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Museum of Comparative Zoology 



ULI 14 1968 


NUMBER 125. 16 SEPT. 1968 




Published by the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University 

Postilla includes results of original research on systematic, evolution- 
ary, morphological, and ecological biology, including paleontology. 
Syntheses and other theoretical papers based on research are also 
welcomed. Postilla is intended primarily for papers by the staff of 
the Peabody Museum or on research using material in this Museum. 

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Bingham Oceanographic Collection. All except Discovery are available 
in exchange for relevant publications of other scientific institutions 
anywhere in the world. 


CHARLES G. SIBLEY htt Ld) pt 1) Oe 

Department of Biology and BRARY 

Peabody Museum of Natural History 

Yale University ULI 14 1968 



Comparisons of the electrophoretic pattern of the egg-white 
proteins of Zeledonia coronata with the patterns of most groups 
of passerine birds indicate that this species is not a thrush, but a 
“nine-primaried oscine”, probably allied most closely to, and 
possibly a member of, the wood warblers (Parulidae of Wetmore, 
1960). Investigation of the taxonomic history of Zeledonia sug- 
gests that an early combination of bias, errors, and incomplete 
comparative studies conspired to divert the attention of later in- 
vestigators from the ample anatomical evidence indicating the true 
relationships of Zeledonia. 

POSTILLA 125: 12 p. 16 SEPTEMBER 1968. 



On November 23, 1888, Senor Anastasio Alfaro, the Director of 
the National Museum of Costa Rica, collected a small passerine 
bird at an elevation of 2660 meters, high on the slopes of the 
Volcan de Poas in Costa Rica. Apparently the bird reminded him 
of a small thrush for he wrote the generic name Catharus on the 
label. This specimen was sent to Robert Ridgway who selected it 
as the type of a new genus and species, Zeledonia coronata (Ridg- 
way, 1889), dedicated to his friend, Senor José C. Zeledon. 

In the original description Ridgway clearly was influenced by 
Sr. Alfaro’s opinion that the bird was a thrush because he began 
the description of Zeledonia by noting that it was “somewhat like 
Catharus . ” and, later, mentioned that “the loose-webbed 
rectrices with finely acuminate points, as well as the loosely- 
webbed remiges, slender bill, and long-booted tarsi with sharp 
posterior edge remind one of Catharus gracilirostris, to which 
genus Mr. Alfaro, the collector, had referred the bird.’”’ However, 
Ridgway also noted that “the coloration of the head suggests that 
of Basileuterus coronatus. ...” 

Ridgway found the Zeledonia had only 10 rectrices and 18 
remiges while typical thrushes have 12 and 19 respectively. He 
noted, however, that Catharus gracilirostris has only 18 remiges, 
apparently not counting the relatively short outer primary in this 
species. Ridgway also compared Zeledonia with Scytalopus (Rhino- 
cryptidae) and Xenicus and noted that the tarsi of Zeledonia 
were “faintly scutellate’, although described as “booted” and 
hence thrush-like, earlier in the paper. 

Although the collector’s designation of the specimen as a Cath- 
arus apparently provided the original suggestion that Zeledonia 
was a thrush, Ridgway did not assign Zeledonia to any family in 
the original description. Instead he remarked (1889: 537) that 
“this remarkable new genus is so peculiar in its characters that I 
am in much doubt as to which family it belongs.” 

In a footnote to the original description Ridgway (1889:538) 
reported that F. A. Lucas had undertaken a study of the skeleton 
of Zeledonia and that Lucas had informed him “that so far as his 
investigations have gone they show that Zeledonia is not related to 


Catharus. ...° This was all that was ever published as a result 
of Lucas’ study. 

Salvin and Godman (1888-97: 248) compared Zeledonia with 
Basileuterus, Xenicus and Scytalopus and concluded that it was 
probably not related to any of these genera and that “the position 
of this genus must remain in abeyance pending a full examination 
of its internal structure.” 

The oscinine affinities of Zeledonia were established by Pycraft 
(1901) who examined the syrinx and wing muscles. Pycraft noted, 
however, that “its exact position had yet to be determined.” 

Sharpe (1903: 183), acting upon Pycraft’s discovery that Zele- 
donia was oscinine but apparently also influenced by the early bias 
toward Catharus, placed Zeledonia between Catharus and Sialia. 
In a footnote, however, he stated that “the correct position of this 
genus is still unknown.” 

In 1905 Pycraft published the results of a more extensive study 
of the anatomy of Zeledonia that was undertaken “to decide, if 
possible, whether the position assigned to Zeledonia by Dr. Sharpe, 
on the evidence of external characters, was at least approximately 
correct. ...” Pycraft examined the external morphology of the 
bill and legs, the pterylography, the wing and thigh muscles, the 
syrinx, and the skeleton. His paper appears to be a reasonably 
definitive study until it is realized that the comparisons were made 
primarily with various thrushes. A few comparisons with sylviids 
were noted and other groups are mentioned but there is no evidence 
that extensive comparisons with many passerine groups were 
undertaken. Throughout the paper Pycraft lamented the lack of 
comparative material and the unsatisfactory condition of the only 
available anatomical specimen of Zeledonia. Only skins of most of 
the thrush genera were available to him and he noted (p. 3) that 
“these have proved to be of no help whatever in the matter.” 


Because Pycraft’s paper is the basis for all subsequent opinions 
concerning the affinities of Zeledonia it is important to examine it 
in some detail. In the following section Pycraft’s principal points 
are considered, accompanied by comments on certain comparisons 
I have made. 



Pycraft (1905: 4) noted that “the nostrils are covered by a 
membranous operculum having the form of a triangle. So far this 
operculum appears to be unique.” The shape of the ventral margin 
of the nasal operculum in Zeledonia, as noted b Pycraft, is con- 
vex with a sharply inflected angle at the point of maximum con- 
vexity, thus producing the triangular shape noted by Pycraft. This 
contrasts markedly with the concave or straight ventral margin 
in many thrushes. I have examined alcoholic specimens of Turdus 
migratorius, Sialia sialis, Hylocichla ustulata, Catharus frantzii, 
Saxicola rubetra, Erythropygia leucophrys and Erithacus rubecula. 
In all except Erithacus the ventral margin of the nasal operculum 
is straight or concave. However, in Erithacus there is a noticeable 
angle, which produces a slightly triangular shape. The effect is to 
provide an operculum that nearly occludes the nostril, as in 

An examination of nasal opercula in the wood warblers reveals 
a parallel situation. The margin is straight or concave in Dendroica 
magnolia, Vermivora ruficapilla, Wilsonia pusilla, Setophaga ruti- 
cilla, Helmitheros vermivora, Oporornis formosus, Geothlypis ae- 
quinoctialis, Seiurus aurocapillus and Icteria virens. In the genus 
Basileuterus, however, there is a tendency to develop a triangular 
shape. The operculum of B. culicivorus has a decided angle, less 
than in Zeledonia but of the same appearance. B. leucoblepharus 
also has an obviously triangular operculum while in B. rufifrons 
there is but a slight indication of the angle. 

It is tempting to suggest that the similarity in dorsal coloration 
between Zeledonia and Basileuterus coronatus, plus the similarity 
in the nasal opercula of the two genera, indicates that Zeledonia is 
closer to Basileuterus than to other paruline genera. However, the 
existence of the triangular operculum in Erithacus suggests that 
the shape of this structure is probably correlated with feeding on 
the ground and perhaps with using the bill to dig and probe. Thus 
convergence alone may have produced the similar opercular shapes 
and they may indicate nothing about genetic relationships. 

The podotheca was described by Pycraft (p. 7-8) and “found 
to be formed by the fusion of four separate scutes, traces of which 
can be distinctly seen.” Pycraft went on to discuss the uncertain 


taxonomic value of tarsal scutellation and came to no firm con- 
clusion as to its meaning in Zeledonia. 

The margins of the tarsal scutes can be seen in the alcoholic 
specimen available to me and Pycraft’s description is verified. The 
tarsus is not truly “booted” but there has been a considerable 
degree of fusion between the scutes. Presumably this is an adaptive 
response to life on the ground in the wet, densely vegetated habitat 
of Zeledonia. 


Pycraft described the feather tracts of his specimen and con- 
firmed that Zeledonia has nine functional primaries and a vesti- 
gial tenth. He noted (p. 6) that “according to the usual ornitho- 
logical custom, this wing would be considered to have but 9 

In a summary of the “pterylosis of Zeledonia and of the Tur- 
didae in general” Pycraft (p. 9) presented the following incon- 
clusive remarks: 

In its pterylological characters Zeledonia, so far as I have 
been able to discover, agrees more nearly with the Turdidae 
than with any other group. 

But what are, precisely, the pterylological characters of 
the Turdidae? Unfortunately, owing to lack of material, I 
cannot at present say, nor can I find any scientific contribution 
to the subject. So much, however, seems apparent, that the 
Turdidae, as a group, present certain common characters, 
which may be regarded as distinctly Turdine. It is possible, 
however, that these distinctions, which are of a somewhat 
subtle description, will break down when the pterylosis of 
the Timaliidae (revised), Pycnonotidae, Alaudidae, Motacil- 
lidae, Mniotiltidae, and Sylviidae — of Dr. Sharpe’s ‘Hand- 

list?’ — come to be studied. These several “families” will, 
I believe, prove to be more closely related than has been 

These statements reveal only that Pycraft was unable to come 
to any conclusions at all concerning the significance of pterylosis. 



‘Nothing of importance appears to be derivable from the study 
of the myology of Zeledonia.” Following this remark Pycraft 
commented upon the “typically passerine” wing and thigh muscles 
and noted various differences and similarities between Zeledonia 
and other genera, mostly thrushes. 


Careful study of the skull, sternum, and shoulder-girdle 
of Zeledonia leaves little doubt but that this bird must be 
regarded as one of the Turdidae. The skull, however, pre- 
sents one or two relatively important features, which may, 
perhaps, be regarded as primitive characters. .. . The Thrush- 
like characters of the skull are to be found in the form of the 
tympanic cavity and of the palate. These points of common 
resemblance, it must be remarked, by no means leap to the 
eyes on a first examination, nevertheless they are real. They 
seem to indicate that Zeledonia should be regarded as a primi- 
tive Thrush, in the wide sense of the word. ... 

Following this statement Pycraft (p. 14-22) described the tympanic 
region, palate, and other features of the skeleton of Zeledonia. 
Unfortunately, as for other characters, Pycraft mentioned only a 
few genera, mainly thrushes, with which he compared Zeledonia. 
In spite of his seemingly confident introductory statement that 
Zeledonia is a thrush he recorded a series of differences between 
the skeleton of Zeledonia and those of the thrushes he used in his 
comparisons. In each instance Pycraft designated the condition 
in Zeledonia as “primitive” or “specialized” to explain the differ- 
ences from the thrushes. 

It is difficult to judge the validity of Pycraft’s statements with- 
out assembling the same specimens he used and checking each 
point. However, it seems clear that he examined material from 
only a few groups and that most of the osteological characters of 
Zeledonia that he designated as thrush-like are either of wide dis- 
tribution in the Passeres or actually differ from the condition in 
the thrushes. For example, Pycraft laid particular emphasis upon 
the tympanic cavity as being thrush-like in Zeledonia. He began 
by noting the condition in Menura and stated (p. 19) that “this 


type appears in a large number of widely different groups, and 
the fact may be regarded as an additional indication of its primi- 
tive character.” 

The turdiform birds, Pycraft went on to say, “appear to have 
departed from this type along two different lines.” These are rep- 
resented by Sialia as the “ground-type” and by Erithacus, Saxicola 
and the Sylviidae as the second type. Zeledonia is described as 
having the tympanic region of the skull “specialized in one re- 
spect” and “indeed the peculiar features of this region of the skull 
appear to have resulted from a modification of the type of tympanic 
region in Sialia, not as it is in adult life, but as it appears during 
its earlier stages of development.” Then, in what must be regarded 
as the death blow to his argument that these characters indicate 
family level relationships, Pycraft wrote (p. 20): “The skulls of 
Anthus and Motacilla, it should be remembered, resemble Sialia 
in the form of the tympanic cavity.” 

The palatal evidence fares no better. Pycraft described (p. 21- 
22) and figured (pl. II) the palatal region of Zeledonia and noted 
that “the style-shaped maxillo-palatines of Zeledonia represent an 
undoubtedly specialized condition. In the typical Turdiform palate 
... these structures are larger, spoon-shaped, and inflated at the 
free end to form a kind of pocket. ... The linear form seen in 
Zeledonia is obviously a degenerate condition of a maxillo-palatine 
of the type found in Erithacus or Sialia, for example.” 

Pycraft apparently did not compare the maxillo-palatines of 
Zeledonia with those of the nine-primaried oscines. I have com- 
pared the palatal regions of the paruline genera Seiurus, Geothly- 
pis, Vermivora and Helmitheros, the turdine genera Hylocichla and 
Sialia and the illustration of Zeledonia in Pycraft’s paper (pl. II, 
7). It seems clear that the “linear form” of the maxillo-palatines 
in Zeledonia agrees with the condition in the wood warblers and, 
as noted by Pycraft (p. 22), contrasts markedly with the “larger, 
spoon-shaped, and inflated” maxillo-palatines of the thrushes. 

In his Summary (p. 22-23) Pycraft stated: “as to the precise 
position of Zeledonia I regret that I can say nothing definite 
until I have had an opportunity of examining much more material 
than is procurable at present. ... The specimen submitted to me 

. was so much damaged that reliable data on many questions 
concerning the soft parts were impossible. ... Nevertheless, it 


seems to me that there can be no doubt about the Turdine affinities 
of Zeledonia. .. . Its nearest allies seem to be among the Sialiinae.” 


Pycraft’s uncertain evidence was apparently ignored thereafter but 
his conclusion was accepted without further debate. Ridgway, 
however, went even further. He placed Zeledonia in the Turdidae 
in the manuscript of Part IV of The Birds of North and Middle 
America (1907: 69-72), which was written before Pycraft’s 1905 
paper appeared; the publication of Pycraft’s results prompted 
Ridgway (1907: 885) to prepare an addendum in which he de- 
scribed the new family Zeledoniidae. His reason for this move was 
based on the combination of “nine obvious primaries . . . and 
only ten rectrices! This necessitates the removal of the genus from 
the Turdidae, and there being no other group into which it can 
be properly fitted, I propose a new family, Zeledoniidae, for its 
accommodation. ...” 

From this point on, Zeledonia was either placed with the 
thrushes (Carriker, 1910; Ripley, 1952, 1964; Blake, 1958; Mayr 
and Amadon, 1951; Beecher, 1953) or the family Zeledoniidae 
was recognized (Hellmayr, 1934; Eisenmann, 1955; Wetmore, 
1960; Slud, 1964). 

The only expressed doubts seem to be those of Mayr and Ama- 
don (1951: 18) who noted that the ““Turdinae include a number 
of aberrant genera that ... may even be wrongly placed with this 
subfamily. ... Among these difficult genera [is] ... Zeledonia ... 
thought by Sharpe and by Pycraft (1905) to be an aberrant 

Beecher (1953) discovered additional differences between Zele- 
donia and the thrushes and similarities to the wood warblers but 
he left Zeledonia in the Turdidae. In his study of the jaw muscles 
of the oscines Beecher found (p. 281) that the typical thrushes 
have a bifid M. pseudotemporalis superficialis (—M6) with parallel 
muscle fibers. Zeledonia, in marked contrast, has a trifid M6 com- 
posed of pinnately arranged fibers. Other groups with a “trifid 
pinnate M6” include the vireos and the paruline warblers, accord- 
ing to Beecher’s descriptions and illustrations (p. 305-307). 



The first known nest of Zeledonia coronata was found by Mr. 
James H. Hunt in April 1968 during his study of the species in 
Costa Rica. Mr. Hunt collected the first egg that was laid and for- 
warded the egg white via Mr. William Buskirk to Dr. George H. 
Lowery, Jr. at Louisiana State University. Dr. Lowery sent the 
specimen to me and a study of the egg-white proteins of Z. 
coronata was carried out using starch gel electrophoresis. The tech- 
nique is described in Sibley, Corbin and Haavie (in press). 

Comparisons have been made with the electrophoretic patterns 
of approximately 650 species representing 60 of the 70 passerine 
families recognized by Wetmore (1960). These include 46 species 
of thrushes, 47 species of emberizine finches, 18 species of tan- 
agers, 17 species of wood warblers, 30 species of troupials and 
similar numbers of species in other passerine groups. The com- 
plete data will be presented elsewhere (Sibley, in press). 

On the basis of these extensive comparisons it is clear that the 
egg-white proteins of Zeledonia are electrophoretically indis- 
tinguishable from those of the “nine-primaried oscines” and that 
they differ from those of the thrushes. The “‘nine-primaried oscines” 
and Zeledonia have a pattern in which there is a relatively slow 
component 18, a fast, usually faint, pre-albumin, and an absence 
of the “ovomucoid” fraction. The thrushes have a strong “ovomu- 
coid” fraction migrating between the ovalbumin and the ovotrans- 
ferrins and a tendency for the ovalbumin and component 18 to 
migrate relatively fast. Figure 1 illustrates these similarities and 

It is not possible, from the egg-white data alone, to determine 
to which of the several groups of “nine-primaried” oscines Zele- 
donia should be assigned. In its morphology, however, it seems 
closest to the wood warblers. The allocation of Zeledonia within the 
nine-primaried assemblage is part of a larger problem that is 
considered in detail elsewhere (Sibley, in press). 



I am grateful to Mr. James H. Hunt, to Mr. William Buskirk, and 
to Dr. George H. Lowery, Jr., for providing the specimen of egg 
white of Zeledonia coronata. It was due to Dr. Lowery’s interest 
and encouragement that the study of Zeledonia was undertaken. 

Dr. Kendall W. Corbin, Mr. Jon E. Ahlquist and Dr. N. Philip 
Ashmole have provided advice and assistance during the study of 
Zeledonia and in the preparation of the manuscript. Dr. Richard 
L. Zusi permitted me to examine the type and other specimens of 
Zeledonia coronata in the collection of the U.S. National Museum. 
Lois Robertson assisted with the laboratory work and Georgette 
Lewis typed the manuscript. 

FIGURE 1. Starch gel electrophoretic patterns of the egg-white proteins 
of a wren (Troglodytes), several thrushes (Hylocichla, Phoenicurus, 
Turdus), the wren-warbler (Zeledonia), and _ several ‘“nine-primaried 
oscines” (Dendroica, Thraupis, Habia, Carpodacus, Richmondena, and 

The application slots (A) are indicated by the white rectangles at the 
left ends of the patterns. Component 18 (C-18) is the first band to the 
right (anodal) of the application slot. The next anodal bands, usually two 
or three, are the ovoconalbumins or ovotransferrins (Tr). To the right 
of the conalbumins in the thrushes are two heavily staining areas, in the 
nine-primaried oscines only one. The first of these bands in the thrushes 
is possibly an “ovomucoid” (Om), the second one (most anodal) is 
probably the ovalbumin (Ov). In Zeledonia and the nine-primaried oscines 
the heavily stained area is thought to be the ovalbumin, and the ovomucoid 
is assumed to be absent. However, in these there is a faint pre-albumin (Pre) 
which is absent in the thrushes. 


is: =e 
37 oes 

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Troglodytes aedon 

= © 


Hylocichla mustelina 

s ?-_-+ 

. 7 

Phoenicurus phoenicurus 

TT | ie 

Turdus libonyanus 
Turdus falklandii 
Zeledonia coronata 
Dendroica petechia 
eal Dendroica pensylvanica 

Dendroica striata 

Thraupis episcopus 

. Habia_ rubica 
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Carpodacus mexicanus 
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e sine 
; Richmondena cardinalis 
a ' ; 
; Agelaius phoeniceus 

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AaG=15: Tr. Ov Pre 



Beecher, W. J., 1953. A phylogeny of the oscines. Auk 70: 270-333. 

Blake, E. R., 1958. Birds of Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama. Fieldiana, 
Zoology 36: 499-577. 

Carriker, M. A., Jr., 1910. An annotated list of the birds of Costa Rica 
including Cocos Island. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6: 314-915. 

Eisenmann, E., 1955. The species of Middle American birds. Trans. Linn. 
Soc. NEY #2 12128: 

Hellmayr, C. E., 1934. Catalogue of birds of the Americas and adjacent 
islands. Part VII. Zool. Series, Field Mus. 13, publ. 330. 531 p. 
Mayr, E. and D. Amadon, 1951. A classification of recent birds. Amer. 

Mus. Novitates 1496: 42 p. 

Pycraft, W. P., 1901. [Remarks upon a specimen... of Zeledonia.| Brit. 
Orn. Club, Bull. 11: 12-13. 

—— 1905. On the systematic position of Zeledonia coronata, with 
some observations on the position of the Turdidae. Ibis 47: 1-24. 

Ridgway, R., 1889. Notes on Costa Rican birds, with descriptions of seven 
new species and subspecies and one new genus. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
11: 537-546. 

1907. The birds of North and Middle America. U.S. Nat. Mus. 
Bull. 50, Part IV. 973 p. 

Ripley, S. D., 1952. The thrushes. Postilla 13. 48 p. 

1964. Subfamily Turdinae. Jn E. Mayr and R. A. Paynter, Jr. 
[ed.] Check-list of birds of the world. Vol. X. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
Cambridge, Mass. 502 p. 

Salvin, O. and F. D. Godman, 1888-97. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Aves. 
Vol. Il. Taylor and Francis, London. 598 p. 

Sharpe, R. B., 1903. A hand-list of the genera and species of birds. Vol. IV. 
Trustees, British Mus., London. 

Sibley, C. G., (in press). A comparative study of the egg-white proteins of 
passerine birds. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. 

Sibley, C. G., K. W. Corbin and J. H. Haavie (in press). The relationships 
of the flamingos as indicated by the egg-white proteins and_he- 
moglobins. Condor. 

Slud, P., 1964. The birds of Costa Rica. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. 128. 
430 p. 

Wetmore, A., 1960. A classification for the birds of the world. Smithson. 
Misc. Coll. 139 (11): 1-37. 















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