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Number 106 February 13, 1967 




Our understanding of the evolutionary history of the lungfishes 
(Osteichthyes, Dipnoi) is based almost exclusively upon fossil 
material of freshwater forms. Indeed, everything we know about 
the fossil and living Dipnoi suggests that this group mostly has a 
freshwater habitat. It is of the greatest interest, therefore, to learn 
that the two earliest, and most primitive, lungfish species that we 
know of, Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (Etheridge) and D. lehmani 
Westoll, were fully marine forms (see Westoll, 1949 and especially 
Campbell, 1965). The discovery and study of further marine lung- 
fishes has thus become a matter of some importance, both in 
elucidating the variously primitive and advanced characters of 
Dipnorhynchus and in establishing more fully the evolutionary 
history of the Dipnoi as a whole. 

The subject of this short paper is a specimen of lungfish from 
the marine Upper Devonian of Canada. The fish clearly belongs 
in a new genus and species, and seems to be more primitive than 
the typical and well-known freshwater dipnoans of the same age. 


Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 106 

Family uncertain 
Sunwapta genus novum 
grandiceps species novum 

‘“Coelacanth remains” (Gardiner 1966, p. 93) 

DiaGnosis. A very large dipnoan fish: estimated length of skull 
approximately 22 cm., estimated standard length approximately 
1 metre. Marine in occurrence. Tooth plates large and lacking 
separate denticles. Lower tooth plates differentiated peripherally 
by the presence of grooves separating approximately parallel ridges 
that show faint signs of becoming subdivided into small denticles. 
Dorsal surfaces of the ridges covered with enamel similar to that 
covering the dermal bones. Central and posterior portions of the 
tooth plates smooth and lacking the enamel covering (in all prob- 
ability this is lost through wear during the life of the animal). 
Dermal bones of the lower jaw massive and bearing an external 
covering of enamel identical with that found in typical Dipterus 
Sedgwick and Murchison. 

OCCURRENCE. Sunwapta Pass, Mount Athabasca, Alberta, Canada. 
Upper Devonian. Precise locality unknown. 

TyPE SPECIMEN. Specimen number 477, University of Alberta 
Geological Museum, Edmonton, Alberta. Collected by “Mr. M. 
Bleuler,” date unknown. 

REMARKS. Unfortunately only a single specimen of this fish is 
known. The specimen is well preserved (Fig. 1) and consists of 
the symphysis and the anterior portions of the rami of the lower 
jaws. The specimen shows no sign of pronounced weathering or 
rolling and there can be virtually no doubt but that it derives from 
the marine environment in which it was deposited rather than 
having been transported before or after fossilization from some 
distant freshwater locality. The nature of the tooth plates also 
tends to confirm the conclusion that the fish lived in a marine 
environment, the structure suggesting that the fish was adapted to 
feeding on molluscs or other hard-shelled invertebrates. It has 

FIGURE 1. Sunwapta grandiceps gen. et sp. nov. Holotype, 
symphysial region of the lower jaws in occlusal 
and anterior view. Natural size. 

1967 A New Devonian Marine Dipnoan 3 

been difficult to assess the familial status of the fish. The general 
structure shows a clear affinity with the families Dipteridae and 
Dipnorhynchidae, but the fish probably does not correctly belong 
in either of these families. The problem is discussed further below. 


A search through the literature pertaining to the Dipnoi reveals 
that fragmentary remains of large lungfish have been found in a 
wide variety of Devonian marine or semi-marine deposits. Among 
such forms may be included Palaeadaphus van Beneden and 
Koninck, possibly Grossipterus Obruchey (formerly Holodus), 
Conchodus McCoy, Holodipterus White and Moy-Thomas (for- 
merly Archaeotylus) in addition to Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi 
and D. lehmani. These fishes are mostly imperfectly known; in the 
majority of cases only portions of the mandibles and tooth plates 
have been preserved. Nonetheless, we may see that they all have 
in common a marine origin, moderately large to very large size, 
and tooth plates which lack separate denticles and bear only a small 
number of broad, faintly ornamented, ridges radiating from a point 
near the postero-medial corner of the plate. Naturally, it is highly 
important in this analysis to be sure that the patterns of denticula- 
tion (particularly the lack of denticulation) are not simply caused 
by wear of the specimen. Usually, as in the present case, this can 
be determined quite readily. 

It is of considerable interest to speculate upon the phylogenetic 
history of these marine forms. Since, in the majority of cases, only 
the tooth plates are known to us, it is impossible at the present time 
to determine with accuracy the morphological resemblance and 
taxonomic relationship of these fishes to the better-known fresh- 
water Dipnoi of the Devonian. It seems reasonable to categorize 
them as separate genera and species close to but quite distinct 
from the family Dipteridae; it is probably most economical to 
assign them as Dipnoi incertae sedis. 

A more important question than the taxonomic relations of 
these marine forms concerns their relative primitiveness. Are they 
secondarily derived from freshwater forms similar to the Dipteridae 
etc., or do they represent remnants of an ancestral marine radia- 
tion of Dipnoi from which all the freshwater forms have later 
evolved? At present we are only able to discuss the question with 

4 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 106 

respect to the evidence afforded from the structure of the tooth 

The studies of White (1965, 1966) have cleared up a good 
deal of the confusion concerning the nature of the dentition in 
Dipnoi. As he states, the Dipterus-type of dentition “is formed 
from specialized areas of the dentine-covered bone surface (of the 
jaws) and... the denticles arise subsequently to the development 
of the crushing plate” (1966, p. 7). According to this view the 
relatively unspecialized dentition of Dipnorhynchus (White, 1964; 
Campbell, 1965) is strictly primitive and has not been preceded 
by any denticulated stage. 

Since, as the evidence stands at present, it is difficult to inter- 
pret the nature of the tooth plates in Dipnorhynchus as other than 
primitive, the characteristic denticulation of the tooth plates of the 
freshwater Dipnoi such as Dipterus, Fleurantia Graham-Smith and 
Westoil, Scaumenacia Traquair, or Rhinodipterus Save-Soderbergh 
must be interpreted as having arisen secondarily, probably in 
accordance with adaptation to a new feeding requirement in a new 
habitat. These freshwater fishes seem to be adapted for dealing 
with a less brittle food; the difference between feeding upon 
arthropods and upon molluscs. (No doubt, of course, Dipterus 
and its relatives also fed on smaller freshwater shellfish and the 
marine forms probably fed on larger crustaceans too.) It is clear, 
however, that the denticulation of the Dipterus-type of tooth 
allows for the fish to deal with a wider range of food than the 
simple crushing plates of Dipnorhynchus. In a previous study 
(Thomson, 1965) I have discussed the possibilities that exist for 
differentiation of the dental battery in various Dipnoi — for exam- 
ple, by the development of a central crushing area quite dis- 
tinct from the peripheral denticulation which may be used for 

If this interpretation is correct then Sunwapta and the similar 
large marine forms that we have listed above most probably belong 
to a group intermediate between the early Dipnorhynchidae and 
the later Dipteridae. They may represent part of an early radiation 
of Dipnoi from which the freshwater forms later evolved. The 
simplest interpretation of the pattern of the tooth plates in the 
forms like Sunwapta or Palaeadaphus is that they represent the 
earliest stage towards the development of the Dipterus-type of 

1967 A New Devonian Marine Dipnoan 5) 

tooth plate. According to this hypothesis, therefore, in the phyl- 
ogenetic history of the Dipnoi the initial stage of the tooth plate 
from the coarsely tubercular Dipnorhynchus-stage is the differentia- 
tion of a series of marginal ridges, formed by the excavation of 
deep grooves in the peripheral portion of the plate. Thus the 
ridges are not added to the plate but are formed by the develop- 
ment of the grooves. The curvature and location of the opposing 
plates apparently allows the upper and lower ridges to interdigitate. 
We may extend this hypothesis to suggest that the formation of 
discrete denticles on the tooth plate occurs through subdivision of 
the ridges on the tooth plate. This hypothesis would accord well 
with White’s observations on the nature of the denticles in Dipnoi 
since the denticles would essentially represent the original enamel- 
covered surface of the tooth plate. 

In view of the marine affinities of Dipnorhynchus itself (the 
earliest dipnoan that is currently known), the alternative view- 
point — that the tooth plates in these fishes represent a secondary 
adaptation to marine life that has evolved from an ancestral fresh- 
water dipterid stock — is less satisfactory. We may note, however, 
that the marine (or estuarine) Dipterus digitatus Eastman, D. 
mordax Eastman, D. pectinatus Eastman and D. costatus Eastman 
from the Upper Devonian of Iowa (Eastman, 1908) most probably 
do have just such a derivation from more advanced freshwater 
forms. Their exact taxonomic position is uncertain and will not be 
discussed here. They are clearly different from the Sunwapta — 
Palaeadaphus type in that, although the main body of the tooth 
plate is frequently not denticulated, distinct denticles are present 
nearer the periphery. Another feature that may be important is 
that in these apparently secondary forms the tooth ridges “radiate” 
from a point in the mid-section of the tooth plate, whereas in the 
more primitive forms the ridges are more parallel to the antero- 
posterior axis. On the whole, it seems most likely that these forms 
have arisen from more typical advanced dipnoans by the loss of 
denticles from the median portion of the tooth plate. Again, this 
development of a crushing type of dentition is associated with a 
marine or estuarine environment. 

6 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 106 


I am grateful to Dr. C. Stelck and the Department of Geology, 
University of Alberta, Edmonton, for the loan of the specimen 
described here. The study was supported financially by National 
Science Foundation grant number GB 4814. 


Campbell, K. S. W. 1965. An almost complete skull roof and plate of the 
dipnoan Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (Etheridge). Palaeontology 8: 

Eastman, C. R. 1908. Devonian fishes of Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv. 18: 

Gardiner, B. G. 1966. Catalogue of Canadian fossil fishes. R. Ont. Mus., 
Contrib. 68: 1-154. 

Thomson, K. S. 1965. On the relationships of certain Carboniferous Dipnoi; 
with descriptions of four new forms. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Proc., B. 
69: 221-245. 

Westoll, T. S. 1949. On the evolution of the Dipnoi. p. 121-184. Jn G. L. 
Jepsen, E. Mayr, and G. G. Simpson, [eds.]. Genetics, paleontology 
and evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton. 

White, E. I. 1965. The head of Dipterus valenciennesi Sedgwick and Murchi- 
son. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Geology Bull. 2: 1-45. 

1966. Presidential address: A little on lung-fishes. Linn. 
Soc. London, Proc. 177: 1-10. 


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