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Cx 1871. > 
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Wirhitmey’s Point, N. W. 


Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1871, Aug. 4th, 
by JoHN P. Corstn, in the office of the Librarian of 
Congress, at Washington. 



Yet 5 

DNC RACe Rm Mee SO a8 chica NS Ore, wee maxclees 
athe ester VV OKEL.. \— sora aicine. cae are vie n cere lee 4 
BACON CONS Be ce sens ct eneree ho cans Sone = ante eras 6 
Prerequisites for Butter Making... te Pee ety RN 10 
BIEN HHO OM OOS) over oSere Ways ooo es eicha den code ae tess 11 
Pepin ROUSE Sarit oles Soa 2 aes wie wieies Sa See we or, gage 
ASUS L605 O10 co Oe RD RS ate naa oR reer ae bee rear i! i4 
memperatuie for MilkRGOOMS. .. 2:55. .<4¢¢)e0% ste. 15 
“CINE Torta 08S 6400) 0 Ree ee ee eR ile 
Working, Packing and Storage Hootie eee 18 
Wleaning-or Washing Room. .........00-c:00.e05-. 18 
Neatness ... Ta eae etre © ce osc oe aie ape eee Solty) 
General Management of Butter Dairies...9 2.15%, isco 
Become Bnd; CAFE Of COWSs>.: scio'-2.)). + 4-8 eens wee 21 
RBMIICHIEES EGA rctiaert Ses Maegan ee Se ce Stee eat clare 23 
Re mENMOSMLON OLONTI KG ores tbh Ss hd Gene ae ws cee OOD 
Peay TMU DUE VIAL K.: cages wveserahe aa); clare coated a kyle She 26 
econo and Weepme Milley, oc .4s 50 acmcens da See eee 27 
mutes tive: Emits NK ae fea oe <2 os pe Sal aeeiee ss oe 28 
Large Pan DV SLCIN <j cms: Se aMERS rohoepis <sS.e CpeUe hc 30 
Creamery or Factory System Gee gies trk ce. Seer Lees 31. 
es OMe Ae rs Ce ats sree: uno cen ao earn oe 53 
White Caps or Dry Cream........ ie ohsa eye aya Skeet ee 3 
Cream Pumps and Cream Strainers................ 30 
emperature tor Churning. |. 00. 13. onde ee sees 56 
OURS 32). oe ea cee 5s ton OO ee See os OM 
CLOGS SS Se eer i ne ee Beer dae 
Washing, Salting and Working Butichae Gwen 41 
Packages and Preparing increas Wee eon 46 
Packing andeeeepime bUber. ca. . ons. Rae REE: < <jecae 48 
Megs teri: WINER. behets 1 bd ees ek ce oes 51 
Coloring Butter...... Mtoe Re rate see Leer ae D8 
Fitting the Packages and Butter for Market.........55 


Marketing Butter. <. scas cases ee atten dingeagns ees) 
Conclusion .......... PE ee, . 60 

Eureka Butter Worker. «2.0... 08 eee .. 64 
CARDIO re ess x Pile ee ce vee Pee PR Sc Ae 
Churn Power—Hawes Brothers..........sseeseeen 68 
: Lyon & St. Job. 4. .ees eee 
Dairy Husbandry—X. A. Willard................. 02 
Butter Packages—Silsby Brothers................. 73 
Moties 10: Dealers. (0.625 «ka SS eae ee aera 74 
Prices of Butter Workers. ssi. se osve oeteeeereee a (3) 
POG... ose vad iced boats vo tae oes meee! 6: 

Extracts may be made from this Book by giving credit 
to Corbin’s Practical Hints on Dairying. 

Degg) oo a Bly Os abe 

In iaying this little pamphlet before the public, I 
purpose to give the reader a few practical ideas relative 
to dairying, touching briefly on different points pertain- 
ing to the business, such as I have proved in dairying 
with twenty-five to thirty-five cows for many years,mak- 
ing butter,working and packing it myself; also,the benefit 
of observations made in visiting many of the most noted 
dairymen, and butter factories of several States, learning 
the results of the experiences of many. Ido not flat- 
ter myself that this or that is the only correct way of 
procedure; neither do I claim that all improvements 
are atanend. Itis believed that the following pages 
embrace the most practical treatise on butter making 
that has yet been published, as well as the more im- 
proved and advanced methods of making butter as prac- 
ticed by the best butter-makers of this country. 

These experiences and observations have enabled me 
to construct the EuREKA ButTzr WorkeErR, which is 
illustrated and described in the following pages. With 
it, any dairy-woman can wash, salt and work hard but- 
ter, easily, expeditiously and perfectly, exactly on the 
hand-ladle principle, the same manner as with a ladle 
in the hands, but much easier, fastter and more thorough, 
besides not as liable to injure the grain of the butter, as 
the most careful person is with a hand ladle. 



Eitri Wace ee 9, 9, 1870 : 

Description of Cuts. 

Theie is a light iron plate that may be screwed on 
the bottom of any common round butter bowl of any 
size, fand will be an advantage to any butter bow], by | 
making it stand more steady on any table, besides it 
will be a protection against its splitting. 

K are iron slides fastened on each edge of the pla 
form for the plate to slide in, which will hold the Bowl 
securely on the machine, and allow it to be easily re- 
volved either way. The bowl may be removed from 
the machine as handily as from a table. .H isa ladle 


similar to a hand Jadle, but is much larger. It is mor- 
tised through the lever G, which hooks into the swivel 
eye N, fastened on the pendulum F, which is fastened in 
the roller S, and allows the lever to be moved in any di- 
rection, and the ladle placed in every part of the bowl, 
and worked up and down, from one side of the bowl] to 
the other, also forward and backward, in fact, every 
manner desirable for working butter—cutting, pressing 
and turning the butter every way, the same as with a 
hand ladle, but much faster and more easy. C is a 
solid rest for the bow] to stand firmly against, which 
will support it from breaking down, or springing under 
the pressure of the lever ladie. The frame D, with a 
platform projecting from the bottom of it, that the bowl 
stands upon, is hung on screws R in such a manner that 
it may be tipped by the strength of one finger, to drain 
the buttermilk or water from the bow], with no possibil- 
ty of its slipping or falling off, and the ladle will pre- 
vent the butter from spilling out. The platform is fas- 
tened down to the stool by the spring J hooking on the 
catch E on the handle. The machine is light, conven- 
ient to carry, nothing liable to get out of order, very sim- 
ple, and as handily washed and dried as any bowl and 
ladle. For prices and further descriptions sce back part 
of the book. 

Working Position. Draining. Detached. 


The dairy business, exceeds that of any other of the 
agricultural interests, especially in the Northern States ; 
and it has by the constantly increasing demands for its 
products, grown to be a business of enormoustmagni- 
tude, and if employs an immense number of operators. 

And now the dairy claims her choicest care, 
And half the household find employment there. 

It requires a vast amount of capital to carry on dairy- 
ing, as well as much hard labor, care and judgment. 
Like all other great enterprises, it has had its day of 
small business ; and it is surprising to think how recent 
that day was. 

There has, however, always been dairy products since 
civilization commenced ; but dairying was not made a 
speciality until within the last half century, and even 
twenty or thirty years ago it was comparatively noth- 
ing ; and now the value of butter in a single season is 
estimated at two hundred millions of dollars. 

The manufacture of good butter is really an impor- 
tant matter for the public, as well as for the farmer. We 
are all interested in the quality of the butter placed up- 
on our tables, and farmers should be interested in the 
quality of the butter that they send to market, for they 


well know that the best always commands the highest 
price and the readiest sale. When butter making is 
well conducted, it is one of the most profitable branches 
of farm industry in the Northern States, and it will con- 
tinue to be profitable. It should especially commend it- 
self to agriculturists where there is good sweet pastur- 
age in abundance, and pure water, as there is an increas- 
ing demand for good butter the world over, and it is 
deemed almost a necessity. Good, aroma, coarse grain- 
ed, yellow butter is certainly a luxury, and the supply 
is insufficient for the demand; therefore, we should try 
and make such butter as will meet the requirements of 
the market both in quality and quantity. A manufac- 
turer of wares may make goods of first and second qual- 
ities, and from the latter he may realize the largest prof- 
its, but not so with making butter. It does not neces- 
sarily cost any more to makea good article of butter than 
it does to make a poor or ordinary article,and the people 
who make the best butter generally make the most of it 
from the same number of cows ; therefore, they realize 
much larger profits from their dairies. There is not an- 
other product of farm industry of so great value that is 
liable to so large a per cent. of depreciation as the dairy 
product. This depreciation may be wholly, or at least 
in a great measure prevented, by giving more general 
attention and care to its manufacture, and by procuring 
more and better conveniences and implements for use 
in its manufacture, thereby adding many thousands of 
dollars annually to the profits of our American dairies. 

Butter making cannot be classed as a science, but 
rather an art, which must be learned mostly by experi- 
ence. There isasort of skill about it that cannot be 
detected by lookers on, nor hardly explained by the 


maker, but must be acquired by practice and persever- 
ance. Theory is good in its place, but in butter making 
it must be wedded with practice. Positive rules may 
be laid down for each and every operation in its manu- 
facture, but circumstances are so various, that rules 
founded upon the highest success in one instance, might 
not prove to be just right under different circumstances. 
Mere opinions on a subject of such great importance, 
and one so anomailus, are comparatively of little value 
unless founded on facts, and they should have special 
reference to the objects. Practical men and women of 
this age, are more interested in what has been wrought 
out by experience than any conjectures or opinions 
founded upon loose statements or fictitious evidences. 

To make dairying a successful enterprise, many things 
are to be considered and must be respected. There are 
a great many little items and points that are very essen- 
tial, but may seem to some to be of little or no conse- 
quence, but really are very important, and should be re- 
garded, as they will help a great deal in a season—some 
in one way and some in other ways. Milk and cream 
should be properly cared for, properly churned and in 
due time ; the butter washed, salted and worked in a 
proper manner, also the proper time. Every practical 
discriminating buiter maker knows that when milk is 
sour or loppered, that the cream should be taken care of 
and churned without delay, and when the butter has 
come, it should be free] of the buttermilk, salted and 
worked, also secluded from the atmosphere, if it is to be 
kept. It often happens that only one hour of negligence 
or delay in taking care of milk or cream, churning or 
working the butter, will greatly deteriorate the quality 
of the butter. Theleast particle of buttermilk left in 


butter will very soon sour and decompose, and will 
cause the whole mass to become stale and rancid; aiso, 
if the salt is not uniformly mixed through it, the butter 
will be streaked ; and, if the butter is mixed or worked 
too much, or, if it is not properly worked, its grain will 
be broken and salvy ; therefore, there is much depend- 
ing on the manner that it is worked, or the proceeds of 
the dairy will be greatly depreciated. The best and 
most noted butter makers say that butter should always 
be worked with the least friction possible on it, not 
rubbed over nor slid about, but should be carefully 
pressed, cut, turned, and thoroughly mixed ; an opera- 
tion requiring much skill to doit properly, and great 
strength of muscle if done with a hand ladle, also much 
time. A machine that will wash, salt, and work butter 
perfectly, in condition for packing, and in much less 
time than it can be done by hand, also equally as well 
as may be done any other way, is worth what? Can 
there be an estimate of its value ? 

It is generally conceded that the desirable points for 
a perfect butter worker are: First—Simple devices 
sufficient to thoroughly wash, or expel every particle of 
buttermilk from the butter and drain it off, to mingle 
the salt uniformly through the butter, and to work the 
whole mass as nearly alike as possible and not injure 
any of its grain. Second—Simplicity, durability and 
case of its operation, the use of which may be within the 
strength and control of women, ease of cleaning and 
keeping it clean. Last, though not least, an absence of 
all gearing or rollers that are liable to get out of order, 
or to be kept clean, also joints, crevices and corners 
which arc liable to secrete germs of putrification. 

‘We do not claim that the Eureka Butter Worker will 


work butter unaided by human hands, nor without la: 
bor; but if used with good judgment it will prove a 
source of profit to the dairyman, anda well-spring of 
joy in every family that has butter to work; therefore, 
we would respectfully ask the reader to examine cuts, 
&c., in this pamplet, and if interested, to further investi- 
gate it, by addressing or consulting with any who may 
be acquainted with the machine, also by addressing 


Whitney’s Point, N. Y. 

Prerequisites to Butler Making. 

There are many prerequisites to successful butter 
making, of which we will mention in this little manual 
some of the large or most important ones that are quite 
essential, and should be regarded. To find the first re- 
quisite, it will be necessary to look to the pastures, and 
secure sweet and nutritious grasses, and pure water in 
abundance, as milk ofthe kest quality cannot be pro- 
duced from weeds, sour grass, nor foul water. It is im- 
portant that there should be a variety of grasses, that 
will furnish feed through the entire season. Cows are 
cssential, and may with propriety be considered the first 
requisite. Good and convenient barns, well stocked 
with sweet, nutritious food for winter, is essential, and 
acool, neat and convenient dairy house is a prerequi- 
site, one that will require much forethought and care, al- 
so experience in butter making to construct one properly. 
The buildings need not necessarily be decorated with 
costly appendages, but should be substantial, neat and 


convenient, :lso should be furnished with the most im: 
proved and best utensils and implements for each and 
every operation in the manufacture of butter—milk 
strainers, vessels in Which to keep the milk preparatory 
to making butter, skimmers, cream strainers, churns, 
butter workers, also power to churn with ; all capable 
of doing the best ef work of its kind, resulting with the 
best success. 

There are many little convenicnces and items which 
we will not mention here, althougt quite essential in as- 
sisting to do the dairy work easily and expeditiously, 
also in keeping neat, sweet and tidy. No one can ex- 
pect to make prime butter without many of these re- 
quisites. A dairyman’s library should be well selected, 
and well read, also the same respecting his papers. He 
may gain knowledge by reading, but whatever his books 
and papers may teach, he should glean therefrom, weigh 
and consider, then fall back upon common sense ; also 
compare with his own experience, or that of some others 
known to be skilled in the art and reliable, as the final 
umpire in every case. Above all, there should be’a 
stock of sound discriminating judgment, with an honest 
and fixed determination to excel in producing the best 
of butter, and gain a first-class reputation, and to give 
the purchaser perfect satisfaction for his money, also to 
build up a permanent and successful business. 

Selection of Cows. 

It is quite important to the profits of a dairy, that the 
cows should be gcod ones,—those that are best adapted 
to butter making,—as there is a difference in cows, 
not only ia the quantity of milk that they give, but the 

richness of it for butter. How are we to judge the qual- 
ity of cows ? The surest way is to milk them and test 
the milk, as the milk of some cows is better adapted for 
cheese making or marketing rather than for butter mak- 
ia Kesag eee cow may give a large mess of milk, but perhaps 
it will not make but a small amount of butter; another 
cow may give but a small mess of milk, but it will make 
more butter than the large mess ; therefore, such cows 
should be selected that are best adapted for the business 
they are designed for, regardless of breed or color; then 
with plenty of good, clean, early cut hay, water and 
warm, clean quarters, generous feeding and good care 
in winter ; and in summer, provided with sweet pastur- 
age in abundance, and pure water, there is no reason 
why they will not yield a large supply of rich pure milk. 
There are many points and marks about cows that are 
claimed as signs ‘ndicating good cows, but how much 
dependence is to be placed upon them, weare unable to 
say, but the general appearance of cows should indicate 
their qualities, which has always been our most reliable 
sign. The udder should be soft and capacious, not 
fleshy. The teats should set wide apart, not too large 
nor too small, giving a large smooth stream. The milk 
veins should be large and extend well ahead, and the 
holes large where they pass up into the body. Cows 
should be of a mild, quiet disposition, gentle and easy to 
milk, and hearty feeders. 

Dairy House. 

There are many things to be considered in the con- 
struction ofa dairy house. It should be located where 
the atmo-phere will always be pure, and where there 


may be an abundant supply of unfailing, coo], pure 
water. There should be rooms in it suitable for the dif 
ferent departments of butter making ; a milk room that 
will keep milk in good condition preparatory for churn- 
ing ; another room in which to churn, also wash, salt 
and work the butter; another in which to wash the 
dairy utensils. A dairy house should be furnished with 
the most improved and best apparatus, both for the ease 
of doing the work, and improving the quality of butter. 
There are a variety of implements for the different ope- 
rations in butter making, and there are various kinds of 
implements for the same purpose, and all are claimed to 
be the best ; therefore, it requires good judgment with a 
great deal of consideration to select them, as those only 
should be used by which the most benefit may be de- 
rived. A dairy may be deficient of only one implement, 
the use of which is needed, cr an improper implement 
used, or even a good one used in an Improper manner, 
and the price or real value of that dairy of butter may 
be depreciated perhaps five, ten or even twenty per 
cent. In building a dairy house, every provision should 
be made for cleanliness, convenience and ease for doing 
the dairy work, also to increase the quantity of butter, 
and to improve the quality of it, but in no case should 
quality be sacrificed for quantity. 

It will cost no small sum to properly construct and 
supply a dairy house with the requisite utensils and im- 
plements, but when properly fitted up and furnished it 
will be found a profitable investment, and it will soon 
pay the extra expense by the saving of labor, time, care 
and perplexities, also by the increased quantity of but- 
ter and ifs superior quality over that which can be made 
with pcor or ordinary fixtures; but unless there is skill 


and care exercised with judgment, a good article of but- 
ter cannot be produced from the best of cows in the best 
of feed, also with the best and mostapproved apparatus. 
In fact every dairy house should be provided with every- 
thing that will facilitate its labors, as there is a multi- 
plicity of cares and duties that have to be performed in 
and about them every day. 

Milk Room. 

This is a prcr quisite of no small importance, and it 
should be the first, and main thing to be considered in 
planning and constructing a dairy house. We prefer, 
and think it advisable, to have the dairy house or dairy 
rooms, (excepting the butter room,) above ground, and 
attached to the dwelling, for several reasons; and a 
northern exposure preferrable. In many localities the 
ground is such that cellars will be damp, and in most 
any locality tuere are times that the atmosphere will be 
heavy and damp in most all cellars, which will have bad 
effects on milk and cream. It will save dairy women an un- 
limited number of steps by being above ground, also by 
being attached to the dwelling ; then the convenience in 
bad weather by its not being away from the dwelling ; 
besides, if it is situated but a short distance away from 
the dwelling, there will be danger that the milk, cream 
or butter may be neglected at times. New milk even 
contains Within itself elements of decay, and when left 
to itself, it will constantly be undergoing a change to- 
wards decomposition and acidity from the time that it 
is drawn from the cow until it is decomposed, but faster 
under some circumstances than others. When decom- 
position bas arrived to a certain degree, it will deterorate 


very radidly, and unless taken care of, putrifactioa will 
speedily ensue. In some respects, milk is like fruit. 
When fruit is ripe and in its prime, it should be used ; 
and so with milk and c:cam, when ripe it should be 
churned, therefore, it needs close attention and care. 

Milk rooms should be constructed with a view to per- 
fect cleanliness, and convenience fer doing the dairy 
work. ‘There should be a sink for emptyiog the sour 
milk into, in the milk room or handy by it, witha spout 
or conductor attached to it to carry the milk off into the 
swill tub, which should be far enough away so that 
there will be no stench from it reaching the milk room. 
When there is sufficient fall to run the milk the desired 
distance to the hog pen, it will be still more convenient 
to have the tub in it. Either will save an immense 
amount of carrying swill in large dairies, and the same 
proportion in small ones. The sink and spout should 
be so arranged that it may be handily cleaned, and surely 
kept sweet near the milk room. 

Temperature for Milk PRoontes. 

The temperature of milk rooms is of vast importance, 
and requires utmost attention in a changeable climate 
like ours, where the thermometer varies ten, twenty-five 
and even forty degrees in twelve hours ; therefore, milk 
rooms should also be constructed with a view to keep- 
ing an eyen temperature in them, from cold weather to 
warm, and from warm to cold. But few milk rooms are 
properly arranged for controlling the temperature in 
them. Dairymen in general are quite apt to think that 
if they can only get the milk into the milk room, and 
strained, there is little or no need of making further pro- 

16 ‘ 
visions or care for it, until skimming or churning time, ; 
Milk rooms should be constructed (if above ground) with 
double walls, with about a foot space between them, — 
which will protect it from the effects of sudden choad 
in the atmosphere outside. Some fill this space with 
clean dry saw dust, which will make it warmer in win- 
ter, and perhaps will be just as coolin warm weather. 
There should be double doors, with a space between 
sufficiently large for a person to enter and close one 
door before opening the other,so as not to let in a rush 
ofwarm air. When the outside atmosphere is not too 
warm both doors need not be used. The windows 
should be provided in winter with double sash, or glass 
set on both sides of the sash, to protect it from cold, 
and in summer with wire cloth screens, such 
as will keep out cats, mice, flies, &c., also screens that 
may be shut in place of the doors. There should 
be shades or blinds to the windows. It is better 
to keep the milk room darkened only when work- 
ing in it, then it should be well lighted in every 
part of it. There should be registers through or near 
the floor, such as will give full ingress to fresh pure air, 
and when desired, cool air from an ice room or a cool 
sweet cellar. There should also be ventilators at the 
top of the room so that the warm or foul air(ifany) may 
readily escape. The registers and ventilators should be 
made so that they may be opened and shut at discretion, 
giving perfect control of the temperature, which should 
be at sixty to sixty-two degrees, as near as possible ; 
therefcre a thermometer is indispensable in the milk 
room. Cream will rise in a warmer temperature than 
it will do to churn it. In warm weather, the registers 
and yentilators should be kept open; thus a change of 


air may be made in any weather, even when it is appa- 
rently still, and if there is not too much wind, and the 
outside atmosphere is cool, and too warm in the milk 
room, the windows and doors should be opened and 
remain open nights with the screens in but care should 
be taken that the wind does not blow on the milk. If 
the temperature outside is too warm, they should be 
closed and kept shut as much as possible. The ventila- 
tors at the top of the room should be kept open most 
of the time, unless when too cool,in the room and no fire. 
When the atmosphere is too cold in the milk room, there 
should be a steady fire kept, and heated as near the bot- 
tom of the room as possible, and the registers shut ; but 
the ventilators should be open, as the heated air always 
raises to the top of the room. It is an advantage to have 
rays of sunshine enter the milk room occasionally for 
a short time,when the weather is not too extremely hot; 
it will help to purify the atmosphere and dry up the 
moisture that may be in the room, which is unavoidable 
at times. 

Churning Foon. 

This room should be adjoining the milk room, and so 
arranged that it may be of proper temperainre when the 
churning is being performed, also so that the operation 
of churning will not jar or disturb the milk in the milk 
room. There should be steam, water, or animal power 
at hand to operate the churn. The churn should stand 
where it may be conveniently seen from the work room, 
and it should be looked to often during the process of 
churning, to see that everything is going on properly, 



and that the churn may be stopped immediately when 
the bntter comes. 
Slow goes the churn ; 
Its load of clogging cream 
At once foregoes its name, 
From knotty particles 
First floating wide, 
Then congealing butter 
Dashed from side to side. 

Working, Packing and Storage Room. 

This should be a cool, dry, sweet, neat room, and well 
lighted, especially where the working of butter is per- 
formed. Itis preferable to have this room in a cellar, 
and it should be handy to get into from the churning 
room. The working room should be furnished with a 
good and convenient butter worker, one that any dairy- 
woman can use easily ; wash, salt and work hard or 
soft butter with every manner desired, without injuring 
the graia of the butter. There should be no complica- 
ted gearing Or machinery about it to keep clean and lia- 
ble to get out of order, neither should there be any cor- 
ners nor crevices in it which are liable to secrete germs 
of putrifaction. Everything about it should be simple, 
easy to clean and keep sweet. It should also be ‘light 
and convenient to; also strong and durable, nothing 
about it Hable to get out of order. 

Cleaning or Washing Room. 

Convenience should be strictly regarded about the ar- 
rangements of this room ; therefore it should be handy 
to the milkroom, also to the churning room. There 


should be soft water in abundance for cleaning purposes, 
and handy to get, also conveniences for heating the 
water, and arranged so that the heat will not effect the 
milk room nor churning room. It should be provided 
with wash sinks, also slop drains, that should be kept 
in such cond.tion that there will be no stench rising 
from them. 


The most exquisite neatness in every department of 
dairying is essentially a requisite, to say nothing of the 
vice of forcing unclean food on consumers; and it should 
be a municipal regulation, while milk and cream are so ex- 
ceedingly sensitive to the slightest taints of the atmos- 
phere, or anything with which they come ia contact, as 
to absorb unmistakable evidence of them in the flavor 
of the milk, cream and butter. How is it possible to 
make clean and sweet flavored butter,from milk or cream 
that has stood in stale or unclean vessels, or even in 
sweet vessels standing in a filthy room, reeking with 
emanations from decomposing slops or the swill tub, or 
the steneh from the hog pen, or the stable, no matter 
what wonderful skill may be exercised in manufacturing 
it into butter ? 

In cleansing all milk vessels and dairy utensils, they 
should first be rinsed in cold water, then thoroughly 
washed with hot water and soap,perhaps through several 
waters, then rinsed in clean water, and afterwards scald- 
ed in boiling water, and in hot weather put out of doors 
and sunned, and in cold cloudy weather they should be 
wiped dry, or dried by a fire. All slops and spatters of 
milk in or about the milk room should be treated the 
same way as soon as discovered. 


All milk vessels should be made of tin, which is the 
Only fit material for them to be made of In no case 
should wooden vessels be used for milk to stand in, not 
even painted wooden pails for milking pails. Wood 
will absorb the whey or water of the milk, and no 
amount of scalding will entirely remove all of it, and 
it will soon be stale and contain germs of putrifaction, 
and will cause new milk, ifin contact with it, to rapid- 
ly decay. 

General Management of Butter Dairies. 

There is great diversity of opinion in regard to cool- 
ing, keeping and preparing milk for the mannfacture of 
butter, and it has long been a question which of the 
many methods that are practiced is best, or that result 
in the most benefits, and the same in regard to churning, 
washing or not washing butter, also working it. There 
are various modes practised in each and every operation 
in the manufacture of butter; and it is a fact, that differ- 
ent persons mae butter of good quality by entirely dif- 
ferent processes ; therefore, no one can claim that his is 
the only way. To lay down a universal rule and say that 
butter must be made so and so, and that it must not be 
made in any other way, appears to us as absurd and ill- 
judged. We will, however, endeavor to describe some 
of the modes that are practiced in making butter that 
we know have proved successful, and will briefly point 
out some of the essentials, and their advantages, honing 
that they will afford valuable assistance to butter maxers 
in general, and make an advance in the art of manutac- 
turing butter. 

feeding and Care of Cows. 

We will take this as the first operation in the man- 
agement of dairying ; as it is very essential that milch 
cows should be furnished at all times with an abundant 
supply of sweet nutritious food and pure water, also 
kept in good condition and perfect health. 

Cow are living machines,—milk manufacturing ma- 
chines ; and if not provided with good fuel and water,. 
the machinery lags and stops. When milch cows are 
confined on scanty feed, requiring a considerable 
portion of their time to get a requisite supply of food, 
or are obliged to travel long distances for drink, they 
will secrete much less milk and of a poorer quality than 
when they can fill themselves quickly with sweet whole- 
some food, and then lie down in the shade and quietly 
ruminate their food and manufacture milk from it, as 
their milk is made from what they eat and will contain 
properties of it; therefore, cows should have such 
food as will yield milk of the best qualities for butter 
making, and that which will produce the most of it. 
Grass is considered the most natural, cheapest and best, 
but as to the kinds of grasses that are best we are not 
fully competent to recommend, but from our observa- 
tion and experience, can say that butter of excellent 
quality is made from herds grass, white clover and the 
different kinds of June grasses. 

No cow can produce pure and healthy milk without 
she has pure and healthy food and drink. Whatever 
may cause an unhealthy condition of a cow, it will be 
sure to deterorate her mili, and nothing will be more 
sure to do this than scanty and poor food and drink, 
rough treatment and exposures. <A neglected or thin 


feverish cow will not only yield a diminished profit, but 
she will give feverish milk if any; or if there is anything 
wrong about her, it will affect her miik, or if she eats 
anything that has a strong or disagreeable odor, it will 
surely appear in her milk, cream, and the butter 
produced from it, as her milk is one source she has of 
casting off filth from her organism. These facts should 
at all times be well impressed upon the minds of farm- 
ers, but more espec‘ally in the spripg of the year when 
cows are liable to be thin and more or less feverish. 
Many farmers keep their cows confined in stanchions 
too great a portion of the time through the long winter, 
and, too, in small ill-ventilated stables where they can- 
not always get fresh pure air, neither can they have pro- 
per exercise, and water at all times when desired and 
needed by them. 

Some allow their cows to lie out of doors, exposed to 
the winter storms and piercing winds, with scarcely a 
shed for them to get under, which certainly cannot be 
good economy, for by such exposures, they will require 
much more food, and they will not be in as good condi- 
tion inthe spring. It will require a great portion of the 
summer, and good feed for them, to make up this lost 
condition, and, too, in the best butter making season ; 
neither will they yield as much milk,nor as rich milk as 
they would if they had had good care through the winter 
and were in good condition. In winter, and especially in 
the spring, cows need special attention and care. They 
should have clean, warm, spacious stables, well ventila- 
ted, anda variety of wholesome food in abundance, 
especially well cured, early cut, fine hay, also good wa- 
ter; and in summer they should be provided with good 
pasturage in abundance, with plentiful supplies of run- 


ning water, and shade trees or sheds to protect them 
from the intense raysof the sun. There should be sowed 
corn or other green herbage on hand for fall feeding, es- 
pecially in a dry autumn, and later as frosty weather 

Lucern was highly recommended by the Hon. Harris 
Lewis, of Herkimer Co., N. Y., in an address delivered 
at the convention of the American Dairymen’s Associa- 
tion, at Utica, Jan., 1871, as being the best of all forage 
‘plants for soijing milch cows. His second choice was 
orchard grass ; and his third, common meadow grass ; 
and corn he regarded as worthless, its cost in most cases 
exceeding its actual value. A resolution was, however, 
passed by the convention, that corn was a valuable crop, 
and recommended it as a forage crop. 

Cows should have salt frequently, and regularly, at 
least twice a week in summer. <A very good way is to 
have a tight box or trough placed where it will be pro- 
tected from storms, and a quantity of salt kept in it all 
the time, and let the cows go to it every day and lick as 
they like. Cows should never be dogged to or from the 
pasture, and care should be taken not to over drive 
them, but allow them to travel in their natural gait, es- 
pecially when their bags are full, or in hot weather. 
Fast driving will not only lessen the quantity of milk, 
but, will injure the quality of that which they wiil give. 
There is about twenty-five per cent. difference in the 
quality of the milk delivered at factories, from good 
dairies and that from poor dairies, as is stated by many 
factory men. 

The milking should always be performed gently, 


quietly and rapidly, also at regular hours, morning and 
evening, every day, without change of milkers. Some 
cows willhold up their milk if they are not milked by the 
same milker that they are usually milked by, or if there 
is anything exciting to them during the milking, like 
loud talking, or laughing, or if a stranger comes near 
them. There isa flow of milk into their udders soon 
after the milking is commenced, and if checked, it will 
be difficult to regain it; therefore, after a cow fs com- 
menced to be milked, she should be finished without de- 
lay or stopping, as many do, to go and empty their pails 
and for other purposes. There should be pail room 
enough before commencing to milk a cow to hold her 
milk, and then steadily milked until she is milked clean. 
If cows are not milked at about the accustomed time 
that they usually are milked, this flow will take place 
before the milking is commenced, especially in time of 
flush feed ; and some cows will leak their milk if they 
are not milked very soon after this flow commences, 
hence, there will be a loss of milk. Great care, too, 
should always be taken to milk cows clean, as a little 
milk Jeft in the udder will gradually dry a cow up, be- 
sides the last milk drawn is at least ‘ten times richer in 
butter than the first that is drawn. 

Cleanliness in milking should be strictly observed. 
Too many dairymen and dairy-women allow themselves 
to get careless in this matter of cleanliness. Generally 
speaking, they remember only this fact, that dairying 
makes clean money. All dirt and loose hairs should be 
brushed from the udder and sides of the cow before com- 
mencing to milk. Ifthe dirt does not readily brush off 
from the teats and udder, they should be washed in wa- 
ter and wiped dry before milking; besides making them 


clean, there is nothing better to allay inflammation or 
garget in its first stages in a cow’s bag, than washing, 
and rubbing in cold water. 

Composition of Milk and Cream. 

The milk of cows, according to chemical analysis, va- 
ries in its composition, not only from different cows, but 
from the same cow at different times, and in different 
seasons of the year. In the latter part of the season 
milk contains more butter than the same quantity of 
milk produced in the early part of summer, also the 
Strippings, or the milk last drawn from the cow’s ud- 
der is much richer than that drawn first. Milk is great- 
ly modified by the quality and flavor of the food which 
the cow eats, and the atmosphere that she is exposed 
to,also her health and exercise too willhave a great influ- 
ence on her milk. Notwithstanding all these variations, 
an average percentage can be arrived at, and has been 
found by numerous analyses, that 100 parts of new milk 
contains 87.5 parts of water, 4.5 0f milk sugar, 4. of fatty 
matters, 3.25 of albuminoids (cascin and albumen) 
0.75 of mineral matters. The various substances compris- 
ed in milk may be classified under four heads—cream, 
butter, caseine or curd, water or whey. Cream, is com- 
posed of 59.25 parts of water, 35. of fat, 3.05 of milk 
sugar, 2.20 of albuminoids, .50 of mineral matters. The 
fat is encased in a caseine membrane, and consists of 
small egg-shaped globules, and when of proper age they 
being lighter than the fluid containing them, they rise to 
the surface, 

Cream when properly and safficiently churned under- 


goes a complete change; the caseine cells are broken, 
and the fatty globules gradually adhear one to the other 
and form a solid fatty mass called butter. As but- 
teris very liable to become rancid, it is necessary to 
adopt means to prevent it, which will be described in 
the following pages. The rancidity of butter is due to 
a fermentation generated by the caseine existing in it, 
which unfolds the fatty matters to their respective acids, 
which have a most disagreeable taste and odor, and im- 
parts to butter a rank taste. As caseine will destroy 
the keeping qualities of butter, and it being the chief 
componant of butter milk excepting water, I will add 
its composition, which according to Dr. Voelcker’s 
analysis is 53.57 parts carbon, 22.03 oxygen, 15.41 Nitro- 
gen, 7.14 Hydrogen 1.11 Sulphur, 0.74 Phosphorus. 

Bad or Lhpure Alii? 

Itsometimcs happens from various causes that milk 
will be bad ; and it is just as impossible tc make good 
butter or good cheese from bad or impure milk, as it is 
to make good flour from bad grain, or good bread from 
bad flour. Atthe Convention of the American Dairy- 
men’s Association held at Utica, N. Y., in Jan., 1871. 
there was much said about bad milk, tainted milk, un- 
clean milk, its causes, effects and preventatives. There 
were many, and some quite lengthy discussions on the 
subject and all were agreed that it greatly depreciated 
milk for the making of good butter or good cheese, and 
that it was impossible to make as much of it from the 
same quantity of such milk, even if but slightly tainted, 
as from that which is pure and all right. 

If the causes are removed that will be a preventative 


of course. It was ably discussed at the convention and 
decided that the causes of bad milk were wholly in the 
health, and treatment of cows, their food and water, also 
not properly cooling the milk, and the uncleaness of if, 
and the impurity of the vessals and the atmosphere. 
There is no luxury that comes to the table that is so ex- 
quisietly sensitive to the slightest taint of anything with 
which it comes in contact, or any odor that may be in 
the atmosphere, as milk, cream snd butter, therefore 
cleanliness and watchfulness in every department of 
dairying is of vast importance. 

Sometimes one thing, and sometimes another will 
cause impure milk, therefore all departments need close 
attention of dairymen aud dairywomen. 

Cooling and Keeping Milk. 

For making butter, milk should be cooled soon after 
being drawn from the cow, at least the animal heat re- 
moved from it before being set to cream, also the milk 
ofall the cows in the dairy should be mixed together. 
It will make it uniform in quality, and temperature, and 
the whole milking will be ready toskim or churn at the 
game time, besides it will prolong its sweetness and 
keeping qualities which has been proved in various 
ways. There is a wide difference in the keeping quali- 
ties of milk from different cows. Some cows, milk will 
sour and even loppar while that of some other cows will 
be sweet standing in the same room. The oldest and 
most common way of keeping milk for butter making, 
is to strain it direct from the milking pail into eight 


quart pans, filling them about two thirds full, and set- 
ing them on shelves or racks, and leting them stand un- 
til the milk is sour, and generally until it is lopper, 
which sometimes will be in 24 hours and at other times 
it will stake 5 or 4 days perhaps: then it will be skimmed, 
an when enough cream is obtained fora churning it 
will be churned, but there are improvements oyer this 
Churning the entire Milk. 

This is practiced to some extent in some localities, but 
not as much asit wasa few years ago. The milk is set 
usually in common twelve quart tin pails; but some 
use the common pans, filling them as fullas convenient 
to handle. 

The milk is kept until it is sour just the same as for 
skimming, but instead of skimming it, the cream and 
milk is all turned into the churn together and churned. 

Where they have not the facilities for churning so 
much, they will keep back part of the milk—a little of 
the bottom of each dish. The labor of churning so 
large a mass is indeed greater, but when this operation 
is performed by steam, water or animal power, this is of 
no consequence ; and the churning is done by power in 
most all dairies at the present time; but, on the other 
hand, it supercedes the labor of skimming the milk and 
washing the pans, which are many more than is re- 
quired when the milk is churned, besides cream dishes 
and other articles, which is no small item in the labors 
of the dairywoman. There will be equally as much 
butter obtained any time from the same quantity of 
milk by churning the entire milk, as there will be to 
churn the cream only, and sometimes there wil] be 


more, especially in hot, sultry weather,—there certainly 
will be less wastage of cream sticking to so many pans, 
cream dishes and skimmers; and it is as certainly true 
that on the whole the butter is of better quality than 
that generally produced by the same grade of butter 
makers that set their milk in small pans, skim and 
churn the cream only. 

The aroma of the butter is more delicate, the grain 
much coarser, and it sells for a higher price in the mar- 
ket, and it is said, too, that it will keep longer without 
change. As milk is more or less liable to be tainted 
with foul odors, both from the cow and the atmosphere, 
and cream has the greater affinity to absorb, or attract 
these odors, which it will with remarkable avidity if 
exposed; and the cream being on the top of the milk, it 
is more exposed to the foreign odors that may be float- 
ing in the atmosphere; therefore it will get more than 
its proportion of the impurities ; and to skim the milk, 
they are taken off with the cream, then, to churn the 
cream only, the butter will get the greater proportion of 
these odors and impurities that the milk and cream may 
happen to be charged with. By churning all of the 
sour milk with the cream, it will take back its propor- 
tion of these odors and taints; besides, sour milk has 
cleansing properties ; and there being a much greater 
proportion of milk to the quantity of cream in the churn, 
the butter will be relieved in the same ratio. 

There are other advantages, too, in churning the 
milk with the cream ; there being a less amount of butter 
in the churn in proportion to the quantity of butter- 
milk, the butter will give way to the action of the dash 
with less resistance; therefore the friction on the butter 
will be much less than if there was a small amount of 


buttermilk with a large quantity of butter in it that the 
dash would have to pass through in churning; hence it 
will be less liable to make the butter salvy in the opera- 
tion of gathering it; and, too, it will come with a much 
coarser grain, which is a great advance towards prime 
butter. No butter can be prime that has a salvy, fine 
grain, although its flavor may be sweet when the butter 
is new, but it will not keep like butter that has a perfect 
grain and is prime. 

Large Pan System. 

Many people are now using the patented large pans 
with very good success. These pans are made about 
three feet wide and from six to twelve long, according 
to the size of the dairy, requiring but one pan for a milk- 
ing, and but four for a dairy. They are set in a vat 
which stands on legs, or benches, and are so arranged 
that where there is asupply of running water, it may 
be run into one end of the vat, and flow under and 
around the pan and pass off; and they are also arranged 
so that ice may be put in the end where the water is let 
in and the milk brought to any desired tempera- 
ture and kept there. It is not necessary, however, to 
have running water. It may be pumped or dipped into 
the vat, and when it is full, the water may be dipped 
back on the ice, and re-dipped until the milk is brought 
to the required temperature. These pans are just as ap- 
plicable for hot water to warm the milk in cold weather. 

They also save a great amount of lifting and wash- 
ing, besides a mess of milk can be skimmed much 
quicker than when in small pans, and the cream, too, is 
all of the same quality and temperature. After the 
cream is taken off, the milk is drawn out through the 


bottom of the pan, and it may be ran off in a spout or 
carried out in pails. 

_A pan for a large dairy can be cleaned as readily as a 
dozen ordinary pans; the efore there is a saving of time 
and much labor by this made, besides a more uniformity 
in the quality of butter. They have not been in use only 
a few years, but they have gained great favor where in- 

Creamery or Factory System. 

This too is a new system of making butter. It was 
started in Orange County, N. Y., but a few years ago as 
a factory system of making butter, and proved very suc- 
cessful and profitable, and is being adopted quite exten- 
sively in different sections of the country. The milk of 
a large number of cows is delivered to them by patrons 
the same manner as it is to cheese factories. The cream- 
eries are provided with pools or tanks about two feet deep, 
with a stream of cold water running into them, and are 
so arranged that the water willrun over when the pool 
is full. Some are built of stone or brick, and below the 
surface of the ground; someare built of plank and above 
the ground ; if above, it will require colder water from 
the fountain than if sunkin the ground. They are also 
provided with a large number of tin coolers—two for 
every cow from which milkis delivered. They are eight 
inches in diameter and twenty inches deep, with bails to 
them like pails. The new milk is put into these coolers 
as it comes into the factory. They are filled within two 
inches of the top, then they are set down into the water 
the depth of the milk, upon a grate six inches above the 
bottom of the pool. The water will circulate under and 
around the cooler, cooling the milk very quickly, on the 


top as weil as to the bottom, and will keep it at the uni- © 
form temperature of the water, which should not be © 

above 58 degrees Farenheit. 

Good pure milk treated in this way will keep sweet a 
long time, even in the hottest of weather, and it will 
throw up its cream pure,and it may all beobtained. There 
are various ways practiced of conducting these creamer- 
ies. Atsome they take the cream off the miik sweet, 
and churn it while sweet, and put the sweet buttermilk 
back with the skim milk and make cheese of it. At some 
others they take the cream off sweet and then let it 
stand until it sours, then churn it, and feed the butter- 
milk to calves or swine, and make the skim milk into 
cheese while swect. 

At others, they let the milk sour before skimming it; 
then take off the cream and churn it and feed the butter- 
milk andskim milk. The butter of well managed cream- 
eries will be uniform through the season, like a good 
brand of flour or sugar, and generally sells in market for 
three to five cts. per pound higher than choice dairy but- 
er. Itis claimed too, that they will make at a well 
managed creamery, equally as much butter from the 
same quantity of milk as the most successful dairymen 
do, besides the cheese that many of them make, which 
generally sells for about two-thirds the price of new milk 
cheese, and they make about two pounds of cheese to 
each pound of butter. The advantages then of making 

butter at factories are obvious at a glance. By theem- — 
ployment of a skillful superintendent in a wellarranged | 
creamery, @ more uniform quality of butter may be ob- — 

tained than by private dairies, and at less cost, and high- 
er prices will be realized from the product of the milk, 
besides dairymen’s families will be relieved of a great 


amount of drudgery. Regardless of the mode by which 

he cream may have been obtained; it should in each 

4 and every case be churned in its due time, that is when 

_ itis of proper age and condition, and the churning should 

be performed with care and caution. 

_ There is a great deal depending on the churn,—the 
construction, shape and arrangements of it; also its 
operation. If there is too much agitation in the churn, 
or friction on the butter or cream,—the dasher rubbing 
it against the sides of the churn, or a shaft revolving in 
it, &c., it will grind, or crush more or less of the little 
giobules, making the butter come fine grained, salvy and 

- greasy, and no after treatment can restore it; also fast 

churning will make butter come soft and of an oily con- 

- sistency, and it will be of light color; also over-churning 

| Will injure it. 


SOUT Crean. 

More butter and a better quality of butter may be 
_ made from milk or cream that is slightly sour, or that 
which has acquired proper age and condition, than 
- from milk or cream churned when perfectly sweet. | It 
should not, however, be allowed to get too sour, nor 
stand too long. As the analysis before quoted, shows, 
that butter is mostly an oil, the fatty portion of milk, 
and cream is a peculiaw mixture of this fat with certain 
- fluids found in the milk, and these buttery particles ex- 
ist in minute globules encased in a delicate membrane 
_ covering, and when of sufficient age, or when the milk 
or cream gets very sour, these globules decompose or 
urst and commingle with the fluids, converting itself 
into whey, and will very soon contaminate the entire 
ess of cream. 
C ; 


Butter made from such cream, or cream that is par- 
tially decomposed, though churned, and the butter 
worked under other circumstances the most favorable, 
will be stale, and it will be impossible to keep it long in 
a wholesome condition ; and it may be a query whether 
it ever was fit for food. The real decay of milk is not 
indicated by its thickening, asit sours, but by its watery 
effusions following the thickening. The cream may re- 
ma‘n on the milk until this thickening process is com- 
plete without detriment to the butter if the milk is 
kept at the proper temperature ; but when the thicken- 
ing reaches the cream, (as milk commences to lopper at 
the bottom) it should be removed or churned very soon, 
or it will commence to whey; and cream should not be 
kept too long after being removed from the milk, for the 
same reason. When the temperature is too cold, the 
cream is liable to grow bitter if kept long. 

While Caps or Dry Cream. 

Sometimes when the butter is removed from the but- 
termilk, there will be more or less little white flakes or 
chunks in the butter about the size of pin-heads to the 
size cf half peas, and the top of the buttermilk will be 
covered with them also. It is very difficult to get them 
out of the butter, if not impossible to get them all out; 
and if any are left in it, they very soon grow rancid, and 
will contaminate the butter, 

They are generally called white caps, and are thought 
by many to be curdled milk, but they are solid cream. 
Frequently we have made several pounds of butter from 
cream saved by straining the butter-milk of a single 
churning ;—hence they will cause loss, besides injur- 
ing the butter. They are caused by the milk standing 


in a current of air or where the wind strikes directly on 
to it,—an easterly wind is the worst. 

There ig no trouble with them in the creamery sys- 
tem, and we have never heard of there being any in the 
large pans; and there are some milk-rooms where they 
never make an appearance. By close observation, they 
may be seen in the cream before it is removed from the 
milk, oris broken up. It is very difficult to make butter 
of them simply by churning; but by straining the cream 
or by forcing it throvgh a cream pump, the difficulty 
may be obviated, but it is much better to prevent their 
forming in the cream, which a little precaution will do. 

Cream Pumps and Cream Strainers. 

There are cream pumps, made of tin with fine wire 
cloth over the bottom of them. They will force the 
cream through this fine cloth cutting it fine, so that if 
there should happen to be any dry cream or chunks it will 
all be reduced, also it equalizes the cream, and it will 
not require as much churning to bring the butter, and it 
“vill cause itall tocome at about thesame time. There 
are also cream strainers for the same purpose. They 
are made like a tin pail, but have perforated tin bottoms, 
or wire cloth bottoms. There is an upright shaft stand- 
ing in the center, with an arm on the lower end anda 
crank on the upper end, and by revolving it the cream 
is forced through the bottom, with the same result as 
with the pump, also another kind, which forces the 
cream out through perforated tin, the reverse of the 
cream pump. It will bean advantage to any milk or 
cream tostrainit. Rubbing it through a fine wire meal 
seive, will have the same effect, but it is rather a slow 
process, but it will pay if there is no more convenient 

LTemperature for Churning. 

The temperature of cream or milk for churning is of 
yast inportance, both for the production of good butter 
andthe time reyuired to bring it. The operation of 
churning generally raises the temperature of the cream 3 
to 5 degrees, therefore it is better to have it at alow tem- 
perature when the churning is commenced, especially in 
warm weather when the temperature outside is high; 
on the other hand, when the outside temperature: is low, 
then it will do to have the temperature of the cream 
higher at the commencement of churning. 948 degrees 
to 64 degrees is about the right temperature for churning 
under all circumstances. Ifit is below 58 the buttery 
particles will not readily break and form into butter, and 
ifabove 6f the butter wiil not gather, besides the grain, 
flavor and color of it will be materially injured. 

When the butter begins to come the temperature 
should be reduced, and after it is gathered it should be 
brought down to 58 or lower which may be done by add- 
ing cold water. 

The most convenient way to temper cream in a churn 
is to have a tin tube G6 or 8 inches in diameter and about 
2 feet long with a bottom to it, and ahandle soldered on 
the top, they are similar to the creamery coolers except 
the handle should be solid and high. Ifthe cream is too 
warm, the cooler or tube may be filled with cold water, 
and if necessary ice may be put into it, and the cooler 
put down into the eream or milk and stirred around 
through it until the cream is bronght down to the pro- 
per temperature. If the cream is too cold, warm water 
should be used in the same manner, until the tempera- 
ture is brought up In eather case it will be found to be 


much better than to put coldor warm water into the 
cream, or to have it stand near the fire to warm. 


There being many hundred kinds of churns, it is very 
difficult for some to decide which kind is the best, or 
even which they prefer. We have examined the models 
of them in the Patent Office at Washington, also have 
seen the operation and results of very many of the 
churns, and do not hesitate to say that we believe the 
venerable up and down dasher churn to be the best kind, 
or that better butter can be, and is made with it in hund- 
reds of dairies, than with any other churn yet invented. 
We have worked butter made by many different kinds of 
churns and must say that we have never found as coarse 
grained,firm butter as that which was produced by the ven- 
erable old up and down dasher. The only objection that is 
made, or that can possibly be sustained against the up 
and down dasher churn is, that it is hard to operate, but 
the gainin the quality of butter more than pays the dif- 
ferenc2 of labor, besides there should always be some kind 
of power for operating the churn in every dairy of any 
size, (see ady. in back part of this book,) then of course 
the little extra power that may be required is not of much 
account. Thereare several times as many of the up and 
down dasher churns in use than of all the other kinds 
put together, and they are used too by the fest butter 
makers. Wedo not wish to say a word of disparage- 
ment against any kind of churn, nor discourage any one 
from studying for the improvement of churns. From 
our own experience and observation, and what we have 
learned from the experience of others, we are fully con- 
vinced that revolving dashers or rotary churns of any 


kind, will create more friction on the butter, and make 
it more salvy and greasy, than the up and down dasher, 
as thousands of good butter makers willassert ; also that 
there is too much agitation in most of them, causing the 
butter to come soft, unless when very cold. The motion 
of a revolving churn, also of a revolving dasher, will 
throw the butter to the sides of the churn, and there will 
be continually rubbed against it during the operation ; 
thereby it will be injured, besides more or Jess will be 
eround or wore out by the shaft. The shape and con- 
struction of dash churns will effect the quality of butter, 
also the time of bringing it. 

Churns should be made of white oak, barrel shaped 
with the bulge about one-third the distance from the 
bottom to the top, and a curb made of staves, nicely and 
firmly spliced on to the top ofthechurn. The curb should 
be from four to six inches high and made flaring at the top, 
so that the lid will go in readily and fit snug on the top 
of the churn. The lid will be more convenient to re- 
move, if made in two pieces, especially when the churn- 
ing is performed by power; if in two pieces it may be 
removed without slipping it over the dasher-staff, there- 
fore it will be unneccessary to detach it from the power. 
There should be a knob in each piece of thelid to handle 
it by, and there should be a half-inch hole down 
through them into the churn to give the cream air 
when churning. 

There should be a guide fixed above the churn for the 
staff to pass through, to steady it, and keep it from 
grinding and rubbing the cream against the lid where 
the staff passes through it. The dasher should be made 
of two pieces of hard wood, three to four inches wide, 
about an inch thick, halved snugly together crosswise 


and flat, and should be as long as will go to the bottom 
of the churn. Each arin of the dash should be cupped 
out on the under side like an inverted dish, and there 
should be fine holes up through from these cups. 

These cups may be made by boring several holes with 
a large augur, until the point of it just pricks through. 
The dash should be smooth, with tight joints, and no 
notches nor holes through it, except the fine holes from. 
the cups. There should be a thermometer set in the 
side of the churn, so that the temperature of the cream 
may be seen at any time. There are thermometers es- 
pecially adapted to be inserted in the side of barrel- 
shaped churns, and are much more conyenient than the 
common thermometers. They are encased in a cast-iron 
socket, which may be sct in the side of the churn and be 
perfectly tight around it, the ball being where the cream 
will come in contact with it, and the scale on the outside 
of the churn marked the standard for churning, with 
degrees aboye and below, so the temperature of the 
cream in the churn may be determined at a glance, even 
when the churn is being operated. 

There isa slide over the glass which will protect it 
from the outside temperature, also from liability of being 
broken. When the churn is not in use, it may stand in 
the milk-room, with the slide removed, which will show 
the temperature of the milk-room. 


The agitation of the cream when churning, and the 
duration of it, have great influence on the quality of the 
butter. In churning, the dash should always go to the bot- 
tom of the churn also be raised above thecream. When 
there are cups to the dash, they will fill with air, and as 


the dash goes down through the cream, the pressure will 
foree the air through the fine holes and scatter it through 
the cream, which will belp to rupture and divest the 
buttery globules of the envelopes that holl them in 
cream, also to congeal these globules, and bring them in 
contact with each other; also air will help to give the 
butter color. Some scientific and some patent churn 
men argue that air is of no help in bringing butter, but 
cream may be agitated violently or slowly, from morn- 
ing until night, with any kind of a dasher, rotary, or an 
up and down dash, and unless the cream is opened from 
the surface to the agitator, the butter will not properly 
separate trom the cream, which is an established fact 
demonstrated by buttermakers. The dasher should be 
operated with a steady, regular motion, 60 to 80 strokes 
per minute, and when the butter begins to come, the 
motion should be slackened, and the instant the butter 
has come, or is all gathered, the agitation should cease, 
not churn, and mix the butter into a homogeneous mass. 

If the churning is performed too fast, the butter will 
come soft and light color, also liable to be salvy, and 
surely will be if churned too much. It should not at 
any time require over an hour to fetch the butter, and it 
will not when everything is all right; neither should it 
be brought inside of twenty minutes, and the butter 
should be solid, with a coarse, firm grain, and of a rich, 
yellow color; and it will be if the milk and cream has 
been properly treated, and was produced from good 
cows properly cared for, also the butter will have a good, 
sweet flavor. 

The next, and a very important work to be done, is to 
extract the buttermilk from the butter, salt and work it. 


Washing, Salting and Working Butler. 

There is perhaps no other point about buttermaking 
that is of more interest to butter makers, or that so vi- 
tally effects the real quality of butter, as the matter of 
washing it, and properly working it, upon which de- 
pends much of its superioriiy This question of washing 
or not washing butter has been discussed perhaps more 
than any other connect d with buttermaking, and it is 
not fully settled yet with small or some family butter 
makers; but in the best buttermakineg districts, the but- 
ter is universally washed before it is salted; also good 
butter makers in general wash it, and we believe that 
washing the butter is indispensable forthe complete and 
perfect removal of all the buttermilk and cascine. The 
envelopes that hold the buttcry globul.s in cream, being 
composed of caseine, and churning only breaks them, 
there will be many of these ruptured skins mingled with 
the butter when it comes from the churn; also there 
will be more or Jess buttermilk in with it, which cannot 
be all drained off. 

According to analysis, cascine and milk-sugar are the 
chief components of buttermilk, excepting water, and 
caseine being very liable to putiifaction, the butter 
should be relieved of it as soon as possible; and now, 
how can we most thoroughly do this, and with the least 
injury to the grain of the butter? Not by working the 
butter in a dry condition, mixing with it these skins, 
a'so particles of curd which are in the buttermilk. It 
has always been our practice, as soon as the butter - 
comes, to put it direct from the churn into cold water, 
and mix it through the water, and work the butter 
together carefully in the water with the lever jadle, then 
drain it off, and put more on again, and continue so todo 


until the water will not be colored by milk. In general, 
rinsing it through three waters will be sufficient, unless 
the butter happens to be soft, when it should not be 
worke-1 nor mixed much until it is cooled ; in that case, 
the water should be changed oftener, in order that it may 
be kept cold and harden up the butter, but it is not ad- 
visable, however, to put ice onto it, nor to put it into ice 
cold water, for it will chill it, also liable to whiten the 
butter. The water will separate these caseine skins 
from the butter; also will commingle with the butter- 
inilk and rinse the sourness from the butter. <A little 
salt put into the last water will be of great advantage; 
it helps to extract themilk,also toughen the grain of the 
butter. Itis argued by some, and perhaps with some 
degree of reason, that washing butter is hable to remove 
some of the delicate flavors that new butter is entitled to, 
and granting, too, that unwashed butter, when new, has 
a more delicious flavor than washed butter; but if un- 
washed butter will soon begin to lose flavor, or gain bad 
flavors, even by keeping but a short time, which it cer- 
tainly will, and deteriorate on account of the cascineous 
matters that may be init, then why not wash it, and pre- 
vent this deterioration? Also some claim that water 
will spoil or injure butter by being put into it, but this, 
too, is a mistaken idea. 

Pure water of proper temperature will not injure 
butter by its remaining in it a reasonable length of time, 
neither will it penetrate the butter, nor extract any of 
its keeping qualities. By washing the milk from the 
butter, the grain of it is not near as liable to get injured 
as it is when the butter is worked to get it out, and we 
very much doubt whether butter can be cleansed of all 
the buttermilk and caseine without being washed or 



rinsed. After the milk is all out of the butter, or ail 
that will come out when fresh by rinsing it without 
too much mixing and working, it should then be salted 
and mixed a very little and set in a cool place “for the 
salt to dissolve. 

The salt should be fine and as pure as possible, with- 
out the least odor, and will completely dissolve ia cold 
water to aperfectly clear liquid without a particle of 
sediment or skum and be of pure salt taste. No other 
ingredient is required for the preservation of butter, and 
no other should be employed, such as saltpeter or sugar, 
for they will destroy or overpower the fine delicate 
flavors, that butter should have; and prime butter, 
will have it. Also too much salt in butter will havea 
similar effect. About one ounce of salt toa pound of 
butter is about the right proportion for long keeping, 
or the general market, otherwise salt to suit the taste or 
the market that it is designed for. Salt has three dis- 
‘tinct offices to serve in butter.—Ist, to flavor it; 2d, to 
loosen and expel the caseine and buttermilk from the 
‘butter; 3d, to preserve from rancidity and decomposi- 
tion that which does not get removed from the butter. 
It also will attract the water from butter which will 
dissolve the salt, and the brine will penetrate more or 
less into the pores of the butter and take up the milk 
sugar which is liable to fomentation and rancidity, also 
it will toughen the grain of the butter. 

Butter properly made from good milk and _ perfectly 
freed of buttermilk and cascine, may be preserved with- 
out salt. In some countries the butter is used without 
being salted a particle, and there are-some people in 
this country that will not use salted butter. In the 
whole operation of washing and salting butter we do 


not mix nor work it but very little, for when butter is 
first churned oris fresh, the grain of it is very tender 
andif the salt is very thoroughly mixed through it at 
this time, it will tear and grind many of the globules of! 
butter, makingitsalvy. After the butter has been salt-, 
ed one or two hours, it should be turned and mixed a) 
little exposing other portions of it to the actions of the: 
atmosphere, which with the salt will give the buttera) 
rich color. On no account should it be allowed to stand 
very long before being worked « little, for the fresh) 
and unexposed spots will grow white or remain light | 
color, and the salted and exposed parts will grow yel@ 
low, therefore it will be liable to streaked, so much so 
as to necessitate overworking perhaps in order to make | 
it uniform incolor. As the brine works out of the but-- 
ter it will expel the buttermilk if any j:appens yet to be 
init, which should be drained off and the butter allowed 
to stand several hours, when it should be turned andJ 
worked a little more, and drained again, as it should al-. 
ways be at the close of every working; then it may — 
stand until the next morning, when it should be worked 
until it is uniform both in color and flavor, and the 
brine that works out will be perfectly clear, Butter should 
always be worked ina liquid, in water, before salting, 
and afterwards in brine. It will be a protection to the 
grain of the butter, also it wiil help to extract tlfe butter- 
milk from the butter, therefore it will not require as 
much working to cleanse it of the butter-milk, and at the < 
same time it will bear much more workiog without in- 
Juring the grain of the butter. It should not, however 
be worked a particle more than is actually necessary to 
extract all of the butter-milk, and commingle the salt 
untformily through the butter. . 


As we have butter-workers to seli, perhaps it might 
be to our advantage if butter-makers were oblige to work 
their butter more, nevertheless we advocate that the less 
gutter is Worked and mixed the better it will be. There 
re two essentials however, the thorough removal of 
very particle of milk and casein from the butter, and 
miformly commingling the salt with the butter. Work- 
ng butter always makes it softer and more oily, and it 
is very liable to make it more or less salvy, especially 
when it is not properly worked, or if worked when it is 
soft or first churned or is fresh, aint if if is overworked it 
certainly will be salvy. There is more butter spoiled or 
injured by being over-worked or by not being properly 
worked than there is by not being worked enough. Over- 
worked and over-churned butter will be salvy and sticky ; 
it will have a larly appearance when soft, and a tallowy 
appearance when it is hard; and it will very soon taste 
old and become rancid. 

( Butter should neyer be worked by any persons’ hands 
aor allowed to come in contact with them, although they 
may be perfectly clean and as neat as ashaker woman’s, 
orif scalded and put into ice ccld water, and even the 
dutter be worked in cold water, there will be an insensi- 
ole warmth from them that will soften and injure the 
utter. Friction on butter in any manner or at any time 
will more or less injure the grain of it, and when injured 
r made salvy no after treatment can restore it, therefore 
tshould at all times be worked and handled with the 
zreatest care and caution. It should never be rubbed 
ver nor slid about, neither should it be mashed closely 
etween two hard substances; but should be cut and 
urned carefully, and worked at all times discriminately, 
hich may all be done with the Eureka Butter Worker, 


and done easily and speedily and too without injuring — 
the butter. (See 4th and 5th pages.) 

Packages an@ Preparing Them. 

Butter should be packed in such packages as it will 
keep best in, alsosuch as it will sell best in. In the New 
York market it sells best in firkins and half firkin tubs, 
which are quoted state; and in returnable tubs quoted 
Orange County pails. Many of the firkins and firkin 
tubs are quoted as Orange County. Orange County N. 
Y., has a world-wide reputation for producing fine but- 
ter; or rather Orange County and Goshen butter has 
great celebrity for its superiority both in home and for- 
cign markets. 

Orange County, N. Y., undoubtedly does produce some 
very fine butter; but the greater bulk of butter that is 
marked and sold as Orange County or Goshen butter is 
not made in Goshen nor in Orange County, and there is 
much of it that is not made in the State of N. Y. even. | 
We venture to say that there is more butter sent to the 
New York markets every year from every county in the 
southern part of the State of New York, west of Orange 
County, marked Orange or Goshen, and sold as Orange 
County butter,than there is made in the County of Orange. 
Almostevery wholesale butter dealer in New York have 
Orange County butter to sell, also the retail dealers there ; 
and in the adjoining cities, and in many of the eastern 
cities, have cards marked. Goshen, &c., sticking 
in samples of butter; and undoubtedly they do have some 
Orange County butter. Wesaw in New York a butter 
dealer marking several hundred firkins of butter for ship- 
ment to Europe, and every firkin was marked choice 
Goshen butter, put up expressly for family use, by (the 



dealers name.) The cairymen’s name was planed off, 
and we presume nota package of it was madein Orange 
County. We know several dairies of it, and knew that 
it was made far west of Orange County. It is the best 
of butter, and that which is put up in suitable packages, 
that is remarked or sold as Orange County butter ; there- 
fore it is no discredit tothe reputation of Orange County 
butter. Butter should always be packed in firkins when 
designed for foreign markets, or for long keeping. The 
packages should be made of seasoned whiie oak, and 
made perfectly tight, smooth and neat inside and out. 
Firkins are made like kegs, and should hold eighty-five 
to one hundred pounds of buttcr, and should be hooped 
with hickory half round hcops with the bark on; the 
tubs are firkins sawed in two with board covers to be 
nailed on after they are filled. 

The return tubs are made larger at the top than the 
bottom, and taller than the half firkin tubs and are hooped 
with iron hoops painted black and the tubs blue or var- 
nished on the wood. The covers are fastened on with 
bolts or keys so that they may be handily removed. 
Butter is sent to market in these tubs, several hundred 
miles, and the tubs returned and filled many times, and 
the same tub used for years. They usually hold fifty to 
seventy pounds of butter. Hach package of any kind 
should have the dairyman’s name branded onit, and the 
number of it, commencing the season with No. 1, also the 
weight of it, when dry, should be branded onit. After 
the package is branded there should be boiling water 
poured into it, and covered tight and left to steam until 
the water is cold or nearly so, then emptied, rinsed and 
filled with strong hot brine and soaked several days, then 
1insed again until there will be no color to the water, and 


while wet the inside should be rubbed with fine salt, when 
it will be ready to receive butter. Care should be taken 
never to wet the outside of firkins. 

Ash, spruce and even hemlock tubs of different forms, 
are used in some sections of the country for packing but- 
ter in, and are sent to New York and Boston ; also have 
seen them in the Western States. Butter never sells in such 
packages in the general market as high as it does in good 
packages of white oak. (Sce Silsby Brothers’ advertise- 
inent in back part of the book.) : 

Packing and heeping Butter. 

In packing butter, it should be pressed firmly and 
closely into the package, leaving no space nor crevices 
in the butter, but should be a solid mass; but at the 
same time it should be so that it will freely cleave apart 
when removed from the package, so that it may be cut 
out in good shape for the table; and if it is of proper 
consistency when put down, the different packings may 
be separated. Butter never should be pounded into the 
package, for every blow struck severely on to it will 
break many of the globules. The operation of packing 
butter has the same effect on it that somuch working does, 
and when butter has been sufficiently worked, great 
care should be taken not to work nor mix it unneces- 
sarily. Ifthe butter is for market, the package should 
be filled with butter within about an inch of full, and 
should be leveled off smooth, but should not be rubbed 
or slicked over, for it will make it look greasy, and be 
more or less salvy. The color and flavor of it should 
be uniform from the top of the package to the bottom, 
so that when a tryer full of butter may be drawn out, it 
will not show where the different packings come to- 


gether, and crystal, clear brine will sparkle all through 
' the butter, where grains of salt have dissolved, and the 
butter should cleave from the tryer without greasing it. 
If the butter is to be kept, the package should be set in a 
cool, dry, sweet cellar, and there should be a clean, 
white cloth larger than the top of the package wet with 
brine, and spread over the butter, and about half an inch 
of pure salt spread over the cloth, and the edge of the 
cloth outside of the package turned in on the salt, and 
pressed closely all around the side of the package. The 
salt should be kept covered with brine, or at least kept 
completely saturated with it; thus the butter will be 
perfectly secluded from the atmosphere. The packages 
should be set level, so the brine will stand all over the 
butter, and not be full on one side of the package, so 
that the -brine will ooze over and wet the outside 
of the package. Two scantlings laid down a 
few inches apart makes a very good rack to 
set firkins and tubs of butter on; the air can circulate 
under them, keeping the bottoms of them bright and 
dry, providing they do not leak. <A rack or something 
of the kind is better than to have them stand on stone 
or a flat surface. Stone will draw dampness, and make 
the bottom of the packages mould ; neither should there 
be stone put on the top of the packages for covers, as 
there are times in most all cellars when moisture will 
gather and drip from stone, especially where there is salt 
about them, and if the outside of firkins or tubs get wet, 
they will look old and rusty by standing; also it will 
make the hoops fly off or slip when they come to be 
handled. The packages should be covered with short 
boards or planks large enough to cover the whole top of 
the package, and the covers or heads that permanently 


belong to the packages should be put where they will be 
kept dry and bright. 

We have frequently kept our dairy of butter through 
the winter in the cellar with hundreds of bushels of ap- 
ples, potatoes, turnips, onions, cabbages &c., and some of 
them very near to the packages, and the flavor of the 
butter never changed a particle during the winter, or at 
least not enough to be discovered, nor from the time 
that it became matured; as butter will very soon after it 
is made; but when butter is being packed or is exposed 

‘in any way to the air, there should be nothing about that 
will be liable to impart the least odor or taint the at- 
mosphere a particle. We have also kept butter over un- 
til the second fall when it was just as sweet, and had the 
same flavor that it had when tryed the first fall. There 
is not much danger that good butter will take hurt if 
kept under strong sweet briue; and butter that is pro- 
perly manufactured and packed will cleave from the 
package so that it may be completely surrounded with — 
brine and may be kept perfectly sweet and sound for 
years. In keeping butter a long time it willbe necessary 
however to replenish the brine occasionally, as it will 
settle away, also will evaporate, and the salt should be 
stirred up and more added as it dissolves a way; there- 
fore it requires attention to keep butter good, even after 
it ismade all right and properly packed. ‘There isa 
great deal of butter sent to marked in rolls and fancy 
prints, and some of it brings very high prices, but it will 
not bear distant shipments nor long keeping without a | 
great deal of extra trouble, or the prints will get disfig- 
ured and the plain rolls will get mussed, and if exposed 
to the atmosphere, it will get strong and frowy; there- 
fore, in large dairies and long distance from market, it is 


better to pack it in firkins or tubs, especially when the 
weather is warm ; then when it is needed for the table, 
it may be cut out in shape for a plate or print of any de- 
sign, and will look newand bright, and if manufactured 
right, it will be all right. 

Making Butter in Winter. 

The first thing to be considered is the care and feed of 
cows. <A little meal with a few roots or vegetables fed 
to milch cows every day in winter in addition to all the 
good hay that they wiil eat,will greatly add to the flavor 
and color of the butter, also will increase the yield, and 
too they should surely have warm and comfortable quar- 
ters. Another essential isto keep the milk warm enough 
rather than to keep it cool. If milkis kept too cold, the 
cream will not raise readily, and necessarily will have to 
stand so long that it will be liable to become bitter, and 
perhaps too before the milk sours, or near all of the cream 
has raised to the surface; and if the cream gets bitter 
the butter will be more bitter. If butter is bitter or stale 
we do not know of any means of making it perfectly 
sweet : but by woking it in fresh butter-milk or lopperd- 
miik, then washing it in water, it will extract some of 
| of the bad flavors; also it will greatly improve old stale 

butter; but much the better way is to prevent the bad 
flavors. If the milk and cream is kept at 60 degrees 
Farn. to 64 degrees, there will be no danger of bitterness 
if itis not kept longer than will be necessary for it to 
-sour or nicely lopper. If the large pans that are pre- 
viously described are used in a reasonably warm room, 
the milk may be kept at the proper temperature ; but 
with the common pans, and in such milk-rooms that 
dairymen commonly have, the temperature of the milk 

will get too low during the night even in the fall and 
early spring. 

Sealding the milk as soon as it is obtained and mixed, 
when the weather is cold, will give the cream a start ; 
which may be done by setting the pans or pails of milk 
over boiling water and letting it remain until a skin forms 
on the top of the milk and it wrinkles up, then set it 
away and keep it as near 60 or 62 degrees as possible, 
under the existing circumstances, and if the cream does 
not raise readily then, or if the milk gets too cold again, 
warm it again in the same manner, but not as warm as 
before, and handl2 ‘t carefully so as not to break the 
cream that has already raised. The large pans are more 
conyenient for warming up the milk and keep- 
ing it warm. Milk should not be kept too 
long, even if it does not become sour within a proper 
time, neither should the cream be kept too lone after it 
is skimed off before churning it ; never more than four | 
or five days, and it is better to churn twice a week even‘ 
if there is but one cow. 

Many do not churn often enough in cold weather, es- 
pecially when they have but little milk; and many 
small butter makers do not churn often enough eyen in 
warm weather, which is the case in some large dairies. 
If there should not be cream enough to churn, sour. 
milk may be added; the butter will certainly be of bet-. 
ter quality. We usually churn every day in summer, , 
Sundays excepted; Saturdays or Mondays twice, and in) 
cold weather every other or every third day during but- 
termaking. Butter of good quality can be made any 
time in winter, but not with quite as delicate flavor as 
summer made butter from green pasturage ; also it can 


be made of good colorin winter. Scalding the milk in 



cold weather gives the butter a richer color and a better 
flavor, and it will come more readily ; and we think, as 
a generality, that more butter may be produced by 
scalding the milk. The churning should be conducted 
the same in winter as in summer, ouly the cream should 
be a little warmer. The butter will not require as much 
washing in cold weather, and care should be taken that 
the butter does not get too hard before it is sufficiently 
worked; so hard that it will not adhere together, but if 
it does get too hard before it is properly worked; it 
should not be set near a fire, where it will be liable to 
melt or get too soft, but should be set in a moderately 
warm room, and stirred up occasionally until it will ad- 
here together, although it may be worked with the Eure- 
ka Butter Worker when as hardas tallow. Ifthe churn- 
ing is done in the morning,the working may be completed 
the same day in winter, and the butter packed or balled 
up and put intu brine. Afterit is packed or balled, it may 
be allowed to acquire anv degree of hardness. As win- 
_ter-made butter is not generally kept long, it is better to 
make it up into prints or balls of about a pound each, 
ready for the table, or into rolls that may be cut up into 
balls. These ballsand rolls may be put down in strong 
brine, and kept nearly as well as butter in any shape, 
but they must be kept under the brine, or the exposed 
will soon become frowy; also it should be kept where 
it is cold or the balls will stick together. 

Coloring Bilter. 

As there are many fastidious customers for fancy but- 
ter in cities, it may be an advantage sometimes to color 
putter a trifle,;when food of proper kinds and quality can- 
not be provided for the cows, or the temperature is such 


that the butter will be light color. The high price mar- 
ket demands butter of a rich, golden color, and they who 
desire to obtain the highest prices, also command the 
best reputation as butter makers, and get the widest 
range of markets, must be exact as to the uniformity of 
color of the butter, and as to good color too. There is 
not the least doubt with us that the best known process 
of giving to butter the richest of color, is to give the cows 
an abundant supply of nutritious food and pure 
wator with good care, also judgment and skill in manu- 
facturing the butter, and with good apparatus; but as 
{here are thousands of butter makers that do not possess 
all of these essentials, it may be advisable for them touse 
other means of giving their butter the desired color,which 
is every butter maker’s right and privilege, so long as it 
is necessary to please the eyeas well as the taste, if they 
do it With a harmless substance. 

Scalding the milk in cold weather, as is previously de- 
scribed, will improve the color of the butter, and when 
itis known before the butter comes that it will be of 
light color, a little yellow coloring matter may be put 
into the cream, and any degree of shade or color be given 
to the butter. Juice of yellow carrots put into the cream 
in aright quantity will give the butter a perfect butter 
yellow color, that would have been as white as lard if 
left uncolored. The juice may be obtained by grating 
orange carrots fine, then a little water or new milk put 
on to the pulp and put into a cloth and the juice 
squeezed out. There may be juice enough prepared at a 
time for two churnings. Put enough of it into the 
chura to give the present churning the desired color, and 
the remainder in the cream dish for the next churaing ; 
then put cream in according to the jaice. Some use an- 


natto dissolved and put into the cicam the same as car- 
rot juice; but we think it does not give the butter that 
grass flavor that carrots do, or rather ii does not take off 
the hay flavor. With either coloring it requires practice 
and judgment to decide just the exact quantity needed 
to give the butter the right shade every time; also to 
make the different churnings the same shade, but by 
judging from the previous ciuraings, and knowing the 
condition of the milk and cream, and the strength of the 
juice, it may be done very accurately, and it is impossi- 
ble even for the best experts to tell it from butter colored 
the natural way. Great care should be taken not to get 
in too much, although either of them are as harmless as 
new milk as to injuring the quality of the butter, but if 
it is of too high color, perhaps it may be as objectiona- 
ble as if it was too light color, and the color will not 
wash out. Butter that is colored with carrot juice will 
fade some on the outside by keeping if exposed. We 
have kept spring-made butter that was made on hay and 
colored, until fall, and then it went with the dairy, sum- 
mer and fall made all together. 

Litting the Packages and Butler for 

The salt and cloth should be removed from the pack- 
ages and the brine all drained off. If in firkins it will 
be necessary to take off the top hoops and ioosen the up- 
per bilge hoops before the brine will all drain out. A 
clean, white, fine cloth, cut just to fit in the top of the 
package, should be wet with brine and spread smoothly 
over the top ofthe butter, and a little fine salt sprinkled 
over the cloth; then the package should be headed up 
tight, and the top and bottom head hoops of firkins 


should be nailed with three or four short nails; also the 
top and bottom of the bilge hoops, but not through into 
the butter. 

The hoops on firkin tubs should be nailed the same 
way, and the covers nailed on with at least eight shingle 
nails; the return tubs do not require any nailing. 

A wet cloth should be spread over the butter in any 
kind of package and salt spread on it, and the package 
wiped dry and clean. Every dairyman should weigh 
his butter before he sends it to market, each package 
separately, and mark down the No. of the package; also 
its gross weight, and the weight of it when empty, ad- 
ding two pounds for soakage on firkins and one on tubs, 
which is the custom and standard; then if there should 
be any mistake in weights, it can be traced to the very 
package; also he should have a tryer and try every 
package before it is headed up, and mark its quality with 
its No.,for reference,especially ifhe is going to send it toa 
distant market ; then he will know just what he is send- 
ing, if he is posted in the quality of butter; if he is not, 
it will help him to get posted, which every dairyman 
should be posted equal to dealers. In cold weather, 
rolls and pound balls, also fancy prints, may be wrapped 
up in white fine cloths wet with strong brine and packed 
carefully in clean sweet boxes, and sent hundreds of 
miles to market. Some pack them in barrels instead of 
boxes, but as freight men will roll barrels, the butter will 
get disfigured worse than if in boxes. Some have re- 
turnable cases for transporting ball butter and prints in to 
market. They are arranged with twenty-five to fifty 
compartments, each for one ball or print of butter, and 
will hold the butter firm and steady. Some of the cases 
are arranged with refrigerators, that butter may be car- 


ried in them when the weather is warm. It is much 
more trouble and expense to ship ball butter even in 
_- cold weather than in firkins or tubs; but if the butter is 
Ps strictly prime in flavor, grain and color, and is put up in 
* good shape and style, it will pay, as there are many fas- 
tidious customers in large cities for fancy butter, and 
will pay exorbitant prices for style. 

Marketing Bitter. 

There may be no question relative to butter, of more 
vital interest to dairymen in general, than that of mar- 
keting their butter; but more particularly the price of 
it; which partially depends on where they sellit and 
who to; but more on its quality, and it 
ought to wholly. This subject of quality of but- 
ter is rather a delicate one to discuss, as it is 
quite natural for us butter makers to fancy our own 
make quite equal or a little better than our neighbor's, 
and usually are quite sensitive and feel hurt ifa word of 
disparity is offered in reference to the quality of it. 

We have heard thousands of people express various 
opinions in regard to making butter, and nearly all claim 
to know how to make good butter, or their wife, mother 
or sister makes better butter than anybody else, and it sells 
higher in market than their neighbor's, and somebody al- 
ways wantsit, &c.,&c. Itis, too generally conceded that 
most all women of the rural districts, especially of the 
Northern States, do know how to make good butter, but 
go into the principal butter markets, and see the vast 
amount of second, third, and even what is termed grease 
butter; then compare with this the amount of sweet, ar- 
omy, coarse-grained, prime butter that you find, or look at 
the market quotations, and see the wide difference in 


prices of sules made on the same day, in the sime market, 
and by thesvme salesman. 

Now what is the cause for all this difference? It is 
mostly in the different qualities and styles of butter ; and 
butter makers ought to learn, from the great difference in 
prices of butter, the value and importance of producing at 
least an ordinary class of goods. There are butter dealers 
located in most all butter producing sections who will buy 
on speculation all the good butter that they can get, pay- 
ing according to its quality, taking the risx and chances 
of rise or fallin the city markets ; also there are many who 
will take the butter and sell it, or send it to dealers in cities, 
then deduct a per centage from what it is sold for as com- 
mission for doing the business ; and there are commission 
dealers in large numbers located in the cities who receive 
and sell butter on commission ; usually five per cent. com- 
mission is charged by first-class dealers, the consigaor 
paying freights, cartage etc. Many of them are trusty 
and safe for any to consiga their produce or goods 
to, but many advertise to do strictly a commission busi 
ness, and issue weekly prices current as such, but at the 
same time they will buy produce and keep it on sale in 
competition with produce of the same kind entrusted in 
their hands, and the consigaor hundreds of miles away ; 
and, too, sales are sometimes made, and the returns not 
made to the consigaor until a long time afterwards, and 
perhaps, too, at reduced prices, especially when there is a 
decline in the market prices after the sale was made, and 
some of them sometimes fail to make returns, incurring 
heavy losseson consignors. And again, a consignment 
of butter may be made; the commission merchant receiv- 
ing it, notifies the consignor accordingly, then sells it, as 
the opportunity may come; part of it fur one price, an- 



other part for another price, and s9 on, at different times, 
and the sales returned in one bill and at one price, and 
usually is, or the packages of the same kind all at one 
price, and the consigaors not know to whom the sales 
were made, and not positively the price in all cases. 

These are facts, and we have no feeling in the matter 
whatever further than stating the truth, although we have 
consigned butter to different parties and different mar- 
kets, and have noreasonto murmur. We have sold our 
butter in New York and Brooklyn many times, and have 
seen thousands of pounds of butter sold in other large 
cities, and know many who have consigaed to commis- 
sion men; therefore we know whereof we write. 

We do not wish to detract the interests of commission 
or middle men, but there is so much artifice practiced by 
city sharpers, we would encourage a direct communica- 
tion from producers to consumers, and consumers to 
producers or that they havea better acquaintance. 

Every intellgent country producer should devote a 
week or even a month, once a year, or at least once in 
two or three years, and visit the city markets for his 
produce, however distant they are, and make the acquain- 
tance of consumers and produce dealers, both retail and 
wholesale, and investigate their uprigltness and respon- 
sibility, then when he has produce of any kind for mar- 
ket, he can correspond with those known by him to be 
reliable ; also he can investigate the condition and wants 
inthe market; thereby be benefitted. On the other hand, 
city consumers, and dealers of country produce should 
visit the rural districts,and learn where reliable goods may 
be obtained, and see where the butter and cheese is man- 
ufactured, as there are some frauds practised by producers. 


An observing eye may ata elance detect from general ap- 
pearances whether neatness is observed. 

It will pay both producer and consumer, and each 
should aim for his future reputation and honor. Every 
butter maker should study well the tastes and wants of 
consumers, then look to his best interests and make but- 
ter that willestablish for hima reputation, and his brand 
represent an exact standard, his butter being as nearly an 
even quality as established brands of flour, or sugar, so 
that consumers and dealers from distant markets may or- 
der from them and know just what they may expect to 
receive. There are many people of wealthin cities who 
appreciates luxurious butter,and would gladly pay a price 
that would be highly remuncrative to the producers, 
could they rely on haying a constant supply of such but- 
teras suits them. 


In conclusion we will sav that in offering this little 
work to the public upon this very important subject, (but- 
ter making.) that we have aimed not to make a suggestion 
noradyance an ideathat we would not practice, neither 
have we aimed to advance any new ideas or theories, none 
but what have been proved, although they may be new to 
many orat least toa partof them,and may be of vaiue to 
them, especially beginners and the inexperienced. We do 
not allow ourself to conclude that our experience should 
beaccepted as a standard rule, but allow us to suggest that 
experience, and experience only should be acceepted as 
forming arule of action in dairying; and it is hoped that 
the suggestions here made will be received in the same 
friendly spirit in which they are offered. It may be 
thought perhaps by some that we have gone into unnec- 

EA an Sd ob Pee oe eet ti ve ee 


essary detail,but there are many other suggestions in refer- 
ence to butter makiog that might and ought to be thrown 
out, and make progress, but the foregoing seems to be the 
most important, andin the hop? that the thoughts thus 
presented in this little manual will be of service to some 
of those whose eyes may fall upon its pages, it is with 
diffidence sent out onits mission. There are many who 
know nothing of dairying, and some understand it in one 
way, othersin another; but the great mass of dairymen 
and dairy-women need to be educated to ahigher stand- 
ard of care of milk, at least in the manufacture of butter ; 
not that there is a lack of knowledge or skill in many 
cases, butitis so casy athing to get negligent. A little 
expenditure of time and labor in attention to the details of 
butter-making will be greatly rewarded. Furthermore 
we willsay thatin order to make butter of an excellent 
quality everything connected with its manufacture should 
move on With regularity, exactness and neatness. Pro- 
curing proper conveniences and implements to facilitate 
its manufacture will make agreat advance in the quality 
and quantity of the butter, also a saving in its cost. 

Is it politic for men to buy all labor-savers for their out- 
door work, while their wives have to toil away amid the 
multiplicity of household cares and duties of the dairy- 
room, working butter with the old-fashioned hand ladle 
and fatiguing way of lifting, holding and draining the 
butter bowl? 

Men ought to consider more how many steps women 
are o')liged to take to execute the many and fatiguing la- 
bors that necessarily have to be performed daily about 
dairy work ; alsoamid the thousands of duties of house- 
keeping. The daily duties of dairywomen are of a kind 
that require great physical strength and power of endu- 


rance, also demand watchfulness, with perseverance and 
prompt and decided action, especially in hot weather ; 
therefore every butter dairy should be supplied with good 
and practical implements for each and every operation in 
the manufacture of butter, for the use of them is one 
source of its profits, also of the Nealth, comfort and hap- 
piness of dairvwomen. In these days of scarcity of good 
help and high prices of butter, there is an unlimited de- 
mand for good Butter Workers, those that women or any 
person of judgment can use to advantage, by saving time 
and strength, also by improving the quality of butter, 
thereby making money by their use, besides saving broken 
down constitutions. All butter makers experience more 
or less aches and pains caused by working butter, and 
they also know the inconvenience of handling and hold- 
ing a butter bow] firm when working butter, and of drain- 
ing off the fluids. 

Many good butter makers have been obliged to aban- 
don dairying, for the lack of strength to work the butter, 
and all greatly feel the need of something to alleviate and 
facilitate this heavy and fatiguing labor. The health and 
lives of more women have been sacrificed by working but- 
ter than by all other duties of the dairy ; therefore, a sim- 
ple, practical Butter Worker has long been desired and 
much needed in every dairy, as butter makers will affirm. 
Many inventions for working butter have been offered and 
tried, but they failed to combine with the old hand-ladle 
principle of working, which are conceded by the most 
noted and best butter makers to be the only true principle 
of working butter; therefore to have a perfect worker, it 
must be adapted to work exactly on those principles: 
It had come tobe believed with butter-workers, as with 
the mower, tedder, horse fork and sewing machine, that 


a practical one could not be made, but the Hureka sup- 
plies the great desideratum (the universal want). It 
is both practical and simple, containing no unnecessary 
parts, but everything requisite for a machine to remove 
all the milk from butter, and to commingle the salt uni- 
formly through it; alsoit embodies all of the hand-ladle 
principles of washing, salting and working butter, and 
it may all be done with it, without injuring the grain of 
the butter, or fatigue to the operator. By it somuch is 
accomplished, with so little labor, and in so short a time 
that it surprises all who use it. Every dairyman or 
dairywoman that we have yet heard from, who has tried 
one of these workers, testifies to its worth and appre- 
ciates its merits, and could not be induced to return to 
the old practice of working their butter with a hand-ladle 
and clumsy, wrenching mode of holding the bowl ona 
table or bench, or to the old lever or roller machines of 
which there are many kinds. 

To enable the reader to formin some degree an idea of 
the construction, shape and prices of the Eureka Butter 
Worker, and perhaps see some of its many advantages, 
(which are better appreciated after using.) see cuts and 
description on 4th and 5th pages. 

, b4 

And others Interested in Valuable Improvemeits. 

A retrospect of the past few years cannot fail to im- 
press your minds with the progress made in the intro- 
duction of improved farm implements, and machinery 
designed for aiding the farmer in cultivating the soil, and 
harvesting the crops. Instead of the question being 
asked, who can afford to buy and use these implements ? 
The query now is: who can do without them? which 
implies the same in regard to the 


A good Butter Worker is as much needed by butter 
makers, as either the Mower, Tedder or Horsefork by 
farmers, and will pay equally as large a per cent. on its 
cost during the year. 

It is perhaps safe to say, that on nine-tenths of our 
dairy farms, the WIF'H Works HARDER, and has more 
to endure, than even the hired help in the kitchen, or 
dairyroom, or any other person on the premises. This 
is perhaps from want of reflection on the part of the hus- 
band, who ought to have more consideration how many 
steps she has to take, and how unremitting are her la- 

Hundreds, and thousands of dollars are annually in- 
vested for farm machinery, but scarcely anything to 
facilitate the labors in the Dairy room; although liberal- 
ity in good dairy implements, is a source of its profits, 
and also of the health, comfort and happiness of the 
Dairy woman. 

List the dairy-maid is singing 
All is glee, all is glee, 

From morn til night it’s ringing 
The Eureka, the Eureka ; 
It makes us cheerful 
A’! the day, all the day. 


It will pay you to get a BUTTER WORKER: 
Gz Tf He. Bw S:-T! 

The one that will remove the milk from butter best. 

The one that will mix the salt through butter best. 

The one that will leave the grain of butter best. 

The one that will do the whole working of butter best, 

The one that will work easiest as well as the best. 

And the one that can be cleaned, kept sweet and in 
order best, is the 


eek dees de 2 Ee We. A: 

Is perfectly adapted to easily and wholly wash, salt and 
and work hard or soft butter, exactly on the hand-ladle 
principle, without the aid of a hand-ladle or touching 
the butter with the hands; and it does not injure the 
grain of the butter. They are substantially made of 
hard wood and in three sizes, accommodating the largest 
to the smallest of butter bowls. 

Irons liable to be strained are maleable ; the bowls are 
of the best selection. 

The machines are nicely finished; light to handle; 
strong and durable, and as easy to clean as any bowl 
and ladle. 

It has been tested and approved by X. A. Wil- 
lard, who is acknowledged to be the best authority 
on Dairy matters, for which statement, reference is had 
to Mr. Willard’s pamphlet on Butter Making, recently 
published in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural 
Society of England, which describes and illustrates my 
machine. It received the highest honors at the great 
Fair of the 



last fall; and at the 
New York State Fair! 

Also at a Fair of one of the best butter making Counties 
in the State of New York, with practical dairymen for 
judges; and what is better, it is highly commended by 
butter makers wherever and whenever exhibited or 
used. Its simplicity and practicability brings this ex- 
pression from nearly all who see it, ‘‘ I wonder the idea 
was never thought of before.” 

In order to create a demand for them, I will not resort 
to the old worn out plan of publishing certificates of 
recommendation from others, (of which many may be 
produced,) but will respectfully invite all to investigate 
it critically and give it a thorough test, as 1 am willing 
to let it stand or fall on its own merits, butter makers 
themselves to be the judges. It is one thing to make a 
good thing, and another to make a good thing without 
incumbering it with poor things. Time tries all things. 

DT Ete) eee ee 
like all other real good things, is better liked the longer 
used, which is proved by second orders and many letters 

Every dairyman should consider, 

That many hours of toil, 

*Tis Wwoman’s lot to bear, 

And should grant to her what’ere he canst, 
And all her labors share. 

He little knows her many trials, 
Although to him they may be small, 
To her of mammoth size ; 

Then her wants he should relieve, 
And wealth and happiness, 

His garners full will crown. 



Is valuable for farmers, as they can work their butter 
much easier, cheaper and better. 

THE EUREKA is valuable for butter dealers, as they 
can work over and greatly improve much of the butter 
that is brought to them. 

THE Eureka is valuable to consumers, for they will 
get much better butter. 

THe EUREKA is valuable to all who deal in them, for 
they can make money. 

The great value of the Eureka Butter Worker will un- 
doubtedly lead unprincipled persons to attempt immita- 
tions, or the construction of similar machines, therefore I 


the public against allinfringements. All of the peculiar 
features of the Eureka are covered and secured by Let- 
ters Patent, recorded in the Patent office at Washington, 
D.C. The claims are many in number, and they are 
distinct and separate on the different parts of the machine 
making the Patent more valuable than most patents; as 
there is no possibility of any machine coming up any 
way like it, or that can work strictly on the hand ladle 
principle with a Lever Ladle, without infringing on 
some of the claims that are patented, but if any can see 
any improvements in the working of it, or in its con- 
struction, their improvements will be fairly negotiated 
for. Seecutson 4th and Sth pages. 

Comparison invited. 

Competition defied. 

Imposition not resorted to. 

Keystone Animal Power. 

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Manufactured by HAWES | 
BROTHERS, Monroetoa, Pa. | 


The Keystone Animal Power 

PATENTED JAN. 10, 1871. 

This power, we have no hesitation in saying, is the 
best of its kind in the market. The rapid sale it has 
commanded, and the universal satisfaction it has given 
are the best evidences of its utility and importance. 

Simplicity, durability and cheapness are indispensable 
in a machine of this kind, and if portability be also com- 
bined, such a machine must prove useful to agricultural- 
ists and others, who would find many uses for it besides 
churning, fur which it is specially adapted, as running 
corn sheller, fannisg mill, small lathe, or any Jight ma- 

We claim for the Keystone Animal Power all these 
requisites. It consists of a wide rimmed wheel, upon 
which the dog or other small animal travels ; its central 
bearing being a sleeve, which runs on an inclined spin- 
dle ; the inclination of the spindle may be adjusted to 
the weight of the animal, as its foot is a cross-bar rest- 
ing in slotted supports, which may be raised or lowered 
at will, so as to incline the cross bar. 

The edge of the rimmed wheel rests upon a friction 
wheel, to the shaft of which is attached a fly-wheel, and 
from a crank pin on the fly-wheel the power is trans- 
mitted to the churn. Wecan also add an iron pulley, 
from which a belt may be run to drive any light machine 
desired. Farmers and others wishing a small power 
will find that the Keystone is just what they want. 
Send for a circular and price list. 

HAWES BROTHERS, Patentees & Manufact’rs, 
Monroeton, Bradford Co, Pa. 


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Greene, Chenango Co. N.Y. 


Machinery and Mill Work, 

Balconies, Lamp and Hitching Posts, 




Barn Door Hangers, Pipe Skeins, 

&c. ’ éc. 


This CHURN POWER has been most successfully 
introduced by us, during the past twelve years, among 
the best Dairymen in the United States. We claim to 
make the 

flearvtest, Strongestand Fastest Rin- 

ning Machine in the Marke, 

The Bearings being all Iron and nicely fitted. We are 
the only manufacturers of the O. G. TREAD, peculiarly 
adapted to the dog’s foot, by which our machines gain 
additional power over all ‘others. 

This is truly a labor saving machine, and never fails 
to give perfect satisfaction. There has been more than 
5,000 of these machines made and sold, within the last 
ten years. 

You will find it for your interest, to introduce this 
DOG POWER among the farmers in your section. 

PRICE, - - - - - $20. 

H. A. LYON. L. E. ST. JOHN. 


a nee 



Editor of the Dairy Husbandry Department of 
the Rural New-Yorker. 

THis work will contain a Complete Treatise 
on Milk and its products, including Dairy Farms and 
Farming; Grasses and Cattle Foods; Dairy Stock, 
Breeding, Selection and Management; Milk, Com- 
position, Character, etc.; Eairly History of Cheese 
and Butter Factories, and Mode of Organization ; 
European and American Dairy Systems Compared ; 
Minute Directions for the Manufacture and Care of 
Butter and Cheese, both at Farm Dairies and Fac- 
tories, embracing the Latest Improvements, etc. 

Mr. WILLARD is the most practical and popular writer 
on the subject, and acknowledged to be the BEST AU- 
THORITY in this country. Over 400 large 8vo pages, 
fully illustrated and handsomely printed. The only 
work of the kind ever publishe!. Price not to exceed 
&3. Address. 

D. D. T. MOORE, Publisher, 

New York City, or Rochester, N. ¥. 


Silsby Brothers, 

Formerly Oak Pail Manuf’g Co., of Seneca, Falls, 
N. Y.,) are the most extensive manufactu- . 
rers in this country of 

Oak Butter Pails, Firkins, 
Tubs & Water Pails. 

Weare the Sole Manufacturers of 

Westcott’s Patent Return Butter Pail. 
Which Brings from four to Seven Cents More 
Per Pound for Butter in New York City 
Market than any Other 

Dealers, Send for a Price List. 

Goods Sold to the Trade Only. 

Silsby Bros, 
Belmont, Allegany Co., N.Y. 

Branch Warehouse at Binghamton, N. Y. 





Its Simplicity and Practicability, makes it very easy of 
introduction to the public, and its necessity, has long 
been apparent to butter makers. Its cheapness and dur- 
ability with its convenience, will make them sell rapidly 
when introduced. Practical butter makers preferred to 
sell them, and those who have bought for their own use, 
or have used them preferable, as they can speak knowing- 
ly of their many advantages, but as it is not always con- 
venient to get such at first, | will sell them either at whole- 
sale or retail, to the first responsible applicant from 
any section of the country, if the territo.y of the patent 
has not been disposed of. Men or women can do well to 
sell them, also Practical Hints on Dairying or Manual 
for Butter Makers, on the generous terms offered on both. 

I offer also to sell the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT of the 


in territory, that is so remote for me to give the business 
the necessary attention. 

The reasons are obvious. I cannot canvass the whole 
United States myself, neither can I furnish the necessary 
Butter Workers. Parties with a small capital can do 
well by securing the exclusive right to manufacture and 
sell this worker in a State, County, or even in a Town. 
Any wood workman can make them by hand at a large 
profit, or they may be made by common machinery. 
The bowls may be purchased in every locality, or order- 
ed direct from any bow] factory. The iron circles and 


slides may be made at any foundry; the hooks and 
swivels at any maleable iron works, all of which I will 
urnish at manufacturers cost, or patterns of the same. 

I also offer to sell the exclusive right of territory to re- 
sponsible parties to sell the worker in, who do not wish 
to manufacture, or to get them manufactured ; I will fur- 
nish them with workers all complete, at cost prices, or I 
will sell workers without bowls, or will sell workers at 
wholesale or retail, with or without bowls. 

Retail prices with bowls all complete delivered at the 
Railroad, packed and marked. 

No. 1 will take bowls up to 18 inches across the top, $7.00 
No. 2 ¢ be 9 er Detect ss sf 7.50 
No.3 will take the largest of bowls........... Jag 200 

Without bowls, the price of bow] less. 

Circle Plates for bowls 10 cents. 

The large machines will take small bowls, but the 
small machines will not take large bowls. 

For sample machine I require the full retail price, 
then when more are ordered to sell, I will make the 
wholesale discount on it, making it just as cheap as the 

This I am oblidged to do, to secure dealers and myselt 
from loss by parties representing a desire to sell, and or- 
dering a sample machine merely to get one for their own 
use. Send retail price for sample machine, or return 
postage stamp for wholesale prices, or terms of territory, 
which are very liberal. Give plain shipping directions 
by what line, State, County, Town or Station and Post 

Address J. P. CORBIN, 
Whitney’s Point, N. Y. 


‘Nore.—To the world in general and to butter makers 
in particular, I respectfully say that L have stated simple 
facts in this little book, and hope that you have read it 
carefully, or will; and that you may be benefitted there- 
by. It is not founded on loose statements and opinions, 
nor on untried theories ; but every suggestion that is made 
in it has been proved and tested, and the most successful 
ways described. 

Any explanation or further information will be given 
upon application, if accompanied with return P. O. 
stamp, and within my ability ; if not, I will give reference 
to those who are posted, as my acquaintance with practi- 
cal dairymen is extensive in several State3, and in the best 
dairying sections of the country. 

Butter making has always been my business, and for 
the last ten years have been connected with the Butter 
Worker business, and now intend to make it a specialty 
for years to come. Correspondence invited, whether in 
the form of inquiry or information imparted, results of 
experiments, etc., or regarding new improvements for 
dairy purposes. Andif you feel interested and disposed 
to test the truthof my statements by sending an order for 
at least one sample Eureka, I will be pleased to send the 
machine to any address on the receipt of its price, and 
when thoroughly and fairly tested, if it does not show for 
itself many good qualities and corroborate what I have 
stated regarding it, I will have nothing to say in defense, 
and will not ask fora second order. 

Try the machiae, and you will acknowledge that it 
possesses more good qualities and real merits than I have 
claimed for it. 


This world each day in wisdom grows ; 
Then hold no more your bowl on bench or table, 
Nor work your butter with the old-hand ladle. 

Inventions made a Lever Ladle, 
Anda stool with swinging table. 
Which brings new joys and ends all woes. 

Your obedient servant, 

WHITNEY’s Point, N. Y., Sept., 1871. 

ees = 

8 ea 
ba aie me ; 















g FOR 

BUTTER Ail A i i BS. 



MO tes ye Clacamth 1a te oties of the Libracgn Of 
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