering  a  range  from  the 
precision  and  accuracy  of  (ieometry  and  similar 
sciences  to  the  imaginative  and  the  descriptive! 
charms  of  poetry,  though  perhaps  he  most  enjoys 
historical  writing.  He  is  an  ardent  admirer  of 
Buckle,  Diaper,  Hume,  Macauley,  Hegel,  Schlegel, 
Castelar  and  others.  He  is  not  only  an  admirer  of 
literature  in  various  forms  but  himself  wields  the 
pen  of  a  read}'  writer  and  has  written  dialectic,  di- 
dactic and  lyric  poems.  Among  the  former  we 
mention  '-Them  Ol'  Fashioned  Da3's;"  "When  the 
Days  are  Groin'  Warm  and  the  F'ields  are  (Jettin' 
(ireeii;"  "IIow  we  worshiped  in  the  Forties."  Of 
his  lyric  poems:  "Songs  llusung;"  "The  Reward;"' 
"Sorrow;"  and  "A  New  Year's  Greeting."  Among 
his  didactic  poems  we  mention  but  two:  "Two 
Pictures"  and  "Dream-seen  Days." 

Mrs.  Morgan  is  a  memlier  of  the  Cuniherlaiid 
Presbyterian  Church,  whili;  her  husband  strongly 
favors  the  Methodist  doctrine. 


^RANK  CARTER  is  one  of  the  most  popular 
incrchants  at  Indianola.  A  prosperous  busi- 
ness man  in  the  grocery  and  (|ueen9warc  line, 
he  has  grown  up  in  this  neighborhood  and  is  known 
and  respected  by  everyone.  His  father,  Abraham 
Carter,  came  to  Illinois  .at  an  early  date  and  was 
married,  in  Carroll  Township,  to  Eliza  A.  Bacon, 
sister  of  Sarah  and  Oliver  liacon,  sketches  of  whose 
lives  will  be  found  on  another  page  in  this  volume. 
After  marrying  the  father  removed  to  Peoria 
County  and  resided  there  and  in  Tazewell  County 
seven  years.  He  farmed  nnd  was  engaged  in  the 
butcher  business  at  Peoria,  and  died  in  hSIiOat 
Peoria  at  the  age  of  forty-live  years,  leaving  a  wife 



and  three  child ren — Charles  A.,  Frank  A.  and  Will- 
iam H.,  now  Deputy  Circuit  Clerk  of  Vermilion 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  Oct.  18, 18G0, 
in  Tazewell  County,  this  State.  About  nine  years 
old  when  his  father  died  he  began  life  under  diffi- 
culties. His  mother  moved  back  to  Carroll  Town- 
ship, Vermilion  Co.,  and  our  subject  found  a  home 
with  an  uncle  on  "Woodlawn  Farm"  where  he  re- 
mained for  twelve  years.  He  .attended  school  at 
Indianola  during  the  winters  and  obtained  a  very 
fair  education.  As  he  grew  older  he  became  his 
uncle's  show  bo}'  and  took  great  pride  in  leading 
the  celebrated  prize-winners  from  "Woodlawn" 
into  the  show  ring.  He  remained  with  his  uncle 
until  1884,  and  in  1886  engaged  in  the  mercantile 
business  with  his  brother,  William  II.  The  latter 
was  the  manager  until  two  years  ago  when  his 
brother  Frank  took  the  helm.  Besides  their  store 
l)usiness  they  purchase  wool  at  Indianola  and 
Villa  (xrove.  and  also  deal  in  all  kinds  of  produce. 
The  village  of  Indianola  may  well  feel  proud  to 
own  two  brothers  of  the  sterling  qualities  that  dis- 
tinguish these  two  estimalile  young  men.  Their 
aged  mother  is  well  provided  and  cared  for  by  their 
filial  love.  Being  j'ct  in  the  noon  of  life  Frank 
Carter  may  well  look  forward  to  a  bright  and  pros- 
perous future.  Mr.  Carter  was  the  choice  of  the 
Republicans  of  Carroll  Township  for  Collector  in 
1885-86-87,  which  jiosition  beheld  with  credit  and 
honor  during  liis  term  of  office.  A  member  of  the 
Indianola  Rei)ublican  Club  he  was  delegate  to  the 
Republican  County  Convention.  He  is  a  charter 
member  of  the  Indianola  Building  and  Loan  As- 
sociation, and  is  a  strong  Republican. 

ARON  DALBKY.  The  late  Civil  War  de- 
veloped some  rare  characters,  the  depths 
of  which  would  probably  never  have  been 
disturbed  had  it  not  been  for  this  revolution 
which  shook  the  country  from  turret  to  foundation 
stone.  There  were  then  brought  to  the  surface 
that  God-given  quality — the  love  of  the  true  man 
for  his  native  land — and  the  extent  of  the  sacrifices 

which  he  was  willing  to  make  to  save  her  from  dis- 
memberment. Among  all  those  who  are  written 
of  in  this  volume  there  was  probably  no  truer  pat- 
riot during  the  War  than  Aaron  Dalbe3\  and  he 
justly  esteems  the  period  of  his  life  spent  in  the 
Union  Army  as  one  of  the  brightest  spots  in  his 
wiiole  career.  We  give  this  matter  prominence  be- 
cause it  is  a  subject  dear  to  his  heart  and  he  has 
lost  none  of  the  patriotic  affection  which  enabled 
him  a  quarter  of  a  century  ago  to  lay  aside  all  per- 
sonal ties  and  give  his  best  efforts  to  th6  preserva- 
tion of  the  Union.  We  now  find  him  comfortably 
located  in  a  quiet  country  home,  embracing  a  well- 
regulated  farm  on  section  11,  in  Vance  Township, 
where,  since  the  war,  he  has  gathered  around  him 
all  of  the  comforts  and  manj'  of  the  luxuries  of 

In  reverting  to  the  family  history  of  our  subject 
we  find  that  his  father,  James  Dalbey,  was  a  native 
of  Pennsylvania,  a  carpenter  by  trade  and  in  politics 
an  old-line  Whig.  He  marrieil  Miss  Sarah  Sewell,  a 
native  of  Ohio,  April  4,  1820,  the  wedding-  taking 
place  in  Clinton  County,th at  State.  They  lived  there 
about  fourteen  years.  Mr.  Dalbey  engaged  as  a 
groceryman,  a  farmer  and  an  hotel-keeper,  con- 
ducting the  old-fashioned  country  tavern  after  the 
most  approved  methods  of  those  times. 

About  this  time  the  lead  mines  near  Dubuque 
were  being  opened  up  and  the  demand  for  carpen- 
ters was  great,  so  the  father  of  our  subject  re- 
moved thither  with  his  family  in  1835,  pur[)osing 
to  work  at  his  trade.  He  found  the  times  very  hard 
and  the  Cduntry  peopled  largely  with  desperate 
char.acters,  among  whom  a  murder  was  committed 
nearly  every  night.  This  .state  of  things  made  it 
impossible  for  him  to  renuiin  and  so  he  established 
himself  at  Quincy,  111.,  where  he  lived  thi'ee  j'ears 
and  worked  at  his  trade.  He  then  returned  to 
Ohio,  where  he  sojourned  two  years,  and  from  there 
removed  to  Peru,  Ind.,  but  onlj'  remained  there 
eight  months.  In  August,  1843,  he  came  to  this 
county,  and  on  the  19th  of  Octc)ber  following 
passed  from  earth  at  the  age  of  fifty-three  years. 
He  was  a  well  educated  man  and  especially  line 

The  mother  of  our  subject  survived  her  first 
husband  for  the  long  period  of  nearly  forty-eight 



years.  She  was  born  March  12,  1803,  aiul  died 
Feb.  2t),  1885,  when  nearly  eighty-two  \ears  ul<l. 
The  parental  household  was  completed  b}-  tiie  birth 
of  six  children,  four  of  whom  are  living.  Aaron, 
onr  snliject,  was  the  fourth  in  oriler  of  birtli,  and 
was  born  in  Clinton  C\)uiilv,  Ohio,  April  25,  IS.'Sl. 
He  attended  scliool  .at  <iuiney.  111.,  and  also  in 
Oliio  a  short  timcaTid  in  Indiana,  and  came  to  tliis 
countj'  in  time  to  avail  himself  of  instruction  in 
the  subscription  schools  here.  Being  tlie  eldest 
son,  he,  after  the  death  of  liis  fatlier,  naturally  in 
due  time,  assumed  many  responsibilities,  and  at  the 
age  of  twelve  j'cars  worked  out  for  $3  per  month, 
six  months,  from  spring  until  fall.  The  year  fol 
lowing  he  emi)loyed  by  the  same  man,  with  .an 
increase  of  salary  of  -¥1  per  month. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  married  a  second 
time  tt)  James  Elliott.  Our  subject  was  bound  out 
for  a  term  of  six  years  to  Alvin  Stearns.  I'>ecom- 
ing  dissatistied  with  the  arrangement,  he  served  out 
only  half  his  time,  and  went  to  Ohio  to  learn  :i 
trade.  He  came  back  to  Illinois,  however,  a  year 
later,  an<l  employed  himself  at  whatever  he  could 
find  to  do,  being  at  one  time  the  i)artner  of  Aaron 
Hardin  in  splitting  rails  and  cord  wood.  Their 
best  week's  work  was  forty-eight  cords  of  wood, 
cut  split  and  piled,  and  this  was  done  <at  twenty- 
five  cents  per  cord,  when  rails  were  foity-five  cents 
per   HID. 

The  next  most  important  event  in  llio  life  of  our 
subject  was  his  niarriage.  which  occurred  Dec.  2:i, 
1S54,  with  Sliss  Martha  E.  Custer.  The  newly 
wedded  pair  commenced  the  journey  of  lif(^  to- 
gether at  the  old  Custer  homestead,  which  is  now 
the  propert}' of  our  subject,  and  Mr.  Dalbcy  there- 
after farmed  on  rented  land  until  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War.  In  1862  he  went  one  day  to  assist 
a  neighlior  with  his  work,  and  when  he  came  back 
with  bis  pitchfork  over  his  shoulder,  his  attitude 
and  bearing  were  such  that  his  wife  exclaimed 
when  she  saw  him  coming,  "there,  I  bet  he  is  going 
to  the  war."  lie  entered  the  house  ami  asked  for 
some  clothing,  and  in  ten  minutes  was  off  for  Ho- 
mer, and  joining  some  of  his  comrades,  repaired 
with  them  to  Camp  Butler,  and  enlisted  in  Com- 
pany E,  73d  Illinois  Infantry'. 

Mr.    Dalbey   accompanied     his    regiment  to   tjie 

front,  and  first  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Perryville, 
Oct.  8,  1862.  In  the  early  part  of  the  engage- 
ment he  was  in  the  front  line  of  battle,  and 
only  disc-barged  six  or  seven  shots  when  a  rebel 
bullet  struck  him  in  the  right  side  of  the  abdomen, 
passing  through  the  ui)per  lobe  of  the  liver,  and 
came  out  at  the  right  of  the  spine,  grazing  the 
point  of  one  of  the  vertebra-.  The  ball,  before  en- 
tering his  body,  struck  the  cap  box  on  his  belt, 
l)!issed  through  the  box  and  his  belt,  through  his 
coat,  the  waistband  on  his  pants,  then  through  his 
body,  and  returning  cut  through  the  waistband  anil 
'•body  belt,,"  and  knocked  the  handle  off  the 
butcher  knife  on  his  belt,  leaving  the  blade  in  its 
sc'djiiard  and  glanced  off  to  the  rear.  He  pulleil 
out  of  the  wound  a  bunch  of  the  wood  from  his  caj) 
box,  some  cottou-batling  from  his  coat,  and  a  metal 
[irimer  which  he  carried  in  the  box.  He  was  taken 
to  the  field  hospital,  and  a  rubber  tulie  |iullcd 
through  his  body  twice.  He  was  then  conveyed  to 
the  Perryville  (ieneral  Hospital,  where  he  remained 
until  October,  1863,  and  was  then  transferred  to 
New  Albau}',  Ind.  He  was  dischfirgcd  from  the 
hosi)ital  there,  .Ian.  20,  1861. 

Mr.  Dalbej'  now  returned  to  his  family,  and  al- 
though he  has  been  almost  wholly  disabled  for 
work  since  that  time  he  declares  he  is  ready  to  fight 
the  battle  over  again  if  the  occasion  arises.  He 
and  his  excellent  wife  have  no  children  of  their 
own,  but  have  performed  the  part  of  parents  to  a 
boy  and  girl,  the  former  the  son  of  a  comr.ade  of 
iMr.  Dalbey,  who  was  discharged  from  the  army  for 
disability,  and  died.  The  boy  .loe  H.  Summers,  be 
came  an  inmate  of  their  home  at  the  age  of  seven 
jears,  and  remained  there  until  twenty-one.  He  is 
now  married  and  lives  in  Mendon,  Neb.  The  girl 
Mary  J.  Custer  was  taken  b^'  them  when  but  eleven 
months  old,  and  is  still  with  them,  now  grown  to 

It  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  in  view  of  his  war 
record,  that  Mr.  Dalbey,  politically,  is  a  decided 
Republican.  He  had  two  brothers  iu  the  army, 
one  of  whom,  Albert,  enlisted  in  Company  C,  25th 
Illinois  Infantry',  and  at  Murfreesboro  was  wounded 
through  the  wrist  and  arm.  At  the  expiration  of 
his  first  term  of  enlistment  he  entered  the  veteran 
reserve  corps  from    which    he    was   hoiioral)ly    dis- 



C'hargefl.  Another  brother,  William  H.  H.,  the 
youngest  of  the  family,  was  born  in  1840,  and  en- 
listed in  Company  D,  63d  Illinois  Infantry.  He 
was  killed  by  the  explosion  of  .i  magazine  at  Co- 
lumbia, S.  C,  Feb.  19,  r8().5,  being  terribly  man- 
gled and  blown  into  a  river,  lie  bad  strength, 
however,  to  swim  ashore  and  was  taken  to  the  hos- 
l)ilal  where  he  died.  He  had  been  promoted  to 
the  rank  of  Sergeant.  iMr.  Dalbey  has  officiated  as 
Road  Overseer,  and  is  a  uienilior  of  Homer  Post 
No.  iGS,  G.  A.  R. 

.Jacob  M.  Custer,  the  father  of  JMrs.  Dalbey,  was, 
with  his  wife,  Eliz.alieth  Oeheltree.  a  n.ative  of  Vir- 
ginia. They  came  to  Illinois  in  184!),  settling  in 
this  county,  but  later  removed  to  Champaign 
County,  where  the  de.ath  of  Mr.  Custer  took  place, 
Sept.  17,  186;').  His  widow  subsequently  married 
John  L.  Myers,  who  has  since  died,  and  Mrs.  Myers 
is  now  living  at  Homer,  at  the  ripe  age  of  seventy- 
nine  years.  Slie  is  the  mother  of  nine  children,  six 
of  whom  are  living  and  of  whom  Mrs.  Dalbe}'  was 
next  to  the  eldest.  She  was  born  Sept.  4,  1836,  in 
Fayette  County  Ohio,  received  a  fair  education  and 
was  married  at  tiie  age  of  eighteen  years.  She  is 
a  ver3'  estimable  lady  of  more  than  usual  liencv- 
olenee,  and  is  a  member  of  the  Homer  Woman's  Re- 
lief Corps,  No.  69.  She  was  at  one  time  President 
of  this  bod}',  and  was  |)resented  with  a  very  fine 
gold  badge  as  Past  President  by  the  members  of 
her  corps  as  a  token  of  their  appreciation  of  her 
worth  and  services.  She  has  never  missed  a  meet- 
ing, either  regular  or  special  since  its  organization, 
in  April,  18S7.  In  religious  inatters,  she  belongs 
to  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church. 

Mr.  Dalbey  during  the  days  of  his  early  manhood 
was  an  expert  hunter  and  jjas  brought  down  many 
a  deer  in  this  county.  He  is  naturally  possessed 
of  great  courage  and  l)earing,  but  is  uniformly 
kind-hearted  to  all  except  the  enemies  of  his 

^^  FORCE  D.  HUFFMAN.  A  man  is  usually 
(l(  »  judged  by  his  surrountlings,  and  if  they  are 
%Jk  what  he  has  brought  about  himself  it  is  safe 
to  say  they  are  a  good  indication  of  his  character. 
Mr.  Huffman  may  usually  be  found  at  one  of  the 

best  farms  in  Newell  Township,  a  homestead  which 
he  has  built  up  by  his  own  enterprise,  and  which, 
with  its  substantial  improvements  and  thoroughly 
cultivated  fields,  reflects  greatly  to  his  credit,  his 
industry  and  his  good  taste.  It  is  evident  that  he 
planted  his  standard  high,  and  the  evidences  of  his 
skill  and  thoroughness  are  on  every  hand.  The 
farm  buildings  are  neat,  commodious  and  conven- 
ient; he  has  a  goodly  assortment  of  live-stock,  well 
fed  and  comfortable,  and  he  avails  himself  of  mod- 
ern machinery  in  the  cultivation  of  the  soil,  which 
yields  him  a  handsome  income.  As  a  member  of 
the  community  he  occupies  no  secondary  position. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Ilairison 
County,  Ky.,  Jlay  14,  1829,  and  is  the  son  of  Dan- 
iel P.  and  Elizabeth  (Switzer)  Huffman,  the  former 
a  native  of  Virginia  and  the  latter  of  Maryland. 
The  parents  were  taken  to  Kentucky  when  children, 
where  they  attained  to  manhood  and  womanhood 
and  were  married.  There  also  their  ten  children 
were  ijorn,  eight  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years. 
In  due  time  they  emigrated  to  Illinois,  settling  in 
what  is  now  Newell  Township,  ^'ermilion  County, 
where  the  death  of  the  father  took  place  in  Octo- 
ber, 1836,  while  he  was  in  his  prime.  The  mother 
survived  her  husljand  nearly  twenty-one  years,  her 
death  occurring  in  January,  1857. 

The  Huffman  family  came  to  this  region  in  1832, 
where  George  D.,  our  subject,  reached  man's  es- 
tate and  where  he  has  since  lived.  He  acquired  a 
common-school  education,  and  like  his  father  before 
him  chose  farming  for  his  vocation.  After  reach- 
ing the  twenty-fifth  year  of  his  .age  he  was  married 
Sept.  18,  18.06,  to  Miss  Mary  Cox.  Mrs.  Huffman 
was  born  in  Parke  Count}',  Ind.,  Ang.  19,  1831. 
and  is  the  daughter  of  .John  and  Elizabeth  Cox, 
who  were  natives  of  Butler  County,  Ohio.  They 
left  the  Buckeye  State  in  1830,  locating  in  Parke 
County,  Ind.,  and  in  1857  changed  their  residence 
to  Newell  Township.  A'crmilion  Co.,  III.,  wliei-e 
Mrs.  Cox  died  in  July,  1864.  The  father  died  in 

The  record  of  the  seven  children  born  to  Mr. 
and  IMrs.  HulTman  is  as  follows:  John  F.  was  born 
June  21.  1857,  and  died  October  30,  I.S58;  Daniel 
P.  was  born  December  I,  1858,  and  died  April  3, 
1860;  George  D.  was  liorn  Feb.   1,  1861,  and  <lied 



April  ;^,  following';  Emily  J.  was  born  Feb.  lo. 
1862;  Mary  E.  May  22,  18C5;  Edna  A.  was  born 
Dec.  17.  1809.  and  died  March  (!,  1873:  Effle  M. 
was  born  Feb.  5,  187.').  Hotli  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Iluflf- 
man  are  nieinl)ers  in  ijood  slandini;'  of  the  Chri:<- 
tiaii  C'hureh. 

Our  subject  in  connection  with  f^feneral  agricul- 
ture keeps  a  goodly  quantity  of  live  stock,  and  has 
by  a  course  of  economy  and  prudence  laid  by  suf- 
ficient to  secure  him  against  want  in  his  old  ago. 
He  has  uniformly  signalized  himself  as  a  liberal 
and  public  spirited  citizen,  taking  a  warm  interest 
in  educational  affairs,  and  serving  as  School  Di- 
rector and  School  Trustee  for  over  thirt}'  years. 
lie  was  Commissioner  ot  Highways  six  years,  and 
has  held  other  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility. 
Withfiut  anj'  desire  for  the  spoils  of  office,  he  has 
kept  iiimsclf  thoroughly  posted  in  regard  to  mat- 
ters of  general  interest,  and  gives  his  unqualified 
support  to  the  Democratic  part}'. 

^^  EOR< i E  DILLON,  Esq.,  was 
if  <^m)  town,  \'ermilion  Co.,  this 
'^^    1837.     His  father  and  granc 

=^EOR<iE  DILLON,  Esq.,  was  born  in  George- 
State,  Jan.  IG, 
randfather  were  na- 
tives of  North  Carolina  and  removed  to  Ohio  in 
the  earl}'  settlement  of  tiiat  State.  The}'  settled 
several  miles  south  of  Cincinnati,  where  they  bought 
timbered  land  and  resided  there  until  the  deatii  of 
the  grandfather.  Tlie  father,  Luke  Dillon,  was  fif- 
teen years  old  w'hen  his  parents  moved  to  Ohio, 
where  he  grew  to  manlioodand  married  and  resided 
until  1 830,  when  he  came  to  Vermilion  County  ac- 
companied by  his  wife  and  six  children.  The 
journey  was  made  with  a  six-horse  team,  bringing 
his  household  goods,  while  the  party  cooked  and 
camped  on  the  waj-.  He  located  near  the  jircsent 
site  of  Georgetown  and  bought  a  tract  of  land, 
where  he  resided  in  a  log  cabin  for  a  time,  when  he 
b\iilt  one  of  the  first  frame  houses  in  that  section 
of  the  country  and  resided  there  until  his  death. 
His  son  (ieorge  attended  the  early  schools  of  his 
native  count}-  and  resided  with  his  father,  assisting 
him  on  a  farm  until  tiie  death  of  tiie  latter  and 
then    remained    with    his   brothers  .-ind  sisters  until 

the  age  of  twenty-one.  He  then  brought  a  farm 
near  Georgetown,  where  he  remained  until  enlist-. 
ing  in  the  army,  in  18C2.  He  was  a  member  of 
Company  D,  2,5 th  Illinois  Infantry,  where  he  served 
until  February,  1865.  He  was  in  the  battles  of 
Perrysville,  Ky.,  Chickamauga,  Missionary  Ridge, 
and  was  with  Sherman  when  he  started  from  Chat- 
tanooga to  the  Atlantic  and  served  in  various  bat- 
tles ,and  skirmishes  until  June  7,  when  he  was 
wounded  in  the  right  arm  and  sent  to  the  hospital, 
where  his  arm  was  amputated  close  to  the  shoulder 
and  he  returned  home  in  February,  1865.  A  strong- 
Republican  in  politics  he  has  held  several  offices. 
In  1866  he  was  elected  Town  Clerk  of  Georgetown. 
In  1867  he  was  elected  Assessor  and  Collector  awd 
re-elected  in  1868.  In  the  fall  of  1868  he  was 
elected  Circuit  Clerk  of  Vermilion  County,  and 
twice  re-elected  and  held  office  for  twelve  years. 
In  April,  1889,  he  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace 
•and  in   1887  was  elected  Assistant  Supervisor. 

George  Dillon  married,  in  1861,  Miss  Desde- 
mona  F.  Martin,  born  in  Georgetown  in  1841.  She 
was  the  daughter  of  Henry  and  Mary  Martin,  who 
were  among  the  early  pioneers  of  \'ermilion 
County.  They  had  six  children:  Lucretia,  Alma, 
Hannah,  William  S.,  Grace,  Joseph  G.  and  Robert 
M.  Since  his  retirement  from  [jublic  life  he  has  not 
been  engaged  in  any  active  business  but  has  dealt 
some  in  real  estate.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dillon  are  active 
and  energetic  members  of  the  Christian  Church  and 
are  among  the  most  respected  and  estimable  people 
in  the  community. 

^l^UELL  TILLOTSON,  a  .skillful,  practical 
jI^V  f'^'''"^'''-  '*  quictl}-  and  prosperously  carry- 
jfM)  I'  ing  on  his  farming  operations  on  his  farm, 
^^^^r^  one  of  the  best  and  most  highl}-  productive 
of  Pilot  Township,  very  pleasantly  located  on  sec- 
tion 36.  He  is  a  native  of  Indiana,  born  in  War- 
ren County,  Sept.  23,  18-17.  His  grandparents  on 
both  sides  of  the  house  were  pioneers  of  Ohio  in 
the  e.arly  days  of  its  settlement.  His  faliier, 
Ephraim  Tillotson,  was  born  in  Miami  Countv. 
tliat  Stati!,  in    1811.  his  ancestors  being  oC  Ennlish 



origin  and  he  a  descentlant  of  the  same  branch  of 
Ihe  family  ns  that  famous  English  divine.  Arch- 
bishop Tillotson.  The  mother  of  the  subject, 
whose  maiden  name  wns  Mary  A.  C'ronkhite.  was 
also  born  in  Miami  County.  After  her  marriage 
with  the  father  of  our  subject,  they  came  westward 
to  the  Slate  of  Indiana,  and  located  in  Warren 
County,  and  from  there  removed  to  Vermilion 
County,  111.,  where  the  father  died  in  1884.  The 
mother  survives  at  an  advanced  age  and  makes  her 
home  on  a  farm  in  Vermilion  County.  Of  lier 
marriage  twelve  cliildrcu  were  born,  of  whom  the 
following  eight  are  living:  Walter,  a  farmer  of  this 
county,  married  Lucetta  Endicott;  Madison,  who 
lives  in  Louisiana,  married  Kate  Goodwine,  and 
they  have  three  children:  Luther,  a  farmer,  mar- 
ried Mary  E.  M3'rick,  anil  they  have  Ave  children; 
Wallace,  a  farmer  of  this  county,  married  Emily 
Fi-ench,  and  they  have  three  children;  Buell  is  our 
subject;  Sarah  married  Edward  Foster,  of  Indiana, 
now  living  in  this  county,  and  they  have  seven 
children;  Rebecca  married  J.  K.  Buettz,  a  retired 
farmer  of  Potomac,  and  they  have  six  children; 
I'" ranees  married  Alonzo  W.  Knight,  a  farmer  of 
this  county,  and  they  have  four  children;  Mary 
married  Frank  Henry,  a  retired  farmer  of  this 
county,  and  they  have  two  children. 

Huell  Tillotson  gleaned  a  good  education  in  the 
common  schools,  and,  a.  practical  training  at  home 
that  fitted  him  to  cope  with  the  world  when  he 
became  independent.  He  came  to  Illinois  in  1856 
with  his  father.  When  he  began  life  on  his  own 
account  he  did  not  have  the  wherewithal  to  buy 
land  for  himself,  and  as  he  was  very  desirous  to 
carry  on  farming  he  rented  a  farm.  He  met  with 
such  good  success  in  thai  venture  that  in  a  few 
years,  by  unremitting  toil  and  economy,  he 
was  enabled  to  lay  up  money  enough  to  buy  a 
f.uni  of  his  Jown,  and  he  became  the  possessor  of 
one  comprising  ICO  acres  of  land  of  unsurpassed 
fertility,  and  now  has  it  under  good  cultivation,  and  ' 
has  made  many  substantial  improvements  that  have 
greatly  increased  its  value,  and  he  has  established  a 
cozy,  comfortable  home  for  his  family.  He  is  en-  ■ 
gMged  in  mixed  husbandry,  and  besides  raising 
grain  and  other  products  common  to  this  climate, 
raises  stock,  all  that  his  farm  will  carry. 

Mr.  Tillotson  was  married  April  8,  1885,  to  Miss 
Lizzie  Wiles,  daughter  of  Aaron  and  Margaret 
Wiles,  residents  of  Vermilion  County,  111.  She 
was  born  in  this  county,  and  was  one  of  three  chil- 
dren, of  whom  two  are  living  at  the  present  time, 
i  Mrs.  Tillotson  and  her  brother,  Lankford  Wiles. 
The  father.  Aaron  Wiles,  died  in  1869,  and  his 
widow  married  again  in  1873,  being  then  united 
with  P.  Mryic,  by  whom  she  had  one  child, 
a  daughter,  Myrta,  now  ten  years  old.  The  wedded 
life  of  our  subject  and  his  excellent  wife  has  been 
blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  two  children,  of 
whom  one  alone  lives,  Lucetta. 

The  great-uncle  of  our  subject,  Simon  Bucll, 
(who  was  also  an  uncle  of  Major-General  D.  C. 
Buell  of  the  late  war)  was  a  Revolutionary  soldier, 
Indian  fighter,  and  pioneer,  and  could  tell  many 
interesting  and  thrilling  stories  of  adventures  and 
hair-breadth  escapes  from  Indian  tomahawks,  in 
connection  with  the  settlement  of  eastern  Ohio  and 
western  New  York.  When  a  l)oy  he  was  once 
captured  by  the  Indians,  but  escaped  in  company 
with  two  men,  and  with  them  traveled  night  and 
(lay  until  they  arrived  at  an  American  settlement. 
( )ne  night  they  slept  in  a  pit,  around  which  some- 
thing stealthily  crept  all  night,  peering  over  at 
them  with  eyes  like  coals  of  fire.  The  lad  saw  and 
watched  all  the  movements  of  the  animal  with 
quivering  but  suppressed  excitement,  but  the 
others  slept  through  the  danger,  and  he  feared  to 
awaken  them  lest  the  noise  would  endanger  their 
lives,  and  as  he  was  between  the  two  he  thought  if 
it  jumped  on  any  of  them  it  would  be  on  those 
outside.  When  morning  came  the  animal  left  with 
wild,  mournful  screams  that  made  the  woods  ring, 
and  then  they  discovered  that  it  was  a  panther. 
Another  incident  illustrates  the  animosity  existing 
between  the  Tories  and  Whigs  at  the  close  of  the 
Revolutionary  War,  as  well  as  the  coolness  and 
courage  of  one  of  those  brave  veterans.  Mr.Buell  had 
returned  to  his  farm  only  to  find  it  devastated  by 
the  invading  armies,  and  was  one  day  walking  over 
it,  viewing  the  ruins  and  thinking  how  best  he 
could  rebuild  the  burned  house  .and  fences,  when  a 
liullot  whistled  close  to  his  ear.  He  knew  at  once 
that  it  was  from  a  Tory  enemy,  and  also  concluded 
from  the  interval  between  the    whistle  of  the    bul- 




9^esie/^nce  o/"  JOHN  N.ENGELMANN^^'^cS-g  (T.J9.RJ2)GccH^.  Townshf/t,  V^-frrU/JoM  (Jourttyr 

9d!?s<rjasm7r?o/"GEO.fA:^\llAHS.j5ecs.7'^/S,  '2>crn,y^J/^  Ihwnshi/i.  Verfnifmn  Coimfyr 



K'l  aiicl  tlie  rejjort  of  the  jjiiii  th;il  it  wiis  at  lung 
range.  Instantly  his  mind  wa.s  niailc  up,  and  witii- 
oiiL  sti)i)|)ing  or  clianging  his  gait  in  the  least  ho 
loisiirely  sauntered  on,  wisliing  to  nuike  his  enemy 
helieve  he  iiad  not  even  heard  tlie  shot.  Tiic  ruse 
was  successful,  as  the  shot  was  not  repeated. 

Our  subject  is  a  f|uiet,  unassuming  man,  with 
much  force  and  decision  of  character,  liowever, 
and  his  place  in  this  community  is  among  its  best 
and  most  deserving  c  itizens.  He  and  his  wife  are 
worthy  inemhers  of  the  Christian  Church,  as  is 
attested  by  their  conduct  in  the  every-daj'  alTairs 
of  life.  Mr.  Tillotson  is  a  firm  ally  of  the  Re- 
pulilican  party,  taking  an  intelligent  interest  in 
political  matters.  He  has  served  on  several  juries, 
and  is  in  every  waj'  fitted  to  perform  the  duties 
attendant  upon  good  citizenship. 

^OHN  N.  ENGELMANN  is  entitled  to  rep- 
resentation in  this  HiooiiAriiio.vr,  Aliuim  as 
an  intelligent,  p-actical  member  of  the 
farming  comnuinity  of  Vermilion  County 
He  is  classed  among  our  self-made  men.  as  he  be- 
gan life  with  no  capital,  but  a  sturdy,  self-reliant, 
capable  manhood,  and  has  become  independent 
and  i)rosperous,  and,  as  old  age  approaches,  finds 
himself  in  possession  of  a  comfortable  competence, 
and  weir  fortified  against  want  and  poverty'.  His 
farm  on  section  22,  Catlin  Township,  is  provided 
with  an  excellent  class  of  liuildings,  and  its 
soil  is  admirably  tilleil,  yielding  abundant  harvests 
in  repayment  for  the  labor  and  money  bestowed 
on  it. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  I'russia.  July  21»,  1.S28, 
and  is  the  son  of  .lolin  Nicholas  and  Margaret 
(Kimmel)  lOngelmann.  The  wife  died  in  Ger- 
man}-. The  father  subsequently  emigrated  to  this 
country,  and  after  a  time  removed  to  Du  (Juoin, 
111.,  where  he  died.  The  boyhood  and  youth 
of  our  subject  were  passed  in  his  native  country, 
but  in  the  early  years  of  his  manhood  he  deter- 
mined to  cross  the  Atlantic  and  seek  in  the 
ITnited  States  of  America  the  prosperity  denied 
him  at  home.  In  March,  18.04,  he  left  the  beloved 
Fatherland    on    an     American-bound    vessel,    and 

twent3'-eight  days  later  the  ocean  was  between 
him  and  the  familiar  scenes  amid  which  he  had 
been  reared.  He  disembarkeil  at  New  York  and 
made  his  way  from  that  city  to  Sunimit  County, 
Ohio,  where  he  engaged  in  digging  <-oal,  which 
emi)loyment  he  had  followed  in  the  Old  Countiy. 
He  lived  iii  dilferent  places  in  Ohio  till  1857.  wdien 
he  came  to  X'ermilion  County  to  avail  him.self  of 
the  many  advantages  it  offered  a  poor  man  to 
make  his  way  to  comparative  alii uence.  Liking  the 
country  here,  he  decided  to  reioove  his  family  to 
this  county,  and  settle  here  [lermanently.  At  first 
they  lived  in  Danville  Township,  but  a  year  later 
Mr.  Engelmann  eame  to  Catlin  Township  with  his 
wife  and  children,  and  rented  a  farm  live  years; 
and  at  the  same  time  he  woikcd  in  the  coal  mines 
in  the  winter,  carrying  on  his  farming  operations 
during  the  other  seasons  of  the  year.  In  ISCIhe 
had  been  so  prudent  and  industrious,  that  be. 
had  managed  to  save  up  <piite  a  little  sum  of 
money,  and  was  enabled  to  purchase  eighty  acres 
of  land,  which  is  included  in  his  present  farm.  In 
the  busy  3'ears  that  followed  he  made  many  val- 
uable im|)rovemcnts,  erecting  a  substantial,  well- 
built  dwelling,  a  good  barn  and  other  neccessary 
outbuildings,  and  placed  his  land  under  a  high  state 
of  cultivation,  devoting  himself  entirely  to  agri- 
cultural pursuits.  He  bought  more  land,  and  his 
farm  now  corajirises  120  acres  of  fine  farming  land 
that  compares  in  fertility  and  jiroductiveness  with 
the  best  in  the  township. 

During  these  j'ears  of  toil  Mr.  Kngelmanu  has 
not  been  without  the  .assistance  of  a  good  wife, 
who  has  been  to  him  all  that  a  faithful  helpmate 
could  be.  They  were  united  in  marri.age  in  their 
native  Prussia,  in  September,  18.03.  Her  maiden 
name  was  Maria  Schuetz,  and  she  was  born  Dec. 
18,  1834.  She  is  the  daughter  of  Mich.ael  and 
Maria  (Graser)  Schuetz),  wlar  emigrated  to  this 
country  and  were  buried  in  this  township.  Their 
happy  wedded  life  has  been  blessed  to  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Engelman  by  the  birth  of  eight  children,  as 
follows:  Nicholas,  Jacob.  Mary  F.,  Margaretta  8., 
John  W.,  Sophia,  Charles  and  Elizabeth;  all  are 

In  our  subject  his  fellow-townsmen  find  those 
desirable  qualities  and   manly  tr.aits  of  character 



that  make  liiin  a  useful  citizen  and  a  good  neigli- 
l>or,  one  in  whom  Ihey  nia3-  phu-c  tlieir  trust  witii 
a  surety'  tiiat  it  will  not  Ije  aliused.  In  politics  he 
is  a  Republican,  and  faithfully  supports  his  party 
at  the  polls.  Religiously,  he  and  his  wife  are  ex- 
emplary members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  and 
carry  tiieir  Christian  faith  into  their  everyday 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  resi- 
dence, farm  and  outbuildings  on  the  place  of  Mr. 
Engelmann  is  shown  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

(f[_^ENRY  PUZEY.  Colonies  of  Englishmen 
Irf^'  have  settled  in  various  portions  of  the  West, 
!^^  composed  of  people  who  were  well-to-do  in 
(^  their  own  country  and  the  sons  of  wealthy 
parents.  In  a  great  many  instances  they  have 
found  the  country  contrary  to  what  they  pictured 
it,  and  becoming  discouraged,  have  returned  to 
their  native  country.  The  majority  of  the  people 
spoken  of  came  here  indnied  with  the  idea  that  dol- 
lars grew  on  bushes,  and  that  it  required  no  effort 
to  march  along  to  prosperity.  In  all  this  they 
were  mistaken.  Labor  is  its  own  reward  in  America, 
as  well  as  in  other  ])arts  of  this  world.  The  man 
whose  name  heads  this  sketch  was  a  well-to-do  and 
representative  business  man  of  London,  having 
been  connected  with  one  of  the  leading  dry  goods 
houses  of  the  metropolis  of  the  world,  lie  is  a 
•Gentleman  of  refinement,  education,  and  possesses 
knowledge  of  the  world,  and  witlKHit  any  previous 
experience  that  agriculture  gives,  he  came  here  to 
win  a  place  as  a  farmer,  and  he  has  met  with  un- 
qualified success.  All  the  characteristics  of  IMr. 
Puzey  bear  out  the  assertion  that  he  is  a  typical 
English  gentleman. 

His"  father.  Joseph  Piize^-,  was  a  native  of 
Enu-land  and  a  man  prominent  in  his  country.  His 
mother  was  descended  from  Erance  and  her  name 
was  Beatrice  Blanche  before  her  marriage.  Iler 
people  during  the  time  of  the  Erench  Revolution 
sou"-ht  safety  on  the  British  Island  and  eventually 
became  English  subjects.  The  father  died  in  Eng- 
land, and  was  seventy  years  old,  while  the  mother 

is  still  residing  in  England  and  is  eight3'-flve  years 
of  age.  She  reared  ten  children  to  maturity,  of 
which  but  three  are  living  in  America:  Henry, 
Thomas  and  Albert.  Henry,  of  whom  this  sketch 
is  written,  is  the  oldest  child,  and  was  born  Aug. 
IG,  1826,  in  Berkshire,  England.  His  earlj'  educa- 
tion was  such  as  was  obtainable  in  the  private 
schools  of  his  own  class  and  those  connected  with 
the  Episcopal  Church.  He  passed  his  entire  child- 
hood under  his  father's  roof  on  the  farm  in  Berk- 
shire, and  as  he  grew  up  he  desired  to  enter 
mercantile  pursuits,  and  under  the  direction  of  his 
father  he  was  apprenticed  to  the  dr}'  goods  house 
owned  by  his  father's  brother,  Henry  Puzey,  at 
Bow,  London,  where  for  five  years  he  served  an 
apprenticeship,  his  father  pa}'ing  fort}'  pounds  ster- 
ling as  tuition,  clothing  him  beside.  Showing  a 
great  deal  of  natural  aptitude  for  his  chosen  voca- 
tion, he  remained  with  this  house  during  the  five 
years  of  his  apprenticeship  and  four  years  longer, 
receiving  an  annual  salary  varying  from  twenty  to 
forty  pounds  sterling  from  his  first  to  his  last  year 
in   that  business. 

The  years  of  manhood  were   now  dawning  upon 
him,  and  as    time    passed  by  his  inclination  grew 
stronger  to  see  more    of  the  world,  and    so  his  at- 
tention   was  naturally  directed   to    America.     His 
experience  in  London  was  very  valuable  to  him  as 
a  Ijusiness  man.     In  the  latter  part  of  April,  1850, 
he  crossed   the  Atlantic,  landing  at  Castle  Garden, 
New  York  City.     Erom  the  metropolis  of  the  New 
World    he    came    directly    to    A'ermilion    County. 
Land   was  very  cheap  in   Illinois  at  that  time,  yet 
with  all    his    money  he    could  scarcely    buj'  forty 
acres.     Here  he  was,  almost  at  the  end  of  civiliza- 
tion, without   means  and  without  experience  save 
as  a  dry  goods  clerk  in  London.      He  was  about  to 
conclude  that  he  had  made  the  great  mistake  of  his 
life,  but  a  determined   will    to  succeed   kept   him 
steadily  and  persistently  following  out  his  original 
idea    of    growing    up    with    the  American    West. 
After  remaining  here  seven  years   he  returned  to 
England,  where,  in   1857,  he  was  married  to  Miss 
Hannah,  daughter  of  James  and   Klizabeth  Rymer, 
who  were  well-to-do   farmers  of    Gloucestershire, 
England.     Both  her  parents  were  l)orn  at  the  same 
place,  and  after  a  lifetime  of  industry  and  prosper- 



itv,  (lied  at  seventy  and  sixty  years  rt'spectively. 
Mis.  I'uzcy  was  brought  up  in  (iiuucestersliire, 
wiiere  she  was  educated  in  goud  private  .scliools, 
and  lier  early  religious  instruction  was  in  the  Epis- 
copal Ciuirch.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I'uzey  remained 
eighteen  montlis  in  iheir  native  land,  before  they 
took  their  final  departure  for  their  new  houie  in 
America,  where  they  arrived,  after  a  (ileasant  jour- 
ney, in  the  latter  part  of  1858.  Tiirongh  the  in- 
telligent use  of  his  o|iportunities  and  enhanced  by 
an  endowment  from  his  wife's  estate,  Mr.  I'uzey 
has  prospered  and  become  independent,  llnancially 
speaking,  lie  has  become  a  most  excellent  farmer 
and  is  a  thorough  American  at  heart. 

Ml-.  Puzey  owns  two  farms,  the  honiesti-ad  con- 
taining 340  acres,  and  operated  by  himself,  and  a 
quarter  section  upon  which  he  has  tenants.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Pnzey  have  five  children :  .loseph.  .lames 
K.,  Thomas,  Francis  E.  and  Henry,  all  of  whom 
are  at  home.  Mr.  Puzey's  career  is  a  brilliant 
illustration  of  the  fact  that  a  poor  man  is  belter  off 
in  America  than  in  England,  and  that  success  is 
always  a  reward  of  industry.  This  worthy  couple 
are  members  of  the  Episcopal  Church  of  England. 

^ ^^.^ — 

'LANSON  N.  AEBRIGHT.  Farming,  there 
m/UV,  is  little  doubt,  stands  at  the  front  of  all 
tlie  industries,  for  without  it  men  could 
scarcely  exist  and  carry  on  the  multitu- 
dinous labors  of  the  world.  As  time  passes  it  is 
coming  to  lie  looked  upon  in  its  true  light  as  an 
art  and  a  science,  and  is  being  prosecuted  by  some 
of  the  most  intelligent  and  able  men  living.  While 
many  are  interested  in  other  projects  besides,  ho 
who  has  a  sur|)lus  amount  of  capital  invests  it 
wisely  when  he  devotes  a  [lortion  of  it  to  the 
acqisition  of  landed  estates  .ind  the  tilling  of  the 
soil.  The  rei)utation  of  this  county  as  a  dwelling 
place,  the  richness  of  its  resources  and  its  standing 
to-day  is  mainly  due  to  the  excellence  of  its  farm- 
ing population.  Among  the  men  who  have  assisted 
it  to  its  present  position  m.ay  be  most  properly 
mentioned  the  subject  of  this  sketch. 

Alanson  Albright  represents  valuable  farm  prop- 

erty to  the  amount  of  tOO  acres  of  land  in  Ross 
Township,  and  occu|)ies  a  well-regulated  home- 
stead on  section  20.  After  liringing  his  land  to  a 
good  state  of  cultivation  he  turned  his  attenlion 
largely  to  live-stock,  and  thus  laid  the  foundation 
of  a  snug  fortune.  His  c;ireer  has  been  signalized 
by  that  honesty  :uid  integrity  which  has  gained 
him  the  respect  of  his  fellow  citizens  and  raised 
him  to  an  enviable  [idsilion  in  his  coMinumity.  He 
\v;is  born  June  12.  1821,  in  Ohio,  iind  is  the  son  of 
Uavid  Albright.  His  father  was  George  Albright, 
Jr.,  he  was  the  son  of  (Jeorge  Albright,  Sr.,  the 
two  latter  natives  of  Switzerland,  where  the  great- 
grandfather of  our  subject  reared  his  family  and 
spent  his  entire  life. 

George  Albright,  Jr.,  the  paternal  grandfather  of 
our  subject,  eniigi-ated  from  the  land  of  William 
Tell  with  his  brother  Jacob,  when  they  were  boys, 
and  they  sold  themselves  to  a  Lancaster  County, 
Pa.,  farmer,  Mr.  Grubb,  for  three  years  to  pay  their 
passage  across  the  ocean.  In  view  of  this  fact  it 
is  believed  they  ran  away  from  home.  Grand- 
father Albright  served  his  three  years  and  then  was 
married  in  Berks  County.  Pa.,  to  Miss  Barbara 
Cradlebaugh,  prior  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  As 
the  conflict  increased  in  importance  he  finally  left 
his  young  wife  and  shouldering  a  musket  entered 
the  arm}'  and  served  under  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne 
for  seven  years.  Jacob  was  also  in  the  armj'  at  the 
same  time.  After  the  close  of  the  war  Jacob  Al- 
liright  located  in  York  County,  Pa.  Notwithstand- 
ing his  early  escapade  he  was  piously  inclined,  and 
turned  his  attention  to  religious  matters,  organizing 
the  Albright  Church,  and  giving  his  life  to  the 
ministry  thereafter.  He  spent  his  Last  years  in 
York  County.  Grandfather  Albright  settled  on 
Dunkin's  Island,  in  Perry  County.  Pa.,  where  he 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  At  that  place  was 
born  his  son,  David,  tin'  father  of  our  subject.  To 
the  old  Revolutionary  hero  there  was  awarded  by 
the  Government  GIO  acres  of  land  in  what  after- 
ward became  Ohio  Territory  and  upon  whicii  is 
now  situated  the  City  of  Columbus.  This  prop- 
erty naturallj'  fell  to  David,  and  he,  in  1796.  visited 
it,  and  considering  it  of  little  value,  returned  East 
and  located  in  ^'il■ginia,  where  he  employed  him- 
self at   his    trade    of  distiller  two  years.     At    the 



expiration  of  this  time,  returning  to  Penns3'lvania, 
lie  was  niarrieil  to  Miss  Plicbe  Newman.  In  due 
time  there  was  formed  a  little  settlement  in  Fair- 
field Bounty.  Oliio.  and  tlio  father  of  our  subject 
traded  his  land  for  a  mare,  a  cow  and  §2.5  in  money. 
The  faiiiiiy  removed  to  that  county  in  the  mean- 
time, and  tiiere  our  subject  was  born,  in  Perry 
Township.  .Iiine  12,  1H24.  Soon  afterwjird  his 
parents  removed  to  Pickaway  County,  in  the  same 
State,  where  he  was  reared. 

To  tiie  |)arents  of  our  subject  there  were  born 
the  following  children,  namely:  Samuel,  lietsy, 
Hannah,  Alanson  N.,  Louis,  Jackson,  Polly,  Oliver 
P.  and  Frederick.  Five  of  them  are  jiving  and 
located  mostly  in  this  county.  In  1840  the  parents 
resolved  n|)on  another  change  of  residence,  and 
removed  to  Clinton  County,  Ind..  where  they  ex- 
|icrienccd  all  the  hardslii|is  and  privations  of  fron- 
tier life.  George  Albright  was  an  expert  hunter, 
a  sport  in  which  he  took  great  satisfaction  and  de- 
light. He  lived  to  be  al)out  ninety  years  old.  The 
mother  passed  away  at  the  age  of  eighty  years. 

Our  subject  was  a  youth  of  fifteen  years  when 
lie  removed  with  his  father's  family  from  Oiiio  to 
Indiana.  About  that  time  he  started  out  for  him- 
self, and  engaged  by  the  mouth  to  drive  cattle  from 
Indiana  to  the  Eastern  markets.  He  was  then  em- 
ployed until  the  fall  of  1856.  In  the  meantime  he 
was  married,  Jan.  10,  1  854,  to  Miss  Jane,  daughter 
of  William  Beevens,  of  New  York  State.  In  1843 
he  made  his  way  to  this  county  and  herded  and 
drove  cattle,  prior  to  the  time  of  any  settlement 
within  its  limits.  It  was  he  who  named  Bean 
Creek.  About  1858  he  began  farming  in  Vance 
Township,  but  afterward  made  several  trips  East 
with  stock.  He  also  visited  the  South,  selling 
stock  in  several  of  the  Southern  States,  as  well  as 
the  Eest. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Albright  came  to  this  State 
jjrobably  early  in  the  fifties.  Mrs.  Albright  died 
in  1859,  while  a  young  woman,  leaving  no  children. 
Our  subject,  on  the  17th  of  November,  1861,  con- 
tracted a  second  marriage  with  Miss  Ama  Plevins; 
of  this  there  was  two  children,  one  is  still  living. 
His  second  wife  died  in  1858.  The  daughter's 
nime  is  Hannah  Jane.  His  third  wife  was  Athinda, 
daughter   of  Henry  and    Fve  (Hamaker)  Groves. 

This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  seven  children, 
namely:  Susan,  Mrs.  W.  R.  Bradeu  of  this  county; 
George  \V.  1).,  Mary  E.  C,  Frederick  R.,  Charles 
P.,  Aaron  J.  K.  and  Laura  A.  M.,  all  of  whom  are 
living.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Albright 
was  George  Grove,  a  native  of  Holland,  where  he 
spent  his  entire  life  and  reared  his  family.  Her 
parents  were  natives  of  Pennsylvania,  their  mar- 
riage occurring  in  Dauphin  County,  Pa.  They 
settled  in  Sangamon  Count3-,  111.,  in  1824,  where 
they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  The 
Hamalver  family  also  located  there  at  an  early  day. 
Grandfather  Grove  and  his  wife  were  devout  mem- 
bers of  the  German  Baptist  Church,  (irandfather 
Hamaker  was  a  preacher  in  this  Cliurch.  Mrs. 
Albright  belongs  to  the  Christian  Church. 

Mr.  Albright  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for 
Gen.  Taylor.  Further  than  keeping  himself  well 
posted  upon  current  events,  he  has  had  little  to  do 
with  public  affairs  or  the  responsibilities  of  office. 
He  is,  however,  President  of  the  Agricultural 
Society  of  Ross  Township,  and  belongs  to  the  Ma- 
sonic Fraternity,  Lodge  No.  527,  at  Rossville,  of 
which  he  is  a  charter  memljer.  He  been  a 
Mason  for  the  long  period  of  forty-five  years,  be- 
coming identified  with  the  fraternity  in  Circlcville, 

WILSE  TILTON  is  a  prominent  merchant 
and  Postmaster  in  the  township,  in  which  he 
lives.  His  father  Enoch  Tilton,  was  born 
in  Fayette  County,  Pa.  His  mother  F^lizabeth  Wil- 
son, was  born  in  Beaver  Count}-,  of  the  same  State. 
The}-  settled  in  the  place  of  her  birth,  and  from 
there  moved  to  Ripley  County,  Ind.,  in  1844.  It 
was  here  that  Mr.  Tilton  died.  Not  long  after 
this,  his  wife  also  died  at  Potomac,  this  county,  in 
1887,  leaving  a  famil}-  of  nine  sons,  of  whom  our 
subject  was  the  second.  The  place  of  his  birth  was 
Beaver  County,  Pa.,  and  the  time  Jan.  8,  1836.  In 
1862  he  traveled  to  this  count}-,  and  taught  school 
for  four  j-ears.  Thus  far  thirteen  years  of  his 
life  had  been  spent  in  teaching,  as  he  had  been  a 
school-master  nine  j-ears  prior  to  his  coming  to 
Vermilion  County.     He  then  found  employment  as 




clerk  uiidor  tlie  Itile  liicMmrd  .luiiies.  Tliis  position 
lie  Ivejit  fur  two  years,  after  wliicli.  in  18()8  lie 
formeil  a  partnership,  and  went  into  business  fur 
himself.  Eventnaily  Mr.  'I'iilon  bought  out  the  en- 
tire Inisiness,  which  he  has  since  conducted  in  his 
own  name.  Me  carries  an  unusually  fine  stock  of 
merchandise.  In  addition  to  his  store  at  Calliii,  lie 
owns  one  which  is  operated  by  his  son. 

Mr.  Tilton  was  appointed  Tostniaster  undci-  tlic 
administration  of  Cleveland.  He  had  held  tlic 
ullice  of  Superintendent,  and  nlmost  all  the  ollices 
in  the  township.  For  fouilcen  years  he  was  con- 
nected with  the  Vermilion  County  AgrieultnrMl  So- 
ciety, being  its  President  for  three  months,  an<l  its 
Vice-President  for  several  years.  Our  subject  is  a 
member  of  the  Catlin  Loilge  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  No. 
285,  aud  was  Master  of  the  lodge  five  years. 

Our  subject's  life  is  a  noble  record  of  vast  en- 
ergy, untiring  labor,  and  fervent,  and  unfading 
courage.  Those  who  knevv  him  familiarly,  loved 
and  valued  him  more  and  more,  the  longer  their 
intercourse  lasted.  His  marriage  with  Elizabeth 
Albright,  occurred  in  Ripley  County,  Ind.  They 
had  three  children:  Charles  Virgil,  who  is  in  com- 
pany witli  his  father;  Elsie  Venus,  who  is  the  wife 
of  A.  McGregor;  and  Bertie  Victor.  Mr.  Tilton  been  a  correspondent  of  the  Danville  News  for 
fifteen  years.  Mr.  Tilton  is  rather  a  reserved  man, 
and  boasts  very  little  of  the  good  and  loveable 
traits  and  sentiments  which  he  so  happily  possesses. 

^  OHX  W.  OlDDINGS,  a  prominent  citizen 
of  Danville,  .and  a  native  of  that  place,  was 
born  Ai)ril  21,  1842.  His  father,  William 
Oiddings,  was  born  in  Bedfordshire,  Eng- 
land, and  was  there  reared  and  married.  He  was 
the  onl^'  member  of  the  family  that  came  to  Amer- 
ica. He  learned  the  trade  of  a  wagonmaker  in  his 
native  land,  and  was  a  journeyman  till  1837,  when 
He  sailed  from  London  early  in  that  }'eai','and  was 
a  journeyman  till  1837,  when  he  sailed  from  Lon- 
don early  in  that  year,  and  in  due  time  landed  at 
New  York.  He  came  directly  to  Danville,  the 
journey  being  made  by  the  way  of  the  lakes,  canal 

and  te:ims.  When  ho  came  to  Danville  he  was 
wealthy  in  everything  but  money,  that  is  to  sa^', 
he  was  in  the  possession  of  good  spirits  and  of  any 
amount  of  liope.  The  town  was  then  a  small  place. 
He  at  once  commenced  work  at  his  trade  as  :i 
journeyman,  and  with  his  savings  he  bouglit  his 
employer's  business,  and  engaged  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  wagons  :ind  plows.  The  plows  he  first 
made  were  constructed  with  wooden  mould  boards. 
'I'lie  forests  were  searched  to  find  trees  that  hud  the 
right  shape  for  this  portion  of  the  |)low.  Later  he 
manufactured  carriages,  wagons  and  steel  |)l(jws, 
and  in  this  business  he  built  up  an  extensive  trade, 
in  which  hi'  was  engaged  until  the  time  of  his 
dcMlh.  which  occuri-ed  in  Sei)tember,  1875.  Foi- 
many  years  there  was  no  railroad  built  i,o  Dan- 
ville, and  he  procured  his  supplies  from  Cincinnati 
l)y  teams.  After  a  few  years  Chicago  became  the 
commercial  center,  and  lie  changed  his  place  of 
buying  to  that  place,  but  still  the  only  mode  of 
transportation  was  with  horses  or  oxen.  'J'lie 
maiden  name  of  his  wife  and  the  mother  of  the 
subject  of  this  article,  was  Caroline  Kitchener.  She 
was  born  in  Bedfordshire,  England,  and  died  in 
Danville  in  1874.  Herself  and  her  brother  Charles 
were  the  only  members  of  her  family  that  came 
to  America.  Charles  settled  near  Worcester,  Mass., 
and  is  now  deceased.  In  the  famil3'  of  William 
Giddings  were  nine  children,  eight  of  whom  are 
living:  Fannie  is  the  wife  of  John  J.  Partlow,  and 
lives  in  Danville;  Caroline  is  dead;  Charles, George 
and  Albert  live  in  Danville;  Eliza  married  flarvey 
Riggs,  and  is  now  residing  in  Spink  County,  Dak.; 
Laura  is  the  widow  of  Edwin  Martin,  and  lives  in 

John  W.  Giddings  was  educated  in  the  schools 
of  his  native  city,  and  when  but  a  boy  commenced 
work  in  his  father's  shop,  and  thoroughlj'  learned 
the  art  of  carriage  painting.  He  thus  continued  at 
work  until  Jlay,  1 862,  when  he  enlisted  in  Com- 
pany A,  71st  Illinois  Infantry,  for  the  period  of 
ninety  d.iys.  He  was  sick  nearly  all  the  time  of 
his  service,  and  was  discharged  in  October,  18(!2, 
when  he  returned  home,  remaining  ill  for  one  year 
after  his  return.  He  again  entered  the  army,  in 
May,  1864,  this  time  enlisting  in  the  135th  Illinois 
Infantry,  serving  until  the  following  fall,  when   he 



was  flisclmrged  on  account  of  the  expiration  of  his 
term  of  service.  !•;  18G5,  with  his  brother  Cliarles, 
and  l)rother-in-hiw,  O.  S.  Stewart,  a  partnership 
business  was  formed  under  the  firm  name  of  Gid- 
dings,  Stewart  &  Co.,  tiie  firm  succeeding  to  liis 
father's  business.  Tliis  firm  continued  four  or 
five  years  in  business,  wlien  he  and  his  brotliei- 
liouglit  the  interest  of  Mr.  Stewart,  and  so  con- 
tinued until  1876,  when  ho  purchased  his  brother's 
interest  also,  and  was  tlius  tlie  sole  proprietor.  In 
1879  he  formed  a  partnership  with  James  A.  Pat- 
terson, adding  to  the  business. 

On  the  13th  of  January,  18G7,  Mr.  Giddings 
married  Samantha  A.  IMcKee,  who  was  born  in 
Georgetown,  this  State.  She  was  tlie  daughter  of 
Elijah  and  Abigail  (Starr)  McKee.  Mr.  McKee 
was  born  in  Fleming  County,  Ky.  Mr.  McKee's 
father,  the  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Giddings,  was  born 
in  Pennsylvania,  and  emigrated  to  Kentuclvy  at 
an  early  day.  lie  resided  there  until  1838,  when 
lie  came  to  Vermilion  County,  the  trip  Ijeing  made 
with  teams.  lie  settled  two  miles  east  of  Dan- 
ville, and  bouglit  timber  land  and  built  a  log  house. 
lie  resided  on  the  old  farm  until  his  deatli.  The 
father  of  Mrs.  Giildings  was  eighteen  years  old 
when  he  came  to  this  county.  He  taiight  school 
several  terms,  and  at  the  time  of  his  marriage  was 
learning  the  trade  of  a  wagon-maker.  He  fol- 
lowed this  occupation  until  1860,  when  he  was 
elected  to  the  office  of  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court, 
a  position  he  held  eight  years.  His  death  occurred 
March  5,  1869.  Mrs.  Giddings  maternal  grand- 
father, Absalom  Starr,  removed  from  Ohio  to  this 
State  in  1821.  The  journey  was  made  wilb  ox 
teams.  I'liey  remained  awhile  near  Palestine,  Ind., 
and  while  tliere  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Giddings  was 
l)orn.  They  came  to  Danville  in  1821,  and  Mr. 
Starr  is  among  the  first  settlers  of  Vermilion 
County,  his  deed  being  the  first  one  ever  recorded 
on  the  county  books.  The  land  is  located  two 
miles  west  of  Georgetown,  and  was  originally  heav- 
ily timbered.  He  resided  here  on  the  old  home- 
stead until  ins  death.  His  wife  survived  him 
many  years,  dying  at  the  age  of  eighty-seven. 

John  W.  Giddings  has  inherited,  in  a  full  meas- 
ure, the  characteristics  of  his  father.  He  is  an 
energetic,  capable  and  honorable  business  man,  and 

though  his  father  came  iiere  a  poor  man,  and  at 
the  time  of  ids  death  was  one  of  the  wealthiest 
men  of  Danville,  there  is  no  doulit  but  that  tlie 
junior  (Jiddings  would  have  followed  in  the  fool- 
steps  of  his  worthy  fatlier  had  he  been  placed  in 
his  [Hjsition,  Mr.  Giddings  has  a  beautiful  resi- 
dence, built  in  1887,  and  located  on  Hazel  street, 
where  he  lives  hap[>ily  with  his  family.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Giddings  worship  at  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  and  he  is  a  member  of  the  Odd  Fellows. 

■■^  If)  R.  CHANDLER.  The  life  of 
\/iJll  '"'''"  '"  ^  "'orld  containing  so  mu 
'^'nS      and  sorrow,  shines    out  like   the 

The    life    of  a    good 

uch  of  sin 


sun  and  redeems  the  earth  from  the  gloom  which 
would  otherwise  envelop  it.  The  early  settlement 
of  the  Great  West  developed  man^-  brave  and  cour- 
ageous spirits  who  encountered  untold  diflicuUi- 
ties  in  the  struggle  of  life  on  the  frontier,  and  wlio 
in  addition  to  bravely  fighting  the  battles  which 
immediately  beset  them,  also  lent  a  heljting  hand 
to  their  fellow  creatures,  stimulating  them  to  ex- 
ertion at  the  time  whicli  tried  men's  souls  and  en- 
abled them  to  breast  the  waves  and  reach  a  safe 

These  thoughts  are  suggested  in  recalling  the 
history  of  Mr.  Chandler,  now  of  Bismark  and  who 
has  been  a  resident  of  this  county  most  of  the  time  for 
the  long  period  of  sixty-one  years,  having  come 
here  as  early  as  1828.  It  is  hardly  neccessary  to 
say  that  the  soil  of  this  region  had  then  scarcely' 
been  pressed  b^'  the  foot  of  a  white  man.  Indians, 
prairie  wolves  and  other  dangerous  creatures  were 
plentiful,  also  deer  and  wild  game  of  all  kinds.  It 
was  some  years  before  rapid  settlement  commenced, 
and  he,  who  first  ventured  into  these  wilds  practi- 
cally took  his  life  in  his  hands.  The  extraordi- 
nary change  which  has  passed  over  the  face  of  the 
of  the  country  during  the  last  half  century  has 
been  witnessed  by  our  subject  with  that  warm 
interest  and  satisfaction  which  can  only  be  felt  b\- 
the  intelligent  and  thoughtful  mind.  Now  over  a 
once  uncultivated    waste  are  seen    beautiful  farms 



and  |)i''oiis  villages  nml  a  vast  iiopiilaliim  oc- 
cii|iyini;  tlu-inseivi's  witii  agiii'ultiiial  and  various 
oilier  industries  needed  to  serve  so  <i;reat  a  eountry. 
In  hrintring  about  tills  condition  of  thintfs,  Mr. 
Chandler  may  be  proi)erly  classed  among  those 
men  who  have  contrilnited  their  full  quota  to  the 
present  wealth  and  well-being  of   Illinois.  [ 

A  native  of  Harrison  County.  Ky.,  Mr.  Chand- 
ler was  born  Dec.  .'),  1821,  and  is  the  son  of  Jehu  and 
I'ollv  (Swinford)  Chandler,  the  former  a  native  of 
Wilmington,  Del.,  and  the  latter  of  Harrison 
County.  Ky.  The  parents  of  our  subject  came  to 
Illinois  in  1828,  locating  first  in  Newell  Township, 
\'ermilion  County,  where  they  resided  until  1854. 
Then,  laying  .aside  the  more  active  duties  of  life, 
they  removed  to  Danville,  and  Jehu  Chandler 
rested  from  earthly  labors  in  February,  18r>'.). 
The  mother  that  same  year  returned  to  Newell 
Township,  where  her  death  took  place  hi  April, 
18G2.  Their  remains  rest  side  l>y  side  in  Walnut 
Corner  Cemetery,  Newell  Township. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  in  the  seventh 
year  of  his  .age  when  he  came  to  Newell  Towiishi|) 
with  his  parents,  and  this  with  the  exception  of 
ten  years  has  since  remained  his  home,  lie  fol- 
lowed carpentering  in  Danville  from  1864  to  1874, 
then  returned  to  Newell  Townshiii  and  still  con- 
tinued to  work  as  a  carpenter  until  1880.  In  1882 
he  commenced  buying  and  shipi>ing  grain  of  all 
kinds,  paying  the  highest  market  price  and  realiz- 
ing therefrom  a  handsome  profit.  In  the  meantime 
he  became  prominent  in  local  atTairs  and  was  rec- 
oo-nized  .as  one  of  the  most  liberal  and  public- 
spirited  citizens  of  his  township.  He  served  as 
Assessor  during  the  years  18i")9-60  and  in  1800  was 
elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  which  i)ositioii  he 
held  four  years.  Prior  to  this  he  was  elected 
School  Director  and  Townshii)  Trustee,  and  ever 
maintained  his  warm  interest  in  the  cause  of  educa- 
tion and  all  of  those  projects  having  for  their  ob- 
ject the  moral  welfare  of  the  people. 

Mr.  Chandler  was  again  brought  to  the  front  in 
1885,  being  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  serving 
his  time  acceptably,  and  was  re-elected  in  188U. 
To  the  duties  of  this  olKce  he  has  brought  that 
sound  judgment  and  temperance  of  action  which 
have  "ained   him   the  esteem  and  confideucc  of  all 

with  whom   he   has  dealt.      From    1885   to  1 889  he 
olHciated  as  a  Notary  Public. 

The  niarri.ige  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Malinda 
Cunningham  was  celebrated  Nov.  21,  1844.  This 
lady  wiis  the  daughter  of  William  and  M.ary  Cunn- 
ingham, both  of  whom  were  natives  of  Pennsylva- 
nia. The  latter  soon  after  llicii'  marriage  removed 
to  Harrison  County,  Ky.,  and  thence,  in  1829,  to 
Newell  Township,  \'ermilion  Co.,  HI.,  where  they 
S|)cnt  the  remainder  of  their  d.ays.  The  mother 
died  in  September,  1844.  Mr.  Cunningham  sur- 
vived his  wife  a  number  of  years,  passing  avvaj-  in 
M.ay,  1852.  Their  remains  were  laid  to  rest  in 
what  is  known  ,as  Brierly  Cemetery,  in  Newell 
Township.  Mrs.  Chandler  was  reared  principally 
in  Newell  Township,  and  by  her  union  with  our 
subject  became  the  mother  of  the  following  children: 
Mary  J.,  Emma,  Ann,  Hosetta  C.,  William  J.  and 
Laura  F.,  all  of  whom  are  living,  but  the  mother 
passed  to  her  long  home  Sept.  5,  1803.  She  was 
a  lady  of  many  excellent  qualities  and  a  consistent 
member  of  the  Christian  Church,  in  the  faith  of 
which  she  died.  Her  remains  repose  in  Brierly  Ceme- 
tery. Mr.Chandler  has  been  identified  with  the  Chris- 
tian Church  forty-three  years.  In  1874  he  took 
up  his  residence  in  liisniark.  which  nas  laid  out  in 
1872.  He  keeps  himself  well  posted  in  regard  to 
State  and  National  affairs,  and  is  a  strong  Repub- 
lican in  jiolitics.  No  man  in  the  county  stands 
higher,  and  none  are  more  deuerving  of  the  esteem 
and  confidence  of  their  fellow-men. 

/^  HARLES  W.  WARNER,  editor  and  pro- 
ill  prietor  of  the  "IIooi)eston  Daily  and  Weekly 
^^^^  Chronicle"  is  conducting  the  onl}'  daily 
paper  in  the  county  outside  of  Danville.  He  is 
making  of  it  a  newsy,  local  sheet,  pleasing  to  the 
people  most  concerned  and  in  connection  there- 
with is  building  up  a  thriving  job  department.  He 
is  a  gentleman  enterprising  and  intelligent,  an  easy 
and  forcibU'  writer  and  evidently  possessed  oi  the 
proper  idea  in  connection  with  running  a  local 
paper.     The  interests  of  the  [leoplc  of  this  section 



are  held  ii|)|)ei-most  and  the  Chronicle  has  beeome 
one  of  its   imlispeiisable  institutions. 

Tlic  first  three  years  of  the  life  of  our  subject 
were  spent  in  Montgomery  County,  Ind.,  wliere  lie 
was  born  Jan.  24,  1857.  In  18G0  his  parents  re- 
moved to  West  Lebanon  in  the  same  State,  where 
they  lived  four  years,  then  changed  their  residence 
to  liossville,  in  this  county,  and  in  this  latter  place 
Charles  W.  completed  his  education  by  attendance 
at  the  High  School,  lie  subsequently  taught  school 
two  terms  in  Cliamjiaign  County,  near  Homer. 
Later  he  assumed  the  duties  of  Deputy  County 
Cleriv  under  .lolin  W.  Dale  at  Danville  and  from 
there  came  to  Hoopeston  in  February,  1879,  and 
became  associated  with  the  Chronicle,  assisting  in 
liulh  the  editorial  and  mechanical  departments  of 
the  jiaper.  With  the  exception  of  four  niontlis 
s|)eut  as  a  Clerk  in  the  State  Legislature  during 
tlie  session  of  the  Tliirty-second  General  Assembly, 
he  remained  in  this  capacity  until  July,  1882.  lie 
then  leased  the  plant  of  the  Chronicle,  the  "Daily" 
then  having  been  started  only  three  months  liefore. 
Its  continuation   consequently  an  uncertainty. 

Mr.  Warner,  liowever,  renewed  his  lease  from 
year  to  year  at  the  same  time  enlarging  the  circu- 
lation of  the  paper  and  introducing  new  facilities 
for  the  prosecution  of  job  work.  In  1887  he  pur- 
chased the  entire  concern  and  tlie  prospect  is  tiiat 
tlie  Chronicle  and  its  appurtenances  will  continue 
to  prosper  and  grow  strong.  In  addition  to  this 
business,  Mr.  Warner  is  connected  with  tlie  Illinois 
Canning  Company  of  which  he  has  been  Secretary 
since  its  organization,  in  1887.  In  the  K.  of  P.  he 
stands  high,  being  the  first  C'ominan<ler  of  his  lodge. 
He  has  had  no  political  aspirations  for  liimself, 
but  labors  vigorously  in  liehalf  of  the  Republican 
[larty  and  is  occasionally  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the 
various  party  conventions.  His  industry  and  good 
judgment  are  made  serviceable  in  many  respects  in 
local  affairs,  both  social  and  political.  June  15, 
1889,  he  was  elected  liy  his  Republican  friends,  pa- 
trons of  the  Hoopeston  post-office,  to  the  .position 
of  Postmaster.  He  was  immediately  aiipointeclby 
President  Harrison  and  now  holds  that  position. 

The  marriage  of  our  suliject  with  Miss  Lillian 
M.  Clark  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  liome  in 
Hoopeston,  Dec.  13,  1883.     Mrs.  Warner  is  a  na- 

tive of  Wenona,  this  State  and  was  born  May  9, 
18G4.  She  came  to  Hoopeston  with  her  parents  in 
1 873.  The  latter  were  W.  R.  and  Henrietta  I>. 
(Fitton)  Clark,  who  continue  residents  of  this 
place.  She  is  possessed  of  great  skill  as  an  artist 
and  decorator. 

The  parents  of  our  suliject  were  Abner  and 
Mary  (Cadwallader)  Warner,  the  former  of  whom 
was  born  in  Ross  County,  Ohio,  April  11,  1811. 
He  spent  his  boyhood  and  youth  in  the  Buckeye 
State  and  prior  to  his  marriage  removed  to  Indiana, 
settling  near  Crawfordsville  where  he  met  Miss 
Cadwallader  and  they  were  married  March  9,  1851. 
Mr.  Warner  was  a  farmer  by  occupation  during 
his  early  manhood,  but  after  his  removal  to  Ross- 
ville  engaged  in  mercantile  business  which  he  pros- 
ecuted until  1876.  He  then  retired  from  active 
business  and  departed  this  life  Jul}-  15,  1888. 
lie  was  a  plain  and  unassuming  man  and  a  member 
of  the  Society  of  Friends. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  born  near  Craw- 
fordsville, Ind.,  and  lived  there  with  her  parents 
until  her  marriage.  Her  union  with  Mr.  Warner 
resulted  in  the  birth  of  four  children,  only  two  of 
whom  are  living — our  subject,  and  Perry  M.,  the 
latter  residing  on  a  farm  near  Rossville,  and  the 
mother  makes  her  home  with  him.  The  paternal 
grandfather  of  our  subject  was  Isaac  Warner,  a  na- 
tive of  Philadelphia.  Early  in  life  he  emigrated  to 
Ohio  where  he  became  the  owner  of  land  and  en- 
gaged in  agricultural  pursuits.  He  married  Miss 
Mary  Winder,  who  also  died  in  Ohio. 


LBERT  G.  OLMSTED  is  a  worthy  de- 
41  scendant  of  Puritan  ancestry,  his  fore- 
fathers having  been  numbered  among  the 
early  settlers  of  New  England.  In  a 
later  day  and  generation  his  grand [larents  and 
parents  became  pioneers  of  Vermilion  County,  and 
here  the  most  of  his  life  has  been  passed.  He  has 
not  only  been  a  witness  of  the  marvelous  growth  of 
this  section  of  the  county  in  the  fifty  years  that  he 
has  lived  here  as  boy  and  man.  but  it  has  been  his 
good  fortune  to  aid  in  its  upbuilding.      For  many 



3'ears  he  has  been  intimately  connected  nitli  the 
material  iirosperily  of  C'atliii  Township  as  a  progres- 
sive anil  skillful  airricultiirist,  and  as  one  of  its  most 
inlluentiul  pulilic  otlicers.  He  owns  a  farm  on 
section  23.  that  in  all  its  ap|)ointments  and  improve- 
ments is  equal  to  any  [other  in  this  locality,  and 
here  he  and  his  wife  have  an  attractive  home,  to 
which  they  welcome  many  friends,  as  they  have  a 
warm  place  in  the   hearts  of    the   entire    commun- 


Stanley  Olmsted,  the  father  of  onr  subject,  was 
born  in  the  city  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  to  George 
Olmsted,  Sr..  and  his  wife,  Hannah  (Kolicrts)  Olm- 
sted, natives  of  New  England.  They  came  to 
Vermilion  County  from  Ohio  in  1839,  and  he  died 
here  two  years  later.  His  wife  did  not  long  snrvive 
him.  dying  in  September,  1.S13.  Their  son.  Stanley, 
married  Alinira  (ireen,  a  native  of  A'ermont.  .-uid 
they  began  the  journey  of  life  togethei'  in  James- 
town, ChautaiKjua  Co.,  N.  Y„  where  he  was 
busily  engaged  for  several  years  in  constructing  a 
farm  from  the  primeval  forests  of  that  section  of 
the  c(MUitry.  He  subsequently  removeil  hum  there 
with  his  fatnily  to  JMarietta,  W.ashington  Co.,  Ohio, 
but  after  living  there  five  years,  he  came  with 
them,  in  183'.l,  to  Vermilion  Count}-,  making  the 
journey  down  the  Ohio  River,  up  the  Wabash 
River  to  Periysville,  and  thence  going  to  what  is 
now  known  as  Piatestown,  and  settling  in  that 
vicinity  among  the  pioneers  that  had  preceded  them 
to  this]  then  wild,  sparsely  settled  country.  The 
father  operated  a  sawmill  known  as  Olmsted  .Mill, 
and  besides  manufacturing  lumber,  engaged  in 
building  tiatboals,  that  being  the  only  mill  where 
such  boats  were  built,  and  the  most  of  those  that 
were  made  in  this  section  of  the  country  were 
built  there,  lie  was  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternity and  quite  a  prominent  man  in  his  connnun- 
ity,  and  his  death,  in  1818,  w-as  considered  a  loss 
to  the  township.  His  widow  was  re-married  about 
ten  years  afterwards,  becoming  the  wife  of  Thomas 
W.  Douglas,  and  is  still  living  in  Catlin  Township 
at  an  advanced  age.  She  holds  to  the  Presbyter-  faith,  and  is  a  sincere  Christian. 

Of    the   ten    children    that   blessed    the   union  of    I 
Stanley  Orasted  and  wife,  our  subject  wiis  the  sec- 
ond in  order  of  birth.    He  was  born  in  the  vicinit\     i 

of  Jamestown,  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  II, 
1831.  He  was  a  lad  of  about  eight  years  when  he 
accompanied  his  parents  and  grandparents  to  this 
count}',  and  tlie  remaining  years  of  his  bovhood 
.and  his  youth  were  passed  in  Danville  and  Catlin 
townships.  His  education  obtained  in  the  old 
log  school-house  of  those  earl}'  d.ays.  He  early  be- 
gan life  for  himself,  as  he  was  but  .seventeen  years 
of  .age  when  his  father  died,  and  the  ni.-iin  charge 
of  the  family  devolved  upon  him.  he  renting  land 
and  working  at  f:irniing  to  su|)port  those  dejiend- 
ent  upon  him.  When  he  was  twenty-four  years 
old  he  married  ami  renti'd  a  farm  in  Catlin  Town- 
ship the  ensuing  seven  years,  the  [jjace  belonging 
to  Harry  Sandusky.  After  that  he  bought  a  small 
place  in  Catlin  Nillage,  and  continued  renting  land 
for  three  years.  The  second  year  after  the  pur- 
chase of  the  County  Farm  in  18ti7,  he  was  ap- 
pointed Superintendent  of  it,  and  he  was  found  to 
be  the  right  man  in  the  right-  place,  faithfully  and 
conscienciously  discharging  the  duties  of  thatoner- 
ous  position,  by  his  skillful  farming  improving  the 
land,  and  treating  the  poor  people  under  his  charge 
with  tiriuness.aud  kindness.  He  retained  that  ollice 
eight  years,  and  then  tendered  his  resignation,  .as 
he  decided  to  investsomeof  his  money  in  land  anil 
go  to  farming  on  his  own  aeconnt.  Soon  after  he 
took  possession  of  the  land  he  now  owns  and  op- 
erates, it  having  been  the  homestead  of  the  parents 
of  Mrs.  Omsted,  of  which  she  inherited  a  portion. 
The  lialance  was  liurehaspd  by  .Mr.  Omsted.  His 
present  farm  consists-of  18U  acres  of  land,  exceed- 
ingly rich  .ind  productive,  and  he  has  been  con- 
stantly making  improvements  till  the  place  is 
considered  ;one  of  the  best  in  the  ncighlxirhood. 
He  has  erected  a  good  set  of  farm  buildings  and  a 
pleasant  residence,  finel\'  located  somewhat  back 
from  the  highway. 

This  homestead  formerly  belonged  to  Mis.  Olm- 
sted's parents,  Thomas  N.  and  Mary  Brown  ( .San- 
diKsky)  Wright,  early  pioneers  of  Vermilion  Ccmnly, 
and  here  she  was  born  and  bred,  and  on  this  s|)ot, 
under  an  apjile  tree  in  the  yard,  her  marri.age  with 
our  subject  was  solemnized  July  22,  18.5.'),  and  here 
her  life  has  thus  far  been  spent  happily  and  .se- 
renely. She  has  never  been  very  far  from  this 
home  of  her   birth,   and   has    never    ridden    in    the 



cars,  or  even  beyond  tlie  limits  of  the  county.  Mrs. 
Olmsted  is  a  notable  houselieeper,  and  is  well 
versed  in  the  art  of  making  those  about  her  com- 
fortable, and  everyone  who  crosses  her  threshhold 
is  sure  of  a  cheerful  welcome.  Her  parents  were 
born  in  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  and  when  the  father 
was  nineteen  years  old  and  the  mother  twenty, 
they  came  to  Vermilion  County,  and  were  united 
in  marriage  six  weeks  later,  in  tlie  year  1831,  near 
Indianola.  and  immediately  settled  on  tlie  farm 
now  owued  by  Mr.  Olmsted.  Mr.  Wriglit  built  a 
log  cabin,  and  in  that  humlile  abode  they  began 
their  wedde<l  life.  May  31,  1851,  Mrs.  Wright 
died,  leaving  five  children,  of  whom  Elizabeth 
Ann,  Mrs.  Olmsted,  was  the  eldest.  The  father 
was  afterwards  married  to  Nancy  Dougherty,  and 
he  died  Nov.  18,  1872,  on  the  homestead  that  he 
had  eliminated  from  the  wild  prairies.  Mrs.  Olm- 
sted was  born  Sept.  22,  1832.  In  this  home  of  her 
girlhood  and  womanhood  five  children  have  blessed 
her  wedded  life  with  our  subject,  namely:  Mary 
B.,  the  wife  of  John  H.  Palmer;  Charles,  who  mar- 
ried Agnes    Enimett,    who    died    Nov.   17,    1887; 

William  C,  who  married  Miss  Eva  Beck;  George 
E.;  and  Albert  C. 

Mr.  Olmsted  has  been  a  valuable  citizen  of  this 
section  of  Vermilion  County  since  attaining  man- 
hood, as  he  is  a  man  of  good  personal  habits,  is  just 
and  honest  in  his  dealings,  wise  and  safe  in  coun- 
sel, and  has  alwa_ys  exerted  his  influence  to  advance 
the  interests  of  his  communit}'  morally,  socially 
and  educationally.  He  has  taken  an  active  part 
in  the  public  life  of  this  township,  has  held  the 
office  of  Supervisor  two  terms,  and  for  eleven  years 
was  School  Trustee.  He  is  a  valued  member  of 
Catlin  Lodge  No.  285,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  has 
been  Master  of  the  lodge.  In  politics  he  sides 
with  the  Democrats,  and  is  a  strong  supporter  of 
party  piineii)les.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  faith- 
ful members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  the 
acts  of  their  daily  lives  show  them  to  be  consistent 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  home 
and  surroundings  of  Mr.  Olmsted  is  shown  else- 
where in  this  volume. 




1 1  ,r •  .'i'-aiitt^s^t^'-;  ■' ; 


:  i'^)^;ji'.;iij't;i^.>.-»'^^..^;uv.u,.^  ;-'>;^..i|g:Jt^>^«^>^(iS>' 


S;^  OMK  of  the  fairest,  most  pro- 
ductive counties  of  the  great 
Prairie  State  lie  upon  its  East- 
ern border,  and  among  tlie 
chiefest  of  tliese  is  \'ermilion 
County.  Although  settlers 
came  in  here  at  an  early  day, 
yet  the  commencement  of  its 
rapid  growth  was  not  until  many 
years  later.  It  was  the  railroad  that 
did  so  much  toward  the  encourage- 
ment of  sturdj'  tillers  of  the  soil  to 
come  to  the  fair  and  fertile  prairies. 
Since  then  the  countj'  has  enjoyed  a 
steady  growth,  until  to  day  it  stands 
among  the  foremost  counties  of  the 
<neat  Northwest.  In  the  growth 
and  development  of  her  vast  resources,  in  her  agri- 
culture and  stock-raising,  in  all  departments  of  la- 
bor in  which  I)usy  man  is  engaged;  in  lierclnirclics 
and  schools,  in  civilization  and  culture,  Nerniilion 
County  has  taken  a  front  rank.  Well  m.^y  her  peo- 
ple be  proml  of  their  product;  well  may  her  pio- 
neers turn  with  pride  to  their  achievements.  With- 
in a  half  century  a  wilderness  has  been  subdued  and 
converted  into  beautiful  farms  and  thriving,  popu- 
lous cities,  and  a  community  estal)lished  connnnml- 
ing  the  admir.ation  of  the  country. 

The  Wabash  Kailway. 

^IIIS  was  the  ))ioneer  road  of  Vermilion  County 
and  consequently  contributed  most  to  the  de- 
velopment in  the  early  days  of  Danville, 
and  the  extensive  coal  and  agricultural  interests  of 
the  count3',  and  still  continues  to  do  so.  Its  main 
line  from  tiuincj'  and  St.  Louis,  to  Toledo  and  De- 
troit, traverses  this  county  from  East  to  AA'est.  At 
Danville  connection  is  made  with  all  the  main 
i-oads.  Centering  there,  it  has  aliout  fifty  miles  of 
road  including  side  tracks  in  the  county.  And  at 
Tilton  are  located  commodious  round  houses  for  the 
accommodation  of  this  division.  Its  present  trallic 
facilities,  are  not  surpassed  by  any  road  in  the 
West,  with  its  ext(nisive  Eastern,  Xortiiern,  West- 
ern and  Southern  connections,  its  customers  have 
all  the  benefits  of  the  great  marts  of  trade  and  com- 
merce in  this  country.  The  Wabash  is  now  one  of 
!  the  most  extensive  railway  systems  of  the  country, 
and  owing  to  its  splendid  facilities  and  connections 
with  the  seaboard  tratKc, and  the  principal  Southern 
and  Western  cities,  is  destined  lo  do  more  toward 
the  development  of  the  .'igrieultural  and  material 
resources  of  the  Mississippi  valley,  than  an\  other 
road,  with  its  continuous  line  from  Detroit  and 
Toledo  to  St.  Louis,  where  it  crosses  the  Mississippi 
on  tlie  most  magniliceiit  steel  bridge  in  the  world. 
From  there  its  lines  traverse  northwestward  throno-h 



jNIissouri  and  Iowa,  to  Kansas  City,  Onialia,  and  Des 
iMoines;  it  has  borne  no  unimportant  part  in  tbe  de- 
velopment of  those  three  great  commercial  empori- 
um?. At  Kansas  City  and  Omalia  it  receives  its 
full  share  of  the  vast  commerce  of  Kansas,  Nebraska, 
and  the  Northwest.  At  Des  Moines  it  taps  the 
great  agricultural  heart  of  Iowa.  Now  having 
spolien  of  its  Eastern  and  Western  lines,  we  call  the 
attention  of  our  readers  to  its  two  lines  which  en- 
ter Chicago,  the  great  metropolis  of  the  Northwest. 
All  the  lines  of  tiiis  road,  int'luding  the  Chicago 
branch,  have  steel  rail  track,  well  ballasted  road- 
beds, and  together  constitute  one  of  the  greatest 
railroad  systems  of  the  West.  It  is  certainly  one  of 
most  enterprising  roads  in  the  country,  and  the 
finest  passenger  coaches  on  the  continent,  are  run 
on  its  lines,  and  ever}-  effort  i)ut  f<jrth  for  the  com- 
fort and  safely  of  its  patrons.  The  number  of 
miles  now  operated,  are  Hues  east  of  the  Mississii)pi 
1,310,  lines  west  of  the  Mississippi  CIO.  Orand 
total  for  all  lines  of  1,950.  Its  terminal  facilities 
are  unsurpassed  both  for  freight  and  passenger 
traffic,  and  its  increasing  and  grc)ning  popularit3' 
srieaks  well  for  its  aide  nianai>cment. 

Oliio,   IiDliaim  and  Western. 

ir^^^IIIS  line  has,  including  side  tracks,  about 
'^^^  twenty-eight  miles  of  road  in  Vermilion 
County,  and  traverses  the  county  due  east 
and  west  from  Danville.  At  the  latter  place  con- 
nections are  made  with  the  roads  centering  there. 
Danville  is  the  most  important  station.  Fithian 
and  Oakwof)d  are  also  situated  on  this  line. 


Cliieago  and  Eastern   Illinois. 

(Jr^-^mS  road  has  more  miles  of  track  than  any 
other  line  in  the  county,  and  extends 
through  the  county  on  the  east  side  from 
north  to  south.  This  is  the  great  coal  road  of  the 
count>'  and  has  exercised  a  superlative  inlluence 
in  the  development  of  that  industry  in  Eastern 

The  most  important  station  is  Danville,  where 
connection  is  had  with  several  roads  centering- 
there.     There  are  many  important  stations  on  this 

line  in  Vermilion  County.  At  Ridge  Farm,  in  the 
extreme  south,  it  crosses  the  line  of  the  Toledo, 
Cincinnati  &  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Georgetown  is 
also  an  important  station  for  the  shipment  of  agri- 
cultural products.  Further  north  at  Grape  Creek 
the  immense  coal  fields  are  tapjied.  At  Alviu  it 
intersects  a  branch  of  the  Illinois  Central,  passing 
on  through  Rossvilleto  Iloopeston,  where  it  crosses 
the  line  of  the  Lake  Erie  &  Western. 

Cairo,  Vincennes  &  Chicago 
Is  being  operated  by  the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois 
Railroad   and  is  mentioned  in  the  reference   made 
in  reaard  to  that  road. 


Tlie  Danville,  Olney  and  Oliio  Kiver  Itoad, 

S  likewise  operated  by  the  management  of  the 
Chicago  and  Eastern  Illinois  Railroad  Com- 
/|l  pany.  The  important  stations  on  this  line  in 
the  south  part  of  the  county  are  Sidell,  Indianola, 
and  Sandusky. 


Illinois    Central    Railroad. 

HE  Lero3'  ik  West  Libexi^',  Branch  of  the 
Central  traverses  through  Ross  and  Middle 
Fork  townships  from  east  to  west.  At  Alviu 
it  crosses  the  line  of  the  Chicago  &  Ivastern  Illinois. 
That  point  is  also  the  most  important  station  in 
this  county.  Ileniing,  Potomac  an<l  Armstiong 
are  other  stations  on  the  line  in  this  county. 
~»rS<^«»— — 

Toledo,  Cincinnati  and  St.  Lonis  Kailroad. 

AS  al)out  eleven  miles  of  road  in  the  extreme 
1)  southeast  corner  of  the  county,  tlic  import- 
ant station  lieing  Ridge  Farm. 



Lake   Krie  and   Western. 

•  HIS  road  traverses  the  extreme  northern  part 
of  the  county  from  east  to  west  and  has 
'^f'  contributed  in  a  large  measure  to  the  build- 
ing up  of  the  thriving  town  of  Iloopeston,  the 
second  town  in  the  county'.  At  that  point  it 
crosses  the  line  of  the  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois 


>-5fe  ?-- 

Abbott,  Franklin  E 288 

Adams,  Ellis 200 

Adams,  John 23 

Adams,  John  Q 39 

Albritiht,  Alanson    N 761 

Albright,  Samuel 314 

Alexander,  F.  M 467 

Allen,  (leor^e 27b 

Allen,  Hon.  Charles  A 741 

Allen,  Wm.   I 700 

Allhands.  F-  M 692 

Amis,  James  T 407 

Amis,  Mrs-  Nancy 407 

AnI'.rum,  Asa 496 

Ankriim,  A.  1 453 

Ankrum,  George  W    -,30 

A r buckle,  A.     I" 451 

Arniantrout,  Hiram 195 

Armstrong,  Thomas.... 721 

Arthur  Chester  A 99 


Babb,  Ira 43° 

Baker,  C-  A 654 

Baldwin,  F.      214 

Baldwin,  J.  R 208 

Ball.  S.O 644 

Bandy,   John  W 198 

Bandy,  William 247 

Banta,J.H 509 

Banta,  William  F 490 

Bantz,  Ezra  J 4=9 

Barnett,Geo 748 

Barnett,  R.  E... 748 

Barnett,    F.  V 639 

Barnett,    James 603 

Bass,  Henry 596 

Baum,  C.  C 505 

Baum,  Charles  M 199 

Baum, Charles  W...    456 

Baum,  Frank  A 518 

Baum.  G.  T 504 

Baum.  Oliver  P 683 

Baum.S.  W 668 

Bennett,  Henry  J    458 

Bennett.  D.  C 663 

Beveridge,  John  L 171 

Bissell,  William  H 151 

Blair,  Samuel 595 

Blakeney,   T.  W 495 

Blake ney,  John :  ..489 

Boardman,  \'.  K 217 

Boggess,  J.  W.,  M.  D 221 

Bolden.John   F. 489 

Bond,   Shadrach iti 

Boyce,  Henry  (j 2,10 

Brady,  John 394 

Brady,  Thomas 676 

Bran  ham,  A 1:28 

Brewer,  J.  W .    413 

Brooks,  John  . ...        557 

Brown,    William 519 

Buchanan,  James 75 

Buchanan,  W.   W 300 

Buhl,  Charles 197 

Burroughs,  Major  WiUon   ...387 

Busby.  I.N 575 

Bushnell,  H.  L 198 

BiMler,  W.  T 226 

Cadle.  Philip 275 

Campbell,  D 270 

Campbell,  J.  J 693 

Canaday,  G.  W 517 

Canada y,  Henry  F .487 

Canaday,  William,  Sr 347 

Cannon,  Hon.  J.  G 225 

Caraway,  C.  T 680 

Carl  in,  Thomas. 135 

Carter.  Frank 751 

Cassell,  Eliza  S 476 

Cast,  Wilbur 589 

Cast,  William 227 

Gather  wood,  A.  T 219 

Caiherwood,  J.  S 720 

Cauble,  William  B...' 281 

Cessna,   John 313 

Cessna,  Wm 372 

Chace,  Henry  L 246 

Chandler,  Wm 746 

Chandler,  W.  R 764 

Christman,  J.  S 235 

Churcli,  Charles 732 

Clark,  John  G 466 

Clark  sou,  George 242 

Cleveland,  G rover  S 103 

Clifton,  James 3O7 

Clingan,  J.  S 475 

Clipson,  Wm 290 

Cloyd.   .1.  P.,  M.  1) 478 

Coake,  Rev.  Oavid 731 

Coffman,S.  A.,  M.  D j68 

Cole,  John j2i 

Coles,  Edvvard 115 

Collier.  A  levandcr 5^2 

CoUms,  John   560 

Cook.  Amos 516 

Cook,  J.F 474 

Cook,  James  P 528 

Cook,  Joseph  B 4.14 

Cook,  Samuel 236 

Cooper,  Charles 479 

Cooper,  Mrs.   I.ucinda .665 

Cooper,  John   E 695 

Copeland,  Wm     259 

Cotton.  Henry 484 

Cox,   Thomas 324 

Crane,  John  S „  ..  .349 

Crane,  O.   H ; 196 

Cranson,  John    B 239 

Crimmins,  John  M 712 

Cullom,  Shelby   M 175 

Cunningham,  W.  O 249 

Current;  H.  B 669 

Current.  Isaac   256 

Current.  J.  M .657 

Current,  W.  W 184 


FJalbey,  Aaron 752 

Dalbey,   Samuel    447 

Daniel,   O.  M '. 362 

Darnall.  A.  J 522 

Uavis,  Henry..    229 

Davis,  H.  V 393 

Davis,  James 337 

Davis,  Jesse 877 

Davis,  Jonah  M 674 

Davis,  Judge  O.  L 382 

Davis,  William 301 

Dazey,  Jacob 271 

Dickcn,  David  S 548 

Dickinson,  William 212 

Dickson.  David 593 

Dickson,  Silas 537 

Dickson,  S.  S 455 

Dillon,  Jonathan 737 

Dillon, Geo 755 

Dixon,  Alfred  M 341 

Dodson,  Geo.  W 255 

Donovan,  S.  P 576 

Dougherty,  B.  V 68g 

Douglass,  D.   B -s's 

Douglass,  J.  M 238 

Downing,  C".  1 569 

Downs,  W.  H 686 

Dunavan,A    567 

Duncan,  Joseph 131 


Eaton.  .-Vdam 667 

Edens,  Dr.  Geo 2^6 

Edwards,  Ninian 119 

Elder,  A.  W 629 

Elliott.  Clayton  B 538 

Elliott,  H.  C 549 

Elliott,  John  M 623 

Elliott,  Robert 708 

Elliott    Wesley 583 

Engelmann,  John  N 759 

Evans  Geo.  M 27a 

Evans,  Hon.  David  D 732 

Ewing,  William    L.  D 127 

Fagncr.  Christian 652 

Faurot,  Ira 250 

Fifer,   Joseph 183 

Fillmore.  Millard , 07 

Finley.M.T 738 

F'inley,  Watts 441 

Fisher,   J  no.  W 650 

Fisher,  Michael 628 

Fisk.  J.  W 550 

Fisk,  R.  W 578 

Fithian,  E.  C.  B 666 

Fithian,  Wm.,  M.  D 739 

Flcminir,  W 701 

Kletcher,   Henry 558 

Fletcher.  J  no 521 


Folger,  John 745 

F'olger,  Uriah 581 

I'orbes,  C.  \V 662 

Ford.  Thomas 13Q 

Krazicr,    Samuel 704 

IVeeman,  A.  C 7:14 

Preeman,  H.  L 282 

French,  Augustus  C- 143 

French,  Ersom 7^5 

FiiUz,  Jacob 5^6 


Oaines,  Francis   539 

(Jardner,  Wm.   H 699 

'.iarfield,  James  A 95 

-.i  aria  ugh,  H 661 

Geddes.  J.  M 2'3 

Giddings,  Albert 344 

Giddings.Jno.  W 763 

Goings,  I.  V 402 

(ioodwine,  J.  W 207 

Gossett,  M.   H 431^ 

Grant.  U.  S 87 

Graves,  Levi  H 55° 

Gray,  C.  F 635 

Gray,  William 624 

Green,  Ffiiigham  C 694 

Gritten,  Laben    231 

Grundy,  A 559 

(_;urley,  Daniel    464 

Guthrie,  Andrew C04 

Guthrie,   Ihomas 44  ; 


Hacker,  F.  M 61S 

Hagley,  1'.  K. 401 

Hamilton.  J  no.  M 179 

Harper,  A 588 

Harrison,  Kcnj.  F 107 

Harrison,  William  Henry  ....    51 

Hawkins,  William 357 

Haworth,  Beriah 726 

Haworth,  Thos 468 

Haworth,  W.  B 510 

Hayes,  R.   B 91 

Hays,  James 359 

Hay  ward,  Martin 520 

Healy,  James  J 497 

Heileman,  Geo 542 

Henton,C.   D 380 

Herron,  William  G 285 

Hester,  Casslus  M 480 

Hester,  William 536 

Hewes,  T    F 713 

Hildreth.  John  B    651 

Hillman,  Charles 37^ 

Hinshaw,  Dr.  D.  C 560 

Hoagland,   Geo 303 

Holloway.   2.  C 232 

Hole.  Dr.  John .743 

IIolton,Henry  C.  31  .D 530 

Honeywell,  A 713 

H 00 pes,   Thomas 506 

Hopper,   Lewis 329 

Howard, GuyC 262 

Huffman,  Geo.  D 754 

Hull,  C-    F 531 

Hull.  J-   F..  M.  D 729 

Humphreys.  Thomas  B 454 

Hunirichons  John 49S 

Jack,  Reuben 363 

J  ackson ,   Amos 348 

Jackson,  Andrew 43 

Jackson,  Jno.L 238 

Jackson,  J.  L    ...684 

Jeflerson,  Thomas 27 

Johnson,  Andrew 83 

Johnston,     David 625 

Jones,  A 717 

Jones,  E.  P .210 

Jones,   F 27» 

Jones,  Geo.  Wheeler,  M.  D..292 

Jones,  Ira  G 5°^ 

Judy.  William 33= 

J  urgensmeyer,  William    . 358 


Kelly  William 414 

Kent,  W.  W 679 

Keplinger  Thomas, •■340 

Kimbrough,  A.  H.,  M.  D....2i<8 

Kilbourn,  Jonathan 744 

Kingsley,V.C.  T..  M.D 338 

Kinsey,  Jno'  R    598 

Knox,  R.  M 445 

Langley,  Casper  J    697 

Larrance,  Jonathan ■734 

Larrance,  M.  L 499 

Layton.  D 685 

Leach,  Benj  -  F 538 

Lee,  I'homas 211 

Leeka,  Dr.  Jesse 333 

Leemon,   Jno 297 

Lemon,  TheodoreM.  D 715 

Lewis,  Allen 740 

Ligget,  Jesse 442 

Lincoln,   Abraham    79 

Lloyd,  Henry 304 

Lone,  Anthony 6s6 

Lytle,  J.  R.,  M.  D 433 


Madison,  James 31 

Makemson,  Hiram 718 

Makemson,   John 583 

Mann,   A 671 

Mann,  W.  J 462 

Manning.  L.  V 486 

Matkin,  T 580 

Matteson,  Joel  A T47 

McBroom,  William 216 

McCabe,  John  M 265 

McCaughey,  T.C.,M.    D...  391 

McCaul.  Michael 287 

/McDowell,  Archibald 477 

McDowell.  J.  I .'..448 

McDowell.  Mrs.  E.  C 434 

IvIcGee,  John  F .331 

McKee.T.  D 201 

McMellan,  James  566 

McVey,  John    220 

McMillin, William   ..736 

Mcndenh all,  John 648 

Mcndenhall.  Silas 610 

Miller,  Geo.   W 403 

Miller,  J.    W 526 

Miller,  William ---^79 

Mills,  Henry 571 

Mills,  Milton   .62 

Mills.  William  H 552 

Mitchell,  James  N 570 

Monroe,  James 35 

Moreland,  Mrs.  C-  T 673 

Moreland,  Thomas  R 6/3 

Morgan,  S.    Ross 559 

Morgan,  'J'.  M 750 

Moses,  J.  S 5S5 

Moss,  Joseph 703 


Newell.  Henry    D 5S6 

Newkirk.  Jno.  R 614 

Newlin.  Jno.  W 616 

Norris,  N.  J-,  M     D 561 

Neville,  Geo.  N 423 


Oakes,  Daniel 628 

Oak  wood,  H.J 420 

Oakwood,  Hon.  J.  H 637 

Oak  wood,  Michael    266 

Odle,  Miles -361 

Oglesby,  Richard  J 163 

Olehy.  F.  M 418 

Olehy,  William    I 584 

Olmsted,  A.  G. 766 

O'Neal,  Perry 435 

Orr.    James  W 719 

Owen,  Alexander  D. 606 

Padgitt,  John  L 596 

Palmer,  John   M ,167 

Park,  Timothy. 339 

Parrish,  John  H 261 

Partlow,  Asa 351 

Part  low,  John  J 280 

Pasteur,  F.  J 572 

Pate,  B.C 381 

Patterson,  Golden 568 

Patterson,  Mrs.  Mary 742 

Patterson,  William 744 

Patton,  Merrick 730 

Pearson,  Gustavus  C 410 

Peirce,  Hon.  Wm-   P 245 

Peterson,  Philip  V    268 

Pierce,  Franklin 71 

Pratt,  Thomas 726 

Price,  W.  H 317 

Poeitken,   Rev.  F.  A 600 

Polk,  James  K ,    59 

Pollard,  John 665 

Pugh.  Granville 540 

Pugh,   Martin 525 

Puzey,  H   jto 


Rees,  V\'ilii.ini 604 

Reid,  D.  I! 6;,4 

Reid,L.  A 58^ 

Reynolds,  John 123 

Reynolds,  Moses 565 

Reynolds,  Theodore -  .672 

Reynolds,  Thomas 655 

Rice,   Daniel .710 

Rice,  J.  J 682 

Rice,  T.   R 645 

Richardson,  F.   A- 700 

Richardson,  Joseph 709 

Richardson,    Margret 709 

Kickart,  W.  V 417 

Riggs,  Luther  A 653 

Robertson,  J,   J 599 

Robertson,  Zachariah 719 

Robinson,  H    M 702 

Rodrick.  William  H 675 

Ross,   John  E 6g6 

Ross,  Mrs.  Susan  E 696 

Rouse,   Dennis  H 725 

Rowand.  John   F 633 

Salladay,  Jno,  C , .    .369 

Sanders,  George  F 615 

Sandusky,  Guy 364 

Sandusky,  A 473 

Sandusky,   James 493 

Sandusky,  J.  S 747 

Sandusky,  WilHam .500 

Sandusky,  W.T 37S 

Sconce,  Mrs.   Emma 191 

Sconce,  James    S    ...    igi 

Sconce.  William    H 698 

Shaw,   S.    S    707 

Sidell.   J.   J 251 

Sinkborn,  A.   J 323 


Slaughter,  R.  S 651 

Smith,  r)avid  R ...  .741 

Smith,  K.  P   620 

Smith,  Geo.    W 328 

Smith, George   W 728 

Smith,  J  no.  E .    .  .218 

Smith,    R.    B 670 

Smith,  William 461 

Snow,  Abner 74q 

Snowden,  B.  F 3og 

Snyder,  E 615 

South  worth.  J.J 258 

S perry,  O 286 

Spry,  G.  M 399 

Stadler,  Adam 664 

Siallings.   J 718 

Stark,  Samuel 373 

Stearns.  Alvin 422 

Stearns,  Calvin 452 

Stevens,  [as.  H 579 

Stevens,  Samuel  T 535 

Stevens,  W.  T 609 

Stine,  James  M 409 

Stufllebeam,  G.  P   693 

Sullivan,  Geo.   M fo? 

Swaim,  Dr.  1*.  H . .  620 


Talbott,  II.  K.  I* 463 

Taylor,  Buford,  M.  U 619 

Taylor,  Thomas  A' 412 

Taylor,  Zachary  . 63 

Thomas,  John ^79 

'i'ho'mpson,  James 613 

Thompson,  John  K 289 

Thompson,  J.   R 299 

TiUotson,  Buell 75S 

Tillotson,  Luther. 31B 

Tikon.   Fred 483 

Tilton,   G.  W 762 

Thompson,  Samuel 743 

Trimble.  M  ._. 627 

Trisler,  John 545 

Truax.  Capt.  Josepli 278 

Turner,  Dr.  Jno.  W 327 

Tyler,  John    .    5S 


Van  Allen.  Jno.  li 342 

Van  Allen,  William  P ;^89 

Van   Buren,  Martin ..   47 

Van   Duyn,  John 658 

V'anneman,  Wm-   A 646 

Vanvickle,  Enoch    334 

Viliars,  G.  M...    398 

Vinson,  Levin    392 

Voorhes,  Albert 388 


Warner  C,   W 765 

Washington,  George 19 

Webster.  Miss  Sarah 727 

Wlierry,      Joseph    712 

White,     A.    1 343 

White.    James    E 3S3 

Wliiic,  William 353 

Whitton,  Chas    E 260 

Wilkins,  Judge  J.  W 608 

Williams,  Nathan 585 

Williams,   'Ihomas 408 

Williams,  Truman 352 

Williams,  William 354 

Winter,  Carl  C 310 

Winters,  W.V 643 

Withcrspoon,  W.  P 580 

Wood.  John    155 

Worthington,  R.   R b^o 

\V  right.  Charles  A 731 

Wright,  Hugh 291 


Vates,    Richard 159 

Verkes,  Hiram 307 

Young,  Charles  S --SSS 


Zeigler,  Benjamin 374 

Adams,    John 22 

Adams,  John  Q     38 

Amis,  James  T 406 

Arbuckle,  A.  T 450 

Arthur,  Chester  A 90 

Bantz.  Ezra  J 427 

Bantz,  Mrs.  E.  J. 426 

Beveridge,  John    1 170 

Bissell.  Wm.  H 150 

Bond,  Shadrach no 

Burroughs.  Maj.  W 386 

Busby,  Isaac  N 574 

Buchanan,  James 74 

Can ady,  William 346 

Cannon,  Hon.  J.  G 224 

Carlin,  Thos 134 

Cauble,  Willis  B..  M  .D 281 

Cleveland,  Grover  S 102 

Clifton.  James 366 

Coles,  Edward "4 

Cullom,  Shelby  M 174 

Davis,  O.  L 382 

Dickson.  David 592 

Dougherty,  Benjamin  F 68S 

Douglas,  Dorman  B- 513 

Douglas,  Mrs.  D.  B .,..^12 

Duncan,  Joseph 130 

Edwards,  Ninian i  tS 

E wing,  William  L.  D 126 

Ford.  Thos 138 

French,  Augustus  C 142 

Fifer,  Joseph  W 1S2 

Fillmore,  Millard 66 

Garfield,  James  A 98 

Grant.  Ulysses  S 86 

Hamilton,  John  M 178 

Harrison,  William  li 50 

Harrison,  Benjamin   106 

Hayes,  Rutherford  B   90 

Hrrron,W.G -^84 

Jackson.    Andrew 42 

Jefferson,  Thos 26 

Johnson,  -Andrew 82 

Lincoln,  Abraham 78 

McCabe.  John  M- 264 

Madison,  James 30 

Matteson,  Joel  A 146 

Monroe.  James 34 

Ogelsby,  Richard  J 162 

Palmer,  John  M 166 

Peirce,Hon.  W.  P -244 

Pierce,  Franklin 70 

Polk,  James  H 58 

Reynolds,  John 122 

Ro wand,  John  F. 6^0 

Sandusky,  Abraham 470 

Sandusky,  Mrs.   A 471 

Sandusky,  James ^92 

Sconce,  James  S 190 

Stevens,  Samuel  T. 534 

Taylor  Zachary 62 

Thompson,  James 612 

Turner,  John  W 326 

Tyler,  John 54 

Van  Buren,  Martin 46 

Washington,  George 18 

Wood,  John 154 

Yates,  Richard 158 

Yerkes,  Hiram 306 

Young,  Charles  S 554 

Ball,  Selim,  O 642 

Burnett,    James G02 

Cadle,    Philip 274 

Caraway,  Charles  T ...502 

Cassell,  Eliza  S 336 

Collins.  J 564 

Christman,  Joseph    S 234 

Current  J  -  M 502 

Elliott,  J.    M 622 

Engelmann,  J.  N 758 

Fin  ley,  Watts 438-439 

Fisher,  Michael, 376 

Fultz,    Jacob 544 

Goodwine.  John  W 204-205 

Gray,    William 622 

Guthrie,  Andrew 602 

Ilawkir.s,  William 356 

J  urgensmeyer,  W 356 

Kelly,  William 336 

Kent,  W    W 678 

Kinsey.JohnR ,    254 

Lecmon,   John 294-295 

Mann,   William  J 460 

Miller,   J.  W 524 

Olehy,    F.   M 416 

Olmsted.  Albert 254 

Owe  n.A.D 502 

Pate,  Bird  C 336 

Pollard.  John   376 

Price,  Wm.  H 316 

Pugh,  Martin , 524 

Reynolds,    Moses   564 

Rickhart,  W.  V 416 

Sconce,  W.  H 376 

Smith,    William 460 

Stearns,  Alvin 254 

Tilton,  Fred 482 

Thomas,  John 678 

Trisler,  John... 544 

Viliars,  G.  M 758 

Winters.  Wm.  V 643 

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