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y Museu 
al History 
ven, CT 06511 


Postilla umber 197 

14 April 1986 

(Received 25 October 1984) 

A nearly complete vertebral column and 
portions of an associated pelvis and hind limb 
from Sind Province, southern Pakistan, are 
described and identified as those of a marine 
crocodile belonging to the poorly known 
family, Dyrosauridae. The fossil is the most 
complete of its kind yet known from Asia and 
adds to our knowledge of the postcranial 
anatomy of the dyrosaurs. Its occurrence in 
the late Paleocene (Thanetian) Lakhra 
Formation places it among the earliest of 
Asian dyrosaurid crocodiles and strengthens 
the view that the Dyrosauridae spread from 
Africa to Asia along the shores of Tethys. The 
source rocks are of marine origin. Remains of 
dyrosaurid crocodiles are generally restricted 
to marine sediments of Africa, North America, 
and South America but have been only rarely 
found in marine rocks of Asia. 

Key Words 

Crocodylia, Dyrosauridae, Mesosuchia, 

Pakistan, Paleocene, Sind Province, Thanetian. 

© Copyright 1986 by the Peabody Museum of 
Natural History, Yale University. All rights reserved. 
No part of this publication, except brief quotations 
for scholarly purposes, may be reproduced without 
the written permission of the Director, Peabody 
Museum of Natural History. 

A Dyrosaurid Crocodile 
(Crocodylia: Mesosuchia) from the 

Paleocene of P 4 HSON ay 

APR 295 1986 


Glenn W. Storrs 


During the period of 23 December 1981 to 1 
January 1982 a joint field expedition from the 
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History and 
the Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) under 
the direction of J. D. Archibald and 

H. Shaheed conducted a geological and 
paleontological survey of the Paleocene rocks 
of the Ranikot Group in the northern Lakhi 
Range of the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan. 
This work was carried out under the auspices 
of the University of Michigan Museum of 
Paleontology and the Geological Survey of 
Pakistan as part of a continuing survey of 
Paleocene and Eocene continental sediments 
in Pakistan. The Yale-GSP field area 
comprised three ephemeral stream valleys, 
known locally from north to south as Rahman 
Doro (which dissects Bara Dome or the 
Lakhra anticline), Bara Nala (Bara Nai), and 
Lohige Nala (including, south of the main 
drainage, its tributary Barhi Nala). These 
valleys lie in the foothills at the northern end 
of the Lakhi Range, a group of north-south 
trending mountains in the Dadu District of 
Sind Province at the southern end of Pakistan 
(Fig. 1). During the course of field 
investigations, the articulated vertebral column 
of a large crocodilian was discovered and 
collected from the field area (Fig. 2) 
approximately 10 kilometers due east from the 
British colonial rest house settlement of Amri 
and the west bank of the Indus River, and 
approximately 170 kilometers from and 27° 
northeast of Karachi. Approximate coordinates 
of the field area are 26°10'N latitude; 67°53’E 

2 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

34° eS 
, Peawacoi st aibagl 









Fig. 1 
Outline map of Pakistan. Northern Lakhi Range is 
located within circle and detailed in Fig. 2. 

Geologic Setting 

Several stratigraphic units are exposed in the 
field area. The disposition, description, and 
nomenclatural history of these formations has 
been discussed in detail by numerous authors 
(e.g., Gingerich et al. 1979; Hunting Survey 
Corporation 1961; Khan 1956; Shah 1977; 
Vredenburg 1909, 1928; Williams 1959; etc.). 
Lowermost in the section lies the Pab 
Sandstone of latest Cretaceous 
(Maastrichtian) age. Above this are found the 
three formations of the Ranikot Group, oldest 
of which is the Khadro Formation of Williams 


ei a 



7 |. 


(1959) (‘‘Cardita beaumonti beds" of Blanford 
1876; “‘Daphro Beds’’ of Gingerich et al. 
1979). On the basis of abundant foraminifera, 
the Khadro has been labeled Late Cretaceous 
to (primarily) early Paleocene or ‘‘Danian”’ in 
age (Shah 1977). The top of the Khadro 
Formation is marked by a basaltic trap 
possibly related to the Peninsular India 
Deccan Vent volcanism of the early Tertiary. 
The specific flow found in the Khadro has not, 
to my knowledge, been dated. Above the 
“Deccan trap”’ lie the Paleocene Bara and 
Lakhra formations, respectively, which are 
unconformably overlain by the Eocene Laki 

Sr nn nn nnn nn eat Et ttttEIIy II nISSSSSISIS SSS 

3 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

Fig. 2 

Detail of Fig. 1 with approximate topographic 
contours in meters above sea level. Approximate 
locality (W1) of dyrosaur fossil, GSP No. 1020, is 
indicated by triangle. 

Formation (Shah 1977). The Deccan trap 
basalt and the resistant, cliff-forming limestone 
of the Laki Formation present convenient and 
easily recognizable markers that delimit the 
local extent of the Bara and Lakhra 

While the primary research interest of the 
Yale-GSP field party centered around the 
Paleocene Bara Formation (Lower Ranikot 
Formation of Hunting Survey Corporation 

/ Ranikot© 



1961), the overlying Lakhra Formation (Upper 
Ranikot Formation) was also surveyed. The 
Lakhra Formation is approximately 242 m thick 
at the type section on the southern flank of 
the Lakhra anticline (Rhaman Doro) and 
invertebrate fossils from its richly fossiliferous 
sediments indicate a late Paleocene 
(Thanetian) age (Shah 1977). The Lakhra 
Formation consists of alternating calcareous 
sands, silts, shales, and dominant foraminiferal 

4 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

Fig. 3 

Barhi Nala, Sind Province, Pakistan. Khadro 
Formation shales and dyrosaur locality (W1) lie in 
foreground. Cliff-forming Laki limestone rises in 

limestones of varying thicknesses. All 
gradations between limestone and shale can 
be found. The sands are varicolored and 
poorly sorted, fine to coarse grained, thin to 
thick bedded, with cross-stratification and 
occasional ferruginous nodules. The shales, 
are clayey, gypsiferous, and poorly indurated. 
The characteristic limestones are richly 
fossiliferous, thin to thick bedded, nodular, 
brecciated, and arenaceous. They are 
generally brown weathering (Shah 1977). 
Although of marine origin at the base, the 
Bara Formation has generally been regarded 
as predominantly representing fluvial 
environments, owing in part to the paucity of 

invertebrate fossils (Gingerich et al. 1979). The 

Lakhra Formation is unquestionably marine, 
however, and suggests frequent, short-lived 
regressions of intertidal mudflat and estuarine 
environments between episodes of 
transgression and offshore marine deposition. 

On 30 December 1981, while prospecting 
in Barhi Nala within Lohige Nala, J. D. 
Archibald discovered the skeleton of a fossil 
crocodile in marine sediments of Paleocene 
age (Yale-GSP locality W1) which are 
unquestionably part of the Lakhra Formation. 
These were greensand rocks situated some 
distance (although unmeasured) below the 
obvious cliffs of the Laki limestone (Figs. 3, 4) 
and presumably above the Deccan trap. The 
Deccan trap is believed to lie subsurface in 
this area. The locality consisted of nearly 
horizontal beds of soft, brown and 
greenish-gray, gypsiferous shales. A 
NNW-to-SSE-trending fault separated these 
rocks from steeply dipping (about 60°) beds 
to the east. Approximately 150 m to the west, 
limestones were discovered approximately 15 
m below the shales. The poorly exposed 
strata above the locality were also dominated 
by limestones (Yale-GSP field notes). Fossil 

5 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

Fig. 4 
Detail of dyrosaur locality (W1) in Barhi Nala. Laki 
Formation cliffs beyond. 

invertebrates recovered from the matrix and 
surrounding area match those collected by 
the Yale team in the Lakhra Formation at 
Rhaman Doro and include Ostrea sp., 
Venericardia sp., Crassatella sp., ?Conus sp., 
?Turritella sp., numerous indeterminate 
bivalves and gastropods, solitary 
scleractinians, worm tubes, and fragments of 
crab shell. Shark teeth, fish vertebrae, and 
rare carbonized plant debris were also found 
at both localities. 

Preservation of the Fossil 

The skeleton was discovered weathering from 
the side of a small hill. A large section of the 
articulated cervical and thoracic regions of the 
vertebral column was separated from the tail 
section by a break in the column. These 
sections lay in a coil which extended into, and 
was excavated from, the hillside (Figs. 5, 6). 
The sacral vertebrae and pelvis had been 

6 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

Fig. 5 

Dyrosaur vertebral column, GSP No. 1020, in situ, 
after partial excavation. Left lateral surface 
exposed. Caudal vertebrae to left. Break in column 
at top. 

destroyed by erosion, but parts of some of 
these elements, ribs, and portions of a hind 
leg were collected below the site as float. No 
part of the skull was found. 

The condition of the bones is only fair and 
although harder than the crumbly siltstone 
matrix, they are delicate, easily broken, and 
badly fractured. Occasionally, the common 
veins of secondarily deposited gypsum have 
entered and distorted individual bones. The 
skeleion is for the most part encrusted with 
an extremely hard, ferruginous, concretionary 
layer averaging approximately 5 mm in 
thickness. Although the concretion has been 
mechanically removed from the bone in some 
places, it has often made detailed study of 
specific features difficult. However, the 
concretion takes the general form of the 
bones and so with the use of composite 
reconstructions incorporating fully prepared 
areas, little information about the external 
appearance of the bones has been lost. The 

configuration of the vertebrae indicate the 
skeleton is that of a dyrosaurid crocodile. 
Most strikingly, the vertebrae are platycoelous, 
indicating that the animal was a mesosuchian 
in the classical sense (although the 
Mesosuchia is likely to be an artificial 
grouping). Additionally, the fossil was 
discovered, presumably untransported, in 
marine sediments of Paleocene age. The 
Dyrosauridae represent the last radiation of 
marine mesosuchians (Buffetaut 1981) and the 
only family of mesosuchians (possibly 
excluding the problematic terrestrial 
Sebecidae of South America) to survive past 
the Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary. While it is 
as yet virtually impossible to identify isolated 
postcrania of the dyrosaurs to genus, as the 
postcranial skeleton exhibited very little 
variation within the family (Buffetaut, personal 
communication, 1984; Moody and Buffetaut 
1981), the completeness of this fossil warrants 
its description. The fossil is number 1020 in 

A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from Postilla 197 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Fig. 6 

lllustration of dyrosaur vertebral column, GSP 
No. 1020, after preparation. Right lateral surface 
shown. Caudals at top. Bar = 10 cm. 

8 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

the collection of the Geological Survey of 


ORDER Crocodylia GMELIN, 1788 
SUBORDER Mesosuchia HUXLEY, 1875 
FAMILY Dyrosauridae DE STEFANO, 1903 

The total length of the anterior series of 
articulated vertebrae is approximately 135 cm. 
This series begins with the fused atlas 
centrum and axis intercentrum. The neural 
arch and the intercentrum of the atlas are 
missing. This is followed by the axis, seven 
additional cervical vertebrae (totaling nine as 
is typical for most crocodilians), and fourteen 
dorsals. Typical cervical ribs remain articulated 
with the third through seventh cervicals. 
Seventeen thoracic ribs lie across the 
vertebral column, some articulated with their 
transverse processes. A few isolated rib 
fragments were also collected. The second 
group of articulated vertebrae consists entirely 
of caudals and is approximately 60 cm long. 
Eleven proximal caudals are present. The first 
ten are complete with their respective 
chevrons. All of the preserved caudal 
vertebrae have transverse processes. From 
between the two vertebral series an isolated 
dorsal vertebra and a single sacral vertebra 
are preserved. The second sacral is missing, 
along with perhaps one posterior dorsal, one 
or more anteriormost caudals, and the greater 
part of the tail’s extremity. 

The fact that most of the spines and all of 
the arches are intact throughout the column is 
noteworthy. Dyrosaurid vertebrae are usually 
found as isolated centra and it is very rare for 
the neural arch to remain attached. This is 
due to the frequently weak neurocentral 
sutures of dyrosaurs (Buffetaut 1978b). 

Part of the pelvic girdle and right hind leg 
are present. These are composed of the 
articulated right ilium and proximal part of the 
right ischium, three fragments of the right 
pubis, the acetabular portion of the left ilium, 
the proximal end of the right tibia, and the 
right astragalus. A single crocodilian tooth 

Postilla 197 

fragment was discovered in the matrix of the 
skeleton. However, as other crocodile teeth 
were found in the vicinity, this is possibly from 
a separate individual. 

Atlas-axis Complex 

The atlantal centrum forms a small, 
wedge-shaped lozenge approximately 3 cm 
wide and 3 cm high. It is fused with the axial 
intercentrum. This bone is thickest dorsally. It 
is articulated with the anterior face of the 
much larger axis centrum. The centrum of the 
axis is approximately 5 cm long, 3 cm wide, 
and carries a neural arch with a long (7.5 cm), 
low neural spine, which projects past the 
posterior end of the centrum. In this regard, 
the vertebra resembles the axis of the living 
Gavialis gangeticus. Indeed, the atlas-axis 
complex of Gavialis is closely similar to that of 
the fossil, except for the platycoelous nature 
of the latter. 

Third through Ninth Cervical Vertebrae 

The centra of these vertebrae are cylindrical 
and platycoelous. The eighth cervical centrum 
iS approximately 4 cm high, 4 cm wide, and 
5.5 cm long. The capitular facets of the 
vertebrae are situated low on the centrum and 
the tubercular facets lie at the tip of the 
transverse processes of the neural arches. 
The ribs of vertebrae 3 through 7 are short 
and bladelike and resemble those of Gavialis. 
Each is supported by a V-shaped brace 
formed by the capitulum and tuberculum. The 
‘blade’ projects both craniad and caudad 
parallel to the axis of the column. 

The posterior two cervical vertebrae are 
transitional to the dorsals and bear 
parapophyses that are located progressively 
higher on the centra than those of the anterior 
cervicals. The diapophyses are long and 
stout. The ribs of these transitional vertebrae 
resemble those of the dorsals as they are 
long and robust. The posterior two cervical 
vertebrae also possess strong, keellike 
hypapophyses much as in other dyrosaurs, for 
example, Hyposaurus from the Cretaceous of 
New Jersey (Owen 1849) and Brazil (Cope 

9 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 

1886) and the Paleocene of Mali (Buffetaut 
1980; Dollo 1914; Swinton 1930). Those of the 
Pakistani crocodile are swept back, 
subtriangular in lateral outline, and 
approximately 2.5 cm long from base to tip. In 
contrast, the small hypapophyses of the 
modern Alligator mississippiensis are present 
on all cervicals and point craniad. Similarly, all 
parapophyses of Alligator are located near the 
anterior end of each centrum, whereas in the 
fossil each is found at the approximate 

It is in the neural spines that differences 
from other crocodilians are most evident. The 
spines of vertebrae 3 through 7 are short and 
narrow with rounded tops, whereas the last 
two cervicals have very tall (maximum 12 cm), 
rectangular spines. The spines of Hyposaurus 
are more rounded. The tall spines of the 
Pakistani crocodile begin abruptly and then, 
together with the anterior dorsal spines, 
gradually decrease in size caudad. 
Dyrosaurids are distinguished from other 
crocodilians by such tall cervical spines and 
Buffetaut (1979a) has suggested that they 
provided surfaces of attachment for powerful 
neck muscles from the occiput. Dyrosaurids 
had large, longirostrine skulls and a strong 
nuchal ligament at this point probably 
supported the heavy head. 

Dorsal Vertebrae 

The dorsal vertebrae continue the pattern 
observed in the cervicals in that long, 
rectangular, anterior neural spines become 
progressively shorter toward the middle of the 
column where they become nearly equal 
(approximately 6 cm) in height. Throughout 
the column each spine is uniformly thin with 
little or no lateral thickening at its top. The last 
few preserved dorsals have neural spines that 
are directed somewhat craniad. These spines 
are also rectangular in outline. These last 
dorsals represent the lumbar region because 
they have stout transverse processes but no 
associated ribs. The long transverse 
processes of the anterior dorsals are swept 
backwards at an angle of approximately 45° 
from the perpendicular. This angle decreases 

posteriorly. The dorsal diapophyses of 
Alligator are, on the other hand, all set nearly 
perpendicular to their centra. 

The anterior dorsal centra of the fossil are 
only slightly taller than they are wide. The 
centrum of the fourth dorsal is 3.5 cm wide, 
4.5 cm high and 5 cm long. Caudad the 
centra become more nearly cylindrical. The 
thirteenth dorsal is 4 cm wide, 4 cm high, and 
5 cm long. Well-developed hypapophyses are 
characteristic of the anterior dorsals of 
dyrosaurs, and they are present on the first 
three dorsals of the fossil. These are similar to 
those of the cervicals. Vertebrae 13 and 14 
each have a small hypapophysis. The 
parapophyses of the first two dorsals lie 
along, and are divided by, faint neurocentral 
sutures. There are no uncinate processes on 
any of the associated dorsal ribs. 

Sacral Vertebra 

This isolated bone, though poorly preserved, 
is large and robust. The centrum is 
approximately 5.5 cm long and 4.5 cm wide, 
but is only 3.5 cm high. It is thus semielliptical 
in cross section. The articular faces of the 
centrum are expanded. A single fused sacral 
rib, (7 cm) long and stout, is intact. 

Caudal Vertebrae 

These vertebrae are characteristically 
dyrosaurian and strikingly similar to those of 
Hyposaurus. They indicate a powerful, laterally 
compressed tail. The centra are deeper than 
they are broad (3.5 cm by 3 cm, respectively, 
in the third preserved vertebra); preserved 
centra average approximately 4.5 cm in 
length. The articular surfaces are 
subrectangular and the ventral surfaces are 
deeply concave. Prominent chevron facets are 
present at both ends of the centra. The 
chevrons are long and rectangular as are the 
neural spines. The complete chevron of the 
third preserved caudal is 13 cm in length 
whereas that of the tenth is only about 6 cm 
long. The spine of the sixth preserved caudal 
is approximately 7 cm tall. 


10 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from Postilla 197 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Fig. 7 
Right ilium and ischium, GSP No. 1020. A, medial 
aspect; B, lateral aspect. ac, acetabulum; //, ilium; is, 
ischium; sa, sacral articulation. Shaded portions are 

11 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Postilla 197 


Fig. 8 

Right pubis, GSP No. 1020, dorsal aspect. Proximal 
end at top. Shaded portions reconstructed after 

Pelvic Girdle 

The ilium and ischium (Fig. 7), except for their 
larger sizes, are little different from those of 
Alligator. Slight differences are found in the 
shape of the acetabulum and the high 
anterodorsal spur, or costalis tubercle, on the 
ilium of the fossil. This spur, and indeed the 
entire pelvis, is virtually identical to that of the 
Hyposaurus specimen described by Troxell 
(1925). As in Hyposaurus, the acetabular 

perforation is deeply incised into the ischium, 
and although filled with concretionary material, 
the anterior opening of the acetabulum 
appears to be more nearly closed by the ilium 
and ischium than in Alligator. The right pubis 
is represented by three fragments which 
indicate a very long (possibly 20 cm), 
spatulate blade as in Hyposaurus (Fig. 8), and 
not the short, broad type found in Alligator. 
The longest dimension of the right ilium is 
approximately 15 cm. The posterior tip of the 

12 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from Postilla 197 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Fig. 9 

Right tibia, GSP No. 1020. A, extensor aspect; B, 
flexor aspect; C, proximal aspect, anterior to top; D, 
posterior aspect; E, anterior aspect. Bar = 5 cm. 

13 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

bone is missing. The breadth of the right 
ischium at the iliac articulation and across the 
acetabulum is approximately 8 cm. 


The proximal end of the right tibia (Fig. 9) has 
a maximum diameter of approximately 4.5 cm. 
The articular region is well formed, indicating 
an adult animal. The head is robust and the 
two areas of contact with the femoral 
condyles are individually distinct. The posterior 
articulation is much larger than that of 
Alligator, creating a more nearly triangular 
proximal surface. This surface is much higher 
anteriorly than it is posteriorly and laterally. A 
well-defined trough is present between the 
condylar articulations on the flexor surface of 
the bone. On the extensor surface the 
cnemial crest is prominent. 


The astragalus is not unlike that of Alligator. 
The ball joint for articulation with the first 
metatarsal is well defined, as are the peg for 
the calcaneum, the facet for the tibia, and the 
contact with the fibula. The bone is 
approximately 4.5 cm long. 


The late Mesozoic and Paleogene 
Dyrosauridae is a family of poorly known, 
longirostrine mesosuchian crocodilians. Most 
were large (up to 9 m in length), and they 
were probably powerful swimmers primarily 
adapted to life in the littoral marine 
environment. They are so far known from the 
Maastrichtian through the Eocene, most 
notably from northern Africa. During the 
Paleogene, dyrosaurid crocodiles diversified, 
exhibiting several combinations of jaw 
structure and dentition (Buffetaut 1979a). 
Thevenin (1911) first proved the crocodilian 
affinities of the familial type, Dyrosaurus 
Pomel, 1894, from the early Tertiary 
phosphate beds of southern Tunisia (see also 
De Stefano 1903; Nopcsa 1905; Sauvage 

Postilla 197 

1904; Thomas 1893). Additional dyrosaur 
fossils representing several taxa (e.g., 
Atlantosuchus, Dyrosaurus, Hyposaurus, 
Phosphatosaurus, Rhabdognathus, 
Sokotosuchus, Tilemsisuchus) have since 
been collected from marine deposits in 
Algeria, Angola, Egypt, lvory Coast, Mali, 
Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, 
Senegal, and Togo (Buffetaut 1979a). 
Bergounioux (1955, 1956), Buffetaut (1976a, 
1976b, 1978c, 1979a, 1979b, 1980), Buffetaut 
and Wouters (1979), Buffetaut et al. (1982), 
Halstead (1975), Madden et al. (1979), Moody 
and Buffetaut (1981), and others have studied 
and discussed many of these specimens. 
Buffetaut has also shown that Hyposaurus 
from New Jersey, Brazil, and Mali 

(“ Congosaurus,”’ ‘‘Sokotosaurus,”’ 
‘‘Wurnosaurus’’) is a dyrosaurid (1976a, 1980), 
and that indeterminate dyrosaurs occur in 
Pakistan (1977, 1978b) and possibly also in 
Burma (1977, 1978a). 

The occurrence of Asian dyrosaurid 
crocodile remains has been reviewed by 
Buffetaut (1978a, 1978b). One caudal vertebra 
of a possible dyrosaur is known from the late 
Eocene of Burma. It is from a freshwater 
deposit and is perhaps the latest and the 
easternmost dyrosaur occurrence known 
(Buffetaut 1978a). However, the caudals of 
certain terrestrial mesosuchians are quite 
similar (Buffetaut, personal communication, 
1984). Asian marine dyrosaurids are 
surprisingly rare. With the exceptions of a 
single vertebra from an Eocene oyster bed 
limestone of Punjab (northern Pakistan) and 
one dorsal and one caudal centrum from the 
‘Danian’ Khadro Formation of the Lakhi 
Range (described by Lydekker 1879), all 
previously known Pakistani dyrosaur fossils 
have come from freshwater deposits 
(Buffetaut 1978b). Virtually every specimen 
from Africa, North America, and South 
America is known to be from marine rocks. 

Dyrosaur fossils from freshwater deposits 
in Pakistan are numerous, but usually consist 
of isolated vertebral centra, occassional skull 
and jaw fragments, scutes, and teeth, 
suggesting considerable postmortem 
transport. All of them are Eocene in age 

14 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

(Buffetaut 1978b). Buffetaut (1978b) suggests 
that they may represent immature individuals 
that were hatched from inland broods and 
had not yet journeyed seaward to live along 
the coast as adults. Most of the vertebrae are 
small (about 4 cm in length). The abraded 
nature of the bones is consistent with riverine 
or estuarine transport. 

The present specimen represents by far 
the most complete dyrosaurid yet discovered 
in Asia. The preserved portion of the column 
and the average vertebral length of 
approximately 5 cm suggests an adult 
individual of about 4 m length. The fossil is 
one of the oldest Asian finds, excepting the 
two above-mentioned vertebrae from the 
Khadro Formation. Apparently the individual 
(from its deep caudals, presumably an active 
swimmer) was part of the littoral fauna. 
Shallow-water marine invertebrates (e.g., 
Ostrea sp., corals, decapods, etc.) and the 
ubiquitous teeth of the sand shark Odontaspis 
sp. and the nurse shark Ginglymostoma sp. 
confirm the near-shore marine nature of the 
matrix. The glauconitic content of the siltstone 
(approximately 80%) and its calcite cement 
also support this interpretation. The articulated 
condition of the column suggests little 
transport of the carcass and only moderate 
disruption after deposition. The animal, though 
deposited in shallow water, was presumably 
lying below wave base where some of its 
exposed bones provided a temporary 
substrate for small epifaunal oysters and 
solitary scleractinians. There is also, 
incidentally, no direct evidence that any of the 
sharks were scavenging upon the carcass. 
Their teeth are common throughout the 
sediments of the locality. 

The dyrosaurs of Pakistan, owing to their 
fragmentary record, have not yet been 
identified generically. At least some of them 
may be congeneric with African forms where 
the dyrosaurid record is most complete 
(Maastrichtian to middle Eocene) and where 
their greatest known diversity was achieved in 

Postiila 197 

the Paleocene (Buffetaut 1978b). Northern 
Africa and Pakistan are geographically related 
as components of the Tethyan maritime 
province, and it is not unlikely that 
crocodilians, especially such strong swimmers 
as dyrosaurs, could have spread from one 
area to the other. The present specimen, 
while similar to Hyposaurus in most respects, 
cannot be positively linked with any of the 
African forms. Part of a slender, curved tooth 
associated with, and probably belonging to it, 
may rule out the large Phosphatosaurus 
whose teeth were generally massive and 
stout. However, the other and smaller Tertiary 
dyrosaurs had long slender teeth. Only when 
good skull material of Pakistani dyrosaurids is 
found can more definitive identifications be 


This work was supported in part by a 
Smithsonian Institution Foreign Currency 
Exchange Grant to P. D. Gingerich, by the 
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History 
Division of Vertebrate Paleontology, and by 
the Geological Survey of Pakistan. | thank J. 
D. Archibald, J. U. McClammer, Jr., R. M. 
Schoch, and H. Shaheed for field work in 
Pakistan and for subsequent discussions. S. 
M. |. Shah kindly authorized collection and 
study of the material. | am grateful to both J. 
D. Archibald and P. D. Gingerich for allowing 
me to study the specimen. K. A. Waldron 
spent many hours assisting in the preparation 
and study of the fossil and offered much 
useful advice. | also thank J. U. McClammer, 
Jr. for providing photographs of the field area 
and W. K. Sacco for technical assistance. E. 
Buffetaut and Wann Langston, Jr. provided 
helpful information and also read and 
criticized the manuscript, as did J. D. 
Archibald, P. D. Gingerich, J. H. Ostrom, B. H. 
Tiffney, K. M. Waage. | am grateful for their 

15 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from Postilla 197 
the Paleocene of Pakistan 

Literature Cited 

Bergounioux, F. M. 1955. Les Crocodiliens fossiles des dépdts phosphatés du Sud-Tunisien. C. R. Acad. 
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16 A Dyrosaurid Crocodile from Postilla 197 
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The Author 

Glenn W. Storrs. Department of Geology 

and Geophysics and Peabody Museum of 

Natural History Division of Vertebrate 

Paleontology, Yale University, 170 Whitney 

Avenue, P.O. Box 6666, New Haven, CT 

06511. ISSN No. 0-912532-02