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Full text of "Portrait and biographical album of Marshall County, Kansas : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the Presidents of the United States"

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Full  Page  Portraits  and  Biographical  Sketches  of  Prominent 
and  Representative  Citizens  of  the  County, 






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jHE  greatest  of  English  historians,  Macaui.ay,  and  one  of  the  most  brilliant  writers  of 
the  present  century',  has  said:  '-The  history  of  a  country  is  best  told  in  a  record  of  the 
lives  of  its  people."  In  coufornaity  with  this  idea  the  Portrait  and  Biographical 
Album  of  this  county  has  been  prepared.  Instead  of  going  to  musty  records,  and 
taking  therefrom  dry  statistical  matter  tliat  can  be  appreciated  by  but  few,  our 
corps  of  writers  have  gone  to  the  people,  the  men  and  women  who  have,  by  tlieir 
enterprise  and  industry,  brought  the  county  to  a  ranic  second  to  none  among  those 
comprising  this  great  and  noble  State,  and  from  their  lips  have  the  story  of  tiieir  life 
struggles.  No  more  interesting  or  instructive  matter  could  be  presented  to  an  intelli- 
gent public.  In  this  volume  will  be  found  a  record  of  many  whose  lives  are  worthy  the 
imitation  of  coming  generations.  It  tells  how  some,  commencing  life  in  poverty,  by 
industry  and  economy  have  accumulated  wealth.  It  tells  how  others,  with  limited 
advantages  for  securing  an  education,  have  become  learned  men  and  women,  with  an 
influence  extending  throughout  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  land.  It  tells  of  men  who 
have  risen  from  the  lower  walks  of  life  to  eminence  as  statesmen,  and  whose  names  have 
become  famous.  It  tells  of  those  in  every  walk  in  life  who  have  striven  to  succeed,  and 
records  how  that  success  has  usually  crowned  their  efforts.  It  tells  also  of  many,  very 
man}',  who,  not  seeking  the  applause  of  the  world,  have  pursued  "the  even  tenor  of  their  way,''  content 
to  have  it  said  of  them  as  Christ  said  of  the  woman  performing  a  deed  of  mercy — "they  have  done  what 
they  could."  It  tells  how  that  many  in  the  pride  and  streugtii  of  young  manhood  left  the  plow  and  the 
anvil,  the  lawyer's  office  and  the  counting-room,  left  every  trade  and  profession,  and  at  their  country's 
call  went  forth  valiantly  "to  do  or  die,"  and  how  through  their  efforts  the  Union  was  restored  and  peace 
once  more  reigned  in  the  land.  In  the  life  of  every  man  and  of  every  woman  is  a  lesson  that  should  not 
be  lost  upon  those  who  follow  after. 

Coming  generations  will  appreciate  this  volume  and  preserve  it  as  a  sacred  treasure,  from  the  fact 
that  it  contains  so  much  that  would  never  find  its  way  into  public  records,  and  which  would  otherwise  be 
inaccessible.  Great  care  has  been  taken  in  the  compilation  of  the  work  and  every  opportunity  possible 
given  to  those  represented  to  insure  correctness  in  what  has  been  written,  and  the  publishers  flatter  them- 
selves that  they  give  to  their  readers  a  work  with  few  errors  of  consequence.  In  addition  to  the  bioo'raph- 
ical  sketches,  portraits  of  a  number  of  representative  citizens  are  given. 

The  faces  of  some,  and  biographical  sketches  of  man}',  will  be  missed  in  this  volume.  For  this  the 
publishers  are  not  to  blame.  Not  having  a  proper  conception  of  the  work,  some  refused  to  give  the 
information  necessary  to  compile  a  sketch,  while  others  were  indifferent.  Occasionally  some  member  of 
the  family  would  oppose  the  enterprise,  and  on  account  of  such  opposition  the  support  of  the  interested 
one  would  be  withheld.  In  a  few  instances  men  could  never  be  found,  though  repeated  calls  were  made 
at  their  residence  or  place  of  business. 


Chicago,  INovember,  1  b8','. 








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HE  Father  of  our  Country  was 
Mg^born  in  Westmorland  Co.,  Va., 
~^'Feb.  22,  1732.  His  parents 
were  Augustine  and  Mary 
(Ball)  Washington.  The  family 
to  which  he  belonged  hns  not 
been  satisfactorily  traced  in 
England.  His  great-grand- 
father, John  Washington,  em- 
igrated to  Virginia  about  1657, 
and  became  a  prosperous 
planter.  He  had  two  sons, 
Lawrence  and  John.  The 
former  married  Mildred  Warner 
and  had  three  children,  John, 
Augustine  and  Mildred.  Augus- 
tine, the  father  of  George,  first 
married  Jane  Butler,  who  bore 
him  four  children,  two  of  whom, 
Lawrence  and  Augustine,  reached 
maturity.  Of  six  children  by  his 
second  marriage,  George  was  the 
eldest,  the  others  being  Betty, 
Samuel,  John  Augustine,  Charles 
and  Mildred. 
Augustine  Washington,  the  father  of  George,  died 
in  1743,  leaving  a  large  landed  property.  To  his 
eldest  son,  Lawrence,  he  bequeathed  an  estate  on 
the  Patomac,  afterwards  known  as  Mount  Vernon, 
and  to  George  he  left  the  parental  residence.  George 
received  only  such  education  as  the  neighborhood 
schools  afforded,  save  for  a  short  time  after  he  left 
school,  when  he  received  private  instruction  in 
mathematics.       His    spelling  v/as   rather   defectivs. 

Remarkable  stories  are  told  of  his  great  physical 
strength  and  development  at  an  early  age.  He  was 
an  acknowledged  leader  among  his  companions,  and 
was  early  noted  for  that  nobleness  of  character,  fair- 
ness and  veracity  which  characterized  his  whole  life. 

When  George  was  14  years  old  he  had  a  desire  to  go  to 
sea,  and  a  midshipman's  warrant  was  secured  for  him, 
but  through  the  opposition  of  his  mother  the  idea  was 
abandoned.  Two  years  later  he  was  appointed 
surveyor  to  the  immense  estate  of  Lord  Fairfax.  In 
this  business  he  spent  three  years  in  a  rough  frontier 
life,  gaining  experience  which  afterwards  proved  vsiy 
essential  to  him.  In  1751,  though  only  19  years  of 
age,  he  was  appointed  adjutant  with  the  rank  of 
major  in  the  Virginia  militia,  then  being  trained  for 
active  service  against  the  French  and  Indians.  Soon 
after  this  he  sailed  to  the  West  Indies  with  his  brother 
Lawrence,  who  went  there  to  restore  his  health  They 
soon  returned,  and  in  the  summer  of  1752  Lawrence 
died,  leaving  a  large  fortune  to  an  infant  daughter 
who  did  not  long  survive  him.  On  her  demise  the 
estate  of  Mount  Vernon  was  given  to  George. 

Upon  the  arrival  of  Robert  Dinwiddie,  as  Lieuten- 
ant-Governor of  Virginia,  in  1752,  the  militia  was 
reorganized,  and  the  province  divided  into  four  mili- 
tary districts,  of  which  the  northern  was  assigned  to 
Washington  as  adjutant  general.  Shortly  after  this 
a  very  perilous  mission  was  assigned  him  and  ac- 
cepted, which  others  had  refused.  This  was  to  pro- 
ceed to  the  French  post  near  Lake  Erie  ni  North- 
western Pennsylvania.  The  distance  to  be  traversed 
was  between  500  and  600  miles.  Winter  was  at  hand, 
and  the  journey  was  to  be  made  without  military 
escort,  through  a  territory  occupied  by  Indians.     The 


trip  was  a  perilous  one,  and  several  limes  he  came  near 
losing  his  life,  yet  he  returned  in  safety  and  furnished 
a  full  and  useful  report  of  his  expedition.  A  regiment 
of  300  men  was  raised  in  Virginia  and  put  in  com- 
mand of  Col.  Joshua  Fry,  and  Major  Washington  was 
commissioned  lieutenant-colonel.  Active  war  was 
then  begun  against  the  French  and  Indians,  in  which 
Washington  took  a  most  important  part.  In  the 
memorable  event  of  July  9,  1755,  known  as  Brad- 
dock's  defeat,  Washington  was  almost  the  only  officer 
of  distinction  who  escaped  from  the  calamities  of  the 
day  with  life  and  honor.  The  other  aids  of  Braddock 
were  disabled  early  in  the  action,  and  Washington 
alone  was  left  in  that  capacity  on  the  field.  In  a  letter 
to  his  brother  he  says :  "  I  had  four  bullets  through 
my  coat,  and  two  horses  shot  under  me,  yet  I  escaped 
unhurt,  though  death  was  leveling  my  companions 
on  every  side."  An  Indian  sharpshooter  said  he  was 
not  born  to  be  killed  by  a  bullet,  for  he  had  taken 
direct  aim  at  him  seventeen  times,  and  failed  to  hit 

After  having  been  five  years  in  the  military  service, 
and  vainly  sought  promotion  in  the  royal  army,  he 
took  advantage  of  the  fall  of  Fort  Duquesne  and  the 
expulsion  of  the  French  from  the  valley  of  the  Ohio, 
CO  resign  his  conmiission.  Soon  after  he  entered  the 
Legislature,  where,  although  not  a  leader,  he  took  an 
active  and  important  part.  January  17,  1759,  he 
married  Mrs.  Martha  (Dandridge)  Custis,  the  wealthy 
widow  of  John  Parke  Custis. 

When  the  British  Parliament  had  closed  the  port 
■jf  Boston,  the  cry  went  up  throughout  the  provinces 
that  "The  cause  of  Boston  is  the  cause  of  us  all." 
It  was  then,  at  the  suggestion  of  Virginia,  that  a  Con- 
gress of  all  the  colonies  was  called  to  meet  at  Phila- 
delphia,Sept.  5,  1774,  to  secure  their  common  liberties, 
peaceably  if  possible.  To  this  Congress  Col.  Wash- 
ington was  sent  as  a  delegate.  On  May  10,  1775,  the 
Congress  re-assembled,  when  the  hostile  intentions  of 
England  were  plainly  apparent.  The  Jjattles  of  Con- 
cord and  Lexington  had  been  fought.  Among  the 
first  acts  of  this  Congress  was  the  election  of  a  com- 
mander-in-chief of  the  colonial  forces.  This  high  and 
responsible  office  was  conferred  upon  Washington, 
wlio  was  still  a  member  of  the  Congress.  He  accepted 
it  on  June  19,  but  upon  the  express  condition  that  he 
receive  no  salary.  He  would  keep  an  exact  account 
of  expenses  and  expect  Congress  lo  pay  them  and 
nothing  more.  It  is  not  the  object  of  this  sketch  to 
trace  the  military  acts  of  Washington,  to  whom  the 
fortunes  and  liberties  of  the  people  of  this  country 
were  so  long  confided.  The  war  was  conducted  by 
him  under  ever}'  possible  disadvantage,  and  while  his 
forces  often  met  with  reverses,  yet  he  overcame  every 
obstacle,  and  after  seven  years  of  heroic  devotion 
and  matchless  skill  he  gained  liberty  for  the  greatest 
nation  of  earth.  On  Dec.  23,  17S3,  Wasliington,  in 
a  parting  address  of  surpassing  beauty,  resigned  his 

commission  as  commander-in-chief  of  the  army  to 
to  the  Continental  Congress  sitting  at  Annapolis.  He 
retired  immediately  to  Mount  Vernon  and  resumed 
his  occupation  as  a  farmer  and  planter,  shunning  all 
connection  with  public  life. 

In  February, 1 7 89,  Washington  was  unanimously 
elected  President.  In  his  presidential  career  he  was 
subject  to  the  peculiar  trials  incidental  to  a  new 
government ;  trials  from  lack  of  confidence  on  the  part 
of  other  governments ;  trials  from  want  of  harmony 
between  the  different  sections  of  our  own  country; 
trials  from  the  impoverished  condition  of  the  country, 
owing  to  the  war  and  want  of  credit;  trials  from  the 
beginnings  of  party  strife.  He  was  no  partisan.  His 
clear  judgment  could  discern  the  golden  mean  ;  and 
wiiile  perhaps  this  alone  kept  our  government  from 
sinking  at  the  very  outset,  it  left  him  exposed  to 
attacks  from  both  sides,  which  were  often  bitter  and 
very  annoying. 

At  the  expiration  of  his  first  term  he  was  unani- 
mously re-elected.  At  the  end  of  this  term*  many 
were  anxious  that  he  be  re-elected,  but  he  absolutely 
refused  a  third  nomination.  On  the  fourth  of  March, 
1797,  at  the  expiraton  of  his  second  term  as  Presi- 
dent, he  returned  to  his  home,  hoping  to  pass  there 
his  few  remaining  years  free  from  the  annoyances  of 
public  life.  Later  in  the  year,  however,  his  repose 
seemed  likely  to  be  interrupted  by  war  with  France. 
At  the  prospect  of  such  a  war  he  was  again  urged  to 
take  command  of  the  armies.  He  chose  his  sub- 
ordinate officers  and  left  to  them  the  charge  of  mat- 
ters in  the  field,  which  he  superintended  from  his 
home.  In  accepting  the  command  he  made  the 
reservation  that  he  was  not  to  be  in  the  field  until 
it  was  necessary.  In  the  midst  of  these  preparations 
his  life  was  suddenly  cut  off.  December  12,  he  took 
a  severe  cold  from  a  ride  in  the  rain,  which,  settling 
in  h's  throat,  produced  inflammation,  and  terminated 
fatally  on  the  night  of  the  fourteenth.  On  the  eigh- 
teenth his  body  was  borne  wi'h  military  honors  to  its 
final  resting  place,  and  interred  in  the  family  vault  at 
Mount  Vernon. 

Of  the  character  of  Washington  it  is  impossible  to 
speak  but  in  terms  of  the  highest  respect  and  ad- 
miration. The  more  we  see  of  the  operations  of 
our  government,  and  the  more  deeply  we  feel  the 
difficulty  of  uniting  all  opinions  in  a  common  interes*, 
the  more  highly  we  must  estimate  the  force  cf  his  tal- 
ent and  cliaracter,  which  have  been  able  to  challenge 
the  reverence  of  all  parties,  and  principles,  and  na- 
tions, and  to  win  a  fame  as  extended  as  the  limits 
of  the  globe,  and  which  we  cannot  but  believe  will 
be  as  lasting  as  the  existence  of  man. 

The  person  of  Washington  was  unusally  tan,  erect 
and  well  |iroportioned.  His  muscular  strength  was 
great.  His  features  were  of  a  beautiful  symmetry. 
He  commanded  respect  without  any  appcararce  of 
li.Tugh'iness,  and  ever  serious  without  being  dull. 

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OHN  ADAMS,  the  second 
„  President  and  the  first  Vice- 
President  of  the  United  States, 
was  born  in  Braintree  ( now 
Quincy  ),Mass.,  and  about  ten 
miles  from  Boston,  Oct.  19, 
1735.  His  great-grandfather,  Henry- 
Adams,  emigrated  from  England 
about  1 640,  with  a  family  of  eight 
sons,  and  settled  at  Braiutree.  The 
parents  of  John  were  John  and 
Susannah  (Boylston)  Adams,  His 
father  was  a  farmer  of  limited 
means,  to  which  he  added  the  bus- 
iness of  shoemaking.  He  gave  his 
eldest  son,  John,  a  classical  educa- 
tion at  Harvard  College.  John 
graduated  in  1755,  and  at  once  took  charge  of  the 
school  in  Worcester,  Mass.  This  he  found  but  a 
"school  of  affliction,"  from  which  he  endeavored  to 
gain  relief  by  devoting  himself,  in  addition,  to  the 
study  of  law.  For  this  purpose  he  placed  himself 
under  the  tuition  of  the  only  lawyer  in  the  town.  He 
had  thought  seriously  of  the  clerical  profession 
but  seems  to  have  been  turned  from  this  by  what  he 
termed  "  the  frightful  engines  of  ecclesiastical  coun- 
cils, cf  diabolical  malice,  and  Calvanistic  good  nature,'' 
of  the  operations  of  which  he  had  been  a  witness  in 
his  native  town.  He  was  well  fitted  for  the  legal 
profession,  possessing  a  clear,  sonorous  voice,  being 
ready  and  fluent  of  speech,  and  having  quick  percep- 
tive powers.  He  gradually  gained  practice,  and  in 
1764  married  Abigail  Smith,  a  daughter  of  a  minister, 
and  a  lady  of  superior  intelligence.  Shortly  after  his 
marriage,  (1765),  the  attempt  of  Parliamentary  taxa- 
tion turned  him  from  law  to  politics.  He  took  initial 
steps  toward  huldinj,  a  town  meeting,  and  the  resolu- 

tions he  offered  on  the  subject  became  very  popular 
throughout  the  Province,  and  were  adopted  word  for 
word  by  over  forty  different  towns.  He  moved  to  Bos- 
ton in  1768,  and  became  one  of  the  most  courageous 
and  prominent  advocates  of  the  popular  cause,  and 
was  chosen  a  member  of  the  General  Court  (the  Leg- 
lislature)  in  1770. 

Mr.  Adams  was  chosen  one  of  the  first  delegateo 
from  Massachusetts  to  the  first  Continental  Congress, 
which  met  in  1774.  Here  he  distinguished  himseh 
by  his  capacity  for  business  and  for  debate,  and  ad- 
vocated the  movement  for  independence  against  tbs 
majority  of  the  members.  In  May,  1776,  he  moved 
and  carried  a  resolution  in  Congress  that  the  Colonies 
should  assume  the  duties  of  self-government.  He 
was  a  prominent  member  of  the  committee  of  ave 
appointed  June  rr,  to  prepare  a  declaration  of  inde- 
pendence. This  article  was  drawn  by  Jefferson,  but 
on  Adams  devolved  the  task  of  battling  it  through 
Congress  in  a  three  days  debate. 

On  the  day  after  the  Declaration  of  Independence 
was  passed,  while  his  soul  was  yet  warm  with  th; 
glow  of  excited  feeling,  he  wrote  a  letter  to  his  wife 
which,  as  we  read  it  now,  seems  to  have  been  dictated 
by  the  spirit  of  prophecy.  "Yesterday,"  he  says,  "the 
greatest  question  was  decided  that  ever  was  debated 
in  America;  and  greater,  perhaps,  never  was  or  wil, 
be  decided  among  men.  A  resolution  was  passed 
without  one  dissenting  colony,  '  that  these  United 
States  are,  and  of  right  ought  to  be,  free  and  inde- 
pendent states.'  The  day  is  passed.  The  fourth  of 
July,  1776,  will  be  a  memorable  e[ioch  in  the  history 
of  America.  I  am  ajrf  to  believe  it  will  be  celebrated 
by  succeeding  generations,  as  the  great  anniversary 
festival.  It  ought  to  be  commemorated  as  the  day  of 
deliverance  by  solemn  acts  of  devotion  to  Almighty 
God.     It  ought  to  be  solemnized  with  pomp,  showsi 



games,  sports,  guns,  bells,  bonfires,  and  illuminations 
from  one  end  of  the  continent  to  the  other,  from  this 
time  forward  for  ever.  You  will  think  me  transported 
with  enthusiasm,  but  I  am  not.  I  am  well  aware  of 
the  toil,  and  blood  and  treasure,  that  it  will  cost  to 
maintain  this  declaration,  and  support  and  defend 
these  States;  yet,  through  all  the  gloom,  I  can  see  the 
rays  -of  light  and  glory.  I  can  see  that  the  end  is 
worth  more  than  all  the  means;  and  that  posterity 
will  triumph,  although  you  and  I  may  rue,  which  I 
hope  we  shall  not." 

In  November,  1777,  Mr.  Adams  was  appointed  a 
delegate  to  France  and  to  co-operate  with  Bemjamin 
Franklin  and  Arthur  Lee,  who  were  then  in  Paris,  in 
the  endeavor  to  obtain  assistance  in  arms  and  money 
from  the  French  Government.  This  was  a  severe  trial 
to  his  patriotism,  as  it  separated  him  from  his  home, 
compelled  him  to  cross  the  ocean  in  winter,  and  ex- 
posed him  to  great  peril  of  capture  by  the  British  cruis- 
ers, who  were  seeking  him.  He  left  France  June  17, 
1779.  In  September  of  the  same  year  he  was  again 
chosen  to  go  to  Paris,  and  there  hold  himself  in  readi- 
ness to  negotiate  a  treaty  of  peace  and  of  commerce 
with  Great  Britian,  as  soon  as  the  British  Cabinet 
might  be  found  willing  to  listen  to  such  proposels.  He 
sailed  for  France  in  November,  from  there  he  went  to 
Holland,  where  he  negotiated  important  loans  and 
formed  important  commercial  treaties 

Finally  a  treaty  of  peace  with  England  was  signed 
Jan.  21,  1783.  The  re-action  from  the  excitement, 
toil  and  anxiety  through  which  Mr.  Adams  had  passed 
threw  him  into  a  fever.  After  suffering  from  a  con- 
tinued fever  and  becoming  feeble  and  emaciated  he 
was  advised  to  go  to  England  to  drink  the  waters  of 
Bath,  ^\'hile  in  England,  still  drooping  anddesjxmd- 
ing,  he  received  dispatches  from  his  own  government 
urging  the  necessity  of  his  going  to  Amsterdam  to 
negotiate  another  loan.  It  was  winter,  his  health  was 
delicate,  yet  he  immediately  set  out,  and  through 
-storm,  on  sea,  on  horseback  and  foot,he  made  the  trip. 

February  24,  r785;  Congress  appointed'Mr.  Adams 
envoy  to  the  Court  of  St.  James.  Here  he  met  face 
■  to  face  the  King  of  England,  who  had  so  long  re- 
garded him  as  a  traitor.  As  England  did  not 
condescend  to  appoint  a  minister  to  the  United 
States,  and  as  Mr.  Adams  felt  that  he  was  accom- 
plishing but  little,  he  sought  ]5ermission  to  return  to 
liis  own  country,  where  he  arrived  in  June,  1788. 

When  Washington  was  first  chosen  President,  John 
Adams,  rendered  illustiious  by  his  signal  services  at 
home  and  abroad,  was  chosen  Vice  President.  Again 
at  the  second  election  of  Washington  as  President, 
Adams  was  chosen  Vice  President.  In  1796,  Wash- 
ington retired  from  public  life,  and  Mr.  Adams  was 
elected  President, though  not  without  much  opposition. 
.Serving  in  this  office  four  vears.he  was  succeeded  h\ 
Mr.  Jefferson,  his  opponent  in  politics. 

While   Mr.  Adams  was  Vice  President  the   great 

French  Revolution  shook  the  continent  of  Europe, 
and  it  was  upon  this  point  which  he  was  at  issue  with 
the  majority  of  his  countrymen  led  by  Mr.  Jefferson. 
Mr.  Adams  felt  no  sympathy  with  the  French  people 
in  their  struggle,  for  he  had  no  confidence  in  their 
power  of  self-government,  and  he  utterly  abhored  the 
class  of  atheist  philosophers  who  he  claimed  caused  it. 
On  the  other  hand  Jefferson's  sympathies  were  strongly 
enlisted  in  behalf  of  the  French  people.  Hence  or- 
iginated the  alienation  between  these  distinguished 
men,  and  two  powerful  parties  were  thus  soon  organ- 
ized, Adams  at  the  head  of  the  one  whose  sympathies 
were  with  England  and  Jefferson  led  the  other  in 
sympathy  with  France. 

The  world  has  seldom  seen  a  spectacle  of  more 
moral  beauty  and  grandeur,  than  was  presented  by  the 
old  age  of  Mr.  Adams.  The  violence  of  party  feeling 
had  died  away,  and  he  had  begun  to  receive  that  just 
appreciation  which,  to  most  men,  is  not  accorded  till 
after  death.  No  one  could  look  upon  his  venerable 
form,  and  think  of  what  he  had  done  and  suffered, 
and  how  he  had  given  up  all  the  prime  and  strength 
of  his  life  to  the  public  good,  without  the  deepest 
emotion  of  gratitude  and  respect.  It  was  his  peculiar 
good  fortune  to  witness  the  complete  success  of  the 
institution  which  he  had  been  so  active  in  creating  and 
supporting.  In  1824,  his  cup  of  happiness  was  filled 
to  the  brim,  by  seeing  his  son  elevated  to  the  highest 
station  in  the  gift  of  the  people. 

The  fourth  of  July,  1826,  which  completed  the  half 
century  since  the  signing  of  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence, arrived,  and  there  were  but  three  of  the 
signers  of  that  immortal  instrument  left  upon  the 
earth  to  \vx\\  its  morning  light.  And,  as  it  is 
well  known,  on  that  day  two  of  these  finished  theii 
earthly  pilgrimfge,  a  coincidence  so  remarkable  as 
to  seem  miraculous.  For  a  few  days  before  Mr. 
Adams  had  lieen  rapidly  failing,  and  on  the  morning 
of  the  fourth  he  found  hmiself  too  weak  to  rise  from 
his  bed.  On  being  requested  to  name  a  toast  for  the 
customary  celebration  of  the  day,  he  exclaimed  "  In- 
dependence FOREVER."  When  the  day  was  ushered 
in,  by  the  ringing  of  bells  and  the  firing  of  cannons, 
he  was  asked  by  one  of  his  ::ttendants  if  he  knew 
what  day  it  was?  He  replied,  "O  yes;  it  is  the  glor- 
ious fourth  of  July — God  bless  it — God  bless  you  all." 
In  the  course  of  the  day  he  said,  "It  is  a  great  and 
glorious  day."  The  last  words  he  uttered  were, 
"Jefferson  survives."  But  he  had,  at  one  o'clock,  re- 
signed his  spiiit  into  the  hands  of  his  God. 

The  personal  appearance  and  manners  of  Mr. 
Adams  were  not  particularly  prepossessing.  His  face, 
as  his  portrait  manifests,was  intellectual  ard  expres  ■ 
sive,  but  his  figure  was  low  and  ungraceful,  and  his 
manners  were  frequently  abrupt  and  imcourteous. 
He  had  neither  the  lofty  dignity  of  Washington,  nor 
the  engaging  elegance  and  gracefulness  which  marked 
the  manners  and  address  of  Teffer.son. 



1  DMAS  JErPEHs'o"lirfi 

born  April  2,  1743,  at  Shad- 
\vell,  Albermarle  county,  Va. 
His  parents  were  Peter  and 
Jane  (  Randolph)  Jefferson, 
the  former  a  native  of  Wales, 
and  the  latter  born  in  Lon- 
don. To  them  were  born  six 
daughters  and  two  sons,  of 
whom  Thomas  was  the  elder. 
When  14  years  of  age  his 
father  died.  He  received  a 
most  liberal  education,  hav- 
ing been  kept  diligently  at  school 
fronr  the  time  he  was  five  years  of 
age.  In  1760  he  entered  William 
and  Mary  College.  Williamsburg  was  then  the  seat 
of  the  Colonial  Court,  and  it  was  the  obode  of  fashion 
a. id  splendor.  Young  Jefferson,  who  was  then  17 
years  old,  lived  somewhat  expensively,  keeping  fine 
horses,  and  much  caressed  by  gay  society,  yet  he 
was  earnestly  devoted  to  his  studies,  and  irreproacha- 
able  in  his  morals.  It  is  strange,  however,  under 
such  influences, that  he  was  not  ruined.  In  the  sec- 
ond year  of  his  college  course,  moved  by  some  un- 
explained inward  impulse,  he  discarded  his  horses, 
society,  and  even  his  favorite  violin,  to  which  he  had 
previously  given  much  time.  He  often  devoted  fifteen 
hours  a  day  to  hard  study,  allowing  himself  for  ex- 
ercise only  a  run  in  the  evening  twilight  of  a  mile  out 
of  the  city  and  back  again.  He  thus  attained  very 
high  intellectual  culture,  alike  excellence  in  philoso- 
phy and  the  languages.  The  most  difficult  Latin  and 
Greek  authors  he  read  with  facility.  A  more  finished 
scholar  has  seldom  gone  forth  from  college  halls;  and 

there  was  not  to  be  found,  perhaps,  in  all  Virginia,  a 
more  pureminded,  upright,  gentlemanly  young  man. 

Immediately  upon  leaving  college  he  began  the 
study  of  law.  For  the  short  time  he  continued  in  the 
practice  of  his  profession  he  rose  rapidly  and  distin- 
guished himself  by  his  energy  and  accuteness  as  a 
lawyer.  But  the  times  called  for  greater  action. 
The  policy  of  England  had  awakened  the  spirit  of 
resistance  of  the  American  Colonies,  and  the  enlarged 
views  which  Jefferson  had  ever  entertained,  soon  led 
him  into  active  political  life.  In  1769  he  was  chosen 
a  member  of  the  Virginia  House  of  Burgesses.  In 
1772  he  married  Mrs.  Martha  Skelton,  a  very  beauti- 
ful, wealthy  and  highly  accomplished  young  widow. 

Upon  Mr.  Jeff'erson's  large  estate  atShadwell,  there 
was  a  majestic  swell  of  land,  called  Monticello,  which 
commanded  a  prospect  of  wonderful  extent  and 
beauty.  This  spot  Mr.  Jefferson  selected  for  his  new 
home;  and  here  he  reared  a  mansion  of  modest  yet 
elegant  architecture,  which,  next  to  Mount  Vernon, 
became  the  most  distinguished  resort  in  our  land. 

In  1775  he  was  sent  to  the  Colonial  Congress, 
where,  though  a  silent  member,  his  abilities  as  a 
writer  and  a  reasoner  soon  become  known,  and  he 
was  placed  upon  a  number  of  important  committees, 
and  was  chairman  of  the  one  appointed  for  the  draw- 
ing up  of  a  declaration  of  independence.  This  com- 
mittee consisted  of  Thomas  Jefferson,  John  Adams. 
Benjamin  Franklin,  Roger  Sherman  and  Robert  R. 
Livingston.  Jefferson,  as  chairman,  was  ap.|)ointed 
to  draw  up  the  paper.  Franklin  and  Adams  suggested 
a  few  verbal  changes  before  it  was  submitted  to  Con- 
gress. On  June  28,  a  few  slight  changes  were  made 
in  it  by  Congress,  and  it  was  passed  and  signed  July 
4,  1776.     What  must  have  been  the  feelings  of  that 


man — what  the  emotions  that  swelled  his  breast — 
who  was  charged  with  the  preparation  of  that  Dec- 
laration, vvhicji,  while  it  made  known  the  wrongs  of 
America,  was  also  to  publish  her  to  the  world,  free, 
i;overign  and  independent.  It  is  one  of  the  most  re- 
■  narkable  papers  ever  written  ;  and  did  no  other  effort 
1/ the  mind  of  its  author  exist,  that  alone  would  be 
sufficient  to  stamp  his  name  with  immortality. 

In  1779  Mr.  Jefferson  was  elected  successor  to 
Patrick  Henry,  as  Governor  of  Virginia.  At  one  time 
the  British  otficer,  Tarleton,  sent  a  secret  expedition  to 
Monticello,  to  capture  the  Governor.  Scarcely  five 
minutes  elapsed  after  the  hurried  escape  of  Mr.  Jef- 
ferson and  his  family,  ere  his  mansion  was  in  posses- 
sion of  the  British  troops.  His  wife's  health,  never 
very  good,  was  much  injured  by  this  excitement,  and 
in  the  summer  of  1782  she  died. 

Mr.  Jefferson  was  elected  to  Congress  in  1783. 
Two  years  later  he  was  appointed  Minister  Plenipo- 
tentiary to  France.  Returning  to  the  United  States 
in  September,  r789,  he  became  Secretary  of  State 
ui  Washington's  cabinet.  This  position  he  resigned 
Jan.  7,  1794.  In  1797,  he  was  chosen  Vice  Presi- 
dent, and  four  years  later  was  elected  President  over 
Mr.  Adams,  with  Aaron  Burr  as  Vice  President.  In 
1804  he  was  re-elected  with  wonderful  unanimity, 
and  George  Clinton,  Vice  President. 

The  early  part  of  Mr.  Jefferson's  second  adminstra- 
tion  was  disturbed  by  an  event  which  threatened  the 
tranquility  and  peace  of  the  Union ;  this  was  tlie  con- 
spiracy of  Aaron  Burr.  Defeated  in  the  late  election 
to  the  Vice  Presidency,  and  led  on  by  an  unprincipled 
ambition,  this  extraordinary  man  tlie  plan  of  a 
military  expedition  into  the  Spanish  territories  on  our 
southwestern  frontier,  for  the  purpose  of  forming  there 
a  new  republic.  This  has  been  generally  supposed 
was  a  mere  pretext ;  and  although  it  has  not  been 
generally  known  what  his  real  plans  were,  there  is  no 
doubt  that  they  were  of  a  far  more  dangerous 

In  1809,  at  the  expiration  of  the  second  term  for 
which  Mr.  Jefferson  had  been  elected,  he  determined 
to  retire  from  political  life.  For  a  period  of  nearly 
forty  years,  he  had  been  continually  before  the  pub- 
lic, and  all  that  time  had  been  employed  in  offices  of 
the  greatest  trust  and  responsibility.  Having  thus  de- 
voted the  best  part  of  his  life  to  the  service  of  his 
country,  he  now  felt  desirous  of  that  rest  which  his 
declining  years  required,  and  ujwn  the  organization  of 
the  new  administration,  in  March,  1809,  he  bid  fare- 
well forever  to  public  life,  and  retired  to  Monticello. 

Mr.  Jefferson  was  profuse  in  his  hospitality.  Whole 
families  came  in  their  coaches  with  their  horses, — 
fathers  and  mothers,  boys  and  girls,  babies  and 
nurses, — and  remained  three  and  even  six  months. 
Life  at  Monticello,  for  years,  resembled  that  at  a 
fashionable  watering-place. 

The  fourth  of  July,  7826,  being  the  fiftieth  anniver- 

sary of  the  Declaration  of  American  Independence^ 
great  preparations  were  made  in  every  part  of  the 
Union  for  its  celebration,  as  the  nation's  jubilee,  and 
the  citizens  of  Washington,  to  add  to  the  solemnity 
of  the  occasion,  invited  Mr.  Jefferson,  as  the  framer, 
and  one  of  the  few  surviving  signers  of  the  Declara- 
tion, to  participate  in  their  testivities.  But  an  ill- 
ness, which  had  been  of  several  weeks  duration,  and 
had  been  continually  increasing,  compelled  him  to 
decline  the  invitation. 

On  the  second  of  July,  the  disease  under  which 
he  was  laboring  left  him,  but  in  such  a  reduced 
state  that  his  medical  attendants,  entertained  no 
hope  of  his  recovery.  From  this  time  he  was  perfectly 
sensible  that  his  last  hour  was  at  hand.  On  the  next 
d;iy,  which  was  Monday,  he  asked  of  those  around 
him,  the  day  of  the  month,  and  on  being  told  it  was 
the  third  of  July,  he  expresied  the  earnest  wish  that 
he  might  be  permitted  to  breathe  the  air  of  the  fiftieth 
anniversary.  His  prayer  was  heard — that  day,  whose 
dawn  was  hailed  with  such  rapture  through  our  land, 
burst  upon  his  eyes,  and  then  they  were  closed  for- 
ever. And  what  a  noble  consummation  of  a  noble 
life!  To  die  on  that  day, — the  birthday  of  a  nation,-  - 
the  day  v/hich  his  own  name  and  his  own  act  had 
rendered  glorious;  to  die  amidst  the  rejoicings  and 
festivities  of  a  whole  nation,  who  looked  up  to  him, 
as  the  author,  under  God,  of  their  greatest  blessings, 
was  all  that  was  wanting  to  fill  up  the  record  his  life. 

Almost  at  the  same  hour  of  his  death,  the  kin- 
dred spirit  of  the  venerable  Adams,  as  if  to  bear 
him  company,  left  the  scene  of  his  earthly  honors. 
Hand  in  hand  they  had  stood  forth,  the  champions  of 
freedom;  hand  in  hand,  during  the  dark  and  desper- 
ate struggle  of  the  Revolution,  they  had  cheered  and 
animated  their  desponding  countrymen;  for  half  a 
century  they  had  labored  together  for  the  good  of 
the  country;  and  now  hand  in  hand  they  dejjart. 
In  their  lives  they  had  been  united  in  the  same  great 
cause  of  liberty,  and  in  their  deaths  they  were  not 

In  person  Mr.  Jefferson  was  tall  and  thin,  rather 
above  six  feet  in  height,  but  well  formed;,  his  eyes 
were  light,  his  hair  originally  red,  in  after  life  became 
white  and  silvery  ;  his  complexion  was  fair,  his  fore- 
head broad,  and  his  whole  countenance  intelligent  and 
thoughtful.  He  possessed  great  of  mind  as 
well  as  personal  courage  ;  and  his  command  of  tem- 
per was  such  that  his  oldest  and  most  intimate  friends 
never  recollected  to  have  seen  him  in  a  passion. 
His  manners,  though  dignified,  were  simple  and  un- 
affected, and  his  hospitality  was  so  unbounded  that 
all  found  at  his  house  a  ready  welcome.  In  conver- 
sation he  was  fluent,  eloquent  and  enthusiastic  ;  and 
his  language  was  remarkably  pure  and  correct.  He 
was  a  finished  classical  scholar,  and  in  his  writings  is 
discernable  the  care  with  which  he  formed  his  style 
upon  the  best  models  of  antiquity. 

/-  cZ/<-'<-^'~^     -.i-'v^ 

(tiM-^  /T'lv 


iwm>  ni^Disoi). 


AMES    MADISON,    "Father 
of  the  Constitution/'  and  fourth 
^''President  of  the  United  States, 
was  born  March  i6,  1757,  and 
died  at  his   home  in  Virginia, 
"*=^  June  28,  1836.     The  name  of 
James  Madison  is  inseparably  con- 
nected with  most  of  the  important 
events  in  that  heroic  period  of  our 
country  during  which  the  founda- 
tions of  this  great   repubUc  were 
laid.  He  was  the  last  of  the  founders 
of  the   Constitution   of  the    United 
States  to   be   called    to    his    eternal 

The  Madison  family  were  among 
the  early  emigrants  to  the  New  World, 
landing  upon  the  shores  of  the  Chesa- 
peake but  15  years  after  the  settle- 
ment of  Jamestown.  The  father  of 
James  Madison  was  an  opulent 
planter,  residing  upon  a  very  fine  es- 

ftate  called  "Montpelier,"  Orange  Co., 
Va.  The  mansion  was  situated  in 
the  midst  of  scenery  highly  pictur- 
i  esque  and  romantic,  on  the  west  side 
of  South-west  Mountain,  at  the  foot  of 
Blue  Ridge.  It  was  but  25  miles  from  the  home  of 
Jefferson  at  Monticello.  The  closest  personal  and 
political  attachment  existed  between  these  illustrious 
men,  from  their  early  youth  until  death. 

The  early  education  of  Mr.  Madison  was  conducted 
mostly  at  home  under  a  private  tutor.  At  the  age  of 
18  he  was  sent  to  Princeton  College,  in  New  Jersey. 
Here  he  applied  himself  to  study  with  the  most  im- 

prudent zeal;  allowing  himself,  for  months,  but  three 
hours'  sleep  out  of  the  24.  His  health  thus  became  so 
seriously  impaired  that  he  never  recovered  any  vigor 
of  constitution.  He  graduated  in  177  i,  with  a  feeble 
body,  with  a  character  of  utmost  purity,  and  with  a 
mind  highly  disciplined  and  richly  stored  with  learning 
which  embellished  and  gave  proficiency  to  his  subsr 
quent  career. 

Returning  to  Virginia,  he  commenced  the  study  of 
law  and  a  course  of  extensive  and  systematic  reading. 
This  educational  course,  the  spirit  of  the  times  in 
which  he  lived,  and  the  society  with  which  he  asso- 
ciated, all  combined  to  inspire  him  with  a  strong 
love  of  liberty,  and  to  train  him  for  his  life-woik  of 
a  statesman.  Being  naturally  of  a  religious  turn  of 
ip.ind,  and  his  frail  health  leading  him  to  think  that 
his  life  \v&&  not  to  be  long,  he  directed  especial  atten- 
tion to  theological  studies.  Endowed  with  a  mind 
singularly  free  from  passion  and  prejudice,  and  with 
almost  unequalled  powers  of  reasoning,  he  weighed 
all  the  arguments  for  and  against  revealed  religion, 
until  his  faith  became  so  established  as  never  to 
be  shaken. 

In  the  spring  of  1776,  when  26  years  of  age,  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Virginia  Convention,  to 
frame  the  constitution  of  the  State.  The  next  year 
(1777),  he  was  a  candidate  for  the  General  Assembh'. 
He  refused  to  treat  the  whisky-lovir.g  voters,  and 
consequently  lost  his  election ;  but  those  who  had 
witnessed  the  talent,  energy  and  public  spirit  of  the 
modest  young  man,  enlisted  themselves  in  his  behalf, 
and  he  was  appointed  to  the    Executive  Council. 

Both  Patrick  Henry  and  Thomas  Jefferson  were 
Governors  of  Virginia  while  Mr.  Madison  remained 
member  of  the  Council ;    and  their  appreciation  of  liis 



intellectual,  social  and  moral  worth;  contributed  not 
a  little  to  his  subsequent  eminence.  In  the  year 
1780,  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Continental 
Congress.  Here  he  met  the  most  illustrious  men  in 
our  land,  and  he  was  immediately  assigned  to  one  of 
the  most  conspicuous  positions  among  them. 

For  three  years  Mr.  Madison  continued  in  Con- 
gress, one  of  its  most  active  and  influential  members. 
In  tne  year  1784,  his  term  having  expired,  he  was 
elected  a  mernber  of  the  Virginia  Legislature. 

No  man  felt  more  deeply  than  Mr.  Madison  the 
utter  inefficiency  of  the  old  confederacy,  with  no  na- 
tional government,  with  no  power  to  form  treaties 
which  would  be  binding,  or  to  enforce  law.  There 
was  not  any  State  more  prominent  than  Virginia  in 
the  declaration,  that  an  efificient  national  government 
must  be  formed.  In  January,  1786,  Mr.  Madison 
carried  a  resolution  through  the  General  Assembly  of 
Virginia,  inviting  the  other  States  to  appoint  commis- 
sioners to  meet  in  convention  at  Annapolis  to  discuss 
this  subject.  Five  States  only  were  represented.  The 
convention,  however,  issued  another  call,  drawn  up 
by  Mr.  Madison,  urgmg  all  the  States  to  send  their 
delegates  to  Philadelphia,  in  May,  1787,  to  draft 
a  Constitution  for  the  United  States,  10  take  the  place 
of  that  Confederate  League.  The  delegates  met  at 
the  time  appointed.  Every  State  but  Rhode  Island 
was  represented.  George  Washington  was  chosen 
president  of  the  convention  ;  and  the  present  Consti- 
tution of  the  United  States  was  then  and  there  formed. 
Inhere  was,  perhaps,  no  mind  and  no  pen  more  ac- 
tive in  framing  this  immortal  document  than  the  mind 
and  the  pen  of  James  Madison. 

The  Constitution,  adopted  by  a  vote  81  to  79,  was 
to  be  presented  to  the  several  States  for  acceptance. 
But  grave  solicitude  was  felt.  Should  it  be  rejected 
we  should  be  left  but  a  conglomeration  of  independent 
States,  with  but  little  jxjwer  at  home  and  little  respect 
abroad.  Mr.  Madison  was  selected  by  tne  conven- 
tion to  draw  up  an  address  to  the  people  of  the  United 
States,  expounding  the  principles  of  the  Constitution, 
and  urging  its  adoption.  There  was  great  opposition 
to  it  at  first,  but  it  at  length  triumphed  over  all,  and 
went  into  effect  in  1789. 

Mr.  Madison  was  elected  to  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives in  the  first  Congress,  and  soon  became  the 
avowed  leader  of  the  Republican  party.  While  in 
New  York  attending  Congress,  he  met  Mrs  Todd,  a 
young  widow  of  remarkable  power  of  fascination, 
whom  he  married.  She  was  in  person  and  character 
queenly,  and  probably  no  lady  has  thus  far  occujiied 
so  prominent  a  position  in  the  very  peculiar  society 
which  has  constituted  our  republican  court  as  i\Irs. 

Mr.  Madison  served  as  Secretary  of  State  under 
Jefferson,  and  at  the  close  of  his  .  administration 
was  chosen  President.  At  this  time  the  encroach- 
ments of  England  had  lirousht  us  to  the  verge  of  war. 

British  orders  in  council  destioyed  our  commerce,  and 
our  flag  was  exposed  to  constant  insult.  Mr.  Madison 
was  a  man  of  peace.  Scholarly  in  his  taste,  retiring 
in  his  disposition,  war  had  no  charms  for  him.  But  the 
meekest  spirit  can  be  roused.  It  makes  one's  blood 
boil,  even  now,  to  think  of  an  American  ship  brought 
to,  upon  the  ocean,  by  the  guns  of  an  English  cruiser. 
A  young  lieutenant  steps  on  board  and  orders  the 
crew  to  be  paraded  before  him.  With  great  nonchal- 
ance he  selects  any  number  whom  he  may  please  to 
designate  as  British  subjects ;  orders  them  down  the 
ship's  side  into  his  boat ;  and  places  them  on  the  gun- 
deck  of  his  man-of-war,  to  fight,  by  compulsion,  the 
battles  of  England.  This  right  of  search  and  im- 
pressment, no  efforts  of  our  Government  could  induce 
the  British  cabinet  to  relinquish. 

On  the  i8th  of  June,  1812,  President  Madison  gave 
his  approval  to  an  act  of  Congress  declaring  war 
against  Great  Britain.  Notwithstanding  the  bitter 
hostility  of  the  Federal  party  to  the  war,  the  countrj- 
in  general  approved;  and  iNIr.  Madison,  on  the  4th 
of  March,  1 8 13,  was  re-elected  by  a  large  majority, 
and  entered  upon  his  second  term  of  office.  This  is 
not  the  place  to  describe  the  various  adventurss  of 
this  war  on  the  land  and  on  the  water.  Our  infant 
navy  then  laid  the  foundations  of  its  renown  in  grap- 
pling with  the  most  formidable  power  which  ever 
swept  the  seas.  The  contest  commenced  in  earnest 
by  the  appearance  of  a  British  flett,  early  in  Februaiy, 
1813,  in  Chesapeake  Bay,  declaring  nearly  the  whole 
coast  of  the  Lhiited  States  under  blockade. 

The  F^raperor  of  Russia  offered  his  services  as  me 
ditator.  America  accepted ;  England  refused.  A  Brit- 
ish force  of  five  thousand  men  landed  on  tiie  banks 
of  the  Patu.xet  River,  near  its  entrance  into  Chesa- 
peake Bay,  and  marched  rapidly,  by  way  of  Bladens- 
burg,  upon  Washington. 

The  straggling  little  city  of  Washington  was  thrown 
into  consternation.  The  cannon  of  the  brief  conflict 
at  Bladensburg  echoed  through  the  streets  of  the 
metropolis.  The  whole  population  fled  from  the  city. 
The  President,  leaving  Mrs.  Madison  in  the  White 
House,  with  her  carriage  drawn  up  at  the  door  to 
await  his  Sjjeedy  return,  hurried  to  meet  the  ofificers 
in  a  council  of  war.  He  met  our  troops  utterly  routed, 
and  he  could  not  go  back  without  danger  of  being 
captured.  But  few  hours  elapsed  ere  the  Presidential 
Mansion,  the  Capitol,  and  all  the  public  buildings  in 
Washington  were  in  flames. 

The  war  closed  after  two  years  of  fighting,  and  on 
Feb.  13,  1815,  the  treaty  of  peace  was  signed  at  Ghent. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1817,  his  second  term  of 
office  expired,  and  he  resigned  the  Presidential  chair 
to  his  friend,  James  Monroe.  He  retired  to  his  beau- 
tiful home  at  Montpelier,  and  there  passed  the  re- 
mainder of  his  days.  On  June  28,  1836,  then  at  the 
age  of  85  years,  he  fell  asleep  in  death.  Mrs.  Madi- 
son died  July  12,  1849. 




^  WW&  W>WW-  «fe. 



AMES  MONROE,  the  fifth 
.Presidentof  The  United  States, 
was  born  in  Westmoreland  Co., 
Va.,  April  28,  1758.  His  early- 
life  was  passed  at  the  place  of 
nativity.  His  ancestors  had  for 
many  years  resided  in  the  prov- 
nice  in  which  he  was  born.  "When, 
at  17  years  of  age,  in  the  process 
«'  of  completing  his  education  at 
William  and  Mary  College,  the  Co- 
lonial Congress  assembled  at  Phila- 
delphia to  deliberate  upon  the  un- 
just and  manifold  oppressions  of 
Great  Britian,  declared  the  separa- 
tion of  the  Colonies,  and  promul- 
gated the  Declaration  of  Indepen- 
dence. Had  he  been  born  ten  years  before  it  is  highly 
probable  that  he  would  have  been  one  of  the  signers 
of  that  celebrated  instrument.  At  this  time  he  left 
school  and  enlisted  among  the  patriots. 

He  joined  the  army,  when  everything  looked  hope- 
less and  gloomy.  The  number  of  deserters  increased 
from  day  to  day.  The  invading  armies  came  pouring 
in ;  and  the  tories  not  only  favored  the  cause  of  the 
mother  country,  but  disheartened  the  new  recruits, 
who  were  sufficiently  terrified  at  the  prospect  of  con- 
tending with  an  enemy  whom  they  had  been  taught 
to  deem  invincible.  To  such  brave  spirits  as  James 
Monroe,  who  went  right  onward,  undismayed  through 
difficulty  and  danger,  the  United  States  owe  their 
political  emancipation.  The  young  cadet  joined  the 
ranks,  and  espoused  the  cause  of  his  injured  country, 
with  a  firm  determination  to  live  or  die  with  her  strife 

for  liberty.  Firmly  yet  sadly  he  shared  in  the  mel- 
ancholy retreat  from  Harleam  Heights  and  White 
Plains,  and  accompanied  the  dispirited  army  as  it  fled 
before  its  foes  through  New  Jersey.  In  four  months 
after  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  the  patriots 
had  been  beaten  in  seven  battles.  At  the  battle  of 
Trenton  he  led  the  vanguard,  and,  in  the  act  of  charg- 
ing upon  the  enemy  he  received  a  wound  in  the  left 

As  a  reward  for  his  bravery,  Mr.  Monroe  was  pro- 
moted a  captain  of  infantry ;  and,  having  recovered 
from  his  wound,  he  rejoined  the  army.  He,  however, 
receded  from  the  line  of  promotion,  by  becoming  an 
officer  in  the  staff"  of  Lord  Sterling.  During  the  cam- 
paigns of  1777  and  1778,  in  the  actions  of  Brandy 
wine,  Germantown  and  Monmouth,  he  continued 
aid-de-canip ;  but  becoming  desirous  to  regain  his 
position  in  the  army,  he  exerted  himself  to  collect  a 
regiment  for  the  Virginia  line.  This  scheme  failed 
owing  to  the  exhausted  condition  of  the  State.  Upon 
this  failure  he  entered  the  office  of  Mr.  Jefferson,  at 
that  period  Governor,  and  pursued,  with  considerable 
ardor,  the  study  of  common  law.  He  did  not,  however, 
entirely  lay  aside  the  knapsack  for  the  green  bag; 
but  on  tiie  invasions  of  the  enemy,  served  as  a  volun- 
teer, during  the  two  years  of  his  legal  pursuits. 

In  17 82,  he  was  elected  from  King  George  county, 
a  member  of  the  Leglislature  of  Virginia,  and  by  that 
body  he  was  elevated  to  a  seat  in  the  Executive 
Council.  He  was  thus  honored  with  the  confidence 
of  his  fellow  citizens  at  23  years  of  age  ;  and  having 
at  this  early  period  displayed  some  of  that  ability 
and  aptitude  for  legislation,  which  were  afterwards 
employed  with  unremittii^g  energy  for  the  public  good, 



be  was  in  the  succeeding  year  chosen  a  member  of 
ihe  Congress  of  the  United  States. 
Deeplyas  Mr.  Moiiroefelt  the  imperfections  of  the  old 
Confederacy,  he  was  opposed  to  the  new  Constitution, 
ihinking,  with  many  others  of  ^he  Republican  party, 
that  it  gave  too  much  power  to  the  Central  Government, 
and  not  enough  to  the  individual  States.  Still  he  re- 
tained the  esteem  of  his  friends  who  were  its  warm 
supporters,  and  who,  notwithstanding  his  opposition 
secured  its  adoption.  In  1789,  he  became  a  member 
of  the  United  States  Senate ;  which  office  he  held  for 
four  years.  Every  month  the  line  of  distinction  be- 
tween the  two  great  parties  which  divided  the  nation, 
the  Federal  and  the  Republican,  was  growing  more 
distinct.  The  two  prominent  iaeas  which  now  sep- 
arated them  were,  that  the  Republican  party  was  in 
sympathy  with  France,  and  also  in  favor  of  such  a 
strict  construction  of  tlie  Constitution  as  to  give  the 
Central  Government  as  little  power,  and  the  State 
Governments  as  much  ijower,  as  the  Constitution  would 
warrant.  The  Federalists  sympathized  with  England, 
and  were  in  favor  of  a  liberal  constrtiction  of  the  Con- 
stitution, which  would  give  as  much  power  to  the 
Central  Government  as  that  document  could  possibly 

The  leading  Federalists  and  Republicans  were 
alike  noble  men,  consecrating  all  their  energies  to  the 
good  of  the  nation.  Two  more  honest  men  or  more 
pure  patriots  than  John  Adams  the  Federalist,  and 
James  Monroe  the  Republican,  never  breathed.  In 
building  up  this  majestic  nation,  which  is  destined 
to  eclipse  all  Grecian  and  Assyrian  greatness,  the  com- 
bination of  their  antagonism  was  needed  to  create  the 
light  equilibrium.  And  yet  each  in  his  day  was  de- 
nounced as  almost  a  demon. 

Washington  was  then  President.  England  had  es- 
poused the  cause  of  the  Bourbons  against  the  princi- 
ples of  the  French  Revolution.  All  Europe  was  drawn 
into  the  conflict.  We  were  feeble  and  far  away. 
Washington  issued  a  proclamation  of  neutrality  be- 
tween these  contending  powers.  France  had  helped 
us  in  the  struggle  for  our  liberties.  All  the  despotisms 
of  Europe  were  now  combined  to  prevent  the  French 
from  escaping  from  a  tyranny  a  thousand-fold  worse 
than  that  which  we  had  endured  Col.  Monroe,  more 
magnanimous  than  prudent,  was  anxious  that,  at 
whatever  hazard,  we  sliould  help  our  old  allies  in 
their  extremity.  It  was  the  impulse  of  a  generous 
and  noble  nature.  He  violently  opposed  the  Pres- 
ident's proclara-ation  as  ungrateful  and  wanting  in 

Washington,  who  could  appreciate  such  a  character, 
developed  his  calm,  serene,  almost  divine  greatness, 
by  appointing  that  very  James  Monroe,  who  was  de- 
nouncing the  policy  of  the  Government,  as  the  minister 
of  that  Government  to  the  Republic  of  France.  Mr. 
Monroe  was  welcomed  by  the  National  Convention 
in  France  with  the  most  enthusiastic  demonstrations. 

Shortly  after  his  return  to  this  country,  Mr.  Mon- 
roe was  elected  Governor  of  Virginia,  and  held  the 
office  for  three  yeais.  He  was  again  sent  to  Prance  to 
co-operate  with  Chancellor  Livingston  in  obtaining 
the  vast  territory  tlien  known  as  the  Province  of 
Louisiana,  which  France  had  but  shortly  before  ob- 
tained from  Spain.  Tneir  united  efforts  were  sue 
cessful.  For  the  comparatively  small  sum  of  fifteen 
millions  of  dollars,  the  entire  territory  of  Orleans  and 
district  of  Louisiana  were  added  to  the  United  States. 
This  was  probably  the  largest  transfer  of  real  estate 
which  was  ever  made  in  all  the  history  of  the  world. 

From  France  Mr.  Monroe  went  to  England  to  ob- 
tain from  that  country  some  recognition  of  our 
rights  as  neutrals,  and  to  remonstrate  against  those 
odious  impressments  of  our  seamen.  But  Eng- 
land was  unrelenting.  He  again  returned  to  Eng- 
land on  the  same  mission,  but  could  receive  no 
redress.  He  returned  to  his  home  and  was  again 
chosen  Governor  of  Virginia.  This  he  soon  resigned 
to  accept  the  position  of  Secretary  of  State  under 
Madison.  While  in  this  office  war  with  England  was 
declared,  the  Secretary  of  War  resigned,  and  during 
these  trying  times,  the  duties  of  the  War  Department 
were  also  put  upon  him.  He  was  truly  the  armor- 
bearer  of  President  Madison,  and  the  most  efficient 
business  man  in  his  cabinet.  Upon  the  return  oi 
peace  he  resigned  the  Department  of  War,  but  con- 
tinued in  the  office  of  Secretary  of  State  until  the  ex- 
piration of  Mr.  Madison's  adminstration.  At  the  elec 
tion  held  the  previous  autumn  Mr.  Monroe  himself  had 
been  chosen  President  with  but  little  opposition,  and 
upon  March  4,  1817,  was  inaugurated.  Four  years 
later  he  was  elected  for  a  second  term. 

Among  the  important  measures  of  his  Presidency 
were  the  cession  of  Florida  to  the  United  States;  the 
Missouri  Compromise,  and  the    "  Monroe  doctrine.' 

This  famous  doctrine,  since  known  as  the  "  Monroe 
doctrine,"  was  enunciated  by  him  in  1823.  At  that 
time  the  United  Stales  had  recognized  the  independ- 
ence of  the  South  American  states,  and  did  not  \\ish 
to  have  European  powers  longer  attempting  to  sub- 
due portions  of  the  American  Continent.  The  doctrine 
is  as  follows:  "That  we  should  consider  any  attempt 
on  the  part  of  European  powers  to  extend  their  sys- 
tem to  any  portion  of  this  hemisphere  as  dangerous 
to  our  peace  and  safety,"  and  "that  we  could  not 
view  any  interposition  for  the  purpose  of  oppressing 
or  controlling  American  governments  or  provinces  in 
any  other  light  than  as  a  manifestation  l)y  Euro]iean 
powers  of  an  unfriendly  disposition  toward  the  United 
States."  This  doctrine  immediateh'  affected  the  course 
of  foreign  governments,  and  has  become  the  approved 
sentiment  of  the  United  States. 

At  the  end  of  his  second  term  Mr,  Monroe  retired 
to  his  home  in  Virginia,  where  he  lived  until  r83o, 
when  he  went  to  New  York  to  live  with  his  son-in- 
law.     In  that  city  he  died, on  the  4th  of  July,  1S31 

J,   5,  Al 



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sixth  President  of  the  United 
"States,  was   born  in   the   rural 
home  of  his    honored   father, 
John  Adams,  in  Qiiincy,  Mass., 
on  the  I  ith  cf  July,  1767.   His 
mother,  a  woman  of  exalted 
worth,  watched  over  his  childhood 
daring    the   almost    constant    ab- 
sence of  his  father.      When    but 
eight  years  of  age,  he  stood  with 
'    his  motlier  on  an  eminence,  listen- 
ing to  the  booming  of  the  great  bat- 
tle on  Bunker's  Hill,  and  gazing  on 
upon  the  smoke  and  flames   billow- 
ing up  from    the   conflagration   of 

When  but  eleven  years  old  he 
took  a  tearful  adieu  of  his  mother, 
to  sail  with  his  fatner  for  Europe, 
through  a  fleet  of  liostile  British  cruisers.  The  bright, 
animated  boy  spent  a  year  and  a  half  in  Paiis,  where 
his  father  was  associated  with  Franklin  and  Lee  as 
minister  plenipotentiary.  His  intelligence  attracted 
the  notice  of  these  distinguished  men,  and  he  received 
from  them  flattering  mnrks  of  attention. 

Mr.  John  Adams  had  scarcely  returned  to  this 
country,  in  1779,  ere  he  was  again  sent  abroad.  Again 
Tohn  Quincy  accompanied  his  father.  At  Paris  he 
applied  himself  with  great  diligence,  for  six  months, 
to  :.tudy;  then  accompained  his  father  to  Holland, 
v/nere  he  entered,  first  a  school  in  Amsterdam,  then 
the  University  at  Leyden.  About  a  year  from  this 
time,  in  1781,  when  the  manly  boy  was  but  fourteen 
yea-s  of  age,  he  was  selected  by  Mr.  Dana,  our  min- 
ister to  the  Russian  court,  as  his  private  secretary. 

In  this  school  of  incessant  labor  and  of  enobling 
culture  he  spent  fourteen  months,  and  then  returned 
to  Holland  through  Sweden,  Denmark,  Hamburg  and 
Bremen.  This  long  journey  he  took  alone,  in  the 
winter,  when  in  his  sixteenth  year.  Again  he  resumed 
his  studies,  under  a  private  tutor,  at  Hague.   Thence, 

in  tiie  spring  of  1782,  he  accompanied  his  father  to 
Paris,  traveling  leisurely,  and  forming  acquaintance 
with  the  most  distinguished  men  on  tlie  Con:iner,t; 
examining  arcnitectural  remains,  galleries  of  paintings, 
and  all  renowned  works  of  art.  At  Paris  he  again 
became  associated  with  the  most  illustrious  men  of 
all  lands  in  the  contemplations  of  the  loftiest  temporal 
themes  which  can  engross  the  human  mind.  After 
a  short  visit  to  England  he  returned  to  Paris,  and 
consecrated  all  his  energies  to  study  until  May,  1785, 
when  he  returned  to  America.  To  a  brilliant  young 
man  of  eighteen,  who  had  seen  much  of  tlie  world, 
and  who  was  familiar  with  the  etiquette  of  courts,  a 
residence  with  his  father  in  London,  under  such  cir- 
cumstances, must  have  been  extremely  attractive 
but  with  judgment  very  rare  in  one  of  his  age,  he  pre- 
ferred to  return  to  America  to  complete  his  education 
in  an  American  college.  He  wislied  then  to  study 
law,  that  wUh  an  honorable  profession,  he  might  be 
able  to  obtain  an  independent  support. 

Upon  leaving  Harvard  College,  at  the  age  of  twenty, 
he  studied  law  for  three  years.  In  June,  1794,  be- 
ing then  but  twenty-seven  years  of  age,  he  was  ap- 
pointed by  Washington,  resident  minister  at  the 
Netherlands.  Sailing  from  Boston  in  July,  he  reached 
London  in  October,  where  he  was  immediately  admit- 
ted to  the  deliberations  of  Messrs.  Jay  and  Pinckney, 
assisting  them  in  negotiating  a  commercial  treaty  with 
Gieat  Brilian.  After  thus  spending  a  fortnight  ii\ 
London,  he  proceeded  to  the  Hague. 

In  July,  r797,  he  left  the  Hague  to  go  to  Portugal  as 
minister  plenipotentiary.  On  his  way  to  Portugal, 
upon  arriving  in  London,  he  met  with  despatches 
directing  him  to  the  court  of  Beilin,  but  requesting 
him  to  remain  in  London  until  he  should  receive  his 
instructions.  While  waiting  he  was  married  to  an 
American  lady  to  whom  he  had  been  previously  en- 
gaged,— Miss  Louisa  Catherine  Johnson,  daughtev 
of  Mr.  Joshua  Johnson,  American  consul  in  London; 
a  lady  endownd  with  that  beauty  and  those  accom- 
plishment which  eminenlly  fitted  her  to  move  in  the 
elevated  sphere  for  which  she  was  destined 



He  reached  Berlin  with  his  wife  in  November,  1797  ; 
where  he  remained  until  July,  1799,  when,  having  ful- 
filled all  the  purposes  of  his  mission,  lie  solicited  his 

Soon  after  his  return,  in  1802,  he  was  chosen  to 
the  Senate  of  Massachusetts,  from  Boston,  and  then 
was  elected  Senator  of  the  United  States  for  six  years, 
from  the  4th  of  March,  1804.  His  reputation,  his 
ability  and  his  experience,  placed  him  immediately 
among  the  most  prominent  and  influential  members 
of  that  body.  Especially  did  he  sustain  the  Govern- 
ment in  its  measures  of  resistance  to  the  encroach- 
ments of  England,  destroying  our  commerce  and  in- 
sulting our  flag.  There  was  no  man  in  America  more 
familiar  with  the  arrogance  of  the  British  court  upon 
these  points,  and  no  one  more  resolved  to  present 
a  firm  resistance. 

In  1809,  Madison  succeeded  Jefferson  in  the  Pres- 
idential chair,  and  he  immediately  nominated  John 
Quincy  Adams  minister  to  St.  Petersburg.  Resign- 
ing his  professorship  in  Harvard  College,  he  embarked 
at  Boston,  in  August,  i8og. 

While  in  Russia,  Mr.  Adarns  was  an  intense  stu- 
dent. He  devoted  his  attention  to  the  language  and 
history  of  Russia;  to  the  Chinese  trade;  to  the 
European  system  of  weights,  measures,  and  coins  ;  to 
the  climate  and  astronomical  observations  ;  while  he 
Kept  up  a  familiar  acquaintance  with  the  Greek  and 
Latin  classics.  In  all  the  universities  of  Europe,  a 
more  accomplished  scholar  could  scarcely  be  found. 
All  through  life  the  Bible  constituted  an  importart 
part  of  his  studies.  It  was  his  rule  to  read  five 
chapters  every  day. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1817,  Mr.  Monroe  took  the 
Presidential  chair,  and  immediately  appointed  Mr. 
Adams  Secretary  of  State.  Taking  leave  of  his  num- 
erous friends  in  public  and  private  life  in  Europe,  he 
sailed  in  Jane,  1819,  for  the  United  States.  On  the 
18th  of  August,  he  again  crossed  the  threshold  of  his 
home  in  Quincy.  During  the  eight  years  of  Mr.  Mon- 
roe's administration,  Mr.  Adams  continued  Secretary 
of  State. 

Some  time  before  the  close  of  Mr.  Monroe's  second 
term  of  office,  new  candidates  began  to  be  presented 
for  the  Presidency.  The  friends  of  Mr.  Adams  brought 
forward  his  name.  It  was  an  exciting  campaign. 
Party  spirit  was  never  more  bitter.  Two  hundred  and 
sixty  electoral  votes  were  cast.  Andrew  Jackson  re- 
ceived ninety  nine;  John  Quincy  Adams,  eighty-four; 
William  H.  Crawford,  forty -one;  Henry  Clay,  thirty- 
seven.  As  there  was  no  choice  by  the  people,  the 
question  wei:t  to  the  House  of  Representatives.  Mr. 
Clay  gave  the  vote  of  Kentucky  to  Mr.  Adams,  and 
he  was  elected. 

The  friends  of  all  the  disappointed  candidates  now 
combined  in  a  venomous  and  persistent  assault  upon 
Mr.  Adams.  There  is  nothing  more  disgraceful  in 
♦Ke  past  history  of  our  country  than  the  abuse  which 

was  poured  in  one  uninterrupted  stream,  upon  this 
high-minded,  upright,  patriotic  man.  There  never  was 
an  administration  more  pure  in  principles,  more  con- 
scientiously devoted  to  the  best  interests  of  the  coun- 
try, than  that  of  John  Quincy  Adams ;  and  never,  per- 
haps, was  there  an  administration  more  unscrupu- 
lously and  outrageously  assailed. 

Mr.  Adams  was,  to  a  very  remarkable  degree,  ab- 
stemious and  temperate  in  his  habits;  always  rising 
early,  and  taking  much  exercise.  When  at  his  home  in 
Quincy,  he  has  been  known  to  walk,  before  breakfast, 
seven  miles  to  Boston.  In  Washington,  it  was  said 
that  he  was  the  first  man  up  in  th6  city,  lighting  his 
own  fire  and  applying  himself  to  work  in  his  library 
often  long  before  dawn. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1829,  Mr.  Adams  retired 
from  the  Presidency,  and  was  succeeded  by  Andrew- 
Jackson.  John  C.  Calhoun  was  elected  Vice  Presi- 
dent. The  slavery  question  now  began  to  assume 
lx)rtentous  magnitude.  Mr.  Adams  returned  to 
Quincy  and  to  his  studies,  which  he  pursued  with  un- 
abated zeal.  But  he  was  not  long  permitted  to  re- 
main in  retirement.  In  November,  1830,  he  was 
elected  representative  to  Congress.  For  seventeen 
years,  until  his  death,  he  occupied  the  post  as  repre- 
sentative, towering  above  all  his  peers,  ever  ready  to 
do  brave  battle' for  freedom,  and  winning  the  title  of 
"  the  old  man  eloquent."  Upon  taking  his  seat  in 
the  House,  he  announced  that  he  should  hold  him- 
self bound  to  no  party.  Probably  there  never  was  a 
member  more  devoted  to  his  duties.  He  was  usually 
the  first  in  his  place  in  the  morning,  and  the  last  to 
leave  his  seat  in  the  evening.  Not  a  measure  could 
be  brought  forward  and  escape  his  scrutiny.  'I  he 
battle  which  Mr.  Adams  fought,  almost  singly,  against 
the  proslavery  party  in  the  Government,  was  sublime 
in  Us  moral  dating  and  heroism.  For  persisting  in 
presenting  petitions  for  the  abolition  of  slavery,  he 
was  threatened  with  indictment  by  the  grand  jury, 
with  expulsion  from  the  House,  with  assassination  : 
but  no  threats  could  intimidate  him,  and  his  final 
triumph  was  complete. 

It  has  been  said  of  President  Adams,  that  when  his 
body  was  bent  and  his  hair  silvered  by  the  lapse  of 
fourscore  years,  yielding  to  the  simple  faith  of  a  little 
child,  he  was  accustomed  to  repeat  every  night,  before 
he  slept,  the  prajer  which  his  mother  taught  him  in 
his  infant  years. 

On  the  2ist  of  February,  1848,  he  rose  on  the  floor 
of  Congress,  with  a  paper  in  his  hand,  to  address  the 
speaker.  Suddenly  he  fell,  again  stricken  by  paraly- 
sis, and  was  caught  in  the  arms  of  those  around  him. 
For  a  time  he  was  senseless,  as  he  was  conveyed  to 
the  sofa  in  the  rotunda.  With  reviving  conscious- 
ness, he  opened  his  eyes,  looked  calmly  around  and 
said  "  This  is  the  end  of  earth  ;"tlien  after  a  moment's 
]iause  he  add-jd,  '■^  I  am  eotiteiit"  These  were  the 
last    words  of    the     grand     "Old     Man     Eloquent." 




NDREW     JACKSON,     the 
seventh     President     of     the 
■  United    States,  was  born   in 
Waxhaw  settlement,   N.    C, 
March  15,  1767,  a  few  days 
after  his  father's  death.    His 
parents  were  poor  emigrants 
from    Ireland,  and  took  up 
their  abode  in  Waxhaw  set- 
tlement, where  they  lived  in 
deepest  poverty. 
Andrew,  or  Andy,  as  he  was 
universally  called,  grew  up  a  very 
rough,  rude,  turbulent  boy.      His 
features  were  coarse,  his  form  un- 
gainly;   and  there  was  but  very 
little  in  his  character,    made   visible,  which   was   at- 

When  only  thirteen  years  old  he  joined  the  volun- 
teers of  Carolina  against  the  British  invasion.  In 
1781,  he  and  his  brother  Robert  were  captured  and 
imprisoned  for  a  time  at  Camden.  A  British  officer 
ordered  him  to  brush  his  mud-spattered  boots.  "  I  am 
a  prisoner  of  war,  not  your  servant,"  was  the  reply  of 
the  dauntless  boy. 

The  brute  drew  his  sword,  and  aimed  a  desperate 
Dlow  at  the  head  of  the  helpless  young  prisoner. 
Andrew  raised  his  hand,  and  thus  received  two  fear- 
ful gashes, — one  on  the  hand  and  the  other  upon  the 
head.  The  officer  then  turned  to  his  brother  Robert 
with  the  same  demand.  He  also  refused,  and  re- 
ceived a  blow  from  the  keen-edged  sabre,  which  quite 
disabled  him,  and  which  probably  soon  after  caused 
his  death.  They  suffered  much  other  ill-treatment,  and 
were  finally  stricken  with  the  small-pox.  Their 
mother  was  successful  in    obtaining    their   exchange. 

and  took  her  sick  boys  home.  After  a  long  illnjsc 
Andrew  recovered,  and  the  death  of  his  mother  soon 
left  him  entirely  friendless. 

Andrew  supported  himself  in  various  ways,  si;aas 
working  at  the  saddler's  trade,  teaching  school  and 
clerking  in  a  general  store,  until  1784,  wlien  he 
entered  a  law  office  at  Salisbury,  N.  C.  He,  however, 
gave  more  attention  to  the  wild  amusements  of  the 
times  than  to  his  studies.  In  1788,  he  was  appointed 
solicitor  for  the  western  district  of  North  Carolina,  of 
which  Tennessee  was  then  a  part.  This  involved 
many  long  and  tedious  journeys  amid  dangers  of 
every  kind,  but  Andrew  Jackson  never  knew  fear, 
and  the  Indians  had  no  desire  to  repeat  a  skirmish 
witn  the  Sharp  Knife. 

In  179 1,  Mr.  Jackson  was  married  to  a  woman  who 
supposed  herself  divorced  from  her  former  husband. 
Great  was  the  surprise  of  both  parties,  two  years  later, 
to  find  that  the  conditions  of  the  divorce  had  just  been 
definitely  settled  by  the  first  husband.  The  marriage 
ceremony  was  performed  a  second  time,  but  the  occur- 
rence was  often  used  by  his  enemies  to  bring  Mr. 
Jackson  into  disfavor. 

During  these  years  he  worked  hard  at  his  profes- 
sion, and  frequently  had  one  or  more  duels  on  hand, 
one  of  which,  when  he  killed  Dickenson,  was  espec- 
ially disgraceful. 

In  January,  1796,  the  Territory  of  Tennessee  then 
containing  nearly  eighty  thousand  inhabitants,  the 
people  met  in  convention  at  Knoxville  to  frame  a  con- 
stitution. Five  were  sent  from  each  of  the  elevsn 
counties.  Andrew  Jackson  was  one  of  the  delegates. 
The  new  State  was  entitled  to  but  one  meml  cr  in 
the  National  House  of  Representatives.  Andrew  Jack- 
son was  chosen  that  member.  Mounting  his  horse  he 
rode  to  Philedelphia,  where  Congress   tl.en    1  eld  its 



s^iiij.13, — a  disiaiKie  of  about  eight  hundred    miles. 

Jackson  was  an  earnest  advocate  of  the  Demo- 
cratic party.  Jefferson  was  his  idol.  He  admired 
lionaparte,  loved  France  and  hated  England.  As  Mr. 
Jackson  took  his  seat,  Gen.  Washington,  whose 
scicond  term  of  office  was  then  expi;ing,  delivered  his 
last  speech  to  Congress.  A  committee  drew  up  a 
complimentary  address  in  reply.  Andrew  Jackson 
did  not  approve  of  the  address,  and  was  one  of  the 
twelve  who  voted  against  it.  He  was  not  willing  to 
say  that  Gen.  Washington's  adminstration  had  been 
"  wise,  firm  and  patriotic." 

,'  Mr.  Jackson  was  elected  to  the  United  States 
Senate  in  1797,  but  soon  resigned  and  returned  home. 
Soon  after  he  was  chosen  Judge  of  the  Supreme  Court 
of  his  State,  which  position  he  held  f^r  six  years. 

When  the  war  of  1812  with  Great  Brilian  com- 
menced, Madison  occupied  the  Presidential  chair. 
Aaron  Burr  sent  word  to  the  President  that  there  was 
an  unknown  man  in  the  West,  Andrew  Jackson,  who 
would  do  credit  to  a  commission  if  one  were  con- 
ferred upon  him.  Just  at  that  time  Gen.  Jackson 
offered  his  services  and  those  of  twenty-five  hurdred 
volunteers.  His  offer  was  accej)ted,  and  the  troops 
were  assembled  at  Nashville. 

As  the  British  were  hourly  expected  to  make  an  at- 
tack upon  New  Orleans,  where  Gen  Wilkinson  was 
in  command,  he  was  ordered  to  descend  the  river 
with  fifteen  hundred  troops  to  aid  Wilkinson.  The 
expedition  reached  Natchez;  and  after  a  delay  of  sev- 
eral weeks  there,  without  accomplishing  anything, 
the  men  were  ordered  back  to  their  homes.  But  the 
energy  Gen.  Jackson  had  displayed,  and  his  entire 
devotion  to  the  comrfort  of  his  soldiers,  won  him 
golden  opinions;  and  he  became  the  most  popular 
man  in  the  State.  It  was  in  this  expedition  that  his 
toughness  gave  him  the  nickname  of  "  Old  Hickory.  ' 

Soon  after  this,  while  attempting  to  horsewhip  Col. 
Thomas  H.  Benton,  for  a  remark  that  gentleman 
made  about  his  taking  a  part  as  second  in  a  duel,  in 
which  a  younger  brotlier  of  Benton's  was  engaged, 
he  received  two  severe  pistol  wounds.  While  he  was 
lingering  upon  a  bed  of  suffering  news  came  that  the 
Indians,  who  had  combined  under  Tecumseh  from 
Florida  to  the  Lakes,  to  exterminate  the  white  set- 
tlers, were  committing  the  most  awful  ravages.  De- 
cisive action  became  necessary.  Gen.  Jackson,  with 
his  fractured  bone  Just  beginning  to  heal,  his  arm  in 
a  sling,  and  unable  to  mount  his  horse  without  assis- 
tance, gave  his  amazing  energies  to  the  raising  of  an 
army  to  rendezvous  at  Fayettesville,  Alabama. 

The  Creek  Indians  had  established  a  strong  fori  on 
one  of  the  bendsof  the  Tallapoosa  River,  near  the  cen- 
ter of  Alabama,  about  fifty  miles  below  Fort 
With  an  army  of  two  thousand  men,  Gen.  Jackson 
traversed  the  pathless  wilderness  in  a  march  of  eleven 
il  lys.  He  reached  their  fort,  called  Tohopeka  or 
Horse-shoe,  on  the  27th  of  March.  1814.     The  bend 

of  the  river  enclosed  nearly  one  hundred  acres  of 
tangled  forest  and  wild  ravine.  Across  the  narrow 
neck  the  Indians  had  constructed  a  formidable  brea:jt- 
work  of  logs  and  brush.  Here  nine  hundred  warriors, 
with  an  ample  suply  of  arms  were  assembled. 

The  fort  was  stormed.  The  fight  was  utterly  des- 
perate. Not  an  Indian  would  accept  of  quarter.  Wher. 
bleeding  and  dying,  they  would  fight  those  who  en- 
deavored to  spare  their  lives.  From  ten  in  the  morn- 
ing until  dark,  the  battle  raged.  The  carnage  war. 
awful  and  revolting.  Some  threw  themselves  into  the 
river;  but  the  unerring  bullet  struck  their  heads  as 
they  swam.  Nearly  everyone  of  the  nine  hundred  war- 
rios  were  killed  A  few  probably,  in  the  night,  swam 
the  river  and  escaped.  This  ended  the  war.  The 
l)ower  of  the  Creeks  was  broken  forever.  This  bold 
plunge  into  the  wilderness,  with  its  terriffic  slaughter, 
so  appalled  the  savages,  that  the  haggard  remnants 
of  the  bands  came  to  the  camp,  begging  for  peace. 

This  closing  of  the  Creek  war  enabled  us  to  con- 
centrate all  our  militia  upon  the  British,  who  were  the 
allies  of  the  Indians  No  man  of  less  resolute  will 
than  Gen.  Jackson  could  have  conducted  this  Indian 
campaign  to  so  successful  an  issue  Immediately  he 
was  appointed  major-general. 

Late  in  August,  with  an  army  of  two  thousand 
men,  on  a  rushing  march.  Gen.  Jackson  came  to 
Mobile.  A  British  fleet  came  from  Pensacola,  landed 
a  force  upon  the  beach,  anchored  near  the  little  fort, 
and  from  both  ship  and  shore  commenced  a  furious 
assault  The  battle  was  long  and  doubtful.  At  length 
one  of  the  ships  was  blown  up    and  the  rest  retired. 

Garrisoning  Mobile,  where  he  had  taken  his  litll-.' 
army,  he  moved  his  troops  to  New  Orleans, 
And  the  battle  of  New  Orleans  \\  hich  soon  ensued, 
was  in  reality  a  very  arduous  campaign.  This  won 
for  Gen.  Jackson  an  imperishable  name.  Here  his 
troops,  which  numbered  about  four  thousand  men, 
won  a  signal  victory  over  the  British  army  of  aljout 
nine  thousand.  His  loss  was  but  thirteen,  while  the 
loss  of  the  British  was  two  thousand  six  iiundred. 

The  name  of  Gen.  Jackson  soon  began  to  be  men- 
tioned in  connection  with  the  Presidency,  but,  in  1824, 
he  was  defeated  by  Mr.  Adams.  He  was,  however, 
successful  in  the  election  of  1828,  and  was  re-elected 
for  a  second  term  in  1832.  In  1829,  just  before  he 
assumed  the  reins  of  the  government,  he  met  with 
the  most  terrible  affliction  of  his  life  in  the  death  of 
his  wife,  whom  he  had  loved  with  a  devotion  which  has 
perhaps  never  been  surpassed.  From  the  shock  of 
her  death  he  never  recovered. 

His  administration  was  one  of  the  most  memorable 
in  the  annals  of  our  country;  applauded  by  one  party, 
condemned  by  the  other.  No  man  had  more  bitter 
enemies  or  warmer  friends.  At  the  expiration  of  his 
two  terms  of  office  he  retired  to  the  Hermitage,  where 
he  died  June  8,  1845.  The  last  years  of  Mr.  Jack- 
son's  life   were  that   of  a   devoted  Christian    man. 

'9'7  ^-z^'^  ^-i^^u^,^.^^ 




eighth      President     of     the 
United  States,  was  born  at 
Kinderhook,  N.  Y.,  Dec.   5, 
1782.     He  died  at  the  same 
place,  July   24,    1862.      His 
body  rests  in  the  cemetery 
at  Kinderhook.     Above  it  is 
a  plain  granite    shaft  fifteen  feet 
high,  bearing  a  simple  inscription 
about  half  way  up   on   one    face. 
The  lot  is  unfenced,  unbordered 
or  unbounded  by  shrub  or  flower. 

There  is  but  little  in  the  life  of  Martin  Van  Buren 
of  romantic  interest.  He  fought  no  battles,  engaged 
in  no  wild  adventures.  Though  his  life  was  stormy  in 
political  and  intellectual  conflicts,  and  he  gained  many 
signal  victories,  his  days  passed  uneventful  in  tliose 
incidents  which  give  zest  to  biography.  His  an- 
cestors, as  his  name  indicates,  were  of  Dutch  origin, 
and  were  among  the  earliest  emigrants  from  Holland 
to  the  banks  of  the  Hudson.  His  father  was  a  farmer, 
residing  in  the  old  town  of  Kinderhook.  His  mother, 
also  of  Dutch  lineage,  was  a  woman  of  superior  intel- 
ligence and  exemplary  piety. 

He  was  decidedly  a  precocious  boy,  developing  un- 
usual activity,  vigor  and  strength  of  mind.  At  the 
age  of  fourteen,  he  had  finished  his  academic  studies 
in  his  native  village,  and  commenced  the  study  of 
law.  As  he  had  not  a  collegiate  education,  seven 
years  of  study  in  a  law-office  were  required  of  him 
before  he  could  be  admitted  to  the  bar.  Inspired  with 
a  lofty  ambition,  and  conscious  of  his  powers,  he  pur- 
sued his  studies  with  indefatigable  industry.  After 
5i>ending  six  ye-ir*;  in  an  office  in   his    native   village, 

he  went  to  the  city  of  New  York,  and  prosecuted  his 
studies  for  the  seventh  year. 

In  1803,  Mr.  Van  Buren,  then  twenty-one  years  of 
age,  commenced  the  practice  of  law  in  his  native  vil- 
lage. The  great  conflict  between  the  Federal  and 
Republican  party  was  then  at  its  height.  Mr.  Van 
Buren  was  from  the  beginning  a  politician.  He  had, 
perhaps,  imbibed  that  spirit  while  listening  to  the 
many  discussions  which  had  been  carried  on  in  his 
father's  hotel.  He  was  in  cordial  sympathy  wiih 
Jefferson,  and  earnestly  and  eloquently  espoused  tl;e 
cause  of  State  Rights ;  though  at  that  time  the  Fed- 
eral party  held  the  supremacy  both  in  his  town 
and  State, 

His  success  and  increasing  ruputation  led  liini 
after  six  years  of  practice,  to  remove  to  Hudson,  th. 
county  seat  of  his  county.  Here  he  spent  seven  years 
constantly  gaining  strength  by  contending  in  tht. 
courts  with  some  of  the  ablest  men  who  have  adorned 
the  bar  of  his  State. 

Just  before  leaving  Kinderhook  for  Hudson,  Mr. 
Van  Buren  married  a  lady  alike  distinguished  for 
beauty  and  accomplishments.  After  twelve  short 
years  she  sank  into  the  grave,  the  victim  of  consump- 
tion, leaving  her  husband  and  four  sons  to  weep  over 
her  loss.  For  twenty-five  years,  Mr.  Van  Buren  was 
an  earnest,  successful,  assiduous  lawyer.  The  record 
of  those  years  is  barren  in  items  of  public  interest. 
In  t8 1 2,  when  thirty  years  of  age,  he  was  chosen  to 
the  State  Senate,  and  gave  his  strenuous  support  to 
Mr.  Madison's  adminstration.  In  1815,  he  was  ap- 
pointed Attorney-General,  and  the  next  year  moved 
to  Albany,  the  capital  of  the  State. 

While  he  was  acknowledged  ;is  one  of  the  most 
pominent  leaders  of  the  Denioc-^.tic   party,   h.e   lird 


ilie  moral  courage  to  avow  that  true  democracy  did 
not  require  "  universal  suffrage"  which  admits 
the  vile,  the  degraded,  the  ignorant,  to  the  right  of 
governing  the  State.  In  true  consistency  with  his 
democratic  principles,  he  contended  that,  while  the 
p.ath  leading  to  the  privilege  of  voting  should  be  open 
to  every  man  without  distinction,  no  one  should  be 
invested  with  that  sacred  prerogative,  unless  he  were 
in  some  degree  qualified  for  it  by  intelligence,  virtue 
and  some  property  interests  in  the  welfare  of  the 

In  1821  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  United 
States  Senate;  and  in  the  same  year,  he  took  a  seat 
in  the  convention  to  revise  the  constitution  of  his 
native  State.  His  course  in  this  convention  secured 
the  approval  of  men  of  all  parties.  No  one  could 
doubt  the  singleness  of  his  endeavors  to  promote  the 
interests  of  all  classes  in  the  community.  In  the 
Senate  of  the  United  States,  he  rose  at  once  to  a 
conspicuous  position  as  an  active  and  useful  legislator. 

In  1827,  John  Quincy  Adams  being  then  in  the 
Presidential  chair,  Mr.  Van  Buren  was  re-elected  to 
the  Senate.  He  had  been  from  the  beginning  a  de- 
termined opposer  of  the  Administration,  adopting  the 
"State  Rights"  view  in  opposition  to  what  was 
deemed  the  Federal  proclivities  of  Mr.  Adams. 

Soon  after  this,  in  1828,  he  was  chosen  Governorof 
the  State  of  New  York,  and  accordingly  resigned  his 
seat  in  the  Senate.  Probably  no  one  in  the  United 
States  contributed  so  much  towards  ejecting  John  Q. 
Adams  from  the  Presidential  chair,  and  placing  in  it 
Andrew  Jackson,  as  did  Martin  Van  Buren.  Whether 
entitled  to  the  reputation  or  not,  he  certainly  was  re- 
garded throughout  the  United  States  as  one  of  the 
most  skillful,  sagacious  and  cunning  of  politicians. 
It  was  supposed  that  no  one  knew  so  well  as  he  how 
to  touch  the  secret  sptings  of  action;  how  to  pull  all 
the  wires  to  put  his  machinery  in  motion ;  and  how  to 
organize  a  political  army  which  would,  secreily  and 
stealthily  accomplish  the  most  gigantic  results.  By 
these  powers  it  is  said  that  he  outv/itted  Mr.  Adams, 
Mr.  Clay,  Mr.  Webster,  and  secured  results  which 
lew  thought  then  could  be  accomplished. 

When  Andrew  Jackson  was  elected  President  he 
a[)pointed  Mr.  Van  Buren  Secretary  of  Sta'e.  This 
position  he  resigned  in  1831,  and  was  immediately 
appointed  Minister  to  England,  where  he  went  the 
s:ime  autumn.  The  Senate,  however,  wjien  it  met, 
refused    to   ratify  the   nomination,    and  he  returned 

home,  apparently  untroubled;  was  nominated  Vice 
President  in  the  place  of  Calhoun,  at  the  re-election 
of  President  Jackson ;  and  with  smiles  for  all  and 
fiowns  for  none,  he  took  his  place  at  the  head  of  that 
Senate  which  had  refused  to  confirm  his  nomination 
as  ambassador. 

His  rejection  by  the  Senate  roused  all  the  zeal  of 
President  Jackson  in  behalf  of  his  repudiated  favor- 
ite ;  and  this,  probably  mure  than  any  other  cause, 
secured  his  elevation  to  the  chair  of  the  Chief  Execu- 
tive. On  the  20th  of  May,  1836,  Mr.  Van  Buren  re- 
ceived the  Democratic  nomination  to  succeed  Gen. 
Jackson  as  President  of  the  United  States.  He  was 
elected  by  a  handsome  majority,  to  the  delight  of  the 
retiring  President.  "  Leaving  New  York  out  of  the 
canvass,"  says  Mr.  Parton,  "the  election  of  Mr.  Van 
Buren  to  the  Presidency  was  as  much  the  act  of  Gen. 
Jackson  as  though  the  Constitution  had  conferred 
upon  him  the  power  to  appoint  a  successor." 

His  administration  was  filled  with  exciting  events. 
The  insurrection  in  Canada,  which  threatened  to  in 
volve  this  country  in  war  with  England,  the  agitation 
of  the  slavery  question,  and  finally  the  great  commer- 
cial panic  which  spread  over  the  country,  all  were 
trials  to  his  wisdom.  The  financial  distress  was  at- 
tributed to  the  management  of  the  Democratic  party, 
and  brought  the  President  into  such  disfavor  tliat  he 
failed  of  re  election. 

With  the  exception  of  being  nominated  for  the 
Presidency  by  the  "Free  Soil"  Democrats,  in  r848, 
Mr.  Van  Buren  lived  quietly  upon  his  estate  until 
his  death. 

He  had  ever  been  a  prudent  man,  of  frugal  habits, 
and  living  within  his  income,  had  now  fortunately  a 
competence  for  his  declining  years.  His  unblemished 
character,  his  commanding  abilities,  his  unquestioned 
patriotism,  and  the  distinguished  positions  which  he 
had  occupied  in  the  government  of  our  country,  se- 
cured to  him  not  only  the  homage  of  his  party,  but 
the  respect  ot  the  whole  community.  It  was  on  the 
4th  of  March,  1841,  that  Mr.  Van  Buren  retired  from 
the  presidency.  From  his  fine  estate  at  Lindenwald^ 
he  still  exerted  a  powerful  influence  upon  the  politics 
of  the  country.  From  this  time  until  his  death,  on 
the  24th  of  July,  1862,  at  the  age  of  eighty  -ears,  he 
resided  at  Lindenwald,  a  gentleman  of  leisure,  of 
culture  and  of  wealth;  enjoying  in  a  healthy  old 
age,  probably  far  more  happiness  than  he  had  before 
experienced  amid  the  stormy  scenes  of  his  active  life. 

^  ;5f /fe^^^-^^^-^ 



WI^^IAM    ilENirr    HiAjyaSCIl. 

SON, the  ninth   President  of 
the   United  States,  was  born 
at  Berkeley,  Va.,  Feb.  9,  1773. 
His  father,   Benjamin   Harri- 
son, was  in  comparatively  op- 
ulent circumstances,  and  was 
one  of  the  most  distinguished 
men  of  his  day.      He  was  an 
intimate    friend    of     George 
Washington,  \\  as  early  elected 
a  member  of  the  Continental 
Congress,    and  was    conspicuous 
among  the  patriots  of  Virginia  in 
resisting  the  encroachments  of  the 
British  crown.     In  the  celebrated 
Congress  of  1775,  Benjamin  Har- 
rison   and    John    Hancock    were 
both  candidates  for  the  office  of 

fMr  Harrison  was  subsequently 
chosen  Governor  of  Virginia,  and 
was  twice    re-elected.       His   son, 
i  William  Henry,  of  course  enjoyed 

in  childhood  all  the  advantages  which  wealth  and 
intellectual  and  cultivated  society  could  give.  Hav- 
ing received  a  thorough  common-school  education,  he 
entered  Hampden  Sidney  College,  where  he  graduated 
witli  honor  soon  after  the  death  of  his  father.  He 
vhen  repaired  to  Philadelphia  to  study  medicine  undtr 
the  instructions  of  Dr.  Rush  and  the  guardianship  of 
Robert  Morris,  both  of  whom  were,  with  his  father, 
signers  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 

Upon  the  outbreak  of  the  Indian  troubles,  and  not- 
withstanding the  remonstrances  of  his  friends,  he 
abandoned  his  medical  studies  and  entered  the  army, 
having  obtained  a  commission  of  Ensign  from  Presi- 

dent Washington.  He  was  then  but  19  years  old. 
From  that  time  he  passed  gradually  upward  in  rank 
until  he  became  aid  to  General  Wayne,  after  whose 
death  lie  resigned  his  commission.  He  was  then  ap- 
pointed Secretary  of  the  North-western  Territory.  Tliis 
Territory  ,vas  then  entitled  to  but  one  member  in 
Congress  and  Capt.  Harrison  was  chosen  to  fill  that 

In  the  spring  of  1800  the  North-western  Territory 
was  divided  by  Congress  into  two  portions.  The 
eastern  portion,  comprising  the  region  now  embraced 
in  the  State  of  Ohio,  was  called  "  The  Territory 
north-west  of  the  Ohio."  The  western  portion,  which 
included  what  is  now  called  Indiana,  Illinois  and 
Wisconsin,  was  called  the  "Indiana  Territory."  Wil- 
liam Henry  Harrison,  then  27  years  of  age,  was  ap- 
pointed by  John  Adams,  Governor  of  the  Indiana 
Territory,  and  immediately  after,  also  Governor  of 
Upper  Louisiana.  He  was  thus  ruler  over  almost  as 
extensive  a  realm  as  any  sovereign  \\\n\\  the  globe.  He 
was  Superintendent  of  Indian  Affairs,  and  was  in- 
vested with  powers  nearly  dictatorial  over  the  now 
rapidly  increasing  white  population.  The  ability  and 
fidelity  with  which  he  discharged  these  responsible 
duties  may  be  inferred  from  the  fact  that  he  was  four 
times  appointed  to  tliis  office — first  by  John  Adams, 
twice  by  Thomas  Jefferson  and  afterwards  by  Presi- 
dent Madison. 

When  he  began  his  adminstration  there  were  but 
three  white  settlements  in  that  almost  boundless  region, 
now  crowded  with  cities  and  resounding  with  all  the 
tumult  of  wealth  and  traffic.  One  of  these  settlements 
was  on  the  Ohio,  nearly  opposite  Louisville;  one  at 
Vincennes,  on  the  Wabash,  and  the  third  a  French 

The  vast  wilderness  over  which  Gov.  Harrisou 
reigned  was  filled  with  many  tribes  of  Indians.  Aboui 


the  year  1806,  two  extraordinary  men,  twin  brothers, 
of  the  Shawnese  tribe,  rose  among  them.  One  of 
these  was  called  Tecumseh,  or  "  The  Crouching 
Panther;"  the  other,  Olliwacheca,  or  "'I'he  Prophet." 
Tecumseh  was  not  only  an  Indian  warrior,  but  a  man 
of  great  sagacity,  far-reaching  foresight  and  indomit- 
able perseverance  in  any  enterprise  in  which  he  might 
engage.  He  was  inspired  with  the  highest  enthusiasm, 
and  had  long  regarded  with  dread  and  with  hatred 
the  encroachment  of  the  whites  upon  the  hunting- 
grounds  of  his  fathers.  His  brother,  the  Prophet,  was 
anorator,  who  could  sway  the  feelings  of  the  untutored 
Indian  as  the  gale  tossed  the  tree-tops  beneath  which 
they  dwelt. 

But  the  Prophet  was  not  merely  an  orator:  he  was, 
in  the  superstitious  minds  of  the  Indians,  invested 
with  the  superhuman  dignity  of  a  medicine-man  or  a 
magician.  With  an  enthusiasm  unsurpassed  by  Peter 
the  Hermit  rousing  Europe  to  the  crusades,  he  went 
from  tribe  to  tribe,  assuming  that  he  was  specially  sent 
by  the  Great  Spirit. 

Gov.  Harrison  made  many  attempts  to  conciliate 
the  Indians,  but  at  last  the  war  came,  and  at  Tippe- 
canoe the  Indians  were  routed  with  great  slaughter. 
October  28,  1812,  his  army  began  its  march.  When 
near  the  Prophet's  town  three  Indians  of  rank  made 
their  appearance  and  inquired  why  Gov.  Harrison  was 
approaching  them  in  so  hostile  an  attitude.  After  a 
short  conference,  arrangements  were  made  for  a  meet- 
ing the  next  day,  to  agree  upon  terms  of  peace. 

But  Gov.  Harrison  was  too  well  acquainted  with 
the  Indian  character  to  be  deceived  by  such  protes- 
tations. Selecting  a  favorable  spot  for  his  night's  en- 
campment, he  took  every  precaution  against  surprise 
His  troops  were  posted  in  a  hollow  square,  and  slept 
upon  their  arms. 

The  troops  threw  themselves  upon  the  ground  for 
rest;  but  every  man  had  his  accourtrements  on,  his 
loaded  musket  by  his  side, and  his  bayonet  fixed.  The 
wakeful  Governor,  between  three  and  four  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  had  risen,  and  was  sitting  in  conversa- 
tion with  his  aids  by  the  embers  of  a  waning  fire.  It 
was  a  chill,  cloudy  morning  with  a  drizzling  rain.  In 
the  darkness,  the  Indians  had  crept  as  near  as  possi- 
ble, and  just  then,  with  a  savage  yell,  rushed,  with  all 
the  desperation  which  superstition  and  passion  most 
liighly  inflamed  could  give,  upon  the  left  flank  of  the 
little  army.  The  savages  had  been  amply  provided 
with  guns  and  ammunition  by  the  English.  Their 
war-whoop  was  accompained  by  a  shower  of  bullets. 

The  camp-fires  were  instantly  extinguished,  as  the 
light  aided  the  Indians  in  their  aim.  With  hide- 
Dus  yells,  the  Indian  bands  rushed  on,  not 
s|3eedy  and  an  entire  victory.  But  Gen.  Harrison's 
troops  stood  as  immovable  as  the  rocks  around  them 
n  -.til  day  dawned  :  they  then  made  a  simultaneous 
charge  witli  the  liavonet,  and  swept  every  thing  be- 
fore    them,     and    completely     routing     tlr"    foe. 

Gov.  Harrison  now  had  all  his  energies  tasked 
to  the  utmost.  The  British  descending  from  the  Can - 
adas,  were  of  themselves  a  very  fomiidable  force  ;  but 
with  their  savage  allies,  rushing  like  wolves  from  the 
forest,  searching  out  every  remote  farm-house,  burn- 
ing, plundering,  scalping,  torturing,  the  wide  frontier 
was  plunged  into  a  state  of  consternation  which  even 
the  most  vivid  imagination  can  but  faintly  conceive. 
The  war-whoop  was  resounding  everywhere  in  the 
forest.  The  horizon  was  illuminated  with  the  conflagra- 
tion of  the  cabins  of  the  settlers.  Gen  Hull  had  made 
the  ignominious  surrender  of  his  forces  at  Detroit. 
Under  these  despairing  circumstances,  Gov.  Harrison 
was  appointed  by  President  Madison  commander-in- 
chief  of  the  North-western  army,  with  orders  to  retake 
D..'troit,  and  to  protect  the  frontiers. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  place  a  man  in  a  situation 
demanding  more  energy,  sagacity  and  courage;  but 
General  Harrison  was  found  equal  to  the  position, 
and  nobly  and  triumphantly  did  he  meet  all  the  re 

He  won  the  love  of  jiis  soldiers  by  always  sharing 
with  them  their  fatigue.  His  whole  baggage,  while 
pursuing  the  foe  up  the  Thames,  was  carried  in  a 
valise;  and  his  bedding  consisted  of  a  single  blanket 
lashed  over  his  saddle  Thirty-five  British  officers, 
his  prisoners  of  war,  supped  with  him  after  the  battle. 
The  oiily  fare  he  could  give  them  was  beef  roasted 
before  the  fire,  without  bread  or  salt. 

In  1816,  Gen.  Harrison  was  chosen  a  member  of 
the  National  House  of  Representatives,  to  represent 
the  District  of  Ohio.  In  Congress  he  proved  an 
active  member;  and  whenever  he  spoke,  it  was  with 
force  of  reason  and  power  of  eloquence,  which  arrested 
the  attention  of  all  the  members. 

In  1819,  Harrison  was  elected  to  the  Senate  of 
Ohio;  and  in  1824,  as  one  of  the  presidential  electors 
of  that  State,  he  gave  his  vote  for  Henry  Clay.  The 
same  year  he  was  chosen  to  the  United  States  Senate. 

In  1836,  the  friends  of  Gen.  Harrison  Ijrought  him 
forward  as  a  candidate  for  the  Presidency  against 
Van  Buren,  but  he  was  defeated.  At  the  close  of 
Mr.  Van  Buren's  term,  he  was  re-nomii:ated  by  his 
party,  and  Mr.  Harrison  was  unanimously  nominated 
by  the  Whigs,  with  John  Tyler  for  the  Vice  Presidency. 
The  contest  was  very  animated.  Gen  Jackson  gave 
all  his  influence  to  prevent  Harrison's  election  ;  bu*. 
his  triumph  was  signal. 

The  cabinet  which  he  formed,  with  Daniel  Webster 
at  its  head  as  Secretary  of  State,  was  one  of  the  most 
brilliant- with  which  anv  President  had  ever  been 
surro.mded.  Never  were  the  prospects  of  an  admin- 
istration more  flattering,  or  the  hopes  of  the  country 
more  sanguine.  In  the  midst  of  these  bright  and 
joyous  prospects.  Gen.  Harrison  was  seized  by  a 
pleurisv-fever  and  after  a  few  days  of  violent  sick- 
ness, died  on  the  4th  of  April ;  just  one  month  after 
his  inauguration  as  President  of  the  United  States. 




f^ji    OHN    TYLER,     the    tenth 
i,a  Presidentof  the  United  States. 
He  was  born  in  Charles-city 
Co.,  Va.,  March  29, 1790.  He 
was  the  favored  child   of  af- 
fluence and  liigh    social    po- 
sition.    At  the   earl)'  age   of 
twelve,  John  entered  William 
and   Mary  College  and  grad- 
uated with  much  honor  when 
but  seventeen  years  old.  After 
graduating,  he  devoted   him- 
self  with    great    assiduity  to    the 
study    of    law,    partly   with    liis 
father    and    partly  with    Edmund 
Randolph,  one  of  the  most  distin- 
guished lawyers  of  Virginia. 

At  nineteen  years  of  age,  ne 
commenced  the  practice  of  law. 
His  success  was  rapid  and  aston- 
ishing. It  is  said  that  three 
months  had  not  elapsed  ere  there 
was  scarcely  a  case  on  the  dock- 
et of  the  court  in  which  he  was 
r.ot  retained.  When  but  twenty-one  years  of  age,  he 
was  almost  unanimously  elected  to  a  seat  in  the  State 
Legislature.  He  connected  himself  with  the  Demo- 
cratic party,  and  warmly  advocated  the  measures  of 
Jefferson  and  Madison.  For  five  successive  years  he 
was  elected  to  the  Legislature,  receiving  nearly  the 
unanimous  vote  or  his  county. 

When  but  twenty-six  years  of  age,  he  was  elected 
a  member  of  Congress.  Here  he  acted  earnestly  and 
ably  with  the  Democratic  party,  opposing  a  national 
bank,  internal  improvements  by  the  General  Govern- 

ment, a  protective  tariff,  and  advocating  a  strict  con- 
struction of  the  Constitution,  and  the  most  careful 
vigilance  over  State  rights.  His  labors  in  Congress 
were  so  arduous  that  before  the  close  of  his  second 
term  h;  found  it  necessary  to  resign  and  retire  to  his 
estate  in  Charles-city  Co.,  to  recruit  his  health.  He, 
however,  soon  after  consented  to  take  his  seat  in  the 
State  Legislature,  where  his  influence  was  powerful 
in  promoting  public  works  of  great  utility.  With  a 
reputation  thus  canstantly  increasing,  he  was  chosen 
by  a  very  large  majority  of  votes.  Governor  of  his 
native  State.  His  administration  was  signally  a  suc- 
cessful one.     His  popularity  secured  his  re-election. 

John  Randolph,  a  brilliant,  erratic,  half-crazed 
man,  then  represented  Virginia  in  the  Senate  of  the 
United  States.  A  portion  of  the  Democratic  party 
was  displeased  with  Mr.  Randolph's  wayward  course, 
and  brought  forward  John  Tyler  as  his  opponent, 
considering  him  the  only  man  in  Virginia  of  sufficient 
popularity  to  succeed  against  the  renowned  orator  of 
Roanoke.     Mr.  Tyler  was  the  victor. 

In  accordance  with  his  professions,  upon  taking  his 
seat  in  the  Senate,  he  joined  the  ranks  of  the  opposi- 
tion. He  opposed  the  tariff;  he  spoke  against  and 
voted  against  the  bank  as  unconstitutional ;  he  stren- 
uously opposed  all  restrictions  upon  slavery,  resist- 
ing all  projects  of  internal  improvements  by  the  Gen- 
eral Government,  and  avowed  his  sympathy  with  Mr. 
Calhoun's  view  of  nullification  ;  he  declared  that  Gen. 
Jackson,  by  his  opposition  to  the  nullifiers,  had 
abandoned  the  piinciples  of  the  Democratic  party. 
Such  was  Mr.  Tyler's  record  in  Congress, — a  record 
in  perfect  accordance  with  the  principles  which  he 
had  always  avowed. 

Returning  to  Virginia,  he  resumed  the  practice  of 
his  profession.     There  was  a  rplit  in  the   Deniocratic 



party.  His  friends  still  regarded  him  as  a  true  Jef- 
fersonian,  gave  him  a  dinner,  and  showered  compli- 
ments upon  him.  He  had  now  attained  the  age  of 
forty-si.x.  His  career  had  been  very  brilliant.  In  con- 
sequence of  his  devotion  to  public  business,  his  pri- 
vate affairs  had  fallen  into  some  disorder;  and  it  was 
not  without  satisfaction  that  he  resumed  the  practice 
of  law,  and  devoted  himself  to  the  culture  of  his  plan- 
tation. Soon  after  this  he  removed  to  Williamsburg, 
for  the  better  education  of  his  children  ;  and  he  again 
took  his  seat  in  the  Legislature  of  Virginia. 

By  the  Southern  Whigs,  he  was  sent  to  the  national 
convention  at  Harrisburg  to  nominate  a  President  in 
1839.  The  majority  of  votes  were  given  to  Gen.  Har- 
rison, a  genuine  Whig,  much  to  the  disappointment  of 
the  South,  who  wished  for  Henry  Clay.  To  concili- 
ate the  Southern  Whigs  and  to  secure  their  vote,  the 
convention  then  nominated  John  Tyler  for  Vice  Pres- 
ident. It  was  well  known  that  he  was  not  in  sympa- 
thy with  the  Whig  party  in  the  No:th:  but  the  Vice 
President  has  but  very  little  power  in  the  Govern- 
ment, his  main  and  almost  only  duty  being  to  pre- 
side over  the  meetings  of  the  Senate.  Thus  it  hap- 
pened that  a  Whig  President,  and,  in  reality,  a 
Democratic  Vice  President  were  chosen. 

In  1841,  Mr.  Tyler  was  inaugurated  Vice  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States.  In  one  short  month  from 
that  time,  President  Harrison  died,  and  Mr.  Tyler 
thus  found  himself,  to  his  own  surprise  and  that  of 
the  whole  Nation,  an  occupant  of  the  Presidential 
chair.  This  was  a  new  test  of  the  stability  of  our 
institutions,  as  it  was  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  our 
country  that  such  an  event  had  occured.  Mr.  Tyler 
was  at  home  in  Williamsburg  when  he  received  the 
une.xpected  tidings  of  the  death  of  President  Harri- 
son. He  hastened  to  Washington,  and  on  the  6th  of 
April  was  inaugurated  to  the  high  and  responsible 
office.  He  was  placed  in  a  position  of  exceeding 
delicacy  and  difficulty.  All  his  long  life  he  had  been 
opposed  to  the  main  principles  of  the  party  which  had 
brought  him  into  power.  He  had  ever  been  a  con- 
sistent, honest  man,  with  an  unblemished  record. 
Gen.  Harrison  had  selected  a  Whig  cabinet.  Should 
he  retain  them,  and  thus  surround  himself  with  coun- 
sellors whose  views  were  antagonistic  to  his  own?  or, 
on  the  other  hand,  should  he  turn  against  the  party 
which  had  elected  him  and  select  a  cabinet  in  har- 
mony with  himself,  and  which  would  oppose  all  those 
views  which  the  Whigs  deemed  essential  to  the  pub- 
lic welfare?  This  was  his  fearful  dilemma.  He  in- 
vited the  cabinet  which  President  Harrison  had 
selected  to  retain  their  seats.  He  reccomm:nded  a 
day  of  fasting  and  prayer,  that  God  would  guide  and 
bless  us. 

The  Whigs  carried  through  Congress  a  bill  for  the 
incorporation  of  a  fiscal  bank  of  the  United  States. 
Tlie  President,  after  ten  days'  delay,  returned  it  wiili 
his  veto.       He   «;uagested,   however,  that  he  vvould 

approve  of  a  bill  drawn  up  upon  such  a  plan  as  he 
proposed.  Such  a  bill  was  accordingly  prepared,  and 
privately  submitted  to  him.  He  gave  it  his  approval. 
It  was  passed  without  alteration,  and  he  sent  it  back 
with  his  veto.  Here  commenced  the  open  rupture. 
It  is  said  that  Mr.  Tyler  was  provoked  to  this  meas- 
ure by  a  published  letter  from  the  Hon.  John  M. 
Botts,  a  distinguished  Virginia  Whig,  who  severely 
touched  the  pride  of  the  President. 

The  opposition  now  exultingly  received  the  Presi- 
dent into  their  arms.  The  party  which  elected  him 
denounced  him  bitterly.  All  the  members  of  his 
cabinet,  e.xcepting  Mr.  Webster,  resigned.  The  Whigs 
of  Congress,  both  the  Senate  and  the  House,  held  a 
meeting  and  issued  an  address  to  the  people  of  the 
United  States,  proclaiming  that  all  political  alliance 
between  the  Whigs  and  President  Tyler  were  at 
an  end. 

Still  the  President  attempted  to  conciliate.  He 
appointed  a  new  cabinet  of  distinguished  Whigs  and 
Conservatives,  carefully  leaving  out  all  strong  party 
men.  Mr.  Webster  soon  found  it  necessary  to  resign, 
forced  out  by  the  pressure  of  his  Whig  friends.  Thus 
the  four  years  of  Mr.  Tyler's  unfortunate  administra- 
tion passed  sadly  away.  No  one  was  satisfied.  The 
land  was  filled  vvitli  murmurs  and  vituperation.  Whigs 
and  Democrats  alike  assailed  him.  More  and  more, 
however,  he  brought  himself  into  sympathy  with  his 
old  friends,  the  Democrats,  until  at  the  close  of  his  term, 
he  gave  his  whole  influence  to  the  support  of  Mr. 
Polk,  the  Democratic  candidate  for  his  successor. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1845,  '^6  retired  from  the 
harassments  of  office,  to  the  regret  of  neither  party,  ai'-.d 
probably  to  his  own  unspeakable  lelief.  His  first  wife. 
Miss  Letitia  Christian,  died  in  Washington,  in  1842; 
and  in  June,  1844,  President  Tyler  was  again  married, 
at  New  York,  to  Miss  Julia  Gardiner,  a  young  lady  of 
many  personal  and  intellectual  accomplishments. 

The  remainder  of  his  days  Mr.  Tyler  passed  mainly 
in  retirement  at  his  beautiful  home, — Sherwood  For- 
est, Charles -city  Co.,  Va.  A  polished  gentleman  in 
his  manners,  richly  furnished  with  mformation  from 
books  and  experience  in  the  world,  and  possessing 
brilliant  powers  of  conversation,  his  family  circle  was 
the  scene  of  unusual  attractions.  ^Vith  sufficient 
means  for  the  exercise  of  a  generous  hos|)itality,  he 
might  have  enjoyed  a  serene  old  age  with  the  few 
friends  who  gathered  around  him,  were  it  not  for  the 
storms  of  civil  war  which  his  own  principles  and 
policy  had  helped  to  introduce. 

When  the  great  Rebellion  rose,  which  the  State- 
rights  and  nullifying  doctrines  of  Mr.  John  C.  Cal- 
houn had  inaugurated,  President  Tyler  renounced  his 
allegiance  to  the  United  States,  and  joined  the  Confed- 
erates He  was  chosen  a  member  of  their  Congress; 
and  while  engaged  in  active  measures  to  destroy,  b" 
force  of  arms,  the  Government  over  which  he  had 
orrc  nesided,   he   was  taken    sick   and  soon   died. 




-^  f^ 



AMES  K.  POLK,  the  eleventh 

^President  of  the  United  States, 

was  born  in  Mecklenburg  Co., 

N.  C,  Nov.  2,  1795.     His  par- 

^^^,  ents  were   Samuel   and    Jane 

(Knox)  Polk,  the  former  a  son 

of  Col.  Thomas  Polk,  who  located 

at  the  above  place,  as  one  of  the 

first  pioneers,  in  1735. 

In  the  year  i3o6,  with  his  wife 
and  children,  and  soon  after  fol- 
lowed by  most  of  the  members  of 
the  Polk  farnly,  Samuel  Polk  emi- 
grated some  two  or  three  hundred 
miles  farther  west,  to  the  rich  valley 
of  the  Duck  River.  Here  in  the 
midst  of  the  wilderness,  in  a  region 
which  was  subsequently  called  Mau- 
ry Co.,  they  reared  their  log  huts, 
and  established  their  homes.  In  the 
hard  toil  of  a  new  farm  in  the  wil- 
derness, James  K.  Polk  spent  the 
early  years  of  his  childhood  and 
youth.  His  father,  adding  the  pur- 
suit of  a  surveyor  to  that  of  a  farmer, 
gradually  increased  in  wealth  until 
he  became  one  of  the  leading  men  of  the  region.  His 
mother  was  a  superior  woman,  of  strong  common 
sense  and  earnest  piety. 

Very  early  in  life,  James  developed  a  taste  for 
reading  and  expressed  the  strongest  desire  to  obtain 
a  liberal  education.  His  mother's  training  had  made 
him  methodical  in  his  habits,  had  taught  him  punct- 
uality and  industry,  and  had  inspired  him  with  lofty 
principlesof  morality.  His  health  was  frail ;  and  his 
father,  fearing  that  he  might  not  be  able  to  endure  a 

sedentary  life,  got  a  situation  for  him  behind  the 
counter,  hoping  to  fit  him  for  commercial  pursuits. 

This  was  to  James  a  bitter  disappointment.  He 
had  ito  taste  for  these  duties,  and  his  daily  tasks 
were  irksome  in  the  extreme.  He  remained  in  this 
uncongenial  occupation  but  a  few  weeks,  when  at  liis 
earnest  solicitation  his  father  removed  him,  and  made 
arrangements  for  him  to  prosecute  his  studies.  Soon 
after  he  sent  him  to  Murfreesboro  Academy.  With 
ardor  which  could  scarcely  be  surpassed,  he  pressed 
forward  in  his  studies,  and  in  less  than  two  and  a  half 
years,  in  the  autumn  of  1815,  entered  the  sophomore 
class  in  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  at  Chapel 
Hill.  Here  he  was  one  of  the  most  exemplary  of 
scholars,  punctual  in  every  exercise,  never  allowing 
himself  to  be  absent  from  a  recitation  or  a  religious 

He  graduated  in  18 18,  with  the  highest  honors,  be- 
ing deemed  the  best  scholar  of  his  class,  both  in 
mathematics  and  the  classics.  He  was  then  twenty- 
three  years  of  age.  Mr.  Polk's  health  was  at  this 
time  much  impaired  by  the  assiduity  with  which  he 
had  prosecuted  his  studies.  After  a  short  season  of 
relaxation  he  went  to  Nashville,  and  entered  the 
office  of  Felix  Grundy,  to  study  law.  Here  Mr.  Polk 
renewed  his  acquaintance  with  Andrew  Jackson,  who 
resided  on  his  plantation,  the  Hermitage,  but  a  few 
miles  from  Nashville.  They  had  probably  been 
slightly  acquainted  before. 

Mr.  Polk's  father  was  a  Jeffersonian  Republican, 
and  James  K.  Polk  ever  adhered  to  the  same  politi- 
cal faith.  He  was  a  popular  public  speaker,  and  was 
constantly  called  upon  to  address  the  meetings  of  his 
party  friends.  His  skill  as  a  speaker  was  such  that 
he  was  popularly  called  the  Napoleon  of  the  stump. 
He  was  a  man  of  unblemished    morals,   genir.l   ;ird 


:ourterus  in  his  bearing,  and  with  that  sympathetic 
natui^e  in  the  joj  s  and  griefs  of  others  which  ever  gave 
liim  troops  of  friends.  In  1823,  Mr.  Polk  was  elected 
to  the  Legislature  of  Tennessee.  Here  he  gave  his 
strong  influence  towards  the  election  of  his  friend, 
Mr.  JacksoM,  to  the  Presidency  of  the  United  States. 

la  January,  1824,  Mr.  Polk  married  Miss  Sarah 
Childress,  of  Rutherford  Co.,  Tenn.  His  bride  was 
altogether  worthy  of  him, — a  lady  of  beauty  and  cul- 
ture. In  the  fall  of  1825,  Mr.  Polk  was  chosen  a 
member  of  Congress.  The  satisfaction  which  he  gave 
to  his  constituents  may  be  inferred  from  the  fact,  that 
for  fourteen  successive  years,  until  1839,  he  was  con- 
tinuec-  in  that  office.  He  then  voluntarily  withdrew, 
only  that  he  might  accept .  the  Gubernatorial  chair 
of  I'Minessee.  In  Congress  he  was  a  laborious 
menjber,  a  frequent  and  a  popular  speaker.  He  was 
always  in  his  seat,  always  courteous  ;  and  whenever 
he  spoke  it  was  always  to  the  point,  and  without  any 
ambitious  rhetorical  display. 

During  five  sessions  of  Congress,  Mr.  Polk  was 
Speaker  of  the  House  Strong  passions  were  roused, 
and  stormy  scenes  were  witnessed  ;  but  Mr.  Polk  per- 
formed his  arduous  duties  to  a  very  general  satisfac- 
tion, and  a  unanimous  vote  of  thanks  to  him  was 
passed  by  the  House  as  he  withdrew  on  the  4th  of 
March,  1839. 

In  accordance  with  Southern  usage,  Mr.  Polk,  as  a 
candidate  for  Governor,  canvassed  the  State.  He  was 
elected  by  a  large  majority,  and  on  the  14th  of  Octo- 
ber, 1839,100k  the  oath  of  office  at  Nashville.  In  1841, 
his  term  of  office  expired,  and  he  was  again  the  can- 
didate of  the  Democratic  party,  but  was  defeated. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1845,  Mr.  Polk  was  inaugur- 
ated President  of  the  United  States.  The  verdict  of 
the  country  in  favor  of  the  annexation  of  Texas,  exerted" 
its  influence  upon  Congress  ;  and  the  last  act  of  the 
administration  of  President  Tyler  was  to  affix  his  sig- 
nature to  a  joint  resolution  of  Congress,  passed  on  the 
3d  of  March,  approving  of  the  annexation  of  Texas  to 
the  American  Union.  As  Mexico  still  claimed  Texas 
as  one  of  her  provinces,  the  Mexican  minister, 
Almonte,  immediately  demanded  his  passports  and 
left  the  country,  declaring  the  act  of  the  annexation 
to  be  an  act  hostile  to  Mexico. 

In  his  first  message,  President  Polk  urged  that 
Texas  should  immediately,  by  act  of  Congress,  be  re- 
ceived into  the  Union  on  the  same  footing  with  the 
other  States,  In  the  meantime,  Gen.  Taylor  was  sent 

with  an  army  into  Texas  to  hold  the  country.  He  was 
sent  first  to  Nueces,  which  the  Mexicans  said  was  the 
western  boundary  of  Texas.  Then  he  was  sent  nearly 
two  hundred  miles  further  west,  to  the  Rio  Grande, 
where  he  erected  batteries  which  commanded  the 
Mexican  city  of  Matamoras,  which  was  situated  on 
the  western  banks. 

The  anticipated  collision  soon  took  place,  and  war 
was  declared  against  Mexico  by  President  Polk.  The 
war  was  pushed  forward  by  Mr.  Polk's  administration 
with  great  vigor.  Gen.  Taylor,  whose  army  was  first 
called  one  of  "observation,"  then  of  "occupation," 
then  of  "  invasion,"was  sent  forward  to  Monterey.  The 
feeble  Mexicans,  in  every  encounter,  were  hopelessly 
and  awfully  slaughtered.  The  day  of  judgement 
alone  can  reveal  the  misery  which  this  war  caused. 
It  v/as  by  the  ingenuity  of  Mr.  Polk's  administration 
that  the  war  was  brought  on. 

'To  the  victors  belong  the  spoils."  Mexico  was 
prostrate  before  us.  Her  capital  was  in  our  liands. 
We  now  consented  to  peace  upon  the  condition  that 
Mexico  should  surrender  to  us,  in 'addition  to  Texas, 
all  of  New  Mexico,  and  all  of  Upper  and  Lower  Cal- 
ifornia. This  new  demand  embraced,  exclusive  of 
Texas,  eight  hundred  thousand  square  miles.  This 
was  an  extent  of  territory  equal  to  nine  States  of  the 
size  of  New  York  Thus  slavery  was  securing  eighteen 
majestic  States  to  be  added  to  the  Union.  There  were 
some  Americans  who  thought  it  all  right :  there  were 
others  who  thought  it  all  wrong.  In  the  prosecution 
of  this  war,  we  expended  twenty  thousand  lives  and 
more  than  a  hundred  million  of  dollars.  Of  this 
money  fifteen  millions  were  paid  to  Mexico. 

On  the  3d  of  March,  1849,  Mr.  Polk  retired  from 
office,  having  served  one  term.  The  next  day  was 
Sunday.  On  the  5th,  Gen.  Taylor  was  inaugurated 
as  his  successor,  Mr  Polk  rode  to  the  Capitol  in  the 
same  carriage  with  Gen.  Taylor;  and  the  same  even- 
ing, with  Mrs.  Polk,  he  commenced  his  return  to 
Tennessee.  He  was  then  but  fifty-four  years  of  age. 
He  had  ever  been  strictly  temperate  in  all  his  habits, 
and  his  health  was  good  With  an  ample  fortune, 
a  choice  library,  a  cultivated  mind,  and  domestic  ties 
of  the  dearest  nature,  it  seemed  as  though  long  years 
of  tranquility  and  happiness  were  before  him.  But  the 
cholera — that  fearful  scourge — was  then  sweeping  up 
the  Valley  of  the  Mississippi.  This  he  contracted, 
and  died  on  the  15th  of  June,  1849,  in  the  fifty-fourth 
year  of  his  age,  greatly  mourned  by  his  countrymen. 


|VJLi!Li!u33^ A4 _i_  — Ti^A^'t^^v^  s^\. 

V-^^-^-v-^-^  Vi.v.ivra?^AV  \.)^V^  tuy-yj 

ACHARY  TAYLOR,  twelfth 
^  President  of  the  United  States, 
'''was  born  on  the  24th  of  Nov., 

1784,  in  Orange  Co.,  Va.     His 

i2^^^S22a>o  father,  Colonel  Taylor,  was 
tjr^j'^G^'^  a  Virginian  of  note,  and  a  dis- 
""^  tinguished  patriot  and  soldier  of 
the  Revolution.  When  Zachary 
was  an  infant,  his  father  with  his 
wife  and  two  children,  emigrated 
to  Kentucky,  where  he  settled  in 
the  pathless  wilderness,  a  few 
miles  from  Louisville.  In  this  front- 
ier home,  away  from  civilization  and 
all  its  refinements,  young  Zachary 
could  enjoy  but  few  social  and  educational  advan- 
tages. When  six  years  of  age  he  attended  a  common 
school,  and  was  then  regarded  as  a  bright,  active  boy, 
rather  remarkable  for  bluntness  and  decision  of  char- 
acter He  was  strong,  fearless  and  self-reliant,  and 
■nanifested  a  strong  desire  to  enter  the  army  to  fight 
the  Lidians  who  were  ravaging  the  frontiers.  There 
is  little  to  be  recorded  of  the  uneventful  years  of  his 
childhood  u:i  his  father's  large  but  lonely  plantation. 
In  1808,  his  father  succeeded  in  obtaining  for  him 
the  commission  of  lieutenant  in  the  United  States 
army;  and  he  joined  the  troops  which  were  stationed 
at  New  Orleans  under  Gen.  Wilkinson.  Soon  after 
this  he  married  Miss  Margaret  Smith,  a  young  lady 
from  one  of  the  first  families  of  Maryland. 

Immediately  after  the  declaration  of  war  with  Eng- 
land, iu  18 1 2,  Capt.  Taylor  (for  he  had  then  been 
promoted  to  that  rank)  was  put  in  command  of  Fort 
Harrison,  on  the  Wabash,  about  fifty  miles  above 
Vincennes.  This  fort  had  been  built  in  the  wilder- 
ness by  Gen.  Harrison, on  his  march  to  Tippecanoe. 
It  was  one  of  the  first  points  of  attack  by  the  Indians, 
■jcd  by  Tecumseh.     Its  garrison  consisted  of  a  broken 

company  of  infantry  numbering    fifty  men,    many  of 
whom  were  sick. 

Early  in  the  autumn  of  1812,  the  Indians,  stealthily, 
and  in  large  numbers,  moved  upon  the  fort.  Their 
api)roach  was  first  indicated  by  the  murder  of  two 
soldiers  just  outside  of  the  stockade.  Capt.  Taylor 
made  every  possible  preparation  to  meet  the  antici- 
pated assault.  On  the  4th  of  September,  a  band  of 
forty  painted  and  plumed  savages  came  to  the  fort, 
waving  a  white  flag,  and  informed  Capt.  Taylor  that 
in  the  morning  their  chief  would  come  to  have  a  talk 
with  him.  It  was  evident  that  their  object  was  merely 
to  ascertain  the  state  of  things  at  the  fort,  and  Capt. 
Taylor,  well  versed  in  the  wiles  of  the  savages,  kept 
them  at  a  distance. 

The  sun  went  down  ;  the  savages  disappeared,  the 
garrison  slept  upon  their  arms.  One  hour  before 
midnight  the  war  whoop  burst  from  a  thousand  lips 
in  the  forest  around,  followed  by  the  discharge  of 
musketry,  and  the  rush  of  the  foe.  Every  man,  sick 
and  well,  sprang  to  his  post.  Every  man  knew  that 
defeat  was  not  merely  death,  but  in  the  case  of  cap- 
ture, death  by  the  most  agonizing  and  prolonged  tor- 
ture. No  pen  can  describe,  no  immagination  can 
conceive  the  scenes  which  ensued.  The  savages  suc- 
ceeded in  setting  fire  to  one  of  the  block -houses- 
Until  six  o'clock  in  the  morning,  this  awful  conflict 
continued.  The  savages  then,  baffled  at  every  point, 
and  gnashing  their  teeth  with  rage,  retired.  Capt. 
Taylor,  for  this  gallant  defence,  was  promoted  to  tlie 
rank  of  major  by  brevet. 

Until  the  close  of  the  war,  MajorTaylor  was  placed 
in  such  situations  that  he  saw  but  little  more  of  active 
service.  He  was  sent  far  away  into  the  depths  of  the 
wilderness,  to  Fort  Crawford,  on  Fox  River,  which 
empties  into  Green  Bay.  Here  there  was  but  little 
to  be  done  but  to  wear  away  the  tedious  hours  as  one 
best  could.     There  were  no  books,  no  society,  no  in- 



tellectual  stimulus.  Thus  with  him  the  uneventful 
years  rolled  on  Gradually  he  rose  to  the  rank  of 
colonel.  In  the  Black  Hawk  war,  which,  resulted  in 
the  capture  of  that  renowned  chieftain,  Col  Taylor 
took  a  subordinate  but  a  brave  and  efficient  part. 

For  twenty-four  years  Col.  Taylor  was  engaged  in 
the  defence  of  the  frontiers,  in  scenes  so  remote,  and  m 
employments  so  obscure,  that  his  name  was  unknown 
beyond  the  limits  of  his  own  immediate  acquaintance. 
In  the  year  1836,  he  was  sent  to  Florida  to  compel 
the  Seminole  Indians  to  vacate  that  region  and  re- 
tire beyond  the  Mississippi,  as  their  chiefs  by  treaty, 
hac'  promised  they  should  do.  The  services  rendered 
he:c  secured  for  Col.  Taylor  the  high  appreciation  of 
the  Government;  and  as  a  reward,  he  was  elevated 
tc  he  rank  of  brigadier-general  by  brevet ;  and  soon 
after,  in  May,  1838,  was  appointed  to  the  chief  com- 
mand of  the  United  Slates  troops  in  Florida. 

After  two  years  of  sucli  wearisome  employment 
amidst  the  everglades  of  the  peninsula.  Gen.  Taylor 
obtained,  at  his  own  request,  a  change  of  command, 
end  was  stationed  over  the  Department  of  the  South- 
west. This  field  embraced  Louisiana,  Mississippi, 
Alabama  and  Georgia.  Establishing  his  headquarters 
at  Fort  Jessup,  in  Louisiana,  he  removed  his  family 
to  a  plantation  which  he  purchased,  near  Baton  Rogue. 
Here  he  remained  for  five  years,  buried,  as  it  were, 
from  the  world,  but  faithfully  discharging  every  duty 
imposed  upon  him. 

In  1846,  Gen.  Taylor  was  sent  to  guard  the  land 
between  the  Nueces  and  Rio  Grande,  the  latter  river 
being  the  boundary  of  Texas,  which  was  then  claimed 
by  the  United  States.  Soon  the  war  with  Me.\ico 
was  brought  on,  and  at  Palo  Alto  and  Resaca  dc  la 
Palma,  Gen.  Taylor  won  brilliant  victories  over  the 
Mexicans.  The  rank  of  major-general  by  brevet' 
was  then  conferred  upon  Gen.  Taylor,  and  his  name 
was  received  with  enthusiasm  almost  everywhere  in 
the  Nation.  Then  came  the  battles  of  Monterey  and 
Buena  Vista  in  which  he  won  signal  victories  over 
forces  much  larger  than  he  commanded. 

His  careless  habits  of  dress  and  his  unaffected 
r-implicity,  secured  for  Gen.  Taylor  among  his  troops, 
\^%  sobriquet  of  "Old  Rough  and  Ready.' 

The  tidings  of  the  brilliant  victory  of  Buena  Vista 
;pread  the  wildest  enthusiasm  over  the  country.  'l"he 
name  of  Gen.  Taylor  was  on  every  one's  lips.  The 
Whig  party  decided  to  take  advantage  of  this  wonder- 
ful popularity  in  bringing  forward  the  unpolished,  un- 
lettered, honest  soldier  as  their  candidate  for  the 
Presidency.  Gen.  Taylor  was  astonished  at  the  an- 
nouncement, and  for  a  time  would  not  listen  toil;  de- 
claring that  he  was  not  at  all  qualified  for  such  an 
office.  So  little  interest  had  he  taken  in  politics  that, 
for  forty  years,  he  had  not  cast  a  vote.  It  was  not 
without  chagrin  that  several  distinguished  statesmen 
who  had  been  long  years  in  the  public  service  found 
tl.iir  claims  set  aside  in  behalf  of  one  <vli0se   name 

had  never  been  heard  of,  save  in  connection  with  Palo 
Alto,  Resaca  de  la  Palma,  Monterey  and  Buena 
Vista.  It  is  said  that  Daniel  Webster,  in  his  haste  re- 
marked, "  It  is  a  nomination  not  fit  to  be  made." 

Gen.  Taylor  was  not  an  eloquent  speaker  nor  a  fine 
writer  His  friends  took  possession  of  him,  and  pre- 
pared such  few  communications  as  it  was  needful 
should  be  presented  to  the  public.  The  popularity  of 
the  successful  warrior  swept  the  land.  He  was  tri- 
umphantly elected  over  two  opposing  candidates, — 
Gen.  Cass  and  Ex-President  Martin  Van  Buren. 
Though  he  selected  an  excellent  cabinet,  the  good 
old  man  found  himself  in  a  very  uncongenial  position, 
and  was,  at  times,  sorely  perplexed  and  harassed. 
His  mental  suff'erings  were  very  severe,  and  probably 
tended  to  hasten  his  death.  The  pro-slavery  party 
was  pushing  its  claims  with  tireless  energy,  expedi- 
tions were  fitting  out  to  capture  Cuba  ;  California  was 
pleading  for  admission  to  the  Union,  while  slavery 
stood  at  the  door  to  bar  her  out.  Gen.  Taylor  found 
the  political  conflicts  in  Washington  to  be  far  more 
trying  to  the  nerves  than  battles  with  Mexicans  or 

In  the  midst  of  all  these  troubles.  Gen.  Taylor, 
after  he  had  occupied  the  Presidential  chair  but  little 
over  a  year,  took  cold,  and  after  a  brief  sickness  of 
but  little  over  five  days,  died  on  the  9th  of  July,  1850. 
His  last  woids  were,  "I  am  not  afraid  to  die.  I  am 
ready.  I  have  endeavored  to  do  my  duty."  He  died 
universally  respected  and  beloved.  An  honest,  un- 
pretending man,  he  had  been  steadily  growing  in  the 
affections  of  the  people;  and  the  Nation  bitterly  la- 
mented his  death. 

Gen.  Scott,  who  was  thoroughly  acquainted  with 
Gen.  Taylor,  gave  the  following  graphic  and  truthful 
description  of  his  character: — "  With  a  good  store  of 
common  sense.  Gen.  Taylor's  mind  had  not  been  en- 
larged and  refreshed  by  reading,  or  much  converse 
with  the  world.  Rigidity  of  ideas  was  the  conse- 
quence. The  frontiers  and  small  military  posts  had 
been  his  home.  Hence  he  was  quite  ignorant  for  his 
rank,  and  quite  bigoted  in  his  ignorance.  His  sim- 
plicity was  child-like,  and  with  innumerable  preju- 
dices, amusing  and  incorrigible,  well  suited  to  the 
tender  age.  Thus,  if  a  man,  however  respectable, 
chanced  to  wear  a  coat  of  an  unusual  color,  or  his  hat 
a  little  on  one  side  of  his  head;  or  an  officer  to  leave 
a  corner  of  his  handkerchief  dangling  from  an  out- 
side pocket, — in  any  such  case,  this  critic  held  the 
off".'nder  to  be  a  coxcomb  (perhaps  something  worse), 
whom  he  would  not,  to  use  his  oft  repeated  phrase, 
'touch  with  a  pair  of  tongs.' 

"Any  allusion  to  literature  beyond  good  old  Dil- 
worth's  spelling-book,  on  the  part  of  one  wearing  a 
sword,  was  evidence,  with  the  same  judge,  of  utter 
unfitness  for  heavy  marching.s  and  combats.  In  short, 
few  men  have  ever  had  a  more  comfortable,  labor- 
saving  contempt    for  learnirg  of  every   kind." 



•i  1^ 

^'ffllLLftRn  FILLMORE. '4 

"^^-Jy  tjl^^^ 

teenth President  of  the  United 
States,    was  born   at  Summer 
Hill,  Cayuga  Co.,   N.  Y  .,  on 
the  7th  of  January,  1800.  His 
father  was  a  farmer,  and  ow- 
ing to  misfortune,  in  humble  cir- 
cumstances.    Of  his  mother,   the 
daughter  of  Dr.  Abiathar  Millard, 
of  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  it   has  been 
said  that  she  possessed  an  intellect 
of  very  high  order,  united  with  much 
personal  loveliness,  sweetness  of  dis- 

f     position,  graceful  manners  and  ex- 
quisite sensibilities.      She   died   in 
1831 ;  having  lived  to  see  her  son  a 
'         young  man   of  distinguished    prom- 
ise, though  she  was  not  permitted  to  witness  the  high 
dignity  which  he  finally  attained. 

In  consequence  of  the  secluded  home  and  limited 
means  of  his  father,  Millard  enjoyed  but  slender  ad- 
vantages for  education  in  his  early  years.  The  com- 
mon schools,  which  he  occasionally  attended  were 
very  imperfect  institutions;  and  books  were  scarce 
and  expensive.  There  was  nothing  then  in  his  char- 
acter to  indicate  the  brilliant  career  upon  which  he 
was  about  to  enter.  He  was  a  plain  fanner's  boy ; 
intelligent,  good-looking,  kind-hearted.  The  sacred 
influences  of  home  had  taught  him  to  revere  the  Bible, 
and  had  laid  the  foundations  of  an  upright  character. 
When  fourteen  years  of  age,  his  father  sent  him 
some  hundred  miles  from  home,  to  the  then  wilds  of 
Livingston  County,  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  clothier. 
Near  the  mill  there  was  a  small  villiage,  where  some 

enterprising  man  had  commenced  the  collection  of  a 
village  library.  This  proved  an  inestimable  blessing 
to  young  Fillmore.  His  evenings  were  spent  in  read- 
ing Soon  every  leisure  moment  was  occupied  with 
books.  His  thirst  fur  knowledge  became  insatiate; 
and  the  selections  which  he  made  were  continually 
more  elevating  and  instructive.  He  read  history, 
biography,  oratory,  and  thus  gradually  there  was  en- 
kindled in  his  heart  a  desire  to  be  something  more 
than  a  mere  worker  with  his  hands;  and  lie  was  be- 
coming, almost  unknown  to  himself,  a  well-informed, 
educated  man. 

The  young  clothier  had  now  attained  the  age  of 
nineteen  years,  and  was  of  fine  personal  appearance 
and  cf  gentlemanly  demeanor.  It  so  happened  that 
there  was  a  gentleman  in  the  neighborhood  of  ample 
pecuniary  means  and  of  benevolence, — Judge  Walter 
Wood, — who  was  struck  with  the  prepossessing  a'j- 
pearance  of  young  Fillmore.  He  made  his  acquaint- 
ance, and  was  so  much  impressed  with  his  ability  and 
attainments  that  he  advised  him  to  abandon  his 
trade  and  devote  himself  to  the  study  of  the  law.  The 
young  man  replied,  that  he  had  no  means  of  his  own, 
r.o  friends  to  help  him  and  that  his  previous  educa- 
tion had  been  very  imperfect.  But  Judge  Wood  had 
so  much  confidence  in  him  that  he  kindly  offered  to 
take  him  into  his  own  office,  and  to  loan  him  such 
money  as  he  needed.  Most  gratefully  the  generous 
offer  was  accepted. 

There  is  in  many  minds  a  strange  delusion  about 
a  collegiate  education.  A  young  man  is  supposed  to 
be  liberally  educated  if  he  has  graduated  at  some  col- 
lege. But  many  a  boy  loiters  through  university  hal'  ■ 
ind  then  enters  a  law  office,  who  is  by  no  means   a: 



well  prepared  to  prosecute  his  legal  studies  as  was 
Millard  Fillmore  when  he  graduated  at  the  clothing- 
mill  at  the  end  of  four  years  of  manual  labor,  during 
which  every  leisure  moment  had  been  devoted  to  in- 
tense mental  culture. 

In  1823,  when  twenty-three  years  of  age,  he  was 
admitted  to  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas.  He  then 
went  to  the  village  of  Aurora,  and  commenced  the 
practice  of  law.  In  this  secluded,  peaceful  region, 
his  practice  of  course  was  limited,  and  there  was  no 
opportunity  for  a  sudden  rise  in  fortune  or  in  fame. 
Here,  in  the  year  1826,  he  married  a  lady  of  great 
moral  worth,  and  one  capable  of  adorning  any  station 
she  might  be  called  to  fill, — Miss  Abigail  Powers. 

His  elevation  of  character,  his  untiring  industry, 
his  legal  acquirements,  and  his  skill  as  an  advocate, 
gradually  attracted  attention  ,  and  he  was  invited  to 
enter  into  partnership  under  highly  advantageous 
circumstances,  with  an  elder  member  of  the  bar  in 
Buffalo.  Just  before  removing  to  Buffalo,  in  1829, 
he  took  his  seat  in  the  House  of  Assembly,  of  the 
State  of  New  York,  as  a  representative  from  Erie 
County.  Though  he  had  never  taken  a  very  active 
part  in  politics,  his  vote  and  his  sympathies  were  with 
the  \Vhig  party.  The  State  was  then  Democratic, 
and  he  found  himself  in  a  helpless  minority  in  the 
Legislature  ,  still  the  testimony  comes  from  all  parties, 
that  his  courtesy,  ability  and  integrity,  won,  to  a  very 
unusual  degri  e  the  respect  of  his  associates. 

In  the  autumn  of  1832,  he  was  elected  to  a  seat  in 
the  United  States  Congress  He  entered  that  troubled 
arena  in  some  of  the  most  tunmltuous  hours  of  our 
national  history.  The  great  conflict  respecting  the 
national  bank  and  the  removal  of  the  deposits,  was 
then  raging. 

His  term  of  two  years  closed ;  and  he  returned  to 
his  profession,  which  he  pursued  with  increasing  rep- 
utation and  success.  After  a  lapse  of  two  years 
he  again  became  a  candidate  for  Congress ;  was  re- 
elected, and  took  his  seat  in  1837.  His  past  e.xpe- 
rience  as  a  representative  gave  him  stsength  and 
confidence.  The  first  term  of  service  in  Congress  to 
any  man  can  be  but  little  more  than  an  introduction. 
He  was  now  prepared  for  active  duty.  All  his  ener- 
gies were  brought  to  bear  upon  the  public  good.  Every 
measure  received  his  impress. 

Mr.  Fillmore  was  now  a  man  of  wide  repute,  and 
his  popularity  filled  the  State,  and  in  the  year  1847, 
he   was   elected  Comptroller  of    the   State. 

Mr.  Fillmore  had  attained  the  age  of  forty-seven 
years.  His  labors  at  the  bar,  in  the  Legislature,  in 
Congress  and  as'  Comptroller,  had  given  him  very  con- 
siderable fame.  The  Whigs  were  casting  about  to 
find  suitable  candidates  for  President  and  Vice-Presi- 
dent at  the  apijroaching  election.  Far  away,  on  the 
waters  of  the  Rio  Grande,  there  was  a  rough  old 
soldier,  who  had  fought  one  or  two  successful  battles 
with  the  Mexicans,  which  had  caused  his  name  to  be 
proclaimed  in  tiumpet-tones  all  over  the  land.  But 
it  was  necessary  to  associate  with  him  on  the  same 
ticket  some  man  of  reputation  as  a  statesman. 

Under  the  influence  of  these  considerations,  the 
namesof  Zachary  Taylor  and  Millard  Fillmore  became 
the  rallying-cry  of  the  Whigs,  as  their  candidates  for 
President  and  Vice-Peesident.  The  Whig  ticket  was 
signally  triumphant.  On  the  4th  of  March,  1849, 
Gen.  Taylor  was  inaugurated  President,  and  Millard 
Fillmore  Vice-President,  of  the  United  States. 

On  the  9th  of  July,  1850,  President  Taylor,  but 
about  one  year  and  four  months  after  his  inaugura- 
tion, was  suddenly  taken  sick  and  died.  By  the  Con- 
stitution, Vice-President  Fillmore  thus  became  Presi- 
dent. He  appointed  a  very  able  cabinet,  of  which 
the  illustrious  Daniel  Webster  was  Secretary  of  State. 

Mr.  Fillniore  had  very  serious  difficulties  to  contend 
with,  since  the  opposition  had  a  majority  in  both 
Houses.  He  did  everything  in  his  power  to  conciliate 
the  South;  but  the  pro-slavery  party  in  the  South  felt 
the  inadequacy  of  all  measuresof  transient  conciliation. 
The  population  of  the  free  States  was  so  rapidly  in- 
creasing over  that  of  the  slave  States  that  it  was  in- 
evitable that  the  power  of  the  Government  should 
soon  pass  into  the  hands  of  the  free  States.  The 
famous  compromise  measures  were  adopted  under  Mr. 
Fillmtre's  adminstration,  and  the  Japan  Expedition 
was  sent  out.  On  the  4th  of  March,  1853,  Mr  Fill- 
more, having  served  one  term,  retired. 

In  1856,  Mr.  Fillmore  was  nominated  for  the  Pres- 
idency by  the  "  Know  Nothing  "  party,  but  was  beaten 
by  Mr.  Buchanan.  After  that  Mr.  Fillmore  lived  in 
retirement.  During  the  terrible  conflict  of  civil  war, 
he  was  mostly  silent.  It  was  generally  supposed  that 
his  sympathies  were  rather  with  those  who  were  en- 
deavoring to  overthrow  our  institutions.  President 
Fillmore  kept  aloof  from  the  conflict,  without  any 
cordial  words  of  cheer  lo  the  one  party  or  the  other. 
He  was  thus  forgotten  by  both.  He  lived  to  a  ripe 
old  age,  and  died  in  Buff"alo.  N.  Y.,  March  8,    1874. 


^        ,;  :^^      ^"FRflNKLIN  PIEREEJ4     .:^/ ■  ^^,:,  4^-. 

RANKLIN     PIERCE,    the 
fourteenth    President  of  the 
J^'"  United  States,  was  born  in 
Hillsborough,    N.    H.,    Nov. 
23,  1804.     His  father  was  a 
Revolutionary   soldier,   who, 
with    his    own     strong    arm, 
hewed   out  a    home   in    the 
wilderness.     He  was  a  man 
of    inflexible    integrity;     of 
strong,   though    uncultivated 
mind,  and  an  uncompromis- 
ing Democrat.      The   mother  of 
Franklin  Pierce  was  all  that  a  son 
could  desire, — an  intelligent,  pru- 
dent, affectionate,  Christian  wom- 
an.    Franklin  was  the  sixth  of  eight  children. 

Franklin  was  a  very  bright  and  handsome  boy,  gen- 
erous, warm-hearted  and  brave.  He  won  alike  the 
love  of  old  and  young.  The  boys  on  the  play  ground 
loved  him.  His  teachers  loved  him.  The  neighbors 
looked  upon  him  with  pride  and  affection.  He  was 
by  instinct  a  gentleman;  always  speaking  kind  words, 
doing  kind  deeds,  with  a  peculiar  unstudied  tact 
which  taught  him  what  was  agreeable.  Witliout  de- 
veloping any  precocity  of  genius,  or  any  unnatural 
devotion  to  books,  he  was  a  good,  scholar;  in  body, 
in  mind,  in  affections,  a  finely-developed  boy. 

When  sixteen  years  of  age,  in  the  year  1820,  he 
entered  Bowdoin  College,  at  Brunswick,  Me  He  was 
one  of  the  most  popular  young  men  in  the  college. 
The  purity  of  his  moral  character,  the  unvarying 
courtesy  of  his  demeanor,  his  rank  as  a  scholar,  and 

genial  nature,  rendered  him  a  universal  favorite. 
There  was  something  very  peculiarly  winning  in  his 
address,  and  it  was  evidently  not  in  the  slightest  de- 
gree studied :  it  was  the  simple  outgushing  of  his 
own  magnanimous  and  loving  nature. 

Upon  graduating,  in  the  year  1824,  Franklin  Pierce 
commenced  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Judge 
Woodbury,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  lawyers  of 
the  State,  and  a  man  of  great  private  worth.  The 
eminent  social  qualities  of  the  young  lawyer,  his 
father's  prominence  as  a  public  man,  and  the  brilliant 
political  career  into  which  Judge  Woodbury  was  en- 
tering, all  tended  to  entice  Mr.  Pierce  into  the  faci 
nating  yet  perilous  path  of  political  life.  With  all 
the  ardor  of  his  nature  he  espoused  the  cause  of  Gen. 
Jackson  for  the  Presidency.  He  commenced  the 
practice  of  law  in  Hillsborough,  and  was  soon  elected 
to  represent  the  town  in  the  State  Legislature.  Here 
he  served  for  four  years.  The  last  two  years  be  was 
chosen  speaker  of  the  house  by  a  very  large  vote. 

In  1833,  at  the  age  of  twenty-nine,  he  was  elected 
a  member  of  Congress.  Without  taking  an  active 
part  in  debates,  he  was  faithful  and  laborious  in  duty, 
and  ever  rising  in  the  estimation  of  those  with  whom 
he  was  associatad. 

In  1837,  being  then  but  thirty-three  years  of  age, 
he  was  elected  to  the  Senate  of  the  United  States; 
taking  his  seat  just  as  Mr.  Van  Buren  commenced 
his  administration.  He  was  the  youngest  member  in 
the  Senate.  In  the  year  1834,  he  married  Miss  Jane 
Means  Appleton,  a  lady  of  rare  beauty  and  accom- 
plishments, and  one  admirably  fitted  to  adorn  every 
station  with  wiiich  her  huslsand  was  honoied.    Of  the 



three  sons  who  were  bom  to  them,  all  now  sleep  with 
their  parents  in  the  grave. 

In  the  year  1838,  Mr.  Pierce,  with  growing  fame 
and  increasing  business  as  a  lawyer,  took  up  his 
residence  in  Concord,  the  capital  of  New  Hampshire. 
President  Polk,  upon  his  accession  to  office,  appointed 
Mr.  Pierce  attorney-general  of  the  United  States;  but 
the  offer  was  declined,  in  consequence  of  numerous 
professional  engagements  at  home,  and  the  precariuos 
state  of  Mrs.  Pierce's  health.  He  also,  about  the 
same  time  declined  the  nomination  for  governor  by  the 
Democratic  party.  The  war  with  Mexico  called  Mr. 
Pierce  in  the  army.  Receiving  the  appointment  of 
brigadier-general,  he  embarked,  with  a  portion  of  his 
troops,  at  Newport,  R.  I.,  on  the  27th  of  May,  1847. 
He  took  an  important  part  in  this  war,  proving  him- 
self a  brave  and  true  soldier. 

When  Gen.  Pierce  reached  his  home  in  his  native 
State,  he  was  received  enthusiastically  by  the  advo- 
cates of  the  Mexican  war,  and  coldly  by  his  oppo- 
nents. He  resumed  the  practice  of  his  profession, 
very  frequently  taking  au  active  part  in  political  ques- 
tions, giving  his  cordial  support  to  the  pro-slavery 
wing  of  the  Democratic  party.  The  compromise 
measures  met  cordially  with  his  approval;  and  he 
strenuously  advocated  the  enforcement  of  the  infa- 
mous fugitive-slave  law,  which  so  shocked  the  religious 
sensibilities  of  tlie  North.  He  thus  became  distin- 
guished as  a  "  Northern  man  with  Southern  principles.'' 
The  strong  partisans  of  slavery  in  the  South  conse- 
quently regarded  him  as  a  man  whom  they  could 
safely  trust  in  office  to  carry  out  their  plans. 

On  the  i2th  of  June,  1852,  the  Democratic  conven- 
tion met  in  Baltimore  to  nominate  a  candidate  for  the 
Presidency.  For  four  days  they  continued  in  session, 
and  in  thirty-five  ballotings  no  one  had  obtained  a 
two-thirds  vote.  Not  a  vote  thu-.  far  had  been  thrown 
for  Gen.  Pierce.  Then  the  Virginia  delegation 
brought  forward  his  name.  There  were  fourteen 
more  ballotings,  during  which  Gen.  Pierce  constantly 
gained  strength,  until,  at  the  forty-ninth  ballot,  he 
received  two  hundred  and  eighty-two  votes,  and  all 
other  candidates  eleven.  Gen.  Winfield  Scott  was 
the  Whig  candidate.  Gen.  Pierce  was  chosen  with 
great  unanimity.  Only  four  States — Vermont,  Mas- 
sachusetts, Kentucky  and  Tennessee  —  cast  their 
electoral  votes  against  him  Gen.  Franklin  Pieice 
was  therefore  inaugurated  President  of  the  United 
States   on    the  4th  of  March,    1853. 

His  administration  proved  one  of  the  most  stormy  our 
country  had  ever  experienced.  The  controversy  be- 
tween slavery  and  freedom  was  then  approaching  its 
culminating  point  It  became  evident  that  there  was 
an  "irrepressible  conflict  "  between  them,  and  that 
this  Nation  could  not  long  exist  "  half  slave  and  half 
free."  President  Pierce,  during  the  whole  of  his  ad- 
ministration, did  every  thing  he  could  to  conciliate 
the  South  ;  but  it  was  all  in  vain.  The  conflict  every 
year  grew  more  violent,  and  threats  of  the  dissolution 
of  the  Union  were  borne  to  the  North  on  eveiy  South- 
ern breeze. 

Such  was  the  condition  of  affairs  when  President 
Pierce  approached  the  close  of  his  four-years'  term 
of  office.  The  North  had  become  thoroughly  alien- 
ated from  him.  The  anti-slavery  sentimer.t,  goaded 
by  great  outrages,  had  been  rapidly  increasing;  all 
the  intellectual  ability  and  social  worth  of  President 
Pierce  were  forgotten  in  deep  reprehension  of  his  ad- 
ministrative acts.  The  slaveholders  of  the  South,  also, 
unmindful  of  the  fidelity  with  which  he  had  advo- 
cated those  measures  of  Government  which  they  ap- 
proved, and  perhaps,  also,  feeling  that  he  had 
rendered  himself  so  unpopular  as  no  longer  to  be 
able  acceptably  to  serve  them,  ungratefully  dropped 
him,  and  nominated  James  Buchanan  to  succeed  him. 

On  the  4th  of  March,  1857,  President  Pierce  re- 
tired to  his  home  in  Concord.  Of  three  children,  two 
had  died,  and  his  only  surviving  child  had  been 
killed  before  his  eyes  by  a  railroad  accident ;  and  his 
wife,  one  of  the  most  estimable  and  accomplished  of 
ladies,  was  rapidly  sinking  in  consumption.  The 
hour  of  dreadful  gloom  soon  came,  and  he  was  left 
alone  in  the  world,  without  wife  or  child. 

When  the  terrible  Rebellion  burst  forth,  which  di- 
vided our  country  into  two  parties,  and  two  only,  Mr. 
Pierce  remained  steadfast  in  the  principles  which  he 
had  always  cherished,  and  gave  his  sympathies  to 
that  pro-slavery  party  with  which  he  had  ever  been 
allied.  He  declined  to  do  anything,  either  by  voice 
or  pen,  to  strengthen  the  hand  of  the  National  Gov- 
ernment. He  continued  to  reside  in  Concord  until 
the  time  of  his  death,  which  occurred  in  October, 
1869.  He  was  one  of  the  most  genial  and  social  of 
men,  an  honored  communicant  of  the  Episcopal 
Church,  and  one  of  the  kindest  of  neighbors.  Gen- 
erous to  a  fault,  he  contiibuted  liberally  for  the  al- 
leviation of  suffering  and  want,  and  many  of  his  towns- 
people were  often  gladened  by  his   material    bounty. 

■xZy77ze_J  ^ 



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\MES  BUCHANAN,  the  fif- 
jteenth  President  of  the  United 
States,  was  born  in  a  small 
frontier  town,  at  the  foot  of  the 
eastern  ridge  of  the  AUegha- 
nies,  in  Franklin  Co.,  Penn.,  on 
the  23d  of  April,  1791.  The  place 
where  the  humble  cabin  of  his 
father  stood  was  called  Stony 
Batter.  It  was  a  wild  and  ro- 
mantic spot  in  a  gorge  of  the  moun- 
tains, with  towering  summits  rising 
grandly  all  around.  His  father 
was  a  native  of  the  north  of  Ireland ; 
a  poor  man,  who  had  emigrated  in 
1783,  with  little  property  save  his 
own  strong  arms.  Five  years  afterwards  he  married 
Elizabeth  Spear,  the  daughter  of  a  respectable  farmer, 
and,  with  his  young  bride,  plun;;ed  into  the  wilder- 
ness, staked  his  claim,  reared  his  log-hut,  opened  a 
clearing  with  his  axe,  and  settled  down  there  to  per- 
form his  obscure  part  in  the  drama  of  life.  In  this  se- 
cluded home,  where  James  was  born,  he  remained 
for  eight  years,  enjoying  but  few  social  or  i;itellectual 
advantages.  When  James  was  eight  yeaisof  age,  his 
father  removed  to  the  village  of  Mercersburg,  where 
his  son  was  placed  at  school,  and  commenced  a 
course  of  study  in  English,  Latin  and  Greek.  His 
l)rogress  was  rapid,  and  at  the  age  of  fourteen,  he 
entered  Dickinson  College,  at  Carlisle.  Here  he  de- 
veloped remarkable  talent,  and  took  his  stand  among 
the  first  scholars  in  the  institution.  His  application 
»o  study  was  intense,  and  yet  his  native   powers    en- 

abled him  to  master  the  most  abstruse  subjects  with 

In  the  year  1809,  he  graduated  with  the  highest 
honors  of  his  class.  He  was  then  eighteen  years  of 
age;  tall  and  graceful,  vigorous  in  health,  fond  of 
athletic  sport,  an  unerring  shot,  and  enlivened  with 
an  exuberant  flow  of  animal  spirits.  He  immediately 
commenced  the  study  of  law  in  the  city  of  Lancaster, 
and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1812,  when  he  was 
but  twenty-one  years  of  age.  Very  rapidly  he  rose 
in  his  profession,  and  at  once  took  undisputed  stand 
with  the  ablest  law)  ers  of  the  State.  When  but 
twenty-six  years  of  age,  unaided  by  counsel,  he  suc- 
cessfully defended  before  the  State  Senate  01  e  of  tiie 
judges  of  the  State,  who  was  tried  upon  articles  of 
impeachment.  At  the  age  of  thirty  it  was  generally 
admitted  that  he  stood  at  the  head  of  the  bar;  and 
there  was  no  lawyer  in  the  State  who  had  a  more  lu- 
crative practice. 

In  1820,  he  reluctantly  consented  to  run  as  a 
candidate  for  Congress.  He  was  elected,  and  for 
ten  years  he  remained  a  member  of  the  Lower  House. 
During  the  vacations  of  Congress,  he  occasionally 
tried  some  important  case.  In  1831,  he  retired 
altogether  from  the  toils  of  his  profession,  having  ac- 
ciuired  an  ample  fortune. 

Gen.  Jackson,  upon  his  elevation  to  the  Presidency, 
appointed  Mr.  Buchanan  minister  to  Russia.  The 
duties  of  his  mission  he  performed  with  ability,  which 
gave  satisfaction  to  all  parties.  ,Upon  his  return,  in 
1833,  he  was  elected  to  a  seat  in  the  United  States 
Senate.  He  there  met,  as  his  associates,  WeLstcr. 
Clay,  Wright  and  Calhoun.  He  advocated  the  meas- 
ures proposed  by  President  Jackson,  of  making  repri- 


JAMES  BUCHANAN.  against  Fiance,  to  enforce  the  payment  of  our 
claims  agaiiirit  that  country;  and  defended  the  course 
of  the  Pi-c->iddat  in  his  unprecedented  and  wholesale 
removal  from  office  of  those  who  were  not  the  sup- 
porters of  his  administration.  Upon  this  question  he 
was  broaght  into  direct  collision  with  Heary  Clay. 
He  also,  with  voice  and  vote,  advocated  expunging 
from  the  journal  of  the  Senate  the  vote  of  censure 
against  Gen.  Jackson  for  removing  the  deposits. 
Earnestly  he  opposed  the  abolition  of  slavery  in  the 
District  of  Columbia,  and  urged  the  prohibition  of  the 
circulation  of  anti-slavery  documents  by  the  United 
States  mails. 

As  to  petitions  on  the  subject  of  slavery,  he  advo- 
cated that  they  should  be  respectfully  received;  and 
that  the  reply  should  be  returned,  tliat  Congress  had 
no  power  to  legislate  upon  the  subject.  '  Congress," 
said  he,  "  might  as  well  undertake  to  interfere  with 
slavery  under  a  foreign  government  as  in  any  of  the 
States  where  it  now  e.xists." 

Upon  Mr.  Polk's  accession  to  the  Presidency,  Mr. 
Buchanan  became  Secretary  of  State,  and  as  such, 
took  his  share  of  the  responsibility  in  the  conduct  of 
the  Mexican  War.  Mr.  Polk  assumed  that  crossing 
the  Nueces  by  the  American  troops  into  the  disputed 
territory  was  not  wrong,  but  for  the  Mexicans  to  cross 
the  Rio  Grande  into  that  territory  was  a  declaration 
of  war.  No  candid  man  can  read  with  pleasure  the 
account  of  the  course  our  Government  pursued  in  that 

Mr.  Buchanan  identified  himself  thoroughly  with 
the  party  devoted  to  the  pi^rpetuation  and  extension 
of  slavery,  and  brought  all  the  energies  of  his  mind 
to  bear  against  the  Wilmot  Proviso.  He  gave  his 
cordial  approval  to  the  compromise  measures  of  1050, 
which  included  the  fugiiive-slave  law.  Mr.  Pierce, 
u:ion  his  election  to  the  Presidency,  honored  Mr. 
Buchanan  with  the  mission  to  England. 

In  the  year  1856,  a  national  Democratic  conven- 
tion nominated  Mr.  Buchanan  for  the  Presidency.  The 
political  conflict  was  one  of  the  most  severe  in  which 
o  ir  country  has  ever  engaged.  All  the  friends  of 
slavery  were  on  one  side;  all  the  advocates  of  its  re- 
striction and  final  abolition,  on  the  other.  Mr.  Fre- 
mont, the  candidate  of  the  enemies  of  slavery,  re- 
reived  114  electoral  votes.  Mr.  Buchanan  received 
174,  and  was  elected.  The  popular  vote  stood 
1,340,618,  for  Fremont,  1,224,750  for  Buchanan.  On 
March    4th,    1857,  Mr.  Buchanan  was  inaugurated. 

Mr.  Buchanan  was  far  advanced  in  life.  Only  four 
years  were  wanting  to  fill  up  his  threescore  years  and 
ten.  His  own  friends,  those  with  whom  he  had  been 
allied  in  political  princi|iles  and  action  for  years,  were 
seeking  the  destruction  of  the  Government,  that  they 
might  rear  upon  the  ruins  of  our  free  institutions  a 
i-.ation  whose  corner-stone  should  be  human  slavery. 
[n  this  emergency,  Mr.  Buchanan  was  hopelessly  be- 
wildered     He  could  not,  with  his  long-avowed  prin- 

ciples, consistently  oppose  the  State-rights  party  in 
their  assumptions.  As  President  of  the  United  States, 
bound  by  his  oath  faithfully  to  administer  the  laws, 
he  could  not,  without  perjury  of  the  grossest  kind, 
unite  with  those  endeavoring  to  overthrow  the  repub- 
lic.    He  therefore  did  nothing. 

The  opponents  of  Mr.  Buchanan's  administration 
nominaled  Abraham  Lincoln  as  their  standard  bearer 
in  the  next  Presidential  canvass.  The  pro-slaverv 
party  declared,  that  if  he  were  elected,  and  the  con- 
trol of  the  Government  were  thus  taken  from  their 
hands,  they  would  secede  from  the  Union,  taking 
with  them,  as  they  retired,  the  National  Capitol  at 
Washington,  and  the  lion's  share  of  the  territory  of 
the  United  States. 

Mr.  Buchanan's  sympathy  with  the  pro-slavery 
party  was  such,  that  he  had  been  willing  to  offerthem 
far  more  than  they  had  ventured  to  claim.  All  the 
South  had  professed  to  ask  of  the  North  was  non- 
intervention upon  the  subject  of  slavery.  Mr.  Bu- 
chanan had  been  ready  to  offer  them  the  active  co- 
operation of  the  Government  to  defend  and  extend 
the  institution. 

As  the  storm  increased  in  violence,  the  slaveholders 
claiming  the  right  to  secede,  and  Mr.  Buchanan  avow- 
ing that  Congress  had  no  power  to  prevent  it,  one  of 
the  most  pitiable  exhibitions  of  governmental  im- 
becility was  exhibited  the  world  has  ever  seen.  He 
declared  that  Congress  had  no  power  to  enforce  its 
laws  in  any  State  which  had  withdrawn,  or  which 
was  attempting  to  withdraw  from  the  Union.  Thif 
was  not  the  doctrine  of  Andrew  Jackson,  when,  with 
his  hand  upon  his  sword  hilt,  he  exclaimed.  "  The 
Union  must  and  shall  be  preserved!" 

South  Carolina  seceded  in  December,  i860;  nearly 
three  months  before  the  inauguration  of  President 
Lincoln.  Mr.  Buchanan  looked  on  in  listless  despair. 
The  rebel  flag  was  raised  in  Charleston  ;  Fort  Sumpter 
was  besieged;  our  forts,  navy-yards  and  arsenals 
were  seized  ;  our  depots  of  military  stores  were  plun- 
dered ;  and  our  custom-houses  and  post-offices  were 
appropriated  by  the  rebels. 

The  energy  of  the  rebels,  and  the  imbecility  of  our 
Executive,  were  alike  marvelous.  The  Nation  looked 
on  in  agony,  waiting  for  the  slow  weeks  to  glide  away, 
and  close  the  administration,  so  terrible  in  its  weak- 
ness At  length  the  long-looked-for  hour  of  deliver- 
ance came,  when  Abraham  Lincoln  was  to  receive  the 

The  administration  of  President  Buchanan  was 
certainly  the  most  calamitous  our  country  has  ex- 
perienced. His  best  friends  cannot  recall  it  with 
pleasure.  And  still  more  deplorable  it  is  for  his  fame, 
that  in  that  dreadful  conflict  which  rolled  its  billows 
of  flame  and  blood  over  our  whole  land,  no  word  came 
from  his  lips  to  indicate  his  wish  that  our  country's 
banner  should  triumph  over  the  flag  of  the  rebellion. 
Hp  died  at  his  Wheatland   retreat,    June    i,    1868. 






BRAHAM    LINCOLN,    the 

sixteenth  Piesideiit  of  the 
J^United  States,  was  born  in 
Hardin  Co.,  Ky.,  Feb.  12, 
1809.  About  the  year  1780,  a 
man  by  the  name  of  Abraham 
^■^'  Lincohi  left  Virginia  with  liis 
family  and  moved  into  the  tlien 
wilds  of  Kentucky.  Only  two  years 
after  this  emigration,  still  a  young 
man,  while  working  one  day  in  a 
field,  was  stealthily  appro:;ched  b)- 
an  Indian  and  shot  dead.  His  widow 
was  left  in  extreme  poverty  witji  five 
little  children,  three  boys  and  two 
girls.  Thomas,  the  youngest  of  the 
boys,  was  four  years  of  age  at  his 
father's  death.  This  Thomas  was 
the  father  of  Abraham  Lincoln,  the 
President  of  the  United  States 
whose  name  must  henceforth  foi-ever  be  enrolled 
with  the  most  prominent  in  the  annals  of  our  world. 
Of  coarse  no  record  has  been  kept  of  the  life 
of  one  so  lowly  as  Thomas  Lincoln.  He  was  among 
the  poorest  of  the  poor.  His  home  was  a  wretched 
log-cabin ;  his  food  the  coarsest  and  the  meanest. 
Education  he  had  none;  he  could  never  either  read 
or  write.  As  soon  as  he  was  able  to  do  anything  for 
liimself,  he  was  compelled  to  leave  the  cabin  of  his 
starving  motlier,  and  push  out  into  the  world,  a  friend- 
.ess,  wandering  boy,  seeking  work.  He  hired  him- 
self out,  and  thus  sijent  the  whole  of  his  youth  as  a 
laljorer  in  the  fields  of  others. 

When  twenty-eight  years  of  age  he  buili  a  log- 
cabin  of  his  own,  and  married  Nancy  Hanks,  the 
daughter  of  another  family  of  poor  Kentucky  emi- 
grants, who  had  also  come  from  Virginia.  Their 
second  child  was  Abraham  Lincoln,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch.  The  mother  of  Abrahain  was  a  noble 
woman,  gentle,  loving,  pensive,  created  to  adorn 
a  palace,  doomed  to  toil  and  pine,  and  die  in  a  hovel. 
"All  Ihat  I  am,  or  hope  to  be,"  e.xclaims  the  grate- 
ful son  "I  owe  to  my  angel-mother. 

When  he  was  eight  years  of  age,  his  father  sold  his 

cabin  and  small  farm,  and  moved  to  Indiana.  Where 
two  years  later  his  mother  died. 

Abraham  soon  became  the  scribe  of  the  uneducated 
community  around  him.  He  could  not  have  had  a 
better  school  than  this  to  teacii  him  to  put  thoughts 
into  words.  He  also  became  an  eager  reader.  The 
books  he  could  obtain  were  few ;  but  these  he  read 
and  re-read  until  they  were  almost  committed  to 

As  the  years  rolled  on,  the  lot  of  this  lowly  family 
was  the  usual  lot  of  humanity.  There  were  joys  and 
griefs,  weddings  and  funerals.  Abraham's  sister 
Sarah,  to  whom  he  was  tenderly  attached,  was  mar- 
ried when  a  child  of  but  fourteen  years  of  age,  and 
soon  died.  The  family  was  gradually  scattered.  Mr. 
Thomas  Lincoln  sold  out  his  squatter's  claim  in  1830, 
and  emigrated  to  Macon  Co.,  111. 

Abraham  Lincoln  was  then  twenty-one  years  of  age. 
With  vigorous  hands  he  aided  his  father  in  rearing 
another  log-cabin.  Abraham  worked  diligently  at  this 
until  he  saw  the  family  comfortably  settled,  and  their 
small  lot  of  enclosed  prairie  planted  with  corn,  wl  e.i 
he  announced  to  his  father  his  intention  to  leave 
home,  and  to  go  out  into  the  world  and  seek  his  for- 
tune. Little  did  he  or  his  friends  imagine  how  bril- 
liant that  fortune  was  to  be.  He  saw  the  value  of 
education  and  was  intensely  earnest  to  improve  his 
mind  to  the  utmost  of  his  power.  He  saw  the  ruin 
which  aident  spirits  were  causing,  and  1  ecame 
strictly  temperate;  refusing  to  allow  a  dro[)  of  iritoxi- 
cating  liquor  to  pass  his  lips.  And  he  had  read  in 
God's  word,  "  Thou  shalt  not  take  the  name  of  the 
Lord  thy  God  in  vain;"  and  a  profane  expression  he 
was  never  heard  to  utter.  Religion  he  revered.  His 
morals  were  pure,  and  he  was  uncontaminated  by  a 
single  vice. 

Young  Abraham  worked  for  a  time  as  a  hired  laborer 
among  the  farmers.  Then  he  went  to  Springfield, 
where  he  was  employed  in  building  a  large  flat-boat. 
In  this  he  took  a  herd  of  swine,  floated  them  dowr^ 
the  Sangamon  to  the  Illinois,  and  thence  by  the  Mis- 
sissippi to  New  Orleans.  Wjiatever  Abraham  Lin- 
coln undertook,  he  performed  so  faithfully  as  to  giv?. 
great  satisfaction  to  his  employers.      In  this  .ndvcn- 


tLire  his  cmployeis  were  so  well  pleased,  that  upon 
Ins  retarn  tiicy  placed  a  store  and  mill  under  his  care. 

1,1  1832,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Black  Hawk  war,  he 
enlisted  and  was  chosen  captain  of  a  company.  He 
returned  to  Sangamon  County,  and  although  only  23 
years  of  age,  was  a  candidate  for  the  Legislature,  but 
was  defeated.  He  soon  after  received  from  Andrew 
Jackson  the  appointment  of  Postmaster  of  New  Salem, 
His  only  post-office  was  his  hat.  All  the  letters  he 
received  he  carried  there  ready  to  deliver  to  those 
he  chanced  to  meet.  He  studied  surveying,  and  soon 
made  this  his  business.  In  1834  he  again  became  a 
candidate  for  the  Legislattire,  and  was  elected  Mr. 
Stuart,  of  Springfield,  advised  him  to  study  law.  He 
walked  from  New  Salem  to  Springfield,  borrowed  of 
:\Ir.  Stuart  a  load  of  books,  carried  them  back  and 
began  his  legal  studies.  When  the  Legislature  as- 
sembled he  trudged  on  foot  with  his  pack  on  his  back 
o  .e  hundred  miles  to  Vandalia,  then  the  capital.  In 
1836  he  was  re-elected  to  the  Legislature.  Here  it 
was  he  first  met  Stephen  A.  Douglas.  In  1839  he  re- 
moved to  Springfield  and  began  the  practice  of  law. 
His  success  with  the  jury  was  so  great  that  he  was 
soon  engaged  in  almost  every  noted  case  in  the  circuit. 

In  1854  the  great  discussion  began  between  Mr. 
Lincoln  and  Mr.  Douglas,  on  the  slavery  question. 
In  the  organization  of  the  Republican  party  in  Illinois, 
in  1856,  he  took  an  active  part,  and  at  once  became 
one  of  the  leaders  in  that  party.  Mr.  Lincoln's 
speeches  in  opposition  to  Senator  Douglas  in  the  con- 
test in  1858  for  a  seat  in  the  Senate,  form  a  most 
notable  part  of  his  history.  The  issue  was  on  the 
ilavery  question,  and  he  took  the  broad  ground  of 
.he  Declaration  of  Independence,  that  all  men  are 
created  equal.  Mr.  Lincoln  was  defeated  in  this  con- 
test, but  won  a  far  higher  prize. 

The  great  Republican  Convention  met  at  Chicago 
on  the  i6th  ot  June,  i860.  The  delegates  and 
strangers  who  crowded  the  city  amounted  to  twenty- 
five  thousand.  An  immense  building  called  "The 
Wigwam,"  was  reared  to  accommodate  the  Conven- 
tion. There  were  eleven  candidates  for  whom  votes 
were  thrown.  William  H  Seward,  a  man  whose  fame 
as  a  statesman  had  long  filled  the  land,  was  the  most 
nrominent.  It  was  generally  supposed  he  Avould  be 
the  nominee,  Abraham  Lincoln,  however,  received 
the  nomination  on  the  third  ballot.  Little  did  he  then 
dream  of  the  weary  years  of  toil  and  care,  and  the 
bloody  death,  to  which  that  nomination  doomed  him : 
and  aslittle  did  lie  dream  that  he  was  to  render  services 
to  his  country,  which  would  fix  upon  him  the  eyes  of 
the  whole  civilized  world,  and  which  would  give  him 
a  place  in  the  affections  of  his  countrymen,  second 
only,  if  second,  to  that  of  Washington. 

Election  day  came  and  Mr.  Lincoln  received  180 
electoral  votes  out  of  203  cast,  and  was,  therefore, 
constitutionally  elected  President  of  the  United  States. 
The  tirade  of  abuse  that  vas  poured  upon   this    good 

and  merciful  man,  especially  by  the  slaveholders,  was 
greater  than  upon  any  other  man  ever  elected  to  this 
high  position.  In  February,  186 1,  Mr.  Lincoln  started 
for  Washington,  stopping  in  all  the  large  cities  on  his 
way  making  speeches.  The  whole  journey  was  frought 
with  much  danger.  Many  of  the  Southern  States  had 
already  seceded,  and  several  attempts  at  assassination 
were  afterwards  brought  to  light.  A  gang  in  Balti- 
more had  arranged,  upon  his  arrival  to  "get  up  a  row, " 
and  in  the  confusion  to  make  sure  of  his  death  with 
revolvers  and  hand-grenades.  A  detective  unravelled 
the  plot.  A  secret  and  special  train  was  provided  to 
take  him  from  HarrisL'urg,  through  Baltimore,  at  an 
unexpected  hour  of  the  night.  The  train  started  at 
half-past  ten  ;  and  to  prevent  ai.y  possible  communi- 
cation on  the  part  ot  the  Secessionists  with  their  Cor.- 
federate  gang  in  Baltimore,  as  soon  as  the  train  had 
started  the  telegraph-wires  were  cut.  Mr.  Lincol.i 
reached  Washington  in  safety  and  was  inaugurated, 
although  great   anxiety  was  felt  by  all  loyal  people. 

In  the  selection  of  his  cabinet  Mr.  Lincoln  gave 
to  Mr  Seward  the  Department  of  State,  and  to  other 
prominent  opponents  before  the  convention  he  gave 
important  positions. 

During  no  other  administration  have  the  duties 
devolving  upon  the  President  been  so  manifold,  and 
the  responsibilities  so  great,  as  those  which  fell  to 
the  lot  of  President  Lincoln.  Knowing  this,  and 
feeling  his  own  weakness  and  inability  to  meet,  and  in 
his  own  strength  to  cope  with,  the  difficulties,  he 
learned  early  to  seek  Divine  wisdom  and  guidance  in 
determining  his  plans,  and  Divine  comfort  in  all  his 
trial;,  bo'h  personal  and  national  Contrary  to  his 
own  estimate  of  himself,  Mr.  Lincoln  was  one  of  the 
most  courageous  of  men.  He  went  directly  into  the 
rebel  capital  just  as  the  retreating  foe  was  leaving, 
with  no  guard  but  a  few  sailors.  From  the  time  he 
had  left  Springfield,  in  1861,  however,  plans  had  been 
made  for  his  assassination, and  he  at  last  fell  a  victim 
to  oneof  them,  .'\pril  14,  1865,  he,  with  Gen.  Grant, 
was  urgently  invited  to  attend  Fords'  Theater.  It 
was  announced  that  they  would  be  present.  Gen. 
Grar.t,  however,  left  the  city.  President  Lincoln,  fee'- 
ing,  witu  his  characteristic  kindliness  of  heart,  that 
it  would  be  a  disappointment  if  he  should  fail  them, 
very  reluctantly  consented  to  go.  While  listening  to 
the  play  an  actor  by  the  name  of  John  AVilkes  Booth 
entered  the  box  where  the  President  and  family  were 
seated,  and  fired  a  bullet  into  his  brains.  He  died  the 
next  morning  at  seven  o'clock. 

Never  before,  in  the  history  of  the  world  was  a  nation 
plunged  into  such  deep  grief  by  the  death  of  its  ruler. 
Strong  men  met  in  the  streets  and  wept  in  speechless 
anguisli.  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  a  nation  was 
in  tears.  His  was  a  life  which  will  filly  become  a 
model.  His  name  as  the  savior  of  his  country  ■"'iil 
live  with  that  of  W^ashington's,  its  father;  his  country- 
men being  unable   to  decide    whirh  ^s    tt'e   ureater. 



NDREW  JOHNSON,  seven- 
teenth President  of  the  United 
States.  The  early  life  of 
Andrew  Johnson  contains  but 
the  record  of  poverty,  destitu- 
tion and  friendlessness.  He 
was  born  December  29,  1808, 
in  Raleigh,  N.  C.  His  parents, 
belonging  to  the  class  of  the 
"poor  whites  "  of  the  South,  were 
in  such  circumstances,  that  they 
could  not  confer  even  the  slight- 
est advantages  of  education  upon 
W'J?  their  child.  When  Andrew  was  five 
I  years  of  age,  his  father  accidentally 
lost  his  life  while  herorically  endeavoring  to  save  a 
friend  from  drowning.  Until  ten  years  of  age,  Andrew 
was  a  ragged  boy  about  the  streets,  supported  by  the 
labor  of  his  mother,  who  obtained  her  living  with 
her  own  hands. 

He  then,  having  never  attended  a  school  one  day, 
and  being  unable  either  to  read  or  write,  was  ap- 
prenticed to  a  tailor  in  his  native  town.  A  gentleman 
was  in  the  habit  of  going  to  the  tailor's  shop  occasion- 
ally, and  reading  to  the  boys  at  work  there.  He  often 
read  from  the  speeches  of  distinguished  British  states- 
men. Andrew,  who  was  endowed  with  a  mind  of  more 
than  ordinary  native  ability,  became  much  interested 
in  these  speeches ;  his  ambition  was  roused,  and  he 
was  inspired  with  a  strong  desire  to  learn  to  read. 

He  accordingly  applied  himself  to  the  alphabet,  and 
with  the  assistance  of  some  of  his  fellow- workmen, 
learned  his  letters.  He  then  called  upon  the  gentle- 
man to  borrow  the  book  of  speeches.      The  owner, 

pleased  with  his  zeal,  not  only  gave  him  the  boo^- 
but  assisted  him  in  learning  to  combine  the  lettorc 
into  words.  Under  such  difficulties  he  pressed  3.. 
ward  laboriously,  spending  usually  ten  or  twelve  hours 
at  work  in  the  shop,  and  then  robbing  himself  of  rest 
and  recreation  to  devote  such  time  as  he  could  to 

He  went  to  Tennessee  in  1826,  and  located  at 
Greenville,  where  he  married  a  young  lady  who  pos 
sessed  some  education.  Under  her  instructions  )ie 
learned  to  write  and  cipher.  He  became  prominent 
in  the  village  debating  society,  and  a  favorite  with 
the  students  of  Greenville  College.  In  1828,  he  or- 
ganized a  working  man's  party,  which  elected  him 
alderman,  and  in  1830  elected  him  mayor,  which 
position  he  held  three  years. 

He  now  began  to  take  a  lively  interest  in  political 
affairs;  identifying  himself  with  the  working-classes, 
to  which  he  belonged.  In  1835,  he  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of  Tennes- 
see. He  was  then  just  twenty-seven  years  of  age, 
He  became  a  very  active  member  of  the  legislature 
gave  his  adhesion  to  the  Democratic  party,  and  in 
1840  "stumped  the  State,"  advocating  Martin  ^  "an 
Buren's  claims  to  the  Presidency,  in  opposition  to  thos^ 
of  Gen.  Harrison.  In  this  campaign  he  acquired  much 
readiness  as  a  speaker,  and  extended  and  increased 
his  reputation. 

In  1841,  he  was  elected  State  Senator;  in  1843,  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  Congress,  and  by  successive 
elections,  held  that  important  post  for  ten  years.  In 
1853,  he  was  elected  Governor  of  Tennessee,  and 
was  re-elected  in  1855.  In  all  these  resiwnsible  posi- 
tions, he  discharged  his  duties  with  distinguished  abi. 



ity,  and  proved  himself  the  warm  friend  of  the  work- 
ing classes.  In  1857,  Mr.  Johnson  was  elected 
United  States  Senator. 

Years  before,  in  1845,  he  had  warmly  advocated 
the  annexation  of  Texas,  stating  however,  as  his 
reason,  that  he  thought  this  anne.xation  would  prob- 
ably prove  "  to  be  the  gateway  out  of  which  the  sable 
sons  of  Africa  are  to  pass  from  bondage  to  Ireedom, 
and  become  merged  in  a  population  congenial  to 
themselves."  In  1850,  he  also  supported  the  com- 
promise measures,  the  two  essential  features  of  which 
were,  that  the  white  people  of  the  Territories  should 
be  permitted  to  decide  for  themselves  whether  they 
would  enslave  the  colored  people  or  not,  and  that 
the  '"ree  States  of  the  North  should  return  to  the 
South  persons  who  attempted  to  escape  from  slavery. 

Mr.  Johnson  was  neverashamedof  his  lowly  origin: 
on  the  contrary,  he  often  took  pride  in  avowing  that 
he  owed  his  distinction  to  his  own  exertions.  "Sir," 
said  he  on  the  floor  of  the  Senate,  "  I  do  not  forget 
that  I  am  a  mechanic  ;  neither  do  I  forget  that  Adam 
was  a  tailor  and  sewed  fig-leaves,  and  that  our  Sav- 
ior was  the  son  of  a  carpenter." 

In  the  Charleston-Baltimore  convention  of  iSuj,  ne 
was  the  choice  of  the  Tennessee  Democrats  for  the 
Presidenc)'.  In  186 1,  when  the  purpose  of  the  South- 
ern Democracy  became  apparent,  he  took  a  decided 
stand  in  favor  of  the  Union,  and  held  that  "  slavery 
must  be  held  subordinate  to  the  Union  at  whatever 
cost."  He  returned  to  Tennessee,  and  repeatedly 
imperiled  his  own  life  to  protect  the  Unionists  of 
Tennesee.  Tennessee  having  seceded  from  the 
Union,  President  Lincoln,  on  March  4th,  1862,  ap- 
pointed him  Military  Governor  of  the  State,  and  he 
established  the  most  stringent  military  rule.  His 
numerous  proclamations  attracted  wide  attention.    In 

1864,  he  was  elected  Vice-President  of  the  United 
States,  and  upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Lincoln,  April   15, 

1865,  became  President.  In  a  speech  two  days  later 
he  said,  "  The  American  people  must  be  taught,  if 
Jhey  do  not  already  feel,  that  treason  is  a  crime  and 
must  be  punished ;  that  the  Government  will  not 
always  bear  with  its  enemies ;  that  it  is  strong  not 
only  to  protect,  but  to  punish.  *  *  The  people 
must  understand  that  it  (treason)  is  the  blackest  of 
crimes,  and  will  surely  be  punished."  Yet  his  whole 
administration,  the  history  of  which  is  so  well  known, 
was  in  utter  ini:onsistency  with,  and  the  most  violent 

opposition  to,  the  principles  laid  down  in  that  speech. 

In  his  loose  policy  of  reconstruction  and  general 
amnesty,  he  was  opposed  by  Congress;  and  he  char- 
acterized Congress  as  a  new  rebellion,  and  lawlessly 
defied  it,  in  everything  possible,  to  the  utmost.  In 
the  beginnirig  of  1868,  on  account  of  "high  crimes 
and  misdemeanors,"  the  principal  of  which  was  the 
removal  of  Secretary  Stanton,  in  violation  of  the  Ten- 
ure of  Office  Act,  articles  of  impeachment  were  pre- 
ferred against  him,  and  the    trial   began    March   23. 

It  was  very  tedious,  continuing  for  nearly  three 
months.  A  test  article  of  the  impeachment  was  at 
length  submitted  to  the  court  for  its  action.  It  was 
certain  that  as  the  court  voted  upon  that  article  so 
would  it  vote  upon  all.  Thirty-four  voices  pronounced 
the  President  guilty.  As  a  two-thirds  vote  was  neces- 
sary to  his  condemnation,  he  was  pronounced  ac- 
quitted, notwithstanding  the  great  majority  against 
him.  The  change  of  one  vote  from  the  not  guilty 
side  would  have  sustained  the  impeachment. 

The  President,  for  the  remainder  of  his  term,  was 
but  little  regarded.  He  continued,  though  impotently, 
his  conflict  with  Congress.  His  own  party  did  not 
think  it  expedient  to  renominate  him  for  the  Presi- 
dency. The  Nation  rallied,  with  enthusiasm  unpar- 
alleled since  the  days  of  Washington,  around  the  name 
of  Gen.  Grant.  Andrew  Johnson  was  forgotten. 
The  bullet  of  the  assassin  introduced  him  to  the 
President's  chair.  Notwithstanding  this,  never  was 
there  presented  to  a  man  a  better  opportunity  to  im- 
mortalize his  naro.e,  and  to  win  the  gratitude  of  a 
nation.  He  failed  utterly.  He  retired  to  his  home 
in  Greenville,  Tenn.,  taking  no  very  active  part  in 
politics  until  1875.  On  Jan.  26,  after  an  exciting 
struggle,  he  was  chosen  by  the  Legislature  of  Ten- 
nessee, United  States  Senator  in  the  forty-fourth  Con- 
gress, and  took  his  seat  in  that  body,  at  the  special 
session  convened  by  President  Grant,  on  the  5th  of 
March.  On  the  27th  of  July,  1875,  the  ex-President 
made  a  visit  to  his  daughter's  home,  near  Carter 
Station,  Tenn.  When  he  started  on  his  journey,  he  was 
apparently  in  his  usual  vigorous  health,  but  on  reach- 
ing the  residence  of  his  child  the  following  day,  was 
stricken  with  paralysis,  rendering  him  unconscious. 
He  rallied  occasionally,  but  finally  passed  away  at 
2  A.M.,  July  31,  aged  sixty-seven  years.  His  fun- 
eral was  attended  at  Geenville,  on  the  3d  of  August, 
with  every  demonstration  of  respect. 





LYSSES  S.  GRANT,  the 
eighteenth  President  of  the 
|>  United  States,  was  born  on 
the  29th  of  April,  1822,  of 
Christian  parents,  in  a  humble 
home,  at  Point  Pleasant,  on  the 
banks  of  the  Ohio.  Shortly  after 
his  father  moved  to  George- 
town, Brown  Co.,  O.  In  this  re- 
mote frontier  hamlet,  Ulysses 
received  a  common-school  edu- 
cation. At  the  age  of  seven- 
teen, in  the  year  1839,  he  entered 
the  Military  Academy  at  West 
Point.  Here  he  was  regarded  as  a 
solid,  sensible  young  man  of  fair  abilities,  and  of 
sturdy,  honest  character.  He  took  respectable  rank 
as  a  scholar.  In  June,  1843,  he  graduated,  about  the 
middle  in  his  class,  and  was  sent  as  lieutenant  of  in- 
fantry to  one  of  the  distant  military  posts  in  the  Mis- 
souri Territory.  Two  years  he  past  in  these  dreary 
solitudes,  watching  the  vagabond  and  exasperating 

The  war  with  Mexico  came.  Lieut.  Grant  was 
sent  with  his  regiment  to  Corpus  Christi.  His  first 
battle  was  at  Palo  Alto.  There  was  no  chance  here 
for  the  exhibition  of  either  skill  or  heroism,  nor  at 
Resaca  de  la  Palma,  his  second  battle.  At  the  battle 
of  Monterey,  his  third  engagement,  it  is  said  that 
he  performed  a  signal  service  of  daring  and  skillful 
horsemanship.  His  brigade  had  exhausted  its  am- 
munition. A  messenger  must  be  sent  for  more,  along 
a  route  exposed  to  the  bullets  of  the  foe.  Lieut. 
Grant,  adopting  an  expedient  learned  of  the  Indians, 
grasped  the  mane  of  his  horse,  and  hanging  upon  one 
side  of  the  ani):«»al,  ran  the   gauntlet  in  entire  safety. 

From  Monterey  he  was  sent,  with  the  fourth  infantry, 
10  aid  Gen.  Scott,  at  the  siege  of  Vera  Cruz.  In 
preparation  for  the  march  to  the  city  of  Mexico,  he 
was  appointed  quartermaster  of  his  regiment.  At  the 
battle  of  Molino  del  Rey,  he  was  promoted  to  a 
first  lieutenancy,  and  was  brevetted  captain  at  Cha- 

At  the  close  of  the  Mexican  War,  Capt.  Grant  re- 
turned with  his  regiment  to  New  York,  and  was  again 
sent  to  one  of  the  military  posts  on  the  frontier.  The 
discovery  of  gold  in  California  causing  an  immense 
tide  of  emigration  to  flow  to  the  Pacific  shores,  Capt. 
Grant  was  sent  with  a  battalion  to  Fort  Dallas,  in 
Oregon,  for  the  protection  of  the  interests  of  the  im- 
migrants. Life  was  wearisome  in  those  wilds.  Capt. 
Grant  resigned  his  commission  and  returned  to  the 
States;  and  having  married,  entered  upon  the  cultiva- 
tion of  a  small  farm  near  St.  Louis,  Mo.  He  had  but 
little  skill  as  a  farmer.  Finding  his  toil  not  re- 
munerative, he  turned  to  mercantile  life,  entering  into 
the  leather  business,  with  a  younger  brother,  at  Ga- 
lena, 111.  This  was  in  the  year  i860.  As  the  tidings 
of  the  rebels  firing  on  Fort  Sumpter  reached  the  ears 
of  Capt.  Grant  in  his  counting-room,  he  said, — 
"Uncle  Sam  has  educated  me  for  the  army;  though 
I  have  served  him  through  one  war,  I  do  not  feel  that 
I  have  yet  repaid  the  debt.  I  am  still  ready  to  discharge 
my  obligations.  I  shall  therefore  buckle  on  my  sword 
and  see  Uncle  Sam  through  this  war  too." 

He  went  into  the  streets,  raised  a  company  of  vol- 
unteers, and  led  them  as  their  captain  to  Springfield, 
the  capital  of  the  State,  where  their  services  were 
offered  to  Gov.  Yates.  The  Governor,  impressed  by 
the  zeal  and  straightforward  executive  ability  of  Capt. 
Grant,  gave  him  a  desk  in  his  office,  to  assist  in  the 
volunteer  organization  that  was  being  formed  in  the 
State  in  behalf  of  the  Government.      On  the  15th  of 


June,  J 86 1,  Capt.  Grant  received  a  commission  as 
Colonel  of  the  Twenty-first  Regiment  of  Illinois  Vol- 
unteers. His  merits  as  a  West  Point  graduate,  who 
had  served  for  15  years  in  the  regular  army,  were  such 
that  he  was  soon  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Brigadier- 
General  and  was  placed  in  command  at  Cairo.  The 
rebels  raised  their  banner  at  Paducah,  near  the  mouth 
of  the  Tennessee  River.  Scarcely  had  its  folds  ap- 
peared in  the  breeze  ere  Gen.  Grant  was  there.  The 
rebels  fled.  Their  banner  fell,  and  the  star  and 
stripes  were  unfurled  in  its  stead. 

He  entered  the  service  with  great  determination 
and  immediately  began  active  duty.  This  was  the  be- 
ginning, and  until  the  surrender  of  Lee  at  Richmond 
he  was  ever  pushing  the  enemy  with  great  vigor  and 
effectiveness.  At  Belmont,  a  few  days  later,  he  sur- 
prised and  routed  the  rebels,  then  at  Fort  Henry 
won  another  victory.  Then  came  the  brilliant  fight 
at  Fort  Donelson.  The  nation  was  electrified  by  the 
victory,  and  the  brave  leader  of  the  boys  in  blue  was 
immediately  made  a  Major-General,  and  the  mihtary 
district  of  Tennessee  was  assigned  to  him. 

Like  all  great  captains.  Gen.  Grant  knew  well  how 
to  secure  the  results  of  victory.  He  immediately 
pushed  on  to  the  enemies'  lines.  Then  came  the 
terrible  battles  of  Pittsburg  Landing,  Corinth,  and  the 
siege  of  Vicksburg,  where  Gen.  Pemberton  made  an 
unconditional  surrender  of  the  city  with  over  thirty 
thousand  men  and  one-hundred  and  seventy-two  can- 
non. The  fall  of  Vicksburg  was  by  far  the  most 
severe  blow  which  the  rebels  had  thus  far  encountered, 
and  opened  up  the  Mississippi  from  Cairo  to  the  Gulf. 

Gen.  Grant  was  next  ordered  to  co-operate  with 
Gen.  Banks  in  a  movement  upon  Texas,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  New  Orleans,  where  he  was  thrown  from 
his  horse,  and  received  severe  injuries,  from  which  he 
was  laid  up  for  months.  He  then  rushed  to  the  aid 
of  Gens.  Rosecrans  and  Thomas  at  Chattanooga,  and 
by  a  wonderful  series  of  strategic  and  technical  meas- 
ures put  the  Union  Army  in  fighting  condition.  Then 
followed  the  bloody  battles  at  Chattanooga,  Lookout 
Mountain  and  Missionary  Ridge,  in  which  the  rebels 
were  routed  with  great  loss.  This  won  for  him  un- 
bounded praise  in  the  North.  On  the  4th  of  Febru- 
ary, 1864,  Congress  revived  the  grade  of  lieutenant- 
general,  and  the  rank  was  conferred  on  Gen.  Grant. 
He  repaired  to  Washington  to  receive  his  credentials 
and  enter  upon  ♦)■'<"  duties  of  his  new  office. 

Gen.  Grant  decided  as  soon  as  he  took  charge  of 
ihe  army  to  concentrate  the  widely-dispersed  National 
troops  for  an  attack  upon  Richmond,  the  nominal 
capital  of  the  Rebellion,  and  endeavor  there  to  de- 
stroy the  rebel  armies  which  would  be  promptly  as- 
sembled from  all  quarters  for  its  defence.  The  whole 
continent  seemed  to  tremble  under  the  tramp  of  these 
majestic  armies,  rushing  to  the  decisive  battle  field. 
Steamers  were  crowded  with  troops.  Railway  trains 
were  burdened  with  closely  packed  thousands.  His 
plans  were  comprehensive  and  involved  a  series  of 
campaigns,  which  were  executed  with  remarkable  en- 
ergy and  ability,  and  were  consummated  at  the  sur- 
render of  Lee,  April  9,   1865. 

The  war  was  ended.  The  Union  was  saved.  The 
almost  unanimous  voice  of  the  Nation  declared  Gen. 
Grant  to  be  the  most  prominent  instrument  in  its  sal- 
vation. The  eminent  services  he  had  thus  rendered 
the  country  brought  him  conspicuously  forward  as  the 
Republican  candidate  for  the  Presidential  chair. 

At  the  Republican  Convention  held  at  Chicago, 
May  21,  1868,  he  was  unanimously  nominated  for  the 
Presidency,  and  at  the  autumn  election  received  a 
majority  of  the  popular  vote,  and  214  out  of  294 
electoral  votes. 

The  National  Convention  of  the  Republican  party 
which  met  at  Philadelphia  on  the  5  th  of  June,  1872, 
placed  Gen.  Grant  in  nomination  for  a  second  term 
by  a  unanimous  vote.  The  selection  was  emphati- 
cally indorsed  by  the  people  five  months  later,  292 
electoral  votes  being   cast   for  him. 

Soon  after  the  close  of  his  second  term,  Gen.  Grant 
started  upon  his  famous  trip  around  the  world.  He 
visited  almost  every  country  of  the  civilized  world, 
and  was  everywhere  received  with  such  ovations 
and  demonstrations  of  respect  and  honor,  private 
as  well  as  public  and  official,  as  were  never  before 
bestowed  upon  any  citizen  of  the  United  States. 

He  was  the  most  prominent  candidate  before  the 
Republican  National  Convention  in  1880  for  a  re- 
nomination  for  President.  He  went  to  New  York  and 
embarked  in  the  brokerage  business  under  the  firm 
name  of  Grant  &  Ward.  The  latter  proved  a  villain, 
wrecked  Grant's  fortune,  and  for  larceny  was  sent  to 
the  penitentiary.  The  General  was  attacked  with 
cancer  in  the  throat,  but  suffered  in  his  stoic-like 
manner,  never  complaining.  He  was  re-instated  as 
General  of  the  Army  and  retired  by  Congress.  The 
cancer  soon  finished  its  deadly  work,  and  July  23, 
1885,  the  nation  wenf  in  mourning  over  the  death  of 
the  illustrious  General. 

0  (^/u^^^f^L^o-A^ 


1'^tl'^'^t^t^'^t,;.-  .'..v,v; 



the  nineteenth  President  of 
the  United  States,  was  born  in 
Delaware,  O.,  Oct.  4,  1822,  al- 
most three  months  after  the 
death  of  his  father,  Rutherford 
Hayes.  His  ancestry  on  both 
the  paternal  and  maternal  sides, 
was  of  the  most  honorable  char- 
acter. It  can  be  traced,  it  is  said, 
as  farbackas  1280,  when  Hayes  and 
Rutherford  were  two  Scottish  chief- 
tains, fighting  side  by  side  with 
Baliol,  William  Wallace  and  Robert 
Bruce.  Both  famiHes  belonged  to  the 
nobility,  owned  extensive  estates, 
and  had  a  large  following.  Misfor- 
tune ovtr  caking  the  family,  George  Hayes  left  Scot- 
land in  i6iSo,  and  settled  in  Windsor,  Conn.  His  son 
George  way  born  in  Windsor,  and  remained  there 
during  his  liie.  Daniel  Hayes,  son  of  the  latter,  mar- 
ried Sarah  Lvje,  and  lived  from  the  time  of  his  mar- 
riage until  his  death  in  Simsbury,  Conn.  Ezekiel, 
son  of  Daniel,  was  born  in  1724,  and  was  a  manufac- 
turer of  scythej  at  Bradford,  Conn.  Rutherford  Hayes, 
son  of  Ezekiel  aud  grandfather  of  President  Hayes,  was 
born  inNewHaven,  in  August,  1756.  He  was  a  farmer, 
blacksmith  and  tavern-keeper.  He  emigrated  to 
Vermont  at  an  utiknown  date,  settling  in  Brattleboro, 
where  he  established  a  hotel.  Here  his  son  Ruth- 
erford  Hayes    the  father  of  President  Hayes,  was 

born.  He  was  married,  in  September,  1813,  to  Sophia 
Birchard,  of  Wilmington,  Vt.,  whose  ancestors  emi- 
grated thither  from  Connecticut,  they  having  been 
among  the  wealthiest  and  best  famlies  of  Norwich. 
Her  ancestry  on  the  male  side  are  traced  back  to 
1635,  to  John  Birchard,  one  of  the  principal  founders 
of  Norwich.  Both  of  her  grandfathers  were  soldiers 
in  the  Revolutionary  War. 

The  father  of  President  Hayes  was  an  industrious, 
frugal  and  opened-hearted  man.  He  was  of  a  me- 
chanical turn,  and  could  mend  a  plow,  knit  a  stock- 
ing,  or  do  almost  anything  else  that  he  choose  to 
undertake.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Church,  active 
in  all  the  benevolent  enterprises  of  the  town,  and  con- 
ducted his  business  on  Christian  principles.  After 
the  close  of  the  war  of  181 2,  for  reasons  inexplicable 
to  his  neighbors,  he  resolved  to  emigrate  to   Ohio. 

The  journey  from  Vermont  to  Ohio  in  that  day, 
when  there  were  no  canals,  steamers,  nor  railways, 
was  a  very  serious  affair.  A  tour  of  inspection  was 
first  made,  occupying  four  months.  Mr.  Hayes  deter- 
mined to  move  to  Delaware,  where  the  family  arrived 
in  1817.  He  died  July  22,  1822,  a  victim  of  malarial 
fever,  less  than  three  months  before  the  birth  of  the 
son,  of  whom  we  now  write.  Mrs.  Hayes,  in  her  sore  be- 
reavement, found  the  support  she  so  much  needed  in 
her  brother  Sardis,  who  had  been  a  member  of  the 
household  from  the  day  of  its  departure  from  Ver^ 
mont,  and  in  an  orphan  girl  whom  she  had  adopted 
some  time  before  as  an  act  of  charity. 

Mrs.  Hayes  at  this  period  was  very  weak,  and  the 


subject  of  this  sketch  was  so  feeble  at  birth  that  he 
wasMiot  expected  to  live  beyond  a  month  or  two  at 
most.  As  the  months  went  by  he  grew  weaker  and 
weaker,  so  that  the  neighbors  were  in  the  habit  of  in- 
quiring from  time  to  time  "  if  Mrs.  Hayes'  baby  died 
jast  night."  On  one  occasion  a  neighbor,  who  was  on 
familiar  terms  with  the  family,  after  alluding  to  the 
boy's  big  head,  and  the  mother's  assiduous  care  of 
nim,  said  in  a  bantering  way,  "  That's  right !  Stick  to 
him.  You  have  got  him  along  so  far,  and  I  shouldn't 
wonder  if  he  would  really  come  to  something  yet." 

"  You  reed  not  laugh,"  said  iNIrs.  Hayes.  "You 
wait  and  see.  You  can't  tell  but  I  shall  make  him 
President  of  the  United  States  yet."  The  boy  lived, 
in  spite  of  the  universal  predictions  of  his  speedy 
death;  and  when,  in  1825,  his  older  brother  was 
drowned,  he  became,  if  possible,  still  dearer  to  his 

The  boy  was  seven  years  old  before  he  went  to 
school.  His  education,  however,  was  not  neglected. 
He  probably  learned  as  much  from  his  mother  and 
sister  as  he  would  have  done  at  school.  His  sports 
were  almost  wholly  within  doors,  his  playmates  being 
his  sister  and  her  associates.  These  circumstances 
tended,  no  doubt,  to  foster  that  gentleness  of  dispo- 
sition, and  that  delicate  consideration  for  the  feelings 
of  others,  which  are  marked  traits  of  his  character. 

His  uncle  Sardis  Birchard  took  the  deepest  interest 
in  his  education ;  and  as  the  boy's  health  had  im- 
proved, and  he  was  making  good  progress  in  his 
studies,  he  proposed  to  send  him  to  college.  His  pre- 
paration commenced  with  a  tutor  at  home;  but  he 
was  afterwards  sent  for  one  year  to  a  professor  in  the 
Wesleyan  University,  in  Middletown,  Conn.  He  en- 
tered Kenyon  College  in  1838,31  the  age  of  sixteen, 
and  was  graduated  at  the  head  of  his  class  in   1842. 

Immediately  after  his  graduation  he  began  the 
study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Thomas  Sparrow,  Esq., 
in  Columbus.  Finding  his  opportunities  for  study  in 
Columbus  somewhat  limited,  he  determined  to  enter 
the  Law  School  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  where  he  re- 
mained two  years. 

In  1841;,  after  graduatmg  at  the  Law  School,  he  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  at  Marietta,  Ohio,  and  shortly 
afterward  went  into  practice  as  an  attorney-at-law 
with  Ralph  P.  Buckland,  of  Fremont.  Here  he  re- 
mained three  years,  acquiring  but  a  limited  practice, 
and  apparently  unambitious  of  distinction  in  his  pro- 

In  1 849  he  moved  to  Cincmnati,  where  his  ambi- 
tion found  a  new  stimulus.  For  several  years,  how- 
ever, his  progress  was  slow.  Two  events,  occurring  at 
this  period,  had  a  powerful  influence  upon  his  subse- 
(aient  life.  One  of  these  was  his  marrage  with  Miss 
Lucy  Ware  Webb,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Webb,  of 
Chilicothe ;  the  other  was  his  introduction  to  the  Cin- 
cinnati Literary  Club,  a  body  embracing  among  its 
members  suck  men  as'^hief  Justice  Salmon  P.  Chase, 

Gen.  John  Pope,  Gov.  Edward  F.  Noyes,  and  many 
others  hardly  less  distinguished  in  after  life.  The 
marriage  was  a  fortunate  one  in  every  respect,  as 
everj'body  knows.  Not  one  of  all  the  wives  of  our 
Presidents  was  more  universally  admired,  reverenced 
and  beloved  than  was  Mrs.  Hayes,  and  no  one  did 
more  than  she  to  reflect  honor  upon  American  woman- 
hood. The  Literary  Cluu  brought  Mr.  Hayes  into 
constant  association  with  young  men  of  high  char- 
acter and  noble  aims,  and  lured  him  to  display  the 
qualities  so  long  hidden  by  his  bashfulness  and 

In  1856  he  was  nominated  to  the  office  of  Judge  of 
the  Court  of  Common  Pleas;  but  he  declined  to  ac- 
cept the  nomination.  Two  years  later,  the  office  of 
city  solicitor  becoming  vacant,  the  City  Council 
elected  him  for  the  unexpired  term. 

In  1861,  when  the  Rebellion  broke  out,  he  was  at 
the  zenith  of  his  professional  life.  His  rank  at  the 
bar  was  among  the  the  first.  But  the  news  of  the 
attack  on  Fort  Sumpter  found  him  eager  to  take  up 
arms  for  the  defense  of  his  country. 

His  military  record  was  bright  and  illustrious.  In 
October,  186 1,  he  was  made  Lieutenant-Colonel,  and 
in  August,  1862,  promoted  Colonel  of  the  79th  Ohio 
regiment,  but  he  refused  to  leave  his  old  comrades 
and  go  among  strangers.  Subsequently,  however,  he 
was  made  Colonel  of  his  old  regiment.  At  the  battle 
of  South  Mountain  he  received  a  wound,  and  while 
faint  and  bleeding  displayed  courage  end  fortitude 
that  won  admiration  from  all. 

Col.  Hayes  was  detached  from  his  regiment,  after 
his  recovery,  to  act  as  Brigadier-General,  and  placed 
in  command  of  the  celebrated  Kanawha  division, 
and  for  gallant  and  meritorious  services  in  the  battles 
of  Winchester,  Fisher's  Hill  and  Cedar  Creek,  he  was 
promoted  Brigadier-General.  He  was  also  brevet'ed 
Major-General,  "for gallant  and  distinguished  ;  trvices 
during  the  campaigns  of  1864,  in  West  Virginia."  In 
the  course  of  his  arduous  services,  four  horses  were 
shot  from  under  him,  and  he  was  wounded  four  times. 

In  1864,  Gen.  Hayes  was  elected  to  Congress,  from 
the  Second  Ohio  District,  which  had  long  been  Dem- 
ocratic. He  was  not  present  during  the  campaign, 
and  after  his  election  was  importuned  to  resign  his 
commission  in  the  army  ;  but  he  finally  declared,  "  I 
shall  never  come  to  Washington  until  I  can  come  by 
the  way  of  Richmond."  He  was  re-elected  in  1S66. 

Ir.  1867,  Gen  Hayes  was  elected  Governor  of  Ohio, 
over  Hon.  Allen  G.  Thurman,  a  popular  Democrat. 
In  1869  was  re-elected  over  George  H.  Pendleton. 
He  was  elected  Governor  for  the  third  term  in   187  s. 

In  1876  he  was  the  standard  bearer  of  the  Repub- 
lican P.irty  in  the  Presidential  contest,  and  after  a 
hard  long  contest  was  chosen  President,  and  was  in 
augurated  Monday,  March  5,  1875.  He  served  his 
full  term,  not,  hcwever,  with  satisfaction  to  his  party, 
but  his  administration  was  an  average  on°. 



♦$:  -# » *-  -"S* #-     «•       A       C       ^       >*       ^^ ^ ^^     -«• .5^     * 

^i  JLAxME'S  jS^.  ©ARFIELD.  I 

AMES  A.  GARFIELD,  twen- 
tieth President  of  the  United 
States,    was    born    Nov.    19, 
I  S3 1,  in  the  woods  of  Orange, 
Cuyahoga  Co.,  O      His   par- 
ents were  Abram  and    EHza 
p  (Ballou)    Garfield,   both   of  New 
England  ancestry  and  from  fami- 
lies well  known  in  the  early  his- 
%  tory  of  that  section  of  our  coun- 
try, but  had  moved  to  the  Western 
Reserve,  in  Ohio,  early  in  its  settle- 

The  house  in  which  James  A.  was 
born  was  not  unlike  the  houses  of 
poor  Ohio  farmers  of  that  day.  It 
..ds  about  20x30  feet,  built  of  logs,  with  the  spaces  be- 
tween the  logs  filled  with  clay.  His  father  was  a 
:iard  working  farmer,  and  he  soon  had  his  fields 
cleared,  an  orchard  planted,  and  a  log  barn  built. 
i"he  household  comprised  the  father  and  mother  and 
:heir  four  children — Mehetabel,  Thomas,  Mary  and 
Tames.  In  May,  1823,  the  father,  from  a  cold  con- 
.racted  in  helping  to  put  out  a  forest  fire,  died.  At 
diis  time  James  was  about  eighteen  months  old,  and 
Thomas  about  ten  years  old.  No  one,  perhaps,  can 
tell  how  much  James  was  indebted  to  his  biother's 
ceil  and  self  sacrifice  during  the  twenty  years  suc- 
ceeding his  father's  death,  but  undoubtedly  very 
much.  He  now  lives  in  Michigan,  and  the  two  sis- 
ters live  in  Solon,  O.,  near  their  birthplace. 

The  early  educational  advantages  young  Garfield 
enjoyed  were  very  limited,  yet  he  made  the  most  of 
them.  He  labored  at  farm  work  for  others,  did  car- 
penter work,  chopped  wood,  or  did  anything  that 
would  bring  in  a  few  dollars  to  aid  his  widowed 
mother  in  he'  ^irnggles  to  keep  the  little   family  to- 

gether. Nor  was  Gen.  Garfield  ever  ashamed  of  his 
origin,  and  he  never  forgot  the  friends  of  his  strug- 
gling childhood,  youth  and  manhood,  neither  did  they 
ever  forget  him.  When  in  the  highest  seats  of  honor, 
the  humblest  fiiend  of  his  boyhood  was  as  kindly 
greeted  as  ever.  The  poorest  laborer  was  sureof  tlie 
sympathy  of  one  who  had  known  all  the  bitterness 
of  want  and  the  sweetness  of  bread  earned  by  the 
sweat  of  the  brow.  He  was  ever  the  simple,  plain, 
modest  gentleman. 

The  highest  ambition  of  young  Garfield  until  he 
was  about  sixteen  years  old  was  to  be  a  captain  of 
a  vessel  on  Lake  Erie.  He  was  anxious  to  go  aboard 
a  vessel,  which  his  mother  strongly  opposed.  She 
finally  consented  to  his  going  to  Cleveland,  with  the 
understanding,  however,  that  he  should  try  to  obtain 
some  other  kind  of  employment.  He  walked  all  the 
way  to  Cleveland.  This  was  his  first  visit  to  the  city. 
After  making  many  applications  for  work,  and  trying 
to  get  aboard  a  lake  vessel,  and  not  meeting  with 
success,  he  engaged  as  a  driver  for  his  cousin,  Amos 
Letcher,  on  the  Ohio  &:  Pennsylvania  Canal.  He  re- 
mained at  this  work  but  a  short  time  when  he  went 
home,  and  attended  the  seminary  at  Chester  for 
about  three  years,  when  he  entered  Hiram  and  the 
Eclectic  Institute,  teaching  a  few  terms  of  school  in 
the  meantime,  and  doing  other  work.  This  school 
was  started  by  the  Disciples  of  Christ  in  1850,  of 
which  church  he  was  then  a  member.  He  became 
janitor  and  bell-ringer  in  order  to  help  pay  his  way. 
He  then  became  both  teacher  and  pupil.  He  soon 
"  exhausted  Hiram  "  and  needed  more  ;  hence,  in  the 
fall  of  1854,  he  entered  Williams  College,  from  which 
he  graduated  in  1856,  taking  one  of  the  highest  hon- 
ors of  his  class.  He  afterwards  returned  to  Hiram 
College  as  its  President.  As  above  stated,  he  early 
united  with  the  Christian  or  Diciples  Church  at 
Hiram,  and  was  ever  after  a  devoted,  zealous  mem- 
ber, often  preaching  in  its  pulpit  and  places  where 
he  happened  to  be.  Dr.  Noah  Porter,  President  of 
Yale  College,  says  of  him  in  reference  to  hisreliaio.i: 



"  President  Garfield  was  more  than  a  man  of 
strong  moral  and  religious  convictions.  His  whole 
history,  from  boyhood  to  the  last,  shows  that  duty  to 
man  and  to  God,  and  devotion  to  Christ  and  life  and 
faith  and  spiritual  commission  were  controlling  springs 
of  his  being,  and  to  a  more  than  usual  degree.  In 
my  judgment  there  is  no  more  interesting  feature  of 
his  character  than  his  loyal  allegiance  to  the  body  of 
Christians  in  which  he  was  trained,  and  the  fervent 
sympathy  which  he  ever  showed  in  their  Christian 
communion.  Not  many  of  the  i&N  'wise  and  mighty 
and  noble  who  are  called'  show  a  similar  loyalty  to 
the  less  stately  and  cultured  Christian  comnmnions 
in  which  they  have  been  reared.  Too  often  it  is  true 
that  as  they  step  upward  in  social  and  political  sig- 
nificance they  step  upward  from  one  degree  to 
another  in  some  of  tlie  many  types  of  fashionable 
Christianity.  President  Garfield  adhered  to  the 
church  of  his  mother,  the  church  in  which  he  was 
trained,  and  in  which  he  served  as  a  pillar  and  an 
evangelist,  and  yet  with  the  largest  and  most  unsec- 
tarian  cliarity  for  all  'who  loveour  Lord  in  sincerity.'" 

Mr.  Garfield  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Lucretia  Rudolph,  Nov.  1 1,  1858,  who  proved  herself 
worthy  as  the  wife  of  one  whom  all  the  world  loved  and 
mourned.  To  them  were  born  seven  children,  five  of 
whom  are  still  living,  four  boys  and  one  girl. 

Mr.  Garfield  made  his  first  political  speeches  in  1856, 
in  Hiram  and  the  neighboring  villages,  and  three 
years  later  he  began  to  speak  at  county  mass-meet- 
ings, and  became  the  favorite  speaker  wherever  he 
was.  During  this  year  he  was  elected  to  the  Ohio 
Senate.  He  also  began  to  study  law  at  Cleveland, 
and  in  1S61  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  The  great 
Rebellion  broke  out  in  the  early  part  of  this  year, 
and  Mr.  Garfield  at  once  resolved  to  fight  as  he  had 
talked,  and  enlisted  to  defend  the  old  flag.  He  re- 
ceived his  commission  as  Lieut. -Colonel  of  the  Forty- 
second  Regiment  of  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry,  Aug. 
14,  1861.  He  was  immediately  put  into  active  ser- 
vice, and  before  he  had  ever  seen  a  gun  fired  in  action, 
was  placed  in  command  of  four  regiments  of  infantry 
and  eight  companies  of  cavalry,  charged  with  the 
work  of  driving  out  of  his  native  State  the  officer 
(Humphrey  M^rshall)  reputed  to  be  the  ablest  of 
those,  not  educated  to  war  whom  Kentucky  had  given 
to  the  Rebellion.  This  work  was  bravely  and  speed- 
ily accomplished,  although  against  great  odds.  Pres- 
ident Lincoln,  on  his  success  commissioned  him 
Brigadier-General,  Jan.  10,  1862;  and  as  "he  had 
been  the  youngest  man  in  the  Ohio  Senate  two  years 
before,  so  now  he  was  the  youngest  General  in  the 
army."  He  was  with  Gen.  Buell's  army  at  Shiloh, 
in  its  operations  around  Corinth  and  its  march  through 
Alabama.  He  was  then  detailed  as  a  memberof  the 
General  Coutt-Martial  for  the  trial  of  Gen.  Fitz-John 
Porter.  He  was  then  ordered  to  report  to  Gen.  Rose- 
crans,  and  was  assigned  to  the  "  Chief  of  Staff." 

The  military  history  of  Gen.  Garfield  closed  with 

his  brilliant  services  at  Chickamauga,  where  he  won 
the  stars  of  the  Major-General. 

Without  an  effort  on  his  part  Gei?  Garfield  was 
elected  to  Congress  in  the  fall  of  1862  from  the 
Nineteenth  District  of  Ohio.  This  section  of  Ohio 
had  been  represented  in  Congress  for  si.xty  years 
mainly  by  two  men — Elisha  Whittlesey  and  Joshua 
R.  Giddings.  It  was  not  without  a  struggle  that  he 
resigned  his  place  in  the  army.  At  the  time  he  en- 
tered Congress  he  was  the  youngest  member  in  that 
body.  Ther-^  he  remained  by  successive  re- 
elections  until  he  was  elected  President  in  1880. 
Of  his  labors  in  Congress  Senator  Hoar  says  :  "  Since 
the  year  1864  you  cannot  think  of  a  question  which 
has  been  debated  in  Congress,  or  discussed  before  a 
tribunel  of  the  American  people,  in  regard  to  which 
you  will  not  find,  if  you  wish  instruction,  the  argu- 
ment on  one  side  stated,  in  almost  every  instance 
better  than  by  anybody  else,  in  some  speech  made  in 
the  House  of  Representatives  or  on  the  hustings  by 
Mr.  Garfield." 

Upon  Jan.  14,  1880,  Gen.  Garfield  was  elected  to 
the  U.  S.  Senate,  and  on  the  eighth  of  June,  of  tiie 
same  year,  was  nominated  as  the  candidate  of  his 
party  for  President  at  the  great  Chicago  Convention. 
He  was  elected  in  the  following  November,  and  on 
March  4,  1881,  was  inaugurated.  Probably  no  ad- 
ministration ever  opened  its  existence  under  brighter 
auspices  than  that  of  President  Garfield,  and  every 
day  it  grew  in  favor  with  the  people,  and  by  the  first 
of  July  he  had  completed  all  the  initiatory  and  pre- 
liminary work  of  his  administration  and  was  prepar- 
ing to  leave  the  city  to  meet  his  friends  at  Williams 
College.  While  on  his  way  and  at  the  depot,  in  com- 
pany with  Secretary  Blaine,  a  man  stepped  behind 
him,  drew  a  revolver,  and  fired  directly  at  his  back. 
The  President  tottered  and  fell,  and  as  he  did  so  the 
assassin  fired  a  second  shot,  the  bullet  cutting  the 
left  coat  sleeve  of  his  victim,  but  inflicting  no  further 
injury.  It  has  been  very  truthfully  said  that  this  was 
"  the  shot  that  was  heard  round  the  world  "  Never 
liefore  in  the  history  of  the  Nation  had  anything  oc- 
curred which  so  nearly  froze  the  blood  of  the  people 
for  the  moment,  as  this  awful  deed.  He  was  smit- 
ten on  the  brightest,  gladdest  day  of  all  his  life,  and 
was  at  the  summit  of  his  power  and  hope.  For  eighty 
days,  all  during  the  hot  months  of  July  and  August, 
he  lingered  and  suffered.  He,  however,  remained 
master  of  himself  till  the  last,  and  by  his  magnificent 
bearing  was  teaching  the  country  and  the  world  the 
noblest  of  human  lessons — how  to  live  grandly  in  the 
very  clutch  of  death.  Great  in  life,  he  was  surpass- 
ingly great  in  death.  He  passed  serenely  away  Sept. 
19,  1883,  at  Elberon,  N.  J  ,  on  the  very  bank  of  the 
ocean,  where  he  had  been  taken  shortly  previous.  The 
world  wept  at  his  death,  as  it  never  had  done  on  the 
death  of  any  other  man  who  had  ever  lived  upon  it. 
The  murderer  was  duly  tried,  found  guilty  and  exe- 
cuted, in  one  year  after  he  committed  the  fou:  deed. 


HESTER      A.      ARTHUR, 

twenty-first    Presi^'-^.u   of  the 

^^United   States,    was    born    in 

P  ranklin  Cour  ty,  Vermont,  on 

thefifthofOdober,  1830,  andis 

the  oldest   of  a    family    of  two 

sons  and    five    daughters.     His 

father  was  the  Rev.  Dr.  William 

Arthur,  aBaptistc'',rgyman,who 

emigrated  to  th'.s  country  from 

the  county  Antrim,  Ireland,   in 

his  i8th  year,  and  died  in  1875,  in 

Newtonville,   neai    Albany,   after  a 

long  and  successful  ministry. 

Young  Arthur  was  educated  at 
Union  College,  S(  henectady,  where 
he  excelled  in  all  his  studies.  Af- 
ter his  graduation  he  taught  school 
in  Vermont  for  two  years,  and  at 
the  expiration  of  that  time  came  to 
New  York,  with  $500  in  his  pocket, 
and  entered  the  office  of  ex-Judge 
E.  D.  Culver  as  student.  After 
being  admitted  to  the  bar  he  formed 
a  partnership  with  his  intimate  friend  and  room-mate, 
Henry  D.  Gardiner,  with  the  intention  of  practicing 
in  the  West,  and  for  three  months  they  roamed  about 
in  the  Western  States  in  search  of  an  eligible  site, 
but  in  the  end  returned  to  New  York,  where  they 
hung  out  their  shingle,  and  entered  upon  a  success^ 
ful  career  almost  from  the  start.  General  Arthur 
soon  afterward  nwr^d  the  daughter   of  Lieutenant 

Herndon,  of  the  United  States  Navy,  who  was  lost  at 
sea.  Congress  voted  a  gold  medal  to  his  widow  in 
recognition  of  the  bravery  he  displayed  on  that  occa- 
sion. Mrs.  Arthur  died  shortly  before  Mr.  Arthurs 
nomination  to  the  Vice  Presidency,  leaving  two 

Gen.  Arthur  obtained  considerable  legal  celebrity 
in  his  first  great  case,  the  famous  Lemmon  suit, 
brought  to  recover  possession  of  eight  slaves  who  had 
been  declared  free  by  Judge  Paine,  of  the  Superior 
Court  of  New  York  City.  It  was  in  1852  that  Jon, 
athan  Lemmon,  of  Virginia,  went  to  New  York  with 
his  slaves,  intending  to  ship  them  to  Texas,  when 
they  were  discovered  and  freed.  The  Judge  decided 
that  they  could  not  be  held  by  the  owner  under  the 
Fugitive  Slave  Law.  A  howl  of  rage  went  up  from 
the  South,  and  the  Virginia  Legislature  authorized  the 
Attorney  General  of  that  State  to  assist  in  an  appeal. 
Wm.  M.  Evarts  and  Chester  A.  Arthur  were  employed 
to  represent  the  People,  and  they  won  their  case, 
which  then  went  to  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United 
States.  Charles  O'Conor  here  espoused  the  cause 
of  the  slave-holders,  but  he  too  was  beaten  by  Messrs 
Evarts  and  Arthur,  and  a  long  step  was  taken  toward 
the  emancipation  of  the  black  race. 

Another  great  service  was  rendered  by  General 
Arthur  in  the  same  cause  in  1856.  Lizzie  Jennings, 
a  respectable  colored  woman,  was  put  off  a  Fourth 
Avenue  car  with  violence  after  she  had  paid  her  fare. 
General  Arthur  sued  on  her  behalf,  and  secured  a 
verdict  of  $500  damages.  The  next  day  the  compa- 
ny issued  an  order  to  admit  colored  persons  to  ride 
on  their  cars,  and  the  other  car  companies  quickly 


followed  their  example.  Before  that  the  Sixth  Ave- 
nue Company  ran  a  few  special  cars  for  colored  per- 
sons and  the  other  lines  refused  to  let  them  ride  at  all. 

General  Arthur  was  a  delegate  to  the  Convention 
at  Saratoga  that  founded  the  Republican  party. 
Previous  to  the  war  he  was  Judge-Advocate  of  the 
Second  Brigade  of  the  State  of  New  York,  and  Gov- 
ernor Morgan,  of  that  State,  appointed  hmi  Engineer- 
in-Chief  of  his  staff.  In  1861,  he  was  made  Inspec- 
tor General,  and  soon  afterward  became  Quartermas- 
ter-General. In  each  of  these  offices  he  rendered 
great  service  to  the  Government  during  the  war.  At 
the  end  of  Governor  Morgan's  term  he  resumed  the 
practice  of  the  law,  forming  a  partnership  with  Mr. 
Ransom,  and  then  Mr.  Phelps,  the  District  Attorney 
of  New  York,  was  added  to  the  firm.  The  legal  prac- 
tice of  this  well-known  firm  was  very  large  and  lucra- 
tive, each  of  the  gentlemen  composing  it  were  able 
lawyers,  and  possessed  a  splendid  local  reputation,  if 
not  indeed  one  of  national  extent. 

He  always  took  a  leading  part  in  State  and  city 
politics.  He  was  appointed  Collector  of  the  Port  of 
New  York  by  President  Grant,  Nov.  21  1872,  to  suc- 
ceed Thomas  Murphy,  and  held  the  office  until  July, 
20,  1878,  when  he  was  succeeded  by  Collector  Merritt. 

Mr.  Arthur  was  nominated  on  the  Presidential 
ticket,  with  Gen.  James  A.  Garfield,  at  the  famous 
National  Republican  Convention  held  at  Chicago  in 
June,  1880.  This  was  perhaps  the  greatest  political 
convention  that  ever  assembled  on  the  continent.  It 
was  composed  of  the  'sading  politicians  of  the  Re- 
publican party,  all  able  men,  and  each  stood  firm  and 
fought  vigorously  and  with  signal  tenacity  for  their 
respective  candidates  that  were  before  the  conven- 
tion for  the  nomination.  Finally  Gen.  Garfield  re- 
ceived the  nomination  for  President  and  Gen.  Arthur 
for  Vice-President.  The  campaign  which  followed 
was  one  of  the  most  animated  known  in  the  history  of 
our  country.  Gen.  Hancock,  the  standard-bearer  of 
the  Democratic  party,  was  a  popular  man,  and  his 
party  made  a  valiant  fight  for  his  election. 

Finally  the  election  came  and  the  country's  choice 
.vas  Garfield  and  Arthur.  They  were  inaugurated 
March  4,  i88r,  as  President  and  Vice-President. 
A  few  months  only  had  passed  ere  the  newly  chosen 
President  was  the  victim  of  the  assassin's  bullet.  Then 
came  terrible  weeks  of  suffering, — those  moments  of 
anxious  suspense,  when  the  hearts  of  all  civilized  na- 

tions were  throbbing  in  unison,  longing  for  the  re- 
covery of  the  noble,  the  good  President.  The  remark- 
able patience  that  he  manifested  during  those  hours 
and  weeks,  and  even  months,  of  the  most  terrible  suf- 
fering man  has  often  been  called  upon  to  endure,  was 
seemingly  more  than  human.  It  was  certainly  God- 
like. During  all  this  period  of  deepest  anxiety  Mr. 
Arthur's  every  move  was  watched,  and  be  it  said  to  his 
credit  that  his  every  action  displayed  only  an  earnest 
desire  that  the  suffering  Garfield  might  recover,  to 
serve  the  remainder  of  the  term  he  had  so  auspi- 
ciously begun.  Not  a  selfish  feeling  was  manifested 
in  deed  or  look  of  this  man,  even  though  the  most 
honored  position  in  the  world  was  at  any  moment 
likely  to  fall  to  him. 

At  last  God  in  his  mercy  relieved  President  Gar- 
field from  further  suffering,  and  the  world,  as  never 
before  in  its  history  over  the  death  of  any  other 
man,  wept  at  his  bier.  Then  it  became  the  duty  of 
the  Vice  President  to  assume  the  responsibilities  of 
the  high  office,  and  he  took  the  oath  in  New  York, 
Sept.  20,  1881.  The  position  was  an  embarrassing 
one  to  him,  made  doubly  so  from  the  facts  that  all 
eyes  were,  on  him,  anxious  to  know  what  he  would  do, 
what  policy  he  would  pursue,  and  who  he  would  se- 
lect as  advisers.  The  duties  of  the  office  had  been 
greatly  neglected  during  the  President's  long  illness, 
and  many  important  measures  were  to  be  immediately 
decided  by  him ;  and  still  farther  to  embarrass  him  he 
did  not  fail  to  realize  under  what  circumstances  he 
became  President,  and  knew  the  feelings  of  many  on 
this  point.  Under  these  trying  circumstances  President 
Arthur  took  the  reins  of  the  Government  in  his  own 
hands ;  and,  as  embarrassing  as  were  the  condition  of 
affairs,  he  happily  surprised  the  nation,  acting  so 
wisely  that  but  few  criticised  his  administration. 
He  served  the  nation  well  and  faithfully,  until  the 
close  of  his  administration,  March  4,  1885,  and  was 
a  popular  candidate  before  his  party  for  a  second 
term.  His  name  was  ably  presented  before  the  con- 
vention at  Chicago,  and  was  received  with  great 
favor,  and  doubtless  but  for  the  personal  popularity 
of  one  of  the  opposing  candidates,  he  would  have 
been  selected  as  the  standard-bearer  of  his  party 
for  another  campaign.  He  retired  to  private  life  car- 
rj'ing  with  him  the  best  wishes  of  the  American  peo- 
ple, whom  he  had  served  in  a  manner  satisfactory 
to  them  and  with  credit  to  himself 

Cy^-Crt^y;^  Cj^C^utZ^Oyi^^i 


,  SI, 

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LAND,thetwenty-second  Pres- 
ident of  the  United  States,  was 
born  in  1837,  in  the  obscure 
town  of  Caldwell,  Essex  Co., 
N.  J.,  and  in  a  little  two-and-a- 
half-story  white  house  which  is  still 
standing,  characteristically  to  mark 
the  humble  birth-place  of  one  of 
America's  great  men  in  striking  con- 
trast with  the  Old  World,  where  all 
men  high  in  office  must  be  high  in 
origin  and  born  in  the  cradle  of 
wealth.  When  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  was  three  years  of  age,  his 
father,  who  was  a  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, with  a  large  family  and  a  small  salary,  moved, 
by  way  of  the  Hudson  River  and  Erie  Canal,  to 
Fayetteville,  in  search  of  an  increased  income  and  a 
larger  field  of  work.  Fayetteville  was  then  the  most 
straggling  of  country  villages,  about  five  miles  from 
Pompey  Hill,  where  Governor  Seymour  was  born. 

At  the  last  mentioned  place  young  Grover  com- 
menced going  to  school  in  the  "good,  old-fashioned 
way,"  and  presumably  distinguished  himself  after  the 
manner  of  all  village  boys,  in  doing  the  things  he 
ought  not  to  do.  Such  is  the  distinguishing  trait  of 
all  geniuses  and  independent  thinkers.  When  he 
arrived  at  the  age  of  14  years,  he  had  outgrown  the 
capacity  of  the  village  school  and  expressed  a  most 

emphatic  desire  to  be  sent  to  an  academy.  To  this 
his  father  decidedly  objected.  Academies  in  those 
days  cost  money;  besides,  his  father  wanted  him  to 
become  self-supporting  by  the  quickest  possible 
means,  and  this  at  that  time  in  Fayetteville  seemed 
to  be  a  position  in  a  country  store,  where  his  father 
and  the  large  family  on  his  hands  had  considerable 
influence.  Grover  was  to  be  paid  $50  for  his  services 
the  first  year,  and  if  he  proved  trustworthy  he  was  to 
receive  $100  the  second  year.  Here  the  lad  com- 
menced his  career  as  salesman,  and  in  two  years  he 
had  earned  so  good  a  reputation  for  trustworthiness 
that  his  employers  desired  to  retain  him  for  an  in- 
definite length  of  time.  Otherwise  he  did  not  ex- 
hibit as  yet  any  particular  "  flashes  of  genius  "  or 
eccentricities  of  talent.  He  was  simply  a  good  boy. 
But  instead  of  remaining  with  this  firm  in  Fayette- 
ville, he  went  with  the  family  in  their  removal  to 
Clinton,  where  he  had  an  opportunity  of  attending  a 
high  school.  Here  he  industriously  pursued  his 
studies  until  the  family  removed  with  him  to  a  point 
on  Black  River  known  as  the  "  Holland  Patent,"  a 
village  of  500  or  600  people,  15  miles  north  of  Utica, 
N.  Y.  At  this  place  his  father  died,  after  preaching 
but  three  Sundays.  This  event  broke  up  the  family, 
and  Grover  set  out  for  New  York  City  to  accept,  at  a 
small  salary,  the  position  of  "  under-teacher  "  in  an 
asylum  for  the  blind.  He  taught  faithfully  for  two 
years,  and  although  he  obtained  a  good  reputation  in 
this  capacity,  he  concluded  that  teaching  was  not  liij 



calling  for  life,  and,  reversing  the  traditional  order, 
he  left  the  city  to  seek  his  fortune,  instead  of  going 
to  a  city.  He  first  thought  of  Cleveland,  Ohio,  as 
there  was  some  charm  in  that  name  for  him;  but 
before  proceeding  to  that  place  he  went  to  Buffalo  to 
isk  the  advice  of  his  uncle,  Lewis  F.  Allan,  a  noted 
stock-breeder  of  that  place.  The  latter  did  not 
Epeak  enthusiastically.  "  What  is  it  you  want  to  do, 
my  boy.'"  he  asked.  "Well,  sir,  I  want  to  study 
law,"  was  the  reply.  "  Good  gracious !  "  remarked 
the  old  gentleman ;  "  do  you,  indeed .'  What  ever  put 
that  into  your  head.''  How  much  money  have  you 
got.""  "Well,  sir,  to  tell  the  truth,  I  haven't  got 

After  a  long  consultation,  his  uncle  offered  him  a 
place  temporarily  as  assistant  herd-keeper,  at  $50  a 
year,  while  he  could  "look  around."  One  day  soon 
afterward  he  boldly  walked  into  the  office  of  Rogers, 
Bowen  &  Rogers,  of  Buffalo,  and  told  them  what  he 
wanted.  A  number  of  young  men  were  already  en- 
gaged in  the  office,  but  Grover's  persistency  won,  and 
ne  was  finally  permitted  to  come  as  an  office  boy  and 
have  the  use  of  the  law  library,  for  the  nominal  sum 
of  $3  or  $4  a  week.  Out  of  this  he  had  to  pay  for 
his  board  and  washing.  The  walk  to  and  from  his 
uncle's  was  a  long  and  rugged  one;  and,  although 
the  first  winter  was  a  memorably  severe  one,  his 
shoes  were  out  of  repair  and  his  overcoat — he  had 
none — yet  he  was  nevertheless  prompt  and  regular. 
On  the  first  day  of  his  service  here,  his  senior  em- 
ployer threw  down  a  copy  of  Blackstone  before  him 
with  a  bang  that  made  the  dust  fly,  saying  "That's 
vhere  they  all  begin."  A  titter  ran  around  the  little 
circle  of  clerks  and  students,  as  they  thought  that 
was  enough  to  scare  young  Grover  out  of  his  plans  ; 
but  indue  time  he  mastered  that  cumbersome  volume. 
Then,  as  ever  afterward,  however,  Mr.  Cleveland 
exhibited  a  talent  for  executiveness  rather  than  for 
chasing  principles  through  all  their  metaphysical 
possibilities.  "  Let  us  quit  talking  and  go  and  do 
t,"  was  practically  his  motto. 

The  first  public  office  to  which  Mr.  Cleveland  was 
eiected  was  that  of  Sheriff  of  Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in 
which  Buffalo  is  situated;  and  in  such  capacity  it  fell 
to  his  duty  to  inflict  capital  punishment  upon  two 
criminals.  In  1881  he  was  elected  Mayor  of  the 
City  of  Buffalo,  on  the  Democratic  ticket,  with  es- 
pecial reference  to  the  bringing  about  certain  reforms 

in  the  administration  of  the  municipal  affairs  of  that 
city.  In  this  office,  as  well  as  that  of  Sheriff,  his 
performance  of  duty  has  generally  been  considered 
fair,  with  possibly  a  few  exceptions  which  were  fer- 
reted out  and  magnified  during  the  last  Presidential 
campaign.  As  a  specimen  of  his  plain  language  in 
a  veto  message,  we  quote  from  one  vetoing  an  iniqui- 
tous street-cleaning  contract:  "This  is  a  time  for 
plain  speech,  and  my  objection  to  your  action  shall 
be  plainly  stated.  I  regard  it  as  the  culmination  of 
a  mos  bare-faced,  impudent  and  shameless  scheme 
to  betray  the  interests  of  the  people  and  to  worse 
than  squander  the  people's  money."  The  New  York 
Sun  afterward  very  highly  commended  Mr.  Cleve- 
land's administration  as  Mayor  of  Buffalo,  and  there- 
upon recommended  him  for  Governor  of  the  Empire 
State.  To  the  latter  office  he  was  elected  in  1882, 
and  his  administration  of  the  affairs  of  State  was 
generally  satisfactory.  The  mistakes  he  made,  if 
any,  were  made  very  public  throughout  the  nation 
after  he  was  nominated  for  President  of  the  United 
States.  For  this  high  office  he  was  nominated  July 
II,  1884,  by  the  National  Democratic  Convention  at 
Chicago,  when  other  competitors  were  Thomas  F. 
Bayard,  Roswell  P.  Flower,  Thomas  A.  Hendricks, 
Benjamin  F.  Butler,  Allen  G.  Thurman,  etc.;  and  he 
was  elected  by  the  people,  by  a  majority  of  about  a 
thousand,  over  the  brilliant  and  long-tried  Repub- 
lican statesman,  James  G.  Blaine.  President  Cleve- 
land resigned  his  office  as  Governor  of  New  York  in 
January,  1885,  in  order  to  prepare  for  his  duties  as 
the  Chief  Executive  of  the  United  States,  in  which 
capacity  his  term  commenced  at  noon  on  the  4th  of 
March,  1885.  For  his  Cabinet  officers  he  selected 
the  following  gentlemen:  For  Secretary  of  State, 
Thomas  F.  Bayard,  of  Delaware ;  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury,  Daniel  Manning,  of  New  York  ;  Secretary 
of  War,  William  C.  Endicott,  of  Massachusetts ; 
Secretary  of  the  Navy,  WiUiam  C.  Whitney,  of  New 
York ;  Secretary  of  the  Interior,  L.  Q.  C.  Lamar,  of 
Mississippi;  Postmaster-General,  William  F.  Vilas, 
of  Wisconsin ;  Attorney-General,  A.  H.  Garland,  of 

The  silver  question  precipitated  a  controversy  be- 
tween those  who  were  in  favor  of  the  continuance  of 
silver  coinage  and  those  who  were  opposed,  Mr. 
Cleveland  answering  for  the  latter,  even  before  his 





twenty-third  President,  is 
the  descendant  of  one  of  the 
historical  families  of  this 
country.  The  head  of  the 
family  was  a  Major  General 
Harrison,  one  of  Oliver 
Cromwell's  trusted  follow- 
ers and  fighters.  In  the  zenith  of  Crom- 
well's power  it  became  the  duty  of  this 
Harrison  to  participate  in  the  trial  of 
Charles  I,  and  afterward  to  sign  the 
death  warrant  of  the  king.  He  subse- 
quently paid  for  this  with  his  life,  being 
hung  Oct.  13,  1660.  His  descendants 
came  to  America,  and  the  next  of  the 
family  that  appears  in  history  is  Benja- 
min Ilarrison,  of  Virginia,  great-grand- 
father of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  and 
after  whom  he  was  named.  Benjamin  Harrison 
was  a  member  of  the  Continental  Congress  during 
the  years  1774-5-6,  and  was  one  of  the  original 
signers  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  He 
was  three  times  elected  Governor  of  Virginia. 
Gen    William   Henry   Harrison,  the  son  of  the 

distinguished  patriot  of  the  Revolution,  after  a  suc- 
cessful career  as  a  soldier  during  the  War  of  1812, 
and  with -a  clean  record  as  Governor  of  the  North- 
western Territory,  was  elected  President  of  the 
United  States  in  1840.  His  career  was  cut  short 
by  de.ath  within  one  month  after  his  inauguration. 
President  Harrison  was  born  at  North  Bend, 
Hamilton  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug.  30, 1833.  His  life  up  to 
the  time  of  his  graduation  by  the  Miami  University, 
at  Oxford,  Ohio,  was  the  uneventful  one  of  a  coun- 
try lad  of  a  family  of  small  means.  His  father  was 
able  to  give  him  a  good  education,  and  nothing 
more.  He  became  engaged  while  at  college  to  th3 
daughter  of  Dr.  Scott,  Principal  of  a  female  school 
at  Oxford.  After  graduating  he  determined  to  en- 
ter upon  the  study  of  the  law.  He  went  to  Cin 
cinnati  and  then  read  law  for  two  years.  At  tht 
expiration  of  that  time  young  Harrison  receivsid  th'; 
only  inheritance  of  his  life;  his  aunt  dying  left  him 
a  lot  valued  at  $800.  He  regarded  this  legacy  as  a 
fortune,  and  decided  to  get  married  at  once,  taks 
this  money  and  go  to  some  Eastern  town  anZ  be- 
gin the  practice  of  law.  He  sold  his  lot,  and  with 
the  money  in  his  pocket,  he  started  out  wita  his 
young  wife  to  fight  for  a  place  in  the  world.     Re 



decided  to  go  to  Indianapolis, 'which  was  even  at 
that  time  a  town  of  promise.  He  met  with  slight 
encouragement  at  first,  making  scarcely  anything 
the  first  year.  He  worked  diligently,  applying  him- 
self closely  to  his  calling,  built  up  an  extensive 
practice  and  took  a  leading  rank  in  the  legal  pro- 
I'ession.     He  is  the  father  of  two  children. 

In  1860  Mr.  Harrison  was  nomiuated  for  the 
position  of  Supreme  Court  Reporter,  and  then  be- 
gan his  experience  as  a  stump  speaker.  He  can- 
vassed the  State  thoroughly,  and  was  elected  by  a 
handsome  majority.  In  1862  he  raised  the  17th 
Indiana  Infantrj',  and  was  chosen  its  Colonel.  His 
regiment  was  composed  of  the  rawest  of  material, 
but  Col.  Harrison  employed  all  his  time  at  first 
mastering  military  tactics  and  drilling  his  men, 
when  he  therefore  came  to  move  toward  the  East 
with  Sherman  his  regiment  was  one  of  the  best 
drilled  and  organized  in  the  army.  At  Resaca  he 
especially  distinguished  himself,  and  for  his  braver}^ 
at  Peachtree  Creek  he  was  made  a  Brigadier  Gen- 
eral, Gen.  Hooker  speaking  of  him  in  the  most 
complimentarj'  terms. 

During  the  absence  of  Gen.  Harrison  in  the  field 
•he  Supreme  Court  declared  the  office  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  Reporter  vacant,  and  another  person 
was  elected  to  the  position.  From  the  time  of  leav- 
ir-g  Indiana  with  his  regiment  until  the  fall  of  1864 
he  had  taken  no  leave  of  absence,  but  having  been 
nominated  that  year  for  the  same  office,  he  got  a 
thirty-day  leave  of  absence,  and  during  that  time 
made  a  brilliant  canvass  of  the  State,  and  was  elected 
for  another  terra.  He  then  started  to  rejoin  Sher- 
man, but  on  the  way  was  stricken  down  with  scarlet 
iever,  and  after  a  most  trying  siege  made  his  way 
to  the  front  in  time  to  participate  in  the  closing 
incidents  of  the  war. 

In  1868  Gen.  Harrison  declined  a  re-election  as 
reporter,  and  resumed  the  practice  of  law.  In  1876 
£6  was  a  candidate  for  Governor.  Although  de- 
feated, the  brilliant  campaign  he  made  won  for  him 
a  National  reputation,  and  he  was  much  sought,  es- 
pecially in  the  East,  to  make  speeches.  In  1880, 
as  usual,  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  campaign, 
and  w:„':  elected  to  the  United  States  Senate.  Here 
ne  served  six  years,  and  was  known  as  one  of  the 
ablest  men,  best  lawyers  and  strongest  debaters  in 

that  body.  "With  the  expiration  of  his  Senatorial 
term  he  returned  to  the  practice  of  his  profession, 
becoming  the  head  of  one  of  the  strongest  firms  in 
the  State. 

The  political  campaign  of  1888  was  one  of  the 
most  memorable  in  the  history  of  our  country.  The 
convention  which  assembled  in  Chicago  in  June  and 
named  Mr.  Harrison  as  the  chief  standard  bearer 
of  the  Republican  party,  was  great  in  every  partic- 
ular, and  on  this  account,  and, the  attitude  it  as- 
sumed upon  the  vital  questions  of  the  day,  chief 
among  which  was  the  tariff,  awoke  a  deep  interest 
in  the  campaign  throughout  the  Nation.  Shortly 
after  the  nomination  delegations  began  to  visit  Mr. 
Harrison  at  Indianapolis,  his  home.  This  move- 
ment became  popular,  and  from  all  sections  of  the 
country  societies,  clubs  and  delegations  journej^ed 
thither  to  pay  their  respects  to  the  distinguished 
statesman.  The  popularity  of  these  was  greatly 
increased  on  account  of  the  remarkable  speeches 
made  by  Mr.  Harrison.  He  spoke  daily  all  through 
the  summer  and  autumn  to  these  visiting  delega- 
tions, and  so  varied,  masterly  and  eloquent  were 
his  speeches  that  they  at  once  placed  him  in  the 
foremost  rank  of  American  orators  and  statesmen. 

On  account  of  his  eloquence  as  a  speaker  and  his 
power  as  a  debater,  he  was  called  upon  at  an  un- 
commonlj^  early  age  to  take  part  in  the  discussion 
of  the  great  questions  that  then  began  to  agitate 
tlie  countr}-.  He  was  an  uncompromising  anti 
slavery  man,  and  was  matched  against  some  of  tlie 
most  eminent  Democratic  speakers  of  his  State. 
No  man  who  felt  the  touch  of  his  blade  desired  to 
be  pitted  with  him  again.  With  all  his  eloquence 
as  an  orator  he  never  spoke  for  oratorical  effect, 
but  his  words  alwaj's  went  like  bullets  to  the  mark 
He  is  purely  American  in  his  ideas  and  is  a  splec 
did  t^-pe  of  the  American  statesman.  Gifted  witli 
quick  perception,  a  logical  mind  and  a  ready  tongue, 
he  is  one  of  the  most  distinguished  impromptu 
speakers  in  the  Nation.  Many  of  these  speeches 
sparkled  with  the  rarest  of  eloquence  and  contained 
arguments  of  greatest  weight.  Man}'  of  his  terse 
statements  have  alreadj'  become  aphorisms.  Origi- 
nal in  thouglit,  precise  in  logic,  terse  in  statement, 
yet  withal  faultless  in  eloquence,  he  is  recognized  as 
the  souiid  statesman  and  brilliant  orator  of  the  day 

>  -^a^ili-i 


-< >»» 


first  Governor  of  Kansas, 
was  elected  under  the  Wy- 
andotte Constitution,  and 
upon  the  admission  of  the 
State,  Jan.  29,  1861,  was 
inaugurated  as  Chief  Ex- 
No.  better  man  could  have 
been  selected  to  lay  the  foundations 
of  the  State,  for  his  mind  was  crea- 
tive, original  and  vigorous.  Rarely 
working  by  copy,  he  belongs  to  the 
class  who  think  and  originate,  and 
with  whom  precedence  and  text-books 
have  little  authority.  At  this  time  a 
great  State  was  to  be  formed  from  most  incongru- 
ous elements.  It  required  men  of  genius  and  orig- 
inality to  formulate  laws  and  a  constitution,  and 
to  this  work  the  vigor  and  ingenuity  of  Rob- 
inson were  peculiarly  adapted.  Men  of  all  classes, 
sorts  and  conditions,  had  rushed  to  this  section 
upon  different  objects  bent — some  to  assist  in  build- 
ing up  a  State,  some  to  make  money,  to  secure  no- 
toriety and  political  preferment,  but  more,  perhaps, 
as  cosmopolitans,  having  little  interest  in  its  repu- 
tation or  its  future. 

That  the  work  before  Gov.  Robinson  was  ac- 
complished in  a  praiseworthy  manner,  a  grateful 
people  readily  acknowledge.  In  his  course,  which 
necessarily  was  opposed  to  the  rough  and  irrespon- 
sible element,  he  made  many  enemies  and  was  im- 
peached by  the  House,  but  on  his  trial  by  the 
Senate  no  evidence  was  adduced  to  connect  him 
with  any  illegal  transaction,  and  a  case  of  malicious 

prosecution  was  clearly  established,  which  left  his 
good  name  untarnished. 

In  reviewing  the  career  of  a  prominent  public 
man,  it  cannot  be  called  complete  without  the  story 
of  his  early  life.  Gov.  Robinson  was  born  at 
Hardwick,  Mass.,  July  21,  1818,  and  received  a 
good  common-school  and  academic  education,  be- 
sides two  years'  drill  at  Amherst  College.  His 
father,  Charles  Robinson,  was  a  pious  and  consci- 
entious man,  who  cherished  an  inherent  hatred  of 
slavery,  and  the  latter  quality  of  his  father's  char- 
acter Charles  inherited  in  a  marked  degree.  Upon 
religious  subjects,  however,  he  was  always  inde- 
pendent and  liberal,  and  is  considered  heterodox, 
although  for  the  great  principles  of  Christianity, 
which  serve  to  improve  society  and  make  better 
men  and  women,  he  has  the  highest  regard. 

There  is  but  little  which  is  ideal  or  sentimental 
in  the  nature  of  Gov.  Robinson,  as  his  life  has 
been  spent  principally  dealing  with  men  upon  prac- 
tical principles.  Before  completing  his  studies  he 
was  obliged  to  leave  college  on  account  of  ill- 
health,  and  his  eyes  failing  him  from  hard  study, 
he  walked  forty  miles  to  consult  a  celebrated  phy- 
sician. Dr.  Twichel,  of  Keene,  N.  H.,  and  there 
became  so  sensibly  impressed  with  both  the  quack- 
eries of  medicine  as  so  often  practiced,  and  the  real 
utility  of  the  healing  art  as  a  science,  that  he  deter- 
mined to  study  medicine,  and  after  a  preparatory 
course  entered  for  a  series  of  lectures  at  Wood- 
stock, Vt.,  and  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  and  from  the 
school  of  the  latter  he  was  graduated,  receiving  his 
diploma  with  the  high  honors  of  the  class.  Subse- 
quentlj'  he  became  connected  with   the  celebrated 



Dr.  J.  G.  Holland  in  the  management  of  a  hospital. 
In  1849  he  started  out  as  a  phj'siciuu  to  a  colony 
bound  overland  to  California.  They  arrived  in 
Kansas  City  April  10,  and  on  the  10th  of  May  fol- 
lowing, left  with  ox  and  mule  teams  for  the  Pacific 

On  the  nth  of  May,  thirty-nine  yeai's  ago,  rid- 
ing his  horse  at  the  head  of  a  colony  of  gold- 
seekers,  Gov.  Robinson  ascended  Mt.  Oread,  where 
now  stands  the  State  Universitj'  of  Kansas,  whose 
Regent  he  has  been  for  thirteen  consecutive 
years,  as  well  as  its  faithful,  intelligent  and  gener- 
ous friend.  In  his  note  book  at  that  time  he  wrote 
that  if  the  laud  was  opened  to  settlement  and  entry, 
he  would  go  no  further,  as  there  seemed  to  be  gold 
enough  for  all  human  wants  in  the  rich  soil  of  the 
Kaw  Valley,  and  beauty  enough  in  the  rolling  prai- 
ries beyond  to  meet  all  the  aspirations  of  ordinarj' 
men.  He  pushed  on,  however,  to  California,  and 
there  followed  a  variety'  of  occupations,  being  mi- 
ner, restauranteur,  editor  and  member  of  the  Leg- 
islature. Then  he  returned  to  Massachusetts,  and 
in  1852  commenced  the  publication  of  the  Fitch- 
burg  iVe^fs,  which  he  conducted  two  years. 

At  the  time  of  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Com- 
promise, and  the  intense  excitement  coincident 
with  the  organization  of  the  Territories  of  Kansas 
and  Nebraska,  Gov.  Robinson  was  sent  out  by 
the  New  England  Aid  Society  to  Kansas,  charged 
with  saving  it  to  freedom.  In  the  darkest  hours  of 
that  long  struggle,  as  well  as  in  its  hour  of  victory, 
he  seemed  to  be  the  one  safe  counselor  and  leader 
of  the  Free-State  forces.  His  California  experience 
bad  rounded  and  ripened  a  robust  nature,  and  the 
perils  that  the  hero  of  the  squatter  troubles  had 
passed  through  in  that  strange  combination  of  craft 
and  cunning,  fitted  and  schooled  him  for  his  Kan- 
sas work.  In  the  "Wakarusa  War,"  when  the  city 
of  Lawrence,  only  600  strong,  was  besieged  bj'  an 
opposing  force  of  1,200,  Dr.  Robinson,  as  he  was 
called  in  those  days,  was  chosen  Major  General  of 
the  Free-State  party.  He  constructed  forts  and 
rifle-pits  which  did  their  service,  but  as  a  negotiator 
and  diplomat  he  excelled.  He  wanted  Kansas  to 
be  lawfully  free,  and  felt  justified  in  availing  him- 
self of  any  agency  which  would  assist  him  in  ac- 
complishing this.     Althougli  the  recognized  leader 

of  tlie  Free-State  forces,  it  was  not  Robinson,  but 
Lane,  that  the  Quantrell  ruffians  sought  when  they 
massacred  in  cold  blood  180  of  the  inoffensive  citi- 
zens of  Lawrence. 

In  1855  the  Free-State  men  had  been  driven 
from  the  poUs.  Robinson  was  among  the  first  to 
repudiate  the  authority  of  the  bogus  laws,  and  was 
unanimouslj'  chosen  a  delegate  to  the  convention 
which  met  at  Topeka  to  formulate  a  State  govern- 
ment. From  May,  1856,  until  September,  he  was  a 
prisoner  at  Locompton,  charged  with  treason.  Af- 
ter serving  his  term  as  the  first  Governor  of  the 
State,  he  was,  in  1872,  chosen  a  member  of  the 
Lower  House  of  the  Legislature,  and  in  1874 
elected  State  Senator  and  re-elected  in  1876.  At 
the  last  election  he  came  within  forty-three  votes 
of  beating  his  opponent  for  the  State  Senate,  and 
where  the  party  majority  of  the  latter  was  about 

Gov.  Robinson  has  been  twice  married.  By 
his  first  wife,  Miss  Sarah  Adams,  daughter  of 
a  highly  respected  Massachusetts  farmer,  two  chil- 
dren were  born  and  both  died  in  infancy.  The 
mother  died  in  1846.  On  the  30th  of  October, 
1851,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  D.  T.  Law- 
rence, daughter  of  a  distinguished  Massachusetts 
law3'er,  and  connected  with  the  celebrated  Law- 
rence family  of  that  State.  Of  this  union  there 
are  no  children.  Mrs.  Robinson  is  a  lady  of 
high  literary  culture,  and  has  written  one  of  the 
best  of  the  many  books  which  have  been  published 
on  Kansas.  Though  highly  accomplished,  she  is 
not  much  of  a  societj^  woman,  being  content  to 
dwell  quietly  at  home  on  their  farm,  which  lies 
five  miles  out  from  Lawrence,  and  is  the  resort 
of  many  friends,  who  meet  a  refined  and  elegant 

In  1856  Gov.  Robinson  pre-empted  a  portion 
of  the  land  which,  upon  his  journey  to  Califor- 
nia, he  had  viewed  with  so  much  admiration.  lie 
now  has  one  of  the  finest  homes  in  his  section 
of  countrj',  where  he  resides  in  affiuent  circum- 
stances, busying  himself  in  looking  after  his  farm, 
esteemed  by  his  neighbors,  and  amply  honored  by 
the  great  State,  in  laying  the  firm  foundations  of 
which  he  rendered  such  efficient  service  over  a 
quarter    of   a  century  ago. 


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^HOMAS  CARNEY,  the  sec- 
ond Governor  of  Kansas, 
was  born  in  Delaware  Coun- 
ty, Ohio,  Aug.  20,  1824. 
His  ancestry  was  a  mixed 
one,  composed  of  Irish  and 
German.  His  father,  James 
Carney,  was  of  Irish  descent,  be- 
ing the  grandson  of  one  of  the 
same  name,  who  came  to  this 
country  and  assisted  the  Colonies 
in  the  war  with  Great  Britain. 
His  mother  was  remotely  of  Ger- 
man descent,  and  like  his  father 
was  born  in  Pennsylvania.  Thej' 
removed  to  Ohio  the  j'ear  before 
the  birth  of  Gov.  Carney.  They 
were  Presbyterians,  in  which  faith  Mr.  C.  was  reared. 
The  portion  of  Ohio  in  which  Mr.  Carney  was 
born  was  then  a  wilderness,  and  the  family  engaged 
in  farming,  the  land  having  to  be  cleared  first.  The 
father  died  when  the  lad  was  but  four  years  old,  leav- 
ing the  mother  with  four  children,  the  eldest  being 
only  six  years  of  age,  the  early  life  of  young  Carney 
therefore  was  spent  in  work  of  the  hardest  kind, 
from  the  moment  he  was  old  enough  to  be  of  any 
assistance.  From  the  age  of  seven  to  eighteen  he 
worked  on  the  farm  belonging  to  the  family,  and 
then  started  for  himself  as  a  farm  hand  for  six 
months,  at  $10  a  month.  From  the  time  he  was 
eleven  years  of  age  until  he  left  home,  he  was  the 
teamster  of  the  family,  and  carried  the  products  of 
the  farm  to  Newark,  thirty-six  miles,  his  motive 
power  being  a  yoke  of  oxen  for  most  of  the  time. 
He    attended   school    some   during    the    winter 

months,  and  after  he  was  eighteen  went  to  school 
in  Berkshire,  Ohio,  for  six  months.  After  this  he 
commenced  a  long,  persistent  and  weary  search  for 
employment  in  a  store,  and  was  finally  successful 
in  Columbus,  where  he  remained  in  the  employ  of 
a  retail  dry-goods  house  for  two  years,  and  then  took 
service  with  a  wholesale  dry-goods  establishment  in 
Cincinnati.  He  obtained,  while  in  the  retail  house, 
$50  a  year  and  his  board  for  the  first  year's  serv- 
ice, and  for  the  second  year  $100.  At  the  end 
of  this  period  he  was  given  a  quarter  interest  in 
the  firm,  with  his  name  at  the  head  of  it.  A  rise 
of  so  great  rapidity  is  unprecedented.  He  resided 
in  Cincinnati  twelve  years. 

Mr.  Carney's  health  became  impaired  by  his  de- 
votion to  business,  and  in  1857  he  visited  the  West, 
and  commenced  business  in  Leavenworth  in  the 
spring  of  1858.  In  1861  he  was  elected  to  the 
State  Legislature,  and  in  1862  was  elected  Gov- 
ernor. He  entered  on  his  duties  the  1st  of  Janu- 
ary, 1863,  at  a  time  when  Kansas  affairs  were  in 
a  most  critical  condition. 

In  1864  he  was  elected  to  the  United  States  Sen- 
ate, but  as  there  was  some  doubt  as  to  whether  or 
not  the  time  at  which  the  election  was  held  was 
the  proper  one,  he  declined  the  position.  He  was 
soon  after  elected  Mayor  of  Leavenworth,  and  was 
re-elected.  Since  that  period,  1866,  he  has  occupied 
himself  wholly  with  his  private  business. 

The  earlier  struggles  of  the  future  Governor 
were  arduous  and  severe,  but  probably  had  their 
effect  in  strengthening  him  for  the  career  for  whicii 
he  was  destined.  When  he  took  possession  of  the 
gubernatorial  office,  in  January,  1863,  he  found  the 
State  of  Kansas  but  Utile  better  than  a  political  and 



financial  wreck.  A  local  writer  referring  to  that 
period  says,  that  the  "State  was  in  peril  at  almost 
every  point,  and  its  settled  portions  were  one  ex- 
tended camp.  A  rebel  force  hovered  on  its  eastern 
and  southern  borders,  while  Indians  were  murdering 
and  scalping  in  the  west.  Nothing  short  of  a  con- 
stant vigilance  could  prevent  the  rebel  enemy 
invading  the  State  and  butchering  the  people." 

An  appeal  was  made  to  the  military  authorities 
for  assistance  and  to  Gov.  Carney  for  protection. 
It  was  at  a  time  when  the  General  Government  was 
too  busy  with  the  Rebellion  to  give  close  attention 
to  matters  in  a  new  and  remote  State,  and  hence 
the  Governor  was  obliged  to  depend  on  his  own 
resources.  He  was  equal  to  the  emergency.  The 
State  had  no  money,  no  men,  no  arms,  no  ammuni- 
tion, with  which  to  protect  itself,  but  even  this  did 
not  discourage  him.  He  visited  the  menaced  re- 
gions, and  soon  satisfied  himself  that  something  had 
to  be  done,  or  the  State  would  be  overwhelmed  by 
the  perils  which  threatened  it.  In  the  counties 
which  were  more  particularly  threatened,  the  popu- 
lation became  uneasy,  and  removals  were  being 
made  to  places  of  safety  by  so  many  of  the  resi- 
dents that  there  loomed  up  a  probability  that  the 
entire  region  would  become  a  desert. 

After  looking  over  the  ground.  Gov.  Carney  de- 
termined to  raise  a  force  of  150  men  from  citizens 
of  the  menaced  region,  and  to  employ  them  as  a 
patrol  along  the  border,  so  that  no  hostile  move- 
ment could  be  made  without  detection,  and  the 
people  could  be  warned  of  danger  in  time  to  rail}- 
at  the  necessary  points  for  defense,  all  being  armed 
and  organized  into  military  organizations.  This 
patrol  was  hired  by  the  Governor  for  the  public 
defense  out  of  his  private  means.  He  agreed  to 
pay  81  a  day  each,  for  man  and  horse,  the  United 
States  Government  furnishing  the  rations.  He  put 
this  force  in  the  field,  and  kept  it  in  active  opera- 
tion, at  a  cost  to  himself  of  over  $10,000.  At  the 
same  time  he  was  a  Captain  in  the  home  guards, 
and  many  a  night  was  on  guard  like  the  private 

The  little  patrol  put  in  the  field  by  the  Governor 
preserved  the  borders  from  invasion  so  long  as  it 
lasted,  which  was  some  three  months.  At  a  later 
period  the  Governor  was  notified  by  the  com- 
mander of  the  Federal  forces  that  he  was  able  to 
care  for  the  safety  of  the  State,  and  thereupon  the 
patrol  was  abolished.  Almost  immediateh'  after  it 
was  disbanded  Quantrell  made  his  raid  into  Kansas, 
and  Lawrence  was  attacked,  burned,  and  its  resi- 
dents massacred.  Concerning  this  feature  of  the 
transaction  the  Governor  says:  "While  this  patrol 
was  on  the  border  the  arrangements  were  such  that 
the  different  members  could  speak  with  each  other 

every  hour,  and  thus  be  in  a  position  to  almost  in- 
stantly communicate  with  the  residents  in  case  of 
invasion.  When  the  Government  notified  me  that 
it  could  take  care  of  the  border  I  disbanded  the 
patrol,  and  within  three  da)'S  Lawrence  was  in  ashes 
and  180  people  were  foully  murdered.  The  mili- 
tary was  scattered  in  squads  over  a  distance  of 
twenty-five  miles  along  the  border,  and  when  Quan- 
trell moved  into  Kansas  he  had  no  difficulty  in 
marching  between  the  Federal  divisions.  The  march 
of  Quantrell  was  entirelj'  unknown  and  wholly  un- 
expected. Not  a  living  soul  knew  that  he  was  in 
the  State  when  he  arrived  before  Lawrence.  A 
man  living  on  the  route  taken  by  the  guerrillas  saw 
them,  and  mounted  a  horse  and  undertook  to  carry 
the  information  to  Lawrence.  His  horse  fell  and 
the  rider's  neck  was  broken,  and  thus  the  sole  wit- 
ness of  the  invasion  was  silenced." 

It  will  show  the  benevolent  disposition  of  the 
Governor  to  state  that  from  his  own  pocket  he  gave 
$500  to  the  widow  of  the  man  who  undertook  to 
carry  the  warning  of  danger  to  Lawrence. 

The  entire  official  career  of  Gov.  Carney  was  of 
the  stormiest  and  most  perplexing  character,  and  it  is 
certain  that,  with  an  official  head  less  clear  and 
efficient,  the  embarrassments  and  perplexities  of 
Kansas  would  have  proved  insoluble.  Cool,  self- 
possessed,  firm,  intelligent,  he  guided  the  State 
through  the  storms,  breakers,  whirlpools  and  rocks, 
which  were  encountered,  and  finally  reached  the 
harbor,  with  the  vessel  much  battered  but  sound  in 
frame  and  in  all  essential  particulars. 

The  following  is  a  copy  of  a  resolution  passed  by 
the  Kansas  Legislature  after  his  term  of  office  had 
expired : 

"Resolved  by  the  House  of  Representatives  of 
the  State  of  Kansas,  that  the  thanks  of  this  House 
and  the  people  of  tlie  State  of  Kansas  are  justly 
due  to  Hon.  Thomas  Carney,  late  Governor  of  the 
State  of  Kansas,  for  the  honest,  faithful  and  im- 
partial manner  in  which  he  discharged  his  executive 

Gov.  Carney  is  possessed  of  ample  wealth,  which 
he  uses  to  the  best  advantage.  His  wife  was  Re- 
becca Canady,  of  Kenton,  Ohio,  who  has  devoted 
much  of  her  time  for  a  number  of  years  in  caring 
for  the  orphaned  children  of  the  State.  His  chil- 
dren ave  four  in  number,  all  boys. 

No  man  in  Kansas  is  more  honored  and  re- 
spected than  he,  and  no  man  has  done  more,  either 
in  a  public  or  private  way,  for  the  advancement  of 
the  State  and  its  institutions.  Its  railroads,  bridges, 
churches,  school-houses,  and  its  citizens  needing 
assistance,  all  bear  witness  to  his  liberality  and 

-^Si^   ^ 


_£)Ci32^iisZ    ^.    (^T'zl^fd^do 

>'  AMUEL  J.  CRAWFORD,  the 
third  Governor  of  the  State  of 
Kansas,  was  born  in  Lawrence 
County,  Ind.,  April  10,  1835. 
His  ancestors  were  Scotch- 
Irish,  who  emigrated  to  Amer- 
ica at  an  early  period  in  Col- 
onial days.  His  paternal  grandfather 
served  in  the  war  of  the  Revolution 
as  a  soldier  from  the  State  of  North 
Carolina,  and  his  maternal  grand- 
father was  a  planter  in  the  same  State. 
His  father,  William  Crawford,  emi- 
grated, in  1815,  to  the  then  Territory 
of  Indiana,  and  located  in  Lawrence 
County,  where  he  became  a  success- 
ful farmer.  Although  l)orn,  reared 
and  educated  in  a  slave  State,  the  elder  Crawford 
had  imbibed  unconquerable  prejudice  to  the  insti- 
tution of  slavery,  and  as  a  consequence  turned  his 
baclv  upon  friends  and  kindred  and  sought  a  home 
in  the  Northwest  Territory,  in  which  slavery  and 
involuntary  servitude  had  been  forever  inhibited. 
The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  reared  upon  his 
father's  farm,  and  received  a  common-school  and 
academic  education.  At  the  age  of  twenty-one  he 
became  a  student  at  law  in  the  office  of  the  Hon.  S. 
W.  Short,  of  Bedford,  Ind.,  pursuing  his  studies 
until  the  fall  of  1«57,  when  he  entered  the  Law 
College  at  Cincinnati,  from  which  institution  he 
was  graduated  in  1 M58. 

In  March,  1 859,  he  bade  adieu  to  home  and  friends, 
proceeded  to  th^  Territory  of  Kansas,  and  located 
in  Garnett,  the  countj'  seat  of  Anderson  County. 
Here  he  practiced  his  profession  of  the  law,  and  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  first  .State  Legislature, 
which  convened  at  Topeka,  March  27,  1861. 

The  attack  upon  Ft.  Sumter,  following  swiftly 
after  the  Montgomery  Secession  Convention,  the 
failure  of  the  Peace  Conference,  the  Proclamation 
of  Jefferson  Davis  calling  for   100,000  men,  and 

the  seizure  of  Government  property  by  Fl^vd 
and  Twiggs,  without  protest  from  tlie  Executive, 
thrilled  loyal  Kansas  to  the  very  core.  President 
Lincoln  made  his  first  call  for  75,000  volunteers  in 
April,  1861.  Responding  to  this  call,  Mr.  Craw- 
ford resigned  his  seat  in  the  Legislature,  returned 
home,  recruited  a  company,  was  chosen  its  Captain, 
assigned  to  the  2d  Kansas  Infantry,  and  mustered 
into  the  United  States  service.  He  served  with  the 
regiment,  participating  under  the  gallant  Gen. 
Lyon  in  the  battle  of  Wilson's  Creek  and  various 
other  battles  of  the  Missouri  Campaign  fought 
during  the  summer  and  fall  of  1861.  In  the  winter 
of  1861-62,  the  regiment  was  re-organized,  and 
became  the  2d  Kansas  Cavalry.  Capt.  Crawford 
was  assigned  to  the  corhmand  of  Company'  A,  and 
soon  thereafter  promoted  to  the  command  of  a 
battalion.  He  participated  with  his  regiment  in  the 
battles  of  Newtonia,  Old  Ft.  Wayne,  Cane  Hill, 
Prairie  Grove,  Van  Buren,  and  various  other  en- 
gagements fought  by  Gen.  Blunt  during  the  Trans- 
Mississippi  campaign  of  1862. 

It  was  in  these  engagements  that  Capt  Crawford 
developed  extraordinary  ability  as  a  cavalry  leader. 
At  tlie  battle  of  Old  Ft.  Wa3'ne  he  charged  the 
enemy's  lines  and  captured  a  battery  under  circum- 
stances which  almost  forbade  the  venture,  and  for 
which  achievement  he  was  complimented  in  General 
Orders.  At  the  battles  of  Cane  Hill  and  Prairie 
Grove  he  acquitted  himself  with  great  credit,  and 
was  again  complimented  by  the  commanding  Gen- 
eral. In  March,  1863,  although  holding  the  rank 
of  Captain,  he  was  assigned  to  the  command  of  the 
2d  Kansas  Cavalry,  and  led  the  regiment  in  the 
campaign  of  that  year  through  the  Indian  Territory 
and  Western  Arkansas,  which  resulted  in  the  battles 
of  Perryville,  McAllister  and  the  Backbone  Mount- 
ain, and  the  capture  of  Ft.  Smith  bj'  the  Federal 
arms.  The  2d  Kansas  Cavalry  covered  itself  with 
glory  in  these  memorable  campaigns. 

In  October,  1863,  Capt.  Crawford  was  promoted 
to  be  Colonel  of  the  83d  United  States  Infantry, 
and  with  his  regiment  accompanied  Gen.  Steele  on 
the  Shreveport,  La.,  expedition,  which  moved 
southward,  in   March,  1864,  from   Ft.  Smith  and 



Little  Rock  to  co-operate  with  Gen.  Banks  in  his 
Red  River  campaign,  participating  in  the  battles 
of  Prairie  De  Hand  and  Saline  River.  At  the  latter 
affair  Col.  Crawford  charged  and  captured  a  battery, 
which  his  men  brought  off  the  field  by  hand,  all  the 
artillery  horses  having  been  killed  or  disabled. 
This  battle  resulted  in  a  complete  victory  for  the 
Union  forces,  to  which  consummation  Col.  Craw- 
ford's regiment  largely  contributed.  After  this 
battle  he  returned  with  the  7  th  Corps  to  Little 
Rock,  and  thence,  with  the  Kansas  Division,  under 
the  command  of  Gen.  Thayer,  to  Ft.  Smith,  Ark. 
In  Julj',  1864,  Col.  Crawford  commanded  an  expe- 
dition into  the  Choctaw  Nation  in  pursuit  of  the 
rebel  General,  Standweighty,  whom  he  routed. 

September  8,  1864,  while  still  in  the  field.  Col. 
Crawford  was  nominated  as  the  Republican  candi- 
date for  Governor  of  Kansas.  Obtaining  leave  of 
absence,  he  bade  adieu  to  the  gallant  army  with 
which  he  had  served  so  long,  and  on  the  9th  of 
October  returned  to  Kansas.  <Upon  arriving  at  Ft. 
Scott  be  learned  that  a  heavy  body  of  the  enemy, 
under  Gen.  Price,  was  moving  westward  through 
Central  Missouri,  with  the  design  of  laying  Kansas 
in  waste.  He  hastened  to  Kansas  City,  arriving 
October  17,  reported  to  Gen.  Curtis,  commanding 
the  Federal  forces  there  concentrating  to  resist  Gen. 
Price,  and  was  assigned  to  duty  as  a  volunteer  aid 
on  his  staff.  A  few  days  subsequently  the  battles 
of  the  Blue,  Westportand  Mine  Creek  were  fought, 
and  at  the  latter  engagement  Col.  Crawford  ordered 
and  participated  in  a  charge  with  two  brigades  of 
cavalry,  which  resulted  in  the  capture  of  the  Con- 
federate Generals,  Marmaduke  and  Cabell,  500 
prisoners  and  eight  pieces  of  artillery.  This  battle 
closed  his  military  career  in  the  war  for  the  sup- 
pression of  the  Rebellion,  and  on  April  13,  186.5,  he 
was  promoted  by  the  President  of  the  United  States 
to  the  rank  of  Brigadier  General  by  brevet,  for 
meritorious  services  in  the  field. 

On  the  7th  of  November,  1864,  Col.  Crawford 
was  elected  Governor  of  the  State  of  Kansas,  and 
in  1866  was  re-chosen  for  a  second  term.  During 
his  holding  of  the  gubernatorial  ofBce,he  re-organ- 
ized and  consolidated  the  Kansas  Volunteer  Regi- 
ments, and  secured  the  enactment  of  new  laws, 
under  which  the  State  Militia  was  placed  on  war 
footing  for  the  protection  of  the  people  against 
rebel  invasions  and  Indian  incursions.  He  devoted 
much  of  his  time  to  the  establislunent  and  main- 
tenance of  the  various  State  institutions,  an<l  on 
retiring  from  office  he  left  the  Deaf  Mute,  Blind  and 
Insane  Asylums,  the  .State  Universitj',  the  Agricult- 
ural College  and  State  Normal  School,  in  success- 
ful operation.  He  also  gave  considerable  attention 
to  the  preparation  and  dissemination  of  pamphlet 

literature  respecting  the  advantages  of  bis  State, 
with  the  viev/  of  encouraging  emigration  thereto. 

During  the  memorable  years  of  1867  and  1868, 
hostile  bands  of  Indians  hovered  on  the  borders  of 
Kansas,  driving  back  the  settlers,  checking  the  con- 
struction of  the  railroads  and  threatening  to  cut  off 
communication  between  Kansas  and  the  Western 
States  and  Territories.  For  two  years  an  Indian 
war  of  savage  barbarity  was  carried  on.  Many 
settlers  were  killed,  scalped,  and  their  bodies  mutil- 
ated. Large  amounts  of  property  were  captured 
and  destroyed.  Women  and  even  children  were 
outraged,  and  others  carried  into  captivity  to  suffer 
a  fate  worse  than  a  thousand  deaths. 

The  Federal  forces  stationed  on  the  border  and 
the  State  troops  furnished  by  Gov.  Crawford  were 
inadequate  for  the  protection  of  the  people.  The 
Indians  followed  their  custom  of  making  war  dur- 
ing the  summer  months,  and  then  retreating  to  their 
homes  in  the  Indian  Territory  to  be  fed,  clothed 
and  nurtured  by  the  Government  in  winter.  Finally, 
in  August,  1868,  the  settlements  of  North-.vest 
Kansas  were  raided  by  these  Indians,  who  killed 
and  wounded  some  forty  persons,  carried  women 
into  captivity,  and  also  committed  other  atrocities. 

As  soon  as  the  terrible  details  of  this  last  mas- 
sacre reached  the  ears  of  Gov.  Crawford,  he  pro- 
ceeded at  once  to  the  scene  of  disaster,  saw  that  the 
dead  were  properly  buried  and  the  wounded  cared 
for,  returned  to  Topeka,  organized  a  regiment  of 
cavalry,  resigned  the  office  of  Governor,  and  with 
his  regiment  accompanied  Gen.  Sheridan  on  bis  his- 
toric campaign  into  the  interior  of  the  wild  country 
bordering  on  Texas,  where  the  hostile  tribes  had 
always  felt  secure  from  punishment  during  the  win- 
ter season.  These  Indians  were  attacked  and  cap- 
tured in  the  Washita  Valle}',  in  December,  1868, 
and  several  of  their  chiefs  held  as  hostages  until  the 
captive  white  women  were  delivered  up. 

Gov.  Crawford  returned  home  after  the  close  of 
this  campaign  and  has  since  been  successfullj^  en- 
gaged in  the  practice  of  his  profession.  Nov.  27, 
1866,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Isabel  M.  Chase, 
an  estimable  and  accomplished  lady,  of  Topeka, 
where  they  now  reside,  and  the  union  has  been 
blessed  by  two  children,  daughter  and  son.  Gov. 
Crawford  is  possessed  of  an  imposing  presence,  his 
height  being  six  feet  two  inches,  with  the  accom- 
paniment of  a  Herculean  frame,  symmetrically 
proportioned,  and  a  pair  of  shoulders  Atlas  might 
fairly  envy.  His  manners  are  the  very  essence  of 
courtesy  and  gentleness,  and  altogether  he  presents  a 
marked  type  of  the  energetic,  patriotic  and  sturdy 
sons  of  the  great  West — suaviier  in  modo,  fortiter 
in  re — with  whom  the  high  sense  of  duty  stands  first 
and  foremost  in  every  relation  of  life. 


■'gJtjS't^t^t^t-^.'.  V.'i 


.•.'■■•  I' ■"■■gat^t^'Sat^'^-.t^: 



I'  iK^i^^^^^j- 

t  •-  '.•".Vt^ti^ii^i^'iSg'  t 

""'^'''^'^^^^A'  >-^-'<J'^/ f>©^-2X«i*-^-' 

EHEMIAH  GREEN,  fourth 
Governor  of  the  .State  of 
Kansas,  possesses  a  his- 
tory eminently  worthy  of 
^5^  record,  as  that  of  a  man 
^^_q  who  has  distinguished  him- 
'^  self  in  many  positions  of 
tuist  and  responsibility,  and  in  all 
acquitted  himself  creditably,  both 
in  private  and  public  life.  A  na- 
tive of  Hardin  County,  Ohio,  he 
was  born  March  8,  1837,  and  after 
a  course  of  preliminary  study  en- 
teied  the  Ohio  "VVesleyan  Univers- 
ity, and  subsequently  taught  school 
for  a  number  of  years  in  Logan  and 
Champaign  Counties,  that  State. 
Our  subject  when  a  3-outh  of  eighteen  years  came, 
in  March,  1855,  to  Kansas,  and  took  up  a  claim  in 
Douglas  County.  The  countiy  at  that  time  was 
inhabited  mostly  by  Indians  and  coyotes,  the  earli- 
est white  settler  having  arrived  only  a  few  months 
before.  Young  Green,  studious  and  ambitious 
beyond  his  years,  in  1857  was  admitted  to  the  bar, 
and  practiced  until  1859,  but  finding  lawyers  more 
numerous  than  clients,  and  that  the  Free-State  men 
were  no  longer  in  danger  of  being  overpowered  by 

the  border  ruffians,  he  returned  to  Ohio,  and  en- 
tered  the  ministry,  becoming  a  member  of  the  Cin- 
cinnati Methodist  Episcopal  Conference.  He  was 
stationed  at  Aberdeen  and  Williamsburg,  until  the 
first  call  by  President  Lincoln  for  troops  to  quell 
the  Rebellion. 

In  1862  Mr.  Green  enlisted  in  the  89th  Ohio 
Infantry  as  a  private,  and  suljsequently  became 
Lieutenant  of  Company  B,  and  served  under  Gen. 
Cox  in  West  Virginia  during  the  celebrated  cam- 
paign which  brought  Gen.  McClellan  so  promi- 
nently before  the  nation,  and  in  which  it  will  be 
remembered  this  regiment  distinguished  itself.  The 
89th  was  subsequently  transferred  to  the  Array  of 
the  Cumberland  under  Gen.  Sherman,  and  Lieut. 
Green  marched  at  the  head  of  his  company,  going 
all  through  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  endearing 
himself  to  his  comrades  by  his  kindly  solicitude  for 
their  welfare,  and  the  practical  sympathy  which  in- 
duced him  to  literall}'  bear  their  burdens,  namely, 
their  knapsacks,  until  he  too  was  overcome  by  the 
heat,  and  fell  by  the  way  bleeding  at  the  lungs. 
From  this  he  did  not  rapidly  recover,  indeed,  was 
not  expected  to  live  for  a  time,  and  was  finally 
compelled  to  resign  his  position,  and  seek  the  care 
and  quiet  of  home. 

Lieut.  Green  returned  to  Kansas  in   18G5,  and 



resuming  his  ministerial  duties,  was  stationed  at 
Manliattau  two  years.  The  year  following  he  was 
elected  Lieutenant  Governor,  and  upon  the  resigna- 
tion of  Gov.  Crawford,  Nov.  4,  1868,  succeeded 
to  the  executive  chair  for  the  remainder  of  tlie 
term.  In  the  meantime  he  did  not  lose  his  interest 
in  the  church,  and  was  appointed  Presiding  Elder 
of  the  Manhattan  District,  but  on  account  of  the 
ill-health  of  his  wife  retired  to  his  farm  until  1873, 
when  he  again  entered  the  conference.  His  own 
health,  however,  never  fully  restored  since  his  ex- 
perience in  the  army,  obliged  him  to  abandon  the 
ministry,  with  the  exception  of  preaching  occasion- 
ally at  church  dedications,  and  upon  other  occasions 
where  benevolent  work  was  most  needed. 

In  November,  1880,  Mr.  Green  was  prevailed 
upon  by  his  neighbors  to  allow  them  to  use  his 
name  as  a  candidate  for  the  Legislature,  and  being 
elected  served  faithfully  his  term,  and  in  1881-82 
was  Speaker  pro  tern.  When  relieved  of  his  public 
duties  he  turned  to  the  pursuits  of  agriculture,  to 
which  he  has  since  given  his  attention. 

Mr.  Green  owns  one  of  the  finest  farms  on  MUl 
Creek,  and  which  comprises  840  acres  of  land,  the 
greater  part  under  a  high  state  of  cultivation. 
Upon  it  there  is  an  abundance  of  timber  and  water, 
and  all  the  other  facilities  for  carrying  on  farming 
and  stock-raising  after  the  most  approved  methods. 
In  the  feeding  of  cattle  he  has  introduced  the 
methods  which  have  given  them  the  precedence, 
and  his  were  the  first  Riley  County  animals  known 
to  have  been  bought  in  the  Kansas  City  market  for 
shipment  to  England. 

The  first  wife  of  our  subject,  and  to  whom  he 
was  married  in  1860,  was  Miss  Ida  LelHngwell,  of 
Williamsburg,  Ohio,  and  who  died  in  1870,  leaving 
three  children — Glenzen  S.,  Effie  and  Alice.  In 
1873  Mr.  Green  contracted  a  second  marriage,  with 

Miss  Marj'  Sturdcvant,  of  Rushvillo,  N.  Y.,  by 
whom  he  has  two  children — Burtis  U.  and  Ned  M. 
He  has  two  brothers  in  Kansas :  Lewis  F.  Green, 
of  Douglas  County,  who  was  the  coalition  candi- 
date for  Congress  in  the  Second  District  last  fall; 
and  George  S.  Green,  of  Manhattan,  of  the  firm  of 
Green  &  Hessin,  attorn eys-at-law,  and  who  is  now 
representing  the  southern  part  of  Riley  Countj^  in 
the  Legislature. 

In  his  private  character  Gov.  Green  is  thoroughly 
upright,  conscientious  as  a  minister,  progressive 
and  patriotic  as  a  citizen,  and  as  an  orator  has  no 
superior  in  this  State,  and  but  few  in  the  country. 
He  is  thoroughly  posted  on  political  questions,  and 
with  his  irresistible  wit  and  humor  invariably  holds 
the  attention  of  an  audience,  while  his  clear  and 
earnest  style  seldom  fails  to  convince.  Among  the 
men  of  his  county  none  are  more  popular  tha..  he 
who  is  familiarly  called  "  the  Governor." 

The  career  of  Gov.  Green  as  a  pioneer  citizen 
has  been  one  eminently  worthy  and  useful  to  the 
communitj'  in  which  he  has  resided,  and  his  neigh- 
bors and  old  friends  unitedly  bear  testimony  to  his 
sterling  worth  and  his  valuable  services  both  to  the 
church  and  State.  He  was  well  calculated  b^' 
nature  to  aid  in  the  building  up  of  a  new  countrj', 
possessing  the  judgment  and  forethought  necessary 
to  determine  what  was  to  be  done,  and  the  manner 
and  time  in  which  it  should  be  accomplished.  In 
building  up  one  of  the  finest  estates  in  this  region 
he  has  contributed  largely  to  its  standing  and  repu- 
tation, and  his  industry  has  been  an  incentive  to 
others  about  him.  The  result  thus  produced  is  a 
highly  intelligent  and  progressive  community, 
which  was  not  slow  to  take  advantage  of  leader- 
ship, especially  when  the  leader  possessed  noblest 
principles  of  character  and  sound  judgment 

^.J^^^iyUCCd    tA  .     <//~-Cl^ 

AMES  M.  HARVEY,  fifth  Gov- 
ernor of  the  State  of  Kansas,  and  a 
Virginian  by  birth,  is  a  native 
of  Monroe  County,  and  was  born 
Sept.  21,  1833.  His  parents, 
Thomas  and  Margaret  ("Walker) 
Harvey,  were  also  natives  of  the 
Old  Dominion,  but  removed 
from  that  State  when  their  son 
.James  M.  was  quite  young. 
He  acquired  his  education  in  the 
public  and  select  schools  of  In- 
diana, Illinois  and  Iowa,  and 
following  his  tastes  and  talents, 
became  a  finished  practical  sur- 
veyor and  civil  engineer.  Mr. 
Harvey,  in  the  5'ear  1859,  just  before  Kansas  was 
freed  from  Territorial  enthrallment,  and  when  she 
was  struggling  to  become  one  of  the  sisterhood  of 
States,  removed  hither,  settling  in  Riley  County. 
He  at  once  became  warmly  interested  in  the  affairs 
of  this  section  of  couutrj',  and  distinguished  him- 
self for  his  ability,  intelligence  and  enthusiastic  sup- 
port of  the  measure  which  was  to  make  the  Territory 
a  full  member  of  the  American  Union.  The  pur- 
suit of  agriculture  at  that  time  offered  a  more  ample 
income  than  his  profession,  and  in  this  he  at  once 
engaged,  but  the  seclusion  of  the  farm  did  not  con- 
ceal his  eminent  ability  and  his  talents  from  the 
public,  and  he  was  a  prominent  factor  in  the  affairs 
of  Kansas  for  a  period  of  nearly  thirty  years. 
It  was  not  long  after  his  arrival  here  until  the 

Civil  War  was  precipitated  upon  the  country,  and 
James  M.  Harvey  enlisted  as  a  soldier  of  the  Union 
army,  and  was  soon  given  a  Captain's  commission 
in  the  4th  and  10th  Regiments,  which  were  consoli- 
dated. He  served  with  honor  in  the  campaign  in 
which  his  command  took  part,  and  was  mustered  out 
in  1864.  The  following  year,  and  also  in  1866,  he 
was  elected  to  represent  his  county  in  the  Kansas 
Legislature,  where  he  displayed  such  power  as  to 
attract  the  leading  men  of  the  commonwealth,  and 
in  which  he  gave  unmistakable  indications  of  the 
distinction  he  would  achieve  in  the  future.  After 
serving  his  terms  creditably  as  a  member  of  the 
House,  he  was,  in  1867-71,  a  member  of  the  Senate, 
and  in  the  latter  year  was  elected  Governor. 

The  duties  of  these  various  offices  Mr.  Harvey 
discharged  with  that  fidelity  and  ability  which  en- 
titled him  to  still  higher  distinction,  and  accordingly 
on  the  assembling  of  the  State  Leglature,  in  1874, 
he  was  elected  to  fill  the  vacancy  occasioned  by  the 
resignation  of  Alexander  Caldwell,  United  States 
Senator.  This  vacancy  had  been  temporarily  filled 
by  the  appointment  of  Robert  Crozier,  but  the 
Legislature  promptly  recognized  the  claims  of  Mr. 
Harvey,  and  gave  him  the  merited  compliment  of 
his  regular  election  to  that  position.  He  took  his 
seat  on  the  12th  of  February,  and  in  this,  as  in  all 
other  places  which  he  was  called  upon  to  fill,  dis- 
charged his  duties  with  great  credit  to  himself  and 
honor  to  his  State  until  the  4th  of  March,  1877,  at 
which  time  his  term  expired. 



During  Mr.  Harvey's  incumbency  of  the  Gov- 
ernor's office  much  important  work  was  done  b}'  the 
Legislature,  including  the  issuance  of  bonds  for 
the  military  expenses  of  the  Indian  War,  and  pro- 
viding a  military  contingent  fund  for  the  protection 
of  the  frontier  of  the  State  against  Indian  depreda- 
tions— these  two  objects  calling  for  $275,000;  and 
also  the  further  issuance  of  bonds  to  aid  in  com- 
pleting the  west  wing  of  the  State  Capitol,  $70,000 ; 
to  defray  the  expenses  of  raising  the  19th  Regiment, 
§14,000;  and  $1,.500  was  appropriated  to  buy  seed 
wheat  for  destitute  farmers  on  the  frontier.  Dur- 
ing that  term  also  the  east  wing  of  the  new  eapitol  at 
Topeka  was  so  far  completed  that  on  December  25 
they  were  occupied  by  the  State  officers.  At  that 
date  there  had  been  expended  on  the  wing  com- 
pleted and  on  the  west  wing,  on  which  work  was 
still  progressing,  the  sum  of  1417,588.29.  At  the 
annual  election,  which  occurred  Nov.  8,  1870, 
Gov.  Harvey  received  over  19,000  majority  over 
his  Democratic  opponent.  For  United  States  Sena- 
tor, to  serve  the  unexpired  term  of  Caldwell,  tlie 
balloting  commenced  January  27,  and  was  continued 
four  daj's,  no  candidate  receiving  the  required 
seventy  votes  necessary  to  a  choice.  On  the  2d  of 
February,  Mr.  Harvey  was  elected  on  a  joint  vote 
of  seventy-six  as  against  fift3'-eight  thrown  for  all 
other  candidates. 

During  the  twelfth  session  of  the  Kansas  Legis- 
lature, James  M.  Harvey,  Governor,  thirty-eight 
laws  were  passed.  Amo.ig  them  were  bills  authoriz- 
ing or  legalizing  the  issuance  of  municipal  bonds ;  the 
State  Board  of  Agriculture  was  created ;  $3,000  was 
appropriated  for  the  relief  of  Western  settlers,  and 
$2,500  for  the  Freedman's  University  of  Quindaro; 
the  boundaries  of  Kingman  and  Harvey  Counties 
were  defined,  the  latter  named  in  honor  of  James 
M. ;  two  new  judicial  districts  were  created,  the 
Thirteenth  and  Fourteenth:  the  salaries  of  State 
officers  and  Judges  of  the  Supreme  Courts  and 
Districts  Courts  were  increased ;  and  an  act  passed 
providing  for  the  sale  of  Normal  School  lands; 
Commissioners  were  also  appointed  to  provide  for 
the  settlement  of  losses  by  Indian  depredations 
between  1860  and  1871. 

Gov.  Harvey  upon  retiring  from  public  life  re- 
turned to  his  farm  at  Vinton,  Riley  County,  where 

he  resided  for  a  time,  and  then  returned  to  the 
vicinity  of  his  old  home  in  Virginia,  and  is  now 
living  in  Richmond.  On  the  4th  of  October,  1854,  he 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Charlotte  Cutter, 
of  Adams  County,  111.,  and  of  this  union  there 
were  born  six  children,  four  daughters  and  two 
sons,  namely :  Clara,  Emma,  Lillian,  jMartha,  James 
N.  and  John  A. 

The  assuring  smile  of  peace  fell  upon  Kansas  for 
the  first  time  in  her  existence  when  the  war  of  the 
Rebellion  ended,  and  about  the  time  Mr.  Harvey, 
after  serving  valiantljr  in  the  ranks  of  the  Union 
army,  returned  to  Riley  County,  and  was  called 
upon  to  assist  in  the  further  great  work  which  lay 
before  both  legislators  and  people.  It  was  a  time 
demanding  the  best  efforts  of  its  wisest  men,  and 
Mr.  Harvey  in  his  sphere  was  equal  to  the  emer- 
gency, and  to  the  perplexing  duties  devolving  upon 
him  as  Legislator,  Senator  and  Governor.  Twelve 
years  of  turmoil  and  strife  had  trained  the  inhabitants 
to  know  no  rest  save  in  motion,  and  no  safety  ex- 
cept in  incessant  vigilance.  Under  this  discipline 
their  character  had  become  as  peculiar  as  the  expe- 
riences through  which  they  had  passed.  A  rest- 
less energy  was  the  controlling  element,  and  the  life 
of  ease  and  peace  was  one  so  foreign  to  their  ex- 
perience as  to  strike  them  as  almost  unnatural. 
The}^  however,  under  the  fortunate  rule  of  a  wise 
executive,  turned  to  the  pursuit  of  the  peaceful  arts 
and  conquered  the  right  to  the  free  soil  they  now 
tread.  Mines  were  opened,  railroads  built,  hus- 
bandry and  manufactures  brought  wealth  and  plenty, 
and  peace  and  prosperity  reigned. 

Along  with  the  happy  state  of  affairs  just  above 
mentioned,  there  were  also  built  up  the  indispensa- 
ble* adjuncts  of  churches,  schools  and  charitable 
institutions,  together  with  happy  homes,  villages 
and  cities,  and  all  else  which  marks  the  develop- 
ment of  a  civilized  and  free  people.  Every  man 
who  at  that  critical  period  performed  his  dutj-  de- 
serves to  be  perpetuated  in  history.  Among  these 
James  M.  Harvey  was  likewise  equal  to  the  emer- 
gency, and  is  amply  entitled  to  have  his  name  en- 
rolled among  the  patriots  of  that  period,  who  labored 
efficiently  in  bringing  about  the  future  prosperity 
of  the  commonwealth  which  now  occupies  a  proud 
position  among  the  States  west  of  the  Mississippi. 


/^UJX-y,^^  c^ 

SrrOMAS  A.  OSBORN,  one 
of  the  most  popular  and 
distinguished  gentlemen 
who  ever  served  the  State 
of  Kansas  as  her  Executive, 
is  to-day  an  honored  citi- 
zen of  that  great  common- 
wealth and  a  resident  of  her  capital 
city.  He  was  chosen  to  this  high 
position  at  a  critical  time  in  the 
history  of  the  State.  While  it 
is  true  that  no  commonwealth  in 
our  glorious  galaxy  of  States  hns 
been  so  sorelj'  tried  or  passed 
through  so  many  and  such  severe 
ordeals,  there  have  been  some  peri- 
ods of  greater  trials  than  others. 
One  crisis  after  another  has  come  upon  this  people, 
but  there  was  alvvaj'^s  a  firm  and  wise  hand  ready 
and  able  to  guide  the  ship  of  State  through  the 
storm  and  over  the  shoals.  Kansas  found  in  the 
person  of  Mr.  Osborn  a  safe  leader,  a  patriot  and  a 
statesman.  From  thg  year  1872  to  1877  was  an 
important  period  in  the  history  of  Kansas,  and  during 
this  time  Thomas  A.  Osborn  stood  at  the  head  of 
its  affairs.  Manj'  vital  questions  were  forced  upon 
the  Executive  during  these  eventful  years,  and  the 
record  he  made  then  will  ever  endear  him  to  tlie 
hearts  of  the  people  of  the  State  he  so  efficiently 
served.  When  tried  he  was  not  found  wanting, 
but  demonstrated  that  he  possessed  a  sound  judg- 
ment, a  keen  foresight,  and  an  unfaltering  devotion 
to  the  well-being  and  prosperity  of  the  State.  Though 
a  stanch  Republican  as  a  citizen,  as  a  Governor  he 
was  lion  partisan,  and  worked  impartially  to  the  bet- 
terment and  welfare  of  the  whole  people.     Not  only 

has  he  been  a  valued  citizen  of  the  State  because 
he  so  ably  filled  the  Gubernatorial  Chair  for  two 
terms,  but  because  for  over  a  quarter  of  a  century 
he  has  stood  in  the  front  rank  of  her  most  progres- 
sive and  patriotic  citizens,  aiding  in  every  laudable 
enterprise  having  for  its  object  the  public  good. 

Thomas  A.  Osborn  was  born  nearly  fifty-two 
years  ago,  at  Meadville,  Pa.,  Oct.  26,  1836.  He 
attended  the  common  schools  of  his  neighborhood 
during  his  boyhood,  and  at  the  age  of  fifteen  com- 
menced life  as  a  printer  by  carrying  the  newspapers 
of  the  office.  Here  he  served  a  full  apprenticeship, 
and  in  the  meantime  pursued  the  course  of  study 
which  had  been  interrupted  by  the  necessity  of 
making  his  own  living.  By  his  labors  at  the  case 
he  was  enabled  in  due  time  to  earn  enough  money 
to  pay  his  way  through  Allegheny  College,  and  in 
1 856  he  commenced  the  study  of  law  in  the  office 
of  Judge  Derrrickson,  of  his  native  town.  The 
year  following  he  came  to  Michigan,  and  was  soon 
afterward  admitted  to  the  bar.  In  November, 
1857,  he  migrated  to  Kansas,  and  began  his  career 
in  the  Territory  at  Lawrence,  as  a  compositor  in  the 
office  of  the  Herald  of  Freedom.  Such  was  his 
fidelity  to  duty,  and  his  industry  and  efficiency, 
that  he  was  soon  promoted  to  the  position  of  foreman, 
and  in  M.arch,  1858,  the  editor  of  the  paper,  after 
a  two- weeks  absence,  expressed  his  thanks  "to  his 
worthy  foreman,  T.  A.  Osborn,  Esq.,  for  the  very 
satisfactory  manner  in  which  he  has  conducted  its 

Before  Mr.  Osborn  was  twenty-two  years  old  he 
commenced  the  practice  of  law  at  Elwood,  Doni- 
phan County,  and  soon  acquired  a  fine  reputation 
in  his  chosen  profession.  Politically,  he  was  a  strong 



Republican  and  Free-State  man,  and  in  1859  was 
elected  Senator  from  Doniphan  Countj^  to  the  first 
State  Legislature,  taking  his  seat  in  1861,  when 
twenty-five  years  old.  The  year  following  he  was 
chosen  Piesident  pro  tern  of  the  Senate  during  the 
absence  of  the  Lieutenant  Governor,  and  during 
the  impeachment  trial  of  Gov.  Robinson  and  others. 
His  next  promotion  was  his  election  to  the  office  of 
Lieutenant  Governor  over  his  competitor,  Hon.  J.  J. 

In  1864  Mr.  Osborn  received  the  appointment  of 
United  States  Marshal  in  Kansas,  by  President 
Lincoln,  and  occupied  the  position  until  18C7,  re- 
siding during  and  after  his  term  of  office  at  Leaven- 
worth. In  the  fall  of  1872  he  accepted  from  the 
hands  of  his  party  the  nomination  for  Governor  of 
Kansas.  The  convention  assembled  atTopeka,  and 
their  candidate  was  elected  by  a  m.ajority  of  34,000. 
He  was  dtily  inaugurated  in  January,  1873,  and 
served  with  so  great  ability  and  rendered  such  sat- 
isfaction that  he  was  again  chosen  at  the  State  Con- 
vention of  his  party  for  a  second  term.  The  fol- 
lowing November  he  was  duly  elected,  and  served 
another  two  years. 

It  is  proper  in  this  connection  to  give  a  resume 
of  some  of  the  occurrences  in  Kansas  at  the  time 
Gov.  Osborn  occupied  the  position  of  State  Execu- 
tive. In  May,  1874,  during  his  second  year  as 
Governor,  the  Indians  on  the  southwestern  frontier 
commenced  depredations  upon  the  settlers  in  Bar- 
bour County,  which  were  confined  for  a  time  to  the 
stealing  of  their  cattle  and  horses.  In  an  attempt 
to  recover  some  of  the  plunder,  a  detachment  of 
United  States  Cavalry  fatally  wounded  a  son  of 
Little  Robe,  a  chief  of  the  Cheyennes.  This  in- 
cited the  Indians  to  open  outrages,  and  in  June  five 
murders  were  committed.  These  outrages  alarmed 
the  entire  southwestern  border,  and  action  was  at  once 
taken  to  place  the  more  exposed  points  in  as  good 
a  condition  of  defense  as  was  possible.  Companies 
were  organized  and  armed  in  readiness  for  an  emer- 
gency, and  stockades  were  constructed  by  the  set- 
tlers at  Medicine  Lodge,  Kiowa,  Sun  City,  and  at 
points  midway  between  the  two  latter  places.  Not- 
withstanding these  precautions,  hundreds  of  people 
deserted  their  homes  and  sought  protection  in  the 
larger  towns.  In  July  other  murders  were  com- 
mitted, and  suspicion  pointed  strongly  to  the  Osage 
Indians.  Early  in  August  a  party  of  these,  twenty- 
five  in  number,  appeared  near  the  town  of  Kiowa, 
claiming  to  be  out  on  a  buffalo  hunt,  and  upon  be- 
ing ordered  to  return  to  their  reservation  they  re- 
fused to  do  so.  This  was  communicated  to  Capt. 
Ricker,  who  was  in  command  of  a  companj'  of 
mounted  militia,  and  who  in  setting  out  to  find 
them,  overtook  them  about  fifteen  miles   northeast 

of  Medicine  Lodge.  In  the  skirmish  which  ensued 
four  Indians  were  killed.  The  savages  now  grew 
more  bold  and  decided  in  their  onslaught  upon  the 
white  settlers,  and  by  the  Xst  of  September  they 
had  slain  sixteen  citizens,  six  of  whom  were  resi- 
dents of  Lawrence  and  peaceably  engaged  in  sur- 
veying public  lands  forty  miles  south  and  twenty 
miles  west  of  Dodge  City.  Gov.  Osborn  was  com- 
pelled to  keep  the  volunteer  militia  companies  on 
the  border  in  active  service  until  nearly  the  close 
of  1874,  and  between  those  who  urged  extreme 
measures  and  those  who,  more  timid,  advised  a  pol- 
icy of  extreme  forbearance,  he  was  in  a  position  re- 
quiring gTeat  ingenuity  and  temperance  of  action. 
Few  men  in  his  position  could  have  done  better, 
and  more  would  probably  have  failed  in  assisting  to 
bring  all  these  troubles  to  a  peaceable  conclusion. 

After  leaving  the  Gubei'natorial  Chair  in  1877, 
JMr.  Osborn  was  appointed  by  President  Hayes, 
United  States  Minister  to  Chili.  In  this  position  he 
remained  for  four  j'ears,  when  be  was  tendered  by 
President  Garfield  the  position  of  Minister  to  the 
Empire  of  Brazil.  This  he  accepted,  and  remained 
near  the  court  of  Don  Pedro  until  the  administra- 
tion of  President  Cleveland  came  into  power. 

Mr.  Osborn's  record  as  a  foreign  Minister  was 
not  only  highly  creditable  to  our  own  Nation,  but 
doubly  so  to  him  as  an  official  and  a  citizen  of  the 
great  peace-loving  Republic  of  America.  While  in 
Chili  he  was  quite  active  in  trying  to  bring  to  an 
end  the  bloody  war  in  which  that  country  was  en- 
gaged with  Peru  and  Bolivia,  and  in  1880  presided 
over  a  conference  of  representatives  of  the  bellig- 
erent power  on  board  the  American  man-of-war 
"Lackawanna"  in  the  bay  of  Arica,  which  had  in 
view  that  object.  He  also  interested  himself  in 
bringing  to  a  peaceful  conclusion  the  long-pending 
boundary  dispute  between  Chili  and  the  Argentine 
Republic.  For  his  valued  and  able  services  in  this 
connection  he  received  the  thanks  of  both  nations. 

Since  Gov.  Osborn's  return  to  the  United  States 
ho  has  occupied  himself  in  various  enterprises,  and 
while  not  entirely  eschewing  polities,  has  made 
known  his  desire  to  be  excused  from  filling  further 
official  positions.  He  stood  at  the  bend  of  the  Kansas 
delegation  to  the  National  Republican  Convention  in 
1888,  and  in  that  august  assembly  was  a  prominent 
figure.  He  is  a  man  whose  opinions  are  universally 
held  in  respect,  and  one  who  has  no  unimportant 
influence  in  the  councils  of  his  party.  His  early 
life  and  training  served  to  build  up  within  him  that 
patience  and  self-reliance,  and  that  perseverance  in 
behalf  of  a  worthy  principle,  which  has  been  the 
secret  of  his  standing  among  his  fellowmen,  and 
distinguished  him  as  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
ability',  and  one  eminently  to  be  trusted. 

e^rjg'tgi't^t'^t-^^ia.i^  s^  v^v-,. '.i&^i^c^t^i^'^fg^'i.V'i^;  ,'^^ 


the  seventh  Governor  of 
the  State  of  Kansas,  came 
of  an  excellent  family  of  the 
I  mpire  State,  who  were  or- 
thodox Quakers  religiously', 
and  who  in  point  of  the  ele- 
ments which  go  to  make  up  the  bone 
and  sinew  of  the  social  fabric,  pos- 
seted all  the  characteristics  of  that  pe- 
^^A^v'  tulni  people.  He  was  born  in  May- 
" "  ""  "  field,  Fulton  Co.,  N.  Y.,  June  9, 1824, 
and  spent  his  boyhood  and  youth  on  a 
farm,  acquiring  his  education  mostly 
in  the  winter  season,  and  making  him- 
self useful  at  agricultural  pursuits  in  summer. 
About  the  age  of  nineteen  he  commenced  learning 
the  tin  and  copper  smith's  trade  at  Union  Springs, 
Cayuga  County,  which  he  followed  as  a  journej'- 
man  five  years,  then  repaired  to  Ballston  Spa,  and 
clerked  in  a  hardware  store  until  his  removal  to 
Medina,  in  1850. 

In  the  town  above  mentioned  Mr.  Anthony  found 

his  future  wife.  Miss  Rose  A.  Lyons,  to  whom  he 
was  married  Dec.  14,  1852,  and  thereafter  for  a 
period  of  nine  years  was  engaged  in  trade  in  hard- 
ware, tin  and  stoves,  and  also  carried  on  the  manu- 
facture of  stoves  and  agricultural  implements.  Later 
he  engaged  in  the  commission  business,  and  in  due 
time  was  made  Loan  Commissioner  for  Orleans 
County,  being  thus  occupied  three  years. 

During  the  late  Rebellion  and  under  the  call  of 
July  2,  1862,  for  additional  troops,  Mr.  Anthony 
was  selected  bj'  request  of  Gov.  Morton  as  one  of  a 
committee  of  seven  to  raise  and  organize  troops  in  the 
Twenty-eighth  District  of  New  York,  embracing  the 
counties  of  Orleans,  Niagara  and  Genesee.  In  Au- 
gust following  he  was  authorized  to  recruit  an  inde- 
pendent battery  of  light  artillery  of  six  guns,  and 
which  was  subsequently  known  as  the  17th  New 
York  Independent  Battery.  Such  was  the  in- 
dustiy  with  which  he  set  about  this  commission, 
that  in  four  days  the  maximum  number  was  secured 
and  mustered  into  service,  with  Mr.  Anthony  as 
Captain,  and  they  proceeded  at  once  to  Washington. 



Capt.  Anthony  served  with  his  battery  until  the 
tlose  of  the  war,  operating  between  Washington  and 
Richmond,  and  in  front  of  the  latter  city  and  Pe- 
tersburg, being  with  the  18th  Armj^  Corps  during 
the  last  year  of  the  war.  He  was  breveted  Major 
for  services  in  the  last  caruiDaign  ending  at  Appo- 
mattox Court  House,  and  after  the  surrender  of  the 
Confederate  forces,  was  mustered  out  of  service  at 
Richmond,  Va.,  June  12,  1865. 

In  November,  1865,  Mr.  Anthony  changed  his 
residence  from  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  to  Leavenworth, 
this  State,  and  became  editor  of  the  Leavenworth 
Daily  Bulletin,  also  of  the  Leavenworth  Daily  Con- 
servative, filling  the  position  two  years  and  one-lialf. 
He  subsequentlj'  assumed  proprietorship  of  the  Kan- 
sas Farmer,  which  he  conducted  six  years.  In  the 
meantime  such  had  been  the  zeal  with  which  he  in- 
terested himself  in  the  affairs  of  a  State  struggling 
for  recognition,  and  only  needing  good  men  for 
leaders,  that  he  was  recognized  as  a  man  eminently 
fitted  for  promotion,  and  in  December,  1867,  was 
appointed  United  States  Internal  Revenue  Assistant 
Assessor,  and  the  following  year  Collector  of  Inter- 
nal Revenue.  For  three  years  be  was  President  of 
the  Kansas  State  Board  of  Agriculture,  and  for  two 
years  held  the  same  position  on  tlie  Board  of  Cen- 
tennial Managers  for  the  State,  and  was  discharging 
the  duties  of  the  three  offices  at  the  time  of  his 
election  as  Governor,  on  the  7th  of  November, 

Gov.  Anthony,  while  State  Executive,  presided 
wisely  as  counselor  over  the  many  difficult  ques- 
tions arising  at  that  time,  and  retired  from  the 
office  with  the  best  wishes  of  those  who  had  realized 
how  faithfully  he  had  endeavored  to  perform  his 
duty.  He  continued  his  residence  in  Leavenworth 
after  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  office,  and  there- 
after was  employed  much  of  the  time  in  a  respon- 
sible position,  in  connection  with  the  extension  of 
the  great  Santa  Fe  Railroad  thi-ough  New  Mexico 
and  into  Old  Mexico. 

That  Gov.  Anthony  was  popular  during  his  in- 
cumbency of  the  Executive  office,  is  indicated  by 
the  fact  that  the  county  seat  of  Harper  County  was 
named  in  his  honor.  Over  the  establishment  of 
this  town  there  was  much  earnest  debate  in  regard 
to  its  location  and  many  other  important  details  in 

connection  therewith.  It  is  now  a  city  of  impor- 
tance, and  was  honored  with  a  post-offlce  in  the 
summer  of  1878.  At  first  the  service  was  only 
weekl}-,  but  in  due  time  became  daily,  and  it  was 
made  a  money-order  office  in  1880.  Previous  to 
this,  however,  a  bank  had  been  established  in  a 
small  frame  structure  standing  on  the  street,  and 
its  business  was  soon  conducted  in  a  store  building, 
with  a  capital  of  $20,000.  The  Globe  Mills  were  put 
up  in  1880-81,  at  a  cost  of  over  125,000,  and  in  due 
time  commanded  a  large  trade  from  points  in  the 
Indian  Territory,  as  well  as  the  surrounding  towns. 

Churches  and  newspapers  sprang  up  in  due  time 
in  the  town  of  Authonj^  and  various  lodges  of  the 
different  societies  were  named  in  honor  of  the 
Governor.  The  town  itself  lies  on  the  edge  of  a 
beautiful  valley,  a  trifle  over  two  miles  from  the 
geographical  center  of  Harper  County,  and  the  site 
was  selected  after  much  deliberation  by  the  Town 
Company,  which  had  been  formed  at  Wichita  for 
the  purpose,  as  it  was  found  desirable  to  establish  a 
town  not  far  from  the  center  of  Harper  Count}-, 
which  embraced  large  tracts  of  beautiful  rolling 
land.  The  projected  town  was  considered  a 
matter  of  serious  importance,  and  not  the  least 
among  the  matters  connected  with  its  establishment 
was  the  name  by  which  it  should  be  called.  The 
descendants  of  Gov.  Anthony  maj-  be  pardoned  if 
in  preserving  their  family  history  they  keep  prop- 
erly in  view  this  fact  in  connection  therewith.  The 
town  site  was  made  to  cover  320  acres,  and  the  first 
work  of  the  company  was  to  build  a  barracks  for 
the  accommodation  of  emigrants,  and  to  dig  three 
public  wells. 

About  as  soon  as  the  announcement  went  forth 
that  the  "  city  of  Anthony  "  was  ready  for  settle- 
ment, about  a  dozen  box  houses  sprang  up  as  if  by 
magic,  and  were  soon  followed  bj' a  store  of  general 
merchandise,  a  hardware  and  a  drug-store,  and  closely 
upon  the  heels  of  these  came  a  ph3-sician  and  an 
attornej-.  The  new  town  grew  rapidl}',  and  now 
occupies  a  proud  position  among  the  other  cities 
adjacent,  going  in  some  respects  ahead  of  those 
which  are  older.  As  may  be  supposed,  the  patriot, 
the  ex-soldier,  and  one  of  the  most  conscientious 
men  who  ever  occupied  the  Gubernatorial  Chair  of 
Kansas,  has  watched  its  growth  with  lively  interest. 


OHN  P.  ST.  JOHN,  eighth 
Governor  of  the  State  of 
Kansas,  was  boru  in  Brook- 
field,  Franklin  Co.,  Ind., 
Feb.  25,  1833.  The  family 
is  of  Huguenot  descent. 
Daniel  St.  John,  the  paternal 
grandfather,  was  a  native  of 
Luzerne  Countj-,  Pa.,  and  for 
'&  sixty  years  was  one  of  the  fore- 
most ministers  of  the  Universalist 
denomination,  preaching  with  un- 
swerving faith  the  doctrines  he 
had  espoused,  and  illustrating  their 
ifcjMj  purity  by  aguileless  and  untarnished 
:  reputation.  He  was  the  friend  and 
contemporary  of  Murray,  Ballou,  Streeter  and 
Thomas,  and  was  numbered  with  them  as  one  of 
the  American  fathers  of  this  religious  faith.  He 
was  also  a  Freemason,  and  at  the  time  of  his 
death,  which  occurred  in  Broad  Eipple,  Ind.,  was 
the  oldest  member  of  the  fraternity  in  the  State. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  sou  of  Samuel 
St.  John,  who  was  born  in  Orange  County,  N.  Y., 
CAu\  was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  ability.  The 
mother,  Sophia  (Snell)  St.  John,  was  of  English 
extraction,  a  lady  of  rare  intelligence,  with  a  char- 
acter adorned  by  all  the  Christian  virtues.  The 
children  of  farmers  in  the  rural  districts  of  Indiana 
forty  years  ago  were  taught  by  such  instructors  as 
the  limited  means  of  the  inhabitants  could  com- 
mand, and  who  dispensed  knowledge  usually  only 
two  short  terms  each  j'ear.     Under  these  circum- 

stances the  early  education  of  John  P.  St.  John 
was  acquired.  He  soon  mastered  the  elementary 
branches  taught  in  the  district  school,  but  deter- 
mined to  carry  on  his  education  as  soon  as  he  could 
secure  the  means,  and  /or  this  purpose,  while  yet 
a  youth,  entered  a  store,  but  devoted  his  leisure 
hours  to  his  books. 

In  1852  Mr.  St.  John  made  his  way  to  the  Pa- 
cific Slope,  and  employed  himself  at  whatever  he 
could  find  to  do — wood-chopping,  steamboating, 
mining,  merchandising,  etc.  During  the  period  of 
eight  years,  which  were  pregnant  with  adventure, 
hardship,  danger  and  toil,  if  not  of  profit,  he  made 
voyages  to  Central  America,  South  America, 
Mexico,  Oregon  and  the  Sandwich  Islands.  He 
was  engaged  in  the  Indian  Wars  of  Northern  Cali- 
fornia and  Southern  Oregon  in  1852-53,  in  which 
he  suffered  all  the  perils  and  hardships  incident  to 
the  struggles  of  that  time,  and  was  several  times 
wounded  in  the  service. 

During  his  mining  life  in  California  the  long- 
cherished  predilection  of  Mr.  St.  John  for  the  legal 
profession  ripened  into  a  definite  purpose.  He 
accordingly  procured  a  few  elementary  law  books, 
and  under  circumstances  calculated  to  try  the 
courage  of  one  less  determined,  he  commenced  his 
law  studies  in  his  mining  camp,  reading  each  even- 
ing after  the  close  of  the  day's  labor  by  the  light 
of  a  burning  pine  knot  or  the  camp  fire.  lie  thus 
pursued  his  studies  laboriously  for  two  years.  In 
1860  he  returned  eastward  with  but  little  more  of 
this  world's  goods  than  when  he  set  out  eight  years 
before,  but  equipped   with   a    rich    experience,  a 



knowledge  of  the  world  and  a  fair  idea  of  common 
law.  With  the  view  of  perfecting  himself  still 
further  in  his  studies,  he  entered  the  office  of 
Messrs.  Starkweather  <fe  McLain,  at  Charleston,  111., 
and  at  the  expiration  of  a  year's  time  was  admitted 
to  practice  at  the  bar,  and  became  a  member  of  the 
firm  above  mentioned. 

The  anticipated  professional  career  of  Mr.  St. 
John,  however,  was  rudely  broken  in  upon  by  the 
mutterings  of  Civil  War,  and  laying  aside  his  per- 
sonal interests,  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  Company 
C,  68th  Illinois  Infantry.  The  regiment  was  soon 
sent  to  Alexandria,  Va.,  and  St.  John  was  assigned 
to  detached  duty  as  Assistant  Adjutant  General. 
He  continued  in  this  capacity  until  his  term  of 
enlistment  had  expired,  but  subsequently  at  Camp 
Mattoou,  lU.,  he  was  placed  in  command  of  the 
troops  there,  given  the  commission  of  Captain,  and 
upon  the  organization  of  the  143d  Illinois,  was 
elected  Lieutenant  Colonel  of  this  regiment.  They 
operated  subsequently  in  the  Mississippi  Valley,  and 
Col.  St.  John  continued  in  the  service  until  1864, 
when  he  retired  to  private  life,  and  resumed  the 
practice  of  law  in  connection  with  Judge  McLain> 
the  surviving  partner  of  the  old  firm. 

In  February,  1865,  Mr.  St.  John  with  his  family 
removed  to  Independence,  Mo.,  where  he  first 
became  prominent  as  a  politician,  and  as  a  most 
effective  and  popular  orator.  During  his  four- 
3'ears  residence  at  that  point  he  took  an  active  part 
in  the  political  campaign  of  1868,  making  an  effect- 
ive and  vigorous  canvass  of  Western  Missouri  in 
behalf  of  the  nominees  of  the  Eepublican  party.  In 
May,  1869,  he  changed  his  residence  to  Olathe, 
Kan.,  and  associated  himself  with  M.  V.  B.  Parker 
for  the  practice  of  law.  This  continued  until  1875, 
and  Mr.  St.  John  then  formed  a  partnership  with 
Hon.  I.  O.  Pickering,  of  Olathe,  and  continued  the 
practice  of  his  profession  until  pressing  public 
duties  forced  him  to  abandon  it. 

The  prominence  of  Gov.  St.  John  in  public  life 
seems  to  have  become  his  unsought,  and  as  the  re- 
sult of  circumstances  entirely  outside  his  individ- 
ual purposes  or  designs.  Up  to  1872  he  had  given 
only  such  attention  to  political  affairs  as  was 
vouchsafed  by  all  intelligent  and  patriotic  voters. 
He   had   held   unsought  the    various  local    offices 

which  fall  to  the  lot  of  responsible  citizens  in  the 
administration  of  town  affairs,  and  as  an  ardent  Re- 
publican had  done  acceptable  work  on  the  stump 
during  the  canvass  of  1868.  Four  years  later  he 
was  elected  State  Senator  from  Johnson  County, 
and  at  once  took  a  leading  position,  both  on  the 
floor  as  a  debator,  and  in  the  committee  rooms  as 
an  efficient  business  member. 

The  temper.ance  movement  found  a  sturdy  and 
fearless  advocate  of  prohibition  in  Mr.  St.  John. 
Consequently  when  the  question  came  to  be  an 
issue  in  the  politics  of  Kansas,  he  was  at  once  rec- 
ognized as  the  fit  exponent  and  defender  of  the 
then  unpopular  doctrine.  The  Kansas  State  Tem- 
perance Convention  accordingly  nominated  him  as 
its  candidate  for  Governor,  in  1876.  He  declined 
the  nomination,  although  in  full  accord  with  the 
convention  on  the  issue  it  presented.  That  same 
fall  he  was  on  the  first  ballot  in  the  Eepublican 
convention,  the  leading  gubernatorial  candidate. 
On  the  seventh  ballot  he  withdrew  his  name,  which 
action  resulted  in  the  nomination  and  subsequent 
election  of  Hon.  George  T.  Anthony. 

At  the  Republican  State  Convention  held  two 
years  later  at  Topeka,  in  August,  1878,  Mr.  St. 
John  received  the  Republican  nomination  for 
Governor.  Considering  the  distracting  element  of 
a  third  partj',  the  campaign  was  brilliant  and  effect- 
ive, and  the  result  one  of  the  most  decisive  politi- 
cal victories  ever  achieved  in  the  State.  In  1880, 
in  a  total  vote  of  198,238,  Mr.  St.  John  was  re- 
elected by  a  majority  over  the  next  highest  candi- 
date of  51,647  and  a  majority  over  all  of  32,170,  a 
fact  which  shows  how  satisfactory  to  the  people 
had  been  the  manner  in  which  he  had  discharged 
the  duties  of  his  office  during  his  first  term. 

The  great  exodus  of  the  colored  people  from  the 
Southern  States  to  Kansas  began  in  1879,  and  Gov. 
St.  John  at  once  took  an  active  interest  in  their 
behalf.  Through  his  influence,  personal  and  official, 
the  necessities  of  thousands  of  these  destitute  and 
suffering  people  were  relieved  and  themselves 
placed  in  a  position  to  become  self-sustaining.  In 
1882  his  friends  nominated  him  as  Governor  for  a 
third  term,  but  he  failed  of  are-election.  In  1884 
he  was  the  nominee  of  the  Prohibition  party  for 
President,  and  received  150.000  votes. 


EORGE  W.  GLICK,  ninth 
Governor  of  Kansas,  was  its 
first  Democratic  State  Ex- 
ecutive. He  was  born  at 
Greencastle,  Fairfield  Co., 
Ohio,  July  4,  1827,  and  on 
the  paternal  side  is  of  Ger- 
man descent.  His  great-grandfather. 
Heniy  Glick,  was  one  of  five  brothers 
who  left  the  beautiful  Rhine  country 
prioi  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  In 
this  immortal  struggle  they  all  partici- 
pated and  subsequently  settled  in  Penn- 
sylvania George  Glick,  grandfather 
of  the  Governor,  served  as  a  soldier 
in  the  War  of  1812,  and  was  severely  wounded  at 
the  battle  of  Ft.  Meigs. 

Isaac  Glick,  the  father  of  George  W.,  and  who 
was  prominent  .as  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser  of  San- 
duslty  Count}',  Ohio,  held  for  three  consecutive 
terms  tlie  office  of  Treasurer  of  that  county,  and 
was  a  man  accounted  above  reproach,  both  in  his 
business  and  private  character.  He  married  Miss 
Mary  Sanders,  daughter  of  George  Sanders,  who 
was  a  soldier  p.atriot  in  the  War  of  1812,  in  which 
he  ranked  as  a  Captain  and  bore  the  marks  of  his 
bravery  in  bodily  wounds  of  a  serious  nature.  Mrs. 
Mary  (Sanders)  Glick  is  a  lady  of  high  culture  and 
great  piety,  active  in  the  work  of  Christian  charity, 
and  of  that  retiring  disposition  which  fully  car- 
ried out  the  command  of  the  great  teacher,  "Let 
not  thy  right  hand  know  what  thy  left  hand  doeth." 
As  a  boy,  George  W.  Glick  was  more  than  usually 
studious,  and  acquired  a  good  English  education, 
embracing  the  higher  mathematics  and  the  lan- 
guages, which  lent  a  polish  to  his  practical  sense  and 
business  qualifications,  and  enabled  him  to  succeed 

almost  uniformly  in  his  undertakings.  When  he 
was  a  little  lad  of  five  years  the  family  removed  to 
Lower  Sandusky,  now  Fremont,  where,  after  com- 
pleting his  education,  he  entered  the  law  office  of 
Buckland  &  Hayes,  the  junior  member  of  the  firm 
being  afterward  President  of  the  United  States.  In 
due  time  he  passed  a  thorough  examination  in  con- 
nection with  the  Cincinnati  Law  School  students, 
and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  by  the  Supreme  Court. 

Mr.  Glick  commenced  the  practice  of  his  profes- 
sion at  Fremont,  Ohio,  where  his  careful  attention 
to  the  interests  of  his  clients  secured  him  a  large 
patronage.  Later  he  removed  to  Sandusky  City, 
and  in  1858  was  made  the  Congressional  nominee 
of  the  Democratic  party  in  his  district,  but  declined 
the  honor  in  the  presence  of  the  convention,  but 
accepted  later  the  nomination  for  State  Senator. 
Although  defeated,  he  ran  nearly  2,000  votes  ahead 
of  his  party  ticket.  Later  he  was  elected  Judge 
Advocate  General  of  the  2d  Regiment  of  the  Sev- 
enteenth Division  of  the  Ohio  Militia,  with  the  rank 
of  Colonel,  receiving  his  commission  from  Gov. 
Salmon  P.  Chase. 

Late  in  1868  Mr.  Glick  came  to  Kansas,  locating 
in  Atchison,  and  associated  himself  in  the  practice 
of  law  with  Hon.  Alfred  G.  Otis.  This  gentleman 
was  well  versed  in  jurisprudence,  and  as  Judge  of 
the  Second  Judicial  District  from  January,  1877,  to 
January,  1881,  won  golden  opinions  as  an  adminis- 
trator of  justice.  The  firm  of  Otis  &  Glick  contin- 
ued fifteen  years,  and  was  finally  dissolved  in  con- 
sequence of  a  throat  affection  from  which  Mr.  Glick 
had  suffered  for  some  time.  The  firm  settled  up 
its  affairs  aunually,  never  a  dispute  occurring, 
its  last  settlement  iiaving  been  effected  within  an 

At  the  first  election  held  under  the   Wyandotte 



Constitution,  Dec.  6,  1859,  Mr.  Glick  was  made  the 
Democratic  nominee  for  Judge  of  the  Second  Judi- 
cial District,  and  received  a  vote  larger  than  that 
of  anj'  candidate  on  his  ticket.  He  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  House  of  Representatives  from  the 
city  of  Atchison,  in  1862,  and  each  consecutive  j' ear 
thereafter  until  1867.  He  was  re-elected  in  1875 
and  again  in  1 880.  During  these  years  he  was  Chair- 
man of  the  Judiciary  Committee,  and  was  chosen 
to  fill  this  position  by  the  Republican  Speakers  of 
the  House,  who  manifested  the  utmost  confidence 
in  his  wisdom  and  integrity.  Thereafter  he  served 
on  the  most  important  committees  existing,  and 
during  the  session  of  1876  was  Speaker  pro  tern  of 
the  House.  In  May,  1874,  he  served  as  State  Sen- 
ator, having  been  elected  to  fill  the  vacancy  caused 
by  the  resignation  of  the  Hon.  Joseph  C.  Wilson. 
From  this  time  on  Mr.  Glick  was  constantly  called 
into  requisition  by  his  party,  being  in  1886  a  dele- 
gate to  the  Union  Convention  at  Philadelphia,  and 
in  1870  a  member  of  the  Democratic  State  Central 
Committee.  Subsequently  he  was  a  member  of  the 
State  Central  Relief  Committee,  and  was  commis- 
sioned a  Centennial  Manager  by  Gov.  Thomas  A. 
Osborn  in  1876.  Subsequently  he  was  elected 
Treasurer  of  the  Board  of  Managers,  and  was  pres- 
ent at  the  first  meeting  in  Philadelphia,  when  the 
arranging  of  the  display  was  completed.  In  July, 
1882,  he  was  nominated  by  acclamation  as  the  Dem- 
ocratic candidate  for  Governor,  and  at  the  election 
received  considerable  support  outside  of  his  party. 
Mr.  Glick  was  County  Commissioner  of  Atchison 
County  upon  his  accession  to  the  office  of  Governor, 
and  was  also  holding  the  position  of  Auditor.  In 
his  election  to  this  office  he  received  about  forty- 
six  per  cent  of  the  votes  cast,  and  was  outdone  by 
only  one  man  in  this  respect,  namely,  John  P.  St. 
John,  who,  in  1880,  received  about  fift^-eight  per 
cent.  Although  a  man  of  temperate  habits,  he  docs 
not  consider  prohibition  a  sovereign  remedy  for 
the  evils  arising  from  the  use  of,  and  traffic  in,  in- 
toxicating drinks.  In  Februarj^  1876,  while  a 
member  of  the  House  and  during  the  tendency  of 
the  proposed  amendment  to  the  Dram  Shop  Act,  he 
entered  a  protest,  which  was  spread  upon  the  House 
Journal,  in  which  he  maintained  that  the  Prohibi- 
torji-  Liquor  Law  hati,  wherever  tried,  failed  to  ac- 

complish its  purpose,  and  that  this  proposition  was 
conceded  by  all  who  were  not  controlled  by  fanat- 
icism ;  that  no  one  would  attempt  to  enforce  such 
a  law,  and  that  regulation  and  control  of  the  traffic 
was  an  absolute  necessity  for  the  preservation  of 
the  peace  and  good  order  of  society,  and  that  this 
control  was  made  of  no  effect  by  the  proposed 

Mr.  Glick  furthermore  contended  that  the  reve- 
nue derived  from  the  sale  of  intoxicating  liquors 
aided  in  paying  the  burdensome  expenses  following 
the  wake  of  such  sales,  and  that  by  the  proposed 
law  the  burdens  upon  the  public  were  increased 
while  its  ability  to  prevent  them  was  decreased. 
He  believed  that  if  the  bill  became  a  law  it  would 
increase  the  number  of  places  where  liquor  would  be 
sold,  thereby  resulting  in  the  increase  of  the  evils  of 
the  traffic,  and  also  the  expenses  of  protecting  life  and 
propertj^  and  preserving  the  public  peace. 

The  early  Kansas  railroads  found  in  Gov.  Glick 
a  stanch  and  efficient  assistant,  and  he  was  one 
of  the  first  Directors  of  the  Central  Branch  of  the 
Union  Pacific,  running  west  from  Atchison.  He 
was  also  a  Director  of  the  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe — the  important  transportation  line  of  the  State 
and  of  the  country  west  of  the  Mississippi.  From 
the  time  of  the  organization  of  the  Atchison  &  Ne- 
braska, he  was  its  President  to  its  completion,  and 
spent  four  years  of  incessant  labor  in  order  to  effect 
its  construction  from  Atchison  to  the  capital  citj^ 
of  Omaha.  He  organized  the  Atchison  Gas  Com- 
pany and  secured  the  building  of  the  works.  Many 
of  the  buildings  in  the  city  of  Atchison,  both  busi- 
ness and  dwelling-houses,  were  erected  by  him,  and 
he  has  generously  disbursed  his  capital  to  encourage 
those  enterprises  best  calculated  to  increase  the  im- 
portance of  the  cit3^ 

Mr.  Glick  was  married  at  Massillon,  Ohio,  Sept. 
17,  1857,  to  Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Dr.  A. 
Ryder,  of  Fremont,  that  State.  "While  he  was  State 
Executive  his  son  Frederick  was  his  private  sccre- 
tarj'.  This  son  and  a  daughter  Jennie  are  his  only 
children.  Mr.  Glick  was  the  first  Master  of  the 
Shannon  Hills  Grange  of  the  Patrons  of  Husbandry. 
He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity 
nearly  forty  years,  and  aided  in  organizing  the 
Royal  Arch  Chapter  and  Commandery,  of  Atchison. 

5IIE  tenth  Governor  of  Kansas 
was  bora  March  10, 1839,  at 
Brownsville,  Pa.,  and  in  his 
early  days,  after  an  ordinary 
education,  learned  the  prin- 
ter's trade.  In  1857  he  went 
to  Pittsburgh,  and  was  em- 
ployed in  the  office  of  the  Commer- 
cial Journal,  and  early  in  October 
of  that  year  he  emigrated  to 
Kansas  and  located  in  Atchison. 
He  purchased  the  office  of  the 
Squatter  Sovereign  in  February, 
1858,  and  changed  its  name  to  the 
Freeman's  Champion,,  and  on  the 
20th  of  the  month  commenced  his 
editorial  career  in  this  State,  by 
the  issue  of  the  first  number  of  the  paper  which  he 
has  since  been  identified  with.  He  was  always  a 
stanch  free-State  man,  and  an  earnest  and  ardent 
Republican,  being  among  the  organizers  of  that 
grand  old  party  in  his  native  State.  He  was  Sec- 
retary of  the  Wj'andotte  Constitutional  Convention, 
and  was  elected  State  Senator  before  he  was  of  age. 
During  the  summer  of  1861  Mr.  Martin  assisted 
in  organizing  the  8th  Kansas  Infantry,  of  which  he 
was  appointed  Lieutenant  Colonel.  The  regiment 
served  on  the  Missouri  border  during  the  fall  and 

winter  of  1861.  Early  in  1862  he  was  appointed 
Provost  Marshal  of  Leavenworth,  and  in  March  of 
the  same  year  his  regiment  was  ordered  to  Corinth, 
Miss.,  Lieut.  Col.  Martin  in  command.  A  few  weeks 
after,  when  at  Corinth,  the  regiment  with  the 
division  to  which  it  was  attached,  was  ordered  to 
join  Gen.  Buell  in  Tennessee,  and  thereafter  during 
the  whole  war  it  served  in  the  Army  of  the  Cumber- 
land. Lieut.  Col.  Martin  was  promoted  to  be 
Colonel  on  the  1st  of  November,  1862,  and  was 
Provost  Marshal  of  Nashville,  Tenn.,  from  Decem- 
ber, 1862,  to  June,  1863.  The  regiment,  under  his 
command,  took  part  in  the  battles  of  Perryville 
and  Lancaster,  Kj-.,  the  campaign  against  Tul- 
lahoma  and  Chattanooga,  the  battle  of  Chickamauga, 
the  siege  of  Chattanooga,  the  storming  of  Mission 
Ridge,  the  campaign  of  East  Tennessee,  in  the  win- 
ter of  1863-64,  the  campaign  from  Chattanooga  to 
Atlanta,  and  the  subsequent  pursuit  of  Hood  north- 
ward. Col.  Martin  commanded  the  3d  Brigade,  1st 
Division,  20th  Army  Corps,  on  the  second  day  of 
the  battle  of  Chickamauga,  and  during  the  siege  of 
Chattanooga,  and  commanded  the  1st  Brigade,  3d 
Division,  4th  Army  Corps,  from  August,  1 864,  until 
his  muster  out  at  Pulaski,  Tenn.,  Nov.  17,  1864. 

In  a  lengthy  description  of  the  battle  of  Mission 
Ridge,  published  in  the  New  York   Times  of  July 



18,  1876,  Maj.  Gen.  Thomas  J.  "Wood,  who  com- 
manded the  3d  Division,  4th  Corps,  Army  of  the 
Cumberland,  says: 

"Willich's  brigade,  in  the  center,  had  with  it  the 
heroic,  accomplished  Martin,  Colonel  of  the  8th 
Kansas.  What  that  regiment  could  not  take  it  was 
not  worth  while  to  send  any  other  regiment  to  look 
for.  Martin  was  among  the  foremost  to  set  the 
example  of  the  upward  movement,  and  among  the 
first  to  reach  the  crest." 

In  a  letter  published  in  the  Cincinnati  Commer- 
cial ot  Jan.  24,  1876,  the  late  Brig.  Gen.  August 
Willich,  commander  of  the  1st  Brigade,  3d  Division, 
4th  Armj"^  Corps,  after  stating  that  the  orders  he 
received  at  Orchard  Knob,  concerning  the  advance 
to  Mission  Ridge,  were  to  "take  the  rifle  pit  at  the 
foot  of  Mission  Ridge,  and  to  keep  that  position," 
and  describing  the  advance  to  the  base  of  the  ridge 
and  the  capture  of  the  rifle  pits  there,  says : 

•'Herein  the  work  assigned  by  Gen.  Grant  was 
accomplished.  But  now  the  fire  of  the  enemy  be- 
came very  severe;  the  shells  rent  the  ground  in 
every  direction;  our  lines  were  infiladed  from  the 
different  spars  of  the  ridge,  where  the  enemy  was 
protected  against  our  fire  by  his  works  and  his 
dominant  position.  There  appeared  at  first  thought 
to  Gen.  Willich,  holding  position  about  100  yards 
behind  the  rifle  pits,  to  be  only  three  chances,  viz : 
To  obey  orders  and  to  be  shot  without  effective 
resistance ;  to  fall  back,  or  to  charge.  The  second 
chance  being  out  of  the  question,  I  galloped  with 
Lieut.  Green,  of  my  staff,  up  to  the  8th  Kansas, 
lying  in  line  behind  the  rifle  pits.  Col.  Martin, 
commanding  the  regiment,  seeing  mc,  jumped  on 
the  breastworks  and  shouted :  'Here  we  are,  Gen- 
eral, what  more  ?'  'Forward,  storm !  We  have  to 
take  the  works  on  the  ridge,'  was  the  answer.  The 
Colonel:  'Altogether,  boys,  forward!  Hip,  hip, 
hurrah!'  Like  one  man,  the  whole  line,  with  one 
leap,  cleared  the  breastworks ;  forward  they  moved 
and  the  air  was  soon  filled  with  the  sound,  'Forward ! 
Forward!'  extending  more  and  more,  right  and  left." 

Returning  home.  Col.  Martin  resumed  control  of 
the  Atchison  Champion  early  in  Januarj',  1865,  and 
on  the  22d  of  March  issued  the  first  number  of  the 
Daily  Champion.  He  has  been  commander  of  the 
department,  a  delegate  to  the  National  Republican 

Conventions  of  1860,  1868,  1872  and  1880;  was  a 
United  States  Centennial  Commissioner,  and  one  of 
the  Vice  Presidents  of  that  body;  was  one  of  the 
incorporators  of  the  State  Historical  Society,  of 
which  he  was  President  for  one  term;  was  elected 
by  the  two  Houses  of  Congress  one  of  the  Board  of 
Managers  of  the  National  Soldiers'  Home,  in  1878, 
and  re-elected  in  1882,  being  now  Second  Vice 
President  of  that  body.  He  was  married,  June  1, 
1871,  to  Miss  Ida  Challiss,  eldest  daughter  of  Dr. 
William  L.  Challiss,  of  Atchison,  .and  has  seven 

At  the  Republican  State  Convention,  held  in 
Topeka  July  17,  1884,  the  rules  were  suspended  and 
John  A.  Martin  was  nominated  for  Governor  by 
acclamation.  At  the  November  election  following 
he  was  elected  Governor  by  a  plurality  of  38,495 
votes.  At  the  Republican  State  Convention,  held 
in  Topeka  July  7,  1886,  he  was  again  unanimously 
nominated  for  a  second  term,  and  at  the  November 
election  following  was  elected  Governor  by  a  plu- 
rality vote  of  33,918.  He  was  the  first  and  only 
Governor  of  Kansas  who  was  twice  unanimously 
nominated  by  his  party  for  that  office,  and  has 
served  with  distinction,  filling  the  honored  position 
occupied  by  his  able  predecessors  with  equal  ability, 
and  giving  to  the  people  as  the  Chief  Executive  of 
the  populous  and  growing  State,  satisfaction.  He 
is  a  man  of  honest,  upright  character,  and  abhors 
trickery  and  deceit,  and  in  looking  over  his  long 
and  useful  life  he  may  well  feel  a  just  pride  at  the 
position  he  has  won  in  the  esteem  and  confidence 
of  honest  men,  and  the  respect  of  all  good  citizens. 
There  are  but  few  men  of  the  stirring  State  of 
Kansas  who  have  been  more  closely  identified  with 
all  public  movements  for  the  general  welfare  and 
prosperity  of  the  State  than  John  A.  Martin.  His 
name  may  be  found  on  almost  every  page  of  the 
memorable  history  of  Kansas,  from  the  holding  of 
the  first  Republican  Convention,  held  at  Osawato- 
mie  in  1859,  until  to-day,  when  he  is  the  leading 
spirit  among  the  enterprising  men  of  the  most  pro- 
gressive State  of  the  Nation.  A  man  of  excellent 
judgment,  moved  by  honest  purpose  and  love  for 
the  general  welfare  of  the  whole  State,  he  is  always 
found  identified  with  the  right,  and,  as  might  be 
expected,  popular  with  the  people. 


.(Vi  AAA^^/vv\^  J  ^WAAvhXvvje^ 


.  L.  U.  HUMPHREY. 
This  distinguished  gen- 
tleman was  chosen  Gov- 
ernor of  Kansas,  at  the 
election  held  in  Novem- 
ber, 1888.  He  had  made 
for  himself  an  honorable  record  on 
the  deadly  battle-field,  as  well  as  in 
^^  the  more  monotonous,  though  not 
less  courage-requiring  hours  of  po- 
litical life,  in  the  fields  of  journal- 
ism, in  the  forensic  arena,  and  in 
the  various  capacities  in  wliicli  he 
has  labored  for  the  public  weal.  It 
is  not  our  purpose  in  this  brief 
sketch,  to  dwell  at  great  length  upon  his  private 
life,  his  public  record  sufficing  to  indicate  that  his 
character  is  noble,  and  his  example  a  worthy  one. 
Gov.  Humphrey  was  born  in  Stark  County,  Ohio, 
July  25,  1844.  His  father.  Col.  Lyman  Humphrey, 
w!io  was  a  native  of  Connecticut,  of  English  de- 
scent, and  a  lawyer  of  distinction,  died  when  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  was  but  eight  years  of  age. 
At  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  in  1861,  Gov. 
Humphrey  was  attending  the  High  School  at  Mas- 
sillon.  and  his  fervid,  patriotic  heart  was  thrilled  to 
the  utmost,  with  an  enthusiastic  desire  to  serve  his 
country,  and  uphold  the  flag  which  he  had  been 
taught  to  revere.     Though  only  a  boy  of  seven- 

teen, he  enlisted  in  Company  I,  76th  Ohio  Infan- 
try, a  regiment  famous  for  its  bravery,  and  for  the 
eminent  men  who  belonged  to  it.  Such  was  the  gal- 
lantry, and  the  proper  conception  of  a  soldier's  du- 
ties exhibited  by  him,  that  he  had  been  promoted 
to  the  office  of  1st  Lieutenant,  had  acted  as  Adju- 
tant of  his  regiment,  and  had  commanded  a  com- 
pany for  a  year,  before  he  was  out  of  his  minority. 

Much  active  service  was  experienced  by  Capt. 
Humphrey,  and  among  the  battles  in  which  he  par- 
ticipated, were  those  of  Donelson,  Pittsburg  Land- 
ing, Corinth,  the  siege  of  Vicksburg,  Chattanooga, 
Atlanta,  and  the  fighting  around  that  cit}',  he  be- 
ing under  fire  five  or  six  weeks  in  that  single  cam- 
paign. He  was  with  Sherman  in  his  march  to  the 
sea,  was  present  at  the  capture  of  Savannah,  and 
was  engaged  in  many  other  trying  scenes.  He  was 
with  his  regiment  in  the  campaign  through  the 
Carolinas,  and  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Benton- 
ville,  as  well  as  in  the  capture  of  Gen.  Joe  John- 
ston's army.  He  was  twice  wounded,  once  at 
Pittsburg  Landing,  and  once  at  Chattanooga,  but 
refused  to  retire  from  the  field.  During  the  four 
years  of  his  militar3'  service,  he  never  was  absent 
from  duty  for  a  day.  The  regiment  of  which  he 
was  a  member,  belonged  to  the  1st  Brigade,  1st 
Division,  15th  Corps,  Army  of  the  Tennessee. 

At  the  termination  of  the  war  Capt.  Humphrey 
resumed  the  studies  which  had  been  interrupted  b}' 



the  "irrepressible  conflict,"  feeling  the  need  of  a 
more  thorough  education  to  fit  him  to  act  well  his 
part  in  the  battle  of  life.  He  entered  Mt.  Union 
College,  and  soou  after  matriculated  in  the  law  de- 
partment of  the  Michigan  University',  from  which 
he  was  graduated  after  having  completed  his  stud- 
ies in  the  legal  profession.  Returning  to  his  native 
State  he  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  several 
courts  of  Ohio,  in  1868,  but  feeling  that  the  West 
would  afford  a  broader  field  for  his  labors,  he  re- 
moved to  Shelb}-  County,  Mo.,  where  for  a  time  he 
assistedjin  editing  the  Shelby  County  Herald. 

The  newer  State  of  Kansas,  which  had  already 
become  the  home  of  many  men  eminent  in  various 
walks  of  life,  seemed  to  beckon  Capt.  Humphrey 
still  further  West,  and  in  February,  1871,  he  crossed 
the  Missouri  and  located  at  Independence.  He 
formed  a  law  partnership  with  the  Hon.  Alexander 
M.  York,  the  attempt  at  whose  briber^'  by  Senator 
Pomeroy  in  1873,  during  the  contest  for  United 
States  Senatorial  honors,  brought  his  name  promi- 
nently before  the  people  of  Kansas  as  an  opponent 
to  fraud  and  corruption.  The  legal  relation  be- 
tween the  two  gentlemen  lasted  until  1876,  after 
which  time  Gov.  Humphrey  continued  the  practice 
of  his  chosen  profession  alone.  The  Independence 
Tribune  was  founded  by  Messrs.  A  .M.  York, 
W.  T.  Yoe  and  L.  U.  Humphrey,  the  latter  with- 
drawing from  the  firm  at  the  expiration  of  a  year. 

Gov.  Humphrey  had  not  long  been  a  resident  of 
Kansas  before  his  talents  were  known  and  his  fit- 
ness for  public  office  appreciated.  In  1871,  the 
year  of  his  arrival  in  the  State,  he  was  honored  by 
the  Republican  nomination  as  candidate  for  a  seat 
in  the  State  Legislature,  but  because  of  his  vigor- 
ous opposition  to  the  issue  of  questionable  bonds 
to  the  L.  L.  &  G.  Railroad  Company,  he  was  de- 
feated by  a  small  vote.  In  1876  he  was  vindicated 
by  an  election  to  the  House  from  a  district  form- 
erl3'  Democratic,  and  served  two  years  as  a  member 
of  the  Re|)ublican  State  Central  Committee.  In 
1877  Melville  J.  Salter  having  accepted  a  position 
in  the  land  office  at  Independence,  resigned  liis 
position  as  Lieutenant  Governor,  and  our  subject 
was  chosen  to  fill  the  vacancy.  His  principal  op- 
ponent was  the  Democratic  candidate.  Thomas  W. 
Waterson,  who   received   24,740  votes,  while   Mr. 

Humphrey  received  62,750,  his  majority  over  all 
other  candidates  being  27,381.  The  folio  wing  year 
he  was  re-elected;  the  covention  which  nominated 
him  having,  after  a  protracted  and  exciting  strug- 
gle, placed  John  P.  St.  John  at  the  head  of  the 

In  1884  Mr.  Humphrey  was  elected  to  the  State 
Senate  for  the  term  of  four  years,  and  upon  the  or- 
ganization of  that  Legislative  bodj-  was  chosen 
President,  pro  tem,  by  a  unanimous  vote.  On 
July  25,  1888,  that  being  the  forty-fourth  anni- 
versary of  his  birth,  he  was  nominated  for  Gover- 
nor of  the  State  of  Kansas,  and  was  elected  b}'  the 
splendid  majority  of  73,361.  Gov.  Humphrey 
carried  104  out  of  the  106  counties  in  the  State, 
his  opponent  in  the  contest  being  no  less  prominent 
a  person  than  Judge  John  Martin. 

Gov.  Humphrey  has  been  frequently  called  upon 
to  preside  as  a  Judge,  pro  tem,  of  the  District 
Court,  an  honor  which  indicates  the  degree  of  con- 
fidence reposed  in  him  by  the  public.  He  has  been 
an  active  Republican,  and  has  an  enviable  record 
both  as  a  speaker  and  writer  in  behalf  of  the  prin- 
ciples to  which  he  is  a  devotee.  He  is  deeph'  in- 
terested in  the  promulgation  of  the  fundamental 
doctrines  of  true  government,  and  the  loyal  prin- 
ciples for  which  our  forefathers  in  earlier  years  and 
our  nearer  kinsmen  in  recent  times,  gave  their 
strength  and  even  their  lives.  He  belongs  to  the 
Lo3'al  Legion,  a  body  made  up  of  those  who,  like 
himself,  are  intensely  patriotic.  His  affability,  his 
frankness,  and  his  justice  in  dealing  with  men.  has 
won  for  him  a  high  place  in  the  esteem  of  all  with 
whom  he  comes  in  contact,  either  personally  or 
through  the  medium  of  his  published  addresses. 
His  keen  perception  as  to  the  wants  of  the  growing 
State,  Ills  desire  that  she  shalUbe  built  up  in  all  the 
elements  that  constitute  the  true  greatness  and 
glor}'  of  a  government  or  of  a  people,  and^the 
powers  of  discrimination,  which  lead  him  to  discern 
right  from  wrong,  justice  from  injustice,  especially 
qualify  him  for  the  high  office  to  ^wiiich  the  people 
called  him. 

Gov.  Humphrey  was  married  at  Independence  on 
Christmas  Day,  1872,  to  Miss  Leonard,  daughter  of 
James  C.  Leonard.  Tiiey  have  two  children.  Ly- 
man L.,  and  A.  Lincoln. 


\y     '-..,<  ^>>^ 

Marshall  County 






5,HE  time  has  arrived  when  it 
becomes  the  duty  of  the 
people  of  this  county  to  per- 
petuate the  names  of  their 
pioneers,  to  furnish  a  record 
of  their  early  settlement, 
and  relate  the  story  of  their 
progress.  The  civilization  of  our 
day,  the  enlightenment  of  the  age 
and  the  duty  that  men  of  the  pres- 
ent time  owe  to  their  ancestors,  to 
themselves  and  to  their  posterity, 
demand  that  a  record  of  their  lives 
and  deeds  should  be  made.  In  bio- 
graphical history  is  found  a  power 
to  instruct  man  by  precedent,  to 
enliven  the  mental  faculties,  and 
to  waft  down  the  river  of  time  a 
safe  vessel  in  which  the  names  and  actions  of  the 
people  who  contributed  to  raise  this  country  from  its 
primitive  state  may  be  preserved.  Surely  and  rapidly 
the  great  and  aged  men,  who  in  their  ]3rime  entered 
the  vifilderness  and  claimed  the  virgin  soil  as  their 
heritage,  are  passing  to  their  graves.  The  number  re- 
maining wlio  can  relate  the  incidents  of  the  first  days 
of  settlement  is  becoming  small  indeed,  so  that  an 
actual  necessity  exists  for  the  collection  and  preser- 
vation of  events  without  delay,  before  all  the  early 
settlers  are  cut  down  by  the  scythe  of  Time. 

To  be  forgotten  has  been  the  great  dread  of  mankind 
from  remotest  ages.  All  will  be  forgotten  soon  enough, 
in  spite  of  their  best  works  and  the  most  earnest 
efforts  of  their  friends  to  perserve  the  memory  of 
their  lives.  The  means  employed  to  prevent  oblivion 
and  to  perpetuate  their  memory  has  been  in  propor- 
tion to  the  amount  of  intelligence  they  possessed. 
Th-;  pyramids  of  Egypt  were  built  to  perpetuate  the 
names  and  deeds  of  their  great  rulers.  The  exhu- 
mations made  by  the  archeologists  of  Egypt  from 
buried  Men-.phis  indicate  a  desire  of  those  people 

to  perpetuate  the  memory  of  their  achievements. 
The  erection  of  the  great  obelisks  were  for  the  same 
purpose.  Coming  down  to  a  later  period,  we  find  the 
Greeks  and  Romans  erecting  mausoleums  and  monu- 
ments, and  carving  out  statues  to  chronicle  their 
great  achievements  and  carry  them  down  the  ages. 
It  is  also  evident  that  the  Mound-builders,  in  piling 
up  their  great  mounds  of  earth,  had  but  this  idea — 
to  leave  something  to  show  that  they  had  lived.  All 
these  works,  though  many  of  them  costly  in  the  ex- 
treme, give  but  a  faint  idea  of  the  lives  and  charac- 
ters of  those  whose  memory  they  were  intended  to 
perpetuate,  and  scarcely  anything  of  the  masses  of 
the  people  that  then  lived.  The  great  pyramids  anc^ 
some  of  the  obelisks  remain  objects  only  of  curiosity; 
the  mausoleums,  monuments  and  statues  are  crum- 
bling into  dust. 

It  was  left  to  modern  ages  to  establish  an  intelli- 
gent, undecaying,  immutable  method  of  perpetuating 
a  full  history — immutable  in  that  it  is  almost  un- 
limited in  extent  and  perpetual  in  its  action ;  and 
this  is  through  the  art  of  printing. 

To  the  present  generation,  however,  we  are  in- 
debted for  the  introduction  of  the  admirable  system 
of  local  biography.  By  this  system  every  man,  though 
he  has  not  achieved  what  the  world  calls  greatness, 
has  the  means  to  perpetuate  his  life,  his  history, 
through  the  coming  ages. 

The  scythe  of  Time  cuts  down  all ;  nothing  of  the 
physical  man  is  left.  The  monument  which  liis  chil- 
dren or  friends  may  erect  to  his  memory  in  the  ceme- 
tery will  crumble  into  dust  and  pass  away ;  but  his 
life,  his  achievements,  the  work  he  has  accomplished, 
which  otherwise  would  be  forgotten,  is  perpetuated 
by  a  record  of  this  kind. 

To  preserve  the  lineaments  of  our  companions  we 
engrave  their  portraits,  for  the  same  reason  we  col- 
lect the  attainable  facts  of  their  history.  Nor  do  we 
think  it  necessary,  as  we  speak  only  truth  of  them,  to 
wait  until  they  are  dead,  or  until  those  who  know 
them  are  gone:  to  do  this  we  are  ashamed  only  to 
publish  to  the  world  the  history  of  those  whose  lives 
are  unworthy  of  public  record. 



XE  of  the  most  important  fac- 
tors in  tlie  business  develop- 
ment and  prosperity'  of  a 
city,  count3'  or  State,  is  its 
^^-^^ -t, -^ ^  railroad  comnuinieations.  A 
^^  CT)  ^<>^  retrospection  of  the  history 
-  of  tlie  .South  Platte  Country  since 
the  advent  of  railroad  facilities  will 
convince  the  careful  observer  of  the 
immense  benefit  resulting  from  the 
introduction  of  this  essential  adjunct 
of  commercial  enterprise.  The  fol- 
lowing brief  sketches  of  the  leading- 
railroads  of  this  section  of  the  great 
commonwealth  will  form  an  interesting  feature  of 
this  Album.  It  may  be  remarked  in  this  connec- 
tion that  the  roads  referred  to  are  not  only  the  im- 
portant corporations  of  Kansas,  but  stand  among 
the  first  in  the  Nation. 

The  Union  Pacific  Railway. 

^HIS  great  natioual  highway  is  so  well  known 
not  only  throughout  the  United  States,  but 
all  over  the  world,  that  a  mere  reference  to 
it  would  seem  sufficient,  yet,  for  the  benefit  of  those 

who  have  never  had  the  pleasure  of  riding  over  its 
smooth  track,  and  thus  had  an  opportunity  of  gaz- 
ing upon  the  fine  scenery'  along  its  route,  the  fol- 
lowing description  is  given : 

It  formed  a  part  of  the  first  trans-continental 
line  of  railroad  from  ocean  to  ocean,  and  was  con- 
ceived, and  its  construction  authorized,  as  a  war 
measure,  the  needs  of  the  Government  during  the 
War  of  the  Rebellion  having  clearly  shown  the  ne- 
cessity for  it.  When  first  talked  of  many  thought  the 
feat  of  constructing  a  line  of  railroad  over  the  Rock}* 
Mountains  an  utter  impossibilitj'.  Many  of  those 
who  had  crossed  the  plains,  deserts  and  mountains 
to  California,  in  '49-50,  knew  very  well  that  a  rail- 
road could  not  be  built  there,  for  "how  could  a 
locomotive  ascend  a  mountain  where  six  yoke  of 
oxen  could  scarcely  haul  a  wagon."  It  must  be 
remembered  that  the  line  of  this  road  follows  al- 
most exactly  the  old  emigrant  wagon  road,  not 
only  on  the  plains  on  the  north  side  of  the  Platte 
River,  through  the  State  of  Nebraska,  but,  in  fact, 
all  the  way  to  Ogden,  in  Utah  Territory.  In  the 
days  of  '49-50,  when  long  trains  of  gold-seekers, 
after  outfitting  at  Council  Bluffs,  wended  their 
way  over  the  plains,  the  country  was  filled  with 
hostile  Indians,  herds  of  wild  buffalo,  deer  and 
antelope.  There  was  scarcely  a  house  west  of  the 
Eikhorn    River    within    twenty    miles    of   Omaha. 


Now  the  traveler  sits  in  a  luxurious  Pullman  car, 
and  is  whirled  over  the  smooth  railroad  at  fort^- 
miles  an  hour,  past  villages,  towns  and  cities  filled 
with  active,  busy,  intelligent  people,  and  as  far  as 
the  eye  can  reach  on  either  side  of  the  road  farms 
join  each  other,  and  a  million  and  a  half  of  people 
live  in  the  State  of  Nebraska,  through  wliich  the 
road  runs. 

This  railway  is  one  of  the  very  best  on  this  con- 
tinent. Its  two  main  stems,  the  one  from  Kansas 
Cit^-,  the  other  from  Council  Bluffs  uniting  at 
Cheyenne  and  diverging  again  at  Granger,  one  for 
Portland  and  one  for  San  Francisco,  are  crowded 
with  the  commerce  of  the  Orient  and  the  Occident, 
while  people  from  ever)-  nation  in  the  woi'ld  may 
be  seen  on  its  passenger  trains.  Every  improve- 
ment which  human  ingenuity  has  invented  for  the 
safety  or  comfort  of  the  traveler  is  in  use  on  the 
Union  Pacific  Railway,  and  it  has  been  operated  so 
many  years,  having  been  finished  in  1869.  that  all 
weak  points  at  all  assailable  by  the  snow  linve  been 

For  nearly  500  miles  west  of  Council  Bluffs,  and 
700  miles  west  of  Kansas  Cit}-,  there  are  no  heavj^ 
grades  or  curves.  The  Pacific  Hotel  Company 
manage  the  eating-houses,  under  the  supervision  of 
the  Railway  Company,  and  no  better  meals  are  to 
be  fonnd  on  any  railroad  in  the  United  States. 

Crossing  the  Missouri  River  from  the  Transfer 
Depot,  Council  Bluflfs,  over  a  magnificent  steel 
bridge  of  eleven  spans,  seventy-five  feet  above  the 
water,  each  span  250  feet  long,  Omaha  is  reached, 
and  the  trip  across  the  continent,  to  either  Portland 
or  San  Francisco  commences.  Leaving  Omaha  the 
road  follows  the  Platte  River  through  the  thickly- 
settled  and  fertile  Platte  Valley  to  Cheyenne  (516 
miles  from  Omaha),  the  capital  of  Wyoming  Terri- 
tor3\  At  this  point  the  Kansas  Main  Line  via  Den- 
ver connects  with  the  Nebraska  Main  Line  from 
Council  Bluffs. 

Leaving  Kansas  City  one  passes  through  some 
of  the  finest  farming  land  of  the  West,  and  a  suc- 
cession of  thriving  cities  and  towns.  First,  Law- 
rence, the  scene  of  many  exciting  events  durino- 
the  time  when  it  was  a  question  whether  Kansas 
was  to  be  a  free-soil  or  slave  State.  Topeka  is 
the  capital  of  the  State,  containing  some  35,000 

people.  The  heart  of  the  golden  grain  belt  of 
Kansas  is  then  traversed  for  hour  after  hour. 
Junction  City  next,  is  so  called  from  the  fact  that 
here  the  Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Railroad  has  a 
branch  reaching  to  Texas,  Arkansas  and  the  Gulf 
of  Mexico.  From  Ellsworth  the  road  runs  through 
the  Harker  Hills,  where  the  traveler  sees  many 
cairns  of  stones,  mementoes  of  John  C.  Fremont, 
the  Pathfinder.  From  Ellsworth  to  the  boundary 
line  of  the  State  one  passes  through  what  a  verj^  few 
years  ago  appeared  on  all  school  geographies  as 
the  Great  American  Desert.  Just  west  of  Ellis 
one  of  the  finest  grazing  regions  in  the  world  is 
entered.  After  crossing  the  Colorado  State  line 
comes  Cheyenne  Wells,  where  there  is  a  well  of 
the  purest  water  that  is  found  between  the  Mis- 
souri River  and  Denver.  From  Cheyenne  Wells 
the  road  climbs  rapidly  until  First  \'iew  is  reached. 
This  Station  is  so  called  becuase  here  is  obtained 
the  first  view  of  the  snow-capped  mountains  of 
Colorado,  with  Gray's  Peak  in  the  west  and  Pike's 
Peak  on  tlie  south. 

The  ascent  is  rapid  into  Denver,  639  miles  from 
Kansas  City,  with  a  population  of  85,000,  the 
queen  city  of  the  mountains  and  capital  of  Colo- 
rado. The  elevation  is  5,203  feet  above  sea  level. 
The  trip  from  Denver  to  Cheyenne,  Wyo.,  along 
the  foothills  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  affords  a  ka- 
leidoscopic panorama  of  hills,  fields,  farms,  rivers, 
running  brooks  and  lohy  mountains.  Here  the 
Eastern  traveler  for  the  first  time  sees  fields  of  al- 
falfa of  a  deep  green  color,  grown  by  the  use  of 
irrigating  ditches.  The  run  of  107  miles  from 
Denver  to  Cheyenne,  Wyo.,  is  quickly  made. 

Cheyenne,  6,038  feet  in  altitude,  with  a  popula- 
tion of  about  10,000,  is  one  of  the  sprightliest  and 
most  prosperous  cities  in  the  entire  West.  It  is 
well  and  compactly  built,  and  for  many  years  has 
been  the  center  of  the  cattle  industry  of  the  North- 

After  leaving  Cheyenne  the  train  climbs  a  grade 
of  2,000  feet  in  thirtj'-three  miles  to  Sherman, 
8,247  feet  above  sea  level,  and  the  highest  point 
of  the  trans-continental  ride  between  the  Missouri 
River  and  the  Pacific  Coast.  From  Sherman  can 
be  seen  Long's  Peak,  nearly  200  miles  away.  The 
scenery  is  wild  and  rugged.     Just  be3'ond  Sherman 


is  Dale  Creek  Bridge,  one  erf  the  most  remarkable 
sights  of  the  overland  trip.  The  structure  is  of 
iron,  and  stretches  from  blutf  to  bluff  with  a  050- 
foot  span.  The  train  passses  over  it  just  127  feet 
above  the  creek,  which  looks  like  a  mere  rivulet 
below.  Pike's  Peak  can  be  seen  away  off  to  the 
south,  not  less  than  1G5  miles  distant. 

Laramie,  twenty-three  miles  west  of  Sherman, 
often  called  the  "Gem  City  of  the  Rockies,"  has  an 
elevation  of  7,149  feet  above  sea  level,  and  a  popu- 
lation of  about  6,000.  It  is  one  of  the  principal  towns 
on  the  main  line  of  the  Union  Pacific  Railwaj-  be- 
tween Council  Bluffs  and  Ogden.  It  is  situated  on 
Big  Laramie  River,  fifty -seven  miles  northwest  of 
Cheyenne,  and  is  an  important  market  for  wool. 
Its  schools  are  good,  and  the  Universit}-  of  W3'o- 
miug  and  tlie  United  States  Penitentiar_y  are  located 

The  great  Laramie  Plains,  v,'hicii  stretcli  away 
for  miles  on  either  side,  and  which  afford  pastur- 
age for  thousands  of  cattle  and  horses,  are  of  great 
interest.  Eighty-three  miles  west  is  Carbon,  in  the 
coal  regions.  One  hundred  and  twent3'-one  miles 
west  of  Rawlins  is  Rock  Springs.  In  this  locality 
there  are  immense  coal  beds  acro^^s  tlie  continent  to 
Portland,  Ore. 

At  Green  River  the  trains  for  Portland,  Ore., 
are  made  up,  although  they  do  not  make  their  de- 
parture from  the  main  line  over  the  Oregon  Short 
Line  Division  until  Granger  is  reached,  thirty 
miles  west  of  Green  River,  and  the  trip  across  the 
continent  is  continued  over  the  Oregon  Short 
Line,  reaching  out,  as  it  does  to  the  great  North- 
west, until  the  great  Territory  of  Idaho  is  en- 
tered at  Border  Station.  Then  on  through  Soda 
Springs  and  Pocatello — the  junction  with  the  Utah 
A:  Northern  branch,  for  the  Yellowstone  National 
Park,  Butte,  Garrison  and  Helena ;  thence  to  Sho- 
shone Station,  where  the  junction  is  made  for  the 
great  Shoshone  Falls. 

From  Nampa,  Idaho,  the  Oregon  Short  Line 
skirts  along  the  boundary  line  of  Idaho  and  Ore- 
gon, following  the  Snake  River.  Huntington  is 
the  junction  of  the  Oregon  Short  Line  Division 
with  the  Oregon  Railway  &  Navigation  Company, 
an  auxilliary  line  of  the  L'nion  Pacific  Railway. 

Leaving  La  Grande,  and  passing  over  the  sum- 

mit at  Meacham,  on  through  the  Umatilla  Reserva- 
tion to  Pendleton,  and  over  the  Cascade  Mount- 
ains, the  tourist  reaches  "The  Dalles"  Station,  on 
the  Columbia  River,  the  commencement  of  '-The 
Dalles"  of  Columbia. 

All  along  the  sights  have  been  absorbing  in  their 
varied  aspects;  but  it  is  only  when  a  pause  is  made 
at  "The  Dalles"  Station,  that  the  true  grandeur  of 
the  scenery  of  the  Columbia  River  is  impressed 
upon  the  mind.  There  are  good  accommodations 
here,  and  from  this  point  the  noble  river,  surging 
and  whirling  to  the  sea,  breaking  the  Image  rocks 
into  wave  fragments,  occupies  the  mind  of  the 
beholder.  The  Columbia  is  one  of  the  world  s 
great  rivers,  affording  a  waterway  that  is  navigable 
for  traffic  for  over  200  miles.  Upon  it,  near  its 
mouth,  the  largest  ocean  steamers  ply  with  safety. 
Its  largest  tributary  is  the  Williamette,  draining 
the  valley  of  the  same  name,  and  being  navigable 
for  vessels  of  any  size  to  Portland.  There  can  be 
nothing  more  inspiring  than  the  ride  along  "The 
Dalles"  of  the  Columbia,  with  the  shining  river  on 
one  side  and  the  towering  battlements  of  the  shore 
on  the  other.  Ihe  scene  is  one  of  continued  mag- 
nificence. Along  the  Rhine,  the  Rhone,  or  the 
Hudson,  there  is  nothing  that  will  compare  with 
the  stately  palisades  of  the  Columbia,  with  their 
cool  recesses  kept  sunless  by  the  overhanging  rocks, 
and  watered  by  the  melting  snows  of  their  own 
summits.  A  spendid  view  can  be  had  of  Mt.  Hood, 
Mt.  St.  Helen's,  and  the  Cascades,  where  the  scen- 
ery surpasses  anything  of  the  kind  in  the  world. 

From  Portland  magnificent  ocean  steamers  de- 
part for  the  far  distant  Orient.  Fine  steamers  also 
ply  from  Portland  to  Alaska. 

From  Portland  to  San  Francisco  tlie  trip  can  be 
made  in  the  iron  stenmships  of  the  Oregon  Railway' 
cfe  Navigation  Company,  which  will  compare  favor- 
ably with  the  best  ocean  steamers  on  the  Atlantic 
for  safety,  speed  and  comfort;  or  by  rail  over  the 
IMt.  Shasta  loute  of  the  Central  Pacific  Railroad 
(the  Southern  Pacific  Companj'). 

Between  Cheyenne  and  Ogden  about  ten  miles  of 
snowsheds  altogether  are  passed  at  different  points 
on  the  line.  Tliose  sheds  are  all  in  Wyoming.  They 
are  quite  a  feature  af  the  ride  across  the  continent; 
the  Central  Pacific   Railroad  having  about  thirty 


miles  altogether  on  its  line  between  Ogclen  and 
Sacramento.  Ogden  is  1,0.34  miles  from  Council 
Bluffs,  1,260  miles  from  Kansas  City,  and  833  miles 
from  San  Francisco. 

The  crowning  scenes  of  the  trip  across  Utah  and 
Nevada  to  San  Francisco  are  not  beheld  until  after 
leaving  Reno.  Cape  Horn,  Emigrant  Gap,  the 
Sierra  Nevadas,  Donner  Lake,  and  other  objects  of 
more  than  ordinary  interest  will  be  found.  Nevada 
is  celebrated  for  her  famous  mines.  The  marvel- 
ous Carson  and  Humboldt  sinks,  in  which  the 
waters  of  all  the  rivers  in  the  State  of  Nevada, 
save  one,  are  swallowed ;  the  Mud  Lake,  the  Borax 
marshes,  and  countless  numbers  of  thermal  springs, 
have  been  the  wonder  of  the  scientist  and  the  de- 
light of  the  tourists.  One  hundred  and  fifty-five 
miles  from  Reno  is  Sacramento,  a  beautiful  city, 
and  the  capital  of  California. 

From  Sacramento  the  Central  Pacific  Railroad 
branches  off,  via  Lathrop,  to  Los  Angeles,  from 
which  point  the  prominent  cities  and  noted  resorts 
of  California  are  readily  reached.  From  Sacra- 
mento, the  Davis  cut-off,  now  the  main  line  of  the 
Central  Pacific  road,  takes  tlie  tourist  through  to 
Oakland,  where  a  transfer  is  made  across  an  arm  of 
the  bay  to  San  Francisco,  and  here  this  part  of  the 
trip  "Across  the  Continent"  terminates  at  San  Fran- 


It  is  worth  while  knowing  that  two  through 
trains  leave  Council  Bluffs  every  day  with  through 
cars  for  Denver.  Ogden.  Salt  Lake  City,  Los  An- 
geles, San  Francisco  and  Portland.  One  of  these 
trains,  the  fast  one,  called  the  "Overland  Flyer," 
has  Pullman  Palace  Sleeping  Cars  only,  running 
through  to  Denver,  Los  Angeles,  San  Francisco  and 
Portland.  The  otiier  train,  the  Overland  Express, 
has  Pullman  Palace  Sleeping  Cars,  Modern  Day 
Coaches,  and  Free  Family  Sleeping  Cars.  From 
Kansas  City  two  fast  express  trains  leave  daily 
with  through  cars  for  Denver,  Cheyenne,  Salt 
Lake  City  and  Portland.  These  trains  have  Pull- 
man Palace  Sleeping  Cars  and  Modern  Day  Coaches. 
The  morning  train  has  the  Free  Family  Sleeping 

Cars.  The  equipment  oT  these  trains  is  unsurpassed 
and  all  that  can  be  desired.  A  good  road-bed, 
standard-guage  track,  steel  rails,  iron  bridges,  and 
stone  culverts  combined,  insure  safety  and  speed. 



The  Missouri  Pacific  Railway  System. 

(^^^HIS  great  system,  which  now  threads  its  way 
l(^^\  through  several  States  west  of  the  Missis- 
^^^  sippi  River,  has  been  a  potential  factor  in 
the  development  of  Missouri  and  Kansas,  and  with 
its  accustomed  enterprise  a  short  time  ago  pene- 
trated with  its  lines  into  the  rich  agricultural  dis- 
tricts of  Nebraska,  to  compete,  in  this  growing 
State,  with  its  rapidly  accumulating  business.  It 
was  also  among  the  pioneer  roads  in  Kansas,  and  its 
many  branches  now  traverse  in  different  directions 
the  most  thickly  settled  portions  of  that  State.  It 
has  contributed  in  a  large  measure,  by  its  liberal 
and  .aggressive  policy,  toward  the  rapid  develop- 
ment of  the  great  resources  of  Kansas.  It  is  inter- 
esting to  note  briefly  its  history,  as  it  was  the  first 
road  built  west  from  St.  Louis,  as  earl}- as  1850-51. 
The  preliminary  steps  to  build  the  road  were  taken, 
and  it  has  since  gradually  extended  its  lines,  like 
the  arteries  and  veins  of  the  human  sj'stem,  until 
it  has  encompassed  in  its  range  the  best  portions  of 
Missouri,  Kansas  and  Nebraska,  and  has  even 
reached  out  and  tapped  the  large  commercial  cen- 
ters of  Texas  and  Colorado.  In  Missouri  its  several 
lines  and  connections  pierce  the  great  coal  and 
mineral  fields  of  the  State,  enabling  it  to  lay  down 
in  Kansas  City,  Topeka,  Leavenworth,  Atchison, 
Wichita,  Omaha  and  Lincoln,  cheaper  than  any 
other  roads,  these  essential  adjuncts  so  necessaiy  in 
tlie development  of  commercial  centers;  and  even 
the  settlers  in  the  outlying  districts  of  Kansas  and 
Nebraska  have  fuel  laid  down  to  them  more  ciieaply 
on  account  of  this  road. 

Its  splendid  and  far-reaching  management  ex- 
tends to  its  patrons,  both  in  freight  and  passenger 
traffic,  the  best  facilities  for  reaching  the  seaboard 
and  the  great  Eastern  marts  of  trade.  The  growth 
and  development  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  System  has 
been  rapid  and  fully  abreast  of  the  times.  Its  local 
business  is  enormous  and   rapidly  increasing.     In 


respect  to  its  through  business  no  other  road  or 
system  in  Nebraska  is  better  equipped  than  this. 
Its  steel  rail  tracks,  well-ballasted  road  beds  and 
superior  passenger  coaches  constitute  it  one  of  the 
greatest  railroad  systems  of  the  West.  Its  superb 
fast  train  between  St.  Louis  and  Denver,  via  Kansas 
City  and  Pueblo,  is  unquestionably  the  most  ele- 
gant and  best  equipped  train  of  any  road  which 
enters  the  peerless  City  of  the  Plains. 

It  runs  more  passenger  trains  and  finer  coaches 
between  St.  Louis  and  Kansas  City  than  an}^  other 
road,  and  the  volume  of  its  freight  traffic  between 
the  above  mentioned  emporiums  of  the  State  of 
Missouri  is  vastly'  greater  than  any  other  line.  It 
has  contributed  in  a  marked  and  wonderful  degree 
toward  the  building  up  of  the  various  cities  along 
its  numerous  lines.  Kansas  City  has  felt  its  influ- 
ence more  than  that  of  anj'  other  road  centering 
there,  largely  on  account  of  its  lines  that  lead  into 
the  heart  of  the  coal,  iron  and  granite  fields  of 
Missouri,  and  the  extensive  timber  districts  of  Ar- 
kansas, and  by  its  connecting  lines  with  the  exten- 
sive and  growing  cattle  interests  of  Texas  and  the 

It  gives  to  its  numerous  and  rapidly  increasing 
patronage  in  Nebraska  and  Kansas  unsurpassed 
facilities  for  reaching  the  great  health  reports  of 
Arkansas  and  Texas,  over  its  line  from  Omaha  to 
St.  Louis,  about  500  miles  in  extent.  It  runs  the 
finest  trains  between  these  two  cities  passing  through 
Weeping  Water,  where  connection  is  made  with  the 
line  from  Lincoln,  the  State  capital,  thence  to 
Nebraska  City  and  Falls  City,  in  Nebraska,  and  St 
Joseph,  Atchison  and  Leavenworth,  before  reaching 
Kansas  Cit}'.  The  length  of  its  main  line  and 
branches  in  Nebraska  is  over  322  miles,  its  northern 
terminus  being  Omaha,  where  connections  are  made 
with  all  the  roads  centering  in  that  metropolis. 

The  line  from  Omaha  to  Falls  City  is  115  miles, 
the  Crete  branch  58  miles,  Lincoln  to  Auburn  76 
miles,  Warwick  to  Prosser  and  Hastings  73  miles. 
A'arious  extensions  and  diversions  are  constantly 
being  made  in  Nebraska. 

Thus  it  will  be  seen  that  this  road  already  taps 
the  two  leading  cities  in  the  State,  Omaha  and  Lin- 
coln, besides  Nebraska  City,  rapidlj-  growing  into 
importance,  and  likewise  Hastings.     Its  mileage  in 

Kansas  is  2,707  miles,  in  Colorado  151  miles,  and 
the  total  mileage  of  the  Missouri  Pacific  System  is 
4,994  miles. 

Hence  the  reader  will  readily  observe  that  this 
great  railway  system  is  one  of  the  most  important 
which  traverses  the  several  important  and  growing 
States  west  of  the  Mississippi  River.  On  account 
of  its  extensive  mileage  and  the  ramification  of  the 
system,  it  is  destined  to  promote  in  a  large  degree 
the  development  of  the  material  interestsof  the 
country  through  which  it  passes. 

The  Burlington  &  Missouri  River  Railroad  in 

!)HIS  important  road  was  commenced  at 
\UVV£))))J  jP'^^ttsmouth,  Neb.,  where  it  connected  with 
^^^  the  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad 
in  1869,  and  the  main  line  of  the  road  was  ex- 
tended westward  to  Kearney.  Subsequently  the 
Denver  extension  was  finished;  this  line  was  short- 
ened by  the  construction  of  the  line  from  Kenne- 
saw  to  Oxford;  by  the  acquirement  of  the  Omaha 
&  Southwestern  Railroad,  the  Atchison  &  Nebraska 
Railroad,  the  building  of  the  short  line  from 
Omaha  to  Ashland,  and  the  extension  to  Cheyenne, 
Wyo.,  which  gives  the  road  a  short  line  between 
the  Missouri  River  points  and  Denver  it  Cheyenne. 
At  Omaha  connections  are  made  with  the  roads 
centering  there.  The  number  of  miles  of  road  in 
Nebraska  is  2,120.30.  The  road  is  ballasted  with 
stone,  gravel,  cinders  and  earth.  1,600.08  miles 
are  laid  with  steel  rails,  the  rest  being  laid  with 
iron.  The  total  mileage  in  the  Burlington  'system 
West  of  the  Missouri  River  is  2,778.78  miles. 

M>1 . 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific. 

=*HIS  is  the  last  important  trunk  line  to  enter 
the  South  Platte  Country.  It  enters  the 
State  of  Nebraska  at  Berwick,  and  runs  in 
a  north  and  westerly  direction  to  Fairbury  and 
Nelson.  At  Fairbury  the  road  branches  and  con- 
nects with  the  main  line  for  Denver,  thus  o-ivino- 
the  Southern  part  of  the  State  another  direct  com- 
munication with  the  great  lumber  and  other  inter- 
ests of  Chicago  and  Kansas  City,  and  thejgreat 
lake  and  seaboard  marts  of  trade. 





SON. This  gentleman  is 
tiie  most  widely  known 
citizen  of  ilarshall 
Count}',  of  which  he 
been  a  resident  for  thii-ty 
years.  He  is  a  native  of  New  York 
.State,  born  in  Chautauqua  Count}', 
Dec.  2,  183L  His  ancestors  were 
from  Connecticut,  his  great  grand- 
father, Samuel  Hutchinson,  having 
been  a  resident  of  Hebron,  in  that 
State,  where  his  grandfather,  Enoch 
Hutchinson,  was  born  Dec.  8,  17G6. 
He  died  Nov.  30,  1856,  in  the  nine- 
tieth year  of  his  age.  The  maternal  great-grand- 
father of  Perry  Hutcliinsou,  was  David  Townsend,  a 
resident  of  Andover,  Conn.,  whose  daughter,  Bet- 
sey, married  Enoch  Hutchinson.  She  was  born 
March  1,  1771,  and  died  Sept.  29,  1848,  in  the 
seventy -eighth  year  of  her  age. 

Calvin,  a  son  of  Enoch  and  Betsey  Ilutcliinson 
was  the  father  of  our  subject.  He  was  born  in  Con- 
necticut Dec.  9,  1800,  but  later  removed  to  Chau- 
tauqua County, N.Y.,  and  there  passed  the  remainder 
of  his  days  on  a  farm.  He  was  a  plain  man,  wlio 
never  took  any  prominent  part  in   public  affairs, 

but  was  looked  upon  as  an  upright  and  good  citizen. 
He  was  a  strict  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Churcli, 
in  which  for  many  years  he  had  been  a  Deacon. 
Accompanied  by  bis  wife,  he  twice  came  to  Kan- 
sas to  visit  his  sons,  the  mother  making  her  last 
visit  in  1876,  but  neither  ever  desired  to  settle  here, 
preferring  their  Eastern  home.  The  father  died 
Dec.  25,  1879,  in  the  eightieth  year  of  his  age. 

Calvin  Hutchinson  was  married,  Nov.  7,  1824, 
in  the  town  of  Porafret,  N.  Y.  to  Sophia  Perry, 
who  was  born  in  Madison,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y. 
April  25,  1803.  On  this  side  the  stock  is  also  of 
old  Connecticut  origin,  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Hutch- 
inson, both  having  been  natives  of  that  State.  Her 
father,  Benjamin  Perry,  was  born  at  Windham, 
April  18,  1779,  and  he  also  emigrated  to  New 
York  State,  settling  in  the  town  of  Pomfret,  Chau- 
tauqua County,  in  1807.  He  died  in  Arkwright, 
in  that  county,  Dec.  28,  1848,  in  his  seventietli 
year.  In  1799,  at  the  age  of  twenty  he  married 
Catherine  Sloan,  who  was  born  in  Hartford,  Conn., 
Oct.  6,  1780,  and  died  Sept.  27,  1856,  aged  seventy- 
six  years.  She  had  resided  for  nearly  fifty  years 
upon  the  land  purchased  by  her  husband,  when 
they  removed  to  New  York.  Benjamin  Perry  was 
a  cousin  of  the  hero  of  Lake  Erie — Commodore 
Perry — and  was  himself  a  colonel  in  the  army  dur- 



the  War  of  I8l2.  Sophia  (Perry)  Hutehinson, 
died  at  the  famil_y  home  in  Chautauqua  County, 
N.  Y.,Sept.  7,  1886,  aged  eight\'-three  years  and 
five  months. 

Calvin  and  Sophia  Hutcliinson  ^ye^e  the  parents 
of  eight  children,  of  whom  we  give  the  complete 
record  as  follows :  George,  the  eldest,  was  born 
Feb.  21,  1826,  and  was  married  Feb.  25,  1852,  to 
Margaret  Ann  Van  Vleck,  of  Pomfret,  N.  Y.,  and 
is  now  living  on  the  home  farm  in  Chautauqua 
County ;'their  children  are,  Alfred,  Clarence,  Clara 
Jane,  Mary  Lutitia,  AValter  Tunis  and  Minnie 
Sophia.  The  second  child  of  Calvin  was  Alfred, 
who  was  born  Jan.  27,  1828.  He  went  to  Cali- 
fornia in  the  early  days  of  the  gold  fever,  but  was 
taken  sick  there,  and  returning  home,  died  Feb.  25. 
1851 ;  he  was  unmarried.  The  next  was  Calvin 
Perry,  who  was  born  Feb.  15.  1830,  and  died  Feb. 
25',  1831.  Then  came  Perry,  and  after  him,  Walter 
H.,  born  April  23,  183i,  who  was  married  .Jan.  30, 
1856  to  Ann  Eliza  Gates,  daughter  of  Phineas  and 
Eliza  Gates.  He  entered  the  Union  armj'  during  the 
Civil  War,  enlisting  in  August,  1862  at  Cedar  Rap- 
ids, Iowa,  and  dying  Nov.  1 4, 1 862,  of  typhoid  fever 
at  Neosho,  Mo. ;  he  was  buried  at  Ft.  Scott,  Kan. 
He  left  two  children — George  L.  and  Effle  Sophie. 
The  sixth  child  was  Harriet,  who  was  born  Sept. 
25,  1842,  and  was  married  March  30,  1870.  to 
INIanley  J.  Tooke,  a  farmer  of  Sheridan,  N.  Y.,  where 
they  live.  Delia  was  the  seventh  child,  and  was 
born  Dec.  8,  1844,  and  married  May  17.  1865  to 
Fletcher  E.  Rork,  who  died  in  1870.  She  is  now 
the  wife  of  L.  L.  Augustus,  a  farmer  of  Perr}-, 
Ohio.  The  3'oungest  of  this  family  is  Edward,  of 
whom  a  sketch  is  given  elsewhere  in  this  work. 
Perry  Hutchinson,  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
spent  his  early  life  on  the  home  farm  in  Chautau- 
qua Count}',  N.  Y.,  and  when  about  twentj'-one 
yeai-s  old  went  to  Wisconsin,  where,  however,  he 
stayed  but  one  year,  going  from  there  to  Iowa, 
where  he  built  a  mill  and  operated  a  farm  for  four 
years.  During  his  residence  in  that  State  he  made 
a  large  sum  of  money  in  his  mill  and  real-estate 
speculations,  but  the  rascalit}-  of  his  partner  strip- 
ped him  of  every  cent  and  left  him  to  begin  the 
world  afresh.  His  partner  rah  away  after  giving 
companj'  notes  to  a  large  amount,  and  Mr.  Hutchin- 

son to  satisfy  them  gave  up  to  his  creditors  every 

thing  of  which  he  was  possessed.  A  brother  fitted 
him  out  with  a  team  and  a  few  household  utensils 
and  he  made  his  way  to  Kansas,  arriving  in  this 
countj'  Oct.  1,  1859.  He  took  up  a  preemption 
claim,  seven  miles  east  of  the  site  of  the  present 
cit}'  of  Marysville,  and  with  the  pluck  and  energy 
characteristic  of  the  man  made  a  new  start.  The 
first  winter  was  a  hard  struggle  with  poverty,  but 
he  found  work  at  husking  corn,  receiving  one 
bushel  out  of  each  fift}',  and  in  that  way  managed 
to  keep  the  wolf  from  the  door.  He  lived  on  his 
claim  until  1861,  and  during  that  time  took  a  part}' 
across  the  plains  to  Denver.  There  he  took  up  a 
mining  claim,  and  was  rich  and  poor  by  turns, 
having  both  good  and  bad  fortune.  During  his 
absence  his  wife  kept  a  boarding-house  and  took  care 
of  her  young  children,  and  much  of  his  subsequent 
success  in  life  is  due  to  her  capacity  and  admirable 

On  returning  to  Kansas,  Mr.  Hutchinson  pro- 
cured backing  and  removed  to  Marj'sville,  where 
he  kept  a  hotel  for  sixteen  months  with  considerable 
success.  Selling  out  his  hotel  business,  and  the 
war  being  then  in  progress,  he  raised  a  company  of 
volunteers  and  entered  the  service  in  July,  1862, 
as  Captain  of  Company  E.,  13th' Kansas  Infantry. 
He  was  engaged  with  his  company  in  the  battle  of 
Cane  Hill,  Prairie  Grove,  the  taking  of  VanBuren, 
and  at  Ft.  Smith,  all  in  Arkansas. 

Before  entering  the  arm)-  Mr.  Hutchinson  had 
bought  the  eighty  acres  on  which  he  now  resides, 
and  the  mill-site,  and  had  begun  the  building  of  a 
dam  across  the  Big  Blue,  but  he  left  everything  on 
enlisting.  After  a  service  of  over  a  year  he  re- 
signed and  coming  back  finished  his  dam,  and 
built  his  mill  on  the  east  side  of  the  river  and  be- 
gan operations  in  November,  1864.  Since  then  his 
career  has  been  one  of  uninterrupted  prosjjerity. 
In  1867  he  built  his  present,  mill  on  the  west  side 
of  the  river,  but  it  has  since  been  remodeled,  and  in 
1881  he  took  out  all  of  the  old  machinery,  greatly 
enlarging  the  mill  and  introduced  the  most  modern 
roller-process,  increasing  the  capacit}'  from  125  to 
275  barrels  per  day.  The  mill  turns  out  a  superior 
quality  of  flour,  which  has  a  great  reputation  over 
a  wide  extent  of  territorry,  and  is  known  under  the 


name  of  "Perry  Hutchinson's  Best."  In  addition 
he  turns  out  large  quantities  of  corn-meal,  feed  and 
all  other  kinds  of  mill  products.  This  mill  is  a 
large  factor  in  the  prosperity  not  only  of  Marshall 
County,  bat  all  this  region,  affording  as  it  does  a 
ready  cash  market  for  all  the  spring  wheat  raised  in 
this  section  of  the  country. 

Mr.  Hutchinson  does  not  confine  his  business  op- 
erations to  milling.  In  connection  therewith  he 
feeds  a  large  number  of  cattle,  having  bought  land 
until  he  has  now  around  his  mill  property  600  acres 
and  on  the  south  of  Mar3'sville  owns  320  acres 
more,  adjoining  the  corporation.  On  this  land  he 
feeds  and  sells  annually  about  250  to  300  head  of 
cattle,  although  he  has  run  as  high  as  700  head  in 
one  year.  He  has  also  been  connected  witli  many 
other  enterprises.  In  fact,  no  project  having  in 
view  the  material  prosperity  of  the  county  fails  to 
receive  his  hearty  support.  He  was  one  of  tlie 
organizers  of  the  First  National  Bank  of  Marys- 
ville,  when  it  was  changed  in  1882  from  the  old 
Marshall  County  Bank  operating  under  a  State 
charter.  Ever  since  he  has  been  a  Director,  and 
is  now  Vice-President. 

December  19,  1855,  in  Fredonia,  N.  Y.,  Mr. 
Hutchinson  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Lydia 
Jenette  Barber,  daughter  of  Champlin  and  Mal- 
ancy  (Green)  Barber  both  residents  of  Chautau- 
qua County.  Mrs.  Hutchinson  was  born  in  that 
county.  May  18,  1837.  Their  union  has  been 
blessed  by  the  birth  of  four  children.  Frank  born 
Aug.  2,  1857,  is  a  merchant  and  postmaster  in  the 
cit)'  of  Beattie,  this  county,  and  has  been  twice 
married,  his  first  wife  being  Dorcas  Carson,  who 
died  about  three  years  after  their  marriage  leaving 
no  children.  He  subsequently  married  Emma 
Brumbaugh.  Delia  Viola,  born  July  19,  1859, 
died  Feb.  15,  1865:  Etta  V.,  born  Oct.  7,  1865, 
was  married  Oct.  10,  1889  to  Henry  L.  Boder  a 
banker  of  Troy,  Kansas ;  and  Wallace  Walter,  born 
Nov.  6,  1871,  and  still  under  the  parental  roof. 

In  1879,  Mr.  Hutchinson  was  electeil  Senator 
from  this  district,  serving  his  full  term  of  four 
years,  and  bringing  to  the  discharge  of  his  legisla- 
tive duties  the  same  qualities  of  good  judgment 
and  clear  foresight,  which  have  characterized  his 
extensive  business  operations.     He  has  never  held 

any  other  public  position,  except  that  of  County 
Commissioner,  his  large  private  interests  demanding 
his  entire  time  and  attention.  In  1872  he  erected 
his  beautiful  residence,  on  a  bluff  overlooking  the 
city  of  Marysville,  and  close  by  his  mill.  It  is  a 
large,  elegant  mansion,  said  to  be  the  finest  rural 
home  in  Northern  Kansas.  Its  erection  cost  over 
$15,000.  The  building  covers  a  ground  area  of 
50x75  feet  and  is  two  stories  high,  with  a  mansard 
roof  surmounted  by  iron  castings.  The  stories  are 
unusually  high,  being  respectively,  fourteen  and 
twelve  feet,  and  the  mansion  presents  an  imposing- 
exterior  appearance,  while  the  interior  is  corres- 
])ondingly  handsome. 

Mr.  Hutchinson  belongs  to  the  Masonic  frater- 
nity and  is  a  member  of  Marysville  Lodge  No.  91, 
A.  F.  &  A.  M.  and  of  Marysville  Chapter  No.  29, 
R.  A.  M. 

This  brief  sketch  of  the  history  of  Mr.  Hutchin- 
son would  be  incomplete  without  some  reference  to 
the  character  and  position  in  business  and  social 
circles,  of  the  man  himself.  Beginning  life  in  Kan- 
sas in  poverty,  and  suffering  under  the  reverses 
which  would  have  disheartened  a  man  of  less  sturdy 
mold,  both  bodily  and  mentally,  he  has  by  indomi- 
table energy  and  rare  good  business  qualities 
raised  himself  to  the  foremost  rank  among  the  suc- 
cessful business  men  of  Northern  Kansas.  Nor  is 
his  reputation  confined  to  this  locality.  No  man 
is  more  widely  known  all  over  this  part  of  the 
West,  and  he  has  been  prominently  identified  with 
every  enterprise  tending  to  advance  the  growth 
and  prosperity  of  the  county  and  section  of  the 
country  which  has  been  his  home  for  so  many 
3'ears.  He  is  now  one  of  the  wealthiest  men  of 
Northern  Kansas,  and  his  success  is  entirely  due  lo 
his  energy  and  good  judgment,  together  with 
a  scrupulous  uprightness  in  all  his  dealings,  which 
have  gained  for  him  the  confidence  and  respect  of 
all  with  whom  he  has  business  transactions.  In  his 
early  struggles  to  obtain  a  start  he  was  abl^-  sec- 
onded by  his  capable  wife,  and  together  they  can 
now  look  back  with  satisfaction  on  the  results  of 
their  days  of  trials  and  privations,  and  in  their 
beautiful  home  enjoy  the  luxuries  which  are  the 
legitimate  fruit  of  their  years  of  industry,  good 
management  and  upright  living. 



In  politics,  Mr.  Hutcliinson  is  a  standi  Republi- 
can. A  fine  lithographic  portrait  of  this  gentle- 
man will  be  found  on  another  page. 

ENRY  BRUCKER  is  the  owner  and  occu- 
|l)  pant  of  a  farm,  pleasantly  located  on  sec- 
tion 26,  Balderson  Township.  He  is  a 
native  of  Lorraine,  France,  where  he  was 
born  Sept.  7,  1842,  and  where  he  grew  to  manhood. 
At  the  age  of  twentj'-three  he  emigrated  to  the 
United  States,  lauding  at  New  York  Cit^-.  He  went 
direct  to  Lee  County,  111.,  where  he  remained  three 
years.  He  then  went  to  La  Salle  County,  and  sub- 
sequently to  Peoria  County.  He  worked  on  the 
turnpike  roads,  and  also  for  a  farmer  in  the  latter 
county  for  two  years.  In  the  spring  of  1870  he 
came  to  Kansas,  and  settled  on  the  farm  which  he 
now  occupies.  The  land  was  then  raw  prairie.  Now 
the  entire  eighty  acres  are  under  thorough  cultiva- 
tion and  well  improved.  Mr.  Brucker  first  put  up 
a  lumber  shanty,  which  being  destroyed  bj^  a 
storm,  he  replaced  by  a  log  house.  Ten  3-ears  ago 
he  built  the  frame  house  which  he  now  occupies, 
stable  and  corn-crib,  and  six  years  later  the  barn 
was  erected.  He  has  a  fine  young  orchard,  con- 
taining seventy -five  apple-trees,  together  with  pear, 
apricot  and  cherry;  an  excellent  vine3'ard,  and 
500  catalpa  trees.  Our  subject  devotes  his  at- 
tention to  farming,  and  keeps  about  a  dozen  head 
of  cattle,  four  horses  and  a  score  of  hogs.  The 
great  comfort  of  his  present  surroundings  is  due 
to  Ills  own  industr}',  prudence  and  good  judgment, 
as  he  had  nothing  except  his  hands  with  which  to 
begin  his  battle  of  life. 

The  parents  of  our  subject.  Christian  and  Made- 
leine (Vargich)  Brucker,  were  natives  of  France, 
the  one  having  been  born  in  Lorraine,  and  the 
other  in  Alsace.  They  were  married  in  Lorraine, 
and  spent  their  lives  there.  Mr.  Brucker  engaged 
in  farming.  The  father  served  as  a  home  guard 
under  Napoleon.  The  mother  died  in  1848,  but 
the  father  survived  until  March  10,  1877,  when  he, 
too,  l)reathed  his  last,  having  attained   the   age  of 

eightj^-three  years,  eight  months  and  twenty-four 
days.  The  parental  family  consisted  of  four  chil- 
dren, of  whom  our  subject  was  the  third. 

Mr.  Brucker  was  married  July  12,  1884,  to  Miss 
Mena  Meier,  daughter  of  Fred  and  Kate  (Frese) 
Meier,  natives  of  Germany.  Mrs.  Brucker  is  the 
second  in  a  family  of  three  children,  and  was  born 
Jan.  17,  1864,  in  Lincoln  Count}',  Mo.  She  has 
borne  her  husband  three  children,  Mary  Caroline, 
August  Edward  and  Frederick  Phillip. 

Mr.  Brucker  takes  an  active  interest  in  politics, 
voting  the  Democratic  ticket,  though  formerly 
attached  to  the  Republican  party.  He  has  had 
membership  in  the  Grange  Lodge.  He  occupies 
the  position  of  Treasurer  in  the  School  Board,  an 
office  he  has  held  for  five  years  past.  Both  he 
and  his  wife  are  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 
Mr.  Brucker  is  a  man  of  intelligence  and  enter- 
prise, an  honorable  and  reliable  citizen,  and  es- 
teemed by  the  entire  communitj\ 


'SSj.  ANIEL  ^Y.  GRISWOLD.    Amid  the  green 
ij    ]jj  hills  of  Vermont   lived   the  family  of   the 
(fi^^  subject  of  our  sketch.     His  father.  Nelson 
—  Griswold,  was    born    in    the    township   of 

Berkshire,  Franklin  Co.,  Vt.,  July  8,  1810.  His 
mother  was  also  a  native  of  that  State,  having 
been  born  in  Hartland,  Windsor  Count}',  in  the 
year  1808.  Her  maiden  name  was  Adeline  Webster. 
After  their  marriage  the  young  couple  settled 
in  Castleton,  Rutland  Co.,  Vt.,  where  they  lived 
but  a  short  time  before  removing  to  Rutland. 
Here  they  resided  several  j-ears,  returning  to  Cas- 
tleton for  a  short  time.  During  these  years  Mr. 
Griswold  was  engaged  in  farming.  In  October, 
1849,  becoming  imbued  with  the  gold  fever,  he 
started  for  California,  via  the  Isthmus  of  Panama, 
leaving  his  wife  and  three  children  at  Castleton. 
He  vvas  absent  about  nine  years,  and  engaged  a 
greater  part  of  that  time  in  mining.  At  the  ex- 
piration of  this  time,  returning  to  his  home,  he 
remained  for  seven  3'ears.  In  1866  he  again  went 
to  California,  spending  a  few  months  onlj'.  Re- 
turning again    tu   the  East,  he    lived    in    different 



places  until  the  spring  of  1870,  when  he  settled  in 
Marshall  County,  Kan.  Since  that  time  he  has 
been  a  resident  on  section  12,  Marysville  Town- 
ship. Mrs.  Griswold  died  at  Castleton,  Vt..  in 
1861,  leaving  three  children,  of  whom  our  subject 
was  the  eldest. 

Our  subject,  Daniel  W.  Griswold,  was  born  in 
Rutland  County,  Vt.,  Sept.  8,  1841.  He  was  reared 
on  a  farm,  remaining  in  his  native  State  until  the 
age  of  twenty-one.  He  then  followed  liis  father's 
example,  and  bent  his  steps  to  the  Pacific  Slope, 
staying  some  eight  years  in  the  State  of  Cali- 
fornia, his  chief  occupation  being  lumbering.  In 
the  fall  of  1870  he  came  to  this  county,  settling  in 
Marysville  Township,  where  he  has  since  that  time 
been  engaged  in  farming,  operating  his  father's 
homestead.  His  father  owns  160  acres  of  land, 
on  which  are  comfortable  buildings  and  other 

On  the  17th  of  September,  1874,  Daniel  W. 
Griswold  was  married  to  Cynthia  A.  Carter,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Carter.  She  died  Aug.  10,  1882,  in 
Marj'sville  Township,  having  borne  him  four  chil- 
dren, three  of  whom  survive  her.  Their  names 
are  respectively :  Cora  M.,  George  and  John  M. 
piir  subject  was  again  married,  in  Mar3-sville 
township,  Sept.  24,  1883,  to  Louie  M.  House, 
\^lio  was  a  native  of  Racine  County,  Wis.  By  this 
n^rriage  they  have  one  child,  a  son.  Nelson. 

In  politics  our  subject  is  a  member  of  the  Union 
Lai)or  party.  He  exhibits  all  the  sturdy  virtues 
whi\;h  seem  so  peculiarly  to  belong  to  the  natives 
of  tie  Green  Mountain  State.  His  father  is  a  hale 
and  "^earty  man,  nearly  eighty  years  old,  and  a 
stand  adherent  of  the  Republican  pnrty. 

(*  )|iIltlAM  CRANSTON,whose  pleasant  home 
maj/l  is\ocated  on  section  32,  Center  Township, 
W^  is  \he  son  of  Caleb  Cranston,  who  was 
born  in  Rhc^e  Island,  he  being  a  direct  descend- 
ant of  RogeiWilliams;  his  mother  was  Algina  Cole, 
a  native  of  Vew  York.  Shortly  after  marriage 
they  settled  i\  Scioto  County,  Ohio,  where  they 
resided  until  liil,  when  they  removed  to  Keokuk 

County,  Iowa.'  About  twenty-four  years  after  be- 
coming residents  of  that  county,  Mrs.  Cranston 
took  her  departure  from  this  world  to  a  better  one 
on  high.  Their  iamily  comprised  eleven  children, 
of  whom  our  suliject  was  the  eldest. 

William  Cranston  is  a  native  of  Scioto  County, 
Ohio,  where  he  was  born  MarcJi  27,  1837.  He  emi- 
grated to  Keokuk  Count}-,  fowa,  in  1851,  with  his 
father,  and  made  that  county  his  home,  except  for 
a  portion  of  the  time,  which  he  spent  in  Washing- 
ton County,  until  1881,  when  he  removed  to 
Marshall  County,  Kan.  Upon  his  arrival,  being 
pleased  with  the  appearance  of  the  countrjs  he 
bought  160  acres  of  fine  land,  located  partly  in 
Center  and  partly  in  Wells  Township.  Following 
the  purchase  of  his  farm,  he  began  making  im- 
provements. By  well-directed  energy  and  wise 
adaptation  of  means  to  ends,  he  quickly  succeeded 
in  securing  for  himself  a  comfortable,  commodious 
dwelling,  which,  if  not  so  elegant  as  some  others 
in  the  county,  j-et  shelters  a  contented,  happy  fam- 
ily, well  pleased  with  the  blessings  granted  them 
bj'  the  Giver  of  all  good  gifts,  united  in  tender  re- 
gard for  one  another,  and  holding  in  affectionate 
remembrance  those  of  their  number  who  have  pre- 
ceded them  to  the  land  bej'ond. 

In  the  conduct  of  his  farm  Mr.  Cranston  has 
shown  sound,  good  sense.  All  his  efforts  directed 
toward  the  betterment  of  his  condition  have  been 
ably  seconded  by  his  noble  wife,  a  very  superior 
woman,  to  whom  he  was  married  in  Keokuk 
County,  Iowa,  May  1,  1860.  The  maiden  name  of 
Mrs.  Cranston  was  Elizabeth  Disor.  She  is  a 
daughter  of  George  and  Rebecca  (McDonald)  Di- 
sor, both  natives  of  Virginia,  where  they  were 
reared  to  maturity,  and  upon  arriving  at  a  suit- 
able age  pledged  their  hearts  and  hands  in  the 
indissoluble  bonds  of  matrimon}'.  Some  time 
after  their  marriage  thej'  removed  to  Ohio,  and 
subsequently  to  Washington  County,  Iowa.  Shortly 
before  their  death  they  changed  their  residence  to 
Keokuk  County,  where  they  bade  farewell  to  the 
scenes  of  earth  and  removed  to  their  final  home 
on  the  shores  of  Eternity.  Mrs.  Cranston  is  the 
second  in  a  family  of  seven  cliildren.  She  was 
born  in  Old  Virginia,  Feb.  2,  1841,  and  accom- 
panied her  parents  in   their  migrations,  remaining 



with  them  until  she  departed  to  reign  as  queen  of 
the  heart  and  home  of  her  husband.  She.  is  a  good 
neighbor,  amiable  and  generous  in  her  disposition, 
faithful  in  all  the  relations  of  life,  an  affectionate, 
intelligent  companion  to  her  busliand.  and  a  model 
for  her  children  to  pattern  after. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cranston  are  the  parents  of  six 
children,  of  whom  those  living  are:  Mary  E.,  who 
is  the  wife  of  George  Adams;  Rebecca  A.  is-  the 
wife  of  Joseph  Adams;  Laura  I.  and  Florence  A. 
Two  other  little  ones  grew  weary  of  life  almost 
before  tiiey  rightly  began  to  live,  and  were  car- 
ried from  the  arms  of  the  loving  parents,  who 
would  fain  have  detained  them,  up  to  the  bosom 
of  their  Heavenly  Father,  where  they  will  be  shel- 
tered from  every  ill  for  all  eternity-. 

During  the  earlier  years  of  his  life  Mr.  Cranston 
was  employed  in  a  woolen  mill,  which  was  at  that 
time  a  more  remunerative  occupation  than  farm- 
ing, but  he  also  looked  after  his  farming  interests, 
and  eventually  gave  it  his  exclusive  attention  when 
its  superior  profitableness  was  assured.  His  con- 
nection with  the  woolen  industry  was  begun  in 
Ohio,  and  continued  in  Iowa.  In  every  depart- 
ment of  life  in  which  it  has  been  his  lot  to  be  en- 
gaged, whether  of  a  business  or  social  nature,  it 
can  be  truthfully  said  of  him,  that  he  has  baen 
found  faithful.  In  the  exercise  of  his  right  of 
suffrage  he  casts  his  ballot  with  the  Republican 
party,  but  would  not  hesitate  to  vote  for  the  oppo- 
sition if  he  deemed  the  best  interests  of  the  times 
demanded  it.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cranston  are  repre- 
sentative and  earnest  members  of  the  Christian 
Church,  and  are  widel}^  known  for  their  generous 
benevolence  and  sincere  Christian  lives. 

;RANK  STOEIIR.  Among  the  many  enter- 
prising foreigners  to  whom  Marshall 
County  owes  so  much  of  its  development, 
is  the  above  named  gentleman,  who  occupies  a  fine 
farm  of  2-iO  acres,  situated  on  section  1.5,  Logan 
Township.  He  was  "born  in  Bj'ron,  Germany, 
in  which  country  he  was  reared,  receiving  a  thor- 
ough education  under  the  compulsory  laws  of  that 

emi)irp.  His  parents,  .Mathcw  and  Mar\'  (Swibrie- 
ger)  Stoehr.  were  born,  reared,  married,  roared  a 
family-  of  seven  children  and  died  in  the  German 
Empire.  Tliey  were  members  of  the  Catholic 
Church,  as  were  their  ancestors  so  far  as  known. 
Our  subject  left  nis  native  land  for  tiie  United 
States  in  18.57.  taking  passage  on  the  old  sail-ship 
'•  Moskonoma,"  and  after  a  voy.age  of  sixty-six 
daj's,  landed  at  Xew  York,  Sept.  14.  There  he 
clerked  in  the  store  of  his  uncle,  .Joseph  Shouley, 
about  three  years,  thence  coming  direct  to  Illinois 
in  1860. 

After  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War,  he,  in 
common  with  many  hundreds  of  his  countrymen, 
felt  the  desire  to  assist  in  the  preservation  of  his 
adopted  country,  and  in  August,  1862,  enlisted, 
being  enrolled  in  La  Salle  County,  as  a  member  of 
Companj'  G,  57th  Illinois  Infantry.  He  served 
faithfully  and  gallantly  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
Among  the  most  noted  engagements  in  which  he  took 
part  were  Corinth,  Altoona,  Jacksonville. Columbus, 
Resaca,  Kingston,  Chattanooga,  Stone  River,  and 
many  others,  and  he  also  took  part  in  the  march  to 
the  sea  under  the  gallant  Gen.  Sherman.  He  was 
one  of  the  fortunate  in  these  many  conflicts,  receiv- 
ing but  a  flesh  wound  which  was  not  sufficient  to 
disable  him.  After  taking  part  in  the  Grand  Re- 
view at  Washington,  he  went  to  Springfield,  III, 
where  he  received  an  honorable  discharge  aid 
thence  returned  to  his  home  in  La  Salle  County. 
There  he  married  Mary  Piergue,  a  native  of 
Muhlbach,  Transylvania.  She  was  born  ,\ine 
6,  1846,  a  daughter  of  Lawrence  and  Mary  (itru- 
ble)  Piergue.  Mr.  Stoehr  and  wife  rtsided 
in  Illinois  for  seven  years  after  their  marriace,  and 
thence  removed  to  this  State,  where  he  bou/ht  160 
acres  of  open  prairie,  which  comprises  a  pat  of  his 
present  highly  improved  farm.  Their  farily  con- 
sisted of  the  following  children :  Mary,  wie  of  Au- 
gust Fislier;  Lena,  wife  of  John  Pauls;  osephine, 
Frank,  Martha.  Lawrence,  Henry,  Anna  Flora  and 
Edith,  living;  and  Elizabeth  and  an  infant  de- 

Mrs.  Stoehr  is  the  daugiiter  of  Iiwrence  and 
Mary  (Struble)  Piergue,  who  came  fom  France  to 
America  in  the  fall  of  1847.  Tliy  were  on  the 
ocean  ninety  days,  a  part  of  the  tiJe  being  lost  in 



a  storin.  The3'  lauderl  at  New  York  and  thence 
came  directly  to  La  Salle  County,  111.,  where  the 
father  was  engaged  in  the  bakerj"^  business  many 
years.  The  family  consisted  of  six  children,  of 
whom  five  are  still  living.  The  father  was  for 
many  3-ears  a  soldier  in  the  French  army.  He 
died  in  La  Salle  Countj-,  111., 'where  the  mother 
still  lives,  making  her  home  with  her  son  in  Ottawa. 
She  is  a  member  of  the  Catliolic  Church,  in  which 
faith  her  husband  died. 

Our  subject  and  his  family  are  members  of  the 
Catholic  Church.  He  belongs  to  Lyon  Post,  No. 
9,  Cr.A.R.,  at  Mar3'sville.  He  is  a  man  of  worth  in 
the  community,  active,  honorable,  intelligent  and 
hospitable,  and  enjoys  the  respect  of  his  fellow- 
citizens.     Politically  he  is  a  stanch  Republican. 

(*       l|INFIELD  M.  NEEL.      The  men  who  care 
\/sJ/'     ^^^  most  for  outside   show,  are  not   those 
y^/sfi      who  can  alwnys  be  depended  upon  as  pos- 
\  sessing  those  solid  and  substantial  traits  of  charae- 
\ter  most  needed  in  the  building  up  of  a  community'. 
W  quiet  and  law-abiding  citizen,  Mr.  Neel  lives   in 
i  modest  homestead  on  sertion  13,  in  Logan  Town- 
ship, where  he  has  a  well-tilled  farm  and  sufHciejit 
o\  this  world's  goods  for  all  the  ordinary  comforts 
omife.     He  is  the  offspring  of  a  substantial  ances- 
try, and  was  born  in  Fayette   Count^',  Pa.,  Oct.  1, 

Vkxen  our  subject  was  but  an  infant,  his  parents, 
Sann^l  and  Martha  L.  (Yarnell)  Neel,  decided 
upon\  change  of  location,  and  accordinglj' gather- 
ing together  their  household  goods,  made  their  w.a}' 
to  Switierlaud  County.  Ind..  where  thej'  sojourned 
for  a  p&iod  of  nine  years.  Their  next  removal 
was  to  Njwport,  Ky.,  and  later  they  took  up  tbeir 
residencetn  Hancock  County,  111.,  where  our  sub- 
ject was  riared  to  man's  estate.  There  also  he  was 
married  Oit.  15,  1874,  to  Miss  Huldah.  daughter 
of  David  aWl  Harriet  (Cole)  Simmons.  This  lad}' 
was  born  inVthens  County,  Ohio,  and  the  newly 
wedded  pair  Wde  tlieir  home  in  Hancock  County, 
III.,  until  187\  That  year  our  subject  came  to 
this  county,  aiil  in  1880  he  purchased   his  present 

farm  of  eighty  acres,  which  occupies  the  southeast 
quarter  of  section  13.  He  put  up  the  dwelling  and 
otiier  buildings,  has  most  of  the  land  fenced,  and 
an  orchard  of  apple-trees,  together  with  grapes 
and  the  smaller  fruits.  The  land  is  highly  product- 
ive, and  yields  to  the  hand  of  industry  a  generous 

Tiie  four  cliildren  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife  were  named  respectively  Harriet, 
Nellie,  Yrank  and  Martin.  Although  not  a  member 
of  any  church,  Mr.  Neel  believes  in  the  maintenance 
of  religious  institutions,  and  is  a  teacher  in  the 
Sabbath-school  at  Herkimer.  His  parents  preceded 
him  to  this  State,  and  the  f.ither  died  in  Marysville 
Township,  in  October,  1880.  The  mother  is  still 
living.  Their  family  consisted  of  four  children, 
of  whom  Winfield  M.  was  the  youngest.  Samuel 
Neel  was  a  native  of  York  County,  Pa.,  while  his 
estimable  wife  was  born  in  Lancaster  County,  that 
State.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Neel  were  natives  of 
Ohio,  where  her  grandfather,  Simmons,  died.  The 
grandmother  later  removed  to  Illinois,  and  died  at 
the  home  of  her  son,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Neel.  The 
latter  came  to  Illinois  during  its  earliest  settlement, 
and  is  still  living  in  Hancock  County.  His  wife 
died  there.  On  her  mother's  side,  the  gr.andfather 
of  Mrs.  Neel,  Samuel  Cole,  died  in  Hancock  County, 
111.,  when  well  advanced  in  years.  Grandmother 
Cole  died  in  Ohio. 

RA  F.  MCMILLAN,  Superintendent  of  the 
Marshall  County  Poor  Farm,  is  a  youno-  man 
well  dowered  with  firmness,  activity  and  sao-a- 
cious  enterprise,  which  traits  have  already  secured 
him  an  honorable  position  among  the  leadino-  agri- 
culturists of  this  vicinitj',  and  amplj'  qualifjr  him 
for  the  responsible  office  that  he  is  filling  so  satis- 
factorily to  all  concerned. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  New  York,  Sept.  10, 
1856,  being  the  date  of  his  birth.  His  parents 
were  likewise  natives  of  the  Empire  State,  his 
father,  Ebenezer  J.  McMillan,  born  Dec.  2,  1 825 
and  his  mother,  Frances  (McDonald)  McMillan, 
born  in  the  year  1827,  her  death  occurring  Jan.  31, 



1889.  They  spent  many  years  of  their  weddc'd 
life  in  the  State  of  their  nativity,  but  in  1867  they 
came  as  far  west  as  Illinois  with  their  family,  and 
for  a  few  years  were  residents  of  McHenry  County, 
that  State.  In  1878  they  once  more  took  up  the 
westward  march,  and  came  to  Kansas  to  live,  where 
the  mother  died,  as  above  stated.  The  father 
makes  his  home  with  the  subject  of  this  sketch. 

The  subject  of  this  brief  biographical  review 
was  the  second  of  six  children,  and  his  earlj'  years 
were  spent  on  his  father's  farm,  where  he  gained 
good  practical  knowledge  of  agriculture  in-  all  its 
branches.  He  received  the  preliminaries  of  his 
education  in  the  local  public  schools,  and  further 
fitted  liimself  for  the  duties  of  life  by  pursuing  a 
good  course  of  studj'  one  winter  at  Spring  Arbor, 
Mich.  As  soon  as  old  enough  to  decide  on  a  vo- 
cation, he  adopted  the  calling  to  which  he  had  been 
bred,  as  the  one  most  suited  to  his  tastes,  and  the 
success  that  he  has  achieved  proves  the  wisdom  of 
his  decision.  In  1877  and  1878  he  abandoned  agri- 
culture for  awhile,  and  engaged  in  the  mercantile 
business  in  Illinois.  In  1884  he  and  his  wife  went 
to  Oregon  for  one  season,  but,  not  caring  to  settle 
there,  they  returned  to  Marshall  County,  where 
thej'  have  ever  since  remained.  March  1,  1888,  he 
look  charge  of  the  Marshall  County  Poor  Farm, 
which  comprises  640  acres  of  arable  land,  300  acres 
of  which  are  under  good  cultivation,  and  under  the 
admirable  management  of  our  subject  yield  abun- 
dant harvests.  The  farm-ris  well  stocked  with  stock 
of  good  grades,  carrying  seventy  head  of  cattle, 
sixteen  horses,  and  forty  hogs.  As  Superintendent 
of  this  farm,  Mr.  McMillan  is  found  to  be  the 
right  man  in  the  right  place,  as  under  his  super- 
vision the  farm  is  kept  up  to  a  high  standard,  and 
ever3'thing  is  neat  and  orderly,  the  work  teing 
performed  sj^stematically,  and  the  poor  people 
under  his  care  are  treated  with  kindness,  tempered 
by  firmness  where  needed,  and  they  find  in  him  a 
true  friend. 

!Mr.  McMillan  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss 
Belle  Smith,  March  2,  1881,  and  to  them  have 
co;ne  four  children — Robert  G.,  Mja-on  L.,  Millard 
J.  and  Sarah  L.  Mrs.  McMillan  is  a  daughter  of 
the  late  Thaddeus  O.  Smith,  of  Frankfort,  Kan., 
who  died  in  1887.     Her  mother  still  lives,  making 

her  home  in  Colorado.  Mrs.  McMillan  was  the 
ninth  in  order  of  birth  of  ten  children,  and  she 
was  born  in  Missouri,  Feb.  1,  1864. 

Mr.  McMillan  is  a  frank,  open-hearted  man,  pos- 
sessing ready  tact  and  an  obliging  manner,  which 
have  won  him  many  friends.  He  has  mingled  in 
yjublic  life,  and  has  proved  an  efficient  civic  official. 
For  two  years  he  has  served  as  Clerk  of  Elm  Creek 
Township.  He  is  active  and  influential  in  politics, 
and  labors  for  the  interests  of  the  Republican 

'■'♦-»i>  «  5>'1I'  iS  ■  s"  «°* 

^  I^ILLIAM  H.  COLGROVE.  Among  the 
\rJ//  substantial  farmers  who  are  carrying  on 
W^  the  development  of  the  agricultural  dis- 
tricts of  this  county,  we  may  mention  the  subject 
of  our  sketch,  who  owns  and  occupies  a  farm  of 
160  acres  on  section  11,  Marysville  Township.  He 
is  the  son  of  Andrew  Colgrove,  who  was  born  in 
Woodliall,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y.  His  mother  was 
MissAlmira  Baxter,  a  native  of  the  same  town. 
Upon  their  marriage  they  settled  in  their  native 
place,  afterward  removing  to  Randolph  County, 
Ind.,  remaining  there  for  several  years.  Thence 
the}'  removed  to  Ohio,  and  after  several  years  resi- 
dence in  the  Buckeye  State,  repaired  to  Florida, 
Mo.,  where  they  remained  about  six  3'ears.  Cross- 
ing the  Mississippi  River  into  Pike  County,  11, 
they  remained  several  years,  and  then  spent  f'jur 
years  in  Bureau  County,  of  the  same  State.  'Ihey 
then  removed  to  this  county,  where  the  fatherdied 
in  January,  1 883.  The  parental  family  consisted 
of  nine  children,  three  of  whom  died  in  inancj'. 
Those  who  grew  to  maturity  were  Mary  M,  C3'n- 
thia  L.,  James  F.,  William  H.,  Emma  T.,  aid  Ella 
R.  Mary  is  the  wife  of  Randolph  Robbs,  Iving  in 
Gage  County,  Neb.;  Cynthia  became  the  wife  of 
John  Bell,  and  died  in  Wilson  County,  ois  State, 
in  1885;  James  F.  is  a  resident  of  Gaja  County, 
Neb.;  Emma  is  the  wife  of  Thomn  Richards, 
of  the  same  countj^;  Ella  is  the  wife  o' John  With, 
also  of  Gage  County,  Neb. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  bon  near  Roches- 
ter, Ohio,  April  11,  1858,  coming  vttli  his  parents 
to  this  county.     At  the  residence  d  the  bride,  in 



Marysville  Township,  June  2,  1881,  occurred  his 
marriage  to  Miss  Martha  M.  Bigbam,  daughter  of 
Andrew  Bigham,  whose  biography  will  be  found 
on  another  page  in  this  volnme.  Mrs.  Colgrove 
was  born  in  Ogle  County,  111.,  Oct.  15, 1861.  She 
has  borne  her  husband  four  children — Charles  A., 
.Sylvia  M.,  Addie  G.,  and  Erskine. 

In  addition  to  the  cultivation  of  his  farm,  most 
of  wliich  is  now  improved,  Mr.  Colgrove  gives 
considerable  attention  to  corn  shelling  and  wheat 
threshing,  possessing  machinery  of  the  latest  and 
most  approved  models  for  carrjdng  on  this  indus- 
try. In  politics,  Mr.  Colgrove  is  a  stanch  Repub- 
lican, never  failing  to  cast  his  vote  in  the  interest 
of  tliat  party.  He  is  an  energetic  and  reliable  citi- 
zen, and  gives  his  influence  to  the  support  of  everj' 
measure  for  the  good  of  the  community. 

l|]_^  ENRY  FARRAR.  After  the  labors  of  a 
rji  long  and  well  spent  life,  this  gentleman  has 
■^)^  wisely  retired  from  active  dut}',  but  retains 
((^  possession  of  his  old  homestead,  whicli  is 
located  one  mile  southeast  of  the  city  of  Beattie. 
Near  the  city  he  owns  ten  acres  of  good  ground 
with  a  fine  residence.  His  farm  property  consists  of 
960  acres,  located  in  Guittard  and  Rock  townships. 
His  career  is  a  fine  illustration  of  the  self-made  man, 
who  through  his  own  industry  and  energy  has 
arisen  from  humble  surroundings,  to  an  enviable 
position,  socially  and  financially,  among  his  fellow- 
men.  The  habits  which  enforced  economy  taught 
him  in  his  boyhood,  proved  of  great  service  to  him 
in  his  later  years,  and  were,  in  fact,  partially  the 
secret  of  his  success. 

A  native  of  Yorkshire,  England,  onr  subject  was 
born  March  20,  1815,  and  when  a  little  lad  of  five 
years  set  out  with  his  parents  in  April,  1820,  for 
America.  They  landed  in  Dearborn  County,  Ind., 
where  his  father,  Jonathan  Farrar,  purchased  a 
tract  of  wild  land  and  commenced  building  up  a 
farm  from  the  wilderness.  Not  being  satisfied 
with  his  progress  financially,  the  father  shortly 
afterward,  leaving  Indiana  with  his  little  family, 
emigrated  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio.     Here  also  he  only 

sojourned  briefly,  removing  tlienee  to  Columbus, 
and  later  to  Madison  County,  Ohio.  There  our 
subject  spent  his  years  from  the  age  of  twelve  un- 
til reaching  his  majority,  in  the  meantime  acquir- 
ing a  practical  education  in  the  common  school. 
He  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until  his  mar- 
ri.age,  which  occurred  in  1837,  the  bride  being 
Miss  Malinda  Chenoweth.  Afterward  he  em- 
ployed himself  in  farming  pursuits  in  Madison 
County,  until  his  removal  to  Marshall  County, 

There  were  born  to  our  subject  and  his  estima- 
ble wife  ten  children,  seven  of  whom'  are  living. 
The  eldest,  a  daughter,  Mary  Jane,  is  now  the  wife 
of  Owen  Thomas,  a  farmer  of  Guittard  Township, 
Horatio  N.  is  a  resident  of  Murray  Township; 
Thomas  J.  lives  in  Rock  Township,  and  Jonathan 
in  Noble  Township.  Margaret  is  the  wife  of  J.  D. 
Crooks,  and  with  her  sister,  Is.abel  (Mrs.  F.  M. 
Durkee)  resides  in  Guittard  Township;  William  is 
a  resident  of  Oketo.  The  wife  and  mother  died 
in  Madison  County,  Ohio,  about  1856. 

Mr.  Farrar  continued  a  resident  of  the  Buckeye 
State  until  1874,  in  the  meantime  becoming  the 
owner  of  about  600  acres  of  land,  near  London, 
the  county  seat.  There  as  here,  he  was  prominent 
in  local  affairs,  serving  five  years  as  Assessor  and 
Treasurer  of  his  school  district  and  occupying  fre- 
quentlj^  other  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility. 
A  part  of  his  land  had  been  cleared  at  the  time  of 
purchase  and  the  balance  he  cleared  himself.  He 
built  up  a  fine  homestead  upon  which  he  lived  until 
resolving  to  seek  the  farther  West. 

Our  subject  was  married  a  second  time,  Sept. 
30,  1858,  to  Mrs.  Rachacl  (Gregg)  Seal  and  of  tjjis 
union  there  were  born  two  children :  Romeo,  who 
operates  a  farm  on  section  36  in  Guittard  Town- 
ship, and  Spurgeon,  who  remains  at  home  with  his 
parents.  Mrs.  Farrar  was  born  in  Belmont,  Ohio, 
Sept.  10,  1830,  and  is  the  daughter  of  .Jesse  and 
Catherine  (Daniels)  Gregg,  the  former  of  whom 
was  a  tailor  by  trade  and  also  the  owner  of  a  farm. 
They  lived  in  Belmont  until  their  daughter  Rachael 
was  a  young  lady  of  eigbteen  3'ears,  and  then  re- 
moved to  Madison  County,  where  she  was  married 
to  John  W.  Seal  and  became  the  mother  of  one 
child,   Eva.     The   latter    is    now  married    to  John 



Warner,  of  Guittard  Township,  this  county.     Mr. 
Seal  died  in  Madison  County,  Ohio,  about  1855. 

In  1874  Mr.  Farrar,  leaving  the  Buclveye  State, 
came  to  this  county  and  settled  upon  the  land 
which  he  had  purchased  the  year  before.  It  was 
in  its  primitive  condition,  and  his  first  business 
was  the  erection  of  a  dwelling,  which  he  and  his 
family  occupied  until  able  to  abandon  it  for  a 
more  modern  residence.  The  story  of  his  labors 
is  similar  to  that  of  the  other  persevering  and  en- 
terprising men  around  him,  and  the  result  of  these 
labors  much  the  same,  illustrating  in  a  marked  de- 
gree the  results  of  energy  and  perseverance.  The 
farm  is  now  largely  devoted  to  the  raising  of  grain 
and  stock  and  is  the  source  of  a  reasonable  income. 
Besides  this  property  Mr.  Farrar  was  the  owner  of 
two  sections,  which  he  has  divided  among  his  chil- 
dren. He  lived  on  the  farm  until  April,  1880, 
then  put  up  his  present  fine  residence.  He  is  a 
man  liberal  and  public-spirited,  taking  a  genuine 
interest  in  the  prosperity  of  bis  adopted  county, 
and  uniformly  supports  tiie  principles  of  the  Re- 
publican party. 

\i^^RED  BRUCKER.  Many  of  the  men  who 
[i=^gi  are  now  quietly  located  in  the  rural  dis- 
til, tricts,  have  seen  much  of  life,  and  been 
over  a  goodly  portion  of  the  world.  The  subject 
of  this  notice,  who  is  pursuing  the  peaceful  occu- 
pation of  a  farmer  on  section  4,  Balderson  Town- 
ship, was  born  in  what  was  then  the  Province  of 
Alsace,  France,  Nov.  6,  1838.  He  was  the  fiflli 
child  of  his  parents.  Christian  and  Lena  (Beriseh) 
Brucker,  further  mention  of  whom  will  be  found  in 
the  sketch  of  Henry  Brucker,  on  another  page  in 
this  volume. 

Our  subject  attended  the  common  schools  of  his 
native  place,  where  he  was  reared  to  manhood,  and 
served  an  apprenticeship  at  the  trade  of  blacksmith, 
which  he  followed  four  years.  He  then  entered 
the  French  army  as  a  member  of  the  87th  Infantrj-, 
in  which  he  served  two  years,  going  with  it  into 
Africa,  and  fighting  two  battles,  the  first  near  Al- 
giers, close  to  the  desert  of  Sahara.     The  second 

was  sixty  miles  north  of  the  desert,  and  the  French 
army  was  victorious  in  both  instances.  It  is  doubt- 
ful if  ever  in  the  history  of  that  army  there  was 
greater  bravery  displayed  in  the  conduct  of  its  offi- 
cers and  men.  They  endured  much  suffering  upon 
the  burning  sands  of  an  alien  soil,  but  thej^  were 
inspired  bj-  loft^^  ambition,  and  thus  accomplished 
their  purpose.  Young  Brucker  bravely  endured 
the  vicissitudes  of  war  with  his  comrades,  and  was 
ever  to  be  found  at  his  post.  Later,  for  four  j'ears 
he  served  on  garrison  duty  in  France.  Finally  he 
received  his  honoral)le  discharge,  and  returning 
home  to  his  native  Province,  followed  his  trade 
there  one  j'ear. 

In  186G  Mr.  Brucker  set  out  for  America,  board- 
ing a  sailing-vessel  at  Havre,  which,  after  a  voj'age 
of  two  weeks,  landed  him  safely  in  New  York 
City.  Thence  he  proceeded  to  Lee  County,  111., 
of  which  he  was  a  resident  three  years.  In  18G9 
he  came  to  this  county,  and  here  he  has  since  made 
his  liome.  He  was  married  in  Gage  Countj',  Neb., 
March  4,  1871,  to  Miss  Emma,  daughter  of  Lud- 
wig  and  Minnie  (Heiss)  Zimmerman,  who  were 
natives  of  Prussia.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Brucker 
dep.arted  this  life  April  3,  1889,  in  Gage  County, 
Neb.  The  mother  is  still  living,  being  now  seventy- 
five  years  of  age,  and  makes  her  home  inNcliraska. 
The  parental  family  included  five  children,  of 
whom  Mrs.  Brucker  was  the  fourth  in  order  of 
birth.  She  was  a  native  of  the  same  Province  in 
Prussia  as  her  i)arents,  and  born  June  6,  1851. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  eight  children,  viz. :  William  C,  Mary 
L.,  Albert  J.,  Emma  A.,  Augusta,  Minnie  C,  Fred- 
erick II.,  and  Ludwig  O.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brucker 
were  carefully  reared  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Lulli- 
eran  Church,  to  which  they  still  loyallj'  adhere. 
The  real  estate  possessions  of  Mr.  Brucker  com- 
prise 240  acres  of  prime  land,  all  of  which  has  been 
brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  He  has 
two  houses  with  their  adjacent  buildings,  and  makes 
a  specialty  of  stock-raising,  keeping  usually  about 
twenty  head  of  cattle,  a  number  of  horses,  and 
sixty  head  of  swino.  After  becoming  a  voting 
citizen,  Mr.  Brucker  identified  himself  witii  the 
Repul)lican  ))arty,  but  later  wheeled  over  into  the 
ranks  of  the  Democracy.     He  is  a   wide-awake  and 



enterprising  citizen,  and  talces  an  especial  interest 
in  the  education  of  his  children.  "Little  Fred 
Briicker,"  as  he  is  familiarly  known,  is  a  universal 
favorite,  ever  ready  to  oblige  a  friend,  and  very 
slow  in  making  enemies.  Progressive  and  intelli- 
gent, he  has  become  thoroughly  identified  with  the 
institutions  of  his  adopted  country,  and  stands  sec- 
ond to  none  among  those  who  have  been  foremost 
in  developing  the  resources  of  this  part  of  the 

:Si  *ILLIAM  BELL.  One  of  the  most  beauti- 
\jqJ//  tal  farms  in  Guittard  Township  belongs  to 
W^J  the  subject  of  this  notice.  It  is  finely  lo- 
cated on  section  34,  and  emliraees  320  acres  of 
land,  which,  at  the  time  Mr.  Bell  settled  upon  it, 
nine  years  ago,  was  only  partially'  improved.  It 
has  now  been  brought  to  a  fine  state  of  cultivation, 
and  embellished  with  good  buildings,  which,  to- 
getlier  with  the  live  stock,  machiner3'  and  modern 
appurtenances,  presents  one  of  the  finest  estates  in 
this  region.  The  proprietor  is  one  of  the  most 
siilistantial  citizens  of  this  part  of  the  county,  a 
man  who  is  looked  up  to  in  his  community,  and  wlio 
has  been  largely  instrumental  in  forwarding  tlie 
various  enterprises  set  on  foot  for  tiie  gcneml  good 
of  the  people.  Industrious,  economical  andtiirifty, 
he  pi-esents  an  example  worthy  of  emulation. 

Mr.  Bell  was  born  in  Madison  County,  Ohio, 
March  5,  1828,  and  there  spent  the  early  years  of 
his  life  until  reaching  man's  estate.  He  was  mar- 
ried Sept.  11,  1855,  to  Miss  Margaret  Amos,  a  na- 
tive of  his  own  county,  and  carried  on  farming  in 
the  Buckeye  State  until  the  spring  of  1880.  He 
then  decided  upon  a  ('hange  of  location,  and  com- 
ing to  this  county,  purchased  the  farm  which  lie 
now  owns  and  occupies,  in  the  fall  of  the  year,  tak- 
ing possession  in  March,  1881.  While  a  resident 
of  his  native  county,  he  was  for  the  long  period  of 
twenty  years.  Clerk  of  Oak  Run  Township,  and 
before  leaving,  in  1880,  was  the  appraiser  of  tlie 
land  subjected  to  revaluation  for  taxation.  He 
cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Win  field  Scott, 
and  is  a  stanch  supporter  of  Democratic  principles. 

To  our  subject  and  his  excellent  wife  there  were 
born  seven  children,  only  five  of  whom  are  living: 
Martha  J.,  the  eldest,  is  the  wife  of  H.  Jones,  of 
Beattie;  Joseph  W.,  Lizzie  A.,  Frank  J.  and  Benja- 
min M.  are  at  homewith  their  parents.  Mrs. Margaret 
( Amo3)Bell  was  born  Seiit.  21,1829,and  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  Robert  C.  and  Elizabeth  (Wilson)  Amos,  who 
were  natives  of  Maryland,  and  who  after  their  mar- 
riage removed,  about  1822,  to  Madison  County, 
Ohio,  where  their  daughter,  Margaret,  was  born. 
To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Amos  there  were  born  eight  chil- 
dren, only  two  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years, 
these  being  both  daughters,  Elizabeth  married 
Joseph  Bell,  a  brother  of  our  subject,  who  contin- 
ues a  resident  of  Madison  County,  Ohio.  Mrs. 
Elizabeth  Amos  died  when  comparatively  a  young 
woman,  in  September,  1842.  Mr.  Amos  survived 
his  first  wife  eighteen  years,  his  death  taking  place 
in  1860. 

James  D.  Bell,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Virginia  and  born  in  1802.  When  a  lad 
of  six  years  his  parents  removed  to  Ross  Connty, 
Ohio,  where  he  developed  into  manhood,  and  niar- 
ried  Miss  Elizabetli  Dewey,  of  Carlisle,  Cumber- 
land Co.,  Pa.  After  their  marriage,  they  settled 
upon  a  farm  in  Madison  County,  Ohio,  and  reared 
a  family  of  seven  childien.  Both  died  in  1843, 
the  father  Jan.  1.  and  the  mother  March  27.  They 
were  excellent  i)eople,  and  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 



E  farmers 

\'jp^  DWARD  CAIN,  one  of  the  most  extensive 
rs  of  Guittard  Township,  owns  and 
operates  440  acres  on  section  17.  Through 
his  careful  cultivation  of  the  soil,  and  his  excellent 
management,  tjiis  farm  has  obtained  the  reputation 
of  being  one  of  the  most  valuable  and  productive 
throughout  this  region.  A  pioneer  of  Marshall 
Connty,  Mr.  Cain  came  within  its  limits  as  early  as 
1859,  in  company  with  Mr.  Fitzgerald,  but  did  not 
settle  here  at  that  time,  although  he  purchased  160 
acres  of  land.  He  and  Mr.  Fitzgerald  returned  to 
the  county  in  1865,  our  subject  tjjen  bringing  with 
him  his  family,  and  he  has  since  here  sojourned. 



The  fii'st  dwelling  of  our  subject,  after  his  ar- 
rival in  the  far  AVest,  was  a  small  log  house.  After 
starting  out  for  himself,  he  was  employed  as  a  deck 
hand  and  watchman  on  the  Missouri  River,  from 
St.  Josepli  to  Kansas  City,  and  while  thus  employed, 
saved  his  earnings  in  order  to  invest  in  land.  Most 
of  this  time  he  was  on  the  "Major"  and  the  "Emily," 
and  he  was  mostly  under  one  captain  and  one 
mate.  AVhen  commencing  the  improvement  of  his 
land,  he  labored  early  and  late  to  bring  the  soil  to 
a  state  of  cultivation,  and  in  making  fences,  put- 
ting up  buildings,  and  setting  out  fruit  and  shade 
trees.  In  the  meantime  he  assisted  in  the  organiza- 
tion of  the  township  and  school  districts,  and  dis- 
charged the  duties  of  most  of  the  local  offices  of 
the  township.  The  present  year  (1889),  he  har- 
vested about  eightj-  acres  of  corn,  twenty  acres  of 
millet,  and  eighteen  acres  of  oats.  He  was  one  of 
the  six  or  eight  persons  instrumental  in  the  organ- 
ization of  the  Catholic  Church,  at  Beattie,  mention 
of  which  is  made  in  the  sketch  of  Father  Schmick- 
ler,  which  will  be  found  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 
He  assisted  bj'  his  money  and  labor,  in  the  erection 
of  the  church  edifice,  and  has  been  one  of  its  most 
efficient  members.  He  and  Mr.  Fitzgerald  trans- 
ported nearlj'  all  of  the  material  required,  from  the 
depot  to  the  building  site,  and  he  has  naturall}' 
taken  a  warm  interest  in  the  prosperity  and  ad- 
vancemeut  of  the  societj'. 

Mr.  Cain  was  born  in  Countj'  MSath,  Ireland,  in 
1826,  and  lived  there  until  a  man  of  twenty-six 
years.  Upon  coming  to  America,  he  settled  first 
in  Massachusetts,  where  he  spent  five  years,  then  in 
18.57,  removed  to  Illinois,  and  from  there  to  Lea- 
venworth, Kan.,  in  the  spring  of  1858.  He  was 
married,  Dec.  22,  1861,  at  Atchison,  Kan.,  to  Miss 
Johanna  Fitzgerald,  and  they  lived  there  until 
coming  to  this  countj'.  The  five  children  born  of 
this  union,  are  all  living,  namel}^ :  Patrick,  James, 
Mary,  John,  and  Peter.  With  the  exception  of 
the  eldest,  who  is  learning  telegraphy,  they  are  all 
at  home  with  their  parents,  and  are  being  given  the 
advantages  of  a  modern  education.  The  second 
son,  James,  is  farming  on  his  own  account,  having 
seventy-five  acres  of  corn,  and  twenty-five  acres  of 
flax.  Mr.  Cain  has  distinguished  himself  as  a  suc- 
cessful stock-raiser,  having  about  100  head  of  cat- 

tle, and  fifteen  head  of  horses,  besides  numbers  of 
swine.  From  this  industry  alone  he  realizes  a 
handsome  income.  The  enforced  economy  of  his 
younger  years,  though  severe  at  the  time,  proved 
an  excellent  schooling,  and  has  been  of 
value,  constraining  him  to  live  within  his  income, 
and  adjust  his  wants  in  proportion  to  his  means. 
This  has  been  the  secret  of  his  success,  and  enabled 
him  to  lay  aside -something  for. a  rain3-  day. 

Mrs.  Cain  was  born  in  Count}^  Limerick,  Ire- 
land, about  1832,  and  when  coming  to  the  United 
States  with  her  parents,  settled  first  in  Baltimore. 
Thence  they  removed  to  Chicago,  and  finally  to 
this  county,  where  the  young  people  formed  tlie 
acquaintance  which  resulted  in  their  union  for  life. 


Pleasantly  located  on 
section  26,  Balderson  Township,  is  a  quar- 
1^  ter  section  of  land  which  comprises  the 
home  of  our  subject.  His  father  was  Philip 
Brucker,  a  French  farmer,  and  his  mother  Lena 
OUenbaugh,  also  a  native  of  France,  where  thej- 
remained  during  their  lives.  They  wei'e  married 
in  1827.  The  mother  died  on  the  1st  of  January, 
1842,  the  father  surviving  until  March,  1865. 
They  had  a  family  of  four  children,  of  whom  our 
subject  was  the  youngest.  His  birth  took  place 
Jan.  1,  1842,  in  the  south  of  France,  where  he 
grew  to  manhood.  In  1862  he  came  to  America, 
landing  at  New  York,  whence  he  went  direct  to  Lee 
County,  111.,  where  he  lived  six  j-ears.  He  then  in 
1868  came  to  Kansas,  settling  in  this  count}'.  In 
1871  was  celebrated  his  marriage  to  Marj-  Stallen- 
work  an  estimable  j"Oung  lady.  To  them  have 
been  born  five  children — Mathew,  Minnie,  Lena. 
Annie,  and  Philip,  (deceased). 

Mrs.  Brucker  is  the  eldest  of  her  parents'  chil- 
dren, five  of  whom  are  now  living.  She  was  born 
in  Prussia  in  1853,  her  parents  Mathew  and  Theresa 
Stallenwork,  emigrating  to  this  countrj'  the  follow- 
ing year,  and  in  1867  removing  to  Kansas.  She 
is  a  consistent  member  of  the  Catholic  Church. 

Mr.  Brucker  takes  an  active   interest  in   politics 





/^.    /^^^-z^^ 



and  is  a  strong  adherent  of  the  principles  of  the 
Republican  party,  never  failing  to  cast  liis  vote  in 
its  interest.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Lutheran 
Church  and  has  been  Secretary  of  that  body.  The 
160  acres  of  land,  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies, 
was  raw  prairie,  when  he  came  here.  Now,  100 
acres  are  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation  and  pro- 
ductiveness, there  are  five  acres  of  orchard,  and 
many  improvements,  including  house,  barns,  and 
other  buildings,  all  added  by  himself.  He  is  car- 
rying on  his  agricultviral  work  very  successfully, 
and  in  addition  to  the  production  of  grains,  raises 
everj'  year  some  cattle  and  some  horses,  and  keeps 
about  fortj'  head  of  hogs.  He  is  an  independent, 
enterprising  man,  a  good  citizen,  entitled  to  and 
receiving  the  respect  and  esteem  of  his  neighbors 
and  fellow  citizens. 

^ ^^ ^ 

(OHN  W.  MEANS.  The  phenomenal  growth 
and  development  of  Marshall  County, 
has  been  solely  due  to  the  men  who  first 
(^//'  established  themselves  within  its  borders, 
and  who  steadily  adhered  to  their  original  purpose 
of  making  it  a  permanent  abiding  place.  Avoid- 
ing the  fate  of  the  "  rolling  stone  which  gathers  no 
moss,"  Mr.  Means  has  proved  one  of  the  brightest 
examples  of  enterprise  and  perseverance  within  its 
limits.  His  large  and  well  cultivated  farm,  embracing 
nearly  400  acres  of  valuable  land,  and  the  buildings 
which  he  has  erected  upon  it,  are  sufficient  indica- 
tion of  the  spirit  of  progress  and  the  resolute  will 
which  have  characterized  his  labors.  He  has  one 
of  the  best  residences  in  the  township — -a  neat, 
commodious  and  tasteful  structure,  replete  with 
modern  conveniences  and  furnished  in  good  style. 
Tiie  outbuildings  and  farm  machinery  are  what 
would  reasonably  be  expected  from  a  man  of  Lis 
calibre.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  stock-raising, 
chiefly  Norman  and  Percheron  horses,  and  in  addi- 
tion to  his  other  interests,  handles  harvest  ma- 
chinery to  quite  an  extent. 

Our  subject  was  the  eldest  son  of  his  parents, 
and  was  born  in  Ray  County,  Mo.,  Dec.  6,  1835. 
His  father,  James  C.  Means,  was  a  native  of  Chris- 

tian County,  Ky.,  and  married  Miss  Elvira  Mc- 
Williams,  who  was  born  in  Illinois;  when  about 
four  years  old  she  went  with  her  parents,  who  set- 
tled in  Lexington  County,  Mo.  After  marriage 
the  father  of  our  subject  settled  in  Ray  Countj', 
and  then  removed  to  Buchanan  County,  where  he 
died  in  1851.  The  mother  is  still  living  and  makes 
her  home  with  our  subject.  The  parental  house- 
hold consisted  of  twelve  children;  two  died  in  in- 
fancy, while  six  daughters  and  four  sons  grew  to 
maturity.     Of  these  eight  are  now  living. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  about  thirteen 
years  old  when  his  parents  took  up  their  residence 
in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  where  he  lived  until 
twenty-one  years  of  age,  and  was  there  married 
on  the  16th  of  December,  1856,  to  Miss  Lucinda 
F.,  daughter  of  William  E.  and  Janira  (McBride) 
Riley.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Means  were  n.atives  of 
Kentucky,  and  were  married  in  Boone  Countj^,  Mo. 
Thence  they  removed  to  Callaway  County,  Mo., 
and  from  there  in  ]  843  to  Buchanan  County,  of 
which  they  remained  residents  for  thirty  ye.irs. 
The  mother  died  in  1872,  and  Mr.  Riley  afterward 
came  to  this  county,  in  1879,  settling  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  where  he  now  resides. 

To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Means  there  were  born 
fourteen  children  — ^seven  sons  and  seven  daugh- 
ters— twelve  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years.  Lu- 
cinda F.  was  the  third  in  oi'der  of  birth,  and  was 
born  in  Boone  County,  Mo.,  Aug.  5,  1839.  She 
is  now  the  mother  of  eleven  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  a  daughter,  Nancy  E.,  is  the  wife  of  Charles 
Bras,  of  Elm  Creek  Township;  William  E.  married 
Miss  Emma  Hunt,  of  Blue  Rapids  Township,  and 
tliey  live  in  Marysville ;  James  W.  marrried  Essie 
Hunt  of  Blue  Rapids  City;  Nellie  A.,  is  the  wife 
of  S.  J.  Frazier,  of  Vermillion;  Sarah  J.  is  tlie  wife 
uf  L.  H.  Calkins,  of  Marysville;  Eva  B.  married 
Cliarles  Ma3'or,  of  Elm  Creek;  Charles  G.,  Benja- 
min F.,  Edgar  W.,  Edna  F.,  and  Lucy  M.  remain 
at  home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Means 
have  eighteen  grandchildren. 

Mr.  Means  was  County  Assessor  for  two  years 
before  the  countj'  was  divided  into  townships.  He 
has  served  as  Township  Trustee  and  Justice  of,  the 
Pe.ace,  and  was  Postmaster  of  Elm  Creek  for  a  per- 
iod of  seven  years.     Politicallj'.  he  was  formerly  a 



Republican,  bnl  is  now  in  sympathy-  with  the 
Union  Labor  party.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are 
active  members  of  the  Missionary  Baptist  Church, 
in  which  Mr.  Means  has  officiated  as  Deacon  for 
nearly  twenty  years.  He  is  the  friend  of  education 
and  of  progress  in  all  its  forms. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Means  set- 
tled in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  but  in  the  fall  of 
1860  came  to  this  county,  where  he  secured  160 
acres  of  land  on  section  35,  and  lived  there  five 
years.  He  then  purchased  his  farm  on  section  26, 
where  he  has  since  lived.  He  may  be  most  prop- 
erly classed  among  the  earliest  pioneers  of  Elm 
Creek  Township,  as  he  put  up  the  first  house 
within  its  limits.  He  has  been  permitted  to  watch 
the  growth  and  development  of  one  of  the  richest 
sections  of  the  Great  West,  and  may  properly  feel 
that  he  has  borne  no  unimportant  part  in  bringing 
it  to  its  present  condition.  As  a  representative  of 
the  worth  and  abilitj'  of  this  part  of  we  are 
pleased  to  present  to  our  readers  a  fine  portrait  of 
Mr.  Means. 



I  EZIN  CLARK,  a  prominent  farmer  of  Mar- 
shall Count}-,  Kan.,  is  a  son  of  John  and 
Lucinda  (Jennings)  Clark,  natives  respect- 
ively of  Ireland  and  Ohio.  Mr.  and  Jlrs- 
John  Clark  were  married  in  Ohio,  at  the  home  of 
the  bride's  parents  in  Hancock  Count}-,  and  made 
that  county  their  place  of  residence  for  some  years, 
subsequently  removing  to  Allen  County.  Ohio, 
where  Mr.  Clark  spent  the  rest  of  his  earthly  pil- 
grimage, leaving,  at  its  close,  his  aged  companion 
to  pursue  the  remainder  of  the  journey  alone,  yet 
not  altogether  alone,  for  the  One  whom  they  both 
so  faithfully  worshipped  has  said,  "I  will  never 
leave  thee  nor  forsake  thee."  The  family  of  this 
worthy  couple  embraced  ten  children  of  whom  our 
subject  was  the  fifth.  He  was  born  in  Allen 
County,  Ohio,  March  24,  1852,  and  was  reared  to 
manhood  on  his  father's  farm,  remaining  under  the 
parental  roof  until  the  spring  of  1871.  In  that 
year  he  started  out  in  the  world  to  do  for  himself, 
and  after  "spying  out  the  land"  somewhat,  decided 

to  settle  in  Center  Township.  As  a  nucleus  for  fu- 
ture operations,  he  purchasid  eigiity  acres  of  fine 
land  and  at  once  set  to  work  breaking  up  the  tough 
prairie  sod  preparatory  to  the  regular  plowing  and 
planting,  reaping  and  gathering  into  barns,  which 
fill  up  the  measure  of  the  ideal  life  of  the  tiller  of 
the  soil.  As  a  matter  of  course,  the  first  buildings 
erected  by  him  were  designed  and  constructed  ac- 
cording to  the  severest  pi;inciples  of  economy,  but 
in  due  course  of  time  these  homely  structures  were 
replaced  bj'  others  more  in  accordance  with  the 
principles  of  art,  and  also  more  roomy  and  conven- 
ient. Other  improvements  were  made  as  rapidl}'  as 
possible  and  our  subject  was  enabled  to  increase  the 
size  of  the  farm  3'ear  by  3'ear,  until  he  now  owns  a 
well-tilled  place  of  360  acres  of  good  land,  located 
on  section  25.  In  addition  to  the  usual  routine 
work  of  the  farm,  Mr.  Clark  has  been  quite  success- 
ful as  a  stock-raiser,  and  has  placed  some  line 
animals  on  the  market  for  which  he  has  received 
highly  remunerative  prices. 

Wishing  to  secure  for  his  children  better  edu- 
cational advantages,  and  desiring  a  change  in  his 
own  mode  of  life,  Mr.  Clark  removed  to  Frankfort 
during  the  year  1888,  and  engaged  in  a  general 
mercantile  business.  He  has  not,  however,  entirely 
given  up  the  farm  but  operates  it  pretty  much  as 
usual,  finding  it  an  excellent  summer  residence  for 
his  family. 

Mr.  Clark  was  married  Aug.  15,  1873,  in  Mar- 
shall County,  Kan.,  to  Miss  Jane  Ewart,  a  Scottish 
lass,  whose  birth  occurred  Aug.  24,  1855.  Mrs. 
Clark  possesses  all  the  sterling  virtues  of  her  race, 
and  is  withal  a  graceful,  charming  woman,  whose 
acquaintance  is  much  sought  for  and  whose  friend- 
ship is  highly  prized.  Since  her  marriage  she  has 
become  the  mother  of  seven  children  of  whom  two 
died  in  infancy.  The  living  are:  Alvin,  Warren, 
Clara,  Charles  and  Elsie. 

Mr.  Clark  is  a  wide-awake,  go-ahead,  public- 
spirited  man,  right  in  the  prime  of  life  and  bound 
to  make  a  success  of  whatever  he  undertakes. 
Politicall}^  he  falls  into  line  with  the  Democratic 
party,  but  has  no  time  to  spare  for  any  party  work. 
He  is  contented  to  fulfill  his  duties  as  a  citizen  in 
private  life,  leaving  to  others  the  honors  and  emol- 
uments of  public  oHice.      Although    declining    the 



responsibilities  and,  sometimes,  embarrassments  of 
office,  he  does  not  refuse  to  assist,  according  to  his 
ability,  in  everything  tending  to  promote  the  best 
interests  of  the  community  in  which  he  resides. 
He  keeps  himself  well  informed  on  all  subjects  of 
general  interest,  taking  especial  pride  in  the  pro- 
gress of  his  native  land.  Mrs.  Clark  is  a  conscien- 
tious member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

BENJAMIN  J.  HAMMETT  departed  this 
^  life  at  his  home  in  Elm  Creek  Township, 
May  6,  1874,  leaving  to  his  widow  and 
family  a  fine,  large  property,  embracing 
960  acres  of  land  besides  property  in  Marvsville. 
Mrs.  Hammett  since  the  death  of  her  husband  has 
managed  her  farming  and  business  interests  with 
more  than  ordinar3f  ability,  being  a  very  capable 
and  intelligent  lady  and  possessed  of  business 
qualities  in  a  marked  degree.  She  has  an  extremely 
pleasant  home  which  she  maintains  in  a  manner  in- 
dicative of  refined  tastes  and  ample  means,  and  she 
occupies  a  leading  position  in  the  comaiunitjr. 

Mrs.  Hammett  was  born  in  the  North  of  Ireland, 
March  18,  1827,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Mathew 
and  Eleanor  (Monteith)  Robb,  whose  native  place 
was  near  that  of  their  daughter.  The  parents  there 
spent  their  childhood  and  youth  and  after  marriage 
sojourned  there  a  few  years,  the  father  being  en- 
gaged as  teacher  in  one  of  the  high  schools.  He 
was  a  man  of  excellent  education  and  a  graduate 
of  Trinity  College,  Dublin.  The  confinement  of 
the  schoolroom  greatly  impaired  his  health  and  he 
finally  engaged  as  private  tutor  in  the  familj^  of  an 
Episcopal  clergyman,  where  his  duties  were  less 
onerous  and  he  enjoyed   more  leisure  and  exercise. 

In  the  spring  of  1831  the  Robb  family  decided 
to  seek  their  fortunes  in  America  and  after  an 
ocean  voyage  of  eight  weeks  on  a  sailing  vessel 
landed  in  New  York  City.  Thence  thej-  proceeded 
to  Franklin  Count}^  N.  Y.,  where  the  father  pur- 
chased a  farm,  paying  therefor  $1,000,  but  on  ac- 
count of  an  imperfect  title  it  proved  a  total  loss. 
He  was  then  obliged  to  return  to  his  professional 
life  and    engaged  as    a   teacher    and    book-keeper 

until  about  1837.  Then  leaving  the  States  he  went 
into  the  Dominion  of  Canada  with  his  family,  pur- 
chasing another  farm,  but  the  air  of  the  Dominion 
did  not  restore  his  health  which  completely  failed 
and  the  mother  was  obliged  to  raise  the  family  and 
look  after  its  financial  affairs. 

In  1853,  the  Robb  family  returning  to  the  States, 
located  in  Henry  County,  111.,  but  only  lived  there 
one  j'ear.  Then  going  South  they  purchased  a 
farm  nine  miles  from  Little  Rock,  Ark.,  where  the 
parents  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives,  the 
father  dying  in  the  fall  of  1856  and  the  mother  in 
.June,  1862.  They  were  the  parents  of  a  large 
family  of  children,  nine  of  whom  lived  to  mature 
years  and  of  whom  Rebecca  was  among  the  elder 

Mrs.  Hammett  was  nearly  five  years  old  when 
her  parents  emigrated  to  America,  and  she  went  to 
Illinois  about  six  months  prior  to  the  removal  of 
the  famil^^  to  that  State,  remaining  with  lier  sister 
until  her  marriage,  which  took  place  near  Chilli- 
cothe,  in  Pecn-ia  County,  April  20,  1853.  Her 
husband,  Benjamin  J.  Hammett,  was  born  near  Bowl- 
ing Green,  Ky.,  and  emigrated  to  Illinois  the  year 
prior  to  the  Black  Hawk  War,  locating  in  Peoria 
Covmty,  where  he  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits 
at  Cbillicothe. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.Hammet  after  their  marriage  resided 
in  Chillicothe,  111.,  until  their  removal  to  this  State 
Aug.  23,  1859.  They  left  there  on  the  20th  of 
April  and  first  went  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  over- 
land where  Mr.  Hammett  intended  to  engage  in 
mining.  Circumstances,  however,  prevented  their 
remaining  and  thej'  then  came  to  this  county,  lo- 
cating in  what  is  now  Elm  Creek  Township  on  the 
Big  Blue.  By  purchase  and  preemption  Mr.  Ham- 
mett secured  six  quarter  sections  of  land  and  there- 
after gave  his  attention  fully  to  agricultural 

Seven  children  were  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife  but  the  first  born,  a  son,  died  in  in- 
fancy. Paul  A.,  Charles  A.,  and  Lyman  H.  are 
engaged  in  farming  for  themselves  in  Elm  Creek 
Township.  Olive  B.,  Benjamin  J.  and  Eleanor  A., 
yet  remain  at  home  with  their  mother.  Mrs. 
Hammett  was  trained  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Epis- 
copal Church,  with  which  she  united  when  a  maiden 



of  sixteen  years,  but  on  coming  to  Illinois  joined 
the  Presbyterian  Cliurcb.  Tlie  Hammett  bome- 
stead  stands  out  prominently  in  the  landscape  of 
Elm  Creek  Township,  and  comprises  one  of  its 
most  delightful  pictures.  The  dwelling  and  the 
■nain  barn  are  solid  stone  structures,  built  in  that 
substantial  manner  which  would  seem  to  insure 
their  existence  for  a  century.  There  are  fruit  and 
shade  trees  in  abundance,  live  stock  and  farm  ma- 
chinery and  all  the  other  appliances  pf  the  well- 
legulated  rural  home.  It  is  the  frequent  resort  of  the 
best  people  of  the  county,  to  whom  the  Hammett 
family  is  widely  and  favorably  known  as  occupying 
no  secondary  position  in  the  social  circle. 

7/ RANK  G.  STETTNLSCH.  This  well-hnown 
German  farmer  of  Herkimer  Townsiiip,  is 
located  on  a  well-regulated  farm  of  308 
acres,  occupying  a  part  of  section  29,  and  where  he 
has  brought  the  soil  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 
He  [lossesses  in  a  marked  m.inner  the  characteris- 
tics of  his  nationality,  thrift,  industry  and  persever- 
ance, which  qualities  have  enabled  him  to  obtain  a 
competence  for  his  old  age.  As  a  citizen  he  is  con- 
sidered a  man  of  strict  integrity,  one  who  pays  his 
honest  debts,  and  makes  a  specialty  of  attending 
to  his  own  concerns. 

The  opening  years  in  the  life  of  our  subject, 
were  spent  in  the  town  of  Sonnanburg,  Province 
of  Brandenburg,  Germany,  where  he  was  born  Dec. 
4,  1855.  His  parents  were  Charles  and  Caroline 
(Kruschel)  Stettnisch,  whose  ancestors  had  been  na- 
tives of  Germany  for  centuries,  and  whose  grand- 
parents died  there  at  about  the  age  of  ninety  years. 
In  the  summer  of  1867,  August,  the  eldest  brother 
of  our  subject,  emigrated  to  America,  and  located 
in  tills  county.  In  1868,  he  was  joined  by  the  par- 
ents and  the  remaining  seven  children.  The  mother 
died  in  November,  1869.  The  father  is  still  liv- 
ing, making  his  home  near  Marysville.  Both  were 
members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  in  Germanj'. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  reared  to  man's 
estate  in  this  county,  and  in  Nov.  22,  1879,  was 
married    to  Miss  ^lary,  daughter  of    Krnest  and 

Elizabeth  (Fink)  Heitfeld.  The  parents  of  Mrs. 
Stettnisch  were  also  natives  of  Germany,  and  born 
in  the  Province  of  Hanover.  Thej'  likewise  became 
identified  with  the  Lutheran  Church  in  early  life. 
They  came  into  this  county  in  1868,  and  are  still 
living  in  Herkimer  Township.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stett- 
nisch are  the  parents  of  six  children,  viz:  Henry, 
Lena,  Frank,  Amelia,  Sophia,  and  Charles.  One 
sou,  P^rnest,  died  when  quite  young.  True  to  the 
teachings  of  their  early  years,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stett- 
nisch are  also  members  of  the  Lutheran  Churoli. 

At  the  time  of  the  purchase  of  the  present  farm 
by  our  subject,  the  only  building  upon  it  was  a 
small  frame  house.  He  has  erected  a  good  stable, 
corn-cribs,  wagon-sheds,  and  other  needed  struc- 
tures, and  has  the  land  all  fenced  and  brought  to  a 
productive  condition.  His  apple  orchard  comprises 
about  fifty  trees.  Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen, 
Mr.  Stettnisch  identified  himself  with  the  Repub- 
lican party,  but  lately  votes  the  Democratic  ticket. 
He  has  very  little  to  do  with  public  aiJairs,  and 
pursues  the  even  tenor  of  his  way  as  a  law-abiding 
citizen,  keeping  out  of  the  courts,  and  maintaining 
the  good  will  of  those  around  him. 

\Tny)KNJAM[N  W.  SMITH.     There  is  probably 
IL^    no    more   popular  man   in   his  community 

I^Mvitl  ''^^^'^  ^^'  ^™''''^'  ^^"^  ^^  numbered  among 
^^=^'  the  leading  land  owners  of  Richland  Town- 
ship. He  is  peculiarly  genial  and  hospitable  in  his 
make-up,  while  his  strict  integrity  and  upright 
character,  have  gained  for  him  the  good  will  of  all 
who  know  him.  ,He  is  a  life-long  farmer,  and  op- 
ates  240  acres  of  finely  imi)roved  land  on  the  north- 
e.Tst  quarter  of  section  17.  The  whole  has  been 
brought  under  good  cultivation,  is  fenced  and 
cross-fenced,  and  embellished  with  neat  and  sub- 
stantial modern  buildings.  Mr.  Smith  has  by  his 
own  exertions  acquired  a  good  fund  of  practical 
knowledge,  and  is  a  man  with  whom  an  hour  may 
always  be  spent  pleasantly  and  profitably. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Clinton,  Summit  Co., 
Ohio,  Sept.  22,  1 839,  and  is  the  son  of  Freeman  O. 
Smith,  who  was  likewise  a  native  of   the   Buckeye 



State,  and  born  about  the  middle  of  January,  1814. 
The  mother  of  Benjamin  W.  was,  in  her  girlliood. 
Miss  Mar^'  Wholf,  a  native  of  Shii)pensburg,Pa.,  and 
who  went  with  her  parents  to  Ohio,  wlicn  a  maiden 
of  fifteen  j-ears.  She  was  born  in  1814,  and  died 
in  1877.  After  marriage  the  parents  of  our  sub- 
ject settled  in  Summit  County,  Ohio,  and  the  father 
was  employed  on  a  canal  boat,  and  finally  became 
captain  and  owner  of  a  boat,  making  his  head- 
quarters in  Clinton.  About  1845,  our  subject, 
leaving  his  native  State,  removed  with  his  parents 
to  what  is  now  Lot's  Grove,  in  -Worth  County, 
Mo.,  and  there  spent  his  boyhood  days  on  a  farm. 
He  acquired  a  practical  education,  mostly  by  his 
own  exertions,  and  later  in  the  town  of  Allen 
learned  wagon-making,  at  wliich  he  worked  for  a 
number  of  years.  Finally  his  parents  removed  to 
Gentr}'  County,  Mo.,  in  1876,  and  there  the 
mother  died.  Tiie  father  is  still  living  there.  lie 
was  the  first  man  to  put  up  a  house  in  Lot's  Grove, 
this  being  erected  in  1845,  before  the  land  had  been 
surve3'ed,  and  while  the  country  was  overrun  with 

Amid  these  wild  scenes  our  subject  developed 
into  a  strong  and  vigorous  manhood,  and  when 
ready  to  establish  a  home  of  his  own  he  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Miss  Celia  J.  Gibson.  The  young 
people  had  their  first  home  at  Allendale,  where  our 
subject  worked  as  a  wagon-maker  and  a  carperjter, 
and  also  operated  a  sawmill  for  some  years.  About 
1865  he  removed  to  Blanchard,  Page  Co.,  Iowa, 
whicii  remained  his  home  until  1883.  In  the  mean- 
time he  turned  his  attention  to  agricultural  pur- 
suits, making  a  specialty  of  live  stock,  raising  cattle 
and  swine,  and  shipping  to  Chicago.  In  March, 
1883,  he  came  to  this  county  and  purchased  a  tract 
of  raw  prairie,  from  which  he  constructed  his 
present  homestead.  He  set  out  fruit  and  forest 
trees  and  shrubbery,  which  have  grown  and  flour- 
ished, his  orchards  supplying  the  family  with  lus- 
cious fruits,  and  his  forest  trees  making  a  pleasant 
shade  in  summer,  and  serving  as  a  protection  from 
the  blasts  of  winter.  He  has  a  windmill,  and  the 
other  machinery  required  for  the  successful  prose- 
cution of  farming,  and  keeps  himself  posted  in  re- 
gard to  the  modern  methods  of  cultivating  the 
soil  to  the  best  advantage.     He  has  declined  the 

responsibilities  of  offlce  with  the  exception  of  one 
term,  when,  much  against  his  will,  he'  was  pressed 
into  service  as  Township  Treasurer.  He  finds  his 
religious  home  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Churcli 
of  Mission  Creek,  and  operates  as  Steward  and 
Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith  there  have  been  born  . 
nine  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living:  James 
F.  married  Miss  Fannie  Glick,  and  is  located  on  a 
farm  three  miles  west  of  his  father;  George  S.  is  a 
resident  of  Balderson  Townsliip;  Walter  L.  remains 
with  his  parents;  Dora  R.  is  the  wife  of  Perr_y 
Graham-,  a  farmer  of  Richland  Township;  Arthur 
D.,  Wesley  T.,  and  Uberto  M.,  continue  to  reside 
under  the  parental  roof.  All  the  children  of  Mr. 
Smith  are  well  educated.  George  S.  completed  his 
studies  in  College  Springs,  Iowa.  He  has  been  for 
some  time  engaged  in  farming.  The  family  occu- 
pies a  high  social  position  in  their  community,  and 
their  home  is  the  resort  of  its  best  people. 

AVID  CRAIK.  The  well-cultivated  farm 
belonging  to  Mr.  Craik,  indicates  in  a  for- 
cible manner  his  character  for  enterprise, 
prudence  and  industry.  He  has  never 
been  afraid  to  put  his  hand  to  the  plow  and  in  the 
accumulation  of  his  possessions  has  labored  early 
and  late,  but  if  choosing  so  to  ilo  might  now  justi- 
fiably retire  from  active  labor.  His  carefull}'  cul- 
tivated fields  make  a  beautiful  picture  in  the 
landscape,  while  he  has  a  neat  and  substantial 
dwelling  and  all  the  other  comforts  of  modern 
rural  life.  His  property  embraces  160  acres  pleas- 
antly located  on  section  30,  and  eighty  acres  on 
section  19. 

A  native  of  Staffordshire,  England,  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  was  bom  March  .5,  1825,  and  is  the 
son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Piggott)  Craik, 
who  were  natives  of  the  same  shire  as  their  son. 
His  parents  were  reared,  married  and  spent  their 
entire  lives  near  the  place  of  their  birth.  The 
mother  died  when  a  young  woman,  in  1832.  The 
father  lived  lo  be  ripe  in  years,  passing  away  in 
1875.     Of  the  seven  children    born  to  them,  four 



fire  now  living,  and  David  was  the  fourth  in  order 
of  birth.  The  boyhood  and  youth  of  Mr.  Craik 
were  spent  in  the  Old  Country,  he  in  the  meantime 
receiving  a  fair  education  and  acquiring  those 
habits  of  industry  and  frugality  which  have  greatly 
aided  him  in  achieving  success.  When  a  young 
man  of  twenty-four  years  he  resolved  to  seek  his  for- 
tune on  another  continent,  and  accordingly  crossed 
the  Atlantic,  landing  safely  in  New  York  City; 
thence  he  proceeded  at  once  to  De  Kalb  County, 
111.,  where  he  sojourned  one  3'ear,  then  removed  to 
Jo  Daviess  County,  of  which  he  was  a  resident  five 
j^ears.  His  next  removal  was  to  Ogle  County, 
where  he  lived  until  1870.  That  year  lie  came  to 
Kansas,  locating  in  Washington  County,  whence  he 
removed,  in  1871,  to  his  present  farm  where  he  has 
since  lived. 

The  18th  of  October,  1855,  marked  a  memora- 
ble epoch  in  the  life  of  our  subject,  namely,  his 
marriage  with  Miss  Martha  Ann,  a  daughter  of 
.Limes  and  Deliuda  (Boone)  Craig.  Mr.  Craig  was 
born  in  Ohio,  while  his  wife  was  a  native  of  Mis- 
souri, and  the  daughter  of  Col.  Nathan  Boone, 
who  was  the  j-oungest  son  of  Daniel  Boone,  the 
pioneer  and  Indian  fighter  of  Kentucky.  Col.  Boone 
was  stationed  at  Ft.  Leavenworth  while  attached 
to  the  regular  armj-.  He  owned  a  farm  near  Ash 
Grove,  Mo.,  where  he  died  in  1857,  while  home  on 
a  furlough.  James  Craig  was  a  mill  operator  and 
the  owner  of  mill  proper!}'  at  Hanover,  Jo  Daviess 
Co.,  111.;  both  he  and  his  wife  are  deceased.  He 
was  captain  of  a  company  of  volunteers  in  the 
Black  Hawk  War.  Of  the  thirteen  children  born 
to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Craik  eleven  are  living  and  named 
respectivel}-,  David  J..  Luella  E.,  Emma  A.,  Orpha 
I.,  Joseph  W.,  Lionel  L.  G.,  Grace  A..  Charles  W., 
Frank  A.,  Florence  O.  and  Jesse  A.  Albert  B. 
died  in  1874,  and  Cora  H.  in   1872. 

The  farm  of  Mr.  Craik  comprises  240  acres,  all 
in  one  tract  and  all  in  a  highly  productive  condi- 
tion. The  residence  was  erected  six  j'ears  ago. 
Mr.  Craik  has  cultivated  his  own  land  with  the 
lielp  of  his  sons,  and  makes  a  specialty  of  stock- 
raising,  keeping  usually  eighty-seven  head  of  cat- 
tle, seven  head  of  liorses  and  forty  head  of  swine. 
He  has  been  an  active  man  in  politics.  He  was 
first  a  Free  Soiler,  then  a  Republican,  later  a  Green- 

backer  and  now  (1889)  votes  the  Union  Labor 
ticket.  He  is  Treasurer  of  Balderson  Township, 
and  has  officiated  as  Road  Overseer  and  a  member 
of  the  School  Board.  He  is  identified  with  the 
I.  O.  0.  F.,  the  Grange  and  the  Alliance,  in  both  of 
which  he  has  held  the  various  offices.  In  religious 
belief  he  is  an  Episcopalian.  Mrs.  Craik  belongs 
to  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  while  David 
and  Luella  are  members    of  the  Christian  Church. 

OHN  HUNT.  The  genial  countenance  of 
Mr.  Hunt  has  been  familiar  to  the  citizens 
of  Mar3-sville  Township  for,  lo,  these  many 
years.  His  life  occupation  has  been  mainlj' 
that  of  a  farmer,  but  since  1879  he  has  officiated 
much  of  the  time  as  a  minister  of  the  United 
Brethren  Church.  He  takes  a  bright  and  cheerful 
view  of  life  and  is  peculiarly  adapted  to  his  pious 
calling,  presenting  the  truths  of  religion  in  the 
happy  and  attractive  manner  which  has  for  the 
3'oung,  especially,  the  best  results.  Providence 
has  blessed  him  with  a  contented  disposition  and 
a  fair  share  of  this  world's  goods,  with  the  faculty 
of  making  the  most  of  life  under  all  circumstances 
and  being  able  to  extract  therefrom  a  large  amount 
of  enjoyment.  He  is  one  of  those  men  seeking  to 
do  good  at  every  opportunity,  never  turning  any 
needy  from  his  door,  and  has  thus  made  a  good 
record  for  himself  among  his  fellow-men. 

Mr.  Hunt  was  born  in  Lincolnshire,  England, 
Nov.  19,  1831,  and  with  the  exception  of  two 
years  spent  in  Nottinghamshire  lived  there  contin- 
uouslj^  until  1 853.  Then  a  young  man  of  twenty- 
two  j'ears,  he.  determined  upon  emigrating  to 
America,  and  after  a  six  weeks'  voj'age  landed 
safely  in  New  Orleans.  Thence  he  proceeded  to 
New  Albany,  Ind.,  where  he  was  variously'  en- 
gaged and  where  he  remained  about  three  years. 
We  next  find  him  established  on  a  farm  in  Morgan 
Countj',  111.,  where  he  operated  upon  rented  land 
until  1866.  That  year  he  changed  his  residence  to 
Clark  County,  Wis.,  and  for  four  3-ears  thereafter 
was  employed  in  the  lumber  regions.  Finally,  in 
October,  1870,  he  crossed  tlie  Mississippi  and  com- 



ing  to  this  county  resumed  farming  on  rented  land 
for  six  years.  He  then  purcliased  IGO  acres  on 
secti<jn  6  in  Mar3'sville  Tovvnshi|).  where  he  put  up 
a  residence  and  has  since  remained.  He  was  pros- 
pered in  his  farming  operations  and  has  always 
managed  to  make  a  comfortable  living  for  himself 
and  his  little  family. 

In  Lincolnshire,  Englmd.  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Charlotte  Cox,  who  was  born  there 
not  far  from  the  early  home  of  her  husband.  .She 
bore  liini  two  children,  Sarah  and  George,  and  ac- 
companied her  family  to  America,  but  died  on  the 
Ohio  Riv^er  ten  days  after  landing  at  New  Orleans. 
'i'he  bereaved  husband  took  the  remains  to  Evans- 
ville,  Ind.,  where  they  were  consigned  to  their  final 
rest.  Mr.  Hunt  was  destined  to  a  still  further 
afHiction  in  the  de.ath  of  his  two  children,  who  were 
taken  away  three  days  after  the  decease  of  the 
mother  and  were  laid  by  iier  side  in  the  eemetei-y 
at  Evansville. 

Mr.  Hunt  contracted  a  second  marriage  at  Jack- 
sonville, 111.,  vvith  Miss  Sylvia  Miller,  who  was 
born  in  Morgan  County,  111.,  and  was  of  German 
parentage.  She  became  the  mother  of  eight  chil- 
dren and  departed  this  life  at  tiie  homestead  in 
Marysville  Township,  this  count}'.  May  7,  187.5. 
Their  eldest  daughter.  Mary  L.,  is  tiie  wife  of 
Mathias  Stuffell;  John  W.  married  Miss  Laviua 
Gough  ;  Emma  is  the  wife  of  Allen  Hall;  Sarah  A., 
Charlotte,  Samuel,  Jacob  and  Sylvia,  remain  at 
home  with  their  father.  Mr.  Hunt,  politically,  is 
a  straightforward  Republican,  a  man  of  decided 
views  and  one  who  upholds  his  principles  with  all 
the  natural  strength  of  his  character.  It  is  safe  to 
say  that  he  has  no  enemies,  as  he  has  the  happy 
faculty  of  making  everyone  his  friend,  and  the  still 
rarer  one  of  treating  courteously  the  stranger  who 
comes  to  his  door  and  perhaps  has  a  favor  to  ask 
of  him. 


'IN LEY  McDonald.  Among  the  many 
nationalities  represented  in  America,  the 
Scotch  have  ever  taken  the  foremost  rank 
for  their  many  virtues.  Clannish  tliey  may  be  in 
their  devotion  to  those  of  their  own  race  and   kin- 

dred, yet  they  are  ever  kindly  in  their  intercourse 
with  all  with  whom  they  meet,  proving  excellent 
neighbors;  of  strict  integrity  and  with  their 
sterner  traits  of  character  adorned  by  the  domestic 
virtues,  as  tlie  rough  surface  of  their  native  land 
is  by  the  blossoms  of  the  gorse.  A  worthy  repre- 
sentative of  this  land  and  people  is  the  gentleman 
whose  name  heads  our  sketch  and  who  has  been  a 
resident  of  this  connty  for  the  past  quarter  of  a 

He  was  born  in  Rosshire,  Scotland,  Jan.  12, 1811. 
His  parents  were  John  and  Ann  (McKenzie)  McDon- 
ald, both  natives  of  the  shire  in  which  their  son 
was  born.  The  father  died  in  Scotland  at  the  age 
of  eighty-four.  The  mother  coming  to  America 
after  his  death,  in  1857,  breathed  her  last  in  Marys- 
ville Township,  this  county,  in  the  year  1869,  also 
at  the  age  of  eighty-four.  Our  subject  was  the 
oldest  of  a  family  of  seven  children.  At  the  age 
of  fourteen  he  engaged  in  fishing  for  a  livelihood 
and  followed  that  business  in  connection  with  trad- 
ing until  the  year  1 854,  when  he  came  with  his 
family,  which  included  a  wife  and  six  children,  to 
Montreal,  Canada.  They  crossed  the  Atlantic  in 
a  sailing  vessel  "John  Howard,"  which  took  eight- 
een days  in  the  passage.  They  tarried  in  Montreal 
but  six  weeks  when  the}'  came  to  Stark  County,  III. 
Here  Mr.  McDonald  bought  a  farm  at  Elmira,  at 
which  place  they  lived  until  the  spring  of  1864, 
when  he  sold  his  farm  and  removed  to  this  county. 
Selecting  Marysville  Township  as  his  location  he 
preempted  eighty  acres  and  homcsteaded  160  acres 
of  land,  lying  on  sections  2  and  11,  the  homestead 
being  on  the  latter  section.  Mr.  McDonald  has 
erected  excellent  buildings  upon  his  haul  and  accu- 
mulated propert}-  until  he  is  now  the  fortunate 
possessor  of  about  800  acres  of  land  all  lying  in 
Marysville  Township.  He  gives  his  attention 
wholly  to  farming  and  stock-raising,  having  large 
herds  of  both  horses  and  cattle. 

At  Inverness,  Scotland, Dec.  25, 1842,  Mr.  McDon- 
ald was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Janet  Ross, 
daughter  of  James  and  Ann  (Campbell)  Ross.  Mrs. 
McDonald  was  one  of  a  family  of  eleven  children, 
being  the  seventh  in  order  of  birth.  Her  parents 
died  in  Scotland  both  having  attained  only  to  the 
age   of  fifty-five.      Mrs.    McDonald's    birth    took 



place  April  2,  1819.  She  is  the  mother  of  twelve 
children,  named  respectivelj' :  Annie  died  on  Sept. 
20,  1889,  she  was  tlie  wife  of  C.  A.  Irabert,  her 
home  was  in  Victoria,  British  Columbia;  she  left 
eight  children.  Her  husband  was  a  soldier  iii  the 
late  war  and  was  at  one  time  county  clerk  of  Mar- 
shall Countj-,  Kan.;  Belle  is  the  wife  of  Alexander 
Campbell,  now  District  Clerk  of  Marshall  County; 
Bettie  is  the  wife  of  Henry  Saunders,  a  farmer  of 
Marysville  Township;  William  married  Lola  Parks, 
and  is  a  farmer  of  Marysville  Township;  James  is 
single  and  lives  at  home ;  Mary  is  the  wife  of  Al- 
exander Inglis,  they  are  farming  in  Pawnee  County, 
Neb.;  John  married  Elizabeth  Diinant,  and  resides 
in  Marysville  Township;  Maggie  is  single,  and  at 
home.  Collin  died  in  Illinois  in  his  fifth  year: 
Donald.  Jesse  and  Christine  are  single  and  at  home. 
Like  the  majority  of  hiscountrj'men  Mr.  McDon- 
ald takes  a  warm  interest  in  the  education  of  the 
young  and  has  held  the  office  of  School  Trustee 
for  over  twenty  years.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are 
consistent  members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 
Mr.  McDonald  is  a  believer  in  and  a  supporter  of 
the  principles  of  the  Republican  partj'.  He  is  one 
of  the  wealthiest  and  most  influential  citizens  of 
the  township,  both  he  and  his  wife  being  held  in 
high  esteem  as  worth}'  descendants  of  two  of  the 
most  prominent  of  the  Scottish  families. 

^ATRICK  FIXNIGIX.  The  biographer,  in 
his  migrations,  has  not  been  permitted  to 
meet  a  more  whole-souled,  genial  and  hos- 
pitable gentleman  than  Mr.  Finnigin.  He 
may  be  designated  as  one  of  those  willing  to  "live 
and  let  live,"  and  evidently  extracts  as  much  en- 
joyment from  entertaining  his  friends,  as  they  in 
turn  experience  in  sojourning  under  his  hospitable 
I'oof.  He  is  numbered  among  the  representative 
farmers  of  Guittard  Township,  where  he  has  a  fine 
body  of  land,  280  acres  in  extent  and  pleasantly 
located  on  sections  1 5  and  22,  the  residence  beino' 
on  the  former. 

:\[r.  Finnigin  is  accredited  with  being  the  heaviest 
tax  payer  on  stock  in  his  township.  He  mtikes  a  spec- 

ialty of  high  grade  Short-horn  cattle  and  Poland- 
China  and  Chester-white  swine,  often  keeping  as 
many  as  250  of  the  former  and  300  of  the  latter,  and 
which  it  is  liardly  necessary  to  say  yield  him  hand- 
some products.  In  looking  after  his  various  interests 
he  is  absent  from  home  most  of  the  time,  but  super- 
intends the  operations  of  the  farm,  and  each  year 
manages  to  add  something  to  its  beauty  and  value. 
Our  subject  was  born  in  County  Antrim,  Ire- 
land, Feb.  16,  1848,  and  lived  there  until  a  young 
man  of  twenty  years.  He  in  the  meantime  acquired 
a  limited  education  in  the  common  schools,  and  was 
taught  those  habits  of  industry  and  economy  whicii 
have  been  the  basis  of  his  success  in  life.  Upon 
coming  to  America  he  at  once  sought  the  Great 
West  and  located  in  tlie  vicinity  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo., 
Thence  he  came  to  this  county  in  1871.  He  pur- 
chased eighty  acres  and  confined  his  attention  to 
this  until  about  1879,  when  he  purchased  the  bal- 
ance of  his  present  large  farm.  The  improvements 
which  we  notice  upon  it  to-day  are  largely  the  re- 
sult of  his  own  industry  and  enterprise.  He  has  set 
out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  including  an  apple  or- 
chard of  five  acres,  and  has  availed  himself  of  mod- 
ern machinery,  including  a  windmill,  and  for  the 
last  few  years  has  made  a  specialty  of  stock. 

In  the  establishment  of  the  Catholic  Church  of 
Beattie,  Mr.  Finnigin  bore  an  important  part,  assist- 
ing in  the  erection  of  the  church  edifice,  and  the 
purchase  of  ground  for  a  cemetery,  and  he  has  al- 
ways taken  a  warm  interest  in  its  prosperity  and 
advancement.  He  was  married  in  1874  to  Miss 
Mary  Ann  Fitzgerald,  and  they  became  the  par- 
ents of  three  children,  only  one  of  whom  is  living, 
namely  a  daughter,  Charlotte,  who  remains  at  home 
with  her  father.  Mrs.  Mary  Ann  Finnigin  departed 
this  life  at  the  homestead  in  1879. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
1880  with  Miss  Catherine  Loob,  a  native  of  Indi- 
ana, and  at  that  time  a  resident  of  St.  Brido-et 
Township.  Her  father,  Thomas  Loob,  was  a  native 
of  Ireland,  and  upon  coming  to  this  county,  en- 
gaged in  farming,  and  is  still  living  in  this  Slate. 
Of  this  marriage  there  have  been  born  four  children, 
three  of  whom  are  living,  namely:  Thomas  Will- 
iam, Henry  ?I.  and  E.  Xora.  The  mother  of  these 
children  departed  this  life  Aug.   23,  1889.      The 

Residence  orJ.G.BiNDER,5Ec,28.  Walnut  Township. 

Res, OF  E.C.M^  K  ellips  .  Sec.  28.  Walnut  Township. 

Residence  OF  Geo.Tillmann  ,  5ec.25.  Logan  Township. 



(Finnigin  homestead  is  regarded  with  an  admiring 
eye  by  the  passing  traveler  and  is  a  fine  illustration 
of  the  resnlts  of  energy  and  perseverance.  The  pro- 
prietor is  amply  worthy  of  a  record  in  the  volume 
designed  to  perpetuate  the  names  of  those  who  came 
as  pioneers  to  this  county,  and  to  whom  it  is  in- 
debted for  its  present  position,  socially,  morally 
and  fluancially. 




J~  O  H  N  i\I  O  S  H  I  S  K  E  Y,  proprietor  of  the 
I  Marysville  Nursery,  is  a  Russian  gentle- 
'  man  of  superior  education,  and  has  been 
'  very  successful  in  his  present  enterprise. 
He  owns  in  m11  360  acres  of  valuable  land,  twenty- 
five  acres  of  which  is  devoted  to  the  smaller  fruits, 
and  sixty  acres  to  an  orchard  of  6,000  trees,  em- 
bracing the  larger  fruits.  He  has  altogether  about 
100,000  trees  and  is  giving  to  this  industr3'  his  en- 
tire attention.  His  land  occupies  a  portion  of  sec- 
tions 10  and  11,  and  has  been  subjected  to  a 
tliorough  process  of  cultivation.  Upon  it  he  has 
erected  good  buildings,  and  he  has  the  modern  con- 
veniences and  implements  which  enable  him  to  ob- 
tain the  best  results  from  his  labors.  Personally 
he  is  a  man  held  in  high  respect  by  the  people  of 
Elm  Creek  Township,  as  combining  the  best  ele- 
ments of  good  citizenship. 

Mr.  Moshiskey  was  born  in  the  Czar's  dominions, 
Feb.  28,  1848,  and  lived  there  until  he  was  about 
twenty-one  years  of  age.  He  was  given  excellent 
educational  advantages,  attending  for  three  j'ears 
the  Imperial  Petrowski  Academy  at  Moscow.  He 
was  an  anibitious  j^outh  and  believed  that  he  could 
make  better  progress,  socially  and  financially,  on 
the  other  side  of  the  ocean,  and  accordingly  in  the 
fall  of  1868  set  out  on  a  Hamburg  steamer  for 
America.  After  a  safe  voyage,  he  landed  in  New 
York  city,  whence  he  proceeded  to  Cliicago,  and 
two  days  later  to  Oilman,  Iroquois  Co.,  III.  In  the 
latter  place  he  entered  the  employ  of  W.  H.  Mann, 
a  nurseryman,  with  whom  he  remained  two  years, 
and  in  the  meantime  made  the  acquaintance  of  an- 
other man  in   the    emplo}'  of  this   gentleman,  and 

the  three  formed  a  partnership  with  the  view  of 
establishing  a  nursery  in  Doniphan  County,  Kan., 
about  four  miles  from  Troy.  Our  subject  remained 
a  member  of  the  firm  two  years,  then  coming  to 
this  county  established  the  Marysville  Nursery,  of 
which  he  became  the  sole  owner  two  years  later, 
since  which  time  he  operated  it  alone.  It  would 
seem  that  he  had  chosen  that  to  which  he  is  fully 
adapted,  as  he  has  been  very  successful,  and  ob- 
tained an  enviable  reputation  in  this  line. 

In  the  fall  of  1882  our  subject  was  married  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  to  Miss  Magdalena  MuUer,  who 
was  born  in  Pfalsburg,  which  was  then  a  province 
of  France,  but  now  belongs  to  German3^  This  union 
resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  children — Emma. 
Peter  and  "Vera.  The  home  of  Mr.  Moshiskey 
is  all  that  could  be  desired  in  point  of  taste  and 
comfort.  The  buildings  are  substantial  and  commo- 
dious,finely  adapted  to  the  general  purposes  of  rural 
life.  Our  subject  takes  a  warm  interest  in  political 
affairs  on  both  hemispheres,  watching  not  only  the 
progress  of  his  own  country  towards  freedom  and 
enlightenment,  but  identifying  himself  fuUj^  with 
the  institutions  of  his  adopted  country.  He  votes 
independently  and  has  served  as  Township  Treas- 
urer two  terms,  besides  holding  the  office  of  School 
Treasurer  two  terms,  and  serving  as  a  Director  in 
his  school  district.  He  occupies  no  secondary  po- 
sition, socially  or  financially,  among  the  leading 
men  of  his  township.  Mrs.  Moshiskey  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  German  Lutheran  Church. 

I  ILTON  C.  BRAINARD,  senior  member 
of  the  firm  of  Brainard  &  Hedge,  lumber 
and  grain  merchants,  Oketo,  is  classed 
among  the  shrewd,  progressive  and  enter- 
prising business  men,  who  are  ably  sustaining  the 
great  commercial  and  agricultural  interests  of  Mar- 
shall County.  He  is  a  native  of  the  State  of  New 
York,  born  in  the  town  of  Leyden,  Lewis  County, 
Nov.  14,  1842.  His  parents  were  Lorenzo  and 
Emeline  (Grant)  Brainard,  who,  after  their  mar- 
riage, settled  in  Lewis,  their  native  county,  and 
there    lived    many    years.     They  subsequently)'  re- 



moved  to  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  and  amid  the 
beautiful  scenes  of  that  famuus  resort  the  fathers'? 
life  was  brought  to  a  jieaceful  close,  and  thus  passed 
avraj'  an  honorable  and  upright  man.  The  good 
mother  still  lives,  making  her  home  in  Saratoga, 
N.  Y. 

Our  subject  received  a  substantial  education  in  the 
public  schools  of  his  native  State,  and  was  thus  well 
prepared  for  anj'  career  he  might  choose  to  adopt. 
In  the  year  1869  he  went  to  Troy,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
was  employed  in  a  foundry  for  the  ensuing  twelve 
3'ears.  In  1881  for  various  reasons  he  determined 
to  change  his  environments  and  condition,  and  from 
th3  rich  soilof  Kansas,  gain  not  only  a  generous 
subsistence  for  himself  and  family,  but  also  build 
up  a  handsome  competence.  Coming  to  Marshall 
Connt3'  in  that  year,  he  turned  his  attention  to 
farming,  buj-ing  a  farm  in  Marysville,  which  he  af- 
terward sold,  and  in  the  following  year  purchased 
another,  from  whose  rental  he  obtains  a  good  in- 
come. Besides  tbat  place  he  owns  160  acres  of 
choice  land  in  Balderson  Township.  He  has  been 
well  prospered  since  taking  up  his  residence  in  this 
oreat  and  growing  State,  and  even  as  in  his  agricul- 
tural ventures  has  met  with  success  in  the 
lumber  and  grain  business,  he  having  formed  a 
partnership  in  October,  1888,  with  Mr.  Morgan 
Hedge,  and  in  March,  1889,  removed  with  his  fam- 
ily to  Oketo.  The  firm  has  alreadv  established  a 
large  and  flourishing  trade  on  a  solid  basis,  and  has 
extensive  dealings  in  this  part  of  the  State. 

Mr.  Brainard  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss 
Mary  Barringer,  in  Rome,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and 
to  her  cheerful  co-operation  he  is  much  indebted 
for  the  comforts  and  luxuries  of  a  cozj',  happy 
home.  She  is  the  second  of  a  family  of  six  chil- 
dren born  to  James  and  Jane  (Roberts)  Barringer, 
natives  of  New  York,  her  birth  occurring  in  Tro}', 
N.  Y.  Her  pcirent  came  to  Marshall  County  from 
their  native  State  in  1872.  and  located  in  Marys- 
ville, where  the  mother  died.  The  father  resided 
in  that  township  till  1883.  Imt  is  now  spending  his 
declining  j-ears  with  his  daughter  and  our  subject. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brainard's  marriage  has  been  blessed 
to  them  by  the  birth  of  the  following  four  children: 
Emma.  Clara,  Delia  and  Jennie. 

The    life    career  of  our  subject  thus   far,  show- 

ing him  to  be  a  man  of  practical  ability,  sound 
sense  and  good  moral  principles,  justifies  the  high 
opinion  in  which  he  is  held  by  all  with  whom  he  dealings  sociallv  or  in  a  business  way.  He  is  a 
man  of  earnest,  intelligent  convictions,  and  inter- 
ests himself  in  all  that  concerns  the  welfare  of  his 
fellow-men.  As  a  member  of  the  School  Board  at 
one  time  he  did  all  that  he  could  to  forward  the 
cause  of  education.  Religiousl}^,  he  and  his  amia- 
ble wife  are  esteemed  members  of  the  Baptist 
Church;  politically,  he  is  a  strong  Republican. 

i^^HORNTON  H.  EDMUNDSON.  Notwith- 
iW^s  standing  the  .advantages  upon  which  the 
^^^■'  present  generation  prides  itself,  the  press, 
the  telegraph  and  the  railroad,  so  shortening  and 
almost  annihilating  distance,  that  the  Atlantic  and 
Pacific  slopes  seem  but  next-door  neighbors,  there 
remains  in  the  mind  of  the  average  Eastern  man 
much  ignorance  as  to  life  in  the  West.  Instead  of 
the  poor  buildings,  the  wagon  tracks  and  cow  paths, 
the  unkempt  citizens  and  the  inactive  business  life, 
which  he  expected,  the  Eastern  visitor  in  our  West- 
ern States  finds  well-made  streets,  good  buildings, 
well-dressed  citizens  and  great  business  activity, 
and  the  general  appearance  of  progress,  prosperity 
and  the  best  civilization. 

Prominent  among  those  who  contribute  to  these 
results  in  Home  Cit}',  is  the  gentleman  whose  name 
heads  this  sketch,  who  carries  on  a  flourishing 
trade  in  hardware  in  a  store  well  stocked  with  fine 
goods  in  that  line,  and  who  is  also  Postmaster  of 
the  city.  He  was  bora  in  Allegheny  County,  Pa., 
June  25,  18.50  (for  history  of  his  parents  see  sketch 
of  Cyrus  Edmundson  on  another  page  in  this 
Album).  He  received  a  good  education  in  the  com- 
mon schools  of  his  native  count}',  remaining  under 
the  parental  roof  until  the  fall  of  1870,  when  he 
came  to  this  State  with  his  brother-in-law, 
B.  Mitchell.  The  following  spring  his  father  came 
to  this  countj'.  and  our  subject  then  returned  to  the 
parental  roof,  where  he  remained  until  his  mar- 
riage, which  took  pl.aee  M.iy  7.  1876.  The  young 
couple  settled  in  Franklin  Township,  where  Mr.  Ed- 



mundson  engaged  in  farming,  following  this  occu- 
tion  until  1885,  when  he  came  to  Home  City,  and 
'  established  himself  in  his  present  business.  He 
owns  160  acres  of  land  situated  in  Franklin  and 
Center  townships,  in  addition  to  his  large  stock  in 

The  wife  of  our  subject  bore  the  maiden  name 
of  Alpharetta  Crane,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Rob- 
ert and  Sarah  (Deeds)  Crane,  both  of  whom  were 
natives  of  Ohio.  Her  parents  first  settled  iu  Miami 
County,  Ind.,  where  their  daughter  Alpharetta 
was  born,  Sept.  17,  18.59.  Thence  they  removed 
to  Iroquois  Count}-,  111.,  and  from  there  to  this 
county,  where  in  1869  they  settled  in  Center  Town- 
ship. There  they  remained  until  1886,  when  they 
removed  to  Marysville,  where  thej'^  still  reside. 
They  have  a  family  of  six  daughters  and  four 
sons,  of  whom  Mrs.  PMnuindson  was  the  fourth. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edmundson  are  the  parents  of  three 
bright  cliildren — Harvey  T.,  Nettie  M.  and  Wal- 
ter H. 

Mr.  Edmundson  received  the  appointment  of 
Postmaster  April  11,  1889,  and  assumed  the  duties 
of  his  office  on  May  1,  succeeding  J.  B.  Wuester, 
and  is  fulfilling  his  duties  to  the  entire  satisfac- 
tion of  the  patrons  of  the  office.  He  lias  held  the 
office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  four  years,  serving 
with  ability  and  exliibitingexcellent  judgment  in  the 
settlement  of  cases  within  his  jurisdiction.  He  is 
an  active  Republican,  having  been  a  member  of 
the  Central  Committee  of  Franklin  Township  since 
1885.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edmundson  are  among  the 
most  highly  respected  citizens  of  the  township,  be- 
ing persons  of  great  intelligence?  cultivated  man- 
ners and  sterling  worth  of  character. 

eHARLES  L.  CHAFFEE.  That  America  now 
proudly  boasts  of  being  one  of  the  greatest 
nations  of  the  earth,  is  due  in  a  large  meas- 
ure to  the  enterprise,  intelligence  and  unremitting 
perseverance  of  those  who  are  now  passing  away. 
That  America  will  ever  attain  the  lofty  eminence 
of  greatness,  from  whose  pinnacle  she  can  look 
down  on  other  kingdoms  and  empires,  with  the  su- 

preme conviction  that  here  is  the  greatest  nation 
on  which  the  sun  shines,  and  here  the  happiest, 
most  contented  men  and  women,  will  depend  on 
our  youth  who  are  now  entering  upon  the  responsi- 
bilities of  life,  which  they  can  make  dark  or  brio-ht, 
prosperous  or  degraded.  Did  the  future  of  our 
loved  country  rest  entirely  in  the  hands  of  .>oung 
men,  similar  in  thought  and  character  to  our  sub- 
ject, but  little  concern  might  be  occasioned  about 
its  prosperity.  For  by  their  own  might  and  the 
power  of  their  upright  lives,  such  a  good  influence 
would  be  created  that  the  downfall  of  the  Repub- 
lic would  be  utterly  impossible.  It  is  a  matter  in 
which  we  may  take  just  pride,  that  so  many  of  the 
young  men  of  the  present  day  are  of  that  character 
and  disposition  which  will  fit  them  to  take  the  reins 
of  government  and  wisely  rule  over  the  thousands 
and  hundreds  of  thousands  of  men  and  women 
who  people  our  vast  country. 

Charles  L.  Chaffee,  of  whom  we  write  is  a  pro- 
gressive, energetic  farmer  of  the  modern  type,  act- 
ive and  peristent  in  accomplishing  whatever  he 
attempts,  and  already  owns  320  acres  of  land  on 
section  17,  Franklin  Township.  He  was  also  unusu- 
ally fortunate  in  the  selection  of  a  life  partner,  his 
wife  having  been  Miss  Ruth  E.  Elliott,  daughter  of 
James  M.  and  Helen  (Shaw)  Elliott  (for  their  history 
see  sketch  of  J.  M.  Elliott).  Mrs.  Chaffee  was 
born  in  Bradford  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  10,  1865,  and 
passed  her  childhood  and  youth  in  the  home  of  her 
birth,  and  learned  those  lessons  which  are  so  useful 
to  the  wife  and  mother.  She  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  our  subject  in  Oketo.  March  11,  1886, 
and  is  the  mother  of  one  child,  a  daughter,  named 
AUie  Y.,  and  born  Aug.  5,  1889. 

Born  in  Bradford  County,  Pa.,  Aug.  2,  1864 
Charles  L.  Chaffee  is  the  son  of  Charles  Chaflfee,  of 
Bradford  Countj^,  Pa.,  now  deceased.  Among  the  six 
children  in  his  father's  family  he  was  theyoun<Test, 
and  was  educated  in  the  common  schools,  and  also 
had  a  course  of  training  in  the  Marj'sville  Hio-h 
School.  He  came  to  Marshall  County,  Kan.,  in 
1 884,  and  located  in  Marysville  Township,  which 
was  his  home  for  about  one  year,  thence  in  the 
spring  of  1886,  settling  in  Franklin  Township,  on 
section  17,  his  present  farm.  He  has  given  his  at- 
tention wholly  to  farming  and  stock-raising,  and  in 



political  matters  is  in  sympathj-  with  the  pruiciples 
adopted  by  the  Union  Labor  party.  Although 
young  in  years,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chaflfee  are  well- 
known  and  highly  esteemed  by  a  large  circle  of 
acquaintances,  and  have  before  them  every  pros- 
pect for  a  happy,  useful  and  prosperous  life. 

(p_^OX.  WELLINGTON  DOTY.  It  is  said 
|[f)\'  that  some  men  acliieve  greatness  and  others 
f*S^'  have  greatness  thrust  upon  them.  Some 
(^)  are  born  to  till  the  soil,  while  others  seem 
better  fitted  to  control  the  minds  of  their  fel- 
lows. TLe  name  with  which  we  introduce  this 
sketch  is  widely  and  favorably  known  to  the  peo- 
ple of  this  county,  especially  those  of  Balderson 
Township,  within  whose  precincts  he  has  sojourned 
for  the  last  three  j^ears,  and  in  addition  to  culti- 
vating one  of  its  best  farms  has  made  a  specialty 
of  politics,  keeping  himself  thoroughly  informed 
witii  regard  to  the  events  of  the  day  and  age.  The 
labor  question  has  been  a  prominent  one,  and  he 
has  distinguished  himself  as  in  sympathy  with  the 
"hewers  of  wood  and  drawers  of  water."  Nature 
has  given  him  more  than  ordinary  intelligence  and 
a  mind  to  comprehend  those  things  pertaining  to 
the  moral  and  intellectual  needs  of  mankind. 

The  subji.'Ct  of  this  biography  was  born,  in 
Carroll  County,  111.,  Dec.  o,  1848,  and  is  thus  in 
the  prime  of  life.  His  father.  Timothy  Doty,  was 
born  in  the  Dominion  of  Canada,  whence  he  emi- 
grated, a  yoiing  man,  to  Illinois,  and  was  married 
there  to  Miss  Jeanette  Craig,  a  native  of  Charles 
County,  Mo.  They. settled  in  Carroll  County,  111., 
wliere  they  still  live.  Nine  of  the  eleven  children 
born  to  them  are  still  living  and  making  their  homes 
mostly  in  this  country. 

Young  Dotjf  attained  to  manhood  in  his  native 
township,  becoming  familiar  with  farming  pursuits. 
After  leaving  "the  district  school  he  studied  two 
years  in  Mt.  Carroll  Seminary,  and  also  at  Fulton. 
In  1866  when  a  young  man  of  twenty  years  he 
started  to  see  something  of  the  world,  and  in  due 
Lime  found  himself  in  New  Orleans,  La.  He  was 
absent  from  home  two  years,  then  returned,  and  in 

the  spring  of  1872  made  his  way  into  Northern 
Kansas,  reaching  this  county  on  the  19th  of  Maj-. 
He  occupied  himself  at  brick  making  until  purchas- 
ing from  the  Government  a  tract  of  land  in  the 
Otoe  Indian  Reservation,  and  two  years  later  he 
moved  upon  it. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Sarah, 
daughter  of  Mark  and  Julia  (Johnson)  Kell^"-  was 
celebrated  at  tlie  bride's  home  in  Oketo  Township, 
Aug.  25,  1874.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Doty  removed 
from  New  York  City  to  Ogle  County,  111.,  and 
from  there,  in  1871,  to  this  county,  where  the 
father  died  in  1887.  His  widow  is  still  living  and 
a  resident  of  Oketo  Township,  this  county.  Mrs. 
Doty  was  next  to  the  youngest  in  a  family  of 
eleven  children,  and  was  born  in  Ogle  County,  111., 
Sept.  13,  1858.  She  is  now  the  mother  of  four 
children — Bertha  Muj',  Iv}'  Hattie,  Pearl  and  Ter- 
rance  J.  Mr.  Dotj'  has  for  many  j'ears  taken  an 
active  part  in  politics  and  is  one  of  the  leading 
lights  therein,  along  the  northern  line  of  this 
county.  He  was  elected  to  the  State  Legislature 
in  the  fall  of  1888,  by  a  fusion  of  the  Democratic 
and  Union  Labor  parties,  and  in  due  time  secured 
the  passage  of  a  bill  in  the  House,  reducing  the 
salaries  of  the  county  officers.  He  is  Treasurer  of 
the  School  Board  of  his  district,  and  has  otticiated 
as  Road  Overseer  and  Constable.  Socially-,  he  be- 
longs to  the  Oketo  Lodge  8474  K.  of  L.,  in  which 
he  has  held  all  the  offices.  He  has  eight\r  acres  of 
land  in  a  productive  condition,  and  all  the  stock 
which  the  farm  will  sustain,  together  with  the  ma- 
chinery required.  He  is  accredited  as  a  man  hon- 
est and  sincere  in  his  convictions,  and  one  not 
easilj'  diverted  fiom  the  course  of  duty. 

r^^ELS  P.  CHRISTIANSON.  The  develop. 
I  jjj  ment  of  this  count}'  has  been  largelj-  the 
j^iMr,  work  of  those  of  foreign  birth,  and  none 
have  been  more  hard-working,  active  and  thrift}' 
than  the  Danes.  Not  only  has  the  county  been 
benefited  by  their  industry  but  their  own  worldly 
prosperity  has  been  advanced  more  rapidly  than 
could  have  been  the  case  in  their  native  land.  Con- 



spicuous  among  tbis  class  is  the  gentleman  whose 
name  heads  our  sketch,  and  who  now  occupies  a 
fruitful  and  attractive  farm  on  section  18,  Logan 
Township.  He  was  born  in  Denmarlc,  Sept.  2,5, 
1844,  being  reared  upon  a  farm  and  educated  in 
tbe  country  schools  of  bis  native  land.  In  1866 
he  came  to  the  United  States,  occupying  three 
months  in  the  voyage  and  landing  at  New  Yorlt. 
Thence  be  went  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  where  be  en- 
gaged in  farming  for  four  years.  From  there  he 
removed  to  this  countjs  homesteading  160  acres 
on  the  southwest  quarter  of  section  18,  u|)on  which 
he  built  a  small  frame  bouse.  He  afterward  bought 
tlie  southeast  quarter  of  tbe  same  section,  thus 
making  a  fine  farm  of  320  acres.  Tbe  land  is  all 
under  cultivation  or  in  pasture;  both  quarters  are 
enclosed  by  fine  bodge  fences,  and  on  each  is  an 
excellent  orchard.  Mr.  Christianson  is  now  build- 
ing a  large,  well-arranged  and  pleasant  dwelling. 
When  be  landed  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  be  was  bur- 
dened by  debts,  but  by  strict  attention  to  bis  call- 
ing, persevering  industry  and  good  management, 
he  has  attained  to  success  and  prosperitj',  Ijeing 
relieved  from  debt  and  the  possessor  of  one  of  the 
best  farms  in  tbe  vicinity,  from  which  be  can  se- 
cure a  competence,  and  upon  which  be  can  live  at 
ease  in  his  declining  years. 

Our  subject  was  married  to  Caroline,  daughter 
of  Andres  Peterson,  a  native  of  Denmark,  in  which 
country  her  parents  died.  Her  brothers,  Peter 
and  Andrew,  are  engaged  in  business  in  ()keto 
Townsbip,  where  tbe3' own  and  operate  a  flourmill; 
her  sister  Mary  has  just  come  from  Denmark  to 
make  her  bome  in  America.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Christianson  have  been  born  tbrce  children — 
Cliristian,  Gary  M.  and  James  P.,  all  living. 

Tbe  father  of  our  subject  was  Christian  Nelson, 
the  change  in  name  from  Nelson  to  Christianson 
being  made  at  baptism  in  accordance  with  the 
Danish  custom,  wliich  uses  tbe  father's  given  name 
with  the  affix  "son"  as  surname  to  his  male  off- 
spring. The  father  died  in  Denmark  and  the  mother 
of  our  subject  is  now  living  in  Brown  County,  Kan. 

Jlr.  and  Mrs.  Christianson  are  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  in  which  they  were  reared,  and 
of  which  their  ancestors,  so  far  as  known,  were 
members.     Mr.  Cbristianson  is  now  secretary  of  his 

church,  in  which  he  has  held  other  offices  for  years. 
He  is  a  worthy  citizen  of  his  adopted  county,  and 
enjoys  the  heart}'  esteem  of  his  neighbors  and  fel- 
low-citizens.    In  politics  he  is  a  stanch  Republican. 

f  ;  OHN  SANDERSON,  a  general  farmer  and 
stock-raiser,  located  on  section  29,  Center 
Townsbip,  has  for  many  years  been  identi- 
fied with  the  foremost  interests  of  Marshall 
County,  and  besides  accumulating  a  handsome 
property  of  his  own,  has  noc  forgotten  to  cultivate 
those  social  qualities  which  make  a  man  popular 
among  bis  fellow-citizens.  Earnestly  endeavoring 
to  forward  any  movement  which  tends  to  elevate 
society,  public-spirited,  generous,  and  charitable, 
he  has  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  the  entire  com- 
munity. Upon  his  estate  he  has  erected  a  comfort- 
able home,  wherein  the  visitor  receives  a  hospitable 
welcome,  and  can  pass  hours  in  social  intercourse 
with  this  pleas.ant  family.  Mrs.  Sanderson  nobly 
assists  her  husband  in  everj^  effort  he  makes  to  ad- 
vance his  interests,  and  is  by  no  means  to  be  over- 
looked in  stud3'ing  tbe  elements  which  contributed 
to  his  success. 

LTpon  his  arrival  in  Marshall  Count}',  in  the 
spring  of  1873,  Mr.  Sanderson  purchased  ICO  acres 
on  section  29,  which  he  has  improved  and  cultiva- 
ted each  succeeding  year,  and  has  at  last  brought 
it  within  tbe  ranks  of  the  ideal  farms.  While 
mainly  devoted  to  his  farm,  he  has  become  a  promi- 
nent factor  in  church  and  political  work,  in  the 
former  affiliating  with  the  Baptist  denomination, 
and  in  the  latter  supporting  X,\\z  ]n-inciples  of  the 
Republican  party. 

A  son  of  John  and  Martha  (Finley)  Sanderson, 
the  former  born  in  Berwick,  England,  and  the  lat- 
ter in  Dublin,  Ireland,  our  subject  combines  many 
traits  of  bis  Irish  and  English  ancestry.  For  a  few 
years  succeeding  the  marriage  of  the  parents  of  our 
subject,  they  continued  to  reside  in  the  Old  World, 
but  afterward  emigrated  to  the  British  possessions 
across  the  ocean,  and  made  tlieir  home  near  Peter- 
borough, Canada,  where  the  father  engaged  in  farm- 
ing.    They   were  both  young  at   that   time.     He 



passed  to  rest  about  1883,  but  his  widow,  the 
mother  of  our  subject,  yet  survives,  maldng  her 
home  in  Torouto,  Ontario.  They  had  a  family  of 
seven  children,  of  whom  four  were  sons  and  three 
daughters,  our  subject  being  the  eldest  born.  Peter- 
borough, Canada,  was  his  birth-place,  and  the  date 
thereof  June  26,  1849.  Sharing  in  the  joys  and 
sorrows  common  to  childhood  in  any  land,  he  at- 
tended school  during  the  winter  season,  while  the 
summer  was  spent  in  farm  l.ibor.  Being  the  oldest 
son  of  a  large  family,  he  early  learned  to  assume 
the  responsibility  of  many  tasks  seemingly  beyond 
his  ability  and  strength. 

Upon  attaining  the  age  of  twenty-three  years,  he 
left  the  parental  home,  embarking  upon  the  great 
sea  of  life  alone.  For  a  few  montlis  after  settling 
in  Kansas,  he  "paddled  his  own  canoe"  with  suc- 
cess, but  becoming  weary  of  the  solitary  Toyage, 
chose  as  a  companion.  Miss  Hannah  Parker,  with 
whom  he  was  united  in  marriage,  Dec.  9,  1874,  in 
Center  Township.  Mrs.  Sanderson  was  born  near 
Peterborough,  Ontario,  Dec.  28,  1847,  and  was  the 
daughter  of  Martin  and  Hannah  (Agatt)  Parker, 
natives  of  England.  These  worthy  people  had  ten 
children  born  to  them,  six  daugliters  and  four  sons. 
They  passed  the  greater  part  of  their  lives  in  Can- 
ada, and  there  died. 

The  three  children  of  our  subject  and  his  wife — 
Martin  Wilber,  Alfred  II.,  and  jMinnie  Pearl,  are 
the  objects  of  the  most  devoted  love  on  the  part  of 
their  parents.  They  are  giving  them  every  oppor- 
tunity to  become  well  educated,  and  are  preparing 
them  for  future  prominence,  among  the  other  resi- 
dents of  the  community.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sander- 
son are  highly  esteemed,  and  are  welcome  guests 
in  the  most  exclusive  homes  of  the  county. 

f  MOS  W.  KIRKWOOD.  Before  entering 
(©YLII  upon  tlie  life  of  our  subject,  a  few  words 
in  regard  to  his  parents  will  not  be  amiss. 
His  father,  Thomas  Kirkwood,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Pennsylvania.  His  mother,  in  her  girlhood 
Miss  Jane  McCormick,  was  a  native  of  Ohio.  Their 
first  home  after  marriage,  was  in   Fayette  County. 

Ind.  Thence  the3'  removed  to  Grant  County,  the 
same  State,  and  then  to  Delaware  County,  also  in  In- 
diana, where  the  father  died  in  1850.  The  mother 
still  survives  him  at  an  advanced  age.  The  pa- 
rental family  consisted  of  fourteen  children,  eleven 
of  whom  are  at  present  living,  our  subject  being 
the  seventh  of  this  number. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Grant 
County,  Ind.,  May  15,  1838,  and  was  about  thir- 
teen years  of  age  when  his  parents  removed  to 
Delaware  County.  In  this  county  he  grew  to  man- 
hood, receiving  a  good  common-school  education. 
He  was  reared  on  the  farm,  and  has  always  been 
engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits,  except  during  the 
Civil  War.  Animated  by  the  spirit  of  patriotism 
that  thrilled  the  hearts  of  so  man3'  of  Indiana's 
sons,  he  entered  the  ranks  of  his  country's  defend- 
ers, Aug.  9,  1862,  being  enrolled  in  Company  B, 
84th  Indiana  Infantry,  and  serving  with  distinction 
until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  4th  Army  Corps,  and  made  one  of  the  conquer- 
ing band  in  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  the  memor- 
able march  to  the  sea.  He  was  engaged  in  the 
battles  of  Franklin,  Nashville,  Resaca,  and  manj' 
others.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  returned  to 
Delaware  Count}',  Ind.,  and  engaged  in  that  em- 
ployment, which  became  his  life  work.  Aft  r  a 
two  years'  residence,  he  went  to  Iroquois  County, 
111.,  where  he  was  married,  Sept.  5,  1869,  to  Miss 
Mary  Slaughter,  daughter  of  William  L.  and  Isa- 
beile  (McLean)  Slaughter,  who  were  natives  of 
Ireland.  Mrs.  Kirkwood  was  born  in  Jefferson 
County,  Ind.,  Sept.  13,  1846.  The  newly  married 
couple  made  their  home  for  a  time  in  Iroquois 
County,  111.,  when  he  sold  out  and  removed  to  this 
county  in  1884,  locating  on  section  25,  Marys ville 
Township,  where  he  owns  160  acres  of  fertile  land. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kirkwood  are  the  parents  of  six  liv- 
ing children,  and  have  two  deceased.  The  living 
are:  Charles  N.,  Loura  J.,  William  M.,  Robert  L., 
Millie  L,  and  Selina  II. 

Mr.  Kirkwood  was  Highwaj'  Commissioner  of 
Prairie  Green  Township,  Iroquois  Co.,  111.,  for 
nine  j'cars.  Trustee  of  the  Township  Board  for 
seven  years,  and  a  school  official.  He  is  a  member 
of  Marysville  Lodge  No.  91,  A.  F.  &  A.  M. 
Mnrysville  Chapter    No.    29,  and   was   formerly  a 



member  of  Mt.  Olivet  Commandery  No.  38,  K.  T. 
Politically,  his  influence  is  cast  with  the  Repub- 
lican party,  of  whose  principles  he  is  an  earnest 
advocate.  He  takes  a  deep  interest  in  all  matters 
pertaining  to  educational  work,  in  tiiis  regard  be- 
ing a  worthy  son  of  his  native  and  adopted  States, 
both  of  which  hold  such  higli  rank  in  school  work. 
He  is  a  man  of  a  genial  nature,  and  a  reliable  and 
enterprising  citizen. 

eYRUS  EDMUNDSON.  In  all  the  vast  army 
of  agriculturalists  who  occupy  millions  of 
acres  in  our  broad  land,  there  are  few  wlio 
have  not  at  some  period  of  their  lives,  been  en- 
gaged in  other  pursuits.  It  is  seldom  we  meet  one, 
who  like  our  subject,  has  spent  his  years  from  boy- 
hood nearly  to  the  age  of  threescore  years  and  ten 
in  the  occupation  of  farming. 

His  father,  Isaac  Edmundson,  was  a  native  of 
New  York,  and  his  mother,  in  her  m.iidenhood,  was 
Miss  Rebecca  Sinclair,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania. 
The  parents  settled  in  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  and 
were  residents  there  until  their  death.  Tliey  had 
Bve  children,  two  sons  and  three  daughters,  our 
subject  being  the  third  ciiild.  He  was  Ijorn  in 
Elizabeth  Township,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  July  17, 
1823,  and  he  grew  to  manhood  upon  his  father's 
farm.  He  remained  upon  the  homestead  until  the 
spring  of  1860,  when  he  removed  to  Fayette 
County,  Pa.,  where  he  bought  a  farm,  upon  which 
he  continued  to  reside  until  the  spring  of  1871. 
He  then  sold  his  Pennsylvania  home  and  came  to 
this  county,  settling  on  section  34,  Franklin  Town- 
ship. Here  he  owns  a  thoroughly  cultivated  farm 
of  150  acres,  upon  which  he  has  made  excellent 

In  his  native  eountj'  of  Pennsylvania  lie  became 
acquainted  with  Miss  Lavina  Burkhart,  a  very 
estimable  young  lady,  to  whom  he  was  married, 
Maj'  18,  1847,  and  who  has  borne  him  nine  chil- 
dren. Of  this  family,  Wilber  and  Ella  died  in  in- 
fancy. The  survivors  are  Eveline,  Thornton  II., 
Julia,  Rebecca,  Elizabeth,  Virginia  and   Homer  B. 

Mrs.  Edmundson   was   tlie  second  in  a  f.-imilv  of   i 

four  sons  and  five  daughters.  She  was  born  in 
Butler  County,  Pa.,  March  5,  1831,  and  was  the 
daughter  of  Mathias  and  Julia  Ann  (Sansom) 
Burkhart.  He  father  was  a  native  of  the  county 
in  which  his  daughter  Lavina  was  born,  and  her 
mother  of  Armstrong  County,  the  same  State.  Her 
parents  made  their  last  settlement  in  Allegheny 
County,  Pa.,  where  the  father  died  in  1862;  the 
mother  is  still  living. 

Mr.  Edmundson  has  always  taken  a  warm  inter- 
est in  educational  matters,  and  has  served  upon  the 
School  Board,  managing  the  affairs  with  excellent 
judgment.  He  is  a  stanch  Republican,  taking  an 
active  part  in  the  ranks  of  the  party  which  he 
honors  by  his  adherence.  Botli  he  and  his  wife 
are  honored  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Cluirch,  in  which  he  has  been  a  Class- Leader  for 
many  years.  He  is  a  man  in  high  standing  in  the 
community,  of  marked  intelligence  and  uprightness 
of  character. 

mOMAS  CUNNINGHAM.  One  of  the  most 
(((jSA\  attractive  homes  in  Logan  Township,  is  that 
owned  and  occupied  by  the  above-named 
gentleman.  The  house  is  a  large,  substantial  frame 
structure,  in  the  midst  of  a  grove  of  large  shade 
trees,  having  an  excellent  driveway  outlined  by 
trees  connecting  it  with  the  road.  Near  by  is  an 
orchard  of  160  apple  and  forty  peach  trees,  together 
with  pear,  cherry  and  crab  trees,  while  a  good 
vineyard  and  a  collection  of  small  fruits  add  beauty 
to  the  scene  and  contribute  of  their  aliundance  to 
the  family  wants.  Barns,  corn-cribs,  hog-pens, and 
all  necessary  farm  buildings  are  conveniently  lo- 
cated upon  the  premises,  and  thoroughly  cultivated 
fields  are  separated  by  good  fencing. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  is  a  native  of  County 
Louth,  Ireland,  where  he  lived  until  nine  years  old 
when  his  parents,  Hugh  and  Margaret  (McGowen) 
Cunningham,  went  to  Durham.  England,  where  they 
remained  five  years,  whence  they  removed  to  Man- 
chester, where  the  father  eventually  died.  Our  sub- 
ject learned  the  trade  of  cotton  spinning,  which  he 
followed  for  a  few  years.      He  then  enlisted  in  tlie 

JPORTftAlT  ANt)  biOGtlAPItlCAL  ALbtlM. 

Britisli  army,  serving  two  years  and  nine  months 
in  the  ranks.  At  the  conclusion  of  his  service  in 
1852  he  came  to  the  United  States,  engaging  in 
wool  spinning  in  Windsor,  Conn.  Here  in  May, 
1854,  he  was  married  to  Mary,  daughter  of  William 
and  Catherine  (Dugan)  Nagle.  In  1856  he  re- 
moved to  Sycamore,  DeKalb  Co.,  111.,  where  for 
fonr  years  he  worked  as  fireman  on  the  Galena  di- 
vision of  the  Chicago  and  Northwestern  Eailroad, 
being  then  promoted  to  engineer.  ,He  then  went  to 
Chicago  and  ran  a  stationary  engine  three  years. 
Thence  in  October,  1869,  he  removed  to  Kansas, 
where  he  homesteaded  a  farm  of  160  acres  on  sec- 
tion 21,  Logan  Township,  where  he  now  lives,  hav- 
ino-  130  acres  under  the  plow.  He  had  but  one 
horse  when  he  came  here  and  no  means  with  which 
to  improve  the  wild  land  which  he  had  taken.  He 
was  obliged  to  leave  his  famil_y  in  a  sod  house  and 
hunt  work  to  provide  for  their  wants  and  make  a 
start  in  life.  He  worked  at  whatever  he  could  get 
to  do  until  he  could  accumulate  sufficient  means  to 
begin  improvements  upon  his  place.  He  engaged 
in  railroading,  and  helped  to  grade  the  St.  Joseph 
and  Western  Ilailroad,  from  Hiawatha  to  Hast- 
ings, Kan.  By  hard  work  and  good  management 
he  has  been  raised  above  the  hardships  of  his  early 
years  in  the  West,  to  a  position  of  comparative  ease 
and  substantial  prosperity,  with  the  prospect  of 
being  able  to  spend  his  declining  years  in  rest  and 

The  parents  of  our  subject  and  his  ancestors,  as 
far  as  known,  were  natives  of  County  Louth,  Ire- 
land, and  members  of  the  Catholic  Church,  to 
which  he  and  his  family  also  belong.  His  mother 
makes  her  home  with  him,  having  now  attained  to 
her  ninetieth  year.  A  brother,  Mike,  is  now  living 
in  Washington.  He  served  eleven  j'ears  in  the 
British  arm}',  and  after  coming  to  America  spent 
four  J'ears  and  three  months  in  the  service  of  his 
adopted  country,  being  a  member  of  the  52d  Illi- 
nois Infantrj^  during  the  late  Civil  War.  A  brother, 
Barney,  was  also  enrolled  among  the  defenders  of 
the  Union,  and  received  a  wound  at  Ft.  Donelson, 
dying  in  St.  Louis  from  it.  The  parents  of  Mrs. 
Cunningham,  and  her  ancestors,  were  natives  of 
County  Tipperary,  Ireland,  the  town  of  Golden. 
Thej'    also    were    communicants   of    tlie    Catholic 

Church.  To  Mr  and  Mrs.  Cunningham  have  been 
born  thirteen  children  :  William  John  and  Mary  have 
been  taken  from  them  by  death;  the  survivors  are: 
Kate,  now  Mrs.  Stephen  Fay;  William,  Hugh,  Mar- 
garet; Ellen,  now  Mrs.  John  Cox;  Barnej^  Thomas, 
James,  Alice  and  Mary. 

The  citizens  of  the  township  have  shown  their 
confidence  in  the  ability  of  our  subject  by  giving 
him  the  position  of  School  Director  for  two  years, 
and  of  Road  Overseer  for  six  years,  and  in  both 
capacities  he  has  served  them  well.  He  is  a  man  of 
energetic  habits  and  great  determination,  as  his  life 
well  shows,  and  has  just  cause  to  be  proud  of  his 
business  success.  He  is  possessed  of  a  quick  intel- 
ligence, a  fair  share  of  the  wit  for  which  his  coun- 
trymen are  so  justly  noted,  cordial  manners  and 
fine  moral  principles. 

''k/A  ARSIIALL  GRIFFEE.  The  parents  of  our 
subject  were  Thomas  and  Rachael  (Adkin- 
son)  Griffee,  natives  of  Virginia  and  early 
settlers  in  Kentucky.  In  1835  they  re- 
moved to  Warren  County,  111.,  where  they  spent 
their  last  daj's.  Our  subject  was  born  in  Breckin- 
ridge County,  Ky.,  Maj'  2,  1827.  He  was  first 
married,  in  1850,  to  Miss  Jane  Claycomb,  a  native 
of  Kentucky,  who  bore  him  nine  children,  six  sons 
and  three  daughters.  She  was  a  consistent  mem- 
ber of  the  Christian  Church.  She  died  July  7, 
1869,  and  our  subject,  sometime  later,  married  Miss 
Martha  Pedigo,  a  native  of  Kentucky.  Mrs.  Martha 
Griffee  is  the  mother  of  seven  children, four  sons  and 
three  daughters.  Of  the  entire  family  fourteen  still 
survive.  In  January.  1874,  Mr.  Griffee  removed 
to  Iowa  County,  Iowa,  where  he  resided  for  four 
jears.  He  then  removed  to  this  county  and  bought 
a  fine  farm,  where  he  now  lives.  It  consists  of  280 
acres  on  section  24,  Walnut  Township.  When  Mr. 
Griffee  took  possession  of  the  place  the  improve- 
ments were  very  poor;  now  it  is  in  a  high  state  of 
cultivation,  with  adequate  and  substantial  farm 
buildings,  with  three  good  residences  occupied  and 
owned  by  himself  and  two  sons,  and  all  now  well  im- 
proved to  the  extent  of  600  acres.  With  theexcep- 



tiou  of  a  short  time  during  his  residence  in  Illinois, 
when  he  bought  and  shipped  stock,  our  subject  has 
made  farming  his  exclusive  business,  having  lieen 
reared  to  that  employment. 

Our  subject  entered  the  Christian  Church  at  the 
age  of  sixteen  j'ears,  and  he  has  held  the  offices  of 
Deacon  and  Elder  for  many  years.  His  wife  is  a 
member  of  the  same  body.  During  their  resi'denoe 
in  Iowa,  the  family  were  connected  with  the  Frec- 
Vrill  Baptist  Church.  While  a  resident  of  Illinois 
our  subject  held  the  office  of  Road  Commissioner, 
and  since  coming  to  this  county  has  held  the  offices 
of  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Township  Trustee.  He 
and  all  his  sons  are  ardent  adherents  of  the  princi- 
ples of  the  Republican  party.  Mr.  Griffee  is  a  man 
of  financial  ability,  fine  character  and  courteous 
manners,  and  thoroughly  worthy  of  the  esteem  in 
which  he  is  held  by  his  fellow-citizens. 

J  I  UDGE  EDWARD  HUTCHINSON  is  a  gen- 
tleman of  distinguished  abilitj',  whose  past 
is  full  of  honor  and  whose  future  is  rich  with 
'  prcjmise.  So  closely  is  his  history  interwoven 
with  that  of  Marshall  Count}',  that  it  would  be  im- 
possible to  write  a  concise  account  of  the  growth 
and  development  of  the  latter,  without  prominent 
mention  of  the  former 

.Judge  Hutchinson  was  born  Jan.  23,  1847,  in 
Ponifret,Chautauqua  Co.,  N.Y.,and  was  the  young- 
est child  of  Calvin  and  Sophia  (Perry)  Hutch- 
inson. A  full  sketch  of  his  ancestors  is  given  in 
the  biography  of  his  elder  brother,  the  Hon.  Perr}' 
Hutchinson.  Our  subject  received  his  academic 
education  at  the  Fredonia  Academy,  near  his  home, 
while  his  collegiate  education  was  obtained  at 
Adrian  College,  Michigan,  where  he  was  gradu- 
ated in  1870.  When  a  student  there  he  also  at- 
tended law  lectures  at  the  Michigan  University  in 
Ann  Arbor.  After  his  graduation  he  came  to 
Mar3'sville,  Kan.,  in  July,  1870,  where  his  brother 
Perry  was  then  living.  In  October  of  that  year, 
at  the  first  term  of  court  held  after  his  arrival  in 
this  State,  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  His  home 
has    ever  since   been    in    Marj'sville,  where  he  has 

been  actively  engaged  in  the  practice  of  his  pro- 
fession, with  the  exception  of  the  term  which  he 
served  on  the  Bench  of  the  State.  At  the  general 
election  held  in  1884,  Mr.  Hutchinson  was  elected 
Judge  of  the  District  Court  for  the  Twelfth  Judi- 
cial District;  and  served  a  full  term  of  four  j'ears, 
retiring  with  the  good-will  and  esteem  of  his  fel- 
low-judges and  the  members  of  the  Bar  with 
wliom  he  had  been  brought  in  contact,  and  with 
the  deserved  reputation  of  an  upright  and  able 

Before  his  elevation  to  the  Bench.  Mr.  Hutchin- 
son had  held  minor  positions  of  trust  and  responsi- 
bility. He  had  been  Justice  of  the  Peace,  City 
Attorney  and  County  Attorney,  and  had  dis- 
charged the  duties  intrusted  to  him  with  a  fidelity 
and  ability  which  won  the  good-will  of  his  fellow- 
citizens.  Since  his  retirement  from  the  Judiciary, 
Judge  Hutchinson  resumed  the  practice  of  his 
jirofession  in  Marysville. 

May  25,  1871,  at  Xenia,  Ohio,  Judge  Hutchin- 
son was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Priscilla  F. 
Watts,  who  was  born  in  Richmond,  Ind.,  Feb.  26, 
1 847,  and  who  is  the  daughter  of  Dr.  J.  S.  and 
Margaret  Watts,  the  former  a  prominent  physi- 
cian of  that  city.  During  the  war  Dr.  Watts  was 
surgeon  of  the  4th  Michigan  Infantry.  He  was 
one  of  the  original  abolitionists,  and  was  the  only 
man  in  his  county  who  voted  for  James  G.  Birney 
for  President.  His  house  was  one  of  the  stations 
of  the  celebrated  "  underground  railroad,"  and  he 
assisted  many  a  poor  hunted  slave  to  escape  to 
Canada.  He  died  in  the  beginning  of  the  year 
1889,  at  the  .age  of  sixty-seven  years.  His  de- 
mise occurred  in  Richmond,  Ind.,  where  he  had 
practiced  medicine  in  his  j'outh  and  where  he  was 
located  in  1849,  when  it  was  decimated  by  the 
cholera.  Later  he  removed  to  Ohio,  tiience  to 
Michigan,  but  went  back  to  Indiana  several  years 
before  his  death.  His  wife  is  still  living  at  Rich- 
mond, Ind.,  and  is  now  sixty-five  j'ears  of  age. 

Judge  Hutchinson  and  his  wife  are  the  parents 
of  nine  children,  all  still  under  the  parental  roof. 
They  are  named  respectively,  Ralph  W.,  Mabel 
I.,  Ben  C,  Roy  J.,  Linna  L.,  .Hattie  M.,  May  S., 
Florence  and  an  infant.  Both  parents  and  their 
eldest  daughter    are   members  of  the  Presbyterian 



Church  at  Marvsville,  of  which  the  Judge  has  been 
an  Elder.  Politically  he  is  a  strong  Republican ; 
he  is  likewise  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity, 
belonging  to  Marysville  Lodge  No.  91,  A.  F.  & 
A.  M.,  of  which  he  is  Past-master;  to  Marysville, 
Chapter,  No.  29,  R.  A.  M..  of  which  he  has  been 
High  Priest  for  ten  years;  and  to  Hiawatha  Com- 
mandorv,  No.  13,  K.  T.  He  is  also  a  member  of 
Marysville  Lodge  of    Perfection,  No.  10. 

.Judge  Hutchinson,  in  the  course  of  his  practice 
at  the  Bar  and  on  the  Bench,  justly  acquired  the 
reputation  of  being  a  trustworthy  lawyer  and  up- 
right judge,  and,  being  now  in  the  prime  of  life, 
has  before  him  the  reasonable  prospect  of  reaching 
a  still  more  exalted  station  and  of  receiving  honors 
such  as  are  in  the  power  of  his  many  friends  to  be- 
stow upon  him. 

The  ALBU5I  of  Marshall  County  would  be  in- 
complete without  the  portrait  of  a  man  of  such 
eminent  abilit}'^  as  Judge  Hutchinson,  hence  it  is 
with  pleasure  that  we  direct  the  attention  of  the 
reader  to  a  fine  portrait  of  him  to  be  found  in  this 

-vT/v-v«iiac-®-|@*' j 

»^,a/TO7i» — i/xyw 

ipjvOBERT  SHIELDS.  In  reviewing  the  ca 
|i^  reer  of  the  prominent  and  succtssful  men 
of  Marshall  County,  none  are  perhaps  more 
leserving  of  special  mention  than  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice.  We  find  him  occupying  a 
pleasant  home  in  the  city  of  Beattie,  while  he  em- 
ployes himself  in  superintending  the  operations  of 
his  extensive  farming  lands,  which  comprise  640 
acres  lying  on  sections  28.  34  and  35,  in  Guittard 
Township,  and  forty  acres  in  Rock  Township.  He 
also  has  valuable  city  property,  aside  from  his  resi- 
dence and  grounds.  Stock-raising  forms  a  leading 
feature  in  his  farming  transactions,  and  in  this  in- 
dustry he  aims  to  excel,  keeping  at  the  head  of  his 
herd  as  choice  animals  as  he  can  procure.  Social!}', 
morally  and  financially  he  is  looked  upon  as  one  of 
the  leading  men  of  his  community-. 

Mr.  Shields  was  born  in  Fayette  County,  Ind., 
Aug.  24,  1823,  and  lived  there  until  1870.  His 
early  years  were  spent  at  the  homestead  of  his  par- 

ents, assisting  in  the  various  employments  of  the 
farm,  and  obtaining  a  practical  education  in  the 
common  schools.  He  chose  agriculture  for  his 
calling  in  life,  and  while  yet  a  youth  commenced 
dealing  in  live  stock,  and  gaining  the  experience 
which  has  served  him  so  well  in  his  later  years. 
Upon  reaching's  estate  he  became  prominent 
in  local  affairs,  officiating  as  Township  Supervisor, 
and  holding  a  loading  position  with  the  Agri- 
cultural Society  of  his  native  county. 

Remaining  a  resident  of  Indiana  until  middle 
age,  Mr.  Shields,  in  1869,  crossed  the  Mississippi, 
and  coming  to  Vermillion,  this  count}',  purchased 
100  head  of  cattle,  also  a  tract  of  land,  and  put  up 
the  first  store  building  in  the  place,  in  partnership 
with  J.  N.  Huston,  now  United  States  Treasurer. 
This  structure  was  raised  upon  the  same  daj'  as  the 
depot.  Mr.  Shields  afterward  turned  his  attention 
to  agricultural  interests,  and  in  due  time  was  the 
owner  of  400  acres  of  land  in  Noble  Township, 
besides  about  1,000  .acres  in  this  vicinit}'.  After 
a  few  }'ears'  residence  in  Vermillion,  he,  in  the 
year  1872,  removed  to  Beattie,  when  it  was  a 
very  small  hamlet  of  about  half  a  dozen  houses. 
He  at  once  proceeded  with  the  improvement  of  his 
land,  at  a  time  when  there  were  no  bridges  built 
or  roads  laid  out,  and  it  is  hardly  neccessary  to  say 
he  was  the  encour.ager  and  supporter  of  the  various 
enterprises  calculated  to  build  up  the  county.  His 
enterprise  and  industry  not  only  resulted  in  his 
own  financial  success,  but  was  the  means  of  at- 
tracting to  this  region  other  men  of  his  own 
stripe,  and  thus  practically  began  the  prospeiity  of 
this  section  of  Marshall  County. 

Among  the  men  now  living,  who  commenced 
fighting  the  battle  of  life  in  a  new  country  along 
with  Mr.  Shields,  are:  H.  Newton,  Messrs.  Fitz- 
gerald and  McCoy,  and  A.  J.  Brunswick,  and  there 
are  only  two  ladies  living  who  were  residents  of 
this  region  at  that  time.  Mr.  Shields  was  largely 
instrumental  in  securing  the  construction  of  the 
railroad  through  this  place,  and  securing  the  loca- 
tion of  the  depot  at  this  point.  He  spent  many 
daj's  visiting  railroad  officials  in  different  towns, 
and  interviewing  the  prominent  men  having  a  voice 
in  the  matter.  At  the  same  time  he  officiated  as  a 
member  of  the  School  Board,  which  established  the 

POiltRAtt  AND  felOGllAPHICAL  ALfeUM. 


present  large  and  flourishing  school,  and  superin- 
tended the  construction  of  the  building.  He  also 
gave  his  support  and  encouragement  to  the  build- 
ing up  of  both  church  societies  and  edifices,  and  in 
short  has  let  pass  no  opportunity  to  assist  the  pro- 
jects calculated  for  the  general  advancement  of 
the  people.  Liberal  minded  and  public  spirited, 
he  uniformly  votes  with  the  Republican  party,  but 
has  never  sought  office,  having  his  time  fully  em- 
ployed in  looking  after  the  various  interests 
already  mentioned. 

In  Faj-ette  County,  Ind.,  Jan.  9,  1866,  occurred 
the  marriage  of  Robert  Shields  with  Miss  Margaret 
Bulkley,  of  Connersville,  that  county.  Mrs. 
Shields  was  born  in  tliat  county,  Oct.  22,  1829, 
her  childhood  home  being  within  four  miles  of 
that  of  her  husband.  Her  father,  Nathan  Bulkley, 
was  a  general  mechanic,  and  employed  considera- 
bl}'  in  a  woolen  factory.  Mrs.  Shields  received  a 
good  education  in  the  common  schools,  and  em- 
ployed herself  as  a  teacher  about  twelve  j'ears  prior 
to  her  marriage.  Nathan  Bulkley  was  born  near 
Roxbury,  N.  Y.,  May  1, 1804,  and  lived  there  until 
attaining  man's  estate.  He  was  married,  in  Fayette 
Countj',  Ind.,  to  Miss  Rebecca  Reid,  who  was  born 
March  21,  1803,  and  was  a  cousin  of  the  father  of 
Whitelaw  Reid,  who  is  well-known  to  the  people  of 
the  United  States  as  having  commence<i  his  newspa- 
per career  with  Horace  Greeley,  founder  of  the  New 
York  Tribune,  and  after  Mr.  Greeley's  death  suc- 
ceeded to  its  proprietorship,  which  he  still  retains. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bulkley  removed  to  Indiana  prior  to 
their  marriage,  and  were  among  the  pioneer  settlers 
of  Fayette  County,  where  they  spent  the  remainder 
of  their  lives.  The  mother  was  for  many  years  a 
member  in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Ralston  Shields,  a 
native  of  Franklin  County,  Pa.,  and  who  lived 
there  until  1818.  That  j'ear  he  visited  Fayette 
County,  Ind.,  and  decided  upon  locating  there. 
Then,  returning  to  his  native  State,  he  was  married 
to  Miss  Anna,  daughter  of  William  Huston,  and 
returned  with  his  bride  to  Indiana,  where  he 
opened  up  a  farm  from  the  wilderness,  near  which 
subsequently  grew  up  the  flourishing  town  of  Con- 
nersville. He  was  successful  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil, 
and  succeeded  in  building  up  a  good   home,  where 

he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  but  died  while 
in  his  prime,  in  1858.  The  mother  survived  her 
husband  until  July  15,  1888,  dying  at  the  advanced 
age  of  ninety-one  years,  in  Fayette  County,  Ind. 
Of  the  five  children  comprising  the  parental  family, 
four  are  still  living:  Robert,  our  subject,  being 
the  eldest;  his  brother  James  is  a  resident  of  San 
Francisco,  Cal.;  Benjamin  and  Margaret  live  on 
the  old  home  farm  in  Fayette  Countj-,  Ind.  Mrs. 
Shields  has  two  sisters  and  two  brothers  living, 
Jonathan.  occup3'ing  the  old  Bulkley  homestead ; 
and  Thomas,  living  two  miles  south  of  Beattio.  Her 
sisters,  Amanda  and  Mary,  are  residents  of  Indiana. 
Mrs.  vShields  is  prominentlj'  identified  with  tiie 
Christian  Church. 

Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Shields  have  spent  consid- 
erable time  and  money  in  traveling,  largely  in 
connection  with  some  important  project  relating  to 
the  social  or  moral  welfare  of  their  community. 
The  County  Agricultural  Society  is  largely  in- 
debted to  Mr.  Shields,  botii  for  its  existence  and 
its  prosperit}'.  He,  with  his  compeers,  Perry 
Hutchinson  and  Mr.  Koester,  labored  assiduously 
during  the  first  years  of  its  organization  in  keep- 
ing it  alive  and  before  the  people,  inciting  them  to 
put  forth  their  best  efforts  in  the  way  of  exhibits, 
and  stimulating  their  ambition  to  develop  the  ag- 
ricultural resources  of  Marshall  County.  BIr. 
Shields  was  at  one  time  Mayor  of  the  city  of 
Beattie,  and  President  of  the  Board  of  Trade.  No 
man  has  taken  a  warmer  interest  in  its  prosperity, 
and  none  have  contributed  more  effectuall}-  to  this 



^|OHN  H.  OTTO.  To  many  the  life  of  an 
agriculturist  is  very  humdrujn  and  unevent- 
ful. 'Tis  true  that  few  startling  events  oc- 
cur in  his  life,  that  his  days  are  devoid  of 
the  tumult  and  whirl  which  make  up  the  life  of  his 
cit}-  brother,  but  neither  is  his  ear  shocked  by  tales 
of  crime,  his  eyes  startled  by  sights  of  distress, 
until,  as  is  too  often  the  case,  his  senses  become 
dulled,  his  sympathies  deadened,  and  he  looks  upon 
everything  about  him  .as  only  the  means  b^'    which 



he  is  to  get  gain.  In  calmer  ways  the  farmer  walks, 
renewing  his  bodil}'  vigor  from  day  to  day.  with 
healthful,  if  hard  toil  under  a  free  sky  in  the  pure 
air,  his  senses  regaled  by  the  sight  and  smell  of 
green  things  growing.  Abundant  opportunity  has 
he  for  the  exercise  of  the  sterling  qualities  of  true 
manhood.  Nowhere  is  a  larger  field  for  persever- 
ing industry,  honesty,  kindness,  and  pleasing  social 
qnalitits.  A  worthy  example  of  this  nature  is  to 
be  found  in  the  subject  of  our  sketch,  who  is  a 
prosperous  farmer  of  Marysville  Township. 

Mr.  Otto  was  of  German  parentage,  his  father, 
Henry,  and  mother  Mar^-  (Lambert)  Otto,  having 
been  natives  of  that  country.  They  emigrated  to 
America  in  1855,  settling  on  the  Fox  River,  near 
Appleton,  Wis.,  where  they  lived  for  some  eleven 
years.  They  then  removed  to  Richardson  County, 
Neb.,  where  Mrs.  Otto  died  in  November,  1876. 
Three  or  four  3'ears  after  her  death,  her  husband 
came  to  Republic  County,  Kan.,  where  he  made  his 
home  with  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Anna  M.  Ayers,  until 
his  death,  which  occurred  June  18,  1885.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Henr}'  Otto  had  a  family  of  four  children,  two 
sons  and  two  daughters,  of  whom  our  subject  was 
the  youngest.  He  was  born  near  Appleton,  Wis., 
Dec,  21.  1857.  He  was  quite  young  when  his  par- 
ents -went  to  Nebraska,  where  he  grew  to  manhood 
upon  his  father's  farm,  receiving  as  good  schooling 
as  could  be  obtained  at  that  time,  and  in  that  sec- 
tion. After  his  mother's  death,  and  when  about 
eighteen  j-ears  of  age,  he  operated  his  father's  farm 
for  two  years.  He  then  spent  one  season  in  the 
Black  Hills  country,  returning  home  on  account  of 
-sickness.  He  again  took  charge  of  his  father's  farm, 
which  he  purchased  in  the  spring  of  1881.  He 
sold  out  in  the  fall  of  the  same  year,  and  in  the 
succeeding  spring  came  to  this  county,  -where  he 
purchased  160  acres  of  land  on  section  18,  together 
with  fifteen  acres  of  timber  land.  Since  that  time  he 
has  been  a  resident  of  Marysville  Township,  giving 
his  attention  wholly  to  farming  and  stock-raising. 
In  Pawnee  City,  Neb.,  July  16,  1882,  was  celebrated 
his  marriage  with  Miss  Kate  Cbristner,  daughter  of 
Moses  and  Mary  (Nichols)  Christner,  natives  of 
Pennsylvania.  Thej'  had  removed  from  Somerset 
Count}',  Pa.,  to  Richardson  Count}-,  Neb.,  in  1879, 
and  in  the  latter  county  they  still  reside.     Of    the 

family  of  seven  sons  and  six  daughters,  Mrs.  Otto 
was  the  eleventh.  She  was  horn  in  Somerset  County, 
Pa.,  July  11,  1860.  She  is  a  most  estimable  woman, 
proving  a  worthy  helpmate  to  her  husband.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Otto  are  the  parents  of  three  bright  chil- 
dren— Irving  L.,  Nettie  J.,  and  Clayton. 

Mr.  Otto  is  a  strong  adherent  of  the  principles  of 
the  Union  Labor  party.  He  is  a  man  of  more  than 
ordinary  intelligence,  and  with  his  wife  has  high 
standing  in  the  community  in  which  ne  resides. 

^^^  TTO  HOLLE  is  owner  and  occupant  of  a  fer- 
|(  I)  tile  and  well-cultivated  farm  of  240  acres 
^^^  lying  on  section  20,  Logan  Township.  Ttie 
broad  acres  are  well  fenced,  being  divided  into  fields 
mostly  under  the  plow,  and  in  meadow.  On  the 
farm  is  an  orchard  of  about  150  trees,  while  barn, 
windmill,  and  other  outbuildings,  show  its  owner 
to  be  a  ijrogressive  and  enterprising  farmer.  A 
fine  large  frame  house  ftffords  a  comfortable  home 
for  the  happy  famil}'.  All  of  this  is  the  result  of 
hard  work  and  good  management  by  Mr.  HoUe  and 
his  wife,  both  of  whom  are  justly  proud  of  their 
success  in  the  West. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Prussia,  there  reared 
and  educated  under  the  compulsory  laws,  which 
secure  such  excellent  foundation  for  the  work  of 
later  years.  He  served  two  years  in  the  German 
army,  and  came  to  the  United  States  in  the  spring 
of  1866.  He  had  embarked  on  the  sail-ship  "Co- 
lumbus," which  occupied  six  weeks  in  her  voj'age 
across  the  Atlantic.  Landing  in  New  York.  Mr. 
Holle  went  directly  to  Will  County,  III.,  where  he 
worked  as  a  farm  hand  for  a  period  of  two  and  a 
half  j'ears.  Thence  he  came  to  this  count}',  and 
homesteaded  his  farm,  on  which  he  kept  bachelor's 
hall  about  three  j'ears,  living  in  a  dug-out.  He 
then  built  a  frame  house,  to  which  he  brought  his 
bride,  and  in  which  they  resided  until  about  seven 
years  ago,  when  the  present  structure  was  erected. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  natives  of  Prus- 
sia, where  the  father,  Henry  Holle,  died.  The 
mother,  Dora  (Rise)  Holle,  came  to  the  United 
States  with  our  subject,  and  died  in  Marj'sville,  at 



llie  home  of  her  daughter  Maiy,  wife  of  Fred  Miller, 
of  that  city.  Both  parents  were  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  of  which  our  subject  and  his 
family  are  also  members. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  a  Prussian,  bearing 
the  maiden  name  of  Clara  Smith.  Her  parents, 
jMathias  and  Julia  Smith,  emigrated  to  the  United 
States,  and  died  on  a  farm  three  miles  south  of 
Marysville.  They  were  members  of  the  Catholic 
Church.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Holle  are  the  parents  of 
six  children — Martin,  Clara  IM.,  Louisa,  Fred  Will- 
iam, Katie,  and  Edward. 

Mr.  Holle  is  a  man  of  intelligence,  uprightness, 
industry,  and  ability,  and  with  his  estimable  wife 
commands  the  hearty  respect  of  the  entire  commu- 

,.,       I^ILLIAM  RAEMER,  a  son  of  Fred  W.  Rae- 
/_  ,.i.„..„i,  „f  Thorn  appears  elsewhere 

y^lLLIAM  KAEMEK,  a  si 
mer  (a  sketch  of  whom 
^^      in  tins  volume),  is  nur 

3),  is  numbered  among  the 
rising  young  business  men  of  Herkimer.  He  holds 
the  office  of  Constable,  and  since  February,  1889, 
has  been  engaged  in  the  lumber  business  at  this 
point  and  at  Bremen,  being  associated  in  partner- 
ship with  W.  II.  Koeneke  and  Mr.  Carl  Menier. 
They  handle  from  35.000  to  40,000  feet  of  lumber 
annually  at  Herkimer,  and  12,000  to  15,000  at 
Bremen.  Our  subject  is  also  agent  for  the  Hart- 
ford Fire  Insurance  Company.  He  is  only  twenty- 
six  years  of  age,  having  been  born  Sept.  21,  1863, 
and  has  already  made  fine  headway  on  the  road  to 

Mr.  Raemer  was  born  at  his  father's  homestead 
on  section  12,  Logan  Township,  and  was  reared  on 
the  farm  and  educated  in  the  district  school.  In 
March,  1888,  he  began  clerking  in  the  office  and 
attending  to  the  lumber  business  of  Mr.  Koeneke, 
and  gave  such  good  satisfaction  that  less  than  a 
year  later  he  was  promoted  to  a  partnership  in  the 
business.  He  was  married,  July  1,  1888,  to  Miss 
Emma,  daughter  of  John  and  Catherine  (Neidell) 
Krug,  vrho  was  a  native  of  Allegheny  County,  Pa. 
Mrs.  Raemer  came  to  this  county  with  her  parents 
about  1878,  where  her  father  engaged  in  farming 

and  died  a  few  years  later.  The  mother  is  still  living 
and  a  resident  of  Washington  County,  this  State. 
The  parents  were  born,  reared  and  married  in 
Hessen,  Germany,  and  trained  in  the  doctrines  of 
the  Lutheran  Church,  to  which  they  belonged.  Our 
subject  and  his  little  family  occupy  a  snug  h«me 
on  the  edge  of  the  village,  and  number  their 
friends  among  its  best  citizens.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rae- 
mer are  members  of  the  Evangelical  Church,  and 
our  subject,  politically,  is  a  sound  Republican. 

\f^  DWIX  S.  ROWLAND.  Some  of  the  most 
||=i  successful  farmers  of  Walnut  Township  are 
J^^  those  who  came  to  Northern  Kansas  in  their 
young  manhood,  among  whom  was  the  subject  of 
this  notice.  With  wise  forethought  he  set  about 
the  establishment  of  a  home  before  assuming  the 
responsibilities  of  a  family,  and  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  of  land  which  he  has  improved  into  a  flrst- 
class  farm,  making  fences,  putting  up  buildings, 
planting  forest  and  fruit  trees  and  gradually  accu- 
mulating the  comforts  and  conveniences  which 
have  so  large  a  share  in  the  happiness  and  welfare 
of  humanity.  For  a  number  of  years  he  operated 
simply  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil,  but  now  makes  a 
specialty  of  fine  stock,  including  Clydesdale  horses 
and  Short-horn  cattle,  and  is  able  to  exhibit  some 
of  the  finest  specimens  of  these  to  be  found  in  this 
part  of  the  county. 

A  native  of  New  \ork  State,  Mr.  Rowland  was 
born  in  Suffolk  County,  March  6,  1847,  and  there 
spent  his  boyhood  and  youth,  receiving  a  practical 
education  in  the  common  school.  lie  worked  with 
his  father  on  the  farm  and  acquired  those  habits  of 
industry  which  have  proved  the  basis  of  his  success 
in  life.  His  parents  were  Sanford  and  Mary 
(Thompson)  Rowland,  natives  of  Long  Island. 
The  father  was  owner  of  a  sailing  vessel  the 
'■Dover,"  which  was  chiefly  used  in  the  oyster  busi- 
ness on  the  American  coast  and  of  which  he  was 
commander.  He  was  lost  at  sea  off  Fire  Island 
Inlet,  where  his  ship  grounded  on  a  bar  and  where 
he  perished  March  2,  1854. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  spent 
many  years  of    his    life   on  Long  Island,  where  he 



was  married,  reared  his  family  and  died.  The  ma- 
ternal g'-andparents  likewise  died  on  Long  Island, 
in  the  village  of  Patchogue,  where  they  had  been 
reared.  Our  subject  left  his  native  State  when  a 
young  man  and  after  coming  to  this  county  was 
united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Catherine,  daughter  of 
John  and  Catherine  Binder,  who  was  born  in  Iowa. 
The  parents  of  Mrs.  Rowland  were  natives  of  Ger- 
many, and  further  notice  of  them  may  be  found  in 
the  sketch  of  J.  George  Binder,  a  brother  of  her 
father.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  have 
been  horn  three  children — William,  Albert  and 
James  Franklin.  Mr.  Rowland  is  a  stanch  sup- 
porter of  Republican  principles.  He  has  always 
maintained  an  interest  in  local  affairs  and  officiated 
as  Township  Clerk  one  term. 

John  Binder  departed  this  life  at  his  home  in 
Waterville  Township,  this  county,  Feb.  15,  1888, 
after  a  residence  of  twenty-one  j'ears,  having  come 
here  in  1869.  He  at  that  time  homesteaded  eightj' 
acres  on  section  2,  TVaterville  Township,  where 
they  reared  their  family  of  seven  children  and 
where  the  mother  still  lives.  Mis.  Rowland  was 
their  third  child.  She  was  carefully  trained  in  all 
housewifely  duties,  received  a  common-school  edu- 
cation and  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until 
her  marriage. 


Ifjl. ^  UGO  ROHDE,  general  farmer  on  section  10 

f/jji  in  Logan  Township,  takes  great  pride  in 
l^y^  the  development  of  this  country,  and  the 
i^^  fact  that  he  as  one  of  the  early  settlers  of 
this  part  of  the  county,  has  been  a  witness  to  much 
of  that  progress.  He  was  born  in  Prussia,  Dec.  9, 
1855,  the  son  of  Charles  and  Ernestina  (Werdeich) 
Rohde.  In  the  summer  of  1857  the  family  emi- 
grated to  the  United  States,  landing  in  New  York, 
and  thence  going  to  LaSalle  Count}',  111.  In  1868, 
they  came  to  this  county  where  the  father  pre- 
empted eighty  acres  on  section  9.  Logan  Township, 
anil  after  improving  it  took  a  homestead  of  eighty 
acres  on  section  10,  where  the  parents  lived  until 
their  (loath.  Though  for  so  short  a  time  in  America, 
the   fiilhor  displayed  all  the  patriotism  of  a  native 

American,  and  upon  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil 
War  in  1861,  he  enrolled  himself  as  one  of  the 
supporters  of  the  Union,  enlisting  in  Company  I, 
24tli  Illinois  Infantry.  He  served  faithfully  for 
fifteen  months,  being  promoted  from  the  ranks  to 
the  position  of  Sergeant,  when  he  was  discharged 
on  account  of  disability,  having  been  ruptured. 
His  death  took  place  June  18,  1884,  at  the  age  of 
sixty-two  years,  being  the  result  of  the  injury  re- 
ceived in  the  service.  The  mother  survived  until 
the  &th  of  December,  1887,  when  she  too  was  called 
from  earth.  Both  parents  were  reared  in  the  Lu- 
theran faith,  to  whiuli  the  ancestry,  so  far  as  known, 
were  attached.  They  were  natives  of  Prussia, 
where  their  ancestors  had  lived  for  generations. 
There  they  were  married  and  there  the  family  of 
five  children  was  born.  The  elder  and  third  of 
the  children  died  in  their  native  land  and  the  sec- 
ond child,  after  their  removal  to  America  (in  Illi- 
nois), leaving  only  our  subject  and  a  sister,  Minnie, 
wife  of  Ernest  Lange,  furniture  dealer  in  Marys- 
ville,  to  represent  the  family. 

Our  subject  was  in  his  thirteenth  year  when  his 
parents  removed  to  this  county  and  well  remcm- 
bei'S  when  his  father  took  up  the  homestead,  then 
v/ild  land  and  which  he  assisted  in  improving  and 
upon  which  he  now  resides.  He  has  a  comfortable 
frame  house,  a  substantial  stone  barn  and  other  im- 
provements upon  this  place,  and  the  land  under 
thorough  cultivation.  He  is  also  owner  of  160 
acres  on  section  16,  about  fifty  acres  being  under 
cultivation,  the  balance  in  pasture  and  meadows. 
He  devotes  his  attention  to  general  farming  but 
keeps  good  grades  of  stock,  his  horses  being 
three-fourths  Norman. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Washington  County, 
Kan.,  to  Sophia,  daughter  of  William  and  Char- 
lotte (Brockmeyer)  Phiele,  a  native  of  St.  Louis. 
Mo.  Her  parents  were  natives  of  Hanover,  Ger- 
many, being  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 
Mrs.  Rohde  has  become  the  mother  of  three  chil- 
dren, Carl,  Bertha,  and  Paulina. 

Mr.  Rohde  is  a  member  of  the  Turner  Lodge  of 
Marysville,  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  and  of  the  Druids 
Societj'  of  Marysville.  He  has  held  the  office  of 
Constable  one  year,  acted  as  enumerator  during  the 
census  taking  of  1880,  and  is  now  and  has  been  for 



several  years,  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  the  town- 
ship. He  is  a  man  of  strict  integrity,  upright 
character,  and  good  judgment,  thoroughly  deserv- 
ing the  ranic  wiiich  he  occupies  in  the  respect  of 
his  fellow  citizens. 

ETER  COHRS.  Few  people  realize  the 
immense  strength  and  importance  of  the 
;^-  German  element  in  this  county;  tlicy  come 
hither  in  large  numbers,  and  financiall}^  as 
well  as  numerically,  form  a  part  of  the  community 
by  no  means  to  be  overlooked.  Taking  hold  of 
every  department  of  labor,  making  themselves  in- 
dispensable in  the  development  of  every  public  en- 
terprise, and  becoming  identified  with  our  customs 
and  institutions,  they  command  at  once  the  wonder 
and  .admiration  of  other  foreigners,  who  perchance 
lack  their  business    capacity    and  financial  ability. 

Not  the  least  among  these  progressive  Germans, 
may  be  mentioned  the  gentleman  with  whose  name 
we  introduce  this  sketch.  He  is  tiie  owner  of  a  splen- 
did farm  of  160  acres,  whose  fertile  soil  yields 
bountiful  harvests,  and  whose  broad  acres  are  yearly 
made  beautiful  by  the  ripening  sheaf,  the  blooming 
flowers,  and  the  blushing  fruits.  Upon  his  home- 
stead he  has  erected  a  pleas.ant,  roomy  dwelling, 
prominent  among  others  in  his  vicinity.  His  barn  is 
well  painted  and  commodious,  while  the  corn-cribs, 
granaries,  and  other  outbuildings  are  of  the  best, 
and  materially  assist  in  promoting  the  interests  of 
the  farm.  Naturally  he  feels  proud  of  his  well- 
improved  estate,  for  it  is  the  result  of  his  own  un- 
aided efforts.  It  is  almost  entirely  fenced  and  in 
good  cultivation. 

Personally,  our  subject  is  one  of  tlie  most  promi- 
nent men  in  his  township,  has  served  as  Road 
Commissioner,  and  in  various  ways  advanced  the 
interests  of  his  county.  He  is  public-spirited,  con- 
servative and  careful,  guarding  with  a  watchful 
eye  and  u  vigilant  brain  tiioSo  public  affairs  and 
national  interests,  which  should  be  first  in  the 
thoughts  of  every  patriotic  citizen.  In  company 
with  many  others  of  German  extraction,  Mr.  Cohrs 
and  his  family  are  faithful    attendants    at   the  ser- 

vices of  the  Lutheran  Church,  as  well  as  regular 
communicants  of  that  denomination.  They  are 
rearing  their  children  in  the  faith  of  their  ancestors, 
and  molding  their  characters  so  as  to  fit  them,  relig- 
iously and  socially,  for  positions  of  responsibility 
and  honor  awaiting  their  future  years. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Hans  Henry  and 
Catherine  Cohrs,  natives  of  Hanover,  and  of  German 
ancestry  as  far  back  as  the  family  record  extends. 
In  Hanover  the  parents  lived  and  there  passed  to 
rest  in  1853,  the  father  first,  and  the  mother  sur- 
viving him  only  one  week.  Their  son,  Peter,  our 
subject,  was  born  March  15,  1847  in  the  same  pro- 
vince which  was  the  life  home  of  his  father  and 
mother,  was  educated  under  the  laws  of  compul- 
sory education,  and  was  one  in  a  family  of  four 
children,  two  of  whom  are  now  living.  Early  left 
orphans  and  thrown  upon  the  mercies  of  a  thought- 
less world,  these  children  were  separated,  a  brother, 
Henry,  and  a  sister,  Dorethe,  coming  to  the  United 
States  several  years  before  our  subject  himself  be- 
came a  resident  of  the  "land  of  the  free." 

With  careful  insight  into  the  future,  and  a  vivid 
realization  of  what  the  New  World  held  for  him 
over  and  above  the  opportunities  presented  in  the 
Fatherland.  Peter  Cohrs  decided  to  make  his  home 
in  the  United  States;  flattering  reports  from  that 
country  having  been  sent  back  by  his  relatives 
who  had  preceded  him  thitlier.  When  the  Civil 
War  had  been  brought  to  a  termination,  he  saw 
bright  prospects  for  the  future  in  the  reunited 
country,  and  accordingly,  in  1865,  embarked  from 
Bremen  on  a  sail-ship,  the  "Helena,"  which  landed 
him  in  New  York,  July  5,  fifty-three  days  after 
taking  passage.  He  came  immediately  to  Cook 
County,  111.,  where  he  worked  as  a  farm-laborer 
Ave  years,  with  the  exception  of  two  years  spent  in 
Kansas.  He,  however,  did  not  find  liis  ideal  home 
in  Cook  Countjs  and  being  pleased  with  tiie  soil 
and  appearance  of  Kansas,  came  to  this  State  in 
1870,  and  bought  his  present  farm  located  on  sec- 
tion :i9  in  Herkimer  Township.  Marvellous  clianges 
have  since  then  been  wrought  by  the  all  powerful 
liand  of  man.  Then  the  landscape  presented  a  wild 
aspect,  with  a  rank  growth  of  weeds,  while  all 
around  was  uncultivated,  unattractive  and  unim- 
proved.    Now  tlie  beholder's    eye  is   pleased  with 



tlie  order,  regularity,  and  evidence  of  harmony  ex- 
isting between  tlie  surroundings,  both  in  outward 
form  and  inward  workings.  It  seems  the  abode  of 
peace  and  plentj'. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  also  a  native  of  Han- 
over, where  her  parents  lived  till  1855.  Mrs.  Cohrs 
was  in  her  youth  Catherine,  daughter  of  George 
and  Anna  (Bunker)  Gieshler,  who  were  universally 
respected  both  in  their  native  land  and  in  the  com- 
munity of  which  they  were  residents  in  Kansas. 
Religiously,  they  belonged  to  the  Lutheran  Church, 
and  after  a  life  well  spent  in  deeds  of  kindness  and 
self-sacrifice,  passed  quietly  and  hopefullj'  to  rest. 
They  had  resided  for  fourteen  years  in  Illinois 
prior  to  their  removal  to  Kansas  in  1869,  and  it 
was  in  this  latter  State  that  they  died.  After  the 
marriage  of  our  subject  and  his  wife,  which  took 
place  ,]une  18,  1874,  they  lived  for  a  time  on  rented 
land,  then  had  a  house  built  on  his  present  home- 
stead, into  which  they  removed.  The  home  circle 
is  gladdened  b}'  the  birth  and  presence  of  four 
children,  namely:  Henry,  Anna,  Fred  and  Cather- 
ine. They  are  now  at  home  and  receiving  careful 
training  for  life's  responsibilities. 

In  politics  Mr.  Cohrs  is  an  Independent. 

(jl  ,=,  Perhaps  in  no  portion  of  the  world  are  the 
^^iill  results  of  industry  and  perseverance  more 
clearly  defined  than  in  the  Great  West.  Fiftj- 
years  ago  a  large  portion  of  its  terrritory  lay  un- 
tilled,  and  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  that  its 
present  civilized  condition,  its  rich  farms  and  flour- 
ishing villages,  have  been  brought  into  existence 
only  by  those  men  possessing  an  unlimited  amount 
of  enterprise  and  energy.  In  noting  the  career  of 
the  leading  men  of  Marshall  County,  the  name  of 
Mr.  Gerlinger  can  b}'  no  means  be  properly  omitted 
from  the  list.  Ha  represents  farm  property  to  the 
amount  of  720  broad  acres,  his  homestead  being 
finely  located  on  section  9,  Elm  Creek  Township. 
He  commenced  in  life  dependent  upon  his  own  re- 
sources and  has  arrived  at  his  present  position,  so- 
cially and  financiallj',  solely  by  his  own  eliorts. 

Next  in  importance  to  a  man's  personal  history, 
is  that  of  his  forefathers.  Our  subject  is  the  son 
of  Christian  Gerlinger,  who  was  born  in  Germany, 
where  he  received  a  practical  education,  and 
was  married  to  Miss  Sophia  Schmidt,  a  maiden 
of  his  own  Province.  His  distinguishing  trait  was 
his  desire  to  get  on  in  the  world  and  to  follow  a 
course  which  would  be  best  for  those  dependent 
upon  him.  There  seemed  little  prospect  of  attain- 
ing his  desire  in  the  Fatherland  and,  according!}'  in 
184G,  he  set  out  for  America.  The  voyage  across 
the  Atlantic  was  made  in  a  sailing-vessel,  and  the 
family  first  settled  in  Pennsylvania,  sojourning 
there,  however,  only  a  short  time.  Then  they  re- 
moved to  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  of  which  place  they 
were  residents  about  fifteen  j'ears.  The  father  of 
our  subject  then  having  his  attention  attracted  to 
Northern  Kansas  as  a  desirable  location  for  a  man 
with  little  means,  came  to  this  county  and  settled 
in  Elm  Creek  Township.  He  redeemed  a  portion 
of  the  soil,  and  constructed  therefrom  a  comfort- 
able homestead,  where  be  and  his  estimable  wife 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  days. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  only  child  of 
his  parents,  and  was  born  in  Wurtemburg,  Ger- 
many, April  24,  1840.  He  was  a  child  of  six  years 
when  his  parents  emigrated  to  America,  and  he 
came  with  them  to  this  county  in  April,  1862.  He 
acquired  his  education  mostly  in  the  common 
schools,  and  at  an  early  age  was  tauglit  to  make 
himself  useful,  and  became  imbued  with  those  hab- 
its of  thrift  and  prudence  which  are  the  leading 
characteristics  of  the  German  nationality.  When 
reaching  man's  estate  he  was  married  in  Nemeha 
County,  May  25,1868.  to  Miss  Augusta  Weyer,  who 
born  July  15,  1842,  to  Frederick  and  Mary  Louisa 
Weyer.  This  lady  was  a  native  of  his  own  coun- 
tr}-,  and  after  becoming  the  mother  of  four  chil- 
dren, departed  this  life  at  the  homestead  Sept.  25, 
1880.  One  of  their  sons — John — died  when  an  in- 
fant of  six  months.  George  P.,  born  July  17. 
1870;  Christian  A.,  Sept.  27.  1871.  and  William 
E.,  Aug.  30.  1873,  remain  at  home  with  their 

Mr.  Gerlinger  contracted  a  second  marriage  Aug. 
16,  1881.  in  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  with  Miss  Elizabeth 
Munzinger,  who  born  Sept.  8,  1850,  near  the  Cream 



City,  and  lived  there  until  her  marriage.  Both 
Mrs.  Gerlinger  and  her  husband  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  Mr.  Ger- 
linger, poliiicalij,  is  independent,  a  man  who  does 
his  own  thinking  and  endeavors  to  support  the  men 
whom  he  considers  best  qualified  for  office.  In  his 
fanning  operations,  he  makes  a  specialty'  of  stock- 
breeding,  and  has  all  the  conveniences  for  the  suc- 
cessful prosecution  of  his  calling.  He  has  erected 
good  buildings  on  his  place,  and  avails  himself  of 
modern  machiner3'  in  the  cultivation  of  the  soil. 
Among  his  fellow-citizens  he  is  uniformly  popular, 
and  his  home  is  the  frequent  resort  of  the  best  peo- 
ple of  Elm  Creek  Township.  We  call  the  atten- 
tion of  our  many  readers  to  an  elegant  lithographic 
view  of  the  handsome  residence  and  surroundings 
on  the  farm  of  Mr.  Gerlinger,  to  be  found  on  an- 
other page  of  this  work. 

^^^  BSALOM  H.  JESTER  has  for  many  years 
been  an  active  citizen  and  earnest   woiker 

jjj  lii  for  the  promotion  of  the  best  interests  of 
Marshall  Count}-,  where  he  has  attained 
the  worthy  reputation  of  being  public-spirited,  lib- 
eral, and  industrious.  By  trade  a  carpenter,  he 
has  devoted  his  later  years  to  agricultural  pursuits, 
owning  and  cultivating  a  fine  farm  on  section  30, 
Center  Township.  By  developing  the  best  inter- 
ests of  his  own  estate,  he  has  thereby  elevated  the 
standard  of  agriculture  in  this  county,  and  has 
stimulated  others  to  more  determined  efforts  by  his 
successful  operation  of  his  farm. 

Inheriting  the  thrift  of  a  long  line  of  Scotch  an- 
cestrjr,  he  lias  had  the  hearty  co-operation  of  a 
worthy  helpmate  for  many  years.  Mrs.  Jester  has 
all  the  charms  and  attractions  of  gracious  woman- 
hood, mellowed  and  subdued  by  age.  Of  charit- 
able disposition,  winning  and  kind,  the  poor  never 
fear  to  approach  her,  while  those  in  her  own  social 
sphere  rival  each  other  in  bestowing  upon  her  those 
little  favors  so  gratefully  received  by  ail  the  gen- 
tler sex.  She  was  united  in  marriage  with  our  sub- 
ject, in  Springfield.  111.,  July  11,  1850,  and  has 
ever  since  then   been  a  true  wife,  faithful  compan- 

ion, and  active  co-laborer,  working  earnestly  for 
the  promotion  of  the  family  welfare.  Not  alone 
has  she  been  a  worthy  helpmate,  but  in  every  sense 
of  the  word,  she  has  been  a  devoted  mother  to  her 
children,  of  whom  there  are  eight.  We  herewith 
give  the  family  record:  John,  Julia,  Ann,  Varden, 
Ch.irles,  Katie,  Stephen,  and  Mattie.  Ann  died 
when  just  budding  into  womanhood,  at  the  in- 
teresting age  (if  sixteen  years.  She  was  buried 
near  the  homestead,  in  Center  Township;  Varden 
was  taken  from  the  family  circle  when  an  infant; 
John  married  Laura  Crary,  and  resides  in  Colorado; 
Julia  is  the  wife  of  George  Thomas,  and  lives  in 
Marysville;  Mattie  married  Edward  Dexter,  a  resi- 
dent of  this  county;  Charles  and  Stejihen  are  at 

Politically,  Mr.  Jester  is  an  active  supporter  of 
Democratic  principles,  working  for  the  election  of 
their  ticket  in  all  National  and  local  affairs.  To- 
gether with  his  wife  he  attends  services  at  the 
Baptist  Church,  of  which  both  are  members.  Mr. 
Jester  has  filled  with  characteristic  abilitj'  several 
school  offices,  but  prefers  the  quiet  of  the  domestic 
circle  to  the  uproar  of  official  life. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  John  B.  Jester,  was  a 
native  of  Scotland,  and  by  occupation  a  shoemaker. 
In  early  manhood  he  married  Tabitha  Jones,  who 
was  born  on  the  eastern  shore  of  Maryland.  After 
marriage,  they  removed  to  Woodford  County,  Ky., 
where  he  followed  his  trade  several  years.  During 
their  sojourn  in  that  county,  our  subject  was  born 
Nov.  1,  1822.  and  was  one  among  nine  children 
born  to  John  Jester  and  his  helpmate.  He  was  the 
third  in  order  of  birth,  and  was  eight  years  old 
when  his  parents  left  their  Kentuckj'  home,  and 
located  in  Sangamon  County,  111.  Plere,  as  in  Ken- 
tucky, Mr.  Jester  was  occupied  with  his  trade,  but 
afterward  became  interested  in  farming  pursuits. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  died  in  their  Illinois  home. 

For  twenty  years  a  resident  of  the  capital  cit}' 
of  the  great  State  of  Illinois,  our  subject  there  was 
engaged  as  a  carpenter,  and  enjoyed  the  personal 
acquaintance  of  President  Lincoln,  who  was  then 
entering  upon  that  career  so  brilliant,  so  wonder- 
ful, and  so  suddenly  terminated  in  the  midst  of  the 
greatness  achieved,  when  he  had  been  placed  on  the 
pinnacle  of  renown,  by  a  loving,  reunited   people. 



Leaving  SiiringSekl,  Mr.  Jester  returnert  to  his 
father's  old  homestead,  and  made  it  the  scene  of 
his  labors  for  six  years.  In  the  autumn  of  1869 
he  left  that  place  and  settled  in  Center  Township, 
on  section  30,  this  county,  where  he  has  since  re- 
sided. He  preempted  a  homestead  of  eighty  acres 
on  section  30,  and  has  since  added  another  eighty 
to  the  original  claim.  Upon  his  estate  he  has 
erected  a  commodious  residence,  and  has  also  set 
out  fruit  trees,  and  otherwise  improved  the  prop- 

Mrs.  Jester  is  tlie  daughter  of  John  and  Ann 
(Wetherell)  Connelly,  who  after  their  marriage, 
settled  in  Georgetown,  D.  C.  and  there  resided 
until  the  year  1837,  when  they  came  to  Sangamon 
County,  111.,  settling  in  Springfield.  There  the 
father  followed  the  occupation  of  a  shoemaker,  and 
filled  various  offices  of  trust,  and  became  prominent 
among  those  of  his  social  circle  in  his  vicinitj-. 
He  and  his  wife  reared  a  family  of  eleven  children, 
six  daughters  and  five  sons.  Of  these  Mrs.  Jester 
was  the  eighth  child,  and  was  born  in  Georgetown, 
D.  C,  Feb.  28,  1832,  accompanying  her  parents  on 
their  removal  later,  to  Springfield,  where  she  met 
and  married  the  subject  of  this  sketch. 

During  the  period  of  their  residence  here,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Jester  have  endeared  themselves  to  those 
with  whom  they  have  associated,  and  are  known  in 
tlieir  community  for  their  good  works. 

l^xATRICK  J.  FARRELL.  It  is  a  remark- 
able man,  who  takes  no  pleasure  in  view- 
ing the  evidences  of  thrift  and  enterprise 
in  a  community,  the  cultivated  fields  of 
the  agricultural  districts,  especially,  the  substantial 
buildings  and  the  various  other  indications  of  in- 
dustry and  prosperity.  He  who  has  built  up  for 
himself  such  a  homestead  among  an  intelligent  peo- 
ple, is  worth3-  of  moi^e  than  a  passing  mention. 
The  farm  of  Mr.  Farrell,  which  is  pleasantly  lo- 
cated on  section  7,  AValnut  Township,  invariably 
attracts  the  eye  of  the  passing  traveler,  its  fields 
being  well  tilled  and  productive,  its  buildings  neatly 
painted  and  kept  in  good  repair,  and  the  surround- 

ings generalij'  indicative  of  a  man  intent  upon 
reaching  a  high  point  of  excellence,  both  socially 
and  financiallj'. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  County 
Longford,  Ireland,  March  4,  1849,  and  is  the  son 
of  Patrick  and  Marj-  (Milnamow)  Farrell,  who 
emigrated  to  the  United  States  when  Patrick  J.  was 
a  child  of  two  years.  They  made  the  voyage  on 
a  sailing-vessel  of  tlie  Black  Star  Line,  and  landed  in 
New  York  City  in  December,  1851.  Thence  thej' 
proceeded  to  De  Kalb  County,  111.,  where  the  father 
occupied  himself  as  a  farmer,  and  where  he  still 
lives.  The  mother  died  in  1886.  Both  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Catholic  Church,  of  Killishee  Parish. 

Mr.  Farrell  came  when  a  30ung  man,  in  1869.  to 
this  State,  and  homesteaded  160  acres  of  land 
where  he  now  lives,  and  which  occupies  the  south- 
east quarter  of  section  7.  He  had  acquired  a  com- 
mon-school education  in  Illinois,  together  with 
those  habits  of  industry  and  frugalit}-,  which  have 
l3een  the  secret  of  his  success.  When  becoming 
sufficiently  established,  financially,  he  was  married 
in  this  county,  on  June  20,  1877,  to  Miss  Mary  C, 
daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Downey)  Flem- 
ing, who  was  born  in  Bruce  County,  Canada,  and 
whose  father  was  a  native  of  Kilkenny,  Ireland. 
The  latter  when  a  young  man,  emigrated  with  his 
parents,  William  and  Catherine  (Blackey)  Fleming, 
to  the  Dominion,  and  there  his  parents  spent  their 
last  days.  The  father  was  a  member  of  the  Church 
of  England,  and  the  mother  was  a  Catholic  in  re- 
ligious belief;  the  father  when  married  also  joined 
the  Catholic  Church.  Grandmother  Fleming  died 
soon  after  landing  in  Quebec.  Grandfather  Flem- 
ing died  while  on  a  visit  to  his  daughter  in  Michi- 
gan. Mrs.  Farrell's  mother  was  born  in  Canada, 
where  she  was  reared  to  womanhood,  and  married. 
The  parents  of  Mrs.  Farrell  are  now  residents  of 
Pottawatomie  County,  this  State.  The  maternal 
grandparents  were  Patrick  and  Elizabeth  (Phelan) 
Downe3',  both  natives  of  Kilkenny,  and  members  of 
the  Catholic  Church. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Farrell  began  their  wedded  life  to- 
gether on  the  farm  where  they  now  live,  and  upon 
which  great  changes  have  been  brought  about  since 
our  subject  took  possession.  Besides  the  buildings 
mentioned,  there    is  an    abundance   of    fruit   and 



sliade  trees,  including  a  fine  orcyiard  of  about  100 
apple  trees.  The  land  is  largely  devoted  to  pastur- 
age. Mr.  and  Mrs.  FarrcU  are  members  in  good 
standing  of  the  Catholic  Church,  and  our  subject, 
politicallj',  votes  tlie  straight  Democratic  ticket. 
He  has  served  as  Township  Trustee  two  years,  and 
also  as  Road  Overseer,  and  Clerk  of  his  school  dis- 
trict several  years.  The  household  circle  includes 
six  bright  and  interesting  children,  viz.:  Patrick, 
Elizabeth  T.,  Thomas  L.,  Bernard  W.,  Gregorj% 
and  Henry  iM. 

Mrs.  Farrell  is  a  ver3'  intelligent  lady,  and  well 
educated,  having  completed  lier  studies  in  the 
Catholic  school  at  Galesburg,  111.,  of  which  she  was 
a  student  four  years.  She  was  also  in  the  convent 
at  Farniassa,  Canada,  four  3'ears.  In  1885  Mr. 
Farrell  and  his  famil}'  visited  their  old  home  in 
Delvalb  Count}',  111.,  and  also  took  in  the  great 
and  growing  cit}-  of  Chicago. 

I  AMES  SHROYER.  A  plain  and  unassum- 
ing citizen,  the  subject  of  this  notice 
long  been  recognized  as  one  of  those  men 
(^^//  possessing  the  qualities  of  character  which 
form  the  basis  of  all  good  society,  and  lend  dignity' 
and  worth  to  a  community.  He  has  been  content 
to  pursue  the  even  tenor  of  his  way.  giving  his 
thoughts  mostly  to  his  family  and  his  farm,  but  at 
the  same  time  has  maintained  a  uniform  interest  in 
the  progress  and  welfare  of  the  people  about  him. 
He  has  a  very  pleasant  farailj- and  aVife  possessing 
great  excellence  of  character,  a  lad\'  who  is  warmly 
interested  in  the  cause  of  education,  maintaining  a 
worthy  ambition  to  give  her  children  the  best  of 
advantages.  Their  home  makes  one  of  those  quiet 
country  pictures,  having  a  charm  about  it  greater 
than  that  which  wealth  or  ambition  can  give. 

Philip  Shroj'er,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Penns3'lvania  where  he  was  reared  to 
farming  pursuits  and  married  Miss  Catherine  Lash, 
a  native  of  his  own  State.  Soon  after  uniting  tiieir 
destinies  they  removed  to  Perry  County,  Ohio, 
where  the  father  was  cut  down  in  his  prime,  djing 
when   his  son  James,  our  subject,  was  about  seven 

years  old.  The  mother  subsequently  removed  to 
Fulton  County.  Ind.,  and  later  came  to  this  county 
and  died  about  1878.  The  family  of  nine  children 
consisted  of  seven  sons  and  two  daughters,  of  whom 
James  was  the  youngest  born.  He  first  opened  his 
eyes  to  the  light  near  Thornville,  Perry  Co.,  Ohio, 
.Sept.  30,  1841,  and  was  eight  years  old  when  his 
mother  left  the  Buckeye  State  and  removed  to  Ind- 
iana. He  was  reared  to  manhood  in  the  latter 
State  and  came  to  this  county  in  the  fall  of  18(14, 
when  twenty-three  years  old.  He  secured  a  tract 
of  land  on  section  31,  Elm  Creek  Township,  and 
established  the  homestead  where  he  now  lives.  He 
is  now  the  owner  of  320  acres  of  land  upon  which 
he  has  erected  good  buildings,  planted  forest  and 
fruit  trees,  and  gathered  about  himself  and  his  fam- 
ily the  other  comforts  and  conveniences  of  modern 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Sarah 
Blalock  took  place  at  the  home  of  the  bride  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  Sept  12,  1869.  Mrs.  Shroyer  is 
the  daughter  of  John  and  Rosamond  (Hill)  Blalock; 
the  mother  is  deceased,  the  father  is  a  resident 
of  Texas.  The  wife  of  our  subject  was  born  in 
Grant  County,  Wis.,  Sept.  20,  1845,  and  received 
a  good  education,  after  which  she  followed  the 
profession  of  a  teacher  in  this  county  and  other 
places,  until  her  marri.age.  This  union  has  resulted 
in  the  birth  of  four  children,  viz.:  Warren  is  now 
a  student  at  Plattville,  Grant  Co.,  Wis. ;  John, 
Ferdinand,  and  Mary  J.,  are  at  home  with  their 
parents  and  receiving  the  benefits  of  a  good  edu- 
cation. Mr.  Shroyer,  politically,  affllliates  with 
the  Democratic  party,  but  has  never  sought  the  re- 
sponsibilities of  office.  Mrs.  Shroyer  is  promi- 
nently connected  with  the  Congregational  Church. 

IP  DAM  SACHS.  The  reader  will  at  once 
_  ,  recognize  this  name  as  belonging  to  a 
I  *  German  citizen,  and  the  biographer  found 
him  located  on  one  of  the  best  farms  in 
Walnut  Township,  pleasantly  situated  on  section  8. 
The  homestead  in  all  its  appointments  indicates 
the  thrift  and  industry  of  the  proprietor,  from  the 



large  neatly-painted  frame  dwelling,  to  tbe  barn 
and  other  outbuildings,  the  fat  cattle  and  other 
well-fed  live  stock,  the  machinery  and  all  the 
appurtenances  usually  emploj'ed  bj-  the  skillful 
and  thorougii  agriculturist.  The  soil  has  been 
brought  to  a  highly  fertile  condition  and  very  little 
of  it  is  allowed  to  run  to  waste.  Mr.  Sachs  is  one 
of  the  most  worthy  representatives  of  his  national- 
ity, and  has  been  no  unimportant  factor  in  uphold- 
ing the  reputation  of  his  adopted  township  as  one 
of  the  most  intelligent  communities  in  this  region. 

A  native  of  the  Kingdom  of  Bavaria,  German}', 
our  subject  was  born  Jan.  2,  1847,  and  reared  un- 
der the  compulsory  education  laws  of  his  native 
land.  He  spent  his  boyhood  and  youth  on  the 
farm  of  his  parents,  Lawrence  and  Maggie  (Goller) 
Sachs,  who  were  likewise  natives  of  Bavaria  and  of 
pure  German  ancestry.  The}'  were  most  excellent 
and  worthy  people,  members  in  good  standing  in 
the  Lutheran  Church,  and  spent  their  entire  lives 
on  their  native  soil. 

Our  subject  left  his  native  shore  in  1868  on  the 
steamer  "Weser,"  and  after  a  voyage  of  eleven 
days  landed  safely  in  New  York  City  on  the  16th 
of  September.  He  made  his  way  directly  from 
the  metropolis  to  Scott  County,  Iowa,  where  he 
employed  himself  as  a  farm  laborer  three  years. 
Afterward  he  established  himself  on  a  rented  farm 
which  he  operated  two  years  and  then  removed, 
first  to  Guthrie  County,  Iowa,  and  next  to  Adams 
County,  Neb.  In  the  latter  county  he  purchased  a 
claim,  chiefly  with  money  which  he  had  made  by 
months  of  hard  labor,  and  next  took  unto  himself 
a  wife  and  helpmate.  This  lady  was  Miss  Philipina, 
daughter  of  Philip  Schoneberger,  a  native  of  his 
own  country,  and  the}-  lived  on  that  farm  until 
1883,  during  which  3-ear  our  subject  came  to  this 

Mr.  Sachs  now  purchased  240  acres  of  land,  that 
which  constitutes  his  present  farm,  and  has  since 
given  to  it  his  best  efforts.  He  makes  a  specialty 
of  Short-horn  cattle,  an  industry  in  which  he  has 
been  very  successful  and  which  yields  him  a  hand- 
some income.  At  the  same  time  he  takes  an  inter- 
est in  ever3'thing  pertaining  to  the  general  welfare 
of  his  community,  being  the  friend  of  education 
and    progress  in  all  its  forms  and    uniformly  sup- 

porting the  principles  of  the  Democratic  party.  He 
has  held  the  office  of  School  Treasurer  in  his  dis- 
trict for  the  last  four  years,  is  a  man  prompt  to 
meet  his  oblig^ations  and  one  whose  word  is  consid- 
ered as  good  as  his  bond.  Both  he  and  his  wife 
are  leading  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church  in  the 
faith  of  which  they  have  been  reared  since  child- 
hood; they  have  two  children,  whose  names  are 
George  and  Mary,  who  are  receiving  the  benefits  of 
a  good  common  school  education. 

ETER  J.  SCHUMACHER.  This  gentle- 
man, who  is  on  the  sunn}-  side  of  fortj' 
and  who  is  a  farmer  b}'  occupation,  havin.o- 
a  well-regulated  homestead  on  section  12, 
in  Logan  Township,  was  born  in  Wisconsin,  Oct. 
12,  1860,  and  lived  there  until  a  child  of  seven 
years.  About  1867  his  parents  removed  to  the 
Northern  ijart  of  the  Wolverine  State,  but  not  be- 
ing satisfied  with  tiieir  surroundings,  came  a  year 
later  to  this  county  and  located  on  tlie  farm  now 
occupied  b}'  tlieir  son.  Here  our  subject  was  reared 
until  approaching  to  man's  estate  and  when  about 
eighteen  j'ears  old,  the  parents,  leaving  the  farm  in 
his  hands,  removed  to  another  on  section  18,  Lo- 
gan Township,  where  they  still  reside. 

Mr.  Schumacher  was  the  third  born  in  a  family 
of  six  children,  one  of  whom  is  deceased.  He  was 
educated  in  the  district  school  and  when  twenty- 
five  years  old,  was  married  in  Logan  Township  to 
Miss  Paulina  C,  daughter  of  Anton  and  Julia 
(Richard)  Iluber.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Schumacher 
were  natives  of  La.Salle  (Jounty,  III.,  where  they 
lived  until  she  was  about  three  years  old.  The}' 
then  removed  to  this  county  and  are  still  residents 
of  Franklin  Township.  The  young  people  began 
their  wedded  life  together  under  the  old  roof  tree, 
and  are  now  the  parents  of  one  child,  a  son,  An- 
drew, who  was  born  July  21,  1888. 

The  farm  of  our  subject  comprises  160  acres  of 
good  land,  the  greater  part  of  which  is  in  a  good 
stale  of  cultivation.  He  lias  a  substantial  frame 
dwelling  with  a  good  barn  and  an  orchard  of  about 
100  fruit  trees,  besides  other  fruit  and  shade  trees. 



He  has  been  quite  a  prominent  man  in  his  commu- 
nity and  in  tlie  spring  of  1887  was  elected  Trustee 
of  Herkimer  Township,  and  re-elected  in  the  spring 
(if  1888-89.  He  superintended  tlie  assessment  of 
tlie  township  after  its  division  in  the  spring  of  1889, 
the  south  lialf  being  given  the  name  of  Logan.  He 
lilvcvvise  served  as  Constable  five  j'oars  prior  to  his 
first  election  as  Township  Trustee.  Sociall}',  he 
belongs  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  Otto  Lodge,  No.  85,  of 
MarysvilJeand  to  the  Turner  Lodge  of  that  place. 
His  farming  operations  are  conducted  with  that 
good  judgment  and  skill  which  has  made  his  land 
a  source  of  a  comfortable  income,  whereby  he  is 
able  to  surround  his  family  with  everything  needful 
for  their  comfort  and  happiness.  He  is  First  Ser- 
geant of  Company  G,  3d  Regiment,  K.  N.  G. 

^  jiJLLlAM  R.  RICI 
\/iJ/'  Creek,  has  been  a 
W^     and  makes  his  head 

RICE,  Postmaster  of  Elm 
life-long  agriculturist, 
s  headquarters  at  a  good  farm 
on  section  35.  He  has  a  sulistantial  and  tasteful 
modern  residence,  and  his  domestic  affairs  are  pre- 
sided over  by  a  lady  of  more  than  ordinarj'  intelli- 
gence and  worth.  The  family  is  widely  and  favor- 
ably known  and  occupy  a  high  social  position 
among  the  leading  people  of  their  community. 

In  reverting  to  the  early  history  of  our  subject, 
we  find  that  he  was  the  eldest  of  a  familj'  of  twelve 
children — six  sons  and  six  daughters — the  off- 
spring of  Isaac  N.  and  Hannah  (Collier)  Rice,  tlie 
former  of  whom  is  supposed  to  have  been  a  native 
of  Virginia,  while  the  latter  was  born  in  Kentuck3^ 
Tlie  parents  of  our  subject  after  their  marriage  set- 
tled in  Washington  County,  the  latter  State,  where 
the  father  carried  on  farming  for  a  time  and  then, 
in  October,  1850,  moved  across  the  Mississippi  into 
Buchanan  County,  Mo.  There  the  parents  spent 
the  remainder  of  their  lives.  William  R.  was  born 
in  Washington  County-,  Ky.,  Feb.  8,  1839,  and  was 
consequently  a  lad  of  eleven  years  when  he  accom- 
panied the  famiy  to  Missouri.  He  lived  there 
until  1862,  engaged  in  farming  pursuits.  In  the 
s|iring  of  that  year,  his  attention  having  been  called 
to  the  fertde  lands  of  Northern  Kansas,    he  came 

to  this  county  and  settled  on  section  35.  The  fol- 
lowing year  he  removed  to  Marysville,  and  lived 
there  two  years,  engaged  in  blacksmithing  and 
wagon-making.  With  this  exception,  his  life  oc- 
cupation has  been  that  of  a  farmer.  In  1865  he 
i-eturned  to  his  possessions  in  Elm  Creek  Town- 
ship, where  he  lived  until  April,  1866,  then 
removed  into  Blue  Rapids  City,  remaining  there 
until  1874.  He  then  returned  to  the  farm,  where 
he  has  since  lived.  This  embraces  at  the  present 
243  acres  of  choice  land,  which  he  is  cultivating 
with  excellent  results  and  at  the  same  time  carry- 
ing on  his  blacksmith  shop.  This  latter  is  a  great 
convenience  to  the  people  of  this  region,  and  is 
generouslj^  patronized.  The  proprietor  is  a  man 
prompt  to  meet  his  obligations  and  stands  well 
among  his  neiglibors. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Elm  Creek  Town- 
ship, Sept.  13,  1860  to  Miss  Susan  M.,  daughter  of 
James  and  Sarah  (Farris)  Taylor.  The  parents  of 
Mrs.  Rice,  it  is  believed,  were  natives  of  Kentucky, 
but  after  their  marriage  they  settled  in 'Indiana. 
Later,  they  removed  to  Illinois,  and  thence  to 
Buchanan  County,  Mo.  In  1859,  they  once  more 
changed  their  residence,  locating  then  in  this 
county,  on  a  farm  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  where 
they  spent  their  remaining  days.  Their  family 
consisted  ,'of  twelve  children,  only  six  of  whom 
lived  to  mature  j-ears,  four  sons  and  two  daugh- 

Mrs.  Rice  was  born  in  Andrew  County,  Mo., 
April  26,  1841.  Of  her  marriage  with  our  subject 
there  have  been  born  seven  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  a  son,  James  N.,  died  when  a  child  of 
eigliteen  months;  John  L.  died  when  fourteen 
months  old  ;  Martha  A.  became  the  wife  of  Will- 
iam H.  Leach,  and  died  in  Wells  Township,  this 
county,  Feb.  2,  1889,  at  the  age  of  twenty-four 
years;  William  I.  married  Miss  Minnie  Thompson 
of  Marysville,  they  live  in  Elm  Creek  Township; 
Albert,  Charles  F.  and  Edgar  D.  remain  at  home 
with  their  parents.  Mr.  Rice  was  appointed  Post- 
master under  the  administration  of  President 
Arthur  in  September,  1882,  and  has  since  held  the 
office.     Politically,  he  is  a  sound  Democrat. 

On  the  13th  of  September,  1885.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Rice  appropriately  celebrated  the  twent3'-fiftli  an- 



niversary  of  tlieir  wedding.  A  large  number  of 
friends  and  relatives  were  present  at  the  homestead 
and  a  goodly  number  of  valuable  gifts  were  pre- 
sented the  couple  in  remembrance  of  their  silver 
wedding.  Among  the  guests  was  one  lady,  Mrs. 
Eliza  Jane  Gift,  who  was  a  witness  of  the  ceremony 
which  made  the  twain  man  and  wife  in  their 
youth.  It  was  an  occasion  which  will  long  be  re- 
membered with  pleasure  by  those  who  were  pres- 
ent, and  who  expressed  their  wishes  that  many 
more  years  might  be  granted  Mr.  and  IMrs.  Rice  on 
the  journej'  of  life  together. 

<«i  I^ILLIAM  LOVE.  Our  subject  is  of  Irish 
1^^^  ancestry  and  birth,  his  father,  John,  and 
^p^  his  mother,  Mary  (Douelly)  Love,  both 
having  been  natives  of  the  Emerald  Isle,  on  which 
they  lived  and  died.  They  had  a  family  of  eleven 
children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  fourth.  He 
was  born  in  County  Cavan,  in  1826,  and  in  his  six- 
teenth year  left  home  to  make  for  himself  a  place 
among  the  residents  of  the  New  World.  He  landed 
at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  he  made  his  home  for 
three  3'ears.  engaged  a  portion  of  that  time  in  stage 
driving.  He  then  went  to  Schoharie  County-,  N.  Y., 
where  he  worked  upon  a  farm  for  some  time,  then 
buying  a  half-interest  in  a  steam  sawmill,  he  fol- 
lowed this  business  for  about  two  years.  Selling 
out,  he  removed  to  Delaware  County,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  engaged  in  lumbering  for  nearly  a  year.  He 
afterward  spent  some  time  in  Chicago,  Milwaukee, 
and  other  cities  of  the  northwest,  engaging  in  dif- 
ferent occupations  as  the  demands  of  the  region 
made  most  profitable.  Among  his  various  employ- 
ments, was  that  of  a  carpenter,  and  engineer  of  a 
threshing  machine.  In  Menomonee.  Wis.,  he  en- 
gaged in  mercantile  pursuits,  afterward  in  the 
wholesale  and  retail  liquor  business,  and  traded  in 
furs.  Here  he  met  Mrs.  Lydia  H.  Inglesbe,  a 
woman  of  that  noble  nature  fitted  to  make  a  happy 
home.  To  this  lady  Mr.  Love  was  married  in  1871, 
and  he  then  removed  to  this  county,  locating  on 
section  12,  Marys ville  Township,  where  he  has  since 
that  time  devoted   his  attention   to  farming.     He 

now  owns  240  acres  of  land  on  whicli  are  the  usual 
improvements  of  the  enterprising  and  progressive 

Mrs.  Love  was  a  native  of  Delaware  County, 
N.  Y.,  whei-e  she  was  born  July  23, 1837.  Her  first 
husband  was  Henry  Inglesbe,  who  died  in  Menom- 
onee, Wis.  Tiie  fruit  of  this  union  was  five  chil- 
dren, two  of  whom  grew  to  maturity':  William 
Inglesbe  married  Emerilla  Bigham,  and  resides  in 
this  count}';  Jennie  was  the  wife  of  Kennet  Bent- 
ley,  of  Marysville  Township.     She  died  in    1889. 

Mr.  Love  is  a  supporter  of  the  principles  of 
the  Republican  party.  He  possesses  all  the  native 
wit  for  which  his  countrymen  are  so  justly  noted, 
is  a  man  of  varied  ability,  and  is  held  in  high  es- 
teem by  his  fellow-citizens.  His  wife  is  a  worthy 
associate,  looking  well  to  the  ways  of  her  house- 
hold, and  proving  an  efficient  aid  to  his  financial 
and  social  success. 

y^ARREN  S.  LESLIE.  It  is  a  great  mistake 
to  suppose  that  refinement  and  intelligence 
W^  are  confined  to  the  limits  of  the  incorpor- 
ated cities.  The  biographer  in  making  his  rounds 
through  the  rural  districts,  frequently  meets  with 
men  of  more  than  oi'dinary  intelligence,  readers, 
and  well-informed,  those  who  keep  themselves 
abreast  of  the  times,  and  well-posted  upon  current 
events.  Among  these  may  be  properly  classed  the 
subject  of  this  notice,  who  is  a  man  particularh' 
progressive  in  his  ideas,  and  one  with  whom  an  hour 
may  alwaj'S  be  spent  in  a  pleasurable  and  profitable 
manner.  Mr.  Leslie  believes  in  availing  himself 
of  every  opportunity  for  mental  improvement,  and 
has  a  thorough  appreciation  of  the  value  of  history 
and  biography,  without  which  no  community  can 
preserve  a  proper  record  of  its  local  affairs.  Farm- 
ing has  been  his  life  occupation,  and  we  find  him 
snugly  situated  at  a  well-regulated  homestead  on 
section  34,  Elm  Creek  Township. 

In  examining  the  records  of  the  Leslie  family, 
we  find  that  they  were  first  represented  in  New 
England,  at  an  earl^'  day.  The  father  of  our  sub- 
ject was  Cyrus  Leslie,  a  native  of  Vermont,  who 



resided  in  his  native  county  until  earl3^  manhood, 
and  was  married  to  Miss  Elvira  Smith,  a  maiden 
probably  of  his  own  township.  He  served  an  ap- 
prenticeship at  the  tailor's  trade,  which  he  followed 
the  greater  part  of  his  life  in  the  Green  iNIountain 
State.  The  parental  household  included  seven 
children,  of  whom  Warren  S.  was  the  fourth  in  or- 
der of  birth. 

Mr.  Leslie  was  born  in  Pl3'mouth,  Windsor  Co., 
Vt.,  Dec.  14,  1841,  and  was  left  fatherless  at  the 
early  age  of  seven  years.  He  was  placed  on  a  farm 
in  his  native  county,  where  he  became  familiar  with 
agricultural  pursuits,  whicii  he  followed  with  the 
exception  of  the  time  spent  in  the  army,  until  he 
was  a  man  of  twenty-six  3'oars.  On  the  18th  of 
May,  1861,  he  enlisted  at  Ludlow,  in  Company  I, 
2d  Vermont  Infantry,  in  which  he  served  until 
February,  1863,  and  was  then  obliged  to  accepthis 
honorable  discharge  on  account  of  disability  occa- 
sioned by  a  wound  received  while  in  camp.  He 
participated  in  manj'  of  the  important  battles  of 
the  war,  being  present  at  the  first  engagement  of 
Bull  Run,  and  was  afterward  at  Lee's  Mill,  Will- 
iamsliurg.  and  the  seven  day's  fight  under  (ren. 
McClellan,  at  .South  Mountain  and  Antietam.  At 
Bull  Run  he  received  a  bruise  from  a  spent  ball, 
which,  however,  was  not  serious. 

Upon  his  discharge  from  tiie  army,  our  subject 
returned  to  his  native  State,  and  for  two  years  was 
employed  on  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of  Rutland. 
The  3-ear  following  he  spent  on  a  farm  in  the  vicin- 
ity (if  Pittsford,  then  returning  to  Plymouth,  so- 
journed there  until  the  spring  of  1868.  Thatj'earhe 
left  New  England,  and  spent  about  twelve  months 
in  Jackson  Countj^  Kan.  We  next  find  him  set- 
tled in  tills  county,  on  a  farm  of  eightj^  acres,  occu- 
pying a  portion  of  section  34,  Elm  Creek  Township. 
Here  he  has  since  remained,  bringing  the  soil  to  a 
good  state  of  cultivation,  and  erecting  substantial 
buildings.  He  is  a  universal  favorite  among  his 
fellow-citizens,  being  of  that  genial  and  compan- 
ionable temperarrent  which  makes  for  him  friends 
wherever  he  goes. 

While  a  resident  of  his  native  State,  our  subject 
wiis  married,  Oct.  18,  1866,  at  Woodstock,  to  Miss 
Alice  D.,  daughter  of  William  B.  Newman,  a  sketch 
,of  whom  appears  on  another  page  in   this  volume. 

Mrs.  Leslie  was  also  born  in  Vermont,  where  she 
spent  most  of  her  early  life.  They  have  one  child 
only,  a  daughter,  Eva  B..  who  is  now  the  wife  of 
John  Prell,  of  Elm  Creek  Township.  Mr.  Leslie, 
politically,  is  a  stanch  Republican,  but  aside  from 
holding  the  office  of  Township  Treasurer,  mixes 
very  little  in  public  affairs.  Both  the  parents  and 
the  daughter  are  prominently  identified  with  the 
Baptist  Church. 

^APT.  FRANK  KISTER.  Among  those 
(11  ID  """^^^^  history  is  eminently  worthy  of  record, 
^&y  stands  prominently  the  name  of  this  gentle- 
man who  for  many  years  one  of  the  leading  resi- 
dents of  Marysville  Township,  and  who  departed 
this  life  July  6,  1872.  He  was  born  in  the  little 
village  of  Wrego,  Prussia,  Dec.  28, 1825,  and  lived 
there  until  a  youth  of  seventeen  yeai-s.  He  was 
placed  in  school  at  an  early  age,  and  pursued  his 
studies  until  a  lad  of  fourteen  years.  He  spent  the 
following  three  ^^ears  under  the  parental  roof,  then, 
leaving  home,  served  an  apprenticeship  at  the 
miller's  trade,  which  he  followed  in  different  places, 
but  mostl}'  in  Wittenberg,  where  he  was  in  the 
em[)loy  of  one  man  five  years.  In  the  meantime 
he  met  and  married  Miss  Augusta  Paulina  Woel- 
fel,  also  a  native  of  Prussia,  and  born  in  Eislepen, 
Aug.  23,  1827. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kister  set- 
tled in  their  native  Province,  and  Mr.  Kister  pur- 
chased a  flouring-mill  near  Wittenberg,  which  he 
operated  about  three  years.  The  building  was 
then  destroyed  by  fire,  and,  in  addition,  they  lost 
all  their  clothing  and  household  goods,  as  the  fire 
occurred  in  the  night,  which  was  a  very  cold  one, 
and  they  barely  escaped  with  their  lives,  enduring- 
great  suffering.  After  the  destruction  of  his  mill, 
Mr.  Kister  making  the  best  of  the  circumstances, 
entered  the  employ  of  others,  and  for  one  year 
worked  in  the  city  mill  at  Wittenberg.  While  en. 
gaged  in  some  repairs,  he  accidentally  dropped  a 
broad  ax  upon  one  of  his  feet,  which  greatly  im- 
paired his  usefulness  as  a  workman  and  laid  him  up 
for  some  time.     He  vvas  becoming  greatly  disoour- 



aged,  and  in  March,  1855,  determined  to  emigrate 
to  America.  Witii  his  familj-,  he  embarked  upon  a 
sailing-vessel,  and  May  7  landed  safely  in  New 
York  City.  Thence  they  proceeded  directly  to 
White  Pigeon,  Mich.,  where  Mr.  Kister  obtained 
employment,  and  later  was  engaged  in  a  sawmill 
about  three  and  one-half  miles  from  White  Pigeon, 
where  he  remained  three  j'ears.  He  then  rented  the 
mill,  which  he  conducted  successfully  for  several 
years.  The  family  lived  in  that  vicinity  until 
August,  1860,  then,  coming  to  Kansas,  settled  in 
Marysville,  which  remained  their  home. until  after 
the  close  of  the  war. 

In  December,  1861,  our  subject  enlisted,  at 
Mar3'sville,  in  Company  K,  2d  Kansas  Cavalry, 
and  was  mustered  into  service  on  the  10th  of  Jan- 
uary, 1862.  He  was  soon  promoted  to  the  rank 
of  Sergeant,  but  two  years  later  was  detailed  for 
the  recruiting  service,  and  raised  a  company  of 
colored  men  at  Ft.  Scott  and  vicinity,  of  which  he 
was  made  Captain,  this  being  Company  D,  83d 
Kansas  Infantry,  of  which  he  retained  the  com- 
mand until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  was  a  man  of 
cool  judgment  and  great  bravery,  and  by  his 
fidelity  to  duty  secured  the  approval  of  his  supe- 
rior officers  and  the  lo3'altjr  of  his  subordinates. 

Upon  receiving  his  honorable  discharge,  Capt. 
Kister,  returning  to  Marj'sville,  entered  the  employ 
of  Perry  Hutchinson,  the  noted  miller,  with  whom 
he  remained  some  two  or  three  years.  In  the  mean- 
time he  homesteaded  160  acres  of  land  on  section 
17,  from  which  he  constructed  a  good  farm,  which 
was  afterward  conducted  b}^  his  two  sons..  In  due 
time  the  Captain  took  up  his  abode  at  the  farm, 
where  he  spent  his  last  days.  The  hardships  and 
privations  which  he  had  endured  in  the  service, 
had  their  permanent  effect  upon  his  constitution,  and 
he  never  fully  recovered  his  former  good  health.  In 
time  dropsy  set  in,  from  which  he  suffered  for  sev- 
eral months  prior  to  his  decease. 

Both  as  a  citizen  and  soldier,  Capt.  Kister  had 
conducted  himself  in  that  manner  which  gained 
him  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  all  who  knew 
him.  He  was  libeial  and  public-spirited,  and  uni- 
formly gave  his  encouragement  to  those  measures 
calculated  for  the  best  good  of  the  community. 
Since  his  death.  Mrs.  Kister  has  managed  the  farm 

with  excellent  judgment,  and  it  is  now  the  source 
of  a  comfortable  income.  Mrs.  Kister  is  a  very 
intelligent  and  pleasant  lad}',  and  entirely  devoted 
to  the  interests  of  her  children.  In  every  position 
which  she  has  been  called  upon  to  fill,  she  has  main- 
tained a  womanly  dignity  which  has  gained  her 
the  admiration  and  esteem  of  all  with  whom  she 
comes  in  contact.  She  has  for  a  number  of  years 
been  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  to  which  she  gives  a  liberal  support. 

The  six  children  born  to  Capt.  Kister  and  his 
estimable  wife  are  recorded  as  follows:  Oscar  H. 
married  Miss  Naomi  Angell,  and  lives  in  Bridge- 
port, Mono  Co.,  C'al. ;  he  is  now  County  Clerk  of 
that  county.  Henrj-  J.,  Ida  J.  and  Edith  J.  remain 
at  home  with  their  mother.  Frank  died  when  an 
infant  of  two  weeks;  Emma  L.  became  the  wife 
of  Charles  H.  Griffee,  and  died  at  Beatrice,  Neb., 
March  13,  1887.  The  Kister  homestead  is  kept 
up  in  good  shape,  and,  while  making  no  pretensions 
to  elegance,  presents  a  picture  of  plenty  and  com- 
fort, which  is  pleasing  to  contemplate. 

-v-^. .o«.o.•S^X^■«♦o *,— 

-  ATRICK  FARRELL.  The  generous,  open- 
)l)  hearted  and  industrious  Irish-born  citizen 
is  admirably  represented  in  the  subject  of 
this  notice,  who  occupies  no  unimportant 
position  in  his  community,  and  is  well  known  to  a 
large  portion  of  the  residents  of  Walnut  Township, 
lie  lives  on  a  well-regulated  farm  of  160  acres,  occu- 
pying the  northwest  portion  of  section  7.  the  land 
of  which  is  highly  productive  and  yields  to  the 
proprietor  a  good  income.  Without  making  any 
pretensions  to  show  or  elegance,  Mr.  Farrell  enjoys 
a  goodly  measure  of  the  comforts  of  life,  and  is 
ever  willing  to  lend  a  helping  hand  to  those  about 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  is  County  Long- 
ford, Ireland,  where  he  was  born  in  May,  1843,  and 
where  he  lived  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years. 
He  was  a  bright  and  ambitious  boj'  and  at  an  early 
age  determined  to  be  somebody  in  the  world,  but 
seeing  little  prospect  of  .attaining  to  his  ambition 
in  his  own  country,  he.  at    the   age  mentioned,  set. 

Residence  b<  Quarries  ofA.R.  Esterbrqok,  Qketo  Chy, Kansas. 

Residence  of  Joseph  Ellenbecker,  5ec.  30.  Marysville  Township. 

Residence  of  Henry  N1iemann/5ec.32.  Oketo  Township. 



out  for  the  United  States,  umking  the  vo\age  on 
the  sailing  ship  '-Vanguard,"  and  landing  in  New 
York  City  in  November,  1863.  Thence  he  made 
his  way  directh-  to  DeKalb  County,  111.,  of  M'hich 
he  was  a  resident  six  years,  employing  himself  at 
whatever  he  could  find  to  do.  We  find  him  strik- 
ing out  for  Northern  Kansas  in  the  spring  of  1869, 
and  he  soon  homesteaded  160  acresupon  which  he 
still  resides.  Upon  it  he  has  effected  many  im- 
provements, putting  up  a  frame  house,  a  stable  and 
the  other  buildings  required  for  the  successful  pros- 
ecution of  his  calling.  He  keeps  a  limited  quantity 
of  live-stock,  including  some  good  horses,  and 
with  the  exception  that  he  has  never  married,  he 
has  performed  all  the  obligations  of  an  honest  man 
and  a  good  citizen.  He  makes  his  home  with  a 
family  whom  he  employs  to  keep  house  for  him. 
He  is  moral  and  upright  and  a  prominent  member 
of  the  Catholic  Church. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  .Tames  and  Ann 
(Farrell)  Farrell,  also  natives  of  Ireland,  where 
they  spent  their  entire  lives.  They  had  a  family 
of  seven  children,  and  our  subject  was  the  only 
one  of  the  family  who  came  to  the  United  States. 
His  ancestors  for  many  generations,  it  is  supposed, 
had  lived  in  County  Longford,  where  the  parents 
spent  their  last  days. 

HILIPP  RAEMER.  The  town  of  Herkimer 
bas  been  remarkably  fortunate  in  the  num- 
ber of  its  prominent  and  wide-awake  men 
who  have,  since  coming  within  its  borders, 
given  to  it,  in  a  large  measure,  their  fostering  care. 
Many  of  these  are  emanations  of  the  Fatherland,  as 
was  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who  was  born  in 
Prussia,  Aug.  25,  1834.  Besides  his  interests  in 
the  village  he  has  a  good  farm  adjacent,  and  is 
generally  considered  well-to-do.  Public-spirited 
and  liberal,  he  not  only  takes  an  interest  in  the  so- 
cial and  financial  welfare  of  his  community,  but  is 
active  in  promoting  the  interests  of  the  Evangeli- 
cal Church. 

In  accordance  with  the  laws  and  customs  of  his 
native  country,  our  subject  was  plac^ed  in  school 

at  an  early  age,  where  he  pursued  his  studies  quite 
steadily  until  a  lad  of  fourteen  years.  He  made 
his  home  with  his  parents  on  the  farm,  and  was  one 
of  sis  children  born  to  John  William  and  Alberte- 
nia  (Elstdorf)  Raemer,  who  were  likewise  natives 
of  Prussia,  and  of  pure  German  stock.  They  be- 
longed to  the  Evangelical  Church,  in  the  faith  of 
which  the  mother  died  when  a  comparatively  young 
woman.  John  Raemer  was  subsequently  mariiea 
to  Miss  Margaret  Rheinharth.  He  emigrated  with 
his  family  to  America  in  1858,  and  after  an  ocean 
voyage  of  forty-nine  da3's,  thej-  landed  in  New  York 
City,  and  thence  proceeded  to  Wisconsin,  whence, 
in  1860,  they  came  to  this  county.  Locating  on  a 
tract  of  wild  prairie  land  on  section  11,  Logan 
Township,  the  father  improved  the  farm  where  he 
with  his  second  wife  spent  his  last  days. 

When  first  becoming  a  land  owner,  our  subjeitt  pre- 
empted 160  acres  on  section  12, where  he  now  lives, 
and  from  which  a  part  of  the  village  of  Herk- 
imer was  laid  off.  He  put  up  substantial  buildings, 
including  a  commodious  house  with  a  good  barn  and 
outbuildings,  planted  an  orchard  and  brought  his 
land  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  He  remembers 
the  time  when  Indians  still  lingered  in  this  region, 
and  when  Marysville  was  a  mere  hamlet.  Later  he 
added  to  his  real  estate  possessions,  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  320  acres,  less  about  four  acres,  with 
which  he  has  parted  and  which  now  comprises  a 
part  of  the  town  site  and  a  church  block.  He  took 
an  active  part  in  the  erection  of  the  Evangelical 
Church  edifice,  donating  an  acre  of  ground  where 
it  is  now  l)elng  built.  Mr.  Raemer  was  married 
March  3,  1868,  to  Miss  Dortlia  Fisher;  she  was  the 
daughter  of  Frederick  and  Mena  (Olendorf)  Fisher. 
Mrs.  Raemer  was  born  in  the  village  of  Emten, 
Hanover,  Germany,  and  removed  with  her  parents 
to  Will  County,  111.,  and  afterward  removed  to 
.Marshall  County,  Kan.  Nine  children  have  been 
born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Raemer,  named  respectively, 
Dena,  Mena,  Sophia.  August,  Philip,  Edward,  Katie, 
George  and  Dora.  The  eldest  is  twenty  years  old, 
and  the  youngest  eighteen  months.  They  make  a 
very  bright  and  interesting  group,  and  will  be  giveu 
the  education  and  training  suitable  to  their  station 
in  life. 

During  the  late  war  Mr.  Raemer  was  a  member 



of  the  Kansas  Home  Guards  under  Capt.  Frank 
Smith.  He  was  connected  with  the  church  at 
Marysville  until  the  spring  of  1869,  when  an  or- 
ganization was  effected  in  Herkimer.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  in  Marysville, 
and  held  other  positions  of  responsibility.  He  is  a 
citizen  who  is  held  in  high  esteem,  and  whose 
opinions  are  generally  respected.  Politically,  he 
was  formerly  a  Republican,  but  is  now  independent 
in  politics. 


P,ILLIAM  KENNEDY.  One  of  the  sweet- 
est  of  American  poets  tells  us  that  we  all 
^^'^'  are  "  architects  of  fate,  working  on  the 
walls  of  time."  How  important,  then,  is  it  that 
we  realize  the  necessity  of  building  not  for  time, 
but  for  eternity,  of  building  a  structure  so  firm, 
so  durable  that  the  storms  of  trouble  can  only 
shake,  but  never  destroy  it.  He  of  whom  we  write 
this  brief  record  has  certainly  realized  the  impor- 
tance of  life,  and  determined  to  obtain  his  share  of 
this  world's  goods.  Being  of  Scotch  parentage,  he 
possesses  those  sturdy,  independent  qualities,  for 
which  the  natives  of  Scotland  are  famous  the 
world  over. 

Natives  of  Rossbire,  Scotland,  Donald  and 
Mary  (McDonald)  Kennedy,  were  there  married 
and  there  passed  awaj-,  and  were  laid  to  rest  near 
where  a  large  portion  of  their  quiet  existence  had 
been  passed.  Passing  through  this  world  in  a 
humble,  industrious  manner,  thej-  cared  little  for 
the  fascinations  of  wealth  and  splendor,  but  prized 
more  highly  than  these,  the  beauty  of  their  little 
cottage  home,  and  the  love  of  those  who  had  been 
their  neighbors  for  many  years.  Of  their  seven 
children  two  were  sons  and  five  daughters,  our  sub- 
ject being  the  eldest  in  order  of  birth.  He  was 
born  in  the  native  place  of  his  father  and  mother, 
in  August,  1844.  In  company  with  his  brother  and 
sisters  he  was  reared  to  years  of  maturity  on  the 
Scottish  moorlands,  and  there  developed  the  stur- 
diness  of  character  and  the  excellent  physical  con- 
dition which  are  his  proudest  possessions. 

Leavinii  all   the   ties    of  acquaintances   made  b}- 

years  of  pleasant  associations,  and  braving  the 
dangers  of  the  deep,  in  1872,  Mr.  Kenned3-  crossed 
the  Atlantic  and  came  to  the  United  States.  Land- 
ing in  New  York,  he  proceeded  to  Stark  Countj^ 
111.,  and  there  made  his  home  with  an  uncle,  Don- 
ald McDonald.  This  uncle  lived  on  a  farm,  and 
his  nephew  was  his  energetic  assistant  for  six  years. 
Realizing  that  "  Westward  the  star  of  empire  wends 
its  wa}^"  he  determined  to  once  more  change  his 
residence  and  start  again  among  strangers.  In  the 
winter  of  1878  he  came  to  Marshall  County.  Kan., 
and  for  one  year  rented  land  in  Mar3'sville.  After 
that  he  was  able  to  purchase  land  for  himself,  buy- 
ing 120  acres  of  land  in  Mar3'sville  Township, 
where  he  lived  until  about  1884;  then,  selling 
again,  he  located  on  his  present  estate,  which  com- 
prises 160  acres  on  section  5,  Franklin  Township. 
Here  he  has  erected  good  buildings,  and  has  also 
improved  the  land,  giving  his  attention  exclusivelj' 
to  agriculture  and  stock-raising,  in  the  latter  mak- 
ing a  specialty  of  Poland-China  hogs.  He  votes 
with  the  Republican  party,  and  is  a  strong  be- 
liever in  the  truth  and  correctness  of  its  princi- 

Fortunately  or  unfortunately,  Mr.  Kennedy  has 
remained  invincible  to  the  charms  of  the  ladies, 
and  so  far  has  paddled  his  own  canoe.  He  is  an 
energetic,  progressive  farmer,  of  whom  his  com- 
munity feel  justl)'  proud,  and  hope  that  his  love 
for  his  home  will  prove  too  strong  to  allow  him  to 
ever  desire  to  leave  it  for  other  fields  of  labor. 
His  sister,  Kate,  looks  after  the  domestic  affairs  of 
the  house,  and  makes  home  pleasant  for  him. 

(|t-^^ENRY  KRAMME  is  one  of  the  large  land 
'l/iV  owners  of  Franklin  Township,  owing  G40 
(^^  acres  of  well  tilled  land,  upon  which  he  has 
(^;  erected  good  buildings  and  made  such  im- 
provements as  are  needful  to  the  carrying  on  of 
the  work  of  a  successful  agriculturist.  He  was 
born  in  Germany,  Oct.  24,  1836.  At  the  age  of 
twenty-five  he  left  his  native  land  and  emigrated 
to  America,  landing  in  New  York  City.  From 
there  he  came  to   Chicago,  HI.,  remaining  but  one 



week,  when  he  came  to  Peru,  in  the  same  Mate, 
where  he  found  employment  in  a  coal  shaft,  and 
where  he  remained  for  seven  j'ears.  He  then 
bought  a  farm  in  La  Salle  Coimtj-,  111.,  and  en- 
gaged in  agricultural  pursuits  in  that  count}'  until 
1879,  when  he  came  to  this  State.  Selecting  this 
county  and  Franklin  Township  as  his  location,  lie 
has  ever  since  been  a  resident  on  section  21. 

Mr.  Kranime  was  married  in  Lee  County,  111.,  to 
Miss  Alvena  Branch,  wlio  was  born  in  La  Salle 
County,  111.  They  were  the  parents  of  four  chil- 
dren— Louisa,  August,  Alvena  and  Anna.  Mr. 
Kramme  is  an  attendant  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 
He  gives  his  support  to  the  Democratic  party.  He 
devotes  his  attention  strictly  to  the  w^ork  of  farming 
and  stock-raising,  in  which  occupations  he  proves 
verv  successful. 


\|JACOB  REITEK  was  born  in  Elm  Creek 
Township,  this  county,  Oct.  4,  1861.  Here 
he  was  reared,  receiving  his  education  in 
l^/'  the  district  scliools.  He  is  the  son  of  John 
Reiter,  whose  sketch  occupies  another  page  in  tiiis 
volume.  In  the  spring  of  1886  he  visited  South- 
ern Kansas,  tiienee  returning  to  his  homo,  and 
then  journeying  to  Western  Kansas  and  Colo- 
rado. In  Sherman  County,  Kan.,  he  took  up  a 
homestead  of  160  acres.  After  two  years'  experi- 
ence in  "-baching"  there,  he  returned  to  this  county, 
and  in  October,  1888,  was  married  to  Katie,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Armstrong,  of  Walnut  Township.  Slie 
is  a  native  of  Chicago,  III.,  wlience  her  parents  re- 
moved to  this  county  when  she  was  seven  years 
of  age.  She  has  been  educated  in  the  district 
schools  of  this  count}',  making  excellent  use  of 
the  advantages  given  her.  (For  history  of  her 
familj'  see  sketch  of  John  Armstrong,  which  occu- 
pies another  page  in  this  work.) 

Our  subject  has  rented  a  farm  of  160  acres,  ly- 
ing on  section  36,  Logan  Township,  where  he  car- 
ries on  an  active  farm  life.  He  is  just  beginning 
his  career,  with  bright  prospects  before  him,  being 
an  industrious,  intelligent  and  moral  man.  He  is  a 
member   of  tlie  Farmers'  Alliance,  of   Marvsville. 

Both  he  and  his  v/ife  are  members  of  the  Catholic 
Church,  in  the  same  city.  His  political  adherence 
is  given  to  the  Republican  party. 

JfJ  OHN  H.  SCHEIBE.  This  gentleman,  origi- 
I  nally  a  weaver  by  trade,  has  proved  conclu- 
l|  sivelj'  that  a  man  may  be  master  of  more 
^1'  than  one  industry,  as  he  is  now  numbered 
among  the  well-to-do  farmers  of  Walnut  Townsliip. 
A  native  of  the  Kingdom  of  Prussia,  he  was  born 
April  29,  1839,  and  was  reared  and  educated  under 
the  laws  of  his  native  country,  being  pl.iced  in 
school  when  a  little  lad  of  six  years,  and  pursuing 
his  studies  until  fourteen.  Before  reacliing  his 
majority  he  learned  the  weaver's  trade,  at  which  he 
worked  until  a  man  of  twent3'-five  j-ears,  then,  in 
1864,  set  out  for  the  United  States. 

After  an  ocean  voyage  of  seventeen  days  our 
subject  landed  safely  in  New  York  City,  whence  he 
proceeded  directly  to  Marshall  County,  111.  After 
a  few  months  sojourn  there  emplo3'ed  at  farming, 
he  pushed  on  further  Westward,  across  the  Mississ- 
ippi, and  early  in  the  spring  of  1865  we  find  him 
in  this  county.  For  two  and  one-half  years  there- 
after he  was  employed  on  the  Northern  Pacific 
Railroad,  making  his  headquarters  along  the  line; 
then,  returning  to  this  county,  he  purchased  160 
acres  of  land  in  Walnut  Township,  only  twentj'-five 
of  which  were  under  the  plow.  That  same  season 
he  also  homesteaded  160  acres  adjoining  his  origi- 
nal purchase,  and  he  has  now  brought  the  whole 
320  acres  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 

One  of  the  noticeable  features  on  the  farm  of 
Mr.  Scheibe  is  the  commodious  stone  dwelling, 
which  bids  fair  to  stand  for  a  century.  He  has 
also  a  frame  barn,  graneries,  sheds,  corn-cribs,  and 
other  buildings,  and  the  whole  premises  has  about 
it  the  air  of  thrift  and  plenty  which  is  almost  in- 
separable from  the  industrious  German  farmer. 
The  land  is  nearly  all  enclosed  with  fencing,  and 
1 20  acres  is  highly  productive.  The  balance  is  in 
pasture  and  meadow.  Tlie  present  dwelling  stands 
upon  the  site  of  one  which  was  torn  down  by  a 
tornado.     Much  of   the    material   was  used   in  re- 



building,  although  it  cost  Mr.  Scheibe  about  $500 
to  reconstruct.  This  disaster  occurred  in  the 
spring  of  1878,  when  the  liousehad  only  been  built 
about  one  year. 

Our  subject  came  to  this  coiintj-  without  means, 
and  thus  began  at  the  foot  of  the  ladder  in  the  ac- 
cumulation of  his  possessions.  He  was  married,  Jan. 
20,  1870,  to  Miss  Minnie,  daughter  of  Henry  Breu- 
neke,  who,  like  himself,  was  of  German  birth  and 
parentage,  and  wiio  came  to  the  United  States  with 
her  father  and  mother  in  1863.  They  at  once  located 
iu  Illinois  and  lived  four  years,  then  moved  to  this 
county,  and  here  Mr.  Brenneke  died  in  1874.  The 
mother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Maria  Hill,  is  still 
living  and  make?  her  home  in  Logan  Township 
with  her  son.  They  were  born  in  what  was  then 
llie  Kingdom  of  Hanover,  Germany,  and  reared  in 
the  doctrines  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  to  which 
they  loyally  adhered. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  also  Lutherans 
in  religious  belief,  to  which  church  he  and  his  fam- 
ily belong.  His  household  circle  was  completed 
by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  the  eldest  of  whom, 
a  daughter,  Anna,  is  the  wife  of  Reinhart  Froh- 
berg.  a  resident  of  Bremen.  Christina.  Herman. 
Bertha,  Carolina,  Sophia,  and  Albert  Adam  are  at 
home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Scheibe  makes  a 
specialty  of  live-stock,  keeping  chiefly  good  cattle 
and  Cl3'desdale  horses.  He  uses  several  teams  in 
the  operation  of  his  farm,  and  each  j-ear  adds 
something  to  his  worldly  possessions.  He  mixes 
very  little  with  politics,  but  gives  his  support  to 
the  Democratic  party.  A  peaceable  and  law-abid- 
ing citizen,  he  is  contributing  his  full  quota  to  the 
moral  and  financial  welfare  of  the  township,  and  is 
held  in  high  esteem  by  his  neighbors. 


yfelLLIAM  LEWIS.  Those  who  have  been 
residents  of  Kansas  for  the  past  twenty 
W^  years  or  more,  have  witnessed  great  and 
startling  changes  in  the  aspect  of  the  landscape  and 
the  face  of  the  broad  prairies.  Where  once  stood 
the  lonely  cabin  of  the  pioneer  are  now  busy, 
bustling  cities.     Instead  of  the  camp    fires  of   the 

Indians  gloaming  in  the  distance,  are  now  the 
brilliant  lights  devised  b}'  the  ingenuity  of  man. 
Desert  tracts  have  been  made  fertile,  and  raw  prai- 
rie has  been  caused  to  bear  bountiful  harvests  of 

jMr.  and  Mrs.  William  Lewis  have  been  inter- 
ested lookers-on  in  these  great  revolutions,  and 
have  contributed  their  full  quota  of  earnest  en- 
deavor to  produce  the  happy  results  that  have 
been  achieved.  They  have  labored,  in  company 
with  their  neighbors,  to  cultivate  and  improve  the 
wild  land,  and  are  now  in  possession  of  a  fine 
estate,  comprising  400  acres,  in  Marshall  County, 
and  located  on  section  26,  Franklin  Township.  Mr. 
Lewis  also  owns  a  small  tract  of  land  in  Ottawa 
County,  this  State,  and  some  property  in  England, 
the  land  of  his  nativity.  Upon  their  home  farm 
there  has  been  erected  a  comfortable  residence,  fur- 
nished with  excellent  taste  and  surrounded  b}'  the 
buildings  necessary  to  successfully  carry  on  a  large 

Coming  to  the  State  of  Kansas  in  1869,  our  sub- 
ject and  his  family  first  made  their  home  in  Hia- 
watha for  one  year,  where  Mr.  Lewis  followed  the 
occupation  of  a  butcher,  which  he  had  become 
familiar  with  in  England.  Leaving  that  trade,  he 
came  to  Franklin  Township,  and  bought  eighty 
acres  of  land,  the  nucleus  of  his  present  farm.  This 
has  subsequently  been  enlarged  to  its  present  pro- 
portions, and  is  well  stocked,  Mr.  Lewis  making  a 
spocialtj'  of  Durham  cattle.  In  this  he  has  been 
usually  prosperous,  but  has  not  neglected  his 
farming  interests,  and  has  sowed  and  reaped  the  har- 
vests with  unremitting  industry.  Nor  has  he  over- 
looked the  importance  of  his  duties  as  a  citizen, 
but  has  served  with  satisfaction  in  several  local 
offices,  and  has  endeavored  bj'  his  vote  to  assist 
into  official  positions  those  whom  he  deems  most 
worthy  to  be  entrusted  with  the  responsibilities 
thus  devolving  upon  them.  In  matters  of  national 
importance  he  votes  the  Democratic  ticket,  being  a 
strong  supporter  of  their  platform.  He  has  dis- 
played his  interest  in  educational  affairs  bj'  serving 
as  School  Director,  and  was  of  assistance  in  ele- 
vating the  standard  of  education  in  his  district. 
He-  has  also  occupied  the  position  of  Township 
Trustee,   and    has  served  as   Constable  and   Road 



Overseer.  He  is  notabl}-,  in  public  and  private 
life,  a  careful  man,  Uiouglitful,  energetic,  and  in- 
fluential— a  man  whose  word  is  always  to  be  relied 
upon,  and  thus  is  an  honor  to  his  township  .-ind  to 
the  country  of  his  adoption. 

Both  being  born  in  England  in  1841,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Lewis  grew  to  years  of  maturity  amid  the  familiar 
scenes  surrounding  their  parental  homes,  he  assist- 
ing his  father  in  his  occupation  as  a  butcher,  and 
she  making  herself  useful  in  her  home,  and  learn- 
ing those  lessons  of  industry  atid  econom\-  which 
were  so  helpful  to  her  in  after  years.  Mrs.  Lewis 
was  Miss  Maria  Brewitt,  a  native  of  Lincolnshire, 
and  was  married  in  Yorkshire,  Oct.  28,  1863.  For 
six  years  succeeding  their  marriage,  Mr.  Lewis  and 
his  wife  made  their  home  in  E!ngland,when,  in  1869, 
they  took  passage  for  the  United  States,  landing 
in  New  York,  and  thence  coming  immediately  to 
Hiawatha,  Kan. 

In  lime  the  liousehold  circle  was  increased  by 
the  presence  of  nine  children,  two  of  whom  were 
taken  away  from  their  happy  home  before  they  had 
reached  years  of  maturity.  Their  living  children 
are:  Robert  J.,  Mary  A.,  George  W.,  Thomas  H., 
,Emma  J.,  Jonathan  and  Dick.  All  are  at  home 
with  their  parents. 

M.  CHAFFEE.  Pleasantly  located  on  a 
farm  of  334  acres  of  improved  land  on 
section  13,  of  Marysville  Township,  is  one 
^  of  the  most  attractive  homes  of  tins 
county.  The  house  is  a  well-built  frame  of  iiome- 
like  aspect,  and  comfortable  surroundings.  In  it 
resides  tlie  subject  of  our  sketch,  his  estimable  wife 
and  three  bright  children. 

His  father,  Charles  Chaffee,  was  borne  in  Greene 
County,  N.  Y.,  and  died  in  Bradford  County,  Pa., 
June  12,  1889.  His  mother  was  Adeline  Horton, 
a  native  of  Penns}'lvania.  The  parental  family 
consisted  of  six  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was 
the  fifth.  He  was  born  in  Bradford  County,  Pa., 
Oct.,  23,  1853.  growing  to  manhood  in  his  native 
county.  He  was  reared  on  a  f.-srm.  receiving  a 
thorough  common  school    education.     In  1878  he 

came  to  this  county  where  he  engaged  in  teaching 
for  three  years.  He  then  settled  on  the  land  where 
he  now  resides.  He  was  married  at  the  residence 
of  the  bride's  parents,  J.  M.  and  Helen  V.  (.Shaw) 
Elliott,  of  this  county,  on  March  28,  1873,  to  Miss 
Adelia  Elliott,.  Tiie  three  children  born  of  this 
union  are  Helen  A.,  Wilmot  M.  and  Beryl. 

Mr.  Chaffee  gives  his  entire  attention  to  farming 
and  stock-raising,  and  is  a  very  active  and  progres- 
sive farmer.  He  takes  a  great  interest  in  all  edu- 
cational affairs,  and  has  iield  several  school  offices, 
discharging  his  duties  with  ability  and  judgment. 
In  politics  Mr.  Chaffee  is  an  earnest  advocate  of 
the  principles  of  the  Republican  party.  The  life 
of  Mr.  Chaffee  shows  in  a  marked  manner  the  suc- 
cess which  is  to  be  earned  by  the  honest  and  enter- 
prising, in  a  quiet  rural  life. 

^(  OSEPH  STEHLIK,  late  of  Logan  Township, 
departed  this  life  Dec.  14,  1888,  at  the  age 
of  flfty-four  years.     He  died  in  the  faith  of 

the  Catholic  Church,  in  which  he   had  been 

reared,  and  to  which  he  gave  a  life-long  allegiance. 
His  widow  and  her  children  are  still  living  on  the 
farm  which  the  father  opened  up  from  an  unbroken 
tract  of  land,  and  of  which  the  second  son,  Frank, 
has  the  man.-jgement.  The  latter  is  a  young  man 
highly  respected  in  his  community,  moral,  upright, 
and  industrious,  and  is  the  chief  counselor  and  sup- 
port of  his  widowed  mothei',  whose  affairs  he  man- 
ages in  a  most  wise  and  judicious  manner. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  the  King- 
dom of  Bohemia,  wliere  he  spent  the  opening  years 
of  his  life,  and  until  reaching  man's  estate.  He 
was  occupied  mostly  in  agricultural  pursuits,  and 
in  due  time  was  married  to  Miss  Tresse  Vavruaska, 
a  native  of  his  own  Province,  and  like  himself,  a 
member  of  the  Catholic  Church,  In  the  summer 
of  1870,  they  set  out  for  America,  and  after  a  safe 
voyage,  landed  in  New  York  City  early  in  August. 
Thence  they  came  directly  to  Logan  Township, 
this  count3',  where  Mr.  Stehlik  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  of  land  on  section  18.  Upon  this  ho  made 
some  improvements,  then  sold  out  and   purchased 



160  acres,  where  his  family'  now  live,  and  which  oc- 
cupies the  northeast  quarter  of  section  19.  Of  th?s 
only  about  ten  acres  had  been  broken.  Mr.  Steh- 
liii  put  up  a  good  frame  house  with  a  stable,  wagon 
sheds,  corn-cribs,  and  other  necessarj'  buildings, 
fenced  the  land,  and  brought  the  soil  to  a  good 
state  of  cultivation.  Here  he  spent  his  last  days, 
and  left  to  his  famil}'  a  competence. 

Seven  children  were  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Steh- 
iik.  and  named  respectively:  Joseph,  Frank.  West- 
\ey,  Marj',  Anna,  John,  and  Adolph;  they  are  all 
living,  making  their  home  with  their  mother.  The 
family  is  greatly  respected  in  the  comnnunitj-  on 
account  of  their  moral  worth,  industrious  habits, 
and  general  reliability-. 

jW_^EiS'RY  SCHELL,  a  soldier  of  the  Union 
iljjl!  Army  during  the  late  Civil  War,  and  now  a 
aW^  well  to-do  farmer  of  Elm  Creek  Township, 
(^)  is  comfortably  located  on  section  11,  where 
he  has  160  acres  of  choice  land  which,  by  a  course 
of  careful  cultivation  has  yielded  him  such  returns 
that  he  is  now,  financially,  comparatively  independ- 
ent. A  native  of  France,  he  was  born  in  Alsace- 
Loraine,  Sept.  27,  1827,  and  lived  there  until  a 
man  of  twenty-eight  years. 

Receiving  a  common-school  education,  young 
Schell  after  completing  his  studies,  occupied  him- 
self variously  until  the  age  mentioned  and  then 
set  out  for  America.  He  landed  in  New  York  Cit}-, 
and  thence  proceeded  to^Cincinnati.  Ohio,  where 
he  was  employed  on  a  river  steamer  as  cook  and  in 
different  capacities.  Finallj'  deciding  to  seek  the 
farther  AVest,  he  came  into  Doniphan  County,  this 
State,  and  purchased  160  acres  of  land  on  Inde- 
pendence Creek,  five  miles  from  the  town  of  Doni- 
phan. Two  years  later,  however,  not  being  satisfied 
with  the  outlook,  he  sold  out  and  established  him- 
self in  Rock  Creek,  Jefferson  Co.,  Neb.,  where  he 
lived  one  year.  In  1860  he  came  to  this  county 
and  homesteaded  160  acres  on  section  11,  in  P]lm 
Creek  Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resi- 

Right  in  the  midst   of    his  early  improvements, 

Mr.  Schell  found  himself  in  sympathy  with  the 
Union  cause,  and  during  the  second  year  of  the  war 
enlisted,  in  1862,  in  Company  B,  9th  Kansas  Cav- 
alry in  which  he  served  three  years.  While  on  the 
march  he  sustained  a  severe  accident,  having  his 
right  shoulder  broken  and  receiving  other  serious 
injuries.  He  refused,  however,  to  be  permanently 
relieved  from  duty,  and  as  soon  as  sufficientl}'  re- 
covered rejoined  his  comrades  in  the  field  and 
remained  with  his  regiment  until  the  expiration 
of  his  term  of  service,  when  he  received  his  honor- 
able discharge. 

After  retiring  from  the  service  Mr.  Schell  came 
back  to  his  farm  in  this  county  and  has  since  unin- 
terruptedly followed  agricultural  pursuits.  On  Dec. 
25.  1861,  he  was  married  to  Mrs.  Nancj-  (Jackson) 
Ricker,widow  of  Peter  Rieker.  Mrs.  Schell  was  born 
near  Rockford,  Ind.,  March  13,  1828,  and  by  her 
first  marriage  became  the  mother  of  five  children, 
four  of  whom  are  living,  viz. :  Alonzo,  Harvey,  Ed- 
ward andLizzie.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there 
have  been  born  three  children.  William.  Henry, 
and  Amanda.  The  first  mentioned  died  when  a 
promising  youth  of  sixteen  years.  Mr.  Schell,  po- 
litically, is  a  sound  Republican  but  aside  from 
serving  as  Overseer  of  Highways,  has  had  very 
little  to  do  with  public  affairs.  As  one  of  the  old 
soldiers  he  is  identified  with  Lyons  Post.  No.  9, 
G.  .\.  R..  at  Marysville. 

■S/  OSIAH  M.  HAMMETT.  This  gentleman  is 
I  a  most  worthy  representative  of  the  agri- 
I  cultural  interests  of  Marshall  County,  and 
'  he  is  a  citizen  who  is  held  in  high  repute. 
He  located  in  Elm  Creek  Township  in  1870,  and 
purchased  160  acres  of  land  on  section  20.  where 
he  has  effected  fine  improvements.  Perhaps  the 
most  noticeable  of  these  is  the  substantial  stone 
dwelling,  together  with  other  needed  buildings  and 
a  goodlj'  assortment  of  fruit  and  shade  trees,  which 
give  to  the  place  the  air  of  comfort  and  plenty 
always  delightful  to  look  upon.  The  Hammett  fam- 
ily occupies  a  high  position  in  Elm  Creek  Town- 
ship, and  Josiah  M.  is  a  brother  of  Benjamin  J., 



now  deceased,  and  whose  biography  appears  on  an- 
other page  in  this  vohime. 

A  native  of  Bowling  Green,  Ky.,  our  subject  was 
born  Dee.  30,  1818,  and  is  tlie  son  of  William  and 
Anna  (Oliphant)  Hammett,  who  settled  there  soon 
after  their  marriage.  Thence  they  reuioved  to 
Warren  County,  but  later  emigrated  to  Illinois,  and 
settled  near  Chillicothe,  in  Peoria  County,  where 
they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  Josiah  M. 
was  one  of  the  younger  children  of  the  seven  born 
to  them,  and  was  nine  years  old  when  the  family 
removed  to  Illinois.  He  lived  at  home  with  his 
parents  until  a  young  man  of  about  twenty  years, 
and  up  to  this  time  had  assisted  his  father  on  the 
farm  both  in  Kentuck}'  and  Illinois.  He  afterward 
was  engaged  in  buying  and  shipping  produce 
on  the  Illinois  River  for  a  short  time,  and  then 
took  charge  of  an  hotel  in  Sparland,  Marshall  Co., 
111.  Aside  from  these  brief  interruptions,  he  has 
given  his  attention  wholly  to  farming  since  l)oy- 
bood,  and  consequently  has  a  thorough  acquaint- 
ance with  this  vocation. 

In  Peoria  County,  111.,  our  subject  was  first  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Rachel  Frazier.  a  native  of  New  York 
State,  and  they  settled  near  Cliillicothe,  where  they 
lived  with  the  exception  of  the  time  spent  at  Spar- 
land,  until  coming  to  this  county,  in  1866.  Here 
INIr.  Hammett  secured  land  on  section  20,  Elm 
Creek  Township,  where  he  has  since  lived.  Of  this 
union  there  were  born  ten  children,  viz:  George  T., 
Benjamin  A.,  Edgar,  who  died  in  infancy,  Francis 
W..  Cornelius  O.,  Lillias  V.,  Mary  E..  Albert  D., 
William  P.,  and  another  child  who  died  unnamed 
in  infanc}'.  Mrs.  Racliel  (Frazier)  Hammett  de- 
parted this  life  at  the  homestead  in  Elm  Creek 
Township,  in  June.  1884.  She  was  a  lady  posses- 
sing many  excellent  qualities,  was  a  devoted  wife 
and  mother,  and  greatly  beloved  by  her  family  and 
friends,  by  whom  her  name  is  held  in  affectionate 

Mr.  Hammett  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
Mar3sville,  this  county,  June  20,  1886,  with  Mrs. 
Minerva  (Carnrike)  McMahon,  daughter  of  Jacob 
and  Margaret  (Click)  Carnrike.  and  widow  of  Perry 
McMahon.  who  died  in  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind.,  June  20, 
1872.  The  present  wife  of  our  subject  was  born 
in  Fairfield  County,  Ohio,  Sept.  25,  1844,  and  came 

to  this  county  with  her  brother  in  1 886.  Her  par- 
ents were  natives  of  New  York  and  Ohio,  respect- 
ively, and  are  now  deceased.  She  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

Our  subject,  politically,  is  in  sympathy  with  the 
Union  Labor  movement.  He  has  been  quite  promi- 
nent in  local  affairs,  and  in  the  fall  of  1888  was 
elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  t)ie  duties  of  wiiich 
office  he  is  discharging  in  a  manner  reflecting  great 
credit  upon  himself,  and  with  satisfaction  to  his 

-^ ^^>^ ^ 

bYMAN  H.  HAMMETT,  a  son  of  the  late 
)  Benjamin  Hammett,  of  Elm  Creek  Town- 
. I  ship,  has  for  the  past  four  years  occupied  a 

part  of  the  old  homestead  on  section  20,  and  is  the 
owner  of  240  acres  of  thoroughly  cultivated  land. 
He  has  recently  erected  a  very  neat  and  substanti;il 
dwelling,  replacing  the  one  which  was  destroyed 
by  fire  on  the  6lh  of  Februar}',  1888.  In  addition 
to  general  agriculture  he  makes  a  specialtj-  of 
stock-raising  and  sells  considerable  wood.  Al- 
though perhaps  not  the  hero  of  any  vei'y  thrilling 
event,  he  maintains  a  worthy  position  as  a  member 
of  the  community,  and  does  honor  to  the  race  from 
which  he  sprang. 

Our  subject  was  the  tiiird  in  a  family  of  six  chil- 
dren born  to  Benjamin  and  Rebecca  (Robb)  Ham- 
mett, a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewiiere  in  this 
volume.  He  was  born  at  the  homestead,  a  part  of 
which  he  now  occupies,  Sept.  6,  1860,  and  here  he 
has  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life.  He  was  re- 
quired at  an  early  age  to  make  himself  useful,  and 
received  a  careful  home  training  with  a  practical 
education  in  the  common  school.  He  remained  a 
member  of  the  parental  household  until  after  pass- 
ing the  twenty-fifth  j-car  of  his  age,  ami  was  then 
married.  Dec.  23,  1885,  to  Miss  Lettie  M.,  daugh- 
ter of  Joseph  M.  and  Catherine  (Hoskins^  Callen. 
of  Sparland,  Marshall  Co.,  III.  The  newly  wedded 
pair  commenced  the  journej'  of  life  together  upon 
tlie  site  of  their  present  dwelling,  and  Mr.  Ham  ■ 
mett  is  making  of  agriculture  a  success. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was   born  in  Sp.nrland. 



111.,  March  8,  1866,  and  of  their  union  there  are 
two  children — Maude  and  Vernon.  Mr.  Hammett 
takes  an  active  interest  in  politics,  and  in  former 
years  affiliated  with  the  Democratic  party.  He  is 
now  in  sympathy  with  the  Union  Labor  movement. 
In  the  Presbyterian  Church  at  Marysville  he  is  an 
active  member  and  Deacon.  Active,  eueigetic  and 
public-spirited,  he  occupies  a  position  in  the  front 
rank  among  the  representative  men  of  his  commu- 
nity, and  gives  his  uniform  support  and  encourage- 
ment to  the  [irojects  calculated  to  advance  the 
interests  of  the  people.  Mrs.  Hammett  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  They  have  a  very  pleasant  home  and 
hosts  of  friends.  Mr.  Hammett  is  a  member  of  the 
A.  F.  &  A.  M.  Lodge  No.  91,  Marysville. 

dm  OHN  REITER.    The  Reiter    farm    makes   a 
11     very  handsome  picture  in    the    landscape  of 
i;    Elm  Creek  Township,  being  located  near  its 
fj    northwest  corner  on    section  7.     In  all  its 

appointments  there  are  evidences  of  thrift  and  in- 
dustry which  characterize  the  proprietor.  The 
buildings  are  comfortable  and  substantial,  and 
everj'thing  about  the  premises  is  indicative  of 
comfort  and  plenty,  from  the  well-fed  live  stock  to 
the  household,  comprising  the  father  and  children, 
who  form  a  group  of  more  than  ordinary  intelli- 
gence. The  family  met  with  a  great  affliction  in 
the  death  of  the  wife  and  mother,  Mrs.  Catherine 
(Brandenberger)  Reiter,  who  departed  this  life  on 
June  29,  1887,  and,  who  was  deeply  mourned,  not 
only  by  her  immediate  family,  but  b^'  a  large  cir- 
cle of  friends.  Mrs.  Reiter  was  a  lady  possessing  all 
the  womanly  virtues,  and  set  before  her  household 
a  high  example  of  devotion  to  their  best  interests 
and  the  affectionate  care  which  seemed  to  be  the 
controlling  impulse  of  her  life.  Her  name  will  be 
held  in  tender  remembrance  until  she  is  joined  by 
her  loved  ones  in  another  sphere. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  a  native  of  Ger- 
many, and  was  born  Sept.  5,  1833.  He  attended 
sclio:il  from  the  time  he  was  a  lad  of  six  3'ears  un- 

til fourteen  years  old,  and  afterward  served  an 
apprenticeship  of  six  3'ears  at  the  blacksmith  trade. 

Then  a  young  man  of  twentj'  j^ears,  dissatisfied 
with  the  prospects  held  out  to  him  in  his  native 
land,  he  embarked  on  a  sailing  vessel  for  America, 
and  landed  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  whence  he  soon 
repaired  to  New  .Jersey.  He  was  there  employed 
on  a  farm  for  two  months,  then  returning  to  Penn- 
sylvania and  working  in  the  mines  near  Pottsville 
two  months.  We  next  find  him  in  the  city  of  New 
Orleans,  La.,  where  he  sojourned  until  the  spring 
of  1854,  engaged  as  a  wood-cutter.  His  next  ob- 
jective point  was  Vicksburg,  Miss.,  where  he  was 
employed  in  a  soap  factory  two  months.  Then 
returning  to  Louisiana,  he  was  engaged  on  the  levee 
two  months,  after  which  he  proceeded  to  Memphis, 
Tenn.,  and  worked  in  a  sawmill  one  month.  St. 
Joseph,  Mo.,  was  his  next  stopping  place,  and  from 
there  he  emigrated  to  Omaha,  Neb.,  looking  for 
work,  but  not  finding  it  at  that  point.  He  then 
retvu-ned  to  St.  Joseph,  and  afterward  made  his  wa3' 
to  Leavenworth,  this  State. 

Our  subject  then  hired  out  as  a  teamster  to  go 
across  the  plains,  and  from  there  went  to  Salt  Lake 
City,  and  during  the  summer  of  1858  was  employed 
by  the  Government  at  Ft.  Supply  a  year,  the 
Fort  being  located  forty  miles  south  of  Salt  Lake 
Citj'.  We  n-sxt  find  him  established  on  a  tract  of 
land  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  of  which  he  has  been 
a  resident  since  1859,  and  during  this  time  has 
devoted  his  attention  mainly  to  the  improvement 
and  cultivation  of  his  landed  possessions.  In  the 
meantime,  in  1862.  he  removed  to  section  7.  and 
has  now  440  acres  of  land,  embellished  with  good 
buildings;  he  has  fenced  and  cross-fenced  his 
fields,  planted  fruit  and  shade  trees  and  added  from 
time  to  time  to  the  value  and  beauty  of  his  prop- 
erty. He  has  for  some  years  been  one  of  the 
School  Directors  in  his  district,  and  with  his  family 
belongs  to  St.Gregory's  Catholic  Church,  in  Marys- 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reiter  there  were  born  eight 
children,  viz:  Jacob,  who  married  Miss  Katie 
Armstrong,  and  is  a  farmer  in  Logan  Township; 
Elizabeth  the  wife  of  Albert  Maeska,  who  is  also  a 
farmer  in  Logan  Townshi]);  Katie  A.,  Martin, 
Nicholas,  George,  Josephine  and  .loiin  reside  witli 

HesidenceofGeorge  Cebbie    Sec,  4.  Centre Towkiship 

Residence:  of  John  Reiter,  Sec.T  Elm  Creek  Township. 



their  father  at  the  old  homestead.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Reiter  were  married  in  Marysville,  this  county, 
Feb.  9,  1861.  Mrs.  Reiter  was  also  a  native  of 
Germany,  and  born  March  17,  1843.  She  was  thus 
at  the  time  of  her  decease  in  the  prime  of  life, 
only  a  little  over  forty-four  years  of  age. 

In  politics  Mr.  Reiter  is,  and  always  has  been,  a 
a  stanch  supporter  of  the  principles  of  tlie  Repub- 
lican parly. 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  many  readers  to  a 
handsome  lithographic  view  of  the  home  and  sur- 
roundings on  the  farm  of  Mr.  Reiter,  which  is  one 
of  the  most  be.iutiful  and  j)ieturesque  liomesteads 
in  Elm  Creelv  Township. 

w ^^ ^^ 

^^EORGE  GEBBIE,  a  general  farmer  and 
III  g— .  stock-raiser  on  section  4,  in  Center  Town- 
^^  sliip,  Marsliall  County,  may  be  classed 
prominently  among  those  men,  who  from  humble 
beginnings  have  worked  tlieir  way  toward  the  top 
rounds  of  the  ladder  of  success,  and  while  gaining 
an  independent  footing  financially,  have  not  neg- 
leciedto  cultivate  the  social  qualities,  which  endear 
a  man  to  those  with  whom  he  is  thrown  in  daily 
contact.  A  devoted  father,  a  tender  husband,  a 
faithful  friend,  he  has  many  warm  admirers  among 
his  neighbors,  who  know  him  to  be  generous  to  the 
needy  and  charitable  toward  the  erring. 

Of  Scotch  ancestry,  Mr.  Gebbie  is  a  native  of 
that  land  famous  for  its  sturdy  sons  and  fair  daugh- 
ters, and  was  born  Nov.  22,  1839.  In  the  land  of 
the  thistle  and  the  gorse  he  grew  to  a  robust  man- 
hood, developing  a  strong  and  athletic  frame  dur- 
ing those  years  of  rugged  exposure.  Before, 
however,  a  quarter  of  a  century  of  years  had  passed 
over  his  head,  he  wisely  concluded  that  if  the 
future  held  for  him  any  great  good  he  must  seek  it 
in  another  land.  Scotland  was  the  land  of  his 
youth,  and  to  him  the  dearest  of  all  lands,  but  the 
road  to  prosperity  there  was  almost  as  insurmount- 
able as  were  her  rocky  crags  and  loft}'  peaks. 

Before  leaving  forever  his  native  country,  that 
"peerless  jewel  of  the  sea,"  Mr.  Gebbie  had  taken 
unto  himself   a   helpmate,  who  has  during  all  the 

succeeding  years  been  to  him  of  inestimable  value, 
far  more  precious  than  gold  and  jewels,  and  who 
has  by  a  life  of  purity  and  goodness,  exemplified 
the  words  of  that  wise  man  of  old  concerning  the 
worth  of  a  good  woman,  who  looketh  well  to  the 
ways  of  her  household.  She  became  the  wife  of 
Mr.  Gebbie  June  6,  1862,  and  has  been  his  faithful 
companion  during  all  these  ensuing  years.  Her 
maiden  name  was  Mary  Bain,  and  she  was  born  in 
Scotland.  Oct.  17,  1842,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Alexander  and  Mary  (Findley)  Bain,  the  latter  of 
whom  has  resided  with  the  family  of  our  sul)ject 
ever  since  the  marriage  of  her  daughter.  Unto 
our  subject  and  his  wife  seven  children  were  born, 
thus  recorded:  Belinda,  Thomas,  Ocelia,  Geanie, 
Alexander,  Lillie.  Nettie  H.  Belinda,  an  accom- 
plished young  lady,  married  Martin  J.  Bender,  and 
resides  in  Center  Township.  Ocelia  is  the  wife  of 
John  J.  Hall,  and  they  also  reside  in  this  township. 
The  remaining  children  are  all  at  home,  and  are 
naturally  the  object  of  their  parents'  most  devoted 
care  and  affection,  which  they  fully  reciprocate. 
Among  the  refined  and  pleasant  young  people  of 
this  county,  it  would  be  difficult  to  find  any  more 
loveable  in  disposition,  more  refined  in  taste,  or 
more  noble  in  ambitions  than  the  children  of  these 
worthy  parents. 

Believing  in  the  efficiency  of  education  to  remedy 
the  great  and  increasing  evils  of  this  day,  Mr. 
Gebbie  has  shown  his  interest  in  the  development 
of  the  mind  by  serving  with  his  characteristic  abil- 
ity as  School  Director.  Indeed  so  satisfactorily 
has  he  filled  this  position  that  his  fellow  citizens 
have  re-elected  him  to  the  responsibilities  of  the 
office  many  succeeding  years.  Politically,  he  is 
independent,  and  casts  his  ballot  in  local  elections 
to  assist  into  office  the  man  he  considers  best 
qualified  to  hold  the  position  in  question.  Deeply 
concerned  also  in  things  spiritual,  Mr.  Gebbie  and 
his  wife  are  identified  with  the  Christian  Church, 
the  principles  of  which  they  earnestly  believe  in, 
and  steadfastly  adhere  to. 

Upon  coming  to  America  our  subject  was  accom- 
panied by  his  wife  and  one  child,  and  when  Ihe 
ship  came  to  anchor  in  the  harbor  of  New  York, 
they  proceeded  directly  to  Peoria,  111.,  where  they 
lived  six  and  one-half  jears,  and  where  Mr.  Gebbie 



was  engaged  in  mining.  Not  finding  that  pursuit 
lucrative  or  pleasant,  he  emigrated  to  Kansas  in 
the  spring  of  1871,  coming  to  Marsliall  County, 
and  locating  on  section  4  of  Center  Township,  where 
he  homesteaded  the  first  fort}'  acres,  included  in  his 
present  possessions.  He  has  erected  a  neat  and 
cozy  residence,  a  fine  view  of  which  appears  else- 
where and  which  is  filled  with  evidences  of  the 
taste  of  the  inmates.  He  has  increased  the  acreage 
of  his  farm  to  240,  and  gives  his  attention  almost 
exclusively  to  farming  and  stoclv-raising.  In  the 
success  he  has  met  with,  he  has  received  the  co- 
operation of  his  noble  wife,  and  it  is  in  no  small 
measure  due  to  her  earnest  efforts  in  his  behalf  and 
her  ambition  for  the  future  of  her  offspring,  that 
our  subject  has  attained  financial  independence^ 
and  is  enabled  to  not  only  provide  handsomely  for 
bis  children,  but  has  sufficient  to  secure  the  old  age 
of  himself  and  his  beloved  companion  from  penury. 

DHOMAS  C.  RANDOLPH.  Although  yet 
:n  the  prime  of  life  this  gentleman  is  a 
■veteran"  of  the  late  Civil  War.  He  served 
with  faithfulness  and  courage  during  almost  the 
entire  period  of  national  strife,  having  enlisted  in 
June,  18G1,  and  served  until  mustered  out  at  Har- 
risburg,  Pa.  He  is  also  a  well-known  and  successful 
teacher,  and  was  for  many  j-ears  in  the  front  rank  in 
that  profession.  Consequently  he  is  highly  inter- 
ested in  the  cause  of  education,  and  does  whatever 
lies  in  his  power  to  advance  the  standard  of  learn- 
ing, and  promote  the  character  of  the  school  sys- 
tem. In  fighting  for  his  country,  endangering  life 
itself  for  the  Union,  and  in  rearing  the  children 
entrusted  to  his  care,  to  take  their  places  in  the 
world  as  lionorable  men  and  women,  well-fitted  by 
thorough  instruction  to  cope  with  all  the  trials 
awaiting  them,  he  has  discharged  his  duty  to  so- 
cict}-,  and  merited  the  cherished  encomium,  "  well 

He  of  whom  we  write  was  born  in  Butler  Countj', 
Pa.,  in  tlie  town  of  Portersville,  on  the  24th  of  Jan- 
uary. 1845.  to  Dr.  W.  J.  and  Margaret  S.J(Christy) 
Rand(>li)h.  also  natives  of  Butler  County.      There 

they  were  married  and  lived  until  the  latter  part  of 
the  war,  removing  then  to  Buford,  8.  C,  where 
the  mother  died  in  1864.  Dr.  Randolph  removed 
from  South  Carolina,  in  1870.  to  Riley  County, 
Kan.,  which  is  his  present  home.  He  was  a  sur- 
geon during  tiie  Rebellion,  and  is  an  able  practi- 
tioner, having  liad  in  youth  a  thorough  medical 
education  at  the  Cleveland  Medical  College,  where 
he  was  graduated. 

Dr.  Randolph  and  his  wife  had  a  family  of  ten 
children,  of  whom  four  died  in  infancy  or  child- 
hood. Of  the  remaining  six  who  lived  to  matur- 
ity, the  subject  of  this  .sketch  was  the  eldest.  The 
earh'  portion  of  his  life  was  quietly  and  happily 
passed  in  Butler  and  Lawrence  counties.  Pa.,  and 
there  he  attended  the  country  schools  of  those 
days,  but  was  allowed  a  better  education  than  was 
common  at  that  time,  as  he  was  for  one  and  one-half 
years  a  student  at  New  Wilmington,  Pa. 

About  this  time  the  clouds  of  tlie  coming  tem- 
pest were  beginning  to  gather  over  the  countr}'. 
and  in  common  with  other  patriotic  bo3^s  our  sub- 
ject was  intensely  interested  in  the  vital  questions 
tlien  agitating  the  minds  of  all  loyal  citizens. 
Wlien  finally  the  storm  burst  with  all  its  force  on 
the  devoted  heads  of  the  patriots,  be,  altliough  only 
sixteen  and  one-half-years  of  age,  was  fired  with  a 
desire  to  serve  his  nation,  and  preserve  it  from 
disruption.  Accordingly  he  enlisted  in  Company 
F,  100th  Pennsylvania  Infantry,  and  was  a  brave 
soldier  until  peace  came  again  to  his  countrj-. 
Among  the  general  engagements  in  which  he  parti- 
cipated were  the  following:  Fredericksburg,  siege 
of  Vicksburg,  siege  of  Knoxville,  battle  of  the  Wil- 
derness, Spotts\'lvania.  Cold  Harbor,  Petersi)urg, 
and  numerous  others.  He  was  an  active  partici- 
pant in  the  mine  assault  of  Petersburg,  and  was 
promoted  to  the  rank  of  Sergeant- during  the  latter 
part  of  the  war.  He  was  mustered  out  at  Harris- 
burg,  Pa.,  and  then  returned  to  his  old  home  in 
Lawrence  County,  Pa. 

Our  subject  was  now  about  twenty  years  old, 
and  the  fall  following  liis  return  home,  attended 
the  Commercial  College  at  Pittsburg,  Pa.  He  was 
a  student  there  nearly  six  months,  but  left  to  make 
his  home  in  South  Carolina,  wliere  he  engaged  in 
planting  cotton  in   the   Sea  Islands  for  two  j'ears. 



This  was  an  occupation  not  entirely  suited  to  his 
taste,  and  he  therefore  removed  to  the  vicinity  of 
St.  Charles,  Mo.,  where  he  was  a  teacher  for  seven 
years.  In  tliis,  as  in  everything  else  he  attempted, 
he  was  successful,  as  he  thought  whatever  is  worth 
doing  at  all,  is  worth  doing  well. 

Again  changing  his  location,  in  1875  Mr.  Ran- 
dolph came  West  to  Marshall  County,  Kan.,  and 
purchased  forty  acres  on  section  7,  Franklin  Town- 
shij),  which  has  since  been  his  home.  Besides  look- 
ing after  his  farming  interests,  he  has  devoted  some 
time  to  teaching  since  residing  in  Kansas. 

The  faithfid  companion,  the  thoughtful  wife,  the 
devoted  mother,  through  all  these  years,  was  in  her 
girlhood  Miss  Mattie  H.  Tarvin,  with  whom  our 
subject  was  united  in  marriage  in  Marj'sville,  Kan., 
April  I,  1877.  She  is  the  daughter  of  George  "W. 
Tarvin  (see  sketch  elsewhere  in  this  work),  and 
was  born  in  Campbell  County,  Ky.,  Aug.  24,  1855. 

Their  family  circle  has  been  enlarged  by  the 
birth  of  six  children,  herewith  enumerated:  John 
P.,  Annie  M.,  Geraldine,  Ralph,  Thomas  C,  Jr., 
an<l  William  G.  Thomas  C.  died  when  about  nine 
months  old. 

Mr.  Randolph,  in  his  political  affiliations  is  allied 
witli  the  Republican  party,  and  has  been  Clerk  of 
his  township.  lie  and  his  wife  are  sincere  mem- 
bers of  the  Methodist  Church,  and  try  in  every 
wa}-  possible  to  increase  the  happiness  and  comfort 
of  those  around  them,  never  allowing  the  hungry 
and  needy  to  be  turned  away  empty-handed,  when 
they  are  deserving  of  aid.  Mr.  Randolph  is  a 
member  of  Lyon  Post  No.  29,  G.  A.  R.,  and  com- 
mands universal  respect  among  his  comrades. 


jfSAAC  B.  HOLLOWAY,  veterinary  surgeon. 
il|  was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  this  county  as 
/ll  well  as  one  of  its  most  prominent  and  favor- 
ably known  citizens.  He  has  devoted  considerable 
time  and  attention  to  the  study  of  medicine,  and  is 
one  of  the  most  successful  veterinary  surgeons  of 
this  part  of  the  State.  In  all  respects  he  is  worthy 
of  more  than  a  passing  mention  in  a  book  purport- 

ing to  contain  the  life  histories  of  the  representa- 
tive citizens  of  Marshall  County.  It  was  the  earnest 
labor  of  such  men  as  Mr.  Holloway,  that  has  con- 
tributed in  a  material  degree  to  make  this  county 
one  of  the  foremost  in  all  the  length  and  breadth 
of  the  State. 

Mr.  Holloway  was  born  near  Toledo,  Ohio,  Feb. 
5,  1841,  and  there  enjoyed  the  years  of  boyhood 
after  a  manner  similar  to  other  hoys  of  the  day,  as- 
sisting in  the  farm  work  and  studying  the  "three 
R's"  for  a  few  months  of  the  year.  When  fifteen 
years  of  age  he  came  to  Kansas,  accompanying 
"Father  Henry,"  who  was  a  missionary  amono-  the 
Indians,  and  with  him  our  subject  remained  a  time. 
Three  years  after  his  own  removal  from  Ohio  his 
father.  Noah  Holloway,  and  step-mother,  Mary  A. 
(Hall)  Holloway,  followed  the  "star  of  Empire"  in 
its  westward  course  and  located  in  Doniphan 
County,  Kan.,  which  was  their  home  for  a  short 
period.  Locating  in  this  county  in  1860,  on  sec- 
tion 35,  the  father  here  jsassed  the  remaining  por- 
tion of  life  allotted  to  him,  passing  to  rest  Feb.  1 1 , 
1878.  The  step-mother  lives  with  her  son  Jacob. 
(See  sketch  elsewhere  in  this  volume.) 

As  he  approached  manhood,  Isaac  B.  Hollo- 
way was  possessed  of  a  laudable  desire  and  deter- 
mination to  make  a  home  of  his  own,  and  entered 
160  acres  of  land  on  section  35,  where  he  now  lives. 
With  praiseworthy  perseverance  and  unremitting 
industry  he  has  labored  from  daylight  to  darkness, 
through  the  short,  cold  days  of  winter  and  the  long, 
enervating  heat  of  summer,  alwa3's  animated  by  his 
hopes  of  future  comfort  and  competence.  He  now 
is  the  fortunate  owner  and  manager  of  a  well-im- 
proved and  carefull3'  cultivated  farm  of  fertile  soil, 
on  which  each  year  the  grain  springs  forth  abund- 
antly. Upon  his  estate  he  has  erected  a  good  frame 
dwelling,  a  fine  stone  barn,  besides  corn-cribs,  and 
all  other  outbuildings  necessary  to  a  well-regulated 
modern  estate.  His  farm  is  chiefly  fenced,  and  has 
an  orchard  containing  about  sevent^'-flve  trees  of 
choice  apples.  He  also  pays  considerable  attention 
to  stock-raising,  and  makes  a  specialty  of  Clydes- 
dale horses,  of  which  he  has  some  splendid  speci- 

Not  unaided  has  Mr.  Holloway  been  in  attaining 
this  pleasant  result,  but  has  for  many  vears  had  the 



assistance  of  her  to  whom  he  was  married  Jan.  7, 
1863.  Her  maiden  name  was  Margaret  Bartlow, 
her  parents  being  James  F.  and  Rebecca  (West) 
Bartlow,  natives  of  Campbell  County.  Kj.  Leav- 
ing that  State  in  1858  they  came  to  Doniphan 
County,  Kau.,  and  later,  in  1860,  located  in  this 
county,  in  Herkimer  Township,  where  the  mother 
passed  away  in  April,  1804.  The  father  lives  near 
Waterville,  this  county. 

The  happy  home  established  by  our  subject  was 
not  without  the  music  of  childish  voices,  for  he  and 
his  wife  became  the  parents  of  two  children.  Harry 
D.  and  Hattie.  the  latter  now  Mrs.  Frank  Maxwell. 
(See  sketch  of  James  Maxwell).  In  political  atfll- 
iatioDS  Mr.  HoUoway  is  a  Democrat,  and  has  held 
the  office  of  Clerk  of  the  township,  besides  other 
local  offices. 

By  parental  ancestry  Mr.  HoUowaj-  is  of  Welsh 
origin,  the  grandfather  being  supposed  to  be  a  na- 
tive of  Wales  or  of  direct  Welsh  descent.  Our 
subject  is  also  of  English  descent,  his  maternal 
grandfather,  Thomas  Hunt,  probably  being  a  native 
of  England.  Amanda  (Hunt)  Holloway,  the  mother 
of  the  subject  of  this  sketch  died  in  1843,  in  Ohio. 
The  ancestors  of  our  subject  on  both  sides  were 
members  of  the  "Shaker"  community  in  Ohio  and 
died  in  that  faith. 

Manj-  and  varied  are  the  transformations  that 
have  been  witnessed  by  the  pioneers  of  this  part  of 
the  West,  and  much  food  for  reflection  may  be 
furnished  by  conversation  with  those  brave  fore- 
runners of  civilization,  who  left  happy,  comforta- 
ble homes  in  the  East,  to  prepare  a  way  for  coming 
generations  in  the  grand  Western  country.  Mr. 
Holloway  well  remembers  when  these  beautiful 
prairies  were  the  abiding  places  of  buffalo,  wild 
turkey,  deer,  elk,  antelope,  wolves,  and  various 
kinds  of  wild  game  ,  including  the  Mexican  lion. 
This  part  of  the  State  was  then  the  home  and  hunt- 
ing grounds  of  Indians,  some  civilized,  some  sav- 
age. On  the  night  of  the  birth  of  Mr.  Holloway's 
eldest  child,  hundreds  of  Indians  were  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  the  house,  but  they  were  not  hostile  and  did 
no  harm.  The  Otoes,  Oraahas,  Shawnees,  Pawnees, 
and  other  tribes  were  here  for  some  time  after  our 
subject  located  in  this  township.  Many  tiroes  were 
the  families,  alone  and  unprotected,  frightened  by 

the  sudden  appearance  of  the  "red  man",  with  his 
implements  of  warfare.  This  was  peculiarly  the 
case  between  the  jears  of  1861  and  1865,  the  per- 
iod when  our  Union  was  threatened  with  destruc- 
tion, and  the  Republic  was  tottering  on  the  proud 
pinnacle  of  glory,  where  a  happ3',  united  nation 
had  placed  it.  The  Indians,  participating  in  the 
national  excitement,  would  often  invade  peaceful 
communities  and  create  havoc,  leaving  behind  them 
only  the  ruins  of  hitherto  quiet,  happy  homes.  The 
family  of  our  subject  was  unusualh'  fortunate,  nor 
was  their  neighborhood  molested  seriously.  At  one 
time  a  group  of  savages  came  to  the  door  of  the 
house  when  Mr.Holloway  was  absent,  and  demanded 
something  to  eat.  This  demand  was  immediately 
gratified  as  far  as  possible,  and  they  departed 
peacefully.  Amid  all  these  troubles  and  excitements 
our  subject  did  not  once  forsake  his  new  home, 
but  remained  and  assisted  to  make  tiie  county  a 
beautiful  one,  noted  as  one  of  the  most  fertile  and 
most  carefully  cultivated  of  any  in  the  State  of 



\t7  OUIS  HANKE.  The  West  affords  many 
il  /?S)  examples  of  what  are  styled  self-made  men, 
j'^^,  but  none  more  striking  than  is  our  subject, 
who  landed  in  America  at  the  age  of  twenty-one 
j-ears,  his  worldly  possessions  being  limited  to  his 
clothing  and  the  sum  of  one  and  one-half  cents. 
His  capital  consisted  of  an  education  obtained  un- 
der the  noted  system  of  Prussia,  a  healthy  body, 
and  an  abundance  of  ph3'sical  energy  and  deter- 
mination. He  is  now  in  possession  of  320  acres  of 
land  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation,  upon  which  are 
the  usual  improvements  made  by  an  enterprising 
and  progressive  farmer,  and  notwithstanding  the 
fact  that  he  has  as  security  for  another  been  a  loser 
to  the  extent  of  f5,000,  his  finances  are  upon  a. 
good  basis. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Prussia  April  2.  1836. 
In  the  year  1858  he  came  to  America,  the  voyage, 
which  was  made  on  the  sail  shiji  "  Leotine,"  occu- 
pying five  weeks.  He  landed  at  New  York,  in 
August  and  spent  a  couple  of  months  in  the  em- 
ploy of  a  gardener  near  that  city.     He  then  went 



to  Buffalo,  near  which  place  he  worked  upon  a  farm 
during  the  winter,  receiving  the  compensation  of 
Si6  per  month  for  his  labors.  In  the  spring  of 
1859  he  removed  to  Piatt  County.  Mo.,  where  he 
worked  by  the  day.  He  there  joined  the  Home 
Guards  in  1861.  and  later  became  a  member  of  the 
State  Militia.  In  the  fall  of  1886  he  came  to  this 
county  and  with  money  which  he  had  saved  while 
in  Jlissouri,  he  bought  160  acres  of  land  adjoining 
the  same  amount  which  he  had  homesteaded.  and 
lying  on  section  17  Walnut  Township. 

The  parents  of  our  subject,  John  and  Anna 
(Korff)  Hanke,  were  of  Prussian  birth  and  ances- 
try. The  father  died  in  his  native  land  and  the 
mother  came  to  America  and  breathed  her  last  in 
Marys ville.  Both  parents  were  members  of  the 
Catliolic  Church.  The  wife  of  our  subject,  in  her 
maidenhood  was  Miss  Caroline  Meisner,  to  whom 
he  was  married  in  this  county,  Dec.  16,  1872.  She 
is  of  Prussian  birth  and  ancestry.  She  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Lutheran  Church  as  were  her  parents. 
She  is  the  mother  of  five  children — Anna,  Mary, 
John,  pjUima,  and  Katie,  all  living  and  brightening 
the  home  fireside. 

Mr.  Hanke  has  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  in 
this  county  for  four  years,  and  has  also  occupied 
the  positions  of  Road  Overseer  and  School  Director. 
He  is  a  progressive  and  enterprising  farmer,  a 
thoroughh^  reliable  citizen,  and  an  honorable  man, 
deserving  of  the  success  which  he  has  attained. 

<^,  OHN  L.  JOHNSON.  The  best  thitig  which 
I  ever  befel  Marshall  County,  was  the  class  of 
men  who  settled  within  its  borders.  The 
elements  maj^  be  favorable,  the  air  pure,  the 
streams  clear  and  the  land  fertile,  but  unless  there 
are  moving  spirits  to  take  advantage  of  these,  agri- 
culture would  necessarilj-  be  a  failure.  Among 
those  who  the  most  readily  availed  themselves  of 
these  adjuncts  to  successful  farming,  Mr.  Johnson 
may  be  most  properly  numbered,  as  he  occupies  no 
secondary  place  in  the  farming  community.  A 
lifelong  experience  at  this  business  has  given   him 

a  full  knowledge  of  it,  which  he  has  turned  to  the 
best  account.  He  owns  160  acres  of  the  best  farm- 
ing land  in  Elm  Creek  Townslii|i,  finely  located  on 
section  24,  and  with  the  exception  of  two  years 
spent  in  conducting  a  livery  stable  in  Marysville, 
he  has  given  to  it  his  time  and  attention  since 
1881.  He  has  brought  the  soil  to  a  high  state  of 
cultivation,  erected  good  buildings,  planted  forest 
and  fruit  trees,  and  surrounded  himself  and  his 
family  with  all  of  the  comforts  and  many  of  tlie 
luxuries  of  life. 

A  native  of  Scandanavia,  Mr.  Johnson  was  born 
in  the  southern  part  of  Norwajs  near  Begron, 
March  1,  1849.  He  lived  there  until  a  youth  of 
eighteen  years,  then  set  out  for  America,  landing 
first  in  the  city  of  Quebec,  Canada.  Thence  he 
emigrated  to  Madison,  Wis.,  and  was  a  resident  of 
the  Badger  State  probably  one  year,  working  in  a 
livery  stable,  and  was  employed  in  a  hotel  about 
one  year.  He  then  worked  in  a  plow  factory 
some  two  years,  but  later  was  again  employed  in  an 
hotel  for  some  time. 

From  Wisconsin  Mr.  Johnson  went  southeast- 
ward into  Stephenson  County,  III.,  where  he  worked 
on  a  farm  about  one  year.  Subsequently  he  was 
employed  in  a  livery  stable  at  Freeport,  and  a  year 
later, '  crossing  the  Mississippi,  came  into  Jewell 
County,  Kan.,  where,  in  1871,  he  took  up  a  claim. 
Not  being  satisfied,  however,  with  the  outlook  in 
that  region,  he  only  staid  there  a  short  time,  and 
we  next  find  him  on  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of 
Atchison,  where  he  was  employed  one  season. 
Then  returning  to  Jewell  County,  he  made  some 
improvements  on  his  claim,  and  finally  emigrated 
to  this  county,  and  for  the  next  seven  3'ears  was 
emploj'ed  in  a  flouring-mill.  At  the  expiration  of 
this  time  he  purchased  160  acres  of  land  on  section 
24  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  where  he  has  since, 
with  the  exception  of  the  two  3'ears  spoken  of, 
made  his  home.  After  selling  out  his  livery  stable 
in  Marysville.  he  conducted  a  similar  establishment 
in  Frankfort,  this  county,  for  about  one  j-ear,  and 
then  was  satisfied  to  return  to  his  farm. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Marysville,  this 
county,  Oct.  16,  1875,  to  Miss  Charlotte  Anderson, 
a  native  of  Sweden.  Thej-  are  now  the  parents  of 
two  bright  children,  a  son  and  a  daughter,  Fred  M. 



and  Elnora  E.  In  addition  to  general  farming  Mr. 
Johnson  is  considerably-  interested  in  stock-rais- 
ing, in  which  he  lias  been  very  successful.  Both 
he  and  his  wife  are  prominentlj-  connected  with 
the  Baptist  Ciiurch.  Politically,  Mr.  Johnson 
supports  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Peter  Johnson,  a 
native  of  Norway,  of  Scotch  descent,  his  father 
being  a  native  of  Scotland,  and  was  there  married 
to  Miss  Martha  Olsen,  a  native  of  the  latter  coun- 
try. He  died  in  Norway  in  1849.  The  mother  is 
still  living  at  tlie  old  homestead  in  Norway,  and  is 
now  quite  well  advanced  in  years.  They  were  the 
parents  of  two  children  only,  of  whom  our  subject 
was   the  second   born.      The  other  was  a  daughter. 


j^LEXANDER  M.  STALEY.  The  biogra- 
WjUv    pher  in  his  migrations  seldom  encounters  a 

jnt  more  hospitable  and  pleasant  home  than 
1^  that  which  has  been  built  up  by  Mr. 
Staley  and  his  agreeable' life  partner.  Avarice  and 
greed  are  unknown  to  them,  and  they  extend  both 
to  friend  and  stranger  tliat  cordial  welcome  which 
is  one  of  the  evidences  of  good  birth  and  breeding. 
The  snug  farm  of  eighty  acres  is  under  a  good  state 
of  cultivation,  and  embellished  with  comfortable 
buildings.  Mr.  Staley  secured  possession  of  this 
in  1882.  and  has  since  given  to  it  his  best  efforts, 
making  a  vast  improvement  in  its  original  condi- 
tion; he  came  to  Water ville,  however,  ten  years 
previous.  The  homestead  is  pleasantly  located  on 
section  31,  Elm  Creek  Township. 

A  native  of  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  our  subject 
was  born  Sept.  10,  1834,  and  is  the  son  of  Jacob 
and  Margaret  (j\Iiller)  Staley,  who  were  likewise 
natives  of  that  county,  and  the  mother,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Gideon  Miller,  an  old  and  well-known  resi- 
dent. In  1844,  when  our  subject  was  a  lad  of  ten 
years,  his  parents  removed  to  Crawford  County, 
Ohio,  where  Alexander  M.  sojourned  until  1853. 
Then  setting  out  for  the  farther  West,  he  crossed 
the  Mississippi  into  Linn  County,  Iowa,  where  he 
was  joined  by  his  parents  a  j'ear  later. 

Our   suVijpct  still   having   a  desire  to  see  some- 

thing of  the  farther  West,  finally  went  to  Colorado, 
and  during  the  second  year  of  the  war,  he.  in  Octo- 
bor,  1862,  enlisted  in  Company  A,  2d  Colorado 
Cavalry,  was  promoted  to  Sergeant,  and  remained 
in  the  service  of  his  country  until  August,  1865. 
The  war  being  then  ended,  he  returned  to  Iowa  and 
resumed  farming. 

In  September,  1868,  Mr.  Staley  visited  Ohio  and 
was  there  married  to  Miss  Anna  E.,  daughter  of 
Maitland  and  Magdalena  (Seeiy)  Wiltse.  Imme- 
diately after  marriage  they  went  to  Tama  County', 
Iowa,  remaining  until  June,  1872,  then  came  to 
Waterville,  remaining  until  1875,  then  farmed  four 
years  and  returned  to  Waterville,  and  iu  1882 
came  to  his  present  farm.  Of  this  he  took  possess- 
ion in  March,  1882,  and  here  he  has  since  lived. 
Among  other  improvements  noticeable,  is  the  sub- 
stantial stone  dwelling,  which  forms  a  safe  and 
comfortable  shelter  from  the  storms  of  winter  and 
the  heat  of  summer.  The  barn  and  outbuildings 
bear  fair  comparison  with  those  of  his  neighbors, 
and  there  is  about  the  place  a  general  air  of  comfort 
and  solidity  which  speaks  well  for  the  proprietor. 

There  have  been  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stalej' 
two  daughters — Yerona  M.  and  Grace  E.  Our 
subject  and  his  wife  are  members  in  good  standing 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  Mr. 
Staley,  socially',  as  an  ex-soldier,  belongs  to  Robert 
Hale  Post  No.  328,  G.  A.  R.,  in  Blue  Rapids.  He 
votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  and  served 
one  term  as  Justice  of  the  Peace.  Aside  from  tliis 
he  has  avoided  the  responsibilities  of  office. 

^^RYINE  C.  HINER,  of  Logan  Township. 

'.@/u|[  is  numbered  among  its  younger  and  most 
//(  li)  enterprising  farmers  and  has  made  manj' 
^jl  friends  since  establishing  himself  here,  in 

1888.  The  farm  he  is  now  operating  is  owned  bj' 
his  mother-in-law.  It  comprises  120  acres.  He 
was  born  in  Columbiana  Countj',  Ohio,  July  22, 
1851.  where  he  obtained  the  rudiments  of  his 
education  and  later  officiated  as  pedagogue  of  the 
district  school.  In  the  meantime  he  did  not  aban- 
don his  studies  and  subsequentl}-  pursued    tiiem  in 



Mt.  Union  College,  Stark  County,  taking  a  course 
in  the  law  department  which  he  contemplated  mak- 
ing his  profession  in  life.  He  entered  upon  his 
career  as  an  attorney  in  Canton,  Ohio,  after  having 
been  admitted  to  the  bar  of  the  Supreme  Court  at 
Columbus,  Maj'  24,  1880.  He  followed  his  prac- 
tice in  Canton  until  the  summer  of  1888,  and  on 
the  5th  of  June,  that  year,  started  for  the  farther 
West,  arriving  in  this  county  in  due  time. 

Ill  Pans,  Stark  Co.,  Ohio,  Mr.  Hiner  was  married 
in  1874  to  Miss  Maude,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and 
Amanda  H.  (Martin)  Estep.  Mrs.  Hiner  was  born 
in  Findle}',  Ohio,  and  when  less  than  a  year  old 
moved  with  her  parents  to  Paris,  where  her  father 
died  in  the  year  1882.  The  mother  subsequently 
joined  her  daughter  and  is  now  living  with  our 
subject.  Mr.  Hiner  employs  himself  as  a  teacher 
during  the  winter  season  and  superintends  the  op- 
eration of  his  farm  all  the  j'ear  round.  He  sought 
the  West  on  account  of  ill  health  and  finds  himself 
greatly  improved. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Henry  and  Emily 
(Irey)  Hiner  and  they  were  born  in  Ohio, where  the 
mother  died  in  1871.  His  father  is  still  living  in 
Canton,  that  State.  They  became  members  of  the 
Friends'  Church  early  in  life,  in  the  faith  of  which 
our  subject  was  carefully  reared.  Henry  Hiner 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Barton  after  the  death 
of  his  first  wife  and  there  were  born  three  children, 
Joseph,  Ada  and  Ida,  the  latter  two  being  twins. 
Of  the  first  marriage  there  were  born  five  children, 
namely,  Arvine  C,  our  subject,  Cicero,  Elizabeth, 
Eden  and  Harrison.  The  paternal  grandfather, 
John  Hiner,  was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania  and  spent 
his  last  daj's  in  Paris,  Ohio.  Grandfather  Dawson 
Ire}',  was  likewise  a  native  of  the  Keystone  Slate 
and  died  in  Columbiana  County,  Ohio. 

To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Hiner  there  were  born 
five  children,  of  whom  she  is  the  eldest  and  of 
whom  four  survive.  Her  maternal  grandfather, 
Rudoli)hus  Martin,  was  a  native  of  Maryland  and 
was  married  in  Pennsylvania  to  Bahama  Uncles,  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania.  They  removed  to  Ohio 
and  died  in  Paris  of  which  they  had  been  residents 
many  years.  Her  paternal  grandfather,  Henry 
Estep,  was  born  in  Germany  and  was  of  pure  Ger- 
man stock.     He  married  Abigail  Anderson,  a  native 

of  Ireland,  and  died  in  Delphi,  Ind.    Grandmother 
Estep  died  at  P:vansville,  111. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiner  are  the  parents  of  two  sons, 
Ernest  C.  and  James  M.  Mr.  Hiner,  while  a  resi- 
dent of  Ohio,  identified  himself  with  the  Knights 
of  Pythias  and  the  Chosen  Friends.  Politically, 
he  is  a  Democrat. 

^  HARLES  KERSCHEN.  It  is  not  alone  to 
V  li)  ^^^^^^'^  ™'-""  *''^''  ^^  ^'■6  indebted  for  the 
■^f-  upbuilding  of  the  West.  To  her  broad 
prairies  have  come  many  from  over  the  seas. 
Germany  has  sent  of  her  sons  many  who  entered 
fully  into  the  pioneer  work,  and  many  others  who 
have  invested  their  savings  in  the  fertile  acres  of 
the  West.  Among  the  latter  class  is  the  subject  of 
our  sketch,  who  was  born  in  Luxemburg,  Germany, 
May  19,1831.  He  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his 
native  country,  learning  the  weaver's  trade,  which 
he  followed  for  over  twenty  years.  He  then  en- 
gaged in  farming,  which  occupation  he  has  contin- 
ued until  the  present  time.  He  found  a  fitting 
companion  in  Miss  Helena  Klein,  to  whom  he  was 
married  Dec.  19,  1862.  Miss  Klein  was  a  native 
of  the  same  duchy  as  her  husband,  her  birth  hav- 
ing taken  place  July  27,  1825. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kerschen  remained  in  their  native 
country  until  the  year  1873,  when  they  emigrated 
to  America  with  their  family,  which  consisted  of 
two  children,  their  eldest  son,  Charles,  having  died 
while  an  infant.  After  a  voyage  of  fifteen  days 
they  landed  in  New  York,  then  came  directly  to 
Marshall  County.  Kan.,  where  Mr.  Kerchen  pur- 
chased eighty  acres  of  land,  upon  which  they  set- 
tled, on  section  18,  Marysville  Township.  Mr. 
Keschen  has  devoted  his  attention  wholly  to  farm- 
ing and  stock-raising,  adding  to  his  property  until 
now  he  owns  200  acres  mostly  improved,  upon 
which  he  has  erected  good  buildings  and  made 
other  improvements. 

Of  the  two  children  who  were  brought  to  Amer- 
ica only  one  survives.  Peter  G.  passed  from  earth 
Sept.  IG,  1886,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  at  the  earl}'  age 
of  twenty -one.     He  was  a  graduate  of    AVritner's 



Business  College,  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  had  been 
engaged  in  teaching  for  tliree  years.  He  was  pre- 
paring to  return  to  the  parental  roof  when,  three 
days  before  his  intended  departure,  he  was  stricken 
by  the  illness  which  terminated  so  fatally.  His 
was  a  life  that  not  alone  his  parents,  but  the  world 
could  ill  afford  to  lose,  as  his  mental  attainments 
and  fine  character  gave  promise  of  a  life  of  great 
usefulness.  He  was  a  devout  member  of  the  Cath- 
olic Church.  Nicholas  S.,  the  surviving  son,  has  a 
thorough  common-school  education,  having  at- 
tended school  for  sixteen  years.  He  is  a  very  in- 
telligent j'OTing  man,  a  worthy  representative  of  the 
parental  virtues. 

Mr.  Kerschen  is  a  believer  in  and  a  supporter  of 
the  principles  advocated  by  the  Democratic  partj-. 
The  entire  family-  are  members  of  the  Catholic 
Church.  Mr.  Kerschen  is  a  man  of  upright,  honest 
character,  and  in  looking  back  over  his  life  he  may 
well  feel  a  just  pride  at  the  position  he  has  won  in 
the  esteem  and  confidence  of  honest  men  and  the 
respect  of  all  good  citizens. 


AMES  D.  NEWTON.  Among  the  pioneer 
settlers  of  this  countj-  Mr.  Newton  deserves 
more  than  a  passing  notice.  We  first  find 
him  here  in  1875,  and  he  soon  afterward 
became  interested  in  tlie  stone  deposit,  which  is 
located  on  the  farm  now  owned  by  Mr.  Fitz- 
gerald. He  associated  himself  with  partners,  and 
under  the  firm  name  of  J.  D.  Newton  &  Co.  was 
instrumental  in  the  development  of  the  quarry,  of 
which  he  is  now  the  proprietor,  and  in  the  operation 
of  which  he  gives  employment  usually  to  half-a- 
dozen  men.  The  quarry  is  located  two  and  one-half 
miles  sohth  of  the  city  of  Beattie,  and  promi- 
ses in  the  near  future  to  become  of  considerable 
importance.  Mr.  Newton  possesses  the  industry 
and  perseverance  necessar}-  to  success,  and  has  all 
the  qualities  of  an  honest  man  and  a  good  citizen. 
A  native  of  Jefferson  Countj',  N.  Y.,  our  sub- 
ject was  born  Aug.  23,  1846.  and  lived  there  until 
a  young  man  of  twenty-two  years.  He  pursued 
his  first  studies  in   the  common   school,  and    com- 

pleted his  education  in  Ives  Seminary  at  Antwerp. 
Later  he  officiated  as  a  pedagogue  two  terms,  and 
then  leaving  the  Empire  State,  made  his  way  to 
Iowa,  where  he  sojourned  six  months.  We  next 
find  him  in  Pawnee  County,  Neb.,  to  which  his 
father  had  come  in  1869  and  purchased  a  farm. 
James  D.  remained  a  member  of  the  parental  house- 
hold until  the  children  were  grown,  having,  by 
the  death  of  his  father  in  1870,  assumed  manj'  of 
the  responsibilities  of  the  head  of  the  household. 
After  this,  crossing  the  line,  he  came  over  into 
Kansas  and  located  on  a  tract  of  land  two  and  one- 
half  miles  nortii  of  tlie  infant  town  of  Beattie.  He 
carried  on  farming  there  for  a  number  of  years. 

In  1879  JMr.  Newton  removed  to  the  city  and 
engaged  as  a  stone  mason,  which  occupation  he 
followed  for  about  six  years.  In  the  meantime  he 
was  concerned  in  the  erection  of  some  of  the  most 
important  buildings  in  the  citj^,  and  later  became 
interested  in  his  present  enterprise.  He  associated 
himself  in  partnership  with  Mr.  Cornell,  and  under 
the  firm  name  of  J.  D.  Newton  &  Co.  they  pros- 
ecuted an  extensive  business,  shipping  between 
800  and  900  ear-loads  of  stone  per  year.  In  Jan- 
uary, 1889,  Mr.  Newton  withdrew  from  the  firm 
and  is  now  carrying  on  business  alone.  Politically, 
he  aflBliates  with  the  Democratic  party.  He  has 
served  as  Township  Trustee  and  Assessor  for  four 
years,  and  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  two  years.  He 
declined  a  re-eleclion  on  account  of  his  pressing 
business  affairs,  which  prevented  him  from  giving 
proper  attention  to  the  duties  of  the  office.  Socially, 
be  belongs  to  the  A.  O.  U.  AV.,  and  Lodge  No.  259, 
A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  at  Beattie. 

The  marriage  of  James  D.  Newton  and  Miss 
Eliza  Gates,  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  at 
Antwerp,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  20,  1871.  This  union  re- 
sulted in  the  birth  of  six  children,  two  of  whom 
are  deceased.  The  survivors  are  named  respect- 
ively: Adamantha,  Amber,  Emmit  and  Mabel. 
These  remain  at  home  with  their  parents,  and  are 
being  given  the  educational  advantages  which  will 
make  of  them  good  and  intelligent  citizens.  Mrs. 
Newton  W.1S  born  in  Antwerp,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  19, 
1850,  and  remained  there  until  her  marriage.  Her 
father,  Robertson  Gates,  was  born  at  Champion, 
Jefferson  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Dec,  25,   1801,  and    for  many 

Res. OF  A.J.  Palmer,Sec.36.WatervilleTown5Hip. 

Residence  OF  C.G.Beach^Sec.iz.  BlueRapids  city  Township. 

Res.  OF  John  Dawkims.Sec.G.  Blue  Rapids  Township. 

Portrait  and  feioGRAMiCAL  ALfeuM. 


years  was  occupied  as  foreman  in  a  large  fijuiulry 
in  Jefferson  County.  He  was  married,  in  1833,  to 
Miss  Eunice  Lynde,  a  native  of  liis  own  count}-, 
and  wlio  was  born  Sept.  25,  1809.  The  parental 
family  consisted  of  nine  children,  eight  of  whom 
lived  to  mature  years.  The  mother  passed  away 
April  10,  1878,  and  the  father  in  October,  1879. 
Tliey  spent  their  entire  lives  in  their  native  State. 
Samuel  Newton,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  near  the  city  of  Ottawa,  Canada,  April  7, 
1818.  When  a  youth  of  seventeen  years  he  emi- 
grated to  Jefferson  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  met 
and  married  Miss  Sylvia  liines.  He  made  his 
home  there  until  1869,  on  a  farm  near  Antwerp. 
Finally  selling  out,  he  sought  the  farther  West,  and 
died  near  Pawnee  City,  Neb.,  in  1870,  leaving  a 
family  of  seven  children,  one  of  whom  died  soon 
afterward.  James  D.  was  the  eldest  child  of  the 
family.  Those  surviving  are  residents  mostly  of 
Kansas  and  Nebraska.  The  mother  is  still  living 
at  the  old  homestead  in  C'la}-  Township,  Pawnee 

^^  HARLES  L.  WATSON.  Perhaps  the  lead: 
[l(  ing  characteristics  in  the  make-up  of  this 

^^^  gentleman  are,  his  love  of  home,  his  regard 
for  his  family  and  the  industry  which  has  sur- 
rounded them  with  all  the  comforts  of  life.  He 
has  been  a  life-long  farmer  and  has  160  acres  of 
well  developed  land  on  section  5,  which  he  secured 
as  a  homesteader  in  1866.  He  has  since  given  to  this 
his  best  efftirts,  bringing  the  soil  to  a  productive 
condition,  making  fences,  erecting  buildings,  plant- 
ing shade  and  fruit  trees,  and  effecting  the  im- 
provements naturally  suggested  to  the  careful  and 
industrious  individual.  He  believes  in  extracting 
all  tlie  good  from  life  possible  and  has  mixed  with 
his  labors  a  large  amount  of  enjoyment. 

In  reverting  to  the  antecedents  of  our  subject, 
we  find  that  he  is  the  son  of  John  P.  Watson,  a 
native  of  the  city  of  Hull,  England.  He  emigrated 
to  America  early  in  life,  and  settled  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, where  he  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  L. 
Sweeney,  who  was  probably  born  in  that  State. 
It    is    believed    that     they    settled     in     Lycoming 

Count}-  after  their  marriage,  but  later  they  re- 
moved to  Carlisle  County,  Ohio,  where  they  lived 
nearly  seven  years.  Their  next  removal  was  to 
Ogle  County,  111.,  where  they  sojourned  until  1867, 
and  that  year  came  to  Kansas,  settling  in  Oketa 
Township,  this  county.  The  father  followed  farm- 
ing, and  died  Feb.  9,  1879;  the  mother  departed 
this  life  Dec.  23,  1882.  Tliey  were  the  parents  of 
eleven  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  one  of  the  elder 
children  of  the  parental  family,  and  was  born  in 
Lorain  Township,  Carlisle  Co.,  Ohio,  April  15, 
1839.  He  was  about  four  years  old  when  his  jjar- 
ents  removed  to  Ogle  County,  111.,  and  settled  in 
Monroe  Township,  where  he  spent  his  boyhood 
and  youth  and  developed  into  manhood.  He  ac- 
quired his  education  in  the  common  schools  and 
assisted  his  father  on  the  farm  until  the  spring  of 
1866.  He  was  married  Feb.  22  that  year  to  Miss 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Charles  H.  and  Margaret  (Spiel- 
man)  Travelute.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Watson  was 
a  native  of  Germany  and  of  French  ancestry. 
Upon"  emigrating  to  America  they  settled  in  Penn- 
sylvania, and  later  emigrated  first  to  Mason 
County,  111.,  and  then  to  Ogle  County,  where  the 
family  lived  for  many  years.  In  the  spring  of 
1806  they  came  to  Kansas,  and  are  now  residents 
of  Oketo  Township.  The  household  consisted  of 
eight  children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Watson  was  the  fifth 
in  order  of  birth.  She  first  opened  her  eyes  to  the 
light  in  Mason  County,  111.,  May  20,  1849.  Soon 
after  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Watson  settled 
on  the  160  acres  of  land  which  our' subject  had 
homesteaded  the  previous  'year,  in  a  log  house, 
which  they  occupied  about  eight  years.  Mr.  Wat- 
son then  rented  his  land  and  removed  to  Van- 
couvers  Island,  B.  C,  where  he  lived  another  elo^ht 
years,  and  then  returned*  to  this  county.  He  now 
erected  a  good  frame  house  upon  his  farm,  and 
has  since  given  to  it  his  undivided  attention,  mak- 
ing a  specialty  of  stock-raising. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  five  children,  namely:  George  B.,  Dora 
I.,  Grace  V.,  Margaret  I.  and  Florence  M.  Mrs.  Wat- 
son deserves  praise  no  less  than  her  husband,  for 
the  manner  in  which  she  has  stood  by  him  through 
storm  and  sunshine,  encouraging  him  in  his  wortliy 



efforts  aud  conducting  lier  household  affairs  with 
that  good  judgment  and  economy  which  has  had 
no  small  influence  in  the  happiness  of  the  home  and 
the  success  of  our  subject.  Mr.  Watson,  politically, 
was  formerly  identified  witli  the  Democratic  party, 
but  now  votes  the  Union  Labor  ticket.  He  is  a  man 
who  does  his  own  thinking,  believes  in  the  rights 
of  labor,  and  belongs  to  the  A.  O.  U.  W. 

OSEPH  B.  WUESTER,  is  one  of  the  rising 
1  young  men  of  this  county,  prominent  in  the 
!  community  in  which  he  dwells,  the  owner 
^)j  of  valuable  property  in  this  county,  and 
carrying  on  the  business  of  a  general  merchant  at 
Home  City.  He  is  of  German  descent,  his  father, 
Abraham  and  his  mother,  Margretta,  (Bower) 
Wuester,  both  having  been  natives  of  the  Father- 
land. After  their  marriage  they  settled  in  St.  Louis, 
from  there  they  removed  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and 
thence  emigrated  to  this  county  in  1858.  On  ac- 
count of  sickness  they  remained  in  this  State  but 
about  a  year,  returning  to  St.  Joseph  for  a  two 
years'  sojourn.  They  tiien  returned  to  Kansas, 
settling  in  what  is  now  Guittard  Township,  where 
they  still  reside.  They  had  a  family  of  nine  chil- 
dren of  whom  our  subject  is  the  eldest  living.  He 
was  born  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  Sept.  1,  1858,  and  was 
about  two  years  of  age  when  his  parents  returned 
to  this  State,  where  he  grew  to  manhood  upon 
his  father's  farm.  He  received  a  good  common- 
school  education,  making  the  most  of  the  advan- 
tages of  the  county.  He  remained  at  the  parental 
fireside  until  his  twenty -second  3-ear,  when  at  Frank- 
fort, Kau.,  May.  1',  1880,  was  celebrated  his  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Rosa  SchiVarz,  the  onl}-  child  of 
Gotleib  Scliwarz.  The  parents  of  the  bride  were 
natives  of  German}^  who  had  emigrated  to  Amer- 
ica in  the  winter  of  1869,  settling  in  Center  Town- 
ship, this  county,  where  they  still  reside.  Mrs. 
Wuester  was  born  in  Germany,  Sept.  1,  1855.  She 
has  become  the  mother  of  three  children — Lottie 
and  Joseph  W.,  now  living,  and  William,  who  died 
at  the  age  of  five  years. 

Mr.  Wuester  began  mercantile  business  at  Home 

City,  in  the  spring  of  1884  and  carries  a  fine  stock 
of  general  merchandise  and  is  proving  himself  a 
man  of  excellent  business  ability.  In  company 
with  Gregg  Bros,  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  he  operates 
an  elevator  having  a  capacity  of  12,000  bushels. 
In  addition  to  these  business  enterprises,  he  is  a 
partner  in  the  State's  Bank  at  Summerfield,  Kan., 
and  is  the  owner  of  320  acres  of  land  in  Franklin 
and  Center  townships.  He  was  appointed  Post- 
master under  Cleveland's  administration,  and  held 
that  office  until  the  spring  of  1889;  he  has  held 
some  of  the  school  offices  of  the  township,  and  is  a 
man  of  prominence  in  the  community.  Few  young 
men  of  Northern  Kansas  can  show  a  better  record 
of  financial  success  or  excel  him  in  the  character- 
istics of  true  manhood.  Mr.  Wuester  is  a  devout 
member  of  the  Catholic  Church,  while  his  wife 
worships  with  the  Lutheran  Church. 

\f,  OHN  TALBOT,  a  plain,  straightforward 
man,  reliable,  industrious  and  well-to-do, 
may  be  usually  be  found  at  his  well-regu- 
lated farm  on  section  8,  which  is  mainly 
devoted  to  stock-raising.  The  land  is  highly  pro- 
ductive, the  dwelling  is  built  in  a  modern  style  of 
architecture  and  the  barn  and  other  outbuildings 
are  neat  and  convenient  structures,  ampl3-  adapted 
to  the  purposes  of  general  agriculture.  The  proprie- 
tor holds  a  good  position  socially  and  financially  in 
his  community,  and  deserves  honorable  mention 
among  the  men  who  have  assisted  in  the  develop- 
ment of  Marysvillo  Township. 

In  reverting  to  the  parental  history  of  our  sub- 
ject, we  find  that  his  father,  Charles  Talbot,  was  a 
native  of  London,  England,  where  he  was  reared 
to  man's  estate  and  married  Susannah  Key.  After 
marriage  they  settled  in  London,  where  they  lived 
until  about  1849,  then  emigrating  to  America 
located  on  a  farm  in  South  Grove  Township 
DeKalb  Co.,  III.  They  lived  there  until  the 
si)ringof  1866,  then  coming  to  this  count}',  settled 
cm  a  farm  on  section  8,  in  Marysville  Township, 
where  the  father  prosecuted  agriculture  until  his 
death,  which  occurred  in  1879.  The  mother  died 
at  the  old  homestead  two  years  later.     They  were 

PO&ttlAlt  AlSfD  fei06fiAt»HiCAL  ALBtTM. 


the  parents  of  eight  children,  of  whom  John  was 
the  fifth  in  order  of  birth.  He  likewise  was  born 
in  London,  Sept.  19,  1844.  His  father  and  older 
brother  came  to  America  that  year,  and  two  years 
after,  the  balance  of  the  family  came.  He  followed 
them  two  years  later  and  attained  his  majority  in 
DeKalb  Count}',  111.  He  accompanied  his  famil}-  to 
tills  county  in  the  spring  of  1866,  but  having  a  crop 
to  gather  in  DeKalb  County,  returned  to  Illinois, 
where  he  stayed  about  oneyear,  and  Snall}^  rejoined 
the  family  in  this  county,  settling  on  the  land  which 
he  had  previously  homesteaded.  This  comprised 
eighty  acres  on  section  32,  in  Oketo  Township, 
where  he  lived  about  ten  or  eleven  3'ears,  and  until 
after  the  death  of  his  father.  He  then  removed  to 
Maryville  Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a 
resident,  and  now  owns  120  acres  of  land. 

While  a  resident  of  DeKalb  County,  111.,  our  sub- 
ject was  married  Sept.  6,  1866  to  Miss  Eveline 
Taylor,  and  of  this  union  there  are  three  children 
living,  namel}' :  Walter,  Edith  and  Lillie.  The 
wife,  and  mother  of  these  children  died  at  the 
homestead  in  Oketo  Township,  June  5,  1873.  Mr. 
Talbot  was  married  to  his  present  wife  May  6,  1874. 
She  was  Mrs.  Nancy  C.  Johnson— her  maiden 
name  being  Parish;  she  is  a  native  of  Kentucky. 

Mr.  Talbot,  politically,  is  a  straight  Republican. 
He  is  a  man  making  very  little  stir  in  tiie  world, 
but  pursues  the  even  tenor  of  his  way,  doing  a 
friend  or  a  neighbor  a  favor  as  he  has  opportunity, 
and  giving  his  influence  to  those  enterprises  having 
for  tiieir  object  the  general  good  of  the  people. 

^iHOMAS  L.  HOLLOWAY.  It  will  read- 
ily be  conceded  to  have  been  a  most  fort- 
unate occurrence  when  about  thirty  years 
ago  the  Holloway  family  became  settlers  of  this 
State,  and  contributed  of  their  labors  and  efforts 
to  develop  the  vast  resources  of  Marshall  County. 
There  were  three  brothers  of  this  family  who  came 
to  Kansas  with  their  parents  in  1857.  leaving  their 
former  Ohio  home,  and  locating  in  Doniphan 
County,  Kan.,  which  was  for  a  short  time  their  so- 
journing ground.     One  son  remained   in  the  East, 

and  one  sister  living  in  the  State  of  Ohio.  Coming  to 
Marshall  County  about  1859,  the  family  entered 
Government  land,  where  the  subject  of  this  notice 
now  resides,  on  section  35,  in  Herkimer  Township. 
Their  first  home  (a  log  cabin)  was  the  second 
house  on  Horse  Shoe  Creek,  and  was  beautifully 
located  in  a  picturesque,  romantic  spot,  but  at  that 
time  was  lonely,  the  onl}'  sounds  being  the  frequent 
and  mournful  cries  of  wild  animals,  and  the  only 
lights  visible  at  night  when  clouds  obscured  the 
moon  and  stars,  were  the  camp  fires  of  distant  In- 
dians. The  latter,  however,  were,  as  a  rule,  not 
unfriendlj',  though  occasionally  threatening  the 
settlers  with  all  the  horrors  of  an  Indian  War. 

Born  Nov.  11,  1838,  in  Henr}-  Count}-,  Ohio,  to 
Noah  and  Amanda  B.  (Hunt)  Holloway,  our  sub- 
ject was  early  deprived  of  a  mother's  loving  and 
ever-watchful  care.  Later,  his  father  was  married 
a  second  time,  his  wife  being  Mrs.  Mary  Sanford, 
whose  first  husband,  Francis  Sanford.  died  in  Ohio. 
She  still  lives  with  her  son,  Jacob,  in  this  county, 
but  the  father  passed  away  Jan.  29,  1879.  The 
boyhood  years  of  our  subject  do  not  present  any 
striking  facts  for  the  biographer  to  record,  as  they 
were  passed  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  manner 
under  the  parental  roof.  Reaching  manhood,  he 
commenced  to  prepare  for  a  home  of  his  own,  and 
chose  to  share  ic  with  him,  Mrs.  Bell  Whitehead, 
daughter  of  Thomas  N.  and  Mary  A.  (Anderson) 
Pace,  who  had  previously  been  married  to  John 
H.  Whitehead,  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  had  one 
child  by  this  union,  a  son,  Thomas  J.  Our  subject 
and  his  wife  were  married  in  St.  Joseph,  and  their 
union  has  resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  cliildren, 
namely:  William  L.,  Hettie  A.  and  Cora  L. 

The  owner  of  the  old  home  farm  compiisin^"^ 
an  area  of  249  acres  of  land,  our  subject  is  fl. 
nancially  independent,  and  is  able  to  give  his  chil- 
dren the  advantages  of  which  he  was  deprived.  He 
has  held  the  otHce  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  six 
years,and  in  politics  affiliates  wiili  the  Republicans. 
His  farm  is  in  good  condition,  with  a  comfortable 
frame  residence,  stone  and  frame  barn,  and  all  the 
outbuildings  essential  to  the  successful  develop- 
ment and  carrying  on  of  a  modern  farm.  Sur- 
rounding the  house  are  many  natural  shade 
trees,  whose  lofty  branches    serve  as    a   protection 



against  the  too  friendly  beams  of  the  summer  sun, 
and  also  break  the  severity  of  winter  winds  and 
IManitoba  breezes.  Tiie  buildings  are  erected  close 
to  tlie  banks  of  the  Morse  Shoe  Creek,  and  all  along 
the  water's  edge  is  a  lieav}'  growth  of  timber, 
whose  giant  boughs  arch  downward  as  though  to 
kiss  the  murmuring  water  below.  The  familj^  thus 
pleasantly  located,  are  among  the  most  liiglily  re- 
s|)ected  in  the  entire  county,  and  their  past  history 
has  been  such  as  to  richly  merit  the  confidence 
tiiey  enjoy. 

P^very  soldier's  life  is  divided  into  two  separate 
and  distinct  periods — the  time  of  peace  and  the 
time  of  war.  Having  alreadj'  considered  ihe  life 
of  Mr.  HoUoway  under  the  former,  let  us  append 
a  few  facts  concerning  the  latter.  When  the 
hideous  reality  of  war  broke  out  in  all  its  fury 
over  the  country,  Mr.  Holloway  was  among  the 
first  to  enlist  and  offer  his  life  as  a  sacrifice  for  the 
preservation  of  the  Union.  He  enlisted  in  Com- 
pany H,  2d  Kansas  Cavalr3',  Dec.  9,  1861,  and 
served  until  March  14,  1865.  Among  the  engage- 
ments in  which  he  participated  were  the  following: 
ISiutona,  Cone  Hill,  Prairie  Grove,  Van  Buren, 
Little  Rock,  Prairie  Dam,  Camden  and  Saline 
River;  all  in  Arkansas.  Our  subject  was  so  fort- 
unate as  to  receive  only  one  wound,causeJ  bj'  being 
tiu'own  from  a  horse  in  the  charge  at  Dripping 
Springs,  Ark.  He  then  had  two  ribs  broken,  which 
disabled  him  for  some  time.  He  was  discharged  as 
a  Corporal,  and  is  now  Second  Lieutenant  of  Com- 
pany G,  3d  Regiment  Kansas  National  Guards,  of 
Jlarysville;  he  belongs  also  to  Lyons  Post  No.  9, 
G.  A.  R.,  of  Mar3'sville.  In  these  various  organiza- 
tions he  is  a  prominent  member,  and  is  intimately 
associated  with  wiialever  has  a  tendeuc\'  to  improve 
the  social  condition  of  those  around  him,  freely- 
assisting  all  charitable  and  philanthropic  attempts 
to  benefit  humanity  at  large. 

Concerning  the  father  of  Mr.  Holloway,  who  was 
by  name  Noah  Holloway,  and  who  married  Amanda 
Hunt,  it  is  recorded  that  he  was  a  native  of  New 
Jersey,  and  that  he  was  brought  b}'  his  parents, 
Jacob  and  Hannah  (Cora)  Holloway,  to  Pennsyl- 
vania, when  he  was  only  nine  months  of  age,  and 
thence  accompanied  them  to  Hamilton  County, 
Ohio,  when  that  State  was  yet  a  territory  and  Cin- 

cinnati a  mere  unimportant  village.  The  family  lo- 
cated about  nine  miles  from  the  latter  city,  and 
about  fifteen  years  later  the  grandfather  of  our 
subject  sold  his  possessions,  and  invested  his  money 
in  the  town  of  Shakerville,  Warren  Co.,  Ohio, 
being  desirous  of  developing  the  interests  of  the 
Shaker  Church.  There  the  grandparents  spent 
their  last  days,  and  there  Jacob  Holloway  lived  to 
be  eighty-four  years  of  age,  having  been  born  on 
the  26th  of  October.  1767.  His  wife  died  at  the 
age  of  ninety-one.  Her  maiden  name  was- Hannah 
Cora,  born  Oct.  7,  1772.  Noah  Holloway-  and 
wife  (whom  he  had  married  Dec  21,  1883)  left 
their  old  home  and  located  in  Northern  Ohio. 
Another  generation  further  back  we  find  mention 
made  of  Jeremiali  Hollowaj',  who  was  a  brave  pa- 
triot in  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  helped  to 
free  his  country  from  the    tyranny  of  foreign  rule. 

0~  LARKSON  HOLTON.  Among  the  pioneer 
settlers  of  ^NLarshall  Count}-  none  probabl}' 
have  had  a  wider  or  more  varied  experience 
than  Mr.  Holton  and  his  excellent  wife.  They 
came  to  the  frontier  soon  after  the  Indians  had  left 
it  and  experienced  all  the  hardships  and  privations 
of  life  in  a  new  settlement.  But  many  and  great 
as  these  were,  they  were  never  so  numerous  or  ex- 
tended that  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Holton  could  not  tender 
the  hospitalities  of  their  humble  dwelling  to  some 
one  worse  off  than  themselves.  They  became 
noted  for  their  kindness  of  heart  and  for  the  fact 
that  no  one  who  was  needy  was  ever  turned  emptj- 
from  their  door.  This  quality  has  clung  to  them 
through  all  the  years  which  have  followed,  and 
few  sojourners  in  this  part  of  the  county  are  un- 
acquainted with  the  sturdy  old  veteran  and  his 
faithful  and  affectionate  partner.  The}-  are  now- 
sitting  under  their  own  vine  and  fig  tree,  and 
while  reviewing  the  toils  and  sacrifices  of  their 
earlier  years  and  comparing  them  with  the  blessings 
of  the  present,  they  feel  amply  repaid  for  all  which 
the}-  have  endured.  Not  only  are  their  children 
located  comfortably  around  them,  but  they  have  a 
number  of    bright  and    interesting   grandchildren 



whom  they  look  upon  with  pardonable  pride.  If 
the  sunsft  of  their  lives  is  not  cloudless  and  serene, 
it  will  not  be  because  they  iiave  not  the  best 
wishes  of  a  host  of  friends. 

The  branch  of  the  Holtou  family  from  wliich  our 
subject  sprang  was  represented  in  New  England  at 
an  earl}-  day.  II is  parents,  Jeptha  and  Nancy 
(Clausen)  Holton,  were  natives  of  New  Jersey, 
where  they  were  reared  and  married  and  after- 
ward settled  in  Plainfield.  The  mother  died  in 
Plainfield,  N.  J.;  the  father  subsequently  re- 
moved to  Illinois,  whei-e  he  spent  his  last  days. 
The  father  was  a  hatter  b}'  trade,  and  the  parental 
household  included  six  children,  four  daughters 
and  two  sons.  Clarkson  was  the  second  child  and 
was  born  near  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  Nov.  20,  1815. 
He  too  learned  the  hatter's  trade  and  remained  a 
resident  of  his  nattve  State  until  nearlj'  thirty 
years  of  age.  He  followed  his  trade  until  18.54, 
then  leaving  New  Jersey,  struck  out  for  the  West 
and  purchased  a  farm  in  Tazewell  County,  111.  lie 
occupied  this  until  February,  1 870,  and  then  came 
with  his  family  to  this  count}'.  Here  he  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  22  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a 

After  coming  to  this  Stale  Mr.  Holton  worked 
one  >ear  at  grading  on  the  St.  Joseph  &  Grand 
Island  Railway.  He  has,  however,  given  the  most 
of  his  attention  to  farming  and  stock-raising.  He 
has  been  very  successful  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  and 
added  eightj'  acres  to  his  first  purchase,  upon 
which  he  has  made  good  improvements.  He  com- 
menced life  in  this  county  with  very  little  means, 
having  only  a  few  household  goods,  a  team  of 
mules  and  twentj'-five  cents  in  cash.  Brave  must 
have  been  the  spirit  which  bore  up  under  the  out- 
look in  a  region  thinly  settled  and  with  few  of  the 
conveniences  of  modern  life.  A  few  years  of  in- 
dustry and  perseverance,  however,  materially 
changed  his  condition  and  placed  him  upon  solid 

Mr.  Holton  was  first  married  in  Plainfield,  N.  J., 
Oct.  29,  1836,  to  Miss  Rachel  O'Connor,  who  was 
born  in  New  York  Cit}-  and  who  became  the  mother 
of  one  child.  The  latter,  a  daughter,  Rhoda  S., 
was  first  married  to  William  Morrison,  who   died 

in  New  York  City,  and  she  was  then  married  to 
William  Fitzgerald,  of  Blue  Rapids  City,  this 
county.  Mrs.  Rachel  (O'Connor)  Holton  died  in 
Tazewell  County,  111.,  Jan,  25,  1857. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
Tazewell  County,  111,  Jan.  24,  1861,  with  Miss 
Harriet,  daughter  of  Christopher  and  Mary  (Mar- 
tin) Wentz.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Holton  were  na- 
tives of  Chester  and  Lancaster  counties.  Pa., 
respectively,  and  the  father  in  his  younger  years 
was  proprietor  of  an  hotel  and  kept  a  livery  stable. 
They  finally  removed  to  Mercer  Count}\  where 
the  mother  died.  Mr.  Wentz,  later  removed  to 
Tazewell  County,  III.  where  he  spent  his  last  daj-s. 
Mrs.  Holton  was  the  sixth  in  a  family  of  eleven 
children  and  was  born  near  New  Castle,  Pa.. 
March  13,  1823.  Her  marriage  with  our  subject 
resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  children,  the  (.Idest  of 
whom,  Mary  A.,  died  at  the  homestead  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  Nov.  18,  1882,  when  an  interest- 
ing young  woman  of  twentj'-one  years.  William 
A.  married  Miss  Girolda  G.  Sheets,  and  they  reside 
in  Elm  Creek  Township.  They  have  two  children, 
John  A.  and  Mary  M.;  Christopher  O.  died  in  in- 
fancy. Mr.  Holton  politically  in  former  years 
affiliated  with  the  Republican  party  but  now  votes 
independently.  Mrs.  Holton  is  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

^^HARLES  PRITCHARD.  Side  by  side  in 
(|f^_,  their  influence  upon  the  future  life  of  the 
^^^  j'oung,  stand  the  home  and  the  school.  Not 
for  mental  training  alone  is  the  latter  responsible  but 
for  much  of  the  moral  as  well.  By  example  the 
youth  are  guided  more  even  than  by  direct  instruc- 
tion, and  in  view  of  this  fact,  the  daily  walk  and  con- 
versation of  the  teacher  is  a  matter  of  grave  impor- 
tance. It  gives  us  pleasure  to  sketch  the  life  of 
one  whose  mental  attainments  and  upright  charac- 
ter so  well  fitted  him  for  the  position  he  occupied 
during  many  years,  that  of  instructor  of  the  j'outh. 
Mr.  Charles  Pritchard  was  born  in  Richland 
County,  Ohio,  Dec.  27,  1844.  There  he  grew  to 
manhood,  obtaining  a  good  common  school  educa- 



tion.     With  this  and  a  capital  of  $10    and  an  old 
watch,  he  was    prepared  to  begin   life  for  himself 
on  attaining  his   majority.     Going  to  Woodford 
County,  111.,    he   entered  upon  the    profession    of 
teaching,  and  at  the  end  of   seven  months    he   re- 
turned home  possessed  of  $123.     During  the  fol- 
lowing two  j'cars  he  worked  his  father's  farm   and 
during    both    winters    taught  school.     In   1868  he 
came   to  Kansas    and    during  the  winter  and  suc- 
ceeding   summer   taught  in    the    Emory    district. 
The   foliowing  winter  the  Beattie  district  secured" 
his   services.       He    then    worked    for   a    time   on 
the    St.  Joseph    &    Grand     Island    Railway.     He 
next    worked    for    Dr.    Sheldon,    of    Beattie.    and 
taught  in    district  39.     Following    this  came  two 
winters    of    professional    work   in    Gage   County, 
Neb.     The  year  1873  found  him  teaching  in  Deer 
Creek  district  of    this  county.     In  the  summer  of 
1874  he  began   farming  on  a   homestead  which  he 
had  taken  on  section  28,  Balderson  Township,  and 
during  the  same   j'ear    he  re-engaged  as  teacher  in 
district  39.     In  1875  he  taught  two  terms  of  school 
while  carrying  on  his  farm,  and  in  the  winter  of  the 
same  year  taught  the  Elliott  district.     In  the  sum- 
mer  of   1876   he    devoted   liimself  entirely  to  his 
farming  and  during  the  winter  returned  to  his  la- 
bors in  district  39.     He  then  gave    up    the  active 
work  of    the  teacher's  profession  and    devoted  his 
attention    to  the    pursuit   of   agriculture.     He  re- 
mained   upon    his  homestead    until    March,   1884, 
when  he  took  possession    of  his  jjresent  home  on 
section   18,  Balderson  Township,  this   land  having 
been  derived    by  purchase  from    his  vvife's  father. 
It  is  all  under  cultivation  and   well    supplied  with 
farm    buildings.     Mr.  Pritchard   now    has  twent}'- 
three  head  of  cattle,  nine  head  of  horses  and  tliirty- 
three  head  of  hogs,  and  carries  on  successfully  the 
business  of    farming.     The   farm    upon  which  he 
lives  comprises   164^  acres  and  is  held  in  his  own 

On  the  farm  where  he  now  lives,  but  at  that 
time  the  residence  of  the  bride,  was  celebrated 
his  marriage  to  Miss  ^Lar3'  Rigg.  daughter  of  Silas 
.and  Sarah  (Morris)  Rigg.  The  parents  were  na- 
tives respectively  of  Illinois  and  Virginia.  The 
family  consisted  of  ten  children,  five  of  whom  are 
now   living.     Mrs,  Pritchard  was  the  eldest  child. 

having  been  born  March  16,  1851,  in  Indiana. 
When  she  was  about  two  years  of  age  her  parents 
had  removed  to  Black  Hawk  County,  Iowa,  whence 
three  years  later  they  came  to  Adams  County, 
same  State.  After  a  sojourn  of  ten  years  they  emi- 
grated to  Kansas  and  settled  upon  the  farm  which 
their  daughter  now  occupies  with  her  husband. 
Here  the  mother  died  in  September,  1875.  The 
father  is  now  living  in  Morton  County,  Kan,  Mrs. 
Pritchard  has  borne  her  husband  three  childreu, 
Alice  Faye,  Sarah  Claire  and  Charles  Lloyd. 

Our  subject  is  the  son  of  John  Pritchard,  a  na- 
tive of  Derbyshire,  England,  who  with  his  father, 
Charles  Pritchard,  emigrated  to  America  in  1818, 
first  settling  in  Bedford,  Pa.  From  there  they 
went  to  Richland  County,  Ohio,  where  they  bought 
240-  acres  of  Government  land  and  established  a 
new  home.  Of  this  land  160  acres  are  still  in  the 
possession  of  the  family.  Going  back  another 
generation  in  the  paternal  line,  we  find  William 
Pritchard,  a  native  of  England,  who  became  a 
preacher  when  fifty-seven  years  of  age.  The  ma- 
ternal grandfather  of  our  subject  was  Thomas  An- 
drews, a  native  of  the  North  of  Ireland,  who 
emigrated  to  America,  settling  in  Ohio,  and  died 
in  the  year  1840,  His  wife,  Anna  (Kithcart)  An- 
drews was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania  and  died  in 
1860.  Their  daughter  Sarah,  a  native  of  Ohio,  was 
married  in  that  State,  Jan.  4.  1844,  to  John  Prit- 
chard, father  of  our  subject,  and  in  that  State  spent 
the  remainder  of  her  life,  dying  July  11,  1850. 
Mv.  John  Pritchard  later  married  Esther  Fletcher, 
also  a  native  of  the  Buckeye  State.  He  died  in 
December,  1875,  his  wife  surviving  him  about  five 
years.  The  parental  family  consisted  of  three  ciiil- 
dren,  all  the  result  of  the  first  marriage.  Our  sub- 
jijct  was  the  eldest  of  the  family,  having  a  sister, 
Anna  Mary,  wife  of  John  W.  Kinton,  of  Richland 
County,  Ohio,  and  a  brother,  Thomas,  also  living 
in  that  count}'. 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  active  members  of 
the  Presbj'terian  Church  of  North  Mar3'sville,  in 
which  he  is  ruling  Elder.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pritchard 
have  been  members  of  the  Grange  and  Good  Tem- 
plars lodges,  and  both  have  held  official  positions 
in  each  of  the  organizations.  Mr.  Pritchard  takes 
au  active  interest  in  politics  and  votes  the  Repub- 



licaii  ticket.  For  three  j'ears  he  has  been  Justice 
of  tlie  Peace  in  Balderson  Township.  As  might  well 
be  expected  of  a  retired  teacher,  lie  takes  an  act- 
ive interest  in  educational  affairs  and  for  manj' 
years  has  held  a  position  upon  the  School  Board. 
During  his  professional  career  Mr.  Pritchard  was 
accustomed  to  open  his  sciiool  with  scripture  read- 
ing and  prayer.  At  Beattie  lie  was  told  by  the 
School  Board  and  Roman  Catholics  then  living 
there,  that  he  could  read  the  Bible  from  4  p.m. 
until  0  A.^r.  if  he  chose,  but  they  forbade  him  read- 
ing it  in  school  hours.  In  accordance  with  the  ad- 
vice of  the  County  Superintendent  he  thereafter 
refrained  from  doing  so.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Pritchard 
are  among  the  most  highly  esteemed  residents  of 
the  township,  and  are  people  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence,  of  hospitable  and  kindly  manners  and 
active  in  all  good  works. 


emigration  moves  toward  the  setting  sun, 
new  villages  spring  up  where  once  was  the 
^1/  boundless  prairie,  and  thriving  towns  ap- 

pear upon  the  site  of  the  old  hunting  grounds  of 
the  Indians,  while  the  timbered  forest  disappears 
before  the  powerful  hand  of  man.  Wonderful 
changes  have  been  witnessed  by  those  who  came 
to  Kansas  in  the  da3-s  of  its  infancj*  as  a  State,  and 
great  improvements  have  been  made  by  their  un- 
flagging industry.  Even  those  more  recent  settlers 
have  materially'  assisted  to  change  the  face  of  the 
country,  as  they  have  established  pleasant  homes 
and  bustling,  noisy  cities.  The  natives  of  the 
State  of  Ohio  have  not  been  in  the  rear  of  the  on- 
ward march,  but  were  in  the  front  ranks  of  the 
early  settlers. 

Among  those  who  have  been  prospered  in  their 
labors,  not  the  least  worthy  of  mention  is  he  of 
whom  we  write,  Alonzo  A.  Gerhart,  who  came  to 
this  State  and  count}'  in  1880.  Though  compara- 
tively speaking  he  is  a  recent  settler,  yet  he  took 
lip  land  In  an  almost  primitive  condition,  and  has 
changed  it  to  a  productive,  valuafile  farm. 

There  reside  in  Iowa  an  old  couple,  venerated  by 

their  friends  and  respected  by  all  who  know  them. 
They  are  in  the  twilight  of  life  which  has  been 
passed  by  them  in  earnest  efforts  to  make  a  home 
and  rear  their  children  so  that  they  might  reflect 
credit  upon  their  parents  throughout  their  life. 
These  people  are  Aaron  Gerhart  and  his  wife  Anna 
(Davis)  Gerhart.  The  former  was  a  native  of  the 
Keystone  State,  but  when  a  boy  came  to  Ohio, 
where  he  married  Anna  ]")avis.  Six  of  their  chil- 
dren lived  to  years  of  maturity.  After  a  long 
residence  in  Ohio,  they  came  to  Iowa,  where  in 
Jones  County,  the  father  is  still  managing  the  in- 
terests of  liis  farm. 

Among  the  children  born  to  Aaron  and  Anna 
(Davis)  Gerhart,  the  one  in  whom  we  are  particu- 
larly interested  is  Alonzo  A.  He  was  born  in 
Knox  County,  Ohio,  Nov.  29,  1849,  and  here  he 
remained  with  his  parents  until  he  was  four  years 
of  age,  then  went  to  Iowa  in  company  with  them 
on  their  removal.  In  this  then  frontier  State,  he 
grew  to  man's  estate,  receiving  a  good,  practical 
education  in  the  schools  of  his  district.  He  early 
learned  to  make  himself  useful  on  the  home  farm, 
and  became  so  proficient  as  a  farmer,  that  he  chose 
agriculture  as  his  life  occupation.  Time  has  proven 
this  to  be  a  wise  selection.  A  mere  glance  at  his 
comfortable,  well-kept  farm  shows  that  the  leading 
spirit  of  the  place  is  one  who  understands  his 
chosen  calling. 

That  Mr.  Gerhart  has  such  a  pleasant  home  is 
due  not  alone  to  his  efforts,  for  he  has  had  for 
nearly  twenty  years  the  active  cooperation  of  an 
intelligent,  practical,  and  amiable  wife,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Eva  Glick.  To  her  he  was  mar- 
ried Dec.  11,  1870,  and  for  ten  years  thereafter 
they  worked  together  on  their  Iowa  homestead. 
But  such  enthusiastic  reports  were  brought  to  their 
ears  of  the  wonderful  soil  of  the  growing  State  of 
Kansas  that  they  were  induced  to  remove  hither. 
This  was  their  first  residence  in  the  State  and  so 
comfortabl}'  are  the}'  settled,  that  we  may  reason- 
ably trust  no  further  removals  will  be  deemed 

To.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gerhart  have  been  born  four 
children,  namely:  George  A.,  Anna,  Ira,  and  Ern- 
est, all  of  whom  are  3'et  under  the  parental  roof, 
and    form   a   happy,  united    fandly.     Mr.  (ierliart 



votes  with  the  Republican  party,  with  whose  prin- 
ciples he  is  in  cordial,  hearty  sympatb3-.  He  is  a 
ineiuber  of  the  Masonic  fraternit3',  and  was  Clerk 
of  ^he  township  for  one  year;  he  has  served  as 
Road  Overseer,  and  is  at  present  Clerk  of  the 
School  District.  He  was  also  School  Director  for 
one  term,  and  was  of  considerable  aid  in  securing 
the  services  of  good  instructors,  and  placing  the 
school  in  fine  condition. 

Mrs.  Gerhart  was  born  in  Indiana  in  1852  and  is 
the  daughter  of  Gideon  and  Minerva  ^Wholf) 
Click.  Gideon  Click  was  born  Feb.  11,  1822,  in 
Ohio;  Minerva  Click,  born  Aug.  3,  1827,  in  Penn- 
sylvania. They  moved  to  Iowa  when  their  daugh- 
ter, Eva,  was  only  three  years  old,  and  remained 
there  until  in  1880  when  they  changed  their  home 
to  Kansas,  and  at  this  time  reside  in  Richland 
Township.  Mr.  Glick  is  engaged  in  farming.  Mrs. 
Gerhart  was  one  of  six  children,  two  girls  and  four 
boys,  all  living. 

— -^m- — - 

^^LMERON  BROOKS.  The  deliberate  and 
@/lJI.    cautious   man,  although    making  less  stir 

jj  111  in  the  world  than  the  more  breezy  and 
^  pugnacious,  usuallj^  wins  the  da}'.     These 

qualities  have  been  among  the  leading  character- 
istics of  Mr.  Brooks,  who,  following  their  direction 
in  his  business  affairs,  may  be  accounted  as  having 
made  of  life  a  success,  morally  and  financially.  He 
is  liberal  and  public-spirited  to  a  marked  degree, 
and  is  numbered  among  the  most  useful  men  of 
his  community.  He  has  been  prompt  to  meet  his 
obligations,  and  his  word  is  considered  as  good  as 
his  bond.  A  farmer  all  his  life,  he  has  a  thorough 
understanding  of  agricultural  pursuits,  having  fol- 
lowed them  successfully  for  many  years  on  his 
present  homestead,  which  is  finely'  located  on  sec- 
tion 24  in  Elm  Creek  Township.  In  addition  to 
the  thorough  cidtivation  of  the  si)il,  he  has  erected 
first-class  buildings,  surrounded  his  dwelling  with 
fruit  and  shade  trees,  and  his  familj'  with  all  the 
comforts  and  conveniences  of  modern  life. 

A  native  of  the  town  of  Hornby,  Steuben  Co., 
N.  Y.,  our   subject  was    born    July   18,  1829,  and 

was  the  thh'rt  in  a  family  of  four  children  born  to 
Sylvester  and  Prudency  (Peck)  Brooks,  who  were 
both  natives  of  Connecticut.  The}'  lived  in  that 
State  for  a  time  after  their  marriage,  and  then  emi- 
grated to  Steuben  County,  N.  Y.,  afterward  chang- 
ing their  residence  to  Genesee  Count}-,  where  the 
mother  died  many  years  ago.  Sylvester  Brooks  is 
still  living,  and  has  attained  to  a  ripe  old  age. 

Our  subject  was  about  eleven  years  old  when 
his  parents  removed  from  Steuben  to  Genesee 
County,  N.  Y„  where  he  developed  into  manhood 
and  engaged  in  farming.  He  lived  there  until 
the  fall  of  1870,  then  decided  to  seek  the  Farther 
West,  and  coming  to  this  county,  located,  in  the 
spring  of  1871,  at  his  present  farm  on  section  24, 
Elm  Creek  Township.  The  first  busy  years  were 
employed  in  effecting  improvements  as  rapidly  as 
possible,  besides  the  added  labor  of  sowing  and 
reaping  the  grain  in  its  season,  and  raising  the  pro- 
visions for  household  consumption.  Mr.  Brooks 
in  due  time  added  to  his  landed  possessions,  and 
is  now  the  owner  of  240  acres,  which  is  largely  de- 
voted to  stock-raising,  and  mostly  operated  by 
other  parties.  It  is  the  source  of  a  handsome  in- 
come, and  yields  ample  returns  for  the  laljor  be- 
stowed upon  it.  Mr.  Brooks  erected  on  his  fine 
homestead  a  commodious  farm  residence,  which  is 
represented  by  a  view  on  another  page. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  and  Miss  L}dia  A. 
Kenyon  was  celebrated  in  Youngstown,  N.  Y.,  Oct. 
14,  1851.  Mrs.  Brooks  was  born  in  Mexico,  Os- 
wego Co.,  N.  Y.,  May  8,  1831,  and  is  the  daughter 
of  Stanton  Kenyon,  who,  with  his  estimable  wife, 
spent  his  last  years  in  Genesee  County.  Their 
family  consisted  of  six  ehihlren,  of  whom  Mrs. 
Brooks  was  the  second-born.  To  her,as  to  her  mother 
before  her,  there  have  been  born  six  children,  the 
eldest  of  whom,  Sarah  E.,  is  the  wife  of  John  Les- 
lie, of  this  county;  Frank  married  Miss  Anna 
Miller, and  lives  in  Elm  Creek  Township ;  Harvey  A. 
married  Miss  Jennie  McMillin,  and  is  occupied  at 
farming  in  this  county;  M)rtie  is  the  wife  of  An- 
drew McMillin,  of  Waterville  Township;  Bert  H. 
married  Miss  Anna  Thomas,  and  Fred  remains  at 
home  with  his  parents. 

Both  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are 
members  in  good  standing  of  the   Methodist  Epis- 

Res.  and  Q.UARRr  of  I.H.Chapmam.    Oketo  City    Kansas. 

— :^i?*f¥S~-*''*s«*'*«-' 

Old  House. 

Residence  OF  Almeron  Brooks, Sec. 2^.  Elm  Creek  Township. 



copal  Cliurcli,  in  which  Mr.  Brooks  has  been  Class- 
Leader  for  many  years,  both  in  New  York  Slate 
and  Kansas.  In  politics  he  is  a  decided  Prohi- 
bitionist, but,  aside  from  holding  the  ofHces  of 
Township  Tieasurer  and  Trustee,  has  declined  of- 
ficial responsibilities.  He  keeps  himself  well  posted 
upon  current  events,  and  is  a  man  possessing  a 
line  fund  of  general  information,  making  him  thus 
a  very  pleasant  companion,  from  whom  something 
can  always  be  learned. 

-^ ^-^ ^ 

fRVING  II.  CHAPMAN,  who  is  known  through- 
|i  out  Marshall  County  as  one  of  its  keenest  and 
11  most  enterprising  business  men,  having  been 
variously  identified  with  its  interests  since  pioneer 
days,  and  liy  his  energy  and  business  talent  given 
an  impetus  to  its  growth,  is  a  leading  citizen  of 
Oketo.  This  town  is  indebted  to  him  for  its  origin, 
as  he  laid  out  and  platted  the  first  site  on  his  farm 
Jan.  7,  1881,  and  though  for  certain  reasons  the 
greater  part  of  the  town  has  been  erected  on  an  ad- 
dition, yet  he  will  always  have  the  honor  of  having 
been  its  originator,  and  its  history  will  form  a  part 
of  his  own.  He  is  prosperously  engaged  in  tiie 
hardware  business  here,  and  has  a  neat,  well-ap- 
pointed store,  well  stocked  with  a  large  and  varied 
assortment  of  hardware  of  all  kinds,  and  has  an  ex- 
tensive and  lucrative  trade. 

Our  subject  is  a  son  of  the  Hon.  Samuel  E.  and 
Harriet  (Barnes)  Chapman,  natives,  respectively, 
of  Stillwater  and  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  the  father  subse- 
quently becoming  a  prominent  lawyer  and  States- 
man in  Wisconsin.  After  marriage  they  began 
their  wedded  life  in  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  whence  they 
removed  to  Black  River  Falls,  and  later  to  Laporte, 
Ind.  Mr.  Chapman  was  there  engaged  as  a  car- 
penter and  builder,  and  erected  the  first  court  house 
ill  that  city.  He  finally  went  with  his  family  to 
Waterford,  Racine  Co.,  Wis.,  where  he  resided  the 
remainder  of  his  life.  He  devoted  a  part  of  his 
time  to  the  flouring  business,  and  erected  a  flour, 
grist  and  saw  mill,  which  was  managed  principally 
by  other  hands,  while  he  attended  to  his  profes- 
sional duties  as  a  lawyer.     He  was  one  of  the  lead- 

ing members  of  tbe  bar  in  Racine  County,  and  such 
was  the  confidence  of  the  people  in  liim,  that  tliey 
elected  him  twice  to  represent  them  in  the  State 
Legislature,  and  the  honor  is  due  to  him  of  having 
been  the  originator  of  the  present  homestead  law 
of  Wisconsin,  and  of  having  been  instrumental  in 
securing  the  passage  of  the  bill  through  the  Legis- 
lature. He  died  deepl3'  lamented  and  universally 
respected  in  1872,  wliile  his  amiable  wife  survived 
hiin  but  a  few  years,  dying  in  1877. 

Samuel  Chapman  and  his  wife  had  a  familj'  of 
nine  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  second, 
and  he  was  born  in  Laporte,  Ind.,  July  28,  1836. 
When  he  was  a  year  old  his  parents  removeil  to 
Waterford,  Wis.,  and  there  amid  pioneer  scenes  he 
grevv  to  a  stalwart,  capable  manhood.  As  soon  as 
he  was  old  enough,  in  company  with  another,  he 
took  almost  the  entire  charge  of  his  father's  mill 
while  the  latter  was  attending  to  his  law  business. 
In  1855  he  met  with  a  painful  accident  in  the  mill 
by  coming  in  contact  with  a  circular  saw,  wliereby 
all  the  fingers  of  his  right  hand  were  cut  off.  But 
such  was  his  purity  of  blood  and  perfect  state  of 
health,  that  the  wound  was  entirely  healed  in  six 

Mr.  Chapman's  marriage  with  Miss  Susan  H., 
daughter  of  Richard  and  Sarah  Foat,  natives  of 
England,  was  duly  solemnized  July  4,  1857.  She 
was  born  in  New  York,  Aug.  3,  1838,  and  under 
the  parental  roof  received  that  wise  training  that 
made  her  equal  to  the  cares  and  responsibilities 
that  have  devolved  upon  her  in  after  life  since  she 
has  been  called  upon  to  fulfill  the  duties  of  wife 
and  mother.  Six  children  have  been  born  of  her 
wedded  life  with  our  subject — Chauncey  I.,  El- 
mer G.,  Samuel  E.,  Walter  F.,  Gertrude  I.,  and 
Bertie  E. 

Mr.  Chapman  continued  in  business  in  Wisconsin 
with  his  father  until  1866.  For  some  time  his  at- 
tention had  been  centered  on  Kansas,  and  being 
much  impressed  with  tlie  vigor  of  the  young  and 
rapidly  growing  State,  its  fine  climate,  its  won- 
derful and  varied  resources,  and  other  natural  ad- 
vantages, with  characteristic  enterprise,  he  resolved 
to  invest  his  capital  here,  and  make  this  State  his 
permanent  abiding  place.  In  the  month  of  June, 
of  the  year   just  mentioned,   he  put  Lis  resolution 



into  execution,  and  coming  to  Marshall  County, 
settled  in  Oketo  Township.  Here  was  a  fine  op- 
portunity for  him  to  e.stablish  himself  in  the  milling 
business,  of  which  he  has  aieh  thorough  practical 
knowledge,  and  he  built  a  dam  across  the  river,  and 
erected  a  sawmill  during  the  winter  of  1866-77. 
He  had  just  completed  it,  when  a  rise  in  the  river 
swept  a  portion  of  the  dam  away,  and  with  it  car- 
ried the  mill  about  half  a  mile  down  the  stream. 
Not  discouraged  by  this  ill  stroke  of  luck,  Mr. 
Chapman  soon  after  formed  a  partnership  with 
Joseph  Guittard,  and  rebuilt  the  dam  and  mill, 
which  now  stands  at  Oketo.  They  ccntinned  to- 
gether in  the  milling  business  ten  years,  and  at  the 
expiration  of  that  time,  Mr.  Chapman  bought  his 
partner's  interest  in  the  concern,  and  operated  it 
himself  very  profitably  until  1887,  when  he  sold 
out  to  Anderson  &  Co.  In  1884  he  began  to  work 
a  stone-quarry  at  Oketo,  and  still  continues  that 
enterprise,  from  which  he  derives  a  good  annual 
income.  A  man  of  many  resources,  he  has  not 
confined  himself  to  any  one  business,  and  with  his 
other  interests,  managed  a  farm  in  this  county,  un- 
til the  spring  of  1889,  when  he  sold  it  at  a  good 
price.  He  established  himself  in  the  hardware  busi- 
ness in  March,  1889,  fitting  up  bis  commodious 
store  witli  a  very  fine  stock  of  all  kinds  of  hard- 
ware, and  he  alreadj-  commands  a  good  trade. 

.Since  coming  hereto  reside,  Mr.  Chapman's  hon- 
orable, conscientious  course  as  a  business  man,  his 
far-seeing  business  policy,  enterprise  and  tact,  have 
rendered  him  a  great  addition  to  the  citizenship  of 
the  town  and  county,  and  it  is  to  the  influence  of 
such  men  of  fertile  brain  and  liberal  spirit  that 
they  are  indebted  for  their  high  standing  and  pros- 
perity. We  have  already  referred  to  his  work  in 
founding  Oketo,  and  he  was  also  instrumental  in 
having  a  post-office  established  here,  and  for  a 
number  of  years  served  with  entire  satisfaction  to 
the  whole  community  as  Postmaster.  He  was  ap- 
pointed Notarj-  Public  in  the  seventies,  and  has 
since  filled  that  office  with  ability.  A  man  of  en- 
fightened  views,  well  understanding  the  value  of  a 
good  education  in  any  walk  in  life,  be  has  always 
taken  a  marked  interest  in  local  educational  mat- 
ters, and  has  exerted  his  influence  to  secure  good 
schooling  for  the  youth  of  the  town.     He  has  hing 

been  identified  with  the  Republican  party,  but  is 
now  a  prominent  supjiorter  of  the  Union  Labor 
party,  earnestly  syinpathizing  with  the  views  of  its 
founders,  and  heartily  approving  of  its  platform. 
Our  readers  will  notice  with  pleasure  tlie  valu- 
able addition  to  the  Album  in  a  view  of  the  pleas- 
ant home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chapman,  given  on  an- 
other page. 

^  ACOP)  E.  ANDREWS.  The  welfare  of  every 
community  is  dependent  upon  the  liberality 
and  public-spiriteduess  of  its  leading  men — 
those  who  are  willing  to  contribute  a  fair 
share  of  their  time  and  means  to  the  encourage- 
ment of  those  enterprises  calculated  for  its  advance- 
ment. Mr.  Andrews  has  made  for  himself  a  good 
record  in  this  respect,  and  is  looked  up  to  as  one 
whose  place,  were  it  made  vacant,  could  not  be 
readily  filled.  Quiet  and  unobtrusive  in  his  hab- 
its, he  has  nevertheless  exerted  no  small  influence 
in  the  affairs  of  his  township,  and  the  fact  that  he 
is  spoken  well  of  bj'  all  who  know  him,  is  sufficient 
indication  of  his  true  character.  We  find  him  com- 
fortablj-  located  on  section  25,  Elm  Creek  Town- 
ship, where  he,  in  1882,  purchased  a  quarter  section 
of  land  which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state  of 
cultivation,  and  improved  with  comfortable  build- 
ings. His  course  has  been  that  of  an  honest,  up- 
right citizen,  one  who  is  prompt  in  meeting  his 
obligations,  and  endeavors  to  do  unto  his  neigh- 
bors as  he  would  he  done  b}'. 

In  noting  the  parental  history  of  our  subject,  we 
find  that  his  father,  Ernest  Andrews,  was  a  native 
of  Germany,  where  he  lived  until  reaching  man- 
hood, and  was  married  to  Miss  Christina  Markle}% 
who  was  probably  born  in  his  own  Province.  Upon 
emigrating  to  America,  thej' established  themselves 
in  Liverpool  Township,  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  where 
the  father  engaged  in  farming,  and  where  both  par- 
ents spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  Ernest 
Andrews  departed  this  life  June  11,  1877.  The 
wife  and  mother  survived  her  husband  a  little  over 
three  years,  her  death  taking  place  July  11,  1880. 
Their  family  consisted  of  seven  children,  of  whom 
Jacob  E.  was  the  fifth  in  order  of  birth.  He  first 
opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in  Liverpool  Township, 



Ohio,  Nov.  8,  1857,  and  was  there  reared  to  man's 
estate,  acquiring  his  educntion  in  the  common 
schools.  He  lived  at  home  until  a  youth  of  seven- 
teen years,  then  starting  out  for  himself,  sought 
the  farther  West,  traveling  through  Iowa  and 
Minnesota,  and  returning  home  after  an  absence  of 
two  years.  He  then  remained  there  until  coming 
to  this  county,  in  1882,  and  here  he  has  since  lived. 
For  his  wife  our  subject  sought  a  maiden  of  his 
own  township  in  Ohio,  Miss  Johanna  Weidner,  to 
whom  he  was  man-ied  there,  Dec.  24,  1878.  Mrs. 
Andrews  was  born  in  Liverpool  Township,  Jan. 
13,  1855,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Charles  and  Chris- 
tina (AVortwin)  Weidner,  the  latter  of  whom  died 
in  that  township  in  the  summer  of  1887.  Of  this 
union  there  have  been  born  four  children — Rob- 
ert G.,  Clara,  IMaude,  and  Carl,  who  are  all  at  home 
with  their  parents,  and  are  being  given  the  educa- 
tion and  training  suitable  to  their  station  in  life. 
Mr.  Andrews  is  a  progressive  man  in  his  ideas,  and 
believes  in  education,  and  all  other  advantages 
which  will  secure  for  the  young,  that  which  will 
make  of  them  worthj'  and  useful  members  of  so- 
ciety. He  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Gar- 
field, and  maintains  his  allegiance  to  the  Republican 

^^  WEN  THOMAS.  The  subject  of  this  notice 
I  I'  o<-'cupies  a  leading  position  .among  the  prom- 
^^^  inent  farmers  of  Guittard  Township.  His 
homestead  embraces  240  acres  of  finely  cultivated 
land,  l.ying  on  section  35,  the  residence  being  on 
the  northeast  corner.  It  is  largely  devoted  to 
stock  raising  and  bears  evidence  of  being  under 
the  supervision  of  a  thorough  and  skillful  agricul- 
turist. Mr.  Thomas  in  addition  to  being  a  first- 
class  farmer  is  a  wide-awake  business  man  and  in 
company  with  others  contemplates  in  the  near  fu- 
ture the  establisliment  of  a  canning  factory  at 

Mr.  Thomas  is  a  native  of  the  Buckeye  State  and 
was  born  in  Fayette  County,  June  18,  1835.  He 
has  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  in  his  native 
State  having  come  to  this  county  in  1883.  He 
acquired    a    practical    education    in    the    common 

schools  and  worked  with  his  father  on  the  farm 
until  reaching  his  majority.  He  was  then  married 
Feb.  16,  1859,  to  Miss  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Henry 
Farrar,  a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere  in  this 
volume.  This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  nine 
children,  eight  of  whom  are  living.  The  eldest,  a 
son,  Byron,  is  a  resident  of  Chicago,  111.,  in  the 
employ  of  the  Baltimore  <fc  Ohio  Railroad.  He 
married  a  Miss  McLean,  who  is  now  deceased  and 
to  them  there  was  born  one  child — a  daughter, 
Fannie.  Minnie  is  the  wife  of  T.  F.  Jones,  of 
Omaha,  Neb.;  Georgia,  Nattie,  Walter,  Farrar, 
M.ary  and  Glen  remain  at  home  with  their  parents. 
Mr.  Thomas  has  given  his  children  the  advantages 
of  a  good  education,  believing  this  to  be  a  legacy 
better  than  money  and  which  cannot  be  taken  from 

For  two  years  after  their  marriage,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Thomas  lived  on  their  farm  in  Ohio,  then 
selling  out,  our  subject  engaged  in  the  grocery  and 
grain  trade  at  London,  for  a  period  of  twenty-four 
years  and  until  coming  to  Kansas.  The  farm 
which  he  now  owns  was  then  a  tract  of  wild  land 
and  which  has  been  brought  to  its  present  condi- 
tion only  by  the  most  persevering  industry  and 
good  management.  He  has  erected  a  handsome 
frame  residence  and  the  necessary  outbuildings;  has 
a  flourishing  orchard  of  apple  trees  and  besides 
shrubbery,  planted  1,000  black  walnut  trees  in  the 
shape  of  a  grove.  In  front  of  the  residence  is  a 
smoothly  shaven  lawn  and  the  dwelling  both  within 
and  without  gives  evidence  of  cultivated  tastes 
and  ample  means.  The  refinements  of  modern  life 
are  plainly  discernable  in  the  attractive  home, 
whose  inmates  are  people  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence  and  who  are  sunounded  with  every- 
thing to  make  existence  pleasant  and  desirable. 

While  a  resident  of  Ohio,  Mr.  Thomas  con- 
nected with  the  School  Board  of  London  and  rep- 
resented his  ward  in  the  town  council  for  six  3'ears. 
He  was  also  appointed  Sheriff  to  fill  a  vacancy.  For 
a  period  of  ten  years  he  was  the  City  Treasurer, 
and  filled  many  other  positions  of  trust  and  re- 
sponsibility. In  Guittard  Township  he  has  served 
as  Treasurer  and  is  the  Road  Supervisor  of  his 
district  and  Treasurer  of  the  School  Board.  Po- 
litically, he  votes  with  the  Democratic   party.     In 



Ohio  he  identifieil  himself  with  the  Masonic  fra- 
ter'iity,  of  which  he  is  still  a  member. 

Mr.  Thomas  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Jeremiah  Thomas, 
the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  and  reared  in 
Virginia,  where  he  was  married  to  Miss  Nancy 
Leach.  They  emigrated  to  Fayette  Countj^  Ohio, 
during  its  pioneer  days  and  opened  up  a  farm  in 
the  wilderness  where  they  reared  a  family  of  four 
sons  and  four  daughters.  About  1855,  they  re- 
moved to  within  five  miles  of  London,  where  the 
father  lived  until  being  called  hence.  The  widowed 
mother  later  took  up  her  residence  in  London  and 
died  there  not  long  after  the  decease  of  her  hus- 

— ^€^&^— 

'jf^'ERDINAND  JOHN  WALTER.  In  the 
j|=^  midst  of  the  world-i-enowned  scenery  of 
JL,  Switzerland,  the  eyes  of  our  subject  first 
saw  the  light  Oct.  30,  1849.  He  is  a  son  of  John 
and  Lizzie  Walter.  He  grew  to  manhood  upon  a 
farm  in  his  native  land  and  at  the  age  of  twent^^- 
three  with  his  young  wife  emigrated  to  America. 
Landing  in  New  York,  they  remained  in  Long 
Island  about  twenty  months,  Mr.  AValtor  engaging 
in  different  occupations  there.  He  then  came  to 
Adams  County,  Neb.,  where  he  l^ought  a  farm  on 
which  he  lived  for  nine  years.  In  May,  1883,  he 
came  to  this  county  and  bought  a  farm  on  section 
33,  Franklin  Township.  This  farm  consists  of  160 
acres  of  land  wliich  is  brought  to  a  high  state  of 
cultivation  and  productiveness,  and  upon  which  he 
has  erected  substantial  and  adequate  buildings. 
Here  Mr.  AValter  devotes  his  attention  to  farming 
and  stock-raising,  in  both  of  which  occupations  he 
is  successful. 

Previous  to  his  departure  from  Switzerland,  on 
March  15,  1872,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Barbara 
Duttweiler,  a  praiseworthy  }'Oung  ladj',  whose 
birth  had  taken  place  in  Switzerland.  Nov.  4,  1849. 
She  is  a  daughter  of  Henry  and  Anna  Duttweiler. 
She  has  become  tlie  mother  of  three  children — 
Ernest,  Amelia  and  Roy. 

Mr.  Walter  takes  great  interest  in  educational 
affairs  and  his  fellow  citizens  have  made  use  of  his 

abilit}'  by  electing  him  a  member  of  the  School 
Board,  of  which  he  lias  been  Treasurer  tliree  years. 
He  served  three  years  as  Township  Treasurer  pre- 
vious to  his  present  position.  Though  formerl}'  a 
Democrat  he  now  advocates  and  supports  tlie  prin- 
ciples of  the  Union  Labor  part}'.  He  is  one  of  the 
substantial  citizens  of  the  township,  and  with  his 
wife  commands  the  respect  of  all  its  citizens. 

JIOMPSON  SMITH.  Holding  a  prominent 
position  among  the  fine  farms  of  this 
county,  is  that  of  the  above-named  gentle- 
man. It  consists  of  931^  acres,  all  in  a  body  on 
sections  16  and  21,  Balderson  Township,  and  is  all 
under  thorough  cultivation.  On  it  are  100  bear- 
ing apjjle  trees,  together  with  various  other  fruits. 
The  farm  is  well  supplied  with  buildings  needful 
for  the  carrying  on  of  farming  and  stock-raising. 
There  are  now  two  dwellings  upon  it,  and  its  own- 
er purposes  to  erect  another  this  fall.  Tlie  dwell- 
ing which  he  occupies  is  comfortable  and  well 
furnished,  though  presenting  a  modest  appearance 
on  the  exterior.  He  is  abundantly  able,  however, 
to  build  a  mansion,  if  his  tastes  inclined  in  that  di- 
rection. Mr.  Smitii  handles  a  great  deal  of  stock, 
now  having  100  head  of  cattle,  iliirteen  of  horses, 
seventy-five  of  hogs,  and  fort}'  of  sheep.  He  is 
also  interested  in  bee  culture,  and  now  has  five 

The  owner  of  tliis  splendid  place  is  of  Canadian 
birth,  having  first  seen  the  light  Nov.  29,  1836. 
"While  still  in  early  childhood  his  parents  removed 
to  Ogle  County,  111.,  where  he  grew  to  manhood. 
He  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and  until  the  age  of 
twenty-three  assisted  in  the  cultivation  of  the  home 
acres.  He  had  received  a  common-school  educa- 
tion, miking  good  use  of  the  opportunities  afforded 
him.  On  Jun.  3,  1860,  he  took  to  himself  a  wife 
in  the  person  of  Rebecca  Rowe,  who  resided 
with  her  parents  in  Ogle  County.  She  is  a  lady  of 
fine  education  and  manners,  one  of  those  noble 
characters  well  fitted  to  make  a  happy  home.  The 
young  people  continued  for  a  few  years  their  resi- 
dence  in    the   county,  where  their  marriage    took 



place,  and  then  removed  to  DeKalb  County,  where 
they  remained  for  eight  years.  In  1875  the\' 
went  to  Cedar  County,  Iowa,  wliere  they  passed 
live  years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time  they 
emigrated  to  Kansas,  where  they  have  since  re- 

Tlie  parents  of  our  subject  were  Thomas  and 
Jane  (Thompson)  Smith,  both  natives  of  Yorkshire, 
England.  Their  marriage  took  place  in  Canada. 
The  fatlior  had  taken  part  in  the  Canadian  Re- 
hellion.  In  1846  they  emigrated  to  Ogle  County. 
111.,  where  the  father  died  Jan.  25,  1882.  The 
niotiier  still  lives  on  the  old  homestead  at  Creston, 
at  the  age  of  seventy-six.  The  parental  family 
consisted  of  seven  children,  of  whom  our  subject 
was  the  third.     Six   of   the  family  are  still  living. 

Mrs.  Smith  is  the  daughter  of  John  and  Jane 
(Hancock)  Rowe,  natives  of  Devonshire.  England. 
The  family  came  to  America  in  1853.  After  so- 
journing a  year  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  they  came  to 
Illinois,  where  they  still  live.  The  family  consisted 
of  five  children,  three  of  whom  are  now  living. 
Mrs.  Smith  was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth,  her 
natal  day  being  Nov.  7,  1838,  and  her  birthplace 
Devonshire,  England.  She  has  borne  six  children  : 
Ezra  T.,  married  to  Ella  Phinney.  lives  on  the 
northeast  quarter  of  section  16,  and  is  the  parent 
of  one  child — Blanch;  William  E.  married  Effle 
M.  Delair,  and  resides  with  his  parents;  Ella  J., 
wife  of  Clarence  D.  White,  lives  nine  miles  south- 
east of  Oketo,  and  is  the  mother  of  two  ciiildren — 
Lavinia  and  Harlc}';  Walter  J.,  Minnie  R.,  and 
Nellie  M.,  still  remain  under  the  parental  roof.  All 
the  children  are  well  educated  and  accomplished. 
Minnie  is  fitted  for  teaching,  and  she  and  her  sister 
Nellie  are  fine  performers  upon  the  organ,  as  is  the 
wife  of  their  brother  William.  Eour  are  members 
of  the  Methodist  Episcop,il  Church,  and  active  in 
Sunda3'-school  work.  William  and  Minnie  have 
each  been  Secretary  for  several  terms,  and  Minnie 
is  now  a  teacher  in  the  school.  Mr.  Smith  has 
"taken  great  interest  in  theeducation  of  his  children, 
and  is  justly  proud  of  their  ability,  and  the  use  to 
which  their  talents  are  put. 

During  our  subject's  resid'ince  in  Illinois,  he  was 
for  a  long  time  Assistant  Postmaster  at  Creston, 
Ogle  County,  also  Assessor  one  year  in  that  county, 

and  served  three  terms  as  Township  Commissioner 
in  DeKalb  County.  Since  coming  to  Kansas  he 
has  held  the  office  of  Townshij)  Treasurer.  He  is 
Director  of  the  School  Board,  of  which  body  he 
has  been  a  member  many  years.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  both  Blue  Lodge 
and  Chapter,  in  Illinois,  and  also  identified  with 
the  I.  0.  0.  F.  in  the  same  State.  lie  takes  a  very 
active  part  in  political  movements  of  his  section, 
lias  for  mauj^  j'ears  been  a  member  of  the  County 
Central  Committee,  and  frequently  a  delegate  to 
political  conventions  of  various  grades.  His  first 
vote  was  cast  for  Abraham  Lincoln,  and  from  that 
day  he  has  remained  in  the  ranks  of  the  Republican 
party.  He  is  a  man  possessed  of  sterling  traits  of 
character,  a  good  citizen  and  a  kind  neighbor,  a 
fond  husband  and  father,  and  an  honorable  busi- 
ness man.  The  entire  family  occupy  a  high  posi- 
tion in  the  respect  and  esteem  of  the  citizens  of 
that  section. 

f;  OHN  S.  BLAKEWAY.  The  farming  inter- 
ests of  Richland  Township  are  worthily  rep- 
resented by  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who 
is  a  man  prominent  in  his  community,  and 
the  owner  of  the  northwest  quarter  of  section  3. 
He  makes  a  specialty  of  grain  raising,  and  conducts 
his  operations  with  that  good  judgment  and  indus- 
try which  are  usually  accompanied  by  success. 

The  first  twentj'-five  years  of  the  life  of  our  sub- 
ject were  spent  in  Worcestershire,  England,  where 
he  was  born  in  June,  1829.  Upon  emigrating  to 
America,  he  established  himself  upon  a  farm  near 
Freeport,  111.,  where  he  sojourned  until  crossing 
the  Mississippi.  In  the  Prairie  State  he  was  mar- 
ried, Jan.  16,  1862,  to  Miss  Sarah  Jane  Rea.  Of 
this  union  there  were  born  five  children,  all  of 
whom  are  living,  namely:  John,  Edith,  Minnie, 
Charles,  and  Herbert.  In  1872,  Mr.  Blakeway 
leaving  Illinois,  came  to  this  county,  and  purchased" 
the  tract  of  wild  land,  from  which  he  constructed 
his  present  comfortable  and  valuable  homestead. 
There  were  then  upon  it  no  improvements  what 
ever,  and  for  years,  in  addition  to  the    cultivation 



of  the  ground,  he  was  busily  employed  in  building 
fences,  setting  out  trees,  erecting  the  various  struc- 
tures necessary  for  bis  comfort  and  convenience, 
and  gatheriug  together  the  necessary  farm  machin- 
ery. There  is  now  presented  the  picture  of  a  well- 
regulated  homestead,  which  yields  to  the  proprietor 
handsome  returns  for  his  labors,  and  from  which 
he  has  fortified  himself  against  want  in  his  declin- 
ing years.  Mr.  Blakeway  has  been  a  Director  in 
his  school  district  for  a  period  of  nine  years,  being 
elected  in  the  fall  of  1889  for  the  tenth  term.  He 
votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  and  is  an 
active  member  of  the  Grange.  He  reads  his'  weekly 
newspapers  and  other  instructive  literature,  and 
thus  keeps  himself  posted  upon  matters  of  general 

Mrs.  Sarah  Jane  fRea)  Blakeway,  was  born  in 
Northumberland  County,  Pa.,  Aug.  22,  1834,  and 
istlie  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Rachael  (Stout)  Rea, 
who  emigrated  to  the  vicinity  of  Freeport,  111.,  at 
an  early  date.  Mrs.  Blakeway  there  spent  her  child- 
hood and  3'outh,  remaining  under  the  parental  roof 
until  her  marriage.  She  is  on  both  sides  of  the 
house  of  Scotch  descent.  The  mother  died  in  Illi- 
nois about  1846.  Subsequently  the  father  sought 
tlie  Pacific  Slope,  and  spent  his  last  days  in  Cali- 
fornia. John  Blakewaj'  was  married  to  Miss  Sadie 
Beckett,  of  Richland  Township,  and  they  live  in 
Washington ;  Edith  is  the  wife  of  Lewis  Hutchin- 
son, of  Libertv,  Neb.;  they  have  one  child,  a 
daughter,  Lura. 

=^  DDISON  R.  BARBOUR.  It  is  a  strange 
(.@Vu['  fact  that  comparatively  few  men  take  any 
'1\  active  interest  in  educational  affairs.  They 
cast  Iheir  vote  for  school  officers,  and  if 
their  interest  goes  beyond  this,  it  is  at  most  shown 
in  the  building  of  a  good  school-house,  one  which 
they  can  point  out  to  a  stranger  with  some  degree 
of  pride.  The}'  leave  to  the  School  Board  the  hir- 
ing of  the  teacher,  taking  it  for  granted  that  those 
officers  will  select  a  capable  one.  A  few  mfln  there 
are  whose  interest  extends  beyond  this — who  con- 
sider it  tlieir   duty,  as  well  as   pleasure,   to  learn 

something  of  the  internal  workings  of  the  school 
system;  giving  the  teachers  their  cordial  support 
and  sympath}'  in  their  efforts  to  develop  the  youth- 
ful minds  in  their  care.  Among  the  latter  class  is 
the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who,  though  a  farmer, 
yet  finds  time  to  manifest  his  interest  in  the  educa- 
tional affairs  of  his  township.  It  could  scarcely  be 
otherwise,  descending  as  he  did  from  natives  of 
those  sections  of  our  country  where  school-houses 
were  among  the  first  buildings  erected  in  a  new  set- 

His  father,  Charles  W.  Barbour,  was  a  native  of 
New  England.  His  mother,  whose  maiden  name  was 
Helen  Woodcock,  was  a  native  of  Massachusetts. 
They  were  married  in  the  latter  State,  and  removed 
to  New  York  Cit}-,  where  Mr.  Barbour  engaged  in 
the  mercantile  business  for  nine  years.  He  then 
removed  to  Illinois,  engaging  in  business  first  at 
Rochelle,  and  later  in  Ashton,  thence  removing  to 
Geneva  Lake,  Wis.,  and  leaving  the  latter  place  for 
Chicago,  in  September,  1880.  He  is  now  engaged 
in  business  on  Cottage  Grove  Avenue,  in  the  last 
named  city.  The  mother  died  in  Ashton,  111., 
leaving  five  children,  four  sons  and  one  daughter. 
Our  subject  is  the  eldest  of  the  family,  having  been 
born  in  New  York  City,  March  24,  1855.  He  was 
quite  young  when  his  father  came  to  Illinois,  where 
he  remained  until  the  age  of  twenty-two.  At  this 
age,  March,  1878,  he  came  to  Marshall  County. 
Kan.,  where  he  first  found  emplo3'ment  on  a  farm 
by  the  month.  He  tiien  engaged  in  teaching  for 
seven  j'ears,  and  then  rented  land  in  Oketo  Town- 
ship, and  engaged  in  farming.  In  the  fall  of  1888 
he  bought  120  acres  on  section  2,  where  he  now 
resides,  being  also  the  owner  of  160  acres  in  Ellis 
County,  this  State.  Since  giving  up  teaching,  IMr. 
Barbour  has  given  his  attention  to  farming  and 
stock-raising,  which  he  is  carrying  on  very  suc- 

In  Oketo  Townshij),  Oct.  25,  1882,  occurred  the 
marriage  of  Mr.  Barbour  to  Miss  Ella  Benson, 
daughter  of  Henry  P.  and  Maria  (Travelute)  Ben-' 
son,  who  are  residents  of  that  township.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Benson  have  four  sons  and  four  daughters,  of 
whom  Mrs.  Barbour  is  the  eldest.  She  was  born  in 
Cook  County,  111.,  May  25.  1863.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Barbour  are  the  parents  of  two  children,  Gilbert  H., 



anr]  Arthur  Richmond.  Our  subject  is  a  member 
of  the  Union  Labor  party.  His  record  as  a  teacher, 
as  well  as  his  active  interest  in  educational  affairs, 
indicates  that  he  is  a  man  of  intelligence  and  pub- 
lie  worth. 

-|-t-|-^^#H-+ ■ 

i!^*HOMAS  J.  WOLVERTON.  A  pioneer  of 
(/^^\  1869,  the  suliject  of  this  notice  coming  to 
'^^^y  Walnut  Township,  this  count}',  in  the  spring 
of  that  jeai',  homesteaded  160  acres  of  land  where 
he  now  lives,  and  upon  which  he  has  effected  mod- 
ern improvements.  We  find  him  the  occupant  of 
a  fine,  large,  frame  house,  neatly  painted  and  com- 
fortably furnished,  and  adjacent  to  it,  a  commodi- 
ous frame  barn  and  the  other  structures  required  by 
the  enterprising  agriculturist.  The  greater  part  of 
his  land  has  been  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cul- 
tivation, including  fortj'  acres  which  he  subse- 
quently purchased.  The  evidences  of  thrift  and 
industry  are  apparent  on  every  hand,  and  the  Wol- 
verton  homestead  presents  the  picture  of  plenty 
and  content  which  is  delightful  to  contemplate. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Wyandot 
County,  Ohio,  Aug.  7,  1842.  and  lived  there  until 
a  lad  of  thirteen  years.  Mis  parents,  Thomas  and 
Catherine  (Scout)  Wolvertou,  then  removed  with 
their  little  family  to  Iowa  County.  Mich.,  and 
thence,  in  1859,  to'  Lee  County,  111.,  where  the 
death  of  the  mother  occurred  about  1865.  The 
father  of  our  subject  spent  his  last  days  with  the 
latter  in  this  county,  departing  hence  in  1875. 
Both  parents  were  natives  of  Pennsylvania,  where 
the  paternal  grandparents,  who  were  of  Welsh  and 
English  ancestry,  reared  their  family  and  spent 
their  last  days.  Upon  the  mother's  side,  the  grand- 
parents of  our  subject  were  from  Germany,  and 
died  in  Pennsylvania. 

In  1865,  while  a  resident  of  Illinois,  Mr.  Wolver- 
ton  was  united  in  marriage  with  Ellen  M.,  daugh- 
ter of  Charles  and  Nancy  (Bassett)  Darby,  who 
were  natives  of  Ohio.  They  emigrated  to  Michi- 
gan when  their  daughter,  Ellen,  was  a  child  of 
about  eight  years,  and  the  mother  died  there  in 
1865.     Mr.  Darby  is  still  living  in   Michigan,   and 

has  now  reached  the  ripe  old  age  of  eighty-four 
years.  Our  subject  and  his  wife  began  the  jour- 
ney of  life  together  in  Illinois,  and  his  subsequent 
movements  we  have  already  indicated.  They  are 
the  parents  of  three  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a 
daughter,  Ella,  is  the  wife  of  Albert  Neider,  of 
Greenleaf,  Kan.;  Anna  became  the  wife  of  Charles 
Neider,  and  they  live  on  a  farm  in  Walnut  Town- 
ship, this  county;  Verne,  remains  at  home  with  her 

Mr.  Wolverton  keeps  a  goodly  assortment  of 
live-stock,  just  enough  to  be  sustained  comfort- 
ably on  his  farm.  In  politics,  he  affiliates  with  the 
Democratic  party,  and  has  held  the  office  of  Town- 
ship Clerk.  His  estimable  wife  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 
They  have  a  pleasant  home,  and  live  In  the  midst 
of  plenty,  enjoying  the  esteem  and  confidence  of 
their  neighbors. 

"^[OSEPH  TOTTEN.  This  gentleman  enjoys 
the  distinction  of  being  one  of  the  oldest 
settlers  of  Guittard  Township,  having  come 
to  this  region  when  there  were  only  five  or 
six  families  within  the  present  limits  of  the  town- 
ship, lie  had  a  full  experience  of  pioneer  life,  and 
opened  up  a  farm  from  the  wilderness,  which  he 
still  owns  and  occupies.  He  settled  upon  it  June 
3,  1858,  and  has  made  all  the  improvements  which 
have  transformed  it  from  a  tract  of  raw  prairie 
into  a  valuable  and  well-regulated  farm.  It  is 
finely  located  on  section  9,  and  is  embellished  with 
a  substantial  stone  dwelling,  which  has  stood  the 
storms  of  twenty  years,  and  remains  as  firm  as 
ever.  In  addition  to  this  there  is  a  substantial 
barn  and  the  various  other  buildings  which  are 
required  for  the  successful  prosecution  of  agri- 

Upon  the  arrival  of  Mr.  Totten  in  this  region  he 
found  plenty  of  wild  game  and  Indians.  His  white 
neighbors  were  few  and  far  between.  The  out- 
look for  the  first  few  years  was  at  times  very  du- 
bious, but  he  was  possessed  of  a  sturdy  courage  and 
resolution  essential  to  the  demands  of  the  occasion, 



and  bad  prepared  himself  for  every  emergency. 
He  was  prospered  in  his  labors,  and  while  proceed- 
ing with  the  railtivation  of  his  land  and  the  construc- 
tion of  his  homestead,  became  a  prominent  man  in 
his  community,  serving  as  Township  Trustee  four 
years,  and  for  the  last  twenty  j^ears  has  been  a 
member  of  the  School  Board  in  his  district  (No. 
19),  which  he  assisted  in  organizing.  He  was  also 
instrumental  in  putting  up  the  school  buildings  in 
this  and  other  districts.  A  stanch  Republican, 
politicallj-,  he  is  warmly  devoted  to  the  interests  of 
bis  party,  and  has  since  its  organization  been  a 
firm  supporter  of  its  principles. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Blanford, 
Mass.,  March  22,  1825,  but  three  years  later  his  par- 
ents removed  to  Albany,  N.  Y.,where  tliey  sojourned 
for  a  period  of  eight  j-ears.  They  next  emigrated  to 
New  Orleans,  La.,  where  they  lived  one  year,  and 
then  set  out  for  the  North  and  located  in  Rock 
Island  County.  111.  There  our  subject  completed 
a  practical  education  in  the  common  school,  and 
chose  farming  for  his  life  occupation.  When 
ready  to  establish  domestic  ties  he  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Susan  Postin,  Nov.  17,  1844. 
Soon  afterward  he  removed  to  Minnesota,  and  in 
1858  to  this  county.  For  some  .years  after  his  settle- 
ment here  he  was  obliged  to  journey  to  St.  Joseph, 
for  the  family  provisions  and  the  necessary  house- 
hold articles.  Among  the  latter  were  a  number  of 
cats,  for  which  he  paid  $1  each,  to  catch  the  mice 
which  infested  the  premises,  and  all  of  his  produce 
had  to  be  transported  to  the  same  point.  Thus  he 
labored  and  managed  until  his  industrj^  met  its 
legitimate  reward,'and  he  found  himself  upon  solid 
grovind  financiallj'.  It  took  years  of  labor  and  an 
outlay  of  hundreds  of  dollars  to  bring  his  land  to 
its  present  condition,  and  erect  upon  it  the  nen- 
cessary  buildings.  We  find  him  now  in  the  midst 
of  plenty,  with  a  sufBciency  for  his  declining  j-ears. 
He  has  watched  the  development  of  Marshall 
County  with  a  warm  interest,  and  by  redeeming  a 
portion  of  its  soil  from  its  primitive  state  has  con- 
tributed his  quota  toward  the  upbuilding  of  iiis 

Mrs.  Totten  was  born  in  Ohio  Feb,  6.  1829,  and 
when  quite  3'oung  was  taken  by  her  parents  to 
Scott    County,    Iowa.      She  attended  the  common 

school,  assisted  in  the  household  duties,  and  re- 
mained under  the  parental  roof  until  her  marriage. 
She  is  now  the  mother  of  twelve  children,  eight  of 
whom  are  living :  The  eldest,  a  daughter,  Eliza- 
beth, is  the  wife  of  G.  W.  Thorn,  and  the  mother 
of  eleven  children;  Emeroy  is  the  wife  of  Peter 
Jones,  of  Guittard  Township,  and  they  have  five 
children;  John  L.  is  married  and  tiie  father  of  four 
children ;  Florence,  Mrs.  Sharp,  died  leaving  a 
family  of  seven  children;  Henry  T.  is  married  and 
is  the  father  of  eight  children ;  Eliza  became  the 
wife  of  J.  T.  Newton,  who  is  now  deceased;  Frank 
H.  is  married  and  lives  near  Axtel;  Nora,  wife  of 
R.  S.  Paulej^,  is  the  mother  of  two  children;  Will- 
iam J.  is  married  and  the  father  of  one  child;  Cora 
is  the  wife  of  H.  Weaver,  of  Balderson  Township. 
Mr  and  Mrs.  Totten  rejoice  in  the  possession  of 
three  great-grandchildren. 

Henry  M.  Totten,  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Rhode  Island  in  March,  1795.  He  spent 
the  most  of  his  early  life  in  his  native  State,  and 
when  reaching  manliood  was  married  to  Miss  Mi- 
riam Carpenter,  who  was  born  Jan.  4,  1804.  They 
came  to  Iowa  at  an  early  date  and  the  father  died 
in  1864.  The  mother  subsequently'  removed  to 
this  county,  and  died  at  the  home  of  H.  T.  Totten 
in  1878.  at  the  age  of  seventy -seven  years. 

Could  Mr.  Totten  recite  in  detail  the  story  of 
his  pioneer  life  and  his  experiences  on  the  frontier, 
there  would  be  given  to  posterity  an  extensive 
and  readable  volume.  There  was  very  little  hard 
cash  in  circulation,  and  none  of  the  conveniences 
of  modern  life.  The  nearest  mill  was  on  the 
Missouri  River,  and  sometimes  they  were  obliged 
to  go  to  Iowa  Point.  In  the  summer  of  18G3  Mr. 
Totten  started  out  to  explore  the  farther  West,  his 
objective  point  being  Denver,  Col.,  to  which  he 
made  the  journey  in  seven  months.  He  put  up 
the  first  hotel  in  Marj'sville,  and  was  concerned  in 
the  erection  of  the  first  three  houses  built  in  Frank- 
fort. In  the  fall  of  that  year  he  worked  105  days, 
receiving  therefor  $315.  He  also  officiated  as 
Assessor  that  year,  and  was  thus  enabled  to  raise 
sufficient  money  to  reach  his  necetsary  expenses. 
Each  year  added  something  to  tiie  fertility  of  the 
soil  and  the  value  of  his  property,  and  in  due 
time  tliere  was  little  cause  for  anxiety  as  to   how 


Portrait  and  litoGRAPHicAL  ALfetiM. 


be  should  make  both  ends  meet.  Those  days  have 
long  passed  avvaj%  and  sitting  under  his  own  vine 
and  fig  tree,  Mr.  Totten  reviews  the  past  with  the 
satisfactory  feeling  that  he  has  done  what  he  could, 
and  that  his  years  have  not  been  spent  in  vain. 


OWEN  R.  JONES,  farmer  and  stock-raiser, 
resides  on  section  31,  Vermillion  Township, 
,  .  where  hg  operates  a  farm  of  500  acres  be- 
longing to  his  father-in-law,  Horace  L.  Sage.  The 
two  gentlemen  live  in  the  same  house,  which  is  a 
large  stone  building,  pleasantly  situated  a  short 
distance  fiom  Barretts  Station.  Mr.  Jones  is  of 
Welsh  ancestrj',  being  the  son  of  Owen  and  Mar- 
garet Jones,  of  Anglesea,  North  Wales,  where  our 
subject  was  born  May  20,  1835.  His  parents  had 
eleven  children — John,  Elizabeth,  William,  Dora- 
thea,  Jacob,  Owen  R.,  Cadwallader,  Hugh,  Miriam, 
David  ,andone  who  died  in  infancy.  John  is  a  far- 
mer living  in  Wales  near  the  old  home,  is  married 
■  and  has  a  large  family.  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of 
Owen  Jones,  who  is  a  farmer  and  has  five  children. 
William  is  pursuing  agriculture  near  Lake  Crystal, 
Blue  Earth  Co.,  Minn.,  is  married  and  has  six 
cliildren.  Dorathea  died  in  Wales  when  about  fif- 
teen j'ears  old.  Jacob  is  a  retired  farmer  living  in 
Emporia,  Kan.,  and  is  married  and  has  three  chil- 
dren. Cadwallader  lives  in  Wales  and  has  a  family 
of  twelve  children.  Hugh  died  in  infanc}'.  Miriam 
was  the  wife  of  John  Hughes,  but  was  taken  from 
her  earthly,  home  in  Wales  at  the  earlj-  age  of 
twenty-five  years.  David  was  a  farmer,  and  died 
in  AVales  in  June,  1880,  leaving  a  wife  and  four 

Our  subject  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  where  he 
remained  until  nineteen  years  of  age.  He  then 
came  to  America,  landing  in  New  York,  whence  he 
went  direct  to  Waukesha  County,  AVis.  He  at- 
tended school  one  winter,  and  afterward  worked  a 
month  on  a  farm.  Proceeding  to  Milwaukee  he 
apprenticed  himself  to  a  carpenter,  with  whom  he 
worked  six  months.  Concluding  that  he  preferred 
countiy  to  city  life,  he  departed  for  Rochester, 
Minn.,   where   lie   was  employed    upon   a  farm  for 

tuo  years.  During  a  brief  sojourn  in  New  Orleans, 
he  enjoyed  an  insight  into  Southern  life,  but  was 
not  induced  to  make  that  his  permanent  home.  In 
1859  he  came  to  Knox  County,  111.,  and  tliere 
worked  upon  a  farm,  continuing  at  that  occupation 
until  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War. 

In  the  summer  of  1861  Mr.  Jones  enlisted  in 
Company  C,  42d  Illinois  Infantry,  and  immediately 
following  his  enlistment  was  actively  engaged  in 
various  parts  of  Missouri,  looking  after  Gen.  Price. 
The  command  wintered  at  Tipton,  in  Moniteau 
County,  and  the  following  season  took  part  in  the 
engagements  at  Columbus,  Ky.,  Island  No.  10,  and 
at  New  Madrid,  when  Col.  Roberts  spiked  the  stone 
battery  and  so  enabled  gun  boats  to  proceed  down 
the  river.  Our  subject  ^arrived  on  the  field  of 
Pittsburg  Landing  at  the  close  of  that  memorable 
battle.  He  was  at  Farmington  Miss.,  with  Gen. 
Palmer  at  Ipka,  also  at  Tuscumbia,  Ala.,  Portland, 
Decatur,  and  during  the  latter  part  of  1862  at 
Nashville.  In  the  latter  city  he  remained  about 
three  months,  being  subsequently  engaged  in  the 
battles  of  Stone  River,  TuUahoma,  Tenn.,  Brido-e- 
port,  Ala.,  Chickainauga  and  Mission  Ridge.  After 
the  last  named  battle  his  company  was  sent  to  the 
relief  of  Burnsides  at  Knoxville.  They  next  went 
to  Dandridge,  Tenn.,  and  then  crossed  into  North 

Mr.  Jones'  term  of  service  having  expired,  he 
re  enlisted  at  Stone  Mills,  East  Tenn.,  and  was 
given  a  thirty  daj's  veteran  furlough.  After  this 
period  of  rest  and  recuperation  he  again  entered 
actively  into  the  life  of  a  soldier,  and  took  part  in 
the  conflicts  at  Buzzard's  Roost,  Rocky  Faced 
Ridge,  Resaca,  Calhoun,  Kenesaw  and  Lost  Moun- 
tains, New  Hope  Church,  Atlanta  and  Jonesboro, 
in  Georgia.  When  the  army  was  divided  and 
Sherman  started  for  the  sea,  our  subject's  command 
was  sent  jjack  to  Chattanooga.  They  were  at  Cc- 
lumbia,  Tenn.,  Spring  Hill.,  as  well  as  at  the  bat- 
lies  of  Frankfort  and  Nashville,  which  resulted  in 
the  defeat  of  Hood  by  Gen.  Thomas.  From  there 
they  were  sent  to  East  Tennessee,  near  the  home  of 
Andrew  Johnson,  and  were  thence  ordered  to 
Texas,  remaining  in  that  State  until  mustered  out. 
Mr.  Jones  was  honorably  discharged  from  service 
at  Springfield,  111.,  in  1866,  after  a  service  of  four 



years  and  five  months,  and  was  among  the  last  of 
the  members  of  the  Union  army  to  be  mustered 
out.  He  returned  to  the  quiet  pursuits  of  agricul- 
ture, and  rented  a  farm  in  Illinois  until  1869.  He 
then  came  to  Kansas  and  settled  in  this  county, 
where  he  continued  to  reside  two  years.  Remov- 
ing to  Gage  County,  Neb.,  he  settled  on  land  which 
now  forms  the  site  of  Wymore.  After  a  residence 
there  of  about  eight  years  he  sold  out  and  removed 
to  his  present  homestead.  Hi;  is  the  owner  of  385 
acres  of  land  on  tlie  Blue  River,  near  the  mouth  of 
tlie  Yermilliou. 

Mr.  Jones  was  married  May  20,  1866,  to  Miss 
Amy  Sage.  He  has  an  interesting  family  of  nine 
children,  named  respectively:  Joseph  E.,  Julia, 
Archibald,  Horace,  Owen  W.,  Edith,  Ellen,  Jacob 
and  Elma. 

Mr.  Jones  is  a  member  of  Henderson  Post  No. 
143.  G.  A.  R.,  at  Frankfort;  also  of  Frankfort 
Lodge  No.,67,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  belongs  to  the 
Republican  party,  giving  to  its  principles  the  same 
sturdy  support  which  he  gave  to  the  Nation  in  her 
time  of  need.  He  has  been  and  is  at  present  School 
Director,  an  office  which  he  fills  in  an  acceptable 
manner.  He  has  been  a  very  hard-working  man, 
and  well  deserves  the  success  that  has  crowned  his 
efforts.  As  a  man  of  kindlj^  nature,  upright  char- 
acter, a  competent  agriculturist  and  stockman,  and 
a  reliable  citizen,  he  commands  the  respect  of  the 
people,  who  will  welcome  his  portrait,  which  may 
be  found  elsewhere  in  this  work,  as  a  valuable  and 
interesting  feature  thereof. 

;?{ _^  ON.  J.  T.  WATKINS.  Emerson  says  "All 
jf/]jj  history  is  only  biography.'"  We  find  this 
'^)^  especialh"  exemplified  in  the  community  in 
'^)  which  Mr.  Watkins  resides.  Its  history  is 
onl^'  the  biography  of  a  few  men.  chief  among 
whom  is  our  subject.  Mayor  of  Beattie,  and  also  a 
large  and  prominent  farmer  and  stock-raiser. 

Our  subject  now  owns  210  acres  of  fine  farming 
land  adjoining  the  cit^-  on  the  cast.  The  ea",t  lialf 
of  the  town  of  Beattie  lies  on  his  original  half 
section,   ISIr.  Watkins   having    purchased   it  cif   (he 

Government  in  1860,  while  still  in  Indiana.  The 
railroad  coming  througli,  the  town  was  platted  be- 
tween Mr.  James  Fitzgerald,  our  subject  and  the 
railroad,  which  formed  the  station  here.  Our  sub- 
ject gave  the  alternate  lots  to  the  railroad  to  locate 
a  depot,  and  has  disposed  of  the  balance,  his  land 
originally  running  up  to  the  center  of  sections  21 
and  22,  on  which  Center  street  now  runs. 

Jeremiah  AV^atkins,  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  New  Jersey,  and  moved  to  Pennsylvania, 
where  he  married  Miss  Anna  Pugh.  They  reared 
a  family  of  seven  children.  Removing  to  Dear- 
born County,  Ind..  he  died  on  the  old  farm,  in  Octo- 
ber, 1846.  Our  subject  was  horn  Feb.  17,  1834  in 
Washington  Count}-,  Pa.,  where  he  lived  until 
seven  years  of  age,  and  with  his  parents  removed 
to  Indiana.  There  he  finished  his  school  education 
and  worked  on  his  father's  farm  until  reaching  his 
majority,  when  he  took  up  farming  for  himself. 

Hannah  Heustis,  daughter  of  Elias  and  Sarah 
Heustis,  was  born  in  Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  where 
she  lived  until  after  her  marriage  to  the  subject  of 
our  sketch.  Mr.  Watkins  continued  farming  in 
Indiana  until  the  year  1876.  He  was  also  engaged 
in  tlie  sawmill  and  lumber  business  and  also  in  the 
culture  of  bees,  dealing  in  lionej-  quite  extensive!}', 
and  being  well  known  all  over  that  section  of  the 
country  as  a  successful  apiarist,  breeding  and  pro- 
pagating Italian  bees.  In  the  spring  of  1877,  he 
with  his  family  removed  to  this  State,  settling  in 
the  town  of  Beattie.  His  farm  was  simply  used  for 
grazing  purposes  and  he  soon  set  about  improving 
it.  So  successful  was  he  in  this  undertaking  that 
his  farm  is  now  considered  one  of  the  finest  in  Guit- 
tard  Township.  Mr.  Watkins  engaged  in  general 
stock  raising,  including  fine  grades  of  horses,  cattle 
and  hogs.  He  has  also  been  interested  in  village 
real-estate,  and  still  owns  more  or  less  town  lands. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Watkins  have  become  the  [)arents 
of  five  children — Clara  Elvira,  John  E.  Anna 
Florence.  Ada  M.  and  Paul  C,  all  of  whom  are  at 
home  and  enjoying    thorough  school  advantages. 

The  town  of  Beattie  being  incorporated  in  1884, 
Mr.  Watkins  was  chosen  as  a  memberof  its  first  Coun- 
cil, and  has  held  cit}'  office  continuously  since  that 
time ;  he  is  now  serving  his  second  term  as  Mayor.  He 
h:is  also  been  a   memlier  of    llie    School   Board   for 



the  last  six  years,  and  is  now  serving  as  Clerk  in 
tliat  body.  He  has  never  been  an  office-seeking  pol- 
itician, but  serves  his  townsmen  to  the  best  of  his 
abilil.y  when  chosen  by  them  to  represent  their  in- 
terests in  local  affairs. 

Until  the  time  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr.  Watkins 
was  a  member  of  the  Democratic  party.  At  that 
time  he  found  reason  to  change  his  political  views 
and  turned  squarely  to  Republicanism,  where  he  has 
ever  since  remained.  Our  subject  has  been  a  lead- 
ing man  in  organizing  the  Baptist  Church  and 
building  the  edifice  of  that  society.  Every  matter 
pertaining  to  the  building  was  left  to  his  care  and 
faithfully  has  he  discharged  the  duties  that  de- 
volved upon  him.  He  is  now  a  Deacon  of  the 
church  and  one  of  its  chief  supporters.  All  in 
all,  Mr.  Watkins  is  a  man  without  whom  Beattie 
would  not  be  what  it  now  is,  in  a  commercial, 
moral  or  social  way. 

ON.  MILO  A.  TUCKER.  A  stirring  and 
V  successful  business  man  and  farmer,  Mr. 
Tucker  retired  from  the  active  labors  of 
farm  life  in  1880,  and  established  himself 
as  a  grocer  and  proprietor  of  a  meat-market  in 
Beattie.  He  sold  out  this  latter  enterprise  in  1888, 
and  since  that  time  has  been  taking  life  easy  amid 
the  comforts  of  a  pleasant  home  in  the  central  part 
of  the  city.  He  is  familiarly  known  to  most  of  the 
people  of  this  region  as  one  of  its  most  reliable 
men  and  praiseworthy  citizens. 

In  briefly  reviewing  the  life  historj'  of  Mr. 
Tucker,  we  find  he  was  born  in  Mercer  (Jountj-, 
Pa.,  Sept.  11,  1833.  When  he  was  a  boy  of  three 
years  his  parents  removed  to  Ripley  Count}',  Ind., 
where  he  developed  into  manhood,  and  resided 
until  1856,  engaged  in  farming  pursuits.  That 
year,  pushing  still  further  Westward,  he  established 
himself  in  Marshall  Countj',  Iowa,  where  he  prose- 
cuted agriculture  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the 
Civil  War.  In  1862  he  enlisted  as  a  Union  sol- 
dier in  Company  K,  23d  Iowa  Infantry,  which  was 
assigned  to  the  Army  of  the  Tennessee,  13th  Army 
Corps,  and  operated   around  Vieksburg  and  other 

important  points  in  the  South.  During  his  service 
of  nearly  three  years  he  took  part  in  the  battles  of 
Ft.  Gibson,  May  1,  1860;  Champion  Hills,  May 
16;  Black  River  Bridge,  May  17;  and  was  in  the 
siege  of  Vieksburg,  after  which  he  assisted  in 
guarding  the  prisoners  during  their  transportation 
from  the  captured  city  to  Memphis.  In  the  mean- 
time, on  account  of  exposure,  he  had  contracted 
rheumatism,  from  which  he  suffered  severely,  and 
just  before  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  enlistment 
was  obliged  to  accept  his  honorable  discharge  on 
account  of  disability.  His  army  record  will  bear 
lair  comparison  with  that  of  thousands  of  others, 
who  took  their  lives  in  their  hands  and  went  to 
fight  the   battles  of  their  country. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  army,  Mr.  Tucker  re- 
turned to  Marshall  County,  Iowa, where  he  lived  one 
year,  and  then  proceeded  further  westward  to  Paw- 
nee Countj%  Neb.  There,  taking  up  a  tract  of  wild 
land,  he  proceeded  with  its  improvement  and  cul- 
tivation, and  lived  upon  the  farm  which  he  thus 
opened  until  1872.  Then,  selling  out,  he  came  to 
this  county,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resident. 
In  the  meantime  he  was  married,  Nov.  22,  1855, 
to  Miss  Sarah  Small,  a  native  of  Indiana  and  the 
daughter  of  Samuel  Small,  who  was  of  P^nglish  de- 
scent, and  whose  parents  were  natives  of  Kent 
County,  England.  He  emigrated  to  Pawnee  County, 
Neb.,  and  died  there  in  1868.  His  widow  is  still 
living,  and  a  resident  of  Pawnee  Cit}'. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tucker  there  have  been  born 
seven  children,  and  the  family  circle  remains  un- 
broken by  death.  The  eldest,  Martha  E.,  is  now 
the  wife  of  William  Hatton,  of  Richland  Township; 
Theron  W.  occupies  himself  at  railroading,  and  is 
a  resident  of  East  Norway;  Samuel  D.  employs 
himself  as  a  butchei'  in  Wallace,  Kan.;  Thomas  C. 
is  an  employe  of  the  Grand  Island  Railroad,  and 
lives  in  Beattie;  Sarah  E.,  Lena  M.  and  Milo  A., 
remain  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Tucker, 
with  his  wife  and  five  of  their  children,  are  mem- 
bers in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  Mr.  Tucker,  politically,  votes  the  straight 
Republican  ticket,  and  gives  his  unqualified  support 
to  the  principles  of  this  party. 

David  Tucker,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
l)orn  in  Pennsylvania  in  1805.    In  Mercer  County, 



about  1826,  be  was  married  to  Miss  Eleanor  Hazen, 
who  was  born  in  that  count}',  March  7, 1807.  They 
remained  residents  of  the  Keystone  State  until 
1836.  The  father  followed  farming  all  his  life, 
and  died  in  Indiana.  The  widowed  mother  tiien 
removed  to  the  vicinity  of  Albion,  Marsliall  Co., 
Iowa,  where  she  died  in  1862.  They  were  the  par- 
ents of  seven  children,  all  of  whom  lived  to  mature 
years.  The  youngest  SsOn  and  child,  Haden  L., 
was  the  first  to  be  called  hence,  having  died  in 
the  army. 

Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (ClarU)  Small,  the  parents 
of  Mrs.  Tucker,  emigrated  from  Kent  County, 
Ergland,  prior  to  their  marriage,  and  after  this 
event  were  residents  of  Indiana  until  18.')6.  Then, 
removing  to  Marshall  County,  Iowa,  they  lived 
there  until  1864.  Thence  they  went  to  Pawnee 
County,  Neb.,  and  the  father  improved  a  farm  in 
the  vicinity  of  "West  Branch,  where  he  sojourned 
until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  1868. 

Mr.  Tucker  has  been  a  prominent  man  in  his 
community,  representing  his  ward  in  the  City 
Council,  and  likewise  offlciating  as  Mayor  of  Beat- 
tie.  He  owns  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of  Frankfort, 
and  Ins  a  neat  and  comfortable  home  on  Center 
street,  in  the  central  part  of  the  city.  A  life  of 
lionesty  and  uprightness  has  gained  him  the  esteem 
and  confidence  of  his  fellow-men,  while  his  indus- 
try, economy  and  good  judgment  have  enalilcd 
him  to  fortify  himself  against  want  in  his  old  age. 

^  ONATHAN  BISHOP.  If  the  amazed  old- 
world  traveler  seeks  to  know  the  reason  of 
the  wonderful  growth   of  the  Far  West,  es- 

!jjf/  pecially  of  that  young  giant  Kansas,  he 
must  look  for  it  not  so  much  in  the  character  of 
the  soil  or  climate,  although  they  are  favorable,  as 
in  the  disposition  of  the  carl}'  settlers.  The  usual 
freedom  accorded  all  classes  of  people  and  all  legit- 
imate enterprises  in  this  noble  and  progressive 
State  is  due,  no  doubt  to  the  fact  that  all,  or  ne.arly 
all  the  original  settlers  were  native  Americans.  It 
is  not  here  asserted  that  Americans  are  a  more 
liberty  loving  race  -than   the  people  of   any  other 

nation,  but  they  have  had  a  longer  experience  of 
its  blessings  tlian  almost  anj'  others,  and  have  ex- 
perimented more  largely  with  the  various  theories 
of  freedom  offered  for  their  acceptance  by  different 
classes  and  conditions  of  pefiple,  and  are  there- 
fore better  fitted  to  put  into  practical  operation 
those  principles  of  true  freedom  which  have  best 
stood  the  tests  of  actual  practice. 

The  father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch  was 
George  Bishop,  a  native  of  the  State  founded  by 
that  sedate  old  lover  of  freedom  and  equal  and 
exact  justice — William  Penn.  The  mother  was 
Ellen  Smith,  also  a  native  of  the  Keystone  State. 
After  marriage,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  Bishop  re- 
moved from  Pennsylvania  and  settled  in  Greene 
County,  Ohio,  where  they  continued  to  reside  the 
remainder  of  their  lives.  The}'  became  the  parents 
of  nine  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  third. 

Jonathan  Bishop  was  born  in  Greene  County, 
Ohio.  May  7,  1838.  He  grew  to  manhood  on  his 
father's  farm,  and  remained  at  home  until  his  mar- 
ri.age.  Nov.  14,  1861,  he  took  for  a  life  partner 
Miss  Luciuda  Rakestraw,  the  event  being  celebrated 
in  Clarke  County,  Ohio.  Mrs.  Bishop  is  a  daugh- 
ter of  Joseph  .and  Isabella  (Goudy)  Rakestraw,  na- 
tives respectively  of  New  Jersey  and  Pennsylvania. 
Immediately  after  marriage  they  journeyed  to 
Illinois  and  located  in  Mason  County,  where  they 
made  their  home  for  some  time,  subsequently  re- 
turning to  Clarke  County,  Ohio,  where  they  lived 
until  the  close  of  life.  Their  family  comprised 
four  children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Bishop  is  the  eldest. 
She  was  born  in  Clarke  County  Oct.  8,  1840,  and 
remained  in  the  parental  care  until  her  marriage. 
She  received  a  good  education  in  her  youth,  which 
she  has  kept  constantly  polished  by  extensive  read- 
ing of  standard  works,  and  by  social  intercourse 
and  keen  observation  of  the  powers  and  phenomena 
of  nature,  by  which  she  is  surrounded. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bishop  are  the  parents  of  nine 
children,  four  of  whom  are  living.  They  are: 
George  A.  married  Miss  Blinn;  Joseph  M.,  Mary 
E.  and  Albertus  R.  The  deceased  are  Mary  E.  who 
died  when  fourteen  years  old;  Flora  E.  died  when 
seven;  Ocie  M.  also  fell  asleep  at  the  interesting 
age  of  seven  years;  Albert  R.  crossed  his  little 
hands  in   the  dreamless  sleep  of   innocence  when  a 



promising  babe  of  fourteen  inontlis;  one  other 
little  "bud  of  hope"  was  plucked  by  the  nngel  of 
death,  and  transplanted  to  the  Father's  garden  of 
immortality  to  bloom  in  perpetual  beauty  beside 
the  crystal  River  of  Life. 

The  first  home  of  our  subject  after  his  marriage 
was  made  in  Clarke  County,  Ohio,  where  he  resided 
four  years  on  a  farm  which  he  operated.  Hoping 
to  improve  his  fortunes,  he  removed  to  DeKalb 
County,  Jnd.,  and  resided  there  until  1878,  when 
he  removed  to  Marshall  County  Kan.,  and  settled 
in  Center  Township,  on  section  28,  wliere  lie  lias 
since  made  his  home. 

Mr.  Bishop  enjoys  the  confidence  of  the  commu- 
nity in  which  he  lives,  which  is  attested  by  the  fact 
that  he  was  elected  to  the  office  of  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  and  re-elected  to  the  same  position  when  his 
term  had  expired  in  tlie  fall  of  1888.  He  takes  a 
deep  interest  in  all  matters  pertaining  to  the  politi- 
cal welfare  of  the  country,  and  is  active  in  further- 
ing the  interests  of  the  party  with  which  he 
affiliates  in  his  own  district.  His  abilities  in 
managing  a  campaign  have  been  recognized  and 
his  services  utilized  in  placing  him  in  a  responsible 
position  on  the  townsliip  Central  Committee. 
The  educational  interests  of  the  township,  in  which 
he  takes  a  pronounced  interest,  will  never  suffer  so 
long  as  he  is  kept  in  his  present  position  as  a  mem- 
ber of  the  School  Board,  an  office  which  he  has  filled 
for  several  years.  Any  enterprise  having  for  its 
object  the  furthering  of  the  public  welfare  can 
depend  upon  the  help  and  counsel  of  Mr.  Bishop. 
His  numerous  public  and  private  benefactions  have 
endeared  him  to  a  large  circle  of  friends,  and  have 
won  for  him  a  deserved  popularity  among  the 

f|)AN  S.  WHITE  is  a  son  of  Judge  Robert 
White,  of  Marysville,  Marshall  Co..  Kan.,  a 
sketch  of  whom  may  be  seen  in  another  part 
of  this  work.  He  was  born  in  Carter  County,  Ky., 
May  5,  1845,  where  he  passed  the  early  years  of  his 
life  of  his  childhood's  home  surrounded  by  the  lov- 
ing care  of  his- parents,  and  the  devoted  ministra- 
tions   of    the  sable  tenants  of  his   father's  estate. 

When  young  Van  was  thirteen  years  old,  his  parents 
removed  to  Miami  County,  Kan.,  and  he  remained 
with  them  in  their  new  home  f(jr  about  five  years. 
His  education  was  not  carried  on  very  systemati- 
cally, but  the  stirring  events  transpiring  in  the 
State  of  his  adoption,  supplied  to  a  great  extent, 
the  lack  of  a  more  bookish  stock  of  knowledge. 

About  the  year  1863,  our  subject  went  to  Colo- 
rado, and  engaged  in  the  stirring  and  sometimes 
dangerous,  but  always  fascinating  occupation  of 
raining.  His  success  was  not  remarkable,  but  his 
labors  were  productive  of  a  fair  degree  of  remun- 
eration, and  he  returned  to  Kansas  with  capital 
enough  to  set  up  in  a  business,  which,  if  less  excit- 
ing than  the  one  he  had  abandoned,  promised 
surer  and  more  steady  returns,  and  permitted  its 
followers  to  enjoy  all  the  comforts  and  elegancies 
of  civilized  life.  The  mining  experience  of  Mr. 
White  extended  over  a  period  of  about  six  j-ears, 
and  upon  his  return  he  located  in  Marshall  County, 
Kan.,  in  the  vicinity  of  Marysville,  where  he  con- 
tinued to  reside  until  1886,  when  he  purchased  160 
acres  of  land  in  Center  Townshii),  on  section  13, 
and  erecting  commodious  and  handsome  build- 
ings, engaged  in  the  business  of  general  farming 
and  stock-raising.  His  strong  common  sense  prompts 
him  without  neglecting  any  otiier  duty,  to  confine 
his  attention  to  a  special  department  of  the  general 
occupation  mentioned  above,  and  so  thinking,  he 
has  chosen  to  make  a  specialty  of  raising  fine  horses 
and  cattle.  The  success  attending  his  efforts,  has 
amply  justified  his  wisdom  and  foresight  in  so 

Mr.  White  and  Miss  Marj'  J.  Grimes,  daughter 
of  the  late  James  H.  and  Susan  Giimes,  deceased  in 
Marshall  County,  were  united  in  marriage  in  Cen- 
ter Township,  Feb.  22,  1870,  and  have  been  blessed 
with  six  children,  namely:  Silas  H.,  Margaret  E., 
Susan  M.,  Van  S.,  Jr.,  Ann  E.,  and  Maud.  Mrs. 
Mary  J.  White  was  born  in  Virginia,  Sept.  16, 
1849,  and  is  a  fine,  handsome  lad}',  well  calculated 
to  grace  a  i)alace,  but  serenely  content  to  fulfill  the 
more  important,  if  less  outwardly  lofty  duty  of 
training  the  children  of  her  household,  that  they 
may  worthily  fill  honorable  stations  in  the  future 
of  this  great  Nation. 

Mr.  White  is  not  much  of  a  politician,  as  he  says 



he  has  no  time  to  attend  to  the  minute  details  of 
party  management,  but  he  keeps  his  eyes  open  to 
taiie  careful  note  of  all  great  questions  agitating 
the  public  mind.  Being  a  firm  believer  in  the  prin- 
ciples of  the  Democratic  party,  he  supports  it  with 
his  freeman's  right  of  suffrage.  The  deep  interest 
he  has  always  taken  in  educational  matters,  has  re- 
sulted in  placing  him  in  the  position  of  School 
Director,  which  he  has  held  for  some  time  with 
great  credit. 

^l  OHN  McKEE.  The  eye  of  the  passing 
traveler,  weary  with  the  rays  of  a  summer 
noonday  sun,  beholds  with  pleasure  and 
longing,  the  inviting  shade  furnished  by 
seemingly  innumerable  trees,  nestling  in  a  valley, 
and  throwing  their  branches  out  in  strong  relief 
against  the  surrounding  landscape,  while  the  foli- 
age seems  to  rest  upon  the  clouds  hovering  in  the 
distance,  and  green  and  blue  are  intermingled  in 
bright  yet  restful  contrast.  Coming  graduallj- 
nearer,  soon  the  landscape  enlarges,  and  an  orchard 
of  perhaps  1,000  trees  presents  itself  to  view. 
Clusters  of  ripe,  tempting  fruit  hang  suspended, 
which  appears  to  have  been  kissed  lovingly  and 
linferinglj'  by  the  morning  light,  and  to  have 
caught  the  glow  of  the  orb  of  day,  reflecting 
his  blushes  over  the  world.  Twenty  acres  of  fine 
land  are  devoted  to  the  culture  of  fruit,  while  one- 
half  acre  is  devoted  to  grape  culture.  Here  are 
cultivated  various  kinds  of  grapes,  which  hang 
pendant  from  the  vines,  and  purple  and  sweet,  are 
beautiful  as  well  as  tempting. 

He  to  whom  this,  one  of  the  finest  orchards  in 
all  the  State  of  Kansas,  is  due,  and  of  whom  we 
write  this  biographical  notice,  is  John  McKee, 
owner  and  proprietor  of  section  17,  in  Center 
Township.  Ireland  is  the  land  of  his  birth,  and  the 
date  thereof  Oct.  23,  1828.  But  no  recollections  of 
the  lakelets,  moorlands,  and  heaths  of  the  green 
isle  of  Inisfail,  hover  around  his  childhood  days, 
for  when  onl^'  one  jear  old  he  was  taken  by  his 
parents  to  the  township  of  Smith,  near  Peterborough, 

Canada.  Under  such  diverse  circumstances  from 
the  beginning  of  his  life,  he  grew  through  the  joj^s 
and  sorrows  incident  to  childhood,  and  became 
familiar  with  the  duties  devolving  upon  a  farmer. 
Xaturallj^  upon  reaching  manhood  he  chose  that  as 
his  calling,  "and  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits 
until  January,  1871,  when  he  removed  further 
South,  leaving  the  possessions  of  the  English,  and 
forever  more  casting  his  lot  amid  the  heterogeneous 
suiTOundings  of  a  new  land.  He  settled  on  his 
present  land,  which  he  had  purchased  two  yeai-s 
prior  to  his  removal  to  Kansas. 

Marshall  County  had  by  this  time  become  quite 
an  agricultural  center,  and  was  developing  from 
its  primitive  wildness,  so  our  subject  did  not 
participate  in  the  first  opening  up  of  the  land,  but 
his  farm  was  in  appearance  totally  different  from 
its  present  condition.  His  earnest,  unremitting 
labor  has  brought  about  this  change,  for  he  has 
erected  a  commodious,  comfortable  home,  attract- 
ive without,  and  within  cosily  furnished,  exhibit- 
ing every  wliere  the  presence  of  refined  tastes.  The 
entire  estate  is  fenced  by  hedge,  which  looks  es- 
pecially pretty  during  the  summer  season,  and 
is  always  well  trimmed  and  neatly  kept. 

Prior  to  his  removal  to  this  county,  Mr.  McKee 
was  united  in  marriage,  June  11,  1852,  in  his  old 
home  in  Peterborough,  Upper  Canada,  with  Miss 
Marj'  Finlay,  a  native  of  Wicklow,  Ireland,  and 
born  March  3,  1835.  The  Emerald  Isle  was  her 
childhood  home,  but  when  a  maiden  of  twelve  or 
tliirteen  years  she  came  with  her  parents  to  Canada, 
and  under  the  parental  roof  continued  to  reside 
until  she  went  to  make  a  home  for  her  husband. 
Quite  a  number  of  years  after  marriage  IMr.  and 
Sirs.  McKee  came  to  make  their  home  in  the 
United  States.  Tlieir  family  consisted  of  five  chil- 
dren, of  whom  the  eldest  is  a  son,  William  L.,  wlio 
is  at  home;  Susan,  the  second  born,  is  the  wife  of 
Allen  Reed,  and  resides  in  Center  Township,  Kan.; 
Temple  and  Nina  remain  to  enliven  the  home,  while 
Flora  is  the  wife  of  Theodore  Pollock,  and  lives  in 

Notwithstanding  his  devotion  to  general  farm- 
ing. Mr.  McKee  is  interested  in  cattle  raising,  and 
buys  and  feeds  them  in  large  numbers 
He  does  not  work  in  political  circles  with  any  act- 



ive  partisansliip,  but  is  firmly  ''dj'ed  in  the  wool  " 
of  Republican  principles,  casting  his  ballot  for  its 
nominees.  Religiouslj^  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McKce  are 
members  of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  are  particu- 
larly charitable  toward  those  in  want,  whether  the 
jieed  be  one  of  the  soul  or  body,  and  are  emi- 
nently worthy  of  the  proud  position  they  occupy 
in  the  esteem  of  their  neighbors. 

ILLIAM  C.  THOMPSON,  who  occupies  a 
i\\/r\///  farm  on  section  26,  Balderson  Township, 
is  a  native  of  Branch  Countj',  Mich.  His 
l)irth  took  place  Dee.  15,  1843,  and  in  his  native 
count}'  he  grew  to  manhood.  Though  quite  young 
at  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War,  he  entered 
into  tlie  patriotic  enthusiasm  which  swept  over  the 
North,  and  in  August.  1862,  enlisted  in  Company 
G,  4th  Michigan  Cavalry.  He  took  a  gallant  share 
in  the  regimental  work  in  the  terrible  contests  at 
Murfreesboro  and  Stone  River,  and  through  the 
Thomas  campaign.  Receiving  his  discharge  in 
September,  1863,  he  returned  to  Michigan  and  be- 
gan farming. 

In  the  spring  of  1 869  was  celebrated  the  mar- 
riage of  our  subject  to  Olive  Hamilton,  a  native 
of  New  York  State,  where  she  was  born  July  10, 
1847.  She  is  the  daughter  of  James  and  Bath- 
sheba  (Ncal)  Hamilton,  natives  of  Scotland  and 
New  Jersey,  both  deceased.  Mrs.  Thompson  was 
the  youngest  of  two  children,  though  each  of  her 
parents  had  been  married  before.  Her  father  had 
been  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812.  Mrs.  Thomp- 
son has  become  the  mother  of  four  children,  three 
of  whom  are  living:  Justin  H.,  Bertha  May  and 
Myrtle  L. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  William  G.  Thomp- 
son, a  farmer  and  cooper,  and  a  native  of  Ver- 
mont. His  mother  was  Betsey  (Reed)  Thompson, 
a  native  of  Maine.  They  were  wedded  in  Maine, 
and  after  a  few  years  spent  in  that  State,  emigrated 
to  Canada,  where  they  remained  for  many  years. 
In  1840  they  went  to  Michigan,  being  very  early 
settlers  of  the  section  in  which  they  made  their 
home.     In  that    State   they    remained   until    their 

death,  the  father  dying  in  1858,  and  the  mother 
in  1868.  The  parental  family  consisted  of  twelve 
children,  our  subject  being  the  eleventh.  Nine  of 
the  family  still  survive. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  came  to  Kansas  in 
1870,  settling  upon  the  farm  where  he  still  resides. 
He  has  eighty  acres  of  land,  all  under  cultivation, 
and.  in  addition  to  his  farming,  raises  some  stock. 
He  has  now  seven  head  of  horses  and  a  dozen  head 
of  fat  hogs.  He  is  a  member  of  Chase  Post  No.  101, 
G.  A.  R.,  at  Beattic.  He  takes  an  active  interest 
in  politics,  and  is  a  straight  Republican,  who  never 
fails  to  cast  his  vote  in  beh-alf  of  the  principles 
which  he  advocates.  He  is  at  present  serving  as 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  discharging  the  duties  of  this 
office  in  a  credital)le  manner.  For  several  3'ears 
he  has  been  a  member  of  the  School  Board. 

HOMAS  PETERS.  Half  a  hundred  years, 
or  thereabouts,  B.  C,  Julius  Ciesar,  then  in 
the  full  tide  of  his  glory,  carried  his  vic- 
torious arms  across  the  narrow  portion  of  the 
sea  which  separates  the  island  of  Britain  from 
the  continent  of  Europe,  and  succeeded  after  sev- 
eral ineffectual  attempts  in,  at  least  partiallj',  con- 
quering the  natives.  They  were  a  brave  race  and 
only  bided  their  time  to  throw  off  the  Roman  yoke. 
The  time  at  length  came,  but  the  emancipated  peo- 
ple were  not  destined  to  long  enjoy  their  land  in 
peace.  The  barbarous  nations  of  Northwestern 
Europe  invaded  the  fertile  lowlands,  and  despite 
the  utmost  exertions  of  the  rightful  owners  of  the 
soil  they  gradually  possessed  themselves  of  all  the 
level  districts,  pushing  the  natives  into  the  mount- 
ainous regions  where  they  were  at  last  successful 
in  staying  the  onward  march  of  the  invading  hosts. 
The  people  who  thus  found  refuge  in  what  is  now 
called  Cornwall,  in  unison  with  the  adjoining  dis 
trict  now  known  as  the  principality  of  Wales,  main- 
tained their  independence  and  language  for  many 
cent<iries.  In  course  of  time,  owing  to  its  position 
on  the  border  between  England  an<l  Wales,  its 
people  became  largely  assimilated  in  manners  and 
language   with   the  dominant  English.     Intermar- 



riages  became  comparatively  common,  and  in- 
creased in  frequency  as  the  years  rolled  on,  so  that 
to-day  it  is  probable  that  the  Cornish  have  more 
English  than  Welsh  lilood  in  their  veins.  In  spite 
of  what  has  just  been  said  of  their  admixture 
with  the  English,  they  still  retain  many  national 
peculiarities,  and  it  is  perhaps  needless  to  say  are 
very  proud  of  their  ancestry, 

The  subject  of  this  sketch,  as  well  as  his  father, 
William,  and  his  mother,  Elizabeth.  (Blake)  Pe- 
ters, were  born  in  that  celebrated  land  and  cherish 
the  traditions  of  their  race  with  loving  fidelity. 
William  Peters  and  Elizabeth  Blake  were  married 
in  Cornwall  and  continued  to  reside  in  their  native 
place  until  after  the  birth  of  their  eldest  son, 
'Ihoraas,  Feb.  15.  1824.  When  the  child  was  about 
six  years  old  the  parents  emigrated  to  Canada  and 
remained  there  during  the  remainder  of  their  lives. 
Their  home  was  in  Hope  Township,  Durham 
County,  where  the  father  died  in  1860.  They  were 
the  parents  of  eight  children,  Thomas,  as  before 
stated,  being  the  eldest.  When  the  gentleman  wiiose 
name  heads  this  sketch  was  twenty-seven  years  old 
he  left  his  father's  house  and  opened  a  farm  in 
Durham  County,  which  he  operated  twenty  years. 
He  left  Ontario  in  the  fall  of  1871  and  located  on 
section  32,  Center  Township,  Marshall  Co.,  Kan., 
where  he  purchased  160  acres  of  fertile  land,  and 
set  to  work  to  bring  it  under  cultivation.  During 
the  time  that  has  elapsed  since  lie  became  a  resident 
of  the  State  of  Kansas,  he  has  diligently  striven 
to  improve  his  farm  to  the  utmost,  and  has  the 
satisfaction  of  knowing  that  the  labor  has  not  been 
bestowed  in  vain.  He  is  now  the  owner  of  a  com- 
fortable and  pleasant  home,  where  he  maj'  reasona- 
bly hope  to  spend  the  remainder  of  his  life  in  peace 
and  contentment.  Although  his  various  buildings 
are  not  so  handsome  as  some  that  his  neighbors 
have  erected,  yet  they  answer  his  purpose  very  well 
and  therefore  cause  him  no  needless  anxiety. 

March  7,  1850,  Mr.  Peters  and  Miss  Mary  Anne 
Bedford  were  united  in  marriage  at  the  home  of 
the  bride's  parents  in  Hope,  Durham  County,  On- 
tario. The  birth  of  Mrs.  Peters  occurred  Feb.  7, 
1828,  in  the  same  village  in  which  she  was  subse- 
quently married.  This  union  lias  resulted  in  the 
addition  of  eight  children  to  the  family  of  Mr.  and 

Mrs.  Peters,  namely:  Franklin  R. ;  Charlotte,  John 
E.,  Mar^'  E.,  Anna  B..  Alfred  B.,  Ellen  .J.  and  Fan- 
nie O.  Franklin  resides  at  home  and  is  a  great 
comfort  and  support  to  his  parents,  who  are  now 
in  the  decline  of  life;  Charlotte  is  the  wife  of  Will- 
lam  Little;  John  is  a  resident  of  Kalamazoo,  Mich. ; 
Mar}'  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Baker,  of  Brown 
County,  Kan.;  Anna  is  the  wife  of  the  Rev.  Rich- 
ard Flnley,  also  of  Brown  County,  Kan.;  Ellen  is 
the  wife  of  Franklin  Hunt,  of  Blue  Rapids  Town- 
ship, this  county;  Fannie  is  the  wife  of  John  Hunt, 
and  also  resides  in  Blue  Rapids  Township. 

Mr.  Peters  and  his  family  are  entitled  to  and  re- 
ceive the  respect  and  esteem  of  their  neighbors  for 
their  many  good  qualities.  The  integrity  of  Mr. 
Peters  has  never  been  questioned,  as  following  the 
traditions  of  his  race,  he  regards  his  word  as 
others  do  their  oath.  This  conscientious  regard 
for  the  principles  of  right  and  justice,  while  it 
may  not  have  made  him  a  millionaire,  has  pro- 
cured for  him  the  implicit  confidence  of  all  with 
whom  business  or  social  duties  have  brought  him  in 
contact,  and  is  a  better  heritage  to  bequeath  to  his 
children  than  all  the  golden  wealth  of  the  Astors 
or  Yanderbilts.  Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  both 
active  and  devoted  members  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  In  political  affairs,  Mr.  Peters 
is  in  active  sympathy-   with  the  Republican  party. 

;ILLIAM  H.  KOENEKE,  one  of  the  most 
prominent  men  of  the  village  of  Herkimer, 
is  an  extensive  grain  dealer,  and  has  an 
elevator  which  is  a  credit  to  the  town,  and  brings 
to  it  a  large  amount  of  business.  He  is  a  public- 
spirited  citizen,  taking  a  genuine  interest  in  what- 
ever pertains  to  the  welfare  of  the  communitj'.  and 
giving  substantial  encouragement  to  the  projects 
calculated  for  its  advancement. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Cook  County.  III.,  July 
15,  1852,  and  in  1860,  when  a  boy  of  eight  years  old, 
accompanied  his  parents,  Thomas  and  Maiy  (Schatta) 
Koeneke,  to  this  county.  They  located  on  a  tract 
of  wild  land  in  Logan  Township,  where  the  father 
instituted  a  good  houKstead  and  where  the  parents 



still  live.  Thomas  Koeneke  was  a  native  of  Hol- 
stein,  German}',  where  he  was  reared  and  he  married 
a  maiden  who  was  horn  in  Hanover.  Both  were  of 
pure  German  stock,  and  emigrated  to  America 
prior  to  their  marriage,  which  took  plate  at  Blue 
Island,  Cook  Co.,  111.  They  had  been  trained 
from  childhood  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  to  which  the}'  still  loyally  adhere. 

Growing  up  amid  the  pioneer  scenes  of  life 
on  the  frontier,  our  subject  became  strong  and 
well  developed,  and  at  an  early  age  was  taught  to 
make  himself  useful  on  the  new  farm.  Wild  ani- 
mals were  plentiful  at  the  time  his  parents  settled 
liere,  also  the  Otoe  Indians,  who  were  their  near 
neighbors,  but  peaceable  and  friendly.  His  school 
advantages  were  quite  limited,  but  by  his  own 
efforts  he  acquired  sufficient  education  to  prosecute 
business  successfully.  Upon  approaching  manhood 
he  left  the  farm  and  engaged  in  the  lumber  busi- 
ness with  his  brother-in-law,  AVilliam  Wieters,  con- 
tinuing with  him  until  1887,  when  he  purchased 
the  entire  business  and  is  now  conducting  it  alone. 
He  began  operating  in  grain  some  years  ago.  and 
later  also  purchased  the  interest  of  Mv.  Wieters  in 
this  branch  of  trade. 

In  the  fall  of  1888  Mr.  Koeneke  put  up  a  large 
elevator,  and  in  addition  to  his  lumber  trade  in 
this  place,  is  also  carrying  on  a  similar  business  at 
Bremen,  in  this  county.  He^likewise  has  a  farm  of 
ninety  acres  adjacent  to  the  town  limits,  and  a  fine 
dwelling  is  now  (August,  1889)  in  process  of  erec- 
tion. He  also  has  two  other  farms  of  160  acres 
each  in  other  parts  of  the  county,  both  of  which 
are  under  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  and  improved 
with  the  necessary  buildings.  Mr.  Koeneke  has 
made  the  most  of  his  money  in  his  farming  prop- 
erty, and  is  now  unquestionably  well-to-do. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Julia, 
daughter  of  Frederick  and  Catherine  Broekmyer, 
was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  in  May,  1878. 
Mrs.  Koeneke  was  born  in  Kansas,  of  German  par- 
ents, her  father  having  emigrated  from  Hanover 
some  years  since.  Her  mother  was  a  native  of 
Mecklenburg,  and  they  now  live  near  Hanover  in 
Washington  County.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Koeneke  are 
the  parents  of  four  children,  viz.:  Sophia,  Ernest, 
Mary  and   Julia.      Both  parents  and   children   are 

members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  in  which  our 
subject  and  his  wife  were  carefully  reared  by  their 
respective  parents.  Mr.  Koeneke  has  been  quite 
prominent  in  local  affairs,  and  served  as  Treasurer 
of  Marysville  Township,  when  Herkimer  was  a  part 
of  that  township.  He  is  widely  and  favorably 
known  throughout  this  section  as  one  of  its  most 
useful  and  wide-awake  men. 


|l_^UBBARD  C.  SMITH,  a  pioneer,  of  18.i8, 
ill  jV  came  to  this  State  in  the  above-mentioned 
'£y^'    year,  and  to  Marshall  County  in  1866.     He 

ij^  established  himself  as  a  farmer  in  the 
wilds  of  Guittard  Township,  and  is  now  numbered 
among  the  prominent  business  men  of  the  city  of 
Beattie.  He  is  engaged  as  a  general  merchant, 
and  is  the  owner  of  a  fine  body  of  improved  land, 
embracing  320  acres  on  sections  28  and  29,  which 
is  operated  by  a  renter  and  largely  devoted  to  fine 
stock.  Mr.  Smith  is  thus  in  the  enjoyment  of  a 
handsome  income,  and  is  looked  upon  as  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  this  community. 

Mr.  Smith  was  born  in  Gardner,  Me.,  July  21, 
1 834,  but  when  a  child  of  two  years  his  parents 
removed  to  Ohio,  where  his  father  died  while  still 
a  young  man,  in  1842.  The  mother  then  returned 
with  her  children  to  the  Pine  Tree  State,  where 
Hubbard  C,  our  subject,  lived  until  a  youth  of 
eighteen  years.  Then  leaving  New  England  he 
emigrated  to  Ohio,  and  completed  his  education  in 
Baldwin  University,  after  an  attendance  of  two 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time  he,  in  the 
spring  of  1858,  made  his  way  to  Kansas,  sojourn- 
ing for  a  time  at  Wyandotte  and  St.  Joseph.  In  the 
meantime  he  employed  himself  in  teaching  school, 
until  the  fall  of  that  year. 

Young  Smith  rfow  set  out  across  the  plains  with 
a  wagon  train  to  New  Mexico,  where  a  compar.i- 
tively  brief  sojourn  satisfied  him  and  he  returned 
to  Wyandotte.  In  1859,  still  infected  with  the 
spirit  of  adventure,  he  started  for  Pike's  Peak  with 
a  wagon,  to  which  was  attached  a  yoke  of  cows  and 
a  yoke  of  bulls.      Some  of  his  men.  however,  fail- 



ing  hira,  he  turned  back  before  reaching  his  desti- 
nation and  began  cutting  and  selling  hay  in  Kan- 
sas City,  at  a  time  when  there  only  a  few  houses 
on  the  >lnff,  and  a  cornfield  between  it  and  tlie 
bluff.  That  year  also  Mr.  Smith  repaired  to  Roch- 
ester, and  took  up  his  abode  with  Dr.  Sheldon,  the 
first  physician  in  this  region.  Later  we  find  hira 
in  Centralia,  Xemaha  County,  stopping  with  the 
Galesburg  Colony.  Later  he  rode  from  Centralia 
to  Galesburg,  111.,  camping  out  at  night  and  being 
two  weeks  on  the  road.  Thence  he  repaired  to  his 
native  State,  via  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  spent  the 
winter.  In  the  spring  lie  started  to  return,  repair- 
ing to  Boston  to  take  a  steamer,  when  the  news 
came  of  the  firing  upon  Ft.  Sumter.  The  next 
morning  our  subject  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in 
Comp.any  C,  3d  Maine  Infantry,  for  three  months' 
service.  He  did  this  from  pure  patriotism,  as  he 
had  been  proffered  a  good  position  in  Ohio.  His 
regiment  was  sent  to  Alexandria,  arriving  there 
soon  after  the  shooting  of  Col.  Elsworth — an  epi- 
sode which  will  be  remembered  as  one  of  the  most 
thrilling  events  of  the  war. 

The  3d  Maine  Infantry  was  one  of  the  first  regi- 
ments at  the  battles  of  Bull  Run  and  Arlington 
Heights,  and  after  the  battle  of  Alexandria  it  was 
re-organized  and  assigned  to  the  command  of  Gen. 
McClellan.  They  were  ordered  to  Fortress  Mon- 
roe, and  spent  some  time  in  the  swamps  of  York- 
town.  Later  Mr.  Smith  was  assigned  to  picket 
duty,  and  frequently  slept  in  '"AYashington's  pew." 
He  still  preserves  a  piece  of  wood  from  this  pew  in 
the  church,  wliich  he  sent  to  the  maiden,  wlio  after- 
ward became  his  wife,  ))ut  who  was  then  merely  a 
girl.  Their  next  point  was  Fair  Oaks,  where  they 
pitched  their  tents  and  made  excellent  beds  of 
evergreen  branches.  In  the  meantime  Mr.  Smith 
had  been  promoted  to  Orderly  Sergeant.  Night 
after  night  the  troops  dozed  on  their  arms,  as  it 
were,  being  drawn  up  in  line  of  battle,  and  one 
night  Mr.  Smith  obtained  sleep  on  a  bed  made  of 
three  rails  tlirown  over  a  ditch  half  filled  with 
water.  This  was  his  last  night  in  the  ranks.  The 
next  day  at  9  A.  M.  they  were  early  drawn  up  in 
line  of  battle,  their  breakfast  being  brougiit  to 
them,  lest  the  enemy  should  surprise  them  un- 
prepared.      In    the    engagement    which    followed 

many  of  the  rebel  troops  were  taken  prisoners,  and 
Mr.  Smith  received  a  rebel  bulletin  his  lung,  which 
lie  still  carries.  He  was  sent  to  the  hospital  at 
Fortress  Monroe,  being  carried  six  miles  by  men 
on  a  stretcher.  He  was  well  cared  for,  and  regards 
his  sojourn  at  that  fortress  as  one  of  the  most 
pleasant  episodes  in  his  life.  Two  weeks  later  he 
was  sent  to  Albany,  and  being  the  first  wounded 
soldier  to  arrive  tjiere,  was  warmly  received,  and 
remained  there  until  being  given  a  furlough.  He 
then  returned  to  his  native  State,  and  was  given  an 
honorable  discharge  in  November,  1862. 

Our  subject  remained  in  his  native  State  the  fol- 
lowing winter,  and  would  willingly  have  re-en- 
tered the  service  had  he  felt  able  to  do  so.  He 
was  finally  drafted  and  attempted  to  do  duty,  but 
after  six  months  he  was  sent  to  the  convalesent 
camps  at  Arlington  Heights,  where  he  spent  the 
winter,  and  was  a  second  time  discharged  in  the 
spring  of  1864.  He  then  returned  to  the  West  and 
purchased  a  farm  near  Ceuti'alia,  Nemaha  Co., 
Kan.,  where  he  made  the  usual  improvements  and 
remained  until  1866.  That  year  he  sold  out  and 
located  as  a  homesteader  on  the  farm  whicii  he  now 
owns.  He  battled  with  grasshoppers  and  other 
disadvantages  until  1873.  That  j'ear  on  account 
of  ill-health,  he  abandoned  farm  life,  and  com- 
menced his  experience  as  a  general  merchant. 
Aside  from  his  residence  in  Beattie,  he  owns  other 
valuable  cit^'  propert}-  and  is  generally  well-to-do. 

For  the  last  twenty'  years  Mr.  Smith  has  been 
most  of  the  time  a  member  of  the  School  Board, 
and  has  represented  his  ward  in  the  Cit}'  Council. 
He  was  appointed  Postmaster  by  President  Ha3-es, 
and  held  the  office  from  1878  until  1885,  a  period 
of  seven  years  and  seven  daj'S,  and  upon  settling 
with  the  department  there  was  found  to  be  $13  to 
his  credit. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Vina 
Hamilton  occurred  at  Old  Centralia,  Nemaha 
County,  Oct.  8,  1865.  Mrs.  Smith  was  born  in 
Malioning  County,  Ohio.  April  18,  1844,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Hugh  Hamilton,  a  pioneer  settler  of 
Nemaha  County  who  came  to  Centralia  as  earl>'  as 
1858.  Of  this  union  there  have  been  born  five 
children,  onlj'  three  of  whom  are  living — Frank  L., 
Ray    F.    and    Harry  C.     Mrs.   Rachael  (McCune) 



Hamilton,  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Smith,  spent  her 
last  days  near  the  latter,  dying  at  the  farm  in  1883. 
The  father  is  still  living  and  a  resident  of  this 

John  Smith,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was,  like 
his  son,  a  native  of  Maine,  and  in  early  manhood 
married  Miss  Martha  Wakefield,  of  Gardner.  TJiere 
were  born  to  them  five  children,  four  of  whom 
lived  to  mature  years.  The-  mother,  after  the 
death  of  her  husband,  came  to  Kansas,  and  spent 
her  last  days  with  her  son,  our  subject,  dying  in 
November,  1868.  Besides  their  own  children  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Smith  have  an  adopted  daughter,  Marian, 
who  is  now  ten  j'ears  of  age. 

-~^A,-^*^J^c®^5@* } 


'if,  OHN  G.  BROWN.  Were  all  the  men  of 
Elm  Creek  Township  as  enterprising  as  Mr_ 
Brown  there  would  not  be  a  neglected  farm 
within  its  limits  or  anj'  tumble-down  build- 
ings and  poorly-fed  stock.  Without  making  any 
pretensions  to  elegance,  he  has  a  well-regulated 
home  and  believes  in  extracting  all  the  comfort 
from  life  that  is  possible.  He  is  a  skilled  farmer 
and  has  had  a  large  experience  as  a  dealer  in  live 
stock.  His  possessions  embrace  170  acres  of  choice 
land,  finely  located  on  section  26.  During  his 
younger  years  he  studied  for  a  veterinary  surgeon 
and  has  attained  quite  a  reputation  as  a  practitioner, 
being  very  successful.  He  keeps  quite  a  large 
number  of  horses  and  cattle  and  takes  a  pardonable 
pride  in  the  results  of  his  labors,  both  as  a  farmer 
and  the  success  of  his  operations  in  live  stock. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Cook  County,  111.,  May 
18,  1848,  and  is  the  son  of  John  and  Catherine 
(Landgraff)  Brown,  who  were  both  natives  of  Ger- 
man^'.  The  parents  upon  emigrating  to  America 
settled  in  the  above-nanied  county,  where  they 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  Their  family 
included  nine  children  of  whom  John  G.  was  the 
second  born.  His  father  died  when  he  was  but 
three  years  old  and  he  was  doubly  orphaned  by 
the  death  of  his  mother  ten  years  later  and  then,  a 
lad  of  thirteen,  was  thrown  upon  his  own  resources 
and  commenced  the  battle  of  life  for  himself.      I'jy 

the  advice  of  friends  he  went  to  Blue  Island  and 
entered  the  employ  of  a  drayman  with  whom  lie 
remained  two  years.  We  next  find  him  in  the 
now  great  city  of  Chicago,  studying  veterinary  art 
under  the  instruction  of  his  uncle,  John  Landgraff, 
with  whom  he  remained  three  years. 

Finally,  our  subject  leaving  the  city  rented  a 
large  farm  of  490  acres  west  of  it,  which  he  operated 
three  years.  Then  setting  out  for  the  farther 
West,  he  came  to  this  county  and  locating  on  a 
farm  in  Marysville  Township,  raised  one  season's 
crops.  He  then  returned  to  Chicago  which  had 
been  devastated  by  the  big  fire,  and  eng.aged  in  the 
practice  of  veterinary  surgery,  while  he  put  in  his 
spare  time  in  gardening  at  which  he  was  employed 
ten  or  twelve  months.  In  1877  he  returned  to  this 
county  and  purchased  two  farms  in  Herkimer 
Township  west  of  Marysville,  where  he  lived  about 
seven  years.  Then  selling  out  he  purchased  a 
farm  south,  in  Elm  Creek  and  lying  on  section  4. 
In  due  time  he  sold  this  also  and  purchased  one- 
half  of  section  35  in  Marysville  Township,  and  a 
part  of  section  4  in  Elm  Creek  Township.  He  sold 
this  property  three  years  later  and  purchased  that 
which  he  now  owns. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brown  there  have  been  born 
nine  children,  viz.:  Eva,  William,  George,  Katie, 
Minnie,  Emma,  Mary,  John  and  Frederick.  Mr. 
Brown,  politically,  gives  his  support  to  the  Demo- 
cratic party  and  his  excellent  wife  is  a  member  in 
good  standing  of  the  Baptist  Church.  Mr.  Brown 
has  carefully  examined  the  questions  relating  to 
capital  and  labor,  and  some  time  since  identified 
himself  with  the  A.  0.  U.  W.  He  is  also  a  mem- 
ber of  the  K.  of  H.  and  the  German  Odd  Fellows. 

-«»•+«- ^-SjJl^jjf^-HH-  ft- 

NDREW  BIGHAM.  On  section  22  in 
Marysville  Township,  lies  the  homestead 
of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  a  worthy 
monument  to  his  industry  and  persever- 
ance. A  man  perhaps  who  has  not  been  the  hero 
of  any  thrilling  event,  he  has  yet  made  footprints 
on  the  sands  of  time,  which  will  be  discernable  long 
after  he  has  departed  hence,  by  the  influence  which 



he  has  exerted  and  the  example  of  diligence  and 
frugalitj'  by  which  communities  have  been  built 
up  and  the  fabric  of  societj'  given  a  solid  and 
steadfast  existence.  Upon  the  character  of  its 
early  settlers  largely  depends  the  status  of  a  com- 
munity and  Mr.  Bigham  has  inateriall}-  assisted  in 
developing  the  best  resources  of  his  adopted 
county  and  given  his  encouragement  to  the  pro- 
jects calculated  for  the  best  good  of  her  people. 

A  native  of  the  city  of  Toronto,  Canada,  our 
subject  was  born  Feb.  7,  1837,  and  lived  there 
until  a  youth  of  seventeen  years.  Then  striking 
out  for  himself,  he  came  over  into  the  States  and 
settled  in  DeKalb  County,  111.,  whence  he  removed 
later  to  Ogle  County.  In  the  meantime  he  had 
learned  the  trade  of  a  mason,  which  he  followed  in 
connection  with  farming  until  1 887.  Since  that  time 
he  has  occupied  himself  with  agricultural  pursuits 
including  dairying.  In  Sept.  1877,  leaving  the 
Prairie  State  he  came  to  Kansas  and  located  in 
Oketo  Township,  this  county.  Next  he  rented  a 
farm  in  Marysville  Township,  and  in  the  fall  of 
1879.  liomesteaded  eighty  acres  on  section  22, 
which  comprises  his  present  farm.  Here  he  has 
effected  good  improvements,  bringing  the  land  to 
a  productive  condition  and  erecting  the  necessary 
liuildings.  His  milk  product  finds  a  ready  sale  in 
Marysville  and  vicinity  and  yields  him  sufficient 
returns  for  his  labor. 

Mr.  Bigham  was  married  in  Brant  County,  Can- 
ada, Nov.  6,  1859,  to  Miss  Eliza  Mathews,  who  was 
born  there  April  12.  1839.  To  them  have  been  born 
nine  children, namely  :  Emerilla.J,,MartliaM.,  Addie 
A..  Minnie  M.,  Maggie  M.,  Joseph  T.,  George  E., 
Golden  F.  and  Samuel  W.  Martha  M.  married  William 
Colgrove;  Emerilla  J.  married  "William  Inglesby; 
Addie  A.  married  William  Reefover;  Minnie  M. 
married  Joseph  Ford.  Joseph  died  when  two  and 
one-half  years  old.  The  other  four  children  re- 
main under  the  parental  roof.  Mr.  Bigham,  po- 
litically, is  a  sound  Republican,  while  he  and  his 
estimable  wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of 
the  Baptist  Church.  In  this  our  subject  has  offi- 
ciated as  Deacon  for  the  past  two  years.  He  is  in 
favor  of  the  establishment  and  maintenance  of 
schools,  and  all  other  enterprises  tending  to  effect 
the   moral  and  social  welfare    of    the  community. 

Under  his  hospitable  roof  have  been  gathered  from 
time  to  time,  some  of  the  best  residents  of  the 
count}-,  among  whom  he  numbers  his  friends  and 
of  whose  respect  he  is  amply  deserving. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Thomas  Bigham, 
likewise  a  native  of  Toronto,  Canada,  and  who 
married  Miss  Jane  Davidson,  who  was  born  in 
Ireland.  They  lived  in  the  Dominion  for  a  number 
of  years  afterward,  then  removed  to  DeKalb  Countj-, 
111.,  and  later  to  Ogle  County,  that  State.  Their 
next  removal  was  to  this  county,  where  they  lived 
until  the  fall  of  1888,  then  went  into  Idaho,  where 
they  now  reside.  The  seven  children  born  to 
them  lived  to  mature  j-ears,  among  the  elder  of 
whom  was  the  subject  of  this  sketch. 

\rOHN  A.  WILLIAMS.  Wealth  may  bring 
I  power  and  influence,  but  it  fails  to  inspire 
genuine  affection  and  respect.  Virtue  and 
goodness  are  sure  to  meet  with  their  reward, 
and  this  sentiment  's  forcibh'  illustrated  in  the 
lives  of  Mr.  Williams  and  his  estimable  wife,  who, 
qniet.  unobtrusive  people  as  they  are,  and  blest 
with  a  moderate  supply  of  this  world's  goods, 
command  the  highest  respect  of  the  people  of  their 
community.  Thev  have  reared  a  fine  family  of 
sons,  and  it  is  seldom  the  lot  of  the  biographer  to 
meet  a  more  pleasant  household  or  a  home  more 
attractive  in  genuine  comfort  and  content.  Mr_ 
Williams  is  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  owns  160 
acres  of  land  on  section  18  in  Walnut  Township. 

The  early  home  of  our  subject  was  on  the  other 
side  of  the  Atlantic,  he  having  been  born  near  the 
citv  of  London,  England,  in  Middlesex  County, 
March  8,  1849.  He  lived  there  until  a  young  man 
of  twentj'  years,  and  then  emigrated,  in  company 
with  his  parents,  John  and  Mary  A.  (Painter)  Will- 
iams, to  the  United  States,  in  May,  1869.  The 
voyao;e  was  made  on  a  steamship,  the  '-Citj'  of 
New  York,"  sailing  from  Liverpool  to  New  York 
in  seventeen  days.  Thence  the  family  came  di- 
rectly to  Waterville.  this  county,  and  the  father 
of  our  subject  homesteaded  160  .acres  of  land,  from 
which  he  improved  the  farm  now  owned  and  occu- 



pied  by  John  A.  Three  j'ears  later  the  father  pur- 
chased a  farm  in  Washington  County,  this  State, 
to  which  the  parents  removed,  and  vvliere  they  still 
live.  Their  early  home  across  the  Atlantic  was  in 
the  village  of  Norwood  Green,  ten  miles  west  of 
London,  in  which  city  they  were  born,  reared  and 
married.  Afterward  they  kept  a  restaurant  for 
many  years.  Both  were  members  of  the  Church 
of  England. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  soon  became  familiar 
wilh  the  best  methods  of  farming  in  America,  and 
and  in  due  time  took  unto  himself  a  wife  and  help- 
mate, being  married  in  this  county  to  Miss  Lucy 
Braughten.  Of  this  union  there  were  born  two 
children — Walter  B.  and  Sylvia  L.  Mrs.  Lucy 
(Braughten)  Williams  departed  this  life  at-  the 
homestead,  April  24,  1878. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  with 
Miss  Irene,  daugiiter  of  .John  A.  and  Mar}'  (Clev- 
enger)  Thompson,  who  was  born  in  Madison 
County,  Iowa.  The  parents  of  this  lady  were  na- 
tives of  Virginia,  but  removed  to  Ohio  with  their 
respective  families,  and  in  that  State  were  married. 
They  came  to  Kansas  about  1868,  sojourning  here 
two  and  one-half  years,  then  returned  to  Iowa,  and 
lived  there  until  1878.  That  year  they  came  back 
to  Kansas,  and  are  now  living  near  Manhattan.  Of 
this  marriage  of  our  subject  there  have  been  born 
five  children,  viz:  Guy  B.,  .James  O.,  Arthur  L., 
.Tohn  R.  and  Ernest  A.  His  first  wife  was  a  Presby- 
terian in  religious  belief.  Our  subject  and  his 
present  wife  are  members  of  the  Friends'  Church. 
Mr.  Williams,  politically',  is  identified  with  the  Re- 
publican party.  \\'ith  the  exception  of  serving  as 
Constable  one  term  in  Walnut  Township,  he  has 
declined  the  responsibilities  of  office. 

'\f]AMES  SHORES.  Nature  has  done  much 
for  this  gentleman  in  bestowing  upon  him 
a  mind  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence, 
and  a  keen  perception  of  the  obligations 
which  man  owes  to  his  fellowman.  He  is  a  pleas- 
ant and  outspoken  citizen,  one  whose  opinions  are 
generally  respected  in  his  communit}',  and   he   has 

made  for  himself  a  good  record,  especially  during 
the  late  Civil  War.  when,  as  a  resident  of  North 
Carolina,  he  stood  up  bravely  for  the  L'nion  cause. 
He  is  well-known  to  the  citizens  of  Baldcrson 
Township,  and  is  at  present  occupying  the  office  of 
Road  Overseer  in  his  district.  His  well-regulated 
homestead  is  located  on  section  4. 

In  noting  the  antecedents  of  our  subject,  we  find 
that  his  father  was  David  Shores,  a  native  of  North 
Carolina,  engaged  both  in  farming  and  mercantile 
pursuits.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother,  was 
Rachel  Clanten,  who  was  reared  not  far  from  the 
early  home  of  her  husband  in  North  Carolina, 
where  they  were  married,  and  spent  their  entire 
lives.  David  Shores  departed  hence  in  187.5,  and 
his  wife  three  years  later,  in  1878.  There  had  been 
born  to  them  thirteen  children,  six  of  whom  are 
still  living. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  fifth  child  of 
his  parents,  and  was  born  in  North  Carolina,  Sept. 
25,1836.  His  advantages  for  an  education  were 
extremely  limited,  and  he  was  made  acquainted  at 
an  early  age,  with  the  duties  and  responsibilities  of 
life.  He  started  out  for  himself  when  a  youth  of 
nineteen  years,  employing  himself  at  whatever  he 
could  find  to  do,  and  very  soon  thereafter  was  mar- 
ried, in  Decciuber  1855,  to  Miss  Sarah,  daughter  of 
the  late  Thaddeus  and  Eliza  Maynard,  natives  of 
North  Carolina,  and  the  parents  of  two  children, 
of  whom  Mrs.  Shores  was  the  younger.  The  3'oung 
people  settled  in  their  native  township,  and  re- 
mained residents  of  North  Carolina  until  October, 
1869.  Then  removing  across  the  Mississippi,  they 
established  themselves  in  Andrew  County,  Mo., 
where  they  sojourned  until  1883.  That  3ear  they 
came  to  Northern  Kansas,  and  settled  at  the  home- 
stead, where  they  now  live.  This  compiises  160 
acres  of  land  on  the  Otoe  Indian  reservation,  all  of 
which  is  under  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  Mr. 
Shores  put  up  a  frame  house,  together  with  a  barn 
and  other  outbuildings,  and  has  a  large  orchard  of 
ajjple  trees,  besides  shade  and  ornamental  trees. 
He  usuall}'  keeps  about  ten  head  of  cattle,  six  head 
of  horses,  and  fifteen  head  of  swine. 

Of  the  first  marriage  of  our  subject,  there  were 
born  eleven  children,  nine  of  whom  are  living, 
namely:    Sarah  D..   "SI.  Elizal)etii,  .1.   Rush.   Will- 



iam  A.,  Lucy,  Charles,  Benjamin,  Archie,  and  May. 
The  mother  of  these  children  departed  this  life  in 
1882.  Our  subject,  in  December,  1886,  contracted 
a  second  matrimonial  alliance  with  Mrs.  Lyda 
(Sturgeon)  McManamy,  of  Kentucky.  Of  this 
union  there  are  no  children.  Mrs.  Shores  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Baptist  Church,  while 
our  subject  finds  his  religious  home  with  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church,  in  which  he  has  ofHciated 
as  Steward,  and  is  a  leading  member.  He  is  held 
in  high  esteem  by  all  who  know  him,  and  is  dis- 
charging the  duties  of  his  office  in  a  manner  credit- 
able to  himself,  and  satisfactory  to  all  concerned. 
He  has  had  considerable  experience  as  overseer, 
having  held  that  position  while  a  resident  of  Mis- 
souri. He  takes  an  active  interest  in  politics,  and 
uniformly  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket, 
fighting  for  the  interest  of  this  party,  as  faithfully 
as  during  the  old  secession  days. 

ORGAN  HEDGE,  junior  member  of  the 
firm  of  Brainard  &  Hedge,  lumber  and 
grain  dealers,  Oketo,  stands  well  in  regard 
to  ability  and  reputation  in  the  commercial 
circles  of  Marshall  County,  and  he  and  his  partner 
are  conducting  a  growing  and  prosperous  busi- 
ness. He  claims  Indiana  as  the  place  of  his  nativ- 
ity, he  having  been  born  in  Blackford  County, 
that  State,  Oct.  1,  1845.  His  parents,  Abner  and 
Charlotte  (Casterline)  Hedge,  natives  respectively 
of  Pennsylvania  and  New  York,  settled  in  that 
county  after  their  marriage,  and  made  their  home 
there  until  February,  1877,  when  they  came  to 
Kansas  and  located  in  Marshall  County,  on  the 
Vermillion  River,  seven  miles  northwest  of  Frank- 
fort, and  there  the  father's  useful  career  was  cut 
short  by  death.  The  good  mother  is  still  spartd 
to  bless  her  children  with  her  presence. 

Our  subject  is  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth 
of  the  family  of  nine  children  born  to  his  worthy 
parents,  and  by  them  was  reared  to  a  useful  and 
honorable  life,  passing  his  early  years  on  a  farm. 
In  the  year  1877  he  left  the  place  of  his  birth  and 
accompanied  his  father  to  tiiis  State,  and  from  that 

time  was  actively  engaged  in  farming  on  the  Ver- 
million River,  till  the  fall  of  1886,  when  he  re- 
moved on  to  his  own  farm  in  Oketo  Township.  In 
1888  he  abandoned  agricultural  pursuits,  and 
coming  to  Oketo,  entered  into  business  with  his 
present  partner,  under  the  firm  name  of  Brainard 
&  Hedge.  In  his  business  transactions  he  has 
shown  a  cool  head  and  clear  judgment,  and  he  and 
Mr.  Brainard  already  command  an  extensive  trade 
in  lumber  and  grain,  and  their  credit  stands  high 
in  financial  circles.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  they 
are  an  influence  for  good  in  promoting  the  mate- 
rial prosperity  of  the  village  of  Oketo,  and  are  in- 
strumental in  its  upbuilding  to  a  considerable 

The  marriage  of  Mr.  Hedge  to  Miss  Clara  Brain- 
ard took  place  in  this  county  after  his  settlement 
here,  and  in  their  pleasant  home  one  child,  Earl 
M.,  has  been  born  to  them.  Mrs.  Hedge  was  born 
in  Lewis  County,  N.  Y.,  and  is  a  daughter  of  M. 
C.  Brainard,  whose  sketch  appears  on  another 
page  of  this  work. 

Mr.  Hedge  is  a  man  of  exemplary  habits,  and, 
with  his  wife,  occupies  a  high  position  in  social 
circles,  they  being  held  in  general  esteem  for  their 
many  pleasant,  genial  qualities.  Our  subject  has 
a  mind  and  opinions  of  his  own,  as  is  shown  by  his 
political  affiliations,  he  being  an  ardent  advocate 
of  the  Democratic  party. 

—  *> ©♦o-^JAx^s^-o+o- V— 

TEPIIEN  SHELDON  is  one  of  the  firm  of 
Jones  &  Sheldon,  liverymen  and  horse 
dealers.  Oak  street,  Beattie.  If  it  is  a 
pleasure  to  recount  the  success  of  any  hon- 
orable business  man,  how  much  more  pleasurable 
is  it  to  outline  a  sketch  of  one,  who,  by  his  ability, 
energy  and  economy,  has  made  for  himself  a  place 
among  the  prominent  business  men  of  this  little 
city.  Such  a  man  have  we  in  the  subject  of  our 
present  sketch,  who,  starting  in  life  with  but  a 
small  amount  of  this  worli's  goods,  has  by  his  own 
exertions  gained  his  present  enviable  position. 

Mr.  Sheldon  was  born  in  Geauga  County',  Ohio, 
Nov.  27,  18,51.     When  about   fourteen   j-ears   old, 



his  parents  removed  to  Eaton  County,  Mich.,  eight 
miles  northwest  of  Lansing.  Here  lie  lived  on  a 
farm  until  eighteen  years  of  age,  gaining  a  good, 
practical  education.  He  then  began  spending  his 
winters  in  the  lumber  woods,  working  upon  a  farm 
in  the  summer,  and  saving  his  earnings  until  he  was 
about  twent3'-seven  years  old,  when  he  came  West, 
stopping  near  Jefferson  City,  Mo.  In  February, 
1878,  he  came  to  Beattie,  then  but  a  small  railroad 
station,  and  went  with  his  brother  Julius  Sheldon, 
into  the  lumber  business,  carrying  on  the  only 
business  of  the  kind  located  here  at  that  time. 
Our  subject  remained  in  this  business  some  three 
or  four  j'ears  doing  well.  Then  selling  out,  he  en- 
gaged in  farming  until  about  a  year  ago,  when  he 
came  to  the  city  and  joined  Mr.  Jones  in  the  livery 
business,  the  firm  also  having  a  sale  stable. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  Ida,  daughter  of 
II.  M.  Newton,  and  was  born  in  this  count}',  in 
1862.  Their  marriagt  took  place  July  15,  1889. 
Fernando  C.  Sheldon,  the  father  of  our  subject  was 
born  in  New  York,  and  when  a  young  man,  he  re- 
moved to  Indiana,  and  thence  to  the  "Western  re- 
serve of  Ohio,  where  he  married  Miss  Augusta 
Maynard.  To  them  were  born  four  children,  of 
whom  three  still  survive:  our  subject,  Elmer,  liv- 
ing in  Greenville,  Mich.,  and  Ernest,  of  Hamden, 
Ohio.  The  mother,  and  only  daughter,  died  in 
Michigan,  wiien  our  subject  was  sixteen  years  of 
age.  The  father  married  again,  came  to  Kansas, 
but  returned  to  Ohio  in  1874,  and  there  died  the 
following  year.  Our  subject  votes  with  the  Repub- 
lican part}'. 

.     OCX>      - 

(j^.  TAFFORD  HOLMES.  Among  the  many 
^^^  pleasant,  genial  and  successful  residents  of 
Tjl/^)  Marshall  County,  considerable  mention  may 
be  made  of  the  gentleman  whose  name  ap- 
pears at  the  head  of  this  biographical  review.  Of 
American  birth,  he  is  intensely  and  devotedly  at- 
tached to  the  land  of  his  birth,  and  for  her  stars 
and  stripes  cherishes  a  most  patriotic  affection. 

Born  to  Nelson  and  Julia  A.  (Iseminger)  Holmes, 
our  subject  spent  the  earlier  portion  of  his  life 
among  the   pleasant  hills  and   valle^-s  of  Monroe 

County,  Ind.  His  father  was  a  native  of  the  south- 
ern part  of  that  State,  while  his  mother  was  born 
in  Ohio.  Their  first  home  in  Indiana  was  in  Jack- 
son County,  whence  they  removed  to  La  Porte 
County  in  an  early  day.  The  closing  period  of 
their  lives  was  spent  in  the  homes  of  their  children, 
and  they  passed  to  rest  in  York  County,  Neb.  Of 
their  family  of  six  children,  our  sul)ject  was  the 
third  in  order  of  birth. 

The  first  four  years  in  the  life  of  him  of  whom 
we  write,  were  spent  in  the  place  of  his  birth,  Mon- 
roe County,  Ind.,  where  his  earthly  career  com- 
menced July  9,  1845.  When  he  had  arrived  at  the 
age  before  mentioned,  he  was  taken  by  his  parents 
to  La  Porte  County,  and  there  grew  to  a  hardy  and 
vigorous  manhood.  His  father's  farm  was  his  early 
tramping  ground,  and  there  he  passed  the  happy 
years  of  childhood  in  boyish  pleasures,  developing 
a  robust  system;  but  as  he  grew  older,  fun  and 
frolic  gave  place  to  the  busy  occupation  of  a  farmer. 
He  remained  with  his  father  until  he  was  prepared 
to  establish  a  home,  and  found  family  ties  of  his 

Reared  in  La  Porte  County,  it  was  natural  that 
our  subject  should  select  a  wife  from  amono-  its 
fair  daughters.  He  was  united  in  marriage,  Oct. 
29,  1868,  with  Miss  Sarah  Taber.  a  native  of  In- 
diana, and  born  in  Lake  County,  April  12,  1845. 
After  marriage  Mr.  Holmes  and  his  young  bride 
settled  in  La  Porte  County,  which  continued  to  be 
their  home  until  the  fall  of  1880.  Then  attracted 
to  Kansas  by  reports  of  its  fertile  soil  and  vast  re- 
sources, Mr.  Holmes  and  his  wife,  accompanied  by 
their  children,  started  for  Marshall  County,  and 
located  on  section  4.  Center  Township,  of  which  he 
has  since  been  a  resident.  On  this  estate  he  gives 
his  almost  exclusive  attention  to  general  farmino-, 
in  which  he  has  been  prospered  greatly.  His  farm 
has  been  increased  in  size  until  it  now  comprises 
240  acres.  Upon  it  has  been  erected  a  substantial, 
comfortable  residence,  and  other  buildings  neces- 
sary on  a  modern  estate. 

Of  the  three  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife,  two  are  living,  and  one,  William  R., 
died  when  six  months  old.  The  survivino-  are: 
Carleton  K.,  and  Dolly  E.  They  are  growino-  to 
manJKjod  and  womanhood  under  the  [larental  roof 



and  receiving  such  thorougli  and  practical  educa- 
tions as  will  fit  them  to  occupj'  prominent  places  in 
the  social  world  in  future  years.  Our  subject  and 
his  wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Chris- 
tian Church,  and  are  highly  esteemed  by  their 
many  acquaintances  throughout  the  county.  Mr. 
Holmes  is  a  very  pleasant,  genial  associate,  occupy- 
ing a  prominent  position  in  the  ranks  of  the  Re- 
publican party,  while  his  wife  possesses  the  many 
graces  of  true  womanhood,  and  as  the  years  pass 
by,  is  gaining  a  beauty  more  lasting  than  tliat  of 
youth,  the  beauty  of  loveliness. 

^' AMES  M.  WILLIAMS  is  a  man  of  superior 
I  intelligence  and  one  of  the  most  enterprising 
and  public-spirited  citizens  of  Center  Town- 
_  ship.  His  charming  home  on  section  12  is 
a  rall3'ing  point  for  the  culture  and  wealth  of  the 
entire  neighborhood.  The  father,  James  Williams, 
a  native  of  North  Carolina,  is  a  shrewd  business 
man  and  a  well-posted  observer  of  current  events. 
The  mother,  Maria  (Sawyer)  Williams,  was  also 
born  in  North  Carolina  of  a  good  family  and  is  a 
capable  woman  and  a  good  mother.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
James  B.  Williams  were  married  in  their  native 
State  and  made  that  their  home  until  1850,  wiien 
they  travelled  northward,  and  after  a  leisurely  sur- 
vej'  of  the  district  traversed  by  them,  located  in 
Hartford  Citj-,  Ind.  Thej'  were  the  parents  of 
twelve  children,  of  whom  James  M.  is  the  fourth. 
Hand-in-hand  ^hey  have  passed  through  the  many 
struggles  of  a  long  and  laborious  life  and  are  now 
enjoying  a  well-earned  repose  in  their  pleasant  home 
in  Indiana,  where  Mr.  Williams  has  retired  from 
the  active  duties  connected  with  the  management 
of  his  farm. 

The  subject  of  this  biography  was  born  on  his 
father's  farm  near  Elizabeth  City.  N.  C,  March  8, 
1850,  and  was  only  a  few  months  old  when  his  par- 
ents emigrated  to  Indiana.  His  youth  and  early 
manhood  were  spent  on  the  farm  of  his  parents. 
The  schools  were  far  superior  to  the  usual  ones 
found  in  ordinary  country  districts,  and  young 
James     improved     the    opportunities    offered    by 

them  to  the  best  of  his  ability  and  thus  became 
quite  a  noted  scholar  in  that  locality.  In  1870, 
when  only  twenty  years  old,  he  was  enabled  to  de- 
rive some  pecuniary  benefit  from  his  previous  close 
application  to  his  studies,  by  accepting  a  position 
to  teach  others  what  he  had  thoroughly  learned 
himself.  He  followed  the  profession  of  teaching 
for  a  period  of  seven  years,  but  subsequently 
rented  a  farm  and  engaged  in  the  occupation  of  a 
tiller  of  the  soil   in   imitation    of  our    first  parents. 

One  of  the  happiest  days  in  the  lifetime  of  Mr. 
Williams,  and  best  remembered,  was  the  one  when 
Miss  Louisa  Jones  transferred  her  happiness  into 
his  keeping,  and  trustingl}'  set  out  with  him  to  seek 
what  the  future  held  in  store  for  them.  Their 
marriage  was  celebrated  Feb.  27,  1879,  and  after 
one  year's  residence  in  the  neighborhood  of  their 
youthful  days  the}'  emigrated  to  Kansas,  and  located 
on  section  12,  Center  Township,  Slarshall  County, 
where  the}'  had  previously  purchased  160  acres  of 
land.  The  soil  was  highly  productive  and  markets 
good,  our  young  friends  were  blessed  with  jouth  and 
health,  which,  united  with  thrift  and  intelligent 
labor,  have  brought  them  their  just  reward  of  a 
flourishing  and  well  ordered  estate  that  now  em- 
braces 240  acres  of  finel}^  cultivated  land,  u|)on 
which  he  has  made  many  good  and  valuable  im- 
provements, besides  the  commodious  buildings 
erected  at  convenient  places  for  the  use  and  com- 
fort of  his  family  and  dependents,  and  for  shelter 
for  the  high  grade  stock,  which  forms  a  very  con- 
siderable and  profitable  part  of  his  farm  opera- 

Mrs.  Williams  is  one  of  the  ornaments  of  the 
social  and  literary  world  of  Center  Township,  but 
is  equall}'  cliarming  in  domestic  life,  and  her  gra- 
cious hospitality  is  a  real  boon  to  any  world-weary 
one  who  chances  to  stray  that  way.  She  is  a  native 
of  Indiana,  where  she  was  born  Aug.  16,  1853, 
near  Hartford  Citj'.  Her  parents,  John  and  Dolly 
(Buoy)  .Jones  were  residentsof  that  city  for  a  num- 
ber of  years;  their  last  resting  place  is  in  the  beau- 
tiful cemetery.  Olive  Branch,  adjoining  tlie  thriving 
town,  which  was  the  scene  of  their  earthly 
activities.  Mr.  Jones  was  a  native  of  the  historic 
little  State  of  Delaware,  hallowed  to  the  annals  of 
our  country  by  tlie  gallant  efforts    of  the  doughty 


R  E5IDENCE  or  John   Kirch.  Sec  I  7.  Elm  C  reek  Tr 


Res.  or  James  Williams    SEC.IJi.  Center   Tp 



sons  of  liberty  in  their  struggle  for  freedom  from  llie 
yoke  of  the  haughty  Briton.  Mrs.  Jones  was  born 
in  Monroe  County,  Ohio,  and  was  the  worthy  mate 
of  a  good  man. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Williams  h.ave  become  the  parents 
of  two  children — Jim,  and  one  who  died  in  early 
infancy,  like  a  tender  bud  that  was  plucked  too  soon. 
Mr.  Williams  is  a  wide-awake  citizen,  keenly  alive 
to  anything  that  will  tend  to  promote  the  interests 
of  his  district,  but  takes  a  proportionally  great  in- 
terest in  national  affairs  and  assists  with  all  his 
might,  whatever  will,  in  his  opinion,  produce  the 
most  good  for  the  greatest  number.  He  takes  a 
deep  interest  in  educational  matters,  believing  tliat 
tiie  proper  training  of  the  young  is  a  duty  that  the 
present  generation  owes  to  those  who  will  follow. 
Politically,  our  subject  is  a  Republican,  but  would 
not  subordinate  right  principles  to  mere  party  suc- 
cess. He  has  filled  the  position  of  Justice  of  the 
Peace  with  eminent  ability  for  two  3'ears. 

Elsewhere  in  this  work  appears  a  fine  lithographic 
engraving  of  the  pleasant  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 

^IJ  OHN  B.  KIRCH.  Gradually,  as  the  old  pio- 
neers 3'et  spared  are  retiring  from  the  ac- 
tive labors  of  life,  the  younger  men  are 
filling  their  places,  the  most  of  them  in  a 
manner  befitting  their  training,  pursuing  the  same 
course  of  industry  and  economy  which  enabled 
their  parents  to  battle  successfully  with  life  on  the 
frontier,  and  leave  to  their  descendants  a  goodl}^ 

The  subject  of  this  notice,  a  young  man  of  thirty- 
tliree  years,  has  the  entire  charge  of  the  old 
homestead  of  his  father,  which  consists  of  240  acres 
of  well-improved  land  finely  located  on  section  17 
in  Elm  Creek  Township.  John  Kirch,  the  father 
of  our  subject,  was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of 
this  county,  and  is  still  living  upon  the  old  home- 
stead which  he  built  up  from  the  wilderness.  He 
located  here  in  1857,  and  was  the  first  German  set- 
tler in  his  community.  He  was  born  in  Germany 
Sept.  28,  1820,  in  the  county  of  Luxemburg,  and 
was  first  married  in  1847  to  Miss  Anna  Mary  Kat- 

ter,  wlio  died  on  the  ocean  while  making  the  voy- 
age to  America.  He  was  again  married  in  1 850, 
his  second  wife  being  Miss  Anna  Thielan,  also  a 
native  of  the  Fatherland,  and  the  daughter  of  John 
Thielan,  who  is  living  in  Wisconsin,  at  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eighty-eight  years.  On  arriving  in 
America  the  father  of  our  subject  settled  in  Ozau- 
kee County,  Wis.,  and  made  it  his  home  until  1857. 
That  year  he  brought  his  family  to  this  county,  of 
which  they  have  since  been  residents.  When  he 
settled  here  the  Indians  still  roamed  over  the  broad 
prairies,  some  hostile,  others  friendl3r.  Upon  one 
occasion  some  white  settlers  had  been  out  buffalo 
hunting,  and  returning  from  the  pleasures  of  the 
eha^,  met  some  Pottawatomie  Indians,  with  whom 
they  engaged  in  deadly  conflict,  killing  three  of 
TOem.  Mr.  Kirch  buried  the  bodies  of  the  fallen 
\V:arriors  a  few  daj's  after  the  occurrence. 

In  common  with  the  people  around  them,  the 
parents  of  our  subject  endured  many  hardships  and 
privations  while  battling  with  the  difficulties  of  life 
on  the  frontier,  but  industry  and  ceaseless  endeavor 
bore  their  legitimate  fruits,and  in  due  time  they  were 
amply  rewarded.  There  came  to  the  household  a 
family  of  six  children — three  sons  and  three  daugh- 
ters— of  whom  John  B.,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest 
son  and  third  child.  He  was  born  in  Ozaukee 
County,  Wis.,  Aug.  22,  1856,  and  was  about  nine 
months  old  when  his  parents  came  to  this  count}'; 
hence  he  knows  no  other  home,  and  here  have  cen- 
tered his  chief  interests.  He  grew  up  on  a  farm, 
and  received  his  education  in  the  common  school. 
He  chose  agriculture  for  his  occupation,  and  at  an 
earlj'  age  adapted  himself  to  tlie  various  employ- 
ments of  farm  life. 

Our  subject  remained  a  bachelor  until  approach- 
ing the  twentj' -seventh  year  of  his  life,  and  was 
thei,  married.  May  31,  1883,  to  Miss  Anna  C.  Hil- 
debrandt,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Lena  (Oswald) 
Hildebrandt.  This  lady  was  born  in  Leavenworth, 
Kan.,  Oct.  17,  1862.  Her  union  with  our  subject 
has  resulted  in  the  birth  of  three  children — John 
E.,  Charles  W.,  and  Harry  H.  Charles  died  when 
a. babe  of  eleven  months.  The  two  living  are 
bright  boys  upon  whom  tlie  parents  are  building 
great  hopes  of  the  future. 

In    politics    Mr.  Kirch  is    an  active  Republican, 



taking  a  livel}'  interest  in  local  affairs.  He  is 
serving  as  Township  Trustee,  to  which  office  he 
was  elected  in  November,  1888.  He  has  been  a 
School  Director  in  his  district  four  years,  and 
School  Treasurer  nine  years.  Both  he  and  his  es- 
timable wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the 
Catholic  Church,  as  are  also  his  father  and  mother 
and  the  other  members  of  the  family  circle. 

Elsewhere  in  this  volume  appears  a.  fine  litho- 
graphic view  of  the  cozy  home  of  our  subject  and 
his  wife,  and  it  is  the  universal  wish  of  their  hosts 
of  friends  that  they  may  be  spared  many  years  to 
enjoy  their  comfortable  home  and  the  good  things 
of  this  life. 

PRANCIS  W.  HAMMETT.     The   family  of 
this  name  has  been  for   many  years   identi- 
^_  lied    with    the    most  important  interests  of 

Elm  Creek  Township.  They  are  almost  uniformlj' 
industrious  and  well-to-do,  possessing  in  a  marked 
degree  the  faculty  of  getting  on  iu  the  world. 
The  subject  of  this  notice  is  one  of  the  most 
worthy  representatives  of  the  name  and  is  com- 
paratively a  young  man,  on  the  sunny  side  of 
forty,  a  native  of  Marshall  County,  111.,  and  born 
Dec.  30,  1852.  In  his  home  surroundings  he  is 
remarkably  fortunate,  having  a  very  intelligent 
and  amiable  lady  for  a  wife,  and  an  interesting 
group  of  children,  and  it  is  to  his  credit  that  around 
his  fireside  centers  his  chief  interests. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Josiah  M.  and 
Rachel  (Frazier)  Hammett,  mention  of  whom  is 
made  in  the  sketch  of  J.  M.  Hammett  on  another 
page  in  this  Album.  Francis  W.  was  the  fourth 
child  of  the  family,  and  spent  his  boyhood  and 
youth  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  manner  on 
the  farm,  acquiring  habits  of  industry  and  receiv- 
ing his  education  in  the  common  school.  In  the 
summer  of  1866  the  familj'.  leaving  Illinois,  came 
to  this  county,  and  our  subject  thereafter  remained 
a  member  of  the  parental  household  until  his  mar- 
riage. This  interesting  and  important  event  was 
celebrated  at  the  residence  of  the  late  John 
Shroyer  Oct.  2,   1878,  the  bride  being  Miss  Harriet 

Shroyer,  who  was  born  in  Ohio  Feb.  13,  1857. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Hammett 
was  May  Zortman;  she  was  a  native  of  Ohio,  and 
is  now  deceased. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hammett 
settled  on  section  29  iu  Elm  Creek  Township,  where 
our  subject  prosecuted  farming  successfully,  and  in 
due  time  invested  the  proceeds  in  additional  land. 
He  is  now  the  owner  of  305  acres,  located  on  sec- 
tions 19  and  29,  Elm  Creek  Township,  where  he 
has  erected  good  buildings  and  effected  other  im- 
provements. He  makes  a  specialty  of  stock-rais- 
ing, and  keeps  himself  thoroughly  posted  in  regard 
to  modern  methods,  while  availing  himself  of  the 
most  approved  machinery.  He  naturally  has  little 
time  to  mix  with  politics,  but  gives  his  support  to 
the  Democratic  part}-. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hammett  there  have  been  born 
five  children,  viz.:  Royal  F.,  Rinaldo,  Idella, 
George  A.  and  Essie  P.  John  Shro3er,  the  father 
of  Mrs.  Hammett,  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his 
native  State  of  Ohio,  where  he  married  a  maiden 
of  his  own  county,  and  they  lived  in  the  Buckeye 
State  for  some  time  thereafter.  Upon  their  remo- 
val thence  they  settled  among  the  early  pioneers 
of  this  county,  and  thereafter  remained  residents  of 
Elm  Creek  Township  until  departing  hence.  Mr. 
Shroyer  died  about  1864-65;  the  mother  survived 
until  February,  1883,  spending  her  last  days  on 
the  old  homestead.  Their  family  consisted  of  ten 
children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Hammett  was  the  seventh 
in  order  of  birth.  All  of  these  are  yet  living  and 
located  mostly  in  Kansas. 

^^  ARL  F.  BARKS  was  born  in  Prussia,  April 
if  _  1,  1823.  When  a  young  man  he  learned 
^^J(^  storekeepiug,  serving  five  years  at  that  em- 
ployment, after  which  he  spent  three  years  in  the 
German  army.  After  leaving  the  army  he  engaged 
in  store  keeping  for  tliirteen  years.  In  1861,  he 
with  his  family,  consisting  of  a  wife  and  five  chil- 
dren came  to  America,  landing  at  Quebec  in  Sep- 
tember of  that  year.  He  went  directly'  to  Prince- 
ton, 111.,  at  which  place  he  engaged  in  store-keeping 

i^OtiTMli:'  ANb  BiOGIiAPHiCAL  ALfeuM. 


for  a  period  of  eight  years.  He  tlien  sold  out  but 
remained  in  Bureau  County,  engaged  in  other 
business  for  ten  3'ears.  In  1879  he  came  to  this 
county,  buying  160  acres  of  land  on  section  27, 
near  Mar3'sville,  on  which  place  he  has  since  re- 
sided, having  a  good  home,  both  buildings  and 
farm  being  in  an  excellent  condition. 

The  wife  of  Mr.  Barks  bore  the  maiden  name  of 
Catherine  H.  Guhl.  Their  marriage  took  place  in 
Germany,  September,  1846.  Mrs.  Barks  has  be- 
come the  mother  of  seven  children,  two  of  whom 
died  when  quite  young.  The  others  are  as  follows: 
William;  Henrietta  and  Theresa,  deceased;  Her- 
man and  Lizzie.  Mrs.  Barks  died  in  Marysville 
Township,  Dec.  21,  1882. 

Mr.  Barks  is  a  man  exhibiting  the  sturdy  good 
qualities  of  his  race,  economical,  industrious  and  of 
strict  integrity.  His  political  adherence  is  given 
to  the  Democratic  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
Lutheran  Church  in  Marysville,  as  are  also  his 
children,  who  are  married  and  have  homes  of  their 
own;  one  in  Washington,  one  in  Princeton,  111., 
and  one  in  Marysville. 

jYRON  A.  HILL,  Postmaster  of  Stolzen- 
iy\^  bach,  was  appointed  to  this  office  in  Janu- 
ary, 1882,  and  still  holds  the  position.  He 
is  numbered  among  the  prominent  farmers 
of  Balderson  Township,  and  occupies  a  large,  sub- 
stantial stone  residence,  which  in  former  days  was 
the  Presbyterian  Mission  House  for  the  Otoe  In- 
dians. It  has  been  renovated  and  modernized, 
and  makes  one  of  those  quaint-looking  buildings 
which  we  frequentlj'  r^ad  of,  bnt  seldom  see. 

Mr.  Hill  is  principally  distinguished  for  his 
strong  temperance  principles  and  his  warm  interest 
in  the  .Sabbath-school.  Both  he  and  his  wife  and 
and  all  the  children  are  members  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  in  which  Mr.  Hill  has  held  the 
offices  of  Steward,  Class-Leader  and  Trustee.  Two 
of  his  children  have  been  superintendents  of  the 
Sabbath-school,  and  all  make  themselves  useful  as 
teachers  therein.  In  the  County  Sunday-school 
Association  Mr.  Ilill  is   a  prominent  light,  having 

served  as  Vice-president  in  Kansas,  and  in  Illinois 
he  was  President  of  the  County  Sunday-school  As- 
sociation for  three  years. 

Coming  of  good  old  New  England  stock,  our 
subject  was  born  Jan.  3,  1827,  in  Oneida  County, 
N.  Y.,  and  was  the  second  in  afamily  of  four  chil- 
dren, the  offspring  of  Uriah  and  Rhoda  (Tibbals) 
Hill,  who  were  natives  respectively  of  Connecti- 
cut and  Greene  County,  N.  Y.  The  paternal 
grandfather,  Uriah  Hill,  was  of  English  parentage, 
and  born  in  Connecticut.  The  parents  of  our  sub- 
ject were  married  in  New  York  State,  after  which 
they  settled  in  Oneida  County,  and  died  there,  the 
the  mother  in  April,  1833,  and  the  father  in  June, 
1843.  Three  of  their  children  are  living,  the  two 
besides  our  subject  being  residents  of  Illinois  and 

Mr.  Hill  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native 
county,  receiving  a  good  education  in  the  common 
school.  After  the  death  of  the  father  the  children 
had  guardians  appointed  over  them.  Upon  at- 
taining his  majority,  Byron  A.,  leaving  the  Em- 
pire State,  made  his  way  to  Marshall  County,  111., 
where  he  engaged  in  farming  and  as  a  house  car- 
penter until  December,!  880.  Then,  selling  his  farm, 
he  removed  first  to  Fairbury,  Neb.,  and  thence, 
in  March,  1881,  came  to  this  county,  and  the  year 
following  took  possession  of  his  present  homestead. 

The  10th  of  August,  1852,  witnessed  the  mar- 
riage of  our  subject  with  Miss  Amanda  Leigh, 
daughter  of  Elisha  N.  and  Sarah  (Bowman)  Leigh, 
who  were  natives  respectively  of  New  Jersey  and 
Virginia.  The3'  became  residents  of  Marshall 
County,  III.,  at  an  early  day,  and  had  a  family  of 
seven  children,  Mrs.  Hill  being  the  fifth.  She  was 
born  in  Tazewell  Countj',  111.,  Dec.  15,  1832.  Mr. 
Leigh  died  March  16,  1871.  The  mother  survived 
her  husband  a  number  of  years,  passing  away  in 
May,  1883. 

Of  the  nine  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hill 
seven  are  living:  Harry  H.  died  Feb.  22,  1878, 
aged  four  j^ears;  Katie  died  Feb.  8,  1878,  aged 
two  years.  Rhoda  E.  was  born  May  19,  1853; 
S.  Alice,  Aug.  3,  1855;  Horace  W.,  June  2.  1857; 
Frank  L..  March  5,  1860;  Sherman  S.,  Jan.  7, 
1864;  Lucy  Renette,  Sept.  1,  1867;  and  Charles 
B.,  Dec.  1,  1870.     Mrs.  Hill  has  320  acres  of  land, 



all  in  one  bod^y,  including  forty  acres  of  timber 
and  stone  quarry.  The  farm  is  operated  princi- 
pally by  Mr.  Hill  and  bis  son,  Sherman.  They  keep 
about  sixty  head  of  cattle,  fourteen  horses  and 
fifty  head  of  swine. 

Mr.  Hill  takes  an  active  part  in  politics,  and  was 
first  an  Abolitionist,  second  a  Free-Soiler.  and  lat- 
terly .1  Republican.  He  has  served  as  a  member 
of  the  Seliool  Board,  and  also  as  Commissioner  of 
Highways  in  Illinois.  During  the  late  Civil  War 
he  was  an  efficient  member  of  the  Union  League. 
He  takes  an  active  interest  in  local  affairs,  and  in 
his  temperance  principles  has  the  warm  sympathy 
of  his  whole  family. 

^  OHN  L.  HAZLETT.  To  this  gentleman  was 
i  given  the  honor  of  naming  the  townsliip  for 
Ex-President  Grover  Cleveland,  as  he  had 
been  instrumental  in  securing  its  formation. 
John  L.  Hazlett,  whose  residence  is  in  section  10, 
Cleveland  Township,  was  born  in  Butler  County, 
Pa.,  Nov.  6,  1835.  His  father,  Reuben,  now  de- 
ceased, was  a  native  of  Indiana,  following  the  occu- 
pation of  a  farmer.  His  mother  was  iMary  Dufle}', 
a  native  of  Carlisle,  Pa.  Of  the  large  family  of 
nine  children,  six  are  living — Eliza,  Mrs.  McBride, 
of  Butler,  Pa.;  Jane,  Mrs.  Messick,  of  Genesee 
County,  Mich. ;  Catherine,  Mrs.  Messick  of  this 
county,  near  Marysville;  Reuben,  of  Danville, 
Ark.;  Matilda,  Mrs.  Duff,  of  Butler  County,  Pa., 
and  the  subject  of  our  sketch. 

Mr.  Hazlett's  education  was  mainly  acquired  in 
country  schools  and  at  a  boarding-school  at  North 
Washington,  Pa.  In  May,  1871,  he  reached  this 
county  after  a  somewhat  lengthy  trip,  having  come 
via  boat  from  Pittsburg  to  Kansas  Citj',  changing  at 
Wheeling,  Cincinnati  and  St.  Louis.  From  Kan- 
sas City  his  journej-  was  by  rail  to  Frankfort.  This, 
however,  was  not  his  first  trip  to  Kansas,  as  in  1869 
he  had  worked  at  his  trade  (carpenter)  in  Sedalia 
and  Holden,  Mo. 

Mr.  Hazlett  lived  in  Frankfort  one  year,  then 
located  at  Irish  Creek,  in  this  townsliip  and  has 
made  it  his  home  ever  since,  continuing,  however. 

to  work  in  Frankfort  for  the  space  of  ten  years. 
At  this  particular  time  it  was  all  Vermillion  Town- 
ship, and  for  seven  years  he  served  as  Justice  of 
the  Peace,  having  his  ofHce  at  Frankfort.  In  1882 
Mr.  Hazlett  took  a  trip  to  Colorado,  being  absent 
about  two  months.  In  187.3  he  made  his  perma- 
nent home  on  the  farm  where  he  now  resides,  but 
ma}'  still  be  found  working  at  his  trade,  which  he 
learned  when  twenty-five  j-ears  old,  having  built 
many  of  the  houses  and  barns  throughout  the 
country.  Mr.  Hazlett  is  a  fine  mechanic,  as  much  of 
the  machinery  used  in  that  vicinity  will  testifj-. 
November  21,  1858,  our  subject  was  united  in  mar- 
riage to  Miss  Bridget  E.  Magee,  daughter  of 
William  Magee,  deceased.  Mrs.  Hazlett's  birthplace 
was  Butler  County,  Pa.  Fifteen  children  blessed 
this  union,  and  of  the  number  ten  are  living.  Will- 
iam R.  married  Jane  Kell}',  is  a  resident  of  this 
township,  and  the  father  of  three  children — David 
Edward,  Cecelia  M.  and  Mary  G. ;  Eugene  A.;  Ida 
L.  and  Viola,  (twins;)  Ida  married  John  Harris  of 
this  township,  and  has  three  children — Walter  J., 
John  Ray  and  Mary  C;  Zachary  J.;  Flora  J.  and 
Leo  E.,  (twins;)  Margaret  A.,  Ellen  T.  and  Henri- 
etta,    They  have  lost  one  pair  of  twins. 

Mr.  Hazlett's  farm  consists  of  eightj-.flve  acres, 
the  management  of  which  he  has  given  up  to  his 
sons.  He  was  elected  Township  Trustee  at  the 
organization  of  Cleveland  Township  in  July,  1885, 
and  has  served  ever  since,  with  the  exception  of 
one  year,  and  is  its  present  incumbent.  Mr.  Haz- 
lett's wife  and  family  are  Roman  Catholics,  but  he 
is  not  a  communicant. 


^]ACOB  S.  PARTHEMER.  A  prominent 
figure  in  Barrett  is  the  gentleman  whose 
name  heads  this  sketch.  Six  feet  in  height 
and  proportionatelj'  large,  with  gray  hair 
mustache  and  goatee,  and  florid  complexion,  light 
e3'es  beaming  from  behind  his  spectacles,  and  an 
air  of  dignity  and  self-respect,  he  would  be  notice- 
able in  a  far  larger  city.  The  position  which  he 
occupies  as  one  of  the  prominent  general  mer- 
chants and  Postmaster,  is  additional  reason  for  the 



notice  of  a  passing  visitor,  and  inquii-y  would  de- 
velop tliefact  that  he  has  been  for  many  j'ears  an 
important  member  of  the  society  of  the  town. 

Philip  Parthemer,  great-grandfather  of  our  sub- 
ject, emigrated  from  Germany  to  America  in  1744. 
He  took  part  in  tiie  Revolutionary  War,  and  lived 
beyond  the  three-score  years  and  ten  allotted  to 
man.  He  was  a  whitesmith,  or  worker  in  edge 
tools,  in  which  trade  his  son,  John  Jacob,  grand- 
father of  our  sulijeet,  was  instructed.  Jacob  Par- 
themer, father  of  our  subject,  was  a  native  of 
Pennsylvania,  and  during  the  War  of  1812,  was  a 
member  of  a  regiment  from  that  State.  He  en-;-- 
gaged  in  no  active  service,  however,  as  the  war 
ended  before  his  command  could  reach  any  scene 
of  battle.  He  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Jona- 
than Suster,  of  an  o'd  Pennsylvania  family.  Their 
family  embraced  three  sons  and  seven  daughters, 
of  whom  our  subject  was  the  eldest:  Elizabeth  is 
the  wife  of  Martin  Wetzel,  a  farmer  and  miller; 
her  home  is  in  Blilford  Center,  Union  Co.,  Ohio, 
and  they  have  a  family  of  grown  children.  Mary 
married  Alexander  Ararine,  who  died  over  thirty- 
five  years  ago;  she  subsequently  married  Zephniah 
Reed,  who  died  leaving  a  small  family ;  her  home 
is  in  Milford  Center,  Ohio.  Cliristian  is  a  farmer, 
at  the  same  place;  he  married  Jane  Boyer.  Cath- 
erine, now  Mrs.  Isaac  Y.  Coffe}^,  lives  upon  a  farm 
in  Waubansee  County,  Kan.  Joseph  lives  in 
Maysville,  Union  Co.,  Oliio,  where  he  is  employed 
as  clerk  in  a  store;  he  is  a  blacksmith  by  trade. 
Magdaline  died  at  the  age  of  thirteen  years.  Har- 
riett is  single,  and  resides  with  her  sister  Elizabeth 
in  Milford,  Ohio.  Malissa  is  the  wife  of  Albert 
Gibson,  a  farmer.  Sarah,  Mrs.  Ed  Turner,  lives 
with  her  husband  and  family  in  Champaign  County, 
Ohio,  upon  a  farm. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Dauphin,  Pa.,  in  1818, 
and  passed  his  boj'  his  native  State,  ac- 
quiring an  education  in  subscription  schools  there. 
When  about  twenty-one  years  of  age  his  parents 
removed  to  Union  County,  Ohio,  and  settled  upon 
a  farm  near  Maysville.  He  had  been  reared  to  the 
pursuit  of  agriculture,  which  bis  father  followed, 
and  lie  also  learned  the  carpenter's  trade.  At  the 
two  employments  he  found  abundant  use  for  his 
physical  energies,  and  exercised  his  mental  powers 

by  teaching  school  a  number  of  terms.  Early  in 
December  of  1841  he  was  married  to  Maria,  daugh- 
ter of  .John  and  Nanc^'  Amrine,  the  bride  being  a 
native  of  Union  County,  Ohio.  The  wife  died  in 
1851,  leaving  five  children  to  the. care  of  the  be- 
reaved husband.  On  April  13,  1852,  our  subject 
was  married  a  second  time,  the  bride  being  Miss 
Maria  Clayton.  Shortly  after  this  marriage  he  re- 
moved to  Marion,  Butler  Co.,  Iowa,  where  he  re- 
sided until  October,  1859.  He  then  came  to  this 
count}',  and  at  the  Junction  City  land  office  entered 
160  acres  of  land,  lying  in  Wells  Township,  two 
miles  west  of  Barrett.  Upon  this  land  lie  resided 
•until  his  youngest  son  became  of  age,  when  he 
transferred  the  title  to  him  and  moved  into  town. 
During  his  first  years  in  Kansas  he  engaged  in 
school  teaching.  After  his  removal  to  Barrett  ho 
occupied  himself  with  carpenter  woik  and  wagon 
repairing  until  1872,  when  he  began  merchan- 

Of  the  five  children  left  by  Mr.  Parthemer's  first 
wife  all  still  survive  except  the  oldest;  this  was 
a  daughter,  Adeline,  who  became  the  wife  of  Jacob 
Collins,  and  died  in  Butler  County,  Iowa,  within 
a  year  after  her  marriage,  at  tlie  early  age  of 
seventeen.  Ann  is  the  wife  of  Ira  Ingles,  a  farmer 
living  in  Butler  County,  Iowa.  Arthur  served 
in  the  Union  arm}'  during  the  late  Civil  War,  is 
unmarried,  and  for  several  years  has  been  a  resi- 
dent of  Arizona.  Nancy  J.,  widow  of  Hiram 
Overacker,  is  living  in  Washington.  May  Ellen 
is  a  widow  and  resides  in  Logan  County,  Kan. 
The  result  of  our  subject's  second  marriage  was 
one  son,  Jonathan,  who  is  now  living  at  Clayton, 
Norton  Co.,  Kan.;  he  married  Miss  Haltie  Mosher. 

Mr.  Parthemer  was  the  first  Postmaster  of  the 
village,  having  been  appointed  by  Abraham  Lincoln 
iu  1861.  The  office  was  then  located  on  the  west 
side  of  Vermillion  Creek.  Mr.  Parthemer  con- 
tinued in  charge  of  the  office  until  1869,  when  he 
resigned.  He  was  again  appointed  in  1872,  but 
resigned  after  a  short  time.  In  1887  he  was  again 
re-appointed,  and  is  still  holding  the  position.  He 
was  also  the  first  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  Barrett, 
.and  held  the  office  for  fifteen  years.  He  has 
served  as  Township  Trustee,  Township  Clerk,  and 
Township  Treasurer,  each  one  year.     He  has  been 



School  District  Clerk,  and  for  nine  years  was 
School  Treasurer.  He  is  now  Notary  Public  of 
Barrett.  He  is  a  man  of  high  standing  in  the 
Methodist  Church,  of  which  he  has  long  been  a 
member.  He  is  a  supporter  of  the  principles  of 
the  Republican  part^',  and  is  a  man  of  upright 
character  and  good  business  qualifications,  an  ex- 
celent  conversationalist  and  a  highly  respected 


W  EVI  H.  EBY,  minister  of  the  (;erman  Bap- 
I  (@i  tist  Church,  presides  over  an  intelligent 
j'^\  congregation,  comprising  residents  of  Guit- 
tard,  Richland,  Balderson,  and  St.  Bridget  town- 
ships, the  services  being  held  in  the  Barklow 
school-house.  They  contemplate  erecting  a  church 
edifice  in  the  near  future.  The  church  was  estab- 
lished in  1883,  and  deacons  were  appointed,  but 
there  was  no  minister.  In  the  spring  of  1  884  Mr. 
Eby  came  to  Kansas,  and  in  connection  with  Will- 
iam Sm  ith  and  N  F.  Brubaker,  assumed  charge  of 
the  congregation,  which  is  composed  of  forty-two 
members.  He  has  proven  himself  a  faithful  and 
efficient  pastor,  and  is  thoroughtly  alive  to  the 
duties  of  his  position. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Stephen- 
son County,  111.,  Sept.  9,  1858,  and  there  spent  the 
early  years  of  his  life.  He  received  a  'good  edu- 
cation, having  attended  Mt.  Morris  College  after 
leaving  the  common  school.  Then,  being  elected 
to  the  ministry,  he  expected  to  give  four  more 
years  to  stud3%  but  entered  upon  his  duties  at 
once.  He  was  married  while  a  resident  of  Lena, 
111.,  March  1,  1883,  to  Miss  Angle  Yarger,  and  es- 
tablished himself  in  Brown  County,  this  State. 
Thence,  in  1 884  he  came  to  this  county  and  pur- 
chased a  farm  of  eighty  acres  on  section  15  in 
Richland  Township,  where  he  has  effected  the  usual 
improvements,  and  in  connection  with  his  ministe- 
rial labors  has  prosecuted  agriculture  in  a  very 
successful  manner.  He  is  the  father  of  two  bright 
(children — Ethel  E.  and  Edna  D. 

Mrs.  Eby  was  born  April  2,  1858,  in  Stephenson 
County,  111.,  and  is  the  sister  of  George  Yarger, 
a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere   in  this  work. 

She  took  kindly  to  her  books  in  her  childhood,  and 
developed  into  a  successful  teacher,  which  profess- 
ion she  followed  for  some  time  prior  to  her  mar- 
riage. The  father  of  our  subject  was  Enoch  Eby, 
a  native  of  Franklin  Count}',  Pa.,  and  born  Nov. 
13,  1828.  He  lived  there  and  in  Huntingdon 
County  until  the  removal  of  the  family  to  Illinois 
about  1850.  He  married  Miss  Hettie  Howe,  and 
they  reared  a  family  of  seven  children.  Thej' 
were  i-esidents  of  the  Prairie  State  until  1886,  and 
Enoch  El\y  for  twenty-two  years  was  an  Elder  in 
the  church,  and  for  five  years  was  Moderator  in  the 
General  Annual  Conference.  He  was  invested 
with  the  Bishop's  Order  and  is  now  a  resident  of 
Hntchinson,  Kan.  About  1877  he,  in  company 
with  Daniel  Fry,  was  sent  as  a  missionary  to  Den- 
mark, where  he  remained  seven  months,  organizing 
societies  and  laboring  generally  in  the  interests  of 
the  church.  In  connection  with  these  duties  he 
came  to  Kansas,  there  being  but  few  to  build  up 
the  church  in  the  West.  He  traveled  over  a  large 
portion  of  the  State  and  much  of  the  territory  ad- 
joining. He  has  since  1876  given  his  time  almost 
exclusively  to  church  work.  The  wife  and  mother 
died  in  1861  at  West  Point,  111.  The  father  was 
married  a  second  time  in  1863,  in  Peunsjlvania. 

3 ^-4^-^- 

*  I^ILLIAM  W.  EDDY.  Nowhere  in  Mar- 
\^//  shall  County  can  a  more  attractive  home 
V^^  be  found  than  that  of  the  above  named 
gentleman.  It  is  a  farm  of  160  acres,  all  under 
thorough  cultivation,  and  containing  upon  its  fer- 
tile expanse  600  apple  trees  and  many  other  fruit 
and  shade  trees  and  a  substantial  house,  together 
with  adequate  farm  buildings.  Its  owner  and 
occupant  came  to  this  county  in  September,  1871. 
having  previously  purchased  this  quarter-section  of 
hind  in  Walnut  Township,  on  section  14.  Five 
acres  of  land  had  been  broken,  and  the  remainder 
was  open  prairie.  During  the  fall  after  his  arrival 
Mr.  Eddy  built  a  part  of  the  house  which  he  now 
occupies,  and  in  the  spring  began  breaking  the 
land  and  impi-oving  the  farm.  He  had  a  hard 
struggle,  having  no  means  left  after  building  his 



lioiise,  but  tbat  he  has  been  eminentlj'  successful 
liis  home  and  its  attractive  surroundings  now  prove. 
In  place  of  the  wild  prairie  devoid  of  shade,  and  a 
few  acres  of  broken  ground,  which  he  once  saw,  iie 
can  now  look  forth  over  fine  fields  beautified  by 
growing  crops,  large  orchards  from  which  an  abun- 
dance of  fruit  is  obtained,  and  in  the  shade  of 
beautiful  trees  which  he  has  grown,  can  take  a  well- 
earned  rest. 

Our  subject's  paternal  grandfather,  Berrick 
Eddy,  was  born  in  Nova  Scotia,  and  came  with  his 
parents  to  America,  when  about  four  years  of  age. 
He  spent  his  life  chiefly  in  Connecticut.  In  Win- 
dom  County,  of  that  State,  his  son  Waldo,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  born,  reared,  married, 
and  died.  In  the  same  countj'  our  subject's  motiier, 
Sarah  (Seamons)  Eddj',  was  born  and  died.  She 
was  of  the  Baptist  Church.  The  parental  family 
consisted  of  three  children,  all  living,  our  subject 
being  the  second  in  order  of  birth. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  in  Connecti- 
cut Feb.  20,  1837,  and  in  his  native  State  grew  to 
manhood,  obtaining  a  good  education  and  receiv- 
ing excellent  home  training.  In  his  native  State 
he  married,  and  there  continued  to  reside  until  his 
removal  to  Kansas.  The  wife  of  our  subject  bore 
the  maiden  name  of  Nancy  F.  Blanchard.  She  is 
the  daughter  of  George  and  Caroline  (Bradley) 
Blanchard.  Her  father  was  a  native  of  Rhode 
Island,  from  which  State  he  removed  with  his  par- 
ents to  Connecticut,  and  in  that  .State  he  still 
spends  a  portion  of  his  time  with  a  son,  Caleb 
Blanchard,  and  the  remainder  of  his  time  with  his 
daughter,  Mrs.  Eddy.  The  mother  died  in  Marys- 
villein  the  year  1888,  her  remains  being  interred 
in  the  old  family  cemetery  at  Shakersville,  Conn., 
where  the  body  of  Mrs.  Eddy's  grandfather,  Caleb 
Blanchard,  also  reposes.  Mrs.  Blanchard  was 
reared  in  the  faith  of  the  Congregational  Church, 
having  membership  in  that  denomination  in  Con- 
necticut. Mrs.  Eddy  is  the  motlier  of  six  chil- 
dren :  George  W. ;  Caroline  R,  now  the  wife  of 
Frank  Griffee  (see  sketch  of  Marshall  Griffee  which 
occupies  another  page  in  this  book);  Mary  R., 
Horace  S.,  Lewis  H.,  and  Susan  W. 

Mr.  Eddy  is  a  member  of  the  Democratic  party, 
but  in  local  matters  votes  for   men  whom    he  con- 

sidders  best  qualified  for  office,  regardless  of  their 
political  faith.  He  is  a  man  of  fine  moral  princi- 
ples, 'enterprising  business  habits,  and  commands 
the  hearty  respect  of  his  fellow-citizens. 


I^LT  GOLDSBERRY.  This  substantial  old 
IP  veteran  of  eightv -three  years  was  found  cora- 
li^^  fortably  located  at  liis  large,  well  regulated 
farm,  which  embraces  320  acres  on  sections  22,  29 
and  30,  in  Guittard  Township.  His  surroundings 
indicate  the  patience  and  perseverance  with  which 
he  must  have  labored  in  redeeming  a  portion  of 
the  soil  of  Northern  Kansas  from  its  primitive 
condition.  The  pioneer  history  of  this  part  of  the 
county  would  scarcely  be  complete  without  the 
record  of  the  life  and  labors  of  Mr.  Goldsberry, 
who  has  borne  no  unimportant  part  in  brino-ino-  it 
to  its  present  condition.  His  has  been  a  career  to 
which  his  descendants  may  revert  with  pride  and 
satisfaction  after  he  has  been  gathered  to  his 
fathers.  A  native  of  Ross  County,  Ohio,  Mr. 
Goldsberry  was  born  May  31,  1806.  A  few  years 
later  his  parents  removed  to  Indiana,  where  Eli 
completed  tiie  rudiments  of  a  common-school  edu- 
cation, and  became  familiar  with  agricultural  pur- 
suits. When  a  young  man  of  twenty-three  years, 
in  1829,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Anna  Guy.  The 
young  people  settled  upon  a  farm,  and  in  the 
course  of  a  few  years  the  household  circle  em- 
braced ten  children.  The  wife  and  mother  died  in 
Indiana,  and  our  subject  was  then  married  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Paulson,  who  came  with  her  family  to 
Kansas,  and  died  at  the  homestead  in  this  county 
in  1858. 

About  1856  Mr.  Goldsberry  moved  across  the 
Mississii)pi  into  Iowa,  where  he  lived  two  years 
and  thence  came  to  this  county,  arrivino-  in  Guit- 
tard Township  on  the  8th  of  August,  1858.  He 
took  up  a  tract  of  Government  land,  and  a  home- 
stead besides,  and  added  to  his  real  estate  until  he 
was  at  one  time  the  owner  of  640  acres.  He  paid 
special  attention  to  the  home  farm,  however,  insti- 
tuting one  improvement  after  another  as  rapidly  as 
possible,  and  laboring  early  and  late  in  the  cultiva- 



tion  of  the  soil,  and  endeavoring  to  obtain  a  foot- 
hold. In  due  time  his  industry  met  with  its 
reward,  and  he  is  comparativelj'  independent.  He 
makes  a  specialty  of  stock-raising,  and  among  other 
good  qualities  uniformly  votes  with  the  Republican 

For  his  third  wife  Mr.  Goldsberry  married  Miss 
Sarah  Wolfe,  and  to  them  were  born  eleven  chil- 
dren, ten  of  whom  are  living,  namel3-:  Hulda  E., 
John  E.,  Martha,  Clinton  B.,Ida  A.,  Silas  G.,  Will- 
iam W..  Francis  M.,  Ruth  and  Marinda.  Mrs. 
Sarah  (AYolfe)  Goldsberry  was  born  in  Boone 
County,  Ind.,  in  April,  1841,  and  in  1860  came 
with  her  husband  to  this  county,  of  which  she  has 
since  been  a  resident. 



f  1  ACOB  L.  HOLLO  WAY.  While  great  praise 
is  due  the  men  who  left  the  comforts  of  the 
East  for  the  purpose  of  building  homes'and 
establishing  homesteads  in  the  new  West,  and 
who  lived  and  died  where  so  many  years  of  earnest 
labor  and  unremitting  toil  had  been  passed,  3'ct 
we  miTSt  not  forget  the  important  part  taken  in  the 
development  of  the  resources  of  the  county,  by 
those  who  are  natives  of  the  place  they  now  in- 
habit, or  came  here  when  they  were  so  young  they 
have  only  a  few  childish  recollections  of  other 
scenes  than  the  ones  now  surrounding  them. 
Among  the  young  men  of  prominence  and  ability, 
Mr.  Jacob  L.  Hollowaj'  is  especially  worthy  of 
honorable  mention.  He  was  born  in  Ohio.  Jan.  19, 
1852,  to  Noah  and  Mary  A.  (Hoig)  Holloway. 
The  mother  had  previous  to  this  marriage  been 
imited  in  bonds  of  wedlock  with  Francis  Sanford, 
who  died  in  Ohio.  Our  subject  was  only  seven 
years  of  age  when  he  accompanied  his  parents  to 
Kansas.  (See  biographical  sketch  of  Thomas  L. 
HoUowa}'.)  The  father  of  our  subject  has  passed 
to  his  rest,  tlie  date  of  ins  deatli  being  Jan.  29, 
1879;  but  the  mother  still  resides  with  her  sou 

The  boyhood  and  youth  of  Mr.  HoUowa}-  were 
spent  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  manner,  being 
occupied  with  the   various   duties  attendant  upon 

farm  life,  and  in  the  intervals  being  engaged  in  tlie 
pursuit  of  knowledge  in  the  primitive  temples  of 
of  learning,  such  as  were  then  scattered  here  and 
there  along  the  lonely  roads.  Looking  out  at  the 
cabin  door,  he  used  to  watch  the  antelope  and  deer 
grazing  in  groups,  and  furnishing  much  excite- 
ment for  the  pioneer  hunter,  who  was  always  glad 
to  add  to  the  larder  of  the  housewife  by  a  nice 
venison  steak,  or  other  choice  delicacies.  At 
that  time  the  Indians  were  numerous,  not  yet 
having  been  driven  West  by  the  advancing  tide  of 
civilization.  Marysville,  now  a  populous  and 
thriving  cit3',  was  then  a  rural  hamlet,  with  few 
people,  and  would  scarcely  be  recognized  as  the 
now  prosperous  town,  with  its  railroads,  schools 
and  churches,  and  other  indications  of  prosperitj'. 
Ten  years  ago  our  subject  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of  George  and 
America  (Jones)  Reed3\  Their  marriage  was  sol- 
emnized Nov.  18,  1879,  in  Marshall  Countj',  Kan. 
Mrs.  Hollo waj'  is  a  native  of  Missouri,  coming  to 
Kansas  in  1858,  when  a  mere  babe,  having  been 
born  Feb.  17,  1858.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Jacob  Hollowaj- 
are  the  parents  of  four  children,  namely- :  Bertha, 
born  July  27,1880;  Thomas  B.,  Jan.  17,  188S; 
William  A.,  Nov.  15,  1884;  and  an  infant  that  died 
unnamed,  was  born  Jan.  4,  1887.  With  the  aid  of 
his  estimable  wife  Mr.  Holloway  has  built  up  a  com- 
fortable home,  and  is  now  the  owner  of  a  splendid 
farm  of  eighty  acres,  well  cultivated,  and  compi-is- 
ing  some  of  the  most  fertile  soil  in  the  county, 
soil,  that  responds  readily  to  the  careful  hand  of  the 
husbandman.  He  and  his  family  are  highly  respected 
by  all  those  among  whom  they  have  lived  for  many 
years,  and  are  valued  members  of  the  best  society 
of  the  county.  In  politics  lie  is  a  stanch  Repub- 

^^R.  ANDREW  J.  OCKERMAN.  In  com- 
■'  ^^  piling  the  pioneer  history  of  Marshall 
County,  it  would  scarcely  be  complete 
without  mention  of  the  life  of  one  of  its 
earliest  and  most  efficient  physicians,  who,  although 
deceased  for  a  period  of  twenty-seven  years,  is  still 
remembered  by  many  of  the  older  residents,  not 



only  for  bis  talents  as  a  practitioner,  but  his  gen- 
uine worth  as  a  member  of  the  community.  He 
departed  this  life  in  October,  1862,  and  is  one  of 
those  whose  names  are  held  in  kindly  remembrance. 
He  was  a  man  of  decided  views,  a  stanch  Repub- 
lican, politically,  and  in  religious  matters  identi- 
fied with  the  Methodist  P^piscopal  Church  as  an 
exhorter,  and  one  of  its  most  earnest  laborers. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Highland 
Count}',  Ohio,  and  was  the  son  of  Daniel  Ockerman, 
a  farmer  who  prosecuted  his  calling  in  Highland 
Count}',  that  State,  but  finally  removed  to  Cincin- 
nati, where  he  spent  his  last  days.  Our  subject  took 
kindly  to  his  books  during  his  youth,  and  through 
his  own  efforts  acquired  a  good  education.  He 
chose  the  profession  of  medicine,  and  was  grad- 
uated regularly  from  one  of  the  Ohio  colleges.  In 
1850  he  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Polly 
Merron,  after  which  he  located  on  a  farm  in  De- 
catur County,  Ind.,  where  they  lived  until  remov- 
ing to  Tippecanoe  County,  Ind.  In  the  latter 
county  Dr.  Ockermr.n  engaged  in  teaching  school. 
Not  being  satisfied  with  his  prospects  and  sur- 
roundings in  Indiana,  our  subject  decided  to  seek 
the  farther  AVest,  and  in  June,  1852,  set  out  over- 
land with  a  team,  and  landed  on  Muddy  Creek,  in 
Decatur  County,  Iowa.  There  he  resumed  farm- 
ing, but  met  with  considerable  discouragement  on 
account  of  failing  health.  Finally  he  resolved  to 
seek  his  fortunes  in  Northern  Kansas,  and  setting 
out  as  before  by  team,  he  came  with  his  family  to 
this  county,  being  one  of  the  first  to  locate  in 
what  is  now  Vermillion  Township.  The  hardships 
and  privations  afterward  encountered  by  the  Ock- 
man  family,  make  a  story  similar  in  its  detail  to 
that  which  has  so  often  been  recounted  in  this 
work.  Here,  as  before,  he  prosecuted  agriculture, 
and  as  the  country  became  settled  up,  followed  his 
profession  until  1860.  Then  returning  to  Iowa,  he 
located  in  Brooklyn,  Howard  County,  remaining 
there  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War. 
He  then  volunteered  his  services  to  the  Union 
cause,  but  was  rejected  on  account  of  ill  health, 
and  only  survived  a  short  time  thereafter. 

Mrs.  Ockerman,  after  the  death  of  her  husband, 
remained  a  resident  of  Iowa  for  some  time,  then 
returned  to  this  county  and    began  farming  on  the   , 

old  homestead,  having  to  begin  anew.  She  effected 
good  improvements  on  the  place,  carried  on  agri- 
culture successfully,  and  reared  her  family.  Ii  was 
ditlicult  at  times  to  make  both  ends  meet  and  keep 
the  wolf  from  the  door,  but  being  industrious 
and  an  excellent  manager  she  succeeded,  and  con- 
tinued there  until  1879.  In  the  meantime  she  pur- 
ch.ased  a  loom,  and  in  addition  to  her  household 
duties,  and  the  general  oversight  of  the  farm,  spun 
and  wove,  working  sometimes  the  greater  part  of 
the  twenty-four  hours. 

In  the  year  above-mentioned  Mrs.  Ockerman  dis- 
posed of  her  farm  property  and  removed  to  Frank- 
fort, where  she  put  up  a  residence.  She  occupied 
this  a  number  of  years,  and  then,  at  the  solicitation 
of  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Tilley,  sold  her  town  prop- 
erty, and  took  up  her  abode  with  the  latter  in 
Rock  Township,  where  she  now  makes  her  home. 
She  owns  a  40-acre  farm,  well  improved,  in  Ver- 
million Township.  She  has  four  children  living, 
the  eldest  of  whom,  Mary  H.  (Mrs.  Alilliken),  is  the 
wife  of  the  County  Surveyor,  and  resides  in  Marys- 
ville.  Emma  is  the  wife  of  R.  H.  Tilley,  of  Rock 
Township,  and  who  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this 
volume.  Josiah  D.  is  traveling  in  the  West.  Will- 
iam H.  is  attending  the  Kansas  City  Dental  Col- 
lege. Mrs.  Ockerman  is  a  lady  of  very  decided' 
views  and  opinions,  and  her  sympathies,  politi- 
cally, are  with  the  Union  Labor  party.  She  has 
been  for  many  years  a  prominent  and  active  mem- 
ber of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  Little 
Timber  school-house.  Mrs.  Ockerman  was  born  in 
Bartholomew  County,  Ind.,  Oct.  15,  1826.  She  was 
reared  there  on  a  farm  until  reaching  womanhood, 
and  there  also  was  married.  She  has  been  the  wit- 
ness of  many  and  great  changes,  and  has  watched 
the  growth  and  development  of  the  Great  West 
with  that  warm  interest  which  none  but  the  inteli- 
gent  mind  can  feel.  Kansas,  now  a  prosperous 
commonwealth,  bears  little  resemblance  to  the  wild 
frontier,  upon  which  she  settled  with  her  husband, 
and  endured  the  trials  and  tribulations  usually 
encountered  by  those  who  ventured  to  this  region 
soon  after  the  Indians  had  left  it.  She  is  one  of 
the  oldest  residents  of  MarshaU  County,  and  after 
her  and  her  husband  Ockermau  Creek  was  named. 
She    has    many    friends   among    the  people  of  this 



county  by  whom  she  is  held  in  deep  respect,  not 
only  on  account  of  her  age,  but  the  excellent 
qualities  of  her  character. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Ockerman,  was  John  M.  Her- 
ron,  a  native  of  North  Carolina,  who,  in  addition  to 
farming  pursuits,  operated  as  a  blacksmith  and 
wheelwright.  He  removed  to  Kentucky,  where  he 
sojourned  a  number  of  years,  then  crossing  the  Ohio 
River,  settled  in  the  forests  of  Bartholomew 
County,  Ind.,  where  he  engaged  at  his  trade  a  few 
years,  and  then  removed  to  Tippecanoe  County. 
In  the  latter  he  entered  a  tract  of  land,  aud  in 
addition  to  farming  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of 
chairs,  wheels,  etc.,  and  made  all  his  own  farm  im- 
plements and  fixtures.  In  1854  he  came  to  this 
State  with  his  family,  and  locating  upon  a  farm  in 
Vermillion  Township,  labored  until  advancing  age 
caused  him  to  retire,  when  he  took  up  his  abode 
with  his  daughter  Polly.  In  1862  he  returned  on 
a  visit  to  Indiana,  where  his  death  occurred  in 
Tippecanoe  County,  when  he  was  over  seventy 
years  old.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Ock- 
erman was  John  Herron,  who  was  of  English  de- 
scent, anil  who  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War, 
receiving  wounds  which  crippled  him  for  life. 

■^f  f  OHN  T.  WATT.  Among  the  men  who  have 
been  instrumental  in  forwarding  the  agri- 
cultural interests  of  Marshall  County,  Mr. 
iK^/  Watt  has  occupied  a  prominent  position. 
He  is  a  thorough  and  skillful  farmer  as  a  glance  at 
his  fine  homestead  will  at  once  indicate.  He  owns 
and  occupies  160  acres,  comprising  a  portion  of 
sections  1,  8,  and  9,  Richland  Township,  to  which 
he  removed  Oct.  1,  1883.  This  was  then  a  tract  of 
wild  land  without  any  improvements  whatever,  and 
it  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  that  no  small  amount 
of  time,  labor  and  money  have  been  expended  in 
bringiag  it  to  its  present  condition.  Tlie  greater 
part  has  been  thoroughly  cultivated,  and  produces 
in  abundance  the  rich  crops  of  this  region ;  the  bal- 
ance is  good  pasture.  Mr.  Watt  has  put  out  an 
orchard  of  400  apple  trees,  and  a  quantity  of  forest 

trees,  which  form  a  fine  windbreak.  He  has  fenced 
and  cross-fenced  his  land,  erected  substantial  build- 
ings, and  gathered  together  the  modern  machinerj' 
required  in  developing  the  soil  to  the  best  advan- 
tage. In  addition  to  general  farming,  he  makes  a 
specialty  of  stock-raising — horses,  cattle  and  swine 
— and  feeds  the  most  of  the  fifty  acres  of  corn 
which  he  usuallj-  plants.  He  puts  in  about  thirty 
acres  of  oats,  fifteen  acres  of  flax,  and  has  fifteen 
acres  of  fine  meadow  land,  which  produces  a  choice 
quality  of  timothy  hay.  The  improvements  on  his 
farm  have  been  effected  in  six  years'  time,  mostly 
by  the  proprietor  alone,  he  hiring  help  onl^'  about 
six  months  during  the  entire  period. 

Mr.  Watt  was  born  in  Trumbull  County,  Ohio, 
March  17,  1840,  but  when  he  was  an  infant  of  three 
months,  his  parents  removed  to  Jefferson  Count}', 
where  he  was  reared  to  man's  estate,  and  received 
a  good  practical  education  in  the  common  school. 
About  the  time  of  reaching  his  majority,  the  Re- 
bellion having  broken  out,  he  enlisted  as  a  Union 
soldier,  July  12,  1861,  in  Company  A,  32d  Ohio 
Infantry,. which  was  assigned  to  the  army  of  the 
Cumberland,  and  first  sent  into  Virginia.  He  first 
met  the  enemy  in  actual  conflict  at  the  battle  of 
Green  Briar,  in  the  Alleghany  Mountains,  when 
there  were  about  5,000  troops  on  each  side,  the 
Union  boys  being  under  the  command  of  Gen.  Mil- 
roy.  He  also  fought  along  the  valley  of  the  Shen- 
endoah  in  many  skirmishes,  and  was  at  Vicksburg 
and  Port  Hudson.  At  Harper's  Ferry,  after  three 
days'  fighting,  he  was  captured  with  5.000  otiiers, 
but  with  them  was  soon  paroled  and  sent  to  Chi- 
cago to  be  exchanged.  Later  our  subject  went  with 
his  regiment  to  the  vicinitj'  of  Vicksburg,  where 
Grant  was  operating  and  again  to  Port  Hudson. 
He  participated  in  many  of  the  important  battles 
which  followed,  namely :  Franklin,  Wilson  Creek, 
Jackson,  Miss.,  Champion  Hills,  Black  River,  and 
was  present  at  the  siege  of  Vicksburg.  After  the 
capture  of  the  city,  they  set  out  and  marched  400 
miles  to  Meridan,  Ga.,  destroying  everything  along 
the  railroad  lines,  and  some  days  marching  twenty 
hours  out  of  the  twenty-four.  After  returning 
from  Canton,  Miss.,  they  were  seven  days  without 
rations,  living  on  parched  corn  until  a  train  of  sup- 
plies   could   reach    them    from   Vicksburg.     They 



cai)tured  a  number  of  rebels,  among  them  being 
one  Jeff  Davis,  although  not  tiie  leader  of  the  Con- 
federacy. Their  next  expedition  was  up  the  Ten- 
nessee River,  and  they  afterward  joined  Sherman 
on  his  march  to  the  sea  as  far  as  Atlanta. 

Mr.  Watt,  when  in  the  vicinity  of  Kenesaw 
Mountain,  was  sent  out  scouting  with  an  Indian^ 
and  received  fifteen  bullet  holes  through  his  clothes, 
while  his  left  arm  was  broken,  and  one  of  the  large 
arteries  partiall}'  severed.  Prior  to  this,  while 
scouting  in  the  Alleghany  Mountains,  he  was  sepa- 
rated from  his  regiment  for  six  weeks,  but  received 
no  bodily  injury.  After  being  wounded  he  was 
sent  to  Rome,  Ga.,  where  he  remained  four  weeks, 
tlien  went  home  on  a  furlough.  When  starting  to 
rejoin  his  regiment,  he  was  sent  to  Chattanooga 
and  thence  to  New  Berne,  N.  C,  whence  he  pro- 
ceeded to  Washington,  and  was  present  at  the 
Grand  Review  at  the  close  of  the  war.  Shortly  af- 
terward he  received  his  honorable  discharge  at  Co- 
lumbus, Ohio,  and  was  mustered  out  in  Louisville, 
K}'.,  after  having  given  to  his  country  a  faithful 
service  of  four  years  and  three  months.  He  has 
not  3'et  entirely'  recovered  from  the  effects  of  army 
life  and  his  wounds. 

After  retiring  from  service,  Mr.  Watt  lived  one 
year  in  Carroll  County,  Ohio,  then  removed  to 
De  Kalb  County,  Mo.,  where  he  became  owner  of 
120  acres  of  land,  three  miles  from  Marysville,  the 
county  seat.  In  connection  with  farming,  he  oper- 
ated as  a  contractor  and  builder  in  Marysville, 
Plattsburg,  St.  Joseph,  and  Northern  Kansas,  and 
was  thus  employed  until  coming  to  this  count}'. 
Here  he  has  been  Township  Clerk,  and  a  member 
of  the  School  Board,  besides  occupying  other  posi- 
tions only  given  to  the  useful  and  efficient  citizen. 
He  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  and  be- 
lieves in  ''the  Union  forever." 

While  a  resident  of  Marysville,  Mo.,  our  subject 
was  married  Oct.  18,  1870,  to  Miss  Nancy  J.,  Mc- 
Claren,  and  of  this  union  there  have  been  horn  four 
children,  all  of  whom  are  living — Grace,  Bertha, 
Bessie,  and  a  babe  unnamed.  Mrs.  Watt  was  born 
in  Carroll  County.  Ohio,  July  31,  1850,  and  when 
a  young  lady,  removed  to  Missouri  to  keep  house 
for  a  brother.  She  lived  there  until  the  time  of 
her  marriage.     Her  parents,  John  and   Anna  JIc- 

Claren,  were  natives  of  Virginia  and  Ohio,  and  arc 
now  deceased;  she  was  the  fifth  in  a  family  of  eight 

James  Watt,  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in 
Pennsylvania,  and  was  married  in  the  Key  Stone 
State,  to  Miss  Maria  Thomas.  Shortly  afterward 
they  .removed  to  Carroll  County,  Ohio,  and  then  to 
Jeft'erson  County,  where  they  spent  the  remainder 
of  their  days,  living  to  a  ripe  old  age,  the  father 
dying  in  the  spring  of  1882,  at  the  age  of  seventy, 
two,  and  the  mother  three  months  later,  at  the  age 
of  seventy.  The  latter  was  born  in  1812,  and  was 
the  daughter  of  William  Thomas.  Mr.  Watt  so- 
cially belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  also  to 
the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  the  G.  A  R.,  and  the  Pilgrim 
Knights.  By  a  course  of  general  reading  he  has 
kept  himself  well  informed  in  regard  to  current 
events,  and  is  in  all  respects  a  representative  citizen. 

iHOMAS  McMAHAN,  of  Irish-American 
parentage,  is  a:  leading,  influential,  and  re- 
spected citizen  of  Marshall  County,  which 
has  been  his  home  for  a  period  of  nearly  twenty 
years.  He  is  the  son  of  John  and  Sarah  (Lon- 
don) McMahan,  the  former  a  native  of  Ire- 
land, and  the  latter  of  Northumberland  County, 
Pa.  After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Mc- 
Mahan located  in  Northumberland  Count}-,  Pa., 
where  for  many  years  they  were  valued  and  indus- 
trious members  of  the  community.  They  afterward 
removed  to  Bradford  County,  Pa.,  where  they  both 
l)assed  to  their  final  rest.  In  their  family  of  eight 
children  our  subject  was  the  eldest,  and,  as  is  the 
usual  experience  with  the  eldest  child  in  a  laro-e 
famil}',  he  was  never  allowed  to  lapse  into  idleness, 
but  was  a  constant  example  to  the  3'ounger  children 
of  thrift,  prudence  and  industry.  The  date  of  his 
birth  was  March  26,  1832,  and  he  was  born  during 
the  sojourn  of  his  parents  in  Northumberland 
County,  Pa.  His  father  was  a  contractor,  but  also 
owned  and  operated  a  farm.  Here  the  son  grew  to 
manhood,  learning  to  make  himself  useful  at  what- 
ever needed  his  attention,  and  helping  his  father 
in    every    way    possible.     When   a    small   boy  his 



father  and  mother  removed  to  Bradford  County, 
Pa.,  where  he  continued  to  live  until  1871,  com- 
ing tiien  to  Marshall  County,  accompanied  by  his 
wife  and  four  children. 

Tlie  first  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McMahan  was 
in  the  same  location  as  their  farm  of  the  present, 
being  situated  on  section  18,  Franklin  Township. 
He  is  the  fortunate  possessor  and  cultivator  of  167 
acres  of  land,  comprising  as  fine  land  as  is  to  be 
found  in  the  West.  He  has  made  some  good  im- 
provements on  his  home  place.  He  has  received 
the  assistance  of  his  wife  in  all  his  efforts  to  ad- 
vance his  interests  and  to  provide  for  his  children. 
He  was  married,  in  Bradford  Count}',  Pa.,  Dec.  23. 
1856,  the  wife  being  in  her  youth  Miss  Jemima 
Elliott,  daugiiter  of  Joseph  S.  and  Jemima  (Hor- 
tou)  Elliott.  (For  further  account  of  the  life  of 
her  parents  see  sketch  of  J.  M.  Elliott,  elsewhere 
in  this  volume.)  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliott  were  the 
parents  of  nine  children,  of  whom  Mrs.  McMahan 
was  the  eighth  in  order  of  birth.  She  was  born  in 
Bradford  County,  Pa.,  April  6,  1837,  and  lived  in 
the  home  of  lier  birth  until  her  marriage. 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  the  parents  of 
seven  children,  two  deceased.  Below  they  are 
enumerated:  The  eldest  died  in  infancy:  James  E., 
Mattie  E.,  Thomas  W.,  George  C,  John  Y.  and 
Maud  I.  Mattie  was  snatched  from  the  loving  par- 
ents by  the  hand  of  death,  dying  in  the  springtime 
of  life,  at  the  age  of  twenty  years.  She  passed 
away  in  Franklin  Township,  Nov.  19,  1881,  just 
when  the  carefull^'-nourished  bud  was  blossoming 
into  a  lovely  rose.  Truly,  there  is  "no  home,  how- 
e'er  defended,  but  has  one  vacant  chair."  Though 
gone  before  these  many  years,  she  is  still  sincerely' 
mourned  for  by  those  who  held  her  dear.  The 
other  daughter  is  receiving  a  good  education  in  the 
district  school,  and  is  being  fitted  to  be  an  orna- 
ment to  society,  wliich  her  refinement  and  accom- 
plishments will  permit  her  to  adorn.  The  sons  are 
all  residents  of  this  county.  One  son,  James  E., 
has  located  the  "Home  City"  Nurser}'  on  his 
father's  farm. 

Our  subject  in  his  political  affiliation  is  in  sym- 
pathy with  the  Union  Labor  party,  and  has  held 
various  offices  in  liis  township,  among  them  being- 
Town  Clerk  for  two  terms,  and  also  School  Treas- 

urer for  six  years.  The  people  have  thus  endeav- 
ored by  ever}'  possible  means  to  displaj'  their 
confidence  in  him.  In  the  Masonic  fraternity  he 
is  a  valued  member  and  active  worker.  Mrs.  Mc- 
Mahan is  in  her  belief  a  Christian  Scientist,  and  is 
known  for  miles  around  as  possessing  admirable 
traits  of  character  and  wonderful  strength  of  mind. 
In  the  best  social  circles  of  the  communit}'  our 
subject  and  his  wife  are  honored  guests,  while  in 
turn  they  welcome  their  many  friends  under  their 
own  iiospitable  roof. 

»|/^^  ENRY  BRENNEKE,  general  merchant,  grain 
jtji;  and  live-stock  dealer  of  the  town  of  Bremen, 
J^K^  is  wideh'  and  favorably'  known  as  locater 
(^^  and  chief  support  of  the  place  Where  he  re- 
sides, as  well  as  a  man  of  means.  He  is  one  of 
those  whose  present  prosperity  has  been  attained 
by  untiring  industry  under  the  most  discouraging 
circumstances,  and  whose  life  presents  a  stirring 
example  to  those  who  are  just  beginning  a  career. 
The  parents  of  our  subject,  Henry  and  Mary 
(Hille)  Brenneke,  were  natives  of  Germany,  where 
five  children  were  born  to  them,  our  subject  first 
seeing  the  light  in  Hanover,  June  28,  1847,  and 
receiving  a  good  education  under  the  compulsor}' 
laws  of  his  native  land.  The  eldest  son,  Christ, 
came  to  the  United  States  in  1861,  and  as  soon  as 
he  had  earned  sufficient  money  sent  for  his  father 
and  family  to  come  to  him.  They  embarked  on 
the  sail-ship  "Adler"  and  after  a  voyage  of  seven 
weeks,  landed  May  31,  1864  at  New  York  City, 
whence  they  came  directly  to  Cook  County,  111., 
finding  that  their  son,  Christ,  had  died  a  month 
before  their  arrival.  An  older  daughter  of  the 
family ,Johnnah,  wife  of  Henry  Poppe,  had  come  to 
America  and  was  at  that  time  living  in  Illinois, 
her  husband  being  in  the  army.  Left  without 
money,  and  with  no  accquaintances  near,  ex- 
cept the  friends  of  the  deceased  son  and  brother, 
the  father,  mother  and  children,  hired  out  to  work 
by  the  day  or  month,  as  they  best  could.  A 
daughter,  Mary,  wife  of  Frederick  Germer,  was  yet 
in  Germany,  and  as   soon  as  sufficient  money  had 



been  earned  for  the  purpose,  she  was  sent  for;  and 
with  the  arrival  of  herself  and  family,  the  parental 
family  were  reunited.  Our  subject  was  about 
seventeen  3'ears  of  age  wlien  he  came  to  America, 
and  for  three  j^ears  worked  upon  a  farm  in  Illi- 
nois. After  the  return  of  his  brother-in-law,  Mr. 
Poppe,  from  the  service,  the  two  came  to  Kansas 
to  look  up  a  location  for  the  family.  The  follow- 
ing year  all  came  to  this  count}',  locating  on  Moun- 
tain Creek,  tliis  being  in  April,  1867.  Here  our 
subject  took  a  homestead  of  160  acres  on  section  6, 
where  Bremen  is  now  located.  The  father  located 
in  another  part  of  the  township,  but  spent  his  last 
daj-s  with  our  subject,  dying  July  13,  1874  aged 
sixty-four  years.  The  mother  still  lives,  making 
iier  home  with  our  subject. 

Here  in  1872  the  marriage  of  our  subject  took 
|)lr.ce,  his  bride  being  Mary,  daughter  of  Henry 
and  Eva  (Vogel)  Schneck,  a  native  of  Wurtem- 
burg,  Germany,  where  her  parents  and  ancestors 
were  born  and  reared.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brenneke 
have  lost  two  children — Henry  and  Caroline — and 
five  still  live  to  gladden  their  lives.  The  surviv- 
ors are  named  respectively,  Herman,  Frederick, 
Wilhelmina,  Anna  and  Maria. 

Our  subject  still  owns  his  original  homestead, 
ineUiding  the  town  site,  which  was  platted  in  1886, 
on  which  lie  has  a  good  frame  residence  and  other 
buildings,  a  store  and  a  grain  office;  he  also  owns 
eight}' acres  of  his  father's  home  farm.  Mr.  Bren- 
neke has  a  partner  in  the  mercantile  business,  Mr. 
Otto  Peicker,  and  the  firm  usually  carry  from  $4,000 
to  $5,000  worth  of  goods.  The  grain  and  live- 
stock business  is  carried  on  solely  by  Mr.  Brenneke. 
The  town  of  Bremen  owes  its  existence  to  the 
efforts  of  our  subject,  who,  now  as  the  only  general 
merchant  and  grain  and  stock  dealer  in  this  place, 
is  the  chief  business  support  of  the  town  and  its 
contributory  districts. 

Mr.  Brenneke  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  the  same  faith  having  been  held 
by  their  ancestors  for  generations  back.  For  sev- 
eral years  our  subject  has  held  the  office  of  Trustee 
in  that  church.  He  is  a  man  of  independent  politi- 
cal views,  voting  for  those  whom  he  considers 
most  capable  of  administering  the  offices  to  which 
they  are  nominated.     For   three  years    past  lie  has 

served  as  Postmaster  of  this  place.  He  is  one  of 
the  charter  members  of  the  Bremen  Farmers'  Mu- 
tual Insurance  Company,  of  which  body  he  has 
been  Secretary  for  about  twelve  years.  He  has 
served  as  Clerk  of  the  School  Board  during  a  per- 
iod of  eighteen  years.  He  is  possessed  of  the 
sterling  traits  of  character  that  make  a  man  a  power 
in  a  community,  and  is  one  whose  presence  seems 
indispensable  to  the  town  in  whose  development 
he  is  so  deeply  interested,  and  to  whose  growth  he 
so  largely  contributes. 

Sft  OSEPH  MANNING.  In  the  front  ranks  of 
those  who  were  attracted  to  Kansas  by  ru- 
moi-s  of  its  vast  wealth  of  soil,  and  its  appar- 
(^^  ently  unlimited  resources,  was  he  of  whom 
this  brief  notice  is  written.  He  is  located  on  sec- 
tion 18,  Franklin  Township,  which  has  been  his 
permanent  residence  since  1883.  Both  the  father 
and  grandfather  of  our  subject  were  by  name  John 
Manning,  the  father  of  our  subject,  a  native  of 
Clermont  County,  Ohio,  where  he  married  Miss 
Ursula  B.  Morgan,  also  a  native  of  the  same  State 
as  himself.  Living  in  this,  tlie  home  of  their  youth, 
until  1850,  they  resolved  to  seek  pastures  new,  and 
accordingly  repaired  to  Appanoose  County,  Iowa, 
which,  with  the  exception  of  four  years  in  Lee 
County,  the  same  State,  has  since  been  their  home. 
There  the  father  passed  away  from  earth,  leaving 
his  wife  and  family  in  good  circumstances.  The 
mother  of  Joseph  Manning  yet  survives,  residing 
in  Appanoose  County,  Iowa. 

The  home  circle  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Manning, 
Jr.,  was  enlarged  until  in  time  eleven  children 
clustered  around  the  fireside,  and  among  these  our 
subject  was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birth.  He  was 
born  in  Franklin  Township,  Clermont  Co.,  Ohio, 
on  the  20th  of  November,  1837,  and  lived  in  his 
birthplace  until  he  was  about  thirteen  years  of  age, 
when  he  accompanied  his  parents  to  Iowa.  Tiiis 
was  his  home  until  1870,  but  in  the  meantime  sev- 
eral important  events  had  occurred  in  his  life. 
About  the  time  he  became  of  age  the  topic  of  slav- 
ery was  one  of  all  absorbing  interest,  and  a  nation 



was  threatened  with  extinction  and  ruin.  Popular 
feeling  was  aroused  to  a  fever  heat,  and  enthusiasm 
for  the  national  cause  was  unbounded.  In  his  quiet 
country  home  our  subject  had  ample  time  to  reflect 
on  these  vital  questions,  and  when  the  call  for 
more  soldiers  came  he  responded  at  once  to  the  ap- 
peal. He  was  for  three  years  a  faithful  and  cour- 
ageous soldier,  having  enlisted  in  August,  1862,  in 
Company  I,  36th  Iowa  Infantry,  and  efcaped  with, 
out  any  severe  injuries  being  received  in  service. 

When  Mr.  Manning's  term  of  service  had  expired 
he  returned  to  his  old  home  in  Appanoose  County, 
Iowa,  and  soon  afterward  married.  He  was  very 
fortunate  in  his  selection  of  a  life  partner,  his  wife 
being  Miss  Maria  I.  Holshouser,  to  whom  he  was 
united  in  the  bonds  of  wedlock  Dec.  31,  1865.  Her 
parents  were  Milus  A.,  and  Caroline  (Atkinson) 
Holshouser.  the  former  a  native  of  North  Carolina, 
and  the  latter  supposed  to  have  been  born  in  Ind- 
iana. After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hol- 
shouser settled  in  Putnam  County,  Ind.,  which  was 
their  home  until  1850,  when  they  came  to  Wa- 
pello Countj^  Iowa;  after  a  five  years'  sojourn  in 
the  latter  county  they  again  removed,  this  time 
locating  in  Appanoose  County,  Iowa,  where  Mrs. 
Holshouser  died  in  1861.  At  the  present  time  her 
husband  yet  survives.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Holshou- 
ser was  born  a  family  of  eight  children,  of  whom 
Maria  I.  (Mrs.  Manning)  the  fourth.  Her  birth- 
place was  Putnam  Count}-,  Ind.,  and  the  date  of 
her  birth  Aug.  30,  1849. 

Remaining  in  Iowa  for  only  a  few  years  after 
their  marriage,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Manning  were  induced 
to  remove  to  Kansas,  and  preempted  a  homestead 
of  160  acres  in  Marshall  Count}'  on  section  18, 
Franklin  Township.  The  ensuing  five  years  were 
passed  in  the  busy  pursuits  of  agriculture  in  this  then 
new  country,  but  the  charms  of  old  friendships, 
and  the  ties  of  old  associations  drew  him  back  to 
the  home  in  Appanoose  County,  where  the  family 
remained  until  1883.  He  dales  his  permanent  resi- 
dence in  Kansas  from  tiiat  year,  as  he  then  removed 
to  Marshall  County,  where  he  has  a  good  farm  now 
well  improved  and  carefully  cultivated. 

During  all  these  j'ears  of  labor,  Mr.  Manning  has 
been  greatly  assisted  and  cheered  by  the  faithful, 
ever  devoted   wife,  and  has  also  enjoyed  the  com- 

panionship of  his  children,  of  whom  there  were 
born  six,  namely:  William  A.,  who  died  in  infancy; 
Nevada  A.,  who  was  removed  from  the  loving  par- 
ents and  friends  by  the  angel  of  death,  waiting  to 
lead  this  fair  flower  of  earth  to  gardens  of  unfad- 
ing glory.  Her  death  occurred  in  Appanoose 
County,  Iowa,  Feb.  14,  1882,  when  she  was  four- 
teen years  of  age.  The  living  cliildreu  are:  Ed- 
ward A.,  Gertie  M.,  Mary  E.  and  Clyde  C. 

Mr.  Manning  afHliates  with  the  Republican  party 
in  matters  political,  and  has  held  several  of  the 
township  offices.  Together  with  his  wife,  he  has 
been  a  consistent  member  of  the  Methodist  Church, 
which  he  has  assisted  in  every  way  possible,  both 
by  the  example  of  an  upright  life,  and  by  giving 
it  financial  aid.  They  are  also  welcome  additions 
to  the  social  circles  of  their  vicinity,  and  being 
now  in  life's  prime,  will  probably  devote  the  re- 
mainder of  their  lives  to  the  cultivation  and  im- 
provement of  their  property  and  the  education  of 
their  children. 

,^^EORGE  HAHN.  This  county  is  indebted 
ill  f^-j  to  the  lands  across  the  sea  for  many  of  lier 
^^^S  most  enterprising  citizens.  Not  the  least 
among  them  is  the  above  named  gentleman, 
who  resides  upon  a  well-tilled  farm  on  section  34, 
Franklin  Township.  He  is  a  native  of  (xermany, 
in  which  country  he  was  born  May  2,  1838,  being 
the  sou  of  Christian  and  Catherina  (Patzke)  Hahn, 
both  of  whom  lived  and  died  in  tiieir  native  land. 
The  parental  family  consisted  of  thirteen  children, 
of  whom  our  subject  was  the  third.  He  p.issed  iiis 
boyhood  upon  his  father's  farm,  and  at  tlie  age  of 
sixteen  found  employment  as  clerk  in  a  general 
store.  This  position  he  occupied  for  three  years, 
when  he  returned  to  the  farm,  remaining  until  the 
age  of  twenty-four.  Believing  that  the  New 
World  afforded  a  better  field  for  the  energies  of  a 
young  man,  he  came  to  America,  landing  in  New 
York  the  2d  of  August,  1862.  From  that  city  he 
went  direct  to  Detroit,  Mich.,  in  or  about  whicli 
place  he  remained  until  1865,  when  he  went  to 
Livingston  County,  Mo.     Here  lie  remained  for  a 



3"eai',  euiploj'ed  for  the  greater  part  of  that  time  in 
running  a  sawmill.  He  next  crossed  the  plains  to 
Denver,  Col.,  driving  a  mule  team  and  making  one 
round  trip,  which  consumed  about  two  months. 
He  tlien  returned  to  Denver  and  entered  the  em- 
ploy of  a  stage  company,  being  on  the  route  from 
Denver  to  Living  Springs,  for  over  a  year.  At  the 
expiration  of  this  time  he  started  a  hay  ranch,  four- 
teen miles  west  of  Living  Springs,  Col.  He  lived 
upon  this  ranch  about  nine  months, when  he  returned 
to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  where  he  remained  for  over  a 
year,  suffering  from  rheumatism,  which  had  taken 
so  firm  a  hold  upon  his  system  that  he  was  unable 
to  work.  As  soon  as  he  had  sufficiently  recovered 
to  engage  in  light  employment,  he  accepted  a  po- 
sition as  bar-tender,  and  after  the  expiration  of  a 
year,  entered  upon  the  work  of  traveling  agent  for 
a  wholesale  wine,  liquor  and  grocery  house  of  St. 
Joseph.  He  remained  in  the  employ  of  this  estab- 
lishment for  about  eighteen  mouths,  leaving  it  to 
accept  the  position  of  travelling  agent  of  an  agri- 
cultural implement  house,  which  he  retained  for 
nearly  three  years.  In  1871  he  visited  his  native 
land,  remaining  about  six  months.  During  this 
time  he  was  married,  and  returning  to  America,  he 
settled  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  where,  ably  assisted  by 
his  wife,  he  operated  a  milk  dairy  for  a  period  of 
eight  years.  In  1879  he  sold  out  and  opened  a 
flour,  feed  and  commission  store,  in  which  business 
he  continued  successfully  until  1883.  At  this  time 
he  sold  out  his  business  and  came  to  this  county, 
settling  upon  section  34.  Franklin  Township,  where 
he  owns  160  acres  of  well-tilled  land.  Since  his 
settlement  in  Kansas,  he  has  given  his  attention  to 
farming,  in  connection  with  which  he  makes  a 
specialty  of  raising  Poland-China  hogs. 

The  marriage  of  Mr.  Hahn  took  place  Sept.  7, 
1871,  his  bride  being  Miss  Ottilea  Engler,  daughter 
of  Prof.  Carl  and  Caroline  (Behrcnd)  Engler.  The 
mother  died  in  Germany,  and  the  father  is  now  a 
resident  of  Home  City.  Mrs.  Hahn  was  born  in 
Germany  Jan.  21,  1852,  and  has  borne  her  husband 
nine  children — Carl,  Christian,  Katie,  George,  Ot- 
tilea, Gustav.  Henrietta,  Lena  and  Otto. 

The  home  of  our  subject  is  one  of  those  well- 
kept  places  suited  to  the  needs  of  an  enterprising 
farmer,  and  an  intelligent  family.     The  buildin2;s 

are  comfortable  and  attractive.  Mr.  Hahn  is  a 
man  of  industrious  habits,  as  his  life  well  shows, 
possessing  in  a  marked  degree  the  traits  of  charac- 
ter, which  make  of  him  one  of  the  most  reliable 
and  energetic  citizens  of  the  township.  His  fel- 
low-citizens have  shown  their  confidence  in  his 
ability  by  placing  in  his  hands  different  school  of- 
fices. He  is  now  a  member  of  the  Union  Labor 
party,  though  formerly  in  sympathy  with  the  Dem- 
ocrats. He  has  been  President  of  the  Society  of 
the  Lutheran  Church,  of  whicli  he  and  his  wife  are 
earnest  and  consistent  membtrs. 

4*; ,..5=<>^..4^ 

JOHN  B.  RESER,  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
is  most  emphatically  a  self-made  man  in  all 
that  the  term  implies.  He  was  born  in  Au- 
rora, 111.,  March  29,  1846,  and  came  to  this 
county  in  1870,  locating  a  farm  of  160  acres  on  sec- 
tion 30,  Clear  Fork  Township.  His  farm,  then  a  wild 
and  unbroken  prairie,  has  by  his  energy  and  enter- 
prise been  brought  to  its  present  state  of  cultivation. 
It  is  now  one  of  the  model  farms  of  the  community, 
well-fenced  and  possessing  all  the  requisite  buildings 
and  machinery  for  its  successful  operation ;  it  is  in 
every  respect  all  that  a  farm  should  be. 

The  parents  of  our  subject,  Anthony  Eeser  and 
his  wife,  whose  maiden  name  was  Phileta  Soul, 
were  both  natives  of  Ohio,  and  had  nine  children. 
Almira  J.,  now  Mrs.  Shedden;  Armena,  Mrs.  Lath- 
rop;  Marilla,  Mrs.  Lewis;  Charles  W.,  John  B., 
our  subject,  Alanson  S.,  Dema  M.,  Ella  A.,  now 
deceased,  and  Florence  I.  Dema  and  Florence  are 
unmarried.  John  B.  Reser,  our  subject  was  brought 
up  and  educated  in  Plato,  Kane  Co.,  111.  He  after- 
ward attended  the  Elgin  Academy  for  two  years, 
where  he  acquired  an  excellent  education  which  he 
afterwards  put  to  practical  use  by  teaching  school 
in  Illinois  for  seven  years.  He  came  to  this  county 
in  1870,  where  he  has  lived  ever  since,  except  for 
two  years  which  he  spent  in  De  Kalb  and  Kane 
counties.  111. 

The  wife  of  the  subject  of  our  sketch  was  Phebe 
E.  Ellithorpe,  daughter    of  Stephen    R.  Ellithorpe, 



of  Burlingtou,  Kane  Co.,  111.  Born  in  Burlington, 
she  resided  there  with  her  parents  until  her  mar- 
riage with  John  B.  Eeser,  which  took  place  Aug. 
17,  1869.     Of  this  union  three  children  were  born 

Myrt   L.,  Mettie   A.   and  Ella  A.,  a  bright  and 

intelligent  family  of  whom  any  parents  might  be 
proud.  -  Although  a  prominent  man,  respected  and 
admired  by  everyone,  Mr.  Reser  has  never  sought 
public  office,  though  he  has  served  as  Township 
Trustee  and  was  Township  Clerk  for  three  years, 
and  has  also  served  for  three  terms  as  School  Clerk. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reser  with  their  two  eldest  children, 
are  active  and  influential  members  of  the  Congre- 
gational Church.  They  are  deeply  interested  in 
the  moi-al  and  intellectual  advancement  of  the  com- 
munity where  they  reside. 

(^p^HOMAS  J.  MANN,  a  prominent  and  well- 
M^\  known  farmer  and  stock-raiser  of  Oketo 
^^^f'  Township,  has,  on  section  23,  one  of  the 
best  appointed  and  best  managed  farms  in  Mar- 
shall Count}',  and  also  one  of  the  finest  residences 
within  its  bounds.  Elsewhere  in  this  Album  ap- 
pears a  fine  view  of  this  beautiful  structure,  which 
not  only  produces  a  favorable  impression  on  the 
exterior,  but  within  is  filled  with  evidences  of 
skilled  hands  and  refined  tastes. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  Ohio,  having  been 
born  in  Delaware  Countj',  June  20,  1839.  He  was 
third  in  order  of  birth  of  the  ten  children  born  to 
Eleazer  and  Lucy  (Cook)  Mann,  natives  respect- 
ively of  New  Jerse}'  and  Ohio.  The  father,  a  son 
of  Shuey  Mann,  a  native  of  New  Jersey,  was  reared 
in  Ohio,  where  his  parents  had  removed  in  the 
early  days  of  its  settlement,  and  he  there  married  a 
daughter  of  Capt.  Cook,  an  officer  in  the  War  of 
1812.  They  spent  the  early  years  of  their  wedded 
life  in  Delaware  Countj*. 

Our  subject  passed  the  most  of  his  boyhood  in 
the  State  of  his  birth,  and  from  his  worthj'  parents 
received  the  careful  training  that  so  well  fitted  him 
for    his    honorable   and  useful   career  in  after  life. 

At  the  age  of  fourteen,  a  manly,  active,  self- 
reliant  lad,  he  left  his  old  home  and  went  to  Iowa, 

where  he  lived  till  he  was  seventeen  years  old. 
Not  content  with  the  quiet  life  that  he  was  leading 
there,  the  spirited,  venturesome  youth  desired  to 
see  more  of  the  world,  and  determining  to  visit  the 
Pacific  Coast  and  find  what  life  held  for  him  there, 
he  pushed  on  across  the  plains  and  mountains  to 
Oregon  and  "Washington  territories,  the  journej^  in 
those  anti-bellum  days  being  fraught  with  dangers 
and  perils  that  the  modern  traveler,  comfortably 
seated  in  a  luxurious  Pullman  car  behind  the  swift 
iron  steed,  knows  not  of.  Our  subject  remained  in 
that  part  of  the  country  one  year,  working  in  the 
cabinet  shop  of  Hergan  &  Shanler.  He  then  made 
his  way  to  Idaho,  where  he  was  employed  in  split- 
ting clapboards  and  burning  coal  during  the  three 
ensuing  years.  At  the  expiration  of  that  time  he 
invested  some  of  his  money  in  ponies,  and  with 
them  recrossed  the  plains  to  Jackson  County,  Iowa. 

Desiring  to  become  more  settled  in  life  and  to 
have  a  home  of  his  own,  Mr.  Mann  was  soon  united 
in  marriage  with  Miss  Elizabeth  West,  and  she  has 
been  to  him  all  that  a  true  wife  can  be,  ever  faith- 
ful to  his  interests,  a  blessed  home-maker,  a  cheer- 
ful helper,  a  wise  counselor,  a  loving  mother  to 
their  children,  and  he  gratefully  acknowledges  his 
indebtedness  to  her  in  bringing  about  their  pros- 
perity. She  is  a  daughter  of  the  venerable  Evan- 
der  West,  formerly  of  Jackson  County,  Iowa, 
now  living  in  Seward  County,  Neb,  Her  mother, 
Mary  West,  died  in  1887.  Mrs.  Mann  was  the 
second  of  seven  children,  and  was  born  Nov.  15, 
1842.  Twelve  children  have  blessed  her  marriage 
with  our  subject,  of  whom  the  following  six  are 
living:  Charles,  Herbert,  William,  Calvin,  George 
and  Mary.  Thej'  have  been  carefully  trained  and 
educated  to  be  useful  members  of  society-,  and  the 
sons  are  all  connected  with  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church,  while  in  politics,  thej'  follow  in  the 
footsteps  of  their  father,  and  are  ardent  supporters 
of  the  Republican  party,  and  strongly  in  favor  of 
the  temperance  movement. 

After  marriage  Mr.  Mann  settled  down  to  the 
life  of  a  farmer,  purchasing  a  farm  in  Jackson 
County,  Iowa.  He  managed  it  successfullj^  four 
years,  and  then  came  to  Marshall  Countj',  this 
State,  Sept.  10,  1869.  being  the  date  of  his  advent 
here.     He  cast  in  his  lot  with  the  pioneers  of   this 

RESiDLNct  OF  Angus  M-  Leod  ,Sic  2G    Oketo  Township 

/i/offm  Half  of  New  Town-sitc  Marictta  ,  Kn  n. 

Residence  of  T.  J.  Mann,  Sec. 23.  Oketo  Township. 

t>OftTfeAlT  Aisrb  BiOGRAPHtCAL  AtWM. 


section  of  the  county,  and  bought  a  farm  two  miles 
east  of  this  place,  which  he  carried  on  till  1882. 
In  that  year  he  disposed  of  it  at  a  good  price,  and 
going  to  Marysville  opened  a  hotel  in  that  city, 
which  he  managed  one  year.  At  the  expiration  of 
that  time  he  came  to  Olieto  and  purchased  his  pres- 
ent farm.  Besides  the  trials  that  tiie  Kansas 
farmer  often  has  to  contend  with  in  his  agricultu- 
ral operations,_Mr.  Mann  has  had  the  additional  bur- 
den of  seven  years  sickness  from  an  abscess  in  the 
back,  caused  by  a  runaway  team,  that  nearly  dis- 
abled him,  and  would  have  completely  unnerved 
and  discouraged  a  less  resolute  and  strong- 
hearted  man.  Notwithstanding  these  drawbacks 
his  success  since  coming  to  Kansas  has  been  con- 
spicuous, and  he  is  numbered  among  the  solid, 
moneyed  men  of  Oketo  Township.  He  has  a 
model  farm,  comprising  240  acres  of  land,  under  a 
high  state  of  cultivation,  160  acres  being  in  corn, 
with  a  fine  set  of  buildings  for  every  needful  pur- 
pose, including  a  handsome  residence,  erected  in 
1887,  and  considered  one  of  the  best  in  the  county. 
Everything  about  the  place  is  in  perfect  order,  and 
betokens  the  guidance  of  a  master  mind  and  hand. 
Mr.  Mann  is  engaged  extensively  in  raising  stock 
of  excellent  grades,  and  handles  ninety  head  of 
cattle,  sixteen  horses  and  fifty-five  hogs.  During 
tlie  last  two  j'ears  he  has  had  the  misfortune  to 
lose  nearly  200  hogs  a  year.  On  his  farm  is  the  finest 
living  spring  in  the  county,  which  furnishes  water 
for  an  artificial  fish  pond,  ten  feet  in  depth,  fed 
through  two  tanks  and  pipes,  the  cost  of  its  con- 
struction being  §250,  and  this  year  he  has  had  it 
stocked  with  German  carp,   1,000  in  number. 

Mr.  Mann  has  had  a  wide  and  varied  experience 
in  life,  and  as  an  intelligent  observer  and  thinker, 
has  profited  thereby.  He  is  a  fine  t,ype  of  our  self- 
made  men,  and  all  that  he  is,  and  all  that  he  has, 
he  owes  to  his  own  exertions,  as  when  he  set  forth 
in  the  world  to  make  his  own  way  therein,  his  only 
capital  was  a  sound  intellect  and  a  good  physique, 
together  with  a  shrewd,  ambitious,  self-helpful 
spirit.  These  same  traits,  while  they  have  been 
prominent  factors  in  bringing  about  his  prosperous 
circumstances,  make  him  an  invaluable  citizen,  and 
as  a  pioneer  of  this  State,  for  so  he  may  be  denom- 
inated, though  not  among  the  early  settlers,  he  has 

done  good  woik  in  aiding  the  development  of  its 
wonderful  agricultural  resources  and  stock-growing 
interests.  He  and  his  wife  are  valued  members  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  he  has  served 
in  the  capacity  of  Steward.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
local  School  Board,  and  is  earnestly  interested  in 
educational  matters.  He  takes  an  active  part  in 
politics,  formerly  afHliating  with  the  Democrats, 
but  of  late  identifiying  himself  with  the  Repuub- 
lican  partJ^  He  favors  temperance  legislation, 
and  every  such  worthy  cause  finds  in  him  a  strong 

Mr.  Mann,  Mr.  McLeod,and  Jacob  Lawson  have 
laid  out  jointly  a  town  on  the  Ohio  Ri  verValley  Rail- 
road eight  miles  north  of  Marysville,  the  plat  con- 
taining forty  acres  beautifully  situated  on  the  Blue 
River,  and  from  the  lay  of  the  land  it  is  bound  to 
make  a  fine  village  in  the  near  future. 



NGUS  McLEOD,  a  young  farmer  and 
stock-raiser  of  more  than  ordinary  intelli- 
gence and  enterprise,  is  ably  performing 
his  share  in  upholding  the  great  agricul- 
tural interests  of  Marshall  County,  and  in  him 
Oketo  Township  finds  one  of  the  most  active  and 
skillful  members  of  its  farming  community.  He  is 
a  son  of  Alexander  McLeod,  of  Marysville  Town- 
ship, a  sketch  of  whose  life  appears  on  another 
page  of  this  work. 

Our  subject  is  the  eldest  child  of  his  parents,  and 
was  born  in  Scotland,  March  25,  1856,  being  three 
years  of  age  when  he  accompanied  the  family  to 
America.  He  received  his  early  education  at 
Kincardine,  Canada,  and  later  attended  the  public 
schools  of  Bay  City,  Mich.,  and  completed  his 
studies  in  the  excellent  Normal  School  at  Emporia, 
Kan.  Thus  liberally  educated  he  was  fitted  for 
any  career  in  life  that  he  might  choose  to  adopt, 
and  he  first  entered  the  teacher's  profession,  teaching 
one  year  in  this  county.  Wishing  to  still  further 
equip  himself  for  his  work,  he  became  a  student  in 
Thomas  J.  Bryant's  Business  College  at  St.  Joseph, 
Mo.,  and  pursued  a  full  course  in  that  institution. 
After  leaving  college  Mr.  McLeod  gave  his  at- 



tentioD  to  farming,  and  has  ever  since  pursued 
that  vocation,  remaining  with  his  father  till  he  was 
tweutj--six,  affording  him  valuable  assistance,  and 
at  the  same  time  gaining  equally  valuable  experi- 
ence in  carrying  on  agriculture.  He  then  began 
farming  on  his  own  account,  and  has  a  valuable 
farm  of  280  acres,  all  in  a  body,  and  under  excel- 
lent cultivaiion,  and  supplied  wit!)  a  suitable  set 
of  buildings,  including  a  neat  dwelling, 'erected  in 
1884,  and  a  substantial  barn  built  in  1889.  A 
view  of  the  principal  structures  on  his  homestead 
is  given  on  another  page.  His  place  is  well  stocked 
and  he  handles  about  two  car-loads  of  cattle  each 
year  and  the  same  number  of  hogs.  This  season 
(1889)  his  well-tilled  harvest  fields  have  vielded 
fine  crops,  so  that  he  has  a  large  surplus  over  what 
his  stock  can  consume.  Bringing  an  active  and 
well-trained  mind  to  bear  upon  the  problems  that 
confront  every  earnest  and  thoughtful  farmer  as 
to  the  best  methods  to  be  pursued  in  the  cultiva- 
tion of  his  own  particular  plot  of  ground,  our 
subject  has  met  with  the  success  that  his  efforts 
merit,  and  he  is  already  regarded  as  one  of  our 
progressive  and  most  successful  farmers. 

.January  1,  1879,  Mr.  McLeod  and  Miss  Nellie 
Taj'lor  were  united  in  marriage,  and  three  children 
have  been  born  of  their  happy  wedded  life,  namelj- : 
Mary  Bell,  Alexander  T.,  Archibald  W.  Mrs. 
McLeod  is  the  fourth  child  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
(iSinclair)  Taylor,  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  they  having 
had  five  children,  of  whom  four  are  now  living. 
Mr.  Taylor  is  a  blacksmith  by  trade,  but  he  owns 
and  operates  a  farm  in  Washington  Count3',  Kan. 
Mrs.  McLeod  was  born  in  Canada,  and  was  about 
six  years  old  when  her  family  came  to  the  "States." 
She  received  a  good  education  in  the  public  schools 
of  St.  Joseph,  and  a  careful  training  in  the  parental 
household  that  well  fitted  her  to  preside  over  a 
home  of  her  own.  Both  she  and  her  husband  are 
leading  members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  of 
which  he  is  an  elder,  and  both  are  very  active  in 
the  Sunday-school  as  teachers,  and  he  has  been 

Mr.  McLeod  possesses  excellent  business  qualifi- 
cations, fine  tact,  and  the  cann}-  thrift  and  keen 
foresight,  undoubtedlj-  inherited  from  his  sterling 
Scotch  ancestry,  which  are  so  essential   to  success 

in  any  walk  in  life.  Gifted  with  an  irreproachable 
moral  character,  he  is  reputed  to  be  a  model  young 
man,  who  is  an  honor  not  only  to  his  family,  but 
to  the  communitj'  at  large.  He  is  actively  inter- 
ested in  politics,  and  in  him  the  Republican  party 
finds  one  of  its  most  honest  and  zealous  supporters. 
He  has  proved  that  he  has  all  the  qualifications 
necessary  for  a  public-spirited  civic  official,  and  he 
has  served  Oketo  Township  as  Clerk,  filling  that 
office  with  characteristic  faithfulness  and  abilitv. 

"SI  OHN  KANE.  For  the  past  twenty  years  this 
gentleman  has  been  a  busy,  prosperous  and 
honored  resident  of  Marshall  County,  and 
both  as  a  pioneer  of  the  county  and  as  a 
veteran  of  the  Civil  War,  merits  and  receives  the 
respect  of  all  whose  acquaintanceship  or  friendship 
he  has  made.  His  farm  is  situated  on  section  34 
in  Herkimer  Township,  and  is  universally  conceded 
to  be  one  of  the  best  in  the  county,  both  in  point 
of  fertilitj^  of  the  soil  and  improvements  made  upon 
it  b}-  the  owner.  He  is  not  onl}'  interested  in  general 
farming,  but  is  a  stock-raiser  cf  no  small  import- 
ance, making  a  specialty  of  Durham  cattle,  Poland- 
China  hogs  and  Norman  horses.  In  the  raising  of 
these  he  has  been  uniformly  successful,  and  has 
been  assisted  financialh'  by  the  selling  of  the  stock 
he  has  raised. 

A  resident  of  his  present  farm  since  1879,  our 
subject  has  changed  its  outward  appearance  from  the 
primitive  condition  of  nature  to  a"thing  of  beauty;" 
where  once  wild  animals  ranged  now  the  stock 
quietly  graze;  on  the  old  camping  ground  of  the 
Indians,the  only  lights  visible  are  those  shining  out 
with  pleasant  beams  from  friendly  cottages ;  the 
forest  trees,  scattered  here  and  there  irregularly  in 
former  years,  now  are  outlined  in  graceful  rows, 
symmetrical  and  beautiful,  against  the  blue  of  the 
skj'.  In  the  midst  of  the  surrounding  landscape, 
as  the  principal  feature  visible  to  the  eye,  stands 
the  residence  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kane,  a  commodious, 
recentlj'  erected  frame  house.  Near  it  is  a  flue  orch- 
ard of  three  acres,  and  in  the  background  are  corn- 
cribs,  barn  and  other  outbuildings.     On  all  sides 



stretches  the  fair  land,  responding  with  almost 
human  sympathy  to  the  work  of  the  farmer,  and 
bestowing  upon  him  bountiful  harvests  of  grain 
and  fruits  in  season. 

Mr.  Kane  naturally  takes  an  honest  pride  in  his 
military  record, |having  fought  for  his  country  dur- 
ing the  period  of  the  dreadful  conflict  between  the 
North  and  South.  He  enlisted  in  August,  1861,  in 
Company  I,  38th  Ohio  Infantry,  as  a  private.  As 
the  terrible  contest  deepened  and  thickened,  his 
courage  rose  to  the  emergencj'.  and  with  the  neces- 
sity for  immediate  action  his  soul  laid  aside  every 
fetter  binding  it  to  earth,  and  he  was  prepared  to 
even  die  for  the  land  he  loved.  For  personal  bra- 
very he  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  Sergeant  in 
May,  1864,  a  position  he  held  until  his  discharge 
at  the  close  of  the  war.  Beiow  we  mention  some 
of  the  battles  in  which  he  participated:  Stone 
River,  Mission  Ridge;  .Jonesborough,  Ga.,  thence 
with  Sherman  on  his  march  to  the  sea,  an  ever-to-be- 
remembered  march,  during  which  the  army  was 
under  constant  fire.  At  Resaca  our  subject  received 
a  wound  but  was  not  disabled  thereby.  At  Jones- 
borough,  in  September,  1864,  he  received  a  gun-shot 
in  the  left  arm,  which,  although  onl)'  a  flesh  wound, 
tore  tlie  muscles  of  the  arm  very  considerably,  and 
still  is  a  source  of  frequently  recurring  pain  to  him. 
He  took  part  in  the  grand  review  at  Washington, 
D.  C,  and  was  mustered  out  of  the  service  July  22, 
1865.  Thus  was  terminated  an  honorable  period 
in  the  life  of  Mr.  Kane,  and  although  a  time  of 
horrors,  yet  in  the  midst  of  the  sorrows  were  a  few 
joys,  and  some  pleasant  and  amusing  occurrences, 
to  which  our  subject  enjoys  referring,  and  of  which 
he  often  thinks  when  memory  goes  back  to  those 
hours  of  struggle. 

Of  Irish  and  Scotch  parentage  Mr.  Kane  was 
born  in  Londonderry,  Ireland,  Sept.  12,  1841.  In 
the  Emerald  Isle  he  passed  the  days  and  years  of 
childhood,  but  when  ten  years  of  age  came  with 
his  parents,  Henry  and  Mary  (King)  Kane,  to  the 
United  States.  They  took  passage  from  Liverpool 
in  1851,  in  the  sail-ship  "Fidalia,"  which  was 
anchored  in  New  York  harbor  in  thirty-three  days 
after  leaving  the  shores  of  England.  Continuing 
iheir  journej'  westward  the  family  setttled  in  Ful- 
ton  County,  Ohio,  and   tliere  the  father  died  in  a 

few  months  succeeding  his  arrival  in  this  country, 
the  date  of  his  death  being  June  26,  1852,  when  he 
had  reached  the  age  of  forty-five  years.  The  mother 
survived  her  husband  many  years,  and  passed  to 
her  Qnal  rest  Oct.,  13,  1886.  They  were  both  mem- 
bers of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in  Ireland,  and 
the  paternal  ancestors  as  far  back  as  the  record  ex- 
tends were  natives  of  Ireland,  while  the  mother's 
people  came  from  Scotland  to  Ireland  many  gener- 
ations ago. 

Preempting  a  claim  of  eighty  acres  in  Herkimer 
Township,  this  county,  in  July,  1870,  Mr.  Kane 
there  remained  until  1879,  and  thence  removed  to 
his  present  farm,  buying  160  acres,  later  addino-  to 
it  140  acres,  all  then  in  a  wild  condition,  upon 
which  few  furrows  had  ever  been  turned.  This 
was  the  basis  of  his  present  possessions,  and  has 
been  the  scene  of  his  labors  for  these  many  years. 
When  peace  had  once  more  returned  to  bless  the 
country,  and  the  tumult  of  war  was  being  forgotten 
in  the  excitement  of  business  prosperity,  Mr.  Kane 
turned  his  thoughts  to  domestic  ties,  and  in  found- 
ing a  home  of  his  own,  chose  as  his  wife  Miss 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Nicholas  and  Helen  (Rector) 
Simmons.  This  lady  was  a  native  of  New  York 
and  came  to  Ohio  when  a  child  in  company  with 
her  parents.  The  wedding  celebration  of  our  sub- 
ject and  his  excellent  wife  occurred  in  Fulton 
County,  Ohio,  on  the  3d  of  September,! 865,  and  for 
tiie  next  five  years  they  resided  in  the  county  which 
had  for  so  long  been  their  home,  and  where  they 
had  so  many  warm  friends.  The  parents  of  Mrs. 
Kane,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Simmons,  also  came  to  Mar- 
shall Count}',  Maj-  10,  1870,  and  located  in  Herki- 
mer Township,  where  the  father  passed  awa^^  in 
1872,  and  the  mother  Jan.  25,  1888.  They  were 
either  natives  of  Germany  or  of  direct  German 

The  home  circle  was  completed  by  the  birth 
of  seven  children,  of  whom  two,  John  F.  and 
Lillian,  were  laid  to  rest  by  the  grief  stricken  par- 
ents. There  remain  to  bless  the  home  five  ciiil- 
dren,  whose  names  are  recorded  .as  follows:  Albert 
H.,  Mary  E.,  William  A,  Leion  W.  and  Lena  T.,  all 
at  home.  Politically,  our  subject  aims  in  local 
elections  to  cast  his  ballot  for  the  one  he  deems 
most  competent  to  discharge  the  duties  devolving 



upon  him  in  official  life,  hut  in  general  elections 
he  affiliates  with  the  Republican  party.  AVhen  he 
first  came  to  this  county  he  not  only  had  nothing, 
and  was  $400  in  debt,  but  now  enjoys  the  possession 
of  a  competence  which  will  educate  his  children 
and  protect  his  age  from  want. 

T'  RCHIE  P.  McLEOD.  Scotland  may  be 
fltl}'  described  as  a  cradle  of  heroism. 
Cowardice,  either  piiysical  or  moral,  being 
considered  almost  in  the  light  of  a  crime, 
by  the  noble  people  inhabiting  either  the  highlands 
or  lowlands  of  the  country  whose  soil  was  trodden 
by  such  heroes  as  Wallace  and  Bruce,  and  their 
followers.  They  are  a  brave,  generous,  thrifty, 
intellectual,  and  for  the  most  part  moral  and  relig- 
ious people.  Liberty-loving,  and  intolerant  of 
oppression,  their  descendants  in  America,  contrib- 
ute not  a  little  to  the  capacity  which  this  country 
has  thus  far  shown  to  resist  all  abridgement  of  the 
proper  liberties  of  its  citizens.  The  Scottish  emi- 
grant brings  with  hira  not  ouly  his  love  of  freedom, 
but  also  a  shrewd  thriftincss  that  assures  him  a 
living  in  an}-  situation,  and  rnalies  him  a  desirable 
member  of  every  community. 

To  this  renowned  and  glorious  people,  celebrated 
in  song  and  story,  romance  and  history,  Archie 
McLeod  is  proud  to  trace  his  ancestry.  His  par- 
ents, Duncan  and  Barbara  ^Patterson)  McLeod, 
were  both  natives  of  North  Carolina,  of  Scotch 
parenl.age.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duncan  McLeod  were 
married  in  their  native  State,  and  made  it  their 
home  for  some  time,  subsequently  removing  to 
Georgia,  where  they  remained  one  3'ear.  Thej' 
then  gathered  up  their  belongings  and  emigrated  to 
Knox  Count}',  Ky.,  and  lived  there  until  a  short 
time  previous  to  their  death,  when  they  removed  to 
Harrison  Count}',  Ky.  They  passed  away  from  the 
cares  and  trials  of  life  in  the  latter  county,  leavinof 
the  heritage  of  a  good  name  to  their  children. 

Archie  McLeod  was  born  near  Macon,  Ga.,  on 
Aug.  20,  1828,  being  the  fifth  in  order  of  birth  in 
a  family  of    six    children,      llis    youth    and    early 

manhood  were  passed  in  Knox  County,  Ky..  in 
which  place  he  remained  till  1851,  when  he  went 
with  his  parents  to  Harrison  County,  where  he  fol- 
lowed farming  and  also  taught  school;  employing 
himself  in  the  latter  occupation  principally  during 
the  winter  months.  He  was  engaged  in  the  pro- 
fession of  teaching  for  the  space  of  about  ten  years, 
making  Clay  and  Harrison  counties  the  theatre  of 
his  operations. 

October  13,  1861.  Mr.  McLeod,  then  in  the  very 
prime  of  life,  enlisted,  at  Lexington,  Ky.,  in  Com- 
pany B,  6th  Kentucky  Cavalry,  and  served  with 
true  Scotch- American  valor  till  Dec.  23,  1864, 
when  he  was  mustered  out  and  honorably  dis- 
charged. Upon  first  entering  the  service  he  was 
elected  Orderly  Sergeant,  but  was  promoted  for 
distinguished  gallantry  in  action,  to  the  First  Lieu- 
tenancy of  his  company,  in  September,  1862,  and 
retained  this  rank  till  the  time  of  his  discharge. 

In  February,  1865,  Lieut.  McLeod  departed  from 
his  home  in  Kentucky  and  located  in  Illinois.  He 
bought  a  farm  in  Berlin,  Sangamon  County,  and 
made  it  his  residence  for  about  four  years.  In 
September,  1869,  he  sold  out  his  possessions  and 
removed  to  Marshall  County,  Kan.  He  home- 
steaded  land  in  Center  Township,  on  Section  30, 
and  immediately  began  improving  it,  with  the 
intention  of  making  it  the  permanent  residence  of 
himself  and  family.  All  the  work  necessary  to 
make  a  comfortable  home  was  pushed  forward  with 
vigor  and  spirit,  and  he  owns  at  present  167  acres 
of  well  cultivated  land.  F'arming  and  stock-rais- 
ing occuijies  his  attention  exclusively.  He  m.akes 
a  specialty  of  Norman  horses,  and  his  intelligent 
zeal  has  been  rewarded  with  a  large  measure  of 

Mr.  McLeod  has  been  married  three  times,  his 
first  wife  being  Miss  Frances  Kinney,  to  whom  he 
was  united  in  Harrison  County,  Ky.,  Nov.  18, 
1857.  Mrs.  McLeod  was  a  native  of  Harrison 
County,  and  six  months  after  her  marriage  was 
called  away  from  the  pursuits  of  life  to  enjoy  the 
beauties  of  a  home  above.  About  five  years  after 
the  loss  of  his  first  wife  our  subject  was  again 
married,  the  Lady  of  his  choice  being  Miss  Garrard, 
a  native  of  Harrison  County.  The  wedding  was 
celebrated   in   the  same  county,  on  May  26,  1868. 



She  became  the  mother  of  eight  children :  Anna, 
William  R.,  Barbara,  Edward  D.,  an  infant  who 
died  shortly  after  birth,  Thomas,  Ilattie  and  Ev- 
erett. Mrs.  Sarah  McLeod  died  in  Center  Town- 
ship, Marshall  County,  Jan.  11,  1862,  leaving  a 
la]ge  circle  of  friends  and  acquaintances  besides 
her  family  to  mourn  her  departure. 

September  11,  1884,  Mr.  McLeod  was  married 
to  Miss  Francos  J.  Means,  a  sister  of  J.  W.  Means, 
a  sketch  of  whom  appears  elsewhere  in  this  work. 
Mrs.  McLeod  was  born  in  Piatt  County,  Mo.,  Nov. 
10,  1840.  She  is  a  well  educated  and  very 
intelligent  lady,  full3'  able  to  occupy  a  leading 
place  in  the  community  in  which  she  resides. 

Mr.  JIcLeod  has  held  the  office  of  Justice  of  the 
Peace  for  twelve  years,  in  Center  Township,  which 
shows  the  high  regard  for  probity  and  fairness  in 
which  he  is  held  bj'  his  neighbors.  He  has  also 
been  Township  Trustee  for  one  year,  and  in  every 
relation  which  it  has  been  his  lot  to  sustain  toward 
his  neighbors  has  given  unqualifiedly  good  satis- 
faction. Politicalh',  he  is  a  Republican,  and  ma- 
terially assists  his  party  in  all  legitimate  campaign 
work.  He  is  a  fine,  upright,  energetic  man,  and 
enjoys  the  respect  and  esteem  of  the  entire  district. 
He  has  been  an  active  and  influential  member  of 
the  Baptist  Church  for  about  thirty  years,  and  has 
a  character  without  a  stain. 

"  IV  other  countr3',  perhaps,  does  a  woman 
11  have  a  better  chance  to  support  herself 
and  those  depending  upon  her,  when  the 
decree  of  fate  demands  that  she  make  the  effort, 
than  in  so-called  free  America,  but  even  here  the 
attempt  is  fraught  with  a  thousand  difficulties  and 
trials  unknown  to  and  not  experienced  by  the 
sterner  sex.  In  the  matter  of  recognizing  and  pro- 
viding for  the  fact  that  a  woman  has  the  right  to 
make  and  provide  for  a  home  for  herself  and  those 
deijending  upon  her,  owing  to  the  taking  away  of 
the  natural  head  of  the  house  or  for  any  other  rea- 
son, the  '-West"  and  Kansas  especially  is  far  in 
advance  of  the  Eastern  States.    A  woman  is  recog- 

nized as  a  citizen,  and  has  more  rights  granted  by 
law  than  the  doubtful  one  of  paying  taxes  without 

One  of  the  noblest  among  the  many  noble  women 
of  Marshall  County,  is  the  one  whose  name  is  at  the 
head  of  this  sketch.  Mrs.  Robinson  is  a  daughter 
of  Henry  Nealy,  who  was  born  in  Canada  of  Irish 
ancestry.  Her  mother  was  Sarah  H.  Switzer,  of 
German  ancestry.  After  marriage  the  parents  set- 
tled in  Upper  Canada,  whore  they  lived  continu- 
ously until  called  upon  to  go  hence.  Mr.  Nealy 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  but  for  thirty  years 
was  Sheriff  of  the  count}-.  This  couple  became  the 
parents  of  four  children,  one  son  and  three  daugh- 
ters. Elizabeth  was  the  eldest  of  the  family.  She 
was  born  in  Newberg,  township  of  Camden,  Up- 
per Canada,  Oct.  20,  1828.  She  remained  with 
her  parents  till  her  marriage  which  took  i)lace  in 
her  native  town,  June  1,  1857. 

John  Robinson,  the  husband  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  England  about  1817.  He  was  only  three 
j-ears  old  when  his  parents  removed  to  Canada.  His 
father  was  Thomas  Robinson,  his  mother  Mary(  Wil- 
lin)  Robinson.  Their  death  occurred  in  Canada,where 
they  had  spent  the  greater  portion  of  their  lives. 
John  Robinson  grew  to  manhood  in  the  town- 
ship of  Smith,  near  Peterborough.  He  followed 
the  occupation  of  farming,  and  after  marriage  set- 
tled near  Peterborough,  in  Canada.  They  resided 
there  until  the  decease  of  Mr.  Robinson,  which  oc- 
curred June  21,  1872.  They  were  the  parents  of 
nine  children,  named  respectively,  Henry  N., 
George  W.,  Isabella,  Albert  R.,  Sarah  J.,  Victoria 
E.,  Adelaide,  Moreley  P.  and  Frances  E. 

In  the  spring  of  1871  John  Robinson  visited 
Marshall  County  and  purchased  362  acres  of  land 
in  Center  Township,  on  sections  I'J  and  20,  in- 
tending to  remove  and  locate  on  the  |)lace  he  had 
bought,  but  death  intervened,  his  departure  taking 
place  the  following  spring.  Six  3'ears  aftorw.ard 
Mrs.  Robinson  disposed  of  her  property  in  Canada 
and  emigrated  to  Kansas,  locating  on  the  land 
which  her  husband  had  previously  secured  in  Mar- 
shall Count}'.  She  erected  a  handsome  residence 
and  other  good  buildings,  which  she  keeps  in  first- 
class  condition.  She  has  also  made  other  good  im- 
provements on   her  estate  and   operates    it  herself 



with  gratifying  success.     She  has  a  fine  farm  which 

is  a  credit  to  her  and  an  ornament  to  the  neighbor- 

When  a  lovely  maiden  of  nineteen,  Mrs.  Robin- 
son confessed  her  faith  in  her  Redenier  aud  united 
with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in  which 
commnnion  also  Mr.  Robinson  found  a  religions 
home.  She  takes  a  deep  and  abiding  interest  in 
whatever  concerns  the  welfare  and  prosperitj'  of 
the  young,  taking  especial  interest  in  educational 
and  religious  affairs.  In  her  labor  of  love  for  the 
advancement  of  her  friends  and  kindred  in  moral 
and  mental  subjects,  she  is  carrj'ing  forward  with 
loving  fidelity  the  work  so  uobly  begun  by  her 
husband.  It  may  be  truly  said  of  Mrs.  Robinson 
that  she  is  a  "  noble  woman  nobly  planned." 


/^  HRISTIAN  BLUHM.  It  has  ."been  very 
(ll  n  *''^i'y  ^^^^  ^^^^  "  ''^'1  ^'  -  architects  of  fate, 
^te^  working  in  these  walls  of  time."  Some  build 
structures,  fair  in  outward  appearance,  but  with 
eager  haste  and  careless  hand  uprenred,  so  that  the 
seemingly  perfect  building  soon  totters  on  its  mold- 
ering  pillars,  wavers  and  falls.  Othersfail  to  gain 
even  the  outward  symmetry  and  beauty  .and  discour- 
aged and  disheartened,  retire  from  the  midst  of 
the  busj'  workers,  and  in  indolence,  languidly  and 
listlessly  watch  other  architects.  But  bappilj'  many 
there  are  in  this  world  of  action  who  erect  eternal 
monuments,  commemorative  of  their  perseverance, 
honor  and  integrity,  and  leave  these  structures  to 
be  examined  by  others,  and  to  be  admired  both  for 
beautiful  outward  aspect  and  inward  stability. 

As  one  of  these  latter  ones,  we  present  the  name 
of  Christian  Bluhm,  together  with  a  brief  record 
of  the  most  important  occurrences  in  his  life,  a 
long  and  active  one,  passed  parti}-  in  the  United 
States,  and  partly  in  the  Fatherland.  A  native  of 
Mecklenburg,  Germany,  Mr.  Bluhm  was  born  July 
11. 1827,  and  was  reared  as  other  boys  in  his  land 
under  the  compulsory'  education  law.  When  he 
had  reached  the  age  of  twent^v-one  years  he  was 
united  in  marriage,  in  1848,  with  Miss  Sophia 
Monk,  daughter  of  William  Monk,  and  a  native  of 

Mecklenburg.  Both  the  Bluhm  and  the  Monk  fam- 
ilies for  many  generations,  and  as  far  back  as  the 
family  record  extends,  were  natives  and  residents 
of  Mecklenburg,  and  also  members  of  the  Luth- 
eran Church.  On  both  sides  the  ancestars  were, 
without  exception,  people  of  worth  and  abilitj', 
respected  and  admired  for  courage,  thrift  and  in- 
dustry. A  few  years  after  their  marriage,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Blnhm,  accompanied  by  their  son,  Joseph,  left 
their  old  home,  and  their  friends  aud  relatives,  to 
seek  a  fortune  in  a  newer  country,  and  a  richer 
soil.  In  1852  they  made  the  voyage  across  the 
ocean,  taking  passage  from  the  port  of  Hamburg 
in  a  sail-ship,  the  "Aleza,"  which  made  the  trip  to 
New  York  in  ninety  days,  so  that  the  pas.=engers 
landed  Dec.  1.5,  1852.  Crossing  the  State  of  New 
York  they  reached  Buffalo,  without  money,  home- 
less and  friendless. 

Manj'  stout  hearts  have  been  disheartened  un- 
der less  appalling  circumstances,  but  our  subject 
went  to  work  cutting  wood  at  two  shillings  per 
cord,  ai.d  his  family  lived  on  the  pittance  thus 
earned  until  something  better  offered  itself  to  them. 
Securing  emploj-ment  in  the  cement  works  at  Ak- 
ron, N.  Y..  the  family  removed  to  that  city  which 
was  their  home  until  1870.  Then,  in  accordance 
with  the  famous  advice  of  one  of  our  wisest  and 
most  brilliant  statesmen,  the}'  came  West,  and  for 
a  time  were  located  in  Cook  County,  111.  Their 
eyes  still  turned  further  toward  the  setting  sun, 
and  Kansas  became  their  home  in  the  spring  of 
1S73.  The  first  year  of  their  residence  here  they 
occupied  rented  land,  but  in  1874  Mr.  Bluhm 
erected  the  buildings  on  his  present  farm,  which  he 
piu'chased  in  1873.  He  is  now  owner  of  360  acres 
of  fine  land,  in  excellent  cultivation,  with  pastures 
and  meadows,  and  inclosed  by  good  fences.  On 
this  homestead  he  has  put  up  a  commodious  frame 
residence,  with  a  fine  barn,  and  all  the  outbuildings 
now  considered  essential  to  a  modern  farm.  Real- 
izing the  importance  of  fruit  to  the  development 
and  financial  value  of  his  land,  he  has  set  out  a 
fine  orchard,  and  now  has  100  bearing  trees  within 
its  limits. 

The  only  child  of  Mr.  Bluhm  and  his  excellent 
wife  is  their  son,  Joseph,  the  chief  manager  of  the 
farm.     He  was   born  in   Mecklenburg,  Germany, 



in  November,  1849,  but  accompanied  his  parents 
to  their  new  home  across  the  Atlantic  in  1852. 
Here  he  early  learned  to  work,  and  became  indis- 
pensable to  the  home  while  yet  j'oung  in  years. 
He  was  mariied  in  1876,  to  Miss  Henrietta,  daugh- 
ter of  William  and  Mar}-  Kinka.  This  lady  was 
born  in  Mecklenburg,  Germany,  and  came  to  Amer- 
ica in  1868,  her  parents  having  died  in  Germany 
prior  to  her  emigration  here.  Her  family  are  all 
members  of,  and  in  sympath}'  with  the  Lutheran 
Church,  to  which  she  has  devoted  a  great  deal  of 
!ier  time,  and  has  earnestly  endeavored  to  promote 
the  cause  of  the  Gospel.  Joseph  Bluhm  and  his 
wife  have  become  the  parents  of  four  children,  viz.: 
George,  Albert,  Ernest  and  Augusta,  all  living 
and  receiving  good  educations  in  the  home  schools, 
while  at  the  same  time  they  are  becoming  proficient 
in  various  kinds  of  manual  labor.  Mr.  Bluhm  and 
his  son  make  a  specialty  of  Poland-China  hogs, 
raising  between  100  and  1  20  head  each  year.  Hav- 
ing arisen  from  an  humble  beginning  to  affluence, 
the}'  can  look  back  on  a  past  of  honorable  endeavor 
and  unremitting  labor,  with  the  pleasant  conscious- 
ness that  their  present  prosperity  is  due  alone  to 
their  own  efforts.  They  realize  that  thej'  have 
been  aided  also  by  encouraging  words,  and  kind 
actions  on  the  part  of  their  neighbors,  who  have 
ever  accorded  them  the  highest  respect,  as  is  due 
those  who  have  promoted  the  interests  of  their 
communitv.  Politically,  our  subject  and  his  son 
are  both  Republicans. 

■ -^m- 

^  OHN  ROLL.  Among  the  many  attractive 
homes  of  this  county  none  would  more 
quickly  strike  the  eye  of  a  stranger  than 
that  occupied  by  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
and  none  would  prove  more  attractive  to  those 
who  cross  the  threshold.  The  house  is  comforta- 
ble and  homelike  in  appearance,  made  still  more 
attractive  by  its  setting  of  shade  and  fruit  trees, 
and  is  situated  on  section  10,  Center  Township. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Frederick  Roll,  a 
native  of  Switzerland.  The  mother,  whose  maiden 
name  was  Anna  Rolle,  was  also  a  native  of  that  fa- 

mous land,  where  the  parents  married  and  settled. 
They  emigrated  to  America  in  1854,  settling  in 
Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio,  where  they  lived  about 
ten  years.  They  then  removed  to  Benton  County, 
Iowa,  where  they  now  reside.  They  had  a  family 
of  seven  children,  five  sons  and  two  daughters,  our 
subject  being  the  sixth  chiU  in  order  of  birtii.  He 
was  born  in  Tuscarawas  County,  Nov.  29,  1854, 
being  about  ten  years  of  age  when  his  parents  re- 
moved to  Iowa,  where  he  grew  to  manhood.  He 
made  the  best  of  his  educational  advantages  and 
acquired  a  good  education  at  the  common  schools. 
He  continued  to  reside  under  the  parental  roof 
until  he  was  nearly  twenty-three  years  old,  when 
he  came  to  Brown  County,  this  State.  During  the 
first  year  of  his  residence  he  worked  by  the  month 
upon  a  farm.  He  then  settled  upon  land  which  he 
had  previously'  bought  in  that  county,  and  there 
he  remained  until  1882,  when  he  sold  his  farm,  and, 
coming  with  his  family  to  this  county,  bought  320 
acres  in  the  township  where  he  has  since  been  a 
resident.     He  subsequently  sold  160  acres. 

Miss  Maggie  S.  Pfister,  to  whom  our  subject  was 
married,  in  Brown  County,  Kan.,  Jan.  1,  1879,  is, 
like  her  husb.and,  of  Swiss  descent.  Her  father 
Christian  and  her  mother  Mary  (Witchie)  Pfister, 
were  natives  of  Switzerland  but  were  living  in 
America  previous  to  their  marriage.  Their  home 
was  at  Highland,  111.,  where  Mr.  Pfister  died,  Feb. 
18,  1882.  They  had  four  children,  of  whom  Mrs. 
Roll  was  the  second,  she  having  been  born  at 
Highland,  111.,  March  3,  1858.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Roll 
are  the  parents  of  six  interesting  children:  Freder- 
ick C,  Anna  M.,  Mary  M.,  Lizzie  M.,  Eva  I.  and 
John  W. 

Mr.  Roll  is  now  an  adherent  of  the  principles  of 
the  Union  Labor  part3%  though  formerly  belon"-- 
ing  in  the  ranks  of  the  Democracy.  He  has  been 
entrusted  with  the  cares  of  the  school  funds,  hold- 
ing his  ofHce  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  community. 
His  farm  has  not  only  been  thoroughly  improved, 
but  upon  it  he  has  erected  substantial  and  adequate 
buildings  for  the  carrying  on  of  agriculture,  and 
in  addition  to  this  has  set  out  a  great  number  of 
fruit  and  shade  trees.  He  now  owns  1 60  acres,  and 
he  and  his  wife  take  great  pleasure  in  their  attract- 
ive home.     Both  are  worthy  members  of  the  Ger- 



man  Reformed  Church.  Not  only  is  Mr.  Roll  a 
good  farmer  and  a  reliable  citizen,  but  he  and  his 
wife  are  people  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence 
and  worthy  recipients  of  the  respect  which  they 

JjOSEPH  WILSON.  Prominent  among  tbe 
1  wealthy  stockmen  and  farmers  of  this  county 
I  is  our  subject,  senior  member  of  the  firm  of 
'  Joseph  Wilson  &  Son,  who  occupies  a  fine 
brick  residence,  surrounded  by  excellent  farm 
buildings,  on  section  IG,  Marysville  Township. 
The  father  of  our  subject,  Joseph  Butler  Wilson, 
was  a  native  of  Hudson,  N.  H.  His  mother  was  a 
native  of  Massachusetts,  her  maiden  name  being 
Harriet  Crossfield.  The  parents  first  settled  in 
Maiden,  Mass.,  where  they  lived  until  their  death. 
They  were  blessed  with  but  two  children,  our  sub- 
ject and  liis  sister  Harriet,  who  became  the  wife  of 
Cliarles  Heath,  and  died  in  Maiden,  Mass.,  in  1887. 
Our  subject  was  born  July  29,  1820,  passing  his 
early  life  in  his  native  place,  Maiden,  Mass.  His 
father  being  a  millwright  he  worked  at  that  busi- 
ness until  the  age  of  twenty-seven.  He  then  went 
to  Lowell,  Mass.,  where  he  was  employed  in  a  car- 
pet machine  shop  for  the  period  of  two  years.  He 
then  took  a  position  as  foreman  in  a  machine  shop 
at  Brady's  Bend,  Pa.,  the  shop  being  known  as  the 
Brady's  Bend  Rail  Works.  Here  he  remained  for 
eighteen  months,  when  he  returned  to  the  New 
England  States,  and  for  six  months  was  employed 
in  Providence,  R.  I.  While  here  he  was  married 
to  Sarah  Phillips,  of  Brady's  Bend,  Pa.  Mr.  Wil- 
son moved  to  South  Boston,  Mass.,  and  there  fol- 
lowed his  trade  of  machinist  for  about  six  years. 
He  then  started  a  iiotel  and  familj'  grocery  store 
in  the  same  place,  which  he  carried  on  for  about 
four  years.  Returning  to  Maiden  on  the  death  of 
liis  father,  he  remained  tliere  eight  years,  building 
several  houses  and  speculating  in  laud.  During 
his  early  life  Mr.  Wilson  was  extremely  fond  of 
hunting  and  made  several  trips  to  the  West  on 
hunting  expeditions.  In  1872  he,  with  his  son 
Charles,  then  nineteen  j'ears  of  age,  came  to  Ind- 

iana and  engaged  in  hunting  for  an  entire  season. 
Previous  to  coming  to  Kansas  in  1873,  our  subject 
sold  his  property  in  Maiden  and  Boston,  and  select- 
ing Marshall  Count}'  for  his  home  he  located  on 
section  16,  Marysville  Township.  Since  coming  to 
this  State  he  has  given  his  attention  to  farming 
and  stock-raising,  being  one  of  the  wealthiest  men 
of  the  township,  where  he  owns  about  900  acres  of 
land.  In  companj'  with  his  son  Charles,  he  makes 
a  specialty  of  breeding  finePercheron  horses.  They 
keep  about  100  head  of  horses  and  about  250  head 
of  cattle. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wilson  have  been  the  parents  of 
three  children — Harriet  E.,  who  is  the  wife  of 
Colvin  T.  Mann,  of  Marysville;  Charles  B.,  the 
junior  member  of  the  firm  of  Joseph  Wilson  & 
Son,  (for  whose  history  see  another  page  of  this 
Album);  and  Clara  Belle,  who  died  in  her  first 
year  in  South  Boston,  Mass.  Mr?.  AVilson  died  in 
Maiden,  Mass.,  about  1866. 

Although  formerly  an  active  member  of  the 
Republican  party,  Mr.  Wilson  now  supports  the 
principles  of  Democracy.  He  is  not  only  the 
owner  of  the  fine  farm  mentioned  but  also  of  val- 
uable propert}'  in  llie  city  of  Marysville.  That  he 
is  an  enterprising  man  speaks  for  itself  in  tiie  posi- 
tion he  occupies  among  the  stockmen  of  the  sec- 
tion. He  is  a  very  affable  and  pleasant  gentleman, 
one  with  whom  it  is  a  pleasure  to  meet,  an  honor- 
able man  in  all  his  dealings  in  societ}',  and  enjoying 
the  hearty  esteem  of  all  who  know  him. 

^ ^^ V- 

■vfOHN  T.  BURKE.  The  future  of  our 
I  country  depends  upon  the  j'oung  men  of 
j  to-day,  and  as  they  are  trained  and  reared, 
^^  /  so  will  the  nation  grow  in  enterprise,  wealth, 
and  honor,  or  the  I'everse.  It  is  then  with  pleasure 
that  we  can  observe  the  worth  and  scrupulous 
honesty  of  these  young  men  who  are  to  be  the 
presidents,  governors,  congressmen,  and  magis- 
trates of  our  nation.  They  are  to  be  law  makers 
and  law  observers,  otherwise  perils  will  attend  the 
years  to  come. 

He  with  whose  name  we  introduce  this  sketch  is 



one  of  tliose  residents  of  Marshall  County,  who 
will  in  time  be  in  authority  over  others;  for  pos- 
sessing those  qualities  which  bring  a  man  to  the 
front,  and  that  enterprise  which  will  make  him 
prominent  among  his  fellow  men,  he  will  assist  in 
developing  the  vast  resources  of  JNlarshall  County, 
so  that  she  will  continue  to  be  as  she  has  been  in 
the  past,  one  of  the  grandest  and  most  fruitful  of 
all  those  in  the  State. 

Mr.  Burke  is  a  resident  of  section  6,  in  Cleveland 
Township,  where  with  his  mother  he  has  a  fine, 
commodious  stone  house,  with  a  large  barn  and 
everything  essential  to  the  conducting  of  a  farm 
on  the  modern  scale.  Politically,  onr  subject  is  a 
strong  Democrat,  but  refuses  official  honors.  He 
lias  however  served  as  Township  Clerk  four  years, 
two  being  in  this  township,  and  two  while  it  was  a 
part  of  Vermillion  Township. 

Born  May  28,  1861,  to  Edward  Burke,  a  native 
of  County  Roscommon,  Ireland,  our  subject  is  thus 
still  in  his  early  manhood,  and  has  before  him  the 
prospect  of  a  bright,  happy  and  useful  future.  It 
may  be  well  to  preface  the  sketch  of  our  subject 
by  first  stating  a  few  important  facts  in  the  histury 
of  his  father.  Edward  Burke  was  born  in  1826, 
and  the  first  years  of  his  life  were  passed  in  the 
Emerald  Isle,  whence  he  emigrated  to  the  United 
States  in  1851.  For  a  few  years  after  his  arrival 
on  these  shores,  he  resided  in  Providence,  R.  I., 
then  located  in  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  and  worked 
on  the  great  White  Sulphur  Railroad  Tunnel  near 
Wheeling.  In  1858  he  removed  to  this  county, 
settling  on  section  6,  in  Cleveland  Township,  where 
his  family  now  live.  Here  he  bought  160  acres 
of  Government  land  at  $1.25  per  acre,  and  upon 
it  built  a  homestead  where  he  lived  and  died.  It 
was  a  wild  country  during  the  first  years  of  his 
residence  here,  being  inhabited  by  Indians  and 
wild  animals,  deer,  turkey  and  wolves  being 

The  wife  of  Edward  Burke,  and  the  mother  of 
John  T.,  is  deserving  of  more  than  passing  notice, 
as  she  was  a  faithful  companion  to  her  husband 
during  his  lifetime,  a  sympathizing  friend  to  all 
around  her  in  times  of  trouble,  a  sharer  in  every 
joy,  and  a  devoted  mother,  anxious  only  for  the 
happiness  and  welfare  of  her  children.    Her  maiden 

name  was  Margaret  Dolan,  and  she  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Edward  Burke,  April  8,  1860.  Her 
father  was  Martin  Dolan,  who  died  at  his  home  in 
Ireland  about  1869.  She  came  to  the  United 
States  when  a  girl,  and  to  her  present  home  April 
15,  1860.  The  first  years  of  the  married  life  of 
Edward  Burke  and  his  wife  were  passed  in  hard 
work,  untiring  labor.  Their  home  was  a  round 
log  cabin  with  one  room,  20  x  16  feet.  The  first 
school  ever  taught  in  the  district  in  which  our 
subject  resides,  was  under  the  supervision  and  per- 
sonal instruction  of  Mrs.  Edward  Burke,  and  was 
conducted  in  the  summer  of  1862.  At  the  time  of 
his  death  the  father  had  by  his  enterprise  and 
business  ability  become  the  owner  of  640  acres  of 
land.  They  had  only  one  child,  John  T.  Burke, 
the  subject  of  this  notice.  Edward  Burke  passed 
to  his  final  rest  April  26,  1889,  having  attained 
the  age  of  sixty-three  years.  He  was  a  man  uni- 
versally respected,  sincere,  honorable,  living  a  life 
above  reproach,  and  charitable  with  the  failings  of 
others  as  well  as  benevolent  and  philanthropic.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Catholic  Church.  The  first 
mass  ever  said  in  this  locality  by  a  resident  Catho- 
lic priest  was  iu  the  house  of  Mr.  Burke,  by 
Father  Fitzgerald. 

Mrs.  Burke  in  early  times  cooked  in  the  old 
Dutch  ovens,  and  has  three  of  them  in  her  posses- 
sion, prizing  them  as  souvenirs  of  happy  daj-s  for- 
ever gone.  Were  they  gold-lined  they  could  not 
be  more  precious  in  her  sight,  and  she  will  hand 
them  down  to  the  next  generation  as  heirlooms, 
and  relics  of  the  pioneer  days  of  Kansas.  She  also 
has  among  other  treasures  the  picture  of  •'  The 
Last  Supper,"  which  was  a  gift  to  her  and  hung  on 
the  wall  of  the  old  log  cabin  for  ten  _years.  In 
those  times  the  Indians  would  often  prowl  around 
in  their  vicinity,  sometimes  even  visit  them,  when 
she  would  make  them  presents  of  such  little  trink- 
ets as  would  delight  their  fancy  and  please  their 
eyes.  Often  too  she  would  give  them  meat  or 
other  articles  of  provision;  indeed  she  feared  to 
refuse  them  anything  the3'  asked  for,  thinking  that 
were  she  to  do  so,  thej-  might  take  her  only  child. 
Mrs.  Burke  is  at  present  a  hale,  hearty,  cheerful, 
and  loveable  lady  of  fifty-six  years. 

Amid  such  scenes  the  youth  of  our  subject  was 



passed,  his  education  being  received  in  St.  Mary's 
College,  in  Pottawatomie  County.  Kan.,  after 
which  he  engaged  in  teaching  school  two  terms  in 
the  home  district.  Then  the  management  of  the 
farm  fell  to  him  and  he  had  to  abandon  teaching. 
When  John  Burke  was  a  lad  the  people  used  to 
freight  goods  to  Denver,  and  he  would  hitch  his 
dog  to  the  wagon  and  haul  corn  from  the  old  log 
cabin  to  the  house.  This  dog  was  a  cross  between 
Newfoundland  and  shepherd,  and  seemed  to  pos- 
sess almost  human  intelligence,  attending  John  to 
and  from  school  and  working  in  harness  like  a 
horse.  When  John  was  in  his  third  year  he  was 
one  day  playing  in  the  garden,  and  knowing  that 
the  tea  canister  was  almost  empty,  and  seeing  his 
mother  making  a  flower  bed  in  the  garden,  he  took 
the  last  tea  leaf  that  remained  and  planted  it  in 
his  flower  bed,  observing  to  her  that  she  would 
soon  have  plenty  of  green  tea. 

In  their  pleasant  residence  our  subject  and  his 
mother  live  happily  and  cosily,  and  there  they 
welcome  their  many  friends  with  gracious  hospi- 
tality, extending  to  all  the  welcome  which  is  so 
pleasant  to  receive  and  which  they  so  well  know 
how  to  offer. 

<^^  LEXANDER  McMILLAN  occupies  a  farm 
mpi     on  section  22,  Logan  Township.    The  land 

jlflM.  is  nearly  all  fenced,  and  the  entire  160 
(^  acres   under   cultivation    or    in    pasture. 

Though  not  so  large  as  some  farms  in  the  town- 
ship, tlie  place  is  one  of  the  most  attractive,  the 
fields  evincing  careful  tillage,  while  an  excellent 
house  and  adequate  farm  buildings,  together  with 
a  fine  orchard  of  200  trees,  give  evidence  that  its 
owner  is  a  progressive  and  painstaking  agricultur- 
ist. In  addition  to  the  usual  products  of  a  Kansas 
farm,  this  one  produces  choice  varieties  of  apples, 
peaches,  plums  and  cherries,  together  with  various 
small  fruits. 

The  blood  of  patriots  throbs  warmly  in  the  veins 
of  our  subject,  whose  ancestors  fought  on  many  a 
holly  contested  field  for  the  inalienable  rights  of 
"life,  liberty,  and  the  pursuit  of  liappiness."    Before 

entering  upon  his  own  history, a  few  words  regarding 
his  family  will  not  be  amiss.  Glancing  backward 
four  generations  we  find  John  McMillan,  who  was 
either  of  Scotch  birth,  or  of  direct  Scottish  ancestr}'. 
He  served  in  the;  Revolutionary  War,  having  at  that 
time  a  son,  Arthur,  who  was  old  enough  to  carr}' 
dispatches  and  make  bullets  for  the  soldiers.  This 
Arthur  McMillan  was  born  in  Washington  County, 
N.  Y..  and  there  married  to  Martha  Duncan,  also 
of  Scotch  ancestry.  He  spent  the  most  of  his  life 
in  his  native  State,  both  he  and  his  wife  dying, 
liowever,  in  Illinois,  when  considerably  past  three- 
score years  and  ten.  Ho  had  been  a  soldier  in  the 
War  of  1812,  as  was  his  son  James,  the  father  of 
our  subject.  James  E.  McMillan  was  a  native  of 
Washington  County,  N.  Y.  He  married  Elizabeth 
Haswell,  a  native  of  Vermont.  They  resided  in 
New  York  State  for  a  number  of  3ears,  and  in 
that  State  their  family  of  eight  children,  with  the 
exception  of  the  youngest,  were  born.  From  the  em- 
pire State  they  removed  to  Illinois,  thence  to  Min- 
nesota, and  thence  to  Howard  County,  Iowa,  where 
the}'  died,  aged  eight3--four  and  eighty-five  years 
respectively.  Of  the  mother's  ancestry  little  is 
known,  as  her  parents  died  when  she  was  but  six- 
teen years  of  age,  and  she  left  Vermont  soon  after. 
Her  father  had  published  the  first  newspaper  in 
Bennington  County,  Vt.,  the  sheet  being  called 
The  Farmer^  which  name  was  afterward  changed  to 
that  of  Vermont  Gazette.  After  his  death  his  son 
and  son-in-law  continued  the  publication  for  several 


Alexander  McMillan,  the  subject  of  our  sketch, 
was  the  eldest  of  his  father's  children,  and  was  born 
in  Franklin  County,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  28,  1821.  He 
was  reared  in  the  Empire  .State  until  near  the  age 
of  eighteen,  when  his  parents  removed  to  Kane 
County,  111.  In  that  county  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried to  Charlotte,  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Sallie 
llinsdell,  a  native  of  Tompkins  County,  N.  Y.. 
who  had  come  to  Illinois  with  her  parents  about 
the  year  1837.  The  result  of  this  union  was  three 
children:  Soprouia  E.,  now  Mrs.  M.  C.  Calhoun, 
whose  home  is  in  Dakota ;  Lavina  J.,  who  married 
William  McKean,  and  died  in  Kingman  County, 
Kan.,  leaving  seven  children;  and  Sophia  C,  now 
Mrs.  W.  E.  Clark,   who  lives  in    DeKalb   County, 



111.  Mrs.  McMillan  died  April  10,  1863,  aged  about 
forty  3'ears,  and  our  subject  later  married  Anna 
Van  Vol  ken  burg,  a  native  of  Fulton  County  N.  Y. 
She  has  borne  him  three  children:  Burton  A.,  who 
died  at  the  age  of  sixteen;  Grace  E.,  who  died  in 
infancy;  and  Cora  B. 

On  Sep.  12,  1861,  our  subject  enlisted  as  a  pri- 
vate in  Company  I,  8th  Illinois  Cavalry,  and 
served  gallantly  until  Feb.  28,  1863,  when  he  re- 
ceived an  honorable  discharge  on  the  surgeon's  cer- 
tlBcate  of  failing  ej'esight.  During  his  period  of 
service  he  had  taken  part  in  the  battles  of  Will- 
iamsburg, Mechanicsville,  South  Mountain  (Md.), 
Antietam,  Fredericksburg,  and  others.  In  April, 
1877,  he  removed  to  this  county,  and  located  upon 
the  farm  which  he  now  occupies. 

Jonathan  Hlnsdell,  father  of  our  subject's  first 
wife,  spent  several  years  in  the  lumber  business  at 
Mecklenburg,  N.  Y.,  and  thence  removed  to  Illi- 
nois, in  which  State  he  spent  his  last  da\'s  as  a  re- 
tired farmer  in  Elgin.  The  father  of  Mr.  McMillan's 
present  wife  was  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812. 
Both  he  and  her  mother  died  when  she  was  about 
ten  years  old,  in  Xew  York  State. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  McMillan  are  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  having  high  standing 
in  that  societj'.  Mr.  McMillan  is  an  enterprising 
farmer,  a  reliable  citizen,  and  justly  respected  for 
his  manv  fine  traits  of  character. 


;  OSEPH  SMERCHECK.  The  interests  of  a 
cosmopolitan  population  have  blended  finely 
together  in  the  settlement  of  Northern  Kan- 
(^^  sas,  there  having  emigrated  to  it  people 
from  nearly  all  countries,  seeking  the  one  common 
purpose,  usually  of  financial  advancement.  Many 
of  them  are  well  educated  people,  and  have  exer- 
cised no  small  influence  upon  the  moral  and  social 
welfare  of  their  count}'.  The  subject  of  liiis  notice 
is  one  of  the  most  intelligent  men  of  his  neighbor- 
hood— well-educated  and  well-read,  one  who  has 
given  more  than  ordinary  thought  to  the  "problem 
of  life,"  and  is  progressive  in  his  ideas.  Mr. 
Smercheck  has   chosen  farming   for  his  calling,  in 

which  he  has  been  uniformly  successful,  making  a 
specialty  of  fine  stock,  including  graded  horses,  and 
has  about  forty  head  of  Hereford  cattle  and  1.50 
head  of  swine.  He  is  also  an  apairist  of  consider- 
able note,  having  thirty  colonies  of  bees  which  he 
cultivates  as  much  for  pleasure  as  the  profit. 
Around  the  homestead  are  fruits  of  all  kinds,  fur- 
nishing the  family  with  the  luxuries  of  the  season. 
The  dwelling  is  built  of  stone,  surrounded  with 
ornamental  and  shade  trees,  while  the  barn  and 
other  outbuildings  aj-e  neat  and  substantial,  and 
fully  adapted  to  the  shelter  of  stock  and  the  sto- 
rage of  grain.  The  fann  is  160  acres  in  extent, 
and  included  in  the  estate  is  another  quarter-sec- 
tion a  half  mile  south,  occupied  by  one  of  the 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  the  Aus- 
trian province  of  Moravia,  Feb.  2,  1839.  His 
father,  Joseph  Smercheck,  Sr.,  was  also  a  Moravian 
and  born  in  1808.  He  was  married  in  early  man- 
hood to  Miss  Theresa  Ondrachek,  who  was  a  native 
of  the  same  province  as  her  husband  and  son,  and 
born  in  1818.  They  owned  a  large  amount  of  land 
in  the  old  country  and  were  the  parents  of  six  chil- 
dren, three  of  whom  are  living. 

Our  subject  remained  a  resident  of  his  native 
province  until  1858,  and  then,  in  compan}'  with 
his  parents  and  the  three  children  living,  set  out 
for  America  on  the  ocean  steamer  "Austria." 
When  out  about  thirteen  days  and  in  mid  ocean 
the  vessel  caught  fire  and  was  burned  to  a  complete 
wreck,  only  the  iron  work  remaining.  She  had 
started  with  700  souls  on  board,  and  of  this  large 
number  only  seventy-two  were  saved,  forty-one  of 
these  being  picked  up  by  a  French  bark.  The  par- 
ents and  three  sisters  of  our  subject  perished,  hav- 
ing cast  themselves  overboard,  preferring  to  meet 
death  by  water  rather  than  fire.  Nine  of  the  pas- 
sengers got  away  in  a  boat  belonging  to  the 
steamer.  Twenty-two  others,  including  our  sub- 
ject, were  rescued  by  a  Norwegian  vessel,  the 
"Catherina,"  after  many  hours  spent  on  the  burn- 
ing ship.  Our  subject  was  ten  hours  in  the  water, 
clinging  to  spars,  ropes,  and  whatever  he  could 
hold  to.  They  were  taken  to  Quebec,  Canada.  All 
this  time  our  subject  had  about  his  person  the  sum 
of  i|800  in  money,  which  his  father  had  given  him 



to  take  care  of  before  starting.     The  dreadful  ex- 
perience can  never  pass  from  his  recollection.     His 
bodily  suffering  was  great,  but  bore  no  comparison    j 
the  affliction  he  suffered  in  the  loss  of  those  who 
were  most  dear  to  him  on  earth. 

From  the  city  of  Quebec  our  subject  repaired  to 
Racine,  Wis,  where  he  found  relatives,  and  there- 
after for  a  time  attended  school  and  worked  for  his 
board  on  a  farm.  In  the  spring  of  1860  he  pur- 
chased forty-five  acres  of  land,  upon  which  he 
worked  two  years  alone.  He  lived  in  Wisconsin 
until  1865,  then  selling  out,  removed  to  Linn 
County,  Iowa,  and  purchased  100  acres,  where  he 
sojourned  until  the  spring  of  1870,  which  wit- 
nessed his  advent  to  this  county.  He  had  in  the 
meantime  been  married,  Nov.  21,  1861,  to  Miss 
Ellen  Smercheck,  his  cousin,  and  the  daughter  of 
Frank  Smercheck,  who  is  now  a  resident  of  Blue 
Rapids  Township.  Mrs.  Smercheck  was  born  June 
10,  1844,  in  Moravia,  and  came  with  her  parents 
to  America  in  1856,  they  settling  in  the  vicinitj' 
of  Racine,  Wis.  They  are  now  residents  of  this 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  two  sons,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Albin, 
married  Miss  Emma  Dvorachek,  and  operates  the 
other  farm  above  described;  they  have  one  child, 
Ella,  now  (1889)  four  years  of  age.  The  younger 
son,  William,  is  unmarried  and  remains  with  his 
parents.  Mr.  Smercheck  has  made  his  mark  in  the 
communic}',  being  a  man  of  more  than  ordinarj^ 
intelligence  and  thoroughly  posted  upon  leading 
events.  He  has  served  as  School  Director  in  his 
district,  was  at  one  time  Clerk  of  the  Board,  and 
in  the  fall  of  1888  was  elected  Township  Clerk  of 
Blue  Rapids.  Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen  he 
identified  himself  with  the  Republican  party,  and 
is  fully  in  sympathy  with  the  Union  Labor  move- 
ment. In  local  politics  he  exercises  a  sensible  in- 

Frank  Smercheck,  a  brother  of  Mrs.  Smercheck, 
enlisted  during  the  Civil  War  in  the  26th  Wiscon- 
sin Infantry,  and  was  severely  wounded  in  the 
lower  limbs  at  the  battle  of  Resaca,  Ga.;  he  died  in 
1871.  Three  cousins  of  our  subject  also  served  in 
the  Union  army  as  members  of  the  26th  Wisconsin 
Infantry.     One,  Joseph  Sbytousky,  was  wounded 

at  the  battle  of  Gettysburg  and  died  in  the  hospital. 
Another,  Joseph  Smercheck,  served  his  full  term 
of  three  3'ears,  and  although  participating  in  all  the 
battles  in  which  his  regiment  engaged,  was  never 
wounded.  The  third,  Vincent  Smercheck,  died  in 
a  liospital  near  the  city  of  Washington  from  the 
effects  of  disease  contracted  in  the  army.  Mr. 
Smercheck  has  accumulated  a  good  property,  and 
is  a  man  generally  respected  in  his  community. 

lr-S^)ICHARD  B.  MOORE,  an  honored  citizen 
11^  mid  valued  civic  official  of  Marshall  Countj', 
which  he  represents  as  County  Comrais- 
;yjsioner,  is  a  resident  of  Oketo,  where  he 
holds  the  position  of  Postmaster.  He  is  a  fine  tj-pe 
of  the  noble  heroes  that  composed  the  Union  army 
in  the  late  Civil  AVar,  through  whose  valor  our 
grand  Republic  was  saved  from  disunion  and  dis- 
honor. He  fought  in  many  battles,  and  won  a  fine 
military  record,  and  by  his  gallant  conduct  gained 
merited  promotion  from  the  ranks  to  be  an  officer 
of  his  company.  It  gives  us  great  pleasure  to  be 
able  to  present  a  sketch  of  the  life  of  tiiis  veteran 
to  his  many  friends  through  the  pages  of  this 

He  is  a  native  of  Chester  County,  Pa.,  and  was 
born  July  4,  1839,  on  the  anniversary  of  the  Na- 
tional holiday  of  our  country,  whose  dearest  in- 
stitutions he  was  called  on  to  aid  in  defending  in 
less  than  a  quarter  of  a  century  thereafter.  He 
was  of  Quaker  ancestry,  and  still  clings  to  the  faith 
of  his  fathers.  His  parents,  Ziba  and  Mary  (Bell) 
Moore,  were  natives  of  Maryland.  After  marriage 
they  took  up  their  abode  in  Chester  Countj^,  Pa., 
and  there  dwelt  in  peace  and  comfort  until  death 
called  them  hence.  They  were  engaged  in  agricul- 
tural pursuits.  In  their  pleasant  household  seven 
children,  three  sons  and  four  daughters,  completed 
the  family  circle. 

Our  subject  was  the  fifth  child  born  to  them,  and 
he  was  reared  to  the  life  of  a  farmer  on  the  old 
homestead  in  Chester  County,  and  remained  under 
the  parental  roof  until  he  was  nineteen  years  of 
age.     Then    a  self-reliant,   self-helpful,   ambitious 



youth,  eager  to  see  something  of  the  world  beyond 
the  bounds  of  his  native  county,  he  set  out  to  travel 
in  the  West,  visited  Ohio  and  Indiana,  and  even 
pressed  on  until  the  Rocky  Mountains  reared  their 
imposing  heights  across  the  plains  before  him.  At 
the  end  of  two  3'ears  he  retraced  his  steps  to  his  old 
Pennsylvania  home,  and  there  the  breaking  out  of 
the  Rebellion  found  him  quietly  pursuing  the  vo- 
cation to  which  he  had  been  reared.  He  eagerly 
watched  the  course  of  events  in  the  South,  and  not- 
withstanding he  was  a  Quaker  by  birth  and  breed- 
ing, and  the  peaceful  doctrines  of  that  faith  had 
been  earl}'  instilled  into  his  mind,  he  cast  aside  all 
such  considerations,  animated  b}'  a  holy  love  of 
country,  the  date  of  his  birth  perhaps  being  an  in- 
spiration to  patriotism,  and  resolving  to  cast  in  his 
lot  with  the  brave  fellows  who  had  already  rushed 
to  the  defense  of  the  stars  and  stripes,  he  enlisted 
Sept.  1,  1861,  in  Companj'  C,  97th  Pennsylvania 
Infantr}-,  and  did  faithful  service  at  the  front  for 
three  long  and  wear}'  years.  For  his  good  soldierlj' 
qualities  and  his  bravery  in  action,  he  was  pro- 
moted to  be  corporal  of  his  company,  and  later  was 
commissioned  sergeant.  He  took  an  active  part  with 
his  regiment  in  the  following  battles:  Fernandina, 
Fla.;  Ft.  Clinch;  Jacksonville,  Fla. ;  Ft.  Wagner, 
Ft.  Gregg,  and  Ft.  Sumter;  accompanied  the  But- 
ler expedition  up  the  James  River,  Va. ;  faced  the 
enemy  at  Drury's  Bluff ;  fought  with  them  at  Green 
Plains,  Va.,  and  was  a  participator  in  other  import- 
ant engagements  with  the  Confederates.  He  did 
not  escape  unscathed  from  the  heat  of  battle,  but 
was  wounded  at  one  time  in  the  right  shoulder  by  a 
gunshot,  and  again  in  the  left  hip,  and  once  more 
in  the  right  thigh.  He  was  thus  unfitted  for  active 
service  for  nearly  four  months.  He  was  honorably 
discharged  at  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  enlist- 
ment, and  was  mustered  out  at  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
After  his  bitter  experience  of  life  on  Southern 
battlefields,  our  subject  returned  to  his  home  in 
Chester  County.  Pa.,  and  continued  to  reside  there 
until  1874.  being  engaged  for  the  most  of  the  time  as 
agent  for  the  Baltimore  Ontral  Railroad,  at  Avon- 
dale,  and  the  Wilmington,  Western  &  Pennsylvania 
.  Railway  at  Landenburgh.  From  1874  to  1876  ho  re- 
sided in  Philadelphia,  and  during  the  Centennial  he 
was  emplo3'ed  as  money  changer  for  the  Centennial 

National  Bank,  at  the  entrance  to  the  gates.  In 
January,  1877,  he  came  as  far  westward  as  Elmore, 
Ottawa  Co.,  Ohio,  and  in  the  following  spring  made 
his  appearance  in  Hodgeman  Count}',  this  State, 
where  he  took  up  1  60  acres  of  land  under  the  pro- 
visions of  the  Homestead  Act.  He  remained  there 
until  the  fall  of  1  880,  and  then  removed  to  Em- 
poria, where  he  lived  but  a  few  months,  when  he 
again  changed  his  place  of  residence,  and  coming 
to  Oketo  in  the  spring  of  1881,  has  ever  since  made 
his  home  in  this  county.  In  the  spring  of  1882  he 
purchased  a  farm  in  Balderson  Township,  which  is 
still  in  his  possession,  and  which  is  under  excellent 
cultivation,  and  is  fairly  well  improved.  He  gave 
his  attention  to  agriculture,  continuing  to  live  on 
his  Balderson  farm  until  the  spring  of  1889, when  he 
removed  into  the  village  of  Oketo,  he  having  been 
appointed  to  the  position  of  Postmaster  by  Post- 
master General  Wannamaker  to  succeed  B.  B. 
Tatman,  receiving  his  appointment  in  April,  1889, 
and  taking  charge  of  his  office  in  the  following  May. 
In  the  fall  of  1887,  he  was  elected  County  Commis- 
sioner for  this  county,  and  is  still  serving  in  that 

May  15,  1869  Mr.  Moore's  marriage  with  Miss 
Celina  S.  Moore,  was  celebrated  near  I{;imo,  Ottawa 
Co.,  Ohio.  Mrs.  Moore  is  a  daughter  of  the  late 
Cyrus  and  Esther  (Knight)  Moore,  and  she  was 
born  in  Ottawa  County,  Ohio,  Aug.  4,  1844.  She 
is  a  woman  of  pleasant,  amiable  disposition,  and 
infinite  tact,  and  knows  well  how  to  make  home 
cozy  and  attractive  to  husband  and  children,  and 
their  numerous  friends.  Two  sons  have  been  l3orn 
to  her  and  our  subject,  David  I.,  and  Clinton  J. 

Mr.  Moore  is  a  man  of  progressive  views  and 
liberal  spirit,  with  a  frank,  kindly  nature  that  has 
gained  him  a  warm  place  in  the  hearts  of  a  large 
circle  of  friends,  and  he  is  an  influence  for  good  in 
the  community.  He  is  scrupulously  honest  and 
just  in  his  dealings,  and  is  regarded  as  the  soul  of 
honor,  and  his  fellow-citizens  seeing  in  him  one 
who  is  in  every  way  admirably  fitted  for  public 
life,  have  often  called  him  to  responsible  positions, 
and  besides  the  office  of  County  Commissioner, 
which  we  have  before  mentioned,  he  has  held  a 
variety  of  township  offices,  and  has  particularly  in- 
terested himself  in  educational  matters.     His   pub- 



lie  career  has  been  without  blemish,  as  he  has 
always  conducted  himself  so  as  to  promote  the 
highest  interests  of  the  town  or  county,  and 
remembering  his  course  as  a  soldier,  we  may 
add,  and  of  his  country.  He  is  a  valued  member 
of  Oketo  Post  No.  477,  G.  A.  R. ;  and  also  of  Lodge 
No.  91,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  of  Marysville,  and  of  Chapter 
No.  222,  Westchester,  Pa.  Politically,  he  is  a  stanch 
Republican;  religiously,  he  belongs  to  the  Friends, 
and  is  a  true  disciple  of  that  faith. 

eHARLES  G.  SCRAFFORD  is  the  pioneer 
banker  of  Summerfield,  where  he  has  erected 
a  tine  Ijank  building,  24  x  40  feet,  wliich  is 
fitted  up  with  a  large  flre-proof  vault  and  burglar- 
proof  safe.  The  business  was  opened  up  the  9th 
of  May,  188'9,  with  the  following  officers:  J.  A. 
Gilchrist,  President;  S.  L.  Davis,  Vice-president; 
C.  G.  .Scrafford,  Cashier,  and  Ed.  R.  Felt,  Assistant 
Cashier.  The  Board  of  Directors  consists  of  Frank 
Thoman,  D.  E.  Swartout,  C.  G.  Scrafford,  A.  J. 
Felt,  R.  M.  Emory,  Walter  Spurling,  J.  E.  Taylor, 
.J.  E.  Gilchrist,  and  S.  L.  Davis.  They  do  a  gen- 
eral banking  business  and  make  a  specialty  of  loan- 
ing money,  of  which  they  have  always  plenty  on 

Before  entering  upon  the  sketch  of  our  subject, 
a  few  lines  regarding  his  ancestors  will  not  be 
amiss.  The  first  of  whom  we  have  knowledge,  is 
Charles  Scrafford,  who  early  in  the  last  century 
ran  away  from  his  home  in  Germany  and  came  to 
America,  having  bound  himself  out  to  pay  his 
fare.  Next  in  order  is  his  son  George,  a  Revolu- 
tionary soldier  under  W.ishington,  and  later  a  par- 
ticipant in  the  war  of  1812.  Next  came  Charles, 
and  following  him  George,  who  is  the  father  of 
our  subject.  To  George  Scrafford  were  born 
twelve  children,  our  subject  being  the  eldest. 
Three  of  the  boys  served  in  the  Union  army  during 
the  late  Civil  War,  and  their  father  also  offered  his 
services  to  the  Nation. 

C.  G.  Scrafford,  of  whom  we  write,  came  to 
Kansas  in  the  year  1856.  At  Osawatamie,  fifty 
miles  soutiiwest  of  Kansas  City,  he  secured  a  quar- 

ter section  of  land  and  built  a  large  log  cabin.  He 
then  brought  his  family,  consisting  of  his  wife  and 
one  child,  as  far  as  Kansas  City,  where  the  boat 
was  boarded  bj'  border  ruffians,  who  would  not 
allow  them  to  land,  saying  that  there  were  too 
many  Ohioans  in  the  State  already.  Mr.  Scrafford 
found  an  opportunity',  however,  to  land  his  family, 
in  the  upper  corner  of  the  State  among  men  of  his 
own  views  who  would  act  the  part  of  friends. 
Since  coming  to  the  State  he  has  spent  three  years 
in  Doniphan  Count}'  and  thirty  years  in  Nemaha 
County.  His  family  resides  at  Seneca  in  the  latter 
county,  and  all  his  business  interests,  except  the 
State  Bank  of  Summerfield,  are  there. 

Our  subject  was  married  to  Justianna  Lappin, 
daughter  of  Finlej'  Lappin,  the  pioneer  of  Nemalia 
County.  Mr.  Lappin  was  the  first  white  man  to 
settle  on  the  town  site  of  Seneca,  which  place  he 
named  and  where  he  is  now  living  at  the  ripe  old 
age  of  eighty-seven.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Scrafford  have 
reared  three  children,  having  lost  their  second  son 
b}-  death.  They  are  named  respectively  Josephine, 
Frank,  Fred,  and  Grace. 

Mr.  Scrafford  received  but  a  limited  education  in 
his  youth,  but  in  later  years  obtained  a  practical 
one,  becoming  very  well  informed.  In  his  boj'- 
hood  he  was  a  chum  of  General  McPherson,  who 
made  so  gallaut  a  record  during  the  late  war.  He 
is  a  stanch  Republican,  in  the  principles  of  which 
party  he  was  bred.  Religiously  he  is  a  Universal- 
ist.  He  is  a  man  of  upright  character,  fine  busi- 
ness ability  and  one  whose  interest  in  Summerfield 
will  be  to  the  advantage  of  that  young  city.  Our 
subject  has  been  County  Treasurer  of  Nemaha 
County,  .and  has  been  Maj'or  of  Seneca  several 

\il  AMES  M.  DAVIS.  One  of  the  first  stock- 
raisers  and  most  prominent  farmers  of  St. 
Bridget  Township,  is  the  above-named  gen- 
gentleman  who  resides  on  section  28,  where 
he  owns  320  acres,  200  of  which  are  thorough!}' 
cultivated.  In  addition  to  general  farming  Mr. 
Davis  makes  sorghum  sugar,  for  which  he  raises 
from   six  to  eight    acres    of    cane.     He   has   from 



fifty  to  sixty  head  of  cattle,  seven  to  ten  horses, 
and  about  thirty-five  head  of  hogs  each  year.  He 
occupies  a  well  built  and  comfortable  house  and 
has  erected  adequate  farm  buildings.  He  is  a  na- 
tive of  North  Carolina,  having  been  born  in  Hay- 
wood County,  that  State,  in  1850,  and  is  the  son 
of  Henrj'  and  Elizabeth  (Curtis)  Davis.  His 
father  was  a  planter,  and  our  subject  was  reared 
upon  the  farm.  He  received  a  common  school 
education  and  when  a  small  boy  went  three  miles 
to  school.  At  about  the  age  of  twenty- one,  he 
left  his  home  intending  to  go  to  New  York,  in- 
stead of  which  he  journeyed  to  Illinois.  He 
stopped  in  Champaign  County  and  engaged  in 
farming,  making  his  home  there  about  nine  years. 
In  1876  he  was  attacked  b}'  the  Western  fever  and 
departed  for  the  Black  Hills,  Dak.,  where  he  en- 
gaged in  mining.  Those  were  troublesome  times 
in  that  section,  where  the  sallies  of  the  Indians 
made  life  outside  the  forts  and  settlements,  very 
precarious.  Gen.  Custer  and  his  gallant  followers, 
were  engaged  in  daring  service  against  the  preda- 
tory red  men,  whom  they  drove  westward,  but  at 
tlie  expense  of  the  bloody  massacre  upon  the  Little 
Big  Horn.  Oui'  subject  spent  a  few  montbs  in 
the  Hills  without  striking  pa^'  dirt  in  any  quantity, 
and  not  being  content  with  a  "•  grub  stake,"  he 
started  eastward.  He  arrived  in  Brown  County, 
Kan.,  in  July,  1876  without  a  dollar  in  his  pocket. 
He  went  energetically  to  work  farming  and  em- 
ployed with  a  tlireshing  machine,  in  which  business 
he  has  been  ver}'  successful.  In  a  short  time  he 
was  enabled  to  purchase  a  third  interest,  and  two 
j'ears  later  was  sole  owner  of  a  fine  new  steam 

In  that  county  our  subject  became  acquainted 
with  Miss  Linda  F.  Webster,  a  school  teacher  from 
Meigs  County,  Oliio.  She  was  a  very  energetic 
and  intelligent  lady,  and  be  justly  thought  her 
sympathy  and  presence  would  round  out  and  com- 
plete his  life.  He  won  the  lady's  consent  to  be- 
come his  bride,  and  after  their  engagement  she 
returned  to  her  home  in  Ohio.  Eighteen  months 
later  at  the  home  of  her  father,  Abraham  Webster, 
the  marriage  was  solemnized,  taking  place  on  the 
29th  day  of  Nov.  1879.  The  young  couple  re- 
mained  in    Brown  County,  for   three    years   after 

their  marriage,  and  then  bought  a  farm  in  Nehama 
County.  They  improved  the  place  and  occupied 
it  for  three  years,  when  it  was  sold  and  the  present 
home  purchased. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Davis  have  been  blessed  with  four 
children:  Frank  Lee,  Pearl  Elton,  Eva  Mabel,  and 

Mr.  Davis  is  liberal  in  his  political  views,  though 
he  generally  votes  the  Democratic  ticket.  He  is 
an  enterprising  and  progressive  business  man,  .an 
intelligent  and  reliable  citizen,  and  a  man  of  up- 
right character,  who  commands  the  respect  of  the 

R.  WILLARD  O.  PACKARD.  The  famil- 
|i|  iar  form  of  this  gentleman  is  well  known  to 
the  peoi)le  living  around  Mina  Station  and 
vicinity,  among  whom  he  has  discharged 
the  duties  of  his  profession  in  that  manner  which 
has  gained  him  their  esteem  and  confidence.  A 
native  of  Bridgewater,  Mass.,  he  was  born  March 
14,  1820,  and  is  the  son  of  Willard  and  Hannah 
(Smith)  Packard.  The  parents,  leaving  Nevv  Eng- 
land when  Willard  O.  was  but  a  child,  emigrated 
to  Cattaraugus  County,  N.Y.,  and  settling  on  a  tract 
of  new  land  sojourned  there  until  our  subject 
a  m9,n  of  twenty-five  years.  They  then  pushed  on 
further  westward  to  Illinois,  settling  near  Syra- 
cuse, in  DeKalb  County,  where  they  lived  until  re- 
moving to  Iowa  .and  taking  up  their  abode  with 
their  son,  Albert  P.  There  they  spent  thfeir  last 
years,  dying  at  an  advanced  age. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  given  a  practical 
education  in  the  common  school,  and  not  long  after 
completing  his  studies,  having  chosen  medicine  for 
his  profession,  he  entered  the  office  of  Dr.  Wm.  N. 
Langmade,  of  Cattaraugus  County,  N.Y.,  and  in 
due  time  commenced  practice  in  Illinois.  He  re- 
mained there  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  late 
Civil  War,  and  then  on  the  1st  of  January,  1862, 
proffered  his  services  to  his  country  by  enlisting  in 
Company  A,  58th  Illinois  Infantry,  under  command 
of  Capt.  R.  W.  Ilealy  and  Col.  W.  F.  Lynch.  The 
company  joined    tlie    regiment   at  P.aducah,   Ky., 


l>OtlTiiAtT  ANt)  BtOGilAtntCAL  ALbtJM. 

and  our  subject  took  part  in  the  battles  of  ¥t. 
Donclson,  Ft.  Henry  and  Shiloh.  At  tbe  latter 
place  his  brother  was  killed  by  his  side  on  the  first 
day  of  the  fight  and  AYillard  O.  narrowly  escaped, 
several  balls  having  passed  through  his  clothing 
and  one  through  the  front  of  his  cap,  and  twice 
the  cartridges  were  knocked  out  of  his  cartridge- 
box.  Later  he  was  one  of  those  detailed  to  re- 
move forage  from  a  boat  which  was  the  first  to 
arrive  after  the  fight.  Mr.  Packard,  in  carrying 
large  sacks  of  corn  up  the  hill  from  the  boat, 
missed  his  footing  and  was  doubled  back  and  down 
so  that  it  caused  partial  paralysis,  from  the  effects 
of  which  he  still  suffers.  The  sight  of  his  right 
eye  is  also  affected.  On  account  of  these  injuries 
he  receives  a  pension  of  $12  per  month.  He  re- 
ceived his  discharge  for  disability  at  the  Marine 
Hospital,  located  at  that  time  in  Chicago,  Oct.  28, 

Upon  leaving  the  armj'  Mr.  Packard  returned  to 
Courtland,  in  the  vicinitj'  of  his  old  home,  where 
he  remained  until  his  recovery,  which  was  effected 
b}'  his  own  treatment,  including  a  galvanic  bat- 
tery. He  suffered  much  with  his  left  limb,  wbicli 
became  withered  to  the  extent  that  it  could  be 
spanned  by  the  fingers.  His  ordinary  weight  prior 
to  entering  the  army  was  230  pounds,  but  the  re 
suit  of  his  injuries  was  to  reduce  this  to  less  than 
110  pounds.  He  finallj' brought  his  limb  to  its 
natural  size. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Nanc}-  E. 
Crofi"  was  celebrated  Feb.  22.  1852,  in  Belvidere, 
111.  This  lady  was  the  daughter  of  Ezra  and 
Marie  'Croff,  of  Belvidere,  the  former  of  whom 
died  in  Courtland,  111.,  about  1875.  Our  subject 
in  1877  removed  to  Montgomerj^  Country,  Iowa, 
where  he  lived  on  a  farm  and  practiced  medicine 
when  able  four  years.  Then  selling  out  he  came 
to  this  county  and  settled  upon  the  eighty  acres 
which  constitutes  his  present  homestead.  This  is 
pleasantly  situated  near  the  little  station  of  Mina. 
The  Doctor  makes  a  specialty  of  chronic  ailments, 
in  which  he  has  been  remarkablj'  successful,  and 
frequently  in  the  course  of  his  practice  drives  out 
in  the  countrj'  to  the  distance  of  twenty  miles. 

To  tiie  Doctor  and  his  wife  there  have  been  born 
six  children,  four  sons    and   two  daughters.     Wil- 

lard  E.  is  married  and  the  father  of  three  daugh- 
ters and  one  son.  He  lives  on  a  farm  of  his  own 
two  miles  north  and  one  mile  west  of  Mina. 
Jacob  is  married  and  the  father  of  two  children; 
he  lives  on  his  own  farm  a  quarter  of  a  mile  west 
of  his  father.  John  W.  is  married  and  has  three 
children;  he  likewise  operates  his  own  farm  a 
quarter  of  a  mile  east  of  his  father.  Lucy  Adell 
is  the  wife  of  Wilbur  Nash,  who  is  engaged  in  the 
lumber  business  in  Toledo,  Washington ;  they  are 
the  parents  of  four  children,  two  sons  and  two 
daughters.  Sidney  O.  married  Miss  Emma  J. 
Ford,  daughter  of  John  H.  Ford  of  this  county, 
and  they  have  two  children,  a  son  and  daughter. 
Pauline  Diana  is  the  wife  of  C.  C.  Spiker;  they 
have  two  daughters  and  a  son  and  live  on  a  farm 
near  the  Doctor.  Our  subject  is  thus  pleasantly 
situated,  having  the  most  of  his  children  around 
him.  In  politics  he  votes  the  straight  Republican 
ticket  and  socially  belongs  to  Cortland  Lodge, 
No.  229,  I.  O.  O.  F.,  with  which  he  has  been  identi- 
fied for  a  period  of  twent^'-eight  3'ears.  He  is  also 
a  member  of  Axtell  Post,  No.  253,  G.  A.  R.,  and 
with  his  wife  belongs  to  the  Baptist  Church  of 
Marysville.  His  motto  has  been  to  do  unto  his 
neighbors  as  he  would  be  done  by ;  and  he  has 
never  figured  as  defendant  in  a  magistrate's  court 
or  lieen  involved  in  any  trouble  with  his  neighbors. 
He  lias  a  comfortable  property,  sufficient  to  insure 
him  against  want  in  his  declining  years. 


-A— L 


(^^HOMAS  W.  WADICK  is  an  enterprising 
f/r^^  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  who  owns  a  fine 
^^Jf''  farm  on  section  4,  township  5,  range  10, 
Cleveland  Township.  He  was  born  within  twelve 
miles  of  Brockwell,  Lower  Canada,  Dec.  26,  1842. 
His  father  was  William  Wadick,  of  Flora,  Upper 
Canada,  where  he  emigrated  in  1851,  His  mother, 
whose  maiden  name  was  Mary  Middleton,  was  of 
Scotch  descent.  Her  father  and  motlier  were  both 
born  in  County  Wexford,  Ireland,  whence  tliej^ 
emigrated  to  Canada  in  1839. 

Our  subject  was  the  eldest  of  eight  children.  Ann 





is  unmarried;  Ellen  E.  and  Mary,  who  are  i^  the 
convents  at  Monroe  and  Mt.  Clemens,  Mich.  Ar- 
thur, who  is  married  and  has  four  children,  lives 
near  the  old  homestead  in  Canada;  William  J.,  who 
is  also  married,  and  lives  near  the  old  home;  Mar- 
garet is  the  wife  of  an  oflficer  in  the  prison  at  To- 
ronto, and  has  four  children;  and  James,  who  is  a 
machinist  in  Toronto,  Canada.  Our  subject  came 
to  Palo  Alto  County,  Iowa,  in  July,  1866,  to  Kan- 
sas in  April,  1872,  and  traveled  throughout  the 
western  part  of  the  State,  when  he  came  back  to 
this  place  and  worked  nearly  a  year  at  his  trade  of 
a  stone  cutter,  particularlj-  on  tlie  public  school 
building  at  Waterville.  On  the  10th  of  Novem- 
ber, 1872,  he  bought  160  acres,  where  he  has  since 
lived.  He  now  owns  a  fine  farm  of  440  acres,  well 
stocked  with  graded  Herefords,  Poland-Chinas  and 

Thomas  Wadick  was  married  Oct.  10,  1872,  to 
Miss  Catherine  Corteen,  whose  parents  were  na- 
tives of  the  Isle  of  Man.  Born  and  educated  there, 
she  lived  with  her  parents  until  she  emigrated  to 
the  United  States  in  18T2.  By  this  marriage  Mr. 
Wadick  has  six  children — William  A.,  Thomas  A., 
James  F.,  Joseph  E.,  Robert  F.  and  Henry  C. 

Mr.  Wadick  began  life  upon  but  little  capital; 
he  is  a  good,  upright  citizen,  and  of  exceptional 
intelligence.  He  is  fond  of  his  books,  and  possesses 
an  extensive  law  library.  He  and  his  famil)-  are 
firm  Catholics,  though  his  wife's  parents  are  Wes- 
leyan  Methodists.     He  is  a  Republican   in  politics. 

^.  : sg^^ii^:       :    .^ 

ll^^  EV.  JOSEPH  WILSON,  whose  portrait  on 
)^^'  another  page,  lends  added  value  to  this 
<-^\  volume,  is  a  minister  of  the  Universalist 
^^P  Church, and  Pastor  of  Grace  Chapel,  Frank- 
fort, and  is  recognized  as  one  well-fitted  for  the  dis- 
charge of  his  responsible  duties.  He  was  born 
Sept.  22,  1831,  in  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  near 
what  is  now  known  as  West  Newton,  and  is  the  son 
of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Porter)  Wilson,  who  were 
likewise  natives  of  the  Keystone  State.  Both  of 
his  grandfathers    were  natives  of  Ireland. 

The  father  of  our  subject    was  a    farmer  by  oc- 

cupation, and  when  the  latter  was  a  child  the  parents 
removed  to  Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio,  settling  near 
New  Philadelphia,  and  later  located  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  Princeton,  Bureau  Co.,  111.  There  the  father 
died  in  1870,  the  mother  having  passed  to  rest 
when  her  son  Joseph  was  four  years  of  age.  The 
father  was  a  second  time  married  to  Mrs.  Lily 
(Gorsuch)  Karenhapock.  Of  the  first  marriage 
there  was  born  five  children,  namely:  Year  P.. 
James  R.,  Samuel,  Joseph,  our  subject,  and  Mary 
M.  Year  P.  is  a  resident  of  Denver,  Col.,  and 
President  of  the  company  known  as  V.  P.  Wilson 
<fe  Sons,  publishers ;  he  married  Miss  Maria  Dotts,  of 
Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio,  and  they  are  the  parents 
of  twelve  children.  Samuel  died  near  Abilene, 
Kan.,  in  March,  1886.  Mary  M.  died  in  Illinois  at 
the  age  of  twenty  3-ears. 

When  twenty-three  years  of  age  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Jane  Shaw,  near  New 
Philadelphia,  Ohio.  Soon  afterward  they  located 
in  the  vicinity  of  Princeton,  111.,  where  they  re- 
sided for  seventeen  years,  and  in  the  meantime  our 
subject  purchased  173  acres  of  land  near  Walnut, 
111.  In  1871,  leaving  the  Prairie  State,  he  came  to 
Kansas  and  settled  near  Abilene,  where  he  carried 
on  farming  for  five  years,  and  improved  two  farms. 
In  the  fall  of  1876  he  came  to  this  county  and 
purchased  his  present  farm  which  comprises  a  fine 
tract  of  land  400  acres  in  extent.  Mr.  Wilson 
makes  a  specialty  of  live-stock,  also  of  fruit,  hav- 
ing an  orchard  of  700  apple  and  peach  trees  of  the 
best  varieties.  Upon  his  farm  is  a  stone  quarry 
from  which  material  has  been  taken  for  the  con- 
structi(jn  of  some  of  the  best  business  houses  in 

Mr.  Wilson  began  his  ministerial  labors  as  a  lay 
preacher  at  the  earlj'  age  of  twenty-six  years,  and 
has  continued  his  pious  duties  since  that  time.  He 
is  the  only  minister  of  the  Universalist  faith  on  the 
line  of  the  Central  branch  of  the  Union  Pacific 
Railroad.  He  completed  his  classical  education  in 
the  college  at  Delaware,  Ohio,where  he  was  a  student 
three  years.  Originally  he  was  a  Democrat,  and 
voted  for  James  K.  Polk,  and  after  that  he  was  a 
strong  Republican,  until  the  organization  of  the 
Greenback  part}',  and  its  consolidation  with  the 
Union  Labor  party,  of  which    he  was  the  regular 



nominee  for  State  Senator  in  1886,  making  a  large 
number  of  stirring  campaign  speeches  in  this 
county,  and  coming  within  116  votes  of  his  oppo- 
nent. He  was  a  great  admirer  of  Peter  Cooper, 
for  wliom  he  voted  in  1876.  Socially,  he  belongs 
to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  Lodge  No.  67,  at  Franl?- 
fort,  in  wliich  he  has  filled  all  the  Chairs  besides 
representing  it  in  the  Grand  Lodge.  He  is  also 
identified  with  the  Vermillion  Lodge,  No.  110, 
L  O.  O.  F.,  in  which  he  is  now  Vice-Grand. 
1  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wilson  there  have  been  born 
ten  children,  viz. :  William  W.,  John  B.,  Mary  E., 
(deceased),  Uriah  S.,  Vear  P.,  Nora  M.,  Viola  P., 
David  and  two  babes  that  died  in  infancy  unnamed. 
William  W.  married  Miss  Mary  M.  Bain,  and  has 
four  children.  The  other  children  are  unmarried 
and  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Wilson  is  a 
man  of  considerable  ability,  and  is  popular  among 
the  people.  His  farm  lies  one  mile  northeast  of 
Frankfort,  and  is  embellished  with  a  large,  hand- 
some stone  residence,  occupying  a  prominent  and 
beautiful  site  in  the  northwestern  corner  of  section 
27.  In  addition  to  being  a  first-class  farmer,  he  is 
a  good  financier.  He  has  served  as  Justice  of  the 
Peace  four  years,  and  Collector,  Clerk  and  School 
Trustee,  being  a  member  of  the  School  Board  for 
nine  years.  While  in  Illinois,  he  was  also  Township 

—5 #-# ^ 

AVID  GUTHRIE.  The  rapid  growth  and 
development  of  St.  Bridget  Township,  is 
,fi^^  due  to  the  men  who  first  took  up  their  abode 
here,  manj'  of  them 'settling  upon  the  raw 
prairie,  from  which  they  have  constructed  first- 
class  farms  and  comfortable  homesteads.  Among 
them  may  be  mentioned  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
who  is  snuglj'  established  on  eight}'  acres  of  land, 
the  whole  of  which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state 
of  cultivation.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  fruit  rais- 
ing, having  devoted  six  acres  to  peaches,  apples, 
pears,  plums,  apricots,  cherries,  gooseberries,  grapes, 
currants,  raspberries,  strawberries,  and  whortle- 
berries. His  trees  and  vines  are  beginning  to  bear, 
and  he  anticipates   in  the  near  future  handsome  re 

turns  from  the  outlay  of  time  and  labor.  He  has 
a  goodl}'  number  of  forest  trees,  including  a  pecu- 
liar specimen  called  the  honej  Mexican,  which  pro- 
duces a  very  good  qualitj-  of  honej'. 

The  dwelling  of  our  subject  is  a  small  frame 
house,  comfortable,  although  not  very  commodious, 
while  adjacent  are  the  various  outbuildings  re- 
quired, including  an  apiary  within  which  are  sev- 
eral hives  of  bees.  The  family  includes  seven  sons, 
wlio,  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  say,  are  the  pride  of 
their  parents'  hearts.  They  are  named  respect- 
ively, Jacob  W.,  John  S.,  Aaron  A.,  David,  Evans, 
Alexander,  and  Franklin.  One  son,  Milton  A., 
died  at  the  age  of  twenty  months. 

A  native  of  Lee  County,  111.,  our  subject  was 
born  March  6,  1846,  at  Guthrie's  Grove,  and  is  the 
son  of  William  Guthrie,  who  was  born  and  reared 
in  the  city  of  Cork,  Ireland.  The  latter  emigrated 
to  America  when  a  young  man  of  nineteen  jears, 
well-equipped  with  a  good  education  and  careful 
training.  Grandfather  Guthrie  had  died  in  Ire- 
land, when  his  son  William,  was  a  mere  child,  and 
the  latter  was  adopted  by  Capt.  Rainer,  a  noble- 
man of  Cork,  who  treated  him  much  as  his  own 
son,  giving  him  an  excellent  education.  After  his 
arrival  in  New  York  City,  the  father  of  our  sub- 
ject operated  as  clerk  in  a  store  one  3-ear,  then 
made  his  way  to  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  where  he  found 
young  men  enlisting  as  soldiers  for  the  Black  Hawk 
War.  He  also  proffered  his  services  as  a  soldier, 
and  was  in  the  army  five  years.  In  the  meantime 
he  was  present  at  the  capture  of  the  old  chief  him- 
self. Later,  coming  to  Northern  Illinois,  he  stood 
upon  the  present  site  of  Chicago  when  it  was 
marked  b}'  only  nine  houses.  For  one  day's  work 
he  could  have  become  the  possessor  of  an}-  lot  in 
the  village.  He,  however,  made  his  way  further 
westward,  and  utilized  his  land  warrant  by  secur- 
ing land  in  the  vicinity  of  what  is  now  Guthrie's 
Grove,  in  Lee  Count}-,  111. 

Our  subject's  father  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Matilda,  daughter  of  Joseph  Ross,  one  of  the 
oldest  pioneers  settling  on  the  eastern  line  of  Lee 
County,  111.  Mr.  Ross  was  a  native  of  Virginia, 
where  he  was  reared  to  man's  estate,  and  married 
Miss  Mary  Hunt,  of  Charleston,  Va.  They  spent 
their   last   years    in    Illinois.      When    twenty-five 



years  of  age,  Mr.  Guthrie  went  into  Taylor  County, 
Iowa,  where  in  due  time  he  met  and  married,  in 
1872,  Miss  Eunice  Easter,  daughter  of  Jacob  and 
Bathsheba  (Blunt)  Easter,  who  were  formerly  of 
Ohio.  The  Easters  upon  coming  to  Iowa,  settled 
in  Van  Buren  County,  where  Miss  Eunice  was  born. 
Her  parents  are  still  living,  and  are  now  residents 
of  Taylor  County,  Iowa.  After  marriage,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Guthrie  settled  on  a  farm  in  Taylor 
County,  where  thej^  lived  nine  years,  and  then  re- 
moved to  Atchison  County,  JMo.  A  year  later  our 
subject  purchased  in  this  countj-  the  land  which  he 
now  owns  and  occupies.  It  must  be  acknowledged 
that  he  has  contributed  his  full  quota  to  the  growth 
and  development  of  this  region.  His  perseverance 
and  industry  can  scarcely  fail  of  their  legitimate 
reward.  He  has  obtained  a  fine  start,  and  has 
abundant  reason  to  expect  "continued  prosperity." 

1^4 — -^vSKZWrnu 

„ ,,  G.  EDWARDS,  M.  D.  Before  entering 
0|  upon  the  life  of  the  gentleman  whose  name 
heads  this  sketch  and  who  is  a  prominent 
physician  and  surgeon  of  Marysville,  a 
few  words  regarding  his  parents  will  not  be  amiss. 
His  father,  Joseph  Eawards,  was  horn  in  Virginia 
and  there  lived  until  his  maturity,  being  a  farmer 
and  stock-i-aiser.  Moving  to  the  famous  Blue 
Grass  region,  he  married  Miss  Hannah  Morgan, 
who  bore  him  four  suns  and  five  daughters,  all 
of  whom  lived  to  mature  years.  The  father 
continued  the  business  of  stock-raising,  removing 
to  Clark  County,  III.,  in  the  year  1851,  dying  there 
in  the  fall  of  1856.  The  mother  survived  until 
the  year  1883.  The  parental  family  consisted  of 
William  M.,  now  a  practicing  physician  in  Colby, 
Kan.;  Giles,  who  died  in  the  army,  during  the 
late  Civil  War;  Levi,  now  deceased;  our  subject; 
Mrs.  Matilda  Maxie  and  Mrs.  Malinda  Bartlett, 
now  widows  residing  in  Illinois  ;  Mrs.  Sarah 
Meeker,  also  residing  in  Illinois,  and  Mrs.  Frances 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  is  a  native  of  the  Blue 
Grass  State,  where  he  was  born  Sept.  15,  1837,  and 

where  he  remained  until  the  age  of  fourteen,  when 
his  parents  removed  to  Illinois.  In  the  latter 
State  he  flnislied  his  education,  graduating  at 
Marshall  College,  after  which  he  studied  medicine 
with  Dr.  Frank  White,  professor  of  Materia  Medica 
in  St.  Louis  Medical  College.  After  having  read 
with  Dr.  White  for  sometime,  Mr.  Edwards  took 
his  lectures  at  the  college  in  which  his  instructor 
was  a  professor,  graduating  in  the  class  of  '61. 
Feeling  that  his  country  needed  his  services  he  de- 
termined to  devote  the  energies  of  his  young  man- 
hood to  her  and  therefore  enlisted  in  the  Union 
service,  being  enrolled  in  the  1st  Missouri  Cavahy. 
He  was  with  his  regiment  but  a  short  time,  beino- 
detailed  to  the  post  hospital  at  Jefferson  Barracks, 
then  engaged  at  the  post  hospital  m  Jefferson  City, 
and  later  spending  a  year  in  the  post  hospital  at 
Raleigh,  Mo.  After  this  hospital  experience  he 
spent  some  time  in  field  service,  then  for  eight- 
een months  was  fulfilling  the  duties  of  his  profes- 
sion in  the  general  hospital  on  Hickory  street,  St. 
Louis,  Mo.  From  this  time  until  the  close  of  the 
war  he  was  in  the  field,  taking  an  active  part  in 
the  actions  at  Pea  Ridge,  Prairie  Grove  and  a  num- 
ber of  skirmishes.  Although  naturallj^  a  large 
man  Mr.  Edwards  weighed  only  130  pounds  when 
discharged  from  the  service,  his  health  havino- 
been  very  much  shattered  by  the  arduous  labors 
and  exposure  of  those  years  of  active  patriotism. 
Soon  after  the  close  of  the  war  our  subject  came 
to  Marysville  and  located  for  practice,  and  is  now 
the  oldest  resident  doctor  in  the  county. 

During  the  busy  days  of  hospital  service  in  St. 
Louis,  Dr.  Edwards  found  time  for  wooing,  and  in 
1864  was  married  in  that  city  to  Miss  Carrie 
Wright,  an  estimable  and  educated  lady.  She  w:is 
born  in  Mobile,  Ala.,  and  was  the  daughter  of  I. 
Wright  and  when  a3-oung  lady  removed  to  St.  Louis 
with  her  widowed  mother  and  lived  in  that  city 
until  after  her  marriage.  To  her  was  born  one 
child,  Lillian  B.,  who  still  gladdens  the  hearts  of 
her  parents  in  the  home  circle. 

Dr.  Edwards  is  the  most  trusted  surgeon  in  the 
county.  For  the  last  eight  years  he  has  held  the 
position  of  local  surgeon  for  the  St.  Joseph  and 
Grand  Island  branch  of  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad. 
He  was  one  of  the  original  members  of  the  North- 



ern  Kansas  Merliual  Society  which  was  established 
in  1884,  and  was  its  first  president.  He  was  also 
at  one  time  president  of  the  Marshall  County  Med- 
ical Association  and  is  at  the  present  time  Treas- 
urer and  Censor  of  that  body  and  Vice-Piesident 
of  the  Railroad  Medical  Society  of  Grand  Island, 
Omaha  &  Kansas  City.  He  also  holds  honorary 
membership  in  the  Nebraska  Railroad  Society.  Dr. 
Edwards  was  President  of  the  Pension  Examining 
Board  up  to  the  time  of  Cleveland's  administration. 
He  has  been  an  active  Republican  worker  but  not 
an  office  seeker  and  he  belongs  to  the  Central  Re- 
jiublican  Committee  of  this  Congressional  District. 
He  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  ability  as  the 
above  facts  will  show,  and  is  highly  esteemed  by 
all  who  know  him,  not  only  as  a  well  read  surgeon 
but  as  one  of  nature's  noblemen.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  is  a  warm  personal 
friend  of  Dr.  Livingston  of  Plattsmonth,  Neb. 


results  of  perseverance  and  industry  have 
^^^Jj!  probably  no  finer  illustration  than  in  the 
career  of  Mr.  Duff}-,  who  is  one  of  the  leading  men 
of  Noble  Township.  He  settled  within  its  limits 
during  its  pioneer  days,  and  has  borne  no  unim- 
portant part  in  bringing  this  part  of  the  county  to 
its  present  condition.  During  the  }'ears  past  he 
labored  earl}'  and  late,  and  is  now  in  the  enjoy- 
ment of  the  reward  which  usually  follows  a  course 
of  industry  and  the  practice  of  economy.  He  owns 
and  occupies  a  beautiful  homestead,  embracing  320 
acres  of  land,  comprising  a  portion  of  sections  22 
and  23.  Public-spirited  and  liberal,  he  is  a  uni- 
versal favorite  in  his  community,  both  in  business 
and  social  circles,  and  especially  prominent  in  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Cliurch. 

Our  subject  is  the  offspring  of  an  excellent  fam- 
ily, being  the  son  of  John  Duffy,  who  was  born 
and  reared  in  Ohio.  Thence  he  removed  during 
his  early  manhood  to  the  vicinity  of  Marietta, 
Ohio,  where  he  carried  on  farming  until  1833. 
Then,  resolving  to  seek  the  more  western  country, 
he  emigrated  to  Illinois  and  entered  a  tract  of  land 

in  the  vicinity  of  Bloomington,  McLean  County. 
There  he  spent  the  last  years  of  his  life.  He  broke 
a  vast  amount  of  prairie  along  the  Rock  River, 
and  was  subjected  to  all  tlie  hardships  and  priva- 
tions of  pioneer  life.  He  was  a  man  of  decided 
views  and  an  earnest  supporter  of  the  Democratic 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  Lj'dia  (McCoy) 
Duffy,  a  native  of  Ohio  and  of  Scotch  descent.  After 
the  death  of  her  husband  she  sold  her  property 
and  removed  to  Dallas  City,  III.,  where  her  death 
took  place  about  1880.  She  was  a  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  The  parental  house- 
hold originally  included  eight  children,  of  whom 
George  W.,  our  subject,  the  fourth  in  order 
of  birth.  The  others  are  named  respectively : 
James  and  Samuel,  deceased;  Joseph,  a  resident  of 
Dallas  City,  111.;  Susan,  deceased;  Mary,  a  resi- 
dent of  Kansas;  Charlotte,  who  lives  in  Dakota, 
and  Elizabeth,  a  resident  of  Missouri.  Samuel 
during  the  Civil  War  served  as  a  Union  soldier  in 
an  Illinois  regiment,  and  died  in  Arkansas.  Joseph 
served  his  full  term  of  enlistment. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  at  the  old 
homestead,  near  Marietta,  Ohio,  Nov.  27,  1827. 
He  was  five  years  old  when  the  familj"^  removed  to 
Illinois,  and  remembers  the  time  when  wild  game 
was  plentiful  in  McLean  County.  He  pursued  his 
early  studies  in  the  log  schoolhouse,  and  was  only 
twelve  jears  old  at  the  time  of  his  father's  death. 
He  remained  with  his  mcjther  until  twenty  years 
old.  He  remembers  the  time  when  the  present  site 
of  Bloomington  was  simply  marked  by  three  or 
four  log  cabins.  He  hauled  grain  to  Chicago  in 
1842,  and  at  the  age  mentioned  began  farming  for 

In  1850,  during  the  gold  excitement,  our  subject 
crossed  the  plains  to  California,  landing  in  Placer- 
ville  after  a  journey  of  four  months.  A  few  days 
after  his  arrival  he  commenced  teaming  between 
Placerville  and  Sacramento,  at  which  he  made  con- 
siderable mone}^  He  spent  a  3-ear  on  the  Pacific 
Slope,  then  returned  home  via  the  Isthmus  of  Pan- 
ama and  New  Orleans,  but  with  the  intention  of 
revisiting  the  Golden  State.  Circumstances  trans- 
pired which  caused  him  to  change  his  intentions, 
and  in  the  spring  of    1855    he    repaired   to  Minne- 



sota,  taking  with  liim  his  live  stock,  and  located  on 
a  tract  of  land  twenty  miles  from  Red  Wing,  where 
he  was  one  of  the  first  settlers.  He  improved  a 
farm  of  280  acres,  which  proved  particularly 
favorable  to  the  raising  of  wheat,  and  which  be- 
came the  source  of  an  ample  income.  He  effected 
fine  improvements,  and  this  farm  was  designated 
as  one  of  the  most  valuable  in  that  region  of  coun- 
try. He  made  a  specialty  of  live  stock,  breeding 
French  draft  horses,  and  maintained  his  residence 
there  for  a  period  of  seventeen  years.  Selling  out 
in  1874,  he  came  to  this  county  and  located  on  his 
present  place,  purchasing  first  160  acres  of  raw 
land,  and  later  adding  to  it  a  like  amount.  He  has 
constructed  first-class  modern  buildings,  having  a 
fine  house  and  a  good  barn,  with  all  the  necessary 
outbuildings  for  the  shelter  of  stock  and  the  stor- 
ing of  grain.  A  windmill  conve3'S  water  to  what- 
ever point  desired,  and  the  farm  is  equipped  with 
modern  machinery  for  plowing,  sowing  and  reap- 
ing. Upon  this  farm  stand  some  of  tiie  oldest 
trees  in  Noble  Township.  There  is  a  large  orchard 
and  a  grove,  and  the  land  is  watered  by  a  branch 
of  the  Vermillion.  It  is  largely  devoted  to  stock- 
raising — in  fact,  nearly  all  the  grain  which  it 
produces  is  utilized  in  the  feeding  of  cattle  and 
swine.  Of  the  former  Mr.  Duffy  feeds  usually  100 
annually,  and  about  350  hogs.  He  does  his  own 
shipping.  The  operations  of  the  farm  are  carried 
on  by  three  teams  of  fine  draft  horses,  and  are  con- 
ducted with  that  skill  and  thoroughness  which  sel- 
dom fail  of  generous  returns. 

In  McLean  County,  III.,  our  subject  was  married, 
March  7,  1849,  to  Miss  Lydia  Arnold.  This  lady 
was  born  in  Ohio,  on  the  7th  day  of  November, 
1830,  and  the  result  of  her  union  with  our  subject 
was  the  birth  of  six  children,  viz :  Ann  J.,  Mrs. 
King,  of  Henry  County,  Mo. ;  Anderson,  who  is 
farming  on  120  acres  of  good  land  in  Noble  Town- 
ship; Ira,  who  is  engaged  in  selling  organs  and 
pianos  in  Nebraska;  George  W.,  Jr.,  who  is  farm- 
ing in  Noble  Township;  Frank  B.,  who  is  engaged 
in  selling  musical  instruments  and  sewing  machines, 
having  his  headquarters  at  Seneca,  Kan.;  and  Cora, 
Mrs.  Weston,  who  is  the  wife  of  a  leading  grain 
merchant  of  Frankfort. 

During  his    residence    in    Minnesota  Mr.  Duffy 

was  quite  prominent  in  local  affairs,  holding  the 
offices  of  County  Commissioner  and  Justice  of  the 
Peace  for  many  years.  Here  he  has  filled  the  same 
positions,  and  has  likewise  served  as  School  Di- 
rector. He  is  an  active  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  in  Vermillion,  in  which  he  has 
officiated  as  Class-Leader  and  Steward.  At  pres- 
ent he  is  a  Tuistee,  and  assisted  substantially  in 
the  erection  of  the  church  edifice,  besides  being  a 
member  of  the  building  committee.  He  has  been 
sent  as  a  delegate  to  various  church  conventions, 
and  is  an  active  worker  in  the  Sunday-school.  Po- 
litically, he  votes  the  straight  Democratic  ticket, 
and  has  been  prominent  in  the  councils  of  his 
party  in  this  section. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Duffy  was  John  Arnold, 
who  was  bom  and  reariid  near  Marietta,  Ohio, 
where  he  carried  on  farming  during  his  early  man- 
hood, and  thence  emigrated  to  Hancock  County, 
111.  In  1850  he  crossed  the  plains  to  California,' 
where  his  death  took  jjlace  soon  afterward.  The 
mother,  Mrs.  Mary  (Kile)  Arnold,  was  likewise  a 
native  of  Ohio,  born  near  the  early  home  of  her 
husband.  After  his  death  she  removed  to  Good- 
hue County,  Minn.,  where  her  death  took  place; 
she  was  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  United 
Brethren  Church.  The  four  children  of  the  par- 
ental family  were  named  respectivelj':  Lydia,  Mrs. 
Duffy,  Isaac  and  Samuel,  residents  of  Vermillion  ; 
and  ^lanly,  who  is  farming  in  Noble  Township. 
Mrs.  Duffy  was  born  in  Ohio,  Nov.  7,  1830,  and 
was  twelve  years  of  age  when  her  family  removed 
to  Illinois,  where  she  was  reared  to  womanhood, 
and  where  she  lived  with  her  parents  until  her 

"-"^ 'i^^' 1^'-'— 

I  OCHESTER  SWART  is  the  owner  and  occu- 
pant of  a  pleasant  farm  on  section  9,  Wells 
Township.  He  is  a  native  of  Bladison 
\^ County,  Ind.,  and  was  born  March  26, 
1845.  He  is  a  son  of  Gilbert  and  Lj-dia  (Dun) 
Swart.  His  father  was  a  nativeof  Virginia,  and  of 
German  descent,  while  his  mother,  who  was  born 
in  Indiana,  traced  her  ancestry  to  Ireland. 

Gilbert   Swart,   upon  leaving  his  native    Slate, 



first  settled  in  Ohio,  and  thence  removed  to  Ind- 
iana, and  finally  in  the  year  1864,  to  Knox  County, 
111.  There  his  wife  died  in  December,  1884,  and 
there  he  continues  to  reside.  The  paternal  family 
consisted  of  nine  children,  five  of  whom  are  now 
living.  They  are:  Arretta,  wife  of  Alexander 
Hamilton,  of  Illinois;  Rochester,  John  D.,  of  Ne- 
braska: IVIai-ciis  D.  L..  of  Illinois;  and  Elizabeth  A., 
of  the  same  State. 

The  gentleman  of  whom  we  write,  was  reared  to 
farm  pursuits,  and  received  a  common-school  edu- 
cation. In  March,  1864,  then  nineteen  years 
of  age,  he  enlisted  in  the  Union  Army,  and  was  en- 
rolled in  Company  E,  34th  Indiana  Infantry.  He 
participated  in  the  engagement  at  Palo  Alto,  on  the 
Rio  Grande  River,  where  he  was  captured  by  the 
enemy.  After  an  imprisonment  of  four  daj-s,  he 
was  released  on  parole  at  Brownsville,  Tex.  He 
was  subsequent!}'  exchanged,  and  continued  in  the 
service  until  February,  1866,  when  he  was  honor- 
abl}"  discharged.  He  then  located  in  Illinois,  and 
in  1886,  he  came  to  this  county,  and  settled  upon 
the  eighty  acres  which  he  has  since  made  his  home. 
His  land  is  fertile  and  well-improved,  and  its  owner 
is  suceessfull}'  carr3'ing  on  the  pursuit  of  agri- 

Mr.  Swart  is  a  believer  in.  and  supporter  of  the 
principles  of  the  Democratic  party,  and  never  fails 
to  cast  his  vote  in  its  interest.  He  is  a  member  of 
the  A.  F.  ife  A.  M.  Lodge.  Not  yet  having  found 
the  lady  of  his  choice,  Mr.  Swart  is  keeping  bache- 
lor's hall.  He  is  an  industrious  and  upright  man. 
and  highly  respected  bj^  bis  fellow-citizens. 

\T^  ENRY  SPEALMAN.  a  highly  respected 
Ijj^'  citizen  of  Oketo  Township,  where  he  is 
J^^'  profitably  engaged  in  farming  and  stock- 
(^)  raising,  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  this 
portion  of  Marshall  County,  and  in  perform- 
ing the  laborious  task  of  reclaiming  a  valuable 
farm  from  its  wild  prairies,  he  has  greatly  aided 
in  its  development,  and  has  materiall}'  added  to 
its  wealth.     He  is  a  native  of  the  State  of  Penn- 

sylvania, born  Feb.  15, 1820,  to  John  G.  and  Marj' 
Spealman,  also  natives  of  the  Ke3Stone  State.     An 
uncle  of  our  subject  took  part  in  the  War  of  1812. 
His  father  was  a   blacksmith   by   trade,  but  subse- 
quenth'  devoted  himself  to  farming.     He  and    his 
wife  spent  the  early  years  of  their  married  life  in 
Pennsylvania,  finally  removing  from  there  to  Mason 
County,  111.,  of  which  they  thus  became  early   set- 
tlers, and  afterward   casting  in    their  lot  with  the 
pioneers  of   Ogle   County,  that   State.     There  the 
father  died  twentj'-five  years  ago,  and  the  mother 
followed  him  to  the  grave  two  years   later.     They 
had  seven  children,  four  of   whom   are  now  living. 
He  of  whom  we  write  was    the   sixth   child  of 
his  parents,  and  he  grew  to  a  robust,   manlj'  man- 
hood  amid   the  scenes  of  his   birth,  obtaining  his 
education  in  the  subscription   schools  of  the  day. 
At  the  age  of  twentj'-two  he  began    life  for   him- 
self,  having    previous   to   that   time   assisted    his 
father  in  his  work.     He  was  first  employed  in  some 
rolling  mills  in  Columbia  County,  Pa.     Two  years 
later  he  took  a  trip    through   the   Southern  States, 
l>eing    desirous  to  see  something  of  the  country, 
and  he  spent  the  winter  of    1844   in  New  Orleans, 
working  in  a  cotton  press  till  Maj',  1845.   We  next 
hear   of  him  in   Galena,   111.,   where   he   was    em- 
ployed in  a  brickj-ard.     After   that  he  returned  to 
Pennsylvania,  and  remaining  there  a  year,  he  came 
westward  .again  as  far  as  Illinois,  and  continued  to 
be  an  inhabitant  of  the  Prairie  State  till  1866.     In 
that  vear  he  came  to    Kansas  and  located  on  this 
spot,  where  he  has  ever  since  made    his    home.     It 
was  raw  prairie   then,  with    no    indications  of    its 
jn-esent  value  as  one  of  the  most  highly  productive 
and  best  improved  farms  in  this  vicinity.     His  was 
the  pioneer  task  of  breaking   the  soil  and    prepar- 
ing it  for  tillage,  besides  erecting  suitable  buildings 
for  everj'  necessarj-  purpose,  and  the  condition  in 
which  it  now  is,  with  its  240   acres  all  under  fine 
cultivation,  devoted   prineipall}-  to  the   raising  of 
corn  and  oats,  of  which  it  yields  abundant  harvests, 
with  its  fine  orchard  and  beautiful  grove  of  maples 
and  cotton-wood  trees,  planted  by  his  own   hands, 
and  with   its    comfortable   dwelling  and  neat  out- 
Ijuildings,  shows  well  the   care,  labor  and    money 
expended  in  bringing  about  the  great  change. 
In  his   marriage  with    Miss  Sallie  Ann    Richart, 


which  was  consummated  in  Danville,  Columbia 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  27,  1817,  Mr.  Spealman  was  so  fovt- 
iinate  as  to  secure  the  faithful  co-operatiou  of  a 
good  wife,  one  who  has  been  a  genuine  helpmate, 
and  has  greatly  aided  him  in  the  upbuilding  of  his 
pleasant  home.  Though  she  has  been  an  invalid 
for  a  3'ear,  a  patient  and  cheerful  sufferer,  yet  she 
is  still  the  household  guide.  She  is  a  native  of  Penn- 
sylvania, one  of  a  large  family  of  children  born  to 
John  and  Rachel  (Funston)  Richart,  farmers  of  that 
.State.  Her  marriage  with  our  subject  has  been  blessed 
to  them  by  the  birth  of  nine  children,  seven  of  whom 
are  living,  and  two  deceased:  John  R.,  James, 
William,  Mary,  Andrew,  Clara  and  Marquis.  The 
children  have  been  all  given  good  educations,  and 
and  are  well  established  in  life. 

In  his  career  as  a  farmer,  Mr.  Spealman  has 
shown  himself  to  be  a  man  of  sound  practicality, 
an  excellent  manager,  and  a  good  worker,  and  these 
traits  have  been  important  aids  to  him  in  the  ac- 
quirement of  his  substantial  propert}'.  He  stands 
well  in  this  community  as  a  man  and  a  citizen,  and 
has  been  true  to  all  the  relations  of  life  that  he  has 
sustained  toward  others,  as  a  husband,  father, 
neighbor  and  friend.  He  has  always  interested 
himself  in  public  matters,  especially  in  politics,  and 
the  Republican  part}'  finds  in  him  an  active  sup- 
porter. He  was  formerly  connected  with  the  Ma- 
sonic fraternity.  He  and  his  wife  belong  to  the 
Methodist  Church,  which  has  no  more  consistent 
members  within  its  folds  than  they. 



,^=-  The  career  of  Mr.  Dille.  one  of  the  leading 
^  citizens  of  Noble  Township,  presents  an 
array  of  interesting  facts  which  are  in  the  main  as 
follows:  He  was  cradled  at  the  modest  home  of  his 
parents  in  the  vicinity  of  Wheeling,  Belmont  Co., 
Ohio,  where  his  birth  took  place  Jan.  18,  182G. 
Two  years  later  his  parents  removed  to  Indiana, 
where,  when  of  suitable  years,  the  boy  conned  liis 
lessons  in  the  primitive  log  school-house,  with  slal) 
seats  and  puncheon  floor,  and  window  panes  of 
greased   paper.      From  a  building  of  this  descrip- 

tion he  was  graduated  at  an  early  age,  but  im- 
proved his  opportunities  for  gaining  useful 
information  by  reading  evenings,  by  the  light 
of  a  tallow  candle.  When  a  youth  of  twenty- 
one  years  he  started  out  for  himself,  leaving 
the  farm  and  commencing  his  apprenticeship 
at  the  cooper's  trade,  in  Eckmansville,  in  his 
native  State,  at  which  he  served  three  years. 
Afterward  he  worked  as  a  journeyman  six  months, 
then  returned  to  his  parents  in  Indiana.  In  the 
meantime  he  had  employed  his  le'sure  hours  with 
his  books,  and  after  passing  the  requisite  examina- 
tion entered  upon  his  first  term  as  a  school  teacher, 
at  the  age  of  twenty. two  years,  in  Hancock  County. 
He  followed  teaching  winters  thereafter,  and  em- 
ployed himself  at  his  trade  in  the  summer  until 

In  the  meantime  our  subject,  on  the  3d  of  March, 
1852,  was  married  in  Madison  County,  Ohio,  to 
Miss  Amanda,  daughter  of  William  Creath,  the 
latter  of  whom  was  a  native  of  Kentucky.  The 
paternal  grandfather,  William  Creath,  a  native  of 
Scotland,  emigrated  to  America  and  located  in 
South  Carolina,  where  he  employed  himself  as  a 
general  mechanic.  He  served  as  a  soldier  in  the 
Revolutionary  War,  and  later  removed  to  Ken- 
tucky and  followed  wheelwrighting  in  the  Blue 
Grass  region  for  some  time.  Finally  he  went  to 
Madison  Count}',  Ohio,  where  he  followed  his  trade 
and  died. 

The  father  of  our  subject  until  reaching  his  ma- 
jorit}'  was  employed  in  farming  pursuits.  Then 
repairing  to  London,  Ohio,  he  learned  blacksmith- 
ing,  which  he  prosecuted  in  connection  with  farm- 
ing in  Madison  County,  and  became  owner  of  a 
fine  estate.  He  died  at  the  old  homestead  in  Madi- 
son Count}',  in  1871.  He  was  a  prominent  man  in 
his  community,  and  an  Elder  in  the  Presbyterian 
Church.  Grandmother  Creath  was  in  her  girliiood 
Miss  Margaret  Douglas,  a  native  of  South  Carolina, 
and  the  daughter  of  James  Douglas,  a  cousin  of 
Stephen  A.  Douglas.  She  is  now  deceased.  The 
maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Dllle  was 
Mary  Monahan,  a  native  of  New  Jersey,  and  the 
daughter  of  Peter  Monahan,  who  was  born  in  Ire- 
land and  emigrated  to  America  when  a  lad  of  ten 
years.     He  first  lived  in  New  Jersey   and  worked 



on  a  farm.  Later  he  removed  to  Ohio  and  located 
in  Madison  Count}',  where  he  lived  until  joining  his 
children  in  Lidiaua,  where  he  spent  his  last  days. 
He  was  in  sympathy,  religiously  .with  tlie  doctrines 
of  the  Friends'  Church.  The  wife  and  mother  died 
at  the  old  homestead  in  Ohio,  June  16,  1889,  at 
the  age  of  eighty-five  years.  She  was  a  member  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church.  Of  the  fourteen  chil- 
dren born  to  her  and  her  husband  ten  grew  to 
mature  years:  Owen  is  deceased;  Amanda,  Mrs. 
Dille,  is  the  eldest  living;  Silence  is  a  resident  of 
Oregon:  Margaret  S.  lives  in  Roolis  Count}',  Kan., 
Mary  A.  continues  a  resident  of  Madison  Count}', 
Ohio;  William  A.  lives  in  Ross  County,  that  State; 
John,  a  minister  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  lives 
in  Phoenix,  Ariz.;  Abigail,  Martha  and  Hannah 
continue  their  residence  in  Madison  County,  Ohio. 
Owen,  during  the  first  year  of  the  Civil  War,  en- 
listed in  the  13th  Iowa  Infantry,  and  fell  at  the 
battle  of  Pittsburg  Landing  mortally  wounded. 

Mrs.  Dille  was  born  near  Mt.  Sterling.  Madison 
Co.,  Ohio,  May  20,  1827,  and  was  the  eldest 
(laughter  of  her  parents'  large  family.  She  was  at 
an  early  age  trained  to  habits  of  industry,  and 
assisted  her  mother  in  spinning,  weaving,  bleach- 
ing cloth  and  making  the  garments  for  the  house- 
hold. She  remained  under  the  home  roof  until  lier 
marriage.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dille  began  their  wedded 
life  together  in  Elizabeth  City,  Ind.,  where  our 
subject  followed  teaching  and  also  worked  at  his 
trade  until  1855.  Then,  deciding  to  seek  the  far- 
ther West,  he  gathered  together  his  family  and 
household  effects  and  started  by  team  overland  to 
Washington  County,  Iowa.  They  crossed  the  Wa- 
bash River  at  LaFayette,  Ind.,  the  Illinois  at  Spring- 
field, and  the  Mississippi  at  Burlington,  Iowa,  and 
Mr.  Dille  purchased  land  and  began  the  improve- 
ment of  a  farm.  His  plans  were  interrupted  by 
tiie  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  as  under  the  first 
call  for  three-years  men  he  enlisted,  at  the  age  of 
thirty-five  years,  in  Company  C,  8th  Iowa  Infantry, 
and  was  mustered  in  at  Camp  McClellan,  near 
Davenport.  Soon  afterward  he  went  with  his  regi- 
ment to  Springfield,  Mo.,  and  engaged  in  various 
skirmishes  with  bushwhackers.  At  Sedalia  lie  was 
seized  with  a  disease  whicli  the  following  year 
compelled  him  to  accept  his  honorable  discharge. 

After  his  nine  months'  service  in  the  army  Mr. 
Dille  joined  his  family  in  Ohio  and  later  they  re- 
moved to  Henry  County,  Ind.  In  1863  he  joined 
a  company  of  home  guards  which  was  sent  after 
the  raider,  Gen.  Morgan,  and  followed  him  to  the 
Big  Miami.  In  February,  1865,  seeing  little  pros- 
pect of  peace,  our  sulsject  enlisted  once  more  as  a 
Union  soldier,  in  the  147  Indiana  Infantry.  He 
was  mustered  in  at  Riclimond,  and  with  his  regi- 
ment assigned  to  the  Army  of  the  Potomac,  and 
held  as  Gen.  Hancock's  reserve.  Mr.  Dille  states 
that  the  declaration  of  peace  between  the  North 
and  the  South  was  the  happiest  event  of  his  life, 
but  upon  him,  as  upon  thousands  of  others,  there 
fell  a  great  cloud  soon  afterward,  in  the  assassina- 
tion of  President  Lincoln.  Mr.  Dille  enjoyed  in  a 
marked  degree  the  confidence  of  his  superior  offi- 
cers, and  among  others  soon  after  the  war  was  re- 
tained to  guard  property  in  the  Shenandoah  Val- 
ley, where  he  remained  until  Aug.  17,  1865,  and 
was  then  mustered  out  and  received  his  honorable 
discharge  August  25. 

Our  subject  now  returning  to  Indiana,  com- 
menced again  at  the  bottom  of  the  ladder,  having 
not  only  lost  his  Iowa  property  but  being  8500  in 
debt.  He  established  himself  upon  a  small  farm  in 
Henry  County,  which  he  rented  and  made  a  spe- 
cialty of  live  stock.  In  the  fall  of  1872  he  deter- 
mined upon  a  change  of  location,  and  coming  to 
this  county,  purchased  his  present  homestead — 160 
acres.  He  has  made  all  the  improvements  wliich 
are  upon  it,  setting  out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  the 
latter  including  some  of  the  choicest  products  of 
this  region.  He  lias  600  grape  vines,  which  are 
already  the  source  of  a  snug  income.  He  lias 
deeded  eighty  acres  of  his  farm  to  his  son,  Joseph 
W.     The  balance  is  operated  by  other  parties. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dille  there  have  been  born 
seven  children,  the  eldest  of  whom  was  Mary  Ann, 
who  is  deceased;  David  C.  occupies  himself  as  a 
farmer  and  school  teacher  in  Nemaha  County.  He 
owns  forty  acres  of  land  at  America  City,  where 
he  is  Principal  of  the  High  School;  Joseph  W. 
operates  the  land  spoken  of;  C.  M.  Clay,  de- 
ceased; Orinda  S.  has  been  a  teacher  for  the  past 
ten  years;  Lulu  M.  is  the  wife  of  Mr.  McCreary, 
formerly  of  Kansas,  now  living  in  Portland.  Ore.; 



Vinnie  remains  at  home  with  her  parents.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Dille  are  connected  with  the  Presbyterian 
Church  at  Vermillion,  which  our  subject  assisted 
in  organizing,  and  in  which  he  has  been  a  Ruling- 
Elder  for  ten  j'ears.  He  has  been  active  in  the 
Sunday-school,  and  in  fact  lias  filled  all  the  church 
offices,  excepting  officiating  as  minister.  He  has 
done  a  large  amount  of  mission  work  throughout 
the  Presbytery  of  Highland  and  Topeka.  Politi- 
call}^  he  was  in  early  da3's  a  Free  Soiler,  but  is 
now  one  of  the  warmest  adherents  of  the  Repub- 
lican party.  He  was  ever  the  opponent  of  slaverj-, 
and  while  in  the  army  procured  a  piece  of  the  gal- 
lows upon  which  John  Brown  was  hung,  which  was 
cut  in  the  shape  of  a  heart,  and  wliich  is  now  in  the 
possession  of  his  son. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  the  Rev.  .Tosepli 
Dille,  a  native  of  Washington  County,  Pa.,  and  the 
son  of  Caleb  Dille,  who  was  born  in  New  Jerse3^ 
The  latter  was  by  occupation  a  farmer  and  stock- 
raiser.  He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War  under 
the  direct  command  of  Washington  from  the  begin- 
ning to  the  end  of  the  struggle.  Afterward  he  es- 
tablished himself  on  a  farm  in  Washington  County, 
Pa.,  but  later  removing  to  the  wilderness  of  Bel- 
mont County,  Ohio,  entered  a  tract  of  land  from 
tlie  Government  and  improved  a  farm.  Finally  he 
removed  to  Henry  County,  Ind.,  where  he  spent 
his  last  days.  He  was  a  AVhig,  politically,  and  a 
Presbj'terian  in  his  religious  views. 

The  paternal  great-grandfather  of  our  subject 
was  Caleb  Dille,  Sr.,  a  French  Huguenot,  who  fled 
from  his  native  country  on  account  of  religious 
persecution,  and  upon  arriving  in  America  settled 
in  New  Jersey.  He  was  a  man  of  marked  force  of 
character,  and  a  leader  in  his  community,  by  whom 
he  was  held  in  high  esteem.  His  son  Joseph,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  lived  on  the  farm  until 
twenty-two  years  of  age,  then  entered  the  ministry, 
of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  became  one  of  its  most 
prominent  and  efficient  laborers.  He  entered  land 
in  Ohio,  and  later  emigrated  to  Indiana,  in  the 
meantime  laboring  in  the  Master's  vine}'ard,  as  his 
strength  permitted  until  his  death,  which  took 
place  in  Hancock  Count3f,  Ind.,  in  1875.  He  had 
attained  the  ripe  old  age  of  eighty-four  years.  He 
belonged    to  the    old  Free  Soil  party  in  the  earl3- 

days,  and  later  was  a  Republican.  During  the 
Civil  War  he  kept  himself  thoroughlj'  posted,  and 
maintained  a  lively  interest  in  the  success  of  the 
Union  cause. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Elizabeth  Thompson;  she  was  born  in  Virginia 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Jester  Thompson,  a  na- 
tive of  Delaware  and  a  farmer  bj'  occupation. 
Grandfather  Thompson  participated  in  the  War  of 
1812,  and  spent  his  last  days  in  Ohio.  Mrs.  Dille 
died  in  1856,  at  the  age  of  fifty-four  years.  The 
parental  family  included  fourteen  children,  of 
whom  Mary,  Daniel,  Barbara,  Hugh,  Richard,  Caleb, 
Cinderella.  David  and  Reuben  are  deceased.  The 
survivors  are:  Joseph,  Nancy  and  Elizabeth  Ann, 
residents  of  Indiana;  George,  our  subject;  Squire, 
living  in  Indiana.  Caleb  during  the  Civil  War 
enlisted,  in  1862,  in  the  16th  Indiana  Infantry,  and 
served  until  the  close.  Squire  enlisted  in  1861,  in 
the  47th  Indiana  Infantry,  and  served  until  re- 
ceiving his  discharge  for  disabilitj-.  Subsequently, 
however,  he  was  drafted  and  served  until  the  close 
of  the  war. 

TEPHEN  GREEN,  who  owns  and  occupies 
a  farm  on  section  8,  Wells  Township,  has 
been  a  resident  here  since  1871.  He  is  a 
native  of  Rushville,  Schuyler  Co.,  III., 
and  was  born  May  19,  1841.  His  parents,  John 
and  Ann  Green,  were  residents  of  Delaware,  and 
the  former  is  said  to  have  been  a  relative  of  Gen. 
Green  of  Revolutionary  fame.  John  Green  re- 
moved from  his  native  State,  Clark  County',  Ky., 
at  an  early  day,  and  later  to  Schuyler  County,  111., 
at  an  early  period  in  the  history  of  the  latter. 
The  family  subsequently  removed  to  Fulton,  111., 
where  the  parents  resided  many  years.  William 
Green,  a  i:)rother  of  our  subject,  was  a  private  in 
the  84th  Illinois  Infant;y  during  the  late  war.  A 
half  brother,  Hinman  Rhodes,  enlisted  in  the  28th 
Illinois  Infantry,  was  elected  captain,  promoted  to 
colonel  and  finally  became  a  brigade  commander. 
Stephen  Green  had  but  limited  advantages  in  his 
3'Outh,  as  his  father  having  become  disabled,  he,  at 
the  age  of  twelve,  was  obliged  to  assist  in  the  sup- 



port  of  the  family.  He  was  about  ten  years  of  age 
when  they  removed  to  Fulton  County.  For  a 
number  of  years  he  had  the  main  responsibility  of 
the  family  fortunes,  and  for  a  time  was  his  parents 
sole  support.  On  Jan.  4,  1869,  he  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Hettie  Smith.  The  following  year 
he  came  to  Kansas  and  for  a  short  time  made  his 
home  in  Nemaha  County. 

On  entering  Marshall  County  in  1871.  he  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  the  section  where 
he  now  resides.  There  was  an  old  log  cabin  on 
the  place  and  a  few  acres  had  been  broken,  but  it 
was  principally  in  the  primitive  condition  of  the 
Western  prairie.  Mr.  Green  had  §27.50  in  money 
when  he  settled  there,  so,  like  all  pioneers  he  has 
had  experience  in  the  hardships  and  privations  in- 
cident to  getting  a  start  in  a  new  countr}'.  He 
has  been  energetic  and  persevering  and  has  won  a 
merited  success.  He  is  now  the  owner  of  160 
acres,  well  improved  and  cultivated  and  compris- 
ing a  comfortable  home. 

Mrs.  Green  was  born  in  Pike  County,  111.,  and 
was  a  daughter  of  Tbaddeus  O.  and  Abigail  Smith. 
She  has  borne  her  husband  seven  children:  Fred, 
Abigail,  Anne,  William,  and  an  infant  daughter 
unnamed,  are  living;  Maggie  and  Thaddeus  are 

Mr.  Green  is  a  Union  Labor  man.  He  has  served 
as  School  Treasurer  of  his  district.  Not  only  in 
the  conduct  of  his  own  business  but  in  the  affairs 
of  the  section,  Mr.  Green  is  a  man  of  enterprise 
and  as  such  is  held  in  esteem  bj-  his  neighbors. 

^  l>/ILLIAM  MURPHY.  This  gentleman  first 
\joJi  looked  upon  the  country  west  of  the  Mis- 
W^  sissippi  as  early  as  1839,  when  a  young 
man  twenty-two  years  old.  He  thereafter  spent 
about  four  j'ears  in  travel,  and  the  fact  that  he 
finally  took  up  his  abode  in  this  county  is  sufficient 
evidence  that  he  found  here  advantages  less 
equaled  by  those  of  any  other  section.  At  least 
he  was  contented  to  pitch  his  tent  here  in  1871  and 
has  since  made  his  home  within  its  borders.  We 
find    him    pleasantly  situ.ated    and    the  owner  of  a 

good  farm  on  section  27  in  Clear  Fork  Township, 
where  he  has  transformed  a  portion  of  what  was 
once  an  uncultivated  waste,  into  one  of  the  best 
farms  to  be  found  in  this  region. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  York 
County,  Pa.,  Oct.  29,  1816,  and  is  the  son  of  James 
and  Marj'  (Smith)  Murphy,  who  were  likewise  na- 
tives of  the  Keystone  State.  His  paternal  ances- 
tors were  of  Irish  origin,  and  his  grandfathers  on 
both  sides  of  the  house  did  good  service  in  the 
Colonial  army  during  the  Revolutionary  War. 
William  was  the  third  son  of  his  parents  and  was 
reared  on  a  farm  in  his  native  county,  receiving 
a  limited  education,  hut  being  trained  to  those 
habits  of  industry  and  sentiments  of  honor  which 
have  formed  the  basis  of  a  strong  and  reliable 
character  and  enaiiled  him  to  become  a  man  among 
men.  As  before  stated,  he  emigrated  to  the  West 
soon  after  reaching  his  majority.  He  remained  a 
bachelor  until  approaching  the  thirty-third  year 
of  his  age,  and  was  then  married  in  1849  in  Penn- 
sylvania to  Sarah  A.  Blaney,  who  bore  him  several 
children  of  whom  only  one  is  living:  James  C.  S., 
who  is  now  living  in  Irving.  The  mother  died  in 
1861.  In  1863  Mr.  Murphy  contracted  a  second 
marriage,  with  Mrs.  Caroline  Aikens,  widow  of 
John  Aikens,  of  York  County,  Pa.,  and  the  daugh- 
ter of  Levi  and  Margaret  Schenk,  of  Pennsylvania. 
Six  children  were  born  of  this  union,  three  of 
whom  survive,  William,  Belle  and  Valentine. 

Mr.  Murphy,  after  first  visiting  the  West,  re- 
turned to  his  native  State  and  came  to  this  county 
for  permanent  settlement  in  1871.  He  preempted 
160  acres  of  land  on  section  34,  Clear  Fork  Town- 
ship and  at  once  engaged  in  its  cultivation  and  im- 
provement. Not  long  afterward,  however,  he 
made  an  exchange  of  property,  coming  to  his  pres- 
ent farm.  Upon  this  likewise  not  a  furrow  had 
been  turned,  and  now  looking  around  over  his  fertile 
fields  and  his  convenient  buildings,  with  the  other 
pleasing  accessories  of  farm  life,  it  is  hardly  neces- 
sarj-  to  say  that  be  must  have  made  good  use  of 
his  time  since  settling  here.  In  due  time  he  was 
enabled  to  extend  his  possessions,  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  400  acres  altogether.  He  has  accumu- 
lated his  property  by  his -own  industry  and  good 
man.agement,  not  having  received  any  financial  as- 



sistance  from  any  source.  Among  the  many  self- 
made  men  of  Marshall  County,  there  are  few  who 
have  ma'rle  a  better  record. 

Mr.  Murphy  politically  is  a  sound  Democrat. 
He  has  served  on  the  School  Board  in  his  district, 
and  as  a  peaceable  and  law-abiding  citizen  is  the 
encourager  of  those  projects  tending  to  improve 
the  county  and  elevate  society. 

^^^EOROE  R.  Fl'LTON.a  man  of  mi 
I'lj  J— J  business  ahilily,  occupies  a  high  plo 
"^^Sl    the  practical,  successful  farmers  a 

^^^EOROE  R.  Fl'LTON.a  man  of  much  sound 

lace  among 
and  stock- 
raisers  of  Marshall  County,  of  which  he  was  a 
pioneer,  and  in  the  improvement  of  a  fine  farm  he 
has  materially  contributed  to  its  upbuilding.  This 
valuable  piece  of  property  is  very  pleasantly  lo- 
cated on  section  34,  Oketo  Township,  and  here  he 
and  his  family  enjoy  life  iu  a  beautiful  home,  rc- 
jjlete  with  all  the  modern  comforts  and  conve- 
niences, his  residence  being  the  finest  in  this  part 
of  the  county,  and  with  its  tastefully  laid  out,  pic- 
turesque grounds,  forms  a  pleasing  feature  in  the 

Mr.  Fulton  is  a  descendant  of  sterling  New  York 
ancestry,  both  his  parents,  John  and  Sally  M. 
(Greene)  Fulton,  being  natives  of  the  Empire 
State,  the  former  born  near  .Syracuse.  The  father 
was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  became  a  pioneer 
of  two  States,  as  subsequent  to  his  marriage  he 
moved  to  Ohio,  and  thence  to  Ogle  County,  111. 
There  he  and  his  wife  rounded  out  long  and  useful 
lives,  and  united  in  life,  were  not  long  divided  in 
death,  he  dying  in  Februarj',  1887,  and  she  three 
months  later.  They  had  five  children,  four  of 
whom  are  now  living. 

Our  subject  was  the  second  child  in  the  family, 
and  he  was  born  in  Ohio,  Aug.  18,  1839.  He  was 
quite  young  when  his  parents  removed  to  Ogle 
County,  111.,  and  there  he  was  reared  to  a  strong, 
manly  manhood  amid  the  pioneer  scenes  that  ob- 
tained there  in  those  days.  His  parents  early  in- 
stilled into  him  those  principles  of  honor  and 
integrity  tliat  have  been  his  guides  in  after  years, 
and  from   them  he   inherited   traits  of    thrift  and 

shrewd  common  sense  that  have  contributed  much 
to  his  success  in  his  career  as  a  business  man  and 
as  an  agriculturist.  He  gleaned  a  solid  education 
in  the  common  schools,  and  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
one  established  himself  in  business  as  a  merchant  in 
Ashton,  111.  He  was  so  prospered  in  that  venture 
that  at  the  age  of  twenty-three  he  bought  in  a 
partnership  with  C.  W.  Barber  in  a  general  mer- 
chandise store  in  Ogle  County.  In  1865  he  severed 
his  connection  with  Mr.  Barber,  and  formed  a 
partnership  with  C.  K.  Adams  in  Dement,  now 
Creston,  111.,  continuing  in  business  with  him  till 
1868.  With  characteristic  foresight  &nd  shrewd- 
ness, he  saw  the  flue  chance  that  an  energetic  busi- 
ness man  had  for  making  money  in  the  great  and 
growing  young  State  oftjKansas,  and  he  wisely  de- 
termined to  invest  some  of  his  capital  here,  and  turn 
his  attention  to  agricultural  pursuits  on  this  rich, 
productive  soil,  and  in  1869  we  find  him  located  in 
Marsliall  Count3%  where  with  excellent  judgment 
he  had  selecteil  his  present  farm  as  possessing  many 
advantages  over  other  sites.  It  was  then  merely  a 
tract  of  wild  prairie  land, devoid  of  cultivation  or  im- 
provement. It  comprises  377  acres  of  choice,  highly 
productive  land,  all  in  a  bod}'  and  under  admirable 
tillage,  and  supplied  with  a  substantial,  roomy  set 
of  buildings  and  every  convenience  for  carrying 
on  farming  advantageou.sly,  for  in  the  busy  years 
that  have  intervened  since  his  settlement  here,  he 
has  wrought  a  great  change  by  the  persistent  force  of 
steadfast  and  well-directed  labor.  Four  years  ago 
he  erected  his  present  handsome,  commodious  resi- 
dence, the  finest  house  in  Oketo,  at  a  cost  of  $3,000. 
lie  devotes  much  of  iiis  time  to  raising  stock,  and 
handles  about  sixty-eight  head  of  cattle,  thirty 
horses  and  two  car-loads  of  hogs. 

July  21,  1861,  Mr.  Fulton  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Eliza  "Woodcock,  a  daughter  of 
Sanford  and  Susan  (Black)  Woodcock.  Her  father 
was  a  native  of  New  Hampshire,  and  was  a  manu- 
facturer of  cards  for  woolen  mills.  Her  mother 
was  a  native  of  New  Braintree,  Mass.  They  had 
nine  children,  five  of  whom  are  now  living.  Mrs. 
Fulton  was  the  youngest  of  the  family,  and  she 
was  born  in  Leicester,  Mass.,  March  22,  1840.  She 
is  a  true  lady  of  superior  culture  and  refinement, 
and  her  education,  which  was  begun  in  the  public 



schools  of  Worcester,  Mass.,  was  finished  in  an  ex- 
cellent private  seminary  in  that  city.  Slie  came 
West  to  visit  her  sister  in  Illinois,  and  there  met 
and  married  our  subject.  Their  union  has  been 
blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  of 
whom  three  are  living,  as  follows:  Lena,  Charles 
and  Myrtie.  Lena  has  a  decided  talent  for  music, 
which  has  been  cultivated. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fulton  are  people  whose  social 
status  is  of  the  highest,  and  their  pleasant,  cour- 
teous manners  win  them  hosts  of  warm  friends, 
and  their  inviting  home  is  the  center  of  the  most 
charming  hospitality,  its  inmates  vying  with  each 
other  to  contribute  to  the  pleasure  and  comfort  of 
guests  wlio  ma}^  happen  beneath  its  roof.  They 
are  sincere  Christians,  and  are  earnestly  interested  in 
the  work  of  the  Presb3'teriau  Church  of  whieh  they 
are  prominent  members.  A  man  of  Mr.  Fulton's 
well-known  force  of  character,  influence  and  capac- 
ity, cannot  and  ought  not  to  be  allowed  wholly  to 
escape  the  responsibilities  of  public  life,  and  he  has 
done  his  duty  in  that  direction,  devoting  some  of 
his  time  to  aiding  his  fellow-citizens  in  carrying  on 
the  local  government,  has  done  serviceable  work  as 
a  member  of  the  School  Board,  and  has  held  the 
office  of  Township  Treasurer.  He  formerly  affil- 
iated with  the  Republican  party,  but  the  policy  of 
the  L'nion  Labor  party  more  nearly  meeting  his 
views,  he  has  latterly  given  his  allegiance  to  that 
party,  is  prominent  in  its  councils,  and  has  been  a 
delegate  to  county  conventions. 

-^/'VyT,-i*aCi27©-S©"  I 

*®J,gi^OT?f»v«. -w^ 

|u^^  ENRY  HUND,  Treasurer  of  Richland  Town- 
)lfjlj  ship,  and  a  prominent  man  in  his  commu- 
%^  nitj',  owns  and  operates  one  of  the  best 
\^)  regulated  farms  in  that  region,  comprising 
140  acres  finely  located  on  sections  l,t)  and  18.  In 
connection  with  general  farming,  he  makes  a  speci- 
cialty  of  stock-raising,  and  by  his  industry  and 
good  management  has  become  well-to-do. 

Mr.  Hund  came  to  Kansas  as  early  as  1869,  and 
located  upon  a  tract  of  land  near  the  present  site  of 
Beattie.  A  year  later,  however,  he  removed  to 
his    present   place,  first    purchasing    eighty    acres. 

After  bringing  this  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation, 
he  purchased  sixty  acres  more.  He  hiis  one  of  the 
oldest  and  finest  orchards  in  this  part  of  the 
county,  the  trees  being  of  his  own  planting.  He 
also  has  an  abundance  of  the  smaller  fruits,  includ- 
ing grapes,  cherries  and  plums,  with  peaches  and 
pears.  His  homestead  in  all  its  appointments  indi- 
cates the  supervision  of  an  intelligent  and  enter- 
prising man,  who  keeps  abreast  of  the  times,  and 
is  not  willing  to  occupy  anj' secondary  position. 
His  possessions  are  the  result  of  his  own  industry 
and  perseverance,  as  he  began  life  without  means, 
and  his  career  is  a  fine  illustration  of  what  a  man  maj' 
accomplish  bj"  industry  and  frugality.  In  his  busi- 
ness transactions  he  has  conducted  himself  in  such 
a  manner  as  to  secure  the  esteem  and  confidence  of 
all  who  know  him. 

The  early  years  of  our  subject  were  spent  in 
Germany,  where  he  was  born  Dec.  31,  1835.  His 
father  died  when  he  was  a  mere  lad,  and  when 
Henry  was  a  3'outh  of  seventeen  years,  the  widowed 
mother  with  her  five  children  set  out  for  America. 
Coming  directly  to  the  West,  thej'  located  in  Logan 
County,  111.,  where  Henry  worked  on  a  farm  until 
after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  On  the  9th 
of  August,  1862.  he  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in 
Company  B,  106th  Illinois  Infantry,  which  was  as- 
signed to  the  array  of  the  Tennessee.  He  was 
present  at  the  siege  of  Vicksburg,  and  after  the 
surrender  of  the  cit}'  repaired  with  his  regiment  to 
Little  Rock,  Ark.,  and  was  engaged  in  scouting 
and  skirmishing  with  the  enemj'.  He  was  pres- 
ent at  the  battle  of  Jacksonville,  and  during  his 
entire  service  of  three  years  was  neither  wounded 
nor  captured  by  the  enemy.  After  the  close  of 
the  war  he  was  given  an  honorable  discharge,  Aug. 

Our  subject  now  returned  to  his  old  haunts  in 
Logan  County,  111.,  where  his  mother  still  so- 
journed, but  he  determined  to  seek  his  permanent 
home  in  the  farther  West.  He  accordingly  came 
to  Kansas  in  1867  to  look  over  the  country,  and  re- 
moved here  two  j'ears  later.  He  remained  a  single 
man  until  April  7,  1874,  and  was  then  married  to 
Miss  Lavina  Wolfgang,  of  Rock  Township,  this 
countj'.  Mrs.  Hund  was  born  in  Jefferson  Count}', 
Pa.,  Sept.  12,  1852,  and  is   the   daughter  of  Jacob 



Wolfgang,  who  came  to  Kansas  in  1870,  and  set- 
tled in  Rock  Township,  where  he  now  resides.  To 
him  and  his  excellent  wife,  Mrs.  Sallie  (Schwartz) 
Wolfgang,  there  were  born  seven  daughters  and 
one  son,  and  six  of  the  children  arc  still  living, 
making  their  home  mostly  in  Kansas. 

Jacob  and  Mary  (Laux)  Hund,  the  parents  of 
our  subject,  reared  a  family  of  five  children,  and 
the  father  died  in  his  native  land,  Germany,  as 
before  stated.  The  mother  came  to  this  county 
with  lier  son  Henry,  our  subject,  making  her  home 
thereafter  with  him,  and  died  Aug.  1.5,  1882,  at 
the  age  of  sevent^'-tin'ee  years. 

//l^  IIRISTP:X  JOIIN.SON.  in  driving  about 
(II  the  agricultural  districts  of  this  county,  one 

^^^^'^finds  few  homes  which  excel,  or  even  equal 
that  of  our  subject,  in  beauty  and  appearance  of 
comfort.  It  is  situated  on  section  16,  Walnut 
Township,  and  comprises  160  highly  cultivated 
acres.  The  dwelling  is  a  large  neatly  painted  frame 
structure,  situated  about  100  yards  from  the  road 
to  which  it  is  connected  bj'  a  fine  drive-wa)'.  The 
door  yard  contains  a  number  of  beautiful  flower 
beds  with  walks  leading  through  and  around  them 
in  different  directions,  and  displaying  much  taste 
in  its  arrangements.  Everything  about  the  home 
is  in  a  perfect  state  of  oi'der  and  neatness,  and  pre- 
sents a  very  attractive  ajipearance. 

Mr.  Johnson  is  a  native  of  Denmark,  having 
l)een  born  Aug.  5,  1845.  He  was  reared  in  his  na- 
tive land  and  educated  under  its  compulsory'  laws, 
and  there  learned  the  blacksmith  trade.  He  came 
to  the  United  States  on  the  steamship  "Peruvia," 
making  the  voyage  in  about  twenty-one  dajs,  hav- 
ing left  Liverpool  the  16th  of  May,  1866,  and  ar- 
riving in  this  country  July  17.  They  were  obliged 
to  remain  off  New  York  harbor  six  weeks  on  ac- 
count of  cholera  on  shipboard.  Of  the  700  emi- 
grants on  board,  120  died  on  tlie  trip.  After 
landing  Mr.  Johnson  came  at  once  to  Doniphan 
County,  Kan.,  where  he  worked  as  a  farm  hand 
until  1873.  He  then  went  to  Toledo,  Ohio,  where 
he  was  eniplo3'ed  on  a  railroad    for  several  3'ears. 

He  there  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Jacob 
Miller,  a  native  of  Bavaria,  Germany.  In  1878 
they  came  back  to  Doniphan  County,  where  our 
subject  rented  a  farm,  upon  which  he  lived  for 
four  years.  He  then  removed  to  the  farm  where 
he  now  resides.  It  was  at  that  time  open  prairie, 
but  has  been  brougiit  to  a  high  state  of  cultivation 
and  improvement. 

Mr.  Johnson  is  a  member  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  to  which  he  had  become  attached  while 
yet  in  his  native  land.  His  wife  was  reared  in  the 
same  faith.  His  father.  Christen,  and  his  mother, 
Nicolin  (Hemming)  Johnson,  were  members  of  the 
same  church,  and  they  with  their  aneestr}',  so  far 
as  known,  were  natives  of  the  .same  place.  Mr. 
Johnson  is  a  supporter  of  the  principles  of  the 
Republican  party.  He  is  much  pleased  with  his 
success  since  coming  to  Kansas,  a  success  which 
well  illustrates  his  energj-  of  character,  persevering 
industrj'  and  business  ability.  His  early  educa- 
tion was  verj'  thoroHgh,  and  he  speaks  and  writes 
five  different  langu.ages  with  readiness. 

\t  AMES  S.  MAGILL.  This  gentleman  is  the 
oldest  living  resident,  excepting  one.  in  the 
northern  part  of  the  county.  Francis  Linn 
having  been  in  JMarysville  one  month  prior  to 
the  arrival  of  Mr.  Magill,  who,  having  taking  a  pre- 
emption claim,  located  five  miles  northwest  of  what 
is  now  Marysville,  reaching  the  Big  Blue  River, 
July  8,  1856.  The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born 
in  St.  Mary's  County,  Md.,  May  1,  1821,  residing 
there  until  1845,  having  in  the  meantime  received 
his  education  at  the  common  schools,  but  finishing 
it  at  Charlotte  Hall. 

At  the  early  age  of  fifteen  years  he  left  his  home 
to  become  a  clerk  in  the  mercantile  business,  fol- 
lowing that  vocation  liutil  he  was  twenty-one. 
For  the  following  three  years  he  served  as  Deputy- 
Sheriff  and  Constable,  employing  his  leisure  time  in 
the  study  of  law.  In  1845,  Mr.  Magi^ll  removed 
to  Georgetown,  S.  C,  and  again  entered  the  mer- 
c.nntile  business,  and  there  on  May  11,  1847,  he 
married  Miss  Ella  M.,    the   voungest  daughter  of 



Capt.  J.  H.  Christian.  Mr.  Magill  remained  in 
Georgetown  until  tlie  fall  of  1848,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Savannah,  Ga.,  contiuuiug  in  the  same 
line  of  business  until  18.51,  when  he  located  at 
Marietta,  Ga.,  in  that  year  and  engaged  in  busi- 
ness until  the  spring  of  1853,  when  he  returned  to 
Savannah,  and  accepted  a  position  as  clerk  and 
book-keeper  in  a  commission  house,  remaining 
with  this  firm  until  May,  1856. 

The  Western  fever,  which  was  then  raging  at  its 
height,  found  in  him  a  victim,  and  upon  severing 
his  connection  with  the  commission  house  he  started 
for  Kansas,  having  been  for  two  years  deprived  of 
tiie  society  of  his  family.  He  came  to  Atchison 
with  a  colony  of  South  Carolinians,  and  upon  his 
arrival  found  Gen.  Marshall  with  four  or  five  men. 

The  wild  condition  of  that  country  may  be  un- 
derstood when  it  is  noted  that  it  was  necessary  for 
the  colonists  to  travel  in  companj',  it  being  very 
unsafe  to  cross  those  broad  prairies  alone,  if  one 
had  any  valuables  in  his  possession.  That  same 
fall  Mr.  Magill  took  up  160  acres  of  land,  and 
made  the  usual  improvements.  Having  an  oppor- 
tunity in  1860  to  dispose  of  it,  he  did  so  and  re- 
moved to  Marysville.  Marshall  County  having 
been  recently  organized  he  was  elected  District 
Clerk  of  the  County,  a  position  which  he  held 
until  January,  1861,  when  he  entered  upon  the 
practice  of  his  profession.  In  1866  he  was  elected 
Countj'  Treasurer,  filling  that  oflice  for  two  terms ; 
with  this  exception  he  has  followed  his  profession. 
At  \arious  times  he  has  served  as  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  Citj^  Clerk.  Police  Judge,  and  one  term  as 
Coroner.  Mr.  Magill  was  one  Of  the  thirteen 
original  stock-holders  wlio  located  the  town  tract, 
and  still  owns  part  of  it. 

The  country  having  been  mostly  settled  by 
Southern  men,  and  these  becoming  scattered  at 
the  breaking  out  of  the  war,it  was  impossible  to  have 
a  quorum  from  1862  until  1886,  when  a  sufficient 
number  were  enabled  to  be  present  to  proceed  to 
business.  There  is  yet  serious  trouble  in  collecting 
what  thej-  had  early  let  go  by  default. 

Mr.  Magill  has  built  a  number  of  residences  in 
the  town  and  is  considered  a  public-spirited  citizen, 
a  man  whose  influence  is  given  for  the  benefit  of 
the  community    where    he    resides.     Mrs.    Magill 

followed  her  husband  in  1858,  bringing  with  her 
one  child,  but  leaving  the  eldest  at  school.  Of  the 
ten  children  born  to  them,  but  six  are  living — 
Katie  D.,  Mrs.  P.  H.  Peters,  now  a  resident  of  this 
city,  who  ^as  two  sons — William  J.  and  Magill; 
Loj'al  S.,  who  married  Miss  Mary  Rozine.  and  now 
a  resident  of  Hanover,  this  State;  Hettie  A.,  Mrs. 
Daniel  N.  Kelly,  of  Marysville,  who  has  three 
sons — Roy,  John  J.  and  Harry;  Harry  W.  and 
Nellie  P.,  who  are  members  of  their  father's  house- 
hold; and  James  S.,  Jr.  The  children  deceased, 
died  in  infanc3\ 

Miss  Ella  M.  Christian,  wife  of  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was  born  in  Georgetown,  S.  C,  Oct.  6, 
1831,  and  there  made  her  home  until  her  marriage. 
Capt.  J.  H.  Christian,  her  father,  was  a  native  of 
Massachusetts,  being  reared  as  a  sea-faring  man, 
and  the  last  twenty  years  of  his  life  was  engaged  in 
steamboatiug  on  the  various  rivers  near  South  Car- 
olina; at  the  time  of  his  death,  being  master  and 
owner  of  one  and  part  owner  of  another  vessel. 
He  was  married  in  Georgia  to  Miss  Catherine  Fry, 
and  reared  a  family  of  four  children — Eliza,  who 
married  a  Mr.  McWilliams,  now  deceased  ;  Henry  R. 
at  present  is  one  of  the  agents  of  the  Ocean  Steam- 
ship Company,  Jacksonville,  Fla.;  Benjamin  is 
deceased;  and  Ella  the  wife  of  our  subject.  Capt. 
Christian  died  in  1847,  aged  about  sixty-eight 
years;  his  wife  removed  to  Kansas  and  died  in 

Mathew  Magill,  the  father  of  James  S.,  was  born 
in  St.  Mary's  County,  Md.,  in  1783.  He  married 
Miss  Dorotha  Jarboe,  and  they  had  a  familj-  of 
seven  children  (both  parents  dying  when  our  sub- 
ject's father  was  only  three  j-ears  old.)  Matliew 
Magill  was  a  farmer  in  St.  Mary's  County,  follow- 
ing that  vocation  until  his  death  in  1837.  His  wife 
survived  him,  dying  in  1846.  Of  the  children. 
John  F.  remained  in  his  native  town  engaged  in 
teaching  and  farming,  and  died  at  the  ripe  old  age 
of  seventy-two  jears;  Susan  A.,  who  remained  un- 
married, also  continued  to  reside  in  lier  native 
county,  and  died  at  the  age  of  seventy;  William  H. 
left  St.  Mary's  County  in  1839  at  the  age  of  nine- 
teen years.  His  whereabouts  is  unknown;  Benja- 
min remained  near  home,  having  married  and 
reared  four  children,    and    died  there;   Charles  A. 



removed  to  Savannah.  Ga.,  engager!  in  the  commis- 
sion business  and 'lied  in  that  fit}';  Ignatius,  who 
filled  the  position  of  station  agent  at  Monk's  Cor- 
ners, S.  C,  died  at  that  place.  Consequently  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  is  the  only  one  of  these  seven 
children  now  living. 

A^  ARTIN  V.  B.  HALL,  one  of  the  oldest 
'''  'V  settlers  of  Wells  Township,  is  a  native  of 
'■  Kane  County,  III.,  and  was  born  Feb.  17, 
1837.  He  was  the  son  of  Hiram  and  Eliza- 
be!  h  Hall,  his  father  being  a  native  of  Pennsji- 
vania,  and  his  mother  of  Virginia.  The  Hall  famil}' 
are  undoubtedly  of  English  descent,  while  his  ma- 
ternal ancestors  are  probably  German.  Our  sub- 
ject was  the  second  in  a  family  of  four  children. 
When  about  three  years  old  his  parents  removed 
to  Nodaway  County,  Mo.,  where  he  was  reared  and 
received  such  education  as  the  common  schools  af- 

In  1858  Mr.  Hall,  in  company  with  William 
Trosper,  came  to  this  county,  where  he  took  up  a 
claim  of  160  acres  of  land,  about  one  and  a  half 
miles  west  of  the  present  city  of  Frankfort.  These 
primitive  acres  were  improved  by  their  owner,  who 
made  them  his  home  until  1862.  He  then  returned 
to  IMissouri  for  a  sojourn  of  two  years,  thence  re- 
turning again  to  this  count}*,  where  for  several 
years  he  occupied  rented  land.  In  the  fall  of  1872 
he  settled  on  his  present  location,  and  is  now  loca- 
ted on  the  northwest  quarter  of  section  22,  Wells 
Township,  where  he  has  a  cozy  and  pleasant  home. 
Mr.  Hall  has  been  a  hard-working  and  industrious 
man,  and  like  all  early  settlers  in  a  country,  has 
had  his  share  of  hardship  and  privation.  The 
first  winter  spent  here  after  his  marriage,  he  and 
his  wife  lived  for  three  months  on  corn  coffee  and 

November  24,  1858,  Mr.  Hall  was  united  in  mar- 
riao-e  with  Miss  Anna  J.  Trosper,  the  record  of 
which  event  is  said  to  be  the  first  made  in  Marshall 
County.  Miss  Trosper  was  born  in  Nodaway 
County,  Mo.,  Jan.  4,  1844,  and  was  a  daughter  of 
William  and  Sarah  Trosper,  the  former  a  native  of 

Kentucky,  and  the  latter  of  Illinois.  Her  mater- 
nal grandfather,  Samuel  Ferguson,  was  a  soldier  in 
the  Black  Hawk  War.  Her  father  was  twice  mar- 
ried. His  first  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  six 
children,  four  of  whom  are  living,  Mrs.  Hall  being 
the  eldest.  The  others  are:  John  8.,  now  at  Bio-e- 
low,  Kan.;  Robert,  and  Emily  J.,  wife  of  J.  J. 
Roper,  of  Washington.  By  his  second  marriage, 
Mr.  Trosper  became  the  father  of  three  children, 
two  of  whom  are  now  living — Sarah  M.,  the  wife 
of  Samuel  Strange,  of  Marysville,  and  Amanda, 
who  is  living  at  Bigelow,  Kan. 

Mr.  Hall,  politically,  is  a  Democrat,  and  a  hearty 
supporter  of  the  party  measures.  He  is  now  serv- 
ing his  second  term  as  Trustee  of  Wells  Township 
with  credit  not  only  to  himself,  but  to  his  constit- 
uents. He  has  served  as  Constable  for  three  years, 
and  was  for  several  years  Clerk  of  the  township. 
Mrs.  Hall  is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church,  and 
an  active  member  of  society.  As  an  upright  and 
worthy  man,  and  a  reliable  citizen,  Mr.  Hall  is  hon- 
ored by  the  community  in  which  he  lives,  and  can, 
with  his  wife,  enjoy  the  fruits  of  their  labors  in  the 
consciousness  of  having  assisted  in  the  develop- 
ment of  a  great  and  growing  State. 

^^?^EORGE  J.  WINI 
lii  g=,  upon  the  life  of  o 
^=i|l    regard   to  his    pai 

WINKLER.  Before  entering 
our  subject  a  few  words  in 
parents  will  not  be  amiss. 
George  J.  Sr.,  and  Tillie  Winkler,  were  natives  of 
Germany,  from,  which  country  they  emigrated  to 
America  in  1852,  settling  in  Westmoreland  County, 
Pa.,  where  they  breathed  their  last.  They  had  a 
family  of  three  sons  and  two  daughters,  of  whom 
our  subject  was  the  fourth  child  and  third  son.  He 
was  born  in  Germany,  Dec.  12,  1842,  and  was  con- 
sequently about  ten  years  of  age  when  he  came  to 
America.  He  grew  to  manhood  in  Westmoreland 
County,  making  that  county  his  home  until  his  re- 
moval to  Kansas,  May  6,  1878.  In  March,  1865, 
he  enlisted  at  Pittsburg,  and  served  in  the  Union 
army  until  the  latter  part  of  July.  After  being 
mustered  out  of  service  he  engaged  in  farming.  In 
May,   1878,    he    came    to    this    county,    living    in 



Marysville  for  a  ycav  and  then  locating  on  section 
3,  Marysville  Township,  wliere  lie  is  now  living, 
occupj'ing  a  finely  improved  farm  of  160  acres. 

While  residing  in  Pennsj'lvania,  Mr.  Winkler 
was  married  to  Miss  Margaret  McCaule}',  who  died 
in  December,  1869,  leaving  one  son,  George  E.,  who 
was  educated  in  the  common  schools  of  Pennsyl- 
vania and  this  State,  and  also  attended  for  a  time 
the  State  Normal  at  Fort  Scott,  and  the  State  Ag- 
ricultural College  at  Manhattan.  He  has  been  a 
teacher  for  the  last  five  years.  His  present  wife  is 
Mary  Jane,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Rosana  ( Wills) 
Karns,  of  German  ancestry.  She  was  born  in 
Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  Aug.  12,  1845.  She  is 
a  very  bright  and  intelligent  woman,  well  fitted  to 
discharge  the  duties  of  wife  and  mother  and  to  do 
what  woman  can  to  elevate  and  brighten  the  lives 
of  those  about  her.  Cordial  and  kindly  to  the 
stranger  within  her  gates,  Mrs.  Winkler's  generous 
nature  finds  its  chief  expression  in  her  efforts  to 
make  her  home  one  to  which  her  children  in  after 
years  may  look  back  as  the  most  attractive  spot  on 
earth.  Her  marriage  to  Mr.  Winkler  took  place  in 
Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  July  4,  1872.  To 
them  have  been  born  seven  children — Anna  B., 
Rosana  M.,  John  F.,  Catherine  M.,  Agnes  A., 
Elizabeth  J.,  and  Lena  M. 

Mr.  Winkler  was  formerly  a  member  of  the 
Democratic  party  but  has  lately  identified  himself 
with  the  Union  Labor  party,  and  both  he  and  his 
wife  are  communicants  of  the  Catholic  Church. 


'^1,  OSEPH  C.  DICKEY,  junior  member  of  the 
firm  of  McCurdy  &  Dickey,  liverymen,  is 
one  of  the  most  extensive  farmers  of  Water- 
Ml  ville  Township,  where  he  has  held  manj' 
offices  of  trust  and  responsibilitj-.  He  is  possessed 
of  more  than  ordinar}'  intelligence,  and  is  one  of 
those  stirring,  energetic  characters  who  prefer  a 
life  of  activity  to  one  of  indolence.  He  started  in 
life  poor  in  purse,  and  by  a  course  of  economy  and 
prudence  laid  the  foundations  for  a  snug  fortune 
and  enough  to  ensure  him  against  want  in  his  de- 
clining years.      He   established    his  present    busi- 

ness several  j'ears  ago,  and  at  the  same  time  has 
carried  on  his  farm  of  190  acres,  a  valuable  piece 
of  property  lying  adjacent  to  the  town  limits. 

Jefferson  County,  Ohio,  is  the  native  place  of 
our  subject,  and  the  date  of  his  birth  May  25, 
1838.  His  father,  William  Dickey,  was  a  native 
of  Pennsylvania,  whence  he  emigrated  to  Ohio 
when  a  j'oung  man,  settling  in  Jefferson  County. 
Later  he  removed  to  Coshocton  County,  where  his 
death  took  place  about  1877  at  the  age  of  seventy- 
five  years.  He  was  a  farmer,  merchant  and  car- 
penter combined,  and  although  never  becoming 
wealthy,  accumulated  sufficient  to  keep  him  in  com- 
fort during  his  old  age.  He  liad  served  in  the  War 
of  1812  during  his  younger  years  and  was  Justice 
of  the  Peace  for  a  long  period.  Religiously  he 
belonged  to  the  Associate  Reformed  Church. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Beaston)  Dickej',  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  born  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  and  died 
in  1867  at  the  age  of  fifty-five  years.  The  paren- 
tal household  included  ten  children,  seven  of  whom 
are  living.  Joseph  C,  when  quite  young  removed 
with  his  parents  from  Ohio  to  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind., 
where  he  learned  blacksmithing  and  worked  at  his 
trade  twenty  years.  Soon  after  the  outbreak  of 
the  rebellion  he  enlisted  in  April,  1861,  in  Com- 
pany F,  12th  Indiana  Infantry,  with  which  he 
served  one  year  and  was  then  made  a  member  of 
Company  D,  129th  Infantry-.  Shortly  afterward 
he  was  promoted  to  First  Lieutenant  and  two 
years  later  was  tendered  a  captain's  commission, 
with  which  rank  he  served  until  the  close  of  the 

Mr.  Dickej'  followed  the  fortunes  of  his  com- 
rades in  the  camp  and  on  the  field,  and  participated 
in  many  of  the  important  battles  of  the  war,  among 
them  that  of  Winchester,  Va.,  and  was  at  the  bat- 
tle of  Resaca,  Buzzard  Roost,  Kenesaw  Mountain. 
Peach  Creek,  Good  Hope  Church,  Jonesborough, 
.nil  through  the  Georgia  campaign,  being  at  Frank- 
fort and  Nashville,  and  Kingston,  North  Carolina, 
and  in  other  minor  engagements  and  skirmishes. 
He  was  captured  near  Harper's 'Ferry  in  1861  and 
confined  in  Libby  and  Salisburj'  prisons  for  a 
period  of  seven  months,  being  then  paroled,  then 
enlisted  in  the  129th  Indiana  and  continued  till 
the  close  of  the  war.     He  was  mustered  out  of  the 

-^,1  » -^fe^M^  gaai^  yM-vAi«-«S»,S«y,rf&^'fe~^.. 

Residence  OF  Godfrey  Lodholz ,Sec.  26.  Richland  Township 

Residence  OF  David  Heisse,5ec.2.  Rock  Township. 

Portrait  and  BioGRAPHtcAL  album. 


service  at  Washington  and  leceived  his  honorable 
discharge.  Then  returning  to  Manchester,  Ind., 
he  sojonrned  there  until  1868,  and  that  year  came 
to  this  county. 

For  a  period  of  ten  years  thereafter  Mr.  Diclcej- 
worked  at  liis  trade  and  in  the  meantime  established 
himself  in  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his  fellow- 
citizens.  During  the  administration  of  President 
Garfield,  he  was  appointed  Postmaster  of  Water- 
ville  and  has  served  as  Count}'  Commissioner  two 
terms.  He  was  at  one  time  Clerk  of  the  School 
Board  two  terms,  and  served  as  Mayor  one  term 
and  member  of  City  Council  two  terms.  In  Ma- 
sonry he  has  attained  to  the  Royal  Arch  degree. 
He  is  also  identified  with  the  G.  A.  R.  and  the 
A.O.U.W.  In  politics  he  uniformly  supports  the 
principles  of  the  Republican  party. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  1863  to  Miss  Cathe- 
rine, daugliter  of  Lewis  M.  Stewart,  of  South 
Whitley,  Ind.  The  three  children  born  of  this 
union  were  named  respectivelj',  William  L.,  who 
is  in  Kansas  City,  working  at  the  tinsmith  business; 
Ray  and  Daisy  are  at  home. 

^^ ,^i^ 5- 

|TP^,OBERT  W.  SMITH.  For  a  period  of 
'L^  of  twenty -three  years  Mr.  Smith  has  wit- 
(ii\V  nessed  the  growth  and  development  of 
\^  Northern  Kansas,  and  has  been  no  idle  wit- 
ness of  the  changes  which  have  transformed  the 
wide  frontier  into  the  abode  of  a  civilized  and  in- 
telligent people.  There  is  no  individual  without 
an  influence,  wherever  he  may  be;  he  is  either  as- 
sisting in  the  general  advancement  of  his  commu- 
nity, or  retarding  its  best  interests  by  his  lack  of 
enterprise.  Mr.  Smith  most  decidedly  belongs  to 
the  former  class,  having  contributed  in  a  marked 
degree  to  the  development  of  Marshall  County. 

A  pioneer  of  1866,  Mr.  Smith  emigrated  to  this 
region  in  the  fall  of  that  3'ear,  and  settled  in  Clear 
Fork  Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a 
resident.  His  native  place  was  in  Armstrong 
County,  Pa.,  and  he  was  born  Dec.  30,  1838.  His 
parents  were  Robert  and  Sarah  (Wray)  Smith,  the 
former  likewise  a  native  of  the  Keystone  State,  and 

the  paternal  grandfather  was  born  in  Ireland.  On 
his  mother's  side  Grandfather  Wray  is  supposed  to 
be  of  Scotch-Irish  origin.  Robert  SV.,  our  subject, 
was  the  second  child  of  his  parents,  and  spent  his 
lioyhood  and  youth  at  the  homestead  in  his  native 
county,  where  his  father  owned  a  farm,  although 
he  was  likewise  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits, 
having  his  business  at  Elder's  Ridge. 

Young  Smith  pursued  his  earl}-  studies  in  the 
common  schools  and  completed  them  in  the  acad- 
emy at  Elder's  Ridge,  and  afterward  for  a  time  of- 
ficiated as  clerk  in  his  father's  store.  Naturall}- 
intelligent  and  observing,  he  has  alwaj-s  kept  him- 
self posted  upon  matters  of  general  interest,  and 
has  qualified  himself  for  the  transaction  of  all 
ordinary  business.  After  about  six  months  spent 
in  general  merchandising  on  his  own  account  at 
lilder's  Ridge,  he,  in  the  spring  of  1860,  decided 
to  cast  his  lot  with  the  pioneers  of  Northern  Kan- 
sas. He  accordinglj'  packed  up  his  stock  of  goods, 
and  crossing  the  Mississippi,  established  himself  as 
a  general  merchant  at  Barrett,  where  he  carried  on 
business  for  nearly  two  years.  Barrett  at  that 
time  consisted  only  of  a  corn  and  sawmill  com- 
bined, and,  as  may  be  supposed,  there  was  little 
call  for  his  merchandise.  He  accordingly  com- 
menced the  freighting  of  goods  between  important 
points  in  the  West,  and  in  the  pursuance  of  this 
business  traveled  over  the  Rocky  Mountains,  being 
thus  engaged  until  the  fall  of  1866.  He  then  es- 
tablished himself  on  a  tract  of  land  near  Barrett, 
whence  he  removed  to  his  present  place  in  1870. 
The  country  around  was  thinly  settled,  and  the 
land  which  he  acquired  possession  of  was  compara- 
tively witliout  improvement.  It  has  required  the 
labor  of  years  and  the  outlay  of  hundreds  of  dol-  . 
lars  to  bring  his  farm  to  its  present  condition, 
provided,  as  it  Is,  with  substantial  buildings,  and 
the  land  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 
In  addition  to  this  propert}',  Mr.  Smith  has  a  half 
interest  in  647  acres  in  the  county. 

Mr.  Smith  came  to  this  region  a  single  man,  and 
here  found  a  wife  and  helpmate,  being  married  in 
September,  1867,  to  Miss  Henrietta  Edgar.  This 
lady  was  a  native  of  Knox  County,  III.,  whence 
she  came  to  Kansas  with  her  parents,  in  1860,  the 
same   vear  as  her  husbami.     To    them   have   been 



born  six  children,  viz:  Harry,  William  F.,  Sarah, 
James,  Edgar  and  Robert.  Mr.  Smith,  politically, 
votes  tlie  straight  Republican  ticket,  and,  as  one 
of  the  pioneers  of  the  county,  is  prominently  iden- 
tified with  the  Old  Settlers'  Association. 

Mrs.  Smith  was  born  in  Knox  County,  III., 
March  5,  1841,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Thomas  and 
Martlia  Edgar,  both  of  whom  were  natives  of 
Kentucky.  She  lived  there  with  them  until  a 
youns  lady  of  nineteen  years,  and  then  came  to 
this  county.  The  parental  family  consisted  of 
seven  children,  five  of  whom  are  living:  Mary, 
Mrs.  Hopkins,  a  widow;  Henrietta,  Mrs.  Smith; 
Jane,  the  wife  of  James  Smith,  of  Topeka;  Will- 
iam, and  Eebccca,  Mrs.  Frederick  Brown,  of  this 
county.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Smith  settled  in  Clear 
Fork  Township,  improving  a  farm,  where  he  spent 
the  remainder  of  his  days,  passing  away  in  1885; 
the  mother  is  living  at  the  old  home  in  this  ton-n- 

"\fl  OHX  JOERG.  Among  the  many  elements 
which  tend  to  the  prosperity  of  our  land, 
the  vigor  and  energ}'  of  her  German  citi- 
zens have  borne  a  prominent  part.  A  fine 
exanii)le  of  these  qualities  is  found  in  tlie  subject 
of  our  sketch.  Mr.  Joerg  was  born  in  Kreuznach, 
Germany,  April  27, 1849.  When  three  years  old  his 
parents  went  to  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  where  our  sub 
ject  grew  up  and  obtained  his  education. 

John  Joerg,  Sr.,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
farmer,  and  during  his  later  years  he  lived  a  retired 
life  at  Marysville.  He  died  in  1884,  aged  seventj-- 
eight  years.  His  wife  was  Miss  Catherine  Schild, 
who  bore  him  six  children,  five  of  whom  are  now 
living.  She  now  lives  in  this  city,  eighty-one 
years  old. 

Until  the  age  of  eighteen  our  subject  lived  upon 
his  father's  farm,  six  miles  south  of  Milwaukee. 
He  then  learned  the  carpenter's  trade,  at  which 
he  worked  in  Milwaukee  for  about  six  years.  He 
then  went  to  Chicago  where  he  remained  until 
1871,  when  coming  to  Kansas  he  continued  at  his 
trade  at  Blue  Rapids  for  one  year.  Returning  to 
Milwaukee  he  remained  a  year  and  in  1874  moved 

to  Marysville,  starting  a  steam  furniture  factory, 
the  first  ever  here.  He  brought  two  car-loads  of 
machiner3'  and  gave  emplo3'ment  to  fifteen  men. 
In  this  business  he  continued  three  years,  when  he 
sold  out  and  engaged  in  other  business.  At  one 
time  he  was  contractor  and  builder,  having  con- 
tracts for  building  all  the  best  houses  in  the  town, 
putting  up  twenty-one.  About  1884  he  put  up 
a  good  building  and  started  a  grocerj'  store  at 
the  corner  of  Broadway  and  Sixth  street,  where  he 
now  has  one  of  the  largest  groceries  in  tlie  city, 
also  carrying  on  general  jobl)ing  business  in  poul- 
try and  eggs,  buying  as  much  as  any  man  in  the 
city  of  Marj'sville.  Since  quitting  the  furniture 
business  Mr.  Joerg  has  been  a  very  successful  bus- 
iness man,  having  added  to  the  size  of  his  grocery 
and  building.  He  now  owns  four  good  buildings, 
three  fine  residences  and  other  city  propert3'. 

Our  subject  married  Miss  Agnes  Rankseh,  of  this 
city,  Dec.  13,  1875.  They  have  three  children,  all 
living:  Jennie  Elinora,  Albert  John  and  Minda 
Katie,  all  of  whom  are  at  home  and  will  receive 
good  educations,  and  all  the  advantages  for  culture. 
Miss  Rankseh  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  in  1855, 
and  is  the  daughter  of  George  Rankseh.  who  came 
to  Marysville  in  1871,  and  here  died  in  June,  1889. 
The  mother  also  died  here. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  one  of  the  early 
and  active  members  of  St.  Gregory's  Catholic 
Church,  and  has  been  instrumental  in  bringing  it 
up  to  its  present  high  standing  financially,  being 
one  of  the  building  committee,  and  an  earnest 
worker  all  of  the  time  he  has  been  here,  as  men- 
tioned in  the  sketch  of  the  Rev.  Father  Schmickler 
and  the  Church.  He  votes  the  Democratic  ticket, 
and,  though  not  an  office-seeker,  is  now  serving  his 
fourth  term  as  Alderman  of  the  third  ward. 

LEE  MILLER.  A  cursory  view  of  the 
business  portion  of  a  town,  gives  the 
stranger  a  better  idea  of  its  prosperity  than 
any  other  adjunct.  So  the  visitor  to  Marj-svilie 
notes  with  surprise  and  pleasure  the  large  number 
of  business  houses  engaged  in  the  successful    pur- 



suit  of  their  legitimate  object.  Prominent  among 
these  business  houses  is  that  of  Mr.  Miller,  who  oc- 
cupies a  large  store  in  the  Koester  Block,  with  a 
stock  of  drugs  and  stationer}',  and  every  article 
that  goes  with  the  first-class  prescription  and  gen- 
eral drug  store. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  Jotham  P.  Miller,  was 
born  in  Westchester  County,  N.  Y.,  near  .Sing 
Sing,  in  the  year  1818.  There  he  passed  his  early 
life  engaging  in  business  in  Sing  Sing  and  New 
York  City.  About  1849  he  came  to  Wisconsin, 
traveling  by  lake  and  settled  in  York,  Dane  Count}', 
where  he  took  up  a  new  farm.  This  farm  he  im- 
proved and  on  it  he  lived  for  many  years,  and  at 
last  retired  to  Columbus,  Wis.,  and  afterward  came 
to  Marysville,  this  county. 

Our  subject  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  M.  John- 
son in  1849.  He  is  the  father  of  three  children, 
all  still  living,  our  subject  being  the  eldest.  The 
second  child,  Joette,  now  Mrs.  T.  J.  Morse,  of  Be- 
loit,  Kan.;  Alia,  who  is  still  at  home.  For  many 
years  before  coming  to  Kansas  he  suffered  with 
asthma,  but  is  now  a  hale  and  hearty  man.  He 
belongs  to  the  Republican  party  and  is  a  member 
of  the  Masonic  order,  and  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church. 

Mrs.  Sarah  M.  (Johnson)  Miller  v\as  born  near 
Verona,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.  When  a  young  lady 
she,  with  her  parents,  moved  to  Dane  County,  Wis., 
where  she  lived  until  her  marriage.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Elias  O.  and  Phoeba  Johnson.  Our 
subject  was  born  in  Dane  County,  Wis.,  Dec.  22, 
1851.  When  he  was  six  years  old  his  father 
moved  to  Columbus,  where  he  w(as educated.  After 
leaving  school  he  entered  the  drug  store  of  Frank 
Huggins,  remaining  for  three  years.  He  then  went 
to  Sing  Sing,  N.  Y.,  and  for  eight  years  was  with 
an  uncle  who  was  in  the  drug  business.  He  then 
came  to  Beloit,  Kan., and  established  a  drug  store  for 
himself,  carrying  on  a  successful  business  for  two 
years.  He  then  sold  out  and  came  to  Marysville, 
and  buying  out  a  drug  store  which  had  been  es- 
tablished three  months,  he  has  by  strict  business 
methods  and  an  agreeable  manner  built  up  a  pros- 
perous trade  and  a  popular  reputation. 

Mr.  Miller  was  married  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  in 
January,  1880,   to  Miss   Stella    Richtnieyer.     The 

result  of  this  union  is  one  child — Earl.  While  re- 
siding in  Beloit,  Mr.  Miller  was  elected  Coroner  of 
Mitchell  County,  but  moved  away  before  qualify- 
ing for  the  office.  While  not  an  active  politician, 
he  has  accepted  an  opportunity  to  serve  the  city  a.s 
member  of  the  City  Council,  representing  the 
Fourth  Ward.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Knights  of 
Pythias,  and  a  man  very  higlily  spoken  of,  honest 
and  honorable  in  all  his  transactions. 

^  OSEPH  GORBUTT.  Among  those  who  took 
part  in  the  labors  incident  to  the  opening 
up  of  Wells  Township,  and  whose  success  is 
due  wholly  to  their  own  unceasing  industry 
and  practical  abilit}',  is  the  gentleman  above 
named,  who  owns  and  occupies  a  fine  farm  on  sec- 
lioTis  14  and  15.  His  first  settlement  in  Marshall 
County  was  made  on  section  14,  where  he  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres  of  Government  land.  Deer, 
coyotes  and  other  wild  animals  roamed  over  the 
prairies  when  he  took  possession  of  his  claim. 
Their  haunts  have  now  become  a  highly  productive 
and  attractive  estate.  Since  his  first  settlement, 
Mr.  Gorbutt  has  added  eighty  acres  by  purchase  of 
railroad  lands,  making  his  present  acreage  160. 

The  gentleman  whose  name  heads  this  sketch  was 
born  in  Woodford  County,  Ky.,  Jan.  10,  1836. 
He  is  a  son  of  Joseph  and  Johann  Gorbutt.  The 
father  was  a  native  of  Manchester,  England,  and 
the  mother  of  Paisle}',  Scotland.  They  emigrated 
to  America  when  young,  and  finally  married  ;ind 
settled  in  the  Blue  Grass  State,  where  the  father 
died  in  1869.  The  mother  is  now  living  in  this 

Our  subject  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native 
county  and  received  his  education  in  the  common 
schools,  which  at  that  time  did  not  afford  such  ad- 
vantages as  at  present.  His  father  being  a  woolen 
manufacturer,  he  was  reared  to  that  business,  which 
he  followed  until  about  thirty-five  years  of  age. 
In  August,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  Company  A,  uLli 
Kentucky  Confederate  Cavalry,  which  was  first  at- 
tached to  the  command  of  Gen.  A.  Buford,  and 
later  was  transferred  to  tliat  of  Gen.  Morgan.    Mr. 



Gorbutt  participated  iu  tlie  battles  of  Perrysville, 
Stone  River,  and  uumerous  others  of  minor  im- 
portance. He  took  part  in  tlie  celebrated  Morgan 
Raid  in  Oliio,  and  vvitli  the  brigade  was  captured 
at  Buffiiigton.  He  was  confined  at  Camp  Douglas, 
Ohio,  for  about  eighteen  months.  Receiving  a  pa- 
role at  the  expiration  of  that  time,  he  returned  to 
Kentucky  and  resumed  the  duties  of  a  civilian. 

On  November,  1865.  Mr.  Gorbutt  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Sallie  W.  Dougherty,  who  was  a  na- 
tive of  Franklin  County,  Ky.  The  union  has  been 
blessed  Iiy  the  birth  of  five  children.  Annie  and 
Kittle  are  engaged  in  public  school  teaching,  while 
"William  J.,  Rose  and  .John  still  reside  under  the 
parental  roof.  In  1870  Mr.  Gorbutt  left  his  Ken- 
tucky home  and  settled  in  this  countj'.  He  has 
not  onh'  shared  in  the  privations  of  pioneer  life, 
but  has  also  suffered  from  the  elements.  During 
what  is  known  as  the  "Irving  cj'clone,"  that  caused 
so  much  destruction  a  few  years  ago,  Mr.  Gorbutt 
lost  all  of  his  personal  property,  including  house, 
barn,  etc.  This  clean  sweep  put  him  at  quite  a 
disadvantage,  but  he  has  overcome  his  obstacles 
and  now  stands  upon  a  firm  financial  basis. 

The  gentleman  of  whom  we  write  has  served  for 
several  3^ears  as  a  member  of  the  School  Board  of 
his  district.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Christian 
Church.  In  politics  he  is  a  stanch  Democrat.  As 
a  man  of  upright  character,  and  a  citizen  interested 
in  the  upbuilding  of  the  locality  where  he  has  made 
his  home,  he  merits  and  receives  the  respect  of  his 
fellow  citizens. 

,T^LBRIDGE  G.  WILLIAMS.  The  kindly 
1^  Christian  countenance  of  Mr.  Williams  is 
1*^ — ^  known  to  a  large  portion  of  the  people  of 
Noble  Township,  among  whom  he  has  sojourned 
pleasantly  for  many  j'ears.  His  life  career  has 
been  interesting  and  varied,  during  which  he 
served  as  a  soldier  in  the  Union  Army  while  the 
late  Civil  War  was  in  progress,  and  endured  more 
than  the  usual  amount  of  hardship  and  privation, 
which  resulted  in  permanent  injury  to  a  naturally 
robust  constitution.     He  will   not  own.    however, 

that  he  has  ever  regretted  offering  bis  life  to  the 
service  of  his  countr}-.  which  sacrifice  he  esteemed 
no  more  than  his  dutj-.  He  is  a  prominent  figure 
in  the  G.  A.  R.,  and  a  very  active  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Providence  has 
blessed  him,  finauciallj',  and  we  find  him  pleasantly 
located  on  a  good  farm  of  160  acres,  occupjing 
the  southwest  quarter  of  section  23,  in  Noble 

A  n.ative  of  thb  Buckeye  State,  our  subject  was 
born  at  the  modest  homestead  of  his  parents,  near 
Adamsville,  Muskingum  County,  Feb.  19,  1837. 
Tliree  years  later  his  parents  removed  to  Hocking 
County,  making  the  journey  overland  with  a  team. 
Elbridge  was  tiiere  i eared  to  man's  estate,  receiv- 
ing three  months'  schooling  each  j-ear  in  the  prim- 
itive log  school  house,  which  has  been  so  often 
described  in  this  volume.  In  the  meantime  he 
learned  the  arts  of  plowing,  sowing  and  reaping, 
and  chose  farming  for  his  vocation  in  life.  He  re- 
mained under  the  parental  roof  until  reaching  his 
majoritj',  at  which  time  his  father  gave  him  eighty 
acres  of  land.  Upon  this  he  went  to  work  with  the 
ambition  inspired  by  ownership,  put  up  a  log  house 
and  iu  due  time  installed  within  it  a  wife  and  help- 
mate. He  was  wedded  in  Hocking  County,  Aug. 
5,  1858,  to  Miss  Rachel  McKitrick,  who  was  born 
in  Vinton  Count}-,  Ohio.  They  lived  upon  this 
farm  until  August,  1862,  when  our  subject  laid 
aside  his  personal  plans  and  interests  and  enlisted 
in  Company  G,  90th  Ohio  Infantry.  He  was 
mustered  into  service  at  Camp  Chase,  and  soon  ac- 
companied his  regiment  to  the  front.  He  partici- 
pated in  the  battles  of  Perryville,  Stone  River, 
Chickamauga,  Chattanooga,  and  went  with  Sher- 
man on  the  march  through  Georgia.  Later  he  was 
in  the  fight  at  Buzzards'  Roost.  Resaca,  Dallas, 
Peach  Tree  Creek.  Kenesaw  Mountain,  and  in  fact 
in  most  of  the  important  battles  of  the  war  which 

Mr.  Williams,  although  experiencing  many  hair- 
breadth escapes,  was  fortunately  neither  wounded 
or  captured  hy  the  enemy,  and  at  the  close  of  the 
war  received  his  honorable  discharge  at  Circleville, 
Ohio,  after  a  service  of  nearly  three  years.  Fre- 
quently in  battle  his  clothes  were  perforated  by 
bullets  while  his  comrades  were  falling  around  him, 



and  frequently  he  felt  the  wind  from  the  balls  as 
they  rushed  past  his  face.  He  was  in  sixteen  reg- 
ulai-  battles  besides  skirmishes,  which  were  some- 
times equally  dangerous.  Upon  retiring  from  the 
service  he  returned  to  his  farm  in  Ohio,  which  had 
been  managed  by  his  vvife  during  his  absence.  He 
lived  there  until  1871,  then  selling  out  in  the  fall 
of  that  year,  came  with  his  family  to  this  county 
and  located  where  he  now  resides,  purchasing  a 
tract  of  wild  land  from  the  Chicago,  Burlington  & 
Union  Pacific  Railroad  Companj',  for  $8.50  per 
acre.  There  were  no  improvements,  and  it  is 
hardly  necessary  to  say  that  in  order  to  bring  it  to 
its  present  condition  there  has  been  expended  a 
large  amount  of  time,  labor  and  hard  cash.  Mr. 
Williams  broke  the  ground,  fenced  his  fields,  set 
out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  erected  the  buildings  and 
has  now  one  of  the  most  attractive  homesteads  in 
this  region.  He  raises  corn  in  large  quantities  and 
keeps  considerable  live  stock,  including  cattle, 
draft  horses  and  swine.  He  has  been,  since  leaving 
the  army,  unfitted  for  manual  labor,  but  his  mind 
remains  vigorous  and  unimpaired,  and  he  has  dis- 
charged the  important  duties  of  superintending  his 
farm  in  a  most  admirable  manner. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Williams  are  the  parents  of  two 
children  onl3' — Lizzie  and  Clark.  Their  daughter 
is  the  wife  of  E.  A.  Coulter,  a  dairyman  in  Pawnee 
City,  Neb.  Clark  remains  with  his  parents  at  the 
homestead.  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  that  Mr. 
Williams  is  a  warm  adherent  of  the  Republican 
party.  He  serves  as  School  Director  in  his  dis- 
trict and  has  been  School  Treasurer  for  two  years; 
he  is  also  Road  Supervisor.  He  was  one  of  the 
most  efficient  members  of  the  building  committee 
during  the  erection  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  edifice,  and  has  officiated  as  Steward  in  the 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Gurden  D.  Will- 
iams, a  native  of  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  and 
the  son  of  Jesse  Williams,  who  wns  born  in  Mary- 
land. The  latter  emigrated  to  Ohio  during  the 
earliest  settlement  of  Muskingum  County,  where 
he  entered  land  and  cleared  a  farm  of  over  300 
acres.  There  he  spent  his  last  years,  dying  in  the 
faith  of  the  Bai>tist  Church;  he  traced  his  ancestry 
to  England.     Gurden  Williams  was  reared  to  man's 

estate  in  his  native  county,  but  in  1840  removed  to 
Hocking  County,  Ohio,  where  he  cleared  a  farm 
from  the  wilderness  and  became  owner  of  380  acres 
of  land  in  the  vicinit}-  of  Logan,  Ohio,  where  he 
died  Oct.  12,  1868,  at  the  age  of  fifty -seven  years. 
He  was  a  Republican,  politically,  and  a  member  of 
the  Baptist  Church 

Mrs.  Charlotte  (Williams)  Williams,  the  mother 
of  our  subject,  was  the  offspring  of  a  different 
family  from  that  of  her  husband,  but  supposed 
not  to  be  related  in  any  way.  She  was  like 
wise  a  native  of  Maryland,  born  near  Baltimore, 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Stephen  Williams,  like- 
wise a  native  of  that  State  and  one  of  the  earliest 
pioneers  of  Muskingum  County,  Ohio,  where  he 
died.  Mrs.  Williams  departed  this  life  in  Hocking 
County,  Ohio,  in  1887,  when  nearly  seventy-six 
years  old.  The  seven  children  of  the  parental  fam- 
ily', of  whom  our  subject  is  the  eldest,  were  named 
respectively:  Elbridge  G.,  Harriet  and  Jesse,  who 
live  in  Hocking  County,  Ohio;  Lucj^  Mrs.  Hone, 
of  Noble  Township,  this  county;  Caroline,  of  Ohio; 
Gurden  and  William;  the  two  latter  are  deceased. 

fflOMAS  J.  PLUNKETT.  This  honored 
old  pioneer  ventured  into  the  wilds  of  Kan- 
sas as  early  as  the  spring  of  1  858.  The  ap- 
jiearanee  of  the  country  at  that  time  can  better  be 
imagined  than  described.  The  settlers  were  few 
and  far  between,  and  the  ground  was  mostly  trod- 
den by  wild  animals.  The  outlook  was  certainly 
anything  but  prepossessing;  but  the  men  who  came 
to  this  region  at  that  time  were  possessed  of  more 
than  ordinar3^  courage  and  were  prepared  for  what- 
ever emergency  might  arise.  Our  subject  was  no 
exception  to  the  rule,  and  "came  to  stay." 

Upon  arriving  in  this  county,  Mr.  Plunkett  se- 
lected a  piece  of  wild  land  and  settled  upon  it.  and 
here  he  has  since  remained.  This  preemption  claim 
occupied  the  southeast  quarter  of  section  8  in  St. 
Bridget  Township,  and  under  the  careful  cultiva- 
tion of  years  has  been  made  to  assume  a  widely 
different  appearance  from  that  which  it  presented 



when  the  present  proprietor  first  looked  upon  it. 
He  has  now  brought  the  land  to  a  state  of  good 
cultivation,  and    planted    an    abundance    of    fruit 
trees,  including  several  orchards  of  apples,  peaches, 
pears,  cherries  and   the  smaller  fruits,  of  different 
varieties.     Mr.  Phinkett  was  prospered  in  his  early 
efforts,  being  successful   flnanciall.y.  and  has  added 
to  his  real  estate  until  he  is  now  the  owner  of  400 
acres,  all  in  a  productive  condition.     In  the  early 
days  there  was  not  even  grass  upon  the  land.  Now 
there  is  a  rich  growth  of  this  green  covering,  under 
the  trees  and  about  the  home.     For   many  3'ears 
the  nearest  market  was  at  Marysville.     In  order  to 
get  grass    for   his    live   stock    Mr.   Plunkett   was 
obliged  to  travel  some  distance  to  a  slough.     Now 
there  is  an  abundance  of  this  kind  of  feed  growing 
of  its  own  free  will.     One  winter,  a  few  years  after 
his  settlement  here,  the  snow  fell  to  such  a  depth 
that  it  covered  a  shed  where  Mr.  Plunkett  sheltered 
his   calves,  and  he  dug  a  tunnel   through  to  them 
and  led  them  out  under  the  arch  to  water.     Later 
he  encountered  the  grasshopper  plague,  and  in  his 
own   fields  has  seen  them  so  thick  that  tiiey  com- 
pletely covered  the  blades   of    corn   upon   which 
they  would  feed  and  leave   not  a  vestige  of  when 
taking  their  leave.     In  this  manner  they  would  go 
through  the  whole  field. 

Mr.  Plunkett  has  been  a  witness  of  many  won- 
derful changes  since  coming  to  this  section  of 
country,  during  which  time  occurred  the  Pike's 
Peak  excitement,  when  on  the  trail  just  south  of 
his  home  there  passed  hundreds  of  tean's  in  a  single 
caravan,  each  usuallj-  drawn  by  four  3'oke  of  oxen, 
and  seeming  to  travel  day  and  night.  As  settlers 
came  in  and  it  became  necessary  to  establish  lines 
and  boundaries,  and  organize  townships  and  school 
districts,  Mr.  Plunkett  performed  his  share  in  the 
good  work.  He  was  one  of  tlie  original  founders 
of  St.  Bridget's  Church,  organized  in  1859:  he  as- 
sisted in  the  erection  of  the  ciuirch  edifice,  and  has 
freel}'  contributed  in  supporting  the  societj-. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  April  3, 
1829,  ten  miles  from  the  city  of  Dublin.  Ireland, 
and  was  there  reared  almost  under  the  shadow  of 
the  famous  College  of  Meynooth.  four  miles  dis- 
tant, although  he  did  not  have  the  privilege  of  at- 
tending the  institution.     To  this  the  British  Gov- 

ernment contributed  £30,000,  and  it  arose  to  such 
importance  that  it  is  now  named  among  the  princi- 
pal educational  institutions  of  the  world.  Many 
eminent  men  have  been  graduated  from  its  halls, 
and  taken  high  positions  among  the  noted  charac- 
ters of  the  nineteenth  centur}'. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Alexander  and 
Bridget    (Smith)     Plunkett,    natives    of    County 
Meath,  Ireland,  adjoining  County  Dublin.     Their 
family  consisted  of  six  sons  and  four   daughters. 
The  father  was  a  farmer    bj'    occupation    and  in 
moderate  circumstances,  but   managed  to  give  his 
children  a  fair  education.     One  of  his  sons,  James, 
was    unusually  bright,  took    readilj^   to  his   books 
and    became    a   fine    scholar.       He    emigrated    to 
America,  and    settled    in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where 
he  operated  first  as  a  stone  mason  and   later  as  a 
contractor.     Thomas  J.  Plunkett,  our  subject,  left 
the   old    country  when  a  young  man   and    settled 
first  in  Connecticut.     Later  he,  too,  emigrated  to 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where  he  lived  several  j-ears  and 
occupied   himself  as  a  gardener.     In  that  city  he 
was    married   to   Miss    Marj',  daughter   of   James 
Laird,  an  Irish  gentleman  who  spent  his  entire  life 
upon    his    native   soil.     The    young   people   soon 
moved    to  Kentucky,  and  Mr.  Plunkett    was    em- 
ployed in  building  stone  fences.     About  1857  he 
set  out  with  his  little  family  for  the  West,  crossed 
the  Mississippi,  aud  located  in  the  vicinity  of   Da- 
venport, Iowa.     This  now  flourishing  city  at  that 
time  consisted  of   one   unfinished  hotel.     Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Plunkett  were  then  the  parents  of  one  child. 
Upon  leaving  Davenport,  thc'y  sojourned  in  Leav- 
enworth City,  this    State,  a  short  time   and    soon 
afterwards  established  themselves  in  this  county, 
where  they  have  since  remained. 

Our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  are  now  the 
parents  of  nine  children,  eigiit  of  whom  were  born 
in  Kansas.  Their  eldest  daughter,  Mary  Ann, 
(Mrs.  Dyke)  is  married  and  the  mother  of  three 
children;  she  lives  in  Wymore,  Neb.  Josephine 
obtained  a  thorough  education  and  upon  leaving 
school  qualified  herself  as  a  teacher,  but  failing 
health  compelled  her  to  abandon  this  profession; 
she  is  now  an  invalid.  John,  Thomas,  James  and 
William,  are  at  home  with  their  parents.  Maggie 
is  the  wife  of  Mr.  McCafferty,  of  Wymore,  Neb., 



where  Mr.  McCafferty  is  engaged  as  a  painter; 
tliey  have  one  child.  Kate  is  tlie  wife  of  Nichohis 
Ivi-ile3-,  of  Pawnee  County,  Net). ;  thc\'  live  on  a 
farm  and  have  two  children;  Sarah  is  unmarried 
and  remains  at  home  with  her  parents.  Our  sub- 
ject, politicall}',  is  a  Democrat  and  religiously  is  a 
member  of  the  Catholic  Ciuirch. 

bORATIO  N.  FARRAR.  Among  the  many 
^  progressive  and  intelligent  farmers  of  Mur- 
._^^  ray  Township,  none  take  higher  rank  than 
(^!  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who  is  one  of  the 
old  homesteaders  of  the  county,  having  added  to  his 
original  160  acres  another  quaiter  on  section  5,  and 
the  same  amount  on  section  8.  all  adjoining  and 
making  up  a  fine  farm. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Madison  County,  Ohio, 
Dec.  30,  1841,  and  was  reared  and  educated  in  his 
native  count}-,  receiving  the  best  advantages  af- 
forded there.  He  was  of  English  descent,  being 
the  son  of  Henry  Farrar,  whose  biography  occu- 
pies another  page  in  this  work.  When  about  twenty 
years  of  age  our  subject  went  to  Kentucky,  where 
he  enlisted  in  the  1st  Kentucky  Infantry,  his  en- 
rollment taking  place  Feb.  9,  1862,  at  Bowling 
Green.  Tlie  regiment  to  which  he  belonged  was 
organized  in  Ohio,  but  not  being  able  to  obtain  a 
place  in  the  army  as  an  Ohio  regiment,  it  trans- 
ferred its  enrollment  to  the  adjoining  State,  Ken- 
tucky. The  regiment  was  under  the  command  of 
Col.  Eryant,  and  later  of  Col.  Guthre}',  and  com- 
pany C,  to  which  our  subject  belonged,  was  under 
the  leadership  of  Capt.  Ralph  Hunt.  Twenty- 
seven  months  after  Mr.  Farrar's  enlistment  bis  regi- 
ment was  discharged,  the  time  of  regimental 
enlistment  having  expired,  and  our  subject  served 
on  detached  duty  for  the  succeeding  nine  months 
of  his  own  term.  While  with  his  regiment  he  par- 
ticipated in  the  battle  of  Shiloh,  being  in  the  thick 
est  of  the  fight,  and  receiving  a  flesh  wound  only, 
though  twenty  of  his  company  were  wounded  and 
a  number  fell.  His  second  engagement  with  the 
enemy  was  at  Stone  River.  He  also  participated 
in  the  battles  of   Corinth  and  Chickamauga,  in  the 

latter  of  which  he  saw  hot  shot  and  cannister  to  his 
entire  satisfaction.  Mr.  Farrar  was  a  private  dur- 
ing the  entire  term  of  service,  and  is  justly  proud 
of  his  military  record  in  the  ranks  of  those  who 
bore  the  brunt  of  the  great  conflict.  While  on  de- 
tached duty  Mr.  Farrar  was  for  five  months  clerk 
of  Union  Prison  No.  3,  of  Lexington,  Ky.,  and 
there  became  familiarized  with  clerkly  duties.  At 
the  expiration  of  his  three  years'  service  he  re- 
ceived an  honorable  discharge,  and  returned  to  his 
home.  After  a  short  sojourn  there  he  went  to  New 
York  City,  and  for  two  years  served  as  clerk  for  a 
stock  man.  He  returned  again  to  the  Buckeye 
State,  in  which  sometime  later  he  was  married  to 
Miss  Martha  Minter. 

In  1870  Mr.  Farrar  came  to  this  State  and  took 
up  a  soldier's  claim  on  the  fractional  part  of  Mur- 
ray Township.  At  that  time  much  of  the  town- 
ship was  unbroken.  There  was  no  post-offlce  or 
marketing  place  nearer  than  Frankfort.  Mr.  Far- 
rar was  a  poor  man  when  he  came  to  tiie  county. 
and  endured  many  hardships  in  the  improvement 
of  his  homestead.  Undiscouraged  by  tiiem  he 
labored  on,  and  being  energetic,  economical  and 
industrious  he  has  succeeded,  and  now  owns  one  of 
the  most  highly  cultivated  and  attractive  farms  in 
the  county.  Since  his  marriage  he  has  found  an 
able  second  in  his  wife,  who  is  a  very  smart,  active 
and  intelligent  lady. 

Mrs.  Farrar  was  born  in  Adams  Count}',  Pa., 
April  19,  1850,  being  the  daughter  of  Samuel  and 
and  Mary  (Hutchinson)  Minter,  both  natives  of 
Pennsylvania,  where  they  were  reared,  educated 
and  married.  Her  father,  Samuel  Minter,  was  of 
German  extraction,  and  her  mother  a  native  of 
New  Jersey,  and  of  New  England  parentage.  The 
daughter,  Mrs.  Farrar,  was  but  a  small  child  when 
her  parents  moved  to  Salem,  Ohio,  where  they  lived 
for  some  years,  from  thence  removing  to  London, 
Madison  Co.,  Ohio,  where  the  father  died  in  1862, 
at  the  age  of  forty-six.  The  mother  survived  him 
until  1871,  when  she  died  at  the  age  of  forty.  Mr. 
Minter  was  a  stonemason,  and  a  very  skillful  work- 
man. Both  he  and  his  wife  were,  in  their  latter 
years,  members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Their 
family  consisted  of  two  sons  and  two  daughters,  of 
whom  one  son,  Oscar,  died  at  the  age  of   twenty- 



two.  The  other  son,  Charles  S.  Minter,  is  with  his 
wife  residing  at  Covtez.  Col.,  where  he  follows  the 
trade  of  a  blacksmith.  One  daughter,  Flora,  is  now 
a  teacher  in  the  public  schools  of  Lancaster,  Ohio, 
being  tiie  widow  of  T.  V.  Clover.  Mrs.  Farrar  re- 
ceived the  best  of  training  in  her  earlj-  }'ears.  She 
was  educated  in  London.Ohio,  and  became  a  teacher, 
ranking  high  in  her  profession.  She  is  the  mother 
of  eleven  bright  and  interesting  children,  named 
respective!}-:  Robert  K.,  Edwin  O.,  Neil,  Pearl, 
Flora,  Minter,  Lena,  Henry  H.,  Homer  T.,Dale  and 
Georgie,  all  of  whom  still  cluster  about  the  home 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Farrar  are  worthy  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in  which  Mr.  Farrar 
has  held  official  place.  He  is  a  member  of  Axtell 
Post,  No.  252  G.  A.  R.  He  is  a  stanch  Republican, 
and  takes  an  active  interest  in  local  politics,  though 
not  in  an  office-seeking  capacit}\  He  is  warmly 
interested  in  educational  affairs,  as  is  his  wife,  who 
occupies  a  position  upon  the  School  Board,  where 
she  exhibits  excellent   judgment   in    her  decisions. 

'S^  DGAR  R.  FULTON  has  been  prominently 
li^  connected  with  the  First  National  Bank  of 
/i' — ^  Marysville,  since  its  establishment  in  1882, 
occupying  with  ability  the  important  position  of 
cashier.  He  became  a  resident  of  Marysville,  in  Jul}-, 
1882.  The  above  mentioned  bank  was  organized 
August  1,  1882,  and  succeeded  to  the  business  of 
the  Marshall  County  Bank.  The  doors  were  opened 
Oct.  15,  1882,  with  the  following  officers:  M.  S. 
Smalley,  President;  S.  A.  Fulton,  subsequently  be- 
came President:  Perry  Hutchinson,  Vice-president; 
E.  R.  Fulton,  cashier.  They  commenced  business 
with  a  capital  of  850,000,  now  increased  to  $75,000, 
and  are  doing  well,  having  met  with  uniform  and 
unvarying  success. 

Born  in  Clearfield  County,  P.a.,  Feb.  10,  1856. 
Mr.  Fulton  there  lived  durfng  the  days  of  his  bo}-- 
liood,  and  received  a  good,  practical  education, 
becoming  well  fitted  for  the  responsibilities  of  an 
active  life.  At  the  age  of  seventeen  j-ears,  he  fol- 
lowed the  march  of  human  progress  Westward,  and 

located  at  Falls  City,  Neb.  While  residing  in 
Falls  City,  he  read  law  in  the  office  of  his  brother 
S.  A.  F'ulton.  Subsequently  he  was  graduated  in 
the  class  of  '77,  from  the  Law  Department  of  the 
University  of  Iowa,  and  commenced  the  practice 
of  his  profession  in  Western  Kansas,  locating  in 
Hodgeman  County,  where  he  was  a  successful  attor- 
ney for  some  time.  Since  he  eng.aged  in  banking, 
he  has  quit  the  practice  of  law. 

The  20th  day  of  May,  1885,  he  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Jennie  A.  Schmidt,  a  daughter 
of  Frank  Schmidt,  a  banker  of  this  citj^,  whose 
sketch  also  appears  in  this  volume.  Two  bright 
and  interesting  children  have  come  to  bless  the 
home  circle,  a  son,  Edgar  R.,  Jr.,  and  a  daughter, 
Jennie  L.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fulton  are  members  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church.  Mr.  Fulton  is  also  iden- 
tified with  the  Masonic  fraternity,  having  passed 
the  chapter  degrees.  Politically,  he  is  strongly  in 
sympathy  with  the  Republican  party,  and  votes 
that  ticket. 

Moses  Fulton,  the  father  of  him  whose  life  re- 
view is  thus  recorded,  was  born  in  Clearfield  Count}^ 
Pa.,  on  the  same  farm  where  our  subject  first  saw 
the  light.  There  the  father  lived  and  died.  He 
was  born  in  1812,  and  passed  to  rest  May  25,  1805. 
His  wife,  the  mother  of  Edgar  R.,  was  Miss  Annie 
H.  Caldwell,  who  became  the  mother  of  eight  chil- 
dren, two  of  whom,  our  subject  and  his  brother 
S.  A.  are  residents  of  this  county.  Both  of  these 
gentlemen  have  identified  themselves  with  the  most 
important  matters  pertaining  to  their  communit}^, 
and  enjoy  tlie  respect  of  all  who  know  them. 

OLOMON  L.  DOTSON.  The  name  of  this 
gentleman  is  familiar  to  the  older  residents 
of  this  count}',  as  one  of  those  who  located 
on  the  banks  of  the  Vermillion  in  the  earlj' 
days,  where  he  has  some  very  rich  bottom  land, 
included  in  a  well-regul.ated  farm  of  177  acres,  Ij-ing 
on  section  31,  Rock  Township.  Before  proceeding 
further  with  his  personal  historj-  it  may  be  inter- 
esting to  mention  those  from  whom  he  drew  his 
origin.     He  comes  of  a  good  family,  being  the  son 



of  William  Dotson,  who  was  born  in  Virginia,  and 
the  grandson  of  Richard  Dotson,  likewise  a  native 
of  the  Old  Dominion,  and  a  farmer  who,  at  an 
early  date  removed  to  Wood  Count}^,  W.  Va.,  and 
opened  uj)  a  farm  in  the  wilderness.  During  his 
career  he  served  as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionarj' 
War,  and  also  fought  the  French  and  Indians.  He 
spent  his  last  da\'s  in  Tyler  County,  Va.,  passing 
away  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  one  hundred  and  four 

The  paternal  great-grandfather  of  our  subject 
was  Solomon  Dotson,  a  native  of  England,  who 
emigrated  to  America  during  the  Colonial  times 
and  established  himself  on  a  large  tract  of  land  in 
Ritchie  Count3',  W.,  Va.,  where  he  cleared  a  farm 
and  remained  upon  it  until  his  death  when  over 
ninetj--tliree  years  old.  Politically,  he  was  a  Demo- 
crat, and  religiously,  an  active  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  The  maiden  name 
of  the  mother  of  our  subject  was  Mary  A.  Franks, 
a  native  of  Virginia  and  a  daughter  of  Henry 
Franks,  who  was  also  born  there.  He  farmed  along 
the  Ohio  River,  in  the  western  part  of  the  Domin- 
ion, being  among  the  first  settlers  of  that  region. 
He  fought  in  the  Indian  War  and  was  wounded. 
He  became  well-to-do,  and  spent  his  last  years  sur- 
rounded by  all  the  comforts  of  life.  The  great- 
grandfather Frank  was  a  native  of  Germany,  and 
served  as  a  Revolutionary  soldier  at  the  battle  of 
Bunker  Hill.  The  paternal  great-great-grandfather 
was  Hobbs  Dotson,  who  was  born  in  the  Turkish 
Empire,  and  went  to  England  with  his  parents, 
where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Tiie 
mother  of  Mr.  Dotson  died  in  Virginia  at  the  age 
f>f  eighty-seven  years;  she  was  a  member  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Sixteen  children  completed  the  hoviseliold  circle 
of  William  and  Mary  A.  Dotson,  seven  of  whom 
are  deceased,  namely:  Emanuel,  John,  Nancy, 
Thomas,  Betsey,  Maria  and  Margaret.  The  sur- 
vivors are:  Henry,  a  resident  of  Virginia:  Lottie 
and  William,  also  living  there;  Solomon  L.,  our 
subject;  Mary  A.,  a  resident  of  Belle  Plain,  Kan.; 
J.  Cynthia;  Eliza  and  Jane,  of  Virginia,  and 
Squire,  of  Missouri. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  what  was 
then    Wood,  but  is  now  Ritchie  County,  W.  Va., 

near  Maryetta,  July  8,  1816,  and  there  spent  his 
early  years  upon  the  farm.  He  obtained  a  very 
limited  education  in  the  subscription  school,  dressed 
flax,  hunted  wild  game,  killed  bears,  wildcats  and 
panthers,  frequently  fighting  the  bears  with  dogs, 
of  which  he  had  twenty-one  at  one  time,  and  thus 
attained  to  man's  estate.  He  then  purchased  100 
acres  of  land,  which  he  cleared  and  brought  to  a 
state  of  cultivation.  He  raised  sheep  to  a  great 
extent  and  lived  in  his  native  county  until  186.5. 
Then  selling  out  he  removed  to  Adair  County,  Mo., 
where  he  purchased  an  improved  farm  of  120  acres 
and  raised  cattle  and  sheei).  Aft  r  two  years, 
however,  he  became  dissatisfied,  and  changed  his 
residence  to  Benton  Count}',  Iowa.  Thence,  in 
1868,  he  came  to  this  count}-,  secured  eight}-  acres 
of  land  in  Clear  Fork  Township,  and  lived  there 
about  ten  years.  Indians  and  wild  game  were 
plentiful  when  he  first  settled  there.  In  1878  he 
sold  out  and  purchased  his  present  farm.  The  cy- 
clone of  1879  destroyed  his  orchard,  his  barn  and 
a  part  of  his  house.  The  family  sought  shelter  in 
the  basement  of  the  latter  and  were  not  seriously 
injured.  He  rebuilt  as  soon  as  possible,  and  has 
all  modern  improvements.  He  makes  a  specialty  of 
graded  cattle,  a  good  quality  of  draft  horses  and 
full-blooded,  Poland-China  and  Berkshire  swine. 
Mr.  Dotson  was  first  married,  in  Harrison  County, 
W.  Va.,  in  1835,  to  Miss  Orlindo  Tucker,  who  was 
born  there  and  died  in  the  Old  Dominion  in  1863. 
Of  this  union  there  were  eight  children,  of  whom 
Serena,  Betsey,  Squire,  Clarence  and  Cora  are  de- 
ceased. Eli  is  a  resident  of  Nemeha  County,  Neb.; 
Columbus  lives  in  Ringgold  County,Iowa;  Floyd  is 
a  resident  of  Pottowatamie  County,  Kan.;  Clarence 
died  in  California,  leaving  one  child,  a  daughter. 
Mabel.  Eli,  during  the  late  Civil  War,  enlisted  in 
1861,  in  the  14th  Virginia  Infantry  and  served  un- 
til the  close,  suffering  the  horrors  of  imprisonment 
at  Andersonville,  and  receiving  a  wound  in  the 
hand ;  Squire  was  under  Gen.  Sherman  in  the  82d 
Ohio  Infantry,  enlisting  in  October,  1864.  He 
died  at  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
Ritchie  County,  W.  Va.,  with  Miss  Elizabeth  West, 
who  was  born  in  Tyler  County,  tjiat  State,  and 
died  in  Clear  Fork  Township,  this  county,  in  1876. 



The  four  children  born  of  this  union  were;  Jenisha, 
who  married  J.  J.  Tilley ;  Yietta,  the  wife  of  James 
A.  Barrett;  Eveline,  Mrs.  W.  Long,  of  Rock 
Township,  this  count}',  and  Porter,  who  remains  at 
home  with  his  father.  Our  subject  was  married  the 
third  time  in  Rock  Township  in  1878,  to  Mrs. 
Telitha  (Cain)  Trosper,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  and 
who  died  at  the  homestead  in  Rock  Township  in 
March,  1880. 

The  present  wife  of  our  subject,  whom  he  mar- 
ried in  Marysville,  Oct.  25,  1886,  was  formerly 
Miss  Carrie  C.  Clark,  daughter  of  Daniel  D.  Clark, 
the  latter  a  native  of  Sidney,  Me  The  paternal 
grandfather  of  Mrs.  Dotson  was  Samuel  Clark,  a 
native  of  England,  who  upon  coming  to  America 
carried  on  farming  in  Maine  and  New  Hampshire, 
dying  in  the  latter  State.  The  great-grandfather 
was  closely  allied  to  the  nobility  and  died  in  En- 
gland. Daniel  D.  Clark  was  born  Jan.  3, 1805,  and 
was  reared  to  man's  estate  in  Maine,  whence  he  re- 
moved with  the  family  to  New  Hampshire,  and 
engaged  as  a  stone  and  marble  cutter,  in  which  he 
became  an  expert.  He  also  worked  as  a  cooper, 
and  died  in  New  Hampshire  in  1882,  whensevent}'- 
eight  years  old.  He  was  first  a  Whig  and  then  a 
Republican,  and  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church  until  during  his  latter  years,  when  he 
became  a  Second  Adventist. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Dolson 
was  Ljdia  Quinby.  She  was  born  in  Sandwich, 
N.  H.,  and  died  in  Concord,  that  State,  in  1887 
when  eighty- one  j'ears  old.  Her  father  was  of  En- 
glish descent  and  spent  his  last  years  in  Concord, 
N.  H.  Mrs.  Dotson  was  the  sixth  in  a  family  of 
eleven  children,  of  whom  Charles  C,  Mary  A., 
Olive  A.  and  Fanny  A.  are  decased.  Esther  G., 
Mrs.  Curtis,  is  a  resident  of  Concord,  N.  H. ;  Laura 
J.,  Mrs.  Turner,  lives  in  Iowa  Count}';  Samuel  F. 
resides  in  Michigan;  Lucinda  H.,  Mrs.  Gross,  lives 
in  Beverly,  Mass. ;  Sarah  E.,  Mrs.  Cook,  is  a  resi- 
dent of  Concord,  N.  H.,  where  Daniel  G.  also  lives. 

Charles  C.  Clark  during  the  Civil  War  enlisted, 
in  1861,  in  the  2d  New  Hampshire  Infantry,  was 
captured  by  the  rebels  and  confined  in  Anderson- 
ville  prison,  finally  being  exchanged  when  the  war 
was  over.  He  was  nearly  dead  then,  and  was  not 
found  by  his  friends  until  the  fall  of  1866,  when 

he  was  sent  home  from  Annapolis  (Md)  Hospital. 
He  died  the  following  year.  Another  brother. 
Samuel  F.,  enlisted  in  the  6th  Wisconsin  Battery, 
and  was  given  a  Captain's  commission,  sewing 
from  1861  until  the  close  of  the  war. 

Mrs.  Carrie  C.  Dotson  was  born  Jan.  6,  1837,  in 
Concord,  N.  H.,  and  was  first  married  there,  Aug. 
14,  1853,  to  John  D.  Heath.  Mr.  Heath  was  like- 
wise a  native  of  Concord,  and  a  cabinet-maker  by 
trade;  he  died  in  1856.  Mrs.  Heath  subsequently 
removed  to  Columbia  County,  Wis.,  where  she  en- 
gaged as  a  seamstress  and  remained  until  1866. 
Thence  she  removed  to  Chicago,  and  from  there 
in  February,  1885,  to  Beattie,  this  county,  and  be- 
came the  owner  of  a  good  property,  which  she 
occupied  until  her  marriage  to  our  subject.  She 
has  one  son,  Charles  A.  Heath. 

Mrs.  Dotson,  while  in  Wisconsin  made  her  home 
with  an  uncle,  Moses  Smith,  who  had  married  one 
of  her  father's  sisters.  He  became  a  true  friend  to 
the  widow  who  was  struggling  to  maintain  herself 
and  son.  He  is  now  an  old  man  of  seventy -six 
years,  and  is  tenderly  cared  for  by  the  lady  whom 
he  befriended  in  former  years  and  with  whom  he 
makes  his  home.  Mr.  Smith  was  born  in  New 
Hampshire  in  1812,  and  lived  there  until  after  his 
marriage,  when  he  emigrated  to  Columbia  County, 
Wis.,  and  became  the  owner  of  a  large  farm.  He 
also  practiced  as  a  veterinary  surgeon,  having  been 
regularly  graduated  from  a  school  of  this  profession 
at  Portsmouth,  Mass.  From  Columbia  he  removed 
to  Sauk  County,  where  he  also  became  owner  of  a 
large  farm,  and  was  well-to-do  when  an  unfortunate 
train  of  circumstances  deprived  him  of  his  prop- 
erty and  made  of  him  a  comparatively  poor  man. 
In  1872  he  come  to  Jewell  Couniy,  this  State,  and 
homesteaded  a  tract  of  land  near  Omio,  which  he 
proved  up  and  upon  which  he  lived  several  years. 
He  then  disposed  of  the  property  and  engaged  as 
a  bookkeeper  in  the  coal  mines  at  Omio  until  1887, 
when  at  the  solicitation  of  Mrs.  Dotson  he  took  up 
his  abode  with  her,  retiring  from  active  labor. 
Mrs.  Dotson  affectionately  speaks  of  him  as  her 
.adopted  father,  and  always  addresses  him  as  '-Pap 
Smith."  Mr.  Smith  has  a  remarkable  memory  and 
has  seen  many  /ihanges  during  his  long  life,  espec- 
iallv  in  the    West.     While    in    N^w    England    he 



freighted  goods  in  New  Hampshire  before  the 
liiiilding  of  a  railroad,  and  had  the  pleasure  of  a 
ride  on  the  first  institution  of  this  kind  in  tiie  Old 
Granite  State.  Politically,  he  is  a  stanch  Repub- 

RTHl'R    H.    NEAL.      One    of     the    most 
beautiful    farms   in   Marshall    County,    is 
that    owned   and    occupied  by   the  above 
^J  named    gentleman.     It    is    admirably    lo- 

cated on  section  4,  Vermillion  Township,  on  land 
sufficiently  high  to  atlord  a  magnificent  view  to  the 
east,  south  and  west,  and  overlooking  the  city  of 
Frankfort,  which  lies  one  mile  south.  The  estate, 
though  small,  consisting  of  but  eighty-four  acres,  is 
thoroughly  cultivated,  the  fertile  fields  enclosed  by 
neat  hedge  fences,  and  the  orchard  is  one  of  the 
finest  in  the  county.  Mr.  Neal  lias  made  the 
raising  of  fine  apples  a  speciality,  and  his  orchard 
contains  several  hundred  trees  of  the  best  varieties 
of  that  fruit.  He  also  raises  peaches,  grapes  and 
various  small  fruits.  His  display  at  the  Frankfort 
Fair,  Sept.  11  to  16,  1889,  was  one  in  which  any 
fruit-grower  would  take  great  pride.  Though  the 
place  is  supplied  with  comfortable  and  adequate 
-buildings,  our  subject  contemplates  the  erection  of 
anew  residence  at  an  early  da3'.  Mr.  Neal devotes 
his  attention  to  general-farming,  fruit  and  stock- 
raising.  He  is  a  breeder  of  Norman  and  Clj'des- 
dale  liorses,and  owns  two  very  fine  blooded  stallions. 
"Beauty  of  the  AYest"  is  a  splendid  imported  Nor- 
man, and  "Glasgow  Bridge,  Jr."  a  beautiful  high- 
spirited  animal  of  Clydesdale  and  Morgan  blood. 
Our  subject  is  the  son  of  Arthur  and  Sarah 
(White)  Neal  and  traces  his  ancestr}'  to  Irish  stock. 
His  father,  and  grandfather,  John  Neal,  were  na- 
tives of  Virginia,  from  which  State  the  grandfather 
removed  into  Indiana,  while  it  was  still  a  territory. 
The  father  was  twice  married,  his  first  wife  being 
Nancy  C'onley,  who  bore  liira  seven  children — 
Diana,  Nancy,  John,  Harve}',  Rebecca,  Wesley  and 
James.  Diana  is  the  wife  of  William  Kennedy,  a 
farmer  residing  in  Missouri;  Nancy  was  the  wife 
of  Fphraim  Beasley,  a  farmer,  she  died  in  Logan, 
111.,  in  1856;  John  is  a  retired  farmer,  whose  home 

is  in  Kearney,  Neb.,  he  married  Mahala  Mitchell, 
and  has  six  children^now  living;  Harvey  died  at 
the  age  of  twenty-three  near  Mitchell,  Ind,  he  was 
unmarried;  Rebeci a  is  the  wife  of  Benjamin  Pot- 
ter, a  farmer  of  Center  Township,  their/amily  con- 
sists of  eight  children.  Wesley  died  in  Indiana  at 
the  age  of  fifteen  years,  and  James  when  about 
twelve  years  of  age.  The  mother  of  our  subject 
was  twice  married,  her  first  husband  being  Benja- 
min Sutton,  by  whom  she  had  two  children.  John 
W.  Sutton,  died  April  12,  1889  at  Lancaster. 
Schuyler  Co.,  Mo.  He  a  railroad  engineer, 
and  during  the  later  years  of  his  life  followed 
farming.  He  had  been  twice  married.  His  first 
wife  was  Nareissa  Combs,  ajul  his  second.  Miss 
Mary  Bailey.  Rachael  lives  in  Denver,  Col.,  and 
is  the  widow  of  Elisha  E.  Allen,  a  cabinet-maker, 
she  has  two  children. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject's  father  and  mother 
resulted  in  the  birth  of  five  children— Anna,  Emily, 
Arthur  H.,  Maria  and  Clara,]  Anna  was  the  wife  of 
Frank  Clutter,  a  brick-layer.  She  died  at  Mt.  Vei-- 
non.  111.,  when  thirty-five  years  of  age,  leaving 
four  children;  Emily  married  Robert  Wild,  a  com- 
mercial traveller,  whose  home  is  in  Atlanta,  Ga.; 
Maria  is  the  wife  of  William  Hutchinson,  a  me- 
chanic at  the.  same  place,  she  has  four  children; 
Clara  is  the  wife  of  James  Robinson,  of  Atlanta. 
who  died  in  1885,  leaving  her  with  one  child  to 
mourn  his  loss. 

Arthur  H.  Neal  was  born  in  Lawrence  County, 
Ind.,  Oct.  23,  1844.  He  was  reared  on  a  farm  and 
received  a  good  common-school  education.  The 
excitement  attending  the  breaking  out  of  the 
Civil  War,  gave  rise  in  the  Hoosier  State  to  a  mar- 
tial spirit  among  the  very  young,  and  hundreds  of 
her  youths  gave  their  flesh,  blood  and  growing 
energies  to  the  cause  of  the  Union.  Among  these 
t)atriotic  sons  of  Indiana  was  our  subject,  who  at 
the  early  age  of  seventeen,  enlisted  in  the  Northern 
army.  He  was  enrolled  in  1861  as  a  member  of 
the  50th  Indiana  Infantry,  serving  under  Gen.  A. 
J.  Smith.  Among  the  more  prominent  engage- 
ments in  which  he  took  part  were  Mumfordsville, 
Ky.,  Bowling  Green,  Parker's  Crossroads,  Little 
Rock,  Mobile,  Ft.  Blakely,  Spanish  Fort  and  Nash- 
ville.    He  was  one  of  the  number  sent  to  the  relief 



of  Gen.  Banks  in  bis  Red  River  expedition.  During 
the  engagement  at  Saline  River,  Ark.  lie  was 
wounded  in  the  left  shoulder,  and  for  four  mouths 
was  unfit  for  duty.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term 
of  service  he  re-enlisted,  and  as  veteran  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  o2d  Indiana  Infantry.  After  years  of 
gallant  service  he  was  honorablj'  discharged  Oct. 
23,  1865.  Upon  leaving  the  army  he  engaged 
in  farming  near  Richland  County,  111.,  and  was 
for  three  years  a  renter  of  land. 

On  Sept.  30,  1866,  our  subject  celebrated  his 
marriage  to  Harriet  Mayden,  an  intelligent  and 
agreeable  young  lady  in  whom  he  found  a  fitting 
companion.  She  was  a  native  of  the  Hoosier 
State,  and  the  daughter  of  William  and  Catherine 
Maydon,  former  residents  of  Tennessee.  Five  chil- 
dren have  been  the  result  of  this  marriage — Minnie, 
Charles,  Emma,  Irena  and  Lillian.  The  latter 
died  in  infancy;  Emma,  the  third  daughter,  is  a 
public  school  teacher,  and  was  an  attendant  of  the 
late  session  of  the  Marshall  County  Normal  Insti- 
tute. All  have  received,  or  are  receiving  an  excel- 
lent English  education. 

Mr.  Neal  is  a  stanch  Republican  and  an  active 
worker  in  the  ranks  of  the  parly.  He  has  served 
as  a  delegate  to  the  County  Convention  at  various 
times.  Both  he,  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  He  enters  earnestly 
into  the  business  which  he  has  undertaken,  and 
takes  great  pride  and  interest  in  carrying  it  to  a 
successful  end.  He  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence,  of  high  principles,  and  is  held  in  great 
esteem  by  his  neighbors. 

^ ^-^ ^ 

'^Yj  AMES  W.  NASH.  This  gentleman  owns 
and  occupies  one  of  the  most  beautiful  homes 
in  Cottage  Hill  Township — a  fine  farm,  un- 
der a  thorough  state  of  cultivation  and  im- 
proved with  substantial  modern  buildings.  It  is 
devoted  mainly  to  general  agriculture,  with  a 
goodly  assortment  of  live  stock,  and  3'ields  to  its 
proprietor  each  year  considerably  more  than  is 
necessary  for  his  current  expenses.  ]\Ir.  Nnsh  was 
one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  this  region,  and  being 

a  liberal  and  public-spirited,  upright  and 
honest,  enjoys  in  a  marked  degree  the  esteem  and 
confidence  of  his  fellow-citizens.  He  has  held 
some  of  the  minor  offices,  but  prefers  to  give  his 
time  and  attention  to  his  fanning  interests. 

A  native  of  Stark  County  Ohio,  our  subject  was 
born  Sept.  7,  1840,  and  is  the  son  of  David  E. 
Nash,  whose  birth  took  place  in  1813.  The  latter 
settled  in  Slark  County,  Ohio,  during  its  pioneer 
days,  but  in  1842  pushed  on  further  Westward  into 
Elkhart  County,  Ind.,  where  his  death  took  place, 
March  21,  1845.  He  was  a  life-long  farmer,  and 
was  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist 
Church.  He  married  Miss  .Judith  Winder,  who 
was  born  April  15,  1812,  and  was  the  daughter  of 
James  and  Ann  Winder.  She  departed  this  life 
March  4,  1856,  in  Elkhart  County,  Ind. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born 
two  children  onl^',  of  whom  James  W.  was  the 
j^ounger.  His  sister,  Maiy  A.,  is  now  in  Lenawa 
County,  Mich.  James  was  orphaned  by  the  death 
of  both  parents  when  very  young,  and  lived  there- 
after in  Indiana  until  a  youth  of  fifteen  years. 
He  then  spent  one  year  in  Pennsylvania,  and  from 
there  emigrated  to  Bureau  County,  111.,  of  which 
he  was  a  resident  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War. 
Soon  afterward  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  Company 
B,  52d  Illinois  Infantry,  and  served  until  April, 
1862,  when  he  was  obliged  to  accept  his  honora- 
ble discharge  on  account  of  disability,  the  result 
of  hardship  and  privation. 

In  1 866  Mr.  Nash  came  to  this  county  and  secured 
a  tract  of  land  on  section  22,  in  Cottage  Hill  Town- 
ship, of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resident.  He 
broke  the  first  sod  within  its  limits,  and  endured 
all  the  hardships  and  privations  of  life  on  the 
frontier.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Republi- 
can party  since  its  organization,  and  for  many 
years  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 
He  also  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R. 

On  the  18th  of  January,  1863,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Emma  A.  Bole,  of 
Elkhart  County,  Ind.  Mrs.  Nash  was  born  July 
16,  1847,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Ebenezer  B.  and 
Phebe  D.  (Corpe)  Bole,  who  were  natives  of  New 
York,  and  are  now  deceased.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Nash 
are    the    parents    of    eight    children — Judith    P., 



Henry  D.,  Ira  E.,  Mary  L.,  Joseph,  L'ene,  Acldie 
and  William.  Judith  is  tlie  wife  of  S.  John  Swan- 
son,  a  well-to-do  farmer  of  Cottage  Ilill  Township, 
and  they  have  one  child,  a  daughter — Glad3's.  Tiie 
rest  of  the  children  remain  at  home. 

jlW^  pastor  of  St.  Gregory's  Catholic  Church. 
Ik-  \V  At  an  early  period  in  tlie  history  of  Marj-s- 
^^^ville  tlie  Catholic  missionaries  finding  here 
Messrs.  Joseph  Ellenbecker,  Jacob  and  Christian 
Mohibacher,  Nick  Koppes  and  J.  P.  Smith,  with 
tlirm  collected  a  small  congregation,  holding  ser- 
vices in  the  school  house.  The  first  missionary 
piifst  was  Rev.  Father  A.  M.  Weikmann,  who  built 
a  brick  structure,  which  was  sold  by  bis  successor, 
who  erected  a  frame  cliurch  near  the  depot,  which 
liuiiding  still  stands  and  is  owned  I)y  the  Church. 
The  first  resident  priest  was  Rev.  A.  M.  Meili,  who 
made  preparation  for  building  the  present  edifice. 
Rev.  Father  Hartman  succeeding  him,  bnilt  part  of 
the  foundation,  whicli  was  finished  by  the  subject 
of  our  sketch.  The  Bishop  was  here  to  laj-  the 
corner-stone,  and  there  was  a  grand  celebiation  of 
the  occasion  on  the  9th  of  October,  1886.  Our 
subject  was  sent  here  specially  to  finish  the  church. 
He  has  so  far  bnilt  a  fine  structure  to  the  first 
story,  which  is  now  roofed  and  in  use,  and  expects 
to  complete  the  edifice  before  long.  It  is  a  brick 
structure  50x105  feet,  and  from  the  foundation  to 
the  cross  on  the  spire  will  be  140  feet,  and  when 
completed  will  be  a  splendid  building,  having  two 
stories,  the  lower  part  to  consist  of  chapel  and 
school  rooms,  the  second  story  for  the  church 
proper.  So  far  it  has  cost  $8,000,  and  to  finish 
and  furnish  it  when  completed,  it  is  estimated  that 
about  120,000  will  be  required.  The  building  is 
one  of  the  finest  architecturall}'  designed  churches 
in  Northern  Kansas,  it  having  been  planned  by 
the  architect  Adolphus  Uruiding,  of  Chicago.  From 
a  small  beginning  the  Church  has  grown  to  a  fine 
organization  of  from  fifty  to  sixty  active  families, 
comprising  a  membership  of  250  to  300.  It  now 
has  a  school  attended  by  thirty-five  children,  un<ler 

the  charge  of  a  competent  teacher,  and  the  direct 
supervision  of  Rev.  Father  Schraickler. 

Prominent  among  the  supporters  of  the  Church 
are  Joseph  Ellenbecker,  Jacob  and  Christian  Mohr- 
baclier,  Nick  Koppes,  J.  P.  Smith,  Jacob  Ring, 
John  Tracy,  John  Joerg,  Mr.  Kohorst,  P.  Brenan, 
Mr.  Wassenberg.  Mr.  Mentchen,  and  many  others. 

Father  Schmickler  was  born  in  the  Rhine  Prov- 
ince of  Germany,  April  7,  1858.  He  received  a 
classical  education  at  Nassau  and  studied  philoso- 
phy at  St.  Trond,  Belgium.  Then  volunteering  at 
Cologne,  he  spent  a  year  in  tlie  Prussian  army. 
Returning  to  his  books,  he  spent  three  years  in  the 
study  of  theology  at  Lou  vain,  Belgium.  He  was 
ordained  at  Roermond,  Holland,  after  which  he 
returned  to  Germany  for  four  months,  and  thence 
came  to  America  in  October,  1884.  He  first 
located  in  Wilson  County,  Kan.,  being  Pastor  of 
St.  Ignatius  church  at  Neodesha.  He  was  then 
appointed  Priest  at  Marysville,  in  August,  1886, 
and  has  remained  here  since  that  time. 

\t  OSEPH  A.  WILLIAMS.  In  the  spring  of 
1866,  there  started  out  from  Buchanan 
County,  Iowa.  Mr.  Williams  with  his  wife 
((^jjf'  and  eight  children  for  the  wilds  of  Northern 
Kansas.  His  outfit  consisted  of  two  wagons  and 
two  span  of  horses,  the  vehicles  loaded  with  the 
household  utensils  and  a  blacksniithing  outfit  with 
which  the  leader  of  the  train  proposed  to  fight  his 
battles  in  the  new  countrj',  and  at  the  same  time 
labor  in  the  construction  of  a  homestead.  The 
little  caravan  arrived  at  their  destination  about  ten 
days  from  the  time  of  starting,  in  the  meantime 
camping  out  wherever  night  overtook  them  and 
cooking  b3'  the  wayside. 

Mr.  Williams  had  visited  this  section  a  year 
previous  and  homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  wild 
land,  occupying  a  portion  of  section  34,  Wells 
Township,  upon  which  not  a  furrow  been 
turned,  nor  had  there  been  any  other  attempt  at 
improvement.  The  first  business  was  to  provide  a 
shelter  for  the  family  and  the  next  to  provide  for 
the   wants  of    the    household    during    the    coming 


I'ORttlAlt  AND  felOGllAt»HlCAL  ALBUM. 

winter  by  the  way  of  provisions.  After  planting 
his  garden  he  put  in  a  crop  of  corn  and  wheat, 
commenced  fencing  his  land  and  as  the  time  passed 
on  erecting  the  buildings  most  needed.  The  fol- 
lowing year  he  made  still  further  progress  and  in 
due  time  was  enabled  to  add  to  his  landed  posses- 
sions, so  that  he  is  now  the  owner  of  200  acres,  all 
of  which  has  been  brought  to  a  good  state  of  culti- 

Mr.  Williams  was  not  by  any  means  exempt 
from  the  usual  difficulties  of  life  on  the  frontier, 
and  suffered  various  losses  by  drouth,  grasshoppers 
and  chinch  bugs,  but  talien  altogether  he  cannot 
regret  that  he  adhered  to  his  first  purpose  of  re- 
maining. The  first  dwelling  was  a  small  frame 
structure,  16  x  24  feet  in  dimensions,  built  of  na- 
tive lumber  —  cottonwood,  sycamore  and  burr 
oak — the  principal  part  of  which  was  hauled  from 
Atchison.  They  occupied  this  a  number  of  years 
and  finally  becoming  desirous  of  a  change,  re- 
moved to  Blue  Rapids,  where  they  lived  two  years. 
They  then  returned  to  the  farm  quite  contented  to 
remain.  For  several  years  Mr.  Williams  has  been 
engaged  in  quarrying  stone  near  Bigelow  and 
usually  gives  employment  to  about  fifteen  men. 
In  1888  he  put  out  about  10,000  feet  of  curbing, 
all  of  wliich  was  shipped  to  Kansas  City. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  Guernsey 
County,  Ohio,  Aug.  18,  1826.  His  parents  were 
Oliver  and  Dinah  (McGrew)  Williams,  the  former 
a  native  of  Pennsylvania  and  born  in  1804.  His 
paternal  grandfather  had  a  half  brother  who  served 
as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  Mrs.  Dinah 
Williams  was  a  native  of  New  England  and  is  now 
deceased.  The  father  of  our  subject  is  still  living 
and  a  resident  of  Iowa,  and  has  arrived  at  the 
eighty-fifth  year  of  his  age.  He  was  one  of  the 
earliest  pioneers  of  Guernsey  County,  Ohio,  to 
which  he  emigrated  when  a  young  man,  before  a 
wagon  road  had  been  laid  out  and  when  the  coun- 
try was  veritably  a  wilderness.  He  operated  as  a 
millwright  and  house  carpenter  during  his  early 
manhood  and  later  learned  blacksmithing. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  received  a  ver}-  limited 
education  in  the  pioneer  schools  of  Ohio  and  for  a 
time  attended  a  select  school.  He  studied  his  first 
lessons  in  a  log  school  house  with   i)unchcon    floor 

and  slabs  for  seats  and  desks.  Light  was  admitted 
through  window  panes  of  greased  paper,  and  heat 
was  furnished  from  a  large  fireplace  extending 
across  nearly  one  end  of  the  building.  Ihe  smoke 
was  coaxed  up  a  chimney  built  outside  of  earth 
and  sticks.  Young  Williams  did  not  attend  school 
after  he  was  fourteen  years  old,  being  required 
thereafter  to  make  himself  useful  on  the  farm.  He 
began  learning  the  blacksmith  trade  in  1840,  which 
he  has  followed  up  to  the  present  time,  including 
his  term  of  service  in  the  arm}'. 

After  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  Mr.  Will- 
iams enlisted  Aug.  1,  1862,  in  the  27th  Iowa  In- 
fantry which  was  assigned  to  the  16th  Corps,  Army 
of  the  West,  under  command  of  Gen.  A.  J.  Smith. 
Thej-  were  in  detached  service  and  Mr.  Williams 
operated  as  a  blacksmith.  He  enlisted  at  Dubuque 
as  regimental  blacksmith  and  finished  up  as  fore- 
man at  headquarters.  He  remained  in  the  ranks 
until  August,  1865,  and  then  received  his  honora- 
ble discharge. 

In  the  meantime,  while  a  resident  of  his  native 
State  Mr.  Williams  was  married  April  8,  1847,  to 
Miss  Mary  A.  Walters,  who  was  born  in  Monroe 
County,  Ohio,  in  1828,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Samuel  and  Catherine  Walters.  To  our  subject 
and  his  estimable  wife  there  has  been  born  a  large 
family  of  children,  nine  of  whom  are  living,  viz.: 
Clarissa,  Mrs.  Anton  Weeks,  of  Xoble  Township, 
this  count}-;  Olivia,  the  wife  of  AVilliara  Greve, 
living  near  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Alvaretta,  Mrs. 
Peter  Cline,  of  this  county;  Lovina,  the  wife  of 
Martin  Goldsberry  of  this  county;  Oliver,  a  resi- 
dent of  Osborn  County;  Josiah.  St.  Clair,  McGrew, 
and  Hattie  are  at  home  with  their  parents. 

Mr.  Williams  has  served  as  a  School  Director  in 
his  district  a  number  of  terms,  but  aside  from  this 
has  invariably  declined  the  responsibilities  of  office. 
He  usually  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket 
aud  has  contributed  his  full  share  in  developing 
the  best  interests  of  Marshall  County.  His  integ- 
rity has  never  been  questioned  and  both  as  a  farmer 
and  a  citizen  he  occupies  no  secondary  place  in  his 
community.  Together  with  his  estimable  wife  he 
has  labored  many  years  in  the  establishment  of  a 
home  and  the  accumulation  of  a  competence,  and 
they  are  traveling  down  the  hill  together,  feeling  a 



degrt'e  of  satisfaction  in  the  linowledgc  of  lives 
well  spent,  and  reaping  solace  from  the  friends  with 
whose  esteem  and  confidence  tiiey  arc  blest  as  a 
part  of  tiieir  reward  for  well  doing. 

• '^^l- 

iICHARD  MORTO>'.  The  results  of  per- 
severance under  difflcultics  and  adverse 
\\  circumstances,  are  admirably  illustrated  in 
^^the  career  of  Mr.  Morton,  one  of  the  early 
liomesteaders  of  Kansas,  who  came  to  the  frontier 
during  the  time  which  tried  men's  souls.  From  a 
tract  of  wild,  uncultivated  land,  he  has  constructed 
a  valuable  homestead,  160  acres  in  extent,  and 
finel_y  located  on  section  26,  Rock  Township.  He 
has,  in  addition  to  this,  eighty  acres  on  section  .35. 
The  whole  has  been  brought  to  a  productive  condi- 
tion, and  the  buildings  of  the  home  farm,  although 
making  no  pretensions  to  elegance,  are  all  that  is 
required  for  the  comfort  and  convenience  of  the 
family.  In  and  around  the  dwelling  are  the  evi- 
dences of  refined  taste,  chiefly  the  result  of  the  la- 
bors of  Mrs.  Morton,  who  is  a  very  intelligent  ladj-, 
and  delights  in  beautifying  her  home.  Their  chil- 
dren have  betn  given  the  best  advantages,  and  the 
family  stands  second  to  none  within  the  limits  of 
Rock  Township. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Sea- 
forth,  Huron  Co.,  Canada,  Dec.  13,  1840,  and  lived 
with  his  parents  on  a  farm  until  a  youth  of  sixteen 
years.  He  in  the  meantime  received  onlj'  limited 
school  advantages,  and  now,  starting  out  for  him- 
self, began  an  apprenticeship  at  the  carpenter's 
trade,  which  he  has  since  followed  the  greater  part 
of  the  time,  although  likewise  prosecuting  agricul- 
tural pursuits.  He  proved  handy  with  tools,  and 
at  an  early  age  developed  the  business  talents  \vh:ch 
have  been  the  secret  of  his  success  through  life. 
At  the  age  of  nineteen  he  commenced  as  a  builder 
and  contractor,  which  he  followed  thereafter  for  a 
period  of  twelve  years,  in  the  meantime  making  his 
home  with  his  parents. 

In  the  spring  of  1869,  Mr.  Morton  decided  u|)on 
seeing  something  of  the  Great  West,  and  journeyed 
across  the  Mississippi  to  Colorado.      He  sojourned 

in  that  region  only  a  short  time,  then  coming  to 
this  county,  homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  his  pre- 
sent farm,  which  has  since  been  his  abiding-place. 
For  two  years  thereafter  he  worked  principally  as 
a  carpenter,  but  in  the  meantime  labored  at  the 
inii)rovement  of  his  farm  as  he  had  opportunity. 
In  1871  he  located  upon  it  permanently,  and  grad- 
ually made  farming  his  principal  business,  although 
doing  carpenter  work  as  opportunity  permitted. 
He  made  very  good  headway  until  1873,  when  a 
fire  destroyed  his  buildings  and  grain,  and  in  the 
fall  of  1874,  the  maxim  that  misfortune  never 
comes  singly,  was  verified,  as  his  team  ran  away, 
and  Mr.  Morton  suffered  the  fracture  of  an  arm 
and  leg,  by  reason  of  which  he  was  laid  up  for  some 
time.  He  had  come  here  to  stay,  however  and 
there  was  nothing  to  do  but  make  the  best  of  cir- 
cumstances. In  1876  his  homestead  was  proved 
up,  and  since  that  time  he  has  been  prosperous. 

In  1880  Mr.  Morion  invested  a  portion  of  his 
surplus  capital  in  100  acres  of  school  land  on  sec- 
tion 35,  Rock  Township,  for  which  he  paid  $4  per 
acre.  Three  years  later  he  sold  this  and  purchased 
eighty  acres  adjoining  on  section  35,  at  $8  per 
acre.  Manj-  of  his  fields  are  enclosed  with  hed^e- 
fencing,  which  being  nicely  trimmed,  is  ornamental 
as  well  as  useful.  Among  the  other  attractions  of 
the  place  is  a  fish-i)ond  and  a  never-failing  spring 
by  which  it  is  fed.  Mr.  Morton  makes  a  specialty 
of  stock-raising  as  well  as  feeding,  and  ships  an- 
nually several  ear-loads  of  cattle  and  swine.  He 
keeps  seven  head  of  graded  Norman  horses,  utiliz- 
ing two  teams  in  his  farming  operations.  The 
homestead  lies  about  five  miles  from  Frankfort. 
In  addition  to  his  other  labors,  Mr.  Morton  planted 
forest  and  fruit  trees,  having  a  fine  apple  orchard, 
and  maple  and  cottonwood  groves,  which  serve  as 
a  protection  from  the  summer  sun  and  the  wintry 

In  Centralia,  Kan.,  on  the  28tii  of  Jul}',  1871,  a 
marriage  ceremony  performed  by  the  Rev.  T.  B. 
Gray,  united  the  destinies  of  our  subject  with  Miss 
Susan,  daughter  of  G.  E.  Ewing,  the  latter  a  na- 
tive of  Maryland.  The  paternal  grandfather  of 
Mrs.  Morton  was  William  J.  Ewing,  likewise  a  na- 
tive of  Maryland,  and  who  occupied  himself  as  a 
farmer  and  wagon -maker.     The  great  grandfather. 



James  Ewing,  served  as  a  private  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary War,  and  his  son,  William,  was  in  tlie  War 
of  1812,  in  a  cavalry  regiment,  and  furnished  his 
own  equipments;  both  died  in  Maryland.  The 
father  of  Mrs.  Morton  was  a  well-educated  man, 
and  during  his  younger  years  engaged  in  school 
teaching.  He  likewise  studied  medicine  under  the 
instruction  of  Dr.  Andrew,  of  Westerville,  Ohio, 
and  began  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Han- 
cock County,  that  State.  After  living  in  various 
other  places,  he  finally  crossed  the  Mississippi  in 
1865,  locating  in  Centralia,  Kan.,  where  he  was  in- 
strumental in  the  organization  of  a  college.  Later 
he  came  to  this  county,  and  homesteaded  a  tract  of 
land  in  Rock  Township.  Five  years  later  he  re- 
moved to  Beattie,  and  embarked  in  the  drug  busi- 
ness. Next  he  removed  to  Council  Grove,  this 
State,  where  he  followed  his  profession.  He  was 
a  Republican,  politically,  and  a  member  of  the 
Church  of  God. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Peters)  Ewing,  the  mother  of 
Mrs.  Morton  was  born  in  Licking  County,  Ohio, 
and  was  the  daughter  of  William  Peters,  a  native 
of  Maryland,  who  emigrated  to  the  Buekej-e  State 
at  an  early  day,  settling  in  Licking  County.  He 
married  Miss  Sarah  Bashford,  of  Virginia,  whose 
father  was  born  in  Ireland.  This  lady  died  in 
Beattie,  this  county,  on  the  19th  of  February, 
1883;  she  had  been  a  member  of  the  United 
Brethren  Church  for  the  long  period  of  forty  years. 
Mrs.  Morton  was  the  eldest  child  of  her  parents, 
whose  family  consisted  of  four  daughters  and  two 
sons.  Her  younger  sister.  S.  Jennie,  Mrs.  Cook, 
is  a  resident  of  Ellsworth  County,  this  State; 
Jerry  R.  is  a  resident  of  the  same  county;  Mattie. 
Mrs.  Storm,  resides  in  Pawnee  County,  Neb.; 
Daniel  L.  acquired  a  good  education,  and  became 
Principal  of  the  Wyandotte  School,  where  be  died 
in  1885;  Mary,  Mrs.  Ott,  is  a  resident  of  Rock 

Mrs.  Morton  was  born  near  Jolinstown,  Licking 
Co.,  Ohio,  Oct.  23,  1844.  She  was  reared  in  her 
native  town,  and  received  a  good  education,  fitting 
herself  for  a  teacher,  and  conducting  the  first  school 
in  Wyandot  Countj\  when  a  maiden  of  eighteen 
years.  She  came  to  this  State  in  1865.  and  fol- 
lowed her  profession  six  terms,  and  until  her  mar- 

riage. Of  this  union  there  have  been  born  three 
children — Ida  H.,  Clara  E.,  and  George  W.  The 
eldest  daughter  is  preparing  for  teaching.  Miss 
Clara  is  musically  inclined,  and  is  studying  the  art 
at  Frankfort,  with  the  intention  of  fitting  herself 
for  a  teacher. 

Mr.  Morton,  politically,  is  a  sound  Republican, 
and  one  of  the  leading  lights  of  his  partj^  in  this 
region,  frequently  being  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the 
County  conventions.  He  has  served  as  Township 
Trustee  and  Assessor  three  3'ears  each,  and  has  been 
a  School  Director  in  his"  district  for  the  past  fifteen 
years.  He  assisted  materially  in  the  building  of 
the  first  school-house  in  his  district,  donating  the 
work.  He  has  also  officiated  as  Road  Supervisor. 
Both  he  and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  in  good 
standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Ciiurch,  at 
Frankfort,  in  which  Mr.  Morton  is  a  Trustee. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Elisha  Morton,  a 
native  of  Vermont,  and  the  sou  of  Silas  Morton, 
who,  during  his  }'ounger  3'ears  carried  on  farming 
in  the  Green  Mountain  State,  then  removed  to  the 
Province  of  Ontario,  Canada,  and  settled  on  a  farm 
near  Toronto,  where  he  became  well-to-do,  and 
spent  his  last  days.  He  was  of  Scotch  descent. 
Elisha  Morton  was  a  boy  when  his  parents  removed 
to  Canada,  and  he  lived  there  until  reaching  man's 
estate,  becoming  owner  of  a  100-acre  farm,  which 
he  operated  together  with  a  steam  sawmill.  Dur- 
ing the  Canadian  Rebellion  he  was  forced  into  the 
service,  handcuffed,  and  hauled  on  a  sled  with  oth- 
ers to  the  seat  of  war.  He  finallj^  made  his  escape, 
and  remaining  a  resident  of  the  Dominion,  died 
there  in  1876.  He  was  a  believer  in  the  Christian 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  Samantha  Gager,  and  she  was  born  in  the  Pro- 
vince of  Ontario,  Canada,  in  1818.  Grandfather 
Gager  was  a  native  of  Massachusetts,  where  he  was 
cduc.itod,  and  taught  school  during  his  3'ounger 
years.  Later  he  removed  to  Canada,  and  followed 
farming  in  the  Dominion  until  his  death.  He  mar- 
ried a  Miss  Huntle}',  whose  father  was  a  native  of 
AVales.  The  latter  upon  emigrating  to  America, 
settled  in  Massachusetts  on  a  farm,  and  later  served 
in  tlic  Revolutionary  War.  Finally  he  removed 
to    Canada,   where  he  died.     Tlie    mother  of  our 



S3  7 

subject  is  still  living  at  the  oUI  horaesteatl  in  Can- 
ada, and  sympathizes  with  the  doctrines  of  the 
Christian  Chuich.  The  parental  household  con- 
sisted of  eight  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Enos, 
is  a  farmer  of  Williams  County,  Ohio;  Huldah, 
Mrs.  Hilborn,  is  a  resident  of  Horton,  this  State; 
Rebecca,  Mrs.  Abhy,  lives  in  Michigan;  Richard, 
our  subject,  was  the  fourth  in  order  of  birtii;  Sid- 
ney is  a  farmer  in  Rock  Township,  this  county; 
Alonzo  is  a  carpenter  by  trade,  and  makes  his  head- 
quarters at  Frankfort;  Alfred,  deceased;  Wealthy 
lives  with  her  mother  in  Canada. 

If^  EV.  JOHN  M.  BROWN,  whose  portrait  is 
llisff'  presented  on  another  page  of  the  Album, 
was  pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in 
^^  Axtell,  and  was  looked  upon  as  one  of  its 
ablest  and  most  efficient  men.  During  tlie  early 
years  of  his  ministry  he  organized  seventeen 
churches  in  Illinois,  Missouri  and  Kansas.  He 
was  born  in  Moscow,  Livingston  Co.,  N.Y.,  Oct. 
18,  1827,  and  departed  this  life  at  his  home  in  Ax- 
tell. Nov.  2,  1888.  He  came  to  this  county  in  the 
spring  of  1879  and  at  once  located  in  the  town 
which  ever  afterward  remained  the  object  of  his 
solicitude  and  affection. 

Mr.  Brown  was  sent  to  this  community  to  or- 
ganize a  Presbyterian  church,  which  he  successfully 
accomplished  with  a  membership  of  twenty-one 
persons.  He  remained  associated  with  this  until 
his  decease,  building  it  up  to  a  strong  and  flourish- 
ing organization.  He  was  a  ceaseless  worker,  both 
within  the  church  and  without,  and  at  the  same 
time  accumulated  a  snug  property  including  seven 
acres  of  ground  within  the  city  limits,  where  he 
built  up  a  fine  home  and  operated  as  a  fruit  grower 
and  horticulturist.  He  loved  nature  in  all  her 
forms,  and  nothing  gave  him  more  pleasure  than 
to  witness  tbe  development  of  bud  and  flower  and 
finally  the  perfect  fruit. 

Mr.  Brown  in  1885  organized  Fair  View  Church, 
five  miles  northwest  of  Axtell,  of  which  he  was  pas- 
tor ff)r  two  3'ears.    He  also  presided  over  a  congre- 

gation which  held  its  meetings  in  the  Star  school- 
house  south  of  Axtell.  During  the  period  of  his 
pastorate  in  Axtell,  he  organized  the  Presbyterian 
Church  in  Oneida,  Kansas,  and  it  was  chiefly 
through  his  efforts  that  the  church  edifice  in  that 
city  was  erected.  His  labors  were  uniformly 
blessed  with  success.  Prior  to  his  establishment  at 
Axtell,  he  had  been  the  pastor  of  a  congregation 
at  Hays  City,  Ellis  County,  where  he  was  stationed 
a  little  over  two  years  and  at  the  same  time 
jjreached  at  Ft.  Haj^es,  which  was  then  a  Govern- 
ment post.  He  completed  his  ministerial  studies 
at  CoUinsville  and  Galesburg,  III.,  and  began 
preaching  when  a  young  man  of  twenty-five 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Rev.  Amos  Philips 
Brown,  who  was  likewise  a  minister  of  the  Presby- 
terian Church,  and  a  native  of  Thornton,  N.H. 
He  spent  his  bojdiood  and  youth  among  the  Green 
Mountain  hills  and  was  married  in  Boseawen,  Mer- 
rimack County,  to  Miss  Jane  Little,  likewise  a 
native  of  that  State  and  one  of  a  family  which  pro- 
duced a  large  number  of  ministers  and  men  of  note. 
After  marriage  Mr.  and  Sirs.  Brown  lived  for  a 
time  in  New  Harapsbire,  and  then  removed  to  New 
York  State  where  the}-  sojourned  until  1834,  then 
emigrated  to  Illinois  and  were  among  the  earliest 
pioneers  in  Jersey  County.  The  father  commenced 
bis  pious  work  among  a  scattered  people  and  la- 
bored without  faltering  until  his  health  failed.  He 
was  never  content  except  when  laboring  for  the 
Master,  and  died  at  the  age  of  sixtj'-seven  years, 
after  having  spent  all  of  his  active  life  as  pastor 
and  teacher.  His  first  wife  died  when  compara- 
tively a  young  woman  and  he  was  a  secoml  time 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  only  seven  years 
(jf  age  when  his  father  removed  to  Illinois,  and  he 
there  obtained  a  practical  education  in  the  com- 
mon school  and  was  carefully  trained  by  his  excel- 
lent parents.  About  the  time  of  reaching  his 
majorit}'  he  was  married  in  Galesburg,  to  Miss  Eliz- 
abeth Bartlett,  who  born  and  reared  there. 
She  became  the  mother  of  eight  children,  and  died 
in  Hays  City,  this  State,  in  1876.  Of  these  chil- 
dren only  four  are  living,  four  having  died  prior 
to, the  decease  of   the  mother.     Lizzie    is  tiie  wife 



of  Prof.  Richard  Leman,  and  resides  in  Columbus, 
Ohio,  where  Mr.  Leman  is  engaged  as  a  teacher  of 
music  and  German;  Hattie  L.  married  E.  E.  Caps, 
and  the\-  are  residents  of  Elastings,  Neb.,  where 
Mr.  Caps  is  engaged  in  tiie  drug  business;  Lottie 
C.  is  the  wife  of  S.  E.  Butt,  and  they  live  in  Leav- 
enworth, whore  Mr.  Butt  is  connected  with  a  gen- 
tlemen's furnishing  house;  Alfred  L.  married  Miss 
Georgia  Wood,  and  they  live  in  ])enver.  Col. 

In  due  iime  our  subject  contracted  a  second 
marriage  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  with  Miss  Emma  M. 
Root,  who  was  born  in  Mantua  in  1832,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Jeremiah  and  Huldali  (Harmon)  Root. 
The  parents  of  Jlrs.  Brown  were  natives  of  Massa- 
chusetts and  Connecticut  respectively,  .and  in  early 
life  when  twelve  and  five  years  old  removed  with 
their  parents  to  Portage  Cor.nty,  Ohio,  and  were 
married  in  Aurora.  They  afterward  removed  to 
Mantua,  Ohio,  where  Mr.  Root  accumulated  a  large 
property.  He  made  a  specialty  of  farming,  al- 
though he  was  offlciallj'  connected  with  township 
and  county  affairs.  He  had  an  excellent  knowl- 
edge of  common  law,  and  was  frequently  called 
upon  to  operate  as  arbitrator  in  settling  estates 
and  other  matters.  He  exerted  a  decided  influence 
in  his  communitj'  and  was  numbered  among  its 
most  useful  men.  He  departed  this  life  at  his 
home  in  Aurora  in  1873,  aged  seventy -eight  3'ears. 
The  wife  and  mother  survived  her  husband  three 
years,  dying  in  1876,  at  the  a^e  of  seventy-five. 
Both  were  members  of  the  Congregational  Church, 
and  Mr.  Root  politieall3-  was  a  sound  Republican. 
He  was  once  solicited  by  his  part}'  to  become  their 
candidate  for  the  State  Legislature,  but  declined 
the  honor. 

]Mrs.  Emma  M.  Brown  was  one  of  the  younger 
members  of  her  father's  family,  and  like  the  others 
received  a  good  education  which  she  completed  in 
the  Female  Seminary  at  Hudson,  and  at  the  West- 
ern Reserve  College  in  Lake  Count}-,  Ohio.  She  pos- 
sessed considerable  musical  talent  and  was  a  very 
successful  teacher  of  this  art  for  some  time  prior 
to  her  marriage.  She  is  a  member  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Presbyterian  Church  and  occupies  a 
iiigh  social  position. 

During  the  progress  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr. 
Brown  who  had  been  a  resident  of  Minonk,  III.,  for 

eight  years  as  pastor  of  the  church  there,  consid- 
ered that  he  had  a  sterner  duty  to  perform,  and  on 
the  11th  of  August,  1862,  enlisted  in  Company  H, 
77th  Illinois  Infantry  as  First  vSergeant.  He  re- 
paired at  once  to  the  front  with  his  regiment  and 
participated  in  many  of  the  important  battles 
which  followed,  including  the  fight  at  Arkansas 
Post,  the  siege  and  capture  of  Vicksburg,  and 
other  less  important  engagements.  His  health  in 
time  became  greatl}-  imi)aired.  and  on  the  3d  of 
June,  1863,  he  was  obliged  to  aecej)!  liis  honorable 
discharge  for  disability.  Upon  retiring  from  the 
service  he  located  in  Pierce  City,  Mo. 

Mr.  Brown  was  a  charter  member  of  Axtell  Post. 
G.  A.  R.,  No.  253,  at  Axtell,  which  was  organized 
chieflj-  through  his  instrumentality,  and  in  connec- 
tion with  which  he  officiated  as  Chaplain  most  of 
the  time  till  his  death.  He  leaves  a  record  of  a 
long  and  useful  life,  and  his  name  is  held  in  kindly 
remembrance  by  all  who  knew  him.  An  earnest 
advocate  of  the  cause  of  tempercnce,  he  seemed 
man}'  times  to  stand  alone  in  the  face  of  fierce  op- 
position, yet  he  never  wavered  but  always  stood 
firm  in  his  convictions.  He  never  sacrificed  prin- 
ciple for  party  or  for  the  sake  of  gaining  the  good- 
will of  the  public.  Truly  applicable  to  Mr.  Brown 
are  the  words,  "•  Whatsoever  thy  hand  findeth  to 
do,  do  it  with  thy  miglit,  for  there  is  no  work  in 
the  grave,  whither  thou  goest."  He  believed  and 
acted  upon  the  belief  that  he  must  work  now,  work 
while  the  day  lasts,  work  till  He  comes,  then  will 
be  rest,  blessed,  eternal  rest. 

"fjlUDGE  WILLIAM  P.  MADDEN.  The  dis- 
comforts  now  felt  by  settlers  in  a  newly 
opened  section,  are  not  to  be  compared  to 
those  endured  by  the  pioneers  of  civiliza- 
tion. Except  in  a  few  mountain  regions  of  the 
West,  the  frontiersman  is  a  thing  of  the  past.  How 
much  we  of  the  present  age  owe  to  those  who  en- 
dured liardshi[)s  and  great  dangers  a  few  years  ago. 
is  inestimable.  High  honor  should  be  given  our  old 
settlers,  even  if  they  succeeded  only  in  opening  up 
tlie  country,  and  much  more  if  they,  through  such 



discouraging  surroundings,  liave  raised  themselves 
to  comfort  or  affluence.  Among  those  of  this 
county  who  liave  experienced  all  the  hardships  of 
pioneer  life,  is  the  subject  of  this  sitetcli,  now  a 
successful  farmer  and  stock-raiser  on  section  1,  St. 
Bridget  Township,  where  he  owns  and  occupies  a 
finely  improved  farm  of  640  acres.  He  is  one  of 
the  oldest  permanent  settlers,  not  only  of  this 
county,  but  of  the  Slate,  having  been  a  resident 
since  1851.  On  coming  to  this  county  he  obtained 
160  acres  of  Government  land,  being  on  the  north- 
west quarter  of  section  12,  in  what  is  now  St. 
Bridget  Township.  The  entire  county  was  a  wild 
waste  of  unbroken  prairie,  and  Mr.  Madden  had  no 
neighbors,  and  Indians  were  the  only  human  beings 
within  miles.  He  did  not  possess  much  of  this 
world's  goods,  and  it  was  only  by  bard  work  and 
privation  that  he  was  enabled  to  accomplish  his 
purpose  of  making  for  himself  a  good  home.  That 
he  has  succeeded  well,  the  large  addition  which  lie 
has- made  to  his  original  purchase,  and  the  excel- 
lent improvements  made,  are  the  best  evidence. 
His  experience  during  his  earlier  years  in  this 
county  would  have  discouraged  man3',  but  with 
the  true  pioneer  spirit  he  labored  on,  undismayed 
by  accidents,  even  the  great  niisforUine  by  fire 
making  him  but  the  more  determined  to  continue. 
.Judge  Madden  is  of  pure  Irish  blood,  his  par- 
ents, Patrick  and  Honora  Madden,  having  been 
born,  reared  and  married  in  Galway  County,  Ire- 
land, where  both  died  at  an  advanced  age.  The 
father  was  a  carpenter  and  farmer,  and  both  par- 
ents were  members  of  tlie  Roman  Catholic  Church. 
Our  subject  was  the  youngest  but  one  of  the 
parental  family,  and  was  born  in  Galway,  Galway 
County,  Ireland,  in  the  year  1831.  He  was  a 
bright  boy,  and  while  at  school  won  merit  for 
his  scliolarship.  He  obtained  a  very  good  educa- 
tion before  coming  to  this  country,  which  he  did 
while  yet  quite  j-oung.  He  landed  in  New  York, 
and  continued  his  schooling  there  for  sometime. 
In  Albanj',  N.  Y.,  he  enlisted  in  the  United  States 
regular  army.  He  served  Ave  years,  during 
which  time  he  formed  part  of  tlie  command  at  all 
the  forts  from  Leavenworth  to  the  Pacific  Slope, 
though  the  regimental  headquarters  was  much  of 
the  time  at  Ft.  Kearney.     He  took  part  in    many 

In<lian  engagements,  the  most  notable  being  the 
Sioux  expedition,  when  his  regiment,  the  6th  In- 
fantry, had  some  hard  fighting.  Company  I,  to 
which  he  belonged,  was  in  more  than  a  half  dozen 
battles,  and  engaged  in  skirmishes,  bnt  besides 
a  slight  flesh  wound,  Judge  Madden  escaped  un- 
hurt. He  became,  well  acquainted  with  tlie  West, 
and  with  the  modes  of  Indian  warfare,  during  his 
army  life.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  ser- 
vice, in  1856,  he  located  in  Ft.  Leavenworth,  Kan., 
where  he  remained  until  coming  to  this  county. 

Judge  Madden  was  married,  in  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship, to  Miss  Catherine  Rogers,  a  native  of  Ireland, 
who  was  born  about  1849.  Her  parents  Barney  and 
Mary  (Dillon)  Rogers,  emigrated  to  the  United 
States  when  she  was  but  a  few  months  old.  They 
first  settled  in  Ripley,  Ohio,  and  later  removed  to 
Maysville,  Ky.  In  1860  they  came  to  Kansas,  set- 
tling in  what  is  now  St.  Bridget  Township,  where  the 
father  improved  a  new  farm,which  he  had  preempted. 
In  1867  Mr.  and  Mrs  Rogers  removed  toWasliing- 
ton  County,  Kan.,  where  Mr.  Rogers  improved  160 
acres,  and  where  he  died  at  the  age  of  one  hundred 
and  four  years.  Mrs.  Rogers  also  died  in  Wash- 
ington County,  when  about  .severty  yearb  of  age. 
Both  were  communicants  of  the  Catholic  Church. 

Mrs.  Madden  was  reared  and  educated  by  her 
parents,  remaining  with  them  iintil  her  marriage. 
She  is  the  mother  of  eleven  children,  of  whom  four 
are  deceased.  Two  died  in  infancy,  and  two  boys, 
Thomas  and  Jerome,  died  while  young.  The  living 
cliildren  are  all  at  home,  forming  a  bright  and  in- 
teresting circle;  they  are  William,  John,  Terrv. 
Minora,  Mary,  Thomas  and  Maggie. 

Mr.  Madden  was  the  first  Pi'obate  Judge  for  tliis 
count}'  after  the  adoption  of  the  State  Constitu- 
tion, and  held  the  office  for  two  years.  He  has 
since  held  most  of  the  local  offices,  especially-  that 
of  Justice  of  the  Peace,  in  which  he  has  served  for 
a  number  of  terms.  He  has  made  his  political  in- 
fluence felt  in  his  township,  and  has  all  his  life 
been  a  booming  Republican.  Both  he  and  his  wife 
are  dissenters  from  the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  in 
which  faith  they  were  hred,  and  have  noestablisiied 
religious  belief.  Mr.  Madden  is  a  man  of  fine 
natural  abilities,  which  have  been  well  improved 
by   training  and   observation,  is  enterprising  and 



honorable  in  his  business  relations,  kindly  in  his 
h(ime  and  social  life,  and  possesses  the  wit  and  cor- 
dial manners  wliicli  are  so  general  among  his  conn- 
tr\men.  Both  lie  and  his  wife  eoniraand  the 
hearty  respect  of  the  comnninity. 


ETER.  H.  PETERS.  In  the  life  of  the 
I  Jji  gentleman  of  whom  we  write,  we  have  a 
line  example  of  what  may  be  accomplished 
by  energy  and  perseverance,  coupled  with 
good  habits.  He  began  life  for  himself  at  the  early 
age  of  fourteen,  and  with  no  capital  except  his  na- 
tive ability  and  a  knowledge  of  the  jirinter's  trade, 
atttuned  before  middle  life  to  a  high  position  in  the 
community  where  he  dwelt. 

Mr.  Peters  was  born  in  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Sejit.  16, 
1840,  and  there  learned  his  trade,  working  until 
the  age  of  eighteen  in  his  native  cit}-.  At  tliis 
early  period  in  the  history  of  Marshall  C'ount3',  he 
came  to  Marys ville  and  engaged  on  the  Palmeto 
Kansan,  of  this  citj'.  He  had  worked  but  a  few 
months  when  the  paper  was  discontinued.  Having 
been  ill  at  the  time  of  the  suspension  of  the  paper, 
he  was  taken  to  a  farm  northwest  of  tlic  city  by 
its  owner.  Mr.  Magill,  whose  sketch  occupies 
another  page  in  this  Alboji.  After  a  few  months 
spent  at  the  home  of  Mr.  Magill.  our  subject  started 
the  Marysville  Democrat,  h.aving  .as  his  associate 
R.  S.  Mills.  The  publication  of  this  paper  was 
discontinued  July  31,  1860,  when  the  ofHce 
destroyed  by  a  cj-clone.  In  1862.  in  company 
with  Mr.  Magill,  he  started  the  Conslitulional  Ga- 
zetteer. The  eighth  issue  of  this  paper  containing 
some  strictures  on  the  character  of  Gen.  James  H. 
Lane,  then  a  member  of  the  United  States  Senate, 
the  plant  was  destroyed  by  a  company  of  soldiers. 
With  the  usual  pluck  of  a  newspaper  man,  Mr. 
Peters  paid  little  heed  to  the  discouragements 
which  beset  his  wa3',  and  in  1864  he  started  the 
Marysville  Enterprise,  of  which  he  was  sole  editor 
and  proprietor.  He  continued  its  publication  un- 
til 1868,  when  he  sold  to  George  W.  Crowthers, 
who  moved  the  paper  to  Irvine,  this  county.  The 
following  year  he  started  the  Marysville  Locwnotii-e 

and  continued  its  publication  for  several  years, 
eventually  selling  to  Thomas  Hughes,  who  changed 
the  name  of  the  sheet  to  the  Marshall  County  News. 
This  paper  still  continues  under  the  charge  of 
George  T.  Smith,  to  whose  sketch  we  refer  for  the 
history  of  that  publication.  On  Dec.  22,  1871, 
Mr.  Peters  celebrated  his  marriage  to  Miss  Katie  D. 
Magill  [see  sketch  of  James  S.  Magill],  and  in 
1875  he,  with  his  wife,  removed  to  Atchison,  Kan., 
where  he  owned  a  third  interest  in  the  Atchison 
Daily  Patriot  On  account  of  ill  health  he  was  able 
to  continue  his  work  in  Atchison  for  but  a  short 
time,  and  selling  out  he  returned  to  Marj'sville, 
where  he  engaged  in  different  mercantile  pursuits 
for  a  time.  In  the  spring  of  1877  he  removed  to 
Sherman,  Grayson  Co.,  Tex.,  where  he  engaged 
in  newspaper  work.  His  first  enterprise  here  was 
in  connection  with  J.  Martin  in  the  publication  of 
the  Sherman  Register.  Continuing  but  a  year,  he 
established  the  Courier  -  Chronicle  at  Sherman, 
which  publication  he  continued  for  several  years, 
building  up  a  healthy  circulation  for  the  sheet, 
which  was  made  the  finest  paper  in  the  county. 
llis  health  having  again  failed,  Mr.  Peters  was 
obliged  to  give  up  his  newspaper  work,  and  ob- 
tained the  position  of  superintendent  of  the  tele- 
graph line  from  El  Paso  to  Ft.  Worth,  Tex.  This 
telegraph  line  was  worked  in  connection  with  the 
building  of  the  railroad,  and  Mr.  Peters  went  into 
El  Paso  on  the  first  train  after  its  construction.  It 
had  been  thought  that  the  travel  over  this  line 
would  be  beneficial  to  our  subject,  but  it  proved 
of  no  permanent  avail,  and  he  returned  to  Sher- 
man, retiring  from  business.  Notwithstanding  his 
ill  health,  the  citizens  desired  his  services,  and 
elected  him  Mayor  of  the  citj'.  Before  the  expira- 
tion of  his  term  of  office  he  passed  from  earth,  his 
death  occurring  Sept.  30,  1883,  of  consumption, 
from  which  he  had  suffered  for  three  years. 

Mr.  Peters  was  a  prominent  Mason,  holding  the 
highest  office  in  the  Knights  Templar  degree,  hav- 
ing been  the  founder  of  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  Lodge 
No.  91,  of  Marysville,  in  which  he  took  great  in- 
terest. He  was  a  member  of  the  Episcopal  Church, 
of  which  his  widow  is  a  communicant.  He  was  a 
prominent  man  in  the  ranks  of  the  Democratic 
part}',  never  failing  to  cast  his  vote  in  its  interests. 



He  was  a  man  of  more  tbaii  orrliiiai'v  ability,  of 
most  exemplaiy  character,  and  among  his  towns- 
men the  first  word  has  3et  to  be  spoken  against 
him.  In  their  bereavement  liis  widow  and  cliil- 
drcn  can  i)oint  with  pride  to  the  record  he  has  left 
behind  him. 

Mrs.  Peters  was  born  in  Marietta,  Ga.,  Oct.  25, 
1852,  and  when  her  parents  removed  to  Kansas 
she  remained  in  her  native  State  to  complete  her 
education.  She  graduated  at  tlie  High  School  at 
Savannah,  Ga.,  and  followed  her  parents  to  this 
State  in  1865,  remaining  with  them  until  the  time 
of  her  marriage.  To  her  have  been  born  three 
children,  the  little  daughter  living  but  three  weeks 
and  the  two  sons  remaining  to  comfort  her  in  lier 
widowhood:  William  James  was  born  Dec.  10, 
1873,  and  Magill  Clark,  May  26,  1876.  Both  are 
at  home,  where  they  will  receive  every  advantage 
of  education  and  training.  The  elder  is  now  en- 
gaged in  the  office  of  the  Marshall  News,  fitting 
himself  to  follow  his  father's  footsteps  in  journal- 
ism. Though  her  married  life  was  chiefly  spent  in 
Sherman,  Tex.,  Mrs.  Peters  expects  to  make  Marys- 
ville  her  future  home,  to  which  measure  she  has 
been  led  on  account  of  the  health  of  her  younger 
son.  She  is  now  preparing  to  build,  and  will  soon 
be  occupying  a  substantial  and  attractive  home. 
She  is  a  lady  of  intelligence  and  culture,  hospitable 
and  generous,  and  a  true  gentlewoman. 

^^  MOS  FLIN.     Though  not  an  old  settler  of 
v@/lJ  I    Kansas,  the  above    named    gentleman   has 
//(   li    known  much  of  the  hard  work  and  priva- 
1^  tion  consequent  upon   life  in  a  new  coun- 

try, having  beeu  reared  among  the  pioneer  settlers 
of  Indiana,  and  being  a  member  of  a  famil}'  which 
suffered  much  at  the  hands  of  the  red  men.  His 
grandfather,  James  Flin,  was  killed  by  the  Indians, 
while  working  in  his  field  in  Virginia.  A  daugh- 
ter of  the  family  also  suifered  death  at  their  hands. 
The  savages  took  our  subject's  grandmother,  his 
father,  who  was  then  five  years  old,  and  his  fathers 
two   sisters — Polly   and    Chlora — captives.     They 

were  taken  to  the  wilderness  of  Kentucky,  where 
the  children  were  kept  in  captivity  until  grown. 
The  mother  died  in  captivity,  dropping  dead  while 
carrying  a  load  of  wood  to  cook  dinner,  slie  being 
compelled  to  do  the  drudgery  which  Indians  im- 
pose upon  their  squaws,  ller  daughter  desparing 
of  release,  became  the  wife  of  an  Indian, 'Ijy  whom 
she  had  one  child. 

John  Flin,  our  subject's  father  was  given  a  gun 
by  the  Indians  when  he  became  of  age  and  thus 
made  one  of  themselves.  He  shortly  afterward 
made  his  escape  and  returned  to  his  native  State. 
His  two  sisters  were  afterward  rescued  by  Daniel 
Boone,  an  account  of  which  event  will  be  found  in 
the  various  printed  biographies  of  that  noted  pio- 
neer. John  Flin,  while  in  the  employ  of  the  Gov- 
ernment, as  a  spy.  was  again  made  a  prisoner  by 
the  Indians,  who  oii  the  eve  of  a  battle  left  him 
guarded  only  by  squaws.  It  was  their  intention 
to  burn  him  at  the  stake  after  the  battle,  but  he  suc- 
ceeded in  making  his  escape  during  the  night, 
aided  by  some  friendly  squaws.  He  .afterward 
became  Government  Interpreter  for  Ohio,  Indiana 
and  Illinois. 

Our  subject  married  Agnes  Priest,  who  with  her 
parents  were  natives  of  Virginia.  Fourteen  chil- 
dren were  born  to  them,  our  subject  being  the 
fourth  in  order  of  birth,  and  the  others  being 
named,  respective!}-:  James,  John,  Jeremiah, 
George,  Millie,  Elizabeth,  Benjamin,  Adam,  Peter, 
Obadiah,  Chapman,  Isiiac  and  Elijah.  .James  is 
now  living  in  Delaware  County,  Ind.,  he  is  a 
farmer  by  occupation,  has  a  wife  and  family,  and 
is  now  eighty  years  of  age;  John  is  a  plasterer 
in  Marion,  Grant  Co.,  Ind,  and  lias  a  family;  Jere- 
miah died  in  1881,  in  Wabash,  Ind.,  he  was  a 
plasterer  and  brick-layer,  he  left  a  family;  George 
died  in  1883  in  Delaw.nre  County,  Ind.,  where  he 
had  followed  the  trade  of  a  plasterer,  he  also  left  a 
famil}^;  Millie  was  the  wife  of  Henry  Dick,  a  black- 
smith, she  died  in  Delaware  County,  Ind.,  in  1885, 
leaving  a  grown  family;  Elizabeth  was  married 
three  times;  her  last  husband,  Harris  Benjamin,  met 
his  death  by  an  accident  in  a  sawmill,  where  a  piece 
of  scantling  flew  back  and  broke  his  neck.  This  sad 
event  took  place  in  Miami  County,  Ohio,  in  1883; 
be  left  a  family,  his   widovv  has  since  died  in  Ohio; 



Adam  died  in  June,  1888,  near  Oregon.  Holt  Co., 
Mo.,  wiiere  be  was  engaged  in  farming;  Peter 
lives  in  Marion,  Grant  Co.,  Ind..  he  is  a  money 
broker,  is  married,  but  lias  no  children;  Obadiah  is 
engaged  in  farming  at  Marion,  Grant  Co.,  Ind.,  he 
is  married  and  has  a  family;  Chapman  is  engaged 
in  the  same  employment  at  the  same  place,  he  is  a 
widower  with  a  grown  family;  Isaac  is  engaged 
in  farming  at  Albany,  Ind;  Elijah  is  a  carpenter, 
and  makes  his  home  in  Grant  County,  Ind.,  with 
his  children,  his  wife  being  dead. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Miami  County.  Ohio, 
about  seven  miles  east  of  the  town  of  Troy,  on 
May  27,  1816.  He  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and 
attended  the  subscrii)tion  schools  of  the  neigh- 
borhood. As  soon  as  he  was  large  enough  to  set 
out  in  the  clearings,  he  was  obliged  to  go  to  work. 
When  twenty  years  old,  he  went  to  Springfield, 
Ohio,  to  learn  the  tanner's  tr.ade  under  John  Hays. 
He  remained  there  four  years,  and  then  started  a 
tannery  for  himself  in  Delaware  County,  Ind.  In 
1840  he  was  married  to  Harriet,  daughter  of  Mich- 
ael and  Elizabeth  Wolf,  the  ceremony  taking  place 
on  the  last  day  of  April.  Mr.  Wolf  was  a  farmer, 
and  he,  and  his  wife  and  daughters,  all  were  natives 
of  the  Buckeye  State.  In  the  fall  of  1 870,  Mr. 
Flin  came  to  Marshall  County,  and  settled  in  Ver- 
million Township,  where  he  now  resides.  He 
bought  320  acres  of  land,  eighty  acres  of  which  he 
has  since  sold  to  his  son,  Harmon  B.  He  has  been 
a  very  hard  working  man  during  his  long  life,  is  a 
successful  farmer,  and  well  deserves  tlie  prosperity 
which  has  attended  him.  In  addition  to  his  fine 
farm  he  is  the  owner  of  a  house  and  two  lots  in 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Flin  are  the  happj'  parents  of  the 
following  children.  All  are  married  except  one,  and 
doino-  well  in  life.  Francis  Marion  lives  in  AVells 
Township,  he  married  Susan  Stonebaker,  and  has 
a  family  of  seven  children;  Mary  Eliza  is  the  wife 
of  George  Stump,  of  Vermillion  Township,  and  is 
the  mother  of  seven  children ;  Agnes  is  the  wife  of 
Abner  Jobes,  who  is  engaged  as  a  teamster  in  Win- 
chester, Randolph  Co.,  Ind.,  she  has  two  children; 
George  is  engaged  in  farming  in  Center  Township, 
he  MKirried  Martha  M.  Campbell,  who  has  borne 
him  si-K  children;  Matilda  is  the  wife  of  John  Os- 

burn,  a  trader  and  speculator  in  Frankfort,  she  has 
three  children ;  Harrison  is  living  on  eighty  acres  of 
the  homo  place,  his  wife,  formerly'  Miss  Lydia 
V.aughn,  has  borne  him  three  children;  the  youngest 
son,  John,  is  still  at  home. 

Mr.  Flin  is  a  man  still  well  preserved  in  healih 
and  strength.  He  is  a  member  of  Frankfort  Lodge, 
No.  67.  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  in  which  he  holds  the  office 
of  Tyler.  Politically,  his  adherence  is  given  to  the 
Democratic  party,  and  he  has  frequently  been  a 
delegate  to  the  county  and  other  conventions.  He 
has  served  three  terms  as  School  Treasurer,  ful- 
filling his  duties  in  a  satisfactory  manner.  Both 
he  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the  Christian 
Church.  He  is  a  man  of  gentle  manners,  fine  char- 
acter and  a  citizen  who  is  held  in  high  esteem  bj' 
neighbors  and  acquaintances. 


\17  OCKWOOD  ROGERS.  Besides  being  a 
11  (©  prominent  lumber  merchant  of  Vermillion, 
jlL^  and  one  of  its  most  stirring  business  men, 
Mr.  Rogers  is  considerably'  interested  in  farming, 
and  owns  a  quarter  section  of  improved  land  in 
Noble  Township.  He  established  himself  at  Ver- 
million in  the  spring  of  1883,  and  purchasing  this 
lumber-3'ard  enlarged  it,  adding  the  necessarj-  build- 
ino'S  and  is  now  in  the  enjoj'ment  of  a  lucrative 
Imsiness.  He  has  a  fine  residence  adjoining,  and  is 
the  owner  of  seven  lots,  eligibly-  situated  and  de- 
sirable. He  keeps  a  full  stock  of  all  the  material 
in  his  line  and  numbers  his  patrons  for  miles 

Our  subject  was  born  in  the  vicinity  of  Brook- 
lyn, Province  of  Ontario,  Canada,  Jan.  9,  1835, 
and  was  reared  to  farming  pursuits,  acquiring  his 
education  in  the  district  school.  He  remained  un- 
der the  parental  roof  until  a  man  of  twenty-five 
years,  and  during  the  latter  part  of  this  time  man- 
aged his  father's  farm.  When  commencing  life 
for  himself  he  entered  the  employ  of  the  Grand 
Trunk  Railway,  remaining  in  the  Dominion  until 
1862.  That  year  he  emigrated  to  Lee  Cot  nty,  III., 
but  only  sojourned  there  about  two  months.  Then 
returning  home  he  worked  thirteen  months  for  his 



father,  after  vrhicli  lie  sought  Lee  County,  111., 
again,  where  he  einplojed  himself  at  farm  work  ;ind 
in  drilling  woUs.  In  September,  1869,  he  crossed 
the  Mississippi,  taking  his  machine  with  him  into 
Kansas,  shipping  his  drill  to  Frankfort  and  coming 
through  witii  a  team,  crossing  the  Mississippi  at 
Hock  Island  and  the  Missouri  at  St.  Joseph,  arriving 
in  Frankfort  safel}'  after  a  journej'  of  three  weeks 
and  three  days.  He  still  has  the  team  which  brought 
him  hither.  He  began  drilling  in  Frankfort,  and 
was  occupied  at  this  one  year,  then  secured  a  claim 
of  120  acres  in  Wells  Township.  Four  months 
later  he  sold  this  and  purchased  a  half  section  of 
school  land  in  Noble  Township,  for  which  he  paid 
$3  an  acre.  Later  he  purchased  another  farm 
upon  which  he  made  good  improvements,  erecting 
a  frame  dwelling  and  the  necessary  outbuildings. 
He  operated  this  himself  until  1883.  In  the  mean- 
time he  was  visited  by  the  grasshopper  plague 
three  seasons,  and  finally  sold  the  place  for  15,000, 
after  which  he  came  to  Vermillion. 

Mr.  Rogers  was  married  in  Frankfort,  in  1871. 
to  Miss  Ella  P.  Harris.  This  lady  was  born  in  Lee 
County,  111.,  acquired  a  good  education  and  em- 
ployed herself  as  a  teacher  in  Kansas  prior  to  her 
marriage.  She  became  the  mother  of  three  chil- 
dren, and  died  in  April,  1886.  One  child,  Ralph 
Leroy,  also  died  that  j^ear.  The  survivors,  .Joseph 
L.  and  Effie  B.,  are  at  home  with  their  father.  Mr. 
Rogers  assisted  in  the  organization  of  Noble  Town- 
ship, and  was  its  first  Treasurer.  He  is  at  present 
the  School  Treasurer  of  his  district.  He  served  as 
School  Trustee  seven  years,  and  as  Township  Trus- 
tee two  terms.  Politically  he  is  a  stanch  Republi- 
can, and  has  frequently  been  sent  as  a  delegate  to 
the  county  conventions.  In  Canada  he  served  as 
Assessor  when  but  twenty-three  years  old.  In 
connection  with  his  lumber  business  he  is  also 
agent  of  the  Phoenix  Fire  Insurance  Company,  of 
Brooklyn.  During  the  cold  spell  of  January,  1888, 
Mr.  Rogers  met  witli  a  serious  accident  by  being 
knocked  or  kicked  jn  the  head  either  by  a  horse  or 
some  person.  He  entered  his  lumber  ^-ard  and  re- 
members nothing  which  transpired  aftervvard. 
When  regaining  consciousness  he  was  lying  in  his 
barn  covered  with  blood.  He  succeeded  in  making 
his  wa}'  to  the  house  and  under  excellent  treatment 

partially  recovered,  although  one  side  of  his  face 
is  partially  paralyzed,  and  his  taste,  sight  and  hear- 
ing considerably  impaired. 

Joseph  L.  Rogers,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
born  near  Poughkeepsie.  N.  Y.,  of  which  State  the 
paternal  grandfather,  Gilbert  Rogers,  was  also  a 
native.  The  latter  when  reaching  manhood  emi- 
grated to  Canada,  and  located  in  Prince  Edward 
County,  where  he  was  among  the  earliest  settlers, 
and  spent  the  balance  of  his  life  engaged  in  farm- 
ing pursuits  He  was  of  English  descent,  and  the 
family  traced  their  ancestry  hack  to  the  landing  of 
the  Mayflower.  .Toseph  L.  was  reared  to  farming 
pursuits  and  was  at  one  time  the  owner  of  200 
acres  of  land  which  he  improved  from  the  forest 
of  Ontario,  Canada.  He  married  Miss  Phebe  Bow- 
erman,  a  native  of  New  York  State,  and  whose 
father,  Israel  Bowerman,  was  also  born  there  and 
carried  on  farming.  Later  he  removed  to  Simcoe 
County  where  he  oper.ated  as  a  miller,aud  lived  to  be 
ninety  years  old.  He  was  a  devout  Quaker,  and  of- 
ten officiated  as  a  speaker  in  his  church.  The  pa- 
ternal great-grandfather  of  our  subject  emigrated 
from  London,  England.  Grandmother  Rogers  was 
of  German  descent,  and  died  in  Canada  in  1853. 

To  the  parents  of  our  sul)ject  there  were  born 
nine  children:  Wilson  P.  died  in  Omaha.  Neb.,  in 
1886;  Walter  died  in  Caffada;  Laura  M.,  Mrs.  Mc- 
Brian,  is  a  resident  of  Ontario,  Canda;  Ralph  died 
at  the  age  of  twenty  years;  Royal  occupies  the  old 
homestead  in  Ontario;  Phebe,  (1st)  is  deceased; 
Walter,  (2d)  remains  in  Canada;  Phebe,  (2d)  INIrs. 
McChcster,  also  lives  there. 

OHN  I).  GRIFFIN,  Esq.  Among  the  promi- 
nent self-made  men  of  this  township,  we 
find  the  above-named  gentleman.  Mr.  Grif- 
^^/'  fin  began  life  without  any  capital  but  fine, 
mechanical  perceptions,  good  business  habits  and  a 
more  than  average  amount  of  intelligence,  and  at 
the  present  day  he  is  considered  one  of  the  most 
rai)id  workmen  in  Northern  Kansas.  Belonging  to 
the  better  class  of  Irish-Americans,  Mr.  Griffin  en- 



joys  the  respect  and   eonfldence  of  the  eommunity 
wherein  he  resides,  to  an  unlimited  extent. 

John  D.  Grilfin,  wliose  home  is  on  section  8, 
township  .5,  range  10,  is  a  native  of  County  Kerry, 
Ireland,  where  he  was  born  Feb.  8,  1831.  As  will 
1)6  remembered,  this  county  was  tlie  terminus  of 
the  first  Atlantic  cable,  and  Mr.  Griffin  saw  a  por- 
tion of  this  cable,  which  parted  in  mid-ocean.  His 
father,  David  Griffin,  of  Listowel,  County  Kerry, 
Ireland,  was  born  in  County  Limerick  in  1805,  and 
his  mother,  who  was  Johanna  O'Connor,  was  a  na- 
tive of  the  former  county.  Four  of  their  thirteen 
children  are  living,  the  subject  of  our  sketch  being 
the  eldest.  The  others  are  Patrick,  Kate  and  Jo- 
hanna, both  girls  being  unmarried. 

In  1849  Mr.  Griffin  reached  Dunkirk,  N.  Y., 
where  he  devoted  his  time  to  the  acquirement  of 
the  cabinet-maker's  trade.  Three  years  later  he 
came  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  engaged  in  pattern- 
making  and  car-work.  In  1860  he  removed  to  Fre- 
mont, Ohio,  and  entered  the  shops  of  the  Lake 
Erie  &  Louisville  Railroad  Company,  remaining 
there  nine  years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time 
he  came  to  Kansas,  and  finally  located  in  Vermil- 
lion Township,  this  county,  three  miles  north  of 
Vermillion  Station.  In  1875  he  became  the  owner 
of  his  present  farm,  wliich  was  then  a  tract  of  wild 
land  with  only  a  small  log  cabin  upon  it.  In  fact, 
at  that  time  the  improvements  in  this  localitj-  were 
but  few,  Scarcely  a  fence  offered  any  obstruction  to 
the  hurried  flight  of  deer,  wolves  and  other  wild 
game  which  might  be  pursued  by  the  hunter,  be 
he  Indian  or  white  man.  Mr.  Griffin  at  once  en- 
tered upon  the  following  of  his  trade,  and  nearly 
ever}-  house  in  the  neighborhood  offers  a  tribute  to 
his  fine  workmanship. 

Mrs.  Griffin,  nee  Margaret  Kelley,  daughter  of 
"William  Kelley,  deceased,  was  born  in  County  Kil- 
kenny, Ireland,  and  came  to  America  with  her  par- 
ents vvhen  a  child.  Mr.  Kellej-  made  his  home  at 
Syracuse,  N.  Y.  Miss  Kelley  was  married  to  our 
subject  Oct.  12,  1856.  and  of  the  ten  children 
liorn  to  them  four  are  living — Maggie.  John  E.. 
Agnes  and  Katie.  One  daughter.  Alice,  was 
drowned  in  Irisli  Creek  by  slipping  from  a  log 
which  served  .as  a  bridge  .across  tiie  creek.  She 
was  fifteen   3'ears  of    age.     One    son,  David,  lived 

to  be  six  5'ears  old.  His  son,  John  E.,  is  a  railroad 
bridge-builder,  and  lives  in  Cairo,  111.,  where  he  is 
the  overseer  of  100  bridge  carpenters,  receiving 
$125  per  month. 

Mr.  Griffin  has  been  for  the  past  eight  3'ears 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  his  administration  is 
marked  by  a  fine  sense  of  justice  and  a  high  grade 
of  intelligence.  The  entire  family'  are  devoted 
communicants  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 


R.  JAMES  TYLER,  Veterinary  Surgeon,  is 
the  owner  of  forty  acres  of  choice  land  on 
section  20,  in  Rock  Township,  where  he 
has  a  snug  home,  and  officiates  as  Town- 
ship Trustee.  He  is  a  man  who  has  seen  much  of 
frontier  life,  having  been  on  the  plains  man}'  3'ears 
at  different  times  during  his  j'ounger  manhood.  He 
has  made  a  study  of  his  profession,  and  is  consid- 
ered an  expert.  His  patronage  is  not  confined  to 
the  limits  of  his  township,  his  business  extending 
throughout  this  part  of  the  county. 

Of  Southern  antecedents,  our  subject  was  born 
near  Glasgow.  Howard  Co.,  Mo.,  Feb.  16,  1847, 
and  reared  there  on  a  farm.  In  the  meantime  he 
worked  at  blacksmithing  considerably,  and  grew 
up  with  only  llie  education  acquired  in  the  log 
school-house  of  those  primitive  times.  When  a  lad 
of  fourteen  3'ears  he,  in  1861.  accompanied  his  par- 
ents to  Illinois,  where  he  attended  a  free  school, 
but  his  active  temperament  led  him  to  seek  the 
employments  which  would  exert  his  muscles  rather 
than  his  brain.  When  a  youth  of  seventeen  he 
accompanied  his  father  to  this  State,  assuming 
charge  of  the  farm  belonging  to  the  latter,  and  was 
thus  occupied  until  1866. 

Young  T3'ler,  in  June  of  the  year  mentioned,  set 
out  on  an  expedition  across  the  plains,  driving  cat- 
tle to  Denver.  He  then  engaged  in  freighting  be- 
tween Julesburg  and  Ft.  Laramie.  He  encountered 
Indians  frequently,  and  at  one  time  was  attacked 
b3'  them  on  O'Fallon's  Bluffs,  and  later  in  the 
Black  Hills,  while  hauling  cord  wood.  He  had  a 
cousin  with  him,  and  their  onl3'  weapons  were  the 
wood,  so  the}-  made  their  escape  by  running.   Their 



teams  were  saved.  Tbe  following  year  our  subject 
was  appointed  a  wagon  boss,  wliicli  position  lie  oc- 
cupied a  number  of  months,  after  which  he  opera- 
leii  as  blacksmith  for  the  train,  shoeing  cattle,  and 
followed  this  three  years  in  tbe  employ  of  Maj. 
Biggers,  of  St.  Joseph.  In  the  fall  of  1868  he  re- 
turned home,  and  soon  afterward  set  out  for  Nortli- 
ern  Kansas.  A  dugout  sheltered  him  that  first 
winter,  and  he  operated  his  father's  land  with  two 
breaking  teams  of  oxen,  working  steadily  until  the 
fall  of  1869.  Then  going  into  AVashington  County, 
he  liomesteaded  land  in  the  vicinity  of  Waterville, 
but  changed  his  location  later  to  Frankfort,  where 
he  proved  his  claim  and  improved  his  property-, 
and  sold  out  in  the  spring  of  1870  for  $1,000. 
Thence  he  removed  to  his  mother's  place,  where  he 
prosecuted  farming  until  1872.  That  year  he  pur- 
chased eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  28,  Rock 
Township,  but  two  years  later  sold  this  also.  He 
purchased  his  present  homestead  in  1878,  and  in 
connection  with  his  profession  has  been  busily  en- 
gaged in  effecting  the  improvements  which  have 
made  it  so  pleasant  a  resort  for  his  family',  and  also 
for  his  friends. 

In  1875  our  subject  began  his  researches  into 
veterinary  surgery,  which  he  prosecuted  four  years, 
and  in  the  meantime  practiced  with  Dr.  Keeper,  of 
Frankfort.  He  carries  on  general  farming  on  a 
small  scale,  but  has  an  extensive  practice.  His 
home  lies  four  and  one-half  miles  north  of  Frank- 
fort. He  has  an  abundance  of  fruit  and  shade 
trees  around  his  home,  and  the  buildings,  without 
being  pretentious,  are  of  sufficient  size  and  char- 
acter for  the  needs  of  those  who  sojourn  there. 

A  marriage  ceremonj^  performed  at  the  bride's 
home  in  Waterville  Township,  in  1874,  united  our 
subject  with  Miss  Kate  A.  MuUender.  This  lady 
was  born  in  Cuba,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  11,  1855,  and  is 
the  daughter  of  John  M.  Mullender,  who  is  now  a 
prominent  farmer  living  near  Waterville.  The 
family  came  to  this  county  in  1868.  To  the  Doctor 
and  his  estimable  lady  have  been  born  five  chil- 
dren, namely:  John,  Charles,  George,  Monroe  and 
Martha.  The  Doctor,  politically,  is  an  uncompro- 
mising Democrat,  and  for  five  years  served  as  a 
Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  has  been  for  the  past 
eight  years  a  School  Director  in  his  district,  and  is 

connected  with  the  Masonic  fraternity  at  Frank- 
fort. He  is  frequently  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the 
Democratic  county  convention,  being  a  man  who 
has  considerable  influence  in  local  politics. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Pleasant  Tyler,  a 
native  of  North  Carolina,  and  the  son  of  Joseph 
Tyler,  who  was  likewise  born  there,  and  occupied 
himself  as  a  farmer  and  mechanic.  He  was  the  owner 
of  a  plantation,  and  during  the  War  of  1812  served 
as  a  private.  Pliially  he  removed  to  Virginia, 
where  he  followed  his  trade  a  few  years,  then 
changed  his  residence  to  the  vicinity  of  Evansville, 
Ind.,  where  he  engaged  in  farming  and  became 
well-to-do.  The  great-grandfather,- Charles  Tyler, 
of  North  Carolina,  was  an  own  brother  of  ex- 
President  Tyler.  The  family  is  of  Scotch  descent. 
Charles  Tyler  was  the  owner  of  a  large  plantation, 
embracing  1,000  acres  of  land,  operated  by  400 
slaves.  He  was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
ability,  and  possessed  of  a  fine  education. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  a  child  of  four 
years,  when  he  removed  to  Indiana  with  his  par- 
ents, where  in  due  time  he  learned  blaeksmithing, 
and  engaged  in  that  business  in  Evansville.  He 
finally  decided  to  seek  his  fortunes  on  the  other 
side  of  the  Mississippi,  and  made  his  way  to  How- 
aid  County,  Mo.,  where  he  was  one  of  the  pioneer 
settlers,  being  the  first  to  locate  at  Cross  Roads, 
where  he  purchased  land,  put  up  a  shop,  and  be- 
came well-to-do.  Upon  the  breaking  out  of  the 
Civil  War  he,  being  a  Union  man,  was  obliged  to 
leave  that  section,  leaving  his  farm  and  bis  black- 
smith shop  to  the  mercy  of  the  lawless  hordes  who 
ravished  the  country\  He  first  went  to  Sedalia, 
and  changing  from  master  to  man,  engaged  in 
blaeksmithing  six  months,  then,  in  1861,  made  his 
way  to  Mason  Count}',  111.,  and  established  himself 
on  a  rented  farm.  He  remained  there  only  one 
year,  however,  and  we  next  find  him  in  Menard 
County,  engaged  as  a  blacksmith,  and  later  in  To- 
ledo, where  he  remained  until  1864.  On  the  3d  of 
March,  of  that  year,  we  find  him  in  Atchison,  Kan., 
and  soon  afterward  on  a  rented  farm  near  Lancas- 
ter. Next  he  purchased  a  lot,  and  established 
himself  in  town  at  his  trade. 

In  1868  the  father  of  our  subject  came  to  this 
county,  and  homesteaded    land    in    tiic  vicinity  of 



Waterville.  In  the  latter  place  be  put  up  a  shop, 
and  occupied  himself  at  whatever  his  hands  could 
find  to  do,  as  a  blacksmith  and  general  mechanic. 
He  was  an  expert  with  tools,  and  could  manufacture 
most  anything  desired.  He  departed  this  life  in 
1870.  at,  the  age  of  fiftj'-nine  years,  firm  in  tlie 
faith  of  the  Christian  Church,  and  believing  in  the 
correctness  of  the  principles  of  the  Republican 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was,  in  her  girlhood, 
Grace  J.  Lasater,  who  was  born  in  Blount  County, 
Tenn.,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Jonathan  Lasater. 
a  planter  of  some  means.  The  latter  left  the 
South  at  an  earl}'  day,  and  established  himself  in 
Henderson  County,  Tenn.,  where  he  opened  up  a 
farm  and  spent  his  last  days.  He  traced  his  an- 
cestry to  England.  The  mother  of  our  subject  re- 
ceived a  good  education,  and  was  a  lad}'  of  more 
than  ordinary  abilities.  She  proved  up  the  home- 
stead, and  lived  there  until  1876,  then  coming  to 
Rock  Township,  took  up  her  abode  with  her  son, 
our  subject,  and  died  in  December,  1886,  at  the 
age  of  seventy  years.  The  parental  household  in- 
cluded eight  children,  of  whom  Francis  M.,  Jona- 
than, Margaret,  John  and  Hugh  are  deceased.  The 
survivors  are:  Mary,  a  resident  of  Waterville; 
James,  our  subject;  and  Luella.  Mrs.  Keefover,  of 

y^ILLIAM  C.  -McCURDY,  senior  member  of 
the  firm  of  McCnrdv  &■  Dickej'.  is.  with 
\^^'  his  partner,  conducting  a  thriving  liver}' 
business  in  Waterville,  where  he  has  been  estab- 
lished since  1886.  He  is  a  gentleman  of  consider- 
able means,  owning,  besides  his  interest  in  the 
above-mentioned  business,  a  well-improved  farm 
in  Waterville  Township.  He  is  popular  both  in 
social  and  business  circles,  being  public-spirited 
and  liberal-minded,  and  giving  his  aid  and  influ- 
ence to  those  enterprises  best  calculated  to  advance 
the  interests  of  his  community. 

A  native  of  Onslow,  Xova  Scotia,  our  subject 
was  born  June  14,  1834,  and  is  the  son  of  Alex- 
ander McCurd}',  a  native  of  the  same  Province, 
where  lie  spent  his  entire  life.     The  father  of  our 

subject  was  a  carpenter  by  trade,  and  also  prose- 
cuted farming  on  a  modest  scale.  He  accumulated 
a  moderate  amount  of  property,  and  held  various 
public  ofiSces  of  trust  and  responsibilit\'.  He  was 
prominently  connecteil  with  the  Baptist  Church 
for  many  3'ears  prior  to  his  death,  which  took  place 
in,  or  about,  1844. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Margaret  Conkcy.  She  was  likewise  a  native 
of  Nova  Scotia,  where  she  spent  her  entire  life. 
Tiie  parental  family  included  ten  children,  of  whom 
our  subject  was  the  seventh  in  order  of  birth.  He 
was  orphaned  b}'  the  death  of  both  parents  when 
(juite  young,  and  thus  thrown  upon  his  own  re- 
sources, began  at  an  early  age  to  look  for  himself. 
He  acquired  a  common-school  education,  and  was 
employed  as  a  clerk  in  his  native  town  until  1853. 
Then,  going  to  Lynn,  Mass.,  he  followed  the  same 
calling,  and  clerked  there,  and  then  at  Boston, 
until  about  1856. 

Mr.  McCurdy,  now  repairing  to  Lynn,  Mass., 
established  himself  as  a  manufacturer  of  boots  and 
shoes,  and  remained  there  until  1862.  Then,  sell- 
ing out,  he  changed  the  scene  of  his  operations  to 
Waterford,  N.  Y.,  and  was  in  the  retail  business, 
but  two  years  later  he  returned  to  Lj'nn,  and  re- 
sumed operations  there  until  1868.  That  year  he 
sold  out  the  second  lime,  and  set  his  face  toward 
the  Far  West.  Coming  to  this  county  with  the  re- 
solve of  engaging  in  agricultural  pursuits  and  stock- 
raising,  he  purchased  a  tract  of  land  in  Waterville 
Township,  to  which  he  gave  his  undivided  atten- 
tion until  1 878.  That  year  he  removed  to  Marys- 
ville,  which  remained  his  home  until  1881. 

We  next  find  Mr.  McCurdy  at  Winslow.  Ariz, 
engaged  in  mercantile  business,  which  he  prose- 
cnted  one  j'ear,  then  removed  to  Flag  Staff,  Ariz., 
where  he  still  followed  merchandising,  and  for  a 
time  also  engaged  in  furnishing  ties  to  a  railroad. 
Finallj',  returning  to  Marysville,  he  sojourned  there 
for  a  time,  then,  on  account  of  failing  health, 
started  for  the  South,  and  si)ent  some  months  trav- 
eling. He  returned  to  Waterville,  in  1886,  greatly 
improved,  and  purchased  an  interest  in  a  livery  and 
feed  business,  in  which  he  has  since  been  interested. 
His  farm  near  Waterville  is  operated  b}'  Andrew 
McMillin,  Mr.  McCurdy  liaving  the  general  super- 



vision  over  it.  This  embraces  a  fine  area  of  fer- 
tile laud,  from  which  the  proprietor  enjoys  a 
handsome  income. 

The  people  of  Marshall  County  have  paid  Mr. 
McCurdy  the  compliment  of  electing  him  to  manj- 
offices  of  trust  ard  responsibility.  He  was  elected, 
in  1869,  the  first  Trustee  of  Waterville  Township, 
serving  one  term,  and  in  1871  was  elected  Probate 
Judge  of  Marshall  County,  and  re-elected  twice, 
serving  in  this  i-apacity  a  period  of  six  years.  It 
was  conceded  by  all  that  he  made  a  wise  and  im- 
partial judge — one  well  qualified  for  the  position. 
He  now  holds  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
He  takes  an  active  interest  iu  educational  affairs, 
and  uniforml}'  gives  his  support  to  the  Republican 

In  1866  occurred  the  marriage  of  William  C. 
McCurdy  and  Miss  Mar^'  R.  Brooks,  of  Waterford, 
N.  y.  Mrs.  McCurdy  was  born  in  Waterford,  in 
1845,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Mary 
Brooks,  who  were  natives  of  England,  and  are  now 
deceased.  Of  this  union  there  were  born  five  chil- 
dren— Maude,  Susie  M.  and  W.  Fred  are  deceased : 
Harrj'  and  Mabel  reside  at  home  witli  their  parents. 

^H  MOS  SPANGLER.  Here  and  there  the 
l^yi]  biographer  encounters  an  old  homesteader 
///  i'  who  ventured  out  on  the  frontier  during 
1^^  the  early  settlement  of  Kansas,  fortified 
with  tliat  hardy  spirit  which  was  so  necessary  dur- 
ing the  times  which  tried  men's  souls.  Not  only 
did  they  have  to  contend  with  the  difficulties  of  life 
in  a  new  settlement,  but  there  followed  the  troubles 
which  gained  for  this  now  happy  and  prosperous 
commonwealth  the  title  of  "Bleeding  Kansas." 
Mr.  Spangler  has  borne  no  unimportant  part  in  the 
affairs  of  his  adopted  State,  both  politically  and 
financially.  He  spent  three  years  in  active  service 
during  the  Civil  War,  and  at  its  close  followed  the 
pursuits  of  agriculture  and  built  up  one  of  the  most 
charming  homesteads  within  the  confines  of  Noble 
Township.  This  embraces  160  acres  of  land  on  sec- 
tion 24,  and  has  proved  a  monument  more  endur- 
ing  than    marble    to   the   man  whose  energj'  and 

industry  have  been  exercised  in  a  marked  degree, 
and  which  have  met  with  results  which  should  be 
to  him  satisfactory  in  the  extreme. 

In  noting  the  antecedents  of  Mr.  Spangler.  we 
find  that  he  is  the  offspring  of  an  excellent  family 
and  the  son  of  Timothy  Spangler,  a  native  of  Penn- 
sylvania. The  paternal  grandfather.  George  Span- 
gler, likewise  a  native  of  the  Keystone  State,  was 
a  miller  by  trade,  and  in  early  years  followed  his 
calling  on  the  banks  of  the  Susquehanna  River. 
He  served  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  finally  leaving 
his  native  Slate  emigrated  to  Ohio,  and  settled  in 
the  wilds  of  Pickaway  County.  He  entered  land 
from  the  Government  and  constructed  a  fine  farm 
of  320  acres,  where  he  spent  his  last  days  in  the 
enjoyment  of  an  abundance  of  this  world's  goods. 
He  was  of  German  descent  and  a  prominent  and 
active  member  of  the  German  Reformed  Church. 
He  stood  high  in  his  community,  and  for  many 
years  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

The  father  of  our  subject  accompanied  his  par- 
ents to  Ohio,  and  for  many  years  farmed  on  his 
father's  place  and  became  the  owner  of  fifty-three 
acres  of  good  laud.  He  made  a  speeialt3' of  live- 
stock and  remained  a  resident  of  the  Buckeye  State 
until  his  death,  which  took  place  in  1871,  when  he 
was  seventy-eight  years  old.  He  was  married  in 
early  manhood  to  Miss  Eliza  Crider,  a  native  of 
Virginia,  in  which  State  her  father  was  also  born. 
The  latter  emigrated  to  Hocking  Countj^  Ohio,  in 
the  pioneer  days,  and  there  spent  the  remainder  of 
his  life.  The  mother  of  our  subject  died  in  1865  in 
Pickaway  County.  The  three  children  of  the  parental 
family  were  named  respectively,  Charles,  a  resident 
of  Lancaster  County,  Ohio;  Amos,  our  subject,  and 
Mary,  who  died  when  about  thirty  years  of  age. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  nearTarlton, 
Pickaway  Co.,  Ohio,  March  4,  1842,  and  there 
spent  his  boyhood  on  his  father's  farm,  acquiring 
his  education! in  the  common  school.  He  was  put 
to  work  when  a  lad  of  eight  years,  and  this  really 
suited  him  better  than  school,  from  which  he  fre- 
quently ran  away  as  opportunity  occurred.  On 
the  15th  of  August,  1862,  when  twenty  years  of 
age,  and  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  he 
proffered  his  services  to  his  country,  enlisting  in 
Company  B,  Htli  Ohio  Infantry,  and  was  mustered 



into  service  at  Cireleville.  After  a  brief  time  in 
Cainp  Cliase  he  went  South  with  his  regiment,  and 
thereafter  participated  in  some  of  the  most  import- 
ant engagements  of  the  war,  namely:  Cliickasaw 
Bayou,  Arkansas  Post,  Grand  Gulf,  Willow  Springs, 
Ft.  Blakely,  Champion  Hills,  Black  River  Bridge, 
the  siege  of  Vickshurg,  and  many  otliers.  He  was 
uniforml3'  found  at  the  post  of  duty,  and  suffered 
the  privations  and  hardships  incident  to  army  life. 
In  due  time  after  the  close  of  the  war  he  was 
mustered  out,  in  August,  1865,  and  received  his 
honorable  discharge  at  Columbus,  Ohio.  He  par- 
ticipated in  nine  pitched  battles,  besides  minor  en- 
gagements and  skirmislies.  and  w^is  frequent!}'  in 
the  thickest  of  the  fight,  with  his  comrades  falling 
around  him. 

Upon  returning  home  our  subject  operated  his 
father's  farm  until  1870.  and  then  decided  to  estab- 
lish a  home  of  his  own.  He  had  in  the  meantime 
been  married,  in  Tarltou,  Oliio,  Aug.,  19,  1869.  to 
Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  McKitrick.  Tlie 
latter  is  now  a  resident  of  Illinois.  In  the  spring 
of  1870  Mr.  Spangler  sought  the  wilds  of  Northern 
Kansas,  and  purchased  160  acres  of  land,  from 
which  he  constructed  his  present  valuable  home- 
stead. He  put  up  a  house  the  fall  following,  set 
out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  the  former  comprising 
poplar,  maple,  box,  cotton  wood,  willow  and  wal- 
nut. He  has  two  orchards,  embracing  300  trees  of 
all  kinds  of  fruits,  and  a  grove  of  five  acres.  He 
put  up  a  neat  and  substantial  dwelling  for  himself 
and  lias  another  for  his  hired  help.  The  barn  and 
other  outbuildings  are  fully  adapted  to  the  storage 
of  grain  and  the  shelter  of  stock.  The  land  is 
watered  by  Tyler's  Branch,  which  is  fed  by  a  run- 
ning spring,  thus  making  it  admirablj-  adapted  for 
stock-raising.  Mr.  Spangler  keeps  graded  Norman 
draft  horses,  nine  head,  using  three  teams  to  operate 
the  farm,  also  graded  Sliort-horn  cattle  and  Po- 
land-China swine.  Tlie  land  is  all  under  a  good 
state  of  cultivation. 

Seven  children  have  been  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Spangler,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Mary  E.,  together 
with  the  five  younger,  Hattie,  Charles,  EfHe  R., 
Daisy  PL  and  Roy,  are  at  home  with  their  parents. 
Etta,  the  second  daugiiter,  is  the  wife  of  John 
Mooreliead,  a  farmer    of    Noble    Township.     Mr. 

Spangler,  politically,  was  reared  a  Democrat,  and 
loyally  adheres  to  the  precepts  of  his  early  train- 
ing. He  has  never  aspired  to  office,  although  of- 
ficiating as  Road  Supervisor.  He  assisted  in  the 
organization  of  Noble  Township  and  helped  to 
build  its  first  school-house.  Socially,  he  belongs  to 
Thompson  Post,  No.  46,  G.  A.  R.  He  is  an  active 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  to 
which  he  gives  a  liberal  support.  Upon  bis  first 
settlement  in  Noble  Township  there  were  no  houses 
between  his  land  and  the  present  site  of  Vermillion. 
Wolves  were  plentiful,  and  other  wild  animals 
abounded.  Mr.  Spangler  came  without  capital  to 
this  region,  is  consequently  a  self-made  man,  and 
has  I'eason  to  "be  proud  of  the  job." 

,|,  OSEPH  H.  WALKER.  The  advantages  of 
life  in  the  country  are  set  forth  in  their 
most  attractive  aspect  at  the  liome  of  this 
'^^JJ  gentleman,  which  comprises  a  well-regulated 
farm  of  160  acres  on  section  8  in  Noble  Township. 
The  buildings  are  neat  and  substantial  and  the 
dwelling  with  its  surroundings  is  in  all  respects  in- 
dicative of  refined  tastes.  There  is  an  abundance 
of  shade  trees,  with  beds  of  flowers,  the  latter  at- 
tended mostly  by  the  wife,  a  lady  of  much  culture 
and  who  is  in  all  respects  the  suitable  partner  of 
her  husband.  Mr.  Walker  settled  upon  this  place 
in  1881  when  there  were  upon  it  few  improvements, 
and  its  condition  to-day  indicates  the  industry  and 
perseverance  with  which  he  has  labored.  He  is  a 
natural  mechanic  and  thus  has  been  enabled  to 
bring  about  manj' conveniences  without  the  outlay 
of  large  sums  of  money.  As  a  farmer  he  is  thorough 
and  skillful  and  in  business  is  prompt  to  meet  his 
obligations.  As  a  member  of  the  community  he  is 
held  in  high  esteem. 

In  reverting  to  the  antecedents  of  our  subject, 
we  find  that  his  father,  James  P.  Walker,  was  a 
native  of  Wayne  County,  Ind.,  and  the  son  of 
Dr.  James  P.  Walker,  who  during  his  younger 
years  was  a  resident  of  Louisville,  Ky.,  where  he 
occupied  himself  as  a  teamster.  When  leaving 
tlie  Blue  Grass  State  he   established   himself   near 



Hagorstown,  Ind.,  where  he  was  among  the  earliest 
pioneers  anrl  opened  up  a  farm  from  the  wilder- 
ness. He  lived  there  until  about  1868,  then  came 
to  Kansas,  settling  in  Cherokee  County  and  en- 
gaged as  a  land  speculator.  About  tiiis  time  also 
he  began  practicing  medicine.  He  acquired  320 
acres  of  improved  land  and  died  there  in  1888. 
He  had  been  identified  with  the  Republican  pai'ty 
many  years. 

The  father  of  our  subject  during  his  younger 
years  carried  on  farming  in  Riplej'  Count}'.  Ind., 
wliere  he  owned  160  acres  of  land.  In  1878  he 
moveil  to  Missouri,  and  became  the  owner  of  320 
acres  of  land  in  Nodaway  County,  where  he  so- 
journed two  j'ears.  Thence  he  removed  to  Cow- 
ley County,  Kan.,  and  later  to  Reno  County, 
where  he  had  160  acres  of  land  and  where  he 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  dying  Aug.  4, 
1888,  at  the  age  of  fifty-eight  years.  During 
the  Civil  War  he  served  about  six  months  in 
an  Indiana  regiment.  He  was  a  Republican,  po- 
litically, and  a  Universalist  in  religious  belief. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Marian  V>.  Knap|).  She  was  born  in  Ripley 
County.  Ind. 

Grandfather  Knapp  was  n  native  of  Dearborn 
Count}',  that  State,  whence  ho  removed  to  Ripley 
County  during  its  pioneer  days.  In  the  latter  he 
became  the  owner  of  a  large  farm  and  also  en- 
gaged at  his  trade  of  a  wagon-raakor.  He  is  still 
living,  being  seventy  years  old  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  five  farms.  He  has  been  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace  for  thirty-five  years.  Religiously  he  is  a 
I'niversalist  and  politically,  a  Republican. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  is  living  with  two  of 
her  sons  in  Oklahoma  and  is  now  fifty  years  old; 
she  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church.  Tiie  par- 
ental household  included  three  children  :  Joseph  H., 
Alonzo  C.  and  Oliver  P.  M. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Ver- 
sailles, Ripley  Co.,  Ind.,  Nov.  10,  1859,  and  lived 
there  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years,  receiving  a 
practical  education  in  the  common  schools.  He 
worked  on  the  farm  with  his  father  until  the  spring 
of  1878,  then  went  to  Nodaway  County,  Mo.  In 
the  meantime  his  mechanical  genius  developed 
itself,  he  being  aljle  to  turn  his  hand  to  most  .any- 

thing and  was  variously  employed  until  coming  to 
this  county  in  the  spring  of  1881.  He  was  accom- 
panied by  his  brother,  Oliver  P.  M.,  and  made  the 
journey  overland  with  a  team.  He  at  once  secured 
160  acres  of  land,  for  which  he  paid  $.5  per  acre 
and  upon  which  there  were  no  improvements.  Six- 
teen acres  had  been  broken,  but  otherwise  it  lay  in 
its  original  condition.  Mr.  Walker  improved  his 
time  thereafter  and  made  preparations  to  establish 
domestic  ties.  On  the  3d  of  Decem)ier,  1882,  hav- 
ing repaired  to  Ripley  County,  Ind.,  he  was  united 
in  marriage  to  Miss  Norah  B.,  daughter  of  Samuel 
R.  Grimes.  The  latter  was  a  native  of  that  county 
and  the  son  of  John  Grimes  one  of  its  pioneer  set- 
tlers. The  latter  cleared  a  farm  from  the  wilder- 
ness and  died  there. 

Samuel  R.  Grimes  spent  his  boyhood  upon  a 
farm  and  improved  his  opportunities  for  an  educa- 
tion which  was  rather  limited.  By  faithful  appli- 
cation to  his  books,  however,  he  became  fitted  for 
teaching  and  followed  this  profession  for  a  period 
of  twenty  years.  In  the  meantime  he  was  gradu- 
ated from  Wilmington  College,  Ind.  He  became 
prominent  in  local  affairs,  occupying  the  various 
offices,  among  them  that  of  Assessor  and  Collector. 
He  left  Indiana  in  1885  and  coming  to  this  county 
located  at  Vlietts,  of  which  he  is  now  Postmaster 
and  Weighmaser.  His  age  is  sixty-eight  years. 
He  is  a  Democrat  politically,  and  religiously  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in 
which  he  has  served  iis  Class-Leader. 

Mrs.  Catherine  A.  A.  (Cariington)  Grimes,  the 
mother  of  Mrs.  Walker,  was  the  daughter  of  Benja- 
min P.  Carrington,  a  native  of  Connecticut,  and 
who  during  his  younger  years  was  occupied  as  a 
general  mechanic.  When  leaving  New  England,  he 
established  himself  at  Lawronceburg,  Ind.,  where  he 
was  principally  engaged  in  placing  engines.  Later 
he  removed  to  Rii>ley  County,  Ind.,  vvhere  he  en- 
gagerl  in  farming  and  as  a  general  mechanic,  and 
became  well-to-do  and  the  owner  of  400  acres  of 
land.  He  conducted  a  machine  shop,  and  there 
spent  his  last  years.  His  father  was  an  officer  in 
the  Revolutionary  War.  Mrs.  Grimes  is  still  liv- 
ing and  a  resident  of  Yliets,  being  now  forty-eight 
years  old.  She  is  the  mother  of  eight  children, 
viz.:    Emily    L..   living    in    Ripley   Comity.   Ind.; 



Norah  B.,  Mrs.  Walker;  Mary  D.,  who  died  when 
about  twenty-two  years  old;  Laura  A.,  a  teacher 
living  at  home;  Carrie  A.,  and  Delia  E.,  also  at 
home  with  their  mother;  Robert  C,  deceased,  and 
Paul  W. 

Mrs.  Walker  was  born  near  ^'ersailles,  Ind.,  Feb. 
23, 1863,  and  lived  with  her  parents  upon  the  farm 
until  a  maiden  of  twenty  years,  enjoying  good 
school  advantages.  She  taught  school  two  terms 
prior  to  her  marriage.  Mr.  Walker  put  up  his 
present  dwelling  in  1885.  It  is  a  tasteful  and 
roomy  structure,  the  main  part  occupying  an  area 
of  16  X  26  feet  and  the  wing  being  14  x  16  feet  in 
dimensions.  He  also  has  a  good  stable,  together 
with  a  carpenter  and  blacksmith  shop,  in  which  by 
repairing  his  farm  implements  and  doing  various 
other  work,  he  saves  probably  hundreds  of  dollars 
annually.  He  has  set  out  an  apple  orchard  and 
trees  of  the  smaller  fruits,  has  a  fine  grove,  and 
many  of  his  fields  are  enclosed  with  hedge  fencing. 
A  fish  pond  stocked  with  German  carp  forms  an- 
other attraction  of  the  place.  His  stock  consists 
of  graded  cattle  and  swine  with  four  good  horses. 
Sixty-five  acres  of  the  land  are  under  the  plow  and 
each  j-ear  adds  something  to  the  value  of  the 
property  as  improvements  multiply  and  cultivation 
goes  on.  This  happy  roof-tree  shelters  one  child, 
a  little  daughter,  Ethel  B.,  who  was  born  Dec.  15. 

Mr.  Walker  is  a  stan('h  adherent  of  tlie  Republi- 
can party.  His  wife  is  a  well  informed  lad^'  who 
has  her  own  views  in  regard  to  matters  and  things 
and  who  sympathizes  with  the  Democracy.  They 
attend  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  Pickets. 
Mr.  Walker  is  Clerk  of  the  School  Board  in  his 
district,  which  position  lie  has  occupied  for  the  last 
four  years. 

¥41  i^ILLIAM  BI.  ROUNDTREE  was  born  Feb. 
18,  1844,  in  Knox  County,  III.  His  father, 
John  D.  Roundtree,  was  a  native  of  Ken- 
tucky, in  which  State  he  was  married  to  Dosha 
Fugua.  At  an  early  day  he  removed  to  Illinois, 
where  he  carried  on  the  business  of  farmin":.     The 

family  consisted  of  twelve  children,  named  respec- 
tively: Patsey,  Nancj-,  Elizabeth,  Turner,  Mary, 
Louisa,  Dudley  R.,  .James,  Narcissa,  Obadiah, 
Kattie  and  William  M.  Patse3^  is  now  living  in 
Clear  Fork  Township.  She  married  Thomas  Ed- 
gar, who  died  in  January,  1885.  She  has  borne 
nine  children,  of  whom  five  are  now  living.  Nancy 
died  in  this  place  June  1,  1878.  She  was  the  widow 
of  Joel  S.  Young,  of  Knox  Count}',  111.,  who  died 
in  1859.  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of  Robert  Osborne, 
a  retired  farmer  now  residing  in  Frankfort.  Turner, 
at  the  age  of  eighteen,  accidentally  shot  himself 
while  hunting  in  Illinois.  Mary  died  in  girlhood. 
Louisa  died  in  Pattawatomie  Count}-,  Kan.,  July 
23,  1885,  at  the  age  of  fifty-two;  she  was  unmar- 
ried. Dudlej-  R.  is  pursuing  agriculture  in  Potta- 
watomie County,  Kan.;  his  wife  was  formerly  Miss 
Lottie  Clang.  James  is  a  retired  farmer,  living  in 
Wataga,  Knox  Co,,  111.;  he  married  Miss  Nanc}' 
A.  Duvall.  Narcissa  is  the  wife  of  Latham  A. 
Howe,  and  is  living  in  Knox  County,  111.  Obadiah 
died  in  infancy. 

Our  subject  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and  re- 
ceived such  educational  advantages  as  are  open  to 
a  farmer's  son,  through  the  district  schools.  He 
remained  under  the  parental  roof  until  the  year 
1868,  being  then  twent3--four  years  of  age.  He  at 
that  time  removed  to  Kansas,  and  bought  160 
acres  of  land  in  A'erraillion  Township  this  county, 
where  he  has  since  made  his  home,  and  where  he 
is  engaged  in  general  farming  and  stock-raising. 
The  farm,  which  comprises  the  northwest  corner  of 
the  township,  is  in  excellent  condition,  and  bears 
all  necessar}'  and  adequate  improvements.  The 
i-esidence  is  a  fine  frame  building  in  Gothic  style, 
and  the  pleasant  home  is  presided  over  by  a  plump, 
good-looking  and  refined  mistress.  This  lady,  to 
whom  our  subject  was  married  Oct.  27,  1874,  was 
a  native  of  Waukesha  County,  Wis.,  and  bore  the 
maiden  name  of  Ann  J.  McElroy.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  A.  McElroy,  wlio 
were  married  in  New  York  City.  Her  father  was 
a  native  of  Massachusetts,  and  her  mother  of  Eng- 
land. The  latter  died  when  her  daughter  Ann  was 
quite  small,  and  the  father  in  1856  emigrateil  to 
Kansas  and  took  up  his  abode  in  this  count}*.  He 
was  Postmaster  at  Frankfort  a    number  of    years. 



Two  years  ago  lie  retired  from  that  office,  and 
now  keeps  a  notion  store  in  the  Postofflee  building. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Roundtree  eight  bright  chil- 
dren have  been  born — William,  who  died  in  in- 
fancy; John  D.;  Benjamin  E.,  Myrtie  I.,  Dudley 
L.,  who  died  at  the  age  of  twenty-lwo  months; 
May,  Guy  and  Roswell. 

Mr.  Roundtree  has  held  the  olhces  of  School  Di- 
rector, School  Clerk  and  Road  Overseer.  He  is 
independent  in  his  political  views,  voting  for  those 
who,  in  his  judgment,  are  best  qualified  for  llic 
offices  to  which  tliey  are  nominated.  Though  in 
rather  poor  health,  he  gives  careful  attention  to 
his  business  occupations.  He  is  a  man  of  more 
than  ordinary  intelligence,  of  kindly  nature  and 
agreeable  manners,  and  one  who  stands  high  in 
the  esteem  of  the  citizens  of  the  siirrf)unding 

\ij  UDGE  GERVASE  GOODWIN.  When  the 
citizens  of  a  country  go  to  its  agricultural 
districts  for  a  candidate,  and  elect  a  man 
whose  politics  are  opposed  to  the  prevailing 
opinion  of  a  county,  it  speaks  well  for  their  judg- 
ment and  the  character  of  the  man  chosen.  Such 
has  been  the  case  in  Republican  Marshall  County-, 
where  the  subject  of  our  sketch  has  been  elected 
Judge  of  the  Probate  Court.  At  time  of  his  elec- 
tion, in  1888,  he  was  living  upon  a  fine  farm,  com- 
prising 160  acres  of  highly  cultivated  Innd  on 
section  20,  Wells  Township,  and  which  he  left  for 
a  cit}'  residence  during  his  term  of  office. 

Judge  Goodwin  was  born  Nov.  17,  1836.  in 
Lincolnshire,  England,  and  there  lived  until  the 
age  of  seventeen  years,  attending  the  town  schools. 
He  finished  his  education  at  Windsor,  Loudon, 
and  afterward  served  an  apprenticeship  of  two 
years  in  the  wholesale  dry -goods  house  of  William 
Gath  &  Co.,  at  Bradford,  Yorkshire,  England. 
Without  company  he  tiien  emigrated  to  Canada, 
locating  in  the  county  of  Oxford,  where  he  re- 
mained for  twenty  years  engaged  in  the  mercan- 
tile and  afterward  in  agricultural  pursuits.  While 
there  he  was  Reeve  of  the  township  for  six  j-cars, 
and  Warden  of  the  count}'.      (The  office  of  Reeve 

is  similar  to  that  of  our  Township  Board,  and 
Warden  to  that  of  Chairman  of  the  County  Board. ) 
He  was  also  a  member  of  the  School  Board,  and 
held  various  other  offices.  In  July,  1858,  he  mar- 
ried Miss  Carrie  Cornell,  a  native  of  that  county 
She  was  the  daughter  of  Samuel  P.  and  Julia 
Cornell,  Her  father  was  one  of  the  oldest  settlers 
of  Oxford  County,  Canada,  and,  with  his  brother, 
a  merchant  there.  Both  were  prominent  men, 
though  politics  were  foreign  to  their  belief,  be- 
longing, as  they  did,  to  the  Society  of  Friends.  In 
the  same  county  the  mother  lived  and  grew  to  wo- 

In  ]  874  our  subject,  with  his  family,  removed  to 
Oakfield,  Fond-du-lac  Co.,  Wis.,  there  engaging  in 
the  mercantile  business  for  four  years.  Avoidino- 
politics,  he  carried  on  a  good  business,  but,  on  ac- 
count of  the  health  of  his  wife,  he  came  West,  settling 
in  this  county,  buying  a  partially-improved  farm  in 
Wells  Township.  He  has  made  all  the  improve- 
ments usually  put  on  by  an  enterprising  farmer, 
including  a  variety  of  fruit,  until  it  is  now  con- 
sidered by  good  judges  one  of  the  most  highly 
improved  farms  of  the  township.  Change  of  clim- 
ate proverl  but  a  temporary  benefit  to  Mrs.  Good- 
win, who  died  in  December,  1880.  She  had  been 
the  mother  of  eight  children,  five  of  whom  survive 
her.  Charles,  now  living  in  Irvine,  is  engaged  in 
the  drug  business  for  himself.  He  married  Miss 
Sarah  Murray.  They  have  two  children — Gould 
and  Brownie.  Nellie,  wife  of  J.  P.  Miller,  a  tjrocer 
of  Blue  Rapids,  is  the  mother  of  one  girl— Carrie. 
Emma,  wife  of  George  ftHller,  a  farmer  of  Oketo 
Township,  this  county,  has  two  children— Edna 
and  Earl.  Lou  and  William  G.  are  still  at  home. 
All  have  been  given  good  educational  advantages. 
In  June,  1884,  Mr.  Goodwin  married  Mary  S. 
Steen.  of  Oakfield,  Wis.  This  union  has  been 
blessed  with  one  son — Russell. 

Miss  Mary  Steen  was  born  in  New  York  iii 
1846.  Her  mother  died  when  she  was  only  a  child, 
and  £he  came  with  her  father  to  Oakfleld,  Wis., 
where  he  died  in  1883.  Arthur  Steen  was  a  farmer 
and  a  prominent  man,  holding  various  count}'  posi- 
tions, and  a  man  of  means.  Our  subject  has  been 
a  loyal  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity  for  a 
third  of  a  century.    He  belongs  to  Crescent  Lodf^e, 



of  Oakfleld,  Wis.  He  is  an  attendant  and  sup- 
porter of  the  Episcopal  Church.  He  is  a  man  of 
abilitj'  and  fine  moral  character,  highly  s])oken  of 
by  all  who  know  him. 

EDMUND  Dr,  LAIR,  wiio  is  conducting  ex- 
tensive farming  and  stock  raising  interests 
in  Oketo  Township,  having  here  a  large  and 
valuable  farm,  lying  partly  on  section  13,  is  one  of 
the  foremost  men  of  his  calling  in  Marshall  County. 
He  and  his  family  have  a  very  attractive  home, 
fitted  up  with  all  the  modern  conveniences,  and 
handsomely  and  tastefulh'  furnished  throughout. 
On  another  page  will  be  found  a  fine  engraving  of 
this  convenieut  residence,  wherein  a  happ}'  family 
are  actively  co-operating  for  their  mutual  good. 
Mr.  De  Lair's  claims  to  representation  in  this  bio- 
graphical work  are  not  wholl}'  as  a  farmer,  but  in 
part  as  a  noble  type  of  the  veterans  of  the  late 
Civil  War,  whom  we  delight  to  honor,  and  who 
since  the  Rebellion  closed  have  done  so  much  to 
develope  the  magnificent  and  varied  resonrces  of 
our  great  Republic  that  their  valor  saved  from 
ruin,  to  add  to  its  wealth  and  importance,  to  pro- 
mote its  interests  in  every  direction,  and  advance 
it  to  its  present  high  position  among  the  most  pow- 
erful nations  of  the  earth.  Our  subject  has  an  en- 
viable military  record  as  an  able  and  trustworthy 
soldier,  who  did  his  share  of  the  hard  fighting  that 
kept  the  Stars  and  Stripes  floating  over  a  free  and 
undivided  country. 

A  native  of  Canada,  and  born  April  11,  1829, 
our  subject  was  the  second  of  the  ten  children, 
seven  of  whom  are  now  living,  of  John  and  Rachel 
(Hodge)  De  Lair.  His  parents  were  life-long  resi- 
dents of  Canada,  wliere  the}'  were  prosperously 
engaged  in  farming.  The  good  father  passed  away 
from  the  scenes  of  earth  in  1877.  having  rounded 
out  a  busy,  honorable  life,  and  his  faithful  wife 
followed  him  in  1881,  to  that  "bourne  from  whence 
no  traveler  returns."  In  his  pleasant  Canada  home 
our  subject  grew  to  man's  estate,  obtaining  in  the 
common  schools  a  very  good  education.  At  the 
age  of  twenty-one  he  started  out  in  life  for  himself, 

well  equipped  for  its  struggles  with  manliness,  an 
energetic  .and  stable  character,  and  a  well-balanced 
mind  in  a  sound  body.  He  came  to  the  States, 
and  on  the  fertile  prairies  of  Illinois  devoted  him- 
self to  farming,  settling  on  a  farm  in  Pa3'ne's  Point, 
Ogle  County,  and  successful!}'  continued  its  man- 
agement until  the  demand  of  the  Government  for 
more  men  to  aid  in  suppressing  the  Rebellion,  de- 
termined him  to  put  aside  his  personal  interests 
and  ambitions,  to  take  part  in  the  great  struggle 
that  he  had  been  watching  with  intense  feeling,  and 
do  all  that  he  could  for  his  adopted  country  in  her 
darkest  hour  of  trouble. 

Thus  it  was  that  Mr.  De  Lair  in  1862  enrolled  iiis 
name  as  a  member  of  Company  K,  92d  Illinois  In- 
fantrj\  and  from  that  time  until  the  cessation  of 
hostilities  served  faithfully  and  valiantlj',  proving 
to  be  a  courageous,  self-sacrificing  soldier,  always 
obedient  and  cheerful,  and  displaying  coolness  and 
nerve  in  the  face  of  the  enemy.  He  did  not  escape 
unscathed  from  the  terrible  hardships  of  life  on 
Southern  battlefields,  but  at  Taylor's  Ridge,  Ga., 
in  1864,  he  received  a  sunstroke,  from  the  effects 
of  which  he  is  troubled  to  this  day.  He  served 
with  his  regiment  all  through  his  term  of  service, 
and  was  with  it  in  the  engagements  at  Duck  River, 
Tenn.;  Lookout  Mountain ;  Aiken,  S.  C;  Taylor's 
Ridge,  Ga.,  Tunnel  Hill,  Ga..  Atlanta,  Ga.,  Love- 
joys,  Ga.,  and  various  other  places.  The  9 2d  Regi- 
ment did  valiant  service  on  many  a  Southern  bat- 
tlefield. The  field  officers  were  :  Smith  D.  Ad- 
kins,  as  Colonel;  Sheets.  Lieutenant-Colonel; 
Woodcock,  Major ;  This  was  a  mounted  infantry 
regiment,  and  was  commanded  by  as  brave  a  set 
of  field  and  line  officers  as  ever  wore  shoulder 
straps,  and  they  were  backed  by  as  brave  a  set  of 
soldiers  as  ever  bore  muskets  on  a  battlefield,  and 
won  for  themselves  an  enviable  record  during  the 
war.  They  were  noted  for  great  strength,  and 
were  always  dismounted  during  the  battle.  Capt. 
Woodcock  was  the  first  Captain  of  Cora  pan  \'  K, 
who  was  promoted  to  Major;  then  Lieut.  Scovill 
was  Captain  until  he  was  captured  at  AVickerjack, 
Ga.,  when  Lieut.  Walker  took  command  of  the 
company,  and  was  commander  until  the  close  of 
the  war. 

After  his  discliarge.  July  2.3,  186,5,  Mr.  De  Lair 

Oketq  City. 

MapleGrove  Farm".  Residence  of  Edmunc 

k  Lair  ,  Sec. 13.  OketoTownship,Marshall  County. 



returned  home  with  his  regiment  to  Illinois,  ami 
was  once  more  united  with  his  family.  He  re- 
mained in  that  State  until  the  fall  of  1866,  when 
he  came  to  K<ansas,  having  foreseen  with  charac- 
teristic sagacity  and  keen  judgment  that  in  such  a 
community  of  intelligent,  enterprising,  industrious 
men  as  were  settling  this  State,  land  would  rise  in 
value  and  prosperity  would  smile  upon  the  people, 
and  that  the  chances  for  a  practical,  skilful  agri- 
culturist to  make  money  were  exceptional.  Hav- 
ing determined  to  cast  in  his  lot  with  the  sturdy, 
resolute  pioneers  of  this  section  of  the  country,  he 
at  that  time  purchased  his  present  farm.  It  com- 
prises 720  acres  of  rich,  tillable  laud,  under  excel- 
lent cultivation  and  capable  of  producing  large 
crops,  and  it  is  provided  with  neat  and  commodious 
buildings  for  every  necessary  purpose,  including 
his  pretty,  tasty  residence  that  he  erected  last  sea- 
son. His  farm  is  well  stocked  with  cattle  of  good 
grades,  of  which  he  handles  a  large  number, and  he 
has  at  present  about  450  hogs. 

Mr.  De  Lair  has  been  twice  married.  He  was 
first  wedded  Sept.  20,  1852,  to  Miss  Dilena  King,  a 
daughter  of  Joshua  King,  of  Ogle  County,  111.  Of 
that  union  eight  children  were  born,  five  of  whom 
are  living,  namely:  Oscar  M.,  Ida  E.,  Dora  O., 
Rachel  C,  Effle  May.  June  21,  1886,  the  shadow 
of  death  again  fell  athwart  the  tlireshold  of  the 
home  of  our  subject,  and  the  devoted  wife  aud  lov- 
ing mother  was  removed  from  the  midst  of  her 
family.  Mr.  Delair  was  married  to  his  present 
amiable  wife  Aug.  24,  1887.  She  was  formerly 
Miss  Hannah  Smith,  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Smith, 
of  Creston,  111.,  and  a  sister  of  Thompson  Smith, 
whose  sketch  appears  in  this  volume. 

Although  our  subject  was  born  over  the  border 
within  the  dominion  of  our  northern  neighbor,  yet 
crossing  the  line  into  the  United  States  when  he 
had  attained  his  majority,  the  years  of  his  manhood 
have  been  entirely  passed  under  this  flag,  and 
from  the  time  when  in  the  prime  and  vigor  of  life 
he  enlisted  to  do  battle  in  its  defence,  he  has  proved 
his  lo3'alty  and  devotion  to  tlie  interests  of  his 
adopted  country.  He  has  been  closely  identified 
with  the  growth  and  development  of  Marshall 
County,  and  will  ever  hold  an  honorable  place 
among   her    pioneers.     The  extraordinary  success 

that  has  met  his  endeavors  to  accumulate  pr<;perty 
shows  him  to  be  a  man  of  marked  ability,  profound 
judgment,  and  keen  business  talents.  His  position 
as  a  citizen  of  Oketo,  is  that  of  one  who  by  his  pub- 
lic spirit  and  beneficence  has  been  of  great  good  in 
advancing  its  material,  educational,  and  religious 
interests.  He  has  done  his  duty  with  conscientious 
fidelity  when  called  to  public  office.  He  has  been 
an  efficient  Treasurer  of  his  school  district  for  a 
number  of  years,  and  has  been  a  good  Road  Over- 
seer. In  commemoration  of  the  part  he  took  in 
the  Civil  War  he  is  identified  with  the  Oketo  Post, 
No.  477  of  the  Gr.  A.  R.  In  politics  he  is  a  sound 
Democrat,  and  gives  material  support  to  his  party. 
He  and  his  wife  are  people  of  sincere  religious 
convictions,  and  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
has  in  them  two  of  its  most  consistent  members. 

eHARLES  A.  SWANSON.  Among  the  suc- 
cessful  stock-raisers  and  farmers  of  this 
county,  is  the  above-named  gentleman,  who 
resides  on  section  4,  Murray  Township,  where  he 
occupies  a  highly  improved  farm  of  220  acres.  The 
land  is  well  watered,  well  stocked,  and  upon  it  the 
owner  has  erected  adequate  and  substantial  farm 
buildings.  In  addition  to  the  home  farm  Mr.  Swan- 
son  owns  forty  acres  in  another  part  of  the  town- 
ship. Mr.Swanson  is  of  foreign  birth,  having  first 
opened  his  ej'es  to  the  light  in  Smolin,  South 
Sweden,  Dec.  16,  1849.  His  father,  Swan  John- 
son, lived  and  ilied  in  Sweden,  his  death  taking 
place  in  1859,  when  he  was  but  fifty-four  years  of 
age,  and  his  son,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  \'et 
under  ten.  The  wife  still  survives  at  the  age  of 
sist3'-seven,  and  lives  in  America  with  her  chil- 
dren. Both  parents  were  consistent  members  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Our  subject  was  reared  and  obtained  a  good  edu- 
cation in  his  native  country.  When  about  twenty 
years  old  he  set  out  for  the  United  Slates  via  Eng- 
land, taking  passage  at  Liverpool,  July  19,  1869, 
and  landing  in  New  York  City,  from  which  place 
he  came  to  Chicago,  III.  He  spent  some  years  in 
Illinois,  coming  to  this  State  from  Hancock  County 



in  the  year  1871,  and  obtaining  from  the  Govern- 
ment an  80-acre  homestead.  He  endured  man_v 
hardships  during  his  earlj'  residence  without  being 
dismayed  by  them.  By  persevering  industr}-  he 
not  only  improved  the  homestead,  but  gradually 
attained  a  greater  measure  of  prosperity,  adding  to 
his  farm  many  acres,  and  bringing  the  entire  place 
to  a  iiigh  state  of  cultivation,  and  raising  annually 
large  numbers  of  horses,  cattle  and  hogs. 

Mr.  Swanson  was  married,  in  this  township,  to 
Miss  Ingra  Eliason,  who  was  born  near  her  hus- 
band's native  town  in  Sweden,  Feb.  5,  1854.  At- 
taining to  j-ears  of  maturity,  she  had  come  to 
America  alone,  her  father,  Elias  Moody,  with  liis 
wife,  following  their  daughter  to  this  country  in 
1882,  and  now  living  upon  the  farm  of  their  son- 
in-law.  Mf7  and  Mrs.  Swanson  are  the  parents  of 
five  children — Victor  S..  Amanda  D.,  Emma  A.  and 
Edgar  F.  now  living;  and  Minnie  C.  deceased. 
The  farail}'  are  attendants  of  the  Lutheran  Church, 
lioth  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Swanson  being  members  in  good 
standing.  Mr.  Swanson  is  now  serving  as  Town- 
ship Clerk,  an  office  which  he  has  held  for  some- 
time. His  political  adherence  is  given  to  the 
Republican  party.  He  is  a  man  of  sterling  integ- 
rity of  character,  progressive  and  enterprising  in 
his  business,  and  occupies  a  high  rank  among  the 
people  of  the  countj\ 

-^. .^^ V- 

HARLES  C.  WHEELER.  Among  the  prom- 
inent business  men  of  Marysville,  none  have 
exhibited  greater  ability  than  the  subject  of 
our  sketch,  who  is  now  engaged  in  the  coal  busi- 
ness in  the  city,  attending  to  two  farms,  and  also 
dealing  in  real  estate.  James  T.  Wheeler,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  the  Province  of 
New  Brunswick  in  1807.  He  was  educated  in  his 
native  countiy  and  taught  there  for  some  years 
after  arriving  at  maturity.  About  the  year  1833 
he  came  to  St.  Charles,  111.,  and  there  took  up  a 
new  farm.  In  Januai-j',  1835,  he  married  Miss 
Young,  formerly  of  the  same  place.  He  made  of 
his  farm  a  fine  home,  where  he  continued  farming 
until  1865,  when  his  eldest  son  took  char-ge  of    the 

property  and  the  father  retired  from  business.  In 
1885  Mr-,  and  Mrs.  Wheeler  held  their  golden  wed- 
ding anniversary  at  St.  Charles.  To  them  have 
been  born  six  childreir,  all  of  whom  lived  to  ma- 
turity: .J.  B.  T.,  now  living  on  the  homestead; 
Mary  A.,  now  Mrs.  C.  H.  Davidson,  of  Austin, 
Minn.;  H.  N.,  now  editor  of  the  Quincy  Journal^ 
at  Quincy,  111.;  C.  C,  our  subject;  J.  K.,  at  Hart- 
ford, a  preacher  of  the  Baptist  denomination,  and 
J.  N.,  engaged  in  the  publishing  business  at  Chi- 
cago. The  father  and  mother  are  consistent  mem- 
ber's of  the  Baptist  Church.  In  politics  Mr.  Wheeler 
was  a  Whig  and  then  a  Republican,  alw.ays  radical 
on  that  subject  and  on  tempetance.  Tvvo  of  the 
sons,  J.  B.  T.  and  H.  N.,  were  in  the  army  during 
the  late  Civil  War. 

Our  subject  was  born  on  the  homestead  near  St. 
Charles,  Sept.  3,  1847,  and  there  lived  until  twenty 
years  of  age,  finishing  his  education  at  the  St. 
Char'les  school.  At  the  age  of  seventeen  he  went 
on  the  i-oad  as  commercial  salesman,  following  that 
business  until  two  years  ago,  traveling  from  Mo- 
bile. Ala.,  to  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  and  as  far  west  as 
Denver.  For  the  p.ast  nine  3ears  he  has  made  this 
city  his  home.  On  April  11,  1867,  in  Mobile, 
Ala.,  occuri'ed  his  marriage,  to  Miss  Anna  E.  Cogg- 
eshall.  She  is  the  daughter  of  W.  A.  Coggeshall, 
of  New  London,  Conn.,  in  which  place  she  was 
born,  Jan.  31,  1848,  i-eceiving  her  education  at 
Providence,  R.  I.  Mr,  Wheeler  is  a  stanch  Re- 
publican, a  man  of  fine  business  ability,  as  is  man- 
ifested in  his  affairs.  He  resides  in  a  large  frame 
dwelling  of  pleasing  design,  built  in  1889,  on 
Wheeler's  Addition  to  the  town  of  Marysville. 
This  addition  to  the  town  was  platted  in  1887,  and 
fr-om  its  sightly  precincts  Mr.  Wheeler  has  been 
selling  town  lots. 

J.  K.  Wheeler,  brother  of  our  subject,  was  edu- 
cated at  Wheaton,  111.,  for  a  teacher,  and  then  took 
a  theological  course  at  Chicago.  He  is  a  self-made 
man.  having  educated  himself  with  the  means  whicir 
he  obtained  from  teaching.  He  was  for  two  j-ear-s 
Principal  of  the  schools  at  Austin,  111.,  at  a  salar-y 
of  81,500  a  year,  r.nd  with  the  prospect  of  receiv- 
ing the  position  of  Principal  in  the  schools  of  Chi- 
cago. These  pr-ospects  he  left  to  study  for  the 
mlrristry.     His  first  charge    at    Marengo,    111., 

JPOBtitAlT  Ais^t)  JilOGtlAMlCAL  ALBUM. 


where  he  remained  four3'ears.  He  then  spent  four 
years  at  Terre'  Haute,  Ind.,  and  thence  went  to 
Hartford,  Conn.,  a  fact  which  speaks  more  to  his 
praise  than  words  could  do.  Being  a  man  of  abil- 
ity and  an  earnest  worlcer,  if  life  be  spared  to  him, 
he  will  undoubtedly  make  his  mark  in  the  world. 




'AMES  M.  BRADSHAW.  Tiie  results  of 
irseveranee  and  industry  are  admirably 
illustrated  in  the  career  of  this  gentleman, 
(^^jl/  who  has  one  of  the  finest  farms  in  Murray 
Township,  located  on  section  2.  The  land  has  been 
brought  to  a  high  state  of  cultivation,  and  upon  it 
have  been  erected  neat  and  substantial  buildings, 
second  to  none  in  this  part  of  the  county.  The 
farm  is  largely  devoted  to  stock-raising,  and  the 
residence  with  its  appurtenances  is  situated  on  a 
rise  of  ground  commanding  an  extensive  view  of 
the  surrounding  country. 

Mr.  Bradsliaw  acquired  possession  uf  his  prop- 
erty in  1885,  and  has  effected  great  improvements 
in  its  condition.  In  addition  to  this  he  owns  a 
fine  farm  of  160  acres  on  section  25  of  Murray 
Township,  which  is  also  well  stocked  with  Durham 
cattle  and  Norman  hoises.  Mr.  Bradsliaw  lias 
gained  an  enviable  reputation  in  the  breeding  of 
fine  stock,  and  is  able  to  exhibit  some  of  the  best 
specimens  of  horses  and  cattle  in  this  region.  He 
came  to  Murray  Township  in  Februarj%  1880,  and 
for  five  years  lived  on  a  farm  near  the  citj'  limits 
of  Axtell.  Prior  to  this  he  had  been  a  resident  of 
Groveland  Township,  Tazewell  Co.,  111.,  where  he 
was  born  Dec.  16,  1842,  and  where  he  spent  his 
youth  and  early  manhood  with  the  exception  of 
three  years  in  which  he  served  as  a  soldier  in  the 
Union  Army. 

Our  subject  comes  of  substantial  Pennsylvania 
stock,  being  the  son  of  Robert  Bradshaw,  who  was 
born  in  Bucks  Count}',  that  State,  Aug.  28,  1799. 
The  paternal  grandfather  was  James  Bradsliaw, 
likewise  a  Pennsylvania  farmer  and  of  English 
ancestry.  The  latter  was  married  in  early  man- 
hood lo  a  Pennsylvania  lady  by  the  name  of  Jane 
Thomas,    and    they   spent   the  remainder  of  their 

lives  in  Bucks  County,  dying  when  quite  aged.  In 
religion  they  were  members  of  the  Friends'  Church. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  the  youngest  of  ele- 
ven children,  four  sons  and  seven  daughters,  all  of 
whom  lived  to  be  married  and  reared  families  of 
their  own.  He  remained  a  member  of  the  parental 
household  until  reaching  manhood,  and  then,  still 
unmarried,  made  his  way  to  Dearborn  County,  Ind., 
where  his  affections  in  due  time  were  captured  by 
Miss  Sarah  Owens,  who  became  his  wife.  This 
lady  was  a  native  of  Maryland  and  born  on  the 
Chesapeake  Bay.  She  went  to  Indiana  with  her 
parents,  James  and  Elizabeth  (Nelson)  Owens,  who 
were  likewise  natives  of  Marjlaiid.  They  sojourned 
in  Dearborn  County,  Ind.,  a  few  years,  being 
among  the  pioneer  settlers,  but  later  in  life  removed 
to  Tazewell  County  111.,  where  they  died  when  ripe 
in  years.  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Owens  took  naturally  to 
medicine  and  nursing,  and  attained  a  wide  reputa- 
tion as  a  successful  doctress.  She  prosecuted  her 
profession  all  through  Tazewell  County,  where  she 
became  widely  and  favorably  known.  In  the  pur- 
suit of  her  chosen  calling  she  went  out  at  all  times 
both  day  and  night,  and  in  al!  kinds  of  weather 
alone,  wading  across  creeks  and  bravely  encounter- 
ing storms,  both  summer  and  winter,  prompted  by 
her  interest  iu  the  welfare  of  her  sex,  treating 
women  only,  except  upon  extra  occasions.  She 
lived  to  the  ripe  old  age  of  ninety  years. 

Robert  Bradshaw  lived  in  Indiana  until  after 
the  birth  of  three  children,  then  resolveil  upon  a 
change  of  location.  Gathering  together  his  fam- 
ily and  household  goods,  he  started  overland  with 
teams  to  Groveland  Township,  Tazewell  Co.,  III., 
camping  wherever  night  overtook  him,  and  finallv 
arriving  safely  at  his  destination.  He  was  success- 
ful in  building  up  a  comfortable  home,  and  died 
there  April  20,  1871,  at  the  age  of  seveuty-two 
years.  He  was  not  only  a  thorough  and  skilled 
farmer,  but  a  citizen  highly  esteemed  in  his  com- 
munity, in  whose  affairs  he  became  prominent. 
He  served  as  County  Commissioner  a  number  of 
years,  and  represented  his  township  in  the  County 
Board  of  Supervisors  term  after  term.  Politicallj', 
he  was  an  Old-Line  Whig  nntil  after  the  abandon- 
ment of  that  party,  when  he  gave  his  cordial  en- 
dorsement to  Republican  principles.     The  wife  and 



mother  survived  her  husband  a  number  of  years, 
and  finally  came  to  Kansas,  and  died  at  the  home 
of  her  son  David,  who  resided  at  that  time  in  Mur- 
ray Township,  March  8,  1 883,  at  the  age  of  seventy- 
live  years,  having  bei'n  born  Feb.  7,  1808. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eighth  child 
and  third  son  of  his  parents,  and  received  a  practi- 
cal education,  completing  his  studies  in  the  com- 
mercial College  at  Peoria,  111.  After  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War  he  enlisted,  under  the  second  call 
for  troops  in  Company  G,  108th  Illinois  Infantry, 
as  First  Sergeant,  and  remained  with  his  regiment 
until  nearly  the  close  of  the  war,  when  he  was 
commissioned  Second  Lieutenant.  He  was  present 
at  the  first  attack  upon  Vicksburg,  was  also  in  the 
battle  of  Arkansas  Post,  later  was  at  the  siege  and 
capture  of  Yicksburg,  participated  in  the  fight  at 
Brice's  Cross  Roads,  Miss.,  was  at  Spanish  Fort  and 
Magnolia  Hills,  besides  various  other  engagements 
and  skirmishes — in  fact  he  was  in  every  engage- 
ment of  his  regiment  until  the  expiration  of  his 
term  of  enlistment,  when  he  received  his  honorable 
discharge  Aug.  2,  1864.  He  was  fortunate  in  never 
being  wounded,  and  was  never  absent  at  roll-call.  He 
possessed  a  vigorous  frame,  and  was  enabled  to 
endure  hardship  and  privation  to  a  remarkable 

Upon  retiring  from  the  service  Mr.  Bradshaw 
began  teaching  during  the  winter  season,  and  in 
summer  farming  on  his  own  account.  When  ready 
to  establish  a  home  of  his  own  he  was  married,  Nov. 
24,  1870,  at  Tiemont,  Tazewell  Co.,  111.,  to  Miss 
Lunette  Lackland,  who  was  born  there  Jan.  4, 
1850.  Her  father.  Col.  William  R.  Lackland,  was 
a  native  of  Tennessee,  and  removed  to  Tazewell 
County,  111.,  prior  to  his  marriage.  The  maiden 
name  of  his  wife  vvas  Cordelia  Warner.  She  was 
born  in  New  York  State,  and  removed  to  Illinois 
with  her  parents  when  a  young  girl.  Col.  Lack- 
land was  a  farmer  b3'  occupation  until  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War,  and  soon  afterward  organized 
Company  A,  108th  Illinois  Infantr3',  of  which  he 
was  elected  Captain.  Later  he  was  promoted  to 
Major,  next  to  Lieutenant-Colonel,  and  finally  to 
Colonel  of  his  regiment.  He  led  his  men  to  bat- 
tle in  many  of  the  important  engagements  which 
followed,  and  was    for  some  time  connected  with 

Gen.  Carr's  staff.  He  served  three  years,  and  es- 
caped unhurt  and  without  being  captured  by  the 
enemy.  He  received  an  honorable  discharge,  and 
resumed  farming  in  Tazewell  Count}',  but  only 
lived  a  few  years  thereafter,  dying  in  1874  when 
only  forty-three  years  old.  He  was  a  prominent 
man  in  local  politics,  and  held  many  of  the  offices. 
Mrs.  Lackland  is  still  living,  remaining  a  widow, 
and  makes  her  home  in  Tremont,  111.;  slie  is  now 
sixty  jears  of  age.  Both  she  and  her  husband 
identified  themselves  witli  the  Methodist  Church 
early  in  life. 

Mrs.  Bradshaw  was  reared  to  womanhood  in  her 
native  county,  receiving  careful  home  training,  at- 
tending the  Tremont  High  School.  Her  union 
with  our  subject  has  resulted  in  the  birth  of  five 
children,  one  of  whom,  Olive,  died  at  the  age  of 
sixteen  months.  The  survivors  are  Eugene  L., 
Maude  M.,  Gertrude  F.,  and  Ralph  H.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Bradshaw  attend  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  and  our  subject  politicallj-,  like  his  father 
before  him,  is  a  stanch  supporter  of  Republican 
principles.  He  has  held  the  various  local  offices, 
and  has  been  for  many  years  a  member  of  the 
School  Board.  He  is  a  friend  of  education  and 
progress,  and  is  accounted  one  of  the  most  useful 
men  of  the  community. 

^?=^EOKGE  A.  ELY,  of  the  firm  of  Ely  Bros., 
||(  (=)  ID  Axtell,  dealers  in  hardware  and  farm 
^^j!  implements,  also  lumber  and  coal,  became 
connected  with  the  business  in  1885.  The  hard- 
ware department  was  established  in  1880,  by  J.  T. 
Ely,  and  five  years  later  George  A.  became  a  part- 
ner in  the  business.  They  operated  one  3'ear  under 
the  title  of  Ely  Bros.,  and  a  year  later  the  firm  was 
strengthened  by  the  addition  of  Mr.  A.  C.  Axtell. 
Mr.  Ely  came  to  Axtell  in  March,  1882,  and  was 
associated  with  the  dr}- -goods  trade  until  engaging 
in  his  present  liusiness.  Prior  to  this  he  had  been 
in  the  dry-goods  trade  at  Dresden,  Iowa,  for  a 
period  of  twelve  years,  and  has  been  uniformly 
successful  in  his  various  enterprises.  He  was  born 
in   Williams  County,  Ohio,  Feb.  10,  1845,  and   is 



the  son  of  Aslier  Ely,  Jr.,  a  native  of  Northum- 
berland County,  Pa.  The  paternal  grandfather, 
Aslier  Ely,  8r.,  was  a  native  of  New  Jersey,  and 
removed  to  Pennsylvania  while  young,  and  of 
English  aneestr}'.  Father  and  son  were  farmers  by 
occupation,  and  emigrated  from  Pennsylvania  to 
Knox  Count3',  Oliio,  when  tlie  latter  was  but  five 
j-ears  old.  The\-  removed  to  Williams  County  thir- 
teen years  later.  The  father  took  up  a  tract  of  land, 
and  there  spent  the  remainder  of  his  days,  dying 
when  about  sixty  years  old.  He  served  in  the  War 
of  1812,  and  was  possessed  of  those  qualities  of  char- 
acter most  needed  in  the  settlement  of  a  nev/  country, 
being  brave  in  spirit  and  vigorous  in  frame.  He 
married  in  early  manhood  a  Penns^dvanla  lady,  Miss 
Catherine  Campbell,  who  died  at  the  homestead  in 
Williams  County,  Ohio,  in  June,  1872,  when  about 
eighty  years  of  age.  Both  she  and  her  husband 
were  Presbyterians  in  religion. 

The  father  of  our  subject  grew  to  manhood  in 
Williams  County,  Ohio,  and  was  married  to  Miss 
Martha  Borton.  She  was  born  in  New  Jersey, 
where  het  father  died  when  she  was  quite  young. 
Her  widowed  mother  later  emigrated  to  Williams 
County,  Ohio,  where  they  were  among  the  earliest 
settlers.  After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ely 
established  themselves  on  a  new  farm  in  Brady 
Township,  Williams  County,  where  the  father  of 
our  subject  is  yet  living,  at  the  age  of  sixty-seven 
years,  and  is  still  bright  and  active.  The  mother 
died  in  1863,  at  the  age  of  forty-three  years.  She 
was  a  most  excellent  and  worthj'  woman,  and  had 
been  reared  in  the  Society  of  Friends,  in  the  faith 
of  which  she  died.  Asher  Ely  is  a  Presbyterian 
in  religion,  and  a  Republican  in  politics. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eldest  son  and 
second  child  in  a  family  of  two  sons  and  two 
daughters.  He  was  reared  to  man's  estate  in  his 
native  county,  where  he  remained  until  after  the 
outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  In  June,  1863,  he 
enlisted  in  Company  H,  86th  Ohio  Infantry,  in 
which  he  served  six  months,  then  re  enlisted,  in 
September  following,  in  Company  F,  182il  In- 
fantrj-,  under  Capt.  William  Caslett,  the  regiment 
being  under  command  of  Col.  Butler,  and  assigned 
to  the  Army  of  the  Cumberland.  He  was  under 
command  of   Gen.  Thomas  at  the  battle  of   Nash- 

ville, and  was  promoted  Color  Corporal.  While  a 
member  of  the  86th  Infantry  our  subject  fought  at 
the  battle  of  Cumberland  Gap.  He  served  alto- 
gether seventeen  months,  and  after  receiving  his 
honorable  discharge  engaged  in  teaching  school, 
both  in  Ohio  and  Iowa. 

Mr.  Ely  was  married,  in  his  native  county  (Will- 
iams), in  1866,  to  Miss  Carrie  A.  Shangle.  This  lady 
was  born  in  New  Jersey,  and  is  of  German  descent. 
Her  parents  emigrated  to  Ohio  when  she  was  quite 
young,  and  she  remained  a  resident  of  Williams 
County  until  her  marriage.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ely  have 
one  child,  a  little  girl — Iva  Pearl.  Our  subject 
votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  and  both  he 
and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  in  which  Mr.  Ely 
holds  the  ofHce  of  Elder  and  Trustee.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  first  City  Council  at  Axtell,  and  is 
at  present  (1889)  holding  the. office  of  City  Treas- 

<f  OHN  R.  LIVINGSTON,  a  member  of  the 
firm  of  Lucas,  McGrath  &  Co.,  is  familiarly 
known  as  one  of  the  proprietors  of  the  Old 
Variety  Store,  at  Axtell,  on  the  eastern  line 
of  the  county.  His  occupation  was  that  of  a  farmer, 
until  nineteen  years  of  age,  although  he  has  been 
closely  identified  with  the  growth  and  development 
of  the  town.  He  came  to  Kansas  in  1870,  and  with 
the  exception  of  two  and  one-half  years,  has  occu- 
pied himself  as  a  general  merchant.  He  was  Post- 
master from  1875  to  1886,  and  has  been  President 
of  the  City  Council  since  Axtell  was  incorporated 
as  a  city,  in  the  fall  of  1887.  In  1889  occurred  the 
organization  of  the  Axtell  Butter  and  Cheese  Fac- 
tory of  which  Mr.  Livingston  is  President.  He 
has  in  fact  taken  an  active  part  in  all  that  pertains 
to  the  growth  and  advancement  of  the  town. 

Mr.  Livingston  is  one  of  tiie  extensive  land  own- 
ers of  this  county,  having  222  acres  of  improved 
land  in  Murray  Township,  and  320  near  the  county 
seat  of  Martin  County,  Tex.  He  came  to  Axtell 
in  the  spring  of  1874,  and  was  one  of  the  first  men 
to  establish  business  within  its  limits.  Prior  to 
this  he  had   lived  in   Boone  County,  111.,  and   re 



moved  thence  to  this  State,  in  1870,  and  was  a  resi- 
dent of  Seneca  until  his  removal  to  Axtell.  There 
also  he  occupied  himself  as  a  general  merchant,  be- 
ing a  itiember  of  the  firm  of  R.  H.  Moore  &  Co. 
one  year. 

In  Boone  County,  III.,  Mr.  Livingston  was  born 
March  16,  1845,  and  is  the  son  of  Jacob  J.  Living- 
ston, who  was  born  in  New  York  State,  Nov.  22, 
1804,  where  he  grew  to  manhood,  and  was  married 
in  1828,  to  Miss  Susanna  Garnsey,  a  native  of  the 
same  State,  and  born  March  3,  1809.  He  occupied 
himself  as  a  farmer  and  general  mechanic,  and  re- 
mained a  resident  of  his  native  State  until  after  the 
birth  of  several  children.  Then,  emigrating  to 
Boone  County,  111.,  the  father  of  our  subject  pre- 
empted a  tract  of  Government  land,  and  also  pur- 
chased a  smalffarm  northwest  of^the  county-seat  in 
Caledonia  Township.  He  there  spent  the  remain- 
der of  his  days,  his  death  occurring  Jan.  26,  1883, 
when  he  was  about  seventy -nine  years  old.  Politi- 
cal!}', he  was  in  early  manhood  a  stanch  Whig,  and 
in  his  religious  views  was  in  harmony  with  the 
(loi.tiines  of  the  Baptist  Church,  of  which  he  was  a 
member  many  years.  As  a  man  and  a  citizen,  he 
was  held  in  high  esteem  in  his  community.  The 
mother  died  two  years  prior  to  the  decease  of  her 
husband,  lier  death  occurring  Dec.  11,  1881,  when 
about  seventy-two  years  old.  She  likewise  was  a 
member  of  the  Old  School  Baptist  Church. 

Our  subject  was  the  tenth  child  of  his  parents, 
born  in  the  State  of  Illinois,  of  a  family  of  eight 
sons  and  three  daughters,  all  of  whom,  with  one 
exception,  lived  to  become  men  and  women.  Ten 
were  married,  and  nine  are  3'et  living.  John  R., 
in  common  with  his  brothers  and  sisters,  was  given 
a  practical  education  in  the  common  school,  and  at 
an  early  age  evinced  more  than  ordinary  skill  in 
the  handling  of  tools.  He  was  bright  and  ambi- 
tious, and  about  the  time  of  reaching  his  majority, 
desiring  to  add  to  his  store  of  knowledge,  entered 
the  High  School  at  Cedar  Falls,  Iowa,  where  he 
pursued  a  course  of  study,  and  later  attended  a 
cnnimercial  college  in  Chicago.  On  the  3d  of 
October,  1864,  the  Civil  War  being  in  progress,  he 
enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Corapanj'  K,  O.'ith 
Illinois  Infantry,  which  some  months  later  was 
transferred  to  the  47th  regiment,  on  account  of  the 

expiration  of  the  term  of  enlistment  of  most  of  the 
members.  Mr.  Livingston  served  until  October, 
1865,  and  was  then  given  his  honorable  discharge. 
He  met  the  enem}'  in  several  battles,  the  most  im- 
portant being  the  seige  of  Spanish  Fort,  but  he  es- 
caped without  injur}'. 

After  leaving  the  army,  Mr.  Livingston  returned 
to  his  native  county.  Then  in  1870,  witii  $2.50 
in  his  [)Ocket,  he  set  out  on  horseback  for  Northern,  putting  up  with  friendly  families  at  night, 
and  making  the  entire  journey  in  this  manner. 
For  some  time  after  his  arrival  here  he  occupied 
himself  as  a  general  mechanic  at  Seneca,  and  hav- 
ing good  business  qualities,  soon  found  himself  on 
the  road  to  prosperity.  In  due  time  he  established 
himself  as  a  general  merchant,  and  built  up  a  good 

After  removing  to  Axtell,  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Elizabeth  R.  Shumway,  who  was  born 
in  Fond  du  Lac  County,  Wis.  Of  this  union  there 
was  born  one  child,  Rena  E..  who  is  now  at  home 
with  her  father.  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Livingston  de- 
parted this  life  Aug.  8,  1880.  She  was  the  daugh- 
ter of  Erastus  and  Eliza  (Carter)  Shumway,  the 
latter  of  whom  is  deceased ;  the  former  is  living 
and  a  resident  of  Wisconsin.  Their  daughter  Eliza- 
beth was  but  a  child  when  her  parents  came  to  this 
State,  and  was  born  March  6,  1858. 

Mr.  Livingston,  politically,  is  a  leading  Repub- 
lican, and  takes  an  active  part  in  local  politics,  fre- 
quently serving  as  a  delegate  to  the  County  and 
State  conventions.  He  is  intelligent  and  well  read, 
and  keeps  himself  posted  in  regard  to  events  of 
general  interest. 


g  ner  of 

^41    stands 

,^^=!§EORGE  D.  SWEARINGEN.  On  the  cor- 
of  Eighth  it  Elm  streets,  Marysville, 
s  a  large,  square  house  of  fine  archi- 
tectural design  and  pleasing  proportions.  In  this 
elegant  home  lives  the  subject  of  our  sketch,  one  of 
the  representative  farmers  of  the  township.  Will- 
iam D.  Swearingen,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Pan  Handle,  Va.,  in  1800.  Tliere  he  lived 
until  his  marriage  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Swearingen, 



wben  lie  settled  in  Pennsylvania,  near  his  wife's 
iiome.  He  spent  liis  life  as  a  farmer  and  miller, 
living  to  about  the  age  of  seventy-five.  His  wife 
surviverl  him  until  1885.  They  had  a  family  of 
six  cliildren,  all  living  except  one,  Jessie  Florence, 
who  died  when  an  infant.  The  surviving  children 
are:  Rebecca,  novv  Mrs.  William  McLear^r,  of  Un- 
iontown.  Pa.;  our  subject,  George  D.;  Daniel,  also 
of  Uniontown;  P^lizabeth,  wife  of  the  Rev.  William 
Wallace,  living  near  Waynesburg,  and  William, 
also  living  at  Uniontown. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  first  saw  the  light  in 
Fayette  County,  Pa.,  March  8,  1825.  In  this  county 
he  lived  until  his  maturity,  attaining  a  good  pract- 
ical education  at  the  common  schools,  after  which 
he  learned  the  trade  of  a  tailor  in  Uniontown,  the 
county  seat  of  his  native  county.  There  he  cast 
his  first  vote,  and  there  he  remained  until  1848, 
working  at  his  trade.  He  then  spent  a  year  in 
Farmington,  in  the  Alleghany  Mountains,  and  then 
opened  a  shop  in  Hopwood,  where  his  parents  lived. 
After  spending  a  year  in  this  village  he  removed 
his  shop  to  Brucetown.  where  he  remained  one  year, 
then  to  Brandonville,  W.  Va.,  where  he  continued 
until  1857,  building  up  a  fine  trade.  Here  he  mar- 
ried Lucinda  Shaffer,  Dec.  16,  1851.  In  1857  he 
removed  with  his  familj-  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  where 
leaving  them  he  came  to  this  county  and  took  up  a 
claim  some  distance  from  other  settlers,  near  where 
Frankfort  now  stands.  Returning  to  his  family  he 
remained  until  New  Year's  Day,  1858,  when  he 
came  back  to  build  a  cabin,  which  he  got  under 
roof  by  Februar}',  5.  He  then  paid  another  visit 
to  his  family,  but  early  in  March  helped  to  move 
the  family  of  James  Grimes,  who  had  taken  up  a 
claim  and  built  a  cabin  near  his  own.  In  April  the 
two  men  moved  the  family  of  our  subject,  since 
which  time  he  has  been  a  constant  resident  of  this 
county.  He  began  breaking  his  land  and  put  in  a 
crop  of  sod  corn.  Exposure  and  hardship  brought 
on  the  ague,  from  which  he  suffered  for  eighteen 
months.  His  crops  were  lost  on  account  of  his  ill- 
ness, but  he  continued  his  labors  and  succeeded  in 
making  the  improvements  common  to  the  more  in- 
telligent and  active  farmers,  including  a  floor  in  his 
cabin,  which  many  of  the  settlers  did  not  have. 

In  February,  1860  Mr.  Swearingen  sold  the  farm. 

and  being  appointed  Deputy  Sheriff,  moved  to 
IMarysville;  he  served  two  years,  when  the  people 
showed  their  approbation  by  electing  him  to  the 
office  of  Sheriff,  which  he  held  for  four  years.  He 
was  also  appointed  Treasurer  of  the  county,  mak- 
ing the  first  record  of  taxes,  this  being  while  Kan- 
sas was  still  a  Territory.  At  the  expiration  of  his 
terra  of  office  he  engaged  in  freighting  to  the 
mountains,  making  his  first  trip  across  the  plains 
with  five  outfits,  and  then  taking  ten— four  yoke 
to  a  wagon— occupying  on  an  average  about  four 
months  to  a  trip.  In  Western  parlance  an  outfit 
consisted  of  a  wagon,  or  several  wagons  trailed  to- 
gether, and  drawn  by  several  yoke  of  cattle  or 
span  of  mules,  the  number  varying  according  to  the 
number  of  wagons  and  the  route. 

Mr.  Swearingen  saw  considerable  trouble  with 
the  Indians,  but  was  one  of  the  fortunate  men  who 
never  lost  by  them.  During  his  first  trip  he  was 
held  in  Denver  ten  days  by  an  Indian  raid,  which 
cleaned  out  everything  on  the  Platte  River.  He 
carried  on  the  business  of  freighting  successfully 
for  four  years,  and  turned  his  attention  to  stock 
dealing,  buying  in  the  spring  and  selling  in  the  fall. 
Finding  this  business  profitable  he  continued  in  it 
until  1870,  when  he  built  the  Sherman  House, 
which  is  still  the  leading  hotel  in  Marysville.  He 
managed  the  hotel  for  ten  years,  when  he  quit  the 
business,  retaining  the  ownership  of  the  property, 
however,  until  1885.  He  had  previously  bought  a 
farm  of  240  acres,  lying  on  sections  5  and  8  of  this 
township,  only  part  of  which  was  broken.  Out  of 
this  he  has  made  one  of  the  finest  farms  in  the 
vicinity,  bringing  the  land  to  a  high  state  of  pro- 
ductiveness, making  the  usual  improvements  and 
putting  out  a  large  number  of  fruit  and  forest 
trees,  as  well  as  erecting  a  large,  fine  stone  house. 
On  this  farm  he  spends  the  greater  part  of  his  time, 
having  a  tenant  on  it,  but  going  out  to  it  daily 
from  his  city  residence. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  born  in  Chambers- 
burg,  Pa.,  Nov.  11,  1831.  She  is  a  daughter  of 
J.acob  Shaffer,  and  when  a  young  lady  moved  to 
Virginia,  living  in  Brandonville  until  the  time  of 
her  marriage.  Her  union  with  Mr.  Swearingen  has 
been  blest  by  the  birth  of  four  children,  three  of 
whom  still  live;  Sarah  died  in  infancy.    Elizabeth, 



now  Mrs.  William  P.  Tinkham,  is  the  mother  of 
three  children ;  Belle  is  at  home,  and  George  P.,  a 
conductor  on  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad,  makes  his 
home  at  Hanover.  The  latter  married  a  Miss  Dick- 
son and  has  had  two  children,  of  whom  but  one 
survives,  a  daughter,  Blanche. 

Mr.  Swearingen  is  a  straight  Republican.  Though 
he  does  not  seek  office  he  has  been  elected  to  the 
City  Council,  and  is  willing  to  serve  the  people  as 
a  member  of  that  body.  He  was  a  charter  member 
of  the  L  0  O.  F.  lodge  in  A'irginia,  and  was  also 
a  charter  member  of  that  order  in  Marysville.  His 
family  are  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  of  which  he  is  an  attendant  and  supporter. 
Mr.  Swearingen  is  a  man  of  strict  integrity  in  both 
business  and  social  life,  honest  in  all  his  transact- 
ions, of  great  ability,  and  is  held  in  high  esteem  by 
his  townsmen  who  consider  him  one  of  tlie  sub- 
stantial men  of  the  place  and  the  promoter  of  the 
welfare  of  both  city  and  county. 

jTSAAC  N.  GRIFFIS.  Among  the  earliest  set- 
l|  tiers  of  this  count}'  must  be  mentioned  Mr. 
l\  Griffis,  who  established  himself  in  what  is  now 
Blue  Rapids  Township  as  early  as  1857.  There 
were  then  coming  to  this  region  people  from  most 
every  section  of  the  countr}'.  They  blended  won- 
derfully well  in  their  interests  and  labors,  there  be- 
ing a  common  bond  of  sympathy  in  those  times, 
each  man  making  his  neighbor's  interests  his  own. 
The  early  home  of  Mr.  Griffis  was  in  Butler  County, 
Ohio,  where  he  first  opened  his  e3'es  to  the  light 
Oct.  20,  1836. 

The  GrifBs  family  were  among  the  earliest  pio- 
neers of  the  Buckeye  State,  where  David,  the  father 
of  our  subject,  was  born  and  reared  to  manhood. 
There  also  he  was  married  to  Miss  I-ydia  Park- 
hurst  a  maiden  of  his  own  county,  and  of  Frencli 
descent.  The  Griffis  family  traced  its  ancestry  to 
Wales.  David.  Sr.,  the  paternal  grandfather  of 
our  subject,  served  through  the  Revolutionary,  from  the  beginning  to  the  end,  and  for  man}- 
years  received  a  pension  from  the  Government, 
lie  f'jught  in  all  the    prominent  battles,   including 

Lexington  and  Bunker  Hill.  Grandfather  Park- 
hurst  was  a  missionary  Baptist  pre.aeher.  and  emi- 
grated to  Ohio  at  an  early  day,  where  he  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  life. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  about  1852  made  his 
way  to  Bartholomew  County,  Ind.,  where  he  re- 
sided about  four  years.  In  1855  he  crossed  the 
Mississippi  and  established  himself  on  a  tract  of 
land  in  Wayne  County,  Iowa,  where  he  also  so- 
journed a  number  of  years.  It  is  hardly  necessary 
to  say  that  his  school  advantages  were  limited,  but 
he  was  naturally  bright  and  observant,  and  made 
the  most  of  his  opportunities  for  acquiring  useful 
knowledge,  both  from  books  and  keeping  his  eyes 
open  to  what  was  going  on  around  him.  Although 
mostly  reared  to  farming  pursuits,  he  for  a  short 
time  was  employed  in  a  grist  and  saw-mill. 

In  1863,  Mr.  Griffis  leaving  the  Hawkeye  State, 
came  to  this  county  and  settled  upon  a  portion  of 
the  land  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies.  It  was 
very  sliglitly  improved  and  he  labored  in  true  pio- 
neer style  thereafter  for  many  years  in  the  cultiva- 
tion of  the  soil,  and  gathering  around  himself  and 
his  family  the  ordinary  comforts  of  life.  The  orig- 
inal dwelling,  now  a  venerable  looking  log  cabin, 
bears  the  marks  of  several  bullets,  the  relics  of  a 
skirmish  between  one  of  the  early  sheriffs  and  his 
posse  of  men,  who  attempted  the  capture  of  Ben- 
son and  Lovell,  desperate  characters  whom  they 
undertook  to  arrest,  but  who  finally  got  away. 

On  the  20th  of  April,  1864,  the  subject  of  '.his 
sketch  was  united  in  marriage  with  Mrs.  Helen  J. 
McDermott.  This  lady  was  born  in  Wisconsin,  and 
became  the  mother  of  five  children,  four  of 
whom  are  living,  viz.:  Marietta  V.,  Spencer,  Al- 
bert and  Chloe.  Lydia  died  when  seven  months 
old.  Mrs.  Griffis  was  born  in  Jefferson  County, 
Wis.,  Jan.  11,  1843,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Daniel 
and  Anne  (Sweet)  Woodin,  who  were  natives  of 
Vermont,  and  whose  ancestors  were  among  the 
early  New  Englanders.  Mrs.  Woodin  died  when  her 
daughter,  Helen,  was  but  ten  years  old,  and  the 
following  year  her  father  went  to  California,  since 
which  time  he  not  been  seen  by  her.  Mrs. 
Griffis  was  reared  in  the  family  of  Joseph  Lang- 
don,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  this  county,  of 
which  she  has  been  a  resident  since  a  child  of  eleven 



years.  She  was  first  married  to  Patrick  McDer- 
mott,  and  they  became  the  parents  of  one  child — 
Florence — who  is  uow  the  wife  of  De  Witt  Griffls. 
Mr.  McDermott  departed  this  life  in  1863. 

Mrs.  GrifBs  has  been  the  witness  of  some  thrill- 
ing scenes  during  her  life  on  the  frontier,  at  a  time 
when  wild  animals  were  plentiful,  and  Indians  like- 
wise. When  a  child  of  thirteen  years  in  going  af- 
ter the  cows,  she  was  chased  by  the  Indians,  who 
probably  had  in  view  her  capture.  It  is  safe  to 
say  she  did  not  allow  the  grass  to  grow  under  her 
feet  upon  that  occasion,  and  outrunning  her  pur- 
suers reached  her  home  in  safetj',  and  afterward 
was  careful  about  getting  very  far  away  from  it 

The  property  of  Mr.  Griffls  embraces  320  acres 
of  land  which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state  of 
cultivation.  The  labor  of  fencing  his  fields,  plant- 
ing fruit  and  shade  trees,  erecting  buildings  and 
gathering  about  himself  and  his  family  the  com- 
forts andconveniences  of  modern  life, kept  him  bus- 
ily emploj'ed  for  many  years,  and  he  is  now  in  a 
condition  to  rest  upon  his  oars.  He  joined  the 
Republican  party  many  years  ago,  and  is  a  member 
in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church.  He 
believes  in  the  maintenance  and  establishment  of 
schools  and  frequentlj-  serves  as  Director  in  his  dis- 
trict. In  fact  he  has,  without  question,  performed 
all  the  duties  of  an  honest  man  and  a  good  citizen, 
and  long  years  ago  established  himself  in  the  con- 
fidence and  esteem  of  his  neighbors. 

— >y  '■o♦o>^y^><A^■.o♦o^. <,— 

\f7  LOYD  K.  KLSTLER.  The  model  farmer,  the 
I  (^  public-spirited  citizen  and  Christian  gentle- 
J^VN  man, is  admirablj'  illustrated  in  the  subject  of 
tliis  biographical  outline.  Providence  has  blessed 
him  with  a  competence,  and  he  has  responded  to 
the  various  calls  upon  him  in  aiding  worthy  ob- 
jects, and  is  looked  upon  as  one  of  the  men  in  his 
community  wliom  it  could  not  well  do  without. 
His  native  place  was  Perry  County,  Pa.,  and  the 
date  of  his  birth  Sept.  16,  1847. 

Our  subject  comes  from  Pennsylvania  stock  from 
"away  back."     His  father,  David  Kistler,  was  a  na- 

tive of  the  same  county  as  his  son,  and  born  in 
Ma3-,  1827,  being  a  little  over  twenty  years  of  age 
at  the  time  of  the  latter's  birth.  He  is  still  living 
and  a  resident  of  Perry  County,  where  ne  has  fol- 
lowed agricultural  pursuits  all  his  life,  and  much  of 
the  time  taught  school  during  the  winter  season. 
He  has  held  some  of  the  minor  offices  and  accumu- 
lated considerable  property.  Upon  the  organiza- 
tion of  the  Republican  party  he  identified  himself 
with  it.  He  is  a  strong  temperance  man  and  was 
an  ardent  advocate  of  the  Prohibition  amendment 
to  the  Pennsylvania  State  constitution.  In  relig- 
ious matters,  he  is  identified  with  the  Lutheran 

John  Kistlei',  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  Uucks  County,  Pa.,  in  Janu- 
ary, 1800,  and  died  Jan.  30.  1887,  in  Loysville, 
Pa.  He  followed  farming  all  his  life.  His  father 
was  a  native  of  Switzerland,  and  emigrated  to 
America  in  time  to  serve  as  a  soldier  in  the  Revo- 
lutionary War.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother 
of  our  subject  was  Susannah  Rice;  she  was  born  in 
Perry  County,  Pa.,  about  1828,  and  died  in  1863. 
Grandfather  George  Rice  was  a  native  of  Juniata 
County,  Pa.,  and  traced  his  ancestry  to  P^ngland. 
His  brother  John  served  in  the  War  of  1812,  under 
Capt.  Rogers.  A  cousin  of  his  was  the  last  survivor 
of  those  who  participated  in  Perry's  victory  on 
Lake  Erie.  He  died  near  Shelby,  Ohio,  a  few  years 
ago,  at  the  age  of  niuetj'  years.  The  Rice  family 
are  noted  for  longevity,  the  most  of  them  reaching 
the  age  of  eight}^  years  and  upwards. 

To  David  and  Susan  Kistler  there  were  born  six 
sons  and  two  daughters,  namely:  Lloyd  K.,  our 
subject;  John  L.,  Samuel  J.,  George  R.,  Sarah  E., 
David  A.,  William  A.  and  Susan  R.  Llo3'd  K., 
like  his  brothers  and  sisters,  was  reared  in  his  na- 
tive county',  and  received  an  academic  education. 
In  1864,  when  not  quite  seventeen  years  old,  he 
enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in  Company  F.,  208th 
Pennsylvania  Infantry,  which  was  a  part  of  the 
Army  of  the  Potomac,  and  served  until  the  close 
of  the  war,  and  participated  in  two  regular  engage- 
ments: the  recapture  of  Ft.  Steadman,  March  2,o, 
1865,  and  the  taking  of  the  works  at  Petersburg, 
April  2,  1865.  Afterward  he  returned  to  his  native 
county,  resumed    his    studies,  taught    school    and 



farmed  until  1868;  then  going  to  Louisa  Couuty, 
Iowa,  he  occupied  himself  as  a  teacher  the  follow- 
ing year,  and  in  1869  came  to  this  county,  of  which 
he  has  since  been  a  resident.  His  finely  cultivated 
farm  embraces  160  acres  of  land,  upon  which  there 
are  substantial  buildings  and  all  the  other  applian- 
ces necessary  for  the  prosecution  of  agriculture 
after  the  most  approved  methods.  The  present 
residence  was  erected  in  1 886. 

Mr.  Kistler  makes  a  specialty  of  live-stock,  feed- 
ing nearly  all  the  grain  he  raises.  He  has  held 
some  of  the  minor  offices,  and  is  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Lutheran  Churcii.  He  is  likewise 
identified  with  the  G.  A.  R.  Post.  No.  260  at  Wa- 
terville,  and  in  politics  is  a  strong  Prohibitionist. 
He  was  married,  Feb.  23,  1871,  to  Miss  Arabella 
A.  Smiley.  This  lady  was  born  in  Carlisle,  Pa., 
July  22,  1851,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Samuel  and 
Sarah  A.  (McMurray)  Smiley.  The  male  members 
of  the  McMurr.ay  family  participated  in  all  the  wars 
of  this  country  from  1812  down.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Kistler  are  the  parents  of  three  children,  all  sons, 
namely:  Charles  R.,  Benjamin  F.  and  George  E. attending  Midland  Colbge  at  Atchison,  Kan.; 
C.  R.  and  G.  R.  arc  at  home  with  their  parents. 

jj^,  AMIEL  SMITH  MARTIN.  Something 
^^^  over  thirty-two  j'ears  ago  the  subject  of 
|j[l/\U)  this  notice  found  his  way  to  this  county, 
^"^  and  settled  in  the  wilds  of  Rock  Township, 
■where  he  sojourned  from  1857  to  1859.  There 
were  few  evidences  of  civilization,  the  cabins  of  the 
settlers  being  few  and  far  between  and  the  outlook 
was  anything  but  inviting.  Partlj-  on  this  account 
Mr.  Martin  in  the  year  last  mentioned  returned  to 
Indiana,  whence  he  had  come,  and  lived  there  for 
a  period  of  ten  years.  He  then  ventured  out  to 
the  frontier  again  and  has  since  been  a  resident  of 
Rock  Township.  He  is  the  owner  of  a  good  prop- 
erty, embracing  240  acres  of  fine  farming  land, 
pleasantly  located  on  section  7.  and  which  with  its 
buildings  and  appurtenances  forms  one  of  tiie  most 
attractive  pictures  in  the  landscape  of  this  region. 
Mr.  Martin   hag  had  an  ample  experience  with 

the  dangers  and  diflicultiis  of  pioneer  life.  He 
comes  of  a  hard}'  race  and  first  opened  his  eyes  to 
the  light  near  AYilkesboro,  N.  C,  Oct.  10,  1834. 
A  year  later  his  parents  emigrated  to  the  wilds  of 
Indiana  at  a  time  when  deer  and  wolves  were  plen- 
tiful besides  coons  and  other  w-ild  animals.  The 
coon  hunting  especially  formed  one  of  the  best- 
appreciated  recreations  of  the  young  people  of  that 
region.  The  advantages  for  education,  as  may  be 
supposed,  were  extremely  limited,  the  schools  be- 
ing conducted  on  the  subscription  plan,  in  a  log 
cabin  furnished  with  seats  and  desks  made  of  slabs, 
with  puncheon  floor  and  greased  paper  for  window 
panes.  At  the  age  of  seven  3' ears  our  subject  was 
partiall}-  orphaned  b}'  the  death  of  his  father,  but 
he  remained  at  home  with  his  mother  until  she,  too, 
passed  away. 

In  the  spring  of  1856  Mr.  Martin.  leaving  Ind- 
iana, set  out  for  the  farther  West  with  a  team, 
crossing  the  Mississippi,  and  in  due  time  established 
himself  on  a  tract  of  land  in  Storj-  County,  Iowa. 
He  lived  there  and  in  Marshall  and  Hardin  coun- 
ties, until  the  spring  of  1857.  Not  satisfied  then 
with  the  outlook  in  the  Hawkeye  State,  he  decided 
to  trj'  the  climate  of  Northern  Kansas  and  jour- 
neyed to  this  couuty  b}^  team  as  before.  He  pre- 
empted land  paj'ing  therefor  l>1.25  per  acre,  made 
some  improvements  and  lived  upon  it  until  1859. 
Then  returning  to  his  old  haunts  in  Indiana  he 
farmed  on  rented  land  until  the  fall  of  1869.  His 
next  movement  was  to  come  back  to  this  county, 
when  he  located  on  his  present  farm  where  he  has 
made  all  the  improvements  which  are  now  to  be 
seen.  The  cyclone  of  1876  made  way  with  most 
of  his  buildings,  but  he  replaced  them  and  since 
that  time  has  been  uniformly  prosperous.  He  has 
added  to  his  first  purchase  eightj'  acres  and  now 
has  ample  facilities  for  the  cultivation  of  his  land, 
which  is  abundantly  fertile.  The  farm  embraces 
sixty  acres  of  native  timber  and  is  watered  by  the 
west  fork  of  the  Vermillion.  There  are  groves  and 
an  orchard  in  good  bearing  condition  besides  trees 
of  the  smaller  fruits,  a  comfortable  dwelling  and 
the  outbuildings  required  for  the  shelter  of  stock 
and  the  storing  of  grain.  Mr.  Martin  keeps  good 
grades  of  cattle,  swine,  horses  and  mules,  and  uses 
three    teams  in  the   operations  of    his   farm.     The 



story  of  his  early  toils  and  struggles  is  similar  to 
that  of  so  many  whose  lives  have  been  faithfully 
reforded  in  tliis  volume. 

The  15th  day  of  April,  1861,  was  made  memor- 
able in  the  life  of  our  subject  by  his  marriage  in 
Wells  County,  Ind.,  with  Miss  Syrilda  Edmunson. 
This  lady  was  born  in  Rush  County,  Ind.  Her 
union  with  Mr.  Martin  resulted  in  the  birth  of 
ten  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  James  M.,  remains 
at  home  with  his  parents.  William  A.  married  Miss 
Lulu  Rakestraw  and  is  farming  in  Rock  Township. 
John  F.  is  at  home;  Rena  A.,  JNIrs.  Brooks;  Martha  I. 
married  William  Taton  and  they  reside  on  a  farm  in 
Guittard  Township;  Mary  J.,  the  twin  sister  of 
Martha,  is  the  wife  of  William  Bond,  a  barber  of 
Sheridan,  Mo.;  Nancy  I.  remains  under  the  home 
roof.  Jehu  A.,  Andrew  J.,  and  Emmett  C.  are  all 
at  home. 

Politically,  our  subject  affiliates  with  the  Repub- 
lican part}'.  He  has  been  a  Deacon  and  Elder  in 
the  Christian  Church  for  man}'  years  and  is  one  of 
its  chief  pillars.  In  the  early  days  he  assisted  in 
the  organization  of  Rock  Township,  and  was  active 
in  the  establishment  of  schools  besides  assisting  in 
the  erection  of  school  buildings.  He  has  had  little 
desire  for  the  spoils  of  ofHce  and  aside  from  serving 
as  Constable  at  one  time,  has  declined  the  respon- 
siliilities  of  public  life. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Hon.  Benjamin  F. 
Martin,  the  son  of  Rev.  Robert  Martin,  both  of 
whom  were  natives  of  North  Carolina,  where  the 
latter  engaged  in  farming,  and  as  a  minister  of  the 
Baptist  Church.  He  carried  a  musket  in  the  Re- 
volutionary War,  and  died  in  his  native  iState.  His 
son,  Benjamin  F.,  was  bred  to  farm  pursuits,  whicli 
he  followed  during  his  life  long,  and  during  his 
early  manhood  owned  a  farm  in  his  native  county. 
He  served  in  the  War  of  1812,  and  afterward  emi- 
grated to  Waj'ne  County,  Ind.,  where  he  settled 
among  its  earliest  pioneers.  Later  he  removed  to 
Whitley  County,  where  he  cleared  a  farm  from  the 
forest  and  s^^ent  his  last  days.  In  the  meantime  he 
became  well-to-do,  was  the  owner  of  a  large  tract 
of  land,  and  was  a  successful  dealer  in  cattle  and 
sheep.  He  was  prominent  in  politics,  and  at  one 
time  represented  his  county  in  the  liCgislature.  He 
was  also  Judge  of   the  count}'  court  several  terms 

He  died  at  the  age  of  fifty-five  years  in  the  faith 
of  the  Baptist  Church,  religiously,  and  a  member 
of  the  old  Whig  party,  politically. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Sarah  Rousseau.  She,  likewise,  was  a  native  of 
North  Carolina,  as  was  Grandfather  Rousseau,  the 
latter  being  a  planter  and  well-to-do.  He  was  of 
French  descent  and  served  in  the  Revolutionary 
War.  He  emigrated  to  Indiana  with  liis  family  and 
died  in  Whitley  County,  Ind.,  in  1855,  at  the  age 
of  seventy-seven  years.  He  was  an  active  Whig, 
politically,  and  in  religious  belief  a  Dunkard.  Mrs. 
Sarah  (Rousseau)  Martin  departed  this  life  in  1855, 
at  the  age  of  fifty -five  years.  She  was  a  member 
of  tlie  Baptist  Church,  and  the  mother  of  nine 
children,  who  lived  to  mature  years.  Nancy  is 
.now  deceased;  Diana  is  a  resident  of  Whitley 
County,  Ind.;  Benjamin  F.  and  David  II.  are  de- 
ceased; Reuben  died  in  infancy;  James  L.  is  a 
resident  of  Polk  County,  Mo.;  Samuel  S.,  our  sub- 
ject; Hiram  H.  lives  in  Mo.  William  R.  lives  in 
Arkansas,  near  Fayetteville. 



ERRILL  S.  SHEPARD.  This  gentleman 
belongs  to  the  firm  of  Wilson  &  Shcpard, 
livery  men  of  Marysville.  Mr.  Shepard 
was  born  in  Westfield,  Mass.,  Feb.  20, 
1845,  and  there  lived  until  the  year  1871,  when  he 
located  in  Marysville.  His  early  education  was 
obtained  at  the  High  School,  after  which  he  at- 
tended the  academy  in  his  native  town.  His  first 
venture  in  a  business  line  was  to  enter  his  father's 
whip  manufactory,  and  for  a  period  of  two  years 
before  he  came  to  Marysville  he  was  in  business 
for  himself.  Different  occupations  have  absorbed 
his  time,  mostly  in  the  way  of  stock -dealing  since 
leaving  a  purely  mercantile  line  of  business.  His 
stock  shipments  have  been  mainly  to  Kansas  City, 
Mo.,  and  Chicago,  111.  At  present  Mr.  Shepard  is 
associated  with  C.  B.  Wilson  in  the  livery  business, 
and  is  the  manager,  devoting  his  time  and  energy 
to  the  establishment  and  growth  of  a  successful 
place  of  business. 

Mr.  Shepard  married   Miss  Lettie  Montgomery, 



of  Marysville,  Feb.  11.  1872.  They  have  had  foui 
chililren,  three  of  whom  are  living — Hallie,  Frank 
S.  and  Katie.  Mrs.  Shepard  was  bora  in  Hanover, 
111.,  and  is  a  daughter  of  Abel  Montgoinerj-, 
who  was  a  business  man  of  that  city,  and  at  one 
time  kept  an  hotel.  Mr.  Montgomery  moved  to 
Hiawatha  with  his  family.  His  wife  was  Miss  Polly 
Paddock.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  pro- 
prietor of  the  Blue  Valley  livery  stable.  His  wife 
is  also  dead. 

Solomon  Shepard,  the  father  of  Merrill  S.,  was  a 
native  of  Westfield,  Mass.  Here  bo  married  Miss 
Harriet  Dewej',  and  their  union  was  blessed  with 
seven  children.  Mr.  Shepard  was  a  whip  manfac- 
turer  of  his  native  city,  and  alwa3'S  made  his  home 
there.  In  politics  Merrill  S.  Shepard  belongs  to 
the  Republican  party. 

~wv-\t4ei2;©i@*  1 

.@§s5J/2Tra».~ -v/vw 

LFRED  M.  JUDSON  is  one  of  the  prominent 
business  men  of  Marysville,  where  he  is 
engaged  in  the  hardware  business.  His 
store  is  located  on  Broadway,  between  Sev- 
enth and  Eighth  streets,  where  he  carries  a  complete 
stock  of  heavy  and  shelf  hardware,  and  also  a  full 
line  of  queensware.  and  where  he  has  built  up  a  fine 

Alfred  Judson,  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 
in  New  Woodstock,  Conn.,  in  1800.  He  moved 
to  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  where  he  learned  the  tailor's 
trade.  He  subsequently  went  to  Detroit,  Mich., 
and  from  there  accompanied  a  part}' to  Pontiacand 
Saginaw.  He  returned  and  located  in  1882  in 
Pontiac,  where  he  was  successfully  engaged  in 
the  tailoring  business.  There  he  married  Miss 
Louisa  Bartlett.  To  them  were  born  twelve  chil- 
dren, all  of  whom  survive  except  a  son,  James,  who 
died  in  Galesburg,  HI.,  aged  thirty -three  years. 
Of  the  surviving  children  Louisa  was  graduated 
with  honor  at  Galesburg,  and  married  the  Rev. 
Justus  Doolittle,  of  China,  where  they  lived  for 
fourteen  years.  Thej^  are  now  residing  in  Prince- 
ton, N.  J,;  Orson  is  a  wealthy  business  man  of 
Galesburg,  where  he  has  occupied  the  same  block 
for  twenty-nine  years;   Charles  is  engaged  in  the 

grocery  trade  in  Des  Arc,  Ark. ;  Sarah;  Roxy  is  the 
wife  of  J.  D.  Fields,  hardware  dealer  in  Topeka, 
Kan.;  Philander,  a  successful  general  merchant  and 
banker  in  Hamlin,  Kan.;  Frank,  traveling  agent  for 
a  house  in  Oraaha,  Neb. ;  Elizabeth,  now  Mrs.  M.  D. 
Osman,  living  on  the  old  homestead;  Maria,  wife 
L.  J.  Smith,  insurance  agent  at  Wacoma,  Iowa; 
Junius,  who  has  for  ten  j'ears  been  a  missionary  in 
China,  is  now  locate.!  in  Shang-Hai,  teaching  arts 
and  sciences,  having  successfullj-  opened  up  a  new 
fleld  of  study  for  the  Chinese;  and  our  subject. 

Alfred  M.  Judson  was  born  in  Pontiac,  Mich., 
Dec.  25, 1843,  and  in  the  home  of  his  birth  received 
a  good  education  and  was  reared  to  years  of  man- 
hood. Then  he  became  interested  in  the  great 
national  conflict,  and  as  soon  as  possible  enlisted, 
Jan.  4,  1864,  at  Galesburg,  111.,  in  the  77th  Illinois 
Infantry,  and  was  assigned  to  Companj'  A.  His 
reigment  formed  a  part  of  the  13th  Army  Corps 
and  the  4th  Division,  Gen.  Gordon  Granger,  Corps 
Commander.  Our  subject  took  part  with  his  regi- 
ment in  many  prominent  engagements,  and  among 
them  the  siege  of  Vicksburg,  and  Island  No.  10, 
down  the  Mississippi  to  and  around  New  Orleans. 
He  accompanied  the  disastrous  expedition  to  the 
Red  River,  and  was  present  during  the  bombard- 
ment of  Ft.  Morgan  and  Ft.  Gaines,  at  the  entrance 
of  Mobile  Bay,  and  when  Admiral  Farragut  passed 
between  Ft.  Morgan  and  Ft.  Gaines;  he  was  also  at 
Whistler  at  the  time  of  the  great  explosion  of  pow- 
der, when  forty  tons  exploded  near  him  at  Mobile 
He  formed  part  of  a  detachment  which  was  sent 
toward  Richmond,  marching  across  the  country 
and  driving  gunboats  and  blockade-runners  upon 
the  Tombigby  River.  At  the  surrender  of  Lee's 
army,  the  77th  and  companions  took  gunboats  and 
returned  to  Mobile,  going  again  into  camp  at 
Whistler.  The  130th  Infantry  disbanded  after  be- 
ing nearl}'  annihilated  on  the  the  Red  River  expe- 
dition, and  its  Colonel,  I.  N.  Reed,  not  wishing  to 
go  home  without  a  command,  obtained  permission 
of  commanders  of  different  regiments  to  take  all 
their  men  who  had  enlisted  after  a  certain  date  to 
recruit  his  own  regime'Jt.  The  soldiers  knew  noth- 
ing but  obedience,  and  remained  for  two  months 
after  their  companions  were  discharged,  t<lie  War 
Department  knowing  nothing  of  such  a  regiment. 



When  tlie  slate  of  affairs  became  known  to  the  De- 
partment the  men  were  discharged,  the  act  tak- 
ing place  at  New  Orleans,  Aug.  15,  1865.  Our 
subject  returned  to  Springfield.,  111.,  and  to  his 
home  at  Galesburg.  With  the  money  which  he 
had  saved  he  went  through  Eastman's  Business 
College,  after  which  he  went  to  Wat;iga,  111.  There 
he  learned  the  tinner's  trade.  After  sixteen  months' 
stay  he  returned  to  Galesburg,  and  entered  the 
railroad  shops  to  increase  his  general  knowledge. 
He  then  went  to  >St.  Louis  and  worked  for  a  firm, 
Mederinghouse  &  Co.,  now  the  Excelsior  Manu- 
facturing Company.  He  subsequently  went  to 
Des  Are,  Ark.,  and  engaged  with  his  brother  Frank 
ill  trade.  The  business  not  being  sufficiently  large 
to  need  the  attention  of  both,  our  subject  sold  out 
and  went  to  Memphis,  Tenn., where  he  engaged  with 
Long  &  Dusch.  He  subsequently  went  to  Batesville, 
Miss.,  and  opened  up  business.  He  had  been  there 
but  six  months  wben,  learning  of  the  illness  of  his 
mother,he  closed  out  and  returned  to  Pontiac.Mich., 
which  he  reached  five  days  after  her  death.  He  then 
went  to  Galesburg  for  a  short  sojourn,  and  then  on  to 
the  West,  looking  over  various  places.  lie  had 
freight  loaded  for  Wichita,  Kan.;  bought  and 
doubled  his  money  in  ten  days  at  Chicago,  and 
worked  at  his  trade  in  Ft.  Scott.  He  finally  went 
to  Centralia,  Nemaha  County',  and  entered  into 
business  in  the  year  1870. 

In  Centralia,  Mr.  Judson  was  married  to  Miss 
Henrietta  D.  Rogers,  to  whom  were  born  two  chil- 
dren, a  daughter,  Effle,  and  a  son,  Charles  H.  Mrs. 
Judson  died  in  1877,  three  and  a  half  years  after 
her  marriage.  Charles  H.  died  Aug.  21,  1877,  at 
the  ao-e  of  one  year;  Effle  is  at  home  and  is  receiv- 
ing all  the  advantages  of  a  good  education. 

Mr.  Judson  has  been  very  successful  in  business 
in  Nemaha  County,  and  was  the  pioneer  in  the 
barb  wire  trade.  In  1873  he  bought  his  first  in- 
stallment, 230  pounds,  paying  115  per  hundred  and 
selling  for  $18.  It  now  sells  for  S3. GO  per  hundred. 
Mr.  Judson  had  the  entire  trade  in  the  county  for 
several  years.  In  the  fall  of  1879  he  was  able  to 
sell  out  to  advantage,  and  afterward  spent  about  a 
year  with  his  family  in  Colorado,  New  York,  Ohio. 
Michigan  and  other  Stales,  in  recreation.  In  1880 
he   came  to  this  county  and  established  iiimself  in 

his  present  business.  June  14,  1879,  our  subject 
married  again,  the  bride  being  Margaret  E.  Dunn. 

Mrs.  Margaret  E.  Judson  was  born  in  Linden, 
Cattaraugus  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  8,  1847,  and  was 
reared  in  that  county.  Her  parents,  William  and 
Agnes  (Steveson)  Dunn,  were  born  in  Sterling, 
Scotland.  They  removed  to  New  York  State, where 
the  father  lived  until  his  death,  and  the  mother 
still  survives,  residing  in  Linden,  N.  Y.,  at  the  age 
of  eighty  jears. 

Mr.  Judson  has  no  political  aspirations.  He 
votes  as  he  fought,  in  defense  of  what  his  judgment 
decrees  to  be  for  the  best  interests  of  his  county. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  order,  of  the 
A.  O.  U.  W.,  Select  Knights,  and  with  his  wife  of 
Degree  of  Honor.  He  was  one  of  the  committee  who 
located  the  Episcopal  church  of  Marysville  where 
it  now  stands.  He  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence  and  business  ability,  a  trustworthy 
citizen,  and  an  honorable,  upright  man,  and  their 
home  is  the  resort  of  the  elite  of  the  city. 

Our  subject  possesses  one  of  the  finest  cabinets 
of  Chinese  curios  to  be  seen  in  the  West.  It  was 
collected  by  his  brother  Junius,  and  consists  of 
many  rare  and  exceedingly  valuable  specimens.  It 
is  fortunately  in  the  hands  of  a  man  who  is  willing 
to  impart  all  the  knowledge  he  can  of  the  habits 
and  customs  of  the  Chinese,  a  people  so  long  dis- 
pised  by  European  and  American  civilization,  but 
whose  attainments  are  becoming  known  and  prog- 
ress hastened  through  missionary-  labors. 

<iYJAMES  BIRD  WILSON,  proprietor  of  the 
principal  livery,  sale  and  feed  stable  in 
Frankfort,  is  located  on  Main  Street,  south 
of  the  railroad,  where  he  carries  on  a  flour- 
ishing business,  being  the  best  patronized  liverj^- 
man  in  the  city.  His  parents  were  natives  of 
Pennsylvania.  His  paternal  great-grandfather 
served  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  His  mother 
was  of  Irish  descent,  her  parents  having  come  to 
America  from  Antrim. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Newmarket,  Ohio,  March 
17,  1847.     In  his  second  year  his  parents  removed 



to  Keokuk,  Iowa.  The  father  afterward  followed 
fanning  in  Waj-ne  County,  Iowa,  and  still  later  en- 
gaged in  the  mercantile  business  in  Corydon,  this 
being  during  the  years  1856-57.  In  1858  the 
family  removed  to  Kansas,  settling  about  seven 
miles  southwest  of  Frankfort,  where  the  father  died 
in  January,  1865.  The  mother  survived  until  Jan. 
20,  1888.  The  parental  family  consisted  of  seven 
children,  viz.:  Naucy  J.,  William  H..  Margaret, 
Grace,  John  D.,  Daniel  C,  and  James  Bird.  Nancy 
J.  died  when  about  sixteen.  William  is  now  at 
Guthrie,  Oklahoma,  and  is  correspondent  of  the 
Kansas  City  Times;  he  has  been  married  twice: 
His  first  wife  was  Emily  Griffiths,  who  was  the 
mother  of  eight  children,  and  died  in  1875;  his 
second  wife  was  Emma  Snow,  who  has  borne  him 
two  children.  Margaret  died  when  about  sixteen. 
Grace  was  the  wife  of  William  Jackson,  who  is  now 
County  Clerk  of  Wayne  County,  Iowa;  she  died  in 
Frankfort,  in  1881,  at  the  age  of  forty-seven,  leav- 
ing two  living  children.  John  D.  died  in  Concor- 
dia, Kan.,  Oct.  10, 1885;  he  married  Maggie  Bland, 
and  left  two  children;  he  had  been  Deputy  Sheriff 
and  Sheriff  of  Cloud  County,  Kan.,  for  fourteen 
years.  Daniel  C.  was  the  proprietor  of  the  Wilson 
House  at  Concordia,  Kan.,  where  he  died  Oct.  10, 
1887,  leaving  a  widow  and  four  children. 

Our  subject  remained  under  the  parental  roof 
until  seventeen  years  of  age,  and  was  the  recipient 
of  a  good  common-school  education.  He  began 
work  for  himself  as  a  renter  of  a  part  of  the  home 
farm.  In  September,  1880,  he  removed  to  Frankfort, 
and  buying  out  Lon  Jlartin,  embarked  in  the  butch- 
ering business,  in  whicii  he  continued  a  3'ear.  He 
then  ran  a  hack  to  iSIarysville,  and  also  engaged  in 
the  livery  business,  buying  out  Miller  &  Adkins. 
In   the  latter  business  he  has  continued  ever  since. 

Mr.  Wilson  was  married,  Dec.  11,  1872,  to  Adilla 
Pickett,  who  was  a  native  of  Champaign  County, 
111.  Her  parents,  W.  M.  and  Melissa  Pickett,  are 
natives  of  Ohio. 

Our  subject  is  a  member  of  Vermillion  Lodge. 
No.  110  I.  O.  O.  F.,  in  which  he  has  filled  the 
position  of  Vice-Grand.  In  politics  he  is  an  Inde- 
pendent Republican.  He  was  Constable  of  Vermil- 
lion Township  for  a  period  of  five  years.  Both  he 
and  his  wife  are  consistent  members  of  the  Method- 

ist Episcopal  Church.  Mr.  Wilson  is  a  shrewd  and 
energetic  business  man,  a  popular  and  enterprising 
citizen,  and  with  his  wife  has  the  respect  of  the 
communit}-  in  which  they  reside. 

^,  OHN  H.  HONE.  The  suliject  of  this  notice 
bears  the  distinction  of  being  one  of  the 
earliest  settlers  in  this  county,  locating 
(^/'  when  a  3'oung  man  in  Noble  Township,  at 
a  time  when  fevv  persons  had  ventured  within  its 
limits.  He  was  practically  without  means,  but 
nature  had  endowed  him  with  the  qualities  of  reso- 
lution and  perseverance  in  a  marked  degree.  These, 
coupled  with  his  habits  of  iudustr}-,  enabled  him 
to  carr^-  out  his  desire  of  becoming  a  man  among 
men,  and  securing  a  competency'  for  his  old  .age. 
He  is  now  numbered  among  the  leading  farmers  of 
Noble  Township,  is  the  owner  of  250  acres  of  im- 
proved land,  and  by  his  upright  life  has  established 
himself  in  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  Lis  neigh- 
bors. He  was  especially  fortunate  in  the  selection 
of  a  life  partner,  Mrs.  Hone  having  been  the  able 
assistant  of  her  husband  in  all  his  worthy  under- 
takings, and  stimulating  him  to  his  best  efforts. 
Now,  sitting  under  their  own  vine  and  fig  tree, 
they  can  look  back  with  satisfaction  over  well-spent 
lives  and  enjoy  the  fruits  of  their  early  toils  and 

The  family  history  of  our  subject  is  in  its  main 
paints  as  follows:  His  father,  James  Hone,  was  a 
native  of  Hocking  Countj",  Ohio,  in  which  State 
the  paternal  grandfather,  Henry  Hone,  was  also 
born,  and  practically  grew  up  with  the  country-. 
The  latter  became  one  of  the  leading  farmers  of 
Hocking  County,  in  which  he  settled  at  an  early 
day,  and  where  he  became  well-to-do.  .James  was 
reared  to  farming  pursuits,  and  at  an  early  age 
chose  these  for  his  vocation  in  life.  Upon  reach- 
ing man's  estate,  he  became  tlie  owner  of  a  fine 
tract  of  land,  which  he  cleared  from  the  forest, 
making  a  farm  of  180  acres,  upon  which  he  resided 
until  his  death.  In  the  me.antime,  during  the  pro- 
gress of  the  Civil  War.  lie,  in    1863,  at   the   age  of 



forty-four  years,  enlisted  with  the  lOO-rlays'  men. 
They  were  sent  to  Washington,  wliere  Mr.  Hone 
was  taken  ill  and  died.  Politically,  he  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Republican  party. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  girlhood 
Miss  Mar}-  A.  Strawn.  She  also  was  a  native  of 
Hocking  County,  Ohio,  and  the  daughter  of  John 
Strawn,  a  prominent  farmer  of  that  section.  She 
is  still  living  on  the  old  homestead,  and  is  sixty- 
four  years  ol<l.  Slie  belongs  to  the  ITnited  Breth- 
ren Church.  Our  subject  was  the  eldest  of  the 
thirteen  chililren  born  to  his  parents.  The  next 
cluid.  Safety  M..  together  with  the  eldest  daughter, 
Rebecca,  are  residents  of  Hocking  County,  Ohio. 
Amy  E.  lives  in  Frankfort,  this  count}-;  Mar}'  A. 
and  Eliza  J.  reside  in  Fayette  County,  Ohio;  Ruth 
A.  is  in  Hocking  County,  that  State;  Lizzie  C.  lives 
in  Davis  County,  Mo.;  Catherine  M.  is  at  home 
with  her  mother;  Alice  A.  died  when  an  interest- 
ing young  lady  of  eighteen  years;  Harriet  A.  lives 
in  Fayette  County,  Ohio;  Deborali  died  in  infancy, 
and  James  B.  remains  with  his  mother. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Logan, 
Hocking  Co.,  Ohio,  Aug.  1,  1845,  was  reared  upon 
a  farm  and  received  the  advantages  of  the  com- 
mon school.  He  was  at  an  early  age  required  to 
make  himself  useful  about  the  homestead,  plowing 
as  soon  as  he  could  drive  a  team.  He  was  eighteen 
years  old  at  the  time  of  his  father's  deatii,  and  as- 
sumed charge  of  the  farm,  whicli  he  operated  suc- 
cessfully until  1871.  Wlien  reaching  his  majority, 
he  started  on  his  own  account,  still  continuing  on 
the  farm  until  he  could  make  arrangements  to  es- 
tablish a  home  of  his  own.  With  this  end  in  view, 
he  was  married,  March  18,  1869,  to  Miss  Lucy 
Williams,  a  maiden  of  his  own  township,  and  born 
Dec.  9,  1848.  (The  parental  history  of  Mrs.  Hone 
will  be  found  in  the  sketch  of  her  brother,  E.  C. 
Williams,  on  another  page  of  this  volume.) 

Mr.  Hone,  in  the  fall  of  1871,  decided  to  seek 
his  fortunes  west  of  the  Mississippi.  He  came  by 
rail  to  this  county,  and  located  on  his  present 
farm,  which  was  then  a  tract  of  wild  land,  and  for 
which  he  paid  17.50  per  acre.  He  put  up  a  small 
house  16x18  feet,  and  after  getting  in  his  first  sea- 
son's crops,  proceeded  with  furtiier  improvements 
as  rapidly  as  possible.     He  set  out  fruit  and  forest 

trees,  fenced  his  fields,  and  six  years  later  pur- 
chased forty  acres  adjoining  at  $6.50  an  acre.  He 
brou.^ht  120  acres  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation, 
and  in  1884  added  to  his  landed  possessions  by  the 
purchase  of  160  acres  of  land  adjoining  at  $15  per 
acre.  Of  this  amount,  100  acres  are  under  the 
plow,  a  substantial  dwelling  has  been  erected,  and 
the  other  buildings  added,  as  required.  The  farm 
is  now  considered  one  of  the  best  in  this  part  of 
the  State,  adaiirably  adapted  to  stock-raising.  Mr. 
Hone  keeps  about  fifty  head  of  cattle,  a  herd  of 
Poland-China  swine  and  graded  Norman  horses, 
of  which  he  has  about  ten  head,  and  utilizes  two 
teams  in  his  farm  operations.  He  has  always  main- 
tained a  warm  interest  in  the  agricultural  resources 
of  tills  county,  and  is  a  member  of  the  Vermillion 
Live  Stock  Association. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hone  have  not  been  blest  with 
children  of  their  own,  but  some  years  since  adopted 
a  boy,  Albert  Marble,  who  was  born  in  Noble 
Township  in  1874,  and  who  still  remains  with  them. 
Mr.  Hone,  politically,  is  a  straight  Republican,  and 
both  he  and  his  wife  are  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  at  Vermil- 
lion. Mr.  Hone  was  a  member  of  the  building 
committee,  and  has  officiated  as  Steward  and 
Trustee.  He  has  been  School  Treasurer  of  his  dis- 
trict three  years,  and  was  Road  Supervisor  two 



yy^lUTE  BROS.  This  firm  consists  of  F.  W. 
&  E.  D.  Wlute,  sons  of  E.  D.  White,  Sr., 
^  ^  the  latter  being  a  resident  of  Gaines,  N. 
Y.  These  young  men  occupy  a  fine  store  on 
Broadway,  where  they  have  an  extensive  stock  of 
groceries  and  queensware.  They  are  thorougii 
business  men,  all  their  energies  being  devoted  to 
the  promotion  of  their  interests  in  that  line,  and  as 
they  are  endowed  with  more  than  ordinary  ability, 
their  business  is  in  a  highly  prosperous  condition. 
E.  D.  White,  Sr.,  was  a  native  of  Vermont,  but 
moved  to  New  York  at  an  early  age,  and  there 
married  Miss  Eliza  Beardsley.  Mr.  AVhite  died  at 
the  early  age  of  tliirty  six  years,   befoi'e  the   birth 



of  E.  D.,  Jr.  F.  W.  was  also  born  at  Gaines,  N. 
Y.,  Aug.  13,  1852,  and  the  younger  brother,  Jan. 
4,  1 855.  There  is  an  older  son.  H.  C.  White,  who 
is  a  resident  of  the  old  home  in  New  York.  When 
the  children  were  quite  young  the  mother  removed 
to  Flint,  Mich.,  where  the  younger  daj-s  of  the  b03'S 
were  passed,  and  at  the  High  School  of  that  place 
they  received  their  education. 

F.  W.  White  then  became  a  drj- -goods  clerk,  and 
the  youngest  son  entered  a  jewelry  store.  Flint, 
Mich.,  was  their  home  until  the  j-ear  1880,  when 
they  engaged  in  business  in  Marysville,  where  thej' 
have  made  a  iir.e  reputation  for  themselves,  both 
in  a  business  and  social  way.  The  order.  Knights 
of  P\'thias,  claims  one  of  the  brothers  as  a  mem- 
ber, and  F.  W.  White  is  a  communicant  of  the 
Episcopal  Church.  Neither  of  the  brothers  has 
anj'  predilection  for  politics,  but  both  belong  to 
the  Democratic  party. 

EWITT  C.  GRIFFIS.  The  present  status 
of  Clear  Fork  Township  indicates  in  a  for- 
cible manner  the  character  of  its  early  pio- 
neers, among  whom  maj'  be  properly  men- 
tioned the  one  with  whose  name  we  introduce 
this  sketch.  He  came  to  Northern  Kansas  when 
comparatively  few  settlers  had  ventured  into  this 
region,  having  determined  to  cast  his  lot  among 
those  adventurous  spirits  who  felt  themselves  equal 
to  the  task  of  transforming  a  portion  of  the  wilder- 
ness into  an  abiding  place  for  themselves  and  their 
families.  The  industry  with  which  he  labored, 
and  the  perseverance  with  which  he  overcame  the 
difficulties  which  beset  him  and  others,  are  now 
things  of  the  past,  and  with  them  he  feels  amply 
repaid  for  those  toils  and  sacrifices.  Few  men 
came  to  this  region  with  other  capital  than  their 
strong  hands  and  vigorous  constitutions,  and  these 
qualities  proved  to  them  at  such  a  time  of  more 
real  value  than  hard  cash. 

The  State  of  Ohio  contributed  to  Northern 
Kansas,  one  of  her  most  worthy  sons  in  the  subject 
of  this  sketch,  who  was  born  in  Butler  County, 
Sept.  21.  1845.     His  parents  were  David  andLvdia 

(Parkhurst)  Griflis,  likewise  natives  of  the  Buckeye 
State.  The  paternal  grandfather,  David  Griflis, 
was  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Butler  County-, 
choosing  his  location  on  the  Miami  River.  He  was 
the  son  of  David,  Sr.,  an  old  Revolutionar3-  hero 
■who  followed  the  fortunes  of  the  Colonists  from  the 
beginning  of  the  war  for  independence  until  its 
close.  He  was  a  blacksmith  by  trade,  and  one  of 
those  hardy  spirits  who  never  knew  fear  and  seldom 
knew  fatigue.  DeWitt  C.  is  the  possessor  of  a 
number  of  knives  and  forks  which  were  made  by 
his  great-grandfather  Griflis,  during  the  winter 
which  he  spent  at  Yalle}'  Forge  under  the  direct 
command  of  Gen.  Washington.  He  was  of  Welsh 
descent,  and  after  the  independence  of  the  Colo- 
nists had  been  established  he  emigrated  to  the 
Territory  of  Ohio,  where  he  spent  the  remainder 
of  his  days,  dying  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety 
j'^ears.  His  ancestors  on  the  maternal  side  were  of 
French  extraction. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  remained  a  resident 
of  his  native  State  until  a  lad  of  eleven  years,  then 
removed  with  his  parents  to  Indiana.  The^'  only 
sojourned  there  a  year,  however,  then  pushed  on 
Westward  across  the  Father  of  Waters  into  Wa3-ne 
County,  Iowa,  taking  up  a  tract  of  wild  land  and 
prosecuting  farming  a  number  of  years.  In  the 
meantime  the  mother  died,  when  DeWitt  C.  was  a 
lad  of  fourteen.  The  boy  was  deprived  of  the  ad- 
vantages accorded  the  j'outh  of  to-day,  but  bis 
natural  faculty  of  thought  and  observation,  and 
his  habit  of  reading  whenever  the  opportunity  per- 
mitted, were  the  means  of  his  gathering  much  use- 
ful information,  and  when  arriving  at  manhood  he 
was  well  fitted,  both  by  nature  and  training,  to 
enter  upon    the  more  serious  duties  of  life. 

In  the  fall  of  1863  the  Grifl3s  family,  leaving 
the  Hawkeye  State,  came  to  this  county,  establish- 
ing themselves  on  a  tract  of  land  in  Blue  Rapids 
Tow;isliip,  where  the  death  of  the  father  took  place 
in  1877.  DeWitt  C.  was  a  youth  of  nineteen  yeais 
when  the  family  came  to  this  county,  and  when 
reaching  his  majority-  he  began  farming  on  his  own 
account.  He  purchased  160  acres  of  laud  from  the 
railroad  company,  paj-ing  therefor  $4.75  per  acre, 
this  comprising  the  quarter-section  upon  which 
he  still  lives.  The  land  w.ns  in  its  original  condition, 

T /7}f^^Ca^4Arr. 



just  as  the  Indians  harl  left  it,  not  a  furrow  iiaving 
been  turned  upon  it.  His  first  business  was  tlie 
erection  of  a  slielter  for  liimself,  and  lie  then  com- 
menced brealiing  the  sod.  Year  after  year  he 
steadil}'  pursued  his  labors,  adding  something  each 
year  to  the  value  of  his  possessions,  extending  tlie 
area  of  cultivated  soil,  erecting  buildings,  planting 
fruit  and  shade  trees,  and  instituting  the  other  im- 
provements naturall}-  suggested  to  the  mind  of  the 
progressive  agriculturist. 

Mr.  Griffls  in  1870  took  to  himself  a  wife  and 
helpmate,  Miss  Chloe,  daugliter  of  David  Woodin, 
who, with  his  son  Ira,  subsequently  founded  the  town 
of  .Seattle,  Wash.  Mrs.  Griffls  came  to  this  county 
with  Joseph  Langdon,  when  quite  young,  and  was 
reared  in  his  famil}'.  There  have  been  born  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Griffls  two  children — Oscar  and  So- 
phia. Mrs.  Griffls  departed  this  life  in  August, 
1885.  Mr.  Griffls  contracted  a  second  marriage, 
July  12,  1887,  with  Miss  Florence  McDermott,  who 
likewise  settled  in  this  county  during  its  pioneer 
days;  they  have  one  son,  Benjamin  H. 

Mr.  Griffls,  politically, votes  the  straight  Repub- 
lican ticket,  and  he  and  his  wife  are  members  in 
good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church  at  Bigelow. 
Mr.  Griffls  has  always  believed  in  the  establishment 
and  maintenance  of  schools,  and  has  served  as  a 
Director  in  his  district.  He  bears  the  reputation 
of  being  a  liberal  and  public-spirited  man — one 
who  uniformly  gives  his  aid  and  influence  to  the 
projects  calculated  to  advance  the  people,  social!}', 
morally,  and  financially.  As  one  of  the  earliest 
pioneers,  he  is  prominent  in  the  Old  Settlers' 
Association,  and  is  usually  present  at  their  ver^' 
interesting  annual  meetings. 

sillOMAS  W.  WATEKSON  was  a  few  months 
since  regarded  as  the  oldest  white  settler  in 
Kansas,  but  he  too  has  now  passed  to  his 
last  long  rest,  and  is  numbered  with  the  great  ma- 
jority who  "were,  but  arc  not."  He  died  Sept.  5, 
1889,  mourned  b}'  his  friends,  and  sinking  peace- 
fully into  the  arms  of  death.  At  the  time  of  his 
arrival  in  Kansas   in    1854    he    found   only    a    few 

Government  officials,  Mr.  Smallwood,  father  of 
Secretary  of  State  Smallwood,  having  come  the 
day  before.  Mr.  Smallwood  is  now  dead  and  ex- 
tensive inquiry  fails  to  reveal  any  now  living,  who 
were  settlers  prior  to  our  subject.  He  was  there- 
fore closely  identified  with  the  growth  of  North- 
eastern Kansas,  and  his  biography  in  many^ 
particulars  is  a  history  of  this  part  of  the  State. 

Mr.  Waterson  was  born  Feb.  15,  1811,  in  what 
is  now  Perry  County,  Pa.,  but  was  at  that  time  a 
part  of  Cumberland  County.  He  lost  his  mother 
when  he  was  only  three  years  old.  His  father  re- 
mained in  that  county  until  1827,  when  he  re- 
moved to  Hamilton  County,  Ohio,  living  in  or 
near  Cincinnati,  and  at  one  time  near  Hamilton 
City,  Butler  (bounty.  Our  subject  was  early 
thrown  on  his  own  resources,  but  succeeded  in  get- 
ting a  good  practical  education,  by  working  in  the 
summer  to  make  the  money  necessary  to  pay  tui- 
tion, and  in  the  winter  working  for  his  board  while 
attending  school.  He  settled  upon  a  farm  in  But- 
ler County,  and  there  resided  until  coming  to  Kan- 
sas. As  before  mentioned,  he  came  to  Kansas  in 
1854,  settling  with  his  family  in  Doniphan  County. 
On  the  6lh  day  of  Maj-,  that  j'ear,  he  made  a  pre- 
emption claim  by  driving  a  clapboard  in  the  ground 
and  writing  his  name  upon  it,  and  laying  the  foun- 
dation of  a  home  by  crossing  four  poles.  He  built 
a  log  cabin,  covering  it  with  clapboards,  and  dur- 
ing the  spring  and  summer  of  his  first  three  years' 
sojourn  in  Kansas,  brought  100  acres  of  prairie 
under  cultivation  without  hiring  a  day's  work.  He 
devoted  his  land  to  the  raising  of  the  great  staples, 
wheat,  corn  and  oats,  and  cultivated  an  abundance 
of  garden  vegetables.  When  he  first  located  in 
Kansas,  Indians  were  plentiful,  many  of  them  be- 
ing treacherous  and  hostile,  but  our  subject  had  no 
personal  trouble  with  them.  In  1855  he  proved 
up  on  his  place,  of  which  he  continued  a  resident 
until  1857.  He  then  removed  to  Iowa  Point, 
where  he  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business. 

Removing  to  this  county  in  the  spring  of  1860, 
our  subject  engaged  in  selling  general  merchan- 
dise, he  and  Gen.  Marshall,  being  among  tlie  first 
who  supplied  freigiiter's  outfits.  His  first  store 
was  located  on  the  Big  Blue,  where  the  bridge  now 
stands,  everyone  at  that  time  being  obliged  to  for<l 



the  stream.  At  that  point  the  business  of  the  vi- 
cinity was  done  for  three  or  four  years,  when  the 
town  was  started  a  half  mile  east.  Mr.  TVaterson 
then  removed  to  Broadway,  where  he  sold  goods 
until  1870.  Then  erecting  a  double  brick  store, 
he  occupied  one  part  of  it  until  the  1st  of  January, 
1889,  when  he  sold  his  stock,  retaining  the  build- 
ing, together  with  several  fine  business  blocks  on 
Broadrt-ay,  and  other  city  property.  For  a  num- 
ber of  years  he  sold  agricultural  implements  as 
well  as  general  merchandise.  At  various  times  he 
bought  land,  much  of  it  being  a  short  distance 
west  in  Washington  County.  For  several  years  he 
carried  on  farming,  owning  one  farm  of  400  acres 
near  town,  and  renting  1000  acres. 

There  was  no  local  government  in  this  section 
when  our  subject  arrived,  as  it  had  not  then  been 
declared  a  Territory.  The  Kansas  and  Missouri 
border  war  was  in  progress  and  there  was  a  great 
deal  of  excitement.  The  Territorial  treaty  was 
ratified  during  the  summer  of  1854,  and  the  first 
Congressional  election  held  in  the  fall.  On  March 
30,  1855,  a  Territorial  election  was  held  and  our 
subject  was  elected  to  the  First  Territorial  Legis- 
lature. The  first  session  was  held  in  Jul3-,  1855, 
near  Ft.  Riley,  at  a  place  called  Pawnee  City.  This 
being  far  west  of  the  center  of  civilization,  the 
body  was  thereby  greatly  inconvenienced,  but 
soon  had  a  good  house  in  which  to  stay.  Our  sub- 
ject arrived  on  Sunday  afternoon  and  found  men 
engaged  in  cutting  trees,  drawing  and  sawing  them. 
On  Monday  the  Legislature  met  in  the  brush  for 
))relirainar}-  work,  but  in  the  afternoon  had  a  capi- 
tol  building,  20x30  feet,  with  doors,  roof,  windows 
and  tloor  complete.  Our  subject  was  a  member  of 
the  committees  on  Corporation,  Judiciary  and  oth- 
ers. The  session  lasted  only  for  a  short  time  and 
but  one  bill  was  passed.  This  bill  was  to  remove 
the  Capital  from  Pawnee  City  to  the  Shawnee  Man- 
ual Labor  School  in  Doniphan  County,  that  being 
the  only  place  capable  of  accommodating  the  mem- 
bers. The  Legislature  had  a  rather  boisterous  ses- 
sion, as  the  Governor  had  lieen  angered  bj'  the 
change  in  the  place  of  meeting,  and  he  vetoed  the 
first  bill  passed.  Mr.  Waterson  was  returned  to 
the  Legislature  in  1857,  the  body  meeting  at  the 
same  place.     Being  personally  acquainted  with  the 

Governor  he  was  appointed  by  the  Legislature  to 
confer  with  him  in  regard  to  the  change  of  the 

Our  subject  was  the  first  Justice  of  the  Peace  ap- 
pointed in  the  Territory',  being  elected  at  a  meet- 
ing of  earl}'  settlers  in  Wathena,  Doniphan  County, 
and  appointed  by  the  Governor.  His  jurisdiction 
extended  from  the  Nebraska  line  to  the  southern 
boundary  of  Kansas,  and  from  the  Missouri  River 
to  the  Colorado  line.  Subsequently  there  were 
two  other  citizens  appointed  to  the  office  of  Justice 
of  the  Peace  in  that  territory.  After  receiving  his 
commission  he  asked  the  Governor  what  law  he 
should  use,  as  there  was  none  in  the  Territory. 
The  Governor  asked  what  State  he  was  from,  and 
then  told  him  he  could  use  either  the  Ohio  or  the 
Missouri  law.  He  counseled  with  Judge  Woodson 
at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  finally  decided  to  use  the 
old  Missouri  Territorial  law.  Mr.  Waterson  served 
as  Justice  of  the  Peace  until  the  State  was  divided 
into  counties.  Having  held  court  he  was  familiarly 
known  as  Judge  Waterson. 

Mr.  Waterson  was  first  married  to  Miss  J.anc 
Moore,  who  died  while  young,  leaving  two  chil- 
dren, both  now  deceased.  One  of  these,  James, 
grew  to  manhood,  married  and  settled  in  this  State, 
and  at  his  death  le't  three  children.  Our  subject 
again  married,  his  second  wife  being  Miss  Caroline 
Hall,  who  accompanied  her  husband  to  Kansas. 
She  left  three  children  to  mourn  her  loss.  The 
third  wife  of  our  suliject  was  Jlrs.  Rebecca  M. 

The  people  displayed  their  confidence  in  Mr. 
Waterson  by  choosing  him  to  occupy  the  responsi- 
ble position  of  Mayor  of  Marysville  for  sev'eral 
terms.  He  was  not  an  active  politician,  but  was 
prominent  in  Democratic  circles,  having  voted 
with  the  Democratic  party  from  Jackson  to  Cleve- 
land. He  was  a  man  of  eminence  in  Marysville, 
not  only  on  account  of  his  man}'  j'e.ars  of  life  and 
service  in  the  State,  but  on  account  of  his  abilities 
and  upright  character. 

The  following  clipping  from  the  Marysville 
Neics,  published  the  day  after  the  death  of  this 
pioneer  and  time  scarred  warrior,  will  Ije  appre- 
ciated by  the  readers: 

"He  was  very  successful  in  his  business  pursuits 



and  amassed  a  very  handsome  fortune,  amounting 
to  well  upwards  of  §100,000.  He  was  always  a 
liberal,  public  spirited  man,  and  worked  for  what 
lie  lielieved  to  be  the  best  interest  of  the  city.  He 
always  contributed  liberally  to  charitable  purposes, 
and  was  always  willing  to  aid  and  encourage  his 
unfortunate  fellownien.  He  was  a  man  who  car- 
ried his  age  well,  and  was  unusually'  smart  and  ac- 
tive for  a  man  of  nearly  eighty  yeai-s  of  age,  but 
for  the  past  year  his  friends  have  noticed  that  his 
physical  strength  was  failing.  He  realized  this 
himself,  and  had  his  business  matters  all  shaped  up 
according  to  his  desires,  so  that  there  would  be  no 
likelihood  of  anj^  complications  after  his  death. 
On  last  Sunday  while  at  the  dinner  table  he  was 
stricken  with  paralysis  on  the  left  side,  and  this  was 
followed  Wednesday  by  another  stroke  which  com- 
pletely paralyzed  his  whole  body,  and  he  lay  in  a 
comatose  state  until  2:20  yesterday,  when  he  died. 
The  deceased  was  a  man  of  good  moral  character, 
and  was  always  identified  with  the  moral  element 
of  the  community.  His  death  removes  a  good 
citizen,  an  old  land  mark.  An  honest,  upright 
man  has  gone  to  enjoy  his  reward  free  from  the 
trials  and  turmoils  of  this  world." 

We  are  pleased  to  present  to  the  readers  of  the 
Album  a  fine  portrait  of  this  honored  citizen,  whose 
familiar  face  and  friendly  voice  will  no  more  greet 
old  and  3'oung.  rich  and  poor,  with  a  smile  of  sym- 
pathy or  a  word  of  kindness. 

\Y;OHN  TURXBULL.  Six  years  since,  the 
subject  of  this  notice  came  to  this  county 
and  purchased  eighty  acres  of  land  on  sec- 
(^/y  tion  7,  in  St.  Bridget  Township,  from  which 
he  proceeded  to  build  up  a  homestead.  The  in- 
dustr}-  with  which  he  has  labored  is  apparent  in 
the  many  improvements  he  has  effected  and  the 
general  air  of  comfort  and  plenty  which  surrounds 
him  and  his  family.  Besides  fencing  the  land  and 
bringing  the  soil  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  he 
has  erected  the  necessary  buildings,  and  has  planted 
several  hundred  fruit  trees  and  as  many  forest 
trees.  He  is  considerably  interested  in  stock-rais- 
ing, and  has  a  goodly  assortment  of  domestic  ani- 
mals— cattle,  horses  and  swine. 

A   native    of    bonny   Scotland, 
born  in  Roxburghshire.   April  26, 

our  subject  was 
1844,  and  is  th ' 

sou  of  John  Turnbull,  who  spent  his  entire  life  in 
the  Land  of  the  Thistle.  Upon  reaching  man's 
estate  our  subject  was  married,  in  his  native  shire, 
in  1873,  to  Miss  Margaret  Cook,  who  was  born 
and  reared  not  far  from  the  early  home  of  her 
husband.  A  few  months  after  their  marriage  the 
young  people  set  out  for  America,  and  coming  di- 
rectly Westward,  settled  eight  miles  south  of 
Pawnee  City,  where  Mr.  Turnbull  prosecuted  farm- 
ing until  coming  to  this  county,  in  1883.  Thesis 
children  were  born  in  this  State  and  are  all  liv- 
ing. The  eldest,  a  daughter,  Jane,  has  completed 
her  studies,  and  with  the  others — John,  James, 
William,  George  and  Robert — remains  at  home 
with  her  parents.  Mr.  Turnbull  takes  no  active 
part  in  politics,  otherwise  than  casting  his  vote  in 
support  of  the  Republican  party. 


HDNEY  WALTER.  No  visitor  to  this 
county  will  long  be  ignorant  of  the  name 
and  person  of  the  gentleman  whose  cogno- 
men heads  this  sketch,  he  being  well  known 
throughout  this  section  as  farmer,  stock-raiser  and 
breeder,  and  occupying  a  well-improved  farm  of 
of  420  acres  on  section  14,  Marysville  Township. 
His  father  was  Jacob  Walter,  a  native  of  Wells, 
England.  The  maiden  name  of  his  mother  was 
Sarah  Clark,  she  being  a  native  of  Madison  County, 
N.  Y.  Mr.  Jacob  Walter  first  settled  on  the  Mau- 
mee  River,  where  Toledo  now  stands,  and  thence 
removed  to  Oakland  County,  Mich.,  where  he  and 
his  wife  both  died.  They  had  a  family  of  nine 
children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  fifth,  beiii" 
born  in  Oakland  County,  Mich.,  July  10,  1842. 

Our  subject  was  reared  to  agricultural  pursuits, 
his  father  being  a  fanner,  and  in  his  native  county 
followed  his  father's  occupation.  The  call  of  Presi- 
dent Lincoln  for  75,000  men  to  repossess  the  forts, 
places  and  property  seized  from  the  Union,  found 
earnest  response  in  the  breast  of  j'oung  Walter, 
who  in  May,  1861,  enlisted  in  the  Union  service, 
being  assigned  to  Company  F,  of  the  otli  Michigan 
Infautiy,  in  which  he  served  as  Corporal.  At  the 
battle  of   Fair  Oaks  he  was  wounded  by  a  falling 



tree  which  had  been  cut  by  a  shell,  having  four 
ribs  broken  in  his  left  side.  He  was  taken  prisoner, 
but  remained  in  the  hands  of  the  enemy  buta  short 
time  when  he  was  recaptured.  His  wound  proved  a 
serious  one,  and  for  three  months  he  was  entirely 
l)aralyzed  in  the  lower  limbs.  Being  unfitted  for 
the  service  he  received  a  discharge  in  October, 
1862.  but  upon  his  restoration  to  health  in  June, 
18G3,  he  re-enlisted  in  Company  L,  10th  Michigan 
Cavalry,  filling  the  office  of  first  Sergeant,  and  later 
receiving  the  commission  of  Second  Lieutenant. 
He  was  in  the  siege  of  Yorktown,  took  part  in  the 
fierce  contest  between  fighting'  Joe  Hooker  and 
Gen.  Johnston,  at  Williamsburg,  and  in  the  battle 
of  Greenville,  E.  Teun.,  where  Morgan  was  killed, 
as  well  as  in  less  important  affrays.  Mr.  Walter 
also  took  part  in  the  Sherman  raid  in  the  memora- 
ble pursuit  of  Jeff  Davis.  He  considers  his  sever- 
est war  experience  to  have  been  at  the  time  of  the 
assasination  of  President  Lincoln,  when  he  engaged 
in  the  pursuit  of  the  assassin.  Being  honorably 
discharged  from  the  service  in  December,  1865, 
our  subject  returned  to  his  home,  and  early  in  Jan- 
uar3'  of  the  following  3ear  went  to  Grenada,  Miss., 
with  the  intention  of  making  that  place  his  home. 
On  his  journey  South  Mr.  Walter  fell  in  with  two 
men  from  Vermont.  These  men  being  killed  by 
Forester's  band  Mr.  Walter  considered  it  unsafe  to 
remain  in  that  section  and  departed  to  Canada, 
where  he  engaged  in  the  oil  business  for  three  years. 
He  then  came  to  Clinton,  Iowa,  where  he  was  fore- 
man in  a  match  factor}^  He  loaned  the  parties 
§3.000  and  took  the  insurance  for  security.  In  Oc- 
tober, 1871,  he  was  burned  out,  and  being  insured 
with  the  Chicago  companies  which  were  crippled 
on  account  of  the  great  fire,  he  obtained  no  insur- 
ance. Undismayed  by  this  loss  of  all  he  possessed 
he  set  to  work  to  repair  his  shattered  fortunes,  and 
coming  to  this  county  he  located  and  engaged  in 

Mr.  Walter  was  married  in  Ft.  Huron,  Mich., 
July  15,  1868,  to  Miss  Maria  F.  Goring,  a  native 
of  Lincoln  County,  Ontario,  where  she  was  born 
Sept.  22,  1842.  This  estimable  j'oung  lady  is  a 
daughter  of  Francis  A.  Goring,  of  Ontario.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  AValter  have  one  child — Lottie  Matilda. 

Since  coming  to  this  county  Mr.  Walter  has  de- 

voted his  attention  wholly  to  farming  and  stock- 
raising,  has  made  good  improvements  on  iiis  place 
and  carries  on  the  stock  business  verj-  successfully, 
turning  off  about  300  head  of  fat  cattle  yearly.  He 
has  been  School  Trustee  for  many  years,  working 
faithfully  for  the  improvement  of  the  schools.  At 
the  present  time  he  occupies  the  position  of  Town- 
ship Clerk.  He  is  a  member  of  Lyons  Post  No.  9, 
G.  A.  R.  In  religious  views  he  is  in  harmony  with 
the  noted  Col.  Robert  Ingersol. 

ril-^ARRY  HL'MFREVILLE.  M.D.,  local  sur- 
Ijljl!  geon  for  the  JNIissouri  Pacific  Railroad 
^^^  Company,  and  a  leading  practitioner  at 
(^)  Waterville,  has  established  a  good  practice 
in  this  part  of  the  count}'  with  a  prospect  of  contin- 
ued success.  He  is  only  thirty-five  years  old,  hav- 
ing been  born  June  28,  1854,  and  his  native  place 
was  Miami  County,  Ohio.  His  father,  AVilliam  T. 
Humfreville,  was  a  native  of  D.ayton,  that  State, 
and  born  in  August,  1813. 

AVilliam  T.  Humfreville  was  a  man  of  more 
than  ordinary  abilities  and  good  business  capaci- 
ties, and  was  nearly  all  iiis  life  successfuUj-  en- 
gaged as  a  contractor  and  builder  at  Piqua,  Ohio. 
He  was  liberal  and  public-spirited,  and  became 
prominent  in  his  community,  taking  an  active 
interest  in  its  educational  matters.  He  served 
for  a  time  in  the  Union  army  during  the  Civil 
War.  He  was  successful  in  the  accumulation  of 
property,  and  from  early  manhood  was  a  devoted 
member  of  the  Baptist  Church,  taking  an  active 
part  in  its  support.  In  Masonry  he  had  attained  to 
the  Royal  Arch  degrees.  He  held  many  of  the 
minor  offices.     He  is  now  deceased. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
David  Humfreville.  a  veteran  of  the  War  of  1812, 
who  afterward  enjoyed  a  pension  and  received  a 
land  grant  from  the  Government  for  his  services. 
The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  girlhood 
Miss  Harriet  Licklider,  of  Beavertown,  Ohio,  and 
the  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Susan  Licklider,  who 
were  natives  of  Virginia.  To  the  parents  of  our 
subject  there  were   burn  si.x  children,  all  of   whom 



lived  to  mature  years.  Harry,  our  subject,  was 
the  j'oungest  born.  He  was  reared  at  Piqna,  in 
his  native  county,  and  received  a  good  education, 
being  graduated  from  the  Higli  School  in  1870. 
When  little  more  than  a  boy  he  learned  telegraphy, 
which  he  followed  a  few  years,  then  turned  his  at- 
tention to  the  stud}'  of  medicine.  He  pursued  his 
studies  in  the  office  of  Dr.  W.  C.  Parkei',  of  Piqua, 
and  in  1875  was  graduated  with  high  honors  from 
the  Kentuclcy  School  of  Medicine  at  Louisville. 

Dr.  Humfreville  commenced  the  practice  of  his 
profession  at  Versailles,  Ohio,  where  he  was  lo- 
cated about  eighteen  months,  and  then  removed  to 
Shelby  County,  that  State,  where  he  followed  his 
practice  until  1880.  That  year  he  came  to  Kansas 
and  located  in  Waterville,  where  he  has  since  re- 
mained. He  stands  high  among  the  medical  men 
of  this  section,  and  is  a  member  of  the  North  Kan- 
sas Medical  Association,  also  member  and  Secretary 
of  the  Marshall  County  Medical  Association.  In 
1889  he  was  appointed  the  health  officer  of  Mar- 
shall County.  He  is  an  active  member  of  the  Epis- 
copal Church,  and  a  liberal  contributor  to  church 
and  charitable  institutions.  Socially,  he  is  con- 
nected with  the  Masonic  fraternity,  having  been 
the  Master  of  Sutton  Lodge  No.  85,  at  Waterville, 
for  several  years.  He  is  the  friend  of  education 
and  progress,  genial  and  courteous  in  his  demeanor, 
and  has  made  man}'  friends  since  his  residence  in 
this  county. 

On  the  14th  of  September,  1880,  Dr.  Humfreville 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Mrs.  Hannah  Bronson, 
an  accomplished  vnd  educated  young  lady  of  Shelby 
County,  [Ohio,  and  the  daughter  of  Josiah  T.  and 
Teaclioup.  To  the  Doctor  and  his  amiable  wife 
there  have  been  born  two  children — William  J.  and 
Johnie  T. 

J^^i  LEX  CAMPBELL,  Clerk  of    the  District 
'fur.    Court  of   Marshall  County,  was  first  the 
/   Is    incumbent  of    this  office    from    1862    to 
^  1873,  and  after  the  lapse  of  a  few  years 

was  re-elected  Jan.  1.  1889,  for  the  two  years'  term 
which  he  is  now  serving.  He  was  born  in  the 
Highlands  of    Scotland,  Dec.   31,  1833,  and  lived 

there  until  a  youth  of  sixteen  years,  acquiring  a 
practical  education  in  the  common  schools,  lie 
then  crossed  the  Atlantic,  and  took  up  his  residence 
in  Guelph,  Upper  Canada,  where  he  was  employed 
as  a  clerk  in  a  store  until  the  spring  of  1852. 

Our  subject,  now  leaving  the  Dominion,  crossed 
the  lake  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  ihence  made  his 
way  to  Chillicothe,  Ross  County,  where  he  became 
the  employe  of  Frazier  &  Co.  and  remained  there 
until  1859.  One  of  the  firm  tlien  came  to  Leaven- 
worth, this  State,  accompanied  by  our  subject  as 
clerk,  and  with  whom  the  latter  remained  until  the 
establishment  was  destro3'ed  by  fire  in  March,  1860. 
Mr.  Campbell  then  came  to  Marysville,  this  county, 
and  changing  his  occupation  somewhat,  established 
himself  on  a  tract  of  land  on  the  Big  Blue,  four 
miles  north  of  town,  taking  up  a  homestead  claim 
of  160  acres.  After  building  a  cabin  he  proceeded 
with  other  improvements  as  rapidly  as  possible, 
and  remained  there  two  j'ears,  suffering  in  the 
meantime  from  drouth  which  considerably  crippled 
his  farming  operations. 

In  March,  1862,  Mr.  Campbell  was  appointed  by 
Judge  Horton,  Clerk  of  the  District  Court,  and  in 
order  to  enter  upon  the  duties  of  his  office,  re- 
moved to  Marysville.  He  served  his  term,  and  at 
the  general  election  which  occurred  in  the  fall  of 
that  year,  he  was  chosen  for  the  same  office,  which 
he  filled  with  credit  to  himself  and  in  a  manner  sat- 
isfactory' to  the  people,  as  his  re-election  for  four 
consecutive  terms  amply  indicated.  Upon  with- 
drawing from  the  office  he  engaged  in  mercantile 
pursuits.  In  1872  he  put  up  a  fine  brick  residence 
on  Elm  Street,  which  he  now  occupies  with  his 
family.  He  is  a  man  of  sterling  worth  and  has 
hosts  of  friends  in  this  county.  He  uniformly 
votes  with  the  Republican  party,  and  is  a  consist- 
ent member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

Mr.  Campbell  while  residing  in  Canada,  was 
married  Maj^  2,  1855,  to  Miss  Ann  McLeod,  and 
they  became  the  parents  of  three  children,  the  eld- 
est of  whom,  a  dnughter,  Effie,  became  the  wife  of 
William  Henry,  of  Marysville,  and  the}' have  three 
!  children,  Bertha,  Mamie  and  Effle;  Mar}'  Ann  re 
mains  at  home  with  her  parents;  John  married  Miss 
Gladys  Rice,  and  they  have  two  children;  he  is  the 
assistant  of  his  father  in   the  office  of  the   latter. 



Mrs.  Ann  (McLeod)  Campbell  departed  this  life  at 
the  family  residence  in  Marysville  at  the  early  age 
of  thirty  j'ears. 

In  December,  1864,  our  subject  contracted  a 
second  marriage,  with  IMiss  Belle  McDonald.  Eight 
of  the  nine  children  born  of  this  union  are  now 
living.  The  deceased,  a  daughter,  Ettie,  became 
the  wife  of  H.  C.  Harvey,  and  died  in  Kansas  City, 
March  12,  1889,  when  twenty-three  years  old. 
The  survivors  are  Benjamin,  Christie,  Alex,  Jr., 
Frank,  Jessie,  Katie,  Belle  and  Ettie.  They  are  all 
at  home  with  their  parents  and  will  receive  the 
training  and  education  suited  to  their  position  in 
life.  Mrs.  Belle  (McDonald)  Campbell  is  the  sec- 
ond daughter  of  Finley  McDonald,  of  whom  men- 
tion is  made  in  the  sketch  of  R.  McDonald  elsewhere 
in  this  Album.  vShe  was  born  in  Rosshire,  Scot- 
land, and  was  brought  to  America  by  her  parents 
when  a  child.  The  mother  of  Mr.  Campbell  died 
in  Scotland  many  years  ago.  Her  maiden  name 
was  Henrietta  Cameron.  The  parental  household 
included  six  children,  of  whom  our  subject  and 
his  brother  Donald  are  the  only  survivors,  and 
he  and  John  are  the  only  ones  who  came  to  Amer- 

-€-^"^ ^- 

EUBEN  FULLER,  Postmaster,  Swede 
\x'  Creek.  Among  the  many  citizens  of  Kan- 
sas who,  beginning  life  with  no  capital  but 
@  that  bestowed  upon  them  by  nature,  have 
achieved  financial  success,  the  gentleman  whose 
name  heads  this  sketch  deserves  mention.  He  is  one 
of  the  first  settlers  of  Cottage  Ilill  Township,  where 
he  now  owns  eiglity  acres  of  well-improved  land  on 
section  26.  He  has  been  owner  of  a  much  larger 
estate,  but  is  now  living  a  rather  retired  life  and 
enjo3'ing  the  prosperity  which  he  has  achieved. 
Mr.  Fuller  is  a  native  of  Nantucket  Island, 
where  his  birth  took  place  July  27,  1830.  His  fa- 
ther, Thomas  Fuller,  was  born  at  Barnstable,  Mass., 
in  1796,  and  died  on  Nantucket  Island  in  1841. 
He  spent  the  most  of  his  life  in  whaling.  During 
the  war  of  1812  he  was  engaged  in  the  service  against 
the  land  from  which  he  traced  his  descent.  In  the 
sixteenth  century,  three  brothers  named  Fuller  had 

emigrated  from  England  to  America,  and  settled 
respectively  in  Maine.  New  Hampshire  and  Massa- 
chusetts. To  the  latter  was  born  a  son,  Joseph, 
who  was  the  grandfather  of -our  subject.  He  served 
in  defense  of  his  country  in  the  Revolutionarj' 
War.  The  mother  of  our  subject  bore  the  maiden 
name  of  Sophia  Cash.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Reu- 
ben Cash,  of  a  well  known  Nantucket-  Island  fam- 
ily. On  the  Island  she  was  born  in  1800,  and 
there  she  died  in  1879.  Thomas  and  Lydia  Fuller 
became  the  parents  of  two  children,  Reuben  and 
Caroline,  the  former  of  whom  is  the  only  surviv- 
ing member  of  the  family. 

Reuben  Fuller  was  reared  and  educated  on  his 
native  island  and  in  early  life  worked  at  the  car- 
penter's trade.  In  1859  he  went  West  and  soon 
settled  upon  the  laud  where  he  now  resides.  In 
1850  he  married  Miss  Elmira  Andrews,  of  Nan- 
tucket. She  passed  from  earth  in  1857,  leaving 
two  children,  Reuben  A.  and  Herbert  S.  Seven 
years  after  her  death  our  subject  married  again, 
the  bride  in  this  instance  being  Miss  Angeline 
Nichols,  of  Tazewell  Count}',  111.  The  result  of 
this  union  has  been  two  children,  Fannie  and 
Edwin  N. 

Our  subject  has  been  for  many  3'ears  a  member 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  and  takes  an 
active  part  in  all  its  work.  He  is  a  stanch  Repub- 
lican and  never  fails  to  exert  his  influence  in  be- 
half of  the  principles  with  which  his  judgment 
coincides.  He  is  a  public-spirited  citizen  and  a 
leader  in  every  elevating  movement  in  his  town- 
ship. As  neighbor,  citizen  and  man.  lie  is  highly 
spoken  of  by  all  who  know  him. 

a-    ORNELIUS  ALSPACH.     Among  the  well- 
-  regulated  farms  of  Murray  Township,   that 
''  belonging  to  the  subject  of    this   notice,   is 

worthy  of  more  than  a  passing  mention,  being  a 
lasting  monument  to  his  industry  and  perseverance. 
By  his  good  management,  prudence  and  economj', 
he  has  accumulated  that  which  will  defend  him 
from  want  in  his  old  age,  and  which  has  placed  hi)n 
in  a  leading   position    among   his   fellow-citizens. 



The  200  acres  of  land  have  all  been  brought  to  a 
fine  state  of  cultivation,  and  besifles  this  propeit^', 
Mr.  Alspach  owns  eighty  acres  on  section  33.  St. 
Bridget  Township. 

Wiien  our  subject  took  possession  of  his  present 
farm  in  1878,  it  was  an  unbroken  tiact  of  land  with- 
out fences  or  other  improvement.  Its  condition  to- 
day indicates  in  a  marked  manner  the  persistence 
with  which  he  has  labored.  He  first  iiomesteaded 
eighty  acres,  which  he  improved  and  lived  upon 
until  coming  to  his  present  place.  He  was  born  in 
Fairfield  County,  Ohio,  June  15,  1844,  at  the  pa- 
rental homestead  in  Bloom  Township,  wliere  he 
lived  until  reaching  his  majority,  and  then  emi- 
grated to  Kansas. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  John  H.  and 
Elizabeth  (Hindbaugh)  Alspach,  who  were  natives 
respectively,  of  Penns\'lvaniaand  Ohio.  The  grand- 
father left  the  Keystone  State  early  in  life,  and  fol- 
lowed farming  in  the  Buckeye  State  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  when  he  was  about  eighty  years 

The  parents  of  our  subject  after  their  marriage, 
remained  residents  of  Fairfield  County,  Oiiio,  and 
there  were  born  to  them  eight  children,  of  whom 
Cornelius  was  the  sixth,  and  he  was  about  five 
years  old  when  his  mother  died.  His  father  was 
subsequently  married  to  Miss  Melinda  Rockej^,  a 
maiden  lady,  by  whom  he  had  eight  children. 
They  are  j-et  living  on  tiie  old  farm  where  they 
have  sojourned  for  the  hmg  period  of  thirty  jears. 
Mr.  Alspach  is  now  seventy-seven  j'ears  old,  while 
his  wife  is  several  years  younger.  Both  are  mem- 
bers of  the  German. Reformed  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  received  careful  train- 
ing at  home,  but  conned  his  lessons  mostly  in  the 
chimney  corner,  as  the  schools  at  that  day  in  his 
native  county  were  few  and  far  between.  He  came 
to  Kansas  a  single  man,  but  not  long  after  reaching 
his  majority,  was  married  in  this  countj',  Sept. 
20,  1874,  to  Miss  Barbara  Wolfgang.  This  lady 
was  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  born  in  Jefferson 
County,  in  1858.  Her  parents  were  Jacob  and 
Sarah  (Swartz)  Wolfgang,  and  they  emigrated  to 
Kansas  in  1870,  settling  in  Rock  Township  on  a 
tract  of  unimproved  land,  from  which  the  father 
constructed  a  good  homestead,  and  wliere  both  par- 

ents are  now  living.  Their  daughter  Barbara,  was 
carefully  reared,  and  received  a  common-school 
education;  she  lived  with  her  parents  until  her 
marriage.  This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  eight 
children,  viz:  Priscilla  M..  Sarah  B.,  Delia  R.,  Cor- 
nelius F.,  Nellie  P.,  Alta  B.,  Charles  M..  and  a  babe 

Mr.  Alspach  is  the  Superintendent  of  a  Sunday- 
school  in  his  neighljorhood;  although  there  is  no 
church  in  the  vicinity.  He  is  a  sound  Democrat, 
politically,  and  has  held  the  olflce  of  School  Treas- 
urer for  the  last  nine  years.  His  wife  has  in  all 
respects  been  his  suitable  companion  and  helpmate, 
and  they  number  their  friends  and  acquaintances 
among  the  best  people  of  the  county. 

^j  AMES  WARREN  STOWELL,  proprietor  of 
the  Starr  Stowell  J>airy,  and  an  expert  at 
dehorning  cattle,  has  likewise  attained  an 
enviable  reputation  as  a  breeder  of  fine 
Holsteins,  and  is  recognized  as  a  business  man  of 
the  first  water.  He  has  made  a  great  many  friends 
since  locating  in  this  count3',  and  has  one  of  the 
pleasantest  homes  within  its  limits.  His  domestic 
affairs  are  presided  over  by  a  lady  of  excellent 
education  and  fine  intelligence,  one  who  is  amply 
fitted  for  the  position  which  she  occupies  as  the 
wife  of  a  leading  citizen.  Their  home  comprises 
a  well-regulated  farm  of  160  acres,  embracing  a 
quarter  of  section  35,  township  3,  range  10. 

A  native  of  Madison  County,  N.  Y.,  our  subject 
was  born  near  the  city  of  Hamilton,  Dec.  17,  1850. 
In  the  winter  of  1856  his  parents  removed  to  Ogle 
Count3%  111.,  making  the  journey  I»y  rail,  but  the 
year  following  pushed  on  further  westward  into 
Wisconsin,  locating  in  Richland  County,  where  our 
subject  was  reared  upon  a  farm.  He  was  pressed 
into  service  at  an  early  age,  driving  a  yoke  of  oxen 
at  the  plow  when  a  lad  of  seven  years.  As  may  be 
supposed  his  education  was  limited  to  an  attend- 
ance of  a  few  weeks  each  3'ear  at  the  district  school, 
which  was  conducted  in  the  typical  log  school  with 
puncheon  floor  and  desks  and  seats  of  slabs.  From 
that  time  until  reaching  manhood,   he   assisted  his 



father  in  clearing  three  farms.  When  a  youth  of 
eighteen  years  he  went  into  Sauk  County,  Wis., 
where  he  worl^ed  in  the  hop  yards  one  season.  The 
following  spring  he  returned  to  Richland  County 
and  embarlied  in  business  for  himself  by  setting 
out  thirteen  acres  of  hops  upon  forty  acres  of  land 
which  he  owned.  He  prosecuted  this  business  suc- 
cessfully until  the  crash  of  1872  and  then  retired. 
Subsequently  he  resumed  general  farming  until 
February,  1878,  when  he  repaired  to  Ogle  County, 
111.,  and  farmed  there  one  year.  He  still  retaii-.ed 
possession  of  his  Wisconsin  land. 

In  the  spring  of  1879  Mr.  Stowell  repaired  to 
Atchison,  Kan.,  whence  he  drove  through  to  Ver- 
million, this  count}%  and  located  in  Noble  Town- 
ship, an  entire  stranger.  He  rented  land  the  first 
season,  and  in  August  following,  having  disposed 
of  his  Wisconsin  property,  purchased  the  land 
which  constitutes  his  present  f&rm.  It  was  then 
in  its  wild  state,  and  he  commenced  at  first  princi- 
ples in  its  improvement  and  cultivation.  He  made 
fences  and  put  up  the  necessary  buildings,  planted 
an  orchard  of  150  trees,  and  instituted  the  other 
conveniences  necessary  to  his  wellheing  and  that 
of  his  family.  He  had  at  the  beginning  a  capital 
of  82,  and  contracted  to  pay  *5  an  acre  for  his 
land.  It  is  now  unimcumbered,  and  in  1889  he 
purchased  the  adjoining  eightj-  acres,  for  which  he 
paid  §17.50  an  acre.  In  early  manhood  he  learned 
the  trade  of  a  stonemason,  at  which  he  works  as 
opportunity  occurs.  During  the  past  two  years  he 
has  dehorned  7,000  head  of  cattle  and  has  5,000 
engaged  for  the  fall  of  1889.  He  has  also  prac- 
ticed considerablj'  as  a  veterinary  surgeon. 

Mr.  Stowell  established  his  dairy  in  1884,  and 
ships  his  butter  principally  to  Atchison.  He  has 
twenty-five  head  of  Holstein  cattle  and  other  val- 
uable animals,  including  a  jack,  "Mammoth  Tom," 
from  which  he  breeds  a  fine  quality  of  mules,  hav- 
ing now  about  seven  head.  Me  uses  three  teams 
in  his  farm  operations,  and  has  seven  head  of 

Our  subject  was  first  married  in  Wisconsin,  in 
September,  1870.  to  Miss  Sarah  .1.  Harris,  who  was 
born  in  Ohio  and  died  in  AVisconsin  in  1871. 
There  was  one  child  born  of  this  union,  a  son,  Si- 
mon,   who    is    now    farming    in    Colorado.       Mr. 

Stowell  contracted  a  second  marriage,  Aug.  26, 
1873,  with  Miss  Anna  B.  Seckler,  who  is  a  native 
of  Northumberland  County,  Pa.,  and  born  March 
29,  1852.  The  five  children  of  this  union  are 
named  respectively:  William  B.,  Charles  H.,  Amy 
B.,  Nellie  M.  and  LeRoy  D.  Mr.  Stowell  is  the 
School  Treasurer  of  his  district,  and  has  served  as 
School  Director  three  terms.  He  has  also  been 
Road  Supervisor  two  terms,  and  occupied  this 
office  in  Wisconsin  one  year.  Social!}-,  he  belongs 
to  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  at  Vermillion,  Lodge  No.  320. 
In  politics  he  sympathizes  with  the  Union  Labor 

"- — -m^- — 

ALPH  COMPTON,  the  present  Township 
Y  Clerk  of  AVells  Township,  is  a  native  of 
land,  having  been  born  in  Northum- 
and  County,  Feb.  20,  1835.  He  was 
the  son  of  John  and  Mary  Compton,  and  was  reared 
to  manhood  in  his  native  country,  receiving  a 
common  school  education.  Upon  reaching  man's 
estate  he  went  to  Scotland  and  for  a  time  was 
ticket  agent  on  a  railway.  Following  this,  for  a 
number  of  5'ears  he  was  a  railway'  station  agent. 
On  May  3,  1860,  he  celebrated  his  marriage  to 
Margaret  H.  Inglis.  an  estimable  young  lady  wlio 
was  born  in  Scotland  in  1838.  The  union  resulted 
in  the  birth  of  eight  children — .John,  William,  Ma- 
tilda, James,  Thomas,  Robert,  Mary  ^I.,  and  Anne, 
all  living  except  the  last  named. 

In  the  spring  of  1869,  Mr.  Compton  with  his 
family  emigrated  to  America,  taking  passage  at 
Glasgow  on  the  steam  vessel  ''St.  Patrick."  After 
an  ocean  voyage  of  nineteen  daj's  they  landed  at 
Quebec,  Canada,  where  our  subject  left  his  family 
for  a  short  time,  while  he  came  West  to  secure 
land.  He  chose  Kansas  for  his  future  home,  and 
homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  10, 
AVells  Township,  which  by  dint  of  energy  and 
perseverance  he  has  converted  from  a  wild  prairie 
into  an  attractive  and  thoroughl}-  tilled  farm.  He 
has  added  to  his  original  acreage  until  he  is  now 
the  possessor  of  480  broad  acres.  There  were  just 
eight  buildings  in  Frankfort  when  he  came  to  this 
section,  and  the  present  condition  of  the  county  is 



a  standing  monument  of  the  energy  of  the  pioneers 
among  whom  he  is  classefl. 

Mr.  Compton  is  a  Republican  in  his  political 
views,  but  generally  votes  for  the  best  man  irre- 
spective of  party.  He  has  served  several  years  as 
Township  Clerk  and  identifies  himself  with  all  the 
progressive  enterprises  of  the  community.  He  is 
.1  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Churcii  and 
is  now  serving  as  Superintendent  of  the  Sunday- 
school  in  whose  working  he  is  greatly  interested. 
He  is  a  man  of  judgment  and  intelligence,  a  kindly 
neighbor,  and  a  citizen  who  is  held  in  high  repute. 



^^  USTAF  RUDEN.  The  career  of  this  gen- 
tleman furnishes  a  fine  illustration  of  what 
a  man  may  accomplish  by  perseverance  and 
industry.  He  is  of  Swedish  birth  and  parentage, 
and  left  his  native  land  poor  in  purse,  with  com- 
paratively little  experience  of  tlie  world,  and  en- 
tirely dependent  upon  his  own  resources.  He 
labored  many  years  after  coming  to  the  "West  be- 
fore gaining  a  financial  foothold,  but  he  is  now 
numbered  among  the  most  successful  men  of  this 
county.  In  connection  with  operating  the  City 
Feed  Mill  at  Axtell,  which  he  established  in  1885, 
putting  up  the  building  and  creating  the  business 
from  the  beginning,  he  is  also  operating  a  large 
farm  of  260  acres  in  Murray  Township,  on  sections 
5,  6,  7,  and  18.  This  is  mostly  under  cultivation, 
and  is  fairly  well  improved. 

Mr.  Ruden  became  a  resident  of  this  county  in 
1871,  coming  here  from  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  after 
having  been  a  boatman  on  the  Missouri  River  for 
a  year.  Prior  to  this  he  had  lived  in  Rockford, 
111.,  one  year,  in  which  place  he  settled,  upon  com- 
ing to  America,  in  1869.  He  was  born  in  West 
Yealing,  Sweden,  Jan.  8,  1848,  and  is  the  son  of 
Johonas  Johnson,  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  who 
still  sojourns  iji  his  native  land.  The  latter  is  now 
about  seventy  years  of  age,  and  is  living  with  his 
third  wife.  His  first  wife,  the  mother  of  our  sub- 
ject, died  when  Gustaf  was  a  boy  of  seven  years. 
In  early  life  our  subject  learned  the  tailor's 
trade,  and  remained  a  resident  of  his  native  place 

until  a  young  man  of  twenty  years.  Not  making 
the  progress  which  he  desired,  financially,  he  re- 
solved upon  emigrating  to  the  United  States,  and 
accordingly  set  out  in  May,  1869,  on  an  ocean 
steamer,  and  after  a  voyage  of  eigliteen  days  landed 
safely  in  New  York  City.  His  subsequent  move- 
ment we  have  already  indicated.  He  was  married 
in  Murray  Township,  this  county,  Sept.  15,  1878 
to  Miss  Emily  Johnson,  a  native  of  his  own  coun- 
try, and  born  in  Smolen,  Oct.  12,  1857.  The  par- 
ents of  Mrs.  Ruden  were  Juhan  and  Benedieta 
(Munson)  Pearson,  who  are  still  living  in  Sweden 
at  the  ages  of  sixty-seven  and  sixty-two  years  re- 
spectively. Mrs.  Ruden  lived  with  her  parents  in 
Sweden  until  approaching  womanhood,  and  then 
came  to  America  with  some  of  her  friends  and 
kinspeople  in  the  summer  of  1878.  Most  of  the 
time  since  she  has  lieen  a  resident  of  this  county. 
Of  this  marriage  there  have  been  born  five  chil- 
dren, namely:  Ada  M.,  Anshalm,  Elmer,  Carl  O. 
W.,  and  EfHe,  V.  C.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ruden  are 
members  in  good  standing  of  the  Lutheran  Church 
and  our  subject,  politically,  is  a  sound  Republican. 
They  have  a  very  pleasant  home,  and  count  their 
friends  by  the  score. 

<|  ffclLLIAM  SCHMUCKER.  The  above  named 
wJl  o^"*''^™^"'  "'^O  is  one  of  the  successful 
W^  business  men  of  Frankfort,  where  he  is  en- 
gaged in  general  merchandising,  has  had  some  ex- 
periences which  are  more  interesting  to  relate  than 
pleasant  to  experience.  But  before  entering  upon 
a  brief  outline  of  tiiem,  a  few  words  regardinf  his 
parental  family  will  not  be  amiss.  His  father  was 
Samuel  Schmucker,  who  was  the  son  of  the  Rev. 
John  Nichlas  Schmucker,  a  Lutheran  minister, 
whose  father  had  emigrated  from  Germany^  to 
America,  and  settled  in  Shenandoah  County,  Ya., 
prior  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  The  mother  of 
our  subject  was  Rebecca  Trook,  who,  like  her 
parents,  was  a  native  of  Shenandoah  Countj-.  where 
she  is  still  living  at  the  age  of  eighty-two.  When 
our  subject  was  five  years  of  age,  his  father,  who 
was  a  farmer,  died,  leaving  three  children  to  the 



mother's  care.  She  fifterward  manied  Emnmiol 
Rhinehart,  by  whom  she  had  six  children.  The 
children  of  her  first  marriage  were  John  N..  Will- 
iam and  Sarah,  and  those  of  her  second  marriage 
were  Mary  C,  Ada.  Amanda  and  John  C.  A.;  two 
others  died  in  youth.  Mary  C.  is  the  wife  of  David 
B.  Shirks,  who  operates  a  foundry  in  Elizabcth- 
towu,  Pa.;  Mrs.  Ada  "Wood  is  a  widow,  living  on  a 
farm  near  New  Market,  Pa. ;  Amanda,  who  resides 
in  the  same  place,  is  single;  John  C.  A.  is  employed 
in  a  glass  factory  in  Pittsburg.  Pa.,  and  is  unmar- 

William  Schmucker  was  born  in  Shenandoah 
County,  Va.,  April  13.  1828,  and  passed  his  life 
until  the  age  of  twelve  upon  a  farm.  At  that 
time  he  was  sent  to  learn  cabinet-making  under  an 
uncle,  the  Rev.  George  SchmucUer,  witU  whom  he 
remained  a  year.  He  next  worked  on  a  farm  for  a 
year,  and  then  went  to  Freeden's  Church  to  learn 
the  shoemaker's  trade.  After  .serving  an  appren- 
ticeship of  four  and  a  half  years  he  went  to  his 
grandfather's  in  Shenandoah  Count}',  and  set  up  as 
a  journeyman  shoemaker.  On  Oct.  2, 1855,  he  mar- 
ried Sarah,  daughter  of  Thomas  Corbin,  of  Shen- 
andoah County.  Mr.  Schmucker  folowed  his  trade 
nntil  tiie  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War,  when,  be- 
ing a  member  of  the  Virginia  militia,  be  entered 
the  army  of  the  Confederacy.  He  served  in  Com- 
pany A,  5th  Virginia  Infantry,  under  the  renowned 
Stonewall  Jackson,  and  participated  in  the  battles 
of  C'hancellorsville  and  the  second  Bull  Run.  In 
the  latter  he  received  a  severe  wound  in  the  left 
forearm  from  a  Federal  bullet.  His  heart  was  not 
in  the  cause  of  the  South,  and  on  the  night  of  June 
13,  1863,  while  his  command  was  near  Fredericks- 
burg, Va.,  he  and  a  comrade  named  Jacob  Doll  de- 
serted. They  had  previously  told  several  of  their 
comrades  of  their  intention,  and  quite  a  number 
were  anxious  to  accompany  them;  but  as  too 
great  a  number  would  defeat  their  purpose,  Mr. 
Schmucker  would  not  p.gvee  to  the  companionship 
of  anj'  others.  On  the  night  above  mentioned, 
Doll  and  himself  having  permission  to  go  beyond 
the  lines  to  a  small  creek  to  fill  their  canteens,  con- 
cluded to  take  advantage  of  this  opportunity  and 
bid  farewell  to  the  Confederacy.  Thej-  therefore 
took  to  the  woods,  and  as  rapidly   as   possible  left 

thiir  camp  behind  them.  They  had  gone  but  a 
mile  or  two  when  they  stopped  to  rest  and  began 
to  talk  over  their  chances  of  escape  to  their  fam- 
ilies and  the  protection  of  the  Stars  and  Stripes. 
Mr.  Schmucker  had  previously  told  his  comrade 
that  if  he  ever  did  desert  he  would  make  a  success 
of  it,  but  now  he  remarked  that  he  would  give 
$1,000  to  be  back  in  camp,  as  their  chances  seemed 
so  i)oor.  During  tlie  night  the  two  comrades  were 
within  a  mile  or  two  of  camp,  and  had  to  be  ex- 
tremely cautious  and  alert.  Once  during  the  night 
they  almost  came  upon  a  cavalry  picket  guard, 
but  perceived  him  in  time  to  escape  recapture. 

Tiiey  were  obliged  to  remain  in  the  brush  or 
woods  during  the  daj-time,  traveling  mostly  by 
night  and  avoiding  the  roads  and  open  countr}', 
as  "conscript  hunters"  were  patrolling  the  entire 
section.  Thej'  were  guided  by  the  moon  and  stars. 
When  they  lay  down  to  sleep  Mr.  Schmucker  would 
put  his  walking  stick  on  the  ground  so  that  it 
pointed  toward  the  north  star,  that  upon  awakening 
the}- might  know  in  which  direction  to  pursue  their 
journey.  They  depended  upon  the  wives  of  the 
poorer  farmers  for  their  meals,  the  men  being  ab- 
sent from  those  homes,  while  among  the  rich,  who 
were  able  to  purchase  exemption  from  service, 
they  were  liable  to  betraj^al.  They  bought  food 
as  often  as  they  could  with  safety^  and  in  as  largo 
quantities  as  tiiey  could  obtain,  paying  for  it  in 
Confederate  mone}'.  They  had  no  other  currency, 
but  were  well  supplied  with  this. 

They  were  one  day  at  the  edge  of  the  timber, 
when  Schmucker  climbed  the  fence  to  look  over 
the  open  strip  in  front.  A  man  was  approaching 
with  a  gun,  and  he  and  Doll  ran  back  into  tiie 
woods,  jumped  a  drain.age  ditch  and  hid  in  the 
brush.  The  man,  who  was  accompanied  by  a 
darkey  boy  and  a  small  dog,  soon  came  into  the 
timber.  The  dog  ran  to  the  ditch  and  began  bark- 
ing, and  the  darkey  said,  "  I  seed  'em  right  here, 
massa."  The  comrades  expected  to  be  discovered, 
but  the  man  gave  up  the  search.  They  did  not 
venture  from  concealment,  however,  until  night. 
After  a  tiresome  experience  they  reached  tlic 
Shenandoah  River,  which  they  crossed  at  a  ford. 
Early  in  the  morning  they  met  a  negro  with  a 
drove  of  cattle,  and  asked  him   if   there  were  any 



"conscript  liunters"  in  the  neighborhood.  He  said 
yes.  and  told  them  to  go  down  bj-  the  miller's,  as 
the  miller  was  all  right  and  would  not  disturb 
thom.  The  darkey  agreed  to  get  them  some  bread 
.ind  meat,  and  see  that  the  road  was  clear.  While 
making  their  way  toward  the  top  of  a  hill  where 
he  had  gone  they  were  warned  to  go  back,  but  they 
did  not  understand  his  signal.  They  presenth- 
came  across  a  man  driving  a  w.igon,  and  though 
he  showed  no  disposition  to  interfere  with  them 
they  again  sought  shelter.  Crossing  a  strip  of 
timber,  they  came  unexpectedly  to  a  road,  and  saw 
a  man  driving  an  ambulance  from  one  direction 
and  a  confederate  otHcer  on  horseback  coming  from 
another.  They  were  immediately  discovered,  and 
the  officer  cried  out,  •'  Here,  you  fellows,  where  are 
you  going.'  Come  here,  or  I'll  bring  j'ou."  Mr. 
Schmucker  replied,  "  If  3rou  have  any  business 
with  me,  you  are  as  near  to  me  as  I  am  to  you," 
and  he  and  his  companion  started  to  run.  The 
officer  fired  two  shots  at  them  with  his  revolver, 
but  they  succeeded  in  getting  once  more  into  the 
timber.  They  soon  came  to  a  field  where  a  darkey 
was  plowing  corn,  but  passed  on  through  a  strip  of 
timber  until  they  came  to  a  road.  This  they  fol- 
lowed to  a  branch,  where  they  saw  a  man  fishing, 
and  again  took  to  the  timber. 

The  following  day  they  came  across  a  man  to 
whom  they  told  their  storj-.  He  proved  friendly, 
and  directed  them  how  to  continue  their  journey. 
About  noon  they  came  to  a  house,  where  the  peo- 
ple were  about  to  sit  down  to  dinner.  They  asked 
if  thej'  could  get  a  bite  to  eat,  and  were  invited  to 
come  in.  They  hesitated  to  do  so,  but  were  in- 
formed there  was  no  danger,  and  found  that  the 
occupants  were  Unionists.  One  of  the  women  ex- 
pressing the  opinion  that  the3'  were  deserters,  Mr. 
Schmucker  replied,  "  No,  ma'am,  we  are  exempt 
from  the  Conscription  act.  I  am  a  shoemaker,  and 
shoemakers  and  blacksmiths  are  exempt."  There 
was  an  old  man  here,  to  whom  they  gave  $10  to 
show  them  over  the  road  seven  miles.  He  said  to 
them,  "  I  cannot  take  3'ou  home  to  staj'.  but  I  will 
take  you  to  another  Union  man  where  you  will  be 
safe."  When  the}'  got  close  to  the  Shenandoah 
River,  their  guide  said  he  would  go  on  ahead,  and 
if  there  was  no  danger  he  would  come  back  in  sight 

and  signal  them.  They,  however,  saw  no  more 
of  him.  After  dark  they  went  down  the  mountain 
to  near  the  river's  edge,  and  in  the  morning  at- 
tempted to  cross.  As  neither  of  them  could  Twim, 
they  tested  the  dejith  of  the  water  with  poles.  Mr. 
Doll  got  beyond  his  depth  and  was  in  danger  of 
drowning,  but  was  helped  out  by  Mr.  Schmucker 
reaching  a  pole  to  him.  Two  men  appearing  upon 
the  opposite  bank,  a  parley  was  held  with  them, 
and  $2  apiece  promised  them  if  they  would  get  the 
fugitives  safely  across.  The  men  piloted  them  to 
a  bar  some  distance  down  the  stream,  where  they 
ciossed  in  safety.  During  the  day  they  came 
across  a  negro  who  had  been  shearing  sheep,  and 
gave  him  a  dollar  apiece  for  half  of  his  dinner. 
One  day,  while  in  the  woods,  Schmucker  remarked 
remarked  to  his  comrade,  "  There  are  more  rocks 
around  here  than  I  have  ever  seen."  The  words 
were  hardly  spoken  when  bang,  bang,  went  the 
gun  of  a  cavalry  picket  in  front  of  them.  The 
fugitives  took  to  their  heels,  while  the  picket  after 
firing  started  for  camp. 

Finally,  after  thirteen  days  and  nights  of  wan- 
dering, and  having  traveled  over  300  miles  to  go 
a  distance  of  eighty,  Mr.  Schmucker  reached  his 
home  at  about  11  o'clock  at  night.  He  concealed 
himself  on  top  of  the  spring-house,  and  when  his 
wife  came  out  to  milk  in  the  morning  made  his 
presence  known  to  her.  Learning  that  a  sick  sol- 
dier was  at  the  house,  she  was  cautioned  to  secrecy 
regarding  his  own  presence,  and  he  then  concealed 
himself  in  an  underground  apple-house.  Here  a 
change  of  clothing  and  food  were  brought  him  by 
his  wife.  He  remained  around  home  five  davs, 
learning  that  within  a  week  after  his  desertion  his 
description  was  in  possessiou  of  the  conscript  hunt- 
ers all  through  the  State.  One  night  when  about 
home  he  went  to  the  house  to  see  his  mother. 
While  there  a  scratching  sound  was  heard  at  the 
door,  as  of  some  one  trying  to  open  it.  Beino-  sus- 
picious of  every  noise,  and  fearful  of  capture,  Mr. 
Schmucker  jumped  into  a  chest  to  conceal  himself. 
The  disturber  was  found  to  be  only  the  family  cat. 
On  the  fifth  night  he  left  home,  and  going  to  his 
old  employer  near  Freedens  Church,  he  told  him  of 
his  desertion,  and  was  concealed  by  him.  He  was 
then  within  half  a  mile  of  a  Confederate  camp-fire. 



His  former  emnlo3-er  gave  liiru  i)iovisious  and  ac- 
companied him  500  yards,  lieing-  enabled  by  his 
knowledge  of  the  country  to  find  secluded  routes, 
though  at  one  place  he  came  upon  a  soldier,  who 
asked  him  some  questions  and  wanted  to  take  him 
to  camp.  Our  subject  declined  to  go,  and  jump- 
ing a  fence,  soon  placed  himself  out  of  immediate 

After  becoming  foot-sore  from  travel  and  en- 
during manj^  privations,  he  final!}'  came  across  a 
picket  of  Federni  cavalry.  He  informed  them  that 
he  was  a  deserter  from  the  Confederate  army,  and 
was  taken  before  the  Deputy  Provost  Marshal, 
Michael  Graham,  and  b}'  him  to  General  Milroy, 
by  whom  he  was  subjected  to  close  questioning. 
Being  asked  what  were  the  intentions  of  the  Con- 
federacy, he  replied,  "To  take  Winchester  within 
ten  days."  That  citj'  was  tsiken  by  them  thirteen 
days  afterward,  and  at  Stransburg  they  came  near 
capturing  Gen.  Milroy.  His  papers  fell  into  their 
hands,  among  them  Schmucker's  statement,  which 
had  been  taken  down  in  full,  and  which  was  pub- 
lished in  the  Richmond  Sentinel. 

After  taking  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  United 
States  Government,  Mr.  Schmucker  was  given  his 
freedom.  He  went  to  Martinsburg,  Frederick  Co.. 
Va.,  and  began  work  at  his  trade.  His  wife  and 
child  joined  him  soon  afterward,  and  the  family 
crossed  the  Ohio.  They  located  at  Fairfax,  Ohio, 
where  they  remained  seven  years,  our  subject  be- 
ing employed  in  shoemaking.  In  1869  he  came  to 
this  county  and  purchasea  from  a  railroad  companj^ 
a  tract  of  seventy -two  and  three-fourth  acres,  near 
the  town  of  Frankfort.  After  two  years'  residence 
in  the  country',  he  left  the  farm  in  charge,  of  his 
son,  and  removing  to  town  resumed  work  at  his 
trade.  He  continued  in  shoemaking  nearly  ten 
3"ears,  giving  emploj'ment  to  a  number  of  men  and 
carr3-ing  on  the  business  on  an  extensive  scale. 
He  subsequently  sold  out  and  engaged  in  the  busi- 
ness in  which  he  is  now  occupied. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Schmucker  have  had  five  children 
born  to  them.  The  oldest,  Martin  Luther,  being 
in  poor  health,  removed  to  Woodville,  Jackson  Co., 
Ore.,  in  the  hope  of  recovery,  and  is  now  engaged 
in  farming  there.  Emily  died  about  four  years 
ago;  siie  was  the  widow  of  Jasper   Williams,   who 

died  of  consumi)lion  in  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  they 
left  four  children.  Tena  C.  is  the  wife  of  Henry 
Caeser,  a  farmer  living  four  miles  northwest  of 
Frankfort;  she  is  the  mother  of  four  girls.  Marj^ 
died  when  four  months  old.  and  the  fifth  child 
when  but  two  days  old. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  .Schmucker  are  worthy  members 
of  the  Methodist  Church.  Mr.  Schmucker  is  now 
a  Republican.  He  has  held  no  office  except  that  of 
Supervisor,  being  content  to  keep  out  of  active 
political  life.  He  is  a  member  of  Frankfort  Lodge 
No.  67,  A.  F.  &  A.  M..  By  the  residents  of  Frank- 
fort and  vicinity  he  is  recognized  as  a  successful 
business  man,  and  an  honorable  and  upright  citi- 

preacher  of  the  Methodist  Episcoi)al  Church. 

is  also  fond  of  agricultural  pursuits,  which 
^^iie  has  been  for  some  years  prosecuting 
successfully  at  a  good  farm  on  section  9,  in  Wells 
Township.  He  is  a  Kentuckian  by  birth,  and  is 
still  in  the  prime  of  life,  having  been  born  March 
22,  1847,  in  Henry  County.  His  parents  were 
Felix  G.  and  Eliza  Watkins,  also  natives  of  the 
Blue  Grass  State,  and  his  paternal  ancestors  were 
of  German  descent.  On  his  mother's  side  he  is  of 
Welsh-English  extraction. 

Grandfather  Evan  Watkins  served  as  a  soldier 
in  the  War  of  1812.  There  were  born  to  Felix 
and  Eliza  AVatkins,  tiio  parents  of  our  subject, 
seven  children,  only  four  of  whom  are  living,  viz: 
jMarian  E.,  the  widow  of  Mr.  Ro3's,  of  Washing- 
ton Count}',  Ind.;  Anne,  Mrs.  Blice,  of  Washington 
Count}-,  Ind.;  William  E.,  of  Doniphan  County, 
this  State;  and  Orlando  B.,  of  this  sketch.  The 
family  removed  from  Kentuck3'  to  Washington 
Count3%  Ind.,  when  Orlando  B.  was  a  child  of  two 
\'ears,  and  he  was  there  reared  to  man's  estate. 
His  education  was  conducted  in  the  district  school, 
and  was  supplemented  by  improving  his  leisure 
hours  with  his  books  at  home. 

In  due  time  3'oung  Watkins  developed  into  a 
pedagogue,  and  followed  this  profession  for  a 
period  of  twelve  years.    He  was  married  in  Indiana, 



Sept.  22,  1868,  to  Miss  Rebecca  A.,  daughter  of 
Alexander  and  Phoebe  McKenzie.  To  tbem  was 
born  a  daughter,  Laura  B.,  deceased.  Mrs.  Rebecca 
Watkins  departed  this  life  April  17.  1871.  Mr. 
Watkins  was  again  married,  to  Miss  Hannah  Mc- 
Kinzie,  March  13,  1872.  Mrs.  AVatkins,  like  her 
husband,  is  a  native  of  Inciiana,  and  to  them  there 
iiave  been  born  six  children,  only  two  of  whom  are 
living — Minnie  L.  and  Balma  M.  The  deceased  are 
Rebecca  A.,  Ula,  Emina  C.  and  Felix  A. 

Mr.  Watkins,  in  the  fall  of  1869,  came  to  this 
county  and  took  up  a  homestead  claim  in  Center 
Township,  upon  which  he  resided  two  years,  not 
jjroving  it  up.  He  tiien  prosecuted  farming  on 
rented  land  during  the  seasons  of  sowing  and  reap- 
ing, and  added  to  his  income  by  teaching  in  the 
winter.  He  finally  secured  the  farm  which  lie  now 
occupies,  and  upon  which  he  settled  in  the  spring 
of  1880.  The  years  since  that  time  have  been  in- 
dustriously occupied  in  bringing  his  land  to  a  state 
of  cultivation  and  erecting  upon  it  the  necessary- 
buildings.  He  is  now  comfortably  situated  in  all 
respects,  and  feels  repaid  for  his  earlier  toils.  His 
political  sympathies  are  with  the  I'nion  Labor 
party,  and  he  is  likewise  a  Prohibitionist. 

EXNIS  RYAN.     In  addition  to  being  one 
I  of  the  best  farmers  of  Murray  Township, 
^^vJI^     Mr.    R^'an    has    signalized    himself    as    a 
^^^  stanch  advocate  of  temperance  in    all   its 

forms,  refraining  from  the  use  of  tobacco  in  any 
shape  and  never  partaking  of  ardent  spirits  of  any 
kind.  These  excellent  habits,  coupled  with  those 
of  industry  and  perseverance,  have  elevated  him  to 
an  enviable  position,  socially  and  financially, 
among  his  fellow  men.  The  biographer  found 
him  snugl}'  located  on  a  well-regulated  farm  of  160 
acres,  occuiJj'ing  the  northwest  quarter  of  section 
13,  well  watered  and  fairly  improved. 

Mr.  Ryan  located  on  this  place  in  1874,  when  it 
bore  a  wide  contrast  to  its  present  condition,  being 
then  a  raw  prairie,  unfenced  and  without  any  im- 
provements. It  has  taken  years  of  labor  and  an 
outlay  of  hundreds    of    dollars    to    bullil    u|)    the 

homestead  which  he  now  enjoys.  Upon  coming 
to  Kansas,  in  1868,  he  located  first  in  St.  Bridget 
Township,  where  he  resided  until  1874,  during 
which  year  he  acquired  his  present  property.  Prior 
to  this  he  had  been  a  resident  of  Fletcher,  Miami 
Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  lived  until  1857.  He  was 
born  in  County  Tipperary,  Parish  of  Uskane,  Ire- 
land, Oct.  20,  1820,  and  is  the  offspring  of  pure 
Irish  stock.  His  parents,  John  and  Elizabeth 
(McLoughlin)  Ryan,  were  also  natives  of  County 
Tipperary,  and  had  a  family  of  six  sons  and  seven 
daughters,  all  of  whom  came  to  the  United  States, 
some  at  one  time  and  some  at  another.  The  parents 
likewise  crossed  the  Atlantic,  and  settled  in  Miami 
County,  Ohio,  joining  their  son  Dennis,  our  subject, 
who  had  preceded  them  a  few  j-ears.  When  the 
father  w^as  about  sixty-four  years  old  they  removed 
to  Shelby-  County,  Ohio,  and  later  to  Randolph 
County,  Ind.,  where  he  died  at  the  age  of  seventy- 
four  }-ears.  The  mother  died  in  Shelby  County-, 
Ohio,  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety  years.  Both 
were  members  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  second  child 
and  eldest  son  of  his  parents,  and  attained  to  man's 
estate  in  his  native  county.  Afterward  he  went 
over  into  England,  settled  in  Lancashire,  and  was 
there  married  to  Miss  Jane  Howe.  This  lady  was, 
like  himself,  a  native  of  Parish  Uskane,  County 
Tipperary,  Ireland,  and  born  in  1830.  Her  parents 
w-ere  Patrick  and  Catherine  (Flanuery)  Howe,  na- 
tives of  County  Tipperary,  where  the  father 
died  in  the  prime  of  life.  Mrs.  Howe  later  emi- 
o-rated  to  America,  and  settled  in  Fletcher,  Ohio, 
where  she  died  when  quite  aged.  Both  she  and 
her  husband  were  members  of  the  Catholic  Cliurch. 
Mrs.  Ryan  was  a  mere  child  at  the  time  of  her 
father's  death,  and  she  accompanied  her  mother 
and  the  other  children  to  Lancashire,  England, 
where  she  lived  until  her  marriage.  After  the 
birth  of  one  child  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ryan,  in  1855, 
came  to  the  United  States,  embarking  at  Liverpool 
and  landing  in  New  York  Citj-  after  an  eight 
weeks'  voyage  on  the  steamer  "Albert  Gallatin." 
Thence  they  proceeded  directlv  to  Miami  County, 
Ohio,  where  they  sojourned  until  coming  to  this 
State.  To  them  have  been  born  eight  children, 
one  of  whom,  a  son,  John,  born   in    Kngland,    died 


in  Ohio  wlien  about  six  years  old ;  William  died 
in  infancy.  The  survivors  are  Katie,  at  home  with 
her  parents;  Eliza,  the  wife  of  John  O'Neil,  of 
Beattie,  and  engaged  in  tht  hardware  trade  and  as 
a  grain  dealer;  Thomas,  who  operates  the  home 
farm  ;  James,  a  grain  dealer  of  Summerfleld;  Mary 
occupies  herself  as  a  teacher  in  this  county: 
Dennis,  Jr.,  married  Miss  Annie  Eandall,  and  they 
are  living  on  a  farm  in  St.  Bridget  Township.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Ryan  are  members  of  St.  Michael's  Church, 
and  our  subject,  politically,  is  a  sound  Democrat. 

\b>\,  biographer  finds  in  the  farming  commu- 
1^1!  nities  some  of  the  most  intelligent  men  of 
^^^  the  age — men  who,  practically  independent 
of  the  rush  and  turmoil  of  a  business  life,  have  time 
for  the  interchange  of  thought  and  the  perusal  of 
books  and  newspapers,  by  which  they  keep  them- 
selves posted  upon  current '  events.  Among  these 
may  be  mentioned  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who 
is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence,  a  com- 
prehensive reader  and  one  who  has  given  much 
time  and  thought  to  the  problem  of  life.  He  takes 
an  active  interest  in  the  welfare  of  his  conimunit}- 
and  is  the  uniform  supporter  of  those  enterprises 
calculated  to  benefit  the  people  in  any  way. 

Mr.  Marks  has  been  a  resident  of  this  county 
since  1879.  His  well-improved  farm  of  200  acres  on 
section  7,  Rock  Township,  is  largely  the  result  of 
his  own  industr3' and  perseverance.  He  is  an  Ohio 
man  by  birth  and  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in 
Delaware  Countj^,  that  State,  Jan.  26,  1850,  where 
he  grew  up  on  a  farm  and  attended  the  common 
school.  In  1859,  the  family  emigrated  overland 
by  team  to  Grundy  County,  III.,  and  soon  after- 
ward Benjamin  began  working  on  a  farm.  When 
twenty-two  years  old  he  commenced  renting  land 
and  also  operated  a  threshing  machine.  He  con- 
tinued a  resident  of  the  State  of  Illinois  until  1 879. 

In  the  meantime,  in  the  fall  of  1877,  Mr.  Marks 
had  visited  this  county,  and  purchased  his  present 
farm  of  160  acres — railroad  land  for  which  he  paid 
$1.37.^  per  acre.      It  was    a    tract    of   wild    prairie 

without  buildings  or  fences,  and  after  making  all 
his  arrangements  he,  in  the  fall  of  1879  returned 
and  located  upon  it  and  commenced  the  improve- 
ments, which  have  made  of  it  one  of  the  most  de- 
sirable homesteads  in  this  part  of  the  township. 
Mr.  Marks  has  set  out  an  orchard  of  330  apple 
trees  and  150  peach  trees,  besides  groves  of  forest 
trees  and  grape  vines  and  cherry  trees.  In  fact  it 
is  acknowledged  that  he  has  as  fine  an  assortment 
of  fruit  trees  as  there  is  in  the  township.  Ninety 
acres  of  his  land  are  under  the  plow,  and  since  his 
first  purchiise  he  has  become  the  owner  of  forty 
acres  adjoining,  for  which  he  paid  $7  per  acre.  He 
landed  in  this  county  in  1879,  with  a  cash  capital 
of  $15.  It  must  be  acknowledged  that  he  has 
done  bravely  and  his  success  is  due  simply  to  his 
perseverance  and  industr^^  He  has  a  goodl}'  as- 
sortment of  live-stock,  fattens  swine  on  a  small 
scale  and  utilizes  two  teams  of  horses  in  the  opera- 
tion of  the  farm.  There  are  springs  of  living 
water  on  the  place,  and  besides  fruit  raising,  Mr. 
Marks  has  been  quite  successful  in  the  cultivation 
of  flax.  He  is  a  Republican,  politically,  and  has 
been  Township  Clerk  four  years,  besides  serving 
as  Church  Trustee.  He  is  prominent  in  party  poli- 
tics and  for  the  last  two  3-ears  has  been  sent  as  a 
delegate  to  the  county  conventions.  The  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church  at  Little  Timber  recognizes 
Mr.  Marks  as  one  of  its  most  useful  and  efflcient 

P2li  Marks,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  the 
son  of  John  Marks  and  both  were  natives  of  Vir- 
ginia. The  latter  emigrated  to  Ohio  at  an  early 
day  and  settled  in  Ferry  County,  where  he  so- 
journed a  few  years  and  then  removed  to  Grundy 
County,  111.,  and  there  spent  his  last  days.  Eli 
Marks  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native  State, 
and  later  carried  on  farming  in  Delaware  County, 
where  he  became  owner  of  fifty  acres,  which  he 
cleared  from  a  forest.  He  removed  to  Grundy 
County,  111.  in  1859,  making  the  journey  overland 
with  a  team.  Purchasing  105  acres  in  the  vicinity 
of  Morris,  he  made  good  improvements  and 
lived  upon  the  farm  which  he  built  up  until  1883. 
Ihen  selling  out,  he  came  to  this  county  and  pur- 
chased 320  acres  on  sections  17  and  18,  Rock  Town- 
ship.    He  is  now  successfully  engaged  in  farming 



and  stook-raising.  Politically,  he  is  a  stanch  Re- 
publican, and  religiously,  is  a  member  of  tlie 
iMethodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Mrs.  Mary  A.  (Irvin)  Marks  was  likewise  a 
native  of  Ohio,  and  tlie  daughter  of  Richard  Irvin, 
who  prosecuted  farming  during  liis  younger  years 
in  the  Buckeye  State,  and  emigratingto  Wisconsin, 
settled  near  Watertown,  where  he  died.  JMrs. 
Marks  is  still  living,  and  is  now  sixt3'-one  jcars 
old.  She  has  been  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church  for  a  number  of  years.  The 
nine  children  of  the  parental  family  are  recorded 
as  follows:  Elisha  is  the  i)Ostmaster  of  Garrison, 
Pottawatomie  Co.,  Kan.,  where  he  also  officiates  as 
Notary  Pul)lic;  Benjamin  F.  is  the  second  child; 
Elizabeth,  Mrs.  Button,  resides  in  Beattie;  Eliza, 
Mrs.  Wing,  isa  residentof  Rock  Township;  Lovina, 
Mrs.  Bauman,  is  a  resident  of  Beattie;  Perry  is 
farming  in  Rock  Township;  Almira  is  the  wife  of 
F.  James,  a  farmer  of  Rock  Township;  Charles 
and  Irvin  remain  at  home  with  their  parents. 

\/sJ//     ^''"  ^^^"*^s  during  t 
W^      settlement,   men  fr( 

ILLIAM  S.  BO^D.  There  came  to  North- 
the  period  of  its  early 
om  three  points  of  the 
compass — North,  East  and  South — and  among 
them  Mr.  Boyd,  a  pioneer  of  1870,  who  emigrated 
hither  from  the  Blue  Grass  State.  He  was  well 
fortified  with  those  qualities  of  character  most 
needed  in  assisting  to  develop  a  new  section  of 
country,  and  both  by  birth  and  early  training  was 
l)repared  to  enter  upon  the  task  before  him  with 
the  resolution  and  industr.y  which  could  only 
insure  success.  He  is  now  looked  upon  as  one  of 
the  leading  farmers  of  Wells  Township,  and  may 
usually  be  found  at  his  well  regulated  homestead 
on  section  32.  He  is  the  owner  of  240  acres  of 
choice  land,  comprising  the  homestead  proper, 
while  he  has  100  acres  in  Riley  Count\'.  The 
story  of  his  early  experiences  in  this  region  is  not 
unlike  that  of  those  whose  labors  and  struggles  have 
been  recounted  on  many  pages  in  this  volume. 
Mr.  Boyd  is    a  gentleman    in   the  jjrime  of  life. 

having  been  born  Sept.  8,  1840,  in  Bath  County, 
Ky.  He  was  next  the  eldest  in  a  family  of  eight 
children,  the  offspring  of  Samuel  G.  and  Roxalina 
Boyd,  the  latter  of  whom  is  now  deceased.  The 
l)arents  were  both  natives  of  Kentucky,  and  the 
record  of  their  six  surviving  children  is  as  fol- 
lows: Sarah  is  the  wife  of  S.  Evans,  and  remains  a 
resident  of  her  native  State  of  Kentucky;  William 
S.,  our  subject,  is  the  second  born ;  Martha,  Mrs. 
Montz,  is  a  widow  and  is  a  resident  of  Lyon 
County,  this  State;  Melissa  J.  married  William 
Fenwick,  and  is  living  in  this  county;  -Mary  is  the 
wife  of  William  Irvin  of  Marshall  County,  Kan. ; 
Alonzo  is  a  resident  of  California;  Jemima  and 
George  W.  are  deceased.  The  w-ife  and  mother  de- 
parted this  life  in  1862;    the  father  is  still  living. 

Young  Boyd  remained  in  Kentucky  until  reach- 
ing man's  estate,  being  reared  to  farm  pursuits 
and  acquiring  his  education  in  the  common  schools 
which  were  conducted  in  a  manner  quite  different 
from  that  of  the  present  day.  Being  naturally 
intelligent  he  gained  much  information  from  read- 
ing after  his  school  days  were  over,  and  has  alwa\s 
kept  himself  fairly  well  posted  upon  current  events. 
He  sought  the  Far  West  in  1865,  coming  to  this 
county,  and  working  for  a  short  time  on  the  farm 
of  John  D.  Wells,  in  what  is  now  Wells  Township. 
Then  desiring  to  see  something  more  of  the  Great 
West,  he  set  out  across  the  plains  hauling  freio-lit 
with  an  ox-team,  in  company  with  Robert  Smith, 
William  Wells  and  others.  They  left  Marysville, 
July  4.  1865,  making  their  way  to  Denver,  then 
returned,  occupying  about  two  months  for  the 
round  trip.  Mr.  Boyd  visited  Denver  upon  sev- 
eral occasions  afterward,  and  in  the  winter  of  1865 
and  1866  was  at  Ft.  Laramie. 

About  1867,  Mr.  Boyd  in  partnership  with 
William  Fenwick.  purchased  120  acres  of  land, 
but  shortly  afterward  disposed  of  his  interest  to 
his  partner,  and  for  sometime  thereafter  farmed  on 
rented  land.  In  1870  he  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  of  that  which  he  now  owns,  and  subsequently 
added  to  his  possessions  160  acres  more,  which 
comprises  the  homestead.  He  endured  the  usual 
hardships  attending  life  upon  the  frontier,  and 
labored  early  and  late  for  a  series  of  j-ears  in 
gathering  around  himself  and  liis  family  the  ordi- 



naiy  comforts  of  life.  He  was  one  of  the  first 
settlers  in  his  neighborhood,  and  to  those  who 
came  in  afterward,  his  example  of  thrift  and  indus- 
try proved  an  effective  stimulus. 

After  having  laid  the  foundation  of  a  home,  Mr. 
Boyd  on  the  5th  of  May,  1874,  took  unto  himself 
a  life  partner — Miss  Laura  B.  Pollitte,  the  wed- 
ding being  celebrated  at  the  home  of  the  bride  in 
Louis  County,  Ky.,  of  which  she  was  a  native. 
Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  were  bom  ten 
children,  viz:  Lilly  B.,  John  A.,  George  L.,  Omar 
S.,  Charles  A.,  Eva  May,  Willie  Frank,  Lena  A. 
Emma  N.  and  an  infant  son  who  is  not  yet  named. 

Mr.  Boyd  was  the  first  regularly  elected  Treasurer 
of  Wells  Township,  and  has  served  some  years  as 
School  Director  and  Clerk.  He  is  a  strong  Prohi- 
bitionist, politically,  with  Democratic  proclivities. 
He  finds  his  religious  home  in  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church,  in  which  he  is  a  leading  light,  serv- 
ing as  Treasurer  and  Trustee,  and  contributing 
liberally  of  his  means  to  its  support. 

OSES  T.  BENNETT.  There  is  probably 
not  within  the  limits  of  Watervilie  Town- 
ship, a  man  who  is  held  in  m.ore  general 
respect  than  Mr.  Bennett.  He  is  of  that 
solid,  substantial  and  reliable  character  which  at 
once  impresses  itself  both  upon  friend  ami  stranger 
as  belonging  to  a  man  who  can  uniformly  he 
trusted.  In  addition  to  this  are  his  lifelong  habits 
of  industry  which  have  made  him  practically  inde- 
pendent, financialh-.  and  enabled  him  to  build  up 
one  of  the  most  valuable  homesteads  in  this  part  of 
the  county.  He  is  one  of  its  largest  land  owners 
and  most  extensive  farmers,  and  has  borne  no  un- 
important part  in  the  development  of  the  rich 
resources  of  Northern  Kansas. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Lamoille 
County,  Vt.,  Nov.  14,  1831,  and  is  the  son  of  Otis 
Bennett,  a  native  of  the  same  place.  The  latter, 
in  1835,  leaving  the  New  England  hills,  sought  the 
prairies  of  Illinois,  but  only  sojourned  in  that  State 
one  3-ear.  Next,  in  1836,  he  crossed  the  Missis- 
sippi into  Iowa,  took  up  a  tract  of  land  and  formed 

many  plans  for  the  future.  He  was  cut  down  in 
his  prime,  however,  djMng  in  Clinton  County,  about 
1845.  In  his  native  State  of  Vermont  he  had  been 
engaged  as  a  clothier,  but  was  fond  of  agricultural 
pursuits  and  later  abandoned  his  trade  and  gave 
his  attention  to  farming.  He  accummulated  con- 
siderable property  and  left  his  familv  in  comforta- 
ble circumstances. 

Mrs.  Nancj'  (Thurston)  Bennett,  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  born  in  Westminster,  Mass.,  on 
on  the  28th  of  September,  1809,  and  is  still  living. 
To  her  and  her  husband  there  were  born  four 
children,  of  whom  Moses  T.,  our  subject,  was  next 
to  the  youngest.  One  of  the  others  is  living  and 
located  in  Carroll  Couutj^  111.  Our  subject  re- 
ceived a  fair  education,  and  followed  farming  and 
teaching  in  the  Green  Mountain  State  until  the 
removal  of  the  famil}'  to  Illinois.  In  1849  we  find 
him  in  Carroll  County,  that  State,  and  he  made  his 
home  there  and  in  Clinton  County,  Iowa,  until 
1860.  That  year  he  came  to  this  county  and  es- 
tablished himself  on  a  tract  of  land  embracing  a 
portion  of  section  30  in  Waterville  Township, 
where  he  has  since  made  his  home.  It  is  hardly 
necessarj'  to  say  that  the  face  of  the  countr}'  at  that 
time  bore  little  resemblance  to  its  present  condition. 
Mr.  Bennett,  like  most  of  the  men  around  him  had 
many  difficulties  to  contend  with  on  the  frontier, 
and  began  practicall^v  with  nothing.  By  keeping 
one  aim  and  object  steadily  in  view  he  in  due  time 
was  established  upon  a  sound  basis,  and  while  suc- 
cessful, financially,  his  course  was  such  as  to  estab- 
lish himself  in  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  his 
fellow-citizens.  His  possessions  aggregate  500  acres 
of  land,  all  of  which  he  has  brought  to  a  productive 
condition,  and  upon  which  he  has  erected  suitable 
buildings,  gathered  together  the  farm  machinery 
necessar3'  for  the  systematic  prosecution  of  agricul- 
ture, and  has  all  the  other  appurtenances  of  the 
modern  country  estate.  CJroves  of  shade  trees  and 
an  abundance  of  fruit  trees,  both  large  and  small, 
embellish  the  homestead  and  serve  to  ensure  the 
comfort  of  the  proprietor  and  his  family. 

The  25th  of  September,  1859,  witnessed  the  mar- 
riage of  our  subject  with  Jliss  Matilda  Tracy,  of 
Clinton  County,  Iowa.  This  lady  is  the  daughter  of 
William  and  Lcvina  (Coy)  Tracy. who  were  Eastern 



people,  and  spent  their  last  years  in  Iowa  and  Kansas. 
This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  ten  children, 
viz.;  Miriam  A.,  .Jennie  E.,  James  F.,  Harrison  E.. 
Alfred  W.,  Sarah  L.,  Nancy  M.,  Aldclia  V.,  Albert 
T.  and  Charlotte  L.  They  are  all  living  with  the 
exception  of  Nanc3'  M.,  who  died  at  the  interesting 
age  of  fourteen  years. 

Mr.  Bennett  for  several  years  has  been  an  active 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  a 
liberal  contributor  to  its  support.  He  cast  bis  first 
Presidential  vote  for  John  C.  Fremont,  and  is  one 
of  the  most  earnest  supporters  of  the  Republican 
party.  He  has  uniformly  given  his  support  to 
those  enterprises  calculated  to  benefit  the  people, 
socially,  morall}'  and  financially.  In  1865  he  was 
elected  Superintendent  of  Public  Instruction  of 
Marshall  County,  and  later  served  as  County  As- 
sessor for  several  years.  He  was  likewise  for  some 
time  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  Water- 
ville  Township,  and  has  also  officiated  as  Justice  of 
the  Peace  and  Township  Clerk.  He  is  a  man  of 
decided  views,  and  when  once  his  mind  is  made  up 
is  not  easily  turned  from  his  purpose.  Among  those 
whose  names  will  be  held  in  kindly  remembrance 
after  they  have  been  gathered  to  their  fathers, 
Moses  T.  Bennett  will  occupy  no  secondary  posi- 

\17AMES  L.  HAYES,  the  leading  general 
merchant  of  Axtell,  is  likewise  one  of  the 
prominent  and  representative  men  of  the 
(^jl/  countj-.  He  settled  at  this  point  in  1882, 
and  was  for  a  time  in  partnership  with  C.  D.  Rus- 
sell, the  latter  withdrawing  in  the  fall  of  1888,  when 
Mr.  Hayes  became  sole  proprietor  and  has  since 
conducted  the  business.  He  has  built  up  a  lucra- 
tive patronage  and  is  a  favorite  both  in  social  and 
business  circles. 

For  ten  years  prior  to  becoming  a  resident  of 
Axtell,  Mr.  Hayes  was  employed  with  the  United 
States  Express  Company  as  messenger,  having  his 
headquarters  at  Detroit,  Mich.  He  had  been  a  res- 
ident of  the  latter  State  since  a  child  of  seven 
years.  He  was  born  in  Franklin  County,  Pa.,  Dee. 
24,  1847,   and  is  the  son  of  Andrews  Hayes,  a  far- 

mer who  died  in  Mercersburg,  at  the  age  of  sev- 
enty-eight years.  The  motlier,  Mrs.  Mary  E. 
(Osbrough)  Hayes,  died  in  Petersburg,  Mich.,  at 
the  age  of  seventy-two.  Beyond  the  fact  that  they 
were  universally'  recognized  as  excellent  and  worthy 
people,  our  subject  knows  comparatively  little  of 
the  history  of  his  parents.  They  were  members  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  the  father  during  his 
later  3'ears  was  identified  with  the  Republican 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  one  of  the  younger 
members  of  a  family  of  thirteen  children,  seven  of 
whom  are  living  and  all  married.  He  received  a 
good  practical  education  in  Monroe  County,  Mich., 
where  he  attained  to  his  majority,  in  the  meantime 
being  engaged  in  farming  pursuits  until  a 'youth  of 
eighteen  j'ears.  Later  he  became  interested  in 
mercantile  business,  and  was  engaged  in  this  for 
some  time  in  Monroe  County,  and  until  securing 
the  position  of  I^xpress  Messenger.  In  addition 
to  his  store  and  stock,  he  is  the  owner  of  a  good 
farm  of  320  acres,  in  Murray  Township,  this  county. 
He  is  also  a  stock  holder  and  Director  in  the  Ax- 
tell Butter  &  Cheese  Factory,  which  was  organized 
in  May,  1889.  Energetic,  public-spirited  and  lib- 
eral, he  is  numbered  among  the  most  useful  men 
of  the  community,  and  is  selfmade  in  the  best 
sense  of  the  term,  having  been  thrown  upon  his 
own  resources  early  in  life,  which  developed  within 
him  those  qualities  most  essential  to  success. 

While  a  resident  of  Monroe  County,  Mich.,  our 
subject  was  married  in  Petersburg,  to  Miss  Mary 
E.  Taylor.  This  lady  was  born  in  Hillsdale,  that 
State,  on  the  26th  of  July,  1853,  and  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  the  Rev.  W.  S.  Taylor,  who  is  yet  living,  at 
the  age  of  sixty-nine  or  seventy  years.  In  his 
more  vigorous  manhood  he  officiated  as  a  minister  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  has  not  yet  laid  en- 
tirely aside  his  pious  duties.  The  mother  of  Mrs. 
Hayes  died  when  she  was  quite  young.  Mrs.  Hayes 
completed  her  education  in  Trumansburg,  N.  Y., 
and  at  Monroe  Seminary  in  Michigan.  She  re- 
ceived careful  home  training  and  developed  into 
an  attractive  womanhood.  Of  her  union  with  our 
subject  there  have  been  born  five  children,  two  of 
whom  are  deceased,  viz:  Virginia,  who  died  at  the 
age  of  nine  years,  in  October,  1888,  and   an  infant 



who  died  at  birth.  Ihe  survivors  are  C.  Harry, 
Bessie  and  a  babe  unnamed.  Mrs.  Hayes  was 
reared  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Congregational 
Church,  to  which  she  loyally  adheres.  Mr.  Hayes 
politically,  is  a  sound  Rci)ul>lican. 

T^  LI  GIKRHART  CARNEY,  the  subject  of 
|lUj  this  sketch,  was  born  in  Licking  County, 
jl—^  Ohio,  Jan.  16,  1839.  His  father,  James 
Carney,  was  born  and  reared  and  married  in  Ohio, 
his  wife  being  in  her  girlhood  Miss  Louvesia  Gier- 
hart,  a  native  of  Fairfield  County,  Ohio.  There 
were  born  to  them  five  children:  Daniel,  who  died 
in  infanc3';  John  H.,  who  resides  in  Nataskala. 
Ohio;  Eli  G.,  our  subject;  Sarah  A.,  the  wife  of 
Frederic  E.  Bitsberger,  of  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind.; 
Elizaljeth,  the  wife  of  Henry  Dellinger,  of  Alle- 
gan, Mich.  Mr.  Carney's  father  died  when  he  was 
about  five  years  old ;  his  mother  died  at  Ft.  Wayne, 
Ind..  Jan.  1,  1885.  She  was  a  lady  possessing 
many  excellent  qualities,  and  in  religion  a  Presby- 
terian. 'E.  G.,  as  he  is  more  familiarly  known, 
worked  as  an  apprentice  to  the  smith  trade  in 
Licking  and  Franklin  counties,  from  tlie  time  he 
was  fifteen  until  he  was  in  his  twentieth  year.  He 
then  moved  to  Fairfield  County,  where  he  followed 
smithing  eleven  j'ears.  He  was  married  to  Miss 
Catlierine  Alspach,  the  daughter  of  Mr.  John  D. 
Alspach.  June  24,  1860.  He  moved  to  Marshall 
County,  Kan.,  landing  in  Frankfort,  Nov.  9,  1871. 
A  few  weeks  later  he  bought  a  claim  of  John 
Ryan,  on  section  6,  township  3,  range  10,  in  what 
was  then  known  as  Guittard  Township;  he  moved 
upon  this  claim  and  followed  farming,  smithing 
and  raising  Poland-China  swine  for  several  years, 
when  he  disposed  of  that  farm  and  bought  the  one 
he  now  resides  upon,  on  section  3,  township  2, 
range  10,  Murray  Township,  consisting  of  280  acres. 
He  has  brought  this  farm  from  the  state  of  nature 
up  to  its  present  state  of  cultivation,  and  its  pro- 
ductive soil  has  given  him  the  reputation  of  l)eing 
one  among  the  largest  and  most  prosperous  grain 
raisers  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  county.     He  has  a 

fine  grove  and  a  pleasant  place,  and  his  large  I'ed 
barn  has  become  quite  a  noted  landmark  for  the 
traveling  public. 

The  Kansas  City,  Wyandotte  &  North-Western 
Railroad  right  of  way,  cut  off  about  three  acres  off 
of  the  northeast  corner  of  Mr.  Carney's  farm,  but 
the  comp.iny  more  tiian  repaid  the  damage  by  giv- 
ing him  a  grain  switch,  making  his  one  among  the 
pleasantest  and  most  valuable  farms  in  the  north- 
east portion  of  Marsliall  County. 

Mr.  and  jMrs.  Carney  have  had  born  to  them 
eigiit  children:  Mary  Emma,  who  died  in  infancy; 
John  H.  married  Miss  Nannie  Brolyer.  owns  and 
resides  on  a  farm  adjoining  his  father's.  Alta  M., 
Eli  E.,  Charles  C,  OUivtr  O.,  Alice  M.  and  Maude, 
reside  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Came}'  is  not  identi- 
fied with  any  religious  organization.  His  excellent 
wife  has  been  identified  with  the  church  the  greater 
portion  of  her  life.  Politically,  Mr.  Carnej^  is  a 
Democrat,  having  cast  his  first  vote  for  Stephen  A. 

,p^  AMUEL  H.  PETERS,  editor  and  proprie- 
^^^^  tor  of  tlie  Frankfort  Sentinel,  traces  his 
(i\/_Jj)  ancestr}'  to  Prussia,  where  his  forefathers 
lived  at  Frankfort  on  the  Rhine.  Mem- 
bers of  the  Peters  family  came  to  America  at  an  early 
day,  and  nere  engaged  with  the  American  forces 
during  the  Revolutionary  War,  in  the  defense  of 
the  principle  that  "all  msn  are  created  free  and 
equal,  and  have  an  inalienable  right  to  life,  liberty 
and  the  pursuit  of  happiness."  His  paternal  grand- 
father was  a  hotel  keeper  at  Columbia,  Lancaster 
Co.,  Pa.,  where  George  W.,  the  f.ather  of  our 
subject,  was  born.  George  W.  Peters  first  engaged 
in  the  lumber  business  and  afterward  followed 
cabinet-making  in  Unionviile,  Center  Co.,  Pa. 
In  1867  the  family  came  West  and  settled  at  Al- 
banj',  Nemaha  Co.,  Kan.  Near  that  place  Mr. 
Peters  bought  land  and  became  a  large  land-owner. 
He  combined  the  business  of  farming  and  hotel- 
keeping  and  was  for  a  number  of  3-ears  tiie  host  of 
the  Albanj'  House. 

His  wife,  Susannah   Hopper,  was  of  English  an- 
cestry.    She  died  in  1882  in  Nemaha  County,  after 



which  her  husband  returned  to  Center  County, 
Pa.,  where  he  is  now  living;.  The  parental  family 
consisted  of  six  children:  Justin  was  drowned 
while  the  family  was  living  in  Pennsylvania; 
Elizabeth  died  when  about  twenty  3'ears  old.  also 
in  her  native  State.  Addie  B.  died  in  St.  Joseph, 
Mo.,  in  1883,where  she  was  engaged  in  the  millinery 
business;  she  was  unmarried.  Emily,  widow  of 
N.  Slosson,  lives  in  Sabetha,  Kan.,  and  has  one 
child;  Vima  is  the  wife  of  Alouzo  Hook,  a  hard- 
ware merchant  in  Sabetha.  and  has  one  child 

Samuel  H.  Peters,  the  gentleman  of  whom  we 
write,  was  born  at  Lewistown,  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa., 
July  6,  1848.  His  boyhood  was  passed  in  Center 
County,  where  he  received  a  common  school  educa- 
tion. At  the  early  age  of  sixteen  he  entered  the 
Union  army,  enlisting  in  Company  G  of  the  o  1st 
Pennsylvania  Infantry,  this  being  in  1864.  He 
participated  in  the  engagements  of  Hatcher's  Run, 
the  siege  of  Petersburg,  Fort  Steadman,  and  in  tlie 
breaking  of  the  Confederate  lines  at  Fort  Hell,  on 
April  2,  1865.  He  was  discharged  in  June,  1865, 
and  after  being  mustered  out  entered  the  Normal 
School  at  Union  ville.  Pa.,  where  he  continued  as  a 
student  until  the  spring  of  1867.  He  then  followed 
his  parents  to  the  West. 

In  May,  1872,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Cherrie 
Healy,  daughter  of  William  and  Jane  Healy,  who 
were  natives  of  Ireland.  After  his  marriage  Mr. 
Peters  settled  in  the  western  part  of  Brown 
County,  where  he  remained  about  ten  years  en- 
gaged in  the  pursuit  of  agriculture.  In  1883  he 
came  to  Frankfort,  and  engaged  in  the  sale  of  ag- 
ricultural implements,  in  which  business  he  contin- 
ued four  years.  On  May  15,  1886,  he  established 
the  Frankfort  Sentinel,  an  eight  column  folio, 
which  has  attained  a  good  circulation  and  gives 
promise  of  a  more  extended  circulation  in  the  fut- 
ure. Mr.  Peters  and  his  wife  have  been  blessed 
by  the  birth  of  three  children,  George  W.,  Bert  J. 
and  Kay  T. 

In  his  political  views  Mr.  Peters  is  Anti-monop- 
oly, with  Union  Labor  leanings.  He  has  been  del- 
egate to  count}'  conventions  and  was  Secretary 
of  the  County  Central  Committee  of  his  party. 
Two    terms    in    the    Frankfort   City  Council  have 

been  served  by  him  in  an  acceptable  manner,  and 
he  has  been  School  Director  a  number  of  terms. 
He  is  a  member  of  Henderson  Post,  No.  53, 
G.  A.  R.,  in  which  he  has  held  the  office  of  Adju- 
tant. Mrs.  Peters  is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church.  Mr.  Peters  is  proprietor  of  Sentinel  Hall, 
the  only  public  hall  in  the  city  of  Frankfort.  He 
is  a  man  of  good  business  ability,  honorable  in  his 
dealings  and  intercourse  with  his  fellowmen,  and 
a  public-siiirited  citizen  who  is  interested  in  every 
movement  which  tends  to  the  upbuilding  of  the 
city  he  has  made  his  home  or  of  the  contributory 

AMES  F.  P]XSIGN.  Few  men  have  proba- 
bly seen  more  of  life  on  the  frontier  than 
Mr.  Ensign,  who  can  relate  many  an  inter- 
esting tale  of  his  early  exploits  during  the 
first  settlement  of  this  State.  After  many  thrilling 
experiences  he  finally  settled  down  upon  a  snug 
farm  in  Blue  Rapids  Township,  where  he  now  re- 
sides, his  farm  embracing  fort}'  acres  of  land  on 
section  2. 

Of  New  England  birth  and  parentage,  our  sub- 
ject first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  March  17, 
1819,  in  the  State  of  Connecticut.  His  parents 
were  Ariel  and  Roxie  (Humphrey)  Ensign,  of 
Simsburj',  Conn.,  and  one  of  his  ancestors.  Col. 
Humphrey,  served  as  an  officer  in  the  Revolutionary 
War.  About  1634  one  James  Ensign  left  the  Mas- 
sachusetts Colony  and  settled  in  Hartford,  Conn., 
and  from  him  sprang  in  a  direct  line  the  subject 
of  this  notice.  The  family  was  of  clean,  Purit.nn 
stock,  and  possessed  in  a  marked  degree  the  pecu- 
liar characteristics  of  that  sect. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  one 
of  the  leading  members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church 
at  Simsbury,  a  man  of  note  in  his  community,  and 
possessed  of  great  wealth.  He  wore  the  old  Conti- 
nental dress  in  Hartford  as  late  as  1824,  and  our 
subject,  when  a  lad  of  five  years,  remembers 
seeing  him  thus  attired.  His  son,  Aiiel,  the  father 
of  our  subject,  obtained  a  good  education  and  was 
at   one    time    Principal  of  the  seminary   at   Sims- 



bury.  Later  he  confined  himself  to  mercantile 
pursuits.  He  compiled  the  first  directory  for  the 
city  of  Hartford.  James  F.,  our  subject,  was 
reared  in  that  city  mostly,  having  left  home  at  the 
age  of  ten  years,  and  taking  up  his  abode  with  an 
old  gentleman,  Thomas  Belden.  Later  he  became 
an  inmate  of  the  family  of  Dr.  Sylvester  Wells. 
After  the  death  of  the  latter  he  lived  with  a  maiden 
lady,  Miss  Elizabeth  Judd.  We  next  find  him  in 
the  employ  of  Col.  Totten,  of  Washins^ton  College. 
Next  ho  repaired  to  New  York  City,  and  afterward 
lived  on  Brooklyn  Heights  for  a  period  of  thirteen 
years.  At  this  latter  place  he  was  manager  of  a 
boarding-house,  and  accommodated  some  of  the 
leading  men  of  that  day. 

On  the  22d  day  of  April,  18.57,  Mr.  Ensign 
crossed  the  Missouri  River  at  St.  Joseph,  having 
walked  from  Iowa  City  to  that  point.  He  located 
first  at  Monrovia,  where  he  sojourned  about  two 
years,  in  the  meantime  purchasing  a  team  of  Texas 
steers  and  doing  general  hauling  from  Leavenworth 
to  Lawrence  and  Topeka.  At  that  period  occurred 
the  troubles  prior  to  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
War,  and  Mr.  Ensign  became  acquainted  with  manj' 
of  the  leading  celebrities.  He  prosecuted  this 
freighting  business  about  six  years,  going  some- 
times as  far  as  Denver,  Col.  In  the  course  of  his 
travels  he  encountered  many  desperate  characters, 
Indians  as  well  as  white  men,  and  at  times  was  re- 
quired to  exercise  much  tact  and  ingenuitj'  to  keep 
out  of  trouble. 

In  1868  occurred  the  marriage  of  our  subject 
with  Miss  Elizabeth  Waters,  of  Holton,  Jackson  Co., 
Kan.,  and  there  was  born  one  child,  a  son,  Charles. 
Our  subject  was  afterward  married  to  Miss  Mary 
J.  Comer,  of  this  county.  Mr.  Ensign  has  always 
taken  an  active  interest  iu  politics  and  keeps  him- 
self well  posted  on  State  and  National  affairs.  He 
usually  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  but  in 
local  politics  aims  to  support  the  best  man  for  of- 
fice. He  has  a  fine  little  home,  comprising  fifteen 
acres  of  land  within  the  limits  of  Irving,  his  house 
having  been  built  about  four  j'ears  ago. 

ISIr.  Ensigu  during  the  first  years  of  his  sojourn 
in  this  State,  made  the  acquaintance  of  the  cele- 
brated Jim  Lane,  Red  field  and  others.  Upon  one 
of  his  freighting  trips  he  and  his  team  were  confis- 

cated for  the  use  of  Col.  Furnes'  regiment  of 
Indians.  He  was  returning  from  the  Indian  Terri- 
tor}'  when  he  met  a  Cherokee  and  family  getting 
awaj'  from  the  Nation.  Upon  inquiry  Mr.  Ensign 
learned  that  the  Indian  had  been  driven  from  the 
Territorj-,  being  compelled  to  leave  a  large  herd 
of  cattle  belonging  to  him.  Our  subject  prof- 
fered to  go  back  with  him  and  help  drive  the  cat- 
tle into  Kansas,  upon  the  condition  of  receiving 
half  of  them  for  his  labor.  The  Indian  agreed  to 
this  proposition  and  they  started.  The3'  were  soon 
overtaken  by  a  squad  of  Indians  from  the  regiment 
of  Col.  Richey.  They  tied  Mr.  Ensign's  hands 
behind  him,  placed  a  rope  about  his  neck  and  hur- 
ried him  off  to  Ft.  Scott,  where  he  was  placed  in 
a  guard  tent  and  compelled  to  keep  the  streets 
clean,  and  do  other  menial  work,  for  about  six 
weeks.  His  release  was  finally  obtained  by  Col. 
Phillips  who  had  known  him  prior  to  this  time. 
After  obtaining  his  liberty,  Mr.  Ensign  found  that 
the  Indian  in  whose  companj'  he  had  been,  had 
killed  another  Indian  before  leaving  the  Territory, 
and  it  was  inferred  that  our  subject  had  assisted 
him  in  the  murder.  Col.  Phillips,  however,  vouched 
for  his  innocence,  and  he  was  thus  saved  from 
further  outrage. 

R.  GRABILL  JM.  FUNCK.  As  early  as 
1878,  Dr.  Funck  located  in  Marysville, 
and  is  therefore  the  oldest  resident  den- 
tist of  this  city.  Dr.  Funck  was  born  in 
Huntingdon  County,  Pa.,  Feb.  21,  1851.  Here  his 
early  manhood  was  passed, and  his  education  received 
within  its  precincts;  Shirleysburg  Academy  hav- 
ing the  honor  of  claiming  his  last  scholastic  da)'s. 
He  then  accepted  a  position  as  teacher,  and  followed 
that  vocation  until  he  came  West,  in  1876,  when 
he  took  up  the  study  of  dentistry'  at  Beatrice,  Gage 
Co.,  Neb.,  under  instruction  of  his  brother  Dr.  I. 
W.  Funck.  Two  years  were  passed  in  study  and 
practice  at  Beatrice,  and  then  Dr.  Funck  concluded 
to  locate  in  Marysville.  He  occupies  a  fine  office 
in  the  F^xchango  Bank  Block,  and  is  our  most 
prominent  dentist.     His  practice  extends  over  the 



entire  county  among  the  better  class,  and  to  the 
excellent  character  of  his  work  can  this  fact  he  at- 

Dr.  Fuuck  was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Mary 
Spanogle,  of  Pennsylvania,  on  May  14, 1879.  Four 
children  have  been  the  fruit  of  this  union,  three 
of  them  living — Katie,  Harold,  and  Mary.  Miss 
vSpangole  was  born  in  Huntingdon  County,  Pa.,  in 
January,  1848,  and  resided  there  until  the  time  of 
her  marriage.  Her  father,  the  Rev.  .John  Spanogle, 
was  a  minister  of  the  Brethren  Church.  Both  of 
her  parents  are  deceased.  Abram  L.  Funck,  father 
of  Dr.  Funck,  was  born  in  Huulingdon  County,  in 
1810.  His  youthful  days  were  passed  on  a  farm, 
but  upon  arriving  at  a  suitable  age,  he  entered  a 
blacksmith  shop,  remaining  there  until  later  in  life, 
when  he  retired  to  a  farm.  Abram  L.  Funck  mar- 
ried ]\Iiss  Catherine  Winters,  and  was  the  father  of 
four  children,  three  of  whom  are  still  living:  Dr. 
I.  W.,  of  Beatrice,  Neb.;  Mary  A.,  wife  of  Eli  Ma- 
semore,  who  is  living  at  the  old  homestead,  and 
the  subject  of  our  sketch. 

While  not  an  active  politician,  Dr.  Funck  ac- 
cepted, from  the  Republican  party,  an  opportunity 
to  serve  the  city  as  Alderman,  and  which  he  has 
done  one  term  most  acceptably  to  the  community. 
It  would  be  better  perhaps  for  our  citizens,  if  more 
men  of  such  pronounced  sterling  worth  could  be 
induced  to  serve  in  official  capacities.  Mrs.  Funck 
is  a  member  of  the  Brethren  Church.  Dr.  Funck 
is  a  member  of  the  Order  of  Modern  Woodmen. 

^ #3^ 

UILLIAM  A.  EWING.  Among  those  who 
looked  upon  the  country  in  Northern  Kan- 
^^f^  sas  during  its  primitive  days,  Mr.  Ewing's 
name  can  scarcelj'  be  properly  omitted.  We  find 
him  here  in  1870,  at  which  time  he  homesteaded 
eightj'  acres  of  land  on  section  32,  Wells  Town- 
ship, upon  which  he  established  himself,  and  where 
he  has  since  lived.  In  the  great  change  which  has 
passed  over  the  face  of  the  country  and  transformed 
it  from  the  wild  frontier  into  the  abode  of  a  civil- 
ized and  intelligent  people,  Mr.  Ewing  has  borne 
no    unimportant    part.     Every    man    who  opened 

up  a  farm  in  this  then  wild  region,  contributed 
his  quota  to  the  general  development  of  this  sec- 
tion of  eountr3',  and  his  name  should  be  preserved 
and  handed  down  to  posterity.  Mr.  Ewing  was 
fairly  prospered  in  his  efforts  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil, 
and  in  due  time  added  forty  acres  to  his  first  pos- 
sessions, all  of  which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state 
of  cultivation,  and  has  now  a  well-regulated  farm 
of  120  acres,  upon  which  he  has  erected  a  comfort- 
able dwelling,  and  the  outbuildings  required  for 
the  shelter  of  stock  and  the  storage  of  grain. 

Pennsylvania  contributed  freely  of  her  sons  in 
the  settlement  of  Kansas,  as  well  as  other  portions 
of  the  Great  West.  The  subject  of  this  sketch,  a 
native  of  Perry  County,  that  State,  was  born  March 
22,  1827,  and  is  consequently  still  in  his  prime. 
His  parents  were  Ralph  and  Anne  Ewing,  both 
likewise  natives  of  the  Keystone  State,  and  his  pa- 
ternal grandfather,  it  is  believed,  carried  a  musket 
in  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  is  supposed  to  have 
been  of  Scotch-English  ancestry.  William  A.  was 
reared  to  manhood  in  his  native  count}',  whej'e  he 
acquired  a  limited  education,  but  was  trained  to 
habits  of  industry  and  economy,  being  taught  at  a 
very  early  age,  to  make  himself  useful  about  the 
homestead.  He  remained  a  member  of  the  parental 
household  until  a  man  of  twent^'-seven  years,  and 
was  then  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  N.  Marshall,  a 
native  of  his  own  State. 

In  due  time  the  household  circle  of  William  and 
Rebecca  Ewing,  was  completed  b}-  the  birth  of 
twelve  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living,  viz: 
Lizzie  A.,  Laura  M.,  Anna  L.,  Sadie,  Grant,  Ira, 
and  John.  They  remained  residents  of  Penns3'l- 
vania  until  18.55,  when  he  removed  to  Illinois,  and 
in  the  spring  of  1870,  to  his  present  home  in  Kan- 
sas, then  the  parents  and  children  came  to  this 
county,  and  entered  upon  the  pioneer  life  which 
we  have  already  described.  Mr.  Ewing,  like  his 
neighbors,  had  many  difficulties  to  contend  with 
during  these  years,  among  them,  grasshoppers, 
prairie  fires  and  failure  of  crops.  It  took  a  large 
amount  of  courage  and  perseverance  to  overcome 
them,  but  the  men  of  those  times  were  not  easily 
given  to  discouragement,  and  the  most  of  them 
persevered,  and  finally'  met  with  their  reward.  The 
farming  community  necessarilj'  confined  their   at- 



tention  to  their  own  concerns,  amid  the  various 
political  agitations  through  which  Kansas  passed, 
and  Mr.  Ewiug  should  be  proud  of  the  fact  that, 
altliough  much  of  his  time  was  absorbed  in  the  till- 
ing of  his  fields,  he  still  gave  his  influence  in  favor 
of  freedom,  and  was  one  of  the  most  loyal  adher- 
ents of  the  Republican  party.  He  has  never  sought 
office,  but  has  iu  his  sphere  contributed  his  full 
quota  to  the  welfare  and  advancement  of  his  com- 


UILLIAM  A.  BROOKS,  one  of  the  younger 
farmers  of  Rock  Township,  and  only  a  lit- 
"^f^j  tie  over  twenty-six  years  old,  is  numbered 
among  its  most  enterprising  men.  He  came  to  this 
county  in  1877  without  a  cent,  and  is  now  the 
owner  of  a  good  farm  eighty  acres  in  extent,  finely 
located  on  section  22.  It  is  conceded  by  all  that 
he  is  highly  deserving  of  his  prosperity  on  account 
of  the  sterling  worth  of  his  character,  and  the  ge- 
nial qualities  which  constitute  the  thorough  gentle- 

A  native  of  McCordsville.  Hamilton  Co.,  Ind., 
our  subject  was  born  Maj-  11,  1857.  and  spent  his 
early  life  under  the  home  roof,  assisting  his  father, 
who  was  a  miller,  operating  a  saw,  grist  and  card- 
ing-mill.  of  which  he  was  owner.  William  A.  ob- 
tained a  limited  education  in  the  primitive  log 
scliool-house  with  its  puncheon  floor  and  slabs  for 
seats  and  desks.  He  also  became  familiar  with 
farming  pursuits  during  those  early  days  and  so- 
journed in  his  naoive  county  until  twenty  years  of 
age.  He  then  set  out  for  Northern  Kansas,  and 
coming  to  this  county  was  employed  bj'  his  father 
one  year  and  then  purchased  the  land  upon  which 
he  operated  until  1880.  That  year  he  bought  his 
present  farm,  for  which  he  paid  8^3. .50  an  acre  and 
which  proved  a  very  fortunate  investment.  He 
labored  under  great  difficulties  at  the  start,  being 
without  capital,  and  the  improvements  upon  his 
farm  testify  with  what  industry  and  to  what  good 
advantage  he  has  spent  his  time.  In  addition  to 
the  cultivation  of  the  soil  he  has  set  out  groves 
and  an  orchard,  fenced  his  fields,  mode  a  fish-pond 
which  is  stocked  with  German  carp,  and  is  rapidly 

bringing  about  the  improvements  which  will  make 
it  one  of  the  most  desirable  homesteads  in  this  part 
of  the  county.  It  lies  about  six  miles  from  Frank- 
fort. Mr,  Brooks  feeds  most  of  his  corn  to  his 
live  stock,  consisting  of  Clydesdale  horses,  graded 
cattle  and  Jersey-red  swine. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  and  important  events 
in  the  life  our  subject  was  his  marriage,  which  oc- 
curred in  Waterville,  this  county,  Nov.  10,  1881, 
the  bride  being  Miss  Lottie  Mullender,  who  was 
horn  near  Cuba,  N.Y.  Mrs.  Brooks  is  the  daughter 
of  John  and  Jeanette  (Loveridge)  Mullender.  who 
settled  at  Waterville  in  the  pioneer  days.  The  fa- 
ther was  a  farmer  b}'  occupation  and  the  mother 
was  a  well  educated  lady  who  taught  school  before 
her  marriage.  Of  this  union  there  have  been  born 
three  children:  Norman.  Glenn  and  Jeanette.  Mr. 
Brooks  politically  is  a  strong  Republican,  and  in 
his  religious  views  he  coincides  with  the  doctrines 
of  the  Methodist  Church,  at  Little  Timber,  of 
which  he  and  his  estimable  wife  are  members  in 
good  standing  and  in  which  he  officiates  as  Class- 
leader.  He  has  served  as  Constable  two  terms  but 
cares  little  for  the  responsibilities  of  office. 

N.  Brooks,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 
in  North  Carolina,  and  was  the  son  of  John  Brooks, 
also  a  native  of  that  State.  They  emigrated  to  the 
wilds  of  Hamilton  County,  Ind.,  at  an  early  day, 
where  grandfather  Brooks  became  well-do-do  and 
spent  his  last  days.  N.  was  a  child  of  four 
year  when  leaving  his  native  State,  and  as  we  have 
already  stated,  became  prominent  in  Hamilton 
County,  Ind.,  as  a  miller.  In  1863  he  enlisted  as  a 
Union  soldier  in  an  Indiana  regiment  and  going- 
South  endured  many  hardships  and  privations 
which  undermined  his  health  and  from  the  effects 
of  which  he  has  never  recovered.  After  spending 
some  time  in  the  hospital  he  was  given  an  honora- 
ble discharge,  and  returning  to  Indiana  purchased 
eighty  acres  of  land  near  McCordsville,  where  he 
engaged  in  farming.  In  1877,  witli  the  hope  that 
a  change  of  climate  might  be  beneficial  to  his 
health,  he  came  to  this  count}-  and  located  in  Rock 
Township,  where  he  operated  on  rented  land  four 
years.  He  then  purchased  a  farm  of  eighty  acres 
in  Center  Township,  which  he  conducted  until 
1887,  then  renting  it  to  another  partj',  removed  to 



Oketo,  where  he  is  now  successfull3'  operating  a 
meat  market.  He  is  fifty-three  years  of  age,  a 
Hepnblicaii  in  polities  and  a  eonscientions  member 
of  the  Melhoiiist  Episcopal  Church. 

Mrs.  Julia  Barnes  Brooks,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  is  still  living  at  the  age  of  fiftj-  one  j'ears, 
and  like  her  husband  belongs  to  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  She  was  born  in  Indiana, 
where  her  father  carried  on  farming  and  spent  his 
last  days.  There  are  living  onlj'  four  children  of 
tiie  nine  original!}'  comprising  the  parental  family. 
Of  these  William,  our  subject,  is  the  eldest;  Clara, 
Mrs.  Farrar,  is  a  resident  of  Alurray  Townshij); 
Elmer  is  a  barber  by  trade  and  lives  in  Oketo,  of 
which  Frank  is  also  a  resident. 

^OHN  S.  SMILEY,  of  Suramerfleld,  is  fami- 
liarly known  as  the  proprietor  of  the  town 
site,  and  has  been  closely  identified  with  its 
growth  and  development.  He  is  recog- 
nized as  one  of  its  most  stirring  business  men  and 
one  of  the  most  valued  members  of  the  communitj'. 
A  native  of  Butler  County,  Ohio,  he  was  born 
Oct.  28,  18.33,  and  when  a  small  boy  came  to  Illi- 
nois with  his  parents,  John  and  Hannah  (Harrell) 
Smiley.  They  settled  on  a  farm  six  miles  north- 
west of  Monmouth,  Warren  Count}'.  The  family 
consisted  of  the  parents  and  twelve  children,  ten  of 
whom  came  AVest.  Two  children  had  been  mar- 
ried and  remained  in  Ohio. 

In  Warren  County  our  subject  was  reared  to 
man's  estate,  and  acquired  his  education  in  the  dis- 
trict school.  He  remained  under  the  parental  roof 
until  twenty-seven  j'ears  of  age,  assisting  the  father 
in  operating  the  farm,  then  purchased  eighty  acres 
of  land  two  miles  southwest  of  Biggsville,  upon 
which  he  operated  five  years.  In  1860  he  was 
married  to  Miss  Mary  McDill,  daughter  of  Dr.  A. 
McDill,  one  of  the  most  prominent  physicians  of 
that  part  of  the  county.  Mr.  Smiley  then  sold  out 
to  good  advantage  and  purchased  a  quarter  section 
of  land  adjoining  his  father's  homestead,  and 
upon  which  he  sojourned  six  j'ears.  Then  selling 
out  once  more  he  crossed  the  Mississippi  and  estab- 

lished himself  on  a  farm  of  265  acres  in  the  vicinity 
of  Holden,  Johnson  Co.,  Mo.  He  lived  there  two 
years,  then  sold  at  an  advance  of  $2,000.  Soon 
afterward,  in  January,  1882,  became  to  this  county 
and  purchased  a  farm  of  530  acres,  upon  which 
was  a  fine  large  house.  He  has  effected  other  im- 
provements, and  now  has  one  of  the  nicest  homes 
in  the  country,  the  residence  being  surrounded  by 
trees  and  shrubbery,  the  most  of  which  have  been 
planted  by  himself. 

Until  the  completion  of  the  Kansas  City,  Wyan- 
dotte &  Northwestern  Railroad,  Mr  Smiley  wms 
obliged  to  travel  thirteen  miles  to  market.  This 
road  was  completed  to  the  farm  of  Mr.  Smiley  in 
February,  1889.  He  sold  the  company  seventy 
acres  of  land  and  presented  them  with  the  right-of- 
way  upon  the  condition  that  they  should  locate 
their  station  on  his  farm.  Where  in  December, 
1888,  there  was  not  a  building,  there  is  now  (1889) 
a  flourishing  little  city  of  about  500  inhabitants 
with  probably  100  buildings.  Mr.  Smiley  has  sold 
some  thirty  lots  from  Smiley's  Addition,  through 
which  run  Pearl  and  Minnie  streets,  and  he  has 
donated  ten  lots,  upon  one  of  which,  will  be  erected 
thisfall(1889)a  school-house  at  the  cost  of  83,500. 
This  building  will  front  on  Main  Street  and  be 
located  between  Minnie  and  Pearl  streets.  As 
may  be  surmised,  the  streets  were  named  after  Mr. 
Smiley's  two  j'oungest  daughters. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  were 
born  seven  children,  all  of  whom  are  natives  of 
Illinois,  where  they  received  their  early  education 
and  training  under  the  benign  influenceof  the  United 
Presbyterian  Church,  in  the  moral  atmosphere  of 
Monmouth,  which  is  appropriately  called  the  Maple 
City  on  account  of  the  maple  trees  planted  along  its 
streets.  Adjacent  to  this  city  is  the  picturesque 
Cedar  Creek,  a  favorite  resort  of  its  people  and  of 
which  a  poet  has  sung  as  follows: 

'•Above  the  dam  thj*  waters 

In  lazj'  silence  lay. 
Then  from  the  summit  leaping 

Are  broken  into  spraj'. 

Then  spray  and  sunlight  meeting 

Embrace  in  colors  bright. 
Then  o'er  the  waters  spanning 

Is  an  arc  of  brilliant  light. 



Then  the  oyer-hauging  branches 

Will  meet  above  thj-  bed, 
And  the  sunlight  scarce  can  kiss  you 

Through  the  foliage  overhead. 

'Tis  there  in  summer  hours 

The  children  love  to  go 
And  bathe  within  thy  waters 

Or  watch  their  rugged  flow." 

The  children  of  Mr.  Smiley  are  more  than  ordi- 
narily intelligent  and  have  become  good  and  use- 
ful members  of  society.  Edmond  J.  a  member  of 
the  dry -goods  firm  of  Smilej'  &  McLennan,  is  mar- 
ried, has  three  children  and  lives  one  mile  west  of 
town.  William  A.  lives  on  a  farm  presented  him 
by  his  father,  and  which  adjoins  their  homestead. 
He  is  married  and  has  two  children.  Fanny  is 
the  wife  of  Granville  Ruff  of  Lamar,  Neb.,  who  is  ac- 
counted as  one  of  the  leading  merchants  of  the 
place ;  they  have  one  child.  Eva,  Harry,  Minnie  and 
Pearl  remain  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mr. 
iSmilej',  politically,  is  a  stanch  Republican,  and  his 
family  all  belong  to  the  United  Presbyterian 

<if]OHN  H.  TROUT,  senior  member  of  the 
banking  firm  of  J.  H.  Trout  &  Co.,  at  Ax- 
tell,  became  connected  with  this  institution 
(^^  in  October,  1 883,  when  it  was  known  as  the 
Exchange  Bank.  The  institution  was  organized  by 
Cone  Bros.,  of  Axtell,  in  that  3'ear.  and  in  June  fol- 
lowing Mr.  Trout  became  chief  proprietor,  and  the 
present  firm  was  formed.  In  addition  to  his  connec- 
tion with  the  bank,  he  is  Treasurer  and  Director  of 
the  Axtell  City, Town  and  Improvement  Company, 
and  the  Axtell  Butter  &  Cheese  Association,  both  of 
which  were  organized  in  May,  1 889.  Aside  from 
the  interests  above  mentioned,  Mr.  Trout  owns  a 
large  landed  estate  in  Nemaha  and  Marshall  coun- 
ties, Kan.  He  was  born  in  Treraont  Township, 
Tazewell  Co..  111.,  Feb.  26.  1839,  and  lived  there 
until  coming  to  Kansas  and  establishing  himself  at 
Axtell.  His  father,  Michael  Trout,  was  a  native  of 
Tennessee,  and  of  substantial  Dutch  stock,  and  re- 
mained a  resident  of  his  native  county  until  1828. 
Then  emigrating  to  Illinois,  he  located  in  Tremont 

Township  upon  a  tract  of  Government  land,  and 
commenced  its  improvement  and  cultivation.  In 
due  time  he  was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  A.  Lack- 
land, whose  parents  had  emigrated  to  that  region 
during  the  spring  of  1829.  They  were  likewise 
natives  of  Tennessee,  and  spent  their  last  years  in 

In  due  time  Michael  Trout  became  the  owner  of 
a  large  tract  of  land,  and  built  up  a  fine  homestead 
where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  da^'s,  although 
being  taken  away  in  the  prime  of  life,  in  1844, 
when  only  forty-two  j'ears  old.  His  wife  survived 
him  twenty-two  years,  remaining  at  the  homestead 
and  dying  in  1866,  when  about  fifty  years  old. 
She  lived  a  worthy  and  consistent  life,  and  was  a 
member  in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church.  Michael  Trout,  politically,  was  a  stanch 
Whig,  and  a  prominent  man  in  his  township,  where 
he  held  the  various  local  offices.  He  sat  as  a  juror 
w-hen  Lincoln  was  a  law  practitioner,  and  became 
acquainted  with  many  eminent  men. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eldest  of  three 
children  born  to  his  parents,  one  of  whom,  Will- 
iam H.,  was  married  and  died  in  Tazewell  County. 
111.,  when  about  thirty-three  years  old.  He  was  a 
prominent  citizen  and  a  successful  business  man. 
Minerva,  the  only  daughter,  became  the  wife  of 
James  Colttingham,  a  farmer  of  Tazewell  County. 
John  H.  acquired  his  education  in  the  common 
school,  and  when  reaching  man's  estate  was  married, 
Jan.  29,  1864.  to  Miss  Mary  E.  Talbot.  This  lady 
was  a  native  of  his  own  township,  and  born  Dec. 
2,  1845.  Her  father,  Seth  Talbot,  Jr.,  was  one  of 
the  pioneer  settlers  of  Tazewell  Count}-,  to  which 
he  removed  after  his  marriage  with  Miss  Emily  M. 
Richmond.  Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Talbot  were  na- 
tives of  Massachusetts.  The}^  ai-e  still  living  and 
spend  most  of  their  time  in  traveling,  Mr.  Talbot 
having  been  ver^'  successful  financiallj-  and  accu- 
mulated a  fine  property.  Both  arc  seventy-seven 
years  old,  but  are  remarkably  healtiiy  and  active. 
Mr.  Trout  is  a  silent  partner  in  the  banking  house 
of  J.  H.  Trout  ife  Co.  His  father  was  a  sea  captain 
and  a  verj'  prominent  and  popular  man  in  his  pro- 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  after  their  marriage 
lived  on  a  farm  until   coming   to   Kansas.      In  his 



stock  operations  Mr.  Trout  makes  a  specialty  of 
Shoi't-hoin  cattle  and  Hambletonian  horses.  He  is 
a  man  possessed  of  great  energy  and  perseverance 
and  is  rapidly  accumulating  a  fortune. 

Tliree  cliildren  iiave  been  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Trout,  one  of  whom,  a.son,  Seth  died  3'oung.  The  eld- 
est daughter,  Mary  E.,  is  the  wife  of  W.  P.  Stanley, 
a  resident  of  Alma,  Colo.,  wheie  Mr.  Stanley  is  en- 
gaged in  the  lumber  business.  The  younger,  Cla- 
rissa W.,  is  at  home  with  her  parents.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Trout  attend  the  Unitarian  Church,  and  Mr. 
Trout,  politicall3',  gives  his  support  to  the  Repub- 
lican party. 

AN.  C.  AULD.  For  many  years  prior  to 
the  Civil  War,  Kansas  was  the  scene  of 
riots,  turmoils  and  violent  conflicts,  ter- 
minating oft-times  in  bloodshed.  People 
flocked  hither  from  all  States  and  from  remote  dis- 
tricts, being  gathered  together  to  solve  that  mo- 
mentous question,  "  Shall  Kansas  be  a  free  or  slave 
State  ?  "  He  of  whom  we  write  was  one  of  the 
man}'  who  came  in  the  interest  of  his  native  land, 
aiming  bj'  his  vote  to  assist  that  cause  which  ma- 
ture consideration  had  convinced  him  was  the  right 

Coming  to  Marshall  County  in  1 855,  Mr.Auld  pre- 
empted a  claim  of  160  acres,  the  site  of  his  present 
farm,  though  it  seems  at  a  casual  glance  to  be  as 
widely  different  as  is  possible,  then  wild  and  de- 
serted, the  abode  only  of  the  wild  beasts  of  the 
earth  or  the  fowls  of  the  air,  or  by  the  more  to  be 
dreaded  Indians,  prowling  in  unfrequented  spots, 
and  ready  to  spring  on  the  unwar}-  traveler.  Now 
the  eye  is  pleased  with  the  order,  beauty  and  air 
of  prosperity  visible  on  ever}'  hand,  with  the  forest 
trees,  whose  branches  toss  to  and  fro  with  a 
rhythmic  melody  all  their  own,  with  the  waving 
grain  singing  a  song  of  its  own,  which  tells  of 
bountiful  harvests  and  well-stored  graneries,  with 
the  well-kept  lawn,  showing  the  master  hand  over 
it,  and  with  the  residence  surrounded  and  filled  with 
every  evidence  of  comfort  and  even  luxurj'. 

To  the  original  claim  of  160  acres  was  afterward 
added  640  acres  near  it,  thus  making  a  total  of  800 

acres,  of  which  our  subject  gave  100  acres  to  each  of 
his  three  daughters,  and  apportioning  the  remainder, 
share  and  share  alike,  among  his  sons.  The  latter 
are  farming  together  and  have  never  divided  the 
land,  while  the  father  lives  with  his  bachelor  boj's, 
John  and  Dan.  H.  In  youth  a  man  of  delicate 
constitution,  with  sensitive  lungs,  responding  read- 
ilj'  to  the  insidious  attacks  of  disease,  Mr.  Auld 
has  by  proper  exercise,  care  and  prudence,  correct 
habits  and  a  systematic  life,  attained  to  the  ideal  of 
robustness,  and  is  rugged  and  hearty  for  one  of  his 
adv.ineed  years.  The  beard  once  brown,  is  now 
whitened  b}'  the  snows  of  man}'  winters,  but  the 
heart  retains  its  cheerfulness,  the  brain  its  active- 
ness  and  the  hands  their  nimbleness  of  former  days. 
He  likewise  is  the  fortunate  possessor  of  a  good 
memory,  remembering  with  all  the  vividness  of  to- 
day, events  happening  long  years  agone.  He  is 
considered  authority  in  dates,  seldom  forgetting 
even  seemingly  trivial  occurrences. 

Concerning  the  personal  history  of  our  subject,  it 
is  recorded  that  his  birth  occurred  March  1,  1810, 
in  Northumberland  County,  Pa.,  then  the  residence 
of  his  parents,  William  and  Margaret  (Cauldwell) 
Auld,  the  former  a  native  of  County  Antrim,  Ire- 
land, and  of  Scotch-Irish  descent,  and  the  latter  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania.  William  Auld  left  the 
Emerald  Isle  when  a  youth  of  sixteen  years,  and 
coming  directly  to  Philadelphia,  followed  the  trade 
of  shoe-making  in  Northumberland  County,  Pa., 
where  he  also  engaged  in  farming.  Below  we  give 
the  names  of  the  twelve  children  born  to  the 
father  of  our  subject:  Elinor,  who  died  when  only 
three  years  old;  John  C,  James,  Jane,  Elinor,Grace, 
Samuel,  Margaret,  Elizabeth,  Dan.  C,  our  subject, 
William  H.  and  Lazarus.  John  C.  died  in  1834  in 
Harrison  County,  Ohio.  He  left  a  widow  and  one 
child,  who  have  since  followed  him  to  the  grave. 
James  died  in  1832,  leaving  no  family.  Jane  be- 
came the  wife  of  Nathan  Johnson,  and  passed  away 
in  1839,  leaving  five  children,  two  of  whom  re- 
main, Nathan  and  Margaret.  Elinor  married  Philip 
Donahey,  and  died  in  1830,  leaving  five  children. 
Grace  was  united  in  marriage  with  James  Wilson, 
(See  sketch  of  J.  Bird  Wilson).  Samuel  and  Mar- 
garet died  unmarried,  the  former  in  1827,  the  lat- 
ter in  1824.     Elizabeth  remained  single,  and  passed 



to  hei- rest  in  1832.  The  two  youngest,  William 
H.  and  Lazarus,  died  in  1834,  both  unnian-ied. 

Few  recollections  of  the  home  of  his  infancy 
cluster  around  the  childhood  reminiscences  of  our 
subject,  for  at  the  age  of  four  years  he  accompa- 
nied his  parents  to  Harrison  County.  Ohio,  where 
they  settled  near  Cadiz,  in  1814.  They  thus  bid  a 
final  adieu  to  their  eastern  home,  and  entered  the 
ranks  as  pioneer  settlers  of  the  West,  as  Ohio  was 
then  considered.  The  father  made  a  home  in  the 
wilderness,  and  there  our  subject  passed  his  youth. 
His  father  was  a  farmer,  and  taught  his  children 
to  put  their  shoulders  to  the  wheel  when  young, 
and  by  his  example  of  industry  and  honoral)Ie 
dealing  with  all  men,  led  his  sons  and  daughters 
aright  through  the  years  of  youth.  With  others 
of  this  large  family,  Mr.  Dan.  C.  Auld  devoted  the 
short  winter  days  to  the  pursuit  of  knowledge  in 
the  primitive  schools,  conducted  on  the  subscription 
plan,  and  shared  in  the  fortunes  and  misfortunes  of 
the  boys  and  girls,  who  were  as  fun-loving  then  as 
now.  But  the  bright  dreams  of  youth  were  dis- 
pelled by  the  stern  reality  of  labor.  Early  or- 
phaned, our  subject  had  to  fight  all  alone  with  the 
world.  His  mother  died  in  1826,  and  his  father 
two  years  later.  With  the  death  of  his  parents 
commenced  a  new  era  in  his  life.  Thrown  upon  his 
own  resources  he  learned  the  trade  of  a  carpenter, 
which  he  followed  ten  years,  and  until  after  his 
marriage.  Having  no  parental  home  around  which 
to  center  his  affections,  his  thoughts  very  natura]l3r 
turned  to  the  founding  of  a  home  of  his  own.  He 
chose  as  his  wife  a  cousin,  Jane  Auld,  with  whom 
he  was  united  in  marriage  in  1840.  This  lady  was 
a  native  of  the  same  county  as  her  husband,  and 
was  born  to  John  and  Elizaiieth  Auld,  the  former 
born  in  Ireland,  and  the  latter  in  Nortliumberland 
County,  Pa. 

Engaging  in  the  peaceful  pursuits  of  the  farm 
for  about  fifteen  years,  our  subject  and  his  wife 
then  decided  to  remove  to  Kansas,  which  was  done 
in  1855.  He  settled  on  his  present  farm  and,  as 
before  stated,  pre-empted  160  acres  of  government 
land.  AVhen  he  first  settled  here,  St.  Joseph,  Mo., 
was  the  nearest  town  and  postoffice,  but  the  year 
after  his  arrival  a  i)Ostoffice  was  established  in  Ma- 
rvsville.     The  second  postoffice    in  the  county  was 

at  the  residence  of  our  subject,  established  in  1857 
and  called  Nottingham.  Mr.  Auld  was  made  post- 
master and  continued  as  such  until  1867,  when  the 
postoffice  was  removed  to  Frankfort.  Mr.  Auld 
had  the  honor  to  bo  the  first  Justice  of  the  Peace 
in  jNLarfhall  County,  holding  that  office  three  \'ears. 
In  1861  he  was  elected  bj^  the  Republican  party  as 
Representative  of  Marshall  County  in  the  first  State 
Legislature.  In  his  political  affiliations  our  subject 
has  changed  somewhat,  having  been  originally  a 
Democrat,  but  afterward,  during  war  times,  joined 
the  ranks  of  the  Republican  party,  voting  with  them 
up  to  the  time  of  the  candidacy  of  Peter  Cooper  for 
the  Presidency.  Since  then  he  has  oeen  a  Union  La- 
bor mau.  He  says,  '■  I  joined  and  voted  with  the 
Republican  party  to  free  the  slaves;  then  joined  and 
voted  with  the  Union  Labor  part^'  to  free  myself." 
Both  as  a  Republican  and  as  a  member  of  the  Union 
Labor  party,  he  has  served  as  delegate  to  various 
congressional,  county  and  township  conventions, 
and  was  a  member  of  the  Union  L:',bor  county 
Central  Committee.  Religiously  he  is  a  consistent 
member  of  the  Uiiited  Presbj'terian  Church,  and 
has  assisted  that  cause  as  well  as  all  other  worthy 
religious  and  benevolent  movements  by  financial 
aid,  cheerfully  and  liberally  given. 

Having  been  twice  married  and  twice  bereaved 
by  death  of  the  one  nearest  and  dearest  to  him, 
Mr.  Auld  walks  the  downward  path  of  life  in  soli- 
tude and  loneliness,  save  for  the  loving  devotion 
of  children  and  friends.  Their  thoughtful  care 
and  ever  watchful  attentions  will  smooth  the  latter 
part  of  his  life,  and  make  his  existence  a  happy  one 
even  into  the  "  valley  of  the  shadow  of  death." 
The  first  wife  was  his  cousin,  Jane  Auld,and  she  was 
taken  from  the  midst  of  the  famil}' circle  in  1860, 
leaving  eight  children,  whose  names  are  as  follows: 
William  Hamilton,  Margaret  Elizabeth,  John,  Mary 
J.,  Elinor,  Dan.  Hale.  Grace  and  Albert.  William 
H.was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Mary  Bradford, 
and  resides  about  one  fourth  of  a  mile  west  of  the 
parental  homestead.  To  him  and  his  wife  have  been 
born  seven  children.  He  is  a  well-to-do  farmer 
and  a  very  popular  citizen.  Margaret  E.  became 
the  wife  of  W.  T.  Dwinnell,  the  mother  of  six 
children,  five  of  whom  are  now  living,  and  died  in 
February,    1874.  at    the   age   of  thirty-two.     Mr. 



Dwinnell  is  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  the  count}', 
and  resides  in  Frankfort,  where  he  has  held  the  of- 
fice of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  about  twenty-five 
j'ears.  Mary  J.  married  Luther  Moore,  who  is  en- 
f,^aged  in  mining  in  Colorado,  where  they  live  with 
their  familj'  of  four  living  children.  Elinor  died 
at  her  father's  home  in  1875.  She  was  the  wife  of 
Finla\'  McDonald,  and  left  one  child.  John  and 
Dan.  H.  are  unmarried,  and  are  now  carrying  on  the 
home  farm,  which  yields  plentifull}'  of  all  kinds  of 
grain  under  their  wise  management.  Grace  married 
George  N.  Holmes,  now  in  the  Land  Department 
of  the  Sante  Fe  Railroad,  and  located  in  Topeka; 
they  have  three  children.  The  youngest  of  this 
family,  Albert,  died  when  two  years  old. 

The  second  union  of  our  subject  was  consum- 
mated in  1865,  when  he  became  the  husband  of 
Mrs.  Elinor  Hyde,  widow  of  Dr.  Edward  Hyde. 
Her  maiden  name  was  Elinor  Foster,  and  she  was 
married  to  our  subject  in  Topeka.  By  her  first 
marriage  she  had  one  child,  a  daughter,  Flora,  who 
died  when  she  was  twent^'-four  years  of  age.  No 
children  were  born  of  her  second  marriage.  Mrs. 
Auld  was  taken  away  by  death  in  1887.  She  was 
an  amiable  woman,  a  kind  friend  and  a  loving  wife. 
Ever  charitable  toward  those  in  want,  sympatiiizing 
with  those  in  trouble,  comforting  those  in  sorrow, 
she  vvas  mourned  and  regretted  by  all  in  her  com- 

Not  the  least  interesting  period  in  the  life  of  Mr. 
Auld  was  during  the  Civil  War.  He  enlisted  du- 
ring the  first  part  of  the  conflict  in  1862,  being 
mustered  in  with  Company  G,  13th  Kansas  In- 
fantry of  which  he  was  Second  Lieutenant.  Among 
the  battles  in  which  he  took  part  were  Prairie 
Grove,  Cain  Hill  and  Little  Rock.  He  escaped 
without  receiving  any  serious  injuries  and  was 
mustered  out  at  Springfield,  Mo.,  in  1863. 

It  is  with  pleasure  that  Mr.  Auld  notes  the  manj' 
changes  the  hand  of  time  is  everywhere  making  in 
his  vicinity,  and  it  is  a  favorite  pastime  of  his  to 
dwell  on  pioneer  days,  and  compare  them  with  our 
present  advanced  civilization.  Those  days  of  toil 
and  care  are  sweet  to  look  back  upon,  althougii 
fraught  with  many  discomforts  and  even  perils. 
Indians  had  not  yet  left  the  county  when  he  came 
here,  while  goods   and   supplies   had    to  be  hauled 

from  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  nearly  100  miles  distant. 
Mail  also  was  received  from  that  remote  town,  and 
as  may  be  imagined  letters  were  few  and  far  be- 
tween, while  news  traveled  slowly.  In  making  these 
trips  to  and  from  St.  Joseph,  it  was  the  custom  to 
cross  the  Missouri  on  the  ice.  and  Mr.  Auld  says  he 
often  crossed  it  when  life  was  periled  by  the  at- 
tempt. On  one  occasion  he  and  Mr.  A.  G.  Barrett 
were  lost  in  the  prairie  in  mid-winter,  and  only 
those  who  have  passed  through  similar  experiences, 
can  conceive  of  the  sufferings  they  endured  before 
shelter  was  gained.  This  happened  in  1858  when 
they  were  returning  from  a  trip  to  St.  Joseph.  Our 
subject  froze  his  feet  badly,  but  was  thankful 
to  escape  alive.  The  first  school-house  and  also 
the  first  mill  in  the  neighborhood  were  located  at 
Barrett,  four  miles  southwest.  Mr.  Auld  aimed  to 
build  up  a  town  on  his  land,  but  the  location  was  not 
suitable.  Ilis  first  home  was  a  log  cabin,  which 
was  afterward  replaced  by  the  present  commodious 

Now  in  the  advanced  period  of  life,  when  we 
are  disposed  to  look  backward  with  feelino-s  of 
either  pleasure  or  joain  at  opportunities  grasped  or 
or  lost,  Mr.  Auld  can  say  that  he  has  willingly  in- 
jured no  man,  but  has  always  endeavored  to  live  up 
to  his  standard  as  a  Christian  and  a  man.  As  a 
citizen  he  has  been  popular,  conservative  and  pub- 
lic-spirited; as  a  neighbor  obliging,  generous  and 
hospitable,  and  as  a  Christian,  consistent,  upright 
and  charitable. 

ATRICK  CAMPBELL  was  born  in  County 
Dublin,  Ireland,  though  his  ancestors  were 
Scotch.  His  mother,  Mary  Carney  was  of 
Irish  birth,  and  his  father,  Richard  Camp- 
bell from  Edinburg,  Scotland.  The  parental  fam- 
ily consisted  of  ten  children,  six  boys  and  four 
girls,  our  subject  being  the  youngest.  While  he 
was  still  young  he  came  to  America  with  his  mother, 
who  desired  to  join  her  family.  Owing  to  the  cir- 
cumstances of  his  youth  and  removal,  our  subject 
had  no  educational  advantages,  and  the  knowledo-e 



which  lie  posscsess  has  been  obtainetl  outside  of  the 
schools.  The  family  settled  at  Revere,  near  Bos- 
ton, Mass.  When  a  3'oung  man  of  about  twenty- 
ftve  our  subject  went  to  the  city  of  Chicago,  111., 
where  he  remained  about  ten  years,  being  emplo3'ed 
in  the  oldest  packing  house  in  that  city.  There  he 
was  married,  in  May,  1878,  to  Miss  Bridget  Hines, 
of  that  city.  She  was  a  native  of  Texas,  Md..  and 
was  a  daughter  of  Phillip  and  Ann  (Jones)  Hines. 
Her  mother  was  a  native  of  County  Clare,  Ireland, 
and  her  father  of  County  Dublin,  as  had  been  his 
father.  In  1880  our  subject  came  to  Kansas  and 
settled  on  section  33,  St.  Bridget  Township,  on  the 
quarter  section  where  he  now  resides.  At  tiie  time 
of  his  taking  possession,  there  were  but  thirty  acres 
of  the  land  broken,  and  the  only  improvement  was 
a  small  frame  shanty.  There  are  now  130  acres 
under  thorough  cultivation,  thirty  acres  being  kept 
in  wild  grass,  and  a  substantial  house,  together 
with  good  and  adequate  stables,  have  been  put 
upon  the  place  by  its  owner. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Campbell  have  been  blessed  bj'  the 
liirth  of  six  children,  five  of  whom  survive:  Rich- 
ard, Mary,  Bridget  Ann,  Katie  and  Margaret. 

Mr.  Campbell  is  a  very  liberal  Democrat  in  his 
politics.  He  is  a  member  of  the  St.  Bridget  Catho 
lie  Church.  He  is  an  industrious  and  enterprising- 
farmer,  an  honorable  and  upright  man  and  a  re- 
spected member  of  the  community  where  he  resides. 

^  IfclLLIAM  H.  GRANT,  a  prominent  agricul- 
\fjl/  turist  of  Murray  Township,  is  located  on  a 
wW  finely  improved  farm  of  240  acres  on  sec- 
tion 28,  where  he  has  made  his  home  since  Sep- 
tember, 1887,  bringing  the  place  to  its  present  state 
of  cultivation  and  improvement  since  that  time. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
a  native  of  England,  where  he  married  and  where 
his  wife  died.  He  then  with  his  children  came  to 
America,  locating  in  White  County,  111.,  where  he 
died  at  the  age  of  sixty-three.  He  was  not  a  mem- 
ber of  any  church  in  this  country,  though  probabl}- 
a  communicant  of   the  Church  of  England  in  his 

native  land.  His  son  Richard,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  remained  with  his  father  for  some  time, 
but  was  living  in  Wayne  County,  111.,  when  he  at- 
tained his  majoritj-.  In  that  count}-  he  was  mar- 
ried to  Mary  Wood,  a  native  of  Kentuckj-,  who  had 
come  to  Illinois  sometime  before  her  marriage. 
After  marriage  Mr.  Grant  and  wife  settled  upon  a 
farm  in  Wayne  County,  Big  Mound  Township, 
afterward  removing  to  Avington  Township  the 
same  county,  where  the  wife  died  in  middle  age, 
and  the  husband  attained  to  the  age  of  sixty -three. 
Mr.  Richard  Grant  was  a  member  of  the  Old  Bap- 
tist Church  from  an  early  period  in  his  life.  Mrs. 
Grant  was  an  excellent  woman  and  worthy  wife 
and  mother,  though  she  did  not  consider  member- 
ship in  the  church  necessary  to  religious  life. 

Our  subject  was  a  boy  of  about  twelve  years 
when  he  lost  his  mother.  He  had  been  born  in 
Wayne  County,  111.,  Dec.  16,  1831.  Ho  was  reared 
under  his  father's  charge,  and  remained  in  his  na- 
tive county  until  his  removal  to  Kansas.  lie  was 
married  near  his  childhood's  home  to  Miss  Louvi- 
nia  Smith,  a  member  of  an  Ohio  family  of  good 
blood.  She  has  borne  her  husband  thirteen  chil- 
dren, six  of  whom  are  now  passed  from  earth — 
Loretta,  Nora  and  Etta  died  while  quite  young; 
William  S.  at  the  age  of  seven  years;  Charles  R., 
at  the  age  of  twenty-six;  Thomas  A.  at  the  age 
of  twenty-one.  The  living  children  are:  Emma 
C.  D.,  wife  of  D.  A.  Gallant,  who  resides  in  Has- 
kell County,  Kan.;  Mary  is  the  wife  of  O.  B.  Det- 
weiler,  residing  in  St.  Bridget  Township;  Robert, 
who  married  Phoebe  Daniels,  and  resides  in  this 
township,  and  Herman,  Elmer,  Lou  O,  and  Myrtle 
M.,  who  are  still  at  home.  All  of  the  married  chil- 
dren live  upon  farms. 

Mrs.  Louvinia  (Smith)  Gnant  is  the  daughter  of 
Spencer  Smith,  a  farmer  who  was  married  in  Ohio 
to  Miss  Catherine  Yarl,  the  wife  dying  when  in 
the  prime  of  life  aud  when  her  daughter  Louvinia 
was  very  3-oung.  Sometime  after  her  death  Mr. 
Smith  took  a  second  wife.  Miss  Rachael  McCoy  .con- 
tinuing to  reside  in  Ohio,  where  be  died  at  Somer- 
ton  when  past  eight}'  j'ears  of  age.  He  was  a  member 
of  the  Christian  Church,  and  his  second  wife  was 
by  birthright  a  Quaker.  Mrs.  Grant  was  reared 
in  Ohio,  until  her  sixteenth,  when  she  came  to 



Illinois  with  her  brother-in-law  and  sister,  and  lo- 
cated in  Wayne  County,  where  she  grew  to  woman- 
hood and  was  married. 

Mr.  Grant  is  a  successful  farmer,  an  honored 
citizen,  a  man  of  sterling  integrity  of  character, 
sound  intelligence  and  genial  manners.  In  politics 
he  is  a  stanch  Democrat.  Both  he  and  his  wife 
have  for  many  years  been  active  members  of  the 
Christian  Church,  in  which  Mr.  Grant  has  for  some- 
time occupied  the  position  of  Elder. 

.^  HARLES  A.  (KOCH)  COOK,  one  of  the 
(l(^'  younger  members  of  the  farming  commu- 
^^^J  nity  of  Wells  Township,  may  be  usually 
found  attending  strictly  to  his  own  concerns  at  a 
well  regulated  homestead  on  section  29.  He  is  a 
Western  man  in  his  interests  and  sympathies,  a 
native  of  Clinton  County,  Iowa,  and  born  Oct.  20. 
1851.  His  parents  were  Lewis  and  Mary  (Restler) 
Cook,  both  natives  of  Pennsylvania  and  of  Ger- 
man descent.  They  crossed  tlie  Mississippi  at  an 
early  day  and  settled  in  Clinton  County,  Iowa, 
among  its  earliest  pioneers.  Sojourning  there 
until  1860  they  then  came  to  Northern  Kansas,  and 
the  father  took  up  a  tract  of  Government  land  on 
a  soldier's  warrant  and  paid  $1  25  per  acre.  This 
in  the  course  of  time  was  transformed  into  the  farm 
which  is  now  occupied  by  his  son,  Samuel,  and 
which  lies  on  sections  4  and  5.  There  the  father 
sojourned  until  his  death,  which  occurred  June  22, 
18G6.  He  was  a  man  admirably  adapted  to  the 
duties  and  struggles  of  life  in  a  new  country-,  and 
in  his  death  tlie  county  lost  one  of  her  best  citizens. 
He  was  a  Democrat  politically,  liberal  and  public 
spirited,  and  a  strong  advocate  of  the  establish- 
ment of  schools,  being  the  originator  of  a  petition 
the  result  of  which  was  the  organization  of  the 
first  school  in  District  No.  7.  The  mother  is  de- 
ceased; her  death  occurred  on  the  homestead,  Jan. 
11,  1885. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born  the 
following  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  George,  is  a 
resident  of  Idaho;  Adeline  is  the  wife  of  William 
Steele,  and  lives  in  Oregon;   Samuel   has  been  al- 

ready mentioned  as  occupying  the  old  farm;  Willis 
sojourns  in  Colorado  and  Frank  in  California; 
Luther,  of  this  county;  Charles  and  Albert  are 
residents  of  this  county;  Joseph  is  in  Colorado; 
Jennie  is  the  wife  of  Stephen  Inman,  of  this 
county.  The  elder  Cook  was  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  and  held  some 
of  the  minor  offices  in  liis  township. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  spent  his  boyhood 
and  youth  amid  the  wild  scenes  of  pioneer  life, 
having  come  to  this  county  when  but  a  boy.  He 
has  watched  its  growth  and  development  with  that 
interest  which  can  only  be  felt  by  an  intelligent 
man,  and  has  contributed  in  no  small  degree  in 
bringing  it  to  its  present  condition.  His  early  ed- 
ucation was  presented  in  the  common  schools,  and 
later  he  attended  Irving  Seminary.  He  chose 
farming  for  his  vocation  early  in  life  and  before 
attaining  his  majority  began  making  preparations 
for  a  home  of  his  own,  being  married  Sept.  30, 
1871,  to  Miss  Lilly  Farrant.  Of  this  union  there 
have  been  born  five  children,  four  of  whom  are 
living,  viz:  Walter,  Viola  died  when  fourteen 
months  old,  Jesse,  George  and  Harrj'  H. 

Mrs.  Cook  was  born  in  Jo  Daviess  County,  111., 
April  20,  1856,  and  is  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Lilly  Farrant,  who  came  to  this  county  in  1869 
from  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  settled  in  Wells  Town- 
ship among  its  eailiest  pioneers.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Farrant  were  natives  of  England.  They  left  Illi- 
nois for  Pennsylvania  when  Mrs.  Cook  was  a  mere 
child,  and  she  resided  there  until  her  thirteenth 
year,  coming  then  to  this  State.  John  Farrant 
homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  20, 
Wells  Township,  where  he  turned  the  first  furrow, 
and  he  was  about  the  first  settler  in  his  neighbor- 
hood. He  resided  there  with  his  family  a  number 
of  years,  then  removed  to  Barrett,  and  finally  to 
Blue  Rapids  where  he  now  resides. 

To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Cook  there  were  born  the 
following  children:  Wesle}',  a  resident  of  the 
State  of  Texas;  Lilly,  the  wife  of  our  subject; 
Alfred,  living  in  Clear  Fork  Township,  this  county ; 
Laura,  Mrs.  Frank  Allen,  of  Oketo;  Frank,  likewise 
of  Oketo;  Frederick  and  William,  both  residents  of 
Blue  Rapids.  RL-.  and  Mrs.  Farrant  -are  members 
in    good    standing    of    the     Methodist    Episcopal 



Cburch,and  frequently  engaged  in  local  ministerial 
work.  In  politics  he  is  a  sound  Republican,  and 
for  a  number  of  years  has  been  the  Postmaster  at 
Barrett.  He  enjoys  a  large  acquaintance  in  the 
county,  and  with  his  estimable  wife  is  passing  his 
declining  years  amid  the  comforts  of  a  pleasant 
home,  reaping  the  rewards  of  his  early  toils  and 

Mr.  Cook's  farm  embraces  200  acres  of  well-de- 
veloped land,  whore  he  has  erected  a  handsome, 
modern  residence,which  with  its  surroundings  forms 
one  of  the  most  attractive  homes  in  the  township. 
Like  his  father  before  him,  he  is  prominent  in  his 
community,  serving  as  Township  Clerk  and  School 
Treasurer;  and  in  politics  he  is  independent,  aim- 
ing to  support  the  men  best  qualitied  for  office, 
irrespective  of  party. 

\f  OHN  M.  WATSON  is  not  only  one  of  the 
representative  citizens  of  Marshall  County, 
but  one  of  the  leading  and  successful  busi- 
ness men  of  Frankfort,  and  an  account  of 
his  career  from  his  childhood  to  the  present  time 
finds  an  appropriate  place  in  a  work  of  this  charac- 
ter. His  father,  Thomas  Watson,  was  the  son  of 
Irish  parents,  while  his  mother  traced  her  ancestry 
to  the  sturdjf  Scotch.  The  father  was  for  man}' 
years  a  boat  builder  and  carpenter,  at  Saltsburg,  in 
the  Conemaugh  Valley,  where  he  built  boats  for 
use  on  the  Pennsylvania  canal.  He  afterward  en- 
gaged in  farming  near  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.,  where  he 
remained  until  1870,  when  he  removed  to  Salts- 
burg. where  he  resided  until  his  death,  which  took 
place  in  June  1888,  he  having  reached  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eighty-eight.  Our  subject  is  the 
eldest  of  a  family  which  embraced  five  bo3'S  and 
three  girls.  Thomas  C,  who  is  a  farmer,  lives  on 
the  old  home  place  at  Elder's  Ridge  with  his  wife. 
Mary  J.  is  the  wife  of  the  Rev.  A.  T.  Bell,  a  Pres- 
byterian minister  at  Home,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.;  they 
have  one  child,  a  girl  of  seventeen  years.  M.  H.  isa 
banker  in  Greenville,  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  is  married 
and  has  two  sons.  Martha  married  G.  P.  McCart- 
ney, who  operates  the  gas  works,  a  paper  mill  and 

a  tannery  ij  Indiana,  Pa.  Emma  resides  in  Cam- 
den, N.  J. ;  she  is  the  wife  of  George  W.  Creigh- 
ton,  a  civil  engineer,  and  Division  Superintendent 
on  the  Pennsj'lvania  Central  Railroad.  William 
died  in  August,  1863,  at  the  age  of  nine  years. 
James  P.  is  single  and  resides  on  the  old  home 

Our  subject,  like  the  great  majority  of  the  suc- 
cessful citizens  of  Kansas,  was  reared  upon  a  farm 
and  early  became  acquainted  with  farm  work.  His 
early  education  was  received  in  the  common 
schools,  and  was  supplemented  by  an  academic 
course  at  Elder's  Ridge  Academy.  Shortly  after 
the  breaking  out  of  the  war,  Mr.  Watson  enlisted 
as  a  private  in  Company  D,  62d  Pennsylvania 
Infantry.  His  regiment  was  assigned  to  the  Arm}* 
of  the  Potomac,  and  during  the  next  three  3'ears 
participated  in  the  campaigns  against  Richmond, 
and  against  Lee  and  "Stonewall  "  Jackson  in  Vir- 
ginia. Maryland  and  Pennsylvania.  Among 
the  more  important  engagements  in  which  our  sub- 
ject took  part  may  be  mentioned  Yorktown,  Gaines 
Mills,  Malvern  Hill,  second  battle  of  Bull  Run, 
Antletam,  Fredericksburg,  Chancelorsville,  Gettys- 
burg, Wilderness,  Spottsylvania,  North  Ann  River, 
Cold  Harbor  and  Petersburg.  Although  present 
with  his  rcginic^nt  in  the  above  battles,  as  well 
as  a  number  of  sharp  skirmishes,  Mr.  Watson  had 
the  good  fortune  to  escape  unhurt.  A  number 
of  bullet  holes  received  in  his  clothing  at  various 
times,  however,  bore  eloquent  testimony  to  un- 
comfortably close  calls.  The  three  j'tars  for  which 
Mr.  Watson  enlisted,  expired  on  the  4th  of  Jul}-, 
1874,  and  he  was  soon  after  honorabl}-  discharged 
from  the  service.  He  returned  to  Pennsylvania 
and  attended  the  Elder's  Ridge  College  until  the 
s[)ring  of  186.5,  when  he  was  attacked  by  the  Western 
fever  and  came  to  tiiis  count}'.  He  purchased  320 
acres  of  land  in  Wells  Township,  about  five  miles 
west  of  Frankfort.  Shortly  after  he  filed  on  an 
adjoining  160  acres  under  the  homestead  act.  He 
has  since  purchased  an  additional  eighty,  making 
his  present  estate  consist  of  560  acres,  all  improved 
and  under  cultivation.  From  the  year  he  arrived 
in  Kansas  until  1870  Mr.  Watson  followed  farm- 
ing. In  that  year  he  was  elected  Register  of 
Deeds  of  Marshall  County,  an  oflice  which  he  filled 



foi-  two  years.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  he 
returned  to  his  farm,  on  which  he  remained  until 
1880.  In  that  year  he  came  to  Frankfort,  and  en- 
gaged in  the  business  of  buying,  shipping  and  sell- 
ing live-stocls.  He  continued  in  this  business 
about  three  years,  when  he  went  into  the  lumber 
business,  becoming  the  junior  member  of  the  firm 
of  Brown  &  Watson.  In  1888  lie  bought  out  his 
partner,  and  has  since  been  running  the  business 
alone.  He  now  owns  the  principal  lumber  yard  in 
Frankfort,  and  his  annual  sales  aggregate  a  large 
amount.  His  farm,  which  is  rented,  also  yields 
him  a  satisfactory  annual  income. 

On  Feb.  4,  1872,  our  subject  was  married  to 
Miss  Emma  McDougal,  a  native  of  Missouri.  Her 
parents  died  when  she  was  a  little  girl,  and  she 
made  her  home  with  her  sister,  Mrs.  May  Mar- 
shall in  Maysville,  which  city  had  been  named  after 
her.  Mrs.  Marshall  now  resides  in  Denver.  Miss 
McDougal  was  educated  at  the  convent  schools  of 
St.  Marys,  in  Pottawatomie  County,  Kan.,  and  of 
St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  is  a  cultured,  refined  and  ac- 
corai)lished  lady.  Four  children  have  been  born  to 
Jlr.  and  Mrs.  Watson — Frank  W.,  Thomas  H.,  Ida, 
and  Wiley  H.,  all  of  whom  are  living  except  Ida, 
who  died  at  the  age  of  seven  years. 

Mr.  Watson  is  a  member  of  Frankfort  Lodge 
No.  67,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  has  been  Seerclary  of 
his  Lodge  for  a  number  of  3'ears.  He  is  also  a 
member  of  Henderson  Post  No.  5.3,  G.  A.  R.,  and  is 
the  Post  Quartermaster.  For  the  past  seven  years 
he  has  been  a  meralier  and  Treasurer  of  the  Frank- 
fort School  Board.  In  politics  he  is  a  stanch 
Republican,  and  has  Ijeen  prominent  in  the  coun- 
cils and  active  in  the  work  of  his  [lart}'.  He  has 
served  repeatedly  as  a  delegate  to  County,  Judi- 
cial, Congressional,  and  State  conventions,  and  as  a 
member  of  the  County,  Judicial  and  Congressional 
Central  committees.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  Mr. 
Watson  is  not  only  an  active  nnd  energetic  busi- 
ness man,  but  a  prominent  and  popular  citizen. 
During  his  residence  in  Frankfort  he  has  engaged 
heartily  and  earnestly  in  every  enterpiise  having 
for  its  object  the  prosperity  and  welfare  of  the 

Mr.  Watson  is  a  man  of  medium  stature  and  build  ; 
his  black  hair  and  beard  are  very  slightly  sprinkled 

with  gray.  His  eyes  and  complexion  are  dark. 
In  business  Mr.  Watson  brings  judgment  and  pru- 
dence to  bear,  and  his  decisions  are  based  upon 
mature  and  deliberate  judgment.  His  success  as  a 
farmer  is  attributable  to  the  fact  that  he  carried 
business  methods  and  principles  into  the  manage- 
ment of  his  farm.  In  the  conduct  of  his  present 
business  he  has  earned  a  reputation  for  honest  and 
honorable  dealings,  which  insures  him  the  respect 
of  all  who  know  him.  He  is  a  man  of  uniform 
courtesy,  genial  and  companionable. 

yi^.ELS  P.  ANDERSON.  There  are  few  finer 
)j  jjj  farms  within  the  limits  of  Marshall  County, 
jJ^Mi  tlian  that  which  has  been  built  up  by  Mr. 
Anderson,  who  is  one  of  the  leaders  among  the 
Swedish  population  of  this  county.  He  has  first- 
class  buildings,  a  goodly  assortment  of  live  stock, 
and  all  the  machinery  necessary  for  prosecuting  agri- 
culture after  the  most  approved  methods.  He  is  a 
man  who  has  fought  his  way  unaided  to  his  present 
position,  having  started  in  life  without  means,  and 
furnishes  an  admirable  illustration  of  what  may  be 
accomplished  by  diligence  and  perseverance. 

The  native  place  of  our  subject  was  in  Sleaho 
Soken,  Sweden,  and  the  date  of  his  birth  Dec.  31, 
1839.  He  is  the  son  of  Andrew  and  Maggie  ( Yan- 
sen)  Anderson,  who  were  likewise  natives  of 
Sweden,  the  former  born  in  1810.  He  followed 
farming  all  his  life  and  died  about  1879.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  The  parental 
family  consisted  of  three  sons — Swan,  John  and 
Nels  Peter,  our  subject. 

Mr.  Anderson  was  the  youngest  child  of  his 
parents  and  lived  in  his  native  countrj'  until  ap- 
proaching the  thirtieth  year  of  his  age.  He  attended 
school  and  assisted  his  father  on  the  farm,  then 
emigrating  to  America  came  directly  to  this  county 
and  homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section 
14,  in  Cottage  Hill  Township.  He  had  very  little 
means  at  the  time,  but  made  it  a  rule  to  live  within 
his  income  and  this  steadily  followed  up,  together 
with  his  industrious  habits,  soon  placed  him.  upon 
a  solid    footing.     In  due   time  he  purchased   addi- 



tional  land  and  is  now  the  owner  of  320  acres, 
which  is  finely  adapted  to  the  rich  crops  of  North- 
ern Kansas.  Mr.  Anderson  besides  his  real  estate 
has  a  snug  bank  account,  and  will  be  able  to  spend 
his  declining  years  surrounded  by  all  the  comforts 
of  life. 

Our  subject  in  1873  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Mary  Swanson,  a  native  of  this  county,  and 
of  Swedish  descent.  They  are  now  the  parents  of 
two  sons  and  two  daughters,  viz.:  Andrew  E., 
Frank  J.,  Mamie  S.  A.,  and  Olidia  O.  Mr.  Ander- 
son, politically,  supports  the  Republican  party, 
and  he  is  a  regular  attendant  of  the  Lutheran 


HILLIP  DOUGLASS.  As  one  of  the  self- 
J)  made  men  of  Marshall  County,  Mr.  Doug- 
lass deserves  more  than  a  passing  mention. 
He  is  a  life-long  farmer  by  occupation,  and 
owns  240  acres  of  prime  land,  occupying  a  portion 
of  sections  3,  4  and  9,  the  residence  being  on  sec- 
tion 4.  From  his  earliest  recollection  he  has  been 
mainly  dependent  upon  his  own  efforts,  having 
lost  his  father  when  an  infant,  and  thereafter  as 
soon  as  old  enough  was  thrown  upon  his  own  re- 
sources, and  obliged  to  look  out  for  himself.  The 
years  of  his  earl}'  life,  although  seemingly  years  of 
hardship,  proved  after  all  an  excellent  school  for 
the  development  of  a  manly  independence,  which 
placed  him  in  due  time  upon  the  highway  to  pros- 
perity. His  early  advantages  for  an  education 
were  extremely  limited,  but  his  natural  shrewdness 
has  partially  supplied  the  place  of  book  learning. 
Our  subject  was  the  only  child  of  his  mother, 
Mrs.  Barbara  B.  (Shunk)  Douglass,  who  was  a  na- 
tive of  Ohio,  and  the  daughter  of  Josiah  Shunk, 
likewise  born  there,  and  who  traced  his  descent  to 
German}'.  The  mother,  after  the  death  of  her  hus- 
band, made  her  home  for  a  number  of  years  in  the 
Buckeye  State,  then  removed  to  Marshall  County, 
Ind.,  where  her  death  took  place  when  she  was 
seventy-two  3'ears  old ;  she  was  a  member  of  the 
Dunkard  Church.  Phillip  was  her  only  child,  and 
was  born  in  Holmes  County,  Ohio,  March  26.  1844. 
When   quite    young  he   became  an  inmate  of    the 

home  of  Adam  Snyder,  with  whom  he  remained 
until  thirteen  3'ears  old.  He  then  commenced  work- 
ing out  by  the  month  on  a  farm,  and  followed  this 
occupation  in  Ohio  until  removing  with  his  mother 
to  Indiana,  in  1858.  Thereafter  he  was  employed  in 
a  sawmill  as  foreman  two  j'ears,  and  later  as  an 
engineer.  The  two  years  following  this  he  was 
engaged  in  the  lumbering  business.  Afterward  he 
resumed  work  on  a  farm,  and  remained  in  Indiana 
until  a  man  of  twenty-five  years. 

In  1870  Mr.  Douglass  came  to  Northern  Kansas, 
landing  in  Frankfort,  April  21.  He  at  once  home- 
steaded  eight}'  acres  of  land  on  the  northeast  quar- 
ter of  section  10,  and  purchased  a  claim  of  100 
acres.  He  settled  upon  the  latter,  put  up  a  house, 
and  farmed  with  oxen  for  two  years.  He  had 
started  without  any  capital,  and  had  to  proceed 
cautiously,  and  with  close  management  to  make 
both  ends  meet.  He  worked  for  others  in  order  to 
obtain  the  requisite  amount  of  hard  cash,  carrying 
the  improvements  on  at  his  own  place  as  he  had 
opportunity.  After  having  it  proven,  he  sold  out 
and  purchased  160  acres  of  his  present  farm,  pay- 
ing therefor  $4.20  per  acre.  He  was  one  of  the 
first  men  to  locate  on  the  prairie  in  that  region, 
and  for  a  few  years  following  did  an  immense 
amount  of  labor,  setting  out  forest  and  fruit  trees, 
putting  up  his  house,  and  adding  the  other  build- 
ings as  they  became  necessary.  His  fields  are 
mostly  enclosed  with  hedge.  In  due  time  he  pur- 
chased eighty  acres  adjoining  at  $3  per  acre,  and 
has  the  whole  under  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 
He  makes  a  specialty  of  live  stock,  keeping  about 
forty  head  of  high-grade  Short-horn  cattle,  eleven 
head  of  draft  horses,  and  a  herd  of  swine.  He  uses 
two  teams  in  his  farm  work. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Anna 
Shearer  took  place  in  Marysville,  this  county,  Feb. 
18,  1879.  Mrs.  Douglass  was  born  in  Lanarkshire, 
Scotland,  and  is  the  daughter  of  James  Shearer,  a 
prominent  citizen  of  this  county,  and  a  sketch  of 
whom  will  be  found  elsewhere  in  this  volume.  The 
family  emigrated  to  America  in  1870.  To  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Douglass  there  have  been  born  four  chil- 
dren, viz. :  Mary  M.,  Maude  M.,  Margaret  and 
James  P.  Mr.  Douglass,  politically,  is  a  straiglit 
Republican,  and  has  heen  quite  prominent  in  local 

St. Bridget's  Church  s.  Parsonage,  St  Bridget,  Kan 

Residence  of  W-  Cassidy,  Sec.9.  RockTownshif. 

Residence  of  Fred.  Veith  ,  Sec. 20.  Rock  Township. 



affairs,  serving  as  a  delegate  to  the  county  conven- 
tions. He  has  also  been  Road  Supervisor  for  the 
last  five  _years.  Mrs.  Douglass  is  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  They 
liave  a  pleasant  home  and  many  friends. 

^1^,  EVE  RAGE  MANLY,  formerly  of  Ohio, 
|><^  came  with  his  wife  and  children  to  Kansas 
/ftfc)i  I'  in  1872  and  settled  on  section  20,  in  St. 
^^^^  Bridget  Township,  this  county,  where  he 
opened  up  a  fine  farm  of  200  acres.  He  brought 
the  soil  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation  and  erected 
substantial  modern  buildings.  Later  he  sold  out 
and  removed  to  a  farm  of  eighty  acres,  one-half 
mile  north  of  the  old  place,  where  lie  has  a  very 
comfortable  home,  comprising  a  well-developed 
farm  with  good  improvements.  He  is  numbered 
among  the  leading  citizens  of  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship and  is  considered  an  important  factor  among 
its  agricultural  interests. 

A  native  of  Harrison  County,  Ohio,  our  subject 
was  born  July  14,  1819,  and  is  the  son  of  Allen 
and  Rachel  (Wilken)  Manly,  formerly  of  Harris- 
burg,  Pa.  The  paternal  grandfather  was  Jacob 
Manly,  who  with  his  wife  Betsy,  lived  and  died  in 
Pennsylvania.  Our  subject  was  married  at  the 
age  of  twenty-six  years,  and  continued  a  resident 
of  his  native  county  until  his  removal  to  this  State. 
He  was  wedded  March  4,  1846,  to  Miss  Sidney 
Stephens,  daughter  of  Robert  and  Ann  (Walker) 
Stephens,  who  were  natives  of  Maryland.  Tlie 
latter  removed  to  Ohio,  probably  the  same  year 
(1802)  in  which  the  Manly  family  took  up  their 
residence  there. 

Since  coming  to  this  county  Mr.  Manly  has  been 
possessor  of  720  acres  of  land.  His  family  includes 
seven  children  who  are  all  married.  Allen  H., 
the  father  of  six  children,  carries  on  farming  on 
his  own  land  in  Ozark  Countj',  Mo.;  Robert,  who 
is  married  and  the  father  of  five  sons,  lives  on  the 
home  farm  about  three  miles  east  of  his  father; 
James  W.  married  Miss  Mary  A.,  daughter  of 
John  H.  Ford,  and  they  have  five  ciiildren,  three 
sons  and    two  daughters — Lilly  N.,  Mary  Sidney, 

John  Henry,  James  Ross,  and  Robert  Edwin.  This 
son  owns  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  32,  in  St. 
Bridget  Township,  where  he  has  opened  up  a  good 
farm,  this  being  the  fourth  which  he  has  developed 
in  this  count^^  He  has  a  fine  young  orchard  on 
his  place,  the  third  which  he  has  set  out  in  St. 
Bridget  Township.  Ross  is  married  and  operates 
his  own  farm  of  eighty  acres  adjoining  the  home- 
stead. Rachel  Ann  married  John  Gallagher,  of  St. 
Bridget  Township,  and  they  now  live  in  Idaho, 
where  Mr. Gallagher  isoccupied  as  a  millwright ;  they 
have  four  children.  Josephine  married  Henry 
Jennings  of  Richland  Township,  and  is  the  mother 
of  three  children;  they  live  in  Colorado,  where 
Mr.  Jennings  secured  a  farm  by  preemption.  Lucy 
married  Walter  Smith.  Mr.  Manly,  politically,  sup- 
ports the  principles  of  the  Democratic  party,  is  in 
favor  of  temperance  and  in  religion  a  Presbyterian. 
Mr.  Manly  was  the  third  son  in  a  family  of  five 
boys  and  three  girls,  all  of-  whom  are  living.  Tiie 
father  and  mother  were  nearly  of  an  age  when 
married,  having  been  born  in  the  same  month  and 
year;  they  died  at  the  age  of  eighty-four,  and 
eighty-eight  years  respectively,  having  spent  their 
last  daj's  in  Fulton  County,  111. 

Jij  ROLVIN  LEONARD,  editor  of  the  Irving 
I  Leader,  has  been  a  resident  of  Kansas  for 
11  six  years  past,  locating  in  Lawrence  in  188.3. 
^'  He  was  born  at  Wolf  Lake,  Noble  Co., 
Ind.,  Dec.  7,  1861.  His  grandfather.  Joseph  W., 
was  a  resident  of  Ohio,  where  lie  first  followed  the 
occupation  of  a  carpenter,  afterward  becoming  a 
farmer,  and  died  at  Albion,  Ind.,  in  1869,  at  the 
age  of  seventy-fiye  years.  His  son,  Wellington 
Young  Leonard,  is  the  father  of  the  subject  of  this 
sketch.  He  was  born  in  Troy,  Miama  Co.,  Ohio, 
Oct.  5,  1834,  and  in  his  youth  learned  the  trade  of 
a  carpenter.  He  went  to  Wolf  Lake  in  1850,  in 
companj'  with  his  parents.  In  1858  he  began  to 
read  medicine.  The  winter  of  1859  and  1860  he  at- 
tended lectures  at  Jefferson  Medical  College,  Phila- 
delphia. In  the  spring  of  1860  he  began  the  practice 
of  medicine  with  his  preceptor.     In  the  winter  of 



1863  and  1864,  he  again  attended  lectures,  this  time 
at  the  Cincinnati  Medical  College,  from  which  he 
was  graduated  in  the  spring.  He  returned  tD  Wolf 
Lai<e  and  resumed  his  practice  until  the  fall  of 
1865,  when  he  went  to  Cliicago  and  attended  Rush 
Medical  College  for  one  term,  at  the  end  of  which 
he  received  the  ad  eundem  degree.  In  1865  he 
removed  to  Albion,  Noble  Count}-,  Ind.,  where  he 
practiced  until  1883,  when  on  account  of  failing 
health,  he  came  to  Kansas.  Here  he  abandoned  his 
practice  and  engaged  in  the  drug  business  in  Law- 
rence, in  partnership  witii  James  A.  Hamlin,  also 
formerly  of  Albion.  In  that  place  he  still  lives, 
and  is  yet  in  the  same  business. 

The  father  was  married  at  Phrcuixville,  Pa., 
Nov.  19.  1857.  to  Miss  Sarah  Amanda  Place,  a  na- 
tive of  the  Keystone  State,  born  June  3,  1836. 
She  is  still  living  in  Lawrence.  Mr.  Leonard  has 
not  held  any  public  position  which  is  not  congenial 
to  his  nature,  although  often  within  his  reach,  he 
being  very  popular  with  the  people  who  know  him. 
He  is  an  upright  man,  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church,  and  is  at  present  a  Deacon  in  the  church 
of  which  he  is  a  member.  He  and  his  wife  are  the 
parentsof  eightchildren,as  follows :  "Warren, Charles, 
Frank,  and  Annie,  all  died  in  infancy.  Those  now 
living,  are  :  Elwood  W.,  is  at  present  in  the  restaur- 
ant business  at  Argentine,  Kan.,  but  is  a  druggist 
by  profession;  John  R.,  our  subject;  Oscar  Place, 
is  engaged  in  merchant  tailoring  business  in  Law- 
rence, and  Ella  Amanda  lives  with  her  parents. 

John  R.  Leonard  attended  the  common  schools 
in  Noble  Count}',  Ind.,  and  when  eighteen  years  of 
age  began  learning  the  trade  of  a  printer  at  Ligo- 
nier,  Ind.  Tliere  he  stayed  about  a  year,  when  he 
again  attended  school  for  a  year,  on  leaving  which 
he  worked  on  a  paper  at  Albion,  Ind..  until  the 
spring  of  1883,  when  he  came  to  Lawrence,  Kan., 
and  in  November  of  that  year,  in  copartnership 
with  James  W.  Sowers,  established  a  paper  called 
The  New  Era,  at  Spring  Hill.  Johnson  County, 
Kan.  He  sold  his  interest  to  his  partner  in  March 
of  the  following  year,  returning  to  Lawrence,  where 
he  worked  at  his  trade  until  the  spring  of  1886. 
At  this  time  he  fixed  his  attention  on  Irving,  in 
tills  county,  in  which  there  was  no  paper  published, 
although   various   attempts  had  been  made   before 

that  to  publish  papers  there,  all  of  which  were 
short  lived.  His  journal,  the  Irving  Leader,  has 
been  as  successful  as  the  size  of  the  place  warrants, 
and  is  gaining  ground  weekly.  The  circulation  is 
increasing  and  the  advertising  patronage  is  good. 
Mr.  Leonard  has  ample  conveniences  for  doing  job 
printing,  and  is  graduallj'  increasing  his  facilities 
as  his  business  demands. 


(k^  RS.  ELIZA  PICKETTE  is  a  pioneer  of 
///  \\\  Kansas,  having  resided  here  since  1860. 
///       14'  Thoufiih  time  is  beginning  to  leave  traces  on 

her  face  of  past  hardships  endured  in  open- 
ing up  a  home  from  the  wilderness,  j-et  it  has  been 
unable  to  dim  the  lustre  of  her  eye,  or  dull  the 
power  and  energ}'  of  her  mind.  Her  narrations  of 
life  on  the  frontier  are  always  interesting  and  often 
thrilling.  She  has  a  very  pleasant  home  in  the 
northeastern  ])art  of  Vermillion  Township,  this 
county,  located  on  section  7.  Her  residence  is  a 
frame,  painted  brown,  and  is  both  attractive  with- 
out and  coz}-  within.  Around  it  are  forty  acres  of 
land  in  her  possession,  her  son.  Marshall,  owning 
160  acres  of  the  old   homestead. 

Of  Scotch  and  German  ancestiy,  Mrs.  Pickette 
was  born  Oct.  2,  1830,  iu  Mercer  County,  Pa.,  her 
parents  being  Valentine  and  Mary  (McDowell) 
Pfouts,  the  father  of  German  parentage,  while 
the  progenitors  of  the  mother  were  Scotch  people. 
The  father  and  mother  were  natives  of  Pennsylva- 
nia, where  the  former  was  engaged  in  agricultural 
pursuits.  Their  household  circle  consisted  of  three 
children:  Eliza,  our  subject;  Robert  and  Edith. 
Robert  died  when  eleven  years  old,  while  Edith 
was  removed  from  the  loving  parents  and  devoted 
playmates  when  five  years  old.  Valentine  Pfouts 
caught  the  gold  fever  in  the  early  d.ays  of  the  Cali- 
fornia excitement,  and  made  two  trips  to  the  min- 
ing regions  of  that  new  State.  He  was  married  a 
second  time,  choosing  as  his  wife  Anna  Miller,  who 
lived  only  one  year  after  her  marriage,  while  Mr. 
Pfouts  himself  passed  from  the  noise  and  tumult  of 
life  about  1852. 

When  a  maiden  of  sixteen  3'ears  our  subject  took 



upon  herself  the  responsibilities  of  married  life, 
and  became  the  loving  wife  of  Stephen  M.  Haskins. 
Their  wedding  services  were  solemnized  in  Mercer 
County  Feb.  4,  1847,  and  for  three  years  the  young 
couple  were  residents  of  Olmstead  County,  Minn., 
whence  they  came  to  Kansas  in  1860,  and  took  up 
a  claim  of  160  acres  on  the  site  of  the  present  place. 
Mr.  Haskins  was  a  coal  miner  during  the  earlier 
portion  of  his  life,  but  later  was  a  farmer.  He 
showed  his  patriotism  and  his  love  for  the  Union, 
by  enlisting  in  her  defence  in  the  8th  Kansas  In- 
fantry, and  died  in' the  service  Aug.  11,  1862.  Be- 
sides his  wife  he  left  three  children,  then  reaching 
an  age  when  a  father's  love  "and  care  are  most 
essential.  Those  children  were  William  L.,  Marshall 
and  Iva.  "William  L.  owns  a  ranch  in  Arizona, 
where,  necessarily,  he  spends  a  large  portion  of  his 
time,  though  his  home  is  in  Frankfort,  Kan.  He 
was  married  Jan.  7,  1869,  to  Sarah  Dehart,  by 
whom  he  became  tiie  father  of  five  children.  The 
second  son,  Marshall,  is  serving  the  second  term  ns 
Sheriff  of  Marshall  County,  a  position  in  which  he 
has  discharged  the  various  duties  devolving  upon 
him  with  zeal,  fidelity  and  efficiency.  This  gentle- 
man was  born  Oct.  21,  1857,  and  is  thus  in  the 
midst  of  a  useful  career.  The  maiden  name  of  his 
wife,  by  whom  he  has  three  children,  was  Ora  Da- 
vis. The  only  daughter  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Haskins  was  Iva,  who  died  when  three  years  of  age. 
A  few  years  after  she  was  left  a  widow  Mrs.  Has- 
kins married  again,  becoming  the  wife  of  William 
M.  Pickette,  July  26,  1863.  They  had  three  chil- 
dren, of  whom  George,  the  eldest  born,  died  Jan. 
7, 1867,  when  a  little  more  than  three  years  of  age. 
The  two  daughters.  Belle  and  Sadie,  received 
a  splendid  education,  and  are  accomplished,  poi)u- 
lar  young  ladies,  the  former  being  a  teacher  in 


,  ETER  CHAMPAGNE.  To  no  other  class 
of  men  is  Kansas  more  indebted  for  its 
marvelous  growth,  and  the  high  standing 
^^  it  has  attained  among  its  sister  States  since 
the  war,  than  to  the  noble  citizen-soldiers  of  our 
great  Republic,  who  fought  so  bravely  for  its  pre-   | 

servation,  and  at  the  close  of  the  strife,  quietly  laid 
down  their  arms  and  resumed  their  peaceful  callings 
in  the  hamlets  and  cities,  or  on  the  lonely  farms 
whence  they  had  gone  forth  a  few  years  before  to 
do  battle  in  a  righteous  cause,  or  else,  in  many  in- 
stances, sought  the  boundless  and  fertile  plains  of 
the  West  beyond  the  Mississippi,  to  begin  life  anew 
in  this  sunny  clime,  and  build  up  comfortable 
homes  for  themselves  and  loved  ones.  Among  such, 
no  one  is  more  worthy  of  honorable  mention  in  this 
Biographical  Album  of  Marshall  County,  than 
the  subject  of  this  review,  and  it  gives  us  pleasure 
to  transcribe  to  these  pages  a  brief  record  of  his 
life  and  work.  He  is  now  a  prosperous,  well-to-do 
farmer  and  stock-raiser,  owning  a  valuable  farm  on 
section  15,  and  a  beautiful  home  near  Oketo.  He 
is  of  French  birth  and  antecedents,  but  having 
been  a  resident  of  this  country  since  boyhood  he  is 
thoroughl3^  Americanized,  and  these  United  States 
have  no  more  loyal  and  devoted  citizen  than  he. 
His  father,  Joseph  Champagne,  was  a  farmer  in  his 
native  France,  and  was  there  married  to  .Justine 
Bay,  who  was  also  born  in  that  country.  In  1846 
they  came  to  tiie  United  States,  landing  in  New 
York,  whence  they  proceeded  to  Meadville.  Pa., 
and  there  settled  on  a  farm,  which  continued  to  be 
their  home  until  death  called  Uiem  to  a  higher, 
she  dying  in  the  fall  of  1846,  soon  after  their  ar- 
rival, and  he  dying  in  1853. 

Of  their  four  ciiildren,  our  subject  is  the  only  one 
known  to  survive,  their  son  Emil  having  enlisted 
to  take  part  in  the  war,  and  has  never  been  heard 
from  since.  He  of  whom  we  write  was  the  eldest 
of  the  familj',  and  he  was  born  in  France,  July  5, 
1836.  He  first  attended  school  in  his  native  land, 
and  after  coming  here  obtained  a  fair  Englisii  edu- 
cation, and  still  keeps  up  his  knowledge  of  the 
French  language  and  literature.  At  the  youthful 
age  of  seventeen,  he  begau  life  on  his  own  account 
being  employed  on  a  farm.  At  eighteen  years  of 
age  he  left  Pennsylvania,  and  proceeded  to  Illinois, 
ambitious  to  better  his  condition,  and  put  himself 
in  the  way  of  earning  more  money.  He  was  in 
that  State  when  the  great  Rebellion  broke  out,  and 
though  he  was  of  alien  birth,  his  heart  beat  in  sym- 
pathy for  the  Union  cause,  and  in  1862  he  enlisted 
for  the  defense  of  his   adopted  country,   and   his 



name  was  enrolled  as  a  member  of  Company  A, 
l-2th  Illinois  Cavalry,  and  he  served  his  company 
all  through  the  remainder  of  the  bitter  contest  be- 
tween the  North  and  South,  proving  to  be  a  true 
soldier,  brave  in  the  face  of  danger,  and  efficient 
in  camp  and  on  the  field,  and  he  received  well-de- 
served promotion  for  some  heroic  deed,  to  the  rank 
of  Corporal.  His  regiment  was  with  the  army  of 
the  Potomac,  and  his  first  active  service  was  in 
Stoneman's  raid.  He  and  his  comrades  went  through 
much  hard  fighting  with  the  rebel  Gen.  Stuart's 
cavalry,  and  they  did  gallant  work  in  the  battle 
of  Gettysburg,  following  the  enemj'  several  days 
on  their  retreat.  In  the  latter  part  of  1863,  our 
subject's  regiment  veteranized,  and  returning  home 
for  a  furlough  of  thirty  days,  its  original  number 
was  restored  by  new  recruits.  It  was  then  sent  to 
St.  Louis,  and  from  that  citj^  proceeded  to  Alexan- 
dria, Marksville.  Mansura,  Napoleonsville,  Libertj' 
(Miss.),  Paecagoula,  (Ala.),  La  Grange  (Tenn.), 
and  wherever  it  met  the  enemy  it  showed  a  brave 
front,  and  fought  with  daring  and  skill,  each  man 
a  hero  and  a  host  in  himself.  Mr.  Champagne  was 
honorabljf  discharged  after  the  close  of  the  war,  at 
Memphis,  Tenn.,  June  16,  186.5,  and  was  mustered 
out  of  the  service  at  Camp  Butler,  Springfield,  111. 
He  stayed  in  Illinois  until  after  the  harvest,  and 
then  went  back  to  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  em- 
ployed in  some  oil  works  for  a  year  and  a  half.  In 
tiie  spring  of  1867,  he  resolved  to  emigrate  to 
Kansas  to  avail  himself  of  the  cheap  lands  for  sale 
by  the  Government,  and  selecting  Marshall  County 
as  a  suitable  location,  he  has  ever  since  been  one  of 
its  most  useful  citizens.  He  settled  at  that  time 
on  his  present  farm  on  section  15,  Oketo  Town- 
ship, said  farm  comprising  330  acres  of  valuable, 
highl}'  fertile  land,  all  in  a  body,  under  excellent 
tillage,  and  provided  with  a  fine  set  of  buildings, 
including  a  substantial,  commodious  stone  resi- 
dence and  a  good  frame  barn,  all  the  improvements 
having  been  made  by  himself,  and  the  land  re- 
claimed from  the  wild,  uncultivated  prairie. 

On  Sept.  20,  1868  Mr.  Champagne  was  united  in 
marriage  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Suggett.  She  is  a 
daughter  of  John  and  Clinda  (Burgess)  Suggett, 
who  came  from  Rock  Island,  111.,  to  Marshall 
County,  in  1860.     They  were   natives  of  England, 

and  the  father  was  a  farmer.  He  died  in  1874. 
The  mother  is  still  living,  and  makes  her  home  in 
this  township.  Mrs.  Champagne  is  the  eldest  of 
ten  children,  and  she  was  born  in  Detroit,  Mich.. 
June  18,  1848.  Five  children  have  been  born  of 
her  marriage  with  our  subject,  as  follows :  Mary  S., 
Victor  B.,  Eugene  F.,  Grace  B.,  and  Ernest  J. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Champagne  are  highly' valued  mem- 
bers of  this  community,  where  they  have  many 
warm  friends,  none  knowing  them  but  to  respect 
them  for  their  solid  worth.  They  are  sincere  be- 
lievers in  Christianity,  and  in  their  daily  lives  fol- 
low its  teachiiigs,  and  are  attend.ants  at  church  and 
Sunday-school.  Mr.  Champagne  has  mingled  much 
in  the  public  life  of  the  township,  has  been  Road 
Overseer,  and  has  been  an  important  factor  in 
promoting  the  cause  of  education,  having  been  a 
member  of  the  School  Board  for  manj'  years,  and 
is  Clerk  of  that  honorable  body.  He  is  a  progres- 
sive agriculturist,  and  has  been  connected  with  the 
Grange.  He  is  a  prominent  member  of  Oketo  Post 
No.  477,  G..A.  R.,  of  which  he  is  Chaplain.  In  his 
political  views,  he  is  a  true  Republican,  and  alwa3-s 
votes  with  his  part^'. 

^  SAAC  WALKER.  One  of  the  strongest  and 
l{  most  admirable  characters  of  Marshall  County, 
/ll  is  illustrated  in  the  subject  of  this  biographical 
outline,  who  is  numbered  among  its  oldest  residents, 
having  come  to  Northern  Kansas  during  its  pioneer 
days.  A  man  of  decided  views,  he  is  a  radical 
upon  all  questions — one  who  does  his  own  thinking, 
and  one  who  is  not  easily  moved  from  his  opinion 
when  it  has  once  been  established.  An  intense 
patriot  during  the  progress  of  the  Civil  War,  he 
enlisted  in  the  ranks  at  the  age  of  fort3'-six  j-ears, 
and  came  out  crippled  for  life.  He  has  never 
mourned  over  his  affliction,  however,  rightfully 
considering  it  one  of  the  badges  of  honor  bestowed 
by  the  exigencies  of  war.  His  domestic  relations 
are  pecnliarh'  happy,  that  amiable  and  estimable 
lady  who  bears  his  name  being  a  woman  possessing 
all  the  Christian  virtues — -one  who  as  a  wife  and 
mother  has  performed   her    part   nobl}-  along   the 



journej'  of  life.  Mrs.  Walker  began  life  on  the 
frontier,  and  lias,  like  her  husband,  been  a  witness 
of  the  extraordinary  changes  vvhich  have  trans- 
formed it  into  the  abode  of  a  civilized  people, 
while  in  her  sphere  she  has  contributed  her  full 
quota  to  the  general  result.  ' 

The  Walker  homestead  comprises  170  acres  of 
well-developed  land,  finely  located  on  section  19, 
Rock  Township.  The  proprietor,  a  native  of  the 
Buckeye  State,  was  born  on  the  Ohio  river,  in 
Jefferson  County,  Dec.  21,  1813.  He  grew  up 
amid  the  wild  scenes  of  a  tliinlj^  settled  country, 
assisting  his  father  in  clearing  the  farm,  his  recrea- 
tions being  hunting  the  wild  game  which  abounded 
plentifully,  and  fishing  in  the  streams.  He  had  no 
advantages  for  an  education  otherwise  than  those 
afforded  b}'  the  simplest  instruction  in  the  primi- 
tive log  schoolhouse,  with  slabs  for  seats  and  desks, 
the  floor  of  puncheon,  and  the  window  panes  of 
greased  paper.  The  system  of  instruction  accorded 
with  the  architecture  of  the  temple  of  learning, 
embracing  simply  the  art  of  reading,  writing  and 

When  a  boy  of  twelve,  Isaac  Walker  was  par- 
tiallj^  orphaned  by  the  death  of  his  father,  and  in 
addition  to  looking  after  himself  thereafter,  assisted 
his  mother  in  rearing  the  other  three  children.  He 
worked  on  a  farm  at  86  per  month,  and  at  the  age 
of  sixteen  3'ears  operated  as  a  full  hand.  AVhen 
twenty-four  years  old,  he  became  interested  in 
millwrighting,  which  he  followed  three  summers, 
and  subsequentl}'  operated  as  a  carpenter,  contractor 
and  wagonmaker.  He  remained  in  his  native  State 
until  the  spring  of  1848,  then  emigrating  to  Fulton 
Count}-,  111.,  established  a  wagonshop  at  Ipava, 
which  he  conducted  successfully  for  four  years. 
Then  purchasing  eighty  acres  of  land,  he  put  up  a 
mill  ou  the  creek,  and  unfortunately  sunk  the  most 
of  his  money  therein. 

In  1855,  leaving  Illinois,  our  subject,  with  a  cap- 
ital of  810  in  his  pocket  started  overland  for  Bir- 
mingham, Iowa.  There  he  engaged  as  a  millwright 
in  the  biggest  and  best  mill  in  the  State  at  that 
time.  In  the  spring  of  that  year  his  family  went 
back  to  Ohio,  and  he  joined  them  there  in  the  win- 
ter, remaining  until  April,  1856.  Then  setting  out 
once   more   for  the  farther  West,  he  journeyed  l<i 

St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  by  boat,  and  at  that  point  pur- 
chased  an  ox  team,  and  started  overland  for  this 
county,  being  two  weeks  on  the  way,  and  having 
no  guide  or  compass.  He  frequently  had  to  stop 
and  build  a  bridge  in  order  to  get  across  the  streams. 
Locating  near  the  present  site  of  Barrett,  Kan.,  lie 
took  up  a  claim  and  engaged  in  farming.  When 
the  new  survey  was  made  he  was  deprived  of  his 
timber  and  broken  land. 

In  1857  Mr.  Walker  established  himself  upon  a 
part  of  the  land  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies, 
when  liis  nearest  neighbor  was  nine  miles  away 
southward.  The  nearest  point  east  was  Seneca,  the 
nearest  west,  Marshall,  and  the  nearest  north,  Otoe. 
Indians,  deer,  wild  turkeys,  wolves  and  other  game 
was  plentiful.  Mr.  Walker  was  in  fact  the  first 
settler  of  the  township,  and  the  first  in  the  north- 
east quarter  of  the  county,  and  it  is  probable  that 
he  is  the  oldest  one  living  now  within  its  limits. 
There  was,  when  he  first  settled  here,  not  a  road 
near  his  place  to  any  point.  After  providing  a 
shelter  for  his  familj-,  he  commenced  breaking  the 
soil  with  ox  teams,  and  proceeded  with  the  im- 
provement of  his  projjerty  as  well  as  he  could  under 
the  circumstances.  He  was  a  natural  mechanic, 
fortunately,  and  in  addition  to  his  other  employ- 
ments built  for  Frank  Marshall  the  second  ferry 
boat  in  the  count}'.  His  own  dwelling,  a  log  struc- 
ture, was  the  first  put  up  in  Rock  Township.  He 
has  now  a  substantial  residence,  part  frame  and 
part  stone,  and  six  miles  of  wire  fencing,  together 
with  the  outbuildings  and  machinery  necessary  for 
the  prosecution  of  agriculture  after  the  most  ap- 
proved methods.  The  land  is  well  watered,  and  a 
good  spring  forms  one  of  its  invaluable  adjuncts. 
There  is  a  timber  tract  of  seventy  acres,  which,  as 
the  country  grows  older,  increases  in  value. 

Our  subject  proceeded  with  the  improvement  of 
his  property  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
War.  He  was  au  Abolitionist  by  nature,  and  in 
September  following,  determined  to  proffer  his 
services  to  aid  the  preservation  of  the  Union  and 
the  extinction,  if  possible,  of  slavery.  He  accord- 
ingly enlisted  in  Company  D,  8th  Kansas  Infantry, 
and  was  mustered  into  service  at  Leavenworth, 
with  his  regiment  as  Home  Guards.  There  they 
remained  until  Januar}'  of  the  year  1862, when  they 



were  ordered  to  Kansas  City,  at  which  point  Mr. 
Walker  had  the  misfortune  to  brealv  his  anlde,  and 
was  confined  in  the  hospital  two  months,  during 
which  time  he  suffered  greatl}',  so  much  so  that  at 
times  it  seemed  as  if  he  must  die.  In  March,  how- 
ever, he  had  recovered  sutBciently  to  be  sent  home, 
where  he  was  confined  to  the  house  several  years. 
For  several  years  afterward  he  could  only  get 
about  with  the  aid  of  crutches.  He  did  not  receive 
his  final  discharge  until  1882,  and  is  now  on  the 
pension  roll.  The  hospital  surgeon  kindly  declared 
that  "he  was  not  fit  for  the  service  or  anything 

In  Harrison  County,  Ohio,  occurred  tlie  marriage 
of  Isaac  Walker  and  Miss  Winnefred  Barrett,  May 
4,  1842.  Mrs.  Walker  is  the  daughter  of  David 
Barrett,  a  native  of  Chester  County,  Pa.,  the  son 
of  Arthur  Barrett,  who  was  also  born  in  that 
county,  and  learned  the  trade  of  a  weaver.  The 
latter  emigrated  to  Frederick  County,  Va.,  where 
he  engaged  in  farming  until  1803,  then  selling  out, 
moved  to  Harrison  County,  Ohio.  He  became 
well-to  do,  and  gave  each  of  his  sons  a  farm.  He 
was  a  Quaker  in  religious  belief,  and  traced  his  an- 
cestry to  England,  which  was  the  native  place  of 
his  father,  Ralph  Barrett. 

David  Barrett  was  three  years  old  when  he  went 
to  Virginia  with  his  parents.  He  accompanied 
them  to  Ohio  in  1803,  and  followed  farming  the 
remainder  of  his  life,  mostl}-  on  his  own  land  of 
160  acres,  which  he  cleared  from  the  wilderness. 
He  was  a  Quaker  in  religious  belief,  and  departed 
peacefull}'  hence  at  the  age  of  sixty-five  jears.  He 
had  married  in  early  manhood  Miss  Winnefred 
Kirby,  who  was  born  in  Carrolls  Manor,  Md.,  and 
was  the  daughter  of  Thomas  Kirby,  a  native  of 
Ireland.  The  wife  of  the  latter  was  Winnefred 
Carroll  of  Ireland,  a  cousin  of  Charles  Carroll,  who 
was  granted  a  charter  to  land  in  Maryland,  but  set- 
tled in  Carrolton,  whence  he  first  removed  to  Vir- 
ginia, and  then  to  Pennsylvania.  He  was  acciden- 
tally killed  by  the  upsetting  of  his  wagon  while  on 
his  wa}-  to  Harrison  County,  Ohio.  The  wife  and 
mother  died  in  the  Bucke3e  State;  she  likewise  was 
a  Quaker  in  religious  belief.  They  were  the  parents 
of  eleven  children,  of  whom  William,  Elizabeth, 
Uriah  and  David  are  deceased.     The  survivors  are 

Thomas  and  Albert,  residents  respectively  of  Rock 
and  Vermilion  townships,  this  county;  Sarah,  liv- 
ing in  Ohio;  Ruth,  living  in  Vermilion  Township, 
this  county;  Winnefred,  Mrs.  Walker;  Joseph,  of 
Clear  Fork  Township,  and  John,  of  Ceijter  Town- 

Mrs.  Walker   was    born    near    Cadiz,    Harrison 
County,  Ohio,  June    11,  1323.     Her   infant   eyes 
first  opened  in  the  wilderness,  and  her  earlier  years, 
until  reaching  middle  life,  have  been  mostly  spent 
amid  similar  scenes  and   surroundings.     She  thus 
grew  up  to  a  self-reliant  and  independent  woman- 
hood, admirably  fitted    for  the  duties  before  her. 
Of  her  union  with  our  subject   there   have    been 
born   six    children,    viz. :     Thomas   B.,    deceased, 
David  B.,  Rebecca  J.,  Ruth,  Sarah    and    Mary   B. 
Thomas  enlisted  in  September,  1861,  before  reach- 
ing his  eighteenth  year,  in  Company  D,  8t!i  Kansas 
Infantry,  with  his  father.     He  died  of    measles  at 
Iowa   Point   on   the  Missouri,  Dec.  29,  following. 
His  remains  were  brought  home,  and  filled  the  first 
soldier's   grave    in  this    county.     The  second  son, 
David  B.,  enlisted  in  the   13th  Kansas  lufantr^r,  in 
September,  1862,  and  served  eighteen  months,  when 
he  was  honorably  discharged.     He  is  now  one  of 
the  prominent  farmers  of  Rock  Township,  and  the 
owner  of  _  320  acres  of  land.     A  sketch  of   his  life 
will  be  found  elsewhere  in  this  work.    Rebecca,  the 
eldest  daughter,  is  the  wife  of  Theodore  Hughes,  a 
prominent  farmer  of  Center  Township;   Ruth  died 
at  the  age  of  four  months;    Sarah  remains  at  home 
with  her  parents  as  their  stay  and  comfort  in  tlieir 
old  age;  Mary  B.  is  the  wife  of  Andrew  Shearer,  a 
prominent  farmer  of    Rock  Township,  and  who  is 
represented  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

Mr.  Walker,  politically,  was,  while  in  Ohio,  one 
of  the  strongest  Abolitionists  of  his  da}^,  aud  as- 
sisted many  a  fugitive  to  escape,  bj'  way  of  the 
underground  railway,  for  which  he  was  dubbed 
'•nigger  thief,"  etc.  He  remained  a  Republican 
until  the  administration  of  President  Hayes,  then 
identified  himself  with  the  Greenbackers,  and  is 
now  in  sympathy  with  the  Union  Labor  patty.  He 
officiated  as  School  Director  for  a  period  of  twenty- 
five  years  and  then  resigned.  He  gave  the  name 
to  Snipe  Creek,  Mosquito  Creek,  and  the  west  fork 
of  the  Vermillion.      ?so  man  stands  higher  in  the 



esteem  and  confidence  of  the  people  of  this  county, 
with  whose  most  important  interests  he  has  been 
identified,  since  tlie  time  the  attention  of  the  enter- 
prising emigrant  was  called  to  the  desirability  of 
Northern  Kansas  as  a  place  of  abode. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Aaron  Walker,  a 
native  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  the  son  of  Ebenezer 
Walker,  who  was  born  in  Wales,  and  spent  his  en- 
tire life  in  agricultural  pursuits.  After  emigrating 
to  America  he  located  in  Philadelphia.  He  was 
married  in  Wales  to  Diana  Walker,  vvho,  like  him- 
self, was  a  Quaker  in  religious  belief,  and  they  set- 
tled upon  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Quaker 
Cit}',  where  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their 
lives.  Their  son,  Aaron,  was  reai-ed  to  farming 
pursuits,  and  when  a  young  man  grown,  emigrated 
to  Red  Stone  Creek  in  tiie  western  part  of  the  State, 
where  he  cleared  a  farm  and  was  married.  Later, 
in  1812,  he  emigrated  to  Ohio,  and  located  on  the 
Ohio  river  among  the  earliest  pioneers  of  Jefferson 
County.  He  bought  land  but  only  remained  there 
about  one  year,  removing  to  Harrison  County, 
where  he  opened  up  a  fai'm  in  the  wilderness  and 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  days,  dying  in  1832. 
He  had  been  reared  in  the  Quaker  faith,  but 
changed  his  views  somewhat  in  later  life. 

Mrs.  Rebecca  (Brown)  Walker,  the  mother  of 
our  subject  was  born  in  North  Carolina;  and  was 
the  daughter  of  a  Captain  Brown,  whose  native 
place  was  England.  The  latter  emigrated  to 
America  prior  to  the  Revolutionarj'  War,  and  set- 
tled upon  a  farm  in  tiie  vicinity  of  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
During  the  struggle  which  ensued,  he  served  as  a 
Captain  on  the  side  of  the  Colonists  under  Gen. 
Morrison,  during  which  time  he  laid  in  the  swamps 
to  such  an  extent  that  he  was  seized  with  rlieuma- 
tism,  from  which  he  suffered  greatly  afterward. 
Upon  leaving  the  armj-.he  settled  in  Pennsylvania, 
whence  he  removed  to  Harrison  County,  Ohio,  and 
died  there.  The  mother  of  our  subject  spent  her 
last  days  in  Nodaway  County,  Mo.,  dying  there 
at  the  home  of  her  daughter,  in  1881,  when  nearly 
ninety  j'ears  old.  Her  mother  had  likewise  lived 
to  attain  about  the  same  age.  Isaac  remembers 
distinctly  the  time  when  his  mother  spun  linen  and 
wove  the  cloth  for  the  family  apparel. 

The  father  of    our  subject    was  twice   married, 

there  being  of  the  first  marriage  one  child,  Jesse, 
who  is  now  a  resident  of  Fulton  County,  111.  Of 
the  second  marriage  there  were  five  children,  viz.: 
Nathan,  who  died  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years; 
Isaac,  our  subject;  Anna,  Mrs.  Hunter;  Mary,  Mrs. 
Wyatt,  of  McDonough  County,  111. ;  and  Rebecca, 
Mrs.  Davidson,  of  Worth  County,  Mo. 

I     jlj  farmei 

11^  ENRY  A.  ROGERS,  a  promising  youn<^ 
ler  of  Noble  Township,  a  hustler  from 
■away  back,"  owns  and  operates  160  acres 
'>!^  of  land  on  section  25,  and  also  in  connec- 
tion with  this,  operates  his  mother's  farm  of  480 
acres  on  section  36.  Of  Canadian  birth  and  ante- 
cedents, he  has,  notwithstanding,  become  thor- 
oughly Americanized,  is  in  full  sympathy  with 
American  institutions,  and  is  a  stanch  supporter  of 
Republican  principles.  Few  men  of  his  age  have 
attained  to  as  enviable  a  position,  socially  and 
financially,  as  in  business  circles,  he  is  accounted 
one  of  the  leading  young  men  of  Noble  Township. 

In  noting  the  parental  history  of  our  subject,  we 
find  that  he  is  the  son  of  Wilson  P.  Rogers,  who 
was  born  in  Picton,  Canada,  and  spent  his  boyhood 
and  youth  upon  a  farm.  Upon  reaching  manhood 
he  entered  the  employ  of  the  Grand  Trunk  Rail- 
way Company,  and  by  faithful  attention  to  his 
duties,  worked  his  way  up  to  the  position  of  pas- 
senger conductor,  running  between  Buffalo  and  De- 
troit. For  twenty  years  he  was  in  the  employ  of 
this  comyany,  and  then,  in  1882,  severed  his  con- 
nection with  it,  and  transferred  his  services  to  the 
Delaware,Lacli:awanna  ifeWestern  Railroad  Company 
becoming  foreman  of  their  running  and  construc- 
tion department,  and  having  under  him  a  force  of 
200  men.  These  were  employed  mostly  in  the  re- 
moval of  buildings  and  similar  work,  and  were 
called  the  "destroying  angels." 

In  1884.  the  father  of  our  subject  made  another 
change,  and  resigning  his  position,  engaged  with 
the  Lake  Shore  Road  .is  a  passenger  coniluetor,  but 
a  year  later  took  up  his  abode  in  Noble  Township, 
this  county.  He  had  as  early  as  1869,  purcliased 
320  acres  of   land,   and    later   added    to    it  a  like 



amount,  making  a  farm  of  an  entire  section,  upon 
which  his  family  located  several  years  prior  to  the 
time  of  his  leaving  the  railroad  service.  In  the 
meantime  it  had  been  undergoing  cultivation  and 
improvement.  The  elder  Rogers  was  a  first-class 
financier,  and  had  enjoyed  the  advantages  of  an 
excellent  education  and  extensive  travel.  He, 
however,  became  broken  down  in  iiealth,  and  re- 
paired to  the  farm,  finallj',  with  the  expectation  of 
there  spending  his  last  days.  The  habits  of  long 
years,  however,  had  become  so  thoroughly  fixed, 
that  he  was  impelled  to  return  to  his  old  occupa- 
tion, and  being  proffered  a  position  as  general 
freight  solicitor  with  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad, 
repaired  to  Omaha  to  take  charge.  L'pon  his  ar- 
rival there  he  was  taken  ill  at  the  Cousins  Hotel, 
and  died  July  24,  1886,  at  the  age  of  fifty-five 

Wilson  P.  Rogers  was  a  man  of  genial  tempera- 
ment, and  stood  high  in  the  favor  of  his  employers, 
who  treated  him  more  as  a  friend  and  companion, 
than  a  subordinate.  He,  too  embraced  Republican 
principles,  and  was  an  active  worker  for  his  party. 
The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject,  was  Joseph 
L.  Rogers,  who  was  born  in  the  vicinity  of  Pough- 
keepsie.  N.  Y.,  from  which  he  removed  to  Canada 
with  his  father,  Gilbert  Rogers,  who  was  likewise 
a  native  of  the  Empire  State.  The^-  located  in 
Prince  Edward  County,  where  they  were  among 
the  pioneer  settlers,  and  began  fanning  upon  a 
tract  of  wild  land,  enduring  all  the  hardships  and 
privations  incident  to  that  kind  of  a  life.  Prosper- 
ity attended  thera.  and  they  became  well-to-do. 
Josepli  L.  finall}-  removed  to  Ontario  County,  where 
he  purchased  200  acres  of  wild  land.  He  opened 
up  a  farm  from  the  forest,  and  likewise  acquired  a 
good  property.  He  was  one  of  McKenzie's  stanch- 
est  followers  daring  the  Canadian  Rebellion. 

The  Rogers  family  originally  emigrated  from 
England  to  America  in  the  "jMayflower"  in  1620. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  paternal  grandmother  of 
our  subject  was  Phebe  Bowerman,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Israel  Bowerman,  and  like  him  was  a  native  of 
New  York  State,  where  he  was  owner  of  a  large 
amount  of  land.  Later  he  carried  on  milling  in 
Simcoe  County,  Canada,  and  was  engaged  in  vari- 
ous active  business  enterprises,  running  a  grist,  saw 

and  carding  mill,  and  giving  employment  to  a  large 
force  of  men.  His  father  emigrated  from  London, 
England,  at  a  very  early  date,  and  the  family  dur- 
ing those  days  was  identified  with  the  Eriend's 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject. 
was  Mar}^  A.  Sullivan.  She  was  born  in  Kingston, 
Canada,  where  she  was  reared  to  womanhood.  She, 
in  1878,  accompanied  her  famil}'  to  Kansas,  locat- 
ing at  the  homestead,  where  she  now  resides,  and 
where  she  has  160  acres  of  valuable  land.  She  is 
the  mother  of  eight  children,  the  eldest  of  whom, 
Phebe,  Mrs.  Havens,  is  residing  in  A^ermillion; 
Mary  E.,  Mrs.  Gillies,  is  a  resident  of  Jackson, 
Mich.;  Mahala  remains  with  her  mother:  Belle  is 
the  wife  of  M.  B.  Hall,  of  Vermillion ;  Joseph  L. 
is  farming  in  Noble  Township;  Henrj'  A.,  our  sub- 
ject, was  the  next  in  order  of  birth;  Lockwood,  is 
also  a  farmer  of  Noble  Township;  and  Annie  B.  is 
living  with  her  mother.  Lockwood  was  born  in 
Toronto,  Canada,  Feb.  18,  1866,  and  came  to  Kan- 
sas with  the  famil}^  when  a  boy  of  twelve  years. 
He  is  represented  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Toronto, 
Canada,  Sept.  12,  1860.  where  he  commenced  at- 
tending school,  but  when  seven  years  of  age.  ac- 
companied the  family  to  Point  Edward  Island, 
where  he  lived  until  ten  years  old,  receiving  excel- 
lent school  advantages.  Then,  in  1870,  he  came 
to  this  count}-,  and  made  his  home  with  his  uncle, 
Lockwood  Rogers,  employing  himself  in  herding 
cattle,  sometimes  having  charge  of  as  many  as  1 50 
on  the  open  prairie.  He  was  in  the  saddle  every 
day  for  two  j-ears  during  the  summer  season.  In 
September,  1872,  he  returned  to  Point  Edward,  and 
remained  there  three  years,  attending  school  in 
Sarna.  In  the  fall  of  1875  he  returned  to  Kansas, 
locating  in  Noble  Township,  purchased  his  teams, 
and  began  imi)roving  the  land,  having  to  break  all 
of  it.  He  proceeded  with  this  work  until  he  had 
opened  up  a  good  farm,  upon  which  he  erected  suit- 
able buildings,  including  one  of  the  largest  barns 
in  the  county.  This  embraces  an  area  of  32x182 
feet.  He  soon  commenced  dealing  in  cattle,  ob- 
taining his  stock  from  the  Michigan  graded  Dur- 

Mr.  Rogers,  in  1884,  met  with  a  sad  disaster   in 



the  destriiction  of  bis  barn  by  Are  when  it  was  filled 
with  grain,  and  contained  twenty-four  head  of  cat- 
tle, and  eleven  head  of  horses,  all  of  which  were 
destroyed,  involving  a  loss  of  $8,000,  without  in- 
surance. In  the  spring  of  1884  he  started  anew, 
but  in  the  fall  of  year  lost  1 10  of  swine. 
He  did  not,  however,  suffer  himself  to  be  discour- 
aged, but  began  over  again,  erected  another  barn, 
and  is  practically  upon  his  feet  again.  His  land  is 
ver}'  fertile,  and  watered  b}'  a  branch  of  the  North 
Fork.  The  land  is  all  fenced,  and  adjoining  the 
buildings  is  a  fine  apple  orchard  and  trees  of  otlier 
fruits,  besides  a  good  grove  of  forest  trees.  Mr. 
Rogers  takes  pride  in  the  quality  of  his  corn  and 
hogs,  the  latter  being  Berkshires  of  good  grades. 
He  also  keeps  a  goodlj'  assortment  of  cattle,  be- 
sides ten  head  of  draft  horses,  utilizing  two  teams 
in  the  operation  of  his  farm. 

In  1882  Mr.  Rogers  repaired  to  Ft.  Gratiot, 
Mich.,  and  engaged  in  the  locomotive  department 
of  the  Grand  Trunk,  but  returned  to  his  farm  in 
the  spring  of  1883.  He  prosecuted  agriculture 
until  the  spring  of  1889,  then  leaving  his  farm  in 
charge  of  his  Ijrother,  Lockwood,  repaired  to  Hor- 
ton.  Brown  Co.,  Kan.,  and  engaged  as  a  gunsmith 
and  jeweler,  at  which  he  had  iiad  limited  experience, 
but  soon  picked  it  up.  He  associated  himself  with 
a  partner,  but  in  Juh',  1889,  disposed  of  his  inter- 
est in  the  business  to  the  latter,  and  returned  to  his 
family.  In  politics  he  is  a  sound  Republican,  and 
socially,  belongs  to  the  K.  of  P.,  at  Vermillion,  in 
which  he  passed  all  the  chairs. 

^^  FORGE  R.  KISTLER.  One  of  the  most 
III  (=^  popular  men  in  Cottage  Hill  Township,  as 
^^JJi  well  as  one  of  its  most  intelligent  citizens, 
is  the  above-named  gentleman,  who  is  the  owner 
and  occupant  of  a  fine  farm  on  section  32.  It  con- 
sists of  160  acres  of  carefully  cultivated  land,  and 
bears  all  the  adequate  and  comfortable  buildings  erected  by  an  enterprising  and  successful 

The  owner  of  this  beautiful  place   is   the  fourth 
in  a  family  of  eight  children   born   to  David   and 

Susanah  (Rice)  Kistler.  (For  his  ancestry  see 
sketch  of  L.  K.  Kistler,  which  occupies  another 
page  of  this  Albuji.)  He  was  reared  to  agricul- 
tural pursuits,  and  received  a  thorough  common- 
school  education  in  Perrj'  County,  Pa.,  where  his 
youth  was  passed.  After  having  followed  farming 
for  some  time  in  the  Ke3'stone  State,  he,  in  1879, 
turned  his  face  westward  with  a  view  of  improving 
his  financial  circumstances.  Marshall  Countj',  Kan., 
was  selected  as  his  place  of  settlement,  and  a  lo- 
cation made  where  he  now  resides.  During  his 
residence  in  Perry  County,  Pa.,  Mr.  Kistler  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Sarah  J.  Leppard; 
she  was  a  daughter  of  John  and  Catherine  (Fin- 
kenbinder)  Leppard,  and  was  born  in  Pennsyl- 
vania. Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kistler  have  no  children,  but 
have  reared  two — Samuel  J.  and  Tessie  Lamoreaux. 
Mr.  Kistler  is  an  active  member  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  in  which  he  is  held  in  high  esteem.  Polit- 
icallj',  he  is  a  strong  Prohibitionist.  He  has  held 
the  office  of  Township  Assessor  to  the  general 
satisfaction  of  the  public.  His  marked  intelligence, 
genial  nature  and  upright  character  win  the  respect 
of  all  with  whom  he  comes  in  contact. 

THEODORE  V.  CASTERLINE  is  one  of  the 
oldest  settlers  of  Murray  Township  and  of 
this  county.  He  resides  on  section  36,  on 
school  land  which  he  purchased  in  1869.  His  com- 
fortable home  is  well  located,  his  240  acres  are 
fertilized  by  living  waters,  and  finely  improved, 
and  the  place  is  justly  considered  one  of  the  finest 
farms  in  this  section:  Mr.  Casterline  has  been  a 
very  hard-working  man,  and  has  seen  many  hard- 
ships, but  his  labors  have  been  well  rewarded. 

A  few  words  in  regard  to  the  ancestors  of  our 
subject  will  not  be  out  of  place.  His  grandfather, 
Joseph  Casterline,  w^as  one  of  the  noble  army  of 
Frenchmen  who  accompanied  Gen.  Lafayette  to 
America  to  give  their  services  to  a  land  and  people 
in  whose  desire  for  liberty  they  S3mpathized.  After 
fighting  through  the  Revolutionary  War,  Mr.  Jo- 
seph Casterline,  took  up  the  life  of  a  farmer  in 
New  Jersey.     There    he  owned  600    acres  of  land, 



upon  which  he  lived  for  man}'  years,  rearing  a 
family  of  twenty-one  children.  His  wife,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Penrinah  Searing,  was  an  Ameri- 
can, and  died  of  old  age.  Her  husband  lived  also 
to  an  advanced  age,  being  ninety-eight  years  of 
age  at  the  time  of  his  death.  The  youngest  mem- 
ber of  the  numerous  family  above-mentioned  was 
Samuel  Casterline,  father  of  our  subject.  He  was 
reared  upon  his  father's  farm  in  New  Jersey,  and 
was  there  married  to  Lydia  H.  Skellinger.  She 
was  a  member  of  a  prominent  New  Jersey  family, 
and  a  native  of  that  State.  Samuel  Casterline  and 
wife  remained  in  Morris  County,  N.  J.,  upon  the 
old  Casterline  homestead  until  the  year  1868,  when 
they  removed  to  Kansas,  settling  upon  a  farm  in 
Murray  Township.  Here  they  still  own  a  small 
place,  upon  which  they  are  spending  their  last  days 
in  comfort  and  quiet.  They  are  both  quite  old, 
and  highly  esteemed  in  their  community. 

Our  subject,  Theodore  C.  Casterline,  is  the  sec- 
ond of  seven  children,  having  been  born  in  New 
Jersey,  July  7,  1844,  and  remaining  with  his  par- 
ents on  the  old  Casterline  homestead  till  he  became 
of  age.  Animated  by  the  same  spirit  which  had 
brought  his  paternal  grandfather  across  the  seas  to 
fight  for  liberty,  he  enlisted  in  the  Union  army  at 
Jersey  City,  being  enrolled  in  the  1st  New  Jerse.y 
Cavalry,  Col.  Janeway  commanding,  and  in  Capt. 
Robins'  Company,  G.  The  regiment  went  at  once 
to  the  front,  taking  part  in  the  terrible  battles  of 
the  Wilderness,  in  Sheridan's  raids, and  in  the  cam- 
paign around  Richmond.  Our  subject  participated 
in  man}-  skirmishes  and  raids  that  gave  the  regi- 
i.ient  sharp  and  short  fighting,  as  well  as  in  the 
larger  engagements.  At  the  battle  of  Lee  Mills  he 
was  wounded  in  the  right  foot,  the  wound  confin- 
ing him  to  tbe  hospital  for  thiee  months,  and  dis- 
eases contracted  in  the  arm}'  adding  to  the  time  of 
his  confinement.  During  the  Sheridan  raid  he  had 
one  horse  shot  under  him.  After  his  hospital  ex- 
perience he  returned  to  bis  regiment,  and  at  the 
expiration  of  two  years  received  an  honorable  dis- 
charge at  Trenton,  N.  J.  Mr.  Casterline  retains 
his  old  army  carbine  as  a  memento  of  his  war  ex- 

Our  subject  was  married  in  his  native  county  to 
Miss   Sarah  Van  Ordcn.  wlio  was  a   native  of  Sus- 

.sex  County,  N.  J.,  where  she  was  born  Feb.  12, 
1848.  The  bride's  parents  were  natives  of  Hol- 
land, and  she  was  left  motherless  at  an  early  age. 
Her  father,  a  respected  citizen  and  a  man  of  ripe 
years,  is  yet  living,  in  Hamburg.  N.  J.  Mrs.  Caster- 
line was  educated  in  the  common  schools,  and  is  a 
bright,  intelligent  lady. 

Mr.  Casterline  has  held  several  township  offices, 
among  them  that  of  Township  Clerk.  In  politics 
he  is  a  sound  Republican.  The  family  are  attend- 
ants at  the  Methodist  Church,  Mrs.  Casterline  being 
a  communicant.  Mr.  Casterline  is  a  worthy  de- 
scendant of  his  paternal  ancestry.  He  is  a  reli- 
able citizen  and  enterprising  farmer,  and,  with  his 
wife,  commands  the  hearty  respect  of  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  entire  section. 

-~->/v-'v«a£arS~^»' J 


J~)OHN  P.  SHEEHAN,  of  Vermillion  Town- 
'  ship,  is  numbered  among  its  most  successful 
I  farmers  and  stirring  men — one  whose  de- 
'  meanor  indicates  that  he  has  seen  much  of 
men  and  has  kept  his  eyes  open  to  wimt  is  going 
on  around  him  in  the  world.  He  was  born  in  the 
city  of  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  in  June,  18G3,  and  is  the 
son  of  Mtchael  and  Ellen  (Dasey;  Sheclian,  the 
former  a  native  of  County  Cork,  Ireland,  and  the 
latter  born  in  County  Mayo. 

The  father  of  our  subject  came  to  America  with 
his  parents  when  quite  young.  They  lamb  d  in 
Boston,  Mass.,  but  afterward  removed  to  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  where  Michael  was  married  in  1847,  and  fol- 
lowed steamboating  thereafter  for  a  number  of 
years  on  the  Mississippi,  Missouri  and  Ohio  rivers. 
There  were  born  to  the  parents,  in  St.  Louis,  four 
children — Patrick,  John  P.,  Bernard  and  Ellen.  The 
eldest  born  is  still  unmarried,  and  remains  at  home 
with  his  parents.  Ellen  is  the  wife  of  Peter  Car- 
ney, a  farmer  of  Noble  Township,  and  they  have 
three  children.  Bernard  remains  at  home  with 
his  parents. 

In  1881  the  Sheehan  familvcame  to  this  county. 
and  the  father  of  our  subject  purchased  316  acres 
of  land  on  section  31,  in  the  southeast  corner  of 
Aermillion   Township — this  being  the  greater  part 



of  the  west  half  of  that  section.  Later,  he  pui-- 
chased  160  acres  uclditional,  three  miles  east,  in 
Noble  Township.  Jobn  P.  followed  teaming  in 
St.  Louis  for  several  years,  but  accompanied  the 
family  to  Kansas.  On  the  19th  of  August,  1884, 
he  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Carney,  and  they 
are  now  the  parents  of  three  children,  viz:  Ellen, 
Lizzie  and  Michael.  Our  subject  is  of  small  stature 
and  almost  boyish  in  ajjpearance,  but  with  a  great 
deal  of  muscle  and  of  that  active  temperament 
which  will  never  permit  him  to  be  idle  eitlier  in 
mind  or  body.  He  is  a  first-class  farmer,  and  what- 
ever he  undertakes  is  sure  to  be  well  done.  He  was 
trained  to  habits  of  industry  from  boyhood,  and, 
witli  his  brothers,  has  long  been  looked  upon  as 
one  not  to  be  scared  by  a  hard  d-ay's  work.  In  his 
farm  operations  he  is  assisted  by  his  brother  Ber- 
nard. They  are  considerably  interested  in  live 
stock,  and  each  3'ear  adds  something  to  their  snug 
bank  account. 

ETER  A.  OLSTOX.  The  mercantile  in- 
terests of  Axtell  ai'e  worthily  represented 
by  the  subject  of  this  notice,  who  is  located 
on  Maple  Avenue,  and  has  a  full  supply  of 
all  the  articles  adapted  to  country  trade.  He  es- 
tablished himself  in  business  at  this  point  in  the 
winter  of  1887,  after  having  carried  on  a  farm 
since  1868,  in  Murra}'  Township.  His  first  pos- 
sessions there  were  forty  acres  of  land,  in  the 
cultivation  and  improvement  of  which  he  was  en- 
gaged for  some  time,  after  which  he  sold  out  and 
purchased  120  acres  in  the  same  township,  this  also 
unimproved  at  the  time  of  purchase,  and  located 
on  section  32.  Finally  he  traded  it  for  citj'  prop- 
erty, and  transformed  himself  from  a  farmer  into 
a  merchant. 

Mr.  Olston  was  born  Oct.  31,  1848,  in  Sweden, 
of  which  his  ancestors  had  been  natives  for  several 
generations.  He  lived  there  until  a  young  man  of 
twenty  years,  and  then,  in  1868,  crossed  the  Atlan- 
tic, and  located  in  Henry  County,  111.  He  lived 
thereafter  in  some  of  the  principal  towns  of  Rock 
Island  and  Warren  counties,  and    later  was  a  resi- 

dent of  Davenport.  Iowa,  probably  eighteen  months. 
Later  he  removed  to  Boone  County,  Iowa,  where 
he  improved  a  farm,  and  resided  there  three  years, 
and  until  coming  to  this  county. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Olagus  .Johnson, 
an  honest  and  industrious  Swedish  farmer,  who 
still  sojourns  in  his  native  land,  and  is  now  past 
sixty  years  of  age.  Monsteras  Kalmare  Lan  Sweden, 
is  his  post-office  address.  He  is  quite  wealthy  in 
his  native  country,  and  has  held  a  position  under 
the  Government  for  fifteen  years.  Both  he  and 
his  wife  were  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 
The  mother  dipxl  when  Peter  A.  w;is  only  two  years 
old,  and  he  is  consequently  not  familiar  with  her 
family  history.  He  lived  with  his  father  in  Sweden 
until  a  youth  of  twenty  years,  then  set  out  alone 
for  the  United  States.  When  ready  to  estaBlish  a 
home  of  his  own,  he  was  married  in  Rock  Island, 
111.,  to  Miss  Emma  G.  Nelson,  a  native  of  his  own 
country,  and  born  in  1851,  not  far  from  the  home 
of  her  husband.  She  lived  there  until  a  maiden  of 
sixteen  years,  and  in  the  meantime  her  father  died. 
She  then  came  to  America  with  her  mother,  and 
lived  in  Moline  and  Rock  Island,  111.,  until  coming 
to  this  county.  Of  her  union  with  our  subject, 
there  have  been  born  five  children,  viz.-  Herman, 
Theresa,  Alice,  Arthur,  and  Victor;  they  are  all  at 
home  with  their  parents,  and  form  a  remarkably 
bright  and  interesting  group.  Mr.  Olston,  politi- 
cally, votes  independently,  voting  always  for  the 
best  man,  regardless  of  party.  Our  subject's  moth- 
er's name  was  Maria  Christina  Nelson,  from  Ram- 
sas,  Kalmare,  Lan  Sweden.  Our  subject's  wife's 
mother  was  Christina  Parson,  and  her  father  was 
Nels  Olsen.  He  has  pursued  the  even  tenor  of  his 
way  as  an  honest  man,  and  a  good  citizen,  and  finds 
friends  wherever  he  is  known. 

;ETER  S.  BURNETT.     Among  the    large 
land-owners  of  Waterville  Township,  place 
should  be  given  to  the  above-named  gen- 
tleman, who,  with  his  brother  Hiram,  owns 
547  acres  of  as  fine  land  as   Marshall  County  pro- 
duces.    The  estate  is  well-improved   and   adorned 



with  good  barns  and  other  outbuildings,  and  a 
handsome  stone  residence.  It  is  pleasantly  situ- 
ated on  section  12,  and  is  a  standing  testimony  to 
the  energy,  prudence  and  good  management  of  its 

Jesse  Burnett,  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 
in  North  Carolina,  where  he  married  and  continued 
to  reside  until  1838.  He  then  removed  to  Putnam 
County,  Ind.,  where  he  died  in  1880,  having 
reached  his  three  score  years  and  ten.  He  was  en- 
gaged in  agricultural  pursuits  during  his  entire 
life,  and  succeeded  in  accumulating  considerable 
property  before  his  death.  He  was  from  early 
m.anhood  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  In  politics  he  was  a  stanch  Democrat. 
His  father  was  Thomas  Burnett,  a  native  of  North 
Carolina.  Jesse  Burnett  married  Mary  Stoner,  a 
native  of  the  same  Slate  as  himself.  She  bore  him 
twelve  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the 

Peter  S.  Burnett  was  born  in  Randolph  County, 
N.  C,  Oct.  20,  1835.  Being  scarcely  more  than 
an  infant  when  his  parents  removed  to  Indiana,  he 
passed  his  boyhood  and  youth  in  that  State,  receiv- 
ing a  common-school  education  and  the  usual 
training  of  a  farmer's  son.  In  1861  he  joined  the 
ranks  of  the  defenders  of  the  Union,  enlisting  as  a 
private  in  Company  G,  30th  Illinois  Infantry. 
He  was  afterward  promoted  to  the  office  of  a  Ser- 
geant, in  which  capacity  he  served  until  the  close 
of  the  war.  Mr.  Burnett  participated  in  many  of 
the  principal  battles,  among  them  being  Belmont, 
SNIo.,  Fts.  Donelson  and  Henry,  the  siege  of  Cor- 
inth, Miss.,  Britton's  Lane,  Ft.  Gibson,  Miss.,  Jack- 
son, Raymond,  Champion  Hill,  and  the  forty-seven 
days'  siege  of  Vicksburg.  At  the  latter  islace  tie  re- 
enlisted,  and  thence  went  home  on  a  thirty-daj's'  fur- 
lough. On  his  return  to  the  army,  he  participated 
in  the  siege  of  Atlanta,  all  the  battles  of  the  Georgia 
campaign,  and  was  one  of  the  gallant  force  who 
made  with  Sherman  the  march  to  the  sea.  He  was 
present  at  the  surrender  of  Johnson's  army  near 
Raleigh,  N.  C,  and  took  part  in  the  grand  review 
of  Sherman's  army  at  Washington,  D.  C.  He  sub- 
sequently returned  to  Louisville,  Ky„  where  he 
was  mustered  out  of  service,  having  received  an 
honorable  discharge.      He  went  to  Mercer  County-, 

111. .but  in  the  same  year,  1865,  came  West  and  home- 
ste.aded  some  land,  which  forms  a  part  of  his  pres- 
ent estate. 

In  1867  Mr.  Burnett  became  the  husband  of 
Miss  Margaret  J.  Stout,  daughter  of  Elbert  and 
Nancy  (Williamson)  Stout,  of  Marshall  County. 
She  has  borne  her  husband  one  child,  a  daughter. 
Belle,  now  aged  eighteen. 

Our  subject  is  an  earnest  Republican,  though  he 
has  always  declined  office  at  the  hands  of  his  part3\ 
He  is  a  member  of  the  G.  A.  R.  Mrs.  Burnett  is  a 
member  of  the  Baptist  Church,  in  which  she  has 
high  standing.  As  an  intelligent  citizen,  a  good 
neighbor,  a  kind  husband  and  father,  and  a  man 
of  excellent  principles,  Mr.  Burnett  enjoys  the  re- 
spect of  his  fellow-citizens. 

^. .^^ ^ 

OBERT  COOPER,  one  of  the  younger  farm- 
ers of  Wells  Township,  being  still  on  the 
sunny  side  of  forty,  is  numbered  among 
the  rising  men  of  his  community,  and  is 
prosecuting  agriculture  successfully  on  121  acres  of 
land,  occupying  a  portion  of  section  20,  where  he 
makes  a  specialty  of  stock-raising.  He  is  a  native 
of  England,  and  was  born  in  the  city  of  London, 
March  15,  1851.  His  parents  were  Robert  and 
Barbara  (Newington)  Cooper,  who  were  likewise 
of  English  birth  and  parentage,  and  the  father  a 
marble  cutter  by  occupation. 

In  1855,  when  the  subject  of  this  notice  was  a 
little  lad  of  four  years,' the  Cooper  family  resolved 
upon  emigration  to  America,  and  first  landed  in 
Montreal,  Canada.  Thence  thej'  made  their  way 
via  Toronto  to  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  and  later  proceeded 
to  Portage  County,  Ohio,  where  the  father  pur- 
chase<l  property  in  what  is  now  known  as  the  town 
of  Kent.  He  died  there  in  1889.  The  mother  had 
passed  away  a  short  time  after  the  arrival  of  the 
family  in  America.  Robert,  when  about  twoh  e 
3'ears  old,  was  taken  to  Herkimer  County,  N.  Y., 
where  he  lived  until  reaching  his  majority,  receiv- 
ing a  common  school  education,  supplemented  by  a 
brief  attendance  at  one  of  the  seminaries.  Most 
(jf  this  time   he    lived   upon  a  farm,  then   went  to 

PORTRAIT  aND  biographical  ALBUM. 


Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  and  for  seven  years  was  employed 
in  the  Terrapin  Lunch  House,  at  No.  178  Main 

Mr.  Cooper,  while  a  resident  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 
was  married,  March  24,  1878.  to  Miss  Ann  Beard. 
Mrs.  Cooper  was  born  in  Ireland,  and  came  to 
America  with  her  parents.  Of  her  union  with  our 
subject  there  have  been  born  seven  children,  only 
five  of  whom  are  living,  viz.:  Henr}',  Daniel, 
William,  Mary  and  Nellie.  The  deceased  are  two 
sons — Robert  and  Frank.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cooper 
after  tiieir  marriage  made  their  home  near  Vermill- 
ion, this  county,  where  Mr.  Cooper  purchased  land, 
of  which  he  retained  ownershij)  about  four  years, 
then,  in  the  spring  of  1883.  settled  wliere  he  now 

The  farm  of  Mr.  Cooper  embraces  121  acres  of 
good  land,  which  he  has  brought  to  a  productive 
condition,  and  where  he  has  effected  good  improve- 
ments. He  is  a  man  who  makes  a  specialty  of  at- 
tending to  his  own  concerns,  and  has  meddled  ver}- 
little  with  outside  matters,  although  interested  in 
the  general  welfare  of  his  community,  and  willing 
to  contribute  as  opportunity  offers  to  aid  in  its 
worthy  enterprises.  He  has  served  as  a  School 
Director  in  his  district,  and  votes  the  straight  Re- 
publican ticket.  He  commenced  in  life  without 
means,  his  present  possessions  being  the  result  of 
his  t>vvn  industry  and  perseverance. 

^^EORGE  W.  WILLIS.      The   above-named 


[  __  gentleman  has  been  for  some  j-ears  a  resi- 
^5!  dent  of  Marshall  County,  and  owns  a. beau- 
tiful farm  on  section  4,  Wells  Township.  The  160 
acres  of  fertile  land  are  highly  cultivated,  and  sup- 
plied with  all  the  adequate  farm  buildings.  The 
pleasant  home  is  the  result  of  industry  and  perse- 
verance on  the  part  of  its  owner,  who  was  a  man  of 
Ijut  limited  circumstances  on  his  arrival  in  Kansas. 
Our  subject  was  a  son  of  William  C.  and  Georg- 
iana  B.  Willis,  and  was  born  in  Woodford  Countj', 
Ky.,  Aug.  5,  1839.  His  father  was  a  native  of  the 
Blue  Grass  State,  where  he  died  some  j-ears  since. 

The  mother  subsequently  married  John  W.  Johnson, 
who  has  since  died,  and  she  is  now  living  with  our 
subject.  Captain  W.  T.  Willis,  the  grandfather  of 
the  gentleman  named  above,  was  a  soldier  in  the 
Mexican  War,  under  Gen.  Taylor,  and  was  killed 
in  the  last  charge  at  the  battle  of  Buena  Vista. 

George  W.  Willis  was  the  oldest  son  in  his 
father's  family.  He  received  a  thorough  education 
in  his  youth,  which  he  has  since  supplemented  by 
general  reading.  When  about  sixteen  years  of  age 
he  went  to  Illinois,  and  worked  as  a  farm  hand  in 
Champaign  Count}',  for  about  three  years.  He  then 
returned  to  his  native  State,  where  he  remained 
until  after  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War.  Ani- 
mated by  the  spirit  of  patriotism,  which  led  so 
many  of  the  sons  of  America  to  offer  their  lives  in 
the  defence  of  the  Union,  he  enlisted  In  the  22d 
Kentuckj'  Infantry  and  was  assigned  to  Company 
F.  The  I'egiment  became  incorporated  with  the 
Army  of  the  Gulf,  and  participated  in  many  hard 
fovight  battles.  At  Cumberland  Gap,  the  siege  of 
Vicksburg,  Port  Hudson,  in  the  Red  River  Expe- 
dition, at  Champion  Hill,  Thompson's  Hill,  Ft. 
Gibson,  Black  River  Bridge,  and  numerous  conflicts 
of  minor  importance,  Mr.  Willis  bore  a  gallant  part. 
Having  faithfully'  served  his  country  until  January 
1865,  he  received  an  honorable  discharge  and  re- 
turned to  Kentucky.  There  he  was  married  and 
continued  to  reside  until  1873,  when  with  his  fam- 
ily he  came  to  this  county.  Here  he  homesteaded 
the  farm  on  which  he  now  resides,  the  land  being 
at  the  time  very  nearly  in  the  condition  it  had  been 
left  by  the  Indians.  Here  the  family  shared  in  the 
labors  and  privations  of  a  thinly  settled  country, 
and  witnessed  the  gradual  growth  of  the  county  to 
its  present  prosperous  conditions. 

March  1,  1866,  Mr.  Willis  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Margaret  Gorbutt,  a  sister  of  Joseph 
Gorbutt,  of  Wells  Township,  whose  sketch  ap- 
pears elsewhere  in  this  volume.  A  number  of 
children  have  been  the  result  of  this  union,  of 
whom  the  following  survive: — ^  Pha>be,  wife  of 
Joshua  Chapman,  of  Wells  Township;  Georgi- 
auna,  wife  of  William  I.  Riley,  of  this  county; 
Madge,  and  William  C. 

Mr.  Willis  is  a  Republican  and  an  earnest  advo- 
cate of  the  principles  of  the  party.     He  is  a  public 



spirited  citizen,  identifying  himself  with  every 
movement  which  tends  to  advance  the  interest  of 
the  county.  He  is  a  memher  of  the  Christian 
Church,  but  as  there  is  no  Christian  organization 
near  his  home,  he  is  serving  as  Class-Leader  and 
Sunday-school  Superintendent  in  the  Methodist 
Protestant  Church  of  his  neighborhood.  Intelli- 
gent, upright,  and  trustworthy  as  man  and  citizen, 
Mr.  Willis  commands  the  respect  of  all  with  whom 
he  comes  in  contact. 

WOSEPH  P.  SCRIBER,  Treasurer  of  Wells 
I  I  Township,  and  an  old  settler  of  Marshall 
I  I  County,  is  a  native  of  Delaware  County, 
^  /  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  born  Feb.  26,  1830.  He 
was  a  son  of  Abraham  P.  and  Charity  (Shaver) 
Scriber,  both  natives  of  New  York  State.  Tiie 
father  is  a  descendant  of  one  of  the  early  colonists 
who  settled  on  the  Hudson  River.  When  our  sub- 
ject was  about  three  years  old,  his  parents  removed 
to  Oo-le  County,  lU.,  where  the  mother  died  eighteen 
years  later.  The  father  died  in  1863,  in  Carroll 

Our  subject  is  the  eldest  son  in  a  family  of  six 
children.  He  grew  to  manhood  amid  the  scenes  of 
pioneer  life  in  Illinois,  and  was  the  recipient  of  but 
limited  educational  advantages  in  the  way  of 
schooling.  He  has  made  use  of  the  otiier  facilities, 
which  are  open  to  one  who  desired  to  obtain  Icnowl- 
edge,  and  is  a  man  of  intelligence  in  general  topics 
and  current  events.  In  Illinois  he  was  married 
Oct.  15,  1854,  to  Maria  Sutton.  In  1863,  he  re- 
moved with  his  familj'  to  Iowa,  and  was  for  six 
years  a  resident  in  Chickasaw  County.  In  the 
spring  of  1870,  he  removed  to  this  county,  and 
homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  6, 
Wells  Township.  This  land  he  has  changed  from 
an  unbroken  prairie  to  a  productive  farm,  adding 
to  it  other  land  until  he  now  possesses  120  acres. 
His  estate  is  thoroughly  cultivated,  aud  bears  such 
improvements  as  are  usually  made  In-  an  enterpris- 
ing farmer. 

Mrs.  Scriber  was  born  in  JoDaviess  Countj-,  111., 
and  was  the  daughter  of  George  and  Marj-  Sutton, 

who  were  among  the  pioneer  settlers  of  that  county. 
Her  union  with  Mr.  Scriber  has  resulted  in  the 
birth  of  nine  children,  seven  now  living.  The 
survivors  are,  George;  Mar}',  wife  of  William 
Stoddard,  of  Washington;  Mathew;  Daniel;  Etta, 
wife  of  Albert  Gillespie,  of  Washington;  A.  Lin- 
coln and  Jennie. 

Mr.  Scriber  has  served  several  years  as  School 
Director.  In  1886  he  was  elected  Treasurer  of 
Wells  Township,  has  been  twice  re-elected,  and  is 
now  serving  his  third  year.  He  is  a  believer  in 
and  supporter  of  the  Republican  part3^  He  is  a 
public-spirited  citizen,  taking  an  active  interest  in 
the  upbuilding  of  the  count}-  and  the  improvement 
of  society.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Scriber  have  been  wit- 
nesses to  the  growth  and  development  of  this 
county,  and  rejoice  in  the  results  of  the  labprs  in 
which  they  have  borne  iheir  part.  They  have  a 
large  circle  of  acquaintances  by  whom  they  are 
held  in  high  esteem. 

f  UGUST  LANN,  now  deceased,  was  born 
in  Sweden,  May,  1847.  He  was  reared  in 
his  native  country  upon  a  farm,  and 
learned  the  trade  of  a  furniture-maker.  At 
the  age  of  twenty-two  he  came  to  America,  where 
he  found  emplojment  with  a  firm  in  Chicago,  and 
there  remained  one  3'ear.  His  mother  died  in 
Sweden  in  the  year  1869,  in  the  prime  of  life.  The 
following  }-ear,  the  father,  John  Swansou,  came  to 
America  and  settled  in  Rile}'  County,  Kan.,  to 
which  place  our  subject  accompanied  him.  They 
took  a  homestead  in  that  county,  and  upon  it  tlie 
father  still  lives  with  his  second  wife,  whom  he 
married  in  this  country.  He  has  been  a  successful 
farmer,  and  now  at  the  age  of  seventy  is  peace- 
fully enjoying  the  fruits  of  his  labors. 

After  spending  two  years  upon  his  father's  home- 
stead in  Riley  County,  Kan.,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch  returned  to  Chicago,  III.,  where  he  lived 
seven  years  in  the  employ  of  Clark  Bros.  iSr  Com- 
pany, furniture  manufacturers.  In  that  city  was 
celebrated  his  marriage  to  Miss  Emma  S.  Peterson, 
thq  ceremony  taking  place  Nov.  26,   1876.     Mrs. 



Lann  was  born  in  Smolin,  Sweden,  December,  1852. 
Her  father.  Peter  Larson  and  his  wife  are  yet  liv- 
ing in  their  native  country,  and  attaining  to  ripe 
years.  When  nearly  twenty  3'ears  of  age  Mrs. 
Lann  came  with  friends  to  the  United  States,  lo- 
cating in  Chicago,  where  she  resided  until  after  her 
marriage.  In  t!ie  spring  of  1880,  she  with  her  hus- 
band came  to  this  State,  locating  on  section  6, 
Murray  Township.  Here,  Mr.  Lann  first  obtained 
eighty  acres  of  land,  and  after  thoroughly  improv- 
ing it,  increased  the  amount  to  120  acres,  the 
whole  being  improved  previous  to  his  death,  which 
occurred  at  his  home,  Oct.  29,  1880.  Since  Mr. 
Lann's  death,  Mrs.  Lann  has  taken  charge  of  the 
farm,  and  has  proven  herself  a  capable  manager, 
being  free  from  debt  and  prospering.  She  is  the 
mother  of  two  children — Frank  W.  now  living  and 
.lohann  A.  who  died  when  three  years  of  age. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lann  were  worthy-  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  in  the  faith  of  which  the  widow 
now  finds  consolation  for  her  loss. 

■'-i'jza?®^' — ¥}& 


1^,  UDOLPH  E.  MOSER.  A  cursory  view  of 
'jjssr^  the  business  portion  of  a  town  gives  a 
(Ai\\\  str.inger  a  better  idea  of  its  prosperity  and 
^p)  and  activity  than  any  other  adjunct.  So 
the  visitor  to  Marys ville  notes  with  surprise  and 
pleasure  the  large  number  of  business  houses  en- 
gaged in  the  successful  pursuit  of  their  legitimate 
object.  Prominent  among  these  mercantile  firms 
is  that  of  Moser  &  Thompson,  who  conduct  on 
Broadway,  a  large  business  in  shelf  and  heavy 
hardware.  This  firm  is  well  established,  is  now 
well  known  and  is  constantly  augmenting  its  trade. 
Mr.  Moser  the  senior  member  of  this  firm  has 
made  his  home  here  for  four  .and  one-half  j'ears. 
He  was  born  near  PeoiMa,  111.,  March  6,  1861,  and 
at  the  age  of  five  years  his  parents  moved  to  Du- 
buque, Iowa,  and  there  Mr.  Moser  remained  until 
1880,  acquiring  his  education,  and  afterward 
learning  the  tinner's  trade  with  J.  C.  Payne.  He 
tontinued  working  at  his  trade  until  1885,  princi- 
pall3'  at  Mitchell,  Dak.  and  Nora  Springs,  Iowa. 

In  1885,  Mr.  Moser  came  to  Marj'sville  and  en- 
tered the  employ  of  A.  M.  Judson,  with  whom 
he  remained  until  January,  1889,  when  in  com- 
pany with  his  present  partner  he  opened  the 
store  wherein  he  may  be  found  to-day.  In  the 
brief  time  since  he  has  entered  into  business  for 
himself,  he  has  by  strict  attention,  honorable 
methods  and  a  pleasant  manner  enhanced  the 
bright  prospects  for  future  success,  which  those 
who  know  him  best  most  cheerfully  predict.  He 
belongs  to  the  ranks  of  self-made  men,  who  even 
under  unfavorable  circumstances  are  sure  to  win. 
Mr.  Moser  votes  with  the  Republican  party,  and 
enjoying  as  he  does,  the  respect  and  confidence  of 
the  community,  might  have  somewhat  of  a  politi- 
cal career  before  him,  if  he  so  elected.  He  is  a 
respected  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 

John  Gottlieb  Moser,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  born  in  Thun,  Canton  Berne,  Switzerland  in 
1831,  and  while  quite  a  young  man,  in  company 
with  his  wife,  Miss  Margaret  Muller,  left  his 
native  land,  crossed  the  ocean  and  finallj-  set- 
tled on  a  farm  near  Peoria,  Hi.  He  afterward 
removed  to  Dubuque,  Iowa,  and  now  lives  a  re- 
tired life,  having  giving  up  farming  some  few  years 
ago.  Seven  children  were  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Moser,  of  whom  only  two  are  living — Rudolph  E., 
our  subject,  and  John  Gottfred,  who  makes  his 
home  in  Dubuque  and  is  with  the  business  firm  of 
J.  C.  Payne. 

■M  IVILLIAM  A.  THURSTON  was  born  .Jan.  25, 
trjl  1827,  at  Wolfsborough  Bridge,  N.  H.,  at 
V^  the  foot  of  Lake  AVinipiseogee.  He  was 
the  son  of  Charles  and  Martha  (Lucas)  Thurston, 
both  of  English  ancestry  and  natives  of  the  Granite 
State.  The  father  was  a  plasterer  and  bricklayer. 
The  mother  passed  away  when  our  subject  was  nine 
years  old,  and  his  father  subsequently-  married 
again,  his  second  wife  being  Miss  Priscilla  Lord. 
The  result  of  the  first  marriage' was  five  children, 
our  subject  being  the  youngest.  The  oldest,  Eliza 
A.,  died  at  home   in    1878.     She    was    unmarried. 



Mark  resides  in  Chicago,  III.;  he  followed  plaster- 
ing and  bricklaj-ing  for  years,  but  is  now  retired. 
He  married  Nancy  Budge,  and  they  have  two 
grown  ciiildren.  Charles  S.  is  now  living  in  Ash- 
land, Aroostook  Co.,  Me.;  he  is  a  plasterer  and 
bricklayer.  During  the  late  war  he  served  as  ser- 
geant in  Company  C,  15th  Maine  Infantry.  His 
wife,  formerly  Miss  Mary  Gordon,  has  borne  him 
ten  children.  Martha  married  John  Nichols,  who 
was  Captain  of  Comi^any  C,  loth  Maine  Infantry, 
was  taken  prisoner  and  confined  iu  Libby  prison 
three  months.  She  died  in  Kenduskeag,  Me.,  leav- 
ing three  children.  By  his  second  marriage,  Mr. 
Charles  Thurston  became  the  father  of  five  daugh- 
ters, Mary  Clarinda,  Sarah  L.  M.,  Orvilla,  Esther 
and  Marilla.  The  oldest  passed  from  earth  at  the 
age  of  nineteen,  and  the  others  are  now  living  in 
the  Elast. 

When  seven  years  of  age,  our  subject  removed 
with  his  father  to  Corinth,  Me.,  eighteen  miles  from 
Bangor.  After  receiving  the  educational  advant- 
ages of  the  common  schools,  he  spent  two  years  in 
the  East  Corinth  Academy.  He  then  became  clerk 
in  the  general  merchandise  store  of  P.  P.  Pearson, 
of  Corinth.  He  next  went  to  Bangor,  and  after  a 
sojourn  of  six  months  went  to  lower  Massachusetts, 
where  he  worked  at  a  sawmill  for  one  year.  He 
then  went  to  Lawrence,  Mass.,  where  he  spent  two 
years.  He  was  subsequently  employed  for  thirteen 
years  in  Ashland,  Me.,  scaling  lumber  for  Coe  & 
Pingrey.  Thence  he  went  to  St.  Anthony's  Falls, 
Minn.,  where  he  remained  during  1866-7.  Return- 
ing to  Maine,  he  abode  in  that  State  until  the  winter 
of  1869,  when  he  came  to  this  county,  and  on' 
Christmas  day  took  up  a  homestead  of  forty  acres, 
on  section  10,  Vermillion  Township,  where  he  has 
ever  since  resided,  and  where  he  has  a  very  cosy 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Aroostook,  Me.,  Aug. 
29,  1855,  the  bride  being  Miss  Elizabeth  Dodge,  a 
refined  and  intelligent  }'Oung  lady  of  English  and 
Scotch  descent.  She  was  born  in  Salem,  Me.,  and 
was  the  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Curtis) 
Dodge,  who  were  natives  of  the  same  State.  She 
has  borne  her  hiJsband  seven  children — Ida  L., 
Isadore  M.,  Carrie  V.,  Clarence  VY.,  Ida  E.,  Nancy 
B.  and   one    infant  who  has  <ione  before.     Ida  L. 

passed  away  v/^hen  seven  years  old ;  Isadore  M,  be- 
came the  wife  of  Clark  Pennington,  and  lives  in 
Paradise  Valley,  Nev.  Carrie  V.  is  the  wife  of 
Charles  W.  Hawes,  a  farmer  in  Washington  County, 
Kan.,  and  is  the  mother  of  one  child.  The  remain- 
ing members  of  the  family  are  still  at  home. 

Mr.  Thurston  was  a  member  of  the  A.  F.  <fe  A. 
M.  He  casts  his  vote  with  the  Union  Labor  party, 
and  has  been  a  delegate  in  county  conventions. 
His  cordial,  courteous  manners  are  indicative  of 
careful  training  in  his  early  years,  and  liiswife  also 
has  the  manners  of  a  well  bred  lady.  Mr.  Thurs- 
ton is  a  strong  believer  in  Christian  Science,  and  a 
thoroughlj'  honest  and  conscientious  man.  As 
husband,  father  and  citizen,  he  fulfills  his  duties 
with  all  the  conscientious  earnestness  of  the  New 
Englander,  and  in  the  spirit  that  insures  him  the  re- 
spect of  those  with  whom  he  comes  in  contact. 

'^xLEG  T.  VICKERY.  This  gentleman  owns 
and  occupies  one  of  the  most  beautiful 
homesteads  in  Marshall  County,  and  which 
is  finely  situated  on  sections  27  and  28,  in 
Cottiige  Hill  Township.  He  is  one  of  the  bright 
lights  of  his  community,  a  man  intelligent,  pro- 
gressive, liberal-minded  and  public-spirited,  and 
possessed  of  refined  tastes  and  ample  means.  He 
has  for  many  years  been  closely  identified  with  the 
most  important  interests  of  his  township,  and  has 
contributed  his  full  quota  to  its  advancement.  He 
has  been  a  life-long  farmer  by  occupation,  and  his 
landed  possessions  embrace  314  acres,  which  have 
been  brought  to  a  fine  state  of  cultivation,  and  em- 
bellished with  substantial  modern  buildings. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  Rensse- 
laer County,  N.  Y.,  May  29,  1837.  His  father, 
Thomas  Vickery,  was  a  native  of  the  same  county, 
and  born  about  1807.  He  followed  farming  and 
lumbering,  and  spent  his  entire  life  near  the  place 
of  his  birth.  He  accumulated  a  moderate  propert}-, 
and  was  one  of  the  substantial  men  of  his  commu- 
nity, taking  an  active  part  in  politics,  and  constitu- 
ting one  of  the  pillars  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  with  which  he  connected  himself    in   early 

Residence  of  James  Fitz Gerald,  Beattie,  Kan 

Residence  OF  N.T.Waters,  Beattie.Kan. 

Residence  of  R.  Y.  Shibley.Sec.29. Marysville.Kan 

porthait  and  biographical  album. 


manhooci.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  sub- 
ject, Eli  Vickery,  was  bora  in  Englanrl,  and  emi- 
grated to  America  at  an  early  da}-,  settling  in  New 
York  State,  where  he  likewise  prosecuted  farming 
and  lumbering.  His  wife,  Susan,  was  born  in  the 
New  England  States,  but  was  of  German  parent- 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  girlhood 
Miss  Phebe  A.  Taber.  She  was  born  in  Rensselaer 
County,  N.  Y.,  about  1815,  and  remained  a  resident 
of  her  native  State  nearly  her  entire  life,  dying 
about  1881.  Her  death  occurred  in  Marshall  County, 
Kan.  Her  parents,  William  and  Mary  Taber,  were 
natives  of  Rhode  Island,  and  of  stanch  old  Puritan 
stock.  To  Thomas  and  Phebe  Vickery  there  were 
born  five  children,  three  daughters  and  two  sons, 
viz:  Hannah,  Pleg  T.,  our  subject,  Fletcher,  Mary 
and  Emma.  Our  subject  remained  a  resident  of 
liis  native  State  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years, 
then  removed  to  Lee  County,  111.,  where  he  fol- 
lowed farming  until  1875.  That  3'ear  he  came  to 
this  county  and  settled  upon  his  present  farm.  He 
went  to  Illinois  without  means,  and  in  addition  as- 
sisted his  mother  in  the  support  of  the  family.  His 
career  should  be  an  encouraging  example  to  every 
3'oung  man  desirous  of  attaining  to  a  good  position 
in  the  world,  and  illustrates  in  an  admirable 
manner  the  results  of  resolution  and  persever- 

Mr.  Vickery,  politically,  is  a  sound  Republican, 
but  has  no  desire  for  the  responsibilities  of  office, 
and  when  named  for  various  places  of  public  trust 
which  he  could  have  filled  most  acceptabh',  he  has 
invariably  declined.  He  is  considerably  interested 
in  blooded  stock,  and  has  some  fine  specimens  of 
graded  cattle  and  horses.  He  has  been  the  uniform 
supporter  and  encourager  of  all  the  enterprises  set 
on  foot  to  advance  the  interest  of  his  township, 
and  is  looked  upon  as  ore  of  its  best  men.  An 
active  member  of  the  Me-hodist  Episcopal  Church, 
he  was  largelj'  instrumental  in  the  erection  of  the 
church  building,  and  probablj'  lias  given  as  much 
for  benevolent  purposes  as  any  man  of  means  in  this 
part  of  the  county. 

On  the  25th  of  December,  1865,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Theresa  A.,  daughter 
of   Jackson  and    Hanna.i   (Zeisloft)    Thomas,  who 

were  originally  from  Pennsylvania,  then  removed 
to  Illinois,  and  are  now  living  in  this  State.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Vickery  are  the  parents  of  four  children, 
viz.:  Laura,  Bertie,  Fletcher  and  Lowena.  Mrs. 
Vicker}'  is  likewise  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  Our  subject,  socially,  has  at- 
tained to  the  Master's  degree  in  the  Masonic  frater- 
nity, and  also  belongs  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  His 
brother,  Fletcher,  during  the  Civil  War  served  in 
the  75tli  Illinois  Infantiy,  and  died  in  the  service 
in  August,  1864,  at  Nashville,  Tenn. 

t^^HEODORE  E.  KALFOLD  occupies  a  nicely 
'(^^  improved  and  fertile  farm  of  160  acres,  on 
^^^  section  15,  Murray  Township,  among  the 
advantages  of  which  is  one  of  great  importance 
to  farmers  of  the  West,  namely,  excellent  water. 
He  is  the  son  of  George  H.  Kaufold,  who  was  born 
in  Saxon  J',  Germany,  in  the  year  1801,  and  while 
yet  a  single  man,  at  the  age  of  thirty-three,  emi- 
grated to  the  United  States,  settling  near  Carbon - 
bLack,  Pa.  There  the  father  began  life  as  a  black- 
smith, which  trade  he  had  learned  in  his  native 
land.  When  iu  middle  life  he  purchased  land,  and 
was  occupied  in  farming  until  his  death,  in  the  fall 
of  1885,  he  then  being  nearly  eighty-four  years 
old.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church, 
and  in  politics  a  stanch  Democrat.  The  mother  of 
our  subject  was  a  native  of  Lorraine,  France,  and 
the  daughter  of  a  paymaster  in  the  French  army. 
Her  maiden  name  was  Elizabeth  Sancy.  She  had 
come  to  the  United  States  when  nine  j'ears  old.  and 
afterward  lived  always  in  Pennsylvania,  where  she 
still  resides  on  the  Kaufold  homestead  at  the  age  of 

Our  subject  was  born  at  Carbonblaek,  Pa.,  March 
3,  1854,  and  was  the  seventh  in  a  family  of  nine 
children.  He  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  remaining 
with  his  parents  until  the  age  of  tvventy-three.  He 
then  went  to  the  oil  regions  and  interested  himself 
in  the  oil  fields,  making  his  headquarters  at  St.  Jo- 
seph, Pa.,  from  1876  to  1881.  He  then  came  to 
this  State,  first  settling  in  Brown  County,  and  then 
removing  to  this  county,  where  he  has  resided  since 



1883.  He  was  married  in  Seneca,  Kau.,  to  Miss 
Mary  J.  Wheeler,  a  native  of  Hancock  Count}-, 
111.,  where  she  first  saw  the  light  Sept.  22,  1861. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  P.  L.  Wheeler,  who  re- 
moved from  Illinois  to  Missouri,  making  his  home 
near  Plattsburg  for  a  time,  and  later  locating  in 
Marray  Township,  this  county,  wliere  he  now  re- 
sides. Mrs.  Kaufold  was  reared  at  home,  receiving 
good  educational  and  musical  advantages.  On 
attaining  her  majorilj'  she  became  a  teacher  in  the 
public  schools,  and  also  gave  instruction  in  the 
science  of  music.  She  is  a  woman  of  intelligence 
and  refined  character.  She  has  borne  her  husband 
two  children — Helen  L.  and  Mabel  C,  both  of 
whom  3'et  brighten  the  home  fireside. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kaufold  are  among  the  most  active 
citizens  of  the  township,  taking  a  prominent  part  in 
ever}'  enterprise  which  tends  to  the  improvement 
of  the  country,  or  advancement  of  its  inhabitants. 
Mr.  Kaufold  is  an  independent  voter. 

d^;  J  AMES  M.BURKE.  The  biographer  finds 
ll  in  Mr.  Burke  one  of  the  most  popular  men 
ll  of  his  township.  Genial  and  obliging,  he 
fj  is  ever  ready  to  confer  a  favor,  is  intelli- 
gent and  enterprising,  and  is  a  renter  of  the  farm 
property  where  he  prosecutes  agriculture  success- 
full}',  and  enjoys  a  comfortable  income.  He  de- 
votes considerable  attention  to  the  breeding  of  live 
stock,  whicli  yields  him  handsome  returns.  As  a 
niembej-  of  the  community  he  occupies  no  second- 
ary position,  and  is  alwaj's  to  be  found  on  the  side 
of  those  projects  calculated  to  advance  the  interests 
of  the  people. 

The  Burke  family  flourished  in  the  Old  Domin- 
ion, probably  during  the  Colonial  days.  The  par- 
ents of  our  subject  settled  in  Greene  County,  Pa., 
after  their  marriage,  and  in  that  county  James  M. 
was  born  Xov.  3,  1856.  His  father,  Cornelius  J. 
Burke,  was  born  in  Westmoreland  County,  Va.,  in 
1820.  He  moved  to  Pennsylvania  about  the  time 
of  reaching  his  majoritj',  and  lived  there  until 
1872.     Thence  he  came  to  this  county,  and  died  in 

1887.  He  was  a  life-long  farmer,  in  easy  circum- 
stances, financial!}-.  Politically,  he  was  a  stanch 
Republican.  During  the  first  year  of  the  war  he 
enlisted  in  Company  A,  144th  Pennsylvania  In- 
fantry, in  which  he  served  three  years.  At  the 
battle  of  Mine  Run,  Va.,  he  received  a  wound 
which  necessitated  the  amputation  of  his  right  leg, 
and  he  was  consequently  retired  from  the  service. 
He  participated  in  the  battle  of  Gettysburg,  and 
had  his  clothing  perforated  by  fifteen  balls,  al- 
though his  person  was  not  injured.  He  was  like- 
wise in- the  battle  of  the  Wilderness,  Spottsylvauia. 
Court  House,  and  at  Fredericksburg. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject,  like- 
wise named  Cornelius,  was  born  in  Yirgini*.  of 
parents  who  emigrated  from  Ireland  to  America  at 
an  early  day.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of 
our  subject  was  Elizalteth  Flick.  She  was  born  in 
Greene  County,  Pa.,  in  1826,  was  of  German  ex- 
traction, and  is  still  living,  making  her  home  in 
Waterville.  Of  her  union  with  Cornelius  Buike 
there  were  born  seven  children,  viz.:  William  L., 
Fanny,  James  M.,  Catherine,  George,  John  C.and 
Ross  D. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  third  child  of 
his  parents,  and  was  born  on  the  farm  in  Greene 
County,  Pa.,  near  which  he  attended  the  common 
school,  and  remained  there  until  a  youth  of  sixteen 
years.  Then,  in  1872,  he  accompanied  the  family 
to  this  county,  and  settled  with  them  in  Cottage 
Hill  Township.  He  taught  school  for  twelve  years 
thereafter,  and  since  that  time  has  given  his  sole 
time  and  attention  to  farming.  For  a  mau  who 
started  in  life  without  capital  it  must  be  admitted 
that  he  has  done  well,  as  he  is  still  young  in  years. 
He  has  been  prominent  in  local  affairs,  holding- 
various  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility.  In 
1887  he  was  elected  Trustee  of  Cottage  Hill  Town- 
ship, was  re-elected  in  1888,  and  still  holds  the 

On  the  5th  of  October,  1875,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Fanny,  daughter  of 
Benjamin  F.  and  Jane  (McCutchon)  Jacobs,  who 
came  to  Kansas  from  Iowa  in  1871,  and  were  orig- 
inally from  Virginia.  They  settled  in  Johnson 
County,  Iowa,  and  there  Mrs.  Burke  was  born  Aug. 
25,  1857.     Mr.  and    Mrs.  Burke  are  the  parents  of 



four  interesting  children,  viz.:  Elsie  W.,  Frank 
B.,  Harry  and  Raymond.  Our  subject,  politically, 
is  a  sound  Republican,  and  in  his  religious  belief 
adheres  to  the  doctrines  of  the  Methodist  Kpisco- 
pal  Church. 

\lt_^  ON.  FRANK  SCHMIDT,  the  founder  of 
ifji  the  banking  firm  of  Schmidt  &  Koester, 
■■^^^  came  to  Marysville  with  the  early  settlers  in 
(^)  1860,  bringing  with  him  a  general  stock  of 
merchandise,  in  which  branch  of  trade  he  was  emi- 
nently successful.  In  1870  he  established  the  Ex- 
change Bank,  the  oldest  bank  now  in  Marshall 

All  his  public  and  personal  relations  have  been 
in  the  highest  degree  honorable.  As  a  State  Sena- 
tor for  Kansas,  general  merchant,  banker,  and 
worker  in  public  or  private  relations,  he  is  an 
earnest,  man,  acting  upon  his  own  con- 
victions, always  ready  to  do  a  large  share  for  the 
good  and  advancement  of  Marshall  County. 

Mr.  Schmidt  is  now  in  his  fifty-seventh  year,  .and 
a  man  of  plain  life  and  taste  in  general,  but  in 
building  up  his  elegant  and  elaborate  homestead, 
as  well  as  his  large  property  possessions,  he  has 
displayed  unusual  genius.  He  is  quiet  and  simple 
in  his  tastes,  and  has  kept  his  heart  warm  for  the 
welfare  of  his  family,  teaching  the  m.axims  of  living 
a  good  and  useful  life. 

Three  of  his  sons  are  now  identified  in  the  man- 
agement of  the  Exchange  Bank. 

Charles  D.  Schmidt  was  born  at  Marysville;  he 
has  been  for  years  in  active  business  as  the  Cashier 
of  the  Exchange  Bank,  and  his  relationship  with 
the  depositors,  customers  and  friends  of  this  bank 
has  always  been  most  cordial. 

George  Philip  Schmidt  was  born  at  Mar3sville. 
After  completing  his  studies  in  the  public  school 
he  entered  in  the  service  of  the  Exchange  Bank 
where  he  now  holds  the  responsible  position  of 

Alexander  Schmidt  has  for  the  past  two  years 
been  corresponding  clerk  in  the  Exchange  Bank. 

Charles  F.  Koester  came  to  Mar^'sville   in  .860 

and  is  one  of  the  early  settlers,  and  is  now  forty- 
eight  3'ears  old;  in  1862  he  was  elected  Registrar 
of  Deeds  and  held  the  position  for  four  successive 
terms,  after  which  he  was  twice  elected  County 
Treasurer;  in  1876  he  was  a  member  of  the  Kansas 
State  Centennial  Commission  to  Philadelphia;  he 
has  been  for  several  terms  Mayor  of  the  City  of 
Marysville ;  was  identified  in  the  mercantile  busi- 
ness with  the  Hon.  Frank  Schmidt,  and  afterwards 
became  associated  with  the  Exchange  Bank,  with 
whose  interests,  property  and  growth,  since  1870, 
he  has  been  connected,  and  with  splendid  success. 
This  institution  is  solidly  entrenched  in  the  confi- 
dence of  the  business  and  farming  community,  and 
has  done  much  to  enable  them  to  reach  the  advanced 
position  they  enjoy. 

((I  IfelLLIAM  HILL.  Among  the  younger  mem- 
\rJ//  bers  of  the  business  community  of  Astell, 
VW  there  is  probably  a  no  more  stirring  or 
worthy  representative  of  its  best  interests  than  the 
subject  of  this  sketch.  He  operates  a  general  meat 
market,  of  which  he  became  proprietor  in  Septem- 
ber, 1887,  having  succeeded  Mr.  G.  W.  Bush,  who 
purchased  the  building  and  business  of  the  original 
proprietor.  Mr.  Hill,  was  the  employe  of  iNIr.  Bush 
four  years,  and  then  succeeded  to  the  business. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Venango  County,  Pa., 
in  June.  1862,  and  is  the  son  of  John  Hill,  likewise 
a  native  of  the  Keystone  State.  The  latter  learned 
blacksmithlng  early  in  life,  which  he  followed  a 
number  of  years,  and  finally  established  a  shop, 
which  he  conducted  successfully  for  a  long  period, 
especially  during  the  late  Civil  War.  At  its  close 
he  emigrated  to  Illinois,  about  1866,  and  located 
at  Kickapoo,  Peoria  County,  where  he  purchased 
136  acres  of  land,  and  began  farming.  About 
1880,  leaving  the  Prairie  State,  he  came  to  Kansas 
and  purchased  320  acres  of  unimproved  land.  This 
he  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  erecting 
substantial  buildings,  then  selling  out  purchased  a 
home  adjacent  to  the  city  limits  of  Axtell,  where 
he  is  now  spending  his  declining  years  amid  all  the 
comforts  of   life.     He   is  aged  al)out  sixty-seven, 



and  since  reaching  liis  majority  has  been  a  slanch 
adherent  of  the  Democratic  party.  He  was  born 
Jan.  6,  1824. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  married  iu  Penn- 
sylvania, to  Miss  Jane  Ililburt,  who  was  born  in 
France,  and  reared  in  Pennsylvania,  and  who  is 
still  living.  The  parental  family  included  thir- 
teen children,  nine  sons  and  four  daughters,  five  of 
whom  are  deceased,  and  of  whom  William  is  the 
fourth  son.  He  was  reared  in  Peoria  County,  111., 
and  received  his  education  at  Kickapoo.  He  came 
to  the  farther  West  a  single  man,  but  in  1887  was 
married  in  Axtell,  to  Miss  Mary  O'Laughlin.  This 
lad}'  was  born  in  Nemaha  Countj-,  March  12, 1866, 
and  is  the  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  (Ragan) 
O'Laughlin,  the  former  of  whom  was  an  American- 
born  citizen,  while  the  mother  was  a  native  of  Ire- 
land. They  came  to  Kansas  in  their  youth,  settling 
in  Nemaha  County,  where  they  were  married,  and 
began  the  journey  of  life  on  a  farm.  Both  are  now 
deceased,  dying  when  ripe  in  years.  Each  had 
been  married  prior  to  their  union  with  each  other, 
and  were  the  parents  of  children.  They  were 
greatly  respected  iu  their  communitj-,  and  were  in 
the  enjo3'ment  of  a  fair  share  of  this  world's  goods. 

Mrs.  Hill  was  the  only  child  of  her  parents,  and 
was  reared  and  educated  in  her  native  county,  re- 
maining under  the  home  roof  until  after  the  father 
and  mother  liad  passed  away.  Of  her  marriage 
witli  Mr.  Hill,  there  has  been  born  one  child  onlj', 
Elsie  M.  Both  are  members  of  the  Catholic  Church, 
and  Mr.  Hill  votes  the  Democratic  ticket. 

John  O'Laughlin  was  born  Dec.  24,  1796,  and 
was  married  to  his  first  wife  June  23,  1817.  He 
was  the  father  of  nine  children.  He  settled  in  Ind- 
iana in  1814,  and  resided  there  until  1839,  follow- 
ing the  occupation  of  farmer,  miller,  and  distiller. 
Later  he  removed  to  Louisa  County,  Iowa,  where 
he  resided  until  1848,  and  during  which  time  he 
improved  two  farms.  That  year  he  changed  his 
residence  to  Des  Moines  County,  where  he  im- 
proved a  large  farm,  and  traded  in  farm  produce 
along  the  Mississippi  River,  from  Burlington  to 
New  Orleans.  In  tlie  year  1854  he  came  to  this 
State,  and  was  the  means  of  forming  a  large  set- 
tlement along  Turkey  Creek,  Nemaha  County. 
Finally,  about    1857,    he   removed   to   Ash    Point. 

where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  days.  His  was 
a  very  active  life,  he  being  engaged  in  various  en- 
terprises, following  mercantile  business,  conducting 
an  hotel,  and  entertaining  travelers  principall}'  ou 
the  old  and  direct  California  mail  route,  between 
St.  Joseph  and  the  Pacific.  He  enjojed  an  exten- 
sive acquaintance,  and  was  universally  esteemed, 
being  generous  and  liberal,  and  encouraging  the 
various  enterprises  calculated  for  the  good  of  the 

^f?  AMES  TILLEY.  Among  the  representative 
farmers  of  Marshall  County,  and  those  who 
with  little  or  no  capital  have  attained  a  mer- 
ited and  substantial  financial  standing,  and 
have  assisted  largely  in  the  development  of  the  ag- 
ricultural resources  of  the  county,  the  above 
named  gentleman  is  by  no  means  the  least.  He  has 
been  a  resident  here  since  1870,  and  has  passed 
through  hardships  incident  to  pioneer  settlement. 
He  has  suffered  by  one  cyclone,  one  severe  and  a 
number  of  minor  hail-storms,  but  by  industr}'  and 
push  has  prospered.  His  original  farm  in  the  county 
consisted  of  eighty  acres,  which  he  homesteaded 
on  section  10,  Wells  Township,  and  to  which  he  has 
added  until  he  now  possesses  240  fertile  acres. 
During  the  first  few  years  of  his  residence  here,  he 
dug  cellars  and  wells,  and  otherwise  added  to  the 
little  he  could  gain  from  his  homestead,  and  is  now 
enjoying  the  well-earned  fruits  of  his  hard  labor 
in  earlier  years. 

Mr.  Tilley  was  born  in  England,  April  6,  1833, 
and  is  the  son  of  James  and  Mari:\  Tilley.  When 
he  was  about  three  years  old  his  parents  emigrated 
to  America,  bringing  with  them  two  children,  our 
subject  and  a  sister.  The  parents  settled  in  what 
was  then  known  as  Upper  Canada,  but  is  now  called 
Ontario  Province,  their  home  being  east  of  To- 
ronto. The  parents  are  still  living  in  Canada  and 
are  both  ripe  in  years.  The  parental  family  was  a 
large  one,  of  whom  the  following  survive:  Mary 
J.,  James,  Maria,  Richard,  William,  Edward,  John, 
Elizabeth  and  Marj'  A. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  reared  to  man- 
hood   in    Canada.      The     educational    advantages 



were  not  such  as  the  youth  of  this  day  and  age  re- 
ceive, but  he  improved  those  which  were  afforded 
Iiim.  In  Canada,  March  27,  1855,  he  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Margaret  AVatt,  a  native  of 
Lower  Canada,  or  wliat  is  now  known  as  the  Prov- 
ince of  Quebec.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tilley  have 
been  born  four  sons — Richard  II.,  John  J.,  William 
E.  and  Samuel  W.  In  1870  Mr.  Tilley  and  his 
family  removed  to  this  county,  settling  where  he 
has  since  resided. 

Mr.  Tille}'  has  served  as  Constable,  and  in  other 
minor  offlces  of  tiie  township.  He  is  a  worthy 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  The 
esteem  in  which  he  is  held  by  his  neighbors  is  well 
shown  by  his  having  served  for  nine  successive 
years  as  their  School  Director,  beside  other  odd 
terms.  As  an  uprigiit  man  and  public-spirited  cit- 
izen he  is  well-known  to  the  citizens  of  the  townsiiip, 
by  whom  he  is  held  in  high  respect. 

|I^_,^ENRY  II.  McKANNON,  a  veteran  of  over 
|lf)j'  seventy-three  years,  is  numbered  among 
/■y^'  the  pioneer  settlers  of  this  county,  and  is 
(^)  enjoying  the  comforts  of  a  rural  homestead 
pleasantly  located  on  section  12,  Wells  Township. 
He  was  born  in  Franklin  County,  N.  Y.,  April  13, 
1816,  and  is  the  son  of  Edward  and  Catherine  Mc- 
Kannon,  who  were  natives  of  Ireland.  They  emi- 
grated to  America  early  in  life,  and  settled  in  New 
York  State.  Their  family  consisted  of  two  sons 
only,  of  whom  Henrj'  H.  is  the  only  survivor. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  attended  the  district 
schools  of  his  native  township,  which  were  con- 
ducted in  a  log  schoolhouse  after  the  imperfect 
methods  of  that  time.  He  was  trained  to  habits 
of  industry  and  economy,  and  spent  three  years 
learning  the  trade  of  a  tanner  and  currier.  This, 
however,  did  not  exactly  agree  with  his  tastes,  and 
he  went  back  to  his  farming  pursuits,  which  he  has 
followed  the  greater  part  of  his  life.  When  a 
j'oung  man  of  twenty-two  years  he  was  married, 
iu  New  York  State,  June  17,  1838,  to  Miss  Mary 
Welsh,  with  whom  he  has  now  lived  for  the  long 
period  of  over  fifty -one  years.  Mrs.  McKannon  was 

born  in  Clinton  County,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  17,  1821.  She 
has  borne  her  husband  nine  children,  four  only  of 
whom  are  living,  viz:  Mary  M.,  the  wife  of  Hiram 
Hastings,  of  Frankfort,  this  county;  Charles  C, 
also  a  resident  of  that  place;  Martin  0.,  living  in 
Pottawatomie  County;  and  Harriet,  Mrs.  JMerrill, 
a  widow,  living  in  Grand  Island,  Neb. 

Shortly  after  the  close  of  the  war,  Mr.  McKan- 
non emigrated  with  his  family  to  Illinois,  and  lived 
in  Grundy  County  several  years.  Thence,  about 
1872,  he  pushed  on  further  westward  across  the 
Mississippi,  and  coming  to  this  county,  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  12,  Wells 
Township,  and  this  has  since  been  his  home.  Upon 
this  land  when  it  came  into  his  possession  not  a  fur- 
row had  been  turned,  neither  had  there  been  any 
other  attempt  at  improvement.  He  put  up  a  frame 
house,  one  and  one-half  stories  in  height,  occupy- 
ing an  area  of  16x24  feet,  and  this  was  carried 
away  by  a  cyclone.  He  also  suffered  from  the 
grasshopper  plague,  hail,  drought  and  other  draw- 
backs, but  amid  all  these  hindrances,  he  did  not 
allow  himself  to  be  discouraged,  as  he  had  come  to 
staj',  and  prepared  himself  for  every  emergenc}'. 
He  has  now  no  reason  to  regret  that  he  adhered  to 
his  first  intention.  Upon  becoming  a  voting  citi- 
zen, he  identified  himself  with  the  Democratic 
part}',  whose  principles  he  still  upholds.  Both  he 
and  his  excellent  wife  are  members  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  Christian  Church.  He  may  be  most 
properly  numbered  among  the  self-made  men  and 
pioneers  of  Marshall  County  ,wiiose  names  are  de- 
serving of  being  handed  down  to  posterity. 

EiLIJAH  BENTLEY  occupies  an  honorable 
position  as  a  member  of  the  farming  com- 
^  munity  of  Marshall  Count}-,  and  having 
lived  here  most  of  the  time  since  the  fall  of  1868, 
and  not  only  witnessing  its  growth,  but  having  had 
a  hand  in  developing  its  rich  agricultural  resources, 
he  may  be  denominated  one  of  its  pioneers.  He  is 
now  actively  carrying  on  his  calling  in  Oketo  Town- 
ship, owning  a  quarter  of  section  4,  which  he  has 
improved  from  a  tract  of  wild  prairie  into  a  very 



desirable  and  highlj'  productive  farm.  Mr.  Bent- 
le}"^  is  a  veteran  of  tlie  late  Civil  War,  and  distin- 
guished himself  in  battle,  so  as  to  win  promotion 
from  the  ranks  to  be  corporal  of  his  company. 

Our  subject  is  a  Canadian   b.y  birth,  born  in  the 
Province  of  Ontario,  in  the    month    of   February, 
1840,  the  fourth  of  the  sis  children  of  Wilson  and 
Mariam    (Jackson)    Bentlev,    likewise    natives    of 
Ontario,   and    life-long    residents   of  that   part  of 
Canada.     The  familj^  on  the    father's  side  was   of 
Quaker  stock.     (See   sketch  of   subject's    brother 
Samuel  on  another    page   of   this    work.)     Elijah 
Bentley   took   up   his  residence  in  the  "States"  in 
I860,  when  he  was  twenty  years  of  age,  coming  at 
that  time  to  Parke  County,  lud.,  where  he  was  em- 
ployed as  a  clerk  by  Col.  Benson.  He  had  received 
a  common-school  education  in  Canada,  and  having 
a  bright,  observing  mind,  was  well  equipped  men- 
tally for  his  encounters  on  life's  battlefield.  In  the 
first  call  for  troops  by  our  Government  to  defend 
the  Stars  and  Stripes,  he,  though  of  alien  birth,  was 
one  of  the  first  to  respond,  enlisting  in  April,  1861, 
in  Capt.  R.  R.  Stewart's  cavalry  company,  at  Terre 
Haute,  Ind.,  for  a  term  of  three  months.     In  Julj', 
of  the  same  year,  he  re-enlisted,  and  the  entire  com- 
pany was  assigned  to  the  1st  Indiana  Cavalry,  un- 
der Gen.  Rosecranz,  in  West  Virginia,  and   played 
a  conspicuous  part  in  the  battles  at  Carinfax  Ferry 
and  Walnut  Knob,  and   in   the  skirmish   at   Galla 
Mountains,  and  subsequentl}-  went  to  Fayetteville, 
Ky.,  with  Gen.  Benham.     From  there  our  subject 
and    his    comrades  were  dispatched  to   Wheeling, 
W.  Va.,  and  in  the  spring  of  1862  the_y  crossed  the 
Alleghany    IMountains    under    Gen.   Fremont,  and 
fought    with    Stonewall    .Jackson's    rear   guard    at 
Strawsburgh,  and  continued  skirmishing  with  that 
army  all  the  way  to  Cross  Ke3's,  our  subject's  com- 
pany  forming   a   part   of   Gen.    Fremont's    body 
guard.     Mr.  Bentley  was  present  at  the  battles  of 
Cedar  Mountain,  and  the  second  Bull  Run.  Placed 
under   Gen.    Sigel's    command,    his   company,    in 
charge    of    Col.  Dahlgren,  dashed   into  the  city  of 
Fredericksburg  prior  to  Burnside's  attack,  and  our 
subject  was  one  of   the  fifty  of  his  party  that  were 
taken  prisoners   by  'the  rebels.     After  that  occur- 
rence he  was  made  one  of  the  body  guard  of   Gen. 
Howard.     In   the    battle    of    the    Wilderness    Mr, 

Bentley  fought  under  Gen.  Joe  Hooker,  and  he  did 
good  service  at  the  battle  of  Gett3-sburg.     He  sub- 
sequently did  guard   duty   thirty-two  miles  below 
Washington  City,  on   tlie  Potomac   River,  in  the 
winter  of  1863.     He  engaged  in  all  the  battles  in 
which  the  army  of  Gen.  Grant   finally  brought  up 
before  Petersburg,  Va.    Our  subject  was  honorably 
dis':-harged  July  3,  1864.  with  the  rank  of  corporal, 
which  he  richly  deserved  for  his  daring  conduct  on 
many  a  hard-fought  battlefield.     After   his   expe- 
rience of  life  in  the  army  Mr.  Bentley  returned  to 
his  old  home  and  friends  in  Canada,  and  remained 
there    till   the    month  of    October,  the  same  year, 
when  he  shipped  at  Kingston,  Canada,  for  Toledo, 
Ohio,  in  the  vessel  "Gold  Hunter,"  belonging  to  his 
brother  and  uncle.     From  Ohio    he    proceeded   to 
Iowa  City,  Iowa,  and  thence  made  a  trip  across  the 
plains  to  Empire  City,  Col.,  and  there   engaged   in 
mining  and  in  freighting.     In  the  summer  of  1866 
be  was  engaged  in  the  exciting  work  of  prospecting 
for  mines  in  the  rich  mineral  fields  of  Colorado.  In 
the  fall  of    1868    Mr.  Bentlej'    retraced    his  steps 
across  the  plains,  having  resolved  to  settle  down  to 
the  more  peaceful  and  quiet  pursuits    of    farming, 
and  selecting  Marshall  County  as  a  suitable   place 
for  location,  he  took  up  his  abode  ten  miles  east  of 
Marjsville.     Afterward  he  secured  a  tract  of  land, 
under  the    provisions    of   the    homestead  act.  five 
miles  northeast  of  Marj-sville,  and   he  then  took  a 
quarter  section  on  the  Otoe  Reservation.     In  1881, 
accompanied    b}'   his   familj',  he  went  on  the  long 
and  tedious  journey  overland  to  the  southwestern 
corner   of   New  Mexico,  where  he  remained   two 
3-ears.     Satisfied  with  his  experience  of  life  in  that 
part  of  the  country,  he  then   returned   to  Marshall 
County,  and  has  been  a  valued  resident  of  Oketo 
ever   since.     He  has  a  good  farm   of    160  acres  of 
well-improved  land,  under  fine  tillage,  and  supplied 
with  an  excellent  set  of  neat  buildings,  and  ever}-- 
thing  needful  to  carry  on  agriculture  after  the  best 

To  the  wife,  the  home-maker,  who  renders  his 
home  comfortable  and  attractive,  Mr.  Bentley  was 
united  in  marriage  Feb.  27,  1870.  Their  happy 
■wedded  life  has  been  blessed  to  them  bj'  the  birth 
of  five  children,  of  whom  three  are  now  living: 
Alice,  Samuel  and  Wilson.     Mrs.  Bentley's  maiden 



name  was  Sydney  White,  and  she  is  a  daughter  of 
the  well-known  Judge  Robert  White,  the  present 
United  States  Commissioner  at  Marysville. 

Mr.  Bentle}'  has  seen  much  of  the  rough  side  of 
life,  and  has  experienced  many  vicissitudes.  But 
his  strong  ph\'sical  frame  is  well  fitted  to  battle 
with  danger  and  hardships,  and  through  all  he  has 
borne  the  same  warm,  cheerful  spirit  and  unsullied 
reiiut.ition  have  endeared  him  to  those  about 
him.  and  won  their  confidence  and  respect.  He  is 
a  whole-souled,  manlj'  man,  genial  and  happy  in 
disposition,  large-liearted  and  hospitable;  he  is  a 
tender  husband,  an  indulgent  father,  a  kind  neigh- 
bor, and  withal  is  a  strong-minded,  forceful  man, 
whose  influence  is  wholesome  and  good  in  his  com- 
munity. He  keeps  alive  the  memories  of  his  days 
and  nights  on  the  battleOeld  by  his  connection  with 
the  G.  A.  R.,  he  being  a  prominent  member  of 
Oketo  Post,  No.  477,  holding  the  ofHce  of  Quarter- 
master. He  is  a  Director  of  the  School  Board,  and 
has  been  for  tiiree  years.  He  is  an  honored  mem- 
ber of  the  Masonic  fraternity.  He  is  an  active 
man  in- politics,  and  always  votes  with  the  Rejjub- 
lican  party. 


(S[  felLLIAM  J.  GRA^'GER,  editor  and  pro- 
\rJ//  prietor  of  the  Frankfort  Bee,  has  one  of 
Vj^  the  best  equipped  county  offices  in  the 
State  of  Kansas.  The  motive  power  is  steam,  and 
the  job  and  power  presses  are  all  of  improved 
make.  The  paper  is  a  six-column,  weekly  quarto. 
Republican  in  politics,  and  the  official  paper  of 
Marshall  County.  It  is  not  onl}^  a  typographical 
success,  but  is  an  abl}'  edited  and  interesting  sheet. 
Mr.  Granger  was  born  July  2,  1860,  near  what 
was  then  known  as  Lafayette,  Doniphan  Co.,  Kan. 
The  town  has  since  passed  out  of  existence,  having 
been  killed  by  the  present  town  of  Tro.y.  He  was 
tiie  son  of  Dr.  William  and  Fannie  (Gorsline) 
Granger.  His  paternal  grandfather,  James  Granger, 
was  born  in  Yorkshire,  England,  and  is  still  living 
at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety-six  years,  in  Otisco, 
Mich.  He  came  to  America  in  1828,  landing  in 
New  York  City,  and  shortly  afterward  removing 
to  Michigan,  where   he  has  since   lived.     He    has 

several  times  crossed  the  ocean  on  visits  to  his 
English  home  and  relatives.  The  paternal  grand- 
mother of  our  subject  died  when  about  thirty-five 
years  of  age.  His  father  was  born  in  Yorkshire, 
England,  and  was  but  five  months  old  when  his 
parents  emigrated  to  America.  His  boyhood  was 
spent  on  a  farm  in  Michigan,  where  he  received  a 
common-school  education.  At  the  age  of  fifteen, 
he  left  his  home,  and  attended  the  Whiteside  Serai- 
nary.  New  York,  where  he  took  a  collegiate  course. 
After  graduation  he  spent  one  year  as  an  instructor 
in  his  Alma  Mater,  this  being  before  he  was  twenty 
years  of  age.  He  next  attended,  and  was  gradu- 
ated from  the  Philadelphia  Eclectic  Medical  College. 
After  his  graduation  he  and  a  Dr.  Brown  went  to 
Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  where  they  opened  an  in- 
firmary and  water  cure  establishment,  patients  re- 
ceiving the  eclectic  treatment.  After  continuing 
this  for  sometime.  Dr.  Granger  sold  out,  and  went 
to  Columbia  Center,  Herkimer  Co.,  N.  Y.  Here, 
in  the  fall  of  1858,  he  married  Miss  Fannie  Gors- 
line, a  lady  of  refinement  and  education,  who  had 
received  her  collegiate  instruction  in  Whiteside 

After  his  marriage.  Dr.  Granger  practiced  for  a 
short  time  at  Columbia  Center,  but  being  desirous 
cf  a  wider  field  for  his  energies  and  his  professional 
skill,  he  came  to  Kansas.  He  settled  in  the  then 
town  of  Lafayette,  where,  in  connection  with  his 
practice,  he  followed  raising  and  trading  in  live 
stock.  He  had  considerable  of  this  class  of  prop- 
erty in  Claj'  County,  Mo.,  when  the  vvar  broke  out. 
Being  a  Union  man,  he  was  compelled  to  abandon 
his  Missouri  property,  all  of  which  he  lost.  Shcirtly 
after  the  breaking  out  of  the  war,  he  removed  to 
Centralia.  where  he  practiced  his  profession  for  two 
years.  He  then  removed  to  Circleville,  where  he 
died  in  the  fall  of  1865,  at  the  age  of  twenty-seven. 
Dr.  and  Mrs.  Granger  were  the  parents  of  two  chil- 
dren: Minnie,  who  died  when  about  eight  months 
old,  and  William,  our  subject. 

After  the  death  of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Granger 
turned  her  attention  to  teaching,  as  a  means  of  sup- 
port for  herself  and  son.  She  taught  over  thirty 
terms  during  her  widowhood.  Near  Circleville,  in 
1872.  she  married  her  second  husband,  f]dwin 
Flagg.     He  is  a  farmer,  and  their  residence  is  two 



'  and  a  half  miles  south  of  Frankfort.  One  child, 
Elizabeth  Flagg,  now  a  girl  of  thirteen  3'ears,  is 
the  result  of  this  union. 

When  the  gentleman  of  whom  we  write  was 
twelve  years  of  age,  he  began  learning  the  printer's 
trade.  He  continued  in  the  office  but  a  few  months, 
when  he  returned  to  farm  life,  herding  cattle  and 
working  by  the  month.  When  about  sixteen,  he 
went  to  Topeka,  and  entered  the  office  of  the  North 
Topeka  Times,  where  he  spent  two  years  learning 
the  mysteries  of  "the  art  preservative  of  all  arts." 
He  then  returned  home,  and  a  short  time  afterward 
started,  in  the  town  of  Irving,  a  paper  which  he 
called  tlie  Irving  Citizen.  This  was  in  May,  1879, 
and  he  carried  on  the  paper  until  October  of  the 
same  year,  when  he  removed  his  outfit  to  Atchison, 
and  started  the  Atchis(jn  Public  Ledger:  After 
running  this  paper  eight  months,  he  sold  it  to  A.  E. 
Davis  &  Son,  and  feeling  the  need  of  a  better  edu- 
cation, determined  to  devote  the  little  money  he 
had  accumulated  to  the  purpose  of  securing  it.  He 
therefore  went  to  Hillsdale,  Mich.,  where  he  spent 
tvvo  and  a  half  years  as  a  student  of  the  Hillsdale 
College.  Being  graduated  in  the  fall  of  1883  he 
resumed  newspaper  work,  finding  emplo}'ment  in 
Chicago.  He  was  the  editor  of  the  humorous 
paper  called  Cheek,  while  that  sheet  was  in  exist- 
ence. After  its  collapse,  he  edited  the  Chicago 
Crumbs,  another  venture  in  humorous  literature, 
which  had  but  a  brief  existence.  He  was  next  era- 
ployed  to  edit  and  manage  the  Daily  Times,  at  Ra- 
cine, Wis.  After  a  few  months  .at  that  place,  he 
became  an  editorial  writer  on  the  Republican  Leader 
at  LaCrosse,  Wis.  Owing  to  the  rigorous  climate, 
his  health  began  to  fail,  and  he  determined  to  re- 
turn home.  He  did  so,  and  in  the  spring  of  1885, 
became  connected  with  the  Centralia  Journal, 
which  he  soon  afterward  bought.  He  conducted 
this  paper  until  August,  1888,  wiien  he  sold  it,  and 
the  following  month  bought  the  Frankfort  Bee,  of 
L.  C.  McCarn. 

At  Centralia,  Kan.,  on  Feb.  28,  1886,  Mr.  Granger 
celebrated  his  marriage  with  Miss  Cora  E.  Moren, 
of  Iowa.  Her  parents,  Joshua  and  Caroline  Moren, 
were  natives  of  Ohio,  and  are  now  residing  near 
Wirt,  Ringgold  Co.,  Iowa,  where  Mr.  Moren  is  en- 
gaged in  farming.     Mr.   and   Mrs.  Granger  have 

had  two  children  born  to  them:  Cyril,  the  first 
born,  died  Jan.  15,  1887,  at  the  age  of  six  months; 
Esmeralda  is  yet  in  her  infancy.  Mi-.  Gi-anger  is  a 
Republican,  and  has  been  an  .active  and  useful  mem- 
ber of  his  party.  He  was  Chairman  of  the  Repub- 
lican Central  Committee  of  Nemaha  Count}-,  in 
1886,  and  Secretary  of  the  committee  in  1887,  and 
has  served  as  delegate  in  the  Republican  conven- 
tions of  both  Nemaha  and  Marshall  counties.  He 
is  at  present  Secretary  of  the  Republican  County 
Central  Committee,  of  Marsliall  County.  In  1888 
he  was  urged  to  become  a  candidate  for  the  Legis- 
lature, but  declined  to  accept  tlie  nomination  or  en- 
ter the  political  race,  preferring  to  give  his  entire 
attention  to  his  paper.  He  wields  a  ready  pen  and 
is  a  fearless  advocate  of  all  measures  which  his 
judgment  approves,  and  prompt  in  condemnation 
of  wrong  doing  and  corruption.  That  his  sheet  is 
a  popular  one,  the  circulation  which  it  has  attained 
proves  conclusively.  In  addition  to  the  printing 
plant,  Mr.  Granger  is  owner  of  a  farm  of  eighty 
acres  of  fine  land  south  of  Frankfort,  together  with 
quite  a  number  of  horses  and  cattle.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Centralia  Lodge,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  His 
religious  faith  and  practice  coincide  with  that  of 
the  Congregational  Church,  of  which  his  wife  is  a 
worthy  member.  His  native  wit,  excellent  educa- 
tion, and  upright  character  fit  him  for  a  life  of 
usefulness,  and  his  position  as  editor  of  so  promi- 
nent a  paper  as  the  Bee,  affords  abundant  oppor- 
tunity for  the  exercise  of  his  talents,  and  exertion 
of  his  influence  for  good. 

ll^EUBEN  B.  RUNDLE.  Among  those  cul- 
'|Lii^  tivating  a  portion  of  the  soil  of  Murray 
\\\  TAwnship  to  good  advantage,  may  be 
\^  numbered  the  subject  of  this  notice,  who 
owns  and  operates  a  well-regulated  farm  of  eighty 
acres  on  section  3.  He  took  possession  of  tliis  in 
March,  1880,  when  it  had  been  subjected  to  yerj 
little  improvement,  and  its  present  condition  indi- 
cates in  a  marked  manner  how  well  he  has  spent  his 
time  for  the  last  nine  years.  Prior  to  his  removal 
to  this  county  he   had   for  eighteen  years  been  a 



resident  of  Washington  County,  Iowa,  to  which  he 
removed  in  the  sprino- of  186L  His  native  State 
is  Oliio,  and  he  was  born  near  the  town  of  Mans- 
field, Richland  County,  Nov.  22,  1829.  He  lived 
there  until  about  1858,  and  then  removed  to  Bu- 
reau County,  111.,  where  he  sojourned  until  cross- 
ing the  Mississippi. 

In  noting  the  parental  history  of  our  subject  we 
find  that  his  father,  William  A.  Rundle,  was  a  na- 
tive of  New  York  .State,  and  there  spent  the  early 
3' ears  of  his  life.  There  also  he  was  married,  to 
Miss  Susan  Bumpus,  who,  like  her  husband,  was  a 
native  of  the  Empire  State,  and  of  German  ances- 
tr}'.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  emi- 
grated from  Germany  when  a  single  man,  and  set- 
tled in  New  York  State,  where  he  carried  on  farm- 
ing and  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  d^ing  at 
the  ripe  old  age  of  eighty  years. 

William  A.  Rundle,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  the  third  child  in  a  family  of  five  sons,  and 
remained  a  resident  of  his  native  State  until  after 
his  marriage  and  the  birth  of  two  sons.  He  then 
emigrated  to  Richland  County,  Ohio,  and  improved 
a  farm  from  the  wilderness,  where  he  spent  his  last 
days,  dying  at  the  age  of  sixty-one  years.  He  was 
a  man  greatly  esteemed  in  his  community,  being 
industrious  and  enterprising,  and  one  who  exer- 
cised a  good  influence  upon  those  around  him.  The 
wife  and  mother  passed  away  about  two  years  prior 
to  the  death  of  her  husband.  She  was  in  all  re- 
spects a  suitable  companion  and  helpmate,  and  a 
member  in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church. 
The  father  of  our  Subject  served  in  the  War  of 
1812,  and  uniformh'  voted  the  Democratic  ticket. 
Grandfather  Reuben  Bumpus  was  for  four  years  a 
soldier  in  the  Revolutionarj'  War. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  fifth  son  in  a 
family  of  seven  sous  and  three  daughters,  all  of 
whom  but  one  lived  to  mature  3fears,  and  nearly  all 
of  whom  are  married  and  have  families  of  their  own. 
Reuben  B.  was  reared  a  farmer's  boy,  and  received 
a  common-school  education.  On  reaching  man's 
estate  he  was  married,  in  Licking  County,  Ohio, 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Sanders.  This  lady  was  born  in 
England,  in  1831,  and  came  to  the  United  States 
with  her  parents.  .Joseph  and  Elizabeth  Sanders, 
about  1834.  The  famil}'  located  in  Licking  County, 

Ohio,  where  the  father  operated  successfully  as  a 
farmer,  and  where  he  died  in  1882,  at  the  age  of 
about  sixty-five  years.  The  mother  is  still  living, 
and  makes  her  home  with  her  daughter  Margaret, 
in  Licking  County,  Ohio;  she  is  approaching  the 
one  hundredth  year  of  her  age.  She  came  of  Scotch 
ancestry,  and  both  she  and  her  husband  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Church  of  England. 

Mrs.  Rundle  was  carefully  reared  by  her  excel- 
lent parents,  and  lived  with  them  in  Ohio  until  ac- 
companying her  husband  to  Illinois.  They  are  now 
the  parents  of  six  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  J. 
Sanders,  married  Miss  Mary  Trustier,  and  lives  in 
Mitchell  County,  this  State,  on  a  farm.  Edward  is  a 
resident  of  SummerSeld,  and  is  employed  as  agent 
for  a  hardware  and  machine  company.  Allen  re- 
mains at  home,  and  attends  school  during  the  win- 
ter season.  Mary  is  the  wife  of  John  Allender, 
and  they  reside  on  a  farm  in  Murra}'  Township. 
Belle  became  the  wife  of  O.  W.  Shumway,  who  is 
now  deceased,  and  she  lives  at  Hiawatha.  Laura  is 
teacliing  southwest  of  Marysville.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Rundle  attend  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and 
aim  to  guide  their  lives  by  the  precepts  of  the 
Golden  Rule.  Tiiey  are  genial,  kindly  and  hospit- 
able, and  number  their  friends  by  the  score  in  this 
countj'.  Political!}',  our  subject  is  a  sound  Re- 

^^EORGE  B.  HELEKER.  Among  the  lead- 
III  g— .  ing  business  houses  of  this  section,  the  es- 
^^jj)  tablishment  of  Helekcr  Brothers,  general 
merchants,  has  early  found  a  place.  The  business 
was  but  recently  established,  and  already  enjoys  a 
successful  and  rapidly  growing  trade,  and  older 
firms  are  finding  in  it  a  formidable  competitor.  The 
firm  organized  as  grocery  and  queeusware  dealers 
in  August,  1888,  having  purchased  the  stock  of 
T.aylor  &  Legere,  who  had  been  carrying  on  that 
business  for  a  number  of  j-ears.  Early  in  .June  of 
the  present  year,  1889,  they  bought  the  stock  of 
Blair  &  Clark,  dealers  in  general  merchandise,  and 
combined  the  different  departments.  The  firm  now 
carries  nearly  $15,000  worth  of  stock,  consisting  of 



groceries,  qucensware,  diy  goods,  clothing,  hats 
and  caps,  boots  and  shoes,  furnishing  goods,  fancy 
goods  and  notions.  They  occupy  two  large  rooms 
in  the  First  National  Banli  building,  the  grocery 
and  queensware  department  fronting  on  Walnut 
street,  and  the  other  departments  on  Fourth  street. 
The  firm  is  made  up  of  Messrs.  George  B.,  Arthur 
A.  and  Charles  H.  Heleker.  all  equal  partners.  They 
are  young  men  of  steady  habits,  methodical  and 
prudent,  diligent  in  business,  and  giving  evidence 
of  good  breeding  in  the  courtesy  and  gentlemanli- 
ness  of  their  demeanor.  They  are  also  fortunate 
in  having  the  advice  of  their  father,  who,  now  well 
advanced  in  years,  can  speak  from  a  long  and  suc- 
cessful business  career.  The  firm  has  evidently  a 
bright  and  prosperous  future  before  it. 

The  members  of  this  firm  trace  their  descent 
from  Abram  Heleker.  one  of  the  old  Knickerbocker 
settlers  in  New  York,  who  emigrated  from  Holland 
in  1650.  Their  grandfather,  Abram  Heleker,  was 
a  farmer  and  contractor  and  builder.  His  home 
■was  on  the  Hudson  River,  within  two  miles  of 
Peekskill,  the  farm  having  been  the  home  of  the 
Heleker  family  from  a  dale  preceding  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.  As  contractor,  he  erected  a  number 
of  buildings  in  Peekskill  and  vicinity,  and  assisted 
in  building  the  Hudson  River  Railroad,  having  a 
sub-contract  for  grading  and  rock  work.  Jacob  L. 
Heleker,  father  of  our  subject,  upon  attaining  to 
manhood,  became  a  contractor  for  railroad  and 
public  work,  at  which  he  continued  for  about 
twenty  years.  In  1850,  he  moved  to  near  White 
Plains,  where  he  lived  until  1877.  He  then  came 
to  this  county,  and  located  on  a  farm  about  four 
miles  southeast  of  Frankfort,  where  he  still  owns  a 
large  tract  of  land.  He  has  now  retired  from 
active  business,  and  with  his  wife  is  living  in  Frank- 
fort. He  was  married  at  Rhinebeck,  N.  Y.,  to 
Miss  Eliza  Kipp,  who  was  like  himself  a  descendant 
from  an  old  Dutch  famiij'.  She  was  raised  near 
Rhinebeck.  She  bore  her  husband  five  children,  all 
boys.  Of  these  children,  John  J.  died  in  June, 
1877,  in  Paradise  Valley,  Humboldt  Co.,  Nev., 
leaving  a  wife,  lormerl}-  31iss  Dora  Stebbins,  and 
two  children  to  mourn  his  loss.  Abraham  died  at 
five  years  of  age,  and  the  remaining  three  sons 
compose    the    firm    above    mentioned.     Mr.  J.  L. 

Heleker  and  his  estimable  wife  are  prominent  and 
consistent  members  of  the  Metliodist  Episcopal 
Church,  and  Mrs.  Heleker  is  an  active  worker  in 
both  church  and  Sunday-shool. 

George  B.  Heleker,  of  whom  we  write,  spent  his 
boyhood  near  White  Plains,  Westchester  Co.,  N 
Y.,  in  the  home  where  he  had  been  born,  tha^ 
event  having  taken  place  Sept.  30,  1861.  He  was 
the  recipient  of  the  educational  advantages  of  both 
common  and  private  schools,  and  became  thor- 
oughly acquainted  with  all  the  Englisb  branches. 
When  sixteen  years  of  age,  he  came  to  this  country' 
with  his  parents,  and  for  two  years  worked  upon 
his  father's  farm.  He  then  taught  school  three 
years  near  Frankfort.  He  afterward  took  charge 
of  the  high  school  department  of  the  Marysville 
school, which  he  held  during  the  3-ears  of  1884-5  and 
1885-6.  He  then  assumed  the  principalship  of  the 
Hanover  public  school,  which  he  retained  until  the 
spring  of  the  present  year,  1889.  He  then  engaged 
activel^y  in  the  work  of  the  firm,  which  had  been 
previously  carried  on  mostly  bj'  his  brothers. 

Our  subject  is  above  the  medium  height,  rather 
slender,  but  well  proportioned,  is  a  decided  blonde, 
having  light  e3^es,  hair  and  mustache.  He  is  of  a 
quiet  nature,  a  man  whose  strength  of  character 
is  shown  in  a  life  of  well  grounded  moral  and  re- 
ligions principles,  and  the  accomplishment  of  a 
great  deal  witliout  noise  or  self-assertion.  In  poli- 
tics his  adherence  is  given  to  the  Republican  party. 
He  is  a  member  of  Star  Lodge  No.  69,  A.  F.  &  A. 
M.  at  Hanover,  and  also  of  Little  Blue  Camp,  No. 
771,  Modern  Woodmen,  in  the  same  town.  The 
remaining  members  of  the  firm  are  in  many  respects 
like  their  brother,  and  all  are  unmarried. 

U^ILSEY  C.  LANE.  The  career  of  this  gen- 
tlemen presents  an  interesting  array  of  in- 
^  „  cidents,  which  have  harmonized  quite  well 
with  his  active  and  stirring  temperament  and  jov- 
ial disposition.  He  is  one  of  those  who  look  upon 
the  bright  side  of  life  usually,  seeking  to  make  the 
most  of  his  opportunities,  extending  its  courtesies 
to  those  around  him.  and  keeping  his  eyes  open  to 



what  is  going  on  in  the  world.  He  was  trained  to 
agricultural  pursuits  from  boyhood,  and  is  famil- 
iarly known  as  the  proprietor  of  the  Lane  Blooded 
Stock  P'arm.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  English 
thoroughbred  horses  and  is  au  expert  horseman, 
in  connection  with  which  industry  he  has  become 
widely  and  favorably  known  throughout  this  reg- 
ion. He  also  breeds  full-blooded  cattle  and  swine, 
and  takes  an  active  interest  in  all  matters  pertain- 
ing to  live  stock,  encourging  the  introduction  of 
better  breeds  of  the  domestic  animals.  He  is  lib- 
eral and  public  spirited,  and  may  usually  be  found 
at  the  front  in  all  public  enterprises,  including  the 
Agricultural  Fair  Association,  which  has  received 
substantial  aid  from  liim. 

During  the  late  Civil  War  Mr.  Lane  made  a  de- 
cided effort  to  assist  in  the  preservation  of  the 
Union.  First  he  raised  a  company  of  which  he 
was  elected  Lieutenant,  but  a  man  who  had  as- 
sisted him  in  this,  desired  the  position,  and  refused 
to  go  as  a  private.  Mr.  Lane  accordingly  volun- 
teered to  change  places  with  him  and  resigned  his 
commission.  At  the  examination,  however,  he  was 
rejected  on  account  of  having  lost  two  fingers. 
Later,  in  1863,  he  crossed  the  plains  with  an  ox- 
team,  and  after  five  months'  travel  landed  in  Mon- 
tana and  went  to  work  in  the  mines.  The  result 
of  ills  labors  not  being  satisfactory,  he  repaired  to 
Salt  Lake  Citj%  and  again  volunteered  as  a  Union 
soldier.  The  only  pay  proffered  him  was  the 
spoils  of  war,  and  these  he  refused  to  accept.  Later 
in  Nevada,  he  attempted  to  enter  the  army  as  a 
teamster,  but  there  seeming  to  be  no  need  of  his 
services,  he  finally  gave  up  the  idea  of  following  a 
soldier's  life. 

Mr.  Lane  now  proceeded  to  San  Francisco,  Cal., 
by  team,  and  thereafter  for  about  eighteen  months 
was  employed  in  a  quartz  mine.  Later  he  began 
breaking  rock  at  $40  per  month,  and  worked  his 
way  up  to  the  position  of  Superintendent  at  8100 
per  month.  He  remained  on  the  Pacific  Slope  un- 
til the  fall  of  1865,  then  set  out  on  his  return  to 
Ottumwa,  making  the  trip  by  waj-  of  the  Isthmus 
of  Panama,  and  New  York  City.  He  engaged  in 
the  grocery  trade  until  1870,  then  removed  his 
stock  of  goods  to  Pawnee  Cit}',  Neb.,  but  soon  af- 
terward sold  out.  and  in  the  fall   of   that  3'ear    es- 

tablished himself  in  the  livery  business,  at  which 
he  was  successful.  In  1881  he  purchased  a  second 
barn,  and  in  due  time  had  thirty-five  head  of  horses, 
with  all  the  necessary  vehicles.  He  also  became 
owner  of  a  good  residence  nicely  located.  In  1885, 
however,  he  sold  out  and  came  to  this  county,  lo- 
cating where  he  now  lives.  His  homestead  em- 
braces a  well-cultivated  farm  of  160  acres,  embrac- 
ing the  northwest  quarter  of  section  2G.  Upon  it 
he  has  erected  a  neat  and  substantial  dwelling, 
with  a  barn  and  other  necessary  outbuildings,  has 
an  abundance  of  fruit  and  shade  trees,  and  all  the 
conveniences  of  modern,  rurfil  life.  His  cattle  are 
all  thoroughbred  Short-horns,  and  the  only  pedi- 
greed animals  in  this  township.  At  the  head  of  his 
herd,  forty  in  number,  is  the  celebrated  "Yora 
Polk."  His  swine  are  the  Poland-Chinas.  His 
English  running  horses  are  numbered  among  the 
finest  animals  produced  in  the  county.  Amono- 
them  is  the  thoroughbred  "Eclipse,"  sired  by  "Col. 
Elsworth,"  dam  "Minnehaha."  This  animal  has 
taken  the  first  premiums  at  the  different  fairs  in 
this  region  and  won  first  money  in  six  races.  "Bes- 
sie L.,"  sired  by  "Eclipse,"  has  taken  six  first 
premiums;  "Maude  L.,"  an  English  thoroughbred, 
has  also  made  a  good  lecord.  Mr.  Lane  has  a 
goodly  number  of  two-year-olds,  one-year-old  and 
colts  of  the  same  stock. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Erie 
County,  Pa..  Jan.  18,  1835,  and  when  nine  years 
of  age  removed  with  his  parents  to  Blorgan  Countv, 
111.,  and  thereafter  lived  in  the  vicinity  of  Wav- 
erly,  111.,  and  at  an  early  age  engaged  as  clerk  in 
a  store.  He  had  received  very  limited  advantages, 
having  no  schooling  to  speak  of,  and  was  obliged 
to  make  his  own  way  in  the  world,  almost  from 
childhood.  After  being  occupied  two  3'ears  as 
above  mentioned  he  embarked  in  business  for  him- 
self, going  out  into  the  country  and  purchasiuo- 
wool,  from  the  sale  of  which  he  realized  very  wood 
profits.  In  1 854  he  took  charge  of  a  general  store 
at  Clares  Grove,  in  Menard  County,  111.,  which  he 
operated  one  year.  In  1 855  he  crossed  the  Mis- 
sissippi, and  at  Dahlonega  was  employed  as  clerk 
in  a  general  store  four  years. 

In  the  meantime  our  subject  was  married,  Jan. 
16,  1859,  to  Miss  Elizalieth   A.    Rickett,   who    was 



born  in  Gallipolis.  Ohio.  The  year  following  he 
commenced  farming  and  followed  the  trade  of  ma- 
son and  plasterer,  which  he  had  learned  early  in 
life  under  the  instruction  of  his  father.  This  oc- 
cupied him  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War. 
His  subsequent  course  we  have  already  indicated. 
To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lane  there  have  been  born  three 
sons:  George  M.,  Fred  C.  an^l  Lysander  D..  all  of 
whom  are  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mrs.  Lane 
is  a  very  estimable  lady  and  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Christian  Church.  Our  subject, 
politically,  votes  the  Democratic  ticket,  and  so- 
cially, belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity  and  the 
K.  of  P.  at  Vermillion.  In  the  latter  he  has  held 
the  office  of  Chancellor  Commander. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  M.  M.  Lane,  a  na- 
tive of  New  York  State,  and  the  son  of  Emor  Lane, 
who  was  born  in  England  and  emigrated  to  Amer- 
ica in  time  to  participate  in  the  War  of  1812.  He 
was  located  for  a  time  in  New  York  State,  but 
later  removed  to  the  vicinity  of  Kalamazoo,  Mich., 
where  he  spent  his  last  days.  The  father  of  our 
subject  was  the  eldest  of  a  family  of  twenty-one 
children,  and  was  reared  mostly  in  Penns3'lvania. 
Eai-ly  in  life  he  learned  the  trade  of  a  briekmason 
and  plasterer,  and  located  at  Erie,  wliere  he  oper- 
ated as  a  contractor  and  builder  and  remained  un- 
til 1844.  He  then  removed  to  Morgan  County, 
111.,  settling  in  Waverlj',  but  after  a  few  jears 
crossed  the  Mississippi  and  established  himself  at 
Ottumwa,  Iowa.  In  this  latter  place  he  engaged 
in  general  merchandising  and  lived  there  until  1881. 
He  is  now  living  on  a  small  farm  in  the  vicinity  of 
Ottumwa,  and  has  arrived  at  the  advanced  age  of 
eighty-one  years.  Politically,  he  is  a  Democrat, 
and  religiously,  belongs  to  the  Christian  Church, 
in  which  he  has  been  an  Elder  for  a  number  of 
years.  He  also  holds  the  office  of  Justice  of  the 
Peace.  He  was  for  twelve  years  the  Postmaster  of 
Dahlonega,  Iowa. 

Mi-s.  Caroline  (Wooley)  Lane  was  likewise  a  na- 
tive of  New  York  State,  and  the  daughter  of  P.  S. 
Wooley,  who  vvas  also  born  there.  He  served  in 
the  War  of  1812  and  was  wounded  in  the  hip.  Hy 
trade  he  was  a  wheelwright  and  carpenter,  and  af- 
ter the  war  closed  removed  to  Erie  County.  Pa., 
wlicre  he  cleared  a  large  tract  of  land  and  spent  his 

last  days.  His  daughter.  Caroline,  was  reared  to 
womanhood  in  the  Keystone  State.  She  accom- 
panied her  husband  to  Iowa,  and  died  there  in 
September,  1888,  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty- 
three  years.  The  parental  household  included  six 
children,  namely:  Lysander,  a  resident  of  Wapello 
County,  Iowa;  Wilsey  C,  our  subject;  Amanda,  a 
resident  of  Colorado:  Perry  and  Mary  deceased, 
and  Morgan,  a  practicing  physician  of  "WXyies- 
ville,  Mo.;  the  latter  during  the  Civil  War  enlisted 
in  the  18th  Iowa  Infantry  at  the  age  of  fifteen 
years  as  drummer  boy,  and  received  his  honorable 
discharge  at  the  close  of  the  war  as  Drum  Major. 

AVID  SMITH,  of  Murray  Township,  is 
numbered  among  its  leading  land  owners, 
being  the  proprietor  of  480  liroad  acres, 
320  of  which,  comprising  the  homestead, 
being  located  on  section  11.  He  has  lived  on  this 
farm  since  1863,  redeeming  it  from  a  wild  and  un- 
cultivated tract  of  land,  bringing  the  soil  to  a  good 
state  of  cultivation  and  erecting  upon  it  neat  and 
substantial  buildings.  His  career  has  been  marked 
l3y  that  persistent  industry'  and  resolution  whiLh 
seldom  fail  of  their  reward. 

Ml".  Smith  came  to  this  county  in  1861,  and  for 
two  years  thereafter  was  a  resident  of  St.  Bridget 
Township.  In  July,  1862,  he  took  the  station  of 
the  Ben  Holidaj-  Stage  Line,  which  was  located 
where  his  home  now  stands,  on  Little  Vermillion 
Creek,  and  he  kept  this  station  three  j-ears,  being 
very  successful  financially.  In  the  meantime  he 
entered  160  acres  of  land  in  Murray  Township,  and 
the  same  amount  in  Nemalia  County,  the  latter  lie- 
ing  located  on  either  side  of  Clear  Creek,  and 
admirably  adapted  to  stock  purposes.  There  was 
for  several  years  no  trading  point  nearer  than  Sen- 
eca, twelve  miles  away,  and  Mr.  Smith  for  two  years 
thereafter  was  the  onl}'  settler  in  IMurray  Town- 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Switzerland  County. 
Ind..  Feb.  28,  1832,  and  is  the  son  of  James  Smitli, 
a  native  of  North  Carolina,  and  who  was  a  farmer 
by  occupation.     The  latter  remained  a  resident  of 



liis  native  countj^  until  reaching  manhood,  and  was 
then  manLed  to  Miss  Nancy  Vernon,  who  was  like- 
wise a  native  of  North  Carolina,  and  born  in  Rock- 
ingham County.  Her  parents  were  Southerners, 
and  of  Englisli  aneestr3^  After  marriage  James 
Smith  and  his  wife  remained  residents  of  their  na- 
tive county  until  after  the  birth  of  six  children. 
They  then  removed  to  Shelby  County,  Ind.,  set- 
tling in  the  unbroken  wilderness  of  that  region,  as 
early  as  1830,  and  building  up  a  home  amid  the 
timber,  through  the  slow  process  of  felling  trees, 
grubbing  out  the  stumps  and  laboriously  preparing 
the  soil  for  cultivation.  There  they  spent  the  re- 
mainder of  their  lives,  the  father  dying  at  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eight3'-six.  The  mother  survived 
her  husband  some  time,  and  passed  away  at  the  age 
of  eightj'-five. 

Our  subject  was  the  seventh  child  and  fifth  son 
of  his  parents,  and  the  first  one  of  the  family'  l)orn 
in  Indiana.  Of  the  thirteen  children,  ten  lived  to 
became  men  and  women,  and  nearly  all  were  married 
and  became  parents.  Seven  are  yet  living  and  are 
located  mostly  in  Indiana.  David,  like  his  brothers 
and  sisters,  was  reared  on  the  farm,  and  received  a 
very  limited  education.  He  attained  to  manhood 
in  his  native  county  in  Indiana,  and  was  there  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Pjmil^'  Shocklej'.  This  lady  was  born 
and  reared  iu  Hancock  Count}',  Ind.,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Samuel  and  Nancy  (Murnan)  Shock- 
ley,  who  were  early  settlers  of  that  region.  They 
came  to  Kansas  in  1861,  and  settled  on  a  farm  in 
St.  Bridget  Township,  where  they  spent  the  remain- 
der of  their  lives.  Mr.  Shockley  died  at  the  age 
of  fifty-six  j-ears.  He  had  been  prominent  in  lo- 
cal affairs,  and  in  the  years  1857-58,  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Indiana  Legislature,  to  which  he  was 
elected  by  the  Democratic  party.  To  this  party  he 
had  given  his  allegiance  since  becoming  a  voter. 
The  mother  survived  her  husband  a  number  of 
years,  passing  away  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  seventy- 

Mrs.  Smith  was  carefully  reared  by  her  excel- 
lent parents,  and  received  her  education  in  the  dis- 
trict school.  She  grew  up  to  an  amiable  and 
attractive  womanhood,  and  by  her  marriage  with 
our  subject  has  become  the  mother  of  ten  children, 
four  of  whom  are  deceased,  nameh':  James  B.,  who 

died  when  he  was  a  promising  j'oung  man  of  twenty 
years;  Anna  J.,  who  died  when  four  years  old; 
Charles  A.,  who  died  when  a  child  of  twi.  years,  and 
Nancy  L.,  who  became  the  wife  of  Charles  Phillips, 
and  died  seven  montlis  after  her  wedding.  The  sur- 
vivors are  recorded  as  follows:  Amanda  F.  was 
formerly  a  teacher,  but  is  now  the  Postmistress  of 
Axtell.  John  D.  is  the  assistant  of  his  sister  in  the 
post-office,  and  makes  his  home  with  his  parents; 
Sarah  E.  is  the  wife  of  S.  B.  Funk,  and  resides  on 
a  farm  in  Murray  Township ;  Harry  B.,  Mary  and 
Thomas  H.  are  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mrs. 
Smith  and  several  of  her  children  are  connected 
with  the  Methodist  Church.  Our  subject,  politic- 
ally, like  his  father  before  him,  votes  with  the 
Democratic  party. 

W       YMAN  W.  CHESLEY,  formerly  a  teacher 

I  ((^  *^^  "*^^®  ''*^''''  '"  ''''^^  county  as  well  as  in  the 
JJ^^  East,  some  years  ago  retired  from  that  pro- 
fession to  follow  agricultural  pursuits.  He  owns  a 
farm  of  120  acres  on  section  26,  Vermillion  Town- 
ship, and  has  a  comfortable  stone  residence  and 
necessary  outbuildings.  The  land  lays  fine!}-,  and 
is  very  fertile,  and  was  purchased  iu  1873.  Mr. 
Chesley  is  interested  in  all  affairs  of  State  and  Na- 
tional moment,  and  votes  the  Republican  ticket. 
His  official  record  will  bear  the  closest  scrutiny,  and 
the  most  minute  inspection,  as  the  interests  of  his 
county  are  ever  uppermost  in  his  mind,  and  while 
economic  and  prudential  in  all  measures,  he  yet 
favors  anything  that  will  aid  the  local  government. 
For  three  years  he  has  been  Township  Trustee  of 
Vermillion  Township,  a  position  he  yet  retains. 

Born  Dec.  23, 1 838,  in  Barnstead,  N.  II.,  our  sub- 
ject was  the  fifth  of  seven  sons  and  one  daughter 
born  to  Benjamin  and  Sarah  (Bodge)  Chesley,  both 
natives  of  the  old  Granite  State,  where  the  father 
was  a  tiller  of  the  soil.  The  grandfather  of  Lyman 
Chesley,  was  Aaron  Chesley,  also  born  in  New  Hamp- 
shire, and  a  farmer.  The  remote  ancestors  on  this 
side  of  the  house  came  from  England  in  1640,  and 
were  early  settlers  of  New  Hampshire.  Aaron 
Chesley    married,    and    there    graduall}-    gathered 



around  his  fireside  a  family  of  seven  children,  all 
now  passed  to  rest.  They  were:  George,  Aaron, 
Benjamin,  the  father  of  our  subject,  Eleazer,  Ruth, 
Mary,  and  Eliza.  When  Benjamin  had  attained  to 
years  of  maturity,  he  married  Miss  Sarah  Bodge, 
daughter  of  Daniel  and  Eliza  Bodge,  and  a  descen- 
dant of  an  old  New  England  family  of  English 

Working  thus  with  mutual  interests  and  ambi- 
tions, Benjamin  and  Sarah  Chesley  lived  in  quiet 
happiness  and  content  in  their  New  Hampshire 
home,  which  nestled  in  a  pleasant  little  valley  on 
the  banks  of  the  Suncook  River.  In  due  time  the 
quiet  of  their  home  was  disturbed  by  the  presence 
of  seven  rollicking,  healthy,  fun-loving  boys,  among 
whom  the  one  daughter  was  the  pet  and  idol.  Their 
children  were:  Aaron,  the  grandfather's  name-sake, 
Daniel,  Mary  A.,  John  D.,  Benjamin  F.,  Lyman  W., 
Charles,  and  Calvin.  Aaron  enlisted  in  the  United 
States  Navy,  and  served  under  Farragut  at  New 
Orleans.  W^hile  on  duty  on  the  war-ship  "San 
Jacinto,"  he  was  accidentally  drowned  in  Charles- 
ton, (Mass.)  harbor  during  the  month  of  October, 
1862.  He  was  thirty -three  j'ears  old  at  the  time 
of  his  death,  and  unmarried.  The  second  son, 
Daniel,  is  a  farmer  near  Barnstead,  N.  H.  He  is 
married  and  has  a  family.  The  only  daughter, 
Mary,  married  George  F.  Killam,  who  passed  away 
twentj'-six  years  ago,  leaving  her  a  childless  widow. 
Her  present  home  is  in  Lawrence,  this  State.  John 
B.  is  engaged  in  farming  near  Barnstead,  N.  H.; 
Benjamin  F.  is  also  a  resident  of  the  Granite  State; 
Charles  enlisted  in  the  2d  Colorado  Cavalry,  and 
was  killed  in  the  month  of  October,  1864,  at  the 
battle  of  Newtonia,  Mo.,  an  engagement  fought  be- 
tween the  Federal  forces  under  Gen.  Blunt,  and 
the  Confederates  under  the  leadership  .of  Sterling 
Price.  The  youngest  child  in  this  family,  Calvin, 
who  was  engaged  in  the  practice  of  dentistry  in 
Barnstead,  N.  II.,  died  Sept.  28,  1889. 

Passing  the  days  of  boyhood  on  his  father's  farm, 
our  subject  can  peruse  with  all  the  interest  and  en- 
thusiasm of  youth  itself,  that  beautiful  little  poem, 
"The  Barefoot  Boy."  Fortune  seemed  to  favor 
our  subject  in  some  respects,  for  he  gained  what  in 
those  days  was  granted  to  few.  a  good  education, 
taking  an  academic  course  at  the  Blanchard    Aca- 

demy, in  Pembroke,  N.  H.  Leaving  New  England 
soil  when  he  became  of  age,  in  1859,  New  Jersey- 
was  for  a  time  his  home,  and  the  scene  of  his  labors. 
He  was  no  idler  in  the  vineyard,  but  for  four  years 
was  actively  engaged  as  a  teacher  near  Patterson, 
N.  J. 

Coming  West  in  1864,  Mr.  Cheslej'  spent  some 
time  in  Western  Mi.ssouri  and  in  Lawrence,  Kan. 
He  finally  settled  in  Marshall  County,  in  1867,  and 
taught  school  several  years  in  the  neighborhood  of 
his  present  residence.  For  a  few  years  he  was  with- 
out home  ties,  but  in  1873  chose  a  wife,  and  on 
May  13,  that  year,  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Jennie  Morrison,  daughter  of  William  and 
Margaret  Morrison,  residents  of  Frankfort.  Four 
of  the  five  children  born  to  our  subject  and  his 
wife,  are  living,  namely:  Nellie,  Myrtie,  Charles, 
and  Koester.  The  third  child  and  eldest  son, 
George  K.,  died  when  one  year  old.  For  only  a 
few  years,  was  it  granted  that  the  faithful  compan- 
ion and  loving  mother  should  be  spared  to  those 
who  needed  her  care  and  love.  May  4,  1887  was 
the  date  of  her  death.  Mr.  Chesley  was  thus  de- 
prived of  the  one  nearest  to  him,  the  faithful 
friend,  the  loving  wife,  and  the  active  co-laborer 
ever  at  his  side.  Society  too,  sustained  a  loss,  and 
had  a  vacant  place  difficult  to  liil,  while  tiie  poor 
and  need}'  missed  their  s^'mpathizing  and  helpful 

,^^  AMUEL  D.  McKEE,  lawyer  and  real  es- 
^^^  tate  dealer  in  Frankfort,  is  one  of  its  best 
Iv^l^)  known  citizens.  He  was  born  in  Tusca- 
rawas Count.y,  Ohio,  April  17,  1831.  His 
grandfather,  James  McKee,  a  native  of  Ireland,  died 
at  New  Cumberland,  in  1864,  aged  sevcntj'-seven. 
His  wife  died  three  years  later  at  the  same  age. 
Their  son  Robert,  father  of  our  subject,  formed 
one  of  a  family  of  six  children,  and  was  reared 
upon  the  farm.  He  was  married,  in  Hagerstown, 
Md.,  to  Sarah  Dunlap,  a  native  of  Ohio,  and 
daughter  of  Samuel  Dunlap,  of  German  descent.  He 
made  farming  his  life  work,  but  engaged  for  a 
short  time  in  mercantile  business.  He  also  learned 
cabinet-making,  at  wiiich    he  worked  in  connection 



with  fanning.  He  was  for  several  years  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  and  County  Commissioner  of  Craw- 
ford Count}',  Ohio.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church.  In  his  earlier  3' ears  he  belonged 
to  the  Whig  party,  and  after  its  abolition  was  a 
Repablican.  He  had  a  family  of  ten  children,  of 
whom  our  subject  was  the  second.  Alfred  is  a 
a  farmer,  and,  with  liis  family,  is  now  living  in 
Westmoreland,  Kan.;  Ann  died  before  attaining 
the  age  of  twenty  years;  James  and  iiis  family  re- 
side in  Allen  Countj',  Ohio,  where  he  is  engaged 
in  farming;  Robert  W.  is  a  retired  farmer,  who, 
with  his  wife  and  children,  resides  in  Ft.  Wayne, 
Ind.;  Jane  is  the  wife  of  John  Caldwell,  whose 
sketch  occupies  another  page  of  this  Album,  and 
lives  southwest  of  Frankfort;  John  C.  was  engaged 
in  mining  at  Crystal  Spring,  Colo.,  where  he  died 
in  1880,. being  about  thirty-five  j-ears  of  age  and 
unmarried;  Leonard  Y.  is  cashier  of  the  State 
Bank  of  Frankfort;  he  was  Mayor  of  the  city  in 
1887,  and  has  been  Clerk,  Treasurer,  Assessor,  and 
Trustee  of  Rock  Township,  in  which  he  resided 
for  several  years;  he  married  Miss  Jane  B.  Blaire, 
a  native  of  Ohio.  Leeta  is  the  wife  of  I.  M.  Bloom- 
quist,  who  is  engaged  in  tailoring  in  Frankfort; 
they  have  no  children;  Martha  was  the  wife  of 
Daniel  Schaaf,  -ind  died  in  1878. 

Our  subject  was  reared  on  a  farm,  and  remained 
in  agricultural  employments  until  twenty  five  3rears 
of  age.  He  then  engaged  in  general  merchandis- 
ing in  Beaver  Dam,  Ohio,  in  which  business  he 
continued  four  years.  He  also  ran  a  sawmill  dur- 
ing that  time.  In  August,  1864,  he  enlisted  in  the 
100-day  service,  joining  Company  E,  1.57th  Ohio 
Infantry,  and  was  on  dut^'  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
He  was  Captain  of  his  company,  in  which  his 
brother,  R.  W.,  was  a  corporal,  L.  V.,  a  private, 
and  A.  J.,  First  .Sergeant. 

In  1871  our  subject  came  to  Frankfort,  where  he 
began  the  study  of  law,  and  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  in  1878.  He  practices  in  all  the  courts,  both 
State  and  United  States.  For  several  3'ears  before 
his  admission  to  the  bar  he  was  engaged  in  collec- 
tions and  real  estate  business,  which  he  still  carries 
on  in  connection  with  his  legal  practice. 

Mr.  McKee  was  married,  in  Beaver  Dam,  Ohio, 
Aug.  9,  1854,   to    Miss    Cynthia   Ann   Edgecotnb. 

She  and  her  parents  were  natives  of  the  Buckeye 
State.  She  died  Oct.  31,  1864,  in  Beaver  Dara. 
She  had  been  the  mother  of  five  children:  Will- 
iam, who  died  in  infancy  in  1856,  and  a  son  and 
three  daughters  who  survive  to  mourn  her  loss. 
Charles  E.  married  Miss  Frances  McCannon,  and  is 
engaged  in  the  butcher  business  in  Frankfort; 
Martha  A.  is  the  wife  of  Henry  W.  Hawk,  of 
Frankfort,  and  the  mother  of  two  children;  Sarah 
J.,  wife  of  Edward  Davis,  a  miller,  of  Concordia, 
has  four  children;  Emma  married  A.  D.  Hall,  who 
is  engaged  in  the  livery  business  at  Bluffton,  Ohio, 
and  has  one  child. 

The  second  wife  of  our  subject  was  Rosanna, 
daughter  of  James  Reeves,  to  whom  he  was  mar- 
ried, at  Sima  Dam,  Sept.  18,  1865.  She  bore  him 
one  child,  Ammadilla,  who  died  at  the  age  of  fif- 
teen years.  Oct.  18,  1869,  Mr.  McKee  was  a  third 
time  married,  the  bride  being  Emma  J.,  daughter 
of  Willis  Bird.  She  bore  her  husband  five  chil- 
dren. Lillian  and  one  unnamed  died  in  infancy; 
Ellen,  Samuel  and  Ada  E.  are  still  at  home. 

Mr.  McKee  has  been  a  member  since  1862  of 
Frankfort  Lodge  No.  67.  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  has 
been  a  Republican  ever  since  there  was  such  a 
party,  and  has  been  delegate  to  the  county  con- 
ventions and  member  of  county  Central  Commit- 
tees. He  has  been  very  prominent  in  municipal 
affairs,  having  been  City  Clerk  for  four  years  and 
City  Attorney  for  the  same  period.  He  is  a  man  of 
shrewdness  in  business,  with  an  intelligent  and  legal 
mind,  firm  principles,  and  is  a  man  of  mark  in  the 
city  which  he  has  made  his  home. 

^5 ^^ 5^ 

^^ATRICK  HUGHES,  the  owner  of  620  acres 
Jj]  of  fine  land  in  St.  Bridget  Township,  came 
to  this  region  about  thirty-two  years  ago 
Ji  when  there  was  not  a  settler  between  his 
present  place  and  Big  Blue,  a  distance  of  eighteen 
miles.  He  expected  then  to  have  the  range  to 
himself  for  all  time  to  come,  as  he  never  supposed 
that  it  would  be  settled  up,  at  least  during  his  life- 
time. The  traveler  in  going  over  this  portion  of 
the  countr}-  now  encounters  a  series  of   well-de- 



veloped  farms  and  all  the  evidences  of  civilizatioD. 
There  was  no  market  for  produce  and  consequentl}- 
no  hard  cash  in  the  pocket  of  the  pioneers  from 
this  source.  When  in  need  of  mone^-,  he  and 
others  repaired  to  the  river  to  work  in  order  to  get 
cash  with  which  to  purchase  the  necessary  articles 
of  food  and  clothing.  Mr.  Hughes  experienced  all 
the  dangers  and  difficulties  of  life  on  the  frontier 
and  has  lived  to  witness  the  changes,  which  if  re- 
lated as  they  occurred,  would  make  a  story  stranger 
than  fiction. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  County 
Gal  way,  Ireland,  March  17.  1827.  His  parents 
were  James  and  Biidget  fScarrett)  Hughes,  the 
former  of  whom  spent  his  entire,  life  in  his  native 
Ireland,  dying  about  forty-five  years  ago.  Patrick 
emigrated  to  America  when  twenty-two  years  old, 
fort}-  years  ago,  preceding  his  two  brothers,  James 
and  Michael.  From  New  York  city  he  emigrated 
to  the  vicinit}'  of  Crawfordsville,  Ind.,  where  he 
was  emploj^ed  on  tiie  railroad  for  a  while  and  then 
found  work  in  a  packing  house.  The  money  which 
he  thus  earned  he  sent  to  his  mother  in  Ireland  to 
pa3'  her  passage  and  that  of  his  brother  and  sister, 
to  America.  The  mother  is  still  living  and  makes 
her  home  with  the  sister  in  Nebraska,  a  few  miles 
north  of  the  farm  of  our  subject;  she  has  now 
reached  the  advanced  age  of  eighty  years. 

While  a  resident  of  Crawfordsville,  Tnd.,  Mr. 
Hughes  was  married  Feb.  7,  1854,  to  Miss  Mary, 
daughter  of  John  Couuell,  of  County  Galway. 
Ireland,  where  the  latter  lived  and  died.  About 
two  years  after  their  marriage,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hughes 
in  the  winter  of  1856,  took  up  their  abode  in  Leav- 
enworth, where  our  subject  for  two  summers  em- 
plo}'ed  himself  as  a  laborer  and  thus  earned  money 
with  which  to  secure  his  land,  for  which  he  paid 
$1.25  per  acre.  He  moved  upon  his  present  place 
with  his  little  famil^^  in  1858  permanently,  having 
prior  to  this  time  removed  several  times  back  and 
forth.  He  lived  upon  his  original  purchase,  north 
of  the  St.  Bridget  Church,  about  ten  years,  then 
sold  out  his  property  on  section  11,  and  purchased 
school  land  on  section  16,  this  being  now  his  home- 
stead. He  assisted  in  the  organization  of  St. 
Bridget  Church,  also  in  the  erection  of  the  church 
edifice,  quarrying   much   of    the  rock  with  his  own 

hands  on  his  own  farm,  upon  which  is  some  of  the 
finest  stone  for  building  purposes  in  this  locality. 
This  is  now  leased  to  a  part}'  of  Kansas  Cit}-  men 
and  he  realizes  handsome  profits.  His  dwelling  is 
built  of  the  same  material  and  forms  a  substantial 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hughes  have  eight  children  living, 
all  of  whom,  with  the  exception  of  the  eldest,  were 
born  in  Kansas.  James  is  unmarried  and  remains 
at  home  with  his  parents;  Margaret  is  the  wife  of  Joe 
Duncan,  of  Leavenworth,  where  Mr.  Duncan  is  em- 
ployed in  the  wholesale  grocery  store  of  Putnam  & 
Taylor,  with  which  firm  he  has  been  for  the  last 
seven  years.  He  in  the  meantime  has  purchased 
eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  22,  St.  Bridget 
Township,  where  he  purposes  removing  in  the 
spring  of  1890.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duncan  are  the 
parents  of  one  boy.  Miss  Kate  Hughes,  an  accom- 
plished 30ung  lady,  is  in  the  employ  of  the  Union 
Pacific  Railroad  Companj',  at  Evanston,  Wyo.  Ter. 
Marj'  Ann  remains  under  the  parental  roof.  Ellen 
is  married  and  lives  near  Grand  Island,  Neb. 
Patrick,  Jr.,  John  and  Norah,  remain  with  their 
parents.  Mr.  Hughes,  politically  is  a  stanch  Dem- 
ocrat, and  in  religion  is  a  member  of  St.  Bridget 
Catholic  Church. 


«  IfclLLIAM  ACKER.  The  subject  of  para- 
\/sJl'  Jiioi^'it  importance  to  the  inhabitants  of 
WW  any  country  is  that  of  schools,  and  those 
having  charge  of  them,  and  we  think  we  are  borne 
out  by  the  facts  in  the  case,  when  we  affirm  that 
the  early  settlers  of  the  West,  at  their  very  first  op- 
portunity established  as  excellent  a  school  system 
as  was  possible,  when  the  circumstances  and  avail- 
able material  are  considered.  It  gives  us  pleasure 
to  sketch  the  leading  incidents  in  the  career  of  an}- 
one  to  whom  the  instruction  and  care  of  those  of  ten- 
der years  is  given.  Mr.  Acker  was  elected  to  the 
responsible  position  of  Superintendent  of  Public 
Instruction  of  Marshall  County,  in  the  fall  of 

Mr.  Acker  born    in  Seneca,  Kan..  JIarch  19, 
1862,  and  when  only  four  years  old  came  to  Noble 

Re5.  of  Jacob  Mohrbacher.^ec.IS.  Elm  Creek  Township. 

<;;?  O"    'CeS' 

Residence  OF  Esq.  August  FRftHM^WATERviuE,  Kan. 



Township,  Marshall  County,  where  his  adopted 
father,  Deles  W.  Acker,  engaged  in  farming  and 
brickmaking.  On  the  farm  William  Acker  passed 
his  youthful  da3fs,  finisliing  his  education  at  the 
Kansas  Normal  School,  situated  at  Paoli, being  grad- 
uated in  the  class  of  1883.  He  had  already  turned 
bis  attention  to  teaching,  and  after  his  graduation 
resumed  this  vocation.  The  following  j-ear  he 
taught  at  America  City,  Nemaha  County,  this 
State,  afterward  accepting  a  position  in  the  gram- 
mar department  of  Marysville  school,  and  was  suc- 
cessively Principal  of  the  Axtell,  Logan  and 
Walerville  schools.  Upon  leaving  the  latter  school 
he  was  elected  to  his  present  oflice. 

This  is  Mr.  Acker's  first  political  venture,  he  hav- 
ing been  nominated  by  the  Republican  part}-,  of 
which  he  is  a  prominent  member.  He  is  a  young- 
man  of  more  than  ordinary  ability  and  of  high 
moral  character — one  peculiarly  fitted  for  the  high 
position  which  he  occupies.  Sciiolarly  in  a  supe- 
rior degree,  with  the  experience  and  peculiar  tact 
which  the  successful  educator  needs,  Mr.  Acker 
is  in  a  fair  way  to  reach  the  lofty  heights  to  which 
a  well  directed  ambition  can  point.  Mr.  Acker  is 
a  member  of  the  Masonic  Lodge,  No.  234,  of  Ax- 
tell, and  M.  W.  A.,  and  Lodge  of  Perfection,  Scot- 
tish Rites,  of  Marysville. 

It  may  be  well  to  note  a  brief  outline  of  the 
history  of  Mr.  Acker's  parents.  His  father  was 
John  Spencer,  a  native  of  Indiana,  but  who  came 
to  Kansas  at  an  early  day  and  there  married  Miss 
Ellen  Smith.  William  was  their  only  child,  and 
when  he  was  about  three  j'ears  old  his  mother  died 
at  Seneca,  Kan.,  where  the  family  were  living. 
Soon  after,  his  father,  who  was  a  farmer  by  occupa- 
tion, was  killed  by  the  upsetting  of  a  stage.  Thus 
William  at  a  tender  age  was  left  an  orphan,  but, 
unlike  many  others,  became  the  possessor  of  a  good 
home  and  excellent  advantages  through  his  adop- 
tion by  Mr.  Acker  of  Noble  Township. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  united  in  mar- 
riage, Sept.  7,  1887,  to  Miss  Ellen  Sheridan,  who 
had  been  engaged  in  teaching  school  at  Marysville 
for  the  previous  five  years.  Miss  Sheridan  is  a  na- 
tive 'of  Miami  County,  Kan.,  having  been  born 
June  27,  1861,  and  making  her  home  in  that 
county    until    nineteen    years   of  age.      She    is    a 

daughter  of  William  D.  Sheridan,  who  was  born 
in  Armstrong  County,  Pa.,  and  married  Miss  Ma- 
linda  McLafferty.  Mr.  Sheridan  moved  to  Kan  ■ 
sas  in  1857,  and  followed  the  occupation  of  a 
farmer.  But  after  remaining  there  a  few  years  he 
removed  to  Wisconsin  and  Pennsylvania,  Ijut 
finally  returned  to  Miami  County,  in  1868.  He 
now,  with  his  wife,  is  a  resident;of  Gage  Count3r, 



HILO  D.  HA.RTMAN,  editor  of  the  True 
I  Republican,  of  Marysville,  has  been  a  resi- 

Tdent  of  Kansas  for  the  past  twenty  years. 
He  is  a  native  of  DeKalb  County,  111., 
where  he  was  born  Jul^'  1 1 ,  1841,  his  parents  being 
Elias  and  Almira  (Churchill)  Hartman.  The  father 
was  a  native  of  Luzerne  County,  Pa.,  and  in  his 
youth  was  an  employe  on  the  then  famous  Erie 
Canal  in  New  York  State.  In  1833  he  decided  to 
remove  West,  and  in  that  year  arrived  at  Chi- 
cago, 111.,  among  the  earliest  visitors  to  that  place. 
There  was  then  but  one  frame  house  there,  and 
nothing  to  indicate  its  future  greatness.  He  stayed 
there  but  a  brief  period,  refusing  an  offer  of  eighty 
acres  of  land  in  what  is  now  the  heart  of  the  city, 
in  exchange  for  a  team  of  Indian  ponies,  wliich  at 
the  time  were  sunk  in  the  mire,  the  would-be  trader 
offering  to  take  his  own  risk  in  getting  them  out, 
so  little  value  at  that  time  was  set  upon  the  land. 
Refusing  the  offer,  Mr.  Hartman  extricated  the 
ponies,  and  continued  his  journey  sixty-one  miles 
West.  He  traded  his  team  for  a  land  claim  of  160 
acres,  in  what  was  called  the  Ohio  Grove  settle- 
ment on  the  Kishwaukee  Creek.  There  he  made 
his  home  for  a  good  many  years,  dying  at  Syca- 
more, four  miles  from  where  he  first  settled,  in 
March,  1887,  at  the  age  of  seventy -seven  years. 
In  1851  he  had  removed  to  Sycamore,  and  engaged 
in  the  mercantile  business,  in  which  he  continued 
until  the  panic  of  1857,  when  he  sold  out  to  his 
partner,  and  went  back  to  his  farm.  He  remained 
there  until  1867,  when  he  traded  for  a  hotel  in 
Cortland,  which  he  conducted  for  three  years.  He 
then  gave  up  active  business  life,  and  going  back 
to  Sycamore,  spent  the  rest  of  l)is  days  there.      He 



was  a  man  of  active  business  mind,  and  ready  to 
seize  the  opportunity  to  add  to  his  means.  As 
soon  as  he  had  made  a  small  beginning  in  DeKalb 
County,  he  began  buying  and  improving  land,  and 
selling  out  piece  by  piece  only  to  repeat  the  opera- 
tion. In  this  way  he  accumulated  considerable 
means,  and  during  his  later  years,  was  in  comfort- 
able circumstances,  although  he  had  only  his  team 
and  wagon  as  capital,  when  he  arrived  in  DeKalb 
County.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church, 
and  was  known  as  a  strictly  upright  man,  whose 
word  was  as  good  as  a  note,  and  he  had  the  respect 
and  esteem  of  every  one  who  knew  him. 

I]lias  Hartman  was  a  single  man  when  he  came 
West.  In  1838  he  was  married  at  Ohio  Grove,  to 
Almira  Churchill,  who  is  now  living  with  a  mar- 
ried daughter  in  Sycamore.  She  was  born  in  Gen- 
esee County,  N.  Y.,  in  1820,  and  had  removed  to 
Illinois  with  her  parents  in  1835,  they  being  among 
liie  pioneers  of  DeKalb  County.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Hartman  had  sis  children,  the  eldest  of  whom, 
Hiram  Delos,  died  at  the  age  of  eight  years.  The 
survivors  are:  Philo  D. ;  Mary,  wife  of  C.  W.  Hunt, 
a  commercial  traveler,  whose  home  is  in  Council 
Bluffs.  Iowa;  Rosetta  M..  who  has  been  twice  mar- 
ried, first  to  Alonzo  Joslin,  after  whose  decease 
she  was  married  to  Heury  Briggs,  a  farmer  in  De- 
Kalb County,  111.;  David  W.,  editor  and  publisher 
of  the  Genoa  Issue,  at  Genoa,  111.,  of  which  place 
he  is  also  Postmaster;  and  Delia  M.,  who  is  mar- 
ried to  .John  M.  Kenyon,  an  attorney  at  law  at 

Philo  D.  Hartman  was  about  ten  years  old  when 
his  parents  removed  to  S3'camore,  where  he  at- 
tended the  common  and  High  Schools,  completing 
his  education  in  a  select  school  at  that  place.  When 
but  fifteen  years  old,  he  left  school  of  his  own  ac- 
cord In  order  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  printer.  He 
entered  the  office  of  the  True  Republican,  and 
there  he  stayed  until  the  failure  of  the  concern, 
when  he  turned  his  attention  to  the  trade  of  a  tin- 
ner, at  which  he  was  engaged  at  the  outbreak  of 
the  war.  Inspired  by  patriotism,  he  at  once  re- 
sponded to  the  first  call  for  troops,  and  three  days 
.after  the  firing  on  Ft.  Sumter,  on  April  18,  1861, 
he  enlisted  in  the  first  compsiny  which  left  Syca- 
more.    Tliev  went  into  camp  at   Dixon,    111.     and 

were  mustered  into  United  States  service  on  May 
24,  1861,  as  Company  F,  of  the  ISth  Illinois  Infan- 
try. Thej'  were  enlisted  for  three  years,  or  during 
the  war,  being  the  first  regiment  from  Illinois  to 
be  mustered  in  for  that  length  of  time.  They  were 
at  first  attached  to  the  army  of  the  Southwest  un^ 
der  Gen.  John  C.  Fremont;  were  afterward  trans- 
ferred to  the  aruij'  of  the  Tennessee,  and  finally 
became  a  part  of  the  army  of  the  Cumberhand. 
They  took  part  in  the  engagements  at  Wet  Glaize, 
Mo.,  Oct.  14,  1861;  Lynn  Creek,  Mo.,  Oct.  16, 
1861;  Chickasaw  Bayou,  Dec.  27  and  28,  1862, 
where  their  commander.  Col.  John  B.  Wj'man,  was 
killed;  Arkansas  Post,  Jan.  11,  1863;  Deer  Creek, 
April  7,  1863;  Black  Bayou,  April  10,1863;  .Jack- 
son, Miss.,  May  14,  1863;  siege  of  Vicksburg,  May 
18,  to  July  4,  1863;  siege  of  .Jackson,  Miss.,  July 
10  to  16,  1863,  and  Brandon,  Miss.,  July  19,  1863. 
In  all  of  those  general  engagements,  and  in  all 
their  marches  and  toils,  Mr.  Hartman  took  his  part, 
and  was  fortunate  in  escaping  wounds,  but  was  a 
victim  of  rheumatism  contracted  bj'  exposure. 
For  many  months  he  had  no  use  of  his  right  arm, 
which  has  ever  since  been  in  a  measure  disabled 
from  use,  his  shoulder  being  drawn  out  of  place. 
He  was  mustered  out  of  service  at  Springfield,  111., 
June  18.  1864. 

On  leaving  the  army,  he  returned  to  .Sycamore,  and 
in  the  latter  part  of  the  year,  with  his  old  Captain, 
A.  A.  Buck,  and  Jonathan  Dowe,  raised  a  company 
under  the  last  call  for  troops.  He  was  mustered 
into  service  at  Camp  Butler,  Chicago,  111.,  as  First 
Sergeant  of  Company' F,  147th  Illinois  Infantry, 
Col.  H.  F.  Sickles,  commanding.  The  party  was 
sent  South,  and  were  with  tlie  force  that  destro^'ed 
the  rebel  prison  pen  at  Andersonville,  Ga.,  their 
headquarters  being  at  Americus,  one  and  a  half 
mile  distant.  At  tlie  close  of  the  war,  they  were 
engaged  in  gathering  up  arms  aud  munitions  of 
war  of  botii  sides,  and  were  thus  employed  until 
January,  1866.  On  the  24th  of  that  month,  they 
were  mustered  out  at  Savannah,  Ga.,  and  return- 
ing to  Springfield,  111.,  were  paid  off  and  discharged 
on  Februaiy  10. 

Mr.  Hartman's  first  employment  on  leaving  the 
army,  was  carrying  on  the  home  farm  of  his  father 
on  siiares.     The  following  year    lie    was    married, 

PORTRAIT  aND  biographical  ALfiUM. 


and  went  to  farming  on  a  rented  place  with  his 
wife's  father.  The  next  year  they  went  to  Black 
Hawk  County.  Iowa,  where  he  continued  farming. 
In  1869,  Mr.  Hartman  and  his  wife  having  decided 
to  try  their  fortune  in  the  new  State  of  Kansas, 
made  settlement  in  Washington  County,  near  the 
site  of  the  present  city  of  Hanover,  about  ten  miles 
west  of  Marysville.  Tliere  he  took  up  a  claim  of 
160  acres  on  which  he  lived  until  1871,  when  he 
traded  for  the  press  and  outfit  of  the  Western  Inde- 
pendent of  Hanover.  That  paper  he  published  for 
nearly  five  3'ears,  when  his  health  failing,  he  sold  it 
and  went  back  to  Illinois  for  a  few  months.  Re- 
turning to  Hanover,  he  began  work  as  a  painter, 
turning  his  hand  to  one  emplo^yment,  failing  an- 
other, with  true  American  grit  and  enterprise.  He 
made  his  home  in  Hanover  for  about  three  years, 
when  in  1879  his  health  again  failing  him,  he  came 
to  Marysville.  He,  however,  again  took  up  the 
painting  business,  which  he  followed  until  1885, 
when  he  was  finally  compelled  to  relinquish  it  alto- 
gether. During  this  time  his  wife,  who  had  learned 
the  trade  of  a  compositor  in  Hanover,  was  working 
in  the  News  office.  They,  together  determined  to 
buy  an  office,  and  establish  a  paper  of  their  own. 
This  they  did,  their  paper  being  an  organ  of  the 
G.  A.  R.,  and  known  as  the  Bugle  Call.  This  they 
carried  on  for  a  year,  when  the  sheet  was  enlarged, 
and  the  name  changed  to  the  True  Republican,  af- 
ter the  paper  on  which  Mr.  Hartman  had  learned 
his  trade. 

Having  alwa3'S  been  in  sympathy  with  the  Green- 
back and  Union  Labor  ideas,  Mr.  Hartman  natur- 
ally became  an  advocate  of  the  policy  of  the  latter 
party  on  its  formation,  and  his  was  the  first  paper 
in  the  State  to  publish  its  platform.  At  the  State 
Convention  at  Abilene,  Kan.,  the  True  Republican. 
was  made  the  official  organ  of  the  Industrial  party 
of  the  State  of  Kansas,  as  it  was  then  called.  The 
party  being  disbanded,  and  the  present  Union  La- 
bor party  formed,  the  paper  has  since  occupied  the 
position  of  the  leading  organ  of  that  party  in 
Northern  Kansas. 

Ml-.  Hartman  has  recently  wisely  discarded  the 
patent  inside,  and  now  prints  his  paper  entirely  at 
home.  It  has  the  confidence  of  the  people  in  the 
county  and  vicinit}',  for  whom  it  caters,  and  is  well 

patronized  by  the  merchants  and  business  people 
of  the  county.  Attached  to  the  publishing  depart- 
ment is  a  complete  jobbing  office,  in  which  Mr: 
Hartman  has  all  he  can  do.  All  the  work  in  the 
office  is  done  by  himself,  wife  and  daughter  Mag- 
gie. The  paper  has  a  good  circulation,  is  well 
edited,  is  a  model  of  typography,  and  is  published 
at  the  low  price  of  $1  per  year. 

On  Oct.  9,  1866,  Mr.  Hartman  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Lucretia  B.  Tha3-er,  daughter 
of  Oliver  and  Betsey  (Williams)  Thayer,  both  of 
whom  are  now  living  in  Floyd  County,  Iowa.  Mrs. 
Hartman  was  born  in  DeKalb  Count}',  111.,  Aug.  3, 
1 848.  Her  marriage  has  been  blessed  by  the  birth 
of  three  children,  namely:  May,  wife  of  Lewis 
Scott,  now  principal  of  the  school  at  Axtell,  this 
count}',  and  formerl}'  for  five  years  principal  of  the 
Marysville  school;  Maggie,  unmarried,  who  is  a, 
teacher,  and  also  assists  her  parents  in  the  office; 
and  Wallace  D.,  both  the  latter  living  with  their 

Mr.  Hartman  is  a  member  of  Lyon  Post  No.  9, 
G.  A.  R.,  of  which  he  is  Past  Commander,  and  of 
the  Modern  Woodmen  of  America,  Camp  No.  514. 
While  living  in  Hanover  he  was  a  member  of  the 
City  (Council  for  three  years,  and  was  also  City 
Clerk  for  about  the  same  length  of  time.  Since 
removing  to  Marysville,  his  time  has  been  wholly 
given  to  his  business.  He  is  regarded  by  his  fel- 
lowmen  as  a  plain,  straightforward  man,  and  a 
good  citizen. 

\lOHN  CALDWELL  is  the  owner  and  occu- 
pant of  a  valuable  farm,  in  Vermillion 
Township,  just  southwest  of  the  town  of 
Frankfort.  Though  small,  being  comprised 
of  ninety-four  acres  only,  the  farm  is  an  extremely 
fine  one.  It  contains  all  the  improvements  needed 
by  a  progressive  and  successful  farmer,  including 
a  handsome  stone  residence.  The  owner  of  this 
beautiful  place  is  of  Irish  descent,  though  his  par- 
ents, John  and  Sarah  (Reed)  Caldwell,  were  na- 
tives of  the  Keystone  State.  The  father  was  a 
blacksmith  and  in  addition  to  working  at  his  trade, 



followed  farming.  The  mother  was  a  widow  when 
she  was  married  to  our  subject's  father,  and  had 
one  son.  Robert  Reed,  who  died  in  1882.  The 
parental  family  consisted  of  nine  children,  of  whom 
our  subject  was  the  flftii  in  order  of  birth :  Samuel 
JI.,  living  near  Mansfield. .  Ohio,  is  engaged  in 
blacksmithing.  He  is  married  and  has  one  living 
son.  I'lliza  R.,  was  the  wife  of  James  Davidson,  a 
farmer  in  Richland  County,  Ohio,  where  she  died, 
leaving  three  children;  Ankrum  died  in  Harrison 
County,  Ohio,  in  1885,  leaving  a  wife  and  four 
children  to  mourn  his  loss ;  he  was  an  agriculturist. 
William  H.  is  engaged  in  farming  in  Cadiz  Town- 
ship, Harrison  Co.,  Ohio  ;  he  is  married  but 
has  no  children.  Isaac  S.  died  in  Harrison  County 
when  nearly  twenty-one  years  of  age.  James  S. 
has  not  been  heard  from  for  several  years.  David 
is  a  farmer  and  resides  near  Antrim,  Ohio;  he  is 
married  and  has  three  children.  Albert  H.  lives 
near  Antrim;  he  is  a  minister  of  the  United  Pres- 
byterian Church;  he  is  married. 

John  Caldwell,  our  subject,  was  born  May  3, 
1827,  in  Harrison  County,  Ohio.  He  was  reared 
on  a  farm,  receiving  but  limited  educational  ad- 
vantages, but  making  the  best  use  possible  of  the 
opportunities  he  had.  He  remained  with'his  par- 
ents until  thirty-two  years  of  age.  In  Allen 
County,  Ohio,  he  was  married  to  Jane  McKee,  the 
ceremony  taking  place  Feb.  22,  1860.  The  J'oung 
couple  removed  to  Harrison  County,  where  they 
remained  for  two  years.  They  then  returned  to 
Allen  Count3%  where  our  subject  followed  farming, 
until  1873.  In  that  year  he  came  to  Kansas,  and 
settled  six  miles  north  of  Frankfort,  where  he 
bought  160  acres  of  land,  and  afterward  added 
another  quarter  section.  In  1886  he  sold  out  and 
removed  to  Frankfort,  where  he  lived  the  life  of  a 
retired  farmer  for  a  year  or  so.  He  tiien  pur- 
chased the  place  upon  which  he  now  resides.  Mr. 
Caldwell  enlisted  in  Company  E.,  52d  Ohio  In- 
fantry, under  the  last  call  for  troops  in  the  late 
Civil  War,  but  was  discharged  by  reason  of  the 
close  of  the  war,  before  he  had  an  opportunity  to 
enter  active  service. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Caldwell  four  children  have 
been  born.  The  oldest  child,  Sadie,  became  the 
wife  of  Victor  Perr^-,  and  resides  in  Custer  County, 

Neb.  Martha  died  in  infancy;  AVilliam  R. ,  and 
Emmett  L.  are  at  home;  they  have  also  an  adopted 
son.  Howard  C,  who  is  seven  years  of  age. 

Mr.  Caldwell  is  a  believer  in  the  principles  of  the 
Democratic  partj-  and  never  fails  to  support  its 
candidates.  He  has  been  a  hard  worker  and  proved 
himself  a  successful  farmer.  As  an  honest,  up- 
right man  and  a  good  citizen,  interested  in  all 
that  pertains  to  the  welfare  of  the  community,  he 
commands  the  respect  of  all  who  know  him. 

ILLIAM  CRAGLE.  The  German  element 
of  WatervilleTownsiup,  has  performed  no 
^J^^  small  part  in  its  growth  and  development 
and  has  been  especially  efficient  in  carr3ing  forward 
its  agricultural  interests.  The  subject  of  this  notice 
owns  and  occupies  one  of  the  best  farms  within  its 
limits,  and  has  the  reputation  of  being  an  honest 
and  upright  man  and  a  thorougii  gentleman.  He  born  in  Luzerne  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  16,  1826, 
and  is  the  son  of  Adam  Cragle,  whose  native  place 
was  Mauch  Chunk,  that  State.  The  latter  was  a 
lifelong  farmer,  and  died  in  Luzerne  County  in 
moderate  circnrastances.  The  Cragle  family  is  of 
German  origin. 

The  mother  of  our  subject,  whose  maiden  name 
was  Mary  Gearhardt,  was  likewise  a  native  of  the 
Keystone  State,  and  bj'  her  union  with  Adam 
Cragle,  became  the  mother  of  twelve  children,  six 
sons  and  six  daughters.  These  were  named  re- 
spectively: Hettie,  Jacob,  Daniel,  Saloam,  Adam, 
Ann,  William,  Isaac,  Susan,  Priscilla,  Arabella  and 
Anthon}'.  William,  who  is  the  seventh  child,  was 
reared  on  the  farm  in  Luzerne  County,  where  he 
lived  until  a  young  man  of  twenty-four  years.  He 
then  entered  the  employ  of  the  Lehigh  Valley 
Railroad  Company,  with  which  he  was  connected 
for  a  period  of  fifteen  3-ears.  At  the  expiration  of 
this  time  he  came  to  Kansas,  and  secured  the  south- 
west part  of  section  7,  and  is  now  the  owner  of 
810  acres  of  land,  a  part  of  which  lies  in  Washing- 
ton County.  When  thei'  first  settled  here,  their 
nearest  postofflce  was  eighteen  miles,and  their  place 
for  milling  purposes  was  fift^'  miles  away.     He  has 



rtccumxilateri  his  property  solely  by  his  own  imlus- 
try,  liaviiig  received  no  financial  assistance  from 
any  source. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  bis  native  State  July 
23,  1848  to  Miss  Amanda,  daughter  of  George  and 
Amelia  (Kremcr)  Sleppy,  of  Wilkesbarre,  Pa.  Mrs. 
Sleppy  was  born  Nov.  23,  1808,  and  was  about 
three  j'ears  younger  than  her  husband,  who  was 
born  in  Nov.  1805.  They  were  the  parents  of  nine 
children,  viz.:  Amanda,  Alvin,  Hendrick,  Adeline, 
Laura,  Nelson,  John  and  Susan.  Our  subject  and 
his  wife  have  no  children  of  their  own,  but  iiave 
an  adopted  daughter  named  Nellie.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Cragle  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Meth- 
odist Ejjiscopal  Church,  of  which  our  subject  has 
been  identified  for  the  long  period  of  fort}'  years. 

■fJOHN  II.  REITZEL.  That  in  which  Mr. 
Reitzel,  of  Waterville,  probably  takes  the 
I  most  pride  in  connection  with  his  career,  is 
/  the  record  of  his  service  in  the  Union  army 
during  the  late  Civil  War;  and  he  may  be  properly 
classed  among  the  old  veterans  who  covered  them- 
selves with  glory.  He  has  since  been  following 
the  peaceful  pursuits  of  agriculture,  and  is  now  lo- 
cated on  a  well-developed  farm  of  240  acres  in 
Waterville  Township,  in  which  he  is  recognized  as 
a  leading  citizen.  He  has  been  successful  finan- 
cially, is  liberal  and  public  spirited,  and  a  promi- 
nent member  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  In  the 
sketch  of  Martin  Reitzel,  his  brother,  which  may 
be  found  on  another  page  in  this  volume,  is  noted 
the  parental  history. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Hendricks 
County,  Ind.,  May  23,  1843.  He  was  the  eighth 
in  a  family  of  ten  children,  the  offspring  of  David 
and  Deborah  (Marshall)  Reitzel,  and  was  reared  on 
a  farm,  acquiring  a  common-school  education.  He 
worked  with  his  father  until  after  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War,  and  then,  a  youth  of  nineteen  years, 
enlisted  in  Company  C,  70th  Indiana  Cavalry, 
Benjamin  Harrison  commanding.  He  participated 
in  all  the  battles  in  which  his  regiment  was  en- 
gaged, being  at  Russellville,  Ky.,  Resaca,  Cassville, 

New  Hope  Church,  Lost  Mountain,  Kenesaw 
Mountain,  Marietta,  Peach  Tree  Creek,  Atlanta 
and  Savannah,  these  all  in  C4eorgia,  besides  Benton- 
ville  in  North  Carolina.  He  served  until  the  close 
of  the  war,  was  mustered  out  at  Washington  City, 
and  received  his  honorable  discharge  at  Indianapo- 
lis in  June,  1865.  Although  experiencing  many 
hairbreadth  escapes,  he  was  never  wounded  or  cap- 
tured, but  returned  a  broken  down  man,  who  will 
never  fully  recover  his  former  health. 

After  retiring  from  the  service  Mr.  Reitzel  re- 
turned to  Hendricks  County,  Ind.,  where  he  fol- 
lowed farming  until  1870.  Then  coming  to  this 
county,  with  very  little  capital,  he  entered  upon 
the  career  which  soon  ensured  his  prosperity  and 
success.  By  hard  work  and  good  management  he 
has  become  well-to-do,  and  has  that  which  will 
fortify  him  against  want  in  his  old  age.  His  farm 
is  largely  devoted  to  stock  raising  and  is  improved 
with  good  buildings,  the  residence  being  put  up  in 

The  29th  of  September,  1867,  was  a  day  made 
interesting  in  the  life  of  our  subject  by  his  mar- 
riage witli  Miss  Emily  A.,  daughter  of  David  .and 
Mary  (Zehrung)  Defabaugh,  of  Hendricks  County, 
Ind.  The  parents  were  originally  from  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  are  now  in  Cass  County,  Mo.  Of  this 
union  there  have  been  born  six  children,  viz:  Ed- 
ward O.,  Minnie  E.,  David  A.,  Charles  A.,  AValter 
M.  and  Harry  C.  Mrs.  Reitzel  is  a  devoted  mem- 
ber of  the  Lutheran  Church.  Our  subject,  politi- 
cally, is  a  stanch  Republican,  and  has  held  some  of 
the  minor  offices.  He  belongs  to  the  Evangelical 
Church,  in  which  he  has  been  an  officer  for  many 
years.  He  is  an  active  member  of  the  G.  A.  R.,  at 
present  officiating  as  Chaplain  of  Waterville  Post 
No.  260. 

• — -^^smi- — 

lENJAMlN  TILLMANN.  Wherever  the 
Jt?^V'  German  citizen  abides,  there  is  usually  a 
well-cultivated  farm,  numbers  of  fat  cattle 
and  horses,  plenty  to  eat,  drink  and  wear, 
and  all  the  other  evidences  of  thrift  and  prosperity. 
Although  not  himself  a  native  of  the  Fatherl.and, 
the   parents  of   our  subject  were  born  there,   and 



emigrated  to  America  about  1849,  locating  in  Dodge 
County,  Wis.,  where  they  lived  until  1861.  They 
then  came  to  this  county  and  settled  on  a  tract  of 
land  embracing  a  portion  of  section  19. in  Marysville 
Township,  where  the  father  spent  his  last  days,  de- 
parting this  life  Dec.  28,1887.  William  Tillmann 
was  one  of  the  earliest  pioneers  of  this  county, 
and  made  for  himself  a  good  record  as  a  steady, 
industrious  and  upright  citizen.  The  maiden  name 
of  the  mother  was  Mary  Ann  Tillmann.  They 
were  natives  of  the  same  Province,  where  they 
were  married,  and  where  they  lived  until  emigrat- 
ing to  America.  Their  family  consisted  of  nine 
children,  one  of  whom  is  deceased.  Four  sons 
and  four  daughters  are  living  and  residents  of 
Kansas,  Washington  and  Wisconsin. 

The  suhject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Dodge 
County,  Wis.,  April  26,  1858.  He  was  a  mere 
child  when  his  parents  came  to  this  county,  and 
knows  no  other  home.  He  received  a  practical  ed- 
ucation in  the  common  school,  and  at  an  early  age 
became  familiar  with  farming  pursuits.  Since  the 
deatii  of  his  father  he  has  had  charge  of  the  farm, 
which  now  embraces  240  acres  of  fine  land,  the 
greater  part  of  which  is  under  a  good  state  of  cul- 
tivation, and  yields  ample  returns. 

Mr.  Tillmann  was  married,  Sept.  15,  1879,  to  Miss 
Marcia  E.  Goddard,  of  Smith  County-.  Kan.  She 
is  the  daughter  of  N.  A.  Goddard,  of  that  county. 
Politically,  Mr.  Tillman  is  a  sound  Republican,  and 
by  the  perusal  of  the  weekly  newspaper  and  other 
literature  keeps  himself  posted  upon  matters  of 
general  imformation.  He  is  a  favorite  in  the  social 
circle,  and  is  of  that  courteous  and  obliging  dispo- 
sition which  has  gained  for  hini  hosts  of  friends. 


^/    1  ILee's    famous    saying    regarding    George 
11  I&    Washington,  might  well  be  paraphrased  to 
^J  suit  our  subject,  who  has  been  "first"  in 

many  respects  in  this  section  of  country.  He  was 
one  of  the  first  settlers  of  this  county,  to  which  he 
came  with  a  Quaker  colony  in  1855.    He  established 

the  first  flouring  and    saw    mills   in  Northeastern 
Kansas,  to  which  people  carae  from  Nemaha,  Wash- 
ington, Pottawatomie  and  other  counties,  as  well 
as  from  Southern  Nebraska.     The  first  schoolhouso 
in  the  country  was  built  on  land  given  by  him  and 
Thomas  Warren,  and  to  the  subscriptions  raised 
by  his  neighbors    Mr.    Barrett    added    enough    to 
make  the  amount  needed  to  erect  a  building.    The 
handsome  stone  edifice  now    standing    in    District 
No.    1.  marks    the   site  of  the  original    building. 
The  first  Fourth  of  July  celebration   held   in   this 
count3'  was  given  by  our  subject  at  Barrett,  July  4, 
1857.     The  station,  which  was  named  for  him,  was 
the  principal  trading  point  in  the   township   until 
the  town  of  Frankfort  was  started,  and   our   sub- 
ject's home  was,  in  early  days,  and  for  a  number 
of  j'cars,  the  stopping   place    for   travelers.     Mr. 
Barrett  has  been  prominent  in  county  affairs  since 
his  arrival  in  Kansas.     He  was  the  first  School  Di- 
rector in  the  county,  and  held  the  ofBce  for  eight 
years.     He  now  occupies  a  large  two-story  frame 
residence  at  Barrett  Station,  the  location  being  that 
upon  which  he  first  settled  after  reaching  this  State. 
As  one  of  the  wealthj'  farmers  of  Vermillion  Town- 
ship, this  sketch   finds   an   appropriate   place  in   a 
a  volume  of  this  nature,  and  the  conspicuous  place 
he  has  had  in  local  history  gives  it  added  interest. 
David  Barrett,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a 
native  of  Frederick  County,  Va.,   and   of  English 
descent.     Tlie  mother,  Winnefred  Kirby,  was  born 
in  the  old  Carroll  mansion  in   Maryland,   being  a 
descendant  of  a  cousin  of  that  Charles  Carroll,  of 
Carrollton,  whose  signature  is  so  prominent  on  the 
Declaration  of  Independence.     After  his  marriage, 
David  Barrett  and  his  wife  removed  from  Virginia 
to  Ohio,  where  the  father  was  engaged  in  agricul- 
ture.    The}'  had  a  family  of  ten  children,  the  old- 
est of  whom,  William,  was  born  in  1808,  and  lived 
to  the  age  of  seventy,   leaving   a    wife   and    four 
o-rown  children  when  he  passed  from  earth.    He  was 
a  farmer  and  resident  of  Barrett.    One  of  his  daugh- 
ters  married   G.  W.  Mofiitt,  whose  sketch  may  be 
found  on  another  page  of  this  work.     Thomas   is 
now  living  in  Rock  Township,   with    a   wife   and 
three  bright  children.     [See  his  sketch  elsewhere  in 
this  book.]     Elizabeth  was  the   wife  of   Benjamin 
Hughes;   she  died  in    Monroe    County,    Ohio,   in 



1852,  leaving  ten  children  to  the  bereaved  hus- 
band's care.  Uriah  died  in  Vermillion  Township, 
Nov.  18,  1885.  leaving  a  wife  and  six  children. 
[See  sketch  of  Mrs.  Uriah  Barrett,  which  occupies 
another  page.]  Sarah  is  the  wife  of  Isaac'Allen,  a 
retired  farmer,  whose  home  is  at  Freeport,  Ohio; 
she  is  the  mother  of  four  children.  Ruth  is  single, 
and  resides  with  our  subject.  David  died  in  Har- 
rison County,  Ohio,  in  1883,  leaving  a  wife  and  six 
children.  Joseph  is  engaged  in  agriculture  near 
Barrett,  is  married  and  has  eight  children.  John 
is  a  farmer  of  Center  Township,  is  married  and  has 
seven  children.  The  mother  of  our  subject  was, 
before  her  marriage,  a  Catholic,  .and  later  joined 
the  Quaiiers,  and  the  father  was,  during  his  entire 
life,  a  Quaker. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Harrrison  County,  Ohio, 
July  18,  1815.  He  was  reared  upon  his  fatiier's 
farm  until  the  age  of  eighteeen,  when  he  went  to 
work  as  a  millwright,  contractor  and  builder.  lie 
followed  this  business  in  his  native  State  until  the 
year  of  his  removal  to  Kansas.  In  his  nativ'e 
county,  in  the  year  1813,  our  subject  celebrated  his 
marriage  to  Miss  Mary,  daughter  of  William  and 
Pha^be  McKeever.  She  was  born  near  Lawrence- 
burg,  Ind.  Her  parents  were  natives  of  Pennsj'l- 
vania,  and  of  Irish  ancesUy.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Barrett  have  come  eight  children:  Jane  is  the  wife 
of  Everett  Love,  station  agent  on  the  Southern 
"Pacific  Railroad  at  Caliente,  Kern  Co.,  Cal.;  they 
have  a  family  of  eight  children.  William  is  living 
in  the  southeast  corner  of  Wells  Township,  near 
Barrett's  Station;  he  married  Miss  Rena  Mont- 
gomery, and  is  the  father  of  one  child.  Winne- 
fred  is  the  wife  of  William  Holtham,  a  merchant 
of  Frankfort.  Thomas  died  when  a  year  old. 
Cyrus,  who  occupies  the  adjoining  farm  to  that 
of  his  parents,  married  Mary  C.  Comstock,  and 
has  five  children.  David  and  Arthur  died  in  in- 
fancy. Phcebe  is  the  wife  of  George  Van  Vliet,  a 
farmer  living  northeast  of  Frankfort,  and  lias  two 
children.     [See  sketcli.] 

Mr.  Barrett  was  by  birthright  a  Quaker,  but  for- 
feited his  membership  by  marrying  outside  of  the 
Church.  Neither  he  nor  his  wife  is  identified 
with  any  denomination.  He  is  a  member  of  Frank- 
fort Lodge  No.  67,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.     He  had  been  a 

Republican  up  to  the  year  when  Peter  Cooper  was 
a  candidate  for  President,  since  which  time  he  has 
been  identified  with  the  Union  Labor  Party.  He 
was  for  eight  years  Chairman  of  the  Republican 
County  Central  Committee,  and  has  been  a  dele- 
gate to  a  number  of  Republican  State  and  County 
conventions.  He  is  now  Chairman  of  tlie  County 
Central  Committee  of  tlie  Union  Labor  Party.  In 
addition  to  the  offices  mentioned  at  the  beginning 
of  our  sketch,  Mr.  Barrett  has  served  as  a  member 
of  the  County  Board,  was  County  Treasurer  from 
1878  to  1882,  and  served  two  years  as  Township 
Clerk.  It  will  thus  be  seen  that  our  subject  is  a 
man  of  intelligence  and  character  such  as  com- 
mands the  respect  of  his  acquaintances  and  neigh- 
bors, and  that  his  abilities  have  been  frequently 
called  into  play  in  their  behalf.  Though  seventy- 
six  years  of  age,  he  does  not  look  to  be  over  sixty. 
as  he  is  still  active  and  energetic  in  movement, 
with  vigorous  mind  and  bright  memory.  The  in- 
habitants of  Barrett  cannot  expect  to  retain  him 
in  their  midst  for  many  years  longer,  but  when  he 
is  called  from  earth,  he  will  long  be  remembered 
for  what  '<e  h^s  '^^one. 

R.  CHARLES  A.  COLE.  The  medical 
profession  of  M.arshall  County,  finds  in 
this  gentleman  one  of  its  most  worthy 
repi-esentatives,  while  he  also  carries  on  a 
drug  store  in  Axtell,  of  which  he  has  been  a  resident 
since  August  1,  1881.  He  first  connected  himself 
with  Thomas  Hynes,  in  the  drug  trade,  and  they 
operated  under  the  firm  title  of  Cole  &  Hynes  one 
year,  until  July  1,  1889,  when  Dr.  Cole  became 
the  sole  proprietor.  He  has  a  large  practice,  while 
his  drug  business  is,  in  addition,  tlie  source  of  a 
good  income.  Dr.  Cole  came  to  Axtell  as  he  ex- 
presses it,  "worse  off  than  nothing,"  but  he  has 
now  a  comfortable  supply  of  this  world's  goods. 
He  was  graduated  from  the  Hospital  Medical  Col- 
lege, of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  Feb.  26,  1881,  and  began 
the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Axtell.  He  came 
to  the  West  in  March,  1871,  and  located  in  Hia- 
watha, this  State,  of  which  he   was  a  resident  nine 



years,  employerl  as  clerk  in  a  drug  store,  and  there 
became  familiar  with  the  business.  He  was  born 
in  Bronson  Township,  Huron  Co.,  Ohio,  May 
13,  1854,  and  is  the  son  of  John  Cole,  an  Ohio 
farmer,  who  was  born  upon  the  same  iiomestead  as 
bis  son,  in  April,  1824. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  Le- 
man  Cole,  a  native  of  New  Y«rk  State,  and  of  Ger- 
man descent.  He  was  there  reared  and  married  to 
Miss  Hannah  Willisson,  and  they,  joining  a  colony, 
settled  in  Huron  County,  Ohio,  in  what  was  then 
known  as  the  Western  Reserve,  when  the  country 
was  a  wilderness.  The  grandfather  improved  the 
farm  already  spoken  of;  where  his  son  John  and  our 
subject  were  born  and  where  he  spent  the  remain- 
der of  his  days,  as  did  likewise  the  father  of  our 
subject,  who  died  in  1862,  at  the  age  of  sixty-five 
years.  Grandfather  Cole  served  as  a  minute  man 
during  the  Revolutionary  War.  The  grandmother, 
after  the  death  of  her  husband,  removed  to  St.  Jo- 
seph, Mo.,  and  died  at  the  home  of  her  daughter, 
Mrs.  G.  A.  "Wells,  at  the  age  of  seventy-five  years. 
Both  were  members  of  the  Old  School  Baptist 

Jolm  Cole  was  reared  in  his  native  county,  and 
married  to  Miss  Alma  Foote,  who  was  born  in  Au- 
burn, N.  Y.,  and  was  of  English  descent.  She  was 
left  an  orphan  at  an  earlj'  age,  and  reared  by  friends 
of  her  parents.  After  their  marriage  the  parents 
of  our  subject  continued  to  live  on  the  old  farm  in 
Huron  County  for  the  long  period  of  forty  years. 
Then,  deciding  to  seek  the  farther  West,  they  left 
Ohio  on  March  1,  1871,  removing  to  Hiawa- 
tha, Kan.  The  mother  only  lived  a  few  months 
thereafter,  her  death  taking  place  in  September, 
1871,  when  she  was  only  fortj'-two  years  old.  She 
was  a  lady  of  man}' excellent  qualities,  and  a  con- 
sistent member  of  the  Baptist  Church.  The  father 
of  our  subject  is  still  living  and  makes  his  home 
with  his  son,  Charles  A.,  being  sixty-five  years  old. 
He  is  likewise  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church, 
and,  politicall  v  affiliates  with  the  Democratic  party. 

The  Doctor  attained  to  his  majoritj-  at  Hiawatha, 
Kan.,  and  in  1875  was  married  in  St.  Louis,  Mo., 
to  Miss  Belle  T.  Smith,  who  was  born  there  Oct.  9, 
1804.  She  was  the  daughter  of  a  Mr.  Thorborn 
who,  during  the  Civil  War,  enlisted    in   the  Union 

army,  and  was  never  afterward  heard  from.  His 
daughter,  Belle  T.,  was  born  in  St.  Louis.  Mr. 
Thorborn  was  a  non-commissioned  officer.  Mrs. 
Hannah  Thorborn.  after  his  death,  was  subsequently 
married  to  Lemuel  Smith,  who  legally  adopted  her 
daughter.  Belle  T.,  and  thus  her  name  was  changed 
to  that  of  Smith.  Mrs.  Smith  died  in  Doniphan 
Count}',  this  State,  to  which  she  came  with  her  hus- 
band during  its  earliest  settlement.  Mrs.  Cole 
completed  her  education  by  a  j-ear's  attendance  in 
Highland  University,  several  j'ears  prior  to  her 
marriage.  She  is  now  the  mother  of  one  child,  a 
son,  Albert  T. 

Doctor  and  Mrs.  Cole  are  regular  attendants  of 
the  Congregational  Church,  of  which  Mrs.  Cole  is 
a  member  in  good  standing.  Our  subject,  like  his 
honored  father,  votes  the  straight  Democratic  ticket, 
but  has  very  little  to  do  with  politics,  preferring 
to  give  his  best  efforts  to  his  profession. 

e LINTON  J.  PLANCK.  Among  the  younger 
men  of  Waterville  Township,  none  occupy 
a  more  enviable  position,  or  have  made  bet- 
ter use  of  their  time  than  Mr.  Planck.  He  com- 
menced at  an  earlj'  period  in  his  life  to  work  for 
wages,  and  at  once  began  saving  his  money  until,  in 
1880,  he  had  enough  to  purchase  160  acres  of  fine 
farming  land  on  section  18,  Waterville  Township, 
where  he  now  resides.  To  this  he  has  since  given 
his  undivided  attention,  and  has  illustrated  in  an 
admirable  manner  the  results  of  energ}'  and  perse- 
verance. Now,  although  only  twenty-six  years 
old,  he  has  obtained  a  fine  start  and  is  already  in 
good  circumstances. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Lewis  County,  N.  Y., 
Ma3'  1,  1863,  and  is  the  son  of  Josiali  Planck,  like- 
wise a  native  of  the  Empire  State,  and  born  in 
1821.  The  latter  became  a  well-to-do  farmer  and 
spent  his  entire  life  in  his  native  State,  dying  in 
1 873.  He  was  a  good  man  in  the  broadest  sense 
of  the  term,  and  for  many  years  prior  to  his  death 
was  a  consistent  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  He  was  married  in  early  life  to  Miss 
Catherine  Herning,  who  was    born   in  Susquehanna 



County,  Sept.  26,  1821,  and  still  survives.  The 
parental  family  consisted  of  five  children,  viz.: 
Juliet,  Iniogene,  Ella, Alice  and  Clinton  J.  Our  sub- 
ject was  the  youngest  of  the  family,  and  lived  in 
Lewis  County,  N.  Y.,  until  ten  years  old,  then  came 
with  his  mother  and  her  family  to  this  State,  loca- 
ting in  Irving.  A  year  later  the3'  removed  to 
Waterville,  this  county,  where  our  subject  com- 
pleted his  education  in  the  common  school. 

On  the  26th  day  of  September,  1883,  Mr.  Planck 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Minnie  H., 
daughter  of  John  T.  and  Lucy  (Rider)  Maycroft, 
of  Washington  County.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Pl.inck 
was  a  native  of  England,  whence  he  emigrated 
about  1832  to  America,  being  then  a  child.  He 
married  a  lady  who  was  born  in  Vermont,  in  1847. 
They  became  the  parents  of  four  children,  viz. : 
William  H.,  Minnie  H.,  James  T.  and  Alice  M. 
Mrs.  Planck's  great-great  grandfather  was  born  on 
the  Mayflower  on  her  voyage  to  United  States  and 
was  landed  at  Plymouth  Rock  with  the  Pilgrims. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Planck  have  one  daughter,  Elsie  May, 
who  was  born  May  29,  1884.  Politically,  Mr. 
Planck  is  a  stanch  Republican.  The  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  of  Waterville,  recognizes  in  him 
and  wife  its  most  active  and  useful  members. 



AMUEL  R.  KOCH,  who  prosecutes  farming 
in  a  modest  manner  on  section  4,  Blue 
Rapids  Township,  came  to  this  county  when 
a  j^oung  man,  and  lias  seen  much  of  pio- 
neer life.  He  was  born  in  Cumberland  County, 
Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1841,  and  is  the  son  of  Lewis  and 
Mary  Koch,  who  were  natives  respectively  of 
Maryland  and  Pennsylvania.  The  family  traces  its 
ancestry  to  Germany.  After  having  come  to  the 
West  and  sojourning  for  a  time  in  Iowa,  the  father 
of  our  subject,  in  June,  1860,  brought  his  famil}'  to 
this  county,  and  at  once  entered  156  acres  of  land 
including  the  present  farm  of  Samuel  R.  It  was 
then  in  a  wild  and  uncultivated  state  mostl}',  only 
about  eighteen  acres  having  been  broken,  and  there 
stood  upon  it  a  small  log  shant}'  10x12  feet  in  di- 
mensions.    As  soon  as  possible  the  father  put  up  a 

more  commodious  dwelling,  and  here  he  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  days,  his  death  occurring  in  1866. 

The  elder  Koch  became  well  known  in  this  sec- 
tion of  the  country,  and  was  universally  respected. 
He  was  a  Democrat  in  politics,  was  liberal  and  pub- 
lic-spirited, and  a  strong  advocate  of  the  establish- 
ment of  schools  as  early  as  possible  in  those  pioneer 
times.  He  had  been  trained  in  the  doctrines  of  the 
Evangelical  Lutheran  Church,  to  which  he  adhered 
during  his  entire  life.  The  mother  survived  her  hus- 
band for  many  years,  passing  away  on  the  11th  of 
January,  1885,  at  the  old  homestead;  slie  was  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  a  youth  of  nine- 
teen years  when  he  came  with  his  father's  family 
to  this  county,  and  he  assisted  in  the  development 
of  the  farm  and  the  building  up  of  the  homestead. 
He  had  left  his  native  State  in  1  846,  accompanying 
the  family  to  Illinois,  and  two  years  later  they  re- 
moved to  Clinton  County,  Iowa,  where  they  lived 
until  coming  to  this  county.  Like  his  honored 
father  he  possessed  in  a  marked  degree  the  elements 
of  industry  and  perseverance  which  have  enabled 
him  to  succeed  amid  difHcultiesand  maintain  his  po- 
sition as  a  man  among  men.  He  has  been  for  some 
years  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church, 
in  which  he  has  otiiciated  as  Class-Leader  and  Su- 
perintendent of  the  Sabbath-school,  while  he  is  fre- 
quently emplo}'ed  as  an  exhorter  during  protracted 
meetings.  He  has  alwa^'S  been  warmly  interested 
in  the  temperance  movement,  and  some  time  since 
allied  himself  with  the  Prohibitionists.  He  has  been 
content  to  live  without  making  very  much  stir  in 
the  world,  pursuing  the  even  tenor  of  his  way  as 
an  honest  man  and  a  good  citizen,  and  earning  the 
respect  of  his  neighbors. 



vf;OHN  B.  KRILEY.  The  three  Kriley  broth- 
|i  ersof  St.  Bridget  Township,  have  been  no 
^..^  1;  unimportant  factors  in  its  growth  and  devel- 
(^^  opment,  and  they  are  all,  who  live  in  St. 
Bridget  Township,  represented  in  this  work.  The 
subject  of  this  notice  is  the  owner  of  a  snug  home- 



stead  of  eighty-five  acres,  and  has  a  third  interest 
in  a  quarter-section  with  his  brothers — Andrew  and 
Frank.  This  laud  adjoins  his  farm  on  the  soutli. 
He  makes  a  specialty  of  fruit  growing,  having 
about  110  apple  trees,  besides  mulberries,  cherries, 
apricots,  grapes,  and  a  goodly  assortment  of  the 
smaller  fruits.  In  addition  to  these  1,000  forest 
trees  serve  to  further  embellish  the  homestead, 
forming  a  grateful  shade  in  summer  and  a  protec- 
tion from  the  blasts  of  winter.  The  entire  premises 
are  indicative  of  enterprise  and  energy. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  the  son  of  F.  J. 
Kriley,  a  native  of  Germany,  who  upon  coming  to 
America,  settled  in  Pennsylvania.  Our  subject  was 
born  in  Butler  County,  that  State,  May  1,  1842,  and 
lived  with  his  parents  there  upon  a  farm  until  a 
youth  of  eighteen  years.  Then  with  the  natural 
desire  of  youth  for  change  he  repaired  to  the  town 
of  Butler,  in  the  same  county ,and  served  an  appren- 
ticeship at  shoemaking.  Later  in  1865  he  went 
into  the  oil  regions,  but  only  staid  there  thirteen 
weeks,  as  he  could  not  endure  the  atmosphere. 
Then  returning  to  Butler  County  he  resumed  his 
early  occupation  of  farming,  staying  there  two 
years  and  three  months.  We  next  find  him  in  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  where  for  four  years  he  was  employed 
in  the  sas  works  as  a  fireman.  He  continued  a  resi- 
dent of  the  Smoky  City  until  1878,  and  that  year 
made  his  first  trip  to  the  farther  West,landing  in  this 
county.  Two  montlis  later,  however,  he  returned 
to  Pittsburg.  In  the  meantime  he  had  purchased 
the  eighty-five  acres  of  land  constituting  his  pres- 
ent farm,  but  which  at  that  time  lay  in  a  state  of 
nature.  In  Februar3'  following  he  returned  to 
Kansas,  bringing  with  him  his  family,  consisting 
of  his  wife  and  four  children. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Clearfield  Township, 
Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  18,  1869,  to  Miss  Mary, 
daughter  of  Claude  and  May  (Gallagher)  Marshall. 
The  paternal  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Kriley  was  Claude 
Marshall,  of  Alsace-Lorraine,  then  partly  a  Prov- 
ince of  France,  but  which  now  belongs  to  Germany. 
The  maternal  grandfather  was  Peter  Gallaglier,  a 
native  of  Ireland.  Grandmother  Josephine  (Gunn- 
bert)  Marshall  was  likewise  a  native  of  France. 
Upon  coming  to  this  county  with  his  f,amily,  Mr. 
Kriley  at  once  commenced  the  improvement  of  his 

land,  putting  in  a  crop  the  first  year  with  sueess- 
ful  results,  and  has  uniformly  been  prosperous  in 
the  cultivation  of  the  soil.  He  has,  however,  lost 
considerable  stock.  Two  seasons,  just  as  he  was 
about  to  ship  a  fine  lot  of  swine,  they  were  stricken 
with  cholera  and  nearly  all  died.  He  has  also  met 
with  the  misfortune  of  losing  a  good  man}  horses 
and  cattle.  He  is  a  man,  however,  who  permits  no 
small  matter  to  discourage  him,  and  will  labor  on 
just  as  industriously  as  ever. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kriley  have  been  born  four  sons 
and  four  daughters,  viz.:  Emma  Frances,  William 
M.,  Philomena.  Annie  Elvira,  Lawrence,  Bernard, 
Nicholas  and  Cecelia.  Mr.  Kriley  uniformly  votes 
with  the  Democratic  party,  and  for  the  past  nine 
years,  nearly  from  the  time  of  his  arrival  here,  has 
been  the  School  Treasurer  of  his  district.  Both  he 
and  his  wife  belong  to  St.  Bridget  Catholic  Church. 
They  arc  peo[ile  highlj-  respected  among  their 
neighbors,  and  number  their  friends  among  the  best 
citizens  of  the  township. 

RANK  THOMANN.  Among  the  business 
men  of  the  thriving  j'oung  town  of  Summer- 
field,  none  better  deserve  mention  than  the 
above  named  gentleman,  junior  memlier  of  tlie 
firm  of  Wuester  &  Thomann,  druggists.  He  had 
no  educational  advantages,  having  received  but 
two  months'  schooling,  and  since  the  age  of  seven- 
teen has  been  working  for  himself.  His  success  is 
due  wholly  to  his  natural  abilities  and  enterprising 
nature.  The  I'ailroad  track  was  laid  in  Summer- 
field  on  the  3d  of  Febuiar^^,  1889,  and  about  a 
fortnight  later  the  firm  of  Wuester  and  Thomann 
began  the  erection  of  a  fine  frame  building,  22x50 
feet.  It  was  completed  within  a  month  and  sup- 
plied with  a  well-assorted  stock  of  the  goods  usu- 
ally found  in  a  first-class  drug  store. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  France,  and  accom- 
panied his  parents,  Jacques  and  Victoria  (Bishop) 
Thomann,  from  Alsace  to  Kansas,  when  about  nine 
years  of  age.  The  parents  settled  on  section  31, 
Richland  Township,  June  3,  1857,  on  land  which 
still  belongs  to  tlie  family.     The  father  died  about 



eight  years  after  coming  to  America,  and  the 
mother  still  lives  in  Richland  Township  with  her 
oldest  son.  The  parental  familj'  consisted  of  three 
children,  of  whom  our  subject  is  the  youngest. 

At  the  death  of  bis  father  Mr.  Thomann  began 
farming  and  buying  stock.  He  became  very  suc- 
cessful, and  in  the  year  1884  moved  into  Beattie 
and  engaged  in  grain  dealing,  in  addition  to  his 
stock  business.  He  continued  to  carry  on  the  for- 
mer business  until  he  formed  a  partnership  with 
hjs  brother-in-law  in  his  present  occupation.  Mr. 
Wuester  is  a  practical  pharmacist,  having  graduated 
before  the  Kansas  State  Board  of  Pharmacy. 

On  March  11,  1883,  our  subject  was  united  in 
marriage  to  Charlotte,  daughter  of  Abram  and 
Margaret  (Bauer)  Wuester,  the  parents  being  na- 
tives of  Germany.  This  union  has  been  blessed  by 
the  birth  of  two  child  rem:  James  Abraham,  who 
died  at  the  age  of  three  years,  and  Wilbert,  whose 
child  life  gladdens  the  home. 

Mr.  Thomann  is  not  a  member  of  any  church, 
though  he  and  his  wife  were  both  baptized  in  the 
Catholic  Church.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic 
lodge  at  Beattie.  and  of  the  Chapter  at  Marysville. 
He  carries  $2,500  insurance  in  the  Masonic  North- 
western Aid  Association,  located  at  Chicago,  III.; 
he  is  also  a  member  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  Lodge  No. 
168,  of  Beattie,  in  which  he  carries  $2,000.  Po- 
liticall3%  his  adherence  is  given  to  the  principles  of 
Democracy.  He  is  a  man  of  upright  character  and 
cordial  manners,  and  is  held  in  high  respect  by  his 
fellow  citizens.  Our  subject  is  President  of  the 
State  Bank  of  Summerfield. 

c^^EPHANIAH  K.  MASON.  Among  the  na- 
/i/  fives  of  the  far  Eastern  States  who  now 
/jr-^  take  rank  among  the  prosperous  farmers  of 
this  State,  is  the  above  named  gentleman,  a  gen- 
eral farmer,  occupying  land  upon  section  33,  in 
Murray  Township.  His  father,  Luther  Mason,  was 
a  native  of  New  Hampshire,  and  when  of  age  re- 
moved to  Waltham,  Mass.  There  he  began  work 
in  the  woolen  mills,  becoming  at  length  overseer 
of  a  large  part  of  the  business.     There  he  married 

Angeline  Kidder,  a  native  of  Maine,  who  when 
grown  to  womanhood  had  come  to  Waltham,  and 
entering  the  cotton  mills,  became  an  expert  opera- 
tive. Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mason  continued  work  in  the 
mills  for  some  eight  years,  during  which  time 
four  children  were  born  to  them.  In  1858  they 
removed  to  Dubuque  County,  Iowa,  and  there 
began  farm  life,  having  purchased  land  in  that 
county.  Mr.  Mason  became  a  very  successful 
farmer,  and  ranked  among  the  best  of  Dubuque 
County's  citizens.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church,  in  which  denomination  he  was  a  Deacon, 
and  one  of  the  chief  pillars  of  the  society  to  whicli 
he  belonged.  He  was  of  independent  politics.  In 
the  year  1884,  when  sixty-one  years  of  age,  he 
was  gathered  to  his  f.ithers.  His  wife  some  time 
later  removed  to  Greeley,  Colo.,  where  she  now 
lives  with  her  children.  She  is  now  about  sixty 
years  of  age,  and  even  at  this  age  an  active  member 
of  the  Baptist  Church.  The  parental  family  con- 
sisted of  seven  children,  five  sons  and  two  daugh- 
ters. One  daughter  died  in  childhood,  and  two 
other  children  in  later  years.  Of  the  four  surviv- 
ing children,  all  are  unmarried  except  our  subject. 

Zephaniah  Mason  was  born  in  Waltham,  Mass., 
April  21,  1857.  He  was  but  an  infant  when  his 
parents  removed  to  Iowa,  and  in  that  State  he  was 
reared,  obtaining  a  good  education  in  the  common 
schools.  He  learned  the  business  of  farming  with 
his  father.  Removing  with  bis  mother  to  Greeley, 
Colo.,  be  lived  there  for  four  years.  In  the  year 
1880  he  purchased  240  acres  of  raw  land  in  this 
county,  which  he  had  has  improved  and  upon  which 
since  1885  he  has  made  bis  home.  He  has  erected 
excellent  buildings,  and  made  all  adequate  improve- 
ments for  the  carrying  on  of  a  successful  agricultu- 
ral life. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  was  born  in  Dubuque, 
Iowa,  in  October,  1859,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
James  and  Margaret  (Wilson)  Wilson,  who  now 
reside  on  a  farm  in  that  county.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Wilson  were  born  and  reared  in  Ireland,  emigra- 
ting to  America  in  1857,  since  which  time  thej^  have 
been  residents  of  Iowa,  where  Mr.  Wilson  is  a  very 
successful  farmer.  They  are  consistent  members  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church.  Their  daughter  Elizabeth 
received  the  best  of  training  from  her  parents,  and 



obtained  an  excellent  education  at  EpwortL,  Iowa. 
In  due  time  she  became  tlie  wife  of  Lewis  K. 
Mason,  brotiier  to  our  subject,  to  wl\om  slie  bore 
one  son,  James  L.  Tlie  liusband  having  died  in 
June,  1884,  the  widow  sometime  later  became  the 
wife  of  our  subject.  The  result  of  this  union  has 
been  one  son,  Walter  L. 

Mr.  Mason  is  a  man  of  independent  politics, 
casting  his  vote  for  the  man  whom  he  considers 
most  efficient  and  best  able  to  advance  the  inter- 
ests of  the  country  in  national  and  local  affairs. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  are  attendants  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church.  Mrs.  Mason  is  a  woman  of  more 
than  ordinary  intelligence,  well  fitted  to  make  a 
happy  home  and  train  her  family  to  useful  man- 
hood. She  shares  with  her  husband  in  the  respect 
of  the  community  in  which  he,  as  a  man  of  integ- 
rity, reliabilitj-  and  enterprise,  takes  a  high  rank. 

W  EROY  W.  LIBBY.  Though  occupying  the 
ll  (^  position  of  Mayor  of  Marysville,  and  being 
JJL^  a  prominent  dealer  in  agricultural  imple- 
ments, a  visitor  to  this  city  would  have. his  atten- 
tion first  drawn  to  Mr.  Libby  as  a  breeder  c  Here- 
ford cattle  and  fine  roadster  horses.  One  half- 
mile  southeast  of  the  city  lies  a  fine  farm  of  600 
acres  belonging  to  our  subject.  On  this  farm  Mr. 
Libby  now  has  about  200  head  of  cattle  and  100 
head  of  fine  horses.  At  the  head  of  the  latter  is  a 
Hambletonian  stallion.  The  brood  mares  are  nearly 
thoroughbred  stock,  from  which  are  being  bred  a 
fine  line  of  strong  roadsters.  He  now  has  sixt}'- 
five  head  of  colts  sired  by  this  horse.  At  the  head 
of  his  cattle  stands  a  fine  thorougbbred  Remus 
bull,  and  eighteen  other  thoroughbreds. 

Our  subject  is  the  only  living  representative  of 
Charles  Libby,  who  died  in  California  about  1852. 
His  wife,  Lucy  Ann  Doane  having  previously 
died,  our  subject  was  left  au  orphan  at  less  than 
five  years  of  age.  He  was  born  in  Maine  Jan.  25, 
1847.  Spending  his  youth  in  his  native  State,  he 
was  graduated  at  Kents  Hill  College  in  1869. 
Immediately  after  his  graduation  he  came  West, 
locating  in  Mar3sville,  September  IC.    Here  he  en- 

gaged in  teaching  for  a  year,  following  which  .for 
two  years  he  acted  as  salesman  and  book-keeper  for 
Ciipt.  P.  Hutchinson.  He  then  with  W.  H.  Smith 
organized  the  firm  of  Smith  &  Libby.  grocer3-men, 
which  was  well-known  all  through  the  country. 
Starting  without  means,  by  active  attention  to 
business  they  succeeded,  and  continued  together 
for  six  years,  when  our  subject  engaged  in  the  sale 
of  agricultural  implements.  He  also  bought  a 
quarter-section  of  land,  and  began  in  a  small  way 
the  s  ock  business,  which  he  is  now  carrying  on. 
Taking  raw  land,  by  his  own  efforts  he  put  it  into 
tame  grass  and  pasture,  making  one  of  the  best 
farms  and  stock  ranges  in  the  count}'.  Mr.  Libbj' 
now  lives  in  the  city,  leaving  his  farm  in  the  care 
of  an  overseer. 

In  the  year  1872  the  subject  of  our  sketch  went 
to  Maine,  where  on  May  30th  was  celebrated  bis 
marriage  to  Miss  Abbie  E.  Manson,  of  Rockland. 
The  newly  married  couple  came  immediately  to 
Marysville  and  established  a  home  to  which  have 
come  five  sons  and  five  daugliters,  all  living. 

Mr.  Libby  has  been  County  Commissioner  for 
six  years,  belongs  to  the  Democratic  party,  is  a 
member  of  the  order  of  Knights  of  Pythias,  and 
also  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W. 

FRANK  PEABODY'  is  of  English  extrac- 
tion on  both  his  father's  and  mother's  side, 
and  descended  from  families  whose  mem- 
bers took  an  active  part  in  behnlf  of  the 
cause  of  American  freedom,  during  the  Revolution 
and  the  War  of  1812.  The  P-eabod^^  family  came 
to  America  in  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth 
ccnturj'  and  settled  in  New  England.  In  that 
State,  John,  the  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
born,  and  there  his  son,  Jonas  H.,  father  of  our 
subject,  first  saw  the  light  in  1798.  Jonas  Pea- 
body  passed  his  youth  in  his  native  State,  thence 
removing  to  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  he  lived  until 
1846.  At  that  time  he  removed  to  Clark  County, 
111.,  where  he  died  the  following  year.     He   was   a 



cooper  by  trarle,  following  that  occupation  during 
liis  entire  life  and  being  in  comfortable  circum- 
stances, lie  was  a  strong  advocate  of  temperance, 
and  devoted  much  time  to  lecturing  on  that  sub- 
ject. For  man}'  years  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Universalist  Church.  Mary  Howe,  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  the  daughter  of  Natlian  Howe,  of 
New  England.  Slie  died  in  New  York  State  in  the 
year  1839,  while  yet  a  young  woman.  She  was  the 
motiier  of  five  children — James  H.,  IMary  J.,  S. 
Frank,  Eleanor  and  an  infant  unnamed. 

Tlie  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Rochester, 
N.  Y.,  April  24,  1836.  His  earlj'  life  was  spent  at 
Clarendon,  Orleans  County,  where  he  received  an 
academic  education.  He  began  leaching  while 
young  and  followed  the  profession  until  1861,  in 
the  meantime  having  followed  his  parents  to  Illi- 
nois. At  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War  he  en- 
listed in  the  Union  Army,  becoming  a  member  of 
Company  E.  6'2d  Illinois  Infantry.  In  1864  he 
re-enlisted  in  the  same^company  and  regiment,  in 
which  he  served  until  February,  1865,  being  then 
First  Lieutenant  of  the  company.  The  62d  was 
attached  to  the  7th  army  corps,  and  served  in  West 
Tennessee,  Mississippi  and  Arkansas.  During  the 
war  Mr.  Peabody  took  part  in  many  h.nrd-fought 
battles.  He  contracted  an  illness,  from  the  effects 
of  which  he  still  suffers,  and  by  reason  of  which 
he  draws  a  pension.  At  the  close  of  the  war,  be- 
ing honorably  discharged  from  the  service,  he  went 
to  Cedar  County,  Iowa,  where  lie  engaged  in 
farming  and  in  mercantile  pursuits  Until  the  year 
1874.  His  he  . 1th  being  very  poor  he  determined 
to  try  a  different  climate,  in  the  iiope  of  staying 
tlie  hand  of  disease.  He  therefore  went  to  Colo- 
rado, where  he  devoted  himself  to  wool  growing 
and  sheep  ranching  for  six  years.  He  then  returned 
as  far  east  as  Walerville,  Kan.,  where  he  has  since 
resided.  Being  in  rather  frail  health  he  is  not  en- 
oai^cd  in  any  regular  business,  though  he  does 
some  money  loaning.  He  is  possessed  of  consid- 
erable means,  all  of  which  is  the  result  of  his  own 
exertions  and  good  management. 

On  April  25,  1866,  Mr.  Peabody  was  married  to 
Miss  Helen  A.  Jackson,  of  Cedar  Count}',  Iowa. 
Tills  estimable  young  lad}'  was  a  native  of  Oiiio, 
and    daughter   of  James    and   Elizabeth    (Raliey) 

Jackion.  Both  her  parents  were  born  in  England, 
but  have  been  residents  of  America  since  their 
childhood.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peabody  have  been 
blessed  by  the  birth  of  three  children — Mary  J., 
Blanche  and  Ned. 

The  gentleman  of  whom  we  write  has  been  for 
twenty  years  a  member  of  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  fra- 
ternity: he  also  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R.  He  is  a 
stalwart  Republican.  His  wife  is  an  honored  mem- 
ber of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  He  is  a 
man  possessed  of  business  ability,  intellectual  ac- 
quirements and  pleasing  address,  and  his  standing 
in  the  community  is  unquestioned. 


'^•^ ^- 

$,  j^ILLIAM  M.  SPEAK,  a  farmer  of  Murray 
Township  and  a  well-known  auctioneer  of 
this  county,  is  the  descendant  of  an  old 
and  honored  Virginia  family.  His  great-grandfa- 
ther was  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  who  fought  as  a 
private  during  the  entire  contest.  At  the  conclu- 
sion of  the  war  he  settled  in  Lee  County,  Va., 
upon  land  which  he  had  obtained  from  the  Gov- 
ernment for  services  rendered  during  the  Revolu- 
tion. His  son,  Charles  Speak,  married  a  Virginia 
lady  and  settled  upon  the  same  land,  where  he  and 
his  wife  died  at  a  very  advanced  age.  They  were 
buried  at  Speak's  Chapel,  an  old  Methodist  Church 
that  had  been  organized  by  the  family  of  that 
name,  the  family  being  quite  numerous.  Charles 
Speak  was  a  patriot  in  the  War  of  1812.  His 
son,  Andrew,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  and  reared  on  the  ancestral  acres,  being  one 
of  a  family  of  two  sons  and  several  daughters  that 
were  born  to  Charles  Speak  and  wife.  After  at- 
taining to  manhood,  Andrew  Speak  married  Miss 
Lavina  Chance,  a  native  of  the  same  county  with 
himself.  She  was  like  himself  a  Virginian  of  sol- 
dierly blood.  Her  father,  while  serving  as  a  soldier 
in  the  War  of  1812,  was  run  over  by  an  artillery 
wagon  and  received  such  injuries  that  he  was  dis- 
charged for  disability,  and  though  he  lived  to  be 
quite  old,  the  injuries  eventually  caused  his  death. 
Andrew  Speak  lived  in  Lee  County,  Va.,  until  the' 
close  of    the  late  Civil  War,  during  which,  though 



opposed  to  slavery,  lie  had  preserved  a  state  of 
true  neutralit}^  He  had  voted  for  union  at  every 
election,  though  he  did  not  wish  to  fight  either  for 
or  against  slavery,  and  during  the  war  had  gone 
into  Kentucky  to  be  under  the  protection  of  the 
United  States  Government.  In  1864  he  secured 
from  a  Confederate  officer  a  pass  for  his  wife 
and  five  children  in  order  that  they  might  come 
to  him.  The  mother  and  children  had  nothing  on 
earth  except  what  they  could  carry  in  their  arms, 
and  they  were  obliged  to  walk  the  entire  distance 
from  their  Virginia  home,  not  even  being  able  to 
stop  at  a  friendly  inn  by  the  way,  so  complete  had 
been  the  ruin  of  the  family  finances.  Settlement 
was  made  near  Williamstown,  Grant  Co.,  Ky. 
The  father  now  resides  in  Gallatin  County,  and  is 
seventy  years  of  age.  His  first  wife  had  died  in 
Virginia  before  the  war  broke  out.  He  was  again 
married,  and  after  the  death  of  his  second  wife 
was  married  to  the  lady  with  whom  he  now  lives. 
The  family  were  always  opposed  to  slaverj-,  for 
the  suppression  of  which  Andrew  Speak  had  voted 
when  but  one  other  man  in  the  county  voted  that 
waj'.  Unlike  many  anti-slavery  men,  he  is  a  sound 
Democrat  in  politics.  He  is  a  worthy  member  of 
the  Methodist  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Lee 
County,  Va..  near  Cumberland  Gap,  Dec.  14,  1848, 
where  he  was  reared  by  his  parents.  He  accom- 
panied the  family,  in  the  trying  journey  to  Ken- 
tucky at  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  and  two  years 
later  be  left  his  home  to  try  his  fortunes  in  the 
West.  His  father  not  having  recovered  from  the 
financial  distress  into  which  the  war  had  thrown 
him,  our  subject  had  buc  a  few  dollars  with 
which  to  lay  the  foundation  of  his  fortunes,  and 
was  obliged  to  walk  nearly  half  way  from  his  Ken- 
tucky home  to  Ft.  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  where  he 
found  employment  in  driving  Government  teams 
from  that  place  to  Ft.  Hall,  on  the  Snake  River  in 
Idaho  Territoi}'.  He  spent  eight  3'ears  in  the  States 
and  Territories  of  the  Pacific  Slope,  engaged  after 
leaving  the  Government  employ  in  the  varied  occu- 
pations of  a  miner,  stage  driver  and  cattle  rancher. 
While  employed  as  a  Government  teamster,  he  be- 
came familiar  with  the  country  and  with  its  people, 
both  savage  and  civilized.      He  often  came  in  con- 

tact with  the  turbulent  Indians  during  his  Western 
life  and  went  through  many  trying  experiences. 
In  1871,  while  on  the  Sweet  Water  River,  near 
South  Pass,  Wy.,  he  and  two  companions  were  at- 
tacked by  redskins  and  he  was  passed  by  as  dead 
by  them.  He,  however,  made  good  his  escape,  and 
for  two  nights  and  three  dajs  had  nothing  but  a 
raw  jack  rabbit  to  sustain  life.  He  never  after- 
ward heard  of  his  comrades,  who,  he  supposes, 
met  their  death  at  the  hands  of  their  savage  foes. 
Mr.  Speak  made  a  fortune  in  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
but  lost  it  and  returned  east  of  the  mountains,  set- 
tling in  Brown  County,  Kan.,  where  he  lived  for 
three  years.  In  Hiawatha,  that  county,  he  was 
married  to  Miss  M.atilda  Overfield,  a  native  like 
himself  of  Virginia,  having  been  born  in  Barber 
County,  that  State,  June  7,  1857.  In  the  fall  of 
1877  Mr.  Speak  located  a  farm  in  this  country,  and 
the  following  spring  took  possession  of  the  place 
which  he  has  since  made  his  home.  The  land  was 
unbroken  and  he  had  but  little  means  to  improve 
it.  He  went  to  work  with  a  will,  and  after  having 
worked  hard  all  day  for  the  maintenance  of  his 
family,  he  would  follow  the  plow  in  the  evening, 
actually  breaking  forty  acres  of  land  after  dark 
during  the  summer.  In  October,  1878,  he  took  up 
active  farm  life,  and  has  since  made  of  his  home 
what  it  now  is,  an  expanse  of  fertile  fields,  wiiieh 
amply  rewards  him  for  his  labors.  The  place  is 
well  watered,  contains  excellent  farm  buildings, 
and  the  entire  240  acres  which  he  now  owns  is  un- 
der hedge  fence.  The  residence  is  situated  on  the 
northwest  quarter  of  section  2,  Murraj-  Township, 
and  is  both  comfortable  and  attractive. 

Mrs.  Matilda  Speak  is  the  daughter  of  Wesley 
and  Rachael  Overfield,  both  natives  of  Virginia. 
In  1871  her  father  came  with  a  family  of  eleven 
children  to  Hiawatha,  Brown  County,  where  he 
owns  three-quarters  of  a  section  of  well-improved 
land.  Mrs.  Speak  lived  at  home  until  her  mar- 
riage. She  is  the  mother  of  four  children,  two  de- 
ceased, Nora  L.  and  an  infant.  The  living  children 
are  Frederick  and  Nellie  M..  both  at  home  and 
bright  attractive  children. 

Mr.  Speak  is  a  sound  Democrat,  and  is  Chairman 
of  tiie  Township  Central  Committee.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the   Masonic   Order.  Blue   Lodge   No.  234 



Axtell,  also  the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  No.  202  Axtell.  In 
botli  Oi'ders  Le  has  held  official  positions,  and  is  now 
Junior  Warden  in  the  Masonic  order.  Both  he  and 
liis  wife  are  attendants  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  He  is  a  popular  man  in  liis  section,  being 
possessed  of  high  principles,  more  than  ordinary 
intelligence,  and  cordial,  kindly'  manners. 

OHN  PAUL.  The  broad  prairies  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi Valley  afford  numerous  illustrations 
of  the  success  which  attends  honest  and 
and  persistent  industrj-  when  coupled  with 
prudence  and  good  judgment.  One  of  these  ex- 
amples is  to  be  found  in  the  person  of  our  subject, 
who  owns  and  occupies  a  fine  farm  on  section  9, 
Cottage  Hill  Township.  It  consists  of  160  fertile 
acres,  which  have  been  thoroughly  improved  by 
their  owner,  and  upon  which  he  has  erected  all  the 
necessary  farm  buildings,  making  a  home  of  which 
any  man  might  well  be  proud.  Mr.  Paul  is  not 
only  a  successful  farmer  and  financier,  but  a  man 
of  high  standing  among  the  citizens  of  the  county. 
Our  subject's  father,  Jesse  Paul,  was  born  in 
Northumberland  County,  Pa.,  and  there  spent  his 
life.  He  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  before 
his  <Ieath  had  accumulated  considerable  means. 
Politically,  he  adhered  to  the  principles  of  Repub- 
licanism. From  earl}'  manhood  he  had  been  an 
active  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  He 
was  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence  and 
well  posted  on  all  the  leading  topics  of  the  day. 
His  death  occurred  Jan.  18,  1887,  he  being  about 
sixty-six  years  of  age.  The  family  are  of  English 
extraction.  The  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
Jacob  Paul,  of  Pennsylvania.  The  mother  of  our 
subject  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Sarah  Hammor. 
She  is  still  living,  and  has  passed  the  age  of  sixty. 
She  was  a  daughter  of  John  Hammor. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Northum- 
berland Count}',  Pa.,  Dec.  24,  1849,  and  was  the 
eldest  in  a  family  of  seven  children.  He  received 
a  common-school  education,  and  in  the  intervals 
of  stud}'  was  occupied  in  such  of  the  work  of  the 
home  farm  as  his  strength  would  admit.     In  1877 

he  journeyed  westward,  and  selecting  Kansas  for 
his  future  home,  he  homesteaded  the  land  upon 
which  he  now  resides,  and  which  by  industry  and 
perseverance  he  has  brought  to  its  present  fine  con- 
dition. He  purchased  160  acres  of  land,  which  he 
highly  improved,  and  then  sold.  The  marriage 
of  our  subject  took  place  Feb.  23,  1871,  the  bride 
being  Miss  Kate,  daughter  of  Augustus  and  Annie 
(Klingaman)  Garber.  One  son,  named  Clarence 
H.,  has  been  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul. 

Mr.  Paul  is  a  member  of  both  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M. 
and  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  fraternities,  and  has  high  stand- 
ing in  both  orders;  he  is  also  a  member  of  the 
A.  O.  IJ.  W.  He  is  a  believer  in  and  a  sup- 
porter of  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party. 
He  is  an  active  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church.  As  a  man  of  intelligence,  moral  prin- 
ciples and  public  spirit,  he  enjoys  the  respect  of 
his  fellow-citizens. 

Vfp!LIJAH  P.  BILLINGSLEY,  Notary  Public, 
l^i  Insurance  and  Collection  Agent,  dealing  in 
ImL^j  real-estate,  and  also  a  loan  agent,  located  at 
Axtell  in  September,  1885,  and  was  in  partnership 
with  his  brother,  Andrew  M.  until  March,  1887. 
Since  that  time  he  has  been  sole  proprietor  of  the 
business  and  very  successful.  He  has  been  a  resi- 
dent of  this  county  since  1878,  having  removed 
here  from  what  is  now  known  as  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship. For  some  time  after  coming  to  the  county 
he  was  engaged  as  a  teacher. 

Mr.  Billingsley  came  to  Kansas  in  1872,  settling 
first  in  Jewell  County,  where  he  became  a  victim 
of  the  grasshopper  plague,  which  visited  that 
region  iu  1873  and  '74.  In  the  fall  of  1874  he  re- 
moved to  Jefferson  County,  Iowa.  In  connection 
with  teaching  he  also  operated  as  a  farmer  a  num- 
ber of  years,  and  until  coming  to  Axtell. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Harrison  County,  Ohio, 
Sept.  15,  1845,  and  is  theson  of  Samuel  K.  Billings- 
ley, who  was  born  in  Belmont  County,  that  State, 
and  whose  father,  William  R.  Billingsley,  was  a 
native  of  Virginia.  The  family  was  represented  in 
the  Old  Dominion,  prior  to  the  Revolutionary  War, 



and  was  of  Scotch  and  Welsh  ancestry.  William 
R.  was  a  Quaker  in  religion  and  a  farmer  by  occu- 
pation. He  emigrated  to  Ohio  in  his  youth  and 
was  married  in  the  latter  State,  to  Miss  Sarah 
Jones.  They  settled  in  Belmont  County,  in  an 
almost  unbroken  wilderness  and  endured  all  the 
hardships  and  privations  of  pioneer  life.  The 
grandfather  transformed  a  portion  of  the  forest 
into  a  good  farm,  and  there  spent  the  remainder  of 
his  life,  dying  in  1871,  when  about  seventy -six 
j'ears  old.  His  wife  had  preceded  him  to  the 
silent  land  but  a  short  time ;  she  also  was  a  Quaker 
in  religious  belief. 

Samuel  K.  Billingsley,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  born  and  reared  in  Belmont  County,  Ohio,  and 
was  married  in  Harrison  County,  to  Miss  Rebecca 
F.  Knight.  This  ladj-  was  born  in  St.  Clairsville, 
Ohio.  Her  father,  John  Knight,  served  as  a  sol- 
dier iu  the  War  of  1812,  and  died  when  Rebecca 
was  an  infant.  She  was  his  only  child,  and  was 
reared  bj'  her  mother  and  step-father  in  Harrison 
Count}',  mostlj'.  Tiie  father  of  our  subject  was  a 
man  of  considerable  force  of  character,  and  ac- 
quired a  good  education.  He  taught  school  during 
the  winter  seasons  after  his  marriage,  at  $10  per 
month,  and  in  summer  occupied  himself  at  farming 
until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  On  Aug. 
12,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  Company  F,  98th  Oliio 
Infantry,  under  the  command  of  C.apt.  Butt,  a  min- 
ister, and  was  promoted  to  Second  Sergeant.  Soon 
afterward  this  regiment  was  sent  into  Kentucky 
after  the  Rebel  General  Bragg.  They  remained  in 
the  Blue  Grass  region  for  some  time,  and  then  set 
out  on  a  forced  march  to  tiie  vicinity  of  Perry- 
ville,  in  which  battle  our  subject  participated  and 
narrowly  escaped  with  his  life.  He  was  for  some 
time  assigned  to  special  duty  as  guard  of  supplies 
and  was  many  times  a  target  for  the  enemj',  but  is 
proud  of  the  fact  that  he  has  never  deserted  his 
post,  although  a  comrade  frequently  sought  safety 
in  flight.  His  health  finally  failed,  and  in  June, 
1864,  he  was  obliged  to  accept  his  honorable  dis- 
charge on  account  of  disability. 

Returning  to  his  home  in  Hanison  County-, 
Ohio,  the  father  of  our  subject  lived  there  until 
April,  1866,  and  then  accompanied  by  his  family 
crossed  the  Mississippi  into  Jefferson  Count}-,  Iowa, 

and  purchased  a  tract  of  land  near  the  present 
site  of  Glasgow.  He  there  spent  his  remaining 
days,  his  death  taking  place  Aug,  26,  1871,  when 
Qfty-two  years  old,  he  having  been  born  in  1819. 
He  was  a  Methodist  in  religion,  and  for  a  score  of 
}-ears  officiated  as  a  Class-Leader,  and  occupied 
other  positions  of  importance.  He  identified  him- 
self with  the  Republican  part}'  after  its  organiza- 
tion and  occupied  most  of  the  local  offices. 
Socially,  he  belonged  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  Will- 
iam F.  Billingsley,  a  younger  brother  of  our 
subject,  occupies  himself  as  a  farmer  and  teacher  in 
Adams  County,  Iowa;  Samuel  C.  operates  as  a 
farmer  near  Marysville,  Kan;  he  married  Miss 
Caruthers;  -  Levi  K.  is  a  minister  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  and  is  located  at  Lenexa,  Kan. 

The  mother  of  our  suliject  survived  her  hus- 
band a  few  years  and  died  Sept.  26,  1874,  when 
about  fifty-two  years  old.  She  likewise  was  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  Church;  Elijah  P.,  our 
subject,  was  the  second  son  and  child  in  a  family  of 
eight  children,  comprising  seven  sous  and  one 
daughter.  He  received  a  practical  education  in 
his  native  county,  but  did  not  begin  teaching  until 
after  his  removal  to  Iowa.  He  was  married  in* 
Mt.  Pleasant,  that  State,  Dec.  18,  1870  to  Miss 
Mary  L.  Coffin.  Mrs.  Billingsley  was  born  near 
Salem,  Iowa,  May  5,  1853,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Cyrus  and  Hannah  (Cook)  Coffin,  natives,  respec- 
tively of  Indiana  and  Ohio,  and  both  descended 
from  good  old  Quaker  stock.  They  were  early 
residents  of  Henry  County,  Iowa,  and  were  married 
at  Salem,  after  which  they  settled  on  a  farm.  In  tlie 
latter  part  of  the  'oO's  they  removed  to  Kansas 
City,  Mo.,  where  the  father  conducted  a  hotel. 
Later,  he  sold  out  and  established  himself  in  Olatlie, 
Johnson  County,  this  Slate,  where  he  prosecuted 
farming  and  died  about  1863.  Later,  the  mother 
with  her  six  children  returned  to  Henry  County, 
Iowa,  and  about  1868  Mrs.  Coffin  was  married  to 
her  second  husband,  J.  B.  Smith.  They  are  living 
in  Villisca,  Montgomery  County,  where  Mr.  Smith 
is  employed  as  a  brick-maker. 

Mrs.  Billingsley  pursued  her  studies  both  in 
Iowa  and  this  State,  and  remained  with  her  mother 
until  her  marri.age.  Of  her  union  with  our  sub- 
ject tliere  have  been  born  three  children  — Adelphua, 

Residence  OF  Martin  L.Reitze:l,Sec.15.Waterville  Township. 

Residence  OF  D  C.Griffis, Sec. 15.  Clear  Fork  Township. 

Kesidenceof  John  5chubkagel,Sec,30.VermillionTown5Hip 



Myrta  and  William,  who  areall  at  home  with  their 
parents.  Socially',  Mr.  Billingsley  is  a  member  of 
Subordinate  Lodge,  I.  0.  O.  F.,  in  which  he  has 
passed  all  the  chairs  and  has  been  sent  as  repre- 
sentative to  the  State  Grand  Lodge,  held  at 
Wichita.  He  is  liberal  and  piiblie-spiiited  and 
operates  as  Secretary  of  the  AxtellTown  Improve- 
ment Compan}'.  He  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace 
two  years,  and  as  Police  Magistrate  the  same  length 
of  time.  Politically,  he  is  a  sound  Republican. 
His  various  interests  have  led  him  into  contact  with 
a  large  number  of  the  business  men  in  this  vicinity, 
among  whom  he  bears  an  excellent  reputation. 

LBERT  C.  AXTELL.  Besides  being  a 
member  of  the  firm  of  Ely  Bros.  &  Axtell, 
dealers  in  hardware,  lumber,  coal,  etc., 
this  gentleman  is  also  associated  with  the 
firm  of  W.  A.  Walker  &  Co.,  lumber  and  liardware 
merchants  at  Bailey  ville,  Kan.  Mr.  Axtell  has  been 
in  business  at  Axtell  for  the  past  eight  years  and  for 
live  .years  was  a  member  of  the  firm  of  A.  C.  and 
J.  Axtell,  dealers  in  lumber.  He  and  Mr.  J.  Ax- 
tell established  the  second  lumberyard  in  the  city. 
For  four  years  prior  to  this  time  our  subject  had 
operated  as  a  farmer  in  Rice  County,  Kan.  He  came 
to  this  State  from  Iowa,  having  been  located  near 
Grinnell,  Jasper  County,  wiiere  he  lived  nearly  six 
j'ears.  Before  crossing  the  Mississippi  his  liome 
had  been  in  AVarren  County,  111.,  where  he  was 
reared  from  childhood  in  the  vicinity  of  Roseville. 
His  native  place  was  in  Mercer  County,  Pa.,  and 
lie  was  born  Dec.  25,  1846. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Joseph  Axtell,  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania,  a  farmer  by  occupation  and 
an  old  settler  of  Mercer  County.  He  was  married 
in  that  county  to  Miss  Eliza  Conditt,  who  was  his 
second  wife.  They  lived  in  Pennsylvania  until  the 
birth  of  all  their  children,  of  whom  Albert  C.  was 
the  youngest.  While  on  the  journey  from  Penn- 
sylvania to  Illinois,  Joseph  Axtell  vvas  stricken 
down  with  typhoid  fever  and  died  at  Danville 
when  about  fifty-one  years  old.  The  mother  and 
children    proceeded  on   tlieir  journej'  and  settled 

near  Roseville,  where  a  few  years  later  the  mother 
died  when  past  middle  life.  She  was  a  member  of 
Congregational  Church  while  the  father  of  our 
subject  was  a  Presbyterian. 

Mr.  AxtoU  from  a  boy  has  been  familiar  with 
farm  life.  After  the  death  of  his  mother  he  was 
reared  bj"  an  older  brother.  When  reaching  man's 
estate  he  was  married  at  Deer  Park,  McDonough 
Co.,  111.,  Dec.  23,  1869,  to  Miss  Cynthia  A.  Walker. 
This  lady  was  born  on  the  14th  of  October,  1843, 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Andrew  H.  Walker.  Her 
paternal  grandfather  was  Alex  Walker,  a  native  of 
Christian  County,  Ky.  The  latter  in  early  life 
studied  medicine,  although  it  is  not  known  that  he 
became  a  practitioner.  He  spent  his  entire  life  in 
Christian  County,  and  died  there  when  quite  aged. 
He  was  born  July  12,  1765,  and  was  the  scion  of 
an  old  Presbyterian  family  in  which  church  he  was 
carefully  trained  and  of  which  he  became  a  mem- 
ber early  in  life.  He  traced  his  ancestry  to  Scot- 
land and  Wales.  He  was  twice  married,  both  wives 
being  Kentucky  ladies  and  both  are  now  deceased. 
The  first  was  Mary  M.  Hammond,  and  the  second 
Margaret  Coumbs.  The  latter  died  in  Illinois. 
Among  the  children  of  the  first  marriage  was  the 
father  of  Mrs.  Axtell. 

Andrew  H.  Walker,  was  one  of  the  j'ounger 
members  of  a  family  of  ten  children  and  received 
an  excellent  education  for  those  times.  After 
leaving  school  he  entered  upon  the  study  of  law 
and  was  admitted  to  tlie  bar,  together  with  two 
brothers  who  became  prominent  attorneys.  One  of 
the  j'ounger  brothers  also  officiated  as  a  minister 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Andrew,  however, 
became  greatly  averse  to  the  many  contests  in- 
volved in  the  practice  of  law  and  abandoned  it. 
Later  he  taught  school  and  operated  as  a  farmer. 
He  emigrated  with  three  brothers  from  Kentucky 
to  McDonough  County,  111.,  arriving  there  in 
1830.  One  of  the  brothers  set  out  the  group  of 
trees  which  later  became  familiarly  known  as  Deer 
Park.  Andrew  H.  settled  on  a  tract  of  school 
land,  from  which  he  improved  a  farm,  and  where 
he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  days,  dying  Jan.  6, 
1866,  at  the  age  of  seventy-eight  years.  He  had 
been  born  in  Adams  Count}',  Ohio,  and  was  mar- 
ried at  Camp  Creek,  McDonough  Co.,  111.,  to  Miss 



Jane  L.  Campbell.  This  Lady  was  born  in  Tennes- 
see, auiV  when  quite  joung  emigrated  with  her  par- 
ents to  McDonongh  County,  111.,  of  which  they 
were  early  settlers.  She  died  at  Deer  Park,  Oct.  29, 
1 845,  when  eomparativel}'  a  young  woman. 

Mrs.  Axtell  was  one  of  the  younger  of  the  five 
children  born  to  her  parents^two  sons  and  three 
daughters  —  four  of  whom  are  living.  One 
daughter,  Margaret  A.,  became  the  wife  of  Isaac 
Michai-ls,  and  died  in  Missouri.  Alex  A.  is  a 
resident  of  Little  River,  this  State;  Joseph  G.  is 
farming  near  Salisbur3%  Mo.;  Mary  I.  lives  in 
McDonongh  County,  111.;  Mrs.  Axtell  attended 
school  at  Prairie  City,  111.,  and  also  at  Mon- 
mouth, 111.  Slie  then  began  teaching,  which 
profession  she  followed  until  her  marriage  and  in 
which  she  was  popular  and  very  successful.  She 
taught  in  the  high  school  at  Macomb,  111.,  and  was 
prominent  among  the  educators  of  that  region;  she 
is  a  lad 3'  of  flue  intelligence  and  manj'  accomplish- 
ments. Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  have 
been  born  six  children,  one  of  whom,  Clarence, 
died  in  infancy.  Myron  W.,  a  promising  youth  of 
seventeen  years,  has  already  become  a  teacher ; 
Maggie  M.,  May  L.,  Walter  R.  and  Mary  L.  are  all 
at  home  with  their  parents.  The  cliildreu  have 
been  well  educated  and  are  more  than  ordinarily 
bright  and  interesting. 

Tlje  first  wife  of  Joseph  Axtell,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  was  Miss  Eunice  Tuttle,  who  was  born  and 
reared  in  Pennsylvania,  and  who  became  the 
mother  of  five  children — Mary,  Thomas,  Sarah, 
Elizabeth  and  Ruth.  They  are  all  deceased.  Of 
the  second  marriage  there  were  born  twelve  chil- 
dren, viz.:  Eunice,  Bathsheba,  Samuel,  Pliny, 
Clarinda,  Amy,  Linus,  Caroline,  Permilla,  Sarah, 
Zenas,  and  Albeit. 

ETER  JONES.  A  fine  farm  of  400  acres, 
lying  on  sections  7  and  8,  in  Guittard 
Townsliip,  and  under  a  good  state  of  cul- 
tivation, speaks  well  for  the  industry  and 
perseverance  of  Mr.  Jones,  who  with  his  own  hands 
most   effectively'    redeemed    a  goodl3'    portion     of 

his  land  from  a  stale  of  nature.  From  a  modest 
position  in  life  he  has  arisen  sociall3' and  flnanciallv, 
and  is  numbered  among  the  prominent  and  well- 
to-do  men  of  this  township.  Of  English  parent- 
.age  and  descent,  he  was  born  in  1833,  in  Herfurd- 
shire  Count}-,  England,  and  lived  there  until  a 
young  man  of  twenty -two  years.  In  1855  he  emi- 
grated to  America,  and  for  a  time  thereafter  was  a 
resident  of  Saratoga  County.  N.  Y.  Later  he  emi- 
grated to  Champaign  County,  111.,  and  from  the 
Prairie  State  about  1858  changed  his  residence  to 
Nemaha  County,  Kan.  Thence  in  tlie  fall  of  1858 
he  came  to  this  count}',  locating  in  Guittard  Town- 
ship, of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resident. 

There  was  then  but  one  building  in  Seneca,  and 
none  from  the  present  place  of  Mr.  Jones  to  Marys- 
ville.  He  first  purchased  160  acres  of  land,  and 
for  a  number  of  years  labored  amid  the  disadvant- 
ages of  life  on  the  frontier,  hauling  his  produce  to 
the  river  and  transporting  therefrom  his  necess.ary 
household  provisions.  Mr.  Jones  assisted  in  the 
organization  of  Guittard  Township,  and  was  among 
the  first  to  assist  in  the  establishment  of  a  school. 
He  was  instrumental  in  the  erection  of  the  first 
school  building  put  up  in  this  part  of  the  county. 
He  has  steadily  avoided  the  responsibilities  of 
office,  although  keeping  himself  well  posted  in  re- 
gard to  aTaii'S  of  general  interest,  and  since  tejom- 
ing  a  voter  has  been  a  stanch  supporter  of  the 
principles  of  the  Democratic  party. 

Mr.  Jones,  after  coming  to  this  county,  was  mar- 
ried. Sept.  30,  1862,  to  Miss  Emma,  a  daughter  of 
Joseph  Totten,  a  sketch  of  whom  appears  on 
another  page  in  this  volume.  Mrs.  Jones  was  born 
in  August,  1847,  in  Illinois,  received  her  edu- 
cation in  the  common  schools,  and  remained  a 
member  of  the  parental  household  until  her  mar- 
riage. Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  were 
born  five  children,  all  of  whom  are  living:  May 
E.,  John  P.,  Oliver  G.,  Albert  L.  and  Arthur  T. 
They  form  a  bright  and  interesting  group,  and 
are  all  at  home  with  their  parents.  The  Jones' 
farm  is  devoted  to  general  agriculture  and  stock- 
raising,  and  in  its  buildings  and  appointments 
bears  fair  comparison  with  its  neighbors.  Their 
residence  is  a  very  convenient  and  comfortable 
one,  and    is   represented  by    a    fine  engraving    on 



another  page.  The  proprietor  is  a  man  who  per- 
haps has  made  little  stir  in  the  world,  being  noted 
chiefl}'  for  his  reliable  qualities  as  a  citizen,  and 
one  who  has  uniformly  signalized  liimself  as  a  man 
interested  in  those  projects  calculated  for  the  gen- 
eral good  of  the  people. 

eHARLP:.S  H.  TRAVELUTP:,  a  retired  farmer 
of  Oketo  Township,  was  closely  connected 
with  the  great  agricultural  interests  of  Mar- 
shall County  for  several  j'ears,  and  developed  one 
of  its  finest  farms,  which  is  still  in  his  possession. 
He  is  a  man  of  superior  intelligence  and  educa- 
tion, and  of  high  personal  reputation,  and  his  fel- 
low-citizens have  delighted  to  honor  him  by 
electing  hiin  to  responsible  public  offices,  and  in 
wiiatsoever  position  he  has  been  called  on  to  fill, 
he  has  acted  with  characteristic  discretion  and  wis- 
dom, and  so  as  to  serve  the  best  interests  of  county 
or  township. 

Our  suliject  was  born  Aug.  25,  1818,  in  Baden, 
Germany,  a  son  of  Andrew  and  Eve  Travelute. 
His  father  was  born  near  Strasburg,  on  the  Rhine, 
and  was  of  French  descent,  while  his  mother  was 
a  native  of  Baden.  They  came  to  America  in 
in  1832,  and  the  father,  who  was  a  blacksmitii  by 
trade,  turned  his  attention  to  farming  in  Pennsj'l- 
vania.  His  death  occurred  in  1852,  and  his  wife 
survived  him  only  two  years,  dj-ing  in  1854.  Tlisy 
had  six  children,  of  whom  the  subject  of  this  biog- 
raphy is  the  only  one  now  living.  He  was  well- 
educated  in  the  Fatherland,  and  is  conversant  with 
botii  tiie  German  and  English  languages.  At  the 
age  of  fourteen  he  accompanied  his  parents  to  this 
country,  and  since  then  has  known  no  other  home. 
When  he  was  twenty  years  old  he  began  life  for 
himself,  and  for  two  years  was  engaged  in  working 
in  some  iron-works  in  Pennsylvania.  He  then 
adopted  the  calling  of  a  farmer  in  that  State,  con- 
tinuing thus  emploj'ed  till  1842,  when  he  settled  on 
a  farm  in  Mason  Countj',  111.  In  1851  he  went  to 
live  in  Ogle  County,  that  State,  and  in  1866  he 
made  still  another  move,  and  from  that  time  has 
resided  on  his    present  farm   on    section  31,  Oketo 

Township.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  the 
place,  and  his  340  acres  of  land  have  been  reclaimed 
from  the  wild  prairies  by  his  patient,  well-directed 
toil,  and  he  has  made  all  of  the  various  fine  im- 
provements, including  a  neat  and  commodious 
set  of  farm  buildings,  having  erected  his  cozy, 
comfortable  dwelling  seven  years  ago.  He  has  re- 
tired from  active  farming,  having,  by  the  aid  of 
his  faithful  wife,  accumulated  a  competency, where  by 
they  are  enabled  to  pass  their  declining  years  in 
ease  and  comfort  in  their  pleasant  home,  free  from 
care  and  hard  labor. 

When  Mr.  Travelute  entered  the  married  state, 
Nov.  22,  1840,  it  was  his  good  fortune  to  secure  a 
wife  of  great  worth,  one  who  has  been  to  him  a  help- 
mate and  companion  in  very  truth  during  the  period 
of  nearly  half  a  century  that  they  have  journe3ed 
over  life's  road  together.  She  is  an  active,  capable 
woman,  of  great  force  of  character,  has  always 
been  a  great  worker,  and  is  a  fine  manager,  her  do- 
mestic machinery  always  running  smoothly.  She 
has  been  all  that  a  wise  and  affectionate  mother  can 
be  to  her  children,  and  they  owe  much  to  lier  coun- 
sel and  training.  Her  maiden  name  was  Margaret 
Spealman,  and  she  was  born  in  Wittenberg,  Ger- 
many, which  was  also  the  native  place  of  her 
parents,  John  and  Marj-  (Shrink)  Spealman.  fSee 
sketch  of  her  brother,  Henr}'  Spealman,  on  another 
page  of  this  volume.)  Her  father  was  a  black- 
smith b)'  trade,  but  after  his  emigration  to  America 
with  his  family,  in  1832,  he  devoted  bis  attention 
mostly  to  farming,  buying  a  farm  in  Pennsylvania 
two  years  later.  He  subsequently  sold  that  place, 
and  removing  to  Illinois,  died  there  in  1855,  his 
wife  dying  in  1867.  They  had  Ave  girls  and  two 
boys,  and  Mrs.  Travelute  was  the  fifth  ciiild.  She 
was  born  in  Wittenberg,  Nov.  7,  1818,  and  ob- 
tained all  her  education  in  her  native  land  and 
language.  She  was  married  to  our  subject  in  Penn- 
sylvania, and  the  result  of  their  happy  union  lias 
been  eight  children,  as  follows:  Andrew  .J.;  Maria, 
Mrs.  Benson;  Melinda,  Mrs.  W.  W.  Watson;  Mar3', 
Mrs.  Butterfleld;  Sarah,  Mrs.  C.  L.  Watson;  Etlie, 
Mrs.  G.  C.  Butler;  Margaret,  who  is  deceased;  and 
Charles  F. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Travelute  are  thoroughly  resp^icted 
by  all  in  the  community  for  tliose  sterling  traits  of 



mind  and  heart  that  place  them  among  our  most 
desirable  citizens.  AVhile  laboring  to  accumulate 
a  competency  for  themselves  and  famil}',  they  have 
faithfully  contributed  their  quota  towards  the  up- 
buililing  of  the  county,  and  the  township  is  partly 
indebted  to  them  for  its  standing  and  prosperity. 
Mr.  Travalute  has  placed  an  important  part  in  the 
public  life  of  the  township  and  county  in  various 
official  capacities.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the 
School  Board  for  a  number  of  years,  and  has  also 
served  as  Road  Overseer.  He  was  Count}'  Asses- 
sor one  year,  and  performed  the  duties  of  the  same 
office  for  tlie  township  for  three  3'ears;  he  held 
tlie  position  of  County  Commissioner  one  term, 
and  has  been  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Grange,  and  also  of  the  sons  ol  Temper- 
ance. He  has  been  very  active  in  politics,  and  was 
for  manj-  3'ears  associated  with  the  Democratic 
part}',  but  now  uses  his  influence  in  favor  of  tlie 
Union  Labor  party.  He  and  his  wife  are  sincere 
Christians,  and  are  numbered  among  the.  most  val- 
ued members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  he  hav- 
ing served  as  Elder  of  that  church  for  twelve 
years,  and  as  Steward  for  more  than  twenty  3'ears. 

,ELSOX  T.  WATERS.  The  subject  of  this 
siietch  was  born  in  Berkshire  Count}',  Mass., 
July  21,  1833.  He  obtained  a  good  practi- 
cal education  at  the  common  schools,  after  which 
he  was  on  the  farm  until  twent}-  years  old.  When 
twentj'-one  he  went  to  Ohio,  where  he  drove  a 
four-horse  peddler's  wagon  for  three  j'ears.  He  then 
came  to  Illinois,  locating  at  Loda,  as  a  farmer. 
There  he  lived  for  twentj'-five  years.  During  the 
later  j'ears  he  engaged  also  in  business  as  a  stock 
dealer.  In  1879  he  came  to  Kansas,  locating  in 
Nemaha  County,  stopping  near  Oneida,  where  he 
bought  raw  prairie  land,  improved  it  and  made  a 
home,  where  he  lived  until  1882.  when  he  sold  and 
came  to  Beattie.  Here  he  bought  out  J.  J.  Shel- 
don's lumber  yard,  and  has  continued  in  that  busi- 
ness since. 

During  his  residence  at  Loda.  on  July  14,   1869, 
our  suliject  was  married  to  Miss  Emma  McBirney. 

His  wife  died  in  1879,  leaving  two  children:  Maude 
and  Albert,  both  still  living.  He  was  afterward 
married  to  Mrs.  Martha  Bell,  nee  Noel,  of  Paxton, 
11!.,  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  born  in  18.53.  When 
seven  years  old  her  father,  William  Noel,  moved  to 
the  vicinity  of  Paxton,  111.,  where  he  engaged  in 
farming.  There  she  lived  until  she  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Mr.  Bell,  by  whom  she  has  two  chil- 
dren— Mar}-  and  William.  She  moveil  to  Iowa 
and  there  her  husband  died.  After  his  decease  she 
returned  to  Paxton,  where  she  lived  until  her  mar- 
riage with  our  subject.  Her  mother,  formerly  Miss 
Sarah  Schaffer,  had  a  family  of  seven  children,  four 
of  whom  are  still  living;  she  died  in  1878.  The 
father  now  lives  in  Lamar,  Mo.,  where  he  owns  a 
farm,  though  he  makes  his  home  in  the  city.  He 
has  always  been  quite  a  politician  in  the  Demo- 
cratic party,  is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  a  Knight  Templar,  and  has  always  been 
one  of  the  representative  men  of  the  town. 

Levi  Waters,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 
in  Massachusetts,  and  was  engaged  in  agriculture 
ten  years  before  his  death,  when  he  removed  to 
New  York.  His  wife  was  in  her  youth  Miss  Lu- 
cinda  Twining,  and  became  the  mother  of  six  chil- 
dren. The  father  lived  to  be  eighty-eight  years 
old,  dying  in  December,  1882,  while  the  mother 
passed  away  about  1884. 

Our  subject  was  a  member  of  the  first  and  sec- 
ond Councils  of  the  city  of  Beattie,  and  is  again  a 
member  for  the  present  term'  (1889.)  His  politi- 
cal influence  is  cast  with  the  Republican  party.  He 
is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  order,  Beattie  Lodge 
No.  259.  Mr.  AVaters  has  improved  his  homestead, 
and  may  well  be  proud  of  his  cozy,  convenient 
residence,  a  view  of  which  appears  elsewhere  in 
this  work,  in  connection  with  an  engraving  of  his 
lumber  yard. 

.   ocx>    . 

^i^  LDER  JAMES  F.  SCOTT,  a  regularly  or- 
il^  dained  minister  of  the  Christian  Church, 
/I' — ^  preaching  regularly  in  Waterville,  is  also  a 
man  fond  of  agricultural  pursuits,  and  may  usually 
be  found  at  his  finely  cultivated  farm  on  section 
18,    Waterville    Township.     He  also    understands 



tiU'pentering,  having  served  an  apprenticesliip  at 
this  trade  during  his  carlv  manliood.  He  possesses 
those  qualities  of  character  whicli  have  gained  liim 
the  esteem  of  his  entire  comniunit}',  and  has  lilic- 
wise  been  endowed  liy  nature  with  more  than  ordin- 
ary intellectual  capacities.  A  reader  and  thinker, 
he  is  one  of  those  comparatively  few  men  with 
wliom  an  hour  may  alwaj's  be  spent  in  a  pleasant 
and  profitable  manner.  He  is  a  man  plain  in  his 
ways  and  speech,  but  one  whom  it  is  safe  to  "tie  to." 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  Wayne 
County,  Ohio,  Nov.  26,  1831 ,  and  is  the  son  of  John 
Scott,  a  native  of  Fayette  County,  Pa.,  who  was 
born  March  25,  1800.  The  latter  remained  a  resi- 
dent of  his  native  State  until  1831,  in  which  year 
he  removed  to  Wayne  County,  Ohio,  where  he  so- 
journed until  1848.  That  year  he  changed  his  resi- 
dence to  Carroll  County,  where  his  decease  occurred 
Oct.  19,  1858.  He  followed  agricultural  pursuits 
his  entire  life  and  accumulated  a  fine  propert}'.  He 
exerted  a  marked  influence  in  his  community  and 
occupied  many  offices  of  trust  and  responsbility. 
For  many  years  prior  to  his  death  he  was  a  consci- 
entious member  of  the  Baptist  Cliurch. 

Mrs.  Mary  (Foster)  Scott,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  Fayette  County,  Pa.,  in  1804, 
and  departed  this  life  in  Wayne  County,  Ohio, 
July  24,  1838.  The  parental  family  consisted  of 
eight  children,  of  whom  James  F.  was  the  Hfth  in 
order  of  birth.  His  early  life  was  spent  at  the  old 
homestead  in  Wayne  County,  Ohio,  where  he  so- 
journed until  1  884.  Then  coming  to  this  county 
he  purchased  his  present  farm  of  160  acres,  and  has 
effected  manv  improvements  thereon,  making  of  it 
a  most  desirable  and  attractive  homestead. 

During  the  progress  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr.  Scott, 
in  1864,  enlisted  with  the  100  days'  men,  as  a  pri- 
vate in  Company  H,  166th  Ohio  Infantr}\  and  did 
duty  most  of  the  time  on  Arlington  Heights, 
guarding  AVashington  City.  He  was  mustered  out 
at  the  close  of  his  term  of  enlistment,  in  October, 
1864.  Mr.  Scott,  from  1845  until  1873,  was  iden- 
tified with  the  Baptist  Church.  His  religious  views 
then  experienced  something  of  a  change,  and  he 
espoused  the  doctrines  of  the  Christian  Church  as 
more  in  consonance  with  his  enlightened  belief. 
He  does  a  large  amount  of  Evangelical  work,  and 

as  a  speaker  is  very  impressive,  holding  the  atten- 
tion of  his  hearers  and  using  those  arguments  which 
are  at  once  persuasive  and  convincing.  For  his 
labors  in  the  Master's  service  he  requires  nothing. 
He  started  out  in  life  at  the  foot  of  the  ladder, 
financially,  and  by  industry  and  economy  has  been 
enabled  to  secure  a  comptence  sufficient  for  his  de- 
clining years.  In  politics  he  isasound  Republican, 
and  socially,  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity  and 
the  I.  O.  0.  F. 

Over  thirty-five  years  ago  Mr.  Scott  was  married, 
Nov.  15,  1853,  to  Miss  Mary,  daughter  of  David 
and  Ruth  (Carter)  Gaff,  who  were  then  residents 
of  Wayne  County,  Ohio.  Mrs.  Scott  was  born 
April  4,  1832,  in  Stark  County,  Ohio,  and  passed 
her  childhood  and  youth  quietly  and  uneventfully 
under  her  parents'  roof.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Scott  have 
no  children.  Their  home  is  extremely  comfortable 
and  pleasant,  and  is  the  frequent  resort  of  the  many 
friends  they  lia-^e  made  during  their  sojourn  in  this 

W  LOYD  S.  BENNETT  occupies  an  attractive 
I  (^  residence  on  the  Vermillion  River  one  mile 
jl'—^  west  of  B>ankfort.  He  has  charge  of  a  fine 
farm  of  167  acres,  which  is  owned  by  John  D.  Wells, 
and  is  occupied  in  general  farming  and  stock-rais- 
ing. He  was  born  in  Harrison  Countj',  W.  Va., 
Aug.  9,  1859,  and  is  one  of  afamilj'  of  six  children. 
His  father,  Alva  H.,  and  his  mother,  Sarah  (Hus- 
tead)  Bennett,  were  natives  of  the  Old  Dominion, 
and  descendants  of  old  Virginia  families.  Of  the 
parental  family,  James  C.  is  now  living  in  Lincoln, 
Neb.;  he  married  Miss  Jennie  Harland,  and  has  one 
child.  Amanda  M.  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Dotsan,  a 
farmer  of  Cloud  Countjf,  Kan.  and  has  three  chil- 
dren; Elizabeth  Q.,  wife  of  William  Mosburg,  a 
farmer,  also  lives  in  Cloud  County.  Harriet  F.  is 
the  wife  of  Wait  Doak,  a  farmer  of  Osborne 
County,  and  has  three  children;  Harrison  A.  E. 
married  Ella  Dotson,  and  is  the  father  of  one  child. 
His  home  is  in  AVells  Township. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  died  when  he  was 
twelve  years  old,  and  two  years  later  his  father  re- 
moved  to  Cloud  County,  where  he  is  still  living. 



In  that  county  he  was  subsequently  married  to 
Nancy  J.  Cox,  and  became  the  father  of  the  fol- 
lowing children:  "William  R.,  Ona  J.,  Elza,  Claude, 
Nora,  Gordie  and   Gay,  all  of  whom  are  at  home. 

Our  subject  was  reared  on  his  father's  farm,  and 
received  a  fair  education  in  the  common  schools. 
At  the  early  age  of  fifteen  he  went  to  work  for 
himself,  finding  emplo.vment  by  the  month  on  a 
farm.  He  came  to  this  county  and  continued  in 
agricultural  pursuits.  Having  wooed  and  won  Miss 
Arta  Bell,  daughter  of  John  D.  and  Elizabeth  Wells, 
he  was  married  to  her  in  Wells  Township,  March 
20,  1882.  (See  sketch  of  John  D.  Wells,  which  is 
found  elsewhere  in  this  volume.)  The  result  of 
this  union  has  been  one  interesting  child. 

Mr.  Bennett  is  a  heavy  built  and  muscular  man, 
possessing  a  good  stock  of  mother  wit  and  strong 
common  sense.  He  is  a  hard-working  man  and  a 
good  farmer,  and  one  who  is  likely,  before  manj^ 
j'ears,  to  rank  with  the  leading  land-owners  of  the 
county.  He  is  a  believer  in  and  supporter  of  the 
Democratic  part^'.  He  is  a  a  man  of  honor  and 
uprightness,  and  a  reliable  citizen. 

<j|,  OHN  J.  WATERBURY.  Before  entering 
upon  a  sketch  of  the  gentleman,  whose  name 
heads  this  notice,  it  may  well  be  to  devote 
some  space  to  the  family  of  which  he  is  a 
member.  His  grandfather,  John  Waterburj',  was 
H  native  of  New  York,  where  the  family  was  living 
previous  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  in  his  own  occupation,  his  son,  James, 
father  of  our  subject,  was  reared.  James  Water- 
bury  married  Mary  Littz.  She  was  of  Ger- 
man descent,  though  her  parents,  as  well  as  herself 
had  been  born  in  the  Empire  State.  He  removed 
from  New  York  to  Michigan,  settling  at  Algansee, 
in  Branch  County,  where  he  engaged  in  farming. 
He  also  followed  the  profession  of  teaching  during 
a  period  of  forty  3-ears.  In  Branch  County  he  was 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  served  several  terms  as 
County  Superintendent  of  Schools.  He  died  in  Mich- 
igan   in    1883,  at  the  age   of  eighty-seven.     His 

wife  uas  eighty-two  years  old  at  the  time  of  her 
death,  which  took  place  the  year  previous  to  his 
own.  He  was  a  Whig  and  later  a  Republican,  and 
was  a  member  of  the  countj'  delegation  in  several 
conventions.  He  belonged  to  the  Baptist  Church 
and  his  wife  to  the  Methodist.  The  family  con- 
sisted of  seven  children;  Sarah  M.,  Henry,  Sichee 
Ann,  John  J.  our  subject,  Aaron.  Cornelius,  and 
one  who  had  died  in  infancy.  Sarah  M.  is  now 
living  in  Montgomery,  Hillsdale  Co.  Mich.;  her 
husband  Seneca  Canfield  was  a  farmer  and  during 
the  late  war  served  in  a  Michigan  regiment.  He 
breathed  his  last  in  1873.  Henry  is  living  on  a 
farm  adjoining  the  parental  home  in  Branch 
Count3%  Mich.;  he  married  Mrs.  Rufus  Murray, 
and  is  the  father  of  four  children.  Sichee  Ann  is 
the  wife  of  John  Walworth,  a  farmer,  living  on 
land  adjoining  the  old  Waterbury  homestead ;  she 
is  the  mother  of  seven  children.  Aaron  served  in 
Company  H,  17th  Michigan  Infantry,  and  lost  his 
life  l\v  the  explosion  of  the  steamer  ''Sultana," 
April  24,  1865;  he  left  a  widow  and  three  children, 
now  living  in  Michigan.  Cornelius  died  at  the  age 
of  twelve  years. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Richland  County,  N.  Y., 
July  1,  1833.  His  parents  removed  to  Michigan 
when  he  was  six  years  old.  and  he  remained  with 
them  until  about  sixteen.  He  then  went  to  Hillsdale, 
Mich.,  to  learn  tailoring,  and  served  there  three 
years.  Going  to  Jonesville,  he  there  worked  one 
and  a  half  j'ears.  He  completed  his  apprentice- 
ship atColdwater,  where  he  remained  about  a  j-ear. 
From  this  time  up  to  the  summer  of  1861  he 
worked  at  his  trade.  He  then  joined  a  squadron 
of  cavalry,  which  was  being  raised  for  Gen.  Rich- 
ardson's body  guard.  After  three  months' service 
the  squadron  disbanded,  and  our  subject  went  to 
Frankfort,  Ind.,  where  he  spent  the  winter  of  1861- 
62.  The  fires  of  patriotism  burned  too  fiercely  in 
his  breast  for  him  to  carry  on  the  peaceful  em- 
ployment of  his  trade,  while  the  nation  was  in 
need  of  brave  men,  and  in  August,  1862,  he  en- 
listed in  the  100th  Indiana  Infantry,  serving  in 
the  15th  army  corps.  They  took  part  in  the  bat- 
tles at  Vicksburg,  Mission  Ridge,  Lookout  Moun- 
tain, and  came  to  the  relief  of  Burnside  at  Knox- 
ville.     Coming  back  by  the  vr&y   of   Chattanooga, 



the  regiment  wintered  at  Scottsborough,  Ala.  In 
the  summer  of  1864,  they  participated  in  the 
bloody  battles  of  Resaca,  Kenesaw  and  Lost 
Mountains,  and  wereat  Atlanta,  .Jul}' 22,  and  Love- 
joy  Station,  September  2.  They  then  formed  a  part 
of  tiie  gallant  60,000  in  the  march  to  the  sea  and 
finally  participated  in  the  last  fight  of  the  Sher- 
man campaign  at  Bentonville,  N.  C.  The  regi- 
ment was  discharged  in  August,  1865,  and  our 
gallant  soldier  returned  to  Frankfort,  lud.,  and 
resumed  his  old  trade.  He  remained  at  Frankfort 
t>vo  years,  and  after  working  as  journeyman  tailor 
at  various  places,  he  finally  came  to  Kansas.  In 
1883  he  located  at  Clyde,  where  he  remained 
about  two  years,  and  then  going  to  Lane  County, 
he  took  up  a  homestead.  After  two  years  resi- 
dence on  the  farm,  he  proved  up  and  still  owns  the 
land, and  then  came  to  Frankfort,  arriving  here 
Aug.  1,  1888. 

In  Frankfort,  Ind.,  Sept.  20,  1865,  the  marriage 
ceremony  was  performed,  which  made  Miss  Annie 
E.  AVaters,  Mrs.  John  J.  Waterbury.  The  bride 
was  the  daughter  of  Robert  and  Schalatt  Waters, 
both  natives  of  the  Keystone  State.  The  mother 
died  when  her  daughter  was  but  a  babe.  Tiie 
father  was  a  "forty-niner,"  who  having  gone  to 
California  during  the  great  excitement,  remained 
in  the  Golden  State  until  two  years  ago.  He  died 
in  Frankfort,  Kan.,  in  June,  1889.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
AVaterburj'  have  lost  one  child,  a  girl,  who  died  in 
infancy.  Robert  the  only  Jiving  child,  is  now 
conducting  a  merchant  tailoring  establishment  in 
Frankfort.  He  was  married  July  3,  1889  to  Miss 
M.  S.  Smith,  daughter  of  M.  C.  Smith,  whose  par- 
ents are  residents  of  Frankfort. 

Mr.  AVaturbury  is  independent  in  his  political 
views,  voting  for  those  whom  he  considers  best 
qualified  to  advance  the  interests  of  the  county. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  Good  Templars  order,  of 
Clyde  Post  G.  A.  R.  in  Cloud  County,  and  of 
Dighton  Lodge,  I.  O.  O.  F.  and  is  now  a  mem- 
ber of  the  I.  O.  0.  F.  here.  In  the  latter  society 
he  has  filled  the  Chairs,  been  delegate  to  the  Grand 
Lodge,  and  has  served  two  terms  as  District 
Deputy.  Mrs.  Waterbury  is  a  member  of  the 
Presbyterian  Church,  of  which  her  husband  is  an 
attendant.    Mr.  Waterbury  is  a  man  of  fine  charac- 

ter, a  thorough  workman  and  a  good  citizen,  in- 
terested in  every  movement  which  is  calculated  to 
advance  the  interests  of  the  town  in  which  he 



1^^  AMUEL  BENTLEY  is  numbered  among 
^^^  the  intelligent,  progressive,  industrious 
'x^lu  farmers  and  stock-raisers  who  are  uphold- 
ing and  extending  these  important  interests 
in  Marshall  County.  And  on  section  17,  Oketo 
Township,  he  has  a  fine,  well-managed  farm,  one  of 
the  most  desirable  in  this  locality,  which,  in  the 
fall  of  1877,  he  took  up  under  the  provision  of  the 
homestead  act,  it  then  being  a  tract  of  wild  uncul- 
tivated prairie  land. 

Our  subject  is  a  worthy  descendant  of  good 
Canadian  stock,  and  on  his  father's  side  he  is  of 
Quaker  blood.  His  parents,  Wilson  and  Mariam 
(Jackson)  Bentley,  were  natives  and  life-long  resi- 
dents of  Ontario,  Canada.  His  father  was  a  pros- 
perous farmer,  and  a  man  of  superior  intelligence 
and  ability,  and  was  very  prominent  in  his  countj'. 
He  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  many  years,  and 
held  the  responsible  office  of  Sheriff  of  the  county 
for  three  years.  He  was  for  some  years  lighthouse 
keeper  at  Presque  Isle.  His  father,  Elijaii  Bentley, 
was  a  Quaker  preacher,  and  removed  from  NewYork 
to  Ontario  during  the  War  of  1812.  He  was  ar- 
rested by  the  British  authorities,  and  placed  in 
prison,  because  he  was  thought  to  be  a  spy.  His 
wife  carried  him  food,  which  with  characteristic 
generosity  and  self-forgetfulness,  he  divided  with 
hi^  fellow-prisoners,  who  were  less  fortunate  in  se- 
curing provisions.  He  was  finally  released  from 
his  unjust  confinement,  and  he  subsequentl}'  re- 
moved to  Prince  Edward  Island.  In  the  latter 
part  of  his  life  he  took  a  long  journey  in  a  buggy 
to  visit  his  sons  and  daughters  in  Indiana,  and 
there  the  good  man's  life  was  brought  to  a  close, 
and  all  that  is  mortal  of  him  is  buried  in  Eugene, 

Samuel  Bentley,  of  this  biographical  review,  was 
the  third  child  in  a  family  of  seven  children,  four 
of  whom  are  living,  and  he  was  born  in  Ontario, 
Canada,  April  5,  18.35.     He  grew  to  man's  estate  in 



his  native  province,  receiving  fair  educational  ad- 
vantages, which  he  profited  by,  so  that  he  is  a  well- 
informed  man.  At  the  age  of  twenty  he  began 
life  on  his  own  account  on  a  farm  near  his  old 
home,  marrying  in  that  j'ear  and  establishing  a 
home  of  his  own.  In  1858  he  left  Canada  to  take 
up  his  residence  in  Montezuma,  Ind.,  and  lived  there 
till  1861.  when  he  returned  to  his  native  land,  Can- 
ada. In  1864  he  went  back  to  Montezuma,  and  re- 
mained there  till  1877,  engaging  in  business  there 
as  a  carpenter  and  millwright.  Having  through 
his  friends  heard  much  of  the  fertile  soil,  fine  clim- 
ate and,  above  all,  the  cheap  lands  of  Kansas,  he 
plainly  saw  that  there  was  money  to  be  made  here 
by  a  man  of  fair  abilities,  backed  by  industrious 
habits,  thrift,  enterprise  and  keen  common  sense, 
and  he  determined  to  take  his  chances,  so  in  the 
month  of  September,  1877,  he  emigrated  here 
with  his  family,  coming  to  Marysville,  and  im- 
mediately took  the  homestead  on  the  Otoe  Indian 
Reserve,  where  he  now  lives.  It  has  taken  much 
hard  labor  to  bring  his  farm  to  its  present  fine  con- 
dition, with  its  223  acres  all  under  cultivation  and 
bearing  large  crops,  its  buildings  in  good  order, 
and  its  stock  well  kept,  and  comparing  favorably 
with  other  herds  in  the  vicinity.  Mr.  Bentley  has 
greatly  increased  the  value  of  his  place,  to  sa^^ 
nothing  of  the  additional  beauty  of  the  landscape, 
Ity  planting  a  large  number  of  trees,  cottonwood, 
maple  and  fruit.  He  devotes  a  part  of  his  farm  to 
raising  stock,  and  handles  forty  head  of  cattle,  and 
has  been  a  heavy  dealer  in  hogs.  During  tlie  Civil 
War,  Mr.  Bentley  was  part  owner  of  the  schooner 
"Gold  Hunter,"  that  plied  between  Kingston,  Can- 
ada, and  different  ports  in  the  States,  and  he  has 
experienced  many  hard  storms  on  Lake  Ontario. 

Mr.  Bentley  has  been  twice  married.  He  was 
first  wedded  in  1855  to  Miss  Maria  Walker,  a 
daughter  of  William  Walker,  of  Ontario.  Three 
children  were  born  of  that  marriage,  two  of  whom 
are  living,  Pencey  and  Kenneth.  July  26,  1863, 
she  was  taken  from  her  famil}'  b}'  death,  while  she 
was  yet  a  young  woman  in  tiie  midst  of  her  useful- 
ness. Mr.  Bentley  was  remarried  Sept.  25,  1866, 
Miss  Jenetty  Daile^'  becoming  his  wife.  She  is  a 
daugiiter  of  William  and  Elsie  (Conner)  Dailey,  of 
Parke  County,  Ind.     Five  children  have  been  born 

toour  subject  by  his  marriage,  namel)-:  Ella  Ann, 
James  D..  William  H.,  Elbert  E.  and  Mariam  I. 
All  are  being  given  good  educational  advantages, 
and  fitted  to  be  honorable  members  of  societj'. 

In  his  career  as  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  Mr. 
Bentley  has  manifested  shrewdness,  discretion,  cal- 
culation and  clear  discernment,  coupled  with  pru- 
dent and  industrious  habits,  and  these  have  led 
him  to  success.  He  is  a  roan  of  good  standing  in 
the  community,  and  is  well  thought  of  by  all.  He 
has  held  public  office  with  credit;  in  Canada,  when 
he  was  a  resident  there,  he  was  Recorder  of  Elec- 
tions at  different  times,  and  since  living  here,  has 
been  School  Director  of  this  district,  and  while  he 
was  in  office,  the  present  neat  schoolhouse  was 
erected.  He  is  prominently  identified  with  the  I. 
O.  O.  F.  as  a  member  of  Oketo  Lodge,  and  has  gone 
through  the  chairs  three  times.  He  is  also  a  mem- 
ber of  the  encampment  of  the  same  order,  and  was 
formerl}-  connected  with  the  Masonic  fraternity,  as 
well  as  being  a  member  of  the  Sons  of  Temperance 
and  Good  Templars.  In  politics  he  is  identified 
with  the  Union  Labor  part}',  which  has  no  more 
earnest,  enthusiastic,  conscientious  or  intelligent 
supporter  than  he,  who  can  eloquently  discourse  on 
its  object,  and  convince  an  unprejudiced  individual 
that  of  all  parties  it  has  the  best  right  to  exist,  as, 
if  its  policy  were  carried  out,  the  best  interests  of 
the  greatest  number  would  be  subserved,  and  the 
Government  would  be  purified.  Mrs.  Bentley  is  a 
valued  member  of  the  Christian  Church,  and  in  her 
daily  life  seeks  to  live  up  to  its  teachings. 



PRNST  BROCKMEYER.  This  representative 
pioneer  of  Marshall  County,  may  usually 
(B^^  be  found  at  the  well-regulated  farm  which 
he  built  up  from  the  wilderness,  and  which  is  finely 
located  on  section  9  in  Bigelow  Township.  The 
premises  bears  all  the  evidences  of  thrift  and  pros- 
perit}'  for  which  the  German  nationality  is  peculiar. 
]\[r.  Brockmejer  was  born  on  the  other  side  of  the 
Atlantic,  in  what  was  then  the  Kingdom  of  Han- 
over, Oct.  23,  1844,  and  thus  is  in  the  ver}'  prime 
of  life  and   in  the  midst  of  his  usefulness.     He  is 



essentially  a  self-made  man,  one  who  started  at  the 
foot  of  the  ladder  in  life,  and  furnishes  a  fine  illus- 
tration of  the  results  of  steady  perseverance  and 
unflagging  industry. 

In  glancing  at  the  parental  history'  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch  we  find  that  he  is  the  son  of  Henr}' 
and  Sophia  Brockmeyer,  who  were  also  natives  of 
Hanover,  and  who  lived  there  until  after  their 
marriage  and  until  their  son  Ernst  was  a  lad  of 
seven  3'ears.  Then  they  resolved  to  seek  their 
fortunes  on  the  other  side  of  the  Atlantic.  Repair- 
ing to  the  city  of  Bremen,  they  embarked  on  a  sail- 
ing vessel  bound  for  New  York  City,  and  after  an 
ocean  voyage  of  forty-eight  days  arrived  safely  at 
their  destination.  Thence  tliey  emigrated  east  into 
Connecticut  and  established  themselves  on  a  farm, 
and  tliere  tlie  father  died  in   1855. 

In  1856  Mrs.  Brockmeyer  with  her  five  children, 
three  sons  and  two  daughters,  set  out  for  the  West- 
ern country,  and  coming  to  this  county  located  at 
the  mouth  of  Clear  Fork  Creek,  a  short  distance 
northeast  of  the  present  site  of  Bigelow,  and  where 
the  creek  empties  into  Vermillion  River.  They 
were  among  the  earliest  settlers  of  that  region,  but 
only  remained  tliere  a  short  time.  The  eldest 
brother  and  one  sister  continued  residents  of  this 
county  while  Ernst  and  the  balance  of  the  family 
removed,  in  the  fall  of  1857,  to  St.  Louis  in  order 
that  the  education  of  the  younger  children  might 
be  conducted  as  they  wished. 

Mr.  Brockmeyer  attended  school  in  St.  Louis 
until  the  spring  of  1860,  then  coming  back  to  this 
county  was  located  for  about  two  years  on  the 
Vermillion  River.  He  then  removed  with  his 
mother  to  Washington  County,  where  her  death 
took  place  in  1882.  Mr.  Brockmeyer  returned  to 
to  this  county  two  years  later.  In  1 884  he  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  land,  which  now  comprises  the 
improved  farm  which  has  for  many  years  yielded 
him  a  comfortable  income.  Some  of  the  time  dur- 
ing his  younger  years  lie  was  engaged  as  clerk  in  a 
store,  but  mostly  was  occupied  in  farming  pursuits. 
He  thus  labored  about  twelve  years  in  obtaining  a 
foothold  financiall}'. 

In  1873  Mr.  Brockmeyer  took  unto  liimself  a 
wife  and  helpmate,  being  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss   Louise,  daughter  of  William  and  Mary  Hol- 

lenberg.  There  have  been  born  to  them  two  sons — 
William  and  Henry,  While  a  resident  of  Washing- 
ton County,  Mr.  Brockmeyer  served  as  Clerk  and 
Treasurer  of  his  school  district,  .ind  he  has  always 
been  interested  in  the  maintenance  and  establish- 
ment of  schools,  having  come  from  a  country  com- 
pelling its  3'outh  to  be  educated.  He  was  reared  in 
the  doctrines  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  to  which  he 
still  loyally'  adheres.  Upon  becoming  a  voting 
citizen  he  identified  himself  with  the  Republican 
party,  to  which  he  has  since  given  his  unqualified 
support.  When  he  first  came  to  this  county  there 
were  onl}-  two  families  in  his  immediate  neighbor- 
hood, Louis  Trumbley,  a  half-breed  Indian,  and 
Henry  Hollenberg.  The  following  year  quite  a 
number  of  families  emigrated  from  Ohio. 

ULUl  It  is  fortunate  that  among  the  various 
members  of  a  community,  there  are  some 
who,  in  addition  to  being  interested  in  its 
business  advancement,  also  taKe  its  moral  and 
educational  matters  under  their  fostering  care. 
During  his  honorable  career  in  this  section,  Mr. 
Thomas  has  distinguished  himself  as  the  particular 
friend  of  education,  and  has  carried  his  principles 
into  active  application  as  regards  his  own  family. 
His  cliildren  have  been  given  the  best  advantages 
within  his  power.  In  his  early  home  he  was  the 
eldest  of  his  father's  family',  and  after  the  death  of 
that  parent,  assisted  in  educating  the  youngest 
child,  and  has  at  all  times  done  whatever  he  could 
for  the  others,  helping  them  to  a  start  in  life.  He 
is  numbered  among  the  leading  citizens  of  Noble 
Township,  and  is  a  prominent  light  in  local  pol- 
itics, advocating  the  principles  of  the  Democratic 

Our  subject  is  the  owner  of  .320  acres  of  land,  a 
part  occupying  a  quarter  of  section  26  and  the 
other  section  35  in  Noble  Township.  He  is  a  Mis- 
sourian  by  birth,  having  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the 
light  in  the  vicinity  of  Columbia,  Boone  County, 
Aug.  20,  1886.  He  lived  there  with  his  parents 
until  a  lad  of  eight  years,  and  then  the   family   re- 



moved  to  Buchanan  County,  wbeie  Alexander  at- 
tended school  in  a  log  house  finished  and  furnished 
after  the  pattern  of  that  period.  Hs  was  at  an 
early  age  made  acquainted  with  hard  work,  and 
acquired  those  habits  of  industry  which  have 
proved  of  so  much  service  to  him  in  later  life. 

When  a  youth  of  nineteen  years,  Mr.  Thomas  re- 
tuined  to  his  native  county  and  attended  the  dis- 
trict school.  Then,  after  a  year's  sojourn  at  home, 
he,  in  1857,  made  his  way  to  Doniphan  County, 
Kan.,  where  he  entered  160  acres  of  land.  Subse- 
quently he  was  swindled  out  of  this,  and  returning 
to  Missouri  engaged  in  farming  with  his  father, 
also  operating  a  coal  pit.  This  last  venture  proved 
quite  profitable.  He  still  carried  on  farming,  how- 
ever, and  in  due  time  took  charge  of  the  homestead. 
After  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  he,  in  1862, 
joined  the  State  Militia,  and  was  in  active  service 
seven  months  at  St.  Joseph.  He  remained  in  Mis- 
souri until  1867,  and  after  the  death  of  his  father 
administered  upon  the  estate.  In  the  last  men- 
tioned year  the  family  came  to  this  county,  and 
our  subject  assisted  them,  making  many  sacrifices 
in  order  to  do  so. 

Finally  Mr.  Thomas  located  in  Center  Township 
and  engaged  in  farming  and  stock-raising,  and 
since  that  time  has  made  a  specialty  of  the  latter, 
also  feeding  and  shipping.  He  was  one  of  the  first 
settlers  of  this  township,  and  located  on  Perkins 
Creek.  He  resided  there  until  1877,  then  disposed 
of  his  property  and  purchased  the  homestead 
which  he  now  occupies.  Only  tovty  acres  had  been 
broken,  and  it  was  destitute  of  any  other  improve- 
ment. He  has  brought  the  balance  of  the  soil  to  a 
state  of  cultivation,  put  up  a  house  and  barn, 
planted  an  orchard,  made  fences,  and  gathered 
around  him  all  the  other  appliances  required  by 
the  progressive,  modern  farmer.  His  land  is  wa- 
tered by  the  north  fork  of  Vermillion  Creek,  and 
is  highly  productive.  Mr.  Thomas  keeps  a  goodlj' 
assortment  of  graded  cattle  and  Poland  Cliina 
swine,  besides  the  horses  required  in  his  farming 

Our  subject  was  married  near  St.  Joseph,  in  Buch- 
anan County,  Mo.,  April  10.  1863,  to  Miss  Sarah 
Feuquay,  who  was  born  in  that  county,  and  is  the 
daughter  of  Alvery  Feuquay,  one  of  its  oldest  set- 

tiers  anil  a  large  farmer,  owning  1,000  acres  of 
land.  Of  this  union  there  have  been  born  ten 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  William,  re- 
ceived a  first  grade  certificate  from  Campbell  Uni- 
versity ;  he  is  now  the  principal  of  a  school  at  Home 
Cit\',  this  county.  The  second  son,  Alvery,  is  farm- 
ing in  Noble  Township,  as  is  also  the  third  son, 
Joseph.  Jerr}',  Frances.  George,  Lee,  Elizabeth, 
Alexander  and  Grover  C.  remain  at  home  with 
their  parents.  The  name  of  the  younger  child  in- 
dicates the  politics  of  its  father.  Mr.  Thomas  has 
frequently  been  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  county 
conventions,  and  is  at  present  a  member  of  the 
Democratic  Central  Committee.  He  has  been  Road 
Supervisor  the  last  eight  years,  and  while  in  Mis- 
souri was  a  Director  in  his  school  district  ten 
j'ears.  Socially',  he  belongs  to  Vermillion  Lodge 
No.  234.  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  Mrs.  Thomas,  a  very  esti- 
mable lady,  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the 
Baptist  Church. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Joseph  H.  Thomas, 
.■).  native  of  Virginia,  and  the  son  of  James  Thomas, 
who  was  also  born  in  that  State,  and  served  in  the 
Revolutionary  War.  He  was  overseer  of  a  planta- 
tion in  his  younger  years,  and  later,  about  1834, 
removed  to  Boone  County,  Mo.,  where  he  engaged 
ill  farming,  and  where  he  died.  He  traced  his  .an- 
cestry to  Wales.  Joseph  H.  Thomas  was  reared  to 
farm  life,  but  when  approaching  manhood  learned 
blaeksmithing.  AVhen  starting  out  for  himself  he 
jiroceeded  to  Galena,  111.,  by  boat  and  on  foot,  and 
engaged  at  smelting  and  blaeksmithing.  Finall}*, 
returning  to  Missouri,  he  resumed  farming,  pur- 
chasing land  in  Boone  County,  where  he  remained 
until  1844.  Thence  he  emigrated  to  the  Platte 
Purchase  in  Buchanan  Count}',  and  entering  land, 
improved  probably  500  acres,  and  likewise  engaged 
as  a  wood  merchant  on  the  Missouri  River.  He 
was  a  slaveholder,  and  became  well-to-do,  but  lost 
the  greater  part  of  his  property  during  the  war. 
ile  died  in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  in  December, 
1864.     Politically,  he  was  a  Democrat. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Elizabeth  Hopper,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  and 
the  daughter  of  John  C.  Hopper,  who  was  also 
born  there  and  carried  on  farming.  He  served  in 
the  War  of  1812,  and   later   emigrated    to   Boone 



Count}',  Mo.,  settling  among  its  earliest  pioneers. 
He  likewise  became  well-to-do,  having  a  planta- 
tion, and  there  spent  his  last  years.  He  was  of 
Scotch-Irish  descent,  and  a  Baptist  in  religion. 
The  mother  of  our  subject  was  reared  to  woman- 
hood in  Missouri,  and  came  to  Kansas  in  1873, 
purchasing  a  farm  of  eighty  acres  in  the  vicinity 
of  Beattie.  and  likewise  a  town  residence,  where 
she  died  in  October,  1888,  when  over  sixty-nine 
years  old.  She  was  a  member  of  the  Christian 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born 
the  following  children,  most  of  whom  are  living, 
and  of  whom  Alexander  was  the  eldest;  William  M. 
is  a  resident  of  California;  John  L.  and  Leander 
are  deceased;  La  Fayette  is  a  resident  of  Browne 
County,  Kan.;  Sydney  died  in  Missouri;  Frances 
Mary  is  deceased;  George  and  Clifton  are  residents 
of  Beattie;  Laura  is  deceased;  Kate  lives  in  Browne 
County,  Kan.;  Belle  lives  in  Beattie,  and  Charles 
in  California;  Molly  is  deceased;  Annie,  Mrs. 
Harry,  is  a  resident  of  Beattie;  Monroe  was  in  the 
Confederate  army  nearly  four  years,  and  was 
wounded  at  the  battles  of  Pea  Ridge  and  Lexing- 
ton; he  is  now  in  California. 



IT,-^  ON.  AUGUST  HOHN,  merchant  of  Marys- 
f/jlj  ville,  Kan.,  is  a  native  of  Rhenish  Prussia, 
il)^  born  not  far  from  the  city  of  Cologne, 
i^  Dec.  11,  1844,  his  parents  being  Henry  and 
Regina  (Frackenpohl)  Hohn.  His  father  was  a 
farmer,  whose  entire  life  was  spent  in  his  native 
province,  where  for  years  he  held  an  official  posi- 
tion in  his  native  town.  He  died  in  1874,  at  the 
age  of  seventy-six  years.  Thej-  were  the  parents 
of  nine  children,  two  of  whom  are  still  living  in 
their  native  land;  Henry  is  a  baker  in  the  town 
where  he  was  born,  and  Frank,  a  blacksmith  near 
the  same  place;  four  are  deceased;  three  emigrated 
to  the  United  States,  our  subject  and  two  brothers, 
Charles  and  William.  Charles  came  to  America 
in  1864,  locating  first  in  LaSalle  County,  111. 
From   that  place  he  came  to  Marj'sville  with  our 

subject;  here  he  stayed  until  1884,  when  he  sold 
his  farm  and  removed  to  Liberty,  Gage  Co., 
Neb.,  where  he  is  now  carrying  on  an  extensive 
livery  barn.  The  younger  brother.  William,  came 
to  this  county  in  1870,  and  coming  direct  to  Kan- 
sas joined  his  brothers  on  the  farm  on  Mission 
Creek,  where  he  shortly  afterward  died. 

Our  subject  was  educated  in  the  place  of  his 
birth,  and  after  leaving  school  served  an  appren- 
ticeship in  a  wholesale  silk  and  velvet  manufactory, 
where  he  stayed  four  and  a  half  years.  He  then 
joined  the  Prussian  army,  in  which  he  served  four- 
teen months,  during  the  war  with  Austria  in 
1866-67.  On  leaving  the  army  he  procured  em- 
ployment in  a  mercantile  establishment,  where  he 
stayed  until  his  emigration  to  America. 

Determined  to  try  his  fortunes  in  the  New 
World,  our  subject  took  passage  from  Hamburg  for 
New  York,  in  June,  1868,  landing  in  the  latter  city 
on  July  1 2  of  that  year,  after  a  voyage  of  eight- 
een days.  He  remained  in  the  metropolis  but 
four  weeks,  when  he  joined  his  brother  Charles  in 
LaSalle  County,  111.,  where  the  latter  had  located. 
In  that  place  he  was  emploj^ed  as  a  clerk  in  a  dr^'- 
goods  house  until  March  1869,  when  he  and  his 
brother  came  to  Kansas,  first  locating  in  Marshall 
County,  on  Mission  Creek,  on  a  farm.  Not  liking 
the  occupation  of  a  farmer,  he  removed  to  Marys- 
ville  in  1870,  and  engaged  again  in  clerking  and 
served  in  different  stores  until  1876..  He  then  be- 
gan business  on  his  own  account,  in  partnei'ship 
with  a  Mr.  Kalenborn,  the  firm  being  Hohn  &  Ka- 
lenborn.  This  connection  continued  about  fifteen 
months  when  it  was  dissolved,  the  junior  partner 
desiring  to  return  to  the  Old  Country.  His  inter- 
est was  bought  by  Mr.  Rummell,  and  the  firm 
name  was  changed  to  Hohn  &  Rummell.  Six 
months  later  the  lattcr's  interest  was  purchased  by 
E.  G.  Draheim,  and  the  present  firm  of  Hohn  & 
Draheim  was  established.  They  carry  on  a  general 
merchandise  business,  dealing  largely  in  groceries, 
dry-goods,  boots  and  shoes,  hats  and  caps,  and 
everything  to  be  usually  found  in  the  best  general 
merchandise  stores  in  the  country,  and  they  do 
probably  the  largest  business  of  any  establishment 
of  the  kind  in  Marysville  —  the  business  steadily 
increasing  from  year  to  year  —  a  result  reasonably 



to  be  expected  from  the  reputation  they  have  ac- 
quired for  the  most  scrupulous  honesty  and  up- 
right dealings  with  all  customers,  and  from  the 
intimate  knowledge  of  the  business  in  all  its  details 
acquired  by  Mr.  Hohn  through  many  years  of 
experience  and  in  many  places. 

Januarj-  20,  1870,  Mr.  Hohn  was  united  in  mar- 
riage while  living  on  Mission  Creek,  with  Miss 
Minna  Zimmerman,  daughter  of  L.  and  Minna 
Zimmerman,  the  latter  now  living  in  Pawnee 
County,  Xeb.,  where  the  father  died  in  the  spring 
of  1889.  Mrs.  Hohn  was  born  in  Tilsit,  Prussia, 
March  30,  1845,  and  was  twenty-four  years  of  age 
when  with  her  parents  she  came  to  tliis  countrj'. 
The  union  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hohn  has  been  blessed 
by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  of  whom  two.  Otto 
and  Meta,  died  3'oung;  the  others  are  all  under  the 
parental  roof,  and  are  named  respectivelj',  Hugo, 
Arthur,  Minna.  Emil  and  Nellie. 

Mr.  Hohn  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  is 
a  member  of  Marysville  Lodge.  No.  91,  A.  F.  & 
A.  M..  of  Marysville  Chapter  No.  29,  R.A.M.,  and 
of  Hiawatha  Commandery,  No.  29,  K.  T.  He  is 
also  connected  with  several  beneficiary  societies,  as 
the  Order  of  Druids,  Modern  Woodmen  of  Amer- 
ica, and  the  Turner  Society  of  Marysville.  He 
was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  First  National 
Bank  of  Marysville,  when  it  was  changed  from  a 
State  bank  in  1882,  it  being  then  known  as  the 
Marshall  County  Bank,  and  he  has  ever  since  been 
one  of  the  Board  of  Directors.  He  has  since  his 
residence  in  Marj-sville  held  several  positions  of 
honor  and  responsibility.  For  two  terms  he  was 
Township  Clerk,  and  from  1878  until  1882  was 
one  of  the  County  Commissioners.  In  1883  he 
was  chosen  by  Gov.  Glick  for  the  responsible  posi- 
tion of  Treasurer  of  the  State  Board  of  Charities, 
and  held  that  position  for  two  and  a  half  years, 
when  he  gave  it  up  and  retired  with  the  reputation 
of  having  administered  the  finances  of  the  Board 
in  a  manner  reflecting  the  highest  credit  on  himself 
and  to  the  complete  satisfaction  of  the  State 

It  is  the  testimony'  of  all  who  know  Mr.  Hohn 
personall3-,  and  many  of  whom  the  writer  has 
questioned,  tliat  he  is  a  man  of  undoubted  in- 
tegrity in  all  the  relations  of   life,  that    he  has  re- 

markably good  judgment  and  a  kind  heart,  and  is 
always  willing  to  help  a  worthy  neighbor.  Among 
the  German  people  of  the  countj^  especiallj'  he 
exercises  a  strong  influence,  and  most  of  them  rclj' 
implicitly  on  him.  Still  in  the  very  prime  of  life, 
Mr.  Hohn  has  apparently  before  him  many  years 
of  honor  and  usefulness.  In  his  political  affilia- 
tions he  was  formerl3'  a  member  of  the  Republican 
partj',  but  manj-  of  the  acts  of  that  party  in  this 
State  not  suiting  his  views,  he  withdrew  from  its 
ranks  and  is  now  independent  in  his  political 



RAUTHWAY  JOHNSON.  This  gentle- 
man, who  recentl}'  disposed  of  his  farm 
property  in  Washington  County,  is  now 
operating  on  rented  land  on  section  11,  Blue  Rap- 
ids Township,  and  undoubtedly  has  a  thorough 
understanding  of  his  business.  He  is  regarded  as  a 
valuable  acquisition  to  this  community,  being  a 
reliable  and  praiseworthy  citizen,  honest  and  up- 
right in  his  dealings,  and  in  everj-  way  wortliy  of 
representation  in  the  Biographical  Album  of  Mar- 
shall County.  He  is  an  Ohio  man  by  birth,  and 
first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in  Logan  County, 
that  State,  Nov.  6,  1843. 

It  may  be  well  before  proceeding  farther  to 
glance  at  the  parental  history  of  our  subject,  whose 
father,  the  Rev.  John  Johnson,  was  born  in  Ken- 
tucky in  1809.  The  paternal  grandfather,  Jacob 
Johnson,  emigrated  from  Penns3'lvania  to  the  Blue 
Grass  State,  shortly  after  the  well  known  Indian 
fighter,  Daniel  Boone,  left  it,  and  settled  in  Flem- 
ing County.  Later  he  moved  on  into  Oiiio,  where 
he  died  about  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  at  the 
advanced  age  of  ninety  years. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  converted  to  re- 
ligion when  a  3'outh  of  eigliteen,  and  in  earl3'  man- 
hood, evincing  great  piet3'  and  great  interest  in  the 
Master's  work,  took  a  prominent  part  in  religious 
meetings,  and  in  due  time  was  ordained  as  a  min- 
ister, and  in  this  capacit3-  pursued  his  pious  labors 
in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  for  the  long 
period  of  fift3'-five  3ears;  indeed  he  was  one  of 
the  founders  of  Methodism  in  Ohio.     He  was  three 



times  married,  his  first  wife,  Abigail  Soutliard, 
being  the  mother  of  our  subject.  Of  the  seven 
children  born  to  her  six  are  now  living,  and 
Crauthway  was  next  to  the  youngest.  She  died  in 
Ohio  in  her  prime,  about  1846.  The  father  lived 
thereafter  for  a  period  of  forty-three  years,  and 
departed  hence  May  23,  1889,  when  quite  aged. 

'I'iie  subject  of  this  sketch  received  a  common 
school  education,  and  remained  a  member  of  the 
parental  household  until  a  youth  of  nineteen  years. 
The  Civil  War  then  being  in  progress,  he  enlisted 
in  Company  C,  12th  Ohio  Cavalry,  and  took  part 
in  many  of  the  important  battles  which  followed, 
including  the  flglit  at  Mt.  Stirling,  Lexington  and 
Cynthiana,  Ky.  He,  however,  was  seized  with 
chronic  rheumatism,  which  resulted  in  disease  of 
the  heart,  and  was  obliged  to  accept  his  honorable 
discharge,  which  was  given  him  Dec.  19,  1864. 
Then  returning  home,  he  served  an  apprenticeship 
at  harness-making,  which  trade  lie  followed  until 

In  the  meantime  our  subject  had  taken  unto  him- 
self a  wife  and  helpmate,  being  married  Nov.  10, 
1806,  to  Miss  Lucinda  M.  Vernon,  a  daughter  of 
George  P.  and  Matilda  (Dixon)  Vernon,  of  Ohio. 
The  parents  of  Mrs.  Johnson  were  natives  respect- 
ively of  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio,  and  the  fatiier  a 
farmer  by  occupation.  They  had  a  family  of  nine 
children,  Lucinda  M.  being  the  fourth  in  order  of 
birth,  and  she  was  born  Sept.  14,  1848,  in  Logan 
County.  She  received  a  common-school  education, 
and  lived  with  her  'parents  until  going  to  a  home 
of  her  own.  Mrs.  Vernon  departed  this  life  April 
20,  1866.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Johnson  is  still  liv- 
ing, and  is  in  the  enjoj'ment  of  good  health,  at  the 
age  of  seventy-four  years. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnson  lived  in  Ohio  four  years 
after  their  marriage,  then  removed  to  Overton 
Count}-,  Tenn.,  where  our  subject  prosecuted  farm- 
ing three  years.  Then  returning  to  his  native 
State,  he  opened  a  store  with  a  stock  of  harness, 
dry-goods  and  groceries,  and  operated  this  until 
1876.  He  then  traded  his  stock  for  a  farm  in 
Washington  County,  Kan.,  to  which  he  lemoved 
with  his  famii\'  and  lived  there  until  in  March,  1889. 
Then  selling  out,  he  came  to  this  county.  He  is 
active  in  i)olitics,  and  uniformly  votes  the  straight 

Republican  ticket.  In  Washington  County  he 
served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  two  years,  and  was  a 
School  Director  and  Clerk  in  his  school  district  for 
several  years.  He  and  his  estimable  wife  are  mem- 
bers in  good  standing  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  in  which  Mr.  Johnson  has  officiated  as 
Class-Leader.  He  was  at  one  time  an  Elder  of  a 
branch  society  of  the  Christian  Church.  Socially, 
he  belongs  to  Greeuleaf  Post  No.  134,  G.  A.  R. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  eleven  children,  eight  of  whom  are  liv- 
ing, viz.:  Clarence  V.,  Etlia,  Emmet  F.,  Overton, 
George  M.,  Vernon  E  ,  John  Arthur,  Letta  Leona 
Harley  Francis  died  Sept.  22,  1889.  Anna  and 
one  unnamed  are  deceased. 

«  felLLIAM  S.  WAYMAN.  A  man  quiet  and 
\/\Jl/  unobtrusive  in  his  habits,  and  pursuing  the 
W^  even  tenor  of  his  way  on  a  farm  of  forty 
acres,  occupying  a  part  of  section  12,  in  Blue  Rap- 
ids Township,  Mr.  Way  man  has,  by  living  hon- 
estly and  uprightly,  secured  the  confidence  and 
esteem  of  his  fellovv-citizens,  and  is  held  b}'  them  in 
general  respect.  He  is  a  West  Virginian  by  birth, 
having  Brst  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in  Mar- 
shall County,  that  State,  March  4,  1844.  He  lived 
there  until  a  young  man  of  twenty  and  one-half 
years,  then  resolved  to  seek  a  new  location. 

Upon  leaving  the  Old  Dominion  our  subject 
made  his  way  to  Woodford  County,  111.,  where  he 
sojourned  one  year,  then  removed  to  LaSalle 
Countjr,  continuing  there  until  1884.  The  summer 
of  1885  found  him  locateil  in  Blue  Rapids  Town- 
ship, this  county,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resi- 
dent. His  farm  embraces  forty  acres  of  land,  and 
is  located  three-fourths  of  a  mile  south  of  Irving. 
It  is  all  under  cultivation,  and  supports  a  goodly 
number  of  livestock.  Mr.  Wayman  has  been 
quite  prominent  in  local  affairs,  and  is  now  serving 
his  second  term  as  Township  Trustee.  In  Illinois 
he  was  a  School  Director  for  many  years,  Commis- 
sioner of  Highways  seven  years,  and  Assessor  of 
Grovelaud  Township,  LaSalle  County,  three  yeais. 
The  education  of  our  subject  was  conducted  in  a 



log  school-house  during  the  pioneer  times  of  West 
Virginia,  and  he  was  taught  at  an  early  age  to  make 
himself  useful  about  his  father's  farm.  He  assumed 
charge  of  this  when  a  3'outh  of  sixteen  years.  His 
father  died  when  he  was  a  little  lad  of  six.  Will- 
iam .S.  was  the  youngest  of  nine  children,  and  the 
mother  died  in  187o. 

Our  subject  was  married,  Dec.  28,  1871,  to  Miss 
Henrietta,  daughter  of  John  and  Harriet  (Wheeler) 
Ward,  of  West  Virginia.  Mrs.  Wayman  was  the 
seventh  in  a  family  of  eleven  children,  and  was 
born  May  30,  1847.  They  removed  to  Woodford 
County,  111.,  in  1860,  after  the  death  of  Mr.  Ward, 
which  had  occurred  in  1857.  The  mother  survived 
her  husband  for  the  long  period  of  ,twenty-seven 
years,  and  departed  this  life,  July  30,  1884,  in  Eu- 
reka, 111. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wayman  there  have  been  born 
seven  children,  only  three  of  whom  are  living, 
namely:  Ada  B.,  born  Aug.  30,  1879;  Jessie  E.,  June 
1,1882;  and  Annie  H.,  Sep.  17,  1888.  In  LaSalle 
County,  III.,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wayman  were  identi- 
fied with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  have 
not  as  yet  transferred  their  membership.  Mr.  Way- 
man  has  been  active  in  politics,  and  is  a  stanch 
supporter  of  Republican  principles.  In  local  mat- 
ters, however,  he  votes  for  the  man  whom  he  con- 
siders best  qualified  for  office.  (Socially,  he  belongs 
to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  and  in  Illinois  was  Mas- 
ter of  Rutland  Lodge  No.  477,  for  many  years.  He 
was  likewise  High  Priest  of  Rutland  Chapter,  R. 
A.  M.,  No.  112,  and  a  member  of  Rutland  Coun- 
cil No.  52,  R.  and  S.  Masters. 

Mr.  Wayman's  two  brothers  (twins),  Ephraim  C. 
and  Manassah  B.,  were  ministers  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church.  The  first  named,  during  the 
late  Civil  War  enlisted  in  an  Ohio  regiment,  and 
was  made  a  Lieutenant.  The  other  was  Chaplain 
in  an  Iowa  regiment,  and  died  from  the  effects  of 
disease  contracted  in  the  army,  in  July,  1864.  Mr. 
Wayman  experienced  some  of  the  rigors  of  war 
during  the  late  civil  strife,  as  there  was  much 
trouble  in  his  native  county  from  bushwhackers, 
and  [other  lawless  characters.  Mrs.  Wayman  is  a 
lady  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence  and  good 
sense,  and  has  proved  the  faithful  and  efficient 
counselor  in  many  of  his  most  important   business 

transactions.  Their  three  little  daughters  are  re- 
markably bright  and  intelligent,  and  it  is  hardly 
necessary  to  say  are  the  joy  and  pride  of  their. par- 
ents' hearts. 

^/OHN  T.  MONTEITH.  For  the  last  few 
years  Mr.  Monteith  has  distinguished  him- 
self as  an  ardent  temperance  man,  in  addi- 
(^//'  tion  to  his  other  good  qualities  as  a  member 
of  his  community.  He  has  been  a  lifelong  farmer, 
and  is  now  located  at  a  comfortable  homestead  on 
section  9  in  Blue  Rapids  Township.  The  fact  that 
he  is  uniformly  spoken  well  of  by  his  neigh- 
bors indicates  the  true  character  of  the  man — 
one  who  has  lived  at  peace  with  his  fellows,  and 
possesses  those  sterling  qualities  which  have  gained 
him  their  confidence  and  esteem.  He  conducts  his 
farming  operations  in  a  methodical  and  skillful 
manner,  realizing  handsome  returns. 

It  is  noticeable  the  world  over  that  our  most  in- 
telligent men,  and  those  who  have  attained  to  any 
prominence,  have  made  a  point,  where  possible,  of 
preserving  their  family  history;  and  in  the  good 
old-fashioned  days  we  are  led  to  believe  that  wealth 
was  made  secondarj'  to  houesty  and  honor,  whether 
it  be  so  at  the  present  time  or  not.  Our  most  emi- 
nent men  have  sprung  from  an  humble  beginning, 
financially,  but  the  majority  of  them  have  traced 
their  origin  to  an  honorable  ancestry  in  point  of 
moral  worth,  as  in  the  case  of  our  subject.  His 
fatlier,  Thomas  Monteith,  was  a  native  of  New 
York  State.  The  paternal  grandfather  was  of 
Scotch  birth  and  ancestry,  and  emigrated  to  Amer- 
ica at  the  breaking  out  of  the  Revolutionary  War. 
Thomas  and  William,  the  father  and  uncle  of  our 
subject,  were  eraplo3'ed  by  the  American  Govern- 
ment to  haul  cannon  balls  from  Sandy  Hook  to 
Sackett's  Harbor.  They  thus  performed  an  im- 
portant part  in  the  history  of  that  period,  and  it  is 
not  necessary  to  say  that  their  sympathies  wore  en- 
tirelj'  with  the  cause  of  the  Colonists. 

The  mother  of  our  subject,  Mrs.  Jane  (Allen) 
Monteith,  was  a  native  of  Scotland,  and  the  par- 
ents were  married  in  New   York    State.     They  lo- 



cated  a  tract  of  land  in  Livingston  County  during 
the  days  of  its  early  settlement,  sojourning  there 
until  1841.  That  year  they  emigrated  to  Allegan 
County,  Mich.,  where  they  built  up  another  iiome- 
stead  in  the  wilderneys,  and  where  tlie  father  died, 
at  the  age  of  sixty-five  years.  The  mother  subse- 
quently made  her  home  on  the  old  homestead,  and 
died,  in  1881,  at  the  age  of  ninety  years.  The 
eight  children  born  to  them  all  grew  to  mature 
years  and  were  married.  Six  are  now  living,  and 
they  are  located  mostly  in  Micliigan  and  Kansas. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  fifth  child  of 
his  parents,  and  was  born  July  27,  1820,  in  Living- 
ston County,  N.  Y.  He  did  not  attend  school  until 
after  he  was  twenty  years  of  age.  but  then  by  close 
application  acquired  a  good  knowledge  of  the 
methods  of  doing  business,  and  by  reading,  as  he 
has  had  opportunity,  he  has  become  generally'  well- 
informed.  Upon  reaching  his  majority,  he  was 
presented  by  his  father  with  a  quarter-section  of 
wild  woodland  in  Martin  Township,  uj^on  which 
he  at  once  began  operations,  clearing  the  land  and 
preparing  the  soil  for  cultivation.  In  this  manner 
he  brought  1 20  acres  to  a  productive  condition, 
and  built  a  house  and  barn.  He  made  his  home 
with  his  parents  until  his  marriage,  which  occurred 
Nov.  11.  1852.  The  maiden  of  his  choice  was  Miss 
Elizabeth  C,  daughter  of  John  and  J.  (Trimble) 
Matthews,  of  Summit  County,  Ohio,  to  which  the 
parents  had  removed  from  Pennsylvania. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Monteith  was  the  third  in  a  fam- 
ily of  seven  children,  and  was  born  in  1831.  T''here 
were  likewise  born  to  her  and  her  husband  seven 
children,  all  of  whom  grew  to  mature  3'ears,  and 
who  are  still  living.  Mrs.  Monteith  departed  this 
life  May  11,  1873.  The  eldest  son,  Finley  F.,  re- 
mains at  home  with  his  father.  Jane  became  the 
wife  of  Truman  Bell  and  the  mother  of  two  chil- 
dren, and  they  live  in  Clay  Center,  Kan.;  William 
remains  at  the  homestead;  John  A.  married  Miss 
Sarah  Fincham,  and  they  live  in  Riley  County, 
this  State;  they  have  one  child.  Martha  A.  mar- 
ried Everett  Harris,  and  lives  in  Franklin  County, 
Iowa;  she  has  three  children.  Mary  E.  and  Wal- 
ter M.  remain  with  their  father. 

Mr.  Monteith  came  to  Kansas  in  the  fall  of  1879, 
arriving  in    this  county  on    the   2Cth  of  October. 

He  spent  the  first  year  at  Blue  Rapids,  and  then 
removed  to  his  present  farm,  which  is  now  largely 
devoted  to  stock-raising,  principally  high-grade 
cattle  and  horses.  He  is  a  member  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  United  Presbyterian  Church,  and  has 
officiated  as  School  Director  and  Road  Overseer 
in  his  district  for  many  years.  Although  warmly 
interested  in  local  affairs,  he  has  steadily  declined 
the  further  responsibilities  of  office,  and  will  not 
allow  his  name  to  be  used  in  connection  therewith. 
He  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket,  and  be- 
lieves thoroughly  in  Republican  principles.  The 
cause  of  temperance  has  found  in  him  one  of  its 
stanchest  friends. 

ENRY    W.    LEAVITT,  one    of  the  oldest 
J!  settlers  of  Wells  Township,  is    a  native  of 

York  County,    Me.,  and    was    born,  Dec. 

24,  1832.  He  was  a  son  of  William  and 
Ruth  (Merrill)  Leavitt,  both  natives  of  Maine. 
The  Leavitt  family  has  been  traced  back  eight  gen- 
erations to  one  John  Leavitt,  a  native  of  Scotland, 
who  at  an  early  [>eriod  in  the  histoiy  of  New  Eng- 
land, emigrated  to  America  and  settled  on  the 
Massachusetts  coast. 

Our  subject  was  the  fifth  of  a  family  of  six  chil- 
dren. He  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native 
county,  receiving  such  education  as  the  common 
schools  of  the  State  at  that  time  afforded.  His 
earlier  life  was  spent  principally  on  a  farm.  In 
1 855  he  left  his  native  State  and  came  west  to 
Greene  County,  Ohio.  There  he  remained  ten 
months  and  in  the  summer  of  1856  continued  west- 
ward as  far  as  this  county.  He  preempted  the 
southeast  quarter  of  section  25,  in  Wells  Town- 
ship, on  which  he  settled  before  a  furrow  had  been 
turned.  He  first  built  a  box  house  14x16  feet,  out 
of  native  Cottonwood  and  walnut  lumber.  He  sub- 
sequently built  another  box  house  of  larger  size, 
this  one  being  16x24.  It  is  still  preserved  on  his 
farm,  being  now  used  as  a  granar}',  and  is  a  good 
pioneer  relic.  Several  years  since  he  built  his  pres- 
sent  comfortable  and  substantial  residence.  He  at 
present  owns  but  eighty    acres  of  land,    which   is 



well  improved  throughout  and  in  a  high  state  of 
cultivation.  Having  come  to  this  county  without 
means,  Mr.  Leavitt  has  had  to  undergo  many  of 
the  self-denials  necessary  in  getting  a  start,  and  has 
done  a  fair  share  of  the  pioneer  work  of  the 

January  5,  1865,  Mr.  Leavitt  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Ellen  Means,  a  native  of  Missouri,  and 
daughter  of  James  and  Elvira  Means.  Mr.  Means 
was  a  native  of  Kentucliy,  and  his  wife  of  the 
Prairie  State.  When  their  daughter,  Ellen,  was 
nine  years  of  age  they  removed  from  Piatt  County, 
Mo.,  to  Buchanan  County,  where  the  father  died 
about  three  years  later,  and  where  Mrs.  Leavitt  re- 
mained till  she  was  eighteen  years  old.  Mrs.  Means  is 
now  living  in  this  county  in  the  home  of  her  son, 
John  Means.  She  is  now  seventy -two  years  old. 
She  bore  the  maiden  name  of  McWilliams.  Her 
paternal  grandmother  was  named  Tagard  and 
her  great-great-grandmother's  name  was  Wallace. 
Mrs.  Means'  maternal  grandmother  bore  the  name 
of  Allison,  and  was  the  daughter  of  a  Scotch  lady, 
whose  maiden  name  was  Black.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Means  were  born  ten  children,  eight  of  whom  are 
now  living.  They  are,  Margaret,  wife  of  James 
Ranej',  of  Jackson  County,  Kan.;  John,  a  resident 
of  this  count}';  Mrs.  Leavitt;  Jane,  wife'  of  Archi- 
bald McLeod,of  this  county;  Elvira  the  wife  of 
Archibald  McKeever,  of  Jefferson  County;  James, 
of  Graham  Count}';  Mary,  wife  of  Edward  Bras,  in 
this  county ;  and  David  residing  in  Missouri.  The 
deceased  children  were  Benjamin  and  Juliet. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leavitt  have  been  born  ten 
children:  Walter  now  living  in  Colorado;  Luc}' 
and  John.  The  deceased  are,  Grace,  Elvira,  James, 
Maggie,  Mary,  Nellie  and  Horace.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Leavitt  are  also  rearing  a  motherless  child,  the 
daughter  of  Henry  Walrath,  who  is  now  residing 
in  Nebraska.  Her  name  is  Cora  W.  Leavitt,  she 
having  taken  the  name  of  her  adopted  parents. 

Mr.  Leavitt  was  for  a  time  postmaster  at  Barrett, 
which  was  the  first  office  opened  in  the  southern 
half  of  Marshall  County.  He  is  a  Republican  in 
political  views,  but  sometimes  votes  for  the  man, 
irrespective  of  party.  Mrs.  Leavitt  is  a  devoted 
member  of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  the  family 
takes  quite  an   interest  in  the  scicial  affairs  of  tiie 

locality.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Leavitt  have  an  extended 
acquaintance,  and  are  held  in  high  repute  for  their 
upright  characters  and  useful  lives. 


YLVESTER  M.  KEIPER.  A  fine  large 
farm,  400  acres  in  extent,  amply  supplied 
with  buildings  and  machinerj',  and  in  a 
high  state  of  cultivation,  illustrates  the 
industry  and  energy  which  form  the  leading  charac- 
teristics of  the  subject  of  this  notice.  His  land  is 
finely  located  on  sections  3,  9  and  13,  in  Rock 
Township,  and  forms  one  of  the  most  desirable 
estates  within  its  limits.  Five  teams  are  used  iu 
its  operations  and  it  is  largely  devoted  to  stock- 
raising,  embracing  about  thirty  head  of  cattle  and 
the  cows  required  in  carrying  on  a  dairy,  the  pro- 
duct of  which  is  shipped  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  Mr. 
Keiper  has  usually  about  100  head  of  swine,  sixty 
head  of  horses  and  mules,  including  an  imported 
Clyde  stallion,  eight  years  old,  and  weighing  1,600 
pounds.  His  other  horses  are  Clydesdale  and 

The  Keiper  family  flourished  for  several  genera- 
tions in  Pennsylvania,  where  John  Keiper,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  Lehigh  County, 
in  1818.  The  paternal  grandfather,  likewise  John 
Keiper,  crossed  the  Atlantic  from  Germany  with 
his  parents  when  a  child  of  four  years,  and  with 
them  settled  in  the  Ke^'Stone  State,  near  Allen- 
town.  In  the  latter  place,  John,  Sr.,  learned  shoe- 
making,  and  carried  water  for  the  soldiers  during 
the  Revolutionary  War.  He  spent  his  last  days 
with  his  sou,  John,  Jr.,  in  Mahoning  Count}-,  Ohio, 
dying  at  the  age  of  seventy-six.  The  latter  followed 
blacksmithing,  and  put  up  the  first  shop  at  Canfield 
in  Mahoning  County,  which  he  conducted  for  a 
period  of  twenty-five  years.  He  was  a  skilled 
mechanic — in  fact  was  a  leading  blacksmith  of  that 
region.  He  lived  there  until  1864,  then  emigrating 
to  Marshall  County,  Ind.,  purchased  160  acres  of 
timber  land  and  proceeded  to  clear  a  farm  from 
the  wilderness.  In  this  he  was  assisted  by  his 
children  who  carried  on  the  farm  while  he  followed 
his  trade.  They  cleared  130  acres,  where  the  father 



lived  until  1870,  then  coming  to  this  count}',  pui- 
cliased  160  acres  of  land  on  section  9,  Rock  Town- 
ship. This  was  a  good  property,  and  Mr.  Keiper 
effected  additional  improvements.  In  Ma}',  1879, 
a  cyclone  swept  through  that  region,  taking  in  its 
path  the  Keiper  homestead  and  injuring  John  Kei- 
per, so  that  he  died  a  few  days  later,  at  the  age  of 
fifty-eight.  He  was  a  member  in  good  standing  of 
the  Episcopal  Church. 

Mrs.  Rebecca  (Shock)Keiper,  the  mother  of  our 
subject, wasjborn  in  Venango  County, JPa,  and  was 
the  daughter  of  Andrew  Shock,  a  native  of  Ger- 
man}', who  emigrated  to  America  early  in  life  and 
settling  in  Pennsylvania,  engaged  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  gloves.  He  was  an  expert  at  the  business, 
manufacturing  his  gloves  principally  from  the 
skins  of  wild  animals,  and  doing  his  own  tanning. 
Finally  leaving  the  Keystone  State,  be  joined  his 
son,  the  father  of  our  subject,  in  Indiana  and  died 
at  the  home  of  his  oldest  son,  near  Goshen,  Elk- 
hart County,  at  the  age  of  seventy  years.  The 
mother  of  our  subject  departed  this  life  in  Marshall 
County,  Ind.,  April  15,  1870,  at  the  age  of  forty- 
six  years.  She  was  a  lady  of  many  estimable 
qualities  and  a  member  of  the  Episcopal  Church. 
The  six  children  of  the  parental  liousiiold  were 
named  respectively,  Margaret,  Mrs.  Barmorc  of 
Denver,  Col.;  Charles  a  resident  of  Beattie;  Sylves- 
ter M.,  our  subject;  Walter  and  Fremont,  deceased, 
and  Louis,  who  lives  at  Silver  City,   New  Mexico. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  at  Canfield, 
Mahoning  Co.,  Ohio,  April  25,  1849,  and  lived 
in  his  native  town  until  a  lad  of  fifteen  years,  ac- 
quiring a  good  education  and  completing  his  stud- 
ies in  the  academy  at  that  place.  He  went  with  his 
parents  to  Indiana  and  assisted  in  the  opening  up 
of  a  farm,  dealing  in  lumber,  cutting  saw  logs  and 
hauling  them  to  mill  with  an  ox-team,  and  at  the 
same  time  farming  on  a  small  scale.  He  lived  in 
Indiana  until  1870,  then  concluded  to  seek  his  for- 
tunes on  tiie  other  side  of  the  Mississippi.  We 
find  him  in  this  county  in  the  spring  of  1870,  and 
on  the  21st  of  April  following  he  purchased  a 
claim  of  eighty  acres,  paying  |50  down  and  re- 
homesteading  it.  He  built  thereon  ,a  house  and 
commenced  breaking  the  ground  with  oxen.  AVild 
animals  were  plentiful — deer,  prairie  chickens  and 

wolves — and  the  settlers  frequently  got  together 
and  hunted  the  latter.  There  were  also  strolling 
bands  of  Otoe  and  Pottawatomie  Indi.ans. 

Mr.  Keiper  was  prosperous  in  his  farming  opera- 
tions, and  sold  out  after  obtaining  a  clear  title  to 
his  land.  In  the  meantime  he  had  saved  enough 
money  to  purchase  240  acres  of  his  present  farm, 
for  which  he  paid  $900.  He  took  possession  of 
this  in  1878,  and  in  due  time  purchased  160  acres 
adjoining  for  $680,  which  he  declares  was  the  best  in- 
vestment he  ever  made.  It  lay  tlien  a  stretch  of 
wild  prairie  with  not  even  a  switch  upon  it.  He 
put  up  a  house  and  commenced  breaking  up  the 
ground,  but  the  year  following  his  dwelling  was 
destroyed  by  a  cyclone.  Later,  he  put  up  the 
present  residence,  which  is  28x32  feet  in  dimensions 
and  which  is  represented  by  a  fine  view  on  another 
page,  and  afterward  built  a  barn  occupying  30x 
50  feet.  Other  buildings  followed  as  time  passed 
on,  and  Mr.  Keiper  also  got  together  a  collection 
of  good  farm  machinery,  including  a  windmill, 
besides  setting  out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  of  which 
he  has  an  abundance  including  two  orchards  and 
two  groves.  With  the  exception  of  thirty  acres,  all 
the  land  is  under  the  plow.  lie  has  sixty  acres  in 
tame  grass  and  the  land  is  amply  watered  hy  a 
large  spring.  The  homestead  lies  two  and  three- 
fourths  miles  from  Beattie. 

In  Beattie  our  subject  was  married  Marcli  14, 
1872,  to  Miss  Laura  Scholz.  Mrs.  Keiper  is  a  na- 
tive of  Germany  and  came  with  her  parents  to 
America  when  quite  young.  Of  her  union  with 
our  subjeci,  there  have  been  born  three  children — 
Mary,  Fred  and  John — all  of  whom  are  at  home 
with  their  parents.  Mr.  Keiper  votes  the  straight 
Republican  ticket,  and  is  quite  prominent  in  the 
councils  of  his  party  in  this  region,  frequently 
being  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  county  conventions. 
He  has  officiated  as  School  Director  and  Road  Sup- 
ervisor and  is  a  man  whose  opinions  are  generally 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Keiper  was  Charles  F.  Scholz 
and  he  was  born  in  Breslan,  Prussia.  There,  dur- 
ing his  younger  years  he  operated  a  mill  on  a  large 
scale;  building  his  mill  and  a  dam  and  giving  em- 
ployment to  thirty  men.  He  served  in  the  regular 
army  four  years,  and  was  the  owner  of  a  fine  prop- 



ertj-.  He  Anally  concluded  to  come  to  America, 
and  crossing  the  Atlantic  in  1858,  proceeded 
westward  to  Ft.  Madison,  Iowa,  and  engaged  in 
farming  along  the  Mississippi.  A  j-ear  later  he 
came  to  St.  Josepli,  Mo.,  and  in  the  spring  of  1851) 
brought  his  family  to  this  county,  which  he  had 
visited  the  previous  fall.  They  located  on  Snipe 
Creek,  where  they  were  the  first  settlers,  the 
father  entering  160  acres  of  land  and  tilling  the 
soil  the  best  he  could  under  great  difficulties.  He 
did  not  succeed  in  raising  a  full  crop  until  1861. 
Perseverance  and  industry,  however,  met  with 
their  reward,  and  in  due  time,  in  addition  to  the 
cultivation  of  his  first  purchase,  Mr.  Scholz  added 
to  his  possessions  from  time  to  time  until  he  be- 
came the  owner  of  1 ,500  acres,  all  of  which  he 
brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  and  erected 
thereon  substantial  buildings.  He  died  in  1878  at 
the  age  of  sixty-seven.  He  was  a  Greenbacker. 
The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs.  Keiper 
was  Emily  Munsche,and  she,  like  her  husband,  was 
born  in  Breslau,  Prussia.  Grandfather  Munsche 
was  likewise  a  native  of  that  city,  and  occupied 
himself  as  a  tanner.  Mrs.  Scholz  died  Oct.  7,  1889, 
at  the  age  of  sixty-nine  years.  She  [was  a  faithful 
wife  and  mother,  and  a  member  in  good  standing 
of  the  Lutheran  Church.  The  parental  family  in- 
cluded nine  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living, 
viz:  Charles,  Minnie,  Annie,  Robert  G.,  Laura, 
Bertha  and  Louis.  Alvina  and  Louise  both  died 
at  the  a<?e  of  thirty-two. 

\|  OHN  MASSEY.  One  of  the  most  prominent 
ll  men  in  Center  Township,  and  one  who  occu- 
11  pies  a  front  rank  among  the  citizens  of  the 
Ij^jl/'  county, is  he  whose  name  initiates  this  sketch. 
Tie  is  a  farmer  and  stocku)an,  having  at  present 
430  acres  of  highly  productive  land,  on  section  22, 
although  he  formerly  owned  a  much  larger  tract. 
Upon  this  land  he  has  made  fine  improvements,  the 
buildings  being  substantial  and  adequate.  His 
house,  a  frame  structure,  is  one  of  the  best  build- 
ings in  this  section,  and  is  represented  on  another 
page  of  this  work  by  a  line  engraving. 

James  Massey,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Ireland,  of  English  descent.  His  mother, 
Jane  Alderdice,  was  born  in  County  Armagh,  Ire- 
land, where  she  was  married  to  Mr.  Masse}',  and 
where  they  lived  until  1848.  Having  resolved  to 
seek  a  home  across  the  waters,  they  left  Belfast  in 
Jul}'  on  a  sailing  vessel  and  after  spending  six 
weeks  on  the  broad  Atlantic,  landed  at  Quebec,  and 
continued  their  journe}'  to  Adams  County,  Ohio, 
where  Mr.  Massey  had  relatives.  They  lived  near 
Winchester,  in  that  count}',  about  two  years,  then 
in  the  spring  of  1851  removed  to  Mercer  County, 
111.  Here  they  toiled  and  labored  in  company  with 
other  bold  and  sturdy  pioneers,  until  eighteen  years 
had  come  and  gone;  then  journeying  westward, 
they  settled  upon  a  plain  in  Osage  County,  Kan. 
After  one  year's  residence  there  they  removed  to 
this  county,  settling  in  Center  Township,  on  section 
14,  where  the  father  died  about  1879.  The  mother 
still  survives  at  an  advanced  age.  Both  were 
members  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  Their  family 
consisted  of  five  children,  three  sons  and  two 

Our  subject  was  the  oldest  member  of  his  father's 
family,  and  was  born  in  County  Armagh,  Ireland, 
Aug.  10,  1839.  He  came  with  his  parents  to  this 
country  and  lived  under  the  parental  roof  most  of 
the  time  until  he  came  to  Kansas.  In  the  spring 
of  1864  he  entered  the  Union  army,  enlisting 
at  Aledo,  Mercer  Co,  111.,  and  was  enrolled  in 
Company  F,  140th  Illinois  Infantry.  His  enlist- 
ment was  for  the  period  of  100  days,  which  he 
afterward  extended  to  six  months.  At  the  expira- 
tion of  this  term  of  service  he  returned  to  Aledo, 
and  about  a  year  afterward  engaged  in  the  grocery 
Dusiness,  in  which  he  continued  until  Jan.  1869. 
Preempting  a  claim  in  Osage  County,  Kan.,  he  re- 
mained thereon  about  one  year,  and  was  at  the 
same  time  engaged  in  the  lumber  business.  In 
1870  he  came  to  this  county,  settling  on  section  22 
in  Center  Township,  where  he  has  since  resided. 

At  Atchison,  Kan.,  July  19,  1869,  was  celebrated 
the  marriage  of  our  subject  to  Miss  Sarah  E.  Allen, 
daughter  of  O.  C.  and  Johanna  (Osborn)  Allen. 
The  bride's  parents  were  among  the  early  settlers 
of  Knox  County,  111.,  whence  they  removed  to  this 
county,  about,  the  }ear  1  864,  and  settled  in  what  is 



now  Vermillion  Township.  They  are  now  residents 
of  Marysville.  Mrs.  Massey  was  born  in  Hender- 
son, Knox  Co,  111.,  Jnne  20,  184G.  She  is  the 
mother  of  nine  daughters — Albertba,  Mary  B., 
Lillie  M.  and  Minnie  E.  (twins),  Julia,  .Jennie, 
Jessie,  Josie  and  an  infant  unnamed. 

Mr.  Massey  has  held  the  oflice  of  Clerk  of  Cen- 
ter  Township  and  Township  Treasurer,  discharging 
the  duties  of  both  positions  in  a  very  creditable 
manner.  He  is  an  ardent  Republican,  whose  first 
vote  was  cast  for  Abraham  Lincoln.  Both  he  and 
ills  wife  are  members  in  high  standing  of  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church.  Mr.  Massey  combines 
the  best  iraits  of  the  two  races  from  which  he  de- 
scended, being  a  man  of  quicii  perceptions,  active 
wit,  firm  principles,  energetic,  reliable,  and  in  all 
respects  worthy'  of  the  high  esteem  in  which  he  is 

Pi\ji^j.\^_ii^  ,1.  lYiYiijrji.  ±iie  ou-acre  larm 
^  owned  by  the  subject  of  this  sketch  is  con- 
sidered one  of  the  finest  tracts  of  land  in  St. 
Bridget  Township.  Just  across  the  road  from  the 
homestead  lies  a  quarter  section  owned  b3'  himself 
and  his  two  brothers,  which  is  mostly  devoted  to 
pasturage.  The  first  meuiioned  is  embellished  with  a 
modest,  but  substantial  frame  dwelling,  one  and 
one  iialf  stories  in  heightVith  suitable  outbuildings, 
shrubbery  and  fruit  trees,  the  latter  embracing  an 
orchard  of  thirty  apple  trees  which  are  just  begin- 
ning to  bear.  Not  far  away  is  a  grove  of  over  1,500 
forest  trees,  planted  by  the  hand  of  the  present 
proprietor.  The  family  of  our  subject  includes 
his  amiable  wife  and  one  son,  Francis  J.,  who  was 
born  June  22,  1889. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  April  4, 
185.'3,  in  Butler  County,  Pa.,  and  is  the  son  of  Fran- 
cis J.  Kriley,  the  latter  a  native  of  Germany, 
whence  he  emigrated  when  a  boy  of  twelve  years, 
settling  in  Butler  County,  Pa.,  where  he  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  life.  The  maiden  name  of  the 
mother  was  Savinah  Bedillion,  who  was  born  in 
Pennsylvania.  Our  subject  remained  with  his  par- 
ents until  twenty-six  years  of  age  and  then,  in  com- 
pany with  his  brotiiers,  John  and  Jacob,  started  for 

Kansas.  He  entered  the  employ  of  the  Grand 
Island  Railroad  Company,  with  which  he  remained 
until  the  3d  of  July,  1880.  We  next  find  him  in 
Central  City,  Col.,  near  which  he  went  into  the 
woods  and  was  employed  in  getting  out  timber. 
When  reaching  that  place  he  had  only  $10  in  cash, 
and  he  paid  out  |3  of  this  for  the  first  night's 
lodging.  He  was  fairly  prospered  in  his  labors, 
making  some  money,  and  sojourned  in  that  region 
until  1882.  Then  returning  to  this  county  he  pur- 
chased a  quarter  of  section  4,  in  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship, upon  which  he  immediately  settled  and 
remained  until  the  24th  day  of  December.  1885. 
He  boarded  with  his  brother,  who  lives  on  section 
4,  until  the  winter  of  1886.  In  the  meantime  he 
had  for  a  period  of  eight  years  been  corresponding 
with  one  of  his  childhood  friends  in  Pennsylvania, 
and  now  reparing  to  that  State  was  married,  Jan. 
4,  1887,  the  bride  being  Miss  Fanny  Mangel.  The 
young  people  immediately  set  out  for  the  West,  ar- 
riving in  this  State,  May  6,  and  commenced  house- 
keeping Nov,  21st,  following. 

Mrs.  Kriley  is  the  daughter  of  Claude  and  Mary 
( Gallagher)  Mangel.  The  paternal  grandfather, 
Claude  Mangel,  Sr.,  emigrated  with  his  family 
from  France  when  Claude,  Jr.,  was  but  a  boy. 
They  settled  in  Pennsylvania  where  Miss  Fannj' 
was  born.  The  maternal  grandfather  was  Peter 
Gallagher,  a  native  of  Ireland,  and  supposed  to 
have  been  born  in  County  Gal  way.  He  was  mar- 
ried after  coming  to  the  United  States  to  Miss  Han- 
nah Scypher,  of  Pennsjdvania,  who  lived  to  be 
ninety-two  years  old,  and  died  in  May,  1888. 
Grandfather  Mangel  was  eighty-four  years  old 
at  the  time  of  his  death.  Mr.  Kriley  usually  votes 
the  Democratic  ticket,  and  with  his  estimable  wife 
is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  St.  Bridget  Cath- 
olic Church. 

- — -m^^- — 

NDREW    P.  KRILEY.      Although    only 
a  resident  of  this    county  since  1886,  Mr. 
Kriley  has  made  for  himself  a  good  record, 
and  in    company  with    his   brother  is  en- 
farming  on  section    9.     He  was  born  in 
Butler  County,  Pa.,  Sept.  16,  1855,  and   is  the  son 



of  F.  J.  Kriley,  a  native  of  Germany,  and  mention 
of  whom  is  made  in  the  sketch  of  F.  J.  Kriley,  Jr.. 
which  will  be  found  on  another  page  of  tliis  vol- 
ume. He  lived  with  his  parents  in  Pennsylvania, 
until  reaching  his  majority,  receiving  such  educa- 
tional advantages  as  the  public  schools  afforded. 
Later  he  attended  the  Normal  School  for  a  num- 
ber of  sessions,  after  which  he  employed  himself  as 
a  teacher  tliree  terms  in  Pennsylvania  and  one  terra 
in  Pawnee  County,  Neb.  This  is  across  the  line 
from  i\Lirshall  County,  Kan.,  to  which  place  his 
brother  Frank  had  preceded  him.  After  teaching 
st'von  months  in  Nebraska,  in  the  meantime  making 
his  home  over  the  line  in  this  county,  he,  in  the 
siiring  of  1880.  went  in  company  with  his  four 
brothers  to  Colorado.  Mr.  Kriley  remained  in 
Colorado  until  1886,  but  in  the  meantime  his  brother 
Fr.ank  and  himself,  purchased  the  quarter  section 
of  land  upon  which  they  now  live.  A  year  or  so 
later  the  two,  in  company  with  their  brother  John, 
purchased  another  quarter  section  adjoining,  which 
the  three  operate  together,  and  whicli  yields  them 
handsome  returns. 

On  the  1st  of  July,  1884,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Laura,  daughter  of 
lildwin  and  Annette  (Barton)  King.  The  father  of 
Mrs.  Kriley  was  the  son  of  Richard  King,  of  Cleve- 
land, Ohio,  Edwin  King  sojourned  in  the  Buckeye 
Slate  until  after  his  marriage,  then  removed  with 
his  family  to  Iowa,  and  from  there  to  Kansas.  His 
next  removal  was  to  Colorado,  where  he  settled 
with  his  familj",  including  six  children,  and  in  that 
State  our  subject  met  his  future  bride.  Tiiey  soon 
returned  to  this  county. 

Sir.  Kriley,  since  returning  to  this  count}',  has, 
with  the  assistance  of  his  two  brothers,  put  up  the 
house  in  which  he  now  lives,  and  which  is  a  neat 
frame  structure,  one  and  one  half  stories  in  height. 
Under  it  is  a  good  stone  foundation  and  a  cellar. 
The  house  is  similar  to  that  of  F.  J.  Krile}',  and 
neither  of  the  boys  paid  out  a  dollar  to  a  carpenter, 
or  to  any  other  workman,  in  the  erection  of  tiie  two 
buildings.  There  are  good  stables  and  outhouses, 
and  our  subject  has  about  sixteen  apple  trees,  150 
peach  trees,  thirtj-  mulberry  trees  and  about  700 
forest  trees.  He  has  two  good  wells  upon  his 
place,  which  are  usuall}'   well  supplied  witli  water. 

besides  having  running  water  in  his  pastures.  The 
eastern  line  of  the  farm  is  enclosed  and  provided 
mostly  with  hedge  fencing. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kriley  are  the  parents  of  two 
children,  Judd  Francis  and  Bessie.  Politiealh%  our 
subject  votes  with  the  Democratic  part}',  while 
both  he  and  liis  wife  belong  to  St.  Bridget  Catiio- 
lic  Churcii. 


Y  OSEPH  E.  LEMONS  is  the  owner  and  occu- 
pant of  a  fine  farm  of  160  acres  on  section  1 0. 
Wells  Township,  where  he  is  engaged  in 
farming  and  stock-raising.  The  estate  is 
well  improved  and  under  excellent  cultivation  and 
its  owner  is  carrying  on  a  successful  business.  Mr. 
Lemons  is  a  native  of  Crawford  Count}',  Wis.,  and 
was  born  Oct.  3,  184'2.  He  was  a  sou  of  Jacob 
and  Gertrude  (Wells)  Lemons,  the  father  a  native 
of  North  Carolina  and  the  mother  of  New  York. 

Jticob  Lemons  was  a  soldier  in  the  Black  Hawk 
War,  and  was  an  express  messenger.  In  a  Macki- 
naw boat  he  rowed  on  the  Mississippi  River  from 
Prairie  du  Chien  to  St.  Peters  at  the  time  of  the 
Bad  Ax  fight.  He  was  one  of  the  first  soldiers  in 
Prairie  du  Chien,  and  took  a  squad  of  men  into 
the  woods  on  what  is  now  known  as  the  Minnesota 
River,  where  they  cut  timber  with  which  to  build 
Old  Fort  C'aranford,  at  Piairie  du  Chien.  It  is 
said  that  when  he  went  to  that  place  a  white  man 
would  not  dare  show  his  face  from  behind  the 
bluffs.  He  was  the  father  of  a  large  famil}-,  as  fol- 
lows: Rebecca,  wife  of  Oscar  Ward;  Jacob;  Susnn, 
wife  of  John  B.  C'oyel;  Joseph  E. ;  Theodore;  Car- 
oline; Walter;  Moses,  and  David.  The  latter  was 
a  soldier  in  the  late  Civil  War,  and  died  of  chronic 

Joseph  E.  Lemons,  of  whom  we  write,  was  reared 
in  his  native  county  and  State,  receiving  but  a 
limited  education.  He  improved  such  advantages 
as  he  had,  however,  in  the  wa}-  of  schooling  and 
reading,  and  gathered  quite  a  fund  of  general 
information.  In  August,  1861,  he  eulisted  in  the 
Live  Eagle  Regiment  (8th  Wisconsin  Infantry), 
his  name  being  on  the  muster-roll   of    Company  F. 



lie  participated  in  the  battles  of  Iiika,  Freilerieks- 
tovvn,  Mo.,  anrl  others,  and  many  skirmishes  of 
minor  iii)[)orlance.  In  October,  18C2,  lie  received 
an  honorable  discharge,  and  returned  to  his  native 
State.  There  he  was  married  in  vSeptember,  1863, 
to  Miss  Emma  Wells,  wlio  bore  him  three  children: 
.Stephen  J.  is  still  living,  and  Jane  and  Orpha  are 
deceased.  Mr.  Lemons  was  married  a  second  time, 
Nov.  10,  1872,  the  bride  being  Miss  Ellen  Gilbert- 
son.  The  result  of  this  union  has  been  five  chil- 
dren— Lottie,  Etta,  Burton,  Mabel  and  Walter. 

Mr.  Lemons'  principal  business  in  life  has  been 
farming,  though  he  lias  been  able  to  turn  his  liand 
to  other  work,  as  circumstances  indicated  was  best. 
While  in  Wisconsin  he  was  for  two  years  under 
contract  to  furnish  railroad  ties  to  a  company.  In 
the  spring  of  1880  he  removed  to  Brown  County, 
Kan.,  where  he  remained  about  three  years.  Dur- 
ing the  first  j'c-^r  he  had  a  contract  to  furnish 
water  for  the  St.  Joseph  &  Western  Railroad  Com- 
pany from  St.  Joseph  to  Grand  Island.  The  next 
two  years  he  spent  in  the  grocery  business  at  Hia- 
watha, lu  the  spring  of  1883  he  came  to  this 
county,  and  settled  where  he  now  resides. 

Mr.  Lemons  gives  his  political  ndherence  to  the 
Republican  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic 
fraternity  at  Frankfort,  and  also  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W. 
He  has  served  as  School  Treasurer  of  District 
No.  45  for  several  j'ears.  As  an  enterprising  and 
progressive  citizen,  and  a  man  of  honor  and  integ- 
rity, i\Ir.  Lemons  is  esteemed  by  the  community. 


"^1  OHN  B.  WEBSTER,  late  of  Blue  Rapids 
Township, and  who  departed  this  life  Oct.  3^ 
1886,  was  one  of  the  early  pioneers,  and  one 
of  the  most  highly  respected  residents  of 
this  county.  He  was  born  in  Bath  County,  Ky.. 
Feb.  22,  1824,  and  was  the  sou  of  Samuel  and  Anne 
(Bobbins)  AVebster.  He  remained  a  resident  of 
his  native  State  until  some  3-ears  after  his  marriage, 
which  occurred  Oct.  14,  1849,  the  maiden  of  his 
choice  being  Miss  Susan,  daughter  of  Thomas  and 
Amanda  Wells. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Webster  emigrated  from  the  Blue 

Grass  region  across  the  Mississippi  in  1864,  in  or- 
der to  establish  a  new  home  in  Northern  Kansas. 
Mr.  Webster  took  up  a  tract  of  laud  and  labored 
upon  it  early  and  late  in  true  pioneer  style,  and 
in  due  time  received  his  reward  in  the  produce  of 
his  fertile  fields  and  in  being  able  to  gather  around 
him  all  the  comforts  of  life.  He  was  a  man  who 
made  many  friends,  and  by  his  upright  character 
enjoyed  in  a  marked  degree  the  esteem  and  confi- 
dence of  his  fellow  citizens.  He  was  a  kind  and 
affectionate  husband,  and  a  man  whose  loss  was 
sensilily  felt.  Politically,  he  affiliated  with  the 
Democratic  party.  He  was  quite  prominent  in  local 
affairs,  and  at  one  time  was  the  candidate  of 
his  party  for  Representative,  but  was  defeated  on 
account  of  the  party  being  in  the  minority  in  the 

Mrs.  Susan  (Wells)  Webster  was.  like  her  hus- 
band, a  native  of  Bath  Count3',  K}'.,  and  was  born 
Jan.  3,  1834.  Of  her  parents  a  sketch  will  be 
found  on  another  page  in  this  volnnie.  Iler 
mother  was  a  lad}^  of  more  than  ordinar}'  worth, 
and  we  append  the  notice  of  her  decease  which  was 
published  in  one  of  the  local  papers  at  the  time, 
and  which  indicates  the  estimation  in  which  she 
was  held  by  the  people  among  whom  she  settled  in 
the  pioneer  days. 

"  On  the  night  of  May  15,  1886,  Mrs.  Amanda 
Wells,  wife  of  Thomas  and  mother  of  the  Hon.  J.  D. 
Wells,  departed  this  life.  In  the  historj'  of  pioneer 
life  in  Marshall  Count}'  no  woman  has  left  a  more 
noble  record.  No  hand  wps  ever  extended  to  her 
for  help  that  went  away  empty.  A  mother  to  the 
motherless,  a  friend  to  the  friendless,  her  house 
was  a  home  to  the  homeless,  and  her  sympathy 
and  kindness  as  boundless  as  the  sufferings  and 
wants  of  humanity.  The  memory  of  those  kind 
words  and  acts  every  old  settler  of  Marshall. 
County  will  hold  sacred  through  life.  She  came 
to  Kansas  from  Kentuck\'  in  1858,  and  lived  on 
the  place  where  she  and  her  husband  settled  until 
the  seventy-seventh  3'ear  of  her  age.  The  funeral 
services  were  conducted  b}'  the  Rev.  Mr.  Campbell 
from  the  residence." 

Mrs.  Webster  was  reared  to  womanhood  in  her 
native  county,  and  received  a  common-school  edu- 
cation, which,  however,  did  not  approach  that  en- 



jojed  b}'  the  young  people  of  the  present  day. 
Soon  after  reaching  the  fifteentli  year  of  her  age 
she  was  married,  and  lived  with  her  husband  in 
Kentucky  until  coming  to  the  West.  She  had  re- 
ceived careful  liome  training,  and  was  well-fitted 
to  enter  upon  the  duties  and  difficulties  of  pioneer 
life.  She  assisted  her  husband  in  the  building  up 
of  their  home,  and  since  his  death  has  remained  at 
the  homestead,  where  she  is  spending  her  declining 
years.  Her  farm  embraces  470  acres  of  choice 
land,  embellished  with  substantial  buildings,  a 
goodly  assortment  of  live  stock,  and  machinery 
and  all  other  appliances  of  the  modern  homestead. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Webster  have  had  no  children. 

^ #-*# ^ 

bIRAM  L.  ROUNDS.  Jr.,  after  having  trav- 
'  eled  over  a  large  portion  of  the  United 
^  States,  finally  made  his  way  to  Northern 
(^  Kansas,  and  is  now  numbered  among  the 
leading  citizens  of  Blue  Rapids  Township.  He  is 
a  man  who  has  kept  his  eyes  open  to  what  is  going 
on  around  him  in  the  world,  and  his  career  has  been 
one  of  more  than  ordinarj-  interest.  Born  in  the 
province  of  Kingston,  Lower  Canada,  Aug.  30, 
1838,  he  is  the  son  of  Hiram  L.  Rounds,  Sr.,  who 
was  born  in  Rhode  Island,  in  1800.  The  latter 
served  in  the  War  of  1812  from  its  beginning  till  its 
close,  having  entered  the  army  when  only  twelve 
3ears  old.  His  two  brothers  also  fought  in  the 
ranks,  together  with  the  father. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
Amos  Rounds,  a  native  of  Glasgow,  Scotland,  a 
man  of  great  force  of  character,  and  who  was  a  gen- 
eral in  the  Scottish  Rebellion.  He  was  captured, 
imprisoned,  and  sentenced  to  be  beheaded  for  trea- 
son. He  escaped  from  the  third  stor}'  of  the 
building,  with  six  others,  and  gaining  the  seaboard 
embarlied  on  a  vessel  for  America,  being  put  on 
the  ship  in  a  hogshead.  A  reward  of  £1,500. 
had  been  offered  by  tlie  English  Government  for 
his  head.  He  arrived  safely  in  America,  and  re- 
mained hiding  in  the  woods  for  one  year  prior  to 
the  outbreak  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  His  fight- 
in"'  propensities  did  not  leave  him  notwithstanding 

the  stern  experience  which  he  had  encountered,  and 
he  cheerfully  assumed  charge  of  a  squad  of  men  at 
Boston,  who  became  famous  by  throwing  a  cargo 
of  tea  overboard. 

Grandfather  Rounds  in  due  time  was  appointed 
a  Colonel  b}'  the  American  Congress,  and  served 
until  the  close  of  the  war,  most  of  the  time  doing 
duty  as  Acting  Brigadier  General.  He  was  in 
many  engagements,  and  seventeen  bullets  were 
lodged  in  different  parts  of  his  bodj'.  The  old 
hero,  however,  survived  all  these  vicissitudes,  and 
passed  away  at  the  ripe  age  of  eighty-four  years. 
Hiram  L.  Rounds,  Sr.,  was  married  in  early  man- 
hood, to  Miss  Elinor  Conklin,  a  sister  of  the  late 
well-known  Roscoe  Conklin,  of  New  York  State, 
one  of  its  ablest  and  most  eloquent  men,  and  a 
United  States  Senator.  The  father  pursued  his 
trade  of  a  mason,  and  there  were  born  to  them  five 
children,  four  of  whom  are  living,  and  of  whom 
Hiram  L.  was  next  to  the  youngest.  One  brother 
served  with  distinction  in  the  late  Civil  War. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  attended  school  in 
Cleveland,  Ohio,  but  at  the  age  of  ten  years  left 
home  and  went  to  sea,  following  the  fortune  of  a 
sailor  for  about  fourteen  years.  Then  resuming 
life  on  terra  flrma,  he  learned  carpentering,  wliich 
trade  he  followed  until  1888.  Since  that  time 
he  has  given  his  attention  to  agricultural  pursuits. 
Wliile  a  resident  of  New  York  he  was  married,  in 
1863,  to  Miss  Ellen  Harn.  Their  only^hild,  a  son. 
George,  is  now  a  promising  young  man  of  twenty- 
three  years,  and  makes  his  home  with  his  father. 

Mr.  Rounds,  on  the  26th  of  May,  1883,  con- 
tracted a  second  marriage  with  Miss  CIdoe,  daugliter 
of  Francis  Bruso,  a  native  of  Canada,  and  whose 
parents  are  deceased.  Mrs.  Rounds  was  born  in  St. 
Luke,  Lower  Canada,  and  was  tlie  third  child  in  a 
family  of  seven.  When  she  was  seven  j-ears  old 
her  parents  removed  to  New  York  State,  where 
they  spent  their  last  daj's.  Mrs.  Rounds  has  been 
a  resident  of  Katisas  about  eight  j'ears. 

After  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr.  Rounds 
enlisted  for  three  months,  in  the  spring  of  1861,  in 
the  7th  Ohio  Infantry.  At  the  first  battle  of  Bull 
Run  he  was  taken  prisoner,  but  soon  escaped.  At 
the  expiration  of  his  first  term  of  enlistment  he  re- 
entered the  ranks,  as  a   member  of  the  67th  Ohio 



Infanti-y,  and  with  his  comrades  met  the  enemy  in 
battle  at  Manassas  Gap  and  AVinchester,  Va.,  be- 
sides nimy  other  important  engagements.  At  Win- 
chester lie  received  a  sabre  cut  on  the  arm,  and  a 
ball  in  his  right  iiip.  On  account  of  this  he  was 
obliged  to  accept  his  honor  ible  discharge.  Upon 
leaving  the  army  he  went  to  ^Michigan,  then  visited 
Kansas,  was  thereafter  at  Chicago.  III.,  then  in 
Ohio,  and  Birmingham,  Ala.,  remaining  in  the 
latter  State  nearly  five  3'ears.  He  found  no  coun- 
try finer  than  Northern  Kansas,  to  which  he  finally 
returned,  and  has  since  been  a  resident  of  this 
county.  During  his  emigrations  he  made  one  trip 
to  California,  and  spent  two  years  in  the  Rocky 

While  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  Mr.  Rounds  officiated 
as  Constable  and  Detective.  The  duties  of  the  lat- 
ter position  took  him  through  the  States  of  Mis- 
souri, Arkansas,  Texas  and  Kansas.  He  has  met 
all  kinds  of  people,  and  seen  many  strange  things 
during  his  journeyings.  and  has  kept  his  eyes  open 
to  what  is  going  on  around  him.  As  an  ex-soldier 
he  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R.,  Post  No.  49,  of  Birm- 
ingham, Ala.  He  is  in  full  sympathy  with  the 
working  men  of  America,  and  belongs  to  the  K.  of 
L.,  and  the  Carpenter's  Union.  He  is  conservative 
in  politics,  and  usually  votes  the  straight  Republi- 
can ticket. 

\f/  OHN  .J.  McLENNAN.  The  pioneer  firm  of 
Sumnierfield,  is  composed  of  J.  J.  McLen- 
nan sind  E.  J.  Smiley,  two  young  men  of 
(^/,'  excellent  habits  and  good  standing.  They 
opened  up  for  business  the  20th  day  of  November, 
1888,  in  a  private  house  on  the  present  site  of  Sum- 
nierfield, before  the  railroad  had  reached  this  point, 
and  before  the  town  was  platted,  and  two  months 
prior  to  the  opening  of  any  other  store  in  the  place. 
The  town  at  this  writing,  August,  1889,  contains 
six  general  stores,  four  hardware,  one  grocery,  two 
furniture,  one  millinery,  one  feed  store.  State  bank, 
three  lumber  yards,  five  restaurants,  one  hotel,  one 
newspaper,  two  me.atmarkels,  one  bakery,  three 
blacksmith  shops,  three  livery  stables,   one    [dioto- 

graph  gallery,  three  barber  shops,  one  shoe  shop, 
one  billiard  hall,  three  places  where  farm  machinery 
is  sold,  and  two  grain  dealers  with  scales,  cribs,  etc. 
The  stocks  are  generally  well  assorted  and  well 
housed.  The  bank  occupies  a  brick  buildinsj.  Sum- 
nierfield is  the  present  terminus  of  the  Kansas  City, 
Wyandotte  &  Northwestern  Railroad,  and  is  sur- 
rounded by  a  rich  prairie  country.  Mr.  Smiley  is 
the  son  of  J.  S.  Smiley,  proprietor  of  the  town  site, 
whose  sketch  may  be  found  in  another  part  of  this 
volume.      He  is  a  native  of  Mounouth,  111. 

Mr.  is  of  Scotch  parentage  and  an- 
cestry. His  father  was  Finley  McLennan,  and  his 
mother  Isabel!  McLennan,  both  members  of  the  well- 
known  Scotch  family'  of  that  name,  although  not 
immediately  related.  The  parents  removed  from 
Rosshire,  Scotland,  to  Livingston  Count}',  N.  Y., 
in  18.57,  and  there  our  subject  was  born,  Nov.  27, 
1860.  When  he  was  seven  years  of  age,  his  par- 
ents removed  to  Ontario,  Canada,  where  they  still 
reside.  There  he  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and  re- 
ceived an  education  which  fitted  him  for  almost 
any  position,  but  especially  qualified  him  for  the 
profession  of  teacher,  which  he  has  since  success- 
fully followed  in  several  States.  At  the  age  of 
eighteen,  he  left  home  and  went  to  Chippewa  Falls, 
Wis.  There  he  followed  his  profession  and  mas- 
tered both  the  carpenter  and  brick-maker's  trades. 
He  afterward  worked  at  both  trades  in  various 
places  in  Minnesota  and  Dakota.  In  1883  Mr.  Mc- 
Lennan came  to  Kansas,  and  settled  in  this  county, 
wiiere  he  has  followed  teaching  successfully.  He 
has  also  at  times  busied  himself  at  his  trades  in  the 
capacity  of  contractor  and  builder. 

Mr.  McLennan  is  a  single  man,  of  temperate  hab- 
its, and  of  a  religious  turn  of  mind,  b-^ing  a  mem- 
ber of  the  United  Presbyterian  Church.  While  in 
Canada,  he  was  a  great  student  of  the  history'  of 
his  native  country,  and  when  in  young  manhood 
he  returned  to  the  United  States,  he  espoused  the 
cause  of  the  Republican  party,  believing  it  to  be 
the  party  of  progression,  and  the  one  that  embodied 
the  principles  of  "the  greatest  good  for  the  great- 
est number."  Since  coming  to  Marshall  County, 
he  has  been  of  great  service  to  that  party,  being  an 
active  participant  in  political  affairs.  He  has  been 
!i  member  of  every  County   Convention  since   his 



arrival  in  tlie  State,  and  is  at  present  an  active 
member  of  the  County  Central  Committee.  When 
the  village  of  Summerflekl  was  organizecl,  he  was 
elected  to  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  the 
village  and  township.  The  latter  is  strongly  Demo- 
cratic, and  the  election  of  our  subject  is  conclusive 
proof  of  the  esteem  in  which  he  is  held. 

Mr.  McLennan  has  recently  been  highly  compli- 
mented by  an  uncle  whom  he  has  not  seen  forj-ears. 
The  uncle  is  a  very  wealthy  resident  of  Victoria, 
British  Columbia,  and  principal  stock-holder  in  a 
large  mining  company  of  that  place.  He  has  re- 
cently written  to  his  nephew,  offering  him  the  posi- 
tion of  secretary  of  the  company,  at  a  salary  of 
$1,200  a  year,  and  placing  a  good  block  of  shares 
to  his  credit.  Our  subject  will  visit  his  uncle  this 
fall,  though  it  is  doubtful  whether  he  will  accept 
the  tempting  offer  made,  as  his  ties  are  strong  in 
Marshall  County.  Should  he  conclude  to  remove, 
he  will  be  followed  by  the  best  wishes  of  all  who 
have  had  business  or  social  relations  with  him. 

^p5$|E0RGE  W.  WALLS,  owner  and  occupant 
|[  g— ,  of  a  flne  farm  of  160  acres  on  sections  34 

^^^4  and  35,  Wells  Township,  has  been  a  resi- 
dent of  this  county  from  his  boyhood.  He  was 
born  in  Huntingdon  County,  Pa.,  March  8,  1849. 
His  mother  Nancy  (Smith)  Walls,  died  when  he 
was  about  eighteen  months  old.  His  grandfather 
Walls  was  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812.  James 
Walls,  the  father  of  our  subject  removed  from 
Pennsylvania  to  Marion  County,  Iowa,  in  1851, 
and  in  the  fall  of  1857,  came  witii  his  family  to 
Kansas.  He  spent  about  three  years  in  Pottawato- 
mie Coilnty,  whence  he  removed  to  this  county. 
He  bought  160  acres  of  land  in  Clear  Fork  Town- 
ship, and  subsequently  purchased  additional  tracts 
until  his  present  estate  amounts  to  about  700  acres. 
The  land  upon  which  James  Walls  settled,  was  raw 
prairie,  with  but  a  few  acres  broken,  .and  he  had 
little  means  when  he  arrived.  That  he  has  been  a 
successful  farmer,  the  amount  of  his  property  will 
attest.  He  is  the  father  of  three  children,  two  of 
whom  still  survive,  George  W.  and  James.     He  is 

a  Republican  in  politics,  and  has  always  as  a  citi- 
zen favored  public  improvements  and  measures  for 
the  good  of  the  locality. 

George  W.  Walls,  the  subject  of  this  notice  was 
about  eight  years  of  age  when  his  father  removed 
to  this  county.  Here  he  was  reared  amid  the  scenes 
of  pioneer  life,  and  has  w.atched  the  development 
of  the  county  from  its  then  primitive  state  to  its 
present  prosperous  state.  The  school-house  in 
which  he  received  his  earl}'  education  was  built  of 
logs,  with  puncheon  seats  and  desks,  and  the  edu- 
cational advantages  received  there,  were  but  limi- 
ted. Like  many  another  man  of  native  intelligence, 
Mr.  Walls  supplemented  his  schooling  by  reading 
and  observation,  becoming  a  well-informed  man. 
On  Christmas  Day,  1874,  he  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Mary  McClure,  daughter  of  N.  J. 
•and  Rebecca  McClure,  and  a  native  of  the  Blue 
Grass  State.  The  union  has  been  blessed  bj'  the 
birth  of  three  children:  Bessie  May,  born  Jan.  3, 
1877,  and  died  Aug.  12,  1879;  Irena,  born  March 
13,  1884:  and  Ida  April  13,  1887.  Mr.  Walls' 
farm  is  under  excellent  cultivation,  and  supplied 
with  all  necessary  improvements,  and  ranks  among 
the  best  farms  in  the  township. 

Our  subject  is  a  Republican,  and  heartil}-  sup- 
ports the  principles  of  his  part3'.  For  six  years  he 
has  served  as  Treasurer  of  School  District  No.  7. 
Mrs.  Walls  is  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church,  of  which  her  husband  is  also  an  at- 
tendant. Both  take  an  active  interest  in  the  social 
affairs  of  their  locality.  As  a  man  of  honor  and 
uprightness,  and  an  intelligent  and  public-spirited 
citizen,  Mr.  Walls  is  justly  esteemed  by  those  who 
know  nim. 

i^EORGE  B.  LANDRUM  was  born  .Septem- 
1850,  in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  two 
northeast  of  the  town  of  DeKalb.  He 
is  a  son  of  Edward  B.  and  Priscilla  Landrum,  both 
of  whom  were  natives  of  Owen  County,  Ind.,  and 
of  German  descent.  The  father  removed  to  Mis- 
souri in  1849.  The  parental  family  consisted  of 
nine  children,  of   whom  the  eldest,  Ephraim,   died 



at  the  age  of  seventeen.  William  H.  is  engaged  in 
agriculture,  in  Atchison  County,  Kan.  He  has 
been  twice  marrieil;  his  first  wife,  Rebecca  Brock, 
died  over  thirty  years  ago,  leaving  four  children. 
His  second  wife,  Elizabeth  P.  Stone,  died  in  Atchi- 
son Countjr,  i]i  1874,  leaving  two  children.  Eliza- 
beth A.  is  the  wife  of  John  Graves,  a  farmer  of 
Atchison  County,  and  has  three  children;  Joel  D. 
resides  in  Pottawatomie  County,  Kan.;  he  has  been 
married  twice.  His  first  wife,  Elizabeth  Ma}',  died 
in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  in  1852,  leaving  two 
children.  His  second  wife,  Mary  Osborne,  is  the 
mother  of  three  children.  Margaret  S.  resides  in 
Atciiison  County ;  she  has  been  twice  married. 
Her  first  husband,  John  Bohanan,  was  killed  by 
lightning  in  1859.  Her  second  husband,  Thomas 
F.  Cook,  is  a  farmer.  By  her  first  husband  she 
became  the  mother  of  one  child,  and  six  children 
have  been  the  result  of  her  second  marriage.  Ben- 
jamin L.  is  a  carpenter,  unmarried,  and  living  in 
Arizona;  Stephen  is  a  jeweler,  is  unmarried,  and 
engaged  in  business  in  Netawaka,  Jackson  Co.,  Kan. ; 
Isaac  E.  is  a  foreman  in  Armour's  Packing  House, 
in  Kansas  City.  He  has  been  married  twice;  his 
first  wife,  Mary  Cotter,  died  in  1880,  leaving  four 
children.  His  second  wife  has  borne  him  three 

When  our  subject  was  five  years  of  age,  his  par- 
ents removed  to  Atchison  County,  Kan.,  where  he 
grew  to  manhood  upon  his  father's  farm,  receiving- 
such  education  as  could  be  acquired  at  the  com- 
mon schools,  and  a  practical  knowledge  of  agri- 
culture. At  the  age  of  twenty-two  he  began  life 
for  himself.  His  present  residence  was  on  April 
23,  1876,  the  scene  of  a  notable  event  of  his  life, 
the  occasion  being  his  marriage  to  Sarah  E.,  daugh- 
ter of  Charles  and  Helen  (Duvall)  Vaughn,  who 
were  at  that  time  occupants  of  the  place.  Mrs. 
Landrum  first  saw  the  light  in  Knox  County,  III., 
in  1859.  Her  paternal  grandfather  was  a  native  of 
Kentucky,  while  France  was  the  birthplace  of  her 
maternal  grandfather.  Her  parents  removed  from 
Illinois  to  Kansas  some  years  ago,  first  settling  in 
Pottawatomie  County.  Thence  after  two  years' 
residence,  they  removed  to  this  county,  settling  in 
the  northeast  quarter  of  section  6,  Vermillion  Town- 
ship.    There  our  subject  is  now  operating  eighty 

acres  of  well-cultivated  and  productive  land,  in 
general  farming.  His  modest,  but  ple.asant  home, 
is  presided  over  by  a  bright  intelligent  woman,  and 
two  interesting  children,  Claude  G.,  and  Charles  H., 
brighten  the  fireside. 

Mr.  Landrum  is  progressive,  enterprising,  indus- 
trious and  intelligent.  He  is  a  member  of  Westmoor- 
land  Lodge  No.  57,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  in  Pottawatomie 
County.  He  and  his  wife  are  worthy  members  of 
the  Christian  Church. 

Ill  <^t7  '^^  '"  ^^^  other  parts  i 
^WSl    '■'^6  enterprising  Gen 

^p^ODFREY  LODHOLZ.  All  over  the  West, 
of  the  United  States. 
erman  citizen  is  to  bo 
found  pushing  his  way  ahead,  and  almost  uni- 
forml}'  industrious,  reliable  and  well-to-do.  The 
subject  of  this  sketch  is  a  true  son  of  the  Father- 
land, having  inherited  the  best  traits  of  his  sub- 
stantial German  ancestry,  and  was  one  of  those 
characters  most  needed  during  the  early  settlement 
of  this  county,  to  which  he  came  over  thirty  years 
ago,  and  located  upon  the  land  which  he  now  owns 
and  occupies.  He  has  one  of  the  finest  farms  in 
Richland  Township,  820  acres  in  extent,  and  located 
on  section  26.  He  preempted  half  of  this  from  the 
Government  while  it  lay  as  the  Indians  had  left  it,  a 
wild  uncultivated  tract,  which  had  been  subjected 
to  no  improvements  whatever.  The  task  before 
him  was  very  great,  but  he  at  once  set  about  it, 
and  after  a  series  of  years,  could  look  around  with 
a  feeling  of  satisfaction  at  the  result  of  his  labors. 
Mr.  Lodholz  is  one  of  the  oldest  settlers  of  Rich- 
land Township,  and  is  considered  one  of  its  leading- 
men.  He  has  wisely  retired  from  the  more  arduous 
labors  of  life,  and  aside  from  the  care  of  his  live- 
stock, takes  life  easily.  Many  and  great  have  been 
the  changes  he  has  witnessed  since  coming  to  North- 
ern Kansas,  and  he  may  reasonably  feel  that  he  has 
borne  no  unimportant  part  in  the  elevation  of 
Marshall  County,  to  its  present  position.  He  has 
paid  into  its  treasury  a  handsome  sum  of  money 
upon  his  taxable  property,  while  his  example  of 
thrift  and  industry  has  proved  a  stimulus  to  many 



a  man  about  him.  and  thus  results  have  been  pro- 
duced, which  are  far  reaching  and  beneficial  to  the 
entire  community. 

■  Our  subject  was  born  in  the  Province  of  Wurt- 
emberg,  Germany,  July  10,  1830.  He  lived  there 
until  a  j'outh  of  seventeen  years,  acquiring  a  good 
education  in  the  common  school,  and  being  trained 
to  those  habits  of  industry  and  economy,  which 
have  followed  him  all  through  \iU.  He  was  a 
youth,  thoughtful  and  ambitious  beyond  his  years, 
and  not  being  satisfied  with  his  surroundings  or 
prospects  in  the  Fatherland,  set  out  alone  in  1 847, 
for  America.  His  first  stopping  place  was  in  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  where  he  became  an  employe  in  a 
manufacturing  establishment,  and  remained  three 
years.  After  spending  one  winter  in  Albany,  N.  Y., 
he  returned  to  New  England,  and  lived  in  Connec- 
ticul,from  1851  until  1858,  working  at  the  trade 
of  a  locksmith,  which  he  learned  in  that  Stale. 
In  Connecticut  he  was  married,  Dec.  14.  1854,  to 
Miss  Christina  Seitz.  In  1858  they  started  for  the 
Southwest,  going  by  rail  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and 
thence  by  boat  to  Atchison,  this  State,  where  they 
arrived  about  the  1st  of  April.  At  this  point  Mr. 
Lodholz  purchased  a  team  and  drove  through  to 
this  county,  camping  and  cooking  by  the  wayside. 
There  were  very  few  people  in  this  region,  and 
Atchison  was  the  nearest  trading  point,  but  to  this 
he  went  only  once  or  twice  a  year,  as  it  had  to  be 
performed  with  an  ox-team,  and  consequently  was 
a  long  journey,  occupying  ten  days  or  two  weeks. 
At  the  little  hamlet  of  Marysville  he  could  obtain 
some,  but  not  all  of  his  supplies. 

The  first  business  of  our  subject  upon  locating 
his  land,  was  to  provide  a  shelter  for  his  family. 
He  then  put  in  his  first  season's  crops,  began  mak- 
ing fences  and  planting  trees,  and  erecting  the 
buildings  most  needed.  He  met  with  loss  in  1861, 
his  dwelling  being  destroyed  by  fire,  but  he  rebuilt 
six  miles  northeast  of  the  city  of  Beattie,  and  has 
now  a  fine  residence,  a  view  of  which  is  a  feature 
of  added  interest  to  our  Album.  As  one  of  the 
first  settlers,  and  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  in- 
telligence, he  was  appointed  to  some  of  the  first 
oflSces,  and  has  served  as  Township  Treasurer,  As- 
sessor, .Tustice  of  the  Peace,  and  School  District 
Clerk.     He  assisted  in  organizing  district   No.   19, 

and  was  its  first  Clerk.  He  believes  in  compulsory 
education,  and  is  in  favor  of  everything  to  build 
up  the  county,  and  elevate  societ}'.  Upon  becom- 
ing a  voting  citizen,  he  identified  himself  with  the 
Democratic  p.irty,  and  in  his  religious  views,  coin- 
cides with  the  doctrines  of    the  Protestant  Church. 

Five  children  came  to  bless  the  uniou  of  our  sub- 
ject and  his  estimable  wife,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a 
(laughter,  Mary,  remains  at  home  with  her  parents; 
Anna  is  the  wife  of  Gustave  Segenhagen,  and  they 
live  in  Marshall  County,  Kan.;  Christina  married 
William  H.  Seip,  of  Richland  Township,  this  county  ; 
Rosa  married  Peter  Gurtler,  of  Guittard  Township  ; 
Sophia  is  unmarried,  and  remains  at  home  with  her 
parents.  Mrs.  Lodholz  was  born  in  Germany,  in 
1827,  and  emigrated  to  America  alone,  in  1854, 
settling  in  Connecticut,  where  she  met  her  future 

Joseph  F.  Lodholz,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  born  in  Germanj',  and  spent  his  entire  life  upon 
his  native  soil.  He  married  Miss  Anna  M.  Schill, 
who  after  his  decease,  came  to  America  in  1854, 
and  settled  in  Connecticut.  She  joined  her  son  in 
this  county,  and  died  in  this  township  in  1861. 

Tr^EV.  JOHN  A.  HURLEY,  pastor  of  St. 
'V^  Bridget  Roman  Catholic  Church,  of  Murray 
(li\\\  Township,  and  the  Church  of  St.  Michael, 
\^  at  Axtell,  Is  of  Irish  parentage.  His  father, 
John  Hurley,  was  a  native  of  Cork,  AVhile  yet  a 
young  man,  in  1856,  he  determined  to  try  his  for- 
tune in  the  United  States,  and  immediately  after 
his  arrival  located  in  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  where  he 
died  in  1882.  He  was  a  faithful  member  of  the 
Catholic  ('hurch. 

Our  subject  was  liorn  in  Leavenworth  in  1858. 
He  was  reared  in  his  native  citj',  and  there  re- 
ceived his  preparator}'  education.  Before  coming 
of  .ige  he  entered  the  St.  Francis  Catholic  Sciiool 
of  Milwaukee,  Wi?.,  and  after  graduating  for  the 
priesthood,  retiu'ned  to  Leavenworth,  where  he  was 
ordained  in  1883,  Bishop  Fink  officiating.  The 
young  priest  was  immediately  assigned  to  a  pastor- 
ate at  Ft.  Leavenworth,  and  at  the  State  Prison  at 



Kansas  (the  latter  situated  three  miles  south  of 
Leavenworth),  which  he  held  until  1884.  At  that 
time  he  came  to  St.  Bridget  Township,  entering 
upon  the  pastorates  which  he  now  holds.  He  has 
in  each  church  about  seventy  families. 

Father  Hurley  has  given  considerable  attention 
to  the  history  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church  of 
.St.  Bridget  Township,  Marshall  Co.,  Kan.,  which 
is  one  of  the  oldest  religious  institutions  in 
this  part  of  the  State.  He  furnishes  the  fol- 
lowing facts,  which  will  be  interesting  to  mem- 
bers of  the  church:  In  tlie  year  1858,  this  section 
of  the  county  being  new  and  sparsely  settled. 
Father  Fitzgerald,  now  deceased,  came  to  this 
place.  By  the  help  of  a  few  of  the  oldest  settlers 
he  organized  a  church  with  a  charter  membership 
of  seven,  and  built  an  unassuming  frame  structure 
in  which  to  hold  meetings.  After  some  years 
Father  Fitzgerald  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  Father  Suit- 
bert,  who  was  rector  four  years.  In  1873  the  lat- 
ter erected  a  large  and  substantial  stone  church, 
with  a  seating  capacity  of  over  400,  to  which  has 
since  been  added  a  vestry.  Father  Suitbert  was 
succeeded  by  Father  Timothy,  who  during  his 
ministry  erected  a  commodious  and  well-con 
structed  parsonage.  A  few  years  later.  Father 
Williams,  now  deceased,  took  charge  of  the  church, 
and  upon  his  withdrawal,  our  subject  took  the  pas- 

Father  Hurley  is  a  man  of  brilliant  mind  and 
kindly  manners,  and  is  very  popular,  not  only 
with  his  charge,  but  with   the    people    in    general. 

In  connection  with  the  biographical  sketch  of  our 
subject,  we  present  elsewhere  in  this  volume  a  fine 
engraving  of  the  church,  with  whose  interests 
Father  Hurley  is  identified. 

NTp^  BENEZER  MILLS  is  one  of  the  old  settlers 
fel  of  this  county,  to  which  he  came  in  1856. 
/jL^  He  is  also  a  prominent  business  man  of  Bar- 
rett Station,  where  he  is  engaged  in  mercantile 
business,  his  stock  consisting  principally  of  grocer- 
ies. He  was  born  near  Belmont,  Ohio,  Oct.  15, 
1830,  and  is  the  son  of  Jolin  .and  Frances  (Mitchel- 

tree)  Mills.  His  paternal  ancestry  were  English 
and  Irish,  and  his  father  a  native  of  New  Hamp- 
shire. His  mother  was  born  in  Ohio.  His  father 
belonged  to  the  Democratic  party,  and  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  The  paternal 
family  consisted  of  six  children,  named  respect- 
ively: John,  Samuel,  Ebenezer,  Elizabeth,  Mary 
and  Jane. 

Our  subject  was  reared  upon  a  farm,  and  was  the 
recipient  of  such  educational  advantages  as  weie 
afforded  by  the  common  schools.  In  addition  to  a 
thorough  knowledge  of  agricultural  pursuits,  which 
he  learned  upon  his  father's  farm,  he  became  thor- 
oughly acquainted  with  the  carpenter's  trade.  On 
June  30,  1853,  he  celebrated  his  marriage  to  Caro- 
line, daughter  of  Nelson  and  Elizabeth  (Taylor) 
Barcus.  His  wife  is  r.n  estimable  lady,  and  a  na- 
tive, like  himself,  of  the  Buckeye  State.  In  1856 
our  subject  removed  to  this  county,  settling  on  a 
quarter  section  of  land,  one-half  mile  southwest  of 
Barrett  Station,  on  which  he  remained  until  1877. 
He  was  the  first  carpenter  in  this  part  of  the 
county,  and  helped  in  the  building  of  Barrett's 
mill,  the  first  edifice  of  the  kind  in  Northeastern 
Kansas.  Animated  by  the  spirit  which  led  so 
many  thousands  to  leave  home  and  friends  in  their 
country's  service,  Mr.  Mills  enlisted  on  Sept.  1, 
1862,  as  a  member  of  Company  G,  13th  Kansas 
Infantry.  He  took  part  in  engagements  at  Prairie 
Grove  and  Cain  Hill,  Ark.,  against  the  foi-ces  of 
Price  and  Quantrell,  and  did  frontier  duty  in  In- 
dian Ter^itor3^  He  proved  himself  an  excellent 
soldier,  and  when  mustered  out,  on  June  26,  1865, 
well  merited  the  honorable  discharge  he  received. 
Cold  and  exposure  during  his  service  so  injured 
the  optic  nerve  as  to  leave  him  almost  blind.  Af- 
ter his  return  from  the  army,  our  subject  entered 
upon  his  former  occupations,  and  continued  a  resi- 
dent of  his  farm  until  1877,  when  be  removed  to 
Barrett.  In  the  fall  of  1884  he  went  into  his  pres- 
ent business,  building  up  a  good  trade,  in  which  he 
has  since  that  time  been  continuously  engaged. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mills  nine  children  have  been 
born,  the  first  two  of  whom  died  in  infancy.  His 
daughter  Lottie  is  the  wife  of  Robert  Tudor,  a 
stock-dealer  living  in  Frankfort;  she  is  the  mother 
of  three  surviving  children.     Alice  is  the  wife  of 



Allen  Fairchikl,  a  fanner  living-  half  a  mile  east  of 
Barrett  Station,  in  "Wells  Township;  she  is  the 
mother  of  one  child.  Martha  is  the  wife  of  Simon 
Massey,  a  blaelcsmith  in  Barrett,  and  has  two  chil- 
dren. James,  Margaret,  William  and  .Joel  are  un- 
married and  reside  at  home. 

Mrs.  Mills  is  a  consistent  and  worth}-  membci-  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Mr.  Mills  is  a 
Republican  in  politics;  he  is  a  member  of  Hender- 
son Post,  No.  53.  G.  A.  R.  In  his  prime  he  was 
possessed  of  rugged  strength,  and  now  shows  little 
of  declining  energy,  the  lack  of  sight  being  the 
only  noticeable  physical  weakness.  He  is  a  man  of 
intelligence  and  an  abundant  supply  of  good  com- 
mon sense,  and  is  a  thoroughly  respected  citizen. 

(^  felLLIAM  D.  WARNICA,  whose  home  is 
\rj//  on  section  14,  Wells  Township,  is  one  of 
"^^  the  earliest  settlers  of  that  locality,  to 
which  he  came  in  1869.  He  was  born  in  the  town 
of  Barry,  Canada,  Dec.  19,  1848,  and  was  a  son  of 
Joseph  and  Melvina  (Denure)  Warnica.  The 
father  was  of  German  descent  and  the  mother  a 
native  of  New  York  State. 

Joseph  Warnica  removed  from  Canada  to  Kent 
County,  Mich.,  when  our  subject  was  about  eight 
3-ears  of  age.  He  settled  six  miles  south  of  Grand 
Rapids.  In  the  year  1861  he  enlisted  in  the  Union 
Army,  and  his  family  last  heard  of  him  in  1866. 
He  had  been  mustered  out  of  the  service  and  was 
on  his  waj-  home.  All  trace  of  him  was  lost  at 
Columbus,  Ohio,  and  it  is  supposed  he  was  there 
murdered  for  his  money.  His  widow  continued  to 
reside  in  the  State  of  Michigan  until  she  sold  her 
home  and  followed  her  son  to  this  county.  Her 
death  took  place  in  Wells  Township,  Oct.  11,  1876. 
She  was  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church.  She 
was  the  mother  of  ten  children,  seven  of  whom  are 
now  living:  Peter  is  in  Texas;  Joseph  G.  is  in 
Oklahoma,  I.  T.;  Melvina,  wife  of  O.  Crandall,  is 
in  Colorado;  William  D.  and  George  A.  are  in 
Missouri;  Calvin  is  in  Wells  Township,  this  county; 
and  James  H.  is  in  JNIorris  County,  tliis  State. 
The  gentleman  of  whom  we  vvrite  was  reared  to 

man's  estate  in  Blichigan,  whence  he  came  to 
Marshall  County,  as  before  stated  He  filed  a 
claim  on  a  homestead  of  eighty  acres,  which  he  re- 
claimed from  its  primitive  condition  into  a  well- 
improved  farm.  He  subsequently  purchased  forty 
acres,  and  by  dint  of  his  energy  and  economj-  has 
placed  himself  on  a  firm  financial  basis.  Wolves, 
deer  and  other  '•  varmint"  were  plentiful  when  he 
came,  and  he  has  experienced  the  usual  hardships 
and  privations  of  pioneer  life. 

September  3,  1873,  Mr.  Warnica  celebrated  his 
marriage  to  Anna  Osborn.  She  was  born  in  Illi- 
nois, and  was  a  daughter  of  Robert  and  Betsey 
Osborn.  Her  parents  were  early  settlers  of  this 
county,  and  now  reside  in  Frankfort.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Warnica  are  the  happy  parents  of  four  chil- 
dren— Victor  L.,  Alphouso,  Bessie  and  Robert. 

Mr.  Warnica  casts  his  vote  with  the  Republican 
liarty.  Though  his  educational  advantages  in 
3-oulh  were  rather  limited,  and  he  is  practically 
self-educated,  he  is  much  interested  in  the  schools, 
and  is  serving  as  Director  of  District  No.  109. 
An  upright  and  moral  man,  and  a  public-spirited 
citizen,  Mr.  Warnica  merits  and  receives  ti.e  re- 
spect of  his  fellow  citizens. 


ILLIAM  CASSIDY.  The  successful  man 
in  a  communit}'  is  always  an  object  of  more 
or  less  interest,  and  if  his  course  has  been 
marked  by  honest)"  and  uprightness,  he  secures  for 
himself  that  genuine  deference  and  respect  which 
is  of  more  value  than  wealth.  Mr.  Cassidj'  during 
the  period  of  nineteen  j^ears.  at  which  time  he  com- 
menced with  modest  means,  has  accumulated  a  flue 
propertjs  embracing  a  well-cultivated  farm  of  423 
acres,  with  the  residence  on  section  9.  He  bears 
the  reputation  of  having  been  a  most  useful  mem- 
ber of  the  community — one  who  has  given  his  in- 
fluence in  favor  of  the  establishment  of  schools  and 
churches,  and  all  the  enterprises  calculated  to  ad- 
vance the  people,  sociall}',  morally  and  financiall3\ 
He  has  been  a  School  Director  in  his  district  since 
first  coming  to  Rock  Township,  in  1870.  He  has 
likewise  officiated  as  Road  Supervisor,  and  has  been 



a  prominent  meuibnr  of  the  Presbi'terian  Church,  to 
whicli  be  tenders  a  liberal  support.  Politically,  lie 
is  a  lending  Republican. 

The  Cassid}'  family  originated  in  Ireland,  and 
during  the  last  century  has  been  located  mostly 
in  the  northern  part  of  Erin,  where  William  Cas- 
sidy,  Sr.,  the  father  of  our  sul)ject,  was  born.  His 
paternal  grandfather,  John  Cassidy,  a  native  of  the 
same  region,  was  a  substantial  farmer,  and  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Old-School  Presbyterian  Church.  Will- 
iam, Sr.,  owned  a  farm  in  his  native  county,  where 
he  lived  until  1830,  then,  emigrating  to  America, 
located  in  the  vicinity,  of  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  and  was 
employed  in  the  iron  furnaces,  and  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  charcoal.  After  a  time  he  purchased  fifty- 
eight  acres  of  land  in  Butler  County,  upon  which 
he  operated  in  1860,  when  he  changed  his  residence 
to  Allegheny,  where  he  now  (1889)  lives  .at  the 
age  of  seventy-three  3'ears.  He  is  a  Republican, 
politically,  and  a  member  of  the  Presliyterian 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Elizabeth  Reid.  She  was  the  daughter  Of  Will- 
iam Reid,  and  like  him  was  born  in  Scotland, 
and  was  reared  upon  a  farm  in  the  Lowlands. 
Grandfather  Reid  finally  removed  to  Iieland,  where 
he  purchased  land,  and  carried  on  farming  until  his 
death.  He  likewise  was  a  memlier  of  the  Presb^'te- 
rian  Church.  His  daughter  Elizabeth  wns  educa- 
ted in  L'eland,  and  died  in  Pennsylvania  at  the  age 
of  seventy  years.  Of  lier  union  with  William  Cas- 
sidy, Sr.,  there  were  born  seven  children,  the  eldest 
of  whom,  a  son.  John  A.,  is  a  resident  of  Pittsburg, 
Pa.  William,  our  subject,  was  the  second  born; 
David  lives  in  Pittsburg;  Margaret  is  deceased; 
Eliza  J.,  Mrs.  Reid,  is  living  in  Australia;  Leah 
and  Samuel  are  deceased. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Allegheu}' 
City,  Pa.,  t'eb.  17,  1845.  He  lived  there  until  ar- 
riving at  the  age  of  maturity,  receiving  his  educa- 
tion in  the  common  schools.  In  the  meantime  he 
learned  the  tanner's  trade,  and  remiiined  a  member 
of  the  parental  household  until  reaching  the  twent}'- 
lUird  year  of  his  age,  then  oi)erated  a  fruit  and 
vegetable  farm  until  1870.  Deciding  to  seek  his 
fortunes  in  the  West,  in  the  spring  of  that  year  he 
came  to  Atchison  by  rail,  and  in  due  time  emigra- 

ting to  this  count}',  purchased  eighty  acres  of  rail- 
road land  at  $6.50  per  acre.  He  commenced  the 
improvement  of  his  property  with  a  breaking  team 
of  oxen,  and  was  successful  from  the  start.  He 
gradually  added  to  his  real  estate  240  acres  on  sec- 
tion 8,  100  acres  on  section  7,  and  three  acres  on 
section  6.  From  his  little  capital  of  1400  he  has 
built  up  a  goodly  estate,  and  furnished  an  example 
of  prudence  and  good  management  most  worthy  of 

The  first  purchase  of  land  by  Mr.  Cassidy  in  this 
county,  was  without  any  improvements  whatever. 
He  has  expended  a  large  amount  of  time  and 
money  in  the  erection  of  buildings — a  house  and 
barn,  together  with  the  other  necessary  structures 
— and  has  accumulated  the  machinery  requisite  for 
the  most  profitable  cultivation  of  the  soil.  He  has 
a  geared  windmill,  which  he  utilizes  as  required 
about  the  premises.  He  has  set  out  forest  and  fruit 
trees,  grape  vines  included,  and  has  a  milkhouse 
provided  with  all  the  conveniences  for  dairying. 
His  live-stock  embraces  ninetj'-three  head  of  graded 
Short-horn  cattle,  a  goodly  number  of  Poland- 
China  and  Jersey-Red  swine  (three  cars  of  which  he 
ships  annually),  and  graded  Norman  and  Cl3'dcs- 
dale  horses,  three  teams  of  which  he  uses  in  his 
farm  operations. 

Mr.  Cassidy  was  married.,  Dec.  27  1869,  in  Ilar- 
risliurg.  Pa.,  to  Miss  Anna  J.  Stevenson,  who  was 
born  near  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  July  22,  1849.  Mrs. 
Cassidy  is  the  daughter  of  Alexander  Stevenson, 
who  with  his  father,  Joseph  Stevenson,  was  born  in 
Scotland,  where  the  latter  occupied  himself  as  a 
manufacturer  and  bleacher  of  linen,  and  where  he 
spent  his  entire  life.  Alexander  emigrated  to 
America  when  a  young  man,  and  locating  in  Phila- 
delphia engaged  in  the  dry-gocds  trade,  wholesale 
and  retail,  at  which  he  continued  until  his  death, 
in  1857.  at  the  age  of  thirty-two  years.  In  religion 
he  was  a  seceder. 

The  mother  of  Mrs.  Cassidy,  whose  maiden  name 
was  Mary  Russell,  was  a  native  of  Scotland,  and 
the  daughter  of  Samuel  Russell,  who  was  in  the 
employ  of  the  Government  until  emigrating  to 
America.  Here  he  engaged  in  farming  near  the 
city  of  Philadelphia  until  his  death.  Mrs.  Mary 
Cassidy  departed  this  life  near  the  <^)uaker  Cit}',  in 



1863.  There  were  onl)-  two  children  in  the  family 
— Samuel  R..  a  resident  of  Atchison,  and  engaged 
in  the  furniture  business;  and  Anna  J.  The  wife 
of  our  subject  was  reared  on  her  grandfather's  farm 
near  Philadelphia,  receiving  good  school  advan- 
tages, and  remaining  there  until  her  marriage.  She 
is  now  the  mother  of  seven  children,  viz.:  Samuel 
S.,  Sarah  E.,  Mary  J.,  Walter  B.,  Willie  R.,  David 
A.,  and  Margaret  M.  They  are  still  at  home  with 
their  parents,  and  comprise  a  bright  and  interesting 
group,  of  which  the  parents  may  well  be  proud. 
A  fine  engraving  of  their  pleasant  home  and  sur- 
roundings appears  on  another  page  of  the  Album. 

v>/>/\, -<jia£'®^S' 

■  •^nSJ/Z'OT^v.'W— 

ellARLES  B.  WILSON.  The  agricultural 
interests  of  Marysville  are  well  represented 
'  by  the  above-named  gentleman,  who  is  a 
large  stock-raiser,  and  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Jo- 
seph Wilson  &  Son.  These  gentlemen  own  a  large 
farm  of  900  acres  near  this  place,  and  with  a 
great  deal  of  pride  and  pleasure  exhibit  to  the  vis- 
itor some  of  the  finest  cattle  and  horses  to  be  seen 
within  the  country  around.  Their  stock,  which  is 
registered,  embraces  a  number  of  full-blooded 
Short-horn  cattle,  and  two  Imperial  Percheron 
stallions,  also  an  Imperial  mare,  "Flora."  In  addi- 
tion they  have  fifty  bead  of  high-bred  mares,  and 
also  a  large  number  of  young  stock,  all  finely  bred. 
The  stock  farm  of  Wilson  &  Son  is  considered 
one  of  the  finest  in  the  county,  feeding  on  an  aver- 
age about  400  cattle  every  year. 

The  buildings,  yards  and  fences  on  the  farm  of 
our  subject  are  all  in  fine  order,  and  everything 
in  connection  with  the  estate  shows  the  busi- 
ness-like management  of  the  firm.  It  is  really' 
a  treat  to  the  stranger  to  view  the  handsome  horses, 
sleek  and  well-fed  cattle,  whicii  range  at  will  over 
its  ample  pastures.  A  visit  to  Marysville  is  incom- 
plete without  viewing  these  noble  animals. 

Mt.  Wilson  is  also  the  senior  member  of  the  firm 
of  Wilson  &  Shepard,  livery  men  of  Marysville, 
who  handle  all  classes  of  live-stock,  horses,  cattle 
and  hogs,  and  also  deal  in  grain.  Mr.  Wilson,  how- 
ever, makes  his  home  upon  the  farm.     Charles  B. 

Wilson  was  born  in  Boston,  .Jan.  15,  1854,  where 
the  first  seven  years  of  his  life  were  passed.  His 
next  residence  was  at  Maiden,  five  miles  from  Bos- 
ton. Later  he  made  his  home  in  Maine,  and 
finished  his  education  at  Brunswick,  that  State,  pre- 
paratory to  entering  Bowdoin  College.  However, 
after  passing  his  examination  he  took  the  Western 
fever,  and  spent  the  next  j^ear  in  Indiana.  His  life 
now  was  mainly  out  of  doors,  most  of  the  time  be- 
ing spent  in  hunting,  in  company  with  his  father. 
(For  sketch  of  his  father  see  that  of  Joseph  Wil- 
son, on  another  page  in  this  Album.) 

May  20,  1873,  Mr.  Joseph  AVilson  arrived  in 
Mar^'sville,  and  purchased  a  farm,  which  was  con- 
sidered improved  for  that  time,  and  here  he  and 
his  son  established  the  Blue  Valley  Stock  Farm, 
above  described.  Mr.  C.  B.  Wilson  married  Miss 
Hattie  Montgomery,  a  sister  of  Mrs.  M.  S.  Shepard, 
Jan.  19,  1876.  Miss  Montgomery's  native  place 
was  Hanover,  111.  Mr.  Wilson  is  a  member  of  the 
Masonic  order.  Past  Master  of  the  Marysville 
Lodge,  Past  High  Priest  of  Marysville  Chapter, 
and  is  also  a  member  of  the  Hiawatha  Comraandery. 
It  may  be  of  interest  to  note  that  Mr.  Wilson  is  one 
of  the  few  32d  degree  Masons  in  this  vicinitv.  In 
politics  he  is  a  Republican,  using  his  influence  to 
augment  the  best  interests  of  the  party,  but  is  not 
in  any  sense  of  the  word  an  office  seeker.  He  pos- 
sesses great  executive  ability,  is  highly  respected, 
and  considered  one  of  the  most  prominent  men  of 
the  city  and  county. 

^.;  NDREW  SHEARER.  Among  the  straight 
iLM  advocates  of  the  Union  Labor  movement 
there  are  few  having  more  sound,  practical 
ideas  than  Mr.  Shearer,  who  is  a  well-in- 
formed man  of  more  than  ordinary  ability-,  accept- 
ing life  as  it  is  and  striving  to  make  the  best  of  it. 
He  is  of  substantial  Scotch  ancestry,  from  "  away 
back,"  and  was  himself  born  in  the  Land  of  the 
Thistle,  which  he  left,  however,  when  a  j'oung  man 
and  has  become  fully  identified  with  American  in- 
stitutions. He  is  an  olil  time  resident  of  Rock 
Townshi[),  his  home  l\'ing  on  section  19,  where  he 



has  200  ncres  of  valuable  land.  He  occupies  a 
high  position  in  both  social  and  business  circles, 
and  is  looked  upon  as  a  representative  citizen  who 
has  contributed  his  full  quota  in  advancing  the 
interests  of  his  adopted  count}". 

The  ciiildhood  home  of  our  suliject  was  in  Lan- 
arkshire, near  the  city  of  Glasgow,  where  he  was 
born  March  10,  1850.  lie  was  reared  upon  a  farm, 
receiving  good  school  advantages,  and  when  six- 
teen years  old  began  an  apprenticeship  at  the  car- 
penter's trade,  which  he  followed  four  years.  Then 
in  October,  1870,  he  set  sail  for  America,  with  his 
father,  on  the  steamer  'Columbia,"  of  the  Anchor 
Line  which,  two  weeks  later,  landed  them  safely  in 
New  York  City.  Thence  they  proceeded  to  Can- 
ada, but  not  liking  the  outlook  in  tliat  region,  three 
weeks  later  returned  to  the  States  and  set  out  on 
their  journey  to  Northern  Kansas. 

The  father  of  our  subject  secured  a  tract  of  land 
in  the  vicinitj-  of  Frankfort,  this  count}',  and  An- 
drew assisted  in  its  cultivation  and  improvement 
until  reaching  his  majority.  He  then  homesleaded 
eighty  acres  of  land  in  Rock  Township,  section  1 0, 
which  he  occupied  five  }"ears,  then  sold  and  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  raw  land  on  section  22.  This 
he  improved  and  occupied  until  1883,  then  traded 
it  for  his  present  farm,  upon  which  he  has  effected 
fine  improvements,  has  fenced  the  land  and  brought 
it  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  There  is  an 
abundance  of  native  timber  and  the  soil  is  highly 
productive.  It  lies  on  both  sides  of  Vermillion 
Creek  and  is  seven  miles  from  market.  Mr.  Sliearer 
makes  a  specialtj-  of  live  stock,  to  whicii  he  feeds 
the  most  of  his  grain,  having  high-grade  Norman 
and  Hambletonian  horses,  Poland-China  swine  and 
Short-horn  cattle.  He  uses  two  teams  in  his  farm 
operations,  and  realizes  handsome  returns.  He  is 
prominent  among  the  agriculturists  of  this  section 
and  has  officiated  as  a  Director  in  the  Vermillion 
Valley  Farmers  Association  Fair,  and  is  frequent!}- 
one  of  the  judges  in  the  awarding  of  premiums. 

In  1880  Mr.  Shearer  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Mary  B.  Walker,  the  ceremony  being  per- 
formed at  the  bride's  home  in  Rock  Township. 
This  lady  is  the  daughter  of  an  old  and  well-known 
resident,  Isaac  Walker,  a  sketch  of  whom  will  be 
found    elsewhere  in  this    volume.     Four    children 

have  been  born  of  this  union,  viz:  GeorgeW.,  David 
W.,  Herbert  W.,  and  Winnifred  W.  Mr.  Shearer  has 
frequently  served  as  a  delegate  to  the  county  con- 
ventions of  his  party  and  attended  the  National 
Convention  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  in  February,  1887, 
when  the  party  was  foiraally  organized.  He  has 
been  a  School  Director  in  bis  district  for  many 
years,  and  served  as  Commissioner  of  Highways 
and  Township  Clerk  and  Treasurer,  each  one  year. 
He  was  formerly  a  member  of  the  Grange  and  of 
several  temperance  organizations,  and  the  Knights 
of  Labor.  He  was  member  of  the  Greenback 
party,  and  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for 
Horace  Greeley.  He  was  at  one  time  a  member  of 
the  Central  Committee  of  the  Union  Labor  party 
and  stumped  the  county  at  two  different  times.  It 
is  his  opinion  that  farming  in  Northern  Kansas  is 
not  very  profitable  at  the  present  time,  most  of  the 
farmers  laboring  under  a  mortgage  caused  by  an 
arbitrary  shrinkage  of  values  and  excessive  inter- 
est, a  high  rate  of  transportation  and  the  big  salary 
paid  to  officials. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  James  Shearer, 
likewise  a  native  of  Lanarkshire,  Scotland,  and 
born  in  1810.  The  paternal  grandfather  was 
Archibald  Shearer,  an  honest  yeoman  of  the  same 
place  who  there  spent  his  entire  life.  The  maternal 
great-grandfather  of  our  subject  was  forced  into 
the  British  service  during  the  American  Revolution- 
ary war,  and  died  of  dysentery  while  on  ship  cross- 
ing the  ocean.  James  Shearer  prosecuted  farming 
in  Scotland  until  emigrating  to  America  in  1870. 
Soon  after  landing  he  set  out  for  Northern  Kansas 
and  honaesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  in  Rock 
Township,  this  county.  He  was  prospered  in  his 
labors  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil  and  is  now  the  owner 
of  400  acres  of  land  which  is  valuable  and  well 
improved.  In  religious  views  he  leans  to  the 
Presbyterian  faith  in  which  he  was  trained,  but 
occasionally  attends  the  Methodist  P^piscopal 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  has  left  the  religion 
of  his  youth  and  is  a  pronounced  freethinker  on 

Mrs.  Mary  (Marshall)  Shearer,  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  born  in  Linlithgowshire,  Scotland, 
and  was  the  daughter   of  James  Marshall,  a  native 



of  the  same  place  and  a  blacksmith  b3'  trade,  which 
he  followed  there  all  his  life,  operating  as  a  master 
mechanic.  Mrs.  Shearer  is  now  seventy-four  yeaj-s 
old,  and  the  father  of  our  subject  seventy-nine. 
They  are  the  parents  of  nine  children  of  whom 
Agnes  and  Arcliibald  are  deceased.  James  is  a 
resident  of  Rock  Township.  Andrew,  our  subject, 
was  the  fourth  child;  George,  who  was  a  farmer  in 
Rock  Township,  died  Sept.  19,  1889;  Annie,  (Mrs. 
Douglas)  is  also  a  resident  of  this  township;  John 
is  a  resident  of  Wells  Township;  Thomas  died  in 
infancy ;  Mary,  (Mrs.  Boggs)  lives  in  Guittard 

;r^RAXK  W.  HUTCHINSON,  son  of  Perry 
Hutchinson,  of  Marysville,  whose  sketch 
appears  on  another  page  in  this  work,  was 
born  in  Palo,  Linn  Co.,  Iowa,  Aug.  2,  1857.  When 
two  years  of  age  his  father  removed  to  Marysville, 
where  our  subject  attended  school  until  the  age  of 
sixteen.  He  then  entered  the  Highland  (Kansas) 
School,  from  there  w-ent  to  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y., 
where  he  graduated  from  Eastman's  Business  Col- 
lege. Returning  to  Marysville.  he  kept  his  father's 
books,  and  managed  his  lumber  yard  until  twent3'- 
one  j-ears  old.  About  that  time  he  had  three  ears 
run  over  him,  the  injuries  laying  him  up  for  some 
time;  and  also  while  at  Marysville,  a  horse  that  he 
was  riding,  reared  and  fell  backward,  and  so  severe 
were  the  injuries  thereby  occasioned,  that  our  sub- 
ject was  in  a  state  of  unconsciousness  for  seven 
weeks,  and  onl}'  regained  his  strength  very  slowlj-. 
In  the  spring  of  1879  our  subject  came  to  Beattie, 
and  established  a  grocery  store,  by  the  burning  of 
which,  two  months  later,  he  lost  every  dollar  he 
had.  But  undeterred  by  disaster  he  again  started 
in  business,  soon  building  up  a  good  trade,  and  has 
since  been  blessed  bj'  continued  prosperity,  now- 
having  the  leading  grocery  store  in  the  town. 
March  4.  1889,  he  received  his  comoiission  as  Post- 
master, and  took  possession  March  9.  He  has  also 
been  to  some  extent  engaged  in  buying  and  ship- 
ping grain.  Mr.  Hutchinson  is  a  man  of  abilil3- 
and    sterling    character,  well    liked    l)v  his  fellow- 

townsmen  and  0!ie  who  has  made  for  himself  a 
position  and  record  of  which  any  j'oung  man  may 
be  proud. 

Our  suliject  was  married  Feb.  2,  1878,  to  Miss 
Dorcas  Carson,  of  Marysville,  who  died  Nov.  20, 
1883.  Dec.  2,  1884,  he  took  for  his  second  wife 
Miss  Emma  Brumbaugh,  of  Peoria,  111.  Miss 
Brumbaugh  was  born  at  Valparaiso,  Ind.,  in  1864, 
the  familj'  afterward  removing  to  Peoria,  where  she 
lived  until  1881,  and  then  came  to  Kansas.  Mr. 
Hutchinson  votes  with  the  Republican  pai'ty,  but 
has  never  been  an  office-seeker,  the  position  which 
he  holds  coming  to  him  through  the  good  will  of 
his  townsmen,  and  their  feeling  that  by  him  the 
public  would  be  well  served. 

On  another  page  of  the  Album  will  be  found  a 
lithographic  engraving  of  the  pleasant  home  of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hutchinson,  where  they  welcome  and 
hospitably  entertain  their  many  friends. 

^  r*  ILLIAM  MEINECKE.  Among  those  wUo 
\/iJ//  ''"'^'^^  suffered  the  hardships  and  discour- 
\^^  agements  of  pioneer  life,  endured  with  pa- 
tience the  manj^  trials  and  discomforts  incident  to 
the  development  of  a  home  on  the  frontier,  and 
enjoyed  the  successful  outcome  of  labor  in  a  jileas- 
ant  home  and  fine  farm,  we  mention  the  name  of 
William  Meinecke,  and  herewith  place  on  record  a 
few  important  facts  concerning  his  busy  and  pros- 
perous life. 

He  of  whom  we  write  was  born  of  thrifty  Ger- 
man parentage,  near  Bremen,  in  the  Province  of 
Hanover,  Germany,  and  the  date  of  his  birth  was 
Nov.  16,  1847.  He  is  thus  now  in  the  prime  of  an 
honorable  and  useful  career,  and  surrounded  by  a 
happy  familj'  and  pleasant  friends,  is  in  an  enviable 
position,  and  seems  to  have  everj'lhing  essential  to 
life's  happiness.  His  father  was  the  first  German 
settler  in  his  community,  and  his  son  is  accorded 
the  respect  due  a  pioneer  who  has  battled  success- 
fully with  the  uncultivated  soil,  and  has  caused  the 
"wilderness  *,o  blossom  as  a  rose," 

The  residence  of  our  subject  and  his  estimable 
wife    is    represented    elsewliore   in    the   Ai.uum    liy 

Res.&  Business  Property  of    F.W.Hutchinson,Beattie.  Kan. 


Res.  or  W-W  Meiwecke,    Sec.36.Herkem  er  Tp 



a  fine  view,  and  is  a  fine,  eomuiodious  one,  at- 
tracting the  attention  and  admiration  of  tlie  passer- 
by, who  invariably  pauses  to  view  the  beautiful 
surroundings  and  remark  upon  the  air  of  taste, 
culture,  and  prosperity  visible  everywhere  on  the 
farm.  The  house  stands  bacl<  a  short  distance  from 
the  road,  with  which  it  is  connected  bj'  a  long,  in- 
viting driveway,  lined  on  either  side  by  forest  trees, 
whose  lofty  branches  droop  over  the  secluded  path, 
and  wave  and  rustle  in  the  summer  breeze,  or  bend 
with  the  weight  of  the  winter  snow  and  ice.  Imag- 
ining ourselves  to  pass  along  the  drive-way  and 
beneath  the  shade  of  the  trees,  we  come  first  to  the 
residence,  neatly  painted  and  attractive  without,  and 
within  furnished  with  every  evidence  uf  taste  and 
comfort;  thence  we  proceed  back  to  the  barn,  also 
commodious,  and  kept  in  excellent  repair,  and  well 
stored  in  the  winter  with  grain ;  standing  there,  we 
see  near  us  a  windmill,  which  supplies  the  farm 
with  a  never-failing  abundance  of  water,  and  turn- 
ing in  another  direction,  we  notice  a  large  stone 
l)uilding,  used  as  a  milk  and  fruit  house.  Around 
us  are  green  meadows  and  pastures,  in  which  stock 
are  grazing,  for  Mr.  Meineck^is  interested  in  stock, 
and  has  some  good  grades  on  his  farm.  As  we  no- 
tice all  this,  we  are  compelled  to  pause  and  admire 
the  master  hand  which  has  devised  all  tliese  com- 
forts, and  examine  the  principal  elements  in  the 
character  of  the  owner,  who  now  lives  in  tlie  pleas- 
ant consciousness  that  he  has  his  farm  all  paid  for, 
and  owes  no  man. 

Glancing  more  closely  at  the  personal  history  of 
Mr.  Meineeke,  and  at  the  record  of  his  ancestry, 
we  find  tliat  his  father  and  step-mother,  Henry  and 
Minnie  (Shotte)  Meineeke,  came  to  the  United 
States  when  their  son,  our  subject,  was  six  years 
of  age,  and  located  in  Cook  County,  111.,  where 
they  lived  on  rented  land  until  1861,  a  period  of 
nine  years.  Not  feeling  entirely  satisfied  with  the 
prospects  for  the  future  there,  and  Kansas  being 
then  the  El  Dorado  of  thousands  of  people,  thej' 
joined  the  ranks  of  emigrants,  and  once  more  seek- 
ing a  new  home,  located  in  Marshall  County,  this 
State.  Their  journey  to  Kansas  had  been  made  bj- 
rail  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  where  the  father  bought  a 
yoke  of  oxen  and  a  wagon,  and  proceeded  thus  to 
his  frontier  home.     He   supported    his  family  the 

first  winter  of  his  residence  in  the  county  by  haul- 
ing corn  from  Brownsville  to  Rock  Count}',  a  dis- 
tance of  at  least  100  miles.  The  only  pay  he 
received  was  the  profit  on  the  corn,  a  mere  pit- 
tance, but  it  kept  hunger  from  the  door  until 
something  better  was  offered  to  them. 

Henry  Meineeke  first  preempted  a  claim  on 
some  land,  which  upon  coming  into  market  was 
bought  by  a  speculator.  Then  he  took  another 
homestead  of  160  acres.  At  the  home  thus  es- 
tablished, and  improved  by  his  hard  labor  and 
unremitting,  persevering  toil,  the  father  passed  to 
rest  in  April,  1864.  A  few  years  after  this  event 
the  stepmother  married  Henry  Frederick,  and  is 
now  a  resident  of  this  township.  Henry  Meineeke 
had  been  during  his  lifetime  an  active  member  of 
the  Lutheran  Church,  of  which  his  ancestors  were 
also  members,  and  in  which  his  family  was  reared. 

The  early  years  of  our  subject  were  spent  upon 
the  home  farm,  in  the  midst  of  the  hardships  of 
pioneer  existence,  and  there  he  grew  to  a  hardy, 
robust  manhood.  He  experienced  dangers  and  ex- 
ercised self-denials,  in  common  with  all  other  resi- 
dents of  the  county.  On  one  occasion  there  was  a 
general  failure  of  crops,  a  statement  which  can  be 
realized  in  all  its  horrors  only  by  those  who  have 
suffered  its  realities,  and  our  subject  was  sent  to 
Marysville  to  procure  provisions.  When  he  arrived 
in  that  city  he  had  15,  received  from  the  sale  of 
a  load  of  hay,  but  could  not  find  a  sack  of  flour  or 
meal  in  the  whole  village.  Yet  he  endured  these 
struggles  with  all  the  courage  and  liope  natural  to 
youth,  and  after  the  death  of  his  father  worked 
by  the  month  until  he  had  saved  enough  money 
to  start  out  for  himself  and  ''paddle  his  own  canoe." 
He  first  took  up  a  claim  of  eighty  acres,  later  sold 
it,  and  final!}'  became  possessed  of  his  fine  farm  of 
126  acres,  for  which  he  paid  $1,200,  and  103  acres 
which  he  bought  of  the  railroad  for  $6.25  per  acre. 
Besides  having  paid  for  this,  he  has  bought  good 
grades  of  stock,  and  has  been  enabled  to  lay  aside 
a  neat  surplus. 

The  wife  of  Mr.  Meineeke  was.  like  himself,  a 
native  of  Germany,  having  been  born  near  Berlin. 
Her  iiaiden  name  was  Augusta  Stauss,  and  when  a 
mere  child  slie  came  to  America  with  her  parents, 
Guslave  and  Minnie  (Angle)  Stauss,  who  still  live 



in  Marysville.  She  was  reared  to  domestic  ways, 
and  tauglit  to  provide  for  tlie  comfort  and  iiappi- 
ness  of  the  household,  so  that  she  was  well  fitted 
to  make  a  thoughtful,  industrious,  housekeeper. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Meinecke  were  united  in  marriage 
Dec.  14,  1875,  and  since  their  union  have  resided 
on  their  present  farm,  which  they  have  improved 
to  its  fine  condition.  They  are  the  parents  of 
eight  children,  five  living:  Minnie,  bom  Sept.  28, 
1876;  Rosa,  July  31,  1878;  Willie,  Dec.  8,  1880; 
Henry,  born  Jan.  2, 1882,  died  in  infauc}';  Charley, 
born  May  27,  1883;  Henrietta,  April  10,  1885; 
Mary,  May  31,  1887;  and  Frank,  born  April  10, 
1889,  deceased. 

Both  reared  in  the  Lutheran  Church,  our  subject 
and  his  wife  remain  faithful  to  the  training  of  their 
childliood,  and  are  among  the  active  and  earnest 
workers  in  their  home  church.  He  is  (me  of  the 
Building  Committee,  and  has  been  largely  instru- 
mental, both  by  financial  aid,  encouraging  words 
and  timelj'  action,  in  the  erection  of  the  new 
church  edifice  in  Herkimer  Township.  Politically, 
he  is  an  ardent  supporter  of  the  principles  of  the 
Republican  party. 

C=^EORGE  B.  STOCKS,  a  well-known  citizen 
of  the  county,  has  been  a  resident  of  Kansas 
^  for  a  period  of  seventeen  years,  having  his 
home  in  Blue  Rapids  the  entire  time.  He  was 
born  in  Derbyshire,  England,  July  3,  1835,  and 
when  twelve  years  of  age  came  to  America  with 
his  parents.  Tbe  latter,  Joseph  and  Ann  (Storer) 
Stocks,  were  likewise  natives  of  Derbyshire.  The 
maternal  grandfather,  Benjamin  Storer,  was  a  lead- 
ina  public  carrier,  who  before  the  days  of  rail- 
roads did  a  large  business,  transporting  freight  on 
the  canals.  The  advent  of  railways  ruined  his 
business,  and  he,  undertaking  to  com[)ete  with 
them,  lost  aU  his  property  but  his  freehold.  His 
wife  was  Ann  Cowlisher,  who  was  in  her  3'ounger 
days  personally  acquainted  with  Richard  Ark- 
wright,  the  inventor  of  the  spinning  jennj'. 

On  the  paternal  side    the  grandparents    of    Mr. 

Stocks,  were  William  and  Ann  (Radford)  Stocks, 
the  former  being  a  road  contractor,  making  State 
roads.  The  latter  was  the  daughter  of  a  gentle- 
man of  wealth  and  position,  and  tlie  match  was  a 
runaway  one.  Grandfather  Stocks  was  a  man  of 
fine  character,  and  had  the  respect  and  esteem  of 
all  who  knew  him.  He  and  his  wife  were  well- 
educated  people  for  that  day.  Botli  grandfathers 
took  part  in  the  Chartist  War,  in  which  Grandfather 
Storer  was  especiall}'  active.  AVilliam  Stocks  died 
suddenly  of  apoplexy  while  on  the  road  superin- 
tending his  men,  at  the  age  of  forty-seven  years. 
His  wife  lived  to  he  sixty-five  years  old.  Their 
remains  were  laid  to  rest  in  Pentridge  burial 
ground,  in  Derbyshire.  Benjamin  Storer  died  at 
the  age  of  seventy;  his  wife  lived  to  be  seventy-six 
years  old,  and  both  were  interred  at  Duffield. 

The  family  name  of  tbe  subject  of  this  sketch  was 
originally  spelled  S-t-o  k-e-s,  but  the  peculiar  pro- 
nunciation of  the  Derbj'shire  folk  made  it  sound 
as  if  spelled  S-t-o-c-k-s,  to  which  it  was  made  to 
conform.  Joseph  Stocks  in  his  native  land  was  a 
machinist  and  engineer.  In  1847  he,  with  his  wife 
and  six  children,  came  to  America  to  take  advan- 
tage of  the  better  opportunities  for  acquiring  a 
home  for  himself  and  his  family.  He  was  born  in 
1810,  and  died  Feb.  28,  1886,  when  a  few  days  past 
seventy-six  3^ears  of  age.  His  wife,  Ann,  died 
F^eb.  22,  1888,  lacking  just  five  days  of  being  sev- 
enty-six years  old  also. 

Upon  coming  to  this  countr^^  Joseph  Stocks 
landed  in  Philadelphia,  and  thence  made  his  way 
to  Lycoming  County,  Pa.,  where  he  engaged  in 
lime  burning  for  a  year  and  a  half.  He  then  pur- 
chased a  team,  and  with  his  family  set  out  for  the 
West.  He  stopped  at  Freeport,  111.,  and  later  pur- 
chased a  farm  within  seven  miles  of  that  place, 
where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  was 
a  man  of  unblemished  character  and  unimpeachable 
honesty,  and  was  held  in  the  highest  regard  b3'  all 
who  knew  him.  He  had  strong  religious  convic- 
tions, and  lived  up  to  his  professions.  His  death 
was  deeply  mourned  not  only  bj'  his  relatives,  but 
by  a  large  circle  of  friends,  to  whom  his  sterling 
eliaracter  had  greatly  endeared  him.  He  took  a 
great  interest  in  everything  pertaining  to  the  well- 
being   of    his    adopted    country.     He    became   an 



Abolitionist  from-  conviction,  and  was  naturally  a 
supporter  of  the  Republican  party,  advocating 
vigorously  the  prosecution  of  the  War  for  the 
Union.  Quick  and  ready  in  speech,  his  witty 
answers  to  questions  propounded  by  his  disloyal 
neighbors  often  turned  the  laugh  against  them  and 
encouraged  the  friends  of  the  Union.  He  never 
held  public  office  other  than  that  of  School  Director, 
which  position  he  filled  for  nearly  twenty  years, 
having  a  great  interest  in  educational  matters. 

Joseph  and  Ann  Stocks  were  the  parents  of  ten 
children,  six  of  whom  were  born  in  England  and 
four  in  this  country.  George  B.,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch,  was  the  eldest  child.  The  second  one, 
David,  during  the  Rebellion  enlisted  in  Company 
I,  loth  Illinois  Infantry,  and  was  killed  at  Altoona 
Gap,  Ga.  Joseph  was  also  a  Union  soldier,  enlist- 
ing in  Company  H,  4th  Illinois  Infantry,  and  was 
wounded  at  Jackson,  Miss.,  from  the  effects  of 
which  he  died  aliout  a  year  afterward.  Maria  is 
the  widow  of  William  Fotherbj',  a  butcher  at  Free- 
port,  111.,  where  she  is  now  living.  Sarah  Ann 
married  Abraham  Houser,  a  stock  dealer  of  Lena, 
111;  Eliza  is  the  wife  of  Lorenzo  Rosensteel,  a 
farmer  of  Stephenson  County,  111. ;  William,  a  plas- 
terer and  frescoer  liy  trade,  makes  his  home  at 
Eau  Claire,  Wis.;  James  is  a  lumberman  at  the 
same  place;  Samuel  is  a  farmer  and  real-estate 
agent  in  California;  Fanny  is  the  wife  of  William 
Wagoner,  a  farmer  and  school  teacher  in  Stephen- 
son County,  HI. 

George  B.  Stocks,  the  subject  of  this  notice,  re- 
ceived his  early  education  in  his  native  land. 
Upon  the  emigration  of  the  family  to  America, 
being  the  eldest  child,  he  was  obliged  to  assist  in 
the  support  of  the  younger  children,  consequently 
his  schooling  was  extremely  limited.  In  Illinois 
he  learned  the  bricklayer's  trade,  at  which  he 
worked  for  fifteen  years,  and  lived  with  his  parents 
until  he  was  married  at  the  age  of  twenty-five.  He 
then  removed  to  Lena,  where  he  lived  five  years, 
and  thence  crossed  the  Mississippi  into  Shelby 
County,  Mo.,  where  he  embaiked  in  the  lumber 
and  grain  business,  and  was  agent  for  the  Amer- 
ican Merchants'  Union  Express  Company.  After 
several  years  he  sold  out  his  business  and  real 
estate,    and    in    the  spring  of   1872   came  to  Blue 

Rapids,  this  county,  where  he  commenced  dealing 
in  lumber,  grain  and  cattle.  He  disposed  of  his 
lumber  business,  and  in  1884  purchased  the  Bank 
of  Blue  Rapids  and  the  buildings  in  which  its  busi- 
ness was  carried  on.  He  took  into  partnership  his 
son,  Fred  A.,  who  continues  as  Cashier  and  man- 
ages its  affairs  very  successfully. 

In  1885  Mr.  Stocks  built  the  elevator  at  the 
depot  of  the  central  branch  of  the  Missouri  Pacific, 
which  is  said  to  be  the  finest  country  elevator  in 
Kansas.  It  is  furnished  with  many  labor-saving 
appliances  of  Mr.  Stocks'  own  invention,  and  its 
best  features  have  been  copied  by  many  others 
since  built.  By  an  ingenious  use  of  power,  hand 
labor  has  been  greatly  lessened,  all  the  heav}-  work 
being  done  by  steam.  In  disposing  of  his  lumber 
business  in  Blue  Rapids,  Mr.  Stocks,  in  1887,  ex- 
changed it  for  valuable  property  in  Kansas  City. 
He  is  the  owner  of  two  valuable  farms,  one  of  480 
acres  and  another  of  320  acres,  both  in  Blue  Rap- 
ids Township,  all  under  fence  and  in  a  state  of 
thorough  cultivation.  He  also  has  twenty  acres 
within  the  city  limits  of  Blue  Rapids.  Upon  one 
of  his  farms  is  a  fine  gypsum  quarry,  about  'no 
miles  from  the  city.  His  son,  the  only  boy  of  the 
family,  has  many  interests  in  common  with  his 

On  the  3d  of  July,  1860,  Mr.  Stocks  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Miss  Adelaide  Julia  Culver,  a 
daughter  of  Asa  and  Julia  (Armstrong)  Culver, 
who  were  natives  respectively  of  Canada  and  Ver- 
mont. At  that  time  they  were  living  in  Stephen- 
son County,  111.,  where  Mr.  Culver  was  engaged  in 
farming.  Later  thej'  removed  to  Shelby  County, 
Mo.,  where  Mrs.  Culver  died,  and  where  her  hus- 
band still  resides,  being  now  eighty  years  old. 
Mrs.  Stocks  was  born  in  Conneaut,  Aslitabula  Co., 
Ohio,  Oct.  8.  1844.  The  union  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Stocks  has  been  blessed  by  the  birth  of  three  chil- 
dren, viz.:  Carrie  Ann,  the  wife  of  Charles  Holmes, 
of  Blue  Rapids;  Fred  A.,  of  whom  a  sketch  is 
given  elsewhere  in  this  work,  and  Mina  Creta. 
They  also  have  an  adopted  daughter — Cora  Maj' 
Butler — a  niece  of  Mrs.  Stocks. 

Mr.  Stocks  has  been  connected  with  many  bene- 
ficiary orders,  but  is  now  only  an  active  member 
of  the  Knights  of  Honor.     He  is  heartily  in  favor 



of  temperance,  and  has  been  Vice  President  of  the 
Temperance  Societ}'  of  Marshall  County.  He  and 
his  wife  are  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  in  Blue  Rapids.  In  politics,  Mr.  Stocks  is 
a  Republican,  but  he  has  never  sought  public  office, 
although  he  has  served  as  a  member  of  the  Blue 
Rapids  City  Council,  and  is  at  present  Chairman  of 
the  School  Board  of  the  city.  His  energy  and 
good  business  judgment  have'borne  their  legitimate 
fruit,  and  he  is  now  a  wealthy  man.  Possessing  a 
sturdy  honesty,  plain  and  unassuming  in  manner, 
he  enjtjys  in  a  marked  degree  the  confidence  of 
his  community,  and  is  numbered  among  the  rep- 
resentative men  who  have  had  its  best  interests 
under  tlieir  fostering  care. 

eAPT.  JAMES  HEMPHILL,  now  Postmaster 
of  Summerfield,  earned  his  military  title  by 
nearly  four  years  of  faithful  service  to  his 
country  during  the  late  Civil  War.  He  is  a  gen- 
tleman of  unusually  modest  bearing  and  retiring 
disposition,  and  although  receiving  injuries  from 
which  he  has  suffered  much  since  the  close  of  the 
war,  he  has  never  asked  for  or  received  a  pension, 
although  fairly  entitled  to  it.  He  is  a  man  highly 
esteemed  in  his  community,  being  possessed  of 
those  sterling  qualities  which  have  gained  him  the 
confidence  and  good  will  of  all  who  know  him. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  in  Cumber- 
land Count}-.  Pa.,  Jan.  29,  1839,  and  was  there 
reared  to  manhood  on  a  farm.  When  twenty-two 
years  of  age  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  Company 
B,  107th  Pennsylvania  Infantry.  He  was  first 
promoted  to  Second  Sergeant,  then  to  Second 
Lieutenant,  later  to  First  Lieutenant,  and  finally 
was  presented  with  a  Captain's  commission.  At 
the  close  of  the  war  he  was  brevetted  as  Major. 
He  received  his  promotions  for  meritorious  conduct 
in  the  field,  and  participated  in  many  of  the  impor- 
tant battles  of  the  war,  being  present  at  South 
Mountain,  Rappahannock,  Bull  Run,  Antietam, 
Fredericksburg,  the  Wilderness,  Spottsylvania, 
Bethsaida  Church,  Cold  Harbor,  Gettysburg,  Stony 
Creek, and  other  minor  engagements  and  skirmishes. 

At  Gettysburg  he  was  knocked  over  by  the  explo- 
sion of  a  shell,  and  rendered  unconscious  for  some 
time.  One  of  his  sergeants  was  killed  by  his  side. 
He  received  a  slight  wound  at  Antietam,  and  at 
Petersburg,  while  charging  on  the  works,  received 
a  ball  in  the  calf  of  the  right  leg.  At  the  expira- 
tion of  his  term  of  enlistment  he  received  his  hon- 
orable discharge  at  Petersburg,  and  upon  returning 
home  was  proffered  the  Majorship  of  the  regiment. 
His  father,  however,  lay  at  the  point  of  death  and 
he  was  obliged  to  remain  at  home. 

The  Captain  after  leaving  the  army  followed 
farming  in  his  native  county,  and  dealt  consider- 
ably in  live  stock.  In  the  meantime  he  was  mar- 
ried and  lived  there  until  1873,  during  which  year 
he  removed  with  his  family  to  Holt  County,  Mo. 
He  remained  there  two  years  engaged  in  f.arraing, 
then  returning  eastward  as  far  as  Livingston 
County,  111.,  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  Pontiac, 
where  now  is  located  the  town  of  Sannemin.  He 
effected  some  improvements,  then  sold  out,  eight 
years  later,  and  coming  to  this  countj' settled  upon 
land  one  mile  south  of  his  present  place,  which  he 
had  leased,  and  where  he  made  good  improvements. 
He  then  purchased  eighty  acres  upon  which  he  has 
effected  many  improvements.  After  being  ap- 
pointed Postmaster  in  May,  1 889,  he  erected  a 
building  for  the  business  in  which  he  is  assisted  by 
his  son.  He  has  since  purchased  a  residence  in  the 
south  part  of  Summerfield,  where  he  expects  to 
make  his  future  home. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Moses  and 
Margery  (Clark)  Hemphill.  The  paternal  grand- 
parents were  James  and  Cynthia  Jane  (Jack) 
Hemphill.  The  great-grandfather  was  Moses  Hemp- 
hill, who  was  a  native  of  Scotland,  and  came 
to  America  probably  during  the  Colonial  days.  The 
maiden  name  of  tlie  wife  of  our  subject  was  Sarah 
Belle  Mickey.  She  is  the  daughter  of  Robert  and 
Elizabeth  (McCuUoch)  Mickey.  Her  paternal 
grandparents  were  James  and  Lucetta  (Cruthers) 
Mickey,  and  the  great-grandfather  was  Robert 
Micke^',  Jr.,  the  sou  of  Robert,  Sr.  The  family 
came  originally  from  Ireland  at  a  very  early  day. 
Grandfather  John  McCuUoch  married  Elizabeth 
Clark,  and  they  were  both  from  Pennsylvania. 
Our  subject  was  married  in  his  native  county  Dec. 



25,  1867.  Of  this  union  there  has  been  born  one 
cliild  oul3'.  a  son,  Robert  Warren,  who  is  now  a 
promising  young  man  of  more  than  ordinary  in- 
telligence. He  toolv  kindly  to  his  books  and  ob- 
tained a  good  practical  education,  after  which  he 
taught  school  three  terms  before  reaching  his  eight- 
eenth year;  he  is  now  with  his  father  in  the  post- 

Socially,  Captain  Hemphill  belongs  to  Axtell 
Lodge,  No.  253,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  with  which  organ- 
ization he  became  identified  in  the  Cumberland 
Valley  in  his  native  State.  He  is  also  a  member  of 
Axtell  Post,  No.  253,  G.  A.  R.,  and  in  religious 
matters  is  identified  with  the  Presbyterian  Church 
at  Axtell.  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  state  that  he 
belongs  to  the  Republican  party  and  is  always 
ready  to  work  for  the  good  of  the  cause. 

jFj_^ON.  JAMES  BILLINGSLEY,  has  had  a 
|rpjV  varied  experience  in  the  West,  and  proves 
t^^^  a  verj'  entertaining  companion  to  one  who 
\^j  is  interested  in  life  beyond  the  Mississippi, 
more  especially  as  it  was  among  the  pioneers  of  the 
section  between  the  Father  of  Waters  and  the 
Rockies.  He  has  also  had  much  to  do  with  the 
early  liistory  of  this  county,  having  )3een  a  resident 
here  for  nearlj'  twenty  years. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  St.  Clairville,  Belmont 
Co.,  Ohio,  in  thej'ear  1839.  His  father  was  a  car- 
penter, who  gave  his  son  all  the  advantages  possible 
in  the  schools  of  his  native  city,  during  his  boj^- 
hood.  At  the  age  of  fifteen  our  subject  determined 
to  begin  life  for  liimself,  and  left  home  for  the 
West,  where  he  became  a  stage  driver.  He  had  the 
route  from  Ft.  Smith,  Ark.,  to  Sherman,  Tex.,  at 
one  time,  and  later  was  messenger  from  Little  Rock 
to  Ft.  Smith.  He  was  a  voter  in  Arkansas  at  the 
time  of  the  vote  on  the  question  of  secession,  and 
voted  against  the  secession  ordinance.  He  was 
present  at  Little  Rock  when  the  United  States  arse- 
nal there  was  surrendered  to  the  State  Government. 
He  was  in  the  employ  of  what  was  known  as  the 
Holliday  Company,  and  as  the  route  of  travel 
changed  to  the  northward,  he  came  with  the   com- 

pany to  Kansas.  This  was  in  the  spring  of  1861, 
and  during  the  next  five  years  he  continued  in  the 
same  service,  keeping  a  station  on  the  route  at  Point 
of  Rock,  on  Bitter  Creek,  near  the  Utah  line  in 
Wyoming.  While  at  Lone  Tree,  a  band  of  Sioux 
and  Cheyenne  Indians  made  a  night  raid  upon  the 
station,  but  Mr.  Billingsley  and  wife,  with  the  help 
of  a  hired  man,  repulsed  quite  a  large  force.  The 
United  States  troops  came  up  the  next  day,  and  the 
red  men  left.  The  route  was  abandoned  in  1866, 
and  our  subject  returned  to  this  State,  and  bought 
a  farm  in  Nemaha  County.  There  he  lived  for  two 
years,  when  he  removed  to  this  county.  In  1871 
he  settled  upon  the  place  which  he  now  occupies, 
on  section  36,  St.  Bridget  Township,  and  upon  which 
he  has  made  adequate  and  substantial  improve- 

The  wife  of  Mr.  Billingsley  bore  the  maiden 
name  of  Sarah  E.  Kelsey.  She  is  a  native  of  Mis- 
souri, and  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Nancy  (Bowers) 
Kelsey.  At  the  time  of  her  marriage  she  was  a 
resident  of  Nebraska.  She  has  become  the  mother 
of  ten  children,  four  of  whom  died  in  infancy, 
the  survivors  being  reared  upon  the  farm,  which 
their  parents  now  occupy.  The  eldest  surviving 
child  is  a  daughter — Ida  Belle — who  is  now  the 
wife  of  J.  J.  Lackland,  a  prominent  educator  of 
Axtell.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lackland  are  the  parents  of 
one  child.  The  other  children  are:  Charles,  James 
N.,  Nellie  May,  Jennie  E.  and  Edward  F.,  all  of 
whom  are  still  under  the  parental  roof. 

Among  the  many  incidents  occurring  in  this  sec- 
tion, during  Mr.  Billingsley's  connection  with  the 
Holliday  Company,  we  note  the  following,  which 
show  some  of  the  phases  of  life  in  the  stage  days. 
In  1863  the  stage  road  ran  through  Marj'sville.  It 
was  then  re-located  running  ten  miles  north  of  that 
place.  After  the  re-location,  the  stage  company  was 
harrassed  by  many  petty  depredations,  such  as  hav- 
ing their  prairie  boats  cut  loose,  or  ditches  made 
across  the  road,  into  which  stages  would  pluno-e  in 
tlie  darkness.  At  a  place  called  Ash  Point,  in  Ne- 
maha County,  the  route  was  changed  to  go  south 
from  that  place.  The  new  route  passed  through 
Marysville,  the  citizens  of  which  place  employed  a 
man  to  stand  at  the  point  of  changed  direction  and 
send  the  traffic  to  town.   The  route  had  previously 



passed  hy  the  ranch  of  a  Ifr.  Wilson,  who  now 
went  to  the  road  to  work  for  travel  by  his  ranch, 
as  it  was  profitable  trading  with  travelers.  He  was 
drawn  into  an  altercation  with  the  party  from 
Marysville,  and  was  shot  and  killed.  An  emigrant 
coming  to  his  ranch  near  Oketo  had  his  harness 
stolen,  and  being  out  in  a  severe  storm  over  night 
had  his  limbs  frozen.  Mr.  Billingsley  and  a  squad 
found  him  the  following  morning,  brought  him  to 
the  station,  and  thawed  him  out  in  cold  water.  A 
month  later  he  was  able  to  get  out,  and  hearing 
where  his  harness  was,  he  went  in  search  of  it.  He 
founc'  a  man  with  the  harness  on  his  horses.  Being 
accused  of  having  stolen  it,  the  man  drew  a  revol- 
ver on  the  owner.  The  latter  was  too  quick,  how- 
ever, and  fired  the  first  shot,  which  passing  through 
the  man's  breast,  killed  him.  The  owner  took  his 
harness,  and  returned  the  horses  to  the  widow  of 
the  man  whom  he  had  shot. 

Mr.  Billingslej-  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternity, affiliating  with  Blue  Lodge,  No.  228,  of  Ax- 
tell.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W.  He 
possesses  great  influence  in  his  township,  where  he 
hns  held  the  office  of  Trustee  for  two  terms.  Clerk  of 
the  town  of  St.  Bridget,  and  School  Trustee  for  a 
uumber  of  terms,  which  latter  office  he  now  holds. 
In  1885  he  was  elected  to  the  State  Legislature  on 
the  Democratic  ticket,  and  during  his  term  was 
Chairman  on  the  Committee  on  emigration.  He  is 
a  man  of  excellent  character,  of  extended  observa- 
tion and  intelligence,  and  an  influential  and  public- 
spirited  citizen. 

\I^ICHARD  H.  TILLEY.  The  genial  coun- 
'm^  tenance  of  Mr.  Tilley  is  familiar  to  a  large 
(iiw  portion  of  the  citizens  of  Rock  Township, 
\^of  which  he  is  considered  one  of  its  most 
stirring  and  enter))rising  f.-irmers,  and  has  distin- 
guished himself  by  the  excellent  result  of  his  la- 
bors on  his  farm  of  fiO  acres,  occupying  a  portion 
of  sections  30  and  31.  Aside  from  his  qualities 
of  industry  and  his  thorough  understanding  of 
agriculture,  he    is    one  of    those    genial   and  com- 

panionable characters  who  make  friends  wherever 
they  are  known.  He  is  considerably  interested  in 
stock-raising,  and  lives  comfortably  upon  the  in- 
come derived  from  his  farm,  besides  having  a 
prospect  of  a  competence  for  his  old  age. 

Until  a  lad  of  twelve  years,  the  subject  of  this 
notice  lived  on  a  farm  near  the  city  of  Perth, 
Mitchell  County,  Canada,  where  he  first  opened  his 
eyes  to  the  light  Dec.  27,  1857.  In  the  meantime 
be  had  received  good  school  advantages  and  care- 
ful parental  training.  His  parents  in  1869  left  the 
Dominion,  and  coming  to  Northern  Kansas,  the 
father  liomesteaded  a  tract  of  land,  and  Richard  H. 
was  soon  invited  to  make  himself  useful  in  break- 
ing the  ground  with  an  ox-team.  He  attended 
school  during  the  winter  term  until  eighteen  years 
old,  and  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until 
reaching  his  majority.  During  his  j'ounger  years 
he  herded  cattle  on  the  prairie,  when  wolves  and 
other  wild  animals  were  plentiful. 

Young  Tillej'  was  more  than  ordinarily  ambi- 
tious, and  when  eighteen  years  old  purchased  a 
farm  with  the  proceeds  of  his  labors  prior  to  'this 
time.  In  due  time  he  began  buying  cattle,  from 
the  sale  of  which  he  realized  handsome  profits.  He 
investea  his  property  in  additional  land,  purchas- 
ing eighty  acres  in  Wells  Township,  and  lived  there 
until  1880.  Then,  selling  out,  he  purchased  his 
present  place,  which  was  partially  improved,  al- 
though the  buildings  which  had  been  erected  upon 
it  were  blown  away  by  a  cyclone.  He  put  up  a 
house  and  barn,  the  latter  20x40  feet  in  dimen- 
sions, set  out  an  orchard  and  instituted  the  other 
improvements  required  for  the  successful  prose- 
cution of  farming,  and  the  comfoit  of  himself  and 
famil}'.  The  farm  embraces  forty-five  acres  of 
native  timber,  and  is  amply  watered  by  three 
streams,  the  Snipe,  Vermillion  and  Mosquito  creeks. 
It  is  well  .adapted  to  stock-raising,  of  which  Mr. 
Tilley  makes  a  specialt}'.  having  a  good  breed  of 
cattle,  thorough-bred,  Poland-China  swine  and  two 
teams  of  roadster  horses. 

In  Frankfort,  on  the  4th  of  June,  1879,  our  sub- 
ject was  united  in  marri.age  with  Mrs.  Emma 
Jackson,  daughter  of  A.  J.  Ockerman,  one  of  the 
oldest  settlers  of  Marshall  County,  who  located  in 
Vermillion  Township  at  a  time  when   few  people 



bad  ventured  into  Northern  Kansas.  (Further 
notice  of  the  fatally  of  Mrs.  Tillej-  will  be  found 
in  the  sketch  of  Dr.  Andrew  Ockerraan,  on  another 
page  of  this  volume.)  :Mrs.  Tilley  had  by  her  first 
marriage  one  child,  a  daughter,  Myra,  who  employs 
herself  as  a  teacher  and  makes  her  home  with  her 
mother.  Mrs.  Tilley  received  a  good  education, 
and  also  taught  school  prior  to  her  marriage.  Of 
tliis  union  there  have  been  born  three  children — 
Pearl,  Oscar  H.  and  Clyde  R. 

Mr.  Tilley  has  been  a  School  Director  in  his  dis- 
trict for  several  years,  and  has  also  officiated  as 
Township  Clerk  and  Road  Supervisor.  Politicall}^ 
his  sympathies  are  with  the  Union  Labor  party,  in 
which  he  is  quite  prominent,  and  he  has  served  as  a 
member  of  the  County  Central  Committee.  He  is 
also  one  of  the  District  Commissioners,  and  has 
been  frequently  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  county 
conventions.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  members 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  at  Little  Tim- 
ber, in  which  Mr.  Tilley  has  been  Steward  and 
Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school.  iMrs.  Tilley 
is  Clerk  of  the  School  Board. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  James  Tilley,  a 
native  of  England,  and  the  son  of  James  Tilley, 
who  was  also  born  there,  and  carried  on  farming 
until  emigrating  to  America.  He  first  located  near 
the  city  of  Toronto,  Canada,  where  he  farmed  a 
a  few  years,  then  changed  his  residence  to  the 
county  of  Perth,  of  which  he  was  a  pioneer  settler, 
and  opened  up  three  different  farms,  one  embrac- 
ing 300  acres  of  land.  He  is  still  living,  and  is 
about  ninety  years  old.  In  politics  he  is  conserva- 
tive, and  in  religion  is  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Churcli,  in  which  he  has  long  officiated 
as  Class-Leader. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  only  three  years 
old  when  the  family  came  to  America,  and  he  de- 
veloped into  manhood  in  the  County  of  Perth, 
Canada.  In  due  time  he  became  the  owner  of  200 
acres  of  land  in  that  county,  where  he  prosecuted 
farming  and  stock-raising  until  the  spring  of  18G9. 
Then,  coming  to  Northern  Kansas,  he  located  in 
Wells  Township,  this  county,  where  he  purchased 
and  improved  eighty  acres  of  land,  and  was  uni. 
formly  prosperous.  He  is  now  the  owner  of  240 
acres,  which  are  all  improved  and  valuable,  and  is 

a  man  generally  well-to-do.  He  was  in  former  years 
a  Republican,  but  is  now  identified  with  the  Union 
Labor  part}-.  Like  his  father  before  him,  he  finds 
his  religious  home  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  in  which  he  officiates  as  Class-Leader,  and 
has  been  Superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school. 

Mrs.  Margaret  (Watt)  Tilley,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  the  Province  of  Ontario,  Can- 
ada, and  is  now  residing  in  Wells  Township,  Kan. 
Grandfather  Watt  was  a  native  of  England,  and 
after  coming  to  America,  engaged  in  farming  and 
stock-raising,  besides  conducting  a  lumber  business. 
He  met  his  death  accidentally  by  the  falling  of  a 


(ENJAMIN  F.  LONG  was  born  in  Licking 
(<  County,  Ohio,  April  12,  1854.  He  was 
li  reared  on  a  farm  and  received  the  benefit  of 
the  district  schools  of  his  native  county, 
they  being  of  the  best.  At  the  age  of  eighteen  he 
entered  the  business  college  of  Leon,  Iowa,  from 
which  he  was  graduated  at  the  age  of  twenty  years. 
He  became  a  very  proficient  penman,  and  now  has 
in  his  residence  some  fine  specimens  of  his  skill. 
Soon  after  his  graduation  he  was  married  and 
rented  a  farm  in  Iowa  for  a  few  years.  He  then 
bought  a  place  near  Kellerton,  where  he  remained 
several  years.  He  afterward  sold  out  and  removed  to 
this  county  with  his  family,  which  then  consisted 
of  the  wife  and  three  children.  He  settled  near 
Frankfort,  but  after  a  year's  residence  there,  sold 
out  and  removed  to  his  present  location  on  secUon 
19,  St.  Bridget  Township.  He  has  here  opened  up 
160  acres  of  land,  120  acres  being  now  under  thor- 
ough cultivation,  and  has  built  himself  a  nice 
home.  He  has  over  200  fruit-trees,  including  apri- 
cots, peaches,  cherries  and  crab-apples,  and  most  of 
the  trees  are  bearing.  He  also  has  a  variet}'  of 
small  fruits.  He  has  recently  bought  a  well-im- 
proved tract  of  eighty  acres  near  Frankfort,  where 
he  expects  to  make  his  home  in  the  near  future. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  is  Maggie,  daughter  of 
Archibald  and  Susan  (McClean)  McMuUen.  who 
were  natives  of  Ohio.  She  is  the  mother  of  five 
boys,  all  living  and  brightening  the  home  fireside. 



They  are  named  as  follows:  Wesle}'  Merton,  Will- 
iam Leonard,  Alonzo,  Alvin  Sylvester  and  P>lgar 

The  father  of  our  subject,  Jacob  Long,  was  a 
Virginian  by  birth  and  the  son  of  Jacob  Long  of 
Lakeport.  The  mother  was  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  John  Buxton,  of  Ohio. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Long  are  worthy  members  of  the 
Methodist  Church,  to  which  both  their  families 
had  belonged  before  them.  Mr.  Ford  is  a  stal- 
wart Republican.  Though  often  solicited  to  do 
so,  he  would  never  allow  his  name  to  be  used  for 
any  office.  He  is  a  man  of  more  tlian  ordinar}'  in- 
telligence, honorable  in  his  business  relations, 
kindly  in  domestic  life  and  courteous  to  all  with 
whom  he  comes  in  contact. 


^  j^ILLIAM  COCKERILL  is  one  of  the  most 
rominent  and  influential  citizens  of  Oketo 
Township,  where  he  owns  a  large  farm 
that  is  scarcely  surpassed  in  value,  cultivation  and 
in  point  of  improvement  by  an}'  other  in  its  vi- 
ciuitj'.  Mr.  Cockerill  is  a  pioneer  of  Marshall 
Counter,  and  through  his  energy  and  enterprise  has 
done  much  to  advance  its  growth  and  promote  its 
best  interests,  materially,  educationally  and  morally. 

Our  subject  is  of  English  birth  and  breeding. 
His  parents  William  and  Ann  Cockerill,  were  na- 
tives of  Northamptonshire,  England.  They  were 
life-long  residents  of  the  land  of  their  birth,  the 
father,  who  was  born  in  1799,  rounding  out  a  use- 
ful, honorable  life  of  seventy  3'ears,  and  the  mother 
surviving  him  some  ten  years,  and  then  dying  at 
the  age  of  seventy-two  years.  The  father  was  a 
well-to-do  farmer,  a  man  of  some  prominence  in 
his  parish,  and  for  years  held  the  office  of  Over- 
seer of  the  Poor. 

William  Cockerill,  of  wliora  we  write,  was  the 
fifth  in  a  family  of  ten  children,  and  was  born  in 
England  Oct.  28, 1832.  He  received  a  fair  education 
in  the  local  schools  of  his  birthplace,  and  at  the 
age  of  twent3'-one  began  to  manage  his  father's 
business,  continuing  thug   employed    until  he  was 

thirty-four  years  old.  Then,  in  the  very  prime 
and  vigor  of  manhood,  he  sought  new-  fields  for 
his  energies,  shrewdl}'  seeing  that  life  held  more 
for  him  on  American  soil  than  in  his  old  home, 
and  desiring  to  avail  himself  of  the  cheap  lands  of 
the  Great  West,  he  embarked  for  this  country, 
with  his  family,  in  the  spring  of  1866,  and  landing 
in  New  York  City,  came  directly  to  Kansas.  Im- 
mediately taking  up  a  homestead  two  miles  north 
of  his  present  place,  he  spent  eight  bus}'  years  in 
its  improvement.  At  the  expiration  of  that  time 
he  bought  tlie  farm  on  which  he  now  resides.  With 
hard  pioneer  labor  he  has  wrought  the  great  change 
that  makes  it  in  every  way  one  of  the  most  desir- 
able farms  in  this  part  of  Marshall  County.  Its 
530  acres,  all  lying  in  this  county,  are  under  fine 
cultivation,  and  yield  abundant  harvests  in  return 
for  the  care,  time  and  money  he  has  spent  in  their 
improvement.  On  another  page  appears  a  view 
of  his  pleasant  home  on  section  32,  where  he  and 
his  good  wife  can  pa^s  life's  declining  years  in  the 
enjoyment  of  every  comfort  that  they  can  wish. 
He  devotes  his  land  to  general  farming,  and  raises 
and  feeds  about  200  head  of  stock  every  year. 

In  June,  1861,  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Cockerill 
with  Miss  Elizabeth  Kemp  was  solemnized.  She  is 
a  daugliter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Slater)  Kemp, 
natives  of  Northamptonshire,  England,  where  her 
father  was  extensively  engaged  in  agriculture  and 
was  one  of  the  leading  farmers  of  his  part  of  the 
shire.  Mrs.  Cockerill  was  the  third  of  five  chil- 
dren, and  she  was  born  in  England  Jan.  1,  1842. 
She  has  been  to  her  husband  a  true  helpmate  and 
companion,  sacrificing  for  his  sake  the  dear  old 
English  home  with  its  many  hallowed  associations, 
and  bravely  facing  with  him  the  trials  and  de- 
privations of  life  in  a  strange  land  amid  pioneer 
scenes,  that  she  might  assist  him  to  secure  a  com- 
petence whereby  they  might  better  educate  and 
care  for  their  children.  This  ambition  has  been 
gratified,  and  their  sons  have  been,  or  are  being, 
well  fitted  by  liberal  educations  to  enter  the  arena 
of  life  and  do  battle  for  themselves,  the  high  prin- 
ciples early  inculcated  in  them  by  precept  and 
example,  guarding  them  from  falling  into  the 
temptations  that  beset  the  young  at  every  turn. 
Mr.   and    Mrs.    Cockerill's  wedded    life  has    been 


REsiDENct  OF  Henry  Mohlenbrink,5ec.16.  Herkimer  Township. 

Residence  of  William  Cockerill,Sec.32.  Oketo  Township. 



blessed  to  them  by  the  birth  of  six  children,  of 
whom  the  following  five  are  living:  Arthur  F., 
Walter  J.,  Edwin  G.,  Robert  L.  and  Charles  K. 
Walter  and  Edwin  have  adopted  the  teacher's  pro- 
fession, and  are  successfully  pursuing  it  in  the 
public  schools. 

Mr.  Cockerill  is  a  man  of  marked  intelligence 
and  decision  of  character,  and  his  high  moral  in- 
tegrity won  him  the  absolute  trust  aud  full  esteem 
of  his  fellow-men  when  he  came  here  to  cast  his 
lot  with  the  resolute  pioneers  of  Marshall  County, 
with  whom  he  has  lived  in  friendship  for  more 
than  twenty  3'ears.  He  has  been  exceedingly  pros- 
pered since  becoming  a  citizen  of  Kansas,  as  we 
have  seen,  and  is  numbered  among  its  solid,  mon- 
eyed men.  In  Oketo  Township  his  influence  is 
widely  felt,  his  liberality  and  public  spirit  being 
important  factors  in  pushing  forward  all  schemes 
for  its  improvement,  and  he  has  had  a  hand  in  the 
guidance  of  public  affairs.  He  has  been  School 
Director,  and  was  a  member  of  the  School  Board 
when  the  present  fine  school  building  was  erected 
at  a  cost  of  $1,500.  He  has  been  Road  Overseer 
for  years,  and  the  township  is  greatly  indebted  to 
him  for  its  improved  highways.  He  and  his  fam- 
ily are  members  in  high  standing  of  the  Presby- 
terian Church,  and  are  identified  with  its  everj' 
good  work,  being  especially  active  in  the  Sunda^'- 
school,  of  which  Arthur  is  Assistant  Superintend- 
ent, and  Walter  is  chorister.  Mr.  Cockerill  holds 
decided  views  in  regard  to  politics,  and  gives  his 
hearty  support  to  the  Republican  party. 

(F  _^  ENRY  MOHLENBRINK,  Justice  of  the 
Wyii  Peace.  The  development  of  the  United 
*L^  States  has  been  materially  assisted  by  the 
(1^  emigration  here  of  an  energetic,  industrious 
and  thrifty  class  of  foreigners,  and  of  these  the 
gentleman  whose  biographical  review  is  herewith 
recorded  is  worthy  of  no  secondarj-  position.  A  na- 
tive of  Germany,  aud  born  in  Hanover,  Jan.  1.3, 
1842,  he  was  early  left  without  a  mother's  watchful 
guidance.  His  parents  were  Henry  and  Ella  (El- 
lers)  Mohlenbrink,  and  after  the  death  of   the   lat- 

ter, the  father  married  her  sister,  Dora  Ellers.  The 
parents  and  ancestors  of  our  subject  for  many  gen- 
erations were  born  in  and  near  the  village  of  Luta, 
in  Hanover,  and  like  the  majority  of  residents  of 
their  own  countr^^  were  members  of  the  Lutheran 
Church.  When  he  of  whom  we  write  was  seven 
years  of  age,  he  accompanied  his  father  and  the 
otiier  members  of  the  family  to  America,  taking 
passage  in  the  sail-ship,  "Matha,"  from  the  port  of 
Bremen,  and  arriving  in  New  York  after  a  voyage 
of  seven  weeks.  Thence  coming  to  Chicago,  a  fort 
of  small  importance,  they  pushed  on  to  Elgin,  III, 
in  the  vicinity  of  which  the  father  rented  land  and 
began  to  farm. 

In  1855  the  family  located  in  Cook  Count}-,  111., 
and  while  a  resident  of  that  county,  our  subject  en- 
listed in  company  K,  85th  Illinois  Infantry,  as 
private,  the  date  of  his  enlistment  being  Aug.  27, 

1862.  He  fought  faithfully  in  the  interests  of  the 
Union  until  June,  1865,  and  among  the  engage- 
ments in  which  he  took  part  were  Perryville,  Ky., 
Nashville,  Tenn.,  the  two  days'  fight  at  Chatta- 
nooga, Tenn.,  Mission  Ridge,  Atlanta,  and  also 
accompanied  Sherman  on  his  famous  march  to  the 
sea.  He  was  twice  wounded,  but  the  injuries  were 
slight,  and  of  all  the  battles  in  which  his  company 
fought  he  was  absent  from  onlj'  one,  and  that  was  on 
account  of  sore  e^'es.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he 
took  part  in  the  grand  re-union  at  Washington, 
D.  C,  and  then  returned  to  his  home  in  Illinois  and 
resumed  farming. 

A  few  j'ears  after  peace  had  settled  over  the 
country,  Mr.  Mohlenbrink,  hearing  of  the  wonder- 
ful fertility  of  Kansas  soil,  and  of  the  splendid 
prospects  of  her  future,  came  to  Kansas  aud  bought 
160  acres  of  land  on  section  16,  in  Marshall 
County.  This  was  in  1869,  and  after  purchasing 
he  returned  to  Illinois  for  a  few  years,  removing 
here  permanently  in  1880. 

Mr.  Mohlenbrink  was  especially  fortunate  in  his 
selection  of  a  life  companion,  his  wife  having  been 
Miss  Louisa  Minneke,  with  whom  he  was  united  in 
marriage  Oct.  29.  1880.     She    was    born    Jan.  15, 

1863,  and  was  reared  in  this  county.  She  and  her 
husband  have  four  children,  namely:  William, 
Ella,  Henry  and  PYed.  These  children  are  the 
pride  of   their    parents,  and  well  beloved  by  their 



frienils.  The  elder  members  of  the  farailj^  avo  re- 
ceiving good  educations  in  tbe  district  schools, 
and  attend  the  Lutheran  8uuda3'-school  and 
church,  while  our  subject  and  his  amiable  wife  are 
prominent  members  in  the  same  church,  having 
been  reared  from  childhood  in  that  faith. 

Henry  Mohleubrink,  Sr.,  died  near  Chicago,  iu 
December,  1860.  His  wife,  the  stepmother  of  our 
subject,  is  also  deceased.  Mr.  Mohlenbrink  has 
been  Justice  of  the  Peace  about  three  years,  and 
was  elected  Trustee  of  Herkimer  Township  in  the 
spring  of  1889.  He  has  a  nicely  improved  farm, 
ail  fenced  in  40-acre  lots,  and  has  put  up  a  good 
frame  dwelling  house,  with  a  commodious  barn  for 
grain  and  stock,  and  all  other  buildings  necessary 
for  tbe  proper  conducting  of  a  farm  of  the  present 
day.  He  has  excellent  pasturage  for  stock  on  his 
farm,  and  some  meadow  land,  although  the  greater 
part  of  the  land  is  devoted  to  the  raising  of  grain. 
Into  his  pleasant  home  he  welcomes  those  with 
wliom  he  has  come  in  friendly  contact  during  the 
years  of  his  sojourn  here,  and  together  with  his 
wife  is  the  recipient  of  the  best  wishes  of  all  ac- 
quaintances for  future  prosperity  and  long  life.  In 
politics  he  is  a  strong  Democrat.  AVe  invite  the 
attention  of  our  manj'  readers  to  a  handsome  litho- 
graphic view  of  the  house  and  farm  of  Mr.  Mohl- 
enbrink on  another  page  of  this  work. 

\JI  OSEPH  R.  STALEY.  The  farming  commu- 
nity of  Water ville  Township  finds  a  worthy 
representative  in  the  subject  of  this  bio- 
^^//'  graphical  outline,  who  is  evidently  a  man  in 
favor  of  extracting  all  the  comfort  which  can  be 
gotten  out  of  life.  His  home  surroundings  are  pleas- 
ant in  the  extreme,  and  present  the  picture  of  quiet 
rural  life  which  is  so  delightful  to  contemplate. 
Mr.  Staley  is  a  thorough  and  skillful  agriculturist, 
and  his  well-tilled  fields  are  the  source  of  a  hand- 
some income. 

A  native  of  Alleghenj'  County,  Pa.,  our  subject 
■was  born,  Dec.  1,  1831,  and  is  the  son  of  Jacob 
Staley,  a  native  of  Dauphin  County,  that  State,  and 
born  Nov.  2, 1798.     The  latter  subsequently  lived 

in  Allegheny  County  until  1854,  then  setting  out 
for  the  Far  West  crossed  the  Mississippi  and  estab- 
lished himself  on  a  farm  in  Tama  County,  Iowa, 
where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  dying  in 
1867.  He  became  well-to-do,  and  ranked  among 
the  farmers  of  that  region  as  tbe  sturdy  oak  among 
the  forest  trees.  In  the  Presbyterian  Church  he 
was  an  active  member  and  an  Elder  for  many 
years,  and  he  left  to  his  children  the  record  of  an 
honest  and  upright  life  as  the  best  inheritance 
which  he  could  vouchsafe  them. 

Mrs.  Margaret  (Miller)  Staley,  the  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  boru  in  Mercer  County,  Pa.,  June 
18,  1800,  and  is  still  living  at  the  old  homestead 
in  Tama  Count}-,  Iowa.  Of  her  union  with  Jacob 
Stale}'  there  were  born  twelve  children,  and  Joseph 
R.,  our  subject,  was  the  sixth.  He  was  reared  in 
Allegheny  and  Westmoreland  counties.  Pa.,  until 
a  lad  of  twelve  years,  then  going  to  Crawford 
Countjr,  Ohio,  lived  there  with  his  parents  until 
1854.  That  year  he  accompanied  the  family  to 
Tama  County,  Iowa,  and  sojourned  in  that  and 
Black  Hawk  counties  until  1860.  We  next  find 
him  in  the  silver  mines  of  Colorado,  and  he  also 
followed  freighting  to  and  from  the  mountains  and 
the  Missouri  River.  He  operated  in  that  region 
until  1866,  then  coming  to  this  countj-  followed 
milling  until  1869.  That  year  he  purchased  a 
part  of  his  present  homestead,  on  section  5,  Water- 
ville  Township,  lie  and  his  wife  are  the  owners 
of  400  acres  of  fine  land,  upon  which  they  have 
effected  first-class  improvements.  His  residence, 
tasteful  in  design  and  of  modern  architecture, 
is  one  of  the  most  comfortable  and  attractive 
within  the  township  limits.  In  addition  to  general 
agriculture,  Mr.  Staley  is  considerably  interested  in 
live-stock,  feeding  and  shipping  in  considerable 
numbers  annually.  Usuallj' absorbed  iu  his  farming 
pursuits,  he  meddles  very  little  with  politics,  but 
keeps  himself  posted  on  the  current  events  of  the 
day,  and  uniformly  gives  his  support  to  the  Re- 
publican partj\ 

One  of  the  most  interesting  events  in  the  life  of 
our  subject  was  his  marriage  with  Miss  Laura 
Sleppy,  which  took  place  July  29,  1868,  at  the 
bride's  home  in  Wapello,  Louisa  Co.,  Iowa.  INIrs. 
Staley  was  born  Nov.  1,  1842,  in  Wilksbarre,  Pa., 



and  is  the  daughter  of  George  and  Amelia  (Kre- 
mer)  Sleppy,  who  were  natives  of  Pennsylvania. 
The  father  is  deceased,  and  the  mother  makes 
her  home  with  our  subject.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Staley- there  have  been  born  four  children,  viz., 
Walter  I.,  Daisys  and  Edith,  and  one  unnamed 
—  all  deceased  except  Walter  I.  He  resides 
in  Mt.  Vernon,  Iowa,  and  is  a  teacher  in  the 
Mount  Vernon  College.  They  have  an  adopted 
daughter  named  Eda,  twelve  years  old. 

J JOSEPH  ELLENBECKER.  In  coming  to 
'  Northern  Kansas,  Mr,  EUenbecker  selected 
Ij  his  location  in  one  of  the  pleasautest  spots 
'  of  Marshall  County,  and  no  traveler  passes 
by  his  homestead  without  casting  a  glance  of  ad- 
miration at  the  finely  cultivated  farm  with  its  fertile 
fields  and  comfortable  buildings,  its  fat  cattle,  its 
fruit  and  shade  trees,  and  the  various  other  appli- 
ances which  the  thoughtful  and  enterprising  farmer 
gradually  gathers  around  him.  This  farm  em- 
braces 300  acres  of  choice  land,  which  at  the  time 
of  its  purchase  by  our  subject,  was  scarcely  removed 
from  the  primitive  state  of  nature.  It  has  taken 
years  of  ceaseless  labor  and  no  small  amount  of 
money  to  bring  it  to  its  present  condition.  Mr. 
EUenbecker  avails  himself  of  modern  machinery  in 
the  tilling  of  the  soil,  and  keeps  himself  posted  in 
regard  to  the  improvements  constantly  taking  place 
in  agriculture  as  well  as  other  industries. 

The  childhood  home  of  our  subject  was  on  the 
other  side  of  the  Atlantic,  in  what  was  then  the 
Grand  Duchy  of  Luxemberg,  Germany,  where  his 
birth  took  place  June  26,  1836.  He  commenced 
his  early  education  in  the  Fatherland,  but  when  a 
lad  of  ten  years  his  parents  decided  upon  emigrat- 
ing to  America.  They  crossed  the  Atlantic  on  a 
sailing-vessel,  landing  safely  in  New  York  City, 
and  thence  made  their  way  to  Lancaster.  Pa.  After 
a  brief  sojourn  there  they  set  their  faces  toward 
the  farther  West,  and  going  into  Ozaukee  County, 
Wis.,  the  father  took  up  a  tract  of  land  and  con- 
structed a  homestead,  upon  which  the  parents  spent 
their  remaining  years.    To  John  and  Maggie  (Wei-    I 

ter)  EUenbecker  there  were  born  twelve  children, 
five  now  living.  John  EUenbecker,  the  father  of 
our  subject,  was  a  member  of  the  body  guard  of 
the  first  Napoleon  for  fourteen  years,  during  the 
period  of  his  war  in  Constantinople. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  attained  to  man's  es- 
tate in  Ozaukee  County.  Wis.,  and  remained  a 
member  of  the  parental  household  until  1861. 
Prior  to  this,  however,  he  was  married,  Jan.  "22, 
1860,  and  the  following  year  removed  to  Michigan, 
where  he  worked  in  the  copper  mines  of  Lake  Su- 
perior six  years.  In  July,  1868,  he  resolved  upon 
a  change  of  location  and  occupation,  and  coming 
to  this  county  purchased  200  acres  of  land  on  sec- 
tion 30,  in  Marysville  Township.  He  at  once  set- 
tled upon  it  wiih  his  little  family,  and  here  he  has 
since  lived.  He  has  been  uniformly  prosperous  in 
his  farming  operations  and  gradually  added  to  his 
possessions  until  his  farm  attained  to  its  present 
dimensions.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  stock-raising, 
which  has  proved  a  very  profitable  industry,  and 
is  now  engaged  quite  largely  In  butter  making. 

The  maiden  name  of  Mrs.  EUenbecker  was  Mary 
Ann  Schumacher;  she  is  a  daughter  of  Mathias  and 
Catherine  (Herbert)  Schumacher.  Mathias  Schu- 
macher and  six  of  his  brothers  were  soldiers  under 
Napoleon.  Mrs.  EUenbecker,  like  her  husband,  is 
a  native  of  Luxemburg,  and  was  born  July  22, 
1841.  They  are  now  the  parents  of  nine  children, 
the  eldest  of  whom,  a  daughter,  Maggie,  is  the  wife 
of  Frank  Meier;  Anna  married  John  Bernardt; 
John,  Katie,  Mary,  Frank,  Lewis  and  Joseph,  Jr., 
remain  at  home  with  their  parents;  Mathias  died  at 
the  age  of  five  years.  Our  subject  has  taken  quite 
an  active  part  in  politics,  his  sy^mpathies  being  with 
the  Union  Labor  party. 

During  the  late  war,  while  Mr.  and  Mrs.  P^llen- 
becker  were  very  poor  and  living  in  Wisconsin, 
Mr.  EUenbecker  was  drafted  into  the  army.  At 
that  time  his  wife  was  at  home  with  an  infant  only 
a  few  days  old.  Her  love  for  her  husband  was  so 
great  that  she  sold  her  old  home  in  order  to  obtain 
the  money  necessary^  to  buy  a  substitute,  Mr.  EUen- 
becker in  the  meantime  being  drilled  at  Camp 
Washbum,  Wis.  By  that  means  the  husband  was 
returned  to  his  family.  They  went  to  the  mines 
and    started  anew,  working  together   for  years   in 



order  to  obtain  another  foothold,  flnancially.  By 
the  most  persevering  industry  and  economy  they 
have  finally  achieved  a  success  in  life  which  is  ac- 
corded to  but  few,  and  which  they  richly  deserve. 
The  family  of  our  subject  are  all  members  of  the 
German  Catholic  Church.  Mr.  Ellenbecker  is  a 
man  looked  up  to  in  his  community,  and  one  who, 
by  his  honesty  and  integrity  has  gained  for  himself 
an  enviable  reputation.  We  invite  the  attention  of 
our  many  readers  to  a  handsome  engraving  of  the 
homestead  of  Mr.  Ellenbecker  on  another  page  in 
this  work. 

I  AMP^S  E.  BALL,  photographer,  Blue  Rapids, 
has  been  a  resident  of  that  city  since  March 
10,  1871,  on  which  day  he  arrived  here 
from  LeRo}',  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  was 
born  at  West  Bloomfield,  Ontario  County,  July  3, 
1823.  The  Ball  family  are  of  English  origin,  of 
the  old  Puritan  stock,  and  were  among  the  earliest 
settlers  of  the  United  States.  Early  in  the  seven- 
teenth ceuturj',  John  Ball  and  his  wife,  Joanna,  em- 
igrated from  Wiltshire,  England,  to  join  the 
Massachusetts  Bay  Colony,  and  settled  at  Water- 
town,  Mass.,  where  he  died  in  1655.  In  that  place 
his  sou,  John  Ball,  2d,  was  born,  and  was  there  mar- 
ried to  Eliza  Pierce,  and  in  1675  was  killed  by  In- 
dians at  Lancaster,  Mass.  The  next  in  the  direct 
line  of  descent  was  John  Ball,  3d,  who  also  was 
born  in  Watertown,  in  1644,  and  died  there  in 
1722.  His  wife  was  Sarah  Bullard,  who  was  born 
in  1645,  but  of  whose  decease  there  is  no  record. 
Their  son  James  was  next  in  the  line,  and  he 
likewise  was  born  in  Watertown  in  1670,  and  died 
in  1  730.  He  married  Elizabeth  Fisk,  who  was  born 
in  1668,  and  b}'  her  had  a  son,  named  John,  the 
progenitor  of  the  branch  of  the  Ball  family  to  which 
our  subject  belongs.  He  was  born  in  1697  in  Water- 
town,  afterward  removing  to  Worcester,  Mass., 
where  he  died  in  1756.  He  was  married  to  L}'dia 
Perry  who  was  born  in  1711,  and  died  in  1752. 
The  next  of  the  direct  line  was  Joseph  Ball,  born 
in  Worcester,  June  21,  1750,  who  died  in  West 
Bloomfield,  N.  Y.,  in  1817,  he  having  removed  to 
that  place  some  years  previous.    He  was  the  grand- 

father of  the  subject  of  this  sketch.  He  was  twice 
married.  His  first  wife,  PJsther,  died  leaving  two 
children,  and  Joseph  remained  a  widower  for  nine 
years.  He  was  then  married  to  Lueretia  Stearns, 
who  was  born  July  18,  1752,  and  died  ill  1831. 
She  was  the  mother  of  eleven  children,  her  fourth 
child,  Isaac,  being  the  father  of  James  E. 

Isaac  Ball  was  born  in  Worcester,  Mass.,  June 
4,  1785,  and  was  a  lad  of  eleven  years  when  the 
removal  to  the  State  of  New  York  was  made.  He 
was  brought  up  to  the  life  of  a  farmer,  and  early 
learned  what  hard  work  meant.  The  country 
where  his  parents  settled  was  densely  wooded,  and 
was  the  haunt  of  bears,  panthers  and  other  wild 
animals.  Their  home  had  literally  to  be  hewed 
out  of  the  wilderness,  their  cabin  being  built  of  the 
trees  which  had  been  cut  down  to  make  room  for 
it.  Here  Isaac  Ball  grew  to  manhood,  and  became 
the  husband  of  Mary  Edgerly,  who  was  born  in 
Perry,  N.  Y.,  then  in  Genesee  County,  now  Liv- 
ingston County,  and  died  at  West  Bloomfield,  Feb. 
26,  1826,  at  the  age  of  thirty-nine,  leaving  a  fam- 
ily of  five  children.  Isaac  Ball  subsequently  mar- 
ried Lucinda  A.  Adams,  b}^  whom  he  had  one 
child,  Samuel  A., who  died  at  LeRoy,  in  1888.  Isaac 
Ball  settled  on  a  part  of  his  father's  farm  and  there 
he  lived  until  about  ten  years  preceding  his  death, 
when  he  removed  to  Adams'  Basin,  Monroe  Co., 
N.  Y.,  where  he  died.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the 
War  of  1812,  but  never  saw  active  service.  He 
was  a  man  of  quiet,  domestic  tastes  and  habits,  and 
a  consistent  member  of  the  Congregational  Church, 
in  which  for  many  years  he  was  a  Deacon.  He  was 
an  upright,  straightforward  man,  winning  the  re- 
spect and  good-will  of  his  neighbors  b}'  his  correct 
life  and  character. 

Isaac  and  Mary  Ball  had  the  following  named 
children:  Lueretia,  who  died  unmarried  in  1830; 
Isaac  C,  deceased ;  Esther  E.,  who  is  the  wife  of 
Harvey  Hogan,  living  at  Elm  wood.  Neb.;  Martha 
L.,  who  was  the  wife  of  Leland  Taft,  of  LeRoy, 
N.  Y.,  and  died  there;  and  our  subject,  who  was 
the  youngest  of  the  family. 

The  earlj-  life  of  James  E.  Ball  was  passed  in 
West  Bloomfield,  N.  Y.,  where  he  attended  the  dis- 
trict school, and  afterward  the  Bloomfield  Academy. 
He  lived  with  his  parents  until  he  was  of  age,  when 



he  removed  to  LeRoy,  Genesee  County,  where  he 
engaged  in  the  trade  of  painting  and  paper-hang- 
ing. He  had  early  developed  a  taste  for  music,  and 
improved  liis  limited  opportunities,  and  while  in 
LeRoy  he  also  taught  vocal  music.  At  that  day, 
instruments  were  few  and  hard  to  g::t  in  the  rural 
districts,  and  Mr.  Ball,  speaking  of  the  first  melo- 
deon  ever  bought  into  the  countrj',  says  it  was  at 
that  time  thought  to  be  little  short  of  marvelous, 
people  coming  from  a  considerable  distance  to  see 
it.  This  instrument  was  bought  by  his  wife's 
father,  and  after  her  marriage  became  hers. 

Mr.  Ball  carried  on  the  business  of  painting  in 
all  its  branches  at  LeRoy  for  about  ten  years,  when 
having  Ijecome  interested  in  photography ,lie  learned 
that  art,  and  opened  a  gallery.  As  this  did  not  oc- 
cupy all  of  his  time,  he  continued  to  give  lessons 
in  vocal  music,  and  sold  sewing  machines  and  or- 
gans. This  was  his  business  until  his  removal  to 
Kansas  at  the  time  already  stated.  On  coming  to 
Blue  Rapids  he  opened  a  furniture  store  on  the 
northwest  corner  of  the  Square,  and  there  carried 
on  that  business  for  several  years,  when  he  took  up 
a  homestead  on  section  32,  of  Blue  Rapids  City 
Township.  There  was  a  house  already  on  the 
place,  which  he  rebuilt,  and  occupied  about  six 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  that  time,  he  came 
back  to  Blue  Rapids  City,  where  he  opened  a  [)ho- 
tograph  gallerj'.  In  this  he  partially  occupies  his 
time,  also  doing  so  aiething  at  his  old  trade,  besides 
overseeing  his  farm. 

October  31,  1848,  Mr.  Ball  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Emily  C.  Hall,  daughter  of  Gen. 
E.  A.  Hall.  She  was  born  at  West  Bloomfield, 
N.  Y.,  Sept.  29,  1827,  and  died  Feb.  26,  1887.  She 
was  a  lady  of  a  lovely  Christian  character,  and 
took  an  active  interest  in  the  social,  moral  and  re- 
ligious welfare  of  the  community  of  which  she 
was  a  member.  She  was  particularly  interested  in 
Sunday-school  work,  and  for  fifteen  years  in  Blue 
Rapids  and  for  many  years  in  her  Eastern  home, 
she  had  taken  charge  of  the  infant  class  of  the  Con- 
gregational Sunday-school.  This  work  was  to  her 
a  labor  of  love,  for  whicli  she  was  peculiarly  fitted, 
and  which  she  continued  to  within  a  few  months  of 
her  death.  She  was  faithful  and  patient,  cheerful 
and  hopeful,  and  her  life  and   example  exerted  an 

influence  for  good  among  all  who  knew  her,  and 
her  death  was  felt  by  scores  of  friends  as  a  per- 
sonal loss.  She  was  President  of  the  Blue  Rapids 
Library  Association,  in  which  she  took  much  in- 
terest. Being  possessed  of  considerable  literary 
abilit}^  she  had  for  years  after  coming  West,  cor- 
responded regularlj-  with  the  LeRoy  Courier,  pub- 
lished at  her  old  home. 

The  family  of  Mrs.  Ball  is,  like  that  of  her  hus- 
band, descended  from  settlers  of  the  Massachusetts 
Bay  Colony.  John  Hall  was  born  in  Kent,  Eng- 
land, in  1584,  and  emigrated  to  Boston  in  1633. 
He  joined  a  colony  and  went  to  Hartford,  Conn, 
removing  in  1650  to  Middletown,  and  dyinu-  there 
May  26,  1673.  His  son,  Samuel,  who  was  born  in 
England  in  1626,  also  died  in  Middletown,  in  1690. 
His  son,  Thomas  was  born  in  the  latter  place  in 
1671,  and  died  in  Guilford,  in  1753.  The  next  in 
direct  line  was  Hiland,  born  in  Guilford,  in  1703 
and  dying  in  the  same  place  in  1781.  The  fifth  in 
this  line  was  Stephen  Hall,  who  was  born  in  the 
same  place  in  1739,  and  died  April  25,  1783.  He 
was  a  captain  in  the  Continental  army,  servino-  un- 
til the  close  of  the  struggle  for  Independence.  His 
son,  Amos,  also  took  part  in  the  Revolution,  beino- 
enrolled  as  a  flfer  in  his  father's  company,  and  after- 
ward reaching  the  rank  of  sergeant.  In  1 786,  in 
right  of  his  father,  then  deceased,  he  was  made  a 
member  of  the  Order  of  the  Cincinnati,  hiscertifi- 
cate,which  is  carefully'  preserved,bearing  the  signa- 
tures of  Gen.  Washington,  as  President,  and  Gen. 
Knox,  as  Secretary.  He  bought  3,000  acres  of  land 
at  Bloomfield,  N.  Y.,  in  1790,  and  there  he  lived 
the  rest  of  his  life,  becoming  an  eminent  and  in- 
fluential citizen.  He  attained  to  the  rank  of  Ma- 
jor-General  in  the  State  Militia,  and  as  such  served 
on  the  frontier  in  1812.  The  eldest  son  of  Gen. 
Amos  Hall,  named  Enoch  Augustine,  was  the 
father  of  IMrs.  Ball.  He  also  attained  high  mili- 
tary rank,  and  was  likewise  a  General  in  the  militia. 
His  daughter,  Mrs.  Ball,  was  thus  of  the  eighth  gen- 
eration of  her  family  in  this  countrj. 

James  E.  and  Emily  C.  Ball  were  the  parents  of 
two  children — Charles  H.,  the  eldest,  was  born 
April  28,  1855,  and  died  Oct.  3,  1879.  unmarried. 
He  was  a  bright  boy,  and  ambitious  to  learn,  and 
over-studj'  at  school   when   he  was  about  thirteen 



years  old,  produced  chronic  ill  health,  which  ter- 
minated his  life  at  the  age  of  twenty-four  years. 
Tlie  other  child,  Marrietta  S.,  was  born  Dec.  28, 
1859,  and  is  now  the  wife  of  Charles  H.  Ekins,  one 
of  tlie  enterprising  merchants  of  Blue  Rapids. 

Since  coming  here  Mr.  Ball  has  been  a  member  of 
the  Blue  Rapids  City  Council,  but  has  no  desire  for 
office,  and  avoids  it  as  much  as  possible.  He  is  a 
Republican  in  politics  and  a  stanch  supporter  of 
the  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Congregational 
Church  of  Blue  Rapids,  of  which  for  years  he  has 
been  a  Deacon.  The  people  among  whom  his  life 
has  for  now  nearly  a  score  of  years  been  passed, 
speak  of  Mr.  Ball  in  high  terms.  He  is  classed 
among  the  best  of  the  old  settlers,  of  whom  the 
'•Genesee  Colony"  of  which  he  was  a  member, 
gave  a  goodly  number  to  the  countr_y. 

PRED  VEITH.  Although  twenty-four  years 
}  have  passed  since  the  close  of  the  Civil 
War,  its  incidents  and  experiences  are  still 
fresh  in  the  minds  of  those  who  suffered  its  vicissi- 
tudes, and  upon  whom  it  left  its  lasting  imprint. 
The  subject  of  this  sketch,  a  man  of  fine  abilities 
and  large  experience,  in  remembering  the  events  of 
his  past  life  frequently  recalls  the  horrors  of  Ander- 
son ville,  in  which  he  suffered  to  such  an  extent 
that  he  will  probably  never  entirely  recover  from 
the  strain,  both  mental  and  phj-sical,  which  he  en- 
dured during  the  awful  season  of  his  captivity.  He 
is  of  French  birth  and  ancestry,  and  after  giving 
his  faithful  service  to  his  adopted  country,  chose 
farming  for  his  vocation,  and  is  now  finely  situated 
on  a  good  farm  of  120  acres  on  section  20,  Rock 
Township.  He  also  has  160  acres  of  land  on  sec- 
tion 7.  As  a  citizen  and  a  member  of  the  commu- 
nity he  is  held  in  high  esteem. 

Our  subject,  a  native  of  Baldenheim,  France,  was 
a  Christmas  gift  to  his  parents,  having  been  born 
Dec.  25,  1843.  He  was  reared  in  the  town  and  at- 
tended the  public  schools  from  the  age  of  six  3-ears 
until  thirteen,  becoming  familiar  with  both  the 
French  and  German  languages.  When  a  lad  of 
eleven   years  he,  in  1855,  emigrated  with  his  par- 

ents to  America,  leaving  the  port  of  Havre  in  April, 
embarking  on  a  sailing-vessel  and  landing  in  New 
York  City  after  a  voyage  of  thirty-three  daj's. 
They  encountered  two  severe  storms  in  the  mean- 
time, during  which  the  waves  ran  high,  and  to  an 
inexperienced  voyager,  threatened  serious  danger. 
From  the  metropolis  the  famil}'  proceeded  to  Chi- 
cago, 111.,  later  spent  one  month  in  Lake  County, 
then  went  into  DuPage  County,  where  the  father 
engaged  in  farming  and  Fred  attended  school  two 
years.  He  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until 
after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  and  on  the  29th 
of  February,  1864,  enlisted  in  Company  E,  55th 
Illinois  Infantrj',  which  was  mustered  in  at  Chi- 

From  Chicago  our  subject  repaired  to  Springfield, 
111.,  where  his  regiment  remained  three  weeks, 
and  was  then  ordered  to  Alabama.  Shortly  after- 
ward they  proceeded  toward  Chattanooga,  joining 
Sherman's  army  and  marching  with  him  through 
Georgia.  Mr.  Vieth  was  present  at  the  battle  of 
Kenesaw  Mountain,  June  27,  1864,  when  the 
Union  arms  were  defeated.  The  siege  of  At 
lanta  opened  on  the  22d  of  July,  and  a  portion  of 
the  15th  Army  Corps,  to  which  the  55th  regiment 
belonged  was  captured  by  the  enemy.  Mr.  Veith, 
with  his  comrades  was  taken  first  to  Atlanta,  then 
sent  to  Griffin  Fort,  and  later  to  Andersonville, 
where  their  only  bed  was  a  blanket  and  their  onl}- 
shelter  the  sky.  He  was  confined  there  two  months 
when  Sherman  appeared  with  his  troops  and  an  ex- 
cliange  was  effected. 

Our  subject  now  joined  the  command  of  Gen. 
Sherman,  with  whom  he  went  from  Atlanta  to  the 
sea,  skirmishing  along  the  way  until  reaching  Sa- 
vannah, Ga.  Thence  they  proceeded  by  boatto 
Beaufort,  S.  C,  after  which  they  turned  toward 
Raleigh,  still  skirmishing.  After  a  time  the^-  jour- 
nej^ed  to  the  National  Capital,  where  our  subject 
was  present  at  the  Grand  Review  as  one  of  "Sher- 
man's bummers."  Three  weeks  later  he  was  sent  to 
Parkersburg  on  the  Ohio,  and  from  there  by  boat 
to  Louisville,  Ky.,  where  they  were  stationed  for  a 
time  as  guard,  then  proceeded  by  boat  to  Little 
Rock,  sojourning  there  until  August.  Our  subject 
was  mustered  out  and  received  his  honorable  dis- 
charge at  Chicago  on  the  25th  of  that  month,  after 



having  served  eighteen  months.  He  experienced 
man}'  hair-breadth  escapes,  and  was  frequently  in 
the  thickest  of  the  fight  with  his  comrades  falling 
around  him,  but  escaped  unharmed. 

Upou  leaving  the  service  our  subject  returned  to 
DuPage  County,  111.,  and  engaged  in  farming  on 
his  father's  land.  He  had  forty  acres  of  his  own 
adjoining,  and  lived  there  until  twentj'-eight  years 
of  age.  In  February,  1872,  deciding  to  seek  his 
fortunes  in  the  farther  West  he  came  by  rail  to  this 
couuty,  and  locating  in  Marshall  County,  Kan., 
fanned  on  rented  land  two  years.  He  purchased  his 
present  place  in  1874.  He  first  visited  Kansas  in 
1870  and  purchased  160  acres  of  railroad  land 
south  of  Frankfort,  for  which  he  paid  $7.50  per 
acre,  and  which  he  sold  in  1883.  In  1874  he  pur- 
chased a  claim  for  $600  and  lived  upon  it  two 
years  before  homesteading  it.  He  effected  good  im- 
provements, setting  out  forest  and  fruit  trees  and 
erecting  buildings.  A  cyclone  in  1879  destroyed 
the  buildings.  Tiie  family  sought  shelter  in  the 
cellar  and  no  lives  were  lost. 

The  present  homestead  of  our  subject  is  located 
six  miles  north  of  Frankfort,  and  presents  a  series 
of  well-cultivated  fields  with  good  buildings  and 
machinery,  including  a  wind-mill  and  water  tanks, 
forest  and  fruit  trees  in  abundance  and  the  usual 
appurtenances  of  the  well-regulated  coun I ry  estate. 
He  has  erected  a  commodious  residence,  which  is 
represented  by  a  fine  view  elsewhere  in  this 
.The  land  is  mostly  devoted  to  grain  and  stock,  Mr. 
Veitli  feeding  cattle  and  swine  in  large  numbers, 
and  in  this  way  utilizing  the  most  of  his  produce. 
His  liouschold  consists  of  his  wife  and  six  children. 
He  was  married  in  Naperville,  DuPage  Co.,  111., 
Oct.  9,  1871,  to  Miss  Saloma  Sweikert.  a  native  of 
France,  who  came  to  America  with  her  father  in 
1870.  The  children  born  of  this  union  were  named 
respectively,  Lena,  .Sally,  Emma,  Mary,  Bertha  (de- 
ceased), and  Fred,  .Jr. 

Our  subject,  politically,  gives  his  support  to  the 
Union  Labor  party.  In  former  years  he  was  a  Re- 
publican. He  holds  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
and  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R.  at  Beattie.  The  father 
of  our  subject  was  Jacob  Veith,  a  native  of  a  Prov- 
ince formerly  belonging  to  France,  but  now  to  Ger- 
many, and  was  born  in  1805.     He  learned  the  trade 

of  a  weaver  and  served  two  years  in  the  Frencli 
army,  participating  in  several  battles.  Later  he 
established  himself  upon  a  small  farm  in  connection 
with  which  he  also  followe  1  his  trade  until  set- 
ting out  for  America  in  1855.  After  landing  he 
made  his  way  to  DuPage  County,  111.,  establishing 
himself  on  a  rented  farm  where  he  remained  until 
1863.  He  then  purchased  forty  acres  of  land  in 
the  vicinty  of  Downer's  Grove,  made  good  im- 
provements and  still  resides  there.  He  has  been 
retired  from  active  labor  for  some  years,  and  has 
reached  the  advanced  age  of  eighty -four.  Politi- 
cally, he  is  a  member  of  the  Union  Labor  partv  and, 
religiously,  he  is  a  Lutheran. 

Mrs.  Saloma  (Hertzel)  Veith,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  a  native  of  the  same  Province  as  her 
husband,  and  was  born  in  1816.  Her  father,  Fred- 
erick Hertzel  served  in  Napoleon's  army,  and  dur- 
ing the  Russian  campaign  was  run  over  by  horses 
and  seriously  injured.  He,  however,  recovered, 
and  after  the  war  was  over  returned  tg  his  native 
Province,  and  followed  the  trade  of  a  shoemaker  un- 
til his  death.  Mrs.  Saloma  Veith  departed  this  life 
in  Downer's  Grove  in  April,  1887.  The  parental 
family  included  six  children,  viz.:  Saloma  (Mrs. 
Coonman)  and  Ursula  (Mrs.  Leahman)  of  DuPage 
County,  111.;  Fred,  our  subject;  Jacob,  a  farmer 
of  DuPage  County;  Lena  (Mrs.  Conrad)  of  Shelby 
County,  Iowa,  and  Leah  (Mrs.  Wohlhueter)  of 

-»»K .o*0"fSJA,<A^..a«o.. <,-»_ 

^  ffclLLIAM  J.  ROMMEL.  Among  the  self- 
Im'  ^^^^^^  ™^"  "^  Waterville  and  vicinity,  Mr. 
W^  Rommel  deserves  more  than  a  passing  men- 
tion. He  is  recognized  as  one  of  its  most  enter- 
prising citizens,  one  who  has  been  foremost  in  all 
good  works,  jealous  of  the  reputation  of  his 
adopted  town,  and  giving  his  aid  in  advancing  its 
interests  whenever  opportunity  occurs.  He  com- 
menced in  life  at  the  foot  of  the  ladder,  and  by 
a  close  application  to  business,  with  the  exercise  of 
industry  and  economy,  hns  become  well-to-do.  He 
possesses  business  qualifications  of  a  high  order,  is 
careful  and  accurate  in  his  transactions,  prompt  to 



meet  his  obligations,  and  in  all  respects  presents  an 
example  worthy  of  emulation.  He  is  at  present 
engaged  in  the  drug  trade,  and  has  his  home  in  the 
south  part  of  town.  His  family  consists  of  his  wife 
and  six  children,  the  latter  named  respectively 
Harry  G.,  Otto  H. ,  Lena,  Gertie,  Lizzie  and  Nel- 
lie L. 

A  native  of  Gasconade  County,  Mo.,  our  subject 
was  born  Aug.  13,  1850,  and  is  the  son  of  Jacob 
Rommel,  who  was  a  native  of  Germany.  The  latter 
emigrated  to  America  in  1838,  and  settled  in  Penn- 
sylvania, where  he  lived  until  1846.  He  then  deter- 
mined to  seek  his  fortunes  beyond  the  Mississippi, 
and  accordingly  gathering  together  his  family  and 
household  effects,  moved  overland  to  the  wilds  of 
Missouri.  He  thereafter  spent  the  remainder  of 
his  life  in  Gasconade  County,  engaged  in  the  fruit 
and  nursery  business,  of  which  he  made  a  great 
success.  He  departed  this  life  in  1881,  at  the  age 
of  sevent3^-nine  years.  He  had  in  early  manhood 
learned  the  draper's  trade,  at  which  he  worked  in 
early  life.  He  was  a  man  verj'  popular  and  highly 
respected  in  his  communitj',  and  belonged  to  the 
Masonic  fraternity.  To  him  and  his  wife,  Catlie- 
riiTe,  there  were  born  six  children,  of  whom  our 
subject  was  the  j-oungest. 

Mr.  Rommel  received  his  education  in  tlie  com- 
mon schools  of  his  native  count^^,  and  completed 
his  studies  in  the  city  of  St.  Louis.  He  remained 
a  member  of  the  parental  household  until  reaching 
his  majority,  and  then  repairing  to  Wathena,  this 
State,  commenced  clerking  in  a  drug  store  and  was 
thus  occupied  for  a  period  of  live  years.  In  1875  he 
came  to  this  county,  and  soon  afterward  established 
a  drug  store  at  Waterville,  which  he  has  con- 
ducted successfully  until  the  present  time.  He 
keeps  a  full  stock  of  the  articles  in  his  line  of  trade, 
and  lias  built  up  a  large  aud  lucrative  patronage. 
He  has  very  little  to  do  with  political  affairs,  but  is 
a  well  informed  man  with  decided  views,  and  uni- 
formly gives  his  support  to  the  Republican  party. 
He  has  been  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  Ma- 
sonic fraternity,  and  also  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Katherina 
Quandt,  of  Hermann,  Mo.,  was  celebrated  at  tlie 
bride's  home,  M.ay  15,  1875.  Mrs.  Rommel  is  the 
daugliter  of   John    and    Mary   Qu.andt,  who   were 

natives  of  Germany,  and  are  now  residents  of 
Hermann,  Mo.  She  was  born  July  21,1 856,  and  re- 
mained with  her  parents  until  her  marriage,  acquir- 
ing a  common  school  education,  and  becoming 
familiar  with  those  housewifely  duties  which  fitted 
lier  for  her  position  in  life  as  the  wife  and  help- 
mate of  a  good  man. 

FREDERICK  W.  RAEMER,  a  leading  Ger- 
man citizen  of  Logan  Township,  been  a 
lifelong  farmer  and  owns  a  well-improved 
homestead  on  section  12,  Logan  Township,  adjoin- 
ing the  village  of  Herkimer.  In  referring  to  his 
early  history  we  find  that  he  is  a  native  of  Prussia, 
born  in  Bonefeldt,  one  of  the  Rhine  Provinces, 
July  28,  1830.  His  parents  were  John  W.  and 
Aibertenia  Elstodorf  Raemer,  natives  of  the  same 
Province.  Living  in  a  country  wliich  believes  in 
compulsory  education,  our  subject  attended  school 
during  his  younger  years  and  thereafter  employed 
himself  in  agricultural  pursuits  until  a  man  of 
twenty-six.  Then,  in  1856,  resolving  to  seek  his 
fortunes  on  the  Western  Continent,  he  secured 
passage  on  board  a  sailing  vessel,  "The  Sovereign 
of  the  Sea,''  early  in  June,  which  landed  him  safely 
in  New  York  City  after  a  voyage  of  thirtj'-flve 
days.  Thence  he  proceeded  directly  to  Wisconsin, 
where  he  worked  on  a  farm  until  the  spring  of 
1860.  His  father  and  stepmother,  the  latter  Mar- 
garet (Reinhartii)  Raemer,  emigrated  to  America 
about  1858,  aud  likewise  located  in  the  Badger 
State.  In  June,  1860  they  all  came  to  this  county 
overland  by  team,  locating  upon  land  now  occupied 
by  our  subject,  and  where  they  spent  their  last 
days.  Mr.  Raemer's  own  motiier  died  in  Prussia. 
All  were  members  of  the  Evangelical  Church  as 
are  our  subject  and  his  familj'. 

LTpon  coming  to  this  county  Mr.  Raemer  found 
wild  animals  plentiful,  together  with  a  great  many 
Indians.  Tlie  land  was  in  its  original  condition, 
very  few  white  men  having  ventured  to  these  parts. 
Our  subject  added  to  the  original  homestead,  and 
has  now  a  fine  farm  of  310  acres,  embellished  with 
a  commodious    stone    dwelling,  a   large    barn  and 

Portrait  and  biographical  album. 


various  other  outbuildings.  This  farm  is  consid- 
ered one  of  the  best  in  Logan  Township.  Besides 
this  Mr.  Raemer  owns  160  acres,  embracing  the 
southeast  quarter  of  section  2,  ninety  acres  of 
which  is  under  tlie  plow  and  the  balance  in  pasture. 

Our  subject  was  married  in  Wisconsin,  Oct.  12, 
1859  to  Miss  Sophia,  daughter  of  William  and 
Mary  A.  Tillman,  who  were  liiiewise  natives  of 
Prussia,  and  members  of  the  Evangelical  Church. 
Of  this  union  there  have  been  born  ten  children, 
eight  of  whom  are  now  living.  The  eldest,  Mary 
A.,  is  the  wife  of  Martin  Schrieber,  of  Logan 
Township;  William  lives  in  Herkimer,  and  is  rep- 
resented elsewhere  in  this  work;  Goorge,  Bertha, 
Frederick,  Anne,  Martin  and  Albertina,  are  at  home 
witli  their  parents.  The  deceased  are  Charles  and 
Sopliia.  Mr.  Raemer  served  two  terms  as  Treasurer 
of  Marysville,  during  the  time  it  was  a  part  of  Lo- 
gan Township.  He  is  looked  upon  as  a  representa- 
tive citizen  who  has  contributed  his  share  in  the 
building  up  of  Logan  Township  and  the  advance- 
ment of  its  material  prosperity.  Politically,  he 
originally  was  a  Republican,  but  is  now  independ- 
ent in  his  views. 

We  call  the  attention  of  our  many  readers  to  a 
handsome  lithographic  view  of  the  fine  farm  of 
Mr.  Raemer,  in  another  part  of  this  volume. 

-i #^# 1^ 

y-*!  f>;ILLIAM  J.  CAMPBELL.  This  gentle- 
man, who  is  City  Marshall  of  Axtell,  is 
also  engaged  in  operating  the  Hulburd 
elevator  at  Axtell,  of  which^city  he  has  been  a  res- 
ident for  the  past  year,  having  located  here  in 
1888.  Prior  to  this  he  resided  on  his  farm  of  160 
acres  in  Nemaha  County,  upon  which  he  settled  in 
1882.  It  was  at  the  time  of  purchase  mostly  un- 
improved, but  is  now  all  under  the  plow  and  em- 
bellished with  good  buildings.  Personally,  Mr. 
Campbell  is  a  favorite  both  in  social  and  business 
circles,  being  liberal  and  public-spirited,  prompt 
to  meet  his  obligations  and  a  true  gentleman  in  all 
the  relations  of  life. 

The  subject  of  this  notice   was   born   in  Prairie 
Township,    Mahaska    Co.,   Iowa,    Sept.    12,    1857, 

and  lived  in  LTnion  Township  mostly  until  1882, 
receiving  a  practical  education  and  being  bred  to 
farm  life.  His  father,  John  Campbell,  was  a  na- 
tive of  Pennsylvania  and  of  Scotch-Irish  ancestry. 
His  paternal  grandfather  was  James  Campbell,  who 
was  born  east  of  the  Alleghany  Mountains  in  Penn- 
sylvania, and,  like  his  son,  was  a  lifelong  farmer. 
After  his  marriage  he  settled  in  Beaver  County, 
where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  and  died 
at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-one  years.  The 
grandmother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Rebecca 
Morrow,  was  a  native  of  Ireland,  but  was  brought 
to  America  by  her  parents  when  a  child.  She  sur- 
vived her  husband  and  died  at  the  age  of  eighty 
years.  Both  were  members  of  the  United  Presby- 
terian Church. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  one  of  a  famih^ 
of  four  sons  and  four  daughters,  and  was  born  and 
reared  in  Beaver  County,  Pa.  He  grew  up  amid 
the  peaceful  pursuits  of  farm  life  in  the  Kej'stone 
State,  and  after  reaching  manhood  was  married  to 
Miss  Mar}'  Mitchell,  a  native  of  his  own  county 
and  of  Irish  descent  on  her  mother's  side.  Her 
parents  were  Matthew  and  Nancy  (Smith)  Mitchell, 
the  former  a  native  of  Pennsylvania  and  of  Irish 
descent.  He  followed  farming  all  his  life,  but 
when  about  sixty  years  old  emigrated  to  Mahaska 
County,  Iowa,  and  with  his  wife  made  his  home 
with  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Campbell,  until  his  death, 
which  took  place  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety 
years.  The  mother  lived  to  be  eighty-nine;  both 
were  members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  remained  residents 
of  Beaver  County,  Pa.,  until  after  tlie  birth  of 
their  first  child,  Mary  B.,  and  then  resolved  to 
seek  the  AVest.  They  crossed  the  Mississippi  early 
in  the  fifties,  settling  in  Mahaska  Count}',  Iowa, 
and  endured  the  usual  hardships  and  privations 
incident  to  frontier  life.  Mr.  Campbell  improved 
a  good  farm  in  Prairie  Township,  which  he  sold 
and  later  purchased  a  farm  in  Union  Township, 
where  he  lived  until  1882.  Then  selling  out,  he 
came  with  his  family  to  Nemaha  County,  this  State, 
locating  in  Marion  Township,  where  he  has  a  well- 
developed  farm,  and  is  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  com- 
fortable income. 

Mr.   Campbell,   our  subject,    after    leaving    the 



primary  school,  pursued  his  studies  in  Oskaloosa, 
Iowa,  where  he  completed  his  education.  He  came 
with  his  fatlier's  family  to  Nemaha  County,  this 
State,  and  in  due  time  was  married,  March  17,J889, 
to  Miss  Ella  Petre,  who  was  born  there  in  1868. 
Her  father  died  when  she  was  a  mere  child.  The 
mother  is  yet  living,  making  her  home  in  Axtell, 
and  is  sixty  years  of  age.  They  came  to  Kansas 
during  the  early  settlement  of  Nemaha  County, 
being  among  its  leading  pioneers.  Mrs.  Campbell 
was  about  twelve  years  old  when  coming  with  her 
mother  to  Axtell,  and  grew  up  an  intelligent  and 
attractive  young  woman,  receiving  her  education 
in  the  common  school.  Mrs.  Campbell  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Congregational  Church. 
Our  subject  votes  the  straight  Republican  ticket, 
and  is  fulfilling  the  duties  of  his  oftice  as  Marshal 
in  a  manner  creditable  to  himself  and  satisfactory 
to  all  concerned. 

(^  1>ILLIAM  H.  ALLENDER.  In  point  of 
\/\J/l  location,  fertility  of  soil  and  natural  ad- 
'\^^  vantages  generally,  the  farm  of  Mr.  Allen- 
der  is  not  excelled  by  that  of  any  man,  probably, 
in  Murray  Township.  It  embraces  320  acres  of 
tliorouglily  cultivated  land  lying  on  either  side  of 
Little  Vermillion  Creek,  on  section  9,  and  became 
the  property  of  our  subject  in  1872  while  in  its 
original  condition.  It  has  only  been  brought  to 
its  present  state  by  the  most  arduous  labor  and 
sood  management,  and  as  it  lies  to-da}'  there  is  no 
pleasanter  picture  in  the  landscape  of  this  region. 

Mr.  AUender  came  to  Murray  Township  in  1870 
from  Rush  County,  Ind.,  when  he  first  opened  his 
eyes  to  the  light  in  Posej'  Township,  March  14, 
1843.  His  father, Garland  B.  Allender  was  a  native 
of  Kentucky,  and  the  son  of  George  and  Elizabeth 
(Christman)  Allender,  who  when  he  was  a  lad  of 
nine  years,  removed,  about  1827,  to  Indiana,  locat- 
ing in  what  is  now  Posey  Township,  Rush  County. 
They  settled  in  the  unbroken  wilderness,  from 
which  they  built  up  a  comfortable  home  and  there 
spent  tlie  remainder    of    their   days,  dying    when 

quite  aged,  the  grandfather  when  eightj'-two  years 
old  and  the  grandmother  when  about  seventj^-six; 
both  were  members  of  the  German  Baptist  Church, 
in  wliich  the}'  had  been  reared  from  ciiildhood. 

To  the  paternal  grandparents  of  our  subject  there 
was  liorn  a  family  of  fourteen  children,  of  whom 
Garland  B.,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  among 
the  younger.  The  ten  daughters  and  four  sons 
lived  to  become  men  and  women,  and  with  the  ex- 
ception of  two,  were  married  and  comfortablj'  set- 
tled in.  homes  of  their  own.  In  the  settlement  of 
the  estate  Garland  B.  became  the  possessor  of  the 
homestead,  and  there  he  spent  his  entire  life.  He 
was  born  in  1818,  and  departed  hence  March  4, 
1878.  being  accidentalh-  killed  by  a  locomotive  as 
he  was  walking  on  a  track  near  his  home.  The  wife 
and  mother  survived  her  husband  nearlj'  eleven 
years,  her  death  taking  place  in  August,  1889,  when 
she  was  over  sixty-seven  years  of  age,  having  been 
born  April  16,  1822.  Both  were  members  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  second  of  fif- 
teen children,  seven  sons  and  eight  daughters,  only 
a  part  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years.  He  was 
tauo-ht  to  make  himself  useful  at  an  early  age,  and 
received  a  practical  education  in  the  common  school. 
He  remained  a  resident  of  his  native  county  until 
attaining  his  majority,  and  came  to  this  Stateasin- 
o-le  man.  He  was  first  married,  in  Murray  Town- 
ship, this  county,  to  Miss  Mary  J.  Shockley.  This 
lady  was  born  in  Hancock  Count}-,  Ind.,  Oct.  6, 
1848,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Samuel  Shockley, 
further  mention  of  whom  is  made  in  the  biography 
of  David  Smith,  which  will  be  found  on  another 
page  of  this  volume.  Mrs.  Allender  was  reared  to 
womanhood  in  her  native  count}-,  and  came  to 
Kansas  with  her  mother  in  1861.  Of  her  union 
with  our  subject  there  were  born  two  children — 
Samuel  and  John  H.,  who  remain  with  their  father. 
The  mother  of  these  children  died  in  her  prime  at 
the  homestead  in  Murray  Township,  June  29,  1878. 
Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage,  Oct. 
17,  1880,  at  Seneca,  Kan.,  with  iNIiss  Lodema  Lane, 
who  was  born  in  Hocking  County,  Ohio,  Oct.  14, 
1846,  and  is  tiie  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Luranah 
(McVicker)  Lane,  w-ho  were  natives  of  Pennsylva- 
nia.    Her  father  a  farmer  by  occupation  and 



emigrated  to  Ohio  early  in  life,  settling  in  Hocking 
County,  of  which  he  and  his  excellent  wife  are  still 
residents.  They  are  widely  and  favorabl}-  known 
in  that  region,  having  lived  on  the  same  farm  for 
the  long  period  of  flfty-flve  years.  Mr.  Lane  is  now 
eighty-seven  j'ears  old,  while  the  wife  and  mother 
is  two  years  j^onnger. 

Mrs.  Alleuder  was  reared  under  the  parental  roof 
and  remained  at  home  until  1873.  Then  starting 
out  for  herself,  she  made  her  way  to  Nemaha 
County,  this  State,  where  she  supported  herself  as  a 
seamstress  until  her  marriage.  Of  this  marriage 
there  have  been  born  six  children,  four  of  whom 
are  deceased.  Ellen  and  Marj'  (twins)  died  in  1884 
of  diphtheria,  when  about  three  and  one-half  years 
old,  and  were  buried  on  the  same  day  side  by  side. 
The  other  two  deceased  children  were  Sarah  E.  and 
an  infant.  The  survivors  are  Josie  and  Louisa, 
who  remain  at  home  with  their  parents.  Mr.  Al- 
lender,  politicalh',  is  a  straight  Republican  and  has 
held  the  variovis  local  offices.  He  is  a  man  held  in 
high  esteem  and  one  whose  opinions  are  generally 

--^ .^^ ^ 

^^ANIEL  M.  MABIE,  editor  of  the  Beattie 
l|  jj)  Star,  was  born  in  Rockford,  111.,  Sept.  5, 
xgjl^  1842,  and  is  the  son  of  Giles  and  Luc}' 
^'^  (Case)  Mabie,  both  natives  of  New  York. 
Giles  Mabie  was  a  millwright  by  trade,  and  when  a 
young  man  in  pursuit  of  employment  went  to 
Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  married.  He  followed 
raillwrighting  for  many  years,  in  the  meantime  re- 
moving to  Rockford,  111,,  where  he  became  super- 
intendent and  business  manager  of  John  H. 
Manny's  , Mower  and  Reaper  Works,  and  in  the 
interest  of  that  concern  went  to  Europe  in  1855, 
returning  in  1857.  The  father  of  our  subject 
shortly  after  his  return  to  the  United  States,  emi- 
grated to  Iowa,  and  is  now  living  in  Cedar  Rapids, 
where  he  is  still  engaged  as  a  mechanic,  although 
within  a  few  months  of  being  ninety  years  of  age. 
The  wife  and  mother  died  in  1888  at  the  age  of 
eighty-four  years.  They  were  the  parents  of  tiiree 
children — Alonzo,  who  is  an  expressman  of  Mason 

City,  Iowa;  Marilla,  tlie  wife  of  James  Anthonj-, 
a  brick-mason  of  Cedar  Rapids;  and  Daniel  M.,  our 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  youngest 
child  of  his  parents,  and  received  his  education  in 
his  native  city.  Afterward  he  spent  several  j^ears 
travelling,  both  in  the  United  States  and  in  Europe, 
and  has  visited  the  latter  country  twice,  the  first 
time  in  company  with  his  father.  Upon  returning 
home  that  time  he  escorted  his  mother  to  Europe, 
and  staid  there  with  his  parents,  principally  in 
Paris  and  London,  until  their  return.  In  Paris  he 
attended  the  Ecole  St.  Genevieve,  where  he  acquired 
a  thorough  knowledge  of  the  French  language. 
Upon  his  return  to  America  he  accompanied  his 
parents  to  Iowa,  and  in  1859.  entered  the  office  of 
II.  A.  and  G.  D.  Perkins  in  Cedar  Falls,  where  he 
learned  printing.  The  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion 
found  him  employed  at  this,  and  upon  the  news  of 
the  fall  of  Ft.  Sumter  the  "Pioneer  Grays"  of 
Cedar  Falls,  of  which  he  was  a  member,. tendered 
their  services  to  the  Governor  of  the  State,  April 
15,  1861,  which  were  accepted.  They  were  as- 
signed to  the  3d  Iowa  Infantry,  and  mustered  into 
service  May  22,  having  enlisted  for  three  years. 

In  this  regiment  our  subject  engaged  in  guarding 
the  Hanibal  &  St.Joe  Railroad  and  fighting  the  guer- 
rillas, Quantrell,  Martin,  Green  and  Price,  and  all 
the  bushwhacking  rebels  in  that  dangerous  region. 
Illustrating  the  haste  with  which  they  were  put 
into  the  field,  Mr.  Mabie  tells  of  their  going  into 
their  first  fight  with  old  Springfield  muskets,  no 
haversacks  and  no  cartridges  boxes  or  accoutre- 
ments of  any  kind.  Each  man  was  provided  with 
five  cartridges  which  he  carried  in  his  pocket,  and 
most  of  which  were  wet  during  the  rain.  Later  on 
they  were  better  armed  and  the  regiment  did  ac- 
tive service  in  the  Army  of  the  Tennessee,  taking 
part  in  the  great  battles  of  Shiloh,  during  which 
they  were  in  Hurlbert's  Division  which  did  the 
bloody  fighting  at  Peach  Orchard,  and  held  the  day 
against  thirteen  charges  by  the  Rebels.  They 
also  participated  in  both  the  sieges  of  Corinth,  and 
in  the  seige  of  Vicksburg,  and  at  the  battle  of 
Jackson.  Miss.,  and  many  others,  fought  in  tliat 
immediate  region. 

The  term  of  enlistment  of  the  regiment  expired 



in  Maj'.  1864,  but  prior  to  that  Mr.  Mabie  had 
veterauizccj,  re-enlisting  in  January  of  that  year  at 
Yiclisbiirii-.  After  tlie  usual  veteran  fiirlougb, 
the  2(1  Iowa  Infantry',  with  which  the  survivors  of 
the  original  reg'iment  were  consolidated,  joined 
Sherman's  army  at  Huntsville,  Ala.,  whence  they 
went  to  Rome,  Ga.,  and  fought  at  Eutnw  Bridge, 
and  in  the  seige  and  battles  around  Atl.inta.  Here 
Mr.  Mabie  was  captured,  July  22,  1864,  on  the 
ground  where  Gen.  McPherson  was  killed,  by  whom 
he  was  ctanding  at  the  time.  For  two  months  he  en- 
dured the  horrors  of  the  prison  stockades  at  An- 
dersonville,  and  was  then  exclianged  at  Rough  and 
Ready  Station.  Rejoining  his  regiment  he  took 
part  in  the  historic  march  to  ttie  sea,  participating 
in  all  the  battles  on  the  way,  and  after  reaching  the 
coast  under  the  intrepid  Logan,  of  whose  gallant 
corps  the  regiment  was  a  part. 

Upon  tlie  return  of  peace  this  regiment  was  sent 
to  Washington  with  others,  and  took  part  in  the 
grand  review  which  celebrated  the  close  of  the  war. 
Mr.  Mabie  was  mustered  out  at  Louisville,  K3^, 
and  was  discharged  at  Davenport,  Iowa,  July  19, 
1865.  In  all  his  four  years  and  three  months' 
service  he  was  never  wounded  ribr  did  he  suffer  a 
day's  sickness,  although  exposed  to  all  the  hard- 
ships encountered  by  the  gallant  corps  of  which  his 
regiment  was  a  part.  lie  returned  to  his  trade  in 
Cedar  Falls  in  the  same  office  which  he  had  left  to 
enter  the  service  of  his  country.  After  two  years, 
changing  his  occupation  somewhat,  he  engaged  as  a 
general  salesman  in  the  windmill  and  pump  busi- 
ness for  a  Rockford,  (111.)  firm.  Thus  four  years 
were  spent  in  traveling  in  most  of  the  Western 
States.  Finally  abandoning  that,  Mr.  Mabie,  in 
company  with  his  father  engaged  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  the  above-named  commodities  at  Clinton 
Junction,  Wis.  They  prosecuted  this  a  little  over 
two  years  at  that  point,  then  removed  tjieir  shops 
to  Dixon,  111. 

In  this  latter  place  Mabie  &  Son  prosecuted  their 
business  three  years,  then  removed  toMoline,  111., 
where  they  operated  a  shop  three  or  four  years, 
and  then  through  the  rascality  of  a  man,  whom 
they  had  trusted,  they  lost  their  patents  and  every- 
thing else.  Our  subject  then  went  back  to  print- 
ino-,  book-binding  and  publishing,  which  he  carried 

on  in  Moline  for  a  period  of  six  years,  and  assist- 
ing in  the  establishment  of  a  daily  paper  called 
the  Republican.  From  Moline  he  removed  to 
Marys ville,  this  county,  in  October,  1884,  and 
thereafter  for  two  years  was  variously  occupied. 
In  November,  1886,  he  took  up  his  residence  in 
Beattie  as  manager  of  the  Beattie  Star  oflice,  which 
he  purchased  in  December,  1888. 

This  was  established  in  188.3,  its  fiist 
issue  being  on  September  22,  under  the  name  of  the 
Beattie  Boomerang,  Jack  Scott,  proprietor  and 
editor.  About  a  year  afterward  it  was  purchased 
by  Mr.  Swan,  who  dropped  the  word  Beattie,  mak- 
ing it  simply  The  Boomerang.  Mr.  Swan  sold  out 
to  Jeff  Tucker,  who  changed  the  name  to  North 
Star.  Mr.  Tucker  sold  to  W.  W.  Brooks,  who 
called  it  simply  The  Star.  The  next  change  was 
into  the  hands  of  Cowan  &  Keiper,  who  bought  it 
at  a  sheriff's  sale  in  October,  1886.  The  Rev.  J  D. 
Crooks  then  became  editor  and  D.  M.  Mal)ic  pub- 
lisher. Mr.  Crooks  continued  the  paper  about  three 
months  when  the  entire  management  devolved 
upon  Mr.  Mabie.  In  December,  1887,  Mr.  Cowan 
purchased  Mr.  Keiper's  interest,  becoming  sole 
proprietor  and  nominal  editor  with  Mr.  Mabie  still 
in  the  ofHce,  until  its  purchase  by  the  latter  at  the 
time  mentioned. 

The  Star  office  is  as  well  equipped  for  business 
as  any  establishment  of  the  kind  in  this  part  of  the 
country,  and  it  enjoj'S  a  good  run  of  patronage, 
both  in  job  printing  and  in  advertising.  Tlie  paper 
has  a  large  circulation,  which  is  rapidly  increasing. 
At  the  time  of  its  purchase  by  Cowan  &  Keiper 
there  were  250  subscribers,  but  inside  of  six 
months  he  had  increased  that  number  three-fold. 
He  likewise  enlarged  the  paper  from  a  five  to  a  six- 
column  quarto.  It  has  a  marked  influence  in  the 
northeastern  part  of  the  countj*. 

The  marriage  of  Daniel  M.  Mabie  and  Miss  S. 
A.  M.  Park  occurred  May  13,  1870  in  Belvidere, 
111.  Mrs.  Mabie  was  born  in  Poplar  Grove,  111., 
Feb.  22,  1848,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Simeon  and 
Angeline  (Chesley)  Park,  who  were  natives  of 
New  York.  The  father  is  now  deceased  and  the 
mother  resides  in  Marysville,  Kan.  This  union 
has  been  blest  by  tiie  birth  of  seven  children,  all 
of  whom  are  under    the    parental   roof.     They  are 



named  respectively:  Lola  L.,  Stella  E.,  Avah  P. 
Percy  G.,  Ora  P.,  Raymond  E.  and  Alonzo  R.  Mr. 
Mabie  is  a  member  of  ihe  Masonic  fraternity,  also 
of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  and  the  A.  O.  U.  W.  A  stirring, 
wide-awake  man  whose  varied  experiences  in  life 
have  brightened  bis  faculties,  he  makes  his  in- 
flunce  felt  in  the  community  where  he  resides. 
Politically,  he  is  a  sound  Republican. 


^^  AMUEL  B.WATTERS,  senior  partner  of  the 
^^^  firm  of  Walters  Bros.,  is  also  a  leading  man 
lv^-3)  ^™oio  *'i^  farming  and  stock-raising  inter- 
ests of  Blue  Rapids  City  Township.  Here- 
sides  two  miles  north  of  the  town,  where  they  have  a 
valuable  farm,  the  cultivation  of  which  they  carry 
on  in  a  ver}'  successful  manner,  aud  which  yields 
handsome  returns.  He  is  a  Western  man  b}'  birth 
and  education,  his  native  place  being  in  Fayette 
County,  Ind.,  where  he  tirst  opened  his  eyes  to  the 
light,  June  19,  1836. 

The  early  surroundings  usually  have  a  decided  ef- 
fect upon  the  after  life  of  an  individual,  and  de- 
termine in  a  large  degree  as  to  whether  he  shall 
become  a  worthy  member  of  society,  or  a  drawback 
upon  its  best  interests.  The  Walters  family  were 
people  honest  and  upright,  and  traced  their  ances- 
try to  some  of  the  best  families  across  the  waters. 
The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Thomas  and  Mary 
A.  (Bundrant)  Walters,  the  former  a  native  of 
South  Carolina,  and  the  latter  of  West  Virginia. 
Thomas  Walters  was  of  Scotch-Irish  descent,  while 
the  mother  of  our  subject  traced  her  forefathers  to 
England.  Her  father,  Thomas  Bundrant,  served  as 
a  soldier  in  the  Black  Hawk  War,  and  spent  his 
last  years  in  Indiana. 

About  1840,  when  Samuel  B.  was  a  little  lad 
four  years  of  age,  the  Walters  family  emigrated 
across  the  Mississippi  to  Iowa,  while  it  was  yet  a 
Territory.  They  settled  on  a  tract  of  land  in 
Washington  County,  where  Samuel  B.  was  reared  to 
man's  estate,  and  received  his  education  in  the  dis- 
trict school.  This,  however,  was  principally  con- 
ducted in  the  winter  season,  and  in  the  summer  his 

services  were  required  in  opening  up  and  cultivat- 
ing a  new  farm.  He  thus  obtained  a  thorough  ex- 
perience in  agricultural  pursuits.  The  family' 
sojourned  in  the  Hawkeye  State  until  after  tlie 
death  of  the  father,  which  occurred  in  1855.  The 
mother,  later,  with  her  children  came  to  the  Terri- 
tory of  Kansas,  and  for  six  years  they  resided  in 
Jackson  County.  In  1868  they  changed  their  resi- 
dence to  Marshall  County. 

In  the  meantime,  in  1866,  Mr.  Walters  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres  of  land  in  Republic  County, 
this  State,  but  owing  to  the  unfriendly  attitude  of 
the  Indians  of  that  section,  he  withdrew  from  it. 
In  1873,  in  company  with  his  brothers,  Charles  W. 
and  Joseph  W.,  he  rented  the  farm  where  they  now 
live,  and  which  they  purchased  about  1878.  They 
have  since  prosecuted  agriculture  and  stock-raising 
very  successfully,  and  are  recognized  as  among  the 
leading  men  of  their  township.  The  home  farm 
comprises  eighty  acres.  Mr.  Walters  is  quite  prom- 
inent in  his  community,  and  for  several  years  was 
Township  Clerk,  a  position  which  he  filled  with 
credit  to  himself,  and  in  a  manner  satisfactory  to 
his  fellow-citizens.  He  has  for  several  years  been 
a  member  of  the  School  Board,  and  in  political 
matters  has  uniforml}'  given  his  support  to  the  Re- 
publican party.  He  has  been  frequently  solicited 
to  accept  the  more  important  offices,  but  invariably 
declines,  being  a  modest  man,  and  preferring  to 
give  his  time  and  attention  to  his  legitimate  busi- 
ness. With  one  exception  he  has  performed  all  the 
duties  of  a  good  citizen.  He  is  still  a  bachelor. 
Charles  W.  married  Emma  J.  Oswalt;  they  have 
four  children  living — three  sons  and  one  daughtei'. 
Joseph  W.  married  Mattie  A.  Stout;  they  have 
three  children — two  daughters  and  one  son.  All 
the  brothers  are  stanch  Republicans.  Charles  W. 
enlisted  June  14,  1864,  in  Comijany  D,  20tli  Kan- 
sas regiment;  that  was  in  the  State  service.  About 
June  28,  1864,  he  enlisted  in  the  17th  regiment, 
rendezvoused  at  Fort  Leavenworth.  Owing  to  a 
misunderstanding  between  the  Government  officers 
and  the  Adjutant-General  of  Kansas,  the  men  from 
Jackson  County  wei'e  sent  home,  immediately  after 
which  Mr.  Walters  rejoined  the  20tli  regiment,  and 
served  until  the  regiment  was  disbanded,  Oct.  30, 
1864.     He  participated  in  the  Price   raid  at  West- 



port  and  Little  Blue,  now  in  the  suburbs  of  Kansas 
City,  Mo.  Ciiailes  W.  is  now  a  member  of  Robert 
Hale  Post,  No.  328,  G.  A.  R.,at  Blue  Rapids,  Kan. 
The  other  brother,  Joseph  W.,  was  for  a  time  a 
member  of  the  Kansas  National  Guards,  and  was 
discharged  Dec.  31,  1888,  with  the  rank  of  Second 

BRICE,  editor  of  the  Blue  Rapids 
IS  been  a  resident  of  that  place  for 
l^rrz^  twelve  years  past.  He  is  a  native  of  Eng- 
land, born  in  Nottingham,  April  24,  1842.  He 
learned  the  trade  of  a  printer  in  his  native  laud, 
and  in  1861,  in  consequence  of  ill  liealtli  made  a 
trip  to  the  United  States  on  a  visit.  Liking  the 
country,  after  a  short  sojourn  he  determined  to 
make  this  his  home.  He  entered  the  Union  army 
in  1862  in  the  Soth  Ohio  Infantry,  and  after  leav- 
ing the  service  made  Chicago  his  home,  and  was 
living  there  at  the  time  of  the  great  fire,  being 
connected  with  a  newspaper.  Tliis  establishment 
being  burned  out  and  Mr.  Brice  not  being  in  vigor- 
ous health,  he  determined  to  tr^'  out-door  life,  and 
bought  a  farm  in  Lorain  County,  Ohio,  on  which 
he  staid  two  years,  then  selling  out  and  making  a 
visit  to  his  native  land.  Returning  after  a  few 
months'  absence  he  came  to  Kansas  and  entered 
into  partnership  with  C.  E.  Tibbitts,  founder  and 
proprietor  of  the  Blue  Rapids  Times,  the  connec- 
tion continuing  for  one  year,  when  Mr.  Brice  be- 
came sole  proprietor  of  the  ofHce,  and  remained  so 
until  Jan.  1,  1888.  when  he  entered  into  partner- 
ship with  Edward  Skinner,  the  iirm  being  Brice  ife 

Our  subject  is  a  member  of  the  Knights  of  Honor, 
and  of  Robert  Hale  Post,  No.  328,  G.  A.  R.  of 
Blue  Rapids.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  City 
Council  in  Blue  Rapids,  and  in  1889  was  elected 
Mayor  of  that  city.  He  and  his  wife  are  members 
of  the  Congregational  Church. 

The  Blue  Rapids  Times  was  established  by  C.  E. 
Tibbitts  in  1871.  on  the  laying  out  of  that  city  by 
the  "Genesee  Colony."  He  was  its  owner  until  Mr. 
Brice  bought  into  it,  as  already  stated,  in  1877. 
The   paper  is  Republican  in   politics,  but  not  vio- 

lently partisan.  It  is  a  "clean"  paper,  edited  with- 
out anj-  attempt  at  sensationalism,  or  catering  to 
the  instincts  of  a  certain  class  of  readers,  and  is 
therefore  held  in  high  esteem  in  the  intelligent 
community  where  it  is  published.  The  office  is 
well  stocked  with  every  facility  .-ind  convenience 
for  business.  The  presses  are  run  by  steam,  and 
the  qualitj-  of  the  job  work  thrown  out  is  equal  to 
that  done  in  the  large  cities.  The  paper  is  one  of 
the  best  published  in  Northern  Kansas,  and  is  en- 
tirely printed  at  liome,  and  the  favor  with  which 
it  is  received  shows  that  the  efforts  of  the  editors 
to  make  a  first-class  family  paper  are  appreciated 
b}'  their  constituents,  their  circulation  constantlj- 



iiHOMAS  CORPSTEIN.  As  a  rule  the  men 
who  have  been  most  successful  in  life,  are 
those  who  were  at  an  early  age  thrown  upon 
their  own  resources  and  obliged  to  look  out  for 
themselves.  Tiie  career  of  the  subject  of  this  no- 
tice is  an  admirable  illustration  of  what  a  man  may 
accomplish  by  persevering  industry  and  frugality. 
The  German  element  all  over  the  West  is  composed 
of  such  men,  and  to  them  the  great  commonwealth 
of  Kansas  is  largely  indebted  for  her  present  pros- 

The  early  home  of  Mr.  Corpstein  was  on  the 
other  side  of  the  Atlantic,  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of 
Luxemburg,  Germany,  where  he  was  born  Dec.  21, 
1836.  His  parents,  Joseph  and  Catherine  (Hoschett) 
Corpstein,  were  likewise  of  German  birth  and  an- 
cestry, and  when  Tliomas  was  a  lad  of  six  years  he 
was  placed  in  school,  and  in  accordance  with  the 
laws  and  customs  of  his  native  land  continued  there 
until  fourteen  years  old.  After  coming  to  Amer- 
ica he  learned  to  read  and  write  in  English,  mostly 
through  his  own  efforts.  This,  however,  was  after 
becoming  a  man  grown,  as  he  emigrated  to  America 
in  1857,  when  having  nearly  attained  his  majority. 

The  voyage  to  the  United  States  was  accom- 
plished on  a  sailing-vessel  bound  from  Antwerp  to 
New  York  City,  where  it  landed  forty  days  from 
tlie   time   of   starting.     From  the  metropolis  Mr. 



C'orpstein  made  his  way  to  Brown  County,  III.,  and 
resided  in  that  locality  five  years,  working-  mostly 
on  a  farm.  He  then  determined  to  see  something 
more  of  the  Great  West,  and  accordingly  started 
for  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  for  eighteen  months 
thereafter  was  engaged  in  mining.  Having  done 
fairly  well  financially,  and  being  desirous  of  look- 
ing upon  the  old  faces  on  the  other  side  of  the 
water,  he  visited  his  native  land,  remaining  there 
over  two  years. 

Upon  returning  to  America,  Mr.  Corpstein  re- 
sided for  a  brief  time  in  .Illinois,  then  went  again 
to  Iowa,  and  thence  emigrated  to  Minnesota.  Later 
we  find  him  in  Missouri,  where  he  staid  two  years. 
He  has  thus  seen  a  goodlj'  portion  of  the  Western 
countrj-.  He  came  to  this  county  in  1872,  and  as 
he  has  since  made  his  residence  within  its  limits  it  is 
fair  to  suppose  that  he  is  better  suited  with  this 
regiou  than  anj'  which  he  has  yet  seen. 

Mr.  Corpstein  upon  coming  to  this  county  re- 
sided for  a  short  time  in  Waterville,  then  rented 
a  farm  in  Waterville  Township,  which  be  operated 
for  a  number  of  years.  Then,  in  1880,  he  located 
upon  his  present  homestead,  which  is  120  acres  in 
extent,  and  which  was  then  comparatively  destitute 
of  improvements.  He  has  thus  done  much  pioneer 
labor,  but  in  looking  upon  his  fertile  fields  and  the 
comforts  which  surround  him  he  feels  amply  repaid 
for  his  toil  and  sacrifices.  This  year,  1889,  he  has 
built  a  handsome  new  home  for  himself  and  family. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Anna 
Catharine  Behm  took  place  in  Maryville,  Nodawa}' 
Co.,  Mo.,  April  13,  1871.  This  lady  was  born  in 
Wisconsin,  Sept.  5,  1850,  and  is  the  daughter  of 
Frank  and  Gertrude  Behm,the  latter  of  whom  is  now 
deceased.  Both  parents  were  natives  of  Luxemberg, 
German}',  whence  they  emigrated  to  America  in 
1848.  They  lived  in  New  York  City  about  two 
years,  then  removed  to  Wisconsin,  where  they  re- 
sided eight  years.  From  there  they  went  down  into 
Missouri,  and  later,  in  1877,  came  to  this  county, 
of  which  thej'  are  now  residents.  Their  family 
consisted  of  seven  children,  five  of  whom  are  liv- 
ing, viz:  Anna  Catharine,  Mrs.  Corpstein;  Annie, 
Peter,  Lena  and  Louisa. 

Politically,  Mr.  Corpstein  is  identified  with  the 
Democratic    part)-.     Both    he    and    his    excellent 

wife  were  reared  in  the  doctrines  of  the  German 
Catholic  Church.,  to  which  they  still  loyally  adhere. 
They  make  no  pretensions  to  elegance  in  their  style 
of  living,  but  have  an  abundance  to  oat,  drink  and 
wear,  and  have  laid  up  something  for  a  rainy  day. 
We  take  pleasure  in  drawing  the  attention  of  our 
many  readers  to  a  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  old 
homestead  and  the  new  residence  of  Mr,  Corpstein, 
and  the  farm,  on  another  page  of  this  volume. 

EORGE  T.  SMITH,  editor  and  proprietor 
of  the  Marshall  County  Neivs,  of  whom  we 
"^^^  now  pi-esent  a  brief  sketch,  was  born  in 
Armstrong  County,  Pa.,  June  13.  1853,  and  spent 
his  boyhood  days  on  his  father's  farm.  His  edu- 
cation was  received  in  the  common  schools  of  the 
county  and  in  the  Elders'  Ridge  Academy.  After 
leaving  the  academy  he  taught  school  during  the 
winter  seasons,  passing  his  summers  on  the  farm, 
until  1874.  In  that  year  he  came  to  Marshall 
County,  Kan.,  stopping  on  the  Vermillion,  where 
he  engaged  for  a  few  months  in  farming;  later  in 
the  fall  he  found  his  way  to  Marysville,  and  soon 
accepted  a  position  in  the  County  Treasurer's  office 
as  Deputy,  where  he  remained  for  four  and  one-half 
jears.  He  also  served  as  Deputy  in  the  County 
Clerk's  office  for  two  years. 

Jan.  1,  1881,  Mr.  Smith  bought  an  interest  in 
the  Marshall  County  Aeivs  with  C'.  E.  Tibbetts,  its 
publication  being  continued  under  the  firm  name 
of  Tibbetts  &  Smith  for  one  year,  when  the  latter 
purchased  his  partner's  interest,  and  has  been  sole 
proprietor  ever  since.  The  Marysville  Locomotive, 
founded  by  P.  H.  Peters,  was  merged  into  the 
Marshall  County  News  in  1870  by  Hughes  &  Mc- 
Chesney,  the  latter  retaining  an  interest  but  a  brief 
time.  For  the  last  ten  years  it  has  been  the  prin- 
cipal Republican  paper  of  the  county. 

In  August,  1877,  Mr.  Stnith  was  united  in  mar- 
riage to  Miss  Kate  L.  Allen,  of  Clear  Fork  Town- 
ship, this  county.  Their  union  has  been  blessed 
by  the  birth  of  four  children,  all  of  whom  are  still 
living — Ora  Allen,  Robert  S.,  Veda  and  Ena. 
Bliss  Allen,  the  wife  of   Mr.   Smith,   was   born   in 



Aledo,  Mercer  Co.,  Ill,  Aug.  1,  1858,  aiid  is 
the  daughter  of  O.  C.  Allen.  [For  his  biography 
see  sketch  elsewhere.  For  a  sketch  of  Robert 
Smith,  father  of  George  T.  Smith,  see  sketch  of 
W.  H.  Smith  on  another  page  in  this  Album].  A1- 
tliough  Mr.  Smith  is  not  an  office-seeking  politi- 
ei'in,  he  has  been  an  active  Republican  worker, 
and  used  the  influence  of  his  paper  for  the  advance- 
ment of  the  principles  of  that  party.  Mr.  Smith 
was  appointed  Postmaster  in  September,  1889,  and 
took  possession  of  the  office  Oct.  1,  the  same  year. 

vfp^i/RED  W.  STOHS.  Among  the  prosperous 
[i^gi  German  residents  of  Marshall  Count}',  the 
^  gentleman  with  whose  name  we  preface  this 

sketch,  as  representing  the  worth  and  thrift  of  his 
native  land  and  the  money-making  capabilities  of 
his  adopted  country,  is  worthy  of  considerable 
mention  in  a  volume  of  this  character. 

A  native  of  the  Province  of  Pomerania,  Ger- 
many, our  subject  was  born  April  12,  1849,  and 
was  educated  there  under  the  law  of  compulsory 
education.  Thus  he  was  fitted  to  cope  with  the 
world  by  a  thorough  training  in  ^'outh,  and  was 
also  skilled  in  farm  labor,  as  in  the  intervals  of 
school  life  he  was  no  idler  among  the  busy  throngs 
of  laborers. 

As  he  was  emerging  from  youtli  into  the  pride 
of  manhood,  our  subject  came,  in  1867,  to  the 
United  States  with  his  parents,  John  and  Caroline 
(Kat)  Stohs.  The}'  took  passage  from  the  port  of 
Bremen  in  the  sailing  vessel  "  Republic,"  on  the  3d 
of  May,  1867,  and  in  June,  after  a  voyage  of  five 
weeks,  the  sliip  was  anchored  in  New  York  harbor. 
Reaching  tliat  city  penniless  and  without  friends, 
the  promised  land  of  plent}'  seemed  to  recede 
further  into  the  boundless  realm  of  the  future,  as 
they  beheld  all  around  them  happy  homes  and 
cheerful  faces,  themselves  friendless  and  homeless. 
Unable  to  proceed  fnrther  on  their  journey,  they 
staid  on  Ward's  Island  for  sis  weeks,  until  they 
received  funds  from  a  brother-in-law,  Fred  Minge, 
which  sufficed  to  pay  their  railroad  fare  to  Chicago, 
but  left  them    $100  .in    debl.     This   amount   had 

been  sent  some  time  previous  to  its  reception,  but 
was  delayed  a  week  en  route.  Coming  immediately 
to  Cook  County,  111.,  the  father  and  sons  went  to 
work  to  make  monej',  first  to  discharge  the  indebt- 
edness and  afterward  to  lay  the  foundation  of  a 
home.  On  the  8th  of  July,  1868,  the  father  became 
overheated  in  the  f3eld  while  at  work,  and  died  from 
sunstroke  within  an  hour  after  his  first  seizure. 
Thereafter  for  a  period  of  two  years  our  subject 
and  his  brothers  worked  as  farm  laborers  until  they 
had  earned  sufficient  funds  to  enable  them  to  come 
to  Kansas. 

In  1870  Mr.  Stohs  removed  to  Kansas,  taking 
up  a  homestead  of  eighty  acres  and  working  on  the 
railroad  to  make  the  money  wherewith  he  might 
improve  the  claim.  While  he  was  thus  engaged, 
another  man  "jumped  the  claim."  and  our  subject 
lost  his  first  claim.  In  August,  1871,  he  engaged 
as  a  farm  laborer  with  Herman  Lutjemeier,  and 
continued  with  him  until  the  death  of  the  emploj-er 
in  1876. 

Mr.  Stohs  has  been  for  more  than  ten  years 
the  husband  of  a  ladj^  universally  esteemed  and 
possessed  of  great  amiability  and  sweetness  of  dis- 
position and  character.  Her  maiden  name  was 
Sophia  Lutjemeier,  and  she  is  the  daughter  of  Mr. 
Stohs'  former  employer.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stohs 
were  united  in  marriage  Feb.  20,  1879,  and  soon 
after  this  important  event  our  subject  began  to  im- 
prove the  farm  left  by  his  father-in-law.  The}' 
have  a  pleasant,  commodious  rural  home,  a  view  of 
which  is  presented  on  another  page  of  this  work; 
he  also  has  a  large,  conveniently-arranged  barn,  all 
fitted  out  with  reference  to  storage  of  grain  and 
shelter  of  stock.  Besides  these,  there  are  other 
buildings  essential  to  the  proper  conducting  of  a 
farm.  The  farm  comprises  320  .acres,  in  which  the 
mother-in-law  has  a  dower.  Mr.  Stohs  has  another 
farm  of  200  acres,  and  151  acres  of  land  in  Logan 
Townsiiip;  also  160  acres  on  section  29,  which  he 
purchased  prior  to  his  marriage.  All  this  land  has 
been  accumiilated  by  unremitting  labor  and  earnest 
efforts,  when  others,  more  indolent  and  less  ambi- 
tious, "  slumbered  and  slept."  Nor  has  he  been 
selfish  in  his  interests,  for  he  takes  an  active  part 
iu  all  affairs  conducive  to  public  welfare,  and  is 
recognized  as  a  man  of  sterling  worth  and   in£eg- 

Res.  OF  LuDWiG  Merklinghau5,5ec.1.  Balderson  Township. 




rity.  His  felJow-eitizens  are  cognizant  of  his 
worth,  and  have  shown  tiieir  esteem  for  him  by 
bestowing  upon  him  tlie  office  of  Justice  of  the 
Peace  of  Herkimer  Township.  He  was  elected  in 
the  spring  of  1889,  and  is  therefore  serving  at  the 
present  writing. 

The  mother  of  our  subject,  witii  whom  he  crossed 
tlie  ocean,  has  again  married,  her  hnsb.and  being 
Henry  Dirking,  and  they  are  residents  of  Logan 
Township,  this  county. 

In  the  happy  home  of  our  subject,  and  clustered 
around  the  winter  fireside  or  playing  in  lively 
groups  during  summer  days,  are  five  children,  who 
are  named  respectively-:  Augusta,  Minnie,  Adolph, 
Frederick  and  Herman.  These  children  are  bright 
and  active,  full  of  fun  and  frolic,  the  idols  of  their 
home  and  loved  by  their  playmates.  They  are 
receiving  good  educations,  and  are  being  prepared 
forwliatever  station  in  life  they  maj'  be  called  upon 
to  occupy.  Mr.  Stohs  and  wife  are  prominent  and 
consistent  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  in 
which  faith  they  were  reared  by  their  parents,  who 
were  also  associated  with  that  denomination.  Liv- 
ing as  consistent  Christians  and  active  laborers  in 
the  vineyard,  our  subject  and  his  wife  are  now  in 
the  prime  of  an  existence  devoted  to  the  best  in- 
terests of  their  township  and  county,  aud  by  their 
upright  lives  iiave  added  to  the  reputation  of 
Marshall  County,  and  gained  an  enviable  character 
as  worthy  members  of  the  community. 

Mr.  Stohs  is,  and  always  has  been,  a  stanch  sup- 
porter of  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party, 
and  is  a  man  whose  counsel  is  sought  in  the  Interest 
of  his  party  in  this  part  of  the  .State. 

•'WW  v»ta££/®~5g-» 

|-»*^NSJ/OT2r»\~ -\/\«^ 

b~       UDWIG 
,  most  su 

UDWIG  MERKLINGHAUS,  one  of  the 
substantial  young  German  farmers  of 
son  Township,  was  the  first  postmaster 
appointed  for  the  new  post-office  of  Stolzenbach, 
and  Is  the  owner  of  a  fine  farm,  pleasantly  situated 
on  section  1.  He  has  a  good  stone  dwelling,  which 
is  represented  by  a  view  on  another  page,  within 
which  is  a  nice  little  family;  so  far  in  life  his  lines 
seem  to  have  fallen  in   pleasant  places.     He  is  the 

offspring  of  excellent  German  ancestry  and  was 
born  in  Prussia,  Oct.  2,  1853,  where  he  spent  the 
earlier  years  of  his  life  and  obtained  the  rudiments 
of  a  good  practical  education. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Peter  and  Annie 
(Schoneshofer)  Merklinghaus,  likewise  natives  of 
Prussia,  where  they  were  reared  and  m.arrled,  June 
14,  1844.  In  1865  they  emigrated  to  America  and 
established  themselves  in  LaSalle  County,  111.,  where 
they  sojourned  three  years.  At  the  expiration  of 
this  time  they  cros-sed  the  Mississippi  and  came  to 
this  county,  of  which  they  have  since  been  residents, 
the  father  being  now  seventy-one  years  old  and 
the  mother  sixtj'-four.  Of  the  four  ciiildren  born 
to  them  only  two  are  living — Ludwig  and  John. 

Our  subject  was  reared  to  farm  pursuits  from 
boyhood.  He  came  to  Kansas  with  his  parents, 
arriving  here  March  13,  1869,  and  settling  on  the 
present  homestead  of  our  subject,  which  had  been 
purchased  from  the  Government.  It  was  near  the 
Otoe  Indian  Reservation,  and  of  which  the  Indians 
were  then  in  possession,  and  where  they  remained 
for  ten  years  thereafter.  The  agency  was  located 
two  miles  west. 

]Mr.  Merklinghaus  remained  under  the  parental 
roof  until  his  marriage,  which  occurred  Jan.  25, 
1880,  the  maiden  of  his  choice  Ijeing  Miss  Lydia 
Wolfgang.  She  is  a  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Sarah 
(Schwartz)  Wolfgang,  who  were  natives  of  Penn- 
sylvania, and  who  are  now  living  three  miles  south- 
east of  Beattie.  They  are  the  parents  of  eight 
children,  of  whom  Mrs.  Merklinghaus  was  the  sixth 
in  order  of  birth.  She  was  born  in  Pennsylvania 
Sept.  8,  1861,  and  remained  a  member  of  the  par- 
ental household  until  her  marriage.  Of  this  union 
there  have  been  born  two  little  girls,  Minnie  and 
Emma.  Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  regular  at- 
tendants of  the  German  Evangelical  Church.  Mr. 
Merlinghaus  has  been  Treasurer  of  the  School 
Board  four  years  and  held  the  office  of  Postmaster 
the  same  length  of  time.  He  keeps  himself  well 
posted  upon  political  affairs  and  except  in  the  local 
elections,  votes  with  the  Republican  party.  His 
farm  embraces  160  acres  of  land,  ninety  of  which 
are  devoted  to  grain  and  other  produce,  while  the 
balance  lies  in  pasture.  A  goodly  number  of 
horses,  cattle  aud  swine  are  kept  upon  the  place. 



The  father  of  our  subject  served  two  years  in 
the  28th  lufantrj'  of  the  Prussian  Army.  One  of 
the  much-prized  family  relics  is  a  copy  of  the 
Goldeu  Bible,  presented  by  King  Frederick  III.  of 
Prussia,  to  the  maternal  grandfather  of  our  subject 
at  his  Golden  "Wedding,  celebrated  in  the  Evangel- 
ical Church  in  Seelscheid,  Germany,  June  12,  1857. 

THOMAS  BARRETT.  He  who  has  been  for- 
tunate in  so  directing  his  course  in  life  as 
to  o-ain  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his 
fellow-men,  and  who  has  been  endowed  by  nature 
with  those  qualities  which  have  enabled  him,  by 
the  exercise  of  thrift  and  industry,  to  gain  a  com- 
petence for  his  declining  years,  living  honestly  and 
uprightly  through  all,  is  worthy  of  more  than  a 
passing  notice.  It  is  such  men  as  these  that  the 
biographer  of  Marshall  County  has  sought  to  se- 
lect in  representing  its  best  elements  and  perpetu- 
ating the  names  and  deeds  of  those  who  have  been 
instrumental  in  its  growth  and  development.  Mr. 
Barrett  was  pointed  out  as  one  of  these  eminent 
characters  whose  name  it  is  desirable  to  hand  down 
to  future  generations. 

The  possession  of  a  homestead  and  a  long  resi- 
dence in  one  locality,  invariably  carries  with  it  a 
dignity  and  importance  scarcely  secured  by  other 
means.  We  find  Mr.  Barrett  pleasantly  located  at 
a  well-regulated  rural  homestead,  embracing  160 
acres  of  land  on  section  30,  in  Rock  Township. 
Although  a  veteran  of  eighty  years,  he  possesses 
the  same  genial  and  comj^anionable  disposition 
which  gained  for  him  so  many  friends  during  his 
younger  manbood.  He  is  consoled  in  his  old  age 
by  the  companionship  of  one  of  the  most  estima- 
ble ladies — one  who  possesses  culture  and  refine- 
ment, and  whose  best  thoughts  are  given  to  her 
home  and  her  family.  Their  hospitable  roof  is 
frequently  the  resort  of  hosts  of  friends,  who  are 
accorded  that  hearty  welcome  which  is  so  pleasant 
to  meet. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Cadiz, 
Harrison  Co.,  Ohio,  on  the  1 1th  of  December,  1809, 
and  distinctly  remembers  many  of  the  incidents  con- 

nected with  the  War  of  1812,  which  occurred  when 
he  was  a  lad  three  years  of  age.  He  grew  up  on 
the  frontier  at  a  time  when  wild  game  was  plen- 
tiful, and  at  an  early  age  was  set  to  work  as- 
sisting his  fatlier  in  building  up  the  homestead. 
His  early  studies  were  pursued  in  the  primitive  log 
school  house,  embracing  a  few  weeks  attendance 
during  the  winter  season  of  each  year.  He  remained 
at  home  until  a  man  of  twenty-five  years,  when  he 
was  married  and  began  life  for  himself  on  a  rented 
farm.  He  thus  operated  for  a  period  of  twelve 
j-eais  in  different  parts  of  the  countj',  paying  out 
during  that  time  the  sum  of  $3,000  in  rent  alone. 

In  the  meantime  our  subject  had  become  promi- 
nent in  the  affairs  of  his  native  county,  and  one  of 
its  most  esteemed  citizens.  He  was  now  aijpointed 
Superintendent  of  the  Countj-  Infirmary,  which 
position  he  held  for  a  period  of  seven  years.  He 
then  operated  a  rented  farm  one  year,  and  in  the 
spring  of  1857  decided  to  seek  his  fortune  in  the 
farther  West.  After  his  arrival  in  Iowa,  he  pro- 
ceeded b}'  boat  down  the  Mississppi  to  Keokuk, 
where,  prior  to  this  time,  he  had  purch.asod  IGO 
acres  of  land  near  Newton,  Jasper  Count}'.  He 
now  located  upon  this  and  commenced  making  im- 
provements. He  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of 
that  region,  but  the  climate  appearing  too  severe, 
although  the  country  was  in  other  wa3'S  very  desir- 
able, he,  in  the  spring  of  1865,  sold  out  and  started 
overland  by  team  for  Kansas. 

After  a  journey  of  three  weeks  with  horses  and 
oxen  and  driving  some  cattle  besides,  our  subject 
with  his  family  crossed  the  Missouri  River  at  Ne- 
braska City,  on  a  steam  ferry.  Thence  he  came  to 
this  county  and  purchased  eighty  acres  of  land  in 
Vermillion  Township,  one  and  one-half  miles 
from  the  present  site  of  Frankfort.  He  commenced 
the  improvement  of  his  purchase,  but  lived  there 
onlj'  one  year,  then  sold  out  to  his  brother,  and  pur- 
chased 240  acres  of  wild  land  east  of  Frankfort. 
This  also  he  onlj'  occupied  one  year  and  after  the 
railroad  was  surveyed  through  the  place,  sold  out, 
and  in  the  spring  of  1868  changed  his  residence  to 
what  was  then  Vermillion,  but  now  Rock  Town- 
ship. His  land  laj'  along  the  banks  of  Vermillion 
Creek,  and  he  proceeded  to  cultivate  the  soil,  set 
out  forest  and  fruit  trees,  build    a  house,  barn  and 



other  needed  structnres,fiiid  now  has  one  of  the  most 
desirable  farms  in  this  part  of  the  county.  His 
land  is  largely  devoted  to  the  raising  of  grain  and 
stock,  to  wliicii  it  is  admirably  adapted  and  is  now 
carried  on  by  a  son,  Uriah,  who  possesses  much  of 
the  enterprise  and  ability  of  his  honored  sire. 

In  Cadiz,  Ohio,  Mr.  Barrett  was  married  Jan. 
22,  1835,  to  Miss  Susannah,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Parry.  Mr.  Parry  was  born  in  Virginia  and  is  the 
son  of  Llewellyn  Parry,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania, 
and  of  Welsh  descent.  He  farmed  in  the  Keystone 
State  during  his  early  manhood,  then  removed  to 
Virginia  and  finally  to  Ohio,  and  from  Ohio  to 
Indiana,  where  he  died.  Thomas  accompanied  the 
family  to  the  Buckej'e  State  and  followed  carpen- 
tering in  Cadiz,  operating  likewise  as  a  contractor 
and  builder.  He  also  owned  a  farm  upon  which  he 
lived  three  j'ears,  then  sold  out  and  removing  to 
Huntington  County,  Ind.,  entered  320  acres  upon 
which  he  labored  until  his  death. 

The  mother  of  Airs.  Barrett  was,  in  her  girlhood. 
Miss  Sarah  Chew.  She  was  born  in  Virginia,  which 
was  likewise  the  native  State  of  her  father,  AVill- 
iam  Chew,  who  emigrated  to  Ohio  and  settled  near 
the  present  site  of  Cadiz,  during  the  pioneer  days, 
lie  prosecuted  farming  there  for  a  time,  then  sell- 
ing out  removed  to  Richland  County,  where  he 
opened  up  a  farm  and  spent  his  last  days.  He  was 
of  Welsh  descent.  Mrs.  Parry  after  the  death  of 
her  husband,  made  her  home  with  our  subject,  un- 
til her  death  which  occurred  in  August,  1879,  after 
she  had  reached  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-five 
years.  She  was  one  of  the  tj'pical  wives  and 
mothers  of  the  olden  times,  and  a  conscientious 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

Mrs.  Barrett  was  the  eldest  child  of  her  parents, 
whose  famil}'  consisted  of  one  daughter  and  six 
sons:  John  is  a  resident  of  Lucas,  Ohio;  William 
is  deceased;  James  continues  a  resident  of  the 
Buckeye  State;  Alfred  sojourns  in  this  county; 
Anion  is  in  Ohio,  and  Llewellyn  in  Nebraska.  Mrs. 
Barrett  was,  like  her  husband,  born  in  Cadiz,  Ohio, 
Jan.  29,  1817,  and  lived  in  the  town  until  fourteen 
years  old.  Her  parents  then  removed  to  a  farm, 
and  she  continued  under  the  home  roof  until  her 
marriage.  She  has  been  the  faithful  and  devoted 
companion  of  her  husband  for  over  fifty  years,  the 

anniversary  of  the  golden  wedding  occurring  in 
1884,  and  which  was  celebrated  with  due  ceremony. 
The  eight  children  born  of  their  union  were  named 
respectively:  William,  Uriah,  Sarah,  James,  David, 
Albert,  Emily,  Elizabeth.  Uriah  during  the  Civil 
War  enlisted  in  Company  I,  10th  Iowa  Infantry  in 
the  fall  of  18G1,  and  served  three  years,  participat- 
ing in  all  the  battles  in  which  his  regiment  was  en- 
gaged, and  aside  from  the  hardships  and  privations 
incident  to  life  in  the  army,  escaped  unharmed. 
He  makes  a  first-class  farmer  and  a  highly  re- 
spected citizen.  James  now  (September,  1889) 
makes  his  headquarters  at  Callaway,  Neb.  Emily  is 
the  wife  of  Harvey  Fry,  who  has  secured  320  acres 
of  land  in  Oklahoma,  and  they  are  at  present  so- 
journing there. 

David  Barrett,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Chester  County,  Pa.,  in  1780.  The  pater- 
nal grandfather,  Arthur  Barrett,  likewise  a  native 
of  that  county,  learned  the  trade  of  a  weaver  du- 
ring his  younger  days,  but  later  removed  to  Fred- 
erick County,  Va.,  and  located  upon  a  farm, 
although  he  worked  at  his  trade  as  the  opportunity 
occurred.  From  the  Old  Dominon  after  a  few 
years  he  emigrated  to  Harrison  County,  Ohio,  in 
the  spring  of  1803,  and  selecting  a  section  of  land 
five  miles  from  the  present  site  of  Cadiz,  established 
himself  there  for  the  remainder  of  his  days.  He 
was  prospered  and  accumulated  a  good  property  ; 
in  religious  belief  he  was  a  Quaker.  Tiie  great- 
grandfather of  our  subject  was  Ralph  Barrett,  a  na- 
tive of  England,  who  crossed  the  Atlantic  during 
the  Colonial  daj^s. 

The  father  of  our  subject  removed  with  the  fam- 
ily from  Virginia  to  Ohio,  in  1803,  and  thereafter 
assisted  in  the  cultivation  of  the  land  belonging  to 
his  father.  In  due  time  he  became  owner  of  160 
acres,  upon  which  he  put  up  a  log  house,  which 
was  finally  succeeded  by  other  and  better  buildings, 
and  there  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life,  dying 
at  the  age  of  sixty-five  years.  He  was  reared  in 
the  doctrines  of  the  Quaker  faith,  to  which  he 
strongly  adhered.  He  married  Miss  Winnifred 
Kirby,  a  native  of  Carroll,  Md.,  and  the  daughter 
of  John  Kirby,  a  native  of  Ireland.  The  latter 
married  Miss  Winnifred  Carroll,  a  native  of  his 
own  country,  and  after  coming  to  the  United  States 



they  loeaterl  first  at  Carroll's  Manor,  Md.  Later 
they  removed  to  Pennsylvania,  where  Grandfather 
Kirb3'  died.  The  grandmother  subsequentlj- 
removed  to  Ohio,and  died  there  about  1818  at  the 
age  of  eighty-one  years;  they  were  Catholics  in 
religous  belief. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born 
eleven  children,  of  whom  William,  Elizabeth,  L'riali 
and  David  are  deceased.  The  survivors  are  Thomas, 
our  subject;  Albert  G.,  a  resident  of  Barrett;  Sa- 
rah, Mrs.  Allen,  of  Ohio;  Ruth,  living  in  Vermill- 
ion Township;  Winnifred,  Mrs.  Walker,  a  resident 
of  Rock  Township;  Joseph,  who  is  farming  in 
Clear  Fork  Township,  and  John  who  sojourns  in 
Centre  Township.  Mr.  Barrett  voted  for  William 
H.  Harrison  in  1840,  and  has  cast  his  ballot  everj- 
four  years  since  that  time.  He  was  in  former 
years  a  Republican  but  his  sympathies  are  now  with 
the  Union  Labor  party.  He  has  been  an  active 
worker  in  educational  matters  in  his  township,  and 
has  served  as  School  Director  for  many  years,  and 
Road  Supervisor. 


^  OSEPH  C.  RODKEY,  a  representative  farmer 
and  stockman  of  Blue  Rapids  City  Township, 
owns  and  occupies  a  valuable  farm,  compris- 
^Ml  iug  about  380  acres  on  sections  34,  35  and 
26.  It  is  all  under  excellent  cultivation,  and  sup- 
plied with  adequate  and  substantial  buildings.  Mr. 
Rodkey  is  a  native  of  Huntingdon  County,  Pa., 
born  Sept.  2,  1828.  He  was  the  son  of  John  and 
Esther  Rodkey,  the  former  a  native  of  Maryland, 
and  the  latter  probably  born  in  Pennsylvania.  He 
is  the  tenth  child  in  a  familj^  of  eleven  children, 
of  whom  the  following  survive:  Jacob,  now  living 
in  Wichita,  Kan.;  Susan,  the  widow  of  Michael 
Thompson,  of  Andrew  County,  Mo.;  Samuel  lives 
in  Indiana;  Margaret,  wife  of  Mr.  Rushing,  in 
Wichita,  Kan.;  and  our  subject. 

John  Rodkey  died  when  his  son  Joseph  was  quite 
j'Oung,  and  a  short  time  afterward  his  widow  re- 
moved with  her  children  to  Miami  County,  Ohio. 
There  our  subject  grew  to  manhood,  being  reared 
upon  a  farm,  and  receiving  but  limited  educational 

advantages.  His  schooling  consisted  mostly  of 
what  he  could  obtain  during  three  winter  months, 
and  he  could  not  attend  regularl}^  even  during  this 
time.  Mr.  Rodkey  has  been  all  his  life  a  reader, 
and  aimed  to  keep  himself  well  posted  on  general 
topics.  He  is  a  well  informed  man,  and  self-edu- 
cated to  a  large  extent. 

In  Ohio,  May  13,  1849,  he  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Frances  Dohner,  a  native  of  Pennsylva- 
nia, and  a  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Long) 
Doiiner.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rodkey  have  been  born 
ten  children,  seven  of  whom  are  now  living:  John 
resides  in  Rooks  County,  Kan.;  Esther,  the  wife  of 
John  W^ilson;  they  live  in  Whitley  County.  Ind. 
X'la3'ton  lives  in  this  county;  Lincoln  also  lives  in 
this  county  ;  Anna,  the  wife  of  John  Koutz,  in  Smith 
County,  this  State ;  Lucinda  J.,  the  wife  of  George 
Layton,  of  this  county;  and  Grant,  still  under  the 
parental  roof.  Lodiska  became  the  wife  of  C.  Bar- 
rett, and  after  his  death  she  married  Charles 
Knowlton ;  she  died  in  the  fall  of  1883.  Florence 
grew  to  womanhood,  and  died  aged  twenty,  in  the 
spring  of  1881;  Davis  was  the  fourth  child,  and 
died  at  the  age  of  seventeen  months.  After  his 
marriage,  Mr.  Rodkey  resided  for  a  short  time  in 
Ohio,  whence  he  removed  to  Huntington  County, 
Ind.,  being  a  pioneer  there.  He  settled  in  the 
woods,  and  cut  the  first  stick  of  timber  on  his 
place  for  clearing  purposes.  Like  most  pioneers 
he  had  many  hardships  and  privations  to  endure. 
In  the  fall  of  1880,  he  removed  with  his  family  to 
this  councy,  and  settled  upon  the  land  where  he 
still  resides. 

During  his  residence  in  Indiana,  Mr.  Rodkey 
was  strongly  identified  with  the  support  of  the 
schools,  and  officiated  on  the  School  Board.  His 
children  are  quite  well  educated,  and  a  number  of 
them  have  been  engaged  in  the  profession  of  teach- 
ing. He  is  a  Republican  in  politics.  Both  he  and 
his  wife  are  members  of  the  L'niversalist  Church, 
and  active  participants  in  all  enterprises  which  have 
for  their  object  the  elevation  of  society.  He  is  a 
public-spirited  citizen,  favoring  and  supporting  all 
enterprises  which  tend  to  advance  the  interests  of 
the  vicinit3'.  When  he  started  out  after  his  mar- 
riage, he  and  his  wife  together  hadahout$750,  and 
some   j'e&rs    later    together    they  inherited    about 



$1,800  more.  He  may  well  be  considered  a  self- 
made  man,  and  may  justly  rejoice  in  the  success 
wliich  has  attended  his  efforts.  Though  past  the 
[uiaie  of  life  in  j-ears,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Rodkey  are 
still  capable  of  an  active  participation  in  its  labors 
and  jjleasiires,  and  are  enjoying  the  fruits  of  a  life 
spent  in  usefulness  and  well-doing.  They  have 
many  friends  who  esteem  them  very  highly,  and 
they  gain  the  respect  of  all  who  know  them. 

^1  LDUS  SHARP,  proprietor  of  the  Arling- 
^Oj    ton  Hotel,    at  Blue   Rapids,    has    lived    in 

M  Ifi  Kansas  since  1 867,  when  with  his  brothers, 
^jj  Joseph  and  AVilliam,    he  came  to  Jackson 

County,  from  Pennsylvania.  He  was  born  in  Lan- 
caster County',  Pa.,  Sept.  15,  1845,  his  parents  be- 
ing William  and'Ann(Bowm.T,n)Sharp.  The  family' 
came  originally  from  Scotland,  the  great-grand- 
father of  our  subject  having  come  from  that  country 
a  great  many  years  ago,  and  settled  in  Virginia, 
where  he  was  married  and  where  his  children  were 
born.  His  son,  George,  grandfather  of  Mr.  Sharp 
liv'ed  in  Virginia  until  some  years  after  his  mar- 
riage, as  his  cliildren  were  born  tliere.  He  then  re- 
moved to  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  where  he  stayed 
for  some  years,  and  when  somewhat  advanced  in 
life  went  to  Highland  County,  Ohio,  where  his 
daughter,  Phosbe,  wife  of  Abraham  Conard,  was 
tlien  living.  In  all  of  these  places  he  worked  at 
tiie  trade  of  a  miller,  and  he  lived  to  an  old  age, 
dying  when  nearly  ninety  years  old.  His  wife  was 
Phoebe  Downing,  who  survived  him  three  or  four 
years,  and  was  about  seventy- five  years  old  when 
she  died.  Besides  the  daughter  mentioned,  thej'  had 
other  children.  Jane,  who  was  married  to  Samuel 
Thomberg  in  Ohio,  reared  a  large  family  and  is 
still  living;  Sarah,  another  daughter  married  James 
Everhart,  and  lived  in  White  County-,  Ohio;  Ellen 
married  a  Mr.  Fletcher  and  died  comparatively 
young;  Eliza  married  an  Episcopal  minister  named 
John  Boyd,  and  now  lives  in  Ohio;  Joseph  went 
to  Indiana  at  an  early  day,  and  settled  near  the 
site  of  the  present  city  of  Kokomo;  Hannah  mar- 
ried Jacob  Conklin,   and    died   near    Indianapolis, 

In  1.  Tl  c  romaining  child  was  William,  the  father 
of  our  subject. 

William  Sharp  was  born  in  Virginia,  Dec.  20, 
1813,  and  when  still  a  young  man  removed  to  Lan- 
caster County,  Pa.  In  that  county  he  was  mar- 
ried on  May  29,  1834,  to  Miss  Ann  Bowman,  and 
there  all  his  children  but  one  were  born.  Later,  he 
removed  with  his  family  near  Lexington,  Highland 
Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  lived  the  rest  of  his  life,  dying 
in  1853,  in  his  fortieth  year.  After  the  death 
of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Ann  Sharp  returned  to  Lan- 
caster Count}',  Pa.,  with  her  four  youngest  children, 
and  there  she  made  her  home  the  rest  of  her  life, 
dj'ing  at  the  age  of  forty-five.  This  worthy  couple 
had  nine  children.  The  eldest,  Josiah,  died  in  in- 
fancy; Ann  Maria  is  living  at  Blue  Rapids  with  her 
brother;  Joseph  B.  is  a  farmer  in  Highland  County, 
Ohio;  William  is  a  resident  of  Blue  Rapids.  Both 
of  these  brothers  were  in  the  Union  army  during 
the  Rebellion,  enlisting  Sept  9,  1861,  in  Com- 
pany A,  48th  Ohio  Infantrj^;  Joseph  being  dis- 
charged for  disability  in  the  spring  of  1862,  while 
William,  after  serving  three  j^ears  and  nine  months 
was  discharged  because  of  becoming  partially 
blind.  George  is  living  in  Jackson  County,  Kan.; 
p]lmira  was  the  wife  of  Lewis  Rogers  and  died  in 
Harrisburg.  Pa. ;  Aldus  was  the  next  in  order  of 
birth;  then  Lydia,  who  was  married  to  Daniel 
Longenecker  of  Lancaster  County  ;  John  was  the 
child  born  in  Highland  County,  Ohio,  and  is  now 
residing  in  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Aldus  Sharp  was  quite  young  when  he  lost 
both  his  parents,  and  he  was  brought  up  on  the 
farm  of  an  uncle.  When  sixteen  years  old  he  be- 
gan working  out,  being  employed  for  different 
persons  until  he  was  about  twenty-one  years  of  age, 
when  he  went  Ohio,  on  a  visit  to  his  brothers, 
William  and  Joseph.  A  few  months  after  the 
brothers  came  to  Kansas,  arriving  in  Jackson 
County  in  the  fall  of  1867.  There  Mr.  Sharp  and 
his  brother,  Joseph,  rented  a  farm  on  which  they 
lived  for  a  couple  of  years,  when  Joseph  went  to 
the  vicinity  of  Topeka,  where  he  took  up  a  home- 
stead. Our  subject  went  to  the  city  of  Topeka 
and  worked  for  about  a  year.  He  then  went  to 
Texas,  and  during  the  winter  worked  in  a  store, 
the  following  spring  coming  b.ick  to  Kansas  with  a 


PoUTfeAlT  ANi)  Biographical  album. 

herd  of  cattle.  For  two  or  three  years  thereafter 
he  was  engaged  in  hauling  produce  from  Jackson 
County  to  Topeka,  and  in  buying  and  selling 
stock.  Being  married  about  this  time,  he  removed 
to  Blue  Rapids,  arriving  liere  March  12,  1874. 
Here  he  built  a  barn  and  engaged  in  the  livery 
business,  carrying  that  on  for  seven  or  eight  years 
exclusively,  and  always  since  being  engaged  in  it. 
In  1882  he  rented  the  La  Belle  House,  and  for  the 
first  time  engaged  in  the  business  of  keeping  a 
hotel.  This  house  he  kept  for  two  years  and  eight 
months,  and  then  bought  the  brick  hotel,  known  as 
the  Arlington,  on  the  other  side  of  the  Square, 
which  he  has  ever  since  conducted. 

November  26,  1873,  Mr.  Sharp  was  united  in 
marriao^e  with  Miss  Mary  Susan  Smith,  daughter  of 
Peyton  T.,  and  Lucy  H.  (Bates)  Smith,  the  former 
a  native  of  St.  Charles,  Mo.,  born  in  1820,  and  the 
latter  born  in  Virginia  in  1823.  Mrs.  Sharp  was 
born  in  Ray  County,  Mo.,  April  21,  1850,  and  in 
that  county  she  was  married.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sharp 
are  the  parents  of  two  children — Lucy  May,  born 
April  29,  1875  and  George  S.,  Nov.  6,  1877. 

Peyton  T.  Smith,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Sharp,  was 
a  son  of  James  W.  Smith,  who  died  in  Jefferson, 
Tex.,  Dec.  26,  1852,  aged  sixty-three  years;  Lucy 
H.  his  wife,  died  at  the  same  place,  Nov.  4,  1857, 
ao-ed  sixty-eight  years.  They  had  five  children- 
Joel  W.,  who  died  in  June,  1843,  in  Ray  County, 
Mo.;  Powhattan,  who  died  in  Tarrant,  Tex.,  Nov. 
30,  1864;  Sardinia  H.,  who  is  the  widow  of  "SVilliam 
Perry,  and  lives  in  Jefferson,  Tex.;  James  A.,  who 
is  a  resident  of  Colorado,  and  Peyton  T.,  who  is 
tlie  father  of  Mrs.  Sharp. 

Peyton  T.  Smith  was  born  May  3,  1820,  in  St. 
Charles,  Mo.,  was  brought  up  to  farming,  and  has 
followed  that  vocation  all  of  his  active  life.  He  is 
now  living  retired  on  his  farm  at  Richmond,  Ray 
Co.,  Mo.  He  was  married  on  June  19,  1843,  at 
the  place  where  he  has  ever  since  made  his  home,  to 
Miss  Lucy  H.  Bates,  who  was  born  in  Halifax 
County,  Va..  Aug.  12,  1823,  and  is  now  therefore, 
sixty-seven  years  of  age.  They  had  five  children, 
of  whom  one  died  in  infancy.  The  survivors  are: 
Cleopatra  S.,  who  was  born  May  19,  1844,  married 
Henry  C.  Smith,  Dec.  6,  1870,  and  now  lives  at 
Millville,  Ray  Co.,  Mo.;   James  W.,  who  was  born 

May  7,  1848,  married  Jeauuie  Bates,  and  is  a  drug- 
gist and  physician  at  Richmond,  Mo. ;  Mrs.  Sliarp; 
Nannie,  who  was  born  May  22,  1852,  and  is  the 
wife  of  Charles  A.  Burns,  a  liveryman  of  Blue 

Mr.  Sharp  has  been  Constable  and  City  Marshal 
of  Blue  Rapids,  but  is  not  looking  for  office.  Own- 
ing the  property  in  which  he  does  business,  he  is 
enabled  to  give  the  best  of  accomodations  i)Ossible, 
and  his  house  is  a  favorite  resort  for  the  travelling 
public.  He  has  admirable  facilities  for  commer- 
cial trade,  having  fine  sample  rooms  and  an  excel- 
lent livery  in  connection  with  the  hotel,  which  is 
kept  in  admirable  style,  being  pleasant  and  home- 
like in  all  its  appointments.  In  its  management 
he  is  ably  assisted  b}-  his  wife,  and  the  success  thej' 
are  meeting  with  is  well  deserved. 


g  J^-ILLIAM  A.  TATLOCK,  a  and 
skillful  farmer,  has  a  farm  on  section  34, 
Oketo  Township,  that,  in  point  of  cultiva- 
tion and  improvement,  is  classed  among  the  best 
in  this  part  of  Marshall  County,  and  under  liis 
wise  management  it  yields  him  a  good  annual  in- 
come. October  5,  1839,  our  subject  was  born  in 
the  pioneer  home  of  Miles  and  Margaret  (Cam-' 
erou)  Tatlock.  His  father  was  a  native  of  North 
Carolina,  and  was  a  carpenter  by  trade.  In  early 
life  he  went  to  Indiana  and  was  there  married. 
He  subsequently  moved  to  Iowa,  and  there  died  in 
1853,  his  death  depriving  his  community  of  a 
good  citizen  and  neighbor,  and  his  family  of  a  kind 
father  and  husband.  His  wife  survived  him  till 
1881,  when  she  too  passed  awaj'.  To  that  worthy 
couple  were  born  four  children,  of  whom  our  sub- 
ject was  the  eldest. 

Mr.  Tatlock  was  three  years  of  age  when  his 
parents  became  pioneers  for  a  second  time,  mov- 
ing to  Iowa  and  casting  in  their  lot  with  the  early 
settlers  who  had  preceded  them  to  that  Slate.  He 
received  a  fair  education,  which  he  has  since  sup- 
plemented by  intelligent  reading,  and  is  a  man  of 
good  general  information.  Having  the  misfortune 
to  lose  liis  father  when  a   boy,  from  tlie  age  of  fif- 



teen  till  he  was  thirty  j'ears  old,  he  managerl  the 
business  for  his  mother,  earrj'ing  on  her  farming 
interests  with  admirable  judgment  and  sagacitj'. 
In  the  spring  of  1872  he  came  to  Phillips  County, 
Kan.,  having  become  convinced  that  he  could 
prosecute  his  calling  to  still  better  advantage  on 
this  fertile  soil  and  under  these  sunny  skies.  He 
subsequently  came  to  Marshall  County  and  located 
on  his  present  farm.  He  has  118  acres  of  as  rich 
and  productive  land  as  is  to  be  found  in  this  sec- 
tion of  the  county,  and  100  acres  of  this  is  under 
a  high  state  of  cultivation.  The  buildings  are 
neat,  commodious  and  well  kept,  bis  cozy  and  sub- 
stantial dwelling  being  erected  in  1880.  Fifty  fine 
apple  trees,  plums,  cherries  and  grapes  furnish  an 
abundant  supply  of  delicious  fruit,  both  for  home 
consumption  and  for  market.  Our  subject  may 
well  be  pleased  and  proud  of  the  great  change  that 
he  has  wrought  by  years  of  patient  and  hard  labor 
in  this  place  since  it  came  into  his  possession,  he 
having  made  every  improvement  and  by  wise  man- 
agement converted  it  into  a  valuable  piece  of 
property.  He  engages  to  some  extent  in  the  stock 
business  and  has  nine  head  of  fine  horses  and  thir- 
teen cattle  of  good  grade. 

March  27,  1872,  was  an  auspicious  date  in  the 
life  of  our  subject,  for  he  was  then  united  in  mar- 
riage to  Miss  Leonora  Bunner,  a  daughter  of  Reu- 
ben and  Emeline  (Salladay)  Bunner,  farmers  of 
Van  Buren  County,  Iowa.  The  fatlier  is  eighty 
years  of  age,  and  the  mother  is  seventy-five  years. 
Mrs.  Tatlock  is  the  fourth  child  in  their  famih'  of 
four  daughters  and  six  sons,  and  she  was  born  in 
Ohio,  in  1840.  She  is  a  devoted  member  of  the 
Presbyterian  Church,  is  true  to  the  faith,  and  an 
earnest  Christian.  To  her  and  her  husband  have 
been  born  two  sons,  Ralph  E.  and  Arthur  G. 

Mr.  Tatlock  is  a  man  of  good  natural  ability, 
which  is  re-enforced  by  strong  common  sense,  so 
that  he  manages  his  affairs  sagaciously  and  well. 
He  is  shrewd  in  his  dealings,  though  never  taking 
unfair  advantage  in  a  bargain,  and  the  propert}' 
that  he  has,  has  been  obtained  by  honest  toil,  and 
he  well  merits  the  respect  shown  him  b\'  his  fellow- 
citizens  His  desire  to  promote  the  prosperit}^  of 
his  adopted  township  is  strong,  and  he  has  been 
especially    active    in    educational    matters,  having 

been  a  momber  of  the  School  Board  for  twelve 
years  and  is  Tre^isurer  of  that  honorable  body.  He 
has  been  connected  with  the  Masonic  fraternity  in 
times  past.  He  is  influential  in  politics,  and  gener- 
ally works  for  the  Republican  party,  though  he 
supported  the  Union  Labor  ticket  last  year. 

now  in  life's  prime  and  in  the  meridian  of 
an  existence  when  "coming  events"  have 
not  yet  "  cast  their  shadows  before,"  nor  has  the 
hope  of  youth  faded  into  the  reality  of  age,  he  of 
whom  we  write  this  brief  life  history  is  yet  in  the 
possession  of  what  might  be  a  matter  of  pride  to 
others  older  than  himself.  He  is  not  one  of  those 
world- wearied,  battle-scarred  toilers  in  the  warfare 
of  life,  but  having  recently  put  the  armor  on,  views 
with  courage  the  coming  conflict.  Much  more 
fortunate  financially  than  many  j^oung  men,  he 
now  owns  one  of  the  finest  farms  in  the  whole 
county,  embellished  with  a  beautiful  residence,  a 
stone  barn,  granary  and  other  buildings.  Protect- 
ing the  family  from  the  heat  of  summer  and  the 
winds  of  winter,  is  a  fine  grove  of  natural  forest 
trees  on  all  sides  of  the  house  and  barn,  while 
there  is  splendid  shade  for  the  feeding  lots  near 
the  barn.  Breaking  the  monotony  of  the  scenery 
for  miles  around  and  presenting  a  pleasant  contrast 
to  the  waving  corn  and  ripening  wheat,  is  this 
well-improved  and  cozy  homestead.  The  estate 
comprises  440  acres  of  fine  land,  formerljr  the  prop- 
erty of  the  father  of  our  subject  but  now  his  indi- 
vidual possession.  Though  prevented  by  poor 
health  from  an  active  participation  in  the  cultiva- 
tion of  the  land,  Mr.  Westermann  oversees  the 
whole  proi^erty  and  makes  it  a  financial  success. 

Frederick  and  Sophia  (Shotte)  Westermann  were 
natives  of  the  province  of  Hanover,  German}-,  and 
there  were  reared  and  married.  In  the  fall  of  1853 
they  came  to  America,  landing  in  New  York  and 
coming  thence  directly  to  Cook  County,  111.  In 
that  county  their  son,  our  subject,  Frederick,  was 
born,  Oct.  7,  1854,  and  was  also  educated  in  the 
place  of  his  birth.     He  was  the  second  in  order  of 


JPOilTftAit  AiSTD  BiOGfeAMiCAL  ALfitTfli. 

birth  of  the  four  children  born  to  Frederick  Wester- 
mann,  Sr.,  and  his  wife.  When  a  lad  he  removed 
with  his  parents  in  1868  to  Kansas,  coming  with 
them  to  this  conntj-  and  locating  on  section  34  in 
Herkimer  Township,  which  is  the  present  home  of 
our  subject.  The  father  bought  440  acres,  which 
he  improved  and  made  his  home  until  his  death, 
Sept.  5,  1871.  His  widow  survives  iiim,  and  makes 
her  home  with  our  subject,  her  sou.  Frederick,  in- 
this  county. 

Among  the  most  important  events  in  the  life  of 
Frederick  "Westermann  may  be  mentioned  his  mar- 
riage, which  occurred  May  19,  1876,  in  this  town- 
ship. His  wife  was  in  youth  Miss  Henrietta  Senger, 
daughter  of  Charles  and  Henrietta  Senger,  and  a 
native  of  Prussia.  She  was  born  on  the  4th 
of  May,  1858,  in  Prussia,  where  her  parents 
were  also  born  and  reared.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Senger 
were  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  as  are  our 
subject  and  his  wife.  Four  children  complete  the 
family  circle,  whose  names  are  herewith  given, 
Alphons.  Frederick,  Ernest  and  Henry.  Two  chil- 
dren have  been  called  away,  Thomas  and    Mattie. 

Mr.  Westermann  has  been  prominently  associ- 
ated with  the  political  historj"^  of  his  county,  aiid 
in  casting  his  ballot  aims  to  support  the  man  best 
qualified  to  fill  the  position,  but  in  matters  of  na- 
tional importance  he  votes  the  Democratic  ticket. 
He  was  Township  Treasurer  for  two  years,  and  in 
other  ways  has  aided  the  township  in  which  he 
makes  his  home.  He  is  a  general  farmer,  and  is 
one  of  the  most  thorough-going  and  successful  in 
all  the  count}',  keeping  pace  with  all  the  improve- 
ments in  agricultural  matters,  while  upon  his  farm 
are  all  the  modern  implements  and  machinery 
which  indicate  the  progressive  farmer. 

J'  OHN  B.  PRICE,  of  Blue  Rapids,  has  been  a 
resident  of  that  flourishing  little  city  for 
thirteen  years  past.  He  was  born  in  Brec- 
onshii-e,  Wales,  Oct.  10,  1848,  his  parents, 
John  and  Jane  (Jarman)  Price,  both  being  natives 
of  the  same  place.  The  father  followed  the  occu- 
pation    of    milling,    also    carrying   on    a    farm,  a 

foundry,  and  a  machine  shop.  He  was  a  man  of 
considerable  note,  was  a  Magistrate,  Justice  of 
the  Peace,  Rate  Collector,  etc.  He  believed  in  the 
liberty  of  conscience,  and  strenuously  opposed  pa}'- 
ing  tithes  to  support  the  Church  of  England,  he  be- 
ing a  member  of  the  Congregational  Church.  Being 
implicated  in  some  measures  of  opposition  to  the  Es- 
tablished Church  of  England,  he  thought  best  to  sell 
his  property  and  come  to  America  in  search  of  a 
home  where  he  and  his  might  enjoy  the  liberty  of 
conscience,which  he  felt  was  in  a  measure  denied  him 
in  his  own  country.  He  accordingl}'  disposed  of 
his  property,  and  in  1866,  with  his  entire  family, 
all  of  his  children  having  been  born  in  Wales,  emi- 
grated to  the  United  States. 

Deciding  to  try  his  fortunes  in  the  West,  Mr. 
Price  came  as  far  West  as  Newton,  Iowa,  where  he 
located  and  engaged  in  farming.  He  remained 
there  until  1873,  when  he  sold  out  and  removed  to 
Arvonia,  Osage  Co.,  Kan.,  where  he  still  lives.  He 
is  engaged  extensivel}'  in  farming  and  cattle  raising, 
owning  about  700  acres  of  land  on  the  Marais  des 
Cygnes  River.'  He  and  his  wife  are  now  sixty-seven 
3'earsof  age,  both  having  been  born  in  1822.  They 
are  the  parents  of  eight  children:  Mary,  who  died 
in  Arvonia,  Kan.,  was  the  wife  of  John  Jones,  a 
farmer  at  that  place;  our  subject  was  the  next  eld- 
est; William  F.  the  third  child,  is  a  resident  of 
Blue  Rapids,  where  he  is  engaged  in  the  foundry 
business;  Margaret  is  the  wife  of  Lewis  Humph- 
reys, a  wealthy  farmer  and  merchant  of  Arvonia; 
Thomas  B.  is  a  teller  in  the  United  States  National 
Bank  at  Topeka,  Kan.;  Ed  H.  is  a  stock-raiser  and 
dealer  at  Arvonia;  Evan  H.  is  a  bookkeeper  for  the 
Union  Stock  Yards  Company  of  Chicago,  111.,  and 
Jennie  H.  is  married  and  lives  at  Topeka. 

John  B.  Price,  the  subject  of  this  notice,  was 
eighteen  years  of  age  when  his  parents  emigrated  to 
America.  He  went  with  them  to  Newton,  Iowa, 
and  in  1870,  having  attained  his  majority,  he  re- 
moved to  Pella,  Marion  Co.,  Iowa,  where  he  em- 
barked in  the  foundry  and  machine  shop  business. 
This  he  carried  on  for  three  years  when  his  establish- 
ment was  totally  destroj-ed  by  fire,  he  losing  prop- 
erty worth  $12,000,  without  a  penny  of  insurance. 
This  was  the  product  of  his  own  skill  and  euerg}', 
and  its  loss    was  a  serious    blow.     Not    dismaj-ed, 



however,  by  the  misfortune  he  removed  to  Center- 
ville,  Appanoose  Co.,  Iowa,  and  started  in  business 
again.  He  built  the  shop  which  is  now  owned  by 
the  Appanoose  County  Manufacturing  Company', 
in  which  he  carried  on  a  general  foundry  and  ma- 
chine shop  for  three  years.  He  then  sold  out  and 
came  to  Blue  Rapids,  where  he  has  ever  since  lived. 
Here  he  purchased  a  site,  built  a  shop  and  embarked 
in  the  same  business,  in  partnership  with  his 
brother,  W.  F.  The  connection  continued  until 
the  summer  of  1889,  when  Mr.  Price  sold  his  inter- 
est to  his  brother,  being  himself  interested  in  a 
number  of  valuable  patents,  principally  inventions 
of  his  own. 

March  17,  1870,  Mr.  Price  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Emma  E.  Kelly,  a  daughter  of  James 
M.  and  Caroline  R.  (Lockwood)  Kelly,  then  of 
Newton,  Iowa,  to  vvhich  place  they  had  removed 
from  Bucyrus,  Crawford  Co.,  Ohio.  Mr.  Kell3'  is 
now  living  at  Herrington,  Kan.,  his  wife  having 
died  at  Centerville,  Iowa.  Mrs.  Price  was  born  in 
Bucyrus,  Ohio,  in  1853.  She  and  iier  husband 
have  two  children  :  Lee  L.,  who  is  a  machinist,  now 
working  in  Concordia,  Kan.,  and  John  B.,  who  is 
under  the  parental  roof. 

Mr.  Price  has  been  a  member  of  the  City  Coun- 
cil of  Blue  Rapids.  He  belongs  to  the  Masonic , 
fraternity,  also  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  and  K.  of  P.  He 
is  a  thorough  mechanic  and  a  man  of  considerable 
inventive  talent.  Plain,  blunt  and  straightforward 
in  manner  and  speech,  open  and  honest  in  his  deal- 
ings with  his  fellowmen,  he  commands  the  respect 
and  good  will  of  the  people  who  know  him. 

^1  OHN  A.  LOBAN.  Among  the  representa- 
tive citizens  of  Marshall  County,  who  have 
gone  to  their  final  rest,  prominent  mention 
belongs  to  the  gentleman  whose  name  appears 
at  the  head  of  this  sketch,  and  who,  during  the 
period  of  his  residence  here,  became  identified  with 
the  chief  interests  of  Blue  Rapids.  He  was  a 
leading  merchant  Of  the  latter  city,  where  he  died 
Aug.  27,  1886,  aged  thirty-eight  years,  seven 
months    and    twenty-six   days,  iiaving  been    born 

Jan.  1,  1848.  His  ancestors  on  the  paternal  side 
were  of  Scottish  origin,  and  on  the  maternal  side 
were  of  English  descent.  His  father,  Alexander 
Loban,  was  born  in  Scotland  in  1820,  and  after  his 
marriage  came  to  America,  settling  in  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.  He  was  a  cabinet-maker,  and  followed  that 
occupation  until  his  death,  which  took  place  May 
4,  1851,  at  the  earlj'  age  of  thirty-one  years.  He 
was  a  man  of  a  kind  but  firm  disposition,  upright 
and  honorable  in  his  life,  and  a  consistent  member 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  His  wife  was  Mary 
Wills,  who  died  of  that  dread  disease,  cholera,  Aug. 
1,  1849,  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-two  j^ears,  she 
having  been  born  in  1827.  Her  death  greatly 
affected  her  husband,  who  never  fully  recovered 
from  the  shock  he  received.  Shortly  after  her 
death  he  made  a  visit  to  his  old  home  in  Scotland, 
leaving  his  infant  son  with  a  sister  of  his  deceased 
wife.  Before  going  he  had  made  a  will,  in  which 
he  directed  that  his  son  John  A  should  be  edu- 
cated in  Scotland.  After  a  few  months  stay  in 
his  native  land,  however,  he  determined  to  change 
this  provision,  but  on  his  return  to  America  he  was 
suddenly  taken  ill,  and  died  before  his  determina- 
tion could  be  carried  into  effect. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was,  in  accordance 
with  the  provisions  of  his  father's  will,  sent  to  the 
latter's  native  land  in  charge  of  the  sister  of  his 
father.  He  was  educated  in  Scotland,  and  lived 
there  and  in  other  foreign  lands  until  he  reached 
manhood.  Prior  to  the  age  of  twelve,  his  home 
was  in  the  city  of  Inverness,  Scotland,  with  tJie 
aunt  who  took  him  to  Scotland,  and  who  had  come 
to  America  for  him  in  obedience  to  the  request  of 
her  deceased  brother.  She  afterward  became  the 
wife  of  William  JNIcIntosh,  and  with  him  lived  in 
Inverness  until  her  death.  Two  of  her  sons  are 
now  residents  of  Pueblo,  Colo.  The  lad  had  an 
uncle  in  Scotland  who  was  a  lawyer,  and  who  en- 
deavored to  persuade  John  A.  to  adopt  the  legal 
l)rofession,  but  the  law  did  not  suit  his  ideas,  and 
he  took  his  own  course  by  going  to  sea  when  quite 
young.  He  first  visited  German  ports,  and  later 
went  to  Australia  and  other  distant  lands,  circum- 
navigating the  globe.  When  quite  young  he  had 
spent  some  time  in  a  store  in  Inverness,  Scotland, 
and  .also  in  London,  and  in  those  cities  he  received 



his  mercantile  training.  Tlie  great  love  he  cher- 
ished for  a  sister  of  his  mother,  was  the  prineipr.l 
cause  of  his  return  to  the  United  States.  This 
aunt,  Mrs.  Fannie  Trout,  was  then  and  is  now  liv- 
ing in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  and  with  her  our  subject  made 
his  home  for  some  3'ears.  She  proved  herself  ^  a 
mother  to  young  Loban,  who  cherished  her  mem- 
ory with  filial  affection  until  his  dying  day. 

On  liis  return  to  the  United  States  our  subject 
entered  a  l)usiness  college  in  Buffalo,  studying  at 
niglit,  while  working  as  a  clerk  in  the  large  dry 
goods  establishment  of  Adam  Meldrum  &  Co.  He 
likewise  kept  books  there  for  another  firm.  At 
this  time  he  also  studied  German,  in  which  he 
became  quite  proficient,  and  which  he  afterward 
found  of  great  help  to  him  in  his  business.  He  re- 
mained in  Buffalo  until  tlie  spring  of  1870,  when  he 
determined  to  try  his  fortunes  in  the  new  State  of 
Kansas.  He  therefore  removed  to  Leavenworth, 
and  for  a  few  months  clerked  in  a  dry-goods  store. 
In  the  fall  of  that  year  he  came  to  Blue  Rapids, 
and  opened  a  small  grocery  store.  The  business 
constantly  increasing,  and  thereby  necessitating 
larger  quarters,  Mr.  Loban  bought  a  lot  adjoining 
the  northwest  corner  of  the  square,  and  on  it  erec- 
ted a  substantial  stone  building. 

In  the  spring  of  1872,  shortly  after  removing  to 
his  new  building,  Mr.  Loban  formed  a  partnersiiip 
with  Mr.  A.  E.  Sweetland,  under  the  firm  name  of 
Loban  &  Sweetland.  The  firm  to-day,  under  the 
same  name,  transacts  the  largest  mercantile  business 
in  Blue  Rapids.  The  new  firm  found  their  busi- 
ness growing,  and  they  still  further  increased  it, 
adding  a  line  of  dry-goods  and  taking  into  the 
firm  as  junior  partner,  Mr.  Lovell,  who,  however, 
went  out  after  a  short  time.  The  original  firm 
continued  the  business,  enlarging  their  facilities  by 
buying  the  corner  building  adjoining  them.  This 
structure  had  been  put  up  at  the  same  time  as  their 
own,  and  by  cutting  tiirough  the  partitions  thty 
made  an  elegant]  and  commodious  store,  the  only 
double  store  building  in  Blue  Rapids  City.  The 
business  constantly  increased,  owing  in  a  great 
measure  to  Mr.  Loban's  business  qualities.  He 
devoted  much  time  and  attention  to  his  store,  but 
also  found  time  to  take  an  active  part  as  a  good 
citizen,  in  the  management  of  municipal  affairs. 

He  was  for  two  terms  a  School  Director,  was 
several  times  a  member  of  the  City  Council,  and  at 
the  time  of  his  death  was  City  Clerk.  Had  he  not 
died  so  earlj*  he  would  undoubted!}'  have  attained 
as  high  a  position  in  public  life  as  he  had  made  for 
himself  in  business  circles.  His  death  was  sudden 
and  unexpected,  after  a  brief  illness  of  about 
thirty-eight  hours,  and  was  caused  primarily  by  a 
severe  attack  of  cholera-morbus. 

John  A.  Loban  was  united  in  marriage  on  Aug. 
29,  1872,  with  Miss  Jennie  M.  Darling,  daugiiter 
of  Lyman  W.  and  Elizabetii  (Cure)  Darling.  The 
father  was  a  native  of  Otsego  Count}',  X.  Y.,  and 
tlie  mother  of  Northamptonshire,  England.  Mr. 
Darling  now  makes  his  home  with  Mrs.  Loban,  and 
is  seventy-two  years  of  age,  having  been  born 
June  30,  1817.  His  wife  died  Dec.  20,  1882,  in 
Otsego  County,  where  she  had  gone  on  a  visit  to  a 
daugiiter.  At  the  time  of  her  death  Mrs.  Darling 
was  aged  seventy  j'ears,  four  months  and  four 
days.  Mrs.  Loban  was  born  Jan.  12,  1855,  in 
Elyria,  Ohio,  and  was  a  young  lady  of  sixteen 
when  she  came  to  Kansas  with  her  parents,  wiio 
settled  in  Blue  Rapids  in  the  house  where  she  now 
lives.  This  house  has  ever  since  been  her  home, 
she  and  her  husband  having  made  an  addition  to  it 
after  their  marriage.  Ihe  union  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Loban  was  blessed  by  the  birth  of  five  children. 
Two  are  deceased,  namely:  Edna  Elizabeth,  who 
was  born  Nov.  27,  1873,  and  died  Dec.  20,  1879, 
and  Olive  M.,  who  was  born  March  16,  1884,  and 
died  two  days  later.  The  survivors  are:  Albert  L.. 
born  Feb.  5,  1877;  Ralph  IL,  April  1,  1881,  and 
Roy  Alexander,  Feb.  17,  1886. 

Mr.  Loban  was  well-known  in  Blue  Rapids,  not 
alone  as  a  merchant,  but  as  a  public-spirited  citi- 
zen. He  was  honest  in  his  business  transactions, 
upright  in  his  intercourse  with  his  fellow-men,  and 
irreproachable  in  his  private  character.  His  un- 
timely death  was  not  only  an  irreparable  loss  to  his 
sorrowing  wife  and  bereaved  children,  but  was 
a  public  misfortune  regretted  b}'  hosts  of  friends, 
to  whom  his  sterling  worth  had  greatly  endeared 
him.  He  was  a  member  of  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church  of  Blue  Rapids,  of  which  he  was  a  Deacon, 
and  was  also  greatly  interested  in  Sundaj-Scliool 
work,   being    Superintendent  of  the  school  at  the 



time  of  his  deatli,  and  for  several  years  teacher  of 
the  Ladies'  Bible  Class.  Giving  liberally  of  his 
means  in  support  of  church  work,  and  leading  an 
honorable  and  consistent  Christian  life,  his  sudden 
death  did  not  find  him  unprepared.  Those  warm 
friends  wlio  j'et  mourn  his  untimely  death,  and  miss 
his  familiar  face  in  the  daily  walks  of  life,  will 
gladlj'  welcome  the  fine  jjortrait  presented  else- 
where of  him  whose  life  record  we  have  given,  but 
whose  nobilitj'  of  character  and  sweetness  of  dis- 
position can  be  realized  only  by  those  nearest  and 
dearest  to  him. 


I  AMES  F1TZGP:RALD.  Well  would  it  be 
for  our  countr}'  if  every  "  oldest  settler" 
had  the  record  of  fine  character  and  financial 
success  of  tlie  subject  of  this  sketch,  whose 
home  is  just  outside  the  city  limits,  west  of  Beat- 
tie.  The  main  business  part  of  the  city  is  built 
upon  land  preempted  by  Mr.  Fitzgerald  in  1859, 
said  land  comprising  160  acres  on  sections  21,  2 
and  9.  In  August,  1»66,  the  subject  of  our  sketch 
came  here  to  live,  residing  for  nine  j'ears  in  a 
building  opposite  the  Catholic  Church.  In  1872 
he  agreed  with  Mr.  Watkins,  who  lived  just  west,  to 
give  the  railroad  every  other  city  lot  if  a  depot  was 
located  here,  the  railroad  company  to  plat  a  quarter- 
section,  and  in  order  to  secure  this^end,  he  visited  St. 
Joseph  to  present  in  person  to  the  railroad  officials 
the  offer  of  himself,  H.  C.  Smith,  and  Mr.  Hamil- 
ton, and  arguments  at  his  command  in  favor  of  his 
project.  He  sold  village  lots  on  what  he  still 
owned,  and  bought  more  land  outside,  so  that  he 
now  owns  500  acres  near  the  town.  He  is  engaged 
in  general  farming  and  stock-raising.  In  1875  Mr. 
Fitzgerald  built  a  fine  large  stone  house,  which  has 
a  beautiful  lawn  surrounding  it  and  good  stone 
walks,  the  stone  being  supplied  from  a  fine  quarry 
on  his  own  land,  which  is  still  in  operation  through 
another  party.  We  invite  the  attention  of  our 
readers  to  a  fine  engraving  of  this  attractive  resi- 

Mr.    Fitzgerald   was    born   in    Ireland    in   1829. 
When  twenty-two  years  old    he  came   to  America, 

first  settling  in  Maryland,  where  he  remained  for 
six  years,  becoming  a  citizen  of  the  United  States. 
He  spent  two  years  in  Chicago,  and  then  came  to 
Kansas,  in  1858,  locating  in  Atchison,  where  he  re- 
mained until  after  the  war.  He  married  Miss  Mary 
Nolan,  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  who  is  still  living. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fitzgerald  are  the  parents  of  eight 
children,  of  whom  six  are  still  living.  They  are 
named  respectively :  Patrick  8.,  Ellen,  Katid,  John, 
Rose,  and  William  F.  AH  still  make  this  their 
home,  with  the  exception  of  Patrick  S.,  who  mar- 
ried Miss  Florence  Patterson,  of  this  city,  and  re- 
sides at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  One  of  the  original 
members  of  the  Catholic  Church  of  this  city,  Mr. 
Fitzgerald  aided  largely  in  its  organization  in 
1868.  Mr.  Fitzgerald  has  stood  by  the  church, 
assisting  to  build  in  1881,  doing  his  duty  as  far  as 
he  was  able,  and  living  to  see  the  society  grow 
from  eight  families  to  a  flourishing  organization  of 

Our  subject  has  been  an  active  businessman,  not 
looking  for  political  offices,  but  has  served  the  town- 
ship as  Trustee  for  two  terms.  He  now  votes  with 
the  Republican  party,  though  formerlj^  a  Democrat. 
Mr.  Fitzgerald  has  done  much  to  make  the  town  of 
Beattie  what  it  is,  both  as  regards  business  and 
church  work,  and  well  deserves  the  respect  of  every 
resident  of  this  thriving  place. 

^ ^^ ^ 

iHOMAS  J.  THOMPSON.  Although  a  resi- 
dent of  this  count3'  only  a  comparatively^ 
brief  time,  Mr.  Thompson  is  already  num- 
bered among  its  prominent  citizens,  being  a  man 
active  in  all  good  works,  liberal,  public  spirited, 
and  ever  ready  to  do  his  part  toward  the  advance- 
ment of  the  interests  of  the  community,  socially, 
morally  and  financially.  He  is  a  man  of  progres- 
sive ideas,  keeps  himself  thoroughly  posted  in  re- 
gard to  events  of  general  interest,  and  is  one  with 
whom  an  hour  may  always  be  spent  pleasintl^r  and 
profitably.  He  represents  valuable  farm  property 
to  the  extent  of  120  acres,  rich  bottom  land,  lo- 
cated on  section  7  and  uniformly  fertile. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  the  third  in  afam- 



ily  of  ten  children,  the  offspring  of  Samuel  and 
Jane  (Atkins)  Tliompson,  the  former  of  whom  was 
a  native  of  Loudoun  County,  Va.  The  paternal 
grandfather,  Samuel  Thompson,  Sr.,  was  a  native 
of  Enghind  and  was  born  four  miles  from  the  city 
of  London.  By  occupation  he  was  a  millwright 
and  gardener,  and  remained  in  his  native  country 
until  after  his  marriage.  Then  emigrating  to 
America  he  located  in  tlie  Old  Dominion,  and 
spent  the  remainder  of  life  in  Loudoun  County. 

The  father  of  our  subject  also  learned  millwright- 
ing  and  followed  carpentering  likewise.  He  was 
married  in  his  native  county,  but  about  1820  emi- 
grated to  Ohio  and  located  in  Belmont,  where  he 
followed  carpentering  for  a  time  and  then  re- 
moved to  Guernsey  County.  He  was  afterward  a 
resident  of  Knox  and  Champaign  counties,  and  in 
1849,  leaving  the  Buckeye  State,  removed  to  Illi- 
nois and  purchased,  at  f2.50  per  acre,  160  acres  of 
land  in  the  vicinity  of  Winona,  Marshall  County. 
Not  yet  satisfied  with  his  migrations,  he  moved 
across  the  Mississippi  into  Dade  County,  Mo., 
where  he  engaged  in  farming  until  his  death,  which 
occurred  in  1869  when  he  was  sixty-six  years  old. 
Politically,  he  was  an  adherent  of  the  Democratic 

Mrs.  Jane  (Atkins)  Thompson,  tiie  mother  of 
our  subject,  was  likewise  a  native  of  Loudoun 
County,  Va.,  and  the  daughter  of  Abraham  Atkins, 
who  was  also  born  there.  The  great-grandmother 
of  our  subject,  whose  maiden  name  was  Mary 
Baker,  was  a  native  of  Scotland.  Grandfather 
Atkins  served  as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary 
War,  and  afterward  carried  on  farming  for  a  lime 
in  the  Old  Dominion.  Later  he  went  into  Ohio, 
where  his  death  took  place.  After  the  death  of 
her  husband,  Mrs.  Atkins  made  her  home  with  her 
grandson,  Mr.  Thompson,  our  subject,  and  died 
in  1871  at  the  age  of  seventy-five  years.  She  was 
a  member  of  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church. 
Tlie  parental  family  consisted  of  the  following 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Elizabeth,  is  now  Mrs. 
Steward,  of  Dade  County,  Mo.;  Susan,  Mrs.  James, 
lives  in  Belmont  County,  Ohio;  Thomas  J.,  as 
already  stated,  was  the  next  in  order  of  birth; 
Abraham  is  deceased ;  Samuel  is  a  resident  of  Mar- 
shall County,  111.;  Fnanccs  A.,   Mrs.    Graves,    re- 

sides in  Ford  County,  that  State;  Isaac  is  deceased  ; 
David  is  a  resident  of  Ford  County,  III.;  Charles 
lives  in  Thomas  County,  Kan.;  Martha,  Mrs.  Love, 
resides  in  Joplin,  Mo.;  Emily  is -deceased.  Sam- 
uel during  the  late  Civil  AVar  enlisted,  in  1861,  in 
Vaughan's  Battery,  and  served  three  years.  Charles 
enlisted  in  1863,  in  an  Illinois  regiment,  serving 
six  months.     David  was  in  the  same  regiment. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Mor- 
ristown,  Belmont  Co.,  Ohio,  Dec.  4,  1825,  and 
there  spent  his  boyhood  and  youth  upon  a  farm. 
His  education  was  obtained  mostly  in  a  log  school 
house  during  the  winter  season,  he  studying  chiefly 
the  Bible  and  the  spelling  book.  He  assisted  in 
developing  the  homestead  and  accompanied  the 
family  in  their  various  removals  to  Guernsey,  Knox 
and  Clark  counties.  At  the  age  of  thirteen  j'ears 
lie  commenced  working  out  on  the  farm,  and  was 
thus  occupied  until  a  young  man  of  twenty-three. 
Later  he  assisted  his  father  in  dairying.  In  1849 
he  purchased  a  farm  near  Wenona,  Marshall  Co., 
111.,  but  soon  afterwards  traded  it  for  203  acres 
near  Henry,  Marshall  Co.,  111.,  where,  however,  he 
only  lived  a  few  years.  In  1855  he  purchased  a 
farm  in  Bennington  Township,  Marshall  Co.,  111., 
which  he  improved,  this  embracing  240  acres.  Here 
he  made  a  specialty  of  live  stock  and  was  success- 
ful thereat. 

When  removing  to  Illinois,  the  Tliompson  fam- 
ily found  wild  game  in  abundance.  Our  subject 
continued  dealing  in  live  stock,  buying  and  ship- 
ping to  Chicago,  and  also  raised  full-blooded  Short- 
horn cattle  and  Poland-China  swine.  In  the 
meantime  he  became  prominent  in  the  affairs  of 
his  community,  and  was  especiall}-  interested  in 
the  organization  of  the  Wenona  Union  Fair,  which 
embraced  five  counties  and  continued  in  existence 
for  fifteen  years.  During  this  time  Mr.  Thomp- 
son officiated  frequently  as  one  of  the  committee 
in  awarding  premiums,  and  was  otherwise  promi- 
nent in  connection  therewith.  He  served  as  As- 
sessor twenty-one  years  in  Bennington,  and  occu- 
pied all  the  other  Township  offices,  including  that 
of  Supervisor. 

In  the  fall  of  1880  Mr.  Thompson,  disposing  of 
his  interests  in  the  Prairie  State,  came  to  this 
countj%  and  locating  at  Beattie  engaged  in  bu3-ing 



and  shipping  stock  to  Lincoln,  Neb.  In  August 
of  the  following  yenr  he  purchaser]  his  present 
farm,  to  which  he  removed  and  upon  which  he  has 
effected  some  e.xcellent  improvements,  setting  out 
the  fruit  and  forest  trees,  repairing  the  fences  and 
buildings,  and  bringing  the  whole  premises  to  a 
condition  suggestive  of  prosperitj-.  He  has  not 
more  than  two  acres  of  waste  laud  in  the  whole 
farm,  which  is  watered  b}'  the  West  Fork  of  the 
Vermillion  and  is  highly  productive.  Mr.  Thomp- 
son makes  a  specialty  of  graded  Short -horn  cattle 
and  Jersey-red  swine,  with  which  he  is  in  the  habit 
of  carrying  off  the  blue  ribbons  at  the  county  fairs. 
In  horses,  he  has  nine  head  of  graded  Hambletonians 
and  roadsters.  In  Illinois  he  furnished  over  thirty- 
two  men  for  service,  in  Bennington  Township, 
Marshall  Count}-,  for  the  Union  array. 

In  Springfield,  Ohio,  on  the  7th  of  March,  1849, 
occurred  the  marriage  of  Thomas  J.  Thompson, 
with  Miss  Amanda,  daughter  of  .John  Cuudiff,  the 
latter  of  whom  was  a  native  of  Northumberland 
County,  Va.,  wiiere  the  paternal  grandfather,  John 
Cundiff,  Sr.,  was  also  born  and  operated  as  a  far- 
mer. He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War  seven 
years,  and  subsequently  carried  a  musket  in  the 
War  of  1812.  He  became  blind  before  his  deatii, 
which  occurred  when  he  was  eighty  years  of  age. 
He  was  a  man  of  propertj-,  operating  a  large  plan- 
tation with  slaves,  and  died  in  Hampshire  Count}^, 
Ya.  The  paternal  great-grandfather  of  our  sub- 
ject was  a  native  of  England. 

John  Cundiff,  Jr.,  farmed  in  Virginia  during  his 
early  manhood,  and  then  in  1807  emigrated  to 
Clark  County,  Ohio,  where  he  was  a  pioneer  and 
settled  among  the  Indians.  Afterward  he  removed 
to  Marshall  County,  111.,  and  died  at  the  residence 
of  his  son,  near  Henr^^  in  1857,  when  sevent3-five 
years  old.  Politically,  he  was  an  Old  Line  Whig. 
His  wife  was  in  her  girlhood  Miss  Susannah  Lo- 
vett,  a  native  of  Alleghany  County,  Md.  Grand- 
father Jonas  Lovett,  was  a  native  of  New  Jersey, 
whence  he  removed  to  Maryland,  where  lie  operated 
as  a  farmer.  One  of  his  sons  was  prominent  in 
politics  and  a  member  of  the  State  Senate.  Mrs. 
Cundiff  died  in  Hampshire,  W.  Va.,  in  January, 
1840.  She  had  been  a  member  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church  since  childiiood.     The  parental 

household  included  five  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  a  daughter  Susan,  is  deceased.  Amanda, 
Mrs.  Thompson,  was  the  second  born;  Emily,  Mrs. 
Allen,  is  a  resident  of  Wenona,  111.;  John  lives  in 
Talmage,  Dickinson  Co.,  Kan. ;  Ellen   is  deceased. 

Mrs.  Thompson  was  born  near  Ridgeville.  Va., 
Oct.  17,  1826,  and  lived  there  until  a  young  Indy 
of  nineteen  years,  becoming  familiar  with  all  use- 
ful housewifely  duties  and  .acquiring  her  education 
in  the  subscription  schools.  At  the  age  mentioned 
she  went  to  Clarke  County,  Ohio,  and  lived  with  an 
aunt  until  her  marriage.  Her  union  with  our  sub- 
ject resulted  in  the  birth  of  eight  children,  the  eld- 
est of  whom,  a  son,  John  S.,  is  a  prominent  farmer 
of  La  Salle  County,  111.  Snsan  has  been  occupied 
as  a  teacher  for  a  number  of  3'ears;  Thomas  F.  is 
a  great  lover  of  fine  horses,  and  indulges  his  tastes 
in  this  respect  on  a  farm  near  Melvin,  in  Ford 
County,  111.  Lucy  A.  is  the  wife  of  H.  Batterson, 
a  blacksmith  of  Home  City;  Isaac  C.  is  in  Iowa, 
emploj^ed  in  a  lumberyard;  Charles  H.  is  farming 
in  Balderson  Township,  this  county;  Eva  B.  is  the 
wife  of  F.  Lewis,  and  they  live  on  a  farm  in  Center 
Township;  William  W.  remains  at  home. 

Mr.  Thompson  is  a  man  who  has  made  a  great 
deal  of  money,  and  has  likewise  lost  considerable. 
Col.  Elsworth,  of  Lacon,  111.,  at  one  time  said  of 
him  that  '-he  wielded  a  large  influence  and  was 
looked  up  to  as  an  adviser  in  the  community."  He 
was  a  member  of  the  School  Board  of  his  district 
for  a  term  of  six  years,  and  served  as  Township 
Trustee  one  year.  Politically,  he  affiliates  with  the 
Democratic  partj',  believing  in  equal  rights  and 
just  laws.  He  is  at  present  a  member  of  the  Dem- 
ocratic County  Central  Committee,  and  has  been 
frequently  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  County  and 
State  conventions. 

AVID  HEISSE,  now  a  highly-esteemed 
resident  of  Rock  Township,  is  a  man  of 
large  experience  and  one  who  has  seen 
much  of  life  in  the  Great  West.  During 
his  earlj'  manhood  he  was  for  a  period  of  nineteen 
years  in  the  employ  of    the  United  States  Govern- 



ment,  and  was  considered  one  of  the  best  guides 
and  scouts  on  the  plains.  He  has  faced  danger  in 
many  forms  since  a  boy  of  fourteen  years,  and  is 
well  versed  in  Indian  and  border  warfare,  which 
for  a  number  of  years  mingled  much  with  his  otlier 
occupations.  When  returning  to  the  bounds  of 
civilization  he  in  1877  established  himself  on  a 
tract  of  wild  land  in  Rock  Township,  where  he  has 
eighty  acres  under  a  good  state  of  cultivation  and 
finely  located  on  section  2. 

In  reverting  to  the  parental  historj'  of  our  sub- 
ject we  find  that  his  father,  Jacob  Heisse,  was  a 
native  of  Germany  and  a  stone-mason  liy  trade. 
He  emigrated  to  America  when  a  young  man  and 
settled  in  Luzerne  County,  Pa.,  where  he  lived  until 
1852;  then  going  to  Buffalo,  N.Y.,  he  engaged  in 
the  hotel  business.  Two  years  later  he  set  out  for 
the  West,  and  in  Leavenworth,  this  State,  began 
work  at  liis  trade,  being  the  fourth  stone-mason  to 
locate  in  that  city.  He  lived  there  until  removing 
to  a  farm  of  160  acres,  which  he  operated  a  few 
years,  then,  pushing  still  further  westward  to  Den- 
ver, Col.,  again  became  "mine  host,"  and  died  at 
his  hotel  in  1860.  He  was  an  honest  and  industri- 
ous man  and  supported  the  principles  of  the  Re- 
publican party. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  a  native  of  Penn- 
sylvania, and  emigrated  to  America  with  her 
parents  when  a  child,  settling  with  them  in  Penn- 
sylvania. .She  died  at  Buffalo,  N.Y.,  in  1852.  Tl;ie 
parental  family  included  four  children,  viz:  David, 
our  subject;  Henr}^  a  resident  of  Montana;  Jacob, 
the  Postmaster  of  Salt  Lake  City,  and  Louisa,  Mrs. 
Beohme,  a  resident  of  Leavenworth.  Henry  dur- 
ing the  late  war  enlisted  in  the  8th  Kansas  Infantry 
in  1861,  and  served  until  the  close;  he  is  now  a 
member  of  the  G.A.R. 

The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born  near  Wilkes- 
barre,  Luzerne  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  9,  1840,  and  remained 
there  until  removing  with  his  parents  to  Buffalo, 
N.Y.  In  July,  1854,  he  accompanied  his  father  to 
Kansas,  locating  in  Leavenworth,  where  he  lived 
one  year,  then  entered  the  employ  of  the  Govern- 
ment as  a  teamster,  hauling  supplies  to  different 
points.  He  drove  a  six-mule  team  until  the 
outbreak  of  the  Rebellion,  in  the  meantime  was 
in  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico,  and  various  other 

parts  of  the  west  and  southwest.  Soon  after- 
ward at  Denver  he  enlisted  in  June,  1861,  in 
Company  A,  1st  Colorado  Infantry,  which  was  the 
first  company-  going  from  that  State.  He  served 
nine  months  and  was  in  several  skirmishes  and  as- 
sisted in  taking  a  number  of  prisoners.  At  the 
expiration  of  his  term  of  enlistment  he  received 
his  honorable  discharge,  but  continued  in  the  armj' 
as  a  teamster  from  Leavenworth,  out  on  the  plains. 
In  June,  1863,  lie  enlisted  in  Company  A,  14th 
Kansas  Cavalry,  and  was  one  of  the  body-guard 
of  Gen.  Blount.  The  company  was  mustered  into 
service  at  Leavenworth,  whence  they  were  soon 
sent  to  Ft.  Smith,  engaging  in  the  battle  of  Honey 
Springs  and  Baxter  Springs,  where  occurred  a  reg- 
ular massacre  in  which  all  but  eight  of  the  com- 
pany were  killed. 

Afterward  with  twenty-four  others  Mr.  Heisse 
was  sent  out  as  a  scout  along  Waldron  Creek,  hunt- 
ing up  stray  rebels.  Our  subject  was  detailed 
with  a  party  of  four  men,  and  while  eating  dinner 
in  a  double-log  house  were  surprised  by  Texas 
rangers,  who  opened  fire  upon  them.  Mr.  Heisse 
was  wounded  in  the  arm  above  the  wrist,  and 
while  his  companions  escaped  he  was  taken  pris- 
oner. In  a  spirit  of  malice  his  captors  amputated 
his  arm  four  inches  below  the  shoulder  witii  a 
handsaw  and  butcher-knife.  He  was  then  taken 
to  Camp  Ford  where  he  was  confined  twenty-eight 
days  and  then  paroled.  As  soon  as  sufficiently  re- 
covered from  the  shock  produced  by  this  outrage, 
he  presented  himself  for  duty  and  was  under  com- 
mand of  Gen.  Thayer,  in  Arkansas  and  Missouri, 
and  spent  several  months  in  Arkansas.  He  re- 
mained in  the  service  until  December,  1864,  when 
on  account  of  his  misfortune  he  was  obliged  to 
accept  his  honorable  discharge. 

Afterward,  notwithstanding  the  loss  of  his  arm, 
Mr.  Heisse  resumed  teaming  on  the  plains  between 
Leavenworth  and  the  frontier  until  1868,  when  he 
engaged  with  Gen.  Custer  as  a  scout  in  the  Indian 
country  for  two  years  longer.  Afterward  he  re- 
entered the  employ  of  the  Government  as  teamster, 
remaining  thus  occupied  until  1874.  He  traveled 
all  over  the  Western  States  and  Territories  and 
made  the  acquaintance  of  many  famous  characters, 
including   the  celebrated  guides,  Bridges,  Kit  Car- 



son.  Buffalo  Bill,  Wild  Bill,  and  was  with  them 
most  of  the  time.  Subsequentlj',  upon  the  out- 
break of  the  troubles  in  Kansas  he  shouldered  his 
musket  and  under  Capt.  Dixon  and  Col.  Jim 
Lane,  routed  the  border  ruffians  several  times.  In 
1874  he  was  again  in  Leavenworth  and  spent  sev- 
eral years  thereafter  in  travel,  having  plenty  of 
money  and  taking  his  ease. 

Mr.  Heisse  came  to  this  county  in  1878  and  set- 
tled on  ttie  land  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies 
and  which  had  been  homesteaded  by  his  wife  in]  869. 
Upon  it  he  has  instituted  all  the  improvements 
which  are  to  be  seen.  He  has  brought  the  land  to 
a  thorough  state  of  cultivation,  put  up  a  house, 
barn  and  other  buildings,  enclosed  his  Gelds  with 
fences,  set  out  a  grove  and  orchard,  and  in  the 
meanwhile  prosecuted  agriculture  successfully.  The 
farm  lies  about  three  and  one-half  miles  from  Beat- 
tie.  Mr.  Heisse  keeps  a  goodly  assortment  of  live- 
stock, making  a  specialty  of  Poland-China  swine. 
He  and  his  amiable  wife  are  among  the  most  re- 
spected and  loved  of  all  Marshall  County's  worthy 
corps  of  farmers.  They  have  an  attractive  resi- 
dence, and  we  direct  the  reader's  attention  to  a 
view  of  it,  which  will  be  found  elsewhere  in  this 

In  .September,  1878,  our  subject  was  married  in 
Rock  Township,  to  Miss  Mary  Wolfgang,  a  native 
of  Pennsylvania,  and  a  resident  of  Kansas  since 
about  1868.  Her  father,  Jacob  Wolfgang,  was  a 
native  of  Clarion  County,  Pa.,  and  born  May  1, 
1826.  Her  paternal  grandfather,  Theodore  Wolf- 
gang, was  likewise  a  native  of  the  Kej'stone  State, 
born  near  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  of  German 
parents,  who  emigrated  to  America  in  the  early 
days.  Jacob  Wolfgang  cleared  a  farm  of  125 
acres  in  Pennsylvania,  where  he  lived  until  the 
fall  of  1870.  Then  coming  to  this  county  he 
homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land  in  Rock  Town- 
ship, and  later  added  to  his  possessions  until  he 
now  has  a  fine  farm  of  1G4  acres,  where  he  still 
lives.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs. 
Heisse  was  Sarah  Schwartz.  She  was  born  near 
Harrisburg,  Pa.,  and  is  still  living.  The  parental 
family  included  eight  children,  of  whom  Miss 
Mary  was  the  eldest.  Her  sister,  Lavina,  Mrs. 
Hunt,   is   a  resident  of  this  county;  Barbara,  Mrs. 

Allsbaugh,  lives  in  Axtell;  Lydia,  Mrs.  McClen- 
house,  is  a  resident,  of  this  county;  Priscilla,  Mrs. 
Weaver,  lives  in  Barnston,  Neb.;  Jacob  H.  is  at 
home  with  his  parents;  Elizabeth  and  Sarah  are 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Heisse  are  the  parents  of  six  chil- 
dren.  viz.,  Amos,  Jacob,  Thomas,  Henry,  Flora 
and  a  babe  unnamed.  Our  subject  politically  is  a 
decided  Republican  and  was  one  of  the  strongest 
advocates  of  the  Union  cause.  He  has  officiated 
as  Road  Supervisor  and  is  a  meml)er  of  the  G.A.R. 
He  also  belongs  to  the  I.O.O.F.  and  the  A.O.U.W. 
at  Beattie,  and  is  an  active  member  of  the  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church. 

9 ■^"'l'  "^ 

J]LBEKT  J.  MOHRBACHER,  photographer 
.  in  the  growing  young  town  of  Summerfield, 
U*  is  one  of  the  rising  young  men  of  this  sec- 
tion, and  a  man  who  evinces  a  desire  to 
occupy  a  front  rank  among  the  members  of  his  call- 
ing. The  biography  of  the  father  of  our  subject 
is  shown  on  another  page.  Ho.  is  the  second  in  a 
family  of  fourteen  children,  and  was  born  in  Elm 
Creek  Township,  Nov.  5,  1863.  He  was  one  among 
the  first  children  born  in  the  count3r.  He  received 
his  education  in  the  district  schools,  which  were 
among  the  best  in  the  countrj'.  In  January,  1888, 
he  engaged  in  his  present  emplojmient  with  Mr.  H.  S. 
Hover,  of  Marysville.  A  few  months  later  he  had 
the  building,  which  he  now  occupies,  erected  pur- 
posely for  a  photographic  gallery,  and  in  March, 
1889,  began  business  for  himself.  He  is  well 
equipped  for  doing  first-class  work,  and  takes  es- 
pecial pride  in  so  doing.  He  has  established  a  good 
trade,  and  laid  the  foundation  for  greater  prosperity 

The  grandparents  of  our  subject  were  Jacob  and 
Elizabeth  Mohrbacher,  who  emigrated  from  Ger- 
many to  the  United  States,  and  settled  south  of 
Milwaukee,  Wis.  Their  son,  .Jacob,  who  was  born 
in  the  province  of  Bavaria,  Germany,  left  the  old 
home  with  his  parents.  He  was  educated  and  grew 
to  manhood  in  Wisconsin,  and  in  1859  went  to 
Nemaha  County,  this  State.     In  1860  he  was  mar- 



ried  at  St  Joseph,  Mo.,  to  Kate,  daughter  of  John 
and  Kate  (Sheild)  Joerg,  the  bride  with  her  par- 
ents having  come  from  Prussia.  After  his  marriage 
Mr.  Jacob  Mohrbacher  removed  to  this  county, 
settling  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  where  he  opened 
up  a  farm,  and  where  he  reared  his  large  familj-,  all 
of  whom  survive. 

Our  sul)ject  is  a  Democrat,  but  takes  no  active 
part  in  political  life.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Catho- 
lic Church  of  St.  Bridget.  He  is  a  man  of  firm 
principles,  enterprising  in  business,  honorable  in  his 
dealings,  and  of  courteous  manners. 

^OHN  H.  DUNTZ.  This  enterprising  and 
prosperous  3'oung  farmer  has  worked  his 
way  up  from  a  modest  beginning  and  is  evi- 
dently now  on  the  highway  to  prosperitj-. 
His  industry  and  good  judgment  have  maintained 
him  in  the  possession  of  a  good  farm  on  section  9, 
in  Baldersou  Township,  to  whicn  he  is  giving  his 
best  cfforls  with  most  excellent  results.  His  landed 
possessions  aggregate  333^  acres  of  land,  all  in  one 
body  and  270  acres  yielding  abundantly  of  grain 
and  other  produce.  He  keeps  about  sixty  head  of 
cattle,  nineteen  head  of  horses  and  seventy-five 
swine.  The  cattle  are  mostlj'  graded  Short-horn, 
and  upon  the  place  is  one  thoroughbred  Cljde, 
"John  L.  Sullivan",  together  with  another  Clyde 
and  Percheron  named  'Towa  Duke."  In  glancing 
at  the  parental  history  of  our  subject  we  find  that 
lie  is  the  son  of  Peter  and  Margaret  E.  (Lawrence) 
Duntz,  natives  of  New  York  State,  and  the  father 
born  in  Columbia  County.  After  marriage  they 
settled  not  far  from  the  place  of  their  birth,  where 
they  lived  until  1868.  They  then  moved  across 
the  Mississippi  into  Jones  County,  Iowa,  and  after- 
ward to  Nebraska  whence  they  came  to  Kansas 
about  1883  and  settled  in  Balderson  Township, 
this  county.  Their  thirte'J'n  children  are  all  living, 
and  the  eldest,  John  H.,  our  subject,  was  born  in 
Columbia  County,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  14,  1856.  He  at- 
tained his  education  mostly  in  the  Hawkeye  Slate, 
and  began  life  for  himself  at  the  early  age  of 
fifteen  years,    choosing  farming    for  his  vocation, 

which  he  has  since  followed.  He  came  to  Kansas 
with  his  family  in  1 884. 

Mr.  Duntz  had  been  married  in  Iowa,  Dec.  30, 
1878  to  Miss  Sarah  J.  daughter  of  Andrew  and 
Melissa  (Cole)  Ballou.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Duntz 
removed  from  Ohio  to  Jones  County,  Iowa,  where 
thej'  now  live  and  in  which  the  father  is  a  land- 
owner to  the  extent  probably  of  1000  acres.  The 
parental  family  included  seven  children  of  whom 
Mrs.  Duntz  was  next  tlie  eldest.  She  was  born 
July  25,  1858,  in  Jones  County,  Iowa. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Duntz  have  three  children — Edna 
May,  John  and  .Ethel.  Our  subject  has  served  as 
Treasurer  of  the  School  Board  of  his  district  and 
was  at  one  time  identified  with  the  Grange.  He 
takes  an  active  interest  in  politics  and  usuall}' 
votes  witli  the  Republican  part}'.  On  another  page 
of  this  volume  appears  a  fine  lithographic  engrav- 
ing of  his  present  residence,  which  he  put  up  in 
1884,  and  lie  has  other  good  buildings.  An 
orchard  of  140  apple  trees  will  in  lime  yield  an 
abundance  of  fruit  for  the  family  and  some  to 
spare.  The  popular  picture  of  quiet  and  content, 
usuallj-  assigned  to  a  country'  homestead,  seems  to 
be  thoroughly  realized  in  tlie  home  and  surround- 
of  Mr.  Duntz  and  his  family. 

^^p^.EORGE  W.  TARVIN,  a  well-to-do 
farmer  of  Marysville  Township,  and  a  min- 
ister of  the  United  Brethren  Church,  is 
widely  and  favorably  known  throughout  his  com- 
munity as  a  man  possessing  all  the  qualities  of  a 
first-class  citizen.  He  has  a  verj'  pleasant  home 
and  a  charming  family,  and  is  apparentl}-  sur- 
rounded b}'  all  which  makes  life  attractive  and 
desirable.  His  farm  embraces  180  acres  of  land  on 
section  19,  whicli,  under  a  course  of  skillful  cultiva- 
tion has  become  highly  productive  and  is  the  source 
of  a  generous  income. 

Mr.  Tarvin  comes  from  a  good  family,  being  the 
son  of  Squire  G.  and  Sallie  (Dix)  Tarvin,  who 
were  natives  of  Kentucky  and  were  there  reared 
and  married.  Tlie}-  settled  in  Campbell  Count}', 
and  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives  in  the  home 

z    \1 

School  house. 

Residence  of  G.W.Tarvin,5ec.19.MarysvilleTownship. 

Residenceof  John  H.  Duntz,  Sec.  9.  Balderson  Township. 



they  established  there.  Their  family  consisted  of 
nine  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  second 
born.  The  survivors,  five  in  number,  are  residents 
of  Kentucky,  Indiana  and  Kansas.  George  W.  was 
born  in  Campbell  County,  K3.,  Sept.  14,  1824.  He 
there  spent  liie  days  of  his  childhood  and  youth, 
and  upon  reaching  man's  estate,  was  married  and 
settled  upon  a  small  farm,  which  he  operated  until 
the  spring  of  1865.  Then  selling  out  he  came  to 
tills  county  and  rented  his  present  homestead.  In 
the  fall  of  that  year  he  returned  to  the  Blue  Grass 
Slate,  but  in  May,  1866  came  back  to  Kansas  and 
purchased  his  present  farm.  Upon  this  he  has 
effected  excellent  improvements  including  a  set  of 
substantial  buildings,  together  with  other  modern 
appliances  requisite  for  the  successful  prosecution 
of  his  calling.  For  two  years  he  was  the  agent  of 
an  insurance  company,  and  has  been  in  the  ministrj^ 
for  the  last  eight  or  ten  years. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Ann  S. 
Hicks,  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  near 
Carthage,  Campbell  Co.,  Ky.,  Oct.  14,  1850.  Mrs. 
Tarvin  was  born  in  Bleming  County,  Ky.,  July  25, 
1828,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Joim  G.  and  Martha 
(Tarvin)  Hicks,  the  former  of  whom  was  a  native 
of  Virginia,  while  the  latter  was  born  in  Kentuckj'. 
Tiie  father  was  for  about  forty-two  years  a  preaclier 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  and  died  in 
Fleming  Count}',  Ky.,  while  the  mother  passed  to 
rest  in  Campbell  Countj-.  To  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife,  there  have  been  born  seven  chil- 
dren, namely :  Lewis  S.,  Martha  H.,  Willie  G., 
.John  M.,  Charles  H.,  Sallie  H.  and  George  W.,  Jr., 
Willie  died  at  the  homestead,  when  an  interesting- 
lad  of  eleven  years. 

Mr.  Tarvin  was  a  resident  of  Kentucky  during 
the  Civil  War,  and  had  a  full  experience  of  what  it 
cost  to  be  a  supporter  of  the  Union.  He  is  a  stanch 
adherent  of  the  Republican  party,  a  man  of 
decided  views,  and  one  who  does  his  own  thinking. 
Both  he  and  his  wife,  identified  themselves  with 
the  United  Brethren  Church  soon  after  its  organ- 
ization in  this  part  of  the  county.  During  the 
Grange  movement,  Mr.  Tarvin  withdrew  from  the 
church  on  account  of  its  decided  opposition  to 
secret  societies.  His  son,  Lewis  S.,  took  up  the 
mantle  of  his  father  as- a  minister,  being  connected 

with  the  Kansas  conference;  he  married  Miss  Mary 
Ellen  Riddle.  One  daughter,  Martha  is  the  wife 
of  T.  C.  Randolph;  John  married  Miss  Hester  Bart- 
low;  Charles  was  first  married  to  Miss  Monnie  B. 
Strictler,  who  died,  and  he  was  subsequently  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Cora  Tays. 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  many  readers  to 
the  handsome  lithographic  view  of  the  home  place 
and  farm  residence  of  Mr.  Tarvin  on  another  page 
of  this  volume.  There  maj'  also  be  noticed  in  con- 
nection with  the  engraving  of  the  present  residence, 
a  view  of  the  old  stone  house,  which  Mr.  Tarvin 
and  his  family  occupied  wlicn  they  first  came  to 
this  county. 

Ill — 5i  LT  MARKS.  It  sometimes  occurs  that  the 
fe)  euphony  of  a  man's  name  corresponds  witli 
jL^^i  his  makeup,  and  the  short,  decided  title  by 
which  this  gentleman  is  known  seems  to  be  fully  in 
keeping  with  his  character.  Independent  in  thought, 
progressive  in  his  ideas,  active  and  decided,  he 
has,  by  his  resolute  industry  become  well-to-do, 
and  is  numbered  among  tlie  leading  men  of  liis 
community.  He  is  active  in  tlie  Methodist  Eiiis- 
copal  Church,  and  foremost  in  tlie  various  enter- 
prises set  on  foot  for  the  general  good  of  the 
people  around  him.  A  self-made  man  in  the  best 
sense  of  the  word,  he  began  life  lependent  upon 
ills  own  resources,  and  has  unquestionably  made  of 
it  a  success.  We  find  him  located  on  a  valuable 
homestead  in  Rock  Township,  comprising  320  acres 
of  land,  occupying  a  portion  of  sections  17  and  18, 
the  dwelling  being  on  the  former. 

The  branch  of  the  Marks  family  to  which  our 
subject  belongs  originated  in  Germany,  and  the 
first  representative  upon  coming  to  America  estab- 
lished himself,  it  is  supposed,  in  the  Old  Dominion, 
where  the  paternal  grandfather  spent  his  last  days. 
There  also  John  Marks,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
was  born,  and  when  a  bo}'  was  pressed  into  the  ser- 
vice when  the  British  came  up  the  Potomac,  and 
made  to  do  teaming  for  the  American  array.  In 
1824  he  emigrated  to  Ohio,  making  the  journey 
overland  by  team,  and  for  a  time  operated  on  rented 



land  in  Perry  County.  Later  lie  removed  to  Dela- 
ware County,  where  he  purchased  a  small  farm, 
upon  which  he  lived  a  few  years,  tlien  pushed  oil 
farther  westward  to  Illinois.  He  spent  his  last 
days  with  his  son  Eli,  our  subject,  dying  in  Grundy 
County,  111.,  at  the  age  of  eighty-two  years.  He 
was  a  Democrat,  politically,  and  in  his  religions 
views  coincided  with  the  doctrines  of  the  Baptist 

Mrs.  Lydia  (Mellen)  Marks,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  born  and  reared  in  Virginia  on  a  farm 
and  died  in  Perry  County,  Ohio,  in  1826.  The 
parental  household  included  eight  children,  viz.: 
Mary,  Elizabeth,  Sarah,  Nancy,  Hannah,  Thomas, 
Elisha  and  Eli.  Our  subject,  the  youngest  born, 
first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  in  Londoun  County, 
Va.,  Oct.  26,  1820.  He  was  a  child  of  four  years 
when  bis  parents  removed  to  Ohio,  where  he  spent 
his  childhood  and  youth,  acquiring  his  education 
during  the  winter  season  in  the  log  school-house 
with  its  puncheon  floor,  seats  and  desks  of  slabs, 
and  greased  paper  for  window  panes.  He  was 
taught  to  make  himself  useful  on  a  farm  at  a  very 
early  age,  and  was  fourteen  years  old  when  the 
family  removed  to  Delaware  County,  where  he  re- 
mained until  a  man  of  twenty-five  years,  assisting 
in  the  development  of  the  new  farm. 

At  this  time  Mr.  Marks  commenced  farming  on 
his  own  account  on  rented  land,  and  thus  operated 
until  1850,  when  he  purchased  a  tract  in  the  forest, 
from  which  he  felled  the  trees,  grubbed  out  the 
stumps  and  prepared  the  soil  for  cultivation.  He 
lived  there  until  1850,  then  resolved  to  seek  his 
fortunes  in  the  farther  West.  He  set  out  over- 
land by  team  for  Illinois,  and  in  the  vicinity  of 
Morris,  Grund}'  County,  purchased  eightj'  acres  of 
land.  This,  however,  he  sold  soon  afterward  and 
purchased  105  acres,  where  he  lived  until  1882. 
That  year  he  crossed  the  Mississippi  to  this  county, 
and  purchased  his  present  farm,  which  was  only 
partly  improved  and  for  which  he  paid  $19  per 
acre.  He  has  built  a  large  amount  of  fencing,  set 
out  an  orchard  of  200  trees,  including  apples,  cher- 
ries and  peaches,  and  makes  a  specialt}-  of  fruit 
raising.  He  has  several  fine  groves  and  a  com- 
fortable dwelling,-  together  with  all  the  necessary 
outbuildings  for  the  accommodation  of  grain  and 

stock.  Besides  his  onn  domicile  there  are  two 
other  houses  on  the  farm,  each  comprising  a  little 
home  bj-  itself,  with  fruit  trees  and  other  comforts 
and  conveniences.  There  is  an  abundance  of 
running  water  furnished  by  Mosquito  Creek,  and  a 
goodly  area  of  native  timber.  Besides  his  fruit 
operations  Mr.  Marks  is  a  successful  breeder  of 
graded  Holstein  cattle,  Poland-China  swine,  and 
Percheron  horses,  of  which  he  has  three  teams.  He 
rents  a  portion  of  his  land. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Mary 
Irvin  was  celebrated  at  the  bride's  home  in  Dela- 
ware Countj-,  Ohio,  'March  28,  1847.  Mrs.  Marks 
was  born  in  Licking  County,  that  State,  in  March. 
1827,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Richard  Irvin,  a 
prominent  farmer  of  Delaware  County.  Of  her 
union  with  our  subject  there  have  been  born  nine 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  Elisha,  is  the 
Postmaster  and  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  Garrison, 
this  State.  Benjamin  is  the  owner  of  200  acres  of 
land  in  Rock  Township,  where  he  operates  success- 
fully as  a  farmer.  Olvin  died  when  about  two 
years  old;  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of  Leander  Button, 
and  is  a  resident  of  Beattie:  Eliza  J.  is  the  widow 
of  Nelson  Wing,  and  makes  her  home  with  her 
parents;  Lovina  is  the  wife  of  James  Bowman,  of 
Beattie;  Perry  is  farming  in  Eock  'J'ownship; 
Almira  is  the  wife  of  Frank  James,  a  farmer  of 
Rock  Township;  Charles  and  Irvin  are  at  home 
with  their  parents.  Mr.  Marks  is  a  strong  Repub- 
lican, politically,  and  has  been  the  Director  in  his 
school  district  for  a  number  of  years. 

"jp;,  R.  WILLIAM    STRAYER.     Occasionally 
{I    jV  we  encounter  a  medical   practitioner  who 
a^J^^    makes  an  art  and  a  science  of   his  profes- 
^■'^^  sion.  and  labors  with  the  worthy  ambition 

to  excel.  Dr.  Strayer  has  only  been  a  resident  of 
Axtell  since  February,  1887,  but  he  has  fully 
established  himself  in  the  esteem  and  confidence  of 
the  people.  He  removed  to  this  place  from  Beattie, 
in  September,  1882,  during  which  year  he  had  be- 
come a  resident  of  this  county.  For  two  years 
prior  to  this  he  was  traveling  salesman  for  a  New 



York  Medical  Library.  Before  associating  himself 
with  this  concern  he  had  practiced  medicine  at 
Ro3'alton,  Fairfield  Co.,  Oliio,  where  lie  had  spent 
the  earlier  years  of  his  life.  He  was  born  at  Roy- 
alton,  Jan.  8,  1852,  and  lived  there  until  attaining 
his  majority. 

Our  subject  received  a  practical  education  in 
the  schools  of  his  native  county  and  began  teaching 
wlien  a  youth  of  seventeen  years.  He  took  up  the 
study  of  medicine  about  the  time  of  reaching  his 
majority,  and  later  entered  a  rising  medical  college 
at  Columbus,  from  whicli  he  was  graduated  Feb. 
25,  1878.  In  tiie  meantime  he  had  already  com- 
meuced  the  practice  of  his  chosen  profession,  and 
for  a  time  was  located  in  Lancaster,  Oliio. 

Soon  after  being  graduated  Dr.  Straj'er  left  his 
native  place  and  proceeding  to  Illinois,  established 
himself  at  Curran,  Sangamon  County.  But  he 
soon  became  homesick,  the  town  being  new  and 
the  country  practically  undeveloped,  so  he  returned 
to  Oiiio,  and  remained  there  until  1880,  at  which 
time  he  became  associated  with  the  Medical  Library 
above  mentioned.  In  1882,  coming  to  Beattie,  this 
county,  he  entered  into  partnership  with  anotlier 
physician,  but  they  only  operated  together  a  few 
months,  since  which  time  Dr.  Strayer  has  eonduct'^d 
his  business  alone.  He  is  a  member  of  the  North- 
ern Kansas  Medical  Societj-,  which  includes  in  its 
ranks  some  of  the  best  phj'sicians  in  the  State. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Abraham  W. 
Strayer,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  and  of  German 
parentage  and  ancestry'.  He  became  familiar  with 
mercantile  pursuits  in  his  youth,  and  by  the  death 
of  his  father,  was  thrown  upon  his  own  resources 
when  quite  3'oung.  Later,  he  emigrated  with  a 
brother-in-law  to  Ohio,  and  settled  in  Fairfield 
Couhty,  where  he  attained  his  majorit3\  He  was 
married  to  Miss  Ellen  M.  Cross,  a  native  of  Vir- 
ginia, and  of  English  descent.  Mrs.  Strayer  went 
to  Ohio  with  her  father,  John  Cross,  when  quite 
j'oung,  and  was  reared  to  womanhood  in  Fairfield 
County,  on  the  farm  of  her  parents,  who  died 
there.  After  marriage  the  parents  of  our  suliject 
settled  in  Royalton,  of  which  they  were  residents 
many  years,  and  where  the  father  died  in  1866, 
when  fifty-two  years  old.  He  was  engaged  in 
mercantile  pursuits  during  his  younger  years,  and 

later  learned  the  trade  of  a  saddler  and  harness- 
maker.  Religiously,  he  was  a  Methodist,  and  po- 
litically, a  sound  Republican.  The  mother  is  yet 
living,  and  makes  her  home  in  Royalton,  Ohio, 
and  is  now  seventy-five  years  old;  she  also  is  a 

The  subject  of  tliis  sketcii  was  the  youngest  in  a 
family  of  five  sons  and  three  daughters.  He  re- 
ceived a  careful  parental  training,  and  like  his 
father  before  him,  is  an  ardent  supporter  of  Re- 
publican principles.  He  takes  an  active  interest  in 
local  matters  and  gives  his  encouragement  to  the 
enterprises  calculated  to  benefit  the  community. 
He  has  been  an  Odd  Fellow  for  many  years,  and  is 
at  present  a  member  of  the  Encamijment  at  Barnes, 
and  belongs  to  the  Blue  Lodge,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  at 
Axtell,  in  which  he  is  Senior  Warden,  and  with 
which  he  became  identified  three  years  ago.  He 
has  never  sought  office,  preferring  to  give  his  time 
and  attention  to  the  duties  of  his  profession. 

AVID  H.  MILLER,  of  Blue  Rapids,  is, 
although  a  young  man,  one  of  the  earliest 
settlers  of  Marshall  County,  having  lived 
here  for  over  thirty-one  years.  His  par- 
ents, Henry  H.  and  Sarah  A.  (Johns)  Miller,  came 
to  Kansas  from  Richland  County,  Wis.,  locating 
in  what  is  now  Blue  Rapids  City  Township,  Au". 
1,  1858.  His  grandfather,  Henry  Muller,  as  the 
name  was  then  spelled,  came  from  Germany  many 
years  ago,  and  settled  in  Indiana,  which  was  then 
on  the  frontier.  There  he  lived  until  he  can'e  to 
Kansas  with  his  son,  Henry  H.  He  died  in  Blue 
Rapids  about  the  year  1870,  being  nearly  one  hun- 
dred years  old.  He  was  during  his  active  life  a 
farmer,  but  was  past  labor  when  the  family  came 
to  this  county.  His  wife,  Sarah  Bowers,  died  about 
the  year  1863,  at  the  age  of  seventy-five.  They 
had  a  family  of  six  children,  four  of  whom  came 
to  this  county,  and  one  son,  Absalom,  died  here. 
Another  son,  Samuel,  is  now  living  in  Iowa,  and  a 
daughter,  Sarah,  is  the  wife  of  Andrew  Scott,  of 
this  township. 

Henry  H.  Miller,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 



bom  in  Indiana,  and  in  that  State  in  his  youth  fol- 
lowed the  occupation  of  farming  with  his  father. 
Early  in  the  nineteenth  century'  he  removed  to 
Wisconsin,  and  in  Richland  County,  of  that  State, 
he  was  married  to  Sarah  A.  Johns.  He  followed 
agriculture  in  Wisconsin,  and  upon  coming  to 
Kansas  took  up  a  homestead  of  IGO  acres  on  what 
is  now  section  31  in  Blue  Rapids  City  Township. 
On  this  place  he  lived  until  1  864,  when,  being  a 
man  of  a  venturous  spirit,  lie  went  to  Northern 
California  and  Oregon  prospecting  for  gold.  He 
spent  several  years  in  that  I'egion,  being  deter- 
mined not  come  home  until  he  made  a  success,  but 
did  not  liye  to  attain  his  wishes.  At  the  time  of 
the  Modoc  War,  he  and  his  partner  were  working 
near  the  Lava  Beds,  where  the  treacherous  red- 
skins, under  the  notorious  "Capt.  Jaek,"made  their 
stand,  and  the  two  men  were  captured  by  the  sav- 
ages. The  only  news  ever  received  by  their  fam- 
ily was  through  the  Government  report  of  Gen. 
Canby,  which  states  that  the  captives  were  tor- 
tured to  death  by  the  red  , fiends.  Mr.  Miller  was 
an  honorable  man,  industrious  and  hard-working, 
but  of  a  roving  disposition,  as  shown  by  his  going 
into  that  wild  country.  His  wife  was  born  in 
Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  26,  1839,  and 
went  to  Wisconsin  with  her  parents  when  a  young 
girl.  By  her  union  with  Mr.  Miller  she  became 
the  mother  of  five  children,  one  of  whom,  Melissa 
Alice,  died  in  infanc}',  and  one,  Samuel  B.,  at  the 
age  of  fifteen.  Those  now  living  are:  David  H. ; 
Anna  S.,  wife  of  Frank  Brooks,  a  farmer  of  Elm 
Creek  Township;  and  .Joshua  P..  who  is  engaged 
in  the  grocery  business  in  Blue  Rapids. 

David  H.  Miller,  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was 
born  in  Richland  County,  Wis.,  Sept.  19,  1856,  and 
was  therefore  not  quite  two  years  old  when  he  was 
brought  to  this  county,  where,  with  the  exception 
of  a  year  in  Wisconsin,  he  has  spent  all  his  subse- 
quent life.  He  attended  the  district  schools  here, 
and  when  a  lad  began  working  on  his  father's 
farm.  He  was  but  a  boj'  when  his  father  left 
home,  and  being  the  oldest  of  the  family,  he  soon 
learned  what  hard  work  was,  having  at  an  early 
age  to  take  the  principal  care  of  the  place.  He 
passed  through  all  the  liardships  seen  in  this  sec- 
tion from  Indians,  drought  and  grasshoppers.  When 

still  a  child  a  couple  of  squaws  attempted  to  steal 
him,  but,  just  as  they  had  got  him  on  a  pony,  his 
mother  seized  liim,  .and  after  a  struggle  succeeded  in 
keeping  her  child.  There  were  numerous  alarms  of 
Indian  raids  during  the  first  year's  residence  of  the 
family  in  Kansas,  but  they  never  suffered  an}-  loss 
from  them. 

Mr.  Miller  continued  to  live  on  the  farm  with 
his  motlier  and  stepfather  until  he  was  of  age, 
when  he  began  working  in  the  mill  of  Perry 
Hutchinson,  at  Marysville,  in  this  county.  He  re- 
mained in  this  employment  six  mouths,  and  then 
returned  to  farming.  Being  married  the  follow- 
ing year,  lie  rented  a  farm  of  M.  L.  Duncan,  which 
he  operated  for  two  years.  He  then  purchased  a 
quarter  section  in  AV'ells  Township,  which  he  farmed 
for  five  years.  Tbis  land,  which  he  still  owns, 
was  fertilized  by  running  water,  and  is  now  in  a 
thorough  state  of  cultivation  and  furnished  with 
good  and  adequate  buildings.  In  November,  1886, 
Mr.  Miller  removed  to  Blue  Rapids,  and  in  co- 
partnership with  his  stepfather,  M.  L.  Duncan,  and 
J.  H.  Barlow,  engaged  in  the  milling  business,  the 
establishment  being  known  as  the  Gem  City  Roll- 
ing Mill.  He  has  charge  of  the  mill  as  Superin- 

December  24,  1878,  Mr.  Miller  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Chloc  Fisher,  who  was  born  in 
Wilson,  Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  27,  1858.  Her 
parents  were  John  S.  and  .Salome  (Pomeroy)  Fisher. 
The  father  was  a  native  of  England,  who  had  come 
to  America  with  his  parents  when  he  was  but  ^ 
eight  j-ears  old,  and  the  mother  is  of  New  England 
stock.  Both  are  now  living  in  Blue  Rapids.  (See 
sketch.)  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Miller  are  the  parents  of 
three  children — Melissa  Duncan,  Ilenr}'  Pomeroy 
and  Ruby. 

Mr.  Miller  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church, 
and  while  living  on  his  farm  was  a  Deacon  of  the 
Elm  Creek  Church.  Mrs.  Miller  holds  member- 
ship in  the  Presbyterian  Church.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  Masonic  fraternity,  belonging  to  Blue 
Rapids  Lodge  No.  169.  During  his  residence  in 
Wells  Township,  he  held  the  office  of  Treasurer, 
but  since  coming  to  Blue  Rapids  has  had  no  pub- 
lic position,  his  time  being  fully  occupied  in  his 
business.  Mr.  Miller  is  well  known  to  all  the  people 



of  this  part  of  the  county,  where,  it  maj'  be  said, 
iiis  entire  life  has  been  passed.  He  bears  the  repu- 
tation of  being  an  honest,  upright  and  trustworthy 
business  man,  and  a  good  citizen,  and  as  such,  is 
esteemed  bj'  everyone  wlio  knows  liim.  On  another 
l)age  will  be  found  a  further  account  of  the  busi- 
ness in  which  Mr.  Miller  is  now  engaged,  and 
which  is  one  of  the  principal  industries  of  Blue 

■S^  DWIN  .S.  ROWLAND.  Some  of  the  most 
|W|  successful  farmers  of  Walnut  Township,  are 
Jj — -^i  those  wlio  came  to  Northern  Kansas  in  their 
young  manhood,  among  whom  was  the  subject  of 
this  notice.  With  wise  forethought  he  set  about 
the  establishment  of  a  home  before  assuming  the 
responsibilities  of  a  family,  and  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  of  land  which  lie  has  improved  into  a  first- 
class  farm,  making  fences,  putting  up  buildings, 
jilanting  forest  and  fruit  trees,  and  gradually  accu- 
mulating the  comforts  and  conveniences  which 
have  so  large  a  share  in  the  happiness  and  welfare 
of  humanity.  For  a  number  of  years  he  operated 
simply  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil,  but  now  makes  a 
specialty  of  fine  stock,  including  Cl3'desdale  horses 
and  Short-horn  cattle,  and  is  able  to  exhibit  some 
of  the  finest  specimens  of  these  to  be  found  in  this 
part  of  the  county. 

A  native  of  New  York  State,  Mr.  Rowland  was 
born  in  Suffolk  County,  March  6,  1847,  and  there 
spent  his  boyhood  and  youth,  receiving  a  practical 
education  in  the  common  school.  He  at  an  early 
age  acquired  those  habits  of  industry  which  have 
proved  the  basis  of  his  success  in  life.  His  parents 
were  Sanford  and  Mary  (Thompson)  Rowland,  na- 
tives of  Long  Island.  The  father  was  owner  of  a 
sailing  vessel,  the  "Dover,"  which  was  chiefly  used 
in  the  03ster  business  on  the  American  coast,  and 
of  which  he  was  commander.  He  was  lost  at  sea 
off  Hre  Island  Inlet,  where  his  ship  grounded  on 
a  bar  and  where  he  perished  March  2,  1854. 

The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  spent 
many  years  of  his  life  on  Long  Island,  where  he 
was  married,  reared  his  family  and  died.  The 
maternal    grandparents     likewise    died    on     Long 

Isl  uid,  i:;  tlio  village  of  Patchogue,  where  they  had 
been  reared.  Our  subject  left  his  native  State 
when  a  young  man  and  after  coming  to  this  county 
was  united  in  marriage  to  Miss  Catherine,  daughter 
of  John  and  Catherine  Binder,  who  was  born  in 
Oskaloosa,  Mahaska  Co.,  Iowa,  June  4,  1857.  The 
parents  of  Mrs.  Rowland  were  natives  of  Germany 
and  further  notice  of  them  maj'  be  found  in  the 
sketch  of  J.  George  Binder,  a  brother  of  her  father. 
Of  her  union  with  our  subject  there  have  been  born 
three  children  :  William,  Albert  and  James  Franklin. 
Mr.  Rowland  is  a  stanch  supporter  of  Republican 
principles.  He  has  always  maintained  an  interest 
in  local  affairs  and  officiated  as  Township  Clerk 
one  term. 

John  Binder  departed  this  life  at  his  home  in 
Waterville  Township,  this  county,  Feb.  15,  1888, 
after  a  residence  of  twenty-one  years,  having  come 
here  in  1869.  He  at  that  time  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  on  section  2,  in  Waterville  Township,  where 
they  reared  their  family  of  seven  children  and 
where  the  mother  still  lives.  Mrs.  Rowland  was 
their  third  child.  She  was  carefully  trained  in  all 
housewifely  duties,  received  a  common-school  edu- 
cation and  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until 
her  marriage. 

\|^^  ARLAND  McGREW,  of  Blue  Rapids,  has 
llT))'  lived  in  Kansas  about  a  score  of  years,  hav- 
/^^'  ing  come  here  in  1870,  locating  first  in 
(^)  Holton,  Jackson  County,  where  he  arrived 
Oct.  9,  of  that  year.  He  was  born  in  Jefferson 
County,  Ohio,  June  30.  1828.  His  grandfather, 
Nathan  McGrew,  removed  from  Westmoreland 
County,  Pa.,  to  Ohio,  at  an  early  day.  The  Mc- 
Grcws  were  from  Ireland,  and  the  grandmother, 
whose  name  was  Blackburn,  was  of  Scotch  ancestry. 
The  grandparents  were  married  in  Pennsylvania, 
and  as  stated,  located  in  Ohio,  where  both  spent 
the  rest  of  their  lives.  Their  son,  also  named 
Nathan,  was  the  father  of  our  subject.  He  was 
quite  young  when  the  family  removed  to  the  then 
now  country,  Ohio.  There  he  endured  the  usual 
hardships  encountered   by  the  early  settler  in  that 



hecavil}'  wooded  couDtry,  where  they  had  literally 
to  hew  out  a  home  from  the  wilderness.  His  father 
was  a  miller,  and  the  first  building  he  nut  up  after 
his  emigration,  was  a  mill  on  Cross  Creek,  in  a  part 
of  which  building  they  lived  until  they  had  a  house 
built.  On  this  same  stream  the  grandfather  built 
three  mills,  selling  out  and  again  building.  Nathan 
McGrew  also  learned  the  trade  of  a  miller,  and 
worked  at  that  occupation  all  his  life.  He  died 
Sept.  19,  1854,  aged  fifty-seven  years.  He  was  a 
man  who  never  pushed  himself  forward  in  public 
life  and  never  held  public  office,  but  attended 
strictly  to  his  business,  and  was  accounted  one  of 
the  best  millers  in  that  part  of  the  country.  He 
was  of  Quaker  descent,  but  later  in  life  became  a 
member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  His 
wife  was  Angelina  McManama,  who  came  from 
Loudoun  County,  Va.,  where  she  was  bcru.  Her 
ancestors  had  come  from  England  with  one  of  the 
colonies  settled  in  Pennsylvania  by  "William  Pcnn. 
8he  lived  ten  years  after  her  husband,  dying  in  Har- 
rison County,  Ohio,  in  the  house  of  her  son  Harland, 
Feb.  18,  1864.  She  like  her  husband  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and  was  a 
o-ood  wife  and  a  devoted  mother.  Both  siie  and 
her  husband  were  highly  esteemed  and  respected 
b}'  those  who  knew  them.  They  had  six  children, 
one  of  whom  was  killed  by  a  falling  log,  in  his  sec- 
ond year.  The  others  lived  to  maturity:  Nathan 
is  now  living  in  Holton,  Jackson  Co.,  Kan.,  where 
for  many  years  he  carried  on  a  large  grocery; 
Harland  was  next  in  order  of  birth ;  John  was  a 
teacher  and  died  unmarried  in  Jefferson  County, 
Ohio;  Matilda  also  died  unmarried  in  the  same 
county;  Samuel  came  to  Marshall  County  in  1872, 
and  died  in  Blue  Rapids  the  same  year.  He  was  a 
Union  soldier,  and  served  for  four  years  in  the 
40th  Illinois  Infantry,  and  his  death  was  hastened 
by  the  hardships  endured  in  the  service.  He  was 
Sergeant  and  Color  Bearer  of  his  companj-,  and 
was  a  gallant  soldier.  His  children,  and  his  widow, 
who  was  remarried,  all  live  in  Massillon,  Ohio. 

Harland  McGrew  was  brought  up  in  Jefferson 
County,  Ohio,  and  received  his  education  in  its 
district  schools.  He  learned  the  trade  of  milling 
with  his  father,  for  whom  he  worked  until  he  was 
twenty-four  years  old.     About  this   time  he  went 

into  partnership  with  his  brothers,  Nathan  and 
Samuel,  in  a  flouring  mill  on  a  fork  of  the  Yellow 
Creek,  in  Jefferson  Countj'.  They  carried  on  this 
business  for  a  number  of  years,  when  selling  out, 
ihey  bought  another  mill,  in  Carroll  County,  Ohio, 
which  the3'  operated  about  six  3'ears.  On  Samuel's 
enlistment  he  sold  his  interest  to  his  brothers,  who 
continued  the  mill  for  some  time.  The  one  which 
they  had  sold  in  Jefferson  County  not  proving 
successful  under  its  new  management,  it  was  put 
in  the  market,  and  the  McGrew  brothers  bought  a 
half  interest  in  it.  Thej-  carried  on  both  mills  for 
about  a  j'ear,  when  they  again  sold  the  Jefferson 
County  mill.  Harland  had  a  short  time  before 
sold  his  interest  in  the  Carroll  County  mill  to  his 
brothers.  This  was  in  the  early  part  of  1862,  in 
which  year  our  subject  went  to  Springfield,  Ohio, 
and  there  carried  on  a  mill  for  other  parties  for  a 
year.  His  brother  had  sold  a  half-interest  in  his 
mill,  and  the  new  firm  removed  it  to  the  railroad  at 
a  place  called  Bowerstown.  There  Harland  took 
charge  of  it  for  them,  running  it  for  over  two 
years.  In  1865  he  bought  a  mill  at  Slierrodsville, 
Carroll  Co.,  Ohio,  which  he  kept  until  1870. 

Our  subject  then  sold  out  and  determined  to  try 
his  fortunes  in  the  new  State  of  Kansas.  The  first 
year  here  he  ran  a  mill  at  Holton,  and  on  coming 
to  this  county,  in  1871,  he  took  charge  of  the 
flouring  mill  on  the  east  bank  of  the  Blue  at  Blue 
Rapids,  then  owned  b^-  Olmsted  Bros.  &  Co.  In 
that  position  he  remained  for  nearly  eleven  years, 
having  entire  charge  of  its  operation.  In  1882 
Mr.  McGrew  went  to  Frankfort  for  a  few  mouths, 
and  from  there,  being  in  failing  health  just  then, 
he  went  to  Jackson  County,  where  he  was  in  the 
grocery  business  with  his  brother  for  a  year.  On 
his  return  to  Blue  Rapids,  in  the  fall  of  1884,  he 
kept  a  flour  and  feed  store  for  a  few  months,  and 
then  returned  to  the  mill  in  which  he  had  passed  so 
many  j'ears.  From  there  he  went  into  the  mill  at 
Clifton,  Washington  Count3',  which  he  ran  for  a 
year,  when  it  burnt  down,  and  he  came  back  to 
Blue  Rapids,  where  his  family  still  lived. 

On  coming  back  to  Blue  Rapids,  Mr.  McGrew 
and  Jacob  H.  Barlow  bought  the  mill  on  the  west 
bank,  now  known  as  the  Gem  City  Mill,  and  the 
water  power.     It  had   originally  been    built  for  a 



paper  mill,  but  they  determined  to  make  it  a  first- 
class  flouring  mill,  and  to  get  money  for  that  pur- 
pose sold  a  half  interest  in  it  to  Levi  Forbes,  who 
died  before  the  papers  were  signed,  and  whose 
heirs  declined  to  carry  out  the  contract.  They 
then  solil  the  half-interest  to  M.  L.  Duncan  and 
David  II.  Miller,  the  connection  continuing  as 
Barlow,  McGrew  &  Co.,  for  over  a  year,  when  Mr. 
McGrew  sold  his  interest  to  M.  L.  Duncan.  The 
new  firm  then  formed  retained  Mr.  McGrew  as 
miller,  and  in  that  capacity  he  is  still  emplo3'ed. 

February  28,  1855,  Mr.  McGrew  was  married 
to  Miss  Ellizannah  Smyth,  who  vvas  born  in  Jeffer- 
son County,  Ohio,  Feb.  24,  1836.  Her  parents 
were  William  and  Mary  (Stor^-)  Smj-th,  the  father 
a  native  of  Pennsjlvania  and  the  mother  of  Ohio. 
Mr.  Sm3th  was  brought  up  to  farming,  but  went 
to  Mississippi  to  take  charge  of  a  plantation  for  his 
brother,  who  was  a  planter,  and  not  liking  the  work, 
gave  it  up  and  returned  to  Ohio,  where  he  bought 
a  woolen  mill,  which  he  carried  on  many  years. 
He  later  converted  it  into  a  flouring  mill,  which  he 
sold  in  1850  to  the  father  and  brother  of  Mr.  Mc- 
Grew. He  then  went  to  Ashland  County,  Ohio, 
where  he  bought  a  farm,  which  he  operated  for  a 
number  of  3'ears,  when  he  sold  it  and  bought 
another,  which  he  also  sold  in  a  3'ear.  He  then  re- 
moved to  Carroll  Count3',  Ohio,  and  bought  a  half- 
interest  in  the  mill  in  that  count3-,  owned  1)3^  his 
son-in-law,  our  subject,  and  with  him  he  remained 
until  they  all  came  to  Kansas  in  1870.  On  coming 
to  this  State  he  bought  property  in  Holtou,  Jack- 
son Count3',  but  has  not  engaged  in  an3-  active 
business.  His  wife  died  in  Holton,  in  1876,  aged 
about  sixt3--six  years,  and  he  is  yet  living  there, 
and  has  attained  to  almost  eighty'  years.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  McGrew  have  three  children:  Malissa  Ann, 
born  Sept.  9,  1857,  is  the  wife  of  AVilliam  Caul- 
kins,  of  Mar3'sville,  this  county;  Sarah  Jane,  Nov. 
19,  1862,  is  married  to  George  B.  McC.  Reed,  and 
lives  in  Holton;  Ida  May,  born  Oct.  17,  1866,  is 
the  wife  of  William  J.  McXab,  a  merchant  of  Blue 

Mr.  McGrew  has  been  a  member  of  the  Council 
of  Blue  Rapids.  He  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternit3',  and  is  a  member  of  Blue  Rapids  Lodge  No. 
169,  of  which  he  has  been   Junior  Warden,  and  is 

now  ,Sc:ucr  Steward.  He  and  his  wife  are  members 
of  the  Methodist  Episcoiml  Church  in  Blue  Rapids, 
of  which  he  is  Trustee.  Mr.  McGrew  is  a  well- 
known  citizen  of  the  county,  especially  to  the 
people  of  Blue  Rapids  and  the  surrounding  countr3', 
and  they  speak  o'  him  as  an  upright  and  straight- 
forward man,  of  unimpeachable  character,  who  has 
fairly  won  the  goodwill  which  they  bear  him  as 
a  man  and  a  citizen. 

\ti  AMES  W.  WATTERS,  late  a  highly  re- 
spected resident  of  Wells  Township,  was 
born  in  Iowa,  Sept.  13,  1845,  and  departed 
^^'  this  life  at  his  homestead  on  section  6,  May 
17,  1881,  being  thus  cut  down  in  the  prime  of  life. 
He  was  the  son  of  Samuel  and  Irene  Watters,  and 
was  reared  in  his  native  county,  receiving  a  fair 
education  in  the  district  schools.  He  came  to  this 
State  about  1869,  settling  first  in  Washington 
County,  where  he  sojourned  one  year,  then  coming 
to  this  county,  located  on  a  tract  of  land  in  Wells 
Township,  homesteading  eighty  acres,  upon  which 
not  a  furrow  had  been  turned.  B3'  perseverance 
and  industry  he  brought  his  land  to  a  good  state 
of  cultivation,  and  has  left  to  his  family  that  which 
will  maintain  them  comfortably. 

Mr.  Watters  was  a  kind  man  in  his  family,  and 
among  his  neighbors  was  held  in  the  highest  es- 
teem. Politically,  he  was  a  sound  Republican,  and 
in  religious  matters  a  conscientious  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  He  was  married 
Feb.  14,  1866,  to  Miss  Eliza  Williams,  who  was 
born  in  Washington  County,  Ohio,  Dec.  26,  1843. 
The  parents  of  Mrs.  Watters  were  Henry  and  Jane 
(Johnson)  Williams,  who  were  natives  of  Penns3'l- 
vania,  and  early  pioneers  of  Washington  County, 
Ohio.  They  had  a  family  of  six  children,  of  whom 
the  following  survive,  viz:  Nancy,  the  wife  of 
Ira  Adams,  of  Washington  Count3',  Iowa;  Henry, 
Eliza,  and  John. 

Mrs.  Watters  was  a  maiden  of  sixteen  3ears  when 
her  parents  remored  from  Ohio  to  Iowa,  where 
they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  days.  She  at- 
tended school  during  her  childhood  ami  3-outh.  and 


PORtRAlt  Aisrt)  BlOGRAPtttCAL  ALBUM. 

became  familiar  with  all  the  useful  housewife!}^ 
duties,  being  thus  able  to  assist  her  husband  in  his 
efforts  to  obtain  something  for  the  future.  Of 
their  union  there  were  born  five  children,  namelj- : 
Jennie,  who  is  a  teacher  in  the  public  schools :  Au- 
gustus, Oscar,  Ora,  and  Walter,  the  latter  four  re- 
maining at  home  with  their  mother.  Mrs.  Waiters, 
like  her  husband,  identified  herself  with  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church  some  years  ago.  She  is 
managing  the  homestead  in  a  praiseworthy  manner, 
and  enjoj's  the  respect  of  her  neighbors. 


ANIEL  LOCKE,  who  owns  and  manages 
a  farm  on  section  29,  Balderson  Township, 
has  always  followed  the  occupation  of  a 
farmer,  to  which  he  was  reared.  He  now 
has  160  acres  of  fine  land,  all  but  thirty  of  which 
are  under  the  plow.  Among  the  prominent  features 
of  this  estate,  is  a  fine  young  orchard  of  150  trees, 
including  apple,  cherr}',  apricot  and  a  generous 
collection  of  small  fruits  in  addition.  He  not  only 
carries  on  a  successful  farm  but  handles  consider- 
able stock. 

Our  subject  is  a  native  of  Devonshire,  England, 
where  he  was  born  Nov.  24,  1844.  While  he  was 
yet  an  infant  his  parents  removed  to  Canada,  in 
which  country  he  obtained  most  of  his  youthful 
training  and  education.  When  he  was  sixteen 
years  old  the  family  went  to  Illinois,  and  that  was 
the  home  of  our  subject  for  over  twenty  years. 
He  began  life  for  himself  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
two,  engaging  in  the  occupation  in  which  he  had 
previouslj'  been  his  father's  able  assistant.  Nov.  16, 
1868,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  J.  Smith, 
of  Ogle  County,  111.,  and  imniediatelj'  returned  with 
his  bride  to  Champaign  County,  settling  upon  the 
farm  of  his  father.  After  three  years  sojourn  he 
bought  160  acres  in  the  same  county  upon  which  he 
lived  for  three  years.  Removing  to  Ogle  Count}', 
he  sojourned  five  years,  and  then  returned  to  Cham- 
paign County,  where  he  staid  two  years.  In  1882 
he  removed  to  this  State,  and  settled  upon  the 
farm,  where  he  now  resides.  The  land  was  raw 
prairie  when  he  took  possession,  and  in  the  short 
period  of  seven  years  he  has  lirought  it  to  its  pres- 

ent state  of  cultivation  and  productiveness,  and 
erected  a  dwelling,  barns  and  other  adequate  build- 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  William  Henr}' 
Locke,  a  native  of  Devonshire,  England,  and  his 
mother.  Hannali  (Escott)  Locke,  a  native  of  Som- 
ersetshire, England.  Thej'  were  married  in  their 
native  country,  and  resided  upon  a  farm  there  until 
1846, when  they  came  to  America.  After  landing  in 
New  York  they  proceeded  immediately  to  Canada, 
where  they  remained  until  1862,  and  then  removed 
to  Champaign  County,  111.  In  that  home  the 
mother  died  Oct.  17,  1874,  at  the  age  of  sixty- 
eight,  and  the  father  June  1,  1884,  at  the  age  of 
eighty-four.  The  family  consisted  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, eight  of  whom  are  now  living.  Our  subject 
was  the  tenth  child  in  order  of  birth. 

Mrs.  Locke  was  the  sixth  child  of  Thomas  Und 
Jane  Smith,  of  Ogle  County,  111.,  (for  history  of 
her  parents  see  sketch  of  Thompson  Smith).  She 
was  born  in  London,  Canada,  May  14,  1846,  and 
was  reared  in  Ogle  County,  where  she  received  a 
good  education  in  the  common  schools.  She  is  a 
lady  of  intelligence  and  genial  manners,  a  notable 
housekeeper  to  whose  splendid  management  is  due 
much  of  the  prosperity  of  the  family,  as  well  as 
the  comfort  and  order  of  the  household.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Locke  have  six  children — Franklin  T.,  born 
Aug.  20,  1871;  Willis  D.,  Nov.  12,  1873;  Hattie, 
Feb.  11,1875;  Julia  H.,  Nov.  28,  1876;  Thomas 
S.,  April  5,  1878;  and  Elmer  H.  July  14,  1879.  All 
are  still  clustered  about  the  home  fireside,  forming 
a  bright  and  attractive  circle  whose  growing  intel- 
ligence and  educational  advancement  is  watched 
with  delight  by  the  parents. 

Mr.  Locke  has  been  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F., 
and  is  at  present  connected  with  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternity and  the  Grange.  He  is  Road  Overseer  in 
his  Township,  Treasurer  of  the  School  District,  and 
has  been  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  School 
Board.  Ho  votes  the  Republican  ticket  and  takes 
an  active  interest  in  political  affairs.  Though  not 
at  present  identified  with  any  congregation,  Mrs. 
Locke  holds  a  letter  of  commendation  from  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  Mr.  Locke  is  an  in- 
telligent and  reliable  citizen,  interested  in  the  ad- 
vancement and    growth   of  the    county  and  State, 


Residence  of  Daniel  Locke, 5ec.  28.  Balderson Township. 

Residence  OF  John  Chambers,  5ec.  21.  Oketo  Township. 



honorable  In  his  business  relations,  add  a  favorite 
in  the  community  where  his  worth  is  unquestioned 
and  his  ability  acknowledged. 

A  view  of  the  residence  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Locke, 
appears  elsewhere  in  this  Album. 

^/OHN  CHAMBERS,  an  honored  resident  of 
Oketo  Township,  where  he  is  extensivelj' 
engaged  in  farming  and  stock-raising,  is  a 
pioneer  of  this  locality,  and  since  settling  in 
Marsliall  Count}',  several  years  ago,  has  been  an 
important  factor  in  developing  its  resources  and 
advancing  its  prosperity.  He  is  of  English  birth 
and  antecedents,  but  the  most  of  his  life  since  at- 
taining man's  estate  has  been  passed  in  this  country, 
and  the  United  States  has  no  more  patriotic  or 
loj'al  citizen  than  he.  He  was  the  seventh  child  in 
the  family  of  nine  children  born  to  William  and 
Mary  (Gorham)  Chambers,  natives  of  England, 
where  the  mother  spent  her  entire  life,  dying  at 
the  age  of  fifty-one.  The  father,  who  was  a  farmer, 
also  passed  the  most  of  liis  life  there,  not  coming 
to  America  till  the  fall  of  1841,  and  dying  in  Illi- 
nois in  1850. 

Our  subject  was  born  June  30,  1814,  in  the  par- 
ish of  Bonnington,  County  Kent,  England,  and  has 
a  copy  of  the  certificate  of  his  baptism,  issued 
seventy-five  years  ago.  His  boyhood  days  went 
by  uneventfully  in  his  old  English  home,  where  he 
assisted  his  father  in  the  farm  labors.  When  he 
was  twenty  years  old,  just  merging  into  a  sturdy, 
manl}',  vigorous  manhood,  he  ambitiously  resolved 
to  seek  in  the  United  States  of  America,  the  fine 
opportunitj'  to  build  up  a  comfortable  home  offered 
by  this  Government  to  whomsoever  dared  to  brave 
the  dangers  and  trials  of  settlement  on  the  wiM, 
lone  prairies  of  its  western  possessions.  Crossing 
the  ocean,  he  landed  in  New  York,  and  for  about 
two  years  followed  farming  in  Oneida  Countj',  and 
with  tlie  money  that  e  thus  secured,  he  then  made 
his  way  to  Illinois  '  1835,  and  settled  on  the  Fox 
River,  near  Aurora.  He  thus  became  an  early 
pioneer  of  that  region,  which  then  gave  little  or 
no  indication  of  becoming  the  populous  and  wealtliy 

commimity  that  it  is  to-day.  White  settlements  were 
few  and  far  between,  and  the  Indians  still  lingered 
around  their  old  haunts,  while  deer,  prairie  wolves, 
wild  turkeys  and  other  kinds  of  game  were  plenti- 
ful. In  a  few  years  be  married  and  established  a 
home,  and  from  the  virgin  soil  developed  a  desir- 
able farm,  on  which  he  made  many  valuable  im- 
provements. In  1852  Mr.  Chambers  resolved  to 
try  his  chances  in  California,  where  fortunes  were 
in  those  days  so  easily  won  and  lost,  and  emigrating 
to  the  Pacific  Coast,  he  bought  a  ranch,  and  for 
the  ensuing  four  years  was  profitably  engaged  in 
trading  with  the  miners.  In  1856,  with  the  wealth 
thus  acquired,  he  started  to  return  to  his  old  home 
in  Illinois,  making  the  tedious  journey  over  the 
desolate  plains  and  mountains  that  intervened. 
While  crossing  a  river,  all  his  possessions  were 
swept  away  by  the  rapid  and  swollen  current,  and 
as  he  was  unable  to  recover  them,  he  arrived  in  Ill- 
inois in  a  destitute  condition.  Fortunately  he  had 
his  farm  tliere  to  depend  on  for  support,  so  that  he 
was  still  independent. 

Our  subject  came  to  Kansas  in  1872,  and  bought 
160  acres,  part  of  his  present  possessions,  but  his 
family  remained  in  Illinois  till  1877,  when  they 
came  to  Kansas,  and  the  re-united  family  settled  on 
his  present  farm,  on  sections  15,  21  and  22,  Oketo 
Township.  This  comprises  480  acres  of  fertile, 
highly  productive  land,  all  in  a  body  and  well  im- 
proved, with  iubstantial  buildings  and  one  of  the 
finest  orchards  of  choice  fruit  in  this  section.  His 
rL'sidence  is  a  convenient  and  cozy  one,  where 
friends  are  always  heartily  welcomed  and  agreeably 
entertained.  A  fine  view  of  it  appears  elsewhere 
in  this  volume.  Mr.  Chambers  has  devoted  much 
time  to  raising  stock  of  good  grades,  and  now  has 
sixty  head,  all  in  excellent  condition.  In  all  these 
years  that  Mr.  Chambers  has  been  accumulating 
this  property,  he  has  had  the  valuable  assistance  of 
a  capable,  cheerful  wife,  a  home-maker  and  helpmate 
in  truth.  They  were  united  in  marriage  in  1838, 
and  thus  for  more  than  fifty  years  have  walked 
life's  road  together,  sharing  its  joys  as  well  as  its 
sorrows.  Six  of  the  eight  children  that  have  been 
born  to  them,  are  living,  namely:  Gustavas  G., 
Dr.  John  W.,  Thomas  G.,  Myra  K.,  S.  Douglas  and 
M.  Zeno.     Thev  have  been  given   tiie  benefit  of  a 



liberal  education,  and  four  of  them  are  graduates 
of  some  literary  institution.  John,  a  pliysician.  is 
a  graduate  of  the  University  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.; 
Thomas  was  graduated  from  the  seminary  at  Au- 
rora, 111.;  Myra  from  the  academy  at  Cainville, 
111. ;  and  Zeno  from  a  school  at  Sedalia.  Mo.  Mrs. 
Chambers,  whose  maiden  name  was  Lydia  Williams, 
comes  of  sterling  New  England  ancestry,  and  is 
herself  a  native  of  :Massachusetts,  born  April  28, 
1821,  the  second  of  the  seven  children  of  George 
and  Keziah  (Eldridge)  Williams,  who  were  likewise 
natives  of  the  old  Bay  State.  They  removed  to 
Illinois,  becoming  pioneers  of  the  State,  and  there 
the  father  carried  on  farming.  The  mother  died 
in  1854.  The  father  lived  to  the  venerable  age  of 
eight3'-four  years. 

Mr.  Chambers  possesses  in  a  large  degree  the 
sound  intelligeuce,  ripe  wisdom  and  discretion  so 
necessary  to  full  success  in  any  wallc  in  life,  and  he 
is  regarded  as  one  of  our  best  citizens,  noue  being 
more  public-spirited  or  more  desirous  to  promote 
the  welfare  of  the  township  tlian  he.  Every  scheme 
for  its  improvement  in  any  direction,  and  especially 
all  plans  for  making  good  highways,  if  feasible, 
meet  with  his  hearty  approbation  and  material  as- 
sistance. He  is  earnestly  interested  in  educational 
matters,  and  has  done  all  in  his  power  to  secure 
good  school  advantages  for  the  youth  of  this  plate, 
understanding  fully  the  importance  of  an  educa- 
tion in  moulding  the  character  of  a  child  and  in 
contributing  to  its  success  in  after  life.  He  and  his 
wife  are  sincere  Christians  and  devoted  members  of 
the  lipiscopal  Church,  and  he  has  been  Superin- 
tendent of  the  Sunday-school,  and  now  has  a  class 
in  the  same.  In  politics  he  is  a  faithful  adherent 
of  the  Democratic  part}-.  He  supports  the  temper- 
ance cause,  and  was  at  one  time  a  member  of  the 
Sons  of  Temper.ance. 

ijHOMAS  HOWES.  No  member  of  the  farm- 
ing community  of  Marshall  County,  is  more 
worthy  of  honorable  mention  in  this  Bio- 
graphical Album  than  this  gentleman.  He  has 
been  identified  with  the  farming  and  stock-raising- 

interests  of  tills  part  of  the  countiy  for  more  than 
twenty  years,  and  his  farm  on  section  28,  is  consid- 
ered one  of  the  finest  cultivated  and  best  improved 
in  Oketo  Township,  and  under  his  able  management 
is  the  source  of  a  good  income. 

Our  subject  is  of  English  birth  and  ancestiy.  his 
native  place  being  Northamptonshire,  England, 
where  he  first  saw  the  light  of  day  Oct  10,  1839. 
His  father,  Lazarus  Howes,  was  born  in  the  same 
shire,  and  on  his  native  sod,  early  commenced  the 
struggle  of  life  for  himself  as  a  laborer,  and  he  is 
still  living  there  at  the  venerable  age  of  seventj'- 
five  years.  The  maiden  name  of  his  wife,  the 
mother  of  our  subject,  was  Mary  Nightingale. 
She  was  born  in  Buckinghamshire,  England,  and 
died  in  her  native  land  in  1866.  Three  of  the  six 
children  born  of  her  marriage  arc  now  living. 

Thomas  Howes  was  the  fourth  child  born  to  his 
parents,  and  in  the  land  of  his  birth  he  grew  to  a 
stalwart,  energetic  manhood,  and  at  the  age  of 
eighteen  he  left  the  parental  roof  to  make  his  own 
wa3'  in  the  world,  unassisted  by  fortune  or  favor 
of  another,  his  clear  brain  and  sturdy  strength,  be- 
ing his  only  capital.  Yet.  notwithstanding,  he  was 
placed  at  a  disarivant.age  by  having  his  right  hand 
crippled  in  childhood,  his  success  in  life  has  been 
such  that  he  and  his  may  well  feel  proud  of  it,  and 
others  maj'  be  encouraged  who  are  starting  out  in 
the  same  way,  to  patiently  persevere  in  their  work 
as  he  did,  and  toil  on  till  the  desired  end  is  .attained. 
He  worked  on  a  farm  in  England  till  1866,  when 
he  resolved  to  better  his  condition  if  he  could  by 
emigration  to  the  United  States..  He  came  hither 
with  Mr.  Cockerill's  familj'.  (See  sketch  of  that 
gentleman  on  another  page  of  this  volume).  Land- 
ing at  New  York  with  his  companions,  Mr.  Howes 
came  to  Kansas  to  build  up  a  home  on  this  soil. 
He  at  that  time  entered  his  present  land  from  the 
Government,  and  at  once  commenced  the  pioneer 
work  of  improving  it.  He  erected  his  present  sub- 
stantial residence,  and  has  a  neat  set  of  outbuild- 
ings, and  everything  about  the  place  gives  evidence 
of  a  skillful,  practical  man  at  the  head  of  affairs. 
Mr.  Howes  deals  to  some  extent  in  stock,  and  has 
thirty-seven  head  of  cattle,  eleven  head  of  horses  and 
thirty-two  head  of  hogs,  all  of  excellent  grade  and 
blood.     One   of  the  most  important   events  in  the 



life  of  our  subject  was  his  marriage  with  Miss  Eliza 
Loveridge,  a  daughter  of  Moses  and  Mary  Love- 
ridge,  natives  of  Northamptonshire,  England.  Mrs. 
Howes  was  the  eldest  of  their  eight  children,  and 
she  was  born  July  10,  1839.  Her  marriage  with 
our  subject  has  resulted  in  the  birth  of  a  like  number 
of  children,  namely':  Charles  W.,  Mary  A.,  John 
T.,  Sarah  E.,  Cliarlotte  J.,  Esther,  Louie  and  Wal- 

We  have  seen  that  our  subject  is  a  self-made 
man,  and  we  may  add,  what  seems  to  be  the  united 
testimony  of  the  entire  community,  that  he  is  a 
strictly  honest,  straightforward  man,  a  most  desir- 
able citizen,  a  kind  husband  and  father.  He  has 
built  up  a  fine  home  for  himself  and  family,  which 
is  the  center  of  true-hearted  hospitality.  He  inter- 
ests himself  in  public,  social  and  political  matters, 
and  has  been  connected  with  the  Grange.  He 
artiliates  with  the  Republican  party,  but  reserves 
the  right  to  vote  for  whom  he  pleases,  supporting 
the  man  whom  he  deems  best  fitted  for  office,  re- 
gardless of  his  political  views. 

Vt/  OHN  McCLARNEN.  The  Emerald  Isle  has 
contributed  to  the  United  States,  a  large 
proportion  of  the  men  who  have  been  in- 
strumental in  the  development  of  the  Great 
West.  Among  these  may  be  properly  classed  the 
subject  of  this  notice,  who  hao  bis  homestead,  era- 
bracing  eighty  acres  of  fine  farming  land,  on  section 
6  in  Richland  Township.  Besides  this,  he  rents 
and  cultivates  other  land,  and  employs  modern 
machinery  and  the  best  known  methods  in  pursu- 
ing  his  chosen  calling. 

Mr.  McClarnen  was  born  in  the  city  of  Belfast. 
Ireland,  Aug.  26.  1833,  and  lived  thereuntil  about 
twentj'  years  of  age.  Then,  unaccompanied  by 
any  of  his  kindred,  he  set  out  for  America,  and 
until  1855  was  a  resident  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.  He 
then  resolved  upon  seeking  the  Farther  West, 
and  crossing  the  Mississippi,  settled  in  Monroe 
County,  Iowa,  where  he  performed  his  first  day's 
work  on  a  farm.  The  business  was  entirely  new 
to  him,  and  after    a  year    thus  employed   he   pre- 

empted 160  acres  in  Page  County,  which  he  im- 
proved into  a  good  farm,  and  upon  which  he  lived 
until  about  1879,  then  selling  out,  he,  in  1881, 
came  to  this  count}-,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a 

With  the  exception  of  the  time  spent  in  the 
army,  our  subject  was  a  resident  of  Iowa  for  a 
period  of  twenty-five  years.  On  the  28th  of  Sep- 
tember, 1861,  he  enlisted  as  a  Union  soldier  in 
Company  C,  5th  Iowa  Cavalry,  which  was  assigned 
to  the  Western  army,  and  fought  at  Fts.  Henry  and 
and  Donelson,  Shiloh  and  Corinth.  Subsequently 
they  were  sent  back  to  Cumberland,  Tenn.,  and 
along  the  Tennessee  River  to  do  picket  duty, 
which  involved  much  travel  up  and  down  both 
sides  of  the  river.  Subsequently  they  entered 
upon  the  Atlanta  campaign,  and  our  subject  was 
engaged  as  a  scout,  being  almost  constantly  in  the 
saddle,  and  upon  one  occasion  rode  sixteen  days 
and  nights,  wearing  out  three  horses.  Later  he  was 
sent  on  the  Cook  raid  and,  witli  300  others,  was 
captured  by  the  Rebels,  all  losing  their  horses  in 
swimming  the  Chattahoochee  River.  There  they 
were  seventy-live  miles  south  of  the  Union  lines 
and  in  the  enemy's  country.  They  took  to  the 
woods,  where  they  wandered  five  da^'s  and  six 
nights,  sustaining  themselves  by  eating  lilack- 
berries  and  green  corn,  and  in  the  meantime  being 
tracked  with  bloodhounds.  Our  subject  was  final I3' 
captured,  and  about  Aug.  10,  1864,  thrown  into 
Andersonville  prison.  Such  were  his  sufferings  and 
privations  that  to  this  day  lie  is  unable  tu  recall 
them  without  a  sensation  of  horror.  Finally,  he 
was  sent  to  Savannah,  and  thence  to  Milan,  and 
after  an  imprisonment  of  four  and  one-half  months 
finally  escaped  bj-  being  selected  as  one  of  the 
worst  cases  picked  out  by  the  Rebel  doctors.  He 
was  carried  out  by  four  men,  and  after  being  sent 
to  Annapolis  lay  insensible  for  five  days.  At  the 
time  of  his  capture  he  was  a  strong,  robust  man, 
weighing  185  pounds.  At  the  time  of  his  release 
he  was  a  skeleton  of  ninety -seven  pounds. 

Mr.  McClarnen  states  that  no  language   is  ade-  ^ 
quate  to  describe  the   sufferings  which  he  and  his 
comrades  endured  in  their    imprisonment,  and  t'.iat 
the  half  has  not  yet  been  told.    He  remained  in  the 
hospital  at  Annapolis  until  convalescent,  and  was 



given  transportation  home,  after  which  he  received 
his  honorable  discharge  at  Davenport,  Iowa.  After 
leaving  the  army,  Mr.  McClarnen  returned  to  his 
■n  ife  in  Page  Conntj-.  and  soon  afterward  came  to 
Kansas.  During  his  residence  in  Iowa  our  subject 
was  for  fifteen  years  engaged  in  the  buying  and 
sliipping  of  live- stock. 

While  a  resident  of  Iowa,  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried, March  13,  1861,  to  Miss  Sarah  E..  daughter 
of  R.  C.  Murphy,  who  is  still  a  prominent  man  in 
Page  County,  where  he  established  himself  in  the 
jjioueer  days.  He  occupied  himself  at  farming 
(luring  liis  younger  da3-s,  but  is  now  living  re- 
tired in  Clarinda.  Of  this  union  there  have  been 
born  eight  children,  four  of  whom  are  living:  Mar- 
garet J.,  the  wife  of  S.  "W.  Black,  of  Furnas  County, 
Neb.;  John  W.,  A.  Wilson  and  Henry  M.  Mrs. 
McClarnen  was  born  in  Ohio  in  1844,  and  was  a 
child  of  ten  j'ears  when  her  parents  emigrated 
from  the  Buckeye  State  to  Southwestern  Iowa. 
Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McClarnen,  with  their  children, 
attend  regularly  the  United  Presbyterian  Church, 
of  Mission  Creek,  to  which  they  all  give  a  liberal 

rILLIAM    L.  SOUDERS.     Tlie   most  cur- 

\\\/\JI/  *^'-'  ^■'^^^  '^^  '''^^  business  part  of  Frank- 
W^  fort,  would  reveal  one  establishment  as 
preeminent  among  the  many  thriving  business 
houses.  It  is  a  two-story  stone  building  of  truly 
palatial  appearance,  wherein  is  carried  on  the  most 
extensive  merchandising  business  in  this  county. 
The  establislimenl  consists  of  three  departments, 
each  in  a  separate  room,  and  with  an  interior  ar- 
rangement at  once  attractive  and  convenient.  A 
gas  machine  manufactures  the  gas  bj^  whicii  the 
entire  establishment  is  lighted.  Business  is  con- 
ducted in  a  system.atic  manner,  with  a  view  to  ac- 
curacy, rapidity  and  thoroughness.  Cash  carriers 
lead  from  the  various  counters  to  the  cashier's  desk, 
and  a  corps  of  courteous  and  competent  ladies  and 
gentlemen  serve  the  customers  in  the  various  de- 
partments. Ths  grocery  department;  clothing, 
boot  and  shoe  department;  and  dry  goods  and  no- 

notion  department,  are  each  supplied  with  a  ■well- 
assorted  and  heavy  stock  of  goods.  The  proprietor 
of  this  appropriately'  named  "Trade  Palace,"  is  the 
gentleman  whose  name  heads  this  notice.  The  de- 
tails of  the  immense  establishment  are  given  his 
close  attention,  and  the  success  which  attends  his 
efforts  proves  him  to  be  a  man  of  the  finest  business 
tact  and  executive  ability.  He  occupies  a  large 
and  beautiful  residence  in  the  north  part  of  the 
cit3'.  The  site  is  high  and  liealthful,  and  commands 
a  wide  view  overlooking  the  city  and  many  miles 
of  picturesque  country  on  the  east,  south  and  west. 

Mr.  Souders  paternal  ancestiy  are  German.  The 
grandfather  of  our  subject  removed  from  the  Key- 
stone State  to  Zanesville,  Ohio,  where  he  operated 
a  farm  of  over  1,000  acres. 

Noah,  the  father  of  our  sul)ject,  remained  at 
home  until  his  marriage.  He  soon  afterward  set- 
tled on  a  farm  in  Hocking  County.  The  mother 
of  our  subject  was  Clara  Spring,  who  died  in  1864. 
The  father  after  remaining  a  widower  ten  j'ears, 
married  again,  his  second  wife  being  Miss  Lucj^ 
Sanderson.  He  is  a  Republican  in  politics  and  a 
Lutheran  in  religion.  To  his  first  wife  were  born 
seven  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the 

William  L.  Souders  was  born  July  7,  1849,  near 
Logan,  Hocking  Count\',  Ohio.  He  was  reared  on 
a  farm  and  attended  the  public  schools  until  he  was 
eigliteen  years  of  age,  when  he  began  life  for  him- 
self. He  first  found  employment  as  a  clerk  in  a 
grocerj'  house  in  Circleville,  where  he  remained 
for  two  and  a  half  years.  Believing  that' the  AYest 
afforded  a  better  field  for  the  employment  of  his 
energies,  in  1870  he  came  to  Kansas.  Arriving  in 
Frankfort,  he  engaged  as  clerk  for  J.  J.  Weisbaugh, 
who  at  that  time  was  engaged  in  the  sale  of  general 
merchandise,  lumber,  farm  implements  and  machin- 
ery. Mr.  Souders  remained  in  this  emploj-ment  until 
August  1874.  On  the  5th  da\'  of  that  month  he 
opened  a  general  store  in  a  one-stor}-  frame  build- 
ing, 14  X  16,  which  stood  in  the  middle  of  the 
block  east  of  his  present  quarters.  He  began  with 
a  capital  of  $1,500.  He  remained  in  that  location 
for  six  3'ears,  tliongh  his  space  had  been  enlarged. 
In  1880  he  bought  the  lot  whicli  is  now  occupied 
by  his  splendid  building.     In  that  j-ear  he  erected 



a  two-story  stone  building  28  x  100  feet,  whicli 
was  then  a  vei\y  commodious  edifice.  It  soon 
proved  too  small  for  his  rapidly  increasing  liusiness, 
and  three  j'ears  later  he  added  on  tiie  west  another 
building  30  x  100,  the  whole  forming  a  convenient 
and  attractive  structure,  58  x  100.  lOxpauding 
trade  again  proved  the  quarters  to  be  inadequate, 
and  in  1887  he  ag.ain  added  on  the  west  a  large 
building,  33  x  100. 

Our  subject  was  married  April  3,  1872,  to  Miss 
Amy  E.  Howe,  daughter  of  James  and  Mary  A. 
Howe.  (See  sketch  of  lier  brotiier,  J.  H.  Howe). 
The  ceremony  took  place  at  the  residence  of  the 
bride's  parents  at  Cedar  Grove,  Ohio.  Mrs.  Sou- 
der's  parents  were  natives  of  the  Buckeye  State. 
She  was  one  of  a  family  of  twelve  children.  To 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Senders  have  been  born  four  children : 
Waldo  B.,  William  Tucker.  Charles  E.  and  Ethel. 
Waldo  B.  died  Dec.  5,  1886,  at  the  age  of  eight 
years,  seven  months  and  fifteen  days.  Charles  E. 
died  ten  days  later,  being  four  months  and  twenty- 
nine  days  old.  Mr.  Souders  is  a  member  of  Frank, 
fort  Lodge,  No.  31,  K.  of  P.,  and  of  Frankfort 
Lodge,  No.  67,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  is  a  Republican 
in  politics. 

,UFUS  S.  CRAFT,  M.D.  This  gentleman 
has  long  been  a  resident  of  Kansas,  having 
11,  come  to  the  Territor^^  first  in  1859  and  lo- 
^p)  cated  at  Holton,  Jackson  County.  There 
he  engaged  in  the  practice  of  his  profession  and 
was  also  interested  in  a  sawmill,  afterward  build- 
ing the  gristmill  which  is  still  being  operated  there. 
He  was  born  in  Winchester,  Va.,  Feb.  11,  1831, 
his  parents  being  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Hines) 
Craft.  The  family  is  probably  of  Welsh  ancestry. 
The  great-grandfather  of  Dr.  Craft  emigrated  to 
America  before  the  middle  of  the  last  century,  in 
company  with  a  brother,  the  latter  settling  in 
New  York  and  the  former  in  Maryland,  wiiere  he 
was  married  and  died.  His  son,  Benjamin,  was 
the  grandfatiier  of  our  subject.  He  was  born  in 
Maryland,  and  when  grown  to  manhood  located  in 
New  Jersey,  going  from  there  to  Ohio.     He  settled 

near  Zanesville,  which  was  then  the  Far  West,  and 
engaged  in  farming,  spending  tlie  rest  of  his  life 
there.  His  son  Samuel  was  born  in  New  Jersey 
in  1802  and  went  to  Ohio  with  his  father.  He 
learned  the  trade  of  a  shoemaker  with  David  Anson 
at  Zanesville.  He  worked  at  his  trade  at  various 
places,  and  while  in  Georgetown,  D.C.,  became  ac- 
quainted with  Elizabeth  Hines,  to  whom  he  was 
married.  Shortly  after  he  went  to  Winchester, 
Va.,  where  he  lived  a  few  j^ears,  going  thence  to 
Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  in  1 833.  He  stayed  there  until 
1870,  when  he  came  to  Kansas,  where  his  son  was 
living.  He  finally  located  in  Topeka.  and  at  that 
place  was  in  the  service  of  the  Santa  Fe  Railroad 
Companj',  only  leaving  his  business  a  week  before 
his  death,  which  took  place  in  January,  1888,  when 
he  was  eighty-six  years  of  age.  His  wife  Elizabeth 
was  born  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  died  in 
Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  in  1844.  Several  years  after 
her  decease,  Mr.  Craft  was  married  to  Jane  Boice, 
who  died  a  year  betore  her  husband,  in  Topeka, 
Kan.  Mr.  Craft  was  always  an  industrious  man, 
working  at  his  trade  until  after  he  had  taken  up 
his  residence  in  Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  where  he  first 
engaged  in  railroading  in  the  employ  of  the  Ohio 
&  Mississippi  Railroad.  He  was  an  independent 
man,  upright,  honorable  and  straightforward  in  his 
dealings.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  said  to 
be  the  oldest  Freemason  and  Odd-Fellow  in  Kan- 
sas. Such  was  the  esteem  in  which  he  was  held 
that  at  his  funeral,  which  was  on  the  coldest  day  of 
the  winter,  an  imposing  cortege  composed  of  his 
Masonic  and  Odd-Fellow  associates,  his  fellow  rail- 
road employes  and  a  large  concourse  of  friends, 
followed  his  remains  to  the  grave.  Elizabeth 
(Hines)  Craft  was  the  mother  of  three  children 
who  lived  to  the  years  of  maturity  and  several 
who  died  in  infanc}^  Besides  our  subject,  there 
was  Samuel  A.,  who  is  a  farmer  near  Osborn  City, 
Osborn  Count}-,  this  State,  and  Julia,  vvho  became 
the  wife  of  George  W.  Bemis,  a  resident  of  Cincin- 
nati, Ohio. 

R.  S.  Craft  was  reared  in  Lawrenceburg,  Ind., 
where  he  was  educated,  finishing  in  the  Lawrence- 
burg Institute.  While  attending  the  Institute  he 
had  taken  up  the  study  of  medicine,  but  all  his 
studies  were    interrupted   by  the    breaking  out  of 



the  Mexican  War,  and  lie  volunteered  at  the  age 
of  sixteen,  passing  himself  off  as  eighteen,  however. 
He  enlisted  in  the  4tli  Indiana  lufantr}',  and  served 
first  under  General  Taylor,  and  was  afterward 
transferred  to  General  Scott's  arm.y.  The  regi- 
ment took  part  in  the  battles  of  Huanautla  and 
Atalixeo;  the  raising  of  the  siege  of  Pueblo,  and 
in  numerous  skirmishes  with  the  Mexican  troops. 
After  having  served  about  fourteen  months,  Mr. 
Craft  in  1848  again  took  up  his  medical  studies 
and  also  finished  his  course  in  the  Institute.  He  was 
then  emplo3'ed  as  a  teacher  in  one  of  tlie  depart- 
ments of  the  Institute,  and  later  attended  medical 
lectures  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  In  1852,  on  reaching 
his  maturity  he  emigrated  to  Missouri,  and  in 
Putnam  County  began  the  practice  of  medicine 
with  his  uncle,  Dr.  John  Hines.  There  he  re- 
mained about  four  years,  and  thence  removed  to 
Harrison  County.  Mo.,  where  he  practiced  until  he 
came  to  Kansas,  as  stated  at  the  beginning  of  this 

In  1865  Dr.  Craft,  who  was  interested  consider- 
ably in  mill  enterprises,  heard  of  the  water-power 
on  the  Blue  River,  and  came  to  Blue  Rapids  to 
inspect  it.  His  brother  examined  the  water-powers 
in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  State  and  a  partner 
those  in  the  southeastern,  the  Doctor  taking  this 
section.  The  three  afterward  met  and  compared 
notes  and  unanimously  agreed  that  this  was  the  best 
water-power  in  the  State.  The}'  accordingly  made 
a  proposition  to  the  persons  then  owning  it,  and 
bought  in  partnership  287  acres  including  the 
power  farther  up  the  river.  Dr.  Craft  also  bought 
seventy  acres  on  his  individual  account,  which  now 
adjoins  Blue  Rapids  on  the  west  and  borders  on 
the  land  bought  in  connection  with  the  water- 
power.  This  propert}'  the  partners  held  until 
1870,  when  they  sold  to  the  Genesee  Colony,  which 
laid  out  Blue  Rapids.  The  Doctor  had  bought 
other  lands  in  the  meantime,  some  of  which  he  still 
retains.  He  now  owns  190  acres  in  the  county, 
besides  his  village  property  and  land  in  Pottawato- 
mie Count}-  and  elsewhere. 

At  the  time  he  sold  the  water-power  tlie  Doctor 
was  still  a  resident  of  Holtou,  but  after  the  laying 
out  of  the  new  city  of  Blue  Rapids,  he  removed  to 
that    place.     He   engaged   in  pr.actice  and  opened 

up  a  drug-store  on  the  southwest  corner  of  the 
square,  afterward  buying  the  building  in  which  he 
is  now  located.  Always  interested  in  milling,  the 
Doctor  became  a  partner  in  the  firm  which  built 
the  fine  stone  flouring-mill  on  the  east  side  of  the 
Blue,  next  the  dam.  This  mill  was  carried  on  under 
the  name  of  Olmsted  Bros,  until  1876,  the  style  of 
the  firm  being  then  changed  to  J.  S.  Wright  &  Co., 
the  Doctor  still  retaining  his  interest.  In  1882  the 
firm  was  again  changed,  becoming  Upham,  Son  & 
Co.,  who  carried  on  the  mill  until  August,  1887, 
when  it  was  sold  to  the  present  proprietor,  P.  II. 
McIIale.  Dr.  Craft  finallj- retired  from  the  milling 
business,  having  but  a  short  time  before  disposed 
of  his  interest  in  Jackson  County.  His  experience 
in  this  branch  of  trade  was  varied,  but  the  mill 
which  he  first  assisted  in  building  and  putting  in 
operation,  flid  much  to  assist  in  building  up  the 
city  of  Blue  Rapids,  and  was  an  important  factor  in 
its  advancement. 

Dr.  Craft  was  married  in  Putnam  County,  Mo., 
Oct.  16,  1852,  to  Miss  Anna  B.  Bledsoe.  She  was 
born  at  Ghent,  Carroll  Co.,  Ky.,  her  ancestors 
at  an  early  day  having  settled  in  that  State,  to 
which  they  had  removed  from  Virginia.  Tlie 
family  produced  some  eminent  men,  one  of  Mrs. 
Craft's  uncles.  Jesse  Bledsoe,  being  United  States 
Senator.  Another  uncle,  Lewis  Saunders,  was  one 
of  the  first  to  engage  in  the  importation  of  fine 
stock,  for  which  the  Blue  Grass  State  has  become 
so  noted.  Mr.  and  Mrs  Craft  are  the  parents  of 
seven  children,  of  whom  but  one  survives;  four 
died  in  childhood.  A  son  George,  a  j-oung  man  of 
nineteen,  was  taken  sick  while  attending  the  medi- 
cal department  of  the  Campbell  University  of  Hol- 
ton,  and  his  father  took  him  to  Colorado,  Mexico 
and  California,  hoping  to  restore  his  health.  His. 
efforts  were  of  no  avail,  as  consumption  had  fast- 
ened upon  him,  and  he  died  at  .Santa  Anna,  Cal.,  on 
July  1.  1887,  aged  eighteen  years,  six  months  and 
six  days.  A  daughter,  Ella,  became  the  wife  of 
Clement  E.  Coulter,  whose  familj-  history  is  given 
elsewhere.  She  too  died  practically  of  the  same 
disease  as  her  brother,  the  immediate  occasion  be- 
ing hemorrhage  caused  b}'  the  rupture  of  a  blood- 
vessel while  coughing.  Her  death  took  place  Dec. 
2'J,  1888,  she  being  aged  thirty-three  years,  three 



months  and  nineteen  days.  The  surviving  child 
is  Julia  Ann,  wife  of  Ilenr}'  I.  Hewitt,  who  is  in 
the  employ  of  the  Canton  Bridge  Company,  but 
they  make  their  home  in  Blue  Rapids. 

Dr.  Craft  has  always  endeavored  to  avoid  hold- 
ing public  office  here,  but  was  induced  two  or  three 
times  to  serve  as  a  member  of  the  City  Council. 
In  Jackson  County  he  was  County  Commissioner, 
County  Treasurer  and  a  Representative  to  the 
Legislature,  and  in  every  position  to  which  he  was 
chosen  he  discharged  its  duties  with  ability  and 
fidelit.y.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  fraternity, 
belonging  to  Blue  Rapids  Lodge  No.  169.  This  is 
tlie  only  order  witli  whicli  he  is  now  affiliated,  al- 
though formerly  he  was  connected  with  manj'  other 

Dr.  Craft  is  a  man  of  solid  and  mature  views  on 
business  and  professional  matters.  He  has  good 
judgment,  a  bright  intellect,  and  has  profited  by 
the  ex|)erience  gained  in  manj-  j'ears  of  contact 
with  his  fellow-men  in  various  capacities.  As  a 
phj'sician  he  undoubtedly-  stands  at  the  head  of  his 
profession  here,  and  his  services  are  in  constant 
demand,  keeping  him  busy  all  the  time,  his  practice 
in  the  country,  especiiilly  among  the  better  and 
older  and  better  known  citizens  being  very  large. 
As  a  man  of  business  he  is  trusted,  and  as  a  citizer. 
he  is  justly  held  in  high  esteem.  In  politics  he  is 
a  Republican. 

JONATHAN  BIGHAJI  was  born  in  Canada. 
July  19,  184.T.  When  about  ten  years  of 
age  his  parents  removed  to  Illinois,  where 
'  he  grew  to  manhood.  During  the  late  Civil 
War  his  father  enlisted  in  the  58th  Illinois  Infan- 
try, and  served  one  year,  when  he  was  discharged 
on  account  of  disability.  As  soon  as  he  had  re- 
turned home,  our  subject,  still  in  his  teens,  took  his 
father's  place  in  the  ranks  of  his  country's  defend- 
ers. He  was  enrolled  in  Kilpatrick's  Pet  Regiment, 
the  92d  Illinois  Mounted  Infantry,  which  was  in  the 
field  when  he  was  enlisted.  He  went  at  once  to 
the  front  and  engaged  in  active  service.  The  first 
prominent  engagement  in  which  he  took  part,  was 

the  battle  of  Missionary  Ridge.  Then  followed 
Dalton,  the  terrible  conflicts  at  Resacca,  Dallas, 
Lost  and  Kenesaw  mountains,  and  the  victorious  en- 
try into  Atlanta.  Afterward  came  the  grand  march 
to  the  sea,  the  capture  of  Savannah,  Columbia, 
and  Charleston;  the  bloody  battles  of  Averysboro, 
Jonesboro,  and  Bentonville,  and  the  surrender  of 
Johnston  to  Sherman.  In  all  this  campaign  of 
heavy  fighting,  skirmishing,  and  hard  marching, 
our  subject  bore  gallant  part.  He  was  once  struck 
in  the  left  breast  and  arm,  by  a  spent  ball,  but  es- 
caped  other  mishap,  and  never  lost  a  day's  duty 
during  his  term  of  service.  The  92d  was  mustered 
out  at  Greensburg,  N.  C,  and  our  subject  was 
transferred  to  the  56th  Illinois,  in  which  regiment 
he  continued  until  the  expiration  of  its  term  of 
service.  When  mustered  out,  he  returned  to  Cres- 
ton,  Ogle  Co.,  111.,  where  he  obtained  a  position  as 
night-watch  and  switchman  for  the  Chicago  & 
Northwestern  Railroad.  He  spent  six  months  in 
this  employment,  and  then  made  a  visit  to  Canada. 
Going  back  to  Illinois,  he  remained  there  for  a 
short  time  only,  and  in  the  spring  of  1866,  came 
to  Kansas.  He  settled  on  section  15,  Balderson 
Township,  where  he  now  owns  1  60  acres  of  well- 
tilled  land,  upon  which  he  has  put  all  the  usual  im- 
provements made  by  an  enterprising  and  practical 
farmer,  including  a  fine  young  orchard.  He  de- 
votes himself  to  general  farming,  and  keeps  six- 
teen head  of  cattle,  eight  of  horses,  and  twent^'-six 
hogs.  In  1885  he  went  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  where 
he  worked  in  a  livery-stable  for  eight  months,  and 
spent  five  months  in  the  coal  business.  He  then 
worked  on  a  farm  twelve  miles  east  of  that  city 
for  three  months,  and  afterward  returned  to  this 
State,  where  he  has  since  remained. 

On  Dee.  24,  1876,  was  celebrated  our  subject's 
marriage  to  Ida  StoUenwork.  She  is  the  fourth  of 
a  family  of  six  children,  five  of  whom  are  now  liv- 
ing, and  was  born  April  5,  1856.  Her  parents, 
Mathew  and  Theresa  (Minka)  StoUenwork,  are  Jia- 
tives  of  Baden,  Germany,  and  arc  still  alive.  To 
Mr.  and  l\Irs.  Bigharn  have  been  born  four  children: 
ISIathew  T.,  Walter  I.,  Mary  Minerva,  and  Zora 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Thomas  Bigham, 
a  native  of  Canada,  in  which  country   he   married 



Jane  Davidson,  who  was  of  Irish  birth.  Mr.  Big- 
ham  was  a  farmer  and  shoemaker.  He  lived  in 
Canada  until  1855,  when  he  removed  to  DeKalb 
Countj\  111.  After  a  year's  sojourn  there,  he 
changed  his  residence  to  Dement,  now  called  Cres- 
lon,  Ogle  Co.,  111.,  where  he  continued  until  the  fall 
of  1866.  At  that  time  he  followed  his  son  Jona- 
than to  this  county,  where  he  was  a  resident  until 
1888.  He  then  jourDe3'ed  to  Nez  Perces  Couutj-, 
Idaho,  where  he  and  his  wife  are  now  living  on  a 
farm  with  one  of  their  sons.  The  parental  family 
consisted  of  nine  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was 
the  sixth.     Seven  of  the  family  are  now  living. 

Our  subject  has  always  borne  an  active  part  in 
political  affairs,  and  votes  the  Republican  ticket. 
He  is  a  charter  member  of  Oketo  Post,  G.  A.  R., 
and  is  officer  of  the  day  in  that  Post.  He  is  Clerk 
of  Balderson  Township,  and  also  Clerk  of  the  Bald- 
erson  Cemetery  Association.  He  has  been  Clerk 
of  the  School  Board  for  several  years.  He  is  a 
man  of  intelligence  and  sterling  integrity,  a  suc- 
cessful farmer,  and  a  public-spirited  citizen. 


w»  .i^.;tT[.i;.^i«  ... 

"ilfAlMES  R.  WILCOX.  Prominent  among 
the  successful  farmers  and  enterprising  citi- 
izens  of  Franklin  Township,  is  the  gentleman 
whose  name  heads  this  sketch  and  whose 
pleasant  home  is  located  on  section  2.  He  is  the 
owner  of  160  acres  in  the  home  place  and  240  in 
Guittard  Township,  making  in  all  400  broad  acres 
of  thoroughly  cultivated  land,  upon  which  stands 
all  the  buildings  needed  by  the  progressive  agri- 

Tlie  parents  of  our  subject.  Robert  R.  and  Mary 
Jane  (King)  Wilcox,  were  natives  of  New  York 
State,  where  they  were  married  and  from  which 
they  departed  to  make  their  first  home  in  Crawford 
County,  Pa.  In  1856  they  removed  to  Iowa,  lo- 
cating in  Howard  County.  After  a  residence  of 
five  years  they  removed  to  Polk  County,  the  same 
State,  and  tlience  to  Andrew  County,  Mo.,  where 
the  mother  died  in  ^l.ay.  18Gu.  Tiie  fatlier  now 
resides  in  California. 

Our  subject  was  the  second  in  a  family  of  eiglit 

children,  he  having  been  born  in  Crawford  Count}', 
Pa.,  Nov.  4,  1843.  Coming  with  his  parents  to 
Iowa  when  thirteen  years  old,  he  continued  with 
them  to  the  age  of  eighteen,  when,  his  young  heart 
being  fired  with  the  spirit  of  patriotism,  he  deter- 
mined to  devote  his  j'outhful  energies  to  his  coun- 
try's cause.  Enlisting  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Aug. 
9,  1862,  he  was  enrolled  in  Company  C,  23d  Iowa 
Infantry.  He  had  a  very  active  life  in  the  ser- 
vice taking  part  in  numerous  prominent  engage- 
ments, among  them  being  those  at  Ft.  Gibson, 
Grand  Gulf,  Jackson,  Miss.,  Champion  Hill,  Black 
River  Bridge,  siege  of  Vicksburg,  the  three  da3's 
battle  at  Ft.  Esperanza,  Tex.,  and  the  siege  of  Span- 
ish Fort,  at  Mobile.  At  the  charge  of  Black  River 
Bridge  he  was  wounded  by  a  musket  l)all,  being 
shot  through  the  face,  and  was  also  wounded  in 
the  jaw  at  the  siege  of  Spanish  Fort.  After  serv- 
ing a  j'ear  as  a  private,  he  was  promoted  to  be 
color  sergeant  of  his  regiment  and  served  in  that 
conspicuous  and  dangerous  position  until  the  close 
of  the  war.  After  winning  an  honorable  record 
in  the  army,  at  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  serv- 
ice he  returned  to  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  where  he  was 
married  Aug.  27,  1865,  to  Miss  Sarah  L.,  daughter 
of  Isaac  and  Mary  Ann  (Keeth)  Ballard,  natives 
of  Illinois,  both  still  living,  making  their  home  in 
Mills  County,  Iowa.  The  young  couple  at  once 
went  to  Andrews  County,  Mo.,  where  they  resided 
until  1871.  In  March  of  that  year  they  came  to 
this  county,  settling  in  the  township  where  thej' 
now  reside,  and  where,  with  the  exception  of  two 
years  spent  in  Beattie,  they  have  been  continual 
residents  since  their  first  arrival.  They  have 
erected  a  pleasant  residence  on  their  homestead,  a 
view  of  which  is  given  on  another  page  of  the 

The  wife  of  Mr.  Wilcox  first  saw  the  light  in 
Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Oct.  9,  1847.  She  has  borne 
her  husband  ten  children,  tliree  of  whom  are  liv- 
ing: Anna  F.,  who  is  the  wife  of  L.  King;  Sarah 
L.  and  Mary  E. 

Mr.  Wilcox  is  a  charter  member  of  Lyons  Post 
No.  9,  G.A.R.,  of  Mar3-sville.  He  has  served  as 
Steward  in  the  Methodist  Church,  of  which  he  is  a 
consistent  member.  He  takes  a  prominent  part  in 
the  affairs  of  the  township,  is  interested  in  all  mat- 


Residence  of  Jas. R.Wilcox, 5ec. 2.  Franklin  Township. 

Residence  or  John  Balderson,5£c5 21-28  balderson  Township 



ters  whicli  pertain  lo  the  welfare  of  the  coramunity 
and  is  in  all  respects  a  public-spirited  citizen.  He 
was  one  of  the  first  constables  in  the  township  and 
has  held  the  office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  for  eight 
years;  lie  has  also  been  Notary  Public  since  1S81 
and  one  of  the  School  officers  for  three  years. 

^/OHN  BALDERSON.  Tlie  subject  of  this 
I  notice  is  a  retired  farmer  living  upon  sec- 
^^^^  ',  fion  28,  Balderson  Township.  He  is  one  of 
(^/'  the  first  settlers  in  the  township,  which  was 
named  in  honor  of  himself  and  brother,  Chas.  W. 
Balderson.  He  has  been  closely  ideniified  with  the 
growth  of  this  section  of  the  State.  He  was  the 
second  child  of  his  parents,  and  was  born  in  Can- 
ada, April  19,  1826,  and  there  grew  to  manhood. 
About  a  year  stier  attaining  his  majority  be  went 
to  Ogle  Count)',  111.,  where  he  remained  until  1869. 
He  then  came  to  Kansas  and  took  up  a  homestead, 
which  forms  a  part  of  his  present  farm.  He  has 
owned  1,000  acres,  of  which  he  sold  a  small  piece 
and  has  given  some  to  his  sons,  thns  reducing  his 
own  possessions  to  o60  acres. 

During  his  residence  in  Ogle  County,  111.,  Mr. 
Balderson  was  married  to  Mary  Ann  Smith,  the 
ceremony  taking  place  July  19,  1854.  The  bride 
was,  like  himself,  a  native  of  Canada,  where  she 
was  born  March  9,  1834.  She  was  the  oldest  of 
eight  children,  two  deceased,  who  had  been  born 
to  Thomas  and  Jane  (Thompson)  Smith.  Her 
parents  were  natives  of  Yorkshire,  England,  and 
had  emigrated  to  America  about  the  year  1820. 
The  father  was  a  farmer,  and  died  Jan.  25,  1882, 
while  his  widow  still  survives  at  the  age  of  seventy- 
six  years  and  resides  on  the  old  homestead  in  Illi- 
nois. To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Balderson  have  been  born 
ten  children,  six  of  whom  are  now  living.  They 
are  named  respeetivelj',  Chai-les  A.,  Augusta,  Jane 
E.,  J.  Frank,  Minnie  A.  and  Rena.  All  have  been 
well  educated  and  are  energetic  and  prominent 
members  of  societJ^  Rena  holds  the  office  of  sec- 
retary in  the  Sunday-school,  while  Minnie,  who 
occupied  the  office  for  a  term  of  years,  is  now  a 
teacher.     TLe  father  of   our    subject,  Thomas  Bal- 

derson, was  descended  from  Quaker  stock  and  was 
a  native  of  Lincolnshire,  England,  where  he  had 
been  a  butcher  boy  but  in  early  life  learned  the 
miller's  trade.  He  emigrated  to  Canada,  where  he 
married  Caroline  Partridge,  a  native  of  Albany, 
N.Y.  He  remained  in  Canada  until  his  death, 
which  took  place  in  1834.  He  left  three  children, 
Thomas  P.,  John,  our  subject;  and  Charles  W. 
His  widow  subsequently  married  William  Hunt,  of 
Canada,  and  died  in  1874. 

Our  subject  met  with  a  severe  loss  in  the  death 
of  his  brother,  Chas.]  W.  Balderson,  which  sad 
event  occurred  July  14,  1889,  and  was  due  to  in- 
juries received  by  a  kick  from  a  horse. 

Mr.  Balderson  is  a  member  of  Marysville  Lodge, 
No.  91,  A.F.  &  A.M.,  also]  of  Marysville  Chapter 
No.  29.  and  has  been  a  membei  of  the  Grange.  Dur- 
ing his  residence  in  Illinois,  he  held  the  ofllce  of 
Township  AssessorJ^and  during  the  Civil  War  was 
Deputy  Enrolling  Officer.  He  has  been  a  member 
of  the  School  Board  for  twenty  years  and  evinces 
an  active  interest  in  educational  affairs.  He  al- 
ways votes  the  Republican  ticket,  taking  great 
interest  in  politics,  and  has  frequently  been  a  dele- 
gate to  county  and  congressional  conventions. 
Both  he  and  his  wife  are  members  of  the  Christian 
Church.  They  are  in  fair  health,  and  though  re- 
tired from  active  life,  their  precept  and  example 
make  their  presence  much  to  be  desired.  The  rug- 
ged manliness  of  our  subject  and  his  sterling  worth 
as  a  citizen,  are  a  bright  example  to  the  younger 
residents  of  this  section,  where  the  name  of  John 
Balderson  will  ever  be  remembered  with  high 

A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  pleasant  home 
of  Mr.  Balderson  and  his  amiable,  hospitable  fam- 
ily, adds  to  the  value  of  our  work  and  will  be  wel- 
comed by  their  many  friends. 

ellARLES  H.  SHAFFER,  cashier  and  as- 
sistant agent  in  the  St.  Joe  &  Grand  Island 
and  Union  Pacific  Railroad  offices  at  Marys- 
ville, also  of  the  Pacific  Express  Company,  has 
for  the    last    nine  years   discharged   the    duties  of 


his  positions  with  credit  to  himself  and  sntis- 
faction  to  all  concerned.  He  is  a  young  man 
of  more  than  ordinarj-  intelligence  and  good 
business  capacities,  attends  strictly  to  business,  and 
has  evidently  entered  upon  a  career  which  will  main- 
tain him  in  a  good  position,  socially  and  Bnan- 
cially,  among  his  fellow-citizens. 

The  scion  of  an  excellent  family,  Mr.  Shaffer  was 
born  in  Garrett  County,  Md.,  Feb.  23,  1861,  and 
lived  there  until  a  youth  of  nineteen  years.  In  the 
meantime  he  acquired  a  good  common -school  edu- 
cation, completing  his  studies  in  Cumberland  Acad- 
emy, to  which  his  father  removed  when  he  was  a 
lad  of  four  years  old.  He  attended  school  until 
eighteen  years  of  age,  and  prepared  himself  for 
West  Point,  l)ut  on  account  of  failing  health  he 
was  obliged  to  abandon  this  project  and  spent 
eighteen  months  in  traveling.  He  made  his  way 
to  Marysville  in  1880,  and  for  seven  months  was 
employed  as  a  baggage  man,  after  which  he  was 
promoted  to  the  position  he  now  occupies.  This 
is  ample  evidence  of  the  fidelity  and  efficiency  with 
which  he  has  discharged  his  duties. 

On  the  31st  of  March,  1886,  our  subject  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Lena  L.  Debus,  for- 
merly of  Boone  Connty.  Mo.,  and  they  have  one 
child,  Euialie.  Mrs.  Shaffer  is  the  daughter  of 
Adam  Debus,  who  emigrated  from  Germany  prior 
to  tl>e  birth  of  his  daughter  Lena.  Later  he  served 
in  the  Civil  War,  and  then  settled  in  Missouri, 
where,  with  his  excellent  wife,  he  spent  the  re- 
mainder of  his  days.  Mrs.  Shaffer  is  a  lady  of 
manj'  excellent  qualities  and  a  devout  member  of 
the  Christian  Church. 

John  W.  Shaffer,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  of  Scotch  parentage,  in  March,  1827.  He 
spent  his  early  life  in  the  Kej'stone  State,  and  was 
there  married  to  Miss  Isabel  Heckrotts.  They 
lived  upon  a  farm  thereafter  for  a  number  of 
years,  and  the  father,  in  the  meanwhile,  became 
prominent  in  local  affairs,  holding  the  office  of 
tax  collector  and  other  positions  of  trust  and  re- 
sponsibility. In  1865  he  removed  to  the  city  of 
Cumberland,  where  he  was  employed  as  a  book- 
keeper, and  officiated  as  City  Tax  Collector  and 
City  Clerk.  He  was  a  of  great  energy  and 
excellent    business  capacities,   and   acoimulated  a 

comfortable  property.  He  is  still  a  resident  of 
Cumberland,  among  whose  people  he  is  held  in 
high  esteem. 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  were  born  the 
following  children:  Mary,  John  W.,  Jr.,  Charles 
II.,  Harry  H..  in  Ottawa,  Kan. ;  Frank,  who  re- 
mains with  his  parents;  Grace,  in  Ottawa,  Kan.; 
and  Lloyd  L..  who  finished  school  last  year.  Charles 
H.,  our  subject,  although  mixing  very  little  with 
politics,  keeps  himself  well  posted  upon  events  of 
general  interest,  and  votes  the  straight  Republican 
ticket.  He  is  prominent  in  the  Masonic  Lodge  at 
Marysville,  and  is  identiSed  with  the  A.  O.  U.  W. 
and  the  M.  W.  of  A. 

\T;OHNSTOX  S.  ARMSTRONG.  The  solid 
euphony  of  this  name  is  quite  befitting  to 
him  who  bears  it.  He  is  a  man  of  irre. 
(^^  proachable  character  with  a  fine  sense  of 
honor,  which  he  has  applied  to  his  daily  life,  and 
in  consequence  enjoys  in  a  marked  degree  the 
esteem  and  confidence  of  his  fellow-citizens.  Early 
in  life  he  chose  farming  for  his  vocation,  and  we 
now  find  him  comfortably  situated  at  a  well-regu- 
lated homestead  in  Marysville  Township,  wliere  he 
is  pleasantly  located  on  section  33.  He  has  been 
prominent  in  local  affairs,  and  at  present  is  Town- 
ship Trustee  and  Assessor,  to  which  office  he  was 
elected  in  the  fall  of  1888.  Politically,  he  is  inde- 
pendent, aiming  to  support  the  men  whom  he  con- 
siders best  qualified  to  serve  the  interests  of  the 

Our  subject  is  the  son  of  John  Armstrong,  who 
was  born  in  the  North  of  Ireland,  and  who  mar- 
ried Miss  .Jane  Armstrong,  a  native  of  the  same 
county  as  her  husband.  After  a  few  years  thej' 
emigrated  to  the  Dominion  of  Canada,  where  they 
spent  the  remainder  ot  their  lives.  They  were  the 
parents  of  eleven  children,  of  whom  Johnston  S. 
was  the  seventh-born,  his  birth  taking  place  April 
21,  1843,  in  Stratford,  County  of  Perth.  Piovinceof 
Ontario.  He  lived  at  home  until  about  seventeen 
years  old,  and  then  starting  out  for  himself,  went 
to  Buffalo.  N.  Y.,  where  he  entered    the  employ-  of 



a  lawj'er.  taking  care  of  his  office  and  doing  any- 
thing required.  He  remained  witli  him  a  little  over 
a  year,  then  returned  to  his  parents  and  staid  tliere 
about  six  months. 

Our  subject  next  emigrated  into  tlie  lumber  re- 
gions of  Canada,  where  he  was  employed  three 
years.  He  then  made  a  short  visit  to  his  old  home 
and  parents,  after  which  he  went  into  the  oil  re- 
gions of  Pennsylvania,  and  for  some  time  was  em- 
ployed as  a  laborer  in  Oil  City  and  vicinity.  In 
1878  he  came  to  this  county,  purchased  a  farm,  and 
tlien  returned  to  Pennsylvania,  where  he  staid  until 
1884.  In  December  of  that  year  he  came  back  to 
Kansas,  and  took  possession  of  his  farm,  which 
was  located  in  Mar3^sville  Township,  four  miles 
nortlicast  of  the  city. 

In  February,  1885,  Mr.  Armstrong  sustained  a 
severe  accident,  receiving  a  kick  from  a  horse, 
wliich  resulted  in  the  amputation  of  his  right  leg 
above  the  knee.  The  following  spring  he  sold  his 
farm  and  purchased  the  place  where  he  now  lives, 
and  which  is  located  about  one  mile  south  of 
Marysville.  Here  he  has  a  snug  home  witli  all  tlie 
conveniences  and  comforts  of  modern  life.  His 
family  consists  of  his  wife  and  two  bright  children, 
the  latter  named  respectively:  Johnston  A.  and 
Bertie  W.  He  was  married  in  Pennsylvania  to 
Miss  Emma  L.  Fiurrouglis,  who  was  a  native  of 
that  State.  During  the  last  ten  years  of  his  resi- 
dence there,  he  was  employed  as  a  superintendent 
of  oil  wells  and  given  a  comfortable  salary,  from 
which  he  was  enabled  to  save  the  money  invested 
in  his  Kansas  property. 

y..l  LVIN  R.  ESTERBROOK,  one  of  the  lead- 
'iLil  ing  business  men  of  Marshall  County,  may 
be  looked  upon  as  the  "  Father  of  Oketo," 
as  he  has  done  more  than  any  other  man 
towards  its  upbuilding  and  placing  it  on  a  secure 
foundation.  By  his  liberality  and  enterprise  lie  is 
still  contributing  largely  to  its  growth,  using  his 
influence  to  forward  every  scheme  for  its  material 
advancement,  and  is  and  has  been  a  potent  factor 

in  elevating  its  educational,  social  and  moral  status. 
He  carries  on  an  extensive  business  as  a  dealer  in 
stone,  having  a  vahiable  quarry  of  magnesian  lime- 
st(^ne,  which  forms  an  excellent  and  dur.ible  build- 
ing material,  and  commands  a  ready  sale,  his 
Iirinoipal  market  for  it  being  at  different  points  in 
Nebraska.  Mr.  Esterbrook  is  also  conducting  a 
profitable  real  estate  business,  and  is  identified  with 
the  .agricultural  interests  of  the  county,  owning 
and  managing  a  fine  farm  on  section  13. 

Our  subject  is  a  son  of  Alonzo  Esterbrook,  a  na- 
tive of  Vermont,  born  in  1817,  and  one  of  the 
early  pioneers  of  Schuyler  County,  III.,  where  lie 
took  up  his  abode  when  he  was  seventeen  years  of 
age,  and  in  after  years  became  a  prosperous  farmer, 
eliminating  a  valuable  farm  from  the  wilderness. 
The  mother  of  our  subject  was  Mary  Ann  Rucker, 
and  she  was  a  native  of  Kentucky,  though  wedded 
in  Illinois.  Four  of  the  nine  children  born  to  her 
and  her  husband  are  now  living:  Alvin  R.,  of 
whom  we  write,  was  their  third  child  in  order  of 
birth,  and  he  was  born  Sept.  28,  1845.  He  ob- 
tained bis  education  in  the  common  schools  of  his 
native  county  (Schuyler  County,  III.),  and  was 
carefully  trained  by  wise  parents  in  all  that  goes  to 
make  a  good  man  and  a  useful  citizen.  He  was 
bred  to  the  life  of  a  farmer,  and  followed  that  call- 
ing in  the  Prairie  State  till  the  spring  of  1875.  In 
that  year  he  came  to  Kansas  to  take  advantage  of 
the  superior  facilities  offered  for  a  skilful  agricul- 
turist and  a  practical,  intelligent  business  man,  to 
accumulate  wealth.  He  purchased  a  farm  of  125 
acres  on  sections  12  and  13,  Oketo  Township,  a  part 
of  which  is  now  Oketo,  and  at  once  entered  upon 
its  improveinent,  and  still  has  it  under  his  manage- 
ment. It  is  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation,  is  well 
stocked,  and  is  amply  supplied  with  substantial  and 
well-arranged  buildings,  and  first-class  machinery 
for  carrying  on  farming  to  the  best  advantage.  He 
pays  much  attention  to  rearing  stock,  and  his  cattle 
are  of  the  celebrated  Short-horn  breed,  while  his 
horses  are  fine  specimens  of  blooded  Clydesdales. 
His  magnificent  bull,  "Chieftain, "  is  one  of  the  finest 
specimens  in  the  county.  His  pedigree  number  is 
11035.  In  his  herd  are  some  splendid  thorough- 
bred cows.  His  handsome  well-appointed  residence, 
with  its  beautiful  grounds,  comprising  ten  acres  of 



land,  fiiielj'  laid  out  and  adorned  witli  uniarnontal 
trees,  shrubs  and  flowers,  is  an  ornament  to  the 
town  and  a  pleasing  feature  in  the  landscape.  He 
also  has  a  vinejard  and  a  good  orchard  of  all  kinds 
of  fruits. 

Mr.  Esterbroolv  has  been  exceedingly  prospered 
since  he  came  to  Marshall  County,  and  is  classed 
among  the  moneyed  men  who  are  so  vigorously' 
extending  its  interests  in  every  direction.  He  is 
the  proprietor  of  nearly  all  the  village  site  of 
Olieto,  and  has  made  two  additions,  consisting  of 
twenty-five  acres,  and  has  already  disposed  of  150 
lots,  and  has  a  large  number  yet  in  his  possession. 
Besides  this  large  amount  of  valuable  real  estate, 
he  owns  five  dwelling  houses,  including  his  resi- 
dence. Seven  years  ago  Mr.  Esterbrook  gave  a 
new  impetus  to  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  Oketo, 
by  the  opening  of  what  has  proved  to  be  a  valuable 
quarry  of  magnesian  limestone,  which  enterprise 
has  in  varions  ways  increased  the  business  interests 
of  the  village.  He  employs  from  fifteen  to  forty 
men  in  the  quarry  throughout  the  year,  has  all  the 
required  machinery  for  removing  the  stone  to  the 
best  advantage,  and  has  shipped  as  high  as  2,000 
carloads  a  year  to  various  jjoints,  principally  in 
Nebraska.     He  has  also  made  lime  from  this  stone. 

The  marriage  of  Mr.  Esterbrook  with  Miss  Annie 
M.  Young  was  solemnized  Jan.  1,  1868,  and  in  her 
he  has  found  one  of  the  most  precious  of  earthly 
blessings,  a  devoted  wife,  a  true  friend  and  wise 
counselor.  A  lady  of  intelligence  and  culture,  she 
presides  over  their  charming  home  with  infinite 
tact  and  graciousl3'  seconds  her  husband's  genial, 
courteous  hospitalit}'  in  making  friend  or  stranger 
welcome  within  its  walls.  Their  sons  and  daughters 
are  being  carefully  and  wisely  trained  and  educated 
to  helpful,  happy,  honorable  lives,  five  of  their  nine 
children  still  surviving:  Garrj-  G.,  OIlie,  May. 
Edgar,  Florence.  Mrs.  Esterbrook  was  born  in 
Illinois  Feb.  1,  1850,  the  third  of  the  seven  chil- 
dren of  Robert  and  Marj-  (McAllister)  Young, 
retired  farmers  living  in  Colchester.  III. 

A  perusal  of  this  life-record  of  our  subject  will 
show  him  to  be  a  stirring,  wide-awake  business 
man,  with  an  active  brain,  fertile  in  resources, 
whose  enterprise  has  been  of  great  benefit  to  the 
community  where  he  has  made  his  home  for   more 

tlian  a  decade,  and  with  whose  highest  interests  he 
has  so  thoroughly  identified  himself  that  the  history 
of  Oketo,  in  the  brief  years  of  its  existence  as  a 
thriving  village,  maj'  almost  be  said  to  be  his  his- 
toiy.  He  and  his  family  stand  high  in  social  and 
religious  circles,  and  he  and  his  wife  and  three 
of  their  children  are  among  the  most  active  of  the 
prominent  members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  which  he  has  faithfully  served  as  Steward 
for  twenty-five  j'ears.  He  has  also  been  Superin- 
tendent of  the  .Sunday- school  for  nearly  the  same 
length  of  time,  while  he  and  his  daughter  Ollie 
each  have  charge  of  a  class  in  the  school.  In  him 
the  cause  of  local  education  finds  an  earnest  advo- 
cate, and  he  has  done  good  work  as  a  member  of 
the  School  Board  for  six  years.  He  is  identified 
with  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  belonging  to  Oketo  Lodge, 
No.  344.  He  takes  a  lively  interest  in  politics, 
and  gives  hearty  support  to  the  Republican  part3-. 
He  is  strongly  in  favor  of  temperance,  and  is  con- 
sistently temperate  himself,  in  word  and  deed. 

A  lithographic  view  of  the  pleasant  home  of  Mr. 
Esterbrook  can  be  found  on  another  page  of  this 

ILES  KELLEY.  Among  the  men  who 
H  have  left  their  mark  within  the  precincts  of 
i^  an  enterprising  community,  Mr.  Kellej' 
deserves  more  than  a  passing  mention. 
Interested  mostly  in  fine  stock,  especially  horses, 
he  made  a  study  of  this  noble  animal,  and  per- 
formed no  small  part  in  raising  the  standard  of 
horse-flesh  in  this  county.  In  a  countr3'  where  so 
much  depends  upon  the  staj'ing  qualities  of  draft 
animals  and  roadsters,  the  industry  which  has 
sprung  up  in  bringing  them  to  a  state  little  short  of 
perfection,  occupies  no  unimportant  position  among 
the  emplo3-ments  to  which  men  are  devoted. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eldest  in  a 
family-  of  eight  children,  and  was  born  in  Clark 
Count}-,  Ky.,  March  12,  1808.  After  reaching 
man's  estate  he  followed  agricultural  pursuits  to 
which  he  had  been  bred  from  bo^diood,  and  in  due 
time  became  the  owner  of  800  acres  of  land  in 
Warren    County,   five  miles   from  Bowling  Green, 



and  which  was  worked  by  eightj'-flve  slaves.  Mr. 
Kelley  at  an  early  date  attained  a  reputation  as  a 
dealer  in  live  stock,  and  a  shipper  of  horses  and 
mules,  which  he  carried  on  until  after  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War  and  then  supplied  a  large  number 
to  the  Southern  army.  For  many  of  these  he  re- 
ceived no  compensation,  and  the  natural  conse- 
quence was,  he  was  obliged  to  part  with  a  large 
portion  of  his  fortune. 

Mr.  Kelley  remained  a  resident  of  his  native 
State  until  1874,  then  disposing  of  his  interests 
tliere  emigrated  to  Colorado,  and  purchased  a  farm 
for  which  he  paid  $6,000.  This  comprised  320 
acres  in  the  vicinity  of  Greeley,  but  not  finding 
farming  profitable  in  that  region,  he,  in  1877,  sold 
out  and  started  for  Kentuckj-.  On  his  waj'  thither 
lie  stopped  in  Marysville,  this  county,  and  was  so 
pleased  with  the  outlook  that  he  concluded  to  lo- 
cate here.  He  accordingly  jjurchased  the  land  in- 
cluded in  the  present  homestead,  where  he  engaged 
in  farming  and  effected  fine  improvements.  The 
following  year  a  cyclone  destroyed  the  house,  and 
although  there  were  nine  persons  within  it,  none 
were  injured  with  the  exception  of  Mr.  Kelley,  who 
had  three  ribs  broken  and  one  of  his  feet  muti- 
lated. Soon  afterward  he  purchased  140  acres  ad- 
joining, where  he  put  up  another  dwelling,  and 
where  he  sojourned  until  his  death,  which  took 
place  Aug.  16,  1885.  While  a  resident  of  Kentucky 
he  had  held  various  important  ofHces  in  liis  town- 
ship and  county  of  which  he  was  considered  as 
among  the  best  citizens.  Politically,  he  was  a  stanch 
Democrat  and  religiousl}',  he  belonged  to  the  Chris- 
tian Church.  He  took  pride  in  his  occu|)ation, 
was  a  great  lover  of  fine  horses,  of  which  he  owned 
several,  and  nothing  gave  him  more  satisfaction 
than  developing  their  best  points. 

Mr.  Kelley  was  first  married,  in  Kentuckj',  to 
Miss  Frances  Stark,  a  daughter  of  the  well-known 
Stark  family,  which  stood  high  in  that  region. 
There  is  one  child  living  of  this  union — James  C, 
who  is  a  prominent  and  prosperous  farmer  of  War- 
ren County,  K}'.  On  the  21st  of  June,  1863,  Mr. 
Kelley  contracted  a  second  marriage  with  Miss 
Elizabeth  Darwin,  who  was  born  in  Gainesboro, 
Jackson  Co.,  Tenn.  The  paternal  grandfather  of 
Mrs.  Kelley,  was  a  native  of  Virginia,  whence  he 

removed  to  Tennessee  and  engaged  as  a  planter, 
likewise  raising  cattle  and  keeping  slaves  to  work 
the  plantation.  The  Darwin  family  is  of  English 
descent.  William  Darwin  was  reared  to  manhood 
in  Tennessee,  and  also  became  a  stock  man  and 
overseer  of  the  plantation.  He  also  was  a  slave- 
holder, a  Democrat  in  politics,  and  a  man  who 
closely  held  to  the  old  theories.  He  departed  this 
life  in  1850,  in  Jackson  County,  Tenn. 

ftlrs.  Mary  (Burke)  Darwin,  the  mother  of  Mrs. 
Kelley  was  born  and  reared  in  Jackson  Countj^, 
Tenn.  Her  father,  Capt.  Burke,  was  a  native  of 
South  Carolina,  an  old  Revolutionary  hero  and 
he  also  participated  in  the  War  of  1812,  command- 
ing a  company.  After  his  military  days  were 
over  he  settled  in  Jackson  County,  Tenn.,  where  he 
had  a  plantation  worked  by  slaves  and  where  his 
death  took  place.  Mrs.  Darwin  was  a  member  of 
the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  died  in  her  native 
State  at  the  age  of  sixty-five  years.  Of  the  nine 
children  born  to  them  Sarah  P.  died  in  Illinois; 
John  died  in  the  Southern  array;  Leonidas,  and 
INIolly  (Mrs.  Suit),  are  residents  of  Texas;  William 
lives  iu  Arkansas;  George  and  Hiram  are  residents 
of  Jackson  County,  Tenn.;  Elizabeth,  (Mrs.  Kel- 
ley.) was  next  the  youngest;  Parry  is  in  Arkansas. 
John  enlisted  in  1861  in  a  regiment  under  the 
command  of  Gen.  Bragg.  He  was  taken  with  the 
measles  and  died  in  1863.  Leonidas  enlisted  in 
the  same  regiment,  the  same  year,  and  at  Atlanta 
was  struck  in  the  jaw  by  a  piece  of  shell,  having 
one  side  of  his  face  torn  away.  He  lived,  how- 
ever, and  later  settled  in  Texas  as  before  noted. 
William  enlisted  in  1862,  and  went  through  the 
war  without  a  scratch.  He  was  captured  by  the 
Union  troops  and  for  ten  months  was  kept  a  pris- 
oner at  Camp  Moulton,  Ind.  George  entered  the 
Confederate  service  in  1863,  in  the  same  regiment 
with  his  brother,  William,  and  was  prisoner  at  the 
same  time.  He  served  until  the  close  of  the  war, 
but  was  a  prisoner  in  Indianapolis  for  six  months. 

Mrs.  Kelle}'  after  her  marriage,  followed  the  for- 
tunes of  her  husband  and  since  his  death  has  man- 
aged the  property  with  excellent  success.  Wishing 
to  be  relieved  of  such  heavy  responsibilities,  she 
sold  all  but  eighty  acres  of  land  and  in  1887  moved 
upon  this,  put  up  a   house  and  instituted  the  other 



improvements  which  have  made  of  it  a  very  at- 
tractive homestead.  It  lies  on  the  west  fork  of 
the  Vermillion,  and  with  the  exception  of  fifteen 
acres  is  all  under  the  plow.  Mrs.  Kelley  is  also  a 
lover  of  fine  horses,  and  bred  the  celebrated  "Nellie 
Gray,"  whose  dam  was  presented  to  her  by  her 
intimate  friend,  Gov.  Wells,  of  Louisana.  Her  son 
Thomas  has  inherited  much  of  the  talent  of  his 
father,  and  is  also  interested  in  trotting-stock.  To 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kelley  there  were  born  five  children, 
the  eldest  of  whom,  Charles  W.,  married  Miss 
Molly  Flynn,  and  is  farming  in  Rock  Township; 
Thomas  C,  Miles,  Jr.,  Liuana  B.  and  Fred  A.  are 
at  home  with  their  mother.  Mrs.  Kelley  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church.  She 
is  a  well  read  and  very  intelligent  lady,  and  be- 
ing of  Southern  birth  and  training,  is  naturally  the 
supporter  of  Democratic  principles. 

Grandfather  Beal  Kelley  was  born  in  South 
Carolina,  and  participated  as  a  soldier  in  the  Rev- 
olutionary War.  Afterward  he  settled  in  Allen 
County,  Ky.,  where  he  entered  land  from  the  Gov- 
ernment and  became  owner  of  a  large  estate;  he 
was  of  Scotch-Irish  descent.  The  father  of  Miles 
Kelley,  Sr.,  was  owner  of  a  large  farm  of  500  acres, 
which  was  operated  by  slaves.  He  participated  in 
the  War  of  1812,  and  subsequently  settled  in  Ken- 
tucky, where  his  death  took  place  in  1853  from 
cholera.  He  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Ashley,  who 
spent  her  entire  life  in  her  native  State  of  Ken- 
tucky; she  was  a  devoted  member  of  the  Christian 
Church.  Mrs.  Kelley,  of  this  sketch,  has  travelled 
extensively  throughout  t!ie  South  and  is  thoroughly 
in  sympathy  with  its  people  and  its  institutions.' 

ENRY  NIEMANN,  a  pioneer  of  Marshall 
County,  lias  been  connected  with  its  farm- 
ing and  stock-raising  interests  since  1865, 
and  the  homestead  on  section  32,  Oketo 
Township,  that  he  then  bought  from  the  Govern- 
ment is  still  in  his  possession,  and  constitutes  one 
of  the  finest  and  most  productive  farms  in  the 
neighborhood.  Our  subject  is  of  German  antece- 
dents and  birth,  thougli  he  has  made  his  home  on 

American  soil  these  manj^  years,  and  is  a  loyal  citi- 
zen of  the  United  States.  His  parents,  John  and 
Elizabeth  (Mailer)  Niemann,  were  natives  of  Han- 
over, and  spent  their  entire  lives  in  Germany,  the 
father  carrying  on  farming.  Thej'  had  seven  chil- 
dren, of  whom  our  subject  was  tlie  oldest. 

Born  in  Hanover,  German}',  Sept.  28,  1828,  our 
subject  grew  to  vigorous,  self-reliant  manhood  in 
the  Fatherland,  receiving  a  substantial  education 
in  the  German  schools,  which  he  attended  until  he 
was  fourteen  years  old.  He  then  went  to  work  on  a 
farm,  continuing  thus  employed  till  his  emigration 
to  America.  Desiring  to  better  his  condition  finan- 
cially, to  become  a  laud  owner,  and  tlius  be  more 
independent,  he  left  his  old  home  in  1864  and  made 
his  waj'  to  this  country,  landing  in  New  York. 
From  there  he  proceeded  to  Cook  County,  111., 
where  he  staid  one  year.  At  the  expiration  of 
that  time,  in  1865,  lie  came  to  Kansas,  and  entered 
his  present  farm  from  the  Government  under  the 
provisions  of  the  homestead  act.  The  valuable 
improvements  that  he  has  made  on  his  place  since 
then  are  the  result  of  his  own  work,  and  liis  280 
acres  of  choice  land,  all  in  one  tract,  are  under  fine 
cultivation,  while  the  buildings  that  he  has  erected 
are  in  excellent  order  and  substantially  built.  A 
view  of  his  residence  may  be  found  on  another 
page  of  this  volume.  Mr.  Niemann  has  a  beauti- 
ful orchard,  comprising  400  trees  of  the  best  varie- 
ties of  apples,  peaches  and  plums,  and  he  has  besides 
a  vineyard  which  bears  luscious  grapes.  He  also 
engages  in  stock-raising  to  the  extent  of,  at  the 
present  time,  fifty  head  of  cattle,  fifteen  head  of 
horses,  and  sixty  head  of  hogs,  from  the  sale  of 
which  he  derives  an  excellent  income. 

Mr.  Niemann  was  married,  prior  to  coming  to 
this  countrj',  in  Hanover,  Germany,  on  the  3d  of 
May,  1857,  to  Miss  Mary  Boneka,  a  daughter  of 
Henr3'  and  Dorothea  (Burmeister)  Boueka,  all  na- 
tives of  Hanover;  the  father  was  a  tailor.  Mrs. 
Niemann  was  the  eldest  of  five  children,  four  of 
whom  are  now  living,  and  she  was  born  Feb.  29, 
1832.  She  was  reared  and  married  in  the  Fatlier- 
land,  as  we  have  before  noted.  Four  of  the  six 
children  born  to  her  and  our  subject  are  now  livifig 
— William,  Cliristina  (the  wife  of  August  Tillman), 
Cliarles  and   Frederic.     In   the  death  of  their  sou, 



August,  a  fine  young  man  wlio  died  in  Denver, 
Colo.,  of  lung  fever,  May  10,  1889,  aged  only 
twenty-two  j'ears,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Niemann  have 
sustained  the  bitterest  grief  of  their  wedded  life. 
But  they  do  not  sorrow  as  those  without  hope,  as 
their  simple  Christian  faith  teaches  them  that  all  is 
well  with  him  thus  early  taken  from  the  cares  and 
sorrows  of  this  life;  that  he  has  but  gone  on  a 
longer  journey,  and  their  separation  from  him  is 
only  for  a  few  years  at  the  most,  and  with  the 
comforting  assurance  that 

'•  He  cannot  be  where  God  is  not, 
On  any  sea  or  shore," 

the}'  are  fain  to  be  content  to  abide  His  appointed 
time  for  their  happy  reunion. 

By  honest  and  persistent  toil  and  thrift,  guided 
by  shrewd  common-sense,  our  subject  and  his  wife 
have  gathered  together  a  goodly  subsistence  that 
places  them  far  above  material  want,  so  that  they 
can  afford  to  cease  from  the  wearisome  and  hard 
labor  that  was  their  lot  in  their  earlier  years,  and 
as  the  shadows  of  life  lengthen  for  them  they  can 
take  their  ease,  free  from  care,  and  in  the  full  en- 
joyment of  the  comforts  of  their  cozj-  home.  It 
may  well  be  their  pride  that  as  pioneers  of  Mar- 
shall County,  they  have  not  only  witnessed  its  sur- 
prising gi-owth  and  progress,  but  they  have  been 
factors  in  bringing  about  its  prosperity.  Iji  the 
period  of  more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century  that 
they  have  been  dwellers  within  its  precincts,  their 
conduct  has  been  such  as  to  win  them  the  respect 
and  esteem  of  all  about  them.  They  are  earnest 
and  active  members  of  the  Lutheran  Cluirch,  and 
always  strive  to  live  up  to  its  teachings.  In  poli- 
tics, he  is  a  firm  supporter  of  the  Democratic 

OBERT  Y.  SHIBLEY.  In  the  subject  of 
v^'  this  notice  we  have  one  of  the  old  and 
prominent  residents  of  Marj'sville  Town- 
^  ship.  He  has  a  valuable  farm  on  section 
29,  and  his  residence  is  adjacent  to  the  citj'  limits 
of  Marysville,  the  homestead  being  thus  a  very  de- 
sirable piece  of  property.     He  came  to  this  region 

during  its  pioneer  days,  and  may  be  classed  among 
the  men  who  labored  effectively  in  developing  the 
resources  of  the  county,  and  bringing  it  to  its  pres- 
ent condition.  He  has  witnessed  with  the  interest 
felt  by  every  intelligent  man,  the  growth  and  pros- 
perity of  Northern  Kansas,  .and  takes  a  worthy 
pride  in  the  position  which  she  has  attained  among 
the  commonwealths  of  the  West. 

Our  subject  is  the  offspring  of  an  excellent  fam- 
ily, being  the  son  of  James  Shibley,  a  native  of 
South  Carolina  and  a  farmer  by  occupation.  The 
maiden  name  of  his  mother  was  Elizabeth  Lamb, 
a  native  of  the  same  State  as  her  husband,  and 
where  they  settled  after  their  marriage  and  spent 
their  entire  lives.  They  were  the  parents  of  three 
children  only,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the  second 
born.  He  first  opened  his  eyes  to  the  light  at 
the  modest  homestead  of  his  parents  in  Edgefield 
District,  S.  C,  Dec.  20,  1839.  He  lived  there 
until  a  youth  of  sixteen  years,  then,  anxious  to  see 
something  more  of  the  world,  set  out  for  the  great 
Northwest.  His  objective  point  was  Atchison,  in 
this  State,  where  he  sojourned  about  one  month, 
then  came  to  this  countj'  on  a  hunting  expedition, 
and  remained  from  July,  1856,  until  the  fall  of 

At  the  expiration  of  this  time  young  Shibley  re- 
turned home  and  spent  the  winter  of  1858  with  his 
parents  in  South  Carolina.  He  then  came  back  to 
this  county  and  assumed  possession  of  a  tract  of 
land  which  he  had  purchased,  and  which  is  now 
included  in  the  present  site  of  the  Marshall  County 
fair  ground.  In  the  fall  and  winter  of  that  year 
he  constructed,  on  the  Big  Blue,  a  steam  sawmill, 
which  was  the  first  one  of  the  kind  erected  in  Mar- 
shall Count}'.  It  has  long  since  passed  away,  and 
the  land  is  occupied  by  the  agricultural  fair  ground. 
He  operated  the  mill  in  company  with  another 
party  until  1862,  when  it  was  sold.  After  this  he 
was  engaged  in  freighting  from  Atchison  and  Ne- 
braska City  to  Colorado,  until  about  1 865.  Since 
that  time  he  lias  given  his  attention  mainly  to 
farming  and  has  dealt  some  in  real-estate,  selling 
considerable  land,  and  during  former  years  was 
one  of  the  most  extensive  land-owners  in  the 

Mr.  Shibloy's  farm  comprises    160  acres  of  land, 



which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 
He  has  been  a  promineut  man  in  his  communit\-, 
filling  the  various  local  offices,  and  is  at  present  a 
Road  Commissioner  and  Township  Treasurer.  So- 
cially, he  belongs  to  Marysville  Lodge  No.  91. 
A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  is  also  identified  with  the 
Knights  of  Honor.  He  was  married  in  this  county. 
May  28,  1872,  to  Mrs.  Frances  C.  Covell,  the 
widow  of  George  P.  Covell.  Her  maiden  name 
was  Blanchord,  and  she  was  a  native  of  Connecti- 
cut. They  have  five  children,  whose  names  are: 
Robert  F.,  James  G.,  Ludie  C,  Horatio  B.,  and 
Ethel  E.  They  are  all  at  home  with  their  parents, 
and  are  receiving  the  benefits  of  a  good  education. 
Mrs.  Shiblej'  when  a  3'oung  woman  became  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Congregational  Church.  In  politics, 
Mr.  Shiblej'  is  a  stanch  supporter  of  the  Democratic 
party.  We  invite  the  attention  of  our  many 
readers  to  the  handsome  lithographic  view  of  the 
old  pioneer  home,  and  the  present  residence  of  Mr. 
Shibley,  on  another  page  of  this  book. 

jhi-M  RS.  ELIZA  A.  PAUL,  a   pioneer  of  Mar- 
ij      1\\    shall  County,  residing  on  section  26,  Blue 
I       lS  Rapids    City    Township,    is   a   native    of 
*'  Madison    County.  111.,    but   when  a  child 

was  taken  to  Rock  Island  County,  111.,  bj'  her  par- 
ents. She  was  born  Jan.  26,  1836.  She  was  a 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  A.  and  Nancy 
(Thompson)  Walker.  Her  father  was  a  native  of 
Virginia,  and  of  English  descent,  his  ancestors 
having  come  to  this  country  with  the  Jamestown 
Colony.  Her  mother  was  of  Irish  ancestry  and  a 
native  of  Kentuckj'.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walker  were 
early  settlers  of  Rock  Island  County.  111.,  in  which 
they  had  located  immediately  after  the  Black  Hawk 
War.  To  them  were  born  five  children,  of  whom 
three  now  survive:  Sarah,  the  wife  of  Samuel 
Swank,  whose  home  is  in  Otoe  County,  Neb.;  Mrs. 
Paul,  and  Mar3^  now  the  widow  of  William  Lemon, 
in  Ohio.  The  deceased  bore  the  names  of  Harriet 
and  Julia,  respectively'.  Mrs.  Paul  grew  to  matu- 
rity in  her  native   county  and  State,  acquiring  her 

education  largelv  under  the  instruction  of  her  father, 
who  was  a  teacher,  as  well  as  a  pioneer  preacher  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  In  the  time  of 
Mrs.  Paul's  youth,  public  schools  were  not  known 
in  Illinois,  and  the  instruction  which  she  received 
outside  her  home  was    acquired  in  private  schools. 

On  June  30,  1853,  Eliza  Walker  was  married  in 
Rock  Island  County,  to  William  Paul,  a  native  of 
County  Antrim,  Ireland,  born  Feb.  16,  1830.  He 
was  a  son  of  Samuel  and  Martha  Paul,  and  of  re- 
mote Scotch  ancestry.  The  union  of  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Paul  resulted  in  the  birth  of  five  children : 
Martha,  the  wife  of  Thomas  Short;  S.  Frank;  Sa- 
rah, wife  of  J.  N.  Wannamaker ;  Clara,  wife  of 
Wesley  Miller,  and  William,  .all  living  in  this 

Mr.  Paul,  when  seventeen  j-ears  old  emigrated  to 
America,  and  remained  for  a  short  time  in  Quebec, 
Canada.  Thence  he  removed  to  St.  Lawrence 
County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  resided  about  three  years. 
He  next  went  to  Rock  Island  County,  III.,  where  he 
remained  until  1 859.  He  then  with  his  wife  and  fam- 
ily emigrated  to  this  county, and  homesteaded  eighty 
acres  of  land,  which  comprises  a  part  of  the  estate 
on  which  his  widow  still  lives.  The  land  was  raw 
prairie,  and  Mr.  Paul  was  practically  without  means 
when  he  settled  upon  it.  At  his  death  he  left  an 
estate  valued  at  about  $10,000.  This  success  resulted 
from  the  industry  and  energy  of  the  young  couple, 
who  endured  many  of  the  privations  consequent  to 
pioneer  life,  and  practiced  great  self-denial  in  the 
earlier  years  of  their  residence  in  the  Slate.  Mr. 
Paul  found  an  efficient  helpmate  and  counselor  in 
his  wife.  She  retains  possession  of  the  home  farm, 
owning  180  acres  of  land  there,  and  fifty-five 
acres  in  Blue  Rapids  Township. 

Mr.  Paul  was  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Epis- 
copal Church.  In  politics  he  was  a  Republican. 
He  had  served  as  a  member  of  the  .School  Board 
of  his  district  and  likewise  as  Justice  of  the  Peace. 
During  the  Civil  War  he  served  nearly  three  years 
in  the  Union  army,  the  most  of  that  time  being 
spent  in  fighting  the  guerillas  in  Arkansas  and  the 
Indian  Territory,  together  with  some  raids  in  Mis- 
souri. His  death,  which  occurred  Aug.  12,  1886, 
was  occasioned  b^'  disease  contr.acted  in  the  army. 
In    his    death    the  county  lost  one  of  her  earliest 



7^'  0^^  ^^-^ 



pioneers  and  most  respected  citizens.  He  was  always 
ill  favor  of  tliose  movements  whicli  would  tend  to 
improve  and  elevate  society,  and  advance  the  in- 
terests of  tiie  county.  He  was  a  kind  and  loving 
father  and  husband,  and  his  death  was  regretted  by 
all  who  knew  him. 

Mrs.  Paul  being  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  in 
tliis  part  of  the  county,  enjoys  an  extended  ac- 
quaintance, and  is  an  active  member  of  society.  She 
is  a  consistent  member  of  the  Methodist  Episco- 
pal Church,  and  is  held  in  high  respect  by  all  wlio 
know  her. 

-.^ ..o»o.-®^<^..c.*o *«— 

R.    WILLIAMSON    F.    BOYAKIN.     For 

more  than  twenty  years  the  subject  of  this 
notice  has  been  a  resident  of  this  county, 
having  come  here  in  .June,  1869.  Much 
of  this  time  he  has  been  a  practicing  physician,  in 
connection  with  which  he  has  carried  on.  agricul- 
ture, and  occupied  various  positions  of  trust  and 
responsibility.  Now  somewhat  advanced  in,  years 
lie  is  retired  from  active  labor,  and  is  spending  his 
declining  days  amidst  the  comforts  of  a  pleasant 
liome,  on  section  2,  in  Blue  Rapids  Cit}' Township, 
where  he  has  a  well-cultivated  farm  comprising  120 
acres.  His  career  in  life  has  been  such  as  to  win 
for  him  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his  fellowmen, 
and  his  name  will  be  held  in  kindly  remembrance 
long  after  he  has  been  gathered  to  his  fathers. 

The  paternal  ancestors  of  Dr.  Boyakin  originated 
in  France,  whence,  being  Hugenots,  they  escaped 
to  England  after  the  revocation  of  the  edict  of 
Nantes.  From  England  they  came  to  America,  in 
1730,  settling  at  Edgefield,  S.  C.  There  they  be- 
came numerous,  and  are  now  to  be  found  in  many 
of  the  Southern  States,  only  a  few  of  them  coming 
North.  The  father  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
Wiley  Boyakin,  was  born  in  1780,  in  Edgefield, 
S.  C.  Upon  reaching  manhood  he  was  married,  in 
Anson  County,  N.  C,  on  the  Roclty  River,  near  tiie 
Peedee,  his  wife  being  Miss  Milly  Yarbrough,  who 
was  born  in  1781,  in  that  county.  Tliey  lived 
thereuntil  after  the  birth  of  William  F.,  the  subject 
of  this  sketch,    which  took   place  May   30,    1807. 

Later  thej'  came  to  Illinois,  where  the  mother  died 
in  1846,  and  the  father  in  1850. 

To  Wiley  and  Milly  Boyakin  there  were  born 
five  sons  and  three  daughters,  of  whom  only  two 
survive — the  subject  of  this  sketcli  and  his  sister, 
Mrs.  Catherine  Merrill,  a  resident  of  Belleville, 
III.,  and  the  widow  of  Frederick  Merrill,  a  wealthy 
farmer  of  that  place.  The  death  of  Nelson  Bo3'akin 
occurred  in  Northern  Mississippi,  in  1824,  when  he 
was  a  youth  of  about  eighteen  years.  Wilson  H. 
was  a  pioneer  of  Arkansas,  and  died  in  Union 
County,  that  State,  in  1850;  he  was  a  well-educa- 
ted man,  and  a  great  reader,  besides  being  noted 
for  his  physical  strength  and  extraordinary  powers 
as  a  pedestrian,  he  having  traveled  on  foot  over 
a  large  part  of  the  country.  He  was  a  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  and  died  from  the  effects  of  a  chill  pro- 
duced by  swimming  a  river  in  winter,  while  on  his 
way  to  perform  a  marriage  ceremony. 

Henderson  P.  Boyakin  was  a  prominent  lawyer 
and  politician,  living  at  Salem,  111.,  and  was  a  man 
of  brilliant  parts.  He  raised  a  regiment  of  volun- 
teers for  the  Mexican  War,  known  as  the  2d 
Illinois,  of  which  he  was  Colonel,  and  served 
throughout  that  war.  In  1846-47  he  was  Military 
Governor  of  New  Mexico,  having  two  regiments 
under  his  command.  At  Taos,  in  an  expedition 
against  the  Indians,  he  contracted  an  incurable  dis- 
ease, and  returning  home  died  three  months  later, 
unmarried.  He  was  a  j'oung  man  of  great  promise, 
who  would  have  made  a  bright  record  bad  he 
lived.  Simpson  S.  became  an  artist  and  mathema- 
tician; he  lived  in  Decatur,  111.,  and  accumulated  a 
fine  property,  but  suffered  serious  losses  by  fire, 
and  died  in  1861,  a  comparatively  poor  man.  As 
an  artist  he  became  eminent,  and  acquired  a  fine 
reputation.  He  left  two  children,  one  of  whom,  a 
son,  inherited  his  mathematical  genius,  and  was  en- 
gineer of  the  great  bridge  at  St.  Louis  for  five  years. 
He  is  now  a  resident  of  Portland,  Ore.,  holding  a 
similar  position.  His  daughter,  Louisa  A.,  is  one 
of  the  most  noted  female  educators  in  the  West, 
and  makes  her  home  at  Belleville,  111.  Miss  Har- 
riet Bo)-akin,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  Freder- 
ick Merrill,  and  died  in  1854,  on  a  farm  near 
Belleville,  III.,  from  injuries  received  in  a  cyclone, 
which  destroyed    the  tine  brick  house  in  which  she 



lived.  Frederick  Merrill  afterward  became  the 
husband  of  her  sister  Catherine.  Emily  P.  was  a 
beautiful  woman,  and  a  sweet  singer;  she  married 
Dr.  R.  S.  Fillmore,  in  1851,  and  a  sketch  of  her 
family  will  be  found  on  another  page,  under  the 
name  of  her  son.  Dr.  R.  S.  Fillmore. 

Williamson  F.  Boyakin  was  but  one  year  old 
when,  in  1808,  his  parents  removed  with  a  com- 
pany from  North  Carolina  to  Middle  Tennessee. 
The  caravan  consisted  of  100  two- wheeled  carts  of 
primitive  construction,  not  a  pound  of  iron  being 
used  in  the  whole  outfit.  In  the  train  was  a  bo3', 
who  afterwar  I  became  Attorney-General  of  the 
United  States — Lumsford  M.  Bramblett — and  two 
■who  became  Postmaster  Generals — Aaron  Y. 
Brown  and  Felix  Grund}'.  Another  boy  became 
President — .James  K.  Polk.  Still  another  boy,  who 
walked  most  of  the  way  barefoot,  was  Gideon 
Blackburn,  one  of  the  most  brilliant  pulpit  orators 
America  ever  produced.  Manj-  others  became  emi- 
nent, and  were  leaders  of  public  opinion  in  the 
South,  such  as  the  Polks,  Pillows,  Friersons  and 

This  colony  settled  in  Middle  Tennessee,  in 
Maur}',  Giles  and  Stewart  counties.  Young  Boya- 
kin was  reared  in  Giles  and  Maury  counties,  in  a 
manner  common  to  the  boys  of  that  region,  his 
earliest  recollections  being  of  taking  refuge  in 
block  houses  from  the  Indians.  His  father  won  re- 
nown as  an  Indian  fighter  under  Andrew  .Taclvson, 
and  General  (afterward  Governor)  Carroll.  In  the 
campaign  against  the  Creeks  in  Northern  Alabama, 
Gen.  Jackson  was  riding  behind  their  only  cannon, 
a  six-pounder,  when  the  Indians  fired  on  them 
from  ambush,  killing  the  artillery  horses  as  they 
were  crossing  a  stream,  everyone  retreating  except 
Jackson,  who  remained  on  his  in  llie  water. 
The  father  of  Dr.  Boyakin,  who  was  a  subordinate 
officer,  rushed  into  the  stream  with  a  few  men, 
drew  the  gun  and  led  oivt  the  general's  horse  with 
him  on  it,  and  loading  and  firing  the  gun,  he  soon 
scattered  the  savage  foe.  Gen.  Jackson  was  grate- 
ful for  this  timely  action,  which  he  declared  had 
saved  his  life,  and  when  the  subject  of  this  sketch 
was  approaching  manhood  insisted  on  sending  him 
to  Spring  College,  in  Pulaski.  Giles  Co.,  Tenn., 
where  he  was  graduated;  and  afterward,  still  under 

the  patronage  of  Gen.  Jackson,  he  studied  law  in 
Columbia  and  Pulaski,  Tenn.,  in  the  office  of  Lums- 
ford M.  Bramblett,  Aaron  V.  Brown  &  James  K. 
Polk,  which  was  the  st3'le  of  the  firm. 

On  July  4,  1826,  Mr.  Boyakin  delivered  his  first 
public  speech  at  Pulaski,  Tenn.,  to  an  assemblage 
of  30,000  people,  ainong  whom  was  Gen.  Jackson, 
then  a  candidate  for  the  nomination  of  President. 
Dr.  Boyakin's  prospects  for  a  legal  practice  were 
brilliant,  but  his  religious  scruples  drove  him  from 
the  bar,  and  not  willing  to  lose  the  benefits  of  his 
education,  he  turned  his  attention  to  the  healing 
profession,  studying  medicine  at  Lexington,  Ky., 
and  being  graduated  at  the  Trans3'lvania  Medical 
College  in  that  place.  He  settled  in  Logan 
County,  Ky.,  and  practiced  in  that  region  until 
1834,  when  he  became  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church,  and  before  the  end  of  that  year  was  preach- 
ing at  Jacksonville,  111.,  his  religious  opinions  lead- 
ing him  into  the  pulpit,  and  his  Free-Soil  proclivi- 
ties driving  him  north  of  Mason  and  Dixon's 
line,  although  he  was  not  what  was  then  known  as 
an  Abolitionist. 

Dr.  Boyakin  continued  his  pulpit  work  for  a 
period  of  twenty  years,  but  kept  full}'  posted  on 
the  political  movements  which  led  to  the  Re- 
bellion. As  a  proof  of  this  it  may  be  stated  that 
the  celebrated  compromise  bill  of  Henrj^  Clay,  was 
written  on  the  table  in  his  parlor,  in  Jacksonville. 
111.  When  the  question  of  slavery  was  convulsing 
the  land,  and  the  denominations  were  disrupting, 
the  Baptists  took  steps  looking  to  a  fraternal  sep- 
aration between  the  church  North  and  South.  At 
the  triennial  convention  of  the  Baptist  Union  in 
Baltimore,  in  May,  1841,  Dr.  Boyakin  was  a  dele- 
gate and  representative  of  the  State  of  Illinois.  A 
committee  of  one  for  each  State  was  appointed  to 
devise  means  for  a  peaceful  separation,  and  on  that 
committee  were  such  men  as  Spencer  H.  Cove,  of 
New  York;  Dr.  Sharpe,  of  Boston;  Dr.  Johnson, 
of  South  Carolina;  John  Culpepper,  of  North  Caro- 
lina: Richard  Fuller,  of  Maryland;  and  other 
leading  men  of  the  denomination  in  that  6ay. 

Of  that  committee  Dr.  Boyakin  was  also  a  mem- 
ber. They  met  in  Sharpe  Street  Church,  and  de- 
liberated ten  days  and  nights,  the  result  being  an 
advice   to  the   convention    that  the  denomination 



should  separate  on  geograpliical  lines,  and  that  Dr. 
Fuller  and  Dr.  Wayland  should  lead  off  in  an  amica- 
ble discussion  of  the  Bible  doctrine  of  slavery,  and 
the  outcome  was  the  celebrated  text  book  called 
"Wayland  and  Fuller  on  Slavery."  Dr.  Boyakin 
frequently  smiles  at  the  idea  that  the  jniblication 
of  "Uncle  Tom's  Cabin"  was  one  of  the  most  po- 
tential agencies  in  connection  with  the  deliberations 
of  that  committee,  in  indirectly  bringing  about  the 
fraternal  divisions  between  the  Baptists  North  and 

In  due  time,  at  the  age  of  fifty,  Dr.  Boyakin 
found  himself  devoted  to  his  pulpit  work,  and  his 
children  growing  up  without  a  trade  or  profession. 
He  felt  that  his  duty  lay  in  establishing  a  home  for 
them  and  himself,  and  he  accordingly  decided  to 
seek  the  far  West.  He  completed  his  outfit  at  St. 
Joseph,  Mo.,  and  thence  with  his  familj'  made  his 
wa\'  to  Portland,  Ore.,  where  he  realized  his  desires 
and  acquired  a  good  property.  Twice  he  canvassed 
the  Territory  in  the  interests  of  the  party  who  de- 
sired to  make  it  a  State.  He  returned  East,  in 
1858,  and  seeing  the  war  cloud  rising,  contributed 
his  time  and  services  freely  in  doing  all  he  could 
to  stave  off  the  inevitable,  buying  and  editing  a 
paper  in  Belleville,  111.,  in  which  he  advocated  the 
doctrines  supported  by  Senator  Stephen  A.  Doug- 
las, and  reported  .and  published  the  joint  debates 
between  that  statesman  and  Abraham  Lincoln. 
When  Sumter  was  fired  upon  he  became  an  ardent 
Unionist,  and  entered  the  army,  accepting  the 
Chaplaincy  of  tlie  30th  Illinois  Infantrj^.  He  like- 
wise became  a  member  of  Gen.  Grant's  Staff,  and 
was  in  the  battles  fought  by  him  at  Belmont,  Ft. 
Henry,  Ft.  Donelson,  Shiloh,  luka,  Corinth,  Vicks- 
burg,  Chattanooga,  after  which  failure  of  health 
compelled  him  to  resign. 

One  Sunday,  at  Jackson,  Tenn.,  during  the  war, 
Dr.  Boyakin  preached  to  30,000  citizens  of  Ten- 
nessee, on  which  occasion  Generals  Grant,  Halleck, 
Logan,  Garfield,  McCook,  Buell,  and  twenty-five 
others  were  present  to  hear  him.  The  sermon  was 
directed  to  the  citizens  of  the  South,  and  at  its  con- 
clusion the  crowd  was  invited  to  dine  with  the  army 
by  Gon. Grant,  he  guaranteeing  their  safe  conduct  to 
and  fro  without  passes.  The  sermon,  coming  from 
a  Southern  man.  and  directed  to  Southern  men,  had 

a  great  effect  in  that  section  of  country,  and  as  said 
bj'  the  brave  Logan — "was  worth  5,000  men" — a 
statement  verified  the  very  next  day,  when  a  full 
regiment  of  them  came  into  the  Union  camp,  and 
enlisted  for  the  Union  service. 

Dr.  Boyakin  was  one  of  the  first  to  sign  the  peti- 
tion to  the  President  to  emancipate  the  slaves. 
During  Mr.  Lincoln's  second  campaign  he  was 
sent  from  the  army  to  Oregon,  to  canvass  that 
State  in  the  President's  interests,  and  he  made  a 
thorough  canvass  through  the  State,  which  it  will 
be  recollected  cast  its  electoral  vote  for  Mr.  Lin- 
coln. After  retiring  from  the  array.  Dr.  Boyakin 
settled  in  Paola,  Miami  Co.,  Kan.,  where  he 
preached  in  the  Baptist  Church  until  1869.  That 
year  he  came  to  Marysville,  this  county,  and  re- 
sumed the  practice  of  his  profession  as  a  physician, 
having  become  advanced  in  years,  and,  as  he  sa3's 
himself,  pi  or.  He  took  up  a  homestead  on  Elm 
Creek,  and  practiced  through  all  that  part  of  the 
country.  In  1874  he  was  elected  Coroner  of  Mar- 
shall County;  he  has  been  since  continuously  re- 
elected, and  still  holds  the  office,  being  now  a 
candidate  for  re-election.  A  few  years  later  he  was 
elected  County  Superintendent  of  Schools,  and 
served  four  years,  and  endeavored  then  to  resign 
his  office  of  Coroner,  but  his  resignation  was  not 
accepted.  He  has  been  a  School  Director  since  his 
settlement  in  this  county  until  recently,  when  he 
refused  to  accept  a  renomination.  Upon  retiring 
from  active  practice  he  gave  the  management  of 
his  farm  over  to  his  son,  Gershom  W. 

In  Logan  County,  Ky.,  Sept.  13,  1832,  Dr.  Boy- 
akin was  married  to  Miss  Maria  McQuary,  who 
was  born  in  Nashville,  Tenn.,  Aug.  10,  1810.  They 
became  the  parents  of  five  children,  the  two  eldest 
of  whom,  Algernon  and  Theodore,  died  in  Oregon, 
in  1852  and  1865  respectively.  Champion  also 
died  in  Oregon,  where  he  had  a  large  ranch,  in 
1876.  Adoniram  Judson  is  a  resident  of  Boise 
City,  Idaho,vvhere  he  is  owner  and  editor  of  the  lead- 
ing Democratic  paper  m  the  Territory.  Amanda 
is  the  wife  of  James  H.  Rhea,  and  resides  in  Mc- 
Lean County,  111.  The  mother  of  these  children 
died  in  1850,  and  on  the  13th  of  June,  1852,  Dr. 
Boyakin  took  to  wife  Miss  Elizabeth  Quorton.  To 
them  were  born  four  children,  the  eldest  of  whom, 



.1  daughter,  Bettv,  possesses  great  musical  talent, 
anrj  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years  taught  music  in  the 
college  at  Columbia,  Mo.,  five  years.  Then  going 
to  Philarlelphia  she  studied  the  art  a  year,  and  sub- 
sequently finished  a  five  years'  course  in  Paris  and 
Berlin.  Williamson,  a  son,  is  a  prosperous  cattle 
man  of  Helena,  Mont.  Henderson  is  in  business  at 
St.  Louis,  Mo.  Wiley  was  in  the  United  States 
Army  five  years,  but  is  now  married,  and  engaged 
in  business  in  San  Antonio,  Tex. 

On  the  30th  of  June,  1868,  Dr.  Bo3'akin  con- 
tracted a  third  marriage,  in  Cass  County,  Mo.,  with 
Miss  Lucy  Jane  Gabriel,  who  was  born  iu  Cooper 
County,  Mo.,  July  26,  1839,  and  was  the  daughter 
of  a  Baptist  preacher.  She  received  but  a  limited 
education,  but  an  unusually  large  share  of  common 
sense  fully  supplied  its  lack.  Two  brothers  of  Mrs. 
Boyakin  were  soldiers  in  tlie  Union  Army,  one  be- 
ing the  youngest  volunteer  who  ever  enlisted. 
Their  home  was  in  the  region  which  was  the  scene 
of  operations  of  the  notorious  bushwhackers  who 
infested  Missouri  during  the  early  part  of  the  war, 
and  Mrs.  Boyakin  participafted  in  manj^  of  the 
stirring  episodes  of  that  time.  The  well-known 
Union  sentiment  of  the  family  caused  them  to  be 
looked  upon  with  distrust,  and  once  Mrs.  Boyakin 
was  fired  upon  by  a  detachment  of  Price's  armv  as 
she  was  entering  the  house  of  a  Union  neighbor  to 
warn  him  of  his  peril.  Her  union  with  Dr.  Boy- 
akin has  been  blessed  by  the  birth  of  a  large  familj- 
of  children,  viz.:  Theodore,  Algernon,  James  Por- 
ter, jNIary  Ann,  and  Sarah  Ann,  deceased.  Three 
are  yet  uiider  the  parental  roof:  Gershom  Walter, 
who  was  born  April  12,  18G9;  Lucj'  Koester,  Oct. 
20,  1876,  and  Charles  Simpson,  March  27,1881. 
The  children  are  bright  and  intellgent,  inheriting 
the  best  qualities  of  both  parents. 

A  man  of  rare  qualities,  Dr.  Bo3^akin  is  an  orig- 
inal and  vigorous  thinker,  and  a  writer  and  speaker 
of  marked  ability.  Politically,  he  is  a  stanch  and 
ardent  Republican.  He  might,  had  he  so  chosen, 
become  wealthy,  and  been  classed  among  the  great 
men  of  the  nation.  His  stern  sense  of  duty,  and 
his  rigid  adherence  to  principle  at  any  cost,  have 
kept  him  poor.  In  the  position  of  life,  however, 
which  he  has  made  for  himself,  he  probably  enjoys 
more  real  comfort  than  if  he  had  been  more   ambi- 

tions for  riches  and  social  station.  With  means 
enough  to  satisfy  his  modest  desires,  with  a  wife 
devotedly  attached  to  liim,  and  beautiful  children 
around  him,  and  with  the  esteem  of  his  fellow-men, 
the  evening  of  his  stiiring  and  most  useful  life  is 
passing  calmly  away.  The  readers  will  be  pleased 
to  observe  on  another  page  of  the  Album  a  fine  por- 
trait of  this  honored  citizen,  able  physician  and 
consecrated  minister,  and  will  unite  in  wishing  him 
a  peaceful  close  to  an  adventurous  and  exciting 

AMES  W.  VAN  SC0TI:R.  In  the  career 
here  presented,  we  find  that  of  a  youth  who 
came  West  to  '-grow  up  with  the  country;" 
'^^y  a  process  which  resulted  in  Ins  becoming  a 
man  of  note  in  his  community,  and  the  owner  of  a 
good  property,  embracing  a  well-cultivated  farm, 
with  a  substantial  dwelling  and  other  necessar}' 
buildings  and  appliances  of  comfortable  rural  life. 
A  man  of  excellent  business  capacities,  prudent, 
industrious,  and  upright,  he  has  each  year  made 
some  progress  toward  the  top  of  the  ladder,  and  is 
numbered  among  the  most  reliable  men  of  the 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  the  offspring  of  ex- 
cellent parents,  being  the  son  of  Richard  and  Mary 
(Sweet)  Van  Scoter,  both  natives  of  New  York 
State,  the  former  of  Steuben  Count}-,  and  the  latter 
of  Chautauqua  Count}-.  They  were  married  in  Fre- 
donia,  near  which  they  settled  on  a  farm,  and  which 
farm  is  still  in  the' possession  of  the  family.  The 
father  died  there  in  October.  1888,  at  the  age  of 
seventy -three  years;  the  mother  is  still  living,  and 
makes  her  home  in  Dunkirk  with  her  daughter. 
Their  family  included  seven  children,  five  of 
whom  are  living,  and  residents  mostl}-  of  James- 
town, N.  Y. 

Mr.  Van  Scoter  was  the  eldest  child  of  his  par- 
ents, and  was  born  on  the  home  farm  near  Fredonia, 
N.  Y..  Jan.  29,  18.53.  After  the  district  school, 
he  .attended  the  State  Normal  School  at  Fredonia. 
He  was  early  made  acquainted  with  the  more  seri- 
ous duties  of  life,  and  worked  on  the  farm  until 
coming  to  Kansas  in    1840.     He  was  married  Dec. 



5,  1879,  to  Miss  Maria,  daughter  of  William  and 
Jane  (Wriglit)  Miller,  who  were  of  English  de- 
scent, and  had  been  residents  of  Chautauqua  County, 
N.  Y.,  for  many  years.  Their  family  consisted  of 
nine  childten,  one  of  whom,  a  son,  David,  enlisted 
in  the  army  as  a  Captain's  waiter,  when  only  fif- 
teen years  old.  His  captain  being  killed,  he  was 
placed  in  the  ranks,  and  during  the  skirmish  which 
followed,  was  also  shot  down. 

Mrs.  Van  Scoter  was  the  sixth  child  of  her  par- 
ents, and  was  born  in  Chautauqua  Count3',  N.  Y., 
Sept.  15,  1858.  Her  father  died  there  Oct.  18, 
1884,  at  the  age  of  sixty-one  j-ears.  The  mother 
is  still  living  at  the  old  homestead  in  Chautauqua 
County.  Our  subject  and  his  wife  remained  in 
their  native  State  one  year  after  marriage,  then 
came  to  this  county.  Thej^  lived  on  a  rented  farm 
for  two  years  thereafter,  and  then  our  subject  pur- 
chased that  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies. 
When  Mr.  Van  Scoter  came  to  Kansas,  he  had  $300, 
and  eighty  acres  of  land  that  his  father  had  bought 
for  him.  When  he  saw  the  land,  he  found  it 
rough  and  stony,  and  so  tried  to  sell  it.  He  could 
get  an  offer  of  but  $200  for  it,  and  finally  traded  it 
toward  his  present  place.  What  he  has  since  made 
has  been  by  hard  work  and  good  management,  and 
his  habit  of  paying  cash  as  he  goes,  is,  he  says, 
because  he  keeps  the  weeds  out  of  his  crops. 

The  thoroughly  cultivated  fields  of  Mr.  Van 
Scoter's  farm,  are  highly  productive — indeed  it  is 
considered  one  of  the  finest  farms  in  this  section. 
It  is  largel}^  devoted  to  stock-raising.  Mr.  Van 
Scoter  usually  keeping  as  many  as  thirty  head  of 
cattle,  and  eight  head  of  horses.  At  the  present 
time  (1889),  he  has  some  very  fine  Polled  Angus 
and  Hereford  cattle,  and  several  very  valuable 
equines.  He  feeds  annually  about  100  head  of 
swine.  Mr.  Van  Scoter  takes  an  active  interest  in 
horticulture.  He  has  at  the  present  time,  sixteen 
kinds  of  grapes,  and  tests  the  most  promising  new 
sorts,  as  they  are  offered  for  sale.  He  has  now 
four  kinds  each  of  red  and  black  raspberries,  black- 
berries, also  dewberries,  and  several  varieties  of 
strawberries.  He  also  has  a  very  fine  orchard  of 
400  trees,  now  coming  into  bearing. 

There  has  been  born  to  our  subject  and  his  es- 
timable wife,  a  child,  a  son,  Theron,  Aug.  15,  1882. 

Mr.  Van  Scoter,  while  a  resident  of  his  native  State, 
became  identified  with  the  Temple  of  Honor.  He 
has  always  been  an  ardent  Republican,  politically, 
and  takes  an  active  interest  in  local  affairs.  He 
has  been  Clerk  of  the  School  Board  of  his  district 
seven  years,  and  was  Supervisor  four  years.  His 
honored  father  voted  for  William  H.  Harrison  in 
1840,  and  our  subject  voted  for  the  grandson  of 
Old  Tippecanoe  during  the  election  of  1888. 

-s^^fe;- ■ 

,i^  ARTIN  KAHAE.  In  driving  about  Lo- 
j\\  gan  Township,  the  eyes  of  the  stranger 
are  attracted  by  a  cluster  of  buildings' 
which  from  a  distance  present  the  appear- 
ance of  a  village,  so  numerous  and  neatly  painted 
are  the}'.  A  nearer  view  shows  them  to  consist  of 
a  two-story  frame  house,  large  and  well  designed, 
together  with  a  substantial  barn  and  other  farm 
buildings,  standing  in  the  midst  of  well-tilled 
fields,  and  readily  seen  to  be  the  home  of  a  man  of 
means  and  good  taste.  Around  them  are  320  broad 
acres,  all  but  twenty-seven  under  the  plovv,  and 
evincing  thorough  cultivation,  and  all  are  enclosed 
by  well-kept  fences.  On  this  fine  place  resides  the 
subject  of  our  sketch,  his  wife  and  two  daughters. 

Mr.  Kahae  is  a  native  of  County  Carlow,  Ire- 
land, where  he  was  reared.  In  1852  he  came  to 
the  United  States,  occupying  seven  weete  and  two 
days  in  the  voj^age,  and  landing  at  New  York. 
Here  he  hired  as  a  farm  hand  and  remained  five 
years,  thence  going  to  Wisconsin,  and  thence  on 
to  Iowa,  where  he  bought  a  farm  of  160  acres, 
with  money  which  he  had  made  by  hard  work  and 
strict  economy.  On  this  farm  he  lived  for  sev- 
eral years,  and  then  spent  a  few  years  in  traveling. 
In  May,  1884,  he  came  to  this  county  and  bought, 
on  section  23,  Logan  Township,  the  farm  which  he 
now  owns,  and  where  he  carries  on  general  farm- 
ing with  both  grain  and  stock.  He  still  retains 
ownership  of  the  Iowa  land. 

Our  subject  was  married,  in  Ireland,  to  Miss 
Ellen  Doyle,  a  native  of  that  country',  where  their 
first  son,  John  H.,  was  born.  Three  children  have 
been  born  in  the  United  States,  named  respectively  : 



Martin  J.,  Maria  and  Ellen.  The  sons  are  located 
near  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  about  120  miles  above 
New  Orleans.  Thej-  are  operating  a  sugar  planta- 
tion of  about  3,000  acres,  employing  from  300  to 
500  hands  in  the  raising  of  the  cane  and  making 
of  sugar.  They  iiave  a  sugar  house  now  almost 
completed  at  a  cost  of  nearly  ^50,000. 

The  parents  of  our  subject,  John  and  Margaret 
(Hogan)  Kahae,  were  natives  of  Ireland,  and 
members  of  the  Catholic  Church,  as  were  also  Mrs. 
Kabae's  parents,  James  and  Mary  (Kennedy) 
Doyle.  That  Mr.  Kahae  was  a  man  of  unwavering 
industry  and  good  management,  is  abundantly 
proven  by  the  fact  that  on  a  salary  of  $7  per 
month  he  laid  the  foundation  of  his  present  pros- 
perity. He  is  a  man  of  good  principles,  ready 
intelligence  and  the  geuial  manners  of  his  race, 
and,  with  his  worthy  wife  and  family,  occupies  a 
high  rank  in  the  community. 


"\f)  AMES  WELLS.  The  subject  of  this  notice 
may  be  properly  numbered  among  the  early 
pioneers  of  Marshall  County,  he  having 
((®/'  come  to  this  region  while  the  country 
around  lay  mostly  in  its  primitive  condition,  and 
at  a  time  when  few  men  had  ventured  to  settle 
upon  the  frontier.  For  many  years  he  has  been  a 
resident  of  Bhie  Rapids  Township,  where  be  con- 
structed a  home  from  the  wilderness,  and  not  only 
gained  for  himself  a  competence,  but  has  been  a 
useful  factor  in  the  growth  and  advancement  of 
this  part  of  the  county. 

A  native  of  Bath  Count}',  Ky.,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was  born  Dec.  20,  1840,  and  is  the  son 
of  Thomas  and  Amanda  Wells,  who  were  also  na- 
tives of  the  Blue  Grass  State,  and  the  father  of 
Scotch  ancestry.  .James  remained  a  resident  of  his 
native  State  until  a  youth  of  eighteen  years,  then, 
in  company  with  his  father's  family,  started,  in 
1858,  for  the  Territmy  of  Kansas.  The  journey 
was  made  via  tiie  Mississippi  River  tu  Keokuk, 
Iowa,  whence  they  came  overland  to  this  county. 
Thomas    Wells    took    up  a  tract  of    land   in  Wells 

Township,  and  also  purchased  land  and  thereafter 
prosecuted  agriculture  successfully  the  greater 
part  of  the  time  until  his  death,  which  occurred 
March  3,  1887. 

To  James  and  Amanda  Wells  there  were  born 
seven  children,  of  whom  the  following  survive,  viz: 
John  D. ;  Susan,  Mrs.  Webster,  a  widow;  James, 
William,  and  Charles.  Mr.  Wells  was  a  verj' 
hospitable  man  and  highly  respected  bj'  all  who 
knew  him.  In  his  death  the  county  lost  one  of  her 
best  citizens.  James,  like  his  brothers  and  sisters, 
received  only  a  limited  education,  and  at  an  early 
age  was  taught  to  make  himself  useful  about  the 
homestead,  where  he  remained  until  after  the  out- 
break of  the  Civil  War.  which  occurred  just  before 
he  had  reached  his  majoritj'.  On  the  1 1th  of  Jul}-, 
1862,  he  enlisted  in  Company  K,  9th  Kansas  Cav- 
alry, which  was  assigned  to  the  Western  Army  in 
Missouri  and  Arkansas.  He  met  the  enemy  in  bat- 
tle at  Prairie  Grove,  and  afterward  in  various 
minor  engagements  and  skirmishes,  remaining  in 
the  service  until  1863,  when  he  was  obliged  to 
accept  his  honorable  discharge  on  account  of  disa- 
bilit}'.  He  now  receives  a  pension  from  the  Gov- 
ernment of  $10  per  month. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  army  Mr.  Wells  prose- 
cuted farming  pursuits  and  in  1869  settled  upon  his 
present  homestead,  which  was  then  a  wild,  unculti- 
vated tract  of  land  upon  which  not  a  furrow  had 
been  turned.  For  manj'  years  he  labored  early  and 
late  in  the  improvement  of  his  property,  and  became 
successful  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil.  He  fenced  and 
cross-fenced  his  fields,  erected  buildings,  purchased 
machinery,  set  out  fruit  and  shade  trees,  and 
in  due  time  added  to  his  landed  possessions,  so  that 
he  is  now  the  owner  of  350  broad  acres,  the  most 
of  which  is  in  a  productive  condition  and  yields 
handsome  returns. 

In  Januarj^,  1864,  when  a  little  over  twenty-three 
years  of  age,  Mr.  Wells  was  married  to  Miss  Julia 
McClure,  and  they  became  the  parents  of  five  chil- 
dren, one  of  whom,  John  L.,  died  at  the  age  of  four 
years  and  six  -months;  Mary  B.  is  the  wife  of 
George  Miller  and  lives  in  Blue  Rapids  Township, 
engaged  in  farming;  Ida  married  Mr.  A.  E.  Stimson, 
a  railroad  contractor,  making  his  headquarters  at 
Kansas  City,  Mo. ;  Ora  and  Frank  are  at  home  with 



their  parents.  Mr.  Wells,  politically,  is  an  uncompro- 
mising Democrat,  although  in  local  matters  be  sup- 
ports the  men  whom  be  considers  best  qualified  for 
office.  He  has  served  on  the  School  Board  of  his 
district,  and  as  an  ex-soldier  belongs  to  Sacker 
Post,  G.  A.  R.,  at  Irving.  He  has  watched  the 
growth  of  this  section  of  country  with  the  interest 
only  felt  by  the  intelligent  and  progressive  citizen. 
He  has  been  identified  with  the  Masonic  fraternity 
since  1887,  and  at  present  belongs  to  the  lodge  at 

'^/AMES  WINTER.  Among  the  many  at- 
tracted to  Kansas  at  the  beginning  of  its 
development  from  a  barren  wilderness  to  a 
(^^/  smiling  prairie,  was  the  gentleman  with 
whose  name  we  introduce  this  brief  biographical 
sketch.  He  is  a  veteran  of  the  Civil  War,  having 
on  Southern  battlefields  fought  for  the  land  he  so 
dearly  loved.  He  is  also  a  prominent  farmer  in 
Blue  Rapids  City  Township,  having  a  fine  farm  of 
160  acres  under  splendid  cultivation,  situated  on 
section  4. 

Coming  to  this  couut3'  in  1870,  Mr.  Winter  lias 
spent  all  the  ensuing  years  here,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  four  years  in  Missouri.  He,  upon  his 
first  arrival,  preempted  a  homestead  of  120  acres, 
which  was  his  home  for  about  eight  years.  He 
left  it  to  locate  in  Missouri,  but  was  not  satisfied 
there,  and  finally  made  a  permanent  change,  com- 
ing back  to  his  forn^er  home  in  Marshall  County 
in  1883,  and  settling  on  his  present  farm.  Then  it 
presented  an  aspect  quite  different  from  that  of 
to-day.  Where  now  we  view  the  trees  bowed  down 
under  the  weight  of  their  annual  tribute,  and  the 
grains,  waving  with  the  breeze  and  promising 
rich  harvests  to  the  careful  husbandman,  then  a 
barren  waste  spread  before  the  eye,  and  the  still- 
ness of  night  was  broken  only  by  the  mournful 
cries  of  wild  animals,  or,  perchance,  some  belated 
traveler  hastening  to  seek  the  friendly  shelter  of 
a  far  away  cabin.  But,  under  the  all-powerful 
hand  of  man,  the  land  is  settled,  improved  and 
adorned  with  handsome  dwellings. 

When  our   subject  came  to  Kansas  he  was   one 

of  the  first  settlers  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  and 
became  prominently  identified  with  its  best  in- 
terests and  public  affairs  of  importance.  He  served 
as  Clerk  of  that  township  several  years,  and  was 
for  a  short  period.  Justice  of  the  Peace.  Politically, 
he  is  in  strong  sympathy  with  the  principles 
adopted  by  the  Republican  party,  and  is  at  the 
present  time  School  Director,  a  position  for  which 
his  talents  and  interest  in  the  cause  of  education 
peculiarly  qualify  him. 

Born  in  Ontario,  Canada,  Sept.  21,  1844,  our 
subject  is  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Abigail  (Dolsonj 
Winter,  the  former  a  native  of  Lincolnshire,  Eng- 
land, and  the  latter  of  Canada.  Thomas  Winter 
was  born  in  1815,  and  when  twelve  years  of  age 
emigrated  to  America  with  his  parents,  and  settled 
ill  Cortland  County,  N.  Y.  Afterward  the  father 
located  in  Ontario,  where  his  son,  the  subject  of 
this  personal  sketch,  was  born  and  passed  the 
early  years  of  his  life.  When  James  Winter  was  a 
lad  of  twelve  years,  he  accompanied  his  parents  to 
Bureau  County,  III.,  where  the  family  were  early 
settlers,  coming  there  in  1856.  They  subsequently 
removed  to  Kewanee,  Henry  Co.,  111.  The  parents 
of  our  subject  still  reside  at  Kewanee,  at  an  ad- 
vanced age  and  in  the  enjoyment  of  reasonably 
good  health. 

The  years  of  his  5'outh  were  passed  bjr  James 
Winter  in  the  home  of  his  parents,  and  the  educa- 
tional advantages  allowed  him  were  no  better 
than  permitted  other  lads  of  that  day.  He  is  to 
a  great  extent  sell-educated,  being  well-read,  and 
conversant  with  all  topics  of  general  interest.  Thus 
the  time  glided  by  until  he  was  almost  twenty 
years  old,  and  the  nation  was  engaged  in  the  ter- 
rible conflict  which  threatened  the  stabilit}'^  of  the 
Union.  As  soon  as  old  enough,  Mr.  Winter  en- 
listed, in  December,  1863,  in  Company  A,  89th 
Illinois  Infantry,  and  thus  became  a  member  of 
one  of  the  regiments  of  the  famous  Army  of  the 
Cumberland.  He  fought  in  the  battles  of  Dal- 
ton,  Resaca,  Adairsville,  New  Hope  Church,  and 
numerous  skirmishes.  In  the  last-named  engage- 
ment he  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  Confeder- 
ates, .and  for  six  months  was  confined  in  Southern 
prisons,  four  months  being  passed  in  the  noted 
prison  at  Andersonville.     He  was   discharged  with 



honors  in  June,  1865,  at  the  time  of  the  disband- 
ing of  the  armies.  In  compensation  for  injuries 
received,  our  subject  is  now  in  receipt  of  a  pension 
of  S12  per  month. 

Once  more  settling  down  to  peaceful  occupations, 
Mr.  Winter  returned  to  Illinois,  but  in  1869  re- 
moved thence,  and  for  a  year  was  variously  em- 
ployed in  the  Northwest.  The  year  1870  was  the 
date  of  his  removal  to  Marshall  County,  Knn.,  his 
present  home.  He  takes  especial  interest  in  all 
matters  pertaining  to  the  G.  A.  R..  of  which  or- 
ganization he  is  a  member,  belonging  to  the  Rob- 
ert Hale  Post  No.  328,  at  Blue  Rapids,  and  is  now 
serving  as  senior  Vice-Commander  thereof. 

A  personal  history  of  our  subject  would  be  ver3' 
incomplete  without  considerable  mention  of  his 
wife,  who  has  been  for  many  years  his  faithful 
companion  and  devoted  helpmate.  With  her  he 
was  united  in  marriage  June  30,  1874,  in  Marshall 
County,  Kan.,  and  they  have  become  the  parents 
of  one  child,  a  daughter,  Alice,  who  was  born  Jan. 
9,  1877.  The  maiden  name  of  Mrs.  Winter  was 
Lucy  Hurlbut,  a  native  of  Steuben  County,  N.  Y., 
and  the  daughter  of  Silas  (deceased)  and  Amanda 
(Baker)  Hurlbut,  earh'  settlers  of  Walnut  Town- 
ship, this  count}-,  where  they  located  in  1871.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Winter  are  active  and  earnest  members 
of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  not  onlj^  give  liberally 
of  their  means  for  the  aid  of  that  organization,  but 
are  generous  in  all  good  works,  and  contribute  to 
assist  all  worthj'  objects.  Sociallj',  they  are  wel- 
comed into  the  best  homes  of  their  community,  and 
are  held  in  high  esteem  by  their  many  acquaint- 

W^^  ENRY  YATES.  Among  the  successful  men 
|i|)jj  Qf  this  countj',  is  he  whose  name  heads  our 
s^^'  sketch,  a  gentleman  who,  having  secured  a 
(^)  competence  b}'  honest  industry,  has  now 
retired  from  the  active  pursuit  of  business  to  a 
quiet  life  in  Home  Cit}'.  Mr.  Yates  is  a  native  of 
England,  h,aving  first  seen  the  light  in  Hereford- 
shire, Nov.  17.  1835,  and  is  the  son  of  George  and 
Jane  (Hall)  Yates,  also  natives  of  England.  He 
was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native  country,  and 

continued  to  live  there  until  1857,  when,  coming 
to  America,  he  settled  in  Nemaha  Countj%  Neb., 
where  he  resided  for  three  years.  He  then  came  to 
this  county,  settling  in  Franklin  Township,  and  in 
the  spring  of  1 889  moved  to  Home  City,  where  he 
erected  a  small,  but  attractive  house.  He  still  owns 
a  farm  on  section  4,  Franklin  Township,  compris- 
ing 160  acres  of  well-cultivated  land,  but  rents  it 
to  other  parties,  and  is  not  actively  engaged  in  its 

Mr.  Yates  was  married,  in  England,  Oct.  10, 
1853,  to  Mrs.  Mary  Ann  Dunn,  widow  of  Charles 
Dunn.  She  was  a  native  of  Oxfordshire,  England, 
and  was  born  Oct.  20,  1836,  her  maiden  name  be- 
ing Edginton.  She  had  two  children  by  her  first 
marriage,  named  respectively  Jane  and  Richard. 
The  daughter  is  the  wife  of  James  Gallagher,  and 
resides  in  Minden,  Iowa.  Richard  is  married,  and 
is  a  farmer  in  Oketo  Township.  By  her  marriage 
with  Mr.  Yates  she  became  the  mother  of  six  chil- 
dren: Emma,  Mrs.  George  Munson;  George,  Will- 
iam, Thomas,  Alice  and  Rosina.  The  sous  are 
carrying  on  the  home  farm  for  Mr.  Yates. 

Mr.  Yates  is  a  believer  in  and  supporter  of  the 
principles  of  the  Republican  party,  in  the  interests 
of  which  he  never  fails  to  cast  his  vote.  His  wife 
is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church,  of  which  he 
is  also  an  attendant,  and  to  the  support  of  which 
he  is  a  very  willing  and  liberal  contributor.  A 
view  of  the  farm  owned  by  our  subject,  and  oper- 
ated by  his  sons,  is  presented  on  another  page  of 
this  Album. 

^/OSEPH  M.  ELLIOTT.  Marshall  County 
has  been  exceptionally  fortunate  in  the  char- 
acter of  most  of  the  citizens  who  have  set- 
1^//'  tied  within  its  boundary,  as  they  are  of  .a 
law-abiding,  honorable  disposition,  energetic  and 
prosperous,  and  aim,  in  every' wa}-  possible,  to  ad- 
vance the  interests  of  their  chosen  home.  Foremost 
among  them  may  be  mentioned  him  with  whose 
name  we  head  this  biographical  sketch. 

A  resident  of  Marshall  County  for  nearly  twenty 
3-ears,  Mr.  Elliott  is  entitled  to  a  prominent  men- 
tion in  a  volume  designed  to  perpetuate  the  lives 

Residence  OF  Henry  Yates,  5ec.4.  Franklin  Township. 

Residence  of  J.  M.  Elliott,  ,5Ec'5,r.-l8.  Franklin  Townshit. 



and  names  of  its  most  influential  citizens.  He  now 
owns  160  acres  of  land  wliich  he  has  cultivated 
and  improved,  erecting  commodious  farm  bnild- 
inos,  and  liaving  a  fine,  large  barn,  together  witli 
other  outbuildings  necessary  to  a  well-conducted 
estate.  In  his  labors  he  has  been  aided  by  iiis 
wife,  to  whom  he  was  united  in  marriage  Nov.  24, 
1857,  in  Bradford  County,  Pa.  IVIrs.  Elliott  was 
in  youth  Miss  Helen  Shaw,  the  daughter  of  Harry 
and  Polly  (Snyder)  Shaw,  wlio  passed  the  greater 
portion  of  their  lives  in  that  county,  where  they 
also  died.  That  same  county  was  the  birthplace 
of  Mrs.  Elliott,  and  the  date  of  her  birth  was  May 
11,1840.  She  is  a  woman  universally  respected, 
and  enjoys  the  esteem  of  all  who  have  the  pleasure 
of  her  acquaintance. 

The  parents  of  Mr.  Elliott  were  Joseph  S.  and 
Jemima  (Horton)  Elliott,  the  former  a  native  of 
Dutchess  County,  N.  Y.,  and  born  Ma^'  17,  1798, 
while  the  latter  was  born  in  Bradford  Count}',  Pa., 
Sept.  13,  1 802.  After  their  marriage,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Josei)h  S.  Elliott  settled  in  Bradford  County,  Pa., 
and  made  it  their  home  for  many  years.  In  1871 
they  removed  to  Kansas,  locating  on  section  18, 
Franklin  Township,  Marshall  County,  where  the 
father  died  on  the  1st  of  June,  1875.  The  mother 
still  survives,  and  although  her  eyes  are  dimmed 
with  age,  and  her  liair  whitened  with  the  snows  of 
many  winters,  she  still  retains  the  blessings  of  a 
contented  mind  and  a  cheerful  heart.  Unto  her 
and  her  husband  were  born  nine  children,  three  of 
whom  died  young ;  six,  however,  lived  to  be  men 
and  women. 

A  record  of  the  youth  of  Joseph  M.  Elliott 
would  not  differ,  materially,  from  that  of  other 
boys  of  his  day  and  circumstances.  Born  in  Brad- 
ford County,  Pa.,  April  23,  1834,  he  was  the  sev- 
enth child,  in  order  of  birth,  born  to  Joseph  S. 
Elliott  and  his  wife,  and  grew  to  years  of  maturity 
upon  his  father's  farm.  When  he  became  a  man, 
he  was  engaged  in  various  occupations,  at  one  time 
being  traveling  salesman  for  a  hardware  firm,  and 
at  another  time  engaged  to  some  extent  in  flat- 
boating  on  the  Susquehanna  River.  In  March,  1865. 
he  enlisted  in  the  army,  in  the  Quartermaster's  De- 
partment, and  was  for  a  time  in  Nashville,  Tenn. 
When   the  war  closed,  he  returned  to    Bradford 

Count}',  Pa.,  where  his  family  were  residing,  and 
remained  amid  the  familiar  scenes  and  faces  until 
1871,  when  he  followed  the  tide  of  emigration 
westward,  and  located  in  Marshall  County,  Kan. 
Since  that  date  he  has  been  a  resident  of  Franklin 
Township,  on  section  18.  He  has  given  his  atten- 
tion wholly  to  agriculture  and  stock-raising,  and 
makes  a  specialty  of  Norman  horses,  Short-horn 
cattle  and  Poland  hogs.  Although  mainly  inter- 
ested in  farming,  he  is  ever  ready  to  forward  the 
interests  of  church  and  county  by  any  financial 
assistance  he  can  bestow,  and,  as  a  representative 
citizen  of  Marshall  Count}',  is  one  who  enjoys  the 
esteem  and  confidence  of  all  who  know  him.  In 
politics,  he  is  a  member  of  the  Union  Labor  party, 
and  has  held  various  school  offices. 

In  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Elliott  there  have 
been  born  seven  children,  whose  liappy  faces  and 
merry  hearts  added  much  to  the  domestic  happiness. 
They  are  Artelia,  wife  of  R.  M.  Chaffee;  Frank, 
who  died  in  infancy;  Myrtie  (Mrs.  F.  L.  Horton); 
Ruth,  wife  of  C.  L.  Chaffee;  Mahlon,  Mary  and 
Joseph.     All  the  family  reside  in  Marshall  County. 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  numerous  readers 
to  a  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  home  and  sur- 
roundings on  the  farm  of  Mr.  Elliott,  on  another 

-~w..\taej2r©-J@*  I 

•■gfa/zw^"^  "v/v~~ 

'jf^  ABIES  A.  THOMPSON,  formerly  a  promi- 
I  nent  business  man  of  Waterville  Township, 
^_^|  ]  and  now  deceased,  was  born  in  the  city  of 
^^  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1833.  His  par- 
ents, who  were  natives  of  Ireland,  emigrated  to 
America  at  an  early  day,  and  settled  in  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  where  they  lived  for  many  years.  Later  they 
removed  to  Illinois  and  remained  residents  of  that 
State  until  1876,  when  they  came  to  Kansas  and 
located  in  Waterville  Township,  where  he  died  in 
April,  1885. 

The  parental  family  included  eight  children,  of 
whom  James  A.  was  the  third  in  order  of  birth. 
He  was  reared  and  educated  in  the  City  of  Broth- 
erly Love,  and  accompanied  his  parents  to  Illinois 
and  subsequently  came  to  this  county.  Early  in 
life  he  worked  on  his  father's  farm,  and  afterward 



engaged  in  the  real-estate  and  grain  business  at 
Morris.  111.,  until  eonaiug  to  this  count}-  in  1876. 

Mr.  Thompson  now  engaged  in  tlie  loan  and 
real-estate  business.  He  was  successful  as  a  money 
getter  and  became  the  owner  of  a  large  extent  of 
land.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  considered 
one  of  the  wealthiest  men  of  Marshall  County.  He 
started  in  life  with  nothing,  but  was  possessed  of 
unusual  business  qualifications,  and  everything 
seemed  to  prosper  at  his  hands.  He  occupied  a 
high  position  in  his  community,  and  was  prominent 
in  the  Masonic  fraternity  in  which  he  attained  to 
the  higher  degrees. 

On  the  2d  of  October,  1862.  occurred  the  mar- 
riage of  James  A.  Thompson  with  Miss  Sarah 
Leech,  of  Lisbon,  111.  Mrs.  Thompson  was  born 
May  26,  1843,  in  that  place,  and  is  the  daughter 
of  Henry  and  Sarah  (Bagshaw)  Leech,  who  were 
natives  of  England.  They  emigrated  to  America 
about  1841  and  settled  in  Lisbon,  111.,  where  they 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Thompson  are  the  parents  of  one  child,  a  daughter, 
Olive  A. 

— ^-1-1^^54^^- 

ITILIP  DAILY,  a  well-known  resident  of 
Waterville,  furnishes  another  illustration 
of  what  a  man  may  accomplish,  by  begin- 
ning in  life  without  means  and  pursuing  a 
steadj'  course  of  industry.  Mr.  Dnilj  possesses  in  a 
marked  degree  those  qualities  which  form  the  basis 
of  all  good  societ}',  and  are  the  most  essential  in 
tlie  building  up  of  a  community.  He  was  born  in 
Jackson  Connty,  Ind.,  Feb.  21,  1837.  and  is  the  son 
of  Eli  W.  Daily,  a  native  of  Germany. 

The  father  of  our  subject  came  with  his  parents 
when  a  mere  child  to  America,  they  settling  first 
in  Clark  Count}',  Ind.  Subsequently  they  removed 
to  Jackson  County,  that  State,  where  they  lived 
until  1851.  That  year  they  changed  their  residence 
to  Tama  County,  Iowa,  and  the  father  died  there 
in  1 860.  The  elder  Daily  in  early  life  fitted  himself 
for  the  practice  of  law,  and  followed  his  profession 
very  successfully  both  in  Indiana  and  Illinois.  He 
was  exceedingly  popular  and  efficient,  and  became 

Judge  of  the  Circuit  Court  in  the  district  where  lie 
lived,  in  Iowa,  for  several  years.  He  accumulated 
a  good  property,  including  a  valuable  farm  which 
he  carried  on  in  connection  with  his  law  practice, 
making  a  specialty  of  live-stock.  He  became  con- 
nected with  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  when 
a  youth  of  eighteen  years,  and  for  many  years  later 
in  life,  labored  as  a  local  preacher,  giving  much  of 
his  time  gratuitously  to  the  Master's  cause.  He  was 
a  Mason  of  high  standing,  and  politically,  an  active 
member  of  the  Republican  party.  He  contributed 
liberally  to  charitable  purposes,  and  the  needy  were 
never  turned  empty  from  his  door. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Mary  R.  Tewi.  She  was  a  native  of  Virginia 
and  died  in  Iowa.  The  parental  household  included 
twelve  children,  of  whom  Philip,  our  subject,  was 
the  eldest.  He  remained  a  resident  of  bis  native 
county  until  a  lad  of  fourteen  years,  then  removed 
with  his  parents  to  Tama  County,  Iowa,  where  he 
was  reared  to  man's  estate,  and  followed  farming 
until  1871.  Then  repairing  to  Washington,  he 
sojourned  there  until  1874.  Next  we  find  him  in 
Boulder  City,  Col.,  and  in  1875  or  1876  he  moved 
to  Ellsworth  County,  this  State.  In  1877  he  went 
to  the  Black  Hills,  but  only  remained  there  a  short 
time.  He  subsequently  resided  in  Butler  and 
Davis  counties,  Kan.,  until  1880,  during  which 
year  he  established  himself  on  a  farm  in  Waterville 
Township,  this  county.  Here  he  has  since  been  a 
resident  and  followed  agricultural  pursuits. 

On  the  9th  of  September,  1861.  a  few  months 
after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  AVar,  Mr.  Daily 
enlisted  in  Company  D,  10th  Iowa  Infantry,  and 
served  until  January,  1862.  Then  on  account  of 
failing  health  he  was  obliged  to  accept  his  honora- 
ble discharge.  He  was  incapacitated  for  hard  labor 
for  several  years  thereafter,  and  has  spent  consid- 
erable time  traveling,  endeavoring  to  find  a  local- 
ity best  suited  for  his  recovery.  He  was  married, 
Aug.  25,  1857,  to  Miss  Eliza  Harris,  of  Tama 
County,  Iowa.  Of  this  union  there  were  born  three 
children — Martin.  Cora  E.  and  Amos  G.  Mrs.  Eliza 
Daily  departed  this  life  at  her  home  in  Tama 
County,  Iowa.  Our  subject,  in  1868,  contracted  a 
second  marriage  witli  Miss  Lucetta  Stevens,  of 
Tama  County,  Iowa.    This  lady  died  in  1869.    His 



present  wife,  to  whom  he  was  married  in  1871,  was 
formerly  Miss  Fannie  Arbuthnot,  of  the  above- 
named  county,  and  they  have  one  child,  a  son, 
Charles  J.  Mr.Daily,  politically,  is  a  straight  Repub- 
lican, and  belon'fs  to  Waterville  Post,  G.  A.  R. 

■S^LI  MATHIAS  McATEE,  a  farmer  "residing 
|l^  on  section  11.  in  Blue  Rapids  City  Town- 
/i' — ^  sbiji,  has  been  a  resident  of  this  county  for 
about  thirty  years,  and  has  not  only  been  a  witness 
of  its  development,  but  an  active  participant  in 
pioneer  work  here.  He  has  by  his  own  exertions 
become  the  owner  of  300  acres  of  fine  land,  whicli 
is  thoroughly  cultivated  and  supplied  with  ade- 
quate anci  substantial  buildings. 

Mt.  ]\IcAtee  was  born  in  Buchanan  County,  Mo., 
May  20,  1845.  Botli  his  parents  were  natives  of 
Virginia,  the  paternal  ancestry  having  been  Scotcli- 
Irish,  and  the  mother  tracing  her  descent  from 
German  stock.  James  McAtee,  tlie  father  of  our 
subject,  died  when  his  son  was  about  five  years 
old.  The  widow,  Eliza  J.  McAtee,  married  James 
Waller,  and  with  her  second  husband  and  children, 
moved  to  this  county  in  1859,  being  among  the 
earliest  settlers  in  this  township.  They  pre-empted 
land  on  section  2,  where  our  subject's  mother  con- 
tinued to  reside  until  a  few  years  ago.  She  then 
removed  to  Marysville,  where  she  is  now  living. 
Her  third  husband  was  Peter  Gift,  who  is  also  dead. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  McAtee  were  the  parents  of 
nine  children.  Those  still  living  are:  William  J. 
and  Rufus  J.  in  Brown  County,  this  State;  John  A. 
in  Wells  Township;  George  W.  in  Arkansas;  our 
subject;  Abraham  C.  and  James  R.  in  this   county. 

Eli  M.  McAtee  received  his  early  education 
mainly  in  the  district  schools  of  this  county. 
Through  his  own  efforts  he  was  enabled  afterward 
to  attend  the  Irving,  Kan.,  Seminary  for  a  year, 
and  still  later  spent  a  year  at  the  State  Agricultural 
College  at  Manhattan.  He  adopted  the  profession 
of  teaching  and  during  a  period  of  eight  years  was 
a  successful  instructor  in  district  schools.  In  the 
fall  of  1877,  he  settled  on  his  present  farm,  which 
he  has  ever  since   made  his  home,  and  where  he  is 

successfully  carrying]on  agricultural  work.  As  an 
incident  of  the  early  life  in  this  new  country,  Mr. 
McAtee  states  that  the  first  wheat  the  family  raised 
after  their  settlement  here  was  in  1861,  when  the 
grain  was  hauled  to  Atchison,  a  distance  of  100 
miles,  the  trip  consuming  more  than  a  week's  time. 
On  Nov.  29,  1877.  Mr.  McAtee  celebrated  his 
marriage  with  Mary  E.  Hammett.  daughter  of 
Joseph  and  Rachael  M.  (Frazier)  Hammett,  who 
was  born  in  Marshall  County,  111.,  July  23,  1858. 
(For;  further  paternal  history  see  biography  of 
Joseph  Hammett.)  The  union  has  been  blessed  by 
the  birth  of  four  children:  Eli  D.,  deceased;  Jesse 
E.,  Chester  Earl,  and  Olive  V.  Mr.  McAtee  is  a 
Republican  in  politics.  He  has  been  solicited  to 
accept  important  offices  of  trust  but  has  preferred 
not  to  do  so.  He  is  interested  in  the  advancement 
of  the  cause  of  education,  and  his  experience  in 
the  school  room,  gives  him  an  unusual  fitness  for 
the  office  of  School  Director,  which  he  is  now  fill- 
ing. As  one  of  the  men  longest  resident  in  this 
part  of  the  county,  he  is  included  among  the  repre- 
sentative pioneers,  and  holds  membership  in  the 
Old  Settlers  Society  of  the  county.  He  and  his 
wife  are  members  of  the  Baptist  Church.  They 
take  an  active  interest  in  the  social  matters  of  the 
township,  where  they  are  justly  respected  and  es- 
teemed for  their  useful  and  upright  lives. 



(^^  FRANK  PAUL,  scliool  teacher,  and  farmer 
^^^  and  stock-raiser,  on  section  25,  Blue  Rapids 
l,|^j)  City  Township,  is  one  of  the  prominent 
young  men  of  the  township  in  which  he 
has  resided  since  his  third  year,  and  of  whose 
growth  and  development  he  has  been  an  ej^e  witness. 
He  is  a  native  of  Rock  Island  County,  111.,  born 
Jan.  28,  1856,  and  is  the  son  of  William  Paul,  de- 
ceased, and  Eliza  (Walker)  Paul. 

William  Paul  was  a  native  of  County  Antrim, 
Ireland,  from  which  he  emigrated  to  America  when 
about  seventeen  years  of  age.  He  first  settled  in 
Quebec,  Canada,  and  after  a  short  residence  there 
removed  to  New  York  State.     Sometime  afterward 



he  came  as  far  West  as  Rock  Island  County,  111., 
where  he  was  a  resident  for  a  number  of  j-ears. 
There  he  was  married  in  1853  to  Miss  Eliza  Walker, 
a  native  of  that  State.  She  bore  him  five  children, 
all  living  in  this  coimty.  Tiiej'  are:  Martha,  wife 
of  T.  B.  Short;  S.  Frank,  of  whom  we  write;  Sadie, 
wife  of  J.  N.  Wannamaker;  Clara,  wife  of  Wesley 
Miller,  and  William  F. 

In  1859  William  Paul  emigrated  to  Marshall 
County-,  Kan.,  settling  on  section  26.  Blue  Rapids 
City  Township.  There  he  took  np  Government 
land,  being  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  that  part 
of  the  county.  He  endured  the  usual  hardships 
incident  to  the  cultivation  of  raw  prairie,  and  life 
on  the  frontier,  but  was  successful  in  the  accumu- 
lation of  valuable  property.  He  had  in  his  youth 
received  hut  limited  educational  advantages,  but 
made  good  use  of  the  opportunities  afforded  to  a 
reader  and  was  well  posted  on  general  topics  and 
current  events.  He  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace 
with  judgment  and  discretion.  He  was  a  member 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  which  he 
had  officiated  as  Steward.  During  the  Civil  War 
he  had  served  some  time  as  a  soldier,  and  was  a 
member  of  the  G.  A.  R.  Post  at  Blue  Rapids.  He 
died  Aug.  12,  1889,  regretted  by  a  large  circle  of 
friends  and  acquaintances  throughout  the  county. 
His  widow  still  survives,  and  resides  upon  the 
home  farm,  and  is  classed  among  the  earliest  pio- 
neers now  living  in  the  localitj-.  (The  sketch  of 
Mrs.  Paul  occupies  another  page  in  this  work). 

S.  Frank  Paul  was  educated  in  the  public  schools 
of  this  county,  and  supplemented  this  instruction 
by  an  attendance  of  one  year  at  the  State  Agricul- 
tural College,  at  Manhattan,  Kan.  He  subsequently 
taught  school  some  nine  years.  In  1887  he  settled 
upon  the  place  where  he  now  resides,  where  he 
carries  on  general  farming  and  raises  thoroughbred 
Hereford  cattle.  He  owns  160  acres  of  well-im- 
proved Land,  and  is  proving  as  successful  in  his 
present  occupation,  as  he  was  in  charge  of  the  school 

March  3,  1885,  Mr.  Paul  was  united  in  marriage 
with  Miss  Clara  Dunlap,  a  native  of  West  Virginia. 
Her  parents,  James  and  .Mary  Dunlap,  are  now  re- 
siding in  Axtell,  Kan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Paul  have 
been  blessed  by  the  birth  of   three  children:  Clar- 

ence, born  Dec.  7,  1885;  Pauline,  April  1,  1887; 
and  Sarah,  Nov.  15.  1888. 

Mr.  Paul  is  a  member  of  the  Sons  of  Veterans. 
He  is  a  believer  in  and  supporter  of  the  principles 
of  the  Republican  party.  As  a  citizen  and  a  man  he 
is  following  worthily  in  the  footsteps  of  his  la- 
mented father. 

^^HRISTIAN  MOHRBACHER,  one  of  the 
.if^.  most  prominent  farmers  and  stock-raisers 
^^^'  of  ^Marshall  County-,  is  pleasantly  located  on 
section  16,  Franklin  Township,  where  he  has  a  well- 
improved  farm  of  400  acres,  devoted  to  the  raising 
of  grain,  and  pasturing  of  stock,  making  in  the  lat- 
ter a  specialty  of  Short-horn  cattle,  and  having  at 
the  present  time  about  sixty  head  of  that  breed. 

The  parents  of  him  of  whom  we  write,  were  na- 
tives of  Germany,  by  name  Jacob  and  Elizabeth 
(Latterner)  Mohrbacher.  In  their  large  famil}'  of 
eleven  children,  our  subject  was  the  second  in  or- 
der of  birth.  Elsewhere  in  the  Albu.m  appears  a 
sketch  of  his  brother,  Jacob,  who  is  a  leading  resi- 
dent of  Elm  Creek  Township,  Marshall  County. 
Christian  Mohrbacher  was  born  in  Bavaria,  Ger- 
many. Oct.  30,  1838,  and  remembers  the  exciting 
journey  across  the  Atlantic,  when,  with  the  eager- 
ness and  interest  natural  to  a  child  of  six  j'ears,  he 
first  beheld  the  wonders  of  the  ocean,  and  experi- 
enced the  dangers  of  the  deep.  The  family,  after 
their  arrival  in  this  couutrj',  first  located  in  Wis- 
consin, and  in  Maj%  1860,  came  to  Marshall  Countj-, 
Kan,,  where  our  subject  continued  for  a  few  jears 
to  reside  with  his  [lareuts. 

Preparatory  to  establishing  home  ties  of  his  own, 
Mr.  Mohrb.acher  was  married  in  Marshall  Count}', 
Kan.,  May  18,  1864,  to  Miss  Martha  E.  Tanner,  a 
native  of  Ironton,  Ohio.  She  was  born  May  14, 
1840.  to  the  late  George  and  Elizabeth  Tanner, 
who  in  1857  left  their  home  in  Iowa,  to  face  the 
perils  of  the  farther  West,  and  coming  toward  the 
setting  sun,  located  in  Pawnee  County,  Neb.,  where 
they  passed  the  remainder  of  their  lives. 

After  this  important  event  in  the  life  of  Mr. 
Christian  Mohrbacher  and  his  wife,  they  came   to 



make  their  home  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  and  pur- 
chased a  farm,  upon  which  they  lived  until  the 
death  of  the  wife,  August  30,  1871,  at  her  home. 
There  had  been  born  to  them  five  children,  namelj-: 
Alexander,  Ilettie  E.,  Edwin,  Tliomas.  and  Chris- 
topher J.  Ilettie  is  the  wife  of  J.  E.  McMann,  of 
Franklin  Township,  and  the  brothers  are  in  Kansas 
and  Missouri ;  Edwin  and  Christopher  have  received 
a  good  education,  having  graduated  from  Ritner's 
Commercial  College,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  Edwin  is 
a  teacher,  and  Christopher  is  in  the  mercantile  busi- 
ness in  Summerfleld,  Kan.  After  the  death  of  the 
wife  and  mother,  Mr.  Mohrbacher  sold  his  farm, 
and  in  1873  bought  his  present  estate,  coinprising 
400  acres  on  section  16,  Franklin  Township. 

The  present  wife  of  Mr.  Mohrbacher,  to  whom 
he  was  married  in  Milwaukee  County,  Wis.,  Feb. 
11,  1873,  was  Miss  Caroline  Koch,  daughter  of  the 
late  Albert  and  Sophia  Koch,  natives  of  Hanover, 
Germany.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Koch  were  attracted  to 
the  fertile  soil  of  the  New  World,  by  the  reports 
of  its  wondrous  wealth,  and  sought  its  shores,  hop- 
ing to  obtain  a  competence  for  their  declining  years, 
and  for  tlieir  children.  There  were  seven  in  tiie  fam- 
ily, Mrs.  Mohrbacher  being  the  fourth  in  order  of 
birth.  It  was  in  1842  that  they  came  to  America, 
and  settled  in  Milwaukee  County,  Wis.,  where  the 
father  passed  to  his  fmal  rest  in  1857,  while  the 
mother  still  survives.  Mrs.  Mohrbacher  was  born 
in  Milwaukee  County,  Wis.,  Oct.  30,  1847,  and  was 
a  loving  member  of  her  father's  house!) old  until 
she  removed  to  one  of  her  own.  B3'  her  union 
with  Mr.  Mohrbacher,  she  has  become  the  motlier 
of  four  children,  who  are:  Matilda  E.,  George  T., 
Cora  E.,  Frances  K.  These  children  are  receiving 
good  educations  in  the  district  schools,  and  are 
bright,  active,  and  energetic,  taking  pleasure  in  the 
sports  of  youth,  and  also  becoming  proficient  in 
book  lore.  The  father  is  a  Sciiool  Director,  in 
which  capacity  he  has  served  for  many  years,  and 
has  helped  to  elevate  the  grade  of  the  schools,  and 
the  instruction  therein  obtained  is  now  im|)arted 
by  competent  teachers,  fully  prepared  for  the  im- 
portant positions  to  which  they  are  appointed. 

The  political  sympathies  of  our  subject  were  with 
the  Republican  party  for  many  years,  but  recently 
he  has  clianged  in  his  opinions,  and  now  votes  with 

the  Democratic  party.  He  and  his  wife  and  fam- 
ily are  members  of  St.  Gregory's  Catholic  Church, 
of  which  Rev.  M.  J.  Schmickler  is  pastor. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mohrbacher  have  many  friends 
among  the  people  in  their  community,  whom  they 
welcome  into  their  pleasai?t  home  with  ever  cheer- 
ful hospitality.  They  enjoy  the  universal  esteem 
of  the  people  with  whom  thej'  have  for  so  many 
years  associated.  A  fine  view  of  their  commodious 
residence  will  be  welcomed  by  their  many   friends. 

NTON  HUBER.  Were  it  possible  to  live 
in  a  condition  of  perfect  contentment  on 
earth,  the  acme  of  human  longings  would 
seem  to  be  reached,  and  the  limit  of  mor- 
tal ambitions  to  be  attained,  when  one,  after  a  life 
of  honorable  labor,  prepares  to  spend  the  remain- 
ing time  allowed  him  on  earth,  in  the  midst  of  a 
loving  family,  surrounded  by  the  comforts  of  a 
pleasant  home,  and  in  the  enjoyment  of  good 
iiealth.  The  possessor  of  480  acres  of  well-im- 
proved and  fertile  land,  with  a  worthy  and  amia- 
ble wife,  and  bright  and  intelligent  children,  the 
recipient  of  the  respect  of  all  who  know  him,  the 
subject  of  this  biographical  review  is  surely  in  an 
enviable  position  with  reference  to  the  good  things 
of  this  existence. 

A  native  of  German}',  and  born  March  31,  1825, 
to  and  Mary  Hul)er,  our  subject  was  reared 
to  manhood  in  the  Fatherland,  and  like  all  boys  of 
that  wonderful  country  was  early  made  useful 
around  the  parental  homestead.  His  educational 
facilities  were  limited,  but  this  deficiency  has  been 
compensated  for  by  a  thorough,  S3'stematic  course 
of  reading,  so  that  he  has  gained  an  excellent 
knowledge  of  topics  of  general  interest.  In  the 
home  of  his  boj'hood  Mr.  Huber  resided  until  the 
spring  of  1859.  In  the  meantime  he  had  chosen  a 
life  partner,  Bliss  Julia  Richard,  to  whom  he  was 
married,  in  German}',  in  1857.  .She  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  John  and  Lizzie  Richard,  and  was,  like  her 
husband,  a  native  of  Germany,  the  date  of  her  birth 
being  Feb.  21,  1831.     During  all  the  yeai's  of  trial 



and  labor  that  have  ensued  since  they  were  united 
in  marriage,  Mrs.  Iluber  has  been  a  faithful  com- 
panion to  him,  with  whom  she  has  shared  sorrows 
and  joys,  pleasures  and  pains,  ever  a  solace  in  dis- 
appointment, and  a  refuge  in  trouble,  and  in  sick- 
ness has  ministered  untiringly  to  the  wants  of  those 
dear  unto  her. 

Attracted  to  the  shores  of  the  Xew  World,  Mr. 
Huber,  accompanied  by  his  wife,  came,  in  1857,  to 
seek  the  El  Dorado  of  the  West,  offering  opportu- 
nities to  the  denizens  of  small  crowded  tenement 
houses  of  great  cities,  as  well  as  to  the  overtaxed 
and  underpaid  workers  in  all  departments  of  labor, 
a  home,  and  a  chance  for  their  children  to  become 
useful  and  honored  citizens,  and  prosperous  men 
and  women.  Thirty-nine  days  were  consumed  in 
crossing  the  ocean,  and  after  lauding  in  New  York 
they  came  directly  to  Peru,  LaSalle  Co.,  111.,  where 
Mr.  Huber  was  for  thirteen  years  employed  at 
various  occupations.  Once  more  he  prepared  to 
make  a  home  in  a  strange  land  and  accordingly, 
in  1870,  left  those  who  had  become  endeared  to 
him  by  ties  of  friendship,  and  came  to  Marshall 
County,  Kan.  He  has  since  been  a  resident  of  sec- 
tion 6,  Franklin  Township,  where,  as  above  stated, 
he  owns  480  acres  of  fine  farming  land,  embellished 
with  good  buildings,  and  well  improved. 

Thus  for  a  period  of  almost  twenty  years  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Huber  have  been  residents  of  this  county, 
and  have,  by  the  uprightness  and  puritj^  of  their 
lives,  merited  and  received  the  respect  of  those 
with  whom  they  have  been  associated.  To  them 
there  have  been  born  ten  children,  two  of  who7n 
died  in  infancy.  The  living  are:  Charles,  John, 
Anton,  Christian.  Edward,  Pauline,  Joseph  and 
Julia.  They  all  reside  in  this  county  except  Chris- 
tian, who  lives  in  Salina,  Kan.  The  three  eldest 
boys  and  Pauline  are  married. 

Mr.  Huber,  in  matters  political,  is  a  supporter  by 
word  and  vote  of  the  Republican  party,  while  in 
relio-ious  affairs  he  affiliates  with  the  Catholic 
Church,  toward  the  support  of  wliich  he  contrib- 
utes liberally.  His  wife  and  children  are  members 
of  the  Lutheran  Churcli.  Mr.  Huber  has  been 
Township  Treasurer,  and  also  School  Director,  and 
endeavors  in  every  way  possible  to  raise  the  stand- 
ard of  education,  and  promote  the  moral  and  social 

condition  of  the   county,  where  he  is  an   honored 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  man\-  readers  to 
the  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  farm 
residence  on  Mr.  Huber's  place,  to  he  found  on 
another  page  of  this  work. 

HI  LIP  MILLER,  Justice  of  the  Peace 
in  Richland  Township,  is  also  numbered 
among  its  practical  and  successful  farmers, 
and  prosecutes  his  chosen  calling  on  ninet}' 
acres  of  land,  occupying  a  part  of  sections  1,3,  and 
9.  He  purchased  the  property  in  1879,  and  re- 
moved to  it  the  following  year.  It  was  destitute 
of  improvements,  and  he  set  to  work  with  charac- 
teristic energy  to  subdue  the  soil  and  build  up  a 
homestead.  He  made  fences,  planted  fruit  and 
shade  trees,  erected  the  necessary  buildings,  and  is 
now  with  his  family  surrounded  by  all  the  comforts 
of  life.  As  a  man  and  a  citizen  he  stands  high  in 
his  community. 

Mr.  Miller  is  a  native  of  Germany,  and  was  born 
Sept.  15,  1850.  When  he  was  a  lad  of  eight  years 
his  parents  emigrated  to  America  and  settled  in 
Burlington.  Iowa,  where  his  father,  Erhard  Miller, 
engagefl  in  agricultural  pursuits,  and  where  Philip 
attained  to  man's  estate.  He  had  in  the  meantime 
assisted  his  father  in  the  opening  up  of  a  farm,  and 
i-emained  a  member  of  the  parental  household  until 
twenty-four  years  of  age.  On  the  20th  of  Decem- 
ber, 1878,  he  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Laura  Tanner,  and  settled  with  his  young  wife  on 
a  farm  in  Pawnee  County,  Neb.,  to  which  he  had 
gone  sometime  previously.  Not  being  satisfied  with 
his  condition  or  his  prospects,  he  in  1880,  came  to 
this  county,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resident. 
To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Miller  there  have  been  born 
three  children — Anna  M.,  Edwin  and  Frances. 
Mrs.  Miller  was  born  in  Kentuckj',  in  1856,  and 
when  quite  young  came  with  her  father,  George 
Tanner,  to  the  West  and  settled  in  Pawnee  County, 
Neb.,  where  they  were  among  the  earliest  pioneers, 
and  where  she  lived  until  her  marriage.  Her  par- 
ents   were    natives  of  Kentucky  and  are  now  de- 



ceased.  The  parents  of  our  subject  were  of  pure 
German  stock,  and  reared  a  family  of  five  children. 
The  father  died  in  Gage  County,  Neb..  March  14, 
1876.  The  mother  is  still  living  and  a  resident  of 
Holmsville,  Neb. 

^ .^^ ^ 

^Yi  OHN  STEGELIN  was  born  in  Prussia  July 
22,  1840,  being  educated  under  the  compul- 
sorj-  laws  of  his  country  and  serving  an  ap- 
(^//  prenliceship  at  farming.  In  the  spring  of 
1809  he  left  Hamburg  on  the  German  steamship 
'•Bornfir"  for  America,  and  after  a  voyage  of  thir- 
teen days  landed  at  New  York  on  the  19th  of  May. 
From  the  Empire  City  he  came  to  Chicago.  111., 
and  thence  to  Marysville,  iu  this  count}-,  where  he 
engaged  himself  as  a  farm  hand  for  the  summer. 
During  this  time  he  filed  a  claim  for  a  homestead 
of  160  acres  in  the  southeast  quarter  of  section  9, 
Walnut  Township.  In  payment  for  his  summer's 
work  he  had  some  of  his  land  plowed,  and  during 
the  next  winter  built  of  cottonwood  boards  a  liouse 
14x16  feet  in  dimensions.  He  was  married,  f-t 
Marysville,  Dec.  6,  1869,  to  Emma,  daughter  of 
John  and  Mary  (Arthur)  Frances,  and  moved  into 
his  humble  home.  He  has  at  various  times  repaired 
and  added  to  the  original  house  until  now  it  pre- 
sents a  very  different  appearance  to  tiie  external 
view,  and  in  its  internal  arrangements  is  very  com- 
fortable and  quite  adequate  to  the  needs  of  his 
growing  family.  The  farm  now  consists  of  240 
acres,  all  but  fifty  of  which  are  under  thorough 
cultivation.  He  has  130  fine  fruit  trees,  which  pro- 
duces an  abundant  supply  of  fruit.  The  orchard 
and  house  are  enclosed  bj'  a  neatly  trimmed  hedge, 
and  the  entire  east  line  of  his  farm,  together  with 
a  part  of  the  southern  boundar}' is  also  marked  b}'  a 
fine  hedge.  He  has  a  good  barn  and  other  farm 
liuildings,  altogether  making  up  a  farm  home  of 
very  attractive  appearance,  and  all  the  result  of  the 
industry  of  himself  and  wife. 

Our  subject's  father,  James,  and  mother,  Char- 
lotte (SVichman)  Stegelin,  were  natives  of  Prussia, 
the  mother  of  Swedish  ancestry  and  the  father  of 
old  Prussian  stock.     The  ancestors  of  both,  with 

themselves  and  family  were  members  of  the  Luth- 
eran Church. 

Mrs.  Stegelin  was  born  in  Lawrence  Count}-, 
Ohio,  of  which  State  her  parents  were  also  natives. 
The  family  removed  to  Vigo  County,  Ind.,  in  1856, 
and  there  the  father  died.  The  mother  with  a  fam- 
ily of  six  children,  removed  to  this  county,  where 
she  still  lives.  She  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
Church.  Mrs.  Stegelin  has  borne  her  husband  three 
sons  and  one  daughter,  named  respectively,  John 
W.,  Edward,  Sylvia  and  Arthur  F. 

Mr.  Stegelin  is  a  man  of  fine  moral  principles, 
intelligent,  energetic  and  of  genial  manners,  hold- 
ing a  high  rank  in  the  esteem  of  his  neighbors  and 

jF^^^ENRY  C.  HORR.  Prominent  among  the 
iJljV  business  houses  of  Frankfort,  is  the  general 
*^^  merchandising  establishment  which  bears 
(o  ^lie  firm  name  of  O.  C.  Horr  &  Sous,  and  in 
which  the  subject  of  this  sketch  is  now  senior 
partner.  The  firm  carries  on  business  in  an  elegant 
two-story  stone  edifice,  with  plate  glass  front,  the 
main  portion  of  which  occupies  a  space  of  38x100 
feet,  and  the  two  additions  being  15x80  and 
20x30.  The  buildings  represent  an  outlay  of  $12,- 
000,  and  contain  a  stock  costing  over  $25,000.  The 
latter  consists  of  dr}-  goods,  boots  and  shoes,  hats 
and  caps,  gentlemen's  furnishing  goods  and  grocer- 
ies. The  establishment  is  in  a  very  prosperous 
condition,  and  the  members  of  the  firm,  H.  C.  and 
T.  C.  Horr,  both  of  whom  are  popular  as  business 
men  and  citizens,  are  proving  themselves  worthy 
successors  of  their  honored  father,  whose  name  is 
still  retained  by  the  firm. 

The  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  Robert  Horr, 
a  general  merchant  in  Boston,  and  also  in  Me- 
chanicsburg,  Ohio.  As  the  name  indicates,  he 
was  of  English  ancestry.  During  the  war  of  1812 
he  was  Colonel  of  a  New  York  regiment,  which 
served  in  the  campaign  against  the  British  in  Lower 
Canada.  During  the  latev  years  of  his  life  he  lived 
at  Danville,  III,  and  was  engaged  in  the  stock  busi- 
ness.    His  son,  O.  C.  Horr,  father  of  our   subject, 



was  a  native  of  Lewis  County,  N.  Y.,  and  was  but 
twelve  years  of  age  when  iiis  father  removed  to 
Illinois.  When  but  sixteen  years  old  he  began  life 
for  himself,  by  engaging  as  a  drug  clerk  with  Dr. 
Fithian,  in  Danville,  and  continued  in  that  employ- 
ment for  two  years.  He  next  engaged  in  tlie  stock 
business,  driving  cattle  and  horses  to  Cincinnati, 
which  was  at  that  time  the  great  stock  market  of 
the  West.  After  two  or  three  years  spent  in  this 
way,  he  turned  his  face  westward,  arriving  in  St. 
Joseph,  Mo.,  in  1837.  After  remaining  a  short 
time,  prospecting  with  a  view  to  locating,  he  went 
back  to  Illinois.  He  soon  returned  to  Missouri, 
however,  and  located  at  Platte  City,  Platte  County. 
Shortly  after  settling  there,  he  secured  a  contract 
for  outfitting  Government  trains,  preparatory  to 
journej^s  over  the  almost  unexplored  wilderness 
west  of  the  Missouri,  and  he  also  engaged  in 
freioliting.  At  that  time  Ft.  Leavenworth  was  an 
important  frontier  military  post,  and  Mr.  Horr's 
business  brought  him  into  familiar  contact  with 
Gen.  Leavenworth,  Col.  Doniphan,  Gen.  Atchison, 
and  other  leading  military  men  and  civilians  of  the 
then  Far  West. 

During  his  residence  at  Platte  Citj^,  in  July, 
1847,  O.  C.  Horr  was  married  to  Elizabeth  Jane, 
daughter  of  T.  O.  Rader.  She  was  a  native  of 
Pennsylvania,  and  of  Pennsylvania  Dutch  descent. 
In  1856  he  moved  to  Atchison,  where  he  continued 
in  the  business  of  outfitting  Government  trains, 
and  also  furnished  emigrant  outfits.  After  a  so- 
journ of  four  years  he  came  to  the  then  recently 
established  town  of  Marysville,  now  the  county 
seat  of  this  county.  He  was  one  of  the  earliest  and 
most  prominent  business  men  of  the  place,  in  which 
he  remained  until  1 868.  At  that  time  he  trans- 
ferred his  business  of  general  merchandising  to 
Frankfort.  He  began  business  in  a  frame  building, 
where  the  State  bank  is  now  situated.  It  was  a 
one-story  structure,  22x80  feet.  After  a  year  spent 
in  that  location  he  erected  a  frame  building  20x60, 
on  the  site  now  occupied  by  his  sons,  and  in  1887 
that  edifice  gave  way  to  the  present  beautiful  build- 
ino-.  He  continued  to  reside  in  Frankfort  until  his 
death,  which  took  place  Aug.  7,  1887,  at  the  age 
of  seventy-four.  His  widow  still  survives  him. 
Mr.  Horr  was  a  very   successful   man,  and  during 

his  life  maintained  a  high  reputation  for  upi'ight' 
ness,  integrity,  and  honorable  business  methods. 
His  prosperity  was  the  result  of  his  own  efforts  and 
good  judgment.  He  was  a  Mason  and  an  Odd 
Fellow,  a  member  of  the  School  Board,  and  was 
Postmaster  of  Frankfort  during  the  latter  part  of 
Johnson's  administration,  and  all  of  Grant's  first 
term.  He  was  prominently  identified  with  every 
enterprise  calculated  to  advance  the  interests  of  the 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  O.  C.  Horr  were  the  parents  of 
seven  children.  The  two  eldest  are  members  of 
the  firm  before  alluded  to.  Aurelia  M.  is  single, 
and  lives  with  her  mother;  Elizabeth  J.  is  the  wife 
of  W.  W.  Lane,  a  salesman  in  the  dry -goods  estab- 
lishment of  D.  C.  Newcomb.  at  Atchison,  Kan.; 
Lillian  E.  is  the  wife  of  T.  H.  Lainhart,  a  merchant 
in  Albany,  Mo.;  Orwell  8.  is  unmarried,  and  re- 
rides  in  Frankfort,  participating  in  the  business  of 
the  firm;  Adell  is  single,  and  living  at  home. 

Henry  C.  Horr,  the  subject  of  this  sketch, 
was  born  in  Platte  County,  Mo.,  Sept.  14,  1848. 
His  boyhood  and  youth  were  passed  in  Platte  City, 
and  Atchison,  Kan.,  in  the  common  schools  of 
which  he  received  the  greater  part  of  his  educa- 
tion. After  his  parents'  removal  to  Maryville, 
this  county,  he  finished  the  High  School  course  in 
that  place.  It  might  almost  be  said  of  him  that  he 
was  raised  behind  the  counter,  as  he  earl}'  began 
assisting  his  father  in  the  store.  When  he  was 
twenty  years  of  age  his  father  gave  him  and  his 
brother,  Thomas  C  each  a  share  in  the  business. 
In  that  year  (1868)  they  adopted  the  firm  name 
under  which  the  liusiness  is  still  continued.  On 
Jan.  23,  1877,  the  marriage  of  our  subject  took 
place,  the  bride  being  Amanda  E.,  daughter  of 
Amos  and  Harriett  (Wolf)  Flin.  (See  sketch  of 
Amos  Flin,  which  occupies  another  page  in  this 
Album).  The  young  lady  was  a  native  of  the 
Hoosier  State,  where  she  first  saw  the  light  June  19, 
1854.  She  is  a  consistent  member  of  the  Presbvte- 
rian  Church. 

Thomas  C.  Horr,  brother  and  partner  of  our  sub- 
ject, was  born  in  Platte  City,  Mo.,  Oct.  22,  1849, 
and  his  boyhood  and  youthful  history  is  similar  to 
that  of  Henry  C.  In  Frankfort,  June  22.  1873,  he 
celebrated  his  marriage  to  Ella,  daughter   of   T.  J. 




and  Mary  E.  Snodgrass.  The  bride  was  born  in 
Ohio,  Aug.  26,  1856.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  T.  C.  Horr 
have  been  born  two  children.  The  parents  are 
members  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

Both  the  present  members  of  the  firm-  are  to  be 
found  in  the  ranks  of  the  Republican  party.  They 
are  gentlemen  of  courteous  address  and  cordial 
manner,  of  excellent  business  habits,  prudent  yet 
liberal,  and  stand  high  in  the  regard  of  their  fel- 

W WILLIAM  THOMPSON.  The  people  of 
Blue  Rapids  City  and  vicinity,  regard  Mr. 
Thompson  with  warm  interest  as  being  the 
oldest  settler  now  living  within  Blue  Rapids  City 
Township.  He  came  to  Northern  Kansas  in  1858, 
arriving  in  this  county  on  the  4th  of  March,  and 
on  the  following  day  located  a  claim  on  section  20, 
a  part  of  it  comprising  the  present  site  of  North 
Blue  Rapids.  At  the  time  of  his  settlement  here, 
there  were  but  a  few  families  in  this  part  of  the 
county.  The  widow  Oliver  and  her  son  William 
lived  on  Fawn  Creek,  now  in  Waterville  Township. 
Thomas  C.  Palmer  lived  on  section  19.  Sterns 
Ostrander  was  located  on  Coon  Creek,  one  and  a 
half  miles  from  where  Waterville  now  stands,  and 
his  nearest  neighbors  were  the  Ship  family,  below 
Game  Fork,  south  of  the  present  village  of  Irving. 
With  the  exception  of  Thomas  Ship,  who  lives  in 
Waterville  Township,  all  passed  to  rest  many  3'ears 

Mr.  Thompson  was  born  in  Crispin  County,  Ky., 
April  3,  1809,  and  in  December,  1824,  removed  to 
Hamilton  County,  111.  He  was  left  fatherless  at 
the  age  of  three  years,  and  as  soon  as  old  enough 
was  obliged  to  make  his  own  way  in  the  world. 
His  three  elder  brothers  had  emigrated  to  Illinois, 
and  when  be  had  reached  the  age  of  fifteen  years 
he  prevailed  upon  his  mother  to  allow  him  to  fol- 
low them.  He  sojourned  in  Hamilton  County  one 
winter,  and  the  following  spring  joined  his  brothers 
in  Madison  County,  III.,  where  he  remained  until 
1832.  In  the  meantime,  in  tiie  fall  of  1825,  he  was 
joined  by  his  mother,  with  wliom.  in   1832,  he  re- 

moved to  Rock  Island,  and  worked  at  wheelwright- 
ing,  millwrighting  and  chairmaking  until  1845. 
During  this  time  he  was  married  and  his  mother 
had  died.  In  the  year  mentioned  he  removed  to 
Richland  County,  Wis.,  where  he  built  a  mill  and 
operated  it  until  1857.  Then  selling  out,  he  re- 
moved to  Kansas  Territory,  thus  having  been  a 
pioneer  in  one  new  State  and  two  Territories. 

Upon  coming  to  Kansas  to  look  for  a  location, 
Mr.  Thompson  was  accompanied  by  his  son-in-law, 
Jackson  Taylor.  Their  outfit  consisted  of  two 
horses  and  a  covered  wagon,  in  which  they  carried 
provisions  for  themselves  and  their  team.  They 
crossed  the  Missouri  at  Atchison,  this  then  being 
considered  but  a  trading  village,  and  notwithstand- 
ing offers  of  land  and  lots  elsewhere,  continued  on 
to  the  Blue  River,  where  Mr.  Thompson  had  de- 
termined to  settle,  his  objective  point  being  Marys- 
ville.  On  the  4th  of  March  they  reached  that 
place,  then  consisting  of  two  log  houses,  one  of 
them  being  an  outfitting  store  for  parties  making 
the  overland  trip,  and  in  it,  he  says,  there  was 
plenty  of  whiskj^  and  tobacco  to  be  had,  likewise 
plenty  of  customers  for  both. 

A  council  of  the  stockholders  of  Palmetto  Town- 
ship, as  Marj'sville  was  then  called,  was  in  session, 
and  great  efforts  were  being  made  to  induce  the 
emigrants  to  settle  there.  One  man,  Bill  Oliver, 
so  eloquently  set  forth  the  beauties  of  Marble  Falls, 
as  he  called  the  Blue  Rapids,  that  Mr.  Thompson 
and  his  partner  decided  to  investigate  that  section 
of  country.  The  next  day  at  noon  the}^  arrived  at 
a  house  situated  near  the  banks  of  the  Little  Blue, 
and  Thomas  C.  Palmer,  who  lived  there  and  ope- 
rated a  farm,  walked  with  them  to  a  place  where 
they  found  a  spring  of  excellent  water.  Tliere 
Mr.  Thompson  drove  his  claim-stake,  and  tliere  he 
yet  owns  a  farm  of  100  acres,  which  has  since  been 
in  his  possession.  The  following  day,  Sundaj-,  he 
walked  with  a  neighbor  for  a  considerable  distance, 
to  see  if  a  more  desirable  location  was  possible,  but 
concluded  he  could  do  no  better,  and  the  ver}-  next 
day  began  preparations  for  building  his  house. 
His  companion,  Mr.  Taylor,  took  up  a  claim  on  the 
east  side  of  the  Blue. 

When  he  had  decided  to  remove  to  Kansas,  Mr. 
Thompson  and  Mr.  Taylor,  who  had    married    his 



eldest  daughter,  journeyed  as  far  as  Sugar  Lake, 
Mo.,  five  miles  from  Atchisou,  where  the}-  wintered. 
As  soon,  tlierefore,  as  they  had  selected  their 
claims  tiiey  returned  to  Missouri;  Taylor  and  a 
part  of  the  family  at  once  came  back  to  "squat" 
on  the  claims,  but  Mr.  Thompson  in  the  meantime 
went  to  Wisconsin  to  settle  up  his  business  there. 
Upon  his  return  lie  found  that  his  claita  had  been 
■'jumped,"  but  he  went  ahead  and  put  up  his  cabin 
regardless  of  that,  filed  his  claim,  and  had  no 
further  trouble.  His  house  was  then  in  the  heiglit 
of  fashion  in  those  parts,  mother  earth  furnishing 
the  only  floor.  He  went  to  work  with  a  will,  plow- 
ing and  planting,  and  within  a  short  time  had  a 
fine  vegetable  garden,  setting  before  visitors  from 
Marysville  on  June  24,  three  months  after  settle- 
ment, a  dinner  which  included  vegetables  raised  on 
his  own  land. 

That  log  cabin  was  the  dwelling  of  Mr.  Thomp- 
son until  1866,  when  he  built  a  frame  house  into 
which  he  removed,  making  it  his  home  until  it  was 
destroyed  by  fire  in  October,  1880;  that  fall  and 
the  following  spring  Mr.  Tliompson  was  employed 
in  building  the  house  whicli  was  his  home  up  to  the 
time  he  accepted  the  position  of  Postmaster  of 
Blue  Rapids,  in  1885,  and  there  he  again  expected 
to  make  his  home  and  to  end  his  days.  In  the 
time  he  has  lived  in  Kansas  he  has  seen  great 
chano-es.  The  country  was  then  but  a  wilderness 
and  unsettled,  with  deer  and  antelope  thick  among 
the  hills.  Not  a  fence  had  been  built  in  the  county, 
except,  possibi}',  what  was  called  a  "shanghai" 
fence.  The  only  houses  were  log  cabins,  and  vil- 
lages and  cities  were  things  of  the  future. 

Our  subject,  by  an  unfortunate  accident,  lost  the 
use  of  his  left  arm  permanently  and  almost  com- 
pletely. In  the  spring  of  1866,  in  company  with 
Andrew  Scott,  James  Hynes,  his  §on,  Joel  Heniy, 
and  three  others,  he  started  for  the  west  side  of  tlie 
Republican  River  on  a  buffalo  hunt.  They  had 
reached  Clifton,  situated  on  the  south  line  of  Wash- 
ington Count}',  when  it  was  reported  that  a  party 
of  six  men,  who  were  out  on  a  similar  errand,  had 
overstayed  the  time  when  they  were  expected  to 
return,  and  it  was  feared  they  had  met  with  hos- 
tile Indians.  Mr.  Thompson's  part}'  went  on  their 
way  to  the  hunting    grounds,   intending    to    look 

for  the  missing  men.  They  soon  met  a  party 
of  friendly  Otoes,  who  had  been  driven  in  by  a 
band  of  hostile  Cheyennes.  The  Otoes  joined 
forces  with  the  white  men  and  all  turned  back. 
Next  day  they  were  overtaken  by  a  party  out  hunt- 
ing for  the  missing  men,  and  Mr.  Thompson,  with 
his  co.mpanions,  joined  in  the  search. 

Finding  no  trace  of  those  for  wlioni  they  were 
looking,  Mr.  Thompson  and  his  party  soon  reached 
the  hunting  grounds,  and  killed  enough  game  to 
furnish  tiie  requisite  supply  of  meat.  Upon  join- 
ing the  other  party  and  learning  that  the  Cheyennes 
were  coming  that  way  on  the  war  path,  they  hur- 
riedly made  preparations  to  return  home.  Mr. 
Thompson  was  sitting  on  a  pile  of  dry  buffalo  meat, 
and  his  son  was  endeavoring  to  draw  his  gun  out 
of  its  covering,  when  the  weapon  was  accidentally 
discharged,  and  the  load  entering  Mr.  Thompson's 
left  arm  tore  away  the  sinews  above  the  elbow  and 
lacerated  the  flesh  in  a  dreadful  manner.  Since 
then  he  has  had  the  complete  use  of  but  one  finger 
of  his  left  hand,  and  only  the  partial  use  of  his  arm. 
This  was  a  great  drawbacli  to  ttie  hardy  pioneer, 
upon  the  labor  of  whose  hands  so  much  depended, 
but  he  made  the  best  of  circumstances,  and  has  ac- 
complished much  during  his  long  and  useful  life. 
It  may  be  mentioned  here,  that  the  men  wlioin  they 
sought  in  vain  were  afterward  found,  murdered. 

One  incident  of  the  early  career  of  Mr.  Thomp- 
son occurred  in  1831.  While  a  resident  of  Madison 
County,  III.,  he  enlisted  as  a  soldier  in  the  Black 
Hawk  War,  but  the  troubles  were  brought  to  a  tem- 
porary settlement  before  he  was  permitted  to  go 
into  active  service.  Upon  the  outbreak  of  hostili- 
ties the  following  year  he  re-enlisted,  and  served 
as  a  scout  until  the  surrender  of  Black  Hawk,  and 
the  close  of  the  war. 

On  the  1st  of  April,  1838,  Mr.  Thompson  was 
married  in  Rock  Island  County,  111.,  to  Miss  Mary 
Jane  Ohlhauseu.  This  lady  was  born  Dec.  4,  1 821, 
in  Lynchburg.  Campbell  Co.,  Va.,  where  her  par- 
ents had  emigrated  from  Germany.  The  father 
died  in  Lynchburg,  Oct.  3,  1825,  and  her  mother 
subsequently  came  to  Kansas  and  died  on  the  farm 
of  Mr.  Thompson,  July  11,  1867,  in  her  seventy- 
eighth  year.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thompson  are  the 
parents  of  eight  children,  all  living:  Julia,  the  wife 



of  Jackson  Taylor,  is  a  resident  of  Independence 
Mc;  Levy  A.  is  the  wife  of  A.  J.  Palmer,  a  farmer 
of  Waterville  Township,  this  county;  Emma  mar- 
ried William  H.  Lee,  a  farmer  of  Blue  Rapids  City 
Township;  Joel  Henry  is  a  farmer  and  carpenter 
and  a  resident  of  Cottage  Hill  Township;  Marj'  J. 
is  the  wife  of  W.  R.  Moore,  a  farmer  of  Colorado; 
William  H.  is  farming  in  Blue  Rapids  City  Town- 
ship; Margaret  I.  is  the  wife  of  Charles  Lee,  a 
butcher  in  the  city  of  Blue  Rapids ;  Inez  H.  is  un- 
married and  lives  with  her  parents. 

Mr.  Thompson  has  always  taken  a  warm  interest 
in  the  affairs  of  his  community.  While  in  Illinois 
he  served  as  Constable  in  Madison  County,  and 
later  he  was  the  Deputy  Sheriff  of  Rock  Island 
C'ount}',  and  Constable  there  also  for  two  years. 
In  Wisconsin  he  was  elected  Assessor  of  Richland 
County,  and  for  Ave  or  six  years  he  served  as  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace.  He  was  also  elected  to  that 
office  daring  a  temporary  residence  in  Missouri. 
In  1855  he  was  appointed  Postmaster  at  Ashland, 
Wis.,  under  the  administration  of  President  Pierce, 
iiolding  the  position  until  he  came  to  Kansas.  In 
this  county  he  was  chosen  Township  Clerk  at  the 
first  election  held  within  its  limits.  The  following 
year  he  was  made  Probate  Judge,  which  office  he 
held  until  the  Territory  became  a  State.  His  nest 
office  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  of  Blue  Rapids 
Township,  which  he  held  for  two  years,  being  at 
the  same  time  Township  Trustee.  He  was  also  the 
first  Postmaster  of  Blue  Rapids,  and  the  third  in 
the  country. 

After  a  short  interval  Mr.  Thompson  was  elected 
Trustee,  and  in  1885  was  appointed  Postmaster 
under  President  Cleveland's  administration,  dis- 
charging the  duties  of  the  office  for  four  years. 
In  every  position  to  which  he  has  been  called,  he 
has  discharged  the  duties  entrusted  to  him  in  a 
manner  creditable  to  himself  and  satisfactory  to 
the  people.  One  of  the  most  pleasing  events  of 
his  life  occurred  on  the  1st  of  April,  1888,  when 
he  and  his  estimable  wife  celebrated  the  fiftieth  an- 
niversary of  their  wedding — a  golden  wedding 
which  was  attended  by  a  large  number  of  their 
descendants.  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  saj'  that  it 
was  an  occasion  greatly  enjoyed  by  all  concerned, 
and  in  which  the    venerable    pair    were    tendered 

many  wishes  for  their  continued  health  and  happi- 
ness.  They  are  not  only  among  the  oldest,  but  are 
also  among  the  most  highly  respected  people  of 
this  county.  In  noting  the  career  of  those  men 
and  women  who  ventured  upon  the  frontier  in  ad- 
vance of  civilization,  the  pioneers,  William  Thomp- 
son and  his  estimable  wife,  deserve  to  be  placed  in 
the  front  rank,  and  it  is  therefore  fitting  to  perpet- 
uate their  features  by  presenting  their  portraits  to 
the  citizens  of  Marshall  County,  through  the  me- 
dium of  the  Album. 

^,  OHN  M.  AVINTER,  residing  on  section  32, 
Wells  Township,  has  been  a  resident  there 
since  1872.  He  is  the  possessor  of  400  acres 
of  land,  all  under  excellent  cultivation,  and 
has  been  the  pioneer  in  his  neighborhood,  in  the 
introduction  of  thoroughbred  stock  of  all  kinds, 
except  horses,  and  also  improved  varieties  of  grains. 
He  now  keeps  thoroughbred  Hereford  cattle,  and 
Poland-China  hogs,  and  is  engaged  in  stock-raising 
and  general  farming. 

Mr.  Winter  was  born  in  Washington  Countv, 
N.  Y.,  May  21,  1832,  and  is  a  son  of  Moses  and 
Abigail  Winter.  His  father  was  a  native  of  Mas- 
sachusetts, and  his  mother  of  Vermont.  Both  his 
grandfathers  were  members  of  the  Continental  army 
during  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  his  maternal 
grandfather  also  took  p;,rt  in  the  War  of  181 2. 
Our  subject  was  but  young  when  his  parents  re- 
moved to  Warren  County,  N.  Y.,  and  he  was  reared 
on  the  shores  of  Lake  George.  He  received  his 
early  education  in  the  public  schools  of  Warren 
County,  and  later  attended  the  State  Normal 
School  at  Albany.  He  subsequently  attended  and 
was  graduated  from  A".  M.  Rice's  Commercial  Col- 
lege, at  Buffalo,  N.  Y .  He  accepted  a  position  as 
bookkeeper  for  the  wholesale  lumber  firm  of  I.  8. 
&  L.  G.  Newton,  of  Buffalo,  and  retained  the  situa- 
tion some  sixteen  years. 

In  1856  our  subject  was  uniterl  in  marriao-e  with 
Sarah  B.  Goodman,  a  native  of  the  Empire  State, 
and  a  daughter  of  Samuel  C.  and  Lovice  Goodman 



of  Wai-ren  County.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Winter  have 
been  born  three  children — Nancy,  Burton  M.  and 
Catlin  G.  From  New  York  State,  Mr.  Winter  re- 
moved, in  1872.  as  before  stated,  to  this  county. 
He  selected  the  southern  part  of  Wells  Township  as 
his  locf.tion,  and  there  homesteaded  eighty  acres  of 
land.  A  few  acres  of  the  land  had  been  broken, 
and  llun-e  was  a  cabin  on  it.  From  that  rude  be- 
ninning  has  grown  his  present  estate. 

Mr.  AViuter  is  a  Republican,  and  during  his  resi- 
dence in  the  East  took  considerable  interest  in  polit- 
ical matters.  He  served  for  several  years  as  Clerk  of 
the  8th  Ward  Republican  Club,  of  Buffalo,  and  was 
quite  active  in  the  political  work  of  the  ward. 
Having  been  residents  of  the  county  for  nearly  a 
score  of  years,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Winter  have  not  onlj- 
;)articipated  in  its  development,  but  have  witnessed 
much  of  the  labor  which  has  made  it  a  standing- 
monument  to  the  energy  and  perseverance  of  its 
pioneer  settlers.  Mr.  Winter  is  upright  and  hon- 
orable in  his  dealings,  and  is  held  in  high  repute 
among  the  citizens  of  the  county. 

(F_^  ENRY  C.  FOLLETT.  It  is  conceded  that 
IfTj)  Mr.  FoUett  is  the  owner  of  one  of  the  best 
-W^    farms  in  Walnut  Township,  and  one  which 

((®J  is  conspicuous  among  the  many  fine  home- 
steads of  the  entire  countj'.  He  has  been  a  resident 
here  since  the  fall  of  1869,  when  he  purchased  a 
tract  of  wild  land,  and  in  the  spring  of  1870  home- 
steaded  eighty  acres,  and  purchased  eighty  acres 
additional,  the  two  lying  on  sections  22  and  27,  the 
dwelling  and  its  appurtenances  being  on  section  22. 
The  residence  is  a  neat  and  substantial  building, 
while  there  is  a  good  barn  and  all  the  other  neces- 
sary structures  for  the  storage  of  grain  and  the 
shelter  of  stock.  The  land  is  devoted  to  general 
agriculture  and  pasturage,  and  reflects  great  credit 
upon  the  proprietor.  There  is  a  goodly  assortment 
of  live  stock,  including  some  very  fine  Clydesdale 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  March  18, 
1845,  in  Williams  County,  Ohio,  and  lived  there 
until  1863.     During  this  year  the  Civil  War  being 

in  progress,  he  enlisted  in  Compan}'  H,  38th  Ohio 
Infantry,  in  which  he  served  as  a  private  until  the 
close.  He  participated  in  manj'  active  engage- 
ments, was  at  Missionary  Ridge,  Buzzard's  Roost, 
Big  Shanty  and  Jonesboro.  At  the  latter  place  he 
was  taken  ill  of  the  typhoid  fever,  and  suffered 
therefrom  about  two  months,  being  confined  in  the 
hospital  first  at  Nashville  and  later  at  Camp  Deni- 
son.  In  the  the  meantime  his  companj'  rested  at 
Atlanta,  and  upon  recovering  strength  he  joined 
them  in  Chattanooga,  whence  they  went  with  Sher- 
man on  his  march  to  the  sea.  After  the  surrender 
of  Lee  at  Appomattox,  our  subject  with  his  com- 
rades went  up  through  the  CaroHnas  to  Washing- 
ton where  he  was  present  at  the  Grand  Review,  and 
later  received  his  honorable  discharge  July  12, 
1865,  at  Louisville,  Ky. 

In  the  meantime,  while  Mr.  Follett  was  in  the 
army,  his  parents,  Robert  and  Julia  A.  (Turner) 
Follett,  removed  to  Doniphan  County,  this  State. 
Henry  C.  after  visiting  his  friends  and  relatives  in 
his  native  county,  joined  his  parents  in  this  State, 
and  here  took  up  his  abode.  He  was  married  Jan. 
16,  1868.  to  Miss  Aure  E.,  daughter  of  Louis  and 
Julia  (Carr)  Rose.  Mrs.  Follett  was  born  in  the 
town  of  Bryant,  Williams  Co.,  Ohio,  July  5, 
1850.  Her  union  with  our  subject  has  resulted  in 
the  birth  of  three  children — William  H.,  Louis  E. 
and  Florence  Mabel. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  natives  of  Mas- 
sachusetts, whence  they  emigrated  to  Ohio  at  an 
early  day,  prior  to  their  marriage.  They  died  in 
Doniphan  County,  this  State,  each  having  attained 
to  the  ripe  old  age  of  eighty-five  j'ears.  Mrs.  Fol- 
lett's  father  was  a  native  of  New  Jersey,  while  her 
mother  was  born  in  Dayton,  Ohio.  Her  father 
died  in  Ohio,  during  the  month  of  February,  I860, 
but  her  mother  is  still  living,  and  makes  her  home 
in  Blue  Rapids  this  county.  While  Mr.  Follett 
probably  has  not  been  the  hero  of  any  thrilling 
event,  he  is  fulfilling  the  duties  of  an  honest  man 
and  a  good  citizen,  and  is  a  uniform  encour- 
ager  of  the  various  enterprises  set  on  foot  for  the 
good  of  the  community.  In  politics,  he  is  a  stanch 
supporter  of  the  Republican  party.  His  well-tilled 
fields  jield  him  a  comfortable  income,  and  his  chief 
interests  are  centered  in  his   family    and    his  farm. 

Residence  of  H.C.  Follett,  Sec.  22. Walnut  Township. 

Residence  OF  Nicholas  Marysville  Tonwship 



He  may  be  properly  named  as  a  representative  cit- 
izen, wortli3'  of  mention  in  a  work  designed  to 
perpetuate  the  names  of  men  who  liave  been  in- 
strumental in  developing  the  best  resources  of 
Marsliall  County.  A  fine  engraving  of  the  home- 
stead of  Mr.Follett  appears  on  another  page  of  this 
volume,  and  is  a  good  representation  of  one  of 
Marshall  County's  most  cultured  homes. 

^ #-# >- 

C|^N,  ICHOLAS  KOPPES.  Marysville  Township 
|[  j)j  lias  no  more  worthy  citizen  than  tlie  subject 
Ikyz^j  of  this  notice,  who  is  widely  and  favorably 
known  to  the  people  as  one  of  the  early  residents 
of  the  township  and  one  wlio  assisted  largely  in  its 
growth  and  development.  The  surroundings  on 
his  homestead  are  indicative  of  intelligence  and  in- 
dustry', tlie  chief  object  of  interest  being  a  hand- 
some modern  residence  with  the  buildings  adjacent 
calculated  for  the  successful  prosecution  of  agri- 
culture. Mr.  Koppes  is  a  man  prompt  to  meet  his 
obligations,  is  scrupulousl3'  honest  and  one  whose 
word  is  considered  as  good  as  his  bond.  Not  the 
least  among  his  excellent  qualities  is  his  uniform 
support  of  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party. 
He  is  in  favor  of  education,  morality  and  all  tliose 
elements  which  tend  to  build  up  the  community 
socially  and  financially,  and  is  universally  respected 
for  his  uprightness  of  life  and  consistent  character. 
Our  subject  was  born  June  11,  1833,  in  what  was 
then  the  Grand  Duchy  of  Luxemburg.Germany,  and 
lived  in  the  Fatherland  until  about  fourteen  years 
of  age;  then  going  to  France  he  worked  on  a  farm 
about  seven  years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time, 
in  March  1854,  he  set  out  for  America  on  a  sailing- 
vessel  and  landing  in  the  city  of  New  York,  pro- 
ceeded in  the  latter  j^art  of  Juiie  to  Chicago,  111., 
and  thence  two  or  three  da3's  afterward  repaired 
to  Port  Washington,  Wis.,  remaining  in  that  vicin- 
ity about  two  j'ears.  In  the  fall  of  1855  he  went 
to  New  Orleans,  but  finding  no  emplo3'ment  re- 
turned as  far  as  Vicksburg,  where  he  sojourned  un- 
til the  following  February.  In  March,  1856,  he 
came  up  the  Mississippi  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and 
thence  by  the  Missouri  to  Leavenworth  and  at  that 

point  set  out  on  foot  for  this  county,  halting  near 
the  present  site  of  Marysville.  For  six  weeks 
thereafter  he  was  employed  by  Mr.  Marshall  on  a 
farm,  then  returning  to  Wisconsin  via  St.  Louis, 
for  two  months  was  employed  in  a  harvest  field 
near  Kenosha.  Afterward  he  went  into  Ozaukee 
County,  that  State,  and  remained  until  the  spring 
of  1859. 

We  next  find  our  subject  upon  Lake  Superior  in 
the  copper  mines,  where  he  was  employed  about 
three  months,  and  later  he  drove  a  team  for  a  con- 
tractor for  about  nine  months.  About  that  tin^e 
he  once  more  struck  out  for  this  county,  and  near 
the  hamlet  of  Marysville,  was  in  the  employ  of  dif- 
ferent individuals  until  after  the  outbreak  of  the 
Civil  War.  In  July,  1862,  he  enlisted  as  a  Union 
soldier  in  Company  E,  loth  Kansas  Infantry,  for 
the  three  years'  service.  He  participated  in  many 
of  the  important  battles  which  followed,  namelj', 
Pea  Ridge,  Prairie  Grove,  Forts  Smith  and  Van 
Buren,  as  a  member  of  the  7th  Army  Corps. 
With  the  exception  of  being  thrown  from  a  mule 
which  he  was  riding  rapidly,  he  esci/ped  injury,  and 
received  his  honorable  discharge  at  the  close  of 
the  war,  being  mustered  out  at  Leavenworth.  The 
German  soldier3M:lid  most  efficient  service  in  assist- 
ing to  preserve  the  Union  and  to  them  their  adopted 
country  owes  a  weight3'  debt  of  gratitude.  Mr 
Koppes  was  in  no  wise  behind  his  eountr3fmen  in 
performing  his  dutj'  during  this  conflict,  and  his 
war  record  is  one  of  which  he  has  reason  to  be 

Upon  leaving  the  army  our  subject  returned  to 
this  county  and  in  the  fall  of  1865  took  up  a 
homestead  of  160  acres  in  Mar3'sville  Township. 
He  first  put  up  a  small  cabin,  which  in  a  few  years 
was  abandoned  for  a  frame  house,  and  he  occupied 
the  latter  with  his  family  until  1885.  That  year 
he  erected' his  present  residence,  which  is  con- 
ceded to  be  one  of  the  finest  in  the  township  and 
which  is  represented  elsewhere  in  the  Album  by  a 
lithographic  engraving.  It  is  faultless  in  point  of 
architecture  and  fitted  up  with  modern  conve- 
niences, while  the  interior  decorations  indicate  in  a 
marked  degree  the  exercise  of  cultivated  tastes  and 
ample  means. 

Mr.  Koppes  from  3ear  to  3ear  invested  his  sur- 



pins  capital  in  additional  land,  until  he  is  now  the 
owner  of  380  acres  wliicli,  having  been  brought  to 
a  fine  state  of  cultivation,  is  devoted  to  general 
farming  and  stock-raising.  The  toils  and  struggles 
of  his  earlier  years  have  been  richl}'  rewarded  and 
he  has  an  ample  competence  for  his  old  age. 

Our  subject  v/as  married  in  Ozaukee  County, 
Wis.,  Sept.  28,  1865,  to  Miss  Helena  Klas,  a  native 
of  the  kingdom  of  Prussia  and  born  on  the  line  be- 
tween Lnxemherg  and  the  latter.  Feb.  18,  1844. 
She  lived  there  with  her  parents  until  about  ten  or 
eleven  years  of  age,  and  then  the  family,  consisting 
of  the  parents,  two  daughters  and  a  son,  emigrated 
to  America.  They  landed  in  New  York  City, 
whence  they  proceeded  to  Wisconsin,  where  Miss 
Helena  made  the  acquaintance  of  her  future  hus- 
band. Tbey  became  the  parents  of  the  following 
children,  namely,  Nicholas.  George  S.,  Mary  A., 
Margaret,  Lizzie  F.,  Jacob  F.  and  Katie  F.  The 
latter  d  led  when  about  two  }'ears  old. 

As  an  ex-soldier  of  the  Union  Mr.  Koppes  is 
identified  with  the  G.A.R.,  and  with  his  excellent 
wife  and  their  children,  is  a  member  in  good  stand- 
ing of  the  German  Catholic  Church,  attending  ser- 
vices at  INIarysville. 

J"'ACOB  H.  BAKLOW.  This  gentleman  has 
made  his  home  in  Blue  Rapids,  since  Aug. 
10,1872,  on  which  day  he  first  arrived  there. 
He  is  a  native  of  Fairfax  County,  A'a.,  born 
Sept.  3,  1846,  his  parents  being  James  P.  and  Maria 
L.  (Haight)  Barlow.  The_y  were  of  English  de- 
scent, and  the  great-grandfather  of  our  subject 
lived  and  died  in  Dover,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.Y.,  where 
his  son,  Elisha,  grandfather  of  our  subject,  was 
born,  over  100  years  ago.  P^lisha  Barlow  was  a 
farmer  during  his  entire  lifetime.  He  was  married 
to  Charlotte  Palmer,  a  native  of  Westchester 
Count}',  N.  Y.,  who  was  somewhat  3'ounger  than 
her  husband,  and  who  died  at  their  New  York 
home  in  1866,  aged  over  eighty  years.  Her  hus- 
band died  some  years  prior  to  the  date  of  her  own 
death.  They  were  plain  people,  well-to-do  for 
their  station  in  life,  and  were  looked  upon  as  good. 

substantial  citizens.  They,  like  their  ancestors,  were 
members  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  They  had 
four  sons  and  four  daughters,  the  eldest  but  one 
"being  James  P.,  the  father  of  our  subject. 

James  P.  Barlow  was  born  in  Dutchess  County, 
N.  Y.,  June  15,  1813.  In  his  youth  he  was  a  clerk 
in  a  mercantile  establishment  in  Buffalo,  remaining 
there  several  years,  and  gaining  an  insight  into  the 
wholesale  grocery  business.  Later  Tie  went  to  New 
York  Citjr,  and  there  entered  into  the  same  business, 
in  which  he  remained  engaged  for  a  number  of 
years.  During  his  residence  in  New  York  he  was 
married,  and  his  wife's  father  having  removed  to 
Chantilly,  Fairfax  Co.,Ya.,  the}'  determined  to  fol- 
low him.  Mrs.  Barlow's  father  had  purchased  a 
large  estate  of  750  acres,  formerlj'  owned  by  Rich- 
ard Bland  Lee,  and  on  this  place  Mr.  Barlow  and 
his  wife  lived.  At  the  death  of  her  father,  Mrs. 
Barlow  inherited  half  of  the  estate,  on  wliich  she 
continued  to  make  her  home  until  the  fall  of  1869. 
The\'  then  sold  all  but  a  small  part  of  the  estate, 
on  which  Mr.  Barlow  built  a  mill.  This  he  operated 
until  1873,  at  which  time  they  determined  to  make 
their  home  in  Blue  Rapids,  this  county,  with  our 
subject,  who  was  their  only  child.  This  they  did, 
and  here  Mr.  Barlow  died  on  April  14,  1879,  being 
then  nearly  sixtj'-six  years  of  age.  He  was  a  man 
of  marked  honesty  and  uprightness  of  character,  a 
successful  farmer,  although  not  brought  up  to  that 
occupation,  and  an  excellent  man  of  business.  His 
trustworthiness  made  him  man}-  friends,  by  whom 
he  was  greatly  respected  and  esteemed,  and  he  in  a 
marked  degree  inherited  the  sterlingqualities  which 
have  been  characteristics  of  members  of  the  Soci- 
ety of  Friends. 

James  P.  Barlow  was  married  Oct.  5,  1839,  to 
Miss  Maria  L.  Haight,  who  was  born  in  Dutchess 
Count}',  N.  Y.,  March  11,  1819.  Her  parents  were 
Jacob  and  Amy  (Clement)  Haight,  the  one  born  in 
Dutchess  County,  and  the  other  on  Long  Island. 
The  Haight  family  had  been  among  the  earliest  set- 
tlers of  the  county,  to  which  they  had  come  from 
Long  Island,  and  had  been  members  of  the  Society 
of  Friends  for  many  generations,  being  counted 
among  the  early  followers  of  George  Fox.  Mrs. 
Haight  was  likewise  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  and 
her  daughter,  Mrs.  Barlow,  yet   retains  her  birth- 



right  among  them.  They  were  the  parents  of  four 
children,  one  son,  Dr.  Charles  Haight.  still  living  in 
Pougiikeepsie,  N.  Y.,  at  the  age  of  eightj-four 
years.  James  P.  Barlow  and  wife  had  but  one 
child,  our  subject,  with  whom  his  mother  makes 
her  home  in  Blue  Rapids. 

Jacob  H.  Barlow,  the  gentleman  of  whom  we 
write,  was  brougiit  up  on  the  Virginia  farm,  where 
he  lived  until^e  outbreak  of  the  late  war.  He  re- 
ceived his  education  in  the  schools  of  his  native 
count}!^  and  a  noted  institution  in  Loudoun  Count}', 
which  was  under  the  charge  of  the  Society  of 
Friends,  by  whom  it  had  been  founded,  and  in  a 
select  school  in  Norristown,  Pa.  During  the  war 
he  was  emploj^ed  in  the  Government  shops  at 
Alexandria,  and  on  the  military  railroads  in  Vir- 
ginia, remaining  in  that  employment  nearly  three 
years.  After  the  war  he  returned  to  the  farm  in 
Virginia,  and  there  worked  on  a  sawmill  with  his 
uncle,  in  connection  with  the  farm.  After  the  sale 
of  the  farm,  he  went  into  the  milling  business, 
which  he  carried  on  until  he  came  to  Kansas. 

Our  subject  came  to  Blue  Rapids  to  take  an  in- 
terest in  a  woolen  factory,  then  just  getting  ready 
to  start  in  tliat  place,  in  which  he  helped  to  place 
most  of  the  machinery.  This  mill  did  not  prove 
a  success,  and  Mr.  Barlow,  after  a  connection  with 
it  of  over  four  years,  retired  a  poorer  man  than 
when  he  engaged  in  the  enterprise.  He  next 
worked  for  several  years  at  various  emplo3ments, 
and  in  the  spring  of  1886,  in  connection  with  Har- 
land  McGrew,  he  bought  the  mill  property  on  the 
west  side  of  the  river  at  Blue  Rapids.  This  they 
ran  as  a  custom  mill,  under  the  firm  name  of  Bar- 
low &  McGrew,  until  the  fall  of  the  same  year, 
when  Messrs.  M.  L.  Duncan  and  David  H.  Miller 
each  purchased  a  quarter  interest  in  the  mill,  which 
was  then  operated  under  the  firm  name  of  Barlow, 
McGrew  &  Co.  In  the  fall  of  1889,  Mr.  McGrew 
sold  his  interest  to  Mr.  Duncan,  the  firm  name  being 
changed  to  M.  L.  Duncan  &  Co.,  under  wliich  it  is 
now  carried  on.  Below  will  be  found  a  short  sketch 
of  the  mill  and  its  business. 

When  Mr.  Barlow  first  came  to  Blue  Rapids,  he 
bought  the  lot  on  wiiich  his  house  now  stands.  It 
was  then  but  a  piece  of  bare  prairie,  withovit  a  tree 
or  shrub  on  it,  and  the  large   trees  and  shrubbery 

with  which  it  is  now  beautifully  shaded,  were  all  set 
out  by  himself  and  wife.  The  large  and  comfort- 
able home  was  built  in  1887,  and  is  in  a  sightly  loea- 
tion  on  an  elevation  close  to  the  river. 

In  Washington,  D.  C,  Sept.  13,  1870,  Mr.  Bar- 
low was  united  in  marriage  with  Mrs.  Nettie  Barnes, 
whose  maiden  name  was  Shear,  the  ceremony  being 
performed  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Tustin,  who  had  been 
Chaplain  of  the  United  States  Senate  for  many 
years.  Mrs.  Barlow  was  born  in  Seneca  County, 
N.  Y.,  May  13,  1844.  Her  parents  were  Peter  and 
Henrietta  (Wilkins)  Shear,  both  natives  of  the 
Empire  State,  the  father  born  in  Albany  County, 
and  the  mother  in  Greene  County.  Her  father  is  a 
farmer  and  cattle  dealer,  and  is  yet  living  on  the 
old  home  in  Seneca  County.  His  wife  died  when 
Mrs.  Barlow  was  an  infant.  These  people  were 
likewise  Friends,  and  Blrs.  Barlow  was  reared  in 
their  faith,  attending  meeting  with  her  grandfather, 
with  whom  she  lived  after  her  mother's  death.  By 
her  first  marriage,  Mrs.  Barlow  had  one  child — 
Gertrude  A,  Barnes,  who  makes  her  home  with  her 
mother.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  Barlow  have  one  child, 
named  J.  Carroll. 

Our  subject  is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church.  He  is  no  politician,  and  has  never  held 
any  public  ofHce,  but  votes  the  Democratic  ticket. 
As  a  man  of  integrity  and  uprightness,  he  stands 
high  in  the  community,  and  in  every  relation  of 
life  he  bears  an  excellent  reputation. 

THE  GEM  CITY  ROLLING  MILL  was  origi- 
nally built  for  a  paper  mill  in  1873,  and  was  rebuilt 
and  refitted  as  a  full  roller  flour  mill  in  1886-7. 
Our  subject  and  his  partners  began  operations  there 
in  March,  1887.  The  mill  is  situated  on  tiie  north 
side  of  the  Blue  and  is  run  by  a  magnificent  water 
power,  which  supplies  all  the  mills  in  that  place, 
on  both  sides  of  the  river,  and  which  is  capable  of 
running  many  more,  and  will  in  time  undoubtedly^ 
be  fully  used.  The  firm  name  is  M.  L.  ]:)uncan  & 
Co.,  the  partners  being  M.  L.  Duncan,  Jacob  H. 
Barlow  and  David  H.  Miller.  They  use  the  centri- 
fugal system,  and  the  mill  with  a  capacity  of  100 
barrels  in  twenty- four  hours,  is  run  day  and  nicrht. 
Thev  also  use  two  runs  of  burrs  for  meal,  with  the 



usual  capacity  of  thirty  barrels  of  bolted  meal  or 
120  bushels  of  corn  per  day,  sometimes,  however, 
grinding  much  more.  Thej'  also,  of  course,  manu- 
facture buckwheat  flour,  bran  and  other  mill  prod- 
ucts. They  make  three  grades  of  flour,  known  as 
"Our  Best,"  "Straight"  and  "Good  Luck,"  which 
are  well  known  in  this  part  of  the  countrj'.  nearly 
all  they  can  make  being  consumed  in  local  trade. 
Whatever  they  can  manufacture  above  the  home 
demand  is  shipped  to  Kansas  City  and  elsewhere. 

paternal  grandfather  was  a  Scotchman,  who  came 
to  America  at  an  early  day,  settling  in  Trenton. 
His  mother,  Charlotte  (Epley")  Moffitt,  was  of  Ger- 
man descent,  born  in  Dauphin  County,  near  Har- 
risburg,  Pa.,  in  the  year  1810. 

^^EORGE  W.  MOFFITT.  The  subject  of 
(Ij  this  sketch  settled  on  a  farm  in  Wells  Town- 

*^^1  ship,  in  October,  1870,  having  removed 
from  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  a  few  months  previous  with 
his  family.  He  is  the  father  of  sis  children,  one 
son  and  five  daugthers,  named  Charlotte,  John  Jar- 
dine,  Martha,  Minnie,  Lizzie  and  Georgia.  His 
son  and  the  three  eldest  daughters  are  married, 
and  are  settled  within  the  neighborhood  of  the  pa- 
ternal homestead. 

Our  subject  was  born  near  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Jul}' 
5.  1833.  When  about  three  years  of  age  his  par- 
ents emigrated  to  Canton,  Ohio,  where  his  father 
entered  the  Pittsburg  Conference  of  the  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  as  a  minister,  and  from  that 
event  on.  his  3-outh  was  passed  as  became  an  itiner- 
ant minister's  child.  About  the  year  1846  his 
father  bought  a  residence  in  the  suburbs  of  Cadiz, 
Ohio.  His  early  education  was  pursued  in  the  pub- 
lic schools,  with  a  two  3'ears  course  at  Bethany  Col- 
lege, Bethanj',  Ya.  He  was  married  Feb.  15.  1854, 
in  Cadiz,  to  Miss  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William 
and  Phcjebe  Barrett.  She  was  a  graduate  of  Pleasant 
Hill  Seminar}-,  in  West  Middletown,  Pa.,  and  of 
Quaker  origin,  her  grandparents  having  been 
Quakers  who  emigrated  from  Eastern  Virginia  about 
the  year  1800,  and  settled  in  Harrison  Count}-,  Ohio, 
where  thej'  lived  and  died.  Her  fatlier  was  a  prom- 
inent and  successful  politician  in  Harrison  County, 
along  in  the  forties. 

Our  subject  is  the  eldest  of  a  family  of  seven 
sons.  His  father,  the  Rev.  John  Jardine  Moffitt, 
D.D.,    born    in    Trenton,  N.  J.,  in  I810.     His 

— *jmi2/iS^S^ 

M^fS/OTTf*v- -wv 

(^  I^TLLIAM  H.  ELLIOTT.  Lying  on  section 
\^//  -^^^  Franklin  Township,  are  127  acres  of 
\^^  fertile  land,  upon  which  is  the  home  of  the 
gentleman  whose  name  heads  this  slvetch.  He  is 
one  of  the  enterprising  farmers  of  the  township, 
having  since  his  residence  here,  brought  his  farm 
to  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  erected  good  build- 
ings and  made  for  himself  a  comfortable  home. 

Mr.  Elliott  was  the  sixtli  in  a  family  of  nine  chil- 
dren, six  of  whom  grew  to  maturity,  and  five  of 
whom  are  now  living,  three  sons  and  two  daugh- 
ters. He  was  born  in  Bradford  County,  Pa.,  Maj- 
23,  1831.  (For  history  of  his  p.arents  see  sketch 
of  J.  M.  Elliott,  which  occupies  another  page  in 
this  volume.)  He  grew  to  manhood  in  his  native 
count}',  but  at  the  age  of  twenty-three  came  to 
Ogle  County,  111.,  where  he  engaged  in  farming. 
After  five  years'  residence  there,  he  returned  to 
his  native  State  and  county. 

Animated  by  the  spirit  of  patriotism  which  in- 
duced thousands  of  his  countrymen  to  leave  their 
homes  for  fields  of  battle,  in  October,  1862,  Mr. 
Elliott  laid  aside  the  peaceful  implements  of  the 
farmer  to  take  up  arms  in  this  country's  defense. 
He  was  enrolled  in  Company  D,  17th  Regiment 
Pennsylvania  Cavalry,  and  served  faithfully  until 
the  close  of  the  war.  While  engaged  in  a  raid  near 
the  Rappahannock  River,  he  was  taken  prisoner  by 
Stuart's  Cavalry,  and  held  ten  days.  He  was  then 
paroled,  and  as  soon  as  he  could  be  exchanged, 
again  joined  his  regiment.  He  escaped  witiiout  be- 
ing seriously  wounded,  though  his  health  and  hear- 
ing were  greatly  impaired  while  in  the  service.  At 
the  conclusion  of  the  war  he  received  an  honorable 
discharge,  and  returned  to  his  native  county,  where 
he  remained  until  the  spring  of  1869;  then  coming 
to  Marshall  County.  Kan.,  he  settled  upon  the  farm 
where  he  has  since  resided. 

Residence  of  G.  5TAUss,SEc^2GiL35.  Marysville Township. 



Although  formerly  a  Democrat,  Mr.  Elliott  is  at 
present  an  advocate  of  the  principles  of  the  Union 
Labor  parly.  He  is  a  member  of  Lyons  Post  No. 
9,  G.  A.  R.  Mr.  Elliott  is  a  man  of  worth,  per- 
forming all  the  duties  of  the  honorable  and  relial)le 
citizen,  with  the  exception  of  having  remained  a 
single  man.  A  iine  lithographic  view  of  the  farm 
and  residence  of  Mr.  Elliott,  drawn  by  our  special 
artist,  is  shown  elsewliere  in  this  work. 

^^USTAYE  STAUSS.  This  gentleman  belongs 
III  (=7  to  that  constantly  growing  el.ass  of  retired 
^^5J  farmers,  who  are  permitted  to  enjoy  the 
fruits  of  their  early  labors  in  a  quiet  waj-.  In  a 
neat  brick  cottage  on  Elm  street,  MarASville,  sur- 
rounded by  a  large,  pleasant  lawn,  Mr.  Stauss  lives 
quietly  and  comfortably.  He  is  one  of  the  promi- 
nent Germans  of  this  county  who  have  amassed  a 

Mr.  Stauss  was  born  in  Germany,  Aug.  7,  1825, 
and  there  lived  until  thirty  years  of  age.  He  mar- 
ried Miss  Minnie  Engle,  Sept.  29,  1851,  in  the  city 
of  New  Trebben,  Germany.  He  early  learned  the 
blacksmith  trade  and  has  followed  it  since  coming  to 
America.  In  1855.  in  company  with  his  wife  and 
two  children.  August  and  Augusta,  he  came  to  Mil- 
waukee, Wis.,  and  there  remained  for  three  years. 
In  this  city  his  sons,  Charles  and  Henry,  were  born. 
The  family  came  to  Brown  Count}-,  Kan.,  in  1858, 
settling  in  Hiawatha,  and  a  year  later  located  in 
Marshall  County,  where   they  have  since  resided. 

Mr.  Stauss  worked  as  a  mechanic  until  1870, 
when  he  bought  a  fine  farm  of  4-40  acres,  erecting 
extensive  buildings  upon  it,  including  a  fine  stone 
house  (a  view  of  which  appears  in  this  volume),  a 
good  barn,  and  corn-cribs  which  will  hold  8,000 
bushels.  Ii:  addition  he  has  made  the  usual  improve- 
ments of  the  enterprising  farmer,  including  a  fine 
windmill.  Mr.  Stauss  has  accomplished  all  this 
under  serious  disadvantages,  as  in  1862  he  lost 
what  he  had  through  a  severe  illness.  For  twenty- 
two  years  the  farm  was  his  home. 

Mr.  Stauss  is  the  oldest  man  now  living  who  set- 
tled on  the  present  site  of  Marysville,    At  the  time 

of  his  arrival  but  one  log  house  stood  where  is  now 
a  thriving  city,  and  the  only  habitation  on  the  Blue 
was  a  small  dugout.  He  first  took  up  a  little  claim  on 
the  Blue  River, and  there  the  entire  family  became  ill 
and  Mr.  Stauss  was  unable  to  work  until  1862;  fort- 
unately he  had  retained  his  tools  and  was  thus  ena- 
abled  to  open  a  little  blacksmith  shop  on  his  farm, 
and  in  that  manner  managed  to  live.  It  is  impos- 
sible to  relate  the  sufferings  endured  by  this  brave 
pioneer  family.  They  were  obliged  to  go  to  Table 
Rock  for  wheat  flour  and  to  the  Missouri  River  for 
the  necessities  of  life.  In  1861  Mr.  Stauss  planted 
thirty-five  acres,  but  did  not  harvest  sufficient  pro- 
duce for  one  meal.  During  the  same  year  he  lost  his 
last  horse  and  ox.  When  he  had  corn  to  sell  it 
brought  but  ten  cents  a  bushel,  and  other  products 
were  sold  equally  low.  However,  Mr.  Stauss  man- 
aged to  rise  above  disaster,  and  v^ith  an  improve- 
ment in  the  general  condition  of  the  country, 
success  rewarded  his  efforts  and  he  finally  attained 
to  independence  and  prosperity.  He  has  not  only  a 
fine  home  on  the  farm  but  a  pleasant  one  in  the 

Mr.  Stauss  voted  at  the  first  election  wherein 
Marysville  was  proposed  for  the  county  seat,  and 
for  all  of  the  county  officers,  and  has  been  present 
at  ever}'  election  since,  contributing  his  quota  to- 
ward upbuilding  Marysville  and  Marshall  County. 
He  was  the  first  settler  on  the  prairie  who  improved 
his  claim.  In  politics  he  is  an  adherent  of  the 
Republican  party,  but  he  is  not  an  office-seeker, 
generally  voting  for  the  candidate  whom  he  thinks 
the  best  qualified  for  the  position.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  Lutheran  Church.  Of  his  children,  August 
married  Miss  Charlotte  Bloker,  by  whom  be  has 
one  child — Dora;  they  reside  on  a  farm  of  his  own 
in  this  township.  Augusta,  who  married  William 
Meinecke,  resides  on  a  farm  in  this  county,  and  is 
the  mother  of  five  children — Minnie,  Rosa,  William, 
Carl  and  Mary,  three  having  died;  Charles,  who  is 
a  resident  of  Newcastle,  Wash.,  is  married  and  has 
one  child,  Mabel;  Henry,  who  married  Emma  Mil- 
ler, is  living  on  the  home  farm  and  is  the  father  of 
three  girls;  Emma,  Lillie  and  Coka.  All  of  the 
children  ai-e  in  good  circumstances.  Mr.  Stauss 
is  considered  a  representative  citizen  of  Marysville, 
and  is  honored  and  respected  by  all  who  knew  him. 



A  brief  description  of  his  farm  buildings  may 
not  be  out  place.  Tlie  house,  which  is  built  of 
stone,  of  pleasing  design  and  finely  finished,  is 
30x40  feet,  two  story  and  cellar,  and  contains  eight 
rooms.  The  main  barn  is  26x30  feet,  with  L's 
24x26  feet,  and  contains  threshers  and  other  other 
farming  implements.  The  granary  is  18x33  feet, 
solidly  built  of  stone,  as  are  all  the  outbuildings. 

ATRICK  A.  BREXNAN.  The  history  of 
one  of  the  leading  farmers  of  Logan  Town- 
ship, and  who  is  pleasantly  located  on  sec- 
tion 34,  is  in  its  main  points  as  follows: 
Mr.  Brennan  was  born  in  Ireland,  and  when  a  mere 
boy  was  brought  to  America  by  his  parents,  John 
and  Johanna  (Whalon)  Brennan.  They  landed  in 
New  York  City,  whence  they  proceeded  to  Rhode 
Island  and  lived  there  nine  years.  At  the  expira- 
tion of  this  time  they  emigrated  to  DeKalb  County, 
111.,  where  the  father  carried  on  farming  until 
1868.  In  the"  fall  of  that  year  they  came  to  this 
county,  and  our  subject,  then  being  a  man  grown, 
secured  his  first  landed  possessions  by  homesteading 
eighty  acres  on  section  2,  Walnut  Township.  He 
carried  on  the  improvement  and  cultivation  of  his 
land,  and  occupied  it  until  1881.  Then  selling  out, 
he  purchased  240  acres,  occupying  a  portion  of 
sections  27,  34  and  35,  in  Logan  Township,  where 
he  now  lives. 

In  1882  Mr.  Brennan  repaired  to  Marysville  and 
engaged  in  the  agricultural  implement  trade  in 
company  with  a  partner,  under  the  firm  name  of 
Dow  &  Brennan.  Two  years  of  this  experience 
sufficed  him,  and  he  then  went  back  to  the  farm,  to 
which  he  has  since  given  his  undivided  attention. 
He  has  put  up  a  good  frame  house,  together  with 
barn,  stable,  etc.,  planted  a  grove  of  forest  trees, 
and  has  a  fruit  orchard  of  about  six  acres.  His 
property  has  been  accumulated  solely  by  his  own 
exertions,  as  he  commenced  in  life  without  means, 
and  with  comparatively  little  business  experience. 
He  knows  how  every  dollar  of  his  property  has 
been  earned,  and  is  consequently  well  fitted  to  take 

care  of  it.  He  has  very  little  time  to  give  to  out- 
side matters,  but  keeps  himself  posted  upon  current 
events,  and  usuall}^  votes  the  Democratic  ticket. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  and  important  events 
in  tlie  life  of  our  subject  was  his  marriage,  which 
took  place  in  Illinois,  the  bride  being  Miss  Marj-, 
a  sister  of  Patrick  Farrail,  whose  sketch  appears 
on  another  page  in  this  Album.  Of  this  union 
there  have  been  born  eight  children  living,  viz.; 
Mary,  John,  Thomas,  James,  William,  Martin,  Katie 
and  Hannah.     One  daughter,  Anna,  is  deceased. 

The  parents  of  onr  subject  came  to  this  county 
a  few  years  after  his  arrival  and  the  mother  died 
in  1885.  The  father  is  still  living  and  makes  his 
home  with  our  subject.  The  familj^  it  is  believed 
for  several  generations  were  natives  of  Ireland,  and 
connected  with  the  Catholic  Church.  Mr.  Brennan, 
aside  from  holding  the  office  of  Clerk  in  Herkimer 
Township  two  terms,  has  meddled  very  little  with 
pulilic  affairs,  preferring  to  give  his  time  to  his 
farming  interests. 

_ .^^ -^^ 

^x^ETKR  CRUSA,  one  of  the  old  and  repre- 
sentative farmers  of  Richland  Township, 
■^  came  to  Northeastern  Kansas  as  early  as 
1869,  and  secured  160  acres  of  land,  oc- 
cupying a  part  of  sections  4  and  5.  He  labored  in 
true  pioneer  fashion  for  a  number  of  years,  bring- 
ing it  to  a  state  of  cultivation  and  erecting  upon  it 
the  necessarj-  buildings.  It  is  now  highly  pro- 
ductive and  valuable,  and  jnelds  to  the  proprietor 
a  generous  income.  Mr.  Crusa  stands  well  among 
his  neiglibors  and  fellow-citizens  as  a  man  deserv- 
ing of  their  highest  esteem. 

A  native  of  Indiana,  our  subject  was  born  in 
1842,  and  lived  there  until  coming  to  Kansas.  He 
acquired  his  education  in  the  common  schools,  and 
lived  with  his  parents  on  the  farm  until  leaving  his 
native  State.  His  father.  Frederick  Crusa,  died  in 
Indiana  on  Christmas  Day,  1886.  His  wife,  Louisa, 
is  still  living  there.  The  parental  household  con- 
sisted of  five  children,  four  of  whom  are  living  in 
this  county,  namely :  L.  J. ;  Peter,  our  subject;  Eliza 
Mrs.  Wagner,  and  Lewis.  Lewis  Crusa  bwns  a  farm 




on  section  6,  in  Richland  Township,  where  lie  has 
lived  for  eight  j'ears.  Our  subject  came  to  Kansas 
in  advance  of  the  family,  and  lived  here  man\' 
years  before  he  was  joined  by  anj'  of  them.  Fred- 
erick Crusa,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  a  native 
of  German}',  where  he  was  reared  and  married. 
Upon  coining  to  America  he  located  near  Brook- 
ville,  Ind.,  where  he  improved  a  farm  from  the 
timber  and  constructed  a  comfortable  home.  Our 
subject  has  made  of  farming  an  art  and  a  science, 
taking  advantage  of  the  new  inventions  of  the  age, 
and  keeping  himself  thoroughly  posted  upon  mat- 
ters of  general  interest  connected  with  agriculture. 
He  inherited  from  a  substantial  ancestry  those  solid 
and  reliable  traits  of  character  which  have  enabled 
him  to  succeed  financially,  and  secure  the  esteem 
and  confidence  of  his  fellow-men. 


X)AVIER  GUITTARD.  This  gentlemnn  is 
familiarly  known  to  the  people  of  this  region 
^  _^  as  the  youngest  son  of  George  Guittard, 
Sr.,  in  honor  of  whom  the  township  where  he  now 
lives  was  named.  The  latter  was  one  of  its  early 
settlers  and  the  first  Postmaster.  His  family  con- 
sisted of  three  sons — George,  Jr.,  Joseph  and 
Xavier.  The  mother,  in  her  girlhood,  was  Miss 
Madaline  Thoman.  The  parents  emigrated  from 
Philadelpiiia,  Pa.,  by  rail  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  whence 
the}-  embarked  on  a  river  steamer  to  St.  Joseph, 
Mo.,  and  from  that  point  proceeded  with  an  ox 
team  to  this  county,  involving  a  journey  of  fifteen 
daj^s,  and  settling  in  the  wilderness  in  advance  of 

In  making  his  journey  from  St.  Louis  to  this 
county,  the  father  of  our  subject,  at  Ft.  Laramie, 
in  company  with  a  partner,  undertook  the  trans- 
portation of  a  load  of  provisions.  There  were 
wild  tales  of  Indian  atrocities,  and  the  partner  be- 
coming frightened  by  the  tales  told  him,  withdrew 
from  his  contract,  leaving  Mr.  Guittard  to  make 
his  waj'  alone.  The  latter,  upon  his  arrival  in  this 
county,  took  up  a  claim  of  160  acres,  and  the  sons 
acquired    land    adjoining,  to   the    extent  of   three 

quarters  of  a  section.  Prior  to  this  venture,  how- 
ever, the  elder  Guittard  visited  this  country,  first 
in  1856,  and  again  in  the  spring  of  1857.  He 
brought  his  family  in  the  fall  of  the  latter  year. 
Their  nearest  neighbors  for  some  time  were  Gen. 
Frank  Marshall,  at  Marysville,  and  a  Mr.  Doyle,  at 
Seneca,  the  first  mentioned  being  located  seventeen 
miles  and  the  latter  twenty-two  miles  away,  and 
there  was  no  physician  nearer  than  the  Missouri 
River.  People  in  those  times  were  obliged  to  keep 
on  hand  a  sujiply  of  quinine,  even  if  they  had  no 

When  our  subject,  with  his  parents,  came  to  this 
region,  Indians  were  plentiful,  including  bauds  of 
Otoes,  Pawnees,  Kickapoos  and  the  Kaws,  or  Pot- 
tawatomies — the  two  latter  tribes  being  the  most 
treacherous  of  any.  The  men  of  the  Guittard 
household,  put  up  a  log  house  20x22  in  dimensions, 
and  other  structures  of  the  same  material  for  the 
accommodation  of  their  limited  supply  of  live 
stock.  They  then  commenced  breaking  the  ground 
around  them,  and  sowed  wheat,  oats  and  barley, 
and  put  in  other  crops.  The  nearest  market  was  at 
St.  Joseph,  110  miles  away,  to  which  they  made 
the  journey  in  a  slow  and  tedious  manner,  with 
oxen,  and  where  they  purchased  the  provisions 
necessary  for  the  family.  Their  house  for  some 
years  was  one  of  the  stage  stations  on  the  old  over- 
land route,  and  one  John  Hockerty  ran  a  weekly 
mail  and  stage  from  St.  Joseph  to  Salt  Lake  City. 
In  1859  this  was  operated  by  Maj.  Russell  Waddle 
&  Co.,  of  Leavenworth,  they  making  the  trip 
weekly  and  taking  in  Leavenworth  and  Pike's  Peak. 
In  1861  there  was  run  a  daily  line  by  one  Ben 
Holliday,  of  New  York  City,  between  St.  Joseph 
and  San  Francisco,  changing  their  four-horse  teams 
once  in  ten  or  fourteen  miles.  In  1863  the  route 
was  changed  somewhat,  and  finallj^,  in  1865  was 
moved  south  on  the  Kansas  Pacific  Railroad. 

T'he  father  of  our  subject  assisted  in  the  organi- 
zation of  the  county,  and  was  appointed  a  Commis- 
sioner, in  which  capacity  he  served  until  tiie  county 
was  divided  into  four  townships,  fifteen  miles 
square,  which  were  named  respective]}':  Marys- 
ville, Blue  Rapids.  Vermillion  and  Guittard.  Mr. 
Guittard  was  made  Deputy  Sherifif,  and  was  instru- 
mfntal  in  the  organization  of  the  first  school  dis- 



trict,  which  embraced  a  territory  nine  miles  square, 
having  within  its  limits  but  a  few  families.  He 
donated  the  site  for  the  schoolhouse,  the  logs  to 
build  it,  and  the  mone}'  to  finish  it,  and  also  fre- 
quently boarded  the  teacher,  in  order  that  the 
school  should  be  kept  up.  He  was  prosperous  in 
his  efforts  at  building  up  a  homestead,  living  to  put 
up  a  substantial  frame  dwelling  and  under  this  roof 
spent  his  last  daj'S,  his  death  occurring  in  March, 

George  Guittard,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  France,  March  5,  1800.  He  lived  there 
until  a  man  of  thirt3'-three  years,  then  set  out  for 
America  with  his  wife  and  family.  The  former,  in 
her  girlhood,  was  Miss  Madeline  Thoman.  Their 
children  were  all  born,  like  the  parents,  in  France, 
Xavier,  our  subject  being  the  youngest.  After  an 
ocean  vojage  of  103  days,  they  settled  in  the  city 
of  Baltimore.  Md.,  where  they  sojourned  three 
years;  thence  they  removed  to  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
where  the  father  was  emplo3'ed  at  his  trade — the 
printing  of  calico — in  the  factories  of  the  Quaker 
City.  They  removed  to  New  York  C'it3Mn  1851, 
and  to  New  Jersey  the  following  year.  In  the 
latter  State  the  "father  opened  up  his  own  factory, 
which  he  operated  until  the  panic  of  1854.  In 
Januarj^  1855,  he  returned  to  Philadelphia,  where 
he  remained  working  at  his  trade  until  December, 
1857.  The  wife  and  mother  is  still  living,  making 
her  home  with  her  son  Xavier,  our  subject,  and  if 
living  until  Oct.  16,  1889,  will  have  attained  the 
eight3'-seventh  year  of  her  age. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  was  born  in  France, 
Maj'  21,  1831,  and  remained  a  member  of  the  par- 
ental household  until  coming  to  this  county.  He 
selected  for  his  portion,  at  the  time  his  father  and 
brothers  took  up  land,  the  southwest  quarter  of 
section  4,  in  Guittard  Township,  and  upon  this  he  has 
since  lived.  It  is  hardly  necessar3^  to  say,  it  has 
been  greatly  changed  from  its  original  condition, 
and  financially-  Mr.  Guittard  has  experienced  a 
change  f  uUv  as  great.  He  is  now  the  owner  of  the 
whole  of  section  4,  and  has  effected  first  class  im- 
provements including  a  good  house,  38x43  feet  in 
dimensions,  and  divided  into  twelve  comfortable 
rooms.  His  main  barn  occupies  an  area  of  30x100 
feet,  and  another  one  is  30x50  feet  in  dimensions. 

The  live  stock  and  machinery  is  amply  indicative 
of  the  progress  and  enterprise  of  the  proprietor. 
The  land  has  been  brought  to  a  high  state  of  cul- 
tivation, and  the  whole  estate  is  not  onlj-  a  credit 
to  him  who  has  built  it  up,  but  a  source  of  pride 
to  this  part  of  tlie  count3^ 

Considering  his  enterprise  and  value  as  a  citizen, 
it  is  not  surprising  that  Mr.  Guittard  has  been 
called  upon  to  fill  the  various  offices  within  the 
gift  of  the  people.  He  has  officiated  as  Township 
Commissioner,  Trustee,  Treasurer  and  Clerk,  hold- 
ing the  latter  office  seven  3-ears,  and  has  officiated 
as  School  Director  for  the  past  fourteen  3^ears.  Po- 
litically he  votes  with  the  Democratic  part3',  and 
sociall3'  is  the  Master  of  Guittard  Grange,  No.  569. 

Since  1860  our  subject  has  been  the  Postmaster 
of  Guittard,  receiving  his  commission  from  Abra- 
ham Lincoln.  Mail  only  comes  to  this  place  twice 
a  week  from  Beattie.  In  the  early  da3-s  it  was 
brought  daily  on  the  overland  route  b3-  stage,  this 
vehicle  transporting  mail  frequentl3'  to  the  value 
of  §35,000  to  $40,000,  and  from  six  to  seven  pas- 
sengers. Its  arrival  was  quite  an  event,  and  formed 
one  of  the  few  occurrences,  which  served  to  en- 
liven the  monotony  of  pioneer  life.  The  Guittard 
famil3'  have  performed  no  unimportant  part  in  the 
settlement  of  this  count3',  and  are  widelrand  fa- 
vorably known  to  most  of  its  prominent  residents. 


EKNER  KREBS  resides  on  a  pleasant  farm 
/'  located  on  section  24,  Balderson  Township. 
'  He  is  a  native  of  Prussia,  where  he  was 
born  Nov.  21,  1840.  He  not  onl3^  obtained  a  com- 
mon school  education  under  the  compulsory  laws 
of  his  native  land,  but  completed  a  thorough  High 
School  course.  At  the  age  of  twent3'-two  3'ears  he 
entered  the  Emperor  Alexander  Garde  Grenadier. 
No.  1.  Company  3,  in  which  he  served  from  1862 
to  1865.  In  1866  he  re-entered,  serving  in  the 
same  compan3-  and  regiment  in  the  war  with  Aus- 
tria, which  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Koeniggraetz 
in  Bohemia.  He  has  the  record  of  being  a  good 
soldier.  He  left  the  Empire  in  1867  and  crossed 
the  Atlantic  to  New  York.     After  a  short  sojourn 



in  Brooklyn,  he  went  to  Alleo;hany  County,  Md., 
to  visit  his  brother.  Rev.  Hermann  Krebs.  After  a 
short  stay  he  went  to  La  Salle  County,  111.,  where 
for  a  year  he  clerked  in  a  store.  In  1868  he  came 
to  this  county  and  took  a  liomestead  on  Mission 
Creek.  In  1870  he  removed  to  his  present  loca- 
tion, wiiere  he  obtained  eighty  acres  of  land,  all 
raw  prairie.  Nearly  all  of  it  is  now  under  cultiva- 
tion and  upon  it  are  being  made  various  improve- 
ments. Mr.  Krebs  devotes  his  entire  attention  to 
his  farm.  In  Dec.  1875,  he  went  back  to  La.Salle 
County,  111.,  where  he  remained  some  eight  months, 
since  which  time  he  lias  been  a  continual  resident 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  during  his  life  a 
man  of  considerable  note.  He  was  born  in  Bar- 
men, Prussia,  March  18,  1803.  He  studied  for  the 
ministry  and  was  graduated  from  the  University  of 
Erlangen.  From  1829  to  1841,  he  preached  in 
Berges  Gladbach.  From  1841  until  his  death, 
which  occurred  June  20,  1864,  he  preached  in 
Hornrath,  where  he  was  buried.  His  death  occurred 
in  a  hospital  in  Godesberg,  where  he  had  gone  for 
treatment  for  drops3^  Hebrews  xiii,  7.  His  wife, 
Caroline  Frederika  (Esch)  Krebs  was  also  a  native 
of  Prussia.  She  was  born  May  19,  1807  and  died 
March  24,  1854.  John  xi,  25  and  26.  The  par- 
ental family  consisted  of  eleven  children,  nine  of 
whom  are  now  living,  our  subject  being  the  eighth 
in  order  of  birtii.  In  1860  tlie  father  paid  a  visit 
to  the  United  States. 

Our  subject  celebrated  liis  marriage  on  July  5, 
1879.  the  bride  being  Eliza,  daughter  of  Bombard 
and  Elizabeth  (Pfetzing)  Mueller.  Mv.  Mueller 
was  born  in  Fulda.Hesse-Dannstadt.and  his  wife  was 
a  native  of  Berge  in  the  same  Grand  Duchy.  They 
spent  their  entire  lives  in  their  native  land,  where 
Mr.  Mueller  died  in  1853,  and  his  wife  in  1856. 
They  were  the  parents  of  three  children,  two  of 
whom  are  now  living.  Mrs.  Krebs  was  the  second 
child,  her  birth  having  occurred  Jan.  14.  1837. 
She  was  first  married  to  John  H.  Duver,  who  died 
in  1876.  Oct.  4,  of  the  next  year,  the  widow  came 
to  Home  Citjs  in  this  county,  where  later  she  was 
married  to  our  subject.  By  her  first  husband  she 
had  three  children,  who  grew  to  maturity.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Krebs  have  one  cliild,  August,  born  June 

16,  1881,  who  is  already  a  verj'  creditable  performer 
on  the  accordeon,  showing  evidence  of  a  decided 
musical  talent. 

Mr.  Krebs  takes  great  interest  in  the  politics  of 
his  adopted  country  and  votes  'the  Democratic 
ticket.  Both  himself  and  wife  are  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  among  whose  ministers  his  father 
had  held  such  high  rank.  He  has  been  Scliool 
Director  and  faithfully  discharged  the  duties  of 
the  office.  He  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinar}' 
intelligence,  of  a  kind  and  tender  hearted  nature, 
industrious  habits  and  high  principles. 

I  OLLIN  S.  FILLMORE,  M.  D.  In  the  per- 
son of  the  subject  of  this  biographj'  we 
W^  have  emphatically  a  self-made  man.  Or- 
^P  phaned  at  an  early  age  by  the  death  of 
both  parents,  he  secured  his  education  by  his 
own  unaided  efforts.  The  struggles  of  his  early 
life,  which  he  met  and  overcame  with  true  Ameri- 
can courage,  were  the  means  of  making  him  self- 
reliant,  and  were  of  inestimable  value  in  the 
development  of  his  character.  He  is  held  in  high 
esteem  by  the  people  of  Blue  Rapids,  among  whom 
he  has  lived  for  tiie  past  six  years,  both  as  a  citizen 
and  a  physician  and  is  rapidly  rising  in  his  profess- 

Dr.  Fillmore  was  born  in  Elkton,  "Washington 
Co..  111.,  Dec.  22,  1854.  His  paternal  ancestors 
were  of  English  descent  and  Puritan  stock.  John 
Fillmore  and  his  wife,  Abigail  Fillmore,  were  mem- 
bers of  the  Massachusetts  colony  in  the  seventeenth 
century  and  their  son,  John  Jr.,  was  born  in  Bos- 
ton, March  19,  1702.  In  a  direct  line  from  him 
tlie  subject  of  this  sketch  is  descended.  This  latter 
John  went  to  sea  and  was  captured  bj'  a  pirate 
named  Phillips,  but  he  and  two  others  turning  about 
captured  the  pirate  vessel  and  brought  her  into 
Boston,  where  Phillips  was  hung  and  John  and  his 
companions  were  rewarded. 

John  Fillmore  was  married  three  times,  havino- 
two  children  by  his  first  wife.  By  his  second, 
formerly,   a    Miss  Day,   he    had  thirteen  children. 



His  third  wife  was  a  widow  Roach,  and  this  union 
was  without  issue.  Nathaniel,  a  son  of  the  second 
wife,was  the  progenitor  of  this  branch  of  the  familj- 
and  the  great-great-grandfather  of  RoUin  S..  our 
subject.  He  was  born  in  Franklin,  Conn,  March 
20.  1740,  and  served  in  three  campaigns  in  the 
French  and  Indian  War,  entering  the  army  when  a 
youth  of  sixteen  years.  He  was  at  one  time  dis- 
abled and  left  in  the  forest  six  days  without  food, 
but  making  a  fire,  roasted  and  ate  his  shoes  and  a 
part  of  his  blanket,  thus  saving  his  life.  He  was 
finally  rescued  and  afterwards  settled  in  Benning- 
ton, Vt.  Later,  he  became  an  ofHcer  in  the  army, 
and  fought  the  battle  at  that  place.  He  was  the 
father  of  six  children,  his  son,  Simeon,  being  the 
great-grandfather  of  Dr.  Fillmore. 

Simeon  Fillmore  was  born  Dec.  13,  1768,  and 
was  twice  married,  first  to  Susannah,  daughter  of 
Joseph  and  Hannah  Glezen,  who  was  born  May  7. 
1766.  and  she  was  the  maternal  ancestor  of  this 
family.  Tliis  couple  had  five  children,  the  second 
of  whom,  named  Sherlock,  was  the  grandfather  of 
him  of  whom  we  write.  Sherlock  was  born  Jan.  li 
1793,and  was  married  Jan.  9,  1817  to  Lois 
Clarence,  N.  Y.,  where  he  continued  to  reside  until 
his  death.  He  had  a  farm  near  tlie  village  and 
raised  sheep.  He  was  somewhat  prominent  in  lo- 
cal afifairs  and  a  Notary  Public.  He  was  twice 
married,  but  there  were  no  children  of  the  second 
union.  His  wife,  Lois,  was  the  daughter  of  John 
and  Judith  Slosson.  and  was  born  Jan.  29,  1798. 
They  bad  five  children:  Euphemia.  who  died  un- 
married; Rollin,  who  is  the  father  of  Dr.  Fillmore; 
Myron,  a  miller  of  Michigan;  Henry,  a  veterinary 
surp-eon  at  St.  Cloud,  Minn.;  and  Emory,  who  died 
in  1866  at  the  age  of  thirty-three,  in  Quincy, 

Rollin  Slosson  Fillmore,  Sr.,  father  of  the  sub- 
ject of  this  biography,  was  born  in  Clarence,  Erie 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  June  24,  1819.  There  he  spent  his 
boyhood  mainly,  pursuing  his  early  studies,  and 
later  he  completed  his  education  in  the  city  of 
Buffalo.  While  still  a  young  man  he  began  teach- 
ing school  and  afterward  studied  medicine,  and 
was  graduated  at  Ilobart  College,  Geneva,  N.  Y"".  in 
1846.  After  some  years  spent  in  the  practice  of 
his  profession    in  his  native    State  he    removed  to 

Elkton,  111.,  where  he  followed  his  calling  for  sev- 
eral years,  and  was  appointed  Postmaster  of  tiiat 
place  under  the  administration  of  President  Fill- 
more, who  was  his  second  cousin. 

In  1857  the  father  of  our  subject  removed  to  St. 
Cloud,  Minn,,  where  he  practiced  until  his  death, 
March  3,  1859,  when  in  the  fortieth  year  of  his  age. 
Had  he  lived  longer  he  would,  undoubtedly,  have 
become  famous.  He  possessed  considerabh'  liter- 
ary  genius,  being  a  frequent  contributor  to  the 
medical  journals,  and  was  considered  a  practictioner 
of  advanced  ideas.  He  was  married  at  Belleville, 
111.,  to  Mrs.  Emily  (Boyakin)  Rider,  a  sister  of 
Coroner  W.  F.  Boyakin,  of  this  county,  under 
whose  name  a  historj^  of  the  family  appears  on  an- 
other page  in  this  Album.  Mrs.  Emii}-  Fillmore 
was  born  in  Giles  County,  Tenn.,  Oct.  27,  1827. 
In  due  time  after  the  death  of  Dr.  Fillmore  she 
became  the  wife  of  -James  Steele,  a  farmer  near 
Nashville,  111.,  and  died  Sept.  8,  1863,  when  nearly 
thirty-six  years  old.  Of  her  union  with  Dr.  Fill- 
more there  were  born  two  children — Emily  E.  and 
the  subject  of  this  sketch.  Emily  is  unmarried  and 
lives  in  Belleville,  111.;  she  was  reared  and  educated 
by  an  aunt  with  a  view  of  devoting  her  life  to  for- 
eign missions,  but  the  precarious  condition  of 
her  relative  prevented  her  from  undertaking  her 
especial  life  work.  She  is  now  one  of  the  promi- 
nent educators  of  Southern  Illinois.  Of  the  third 
marriage  of  Mrs.  Fillmore  there  was  born  one  child 
— Emily  Louise,  who  is  the  wife  of  David  HoUidaj' 
and  lives  in  Coulterville,  111. ;  her  father  is  deceased. 

Rollin  Sherlock  Fillmore,  was  three  jears  old 
his  father  removed  to  St.  Cloud,  Minn.,  where  he 
remained  until  the  latter's  death,  three  years  later. 
He  afterward  spent  a  short  time  in  Michigan  with 
an  uncle,  then  repaired  to  the  home  of  his  grand- 
father, Sherlock  Fillmore,  at  Clarence,  N.  Y.  Sub- 
sequently, going  to  Belleville  with  bis  mother,  he. 
after  her  marriage  to  Mr.  Steele,  removed  with 
them  to  Nashville,  111.,  at  which  time  he  was  in  his 
seventh  year.  He  remained  a  member  of  the  fam- 
ily until  after  the  death  of  his  mother,  whicii  oc- 
curred in  1863. 

In  due  time  after  the  above-mentioned  event 
young  Fillmore  returned  to  Belleville,  and  making 
his  home  with  an  aunt,  attended  the  district  school 



until  about  nineteen  years  old.  For  three  years 
following  he  worked  on  the  farm  in  summer,  sav- 
ing his  wages  to  pay  his  tuition  in  the  High  school, 
which  he  attended  during  the  winter  at  Belleville, 
and  to  which  he  walked  four  miles  and  back  each 
day.  In  this  way  he  spent  tiiree  winters,  and  by 
constant  stud3r  and  reading  during  his  spare  mo- 
ments he  became  thoroughly'  well  informed.  He 
taught  school  and  worked  on  a  farm  until  he  had 
accumulated  enough  to  enable  him  to  pay  for  his 
board  while  attending  the  Normal  school  at  Val- 
paiaiso,  Ind.  He  paid  his  tnition  acting  as  night 

Dr.  Fillmore  was  graduated  from  the  business 
department  of  the  above-mentioned  institution  in 
due  time  and  afterward  taught  school  near  Belle- 
ville for  three  years.  In  this  way  he  earned  and 
saved  his  money  to  pay  his  way  through  the 
Missouri  Medical  College  at  St.  Louis,  having 
3'ears  before  determined  to  become  a  physician. 
He  had  kept  this  object  in  view  with  the  same 
determination  which  had  characterized  his  efforts 
in  gaining  a  classical  education,  and  for  years  had 
been  reading  medicine  while  in  the  Normal  at  Val- 
paraiso, and  while  teaching.  He  was  thus  well  pre- 
pared for  his  medical  studies,  and  in  Jlarch,  1883, 
was  graduated  from  the  Missouri  Medical  College. 

At  Fayetteville,  111.,  in  the  summer  of  1882,  Dr. 
Fillmore  began  tiie  practice  of  his  profession  under 
the  oversight  of  his  Professor  in  college,  and  after 
being  graduated,  established  himself  at  Saline,  111. 
Thence,  in  September,  1883,  he  came  to  Blue  Rap- 
ids, where  he  has  since  lived.  He  soon  attained  to 
an  enviable  reputation  as  a  practictioner,  and  his 
devotion  to  his  profession  lias  gained  liim  tlie  con- 
fidence of  a  large  number  of  patrons. 

On  the  21st  of  December,  1885,  Dr.  Fillmore  was 
united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Ada  Louise,  daughter 
of  Matthew  and  Jennie  (Dimmock)  Burn,  of  Til- 
sonburg,  Canada.  Mrs.  Fillmore  was  born  in  Td- 
sonburg,  Dec.  22,  1863.  Of  her  union  with  our 
subject  there  is  one  child,  a  daughter,  Louise 
Eupheme.  They  occupy  a  snug  home  in  the 
west  part  of  the  city  and  enjoy  the  friendship  of 
its  best  people.  Both  the  Doctor  and  his  estimable 
wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Baptist 
Churcli    at    Blue    Rapids.     The    Doctor    possesses 

considerable  musical  talent,  and  for  the  last  Ave 
years  has  been  the  Chorister  of  his  church,  also 
a  Trustee. 

Besides  the  routine  of  his  practice,  Dr.  Fillmore 
is  filling  various  other  important  positions.  He  is 
Past  Dictator  in  the  K.  of  H.,  Examining  Physi- 
cian of  the  M.  W.  of  A.,  Surgeon  for  the  U.  S. 
Mutual  Accident  Association  of  New  York,  and 
Examining  Surgeon  of  the  Mutual  Life  Insurance 
Company  of  New  York  City.  He  is  also  Medical 
Examiner  of  the  Connecticut  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany of  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  President  of  the 
Building  and  Loan  Association,  a  branch  of  the 
parent  society  of  Minneapolis,  Minn.  He  is  like- 
wise Vice-President  of  the  Marshall  County  Medi- 
cal Society  and  is  Assistant  Surgeon  of  the  Third 
Regiment,  K.  N.  G.,  commissioned  by  Gov.  Mar- 
tin in  1885. 

jt_;^OMER    T.    REED,  late  a  resident    of    this 

0J|)  county,  and  numbered  among  its  most 
•■  highly  respected  citizens,  was  a  native  of 
[^  Connecticut,  and  born  Sept.  23,  1829.  His 
parents  were  David  and  Electa  Reed,  the  former  a 
native  of  Connecticut.  The  parental  family  in- 
cluded nine  children.  Homer  T.  crossed  the  Mis- 
souri at  an  early  day,  and  settled  in  this  county 
among  its  first  pioneers,  with  whom  he  lived  and 
labored  until  departing  this  life  Oct.  5,  1885. 

In  Iowa,  on  the  3d  of  May,  1864,  Homer  T. 
Reed  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Margaret 
Emma,  daughter  of  Enoch  and  Sabra  (Gates) 
Fobes.  This  lady  was  born  in  Ontario  County, 
N.  Y.,  Oct.  3,  1833.  Enoch  Fobes  was  a  native  of 
Massachusetts,  and  his  wife,  Sabra,  was  born  in 
New  York  State.  The  Fobes  family  was  promi- 
nent in  New  England  during  the  Colonial  days,  and 
traced  their  ancestry  to  Scotland  and  Enoland. 
Grandfather  Pcrly  Gates  carried  a  musket  in  the 
War  of  1812. 

When  Mrs.  Reed  was  a  child  of  two  years  her 
parents  removed  to  Genesee  County,  N.  Y.,  where 
she  was  reared  to  womanhood.  Her  father  pur- 
chased land  of  the  Holland  Land  Co.,  settling  in 
Geuesee  County  in  1836,  and  remained  there  until 



his  death.  The  parental  household  consisted  of  the 
following  children :  John  and  Belinda,  deceased  ; 
Gates  L.,  a  resident  of  Cherokee  County,  Iowa; 
Frank,  living  in  Iowa;  M.  E.,  Mrs.  Reed;  and 
George,  deceased. 

The  father  of  Mrs.  Reed  was  one  of  the  earliest 
settlers  of  Genesee  Countj-,  N.  Y.  He  named  the 
town  of  Oakfield,  and  was  instrumental  in  the  es- 
tablishment of  the  first  post-office  there.  He  gave 
to  his  children  a  good  education,  Mrs.  Reed  attend- 
ing Carey  Collegiate  Seminary,  the  Ontario  Female 
Seminary  at  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. ;  and  the  Genesee 
Wesleyan  Seminary  at  Lima,  N.  Y.  Later  she  was 
for  a  time  a  teacher  in  the  High  School  of  Batavia, 
N.  Y.,  after  which  she  taught  in  Jefferson  Female 
College,  at  Jefferson,  Mo.  After  coming  to  Iowa 
she  conducted  a  private  school  in  Decorah.  To 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reed  were  born  four  children,  viz.: 
Ada,  now  the  wife  of  Walter  Short,  of  Kan- 
sas City,  Mo.;  Archibald,  deceased;  Bessie  and 
George,  at  home. 

In  the  spring  of  1870  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Reed  came 
to  this  county,  and  Mr.  Reed  purchased  the  farm 
which  his  widow  now  occupies.  They  resided  for 
a  time  in  Blue  Rapids,  then  removed  to  the  farm. 
The  estate  includes  150  acres  of  choice  land,  with 
o-ood  improvements,  and  the  farm  is  supplied  with 
all  the  buildings  and  machinery  necessary  for  the 
successful  prosecution  of  general  agriculture.  Since 
her  husband's  decease  Mrs.  Reed  conducts  the  farm 
in  a  most  admirable  manner.  She  is  a  lady  of  more 
than  ordinary  intelligence, and  occupies  a  high  po- 
sition in  social  circles.  She  was  formerly  a  member 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  with  which  she  united 
in  girlhood,  and  still  adheres  to  that  belief.  Mr. 
Reed,  politicallj-,  was  a  stanch  Democrat,  and  a  man 
of  decided  views,  one  whose  opinions  were  re- 
spected. The  family  ranks  second  to  none  within 
the  precincts  of  Marshall  County.  Below  we  ap- 
pend an  interesting  resume  of  the  ancestors  of  Mrs. 
Reed's  family,  given  in  the  quaint  style  in  which  it 
has  been  copied  from  the  old  records: 

Pobes — 1.  John  Fobes  (from  Duxbury)  one  of 
the  original  proprietors  of  Bridgewater,  where  he 
settled  and  died  in  1661.  Made  his  nuncupative 
will  before  AVilliam  Brett  and  Arthur  Harris;  His 
widow.  Constant,  sister    of    Experience    Mitchell, 

married  John  Briggs  of  Portsmouth,  R.  I.,  1662. 
He  had  John,  Edward.  Mary,  Caleb,  William, 
Joshua  and  Elizabeth.  John  died  at  George  Al- 
len's in  Sandwich,  1661.  William  married  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  of  Constant  Southworth,  1667  and 
settled  finally  at  Little  Compton  ancl  was  with 
Capt.  Church  in  Phillip's  War.  Joshua  fell  with 
Capt.  Michael  Pierce  of  Scituate  in  that  disasterous 
battle  with  the  Indians  at  Attelboro  in  1676.  Caleb 
went  to  Norwich. 

2 — .  Deacon  Edward  (son  of  John  1.)  married 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Howard  and  had 
Elizabeth,  1677;  John,  1679;  Mary,  1681 ;  Bethina, 
1683;  Hannah,  1686;  Ephraim,  1688;  Joshua, 
1689;  Benjamin.  1692  and  William  1698.  Edward, 
the  father,  died  in  1782.  Elizabeth  married  Joseph 
Keith;  Mary  never  married;  Bathia  married  Sam- 
uel Keith,  1703;  Hannah  married  Timo  Keith, 

3 — .  John  (son  of  Edward  2. — )  married  Abi- 
gail Robinson,  1704  and  had  Mary,  1705;  Edward, 
1707;  Abigail,  1709;  Sarah,  1711;  John,  1714; 
Josiah,  1716;  Nathan,  1719;  Silence,  1722.  He 
died  1725;  she  married  Daniel  Hudson,  1739  and 
died  1762.  Mar}-  married  Daniel  Hudson,  Jr., 
1726;  Edward  died  1736;  Abigail  married  Josiah 
Snell,  1728:  Sarah  married  William  Hudson,  1737; 
Nathan  left  no  children;  Silence  married  Levi 
Chace  of  Sandwich,  1771  who  went  to  New  York. 

4. — .  Ephraim  (son  of  Edward  2. — )  married 
Martha  Snell  1714  and  had  Ephraim,  1716;Mere}^, 
1722;  Bethina,  1725;  Martha,  1728  and  Hannah, 
1731.  He  died  1755;  she  1750.  Mary  married 
Jabez  Field,  1746;  Bathia  or  Betty  married  Ed- 
mund Soper,  1754;  Martha  married  Jonathan 
Snell  1751 ;  Hannah  married  Josiali  AVilliams  1751. 

5 — .  Joshua  (son  of  Edward  2. — )  married  Abi- 
gail, daughter  of  Peter  Dunbar,  1711  and  had 
Bathia,  1712;  Hannah,  1713;  Joshua,  1715;  Mary, 
1717;  Leah,  1720;  Betty,  1724  and  Abigail,  1728. 
He  married  perhaps  Mere}-  Chuchill  of  Plj-mpton 
for  a  second  wife,  1754.  He  died  1767.  Marj' mar- 
ried Robert  Washburn,  1739:  Leah  married  Israel 
Washburn  1740;  Abigail  married  Daniel  Snow  of 
Tit.  1753. 

6^-.  Benjamin  (son  of  Edward  2. — )  married 
Martha  Hunt,  1721  ancl   went  to   Easton   and   had 

Residence  of  J .D.Howe,Sec.35. WatervilleTownship. 

RE5.0F  Thos.Corpstein.Sec.G.  BlueRapid5  CityTownship 

Res.  OF  Mr5. LydiaWertenberger,  Sec.  T.  Waterville Township. 



Joseph  and  Benjamin.  Jesse  was  son  of  Benjamin, 
Jr.,  and  Abner  was  half  brother  of  Jesse  and  mar- 
ried Polly  Ford,  1791  and  went  A\^estward;  Joseph 
Fobes  of  Easton  married  Olive  Hay  ward,  1780; 
Anne  Fobes  of  Easton,  married  Abijah  Packard, 
1767;  Jesse  married  Susannah  Angier,  17!)2. 

7 — .  William  (son  of  Edward  2. — )  married 
Thankful  daughter  of  D welly  of  Scituate,  1725. 
.She  was  born  1706;  they  had  Abner,  1727;  Lucie, 
1732  (baptized  Susannah)  William,  1735;  Edward, 
1738;  Timothy,  1740;  Mercy,  1744  and  Mary, 
1746.  He  died  1764;  she  1776.  Lusanna  married 
Seth  Williams,  1750;  Mercy  married  John  Howard, 
2d,  1768;  William  married  Hannah,  daughter  of 
Deacon  Isaac  Willis;  Edward  married  Orpha 
Leach,  1761  and  had  John,  1761  and  Sylvester, 

8 — .  John  (son  of  John  3. — )  married  ilartha 
Pierce  of  Scituate  1738;  had  Edward,  1739;  Mar- 
tha, 1741  and  Libens.  1743.  He  died  1783;  she 
1795  aged  eighty-two.  Edward  went  to  Lake 
Champlain;  Martha  married  Eliab  Hay  ward,  1762. 

9 — .  Josiah  (son  of  John  3. — ]  married  Free- 
love,  daughter  of  Capt.  Josiah  Edson,  1739,  and 
had  Josiah,  1740;  Perez,  1742;  Jason,  1745;  Abi- 
gail, 1747;  Silvia,  1749;  Ezra,  1751;  Freelove, 
1754;  Alplieus,  1756;  Joseph  and  John,  1758  and 
Nathan,  1761.  The  father  died  1794,  aged  seventy- 
eight;  she  died  aged  ninet3'-three.  Abigail  mar- 
ried Gideon  Shaw  of  Ra3'nham.  1767;  Silvia  mar- 
ried Abraham  Gusheof  Raynhara,1773;  Nathan  was 
a  physician  and  student  under  the  instruction  of  the 
father  of  William  Cullen  Bryant,  and  married  a  Miss 
Soule  of  Plympton  and  died  leaving  a  daughter  who 
is  also  dead  ;  Josiah  J.  married  Sarah,  daughter  of 
Joseph  Pryor,  1766  and  died  j'oung  and  she  then 
married  John  Eaton  of  Mid's,  1780  and  afterward 
Joseph  Bassett,  1798  and  died  1839,  aged  100. 

10 — .  Ephraim  (son  of  Ephraim  4. — )  married 
Susannah,  daughter  of  Thomas  Willis  and  had 
Eliam,  1739;  Silence,  1745;  Abigail,  1746; 
Ephraim,  1748;  Thomas,  1750;  Susannah,  1757; 
Lemuel,  1761 ;  Caleb,  1773.  He  died  1802,  aged 
eighty-five.  Silence  married  Nathaniel  Conant, 
1772;  Abigail  married  John  Morey  of  Norton, 
1776;  Susannah  married  William  Morey,  1780; 
Lemuel  never  married. 

11 — .  Joshua  (son  of  Joshua  5. — )  married 
Esther,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Porter  of  Abington. 
1740  and  had  Azariah,  1741;  Daniel,  1742;  Ruth, 
1744;  Abigail,  1747;  Joshua,  1749;  Caleb,  1750; 
Robert,  1753  and  Solomon,  1756.  Ruth  married 
Ebenezer  Alden  of  Mid's,  1763;  Abigail  married 
Joseph  Cowen.  1772;  Solomon  had  Laben,  Martin 
and  others.  Laben  married  Hannah  Richmond, 
1816  and  remained  iiere.  The  rest  moved  away. 
Caleb  married  Susannah,  daughter  of  Ebenezer 
Keith,  1776  and  went  to  Lyme,  Conn. 

12 — .  Abner  (son  of  William  7. — )  married 
Phebe,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Leach  and  had  Absa- 
lom, 1751  ;  Hannah,  1753;  Edward,  1755;  Jotham, 
1758  and  Molly,  1761.  Absalom  lived  in  Usbridge 
and  died  in  the  Revolutionary  War  and  .Judge  Ab- 
ner Fobes  of  Windsor,  Vt.  is  his  son.  Hannah  mar- 
ried Levi  Leach,  1771;  Edward  went  to  Buckland; 
Jotham  wentto  Genessee  and  his  mother  died  there. 
Charles,  son  of  Judge  Abner  lives  in  Louisville,  Ky. 

13 — .  Timothy  (son  of  AVilliam  7. — )  married 
Mary,  daughter  of  William  Dean  of  Mansfield  and 
had  William,  1767;  Avery,  1770;  Dwelly,  1774, 
killed  at  the  raising  of  the  Baptist  Meeting  House; 
and  Timothy,  1783.  The  father  died  1803;  the 
mother,  1814. 

14 — .  Libens  (son  of  John  8. — )  married  Mehit- 
abel,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  Howard,  1775  and  had 
Libens  and  Mehitabel.  Libens  married  Mar}', 
daughter  of  Benjamin  Leach,  1807;  Mehitabel  mar- 
ried Leonard  of  Easton  and  went  to  Vermont. 

15 — .  Rev.  Perez,  L.  L.  D.  (son  of  Josiah  9. — ) 
graduate  of  Harvard  tl^niversity,  married  Prudence, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel  Wales  of  Raynham  and 
settled  in  the  ministry  at  Raynham  and  died  1812, 
aged  seventj';  he  had  two  sons  who  died  young 
and  two  daughters.  Rev.  Perez  was  born  in  Bridge- 
water,  Mass.,  Sept.  21,  1742,  received  first  degree 
from  Harvard  University  1762,  ordained  Nov.  19, 
1766;  Chaplain  in  Revolutionary  Army.  1777; 
elected  President  of  Brown  University  1786,  dur- 
ing President  Manning's  absence  as  Representative 
in  Congress;  chosen  professor  of  experimental  phi- 
losophy in  1787.  In  1787  he  was  chosen  to  its 
fellowship  and  in  1792  received  highest  honors. 
Anonima  married  Rev.  Simeon  Doggett.  Polly 
married  Rev.  Elijah  Leonard  of  Marshfield. 



16—.  Jason  (son  of  Josiah  9.—)  married  Leah  | 
daughter  of  Israel  Wasbburne,  Esq^  of  Raynham 
and  had  Selina,  1771  ;  Philander,  1773;  Molly, 
1775;  Salmon.  1781;  Davis,  1783;  Clarissa,  1785; 
Shepard,  1787,  and  Laura,  1792.  Selina  married 
Andrew  Alden,  1797;  Philander  went  to  Albany, 
>'.  Y.;  Molly  married  Caleb  Fobes,  1799;  Clarissa 
married  Adin  Alger,  1814;  Laura  married  Charles 
Bassett,  1816. 

17 — .  Ezra  (son  of  Josiah  9. — )  married  JLary 
Shaw  of  Raynham,  1776  and  had  Abigail  1777; 
Susannah.  1779;  Mary,  1781;  Cordana.  1783; 
Ezra,  1785;  Sirena,  1788;  Celia,  1793;  Armena, 
1796  and  Eliza,  1798.  Eliza  married  Albert  S. 
Merrill,  died  May  20,  1888;  Abigail  married  Otis 
Holmes  of  T.,  1796  and  Eaton  Aldrieh,  1807; 
Mary  married  Calvin  Hay  ward,  1801;  Cordana 
married  Lemuel  Dunbar,  1806;  Sirena  married 
Albert  Whitman,  1813;  Celia  married  Elijah 
Fobes  of  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.,  1819. 

18 — .  Alpheus  (son  of  Josiah  9. — )  married 
Mehitabel,  daughter  of  Seth  Lathrop  and  had  Seth, 
1783;  Mehitabel,  1786;  his  wife  died  and  he  mar- 
ried Lucy,  daughter  of  Rev.  Isaac  Backus  of  Mid's, 
1788  and  had  Is.aac,  1789;  Sybil,  1791;  Josiah, 
1793;  Alpheus,  1796  and  Aretas,  1798.  Mehitabel 
married  Alpheus  M.  Withington  of  Milton,  1810; 
Sybil  married  Simeon  Taylor,  1816;  Isaac  married 
Mary,  daughter  of  Timothy  Hay  ward,  1811  and 
then  Olive,  daughter  of  Edward  Mitchell  and  widow 
of  Dr.  Rufus  Walker;  Alpheus  went  to  New  York. 
19 — .  Joseph.  Esq.  (son  of  Josiah  9. — )  mar- 
ried Susan,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Ames,  1782  and 
had  Perez  and  went  to  Oakham. 

2C — .  John  (son  of  Josiah  9. — )  removed  to 
Windsor  and  had  Silas,  Enoch.  Elijah,  Edson,  John 
and  Horatio,  all  now  in  New  York.  He  had  daugh- 
ters also.  Freelove  died  unmarried;  one  married 
Jonathan  Bassett  in  Bridgewater;  Elijah  married 
Celia,  daughter  of  Ezra  Fotjes,  1819;  Susan  mar- 
ried Rodney  O.  Cooley;  Clarissa  married  Henry 
Bryan;  John,  born,  1758;  married  Rosinda  Alden 
of  Middleboro,  1781  and  is  dead. 

21 — .  Eliab  (son  of  Ephraim  10. — )  married 
Mehitabel,  daughter  of  Thomas  Ames,  1759  and  had 
Keziah,  1760;  Martha,  1762;  Thomas,  1764;  Chloe, 
1766;  Mehitabel,  1768;  Eliab,  1770;  Hannah,  1772; 

Susannah,  1774;  Thomas  and  his  wife,  Lydia,  lived 
in  Boston  and  left  no  children;  his  widow  married 
a  Tucker.  Chloe  married  Josiah  Kingman  of  Mid's' 
1781;  Mehitabel  married  Benjamin  Packard  1784 
and  went  to  Vermont;  Martha  married  Oliver 
Washburn.  1787;  Susannah  married  Tliomas 
Hooper,  1795;  Hannah  married  Levi  JNIacomber,  of 
Mid's,  1802. 

22 — .  Ephraim  (son  of  Ephraim  10. — )  married 
Bethia,  daughter  of  Joseph  Ames,  1769  and  had 
Caleb,  an  only  child.  Martin  Fobes  married  Beltie 
Eaton  of  Plympton,  1793;  Azariah  married  Olive 
Leach,  1793. 

23 — .  William  (son  of  Timothy  10. — )  married 
Freelove  French,  1796  and  Mary  Deane,  1798; 
Dwelly,  1801;  Albert,  1804  and  Rhoda  French, 
1807.  He  died  1812  and  the  widow  married  Jonah 
Willis,  1816. 

24 — .  Robert  (son  of  Joshua  11. — )  and  his 
wife  Abiah  had  Zephaniah,  1870;  Reuel,  1783; 
Bela,  1786;  Joshua,  1787  and  Abiah,  1790.  Zeph- 
aniah married  Lurania  Wilber,  1810;  Bela  married 
Alice  Washburn,  1805;  Abiah  married  a  Knapp; 
Joshua  married  Chloe  Keith,  1809. 

25 — .  Avery  Esq.  (son  of  Timothy  1 3. — )  mar- 
ried Lois,  daughter  of  Luther  Hooper,  1801,  had 
Harriet,  1802;  Vesta.  1804;  Cornelia,  1807  and 
Fanny, 1810. 

26 — .  Jesse  (son  or  grandson  of  Benjamin  6. — ) 
married  Susannah,  widow  of  Oakes  Angler,  Esq. 
and  daughter  of  Col.  Edward  Howard,  1792  and  had 
Henrj',  1792.  She  died  1793  and  he  married  Poll}', 
daughter  of  Rev.  Elijah  Packard,  1795  and  had 
Charles  E.,  1795  who  is  an  Attorney  at  Northamp- 
ton and  writes  his  name  Forbes. 

27 — .  Col.  Salmon  (son  of  Jason  16. — )  mar- 
ried Chloe,  daughter  of  James  Leach,  1807  and  had 
Sumner  1807;  Lentha,  1809;  Justin,  1811;  Stella 
Washburn,  1813;  Fidelia,  1816. 

28 — .  Shepard  (son  of  Jason  16. — )  married 
Phebe,  daughter  of  Peter  Dunbar,  1814  and  had 
Alice  Alger,  1818  and  Frederic  H.andel,  1820. 

29 — .  Ezra  (son  of  Ezra  17. — )  married  Han- 
nah, daughter  of  Joseph  Bassett,  Esq.,  1810  and 
had  Franklin  Baylies,  1811  and  .Joseph  Bassett, 

30 — .     Caleb   (son  of  Ephraim  22. — )   married 



Molly,  daughter  of  Jason  Fobes,  1799  and  had 
Bathia  Ames,  1800;  Nancy  Warner,  1802; 
Ephraira,  1805;  Amelia  Washburn,  1808;  Cassan- 
dra Angeline,  1810;  Mary  Wales,  1812;  Jason, 
1815  and  Sarah  Williams,  1820. 

31 — .  Setii  (son  of  Alpheus  18. — )  and  his  wife 
Rachel,  had  Elmira,  1804;  Edwin,  1806;  Angeline, 
1810;  Elbridge,  1812;  Hannah,  1814;  Daniel, 

32 — .  Reuel  (son  of  Robert  24. — )  married 
daughter  of  Samuel  Battles,  1806  and  had  Thomas 
Jefferson,  1806;  Henry  Fraultlin,  1809;  Reuel  Bat- 
tles, 1812;  Willard  Williams,  1814,  and  Robert, 

33 — .  Daniel  (son  of  Joshua  11. — )  married 
Hannah,  daughter  of  Miles  Standish,  1769  and  had 
Azariah,  Daniel  and  others. 

Martha  Fobes  married  William  Conant,  1813. 
Pvlizabeth  Fobes  married  Thanan  Thompson,  1802. 

-  «-r^*<-' >»-f^"^>°f<- -^ 

NDREW  B.  WEEDE.  The  results  of  per- 
severance  and  industry  are  nowhere  more 

I  forcibly  illustrated  than  in  the  home  and 
(^  surroundings    of    this  gentleman  who  has 

only  been  a  resident  of  this  county  since  the  spring 
of_  1883.  He  then  settled  on  a  piece  of  wild,  un- 
cultivated land,  without  fences  or  buildings.  He 
preceded  his  family  to  the  spot  a  few  days  and  put 
up  the  stable  for  his  horses,  but  housed  his  family 
in  this  until  he  was  enabled  to  erect  a  more  sub- 
stantial dwelling,  which  he  did  at  once.  He  then 
began  breaking  the  prairie,  building  fences,  plant- 
ing fruit  trees,  and  now  has  one  of  the  most  beau- 
tiful farms  in  this  region,  comprising  430  acres  of 
fine  land,  300  acres  of  which  are  devoted  to  grain 
and  other  produce  and  the  balance  to  pasture  and 
hay.  About  the  residence  have  been  planted  a 
large  amount  of  fruit  trees  and  shrubbery,  there 
being  900  peach  trees,  200  of  which  are  in  bearing 
condition,  about  seventy  apple  trees  and  probably 
1,000  catalpas,  besides  a  number  of  willows.  The 
residence  and  surroundings  are  in  keeping  with  the 
enterprise   of   the  proprietor,  and  have  that  air  of 

comfort  and  plenty  denoting  cultivated  tastes  and 
ample  means. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Allegheny 
County,  Pa.,  May  6,  1846,  and  was  brought  by  his 
parents  to  Marshall  County,  111.,  when  but  a  child. 
His  father.  Rev.  Nathaniel  Cooper  Weede,  was  a 
minister  of  the  United  Presbyterian  Cliurch,  and 
married  Miss  Jane  Campbell.  The  paternal  grand- 
father was  Reuben  Cooper  Weede,  of  South  Caro- 
lina, whence  he  removed  to  Pennsylvania  at  an 
early  day.  Grandfather  Robert  Campbell  was  a 
General,  commanding  a  division  in  the  army  in 
the  War  of  1812,  and  was  killed  in  battle. 

Our  subject  was  reared  at  his  father's  homestead 
in  Marshall  County,  111.,  and  received  a  common- 
school  education,  remaining  in  that  county  until  a 
youth  of  nineteen  years.  The  familj^  then  changed 
their  residence  to  Starke  County,  III.,  locating  near 
Elmira,  where  they  lived  five  years  then  removed 
to  Birmingham.  Jefferson  Co.,  Iowa.  Our  subject 
was  there  married  to  Miss  Sadie  Kirkpatrick, 
daughter  of  T.  Kirkpatrick,  of  Keokuk  County, 
Iowa,  formerly  of  Bureau  County,  111.  and  among 
the  early  settlers  of  that  region,  to  which  they  had 
removed  from  Ohio  in  1837.  Theo.  Kirkpatrick 
was  born  on  the  27th  of  July, 181  l,in  Utica,Licking 
Co.,  Ohio.  His  father  was  born  in  Lancaster 
County,  Pa.,  and  died  in  Ohio,  aged  about  seventy- 
five.  His  mother,  Flora  Patterson,  died  when  he 
was  a  little  child.  Mrs.  Weede's  mother,  Sophia 
Papp,  was  born  in  Stanton,  Va.,  on  the  27th  of 
August,  1815.  Her  father  was  born  in  Germany, 
her  mother  in  England.  Botii  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Weede's 
parents  lived  to  celebrate  their  golden  wedding. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Weede,  after  ^heir  marriage,  set- 
tled on  a  farm  in  Jefferson  County,  Iowa,  then  re- 
moved to  Keokuk  County,  where  they  sojourned 
until  coming  to  their  present  place.  They  are  the 
parents  of  six  children,  two  sons  and  four  daughters, 
but  their  sons  have  been  taken  from  them  by  deatli. 
The  eldest  daughter,  M.  Estella.  is  attending  the 
academy  and  studj'ing  music  in  Pawnee  City, 
Neb.;  Edna  R.,  Edith  S.  and  K.  Irena  are  the 
younger  cliildren  at  home.  Ralph  D.  died  at  the 
age  of  ten  months,  and  Freddie  C.  died  when  three 
years  and  three  months  old.  Mr.  Weede.  politically, 
though  a  Prohibitionist   in  sentiment  is  identified 



with  the  Republican  party.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
United  Presbyterian  Church,  and  contributed  a 
snug  sum  of  mouey  toward  the  erection  of  the 
church  edifice  at  SummerfieM. 

ATHIAS  KUONI  is  a  native  of  Swltzer- 
1^  land,  where  he  was  born  Oct.  26,  1834, 
jjl  I*  growing  to  manhood  amidst  the  wild  and 
rugged  scenery  of  his  mountain  home. 
The  snow-capped  peaks  of  the  world-renowned 
Alps,  which  catch  and  reflect  the  earliest  rays  of 
the  glorious  "orb  of  day"  throw  long,  dark  shadows 
iicross  the  fertile  valleys  nestling  at  their  feet  like 
sparkling  emeralds  glowing  in  a  deep  setting  of 
(jurest  porcelain.  In  such  a  charming  valley,  the 
subject  of  this  sketch  engaged  in,  what  is  in  other 
less  favored  countries,  the  prosaic  occupation  of 
farming.  Neither  the  picturesque  and  romantic 
scenery,  tlie  hardy,  frugal  lives  of  the  peasants,  nor 
the  simplicity  and  liberality  of  the  constitution  of 
the  little  mountain  Republic,  has  sufficed  to  secure 
them  from  the  ills  and  troubles   of  other   nations. 

Despairing  of  wresting  from  tiie  over-taxed  soil 
an  income  at  all  commensurate  with  his  desires,  Mr. 
Kuoni  determined  to  turn  his  footsteps  to  the  land 
of  hope — free  America — where,  enjoying  the  bless- 
ings of  good  government,  liberty  of  conscience,  and 
abundant  harvests,  he  might  expect  to  obtain  for 
himself  and  children,  a  fuller  measure  of  the  good 
tilings  of  life,  and  a  chance  to  advance  to  a  higher 
plane  in  the  social  and  intellectual  world,  than  was 
offered  by  the  narrow  and  contracted  sphere  of  ac- 
tivity possible  in  his  native  country.  In  May, 
1866,  our  subject  landed  in  New  York,  after  an 
uneventful  voyage  of  thirteen  days.  Shortly  after 
arriving  in  that  city,  he  boarded  the  cars  for  Clii- 
cago,  but  left  soon  after  entering  the  city,  and  lo- 
cated in  Peru,  111.,  where  he  procured  work  in  a 
brewerj'.  He  continued  in  that  employment  about 
fonr  years,  when  he  once  more  turned  his  face  west- 
ward, and  established  himself  in  Marshall  County, 

Coming  to  this  State  in  August,  1869,  Mr.  Kuoni 
immediately  preempted  160  acres  of    land  on   sec- 

tion 12,  Marysville  Township.  Upon  this  farm  he 
erected  a  good  comfortable  residence  for  himself 
and  family,  and  as  rapidly  as  possible  put  up  all 
the  other  necessarjr  buildings,  erecting  them  in  a 
substantial  and  workmanlike  manner,  so  that  they 
are  not  only  conveniently  arranged  within,  and 
large  enough  for  the  purposes  for  which  the}'  are 
used,  but  are  fast}-  in  appearance,  and  tidily  kept 
both  inside  and  out.  Thrift,  economy,  and  shrewd 
management  have  brought  material  prosperity  to 
Mr.  Kuoni.  He  owns  at  present  400  acres  of  good 
land,  all  in  fine  condition  and  well-improved.  In 
addition  to  the  usual  operations  necessary  to  carry 
on  a  farm  successfully,  Mr.  Kuoni  follows  the 
business  of  stock-raising,  giving  close  attention  to 
all  the  details  of  grade,  food,  and  housing,  and 
everj'thing  else  required  to  ensure  a  profitable  re- 
turn of  capital  and  labor  invested  in  the  business. 
It  is,  perhaps,  needless  to  say  that  he  has  been  suc- 
cessful ill  his  chosen  occupation,  as  his  fine  farm, 
excellent  buildings,  and  sleek,  fat  cattle,  speak  for 
themselves,  and  forcibly  impress  the  beholder  with 
the  fact  that  the  owner  of  that  estate  is  a  man  well 
qualified  for  the  business  he  has  undertaken  to  per- 

While  a  resident  of  Switzerland,  Mr.  Kuoni  was 
married  to  Miss  Ursula  Bhonner.  Mrs.  Kuoni  was 
born  in  Malans  City,  Switzerland,  July  19,  1835, 
and  is  a  daughter  of  John  H.  and  Anna  Bhonner. 
She  is  an  excellent  woman,  and  a  worthy  compan- 
ion of  her  good  husband.  She  has  become  the 
mother  of  five  children,  who  are  a  credit  to  their 
parents,  and  a  blessing  to  the  land  of  their  adop- 
tion. Their  names  are:  John.  Michael,  George. 
Christine,  and  Julia..  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kuoni  are  ac- 
tive and  efficient  workers  in  the  Evangelical  Church, 
in  which  denomination  they  have  been  worthy  mem- 
ber for  man}'  years.  Politicallj',  our  subject  be- 
lieves in  the  principles  of  the  Democratic  party, 
and  upholds  his  opinions  with  his  ballot. 

Mr.  Kuoni  is  a  fine  man,  a  good  citizen,  a  first- 
class  neighbor,  and  a  wide-awake,  progressive 
farmer,  one  whose  liberal  ideas,  advanced  methods 
of  working,  and  general  intelligence  make  him  a 
genuine  blessing  to  his  community.  In  addition  to 
the  other  farm  work,  his  son  John  operates  a  cheese 
factor}'  as  a  profitable  adjunct  to   the  business  of 



stock -raising.  This  has  proved  not  only  a  good  in- 
vestment for  using  the  surplus  product  of  his  own 
dairy,  but  is  also  a  great  convenience  to  his  neigh- 
bors. A  fine  lithographic  view  of  the  home  and 
surroundings  of  our  suliject,  appears  elsewhere  in 
this  volume. 

ANIEL  G.  PERDUE.  The  most  success- 
ful men  are  almost  invariably  those  who 
started  in  life  at  the  foot  of  the  ladder  and 
accumulated  their  property  by  habits  of 
industry  and  perseverance,  and  a  rigid  economy, 
adhering  to  their  rule  of  living  within  their  income. 
Twenty  four  3'ears  ago  Mr.  Perdue  was  almost  pen- 
niless and  had  upon  his  hands  a  large  family.  The 
outlook  seemed  discouraging,  but  resolving  to  do 
the  best  he  could  under  all  circumstances  he  went 
to  work,  and  by  pursuing  a  steady  course  of  indus- 
tr}'  and  prudence  for  a  series  of  years,  he  has  be- 
come one  of  the  leading  men  of  his  community,  and 
most  popular  in  social  and  business  circles. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Sumner  County,  Tenn., 
June  10,  1829,  and  is  the  son  of  Luke  Perdue,  a 
native  of  Virginia.  The  latter  left  his  native  State 
about  1820,  and  located  in  Tennessee,  where  he 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  was  by  occu- 
pation a  farmer,  and  accumulated  a  good  property'. 
From  early  manhood  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church.  The  paternal 
grandfather  of  our  subject.  Macheck  Perdue,  was 
of  French  birth  and  ancestry,  and  crossed  the  At- 
lantic with  Gen.  LaFa3'ette  in  time  to  participate 
in  the  Revolutionary  War.  After  the  independ- 
ence of  the  Colonists  had  been  established  he  set- 
tled in  Franklin  County,  Va.,  and  became  very 
wealthy.  He  died  there  at  the  venerable  age  of 
109  years. 

Luke  Perdue  married  Miss  Susan  Bowsman,  of 
Franklin  County,  Va.,  and  after  giving  birth  to 
eight  children  she  died  in  Sumner  County,  Tenn. 
These  children  were  named  respectively,  Elizabeth, 
Catherine,  Mark,  George,  John,  Daniel  G.,  Eli  and 
Mary.  Daniel  G.,  our  subject,  was  the  sixth  child 
of  the  family  and  spent  his  early  years  in  his  native 

county.  He  was  a  man  of  thirty  years  when  he 
located  in  Kansas,  and  first  settled  on  a  tract  of  land 
near  Blue  Rapids.  Subsequently  he  sold  this  dur- 
ing the  war  and  purchased  a  farm  on  the  Blue 
River  near  Irvin.  He  became  quite  prominent  in 
the  community  and  was  a  member  of  the  Board 
of  Trustees  of  Blue  Rapids  Township. 

Finall}',  owing  to  political  troubles  arising  at 
that  time,  Mr.  Perdue  sold  out  once  more  and  re- 
moved with  his  family  to  Wayne  County,  Iowa. 
Not  being  satisfied  with  the  exjjuriment  he  returned 
to  Kansas  a  few  months  later  and  located  in  Doug- 
las County,  but  shortly  afterward  removed  to  Jack- 
son County,  Mo.,  where  he  sojourned  until  1873. 
Then  coming  again  to  this  count}'  he  secured  a 
portion  of  his  present  farm  on  section  20,  Water- 
ville  Township,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resi- 
dent. His  landed  posessions  embrace  250  acres  in 
a  productive  condition,  and  valuable  from  a  finan- 
cial standpoint ;  a  view  of  his  pleasant  home  may 
be  found  elsewhere  in  this  work. 

Mr.  Perdue  received  the  first  nomination  for 
County  Superintendent  of  Schools  of  this  county, 
but  for  good  and  sufficient  reasons  declined  to 
serve.  He  has  been  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  held 
some  of  the  minor  offices.  He  has  a  large  family 
of  intelligent  children,  and  a  very  estimable  wife, 
who  in  her  girlhood  was  Miss  Icy  C.  Frost,  of 
Jackson  County,  Mo.,  and  to  whom  he  was  married 
March  20,  1855.  Mrs.  Perdue  was  born  Aug.  19, 
1838,  and  is  the  daugl'ter  of  John  and  Rebecca 
(York)  Frost.  Of  her  uiiion  with  our  subject  there 
have  been  born  thirieen  children,  viz:  John  H., 
Lilly  B.,  Mark  A.,  Mary  E.,  George  W.,  Luzzetta 
C,  Susan  E.,  Ida  M.,  Edward  G.,  Annie  L.,  Re- 
becca A.,  Daniel  W.  and  Sarah  L.  They  are  all 
residents  of  Kansas  except  Luzzetta,  who  resides  in 

— -^^m- — 

^  OHN  P.  FARRANT.  This  well-known  mer- 
chant of  Blue  Rapids,  took  up  his  abode 
in  this  county  March  27,  1869,  on  which 
da}'  he  arrived  at  Irving,  now  in  Blue  Rap. 
ids  Township.  He  was  born  in  Liverpool,  England, 
Sept.  12,  1828.     The  family  were  for  many  genera. 



tions  residents  of  Devonshire.  Their  ancestors 
came  from  Normand}'  with  Duke  William,  or  as  he 
is  generally  known,  "William  the  Conqueror,  in 
106G,  and  for  centuries  were  people  of  note  in  Dev- 
onshire. One  of  them  was  a  baron  during  the 
reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  &nd  several  were  killed 
at  the  battle  of  Nasebj'.  Some  lost  their  heads  on 
the  scaffold  during  the  reigns  of  Charles  I  and 
Charles  II. 

The  paternal  great-grandfather  of  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was  one  William  Farrant,  a  Devonshire 
man  whose  son,  William,  Jr.,  the  grandfather  of 
our  subject,  engaged  in  the  shipping  business 
and  was  captain  of  a  vessel,  sailing  to  all  parts  of 
the  world.  He  became  the  father  of  a  son.  Henrj% 
the  father  of  John  P.,  of  this  sketch.  Henry  was 
likewise  a  native  of  Devonshire,  and  adopted  the 
profession  of  a  sailor,  becoming  commander  of  a 
vessel,  and  in  the  course  of  his  life  visited  everj- 
part  of  the  world.  He  had  the  reputation  of  being 
a  thorough  seaman  and  followed  his  chosen  calling 
until  two  or  three  years  before  his  death,  having 
been  a  captain  for  thirty-one  years. 

As  was  customary  in  those  days  the  ship  of  Capt. 
Farrant  carried  both  passengers  and  mail  as  well  as 
freight.  His  life  was  full  of  adventure,  and  his 
recollections  were  ver3-  interesting.  Upon  his  last 
trip  to  Const.intinople  he  received  the  usual  "fir- 
man" entitling  him  to  pass  the  ports,  and  knowing 
that  he  would  not  again  visit  that  port,  he  decided 
to  run  past  without  stopping  to  give  it  up.  He 
accomplished  the  feat,  although  he  was  fired  upon 
by  the  Turks,  and  the  '-firman"  is  now  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  by  whom  it  is 
naturally  highly  valued. 

In  1813,  while  Capt.  Farrant  was  on  his  way 
homeward  his  vessel  was  captured  by  a  French 
privateer,  and  he  was  taken  to  Harfleur,  France, 
and  imprisoned  with  officers  of  other  vessels.  They 
by  strategy  succeeded  in  getting  their  jailors  in- 
toxicated, and  making  their  escape  reached  the 
coast  after  enduring  many  hardships.  Itbeino^the 
historically  severe  winter  of  1813,  they  were  en- 
abled to  cross  the  rivers  on  the  ice.  They  traveled 
by  night  alone,  hiding  themseves  in  snow  mounds 
during  the  day.  Finally,  in  pitiable  plight,  they 
were  received  on  board  a  friendly  vessel  and  con- 

veyed to  England.  Capt.  Farrant,  during  his  many 
voyages,  accumulated  curiosities  from  different 
parts  of  the  world.  His  collections  embraced 
Chinese  gods,  articles  of  rare  workmanship,  and 
other  things  curious  in  art  and  nature.  A  box 
which  he  brought  home  from  the  Orient,  and  con- 
sisting of  not  less  than  5,000  pieces,  is  now  in  pos- 
session of  his  son,  the  subject  of  this  sketch.  Like 
most  men  following  the  sea,  he  was  in  disposition 
cheerful  and  buoj'ant,  kind  but  firm  in  the  exaction 
of  duty  from  others,  and  withal  had  a  vein  of  stern- 
ness running  through  his  composition.  He  was  both 
loved  and  respected  b}-  his  children,  and  was  uni- 
versall}'  esteemed  by  all  who  knew  him. 

Capl.Heniy  Farrant  was  born  in  1796,  and  died 
in  1852,  aged  fifty-six  vears.  In  1822  he  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Mar}'  Ann  Farrant,  a  cousin,  also  of 
Devonshire,  who  born  in  1799  and  died  in 
1875,  aged  seventy-six  years.  They  had  a  numer- 
ous familj-,  several  of  whom  died  young,  and  one 
son,  Frank,  who  died  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years  in 
Rio  Janeiro,  of  j-ellow  fever.  He  had  been  designed 
to  follow  in  his  father's  and  grandfather's  footsteps, 
and  that  was  his  first  voyage.  Another  son,  Will- 
iam, who  also  followed  the  sea,  was  lost  with  his 
vessel,  which  was  never  heard  from  after  leaving 
port.  Those  who  lived  to  maturity  were  John  P., 
Ann  and  Caroline.  The  sisters  came  to  America 
some  ye.ars  ago  to  visit  their  brother.  The\'  are 
now  residents  of  Lancashire  and  unmarried. 

John  P.  Farrant  was  educated  in  his  native 
count3',and  at  an  early  age  engaged  in  mercantile 
pursuits,  de.aling  principally  in  teas  at  Liverpool, 
His  health  was  delicate  from  bo3'hood,  and  later  he 
became  subject  to  fits,  which  necessitated  a  change 
of  climate.  He  had  in  the  meantime  been  married, 
and  in  1854,  vvith  his  wife  and  one  child,  crossed 
the  Atlantic,  landing  in  Boston,  and  thence  went  to 
Philadelphia  where  the  wife  had  relatives.  In  that 
city  Mr.  Farrant  engaged  in  the  pickling  and  pre- 
serving business.  A  few  j-ears  later  he  embarked 
in  general  merchandising.  In  1869.  selling  out  his 
business,  he  left  Pennsylvania  and  started  for  Kan- 
sas, arriving  at  Irving,  in  this  county,  in  the  latter 
part  of  March.  He  took  up  a  homestead,  upon  which 
he  lived  until  1875.  That  3'ear  he  removed  to 
Iiarrett  and    resumed    business  as  a  tea  merchant. 



He  was  also  a|)pointed  Postmaster,  aud  soou  became 
the  ticket  and  freight  agent  of  the  Missouri  Pacific 
Railroa(i,  lil<ewise  agent  of  the  PaciSo  Express 
Company  at  Barrett.  In  1887  lie  resigned  the  po- 
sitions of  agent,  and  he  lost  the  office  of  Post- 
master on  account  of  "offensive  partisanship"  under 
the  Cleveland  administration,  after  having  held  it 
eleven  and  one-half  years.  About  the  1st  of  No- 
vember, 1887,  he  embarked  in  his  present  business 
at  Blue  Rapids. 

Mr.  Farrant  was  married  in  Liverpool  England, 
March  1,  1853,  to  Miss  Lilly  Cunningham,  daugh- 
ter of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Calhoun)  Ralston.  Mrs. 
Farrant  was  born  in  that  cit}',  Aug.  16,  1836.  The 
record  of  their  eight  children  is  as  follows:  Henry 
Wesley  is  farming  in  the  Pan-Handle,  Tex.;  Lill3' 
Cunningham  is  the  wife  of  Charles  A.  Cook,  a 
farmer  and  fruit  grower  of  Wells  Township,  this 
county;  Alfred  Kellogg  is  farming  in  Clear  Fork 
Township;  Laura  Elizabeth  is  the  wife  of  Frank 
Allen,  who  is  engaged  in  business  in  Oketo;  Fannj' 
died  in  Phila<lelpliia,  aged  two  years  and  seven 
months;  Frank  is  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business 
in  partnership  with  his  brother-in-law  in  Oketo; 
Oscar  Molan  Frederick  and  William  Gustavus  Ed- 
win are  still  under  the  parental  roof. 

On  the  formation  of  the  Republican  party  Mr.Far- 
raut  joined  its  ranks,  being  an  ardent  advocate  of 
freedom  in  all  proper  forms,  and  has  since  supported 
its  presidential  candidates  from  Abraham  Lincoln 
to  Benjamin  Harrison.  In  the  spring  of  1873  he, 
at  the  solicitation  of  the  leading  men  of  both  par- 
ties, consented  to  become  their  c.indidate  for  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace  and  was  duly  elected.  He  held 
the  office  until  his  removal  to  Barrett.  In  1882  he 
was  appointed  a  Notary  Public  by  Gov.  St.  John, 
and  in  1886  was  re-appointed  by  Gov.  Martin. 
His  present  commission  expires  in  1890.  He  was 
the  first  man  to  receive  a  nomination  for  office  on 
a  distinctive  temperance  issue  in  this  county,  run- 
ning independently  in  1880  for  the  office  of  Pro- 
bate Judge. 

Carefully  trained  in  the  doctrines  of  the  Episco- 
pal Church,  Mr.  Farrant  remained  one  of  its  com- 
municants until  18.58,  when  he  joined  the  Methodist 
Eiiiscopal  Church,  with  which  he  has  since  been 
identified.     Five  months  after  uniting  with  this  he 

was  licensed  as  an  exhorter  and  later  became  a  local 
preacher.  In  1869,  at  the  Philadelphia  Conference, 
he  was  ordained  by  Bishop  Thompson  a  local 
Deacon.  Upon  coming  to  Kansas,  much  to  his  ma- 
terial inconvenience,  he  took  charge  of  the  work 
in  Marshall  County  east  of  the  Blue  River,  a  work 
which  had  been  standing  idle  for  six  months.  He 
devoted  himself  to  this  nearly  two  years,  and  since 
that  time  has  always  been  ready  to  respond  to  calls 
upon  his  services,  cheerfully  giving  of  his  time  and 
means  to  the  furtherance  of  the  Master's  cause. 
While  in  the  ministry  he  officiated  at  the  marriage 
ceremony  of  seventy-three  couples  in  this  county. 
He  and  his  estimable  wife  are  at  present  members 
of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  at  Blue  Rapids, 
Mr.  Farrant  still  preserving  his  office  of  local  Dea- 

Mr.  Farrant  is  a  strong  advocate  of  temperance 
in  all  things,  not  onlj^  in  the  use  of  liquor  and  to- 
bacco, but  everj'thing  where  excess  is  injurious  to 
mind,  health  or  morals.  His  convictions  are  strong 
and  he  does  not  hesitate  to  advance  the  ideas  which 
he  believes  are  right.  Independent,  upright  and 
trustworthy,  he  is  universally'  respected  in  the  com- 
munity, and  is  held  in  the  highest  esteem  by  those 
who  know  him  best. 

^;  OHN  MORTON  ABBOTT.  This  gentleman 
first  set  foot  upon  the  soil  of  Kansas  in 
1871,  and  one  year  later,  in  the  spring, 
established  himself  upon  atractof  wild  land 
in  Clear  Fork  Township, within  whose  limits  he  has 
since  made  his  home.  He  came  to  this  section 
comparatively  without  means,  and  his  history  since 
that  time  is  not  widelj'  different  from  that  of  many 
others  around  him  who  possessed  the  hardy  and 
adventurous  spirit,  coupled  with  great  resolution 
and  perseverance,  which  was  indispensible  to  suc- 
cess in  their  undertaking.  Mr.  Abbott  is  now  the 
owner  of  485  broad  acres,  all  but  five  acres  of  which 
lies  on  section  27,  and  the  greater  part  of  which 
has  been  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation. 
When  he  settled  u|)on  his  first  purchase  not  a  fur- 
row had  been  turned,  and  the  country  was  princi 



pally    peopled    by  wild    animals,  and  not  a  great 
while  prior  to  this  by  Indians. 

Mr.  Abbott  is  essentially  a  Western  man,  his  na- 
tive place  having  been  in  Whiteside  County,  111., 
where  he  was  born  March  25,  1850.  The  offspring 
of  a  good  family,  he  is  the  son  of  Asa  M.  and 
Sarah  (Sperry)  Abbott,  the  former  a  native  of  Ver- 
mont, and  the  latter  of  Trumbull  County,  Ohio. 
The  Abbott  family  is  of  English  ancestry,  and  was 
first  represented  in  America  as  early  as  1643,  in 
which  year  they  settled  in  Massacliusctts.  The 
Sperry  family  traces  its  ancestry  to  Wales  and  some 
of  them  crossed  the  Atlantic  in  1620.  They  also 
settled  in  the  Bay  State. 

The  maternal  grandmother  of  our  subject  was  a 
Lamonte,  and  a  descendant  of  the  French  Hugue- 
nots who  emigrated  to  America  early  in  the  seven- 
teenth century,  and  settled  in  the  South.  The 
paternal  great-grandfather  of  our  subject  was  one 
Benjamin  Abbott,  who  was  a  commissioned  priva- 
,teer  during  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  took 
several  prizes  for  gallant  services.  He  finally  de- 
stroyed his  vesssel  by  fire  in  order  to  prevent  its 
capture  by  a  British  man-of-war.  He  fought  at 
the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill,  and  the  gun  which  he 
used  upon  that  occasion  is  still  in  the  possession  of 
the  family. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  reared  to  man's 
estate  in  his  native  county,  in  which  his  father  was 
an  early  settler,  locating  there  in  1845,  and  where 
he  died  April  8,  1889.  The  mother  is  still  living 
there.  John  M.  received  his  education  in  the  com- 
mon schools,  which  he  attended  principall}'  during 
the  winter  season,  while  in  the  times  of  plowing, 
sowing  and  reaping  he  was  required  to  make  him- 
self useful  on  the  farm.  All  the  boj'S  of  the  pa- 
rental family  grew  up  efficient  and  intelligent  men. 
Charles,  the  eldest  of  the  family,  is  conductor  on  a 
railroad  in  Utali.  One  brother,  Theodore  S.,  is 
Chief  Engineer  of  the  Mexican  National  Railroad 
in  Mexico;  Edward  L.  is  a  civil  engineer  and  a  mem- 
ber of  the  firm  of  Louie,  Smith  &  Co.,  of  New  York 
City;  William  L.  is  a  mechanical  engineer  and  pro 
preetor  of  an  electric  light  plant  in  Chicago,  111. ; 
another  brother,  Alfred,  is  the  owner  of  a  farm  in 

In   his   political    views   Mr.  Abbott   is   fully  in 


sympathy  with  the  principles  of  the  Republican 
party,  to  which  he  gives  his  uniform  support.  He 
has  been  a  member  of  the  School  Board  in  his  dis- 
trict for  a  number  of  years,  and  takes  considerable 
interest  in  local  politics.  Socially,  he  belongs  to 
the  Masonic  fraternity,  being  a  member  of  the 
lodge  at  Irving.  He  has  a  very  pleasant  family, 
consisting  of  his  wife  and  six  children — Alfred  M.. 
Ruth  M.,  Myra  A.,  Bessie  M.  and  Bernard  V.  (twins) 
and  Ivy  P.  The  wife  of  our  subject,  to  whom  he 
was  married  Dec.  2,  1871,  was  formerly  Miss  Han- 
nah E.  Knight,  daughter  of  Porter  Knight,  of 
Northport,  Me.  Mrs.  Abbott  was  born  March  16, 
1853,  in  Massachusetts. 

ONATHAN  M.  B^ROST,  a  farmer  on  sec- 
tion 36,  Walnut  Township,  had  some  thrilling 
experiences  while  quite  a  young  man,  and  a 
complete  record  of  his  career,  were  it  ever 
written,  would  make  a  volume,  interesting  and 
exciting.  When  sixteen  years  old  he  left  Jackson 
County,  Mo.,  the  home  of  his  birth,  and  entered 
the  Confederate  Armj',  being  compelled  to  take 
that  course  or  fly  the  country,  as  his  sentiments 
were  favorable  to  the  Union.  He  spent  six  months 
in  the  service,  during  that  time  taking  part  in  many 
engagements,  among  them  those  at  Independence, 
Lone  Jack,  and  Boston  Mountain.  At  the  last- 
named  battle,  which  occurred  Nov.  28,  1862,  his 
horse  was  shot  under  him.  From  there  he  went  to 
visit  an  uncle,  who  resided  near  Fayetteville,  Ark., 
and  who  was  a  strong  supporter  of  the  Union. 

After  the  battle  of  Prairie  Grove,  our  subject 
went  to  the  scene  of  the  conflict  and  began  teaming 
for  a  division  quartermaster  of  the  Union  Armj-, 
and  later  drove  a  team  for  the  medical  directors. 
Thence  he  went  to  Cape  Girardeau,  and  took  boat 
for  St.  Louis  and  Nebraska  City.  From  the  latter 
point  he  crossed  the  plains  to  Ft.  Laramie,  trading 
with  the  Sioux  Indians  for  a  couple  of  years.  He 
then  came  to  this  county,  and  at  Marysville  hired 
a  horse  to  bring  him  to  the  home  of  his  brother-in- 
law,  in  the  vicinity  of  his  present  home.  Upon  his 
arrival  he  was  met  by  Union  soldiers,  accompanied 




by  two  citizens,  Jefferson  Cox  and  Mr.  Casey,  who 
arrested  him  on  the  charge  of  being  a  rebel  soldier 
and  spy.  Having  been  conveyed  to  the  home  of 
Mr.  Burnett,  he  was  searched  and  his  valise  opened 
and  examined.  He  was  then  taken  across  the  Blue 
River  to  tlie  home  of  Mr.  Cox,  where  he  wa? 
guarded  until  the  next  morning,  and  then  told  by 
his  captors  that  if  he  would  enlist  in  the  Union 
Army  freedom  would  be  granted  liim.  A  soldier 
acting  as  commissioned  officer,  administered  the 
oath,  the  act  being  a  mere  farce,  however,  as  he 
was  not  an  officer.  The  next  day  one  of  the  sol- 
diers went  to  Ft.  Riley,  while  the  other  accompa- 
nied our  subject  to  the  vicinity  of  Irving  to  see  his 
mother.  Here  they  spent  a  day,  and  upon  their 
return  to  this  neighborhood  our  subject  gave  the 
horse  which  he  had  hired  in  charge  of  a  messenger 
to  convey  back  to  Marysville.  The  weather  was  in- 
tensely cold  and  the  river  full  of  ice,  and  before 
the  village  was  reached  the  horse  was  frozen  to 

Our  subject  with  the  soldier  started  for  Wild 
Cat  Creek,  the  prisoner  walking  while  his  captor 
rode.  After  traveling  some  distance  he  was 
allowed  to  ride,  and  now,  having  possession  of  the 
soldier's  small  arms,  he  took  the  back  track.  He 
spent  some  days  in  the  neighborhood  where  he  had 
been  arrested,  vainly  endeavoring  to  elude  the 
company  of  men  pursuing  him.  In  an  attempt  to 
ford  the  Blue  River,  the  heavy  floating  ice  made  it 
impossible  for  his  horse  to  cross,  so  he  left  the  ani- 
mal and  managed  b3'  means  of  a  log  to  cross  the 
stream.  During  his  attempts  to  swim  the  horse  his 
clothes  had  become  quite  wet,  and  as  he  walked 
along  the  stream  they  rapidly  stiffened  in  the 
severe  cold.  It  was  very  late  when  the  light  of  a 
distant  cabin  appeared  to  iiis  view,  and  thither  he 
hurried,  although  impeded  by  frozen  feet  and  heavy 
ice-laden  garments.  In  this  lonely  refuge  he  was 
given  some  supper  and  warmed  sufficiently-  to  be 
able  to  take  off  his  boots.  He  made  inquiry 
as  to  the  way  to  Marysville,  but  was  careful  when 
leaving  to  take  the  opposite  direction.  Early  the 
next  morning  he  reached  the  cabin  of  Mr.  Van 
Iloosier,  whom  he  had  once  known,  and  there  he 
obtained  much  needed  bodily  nourishment  and  a 
short  rest.     Mr.  Van  Hoosier  furnished  him  au  ox, 

upon  which  he  rode  some  distance  in  order  to  pre- 
vent leaving  his  own  tracks  in  the  snow.  Getting 
onto  the  prairie,  where  the  snow  was  blown  off  the 
ground,  he  lay  down  in  the  cold,  with  the  earth  for 
a  couch,  and  with  nothing  to  eat  except  buffalo 
meat  and  corn  bread.  It  was  his  intention  to  re- 
main on  that  desolate  spot  until  the  darkness  of 
night  would  protect  him  from  the  bullets  of  a  pur- 
suing foe.  In  the  meantime  the  Union  soldiers 
reached  Mr.  Van  Hoosier's  house.  Here  the  trail 
was  lost,  and  after  hunting  through  the  house  and 
failing  to  find  trace  of  him  they  sought,  they 
threatened  to  hang  Mr.  Van  Hoosier,  suspecting 
him  of  knowledge  of  the  young  man's  whereabouts. 
They  promised  to  give  our  subject  a  fair  trial,  and 
Mr.  Van  Hoosier  put  them  on  his  track.  They 
soon  captured  him,  and  kept  him  under  guard  in 
Mr.  Van  Hoosier's  house  until  the  next  day,  then 
conveyed  him  to  Mr.  Casey's,  where  he  was  put 
into  the  hands  of  a  company  from  Ft.  Riley,  taken 
to  that  fort  and  put  in  the  guard  house.  He  was 
given  a  trial,  during  which  the  little  he  had  done 
for  the  Confederate  cause,  and  his  sympathy  with 
the  Union,  were  stated  by  him,  and  being  proved 
true,  secured  his  release. 

Returning  to  this  neighborhood,  Mr.  Frost  made 
a  short  sojourn,  and  in  the  spring  of  1864,  went 
West  by  a  stage  line  to  Cottonwood,  Neb.,  again 
entering  upon  trade  with  the  Sioux.  He  learned 
to  converse  in  the  Sioux  language,  and  is  still 
fluent  in  its  use.  After  making  two  trips  to  Salt 
Lake,  and  spending  one  winter  in  herding  cattle  on 
the  Platte  River  at  the  foot  of  the  Rockies,  he  re- 
turned to  his  native  county  in  Missouri.  After- 
ward he  bought  886  head  of  Texas  cattle,  and 
drove  them  to  Junction  City,  Kan.,  for  sale.  Re- 
turning to  Missouri,  he  married  Miss  Sarah  I. 
Long,  a  native  of  North  Carolina,  and  a  lady  held 
in  high  esteem  by  all  who  know  her.  Believing 
this  county  to  be  the  only  place  where  his  reputa- 
tion was  below  par,  he  chose  it  for  his  home,  and 
has  proved  his  loyalty  to  his  country,  at  the  same 
time  building  up  an  enviable  reputation.  He  now 
owns  320  acres  of  fertile  land,  and  on  the  spot 
where  his  original  cabin  stood,  has  erected  a  sub- 
stantial stone  house.  On  these  broad  acres  he  pro- 
secutes successfully  the  work  of  farming  and  stock- 



raising,  being  chiefly  interested  in  Clydesdale 
horses,  of  which  he  has  a  fine  gr.ade. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  John  Frost,  was  a  na- 
tive of  South  Carolina.  When  a  young  man  he 
went  to  North  Carolina,  and  there  married  Miss 
Rebecca  York,  a  native  of  that  State.  After  living 
there  several  years,  in  1818  they  removed  to  Jack- 
son County,  Mo.,  where  the  father  died.  The 
mother  later  married  again,  her  second  husband, 
David  Daily,  being  by  a  previous  marriage  the 
father  of  twenty-six  children.  In  the  fall  of  1863 
she  with  two  sons  came  to  Kansas,  bringing  what 
goods  could  be  hauled  by  one  yoke  of  oxen;  and 
locating  in  this  county,  where  she  passed  to  her  last 
rest,  though  in  the  interim  she  spent  a  few  years  in 
Missouri.  Our  subject  was  one  of  a  familj'  of  ten 
children,  seven  of  whom  now  survive. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Frost,  wife  of  our  subject,  is  the 
daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Doub)  Long, 
of  German  aneestr}'  and  natives  of  North  Carolina, 
where  the}'  married  and  reared  a  family  of  six  chil- 
dren. In  this  home  the  mother  died,  and  there  the 
father  still  lives.  She  has  borne  her  husband  one 
living  child,  a  son,  John ;  one  child,  died  in  infancy. 

Mr.  Frost  is  a  member  of  the  Congregational 
Church,  while  his  wife  holds  membership  in  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church.  He  is  a  believer  in 
and  supporter  of  the  principles  of  the  Republican 
party.  He  is  a  man  of  progressive  ideas,  keeping 
well  abreast  of  the  times  in  matters  pertaining  to 
his  occupation,  as  well  as  in  all  topics  of  general 
information,  and  is  a  reliable  citizen  and  prominent 
in  his  communit}-. 

On  arLOther  page  in  the  Albdji  may  be  found  a 
lithographic  engraving  of  the  pleasant  home  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Frost. 


^^EORGE  M( 
if  <5*7  gentleman 
^^  by  the    tra 

^^EORGE  MOSER.  The  homestead  of  this 
is  observed  with  admiring  eyes 
avcler  passing  along  the  central 
line  of  Mar3'sville  Township.  The  farm,  700  acres 
in  extent,  has  been  brought  to  a  high  state  of  cul- 
tivation, and  is  embellished  with  neat  and  substan- 
tial modern  buildings,  while  the  live  stock,  farm 
jnachiuery,  groves,  apple  orchard,  and  trees  of  the 

smaller  fruits,  indicate  in  a  marked  manner  the  in- 
dustry and  enterprise  which  have  been  employed, 
no  less  than  a  generous  outlay  of  hard  cash.  In 
Marshall  County,  as  in  most  parts  of  the  great  "West, 
the  thrifty  German  has  made  a  lasting  impression, 
and  Mr.  Moser,  as  a  leading  representative  of  this 
nationalit}',  is  worthy  of  more  tlian  a  passing  no- 

Our  subject  was  born  in  what  was  then  the  king- 
dom of  Wurtemberg,  Germany,  Aug.  26,  1833.  and 
lived  there  until  a  j'oung  man  of  twenty  3'ears.  In 
the  meantime  he  received  a  practical  education, 
being  placed  in  school  at  an  earlj'  age,  and  continu- 
ing his  studies,  until  a  lad  of  fourteen  years.  Later 
he  occupied  himself  mostly  at  farming.  All  these 
years  his  mind  had  been  busily  at  work,  and  not 
being  satisfied  with  the  progress  he  was  making 
financiall}-,  he  determined  upon  emigrating  to 
America.  Accordingly,  in  the  spring  of  1853,  he 
embarked  in  a  sailing  vessel  at  Antwerp,  and  after 
a  voyage  of  fort3-three  days  landed  in  New  York 
C'it3'.  Thence  he  proceeded  to  Toledo,  Ohio,  and 
secured  emplo^'ment  on  a  farm  about  three  miles 
from  the  city.  After  working  there  two  months 
he  repaired  to  Chicago,  111.,  and  for  about  two 
years  thereafter,  was  variously  employed  on  the 
canal  and  railroad,  and  at  other  labor.  We  next 
find  him  in  the  vicinit}'  of  Paris,  Edgar  Co.,  111., 
where  he  worked  on  a  farm  two  j'ears.  In  1857 
he  crossed  the  Mississippi  into  Henry  Count}',  Mo., 
where  he  was  employed  at  farm  work  and. other  oc- 
cupations until  the  spring  of  1859.  He  then  pro- 
ceeded to  Pike's  Peak,  but  in  the  fall  returned  to 
Mar3-sville  this  county,  bringing  with  him  as  his 
sole  earthly  possessions,  three  yoke  of  oxen  and  a 
pon3'.  his  Pike's  Peak  enterprise  not  having  been 
ver3'  profitable  from  a  pecuniary  standpoint. 

In  the  fall  of  1859  Mr.  Moser  preempted  160 
acres  of  land,  six  miles  east  of  the  present  site  of 
Marysville,  upon  which  a  village  had  just  been 
begun.  He  settled  upon  his  land  tiie  following 
spring,  and  gave  his  attention  to  its  cultivation  and 
improvement  until  1865,  when  he  traded  it  for  320 
acres  in  Marysville  Township,  where  he  now  lives. 
Later  he  added  to  his  landed  estate,  and  has 
now  700  acres,  all  of  which  lias  been  brought  to  a 
productive  condition.     He  has  made  a  specialty  of 



stock  raising,  an  industry  which  has  yielded  him 
handsome  returns. 

Soon  after  coming  to  this  eonntj-,  Mr.  Moser 
was  married,  July  1,  1860,  to  Miss  Mary  Sclunid, 
who  was  born  in  Hohenzollern,  Germmy,  July  4, 
1843.  She  lived  there  until  a  child  of  ten  years, 
and  then  came  to  America  with  her  parents,  with 
whom  she  remained  until  becoming  the  wife  of  our 
subject.  Of  this  union  there  were  born  thirteen 
children,  eight  of  whom  are  living,  namely:  Eosa, 
who  is  the  wife  of  Anton  Huber,  Jr.,  of  Her- 
kimer Township;  Amalia,  who  became  the  wife  of 
John  Huber,  and  died  Sept.  24,  1889;  Minetta, 
John,  Frank,  Matilda,  Katie,  George  and  Andrew 
are  at  home.  One  little  daughter,  Annie,  was 
drowned  in  the  Big  Blue,  when  five  years  old. 
Elizabeth,  Freddie  and  William  died  in  infancy. 
The  mother  of  these  children  departed  this  life 
Sept.  14,  1888.  She  was  a  lady  possessing  many 
estimable  qualities,  was  a  devoted  wife  and  mother, 
and  her  death  was  greatly  mourned  b}'  her  husband 
and  children. 

Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen.  Mr.  Moser 
identified  himself  with  the  Democratic  part}-.  He 
keeps  himself  posted  npon  current  events,  and  is  a 
man  whose  opinions  are  highly  respected.  A  fine 
lithographic  view  of  the  handsome  farm  and  resi- 
dence of  Mr.  Moser  is  shown  on  another  page  of 
this  volume. 

FREDERICK  WAGNER.  The  farming  and 
stock-raising  interests  of  Murray  Township, 
acknowledge  a  worthy  representative  in 
Mr.  Wagner,  who  owns  and  operates  a  snug  farm 
of  eighty  acres  on  section  9.  He  located  here  on 
the  raw  prairie  in  1879,  and  by  the  exercise  of 
great  industry  and  good  management  has  brought 
the  soil  to  a  thorough  state  of  cultivation  and 
erected  good  buildings,  besides  making  fences,  set- 
ting out  fruit  aud  shade  trees,  and  gathering  about 
himself  and  his  family  all  the  other  comforts  and 
conveniences  of  farm  life.  He  makes  a  specialty 
of  live-stock  and  avails  himself  of  modern  methods 
and  modern  maehiner}'.  keeping  himself  well  posted 

upon  the  improvements  which  are  constantly  oc- 
cui-ring  in  connection  with  farm  work  as  with 
other  industries. 

A  native  of  the  Grand  Duchy  of  Mecklenburg. 
Germany,  our  subject  was  born  March  17,  1842, 
and  lived  there  until  emigrating  to  America,  upon 
whose  shores  he  landed  Feb.  19,  1872.  He  re- 
mained a  resident  of  the  Empire  State  one  year, 
then  coming  westward  located  in  Livingston 
County,  111.,  of  which  he  was  a  resident  six  years. 
Thence  he  came  to  this  county  and  is  now  num- 
bered among  the  reliable  and  prosperous  men  of 
Murray  Ton-nship.  There  descended  to  him  from 
his  substantial  German  ancestry  those  elements  of 
character  for  which  his  nationality  is  noted,  and  by 
which  he  has  been  enabled  to  attain  to  a  good 
position  sociallv  and  flnanciallj'  among  his  fellow- 

John  F.  Wagner,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
also  of  German  birth  and  parentage  and  a  farmer 
by  occupation.  He  died  prior  to  the  birth  of  his 
son,  Frederick.  The  mother,  Mrs.  Catherine 
(Nangle)  Wagner,  .also  a  native  of  the  Fatherland, 
lived  to  be  sixty-three  years  of  age.  Both  parents 
were  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  Frederick 
was  the  youngest  child  of  the  family,  only  two  of 
whom  came  to  the  United  States,  himself  and  his 
sister  Mary,  the  latter  of  whom  became  the  wife  of 
Frederick  Fuger,  and  is  now  deceased. 

Mr.  Wagner  lived  in  his  native  Germany  until 
a  man  of  thirty  years,  and  after  coming  to  Illinois 
was  married  in  Livingston  County,  to  Miss  Sophia 
Shultz  — she  dying  shortly  after  their  marriage; 
he  afterward  married  Miss  Mary  Clinsman.  Mrs. 
Wagner  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  March  21 
1857,  and  removed  with  her  parents  to  Peoria 
County,  III.,  where  they  lived  until  1873.  They 
then  changed  their  residence  to  Livingston  County 
where  they  still  reside.  To  our  subject  and  his 
estimable  wife  there  have  been  born  eight  children 
four  of  whom  are  deceased,  namely,  Minnie  Frank 
Jesse  and  a  babe  unnamed.  The  survivors  are 
Harry,  John,  Lewis  and  Irena  M.,  all  of  whom  are 
at  home  with  their  parents. 

Mr.  Wagner,  upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen, 
identified  himself  with  the  Republican  party  and 
later  served  .as  a  soldier  in  the  late  Civil  War  two 



years.  Both  he  and  his  good  wife  are  members  of 
the  German-Baptist  Church.  They  have  a  com- 
fortable and  pleasant  home,  live  at  peace  with  their 
neighbors  and  enjoy  the  society  of   many  friends. 

"S^RASTUS  CUTLER,  one  of  the  leading  men 
of  St.  Bridget  Township,  may  be  usually 
found  at  his  well-appointed  farm  on  section 
7,  where  he  has  effected  good  improvements  and 
is  successfully  prosecuting  agricultural  pursuits. 
The  commonwealth  of  Missouri  finds  a  worthy 
representative  in  Mr.  Cutler,  who  was  born  in  Ray 
County,  that  State,  March  10,  1838,  and  is  the  son 
of  Thaddeus  and  Lemira  (Scott)  Cutler,  who  are 
still  living,  making  their  home  in  Ness  County, 
Kan.  The  parental  household  included  eight  chil- 
dren, five  of  whom  are  living.  The  paternal  grand- 
father of  our  subject  was  Alpheus  Cutler,  who 
served  as  a  captain  in  the  War  of  1812.  The 
grandfather  of  our  subject  settled  near  Fredonia, 
X.Y.  He  spent  his  last  days  in  Iowa;  he  with  his 
two  brothers,  one  of  wliom  was  named  William, 
became  quite  famous  in  the  Indian  wars.  He  was 
a  man  of  powerful  frame  and  great  courage,  and 
had  many  a  hand-to-hand  encounter  with  the  sav- 
ages, in  each  of  which  he  came  out  victorious. 

Our  subject  removed  with  his  parents  to  Illinois 
and  later  to  Iowa,  and  when  twenty-two  years  old 
commenced  farming  in  the  latter  State  for  himself. 
That  same  year  he  was  married  to  Miss  Martha  J. 
Wliiting,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Martha  (Hurl- 
but)  Wliiting,  and  who  was  born  in  La  Fayette, 
Ind.  Two  of  the  Whitings  served  under  Gen. 
AVinfield  Scott  in  the  Mexican  War,  and  one  at  an 
earlier  day  served  under  Gen.  Washington  in  the 
Revolutionary  War. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cutler  after  their  marriage  settled 
in  Fremont  County,  Iowa,  where  our  subject  fol- 
lowed farming  for  a  time,  then  removed  to  Mis- 
souri. Thence  in  the  spring  of  1881  he  came  to 
this  county  and  settled  on  section  7,  St.  Bridget 
Township.  The  farm  comprises  115  acres  and 
lies  three-fourtlis  of  a  mile  south  from  the  growing 
town  of   Summerfleld.     About    100  acres  is  under 

cultivation,  and  one-half  mile  away  is  the  site  of 
the  contemplated  $3,500  school-house,  upon  which 
the  citizens  of  this  region  look  with  pardonable 
pride.  Politically  Mr.  Cutler  votes  with  the 
Union  Labor  party.  He  was  formerly  identified 
with  tlie  Democracy. 

Two  of  the  seven  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Cutler  died  in  infancy.  The  survivors  are  re- 
corded as  follows:  Jennie  Louisa  is  the  wife  of  Her- 
bert Rouse,  and  they  reside  on  a  farm  in  Richland 
Township;  the3-  are  the  parents  of  three  children 
living;  Anna  Belle  is  the  wife  of  D.  L.  Wandling, 
they  have  two  children,  and  live  on  a  farm  in 
Richland  Township.  Mina  Cordelia  obtained  a 
thorough  education  and  occupies  herself  as  a  teacher ; 
Emma  Jeanettc,  a  bright  and  interesting  j'oung 
lady  remains  with  her  parents  at  home,  as  also  does 
the  j'oungest  son,  George  Walter. 

^^  APT.  JESSE  R.  SITLER,  Mayor  of  Axtell, 
[l(  _  is  one  of  the  leading  business  men  of  the 
■^^7  town,  and  has  been  closely  connected  with 
its  growth  and  development.  He  has  for  the  last 
seven  years  been  a  leading  grain  dealer  of  the 
county,  and  in  the  meantime  has  erected  a  large  ele- 
vator with  a  capacit3-  of  10,000  bushels,  which  he  sold 
later  to  other  parties.  He  emploj's  two  buyers,  one 
of  these  being  stationed  at  Mina,  and  the  other  at 
Kearney  on  the  Northwestern  Railroad.  He  is  the 
owner  of  a  large  amount  of  real  estate  both  in  this 
and  Nemaha  counties,  including  400  acres  of  land 
which  at  the  time  of  purchase  was  mostly  a  raw 
prairie,  and  which  he  has  brought  to  a  good  state 
of  cultivation. 

Capt.  Sitler  came  first  to  Kansas  in  1870,  but  did 
not  settle  permanently  in  this  county  until  1877. 
Prior  to  this  he  had  lived  in  different  parts  of  the 
West,  and  for  some  time  operated  as  a  contractor  in 
Iowa,  on  the  Illinois  Central  Railroad,  also  the 
Santa  Fe  in  Kansas,  the  Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas 
in  t,he  Indian  Territory,  tlie  Texas  Central  in  Texas, 
and  others.  He  has  lived  west  of  the  Mississippi 
River  since  the  close  of  the  late  Civil  War,  and 
most  of   the  time  west  of  the  Missouri  as  far  as 



Idalio.  He  was  in  Cheyenue,  Wyo.  Ty.,  when  that 
now  flourishing  city  was  a  hamlet  of  a  few  houses. 
and  had  some  experience  with  the  Indians.  Upon 
the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  he  enlisted  in  the 
86tii  Pennsylvania  Infantry  as  a  private,  and  at 
once  went  .South  to  his  regiment,  operating  first  in 
South  Carolina,  after  which  occurred  the  engage- 
ment at  Bermuda  Hundred,  Va.,  under  command  of 
Gen.  Butler.  Later  our  subject  was  present  at  the 
battle  of  Cold  Harbor,  after  which  the  76th  was 
made  a  part  of  the  18th  army  corps,  and  assigned 
to  the  command  of  Gen.  Grant,  going  with  liim  in 
tiie  Petersburg  campaign.  In  October,  1864,  he 
was  present  at  the  taking  of  Fort  Harrison,  tlien 
was  present  at  tlie  battle  of  Chapin's  Farm,  remained 
tliere  on  picket  duty,  and  was  tlien  ordered  to  ac- 
company the  expedition  to  Ft.  Fisher  under  Gen. 
Butler.  Tiie  regiment  remained  on  shipboard 
about  tiiirty  days  prior  to  returning  from  tlie  un- 
sucessful  expedition.  In  January,  1865,  our  sub- 
ject was  in  command  of  a  detachment  of  the 
regiment  tliat  was  left  on  Cbapin's  Farm  on  garrison 
duty,  while  the  balance  of  the  regiment  went  to 
North  Carolina,  his  detacliment  following  in  Feb- 
ruary. He  witnessed  the  taking  of  Wilmington, 
N.  C,  and  was  present  for  duty  in  all  the  service  of 
the  regiment,  with  the  exception  of  ten  days.  After 
hostilities  ceased,  he  was  on  provost  duty  at  Raleigh, 
N.  C.  Later  this  regiment  became  a  part  of  the 
armj^  of  the  Tennessee,  fighting  under  Gen.  Sher- 
man until  the  surrender  of  the  Rebel  General  John- 
ston. This  was  the  last  active  engagement  of  tlie 
war,  and  occurred  the  latter  part  of  April,  18G4. 
Our  subject  in  the  meantime  had  received  a  Cap- 
tain's commission,  commanding  Company'  A,  and 
was  mustered  out  with  this  title,  receiving  his  hon- 
orable discharge  at  Raleigh,  N.  C,  July  19,  1865. 
He  had  arisen  from  a  private  through  the  various 
grades,  being  first  a  Corporal,  then  Sergeant-Major, 
Oct.  25,  1864;  was  made  Second  Lieutenant  Nov. 
10,  following,  and  a  First  Lieutenant  at  Wellington, 
N.  C,  March  10,  1865.  He  assumed  the  duties  of 
Captain,  April  15,  1865.  Daring  the  siege  of 
Petersburg  he  was  slightly  wounded,  hut  aside 
from  this  escaped  unharmed. 

Capt.  Sitler  was  born  in  Meadville,  Crawford  Co., 
Pa.,  Sept.  14,  1834,  and  is  the  son  of  George  Sitler, 

a  Pennsylvania  farmer.  The  paternal  grandfather 
was  Jacob  Sitler,  a  native  of  Berks  County,  Pa., 
and  one  of  the  first  men  to  settle  in  the  wilderness 
of  Crawford  County.  In  the  latter  he  spent  the 
last  days  of  his  life,  dying  at  the  ripe  age  of  eighty- 
four  years.  He  was  of  the  regular  old  Pennsylva- 
nia stock,  and  in  his  conversation  always  used  the 
patois  adopted  by  that  class  of  people.  He  mar- 
ried a  Pennsylvania  lady,  Miss  Catherine  Foust, 
who  was  of  similar  ancestry  to  her  husband,  and 
who,  like  him,  lived  to  a  good  old  age. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  born  in  Berks 
Count}',  Pa.,  and  when  about  eight  years  old,  went 
with  his  parents  to  Crawford  County,  where  he  was 
reared  to  manhood  and  married  Miss  Sarah  Robins, 
a  native  of  New  Jersey,  but  reared  in  New  York 
State.  Her  father,  William  Robins,  was  of  New 
England  birth  and  parentage,  and  the  family  re- 
moved from  New  York  to  Crawford  County,  Pa., 
where  grandfather  Robins  in  due  time  settled  upon 
a  farm  and  spent  his  remaining  days,  dj'ing  when 
quite  aged.  The  son,  George,  learned  the  trade  of 
a  carpenter,  which  he  followed  for  some  years  after 
his  marriage,  but  finally  turned  his  attention  to 
agricultural  pursuits,  which  he  followed  until  his 
death  in  Crawford  County.  He  was  liorn  Feb.  20, 
1798,  and  departed  this  life  May  8,  1883,  at  the  ad- 
vanced age  of  eighty-five  ye.ars.  The  wife  and 
mother  survived  until  October  1886.  She  was 
born  Nov.  12,  1805.  Both  were  members  of  the 
Presbyterian  Church. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  one  of  six  chil- 
dren, who  grew  to  mature  years,  and  lived  to  be 
married.  Five  of  these  are  yet  living.  Those  be- 
sides Jesse  R.  ,are  residents  of  Kansas,  Iowa  and 
Pennsylvania.  The  latter,  like  his  brothers  and 
sisters,  acquired  a  practical  education  in  the  common 
schools,  and  later  followed  the  profession  of  a 
teacher  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  He 
was  married  near  his  old  home  in  Crawford  County, 
Pa.,  March  5,  1877,  to  Miss  Mina  Beatty,  who  was 
born  in  Harmonsburg,  May  2,  1844.  The  parents 
of  Mrs.  Sitler  were  John  and  Mary  (Hope)  Beatty, 
likewise  natives  of  Pennsylvania,  and  reared  in 
Crawford  County,  of  which  their  ancestors  had 
been  residents  for  probably  several  generations. 
Joseph,  the  father  of  John  Beatty,  was  born  in  the 



vicinity  of  Leesburg,  Va.,  Julj'  2,  1771,  but  was 
reared,  and  married  in  Pennsylvania.  His  wife  was 
Susan  Lintner,  a  native  of  the  latter  State,  who  was 
born  March  23,  1779.  They  lived  there  some  time 
after  their  marriage,  then  changed  their  residence  to 
Crawford  County  in  the  summer  of  1806.  There 
they  spent  their  last  days,  each  attaining  to  about 
three-score  years. 

John  Beatty  and  his  estimable  wife,  after  mar- 
riage,were  residents  of  Cr.awford  County,  Pa.,  until 
their  decease.  The  father  of  Mrs.  Sitler  departed 
this  life  May  10,  1885,  having  survived  his  vvife  a 
period  of  eighteen  years,  her  death  taking  place 
March  24, 1 867.  Both  were  members  of  the  United 
Presbyterian  Church.  They  were  the  parents  of 
three  children  only,  of  whom  Mrs.  Sitler  is  the  only 
survivor.  Of  her  union  vvith  our  subject  no  chil- 
dren have  been  born.  Both  the  Captain  and  his 
wife  are  members  in  good  standing  of  the  Presby- 
terian Church,  in  wiiich  he  has  officiated  as  Elder 
for  some  3'ears.  He  was  the  first  Mayor  of  Axtell, 
and  in  politics  is  a  stanch  Republican.  Both  he  and 
his  estimable  wife  are  great  favorites  in  their  com- 
munity, being  intelligent,  genial  and  hospitable, 
extending  to  both  friend  and  stranger  that  courteous 
treatment  which  never  fails  to  bring  its  reward. 

'\t;AMES  O.  WHEELER.  The  farming  and 
stock-raising  interests  of  Blue  Rapids  City 
Township,  aclaiowledge  a  most  worthy  rep- 
(^j//  resentative  in  Mr.  Wheeler,  who  may  be 
usually  found  at  his  well-regulated  homestead,  oc- 
cupying eighty  acres  of  land  on  section  7.  He  may 
be  properly  called  a  self-made  man,  one  who  in 
early  life  was  thrown  upon  his  own  resources  and 
had  many  difficulties  to  contend  with.  The  true 
state  of  affairs  may  be  appreciated,  perhaps,  when 
it  is  known  that  upon  the  day  he  became  of  .age  he 
was  the  possessor  of  only  seventy-Bve  cents  in 
money  and  was  5i30  in  debt.  He  is  now  well  to-do 
and  a  man  of  standing  in  his  commuuity. 

The  native  place  of  Mr.  Wheeler  was  in  Wabash 
County,  Ind.,  and  the  date  ot  his  birth  Feb.  11, 
1845.       His    parents    were     Milton     and    Charity 

CBeroth)  Wheeler,  the  father  a  native  of  North 
Carolina  and  the  mother  of  South  Carolina.  His 
paternal  grandfather  is  believed  to  have  been  a 
soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  he  also 
served  in  the  War  of  1812.  James  O.  Wheeler  was 
reared  to  manhood  in  his  native  State  and  bred  to 
farm  pursuits.  He  acquired  his  education  in  the 
schools  of  his  native  county  and  as  ma}"  be  sup- 
posed, his  advantages  in  all  respects  were  far  in- 
ferior to  those  enjoyed  by  the  youth  of  to-daj-. 
He  was  deprived  of  a  father's  care  by  death  when 
a  lad  of  seven  years  and  shortly  afterward  was 
wholh'  orphaned  by  the  death  of  his  mother. 

Being  thus  left  alone  in  the  world,  Mr.  Wheeler 
was  bound  out  to  a  farmer  of  his  native  county, 
with  whom  he  remained  until  reaching  his  majoritj'. 
In  the  meantime  during  the  progress  of  the  Civil 
AYar,  he  entered  the  ranks  of  the  LTniou  armj',  en- 
listing Aug.  4,  1863,  when  a  youth  of  eighteen 
years,  in  Company  C,  llBih  Indiana  Infantry  as  a 
private.  He  met  the  enemy  in  battle  at  Walker's 
Ford,  Forest  Springs,  and  other  engagements,  and 
at  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  enlistment  received 
his  honorable  discharge  in  March,  1864.  He  en- 
dured the  ordinary-  hardships  and  privations  of  life 
in  the  army  and  made  for  himself  a  good  I'ecord  as 
a  brave  and  faithful  soldier. 

Upon  retiring  from  the  service  Mr.  Wheeler  re- 
turned to  his  native  county  in  Indiana,  and  was 
there  married  March  13,1866,  to  Miss  Sally  A. 
Stewart.  There  was  born  of  this  union  a  son  and 
daughter,  William  Harrison  and  Henrietta  M.  Mr. 
Wheeler  remained  a  resident  of  Indiana  until  1870, 
then  crossing  the  Mississippi  came  to  Kansas,  and 
located  first  in  Washington  County.  After  a  resi- 
dence there  of  six  j'ears,  he  in  1876  came  to  this 
county,  having  disposed  of  the  160-acre  farm  which 
he  had  homesteaded  in  Washington  County-.  The 
80-acre  tract  of  land  of  which  mention  is  made, 
was  improved  about  as  we  now  see  it.  He  is  a  man 
who  meddles  very  little  with  public  affairs,  but  keeps 
himself  posted  upon  events  of  general  interest  to  the 
intelligent  citizen,  and  supports  the  principles  of  the 
Republican  part}-.  He  has  seen  much  of  pioneer  life 
in  Kansas,  witnessing  with  warm  interest  the  growth 
and  development  of  a  region,  which  comparativel}' 
a  few  years  since,  was  largel}-  the  home  of  wild  ani- 



mals  and  Indians.  Aside  from  serving  as  School 
Director  in  his  district,  he  has  never  held  ofBce. 
Socially,  he  belongs  to  the  G.  A.  R.,  Robert  Hale 
Post,  at  Blue  Rapids.  Mrs.  Wheeler  is  a  member 
of  the  Methodist  Churcli. 

J^;UGUST  FKAHM.  This  gentleman  bears 
i©7L)[|    the  distinction  of  being  one  of  the  first  to 

I  *  settle  on  the  present  site  of  Waterville. 
^J  Of  German    birth    and    ancestry,  he  first 

oi)ened  his  e^'es  to  the  light  in  Meeiilenberg-Sch  werin 
Dec.  '24,  1823.  His  father,  John  J.  Frahm,  was  a 
native  of  the  same  province,  followed  gardening  all 
his  life  and  died  in  his  native  Gerinanj'.  He  was 
an  honest  and  upriglit  man  and  accumulated  some 
means  although  not  becoming  wealthy. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Ellinor  Erdmau.  She  likewise  was  a  native  of 
Germany  where  she  spent  her  entire  life.  There 
were  born  to  her  and  her  husband  five  children,  of 
wliom  August,  our  subject,  was  the  third.  He 
continued  a  resident  of  his  native  province  until  a 
man  of  twenty-five  years,  receiving  a  good  educa- 
tion and  working  with  his  father  at  gardening  until 
1850.  Then  he  decided  upon  emigrating  to  America 
and  for  a  year  thereafter  was  located  in  Louisiana. 
In  1851  he  came  North  to  Iowa,  where  he  sojourned 
until  I860,  then  changed  his  residence  to  Leaven- 
worth, Kan.  He  subsequently'  removed  to  Atchison 
County,  and  was  engaged  in  farming  until  1867. 
During  tlie  three  ensuing  years  he  sojourned  in 
Waterville.  In  1870  locating  his  family  at  Denison, 
Tex.,  he  assisted  in  building  the  Missouri,  Kansas 
&  Texas  Railroad,  through  the  Indian  Nation,  a 
work  which  occupied  his  time  until  the  middle  of 
1879.  During  that  time  and  the  following  years 
he  went  to  the  Chickasaw  Nation  and  established 
an  academy  for  the  Indians. 

In  July,  1 880,  our  subject  returned  to  this  county 
and  established  himself  at  Waterville,  where  he  has 
since  remained,  engaged  as  an  Insurance  and  Col- 
lection Agent,  also  Justice  of  the  Peace.  After  the 
outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  Mr.  Frahm,  in  1862, 
joined  the  Union   ranks  as  a  color  bearer   for  the 

13th  Kansas  Infantry  and  served  in  that  capaeitv 
until  late  in  1865.  Being  taken  prisoner  by  the 
Confederates  at  Big  Cabin  Creek  in  the  Indian 
Territory,  he  was  held  as  such  until  the  close  of  the 

In  1850,  while  a  resident  of  Louisiana.  Mr. 
Frahm  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Sophia 
Kroger,  who,  like  her  husband,  was  born  in  Ger- 
many. Their  only  child,  a  son,  William,  died 
when  a  promising  young  man  of  twenty-three 
years.  Our  subject,  politically,  is  a  sound  Repub- 
lican, and  takes  an  active  i)art  in  local  affairs.  He 
is  one  of  the  leading  members  of  the  G.  A.  R.,  and 
a  man  highly  respected  by  all  who  know  him.  He 
commenced  the  battle  of  life  dependent  upon  his 
own  resources  and  while  he  may  not  be  called 
wealthy  he  is  well  situated  financially,  with  suffi- 
cient to  provide  for  him  in  his  old  age.  For  many 
years  he  has  been  connected  with  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternity in  which  he  has  always  manifested  a  warm 

Elsewhere  in  the  Album  may  l)o  found  a  fine 
engraving  of  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frahm. 

OHN  J.  MOFFITT,  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser 
of  Wells  Township,  where  he  owns  and  oc- 
cupies a  well-improved  farm  of  eight}'  acres 
^__^  on  section  4,  is  a  native  of  Washington 
County,  Pa.  He  was  born  Sept.  28,  1857,  and  is 
a  son  of  Dr.  George  W.  and  Elizabeth  B.  Moffltt. 
Dr.  Moffltt  removed  with  his  family  to  this  county 
in  1869,  settling  on  section  4,  Wells  Township. 
He  there  homesteaded  eighty  acres  of  land,  upon 
which  he  still  resides.  He  is  a  dentist  of  experi- 
ence, and  one  of  the  first  in  this  county,  havino- 
also  had  three  years'  practice  in  Topeka,  this  State. 
Dr.  Moffltt  and  his  wife  were  the  parents  of  six 
children:  Charlotte,  wife  of  Herman  McKee,  in 
Frankfort;  Martha  M.,  wife  of  John  Shearer,  on 
section  1,  Wells  Township;  Minnie  M.,  wife  of 
James  Montgomery;  Lizzie,  Georgia,  and  our  sub- 
ject.    Mrs.  Moffltt  died  Jan.  25,   1879. 

The  gentleman  of  whom   we   write,   was   about 
twelve  years  of  age  when  tlio   family   removed    to 



Kansas.  He  was  reared  to  manhood  partly  in  town 
and  partly  upon  a  farm,  and  received  his  education 
in  the  public  schools  of  the  county.  When  but 
eight  years  old,  be  began  his  investigations  in  the 
dental  profession  in  his  father's  office,  and  during 
the  next  ten  3'ears  acquired  a  practical  understand- 
ing of  the  profession.  He  then  began  practice  for 
himself,  and  has  since  followed  dentistry.  He  now 
has  an  office  in  Franljfort,  and  enj03fs  a  good  pat- 
ronage. He  also  carries  on  his  farm,  and  raises  a 
good  grade  of  both  Hereford  and  Durham  cattle. 
Mr.  Moffitt  was  united  in  marriage  Feb.  18,  1  885, 
with  Alice  D.  Barrett.  She  is  a  native  of  Iowa, 
and  daughter  of  John  K.  Barrett,  now  of  Center 
Township,  this  county.  The  result  of  the  union 
has  been  one  son,  John  J.,  born  April,  1,  1887. 
Mr.  Moffitt  is  at  present  Treasurer  of  the  School 
District  in  which  he  resides.  He  is  a  Republican 
in  politics,  and  an  earnest  advocate  of  that  party. 
He  is  an  industrious  and  enterprising  man,  and  has 
accumulated  all  his  present  possessions  since  the 
age  of  twenty-seven.  He  is  a  man  of  honor  and 
integrity,  intelligent  and  public-spirited,  and  has 
many  friends  in  the  locality  whose  growth  he  has 
witnessed,  and  to  which  he  has  contributed. 

\«**^ANFORTH  FAIRBANKS,  of  Blue   Rap- 
j    )jj   ids,  has  been  a  resident  of  that  place  for 
/j*jk^    seventeen     years,    iiaving    arrived    here 
^'^  March  13,  1872.     He  was   born    in  Catta- 

raugus County,  N.  Y.,  April  3,  1839,  his  parents 
being  David  and  Ellmira  (Johnson)  FairbanlvS. 
The  father  was  a  native  of  Vermont,  whence  he 
went  to  New  Yorli  State  when  quite  a  young  man. 
He  settled  on  a  farm  in  Cattaraugus  County,  which 
was  then  new  and  unsettled,  and  there  he  died  in 
1863.  His  wife  is  still  living  in  that  county,  and 
is  now  eighty-two  years  of  age.  Mr.  Fairbanks 
passed  a  quiet  and  uneventful  life,  engaged  in  the 
occupation  of  a  farmer.  He  and  liis  wife  were  the 
parents  of  ten  children,  all  born  in  Cattaraugus 
County.  They  were:  Cynthia,  who  was  the  wife 
of  Allen  L.   Nichols,  and  who  died  in  her  native 

county;  Artemus  is  still  living  there;  Polly  is  the 
wife  of  Moses  Lowe,  living  near  Meadville,  Pa. ; 
Daniel  is  in  San  Diego,  Cal.;  Ladacia  is  the 
widow  of  Noble  L.  Reed,  and  lives  in  Cattaraugus 
Count}-;  Adelia  was  wife  of  James  Darling,  and 
died  in  her  native  county;  Hannah,  wife  of  Lores- 
tin  Foss,  of  Kane  County,  111.,  died  while  in  Massa- 
chusetts on  a  visit;  Danforth  came  next;  Mary 
Jane  was  the  next  born,  and  is  now  living  in  her 
native  county,  and  is  married  to  Ira  Ruland; 
Ephraim  is  a  resident  of  San  Diego. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  brought  up  to  the 
occupation  of  a  farmer,  and  lived  at  home  until  he 
was  of  age.  He  then  began  for  himself,  and  was 
employed  at  farm  work  until  August,  1862,  when 
he  joined  the  Union  army,  being  enrolled  in  Com- 
pany A,  154th  New  York  Infantrj-.  The  regiment 
was  attached  to  the  Armj'  of  the  Potomac,  and  Mr. 
Fairbanks  with  it  took  part  in  the  battles  of  Chan- 
cellorsville  and  Gettysburg.  At  the  latter  place 
he  was  taken  prisoner,  July  1,  1863,  with  almost 
all  of  what  was  left  of  his  regiment.  He  was  first 
taken  to  Richmond,  Va.,  and  spent  eight  months 
at  Belle  Isle.  From  there  he  was  taken  to  Ander- 
sonville,  where  he  was  kept  until  the  close  of  the 
war,  except  during  the  time  the  prisoners  were 
taken  away  for  fear  that  Sherman  might  succor 
them.  At  that  time  they  were  taken  to  Savannah, 
Millen,  and  other  places  to  keep  them  out  of  the 
way  of  the  Union  troops.  The  hardships  endured 
in  the  rebel  hell  broke  down  Mr.  Fairbank's  con- 
stitution, as  it  did  t'.iat  of  many  another  brave  sol- 
dier, besides  killing  thousands  outright,  and  when 
on  April  28,  I860,  the  prisoners,  with  a  refinement 
of  cruelty,  were  turned  loose  about  twenty  miles 
from  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  he  was  in  a  trul}-  bad 
plight.  He  reached  the  lines  of  Jacksonville  after 
a  painful  tramp,  and  was  from  there  taken  on  a 
transport  to  Annapolis.  Md.  Thence  he  was  sent 
to  New  York  City,  receiving  his  discharge  at 
Elmira,  June  20,  1865. 

As  soon  as  his  health  was  partially'  restored,  Mr. 
Fairbanks  carried  on  a  farm  as  best  he  could  for 
two  or  three  years.  But  the  condition  in  which 
iiis  imprisonment  had  left  him,  made  it  impossible 
for  him  to  do  much  hard  work.  In  1870  he  sold 
his  farm  in  New  York,  and  the  following  year  came 





to  Blue  Rapids,  where  his  brother  Daniel  was  then 
located,  to  see  what  the  country  looked  like.  Lik- 
ing its  appearance,  he  removed  to  that  place  the 
following  spring,  and  has  ever  since  made  Blue 
Rapids  his  home.  For  ten  years  he  and  his  wife 
kept  the  Riverside  House,  a  large  boarding-house 
at  the  bridge  over  the  Blue  River.  But  of  late 
years  he  has  had  to  give  up  all  thought  of  work, 
for  which  he  is  totally  unfitted  by  the  state  of  his 

In  Cattaraugus  County,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  17,  1865, 
Mr.  Fairbanks  was  united  in  marriage  with  Eliza- 
beth .S.  Mj'ers,  daughter  of  George  and  Maria 
(Streeter)  Myers.  The  father  was  a  farmer  in 
Cattaraugus  County,  where  the  mother  ^died,  and 
he  subsequently  removed  to  Harlan  County,  Neb., 
where  he  died.  Mrs.  Fairbanks  was  born  in  Smith- 
field,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  20,  1836.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Fairbanks  have  one  child,  a  son,  named 
Glenn  W.,  who  makes  his   home  with   his  parents. 

Since  his  residence  in  Blue  Rapids,  Mr.  Fairbanks 
has  been  three  times  a  member  of  the  Council,  and 
has  several  times  refused  to  accept  olticial  positions. 
He  is  a  member  of  Robert  Hale  Post  No.  328, 
G.  A.  R.,  of  Blue  Rapids.  Mr.  Fairbanks  has  been 
a  .nartyr  to  his  patriotism,  and  he  bears  the  life- 
long suffering  caused  by  rebel  barbarity,  with  a 
patience  and  fortitude  which  does  him  infinite 
credit.  An  upright  and  just  man,  and  a  citizen  of 
irreproachable  character,  he  is  justly  esteemed  by 
everyone  who  knows  him. 

jffit^  RS.  HARRIET  P.  GILCHRIST,  who 
Ijl  |\\  owns  and  carries  on  .an  extensive  stock- 
I  11'  ranf''  on  section  3,  Blue  Rapids  City  Town- 
*''  sh'      was  born    in  the  city  of   New  York, 

June  20,  I  3,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Jeremiah  and 
Sarah  (M\v_"s)  Eames.  Her  father  was  a  native 
of  New  Hampshire,  and  a  well-educated  and  intel- 
ligent man.  In  early  life  he  learned  the  trade  of  a 
cabinet-maker,  and  on  arriving  at  years  of  man- 
hood  established  himself  in    this    business  in  New 

York  City,  and  was  quite  prosperous  until  the 
great  fire  of  1835.  This  devastated  a  large  por- 
tion of  the  city,  and  Mr.  Eames'  business  place 
was  likewise  destroyed. 

Leaving  the  scenes  of  his  misfortune,  Mr. 
Eames,  in  1837,  removed  with  his  family  to  Rock 
Island,  111.,  which  was  then  but  a  small  village,  and 
ten  months  later  he  was  seized  with  illness  and 
died,  and  his  remains  were  laid  to  rest  in  the  ceme- 
tery at  that  place.  The  mother  of  Mrs.  Gilchrist 
was  born  and  reared  in  New  York  City,  and  was 
the  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Myers,  who  were 
natives  of  Holland,  and  among  the  earliest  settlers 
of  Manhattan  Island.  They  were  of  old  Knicker- 
bocker stock — people  who  were  held  in  high 
esteem.  Mrs.  Eames,  after  the  death  of  her  hus- 
band, was  a  second  time  married  and  continued  to 
reside  in  Rock  Island  until  her  decease  which  oc- 
curred in  1869. 

Mr.  Eames,  a  short  time  prior  to  his  death,  de- 
sired that  his  daughter, Harriet,should  be  given  to  his 
only  sister,  Mrs.  Brooks,  of  Rock  Island.  This  lady 
was  a  remarkably  bright  character,  possessing  much 
intellectual  ability  and  great  energj',  and  was  emi- 
nently fitted  for  the  charge  which  she  assumed  in 
the  rearing  of  her  niece.  With  her,  Miss  Eames 
resided  until  a  maiden  of  sixteen  j-ears,  in  the 
meantime  receiving  good  educational  advantages. 
She,  however,  desired  to  rise  higher  in  the  scale  of 
knowledge,  and  with  this  end  in  view,  engaged  in 
teaching  during  the  summer  season,  and  with  the 
money  thus  earned  was  enabled  to  attend  the  Rock 
Island  Seminary,  where  she  continued  until  eigh- 
teen years  old,  becoming  fitted  for  a  teacher  of  the 
higher  branches. 

Leaving  Rock  Island,  Miss  Eames  now  repaired 
to  Iowa  Cit}',  Iowa,  and  for  four  years  thereafter 
was  one  of  the  most  popular  teachers  in  the  Odd- 
Fellows  Seminary,  following  this  jDrofession  until 
twenty-two  years  old.  On  the  25th  of  February, 
1856,  she  was  united  in  marriage  with  Mr.  Charles 
Porter,  in  Iowa  City,  Iowa.  Mr.  Porter  was  a 
native  of  Lee,  Berkshire  Co.,  Mass.,  and  was  the 
son  of  Ebenezer  and  Eunice  (Yale)  Porter,  who 
were  descended  from  highly  respectable  and  well- 
known  old  families  of  the  Bay  State.  Ebenezer 
Porter   was    a    man   of  sterling  character,   highly 



honored  and  respected  by  all  who  knew  him.  His 
wife,  Eunice,  was  a  lineal  descendant  of  John  Yale, 
the  founder  of  Yale  College.  She  was  not  only  a 
woman  of  fine  intellectual  attainments,  but  of  a 
remarkably  sweet  and  lovable  disposition  and  her 
family  were  noted  for  their  culture  and  refinement. 
The  Yales  were  among  the  most  prominent  people 
of  New  England,  even  back  to  its  earliest  Colonial 

Ebenezer  Porter  and  family  removed  from  Lee, 
Mass.  to  Lorain  County.  Ohio,  when  their  son, 
Charles,  was  eight  j'ears  old.  Charles  Porter  re- 
ceived the  benefits  of  a  good  education,  and  after 
leaving  school  became  connected  with  the  Ohio 
Stage  Companj'.  and  it  was  in  the  interest  of  this 
company  that  he  came  west  to  Iowa  City,  and  there 
he  met  his  future  wife.  After  their  marriage. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Porter  continued  to  reside  in  Iowa 
Cit}',  where  their  son,  George  Dana,  was  born,  Jan. 
1,  1857.  In  1858  they  went  to  Lorain  County, 
Ohio,  and  settled  near  Elyria,  to  take  care  of  Mr. 
Porter's  father,  who  was  then  eighty-three  years 
old  and  quite  feeble.  They  ministered  tenderly  to 
his  necessities  until  his  decease  at  the  advanced  age 
of  ninet3'-two  years.  Later,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Porter 
removed  to  Elyria,  Ohio,  where  the  death  of  Mr. 
Porter  occurred,  Jan.  15,  1871. 

Charles  Porter  was  a  man  of  fine  intellect  and 
kindly  disposition,  and  was  greatly  beloved  by  all 
his  friends  and  acquaintances.  He  prospered  finan- 
cially and  left  a  competence  to  his  family.  Dur- 
ing their  stay  near  Elyria,  at  the  home  of  Grand- 
father Porter,  their  daughter,  Jennie  Gardner, 
was  born  at  the  old  homestead  three  miles  east  of 
Elyria.  She  is  now  the  wife  of  Hon.  James  Law- 
rence, of  Cleveland,  Ohio.  Mr.  Lawrence  was 
Attorney-General  of  the  State  of  Ohio  during  the 
incumbency  of  Governor  Hoadly.  Shortly  after 
the  death  of  Mr.  Porter  his  widow  and  children 
removed  to  Cleveland,  where  the  latter  were  edu- 
cated. The  daughter,  Mrs.  Lawrence,  was  gradu- 
ated from  Miss  Salisbury's  school.  The  son 
learned  the  profession  of  an  architect  in  the  office 
of  Mr.  Ireland,  in  Cleveland.  Early  in  life  he  had 
a  desire  to  engage  in  trade  on  the  lakes  and  soon 
became  mate  on  a  lake  sailing  vessel.  His  mother 
desiring  that  he  should  change    his  vocation,  pui-- 

chased  the  ranche  in  Blue  Rapids  City  Township, 
Kan.,  which  she  now  owns.  For  about  two  years 
her  son  conducted  this  as  a  sheep  ranche,  then  be- 
coming tired  of  this  occupation  journeyed  to  the 
Pacific  coast,  and  is  now  a  resident  of  San  Diego, 
C'al.  His  tastes  for  a  seafaring  life  continued  to 
abide  bj'  him  and  he  has  become  the  owner  and 
captain  of  a  sailing  vessel,  plying  in  the  trade 
along  the  coast  and  also  to  the  South  Sea  Islands, 
the  Shetland  Islands  and  Japan,  which  tr.ade  he 
finds  profitable.  Mrs.  Porter  was  married  to  Al- 
bert Gilchrist  in  1879. 

After  her  son  left  the  ranche,  Mrs.  Gilchrist  came 
hither,  began  improving  and  stocking  the  place 
with  cattle  and  horses,  and  empi03'ed  men  to  carry 
it  on.  For  eight  years  she  traveled  back  and  forth 
between  the  ranche  and  Cleveland.  Ohio,  and  dur- 
ing the  year  1888,  remained  most  of  her  time  here, 
returning  to  Cleveland  for  the  winter.  When  she 
first  took  charge  of  the  ranche  it  had  only  a  straw 
shed  and  a  one-room  shanty.  With  the  energy 
and  abilitj'.  which  she  had  inherited  from  her 
ancestors,  she  at  once  set  about  vigorouslj'  the  im- 
provement of  the  place.  She  has  now  a  commo- 
dious residence  of  eleven  rooms,  and  on  the  lower 
floor  is  a  well-equipped  creamery  with  all  the  mod- 
ern machiner3'  requisite,  including  a  supply  of 
spring  water  conve3'ed  in  pipes  wherever  re- 
quired. There  are  four  or  five  barns  on  the  place, 
besides  granaries,  corn  cribs  and  feed  rooms.  The 
main  barn  stands  about  200  3'ards  from  the  resi- 
dence and  is  a  large  structure,  150  feet  in  length, 
with  ample  accomodations  for  the  storage  of  grain 
and  hav  and  the  shelter  of  stock. 

In  addition  to  the  above  conveniences  tliere  are 
upon  this  ranche,  seven  springs  of  living  water, 
from  which  a  windmill  pump  eonve\'S  water  to  the 
several  tanks  conveniently  located  for  stock  pur- 
poses. East  of  the  residence  and  close  at  hand 
there  is  a  beautiful  park,  several  acres  in  extent 
with  a  splendid  turf  of  blue  grass.  Meandering 
through  the  park  and  hear  the  buildings  is  a  never 
failing  stream  of  cold  spring  water.  A  large  num- 
ber of  natural  forest  trees  serve  to  adorn  and 
b9autif3'  the  place,  besides  2.000  trees,  which  were 
planted  under  the  direct  supervision  of  Mrs.  Gil- 
christ, and  which  add  beauty    to  the  surrounding 



landscape.  There  are  also  orchards  of  apple  and 
peach  trees  in  bearing  condition,  besides  trees  of 
smaller  fruits. 

This  estate  comprises  800  acres  and  lies  three 
and  one-half  miles  from  Blue  Rapids,  and  eight 
miles  from  Mar3'sville,  the  county-seat.  Mrs.  Gil- 
christ is  now  breeding  higii-grade  Percheron  horses. 
Short-horn  cattle  and  Poland-China  swine.  This 
year  she  has  raised  5,000  bushels  of  corn,  over 
2,000  bushels  of  oats  and  large  quantities  of  hay 
and  millet.  About  three-fourths  of  the  estate  is 
devoted  to  pasturage,  upon  which  graze  herds  of 
high-bred  horses  and  cattle.  About  300  acres  of 
the  ranche  is  high,  rolling  prairie;  the  balauce  is 
fine,  smooth  upland  and  bottom  land. 

We  invite  the  attention  of  our  many  readers  to 
anexcellent  portrait  of  its  energetic  and  handsome 
owner.  Too  much  credit  can  not  be  given  to  Mrs. 
Gilchrist  for  the  bravery  and  determination  which 
she  has  displayed  in  the  building  up  and  beautify- 
ing of  this  property. 

^OHN  SCHUBAKAGEL.  This  prominent 
stock-raiser  and  farmer  resides  in  the  south- 
eastern part  of  Vermillion  Townsliip,  own- 
ing 240  acres  of  fine  land  in  the  southeastern 
part  of  section  30  and  northwestern  part  of  section 
31.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  breeding  Poland- 
China  hogs  and  Short-horn  cattle,  having  about 
150  head  of  the  former  and  a  good  herd  of  the  lat- 
ser.  If  he  has  any  ambition  beside  the  attainment  of 
flnancial  prosperity  and  leading  a  life  honorable, 
pure  and  upright,  it  is  that  he  may  some  day  be 
the  owner  and  manager  of  a  large  breeding  farm, 
and  he  certainly  is  making  a  creditable  l^egiuning 
toward  obtaining  the  object  longed  for.  His  land 
is  suited  for  a  model  farm,  such  as  Mr.  Schu- 
bakagel  makes  of  it,  being  beautifully  situated  and 
well  watered,  while  the  soil  is  fertile  and  yields 
bountifully  to  the  kindly  touch  of  man.  Mr. 
Schubakagel  also  claims  to  be  the  owner  of  the 
finest  herd  of  blooded  Poland-China  hogs  in  this 
section  of  the  State,  but  while  mainly  interested  in 
stock-raising  lie  does  not  neglect  tlie  general  man- 

agement of  the  agricultural  department  of  the 
estate.  He  owns  and  occupies  a  cozy  home,  de- 
lightfully situated,  and  it  is  represented  on  another 
page  of  this  volume  b^^  a  fine  engraving. 

A  personal  history  of  our  subject  would  be  verj' 
incomplete  without  considerable  mention  of  his 
wife,  who  is  ever  ready  with  kind  words  and  care- 
ful hands  to  promote  the  happiness  of  the  home. 
Quick  in  decision,  fruitful  in  resources,  full  of  ani- 
mation and  energy,  she  impresses  a  stranger  as  cap- 
able of  managing  affairs  of  large  moment,  while 
among  her  friends  for  miles  around  she  is  recog- 
nized as  a  kind-hearted,  amiable  and  generous 
woman,  hospitable  to  all  who  come  under  her  roof 
and  charicable  toward  the  erring  and  distressed. 
She  is  an  essential  factor  in  the  family  circle,  whose 
interests  are  ever  uppermost  in  her  mind  and  to 
whom  she  is  devoted  with  her  whole  heart  and 

The  subject  of  this  biographical  notice  was  born 
July  17,  1848,  in  Carroll  County,  Md.,  his  parents 
being  William  and  Sarah  (Buchen)  Schubakagel,  the 
father  a  native  of  Germany,  while  the  mother  was 
born  in  Maryland,  of  German  parentage.  The  ma- 
ternal grandfather  served  in  the  Revolutionary 
AVar,  dying  in  1851  at  the  age  of  ninety-five  years. 
William  Schubakagel  learned  carpentering  in  his 
boyhood  and  youth,  a  trade  he  followed  during  the 
e.arlier  part  of  his  life,  but  in  his  later  years  he  en- 
gaged in  the  pursuit  of  agriculture.  He  was 
twice  married,  his  first  wife  being  Sarah  Buchen, 
who  became  the  mother  of  five  children,  namely: 
William;  John,  of  whom  we  write;  Sarah,  David; 
Margar(!t,  who  died  when  a  year  old.  The 
eldest,  William,  is  a  merchant  and  is  engaged  in 
business  in  Baltimore,  Md.  He  was  married 
twice,  his  first  wife  being  Miss  Johana  Woolston, 
who  died  without  leaving  any  children.  By  his 
second  wife  William  has  become  the  father  of  two 
children.  The  eldest  daughter  and  third  child, 
Sarah  is  also  a  resident  of  Baltimore,  and  is  the 
wife  of  John  Huston,  a  merchant  in  the  Monu- 
mental City;  they  have  one  child  living.  David 
is  unmarried  and  is  engaged  in  farming  near  Gil- 
more  City,  Iowa. 

Again  uniting  his  interests  with  those  of 
another,     Mr.    Schubakagel     chose     as     his    wife 



Margaret  Wizner,  by  whom  he  had  nine  chil- 
dren: Christopher;  George,  who  died  in  infancy; 
Jane,  Kate,  Josephine,  Margaret  died  in  infancy, 
Nancy,  Henry  and  one  who  died  in  infancy. 
Christopher  is  at  present  residing  on  his  father's  farm 
in  Livingston  County,  111.;  Kate  became  the  wife 
of  George  Beaver,  to  whom  she  bore  two  children 
and  then  died  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-two  years. 
Josephine  married  George  Smith,  a  machinist  re- 
siding in  Baltimore,  and  was  removed  b}^  death 
from  her  home  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-five  years. 
Jane,  Nancy  and  Henry  are  living  at  home  with 
their  parents. 

John  Schubakagel,  the  second  son  in  his  father's 
family,  lived  with  his  parents  until  he  became  of 
age  and  began  life  for  himself  as  a  renter  near 
Canton,  Fulton  Co.,  111.  Afterward  he  rented 
land  and  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits  in  Mc- 
Lean County,  the  same  State.  By  prudent  manage- 
ment he  was  enabled  to  save  enough  money  to 
buy  land  in  Livingston  County,  and  was  a  resident 
of  this  and  Fulton  County  for  about  twelve  years. 

The  beauty  of  Illinois  scenery,  the  fertility  of 
her  soil  and  the  advantages  of  her  cities,  did  not 
suffice,  however,  to  keep  John  Schubakagel  within 
lier  limits.  Kansas  presented  such  an  opening  as 
an  older  State  never  could  grant,  and  therefore 
in  1879,  our  subiect  wended  his  wa}' Westward  and 
purchased  land,  his  present  place  of  240  .acres,  on 
which  he  moved  in  March,  1879. 

Mention  has  already  been  made  of  the  wife  of 
Mr.  Schubakagel,  with  whom  he  was  united  in  mar- 
riage Feb.  23,  1879,  in  Livingston  Count}-,  111. 
Her  maiden  name  was  Lj-dia  Stafford,  and  her  birth 
occurred  Jan.  7,  1861.  Her  parents,  "Washington 
and  Elizabeth  (Leckliter)  St.ifford,  were  born 
Sept.  5,  1820,  and  Feb.  5,  1823,  respectively, 
and  were  natives  of  "N'irginia.  To  Washington 
Stafford  and  his  wife  were  born  ten  children,  seven 
now  living,  of  whom  the  record  is  as  follows: 
James  William,  born  Nov.  30,  1843;  John  Wesley. 
Feb.  12,  1849;  Mary  Louisa,  .Jan.  17,  1852; 
Matilda  Catherine,  Msirch  2,1856;  Lydia  Eliza- 
beth, the  wife  of  our  subject,  Jan.  7,  1861;  George 
B.  McC,  Jan.  27,  1864;  and  Mazy  Jane,  July  18, 
1865.  The  others  died  in  infancy.  The  father 
and  mother  are  still  living    in  Livingston  Co.,  111. 

The  oldest  of  their  children,  James  W.,  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Kate  Hartman,  and  lives  in  Wil- 
berger  Co.,  Tex.,  where  he  owns  and  operates  a 
farm.  He  and  his  wife  have  a  family  of  six  children- 
John  Wesley  resides  in  Ringgold  Count}-,  Iowa, 
where  he  is  engaged  in  farming.  He  became  the 
husband  of  Miss  Maggie  Ridell,  b}'  whom  he  has 
two  children.  Joseph  is  engaged  in  mining  in  Col- 
orado, and  resides  there  with  his  wife,  who  was 
formerly  Lizzie  McDowell,  and  bj'  whom  he  has 
four  children.  Mary  L.  is  a  resident  of  Livingston 
County,  111.,  and  is  the  wife  of  George  Flurer,  a 
farmer  of  that  count}-;  they  are  the  parents  of  three 
children.  Matilda  married  Charles  Foltz,  a  farmer 
of  Marshall  County,  and  they  have  five  children; 
George  B.  McC.  lives  in  Livingston  Count}-,  111., 
and  selected  as  his  life  partner  Libbie  Weller;  Mazy 
Jane  lives  at  home  and  is  unmarried. 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  have  had  four  children 
born  to  them,  one  of  whom,  Jane  Elizabeth,  died 
when  three  months  old ;  William  G.,  John  and  Ida 
M.,  are  at  home,  and  are  naturally  the  objects  of 
loving  interest  and  devoted  care  on  the  part  of 
their  parents.  The  family  are  regular  attendants 
of  the  Methodist  Church,  to  which  they  belong, 
while  in  political  sympathies  Mr.  Schubakagel  is 
a  Prohibitionist.  Socially  they  arc  welcomed  into 
the  most  refined  circles  of  their  community,  where 
they  are  valued  for  their  many  honorable  and 
worthy  traits  of  character. 

• ■«»  "^*S'^'S*^"  *°* 

j^S^  HARLES  MILLER,  a  progressive  farmer  and 
(i(  worthy  citizen,  has  been  for    many    years 

^^/  closely  identified  with  the  most  important 
interests  of  Marshall  County,  and  now  owns  and 
manages  a  farm  of  eighty  acres  on  section  4,  Blue 
R.apids  City  Township.  Besides  this,  he  is  the 
owner  of  160  acres  of  good  farming  land  in  Pratt 
County,  Kan,,  which  he  has  recently  sold.  The 
land  be  now  occupies  was  first  preempted  as  a  claim, 
and  was  in  a  primitive  condition  when  purchased. 
Only  a  few  years  prior  it  had  been  the  scene  of  In- 
dian wars  and  meetings,  where  they  followed  the 
pleasures  of  the  chase,  or  clustered  in  solemn  debate 



around  the  camp  fire.  The  land  was  uncultivated, 
not  a  furrow  having  been  turned  upon  it.  But  un- 
daunted by  hard  labor,  undeterred  by  thoughts  of 
liardships,  Mr.  Miller  pursued  the  busy  pathway  of 
life,  and  now  enjoys  the  fruits  of  well-directed 

The  parents  of  him  whose  sketch  is  herewith  out- 
lined, were  Charles  and  Mary  A.  Miller,  both  na- 
tives of  Germany.  In  1830,  a  few  years  prior  to 
the  birth  of  their  son,  our  subject,  his  parents  emi- 
grated to  America  and  in  1832  located  in  Madison 
County,  111.,  where  they  were  pioneer  settlers,  and 
where  Charles  Miller  was  born  April  9,  1839.  In 
that  county  they  made  a  home  out  of  the  raw  prai- 
rie, and  surrounded  by  friends  and  all  the  comforts 
of  life,  passed  their  declining  j-ears  happily,  and  at 
last  passed  thence  to  another,  better  home. 

The  second  son  born  to  Charles  Miller  and  his 
wife,  our  subject  was  reared  to  manhood  amid  the 
pioneer  scenes  of  Illinois.  Upon  attaining  to  years  of 
maturity,  he  was  happil3'  married,  March  6,  1860,  to 
Belle  A.  Traver,  a  native  of  Illinois,  and  a  daughter 
of  Ebenezer  Traver,  of  Madison  County,  HI.  They 
have  become  the  parents  of  nine  children,  whose 
records  are  as  follows :  George  E.,  William  L., 
Frances,  Mrs.  Garrett,  a  widow;  Lillie,  wife  of  Bur- 
ton Newman;  Cecelia,  wife  of  Edward  Ham:  Ber- 
tie R.,  Lizzie  M.,  Maud,  and  Flora. 

For  the  ten  years  following  their  marriage,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Miller  resided  in  Illinois,  where  he  was 
engaged  in  farming.  In  the  autumn  of  1870,  he 
started  to  Marshall  County,  Kan.,  accompanied  b}' 
his  wife  and  their  four  children.  They  traveled 
the  entire  distance  overland,  having  two  span  of 
horses  and  two  wagons,  a  few  household  utensils 
and  farming  implements.  When  night  overtook 
them,  they  would  stop  b}'  the  road,  prepare  a  frugal 
meal,  and  then  lie  down  to  rest  under  the  broad 
canopy  of  heaven.  The  trip  consumed  four  weeks, 
and  after  their  arrival  at  their  destination,  Mr. 
Miller  pursued  various  employments  in  Blue  Rap- 
ids Township. 

Preempting  a  claim  of  eighty  acres  in  the  spring 
of  1872,  Mr.  Miller  began  energeticall3"  to  carve 
out  a  pathway  to  independence  and  fortune.  The 
results  of  his  persevej-ance  and  toil  are  evident  to 
everyone  who  beholds   his  neat  home,  and    well- 

regulated  estate.  The  first  winter  he  lived  on  his 
homestead,  he  occupied  a  board  shanty,  12x14  feet 
in  dimensions,  made  of  cotton-wood,  and  destitute 
of  even  a  floor  and  windows,  light  being  admitted 
through  two  apertures  in  the  wood.  When  his 
financial  condition  had  improved  sufficiently  to 
warrant  it,  he  erected  his  present  comfortable  resi- 

Though  principally  concerned  in  the  extension 
of  his  own  interests,  Mr.  Miller  devotes  some  time 
to  affairs  of  public  moment,  and  votes  the  Repub- 
lican ticket.  He  has  served  as  School  Director  for 
two  years,  aiming  to  elevate  the  cause  of  education 
as  far  as  is  possible,  and  is  in  favor  of  anj'  measure 
calculated  to  benefit  society  in  general.  Relig- 
iously, his  wife  belongs  to  the  Methodist  Church, 
and  they  are  among  the  highly  esteemed  members 
of  the  society  in  which  they  move,  being  worthy, 
upright,  and  charitable. 

-~'v^-^«£ac©^  ■ 


^i^  HARLES  CURS.  Among  the  well-regulated 
^l(  „  farms  of  Walnut  Township  may  be  prop- 
^^/  erly  mentioned  that  of  Mr.  Curs,  upon 
which  he  has  erected  a  convenient  and  roomy 
dwelling,  with  a  good  barn  and  other  outbuildings 
necessary  for  the  successful  prosecution  of  agricul- 
ture. Noticeable  in  the  rear  is  a  fine  orchard, 
where  a  goodly  assortment  of  fruit  trees  yield  in 
their  season  luxuries  for  the  use  of  the  family  and 
something  besides.  A  peaceable  and  unobtrusive 
citizen,  Mr.  Curs  makes  a  specialty  of  attending  to 
his  own  concerns,  which  quality  of  character  has 
resulted  in  his  financial  success,  while  he  enjoj's 
the  esteem  and  confidence  of  those  around  him. 

Our  subject  was  born  Oct.  14,  1826,  in  Prussia, 
and  remained  there  until  a  man  of  thirty-three 
years.  In  the  meantime  he  had  labored  industri- 
ously, but  had  not  made  the  headwa3f  which  he  de- 
sired and  finally  resolved  to  emigrate  to  the  United 
States.  Accordingly  in  the  summer  of  1 856  he 
boarded  a  sailing-vessel,  which  after  an  eight 
weeks'  voyage  landed  him  in  the  city  of  Baltimore 
on  the  18th  of  July.  Thence  be  made  his  way  to 
Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio,  where  he  sojourned  two 



years  and  then  joined  a  caravan  bound  across  the 
plains  for  Pike's  Peak.  He  remained  in  that  re- 
gion from  June  until  the  following  October,  then 
returned  eastward  as  far  as  Omaha.  Neb.,  after 
which  we  find  him  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  employed 
on  a  railroad  until  the  spring  of  1859.  Next  he 
made  his  way  to  Riley  County,  this  State,  and 
preempted  land  about  twenty  miles  south  of  his 
present  farm.  He  lived  upon  this  until  after  the 
outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  and  in  1862  enlisted  in 
Company  E,  13th  Kansas  Infantry,  in  which  he 
served  "until  the  close.  He  was  promoted  first  to 
Sergeant,  then  to  Second  Lieutenant,  and  partici- 
pated in  many  of  the  important  battles  which  fol- 
lowed, also  fought  with  guerrillas  around  the 
mountains  in  Arkansas.  At  the  close  of  the  war 
he  received  his  honorable  discharge  and  resumed 
work  at  the  trade  of  a  miller,  which  he  had  learned 
in  his  native  land.  He  located  first  in  Manhattan, 
then  came  to  Marysville,  this  county,  and  also 
worked  at  other  mills  in  this  vicinit}'. 

In  1876  Mr.  Curs  was  united  in  marriage  with 
Miss  Anna,  daughter  of  Daniel  B.  and  Betsie  A. 
(Carpenter)  Himes.  This  lady  was  born  in  Rhode 
Island  and  came  with  her  parents  to  Riley  County, 
Kan.,  iu  1859.  The  same  year  of  his  marriage  Mr. 
Curs  purchased  100  acres  of  his  presant  farm,  upon 
which  he  erected  his  substantial  stone  dwelling, 
and  seventy  acres  of  which  he  has  brought  to  a 
good  state  of  cultivation.  Each  year  adds  some- 
thing to  the  value  of  his  property,  and  there  is  no 
doubt  that  his  persistent  industry  will  amply  for- 
tify him  against  want  in  his  old  age.  Both  he  and 
his  excellent  wife  belong  to  the  Lutheran  Church. 
Mr.  Curs  votes  the  Republican  ticket  and  has  held 
the  office  of  Township  Treasurer.  Aside  from  this 
he  mixes  very  little  in  public  affairs,  otherwise  than 
to  give  his  influence  in  support  of  the  enterprises 
affecting  the  moral  and  financial  welfare  of  the 
people  around  him. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  John  D.  Curs, 
likewise  a  native  of  Prussia  and  a  soldier  under  the 
great  Napoleon.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother 
was  Catherine  Arandt,  and  she  was  born  not  far 
from  the  early  home  of  her  husband.  They  like- 
wise were  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  The 
parents  of  Mrs.  Curs  were  born  in  Rhode  Island  and 

traced  their  ancestry  on  their  father's  side  to 
France.  Her  mother's  people  were  originally  from 
England.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Curs  have  four  children, 
all  living  at  home. 

Among  the  views  of  the  prominent  residences  of 
Marshall  County,  we  direct  the  attention  of  the 
reader  to  that  of  Mr.  Curs,  where  the  many  friends 
of  himself  and  family  alwa3'S  receive  a  hearty  wel- 

—^ '^  ^' "^ 

^^EORGE  TILLMANN.  Among  the  many 
III  1^--  agriculturists  of  Logan  Township,  none 
^^51  takes  higher  rank  in  ability,  energy  and 
public  spirit  than  the  gentleman  whose  name  heads 
this  notice.  He  resides  on  section  25,  where  he 
owns  160  acres,  well  fenced  and  divided  into  fields, 
and  where  he  carries  on  the  business  of  farming 
and  stock-raising.  He  was  born  in  German^',  Dec. 
10.  1848.  The  ancestry,  so  far  as  is  known,  is 
German,  and  the  family  for  generations  has  had 
membership  in  the  Lutheran  Church. 

Our  subject  was  not  two  years  old  when  his 
parents.  William  and  Mary  A,  Tillmann,  emigrated 
to  this  country.  Landing  at  Nevv  York,  they  came 
immediatelj'  to  Dodge  County,  Wis.,  and  located 
upon  a  farm  there.  Upon  this  homestead  they 
labored  until  Jul}',  1861,  when  they  came  to  this 
county  and  township,  and  preempted  160  acres  of 
land,  which  Mr.  Tillmann  afterward  sold.  His 
last  Lome  was  on  a  farm,  one  and  a  half  miles  south- 
west of  Marysville,  where  he  died  December,  1888, 
at  the  age  of  seventy-four.  The  mother  still  lives 
with  her  son  Benjamin,  who  is  married  and  culti- 
vates the  home  farm.  The  parental  famih-  consisted 
of  eight  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was  the 

Mr.  Tillmann  was  married  in  this  county  to  Ella, 
daughter  of  Alfred  and  Mary  (Lloyd)  Moxon,  a 
native  of  this  county,  in  which  she  was  reared  and 
educated.  Her  parents  located  in  this  State  in 
1860,  .and  now  live  in  Marysville.  Our  subject 
and  his  wife  have  no  children,  but  have  taken  a 
child  to  rear,  named  Percy. 

On  the  estate  of  Mr.  Tillpianu  a  beautiful  resi- 
dence attracts  the  admiring  gaze  of  the  passer-by, 



and  a  fine  view  thereof,  given  elsewliere  in  the 
Album,  will  be  equally  admired  by  the  readers  of 
this  volume.  A  barn  and  other  outbuildings  are 
also  worthy  of  mention,  being  quite  adequate  to 
the  purpose  they  were  intended  to  fulfill.  An 
orchard  of  about  200  apple  trees,  together  with 
cherry  and  peach  trees,  adds  to  the  attractiveness 
of  the  place,  as  well  as  to  the  income  of  its  owner. 
The  stock  is  all  of  good  grade,  the  hogs  being  of 
Suffolk  stock,  the  cattle  Durham,  and  the  horses 
Clydesdale  and  Cleveland  Ba3's. 

Mrs.  Tillmann  is  a  member  in  high  standing  of 
the  Jlethodist  lipiseopal  Church.  Mr.  Tillmann  is 
a  Republican,  and  supports  the  measures  of  his 
party  with  hearty  zeal.  He  is  a  successful  business 
man,  a  reliable  citizen,  a  good  neighbor,  a  kind 
husband  and  father,  and  most  honorable  in  all  his 
dealings.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  held  in  high 
esteem  in  the  community. 

^^ONATHAN  D.  HOWE,  one  of  Marshall 
j  County's  leading  farmers  was  born  in  Perry 
;  County,  Ohio,  Jan.  20,  1838.  "His  father^ 
^&/!  William  Howe,  was  a  native  of  Georgetown, 
Md.,  and  was  liorn  April  fi,  1813.  The  latter  left 
his  native  State  in  early  manhood  and  emigrated 
to  Ohio, settling  in  the  wilderness  of  Warren  County, 
where  he  constructed  a  good  homestead  and  where 
he  still  lives.  The  farm  which  he  cleared  from  the 
forest  is  now  valued  at  $100  per  acre. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  carefully  reared 
by  Quaker  parents  and  loyally  adheres  to  the  simple 
faith  of  that  peculiar  sect,  among  whom  he  is  an 
active  member  and  a  liberal  contributor  to  the 
church.  An  honest  and  upright  man,  he  is  highly 
respected  in  his  community*,  and  in  politics  uni- 
formly tenders  his  support  to  the  Republican  party. 
He  married  Miss  Ruth  M.  Bell,  who  was  born  near 
Washington  Cit}^  about  1815,  and  who  died  in  Ohio, 
June  25,1859,  when  comparatively  a3'oung  woman. 
Their  union  was  blest  by  the  birth  of  seven  child- 
ren, viz.:  Jonathan  D.,  our  subject,  Mary  C-,  James 
S.,  AVilliam  O.,  Martha  J.,  Myra  B.  and  Charles  C. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eldest  child  of 

the  parental  family  and  spent  his  early  years  at  the 
old  homestead  in  Perry  County,  Ohio,  receiving 
liis  education  in  the  common  school.  When  about 
twenty-one  years  old  he  emigrated  into  Warren 
Countj'  and  soon  afterward  joined  the  army  as  a 
private  in  Company  D,  79th  Ohio  Infantry,  which 
was  assigned  to  the  first  brigade,  third  division, 
20th  army  corps,  the  regiment  being  commanded 
by  Col.  Uriah  W.  Doane.  Mr.  Howe  was  in  the 
same  brigade  with  Gen.  Benj.  Harrison,  now  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States,  and  participated  in  all 
the  battles  fought  during  the  Georgia  campaign. 
He  went  with  Sherman  on  the  march  to  the  sea  and 
served  until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  then  received 
an  honorable  discharge  and  was  mustered  out  at 
Washington  City,  July  9,  1865. 

Returning  now  to  Ohio  our  subject  in  the  fall  of 
the  year  above  mentioned,  after  a  brief  sojourn 
among  his  old  friends,  repaired  to  Henry  County, 
111.,  where  he  became  Overseer  of  a  large  tract  of 
land.  He  occupied  this  position  until  January, 
1883,  then  coming  to  this  county  purchased  160 
acres  of  land  on  section  35  in  Waterville  Township. 
This  is  now  largely  devoted  to  stock  raising,  but 
has  been  brought  to  a  thorough  state  of  cultivation 
and  is  well  improved.  Mr.  Howe  is  pardonabl}' 
proud  of  the  fact  that  he  commenced  in  life  with 
comparatively  nothing  and  is  indebted  to  no  man 
for  a  dollar  of  his  possessions.  As  an  ex-soldier, 
he  is  identified  with  the  G.  A.  R.,  Waterville  Post. 

Our  subject  wasmarried  inDecember,1882,toMrs. 
Sarah  E.  (Caldwell)  Clark,  widow  of  James  O. 
Clark  of  Henry  County,  111.,  by  whom  she  became 
the  mother  of  two  children:  Benjamin  F.  and  Nellie 
W.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howe  are  the  parents  of  one 
child,  a  daughter,  Neva  M.,  born  Feb.  5,  1885. 
Their  home  is  a  cozy  and  attractive  one,  and  is 
represented  in  the  Album  by  a  fine  engraving. 

<|]  GEORGE  BINDER.  In  the  spring  of  1870 
Mr.  Binder  came  to  this  county  and  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  slightly  improved  land, 
(^^  from  whicli  he  has  constructed  a  good 
homestead,  bringing  the  soil  to  a  state  of  cultiva- 



tion,  and  erecting  a  substantial  stone  dwelling,  with 
a  frame  barn  and  other  needed  structures.  A  view 
of  this  convenient  residence,  also  of  the  principal 
farm  buildings  surrounding  it,  is  presented  on  an- 
other page  of  the  Albdji.  He  also  has  a  quarter- 
section  south,  and  is  looked  upon  as  a  well-to-do 
citizen,  who  is  contributing  his  quota  to  the  moral 
and  financial  interests  of  the  community. 

A  native  of  the  Kingdom  of  Wurtemburg.  our 
suDJect  was  born  near  the  town  of  Nellingsheim, 
Jan.  25.  1831,  and  there  spent  his  childhood  and 
youth,  being  reared  under  the  compulsory  educa- 
tional laws  of  his  native  land.  AVhen  of  suitable 
age  he  began  learning  the  tr.ide  of  a  stonemason, 
but  upon  reaching  his  majority,  not  making  the 
headway  financially  which  he  desired,  he  resolved 
to  emigrate  to  the  United  States.  Accordingly, 
bidding  adieu  to  the  friends  of  his  childhood,  he 
embarked  on  the  sailing  vessel  '•  John  of  Prackle," 
and  after  a  somewhat  lengthy  vo^'agc  of  fifty-two 
daj's  landed  in  New  York  City,  in  the  month  of 

From  the  great  metropolis  young  Binder  pro- 
ceeded to  Richland  County,  Ohio,  where  he  so- 
journed two  years;  then  pushing  further  Westward, 
he  took  up  his  abode  in  Mahaska  County,  Iowa, 
where  he  followed  his  trade  some  years,  and  then 
occupied  two  years  in  traveling.  He  finally  de- 
cided to  locate  in  Scott  County,  Iowa,  and  was 
there  married  to  Miss  Catherine,  daughter  of 
Michael  and  Marj'  (Shiner)  Bald.  Mrs.  Binder 
was  born  in  Germany,  and  was  brought  by  her 
parents  to  America  when  an  infant.  Our  subject 
thereafter  sojourned  in  the  Hawkej^e  State  until 
coming  to  this  county,  in  1870,  as  alreadj'  stated. 
Since  that  time  he  has  worked  very  little  at  his 
trade,  finding  farming  more  congenial  to  his  tastes 
and  health.  He  may  be  properl}-  termed  a  self- 
made  man,  having  arisen  to  his  present  position 
solely  by  his  own  efforts. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  J.  George,  Sr., 
and  Catherine  (Barber)  Binder,  likewise  natives  of 
Wurtemburg,  and  devout  members  of  the  Lutheran 
Church.  They  emigrated  to  the  United  States 
with  their  family  in  1852.  settling  in  Delaware, 
Ohio,  where  the  father  died  about  1854.  The 
mother  later  joined  her  son,  our  subject,  in  Iowa, 

where  she  died.  The  parents  of  Mrs.  Binder,  it  is 
believed  were  natives  of  Bavaria,  and  members  of 
the  German  Catholic  Church.  The  father  is  deceased, 
while  the  mother  lives  in  Scott  County,  Iowa. 
Our  subject  and  his  wife  are  the  parents  of 
ten  living  children,  namel}' :  William  F.,  John  P., 
Catherine  B.,  George  XL.  Charles  T.,  Frank  B., 
Edward  Otto.  Lena  M.,  Amelia  A.,  Anna  M.  One 
daughter,  Menice,  died  when  one  montli  old.  Mr. 
Binder  belongs  to  the  Lutheran  Church  of  his  fore- 
fathers, while  his  wife  is  a  member  of  the  German 
Catholic  Church.  Politically,  our  subject  supports 
the  principles  of  the  Democratic  party. 

-— ^-+ 

ri^REDERICK  FOCKS  was  born  at  Barth, 
lU^  Germany,  Jan.  5,  1850.  His  father,  after 
IJ^  whom  he  was  named,  was  a  son  of  Michael 

Focks,  and  was  born  in  the  same  place  in  1811,  and 
was  by  trade  a  ship  carpenter.  He  followed  that 
employment  until  after  becoming  a  resident  of 
America,  to  which  country-  he  emigrated  in  1871, 
locating  first  in  Chicago,  and  a  j'ear  later  removing 
to  Waterville  Township,  where  he  followed  farm- 
ing until  his  death.  He  had  been  from  earlj'  man- 
hood a  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  His  wife. 
Margaret  Brumzagen,  who  j'et  survives,  is  the 
daughter  of  Michael  Brumzagen,  and  was  born  in 
Karnz,  Germany,  March  8.  1821.  She  bore  her 
husband  two  children,  Lena  and  Frederick,  of  whom 
the  latter  only  is  living. 

Our  subject  was  reared  in  his  native  country,  and 
received  a  thorough  education  under  the  compul- 
sory laws  of  the  Empire.  He  followed  farming  in 
his  native  land,  and  in  1868  came  to  America  loca- 
ting at  Milwaukee.  Wis.  After  a  two  years'  resi- 
dence in  that  city,  he  went  to  Holly  Springs,  Miss., 
and  i-emained  South,  traveling  during  one  summer. 
Afterward  sojourning  for  a  time  in  Southern  Mis- 
souri, and  Kansas,  be  became  interested  in  the  lat- 
ter State,  and  although  he  returned  to  Chicago,  he 
did  not  remain  there,  but  in  1872,  came  again  to 
Kansas,  and  settled  in  Waterville  Township,  where 
he  now  resides.  He  has  a  farm  of  160  acres  in  an 
excellent  state  of  cultivation,  with  adequate  barns 



and  other  outbuilrlings,  and  an  excellent  house,  a 
view  of  which,  with  its  pleasant  farm  surroundings, 
is  presented  to  the  readers  of  this  Alisum.  Hs  is 
an  industrious  and  enterprising  man,  and  has  risen 
from  the  ranks  of  the  poor,  to  affluence. 

On  Dec.  28,  1876,  our  subject  was  married  to 
Miss  Mar)'  Schroeder.  She  was  born  and  reared 
in  Bloomington,  111.,  her  birth  having  taken  place 
Jan.  20,  1857.  She  is  the  daughter  of  Anthony  and 
Sophia  (Seibert)  Schroeder.  who  were  born  in  Ger- 
many, and  emigrated  to  America  about  the  year 
1854.  They  had  but  two  children,  Mary  and  Min- 
nie. To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife,  seven 
children  have  been  born — Amelia.  Minnie,  Fred- 
die, Hulda,  Henry,  Louie,  and  Rudolph. 

Mr.  Focks  affiliates  with  the  Democratic  party. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  the  A.  O.  U.  W., 
and  the  Turner  Society.  He  has  been  Road  Over- 
seer, and  held  other  township  offices.  He  has  held 
minor  school  offices,  and  takes  great  interest  in  ad- 
vancing the  cause  of  education.  Both  he  and  his 
wife  are  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  He  is  a 
man  of  intelligence,  honor,  and  steadfastness,  and 
one  of  those  whose  citizenship  is  an  advantage  to 
any  community. 

-^ ^3-^^ 5— 

<$,  I^ILLIAM  C.  PARK.  If  to  be  well  thought 
\^//  *^^  ^y  ^"'"^  people  of  his  community  is  any 
W^  indication  of  a  man's  true  character,  that 
of  Mr.  Park  is  above  reproach.  He  owns  and  occu- 
pies a  finely  cultivated  farm  of  240  acres,  lying 
on  sections  17  and  20  in  Waterville  Township, 
where  he  has  made  good  improvements,  and  where 
he  has  earned  the  reputation  of  being  one  of  the 
most  industrious  men  in  Marshall  County.  His  na- 
tive place  was  in  Clark  County,  Ohio,  where  he 
was  born  May  5,  1831. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  James  W.  Park,  a 
native  of  West  A'irginia,  and  born  near  the  city  of 
Wheeling.  When  quite  a  young  man  he  emigrated 
to  Ohio,  and  there  spent  the  remainder  of  his  days 
engaged  in  farming  pursuits.  In  connection  with 
this,  he  operated  a  tan-yard  for  many  years.  He 
accumulated  a  comfortable  property,  and  for  many 

years  prior  to  his  decease  was  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  He  was  a 
prominent  man  in  his  community,  holding  various 
offices  of  responsibility  and  trust.  He  served  as 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  more  than  twenty  years, 
and  for  a  number  of  j'ears  was  County  Commis- 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  in  her  girlhood 
Miss  Elizabeth  Longbreak.  She  was  born  in  Penn- 
sylvania, and  died  in  Ohio.  The  parental  family 
embraced  eleven  children,  of  whom  William  C,  our 
subject,  was  the  eldest  born.  He  was  reared  at  the 
old  homestead  in  Ottawa  County,  Ohio,  to  which 
his  parents  had  removed  after  his  birth.  He  was 
bred  to  farm  pursuits,  and  received  his  education 
in  the  district  school.  He  worked  with  his  father 
on  the  farm  until  a  young  man  of  twent^'-two  years, 
having  in  the  meantime  for  some  time  prior  to  this, 
its  entire  management.  When  leaving  the  old  roof- 
tree,  he  settled  on  a  farm  adjoining,  where  he  prose- 
cuted agriculture  until  1870. 

Our  subject  now  decided  to  cast  his  lot  amono- 
the  people  of  Northern  Kansas,  and  first  located  in 
Washington  County.  Thence  he  removed,  in  1875, 
to  Marshall  County,  purchasing  the  farm  in  Water- 
ville Township  which  he  now  owns  and  occupies. 
He  started  in  life  without  means,  and  has  met  with 
financial  reverses,  but  he  has  held  fast  his  integrity, 
and  if  there  has  been  any  injustice  in  connection 
with  his  transactions  it  has  been  to  himself.  Public- 
spirited  and  liberal,  he  is  of  that  temperament  which 
can  scarcely  refuse  to  grant  a  favor,  and  has  con- 
sequently given  away  almost  as  much  as  he  has 
made.  Politically,  he  is  a  supporter  of  the  Demo- 
cratic party,  and  from  early  manhood  has  been  a 
consistent  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 

William  C.  Park  was  first  married,  Jan.  27,  1853, 
to  Miss  Sarah  Pickering,  of  Ottawa  County,  Ohio. 
There  was  born  of  this  union  one  child,  a  son, 
James  F.,  and  the  mother  departed  this  life  Feb. 
16,  1854.  On  the  25th  of  May,  1856,  Mr.  Park 
contracted  a  second  marriage  with  Miss  Sarah  A. 
Grundy,  a  native  of  England,  but  at  that  time  a 
resident  of  Ohio.  There  have  been  born  of  this 
marriage  nine  children,  namely:  Ellen  'J.,  Lowell 
W.,  Sarah  E.,  Mary  A.,  John  G.,  Charles  W., 
George  G,,  Henry  and   Harriet  A,     All   are  alive, 



three  remaining  unrter  the  parental  roof,  while  the 
others  are  residents  of  Kansas,  except  J.  F..  who 
resides  in  Ohio. 

Elsewhere  in  this  volume  we  present  a  fine  litlio- 
graphlc  engraving  of  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Park,  where  they  live  in  comfort  and  happiness, 
and  where  their  many  friends  are  always  assured  of 
a  warm  welcome. 

ri]_^  ENRY  E.  •\VIEDEMEYER.  Fortunate  is 
y^\  the  boy.  who.  thrown  upon  his  own  resources 
l^^'  at  an  early  age,  has  mental  or  manual  skill 
^)  combined  with  the  persistent  will  which  will 
make  for  him  a  place  among  men  of  means  and  in- 
fluence; more  fortunate  he  who  combines  with  his 
mental  and  bodily  strength  the  moral  principles 
and  stul)born  self-respect  which  will  win  him  also 
the  esteem  of  his  fellowmen. 

Such  an  one  have  we  in  the  subject  of  our  sketch, 
a  wholesale  and  retail  cigar  dealer,  occupying  a 
fine  retail  store  on  Broadway,  between  Eighth  and 
Ninth  streets,  and  having  a  factory  in  the  next 
block.  He  has  a  fine  trade,  giving  emploj-ment  to 
a  large  number  of  men,  and  having  a  man  on  the 
road  all  of  the  time,  who  sells  over  a  large  terri- 

Joseph  Wiedemeyer.  the  father  of  our  subject, 
wns  born  in  Keroika  Kreis,  Worburg,  Westphalen, 
Germany.  When  a  man  thirtj^-five  years  of  age, 
he  came  to  this  country,  locating  at  Alton,  111., 
where  he  lived  during  the  remainder  of  his  life. 
There  he  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Dueker,  and  they 
became  the  parents  of  four  children — Henry  E., 
Elizabeth,  Josephine,  and  Mary.  He  died  in  1866, 
and  his  wife  three  years  later. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Alton,  111.,  Feb.  23, 
1857.  At  the  death  of  his  mother,  which  took 
place  when  he  was  twelve  years  old,  he  went  to  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  remaining  with  an  aunt  for  about  two 
years,  working  during  the  intervals  of  school  until 
the  age  of  fourteen.  He  then  returned  to  Alton, 
where  he  learned  the  cigar  and  tobacco  trade  in  the 
factor}^  of  Leggett  &  Dansman.  In  1875  he  went 
to  Moline.  III.  remaining  there  three  years  engaged 

in  cigar  manufacturing  as  a  journeyman,  from  there 
to  Alton,  and  then  to  Jersey  ville,  111.,  where  he  re- 
mained two  years,  when  he  came  to  this  city  and 
found  emplo3'ment.  He  remained  but  three  months, 
then  returned  to  Jerseyville,  111.,  liut  after  an  ab- 
sence of  two  j'ears,  returned  here  permanently.  In 
1882  he  went  into  partnership  with  Charles  E. 
Bendel.  At  the  expiration  of  three  months  Mr. 
Wiedemeyer  bought  out  his  partner's  interest.  The 
business  has  grown  to  be  an  extensive  one,  and  its 
manager  may  well  be  considered  one  of  the  suc- 
cessful business  men  of  the  town.  In  addition  to 
his  business  property,  he  owns  a  good  residence  at 
the  corner  of  Eighth  &  Calhoun  streets,  another 
adjoining  it  and  city  property  in  Oberlin,  Kan. 

At  Jerseyville,  111.,  Sept.  22,  1878,  was  celebrated 
our  subject's  marriage  to  Miss  Catherina  Wurth. 
Miss  Wurth  was  born  at  Grafton,  111..  June  22, 
1857,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Vincent  and  Frede- 
ricka  (Ketzen burger)  Wurth.  Her  parents  removed 
to  Jerseyville  while  she  was  young,  and  there  her 
father  still  lives,  engaged  in  the  shoe  business ;  the 
mother  died  some  years  ago.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
AViedemeyer  have  been  born  five  children — Joseph. 
Lulu,  Maggie,  Elizabeth,  and  Charles.  It  is  the 
intention  of  their  father  to  give  them  every  educa- 
tional advantage. 

Oursubject  is  a  member  of  the  Democratic  party. 
His  appetite  for  office  is  satisfied  with  a  position  on 
the  School  Board.  He  is  a  most  honorable  man, 
deserving  the  enviable  position  he  occupies  both 
as  to  his  means  and  the  esteem  in  which  he  is  held. 

WILLIAM  D.  HEALY,  who  was  born  in 
County  Cork,  Ireland,  in  January,  1826, 
grew  to  manhood  under  his  father's  roof, 
enjoying  such  advantages  in  the  way  of  secur- 
ing an  education  as  were  common  to  the  youth 
of  Erin's  green  isle  at  that  time.  Chafing  at  the 
hardships  imposed  upon  the  tenant  el.ass  of  his  na- 
tive land,  he  determined  to  seek  his  fortune  in 
America,  and  when  twenty-three  j-ears  old  took 
passage  on  a  vessel  bound-for  the  land  of  promised 
wealth  and  freedom.     In   due   time  the  good  ship 



came  to  anchor  in  the  world-famous  harbor  of  New 
York,  and  our  subject  set  foot  on  the  hospitable 
shore  of  the  New  World  in  joyous  anticipation  of 
a  prosperous  future,  not,  however,  without  a  de- 
gree of  sadness  at  the  thought  that  he  might  never 
see  his  beloved  native  land  again. 

Mr.  Healy  remained  in  the  State  of  New  Yorls 
for  about  two  years,  being  engaged  in  different 
occupations,  but  not  being  satisfied  with  anything 
he  could  get  to  do,  he  emigrated  to  Moline  111., 
where  he  remained  for  some  time  working  at  vari- 
ous employments,  and  among  others,  assisting  on 
a  Government  contract,  in  which  he  gave  very 
good  satisfaction.  When  tlie  opportunitj'  for  en- 
listing in  the  defence  of  his  adopted  country  was 
given,  in  the  fall  of  1861.  he  embraced  it  eagerly, 
and  in  December  of  that  year  he  became  one  of 
Uncle  Sam's  most  valiant  defenders.  The  regi- 
ment of  which  he  was  a  member  was  mustered  into 
service  in  January,  1862,  and  sliortly  after  de- 
parted for  the  immediate  theatre  of  war.  To  write 
a  record  of  the  numerous  engagements  in  which 
he  participated  would  be,  not  simply  to  transcend 
the  limits  of  this  sketch,  but  to  write  a  history  that 
would  fill  a  volume,  as  his  period  of  service  ex- 
tended without  a  break  until  the  close  of  the  war 
in  1865,  when  he  was  mustered  out,  at  San  Antonio, 
Tex.  Upon  receiving  his  disciiarge,  he  returned 
to  Illinois,  where  he  remained  until  the  spring  of 
1871,  when  he  removed  to  Marshall  Count3^  Kan., 
and  settled  on  section  23,  Center  Township.  Be- 
fore finally  locating,  he  made  a  preliminary  survey 
of  various  portions  of  the  State,  and  was  so  well 
satisfied  with  what  Marshall  Count}-  offered  him 
that  he  has  never  since  desired  to  change  his  place 
of  residence.  He  owns  130  acres  of  good  land, 
upon  which  he  has  erected  a  nice,  comfortable 
dwelling  and  good  outbuildings. 

Mr.  Healy  and  Miss  Jane  Cue  were  united  in  the 
bonds  of  matrimony,  in  the  city  of  Rochester, 
N.  Y..  Nov.  18,  1848.  They  have  become  the  par- 
ents of  eight  children,  five  of  whom  are  now  living, 
namely:  William  J.  married  Miss  Emily  Doolittle, 
of  Moline,  111.,  and  resides  in  Topeka,  Kan.;  he  is 
chief  clerk  in  the  Auditor's  office  of  the  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railroad.  Cherrie  is  the  wife 
of  S.  H.  l^eters,  of  Frankfort,  Kan.;  he  is  editor  of 

the  (Se««me?,  a  l)right  and  jtewsy  paper  published 
in  that  city.  John  married  Miss  Linnie  Prescott, 
of  Topeka,  Kan.,  and  is  engaged  in  the  insur- 
ance business;  Thomas  H.  married  Miss  Sadie 
Robinson,  of  Marshall  County,  Kan.,  and  is  in  the 
employ  of  the  Santa  Fe  Railroad,  and  is  living  at 
Pogalas,  Ariz. ;  Fred  married  Miss  Eva  Prouty, 
and  is  chief  clerk  of  the  Santa  Fe  Railroad  at  Los 
Angeles,  Cal.  Lillian  G.  was  the  wife  of  R.  E. 
Trosper;  she  died  June  25,  1885,  near  Frankfort, 
Kan.  Lizzie  died  when  an  innocent  child  of  nine 
and  one-half  years  of  age,  and  another  child  died 
in  infancy. 

Mrs.  Healy  was  born  in  County  Cork,  Ireland, 
July  3,  1830.  She  came  to  America  when  a  young 
lady  of  eighteen  summers,  and  fully  sustains  the 
reputation  of  her  country-women  for  beauty,  in- 
telligence and  virtue.  Her  married  life,  although 
not  exempt  from  trials,  has  been  a  blessing  to  her- 
self, and  all  with  whom  duty  or  pleasure  has 
brought  her  into  contact.  She  has  secured,  partly 
by  the  aid  of  the  schools  she  was  permitted  to  at- 
tend in  her  youth  and  partly  by  her  own  exer- 
tions, a  thoroughly  sound,  practical  education, 
which  has  made  her  a  suitable  guide  and  pleasant 
companion  for  her  children,  both  in  their  child- 
hood and  during  the  critical  time  of  youth  when  a 
wise  mother's  loving  care  and  intelligent  counsels 
are  invaluable.  While  not  despising  or  neglecting 
such  domestic  labors  as  are  necessary  for  the  com- 
fort and  well-being  of  her  family,  Mrs.  Healy  be- 
lieves, and  is  supported  by  her  husband  in  her 
belief,  that  the  mission  of  a  wife  and  mother  is  a 
higher  and  nobler  one  than  that  of  a  mere  do- 
mestic drudge.  She,  therefore,  has  always  made  it 
her  business  to  devote  a  portion  of  her  time  to  the 
cultivation  of  her  intellect,  thus  keeping  abreast  of 
the  spirit  of  the  times  and  taking  the  proper  place 
in  her  home  and  the  community  to  which  her  nat- 
ural ability  of  mind  and  graces  of  character  entitle 

Mr.  Healy  is  a  man  who  believes  that  there  are 
two  sides  to  every  question,  and  consequently  reads 
up  on  both  sides  before  deciding  which  one  to  take. 
In  politics,  therefore,  he  is  independent,  although 
largely  in  sympathy  with  the  Republican  party. 
The  suffrages  of  his  fellow-townsmen,  based  upon 



their  high  estimation  of  bis  character  and  abilities, 
have  placed  him  in  the  office  of  Township  Treas- 
urer, and  also  called  him  to  fill  a  position  of  great 
responsibility  as  a  member  of  the  School  Board. 
He  is  not  only  an  ardent  advocate  of  the  liberal 
education  of  the  youth  of  the  land,  but  is  equally 
in  earnest  in  his  advocacy  of  whatever  will  in  his 
estimation  promote  the  interests  of  the  community 
in  which  he  lives. 

The  home  life  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Healy  is  not  based 
on  principles  of  worldly  philosophy,  but  is  founded 
on  the  enduring  and  beneficent  precepts  of  the 
Everlasting  Word.  They  are  devoted  and  acti^^e 
members  of  the  f^piscopal  Church.  Their  children 
have  all  left  the  home  nest,  but  carried  with  them 
the  righteous  principles  learned  theie,  and  are 
now  occupying  positions  of  honor  and  trust,  re- 
flecting credit  upon  their  parents  and  laying  the 
foundations  of  greater  usefulness  in  the  future. 

r GRACE  >SMITH,  deceased,  was  a  native  of 

Navarino  Township,  Onondaga  Co.,  N.  Y., 
born  Feb.  8,  1842,  his  parents  being  Lyman 
and  Sarah  (Benedict)  Smith.  His  grand- 
rents  were  born,  the  former  in  Connecticut,  the 
latter  in  Vermont,  but  later  removed  to  New  York, 
where  the  grandfather  bought  a  large  amount  of 
land,  and  became  wealthy,  but  by  endorsements 
for  pretended  friends,  which  he  had  to  paj-,  he  lost 
almost  all  his  property.  Lyman  Smith  was  a  na- 
tive of  Onondaga  County,  and  his  wife  of  Con- 
necticut. They  came  to  Kansas  in  1871,  following 
their  sons,  Horace  and  Seth,  who  had  previously 
settled  in  Cottage  Hill  Township,  this  county. 
Here  they  remained  a  year  or  two,  thence  going  to 
Clay  County,  where  the  father  took  up  a  home- 
stead, on  which  both  died,  the  father  in  1876  and 
the  mother  in  1  881. 

Horace  was  the  eldest  of  the  familj'  who  sur- 
vived beyond  childhood,  and  was  a  twin  brother  of 
Harvey.  He  in  early  life  adopted  the  profession 
of  a  leaoher,  which  he  followed  in  bis  native  State 
until  1862,  when,  his  health  failing,  he  went  to 
California  by  way  of  the  Isthmus.     He  taught  in 

that  State,  and  a  part  of  the  time  was  associated 
with  a  surve3'ing  party,  in  order  to  get  the  benefit 
of  the  out-door  life.  These  means  partially  re- 
established his  health,  and  he  returned  to  his  old 
home  in  New  York,  teaching  the  greater  part  of 
the  time  until  his  removal  to  Kansas.  He  was  a 
gentleman  of  good  literary  ability  and  attainments, 
a  close  student,  and  never  had  any  difficulty  in 
obtaining  a  position  as  teacher  in  a  good  school. 
Li  1869  he  came  to  Kansas  with  his  brother,  Seth, 
and  homesteaded  160  acres  on  section  29,  in  Cot- 
tage Hill  Township.  He  stayed  upon  his  place 
long  enough  to  hold  it,  but  taught  school  most  of 
the  time  for  three  terms  each  year,  in  Doniphan 
County,  though  he  always  considered  Marshall 
County  his  home.  Mr.  Smith  soon  entered  into 
the  business  of  raising  .and  dealing  in  stock,  gath- 
ering large  herds  every  spring,  which  he  sold  as 
the  market  offered. 

In  1879,  on  his  marriage,  Mr.  Smith  removed  to 
the  home  of  his  wife's  father,  in  Blue  Rapids,  where 
thej^  stayed  until  the  year  1886,  thence  going  to  a 
large  farm  of  680  acres  which  he  had  bought  in 
Cott.ige  Hill  Township.  In  that  township  Mr. 
Smith  owned  altogether  between  800  and  900  acres. 
On  his  ranch  Mr.  Smith  remained  until  a  short 
time  before  his  death,  which  occurred  in  St.  Joseph 
City,  on  Oct.  30,  1887,  while  there  for  medi(;al 

.Sept.  4,  1879,  Mr.  Smith  united  in  marriage 
with  Miss  Laura  S.  Dawes,  daughter  of  James  S. 
Dawes,  under  whose  name  a  full  history  of  her 
family  is  given.  The  union  is  blessed  by  the  birth 
of  three  children:  Carroll  D.,  born  Oct.  11,  1883; 
Addie  F.,  June  27,  1885,  and  Helen  S.,  Jul3-  8, 
1887.  Since  the  death  of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Smith 
has  returned  to  the  home  of  her  parents  in  Blue 

Mr.  Smith  a  Republican  in  politics,  but  not 
an  office-seeker,  although  he  served  one  term  as 
Justice  of  the  Peace.  His  education  brought  hini 
into  prominence  in  his  township,  where  he  took  a 
leading  position  in  local  affairs.  He  was  a  man  of 
literary  tastes,  a  great  reader  and  student,  and  had 
been  connected  with  some  of  the  journals  of  this 
part  of  Kansas.  During  one  or  two  of  the  annual 
sessions  of  the  Legislature,  he  was  the  Topeka  corres- 



pondent  for  the  local  papers.  He  was  a  man  of 
great  energy  and  indomitable  will,  and  although  a 
victim  of  disease  for  years  before  his  death,  he 
kept  his  place  at  the  head  of  his  own  business,  and 
by  his  industry  and  good  judgment  had  accumu- 
lated a  fine  property.  He  was  reticent  and  self-con- 
tained in  manner,  a  natural  leader  of  men,  kind  in 
disposition,  and  a  more  than  ordinarllj-  affectionate 
husband  and  father,  whose  untimely  demise  was  a 
great  affliction  to  his  wife  and  to  his  children,  who 
were  thus  deprived  of  a  father's  care  and  guidance 
at  a  tender  age. 


WILLIAM  E.  TALBOT.  He  who  is  able  to 
accumulate  propertj',  is  considered  fortu- 
nate, but  he  who  is  enabled  to  take  care  of 
what  he  has,  possesses  a  quality  of  equal  import- 
ance. Mr.  Talbot,  a  well-to-do  citizen  of  Water- 
viile,  started  out  in  life  with  some  means  which  he 
had  received  from  his  father,  and,  like  the  wise  man 
of  Scripture,  he  has  been  enabled  to  increase  his 
talent.  He  is  one  of  the  most  extensive  farmers  of 
his  township,  wide-awake  and  enterprising,  and  oc- 
cupies no  unimportant  position  among  its  agricul- 
tural and  business  interests.  Socially,  he  is  held 
in  high  esteem. 

The  first  years  of  our  subject  were  spent  in  Taze- 
well County,  III.,  where  he  was  born  Feb.  14,  1852. 
The  Talbot  family  flourished  in  New  England, 
probably  during  the  Colonial  times,  and  Seth.  the 
father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in  Dighton,  Mass., 
June  3,  1820.  When  eighteen  years  of  age,  he 
emigrated  to  Illinois,  and  for  many  years  thereafter 
followed  farming  in  Tazewell  County.  He  was 
prospered  as  a  tiller  of  the  soil,  accumulated  a 
handsome  pi-operty,  and  now  lives  upon  the  inter- 
est of  his  money,  which  he  loans.  He  is  a  man  of 
I  high  standing  in  his  community,  and  a  member  of 
the  Universalist  Church. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  Emily  INI.  Richmond.  She  was  born  in  Gene- 
see County,  N.  Y.,  May  11,  1820,  and  is  still  liv- 
ing. The  result  of  her  union  with  Seth  Talbot, 
was  two  children  only,  the  elder  of  whom  was  Mary 

A.,  now  the  wife  of  John  H.  Trout,  of  Axtell,  this 
county.  William  T.  was  reared  mostly  in  his  na- 
tive county,  where  he  attended  the  common  school, 
and  prepared  himself  for  the  higher  branches  of 
studi'.  Later  he  repaired  to  Huntsville,  Mo.,  and 
entered  Mt.  Pleasant  College,  where  his  studies 
were  completed.  In  1883  he  came  to  this  county, 
and  settled  in  Waterville  Township,  of  which  he 
has  since  been  a  resident.  His  possessions  embrace 
880  acres  of  fine  farming  land,  admirably  adapted 
to  the  raising  of  grain  and  stock,  which  industry 
he  prosecutes  on  an  extensive  scale.  He  usually 
keeps  on  hand  from  100  to  2.50  head  of  high-grade 
Short-horn  cattle,  with  numbers  of  good  horses  and 
swine.  His  farm  buildings  are  all  that  could  rea- 
sonably be  desired  in  point  of  convenience  and 
architectural  beauty.  He  rates  A,  No.  1  as  a  busi- 
ness man  in  this  community,  and  occupies  a  high 
position  with  the  I.  O.  O.  F. 

A  marriage  ceremony  performed  Nov.  1,  1877, 
united  our  subject  with  Miss  Mary  A.  Ingalls, 
daughter  of  Nathaniel  W.  and  Elizabeth  (Anger) 
Ingalls,  who  were  at  that  time  residents  of  Tre- 
mont,  III.  Mrs.  Talbot  was  born  March  29,  1858, 
in  Tremont,  111.  She  received  careful  parental 
training,  and  a  good  education  in  the  common 
school.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Talbot  have  not  been  blessed 
with  children,  but  they  have  hosts  of  friends,  and 
their  hospitable  roof  seldom  fails  to  shelter  some  one 
with  whom  the}-  hold  pleasant  social  intercourse. 
Mr.  Talbot,  politically,  is  a  straight  Republican; 
he  has  never  sought  office,  but  whenever  opportun- 
ity occurs,  gives  his  aid  and  influence  in  support 
of  his  principles. 

■fl-l  ACOB  MOHKBACHER.  For  solid  worth, 
reliability,  industry,  enterprise,  and  perse- 
verance, there  is  no  Nation  upon  the  face 
of  the  earth  which  has  made  for  itself  a  bet- 
ter record  than  that  emanating  from  the  Father- 
land. Germany  for  centuries  has  distinguished 
herself  both  in  times  of  war  and  peace,  ever  main- 
taining her  independence  and  dignity.  To  her  is 
America  largely  indebted  for  the  development  of 



her  rich  resources,  as  her  sons  were  soon  found  up- 
on the  soil  of  tlie  new  Continent,  delving  out  for 
themselves  an  honest  living,  and  identifyine;  them- 
selves with  lier  best  interests.  In  the  settlement 
of  the  Great  West,  the  German-born  citizen  has 
made  for  himself  an  admirable  record,  and  the  sub- 
ject of  this  notice  has  not  been  in  any  degree  be- 
hind his  countrymen  in  this  respect.  A  self-made 
man.  he  began  without  means  upon  a  stranger  soil, 
but  is  now  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  comfortable  home, 
and  a  competence.  He  came  to  the  frontier  in  the 
pioneer  da3's,  and  encountered  the  usual  hardships 
and  difficulties  incident  to  that  time,  but  steadily 
persevered  through  them  all,  and  is  now  in  the  en- 
joyment of  his  reward. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  the  Kingdom  of  Bavaria, 
Dec.  26,  1836,  and  is  consequently  in  the  prime  of 
life.  His  parents,  Jacob  and  Elizabeth  (Latterner) 
Morhbacher,  were  likewise  natives  of  Bavaria, 
where  thej'  were  reared  and  married,  and  where 
they  lived  until  the  spring  of  1845.  They  then 
set  out  for  America  when  Jacob  was  a  lad  of  eight 
years.  After  quite  a  lengthy  ocean  voyage  on  a 
sailing-vessel,  they  landed  in  New  York  City,  on 
July  1,  thirty -six  days  after  embarking.  Thence 
tliey  at  once  proceeded  to  Milwaukee  County,  Wis., 
and  settled  on  the  lake  shore,  eight  miles  south  of 
the  present  site  of  the  Cream  City.  The  latter,  it 
is  hardly  necessary  to  say,  was  then  a  mere  hamlet. 
The  Mohrbacher  family  watched  the  growth  and 
development  of  the  Badger  State,  contributing 
their  mite  to  its  prosperitj^,  and  our  subject  re- 
mained there  with  his  parents  until  the  spring  of 

At  this  time,  bidding  adieu  to  his  parents  and 
friends,  joung  Mohrbacher,  then  twenty-two  years 
of  age,  crossed  the  Missouri,  and  made  his  way  into 
Doniphan  County,  Kan.,  where  he  spent  the  sum- 
mer employing  himself  at  whatever  he  could  find 
to  do.  In  the  following  December  he  returned  to 
the  parental  roof,  and  in  the  spring  of  1860,  ac- 
companied by  his  parents,  came  to  this  county,  and 
taking  up  a  tract  of  wild  land  on  section  18,  Elm 
Creek  Township,  settled  upon  it.  There  the  latter 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  days,  the  father  pass- 
ing away  April,  1872.  and  the  mother,  June  8,  1873. 
The}'  were  the  parents  of  thirteen  children,  eight 

sons  and  five  daughters,  of  whom  Jacob  was  the 
eldest  born.  The  survivors  are  residents  of  Kan- 
sas, Missouri,  and  Washington. 

Mr.  Mohrbacher  has  thus  been  a  resident  of  this 
county  for  the  long  period  of  nearly  thirty  }-ears. 
He  has  been  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits  all 
his  life,  and  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  s.ay,  is  fully 
posted  as  to  the  best  methods  of  tilling  the  soil. 
He  is  now  the  owner  of  330  acres  in  Elm  Creek 
Township,  and  160  acres  in  Richland  Township. 
The  whole  has  been  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cul- 
tivation, and  j'ields  in  abundance  the  rich  crops  of 
Northern  Kansas.  The  live-stock  upon  his  farm, 
the  fat  cattle,  horses,  and  swine,  are  typical  of  the 
German  farmer,  who  has  made  for  himself  a  repu- 
tation in  this  respect.  Our  subject  makes  no  pre- 
tentions to  elegance  in  his  surroundings,  but  there 
is  an  air  of  comfort  and  plent}-  about  him  and 
his  family,  indicative  of  ample  means  and  a  large 
amount  of  enjo3'ment. 

The  marriage  of  our  subject  with  Miss  Catherine 
Joerg,  was  celebrated  at  the  home  of  the  bride  at 
St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  Nov.  10,  1860.  This  lady  is  a 
sister  of  John  Joerg,  of  Marysville,  and  the  daugh- 
ter of  John  and  Catherine  (Schild)  Joerg,  the 
former  of  whom  died  at  Marysville,  Feb.  15,  1884. 
The  mother  is  still  living,  making  her  home  in 
Marysville,  and  is  now  past  eighty  years  of  age. 
The  parental  farailv  consisted  of  four  sons  and  one 
daughter.  Mrs.  Mohrbacher  is  a  native  of  Prus- 
sia, and  was  born  June  15,  1844.  She  came  with 
her  parents  to  America  in  1852,  and  they,  like 
the  Mohrbacher  family,  settled  in  Milwaukee.  Wis. 
Thence  they  came  to  this  county  in  January-,  1874, 
settling  in  Marysville. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  fourteen  children,  who  make  a  very 
bright  and  interesting  family,  and  who  are  all,  ex- 
cepting three,  at  home  with  their  parents.  They 
are  named,  respectively:  Elizabeth.  Albert  J., 
Emma  K.,  Frank  O.,  Katie,  Oscar,  Walter.  Mar^', 
John,  Rudolph,  Carrie,  William,  Norah,  and  Jo- 
seph. It  is  seldom  the  lot  of  the  biographer,  to 
encounter  a  more  pleasing  spectacle  than  this  fam- 
ily of  sixteen  persons  mutually  attached  to  each 
other,  and  working  together  with  a  common  inter- 
est in  the  maintenance  of  their  home,  and  the  com- 



forts  which  surround  it.  Mrs.  Mohrbacher,  like 
lier  husband,  is  a  lady  of  more  than  ordinary  abil- 
ity, and  well-fitted  to  be  his  companion  in  life. 

Upon  becoming  a  voting  citizen,  our  subject 
identified  himself  with  the  Republican  party,  but  is 
now  in  sympathy  with  the  Union  Labor  movement, 
to  which  he  gives  his  hearty  support.  He  has  held 
the  office  of  Township  Trustee  in  Elm  Creek,  for 
the  past  three  years,  and  been  School  Treasurer  of 
his  district  since  its  organisation,  in  1872.  Both 
the  parents  and  children  belong  to  St.  Gregory's 
Catholic  Church,  of  which  Rev.  M.  G.  Sclimiekler 
is  pastor,  and  to  which  they  give  a  liberal  support. 
Mr.  Mohrbacher  stands  high  in  his  community  as 
one  of  its  representative  men,  and  one  who  has  con- 
tributed his  full  quota  to  its  moral,  social,  and  finan- 
cial welfare.  We  invite  the  attention  of  our  many 
readers,  to  a  view  of  the  home  and  farm  of  Mr. 
Mohrbacher  on  another  page  of  this  work. 

^  OHN  Mcpherson,  real  estate,  loan  and  in- 
I  Su ranee  agent  of  Blue  Rapids,  is  one  of  the 
1  oldest  settlers  in  that  place,  where  he  has 
/  lived  for  a  score  of  years.  His  native  place 
was  in  Caithnesshire,  North  Scotland,  and  the  date 
of  his  birth,  Nov.  24,  183.5.  Ilisancestors  were  all 
of  Scotch  extraction.  His  ])aternal  grandfather, 
Donald  McPherson,  was  a  ship  builder  on  the  Clyde, 
and  lived  to  the  age  of  ninety-eight  years.  His 
wife  died  when  ninety-six  years  old.  Their  son, 
Alexander,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was  born  in 
the  town  of  Wick,  Scotland,  in  November,  1810, 
and  was  brought  up  to  the  occupation  of  a  weaver. 
Later  he  operated  as  a  boat  builder,  and  as  was 
usual  with  the  people  on  that  coast,  engaged  con- 
siderably as  a  fisherman. 

Alexander  McPherson  was  married  in  his  native 
shire,  to  Miss  Helen  Steplienson,  a  lineal  descendant 
of  Robert  and  George  Stephenson.  The  mother  of 
our  subject  was  born  in  Poultneytown,  on  the 
north  coast  of  Scotland,  in  November,  1815.  The 
parents  were  married  in  1833,  and  to  them  there 
were  born  eight  children,  three  in  Scotland  and  five 
in   America.      In    1842    they    set   sail    with    their 

three  children,  from  Thursa  on  the  west  coast  of 
Scotland,  and  after  a  tedious  voyage  of  three 
months,  landed  in  New  York  City.  An  elder 
brother  of  Alexander  McPherson,  and  who  was  a 
minister  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  had  come  to 
America  two  years  prior  to  that  time,  and  had  lo- 
cated in  Raymond,  Racine  Co.,  Wis.,  where  his 
wife  had  relatives  living,  and  he  had  preached  the 
first  sermon  ever  delivered  in  Racine  County. 
Alexander  left  Scotland  with  the  intention  of  join- 
ing his  mother,  and  on  landing,  at  once  set  out  for 
the  frontier,  as  it  was  called  at  that  early  day.  The 
journey  was  tedious  and  hazardous,  but  the  family 
arrived  safely  at  their  destination,  and  Mr.  McPher- 
son at  once  preempted  a  claim,  embracing  the  pre- 
sent site  of  the  town  of  Raymond,  where  he  made 
a  home,  and  where  he  is  still  living,  at  the  age  of 
seventy-nine  years.  His  wife  died  in  1877,  aged 
sixty-two.  Mr.  McPherson  has  always  been  known 
as  a  man  of  great  integrity,  and  of  irreproachable 
character.  He  has  been  a  lifelong  member  of  the 
Congregational  Church,  and  a  Deacon  for  a  great 
many  years.  The  people  who  rapidly  settled  up 
this  region,  were  mostly  Danes  and  Norwegians, 
and  among  these  the  father  of  our  subject  wielded 
a  great  influence  on  account  of  his  upright  manner 
of  dealing  with  them,  and  they  relied  implicitly 
upon  his  judgment  and  fidelity  to  his  duties.  For 
a  great  many  years  he  filled  offices  of  trust  and 
responsibility.  He  was  Chairman  of  the  County 
Board  of  Supervisors,  was  County  Commissioner, 
County  Treasurer,  and  for  many  years  a  Justice  of 
the  Peace.  He  never  sought  office,  but  his  neigh- 
bors insisted  upon  his  accepting  these  and  other 
public  positions,  and  his  influence  was  always  ex- 
erted for  good.  Many  disputes  and  quarrels  were 
settled  by  his  mediation.  He  accumulated  a  com- 
fortable property,  and  is  now  enjoying  the  fruits 
of  a  well-spent  life,  having  material  comforts,  the 
love  of  his  descendants,  and  the  confidence  and  es- 
teem of  the  people  among  whom  he  has  lived  for 
nearly  half  a  century. 

To  Alexander  and  Helen  McPherson,  there  were 
born  five  sons  and  three  daughters.  The  eldest  was 
Jennett,  who  became  the  wife  of  Pliny  Hayward, 
and  died  at  Sparta,  Wis.;  John,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  was  the  next  in  order  of    birth;  Thomas  is 



inspector  of  buildings  for  the  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul 
Railway  Company,  and  makes  his  home  at  Water- 
town,  Wis. ;  Jane  G.  is  the  wife  of  Richard  Callen- 
der,  a  carpenter  and  builder  of  Racine;  Robert 
occupies  the  old  homestead  at  Raymond,  where  the 
venerable  father  also  lives;  Elizabeth  is"  the  wife 
of  William  Blocksedge,  a  carpenter  and  builder  of 
Racine;  Stephen  I.  is  similarly  occupied  at  the 
same  place;  also  Eugene  Woodman. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  spent  his  boyhood  on 
the  farm,  attending  the  district  school  and  assisting 
in  the  arduous  labor  involved  in  preparing  for  cul- 
tivation the  soil  of  a  heavilj-  wooded  country. 
When  sixteen  years  old,  he  repaired  to  Milwaukee, 
Wis.,  and  served  an  apprenticeship  of  three  years 
at  the  trade  of  a  carpenter.  For  four  years  fol- 
lowing, he  remained  with  the  same  employer  in  the 
capacit3'  of  general  foreman.  Next  he  engaged  in 
business  on  his  own  account  in  Ocouomowoc,  Wis., 
where  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  found  him.  On 
the  15th  of  August,  1861,  he  enlisted  in  Company 
A,  1st  Wisconsin  Cavalry,  which  was  assigned  to 
duty  in  the  Southwest.  They  drilled  for  a  few 
weeks  at  Benton  Barracks,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and 
thence  -were  sent  to  Cape  Girardeau,  under  com- 
mand of  Gen.  John  McNeil.  Their  emplojment 
thereafter  was  scouting  and  fighting  the  bushwliack- 
ers  with  which  that  whole  region  was  infested,  the 
service  being  extremely  dangerous,  but  not  par- 
ticularly glorious.  Thus  a  year  was  spent,  and  in 
the  spring  of  1863,  the  regiment  was  ordered  to 
Tennessee.  It  took  part  in  the  battles  of  Stone 
River,  the  cavalry  fight  at  Tallahoma,  the  battle  of 
Chickamauga,  was  in  the  great  cavalrv  fights  with 
Wheeler's  rebel  troops  in  the  Sequachee  Valley, 
participated  in  the  siege  of  Knoxville,  and  in  al- 
most innumerable  skirmishes  with  the  rebel  cavalry. 
This  regiment  later  was  in  the  raid  with  Kilpalrick 
and  McCook.  which  started  out  ostensibly  to  liber- 
ate the  prisoners  at  Andersonville,  but  failed  of  its 

After  the  siege  and  capture  of  Atlanta,  tlie  1st 
Wisconsin,  which  had  been  in  continuous  service 
most  of  the  time,  was  sent  to  Kentucky  to  be  re- 
mounted, after  which  the  boys  returned  to  Tennes- 
see, and  took  part  in  the  last  siege  of  Nashville. 
Their  last  engagement  was  at  West    Point,  Ga., 

April  16,  1865.  At  Irwinsville,  May  10,  the  1st 
Wisconsin  and  4th  Michigan  Cavalry  overtook  and 
captured  Jeff  Davis.  In  all  these  marclies  and 
fights,  except  the  two  last,  Mr.  McPherson  took  a 
part.  He  had  two  or  three  close  calls,  but  was 
never  wounded  and  never  in  the  hospital.  He  was 
promoted  through  all  the  non-commissioned  grades 
from  private  to  Commissar}'  Sergeant.  On  the  7th 
of  April.  1863,  he  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of 
First  Lieutenant,  for  gallant  service  on  the  field  and 
for  the  same  reason  was  commissioned.  He  was 
mustered  out  of  the  service  Jan.  8,  1865.  Upon 
the  return  of  peace,  Mr.  McPherson,  at  Ocouomo- 
woc, Wis.,  engaged  as  a  contractor  and  builder, 
which  business  he  prosecuted  until  1870.  He  then 
sold  out,  and  with  his  wife,  accompanied  bj'  her 
father  and  his  family  and  other  relatives,  came  to 
Blue  Rapids,  this  county.  In  partnership  with  his 
father-in-law,  C.  Y.  Reed,  he  built  the  LaBelle 
House,  in  Blue  Rapids,  and  they  conducted  this 
for  twelve  years.  Afterward  they  rented  it  for  a 
time  and  sold  it  in  August,  1887.  Mr.  McPherson 
in  the  meantime  had  handled  some  real  estate,  prin- 
cipally for  the  central  branch  of  the  Union  Pacific 
Railroad  Company.  After  withdrawing  from  the 
management  of  the  hotel,  he  opened  an  office  in 
Blue  Rapids,  and  has  since  carried  on  the  business 
in  which  he  is  now  engaged. 

Mr.  McPherson  has  been  three  times  Mayor  of 
Blue  Rapids,  a  member  of  its  Council,  the  Town- 
ship and  Cit}-  Treasurer,  and  has  often  occupied 
other  positions  of  public  trust.  In  1878  he  was 
appointed  Deputy  United  States  Marshal,  and  re- 
appointed in  1882,  serving  about  three  and  one- 
half  3-ears,  his  principal,  Maj.  Simpson,  resigning 
before  the  expiration  of  his  term.  On  May  29,  1889, 
under  the  administration  of  President  Harrison,  he 
was  re-appointed  to  the  same  position  for  a  term  of 
four  years.  He  has  been  for  j'ears  a  Notar}'  Pub- 
lic, and  was  appointed  by  Gov.  Martin,  Major  of 
the  3d  Regiment,  Kansas  National  Guards,  his  com- 
mission dating  from  Feb.  22.  1884,  making  him  the 
ranking  Major  of  the  National  Guards  of  the  State. 

In  Oconomowoc,  Wis.,  on  the  19th  of  October. 
1864,  Mr.  McPherson  was  married  to  Miss  Emma 
-4.,  only  child  of  C.  Y.  and  Amanda  (Duguid) 
Reed.    Mrs.  McPherson  was  born  in  LeRov.N.  Y., 



July  12,  1844.  Her  father  emigrated  to  Wiscon- 
sin at  an  early  day  after  his  second  marriage,  her 
mother  dying  when  she  was  born.  Mr.  Reed  died 
in  Blue  Rapids,  Sept.  10,  1888.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mc- 
Pherson  are  the  parents  of  three  children,  one  of 
whom.  Nellie,  died  in  Blue  Rapids,  in  1870.  The 
others,  John  Edward  and  Cora  Jennett,  remain  with 
their  parents.  Mrs.  McPherson  is  President  of  the 
Woman's  Relief  Corps  No.  172,  auxiliary  to  the 
Post  in  Bine  Rapids.  She  also  holds  the  same  posi- 
tion in  connection  with  the  5th  District  W.  R.  C, 
which  embraces  twenty-eight  divisions,  their  office 
being  to  aid  the  G.  A.  R.  Posts  in  all  charitable 
works.  She  takes  an  active  interest  in  tiie  Ladies' 
Librar}-  Association  in  Blue  Rapids,  of  which  she 
is  now  Treasurer.  This  association  has  been  in 
existence  for  fifteen  3-ears.  and  owns  a  building  on 
the  east  side  of  the  square  in  which  there  is  a 
library  of  3,000  volumes. 

Mr.  McPherson  is  a  member  of  Robert  Hale  Post 
No.  328,  G.  A.  R.,  of  which  for  three  years  he  has 
been  Commander.  He  is  now  Commander  of  the 
5lh  District  of  the  State.  The  fourth  annual  re- 
union was  held  at  Blue  Rapids  in  August,  1889. 
He  is  as  well  known  probably  as  any  resident  of 
his  town,  and  his  old  neighbors  and  fellow-citizens 
speak  of  him  in  terms  of  high  respect  as  an  upright 
and  trustworthy  man  and  a  good  citizen,  who  does 
his  full  share  in  all  works  tending  to  advance  the 
interests  of  the  town  and  county  where  he  lias 
made  his  home. 



ALVIN  G.  BEACH.  A  long  residence  in 
any  section  gives  to  the  individual  a  con- 
l  sideration  and  dignity  scarcely  to  be  ac- 
quired by  an}'  other  means,  especially  if  he  is  one 
who  has  been  of  value  to  his  community.  Mr. 
Beach  is  not  only  one  of  the  oldest  settlers  of  this 
community,  but  is  one  of  its  honored  citizens.  He 
looked  upon  Kansas  in  its  pioneer  days  and  has 
stayed  by  it  through  its  various  experiences,  politi- 
cal troubles,  drouth  and  grasshoppers  and  still 
maintains  his  allegiance  to  the  commonwealth, 
which  possesses  a  history  more  thrilling  and  inter- 

esting, perhaps,  than  any  one  State  in  the  Union 
since  the  Revolutionary  times.  That  it  possesses 
advantages  not  found  elsewhere  can  hardly  be 
disputed  in  consideration  of  the  loyalty  of  its  old 

The  subject  of  this  biographical  outline  was  born 
at  Painted  Post,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  14,  1839, 
and  is  the  son  of  the  Rev.  Allen  R.  and  Amj'  B. 
(Carpenter)  Beach,  the  former  a  native  of  New 
York  State  and  of  English  descent.  The  Beach 
family  came  from  Goshen,  Conn.,  to  Johnstown 
N.  Y.  in  1780,  while  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our 
subject  served  as  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary 
War.  His  mother  was  likewise  a  native  of  the 
Empire  State  and  traced  her  ancestry  to  England. 
One  of  her  uncles,  Wardwell  Greene,  served  in  the 
Revolutionary  War.  Our  subject  is  also  related  to 
Gen.  Greene  of  Revolutionary  fame.  The  family 
characteristics  were  industry,  honesty,  and  prud- 
ence, qualities  vvhich  seem  transmitted  to  their  de- 
scendents  to  a  marked  degree. 

Mr.  Beach  was  the  second  son  in  his  father's 
family  and  was  reared  to  manhood  in  his  native 
State,  serving  a  thorough  apprenticeship  at  farm- 
ing. During  his  boyhood  he  attended  the  common 
schools,  mostly  during  the  summer  season  and  took 
kindl}-  to  his  books.  His  inclinations  led  him  to 
the  schools  for  higher  education  and  though  not  a 
college  graduate  the  most  of  his  education  was  ob- 
tained in  schools  of  this  character.  He  later  devel- 
oped into  a  teacher,and  followed  his  profession  in  his 
native  county  and  for  a  time  later  taught  in  the  Acad- 
emy at  Penfield  near  Rochester.  He  remained  a 
bachelor  until  thirty-two  years  old  and  was  then 
married  March  14,1872  to  Miss  Charlotte  M.  Reed,a 
native  of  his  own  State,  and  a  daughter  of  the  Rev. 
E.  I).  Reed,  a  minister  of  the  Baptist  Ciiurch,  and 
now  deceased. 

Allen  R.  Beach  the  father  of  our  suliject,  was  a 
minister  of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  died  May  3, 
1879.  His  wife  survived  him  ten  years,  dying 
July  23,  1889.  The  parental  family  consisted  of 
six  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  Mary  E,  the  wife 
of  S.  N.  Holmes,  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  died  March 
11,  18B1 ;  Ann  E.  is  the  wife  of  Benjamin  Crandall, 
of  Battle  Creek,  Mich.;  Amy  pj.,Mrs.  Campbell,  is 
the  widow  of    Prof.  A.  B.  Campbell,    and    lives   in 



Hamilton,  N.  Y. ;  Calvin  G.,  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  was  the  next  in  order  of  birth;  Ward  well 
owns  a  valuable  farm,  and  is  a  practicing  attornej' 
in  Syracuse,  N.  Y,;  Allen  C.  the  second  child,  was 
in  1869  chosen  Lieut-Governor  of  New  York,  and 
was  afterward  Secretary  of  State;  he  is  now  follow- 
ing the  profession  of  law  at  Watertown,  that  State. 
The  late  Stephen  Carpenter,-  professor  in  a  college 
in  Madison.  Wis.,  and  author  of  some  books  on 
science,  was  a  cousin  of  Mr.  Beach.  jMrs.  Camp- 
bell, above  referred  to  as  the  sister  of  our  subject, 
has  since  the  death  of  her  husband  been  engaged  in 
the  missionary'  and  temperance  work  of  her  native 
State.  She  was  appointed  by  the  W.  C.  T.  U.  to 
take  charge  of  the  department  in  temperance  in 
Sunday-schools,  and  is  often  called  upon  to  deliver 
addresses  before  large  and  cultured  audiences  in 
behalf  of  both  the  temperance  and  missionar}- 

In  the  spring  of  1872,  Mr.  Beach  leaving  the 
Empire  State,  came  to  this  county  and  engaged  in 
cattle-raising  upon  an  extensive  scale,  which  in- 
dustry he  followed  successfully  for  about  twelve 
years.  In  the  meantime  he  made  his  home  in  Blue 
Rapids.  He  also  became  owner  of  a  farm,  to  which 
lie  removed  in  the  spring  of  1884,  and  where  he 
has  since  resided.  During  his  residence  in  town 
he  was  activel}'  engaged  in  the  temperance  cause, 
trying  with  other  zealous  workers  to  enforce  the 
proliibitory  laws.  His  experiences  of  pioneer  life 
have  been  many  and  varied,  during  which  he  la- 
bored under  the  many  difficulties  attending  the  set- 
tlement of  a  new  country  ;but  he  was  possessed  of  the 
hardy  spirit  necessarj'  to  meet  every  emergency, 
and  has  thus  been  able  to  make  for  himself  a  good 
record.  Like  every  intelligent  man  he  has  watched 
the  growth  and  prosperity  of  the  "Sun  Flower 
State"  with  warm  interest,  and  has  contributed  his 
full  share  to  the  prosperity  of  Marshall  County. 
lie  has  been  a  uniform  supporter  of  Republican 
principles,  and  with  his  excellent  wife  is  a  mem- 
ber in  good  standing  of  the  Baptist  Church  in 
Blue  Rapids,  in  which  he  officiates  as  Deacon 
and  Trustee.  He  was  quite  intimately  associated 
with  the  early  history  of  the  church.  When  he 
and  his  wife  became  residents  of  Blue  Rapids, 
there  were  but  four  members  of  the  Baptist  denomi- 

nation in  the  city,  including  themselves.  In  the 
fall  of  the  same  year  the  first  meeting  of  Baptists 
was  held  at  their  residence,  the  object  being  to 
consider  the  proprietj-  of  organizing  a  Baptist 
Church.  On  Dec.  1,  1872,  the  church  was  duly 
organized  with  a  membership  of  twenty-three. 
Our  subject  was  a  number  of  years  Superintendent 
of  the  Sunday -school.  Besides  his  80-acre  farm  he 
has  some  village  propertj',  and  also  owns  some  land 
in  Missouri. 

The  children  of  ^Ir.  and  Mrs.  Beach  are  recorded 
as  follows:  Allen  Reed,  the  eldest  of  the  five,  was 
born  Aug.  10,  1875;  Frank  Ward  well,  April  14. 
1878;  Annie  Laurie,  Oct.  4.  1880;  Edwin  Carroll, 
March  7,  1883;  and  Calvin  Campbell,  Jan.  6,  1887. 
Rev.  E.  D.  Reed,  the  father  of  Mrs.  Beach,  was 
born  in  Franklin  County,  Mass.,  March  22.  1811. 
and  was  for  many  j'ears  a  member  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  of  Madison  University,  X.  Y.  The  Reed 
family  trace  their  ancestrj-  from  William  Reade, 
who  was  born  in  1605,  and  sailed  from  Gravesend. 
Kent  Co.,  England,  in  the  good  ship  "Assurance 
de  Lo,"  in  1635.  He  was  one  of  the  first  settlers 
in  Wej'mouth,  Mass.,  and  was  a  representative  in 
1636-1638.  A  son  of  this  man  married  E;sther,  the 
daughter  of  Mary  Cook  of  the  '-Mayflower  Com- 
panie."  Thus  the  Reed  familj-  are  but  one  re- 
move from  Pilgrim  blood.  In  the  fourth  genera- 
tion a  William  Reade  married  Sarah  Warren, 
sister  of  Gen.  Joseph  Warren  of  Revolutionary  re- 
nown. Little  Lavinia  Warren,  well  kown  as  Mrs. 
Gen.  Tom  Thumb,  is  also  descended  from  this  hero. 
In  the  fifth  generation  there  were  two  brothers — 
James  and  Levi,  the  former  of  whom  emigrated  to 
Ohio  in  the  earlj-  history  of  the  State.  When 
in  the  prime  of  his  manhood  he  befriended, 
clothed,  and  educated  a  poor  boy,  who  afterward 
became  president  of  a  well-known  college.  Among 
those  related  to  this  branch  of  the  Reed  familv. 
may  be  mentioned  Miss  Clara  Wells,  a  prominent 
teacher  and  founder  of  a  school  for  j^onng  ladies  in 
Massachussetts.  She  never  married,  but  devoted 
her  life  to  teaching,  instructing  two  generations  of 
the  same  families  in  many  cases.  She  was  much 
beloved  by  her  pupils,  and  at  her  death  the  Alumni 
of  her  school  formed  an  association  of  all  those 
living  in  the   United  States,   and  it   was    their  sad 



l)leasure  to  contribute  toward  the  erection  of  a 
monument  to  mark  her  last  resting  place.  At  the 
unveiling  of  this  monument,  many  of  the  Alumni 
were  present. 

Levi  Reed  the  grandfather  of  Mrs.  Beacii,  mar- 
ried Nancy  Pratt,  whose  ancestrj'  has  been  traced 
as  far  back  as  the  reigu  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  She 
was  descended  through  the  Hammond  family  from 
Elizabeth  Penn,  a  sister  of  William  Penn.  Some 
of  their  ancestors  were  engaged  in  the  French  and 
Indian  wars,  while  Levi  Reed  served  as  musician 
ill  the  War  of  1812.  The  British  encamped  in 
in  sight  of  Boston  for  several  weeks,  when  Edwin 
I).  Reed,  the  son  of  Levi  Reed,  was  a  child  of  two 
or  three  years.  As  his  mother  bade  her  husband  a 
tearful  farewell,  not  knowing  what  the  future  had 
in  store  for  them,  Edwin  looked  up  proudly  into 
her  sad  face  and  said:  "Your  little  boy  will  take 
care  of  you."  Levi  Reed  emigrated  to  Northern 
New  York,  when  Edwin  D.,  the  father  of  Mrs. 
Beach,  was  but  a  boy  seven  years  of  age.  He,  and 
a  younger  brother  made  much  of  the  long  journey 
by  trudging  on  foot  over  the  Green  Mountains. 
He  was  educated  for  the  ministry  at  Madison  Uni- 
versity, and  in  his  early  manhood  was  asked  to 
accept  the  position  as  tutor  of  the  noted  authoress, 
Fanny  Forrester,  then  only  an  ambitious  factory 
girl,  writing  for  the  local  papers.  It  was  through 
his  influence  that  her  first  poem  was  secured  for 
the  press.  He  was  married  in  1837  to  Miss  Sophia 
Redfield,  a  lady  of  English  descent,  and  one  of  a 
numerous  family,  her  grandfather  serving  in  the 
war  against  the  French  in  Cana  la.  A  cousin 
of  her  father  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War 
from  1777  to  1782,  suffering  incredible  hard- 
sJLips  from  marching  through  deep  snows  and 
from  the  want  of  food  and  raiment.  A  brother 
served  in  the  Civil  War,  and  many  other 
members  of  her  family  were  in  the  same  war, 
in  both  army  and  navy.  Another  brother  was  a' 
refugee  from  the  State  of  Tennessee.  Isaac 
Fletcher  Redfield  was  graduated  from  Dartmouth 
College,  receiving  from  that  and  Trinity  College 
the  degree  of  L.  L.  D.,  and  was  on  the  bench  of 
the  Supreme  Court  of  Vermont,  being  Chief  Jus- 
tice of  that  State.  Mrs.  Reed  died  Aug.  26,  1871. 
The    parental    family    included    five    children,    of 

whom  Mrs.  Beach  is  the  sole  survivor.  Later,  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Reed  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Laura  Adams  Brown,  a  lineal  descendant  of  John 
Quincy  Adams,  and  after  a  long  and  useful  life 
passed  to  rest  April  29,  1888.  He  had  given  his 
children  a  good  education,  Mrs.  Beach  completing 
her  studies  in  the  Rockland  Female  Institute  at 
Nyack  on  the  Hudson,  after  which  she  taught  one 
year  in  the  Waterville  Seminary.  Nature  endowed 
her  with  fair  musical  talents,  and  when  a  young  lady 
she  entered  Lyons  Musical  Academy,  from  which 
she  was  graduated  with  honors.  She  taught  music 
for  several  years  while  a  resident  of  Blue  Rapids. 
Some  excellent  musicians  of  that  place  were  in 
former  years  pupils  of  hers,  and  of  them  she  is 
justly  proud.  She  is  a  lady  of  culture  and  refine- 
ment, and  the  entire  family  occupy  a  high  position 
socially  in  their  community.  A  relative  of  Mrs. 
Beach,  George  Parsons  Lathrop,  noted  in  literature, 
married  Rose  Hawtliorne.  the  daughter  of  Nathan- 
iel Hawthorne.  Also  a  cousin  of  Mrs.  Beach, 
Wirt  Sykes,  married  Olive  Logan,  and  was  for 
several  years  Consul  at  Wales.  It  will  be  ob- 
served by  a  careful  reading  of  this  biographical 
sketch,  that  this  family,  together  with  their  ances- 
tors, have  been  prominent  in  the  settlement  and 
history  of  four  States. 

It  is  the  oft-repeated  pleasure  of  Mr.  Beach  and 
his  amiable  wife  to  turn  their  thoughts  in  sweet 
reminiscence  to  the  days  when  Kansas  was  a  new 
country,  peopled  only  by  the  birds  and  beasts 
which  frequented  solitary  spots  and  lonely  prairies. 
After  they  had  learned  the  lay  of  the  laud,  our 
subject  and  his  wife  used  to  leave  the  main  roads 
and  take  a  short  cut  across  the  high  prairies.  Oc- 
casionallj'  they  would  come  upon  a  spot  so  iso- 
lated from  all  human  habitation,  that,  stopping  to 
look  in  every  direction  about  as  far  as  the  eye 
could  span  to  either  horizon,  it  would  seem  that  no 
human  footstep  had  ever  pressed  the  soil  before, 
except  for  the  faint  trace  of  a  rut  in  the  tall  grass 
that  they  might  come  upon  now  and  then,  marking 
the  old  California  highway  of  years  ago.  It  is  not 
unlike  the  sensation  of  being  far  out  at  sea;  on 
all  sides  were  long  stretches  of  billowy  prairie  simi- 
lar to  ocean  waves.  The  tall  grass  would  bend 
low   with  the  gentle  Kansas  breezes,  then  rise  onlj' 



to  meet  another  fall,  and  so  on  in  endless  success- 
ion. The  plumed  heads  of  grass  shone  white  in 
the  sunlight,  like  foam  on  the  crest  of  the  wave. 
Involuntarily  the  thoughts  would  turn  to  the 
rhyme  of  the  Ancient  Mariner: 

Alone,  alone.     All,  all,  alone. 

Alone  on  a  wide,  wide  sea ; 
So  lonel_v  "twas  tliat  God  himself, 

Scarce  seemed  there  to  be. 

The  country  is  now  so  well  settled  that  such 
complete  solitude  would  be  looked  for  all  in  vain. 

^/AMES  M.  LANE.  This  gentleman  is  one 
j  of  the  leading  and  most  successful  bus- 
I  I  iness  men  of  Frankfort,  where  for  the  past 
^^fj  fourteen  3'ears  he  has  owned  and  operated 
the  Frankfort  elevator.  His  business  as  a  buyer  of 
grain,  has  given  him  a  wide  acquaintance  through- 
out the  country,  and  he  is  generally  recognized  as  a 
popular  and  public-spirited  citizen.  Ever  since  his 
arrival  in  Frankfort,  in  1875,  he  has  identified  him- 
self with  every  movement,  and  been  prominent  in 
every  effort  calculated  to  advance  the  interests  and 
insure  the  permanent  prosperity  of  that  thrifty  and 
growing  citj-. 

A  native  of  Ohio,  our  subject  came  to  Kansas 
equipped  Ity  education  and  experience  for  a  suc- 
cessful business  career.  He  possessed  the  energy, 
integrity,  pel-severance  and  the  industrj'  needed  to 
overcome  the  obstacles  that  usually  beset  men  who 
seek  to  establish  themselves  in  new  and  growing 
communities,  where  competition  is  fierce,  and  where 
those  who  are  not  "hustlers"  are  destined  to  be 
distanced  in  the  race  for  fame  and  fortune.  He 
has  won  his  way  by  hard  work,  prudent  business 
methods,  unswerving  integrity  and  unflagging  in- 

The  birth  of  our  subject  occurred  Oct.  13,  1849. 
near  Lancaster,  Fairfield  Co.,  Ohio,  and  he  is  the 
youngest  of  a  family  of  seven  children.  His  father. 
William  Lane,  and  his  mother,  Maria  (Griswold) 
Lane,  were  natives  of  the  same  State  as  their  son. 
His  mother's  parents  were  natives  of  Connecticut, 
and  were   of  Welsh  and  French    ancestry.     When 

our  subject  was  about  six  years  of  age,  his  father, 
who  had  been  previously  engaged  in  mercantile 
business,  sold  out  and  purchased  a  farm  near  Lan- 
caster, Ohio,  in  the  care  and  cultivation  of  which 
he  passed  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  died  in 
1878  at  the  age  of  seventy  years.  The  mother  is 
still  living  in  Shelbyville,  111. 

The  brothers  and  sisters  of  our  subject,  were 
six  in  number,  namely  :  Malcolm,  Marquis,  Naomi, 
Rachael,  John  and  Henry  M.  Malcolm,  upon  the 
breaking  out  of  the  Rebellion,  entered  the  Union 
army.  He  went  out  as  Sergeant-Major  of  the  17th 
Ohio  Infantry,  served  in  the  army  of  the  Cumber- 
land under  Sherman,  followed  that  celebrated  com- 
mander to  the  sea,  and  left  the  service  at  the  close  of 
the  war  a  commissioned  officer,  having  been  pro- 
moted to  the  captaincy  of  Company  I.  He  now  is 
a  prosperous  farmer,  residing  near  Shelbyville,  111. 
Naomi  is  the  widow  of  the  late  William  Propeck, 
who  went  to  Texas  seven  3^ears  ago,  and  secured  a 
tract  of  land,  over  a  large  portion  of  which  the 
citj'  of  Dennison  has  since  extended,  making  it 
verj  valuable  and  the  owner  very  wealth}'.  Mrs. 
Propeck  is  the  mother  of  five  children.  Rachael 
married  Jesse  CuUumber,  a  well-to-do  farmer,  who 
resides  near  Shelbyville,  111.;  they  have  seven  chil- 
dren. John  died  when  seventeen  j-ears  old.  Henr}- 
M.  lives  near  Frankfort,  this  State ;  he  is  a  farmer, 
is  married  and  has  one  child. 

Mr.  Lane's  childhood  and  j-outh  were  spent  on 
his  father's  farm.  He  attended  the  public  school 
until  he  was  seventeen  3-ears  of  age,  when  he  went 
to  the  High  School  at  Baltimore,  Ohio,  and  took  a 
course  of  the  higher  branches.  He  then  became  a 
clerk  in  a  general  merchandisiug  store  in  Dayton, 
Ohio,  where  he  remained  until  he  was  about  twen- 
ty-one }-earsof  age,  when  he  went  to  Shelby  County 
and  was  book-keeper  for  a  mercantile  house  for 
two  3'ears.  He  then  went  to  Wortbington,  Minn., 
where  being  desirous  of  still  further  advancing  his 
education,  he  became  a  student  of  the  Wortbing- 
ton Seminar}',  after  which  he  entered  the  employ 
of  the  milling  firm  of  Miller  &  Carlisle,  as  a  book- 
keeper. He  remained  with  them  about  a  3'ear,  and 
in  1875,  as  before  stated,  he  came  to  Frankfort,  and 
engaged  in  the  grain  buying  and  elevator  business, 
which  he  has  successfully  carried  on  to  the  present 



time.  On  Dec.  25th,  1876,  Mr.  Lane  was  married 
to  iMiss  Ella  Williams,  a.  resident  of  Frankfort. 
Her  parents  are  natives  of  New  York  State,  and  of 
Welsh-English  descent.  Mr. and  Mrs.  Lane  have  had 
born  to  tliem  one  child,  a  Ijoy,  now  eleven  years 
of  age. 

It  was  not  long  after  Mr.  Lane's  arrival  in  Frank- 
fort, before  he  began  to  identify  himself  with  those  j 
enterprises  in  which  public-spirited  citizens  usually 
interest  themselves.  His  business  naturallj- brought 
him  in  contact  with  the  farmers  of  the  county,  and 
they  found  in  him  a  man  just  and  honorable  in  all 
his  dealings,  and  they  soon  learned  to  confide  in 
and  esteem  him  as  an  upright  business  man,  a  cour- 
teous gentleman  and  a  worthy  citizen.  1 

Our  subject  has  held  the  offices  of  citj'  Treas-  | 
urer  for  four  years,  and  also  Sccretar}'  of  the 
Frankfort  Fair  Association  for  four  years.  He  is 
now  serving  his  second  term  as  Clerk  of  the  School 
Board  of  Frankfort,  and  also  Secretary  of  the 
Board  of  Trade  and  of  the  Frankfort  Association. 
He  is  a  member  of  Frankfort  Lodge,  No.  67,  A.  F. 
&  A.  M.,  in  which  he  has  served  in  various  official 
capacities.  In  politics  he  is  a  stanch  Republican. 
He  was  a  delegate  to  the  Republican  State  Conven- 
tion in  188G,  and  has  served  a  number  of  times  as 
a  delegate  to  county  conventions. 

rit„^^ORATIO  BLANCHARD  was  born  Feb.   11. 

l)i-  1835.  in  Tolland  County,  Conn.  AVhen 
'■^^    but  eighteen  months  old,  his  parents,  George 

(^)  and  Caroline  (Bradley)  Blancbard,  removed 
to  the  eastern  part  of  the  State,  where  our  subject 
was  reared  and  educated.  The  spring  of  1861 
found  him  thoroughly  animated  by  the  patriotic 
spirit  that  led  so  many  thousands  of  our  country- 
men to  offer  their  lives  to  their  country,  and  he 
was  enrolled  among  the  members  of  Company  C, 
Gth  Connecticut  Infantry.  Enlisting  as  a  private, 
he  was,  before  going  into  service,  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  Second  Lieutenant,  and  a  short  time  later 
was  again  promoted,  this  time  to  the  rank  of  First 
Lieutenant.  Being  taken  sick,  he  by  the  doctor's 
advice  resigned  and  went  home.     But  upon  recov- 

ering his  health,  he  re-entered  the  service,  organiz- 
ing, in  company  with  Capt.  T.  K.  Bates,  Company 
B,  of  the  18th  Connecticut  Infantry,  which,  enroll- 
ing in  August,  1863,  served  until  the  close  of  the 
war.  Our  subject,  after  serving  as  First  Lieuten- 
ant for  over  two  years,  was  promoted  to  the  cap- 
taincy of  Company  G.  Among  the  many  engage- 
ments in  which  he  took  part,  was  the  well  known 
battle  of  Winchester.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he 
returned  to  Connecticut,  and  in  1869  came  to  this 
county,  where  he  had  previously'  bought  a  half  sec- 
tion of  land.  He  took  a  homestead  of  eighty  acres 
and  settled  down  to  the  life  of  a  Kansas  farmer. 

He  now  owns  240  acres  of  thoroughly  cultivated 
prairie,  together  with  twenty  acres  of  timber  land, 
on  section  22,  Walnut  Townshii).  He  has  erected 
neat  farm  buildings,  entirely  adequate  to  his  needs, 
and  displaying  an  air  of  comfort  pleasant  to  be- 
hold. His  farm  is  altogether  one  of  the  most  at- 
tractive in  the  township. 

Mr.  Blanchard  was  married  in  this  county  to 
Florence,  daughter  of  Euos  and  Belle  (Bartley) 
Neal,  natives  respectively  of  Virginia  and  New 
York.  The  families  of  both  parents  had  removed 
to  Irontown,  Ohio,  when  they  were  quite  young,  and 
in  the  Buckeye  State  the}'  were  married,  removing 
soon  after  to  Illinois,  thence  to  Missouri,  and  thence 
in  1881  to  Marysville,  where  they  still  live.  Mrs. 
Blanchard  is  a  native  of  Missouri,  where  she  was 
born  Dec.  7,  1861.  She  is  the  mother  of  two  chil- 
dren— Bessie  L.  and  Delia  C. 

The  subject's  paternal  great-grandfather  was 
William  Blanchard,  a  native  of  Rhode  Island,  in 
which  State  he  spent  his  last  daj's.  His  son,  Caleb, 
married  Betsey  A.Walker,  a  native  of  Connecticut, 
afterward  removing  to  the  latter  State.  His  son, 
George  Blanchard,  father  of  our  subject,  was  born 
ill  Rhode  Island,  but  when  a  boy,  removed  with 
his  parents  to  Connecticut,  and  was  reared  at  En- 
field, that  State.  The  mother  of  our  subject  was 
left  an  orphan  when  a  child,  her  father,  a  sea  cap- 
tain, having  been  lost  at  sea.  She  was  reared  by 
the  Shakers  at  Enfield. 

Mr.  Blanchard,  our  subject,  is  a  member  of  Lyons 
Post,  G.  A.  R.,  of  Marysville.  He  is  a  straight 
Republican,  never  failing  to  cast  his  vote  as  in  his 
opinion   the  best  iiterests  of  the  countrj-  demand- 



He  is  an  attendant  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church,  in  which  his  wife  is  a  consistent  member  in 
high  standing.  He  takes  great  pride  in  his  beauti- 
ful farm,  as  well  he  may,  and  also  in  his  cozy  resi- 
dence, a  lithographic  engraving  of  which  appears 
elsewhere  in  the  Album.  He  is  highl}'  respected 
bj-  all  who  know  him  for  his  upright  character, 
gallant  war  record  and  good  citizenship. 

\Y  AMES  MONTGOMERY,  farmer  .ind  stock- 
r.aiser,  resides  on  a  fine  farm  on  section  4, 
Wells  Township.  Here  he  is  carrj'ing  on  a 
successful  business  in  agriculture  and  the 
raising  of  Hereford  cattle.  His  farm,  though  not 
so  large  as  some  in  the  township,  consisting  of  only 
eighty  acres,  is  highly  productive,  and  furnished 
with  substantial  and  adequate  buildings. 

Mr.  Montgomery  was  born  in  Madison  County. 
Ind.,  July  6,  1855,  and  is  a  son  of  Roland  and  Se- 
repta  Montgomery.  Both  parents  were  natives  of 
the  Hoosier  State,  and  their  ancestors  were  Irish  and 
English,  respectively.  The  parental  family  con- 
sisted of  three  children,  of  whom  our  subject  was 
the  eldest.  The  mother  died  early  in  the  sixties, 
and  the  father  now  resides  in  Wells  Township,  this 

When  a  child  of  about  two  years,  his  parents  re- 
moved to  Knox  County,  111.,  where  he  was  reared 
to  manhood.  He  received  a  good  education  in  the 
Knoxville  graded  schools,  and  supplemented  this 
bj'  an  attendance  at  Lombard  Universit}-  at  Gales- 
burg.  111.  He  was  reared  to  farm  life,  and  has  en- 
gaged in  the  same  occupation  during  all  his  years 
since  boj'hood,  and  has  also  spent  a  number  of 
terms  an  as  instructor  in  the  schools  of  Kansas.  In 
1878,  he  came  to  Marshall  County,  and  bought  the 
land  upon_which  he  has  since  resided. 

On  Nov.  10,  1882.  Mr.  Montgomery  was  united 
in  marriage  with  Minnie  M.  MofHt,  a  daughter  of 
Dr.  G.  W.  M(;ffit,  of  Frankfort.  Kan.  The  union 
has  been  blessed  by  the  birth  of  one  daughter,  Ma- 
bel, born  Sept.  in,  188:i.  In  the  spring  of  1883. 
the  gentleman  of  whom  we  write,  was  elected  Trus- 

tee of  Wells  Township,  which  office  he  held  for 
four  years  with  credit  to  himself  and  his  con- 
stituents. In  1880,  he  was  appointed  enumerator 
of  the  National  Census  for  the  17 2d  district.  From 
1879  to  1884,  he  was  in  charge  of  Wells  post-oftice 
on  section  2.  the  office  being  at  that  time  discon- 
tinued through  his  recommendation.  He  is  now 
serving  as  Justice  of  the  Peace,  and  Clerk  of  the 
School  District,  and  is  a  candidate  on  the  Repub- 
lican ticket  for  County  Clerk.  He  and  his  wife  are 
members  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  and 
take  an  active  interest  in  society  matters.  Mr. 
Montgomer3''s  excellent  education  and  upright 
character  give  him  a  prominent  position .  in  the 
township,  by  whose  citizens  he  and  his  wife  are 
held  in  high  esteem. 

■^j  OIIN  DAWKINS,  owner  and  occupant  of 
one  of  the  best  farms  in  the  county,  the 
said  farm  being  situated  on  section  6,  in  Blue 
Rapids  Township,  has  been  a  resident  there 
since  the  spring  of  1872.  He  was  born  in  Kent 
County,  England.  April  30,1842,  and  is  ason  of  John 
and  Sarah  Dawkins.  He  was  the  oldest  son  in  his 
father's  familj-,  and  was  reared  to  man's  estate  in  his 
native  land.  He  is  mainlj'  self-educated,  as  his 
youthful  advantages  for  schooling  were  quite  lim- 
ited. In  the  fall  of  1863  he  emigrated  to  America, 
taking  passage  at  Liverpool,  and  after  an  unevent- 
ful voyage  of  two  weeks,  lauding  at  New  York 
City.  He  went  direct  to  Lorain  County,  Ohio, 
where  he  made  his  home  for  eight  3-ears.  During 
this  time  he  enj03'ed  a  four  months'  visit  among 
the  friends  of  his  cliildhood  in  his  native  coun- 

On  Dec.  27.  1871,  Mr.  Dawkins  was  united  in 
wedlock  with  Rachael  Whilestine,  who  has  borne 
him  four  children,  namely:  Rhua  E..  James  F., 
Charlotte  A.  and  Mary  E.  The  spring  following 
his  marriage,  Mr.  Dawkins  came  to  Kansas,  and 
settled  upon  eighty  acres  of  raw  prairie,  which  he  by  })er.severing  industry  brought  to  its  present 
state  of  high  productiveness.  He  is  now  classed 
among  the  representative  pioneers  of  the  county. 




whose  development  during  the  past  fifteen  years  he 
has  watched  with  untiring  interest,  and  he  has 
borne  no  unimportant  part  in  the  improvemeiit  of 
the  county,  with  whose  interests  lie  is  identified. 

Mr.  Dawkins,  politically,  advocates  the  principles 
of  the  Republican  p.irtv,  and  never  fails  to  cast  his 
vote  in  its  interest,  lie  has  frequently  been  solic- 
ited to  accept  office,  but  has  chosen  to  devote  his 
time  and  energy  to  his  own  affairs.  Religiously, 
he  is  a  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 
at  Irving.  As  an  enterprising  and  progressive 
farmer,  an  intelligent  and  trustworth}'  citizen,  and  a 
man  of  sterling  integrity,  Mr.  Dawkins  is  held  in 
liigh  repute. 

Mr.  Dawkins  has  an  attractive  residence,  which 
with  its  surroundings  is  represented  by  a  fine  en- 
graving to  be  found  on  another  [lage.  In  this 
abode  of  hospitality  and  hearty  good  will,  our 
subject  finds  a  happy  dwelling  place,  made  gaj'  by 
childish  voices  and  laughter,  and  blessed  by  the 
gracious  presence  o''  a  loving  wife  and  mother. 

1^,  HARLES  S.  STRANGE  has  been  for  a  score 
of  years  a  resident  on  section  12,  Blue  Raji- 
ids  City  Township.  Here  he  owns  160  acres 
of  fertile  land,  which  is  under  excellent  cultivation, 
well  fenced,  and  bearing  such  improvements  in  the 
way  of  buildings  as  are  made  bj^  a  thorough-going 
and  progressive  farmer.  He  was  born  in  Carroll 
County,  Ya.,  March  25.1845,  being  the  son  of 
Samuel  and  Jane  (Traylor)  Strange,  and  the  oldest 
child  of  his  father's  second  marriage.  His  parents 
were  natives  of  the  Old  Dominion,  from  which  they 
emigrated  to  Kansas  in  1857,  settling  in  Doniphan 
County.  There  they  remained  until  1869,  when 
they  removed  to  this  count3'. 

On  the  removal  of  the  family  to  this  county  Mr. 
Strange  filed  a  homestead  claim  on  eighty  acres  of 
land,  which  forms  a  part  of  his  present  farm.  It 
was  in  the  primitive  condition  of  all  unsettled  prai- 
ries, and  by  dint  of  energy  and  perseverance  has 
been  brought  to  its  present  state  of  attractiveness 
and  fertility. 

Mr.  Strange    was    united    in  marriage,  Sept.  I.:3, 

1869,  in  Doniphan  County,  Kan.,  with  Mrs.  Ed- 
die Stigall,  widow  of  C.  N.  Stigall,  of  Cedar 
Connty,  Mo.,  and  daughter  of  Robert  Rickman.  By 
her  first  marriage  Mrs.  Strange  had  two  children — 
Bettie  Stigall,  deceased;  and  Julia  A.,  wife  of  John 
Strange.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Strange  have  one  child, 
Harry  K.,  who  is  receiving  the  benefits  of  a  good 
common-school  education. 

Mr.  Strange  received  but  limited  educational 
advantages  in  his  early  life,  but  has  made  good  use 
of  the  facilities  afforded  for  gaining  information  on 
general  topics,  and  is  well  posted  on  current  events. 
Having  been  an  eye  witness  of  much  of  the  growth 
of  Marshall  County,  and  an  active  participant  in 
pioneer  work  both  here  and  in  Doniphan  County, 
he  has  a  large  fund  of  experience  and  observation 
from  which  to  draw  entertaining  and  instructive 
lessons.  His  wife  braved  with  him  the  hardships 
and  privations  of  pioneer  life,  and  to  her  able  co- 
operation and  counsel  he  is  indebted  for  much  of 
the  success  which  has  attended  his  efforts.  In  poli- 
tics Mr.  Strange  is  a  Republican,  and  stanch  in  his 
party  adherence.  He  has  served  on  the  School 
Board  for  a  number  of  years,  and  is  much  inter- 
ested in  promoting  the  cause  of  education.  He  is 
a  public-spirited  citizen  and  an  honorable  man,  and 
as  such  is  esteemed  by  his  neighbors  and  the  resi- 
dents of  the  county. 


*®5-SWW^»v- -w^- 

DONIRAM  J.  PALMER,  a  gentleman  who 
enjoys  the  distinction  of  being  one  of  the 
first  settlers  of  Marshall  County,  was  born 
in  Steuben  County,  N.  Y.,  July  2,  1834. 
father,  William  Palmer,  was  born  in  Olne}-, 
Me.,  May  30,  1794.  When  about  twenty-one  years 
of  age,  he  moved  to  the  Empire  State,  where  he 
lived  until  1837,  removing  thence  to  Scott  County, 
Iowa.  There  be  passed  the  closing  years  of  his 
life,  and  died  in  .lauuary,  1848.  Although  a  mere 
lad  at  the  time,  yet  he  served  in  the  War  of  1812. 
and  afterward  becnme  a  well-to-do  farmer,  accumu- 
lating considerable  means.  He  was  a  member  of, 
and  Deacon  in  the  Baptist  Church  for  man3-  years. 
His   wife,  to   \rhoni    he  was  married   in  New  York 



State,  bore  the  maiden  name  of  Amanda  Haynes. 
She  was  born  in  Rhode  Island,  in  1798,  but  was 
reared  in  New  Jersey.  She  was  a  daughter  of 
Marium  Haynes,  a  native  of  Soutli  Carolina,  of 
English  extraction.  Her  death  took  place  in  Iowa, 
in  1855.  The  grandfather  of  our  subject,  Lyman 
Palmer,  was  a  native  of  Maine.  He  served  seven 
years  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  The  genealogy  of 
the  family  is  traced  to  t-vo  brothers,  who  came  to 
America  in  1640,  and  settled  in  Maine  and  Massa- 
chusetts. Lyman  Palmer's  wife  was  an  own  sister 
of  Gen.  Dearborn,  of  revolutionary  fame. 

Our  subject  is  the  ninth  of  a  family  of  eleven 
children  born  to  his  parents.  His  boyish  days  were 
spent  on  a  farm  in  Scott  County,  Iowa,  and  he  re- 
ceived his  education  in  the  common  schools.  He 
resided  in  Iowa  until  1858,  when  he  removed  to 
this  county,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  continuous 
resident.  Only  two  other  gentlemen  are  now  living 
in  Waterville  Township,  who  have  been  residents 
thereof  for  as  long  a  period  as  our  subject.  In 
1871  he  settled  on  section  36,  where  lie  now  resides, 
being  at  present  the  owner  of  120  acres  of  land, 
well  cultivated  and  improved.  Upon  his  estate 
he  has  erected  a  convenient  residence,  a  view  of 
which,  with  the  farm  surroundings,  appears  else- 
where in  this  volume.  He  has  devoted  all  his  life 
to  farming,  and  the  property  which  he  has  accumu- 
lated is  the  result  of  his  industry  and  good  man- 

May  8,  1861,  Mr.  Palmer  was  united  in  marriage 
with  Miss  Lucy  Thompson,  of  Blue  Rapids,  Kan., 
a  lady  well  htted  to  make  a  happy  home,  and  assist 
her  husband  in  the  building  up  of  the  family  for- 
tunes. She  is  a  daughter  of  William  and  Mary 
Thompson,  whose  sketch  appears  in  another  place 
in  this  volume.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Palmer  have  sis 
children:  William  A..  Henry  I.,  Mary,  Nettie, 
Rufus  and  Lucy.  All  are  living  except  the  sec- 

Mr.  Palmer  is  a  member  of  the  Knights  of  Labor, 
and  votes  with  the  Union  Labor  party.  He  is  a 
man  of  intelligence,  an  enterprising  and  progressive 
farmer,  and  a  reliable  citizen,  who  is  interested  in 
every  movement  pertaining  to  the  welfare  of  the 
State  and  county  in  which  he  has  so  long  made  bis 
home.     As  a  man  of  fine  principles  and  honorable 

dealings,  he  commands  the  respect  of  all  with 
whom  he  associates.  Our  subject  was  Postmaster 
of  Blue  Rapids  in  1864,  and  was  burned  out  in 
that  year  on  account  of  his  political  views.  He 
was  a  County  Commissioner  from  1863  to  1865. 

|4^4— >^;*a/z^«»»' 

ARNARD  DOUGHERTY.  They  were  not 
all  Eastern  men  who  sought  a  home  in  the 
ii?3)jli  f^""  West  in  the  early  days  of  its  history. 
Many  came  from  across  the  ocean,  and  the 
Emerald  Isle  sent  some  of  its  sons,  who  stepping 
boldly  to  the  front,  made  for  themselves  a  name 
for  industrj'  and  energy,  and  in  many  ways  ad- 
vanced the  best  interests  of  the  community  wherein 
they  had  taken  up  their  residence.  Kansas  was  not 
overlooked  in  their  choice  of  homes,  and  hence  we 
find  the  gentleman,  whose  name  heads  this  sketch, 
a  resident  of  Cleveland  Township,  and  enjoying 
the  respect  and  esteem  of  the  entire  community. 
Mr.  Dougherty  is  a  ver3'  prosperous  farmer  and 
stock-raiser,  having  on  the  rich  bottom-lands  of  his 
well-fitted  farm  rejoiced  in  the  excellent  yield  of 
sixtj'  to  seventy-five  bushels  of  grain  per  acre. 
Mr.  Dougherty,  whose  home  is  on  section  5,  Cleve- 
land Township,  is  a  native  of  Count}'  Donegal,  Ire- 
land, having  been  born  there  March  17,  1822.  His 
father,  Barnard  Doughert}',  Sr.,  emigrated  to  the 
United  States  in  1836.  making  his  home  in  Flem- 
ing County,  Ky.,  where  he  died  in  September, 
1883,  at  the  ripe  age  of  eighty-eight  3'ears.  Mr. 
Doughert3''s  mother  was  Bridget  O.  Dougherty, 
who  also  died  in  Kentucky  in  1881,  aged  eighty- 
four  years.  Of  the  eleven  children  born  to  the 
old  people,  five  are  living,  Barnard  being  the 
youngest.  The  others  are  Patrick,  Charles,  Sarah, 
and  Bridget.  It  is  interesting  to  have  Mr.  Dough- 
erty relate  incidents  of  his  early  school  life  in 
Kentuck}'-  His  education  is  limited,  having  been 
acquired  in  a  log  cabin  in  that  State,  and  the  picture 
becomes  quite  real,  as  he  tells  of  the  huge  fire-place 
with  its  rock  chimney,  the  low  ceiling  black  with 
smoke  and  age,  the  seats  manufactured  of  slabs,  the 
desks  only  rough  boards  placed  on  plus  in  the  walls, 



and  the  general  primitive  aspect  of  the  little  cabin 
rises  before  one  as  it  is  compared  with  the  modern 
school-rooro.  In  1863  Mr.  Doiighertj'  removed  to 
Putnam  County,  Ind.,  locating  on  a  rented  f■^rm 
near  Greencastle,  where  he  raised  two  crops  only, 
as  he  came  to  Saline  County,  Mo.,  in  1865.  In  this 
countj'  he  purchased  a  farm,  and  remained  until 
the  spring  of  1880,  when  a  desire  to  go  farther 
West  led  his  steps  to  his  present  location,  and  240 
acres  enabled  him  to  gratify  his  taste  in  the  raising 
of  choice  stock,  as  well  as  that  of  cereals.  It  was 
on  the  9th  of  January,  1862,  that  he  was  married 
to  Miss  Mary  C.  Kelly,  a  daughter  of  Amos  Kelly, 
of  Kentucky.  Of  the  nine  children  born  to  them, 
eight  are  living:  Maggie,  the  wife  of  Price  Clark, 
Saline  County,  Mo.,  who  has  two  children,  Ernest 
K..  and  Thomas  Cleveland;  John;  Sarah,  the  wife 
William  Meagher,  and  who  is  also  the  mother  of 
two  children,  Honora,  and  an  infant  girl;  Rosa, 
Jennie,  George,  Patrick,  and  Katie.  Mr.  Dough- 
erty is  a  member  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 
In  politics,  he  is  a  Democrat,  but  votes  for  the  man 
rather  than  the  part}'.  Mr.  Dougherty  has  always 
been  industrious,  hard-working,  unassuming,  and 
is  considered  one  of  the  stanch,  good  citizens  of 
the  county. 

,    or>o    . 

^  AMES  MAXWELL.  Pleasantly  located  on 
a  farm  of  160  acres  of  finely  cultivated 
land,  on  section  14,  Walnut  Township,  is 
situated  the  home  of  the  above  named  gen- 
tleman. The  house  is  well  built  and  comfortable, 
and  from  its  setting  of  green  fields  and  waving 
trees  presents  a  very  homelike  aspect.  Not  only 
is  the  land  well  tilled,  but  on  it  have  been  erected 
very  comfortable  farm  buildings,  and  on  it  has 
been  grown  a  fine  orchard  of  various  kinds  of 
fruit.  A  view  of  this  pleasant  spot  is  presented 
on  another  page.  The  owner  is  of  Scotch  ancestry, 
though  born  in  the  north  of  Ireland,  June  18, 
1833.  His  parents,  Joseph  and  Mary  (Russell) 
Maxwell,  removed  to  Scotland  when  he  was  but 
eleven  months  old,  and  amid  the  rocks,  glens  and 
heaths  of  his  ancestral  home  he  attained  to  the 
age  of  sixteen.     He  then  sailed  from  Glasgow  on 

the  sail  ship  "Lady  Colbrook,"  and  after  a  voyage 
of  six  weeks  landed  at  New  York.  Thence  he 
went  to  Patterson,  N.  J.,  where  he  finished  his 
trade  of  macliinist  and  engineer,  and  where  he  re- 
mained for  five  years  working  at  the  same.  After- 
ward he  came  to  Peoria,  111.,  where  he  followed  his 
trade  until  1861.  His  parents  having  come  to  the 
United  States  about  1855,  and  being  located  on  a 
farm  in  Peoria  County,  he  spent  the  year  1861  with 

In  August,  1862,  our  subject  enlisted  in  the  ser- 
vice of  his  adopted  country,  being  enrolled  in 
Company  B,  86th  Illinois  Infantry.  He  enlisted  as 
a  private,  and  served  gallantly  in  that  capacity 
until  the  close  of  the  war,  taking  part  in  many  of 
the  most  famous  eng.agements  of  the  conflict.  He 
was  in  the  terrible  engagement  at  Perr^sville,  also 
at  Stone  River,  Chickamauga,  Mission  Ridge  and 
Lookout  Mountain.  After  the  battle  last  mentioned 
he  marched  the  next  day  to  Kuoxville,  Tenn.,  to 
relieve  Burnside,  and  then  went  back  to  Chatta- 
nooga. In  May,  1864,  his  regiment  entered  on 
the  campaign  to  Atlanta,  their  first  engagement 
being  at  Resaca,  following  which  came  Rome, 
Dallas,  the  hard  fight  of  Kenesaw  Mountain,  and 
that  at  Peach  Tree  Creek.  From  this  time  they 
were  in  constant  skirmish  with  the  enem}'  till  they 
reached  Atlanta,  where  the}'  made  a  charge,  and 
with  their  comrades  took  the  city,  having  cut  off 
the  supplies  of  the  (confederates.  After  being  in 
camp  at  Atlanta  for  a  couple  of  weeks,  the  com- 
mand started  back  to  Alabama  after  Hood,  follow- 
ing him  to  Rome,  Ga.,  thence  going  to  Chattanooga, 
and  then  bacK  to  Rome,  from  there  to  Cartersville  , 
and  then  to  Atlanta.  Here  they  entered  upon  the 
famous  march  to  the  sea,  and  after  taking  Savannah, 
marched  up  through  South  Carolina  to  Benton- 
ville,  N.  C,  where  the}'  engaged  in  another  hard- 
fought  contest.  Marching  forward  to  Fayetteville, 
and  on  to  Raleigh,  they  paused  in  their  onward 
course  until  Lee's  surrender;  then  wending  their 
steps  to  Washington,  took  part  in  the  grand  review, 
after  which  being  mustered  out  of  service,  our  sub- 
ject returned  to  Illinois.  He  remained  in  that 
State  two  years,  and  then  removed  to  this  county, 
locating  upon  the  farm  he  now  occupies. 

In  Patterson,  N.  J.,  was  celebrated  the   marriage 



of  our  subject  to  Betsey,  daughter  of  John  Jen- 
nings. The  result  of  this  union  has  been  four  chil- 
dren— John  J.  is  married,  and  is  Cit.y  Editor  of  the 
Kansas  City  Gazelle;  Frank  W.  is  married  and 
farming  in  Marshall  County,  Kan.;  Mary,  now 
Mrs.  Charles  McChesney,  lives  in  Russell  County, 
Kan.;  and  Sherman.  The  parents  of  our  subject, 
while  in  Scotland,  were  members  of  the  Free 
Church.  Mr.  Maxwell  is  a  man  of  fine  character, 
earnest,  energetic,  of  industrious  and  economical 
habits,  hearty  manners  and  fine  principles,  and  de- 
servedly receives  the  respect  of  the  community. 

UILLIAM  B.  HUNT.  The  extent  to  which 
success  has  smiled  upon  the  labors  of  per- 
W^J  severance  and  industry,  is  indicated  in  the 
surroundings  of  Mr.  Hunt,  who  is  accounted  one 
of  the  most  thorough  and  skillful  farmers  of  Rap- 
ids City  Township,  where  he  owns  and  operates 
160  acres  of  valuable  land  on  section  16.  He  may 
Ije  called  essentially  a  self-made  man,  one  who  has 
acquired  a  competence  bj'  his  own  unaided  ef- 
forts, and  who  has  been  fortunate  in  not  onh'  ac- 
cumulating capital,  but  investing  it  in  a  profitable 
manner.  In  addition  to  general  agriculture  he 
makes  a  specialty  of  stock-raising,  and  is  in  the  en- 
joyment of  a  handsome  income. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Genesee 
County,  N.  Y.,  May  6,  1854,  and  is  the  son  of 
James  and  Esther  (Bond)  Hunt,  who  came  to  this 
county  during  ils  pioneer  days,  and  of  whom  men- 
tion is  made  elsewhere  in  this  volume.  The  par- 
ents after  their  marriage  resided  in  the  Empire 
State  until  1871,  William  B.  being  then  a  3'outh  of 
seventeen  years.  It  may  easily  be  imagined  that 
when  his  father  talked  of  coming  West,  he  was 
highly  in  favor  of  the  project,  and  in  the  spring  of 
the  year  above  mentioned  they  all  set  out  for  Kan- 
sas, reaching  their  destination  in  safety,  and  here 
AVilliam  B.  has  since  resided. 

ISIr.  Hunt  attended  the  public  schools  of  his  na- 
tive county,  and  for  two  terras  pursued  his  studies 
in  a  seminary,  and  was  thus  furnished  with  a  fair 
business  education,     He  chose  farming  for  his  vo- 

cation in  life,  and  whatever  he  has  attempted  he  has 
done  well.  He  remained  a  member  of  the  parental 
household  until  a  man  of  twenty-five  years,  and 
then,  being  ready  to  establish  a  home  of  his  owl. 
was  married,  March  24,  1879,  to  Miss  Ella  Ham. 
This  lady  was  born  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  July  29, 
1861,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Ezbon  Ham,  and 
Hariett  E.  Hazeltine,  his  wife,  now  a  resident  of 
Elm  Creek  Township.  01  this  union  there  have 
been  born  five  children,  and  those  living  are  :  Esther 
B.,  Hattie  A.,  James  E.  and  William  W.  The  eld- 
est child  was  a  daughter,  named  Carrie  Belle;  she 
died  when  eleven  months  of  age. 

The  present  homestead  of  Mr.  Hunt  came  into 
his  possession  in  1884,  and  since  that  time  he  has 
given  his  attention  to  its  improvement  and  culti- 
vation. Years  of  labor  and  hundreds  of  dollars 
have  been  expended  in  bringing  it  to  its  present 
condition,  and  not  only  as  a  well-to-do  farmer,  but 
as  a  business  man  and  a  member  of  the  community, 
Mr.  Hunt  is  full3'  entitled  to  the  respect  and  esteem 
in  which  he  is  held  by  his  fellow-citizens.  He  has 
never  sought  public  positions,  but  has  kept  himself 
well  informed  upon  the  political  issues  of  the  day, 
and  uniformly  gives  his  aid  and  influence  in  sup- 
port of  the  principles  of  the  Republican  party.  The 
biographer  in  looking  around  for  represenlative 
men  who  have  .assisted  in  the  growth  and  develop- 
ment of  Marshall  County,  finds  that  William  B. 
Hunt  occupies  no  secondarj'  position  among  the 
leading  citizens  of  his  township. 

^ .^3^ ^ 

^^I'LEl^KV  D.  ESTES.  a  farmer  and  stock- 
V@£J!  raiser,  living  on  section  13,  Blue  Rapids 
City  Township,  is  a  native  of  Clay  County, 
Mo.,  born  Nov.  27,  1850.  He  was  the 
son  of  Bartlett  and  Catherine  (Samples)  Estes,  both 
natives  of  Missouri,  of  which  his  father  was  said  to 
have  been  during  his  life  one  of  the  oldest  inhab- 
itants. He  is  the  youngest  child  of  his  father's 
first  marriage,  and  was  reared  upon  his  father's 
farm  until  the  age  of  eighteen.  His  educational 
advantages  during  boyhood  were  rather  limited, 
and  he  iiad  not  the  opportunities  afforded  the  youth 



of  this  da}'  to  acquire  knowledge.  He  is  practi- 
cally a  self-educated  man.  At  tlie  age  of  eighteen 
he  went  to  Buchanan  Coiintj-,  Mo.,  where  as  a  farm 
hand  and  renter  he  remained  until  he  was  twenty- 
one.  He  then  spent  several  years  in  St.  Clair 
County,  Mo.,  still  engaged  in  the  occupation  of 
farming.  He  returned  to  Buchanan  County,  where 
he  was  married,  Sept.  7,  1873,  to  Miss  Frances 
Chestnut.  The  j'oung  couple  settled  in  St.  Clair 
County,  on  a  rented  farm,  and  there  remained  for 
two  years.  They  next  spent  a  short  time  in  Buch- 
anan Countj',  following  which  they  lived  for  sev- 
eral years  in  Atchison  County,  still  upon  rented 
land.  In  the  spring  of  1883,  the  family  removed 
to  tills  county,  and  settled  where  they  now  live. 
The  farm  consists  of  160  acres  in  a  good  state  of 
cultivation,  and  bearing  the  usual  improvements  in 
the  way  of  buildings,  which  are  put  up  b^'  an  en- 
terprising and  progressive  farmer. 

iMrs.  Estes  is  a  native  of  Missouri,  and  the  daugh- 
ter of  Andrew  and  Evaline  Chestnut,  of  Buchanan 
County,  that  State.  She  and  her  husband  have 
been  blessed  by  the  birth  of  five  children :  Cathe- 
rine E.,  Charles  A.,  Elizabeth  M.,  Albert  F.,  and 
P^ddie  B.  Mr.  Estes  is  a  Democrat  in  his  political 
views.  He  is  a  man  of  public  spirit,  favoring  all 
enterprises  which  will  improve  and  advance  the  in- 
terests of  the  county.  He  and  his  family  take  an 
active  interest  in  the  social  affairs  of  their  localitj', 
and  after  years  of  hard  work,  are  now  able  to  enjoy 
more  of  the  pleasures  of  life.  As  a  successful  and 
industrious  agriculturist,  and  a  man  of  honor  and 
uprightness,  Mr.  Estes  is  esteemed  by  his  fellow 

■„»* .o*o..^^<A^..o*o.. <,.^ 

1^  ARTIX  L.  REITZEL.     The   man    who  is 

///  IS  held  in  universal  respect  by  the  people  of 
his  communitj',  and  who  has  the  tact, 
ingenuity  and  goodness  which  enables  him 
to  live  at  peace  with  his  neighbors,  deserves  to  have 
his  name  handed  down  to  posterity.  These  quali- 
ties are  pre-eminent  in  the  character  of  Mr.  Reit- 
zel,  who  is  designated  as  an  irreproachable  Christian 
gentleman   morally,  while    in    a  business  point  of 

view,  he  possesses  those  capacities  whereby  he  has 
accumulated  a  comfortable  property  sufficient  to 
fortify  him  against  want  in  his  old  age.  We  find 
him  located  on  one  of  the  most  desirable  farms  in 
Waterville  Townshijj,  where  his  industry  and  per- 
severance "have  surrounded  his  family  with  all  the 
comforts  of  life. 

Hendricks  County,  Ind.,  was  the  native  place  of 
our  subject,  and  the  date  of  his  birth  Feb.  18, 
1841.  His  father  David  Reitzel,  was  born  in  Guil- 
ford County,  N.  C,  in  1806.  The  latter  left  the 
South  in  1837,  and  emigrating  to  Indiana  located 
in  Clay  Township,  Hendricks  County,  where  he  stil! 
resides.  He  has  followed  .agricultural  pursuits  all 
his  life,  and  by  thrift  and  industry  accumulated 
considerable  means.  For  many  years  he  has  been 
an  active  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church.  Polit- 
ically, he  sides  with  the  Republican  party,  giving 
to  it  his  uniform  support,  and  is  a  man  of  more 
than  ordinary  intelligence,  keeping  himself  well 
posted  upon  the  leading  events  of  the  dfiy. 

The  Reitzel  family  originated  in  Germany,  and 
was  first  represented  in  America  probably  as  early 
as  the  Revolutionary  times.  The  mother  of  our 
subject,  whose  maiden  name  Deborah  Marshall 
was  of  American  parent.age  and  was  born  in  North 
Carolina  in  1808.  Her  death  took  place  at  the 
homestead  in  Hendricks  County,  Ind.,  in  1849. 
The  parental  family  was  completed  by  the  birth  of 
ten  children,  of  whom  Martin  L.  the  sixth. 
He  was  reared  to  man's  estate  in  his  native  county, 
and  an  early  age  was  trained  to  those  habits  of  in- 
dustry which  have  served  him  so  well  in  later 
years.  He  acquired  his  educfition  in  the  common 
schools,  and  worked  with  his  father  on  the  farm 
until  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War.  In  Jul}-, 
1861,  he  enlisted  as  a  soldier  of  the  Union  army  in 
Company  E.  21st  Indiana  Infantry,  the  regiment 
being  under  the  command  of  Col.  James  McMillen. 
Soon  afterward  they  were  ordered  to  Ship  Island 
and  assigned  to  the  command  of  Gen.  Ben  Butler 
whom  they  accompanied  on  one  of  the  first  boats 
under  his  command  that  Landed  in  New  Orleans. 
Mr.  Reitzel  was  one  of  the  General's  special  body 
guard.  He  served  with  that  command  in  Louisi- 
ana until  1863,  when  his  regiment  was  transformed 
to  heavy    artillery.      In    April    of  that    year  the}- 



readied  the  rear    of  Fort  Hudson,  La.,  aud   fired 
the  first  guns  on  the  land  forces. 

Our  subject  participated  in  all  the  battles  and 
skirmishes  in  which  his  command  was  engaged, 
and  after  serving  his  first  term  of  enlistment,  he 
in  1864,  re-entered  the  ranks  and  for  a  time  was 
on  garrison  duty.  Later  he  joined  the  Red  River 
expedition  and  gathered  up  ammunition  and  arms 
for  the  Government.  On  Jan.  10,  1866,  some 
months  after  the  close  of  the  war,  he  was  mustered 
out  of  service  at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  and  received 
his  honorable  discharge. 

The  hardships  and  privations  incident  to  array 
life  had  their  natural  effect,  and  Mr.  Reitzel  found 
himself  at  the  close  of  his  soldier's  career  consid- 
erably broken  down  in  health,  and  he  has  never 
fully  recovered.  He  returned  to  his  native  county 
and  followed  farming  there  until  1880.  He  had 
for  some  time  been  casting  longing  looks  across 
the  Father  of  Waters,  and  now  determined  to  seek 
the  soil  and  climate  of  Northern  Kansas.  Coming  to 
this  county  he  purchased  a  farm  in  the  vicinity  of 
Waterville,  and  has  since  made  it  his  home.  He 
is  now  the  owner  of  120  acres,  to  which  he  gives  his 
whole  time  and  attention,  making  a  speciality  of 
live  stock.  He  has  good  buildings  and  the  requis- 
ite machinery  for  thorough  and  successful  agricul- 
ture and  has  a  comfortable  and  attractive  home, 
which  is  represented  by  a  lithographic  engraving 
on  another  page. 

In  1886,  Mr.  Reitzel  was  elected  Trustee  of  Wa- 
terville Township,  and  was  re-elected  the  follow- 
ing year.  He,  however,  has  no  desire  for  the 
spoils  of  office,  preferring  to  relegate  to  others  its 
cares  and  responsibilities,  although  he  has  held 
many  of  the  other  local  offices.  He  is  universally 
popular,  both  in  social  and  business  circles.  The 
establishment  of  schools  has  always  received  his 
warm  sanction  and  support,  and  he  has  been  a 
faithful  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church  from 
early  manhood,  rolitically,  he  is  a  stanch  Demo- 
crat, and  althougli  living  in  a  Republican  township, 
is  not  likely  to  be  beaten  in  tlie  race  for  any  office, 
which  he  may  be  prevailed  upon  to  accept.  Soci- 
ally, he  belongs  to  the  I.  O.  O.  F.  and  the  G.  A.  R. 

The  marriage  of  o\ir  subject  to  Miss  Mar3'  J. 
Richardson  was   celebrated  at  the  bride's   home  in 

\\^i  dent  of  Marshall  County 
W^      of   3'ears,  and  has  been  a: 

Pecksburg,  Ind.,  March  29,  1864.  Mrs.  Reitzel 
was  born  May  1,1844,  in  Hendricks  County,  Ind., 
and  is  the  daugliter  of  William  and  Milly  (Har- 
ckreider)  Richardson,  who  were  natives  of  Virginia 
and  Kentucky,  respectively,  and  are  now  residents 
of  Hendricks  Count3',  Ind.  The  four  children 
born  of  this  union  are,  C'harles  J.,  Franklin  E., 
Walter  A.  and  Flora  E.  Both  parents  and  children 
are  active  members  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 
Charles  J.  and  Franklin  E.  are  in  business  in  Kan- 
sas City;  Walter  A.  and  Flora  E.  are  at  home  with 
their  parents. 

pLLIAM  FITZGERALD  has  been  a  resi- 
for  nearly  a  scoi'e 
an  eye  witness  of 
much  of  its  growth.  He  is  the  owner  and  occu- 
pant of  a  splendid  farm  of  120  acres  on  section  27, 
Blue  Rapids  City  Township,  the  lauds  being  em- 
bellished b}'  a  commodious  and  well-built  residence, 
and  adequate  farm  buildings.  The  success  whicli 
Mr.  Fitzgerald  has  attained,  is  due  to  his  own  in- 
dustry and  trustworthiness,  as  he  had  no  one  to 
give  him  a  financial  start  in  life. 

Mr.  Fitzgerald  was  born  in  Ontario,  Canada,  Sept. 
1,  1826.  He  was  the  son  of  Thomas  and  Margaret 
(Sperling)  Fitzgerald.  The  father  was  a  native  of 
Ireland,  and  the  mother  of  Irish  birth,  but  German 
ancestry.  Thomas  Fitzgerald  emigrated  to  Amer- 
ica about  the  j'ear  1825,  and  settled  in  Canada, 
where  he  lived  until  his  death.  The  gentleman  of 
whom  we  write,  was  the  sixth  in  order  of  birth  in 
the  parental  family.  He  was  reared  to  manhood  on 
a  farm  in  his  native  country.  He  received  a  good 
common-school  education,  and  being  all  his  life  a 
reader,  was  well  posted  on  general  topics  and 
current  events,  and  might  be  considered  in  a  large 
sense  a  self-educated  man.  In  1871,  he  removed 
from  Canada  with  his  family,  and  deciding  upon 
this  county  at  his  future  home,  he  bought  the  land 
where  he  now  lives.  The  land  was  in  the  raw  con- 
dition in  which  the  Indians  left  the  territory  from 
which  the}'  had  been  driven,  and  its  present  state 
of   cnltivallon    and    improvement,    is    a    standing 



monument  of  the  industry  and  hard  labor  of  its 
owner.  The  family  endured  many  of  the  hard- 
ships incident  to  pioneer  life,  and  did  much  of  pio- 
neer labor. 

Mr.  Fitzgerald  was  married  in  February,  18.50, 
to  Agnes  Davidson,  a  lady  of  Scotch  descent, 
though  a  native  of  County  Down,  Ireland.  She 
■was  the  daughter  of  Hugh  and  Isabelle  Davidson, 
and  when  about  twentj'  years  of  age,  emigrated 
with  her  parents  to  Canada,  where  she  met  and  be- 
came the  wife  of  our  subject.  The  union  has  re- 
sulted in  the  birth  of  five  children:  Isabella  M., 
wife  of  William  Hamilton,  of  Blue  Rapids;  Alice, 
wife  of  John  Hamilton,  of  this  county;  Ross  and 
William  M.  living  in  Montana;  and  Isaac  F.,  who 
is  still  at  liome.  Mrs.  Fitzgerald  died  in  Septem- 
ber, 1876.  He  was  afterward  married  to  Mrs.  Rhoda 
Morrison  in  November,  1884;  she  was  the  widow 
of  William  Morrison.  He  was  a  native  of  New 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fitzgerald  are  members  of  the  Bap- 
tist Church.  Mr.  Fiizgerald  has  served  for  five 
years  as  Treasurer  of  the  Blue  Rapids  Cit}'  Town- 
ship, and  has  discharged  the  duties  of  his  office 
with  credit  to  himself  and  constituents.  He  has 
also  served  several  years  as  Treasurer  of  his  School 
District.  He  is  among  the  representative  pioneers 
of  the  county,  and  enjoys  a  large  acquaintance. 
Surrounded  by  children  and  friends,  they  are  now 
enjoying  the  fruits  of  lives  spent  in  usefulness  and 

yfelLLIAM  COULTER.  Since  1874  Mr. 
/  Coulter  has  been  continuously  a  resident 
of  Kansas,  which  he  first  visited  in  1873. 
He  then  purchased  lots  within  the  present  limits  of 
Blue  Rapids,  and  put  up  a  brick  block  for  business 
purposes  on  the  south  side  of  the  square,  and  which 
is  now  used  as  the  Arlington  Hotel.  Upon  locating 
here  he  engaged  in  the  drug  trade  and  is  now  num- 
bered among  the  prosperous  men  of  this  part  of 
the  county. 

A  native  of  the  County  Louth,  Ireland.  Mr. 
Coulter  was  born  in  the  town  of  Dundalk,  Dee.  7, 
1814.     His  paternal    grandfather    was  a  Major   in 

the  British  Army,  but  his  son,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  who  was  named  Charles,  was  brought  up 
on  a  farm  near  Dundalk.  Upon  attaining  manhood 
he  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits,  and  for  man}- 
years  was  in  the  grocery  business  in  Couthill, 
County  Cavan.  Some  years  after  his  marriage, 
desiring  to  take  advantage,  for  the  sake  of  his  chil- 
dren, of  the  better  opportunities  offered  for  homes 
in  the  New  World,  he  emigrated  to  Canada  with 
the  most  of  his  family  about  the  year  1830.  He 
settled  at  Peterboro,  in  the  county  of  that  name. 
Province  of  Ontario,  where  he  took  up  a  farm  but 
did  not  live  to  realize  his  hopes,  dying  in  a  year  or 
two  after  his  arrival. 

Charles  Coulter,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
married  in  Ireland  to  Miss  Jane  Cluxton,  also  a 
native  of  County  Louth.  Their  six  children  were 
all  born  in  Ireland  and  all  emigrated  to  Canada. 
With  the  exception  of  our  subject  and  his  sister, 
Jane,  they  are  all  deceased.  Jane  is  the  wife  of 
William  McDonnell,  a  well-known  writer  of  Canada, 
and  a  gentleman  of  large  means,  who  is  now  living 
retired  in  Lindsay,  Victoria  County,  Ontario.  The 
mother  of  our  subject  died  at  the  place  where  the 
family  had  settled  shortly  after  the  death  of  her 

The  subject  of  this  notice  attended  school  in  his 
native  town  and  completed  his  studies  in  a  classical 
school  at  Couthill.  Afterward,  deciding  to  become 
an  apothecary,  he,  in  order  to  acquire  a  thorough 
knowledge  of  the  business,  attended  the  hospital 
and  dispensary  in  Kells  for  three  years.  At  this 
latter  place  he  was  apprenticed  for  seven  years  to 
learn  the  business,  which  in  that  country  is  under 
Governmental  control,  in  order  that  those  practic- 
ing it  should  be  thoroughly  qualified  to  act  as  phy- 
sicians. During  his  apprenticeship  there  occurred 
the  cholera  scourge  of  1831,  and  Mr.  Coulter,  with 
another  young  man,  attended  the  patients  who 
were  brought  to  the  hospital  in  the  town.  The 
epidemic  was  disastrous,  decimating  the  population, 
especially  before  the  opening  of  the  hospital,  and 
the  stricken  people  had  but  little  care  in  the  gen- 
eral terror  which  prevailed.  Mr.  Coulter  and  his 
companion  bad  the  entire  charge  of  admitting  the 
patients  and  compounding  their  medicine,  each 
taking  a  turn   of   twenty-four   liours.     Tiiey  were 



the  means  of  saving  jnany  lives,  and  it  is  gratifying 
to  state  tliat  neither  suflfered  on  account  of  their 
devotion  to  the  cause  of  humanity. 

Atthctimeof  his  parents' emigration  to  America, 
young  Coulter  decided  to  remain  in  Ireland,  to 
graduate  as  au  apothecary,  and  then  he  joined  them 
in  the  Dominion.  Both  parents  dying  soon  after- 
ward, he  remained  upon  the  farm  until  his  brothers 
were  established  in  business,  when  he  sold  out  and 
o-oing  into  the  town  of  Peterboro,  established  him- 
self there  as  a  druggist  and  apothecary,  remaining 
until  coming  to  this  State  with  his  family,  in  Janu- 
ary, 1874.  In  1842  he  had  been  married  to  Miss 
Eliza  Lince,  who  was  born  in  the  city  of  Dublin, 
Ireland.  They  are  now  the  parents  of  twelve  chil- 
dren, two  of  whom  died  in  infancy.  Ann  Jane,  is 
the  wife  of  John  Roche,  a  resident  of  Guelph, 
Canada;  Charles  Lince  was  graduated  from  Belle- 
vue  Medical  College,  Xew  York  City,  and  from 
Victoria  College,  in  Cobourg,  Canada;  he  is  now  a 
practicing  physician  of  Lindsay,  Canada.  William 
was  graduated  from  the  Universitj-  of  Toronto,  and 
is  engaged  in  the  -drug  business  at  Geneseo,  Kan.; 
Clement  is  also  a  graduate  in  pharmacy  both  in 
Canada  and  Philadelphia,  and  is  in  the  drug  store 
of  his  father-in-law.  Dr.  R.  S.  Craft,  of  Blue  Rapids; 
Frederick  H.  was  educated  for  the  profession  of 
medicine,  but  abandoned  it  and  likewise  became  a 
pharmacist;  he  was  in  business  in  British  Columbia, 
Canada  and  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  but  is  now  a  resi- 
dent of  St.  Joseph,  Mo. ;  Herbert  B.,  also  lives  in 
that  place  where  he  is  conducting  the  business  of 
the  Coulter- Welch  Co.,  manufacturers  of  sj-rups, 
molasses,  jellies,  and  kindred  articles;  Emma  F.  re- 
mains at  home  with  her  parents;  George  E.  is  also 
a  pharmacist,  having  been  graduated  from  the 
Kansas  Board  of  Pharmacy,  also  of  the  institution 
in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  is  now  traveling  in  the  in- 
terest of  his  brother,  Herbert;  Clarence,  likewise  a 
pharmacist,  received  his  diploma  from  the  Kansas 
State  Board  of  Pharmacy;  he  married  Miss  Nettie 
Besack  and  assists  his  father  in  the  business  at  Blue 
Rapids:  Harold  L.,  the  j-oungest,  was  bookkeeper 
in  the  Saxton  National  Bank  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  for 
five  years,  but  in  consequence  of  ill  health,  was  re- 
cently compelled  to  resign. 

While    in    Canada    Mr.  Coulter  was    for    many 

years  a  member  of  the  School  Board  of  Peterboro 
Collegiate  Institute,  and  was  also  for  many  years 
County  Magistrate  at  that  place.  In  Blue  Rapids 
he  has  been  a  member  of  the  City  Council,  although 
he  has  never  aspired  to  a  public  position.  In  1884 
he  was  appointed  by  Gov.  Glick,  a  Notarj'  Public, 
and  re-appointed  by  Gov.  Martin  in  1888.  Thor- 
oughl}-  educated  in  his  chosen  profession,  he  has 
given  to  it  more  study  than  is  usual  with  persons 
who  learn  it  in  this  country-,  and  he  conducts  his 
business  in  the  most  tliorough  manner.  In  both 
social  and  business  circles,  he  is  held  in  high  esteem. 


AVID  WERTEMBERGER.  whose  wife  and 
II  )lj  several  of  his  children  have  been  residents 
(f^j^^  of  this  county  since  1880,  was  boin  in 
^^  Center  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  4,  1802,  and  de- 
parted this  life  in  Kosciusko  County,  Ind.,  Sept. 
14,  1866.  He  was  a  well-to-do  farmer  and  an 
active  member  of  the  Lutheran  Church  from  early 
manhood.  He  left  his  native  State  with  his  parents 
when  a  child,  and  with  them  removed  to  Ohio, 
where  he  was  reared  and  educated,  growing  up 
with  those  habits  of  industry  which  served  him  so 
well  in  later  3- ears. 

On  the  22d  of  Februarj-,  1852,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Lydia 
Kimmell,  who  was  born  in  Stark  Count3-,  Ohio, 
.Jan  1 1,  1823.  Tlieir  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of 
eight  children,  viz.:  Emma  M.,  Mary  A.,  Amanda 
H.,  Orlando  D.,  David  F..  Sarah  J.,  Isaac  N.  and 
Nancy  E.  Mrs.  Wertemberger,  after  the  death  of 
her  husband,  remained  with  her  family  in  Indiana 
until  1880,  then  disposing  of  her  property  there, 
came  to  this  county,  and  settled  on  her  present  farm 
in  Waterville  Township.  This  embraces  a  fine 
body  of  ninet3'-sis  acres  of  land,  well  improved 
and  in  a  high  state  of  cultivation.  Mrs.  Wertem- 
berger is  very  pleasantl}'  situated,  her  children 
being  all  married,  and  most  of  them  settled  around 

Emma  Wertemberger,  the  eldest  daughter  of 
our  subject,  is  the  wife  of  John  Whistler,  a 
well    educated    gentleman,    who    is    teaching;    and 



farming  in  Dickerson  County,  tliis  State.  They 
have  two  children — Ora  and  Arthur.  Mary  A.  is 
the  wife  of  Harry  Funk,  a  carpenter  of  Barnes, 
this  State;  they  have  ten  children,  viz.:  James 
B.,  Henry  D.,  Charles  C,  Frfd  R..  Mary  K.,  Gusta 
A.,  Harley  E.,  Ralph  W.,  Walter  L.  and  Harold  D. 
Amanda  H.  married  William  McConnel,  a  farmer  and 
teacher  in  Kosciusko  County,  Ind.,  and  they  have 
six  children — Maude,  Myron,  Demay,  Kate,  Ralph 
and  Delos.  Orlando  D.  married  Miss  Emma  Sim- 
mons, of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.;  they  reside  at  Barnes 
and  have  one  child,  a  son,  Claude.  Sarah  J.  mar- 
ried Warren  D.  Hover,  a  carpenter  of  this  county, 
and  they  have  three  children— Galen  O.,  David  D. 
and  Dessie  I.  Nancy  E.  married  Clay  Whitesides, 
a  farmer  of  this  county,  and  they  have  four  chil- 
dren— Carrie  M.,  Grace  L.,  Lula  M.  and  Edwin  H. 
Mrs.Wertemberger  is  a  very  capable  and  intelligent 
lady — one  who  has  reared  her  children  well,  and 
has  many  friends.  Under  her  wise  management  tiie 
farm  is  increasing  in  value  each  year,  and  is  the 
source  of  a  handsome  income.  She  has  a  handsome 
residence,  represented  by  a  lithographic  engraving 
elsewhere  in  this  work,  and  filled  vvith  ever\'  evi- 
dence of  taste  and  culture. 

ENZO  W.  TERRY,  of  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship, is  looked  upon  as  one  of  its  most  en- 
ergetic and  promising  young  men.  He  has 
been  a  member  of  the  Democratic  County 
Conventions,  for  the  past  two  3'ears  has  held  the 
office  of  Township  Treasurer,  and  his  name  has 
been  mentioned  in  connection  with  other  leading 
local  offices.  He  laid  aside  the  practice  of  law  to 
secure  the  land  which  he  at  present  occupies  and  to 
which  he  will  have  substantiated  his  claim  Septem- 
ber 10,  when  he  will  return  to  his  profession. 

Mr.  Terry  traces  his  ancestry  back  to  the  colonial 
days  on  both  sides  of  the  house.  His  father  was 
Seth  Terry,  formerly  of  New  York  State,  and  at 
present  a  resident  of  Page  County,  Iowa.  The 
paternal  grandfather  was  Henry  Terry,  who  married 
Miss  Hannah  Mapes,  daughter  of  David  Mapes,  and 

they  became  the  parents  of  six  children,  five  sons 
and  one  daughter.  They  settled  on  Long  Island. 
David  was  the  son  of  James  Alapes,  who  removed 
to  Orange  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  married  Miss 
Anna,  daughter  of  Barnabas  Manny,  when  he  was 
twenty -one  years  of  age  and  she  was  only  thirteen, 
their  wedding  taking  place  in  1805.  They  reared  a 
family  of  fifteen  children,  thirteen  of  wliom  lived  to 
be  married.  They  died  at  the  age  of  seventy-eight 
and  sixty-seven  years  respectively. 

Barnabas  Manny,  the  father  of  Anna,  married  a 
daughter  of  Major  Everet,  who  was  born  in  France 
about  1720,  and  came  to  America  when  a  3'oung 
man  and  settled  in  Orange  County,  N.  Y.  He  was 
of  noble  birth  and  his  sympathies  were  with  the 
English  Government  during  the  Revolutionary 
War.  Barnabas  was  of  English  birth  and  coming 
to  America  in  1755,  settled  in  Orange  County, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  married  Miss  Everet.  when  she 
was  but  twelve  years  of  age.  They  reared  a  family 
of  twelve  children,  many  of  whom  lived  to  be  ripe 
in  years  and  held  various  positions  of  honor  and 
trust.  One  of  the  sons  was  a  Major  in  the  Federal 
Army  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  They  were 
all  highly  respected  and  some  of  them  possessed 
inventive  genius  in  a  marked  degree,  producing  a 
number  of  valuable  articles  upon  which  they 
obtained  patents. 

James  Mapes  was  the  son  of  an  Englishman,  who 
married  a  Welsh  lady  and  they  were  among  the 
very  first  settlers  on  Long  Island,  where  the  city  of 
Brooklyn  now  stands.  James  was  born  Dec.  16, 
1856.  He  was  one  of  the  three  brothers  who  settled 
in  Orange  County.  He  learned  millwrighting  and 
followed  this  subsequently  with  five  of  his  sons. 
Two  of  his  sons  operated  as  farmers  and  one  as  a 
blacksmith.  He  served  in  the  Federal  Army  durino- 
the  Revolutionary  War  and  was  promoted  to  Col- 
onel, which  rank  he  held  at  West  Point.  His  son, 
David,  the  great-grandfather  of  our  subject,  served 
in  the  War  of  1812,  and  afterward  drew  a  pension. 

Henry  Terry  was  the  son  of  a  Revolutionary 
soldier,  who  comprised  one  of  the  body  guard  of 
Gen.  Washington.  His  son,  Seth,  the  father  of  our 
subject,  married  Miss  Laura,  daughter  of  Buell  and 
Marinda  Cone,  who  came  to  this  county  about  1878 
from  Iowa.     Here  they  spent  their  last  days  and 



their  lemaias  were  laid  side  by  side  in  the  cemetery 
at  Axtell.  Both  were  natives  of  New  York  State. 
Grandmother  Cone  was  a  Miss  Morgan,  of  New 
York  State. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Charles 
Citj-,  Iowa,  where  his  father  remained  for  about 
three  years.  The  family  then  removed  to  Taylor 
County,  Iowa,  where  they  resided  about  six  j'ears. 
Their  next  removal  was  to  the  vicinity  of  Clarinda, 
Page  County,  where  Menzo  W.,  pursued  his  stud- 
ies, attending  the  high  school  at  Clarinda  for  about 
two  j'ears.  At  the  age  of  twent3'-three  years  he 
entered  the  law  department  of  the  State  University 
of  Iowa,  from  which  he  was  graduated  with  honors 
in  the  spring  of  1882,  receiving  the  degree  of 
L.  L.  B.  He  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  courts 
of  Iowa  and  the  Circuit  and  District  Court  of  the 
United  States.  Instead  of  entering  upon  the  duties 
of  his  chosen  profession,  however,  he  accepted  a 
position  as  clerk  in  a  large  mercantile  house,  where 
he  labored  for  some  time,  then  came  to  this  county 
Feb.  22,  1884.  He  then  commenced  teaching 
sehool  which  he  followed  for  several  years.  Shortly 
after  his  arrival  here  he  investigated  the  titles  of 
various  lands  and  found  tliat  the  southeast  quarter 
of  section  4,  St.  Bridget  Township,  still  belonged 
to  the  Government  through  an  error  on  the  records 
at  Washington.  He  therefore  proceeded  in  a  legal 
manner  to  locate  a  homestead,  which  was  the  last 
taken  in  this  county-. 

Mr.  Terry  has  now  a  well  developed  farm,  with 
a  neat  and  tasteful  residence,  finely  located  three 
miles  from  the  growing  city  of  SummerBeld.  Upon 
the  farm  there  are  4,000  forest  trees  and  about  150 
fruit  trees  in  good  bearing  condition.  Mr.  Terry- 
has  complied  with  the  requirements  of  the  Home- 
stead Act  and  will  soon  be  entitled  to  receive  his 
papers  from  the  Government.  Within  his  home  is 
a  library  of  choice  books,  including  valuable  legal 
works  which  he  peruses  almost  daily  and  thus  keeps 
himself  fully  posted  in  regard  to  the  intricacies  of 
his  profession.  He  intends  in  the  near  future  open- 
ing an  ofliee  for  business  in  Summerfleld. 

A  marriage  ceremony  performed  at  St.  Bridget's 
Church,  Aug.  3,  1886,  united  the  destinies  of  our 
subject  and  Miss  Maggie,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Cunningham,    of   this    county.     Mr.  Cunningham 

came  to  Northern  Kansas  ten  years  ago  from  Leav- 
enworth, "where  he  had  lived  a  few  years  and  to 
which  he  had  moved  from  Madison,  Ind.  Mrs. 
Terry  was  born  Sept.  17,  1867,  in  Madison,  Ind., 
and  was  one  of  a  family  of  five  daughters  and  one 
son.  Her  parents  are  still  living  in  this  county 
upon  their  own  farm.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Terry  are  the 
parents  of  one  child,  a  son,  Menzo  A.  They  have 
many  friends  in  this  part  of  the  county. 

Mr.  Terrj'  was  the  unanimous  choice  of  both  the 
Union  Labor  and  Democratic  conventions,  held 
Oct.  3,  1889,  for  the  office  of  Register  of  Deeds  of 
this  county.  His  campaign  was  fair,  honest  and 
upright,  but  he  was  defeated  by  a  very  small 
majority,  owing  to  falsehoods  and  a  liberal  use  of 
campaign  money  by  his  opponents;  but  we  may 
estimate  the  high  esteem  in  which  he  is  held  by  his 
neighbors,  when  we  learn  that  his  own  township 
gave  him  a  majority  of  four  to  one  over  his 
opponent.  Some  of  his  friends  have  asked  him 
what  he  thought  of  his  defeat,  and  his  reply  has 
often  been:  "The  mill  never  grinds  with  the  water 
that  has  passed."  As  regards  the  question  of  Pro- 
hibition, he  considers  the  principle  to  be  wrong,  but 
thinks  the  few  should  acquiesce,  if  the  many  desire 
prohibition,  therefore  he  does  not  oppose  the  law 
now  in  force,  and  further,  he  is  a  real  temperance 
man  of  the  truest  type,  and  is  bitterly  opposed  to 
the  use  of  alcoholic  drinks  in  any  form  whatever. 
He  is  an  admirer  of  beauty  in  the  fine  arts,  and  an 
earnest  student  of  the  laws  of  nature.  He  is  also 
a  natural  genius,  possessing  inventive  skill  in  a 
marked  degi'ee. 

- — <^m- — 

^(UDGE  ROBERT  WHITE  was  liorn  April 
4,  181 1,  in  Bath  County,  Ky.,  where  he  lived 
until  1858.  He  received  his  education  at 
the  country  schools,  and  was  an  apt  student. 
He  pre))ared  himself  for  teaching,and  while  teaching 
took  up  the  study  of  law  when  about  twenty  years 
of  age.  For  several  years  he  taught  during  the 
winters,  studying  law  with  the  noted  Henry  Childs, 
and  so  well  did  he  use  his  time  that  he  was  admit- 
ted to  the  bar  of  Kentucky  in  1840.  He  located  at 
Grayson,  the  count3--seat  of  Carter   County,   and 



there  built  up  a  good  legal  practice.  He  took  but 
little  part  in  politics,  though  holding  the  office  of 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  a  number  of  years.  He  was 
also  elected  County  Judge,  serving  for  four  years, 
it  speaking  well  for  his  ability,  that  so  young  a  man 
siiould  be  elected  in  a  State  so  noted  for  able 

Judge  White  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss 
Edith  Goodan,  a  native  of  Kentucky,  June  5, 
1834.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Samuel  Goodan,  a 
Captain  in  the  War  of  1812.  In  1858  Judge  White 
removed  to  Kansas  with  his  family,  locating  in 
Paola.  In  1863  he  went  to  the  Territory  of  Colo- 
rado, taking  up  his  practice  at  Empire  City,  Clear 
Creek  County,  but  in  a  short  time  was  appointed 
(Quarterly  Court  Judge.  The  United  States  Court 
being  held  only  twice  a  year,  the  Quarterly  Court 
became  a  necessity.  Judge  White  had  jurisdiction 
in  all  cases  not  exceeding  13,000.  He  held  through 
one  term  of  four  years,  and  for  about  half  of 
the  second  term.  The  first  term  was  held  under 
appointment  from  the  Governor,  the  second  was 
through  election  by  the  people.  In  1868  he  came 
to  Marysville.  About  two  months  after  his  ar- 
rival he  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  which 
office  he  ,has  held  for  twenty  years.  During 
Grant's  first  term  he  received  the  appointment  to 
the  office  of  United  States  Commissioner  for  the 
district  of  Kansas,  and  has  held  this  office  contin- 
uously since  that  time.  The  nearest  other  Com- 
missioner being  at  Atchison,  he  had  a  large 
business  for  the  first  few  years,  but  recently  has  had 
but  few  cases.  He  was  also  Police  Judge  of  the 
city  for  a  number  of  years.  P^or  some  years  he  has 
been  trying  to  retire  from  public  business,  but  his 
constituents  have  not  yet  found  a  man  to  fill  his 

To  Judge  and  Mrs.  White  has  been  born  a 
famil}'  of  eight  children,  one  of  whom,  Eliza  Ann, 
died  at  the  age  of  nineteen.  Those  living  are: 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  H.  Nutt,  of  this  county;  Mar- 
garet, wife  of  S.  W.  Fisher,  of  Santa  Fe,  New 
Mexico;  Sidney,  now  Mrs.  E.  Bentle}',  of  this 
county;  Grace,  at  home;  William  and  Van  are  liv- 
ing in  this  county;  and  Eveline,  now  Mrs.  Parme- 
ter,  of  this  county.  Our  subject  bought  properly 
ui)on  coming  to  Marysville.  and  now  lives  on  Elm 

street,  and  has  his  office  on  Broad waj\  He  is  a 
member  of  the  Masonic  order.  Politically  he  is,  and 
always  has  been,  a  Democrat.  The  Judge  is  a 
member  of  the  Christian  Church. 

""'I'^I^'S*!'* "" • 

^,  AMES  S.  DAWES,  a  well-known  fruit-grower 
of  Blue  Rapids,  has  been  a  resident  of  that 
city  for  nearly  a  score  of  years,  having  ar- 
rived there  on  March  14,  1872.  He  had 
purchased  the  prof)erty,  on  which  he  has  ever  since 
lived,  in  November  of  the  previous  year.  The 
family  is  of  an  ancient  lineage,  the  first  progenitor 
in  this  country  being  William  Dawes  who  settled 
in  Braintree,  Mass.,  in  1635.  He  came  from  Eng- 
land, where  some  of  the  family  had  achieved  emi- 
nence and  distinction,  one,  Sir  William  Dawes, 
being, Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  William  Dawes 
removed  from  Braintree  to  Boston,  and  the  house 
which  he  built  on  Sudbury  Street  was  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  family  and  standing  until  1775,  when 
it  was  pulled  down  by  the  British  during  their  oc- 
cupation of  Boston.  He  was  a  man  of  importance, 
energetic,  upright  and  God-fearing,  and  exercised 
considerable  influence  in  the  young  colony.  From 
him,  and  from  others  of  the  family  who  came  to 
America  about  the  same  time,  are  descended  the 
Dawes  family,  now  numerous  in  the  country,  one 
of  the  most  noted  members  being  Senator  Henry  L. 
Dawes,  of  Massachusetts. 

Our  subject  traces  his  descent  directly  from  Sam- 
uel Dawes,  of  Pembroke,  who  was  born  in  the  lat- 
ter half  of  the  seventeenth  centur}-  and  died  in 
1750.  He  bought  a  great  deal  of  land  in  Bridge- 
water,  about  the  year  1714,  and  a  few  years  later 
was  married  to  Sarah  Howland,  of  Pembroke, 
where  he  was  then  living.  After  his  marriage  he 
removed  to  East  Bridgewater,  where  he  died.  The 
next  in  the  direct  line  of  descent  was  also  named 
Samuel,  and  was  born  in  East  Bridgewater,  Feb.  24, 
1724.  Before  the  Revolutionary  War  he  removed 
to  Hampshire  County,  Mass.,  and  there,  in  1755, 
was  married  to  Abigail  Kingman,  who  was  born 
May  19,  1730.  He  died  of  smallpox,  Nov.  5, 1794, 
and  his  wife  died  in  Februar}'.  1808. 



John  Dawes,  a  son  of  Samuel  and  Abigail,  was 
born  in  Bridgewater,  Mass..  March  4,  1763,  and 
died  in  Windsor,  Nov.  20,  1848.  He  was  a  lad 
when  the  Revolutionary  War  broke  out,  and  at  the 
age  of  sixteen  entered  the  Continental  army,  serv- 
iug  until  the  close  of  the  contest,  and  afterward  re- 
ceiving a  pension  from  the  Government.  He  was 
one  of  the  pioneers  of  Windsor,  to  which  he  re- 
moved at  an  early  day.  He  was  a  man  of  promi- 
nence in  the  community,  and  was  several  times 
chosen  as  Selectman.  He  possessed  unusually  strong 
and  sincere  religious  feelings,  and  took  a  verj-  active 
part  in  church  work.  He  was  a  lifelong  member 
of  the  Congregational  Church,  and  well-known  to 
tlie  ministers  of  that  part  of  the  country,  who 
made  his  home  their  headquarters  when  called  to 
Windsor.  He  was  married  Nov.  20,  1794,  to  Dolly 
Shaw,  who  was  born  in  Abington,  March  30,  1774, 
and  died  June  3,  1864,  at  the  age  of  ninety  years. 
She  was  a  woman  of  marked  piety,  who  had  im- 
bibed the  strict  ideas  of  her  Puritan  ancestors,  and 
her  character  endeared  her  not  only  to  her  own 
family,  but  to  all  who  knew  her.  Kind  and  chari- 
table, her  neighbors  in  sickness  or  trouble  always 
called  upon  her,  and  her  services  were  freelj-  given. 
Thediildren  of  John  and  Dolly  Dawes  were:  Eb- 
enezer,  Stephen,  Betsey.  John,  D0II3',  Rowland, 
Newton,  James  and  Vesta.  Of  this  family  the 
only  survivor  is  the  gentleman  of  whom  we  write. 

James  S.  Dawes  was  born  in  AVindsor,  Mass., 
Aug.  12,  1812.  Until  about  the  age  of  sixteen  he 
lived  on  the  farm,  when  old  enough  working  in 
the  summer  and  attending  school  in  the  winter. 
Wlien  sixteen  he  began  attending  the  academy  at 
Cummington,  where  he  was  a  classmate  of  Henrj- 
L.  Dawes.  There  he  fitted  himself  for  the  profes- 
sion of  teaching,  which  he  followed  during  the 
next  six  winters,  and  in  the  intervals  of  his  work 
fitted  himself  for  Yale  College.  He  never  entered 
the  latter,  however,  as  he  subsequently-  changed  his 
plans,  and  in  the  spring  of  1834  went  to  Michigan, 
which  was  then  a  wild  and  unsettled  country.  He 
and  two  brothers  formed  i)art  of  a  colony  of  Mas- 
sachusetts people,  and  located  in  Medina,  Lenawee 
County.  The  three  brothers  each  took  up  a 
farm,  and  there  our  subject  lived  twenty-four 
years,  with  the  exception    of   a    couple    of   years 

w-hich  he  spent  in  his  old  home  in  the  East.  The 
Michigan  farm  of  eighty  acres  he  cleared,  on  it 
planted  orchards  and  erected  buildings,  and  tliere 
he  intended  to  pass  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Fail- 
ing health  compelled  him  to  give  it  up,  however, 
and  selling  out  he  removed  to  Ypsilanti,  Mich.,  and 
in  tiiat  citj-  lived  about  a  year.  Tiience  he  re- 
moved to  Earlville,  Delaware  Co.,  Iowa,  where 
he  bought  a  small  farm,  on  which  he  lived  four 
years,  and  passed  one  year  in  the  drug  business  in 
that  town.  He  next  removed,  in  1864,  toGrinnell, 
Iowa,  where  he  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business, 
which  he  carried  on  until  his  removal  to  Kansas, 
in  1872.  On  coming  to  Blue  Rapids  he  erected  a 
comfortable  residence,  where  he  now  lives,  and 
embarked  in  the  business  of  fruit  growing,  which 
he  has  carried  on  with  more  or  less  success  ever 

Mr.  Dawes  Las  been  twice  married,  first  at  Me- 
dina,  Mich.,  on  June  13,  1831,  to  Miss  Alvina  S. 
Homes,  who  was  born  in  Galen,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  3, 1821. 
She  died  in  Medina,  May  15,  1851,  leaving  two 
children,  both  of  whom  are  now  deceased.  Thev 
were:  Adelaide,  born  Aug.  22,  1843,  who  was  mar- 
ried to  William  V.  Cattron,  of  Earlville,  Iowa, 
Sept.  11,  1864,  and  died  there  on  July  31,  1869; 
and  Miriam,  born  Dec.  27,  1847,  who  died  unmar- 
ried, Aug.  23,  1870. 

The  second  marriage  of  Mr.  Dawes  took  place 
on  Sept.  6,  1853,  when  he  was  united  to  Miss  Su- 
san E.  Se3mour.  in  Granville.  Mass.,  where  she 
was  born  April  IG,  1827.  Her  parents  were  Arden 
and  Orpha  (CoIlinS;  Seymour,  the  father  a  farmer 
at  Granville,  a  member  and  Deacon  of  the  Congre- 
gational Church  for  many  j'ears,  and  several  times 
elected  Selectman  of  the  town.  James  S.  and  Su- 
san E.  Dawes  have  one  child,  Laura  S.,  born  in 
Medina,  Mich.,  Feb.  2,  1855.  She  became  the  wife 
of  Horace  Smith,  under  whose  name  a  further  his- 
tory appears. 

Mr.  Dawes  has  been  until  a  few  years  past  a  Re- 
publican in  politics,  having  been  a  radical  Aboli- 
tionist prior  to  the  formation  of  the  Republican 
party.  He  is  an  ardent  advocate  of  temperance, 
and  a  few  years  ago  became  a  member  of  the  Pro- 
hibition party,  to  whose  success  he  gives  his  best 
efforts.     He  and  his    wife    and    daughter   are    all 



members  of  the  Congregational  Church.  He  was 
a  Deacon  of  the  church  in  Grinnell,  during  almost 
the  entire  period  of  his  residence  there,  and  at  the 
first  election  of  church  officers  after  his  removal  to 
Blue  Rapids  he  was  elected  a  Deacon  in  that  place, 
and  has  ever  since  worthily  filled  that  position. 
Although  now  nearing  four-score  3ears,  Mr.  Dawes 
is  in  good  health  and  in  the  full  possession  of  all 
his  faculties,  and  daily  attends  to  the  business  of 
his  fruit  farm.  He  has  always  lived  a  temperate, 
upright  and  godly  life,  and  is  now  reaping  its  just 
rewards.  Possessed  of  means  sufficient  for  his 
needs,  with  the  well-earned  respect  of  his  fellow- 
men,  with  an  affectionate  wife,  daughter  and  grand- 
children around  him,  the  evening  of  his  days  is  pass- 
ing serenel3",  and  he  can,  without  any  occasion  for 
self  reproach,  look  back  upon  a  well-spent  and 
useful  life. 

J1  AMES  HUNT.  The  passing  traveler  be- 
I  holds  with  pleasure  the  well-regulated  farm- 
.  ing  land  and  splendid  residence  of  the 
'  gentleman  whose  name  heads  tliis  sketch.  In 
the  midst  of  a  beautiful  landscape,  filled  witli  evi- 
dences of  the  taste  and  financial  standing  of  the 
owner,  it  is  a  monument  to  the  industry,  energy 
and  unremitting  labor  of  the  man  who  has  brought 
about  these  results.  He  is  a  resident  of  Blue  Rapids 
City  Township,  his  farm  being  located  on  section 
9,  and  comprising  320  acres.  In  connection  with 
agriculture,  he  is  interested  in  stock-raising,  mak- 
ing a  specialty  of  raising  Short-horn  cattle  and 
Poland-China  hogs. 

The  parents  of  our  subject,  Thomas  and  Jane 
Hunt,  were  natives  of  England,  and  had  a  family 
of  seven  children,  of  whom  James  was  the  youngest. 
Born  in  Somersetshire,  England,  Feb.  4,  1826, 
Thomas  Hunt  was  reared  to  manhood  in  the  hills 
and  valleys  of  his  native  country,  receiving  limited 
educational  advantages.  He  is  at  the  present  time 
a  well-read  man,  being  conversant  on  all  topics  of 
general  importance,  but  that  fact  is  due  not  so 
much  to  earlj'  training  as  to  later  studj'. 

Upon  reaching  the  age  of  twenty-seven  years, 
our    subject    determined    to   try    life  in  the   New 

World,  and  accordingly,  in  the  spring  of  1853, 
took  passage  at  the  port  of  Plymouth  in  a  sailing- 
vessel,  and  for  nine  weeks  was  braving  the  jjerils 
of  the  deep.  Finally,  the  ship  was  anchored  in 
Quebec,  Canada,  whence  Mr.  Hunt  came  to  New 
York  State,  settling  in  Genesee  County,  where  he 
was  engaged  in  tilling  the  soil  for  a  number  of 
years,  and  was  somewhat  prospered.  But  the  East 
did  not  possess  sufficient  attractions  to  tempt  him 
to  remain  within  its  limits,  consequentl}',  in  the 
spring  of   1871.  our  subject   emigrated  Westward. 

Kansas  was  at  that  time  the  object  of  much 
thought,  and  many  homeless  people,  as  well  as 
those  comfortably  situated,  were  seeking  its  fair 
fields  in  the  hope  of  gaining  therefrom  greater 
financial  returns  than  the  other  States  offered.  So 
it  was  that  Mr.  Hunt  emigrated  to  Kansas,  settling 
in  Marshall  County,  and  operating  there  for  two 
years  as  a  renter.  In  1873  he  located  on  his  pres- 
ent farm,  having  purchased  160  acres  of  land  from 
the  Railroad  Company,  paying  therefor  18  per  acre. 
When  first  in  possession,  this  land  was  all  raw 
prairie,  in  about  the  same  condition  as  the  Indians 
had  left  it.  By  his  energy,  perseverance  and  tire- 
less industrjs  Mr.  Hunt  has  made  it  one  of  the  finest 
farms  in  the  county. 

During  all  these  years,  Mr.  Hunt  has  not  been 
without  the  aid  of  a  loving  wife  and  counselor  in 
trouble.  Together  thej'  have  shared  the  joys  and 
sorrows  incident  to  ever}'  life.  They  were  united 
in  marriage.  May  15,  1852,  in  England,  and  through 
all  the  succeeding  months  and  years  she  has  faith- 
fully worked  ever  at  his  side,  and  her  counsel  and 
advice  has  been  of  assistance  to  him.  In  her  youth 
she  was  Esther  Bond,  and  was  born  in  Devonshire. 
England,  Dec.  I,  1834,  to  Thomas  and  Ann  Bond, 
also  born  in  England.  Of  the  large  family  of  six- 
teen children  born  to  our  subject  and  his  wife  nine 
survive,  viz:  William  B.;  Emma,  wife  of  William, 
Means;  Frank  L.,  John,  Charles,  Thomas;  F.sthcr, 
wife  of  James  Means;  James,  who  is  a  student  of 
the  State  Normal  School,  at  Emporia,  Kansas ;  and 
Sidney,  who  is  at  home. 

Religiousl}',  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hunt  while  in  Eng- 
land were  members  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  They 
now  attend  the  Presb3'terian  Church,  at  Blue 
Rapids,  and  are    prominently    connected   with  all 



worthy  works.  He  votes  the  Republican  ticket, 
and  has  served  on  the  School  Board,  but  otherwise 
prefers  the  quiet  of  the  home  fireside  to  the  ex- 
citement of  public  office.  When  he  first  came  here 
not  a  house  could  be  seen  in  the  whole  broad  prai- 
rie, where  now  are  beautiful  farms  and  pleasant, 
cozjr  homes.  He  has  seen  many  startling  changes 
wrought  in  the  face  of  nature,  and  has  himself 
borne  a  prominent  part  in  uplifting  societj'  and 
elevating  the  standard  of  moralit3'.  He  and  his 
devoted  family  are  deservedly  held  in  high  esteem, 
and  are  honored  as  representatives  of  the  worth 
and  integrity  of  Marshall  County. 

LFRED  B.  POLLARD.  The  life  of  an 
upright,  energetic  man  is  always  an  inter- 
esting study,  and  would  make  a  I'ecord 
readable  and  instructive.  By  contemplat- 
ing his  noble  deeds  and  generous  actions,  a  kindred 
feeling  is  kindled  within  us  and  our  hearts  "  to  a 
higher  level  rise."  The  gentleman  whose  life  his- 
tory is  thus  briefly  outlined,  possesses  the  indomita- 
ble perseverance  of  his  English  forefathers  and  is 
thereby  able  to  overcome  obstacles  that  would 
seem  insurmountable  to  others.  Henry  and  Eliza 
(Moxon)  Pollard,  the  father  and  mother  of  our 
subject,  were  born  in  Walsham,  Suffolk  Co.,  Eng- 
land, and  soon  after  their  marriage  emigrated  to 
Canada,  removing  afterward  to  Charlotte,  Monroe 
Co.,  N.Y.,  where  the  father  died,  Aug.  13,  1889. 
The  parental  familj'  consisted  of  four  sons  and  one 
daughter,  our  subject  being  the  third  son.  His 
birth  took  place  in  Charlotte,  Monroe  Co.,  N.Y., 
Aug.  9,  1849.  He  passed  his  early  life  in  his 
native  town,  being  educated  in  the  common 
schools.  At  the  age  of  twenty-two  he  came  to 
Illinois  and  worked  three  or  four  months  in  a  foun- 
dry in  Cliicago.  He  then  went  to  Bureau  County, 
111.,  where  for  a  few  months  he  was  engaged  in 
farming  pursuits.  Thence  he  repaired  to  Nejjon- 
set,  111.,  and  there  engaged  in  his  father's  trade  of 
blacksmithing  for  a  short  time. 

Becoming  attracted  by  reports  of  the  fertile  soil 
and  balmy  air  of   Kansas,  Mr.  Pollard  came  hither 

and  for  two  years  made  his  home  with  a  brother  in 
this  county.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time  he  set- 
tled upon  a  farm  on  section  2,  Franklin  Township, 
and  devoted  his  attention  to  farming,  having  in- 
creased his  possessions  until  he  now  owns  160 
acres  of  finely  improved  land,  one-half  of  which 
he  took  as  a  homestead  and  the  remainder  of 
which  he  purchased.  He  was  first  married  in  Ne- 
ponset.  111.,  Jan.  31,  1870,  to  Miss  Frances  Church. 
They  had  six  children,  Edith  M.  and  Jennie  L. 
being  the  only  survivors,  four  having  died  when 
quite  3'oung.  Mrs.  Pollard  died  in  Franklin 
Town.ship,  Nov.  24,  1884,  and  on  December  1st  of 
the  following  year  Mr.  Pollard  was  again  married, 
his  second  wife  being  Miss  Anna  L.  Lind,  a  native 
of  New  York  City.  The  result  of  this  union  has 
been  two  children,  one  of  whom  died  in  infancj*. 
the  survivor,  S^ydney,  being  a  bright  child  of  two 

Mr.  Pollard  is  a  believer  in  and  supporter  of  the 
principles  of  the  Republican  party.  He  has  held 
several  of  the  minor  offices  of  the  township,  dis- 
charging his  duties  with  excellent  judgment  and 
giving  general  satisfaction  to  the  voters  of  the 
communitj'.  He  is  a  reliable  and  enterprising 
man  and  enjo^'S  the  respect  of    his  fellow-citizens. 

A  fine  view  of  the  cozj'  home  and  surroundings 
on  the  estate  of  Mr.  Pollard  is  given  elsewhere  in 
the  Albuji. 

!hiyM  ARION  RUSSELL  EWING,  one  of  the 
most  enterprising  young  farmers  of  Noble 
Township,  is,  at  the  age  of  twenty -three 
years,  established  upon  his  own  farm  of 
128  acres,  where  he  operates  with  a  degree  of  skill 
and  perseverance  that  would  do  credit  to  many  an 
older  head.  In  addition  to  this  he  has  charge  of 
his  father's  farm,  which  comprises  1,280  acres  in 
Vermilion  and  Noble  townships.  He  has  every 
convenience  for  the  prosecution  of  his  calling — 
good  buildings,  machiner}-  and  teams — and  of  the 
latter  utilizes  sixteen  well  trained  horses  in  plow- 
ing, sowing  and  reaping.  Of  his  land,  800  acres  is 
devoted  to  raising  corn,    which  is   harvested  in  a 

i^M^-^      -^  :r^f^i^ 

■^ffspj^^  j..  ^  .^(ii^'*^.\Siy^^iftsii^'^ . . .»..  j^f.y&^^  a^gTa^ftfrvf.frjrfcrfii^.Ka^'  ?  -a^^^rai^WgasattJwvmtafc.  t^ia«vft>»a>iasSi»elfea^^ 

Residence  or  Alfred  B.  Pollard.Sec. 2. Franklin  Township. 

Residence  OF  Marion  R.  Ewing, Sec. 20. Noble  Township. 



goodly  abundance  each  year.  He  owns  a  thresher, 
corn-sheller,  etc.,  and  conducts  the  various  depart- 
ments in  a  highly  successful  and  profitable  manner. 

A  native  of  Illinois,  our  suliject  was  born  near 
the  town  of  Lincoln,  Logan  County,  June  1,  1866. 
When  he  was  four  years  old  his  parents  removed  to 
Livingston  County,  where  lie  lived  until  1874,  ac- 
quiring his  early  education  in  the  common  school. 
In  the  spring  of  that  year  the  family  came  to  Kan- 
sas. Mr.  Ewing,  when  a  boy  of  nine  years,  began 
following  the  plow,  and  in  1887  assumed  charge  of 
the  land  which  he  now  operates.  It  is  watered 
b}'  the  upper  branch  of  Spring  Creek,  and  3'ields 
bountifull3'.  Upon  the  farm  is  the  railroad  station 
of  Ewingsjiort,  named  after  Thomas  Ewing,  the 
father  of  our  subject,  and  at  which,  by  the  aid  of 
a  switch,  the  farm  produce  and  stock  is  shipped. 
The  farm  accommodates  forty  head  of  horses,  and 
twenty  to  twenty-five  head  of  cattle. 

Thomas  Ewing,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Jefferson  County,  Ohio,  Sept.  29,  1836. 
When  quite  J'oung  his  parents  removed  to  Pike 
County,  111.,  where  he  was  reared  upon  a  farm. 
The  paternal  grandfather  was  Alexander  Ewing,  a 
native  of  Pennsylvania,  where  he  farmed  in  early 
life,  and  whence  he  emigrated  to  Jefferson  Count3^, 
Ohio.  There  also  he  prosecuted  agriculture,  until 
1852,  then  removed  to  Pike  County  and  secured 
700  acres  of  land,  upon  which  he  operated  very 
successfull}'  and  became  well-to-do.  There  he 
spent  his  last  years,  dying  in  1866.  When  a  youth 
of  eighteen  years  he  served  in  the  War  of  1812. 
He  was  first  a  Whig,  then  a  Republican  and  Aboli- 
tionist, and  in  religion  a  Presb^'terian.  The  great- 
grandfather of  our  subject  was  James  Ewing,  a 
native  of  Londonderry,  Ireland,  who  emigrated  to 
America  prior  to  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  lo- 
cated on  the  Susquehanna,  where  he  followed  farm- 
ing and  operated  a  ferry  with  a  rope,  transporting 
in  this  manner  upon  one  occasion  La  Fayette  and 
his  army  across  the  river  and  return.  He  there 
spent  his  last  days. 

The  father  of  our  suliject  was  reared  in  Jefferson 
County,  Ohio,  where  he  lived  until  a  youth  of  six- 
teen years,  then  repairing  to  Pike  County,  111., 
began  the  following  j'ear  for  himself,  at  the  age  of 
seventeen.     He   rented    land    until   he  could  pur- 

chase, and  in  due  time  bought  500  acres  in  part- 
nership with  his  brother.  He  broke  prairie  in 
order  to  increase  his  cash  account,  and  was  pros- 
pered in  his  labors.  Finally,  selling  out,  he  re- 
moved to  LaSalle  County  and  purchased  eighty 
acres  of  land  in  the  vicinitj'  of  Old  Town.  Thence, 
in  1865  he  removed  to  Logan  County,  where  he 
farmed  six  years,  then,  changing  his  residence  once 
more,  established  himself  on  a  farm  of  160  acres 
in  Livingston  Count}-,  and  afterward  purchased  an 
additional  160  acres  in  Iroquois  County.  There 
he  became  largely  interested  in  live  stock.  In 
1873  he  traded  that  property  for  his  present  place, 
and  removed  to  it  in  the  spring  of  1874.  The 
1,280  acres  was  originally  a  wild,  uncultivated 
tract,  but  it  now  presents  the  appearance  of  a  well- 
legulated  modern  estate,  with  groves,  orchards, 
buildings,  and  everything  required  to  prosecute 
agriculture  conveniently  and  extensively.  He 
turned  the  business  over  to  his  son,  our  subject,  in 
1887,  and  is  now  retired  from  active  labor.  He 
votes  with  the  Republican  party,  and  is  a  man  ex- 
ercising due  influence  in  his  community. 

A  lithographic  engraving  of  the  residence  of  Mr. 
Ewing  appears  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

?RANK  L.  HUNT.  While  a  man  may 
never  have  been  the  hero  of  any  very 
thrilling  event,  yet,  like  each  individual 
brick  which  composes  the  solid  structure,  he,  al- 
though a  modest  citizen  undisputably  has  his  uses, 
and  as  one  of  the  factors  upholding  the  basis  of 
society,  bears  no  unimportant  part  in  the  composi- 
tion of  the  grand  whole.  The  peaceful  and  law- 
abiding  citizen  who  gives  his  aid  and  influence  to 
the  moral  welfare  of  society,  is  in  his  place  as  im- 
portant as  the  soldier  who  rushes  out  upon  the 
battle-fleld  and  fights  for  his  country. 

In  the  person  of  Mr.  Hunt  we  find  a  steady- 
going  and  well-to-do  farmer  and  stock-raiser  —  a 
man  yet  young  in  years  but  who  is  making  for 
himself  a  good  reputation  among  his  fellow-citi- 
zens. He  is  diligently  engaged  in  the  improve- 
ment and  cultivation  of    160  acres  of   good    land, 



pleasantly  located  on  section  16  In  Blue  Rapids 
City  Township,  and  is  meeting  with  fair  success. 
A  native  of  Genesee  County,  N.Y..  he  was  born 
Nov.  10,  1861,  and  is  consequently  approaching 
the  twenty-eighth  j^ear  of  his  age.  He  is  the  rep- 
resentative of  an  excellent  family,  being  the  son 
of  James  and  Estlier  (Bond)  Hunt,  who  came  to 
this  region  during  its  pioneer  days  and  a  sketch  of 
whom  appears  on  anothei  ))age  iu  this  volume. 
The  Hunt  family  came  to  Kansas  from  the  Empire 
State  in  1871,  and  endured  in  common  with  the 
people  about  them,  the  toils  and  difficulties  incident 
to  the  settlement  of  a  new  countrj'.  Frank  L.,  in 
common  with  the  other  children  of  the  famil3', 
pursued  his  first  studies  in  the  district  school,  and 
early  in  life  chose  farming  for  his  vocation.  When 
twenty-five  years  old  he  was  married,  Jan.  4, 1887, 
to  Miss  Ella  J.,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
(Bedford)  Peters,  of  Center  Township,  and  of  this 
union  there  is  one  cliild,  Mabel,  born  Nov.  15, 

Mr.  Hunt  politicaJli'  gives  his  unqualified  sup- 
port to  the  Republican  party.  Each  year  sees 
something  added  to  the  value  and  beauty  of  his 
property,  and  he  is  one  of  those  industrious  char- 
acters who,  without  making  perhaps  an}-  great  stir 
in  the  world,  possesses  the  elements  of  character 
which  can  alwa3's  be  depended  upon.  Mrs.  Hunt 
is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

—5 43-#^ J— 

fr.^  ENRY  W.  CHAPMAN,  Justice  of  the  Peace 
ifjV  at  Blue  Rapids,  settled  iu  that  place  in  Ma}-. 
/■y^  1872,  coming  from  Iowa.  The  famil}' 
■f^  on  both  sides  is  of  Englisli  origin.  His 
father,  also  named  Henry,  was  born  near  London. 
His  grandfather  was  in  the  ship  chandlery  business, 
and  Ids  son  became  a  sea-faring  man,  following  that 
occupation  all  his  life.  He  was  lost  at  sea  in  the 
year  1836,  the  ship  of  which  lie  was  chief  mate 
never  having  been  heard  of  after  leaving  Apa- 
lachicola,  Fla.,  whence  she  liad  sailed  for  New  York 
with  a  cargo  of  cotton.  When  a  young  man,  Mr. 
Chapman  sailed  for  this  country,  and  liere  he  de- 
cided to  make  liis  liome,     He  therefore   settled   at 

Newburj'port,  Mass.,  which  was  at  that  time  an  im- 
portant seaport.  He  sailed  in  one  slap  in  seven- 
teen voyages  under  the  same  captain,  he  being 
chief  mate.  He  could  have  been  in  command  of  a  ves- 
sel, but  being  a  man  of  a  rather  retiring  disposition, 
he  preferred  not  to  have  the  responsibilities  of  the 
command.  He  was  twice  married,  his  first  wife 
being  Elizabeth  Bennett,  by  whom  he  had  twins, 
who  died  iu  infaucy,  together  with  their  mother. 
Some  time  afterwards  Mr.  Chapman  was  married  to 
Abigail  Watts,  who  was  born  in  Bath,  Me.,  of  Eng- 
lish parents.  She  came  to  Blue  Rapids  with  her 
son,  and  there  died  iu  1886,  aged  about  ninety 
years.  She  was  the  mother  of  seven  children,  one 
of  whom,  George  W.,  died  in  infancy.  Elizabeth 
lived  to  the  age  of  twelve  years,  and  died  suddenl}' 
of  malignant  dysentery,  A  sister,  Abigail,  two 
years  younger,  was  so  affected  by  the  death  of  Eliza- 
beth that  her  jjareuts  were  compelled  to  remove 
her  from  school,  and  she  never  recovered  her 
health.  After  years  of  great  suffering  in  a  manner 
that  attracted  much  attention  from  eminent  physi- 
cians, she  died  at  about  the  age  of  eighteen  years. 
Our  subject  was  the  third  child;  then  came  Mar}', 
who  became  the  wife  of  Peter  Cropley,  and  died  in 
Newburyport,  Mass.;  Charles  L.  is  now  living  in 
Newport,  R.  I.;  and  the  youngest  child,  George  W., 
is  a  resident  of  Arizona. 

Henry  W.  Chapman,  the  subject  of  this  notice, 
was  born  June  5,  1822,  in  Newburyport,  Essex  Co., 
Mass.  Up  to  the  age  of  two  years  he  was  a  strong, 
healthy  child,  but  was  suddenl}-  taken  with  an  at- 
tack of  partial  paralysis,  or  palsy,  and  it  was  at 
the  time  thought  that  he  would  never  again  be  able 
to  walk.  He,  however,  regained  the  partial  use  of 
the  leg  which  had  been  paralyzed,  but  has  ever 
since  been  crippled.  At  the  usual  age  he  was  able 
to  attend  school,  and  graduated  from  the  grammar 
school  at  his  native  town  at  the  age  of  twelve,  and 
from  the  high  school  two  years  later.  About  this 
time  his  father  was  lost  at  sea,  and  he  was  obliged 
to  go  to  work.  He  learned  the  trade  of  shocmak- 
ing,  at  which  he  worked  for  several  years  in  his 
native  town,  but  during  this  lime  he  was  diligently 
engaged  in  pursuing  his  studies  in  the  higher 
branches  of  learning.  He  applied  for,  and  was 
unanimously  appointed  to  the  position  of  teacher, 



remaining  in  one  school  for  three  years.  He  was 
then  transferred  to  another,  of  which  he  was  prin- 
cipal for  seventeen  3'ears.  While  teaching  ho  was 
reading  and  stud^'ing  law,  and  on  giving  up  his 
profession  of  teaching,  he  read  law  for  three  years 
in  the  office  of  Col.  E.  F.  Stone.  This  gentleman 
was  an  eminent  member  of  the  Massachusetts  bar 
in  Newburyport,  was  later  a  member  of  Congress, 
and  declined  re-election;  lie  went  into  the  Union 
army,  became  a  Colonel,  was  at  the  taking  of  New 
Orleans,  and  is  )'et  living  in  Newburyport. 

Mr.  Chapman  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1860, 
and  practised  in  his  native  town  until  June,  1870, 
when  with  his  family  he  removed  to  Farley  Junc- 
tion, Dubuque  Co.,  Iowa.  One  reason  for  the  re- 
moval was  the  hope  that  his  health  would  be 
bettered  by  the  change,  but  a  few  months'  residence 
showed  no  improvement.  Earl3'  in  the  following 
summer,  therefore,  he  had  a  wagon  built  for  the 
purpose,  and  with  his  wife  and  two  children  traveled 
extensivel}',  crossing  the  State  of  Iowa  not  less 
than  five  times.  He  decided  to  try  a  warmer  clim- 
ate, but  on  reaching  Council  Grove,  Morris  Co., 
Kan.,  he  was  told  by  residents  of  that  place,  that 
going  farther  south  would  take  him  into  the  region 
of  fever  and  ague.  This  determined  him  to  travel 
northward,  and  he  had  reached  Blue  Rapids,  when, 
being  overtaken  by  cold  weather,  he  decided  to  re- 
main for  the  winter.  The  following  spring  he  pur- 
chased the  propert}'  on  which  he  now  lives,  and 
which  has  ever  since  been  his  home. 

On  June  1,  1854,  at  Newburjport,  Mass.,  Mr. 
Chapman  vvas  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Ann 
M.  Atkinson,  a  native  of  that  city,  born  April  11, 
1832.  She  is  a  daughter  of  Josiah  L.  and  Elizabeth 
(Toppan)  Atkinson,  botii  natives  of  Newburyport, 
and  both  now  deceased.  Mr.  Atkinson  was  Deacon 
of  the  Congregational  Church  in  Newburyport  for 
many  years.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chapman  are  the  parents 
of  two  children — Lizzie  M.  and  Mary  A.,  who  live 
with  their  parents. 

Mr.  Chapman,  on  coming  to  Blue  Rapids,  began 
the  practice  of  law,  which  he  has  ever  since  carried 
on,  as  his  health  would  permit.  At  an  early  day 
he  was  solicited  to  become  a  candidate  for  Justice 
of  the  Peace,  to  which  office  he  was  elected.  For 
one  term  he  was  not  re-elected,  but   the   followin" 

term  he  was  again  chosen,  and  has  ever  since  held 
the  office,  giving  entire  satisfaction  by  the  way  he 
has  discharged  tlie  duties  intrusted  to  him.  He  is 
also  Police  Judge  of  Blue  Rapids,  which  office  he 
has  filled  for  several  years ;  and  he  is  likewise  a  No- 
tary Public.  In  his  native  city,  Mr.  Chapman  had 
held  many  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility. 
He  at  one  time  held  simultaneously  tlie  positions  of 
Police  Judge,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Notary  Public 
and  member  of  the  City  Council.  He  was  there 
also  in  several  places  of  trust  in  private  corpora- 
tions, as  Treasurer,  Collector,  etc. 

Mr.  Chapman,  his  wife  and  daughters  are  all 
members  of  the  Congregational  Church.  During 
his  nearly  twenty  years'  residence  in  the  city,  he 
has  acquired  the  reputation  of  a  thoroughly  honest 
and  upright  man,  who  discharges  without  fear  or 
favor  the  sometimes  delicate  duties  entrusted  to 
him,  aiming  to  administer  impartial  justice,  but  in 
a  manner  to  least  hurt  the  feeling  of  the  losing  liti- 
gant, and  to  create  the  least  ill  feeling  among  neigh- 

There  is  a  fine   repre- 

,    sentation    of   rising   young  men    in   Blue 
Is    Rapids  City  Township — those  who  settled 
1^  here  some  years  since  and  have  established 

themselves  on  a  solid  footing,  both  socially  and 
financiallj-.  Many  of  them  are  Western  men,  as  is 
the  subject  of  this  sketch,  a  native  of  Illinois  and 
born  in  Warren  County,  Jan.  2,  1854.  Although  his 
native  State  is  accounted  one  offering  great  possibili- 
ties to  men  of  enterprise  and  perseverance,  still  the 
rolling  lands  of  Kansas  presented  an  outlook  more 
desirable,  and  he  consequentlj'  settled  within  its 
borders  and  here  has  since  contentedly  remained. 
He  has  been  familiar  with  farm  pursuits  since  boy- 
hood, and  is  making  of  his  vocation  a  decided 

The  parents  of  the  subject  of  this  notice  were 
Marshall  and  Jane  Griffee  (see  sketch  of  his  fa- 
ther), the  latter  known  to  have  been  a  native  of 
Kentucky  and  the  former  probably  born  in  that 
Stale.  Mrs.  Jane  Griffee  died  several  years  ago. 
The    family  settled    in   Warren  County,  111,,  at  an 



early  date  and  originally  included  nine  children. 
Of  these  eight  are  still  living,  viz:  Joseph,  a  resi- 
dent of  this  county;  Amon,  our  subject;  Mary,  the 
wife  of  John  Kuowlen,  of  Iowa;  Frank,  Marshall, 
Harrison,  Minnie,  residents  of  this  county,  and 
Jennie,  who  continues  his  residence  m  Warren 
County,  111.;    Samuel  is  deceased. 

Mr.  Griffee  spent  his  boyhood  and  youth  in  the 
Prairie  State,  remaining  under  the  parental  roof 
until  a  young  man  of  twenty  years.  Then  crossing 
the  Mississippi  he  went  into  Iowa  County,  Iowa, 
where  he  sojourned  until  1878.  That  year  he  came 
to  this  county,  of  which  he  has  since  been  a  resi- 
dent. He  owns  160  acres  of  land,  which  he  has 
brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation  and  whereon 
he  has  made  good  improvements.  His  practical 
education  in  early  life  has  been  advanced  by  his 
habit  of  observing  what  is  going  on  around  him 
and  making  the  most  of  his  opportunities  for 
acquiring  useful  knowledge. 

Mr.  Griffee  found  a  wife  and  help-mate  in  this 
count}',  being  married  Feb.  23,  1879,  to  Miss 
Amanda  Shroyer.  Mrs.  Griffee  was  born  in  this 
county,  Feb.  14,  1859,  and  is  the  daughter  of  John 
and  Mary  (Zartman)  Shroyer,  who  came  to  the 
frontier  when  few  white  people  had  ventured  to 
this  region  to  make  settlement.  Sir.  and  Mrs. 
Griffee  are  the  parents  of  three  children,  EfHe, 
Arnold  and  Stella.  Upon  first  coming  to  this 
county  Mr.  Griffee  was  a  resident  of  Walnut  Town- 
ship three  j'ears,  purchasing  in  1883  his  present 
farm.  He  was  recognized  as  a  valued  addition  to 
the  community,  and  is  at  present  a  member  of  the 
School  Board  of  his  district.  Politically  he  is  a 
sound  Republican.  Mr.  (Griffee  is  a  member  of  the 
Christian  Church. 

ON.  STEHLIN(;  W.  ilAZIiN.      One  of  the 

most  agreeable  gentlemen  with  whom  it  has 
lieen  tlie  pleasure  of  the  biographer  to  meet 
and  associate,  was  found  in  this  pioneer  set- 
tier,a  veteran  of  the  Civil  War,  and  late  member  of 
the  Kansas  Legislature.  He  is  a  man  of  kindl}' 
bearing,    friendly    yet   dignified    address.     In    his 

prime  he  must  have  presented  a  magnificent  ap- 
pearance in  uniform,  for  iiis  figure  is  erect  and 
symetrical,  while  age  seems  to  have  added  to  rather 
than  detracted  from  the  benevolent  expression  of 
his  face.  His  domestic  circle  is  a  charming  one, 
his  daughters  being  accomplished,  refined  and  well 
educated,  fitted  to  grace  tlie  most  select  society, 
while  music,  literature  and  all  topics  of  current 
thought  and  interest  receive  due  attention.  Bound 
volumes  of  the  Century  Magazine  extending  back 
to  the  initial  number  of  that  name  indicate  the  lit- 
erary taste  of  the  family,  while  standard  works 
make  up  a  large  and  valuable  library. 

In  their  pleasant  home  Mr.  Ilazen  and  his  fam- 
ily greet  their  many  friends  hospitably,  and  enter- 
tain them  so  well  that  one  forgets  the  lapse  of 
hours.  Their  residence,  a  view  of  which  is  pre- 
sented elsewhere  in  this  volume,  is  situated  in  a 
grove  under  the  shelter  of"a  hill,  and  is  thus  well 
protected  from  the  elements, while  the  surroundings 
are  picturesque.  Beyond  the  dwelling  place-  is  the 
farming  land  consisting  of  381  acres,  which  our 
subject  owns  and  manages,  having  increased  it  to 
its  present  proportions  from  an  original  claim  of 
160  acres.  His  farm  is  well  and  careful!}'  cultivated, 
and  he  has  the  justly  merited  reputation  of  being 
not  only  a  good  farmer  but  also  an  excellent  busi- 
ness man. 

Of  New  England  stock.  Sterling  Hazen  is  a  direct 
descendant  of  Edward  Ilazen,  wlio  came  to  the  New 
World  and  settled  in  Massachusetts  in  1649.  He 
took  up  a  homestead  there  and  commenced  to  im- 
prove it,  and  at  the  present  writing  it  is  occupied 
by  some  of  his  descendants.  The  grandfather  of 
our  subject  was  Edward  Hazen,  a  native  of  Groton, 
Mass.,  and  born  in  May,  1738.  Nearly  all  his  rel- 
atives took  an  active  part  in  the  Revolutionary- 
War,  participating  in  the  principal  engagements, 
among  them  those  of  Lexington  and  Bunker  Hill. 
In  1769  Grandfather  Ilazen  moved  to  Swanzey, 
N.  H.,  and  thence  to  Vermont.  In  1 794  he  located  in 
Little  Falls,  N.  Y.,  and  started  the  first  foundry  in 
that  part  of  the  State.  In  this  home  he  died  in 
1796.  Among  the  sons  born  to  Edward  Hazen  and 
his  wife,  was  Suel  Hazen,  who  was  born  April  25, 
1793,  near  Denniston,  Yt-.  He  grew  to  manhood  in 
Little  Falls,  N.  Y.,  and  was  united  in  marriage  with 



Miss  Betsy  Graves,  Jan.  7,  1815.  This  lady  was 
born  Aug.  1 1,  1797,  near  Westmoreland, Oneida  Co., 
N.  Y.,  and  became  tlie  mother  of  seven  children, 
namely:  Joseph'  Franklin,  Betsey,  L3'curKus  P., 
Matilda,  Solon  M.,  Sterling  W.  and  Helen.  Jo- 
seph F.  died  in  childhood;  Betsy  married  Morgan 
Lewis  in  1846,  and  resided  in  Denmark,  N.  Y. 
There  the  husband  prosecuted  his  calling  of  a 
farmer,  and  to  him  and  his  wife  were  born  six  chil- 
dren. Mrs.  Lewis  died  in  Denmark,  N.  Y.,  in 
1885,  and  her  husband  survived  her  only  two  years, 
passing  away  in  1887;  Lycurgus  P.  married  Sarah 
Quin  in  Butler  Count}',  Iowa,  and  died  Nov,  10, 
1887,  leaving  a  wife  and  five  children  to  mourn 
their  loss;  Matilda  married  George  Wilson,  and  re- 
sides in  Fairport,  N.  Y. :  Solon  M.  located  in  Gage 
County,  Neb.,  where  he  rose  to  prominence  in  pol- 
itics as  well  as  in  business  relations.  He  was 
elected  to  the  Legislature  on  the  Republican  ticket, 
and  while  serving  in  that  capacity  was  placed  on 
various  important  committees,  among  them  that  of 
Ways  and  Means,  and  Cities  and  Villages,  and  was 
also  Chairman  of  the  Penitentiary  Committee.  He 
chose  as  his  wife  Miss  Prissa  A.  Varj',  of  Harris- 
burg,  N.  Y.,  and  with  her  was  united  in  marriage 
Dec.  24,  1863;  they  became  the  parents  of  eight 
children,  of  whom  seven  are  living.  Our  subject 
was  the  next  in  order  of  birth,  while  the  youngest, 
Helen,  married  James  Potter,  and  resides  in  Car- 
thage, N.  Y.,  where  her  husband  is  a  wagon  manu- 
facturer; they  are  the  parents  of  three  children. 
The  father  of  these  children,  in  early  manhood, 
learned  the  trade  of  cloth-dressing  and  manufact- 
uring cloth,  but  made  farming  his  life  business. 

First  attending  the  common  schools  of  his  own 
district,  afterward  a  student  at  the  Academy  in 
Denmark,  N.  Y.,  he  left  the  latter  institution  to 
read  law  with  Judge  Merrill,  in  Copenhagen, 
N.  Y.  He  continued  the  study  of  this  profession 
for  three  years,  being  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1858 
in  the  city  of  Syracuse.  He  began  the  practice  of 
his  profession  in  Martinsburg,  the  county-seat  of 
Lewis  County,  N.  Y.,  where  he  remained  until  the 
opening  of  the  great  national  conflict.  Fired  with 
national  zeal,  enthused  for  his  country's  honor,  de- 
termined to  help  fight  his  Nation's  battles,  Mr. 
Hazeu  enlisted  as  a    |)rivate   in    Company  I,  14th 

New  York  Infantry,  on  the  7th  of  May,  1861 ;  he 
was  afterward  promoted  from  the  rank  and  file  to 
the  position  of  Second  Lieutenant,  and  in  May, 
1862,  was  appointed  First  Lieutenant,  serving  wilh 
never  failing  ardor  until  June  1,  1863.  Among 
the  important  battles  in  which  our  subject  took 
part  may  be  mentioned  the  siege  of  Yorktown, 
Hanover  Court  House,  Mechanicsville,  Gainesville 
and  Malvern  Hill.  In  the  battle  last  mentioned  he 
was  wounded,  receiving  a  hall  in  the  left  shoulder. 
The  bullet  passed  around  and  lodged  in  the  riglit 
side  of  the  back  of  the  neck  under  his  collar.  After 
recovery  from  this  our  subject  rejoined  his  regi- 
ment, and  was  in  the  battles  of  Antietam  and  Fred- 
ericksburg. In  the  latter  conflict  he  was  twice 
wounded,  one  wound  caused  by  a  piece  of  shell  or 
grape  shot  scalping  the  right  limb,  and  the  other 
caused  by  a  piece  of  shell  passing  into  the  left 
thigh.  Recovering  from  this  he  again  came  to  the 
front  and  participated  in  the  engagement  at  Chan- 

After  his  honorable  discharge  from  the  army  Mr. 
Hazen  prepared  to  emigrate  toward  the  lands  of  the 
setting  sun.  Desirous  of  a  change  and  believing 
in  the  inexhaustible  resources  of  the  Great  West, 
he  came  to  Kansas  in  the  autumn  of  1863  and  lo- 
cated on  his  present  place.  He  had  prior  to  his 
enlistment  in  the  Union  Army  formed  domestic 
ties,  being  united  in  marriage  with  Sarah  E.  Shultz, 
daughter  of  Solomon  and  Phffibe  (Sisson)  Shultz, 
natives  of  New  York;  of  the  union  of  our  subject 
and  his  estimable  wife  have  been  born  six  children, 
all  living  and  at  home,namely  :.Suel  Meade,  Lillian 
Maude,  Wyatt  B.,  Ida  E.,  Sterling  S.,  Bessie  K. 
They  have  all  been  given  exceptionally  liberal  ad- 
vantages in  regard  to  education,  and  are  charm i no- 
representatives  of  an  old  family. 
•  Mr.  Hazen  is  interested  in  political  matters,  both 
pertaining  to  local  and  national  affairs,  and  has 
served  in  various  offices  of  prominence,  having 
been  County  •  Surveyor,  Township  Trustee,  etc. 
He  has  served  as  delegate  to  county  and  congress- 
ional conventions.  He  was  also  chosen  as  Repre- 
sentative to  the  State  Legislature  in  1881,  and  here 
exhibited  those  valuable  characteristics  wliich  have 
aided  him  in  attaining  to  his  present  enviable  po- 
sition.    He  discharged  the  duties  devolving  upon 



him  while  sei'Ting  his  .State,  with  zeal,  ability  and 
tact,  giving  universal  satisfaction  to  his  district. 
He  and  his  family  are  among  the  most  prized  ac- 
quisitions to  their  community,  and  are  always  anx- 
ious to  take  part  in  anything  that  will  improve 
their  county. 


"I^^HILO  B.  INGRAHAM  is  one  of  the  oldest 
settlers  of  his  part  of  the  county,  to  which 


is  on  section  22,  "Wells  Township,  where 
he  has  a  well  improved  farm  of  160  acres  enclosed 
with  neat  hedge  fences,  and  containing  all  neces- 
sarj'  farm  buildings.  Mr.  Ingraham  is  the  leading 
fruit  grower  of  the  township,  and  has  now  about 
three  acres  in  select  varieties  of  apples,  pears, 
peaches,  cherries,  grapes,  raspberries,  plums,  goose- 
berries, currants  and  other  fruits. 

Our  subject  was  born  Aug.  3,  1835,  in  Ontario 
County,  N.  Y.,  and  is  a  son  of  Benjamin  W.  and 
Sallie  (Gilbert)  Ingraham,  natives  of  New  York 
State.  His  paternal  aneestois  wereof  English  stock, 
while  his  grandfather  and  grandmother  Gilbert 
were  of  Scotch  and  German  descent,  respeclivel}\ 
His  grandfather,  l^enjaniin  Ingraham,  was  a  soldier 
in  the  War  of  1812,  as  was  also  his  uncle,  Harrison 
Ingraham.  The  paternal  family  consisted  of  eleven 
children,  of  whom  the  following  now  survive:  Lu- 
cina,  wife  of  James  Coj'e,  now  residing  in  Ontario 
Countj',  N,  Y.;  Rowena.  wife  of  John  O.  Goodsel. 
in  Kent  Countj',  Mich.;  Sarah  E.,  wife  of  Edwin 
Clark,  of  Greenville,  Mich.;  Philo  B. ;  Marion,  wife 
of  John  Trickey,  in  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  and 
John  in  Colorado. 

Our  subject  lost  his  mother  when  aljout  eleven 
j'cars  of  age.  AVhen  seventeen  his  father,  with 
other  members  of  the  family,  removed  to  Mont- 
calm County,  Mich.,  of  which  they  were  early  set- 
tlers, and  which  was  their  home  for  man}'  years. 
The  early  education  of  Mr.  Ingraham  was  obtained 
in  the  public  schools  of  Ontario,  N.  Y. ;  he  also  at- 
tended the  Canandaigua  Academj'  for  about  three 
years,  and  he  later  silent  some  time  in  the  schools 
at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich,     Until  the  age  of  thirteen 

he  was  reared  on  a  farm,  but  at  that  time  he  began 
work  at  the  trade  of  a  carpenter  and  joiner,  serving 
for  five  years.  He  subsequently  followed  the  trade 
at  different  periods,  for  a  time  doing  contracting, 
and  being  engaged  in  the  work  more  or  less  up  to 
date.  He  also  spent  some  time  in  the  profession 
of  school  teaching. 

On  the  4th  of  February,  1862,  Mr.  Ingraham  en- 
listed, at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  in  Compan}'  B,  2d 
Batallion,  16th  United  States  Infantry,  which  was 
attached  to  the  Western  arm}'  and  operated  in 
Kentucky,  Tennessee,  Georgia,  North  and  South 
Carolina.  Mr.  Ingraham  participated  in  the  battles 
of  Perryville,  Crab  Orchard.  Stone  River,  the  sec- 
ond Stoneman  raid,  and  numerous  smaller  affraj's. 
At  the  beginning  of  the  battle  of  Stone  River, 
while  on  picket  duty  he  received  a  gun-shot  wound, 
which  shortened  and  stiffened  his  right  thumb  and 
left  it  permanently  deformed.  He  was  discharged 
after  the  battle  of  Stone  River,  but  re-enlisted  and 
his  final  discharge  from  the  service  took  place  Oct. 
28,  1866.  He  returned  to  his  home  in  Michigan 
bearing  the  record  of  an  honorable  soldier. 

In  1872,  as  before  stated,  Mr.  Ingraham  removed 
to  Marshall  County  and  took  up  a  homestead.  The 
place  bore  no  improvements  except  a  little  broken 
ground,  and  a  shantj'  12x14  feet.  Mr.  Ingraham, 
though  he  has  suffered  from  poor  health  ever  since 
he  left  the  arm}-,  has  by  his  industry  and  good 
management  brought  his  place  to  its  present  highlj' 
improved  condition.  He  now  occupies  anew  house, 
of  which  a  fine  view  is  presented  on  another  page. 
He  was  the  architect  and  builder,  as  well  as  the 
originator  of  the  plan.  It  is  a  frame  structure,  the 
main  building  25x28  feet,  with  a  ba}'  window  on 
the  front,  and  at  the  rear  a  wing  16x20  feet.  The 
building  is  one  story  in  height,  with  a  hip  roof, 
finished  inside  in  hard  wood.  Under  it  is  an  arched 
cellar,  made  of  cut  stone,  and  said  to  be  one  of  the 
best  in  this  part  of  the  State. 

Our  subject  first  married  in  Michigan,  Feb. 
16,  1860,  to  Miss  Rosella  Laskev,  who  departed 
this  life  July  20,  1862.  On  the  10th  of  November, 
1866,  in  Montcalm  County,  Mich.,  he  was  again 
married;  the  bride  was  Miss  Carrie  E.  Brown,  born 
June  3,  1844,  in  Jefferson  County,  N.  Y.  She  was 
the  daughter  of  Jefferson  M.  and  Lovina  (Wilson) 



Brown,  and  lived  until  the  age  of  twenty  in  her 
native  county.  At  that  time  her  parents  removed 
to  Montcalm  County,  Mich.,  where  she  resided  un- 
til her  marriage.  Prior  to  this  important  event  she 
was  a  school  teacher,  and  is  now  an  artist  of  con- 
sidarable  ability.  Mr.  Brown  was  a  native  of  Maine 
but  spent  a  part  of  his  early  life  in  Vermont  and 
New  Yorlv  States,  being  virtually  reared  to  man- 
hood in  New  York  City.  Mrs.  Brown  was  born  in 
Westchester  County,  N.  Y.,but  was  also  reared  in  the 
metropolis.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brown  were  the  parents 
of  nine  children,  three  of  whom  survive:  Lucy,  now 
the  widow  of  Eli  Remington,  of  Jefferson  County, 
N.  Y. ;  Mrs.  Ingraham  and  Edward,  who  lives  in 
in  Michigan.  The  oldest  son,  Thomas  J.,  was  a 
soldier  in  the  Union  Array,  and  was  wounded  while 
near  Washington  City,  subsequent]}-  d3-ing  from 
the  effects  of  the  wound. 

While  a  resident  of  Michigan  Mr.  Ingraham 
served  as  .Supervisor  of  his  townshiij.  Politically, 
he  is  numbered  in  the  ranks  of  the  Republican 
party.  Both  he  and  his  wife  are  active  members 
of  the  Baptist  Cluirch.  They  take  a  great  interest 
in  social  affairs,  and  in  all  enterprises  which  tend 
to  improve  the  county  and  elevate  society.  Mr. 
Ingraham  is  a  man  of  unquestioned  integrity,  and 
commands  the  respect  of  all  who  know  him. 


' ^»^"^4^ • 

f  NDREW  M.  BILLINGSLEY.  A  subject 
I  of  paramount  importance  to  the  inhabitants 
of  any  section  is  that  of  schools,  and  the 
efficiency  of  a  school  system  depends  very 
largely  upon  the  character  of  those  who  conduct 
its  work.  It  gives  us  pleasure  to  sketch  the  leading 
incidents  in  the  career  of  one  who  for  a  number  of 
years  was  engaged  in  the  work  of  instruction,  and 
in  the  equally  important  work  of  examination. 

Before  entering  upon  our  subject's  histor}',  how- 
ever, a  short  sketch  of  his  ancestors  will  not  be  out 
of  place.  His  grandfather,  William  R.  Billiugsley, 
was  a  native  of  Virginia,  and  one  of  the  'pioneers 
of  Belmont  County,  Ohio,  where  he  cleared  up  a 
farm  and   reared   his  farallv.      He  wag  also  one  of 

the  first  settlers  in  Harrison  County,  in  the  same 
State,  where  he  died  in  the  year  1866,  having 
readied  his  three  score  years  and  ten.  His  son, 
Samuel  K.,  father  of  the  gentleman  whose  name 
heads  this  notice,  was  born  in  Belmont  County, 
Ohio,  removing  with  his  father's  family  to  Harri- 
son County.  In  this  county  he  was  married  to 
Miss  Rebecca  F.  Knight,  and  to  them  were  born 
seven  children,  of  whom  the  eldest  and  fourh 
son  and  one  daughter  died  young.  The  livino- 
children  are:  Samuel  C,  now  a  resident  of  Marys- 
ville,  this  State;  Levi  K.,  a  minister  of  the 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  residing  in  Johnson 
County,  this  State;  William  P.,  a  resident  of  Adams 
County,  Iowa;  our  subject;  and  Elijah  P.,  who  re- 
sides at  Axtell. 

Our  subject  began  his  life  near  Tippecanoe, 
Harrison  Co.,  Ohio,  May  7,  1851.  When  fourteen 
years  of  age  his  parents  removed  to  the  little  town 
of  Glasgow,  Jefferson  Co.,  Iowa,  where  the  father 
bought  a  partly  improved  farm  of  160  acres,  con- 
tinuing the  improvements  usually  made  by  the  en- 
terprising and'progressive  farmer.  Upon  this  farm 
our  subject  grew  to  manhood  and  finished  his  com- 
mon-school education.  In  September.  1872,  hav- 
ing arrived  at  the  age  of  manhood,  he  visited 
Kansas  and  pre-empted  a  claim  in  Jewell  County. 
The  succeeding  fall  he  sold  this  place  for  enough 
money  to  pay  his  expenses  in  homesteading,  and 
taking  another  claim,  spent  time  enough  on  it  to 
secure  it.  During  the  intervals  of  improving  his 
farm  he  taught  in  Marshall  and  Nemaha  counties, 
making  final  proof  on  his  homestead  in  July,  1878. 
He  continued  more  or  less  the  work  of  teachint^  up 
to  the  year  1882.  On  account  of  ill-health  he  spent 
some  time  in  Jefferson  County,  Iowa,  at  his  former 
home,  teaching  there  during  the  season  of  1879 
and  1880.  He  also  taught  one  term  in  Henry 
County,  Iowa.  Entering  Eastman's  Business  Col- 
lege at  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  April  22,  1880,  he 
passed  the  summer  in  study,  being  graduated  on 
the  17th  of  August.  He  then  returned  to  Kansas 
and  .accepted  the  position  of  Principal  of  the  Axtell 
City  Schools,  which  position  ho  retained  for  two 
years.  During  the  summer  of  1882  he  assisted  in 
the  Normal  Institute  at  Frankfort,  taking  part  in 
the  ex.imination  of  teachers  at  the  dose  of  the  in- 



stitute.  Sliortly  before  this  time  he  was  appointed 
member  of  the  Board  of  County'  Examiners.  Mr. 
Billingsley  was  one  of  those  men  who  will  allow 
no  time  to  waste  in  idleness,  and  in  the  intervals  of 
his  professional  work  had  kept  books  for  Mr.  Liv- 
ingston, of  Axtell,  and  in  the  fall  of  1882  was  en- 
gaged by  him  as  a  book-keeper,  retaining  the 
position  until  January,  1884,  where  he  became 
Deputy  Register  of  Deeds  under  Mr.  Sharp.  After 
remaining  in  this  office  for  some  time  he  returned 
to  Axtell,  and  with  his  brother,  E.  P.  Billingsley, 
established  the  firm  of  Billingsley  Bros.,  in  the 
Real  Estate,  Loan  and  Abstract  business,  and  In- 
surance agency.  Early  in  the  spring  of  1887  oar 
subject  sold  his  share  in  business  to  his  brother, 
and  took  the  road  for  the  National  School  Furnish- 
ing Companj',  of  Chicago,  111.  His  territory  em- 
braced all  of  Southwestern  Kansas,  of  which  lie 
had  entire  control.  About  the  middle  of  August 
he  resigned  his  position  to  made  his  campaign  for 
Register  of  Deeds,  and  being  the  successful  candi- 
date, succeeded  his  former  superior  to  that  office, 
during  the  interval  before  taking  charge  of  which, 
Jan.  9,  1888,  he  assisted  the  Treasurer  of  the 
county  in  the  collection  of  taxes.  In  connection 
with  his  official  position  Mr.  Billingsley  has  con- 
trol of  an  abstract  office. 

Our  subject  celebrated  Easter  Sunday,  March  28, 
1880,  by  his  marriage  to  Miss  Maggie  K.  Stone- 
hocker,  of  Henry  County,  Iowa.  Mrs.  Billingsley 
was  a  native  of  Coshocton,  Ohio,  where  she  first 
saw  the  light  Nov.  22,  1851,  and  where  she  lived 
until  the  fall  of  1864,  when  with  her  parents  she 
came  to  Henry  County,  Iowa.  She  was  the  daugh- 
ter of  John  M.  and  Mary  (Pew)  Stonehocker. 
Her  father  was  a  native  of  Coshocton  Countj-,  Ohio. 
He  was  engaged  in  farming  in  Iowa.  He  now  lives 
near  Belleville,  Republic  Co.,  Kan.  The  mother 
died  Aug.  16,  1879,  near  Salem,  Iowa.  Mrs.  Bill- 
ingsley has  borne  her  husband  but  one  child,  who 
gladdened  their  hearts  onlj'  six  weeks. 

Mr.  Billingsley  is  a  man  of  fine  ability-  and 
strict  integrity  of  character.  He  is  highlj'  hon- 
ored by  the  people  of  the  county,  whom  he  has 
faithfully  served.  He  will  be  a  candidate  for  re- 
election, and  will  have  no  opposition  in[his  party.  He 
is  an  earnest  Rcpulilicaii.  the  family  from  his  grand- 

father's time  having  beeu  adherents  of  the  princi- 
ples which  he  advocates,  and  in  support  of  which 
his  father  spent  three  years  iu  the  late  Civil  War. 
He  is  a  member  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  both  Suboi-di- 
nate  Lodge  and  Camp,  and  of  the  K.  of  P. 

J)  ICHARD  G.  CUNNINGHAM,  of  the  6rm  of 
Cunningham  ct  Mohrbacher,  dealers  in  gen- 
eral merchandise,  Summerfield,  is  one  of 
^  the  most  enterprising  business  men  of  that 
bright  new  town.  The  firm  carries  the  largest 
stock  in  the  place,  and  has  also  a  well-selected 
stock  of  agricultural  implements,  buggies,  wagons, 
etc.  Thej^  occupy  a  fine  new  building,  20x56 
feet  on  the  ground  floor,  and  eighteen  feet  high, 
located  on  the  principal  street  of  the  town,  and 
are  buildiug  up  an  excellent  trade. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  James  and  Mary 
(Ring)  Cunningham,  both  natives  of  New  York 
State.  Some  j-ears  after  their  marriage  they  re- 
moved to  Will  Count}',  111.,  and  settled  upon  a 
farm.  The  father  had  run  a  stationary  engine  in 
the  East,  and  followed  the  same  occupation  after 
his  removal  to  the  Mississippi  Valley.  Our  subject 
was  the  third  of  a  family  of  eight  children,  all  of 
whom  survive  except  one.  The  father  died  on  his 
farm  in  Illinois,  in  the  j'ear  1873,  the  mother  still 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  and 
when  a  child  accompanied  his  parents  to  Illinois. 
In  the  common  schools  of  that  State,  which  are 
classed  with  the  best  in  the  couutiy,  he  received  his 
education.  In  1878,  being  then  twent^'-three  years 
of  age,  he  left  his  parent's  home,  and  started  out  in 
life  for  himself.  He  came  to  Marysville,  this 
count}',  and  found  employment  with  L.  W.  Libb}', 
in  the  agricultural  implement  business.  He  contin- 
ued ten  j'ears  with  Mr.  Libby,  whom  he  considers 
his  great  benefactor,  as  through  his  generosity  our 
subject  has  been  enabled  to  start  in  his  present 

Among  our  subject's  schoolmates  in  Will  County, 
III.,  had  been  Miss  Malina  J.  Stoll,  a  young  lady  of 
bright  mind  and  charming  manners.  •  She  is  a  ua- 



tive  of  Illinois,  and  removed  with  her  parents  to 
Beatrice,  Neb.,  the  same  3^ear  in  which  our  subject 
located  in  Marysville.  To  this  lady  Mr.  Cunning- 
ham was  married,  April  6,  1885.  The  result  of 
the  union  has  been  two  children — Nellie  May,  and 
an  infant  son  unnamed. 

The  parents  of  Mrs.  Cunningham  are  11.  C.  and 
Barbara  (Sheiii)  StoU,  who  are  still  living  near 
Beatrice,  where  the  father  has  become  famous  for 
his  fine  breed  of  hogs.  He  owns  1,280  acres  of 
finelj'  improved  land,  having  plastered  houses  for 
his  stock,  of  which  he  takes  to  the  fair  each  year 
two  car-loads. 

Mr.  Cunningham  is  a  member  of  the  Woodmen 
fraternity,  in  which  he  carries  $2,000  for  the  ben- 
efit of  his  family.  He  is  thoroughly  devoted  to  his 
business,  and  manifests  a  large  degree  of  ability,  is 
a  reliable  citizen,  a  kind  husband  and  father,  and  a 
man  entitled  to  the  position  he  occupies  as  one  of 
the  most  prominent  men  of  Summerfield. 

MOS  AVITHAM.  Seldom  does  the  biogra- 
(O/ull  pher  encounter  a  more  genial  or  whole- 
souled  man  than  he  with  whose  name  we 
introduce  this  biographical  notice.  B}' 
trade  he  is  a  stone-cutter  of  practical  experience 
and  an  expert,  but  he  has  alwaj's  been  fond  of 
agricultural  pursuits,  and  may  usually  be  found  at 
his  farm,  which  comprises  160  acres  of  good  land, 
pleasantly  located  on  section  9.  During  the  late 
Civil  War  he  gave  a  service  of  three  years  to  his 
country,  and  it  may  safely  be  said  that  in  all  the 
relations  of  life  he  has  performed  his  part  noljly 
and  like  a  man.  In  personal  appearance  he  is  large 
and  well-built,  with  a  countenance  indicating  his 
generous  heart  and  open  disposition.  In  his  do- 
mestic relations  he  has  been  fortunate,  his  estima- 
ble wife  being  a  lady  well  fitted  for  her  position. 
Mrs.  Witham  came  to  this  count}'  during  the  period 
of  its  earliest  settlement,  and  endured  the  solitude, 
hardship  and  toil  incident  to  those  times. 

Next  in  rmportance  to  a  man's  own  personalitj' 

is  that  from  which  he  drew  his  origin.  The  father 
of  our  subject  was  the  Rev.  Elisha  Witham,  a  na- 
tive of  Maine  and  the  son  of  an  old  seaman  who 
served  in  the  Revolutionary'  War,  and  during  his 
life  on  the  ocean  was  part  owner  of  three  siiips. 
He  died  in  the  West  Indies.  Gr.andmother  Wit- 
ham after  becoming  a  widow  emigrated  to  Ohio^ 
and  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Washing- 
ton County.  Elisha,  the  father  of  our  subject, 
learned  coopering  during  his  early  manhood,  and 
also  followed  farming  along  the  Muskingum  Valley 
in  Washington  Count}',  Ohio.  He  sojourned  there 
until  1834,  then  emigrated  to  Allen  County,  Ind., 
where  he  entered  land  and  constructed  a  homestead 
upon  which  he  spent  his  last  days.  He  was  a 
Whig,  politically,  and  for  many  years  a  local 
preacher  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject 
was  Zilpha  Rice.  She  was  born  in  Boston,  Mass.. 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Nathan  Rice,  a  Massachu- 
setts farmer  who  emigrated  to  Ohio  and  cleared  a 
farm  in  Rainbow  Valley.  He  had  distinguished 
himself  as  a  faithful  soldier  in  the  Revolutionar}- 
War,  and  spent  his  last  years  in  the  Buckeye  State, 
living  to  be  over  seventy.  He  was  united  in 
marriage  to  Miss  McChire,  whose  father  was  a 
native  of  Ireland.  The  mother  of  our  subject  died 
in  Ohio.  She  had  been  twice  married,  and  by  her 
first  husband  was  the  mother  of  seven  children, 
namely:  Luciba,  of  Dakota;  Henry,  deceased: 
Jemima  O.;  Nathan,  deceased;  Amos,  our  subject; 
Armantha  and  Jerusha  M.,  of  Ohio.  Of  her  sec- 
ond marriage  there  were  born  tliree  children — 
Sar;ih,  Asaph  and  Austin — all  residents  of  Wash- 
ington County,  Ohio.  Natlian,  .Josiah  M.,  Asaph 
and  Austin  were  with  the  100-day's  men  during  the 
Civil  War. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  near  Chester- 
field, in  what  was  then  Washington,  but  is  now 
Morgan  County,  Ohio,  April  10,  1825.  He  was 
nine  years  of  age  when  he  removed  with  the  f am il}- 
to  Indiana.  The  father  dj'ing  there,  the  follow- 
ing year  his  mother  returned  to  Ohio,  and  our  sub- 
ject lived  there  on  a  farm  until  a  youth  of  eighteen 
j'ears,  receiving  a  limited  education  in  the  sub- 
scription school.  He  then  began  learning  the  trade 
of  a  stone-m.ison  .at   Plymouth,  serving  an  appren- 



tieeship  of  three  years.  He  followed  bis  trade  in 
Ohio  until  a  man  of  thirty-six  years,  then  engaged 
as  a  contractor  and  builder.  He  attained  to  un- 
usual skill,  and  there  was  very  little  which  he 
could  not  accomplish  in  this  line.  He  owned  a 
residence  and  eleven  lots  in  Plymouth,  besides  a 
farm  in  Morgan  County.  Our  subject,  however, 
in  1858,  desirous  of  a  change,  left  Ohio  and  made 
his  way  across  the  Mississippi  to  Hardin  County, 
Iowa,  locating  in  Eldora.  where  he  established  him- 
self in  business.  He  remained  there  until  1860, 
then  removed  to  Atchison  County,  this  State,  lo- 
cating on  a  farm  near  Monroeville.  He  still  fol- 
lowed his  trade,  but  remained  there  only  one  year. 

On  the  10th  of  September,  1862,  the  Civil  War 
being  in  progress,  our  subject  enlisted  in  Company 
F,  13th  Kansas  Infantry,  which  was  mustered  in  at 
Atchison,  and  was  at  once  sent  to  Ft.  Scott,  Kan. 
He  participated  in  many  of  the  important  battles 
which  followed,  and  wintered  in  the  vicinity  of 
Springfield,  Mo.  In  the  spring  of  1863  the  regi- 
ment repaired  to  Ft.  Scott,  and  Mr.  Witham  se- 
cured a  sixty  days'  furlough  and  returned  home. 
Upon  rejoining  his  regiment  they  were  sent  to  Ft- 
Gibson  to  look  after  the  Indians,  and  engaged  in 
several  conflicts  with  the  Cherokee  Nation,  skir- 
mishing and  fighting  all  the  wa\'  for  about  three 
weeks.  Later  thej^  were  ordered  to  Ft.  Smith, 
Ark.,  where  they  remained  two  months,  and  next 
held  a  fort  near  Van  Buren  for  eighteen  months,  in 
the  meantime  foraging,  scouting  and  being  var- 
iousl3'  engaged.  In  the  meantime  Mr.  Witham  was 
seized  with  an  ailment  by  which  he  came  near  los- 
ing his  life,  but  finallj-  recovered  sutticiently  to  re- 
join his  regiment,  and  remaining  with  it  until  the 
close  of  the  war,  was  mustered  out  at  Little  Rock. 
He  received  bis  honorable  discharge  at  Ft.  Leav- 
enworth in  June,  1865,  after  having  served  three 
years.  He  suffered  the  loss  of  an  eye  from  expo- 
sure and  hardship,  and  now  receives  a  pension  of 
$18  monthly  from  the  Goverment.  For  two  years 
be  was  unable  to  do  any  manual  labor. 

In  addition  to^^his  other  afflictions  while  in  the 
armj'  Mr.  Witham  lost  his  wife  by  death.  Upon  bis 
return  to  Monrovia  he  resumed  work  at  bis  trade  in 
the  emploj-  of  the  Central  Branch  Railroad  Com- 
(lany,    and    in    1807    assisted   in    preparing  fur  the 

laying  of  culverts  and  building  of  bridges,  receiv- 
ing $5  per  dajr  for  bis  services.  In  1868  he  ope- 
rated as  a  contractor.  In  1872  be  repaired  to 
Wichita,  and  followed  his  trade  part  of  the  time  at 
$7  per  daj^,  remaining  there  until  1874. 

The  first  wife  of  our  subject,  to  whom  he  was 
married  in  Ohio  March  16,  1848,  was   Miss  Hester 

A.  Ellis,  who  was  born  there.  She  departed  this 
life  in  Monrovia,  Kan..  March  15,  1864.  Of  this 
union  there  had  been  born  six  children :  Hannah  is 
the  wife  of  Thomas  Piper,  and  lives  in  Kansas 
City;  Alice  is  the  wife  of  E.  Benjamin,  and  lives  in 
Eflingbam,  Atchinson  County,  this  State;  Louis  is 
deceased;  Nathan  is  engaged  in  the  lumber  busi- 
ness in  Pawnee  City,  Neb.;  Lucy  A.  is  the  wife  of 

B.  Johnson,  of  Vermillion,  this  county;  William  H. 
is  farming  in  the  vicinity  of  Humboldt,  Neb. 

Our  subject  contracted  a  second  marriage  in 
Noble  Township,  this  county,  Oct.  8,  1867,  with 
Elizabeth,  a  daughter  of  Robert  Morrison,  the 
latter  a  native  of  Kentucky*  and  a  farmer  b}-  occu- 
pation. Grandfather  Morrison  was  of  German 
descent.  He  was  born  in  North  Carolina,  and  re- 
moved first  to  Garret  County,  Ky.,  and  then  to 
Howard  Count}'.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812  as 
a  Corporal.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Christian 
Church.  The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  Mrs. 
Witham  was  Elizabeth  McDonald,  a  native  of 
Kentucky.  Grandfather  McDonald  was  born  in 
the  Blue  Grass  State,  and  carried  on  farming  in 
Howard  County,  Ind.  Mrs.  Morrison  died  in  the 
latter  count}'.  The  parental  family  included  eight 
children,  viz.:  Hugh,  deceased;  William,  a  resi- 
dent of  Frankfort;  Nanc}-,  deceased:  Elizabeth, 
Mrs.  Witham;  Robert,  residing  in  Noble  Township; 
Rosanna  and  Mary  J.  residents  of  Indiana;  and 
George,  of  Noble  Township,  this  count}'.  George 
served  three  years  in  an  Indiana  regiment  during 
the  late  Civil  War,  and  Robert  served  six  months 
in  the  13th  Kansas  Infantry. 

Mrs.  Witham  was  born  in  Garret  County,  Ky., 
Feb.  22,  1829.  She  was  five  years  old  when  the 
family  removed  to  Howard  County,  Ind.,  where 
she  was  reared  to  womanhood  and  became  familiar 
with  all  useful  housewifely  duties.  On  the  20th  of 
December,  1848,  she  was  married  to  Samufil  Smith, 
who  was  born  near   Indianapolis,  Ind.,   near  which 


he  became  the  owner  of  a  farm.  They  lived  there 
until  1853,  then  started  for  the  farther  West  by 
team,  and  located  in  Story  County,  Iowa.  Mr. 
Smith  farmed  there  two  years,  but  finding  the  win- 
ters too  severe,  decided  to  tr}'  the  climate  of  Kansas. 
In  making  the  journey  hither  they  crossed  the 
Missouri  at  Weston,  and  located  on  the  farm  now 
occupied  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Witham,  which  com- 
prises 160  acres  on  the  banks  of  the  Vermillion. 
They  were  the  first  settlers  of  Noble  Township, 
their  nearest  neighbor  being  one  John  Wells,  sev- 
enteen miles  distant.  There  were  then  only  two 
houses  between  this  point  and  Marysville.  Indians 
w^ere  plentiful,  embracing  representatives  of  the 
Pottawatomie,  Kickapoo,  and  Otoe  tribes.  Mr. 
Smith  made  some  improvements  on  his  land,  but 
was  cut  down  in  his  prime,  dying  on  the  22d  of 
August,  1860,  at  the  age  of  thirty-four  years. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Smith  there  were  born  seven 
children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  son,  James,  is  farm- 
ing in  Noble  Township;  Maggie  is  the  wife  of 
George  Warner,  and  they  live  in  Vermillion;  Sarah 
E.  is  deceased;  William  H.  makes  his  home  with 
our  subject;  Samuel  B.,  Robert  J.,  and  Albrada  are 
deceased.  One  son  was  born  of  the  marriage  of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Witham,  Hugh,  Aug.  12,  1868,  and 
remains  at  home  with  his  parents.  Mr.  Witham, 
politically,  is  a  sound  Republican,  and  has  served 
as  a  School  Director  in  his  district  for  many  years. 
He  belongs  to  Vermiilion  Post  No.  144,  G.  A.  R., 
and  to  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  at  Frankfort.  His  re- 
ligious views  are  in  harmonj'  with  the  doctrines  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in  which  he  has 
officiated  as  Class-Leader.  The  Witham  home- 
stead is  improved  with  comfortable  and  substantial 
buildings,  and  the  land  is  watered  by  Vermillion 
Creek.  It  is  mostly  devoted  to  general  agriculture, 
although  Mr.  Witham  keeps  a  goodly  number  of 
cattle  and  horses.  AVithout  making  any  great  stir 
in  the  world  he  is  looked  upon  as  a  reliable  citizen, 
one  who  is  contributing  his  quota  to  the  moral  and 
social  welfare  of  the  community. 

Mrs.  Witham  was  a  resident  of  her  present  farm 
when  the  Indian  massacre  occurred  near  Mar3'sville 
in  1863,  when  a  number  of  emigrants  were  attacked 
•and  killed.  Prior  to  this  time  Indians,  alleged  to 
be    peaceable,    were    in    the  habit  of  visiting   her 


place  and  asking  alms.  Mrs.  Witham  always 
treated  them  kindly,  and  gave  them  to  eat,  her 
kindness  winning  for  her  the  title  of  "good  squaw," 
by  which  name  she  was  known  among  the  aborigi- 
nes for  miles  around. 

LBERT  KUNZ.     One  of  the  leading  young 
<@lU\\    men  and  prominent  dealers  of  Waterville, 
is  the  gentleman  whose   name  heads    our 
^  sketch,  and  who  is  engaged   in  the  drug 

business  in  that  thriving  town.  He  started  in  life 
with  only  such  capital  as  nature  had  bestowed  upon 
him,  and  by  the  exercise  of  his  native  business 
ability,  by  industry  and  honest  dealing,  he  has  at- 
tained to  a  prominent  position  among  the  business 
men  of  Waterville,  and  by  his  fine  character,  and 
pleasing  manners  and  address  has  achieved  an  en- 
viable popularity. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  Henry  Kunz,  a  na- 
tive of  Berlin,  Germany,  where  he  was  born  about 
the  year  1814.  He  emigrated  to  America  when  a 
young  man,  and  located  in  New  York  City,  where 
he  remained  for  many  years,  engaged  in  his  trade 
of  mechanic.  In  1870  he  came  to  Waterville,  Kan., 
where  he  died  seven  3'ears  later.  He  had  been  in 
poor  health  many  years  prior  to  his  death,  and  was 
in  only  moderate  financial  circumstances.  He  was 
an  active  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  for  many  years,  and  a  man  of  many  Chris- 
tian virtues.  His  wife,  whose  maiden  name  was 
Mary  Miller,  was  born  in  Wurteraburg,  Germany, 
about  1820.  She  still  survives.  Six  children  were 
born  to  them,  of  whom  the  subject  of  this  biography 
is  the  second. 

AlbertKunz  was  born  in  New  York  City,  Nov.  30 
1858.  He  was  reared  in  the  place  of  his  nativity, 
and  made  good  use  of  the  advantages  afforded  him 
by  the  common  schools.  When  young,  he  learned 
the  painter's  trade,  at  which  he  worked  until  1877 
when  he  began  clerking  in  a  drug-store  at  Water- 
ville, to  which  place  he  had  accompanied  his  par- 
ents. In  1880  he  engaged  in  the  drug  business  for 
himself,  and  has  built  up  a  good  trade,  and  laid  the 
foundation  for  greater  success  in  the  future.     Miss 



Isabella  J.  Hall,  daughter  of  John  Hall,  of  Water- 
ville,  won  the  affection  of  our  subject,  and  on  Nov. 
25,  1885,  the}'  became  man  and  wife.  They  are 
the  parents  of  one  child,  Henry  L. 

Mr.  Kunz  has  served  as  Constable  and  City 
Marshall  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  his  constitu- 
ents. He  gives  his  adherence  to  the  Republican 
party,  of  whose  principles  he  is  an  earnest  advo- 
cate. At  other  times  he  has  held  various  offices  of 
trust;  is  a  member  of  the  I.  0.  O.  F.  in  Waterville, 
and  the  A.  O.  U.  W.  society  of  the  town. 

FLI  M.  PUNTENEY,  is  a  man  who  exhibits 
in  his  address  and  manner,  much  of  that 
/JL-^  graceful  and  pleasing  politeness  for  which 
the  French  people,  from  whom  he  is  descended,  are 
so  noted.  He  has  carried  student  life  and  habits 
into  his  rural  home  and  one  is  impressed  with  the 
fact  that  had  he  applied  himself  to  some  professional 
calling,  he  would  have  found  its  duties  and  its  in- 
tellectual demands  more  congenial  than  the  routine 
of  rural  life.  His  library  is  a  well  selected  one, 
and  its  volumes  bear  evidence  of  having  been  fre- 
quently consulted.  He  has,  however,  been  a  suc- 
cessful farmer  and  his  broad  acres,  finely  situated 
and  well  watered,  form  with  his  commodious  slone 
residence,  an  estate  with  which  any  man,  valuing 
an  honorable  calling  and  an  independent  life,  ma}- 
well  be  content.  Advancing  years  have  sprinkled 
Mr.  Punteney's  hair  and  beard  with  graj-,  but  his 
eye  is  j'et  bright,  his  mind  vigorous,  and  his  ener- 
gies unabated.  The  papers  of  the  day,  a  number 
of  which  he  takes,  keep  him  posted  concerning  cur- 
rent events  in  the  world's  historj',  while  the  reviews 
and  magazines  reveal  to  him  the  best  thoughts  of 
the  world's  great  thinkers.  An  old  settler,  he  is 
and  has  been  for  more  than  thirty  years,  one  of 
Marshall  County's  representative  men  and  respected 

Ml-.  Punteney  was  born  Sept.  13,  1832,  in  Henry 
County,  Ind.,  and  is  the  son  of  John  and  Ann 
(Veaz)-)  Punteney,  the  father  a  native  of  Maryland, 
and  the  mother  of  Now  Jersey.  His  grandfather 
W.1S  a  Virginia  Minute  man  during  the  Revolution- 

ary War.  His  great-grandfather  Puntenej-,  was 
born  in  the  same  town  in  France  as  was  Commodore 
Perry's  father.  Mr.  John  Punteney,  the  father  of 
our  subject,  resided  in  Virginia  until  about  fifty 
years  of  age,  when  he  removed  to  Henrj-  County, 
Ind.,  settling  in  Dudley  Township.  This  was  in 
1830,  and  he  was  therefore  one  of  the  early  settlers 
of  that  count}-.  He  sold  his  farm  in  his  old  age, 
and  spent  his  remaining  j'ears  in  visiting  among 
his  children.  He  died  in  1859,  while  on  a  visit  to 
his  son,  William,  near  Pl}-mouth  Rock,  AVinneshiek 
Co.,  Iowa.  His  wife  had  died  in  1854.  The 
parental  family  consisted  of  nine  children,  of  whom 
our  subject  was  the  youngest.  James  went  from 
Hagerstown,  Wayne  Co.,  Ind.,  to  California,  in 
1849.  He  died  soon  after,  leaving  a  widow  and 
three  children.  John  H.  is  a  fai-mer.  and  with  his 
wife  and  family  lives  in  St.  Clair  County,  Mo.; 
Sarah  is  living  at  Marengo,  Iowa;  she  is  the  widow 
of  Joseph  Shelley,  who  w^nt  to  California  early  in 
the '50s,  and  died  in  1879,  leaving  two  children; 
Delia  was  the  wife  of  Levi  Colvin;  she  died  in 
Tipton,  Iowa,  in  1854,  leaving  three  children; 
George  V.  is  Postmaster  at  Plymouth  Rock,  Iowa; 
he  is  married  and  has  a  famil}-;  Nelson  was  un- 
married and  died  in  California  in  1879;  Mary  is 
living  at  Bigelow,  this  county;  she  is  the  widow  of 
Jesse  Dennis,  who  died  in  Louisville  during  tiie 
war,  leaving  four  children ;  William  is  a  well-to-do 
farmer  residing  near  Decorah,  Winneshiek  Co., 
Iowa ;  he  is  m.arried  and  has  a  family ;  he  is  an  old 
settler  in  Iowa,  where  he  has  been  since  early  in 
the  '50s. 

The  boyhood  of  our  subject  was  spent  near  the 
place  of  his  birth  in  the  old  Hoosier  State.  He 
was  reared  on  a  farm  and  after  receiving  a  common 
school  education,  entered  Asbury  University  as  a 
student.  He  attended  during  three  terms,  and 
upon  leaving  the  University  engaged  in  school 
teaching.  In  1853  he  removed  to  Iowa,  and  lo- 
cated in  the  then  new  and  growing  town  of  Decorah, 
the  count}'  seat  of  Winneshiek  County.  Shortly 
afterward  he  started  a  sawmill  at  Plymouth  Rock, 
seven  miles  northwest  of  Decorah  on  the  Upper 
Iowa  River.  This  business  he  continued  until 
1856,  and  while  engaged  in  it,  met  with  an  acci- 
dent, which  resulted  in  permanently  crippling  his 

I     "   ^^  A 

NDiAN Springs  Farm  .  William  Murphy, 5ec  2?.  Clear  ForkTownship. 

Residence  of  Eli  M.Pumteney, Sec. 19,  Vermillion  Township. 



right  hand,  of  which  he  has  since  had  but  partial 
use.  In  1856  the  free  State  question  in  Kansas 
assumed  such  importance  as  to  arouse  the  most  in- 
tense interest  throughout  the  entire  country.  Mr. 
Puntene3''s  desire  to  have  the  new  State  enter  the 
Union  untainted  by  the  touch  of  human  slavery, 
led  him  to  resolve  to  join  the  ranks  of  those  who 
were  waging  a  moral  if  not  an  actual  warfare 
against  the  pro-slavery  border  rufBans,  who  were 
flocking  into  Kansas  from  Missouri,  and  otiier 
Southern  Slave  States. 

After  a  short  visit  to  Indiana,  he,  in  the  spring 
of  18.57,  turned  his  face  Kansasward.  While  on  a 
journey  from  Marysville  to  Fort  Riley,  he  came  to 
the  land  on  which  his  residence  now  stands.  Its 
admirable  location  along  what  is  now  known  as  the 
Barrett's  Branch  of  the  Vermillion,  pleased  him, 
and  he  resolved  to  have  "some  of  it."  He  accord- 
ingly took  the  necessary  steps  to  secure  160  acres, 
which  he  began  to  improve.  In  connection  witli 
his  farming  he  was  for  several  3'ears  engaged  in 
freighting  to  and  beyond  Denver.  He  now  de- 
votes himself  to  general  farming  and  stock  raising, 
and  owns  land  to  the  amount  of  325  acres.  A  view 
of  his  rural  home  and  farm  surroundings  appears 
on  another  page  of  this  work. 

Mr.  Funtcney  was  married  May  3, 1859,  to  Miss 
Alvarada  Smith,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
Smith,  natives  of  Tennessee.  Mrs.  Puuteney  was  j 
born  in  Savannah,  Mo., and  has  become  the  mother  of 
thirteen  children,  twelve  of  whom  are  living.  The 
second  born  died  in  infancj'.  The  survivors  are 
named  respective!}' :  John  0.,  Archie,  Anna,  Mel- 
vina,  Florence,  Walter,  Josephine,  Veazy,  Francis, 
Nellie,  Frederick  and  Lawrence.  John  O.  married 
Elizabeth  Connack,  and  lives  at  home  with  his 
father.  Archie  married  Sadie  Burke,  and  is  a  me- 
chanic and  resides  in  Kansas  City.  Anna  married 
Samuel  Wise,  a  locomotive  engineer  on  the  Santa 
Fe  Railroad;  they  reside  in  Kansas  City,  Mo.  All 
the  others  are  unmarried,  and  at  home,  with  the 
exception  of  Walter,  who  is  now  in  W^yoming. 

By  reason  of  the  accident  to  his  hand,  our  sub- 
ject was  incapacitated  for  active  militarj'  service 
during  the  late  war;  however,  he  discharged  the 
duties  of  quartermaster  in  the  militia.  He  is  an 
Eastern  Star  Mason  and  a  member   of   Frankfort 

Lodge,  No.  67.  From  his  early  manhood  to  within 
a  few  years  he  was  a  Republican,  but  recently  he 
has  affiliated  with  the  Union  Labor  party.  Mr. 
Punteney  was  a  member  of  the  School  Board  of  the 
Township,  at  the  time  when  the  Imilding  of  the  Cen- 
tral Brancli  of  the  Union  Pacific  Railroad  was  in 
progress.  At  that  time  he  did  the  township  a 
service  by  opposing  and  preventing  the  release 
of  the  railroad  compan}'  from  liability  for  school 
tax.  Other  townships  along  the  line  released  the 
company  and  have  since  deeply  regretted  the  step 
as  it  resulted  in  a  serious  loss  to  the  townsliip 
school  funds. 

— -^^m- — 

JIOHN  PECENKA.  During  the  early  settle- 
ment of  Logan  Township  there  came  a  goodly 
number  of  natives  of  Bohemia,  people  hon- 
est and  industrious,  and  who  by  their  steady 
enterprise  and  frugality  have  become  no  unimpor- 
tant element  among  the  people  of  this  region.  Of 
these  the  subject  of  this  sketch  is  one  of  the  lead- 
ing spirits  and  like  his  brethren  has  become  well- 
to-do.  He  makes  a  speciality  of  fruit  growing, 
having  a  large  orchard  planted  with  choice  varieties 
of  apples  and  other  of  large  fruits,  together  with  a 
splendid  vineyard  of  choice  grapes,  and  has  like- 
wise an  abundance  of  the  smaller  fruits.  He  came 
to  this  county  in  1869  and  preempted  160  acres  of 
land  oceuping  the  south-west  quarter  of  section  30. 
Later,  he  homesteaded  160  acres,  the  north-west 
quarter  of  section  30,  where  he  now  lives. 

Upon  becoming  a  resident  of  Logan  Township,  Mr. 
Pecenka  at  once  began  the  improvements,  which 
have  made  his  farm  noticeable  among  those  around 
him.  In  1874  being  ready  to  establish  a  fireside 
of  his  own,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Mary,  a  daugh- 
ter of  John  Alexa,  who  was,  like  himself,  a  native 
of  Bohemia,  and  whose  family  for  many  genera- 
tions were  identified  with  the  Catholic  Church. 
This  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of  four  children — 
Amelia,  Louisa,  Mary  and  Ann.  At  the  birth  of 
Ann,  on  the  3d  of  May,  1882,  the  mother  passed 
from  earth.  Our  subject  later  was  married  to 
Miss  Kate  Alexa,  a  sister  of  his  first  wife,  and  they 
have  two  children — John  and  Kate. 



The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  Bohemia, 
April  21,  1847,  and  is  thus  in  the  prime  of  life. 
In  the  spring  of  1860,  when  a  lad  of  thirteen  years 
he  came  to  America  with  his  parents,  Westiej'  and 
Kate  Pecenka.  They  landed  in  New  York  City, 
and  thence  made  their  way  directly  to  Racine,  Wis., 
where  our  subject  lived  until  coming  to  this 
county,  in  1869.  This  region  was  then  an  open 
prairie  and  the  land  which  he  purchased  was  with- 
out any  improvement,  whatever.  It  has  taken 
years  of  labor  and  an  outlay  of  hundreds  of  dollars 
to  bring  it  to  its  present  condition.  His  orchard 
already  spoken  of  contains  about  200  trees.  He 
has  put  up  a  substantial  dwelling,  stable,  corn- 
cribs,  etc.,  has  the  farm  all  fenced  and  hedged  and 
the  land  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation,  the 
most  of  it  being  in  pasture  and  meadow.  Our  sub- 
ject and  his  family  belong  to  the  Catholic  Church, 
and  politically,  Mr.  Pecenka  votes  with  the  Demo- 
cratic part3'.  He  has  held  the  offices  of  Road 
Commissioner  and  School  Director,  and  he  has  be- 
come wholly  in  sympathy  with  the  institutions  of 
Ins  adopted  country. 

Tiie  parents  of  our  subject  were  natives  of  Bo- 
hemia, and  were  members  of  the  Catholic  Church. 
They  came  to  America  in  the  fall  of  1861,  and 
located  near  Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa,  where  thej'  lived 
until  1869,  then  came  with  our  subject  to  this 
county,  where  they  still  live,  owning  and  occupy- 
ing the  east  half  of  section  30,  in  Logan  Town- 

'  NDREW  J.  TRAYELUTE.  This  gentle- 
man may  be  properly  numbered  among 
the  most  public-spirited  and  intelligent 
citizens  of  Marysville  Township.  He  takes 
an  active  part  in  political  affairs,  formerly  giving 
his  support  to  the  Democratic  party,  bnt  now  he 
is  in  heartj'  sympathy  with  the  principles  of  the 
Union  Labor  party.  In  the  fall  of  1888  Mr. 
Travelute  was  elected  Justice  of  the  Peace,  the  du- 
ties of  which  otHce  he  is  disciiarging  in  a  manner 
creditable  to  himself  and  satisfactory  to  the  peo- 
ple.   He  is  fully  posted  upon  the  leading  questions 

of  the  day  and  is  in   S3rmpathy  with  any  measures 
calculated  to  elevate  mankind  at  large. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  Lycoming  County,  Pa., 
June  30,  1841,  but  when  about  eighteen  months 
old  was  taken  by  his  parents  to  JNIason  Coiint\', 
111.,  where  he  lived  until  a  youth  of  fourteen  years 
and  pursued  his  studies  in  the  common  school.  In 
1855  the  family  changed  tiieir  residence  to  Ogle 
County,  that  State,  where  they  lived  until  1866, 
coming  to  this  county  in  the  spring  of  that  year. 
On  the  9th  of  October,  1866,  our  subject  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Elizabeth  J.,  daughter  of  Jacob  and 
Elizabeth  (Latterner)  Mohrbacher,  who  were  na- 
tives of  the  kingdom  of  Bavaria,  and  who  emi- 
grated to  America  in  1845,  settling  in  AYisconsin. 
In  1860  they  came  to  this  county  and  took  up  their 
residence  in  Elm  Creek  Township,  where  they 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  days,  the  father  dying 
April  6,  1872,  and  the  mother,  June  8,  1873. 
Their  family  consisted  of  seven  sons  and  four 
daughters,  of  whom  Mrs.  Travelute  was  next  to 
the  eldest  of  the  daughters.  She  was  born  near 
the  present  flourishing  city  of  JNTilwaukee,  June 
19.  1846. 

After  their  marriage  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Travelute 
settled  at  their  present  homestead,  on  section  4,  in 
Marysville  Township,  where  they  have  since  re- 
sided. Our  subject  first  homesteaded  eight3-  acres 
and  afterward  purchased  a  soldier's  claim  to  a  like 
amount,  and  later  added  still  further  to  his  posses- 
sions, until  he  has  about  280  acres,  all  of  which 
he  has  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cultivation.  All 
the  improvements  upon  it  are  the  result  of  his 
own  industry  and  perseverance.  He  has  good 
buildings  and  modern  machiner3'  for  the  successful 
prosecution  of  farming.  To  him  and  his  esti- 
mable wife  there  have  been  born  five  children, 
namelj':  Robert  W.,  Henry  M..  John  A.,  Josephine 
M.  and  Charles  L.  Mrs.  Travelute  is  a  very  esti- 
mable lady  and  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the 
St.  Gregory  Catholic  Church. 

Our  subject,  after  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  Wai\ 
signilied  his  devotion  to  the  Union  by  enlisting  in 
April  1862  in  Company  A,  67th  Illinois  Infantiy, 
under  the  call  for  three  months'  men.  At  the  ex- 
piration of  his  term  of  enlistment,  he  received  his 
honorable  discharge  and  the  following  spring  went 



to  California  on  account  of  ill-liealtii  and  remained 
on  the  Pacific  Slope  until  the  fall  of  1865.  This 
recreation  had  the  desired  effect  and  he  returned 
home  greatly  improved. 

Tlie  parents  of  our  subject  were  Charles  Henry 
and  Margaret  (Spielman)  Travelute  (further  notice 
of  whom  is  given  in  the  slcetch  of  C.  L.  Watson, 
on  another  page  in  this  volume).  Their  family  con- 
sisted of  five  daughters  and  two  sons,  of  whom 
Andrew  J.,  our  subject,  was  the  eldest.  All  of  the 
children  are  living,  and  they  are  residents  of  Kan- 
sas, except  Mrs.  Watson,  who  is  a  resident  of  Van- 
couver's Island.  Mrs.  Travelute  is  the  sister  of 
Jacob  and  Christian  Mohrbacher,  of  this  county, 
whose  biographies,  as  well  as  those  of  their  i)ar- 
ents,  will  be  found  on  another  page  in  this  work. 

EDWIN  C.  McKELLIPS.  Like  all  other  in- 
dustries properly  conducted,  farming  has 
become  an  art  and  a  science,  and  the  bio- 
grapher finds  some  of  the  most  intelligent  men 
living  engaged  in  this  independent  occupation. 
Among  them  may  be  mentioned  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  who  understands  his  business,  and  whose 
well  tilled  fields  indicate  in  a  forcible  manner  the 
industry  of  the  proprietor.  He  has  been  content 
with  making  very  little  show  in  the  world,  and 
therefore  occupies  a  modest  dwelling,  but  lives 
comfortably,  and  enjoj's  in  a  marked  degree  the  re- 
spect of  his  neighbors. 

A  native  of  La  Porte  County,  Ind.,  our  subject 
was  reared  theie  upon  a  farm,  growing  up  to  habits 
of  industry,  and  becoming  familiar  with  the  various 
pursuits  of  rural  life.  When  reaching  man's  estate, 
he  sought  for  his  wife  a  maiden  of  his  own  town- 
ship— Miss  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Elias  and  Amanda 
(Herold)  Poston,  and  who  was  born  in  Athens 
County,  Ohio.  The  newly  wedded  pair  established 
themselves  on  a  farm,  and  remained  residents  of 
the  Hoosier  State  until  the  fall  of  1875.  They  then 
set  out  for  the  farther  West,  halting  in  Jackson 
County,  this  State,  and  after  a  sojourn  there  of 
four  years,  our  subject  came  to  this  county,  and 
purchased    1(J0    acres    of    unimproved    land.      He 

operated  upon  this  for  a  few  years,  then  sold  out. 
and  in  the  spring  of  1 889  purchased  his  present 
farm  of  160  acres,  occupying  a  part  of  sections  28 
and  33,  the  residence  being  on  the  former. 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  David  and 
Lydia  (Corliss)  McKellips,  natives  of  Vermont, 
where  they  were  reared,  educated  and  nmrried. 
They  removed  to  Indiana  in  1833,  settling  among 
the  pioneers  of  La  Porte  County,  where  the  father 
constructed  a  home  from  tiie  wilderness,  and  where 
both  parents  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives. 
Their  family  consisted  of  seven  children,  six  of 
whom  are  living  and  residents  of  Kansas.  The 
paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was  a  native 
of  Ireland,  and  upon  emigrating  to  the  United 
States  located  in  Vermont,  but  spent  his  last  years 
in  Wisconsin.  On  the  mother's  side  the  grand- 
parents were  of  Scotch  birth  and  ancestry. 

To  our  subject  and  his  estimable  wife  there  have 
been  born  nine  children,  one  of  whom  died  in  in- 
fancy. Their  eldest  daughter,  Mary,  is  the  wife  of 
John  McCament,  and  they  live  in  Missouri;  Ada 
married  Thomas  Hutton,  and  they  are  living  in 
Summerfield,  Kan.;  George,  Henry,  Emma, Carlton, 
Edwin  and  Charles  remain  at  home  with  their  par- 
ents. Mr.  McKellips,  politically,  usually  votes  with 
the  Democratic  party,  and  although  no  office-seeker, 
at  one  time  held  the  office  of  Road  Commissioner 
three  terms,  and  is  at  present  the  Township  Clerk. 
He  attempted  to  enlist  in  the  Union  service  during 
the  late  war.  but  on  account  of  having  been  struck 
by  lightning  in  the  left  foot,  was  rejected. 

On  another  page  of  this  volume  will  be  found  a 
fine  engraving  of  the  residence  of  Mr.  McKellips, 
where  he  dwells  in  peace  and  contentment,  sur- 
rounded by  a  group  of  happy  children,  and  cheered 
by  his  helpful  and  devoted  wife. 

V|/  OHN  CREVIER,  of  Wells  Township,  repre- 
sents real  estate  to  the  extent  of  240  acres 
of  choice  land.  160  acres  of  which  com- 
prises  the    home    farm,    and     is    pleasantly 

located    on  section    7.     All    the   interests  of    Mr. 

Crevier  during  his   lifetime   have  centered  in  the 



State  of  Kansas,  of  which  he  is  a  native,  having  been 
born  in  Doniphan  County,  March  12,  1857.  He  is 
consequentl}-  a  }-oung  man,  in  the  thirty-third  year 
of  his  age,  and  through  his  own  industry  has 
already  established  himself  ou  a  sound  footing, 
financially,  while  his  good  qualities  as  a  man  and  a 
citizen  have  gained  him  the  esteem  of  his  neigh- 

Charles  and  Theresa  (Marquett)  Crevier,  the 
parents  of  our  subject,  were  natives  of  Lower  Can- 
ada, and  the  father  of  French  extraction.  The 
latter,  in  1849,  contracted  the  California  gold  fever, 
and  crossing  the  plains  was  engaged  in  the  mines  of 
the  Golden  State  at  different  times  thereafter,  going 
to  and  from  there  several  times.  Finall3-,  coming 
to  Kansas,  he  settled  in  Doniphan  County,  about 
1862,  and  was  among  its  earliest  pioneers.  He  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  land  from  the  Government, 
and  made  his  home  there  a  number  of  j'ears,  build- 
ing up  a  farm  from  the  wilderness.  He  began  here 
without  capital,  coming  into  this  county  with  only 
82.50  in  his  pocket.  In  Canada  he  had  been  very 
comfortably  situated,  but  whea  first  coming  to  the 
AVest,  located  in  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  lost  a  large 
amount  of  property  bj-  the  river  flood  which  swept 
that  region.  He  has  since  accummulated  a  com- 
fortable property,  being  the  owner  of  a  good  farm 
in  Center  Township.  He  came  to  this  count}'  and 
settled  in  Center  Township  early  in  the  70's,  open- 
ing up  a  farm  where  he  now  lives.  He  is  a  devout 
member  of  the  Frankfort  Catholic  Church,  and  in 
politics  a  conscientious  adherent  of  the  Republican 

To  the  parents  of  our  subject  there  born  a 
large  family  of  children,  of  whom  the  following 
survive,  namely:  Charles,  Edward,  John,  TVill- 
iam,  Milly,  Louisa,  Delia,  Napoleon,  Josephine  and 

The  subject  of  this  notice  came  with  his  father 
to  this  count}-,  where  he  was  reared  to  manhood, 
and  received  a  limited  education  in  the  district 
school,  conducted  after  the  primitive  methods  of 
those  times.  As  soon  as  old  enough  he  was  i-e- 
qnired  to  make  himself  useful  about  the  homestead, 
and  remained  unmarried  until  approaching  the 
thirty-second  year  of  his  age.  He  then  took  unto 
himself  a    life    partner.  Miss  Augusta  Bushey,  the 

wedding  occurring  at  the  bride's  home  in  St.  Jo- 
seph, Mo.,  Jan.  16,  1889.  He  had  settled  oil  his 
present  farm  in  the  spring  of  1888,  although  hav- 
ing purchased  the  place  three  years  before.  Politi- 
eall}'  and  religioush'  he  is,  like  his  honored  father, 
a  stanch  Republican,  and  a  member  in  good 
standing  of  the  Frankfort  Catholic  Church.  He 
has  been  frequently  solicited  to  accept  local  offices, 
but  prefers  giving  his  time  and  attention  to  his 
farm  and  his  family. 

Mrs.  Crevier  was  born  in  Berkshire  Count}', 
Mass.,  Sept.  17,  1868,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Henry 
and  Louisa  (Senate)  Bushey,  who  are  now  residents 
of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  to  which  place  they  removed  in 
1887,  from  this  State.  The  Bushey  family  is  of 
French  descent.  To  the  parents  of  Mrs.  Crevier 
there  was  born  a  large  family  of  children,  all  of 
whom,  with  one  exception,  are  still  living.  Mr. 
Bushey  has  been  for  some  time  in  the  employ  of 
the  Rock  Island  Railroad  Company. 

NDREW  KJELLBERG.  Sweden,  like 
other  foreign  countries,  has  contributed 
liberally  of  some  of  the  best  of  her  sons 
to  assist  in  the  development  of  the  Great 
West,  and  their  handiwork  may  be  seen  all  over 
Kansas,  as  in  other  States.  The  subject  of  this  bio- 
graphical outline  is  a  fine  representative  of  his  na- 
tionality, and  has  one  of  the  best  farms  within  the 
precincts  of  Rock  Township.  This  comprises  480 
acres  of  well-developed  laud,  finely  located  on  sec- 
tion 11,  embellished  with  substantial  buildings,  and 
all  the  other  appurtenances  of  the  modern  rural 
homestead.  The  proprietor  is  one  of  the  leaders 
among  his  countrymen  in  this  region,  and  was 
formerly  a  resident  of  Rockford,  111.,  and  President 
of  the  Union  Furniture  Company.  Since  coming  to 
Kansas,  he  has  been  interested  in  agricultural  pur- 
suits, of  which  he  has  made  a  decided  success. 

Our  subject  was  born  in  the  central  part  of 
Sweden.  July  28.  1833,  and  was  there  reared  upon 
a  farm.  He  attended  school  only  three  weeks  in 
his  life,  and  remained  under  the  parental  roof  until 
attaining  his  majority.     Then  purchasing  a  farm. 



he  started  in  business  for  himself,  but  later,  em- 
barked in  the  furniture  business  and  cabinet-mak- 
ing, bvit  at  the  same  time  retained  and  carried  on 
his  farm,  until  1866.  He  then  set  out  for  America, 
August  1,  embarking  at  Guttenburg,  on  the  steamer 
"City  of  London."  and  after  a  voj'age  of  twelve 
days,  set  foot  upon  American  soil  in  New  York 
City.  Thence  he  proceeded  directly  to  Rockford, 
111.,  with  a  capital  of  $20  in  his  pocket.  He  was 
soon  taken  ill,  and  for  seven  weeks  was  unable  to 
work,  at  the  end  of  which  time  his  money  was  con- 
sumed, and  he  found  himself  $100  in  debt.  Not- 
withstanding this,  he  secured  ground,  and  put  up 
a  house,  contracting  a  debt  of  $1,100.  He  fol- 
lowed his  trade  for  eight  years,  and  on  the  5th  of 
January,  1876,  the  firm  for  which  he  was  working, 
having  cut  down  wages,  he  organized  the  Union 
Furniture  Company,  and  by  the  1st  of  March  fol- 
lowing, had  a  shop  running  full  blast.  He  was 
made  President  of  the  company,  which  position  he 
occupied  five  years.  The  enterprise  prospered,  and 
thus  Mr.  Kjellberg  obtained  his  start  in  life. 

In  1881,  our  subject  selling  out  his  interests  in 
Rockford,  111.,  came  to  Kansas  and  purchased  640 
acres  of  land  in  Rock  Township,  this  county,  pay- 
ing therefor  $7.50  per  acre.  He  located  on  it, 
and  brought  the  whole  to  a  good  state  of  cultiva- 
tion, enclosing  it  with  hedge,  and  putting  up  the 
necessary  buildings,  besides  gathering  together  the 
latest  improved  farm  machinery.  He  has  a  wind- 
mill and  water-tanks,  keeps  about  100  head  of  cat- 
tle, twenty-two  head  of  draft  horses  (using  seven 
teams  in  the  operation  of  his  land),  and  has  usually 
about  200  Poland-China  swine.  In  1889  he  planted 
200  acres  of  corn,  100  of  flax,  50  acres  of  oats,  and 
40  of  millet.  In  his  estate  he  has  a  handsome  resi- 
dence, a  Sue  engraving  of  which  will  be  observed 
with  interest  by  all  our  readers. 

Our  subject  before  leaving  his  native  country, 
was  married  in  June,  1857,  to  Miss  Johanna  Nel- 
son, who  was  born  there.  They  are  the  parents  of 
six  children,  the  eldest  of  whom,  a  daughter.  Anna 
L.,  was  graduated  from  the  Jackson  Mute  Institute. 
and  later  was  employed  as  a  teacher  in  the  same. 
She  is  now  the  wife  of  John  J.  Long,  a  cabinet- 
maker of  Kansas  City.  John  is  connected  with  the 
Union  Furniture  Company,  of  Rockford;  Levin  at- 

tended the  Jackson  Deaf  and  Dumb  Institute,  and 
is  at  home  with  his  parents;  Emma  S.,  Andrew, 
and  Charles  A.,  likewise  remain  under  the  parental 
roof.  All  were  given  excellent  educations  in  the 
Rockford  public  schools. 

In  politics,  Mr.  Kjellberg  is  a  decided  Repub- 
lican, and  an  active  worker  for  his  party,  frequently 
being  sent  as  a  delegate  to  the  County  Conventions. 
He  officiated  as  Road  Supervisor,  two  years.  Re- 
ligiously, he  is  an  active  member  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  at  Salem,  in  which  he  has  been  a  Deacon, 
and  contributed  liberally  toward  the  building  of 
the  church  edifice. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  John  Kjellberg,  a 
native  of  Elfsbordsland,  Sweden,  and  the  son  of 
Andrew  Kjellberg,  who  spent  his  entire  life  farm- 
ing in  his  native  land.  The  son,  John,  also  fol- 
lowed agriculture,  and  owned  an  estate  which  was 
named  Stomen-Gard.  He  died  in  1857,  firm  in  the 
faith  of  the  Lutheran  Church. 

The  maiden  name  of  the  mother  of  our  subject, 
was  Anna  Lena  Storm,  also  a  native  of  Sweden, 
and  the  daughter  of  Nels  Storm,  who  was  engaged 
in  the  War  of  181.3-14  against  the  Russians.  Mrs. 
Kjellberg,  our  subject's  mother,  died  in  Sweden  in 
1852,  at  the  age  of  fiftj^-two  j'ears.  The  parental 
family  included  four  children,  viz:  Andrew,  our  sub- 
ject; Maria,  Mrs.  Nelson,  of  Pottawatomie  County, 
this  State;  Johanna,  and  Karl,  who  remain  in  their 
native  Sweden.  Since  the  above  was  written,  Mr. 
Kjellberg  has  organized  a  stock  company  among 
the  Swedes,  forty  in  number,  called  the  Union  Com- 
mercial Company,  with  headquarters  atVleits,  Mar- 
shall Co.,  Kan.  Mr.  Kjellberg  is  President  of  this 

^ -' 

I^Ji,  ICHAEL  H.  BROWN,  one  of  the  most 
///  l\\  pi'ominent  farmers  of  St.  Bridget,  is  an 
///  111  Ohio  man,  having  been  born  in  Warren 
'''  C-'ounty,  that  State,  Sept.  31,   1837,  and   is 

the  son  of  Jeffrey  and  Maria  Brown.  His  paternal 
grandfather,  Michael  Brown,  emigrated  from  Ger- 
many about  1812,  settling  among  the  earliest  pio- 
neers of  Warren  County,  Ohio,  where  he  cleared  a 
farm  from  the  wilderness,  and  reared  his  family. 



Jeffrey  Brown,  the  father  of  our  subject,  was 
born  in  Germany,  in  1809,  and  is  still  living  with 
bis  second  wife  in  Clinton  County,  Ind.  He  was 
the  lather  of  eleven  children,  and  Michael  H.  was 
the  youngest  child  of  his  mother,  who  died  about 
six  months  after  his  birth.  He  commenced  the  bat- 
tle of  life  for  himself  when  a  lad  of  fourteen  years, 
working  on  a  farm  at  $12  and  $15  per  month. 
"When  leaving  his  native  State,  he  emigrated  to 
Indiana,  whence  he  came  to  Kansas,  arriving  in 
Marshall  County.  April  14,  1870,  landing  in  Ver- 
million Station.  At  this  time  there  was  nothing 
but  a  salt  barrel,  to  mark  the  spot  where  the  depot 
now  stands.  Mr.  Brown  began  buying  cattle,  and 
was  occupied  as  a  stock-dealer  for  Ave  years.  At 
the  expiration  of  this  time  he  was  married  to  Miss 
Julia  M.  Byram,  a  native  of  Knox  County,  111.,  and 
the  daughter  of  T.  C.  and  Elizabeth  (Hancock)  By- 
ram,  who  likewise  became  residents  of  this  county. 
After  his  marriage,  Mr.  Brown  purchased  eighty 
acres  of  land  near  the  present  site  of  Be.attie,  which 
he  placed  under  cultivation.  He  sold  this  in  1878, 
and  purchased  the  quarter  section  where  he  now 
lives,  and  where  he  hasbuilt  upa  fine  home.  Later 
he  added  forty-five  acres  to  his  possessions,  and  is 
still  interested  in  live-stock,  having  a  fine  lot  of 
cattle  and  horses  in  which  he  takes  great  pride.  He 
breeds  some  of  the  finest  Poland-China  swine  to  be 
found  in  Marshall  County. 

Politically.  Mr.  Brown  is  a  sound  Republican. 
He  has  never  sought  office,  but  bj-  the  desire  of  his 
fellow-citizens,  otHciates  as  School  Director.  Mrs. 
Brown  is  a  member  in  good  standing  of  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church,  with  which  she  became 
connected  when  a  young  girl  of  fourteen  years. 
Five  of  the  six  children  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs  Brown 
are  still  living,  namely:  Florence  Emma,  Cora 
Ethel,  Grace  Elizabeth,  George  Jeffrey,  and  Addie. 
a  twin.     The  other  died  when  a  few  weeks  old. 

eHAKLES  C.  BKOAVN  is  a  direct  descendant 
of  an  Knglisliman  who  came  to  this  eountrj-, 
settling  in  Massachusetts  prior  to  the  year 
1720.  The  of  our  subject  was 
Joseph  Brown,  son  of  the  above  mentioned  gentle- 

man. He  was  born  in  Massachusetts,  but  spent  the 
most  of  his  life  in  Connecticut,  where  for  many 
years  he  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  a  time  when 
Connecticut  yet  retained  some  of  ^^the  Blue  Laws, 
and  for  such  a  crime  as" theft  would  sentence  the 
criminal  to  lashes  on  the  bare  back  at  the  whipping 
post.  For  three  generations  this  family  resided 
upon  the  same  farm.  Joseph  Brown  had  a  son 
Jesse,  who  in  his  turn  became  the  possessor  of  the 
farm,  and  upon  it  reared  ten  children,  the  youngest 
of  whom,  named  Lemuel,  in  his  turn  inherited  the 
place.  He  was  the  father  of  eight  children,  of 
whom  the  subject  of  our  sketch  was  the  youngest. 

Charles  C.  Brown  was  born  Nov.  24,  1842,  and 
was  reared  upon  the  ancestral  acres.  He  was  mar- 
ried in  Minden,  Mich.,  to  Sarah  L.  Turrell,  a 
native  of  Vermont.  Soon  after  his  marriage  he  re- 
turned with  his  bride  to  his  former  home  in  Con- 
necticut, where  he  resided  until  April,  1885,  and 
then  removed  to  this  county,  having  some  years 
previous!}'  bought  a  farm  on  section  23,  Walnut 
Township.  He  engaged  in  mercantile  business  in 
Marysville,  continuing  in  this  occupation  until  the 
following  spring,  when  he  moved  on  his  farm.  The 
place  was  only  slightly  improved  when  he  took 
possession,  but  he  now  has  the  160  acres  under 
good  cultivation,  and  has  built  a  very  nice  house, 
which  is  represented  on  another  page  by  a  litho- 
graphic engraving,  and  has  made  other  substantial 
and  adequate  iroprovcments,  forming  altogether  a 
home  which  is  both  comfortable  and  attractive. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Brown  is  a  native  of  Vermont,  the 
daughter  of  Ira  and  Betsey  (Martindell)  Turrell. 
Her  father  was  a  native  of  Stafford,  Conn.,  from 
which  State  he  removed  to  Vermont,  whore  he  mar- 
ried, his  wife  being  a  native  of  the  latter  State. 
Mrs.  Brown's  maternal  grandfather  was  Thomas 
Martindell,  a  native  of  England,  where  he  was  a 
shepherd  boy.  At  the  age  of  fifteen  he  was  drafted 
into  the  British  army,  in  which  he  spent  .ibout 
three  years.  He  made  two  unsuccessful  .attempts 
to  escape  from  the  service,  and  on  the  second  occa- 
sion was  sentenced  to  be  shot  as  a  traitor,  and  was 
placed  on  a  coffin  preparatorj-  to  that  event,  when 
a  reprieve  arrived.  He  made  a  third  and  success- 
ful attempt  to  reach  the  American  army,  and  spent  years  in  the  service  of  the  Colonies,  during 



the  Revolutionary  War.  At  the  conclusion  of  that 
conflict  he  located  in  Vermont,  there  rearing  a 
family  and  dying  at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety. 
Mrs.  Brown  received  an  excellent  education,  and 
for  some  years  previous  to  her  marriage  to  our 
subject,  had  been  engaged  in  teaching  in  Wisconain 
and  Michigan.  Mr.  aud  Mrs.  Brown  have  no  fam- 
ily, but  have  reared  Rienzi  Brown,  a  son  of  our 
subject's  brother  Nelson,  to  the  age  of  ninteeen 

During  tlieir  residence  in  Connecticut.  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Brown  were  members  of  the  Congregational 
Church,  but  on  coming  to  this  countj'  they  united 
witli  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Marysville.  They 
are  of  high  standing  in  the  community,  being  pos- 
sessed of  fine  intelligence,  higli  principles  and 
courteous  manners. 



Vfi  OHN  C.  FORD.  The  above-named  gentle- 
man owns  and  occupies  an  attractive  home 
on  section  33,  St.  Bridget  Township,  where 
l^g//  he  carries  on  general  farming.  His  dwell- 
ing is  a  substantial  structure,  one  and  a  half  stories 
in  height,  16x24  feet  in  ground  dimensions,  with 
an  addition  20x16  feet.  Around  it  lie  130  acres 
of  highly  cultivated  land,  on  which  are  adequate 
farm  buildings,  together  with  450  bearing  apple 
trees.  Six  acres  immediately  adjacent  to  the  house 
are  planted  in  grove  and  orchard.  The  place  is 
located  half  a  mile  east  of  the  3'oung  and  growing 
station  of  Mina,  on  the  Kansas  Cit5%  Wj'andotte  & 
Northwestern  Railroad,  seven  miles  north  of  Axtell. 

The  grandfather  of  our  subject,  George  Ford, 
was  an  Englishman  of  splendid  education,  but  be- 
came very  poor,  so  that  his  family  were  deprived 
of  the  educational  advantages  he  had  himself  re- 
ceived. His  son,  J.  H.  Ford,  fatlier  of  our  subject, 
was  horn  near  Chumleigh,  Devonshire,  England. 
He  was  bound  out  when  a  boy,  and  grew  to  man- 
hood without  education.  After  attaining  to  man's 
estate,  he  worked  always  with  a  view  of  emigrating 
to  America.  He  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Carter, 
also  of  Devonshire.  When  their  son,  J.  C.  Ford, 
our  subject,  was  but  nine  days  old,  they  started 

for  America.  The  mother  suffered  much  during 
tlie  voyage,  but  regained  her  health,  and  is  now 
living,  at  a  good  old  age.  The  family  settled  at 
Batavia,  N.  Y.,  but  a  few  years  later  removed  to 
Ohio.  There  they  lived  one  year,  before  continu- 
ing westward  to  Kicliapoo,  Peoria  Co.,  111. 

Our  subject  there  spent  his  boyhood,  receiving 
his  education  at  the  little  Bramble  Schoolhouse 
that  is  located  on  the  road  west  of  Kickapoo  Creek. 
When  he  was  eigliteen  years  of  age,  he  removed 
with  his  parents  to  Livingston  County.  At  the 
age  of  twenty-one  he  commenced  farming  for  him- 
self, and  married  Miss  Mary  J.  Fuger.  Her  par- 
ents, Frederick  and  Mary  (Wagner)  Fuger,  were 
natives  of  Germany,  who  emigrated  to  America  in 
1850,  when  their  daughter  Mary  was  two  and  a 
half  years  of  age.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ford  have 
been  born  eight  children,  one  of  whom  died  in  in- 
fancy. The  survivors  are  named  respectively: 
John  William,  Lilly  A.,  George  F.,  Ella  Jane, 
Laura  Bertha,  Elsie  May  and  Solomon  Elmer. 

In  1874  our  subject  came  to  this  county  and 
bought  eighty  acres  of  uncultivated  land,  where 
his  home  now  is.  He  has  since  added  an  additional 
fifty,  and  brought  tlie  entire  place  to  its  present 

The  father  of  our  subject,  after  establishing  his 
own  family  in  America,  sent  money  to  pay  for  the 
passage  of  his  fatlier,  brother,  and  two  sisters,  all 
of  whom  followed  him  across  the  Atlantic.  The 
old  gentleman  lived  some  eighteen  years  in  New 
York  State,  where  he  died  at  a  ripe  old  age. 

Mr.  Ford  is  a  member  of  Lodge  No.  221,  I.  O. 
O.  F.,  located  at  Axtell.  He  is  a  believer  in,  and 
supporter  of,  the  Democratic  party.  He  is  a  man 
of  upright  character,  industrious  habits,  and  pos- 
sesses the  respect  of  the  citizens  of  his  section. 

(|l  IjfclLLIAM  r,ECKER,  editor  of  the  Marys- 
\^/  ^'^'^  Democrat  (English)  and  Post  (Ger- 
W^  man,  and  Postmaster,  has  been  a  resident 
of  Kansas  for  about  twenty  years.  He  was  born 
in  Fritzlar,  Hesse-Cassel,  Germany,  Jan.  18,  1838. 
His  parents  were  Philip  and  Christina   (Rheinbold) 



Becker,  both  of  whom  died  in  their  native  land, 
where  Philip  Becker  carried  on  a  bakery-,  having 
been  pi'eviouslj'  a  farmer. 

Our  subject  received  his  education  in  Hamburg, 
to  which  citj'  his  father  had  removed  in  1849. 
"William  attended  the  Johannarum  and  College 
in  that  cit3%  from  which  he  was  graduated 
in  1855.  On  leaving  college  he  began  learning  the 
trade  of  a  baker  from  his  father,  and  followed  that 
occupation  until  he  came  to  this  country,  spending 
as  is  usual  in  Germany,  three  years  in  traveling  and 
working  at  his  trade.  Three  years  also,  from  1859 
nntil  1862  he  served  in  the  army  in  the  First  Regi- 
ment of  Hussars  at  Hesse-Cassel.  His  time  after 
that  was  occupied  in  carrying  on  a  bakery  at  Ham- 
burg, on  his  own  account,  until  1866,  when  he  de- 
termined to  try  his  fortunes  in  Ameria. 

The  subject  of  this  notice  came  to  America 
Oct.  2,  1866.  He  landed  in  New  York  City, 
whence  he  journeyed  to  Baltimore  and  Philadel- 
phia, but  his  objective  point  was  Chicago,  where 
he  arrived  a  few  weeks  after  landing  in  this  country. 
He  made  Chicago  his  home  for  several  years,  until 
the  spring  of  1870,  when  he  came  to  Kansas,  first 
settling  in  Sabetha,  Nemaha  Countj',  where  he  re- 
sided until  April  1,  1880.  At  that  time  he  came 
to  Marys ville,  which  has  ever  since  been  his  home. 

July  14,  1881,  Mr.  Becker  entered  the  ranks  of 
journalism,  and  on  that  day  issued  the  first  number 
of  the  Mary  ville  PosZ,  the  only  paper  printed  in 
the  German  language  in  the  northern  tier  of  coun- 
ties of  this  State.  This  journal  has  attained  a 
good  circulation,  and  exercises  a  wide  influence 
among  the  German  speaking  people  of  tiiis  county. 
In  its  political  complexion  it  is  now  Democratic, 
and  of  course  reflects  the  views  of  its  proprietor 
and  editor,  although  first  started  as  a  Republican 
paper.  On  Oct.  5,  1882,  Mr.  Becker  decided  to 
enlarge  his  field  of  communication  with  the  people 
of  the  county,  .and  issued  on  that  d.<iy  tlie  first 
number  of  tlie  Marj-sville  Democi-at,  the  only  Dem- 
ocratic paper  in  English,  published  in  Marshall 
Count}'.  These  journals  have  naturally  brought 
their  editor  into  prominence  in  the  councils  of  the 
Democratic  party  in  the  county,  and  on  the  election 
of  President  Cleveland,  lie  was  chosen  for  the  posi- 
tion of  Postmaster  of  Marysville, 

After  coming  to  Marysville,  Mr.  Becker  was 
chosen  to  several  positions  of  trust  and  responsi- 
bilitj'.  In  1881  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
City  Council,  serving  a  year;  from  1882  to  1885 
he  was  City  Treasurer,  and  in  1883,  he  was  ap- 
pointed by  Gov.  Glick  as  Brigadier-General  of  the 
State  Militia,  holding  that  rank  for  two  j'ears. 

Mr.  Becker  has  been  twice  married,  first  in  1869 
to  Miss  Mary  Caffer,  from  Joliet,  III.,  and  a  native 
of  Louisiana.  She  died  Aug.  3,  1873  at  the  age  of 
twenty -six  years.leaving  two  children,  one  of  whom 
— Florence,  died  at  Sabetha,  aged  eight  years.  The 
other  child  is  Luc}-,  born  April  18,  1870,  who 
makes  her  home  with  her  mother's  brother  in  Atch- 
ison, where  she  was  educated,  finishing  at  a  convent 
in  St.  Louis,  Mo.  The  second  wife  of  Mr.  Becker, 
to  whom  he  was  united  March  26,  1874,  was  Miss 
Mary  O'Mara,  a  native  of  Chicago.  111.,  where  she 
was  born  July  14,  1856.  This  union  has  been 
blessed  by  the  birth  of  seven  children,  all  living 
under  the  parental  roof.  They  are:  Dorothea, 
born  July  9,  1875;  Agatha,  July  8,  1877;  Jean- 
nette,  April  18,  1879;  William  John,  May  9,  1880; 
Mary,  April  14,  1883;  Margaret,  Dee.  26,  1885, 
and  Florence.  July  25,  1888. 

I       In  the  social  institutions  of  the  city,  Mr.  Becker 

j  takes  much  interest.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Patri- 
archal and  Subordinate  Lodges  of  I.  0.  O.  F. ;  the 

j  K.  of  H.;  the  A.  O.  U.  W. ;  the  S.  K.  of  A.;  the 
Degree  of  Honor  Lodge  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W. :  the 

I   order  of  Druids,  and  the  Turner  Society. 

A  man  of  positive  convictions  and  views,  which 
he  does  not  hesitate  to  express  on  all  in-oper  occa- 
sions, Mr.  Becker  naturally  makes  both  warm  friends 
and  enemies.  His  papers  are  outspoken,  and  when 
lie  believes  a  thing  to  be  wrong  he  does  not  hesi- 
tate to  say  so,  but  he  is  alwa3-s  open  to  conviction. 
These  traits  of  character  give  him  considerable 
prominence,  especially  in  political  circles,  as  he 
stands  alone  in  the  county  as  the  editorial  expon- 

•  ent  of  Democrat  doctrines.  Of  course,  when  his 
party  has  the  power,  he  is,  as  he  should  be,  re- 
warded for  his  services  by  appointment  to  any 
office  within  their  gift.  In  regard  to  the  question 
of  prohibition,  Mr.  Becker  takes  the  stand  that  it  is 
impracticable.  He  is  heartilj'  in  favor  of  a  high 
license  and  a  strict  regulation   of  the  liquor  traffic. 



believing  that  with  proper  supervision  the  prac- 
tical side  of  temperance  may  be  thereb}'  advanced. 
He  is  by  no  meins  an  advocate  of  the  saloons,  but 
counsels  those  measures,  as  a  solution  of  the  evils 
which  affect  man}'  parts  of  this  State. 

Mr.  Becker  is  an  accomplished  musician  and 
since  his  residence  in  Marysville,  has  twice  pre- 
sented to  the  public  the  cantata  of  Esther,  the 
parts  being  filled  by  native  talent  under  his  direc- 
tion, and  having-  about  seventy-five  singers  in  the 
cast.  All  of  his  children  inherit  his  musical  taste, 
his  eldest  daughter,  Lucy,  being  an  especially  fine 
performer  on  the  piano. 

?RANK  H.  TOTTEN,  of  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship, is  probably  the  oldest  man  now  living 
in  the  county  who  was  born  here.  He  first 
saw  the  light  of  day  at  Beattie,  June  30,  1860,  and 
is  the  son  of  Joseph  and  Susan  Totten,  a  sketch  of 
whom  will  be  found  on  another  page  in  this  work. 
He  grew  to  manhood  on  the  farm  north  of  the  city, 
and  attended  the  district  school,  laying  the  foun- 
dations of  a  practical  education.  He  has  seen 
considerable  of  the  Great  West,  and  is  a  man  who 
keeps  his  eyes  open  to  what  is  going  on  around 

The  boyhood  and  youth  of  Mr.  Totten  were 
spent  in  a  comparatively  uneventful  manner — 
learning  the  art  of  farming,  and  remaining  a  mem- 
ber of  the  household  circle  until  his  marriage. 
This  interesting  and  important  event  was  celebra- 
ted Aug.  17,  1884,  the  bride  being  Miss  Orpha 
Craik.  Mrs.  Totten  is  the  daughter  of  David  and 
Mary  (Craig)  Craik,  who  came  from  England,  and 
settled  in  Illinois  before  the  birth  of  their  daughter 
Orpha.  They  lived  in  the  Prairie  State  until  1871, 
then  coming  to  Kansas,  settled  in  the  vicinity  of 
Oketo,  this  county.  Prior  to  his  marriage  Mr. 
Totten  had  purchased  eighty  acres  of  land  near 
Beattie,  and  the  same  amount  in  the  city  of  Sum- 
merHeId,all  of  which  is  under  process  of  cultiva- 
tion. Later  he  purchased  another  eighty  acres, 
which  he  has  also  improved,  and  altogether  he  is 
the  owner  of  325  acres  of  rich  prairie  land,  which 

yields  in  abundance  the  best  crops  of  Northern 
Kansas.  It  is,  however,  largely  devoted  to  live 
stock,  Mr.  Totten  having  on  hand  at  the  present 
time.  October,  1889,  seventy  head  of  cattle  and 
ten  head  of  horses.  Politicall}-,  Mr.  Totten  takes 
satisfaction  in  the  reflection  that  he  is  "a  Repub- 
lican bj'  birth  and  education."  Socially,  lie  be- 
longs to  Axtell  Lodge  No.  221,  I.  O.  O.  F.  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Totten  have  no  children. 

\\  AURICE  B.  HALL,  engaged  in  the  real- 
estate,  loan  and  insurance  business  at  Ver- 
million, is  one  of  its  most  prominent 
citizens — a  man  possessing  an  excellent 
education,  an  old-time  teacher,  and  a  public-spir- 
ited citizen.  He  was  born  near  Charlotteville,  Han- 
cock Co.,  Ind.,  Nov.  6,  1859,  and  is  the  son  of 
Samuel  A.  Hall,  also  a  native  of  that  county. 
His  paternal  grandfather,  Festus  Hall,  was  one  of 
the  early  pioneers  of  Hancock  County,  settling 
first  near  the  present  site  of  Carthage,  on  the  Little 
Blue  River.  He  secured  land  and  became  well-to- 
do  as  a  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  and  there  spent  his 
last  days.  During  his  early  manhood  he  had  served 
as  a  soldier  in  the  War  of  1812. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  reared  to  farming 
pursuits,  and  after  his  marriage  became  owner  of 
the  homestead.  Later  he  sold  this  and  removed  to 
a  point  near  Charlotteville,  Ind.,  where  he  purcliased 
a  well-improved  farm  of  eighty  acres  and  engaged 
as  a  stock-dealer,  buying  and  driving  to  Cincinnati. 
He  subsequently  became  an  extensive  shipper,  es- 
pecially during  the  war.  He  dealt  largely  in  mess 
pork,  but  on  account  of  a  fall  in  prices  when  he 
had  a  large  quantity  on  hand,  lost  probabl}^  $45,000. 
After  this  he  disposed  of  his  interests  in  that  re- 
gion and  removed  to  Rushville,  where  he  was  en- 
gaged for  two  years  in  the  patent  right  business, 
traveling  extensively.  At  the  expiration  of  this 
time  he  located  on  a  farm  adjoining  the  town,  but 
in  the  spring  of  1872  sought  the  farther  West, 
and  located  near  Vermillion,  Kan.,  owning  and 
operating  IGO  acres  of  land.  He  sold  this  in  1884, 
and  purchased  forty  acres  on  section    11,  where  he 



has  effected  modern  improvemeuts.  and  carries  on 
farming  in  a  modest  way,  still  dealing  in  cattle. 
He  is  quite  prominent  in  liis  communitj-,  having 
served  as  Township  Trustee  several  years,  also 
officiating  as  Township  Clerk  and  Road  Supervisor. 
He  also  liolds  the  office  of  Postmaster,  and  belongs 
to  the  A.  F.  &  A.  M.  He  is  an  active  member  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  in  which  he  has 
been  a  Class-Leader,  and  is  at  present  a  Trustee. 
Politically,  he  is  a  Republican. 

Mrs.  Martha  J.  (Kelley)  Hall,  the  mother  of  our 
subject,  was  born  in  Rush  County,  Ind.,  and  was 
the  daughter  of  George  R,  Kelley,  a  native  of 
Kentucky.  The  latter  was  reared  and  married  in 
the  Blue  Grass  State,  whence  he  removed  to  Rush 
County,  Ind.,  being  one  of  its  first  settlers,  and 
securing  300  acres  of  land.  He  was  greatly  pros- 
pered, becoming  one  of  the  most  extensive  stock- 
dealers  of  that  region.  He  left  there  in  1870, 
coming  to  Kansas,  and  purchasing  10,000  acres  of 
land  in  Marshall  and  adjoining  counties.  Three 
years  later  he  changed  his  residence  to  the  vicinity 
of  Vermillion,  where  he  purchased  200  acres  of 
land,  and  in  fact  was  the  original  founder  of  the 
town,  giving  a  lot  to  every  man  who  would  build 
a  house  upon  it.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was 
the  owner  of  about  1,000  acres  of  land  in  Marshall 
County.  He  thoroughly  improved  the  home  farm, 
where  he  spent  his  last  days  amid  all  the  comforts  of 
life.  His  death  occurred  July  3,  1884,  when  he 
was  about  seventy-eight  3'ears  old.  In  religious 
belief  he  was  a  strong  Universalist. 

The  mother  of  our  subject  was  carefully  reared 
and  well-educated,  receiving  good  school  advant- 
ages. She  departed  this  life  May  30,  1884.  She 
likewise  was  a  Universalist.  The  eight  children 
born  to  her  and  her  husband  were  Omar,  now  a 
banker  at  Waterville;  Maurice  B.;  George,  man- 
ager of  the  bank  at  Waterville;  William,  a  profes- 
sional stone-cutter,  and  now  engaged  with  a 
surveying  party  in  Colorado;  Anna,  who  died  in 
infancy;  Frank  and  Festus,  at  home  with  their  par- 
ents, and  John,  who  died  in  December,  1889. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  a  boy  nine  years 
of  age  when  his  parents  removed  to  Rush  County, 
Ind.  He  attended  the  city  schools  and  made  his 
home  with  his    parents,    accompanying   them  in 

their  various  removals.  Upon  reaching  man's 
estate,  he  became  considerably  interested  iu  live- 
stock. At  the  age  of  eighteen  he  taught  his  first 
school,  and  has  followed  this  profession  for  several 
years,  during  the  winter  season.  His  duties  in  this 
connection  have  lain  in  different  parts  of  the 
county-,  where  he  has  become  favorably  known  and 
is  popular. 

During  the  winter  of  1884,  Mr.  Hall  entered  the 
office  of  the  Register  of  Deeds  as  a  deputy,  and 
later  was  Deputy  County  Clerk.  This  latter 
position,  however,  he  only  held  a  brief  time, 
resigning  and  resuming  his  old  profession.  In 
1887  he  engaged  as  a  real-estate  dealer,  becoming 
the  principal  agent  for  S.  T.  Powell,  of  Waterville, 
and  as  an  insurance  agent,  represents  four  good 
companies,  this  occupying  the  greater  part  of  his 
time.  In  1 884,  Mr.  Hall  was  appointed  a  Notary- 
Public,  still  holding  the  position.  Politicallj-,  he  is 
a  sound  Republican,  prominent  in  his  party,  and  is 
frequently  sent  as  a  delegate  to  its  various  conven- 
tions. He  is  a  member  and  Secretary  of  the  Cen- 
tral Committee.  He  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fra- 
ternity, Vermillion  Lodge  No.  320.  At  one  time 
he  was  a  member  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W.  He  owns 
his  home  iu  Vermillion,  besides  a  number  of  town 

In  Noble  Township.  Dec.  25,  1889,  occurred  the 
marriage  of  Maurice  B.  Hall  with  Miss  Bella 
Rogers.  This  ladj-  was  born  iu  Toronto,  Canada. 
April  3,  1864.  and  came  to  Kansas  iu  1876  with 
her  mother's  family.  Further  notice  of  the  family 
will  be  found  in  the  biography  of  H.  A.  Rogers, 
on  another  page  in  this  volume. 

<ifJAMES  JOHNSON.  The  seemingly  unim- 
portant little  peninsula  of  Denmark,  washed 
by  the    Baltic   and    North    seas,    and   with 

rugged  shores  extending  in  varied  lines  of 

beauty  and  grandeur  along  the  Cattegat  and  Skager 
Rack,  has  furnished  not  only  crowned  heads  for 
the  proud  dynasties  of  the  Old  World,  but  has 
given  to  the  New  World  some  of  its  most  ener- 
getic and    prosperous    people.     Among  them  may 



be  noted  the  gentleman  of  whom  this  life  record  is 
written.  His  parents  were  Danes,  and  possessed 
the  persistent,  determined  self-will  by  which  their 
nation  has  wielded  a  might3^  influence  among  others 
larger  and  more  important. 

A  native  of  Denmark,  our  subject  was  born 
Sept.  27,  1847,  to  Hans  Johnson  Beck  and  Eleo- 
nora  E3'rup.  Themselves  born  and  reared  in  that 
sea-girt  peninsula,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Beck  passed  their 
married  life,  where  they  had  friends  and  loved 
ones,  and  there  the  father  was  removed  by  death 
while  in  the  prime  of  a  useful  life.  He  left  a  widow 
and  two  children,  of  whom  Mr.  Johnson,  our  sub- 
ject, was  the  eldest  and  the  only  son.  After  the 
death  of  her  husband,  Mrs.  Beck  determined  to 
seek  the  United  States,  hoping  that  she  might  be 
better  enabled  to  I'ear  her  children  for  future  use- 
fulness, and  trusting  that  she  might  be  able  to  im- 
prove her  own  financial  condition.  She  accompanied 
her  brother  to  America  in  May,  1858,  and  our  sub- 
ject was  thus  face  to  face  with  the  dangers  of  the 
deep,  for  the  passage  was  a  tempestuous  one,  and 
it  was  only  after  repeated  storms  that  they  finally 
landed  in  New  York.  Accustomed,  however,  to 
the  sullen  roar  of  the  angry  waves,  the  ocean  pre- 
sented no  terrors  to  the  lad,  then  scarcely  eleven 
years  old.  "With  his  uncle,  mother  and  sister,  he 
came  directly  west  to  Marshall  County,  Kan.,  where 
they  settled  on  section  9,  Franklin  Township.  In 
the  home  thus  made,  thirty  j'ears  and  more  have 
been  pleasantly  and  industriously  passed  by  the 
mother,  and  there  she  yet  remains. 

An  inmate  of  his  mother's  home  and  an  active 
participant  in  all  the  labors  necessary  to  the  de- 
velopment of  a  home  from  the  wilderness,  James 
Johnson  passed  from  boyhood  to  youth,  and  from 
youth  to  manhood.  He  was  yet  very  young  when 
he  left  his  mother's  roof  and  began  to  work  for 
the  Government  at  Ft.  Leavenworth.  He  was  thus 
employed  for  four  and  one-half  years,  and  after- 
ward was  engaged  in  various  occupations  in  the 
Far  West,  principally  having  charge  of  livestock. 
With  the  exception  of  a  visit  to  his  home  in 
Marshall  County,  our  subject  was  in  the  West 
until  1873,  traveling  through  nearly  all  the  States 
and  Territories  of  that  then  undeveloped  tract  of 
country ;  among  others,  he  visited  Colorado,  Wy- 

oming, Utah,  New  Mexico,  Arizona,  California, 
Nevada,  Old  Mexico  and  Texas.  He  saw  many 
tilings  of  wonderful  interest,  and  was  the  hero  of 
many  thrilling  episodes,  enjoying  the  sports  of  the 
chase  and  experiencing  ti;e  dangers  of  the  land, 
whose  sole  inhabitants  were  hostile  Indians  and  a 
few  Americans.  Many  interesting  hours  may  be 
passed  in  instructive  and  interesting  conversation 
with  Mr.  Johnson,  while  he  relates  incidents  of 
thrilling  excitement  and  tells  pleasant  anecdotes 
of  camp  life. 

Becoming  tired  of  being  a  wanderer  upon  the 
earth,  Mr.  Johnson,  in  1873,  returned  to  Marshall 
County,  and  has  since  been  engaged  in  farmino- 
and  stock-raising.  He  has  met  with  success  in 
these  pursuits,  having  a  good  farm  with  first-class 
buildings,  and  in  stock-raising  makes  a  specialty  of 
Poland-China  hogs,  and  buys  and  feeds  large  num- 
bers of  cattle.  His  farm  comprises  480  acres  in 
Franklin  Township,  and  in  time  will  be  one  of  the 
finest  farms  in  the  Stale,  as  he  is  a  master  mind  in 
the  cultivation  of  laud,  which  everywhere  shows 
the  guiding  hand  over  it.  A  view  of  his  commodi- 
ous residence,  with  its  surroundings,  is  an  added 
feature  of  interest  to  our  volume. 

For  many  years  a  bachelor,  Mr.  Johnson  at  last 
succumbed  to  the  charms  of  her  who  is  now  his 
wife,  and  who  was  formerly  Miss  Mary  Lindsay,  of 
St.  Charles,  Mo.  They  were  united  in  the  bonds 
of  wedlock  in  Rosendale,  Mo.,  June  2,  1889.  Mrs. 
Johnson  is  a  young  lady  of  refinement  and  many 
accomplishments,  and  received  a  good  education  in 
St.  Charles,  being  a  graduate  of  the  Lindenwood 
College,  of  that  city.  Her  father  was  the  late 
James  Lindsay,  Jr.,  and  was  born  in  Aylett,  Scot- 
land, while  her  mother  was  Miss  Sarah  Fleet,  a  na- 
tive of  Covington,  Va.  Mr.  Lindsay  was  one  of 
the  earliest  settlers  of  St.  Charles,  and  was  occupied 
in  farming  and  stock-raising.  He  came  to  St. 
Charles  when  a  lad  of  ten  years,  and  that  continued 
to  be  his  home  until  his  death,  Dec.  16,  1884.  His 
wife  survives.  Only  one  child  was  boi-n  to  them 
the  wife  of  our  subject,  the  date  of  her  birth  beiuo- 
Jan.  9,  1866.  Naturally,  she  was  the  idol  of  her 
parents,  who  lived  only  to  promote  her  happiness 
and  to  give  her  all  the  advantages  they  could. 
Thus  she  was  fitted  to  become  a  useful  and  charmino- 



member  of  society,  as  well  as  a  careful  housekeeper 
and  home-maker.  Since  her  residence  among  the 
people  of  Marshall  County  she  has,  by  her  many 
charming  and  endearing  yv-Ays,  become  a  loved  and 
admired  member  of  the  community. 

Taking  an  active  interest  in  all  matters  of  politi- 
cal interest,  Mr.  Johnson  was  formerly  a  Democrat, 
but  later  became  a  member  of  tlie  Union  Labor 
party.  He  is  also  a  member  of  the  Sub  No.  85, 
Encampment  81,  of  Odd  Fellows,  and  is  one  of  the 
Modern  Woodmen  of  America. 


1^  RS.  AMANDA  R.  SUMMERS.  This  lady 
'/  111  occupies  a  snug  homestead  on  section  28, 
Wells  Township,  and  is  wideh'  and  favor- 
abl}'  known  by  a  large  portion  of  its  peo 
|)le.  She  was  born  in  Bath  County,  Ky.,  Aug.  15, 
1844,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Emilj- 
(Boyd)  Jones.  Her  maternal  grandfatlier  Boyd 
was  a  soldier  in  one  of  the  important  wars  con- 
nected with  the  early  history  of  this  countrj-.  To 
her  parents  were  born  a  large  family  of  children, 
of  whom  thQ  following  survive:  Nancy,  the  wife  of 
A.  B.  Filson,  of  Kentuck_y;  Louisiana,  the  wife 
of  James  M.  Jones,  of  this  county;  Monroe,  a  resi- 
dent of  Wells  Township;  George  and  Amanda. 
The  parents  were  members  in  good  standing  of  the 
Christian  Church.  The  mother  died  when  her 
daughter  Amanda  was  a  maiden  of  seventeen  years 
and  the  father  died  about  a  year  afterward. 
Amanda  attended  the  common  schools,  and  at  the 
age  of  nineteen  years  was  married,  Dec.  24,  1863, 
to  George  R.  Summers. 

Mr.  Summers  was  likewise  a  native  of  Bath 
County,  Ky.,  and  came  with  his  parents  to  Kansas 
at  an  early  date,  the  latter  settling  on  the  raw 
prairie  from  which  has  been  built  up  the  comforta- 
ble home  which  Mrs.  Summers  now  occupies.  Mr. 
Summers  turned  the  first  furrow  here,  and  witli  his 
wife  endured  the  liardships  and  privations  common 
to  frontier  life.  After  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
War  he  entered  the  Union  service,  but  during  the 
years  of  his  soldier  life  was  much  of  the  time  inca- 
pacitated for  d\ity  and  contracted  a  disorder  whicli 

will  probably  always  cling  to  him.  About  eleven 
years  ago,  owing  to  misfortune  and  ill-health,  his 
mind  became  greatly  affected,  and  in  1880  he  was 
conveyed  to  the  asylum  at  Ossawatomie,  where  he 
has  since  remained. 

During  his  active  years  Mr.  Summers  was  recog- 
nizsd  as  a  good  citizen,  liberal  and  public-spirited, 
in  favor  of  everything  to  improve  the  county  and 
elevate  society.  He  was  a  kind  man  in  his  family, 
an  indulgent  husband  and  father,  and  enjo3'ed  in 
a  marked  degree  the  esteem  and  confidence  of  his 
neighbors.  In  politics  he  was  a  stanch  Republican 
and  in  religion  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church. 
There  were  born  to  him  and  his  estimable  wife  four 
children,  viz.:  Emily  J.,  the  wife  of  John  Rich- 
ards; William  J.,  Marion  and  John. 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  '60s  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sum- 
mers emigrated  from  Kentucky  to  Miami  County, 
Kan.,  where  they  resided  two  )'ears,  then  came  to 
Marshall  Count3\  Since  the  misfortune  of  her 
husband  Mrs.  Summers  has  conducted  the  farm  in 
an  admirable  manner.  She  has  seen  the  country 
develop  from  its  wild  state  into  the  abode  of  a 
prosperous  and  intelligent  people,  and  may  prop- 
erly be  given  a  place  among  the  pioneer  wives  and 
mothers  who  have  done  their  part  in  the  great 
work  accomplished. 

eHARLES  J.  JOHNSON.  One  of  the  finest 
farms  in  Cottage  Hill  Township,  is  that 
owned  and  occupied  by  the  above  named 
gentleman,  who  is  not  only  a  large  stock-dealer,  but 
a  leading  citizen  of  the  township.  His  estate  con- 
sists of  160  acres  on  sections  10  and  11,  which  ;ire 
carefully  tilled,  and  bear  excellent  and  adequate 
buildings.  Here  Mr.  Johnson  carries  on  a  very 
successful  business.  He  feeds  all  the  grain  he  can 
raise,  as  well  as  a  considerable  amount  which  he 
annually  purchases,  to  the  large  herds  of  fine  stock 
which  he  raises.  Starting  in  life  as  a  poor  boy,  he 
has  already  attained  to  a  position  of  financial  suc- 
cess such  as  many  men  arrive  .at  only  in  far  later 

Our   subject    was    born    in    Fogurhult    Socken, 



Sweden,  May  3,  1851.  His  father,  Adolph  F.,  was 
born  March  13,  1826,  in  the  same  place,  and  there 
lived  until  1869,  when  he  came  to  America.  He 
first  settled  in  Boone  County,  111.,  and  two  years 
later,  removed  to  this  county,  where  he  bought 
land  upon  which  he  lived  until  1884,  when  he  re- 
turned to  his  native  land.  In  Sweden  he  had  been 
both  farmer  and  builder,  but  he  has  given  the  most 
of  his  attention  to  the  former  occupation.  He  has 
accunnilated  some  means,  but  is  still,  as  in  his  earlier 
life,  a  hard  worker.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Lu- 
theran Church.  His  wife.  Christian  Peterson,  was 
also  born  in  Sweden,  her  natal  day  being  Nov.  29, 
1823.  She  is  also  still  living.  The  family  con- 
sisted of  two  children,  our  subject,  and  Helen  S., 
who  is  now  the  wife  of  France  Isaacson,  and  whose 
home  is  in  Sweden. 

Charles  J.  Johnson  was  reared  on  a  farm,  and 
under  the  compulsory  education  law  in  his  native 
land,  laid  a  thorough  foundation  for  the  intelli- 
gence of  his  later  years.  On  Feb.  12,  1870,  he 
sailed  for  America,  and  followed  his  father  to 
Boone  County,  111.  He  accompanied  his  parents  to 
this  county,  and  has  since  resided  where  his  father 
first  made  settlement.  In  Miss  EmmaM.  Johnson, 
a  resident  of  this  county,  he  found  all  the  qualifi- 
cations which  he  desired  in  a  wife,  and  having  won 
her  consent,  they  were  united  in  marriage,  Feb. 
12,  1880.  Mrs.  Johnson  was  a  native  of  the  same 
county  as  himself,  her  birth  having  taken  place 
March  27,  1857,  and  she  having  come  to  America 
in  the  j'ear  1869.  To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Johnson  two 
children  have  been  born,  Theodoie  and  William  R. 
They  also  reared  a  child  named  Maude  Peterson, 
who  has  since  died. 

Mr.  Johnson  belongs  to  the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  in  which 
he  holds  an  insurance  of  a  considerable  amount, 
and  to  the  Modern  Woodmen  of  America.  He  is 
an  earnest  advocate  of  the  princii)les  of  the  Demo- 
catic  party,  never  failing  to  support  them  by  his 
vote.  He  was  an  active  member  of  the  Lutheran 
Church,  and  contributes  generously  to  its  support. 
He  is  a  man  of  more  than  ordinary  intelligence,  a 
trustworthy  citizen,  and  one  who  is  interested  in 
every  movement  which  tends  to  advance  the  inter- 
ests of  his  section  of  the  growing  West.  Though 
well  occupied  in  the  management  of  his  own  affairs, 

Mr.  Johnson  has  been  willing  to  serve  his  neigh- 
bors in  local  affairs,  and  has  filled  several  offices  in 
the  township. 

A  view  of  the  beautiful  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Johnson  will  be  seen  on  another  page  in  this  book. 

{{  tor  of  the  "  St.  Joseph  of  the  Prairie " 
Catholic  Church,  on  Irish  Creek,  Cleveland 
^'Township,  was  born  in  Lockport,  N,  Y., 
Sept.  22,  1859.  His  father,  a  native  of  County 
Mayo,  Ireland,  came  to  the  United  States  when 
eighteen  3'ears  old  and  settled  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
He  was  for  many  years  a  stock-holder  in  the  Erie 
Canal.  The  mother,  Margaret  Irwin,  was  a  native 
of  the  North  of  Ireland,  and  was  brought  to  Lower 
Canada  by  her  parents  when  but  three  years  old, 
settling  in  the  city  of  Quebec.  During  the  black 
cholera  rage  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  she  went  to  that 
city,  where  she  helped  the  "Sisters"  in  their  labor 
of  caring  for  those  afflicted  by  tiiat  terrible 
scourge.  Our  subject  was  one  of  a  famih'  of  eleven 
children,  of  whom  nine  are  still  living.  The 
mother  died  in  1880,  leaving  a  large  cirijle  of  friends 
and  acquaintances  to  mourn  their  loss. 

Onr  subject  was  educated  at  St.  Bonaventure 
College,  of  Alleghany,  N.  Y.,  whei-e  he  was  gradu- 
ated June  24,  1886,  and  on  the  same  day  was  or- 
dained priest  by  Bishop  Ryan,  of  Buffalo,  for  the 
Diocese  of  Leavenworth.  He  took  charge  of  the 
congregation  at  Chetopa,  Labette  Co.,  Kan.  in 
August  of  the  same  year,  thence  to  Auo-usta, 
Butler  Co.,  Kan.,  in  August,  1887,  and  in  Novem- 
ber following  went  to  Arkansas  City,  where  he 
took  charge  of  the  congregations  of  Augusta, 
Arkansas  Citj-,  Eldorado,  Fredonia,  and  Fall 
River.  During  his  administration  the  church 
in  Arkansas  City  was  finished.  He  came  to 
this  town  in  August,  1888,  and  has  since  had 
charge  of  this  church  and  the  church  of  Frankfort. 
The  church  of  which  he  is  now  pastor  was  estab- 
lished about  thirty  years  ago  by  the  Rev.  Father 
Du  Mortie,  a  French  Jesuit  Priest,  who  said  the 
first   mass.     The   first    resident   priest  was  Father 



Fitzgerald,  who  said  mass  in  the  house  of  Edward 
Burlte,  in  the  year  1867.  The  chnrch  membership 
was  at  first  verj^  small,  but  now  numbers  eight}- 
families.  The  present  structure  is  a  fine  frame 
building,  25x85,  feet,  with  east  and  west  wings, 
each  20x30  feet.  The  entire  structure  is  in  the 
shape  of  a  cross,  and  cost  about  $3,000.  The  altar 
is  verj-  beautiful,  and  cost  over  $400.  The  church 
and  grounds,  together  with  the  parsonage,  are  val- 
ued at  $5,000.  Services  are  held  each  alternate 
Sunday,  at  this  place  and  at  Frankfort.  A  fluent 
speaker,  a  refined,  cultivated  and  intelligent  man, 
he  is  loved  and  respected  by  his  congregation.  He 
does  not  confine  his  intellectual  studies  to  the  works 
of  his  own  faith,  but  keeps  informed  upon  subjects 
relating  to  other  creeds  and  other  beliefs.  Faith- 
ful to  visit  the  sick  and  administer  to  their  wants, 
he  is  loved  and  admired  not  only  by  his  own  con- 
gregation, but  by  members  of  all  sects. 

We  call  the  attention_of  our  readers  to  a  view  of 
his  church,  found  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

ON.  FRED.  A.  STOCKS,  Representative  of 
the  48th  District  in  the  House  of  Represent- 
atives of  the  Kansas  Legislature,  is  the  only 
yy  son  of  Mr.  G.  B.  Stocks.  He  was  born  in 
Lena.  Stephenson  Co.,  111.,  March  25,  1863.  His 
education  was  begun  in  the  schools  of  Shelby 
County,  Mo.,  from  which  place  his  parents  removed 
in  1872.  to  Blue  Rapids,  when  he  was  nine  3'ears 
old.  On  coming  to  Marshall  Count\',  he  began  at- 
tending the  common  school  here,  afterward  enter- 
ing the  State  University  of  Kansas,  at  Lawrence, 
where  he  was  graduated  with  honor  in  1884,  being 
one  of  the  speakers  selected  to  speak  at  the  annual 
commencement,  standing  second  in  the  largest  class 
ever  graduated  at  the  University,  and  virtually 
leading  his  class,  as  those  standing  ahead  of  him, 
had  had  a  year's  extra  course.  In  1889  he  was 
chosen  to  deliver  the  Master's  Oration,  on  the  oc- 
casion of  his  taking  the  degree  of  M.  S.  This 
speech  made  for  Mr.  Stocks  the  reputation  of  a  cap- 
able and  brilliant  speaker.  The  subject, '"Constitu- 
tional Development,"   was  ably   handled,   and  the 

oration  was  widely  printed,  .and  attracted  much  at- 
tention and  favorable  comment.  During  bis  second 
year  Mr.  Stocks  was  editor-in-ciiief  of  the  college 
paper,  the  Kansas  Reoieiv. 

On  leaving  the  L^niversity,  he  at  once  entered  the 
Bank  of  Blue  Rapids  as  cashier  and  manager,  as 
equal  partner  with  his  father,  who  had  at  that  time 
purchased  the  banking  business  and  real  estate. 
Since  that  time  the  sole  management  of  the  affairs 
of  the  bank  has  been  entrusted  to  his  care, 
his  father  rightl}'  having  the  utmost  confidence 
in  his  ability  and  trustworthiness.  Under  his 
able  and  careful  management,  it  has  prospered, 
and  greatly  extended  its  business  connections  and 
usefulness.  The  bank  was  established  in  1871.  b}' 
Olmsted,  Freeland  &  Co..  the  firm  afterward  becom- 
ing J.  L.  Freeland,  from  whom  it  was  purchased  by 
G.  B.  Stocks  &  Son.  They  do  a  general  banking 
Dusiness,  in  all  its  branches,  and  have  correspon- 
dents in  all  the  largest  cities  of  the  country. 

April  29.  1885,  Mr.  Stocks  was  united  in  mar- 
riage at  Independence,  Kan.,  to  Miss  Sallie  A. 
Loveland,  daughter  of  Dr.  C.  D.  and  S.  A.  (Hunt) 
Loveland.  Her  father  had  been  a  practicing  phy- 
sician in  Louisville,  Ky.,  and  was  a  graduate  of  the 
Medical  College  at  Halifax,  N.  S.,  and  also  a  grad- 
uate of  Dartmouth  College,  N.  H.  He  was  a  bril- 
liant man,  and  an  able  and  successful  physician.  In 
literary  circles  he  was  well  known  as  a  writer  of 
uncommon  merit.  He  died  in  1869,  at  Havana. 
111.  His  widow  makes  her  home  with  her  daugh- 
ter and  our  subject,  in  Blue  Rapids.  Mrs.  Stocks 
was  born  in  Havana,  III.,  April  9,  1865. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stocks  are  parents  of  two  children, 
named  Fred  Loveland  and  William  Stewart.  In 
1887  Mr.  Stocks  was  elected  Mayor  of  the  city  of 
Blue  Rapids,  and  discharged  the  duties  imposed 
upon  him,  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  the  people 
who  had  chosen  him.  In  November  1888,  he  was 
elected  Representatives  of  the  48th  District  in  the 
Kansas  Legislature,  on  the  Republican  ticket.  He 
was  placed  upon  several  important  committees — 
was  on  the  Ways  and  Means  Committee,  on  the 
Committee  on  State  Affairs,  on  two  other  Commit- 
tees, and  was  appointed  Chairman  of  the  sub-Com- 
mittee of  the  Ways  and  Means,  to  investigate  the 
afi'airs  of  the  State  University,  tiie  institution  from 



which  he  was  graduated,  and  to  find  out  and  re- 
port upon  its  needs.  He  also  served  upon  the 
sub-committee  to  investigate  the  condition  of  the 
Topeka  Insane  Asylum,  and  wrote  the  report  for 
both  of  these  committees.  Altliough  the  youngest 
member  of  the  Legislature,  Mr.  Stocks  made  for 
himself  an  enviable  reputation  as  an  able  and  con- 
scientious worker  on  legislative  matters,  and  it  may 
safely  be  predicted  that  he  has  before  him  a  career 
of  honor  and  success.  He  has  very  many  friends 
in  the  community,  all  of  whom  speak  of  him  in 
terms  of  highest  praise,  as  a  gentleman  of  great 
capacity,  of  sterling  integrity'  and  of  unimpeach- 
able private  character. 

Mr.  Stocks  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  frater- 
nity, belonging  to  Blue  Rapids  Lodge  No.  169, 
and  he  is  also  a  member  of  the  Phi  Kappa  Psi  So- 

?REKELL  &  FLEMMING,  dealers  in  lumber 
and  building  material  at  St.  Bridget,  are 
numbered  among  its  leading  business  men. 
Tlie  junior  member,  Mr.  W.  A.  Flemming,  was  born 
in  Clarion  County,  Pa.,  in  1851,  and  is  the  son  of 
John  and  Mary  Ann  (Johnson)  Flemming.  The 
family  in  1855  emigrated  from  the  Keystone  State 
to  Illinois,  settling  near  the  present  site  of  Gene- 
seo,  Henry  County,  wiiere  tlie  f.-ither  purchased  a 
tract  of  land  which  he  improved  into  a  good  farm. 
He  resided  upon  it  until  the  spring  of  1878,  and 
then  retiring  from  active  labor  took  up  his  resi- 
dence in  the  town  above  mentioned.  The  son  was 
reared  on  the  farm  and  attended  the  district  school 
during  his  ^younger  years,  while  later  he  took  a 
course  of  study  at  Knox  College,  Galesburg. 
Upon  leaving  college  he  began  teaching  and  fol- 
lowed this  profession  in  Henry  County  for  three 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time  lie  returned 
to  the  farm  and  engaged  in  agriculture. 

In  the  meantime,  in  the  fall  of  1877,  JNIr.  Flem- 
ming was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Nellie  M. 
Benedict,  of  Blue  Rapids,  Kan.  Mrs.  Flemming  is 
the  daughter  of  Foster  E.  and  Jeanette  (Follett) 
Benedict,  who  were  among  the  eailiest  pioneers  of 
Henry  County,   111.,    where    their  daughter  Nellie 

M.  was  born.  The  Benedicts  were  originally  from 
Vermont.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Flemming  remained  at 
the  old  homestead  until  their  removal  to  Summer- 
field,  about  the  1st  of  March,  1889.  Soon  after- 
ward Mr.  Flemming  associated  himself  with  his 
present  partner,  who  was  also  from  Henry  County, 
HI.,  but  after  leaving  Illinois  sojourned  for  a  while 
in  Gage  County,  Neb.  There  have  been  born  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Flemming  four  children,  Frederick 
M.,  Fannie  J.,  Charles  Wilbert  and  John  F. 

Mr.  Flemming  politically  is  a  straight  Republi- 
can, and  while  a  resident  of  Henry  County,  III.,  was 
elected  to  the  office  of  County  Clerk.  He  is  a 
member  in  good  standing  of  the  Modern  Wood- 
men, in  which  he  carries  $2,000  insurance  for  the 
benefit  of  his  family.  The  firm  of  Trekell  &  Flem- 
ming carry  a  well-selected  stock  and  have  estab- 
lished a  paying  trade.  They  have  three  yards  in 
a  town  which  seven  months  ago  was  unmarked  by 
a  single  building  of  any  kind,  but  which  now  boasts 
100  buildings  and  about  500  people.  In  its  growth 
and  development  they  have  performed  no  unim- 
portant part. 

If — «^^l/3OT»« 

HILIPS  L.  WHEELER,  one  of  the  repre- 
sentative farmers  and  stock-raisers  of  Mur- 
ray Township,  owns  a  fine  body  of  land  on 
sections  2  and  3,  embracing  480  acres.  The 
most  of  this  is  under  the  plow,  and  in  a  good  state 
of  cultivation,  and  is  largely  devoted  to  stock-rais- 
ing. The  buildings  are  the  best  in  this  part  of  the 
county,  and  Mr.  Wheeler  is  regarded  as  one  of  its 
most  progressive  citizens. 

Upon  coming  to  Murray  Townshij),  in  1881,  Mr. 
Wheeler  first  secured  a  half-section  of  land,  and 
gradually  increased  his  possessions.  He  had  been 
formerly  a  residenc  of  Buchanan  Co..  Mo.,  for 
twenty  years,  making  his  home  on  the  line  between 
that  and  Platte  County,  twenty  miles  from  St.  Jo- 
seph. There  also  he  owned  land  to  the  extent  of 
350  acres,  which  he  brought  to  a  good  state  of  cul- 
tivation, in  fact,  making  it  one  of  the  finest  farms 
in  the  State.     Prior  to  this,  he  had  lived  in  the  vi- 



cinity  of  Quincy,  IlL,  for  twenty  years,  and  also 
improved  a  farm  there.  He  has  been  quite  an  ex- 
tensive traveler,  crossing  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
and  visiting  the  Pacific  Slope.  His  first  trip  to  the 
Far  West  was  made  iu  1861,  in  company  with 
others,  they  having  an  outfit  of  over  thirty  teams, 
and  following  the  Holly  way  overland  route.  They 
visited  Montgomery,  Helena  and  Walla  Walla,  and 
later  Mr.  Wheeler  worked  in  the  mines. 

During  his  sojourn  in  the  Far  West,  Mr.  Wheeler 
made  the  acquaintance  of  both  friendlj'  and  un- 
friendly Indians,  with  the  latter  of  whom  he  had 
several  skirmishes.  There  are  few  of  the  Western 
States  and  Territories  over  which  he  has  not  trav- 
eled, and  besides  mining,  he  occupied  himself  in 
freighting  and  prospecting. 

A  fair  type  of  the  genuine  New  Englander,  Mr. 
Wheeler  was  born  in  Danbury,  Conn.,  Feb.  2, 
1829.  His  father,  Alvah,  was  likewise  a  native  of 
that  State,  and  a  carpenter  by  trade.  He  subse- 
quently operated  as  a  contractor.  He  was  married 
to  Miss  Jerusha  Stevens,  who  was  likewise  born  and 
reared  in  Fairfield  Count}',  Conn.,  and  who,  like 
himself,  came  of  an  old  New  England  family.  Her 
father  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  spent  his 
entire  life  in  New  England,  dying  at  an  advanced 
age.  The  paternal  grandfather  of  our  subject  was 
a  native  of  Fairfield  County,  Conn.,  a  tannei;  and 
currier  by  trade,  and  lived  to  a  ripe  old  age. 

After  marriage  and  the  birth  of  their  first  cliild, 
the  parents  of  our  subject  removed  to  Wayne 
County,  Pa.,  and  there  two  daughters,  Elizabeth 
and  Mar}',  were  added  to  the  household  circle. 
Later,  they  changed  their  residence  to  Pough- 
keepsie,  N.  Y.,  where  the  father  fulfilled  contracts 
for  a  large  number  of  both  public  and  private 
buildings,  and  became  well  known  as  a  skilled 
workman.  In  1836  he  pushed  on  further  westward 
with  his  famil}',  landing  in  Peoria,  111.,  on  the  13th 
of  May,  that  year.  We  next  find  him  in  Knox 
County,  and  after  building  tlie  Court  House  and 
other  structures,  both  public  and  private,  he  se- 
cured a  tract  of  land  and  turned  his  attention  to 
farming.  He  finally  removed  to  Oneida,  and  lived 
retired  from  active  labor  until  his  death,  which 
occurred  in  1865,  at  the  .ige  of  seventy -four  years. 
The  widowed  mother  is  still    living  at  Oneida,  and 

is  a  very  bright  and  intelligent  old  lady,  more 
than  ordinarily  well  preserved.  She  belongs  to  the 
Universalist  Church,  of  which  her  husband  was 
also  a  member. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  eldest  of  two 
sous  and  six  daughters  born  to  his  parents,  and  ac- 
quired his  education  principally  in  Galesburg,IIl.  He 
remained  a  member  of  the  parental  household  until 
his  marriage,  in  1851,  with  Miss  Marj-  A.  Powers. 
This  lady  was  born  in  Allegany  Count}',  N.  Y., 
April  29,  1829,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Benjamin 
B.  and  May  (Powell)  Powers,  natives  of  Vermont. 
Her  father  was  a  cousin  of  the  famous  sculptor, 
Hiram  Powers,  and  Mrs.  Powers  was  a  niece  of  Ex- 
Gov.  Marsh,  of  Vermont.  Both  parents  were  born 
in  Woodstock,  that  State,  where  they  lived  until 
their  marriage.  Subsequent!}'  Mr.  Powers  followed 
his  trade  of  a  cabinet-maker,  removing  from  New 
England  to  Allegany  County,  N.  Y.  In  1834  he 
sought  the  Prairie  State,  locating  in  Atlas,  Pike 
County.  Later,  accompanied  by  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren, he  set  out  across  the  plains  to  Oregon  over- 
land with  teams.  The  mother  died  at  Cheney  Rock, 
near  Ft.  Ranney,  Neb.,  June  10,  1851,  and  was 
laid  to  rest  in  a  lonely  grave  on  the  plains.  The 
father  and  children  continued  their  journey  to 
Oregon,  and  became  the  owners  of  a  large  tract  of 
land.  Tiie  father  was  prominent  in  politics,  and  in 
due  lime  elected  a  member  of  the  Legislature.  He 
died  in  Oregon,  in  1872,  when  quite  well  advanced 
in  years.  He  likewise,  together  with  his  excellent 
wife,  was  a  Universalist  in  religious  belief. 

Mrs.  Wheeler  was  carefully  reared,  and  remained 
with  her  parents  until  her  marriage.  She  has 
proved  a  most  efficient  wife  and  helpmate,  assisting 
her  husband  in  the  accumulation  of  their  property. 
There  were  born  to  them  twelve  children,  one  of 
whom,  a  daughter,  Ellen,  became  the  wife  of  David 
Berkshire,  and  the  mother  of  a  son,  Roy.  She  died 
at  Waco,  Tex.,  where  she  occupied  the  position  of 
a  teacher  in  the  High  School.  Frank  is  engaged  as 
a  general  merchant  at  Vilas,  Colo. ;  Albert  married 
Miss  Martha  Mattox,  and  lives  in  Platte  City,  Mo.; 
H.  Emma  is  the  wife  of  Jefferson  Morris,  a  farmer 
of  Greenwood  County,  Kan.;  Clara  married  .Sam- 
uel V.  Smith,  and  lives  in  Sumner  County,  Kan. ; 
William  married   Miss    Myra  .Hayward,  and  they 



live  on  a  farm  in  Murray  Township;  Mary  J.  is 
the  wife  of  Theodore  Kauffoid,  likewise  a  farmer 
of  Murray  Township;  Alta  L.  married  George  W. 
Randall,  and  they  reside  on  a  farm  in  Murray 
Township;  Newton  L.  is  likewise  farming  in  the 
above-mentioned  township;  Edward  A.  is  an  agent 
of  tlie  Oregon  Navigation  and  Transportation  Com- 
pany, with  headquarters  at  Portland;  Frederick  B. 
remains  on  the  home  farm,  and  likewise  Willis  A. 
Mrs.  Wheeler,  together  with  her  children,  is  a 
member  in  good  standing  of  the  Christian  Church. 
Mv.  Wheeler,  politically,  is  a  stanch  Republican, 
and  belongs  to  the  Masonic  fraternity,  being  iden- 
tified with  the  Blue  Lodge,  at  Axtell,  andtlie  Chap- 
ter, at  Agency,  Mo. ;  also  of  the  Hugh  dePayne 
Commandery.  at  St.  Joseph,  that  .State. 

V  OSS  &  NYE,  editors    and  publishers  of  the 
^       Anchor  at  Axtell  have  been  located  in  that 

place  for  the  past   four  years.    James   M. 

Ross,  senior  partner  of  the  firm  is  a  native 
of  Warren  Countj',  N.  Y.  and  was  born  May  19, 
1853,  his  parents  being  Hamilton  and  Fanny  (Ken- 
yon)  Ross.  The  father  was  a  farmer  and  lumber- 
man, but  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Rebellion  he 
joined  the  Union  army,  enlisting  in  Company  E, 
118th  New  Y^ork  Infantry,  and  served  two  years, 
dying  from  disease  contracted  in  the  army  at  the 
hos|)ital  in  Virginia.  He  left  a  family  of  three 
children,  viz:  James  M.,  Mary  H.,  the  wife  of 
Frank  Shirk,  a  farmer  of  Waterville  Township, 
this  county;  and  Willard,  who  died  in  Waterville 
about  eight  years  since  at  the  age  of  twenty-one 
years.  Four  years  after  the  death  of  her  husband 
Mrs.  Ross  was  married  to  John  Atkinson,  a  farmer 
of  Essex  County,  N.  Y^.,  where  they  are  now  liv- 

James  M.  Ross  was  but  nine  years  old  at  the 
time  of  his  father's  death  and  received  but  little 
education,  most  of  this  being  self  acquired.  Upon 
the  marriage  of  his  mother  he  went  to  live  with 
his  grandfather,  A.  W.  Kenj-on  in  Essex  County, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  was  reared  to  farm  pursuits.  In 
186H,  when  James  M.,  was  a  youth  of  fifteen  years 

his  grandfather  came  to  Kansas  and  settled  on  a 
farm  in  Leavenworth  County,  where  they  resided 
one  year.  Thence  they  removed  to  this  county. 
In  1 869  young  Ross  entered  tlie  office  of  the  Wa- 
terville Telegraph,  where  he  began  learning  the 
trade  of  a  printer.  After  two  years  thus  employed 
he  repaired  to  Marysville,  where  he  worked  at  his 
trade  until  in  partnership  with  Thomas  M.  Nye,  he 
purclwised  the  office  and  the  good  will  of  the 
Axtell  Anchor,  and  since  that  time  has  been  a  resi- 
dent of  this  place. 

A  marriage  ceremony  performed  Sept.  9,  1877, 
united  James  M.  Ross  with  Miss  Nellie,  daughter  of 
J.  L.  and  Harriet  (Choate)  McCliesney.  The  par- 
ents of  Mrs.  Ross  are  residents  of  Waterville  Town- 
ship, where  Mr.  McChesney  has  a  farm.  The 
union  has  resulted  in  the  birth  of  two  children — 
Albert  and  Gertrude.  Mr.  Ross  is  a  member  of 
the  Masonic  fraternity,  belonging  to  tlie  Axtell 
lodge.  No.  234,  also  of  the  I.  O.  O.  F.,  Axtell 
lodge  No.  221,  and  of  the  A.  O.  U.  W.,  Axtell 
lodge  No.  202.  At  the  last  city  election  he  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  city  council,  and  he  is 
also  a  member  of  the  Republican  County  Central 
Committee.  He  is  industrious  and  capable  and  is 
making  his  way  in  the  world  solely  by  his  own 
efforts,  having  started  in  life  without  the  advan- 
tages of  education  and  without  financial  assistance. 
His  success  is  a  matter  of  pride  to  his  friends  as 
well  as  satisfaction  to  himself. 

Thomas  M.  Nye,  junior  partner  of  the  above- 
mentioned  firm,  was  born  March  16,  1860,  in 
Northfield,  Mass.,  and  is  the  son  of  Marshall  and 
Jane  (Ellis)  Nye,  natives  of  New  Hampshire.  Mar- 
sliall  Nye  was  a  farmer  in  Massachusetts  to  which 
State  lie  removed  after  his  marriage.  He  died  Dec. 
5,  1867  leaving  his  widow  with  a  family  of  six 
young  chiklren,  all  of  whom  are  living.  The  fam- 
ily is  of  French  extraction,  the  name  being  origi- 
nally spelled  Ney.  From  France  they  emigrated  to 
England  and  thence  to  Scotland,  whence  several  of 
the  brothers  came  to  America  about  the  middle  of 
the  eighteenth  century.  From  these  brothers  all  of 
the  Nyes  living  in  the  United  States  are  descended. 
Some  of  tlieiii,  as  shown  by  the  recoi'ds,  bought 
property  in  Massachusetts  in  1752,  which  was  in 
the  possession  of  the  family  until  a  few  years  ago. 



Artemiis  Nye,  the  paternal  grandfather  of  our 
subject,  was  a  resident  of  New  Hampshire  during 
his  earlj-  life,  but  later  purchased  a  farm  in  Massa- 
chusetts upon  which  lie  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
daj'S.  It  was  upon  this  farm  that  his  son,  Marshall, 
died,  prior  to  the  decease  of  the  grandfather.  The 
death  of  the  former  was  due  to  over  exertion  and 
he  was  cut  down  in  his  prime  on  the  5th  of  Decem- 
ber, 1867,  at  the  early  age  of  thirty-seven  years.  He 
was  a  very  industrious  man  and  one  who  was  held 
in  universal  esteem  by  his  neighbors  who  placed 
thorough  reliance  upon  his  integrity  and  trust- 
worthiness. He  was  constant!}'  called  upon  to 
assist  them  in  their  business  affairs  and  his  opinions 
were  held  in  high  respect.  His  wife,  Jane,  is  still 
living,  making  her  home  in  North  Amherst.  Some 
time  after  becoming  a  widow  she  married  Lyman 
Smith,  who  is  now  a  retired  farmer. 

The  record  of  the  children  of  Marshall  and  Jane 
Nye  is  as  follows :  John  E.  is  conducting  a  cream- 
ery at  Northfield,  Mass;  Fred  A.  met  with  an 
accident,  the  injuries  from  which  affected  his  brain, 
and  he  is  now  living  at  Northampton,  Mass.; 
Thomas  M.,  our  subject,  was  the  next  in  order  of 
birth ;  Henr}-  L.  is  a  foreman  of  the  AVhiting  Pa- 
per Mills  at  Holj'oke,  Mass.;  George  Edward  is  em- 
ployed as  a  locomotive  fireman  in  Southern  New 
Hampshire  with  headquarters  at  Baldwinville, 
N.  H.:  Lora  J.  is  the  wife  of  George  Clarke,  a 
farmer  living  near  Sunderland,  Mass. 

Thomas  M.  Nye  lived  with  his  mother  until  a 
boy  of  twelve  years  and  attended  the  common 
school.  At  the  age  of  sixteen  he  started  out  in 
the  world  on  his  own  account,  being  first  employed 
on  a  farm  near  North  Amherst,  Mass.  Later  he 
emigrated  to  New  Hampshire,  and  when  a  youtli 
of  eighteen  came  to  the  West  in  December,  1878, 
locating  in  Blairstowu,  Iowa.  There,  for  a  j-ear 
he  was  employed  on  a  large  stock  farm.  In  De- 
cember, 1879,  he  went  to  Cedar  Rapids,  Iowa,  and 
entered  the  employ  of  a  wealth}-  physician,  whose 
property  consisted  largely  of  real  estate,  which  he 
looked  after.  In  that  capacity  he  worked  for  three 
years.  In  the  meantime  he  took  a  regular  course 
in  the  Cedar  Rapids  Business  College,  studying  at 
night,  and  also  read  law  during  his  leisure  time 
and  at  night  aftrr  his  regular  work  was  dene.     At 

the  end  of  his  three  year's  service  he  went  into  the 
office  of  the  Cedar  Rapids  Insurance  Company, 
his  employer  being  the  President,  and  there  he 
spent  the  following  three  years.  In  that  office  he 
had  a  varied  experience,  filling  a  great  many  po- 
sitions and  acquiring  a  business  knowlege  of  in- 
calculable benefit.  He  staid  with  that  company 
until  the  spring  of  1885  when  the  company  having 
reinsured  all  their  risks  and  virtually  retired  from 
business,  he  was  thus  compelled  to  make  a  change, 
and  now  determined  to  go  further  Westward. 

Making  the  town  of  Marysville,  this  county,  his 
objective  point,  Mr.  Nj'e  engaged  in  the  real-estate 
business  for  a  time,  but  this  not  suiting  his  active 
temperament,  he  in  December,  1885,  in  company 
witii  Mr.  Ross  purchased  the  office  and  business  of 
the  Axtell  Anchor,  which  they  have  since  con- 
ducted ver}-  successful!}'.  Since  locating  in 
Axtell,  Mr.  Nye  has  made  man}-  friends,  and  it  is 
safe  to  say  that  he  will  be  heard  from  before  he  is 
many  years  older.  He  does  thoroughly  whatever 
he  undertakes  and  is  bound  to  succeed.  In  society 
affairs  he  is  Past  Grand  of  Axtell  Lodge,  No.  221, 
I.  O.  O.  F.  and  is  also  Recorder  of  Axtell  Lodge, 
No.  202.  A.  O.  U.  W.,  which  office  he  has  held 
since  its  institution  in  1886. 

la  1836  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  incorpor- 
ation of  the  city,  and  was  the  first  City  Clerk.  He 
has  been  secretary  of  many  of  the  business  asso- 
ciations— board  of  trade,  business  mens'  association, 
immigration  society,  etc — and  any  enterprise  that 
is  for  the  best  interest  of  the  city  or  community 
always  receives  his  hearty  support. 

He  was  married  Sept.  29,  1889  to  Miss  Olive 
Elliott,  daughter  of  John  and  Miriam  ( Lincoln) 

The  Axtell  Anchor  was  first  issued  Oct.  18.  1883 
by  the  Anchor  Publishing  Company.  The  pro- 
prietorship was  afterward  vested  in  the  name  of 
Hj-nes  &  Nash,  and  later  in  Al.  Nash,  from  whom 
it  was  purchased  by  Messrs.  Ross  &  Nye.  It  was 
originally  Democratic  in  politics,  but  the  present 
proprietors  being  Republicans,  now  reflects  their 
political  sentiments.  The  office  material  since 
coming  into  tneir  possession  has  been  largely  in- 
creased and  they  have  now  all  the  appliances,  not 
onl}' for  tile  publication   of    a  paper    in   good  style 



but  for  doing  a  first-class  job  business,  and  in  this 
line  have  attained  a  fine  reputation.  For  the  last 
two  years  this  office  has  done  the  county  printing. 
The  advertising  patronage  of  the  paper  is  the 
largest  of  any  outside  of  the  county-seat — a  result 
due  to  the  energy'  and  hard  work  of  its  proprietors. 
They  have  just  removed  into  their  own  building 
and  put  in  new  machinery.  In  fact  tlie  paper  is 
prospering  in  ever}'  wa\'  and  exercises  a  wide  in- 
fluence in  the  county. 


residents  of  Marshall  County  have  assisted 
more  materially  in  its  recent  development, 
or  have  greater  belief  in  or  firmer  conviction  of  its 
future  prosperilj'  and  high  rank  among  the  sister- 
hood of  States  than  he  of  whom  we  write.  C)f 
thrifty.  German  ancestry,  he  inherits  many  admir- 
able traits  of  character,  while  the  careful  training 
given  him  in  early  j'outh  by  his  parents  has  con- 
tributed to  his  depth  of  intellect  and  strength  of 

Tlie  paternal  ancestors  of  our  subject  were  na- 
tives of  Hanover,  Germany,  and  all  members  of  the 
Lutheran  Church,  while  the  maternal  grandparents 
were  born  and  reared  in  Bremen,  Germany,  and 
were  also  disciples  of  Martin  Luther.  In  their  own 
immediate  vicinitj'  these  worthy  people  commanded 
the  respect  of  all  who  knew  them,  and  as  they  grew 
to  advanced  years  were  venerated  by  those  who 
knew  them  best.  When  called  to  rest  they  left  a 
vacant  place  among  their  friends,  not  easily  filled. 

The  father  of  our  subject,  also  named  Frederick, 
was  a  native  of  Germany,  but  came  to  America  in 
youth,  and  worked  in  Ohio  by  the  month.  Thence 
accompanied  by  his  wife,  he  came  to  Indiana  and 
selected  as  a  home  a  spot  in  the  midst  of  a  heav}' 
green  timber.  His  wife,  the  mother  of  the  subject 
of  this  notice,  was  in  her  youth  Miss  Mary 
Brockhoff,  to  whom  Mr.  Millenbruch  had  been 
married  in  Ohio,  and  with  whom  he  made  the  long, 
wearisome  journey  to  Indiana.  Then  their  son 
Fred  was  a  small  boy,  but  he  remembers  the  forests 
surrounding   Ihein  on    all    sides,  and  encompassing 

them  in  its  shadows.  This  had  to  cleared  away  be- 
fore the  father  could  farm,  and  as  there  was  no  sale 
for  anything  so  common  as  wood  the  little  lad  used 
to  haul  with  the  oxen,  the  big  logs  togetiier  and 
burn  them  on  the  ground.  In  this  way  they  finally 
cleared  the  land  and  made  a  comfortable  little  home 
out  of  the  forest.  Our  subject  was  the  only  son 
and  consequently  had  many  additional  burdens  to 
bear,  but  was  of  incalculable  assistance  to  his  father 
and  mother,  ever  willingly  and  fheerfully  taking 
his  share  of  the  work,  and  doing  whatever  came  to 
his  notice  as  essential  to  the  farm  development. 
He  remained  under  the  home  roof  until  his  mar- 
riage, but  his  parents  continued  to  reside  where  so 
many  years  of  labor,  pleasant  and  sweet  to  be  re- 
membered, notwithstanding,  had  been  quietly 

Our  subject  was  born  in  .Jackson  County,  Ind., 
where  lie  passed  his  youth  and  early  manhood,  and 
there  married  Miss  Mar}-,  daughter  of  Fred  Clay- 
cam  p,and  a  native  of  Indiana.  He  remained  in  Indi- 
ana until  1880.  Thinking  tliat  Kansas  had  a  better 
future  before  it  than  Indiana,  and  wishing  to  be- 
come financially  more  independent  he  and  his  fam- 
ily removed  in  1880  to  Brown  County,  Kan.  Two 
years  later  they  came  to  Marshall  County  and 
bought  240  acres  of  land,  where  he  now  lives. 
Upon  this  farm  he  has  made  many  improvements, 
having  erected  a  convenient  and  comfortable  resi- 
dence, also  wind-mill,  stable  and  other  buildings 
necessar}-  to  the  farm  of  the  present  day.  His  farm 
is  worthy  of  special  mention  as  being  one  of  the 
best  in  the  entire  county  in  respect  to  fertility  of 
soil  and  ready  response  to  cultivation,  and  is  en- 
closed by  wire  and  hedge  fences,  the  latter  present- 
ing a  beautiful  appearance  in  the  summer,  when 
beautifully  trimmed  branches  and  green  foliage  are 
outlined  against  the  clear  blue  of  the  sky. 

The  wife  of  our  subject  has  been  of  great  assist- 
ance to  him  in  his  labors,  and  has  by  kindly  minis- 
trations in  times  of  sickness,  and  ready,  clieerful, 
comforting  words  in  time  of  trouble,  been  a  care- 
ful, ideal  home  maker  and  housekeeper.  .She  is  a 
member  of  the  Lutheran  Church,  the  faith  of  her 
fathers,  and  has  five  children  living,  namely:  Ma- 
tilda,George,  Alvina,  Edwin  and  So|)ha.  Two  have 
been   removed    from    the    home    circle  by  dcatii — 



Frank  and  Henry.  In  tbe  best  society  of  their  vicin- 
ity. Mr.  and  Mrs.  Millenbrucb  are  beld  in  the  high- 
est esteem  and  are  welcomed  everywhere  as  among 
those  who  have  developed  the  riches  of  the  county 
and  brought  to  the  light  of  day  her  wonderful  re- 

In  political  matters  our  subject  is  independent, 
and  ever  aims  to  assist  to  election  those  men  who  will 
best  carry  on  the  Government  of  both  local  and 
national  affairs.  Of  his  father's  famil}'  only  three 
survive,  although  there  were  seven  in  all.  Our  sub- 
ject takes  an  honest  pride  in  liis  work  in  develop- 
ing the  count}',  and  can  well  afford  to  be  likewise 
proud  of  his  farm,  his  amiable  wife  and  interesting 

,   or>o    . 

/^  HARLES  TOTTEN.  This  gentleman  ranks 
(if  among  the  early  settlers  of  Marshall  County, 
^^y  having  located  here  as  early  as  December, 
1869.  He  has  an  excellent  farm,  a.quarter  section 
of  land  in  Franklin  Township  and  also  a  fine  resi- 
dence in  Beattie. 

Mr.  Totten  was  born  in  Rock  Island  County,  111., 
Jan.  8,  1839.  He  lived  there  until  he  was  seven- 
teen years  of  age,  receiving  a  good  education  in  the 
common  schools.  He  then  accompanied  ins  parents. 
H.  M.  and  Mariam  Totten,  to  Poweshiek  County, 
Iowa,  and  assisted  in  the  farm  work  on  the  home- 
stead. When  the  war  broke  out  he  enlisted  in  the 
4th  Iowa  Cavalry,  Company  E.  He  had  not  wav- 
ered long  after  the  old  flag  had  been  fired  on,  for 
we  find  his  enlistment  dated  Oct.  1,  1861.  He 
spent  most  of  his  time  in  the  Department  of  the 
Mississippi.  After  the  usual  scouting  and  also  after 
the  battle  of  Pea  Ridge,  he  joined  Price  and  went 
to  Helena,  Ark.,  and  from  there  with  the  force  to 
Milliken's  Bend  on  tlie  Mississippi,  and  joined 
Grant's  Army,  crossing  at  Grand  Gulf  and  taking 
the  advance  of  the  army  about  the  15th  of  May. 
He  went  with  Sherman's  corps  to  Jackson,  and  on 
May  17lh  went  to  the  rear  of  Vieksburg  and  on 
the  18th  formed  their  line  and  remained  with  his 
regiment  during  the  entire  siege. 

After  tlie  famous  siege  of  Vieksburg,  lie  accom- 
panied  his   regiment  to   Grenada.  Miss.,  and   then 

returned  to  Vieksburg.  He  also  participated  in 
Sherman's  raid  on  Meridan.  He  had  just  previ- 
ously to  this  re-enlisted,  and  did  not  go  home  on 
the  usual  furlough  until  after  returning  from  this 
raid.  Returning  from  his  furlough  he  joined  his 
comrades  at  Memphis,  Tenn.,  under  Washburn.  He 
was  with  the  Guntown  expedition,  where  our  troops 
were  on  the  losing  side.  He  was  also  in  the  battle 
of  Tupelo,  Miss.,  and  then  did  scouting  duty  until 
September  2d,  1864,  when  they  joined  A.  J.  Smith, 
at  Brownsville,  Ark.,  on  his  raid  after  Price,  who 
was  making  his  last  raid  in  Missouri.  The  division 
in  wliicli  our  subject  was  shipped  from  Cape  Girard- 
eau, Mo.,  to  St.  Louis  and  finally  overhauled  Price 
at  Independence,  where  a  hard  battle  was  fought 
Oct.  23,  1864. 

Our  subject  was  wounded  in  tlfe  right  arm  and 
shoulder  at  the  battle  of  Osage,  N.  C,  Oct.  25, 
1864.  He  was  sent  to  the  field  hospital  at  Mound 
City,  Kan.,  from  which  place  after  six  weeks  he 
was  sent  to  Leavenworth.  He  was  quite  severol}- 
wounded,  the  injury  being  inflicted  bj-  a  cartridge, 
a  ball,  and  three  buckshot.  After  three  weeks  he 
was  given  a  furlough  and  came  home.  He  now 
suffers  from  this  injury,  the  fore  arm  being  paral- 
yzed, having  had  the  ulna  nerve  destroyed.  As 
soon  as  he  was  able  he  rejoined  the  command  and 
endeavored  to  get  bis  discharge,  but  failing,  was 
sent  to  Jo  Holt  Hospital,  at  Jefifersonville,  Ind., 
and  transferred  to  Keokuk.  Iowa,  in  April,  1865. 
Here  he  was  retained  until  June  1 ,  when  he  was 
honorabl}'  discharged  on  account  of  disability. 

After  Mr.  Totten's  discharge  he  returned  to  bis 
home  where  he  remained  until  1869,  when  be  came 
to  Kansas  and  took  up  a  quarter  of  section  2,  town- 
ship 2,  range  8  east,  (Franklin  Township),  all  raw 
laud  at  that  time.  Our  subject  made  the  usual  im- 
provements and  lived  there  until  the  spring  of 
1883.  He  left  his  farm  in  that  year  on  account  of 
a  severe  accident.  He  was  having  a  well  dug  and 
reached  the  depth  of  sixty-five  feet.  The  well  bad 
a  rock  bottom  and  he  had  started  down  to  put  in  a 
blast  to  show  his  men  how  tliis  might  be  done,  w  lien 
lie  fell  the  entire  distance,  dropping  on  his  feet  and 
breaking  both  bones  in  his  left  ankle,  and  one  bone 
in  ills  right,  dislocating  his  shoulder,  and  also  badly 
injuring  his  hips.     Shortly  after  this  lie  came  to 



the  village  of  Bealtie,  find  for  three  years  engaged 
in  the  furniture,  undertaking  and  shelf  hardware 
business.  He  then  retired  from  active  labor,  and 
is  enjo3nng  the  fruits  of  his  life  of  toil. 

Oar  subject  has  been  Justice  of  the  Peace  in 
Fianklin  Township,  and  also  Trustee,  and  a  member 
of  the  School  Board.  He  is  a  Mason,  an  Odd 
Fellow,  a  member  of  the  G.  A.  R.  and  of  the  A.  O. 
V.  W.  He  is  one  of  the  representative  men  of 
Beattie,  honored  and  respected  by  all  who  know 

Our  subject  married  Miss  Elizabeth  S.  Ingraham, 
of  Green  Lake  County,  Wis.,  Sept.  13.  1873.  To 
them  have  been  born  two  children:  Eugene  I.  and 
Guy  G.  Both  are  at  home  and  are  enjo3'ing  ex- 
cellent educational  advantages.  Mrs.  Totten  was 
born  in  New  York  Dec.  28,  1845,  and  is  the  daugh- 
ter of  James  and  Eliza  J.  (McCuUey)  Ingraham. 
When  a  child  three  years  old  she  came  to  Illinois 
with  her  mother,  the  father  having  been  drowned 
when  she  was  onlj'  a  few  months  old.  Three  j-ears 
later  a  move  was  made  to  Wisconsin,  where  she 
lived  until  her  marriage  with  our  subject.  Her 
mother,  now  Mrs.  Johnson,  still  lives  in  that  State. 

^p^APT.  WILLIAM  RANDALL,  a  general 
[if  ^-^  farmer  and  stock-raiser,  lives  on  section  27, 
^^^'  Murray  Township,  where  he,  in  1880,  pur- 
chased 160  acres  of  land.  He  was  born  in  Jeffer- 
son County,  N.  Y.,  March  8,  1828,  and  is  the  son 
of  L}-man  and  Susan  (Harris)  Randall,  who  were 
likewise  born  there  and  settled  in  Lorrain  Town- 
ship. The  paternal  grandfather  was  Hubbard 
Randall  who  carried  on  farming  and  died  in  the 
Empire  State  when  very  aged.  The  parents  of 
our  subject  were  natives  of  New  York  and  Ver- 
mont, respectively.  They  lived  in  New  York  State 
until  after  the  birth  of  their  five  children,  then 
removed  to  Cleveland,  Ohio,  of  which  they  were 
residents  about  twelve  years.  The  father  died  about 
1840,  when  middle  aged.  The  mother  was  subse- 
quently married,  and  died  in  Polk  County  Mo.,  at 
the  age  of  sixty  years. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  the  thir<l  child  in 
a  family  of  four  sons  and   one  daughter,  and  was 

very  young  when  the  family  removed  to  Ohio.  He 
was  only  about  twelve  years  old  at  the  time  of  his 
father's  death.  He  afterward  lived  with  his  mother 
and  stepfather  in  Missouri,  until  reaching  his  ma- 
jority. He  was  married  in  Buchanan  County,  that 
State,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Gates  who  was  born  in 
Missouri,  and  was  the  daughter  of  Pleasant  and  Har- 
riet (McCurry)  Gates,  who  were  natives  of  Ten- 
nessee, whence  they  removed  to  Missouri  when 
approaching  mature  years;  were  married  in  the  lat- 
ter State  and  lived  there  on  a  farm  until  after  the 
death  of  Mr.  Gates,  which  occurred  in  Buchanan 
County.  He  was  about  sixty-eight  3'ears  old.  Mrs. 
Gates  later  came  to  Kansas,  and  died  at  the  home 
of  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Randall,  in  this  county,  when 
about  sixty-five  years  old  ;  she  belonged  to  the  Pres- 
byterian Church. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Randall  after  their  marriage  lived 
in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  until  their  removal  to 
this  county.  Our  subject  was  Captain  of  Com- 
pany L,  in  the  Home  Guards  of  the  State,  25th 
Missouri  Infantry,  holding  his  commission  during 
the  late  war.  Of  the  ten  children  born  to  him  and 
his  estimable  wife,  onlj'  six  are  living.  Nancy  is 
the  wife  of  Hiram  Boone,  and  they  live  on  a  farm 
in  Buchanan  County,  Mo.;  Cladie  became  the  wife 
of  Samuel  Beattie.  and  they  live  on  a  farm  in  No- 
ble Township,  this  county;  Anna  is  the  wife  of 
Dennie  Ryan,  Jr.,  a  farmer  of  St.  Bridget  Town- 
ship; William  married  Miss  Mary  Richie,  and  ope- 
rates a  farm  in  Murray  Township;  George  married 
Miss  Alva  Wheeler,  and  is  farming  in  this  county; 
Charles  remains  at  home  with  his  parents.  Mrs. 
Randall  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church,  and  the 
Captain,  politically,  is  a  Union  Labor  man. 

^OHN  DEGNAN,of  Marysville,  conducts  Ihe 
largest  and  best  livery  barn  in  that  cit3'. 
He  was  born  in  LaSalle  County,  111.,  Nov. 
(^J  i  25,  1855,  his  parents  being  Michael  and 
Catherine  (Higgins)  Degnan,  both  of  whom  are 
still  living  in  that  county,  where  the  father  is  en- 
gaged in  farming.  They  are  natives  of  Ireland, 
Mr.  Degnan  having  been  born  in  County  Roscom- 
mon, and  his  wife  in  County  Donegal.  Mr,  Degnan 



emigrated  to  America  many  j'ears  ago,  coming  di- 
rectly to  Illinois,  where  he  worked  at  whatever  lie 
found  to  do  until  by  industry  and  thrift  he  had 
accumulated  sufficient  means  to  purchase  a  farm, 
on  which  he  has  since  passed  his  days.  He  was 
married  in  this  countr3',  his  wife  having  come  to 
America  with  her  parents.  The  family  consisted  of 
the  following  children:  Frank,  the  eldest,  is  married, 
and  is  a  farmer  in  Illinois;  our  subject  was  the  next 
in  order  of  birth;  then  Kate,  who  is  unmarried,  and 
is  living  with  her  parents;  Mary  is  the  wife  of  Mi- 
chael Nolan,  and  living  in  Gage  Count}^,  Neb.; 
Ellen  is  unmarried,  and  is  living  with  her  parents; 
James  is  married,  and  is  farming  in  Illinois;  Susan, 
Margaret  and  Celia  are  living  at  home. 

John  Degnan  was  brought  up  on  a  farm  in  Hli- 
nois,  living  with  his  parents  until  he  was  of  age.  In 
1883  he  emigrated  to  Kansas,  settling  in  Marys- 
ville,  which  has  since  been  his  home.  He  at  once 
engaged  in  his  present  business  of  dealing  in  live 
stock,  buying  and  selling  largely  of  horses,  cattle 
and  hogs.  In  the  fall  of  1884  he  established  a 
liverj',  which  has  grown  to  be  one  of  the  best  in 
this  part  of  the  country.  He  has  a  large  and  finely 
equipped  barn,  keeping  a  fine  stock  of  horses,  and 
carriages  of  all  kinds.  Besides  this  he  keeps  for 
stock  purposes  a  splendid  lot  of  imported  registered 
Norman  horses,  which  are  among  the  best  in  the 
State,  as  well  as  an  imported  jack. 

November  14,  1888,  Mr.  Degnan  was  united  in 
marriage  with  Miss  Minnie  Barlow,  daughter  of 
Michael  Barlow,  an  early  settler  of  this  county,  of 
whom  a  full  sketch  is  appended.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Degnan  are  members  of  the  Catholic  Church. 
Among  the  younger  business  men  of  Marysville, 
Mr.  Degnan  stands  in  the  front  rank  for  integrity 
and  fair  dealings. 

ICHAEL  BARLOW,  merchant  of  Marys- 
ville, is  one  of  the  best  known  residents  of 
Marshall  County,  having  settled  here  in 
186;i.  He  was  born  in  County  Roscom- 
mon, Ireland.  Aug.  16,  1843,  his  parents  being 
I'atrick  and  Ann  ((Jallooly)  Barlow,  lioth  of  whom 

died  in  the  old  country.     They  left  five  children, 
three  of  whom  emigrated  to  America.     One   son, 
Hubert,  is  now  living  in  his  native  count}'.    Those 
who  came  to  America  are:  Kate,  now  wife  of  Luke 
Brennan,  living    in    Cleveland,  Ohio;    Maria,  who 
I   died  in  Connecticut,  and  our  subject.     The  latter 
was  seven  years  old  when  he  came  to  America  with 
his  sister  Maria.     For  a  couple  of  years  he  worked 
as  a  boy  on  a  farm,  then  accompanied  his  sister  to 
Cleveland,  which  was  his  home  until  1857.    In  that 
\-ear   he  started  with  an  outfit  to  Pike's  Peak,  but 
on    reaching   St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  he   stopped    there, 
where    he    remained    working  at  a  hotel    until  the 
outbreak    of   the  Rebellion.     He  then  enlisted  in 
Company  F,  33d  Missouri   Infantry,  on   June   15, 
1862,  for  a  term  of  three  years,  or  during  the  war. 
He  saw  service  in  Missouri  for  four  or  five  months, 
and  afterward  in  Kentucky  and  Arkansas.     On  the 
4  th    of   July,  1863,  Gen.  Price    tried    to    capture 
Helena,  where  the  33d  was  in  charge  of  the  fortifi- 
cations, but  was  beaten  off.     The  regiment  next 
went  to  Yicksburg,  then  to  Jackson,  Miss.,  where 
they  were    detached  with  others  in  order  to  join 
Gen.  Banks  in  the  Red  River  campaign.  After  this 
the}'  came  back  to  Memphis  in  the  summer  of  1864. 
The    next   active    service    of  the  33d  was  after 
Forrest  to  Tupelo,  Miss.,  where  they  aided  in  the 
defeat  of  that  rebel  general.     Again  returning  to 
Memphis  they  made  a  part  of  the  force  that  chased 
Price  through  Missouri.     They  were  next  ordered 
to  Nashville,  where  they  took  part  in  the  siege  and 
defense  of  that  city.     After  that  they  were  part  of 
the  force  sent  in  pursuit  of  Hood,  but  on  reaching 
the  Columbia  River,  the}'  were  taken  on  transports 
to  Mobile  and  participated  in  the  capture  of  Span- 
ish Fort.     Their  next  move  was  up  the  Tombigby 
River  to  Salem,  Ala,  but  the  war  being  by  this  time 
ended  they  were  ordered  to  Benton  Barracks,  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  where  they  were  mustered  out.     With 
the  exception  of  one  month  spent  in   the   hospital 
Mr.  Barlow  was  all  this  time  on  continuous  duty. 

After  the  war  he  engaged  in  business,  of  various 
kinds  in  St.  Louis,  Omaha  and  Lincoln.  He  came 
to  Marysville  in  1869,  and  here  embarked  in  the 
saloon  business,  but  on  the  passage  of  the  Prohibi- 
tion law  went  into  the  general  mercantile  trade, 
which  he  has  since  carried  on   successfully.     Since 



1879  he  has  been  located  in  his  own  brick  building 
on  the  corner  of  Broadway  and  Eighth  streets. 

Mr.  Barlow  was  married,  in  1869,  to  Miss  Ma- 
tilda Wright,  a  daiigliter  of  John  and  Margaret 
Wright,  of  Washington,  Pa.,  in  which  place  Mrs. 
Barlow  was  born  and  wliere  her  mother  yet  lives, 
her  father  being  deceased.  One  child  was  the  result 
of  this  union,  a  daughter,  Minnie,  wife  of  John 
Degnan,  as  mentioned  above.  Mr.  Barlow  is  a  Re- 
publican, but  has  never  taken  an  active  part  in 
politics,  although  he  has  been  a  member  of  the 
City  Council  of  Marysville  for  several  years.  lie 
takes  a  warm  interest  in  social  matters,  and  is  a 
member  of  Lyon  Post,  No.  9,  G.  A.  R.  He  is  also 
affiliated  with  the  Masonic  fraternity,  belonging  to 
Marysville  Lodge  No.  91,  A.  F.  &  A.  M.,  and  to 
Marysville  Chapter,  No.  9,  R.  A.  M.  He  was  for- 
merly a  member  of  the  1.  O.  O.  F.,  but  resigned 
from  that  order.  An  old  resident  of  the  county, 
Mr.  Barlow  is  well  known  and  has  many  friends  in 
the  community. 

-»»»• .o4o..(©JA><\^..o^o.. -V— 

*Sp!)  DMUND  B.  TARVIN.  The  subject  of  this 
||U]  sketch,  who  is  now  a  resident  of  Franklin 
J* — ^  Township,  was  born  in  Campbell  County, 
Ky.,  Sept.  8, 1847,  and  is  the  youngest  son  of  G.  W. 
Tarvin,  of  Marj-sville,  whose  family  consisted  of 
ten  children.  He  was  reared  at  his  father's  home- 
stead in  his  native  county,  residing  there  until  ap- 
proaching the  twenty-fourth  year  of  his  age,  and 
becoming  familiar  with  farm  pui-suits.  In  Novem- 
ber, 1870,  he  emigrated  to  this  county,  and  entered 
the  employ  of  Robert  Lening,  in  Marysville  Town- 
ship, with  whom  he  remained  that  winter.  On 
March  18,  1871,  he  rented  a  farm  on  Horseshoe 
Creek,  where  he  lived  until  the  following  autumn, 
and  then  removed  to  Elm  Creek  Townshij). 

Mr.  Tarvin  now  rented  land  on  shares  until  1873, 
and  then  returned  to  the  place  where  he  was  first 
employed,  and  rented  that  farm  for  one  year.  In 
the  spring  of  1874,  he  came  to  Franklin  Township, 
and  purchased  fort3'-seven  acres  on  section  17, 
where  he  has  since  resided.  He  has  fair  improve- 
ments on  his  place,  and  lives  comfortably.    He  was 

married  in  Campbell  County,  Ky.^  April  17,  1870, 
to  Miss  Nancy  Ann  Reed,  who  was  born  in  Cov- 
ington, that  State,  July  12,  1848.  This  union  re- 
sulted in  the  birth  of  six  children,  the  eldest  of 
whom,  Alice  M.,  died  when  two  years  old.  The 
survivors  are:  Flora  A.,  Adeline,  Bessie  I.,  Sadie  E., 
and  Lyda  A.  Flora  is  the  wife  of  Oscar  Dalrym- 
ple.  Politically,  Mr.  Tarvin  votes  the  Republican 
ticket.  His  family  history  may  be  found  in  this 
sketch  of  his  father,  G.  W.  Tarvin  on  another  page 
in  this  volume. 

j  OHN  LIFE,  one  of  the  oldest  settlers  in  the 
I  southwest  part  of  Guittard  Township,  is 
]  located  on  section  31 ,  where  he  owns  eighty 
i^^//'  acres  of  land.  He  arrived  here  Oct.  17, 
1859,  settling  on  the  Vermillion,  where  he  has  since 
lived.  Then  there  were  but  a  few  settlers  along 
the  Ijottom,  and  none  on  the  upland.  Mr.  Life 
purchased  a  claim,  which  he  improved,  and  brought 
the  soil  to  a  productive  condition.  He  was  here 
in  time  to  assist  in  organizing  the  Township  and 
School  District  No.  10,  being  one  of  the  first  offi- 
cers of  the  Board,  and  has  been  a  member  of  such 
for  twenty-two  years.  He  also  has  served  as  a 
Justice  of  the  Peace,  receiving  his  appointment 
while  Kansas  was  a  Territory,  after  the  Missouri 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  in  what  is 
now  AVest  Virginia,  Feb.  10,  1827,  and  lived  there 
with  his  parents  until  a  lad  of  ten  years.  He  then 
accompanied  them  to  Randolph  County,  Ind., 
where  he  was  reared  to  man's  estate.  He  was  mar- 
ried, Aug.  8,  1847,  to  Miss  Susanna  Holsopple, 
and  they  became  the  parents  of  two  children — 
Elizabeth  and  Mary  Jane.  The  elder  is  the  wife 
Charles  M.  Devoe,  of  Wyoming.  Mary  became  the 
wife  of  Frederick  Millet,  of  Omaha,  Neb.  Mrs. 
Susanna  Life  accompanied  her  family  to  Kansas, 
and  died  April  1,  1868. 

On  the  16th  of  December,  1869,  Mr.  Life  con- 
tracted a  second  marriage  with  Mrs.  Mary  L.  (Kin- 
ser)  Borren,  and  this  union  resulted  in  the  birth  of 
eight   children,    five    of    whom   are   living,    viz.; 



Rhoda,  Lucy,  Peny,  Maurle  and  Martha.  Mrs. 
Marj-  L.  Life  was  born  in  Tennessee,  Nov.  2,  1842, 
and  when  ten  years  old  removed  with  her  parents 
to  Illinois.  Upon  reaching  womanhood  she  was 
married,  and  became  the  mother  of  one  child,  a 
daughter,  Ann  Elizabeth.  Her  father's  name  was 
Adam  Kinser. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  .John  Life,  a  na- 
tive of  West  Virginia,  where  he  grew  to  man's  es- 
tate, and  married  Julia  A.  Baumgartner,  a  native 
of  Germany.  They  removed  to  Indiana,  where 
they  spent  their  last  days. 

•XVW  •'\«iZJZa'©^S* 


UALLACE  B.  &  MARION  HAWK,  drug- 
gists  of  Beattie,  were  born  in  Nodawa3' 
W^J  County,  Mo..  Dec.  18,  1857.  They  were 
educated  in  Missouri,  worked  with  their  fatiier  on 
the  farm,  and  also  were  in  the  mercantile  business 
with  him  until  he  came  to  Beattie  and  established 
a  drug  store  in  1880.  The  brothers  came  here  soon 
after,  and  have  remained  here  continuously,  and 
now  have  a  fine  stock  of  goods  and  a  good  trade. 
They  are  among  the  representative  men  of  the 
town,  highly  spoken  of  as  honorable  and  honest 
business  men. 

W.  B.  Hawk  married  Miss  Mina  Sheldon,  Sept. 
22,  1885.  Miss  Sheldon  was  born  in  Seneca,  this 
State,  and  is  the  daughter  of  Dr.  J.  J.  Sheldon, 
who  for  many  years  preached  in  Seneca  and  in 
this  place.  She  is  the  mother  of  one  child,  a  daugh- 
ter. Ruby.  Marion  Hawk  is  still  unmarried.  Messrs. 
Hawk  are  members  of  the  Masonic  fraternity. 

ORA  C.  ALLEN.  The  Empire  State  sent  its 
full  quota  of  sturdy  men  to  swell  the  pio- 
neer settlements  in  the  early  days  of  our 
countr3''s  history.  Scarcely  a  town  dots  the  West- 
ern plains  without  it  contains,  in  its  long  list  of 
early  sufferers  from  the  privations  and  hardships 
natural  to  a  new  country,  some  of  the  names  of  the 
sous  of  that  giand  old   Stute  wliich  is  always  fore- 

most where  duty  calls  to  the  front,  and,  therefore, 
we  are  not  surjn'ised  that  among  those  who  came 
to  Marysville  in  its  early  days  should  be  included 
a  few  of  the  sons  of  New  York. 

Prominent  among  these  is  the  subject  of  this 
sketch,  Ora  C.  Allen,  who  claims  Poolville,  Madi- 
son Co.,  N.  Y.,  as  his  birthplace.  Born  there  Oct. 
2,  1818,  the  first  four  years  of  his  life  were  passed 
within  its  limits.  Wlien  he  had  reached  that  age, 
his  father  sought  a  home  in  Tioga  County,  Pa., 
and  there  the  family  remained  until  1837,  when 
they  came  to  Mentor,  Ohio.  Here,  in  the  town 
sacred  to  the  name  of  Garfield,  Mr.  Allen  lived 
until  he  had  reached  his  twentieth  year.  It  may 
be  well  to  state  that  Mr.  Allen  enjoyed  a  near  ac- 
quaintanceship with  the  lamented  President  and 
his  famil}'. 

In  1839,  Mr.  Allen  became  imbued  with  an  ad- 
venturons  spirit,  and  decided  to  visit  Illinois.  For 
the  next  two  years  he  had  no  permanent  home, 
part  of  his  time  being  passed  in  Peru  and  part  in 
St.  Louis.  In  June,  1845,  he  married  Miss  Joan 
Osborne,  and  made  his  home  in  Knox  County, 
where  he  engaged  in  blacksmithing  and  wagon- 
making.  The  3'ears  were  uneventful  until  the  de- 
sire came  to  push  on  farther  AVest,  and  in  May, 
1864,  he  reached  Kansas,  locating  at  Barrett,  this 
count}',  where  he  purchased  an  improved  farm  and 
entered  the  mercantile  field.  For  ten  years  he  re- 
mained on  the  farm  in  Clear  Fork  Township,  and 
finally,  in  September,  1885,  came  to  Marysville  to 
be  near  his  children,  of  whom  six  are  living,  one 
having  died.  Following  are  their  names:  Sarah 
A.  Massey,  of  Center  Township;  Mary  E.,  Mrs. 
W.  H.Smith;  J.  C,  a  resident  of  Seneca;  Kate, 
Mrs.  George  T.  Smith;  Frank,  a  clerk  in  a  groeerj'; 
and  J.  R.,  of  Concordia. 

Mrs.  Allen,  nee  Joan  Osborne,  was  born  iu  San- 
gamon County,  111.,  near  Springfield,  Sept.  19, 
1819.  She  is  a  daughter  of  Stephen  Osborne,  one 
of  the  oldest  settlers  in  Illinois,  and  also  a  sister 
of  the  Osbornes,  who  live  in  the  southern  part  of 
this  county.  Mr.  Allen  has  held  several  important 
positions,  political  and  otherwise,  during  his  resi- 
dence in  Kansas  and  Illinois.  For  eight  j-ears  he 
was  County  Commissioner,  tilling  this  position 
with  rare  acceptance   to  the    people,     He  has  also 

5t.Joseph"s  Church  and  Pastoral  Residence,  Sec. 21, ClevelandTownshi  p. 

Residence  OF  Charles  J.  Johnson, 5ec.10. Cottage  Hill  Township. 



been  Land  Agent  for  the  Central  Branch  Railroad, 
appraising  the  lands  and  furnishing  the  typographi- 
cal description  of  them,  and  selling  thousands  of 
acres  for  this  railroad. 

When  Mr.  Allen  first  came  to  this  county,  the 
valle3's  contained  but  a  few  settlers,  and  the  up- 
lands were  left  to  their  pristine  solitude,  as  they 
were  considered  unsafe  to  dwell  upon.  He  assures 
us  there  is  at  this  day  probabl}'  more  than  double 
the  number  of  acres  of  timber  than  at  that  time; 
much  of  its  present  growth  is  a  natural  one,  as  the 
annual  fires  have  gradually  diminished  with  the 
settlement  of  the  State.  While  a  resident  of  Illi- 
nois, Mr.  Allen  was  quite  a  prominent  man,  hold- 
ing the  oflices  of  Commissioner,  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  and  also  that  of  County  Clerk  for  Mercer 

■ -l^^m- 

'OIIN  ARMSTRONG  is  a  native  of  Logan 
Parish,  County  Longford,  Ireland.    Hispar- 

I  ents,  William  and  Eliza  (Blessington)  Arm- 
(^^//  strong,  together  with  their  ancestors,  had 
been  born  and  reared  in  the  same  county,  and  there 
they  died.  All  were  reared  in  the  Catholic  faith. 
Our  subject  was  about  nineteen  years  of  age  when 
he  left  his  native  country  for  the  L^nited  States. 
lie  landed  at  New  York,  where  he  remained  about 
two  years,  and  thence  removed  to  DeKalb  County, 
111.,  where  he  worked  upon  a  railroad  about  six 
years.  Thence  he  went  to  Chicago,  where  he  was 
employed  in  a  foundry  about  six  ^^ears.  He  then, 
in  November,  1870,  came  to  Kansas,  and  home- 
steaded  fort^f  acres  of  the  farm,  which  he  now  pos- 
sesses. His  first  dwelling  was  a  dug-out,  in  which 
the  family  lived  for  several  3'ears,  our  subject  work- 
ing as  best  he  could  for  money  to  support  them. 
As  soon  as  he  was  able  to  obtain  necessary  material, 
and  take  time  for  the  labor,  he  with  his  own  hands, 
erected  a  nice  stone  house.  He  has  since  bought 
eightj^  acres,  and  now  his  farm  of  120  acres  is  un- 
der good  cultivation  with  a  fine  orchard  of  about 
"200  trees,  and  such  other  improvements  as  are 
usually  made  b}^  an  enterprising  agriculturist. 

Mr.  Armstrong  was  married  in  Chicago,  111.,  to 
Mary,  daughter  of  Mike  and  Mary  (Farrell)   Cori- 

gan,  a  native  of  the  same  county  as  himself.  To 
them  were  born  the  following  children:  Mary  A., 
now  Mrs.  Frank  Bell;  Ellen,  now  Mrs.  Thomas  Far- 
rell. living  in  Washington  County,  Kan.;  William 
(deceased);  Kate,  now  Mrs.  Jacob  Reiter,  (see 
sketch);  John  William.  Benjamin.  Andrew,  and 

Mrs.  Armstrong  was  reared  in  the  Catholic 
Church  of  the  parish  of  Foreigny  Chapel,  of  which 
her  parents  and  ancestors,  as  far  as  known,  were 
members.  She  with  her  husband  and  family  fol- 
lowed in  the  faith  of  their  fathers. 

—5 ^-# i- 

ETER  SCHUMACHER,  of  Logan  Town- 
ship, was  born  in  Lutzenburg,  Germany, 
in  September,  1846,  and  lived  there  until 
fifteen  years  old.  He  attended  the  schools 
of  his  native  Province,  and  at  the  age  mentioned 
went  to  Paris,  France,  where  he  worked  at  finishing 
leather  and  remained  about  seven  years.  Then 
returning  home  he  staid  there  about  three  months 
and  in  the  spring  of  1855  set  out  for  America, 
landing  in  New  York  City  after  sixty-four  daj^s, 
on  the  25th  of  Maj^  He  was  accompanied  by  his 
bride  of  a  month,  he  having  been  married  in  his 
native  place  to  Susan,  daughter  of  Michel  and 
Mary  (Reece)  Cuppes.  Her  parents  were  natives  of 
Luxemburg,  where  they  reared  their  family  of 
eight  children  and  died  in  the  faith  of  the  Catholic 

The  parents  of  our  subject  were  Mathew  and 
Kate  (Herber)  Schumacher,  also  a  native  of  Lux- 
emburg and  members  of  the  Catholic  Church,  to 
which  their  ancestors  had  belonged  as  far  back  as 
the  records  go.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Schumacher  soon 
after  their  arrival  in  America  made  their  way  to 
Wisconsin  and  located  on  a  farm,  where  they  lived 
five  years  and  then  removed  to  Northern  Michigan, 
where  Mr.  Schumacher  was  emploj'ed  in  the  copper 
mines  about  eight  years.  Thence  he  came  to  Kan- 
sas in  the  fall  of  1865. 

He  first  located  on  section  12,  Logan  Township, 
where  his  son  Peter  now  lives  and  owns  160  acres. 
Later,he  removed  to  section  1 3, where  he  has  effected 



good  improvements,  putting  up  a  house  and  barn 
and  other  buildings,  and  is  the  owner  of  240  acres. 
He  lias  a  large  variety  of  fruit,  including  an  acre  of 
grapes  of  excellent  varieties,  and  an  apple  orchard 
which  yields  bountifully.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Schu- 
macher are  members  of  the  Catholic  Church  at 
Marysville,  and  the  parents  of  six  children.  Mag- 
gie became  the  wife  of  Nicholas  MoUinger  and  the 
mother  of  two  children — Katie  and  Mathew ;  she 
died  Aug.  3,  1885.  aged  thirty  years.  Katie  mar- 
ried Charles  Huver:  Peter  J.  is  written  of  elsewhere 
in  this  ALBU5I.  The  others  are  Mathew,  Susan 
and  Stephen. 

Mr.  Schumacher  lauded  in  America  without  any 
money  and  commenced  working  by  the  month, 
being  thus  occupied  in  Wisconsin  and  Michigan 
and  after  coming  to  this  county.  He  saved  what 
he  could  of  his  earnings  and  thus  obtained  his 
start  in  life.  He  constructed  the  tunnel  under  the 
Marysville  mill  now  owned  by  Perry  Hutchinson 
which  job  assisted  him  greatly.  Indians  yet  lin- 
gered in  this  region  and  he  was  obliged  to  leave 
his  wife  and  little  children  at  home  in  the  cabin 
trembling  with  fear  at  times.  Had  it  not  been  for 
the  kindness  of  Mr.  Hutchinson  our  subject  and 
many  others  would  have  been  obliged  to  leave  the 
country  or  starve. 

The  Bi'st  harness  owned  by  Mr.  Schumacher  was 
made  from  leather  taken  from  old  boot  legs  and 
used  for  light  work.  As  soon  as  the  boys  were 
large  enough  they  commenced  breaking  prairie 
with  the  oxen.  The  father  would  put  the  yoke  on 
the  oxen  Monday  morning  and  it  would  be  left 
there  until  he  came  home  Saturday  night,  the  boys 
not  being  able  to  take  it  off.  As  years  passed  by 
things  in  general  became  better  for  both  man  and 

iillOMAS  D.  SATTEKFIELD,  Deputy 
County  Surveyor  of  Marshall  County,  is 
recognized  as  one  of  the  old  residents  of 
of  the  Sunflower  State,  in  which  he  took  up  his 
residence  in  the  year  1875.  He  was  born  in  Adams 
County,  Ohio,  on  the  8th  of  October,  1835,  and 
there  spent  his  youthful  days,  obtaining  a  more 

than  ordinarily  good  education.  He  completed  his 
studies  in  South  Salem  Academy,  after  which  he 
taught  in  his  own  and  adjoining  counties  until 
coming  to  the  farther  West.  Prior  to  this  he  had 
been  elected  Surveyor  of  Pike  County,  Ohio,  hold- 
ing the  office  three  j^ears,  and  for  a  period  of  twenty- 
one  years  he  was  engaged  almost  continuousl3'  as  a 
teacher,  with  which  he  combined  surveying,  and 
was  also  owner  of  a  farm  in  Highland  County, 

On  Feb.  8,  1806,  our  subject  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Alice  J.  Renoe.  They  settled  on  a 
farm  in  Highland  County,  where  they  lived  until 
she  died,  he  coming  to  this  State.  Their  union  has 
been  blest  bj'  the  birth  of  four  children,  the  eldest 
of  whom,  a  daughter,  Ella  May,  is  the  wife  of 
William  Smith,  of  Highland  County,  Ohio,  and 
the  mother  of  one  son.  Daisy  Florence  married 
William  McMoran,  of  Home  City,  Kan.,  and  is  the 
mother  of  a  son,  Hugh;  Mr.  McMoran  is  engaged 
as  a  lumberman.  Winnie  Burton  and  Alta  Blanche 
remain  at  home  with  their  parents.  The  wife  and 
mother  departed  this  life  in  Highland  Countj-, Ohio, 
Oct.  8,  1875. 

On  Nov.  25,  1875;  Mr.  Scatterfield  landed  in  the 
city  of  Beattie,  this  county,  and  soon  afterward 
purchased  a  farm  in  Center  Township,  five  miles 
south.  He  effected  good  improvements  upon  a 
raw,  uncultivated  tract  of  land,  making  fences, 
setting  out  fruit  and  shade  trees,  erecting  buildings 
and  bringing  about  the  other  comforts  and  conve- 
niences suggested  to  the  enterprising  and  progres- 
sive citizen.  He  still  owns  the  farm  and  spends 
much  of  his  time  looking  after  his  agricultural  in- 
terests. He  was  married  the  secoud  time,  Oct.  28, 
1877,  to  Mrs.  Henrietta  A.  (Higgins)  Morgan,  of 
Berryville,  Ohio.  They  are  the  I'arents  of  twin 
girls — Lulu  Pearl  and  Birdie  Berl,  and  Julia  Hazel. 
Mr.  Satterfield  usually  votes  the  straight  Demo- 
cratic ticket.  He  is  a  man  of  high  character,  and 
universally  respected. 

The  father  of  our  subject  was  James  Satterfield, 
a  native  of  Virginia,  and  born  Jan.  1.  1809.  When 
a  boy  of  ten  years  he  removed  with  his  parents  to 
Pike  County,  Ohio,  where  he  was  bred  to  farm  pur- 
suits and  married  Miss  Mahala  Legg,  of  Loudoun 
County.    Va,      They    established    themselves    in 



Adams  County,  Obio,  and  became  the  parents  of 
ten  children,  seven  of  whom  lived  to  mature  years. 
The  father  departed  this  life  in  1887.  Mrs.  Alice 
J.  (Renoe)  iSatterfleld  was  bon.  in  Highland 
Count}',  Ohio,  June  2,  1845,  and  was  the  daughter 
of  Simpson  Renoe,  Esq.,  a  prominent  man  in  his 
couimunity,  who  served  as  Justice  of  the  Peace  for 
the  long  period  of  thirty  years,  and  is  still  living. 
The  mother,  Mrs.  Eleanor  (Hastings)  Renoe,  died 
some  years  ago. 

Mrs.  Henrietta  A.  (Higgins)  Satterfield  was 
born  in  Highland  County,  Ohio,  in  October,  1852, 
and  is  the  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Julia  A. 
(Weaver)  Higgins.  She  spent  her  girlhood  days 
in  her  native  county,  remaining  under  the  parental 
roof  until  her  first  marriage.  Her  father,  Thomas 
Higgins,  was  a  native  of  Virginia,  went  with  his 
parents  to  Ohio  when  a  boy,  where  he  was  reared 
to  man's  estate  and  occupied  himself  as  a  farmer 
and  general  merchant  at  Berry  ville.  He  departed 
this  life  in  the  spring  of  188S;  his  widow  is  still 
living.  Miss  Henrietta  Alice  Higgins  received  a 
good  education, and  lived  with  her  parents  in  her  n,a- 
tive  county  until  her  marriage  with  James  Morgan, 
who  was  the  son  of  a  prominent  merchant  of  Ber- 
ryville,  and  occupied  himself  during  his  younger 
years  in  his  father's  store.  After  marriage  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Morgan  lived  in  the  village  of  Berryville 
about  six  months,  and  then  Mr.  Morgan  was 
stricken  with  that  dread  disease,  consumption.  He 
was  sent  to  Texas  with  the  hope  of  recovery,  but 
receiving  no  benefit,  went  to  Montana,  whence  he 
wrote  many  times,  and  there  died.  To  his  wife 
there  was  born  one  son,  Richard,  and  the  mother 
lived  with  her  father  whose  land  adjoined  the  town 
of  Berryville,  for  six  years.  At  the  expiration  of 
this  time  she  was  married  to  our  subject.  Her  son, 
Richard,  is  now  a  young  man  of  great  promise, 
and  remains  with  his  grandmother  in  Berr3'ville, 
completing  his  education  and  being  usefully  em- 
ployed during  his  vacations. 

During  the  Civil  War  Mr.  Satterfield  was  elected 
Lieutenant  Colonel  in  Pike  County  of  the  1st 
Ohio  Militiaj  and  drilled  his  regiment  regularly. 
Although  never  called  out,  they  held  themselves 
in  readiness,  especially  daring  the  time  of  Mor- 
gan's raid,  and  blockading  the  road    sent  for  arras, 

and  were  going  up  the  canal  Lo  the  town  of  Jasper, 
passing  the^hridge  over  which  Morgan  made  the 
passage  about  five  minutes  before.  They  harrassed 
him  all  that  it  was  in  their  power  to  do  without 
their  "arms. 

In  Highland  County.  Ohio,  Mr.  Satterfield  held 
the  office  of  Township  Clerk  one  term,  and  Dep-- 
uty  County  Surveyor  for  three  years,  and  was  a 
member  of  the  School  Bord.  He  has  always  main- 
tained.his  interest] in  educational  matters,  and  has 
held  conventions' in'both  Highland  and  Pike  Coun- 
ties. He  followed^teaching  .three  years  after  his 
second  marriage,  and  until  his" wife's  health  failed. 

'iflOHN  PALMER,  Justice  of  the  Peace  of 
Blue  Rapids^Township,  has  held  his  pres- 
ent  "ofHce_  foria  period  of  four  years  and 
(^//  given  general  satisfaction.  ]  He  is  an  old  and 
highly-respected  citizen,  cultivated  in  thought  and 
with  a  well  educated  mind,  a  man  greatly  interested 
in  the  advancement  of  education,  an  old  music  and 
singing  teacher,  active  in  politics,  voting  with  the 
Republican  partjs  a  strong  temperance  advocate, 
and  generally  in  favor  of  those  measures  tending 
to  the  social  and  moral  advancement  of  mankind. 
He  is  one  of  those  kindly  characters,  genial,  cor- 
dial and  refined,  with  whom  an  hour  may  always 
be  spent  pleasantly  and  profitably.  The  family 
occupies  a  high  social  position,  and  have  borne  no 
unimportant  part  in  sustaining  the  standard  of 
morality  and  piety. 

The  Palmer  homestead,  comprising  a  fine  farm 
of  160  acres,  is  pleasantly  situated  on  section  6  in 
Blue  Rapids  Township,  and  has  about  it  the  air  of 
plenty  and  comfort,  which  is  always  so  pleasing  to 
contemplate.  The  subject  of  our  sketch  was  born 
in  Clarkson,  Monroe  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  6,  1820,  and 
is  the  son  of  the  once  well-known  Deacon  Joel 
Palmer, a  native  of  North  Branford,  Conn.,  who  by 
trade  was  a  tanner, currier  and  shoemaker  combined. 
The  father  of  our  subject  was  born  in  1779.  and 
was  in  the  vigor  of  young  manhood  during  the 
War  of  1812,  in  which  he  took  an  active  part  as 
Sergeant.  He  married  Miss  Phcbe  Barlow,  a  native 



of  Massachusetts.  Grandfather  Barlow  served  as  a 
soldier  in  the  Revolutionarj'  War,  and  after  its 
close  established  himself  on  a  farm  in  the  vicinity 
of  Lima,  Livingston  Co..  N.  Y.  To  him  and  his 
wifp,  Phebe,  there  were  born  nine  children,  all  of 
whom  grew  to  mature  years.  The  grandparents 
•  died  at  the  ages  of  seventy  and  eighty-nine  respect- 
ively. The  parents  of  our  subject  were  eighty-nine 
and  seventy  years,  respectively,  at  the  time  of  their 
decease.  There  had  been  born  to  them  nine  chil- 
dren, five  sons  and  four  daughters,  five  of  whom 
are  living  and  located  mostly  in  New  York.  The 
family  traces  its  ancestry  directly  to  Walter  Palmer, 
of  .Stoniugton,  Conn. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  acquired  a  practical 
education,  and  wlien  leaving  the  common  school 
pursued  his  studies  for  a  time  in  the  academy  of  his 
native  town.  When  a  youth  of  eighteen  he  struck 
out  for  himself,  teaching  during  the  winter  season. 
He  thereafter  was  thus  occupied,  with  the  exception 
of  three  years,from  1839  to  1870,  including  ten  terms 
taught  in  this  State.  He  learned  the  trade  of  a 
tanner  and  currier  with  his  father,  at  which  he  was 
employed  in  the  summer  season  in  his  native  State 
until  1846.  He  then  purchased  a  farm  and  worked 
upon  it  during  the  summer.  On  tlie  2d  of  May, 
1847,  he  was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Ann  O. 
Clark,  at  the  bride's  iiome  at  Syracuse.  This  lady 
was  a  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Nancy  (Wattles) 
Clark,  who  were  natives  respectively  of  Vermont 
and  Lebanon,  Conn.  They,  like  the  Palmers,  came 
of  Puritan  stock,  and  set  foot  upon  the  soil  of 
America  as  earl}'  as  1621. 

Mrs.  Palmer  was  the  eldest  in  a  family  of  five 
children,  who  grew  to  mature  j'eavs,  and  was  born 
in  Manlius,  N.  Y..  April  8,  1822.  She  attended 
the  common  school  at  Rochester,  and  the  Academy 
at  Clarkson.  She  possesses  considerable  musical 
talent,  and  since  1842  has  been  a  teacher  of  the 
piano  and  organ.  She  inherited  this  talent  from 
her  father,  who  for  many  years  was  the  organist  at 
St.  Luke's  Church,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.  He  de- 
parted this  life  in  1848,  at  the  age  of  fifty -eight 
years.  The  mother  died  in  1837,  aged  forty-seven. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Palmer  after  their  marriage  settled 
in  what  was  then  Claricson,  but  is  now  Hamlin, 
where  they  lived  until  1870.     That   year  he  came 

to  this  county,  and  was  joined  by  the  rest  of  the 
familj'  the  following  spring.  Mr.  Palmer  pre- 
empted Bis  present  farm  in  1871,  and  finally  en- 
tered it  under  the  timber  culture  Act,  and  since 
that  time  has  effected  some  fine  improvements.  It 
embraces  161  acres,  sixty  of  which  are  under  the 
plow.  The  proprietor  has  planted  2,700  trees  on 
each  acre  of  a  body  of  fourteen  acres,  and  has 
built  a  substantial  stone  house,  besides  erecting 
tlie  other  structures  necessary  for  the  successful 
prosecution  of  his  calling.  He  handles  consider- 
able live-stock,  and  to  this  devotes  nearly  all  the 
grain  raised  on  the  place. 

Nine  children  were  born  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Palmer, 
of  whom  the  record  is  as  follows:  Charles  H.; 
John  N.,  who  died  in  New  York;  Marcia,  John 
N.,  George  H.,  William  B.,  Frances  A.,  Emma  and 
Edward  P.  Charles  H.,  who  married  Miss  Ida 
Brooks,  is  the  father  of  two  ciiildren,  and  lives  in 
Missouri.  Marcia  is  the  wife  of  Furgess  A.  Edin- 
borough;  they  have  three  children,  and  are  living 
in  Wells  Towuship,  this  county.  John  N.  married 
Miss  Stella  R.Blaney,  and  they  live  in  Cleburne, 
Riley  County,  this  State;  they  have  no  children. 
George  H.  married  Miss  Kate  Bowman,  and  thej- 
live  in  Concordia;  they  have  two  children.  Will- 
iam B.  remains  at  home  with  his  parents.  Frances 
passed  to  her  last  rest  Aug.  31,  1888;  she  was  a 
devoted  Christian,  and  beloved  by  all  who  knew  her 
for  her  unselfish  and  gentle  disposition.  Emma  mar- 
ried A.  E.  Holick,  who  resides  near  Sharon's  Springs. 
John  N.,  who  is  engaged  in  the  mercantile  busi- 
ness, has  charge  of  two  Sunday-schools.  The  othdr 
son,  George  H.,  is  likewise  an  active  worker  in  the 
Sundaj'-school  and  a  leader  of  tbe  choir  most  of 
the  time,  and  is  in  the  employ  of  the  Citizens'  Na- 
tional Bank  of  Concordia.  The  children,  as  well 
as  the  parents,  are  actively  interested  in  tlie  cause 
of  temperance. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Palmer  are  members  of  the  Con- 
gregational Ciiurch  of  Blue  Rapids,  in  which  our 
subject  has  been  a  Deacon,  .and  both  haveotticiated 
as  teachers  in  the  Sunday-school.  While  a  resident 
of  Clarkson,  N.Y.,  Mr.  Palmer  was  Superintendent 
ot  Schools.  He  also  taught  music,  both  vocal  and 
instrumental.  He  took  an  active  part  in  polities 
during  his  younger  years  and  uniformly  votes  the 



Republican  ticket.  Altliough  a  strong  temperance 
man  he  is  averse  to  a  third  party.  The  oldest  son. 
Charles  H.,  has  been  a  teacher  of  music  in  the 
common  school  since  a  youth  of  nineteen  years, 
and  for  many  years  has  been  Snnd.ay-school  Super- 
intendent; otherwise  he  is  engaged  in  farming. 

^,  AMES  FITZGERALD.  Well  would  it  be 
for  our  country  if  every  "old  settler"  had 
the  record  of  fine  character  and  financial 
success  of  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  whose 
home  is  just  outside  the  city  limits,  west  of  Beattie. 
The  main  business  part  of  the  city  is  built  upon 
land  preempted  by  Mr.  Fitz  Gerald  in  1859,  said 
land  comprising  160  acres  on  sections  21,  2  and  9. 
In  August,  1866,  the  subject  of  this  sketch  came 
here  to  live,  residing  for  nine  j'ears  in  a  building 
opposite  the  Catholic  Church.  In  1872  he  agreed 
with  Mr.  Watkins,  who  lived  just  west,  to  give  the 
railroad  every  otlier  city  lot  if  a  depot  was  located 
here,  the  railroad  company  to  plat  a  quarter-section, 
and  in  order  to  secure  this  end,  he  visited  St. 
Joseph  to  present  in  person  to  the  railroad  officials 
the  offer  of  himself,  H.  C.  Smith  and  Mr.  Hamilton, 
and  arguments  at  his  command  in  favor  of  his  pro- 
ject. He  sold  village  lots  on  what  he  still  owned, 
and  bought  more  land  outside,  so  that  he  now 
owns  500  acres  near  the  town.  lie  is  engaged  in 
general  farming  and  stock-raising.  In  the  year 
1875  Mr.  Fitz  Gerald  built  a  fine  large  stone  house, 
which  has  a  beautiful  lawn  surrounding  it  and 
good  stone  walks,  the  stone  being  supplied  from  a 
fine  quarry  on  his  ovvn  land,  which  is  still  in  opera- 
tion through  another  part.y.  We  invite  the  atten- 
tion of  our  readers  to  a  fine  engraving  of  this  at- 
tractive residence. 

Mr.  Fitz  Gerald  was  born  in  Ireland  in  1829. 
When  twenty-two  }'ears  old  he  came  to  America, 
first  settling  in  Maryland,  where  he  remained  for 
six  j^ears,  becoming  a  citizen  of  the  United  States. 
He  spent  two  years  in  Chicago,  and  then  came  to 
Kansas,  in  1858,  locating  in  Atchison,  where  he  re- 
mained until  after  the  war.  He  married  Miss  Mary 
Nolan,  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  who  is  still  living. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fitz  Gerald  are  the  parents  of 
eight  children,  of  whom  six  are  still  living.  They 
are  named  respectivelj' :  Patrick  S.,  Ellen,  Katie, 
John,  Rose  and  William  F.  All  still  make  this  their 
home,  with  the  exception  of  Patrick  S.,  who  mar- 
ried Miss  Florence  Patterson  of  this  city,  and  z-e- 
sides  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  One  of  the  original 
members  of  the  Catholic  Church  of  this  city,  Mr. 
Fitz  Gerald  aided  largely  in  its  organization  in 
1668.  Mr.  Fitz  Gerald  has  stood  by  the  church, 
assisting  to  build  in  1881,  doing  his  dutj'  as  far  as 
he  was  able,  and  living  to  see  the  societ}'  grow 
from  eight  families  to  a  flourishing  organization  of 

Our  subject  has  been  an  active  business  man,  not 
looking  for  political  offices,  but  has  served  the 
township  as  Trustee  for  two  terms.  He  now  votes 
with  the  Republican  party,  though  formerly  a 
Democrat.  Mr.  Fitz  Gerald  has  done  much  to  make 
the  town  of  Beattie  what  it  is,  both  as  regards  bus- 
iness and  church  work,  and  well  deserves  the  re- 
spect of  every  resident  of  tliis  thriving  village. 


^^v  HRISTIAN  SCHROEDER,  son  of  Ludwig 
'JI^L  and  Johanna  Schroeder,  was  born  Juij'  10. 
^^'  1840,  in  Gustrow,  in  the  Duchy  of  Meck- 
lenburg Schwerin,  and  was  a  resident  of  the  Ger- 
man limpire  until  the  age  of  tliirtj'-one.  lie  was 
reared  upon  a  farm,  and  received  his  education  in 
the  common  schools.  After  arriving  at  the  proper 
age  for  army  service,  he  served  between  two  and 
three  years  as  a  baggage  master.  He  was  then  cm- 
ployed  upoM  a  farm.  Leaving  his  native  country 
in  1871,  he  emigrated  to  America,  landing  at  Castle 
Garden,  New  York,  whence  he  came  directly  to 
this  countj',  engaging  in  farming  six  miles  west  of 
Marysville.  Here  he  remained  for  six  jears,  then 
removing  to  Franklin  Township,  he  bought  160 
acres  of  land  on  section  17,  on  which  lie  has  since 
resided.  He  has  erected  a  substantial  brick  house, 
accompanied  by  adequate  farm  buildings,  and 
brought  his  place  to  a  fine  state  of  productiveness. 
Soon  after  his  arrival  in  this  State  lie  married 
Miss  Wilhelmina  Bell,  the   ceremonj^  taking   place 



Nov.  7,  1871,  in  Marysville.  She  was  the  daughter 
of  Ludwig  and  Mary  Bell.  Mrs.  Schroeder  was 
born  in  Hohenfeld,  Germany,  Oct.  18,  1846.  She 
is  the  mother  of  three  children— Mary,  Wilhelmina 
and  Charles. 

Mr.  Schroeder  is  a  man  of  intelligence,  energy 
and  uprightness,  a  reliable  citizen,  commanding  the 
respect  of  the  entire  community.  Politically,  he  is 
independent,  and  votes  for  the  men  he  deems  best 
qualified  for  the  office. 

*S^DWARD  D.  WHEELER,  nurseryman  and 
lU]  fruit-grower,  of  Blue  Rapids,  has  been  a  resi- 
/ji — ^  dent  of  Marshall  County  for  the  past  nine- 
teen years.  He  is  a  native  of  Vermont,  born  at 
North  Pownal,  in  Bennington  County,  Sept.  8,  1837. 
His  parents  were  George  E.  and  Cordelia  (Whip- 
ple) Wheeler.  Two  brothers  of  the  Wheeler  fam- 
ily came  from  England  in  early  times,  one  of  them 
locating  in  Connecticut,  and  one  going  to  the  South- 
ern States.  From  the  former  is  descended  this 
branch  of  the  family.  Tlie  great-grandfather  of 
our  subject,  whose  name  was  Edward,  was  prob- 
ably born  in  Connecticut,  and  was  a  son  of  the 
brother  who  settled  there  on  his  emigration  from 
England.  Edward  Wheeler  lived  to  be  one  hundred 
and  five  j'ears  old.  He  liad  three  sons — Shadrach, 
Orelius,  and  Elias,  the  latter  being  the  grandfather 
of  him  of  whom  we  write;  Elias  was  probably  born 
in  Connecticut,  but  later  in  life  became  a  farmer 
and  cattle-drover  in  Bennington  County,  \t.,  where 
he  died.  His  wife  was  Olive  Niles,  who  was  also 
descended  from  a  family  of  old  settlers  in  New 
England,  her  people  being  prominent  factory  own- 
ers, and  identified  with  the  woolen-mill  interests. 
Both  died  in  Bennington  County.  They  had  a 
numerous  family,  eight  sons  and  seven  daughters. 
Their  son  George  E.  was  the  father  of  E.  D.  Ho 
was  l)orn  on  the  home  farm  in  Shaftesburg,  Ben- 
nington Co.,  Vt.,  in  1810,  and  he  died  in  Lockport, 
Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in  1865,  aged  fifty-five  years. 
In  [lis  youth  George  E.  Wheeler  was  a  teacher,  af- 
terward a  farmer  in  Vermont,  and  about   1841,   he 

emigrated  to  Western  New  York,  engaging  in  farm- 
ing, and  raising  and  dealing  in  live-stock.  He  also 
gave  some  attention  to  fruit-growing,  in  which  he 
was  quite  successful.  While  living  in  Vermont,  he 
was  a  captain  in  a  militia  regiment  under  the  old 
State  system.  He  was  a  candid,  upright  man,  of 
unimpeachable  integrity,  whose  word  was  regarded 
by  those  who  knew  him,  as  good  as  a  written  prom- 
ise. He  never  pushed  himself  forward  in  public 
affairs,  and  never  aspired  to  office.  In  North  Pow- 
nal, Vt.,  he  was  married  to  Miss  Cordelia  Whipple, 
who  was  also  born  in  the  year  1810,  and  died  in 
Lockport,  N.  Y.,  March  13,  1889,  aged  seventy- 
nine  years.  Her  family  were  also  of  New  England 
origin,  of  the  Massachusetts  Whipples,  well-known 
and  numerous  in  that  region.  She  was  a  pious 
woman,  and  was  a  good  wife  and  mother.  George 
Wheeler  and  wife  were  the  parents  of  eight  chil- 
dren, as  follows:  Elias  was  a.  farmer  and  fruit- 
grower in  Niagara  County,  N.  Y.,  and  during  the 
Civil  AVar  enlisted  in  Col.  Berdoin's  regiment  of 
sharp-shooters,  and  was  killed  near  White  House 
Landing,  Va.;  Edward  D.  was  next;  Mary  was  the 
wife  of  J.  W.  Vail,  a  merchant  in  Lockport,  N.  Y., 
where  she  died  ;  Everett  V.  is  a  fruit-grower,  and 
also  makes  his  home  at  Lockport,  N.  Y. ;  Laura  A. 
is  the  wife  of  George  H.  Moody,  a  nurseryman  of 
Lopkport;  Andrew  died  at  tlie  age  of  sixteen;  Cor- 
delia was  the  wife  of  Peter  Johnson,  now  an  orange 
grower  in  Valousia  County,  Fla.,  where  she  died; 
and  George  D.  is  now  a  resident  of  Sacramento, 
Cal.,  and  is  also  engaged  in  fruit-growing. 

Edward  D.  was  four  years  of  age  when  his  par- 
ents removed  from  Vermont  to  Wyoming  County, 
N.  Y'.,  and  two  years  later  they  went  to  Lockport, 
N.  Y".,  where  his  boyhood  was  spent,  and  where  he 
attended  the  district  school,  and  afterward  the 
Union  High  School  in  tiiat  cit}-.  For  five  or  six 
winters  he  taught  school  in  Niagara  County,  and 
previous  to  that,  and  while  teaching,  he  engaged  in 
buying  and  selling  produce,  and  in  fruit-growing, 
and  was  especially  successful  in  grafting,  to  which 
he  gave  much  attention.  On  giving  up  his  schools 
in  New  York,  he  was  for  two  years  a  Government 
detective,  acting  on  the  Canadian  border,  and  re- 
signing that  position  in  1862,  returned  to  Lock- 
port,  whence  he  went  to  Chicago,  and  was  in  tiiat 



cit}'  engaged  for  four  years  in  hotel  and  restaurant 
business.  From  Chicago  he  returned  to  Lockport, 
N.  Y.,  and  engaged  in  commission  business,  stay- 
ing there  until  he  came  to  Kansas.  He  came  direct 
to  Marshall  County,  arriving  liere  July  5,  1870, 
and  preempted  a  claim  on  what  is  now  section  31, 
in  Blue  Rapids  City  Township.  The  following 
winter  be  taught  school,  and  in  the  following  spring 
proved  up  on  his  claim,  and  being  then  married, 
moved  on  to  a  farm  near  his  present  liome,  on 
which  he  lived  a  j'ear,  during  whicli  time  he  built 
the  house  in  whicli  he  now  lives,  having  bouglit  the 
twenty-five  acres  on  which  it  stands.  Here  he  is 
engaged  in  market  gardening,  fruit  growing  and 
in  the  nursery  business,  in  which  he  has  been  quite 
successful,  and  in  which  he  is  still  actively  engaged, 
his  farm  and  garden  being  in  the  northeastern 
corner  of  the  city  of  Blue  Rapids,  on  section  21. 

April  13,  1871,  Mr.  Wheeler  was  united  in  mar- 
riage with  Miss  Martha  B.  Matthews,  daughter  of 
Isaac  V.  and  PhoBbe  A.  (Brooks)  Matthews.  The 
Matthews  family  were  of  English  descent,  and  set- 
tled in  Massachusetts,  the  great-grandfather  of 
Mrs.  Wheeler  liaving  been  a  fisherman  at  Cape  Cod, 
whence  he  removed  to  Vermont,  in  which  State 
Isaac  V.  Matthews  was  born  on  August  17,  1810. 
While  still  a  young  man  he  removed  to  New  York, 
living  in  Genesee  County  a  while  and  then  going 
to  Michigan,  but  later,  returning  to  New  York,  and 
is  now  living  in  Genesee  Falls,  Wyoming  County, 
on  his  farm,  but  retired  from  active  labor. 

He  has  been  three  times  mariied,  his  first  wife, 
Effie  E.  Bliss,  living  but  a  year  after  her  marriage. 
She  had  no  children.  His  second  wife  to  whom  he 
was  married  in  Wyoming,  Wyoming  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in 
1839,  was  Miss  Phrebe  A.  Brooks,  mother  of  Mrs. 
Wheeler.  She  was  born  ut  that  ])lace  in  1814,  and 
died  there  in  1 858,  aged  forty-four  years.  The  third 
wife  of  Mr.  Matthews  was  Cynthia  A.  Clute,  who 
is  now  living  with  her  husband  in  New  York.  The 
BrooliS  family  were  also  of  English  ancestry,  and 
settled  in  Connecticut,  from  which  State  the  father 
of  Mrs.  Mattliews,  named  Benedict  Brooks,  re- 
moved to  Wyoming  County,  and  there  he  pur- 
chased a  large  tract  of  land  on  which  he  lived  the 
balance  of  his  life,  dying  in  1858,  aged  eighty-four 
years,  liaving  been  born  in  1774.     He  was  married 

in  New  York  to  Mary  McNair,  of  Scotch  descent, 
she  being  born  in  Livingston  County,  N.  Y.  She 
died  in  Wyoming  County  in  1847,  at  the  age  of 
sixty-four.  Their  daughter,  Pha>be  A.,  was  mother 
of  five  childi-en,  of  whom  Mrs.  Wheeler  was  the 
oldest.  The  next  was  Henry  M.,  a  practicing  law- 
yer in  Chicago,  111. ;  Cliarles  B.,  who  is  in  the  oil 
business  in  Buffalo.  N.  Y.  He  came  to  Blue  Rapids 
in  1870,  with  the  Genesee  colony,  and  look  an 
active  part  in  the  location  of  the  city  of  Blue 
Rapids,  and  was  a  leading  member  of  the  various 
committees  appointed  by  the  colonists  to  push  their 
enterprise,  and  while  he  was  at  the  front  its  affairs 
were  well  managed.  He  went  back  East  in  1873, 
and  has  since  been  connected  with  large  enterprises, 
and  was  the  organizer  of  the  Buffalo  Lubricating 
Company,  the  only  concern  which  ever  successfully 
fought  that  giant  monojioly,  the  Standard  Oil  Com- 
pany, which  vainly  tried  to  ruin  their  rival,  but 
paid  dearly  in  damages  for  the  attempt.  This 
shows  the  metal  of  which  Mr.  Matthews  is  made. 
The  fourth  of  the  family  is  Hugh  V.,  who  is  farm- 
ing and  has  a  loan  agency  in  Salem,  Oregon.  He 
also  was  a  member  of  the  colony,  and  with  his 
brother  Charles  B.,  bought  the  eiglity  acres  of  land, 
on  which  Mr.  Wheeler  and  Iiis  family  now  live.  He 
and  his  brother  had  a  land  agency  in  Blue  Rapids, 
and  they  owned  a  large  amount  of  land  in  this 
county,  and  in  other  parts  of  Kansas,  owning  at 
one  time  a  large  part  of  the  site  of  the  present 
city  of  Concordia.  He  stayed  in  Blue  Rapids 
about  three  years,  then  returning  to  liis  old  home, 
going  from  there  to  Concordia,  Kan.,  and  after  a 
few  years  emigrating  to  Oregon.  The  youngest 
was  Willie,  who  died  at  the  age  of  seven  years. 

Mrs.  Wheeler  was  born  in  Wyoming,  W3'omino- 
Co.,N.  Y.,  May  31  ,  1841.  She  lived  in  her  native 
county  until  she  came  to  Kansas  with  her  two 
brothers  in  1870,  arriving  here  March  10.  She 
was  married  the  following  year.  The  union  of 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wheeler  has  been  blessed  by  the 
birth  of  four  children,  as  follows:  Laura  M.,  born 
in  1872;  Charles  E.,  in  1873;  Mary  A.,  in  187G; 
and  Frederick  H.,  in  1881. 

Mr.  Wheeler  is  a  member  of  the  Masonic  frater- 
nity, but  has  not  affiliated  with  the  bodies  here.  He 
and  his  wife  and  two  eldest  children  are  members 



of  the  First  Presbyteriao  Church  of  Blue  Rapids, 
of  which  be  is  now  a  Trustee,  and  the  family  are 
among  the  most  highly  esteemed  members  of  the 
community  in  which  they  reside. 

■^^s^S^-i 5 

< i-$o^^^- 

J^'OIIN  SCIIUBKAf4EL.  This  prominent 
stock-raiser  and  farmer  resides  in  the  south- 
eastern part  of  Vermillion  Township,  own- 
ing 240  acres  of  fine  land  in  the  southeastern 
part  of  section  30  and  northwestern  part  of  section 
31.  He  makes  a  specialty  of  breeding  Poland- 
China  hogs  and  Short-horn  cattle,  having  about 
150  head  of  the  former  and  a  good  herd  of  the  lat- 
ter. If  he  has  anj'  ambition  beside  the  attainment  of 
financial  prosperity  and  leading  a  life  honorable, 
pure  and  upright,  it  is  that  he  may  some  day  be 
the  owner  and  manager  of  a  large  breeding  farm, 
and  he  certainly  is  making  a  creditable  beginning 
toward  obtaining  the  object  longed  for.  His  laud 
is  suited  for  a  model  farm,  such  as  Mr.  Schubkagel 
makes  of  it,  being  beautifully  situated  and  well 
watered,  while  the  soil  is  fertile  and  yields  bounti- 
fully to  the  kindly  touch  of  man.  Mr.  Schubka- 
gel also  claims  to  be  the  owner  of  the  finest  herd 
of  blooded  Poland  China  hogs  in  this  section  of 
the  State,  but  while  mainly  interested  in  stock- 
raising  he  does  not  neglect  the  general  management 
of  the  agricultural  department  of  the  estate.  He 
owns  and  occupies  a  cozy  home,  delightfully  situ- 
ated, and  it  is  represented  on  another  page  of  Ihis 
volume  b}'  a  fine  engraving. 

A  personal  history  of  our  subject  would  be  very 
incomplete  without  considerable  mention  of  his 
wife,  who  is  ever  ready  with  kind  words  and  care- 
ful hands  to  promote  the  happiness  of  the  home. 
Quick  in  decision,  fruitful  in  resources,  full  of  ani- 
mation and  energy,  she  impresses  a  stranger  as  cap- 
able of  managing  affairs  of  large  moment,  while 
among  her  friends  for  miles  around  she  is  recog- 
nized as  a  kind-hearted,  amiable  and  generous 
woman,  hospitable  to  all  who  come  under  her  roof 
and  charitable  toward  the  erring  and  distressed. 
She  is  an  essential  factor  in  the  family-  circle,  whoso 

interests  are  ever  uppermost  in  her  mind  and  to 
whom  she  is  devoted  with  her  whole  heart  and 

The  subject  of  this  biographical  notice  was  born 
July  17,  1848,  in  Carroll  County,  Md.,  his  parents 
being  William  and  Sarah  (Buchen)  Schubkagel,  the 
father  a  native  of  Germany,  while  tlie  mother  was 
born  in  Maryland,  of  German  parentage.  The  ma- 
ternal grandfather  .served  in  the  Revolutionary 
War,  dying  in  1851  at  the  age  of  ninety-five  years. 
William  Schubkagel  learned  carpentering  in  his 
bojiiood  and  youth,  a  trade  he  followed  during  the 
earlier  part  of  his  life,  but  in  his  later  years  he  en- 
gaged in  the  pursuit  of  agriculture.  He  was 
twice  married,  his  first  wife  being  Sarah  Buchen, 
who  became  the  mother  of  five  children,  namely: 
William;  John,  of  whom  we  write:  Sarah.  David, 
Margaret,  who  died  when  a  year  old.  The 
eldest,  William,  is  a  merchant  and  is  engaged  in 
business  in  Baltimore,  Md.  He  was  married 
twice,  his  first  wife  being  Miss  Johana  Woolston, 
who  died  without  leaving  any  children.  By  his 
second  wife  William  has  become  the  father  of  two 
children.  The  eldest  daughter  and  third  child, 
Sarah  is  also  a  resident  of  Baltimore,  and  is  the 
wife  of  John  Huston,  a  merchant  in  the  Monu- 
mental City;  they  have  one  child  living.  David 
is  unmarried  and  is  engaged  in  farming  near 
Gihnore  City,  Iowa. 

Again  uniting  his  interests  with  those  of 
another,  Mr.  Schubkagel  chose  as  his  wife 
Margaret  Wizner,  by  whom  he  had  nine  children: 
Christopher;  George,  who  died  in  infancy';  Jane, 
Kate,  Josephine,  Margaret  died  in  infancy,  Nancy, 
Henry  and  one  who  died  in  infancy.  Christopher 
is  at  present  residing  on  his  father's  farm  in  Liv- 
ingston County,  111.;  Kate  became  the  wife  of 
George  Beaver,  to  whom  she  bore  two  children, 
and  then  died  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-two  j'ears ; 
Josephine  married  George  Smith,  a  machinist  re- 
siding in  Baltimore,  and  was  removed  by  de.ath 
from  her  home,  at  the  early  age  of  tweut3-flve 
years;  Jane,  Naucy,  and  Henry  are  living  at  home 
with  their  parents. 

John  Schubkagel,  the  second  son  in  liis  father's 
family,  lived  with  his  parents  until  he  became  of 
age,  and    began  life  for    himself  as  a  renter  near 



Canton.  Fulton  Co..  111.  Aftfciward  lie  rented  land 
and  engaged  in  agriciiltnral  pursuits  in  McLean 
County,  the  same  State.  By  prudent  management 
he  was  enabled  to  save  enough  money  to  buy  land 
in  Livingston  County,  and  was  a  resident  of  this 
and  Fulton  County  for  abont  twelve  years. 

The  beauty  of  Illinois  scenery,  the  fertilit}'  of 
her  soil  and  the  advantages  of  her  cities,  did  not 
suffice,  however,  to  keep  John  .Shubkagel  within 
her  limits.  Kansas  presented  such  an  opening  .as 
an  older  State  never  could  grant,  and  therefore  in 
1879,  our  subject  wended  his  way  Westward,  and 
pu)-chased  land,  his  present  place  of  240  acres,  on 
which  he  removed  in  March. 

Mention  has  already  been  made  of  the  wife  of 
Mr.  Schubkagel,  with  whom  he  was  united  in  mar- 
riage, Feb.  23,  1879,  in  Livingston  County,  111. 
ller  maiden  name  was  Lydia  Stafford,  and  her  birth 
occurred  Jan.  7,  1861.  Her  parents,  Washington 
and  Elizabeth  (Leckliter)  Stafford,  were  born 
Sept.  ft,  1820,  and  Feb.  5,  1823,  respectively, 
and  were  natives  of  Virgini.a.  Tci  Washington 
Stafford  and  his  wife  were  born  ten  children,  seven 
now  living,  of  whom  the  record  is  as  follows: 
James  William,  born  Nov.  30,  1843;  John  Wesley, 
Feb.  12,  1849;  Mary  Louisa,  Jan.  17,  1852; 
Matilda  Catherine,  March  2,  1856;  Lydia  Eliza- 
beth, the  wife  of  our  subject,  Jan.  7, 1861 ;  George 
B.  McC,  Jan.  27,  1864,  and  Mazy  Jane,  July  18, 
1865.  The  others  died  in  infanc_y.  The  father  and 
mother  are  still  living  in  Livingston  County,  111. 
The  oldest  of  their  children,  James  W.,was  united 
in  marriage  with  Kate  Ilartman,  and  lives  in  Wil- 
bergcr  County,  Tex.,  where  he  owns  and  operates  a 
farm.  He  and  his  wife  have  a  family  of  six  children. 
John  Wesley  resides  in  Ringgold  County  Iowa, 
where  he  is  engaged  in  farming;  he  became  the 
husband  of  Miss  Maggie  Ridell,  by  whom  he  has 
two  children.  Joseph  is  engaged  in  mining  in 
Colorado,  and  resides  there  with  his  wife,  who  was 
formerly  Lizzie  McDowell,  and  by  whom  he  has 
four  children ;  Mary  L.  is  a  resident  of  Livingston 
County,  111.,  and  is  the  wife  of  George  Flurer,  a 
farmer  of  that  county;  they  are  the  parents  of  three 
children.  Matilda  married  Charles  Foltz,  a  farmer 
of  Marshall  County,  and  they  have  five  children : 
George  B.  McC.  lives  in   Livingston   County,  111., 

and  selected  as  his  life  partner  Libbie  Weller;  Mazy 
Jane  lives  at  home  and  is  unmarried. 

Our  subject  and  his  wife  have  had  four  children 
born  to  them,  one  of  whom.  Jane  Elizabeth,  died 
when  three  months  old;  William  G.,  John  and  Ida 
M.  are  at  home,  and  are  naturally  the  objects  of 
loving  interest  and  devoted  care  on  the  part  of 
their  parents.  The  family  are  regular  attendants 
of  the  Methodist  Church,  to  which  they  lielong, 
while  in  political  sympathies  Mr.  Schubkagel  is 
a  Prohibitionist.  Socially,  they  are  welcomed  into 
the  most  refined  circles  of  their  community,  where 
they  are  valued  for  their  many  honorable  and 
worthy  traits  of  character. 

t-REKELL  &  FLEMING,  dealers  in  lumber 
and  building  material  at  St.  Bridget,  are 
numbered  among  its  leading  business  men. 
The  junior  member,  Mr.  W.  A.  Fleming,  was  born 
in  Clarion  County,  Pa.,  in  1851,  and  is  the  son  of 
John  and  Mary  Ann  (Johnson)  Fleming.  The 
family  in  1825  emigrated  from  the  Keystone  Stone 
to  Illinois,  settling  near  the  present  site  of  Gene- 
seo,  Henry  County,  where  the  father  purchased  a 
tract  of  land  which  lie  improved  into  a  good  farm. 
He  resided  upon  it  until  the  spring  of  1878,  and 
then  retiring  from  active  labor  took  up  his  resi- 
dence in  the  town  above  mentioned.  The  son  was 
reared  on  the  farm  and  attended  the  district  school 
during  his  younger  years,  while  later  he  took  a 
course  of  study  at  Knox  College,  Galesburg. 
LTpon  leaving  college  he  began  teaching  and  fol- 
lowed this  profession  in  Henry  County  for  three 
years.  At  the  expiration  of  this  time  he  returned 
to  the  farm  and  engaged  in  agriculture. 

In  the  meantime,  in  the  fall  of  1877,  Mr.  Fleming 
was  united  in  marriage  with  Miss  Nellie  M. 
Benedict,  of  Blue  Rapids,  Kan.  Mrs.  Fleming  is 
the  daughter  of  Foster  E.  and  Jeanette  (Follett) 
Benedict,  who  were  among  the  earliest  pioneers  of 
Henry  County,  111.,  where  their  daughter  Nellie 
M.,was  born.  The  Benedicts  were  originall3-  from 
Vermont.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fleming  remained  at 
the  old  homestead  until  their  removal   to  Summer- 



field,  about  the  1st  of  March,  1889.  Soon  after- 
ward Mr.  Fleming  associated  himself  with  his 
present  partner,  who  was  also  from  Henry  Count}', 
111.,  but  after  leaving  Illinois  sojourned  for  a  while 
in  Gage  County,  Neb.  Tliere  liave  been  born  to 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fleming  four  cliildren,  Frederick  M., 
Fannie,  J.,  Charles  Wilbert,  and  John  F. 

Mr.  Fleming,  poh'ticall}'^,  is  a  straight  Republi- 
can, and  while  a  resident  of  Henry  County.  111.,  was 
elected    to   the  office  of   County  Clerk.     He  is  a 

member  in  good  standing  of  the  Modern  Wood- 
men, in  which  he  carries  $2,000  insurance  for  the 
benefit  of  his  family.  The  firm  of  Trekell  &  Flem- 
ing carry  a  well-selected  stock,  and  have  estab- 
lished a  paying  trade.  They  have  three  yards  in 
a  town  which  seven  months  ago  was  unmarked  by 
a  single  building  of  any  kind,  but  which  now  boasts 
100  buildings  and  about  500  people.  In  its  growth 
and  development  tlie}-  have  performed  no  unim- 
portant part. 


Abbott,  J.  M 633 

Acker,  William 442 

Adams,  John 23 

Adams,   lohn  Q 3g 

Allen,  O.  C 728 

AUender,  William  H 520 

Alspach,  C 380 

Anderson,  N.  P 405 

Andrews,  Jacob  E 233 

Anthony,  George  T 135 

Armstrong,  John 73i' 

Armstrong,  J  •  S    570 

Arthur  Chester  A 99 

Auld,DanC 399 

Axtell,  A.C 463 

Balderson,  John 569 

Ball,  JamesE 512 

Barbour,  A.  R 242 

Barks,  C.  F 266 

Barlow,  Jacob  H 610 

Barlow,  Michael 726 

Barrett,  A.  G 450 

Barrett,  Thomas 530 

Beach,  CalvinG 665 

Becker,  William 709 

Bell, William 165 

Bennett,  Lloyd  S 4*^7 

Bennett,  M.  T 390 

Bentley,  Elijah 43i 

Bentlcy,  Samuel 469 

Bigham,  A 257 

Bigham,  Jonathan 565 

Billingsley,  A.  M 695 

BiUingsley,  E.  P 459 

Billingsley,  Hon.  James 503 

Binder,  J.  G 653 

Bishop,  J 250 

Blakeway.J.S    241 

Blanchard,  Horatio 669 

Bluhm, Joseph 288 

Bluhm,  Christian 288 

Boyakin,  Dr.  Williamson  F  ,  ,579 

Boyd,  William  S 389 

Bradshaw,  J.  M 359 

Brainard,  M.  C 179 

Brenneke.  H 276 

Brernan,  P.  A 616 

Brice,E.  M 524 

Brockmeyer,  Ernst 470 

Brooks,  A 234 

Brooks,  William  A 396 

Brown,  C.  C 708 

Brown,  John  G 257 

Brown,  M.  H 707 

Brown,  Rev.  J.  M 337 

Brucker,  Fred 164 

Brucker,  Fred 166 

Brucker,  Henry 158 

Buchanan,  James 75 

Burke,  J.M 428 

Burke,  JohnT 29c 

Burnett,  P.  S 4,9 

Butler,  Rev.  T.J 7,7 

Cain,  Edward 165 

Caldwell, John... 447 

Campbell.  Alex 379 

Campbell,  Patrick 401 

Campbell,  W.J 5,9 

Carney,  E.  G 392 

Carney, Thomas ,,5 

Cassidy,  William 492 

Casterliue,  T.  C   417 

Chaffee,  C.  L ,81 

Chaffee,  R.  M 213 

Chambers,  John     559 

Champagne,  Peler 411 

Chapman,  I.  H 237 

Chapman.  Henry  W 688 

Chesley,  L.  W 439 

Christianson,  N,  P iSa 

Clark,  Rezin 170 

Cleveland,  Grover  S 103 

Cockerill,  William 506 

Cohrs,  Peter     195 

Cole,  Dr.  C.  A 45, 

Colgrove,  William  H ,62 

Compton.  Ralph 382 

Cook,  Charles  A 403 

Cooper.  Robert 420 

Corpstein,  Thomas ^24 

Coulter,  William 677 

Craft,  R.  S.,  M.  D 563 

Cragle,  William 448 

Craik, David 173 

Cranston,   William 159 

Crawford,  Samuel  J 119 

Crevier,  John 705 

Crusa.Peter 616 

Cunningham,  R.G 696 

Cunningham,  Thomas 185 

Curs,  Charles 651 

Culler,  E 640 

Daily,  Philip 590 

Davis,  James  M 290 

Dawes, JamesS ,681 

Dawkins,  John 670 

Degnan,   [ohn 725 

De  Lair,  Edmund 352 

Dickey,  J.  C 3,6 

DiUe,  George  J.  T 307 

Dotson,  S.  L 326 

T)oty,  Hon.  Wellington   182 

Dougherty,  Barnard 672 

Douglass.P    406 

Duffy,  G.  W.,Sr 304 

Duntz,  JohnH 546 

Eby.L.  H 270 

Eddy,  William  W.. ,70 

Edmundson,  Cyrus 185 

Edmundson.T.  H ,80 

Edwards,   Dr.  A.  G 303 

Eilenbecker,  Joseph 511 

Elliott,  J.  M 586 

Elliott.  W.  H ..612 

Ely,  George  A 360 

Ensign.JamesF 393 

Esterbrook,  A.  R 571 

Estes,  A.  D 674 

Ewing,  M.R 684 

Ewing,  William  A 395 

Fairbanks,  Danforth 644 

Farrant,  John  P 631 

Farrar,Henry ,6, 

r^rr-.r,H.N 3,5 

Farrell,  Patrick 206 

Farrell,  P.  J    ...200 

Fillmore,  Millard 07 

Fillmore.  RollinS.,M.  D....619 

Finnigin,  Patrick ,76 

Fitz  Gerald,  James 735 

Fitzgerald,  William   676 

Fleming,  W.A 739 

Flin,  Amos 341 

Focks,  Fred 654 

Follett,  Henry  C 606 

Ford,  John  C 709 

Frahm,  August 643 

Frost,  J.  M 634 

Fuller,  Reuben 380 

Fulton,  E     R 3^6  . 

Fulton,  G.  R 3„ 

Funck,  Dr.  G.  M ^.q. 

larfield,  James  A 95 

iebbie,  George 219 

em  City  Rolling  Mill 611 

erhart,  A.  A 233 

erlinger,  G.  Fred ,96 

ilchrist,  Mrs.  Harriet 647 

lick,  George  W» ,4, 

oldsberry,  Eli 27, 

oodwin,  JudgeG 35, 

orbutt.  Joseph 32, 

""g"-  W-J 433 

rant.W.  H 402 

"ut.U.S 87 

reen,  Nehemiah ,23 

reen. Stephen .-..309 

riffee.  MarsKall 186 

riffee.Amon 689 

riffin,  J.D...    343 

riffis,  DewittC 372 

riffis,IsaacN 364 

riswold,  D.  W.., ,ca 


Guittard,  Xavier 617 

G uthrie.  David 302 

Hahn,  George 278 

Hall, 11.  B 711 

Hall,  Manin  V.  B 315 

Hammett,  F.  W 2b6 

Hammett,  J.  M .214 

Hammett,  L.  H 215 

Hammett,  Benjamin  J 171 

Hammett,  Rebecca 171 

Hanke,  Louis 222 

Harrison, Benj 107 

Harrison,  William  Henry 51 

Hartmat.,Phiio  D 445 

Harvey,  James  M 127 

Hawk,  W.  B   728 

Hawk,  M 728 

Hayes,  R.  B 91 

Hayes,J.  L 391 

Hazen,  S.  W 690 

Hazlett,  J.  L 268 

Healy.W.  D 658 

Hedge,  Morgan 260 

Heisse,  David 543 

Heleker,  George  B 435 

Hemphill,  Capt.  James 502 

HiII,Byron"A    267 

Hill,  William 429 

Hiner,  A.C 224 

Hohn,Hon.  August 473 

Holle,Otto   192 

Holloway,  l.B 221 

Holloway,  JacobL 272 

Holloway,  Thomas  L 229 

Holmes,  Stafford 261 

Holton,  C 230 

Hone,  J.  H 370 

Horr,H.C 597 

Horr.T.C 597 

Howe,  J.  D 653 

Howes,  Thomas 560 

Huber,  Anton -595 

Hughes,  Patrick 441 

Humfreville,H.,  M.  D 378 

Humphrey,  Lyman  U 151  ■ 

Hund.H 312 

Hunt.  Frank  L 687 

Hunt, James 633 

Hunt,  John 174 

Hunt,  William  B 674 

Hurley.  Rev.  John  A 490 

H  utchinson ,  Edward 189 

Hutchinson.  F.W., 496 

Hutchinson,  Hon.  Perry.    ...155 


Ingraham.  Philo  B. 


John 320 

,n,  Andrew 83 

■n.C.J 714 

,n,  Christ 3'J 

n,  Crauthway 474 

m,  lames 7>2 

m.J.1 223 

0%ven  R 247 

Peter 464 

,,  A.M  .368 

Jackson,  Andrew 43 

Jefferson,  Thomas 27 

Jester,  A,  H jqq 

Kahae.M S»3 

Kane,  John 284 

Kanfold,  T.  E 427 

Keiper,  S.M 478 

Kelley,  Miles 572 

Kennedy,  William 210 

Kerschen,  Charles 225 

Kirch,  J.  B 265 

Kirkwood,  A.  W 184 

K!ster,Capt.  Frank 205 

Kistler,  George  R 417 

Kistler,L.  K 365 

Kjellberg,  A 706 

Koch,  Samuel  R 453 

Koeneke,  W.  H    254 

Koester,  Charles  F 429 

Koppes,  Nicholas 609 

Kramme.  Henry 210 

Krebs,  Werner 618 

Kriley.  A.  P 483 

Krilev,F.  J 483 

Kriley,  J.  B 453 

Kunz,  Albert '99 

Kuoni,  Mathias 628 

Landrum,  George  B 48S 

Lane,  J.  M ...668 

Lane,  W.  C 436 

Lann.  August 422 

Leavitt.  Henry  W •■■■477 

Lemons,  Joseph  E 484 

Leonard,  J.  R 409 

Leslie,  W.  S 204 

Lewis,  William 212 

Libby.  L.  W 45* 

Life,  John 727 

Lincoln,  Abraham 79 

Livingston,  J.'R 361 

Loban,  John  A 539 

Locke,  Daniel 556 

Lodholz,  Godfrey 489 

Long,  B.  F 505 

Love,  William 204 


Mabie,  Dan  M 521 

Madden,  Hon.  William  P. ..  .338 

Madison,  James 31 

Magill,  James  S 313 

Manly,  Beverage.  ■■■  .■    409 

Mann,  T.J 280 

Manning,  Joseph 277 

Marks. B.F 388 

Marks,  Eli   549 

Martin,  John  A 147 

Martin, S.  S 366 

Mason ,  Z.  K 455 

Massey.  John    482 

Maxwell.  James 673 

McAtee,  Eli  M 591 

McClarnen,  John 561 

McCurdy,W.C 346 

McDonald,  Finley 175 

McGrew,   Harland 553 

McKannon,  Henry  H 43' 

McKee,  John 252 

McKee,  S.  D 440 

McKellips,  E.  C 705 

McLennan.  J.  J 487 

McLeod,  Angus 283 

McLeod,A.  P 286 

McMahan,  Thomas 275 

McMillan,  Alex 292 

McMillan.  Ira  F 161 

McPherson.  John ■  ■  .  .663 

Means,  J^  W 169 

Meinecke,  William 496 

Merklinghaus,  Ludwig 529 

Millenbruch,  F.  H 723 

Miller,  Charles 650 

Miller,  David  H 551 

Miller,  E.  L 320 

Miller,Philip 596 

Mills,  Ebenezer 491 

Moffitt,G.  W 612 

Moffitt,  John  J 643 

Mohlenbrink,  Henry 509 

Mohrbacher,  A.  J 545 

Mohrbacher,  C 592 

Mohrbacher,  Jacob 661 

Montieth,  J .  T 476 

Monroe,  James  35 

Montgomery,  James 670 

Moore,  R.  B   294 

Morton,  R 333 

Moser,  George   S38 

Moser,R.E... 423 

,  Moshiskey,  John 179 

Murphy,  William 310 

Nash,  !■  W 330 

Neal,  Arthur  H 329 

Neel,  W,  M 161 

Newton ,  James  D 226 

Niemann,  Henry^^.    574 

Ockerman,  Dr.  ■\.  J 272 

Ockerman,  Mrs.  Polly 272 

Olston,  Peter  A 419 

Osborn,  Thomas  A 131 

Otto,  John  H 191 

Packard,  Dr.  W.  O 297 

Palmer,  A.  J 671 

Palmer,  John 735 

Park,  W.  C 657 

Parthemer,  J.  S 268 

Paul,  John , 459 

Paul,  Mrs.  Eliza  A 576 

Paul.S.  Frank 591 

Peabody,  S.  F 456 

Pecenka,  John 703 

Perdue,  Daniel  G    631 

Peters,  P.  H .' 340 

Peters,  Thomas 253 

Peters, S.H 392 

Pickette,  Mrs.  Eliza 410 

Pierce,  Franklin   71 

Planck,  C.J 452 

Plunkett,T,J 323 

Polk,  James  K ' . . . ,  59 

Pollard,  Alfred  B 684 

Price,  John  B .   536 

Pritchard,  Charles 231 

Punteney,  Eli  M .'..700 

Raemer,  Frederick  W 516 

Raemer,  Philipp 209 

Raemer,  William    193 

Randall,  Capt.  William 725 

Randolph,  T.  C 220 

Reed,  Mrs.  M.  E    621 

Reed,  Homer  T 621 

Reiter,Jacob 211 

Reiter,  John 21^ 

ReitzeLJ.H 449 

Reitzel,  M.  L 675 

Reser,  J.B 279 

Rice,  W.  R 203 

Robinson,  Charles in 

Robinson.  Elizabeth 287 

Rodkey,  J.  C 532 

Rogers,  H.  .\ 4,5 

Rogers,  L 342 

Rohde,Hugo 194 

Roll,  John 289 

Rommel,  William  J 515 

Ross  &  Nye 721 

Rounds,  H.L 486 

Roundtree.  W.  M 350 

Rowland, E.S 553 

Ruden,G 383 

Rundle,  R.  B 434 

•Ryan, Dennis 387 

Sachs,  .Adam :;oi 

Sanderson,  John 183 

Satterfield,  T,  D .735 


Scheibe,  John  H 211 

Schell,  Henry 214 

Schmickler,  Rev.  M.  J.....--33I 

Schmidt,  Hen. 429 

Schmucker,  William 383 

Schioeder.  Christ   735 

Schnbkagel,  John 738 

Schumacher,?.  J  . . .    202 

Schumacher,  Peter , 731 

Scott,  J.  F 466 

Scrafford,  C.  G 296 

Scriber,  Joseph  P   422 

Shaffer,  C.  H 569 

Sharp,   .Aldus 533 

Shearer,  Andrew 494 

Sheehan,  John  P 418 

Sheldon,  Stephen 260 

Shepard,  M.  S 367 

Shibley,  R.  Y 575 

Shields,  Robert 190 

Shores, James 259 

Shroyer.  James 201 

Sitler,Capt    J.  R 640 

Souders,  W.  L  56= 

Smercheck,  Joseph 293 

Smiley,  John  S    397 

Smith,  B.  W 172 

Smith,  David 438 

Smith,  George  T 525 

Smith,  H.  C "55 

Smith, Horace 660 

Smith,  Robert  W 319 

Smith,  Thompson 240 

Spang ler,  Amos 347 

Speak,  W.  M 457 

Spealman,  Henry 306 

Staley,  A.  M 224 

Stalcy,  J.  R ' 510 

Stauss,  Gustav 615 

Stegelin,  John 597 

Stehlik,  Joseph 213 

Stettnisch,  Frank  G    172 

St.  John.  John  P 139 

Stocks,  G.  B 50° 

Stocks,  Hon.  Fred  A 719 

Stoehr,  Frank ifo 

Stohs,  FredW 526 

Stowell,  J  Warren 381 

Strange,  Charles  S 671 

Strayer,  Dr.  William 550 

Summers,  Mrs.  A.  R 7U 

Swanson,  Charles  A 357 

Swart,  Rochester .  - 305 

Swearingen,  George  D 362 

Talbot,   John 228 

Talbot,   William  E 661 

Tarvin,E.  B 727 

Tarvin,G.W 546 

Tatlock,  W.  A   534 

Taylor,  Zachary 63 

Terry,  M.W 679 

Thomann,  Frank 454 

Thomas.A.  V 471 

Thomas,  Owen =39 

Thompson,  James  A 589 

Thompson,  Thomas  J 54' 

Thompson,  William 603 

Thompson,  William  C 253 

Thurston.  W.  A 423 

Tilley,  James 430 

TiUey,  R.  H 504 

I'illmann,    Benjamin 449 

Tillmann,  George   652 

Totten,  Charles 724 

Totten,  F.  H 243 

Totten,  Joseph 243 

Travelute,  A.  J 704 

Travelute,  Charles  H 465 

Trekell  &  Fleming 739 

Trout, J.  H 398 

Tucker,  Hon  .  M  .  A 245 

TurnbulUJohn 377 

Tyler,James 344 

Tyler,  John 5; 

Van  Buren,  Martin 47 

Van  Scoter,  J.  W 582 

Veith,   Fred 5,4 

Vickery,P.  T 424 


Wadick,  T.  W 298 

Wagner,  Fred   639 

Walker,  Isaac 412 

Walker,Joseph  H 348 

Walls,  George  W 488 

Walter,  F.J 240 

Walter,  Sidney 377 

Warnica,  William  D 492 

Washington,  George 19 

Waterbury,  John  J 468 

Waters,  N.  T 466 

Waterson,   Hon.  T.  W 375 

Watkins,  Hon.  J.  T 248 

Watkins,  Orlando  B 386 

Watson,  C    L 227 

Watson,  J.  M 404 

Watt,  John  T 274 

Watters,  James  W 555 

Watters,  Samuel  B 523 

Wayman,  W.  S 475 

Webster,  John  B 4S5 

Weedc,  A.  B 627 

Wells,  James 584 

Wertemberger,  David 678 

Westermann,  Fred 535 

Wheeler,  C,  C 358 

Wheeler,  Edward  U 730 

Wheeler,  James  O 642 

Wheeler,  P.  L 7,9 

White,  Bros 371 

White,  Judge  Robert 68o 

White,  V.S 251 

Wiedemeyer,  H.  E 658 

Wilcox,  James  R 566 

Williams,  E.G 322 

Williams,  James  M 262 

Wil|!ams,J.  A 258 

Williams,  Joseph  A 3-., 

Willis,  George  W 4,, 

Wilson, C.B 494 

Wilson,  J.  B 369 

Wilson,  Joseph 290 

Wilson,  Rev.  Joseph 301 

Winkler,  G.  J 315 

Winter,  James 585 

Winter,  John  M    6O5 

Witham,  Amos 697 

Wolverton,   T.J    24, 

Wuester,  J.  E   j^i 

Yates,  Henry. 

Adams,   John 22 

Adams,  John  Q     38 

Anthony,  George  T ..  ..134 

Arthur,  Chester  A 98 

Boyakin,W.F 578 

Brown,  Rev.  J  .  M .336 

Buchanan,  James . .   74 

Carney, Thomas     114 

Cleveland,  GroverS t02 

Crawford,  Samuel  J 118 

Fillmore,  Millard.., 66 

Garfield,  James  A 94 

Gilchrist,  Mrs.  H.P 646 

Click,  George  W 142 

Grant,  Ulysses  S 86 

Green.  Nehemiah ■  ■  -122 

Harrison,  William  H 50 

Harrison,  Benjamin   106 

Harvey,  James  M.. 126 

Hayes,   Rutherford  B    90 

Humphrey,  Lyman  U ...150 

Hutchinson,  Edward l58 

Hutchinson,  Perry 154 

Jackson,    Andrew 42 

Jefferson,  Thos 26 

Johnson,  Andrew -.  . .   82 

Jones,  O.  R '...246 

Lincoln,  Abraham 78 

Loban,  J.  A 538 

Madison,  James 30 

Martin,  John  A 146 

Means,  J.  W ,68 

Monroe.  James 34 





St.  Jol 



n,  Thomas  A    130 

^,  Franklin 70 

JamesH 58 

ison,  Charles no 

hn,  John  P. 138 

'r  Zachary 62 

pson,  William 600 

pson,  Mrs.  M.  J 601 

■  John 54 

!uren,  Martin 46 

ington,  Cieorge 18 

son,  Thomas  W 374 

n,  R?v    Joseph 300 


Balderson,  John 567 

Be»ch,  C.  G ••••....227 

Binder,  J.  G 177 

Brooks,  A =35 

Corpstein,  Thomas 623 

Cassidy,  William 407 

Chambers,  John 557 

Chapman,  1.  H 235 

Cockerill,  William 507 

Curs,  Charles 443 

Dawkins,  John 227 

UeLair,  Edmund 354 

Di:nt2,  John  H 547 

EUenbecker,  Joseph 207 

Elliott,  J.  M 587 

Elliott,  William  H 613 

Esterbrook,  A  .  R 307 

KitzGerald,  James 425 

Focks,  Fred 655 

Follett,  H.  C 607 

Frahm,  August   443 

Frost,  J.  M 6.45 

Gebbie,  George 217 

Gerlinger,  G.  F 197 

GrifSs,  D.  C 461 

Hazen.S.  W 691 

Heisse,  David 317 

Howe, J. D 023 

Huber.  Anton 593 

Hutchinson,  F.  W 497 

Ingraham,  P.  B 691 

Johnson,  C.  J    729 

Jones,  Peter 317 

Kirch,  John  B 263 

Keiper,S-M    479 

Koppes,  Nicholas   607 

Kuoni,  Mathias 629 

Locke,  Daniel 5^7 

Lodholz,  G    317 

Mann, T.J 281 

RIassey,  John 479 

McLeod,  Angus 281 

McKellips,  E.C 177 

Merklinghaus,  Ludwig 527 

Meinecke,  William 497 

Mohlenbrink,  Henry 507 

Mohrbacher,   Christian 593 

Mohrbacher,  Jacob 443 

M  oser,  George 635 

Murphy,  William 701 

Niemann,  Henry 207 

Palmer,A.  j 227 

Park,   WilliamC 655 



Pollard,  A.  B 685 

Punteney,  Eli  M 701 

Raemer,  Fred  W 517 

Reitcr,  John 217 

Reitzel,  Martin  L 461 

Schubkagel,  John 461 

Shibley,  Robert  Y 425 

Stohs,  Fred  W  527 

Slauss.G 6.3 

St.  Bridget's  Church 407 

St.  Joseph's  Church 720 

Tarvin,  G.W 547 

Tillmann,  George ,77 

Waters,  N.  T 425 

Wertemberger,  Lydia 623 

Wileox,  James  R 567 

Williams,  James  M 263 

Veith,  Fred 407 

Yates,  Henry 587