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Peabody Museum Q H 
of Natural History / 

Yale University XE 34x 
SL i 

New Haven, CT 06511 

(Received 11 January 1984) 

Five mammalian specimens from the late 
Paleocene Black Mingo Group, Berkeley 
County, South Carolina, represent the first 
occurrence of Paleocene land-mammals from 
the east coast of North America. A P, or P, 
represents the taeniodont Ectoganus 
gliriformis lobdelli, known previously only from 

the late Paleocene of western North America. 

A M' or M? represents Mingotherium holtae, 
new genus and species, a taxon which may 
be closely related to pseudictopids, 
uintatheres and xenungulates. A lower 
premolar or molar can only be classified as 
‘‘Tribosphenida incertae sedis."’ A ?canine 
and a parietal can only be identified as 
‘Mammalia incertae sedis.” 

Key Words 
Fossil mammal, Paleocene, South Carolina, 

Ectoganus, Mingotherium, Pseudictops, 

© Copyright 1985 by the Peabody Museum of 
Natural History, Yale University. All rights reserved. 
No part of this publication, except brief quotations 
for scholarly purposes, may be reproduced without 
the written permission of the Director, Peabody 
Museum of Natural History. 

Postilla Number 196 
3 April 1985 


Preliminary Description of a 
New Late Paleocene 
Land-Mammal Fauna from 
South Carolina, U.S.A. 

Robert Milton Schoch 

Introduction i 
During the excavation of a mreroclectics 
turbine pit along the Santee Rediversion Canal 
just north of St. Stephen, South Carolina, a 
diverse late Paleocene biota was discovered 
in the Black Mingo Group. The biota includes 
calcareous nannofossils, dinoflagellates, 
molluscs, sharks, rays, teleosts, turtles, 
squamates, crocodiles and land-mammals. 
This is the first known occurrence of 
Paleocene-early Eocene land-mammals from 
the east coast of North America (Schiebout 
1979, Savage and Russell 1983). Schiebout 
(1979, p. 85) reported, but did not describe or 
illustrate, a single miacid tooth ‘‘from the base 
of the Gosport Sand [i.e., Gosport Formation] 
... at the Little Stave Creek site in Clark 
County, Alabama.” This occurrence is 
probably late middle Eocene (Bartonian, 
chronozone 18) in age (Hazel, Edwards and 
Bybell, in press). Notiotitanops 
mississippiensis, described by Gazin and 
Sullivan (1942) from the Lisbon Formation of 
Clark County, Mississippi, is probably early 
middle Eocene (Lutetian) in age (Hazel, 
Edwards and Bybell, in press). 

Albert E. Sanders (Curator of Natural 
History, Charleston Museum, Charleston, 
South Carolina) and Robert E. Weems (U.S. 
Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia) kindly 
entrusted me with the land-mammal material 
from the Black Mingo Group for description. 
Arrangements are currently being made for 
publication of all of the vertebrate groups 
from this locality, hopefully as separate 
sections in a single outlet. However, such 

2 Paleocene Land-Mammals Postilla 196 
of South Carolina 

Fig. 1 

Ectoganus gliriformis lobdelli, ChM PV2926 (A-E) 
and Mammalia incertae sedis, ChM PV2924 (F-/). A) 
stereophotograph of occlusal view of left P3 or P,; 
B) anterior view of left P; or P,; C) labial view of left 
P, or P,; D) posterior view of left P; or P,; E) lingual 
view of left P, or P,; F) lateral view of caniniform; G) 
posterior view of caniniform; H) medial view of 
caniniform; /) anterior view of caniniform. All figures 
x 1.25. 


3 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

Postilla 196 

publication is at least several years away. Due 
to the extreme rarity and importance of the 
South Carolina land-mammal material, it is 
imperative that a brief, initial description be 
made available to interested workers. 
Therefore in this paper | illustrate and describe 
the South Carolina land-mammal fauna. In the 
aforementioned future contribution | will 
discuss the detailed affinities, 
paleobiogeographic and paleoecologic 
implications of this land-mammal fauna. Tooth 
nomenclature follows Zhou, Qiu and Li (1975). 

Systematic Paleontology 

CLASS Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 

SUBCLASS Theria Parker and Haswell, 1897 
INFRACLASS Tribosphenida McKenna, 1975 
SUPERCOHORT Eutheria Gill, 1872 

COHORT Epitheria McKenna, 1975 

ORDER Taeniodonta Cope, 1876 

FAMILY Stylinodontidae Marsh, 1875 

TRIBE Ectoganini Cope, 1876 (Schoch, 1983a) 
GENUS Ectoganus Cope, 1874 

Ectoganus gliriformis Cope, 1874 

Ectoganus gliriformis lobdelli (Simpson, 1929) 
Schoch, 1981 

(Fig. 1A-E) 

Referred Specimen 

ChM PV2926 (Charleston Museum, 
Paleontology, Vertebrate), left P, or P,. 

Horizon and Locality 

Collected from upper Paleocene strata 
belonging to the lower—upper Paleocene Black 
Mingo Group, Santee Rediversion Canal 
hydroelectric turbine pit, approximately 0.5 
miles (0.8 km) north of St. Stephen, lat 33°30’ 
N, long 80°0' W, Berkeley County, South 
Carolina, by Dawn Hepler, 11 April 1981. None 
of the specimens described here were found 
in situ; all came from spoil heaps resulting 
from the excavation of the hydroelectric 
turbine pit. It is probable that all of the land- 
mammal material originated from a sand bed 

approximately 18 to 59 feet (5.4 to 17.9 m) 
above the base of the Black Mingo Group as 
exposed at this locality. This is the youngest 
fossiliferous horizon in the pit. 

The stratum from which the land mammals 
probably came contains dinoflagellates in its 
lower part which are most comparable to the 
forms of the Nanafalia-Tuscahoma formations 
of the Gulf Coast and the Paspotansa 
Member of the Aquia Formation in the 
northern Atlantic Coastal Plain. The 
dinoflagellates from near the top of this 
stratum may be age compatible with the lower 
assemblage, but it is entirely possible that 
they could represent a somewhat younger 
age equivalent to the Bashi and Hatchetigbee 
formations of the Gulf Coast and the lower 
member (Potapaco) of the Nanjemoy 
Formation in the northern Atlantic Coastal 
Plain (Lucy E. Edwards, written 
communication, 1981). This stratum yielded no 
diagnostic nannofossils at this site, but in the 
canal dug east from the turbine pit 
nannofossils were recovered from what 
appeared to be the lower part of the 
equivalent (but less leached) horizon. That 
floral assemblage probably represents NP 7 
(nannoplankton zone 7) or NP 8 (Laurel Bybell, 
written communication, 1981). Together, these 
floras indicate that the lower part of the 
mammal-bearing stratum is late Paleocene in 
age (NP 7/8) and the upper part is late 
Paleocene (NP 9) to perhaps very early 
Eocene (NP 10 equivalent) in age (Curry and 
Odin 1982, Papp 1979: Papp places the 
Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the lower third 
of NP 12, whereas some other workers place 
it at the top of, or within, NP 10). This interval 
(NP 9-10) may correlate with supposed 
“earliest Eocene” (North American late 
Clarkforkian, early Wasatchian; European 
Sparnacian) land-mammal faunas of western 
North America and Europe (Savage and 
Russell 1983, p. 46; see also Curry and Odin 
1982, p. 624, fig. 5). Based on correlations to 
marine paleoplanktonic stratigraphy the 
Paleocene-Eocene boundary in western North 
America may fall within the Wasatchian land- 
mammal “‘age,"’ perhaps near the 
Graybullian-Lysitean boundary (Lucas 1984) 

4 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

or possibly later in the Wasatchian (Savage 
and Russell 1983). 

For a recent discussion of the Black Mingo 
Group in South Carolina, see Van 
Nieuwenhuise and Colquhoun (1982a, b). The 
late Paleocene to possibly very early Eocene 
age of this stratum indicates that it belongs in 
their Williamsburg Formation. 


ChM PV2926 Is a left lower molariform tooth 
bearing a well-developed trigonid anteriorly 
and a well-developed talonid posteriorly. 
Although the base of the enamel and root are 
broken and lost, the tooth appears to have 
been moderately hypsodont and bore a 
single, large root below. Around the posterior 
and lingual sides of the talonid the enamel, 
which is approximately 1.0 mm thick, has 
been lost. Where preserved unworn, the 
enamel bears very fine horizontal (parallel to 
the tooth row) striations. 

The trigonid of ChM PV2926 is wider and 
higher than the talonid. The maximum width of 
the trigonid is 14.0 mm (=maximum width of 
tooth); the maximum preserved width of the 
talonid (including 1.0 mm estimated thickness 
of missing enamel) is 12.5 mm. The maximum 
preserved length of ChM PV2926 (not 
including an estimate for lost enamel) is 14.4 

The trigonid bears a large and high 
protoconid and metaconid which are equal in 
size and connected by a blunt, transverse 
crest. On the anterior face of ChM PV2926 is 
a small but distinct paraconid. The trigonid 
bears no cingulids or accessory cusps. 

The talonid of ChM PV2926 bears a 
moderate-sized hypoconid labially and a lower 
entoconid lingually. These two cusps are 
incorporated into the smooth, posteriorly 
convex postcristid which forms the bulk of the 
talonid proper. The enclosed talonid basin is 
small and shallow. The hypoconid proper is 
appressed against the middle of the posterior 
face of the protoconid and the preserved 
apex of the hypoconid is approximately 4.0 
mm lower than the preserved apex of the 
protoconid. The entoconid proper is 

Postilla 196 

appressed against the posterolingual base of 
the metaconid and the apex of the entoconid 
is approximately 7.5 mm lower than the apex 
of the metaconid. The talonid bears no 
preserved cingulids or accessory cusps. 


ChM PV2926 is identical in size and 
morphology to previously described P, and P, 
of the taeniodont Ectoganus gliriformis 
(Schoch 1981, 1982, 1983b, in press). In M,_, 
of Ectoganus gliriformis the trigonids and 
talonids are subequal in size, whereas in P3_, 
the talonids are slightly smaller and lower than 
the trigonids as in ChM PV2926. P, and P, of 
Ectoganus, however, are virtually identical in 
size and morphology and it is not possible to 
distinguish these teeth from one another in 
isolation (Schoch 1983b); thus ChM PV2926 
may represent a P, or P, of Ectoganus 
gliriformis. The P,-M, trigonids of Ectoganus 
gliriformis lobdelli bear small, but distinct, 
paraconids as in ChM PV2926. Such 
paraconids are either extremely minute or 
lacking in Ectoganus gliriformis gliriformis 
(Schoch 1983b). 

Cohort Epitheria McKenna, 1975 
MIRORDER ?Uintatheriamorpha Schoch, 1983a 
ORDER Incertae sedis 

FAMILY Mingotheriidae Schoch, new family 
Type Genus 

Mingotherium Schoch, new genus. 
Included Genera 

Only the type genus. 


Upper Paleocene of South Carolina. 


Same as that for the type genus, given below. 

5 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

Postilla 196 

Mingotherium Schoch, new genus 
Type Species 

Mingotherium holtae Schoch, new species. 

Included Species 

Only the type species. 

Upper Paleocene of South Carolina. 

Mingo after the Black Mingo Formation, from 
which the genoholotype came, and therium 
(from Greek therion = beast). 


Moderate-sized epitheres in which M'? (=M' 
or M?, i.e., anterior upper molars) bear distinct, 
well-separated, connate, subequal, far labially- 
placed paracones and metacones and large, 
far lingually-placed protocones; parastyles, 
metastyles and hypocones entirely lacking; 
M'? bear heavy, well-developed, subequal 
anterior and posterior cingula which are 
connected labially by poorly-developed labial 
cingula, but do not contact lingually; M'* each 
bear two moderate-sized, labially-placed roots 
below the paracone and metacone 
respectively and a single large, lingually- 
placed root below the protocone; M'? 
characterized by moderate crown hypsodonty 
in which enamel extends farther up the single 
lingual root than the labial roots. 

Mingotherium holtae Schoch, new 

(Fig. 2A-F) 


ChM PV4113, right M' or M?. 

Horizon and Locality of the Holotype 

Collected from upper Paleocene Williamsburg 
Formation strata of the Black Mingo Group, 
Santee Rediversion Canal hydroelectric 
turbine pit, approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) 
north of St. Stephen, lat 33°30’ N, long 80°0’ 
W, Berkeley County, South Carolina, by Doris 
Holt, 30 February 1982. 


Known only from the holotype. 

Named for the collector, Doris Holt. 

Same as that for the genus, given above. 

ChM PV4113 is a large (maximum length = 
14.8 mm; maximum width = 24.2 mm) upper 
molariform tooth. The well-developed 
tribosphenic (paracone, metacone, protocone) 
morphology indicates that it is a molar rather 
than a premolar. The nearly bilateral symmetry 
of the tooth (relative to a transverse plane 
running between the paracone and metacone 
and through the middle of the protocone) 
indicates that this tooth is an M' or M? rather 
than an M°. Based on the relatively 
generalized morphology of ChM PV4113, in 
analogy with other mammals, it is expected 
that the M' and M? of Mingotherium holtae are 
nearly identical in morphology. Based on the 
position of the presumed paracone, which is 
set slightly labial of the presumed metacone, 
ChM PV4113 is interpreted as a tooth from 
the right side of the upper jaw. 

Labially, ChM PV4113 bears a large, 
anteriorly-placed paracone and a large, 
posteriorly-placed metacone. These cones are 
both conical, moderately high, well developed, 
distinct, subequal in size and set against the 
far labial edge of the tooth such that there is 
virtually no stylar shelf. As stated above, the 

Paleocene Land-Mammals Postilla 196 
of South Carolina 

7 Paleocene Land-Mammals Postilla 196 
of South Carolina 
paracone is positioned very slightly labial of Discussion 

the metacone. Between the paracone and 
metacone is a very small, low mesostyle. ChM 
PV4113 bears a very low, poorly-developed 
labial cingulum (ectocingulum) which wraps 
around the anterolabial and posterolabial 
corners of the tooth to connect with the 
distinct anterior and posterior cingula 
respectively. This cingular border of ChM 
PV4113 does not form a distinct parastyle or 

Lingually, ChM PV4113 bears a large, 
distinct, far lingually-set protocone. The worn, 
but distinct, preprotocrista runs from the apex 
of the protocone to the anterolingual base of 
the paracone and the worn, but distinct, 
postprotocrista runs from the apex of the 
protocone to the posterolingual base of the 
metacone. These two cristae define the trigon 
basin. Anterolingually and posterolingually 
ChM PV4113 bears well-developed anterior 
and posterior cingula respectively. These 
cingula do not make contact around the 
lingual face of the protocone. 

ChM PV4113 bears two moderate-sized 
roots labially, supporting the paracone and 
metacone respectively, and a large root 
lingually under the protocone. ChM PV4113 
shows moderate crown hypsodonty and is 
characterized by enamel that extends slightly 
further up the protocone root lingually than 
the paracone and metacone roots labially. 
Where unworn, the enamel of ChM PV4113 is 
very slightly rugose. 

<4 Fig. 2 

Mingotherium holtae Schoch, new genus and 
species, ChM PV4113, (A-F) and Tribosphenida 
incertae sedis, ChM PV2927, (G-/): A) 
stereophotograph of occlusal view of right M’ or M?; 
B) anterior view of right M' or M?; C) posterior view 
of right M' or M2; D) root view of right M' or M?; E) 
labial view of right M' or M?; F) lingual view of right 
M' or M2; G) lingual view of left lower molariform; H) 
labial view of left lower molariform; /) 
stereophotograph of occlusal view of left lower 
molariform. A-F x 1.25. G-I x2.0. 

Mingotherium holtae is a highly distinctive 
taxon that is not readily referable to any 
known family or order. It is primitive in 
retaining a simple tribosphenic (trituberculate) 
upper molar crown morphology composed of 
a simple paracone and metacone labially and 
a simple protocone lingually (see McKenna 
1975 for a discussion of character-state 
morphocline polarities among primitive 
mammals). The reduced stylar shelf and far 
lingual positioning of the protocone are 
probably derived character-states in 
Mingotherium, but are of little help in 
determining the affinities of this genus as 
similar character-states of the primary cones 
have probably been derived independently in 
a number of groups (e.g., Taeniodonta, 
Schoch 1983b; Primates, Szalay and Delson 
1979; Condylarthra and Insectivora, Matthew 
1937; Idiogenomys, Ostrander 1983: 
Pseuaictops, Sulimski 1969; Dinocerata, Flerov 
1967, Wheeler 1961; Tillodontia, Gazin 1953; 
Mesonychidae, Szalay and Gould 1966). 
Mingotherium bears the further derived 
character-state of extremely well developed, 
nearly symmetrical anterior and posterior 
cingula on the upper molars. This same 
combination of derived features (reduced 
Sstylar shelf, lingual positioning of the 
protocone, well-developed anterior and 
posterior cingula) is seen in the Mongolian late 
Paleocene genus Pseudictops Matthew, 
Granger and Simpson, 1929 (Sulimski 1969). 
Pseuadictops is also similar to Mingotherium in 
being characterized by a moderate degree of 
crown hypsodonty, in lacking true hypocones 
and in having anterior and posterior cingula 
which do not meet lingual of the protocone. 
Pseuaictops, however, differs significantly 
from Mingotherium in possessing well- 
developed paralophs and metalophs (derived) 
on the upper cheek teeth. 

Pseudictops is an epithere (nonedentate 
eutherian) of uncertain affinities. Sulimski 
(1969, p. 107) referred the monogeneric family 
Pseudictopidae to “‘Eutheria, Order incertae 
sedis’’ and suggested that it may represent a 
new order of mammals. Previously, Van Valen 

8 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

(1964) had suggested that Pseudictops may 
be close to the ancestry of the Lagomorpha. 
Szalay and McKenna (1971) erected the new 
order Anagalida for the families 
Zalambdalestidae, Pseudictopidae, 
Anagalidae and Eurymylidae and suggested 
that this order may have been ancestral to the 
Lagomorpha. McKenna (1975) included the 
Pseudictopidae in the Lagomorpha, but 
McKenna (1982) excluded pseudictopids from 
the Lagomorpha. Most recently Lucas and 
Schoch (1982; see also Tong and Lucas 1982) 
have pointed out that Pseudictops shares 
many derived character-states with the orders 
Dinocerata (=uintatheres; Paleocene-Eocene 
of Asia and western North America: see 
Wheeler 1961) and Xenungulata (late 
Paleocene of South America: see Paula Couto 
1952) and may represent the sister-taxon of 
Dinocerata plus Xenungulata. As noted above, 
Mingotherium shares a number of derived 
character-states with Pseudictops and thus 
may have been part of a late Paleocene-early 
Eocene dinoceratan/xenungulate/ 
(Uintatheriamorpha) radiation in Asia and the 

Tribosphenida incertae sedis 
Genus and Species Indeterminate A 
(Fig. 2G-l) 

Referred Specimen 

ChM PV2927, talonid and root of left lower 
molariform tooth. 

Horizon and Locality 

Collected from upper Paleocene Williamsburg 
Formation strata of the Black Mingo Group, 
Santee Rediversion Canal hydroelectric 
turbine pit, approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) 
north of St. Stephen, lat 33°30’ N, long 80°0’ 
W, Berkeley County, South Carolina, by Dawn 
Hepler, 30 May 1981. 

Postilla 196 


ChM PV2927 is a medium-sized left lower 
molariform tooth of which a single root and 
talonid are preserved. The maximum width of 
the talonid is 6.3 mm; the maximum preserved 
length of the tooth is 8.8 mm; the maximum 
preserved height of the root and crown is 15.0 
mm and the maximum preserved height of the 
enamel crown measured on the labial face is 
4.5 mm. 

The single root of ChM PV2927 is 
compressed laterally (its maximum labial- 
lingual width is 3.9 mm), extends straight 
down vertically and converges to a sharp 
point. The tooth crown Is relatively bunodont 
(low-crowned). Where unworn, the enamel is 
very slightly rugose. The enamel has been 
worn smooth over most of the preserved 
surface of the tooth. 

Anteriorly, the entire trigonid was broken off 
postmortem and lost. However, there is no 
indication that a second, more anteriorly- 
placed root was ever present on ChM 
PV2927. As the single preserved root is 
directed straight down, rather than directed 
posteriorly, it is probably the sole root of ChM 
PV2927 and supported both the talonid and a 
short trigonid. The original entire length of 
ChM PV2927 may have been only 9 or 10 mm. 

Posteriorly, ChM PV2927 bears a well- 
developed, but heavily worn, talonid. A 
distinct hypoconid is borne on the 
posterolabial corner of the talonid, and a 
slightly smaller but distinct entoconid is borne 
on the posterolingual corner of the tooth. 
These two conids are connected by a smooth 
(although worn), transverse postcristid. On the 
postcristid there may be a small hypoconulid 
just labial of, and closely approximated to, the 
entoconid. If this ‘‘hypoconulid”’ is real, it is 
badly obscured by wear. Alternatively, this 
apparent, faint “‘hypoconulid’’ may be merely 
an artifact of wear on the postcristid. A 
distinct cristid obliqua, which is as high as the 
hypoconid, runs from the apex of the 
hypoconid to the presumed posterolabial base 
of the protoconid. There is a very slight, low 
cingulid just labial of the cristid obliqua. An 
entocristid is not developed on ChM PV2927 

9 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

Postilla 196 

SSS EEE ESS SS ee ee ee ee 

and the postcristid and cristid obliqua alone 
enclose the shallow talonid basin. 


Due to the incomplete and poorly preserved 
condition of ChM PV2927, very little can be 
concluded regarding this tooth. The 
placement of ChM PV2927 in the tooth row 
cannot even be established with certainty. 
The large, laterally compressed root suggests 
that it may be an M,, but the straight, 
transverse postcristid suggests that it may be 
a more anterior tooth. If ChM PV2927 originally 
bore only a single root, this suggests that it 
may be a molariform premolar. 

The talonid of ChM PV2927 bears the 
tribosphenic configuration of cristid obliqua, 
hypoconid, postcristid, entoconid (Bown and 
Kraus 1979) and thus it pertains to either a 
marsupial or a placental. If the talonid really 
does bear a hypoconulid which is closely 
approximated to the entoconid (see 
description above), this would suggest 
marsupialian affinities for ChM PV2927 
(Clemens 1979). If not, ChM PV2927 is so 
poorly known that it could conceivably pertain 
to almost any known eutherian order. ChM 
PV2927 represents an animal that was 
considerably smaller than Mingotherium 

Mammalia incertae sedis 
Genus and Species Indeterminate B 
(Fig. 1F-l) 

Referred Specimen 
ChM PV2924, a caniniform tooth. 
Horizon and Locality 

Collected from upper Paleocene Williamsburg 
Formation strata of the Black Mingo Group, 
Santee Rediversion Canal hydroelectric 
turbine pit, approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) 
north of St. Stephen, lat 33°30’ N, long 80°0’ 
W, Berkeley County, South Carolina, by Vance 
McCollum, April 1981. 


ChM PV2924 is a stout caniniform tooth which 
is single-rooted and very slightly curved. The 
crown end is badly broken, but does preserve 
a small portion of enamel base. When holding 
the tooth such that the convex edge (Fig. 11) 
faces away from the viewer (Fig. 1G), the 
base of the enamel crown extends slightly 
farther down the left side of the tooth than 
the right side. Thus, when oriented in this 
position, the left side is probably the lateral 
side of the tooth and the convex edge of the 
tooth is the anterior face. Accordingly, ChM 
PV2924 is either a left lower caniniform tooth 
Or an upper right caniniform. 

The maximum preserved length of ChM 
PV2924 (apex of crown to tip of root) is 39.2 
mm. The maximum dimensions of the root in 
cross-section are 14.6 mm anteroposteriorly 
by 11.0 mm mediolaterally. The maximum 
preserved crown height is approximately 12.0 
mm. The crown appears to have come to a 
simple point. There is a very slight cingulum/ 
cingulid on the posterior base of the crown. 
The enamel is very slightly rugose where 
preserved in relatively unworn condition. 


ChM PV2924 probably represents a true 
canine, but there is also the possibility that it 
represents a caniniform incisor or premolar. In 
isolation a caniniform tooth such as ChM 
PV2924 is very difficult to assign to a low-level 
taxon; the difficulties are compounded by the 
damaged nature of the tooth. ChM PV2924 is 
a relatively large tooth and only a few groups 
of mammals are known from the late 
Paleocene and early Eocene which could 
accommodate a canine this size (see Savage 
and Russell, 1983, for faunal lists). Among the 
large-bodied mammals of this time are 
taeniodonts (Schoch 1983b), pantodonts 
(Simons 1960), uintatheres (Wheeler 1961) and 
certain large condylarths (Matthew 1937, Rose 
1981). ChM PV2924 is unlike the large gliriform 
canines of taeniodonts, but the possibility that 
it represents one of the other orders cannot 
be excluded. Finally, it should be noted that 

10 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

Fig. 3 

Mammalia incertae sedis, ChM PV4092, (A-D). A) 
dorsal view of left parietal, anterior to left; B) lateral 
view of left parietal, anterior to left; C) ventral view 
of left parietal, anterior to left; D) medial view of left 
parietal, anterior to right. All figures <0.95. 

both ChM PV2924 and ChM PV4113 represent 
relatively large mammals, and ChM PV2924 
may be a canine of Mingotherium holtae. 

Mammalia incertae sedis 
Genus and Species Indeterminate C 

(Fig. 3) 

Referred Specimen 

ChM PV40292, left parietal. 

Postilla 196 

Horizon and Locality 

Collected from upper Paleocene Williamsburg 
Formation strata of the Black Mingo Group, 
Santee Rediversion Canal hydroelectric 
turbine pit, approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) 
north of St. Stephen, lat 33°30’ N, long 80°0’ 
W, Berkeley County, South Carolina, by Vance 
McCollum, May 1981. 


ChM PV4092 is a thick, massive bone of the 
posterior skull roof which | interpret as a left 

11 Paleocene Land-Mammals 
of South Carolina 

Postilla 196 

——— a ee 

parietal. Its maximum preserved length is 
approximately 75.0 mm. Only one original 
articular surface of ChM PV4092 is preserved; 
all of the rest have been broken off and lost. 
The articular surface which remains preserves 
a thickened sutural area (22.0 mm thick: Fig. 
3D) which | interpret as the sagittal (middorsal 
line) articulation of ChM PV4092 with its mate 
on the other side. One side or surface (Fig. 
3A) of ChM PV4092 is relatively flat and 
roughly triangular-shaped; this surface is 
perpendicular to the medial articular surface 
and is thus interpreted as the dorsal surface 
of the parietal. The dorsal surface is bounded 
laterally by a prominent natural ridge which 
appears to represent part of a parasagittal 
crest. The parasagittal crest coverges toward 
the midline of ChM PV4092 at one end (on the 
right side as viewed in Figure 3A); this 
convergence of the parasagittal crest toward 
the midline marks the posterior part of the 
parietal. Laterally the parasagittal crest 
overhangs very slightly the more 
posteroventral and lateral aspect of the 
parietal. Seen in lateral view (Fig. 3B), the 
anterolateral aspect of the parietal forms a 
semicircle and is slightly concave; this area 
may have formed part of the posterior orbital 
region. The posterolateral aspect of the 
parietal is smoothly convex and formed part 
of the outer skull roof surface. Seen in ventral 
view (Fig. 3C) the parietal is slightly concave 
and appears to be pierced by several small 


ChM PV4092 conforms in morphology to a 
mammalian left parietal. It does not appear to 
pertain to a reptile (specifically a crocodilian) 
or other lower vertebrate as it lacks any 
surface sculpturing. By late Paleocene-early 
Eocene standards, ChM PV4092 pertains to a 
relatively large mammal, and the animal it 

belonged to had a set of moderately- 
developed parasagittal crests. These features 
suggest that ChM PV4092 may represent a 
uintathere (Wheeler 1961) or a pantodont 
(Simons 1960). The possibility also exists that 
ChM PV4092 may pertain to Mingotherium 


Only two of the five specimens which 
compose the Black Mingo local land-mammal 
fauna (here named) are diagnostic of a 
taxonomic category at the species level. ChM 
PV2926 records a considerable geographic 
range extension of the late Paleocene 
taeniodont Ectoganus gliriformis lobdelli: 
previously this taxon was known only from 
Colorado, Montana and Wyoming (Schoch 
1983b). ChM PV4113 represents a distinctive 
new taxon, Mingotherium holtae, which may 
have affinities with the Mongolian 
Pseudictops, with the uintatheres of western 
North America and Asia, and with the South 
American xenungulates. ChM PV2927 can only 
be classified as ‘‘Tribosphenida incertae 
sedis." ChM PV2924 and ChM PV4092 can 
only be classified as ‘Mammalia incertae 
sedis’ at the present time, although there is 
the distinct possibility that they may pertain to 
Mingotherium holtae. 


| thank Albert E. Sanders and Robert E. 
Weems for making the study specimens 
available to me and for providing locality 
information. | thank Leigh M. Van Valen for 
comments on the affinities of the Black Mingo 
local land-mammal fauna. | thank A. Novick, J. 
Ostrom, C. Pettit, C. Sibley, B. Tiffney and R. 
Weems for reviewing the final manuscript. 

12 Paleocene Land-Mammals Postilla 196 
of South Carolina 

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The Author 

Robert Milton Schoch. Department of 
Geology and Geophysics and Peabody 
Museum of Natural History, Divisions of 
Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany, 
Yale University, 170 Whitney Avenue, P.O. Box 
6666, New Haven, CT 06511. Present address: 
Division of Science, College of Basic Studies, 
Boston University, 871 Commonwealth 
Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. 

Erratum for Postilla 191 

In Postilla 191 [J. D. Archibald, R. M. Schoch 
and J. K. Rigby, Jr. 1983. A new subfamily, 
Conacodontinae, and a new species, 
Conacodon kohibergeri, of the Periptychidae 
(Condylarthra, Mammalia). 24 p.] it was 
incorrectly reported that a joint Yale-U.S. 
Bureau of Land Management study of the 
stratigraphic position of lower Paleocene 
mammal-bearing localities in the San Juan 
Basin, New Mexico, was undertaken during 
the summer of 1981. This study actually took 
place during the summer of 1980 and the 
holotype of C. kohlbergeri was collected by R. 
M. Schoch on 21 June 1980. 

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