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Prehistoric nan 

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The History of Civilization 

In the Section of this Series devoted to PRE-HiSTORY AND ANTIQUITY are 
included the following volumes . 

7. Introduction and Pre-History 












//. The Early Empires 



W. H. R. Rivers 
E Perrier 

T . .. 

J. de Morgan 

. j. Vendryes 

L Febvre 
' E .' pittard 

A. Moret 
j L Myres 

.' J.' L Myres 

G . Elliot Smith 

v G Childe 

A ** 
A. Moret 

D . A. Mackenzie 

T r% , 
i'. uelaporte 


G. Glotz 

A full list of the SERIES will be found at the end of this ve >i unte . 

Prehistoric Man 

A General Outline of Prehistory 


Formerly Director of Antiquities in Egypt 
and Delegate-General in Persia of the 
French Ministry of Public Instruction ; 
Author of " JLes premieres civilisations/' 
"Mission scientifique en Perse, 1889-1891," 
*' Mission scientifique au Caucase,*' " Re- 
cherches sur les Origines de V^gypte," etc. 




Translated by 




THE first volume of Involution de THumanit^ both links man 
with nature and shows in what he has broken away from it. 
We see the human form appear in the course of the ascent of 
living forms. This form^ doubtless^ results from an infinite 
number of different circumstances, and of these Perrier has indi- 
cated the principle among those that come within the bounds of 
our knozvledge ; but this form above all results from innate 
tendency -from the inner growth that constitutes life itself ] and 
which, in the human brain, culminates in thought. 

" It is our desire to know, to see further and from a greater 
height^ that has made us rise to the completely erect attitude of 
which we are so proud" says Perrier. ^ " It is this which has 
freed the hands from tasks other than prehension and the examina- 
tion of objects and the construction and manipulation of defensive 
weapons. Thanks to these^ the jaws entirely ceased to bite and 
tear y as they had already ceased to seize, and limited themselves 
to the mastication of food. On account of this less arduous 
work) they became shorter and lighter" 2 The reduction of the 
muscles controlling the biting movement of the lower jaw had the 
effect^ in turn> of giving more room for the brain and thus per- 
mitting a considerable development. By the joint action of cause 
and effect and of the persistence of the initial tendency, the human 
face zvas gradually " prepared for language audfor smiling? 

The hand and language : in these t^vo is comprised humanity. 
We feel that two things should be given the premier place in this 
work two things that mark the close of zoological and the 
beginning of human history ; one^ if we may so put zV, is the 
invention of the hand^ and the other is the invention of language. 
In these two lies the decisive progress in practical logic and in 
mental logic that characterises mankind. 

1 Part III, Chap, iv, p. 324. 
3 Part III, Chap, iv, p. 320. 



Though physical environment and the factor of race have both 
played their part in human evolution and that a considerable one 
which will be treated in detail the logical element in either case 
has been their basis. Though social environment has played its 
part an important one^ which will be emphasized -far from 
having created logic) it is in itself a manifestation thereof : society 
is an intensive manner of living^ tentatively begun by the animals y 
perfected by mankind. 

Logic, it must be remembered* is for us something wider than 
finality. It is the appropriation which may yet be purely fortuitous > 
or Just experimental of means to necessities arising ozit of the 
inner tendency. 1 Logic in act or deed is manifested in that life 
retains 'what is useful to it and thus adapts itself to environment. 
As Henri Bergson has shown (since there is one part of his 
Kvolution cicatrice 'which is unassailable and 'which sums up^ 
profoundly and attractively \ the data of objective science} , organized 
matter has " the mysterious power of building up very complicated 
machines " and> by means of this mechanisjn^ of iisefully setting 
free the energy it has accumulated? We can define it either as a 
mechanism formed within ^ or as an ''organization 'which invents 
itself" History, in its widest sense^ is logic that is lived^ before 
it has either been exteriorized logic (technique) , collective logic 
(society) , or reflective logic (reason). 

History in its entirety is essentially logic. This, then is our 
fundamental hypothesis : that the ivork, taken as a whole, should 
be verified by the independent labour of eminent collaborators. 
And this hypothesis governs our plan. 

* * * 

The subject of the present volume^ in essence is the hand and 
the hand's extensions. We cannot insist too strongly that tn the 
evolution of life the "decisive moment" arrived when a living 
being 'who became man adopted the erect attitude ', thus freeing 
his hands? and when the industrious activity was inaugtirated 
'which this freedom made possible. In the use of the hand as an 
instrument, we have the manifestation of an important psychical 
progress and the promise of further important progress. 

1 See Vol. I, General Introduction, p. xi, and my Syntfiese en Histoire 
pp. 141-226. 

* [E.T.] Creative Evolution, p. 76. 

5 See E. de Majewski, La Science de la Civilization (a deep and original 
book), p. 213, 


The primitive evolution of mental processes can only be gathered 
in approximate fashion from the relation betiveen the behaviour 
of beings as modern zoological psychology * calls it and the 
development of the nervous system, or rather of its crowning 
cerebral effort. A.mong those " moving oceans of the forms of life," 
we see the brain, which assures internal harmony and presides over 
external relations , growing ever larger and more perfect in pro- 
portion as the organism grows more complex, and not only adjusting 
itself better to the external world, but frequently exercising influence 
on it. 

Already among the insects , in the course of the Secondary 
Period^ the brain had acquired a certain volume -which corresponded 
to this almost fixed " savoir-faire" which we call (by an equivocal 
term) instinct. There is here a lower psychic system, the result 
(we have the right to infer} of the * * tendency " and the associative 

In the course of the Tertiary Period^ the psyche developed 
remarkably among the vertebrates. With the mammals the 
various functions became centralized and controlled by the growth 
of the cerebral hemispheres. This growth, in a skull that was 
too narrow, involved, especially among the primates^ folds and 
convolutions. The brain zvas modified to a greater extent^ and 
more rapidly , than the rest of the body. " In the progression of 
the cerebral hemispheres through the geological epochs and the 
zoological stages^ it was the frontal lobe, the seat of the most 
complicated associations and the closest mental combinations, which 
increased in size" ;* it became the intellectual centre. 4 - The 
Primate^ the relative weight of ^whose brain is enormous? has a 
wonderful faculty for adaptation; and this is especially manifest 
in the aptitude for prehension of its anterior limbs^ with an 
opposable thumb and flat nails. In the Anthropoid the anterior 
limbS) freed from the locomotor function, are kept entirely for 
prehension^ and thus we arrive at the hand. 

// is probable that, in the course of the Tertiary Period^ the 

1 See H. Pi&ron, ** La psychologic zoologique, science du comportement animal," 
in the Journal de Psychologie, February and March 1920. 

2 See E. L. Bouvier, La Vie psych^que des Insectes. 

E. Houze, " Les Stapes du lobe frontal," in the Bull, de VInstitut de sociologie 
Solvay, February 1910, p. 93. 

* On this question, see Gley, Physiologie, Vol. II, pp. 1081 ff. 

5 Taking the weight of the brain as equalling i, the weight of the body is 5,688 
for Fishes, 1,321 for Reptiles, 212 for Birds, 100-60 for Anthropoids, 36-22 for 
Man. Houz6, p. 94; cf. Gley, p. 1,085. 


progressive differentiation of the seasons and the absence of fruit 
for many months of the year^ caused certain Primates^ whose 
anterior limbs were shorter than their posterior limbs ^ to abandon 
definitely the arboreal life, to stand erect, to walk, and to differ- 
entiate the four extremities of their limbs into feet and hands. 

The " desire to know y to see further and from a greater height" 
of which Perrier talks , is better satisfied by the erect posture^ and 
certainly encouraged its adoption. But the desire to knoiv^ in its 
origin, is altogether practical ; it is grafted on the immediate 
vital interest. Just as it 'was self-interest that provoked the 
adoption of the erect attitude and the employment of the hand qua 
hand, so it was self-interest that kindled the dawn of consciousness 
in the brain. The psychic synthesis produced this dawn^ and the 
light increased the power of the synthesis. Tendency can satisfy 
itself after a fashion^ in the most obscure consciousness ; but 
activity as it comes out into the light, becomes ever more sure of 
itself* 1 

It has been aptly observed that animals are specialists, that 
their structure, adapted to determined conditions of life^ has 
procured for them a certain superiority within narrow limits, 
and, at the same time, has stabilized them almost definitely. 
Their mental system or " psychism " has only "fringes of intelli- 
gence" Man escapes morphological specialization. Homo nudus 
et inermis. His frontal lobe orders everything^ and his hand is 
the active exteriorization of his brain. Being without any such 
specialized physical means of defence or offence as tusks, horns^ 
clawSj carapace or scales , he yet has his hand an instrument 
strengthened by its locomotor use> made supple and delicate by 
its prehensile activity, and early appropriate to the most diverse 
uses in the most varied circumstances. 

The hand y as a result of experiment both tactile and muscular 
acquires information that is ever more and more precise^ 
associated^ as it is, with visual sensations 'which it completes, 
and thus contributes effectively to tfo knowledge of the external 
world. By mimickry and attempts at language it brings men 
ever closer together^ and indirectly encourages relations between 
them by making co-operation between them possible thanks to a 
new sort of specialization that zs no longer specific and structural, but 
individual and functional. Thus society develops, like the living 

Wallon, "Le problems biologique de la conscience," in the Revue 
March- April 1921, p. 180. 



being , by the stronger unity of the 'whole in the greater diversity 
of its component parts. 

HOTJU far back does it go, this hand which so strangely increases 
the powers of a privileged species ? Even if it is impossible to 
determine exactly > there is no doubt that it was very far back 
thousands of centuries in the Tertiary. We are justified in 
saying^ though we cannot prove it, that several human species, 
among which 'was the species destined to become Homo Sapiens, 
existed in the Pliocene and even in the Miocene if not earlier. 
The earth has, up to the present, been but imperfectly examined, 
and has yielded little for Paleontology. " In the Pliocene 
and Miocene formations strange and thrilling discoveries lie in 
reserve. ... A day will surely come when we shall discover 
a small anthropoid, of almost erect attitude, and with a brain-pan 
relatively very large in comparison with the total volume of the 
body, but very inferior, in absolute value, to all known members 
of the Human Family" x The ancient history of the historians 
" is in reality only an ultra-modern history for the prehistorzan, 
and still more so for the paleontologist." 2 In the most ancient 
history of all, the history of the Human Family ', each cubic centi- 
metre and each fold of the brain represents centuries of experience, 
to which the increasing ingenuity of the hand corresponds. , 3 

from the time when the earliest scanty human remains 
appear at the beginning of the Quaternary that is, in the Lower 
and Middle Pleistocene Man is already provided with artefacts : * 
this was the Lower Paleolithic, the period of the earliest imple- 
ments which dates back, consequently, hundreds of centuries. 
In the Upper Pleistocene, after the last glacial phase, we find 
fossil remains of Homo sapiens 5 and the already advanced 
civilization of the Upper Palceolithic. With the commencement of 
the last phase, Holocene, *we are dealing with Homo sapiens 6 

1 M. Boule, Les Hommes fossiles, p. 175. 

2 Ibid., p. 459. 

3 See Ibid., pp. 231 ff. for all that the study of the endocranial surface can 

4 Chellean, Acheulean, Moustierian : Homo heidelbergensis, Homo nean- 

5 Grimaldi, Cro-Magnon, and Chancelade races, 



as we know him. His industrial activity and his inventive 
genius are manifested so completely in the Neolithic which dates 
from some 14,000 years in the Orient, and 9000 years in our part 
of the world and then in the age of metals whose starting point 
varies likewise according to locality that it is evident that the 
essentials of technique had already long been established. "All 
manner of hand implements, the earliest elementary machines, 
industries of primary necessity such as spinning, weaving, ceramics 
and metallurgy ; the wheel and navigation, the employment of 
domesticated animals, the practice of agriculture, buildings in 
stone all these acquisitions pre-date history" I 

But it was the first inventions that were decisive, when the 
hand, more and more adroit, came to be used in the making of 
tools, and when these inventions for defence and attack, for all sorts 
of useful ends, and for the amelioration of the conditions of exist- 
ence, increased the possibilities of the hancfs own employment. 
Completed as it were, by the implement, this organ of action on 
things itself becomes a universal instrument. More precisely, it 
is the brain which becomes a universal instrument the brain 
which develops marvellously as a result of the very use of the 
tools that the hand permits it to realize. And while the species 
itself increases and becomes universal, the faculties of functional 
specialization in the individual are also increased. 

How did the first implements come to be made ? An obviously 
insoluble problem if we wish a precise answer. 

Hypotheses have been advanced. The theory of spontaneous 
extension according to which men extended the arm in the stick? 
the finger in the hook, the fist in the club is not very satisfactory. 
It is evident enough that implements elaborated and imitated parts 
of the human body in the beginning: but human invention is 
manifest more especially in the utilization of the properties of 
different materials ^ and in the fashioning of such materials? 

Besides^ there were primitive discoveries^ like that of fire^ 
which cannot be explained by this " extension " theory. Man knew 
how to make fire from the beginning of the Palaeolithic^ and 
this is c * the pre-eminently human act, that 'which is at the 
foundation of all future progress^ and potentially contains all 
civilization the discovery of which constitutes the most char- 

1 L. Weber, "Y a-t-ilun rythme dans le progres intellectuel ? ** {Bull, de la 
Soc. franp. de philosophie, February-March 1914, p. 81), 

2 See L. Weber, Le rythme du progr&s, p. 259. 



acteristic act of genius which Humanity can boast." 1 A 
weapon, a light, a modifying agent of the most varied materials? 
fire marks a date in prehistory, more important than all the 
revolutions of history. Prometheus is the great revealer. 

For this invention in two stages had its Prometheus^ or more 
than one of them. First, spontaneous fire had to be preserved, 
and then fire had to be made artificially. The part played by 
intelligence and by the individual must be insisted on in any 
consideration of the beginnings of human industry. Consequent 
on manual skill (itself consequent on the vital and creative activity 
of the organs of the body), practical intelligence activated by self- 
interest must be sharply distinguished from theoretical intelligence^ 
and from disinterested curiosity. That form of intelligence which 
tends to the " conquest of realities" and direct knowledge for im- 
mediate pouter^ is anterior to speculative intelligence; or at least, 
the utilitarian function of the intelligence was for a long time 

This f acuity ^ which Voltaire called the mechanical instinct, 
whose importance the eighteenth century was the first to emphasize^ 
is specific rather than social^ and appears in all individuals, 
though in varying degree in different individuals. Prometheus 
is the " Fores eer" the individual gifted 'with attention and capable 
of dissociating the part from the whole and employing it in a 
practical combination* ; it was Prometheus who utilized a brand 
from a fire kindled by lightning, or the property ', either of two 
branches rubbed against each other by the wind> or of two stones 
struck against one another by chance ', of kindling a spark. It was 
he too, who, noticing the recoil of a bent branch, by analogy with 
the arm 'which throws the stone^ arrived at imagining a bow ; 
it was a Prometheus who, aiding the task of tooth or nail with the 
sharp edge of a flint-chip, invented the first implement : it was a 
Prometheus who saw what others did not see (as Galilio saw the 
lamp which swung in the cathedral of Pisa) and who had the 
wit to take advantage of his discoveries. 

The imitation of such initial attempts, and the joining thereto 

1 Boule, op. cit.y p. 460. He himself cites Re"my de Gourmont, Promenades 
philosophiques, 2nd Series, p. xi. See also P. Lacombe, L'Histoire consid&rie 
comme science, pp. 180-185. 

* The cooking of food has had its effect on the brain : by reducing the masticating 
muscles, it has facilitated frontal activity. See Honz, art. quoted, p. 95. 

3 See Paulhan, Psychologic de I 'invention; Ribot, Essai sur F imagination 


of successive steps in progress , are of a different order from all 
social action. Along with certain thinkers^ we believe tliat 
technical invention, at its live point^ so to speak, bears the hall- 
mark of individual effort like all invention. It is born of direct 
experience from the contact of the brain -with^ the external universe! 
Without dotibt social life favours technique in a thousand ways : 
it is the instigator and propagator of inventions ; but it also 
shackles them very often, by tradition, routine and the develop- 
ment of illusory practices linked up 'with abortive speculation 2 
'whereas in the most primitive technique an elejnent of specu- 
lation is implicit. 

Already the living organism is in a measure an intelligence in 
action: "All our organs imply some sort of knowledge of the 
objective and material exterior 'world. . . . The lungs of a 
quadruped and the gills of a fish are in their degree an appreciation 
of the environment in which the animal has to breathe ; feet^fins^ 
and wings postulate realization of the environment in which the 
various beings must move. ... All organization^ all system^ 
implies something analogous to understanding which permits the 
existence and functioning of the system^ as it implies something 
analogous to desire and will^ a tendency 'which is an essential 
part of it, just as it is an essential part of human activity ". 3 

If concrete mechanics and physics accompany the exercise of 
muscular energies, the extension of these energies by technique 
implies a sufficiently objective representation of the material ivorld, 
and) at the very least, the clear feeling that there is a certain 
regularity in things. Before it 'was conceived as such, the lazv 
of causality was more and more felt by the unfolding of human 
activity in a world ruled by this law, a world of which man is 
an integral part,. 

1 See L. Weber, Le rythme du progr&s, p. 263. " The inventors (of imple- 
ments), although for the most part unknown, misunderstood or forgotten, have not 
worked, in their inventions, in dependence on the group, nor according to its 
suggestions or beliefs, but according to their own intellectual spontaneity. The 
material invention is in itself the purest manifestation (and also the simplest and 
oldest) of the individual intelligence, the proprium quid of the specific human 
intelligence." Even if it responds to a social need and comprises co-operation, the 
material invention is "in itself an individual penetration into the world of physical 
realities, a direct struggle of intelligence with matter carried on by a single being 
and precisely because of what is in him which is irreducible to the collective spirit. 
Of. la Soc. fran^aise de philosophic* February- March, 1914. ** \ a-t-ii 

February 1921, p. 160. 


Technique preceded technology y and^ a fortiori, science ; but it 
prepared the way for both. " Technique is the mother of rational 

Indeed, Man, in his beginning, is Homo faber rather than 
Homo sapiens. And he remains Homo faber. We shall have 
to show later that the part played by technique, decisive at the 
beginning, is throughout human evolution immense : 2 Man is " a 
worker and an engineer," "a tireless maker of tools , instruments, 
and machines* ' ' 8 

Paul Lacombe, that vigorous and original theorist tn history > 
who gave a preponderant place to economics, 4 was to have con- 
tributed a preface to J. Toutain's volume on Ancient Economic 
Organization, in which he would have related the technique of 
prehistory to the Economics of the Greeks and Romans. What 
he has written on these matters -for example in his Histoire 
consider de comme science / and in certain notes in his Journal, 
where this preoccupation of his is manifest makes us keenly 
regret the loss of a collaborator so well fitted for the task. Not 
only did he analyse^ with a penetrating ingenuity ', this evolution 
from superficial to fundamental properties of things, and in which, 
little by little, art and science are disengaged from technique : 
but he also emphasized the fact that in the history of technique 
a continuous chain of general history the masses, the plebs> played 
their part, and an important part : "The history of technique 
would not be universal history but, beyond a doubt, it would be 
the most universal of histories, since man in the mass, at all 
times has been a workman." 5 

It is under his inspiration that we shall return later to the 
development of inventions ; that we shall distinguish those which 
increase the power of our hands, those which take their place, and 
those which allow us not only to use things, but to capture and turn 
to our profit energies of all sorts, such as those that increase the 

1 Ribot, Logique des sentiments, p. 27. Cf. Espinas, Les origines de la 

2 This is the proportion of truth that historic or economic materialism contains. 

* P. Lacombe, Rev. de Synth, hist. : Vol. XXIV, p. 369. For P. Lacorabe 
as for Weber, in opposition to Auguste Comte, the first phase of humanity is technical, 
and not theological. 

* On Lacombe, see Berr, L' Histoire traditionnelle et la Synthese h^stor^que % . 

PP- 57~ 

* Journal, October 22, 1914. 


range of our senses and give us, so to speak > " artificial senses", 
and those that increase onr facilities for moving about in space^ 
and communicating with our kind ; we shall dwell on this infinite 
development of tool and equipment^ born from the hand> whose 
repercussions are themselves infinite and very often completely 
unforeseeable and all of which have made of man a god. It 
has been said that -machines are exterior organ? rendering the 
fleshly muscles useless, and that by them we tend to the state of 
"pure spirit" 

What we shall find in this book is prehistoric man, generically 
not physically. I mean that it will not be a question here of 
prehistoric anthropology. All that concerns the physical char- 
acteristics of our far distant ancestors the completion of the 
brief indications given by Ed-mond Perrier at the end of The Earth 
before History will be related by M. Pittard in the volume 
in this series in which he studies proto-historic races and the 
factor of race in general. To secure a just distribution of 
material and a full use of expert knowledge, it seemed best to 
divide the subject thus* 

M. Cartailhac had originally honoured us by a promise to lend 
to our work the great authority of his name. Later ^ he mistrusted 
his powers, surely without reason. He feared to delay us ; and 
M. de Morgan, at his desire, has been good enough to replace 
him. As M. Cartailhac had intended to do, the Former Director 
of Antiquities in Egypt and General Delegate to Persia has treated 
the subject of human activity in the light of its first extant traces, 
and indicated the primitive stages of human progress. 

De Morgan is one of the most eminent representatives of this 
distinctly French science of prehistory. No one comprehends it 
with a wider range of interests and a broader knowledge. All 
'works dealing with prehistory take our <part of the 'world as a 
basis and neglect the Orient. This entails not only an insufficiency 
of data but also, perhaps, an error in the point of view. It 'was 
the Orient^ it seems, which, in the beginning, played the pre- 
dominant part. The truth is to be found, in all these cases, by 
placing the evolution of those areas side by side with the evolution 
of Western Europe^ and by putting together what we know of 
both. This De Morgan can do, having spent six years in Egypt \ 


three years in the Caucasus and Armenia^ and sixteen years in 
Persia ; his synthetic point of view is altogether happy ^ new, and 
highly appropriate to our design. 

De Morgan^ while dealing with primitive humanity as a 
whole> and treating of diverse regions and civilizations as par- 
ticular cases of general prehistory ^ is also personally familiar 'with 
the various sciences which have to be drawn upon for a thorough 
interpretation of the facts. Geology -, palceozoology and palceobotany> 
and climatology are necessary to the comprehension of human 
evolution: the complexity of the causes necessitates diversity of 

Finally ', de Morgan does not only provide a rich and precise 
text) but ample illustration. Primitive man> in his humble life, 
can only be reached through the remains of his industry: the 
prehistorian must investigate objects of all kinds ; and he must y 
naturally ) make them known to the reader. De Morgan has 
justly estimated that it would lighten the work, and obviate long 
descriptions and comparisons if the objects were themselves pre- 
sented ; and he found in this the further advantage of being able 
to give more room to general ideas. The 190 plates of this 
volume y the 1300 figures a certain number of them illustrating 
his own discoveries have been for the most part drawn by him ; 
he has sought rest, in the course af his work, only in change of 
occupation. By their selection, juxtaposition and appropriate 
insertion to the body of the text^ these figures add greatly to the 
value of the book ; de Morgan has so conceived it that it appeals 
at once to the eye and to the mind. 

This is true prehistory with its paleolithic and neolithic epochs 
and industry occupies the principal place. But> in this great 
fresco of our most distant past, de Morgan has also included the 
age of metals^ and he gives us a general impression, in broad 
strokes ', of primitive life under its various aspects. He has thus 
set out in general outline the characteristics of proto-historic 
civilizations to be studied in detail in special volumes ; his volume 
is the key to them.* 

One of his great merits ', moreover and one which we think 
it worth while to stress ', because it falls in so well with the general 
character of this history is that of not over-emphasizing the extent 

i We shall have occasion to deal ourselves with psychic origins, and the social 
r61e of art and religion. 


of our knowledge^ of not hiding the problems which remain, but 
even of dwelling on them. " What we know to-day is very little 
zn comparison with what remains to be learned" ; such are his 
final words. But throughout the book he puts the public on its 
guard against * * hypotheses which have nothing scientific about 
tkem^' and he multiplies prudent reservations. On the original 
homes of the human species , on the synchronism of the stages 
passed through by different races and groups^ on their migratory 
movements and their inter-relations \ on questions of independence 
or communications in relation to the development of industries^ 
he exhibits that modesty of knowledge which is characteristic of 
all great authorities. 

There is no lack of collectors " amateurs of worked flints " 
but there are only too few historians devoting themselves to 
prehistory. Nothing is more useful than to give workers in 
this field beginners above all a comprehensive idea of the 
evolution of humanity as a whole, and to point out the lacuna 
in our knowledge* 

As regards prehistory ^ much of the earth* s surface remains to 
be explored, and research is not yet organized. De Morgan will 
have deserved well of science in showing precisely what remains 
to be done in this large and singularly attractive field, which 
is of capital importance for any historical synthesis. ^ 


1 We believe that there will also be something to do, in history, as regards 
standardizing the nomenclature de Morgan deliberately uses the word prehistory 
in a broad sense : all that concerns primitive man (he sometimes says : the 
barbarian) , of whatever age and wherever found. For him, then, ethnography 
coincides in part with prehistory; he talks of "modern prehistory," Jle 
gives a very broad sens.e to the word "philosophy." 




PREFACE .......... x 










VI. BRONZE INDUSTRIES . . . . . . in 




I. His DWELLING-PLACE ....... *53 


AGRICULTURE .....- 160 








INDEX ... 



FIG. ' - PAGE 

1. Imaginary section of Nile Valley 15 

2. Cap Breton Fossa , * . . . . . -15 

3. Submarine Plateau of North Sea . . . . . 16 

4. Submarine valleys of Iceland ...... 17 

5. Maximum extension of Pleistocene glaciers 18 

6. The Isle Erlanic (Morbihan) ...... 19 

7. Eoliths (France, Portugal, Belgium) 37 

8. Chellean Implements ....... 39 

9. Implements of Acheulean type 4 2 

10. Implements of Chellean type (Algeria) .... 43 

11. Implements of Acheulean type (Tunis) .... 44 

12. Implement of Acheulean type (Upper Egypt) ... 46 

13. Implements of Chellean and Acheulean types (Somaliland) . 47 

14. Implements of Chellean and Acheulean types (N. America) . 48 

15. Implements of Moustierian type (Le Moustier) ... 49 

1 6 Point of Moustierian type (Egypt) ... 50 

17 (Somaliland) .... 50 

1 8. Implements of Quaternary type (India) . . . 5 1 

19. Implements of Moustierian type . . . . . 52 

20. Aurignacian industry (chipped flints) 57 

21. Solutrean industry (chipped flints) . . * .61 

22. Magdalenian industry (chipped flints) ..... 64 

23. Magdalenian industry (bone and ivory) ... 65 

24. Capsian industry (chipped flints) ..... 69 

25. Piehistoric stations between Nile Valley and Oases . . 71 

26. Harpoons of bone and stag antler ..... 75 

27. Campignian chipped flints .....* 78 

28. Arrow-heads (Egypt, Chaldea, Europe, California) . . 81 

29. Neolithic weapons and tools (N. America) .... 84 

30. Scandinavian Neolithic implements ... 85 

31. Neolithic implements of lake villages ..... 86 

32. Flint knives (Upper Egypt) 87 

33. Flint points (Upper Egypt) ...... 89 

34. Axe-heads (Luristan) ....... 90 

35. Serpentine hammer-axe (Chaldea) ..... 91 




36. Flint implements (Chaldea) ...... 92 

37. Neolithic industry (Sahara) ...... 93 

38. Neolithic implements (Palestine) ..... 94 

39. Forms of Neolithic axe-heads ...... 95 

40. Halting of polished stone axes ...... 96 

41. Hafting of flint arrow-heads ...... 97 

42. Ivory (Egypt : First Dynasty) . . . . . .100 

43. Representation of man (Pharaonic epoch) . . . . 101 

44. Schist palette (Archaic Egyptian) . . . . .102 

45. Objects of Archaic Egyptian period . . . . .103 

46. Objects of Archaic Susian and Chaldean period . . .104 

47. Objects of pre-Pharaonic industry . . . . .106 

48. Objects of Eneolithic industry (Egypt) .... 107 

49. Tepeh Gulam implements ....... 108 

50. Eneolithic sepulture at Fontaine-le-Puits . . . .109 

51. Copper and tin beds in the Old World . . . .113 

52. Copper and tin beds in the New World . . . .115 

53. Stone and copper moulds . . . . . . .116 

54. Bronze axe-heads (Susa) . . . . . . .117 

55. Bas-relief from tomb of Mera (Sixth Dynasty) . . .118 

56. Bronze implements of Pharaonic Egypt . . . .119 

57. Bronze implements, Egyptian New Empire . . .120 

58. Funerary furniture (Syria) . . . . . .121 

59. JEgean-Mycenaean bronze implements and weapons . . 121 

60. ist and 2nd bronze industries (W. Europe) .... 122 

61. 3rd and 4th bronze industries (W. Europe) . . . .123 

62. Bronze hatchets (Germany and Spain) . . . .124 

63. Bronze implements and weapons (Hungary) . . .125 

64. Iron metallurgy (Bernese Jura) . . . . . .129 

65. Blast-pipes of smelting furnaces (Silesia and Hungary) . .130 

66. Iron industry (Russian Armenia) ..... 133 

67. Arrow-heads from iron industry sepultures (N. Persia) . . 134 

68. Helenendorf objects (Transcaucasia) ..... 135 

69. Hallstatt type swords and daggers (W. Europe) . . .137 

70. Nucleus and blades (Grand-Pressigny) . . . .140 

71. Obsidian nucleus and blades (Isle of Milos) . . . .141 

72. Shafts for extraction of flint at Mur-de-Barrez . . .142 

73. Sketch of flint mines, Wady el Sheikh (Egypt) . , 143 

74. Flint mines of Wady el Sheikh, after photograph. . . 144 

75. Miner's pick from Wady el Sheikh . . . . .145 

76. The " Pierre aux dix doigts/' Villemaure (Aube) . . . 146 

77. Egyptian Bas-relief, Sixth Dynasty ..... 147 



78. Stone vases, El Amrah (Upper Egypt) .... 148 

79. Eneolithic stone vase, Abou Zedan (Upper Egypt) . .149 

80. Hut-shaped funerary urns (Etruria) . . . . .158 

81. Hunting scene, bas-relief from tomb of Mera . . .161 

82. Hunting falcons, Second Iron industry . . . .162 

83. Harpoons and fishing implements . . . . .163 

84. Fish-hooks (Swiss lake cities, Susa, and Egypt) . .164 
85* Fishing scenes, bas-relief from tomb of Mera . . .164 

86. Cattle (oxen) under the Ancient Empire (tomb of Mera) . 165 

87. Domesticated animals of the Ancient Empire (tomb of Mera) 166 

88. Antelopes, Medum fresco (Third Dynasty) . . . .167 

89. Rock painting at Cogul (Spain) . . . . .168 

90. Wooden statuette and Handmills (Third Dynasty) . . 169 

91. Wooden sickle armed with flint (Egypt) . . . .170 

92. Ditto from Abuchal, near Carmona (Spain) . . .170 

93. Bronze sickles (Switzerland, France, Ireland, etc.) . .171 

94. Cultivator and his plough, rock painting (Sweden) . .172 

95. Cart with horses, on clay vase (Hungary) . . . .173 

96. Clay figurines (Roumania and Upper Egypt) . . .175 

97. Figures from Mycenae and Knossos . . . . .176 

98. Stone industry amulets and necklace . . . .177- 

99. Bracelets ......... 178 

100. Quaternary statuettes (Austria and France) . . 193 

101. Graven human representations (France) .... 194 

102. Mammoth (Font de Gaume) ...... 195 

103. Bison (Altamira) ........ 196 

104. Rhinoceros tichorimcs (Font de Gaume) . . . .196 

105. Bear incised on pebble (Ari&ge) . . . . .197 

1 06. Wild boar (Altamira) ....... 198 

107. Cervus elaphus (Altamira) ...... 199 

1 08. Cervus elaphus (Lorthet Cave) ...... 200 

109. Reindeer (Font de Gaume) ...... 200 

no. Horse (Font de Gaume) ....... 201 

in and 112. Horses (Lourdes and Mas d'Azil) .... 201 

113. Wolf (Font de Gaume) ....... 202 

114. Fishes (Lorthet) ........ 202 

115. Plants (Haute-Savoie and Yonne) ..... 203 

116. Magdalenian geometric drawings ..... 204 

117. Quaternary sculptures ....... 206 

1 1 8. Bronze industry human representations (Italy) . . . 208 

119. Susian painted pottery ....... 209 




Painted vase (Palestine) . . . . . . , 

Pre-dynastic Egyptian pottery ...... 213 

123. Pre-dynastic Egyptian painted pottery . . . .214 

124. Ivory handle of flint dagger (Edfu) . 215 

125. Knife in yellow flint with, gold handle (Upper Egypt) . .217 

126. Incised pottery (Cyclades) . . . . . .218 

127. Incised pottery (JEgean Islands) ..... 219 

128. Vase from Kamares (Crete) ...... 220 

129. Dog and wild boar (Tyrins) . . . . . .221 

130. Animal figures, iron industry (Ossethia) .... 222 

131. Figures engraved on bronze belts, iron industry (Russian 

Armenia) ......... 223 

132. Incised pottery (Russian Talish) ..... 224 

133. Rough pottery (Seine-et-Marne and Vienne) . . 225 

134. Neolithic vases (France and Bohemia) .... 225 

135. Neolithic decoration on pottery . . . . .226 

136. Anthropomorphic pottery (Cyprus, Hissarlik, Denmark, etc.) 226 

137. Vase decoration, iron industry (Transcaucasia) . . . 227 

138. Vase (Buchheim, Baden) ....... 228 

139. Vase (Burzenhof, Wftrtemberg) ..... 228 

140. Arts of La Tdne industry (Ireland, France, Germany) . . 229 

141. Neolithic interment (El Amrah, Upper Egypt) . . . 233 

142. Graves, iron industry (Russian Armenia) .... 234 

143. Crypt of Coizard ........ 235 

144. Crypt of Courgeonnet ....... 235 

145. Dolmens ......... 236 

146. Dolmens in plan and section ...... 237 

147. Distribution of dolmens in Old World .... 238 

148. Builded dolmen (Persia) ....... 239 

149. Menhirs .... ...... 241 

150. Alignments of M6nec at Carnac (Morbihan) . , . 242 
151 and 152. Iron industry burials (Djonu, Russian Talish) . 243 

153. Bronze industry burial (Veri, Russian Talish) . . . 245 

154. Religious emblems on Egyptian pre-dynastic vases . 248 

155. Impression of a seal (from Palace of Knossos) . . . 249 

156. Representations of the goddess Nana or Astarte . . . 250 

157. Ritual dance (Cogul, Spain) ...... 251 

158. Gold ring (Isopata, near Knossos) . . . ,251 

159. The solar attributes ....... 253 

1 60. Funerary barks on Egyptian pre-dynastic vases . . 254 

161. Votive axe-heads (Susa and Hissarlik) .... 254 

162. Votive axes and bulls ....... 254 



163. Painted pebbles and engraved bones .... 257 
164* Inscription on glass bead (Mftnsingen, Switzerland) . .258 

165. Figurative Mexican painting . . . . . .258 

1 66. Chinese characters of different epochs .... 259 

167. Pictographic representation on rock (Sweden) . . . 259 

1 68. Pictographic representations on rocks at Irytch . . . 259 

169. Graffiti on rocks of Jebel Hetemat (Upper Egypt) . . 260 

170. Figures on stones of chamber, tumulus of Man6-Lud . . 261 

171. Impression from hieroglyphic cylinder (Susa) . . . 261 

172. Cylinder stamp with hieroglyphs, proto-Elamite tablet . 261 

173. Proto-Elamite inscription on clay tablet . . . .261 

174. Lapidary inscription in proto-Elamite characters . . 261 

175. Proto-Elamite writing 262 

176. Proto-Elamite writing, representation of Man . . . 263 

177. Chaldean linear cuneiform (Yokha) ..... 263 

178. Chaldean linear cuneiform (Susa) 263 

179. Explanation in cuneiform of primitive hieroglyphs (Nineveh) 264 

1 80. Pre-Pharaonic cylinders (Egypt) 265 

181. Archaic Egyptian hieroglyphs 266 

182. Ivory tablet, Semti dancing, First Dynasty . . . 267 

183. Hittite hieroglyphic inscription from Djerablus . . . 267 

184. Phaestos Disc (Crete) 268 

185. Map of trade routes of the Old World .... 270 

1 86. Glaciation, and distribution of palaeolithic industry . . 280 

187. Distribution of Moustierian type ..... 282 

188. Distribution of Aurignacian industry .... 283 

189. Distribution of Solutrean industry ..... 284 

190. Distribution of Magdalenian industry .... 285 


No book can ever be definitive which deals with questions 
based on discovery and observation. Such works can only 
be up-to-date on the day of publication : a month later the 
author will already have had occasion to modify certain 
passages of his text. This is bound to be the case with 
Prehistoric Man. I should be neglecting my duty to the 
reader if I failed to acquaint him with discoveries and new 
ideas which have been put forward during the few short 
months since I passed the first (French) edition of this book 
for press. 

In the interval I have sought the opinion of scientific 
colleagues, and they express themselves as satisfied with 
my r6sume ; but that is not precisely what I meant. In a 
book which endeavours to contain the story of the age-long 
upward struggle of Man within 300 pages there cannot fail 
to be gaps. 

Nor are these the only possible sources of error. During 
the last two or three years a number of works in various 
languages have appeared, and it has happened that when 
these books have come to my knowledge I have sometimes 
been driven to modify my views. Further, the far-reaching 
studies which I have been obliged to undertake in connection 
with my forthcoming work, la Prehistoire orientate, have led 
to fruitful discussions with specialists as to the interpretation 
to be put on certain facts, and I have endeavoured to give 
the reader the benefit of these in this edition. 


^th January 1923. 



THE study of man's prehistory, or of that phase of his 
evolution for which there is no written document to guide 
research, is still in its infancy, although it has been actually 
in existence for nearly a century. On the one hand, our 
investigations, still unfortunately very summary, are based 
on data from only a small number of countries ; on the other, 
we possess no comparative term permitting us to measure in 
time as well as in space, the extent of these first efforts of 
man to better the conditions of his existence. Moreover, the 
breadth of the subject is such that this branch of study 
makes a demand on the greater part of scientific knowledge. 
Geology, zoology, botany, climatology, anthropology, and 
ethnography are the bases of prehistory, which, like all 
science based on observation, runs alongside that wall of 
shadows behind which the origins of living creatures and 
things lie hidden. 

When we get out along the various scientific roads lead- 
ing back to our origins, we soon come face to face with the 
unknown. In proportion as we advance, obscurity increases, 
until the gloom of the past and of the future becomes so 
complete that the insufficiency of our means of investigation 
renders it impenetrable. Our processes of observation have 
proved inadequate ; time has destroyed most of the evidence 
within reach of our intellect, and that which has survived the 
defacing hand of time too often escapes our perspicacity. 
The further we go back the more difficult it is to distinguish 
such traces as the passing years have left intact. In those 
very parts where our footsteps press the thickest, and where 
we think we know every inch of the ground, our observations 
are still superficial. For centuries we have failed to recog- 
nize the remains of those old civilizations of the stone age. 
To-morrow, perhaps, evidences still more ancient will appear: 
the darkness will recede a little ; but we shall never get back 


to the beginning of things, never completely disperse the 
obscurity that enshrouds them. 

Moreover, our present-day researches into the great 
antiquity of Man on the earth have covered, as yet, but 
a limited geographical area : Western Europe, Northern 
Africa, certain points in 'Western Asia and in North America, 
alone, have yielded us some of their secrets incomplete 
confidences of limited extent, from which it would be highly 
dangerous to draw general conclusions. We are barely en- 
titled to suggest one or two hypotheses. It must never be 
forgotten that a multitude of indications still certainly escape 
us, that the stone industries on which we base our theories 
constitute but an insignificant part of the witness to human 
life, and that other evidence either has not yet been made 
manifest, or else has been lost for even 

The mind inevitably inclines to the generalization of 
phenomena of whose existence it has proof, and to the neglect 
of the thousand and one unknown questions it has penetrated 
only in part ; and these very human tendencies have been the 
origin of theories relative to the prehistoric life of man that 
were absolute even while they were irrational. Can we, in 
fact, admit that in comparison with the rest of the world 
the western countries of Kurope have played a preponderant 
part in the beginnings of progress, that they have been the 
centres of development? Certainly not, for we are ignorant 
of what has passed in other parts of the world, not only in 
the continents as we know them as they now stand emerged 
from the oceans but also in those vast regions which to-day 
are sunk in their depths and whose former existence we can 
only suspect* We have no right to deduce laws from our 
imperfect knowledge of some few millions of square miles, 
and apply them to the entire world. We cannot judge of the 
innumerable migrations of primitive peoples, nor classify 
those human waves which, like those raised by the wind 
on the face of the waters, have spread over continents and 
broken against mountains, from the mere study of a few rare 
skeletons and local industries. We cannot deduce the world 
movement of glaciers, or judge what were the convulsions of 
our planet's surface great movements, varying infinitely 
according to time and place, and which played so consider- 
able a part in the destiny of primitive man from localized 


geological observations in certain fields which happen to 
have been more closely studied than others. 

Nothing indicates to us, up to the present, the original 
homes of the various human groups, and the evidences of 
primitive migrations are few and far between. Darkness still 
envelops the cradle of our own civilization ; how, then, can 
we speak of the origins of those peoples whom we know 
only by the products of their rude industry? 

We must not seek to give to prehistory a precision which 
it lacks. Let us always remember that here we find ourselves 
face to face with the unknown in its most baffling phase ; 
that from our local observations we may draw but local con- 
clusions, and that these evidences bear only on times when 
Man was already in an advanced stage of development. 

This is not the place to enter into considerations as to 
the possible origins of the Human family, since one of 
the volumes of this series is devoted to that question, and 
since Marcellin Boule 1 has recently treated the subject 
in a masterly work with all the fulness it demands ; but, 
before dealing with primitive industries, it is important to 
observe that as yet we know only very little about human 
and animal evolution. 

The most ancient geological strata, those in which traces 
of life appear for the first time, show us an already highly 
evolved fauna ; this is not because animal and vegetable 
life had been provided with such advanced organisms from 
their inception, but because Nature's first efforts have left 
no trace. The Pre-Cambrian gneisses and granites have 
certainly known organized life ; but they have transmitted 
to us no impressions of it. The same is true of human 
origins ; Man may have existed in Tertiary times. Some 
day we may find his remains in one of those deposits of 
bones which, as at Pikermi, Maragha, Dakota, etc., allow 
the reconstruction of a vanished fauna, or in the mud of 
some such lake as Sansan, where bodies swept away by the 
rivers have accumulated ; but, up to the present, no discovery 
of this nature supports hypotheses relating to Man and to 
those primitive implements known as eoliths. These eoliths, 
moreover, alleged to be fashioned by the hand of Man, are 


not in themselves conclusive evidence of his antiquity on 
the earth. We must limit ourselves, then, to taking the 
human being when he appears to us with certainty, in 
Quaternary times, just as we take animal development at 
the Cambrian period. The pre-Silurian fauna is already 
high in the zoological scale, and Man is already in possession 
of an advanced state of industry in glacial times ; this is 
all we know. Beyond that a veil of mystery hangs over 
palaeontology and anthropology alike. 

Certain privileged lands, such as Chaldea, Elam and 
Egypt, knew the benefits of writing sooner than the rest of 
the world. Some six thousand years have rolled by since 
this dawn, which broke in the Orient, spread its effulgence 
over the Tigris, the Euphrates and the Nile ; but for many 
centuries it was a dawn that illuminated only its immediate 
neighbourhood, while the rest of the world remained plunged 
in darkness. In the end, little by little, drawing ever nearer, 
this brightness spread, and is still spreading over new 
regions ; but many centuries will pass before all mankind 
emerge completely from ignorance and barbarism. 

In Asia and in Egypt, too, before the appearance of this 
the greatest of Man's inventions that allows him to record 
thought by writing, countless centuries must have passed ere 
he emerged finally from the lower and animal condition, in 
which he certainly lived in the beginning ; before a being 
naturally endowed with reason could understand himself, 
and free himself from those of his instincts in opposition to 
his intellectual and moral development. 

It was then that the powerful factor of aptitude inter- 
vened among those countless human families. All these 
groups were by no means equal in physical and intellectual 
vitality, whether because the environment in which they 
lived was uncongenial to their development or because they 
were condemned to inferiority by heredity. 

Here we come up against the mystery of the single or 
multiple origin of the human race, a problem whose solution 
we cannot even adumbrate. The descendants of Adam, says 
the tradition, married the daughters of men. There existed, 
then, men who were inferior beings ; these old memories affirm 
it and ethnography would seem to confirm their dictum. 

What are we to think of the inequality of culture among 


the aborigines of the New "World the great development 
of certain peoples in Mexico and Peru, and the inferiority 
of certain clans of North America or of certain tribes of the 
Amazon or the Guianas, of the Patagonians and Esquimaux, 
and all those inferior peoples that even example has been 
unable to wean from their primitive way of life? How 
should we judge those black races which, in spite of the 
culture they receive in certain countries, furnish only a very 
small proportion of the individuals who are really men ? 

That inequality of cerebral faculties which still exists 
among individuals in the most civilized peoples must also 
be accepted in Man before history ; as in our days, it not 
only separates one person from another, but applies to 
the human families as welL Hence the birth of multiple 
centres of development of varying intensity at epochs we 
are unable to fix, since the very causes of such develop- 
ment can be assigned neither place nor time. Phases in 
intellectual progress, comparable with those of the various 
forms of evolution in animal life, do not exist. 

But apart from the greater or lesser cerebral aptitudes in 
the various divisions of the human race there was another 
cause of superiority of certain groups over others, a cause 
certainly predominant in primitive societies the aptitude for 
physical development. For in those days, as, often, even 
in ours, physical force took precedence of intelligence. Just 
as it does in our day, and even more so, climate then 
exercised a preponderant influence over human groups, 
because Man was nearer to nature than he is to-day, and 
the inequalities in the climate and in the facilities for 
existence were great. This was the cause of terrible con- 
flicts for the possession of the soil, and of those migrations 
and movements of which we recover faint traces. What 
wars were waged then ! What massacres were perpetrated ! 
Slavery was the lot of the vanquished, who died out gradu- 
ally, leaving, through their women, something of their own 
blood in the veins of the descendants of their conquerors. 
While races were thus changing, climates and contours were 
themselves being continually modified, causing new changes 
in the ethnic nature of the populations. 

History is made up of these struggles of men among 
themselves, of invasions, conquests, subjugations, the dis- 


appearance of entire peoples, and the fusion of the conquered 
with the conquerors. "What has become of the Phrygians, 
Cappadocians, Hittites, Elamites, Urartians, Iberians, Etrus- 
cans and so many other nations whose existence is known to us 
by irrefutable proofs, but of whom we only very rarely find 
fugitive ethnic traces ? They have become dissolved only to 
constitute the elements of other nations which themselves 
have often vanished. What a maze of ethnic complications 
there are in these few thousand years of which we have the 
history ! How can we picture to ourselves the conflicts 
which ravaged the earth in prehistoric times ! We must not 
mistake for complete enlightenment the information furnished 
us by our discoveries of forgotten industries, of unknown 
arts, or human skeletons. These are but faint gleams 
throwing no more than a very dim light on the existence of 
our precursors on this earth. 

Although this may not be the place to study Man from 
the point of view of his physical constitution, nor from that 
of the languages of which knowledge has come down to us, 
it is nevertheless useful to show in a few words how decep- 
tive these branches of science may be for anyone hoping to 
rely on them for research in human prehistory. 

We do not possess even the vaguest indication of the 
nature of the dialects spoken in the centuries which preceded, 
by several thousand years, the invention of writing. The 
oldest inscriptions known to us, those of Chaldea, Elam and 
Egypt, show us languages already perfectly organized, having 
advanced and even literary grammars, and the same is true of 
the archaic texts that come to light every year in different 

On that day when we discover how to interpret the texts 
of the Hittites, Minoans, Etruscans, Iberians, Mexicans, etc., 
we shall certainly find ourselves dealing with languages 
already well developed, to whatever group they may belong. 
There is nothing more fascinating than those comparative 
studies in the languages sprung from the Aryan main trunk, 
for example, whose branches, though separated for thousands 
of years from the bole, still enable us to trace a great number 
of original roots, and to penetrate into the thought, already 
highly developed, of societies whose antiquity we cannot 
attempt to measure. 


Such research has permitted us to recognize the existence 
of several groups and even families. There are still certain 
ancient and modern dialects, however, which resist analysis 
and do not come under the head of the great divisions, either 
from the grammatical point of view or as regards roots, but 
which seem to be survivals of certain languages which were 
spoken before the arrival in our regions of those human 
hordes known to linguists as Semites, Aryans and Turanians. 
Certain of these languages appear to go back to very ancient 
origins, such as Basque, Iberian, Etruscan, Susian, Urar- 
tian, and the languages of the Caucasus called Kartvelian 
(Georgian, Mingrelian, Laze etc.), forms of speech which 
have no relation with the old tongues and which it is im- 
possible to relate to any other group ; though we have no 
grounds for asserting that they belong to languages spoken 
in Quaternary times. 

As for those anthropological discoveries which, as they 
increase, will throw further light on these questions of 
ancient local ethnography, we feel a certain scepticism as 
regards conclusions of a general order which some author! ties 
attempt to draw from them ; for, if we judge by the mis- 
cellany of ethnic elements which have had a place in all 
countries during the short period of recorded history, we are 
led to think that during the prehistoric phases the fusions 
between the various human groups must have been equally 
important. It is only with difficulty that we have attained 
to a rational ethnographic classification of existing races, 
though for this abundant material is available. "What, then, 
are we to think of conclusions drawn from the study of a few 
rare skeletons discovered here and there, when we do not 
know whether these men were really the authors of the 
industries in the midst of which we find their remains, or 
whether they lived there as a conquered race or as slaves 
imported from possibly very distant regions? If we were to 
find, in deposits characterized by remains of Roman culture, 
the skeleton of a Sudanese Negro, that would not justify us 
in concluding that Romulus and Remus had black skins 
and woolly hair. This incertitude springs from so many 
factors of which we do not even suspect the existence that 
it behoves us to be very cautious in estimating what popula- 
tions have preceded us on our native soil. 


For the ethnology of the peoples from the beginning- of 
historic times up to our day we can follow but two guides : 
philology and anthropology ; and, in most cases, the two 
methods of investigation reach conclusions which are dia- 
metrically opposed. A few examples will suffice to demon- 
strate this. 

In the middle of the great Caucasian chain live the 
Ossetes, a people who use a very archaic Iranian dialect, 
although for more than two thousand years they were entirely 
surrounded, on all sides, by people of Kartvelian speech ; but, 
owing to mixture of blood, they have assumed the physical type 
of their neighbours. Thus anthropology makes Caucasians 
of them, whilst philology declares them to be Iranian Aryans. 

In Elam, among the nomad tribes, we meet individuals 
of the purest Susian type, such as are found depicted on 
the bas-reliefs of three or four thousand years ago. But 
these people, whose culture is Semitic, are Arabic-speaking 
Mohammedans. The language of their fathers is lost, but 
their physical type survives. 

We have seen that Cappadocians, Phrygians, Hittites, 
Etruscans, etc., have disappeared as nations, and have lost 
their language ; but in fusing with other peoples they have 
certainly imported into the physique of their conquerors some 
of their own characteristics ; the same is true of all peoples 
in all countries. 

Without the shadow of a doubt selection operates at all 
times among human races, and the inferior disappear before 
stronger groups, better endowed by nature. This selection 
is operative even in our own time in America, Oceania, 
and in Europe itself ; why should it not have governed the 
destinies of humanity in times when the instincts of the 
strongest were not restrained by philosophical ideas or laws? 

Are not such considerations calculated to make us sceptical 
of the results of anthropological observations ? 

Thus our only truly scientific guides in the study of 
forgotten peoples are the actual traces of their existence on 
the earth left by these men themselves the debris of their 
daily life as it has accumulated in the caverns they inhabited, 
in the ruins of their artificially-constructed homes and their 
places of encampment ; whilst, for the most ancient periods, 
we must often search in the alluvial deposits of rivers which, 


after scouring the earth's surface, spread over it the debris 
carried away in their course. Our observations in this respect 
are necessarily localized, and each prehistoric station has to 
be the object of a special study. Then, as our observations 
multiply and the same phenomena appear in a great number 
of places, we are led to extend our conclusions and to apply 
them to entire districts. The stratigraphical study of beds 
in which we find the remains of human industry is our only 
means of establishing a relative chronology of any given 

But stratigraphy, the data of which are often debatable 
as regards geological marine layers, when the succession 
presents gaps, becomes still more uncertain in the case of 
Pleistocene and recent alluvia, so that, according to the 
data of the districts on which they have based their obser- 
vations, geologists vary in their conclusions. Thus they 
differ on the number of glacial advances and retreats, as 
well as on their importance. Some admit but three 1 whilst 
others 2 postulate six. They do not even agree on the subject 
of the glacial period in which products of human industry 
appear for the first time those of the Chellean type. Ober- 
maier, for instance, after a profound study of the Pyrenees 
region is led to place this epoch, and in consequence the 
antiquity of Man on the earth, 3 considerably later. 

These divergences of opinion are due to the extreme 
complexity of the bases on which the deductions rest : here 
are alluvial gravel beds ; there moraines in their lateral 
and frontal variations ; and there again peat-bogs ; and the 
various evidences of glacial action are usually independent 
and much separated from one another. 

Moreover, it is probable that identical phenomena did 
not everywhere coincide in time. The glacial oscillations 
undoubtedly correspond to the movements of the earth's 
crust, nevertheless they have not everywhere affected those 
mountain masses on which snow was deposited. It is true 
that the general subsidence of the Scandinavian continental 
ice marked the close of the glacial, apd the commence- 

1 Penck and Brttckner, T.VXiTI ; Obermaier, Le Quatemaire des Alpes et la 
nouvelle classification du Prof. A. Penck, VI, 1904, 26. 

2 J. Dchelette, XXVI ; 1908, I. 36. 

* Obermaier, Beitrdge zur Kenntnis des Quartars in den Pyrenden ; AfA, 
1906, IV, 299 and 1906, V, 244. 


ment of the modern period ; but the sinking* of the northern 
continents has certainly not affected their own series of massifs 
as a whole. 

However, the uncertainty which hangs over the glacial 
epochs has not discouraged the partisans of a very high 
antiquity for Man on our earth ; and some of the most 
judicious minds, men deeply versed in the evidences of 
geology, have allowed themselves to be led into estimating 
in thousands of years the periods in which humanity passed 
its infancy. To begin with they made the great mistake 
of accepting the different phases of prehistoric industry 
as synchronous, taking for basis the discoveries made in 
Western Europe : hence their estimates, not resting on any 
scientific foundation, inevitably gave the rein to fancy. 

Goldschmidt, following Haeckel, puts the appearance of 
living organisms at one thousand and four hundred million 
years before our day ; while the Cambrian fauna, the earliest 
of which we have knowledge, was preceded "by other forms, 
whose importance we have no means of measuring, still less 
their duration. Credner * estimates geological time at a 
hundred million years, three million for the Tertiary and 
five hundred thousand for the Anthropozoic or Quaternary. 

Gabriel de Mortillet* puts the duration of Quaternary 
times subsequent to the appearance of Chellean Man at two 
hundred and thirty to two hundred and forty thousand years, 
of which two hundred thousand are assigned to the glacial 
epoch and its oscillations, and thirty or forty thousand years 
to the post-glacial. 

According to Lyell, 8 Croll 4 and Lubbock, 6 Chellean Man 
is three-hundred thousand years old. Lyell e considers that 
the formation of the Danish peat required sixteen thousand 
years, while Stennstrup 7 reduces this to four thousand. 

Every possible means of estimation has been pressed into 
service to give us a chronology astronomic observation, 
the study of glaciers, peat beds, bog formation, river drift, 

1 XXV. 

2 "Evolution quaternaire de la pierre," VIH; 7th year, I, January 15, 1897; 
G. and A. de Mortillet, XL. 

* XXXil, 334. 

4 Ge l - Map., 1867, 172; "Climate and Time," 1875, Chap. xix. 

Lyell XXXJLV., i, 275. 

6 XXXiii, ai. 

7 LXIV. 


and the scooping out of valleys, the transformation of 
uranium into helium, 1 etc., etc., but all the data in this 
problem are incomplete, and the best proof of it is that 
the proposed chronologies do not agree among themselves. 2 
One of the most curious miscalculations is that of Broca. 
After having ascertained that between the caves of le Moustier 
and la Madelaine, in the valley of the V6zre, there was a 
difference of twenty-seven metres, Broca wrote: "This 
scooping out of twenty-seven metres, due to the action of 
the water, occurred under the eyes of our troglodytes, and, 
since then, for the whole duration of the modern epoch that 
is to say during hundreds of centuries it has made but little 
progress. It may be judged, therefore, how many human 
generations must have gone by between the epoch of le 
Moustier and that of la Madelaine." 8 On the one hand 
there had only been, since the period of the highest 
caverns, the excavation of a valley in light deposit, and 
on the other, if nothing had happened since this was 
completed, it was because the river had accomplished its 
maximum fall. 4 

Is there any need to dilate further on this subject? We 
think not. The diversity of the estimates arrived at suffices 
to indicate that it is better not to launch out into speculations 
of this nature. Moreover, even where we know the chrono- 
logical value of the various layers, as in the tells of Chaldea 
and Egypt, such estimates can but be peculiar to each 
deposit studied, for the rate of accumulation at different 
points is essentially variable. The city of Susa, which has 
probably existed from six thousand to six thousand five 
hundred years from the time of its foundation to the abandon- 
ment of its site by the Arabs towards the fifteenth century of 
our era, has left a mound thirty metres in height at the 
highest parts ; whereas at Memphis the level of the ancient 
Egyptian empire, about five thousand years old, lies at a 
depth of nine metres from the top of the mounds ; and near 
ancient Cairo we see mounds due entirely to the Arabs of the 
middle ages reaching a height of twelve to fifteen metres. 

1 Cf ' jjS"Jfe er The Earth before History, p. 32 ff. 

2 Cf. XXXVII, 24 ff., chronology. 

3 2QII. CwagTr^j de Bordeaux, 1212. 

4 XXXI, 1728. 


Under any circumstances the data furnished by the super- 
position of debris from human habitation should be taken 
into consideration with extreme prudence. 

The plan, in section, of the valley of the Nile (Fig-, i) 
shows the general distribution of the prehistoric and historic 
evidence in one of the oldest countries of the world ; better 
than any explanation, it enables us to understand the impos- 
sibility of basing a serious chronology on the depth of the 
alluvial beds and deposits, just as in the case of sites, which 
vary infinitely. There is nothing, not even the thickness of 
the annual nilotic layers, which does not change with each 
flood. The inscriptions accompanying the arrows marked 
by the priests at the temple of Karnak, at the time of the 
inundations, leave no room for doubt in this respect. 

Among the phenomena which have had the greatest in- 
fluence on the destinies of the human race, first place must 
be given to the natural modifications of the surface of the 
globe oscillations of the terrestrial crust which have been 
not only the chief contributing cause of glacial cataclysms, 
thus modifying the climate of the inhabited portions of the 
globe, but have also caused entire continents to disappear 
beneath the ocean and have cut the communication between 
places which to-day are separated by the sea. 

The proofs of these oscillations of the ground are in- 
disputable. Submarine valleys, hollowed out in former 
times in the open and met with to-day on all the coasts of 
Northern Europe, evidence considerable sinking of the land. 
The submarine fossa of Cap Breton proves a subsidence of 
the Gascon shore of approximately a thousand metres (Fig. 2). 1 
The same is true of the North Sea plateau (Fig. 3) and of 
Iceland (Fig. 4). There has been recognized on the coast of 
Norway the existence of a plateau, now situated at a depth of 
about a thousand metres, which formed in ancient times the 
shore of the peninsula. The maximum elevation of the 
Scandinavian massif at the close of the Tertiary period 
reached to 4000 metres at the least. Scandinavia is in the 
same latitude as Greenland and certainly was not warmed, 
during the Quaternary period, by marine currents such as 
the Gulf Stream. So far as atmospheric condensation goes, 

1 According to some geologists the cracking of the surface has played an im- 
portant part in the scooping out of this valley. 



FIG. i. Imaginary section of the valley of the Kile. 

Flo. 2. Cap Breton Fossa. 



its condition was then analogous to that of Greenland, one 
of whose highest peaks, Mt. Petermann, reaches a height of 

[.FiG. 3. Submarine Plateau of the North Sea. 

3480 metres. But whereas Greenland is surrounded by seas 
which absorb its ice in the form of bergs, the Scandinavian 
massif, bounded on* the south by the plains of Western and 
Central Europe, and on the east by those of Russia, had a 


clear field for the development of glaciers which extended 
into temperate regions without meeting- any obstacle (Fig. 5). 
In the same way the mountains of New Zealand, 1 3000 
metres in height, send their glaciers right into the midst of 
the forests of tree fern. 2 

In order to gain some idea of the Scandinavian inland 

etc? mneuen* courv 


FIG. 4. The submarine valleys of Iceland (Directions des anciens 
cours <Teau= direction of ancient rivers). 

ice during Quaternary times, we cannot do better than glance 
at the present glacial phenomena of Greenland. 

The plateau of this peninsula, averaging 1000 to 1500 
metres in height (the altitude of the Scandinavian plains in 
glacial times), and comprising some lofty peaks, is an 
immense reservoir for the precipitation of snow-packs, even 
during the summer. These snows are transformed into ice 
by the pressure brought about by their own accumulation, 
and this ice is constantly moving down the flanks of the 
plateau seawards ; there it breaks up into icebergs which are 
carried away by the prevailing wind towards Newfoundland. 

Although the rise of the slope down which these glaciers 

1 E. C. Andrews, "The Ice-flood Hypothesis of the New Zealand Sound-basins." 

m ; 1906, XIV, 22-54. 

9 Cf. XLVI ; 53 ; XXXIV, II ; Lartet, L, 150. 



move is not more than o 30', the pressure from the centre is 
such that the rate of advance is beyond anything* known in 
our latitudes. The glacier of lakobhavn advances in July at 
the rate of 19 metres in twenty-four hours, 1 that north of 
Upernavick moves 31 metres a day and that of Torsukatak 
only 10 metres. 

This irrefutable evidence authorizes us to believe that the 
Scandinavian glaciers, following wet periods and as a result of 

FIG. 5. Maximum Extension of Pleistocene Glaciers. 
(Limite actuelle des glac6S=present ice limit). 

great falls of snow, may sometimes have advanced on Central 
Europe at the rate of six to eight thousand metres a year. 
Hence a couple of centuries would more than suffice for ice 
from the highest summits of the Scandinavian chain to reach 
the site of the present-day Brussels. These glaciers, which 
advanced or retreated according as climatic conditions were 
more or less favourable to the condensation of atmospheric 
humidity during the preceding years (this again depending 
on the occurrence of more or less important oscillations in 
the earth's crust), penetrated to the most fertile parts of the 

But the subsidence of the surface, which brought about 
the cessation of the more extreme phenomena of glaciation, 

1 Cf. Helland, A/. Mit., 1887. 



still continues. Maybe it proceeds more slowly, yet it still 
makes itself felt on occasion, as prehistory and even history 
record. In the bay of the Morbihan, the dolmens and 
circles of the isle Erlanic, near Gavr' Inis, are to-day 
under water and visible only at low tide (Fig-. 6). The 
formation of the Zuyder Zee and Lake Grandlieu, and the 
disappearance of the town of Ys, are evidences of the gradual 
sinking- of our coasts, as is also the separation of the Channel 

FIQ. 6. The Isle Erlanic (Morbihan). 

Islands from the continent, and many more examples that 
could be given. 

These modifications in the contour of the land go hand in 
hand with climatic changes which inevitably resulted there- 
from. The winds and the ocean currents themselves have 
changed, and, where the ice extended, its melting caused a 
considerable lowering of temperature. These modifications 
certainly did not come suddenly ; they were gradual, in- 
terrupted by periods of stagnation, and throughout those 
centuries of time Man and the animals fled before the ice or 
adapted themselves gradually to the new conditions of life. It 
was thus that the great pachyderms whose bodies we find in 
the Siberian ice, and those also of our own country if we 
judge by contemporary representations of them gradually 
acquired their woolly coats. The flora had changed,, and 
the mammoth fed on the young shoots of the larch. Man, 
too, probably protected himself against the rigours of the 
climate, for one sees, on the Magdalenian carvings depicting 
him, hatchings which seem to indicate long hair. Driven 
from regions invaded by the glaciers, he retreated towards 


the south in search of a milder climate and more favourable 
conditions of existence ; then he returned to settle in his old 
haunts when the glaciers abandoned them, retiring again on 
their fresh advance ever moving at the bidding of the ice ; 
finally, when the great thaw came, he occupied those areas 
we inhabit to-day, and others whose former existence we 
do not even suspect. 

Certainly bridges to Africa existed then in the Mediter- 
ranean and maybe the New World was connected with Europe 
by Atlantis or some other vanished continent. There are 
not wanting certain regions whose zoological affinities with 
other parts of the world invite us to link them together in 
thought or at least with continents swallowed up in the not 
far distant past. Although the veil of ignorance still shrouds 
from us most of the changes in the earth's surface con- 
temporary with Man's existence, we can yet observe the 
tremendous influence that these great natural phenomena 
have exerted on the destiny of humanity. 

The causes of human migration are many and complex, 
and even more numerous in modern times than in those 
distant epochs when our ancestors sought only to satisfy 
their material needs. To this motive force to-day is added 
the thirst for riches. The expansion of the European race 
over the entire face of the earth, together with the disappear- 
ance of human families of inferior culture, is due to the 
attraction exercised on the mind by gold. But in the days 
when the precious metal was no better than a valueless rock, 
considerations of climate, fertility of the soil, and desirability 
of hunting and fishing grounds, guided the steps of in- 
vaders, and the men of the North, accustomed to conflicts 
with the elements, speedily dominated those populations 
which an easy life had rendered somewhat lacking in 
ardour. Then, little by little, the conquerors themselves 
lost their virility and were no longer capable of defending 
their territory against new invaders coming from regions less 
favoured by nature, who were thus superior in physical force. 

It is invariably the case that conquered peoples take 
refuge in places where they hope to be able to preserve their 
independence, as in mountainous regions, in islands or 
peninsulas, or in arid districts. History, and the distribution 
of the different human races peopling the earth demonstrate 


it, and, moreover, it is strictly logical. The Celts retreated 
to the Breton peninsula, to Cornwall and Wales ; the Basques 
inhabit the Pyrenees ; the Kurds, formerly masters of all the 
northern portion of the Iranian plateau, to-day are limited to the 
great mountain chains bordering Persia ; whilst every valley 
of the Caucasus is occupied by a tribe speaking- a different lan- 
guage, and so forth. Thus, we must not deduce from discoveries 
made in districts difficult of access the contemporaneous culture 
of the population of the neighbouring and more open regions. 

The invasions of historic times have been innumerable 
and continue in our day, especially the destruction of other 
peoples lacking in defence, which has gone on since the times 
when the Semites, absorbing* the ancient elements of the 
Chaldean population, marched towards the North and 
founded Assur and Nineveh, haunts from which they came 
out every year to crush those peoples less proficient than 
themselves in the profession of arms. Six thousand years 
of history bear witness to man's instinct for destroying- his 
fellow man. What is to be said of these successive human 
waves from the uttermost parts of Asia which surged and 
beat on the walls of the Roman world? of the colonial 
conquests of Spain, England and France, of these invasions, 
in the name of civilization, of lands where men once lived 
content in their freedom, natives whom we daily dispossess 
because they are weaker than we, and because the natural 
wealth of their soil attracts us V 

Every invasion of the West in historical times seems to 
have been launched from the north and centre of Asia, when 
the world still presented very much the same physical 
appearance it does to-day, but we cannot tell what its contours 
were in prehistoric times. Many authors have indulged in 
hypotheses relating to the cradle of the different human 
groups. They have given to the Aryan-speaking peoples 
as their birthplace first the Altai, then Transcaucasia, then 
the plains of Russia and Siberia ; they have made those 
who spoke the Semitic tongue come from Arabia ; in brief, 
every possible supposition has been made, but many of them 
are absolutely gratuitous, because the story of Man's distribu- 
tion on the earth depends on a number of* elements of which 
we know little. Prehistory is still surrounded by too many 
mysteries to entitle us to approach scientifically the great 


problems connected with the place of origin of our species. 
Moreover, the very terms in use for description of this part 
of human history, for which written documents are absent, 
are in themselves vague and lacking 1 in precision. 

"Prehistoric archaeology/' one says, " is the science of 
antiquities previous to the earliest historic documents." 1 
This generally received definition nevertheless is incomplete, 
since it applies only to countries which have possessed 
written documents for centuries, and leaves out of account 
those barbaric peoples which, up to our own days, have lived 
outside history. It would seem to include only the earliest 

We should recognize the expression "prehistoric" 
giving to it its full value both in time and in place as 
covering all peoples and all those questions of man's existence 
of which written documents by the people concerned are 
wanting. It applies equally to the most remote as to con- 
temporary times. For it is impossible to separate ethnography, 
that is to say the study of modern homogeneous groups, 
either from that of the peoples of whom classical writers speak, 
or from the study of men known to us only by examination 
of the traces they have left men whose very name is lost to 
posterity. It would be more exact to say that the study of 
archaeological prehistory deals with all those peoples who 
have not themselves bequeathed to us their annals. Thus 
the Germans whom Tacitus describes, the Gauls of whom 
Csesar speaks, the Huns concerning whom Ammianus 
Marcellinus furnished so many details, the Silures and other 
island peoples of whom Herodian tells us, the Kamchadales 
of Pallas, and the Tahitians of Cook and de Bougainville, are 
prehistoric peoples although living in times when other 
nations were already writing their history. We might say 
that ethnography merges into prehistoric archaeology, since 
it begins with history itself: there is not a page of the 
Assyrian, Egyptian, Greek, or Roman annals that does not 
speak of barbaric peoples, or of those legendary traditions 
in which the actual history of every race has its origin during; 
the prehistoric phase of human evolution. It is from the 
sum total of archseological and ancient and modern ethno- 

1 XXVI, I. i. 


graphical documents that we draw our knowledge of the first 
inhabitants of the earth to-day. 

The archaeology of the prehistoric remained a mere 
subdivision of ethnography until it was perceived by the 
aid of geology that traces of man in the alluvium, in caverns, 
in the soil, more or less every where contributed materials 
of great importance to the study of origins. From that time 
forward ethnographic studies have been lavished on these 
remains, under the new name of " proto-history , " a fabri- 
cated word doing more harm than good, since it claims to be 
definitive whilst actually it brings confusion. Thus usage 
has sanctioned the terms "prehistory," "proto-history," 
and "ethnography/ 7 to indicate divisions in a group of 
studies itself nameless: yet in spite of these complications 
the terminology remains incomplete. 

The prehistoric branch of ethnographic studies began as 
a French science ; and is still in great honour in our country 
since the earliest discoveries, together with their interpretation, 
were the work of our archaeologists. The juxtaposition of 
evidences of human industry with fossil animal remains in 
the silt which has filled caverns has been recognized and 
recorded from the first years of the eighteenth century. 
Most authorities, however, following the example of Cuvier, 
explained this association by the hypothesis of a disturbance 
of the ossiferous beds within modern times. This was 
making the exception the general rule* However, the 
evidences multiplied, thanks to the researches of Boue, 
Tournal, Christol, Joly, Schmerling and others. 1 

In 1828 came the discoveries of Tournal and of Christol 
in the Languedoc ; in 1833-1834 those^ of Schmerling at 
Li&ge ; and in 1837 anc ^ *838 those of Edouard Lartet and 
Marcel de Serres, confirming the existence of Quaternary 
man in France. The thinking world still showed itself in- 
credulous when a few years later, about 1850, Boucher de 
Perthes decisively demonstrated the simultaneous presence 
of bones of the larger extinct mammals Mammoth, Hippo- 
potamus, Rhinoceros, etc. and the unquestionable products 
of human industry in the Somme alluvium near Abbeville. 
Boucher de Perthes at first encountered lively opposition 

* XXVI, I, 6. Of. XXIV, 2*25 ; XTJT, I, i ; XXIX, 44. 


on the part of authorities both in France and in other 
countries ; but he defended his opinion with untiring energy, 
continued to accumulate proofs in support of his state- 
ments, and gradually converted the most eminent geologists 
and zoologists of his day, both French and English. 
Falconer, Sir Joseph Prestwich, Sir John Evans, Lyell, 
de Quatrefages, Albert Gaudry, Rigollot, 1 etc., became the 
most ardent defenders of the new theories. When Boucher 
de Perthes died in 1868 he had had the satisfaction of seeing 
his name immortalized by one of the greatest archaeological 
discoveries of modern times. 

Since then investigations have been pushed with great 
energy by a large number of archaeologists both in^ France 
and in foreign countries, especially in England. Edouard 
Lartet and the Marquis de Vibraye, joined by the English- 
man Christy, continued their fruitful excavations in the caves 
of the valley of the V&z&re. In Belgium, as early as 1864, 
E. Dupont explored the caverns in the neighbourhood of 

Edouard Lartet was the first to lay the bases for a classifi- 
cation of the Quaternary strata in France. The Saint- 
Germain Museum was established by Napoleon III, and the 
curator, Gabriel de Mortillet, by his remarkable work, 2 
became the chief authority on prehistoric archaeology for 
half a century. Since then there have been Ed. Piette, 
L. Capitan, M. Boule, the Abbe Breuil, d'Ault du Mesnil, 
Adrien de Mortillet, and a constellation of archaeologists 
in France who have daily made fresh contributions to the 
study of prehistoric man, whilst in England there have been 
Lyell, Christy and Evans. 

In Denmark, as early as i836, 8 Christian Thomsen had 
classified the mesolithie and neolithic series of that country 
in the galleries of the museum at Copenhagen ; Worsae 
later gave scientific method to this classification. Prehistoric 
archaeology rapidly won its way all over Europe as far as 
Russia, and crossed the Atlantic. 

In Egypt, long before my own discoveries, the most 


2 Essai de classification des cavernes et des stations sous abri, fond&e sur les 
produits de I'industvie humaine, XIV, LXVIII, March i, 1869. 

8 Ledetraad til Nordisk Oldkyndiged, 1836. 


eminent Egyptologists denied the existence of a stone age 
in the valley of the Nile, and this opinion was so firmly 
fixed in their minds that Maspero classed (eneolithic) painted 
vases as Middle Empire, and Flinders Petrie 1 explained the 
presence of worked flints, which he found in his excavations, 
by the invasion of the valley of the Nile by a " new race " in 
historic times. In this same year, 1896, I published my 
first volume on Egyptian origins, annihilating these theories, 
and was immediately followed by Flinders Petrie himself. 
The next year, pursuing my researches, I discovered at 
Nakadah itself, the eneolithic sepulchre of Menes, the first 
king of the first dynasty. 2 

In Elam, as early as 1891, I had recognized the existence 
of the neolithic (or eneolithic), and established the fact that 
the Iranian plateau, covered with snow during the glacial 
period, had not been inhabited until fairly late. 

In Syria, Zumhofen, Vincent, Lortet and other archaeolo- 
gists have explored the caverns with great success ; in India 
the existence of palaeolithic industry has been recorded by 
the Archaeological Survey ; in North Africa likewise the 
studies in this respect have been conclusive. Seton Karr 
explored Somaliland with great success. 

In short, in half a century at the most, this science, born 
in France, has made the circuit of the world, and has spread 
to every continent. 

In parts of the world other than Europe, in America, 
Oceania, central and southern Africa, prehistory merges into 
ethnography ; since, for the most part, the peoples of these 
regions were still in a state of primitive culture when the 
European navigators appeared. Among many of these 
peoples the polished stone industry was flourishing, whilst 
others were in the stage of chipped stone implements. The 
persistence of the use of stone and the ignorance of writing 
among a large number of tribes brings prehistory to our 
own times. Thus we cannot assign dates to these industries 
unless we consider them from the purely local point of view, 
for no chronological connection can exist between events 
which have taken place in our country and those to which 
Australia, for example, bears witness. These different and, 

1 Messrs. Flinders Petrie and I. E. Quibell, Nagada and Battas, 1896. 

2 J. de Morgan, Recherches sur les origines de I'Ulgypte, 1897. 


as we shall see later, most diverse industries, each have their 
epoch and their geographical area. 

The study of primitive peoples living in our own day, 
and thus coming within the range of modern prehistory, is 
extremely useful in helping us to an understanding of the 
customs of the earliest inhabitants of our country. Since 
like cause begets like effects, and seeing that these causes 
were simple ones dictated by material needs, we may safely 
explain ancient customs by those still in vogue when like 
industries have been born of both. 

When, in the eighteenth century, Pallas 1 visited all the 
peoples then living in the Czar's domains, he encountered, 
towards the extremity of Eastern Siberia, the tribe of the 
Voguls, who inhabited caverns and lived by hunting and 
fishing alone, not applying themselves to any sort of culture. 
In times of dearth these people pounded bones and extracted 
a sort of broth by cooking them. 

He also saw the Chukchi who inhabit that peninsula 
situated between the Siberian Arctic Ocean and the Behring 
Sea, within the Arctic Circle. These men were living, as 
were formerly all the Kamchadales, in underground dens and 
rock shelters, closed by hanging reindeer skins in front of 
the entrance. They did not then possess any metal imple- 
ments ; their knives were of sharpened stone, their awls of 
tapering bone, their eating and drinking vessels of wood or 
leather ; for weapons they had bows and arrows, pikes and 
slings ; the pikes and arrows were tipped with pointed bone. 

The women tanned the skins of animals killed in the 
chase, scraping them to remove the hair, after which they 
rubbed them with fat and fish-roe, then they pommelled 
them energetically. Sinews of beasts, pointed bones and 
needles made from fish bones served them for sewing. 

Not far from the Chukchi and other Kamchadale peoples, 
tribes even less civilized were living on small islands, whom 
Pallas designated under the name of Eastern Islanders. 
These men, like the others, lived on the game they killed, 
and their women, too, tanned the skins and prepared the 
pelts. They had no domestic animals, not even dogs. Armed 
with spears and bows, with arrow-points of bone, they passed 



their lives in hunting, having no other occupation than to 
feed themselves. 

The habitations of these people were underground dens, 
sometimes a hundred metres long by six to ten wide, divided 
into compartments. Here were herded together as many as 
three hundred people, in the most abject filth ; others lived 
in caverns and shelters which they endeavoured to close with 

Reading this description, we might well imagine that it 
dealt with Quaternary man in the caverns of Perigord, with 
this difference, that our Magdalenians were artists who em- 
bellished the walls of their homes with drawings, and that 
quite certainly their refined tastes were manifested in their 
ornaments, perhaps even in their dress ; though none of 
their belongings not made of bone or stone have survived 
the ravages of time, and we are ignorant of most of the 
articles they must have possessed. 

Pallas's description shows us the life of primitive man in 
one of the rudest climates of the world, whereas the navigators 
of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries tell of peoples 
living under a more clement sun, devoting little thought 
to their subsistence, which nature provided in abundance. 
Elsewhere in the virgin forests of Southern Asia and South 
America man has a harder struggle for his livelihood. 

I travelled and lived for several months among the 
Negritos of the interior of the Malay Peninsula x at a time 
when no European had yet penetrated into the heart of the 
territory of these tribes. These peoples, sparsely distributed 
in clans, each speaking its peculiar dialect, live in the valleys 
of steep mountain ranges, whither they retreated before the 
invasion of the Malays of the Plains. There, in the heart 
of limitless virgin forests, they build large common dwellings, 
fifteen or twenty metres in length, made of a simple pent- 
roof, of interlaced leaves of the cabbage-palm, resting directly 
on the ground. Their costume consists of a loin-cloth made 
of bark rendered supple by beating ; for weapons the Sakais 
have spear and blow-pipe ; the Semangs, bows and pikes ; 
arrows and spears are tipped with sharpened bamboo coated 
with a potent poison. They live by hunting and on tubers 

1 Cf. J. de Morgan, in FHomme, 1885. 


which they find in the forest; those who dwell in proximity 
to Malay villages cultivate the manioc. They possess no 
metal implements other than those procured from the Malays, 
and they have no salt. Such social groups will disappear 
without leaving any archaeological trace of their existence. 

It is impossible for us, in our civilized western lands, to 
form any very precise idea of what hunting and fishing are 
like in these primitive and little-inhabited countries, or even 
in our own, in times when man did not possess the powerful 
means of destruction he uses to-day. In Europe game has 
become very rare and shooting is a luxury ; as for fishing it 
no longer exists except in name ; but when we travel through 
new countries in which wild animals have been barely dis- 
turbed, we can realize what the resources of our own lands 
must have been before civilization had reduced them practi- 
cally to nothing. All sorts of game, large and small, abounded, 
and there were huge fish in the rivers, so that it was easy 
enough to catch one's meat in the course of a few hours. 
Caverns and other sites of prehistoric encampment are full 
of bones, cracked for the extraction of marrow, and of remains 
of fish. Conditions were very different from what they are 
to-day, and the sparsely-settled peoples did not have to make 
any great effort in order to gain their livelihood. 

However, the climate changing, resources became ex- 
hausted or so altered in nature as to compel men first to 
modify their implements, then to emigrate if life became 
too difficult. Thus, by a gradual process of desiccation, 
many parts of North Africa and Syria have become unin- 

At El Mekta, near Gafsa, at Jeneyen, in the extreme 
south of Tunis, and in many other places in the " bled," I 
found prehistoric stations in places to-day deserted ; and, in 
the same shelter one may see layers formed of bones, yield- 
ing traces of rude flint implements, covered by others where 
we find only a prodigious quantity of helix shells, and very 
small flint implements greatly resembling those known in 
France as Aurignacian. To the hunters of moderate-sized 
game had succeeded eaters of snails. Then they, too, 

These climatic modifications, although occasionally ex- 
tensive geographically, were not always followed by identical 


results ; thus it would be risky to attempt a generalization of 
the consequent modifications on human industry, just as it 
would be dangerous to synchronize two somewhat similar 
industries with no other reason than the analogy of form, 
since these forms may be determined by like circumstances 
in different countries at very different times. Moreover, we 
should not lose sight of the fact that, except in Egypt and 
Peru, we possess but an insignificant collection representing 
the culture of those days, objects of imperishable material ; 
stone in plenty, bone and ivory sometimes, but never horn, 
wood, or other perishable substances ; therefore we should be 
most circumspect in assimilating two different cultures on the 
mere evidence of stone implements. 

If we are to believe certain writers, the different stone 
industries have had each their centre of development, gradu- 
ally gaining ground till they covered immense regions all 
Europe, according to some. Formerly this propagation of 
types was attributed to migrations and invasions ; to-day we 
are led rather to recognize commercial influences in this 
diffusion. It is possible that all three causes are often 
involved, but it is even more probable that the centres of 
invention have been multiple ; no cogent reason or shadow 
of likelihood lends support to the choice of France as the site 
of successive centres of civilization, merely because these 
centres happen to have been the most thoroughly studied. 

That a discovery should spread through lands apt for its 
assimilation is not in itself surprising ; we must not on that 
account credit an impossible energy to this power of expan- 
sion, especially in times when communications between 
distant countries were difficult, and often impossible, and 
when needs were different in different parts. 

Hence it is not desirable to presume a world-wide import- 
ance for the many classifications proposed ; we should rather 
consider these terms as expressing a local condition of 
culture, varying in area, it is true, but always limited. In 
many cases there is nothing to prove that the various indus- 
tries of the same type were everywhere contemporaneous. 
Hence, in order to avoid confusion, and generalizations for 
which there is no authority, it will be useful to add to the 
designation of the type, Acheulean, Moustierian, Mag- 
dalenian, etc., a geographical name permitting localization, 


such name being capable, moreover, of expressing- wide 
areas in cases where synchronism may be established by 
unquestionable proofs drawn from stratigraphy but not 
from palaeontology alone, since, in the course of the glacial 
oscillations, animals have certainly changed their habitat 
without Man having necessarily followed them in their 

The inequality in the state of preservation of these 
primitive cultural remains in different stations is the cause 
of considerable difficulty when it becomes important to 
establish comparisons. The alluvium yields us only stone 
implements, as do the stations in the open ; but we know 
nothing of other objects of culture which may have 
accompanied the Chellean, Acheulean and Moustierian types 
of the north of France. In order to establish their succession, 
we take as a basis the relative position of the alluvial beds, 
though we are unable to affirm that successive streams have 
followed the same path and thus washed successive stations. 
It may well be, that running through different areas before 
superposing their contributions, these streams have simply 
swept up worked flints that are contemporaneous, but which 
came from different stations, belonging to distinct types of 
culture ; the superpositions in the alluvium of Gafsa in 
Tunis are conclusive in this regard. 1 

If, in the preceding pages, we have called attention more 
especially to the numerous uncertainties to be met with in 
the documentation on which the study of prehistoric culture 
is based, it is owing to the fact that this kind of research 
is quite common, and that studies are constantly being 
published in which the authors allow themselves to be 
carried away and to launch a whole crowd of frequently 
unscientific hypotheses. Real progress, it is true, occurs 
every day, but we need not believe that our information on 
the question yet authorizes the establishment of a relative 
chronology analogous to that which we have in geology. 
The various formations of the earth's crust being successive, 
the geological difficulties are to be found only in the search 
for synchronisms. 

It cannot be the same in prehistory, since the evolution 

1 J. de Morgan, Sur I' incertitude de la chronologie relative de$ faits 
historiques; VI, 1907, 380-383, 


of humanity towards progress differs according to place as 
well as time and the aptitudes of Man himself. It is only 
by the infinite multiplication of observations that prehistoric 
fields corresponding to each cultural phase will be established ; 
but in order to do this every country throughout the world 
must be studied with as much care as has been expended on 
the western and central portions of Europe an immense 
task demanding much time and effort The collection of 
worked flints is a pleasant hobby to which thousands of 
amateurs devote themselves, but to make the observations 
that will teach us something of the relative dates of these 
different cultures is the work of experts and demands a 
varied knowledge which few collectors possess. 





Eoliths. Man certainly gave thought to the provision of 
means to strengthen the power of his arm in attack and 
defence when his brain had not yet developed much beyond 
the animal stage. Then, gradually, the idea came to him 
of adapting to his needs such weapons as his environ- 
ment furnished ; the branch of a tree, broken off to a 
convenient length, served his purpose ; and from stones, 
roughly fashioned and provided with an edge, he made 
those rude implements to which the name eoliths has been 
given. These primitive implements present, however, such 
close resemblances to " sports of nature " that, although their 
existence cannot be doubted, it is impossible to distinguish 
them with certainty from stones split and flaked by natural 
forces. Certain archaeologists believe it possible to say 
definitely that these primitive tools were used in Tertiary 
times. The Abb6 Bourgeois, in 1867, thought he could 
distinguish the marks of human industry on certain flints 
(Fig* 7, Nos. i, 2 and 2a) from the Aquitanian level at 
Thenay (Loir-et-Cher) : in 1871, the Portuguese geologist, 
Carlos Ribeiro, discovered others in the Plaisancian beds 
of Otta (Fig. 7, Nos. 3 and 3a) (Valley of the Tage); and 
G. and A. de Mortillet, in their Musde Prehistorique^ show 
eoliths from Puy-Courny, near Aurillac (Fig. 7, Nos. 4 and 
4a), implements which would belong to the Miocene and 
like those of Thenay and Otta would be clearly Tertiary. 
Just recently excavations made at Ipswich, in England, 

1 2nd edition, plate IV. 


have given similar results, but somewhat more convincing-, 
according to the authorities engaged in the research. The 
greatest defender of Tertiary eoliths was the Belgian 
geologist, A. Rutot 1 , who not only considered them to 
represent the first attempts of man in the working of flint, 
but also thought that they constituted a special industry 
which, beginning in the Pliocene, was continued down 
to modern times parallel with other stone industries. 
(Fig- 7> Nos, 5 and 6). No evidence from actual facts, 
however, has appeared to confirm this hypothesis ; indeed, 
on the contrary, Marcellin Boule, professor at the Museum 
de Paris, has conclusively shown 2 that the industrial mortars 
of Guerville, near Mantes, in mixing clay and chalk for the 
manufacture of cement, made eoliths in every respect similar 
to Rutot's specimens, and consequently that the action 
of natural forces suffices to produce those effects that have 
been attributed to human agency. 

None the less, it is true that we cannot deny the proba- 
bility of the existence of an industry greatly inferior to the 
palaeolithic, any more than the probability of human life 
towards the close of the Tertiary. Unfortunately we know 
but little of the continental deposits of the Miocene and 
Pliocene ages, for they were almost all washed away at the 
time of the great Quaternary inundations, whilst others were 
swallowed up in the ocean together with the continents on 
which they had accumulated : nevertheless it is in the humus 
or mould of these epochs alone that we may expect to dis- 
cover convincing traces of man and his works. 

The Chellean Type. The oldest implements of which we 
have knowledge that are quite clearly the work of man are 
almond-shaped flints roughly flaked on both faces by per- 
cussion, and pointed at one extremity, rounded at the other, 
and slightly convex in the centre. 

They differ in dimension and often also in their general 
form but they are all more or less elongated and rounded, 
whilst the manner in which they are cut varies considerably. 
Nevertheless their average length is from ten to fifteen centi- 
metres. These implements were first found at Abbeville 
and Amiens, in the department of the Somme, then at 

1 VH (1907), VIII, 283 ; and BulL Soc. Beige geot. (1907) XXI, i. 
* M. Boule, L'ovigine des Mithes ; VI (1905), 263. 



Chelles in Seine-et-Marne 1 , in the Quaternary alluvium 
(Fig-. 8, Nos. i, i a and b, No. 2) ; later they were discovered 
in the alluvium in the north of France, in Belgium, Taubach 2 , 
Saxe- Weimar, and the Grimaldi caverns 3 near Mentone, as 
well as in many other parts of Western Europe* 

FIG. 7. Eoliths, i, 2, and aa, Thenay (Loir-et-Clier) ; 3 and sa, Otta 
(Portugal) ; 4 and 4a, Puy-Courny ; 5 and 6 (Belgium). 

In almost all these beds the typical implement, known as 
Chellean, is found with flaked fragments of indeterminate 
shape, worked or otherwise, and with others chipped on 
one face only which archaeologists have differentiated as 
Moustierian. In general all these stone tools are coarsely 
worked, especially in localities such as the south of France 
and Saxony where the only materials available were quartzites, 

* Cf. D'Acy, I (1891), 348 ; L. Capitan, XII (1900), 55. 

Cf. Klaatsch, XUX, II, 269 ; S. Reinach, VI (1897)* 53- 

* Cf. M. Boule, VI (1906), 257 ; J. D^chelette, XXVI (1908), *, 7- 


sandstones, quartzes, etc., which do not flake as easily as 

Except in a few caverns, implements of the Chellean type 
have always been found swept into the fluviatile strata, the 
relative age of which is indicated by the presence of fossil 
bones. At Chelles they are found with the remains of 
Elephas antiquus, Rhinoceros mercki, Trongotherium, Ursus 
spel&us. Hippopotamus amphibius, Hy&na spel&a, and various 
Equidae related to the Tertiary horse, Equus stenonis^ whilst, 
in the drift in the neighbourhood of Abbeville 1 , Elephas 
meridionalis > E. primigenius. Hippopotamus major> Sus scropha^ 
Cervus belgrandi. Bison priscus and several other large verte- 
brates were also found. 

This gives us a fairly accurate idea of the conditions 
under which these primitive men lived. The flora of this 
epoch is revealed to us by the tufa of Celle-sous-Moret 
(Seine-et-Marne) which frequently bears plant impressions 
such as those of the Judas-tree, Fig-tree, the Laurel of the 
Canaries, Box, and the large-leafed Spindle-tree, varieties 
which are suggestive of a mild and damp climate more 
temperate than that which the basin of the Seine enjoys 

The foregoing* observations apply to one region only, and 
that a comparatively small area, since it includes but three 
or four adjacent departments. If, however, we go seven or 
eight hundred kilometres further east, keeping- within almost 
the same latitude, we find in Saxony a fauna and a flora 
that is rather different. In the forests of Conifer, Birch and 
Laurel there lived : Elephas antiquus, Rhinoceros mercki. Bos 
priscus> Hycsna spelaa, all of our own regions, and also Ursus 
arctos, Sus antiquus, Equus caballus^ Cervus euryceros, Cervus 
capreolus, Castor fiber, and some members of the Goat family 
as yet unnamed. The climate of Saxony was at that time 
cooler than that of France if we grant that the deposits 
of the Seine basin were synchronous with those of Central 

At Mentone the climatic conditions likewise were some- 
what different ; for we find in the silted-up layers of the 
caverns remains of Ursus arctos^ an animal which does not 

i D'Ault du Mesnil, VIH (1906), 284. 



seem to have existed in our northern countries at that time. 
We find also in eastern Provence, Elephas antiquus and 
Rhinoceros mercki. 

FIG. 8. Chellean Implements. 

Whatever may be the character of the layers, we know 
nothing of Chellean industry beyond its stone tools ; no bone 
or ivory implement has come down to us, and some degree 
of uncertainty haunts the very existence of the Chellean as 
a distinct and typical industry. We have seen that the 


Chelles character is almost everywhere associated with 
another called Moustierian, characteristic of implements long- 
considered to belong- to a more recent and more advanced 
Quaternary industry. On the other hand, the Chellean 
implement embraces the main principles of the Acheulean 
axe or ' * coup de poing " of G. de Mortillet ; it is only natural 
to conclude that if the Chelleans were content with a crude 
implement, it was because they had not felt the need of more 
highly finished tools, although they were perfectly capable 
of fashioning them. 

The Acheulean Type. The Acheulean industry 1 is but a 
specialization of the Chellean, no doubt determined by 
circumstances the details of which escape us ; but whether 
induced by local changes, or by climatic modifications on a 
wider scale which produced fresh needs, is still unknown. 
If we are to judge by the palseontological data in our country, 
a distinctly cold period followed the warm or temperate 
interglacial times in which we find the fauna associated with 
Chellean industry, and it is perhaps due to this change in 
temperature that the prevailing use of implements of the 
same type as the Chellean, but of a more highly finished 
workmanship, is due. It would seem, moreover, that the 
two classes of implements were not designed for the same 
purpose: whilst the Chellean "coup de poing" was intended 
for striking, the Acheulean axe was designed in such a way 
that it could be used for both cutting and striking. The 
implements of Moustierian type which are found in abundance 
with the Chellean in both the drift and the caverns, prove 
that the Chelleans did not work their " coups de poing" with 
greater care simply because they did not find it necessary. 

The Acheulean implement (Fig. 9, Nos. i, 2, and 3) in 
general is lighter than the Chellean and it is more varied in 
form ; we find a lanceolate form so elongated that it might 
well be taken for a dagger, whereas others are elliptical, 
rounded, or even discoid (Fig. 9, No. 4). These diverse 
shapes are obviously intentional, but we are ignorant of the 
purposes which determine the choice of form. 2 

x After the name of Saint- Acheul, a sutmrb of Amiens, where there are important 
deposits of this type of implement. 

3 L. Capitan distinguishes eight types of implements. Cf. "Les divers instru- 
ments chelleens et acheuteens," xfT (1900), 61. 


The method of usage of the " coup de poing" has been 
under discussion for years. Taking his stand on the em- 
ployment of this implement by certain savage tribes who 
still use it and without a handle, merely smearing the 
butt (the round part) with a kind of resin to protect the 
palm of the hand, G. de Mortillet considered that it was 
used without a handle and held in the hand. Other archae- 
ologists, on the contrary, have sought to reconstruct the 
method of hafting, so that we can merely say that it is 
probable that these tools were used in several ways. How- 
ever, it seems certain that it was with the point and sharpened 
edges only that the fabricators worked, since, among those 
that are not quite finished off, it is always the butt that is 
incompletely worked and this sometimes shows the unaltered 
surface of the flint as it existed before it was chipped (cf. 
Fig. 8, No. 2) ; it is never the point that has failed to receive 

It has also been questioned whether the fiint-knapper 
sought his material in . its original site, that is to say in the 
beds where the process of its geological formation was com- 
pleted, or if he used pebbles from the river drift. The 
prodigality of the specimens of these tools suggest that the 
source of the material was unimportant. 1 It is only later, 
when neolithic industry appears on the scene and flint- 
knapping has become a fine art, that implement-makers 
sought their material actually in the geological strata. 

In the alluvium of Northern France, at Saint- Acheul as 
at Abbeville, the various types of this industry, Chellean, 
Acheulean and Moustierian (Fig. 9, No. 5) are sometimes 
found successively 2 in such a way as to indicate the pre- 
dominance of the three types in different beds ; nevertheless 
at the lowest of the levels known as Acheulean, Commont 
discovered in 1905 at Saint- Acheul a work-floor still in 
position, including a considerable heap of flint chips, a large 
number of nuclei, and various implements such as hammer 
and anvil stones, scrapers, planing-tools, arrow and spear 
heads, knives, and " coups de poing." 

1 H. Breuil, however (in lit. Jan. 10, 1923) is of the opinion that it is impossible 
to produce good implements from the Lower and Upper (Archseolithic) Palaeolithic, 
using simple pebbles, and that we must admit that flint was really mined at this 

2 Cf. Commont, III (1905), 202 and Vm (1906)* 22 * (i97) *4* 


Formerly the three "epochs" of the river drift were con- 
sidered to be quite distinct, and characterized severally by 
industries shading from one into the other; but these 
dogmatic theories have already crumbled to dust in France, 

FIG. 9. Implements of Acheulean type. 

and it is generally admitted that the Moustierian " period " of 
the southern provinces is contemporaneous with the Upper 
Acheulean of Picardy. 1 

In the basin of the Garonne, where flint is absent and 
quartzite takes its place, the resultant industry is coarser ; 
this industry is encountered in many other regions (Fig. 10) 

i Obermaier, " Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Quarters in den Pyrenaen," XHI 
(1906), IV, 306. 



and at first sight seems to be more archaic than those of the 
north, but the presence of Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros 
tichorhinuS) Felis spel&a, and other varieties, indicates both 
chronological concordance and the reverse. 1 In the Vienne 
Charentes districts, on the contrary, the materials lend 
themselves to working-, and the implements of the same 

FIG. 10. Implements of Chellean type (Lake Karar, Algeria). 

industries show a remarkable degree of skilled workmanship 
and regularity of contour* 

As always, the river drift suggests doubts as to the relative 
age of these industries since they are only rarely represented 
with any degree of completeness and accompanied by 
palseontological evidence, and such remains may thus have 
been displaced from beds slightly older than the implements 
found therein. The station of Garret, in the commune of 

i Cf. E. Cartaiihac, VI (1894), I ; Obermaier, op* cit+> 305. 



Villefranche (Rh6ne), presents a striking- example of such 
mixed deposits. 1 

In this respect the caverns offer greater security. In the 
cavern of la Micoque, in the commune of Tayac in the 
Dordogne, there is a bed of the greatest importance, which 
Chauvet and Rivi&re 2 began to explore methodically in 1896, 
and which has yielded the most valuable information on 
Acheulean industry in central France. 

FIG. ii. Implements of Acheulean type (Tunis). 

The upper layer of the bed is composed of a loose breccia 
yielding a great quantity of very fragmentary remains of 
one of the Equidae, in conjunction with chipped flints and 
Acheulean " coups de poing" which sometimes attain large 
dimensions and sometimes are extremely small (4 centimetres), 
and nearly always of delicate workmanship, together with 
chips, arrow-heads, scrapers and discs of the purest Mous- 
tierian type in much greater numbers. 

Thus even in our own field of Western Europe, the classi- 

1 Cf. XXVI, 107, 

2 "Le Gisement quaternaire de la Micoque," XIV, Aug. 24, 1896; "La 
station quaternaire de la Micoque, " XIII, Saint-Etienne (1897), II, 697 ; L* Capitan, 
"La station acheul^enne de la Micoque," Vm (1896), 406 ; id., I (1896), 527. 


fication by "ages' 5 of different cultures during the era of 
stone proposed in the early days of prehistoric study is 
gradually losing its value, even locally, whilst Quaternary 
Man is revealed to us as having had knowledge of all three 
types simultaneously, and as having made use of them 
in accordance with special needs determined by climatic 
and geographical conditions. It is this stage of civiliza- 
tion that we describe as pal&olithic, a term to which we are 
far from attaching any general chronological value ; and 
we exclude from the palaeolithic the originators of contem- 
poraneous industries of later glacial times industries which, 
though highly particularized, nevertheless seem to be directly 
derived from those just mentioned. 

In our part of the world palaeolithic industry seems to 
have extended over a considerable period and during this 
time it certainly progressed and produced improvements in 
the manufacture of implements, but it is not possible for us 
to set up a rigid classification from the documentation avail- 
able. The first prehistorians were too hasty in marking out 
divisions whose existence is no longer admitted. 

But it is not only in the west of Europe that palaeolithic 
industry flourished ; it seems to have originated and developed 
in a number of different places. We say originated, because 
it is inadmissible to believe that it would have spread from 
a single centre to regions so distant one from another and 
separated by seas, deserts and high mountains. 

Palaeolithic implements of the Chellean and Acheulean 
type have been found in Quaternary alluvium, in caverns, 
and on the surface, alike in France, Belgium, the south 
of England, Spain, Algeria, Tunis (Fig. n), Italy, South 
Germany, Hungary, 1 Egypt (Fig. 12), the Central African 
desert, the Cape of Good Hope, Syria, the Syro-Arabian 
desert, Palestine, India, Somaliland (Fig. 13), North America 
(Fig. 14) 2 and Mexico ; they are still in use in Oceania 
among certain populations. Their presence is doubtful in 
Greece, Sicily, Malta and Siberia. 3 They are absent in 
Scandinavia, Scotland, Ireland, the northern parts of England, 

1 These implements are much debated. Cf. D^chelette, op. cit., 90, note I. 

* Only the bed of Trenton (New Jersey) [Th. Wilson, XII (1900), 149] is 
considered of the Quaternary epoch (Cf. XL, 596). _,,,_ 

* For the bibliography relative to all these countries, see AJL&VlI, !! ff. 


FIG. 12. Implement of Acheulean type (Upper Egypt). 


Germany and Russia, in Switzerland and the Tyrol, in the 
Armenian, Iranian, Tibetan and Mongolian plateaux, in 
Chaldea and the northern part of South America, that is to 
say in all those countries which were either uninhabitable in 
Glacial times or had not emerged from the ocean. Thus this 
industry if not universal at least was very widespread though 
undoubtedly at different periods because it met an identical 
need and employed identical materials. Everywhere it pre- 

FIG. 13. Implements of Chellean and Acheulean type (Somaliland). 

sented almost the same characteristics. The Grimaldi and 
la Micoque caverns and the open-air work-floors of Tunis, 1 
Egypt and Somaliland 2 alike reveal to us that man at that 
time was familiar with fire, and that he lived by hunting 
and probably also by fishing. This is all that we have the 
right to affirm concerning these primitive populations. 

TheMoustierian Type. The industry known asMoustierian, 
of which mention has been made a few pages further back 
(Fig. 15, Nos, i to 6), derives its name from the station of 
le Moustier, 3 in the commune of Peyrac in the department 
of Dordogne, where there is a large cavern which was 
explored for the first time by Lartet and Christy in 1863. 

* Of. ibid. 

* Cf. H. O. Forbes, XV (January 1900), ix. Nos. 3 and 4. 

* For the bibliography, c UX, 181, note 3, 


"We have seen above that the particular style of flint 
chipping known as Moustierian goes, back, in France, to 
Chellean times, that is to say, it is contemporaneous with 
the earliest certain traces of Man that have come to light ; 
nevertheless these implements seem to have been comple- 
mentary to the use of Chellean or Acheulean " coups de 
poing." At le Moustier, and in a great many of the caverns 
of the V6z&re, on the contrary, the use of the " coups de 
poing " becomes rare, and implements, formed from a large 
single flake chipped on one face only, predominate. 

FIG. 14. Implements of Chellean and Acheulean type 
(North America). 

The greatest development of the Moustierian type in our 
regions corresponds with a damp, cold climatic phase. We 
have already seen that during the period when the Acheulean 
"coup de poing "was the principal implement in use, the 
mean temperature had fallen considerably. As this gradual 
increase of cold continued, the fauna became modified, and 
the deposits of bone fragments in the cavern of la Madelaine, 
as of all other caves inhabited at that period, reveal the exist- 
ence in that region of the Mammoth, Rhinoceros tichorhinus^ 
Ursus ferox and Cervus megaceros^ species characteristic of 
these times, together with the Lion, Hyaena, Leopard, Rein- 
deer, "Wolverine, blue Fox, musk Ox, wild Goat, Chamois 
and Marmot. Moreover, the transition from one fauna to 
the other was brought about gradually, keeping pace with 
the climatic changes which in turn brought about changes 
in the flora. 


As for Man, like the Kamchadales of modern times 
described by Pallas, he sheltered in caverns and in hollows 
beneath rocks and also, undoubtedly, made for himself 

FIG. 15. Implements of Moustierian type fLe Moustier). 

underground dwellings near streams in valleys lacking 
natural shelters, in the same manner as the Chukchi of 
Eastern Siberia. But, before these primitive men could 
occupy the caverns, they had to "win them by force of arms 
from the wild beasts that had made them their dens. 
Frequently in the lowest "floor" of the siltage of such shelters, 



we find remains of the animals which occupied them bears, 
lions and hysenas and which sometimes returned, either 
after having driven out their human occupants or when, for 
one reason or another, the cave had been abandoned. In 
the cavern of Echnoz-la-Moline, in Haute-Sadne, no less than 
eight hundred skeletons of bears were found. According- to 
Dupont 1 many of the Belgian caverns must have been 
occupied first by Hysena, then by Bear, and finally by 


The principal implements among the equipment of the 

FIG. 1 6. A point of the Mous- 
tierian type. Yellow flint. 
(Oasis of KJiarghiyeh, Egypt). 

FIG. 17. A point of the Mous- 
tieriantype. Flints with white 
patina. (Somaliland). Seton 
Karr Coll. Mus6e de Saint- 
Germain, No- 35524. 

troglodytes of le Moustier are points (Fig* 15, Nos. i 
and 2) and scrapers (Fig. 15, Nos. 3 and 3a) ; the point 
is formed of a large flake in the shape of an elongated 
arch, chipped only on the two sides of the facet that has 
ridges corresponding to the removal of the preceding flakes 
from the nucleus* The scrapers are shaped on the same 
plan, but generally the chipping is on one edge only. Then 
come implements of varied forms, notched blades (Fig. 15, 
No. 6) carefully worked, but always on one face only ; finally 
the skilfully amygdaloid "coup de poing" chipped on both 

The use of these various implements has been much 
discussed ; but most of the explanations given are rather in 

1 XII, Brussels, 1872, 116. 



the domain of imagination than of science, since we are 
completely ignorant of Man's customs at that time and are 
not able to affirm with any degree of certainty how they 
were employed. The people of le Moustier, like those of 

FXG- 18. Implements of the Quaternary type. River Penaar. (Central 
India-f Seton Karr Coll, 

Mentone and Taubach, knew the use of fire. They do not 
seem to have made use of worked bone, or at least we do 
not possess any such instruments. At most we can point 
to a few phalanges of the Horse x and humeri of Bison, that 

1 Dr H. Martin, *' Maillets ou enclumes en os de la Quina," IV (1906), 155 and 
189; A. de Mortillet, * c Les os utilises de la pgriode moust&rienne. Station de la 
QHUMU" Rev. prthist. (1906), 231. 



bear stria that might have been cut by the hand of man. 
The people of the Moustier caverns cracked open their bones 
lengthwise in order to extract the marrow, but it would not 
seem that they made use of the splinters at all events they 
did not carve them. 

The Moustierian industry is to be met with all over 
France and even as far afield as Croatia, as well as in other 
regions such as Tunis, Egypt (Fig. 16), Syria, Somaliland 

FIG, 19. Implements of Moustierian type (Trenton Abbot ColL 
from sketches by Dr L. Capitan), 

(Fig. 17), India (Fig. 18), and the United States (Fig. 19) ; 
it is intimately associated with that known as Acheulean, 
and in the various stations the proportions of the two 
varieties are practically the same. 1 

Such similarity in the forms of implements leads us to 
think that these industries were spread over the greater part 
of Western and Central Europe during the same periods ; but 
we must not necessarily deduce from this that the different 
people who inhabited these lands were of the same blood. 
A few chipped stones are not sufficient to throw much light 
on such ethnical questions. 

1 Cfc Obermaier, VI (1905), 19. 


DURING the period of greatest glacial extent, the northern 
continent constituted the main reservoir of the snows and 
the point of departure for glaciers. Its subsidence caused 
these vast masses of ice to melt, bringing- about great 
floods, and at the same time a considerable lowering of the 
mean temperature in those regions in proximity to the old 
ice-fields. This period of cold, which in our part of the 
world was certainly of long duration, caused profound 
changes in both the fauna and flora and in the conditions 
of Man's existence. The floods certainly caused great destruc- 
tion and considerable displacements of population ; for, whilst 
the habitable area was increased in some directions by the 
retreat of the glaciers over wide regions, it was restricted 
in others because much of the land gradually disappeared 
beneath the water, in some places temporarily, in others 
for ever. 

In many districts, such as Egypt, Somaliland, Mesopotamia 
and India, the population was driven out with the fauna 
with which it had lived ; thus in these countries there was 
a long hiatus during whose course we find no trace of 
Man. This hiatus corresponds to the age of archaeolithic 
industry. This evident depopulation in the regions just 
mentioned is less clear in Western Europe, where it only 
affects districts of small area. After this cataclysm life was 
preserved in " districts of survival " among men who had 
escaped extermination owing to the situation of their habitat 
or who had had time to flee from the danger. . In 
those " districts of survival " new industries developed in 
accordance with the requirements of the new conditions. 
There is no doubt to-day that the Aurignacian culture, the 
first phase of this evolution in the west, developed out of 
the Moustierian. Then began the multiplication of human 
beings in these centres from which gradually the recon- 


stitution of the population of the world was to come. Every- 
where that we find remains of the beginnings of archaeolithic 
industry we can regard the existence of such survival areas 
as certain ; everywhere that a gap exists after the close 
of the palaeolithic, we can be sure that that district remained 
uninhabited for a considerable time and was colonized anew 
by people from outside it, coming in either from survival 
areas or from distant lands. 

This phase of culture in Europe, generally known as 
The Reindeer Age because of the prominence of this member 
of the deer family in the fauna of that time, to which Piette 
has given the name of the glyptic period, because certain 
districts yield such hard materials as bone, ivory, stone, 
and carved or incised reindeer horn, is sharply differentiated 
from the palaeolithic by stratigraphy as well as by its own 
characteristic industries. 

Dr Hamy, as early as 1870, in his Precis de pal&ontologie 
humaine, divided the late Quaternary into three successive 
epochs after the Moustierian, the oldest being the Aurigna- 
cian industry, followed by the Solutrean and Magdalenian 
which last closes the series of what we call the archseolithic 
industries of Western Europe. This order is generally 
admitted to-day. 1 

This phase of industry, which is well developed in France, 
demonstrates aptitudes hitherto unknown in the inhabitants : 
the arts begin, or, rather, we meet their first manifestations 
during this era. 

The archaeolithic and mesolithic flint industries present 
certain general characteristics. Implements are made of 
flakes chipped in a variety of ways ; in this they differ 
from the palaeolithic industry which utilized the core 
itself, chipping it on both faces, and chipped the flakes on 
one side only, that opposite the percussion convexity. 
The less ancient implements are very varied in shape, 
and much localized, some being of independent form, 
whereas others are obviously developed one from another 
by transformations. 

i Breuil, Essai sur la stratigraphie des d&pdts de I'dge du rffnn*, Congris 
prthist. JFr. 9 P^rigueux (1905), 75? E. Cartailhac, id., 83. A. de MortiUet (XL, 
last edition) and Al. Girod, vBl (1900), 309, perpetuating their error, stUl put the 
Aurignacian between the Solutrean and the Magdalenian. 


According to our present knowledge, we see that in 
certain regions, such as Western Europe, there were 
numerous transition forms between the Chelleo-Moustierian 
type and that of the polished stone industry, whereas other 
localities possess only a few, and in certain countries we 
seem to pass directly from the palaeolithic industry to 
neolithic culture, perhaps even to that of metal, without 
meeting the slightest trace of any archaeolithic or mesolithic 
phase whatsoever. This is the case in Egypt, while Italy 
seems to have passed directly from an archaeolithic type 
to the Campignian industry without having known the 
Solutrean and Magdalenian forms. 

In North America the industries are partly of the 
Acheulean and partly of the polished stone type ; we 
meet at the same time implements belonging to all the 
European types, from the Moustierian to that of the 
Danish kitchen middens ; and to a large extent these 
tools, or at least these shapes, were still in use among the 
Indians many years after the colonization of the coasts 
by Europeans. 

In order to obtain an idea of what were the conditions of 
human existence during the period which produced in France 
these various archseolithic industries, we must turn to the 
phenomena that have taken place since the disappearance 
of the great glaciers, and consider in what state the snow 
had left the soil. 

In their retreat the glaciers gradually abandoned vast 
territories, at first unproductive, although soaked with 
moisture, cut up in every direction by streams and 
covered with quagmires, marshes, lakes, and islands of 
melting ice. The grass zone gradually extended over 
these areas. On the level land it formed immense prairies 
of which wild animals took possession, followed by the 
human beings who hunted them, either making their 
homes there or penetrating only on hunting expeditions 
in favourable seasons. In the rear of these steppes 
forests advanced, gaining on them progressively, and 
following from a considerable distance the line of glacial 
movement, thus presenting the characteristic appearance 
of cold countries. This earliest forest zone, of varying 
depth, itself was replaced in turn, at a point still further 


back) by the coppices of more temperate climes having 
frequent clearings, with swamps in the low-lying- ground, 
and pastures on the uplands. The flora and fauna 
showed every variety intermediate between the glacial 
zones and really hot countries. 

It must not be forgotten that the melting of vast masses 
of ice, absorbing an enormous amount of heat, produced an 
intense lowering of the temperature in their neighbourhood ; I 
this cold chiefly influenced the steppes lying nearer than 
the forest zone to the glaciers. Under such conditions the 
climatic variations between different parts of France were 
much greater than they are to-day, and the mean temperature 
was colder. Reindeer multiplied rapidly, herds of Horses 
ranged over the steppes of our northern and central districts 
in company with the Bison, still numerous in North America 
during recent centuries. The forests supplied the Mammoths 
not only with food but with the mysterious retreats those 
pachyderms affected. Goats followed the retreating snow into 
the mountains. It was in this complex and infinitely varied 
environment that the development took place, in Western 
and Central Europe, of the archseolithic industries of 
the survivors of the disasters accompanying and follow- 
ing the disappearance of the glaciers. In those regions 
nearer the tropics, however, the conditions of life were 

During recent years, thanks to the labour of a group of 
conscientious observers, discovery has borne its fruit. To 
the very natural confusion of the early days rational 
classifications have succeeded, relative dates have become 
certain, and the distribution and extent of industries has 
become clear. 

Some, widely diffused, extend throughout all those 
districts separating Spain from the North Sea ; others are 
more limited. Man has become better armed against the 
varied difficulties with which nature confronts him, and 
perhaps these difficulties themselves have become less trouble- 
some than in the past. Population is much sparser, however, 
and for a long period wide stretches of the earth will be left 

1 In northern seas, according to some authors, the proximity of an iceberg can 
l>e recognized, at night, by the rapid fall of the thermometer. 




Flint Implements (Fig. 20). Points and scrapers of the 
Moustierian type abound in Aurignacian strata, but we find 
also a good many forms hitherto unused, among* others 
planing tools chipped from very thick flakes, sometimes 
even from blocks having the appearance of nuclei ; this new 
method of manufacture was undoubtedly adopted to give the 
tool greater resistance to fracture ; hence it must have been 
intended for use on relatively hard materials. Then come 
blades with a single or double notch, others chipped on one 

Aurignacian Industry. Principal types of chipped flints. 

side alone, thus forming knives with backs ; more or less 
finely pointed drills, curved and angular graving tools in- 
tended for work in tough materials such as stone, ivory, 
bone, horn, hard wood, etc. All these forms are new and 
some will persist up till the appearance of metal. 

Bone Implements The Aurignacian bone tools are hastily 
and coarsely worked. They consist of points, some of 
them split open at the base ; coarse pins or awls with a 
head ; polishers and bones with deep incisions. But we do 
not know to what use these various objects were put. 

With the above industry appear Man's first tentative 
artistic efforts, or at least the earliest of which we yet have 

* Fig. 20, No. 6, is not to be confqsecl with the Magdalenian forked point, 


knowledge. They consist in attempts at graving- on soft 
rocks, and in naive sculptures in high relief figurines for 
the most part representing women in the nude. We shall 
return to this subject when dealing with art in Quaternary 
times, but we mention them in this connection because these 
engravings and sculptures explain the existence of the 
short gravers and very thick planing tools indispensable for 
working hard materials. 

Together with the remains of the Aurignacian industry are 
found the bones of all those animals which Man then used 
for food, and the bones and teeth of which he employed in the 
manufacture of the implements necessary to his life, and the 
pelts for clothing, since the times were cold. These animals 
were : Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tickorhinus^ Ursus 
spelaus, Felts spelaa, Hytena spelcea, Equus caballus^ Bison 
priscus, Cervus megaceros (of Ireland), Reindeer in great 
numbers, wild Goat (Capra ibex). Roe-deer (Cervus capreolus)^ 
a Bear and a Hyasna of unnamed species. 

Game certainly abounded, but often its capture was a 
difficult matter, and the carnivores particularly were formid- 
able. How were these men, armed only with the implements 
known to us, enabled to match themselves against such 
powerful beasts? The little flint points of the Moustierian 
type were incapable of bringing down a mammoth or a bison. 
Obviously they had more powerful weapons, made of 
materials which have disintegrated, such as wood or horn ; 
probably they also employed snares, traps and pits similar 
to those still in use in Indo-China for trapping tigers pits 
furnished with sharpened bamboo stakes implanted in the 
ground, on which the animal impales itself in its fall. 

This observation with regard to the insufficiency of Aurig- 
nacian Man's stone weapons applies equally to every phase 
of Quaternary culture, as well as to many groups of un- 
civilized men in our own times ; but in our era these primitive 
men increase the efficacy of their arrows and pikes by smearing 
the points with poison ; perhaps men did the same in long- 
past ages. 

Dyeing* We possess no other proofs of this custom than 
the presence of mineral colours in the Aurig-nacian layers 
of the caverns. In the station of Roches (Indre) Septier 
discovered seventeen specimens of colouring material, among 


them a blood-coloured plaque, some red or wine-lees coloured 
clayey earths, sandstones containing- oxide of iron, red and 
yellow ochre, and fragments of pyrolusite and oxide of 
manganese. 1 Iron ore and manganese ore have been dis- 
covered in the Grotte des Fees, 2 and in the Aurignacian 
Caverne des Cottes (Vienne) a carved reindeer cannon-bone 
has been found containing ochre. 3 

For what were these colours used? Were they for 
dyeing the skins of which the Aurignacians made their 
clothes, or for tattooing the body, a practice still in use 
among numerous savage tribes, in vogue in prehistoric 
Egypt, and even among the Ligures and Gauls? We are 
persuaded to believe that these people covered their bodies 
with painted designs, when we remember certain objects 
discovered in the floor levels of this epoch at Crot-du-Charnier 
(Solutre) : rude articles of adornment in bone and ivory are 
found associated with fragments of colouring matter and 
plaquettes of schist, which, as in the Valley of the Nile, 
probably served as palettes for crushing and mixing the 
colours with oil, fat or water. 


Sections made at the Crot-du-Charnier, at Solutre (Saone- 
et-Loire), 4 permit no doubt as to the priority of the Aurignacian 
industry over that of the Solutreans, the first of these two 
industries being represented at the bottom by two separate 
floor levels, each covered by a layer of rock detritus. It is 
on top of the last of these sterile layers that the Solutrean 
floors are found, accompanied by a fauna differing completely 
from that of the lower levels. We find the Wolf and the Fox, 
Hyana spelc&a, Ursus spel&us and U* arctos y Meles taxus, 
Mustella pustorzus, Lepus timidus, Elephas primigenius, Rquus 
caballus, Cervus tarandus, Cervus canadensis, Bos primigenius^ 
wading Birds and Birds of prey, etc., of unnamed species.* 
... In the layers lying between the floors of the two 
industries is one composed entirely of the bones of Equidae, 

1 IX (1904), 265. 

* V (1869), 3&7- 

* Breuil, YlS (1906), 53, 

4 Cf. Arcelin, JBull. Sc. nat. Sa$ne-et-Loire^ November-December 1901. 
6 XXVI, 134- 


giving rise tcr the idea that the Solutreans had domesticated 
the Horse ; but this opinion has been abandoned. 1 

Flint implements (Fig. 21). These implements as a whole 
are remarkable for their fine technique, and are of two diff- 
erent sorts, each manufactured from rather large flakes 
chipped with great skill. Some are chipped only on one 
face, points, planing tools, drills, saws, etc., analogous 
to those of the Moustierian and Aurignacian industries ; 
others, fashioned on both sides but rather slender, are 
heads of javelins, hunting spears, and daggers (?) ; all are 
of the lanceolate form of a willow or laurel leaf; occasionally 
they are rounded at one extremity while the other remains 

It is nothing less than a genuine revolution in stone "work- 
ing which becomes apparent in the Solutrean industry, and 
this lanceolate type of point will be found in every age and 
in every country, at different epochs. During the Neolithic it 
is seen in Scandinavia, Egypt, Tunis, Central Africa, 
Susiana, Mexico, and the United States, either in the form 
of arrow-heads or in examples large enough to serve as 
heads for lances or javelins ; they are known in flint, quartz, 
flint-like feldspar, obsidian, etc. \ but notched and tanged 
arrow-heads are also to be found. The various tools of 
the Aurignacians persist in Solutrean times, sometimes 
even more completely than in the former industry ; we find 
the double scraper and the single or double drills in short 
nearly all the forms that flints can take in the hands of 
skilled workers. 

Bone Implements. A series of very fine bone needles 
pierced with an eye and of delicate workmanship was re- 
covered from a floor layer in which these sewing implements 
were found in company with notched arrow-heads, incised 
reindeer-horn implements, shells, and animals* teeth with 
holes for stringing. The Solutreans occupied themselves 
with works of art, and engraved animal figures on their 
palettes of reindeer horn. 

Geographical Distribution. The Solutrean industry, how- 
ever, is limited to one district of our part of the world and 
presents a somewhat local interest. It is almost completely 
absent in the north of France ; but traces of it exist In 

1 I4X, 204, 


Belgium, the British Isles, on the Rhine, and in Bavaria. 
It seems to be developed especially between the central 

FIG. ai.i Solutrean Industry. Principal types of chipped flints. 

Massif and the Jura on one hand, and on the other towards 
the Pyrenees and Catalonia in Spain. 

Nevertheless certain discoveries made at Predmost 
(Moravia) and in the caverns in the neighbourhood of 
Ojc6w (Russian Poland), 2 in Wiirttemberg and in Hungary, 

4 arld 5 W 6 ** a- 180 an <* especially in the Upper Aurignacian. 
IiXIX, 143 and 174. ^ 


appear to be Solutrean. It is possible that the form is 
analogous ; but, owing to the distance of these stations from 
the Solutrean area, limited even in France, it is difficult to 
admit the identity and the synchronism proposed by the 

This industry, certainly imposed on the people by the 
fauna and the climate of a certain district of France, seems 
to be peculiar to that country. A few of these forms have 
been in use in other regions, such as the notched and tanged 
arrow-heads, the double scraper, and the laurel-leaf point, 
for example. But these analogies should only be taken 
into consideration to furnish one more proof that analogous 
needs bring about the production of similar implements : 
the presence of points of the Solutrean (thick) type in 
the Lower Palaeolithic of Egypt and Algeria is a case in 


The industry known as the Magdalenian, from the name 
of the cave of la Madelaine in the commune of Tursac 
(Dordogne), constitutes, in France, the last phase of the 
Reindeer Age and the final evidence of the life of Pleistocene 
Man ; it is the last of the cultures designated archaeolithic. 

At that epoch the climate of Western Europe was still 
very cold, and it is likely that the seaward boundaries of the 
continents were not what they are to day, but that there were 
still some extensive stretches of land intercepting those ocean 
currents which now render our part of the world temperate. 
The climate of France was then continental. The proof of 
this lies in the fact that our country sustained an arctic fauna: 
Saiga, Canadian Deer, Musk Ox, Lemming, Blue Fox, Grey 
Bear, and that characteristic animal of the north, the Reindeer, 
Nevertheless, the last of the mammoths and rhinoceroses, 
probably cut off in their migration toward the south, still 
lived in our forests j their presence, moreover, should not 
surprise us, for, in spite of the oncoming of intense cold, they 
continued to inhabit Siberia, and the Liakhov Islands, further 
north, for a long while. 

Man continued to live in caverns and also, no doubt, in 
underground shelters which he constructed himself. He 


retained his hunting and fishing habits, and lived on game 
and fish ; but the experience of many preceding genera- 
tions taught him to make numerous improvements in the 
method of using for weapons such hard animal materials 
as bone and ivory ; probably he also employed to better 
advantage than his predecessors wood, horn, and other 
materials at his disposal which have not resisted the ravages 
of time. The Solutreans seem to have made the very most 
that could be made of chipped flints ; after their day it was to 
ivory and bone that the Magdalenians turned their attention, 
and though they retained most of the forms used by their 
predecessors (always excepting the laurel -leaf point and 
the notched arrow-head) they created a great many new 
implements of bone and ivory, which, to a large extent, we 
still find in use among the primitive peoples of our own 

Flint Implements (Fig. 22). The great importance attached 
by the Magdalenians to work in ivory, bone, deer and 
reindeer horn, constrained them to manufacture a whole 
series of flint implements especially designed for this work ; 
also a number of forms hitherto unknown appear. These 
are blades chipped at the sides and provided with a tang, 
no doubt for hafting ; straight and oblique scrapers, blades 
with multiple notches which may have served as saws ; awls 
and gravers, sometimes very finely made ; and, finally, 
hybrid types of scraper-gravers. There are even some 
among these instruments so fine that it has been supposed 
that they were designed to pierce the eyes of bone needles 
or to prick the skin for tattooing; but along with these 
special forms are found single or double scrapers, and plain 
or chipped blades, very skilfully flaked from the nuclei, 
in great abundance ; also blades of all sizes, from those of 
a few millimetres in breadth to long knives of some twenty 
centimetres in length, all of them in countless numbers 
in the caverns. 

Implements of bone, ivory , and reindeer and deer horn (Fig. 23). 
We shall consider these implements from the point of view 
of their use only ; all are more or less ornamented, and their 
artistic character will be dealt with in the chapter specially 
devoted to the arts. 

The characteristic implements of the Magdalenian industry 


are the harpoon and the spear-head, these weapons being 
made always of ivory, reindeer horn or bone. 

The spear-head is a simple stem, round or elliptical in 
section, tapering very much at the point and either thickening 
or diminishing at the base, according to whether the hafting 
is accomplished by binding it on to the end of the shaft, or 

FIG. 22. Magdalenian Industry (principal types of chipped flints). 

by implanting it in a wooden shaft previously bored for it. 
In both cases it was necessary to make a strong ligature 
round this hafting with specially prepared sinews. Modern 
primitive peoples make great use of this kind of weapon, and 
in our ethnographic museums we have complete panoplies. 

The small points served as arrow-heads ; for, no doubt, 
the Magdalenians, so advanced in regard to their implements, 
and familiar with the throwing-stick still used by the 
Australians, the Chukchi and the Esquimaux, 1 were not 
ignorant of the use of the bow ; even the Solutreans may 
have been archers. 

The Magdalenian harpoon is a long point, round in 

* The Pre-Columbian Mexicans and Peruvians used the throwxng^tick. 


section, provided with barbs, often multiple, arranged some- 
times on one side only but frequently on both. In this case 
the barbs alternate on right and left, at equal distances one 
from the other. 

Among- these harpoons there are some very small ones 


FIG. 23. Magdalenian Industry (implements of bone and ivory). 

which probably were used on arrows ; they are made on the 
same model. 

At the base of these instruments two protruding points 
provide for a secure fastening to the shafts, and when the 
head is intended to separate from the shaft, serve as a notch 
to which the floating line can be attached. 

As for the throwing-sticks, the Mas d'Azil cave (Ari&ge), 
the station of Bruniquel (Tarn-et-Garonne), and many other 
localities have furnished us complete or fragmentary speci- 
mens. These are cylindrical sticks provided with a stop- 


notch, similar in every way to modern throwing-sticks, but 
generally ornamented with carvings, representing animals, 
that are often most remarkable. 

In the Magdalenian caves there are found also peculiar 
implements whose use is not known and which have been 
called " batons de commandement." These are pieces of 
reindeer antler cut slightly above and slightly below the 
beginning of a branch-antler, pierced with large circular 
holes and frequently ornamented with engravings represent- 
ing animals, or with more or less regular lines. These have 
been found as early as the Solutrean epoch ; but it is in the 
Magdalenian that they are most frequent, 

Every possible explanation of the use of these curious 
implements has been suggested ; the most probable is that 
which allocates to them a magical or religious role, 1 

To this already long list of implements of bone, ivory and 
reindeer horn must be added needles, remarkable for their 
construction, and especially for the skill with which the eye 
has been pierced ; pins with or without a head, spatulas, 
polishers, bones tapered by polishing, and implements of 
undefinable shape, the use of which remains unknown. 

When we see how skilful the Magdalenians had become 
in bonework, and with what care they polished these imple- 
ments, we are surprised at discovering that they never 
attempted to polish stone. The delicacy and precision of 
this bone cutting took the place of edges produced by friction, 
and as their principal weapons were of bone and ivory, they 
did not feel the need of replacing these edges by more 
perishable implements of flint* 

Ceramics. None of our Magdalenian stations have fur- 
nished pottery ; but eminently trustworthy Belgian pre- 
historians maintain that the contemporaneous stations of the 
valleys of the Meuse and the Lesse have yielded a very 
primitive, yet clearly characterised pottery. 2 This pottery 
was hand-made from a coarse clay and badly baked. No 
complete vases have been recovered but only fragments 
which would appear to have belonged to large, open, flat- 
bottomed bowls. 8 

l Cf. XLVm,i, So. 

* Cf. J alien Fraipont, * r La poterie en Belgique 4 1'&ge du mammouth/* in 


We know that many tribes of our own times, of primitive 
culture, have no knowledge of pottery ; and that, more 
especially among- the nomads, earthen pots are excluded 
from their equipment on account of their fragility ; the more 
advanced replace them by utensils of metal, the more bar- 
baric by receptacles of leather or wood. This is probably 
what took place among the Magdalenian troglodytes of our 
regions. "We sometimes find in the caverns, however,**flint 
geodes of various sizes, and these are occasionally further 
scooped out by rough working ; we also find pebbles hollowed 
into the form of a mortar, 1 sometimes provided with a sort 
of handle. These cupped stones have been compared with 
analogous objects used by the savages of South America to 
procure fire by means of a dry and inflammable piece of 
wood which is rapidly twirled in these naturally rugose 
cavities. 2 Hence the existence of pottery in a given station 
does not definitely indicate the nature and epoch of the 
industry of that site. 

Distribution of the Magdalenian Industry* This industry 
seems to have occupied a considerable area in the west of 
Europe ; we meet it almost all over France ; in the south 
and centre of England ; in Belgium ; central Germany ; 
Austria ; Hungary ; Poland, and as far afield as Russia. 
In the south, in the Mediterranean countries, we as yet know 
it only in northern Spain, but it appears in the caverns of 
the Syrian coast. It thus extends, except as regards Syria, 
over regions which in those days enjoyed a more or less 
similar climate, and possessed almost the same flora and 
fauna. The presence in the Magdalenian layers of ornaments 
of ocean -shells and shells from the Mediterranean suggest 
that at that period commercial relations were already being 
gradually extended, thus leading to the deduction that, 
starting in one locality, the Magdalenian forms of industry 
spread widely. This explanation is certainly satisfactory, 
because the area recognized as Magdalenian is not of ex- 
aggerated extent and hence the Magdalenian cultures-forms, 
created for special conditions, would not have left their place 
of origin. The existence, however, of any single centre for 
that origin is far from proven, since it is quite possible that 

* L and IT!* 1 ^ pi- XXII, no. 2 L, I, 249. 


the greater part of these forms, determined by new conditions 
of life, might have appeared at the same time in many 
different localities among tribes widely divergent from the 
ethnic point of view. Our documentation regarding the 
eastern districts of Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Syria is 
still too incomplete to authorize us to unify all industries of 
a general Magdalenian aspect or to consider them as con- 
temporaneous ; we are even ignorant if there was an exact 
synchronism between the climatic conditions of the Occident 
and Orient in the Reindeer Age ; or if this animal retreated 
toward the north when it left our regions or the steppes of 
Russia. The presence in these days of the Aurochs in the 
forests of Lithuania, and its existence in Germany in the 
times of Caesar and Tacitus, when it had disappeared from 
Gaul, would seem to indicate that the migration of these 
animals was at first from the west eastwards across Central 
Europe, following the climatic changes ; then from the south 
northwards, working up from the Russian plains to Lapland 
and the coasts of the Arctic Ocean. In that case the industry 
appropriate to the conditions of the life of the reindeer would 
have followed, and there would be no synchronism for the 
various stations beyond the Alps. Moreover, thousands 
of years after the extinction of the Magdalenian culture in 
our land, many northern tribes still practise these industries, 
and one can hardly deny that such inventions, meeting 
special needs, are born wherever those needs make themselves 
felt (Fig. 24). 

The Magdalenian industry, even in the Occident, is far 
from homogeneous ; in the numerous stations where its 
remains are found the implements vary in detail, as also in 
development of artistic taste ; such variations are due either 
to local conditions, or to the different phases of this culture 
as exemplified at different stations ; but as a result of the 
nature of the researches undertaken, and the methods 
employed, together with the mental tendencies of the re- 
searchers, these various evidences of Magdalenian life have 
received different names, all more or less justified in them- 
selves, but each being considered, quite erroneously in our 
opinion, as corresponding to special ages. Thus we see 
such classifications as the Ebumian, Glyptic, Gourdanian, 
Tarandian, Lortetian y Elaphotarandian, Hippidan, Egutdzan 


FIG. 24. Chi; 

flints of the Capsian industry : i to 8, El Mekta 
s) ; 9 to 15, Foum el Maza (tunis). 





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O ttS 













and Blaphian industries, to which it has been attempted, 
without justification, to assign a chronological value ; such 
assignments usually having a merely local value, showing 
how the researchers, brought into contact with reality, 
all have a tendency to divide these industries according to 
place and climate, and to give a very great importance to 
prehistoric regionalism despite theories of generalization. 

Gisement $al(zolithigucs= Paleolithic Deposits. Stations entolithiques-=.Eneolithic 
Stations. KJoekenmoeddings enolithiques=zEneolithic Kitcken Middens. 

FIG. 25. Prehistoric stations in the desert between the Nile Valley 
and the Oases. (From a sketch-plan by G. Legrain in 1897). 

After having set forth all that is known of those industries, 
which in our part of the world were developed in Quaternary 
times, it may be useful to sum up in tabular form the more 
important facts relating to the life of Man, to the climate, and 
to the accompanying fauna. We borrow the main features 
of this table from Marcellin Boule. 1 

We cannot insist too much on the fact that this table is 
applicable only to the western countries of Europe, both in 

* M. Boule, VI (1906), 261 ; Dchelette, op. cit. 9 46, 


regard to the glacial phenomena, th$ climates which it in- 
dicates and the resulting types of fauna and industry ; many 
regions never experienced the effects of the glacial period ; 
others have only been affected by it to the extent of a recrud- 
escence of the humidity of the atmosphere, resulting in modi- 
fications in their fauna entirely different from those which 
have taken place in our northern latitudes, and hence in these 
areas a completely different course has been followed by the 
life of Man. Thus the inhabitants of Egypt seem to have 
passed directly from the palaeolithic industry to neolithic, 
perhaps even to eneolithic, and the same seems to be 
true of Mesopotamia. None the less we dare not deny 
absolutely the existence of archaeolithic industries in some 
localities of these oriental countries merely because we have 
not yet met traces of it. It is certain that after the great 
Quaternary inundations these regions remained desert for a 
long while ; the sudden appearance of eneolithic industry 
in the valley of the Nile and in Chaldea supports this 
hypothesis. In the Egyptian (Fig. 25), Arabian and Syrian 
deserts, palaeolithic implements are extremely numerous. 
The population at that time was relatively very dense in 
these countries ; then, as we have seen, there was a hiatus 
covering all those developments of culture that in Western 
Europe correspond to archaeolithic and mesolithic industries. 
It might be claimed that this gap is merely apparent and 
that it is due only to the insufficiency of our researches. 
Taking into consideration the great areas in which no form 
of implement is found that could be attributed to archaeologic 
industries, I am unable to agree with this view. 


- ETHNOLOGISTS are accustomed to include in the 
neolithic industrial phase cultures differing greatly from 
those we have just been considering, and, in their opinion, 
transitional between the chipped stone industries and polished 
stone tools. On the one hand we find among the equipment 
of these groups many implements common to them and the 
Magdalenians, whilst, on the other, new forms appear which 
do not include those of polished stone* In 1909 l I proposed 
for these intermediate industries the name of Mesolithic. 

"In reality/' says J. D6chelette in his Manuel* "the 
ancient technique, that of chipping flint, persisted parallel 
with the new processes. Several types of tools, ordinary 
blades, notched blades, scrapers, drills, etc., fundamental 
forms of the flint tools of all times and latitudes, remain in 
use, though sometimes undergoing slight modifications. 
New tools likewise chipped by percussion or by pressure 
appear alongside the ancient types. 55 

In our part of the world, at that time, the conditions of 
life had been modified; to the dry cold of Magdalenian 
times had succeeded at first a damp, temperate climate, and 
the glaciers came gradually to be limited to the regions they 
occupy to-day. The present fauna became established, the 
Reindeer withdrew into northern regions, and the pachyderms 
disappeared, although they had survived the intense cold of 
later Quaternary times and although the conditions in Gaul 
had become more favourable for them than in the past. 

This disappearance, coincident with a neglect of art, 
which had been so highly developed among the Magdalenians, 
suggests that in spite of the reasoning and conclusions of 
most prehistorians, 3 there exists a gap in our knowledge, a 
hiatus whose existence cannot be denied. 4 The phenomena 

1 XXXVH, 136 ff. 8 1, 308. 

* or. xxvx, i, 310 ; MX, 266*282. 4 cf. LV, 247* 


which took place at that time and which caused this hiatus 
were certainly of a natural order, otherwise the Mammoth, 
the Bison, and many other animals besides would not have 
become suddenly extinct As for the disappearance of the 
arts, it is complete, or at all events those timid attempts of 
the early days of mesolithic and neolithic industries are 
certainly not a degeneration of the art of the caves, for they 
do not appear to be inspired by the same spirit. 

From the outset of mesolithic industry a greater variety 
of culture is evident than in Quaternary times. Special 
needs corresponded with differing climatic regions, and since 
the human mind is receptive of new ideas, more intimate 
groupings than of old, and a great development of local 
tastes and tendencies resulted. As for the migrations to 
which formerly perhaps too much importance was given, 
but which to-day seem to be too much denied, they have 
certainly played a great part in the transformation of the 
civilizations of Western Europe. It is difficult to explain 
otherwise how the Magdalenian tribes, remaining in the 
land of their origin, dwindled to the point of leaving nothing 
of their civilization, at the very moment when the conditions 
of their existence became most favourable. "Whatever was 
the cause of it, the caverns are almost all abandoned at this 
epoch, although they always offered excellent shelters* 
Without doubt these sudden transformations in the life of 
Man were the result of profound causes, and everything leads 
us to believe that they are due to the intervention of peoples 
newly come into our part of Europe. 

It must not be forgotten that Siberia, which from the 

beginning of the glacial era was without communication with 

Europe, separated as it had been from Europe by the glaciers 

of the Russian steppes and the Aralo-Caspian lake, had just 

had the way opened up to the old world, and that hordes, 

driven from their country of origin by the cold, started to 

come in successive waves and to flood Europe, Iran and India 

in search of greater ease of life. These migrations from East 

to West began very early and continued almost up to our 

days, flood after flood appearing almost ceaselessly. In these 

movements we must seek the cause of the confusion which 

we recognize in the succession of western industries ; and 

also that of the appearance of brachycephalic people and of 


the languages of the Aryan group. Thus a great revolution 
took place at this period. 

Azilian Industry Among the rare discoveries which throw 
light on the beginnings of mesolithic industries, those of Piette 
in the cave of the Mas d'Azil (Ari&ge) a are of first.importance. 

Lying above two layers clearly characteristic of the 
Magdalenian industry, and separated from these floors by a 
stratum of yellow river-ooze, were found the remains of a 

FIG. a6. Harpoons of bone and stag-antter, 1-3, rr 

Cave of Touiusse (Haute-Garonne). 5-6. Cave of Reilhac (Lot) 

culture to which Piette gave the name of the Azilian Epoch. 
Here were found hearths, heaps of peroxide of iron, numerous 
bones of deer but none of reindeer chipped flints of the 
Magdalenian type in great abundance, little rounded side- 
scrapers, knife-blade implements, flat and perforated har- 
poons of stag-antler, bone stilettos and polishers, and broken 
bones giving evidence of the presence in this region of 
the common Stag, Roe-deer, Bear, wild Boar, Beaver, 
Badger, wild Cat, etc. Piette came across numerous 
pebbles of schist bearing marks traced in red ochre. This, 
though astonishing, is confirmed by similar discoveries m 
other caves, such as in those at Cousade 2 near Narbonne, 
and Tourasse. 8 


Bre.0. Cf. SCXVJ, I, 3I- 


In this same layer were two skeletons, of which we shall 
speak later in connection with funeral customs. 

Above the Azilian layer the explorer found a last archaeo- 
logical level containing, among other implements, tools of 
polished stone. Thus the Azilian industry is intermediate 
between that of the Magdalenians and neolithic culture. 

It is not only in the Mas d'Azil that we find the remains of 
this particular industry, for many of the caves of Ariege and of 
Haute-Garonne yield them ; and, if we take into considera- 
tion the form of the harpoons, we shall find similar examples 
in the Dordogne, and even in Scotland in the Oban cavern 
(Argyllshire) ; but it would be overbold to base a likeness of 
culture merely on the form of a single implement 

Tourassian Industry. Among mesolithic industries we 
may cite, in passing, the industry A. de Mortillet 1 called 
Tourassian, considered by this archaeological authority as 
marking a stage in the degeneration and extinction of the 
Quaternary industry. He saw in this a special epoch, traces 
of which he believed he had found all over Europe, in the 
Mediterranean basin, and as far afield as India* In reality 
this industry does not seem to correspond so much to any 
particular culture as to special not very well defined needs 
common to many countries, and, probably, to different 
epochs, including, it would seem, the closing phase of 
mesolithic industry and the opening phase of polished stone. 

The Industry of the Danish Kitchen Middens* The kitchen 
middens, or food refuse heaps, are mounds of rubbish left by 
people near their habitations, sometimes on the very site of 
their encampment. These mounds are of all times and all 
places; in Western and Northern Europe, Japan, Brazil, 
Chili, Patagonia and North America, we find them on the 
coasts ; in Egypt they are situated in the desert, at some 
hundreds of paces beyond the inundation zone of the Nile. 
Considered in the widest acceptation of the term, these 
remains of camps appear in all epochs, even in modern 

In Denmark, 2 the kitchen middens include remains of the 
most ancient stone civilization known in the Scandinavian 

1 "Evolution quaternaire de la pierre," in Vm (1897), 24. A. De Mortillet 
** Lesjpetits^lex tallies a contours gom6triques," VUX* VI (1896). 


region. These mounds formed as soon as the country was 
freed from ice and Man was able to take possession of it. 
They are generally five or six metres broad by two or three 
metres high, and their length varies between twenty and 
four hundred meters ; they consist of heaps of shells and 
bones, hunters' debris, and include chipped flints of a 
special type, scrapers, paring-knives, cores, knives, drills, 
etc., carefully worked bones and deer horn, and fragments 
of coarse pottery. The polished axe is absent in these 
layers, which are considered to be synchronous with our 
Campignian encampments of Northern France. The hearths 
of earlier times, still undisturbed, are frequently found in 
these mounds and sometimes also the skeletons of the men 
who dwelt in these villages formed, probably, of huts of 
branches covered with clods of earth and set in line in a long 
row on the coast. 

Campignian Industry. This industry, localized in the 
of Gaul, seems to have immediately preceded neolithic 
industry in this region ; its tools consist of the scrapers, 
knives, notched blades, and drills of earlier times, to which 
are added paring-knives in great numbers, and picks. 

The stations of this industry are found principally in the 
departments of the Somme and the Seine-Inferieure, under 
the form of hut foundations. Amongst the ashes, and about 
60 to 80 centimetres high by 3 to 6 metres wide, are found 
the hearths, together with various objects such as worked 
flints, flint chips, fragments of pottery, generally crude, but 
occasionally decorated with geometrical ornament incised in 
the soft clay, and handmills and pestles. The polished 
axe is rarely found in the foundations of these huts ; 
and that it is represented at all in this industry is still 
disputed. 1 Lanceolate or barbed arrow-heads, so common 
among neolithic implements, are entirely absent. 

In 1872 the station of Campigny, near Blangy-sur-Bresle 
(Seine-Inf6rieure), was discovered by Eugene de Morgan, 2 
and in 1886 Ph. Salmon suggested a "Campignian epoch' 5 
as a separate classification. 

Although many other encampments of this kind have 
been recognized in the last few years, opinions on the subject 

1 XXVI, I, 326. * UV. 



of the industry are still divided. It has not been met with, up 
till now, in stratified beds superposed on older industries, or 
under others more recent. "These stations, which are very 
poor in polished hatchets/' said G. de Mortillet, 1 "have an 
altogether peculiar individuality ; they might well represent, 
in France, the beginning of the Neolithic Epoch. " 

FIG. 27. Campignian chipped flints Le Campigny, Seine-Infrieure). J 

Mesolithic industries, though certainly numerous, have 
been ill studied hitherto, both in France and elsewhere, 
the reason being that the beds are always isolated and 
without stratigraphic relations with other industries ; and 
that the neolithic burial-places are usually ossuaries where 
skeletons and funerary furniture of different epochs are mixed 

1 XL, 2nd. edit., 518. 


together, thus making it impossible to know whether they 
were already in use during the period of mesolithic industry ; 
and finally because the forms representing these industries 
in collections have usually been found on the surface. Per- 
haps we might include certain forms from North Africa and 
Syria among mesolithic industries. All that can be stated 
positively of them is that they only very rarely include special 
archaeological forms, and that polished stone implements do 
not commonly appear in mesolithic layers* 

I remember having found a neolithic flint axe-head, 
polished and re-worked at the edge, but not re-polished, in 
the foundation of a hut at Campigny in 1873. This observa- 
tion permits one to suppose that the Campignian industry 
may have existed in the north of France at a time when the 
Neolithic was already making progress in other not far 
distant regions, and that the very rare polished axe-heads 
which sometimes appear in Campignian finds came 
into Picardy by commerce. It might be objected, how- 
ever, that the Campignian villages had never ceased to be 
inhabited from the time of the appearance of neolithic 
industry in the country and therefore that the presence of 
polished axe-heads in the foundations of the huts may be 
due to subsequent occupation of such villages by men 
familiar with the art of polishing flint. 


THROUGHOUT the world we see any number of innovations 
springing up with the rise of neolithic industry. It becomes 
obvious that this was the phase of development of human 
intelligence that opened up the real high-road to progress. 
The art of polishing hard materials, applied, as we have 
seen, to bone and ivory from Pleistocene times in the 
Solutrean and Magdalenian industries, has now become 
general ; it is the method employed to give an edge to the 
hardest rocks, such as flint, jade, diorite, syenite, etc., and 
produces a form recognized as that best adapted to the 
use to which- the implement is to be put. Man, still hunter 
and warrior, makes his arrow-heads in many different ways, 
but generally follows the earlier harpoon model, providing 
it with barbs (Fig. 28). He is no longer content with the 
skins of beasts for clothing, but weaves wool and veget- 
able fibres, perfects his ceramic arts, domesticates animals, 
raises cattle, builds dwellings on land and on the water, 
hollows out pirogues, and finally, cultivates cereals. 
The door of progress stands wide open for him to enter : 
he has but to develop his knowledge, to ameliorate the means 
of manufacture, and, when metal appears, he will have 
definitely left barbarism behind him. 

While he ameliorates the conditions of existence, his 
power of thought develops ; he seeks to discover the where- 
fore and the why of things, and from his meditations in 
the presence of the phenomena of nature, and the happenings 
of life, he evolves religious or superstitious ideas. His 
mode of sepulture bears witness to a belief in a second life ; 
and architecture is born with the raising up of monoliths and 
the construction of dolmens and the covered alleys of burial 
mounds* The workman becomes a miner, and seeks in the 
bosom of the earth fine materials for tools and weapons ; 
he delves in the ground and attacks the geological strata, 
and this raw material, flint, becomes an object of widely 



FIG. 28. Arrow-heads : 1-8, Abydos (Author's collection, given to the 
Mus6e de Saint-Germain) ; 9-14, Wagla (Pzard find) ; 15, Susa (Musee 
de Saint-Germain); 16, Alcala (Portugal); 17, Gironde (St-G.) ; 18, 
Aveyron (St-G.) ; 19, Dolmen of Gourillach (Finist^re) ; 20, Fayum ; 
21, California (obsidian); 22, Aveyron; 23, ? (tdL) ; 24 Finistere; 25, 
Loir-et-Cher ; 26, Abruzzi (Italy) ; 27, Aube. 


extended commerce, because in many regions it is absent. 
Large workshops come into existence to supply this export 
trade in chipped stone. The fine flints of Spiennes and of 
Grand Pressigny go as far afield as Switzerland, and amber 
from distant lands arrives in Gaul. Finally, Man protects 
his settlements with earthworks and fortifies himself on 

The glyptic arts which disappeared with their authors, 
the Magdalenians, are replaced by crude representations of 
man himself or his weapons, and by geometrical ornament 
unworthy of the perfection achieved in stone working. 

In Egypt and Scandinavia, thanks to the abundance and 
the fine quality of the stone in those countries, flint is trans- 
formed into genuine works of art in the shape of knives, 
daggers, javelin, lance, and arrow-heads, and the workmen 
become so skilful that they even chisel bracelets as light and 
fine in character as though made of metal. In the valley of 
the Nile, in the Elamite country, in Syria, Crete, and Greece, 
there appears a painted pottery which seems to be derived 
from a more ancient art whose origin is still a mystery. 

However, according to the different localities and the 
peoples inhabiting them, a number of centres of neolithic 
culture became established, each one possessing its own 
qualities and characteristics. The type of implement differs 
from one country to another 1 to such an extent that an 
ethnologist accustomed to handle chipped flints has no 
difficulty in distinguishing their place of origin at first 

The multiplicity of neolithic cultural centres is beyond 
question, though it would be impossible to fix the geographical 
position of a single one of them. "Without doubt these divers 
centres often reacted one on the other. The world over 
peoples were much mixed after Quaternary times ; moreover, 
their industries overlap in a manner that becomes the despair 
of anyone who attempts to discover the origins of even a 
single human group. 

The diffusion of amber, a northern material, as far west 
as our part of the world, shows how relations had been 
extended, and a number of proofs combine to convince 

1 Cf. for the polished stone age Hans Hildebrand, Sur la subdivision du nord 
tie PMttrope en provinces arcktologiques (Congres de Bmxelles, 479-485), 


us that in those days great movements of peoples still 
took place repeatedly, thus changing* the face of Europe. 
Legendary history recounts to us some of these migrations. 

If the environment to which the wave of invasion came 
was complicated by earlier migrations, the invading* culture 
was not less modified. There were migrations in plenty 
which, travelling only along natural lines of communication, 
overran and crossed one another, leaving between them vast 
areas unaffected by their direct action. It would seem 
certain, for instance, that different peoples raised up the 
megalithic monuments and built the lake villages ; and 
that divers types of neolithic industry, corresponding to 
different tendencies, imply diversity of ethnic origin. And 
as sometimes happens to-day, there were cultures side 
by side that were very diverse in development. Examina- 
tion of the different tribes of Red-skins in South America 
provides striking instances even to-day, and the Dutch 
colonies of Malaysia show at least three degrees in advance- 
ment still persisting, although these three classes of men 
live side by side. To speak only of Western Europe, is it 
not conclusive in this regard to state the fact that in France 
and England the neolithic polished hatchet is rounded at the 
sides, whereas in the Scandinavian countries, Finland, the 
north of Germany, and the Baltic islands, it is trimmed and 
polished square on its surface extremities, and in the pile- 
dwellings its cutting edge alone is polished, and that in 
Italy it has a large groove? 

If we generalize, the problem becomes still more insoluble ; 
for the whole world, or nearly the whole world, has known 
the polished stone axe, as it has known the " coup de poing" 
of Acheulean type; but whereas the "coup de poing " 
is practically of the same type everywhere, this is not the 
case with the polished axe, whose form varies infinitely 
while preserving the same static principles. 

Just as in the case of the study of Quaternary industries, 
those relative to neolithic cultures are still limited to 
European, West Asiatic and North African lands ; for our 
knowledge as regards the other portions of the old continents 
and the New World (Fig*. 29) still lacks precision. In America 
all these civilizations, so complicated in certain districts, so 
primitive in others, all included in one vag-ue classification 


as pre-Columbian, are known to us neither by their geo- 
graphical dissemination nor by their epoch ; whereas with 
those of the Old World we begin to see more clearly both 
their distribution and their succession in each region. 

In the Scandinavian countries (Fig. so), 1 there existed 
from the outset an industry in which the axe-head is polished 
completely or on its cutting edge alone ; then comes the 

FIG. 29. Neolithic weapons and tools from North America, 

appearance of the holed axe-head or axe-hammer, denoting 
a consummate skill in the working of stone ; finally the 
establishment of a transition phase corresponding to the 
appearance of metal (eneolithic industry). 

In Spain, 2 three periods may be distinguished : first, a 
local industry of arch -c aspect, with a few polished objects, 
probably imported, corresponding to the period of the 
Portuguese kitchen middens (mesolithic industry?), but not 
to that of the analogous civilization in Scandinavia ; then 
the full development of polished stone and ornamented 

f. LH; LVJ. 



pottery, an industry reminiscent in both art and technique 
of the culture of the earliest of the Hissarlik cities ; finally, 
the zenith of flint working and the beginning of the metal 
age (eneolithic). 

FIG. 30. Scandinavian Neolithic Implements (Denmark and Sweden). 

In Switzerland, the lacustrine industry comprises three 
successive periods: first of all, that of small axe-heads, 
hardly polished at all, and made from native rock ; con- 
temporaneously, bones are worked in a rudimentary fashion, 
and the coarse pottery is unornamented (Fig. 31) ; then comes 
the industry of larger axe-heads, simple or holed, of rock 
often foreign to Switzerland ; while the pottery, not quite so 
coarse, is simply decorated. Finally, holed axe-hammers 
appear, and are numerous in certain stations ; work in stone, 
bone and horn is from that time at its zenith ; foreign stone 
is no longer seen ; the pottery is more and more ornamented ; 
and metal makes its appearance (eneolithic). 



FIG. 31* Neolithic implements of the Lake Villages i, 2 and 3, Axe-heads 
polished at the edge only (lake of Neuchdtel) (i Jtf.S.) ; 4, Hatchet-handle 

N.S.) ; 10, Bow (Robenhausen, Switzerland) ( N.S.) ; n > Arrow-head 
ce of NeuchStel) (N.S.) ; 12, Club of yew-wood (Robenhausen) (t N.S.) ; 


(f N.S.); 18, Flint scraper (lake oi Sfeuchitel) "(f N.3.) ; 19, Flint point 
(lake of Neuchatel) (f N!s.) ; 20, Bone pin (lake of Nenchatel (J N.S.) ; ax, 

Bone needle (lake of Neuchatel) (J 


FIG, 32. Flint knives, Messawiyeh (Upper Egypt Garstang excavations). 


In Italy, where polished axe-heads in flint are never seen 
but the celts are all made of some hard rock, it would seem 
that two neolithic currents met and united one coming- from 
the Jura and Switzerland, which, having crossed the Alps, 
appears to have come down the valley of the Po and the 
Tessin without crossing the Po, while the other, coming from 
the basin of the Danube, via Istria, Emilia, and Venetia, 
appears to have advanced along the Adriatic coast as far as 

For France, the south of England, and Belgium, 1 it 
would seem that we must adopt three divisions : first of all, 
an industry very close to the Campignian but having the 
characteristic Neolithic polished celt and arrow-head ; then, 
that of the axe-hammer corresponding to the introduction of 
foreign stone and the zenith of flint working ; finally, the use 
of metal concurrently with the preceding industry, the pottery 
improving during the course of all three phases. 

In Egypt (Fig. 32 and Fig. 33),* there must have been 
but two phases, that of the polished axe-head of European 
type in which flint alone was used for. all the tools,* and 
the Eneolithic period in which flint working reached its 
zenith. Then we find hard stone and metal in use at the 
same time ; pottery, ornamented with paintings in red ochre, 
now reaches its greatest perfection. We shall see later that 
the use of metal in the valley of the Nile, and the arts, appear 
to have come from Asia. 

In Elam (Fig. 34) and in Chaldea (Fig. 35 and Fig 36), 
we also find two phases, that of the polished axe-head 
of European type, 4 though flatter, and the Eneolithic in- 
dustry with its admirably painted ceramics, already very 
stylistic, its varied implements, its axe-hammer, its points of 
Solutrian type and its very primitive weapons and utensils 
in metal. 

The Sahara and Tunis (Fig. 37) show an industry which 
presents considerable analogy with that of Egypt, but we do 
not find there those large, marvellously worked blades of the 

* For Belgium, Rutot (LXH), divides the Mesolithic and the Neolithic into five 
phases : ist, Tardenoisian ; and, Ftentisian ; 3rd, Campignian ; 4th, Robenhausian ; 
5th, O mail an. 

* The existence of this phase in the valley of the Nile is doubtful. 
4 Here too the existence of this phase is doubtful. 




Flint points from Upper Egypt: i and 2, Adimiyeh (Henri 
's researches) ; 3, 4 and 5, Nakada (Flinders Petrie's 



valley of the Nile. The industry of Palestine is more nearly 
related to that of Egypt (Fig-. 38) than is that of North Africa. 
This is practically the limit of our knowledge of the 
subdivisions of neolithic industry in lands explored up to 
the present. As we can see, evolution in each country has 

FIG. 34. Polished stone axe-heads. Tepeh Gulam (Pusht-i-Knh and 


been independent in its main lines ; but these differences 
are also often due to foreign influence. 

As to the date to be assigned to neolithic industry, it 
varies, naturally, in different localities. Montelius, taking 
as his basis the stratigraphy of the Tell of Susa and 
observations of the same order made in Egypt, allows 20,000 
years for the appearance of the polished axe-head in Elam 
and in the valley of the Nile. This estimate is much too 
high, for it would give some 12,000 years as the duration 
of the strictly neolithic phase in these two countries, whereas 
the remains of neolithic industry in Egypt and Elam are 
not sufficient to justify such an estimate. In any case we 


have to admit that we do not possess any basis for fixing 
chronologically the beginnings of this culture in any country. 
Hence any estimate in this respect can only be made in the 
domain of the imagination. 

As regards its closing limit we are somewhat better in- 
formed, because then we approach historic times. In Chaldea 
it was towards the end of the sixth millennium before our 

FIG. 35. Axe-hammer in serpentine. Chaldea. (Author's collection, 
Muse'e de Saint-Germain.) 

era that metal put an end to neolithic industry in this region, 
if indeed it ever existed there, which I consider very unlikely, 
and the date would be about the same in Egypt ; x whereas 
the ^Egean civilization was born at the very earliest in the 
3Oth century B.C., and Scandinavia could not have known 
bronze until the i8th or 22nd century B.C. In Gaul, in 
Switzerland, and in neighbouring lands this evolution 
probably took place about the 25th century ; while Finland 
must have replaced its stone weapons by iron implements 
about the 5th or even the 3rd century B.C. without passing 
through the almost universal intermediate stage of copper 

; JLe tcmbeau dc Ntgada, Paris, 1897, 


and bronze, and many tribes of Polynesian and other regions 
discovered by Europeans in modern times would have 
reached the i8th or igth century A.D. before putting- aside 
the stone axe and taking to firearms. "We have seen 
already that Lower Chaldea seems never to have known 
Man in possession of a really neolithic industry ; and 

FIG. 36. Flint implements. Yokha (Chaldea). Author's collection 
(Muse de Saint-Germain). 

that at the time when it was populated the people of 
the mountains bordering it on the north-east and on the 
north already knew copper. 

It would be beyond the scope of a study such as 
this, which has for object the discussion of the progress 
of humanity as a whole, to describe the innumerable 
neolithic industries of different localities; we give in the 
illustrations the principal types of some of them, and the 
reader will be able to judge their characteristics for himself* 
We must, however, note that no other district ever equalled 
the perfection of stone-trimming reached in Egypt arxi Scandi- 
navia, and the workers of the valley of the Nile greatly 
excelled in skill those of Denmark and the south of Sweden. 

FIG, 37. Neolithic industry, Sahara (PSzard's researches) (near Wagla) : 
i and 3, Ostrich shell; 2, Light opaque flint; 4, Brown flint, veined 
black; 5, Grey flint, white patina; 6, Light opaque flint; 7 to 9, 
Translucent yellow flint; 10, Light opaque flint; xi, Opalescent, 
translucent flint; 12, Yellow flint; 13, Opalescent translucent flint. 



Still, it is quite possible that in the one as in the other, copper 
was already known when these admirable implements were 
made, in spite of our not finding- it in Denmark, and although 
in Egypt we find the same trimmed flints, both alone and 
accompanied by metal. 

Flo. 38. Neolithic implements, Palestine : 1-3, Sur Baher 
(Jerusalem) ; 4-5, Valley of Hesban (after Vincent). 

However, before leaving the subject of neolithic industries 
we will review some of the forms of these polished axe-heads, 
and demonstrate how much these implements vary (Fig^ 39). 
Types i and 2, widespread throughout Europe, are 
found also in Western Asia and in India, among other 
countries, while No. 5 with square sides characteristic of the 
Scandinavian countries, the north of Germany and Finland, 
is found also, although more rarely, in Western Europe* No. 
6 in hard stone, such as syenite, diorite, etc., is universal ; 
No. 7 is rare in the West as are also Nos. 8 and 9 ; 
Nos. 10 and 18, characterized by the fact that the implement 
is flatter and less rounded in section than in France, 


FIG. 39. Various forms of Neolithic axe-beads: i, France and all 
"Western Europe; 2, Id. the most frequent type; 3, Jadeite (Seine-et- 
Marne) ; 4, if. (Brittany) ; 5, The roost frequent type in Scandinavia, 
Finland and North Germany, existing also in Western Europe; 6, Of 
universal distribution ; 7, Western Europe, rare ; 8, Id. rare ; 9, Id. rare ; 
10, Susian and Chaldean, fiat type rounded at the sides ; n, Jadeite (Gers) ; 
12, Antilles; 13, Cambodia; 15, United States; 16, Id. Western Asia; 
17, Sasa ; 18, Id. very flat type ; 19, Egypt ; 20, Egyptian type, flat 

on one side* 



are found in Elam and Chaldea. No. 12, rare in Europe, is 
found in the Antilles, while No. 13, highly specialized, seems 
to be peculiar to Indo-China. Nos. 15 and 16 are common 
in the United States, but are known also in Europe and 
Asia. The salt mines of Kulpi in Transcaucasia have 
yielded us a few of these implements. 

Type No. 17 seems to be peculiar to the Elymaids and 

40. Method of halting polished stone axes : i, La Lance (Musee de 
Saint-Germain, gift of the author) ; 2> Zeeland (Denmark) ; 3, dairvaux 
(Jnra) ; 4, Bay of PenhouSt (Loire-Inf erieure) ; 5, La Lance (Switzerland) ; 

6, Gavr'inis (Morbihan). 

type No. 19 to Egypt ; metal implements having these forms 
are known-^ but has the metal tool been copied from the flint 
or vice versa? It is impossible to say. Then comes the 
axe (or paring-knife) flat on one face, a speciality of the 
valley of the Nile, though inspired by the same principle 
as the Campignian paring-knife. 

Finally Nos. 3, 4 and n show implements of jadeite, a 
material formerly considered to have been imported into 
Gaul from distant lands (? Siberia), but now regarded as 
indigenous in France. 

The polished axe-head was hafted, and we possess a 
number of examples with handles (Fig. 40, Nos. i to 5) ; we 



see them figured in contemporaneous neolithic sculpture 
(Fig. 40, No. 6). Usually the axe-head was set in a sawn 
and hollowed piece of deer horn, and the horn socket itself 
was usually hafted crosswise on to a wooden handle. 

Grooved implements were generally hafted directly into 
the wood. Implements such as saws, gouges, paring-knives, 
scrapers, and graving-tools were frequently hafted either in 
wood, horn, or bone. 

Among the most common and at the same time the most 
varied weapons of neolithic industry we must mention arrow- 

_ _ ! Egyptian 

historical period ; (Author's collection, Musee de Saint-Germain). 

heads, which are found in great numbers in nearly every 
station in all countries. The variety of shapes is infinite, 
although we possess flint arrow-heads only and a few made 
of bone ; those made of wood, horn, and fish-bone have 

The method of hafting these arrow-heads (Fig. 41) was 
itself very varied ; we possess a few antique specimens and 
others among our ethnographic collections in our museums. 

It will be noticed that the straight-edged arrow-head in 
use among the Egyptians in historic times (Fig. 40, Nos. 6, 
7, and 8) (Middle Empire), was already employed by the 
contemporaries of the first dynasty (Fig. 40, Nos. 4 and 5), 


who had made a true work of art of this weapon. But 
besides these beautifully finished arrow-heads, there were 
certainly others, made of a simple untrimmed chip, of which 
we probably come across numerous specimens without recog- 
nizing their purpose. And this is very likely true of a 
number of implements belonging to all the stone industries, 
either very slightly or not at all trimmed, whose use remains 

Thus neolithic forms vary infinitely and are distributed 
over a number of districts in different periods. Some of these 
industries are very old, and others are contemporaneous with 
our own day ; but no matter to what age or land they 
belong, they all reflect the same ideas in the men who 
fashioned them, and thanks to the exigencies of the material, 
all present an air of relationship, although in most cases 
these diverse industries are absolutely independent of one 


ITALIAN arclueologists have given to the cultural phase in 
which a few metal implements are found with neolithic 
remains, the name of eneolithic. This phase characterizes 
the transition between the use of trimmed stone and of 
bronze. There is still no knowledge of alloys, but only of 
the two metals, copper and gold, which are found in the pure 
state in all parts of the world. 

We must not, however, include in eneolithic industry 
those copper implements that have been simply forged, 
such as those of the North American Indians : these belong 
to neolithic culture, since the metal has not been smelted, 
but is merely hammered. By the Eneolithic we mean a 
phase of culture resulting from the first steps in metallurgy. 

Implements of pure copper had been in use for a consider- 
able time in nearly all countries. They are found all over 
Europe, in Asia as far as, possibly even further east, than 
India, but they would seem to be absent in Japan ; through- 
put Africa except Egypt and, naturally, in Oceania, a region 
in which worked stone was still in use up to our times. 

Was copper first found in one country, from which the 
knowledge of it spread to other regions, or was the discovery 
of multiple origin? We do not know for certain, but, as we 
meet with it at the foundation of every civilization, it is likely 
that it was in the countries of the most ancient culture that 
these centres, though in themselves perhaps secondary, were 
established, and that from these centres the precious discovery 
was spread abroad. 

These lands of very ancient culture are few, and only 
Chaldea, Susa, Egypt and the ^Egean Islands are entitled 
by their antiquity to be considered in this connection. 


During* the last few years this antiquity has been lessened 
by ten centuries by German scholars * who refuse to acknow- 
ledge the old chronology of Nabonidus, and this thesis has 
been accepted in France by a good number of archaeologists. 2 
But as this new theory which is already being abandoned 


FIG. 42. Ivory. Tomb of King Qau (First Dynasty). Flinders 
Petrie, The Royal Tombs, 1900, Part I, pi. XII, Fig. za, 13. 

in many quarters allows neither time for oriental civiliza- 
tion to develop nor for the dynasties to succeed one another 
without too greatly overlapping, we shall abide by the old 
chronological estimates. 

In these conditions the culture of the Pharaohs would have 

1 douard Meyer (Aegyptische Chronologic, AbhandL Berlin. Akad., 1904, 
and Nachtrdge, id,, 1907) based his theory on astronomical calculations. See the 
objections of G. Maspero in XI U9Q5> H> 203). 

8 Cf. XXVI, II, ist part, 54; XXVJU, 2nd edition, 1914, table, pL XIII, etc. 



begun in the second half of the fifth millennium before our 
era. In any case we are faced with the problem as to whether 
this culture was indigenous or was brought in by foreign 
influences. We shall show how, at an early date, during 
the Egyptian neolithic industry, the valley of the Nile under- 
went Asiatic influences, and was probably even occupied for 
a time by a population that had come from Mesopotamia, 
and that these conquerors would have thus brought into 
Egypt the knowledge of copper. Later, we shall see that it 
was at this period, also, that ceramic art would seem to have 
first shown itself among the pre-Egyptians. 

FIG. 43. Representation of man at the beginning of the Pharaonic 
(After Flinders Petrie, The Royal Tombs, 1901.) 

In the tomb of the first dynasty, king Qau, Flinders 
Petrie x discovered an ivory plaque representing a captive of 
distinctly Asiatic type (Fig, 42), though the author himself 
thought it was Libyan. Other representations of the same 
period show that even then the artists took special care to 
differentiate ethnic characteristics. Elsewhere on a schist 
plaque now in the British Museum (Fig. 44) we see at the 
upper right hand corner a person dressed in a long robe 
of Asiatic fashion, pushing before him a naked captive, 

* The Royal Tombs* 1900 : part I, pi. XII, Figs. 12 and 13 ; pi. XVII, Fig. 30* 


while at the left another naked person is fleeing- ; in the centre 
we see a lion and various birds of prey devouring* the corpses 
after a battle. The conquered are Africans, they wear beards 
in the Egyptian manner and have crinkled hair ; it is likely 
that in those primitive times the race peopling the borders 
of the Nile was not of pharaonic type and that, if smooth- 
haired men existed in those regions, it was further north, in 
the delta then forming. 

These documents, and many others, show beyond doubt 
that at a time getting on towards the period of the first 
dynasty, earlier rather than later, Egypt was the theatre of 
conflict between two peoples of distinct race, and they also 
inform us as to the nature and origin of the invaders. 

FIG, 44. Schist Palette, Archaic Egyptian. (British Museum.) 

The same fact is brought out by a comparison of Figs. 
45 and 46, where we have grouped the principal industrial 
and artistic forms common to pre-Pharaonic Egypt, Chaldea 
and Elam. It must be conceded that these analogies are 
such that it is impossible to deny the influence of the one 
civilization on the other. 

The presence of the Asiatic divinity in Egypt (Nos. 2, 3, 
5, 6, 27, 33) and the cylindrical seal which, as is known, is of 
Chaldean origin, can leave no doubts on the subject of the 
centre whence came the culture which was to be transformed 
later into the civilization of the Pharaohs. 

Thus, it would seem likely that the knowledge of copper 
(Fig. 47) came to Egypt and the Asiatic coasts of the 
Mediterranean from Chaldea. But this deduction advances 
us little in regard to the country in which copper was dis- 
covered (Fig. 48) : for we have never found in Chaldea, as 
we have done in El am and the Iranian plateau (Fig. 49), any 




FIG. 45, Principal objects of archaic Egyptian period. 



FIG. 46. Principal objects of arcliaic Susian and Chaldean period. 


definite traces of purely neolithic industry, and we know, by 
the study of the formation of the delta of the Chaldean rivers, 
that that district was not habitable till relatively late. It was 
thus neither in Chaldea nor in Iran that the first metallurgical 
essays were made. Nevertheless, it is highly probable that 
Western Asia was at least one of the principal secondary 
Centres whence the knowledge of metal was propagated, though 
we are still ignorant of the actual point at which metallurgy 
first developed. 

The principal types of copper implements would have 
spread from the Mediterranean coasts and from Central Asia 
into the Mediterranean islands first, then into Western, 
perhaps even into Central and Northern Europe, being 
modified by the different neolithic cultures into which 
they penetrated, but retaining their principal characters of 
the flat axe-head and triangular dagger ; and if a few rare 
Egyptian, Phoenician, or ^Egean objects reached the confines 
of Europe, it was quite exceptional : it was the knowledge of 
metallurgical processes that spread, and not the metal object 
itself. The copper probably circulated in the form of ingots, 
as was the case with bronze, which was exported in the 
prepared state, containing the proper proportion of tin. 

It would seem to be definitely proved to-day that the 
knowledge of copper reached Gaul simultaneously from the 
South and the East, that it came from the Black Sea and 
the -^Egean, a district where this industry according to 
specialists in ^Egean questions began towards the early 
part of the third millennium before our era ; though naturally 
it took long centuries before it was propagated as far as the 
British Isles and Scandinavia. "We do not contradict these 
authors as regards the age of civilization in the Mediterranean 
Isles any more than in Western Europe. 

As for gold, we find it used as early as copper, together 
with which it is found in almost all the stations and in 
eneolithic sepultures. The tomb of Menes at Nakada, 
contained a very heavy gold bead in the form of a spiral. 
In the same way in the sepultures of Muqayyar (Ur of the 
Bible) and Warfca (Erech) the tombs contain, in addition to 
stone and copper (and sometimes bronze) implements, crude 
ornaments of gold. 

In spite of daily increasing discoveries, we are still in- 


FIG. 47. Objects of pre-Pliaxaonic industry. Upper Egypt 

; poterie=pottery ; incis~incised ; 

; os=*bone.) 



Fio. 48. Objects of Eneolithic incfustry in nistorical Egyptian times. 
Objects of the First Pharaonic Dynasty. 

steatitic-schist ; pie*re=stone ; ivoire=*ivory.) 



sufficiently informed as to the extent and duration of eneolithic 
industry ; it is only by numerous chemical analyses that we 

'. -:,= 

FIG. 49. Tepeli Gulam (Pusht-i-Kuh). 

can possibly pronounce on the question, because the use of 
bronze is grafted on to that of copper, and stone, copper, and 
bronze implements are frequently found tog-ether. Further, 



most archaeologists, though recognizing the existence of 
a copper industry and placing it in the last neolithic 
phase, 1 do not arbitrarily differentiate it 8 from the bronze 

The appearance of metal (Fig. 50) did not, as we might 
suppose, occasion a revolution in the established order of 

*o i Eneolithic sepulture at Fontaine-le-Fuits (Savoie) : a, 

* b ^Jadeite a*e-hads; d, knive* a*d paring-t<x>ls ; e, ^es and 

' *Pe, mwSarS: 7, Spn, V id. 8-ir, Adimiyeh (fegypt), * 

things ; in most instances its use came in slowly and by- 
contact with metal-users, rather than by invasion, and it 
penetrated into neolithic environment very gradually. In the 
earlier stages, weapons and implements of metal were scarce 
because of the rarity of copper, which at first was only an 
object of trade ; the forms of flint implements were copied in 

copper and even vice versa occasionally. Then, metallurgy 

becoming established in the mining countries, and commercial 
relations being extended, most of the stone types disappeared ; 
but this substitution of metal for stone was very irregular and 

* Cf. XXVI, II, ist part. 



very slow ; worked stone continued in use for a long- time ; 
it was employed for the heads of such projectiles as, from 
their destination, were bound to be lost. It was thus that, 
even when iron was known all over the Old World, arrow- 
heads and the heads of throwing-spears continued to be made 
of stone as well as of metal. Then, in certain ritualistic 
practices, the use of stone remained de rigueur ; it persisted 
indeed for thousands of years. In Egypt, the disembowelling 
of bodies to be mummified was done with a flint knife *, and 
a flint knife was used for circumcision * among the Asiatics. 
The use of stone for the latter purpose enables us to under- 
stand the important place that was taken by work in obsidian 
for exportation in j^Egean districts. 

Thus eneolithic industry, properly speaking, is not a welj- 
defined stage of human culture it is only a transition phase, 
and nowhere does the appearance of copper modify the 
customs and usages of the neolithic peoples. Copper repre- 
sents neither an epoch nor any definite duration of time, 
since its propagation was irregular in progress according to 
different localities ; and as the use of bronze came about in 
the same way, certain areas remained for a much longer 
period than others in this transition stage, as, for example, 

It should be noted that metal, being an extremely precious 
material, was handled with great care at its inception, and 
thus that many stations classed as neolithic because copper 
is absent, really belong to the eneolithic stage ; some archaeo- 
logists are even of the opinion that the concluding polished 
stone phases, among different peoples, should all be ranged 
with the new-born metal industry ; I am not far from sharing 
this opinion as regards Egypt and North Africa. 

1 Hesiod, bk. II ; Diodoras Siculus, bk. I, cf. XL VII, 9. 

2 By the Jews and Phoenicians among others. 


Dis>~ -very of Metals and Metallurgy. Bronze is an alloy of 
copper and tin, which has qualities of hardness greatly 
superior to those of pure copper, a soft metal that is very 
malleable ; bronze is to copper what steel is to iron. But 
it is not only by alloying it with tin that copper can be 
hardened ; a very small proportion of arsenic 1 , antimony or 
zinc 2 modifies the molecular state of copper. These pro- 
cesses were perhaps attempted in a halting manner by the 
Ancients, but we cannot be sure, because such alloys may 
be indeed probably are the result of impurities in the 
copper ore treated. 

A 10 per cent, alloy of tin gives to copper the qualities 
proper to the use for which the weapons and tools were 
destined ; a higher tin percentage renders it increasingly 
brittle ; a content of 30 per cent, of tin gives a very fragile 
white metal which was used in olden times for mirrors* 

The metallurgists of primitive times, not having at their 
disposal our modern scientific means, could only proceed by 
experiment by successive attempts and this is why the 
tin content of bronze implements varies so greatly. We 
must also take into account that if copper ore was abundant 
in the Old "World, stanniferous beds were much more rare, 
hence there was often a complete absence of tin on the 
market of many lands. However, the composition that the 
metal founders of prehistoric times apparently desired to 
reach varied between 10 and 18 per cent, of white metal. 

Copper is found in the natural state in the rare form of 
native metal, abundantly as metallic sulphides, and as 
oxides, carbonates and other ores resulting from prolonged 
contact of the outcropping copper veins and lodes with the 

1 Certain axe-heads from Hungary contain as much as 18 per cent, of arsenic. 
This high content would seem to be attributable to particularly impure ores. 
a Cf. XXVI, II, 1st part, 175 # 



atmosphere ; the other natural combinations of copper are 
outside the scope of our consideration as regards this par- 
ticular question. 

Tin-bearing- strata are much rarer and are limited to a 
few localities ; the ore occurs in the original deposits in 
veins, and in the form of small crystals in crystalline rocks 
known as granulites ; it is always an oxide (cassiterite) and 
never found as a native metal. 

The attrition of rock-matrices and outcropping veins by 
atmospheric agencies produced alluvial formations in which 
stream-tin occurs in the form of sand ; it is only necessary 
to wash this alluvium in order to extract the cassiterite. 
This is the method used in the exploitation of tin in Malaya, 
at Brangka, Perak and elsewhere. Native gold is obtained 
by the same process based on difference in density. 

As the first metallurgists found the beds of copper and 
tin in a virgin state, they only had to deal with oxides, and 
it sufficed to smelt it in a reducing fire of charcoal to separate 
the metal. This is the metallurgical process still used in 
our own day, and, especially for tin, the Malays still use the 
primitive furnaces or smelting hearths. 

The exploitation of both copper and tin mines was ex- 
ceedingly simple ; as the outcropping veins were still virgin, 
it was merely necessary to work, almost without effort, the 
vein of rock where it had been split by atmospheric agency, 
and to pick up the detached blocks among the fallen d6bris 
and, in the case of tin, to wash the sand. 

Cassiterite is always found in a siliceous gangue which 
flakes in the fire. As for the carbonates of copper, whether 
the gangue is calcareous or siliceous, it splits with the heat. 

Fire was used from very early times for the disaggrega- 
tion of rocks containing metals ; we find traces of this 
process in all mining districts ; the auriferous beds of 
Bohemia and Transylvania show thousands of examples of 
it. Further, since the driving of galleries for the extraction 
of flint was practised in neolithic times, we ought not to be 
surprised when we meet with real mines dating from the 
earliest days of the knowledge of metal. 

Thus it needed only the chance of favouring circumstance 
for Man to discover the two metals which constitute the alloy 
that plays so great a part in prehistoric times. Since the 



copper-bearing strata are much more widely spread over the 
surface of the globe than those bearing tin, copper was 
discovered first, contemporaneously with gold nuggets which 
sparkled among the sands and shellets of streams. 

If we indicate on a map of the world the chief locations 

FIG. 51. Situation of copper and tin beds in the Old World. 
(Cuivre copper ; ttaintin.) 

of copper ore (Fig. 51), we see that this metal is of uni- 
versal distribution ; furthermore, it has been discovered in 
the New as well as in the Old World ; South Africa and 
Australia, however, did not profit at an early date by their 
natural riches. 

It is necessary, however, to distinguish between copper- 
producing regions which gained metallurgical knowledge 
from foreign sources, and those in which it may have 
originated. To begin with, the two Americas must be 



ruled out ; and we know by a great deal of archaeological 
testimony that neither Algeria, Spain, France, the British 
Isles, Scandinavia r nor Central Europe saw the separation 
from its gangue of the first copper ingot. There remain 
then the -gean Islands, "Western Asia and Egypt ; for we 
have seen that Chaldea need not be considered and that 
Egypt in all probability got the knowledge of copper from 

As regards Egypt a legend was established, arising 
from an error made by the German savant Lepsius which 
still persists 1 relative to the richness of the copper mines of 
the Sinai Peninsula. 2 This archaeologist, who was versed 
neither in mineralogy nor geology, took the natural beds of 
manganese ore of Serabout-el-Khadim for slag resulting 
from an intensive exploitation of supposed copper mines ; 
and this gross error became law for those who alluded to 
Egypt. The strata forming the Sinai Peninsula cannot, by 
their geological constitution, contain considerable beds of 
copper ore, and the sole wealth of these mountains consists in 
the turquoises found in the sandstone. There exist genuine 
remains of a metallurgical industry at Wady Maghara, 
but it dealt only with insignificant quantities of carbonated 
ore existing in isolated rounded masses in the sandstone 
adjacent to that in which turquoises are found. Egypt must 
be ruled out absolutely from among the copper-producing 

What countries remain in which the invention of metal- 
lurgy can have taken place? The -^Egean Islands, Asia 
Minor, Transcaucasia, Armenia and Iran, on the one hand ; 
the far eastern group on the other it is quite certain, 
however, that metal is much more ancient in Chaldea and 
Elam than in Sino-Japanese and Indo-Chinese regions. 

The Altai and the Pamirs are equally rich in copper ; but 
the antiquity of metallurgy in these regions does not seem 
to go back very far. In all probability, then, it was in the 
north of Western Asia that this great discovery was made ; 
thence, in a very rudimentary state, the knowledge would 
have gone down into Chaldea with the men who first came 

1 Cf. XXVI, II, ist part, 176. 

2 Cf. ^xictg, 216 ft. All the documents relating to the question of the Sinai 
mines, brought together by the author, are in his collections at the Muse de Saint- 


to settle in the island mud-flats of what was later to become 
the empire of Sargon the First and of Naram-Sin ; then it 
would have passed over to Egypt, the Phoenician coasts and 
the -5igean Islands, the centres whence the knowledge spread 
to Europe. 

These are merely conjectures, but they rest on serious 
foundations on a collective series of facts to which neither 

Fig. 52. Situation of copper and tin beds in tne New World, 

geology, Asiatic tradition, nor the earliest historical and 
archaeological data offer any contradiction. 

As regards tin the problem is still more difficult of 
solution, since the stanniferous areas are few 1 . The rare 
deposits of tin known in Morocco, Western Spain, Auvergne, 
Brittany and Finland do not enter into consideration, and 
the same is true for those of England because of the distance 
of that country and its isolation in the middle of the ocean. 
Cassiterite is found, according to some authors, in the North- 
east of Persia, at KLhorassan and in several districts of 
Armenia ; but I have not been able to verify this information. 
Madagascar, the Cape of Good Hope, and Australia must 
be ruled out from the list of countries where the discovery of 
the white metal could have been made. In North America, 
cassiterite appears (Fig. 52) on the coast of the Pacific 
* Cf. XXXVHI, Etudes archM. et Jiistor., zz> and map, pi. II (p, 34). 



Ocean, In Mexico it produced a special bronze industry ; it 
appears, finally, in South America, but we cannot consider 
the tin-bearing- beds of the New World in a study relating to 
the old continents. 

There remains only the Malay, Indo-Chinese and Chinese 
group, whose richness is great ; maybe tin followed the 
same route taken by the great Mongolian invasions of the 
Middle Ag-es to reach our part of the world. 

FIG. 53. Moulds. r-2, Scotland; stone (Univalve) ; 3, Mould of 
hardened bronze (Lake Geneva); 4, Lac du Bourget (stone). 

Indo-China and China were favoured by nature in a way 
that may well have been conducive to the discovery of 
bronze, because here cupriferous and stanniferous ores 
occur together in great abundance ; but we must put a 
limit here to such considerations, and wait until Central 
Asia and China have been better explored. Perhaps we 
may even some day discover in the northern mountains of 
Western Asia stanniferous beds forg-otten for thousands of 
years, and their presence would annihilate all the hypotheses 
we may be tempted to hazard to-day as to the location of the . 
first centre of metallurgy. 

Archaeologists debate as to whether bronze was prepared 
by measuring out the proportions of the two elements 
(Fig*- 53) in the metallic state 1 , or whether the ores were 
mixed before being put in the furnace, and they explain by 
this last hypothesis the notable differences in the tin content 
1 Zeughelis, SW le 'bronze pr&historique> Melanges Nicole y Geneva, 1905. 



of bronze- These are but conjectures which, before they can 
be supported, require that we should be able to study in the 
most minute detail a foundry incontestably of this period, 
and that we should be able to analyse the resultant slag-. 

"We may add that if the Ancients did not use brass, that 
is to say the alloy of copper with zinc, although calamine 
was very abundant in Europe, it was because zinc burns on 

FIG. 54. 1-3, Bronze axe-heads (Susa) ; 4-8, after a bas-relief of 
Naram-Sin, found at Susa. 

contact with the air when it becomes red-hot, even in an 
alloyed condition, and the metallurgical procedures of those 
days did not permit of its being treated always in a reducing 
atmosphere ; tin on the contrary is very stable, either in the 
pure metallic state or in the form of an alloy. As for lead, 
its property of oxidation is the basis of the process of refin- 
ing, of which the Ancients made such great use in historic 
times for the extraction of gold from quartz before the use of 
mercury came in. 

"Whatever may be the origin of the metals, we see in 
almost all countries the use of bronze succeeding that of 
pure copper ; and it was only very gradually that neolithic 
stone implements disappeared. But just as the polished 


stone industry is subdivided into regions, so is bronze 
fashioned in different manner according- to time and place. 
The numerous human groups occupying the 'world at the 
time of the introduction of metal progressively accentuated 
their regional characteristics, but this is not the origin of 
nationalities, for they are much older than metal ; it is, how- 
ever, the definitive affirmation of clans, tribes, peoples and 

FIG. 55. Bas-relief from the tomb of Mera (Sixth Dynasty), representing 
the working of precious metals. 

empires. Both the powerful means of domination resulting 
from metallurgical knowledge, and the rapid progress made 
materially and intellectually, permitted certain peoples to 
attain the hegemony of their sphere of influence. History 
now begins, in Asia, Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean, 
and gradually spreads in the areas surrounding the first 
centres of metallurgical knowledge ; thus the modern world 
has its inception. 

In Chaldea and Elam the bronze industry began at 
the same time as the use of writing (Fig. 54). From that 
time these countries enter the domain of History : never- 
theless, this industrial phase characterized them for many 
centuries to come, until iron insensibly replaced brass in 
armament. The forms characteristic of these areas remained 
specialized for a very long time, and they have nothing- in 
common with those in use among the still barbaric popula- 
tions of the north. Under Naram-Sin, in the middle of the 
fourth millennium before our era, the lance, bow and axe were 
still the principal weapons of offence ; the sword did not 
appear until much later, coming into current use in Assyria 



only in the times of the kings of Assur, and, among the 
Greeks, with the Dorian invasion. 

It was the same in the valley of the Nile (Fig. 55), where 
bronze remained in use for many purposes, parallel with the 
use of iron, up to the period of the Alexandrine conquest. 
Here also the archaic forms are specialized ; they seem to 
have evolved from those of the worked stone implements 
(Fig. 57). In Syria (Fig. 58), and in the islands of the 

FIG. 56. Bronze implements of Pharaonic Egypt. 

Eastern Mediterranean (Fig. 59), although Egyptian influence 
made itself felt occasionally, the forms in most cases are 
strongly individual. 

Unfortunately we are but ill-informed as to the industries 
of the peoples of Western Asia other than the Chaldeans, the 
Elamites and the Assyrians. A very great number of diff- 
erent peoples jostled each other among the mountains and 
the high plateaux of the North. Except for the Urartians and 
the Hittites, they had no written character, and therefore the 
study of their culture belongs to prehistory. The Assyrian 
annals supply their names ; but we are able but rarely to 
place their names with certainty on the map, and the districts 
in which they lived remain unexplored from the archaeo- 
logical point of view. 



Besides, if we may judge by the results of my own 
researches in the north-west of Iran and Transcaucasia which 
supplied almost all that we know about these regions, it is 
not in the Chaldean or Elamite industries that we shall find 
the origins of Nordic culture, but somewhere in the still un- 

FIG. 57. Bronze implements, Egyptian New Empire (Cairo Museum). 

known parts of Central Asia. The different bronze cultures 
whose traces we find in the dolmens of the Russian and 
Persian Talish are linked more or less closely with the 
civilizations of Central and Western Europe; in them we 
find that the dagger, the sword, the torque, incised pottery, and 
geometrical ornamentation are general. Except for animal 
and human representations, their predilections are largely 



FIG. 58. Funerary Furniture from Tell and Tin (Syria) (Excavations of 

J. E. Gautier). 

FIG. 59. JEgean-Mycen&an bronze implements and weapons. 



characteristic of our neolithic populations of the "West ; it 
would seem that from before the days of polished stone a 
current of ideas and culture began to flow between the 
countries of Central Asia and those of Europe, that this 
current had not been affected to any great extent by the 

FIG. 60. Western Europe, ist and 2nd Bronze Industries. 

southern centres of civilization in Western Asia, but that in 
passing from East to West it had borrowed ideas, in certain 
details, from -^Egean civilization* It follows that by the time 
this flow of culture had Breached our part of the world it 
could no longer be identical in its manifestations with those 
revealed in the funerary monuments of the southern shores 
of the Caspian. 

The bronze industry of the Old World should thus be 
considered as regional and individual in development* 



Chaldea and Elam of which Assyria was the child, Egypt 
and Crete, would seem to be the most ancient centres of the 
culture ; then come the Nordic civilizations, all more or less 
closely interrelated, which covered the north of Western 
Asia and the whole of Europe, distributed over these vast 

FIG. 61- Western Europe. 3rd and 4th. Bronze industries. 

regions according to time and place. Here the various 
peoples exhibited their individual genius, taste and tendencies 
while preserving the main outline and development of the 
Nordic bronze industry. Thus appeared at different periods 
the Caspian, Caucasian and Mycenaean industries, and those 
of the Russian Steppes, the Danube (Hungary), Scandinavia 
and Northern Germany, Gaul, Spain, Northern Italy, etc. ; 
whilst in Mediterranean areas, the Minoan, JEgean, and even 



Egyptian influences made themselves widely felt, whereas 
in northern lands they were less accentuated, or in any case 
were of later date. 

In each northern district, whether in Europe or Asia, the 
bronze industry evolved locally, passing- through successive 
phases. In the north of Persia and in Transcaucasia diff- 

FIG. 62. Bronze Hatchets. 1-2, Germany ; 3, Spain. 

erent periods are easily distinguished by differences of 
detail in the local industry, and the same is true for all 
these districts under consideration. 

In France, the form of the early bronze implement is 
usually inspired by that of the stone tool ; then the sword 
appears on the scene, and later on comes into general use. 
With the sword came defensive armour, such as the helmet, 
the cuirass and the buckler, all of which had long- been 
in use among- the Orientals. 

The fibula only appears in the West towards the fourth 



bronze industry ; it was always unknown in Kgypt, Chaldea, 
Elam and Assyria, whereas in the Hellenic world it was a 
familiar ornament from very ancient times. 

In a book such as this there is not space to examine, one by 
one, all the objects of the bronze industry in order to investi- 

FlG. 63. Bronze implements and weapons^ Hungary. 
A. de Mortillet's 


gate their relationship, or even their origin ; a study of that 
kind would take us far beyond the limits set to this volume, 
and would involve us in distinctions between the original 
form current among each people and those arrived at through 
contact with the inhabitants of neighbouring districts. It 
must suffice to say that in the bronze industry of our own 
regions we meet with many traces of mixed forms demon- 
strating the wide extent of the relations entertained between 
one people and another in that age. 

It is difficult to be precise as to the date of the inception 


of the bronze industry in different lands, and it differed in 
different localities. In Elam, Chaldea and Egypt, it would 
seem to be toward the end of the fifth millennium before our 
era ; in the Eastern Mediterranean it would be in the course 
of the third ; at Mycenae about the same epoch ; in Gaul, 
somewhere about 2000 B.C., and in the north of Persia and 
the Caucasus probably a thousand years earlier ; but all these 
estimates are merely approximate, our documentation still 
being much too imperfect to enable us to establish chron- 
ology with any certainty. 


IN no country does the passage from a bronze to an iron 
industry occur suddenly. Arms and implements of bronze 
continued to be used long after the Hallstatt forms came in. 
It is quite usual to find both bronze and iron swords and 
daggers in tumuli. The forms themselves, however, were 
rapidly modified, and the superiority of the Hallstatt models 
being* recognized, they were copied in copper alloys. 

The weapons of offence consist of the long, slender sword, 
the dagger, lance and bow and arrow ; the iron swords and 
daggers are remarkable for the shape of their hilts, which 
often have horns, and a conical pommel of characteristic 
appearance ; the lance-heads and javelins are inspired by 
bronze types. 

In the same way neolithic stone arrow-heads persist side 
by side with examples in bronze, the reason being that, at 
the beginning of the Hallstatt phase, iron, a metal still rare 
and precious, had to be economized. It was hardly ever used 
for anything other than side arms, such as swords and lances, 
which, being held in the hand, would not be lost. 

By way of defensive armour, the cuirass, as in the days 
of bronze, is sometimes seen, but it is either of Greek or 
Italiote origin, or copied by the Celts from Mediterranean 
models. Further, the importation of utensils and weapons 
of southern manufacture had by this time become the object 
of a widely extended trade: situlae of beaten copper, cere- 
monial baskets, and vases of all shapes are common in 
the Hallstattian necropoles of central Europe and Gaul. 
Some of these receptacles are even elaborately ornamented 
with designs cast in the piece or done in repousse, and 
for the most part the motifs are those of Greece and Italy. 
Along with these objects are glass cups and vases of different 
shapes often ornamented with coloured bands, whose proven- 



ance is beyond doubt. Gold is seen in the funerary furniture 
as well as in articles of adornment. 

Tools and kitchen utensils soon reach a high degree of 
perfection and show by their development that the exigencies 
of life have become greater since the close of the bronze 
industry. We find saws, sculptors' chisels, curved knives, 
and others that fold inside the handle like those we use 
to-day. Bronze casseroles are common, and spits tied up 
in bundles are fairly frequent in Etruscan sepultures ; 
andirons, and even spit-standards, were made, and among 
ritual implements the great meat-roasting forks should be 

Some of the burial mounds in several different European 
countries have yielded chariots, 1 usually with four iron 
wheels, and in other sepultures . ploughshares have been 
seen. Bits and bridles for horses are frequent. 

Personal ornaments of gold, bronze and iron are found in 
great variety ; among them torques, necklets of beads made 
of coloured glass, amber, coral, ivory or mother-of-pearl ; 
bracelets in many shapes, ear-rings, pendants, pins, fibulae 
of every sort and kind, toilet-sets, amulets representing 
animals, usually horses which sometimes have riders ; 
and finally, bronze belts of varying breadths, engraved or 
bearing designs in repouss6 work. Almost all the metal 
jewelry is ornamented with finely engraved geometrical 
designs with which are often associated animal and human 
representations or religious symbols such as the solar disc, 
the wheel, the swastika and many others besides whose 
signification is still unknown. 

The shape of the vases and the quantity of pottery found 
vary in different localities. The pottery is generally incised 
with geometrical designs associated with rude painting done 
over a glaze, but human and animal figures roughly done 
with straight strokes as in the Caucasian representations are 
also seen. 

The classical Greek and Roman writers of antiquity speak 
of a Ligurian people, not very clearly differentiated, but the 
recollection of whom was a living thing throughout the 
Occident. These Ligures no doubt comprised all the old 

1 J. de Morgan, VII, 1921. I myself found a chariot in a Hallstattian tumulus 
in the forest of Moidons (Jura). 


indigenous races of Western Europe, whose various groups 
had become absorbed into a foreign element and who, for 
the more judicious of modern authors, 1 are the hypo- 
thetical founders of neolithic civilization, and are thought 
to have taken part in those successive waves of Aryan- 
speaking peoples which have broken over Europe so often ; 

FIG. 64* Iron metallurgy. Ore furnace, Bernese Jura, 
after Quinquery, 

the Ligures would have been the dolmen builders and perhaps 
also the first inhabitants of the pile-dwellings ; but they 
would have become metallurgists, probably under external 
influence, at the same time as the skilled stone-workers, 

We have shown how great is the uncertainty surrounding 
the genesis of metallurgy, and we have stated that in our 
opinion it is of oriental origin ; in that case metal-working 
would have come among the Ligures, already long settled 
in the .Occident, through some continental trade current, 
as well as by way of the Mediterranean. The Celts and 
the Dorians must have been the principal propagators of 
the iron industry. The ore itself, and the processes of 

1 Cf. 

I (1908), chap. IV, no ff. 



working it, would have spread first, and the Ligures 
would have adapted its use to their needs and tastes ; 
then would have followed the manufactured iron objects 
exported by the Hellenic world. This is probably the 
explanation of the dualism in artistic tendencies seen in the 
course of the bronze industry, a dualism which does not 
exist in the oriental dolmens of the north-west of Persia, 
and which is only found in these regions much later, when 

FIG. 65. Blast-pipes of smelting furnaces, i, Silesia ; 2-3, Hungary. 

Hellenic influence, through the Black Sea traders, pene- 
trated among the peoples of Transcaucasia. 

The so-called Ligurian period in our part of Europe is 
that of the foundation of cities, or, at any rate, it was during 
the bronze industry that there occurred the sedentary develop- 
ment of the settlements established by the neolithic people, 
as a result of the advent of agriculture and cattle-raising. 
Extended commercial relations followed* It was at this 
epoch that the Phocaeans, drawn by the prospects of trade 
which hitherto had been carried on by stages, followed it 
to its source, and, landing in the country of the Ligures, 
founded Marseilles. 

In those times also there were other barbaric groups of 
peoples the Celts living beyond the Rhine, and in distant 
islands at the edge of the world. 1 It is generally agreed that 
the Celts came from the east by the valley of the Danube. 2 
Then these hordes would have gone up into the northern parts 

1 Ammianus Marcellinus (after Timagenes, XV, 9, 4). 

2 Of. XXX, 227, note 2. 


of Germany, toward the Baltic coast, and thence descended 
upon Belgium and Northern Gaul by sea and by land, 
driven from their domains by the tidal bore which sub- 
merged the Northern and Baltic coasts about 530 B.C. 
It is also about this time that the Iberians, coming from 
the Spanish peninsula, penetrated into the South of 

The history of the exodus of the Celts from the Northern 
countries is known from a number of passages in the 
writings of antiquity ; so we can leave them to occupy Gaul, 
having subdued, without destroying or driving out, the 
Ligures. It is of greater importance for us to find traces 
of them in more ancient times. There were Celts, or tribes 
closely related to the Celts which had remained in or returned 
to Thrace and Macedonia ; it was they who, in 279 B.C., pil- 
laged the temple of Delphi, and this indication is precious, 
since it allows us to link up the Celtic culture with civiliza- 
tions still further east. 

Dechelette is of opinion that "from their primitive domain," 
Central Europe and North-eastern France, the Celts spread 
into very distant territories during the first and second Iron 
Age, at the beginning- of the third century the period of 
their greatest expansion. Their domain would then have 
included the British Isles, the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, North 
Italy, and the Rhine and Danube country up to the Black 
Sea ; certain tribes would then have established themselves 
in Thrace ; others again would have succeeded in firmly 
establishing settlements in the centre of Asia Minor (Phrygia 
and Cappadocia), and in Galatia l that of the Gallo-Phrygians. 

This designation of their "primitive domain" seems to 
be extremely risky, and dictated by the reaction, which is the 
fashion to-day, against an oriental origin for the people of 
Aryan tongue. Our information, though incomplete, cer- 
tainly shows us that there were Celts in the valley of the 
Lower Danube on the shores of the Black Sea ; but it does 
not tell us whether they extended still further to the 
Russian Steppes, nor if the Celtic peoples had lived there in 
earlier times* 

Hoernes, 2 one of the best versed prehistorians of the 

1 XXVI, 572* * LXX, 54. 


Hallstatt civilization, bases his classification principally on 
the characteristics of the pottery and fibulae. "Without 
denying the great interest of these two elements, we would 
remark that the true characteristic of this culture is the 
introduction of naturalism into the geometric art; a char- 
acteristic distinguishing it clearly from the bronze civilization 
in Western and Central Europe, and which, both in its con- 
ception and its technique, removes it far from the Chaldean, 
Egyptian and Pre-Hellenic cultures, though allowing us to 
catch a glimpse of a certain distant relationship to Mycenaean 


However, the traces of the Hallstatt spirit are not limited to 
Europe ; we find it far away in the north of Western Asia, 
to the south of the Caucasus, and in Caspian districts. A 
very different civilization from that of the oldest sepultures 
appears in Russian Armenia during the Iron industry, and 
this culture, though modified in a number of details, re- 
appears both in Russian and Persian Talish and Ossethia, 
and even in Daghestan. It is characterized by its human 
and animal representations, of which both technique and 
style in all these places seem to derive entirely from the 
geometric style. 

In Ossethia, this culture would not seem at that time to have 
used iron industrially, all the weapons being made of bronze ; 
but this is apparent only, for the predominance of copper 
among the Ossetes is simply and solely the result of the 
near neighbourhood of rich mines of this metal. In Armenia 
the same culture comprises iron, silver and lead. The pottery 
in all three regions has the same technique of ornament it 
is incised, often very carefully, and polished, and both in 
Armenia and Persia it presents animal shapes, something 
quite new in these parts. 

If this industrial group and that of Hallstatt be closely 
compared, there are some striking analogies between them. 
Of course, in the Hallstatt culture it is necessary to leave 
out of account all Mediterranean influences, and to exclude 
their products which is quite easy ; the analogies then seen 
are so great that it is impossible not to connect these two 
industries and, in consequence, the people who were their 
authors. The geometric ornament on Bavarian vases is 
identical with that on the Lelwar and Helenendorf vases. 



FIG. 66. Iron industry, Russian Armenia. 



In the personal ornaments, our Hallstatt bracelets differ 
in no way from those of the East ; the torques are the same, 
and so are the ear-rings, rings, pendants and fibulae ; we find 
also bronze belts, but most of ours are inspired by Etruria 
or Greece. The toilet-sets, the form of the weapons, the 
necessities of all sorts, the great bronze forks, all, if not the 
same, at least are analogous. Only the pins differ; but 

FIG. 67. Arrow-heads from iron industry sepultures in northern Persia : 

x-2, Bronze; 3, Iron; 4-5, Smoked transparent obsidian; 6, Red-veined 

obsidian ; 7, Red jasper (Talish). 

those of Lelwar are merely imitations adapted from the pins 
of the preceding- iron industries in the same locality. 

The method of burial is practically the same in both 
Orient and Occident ; the body is extended (formerly it was 
doubled up) and is covered over with a heap of stones. 

Iron, like bronze, made its appearance at different dates 
in different countries. In Chaldea, Elam and Egypt this 
metal was known from very ancient times ; but in these 
regions the use of bronze remaining predominant, either for 
religious reasons, or more likely because iron in the natural 
state was rare in these parts of the ancient world, it becomes 
impossible to say precisely at what epoch iron became in- 



FIG. 68. Helenendorf (Transcaucasia). 


dustrially used. It is otherwise where northern regions are 
concerned, whether in Asia or Europe. 

In Transcaucasia, we distinguish two successive forms of 
the iron industry, very different in appearance and certainly 
belonging- to different ethnic groups. The first, highly 
specialized, seems, on the whole, to be simply a continuation 
of the forms of the bronze culture of those parts ; it is localized 
in the mountains of Armenia. The second, on the contrary, 
as we have seen, is that which appears to have been the 
parent of or sister to the Hallstatt culture of the West. And 
this culture itself, if we may judge by the funerary furniture, 
must have borrowed some details from the civilization which 
had preceded it in Transcaucasia. 

In the West the second Caucasian culture alone finds ah 
equivalent ; but it is followed in our part of the world by 
another phase generally known as La Tfene, from the name 
of the locality where it is best represented. The La T&ne 
industry was that which characterized Gaul at the time of the 
Roman Conquest. It is strongly imbued with the Mediter- 
ranean spirit as well as with the northern taste of North 
Germany and Scandinavia, and does not seem to be, like 
the Hallstatt culture, of oriental origin. 

At this period Hellenic and Italiote Culture become more 
and more important throughout "Western and Central Europe ; 
coins, Greek at first, then native but of Greek type, make 
their appearance, and history, properly speaking, begins. 

Elsewhere, in the north of Russia and in Finland the use 
of iron succeeded directly that of polished stone. It was the 
same in Central Africa and on the Upper Nile, probably in 
more ancient times than in Europe. In India this progress 
seems to have been due to the Alexandrine conquest, or 
at least to have preceded it by very few centuries. We are 
unable to judge as yet of the evolution of the Far-eastern 

In the New World, in Oceania, in Polynesia, and among 
the tribes of Northern Siberia, the appearance of iron is quite 
recent, dating only from the discovery of these lands by 
explorers of our own times. 



FIG. 69. Hallstatt type swords and daggers, Western Europe. 


WE have seen that the most ancient products of human 
industry of which we have knowledge to-day are implements 
in chipped and flaked stone such as flint, quartzite, siliceous 
sandstone or quartz, according to which of these rocks 
occurred in the district, either in the outcropping geological 
strata or in the alluvium. 

In every land and in every prehistoric age, flint has 
always been the favourite rock because it splits easily and 
the flakes thus obtained are very sharp-edged. Flint is a 
very resistant material, only to be blunted by blows on 
a hard body ; thus it lends itself admirably to the method 
of chipping or knapping by percussion, and the flakes are 
rapidly chipped into shape either by light hammering or 
by pressure, for it suffices to apply an oblique pressure to 
the edge of a flint chip with a body of medium hardness to 
cause the splitting off of very small flakes, and by repeat- 
ing this operation the implement can be shaped at will. The 
chipping instrument may be made of flint or any other stone 
of medium hardness, or even of wood, bone or horn, since 
a very light pressure is sufficient to knap flint in this 

Siliceous sandstone, quartzite, quartz and rock crystal of 
the same or greater hardness than flint, do not possess its 
special qualities, and split awkwardly,, ill obeying the will 
of the workman. Consequently these rocks were at first 
used only when flint was unprocurable, and when relations 
between different peoples had been opened, it became an 
object of extensive trading. 

Other materials, such as jade and obsidian, were also 
used, but jade is a very hard rock and can be chipped only 
with great difficulty by percussion, necessitating the pro- 



cess of wearing down by polishing ; we meet with it only 
in the later neolithic industries, at a time when serpentine, 
diorite and other vein-rocks appear, the employment of 
which was unknown before Man applied to stone the pro- 
cess of polishing already long in use for ivory, bone and 

Obsidian, an ideal rock to chip, has the great disadvan- 
tage of being too fragile. This volcanic rock, however, 
has been much employed in prehistoric antiquity because 
for many uses it can take the place of flint, which never 
occurs in those districts where the volcanic rock is met with 
in the lava streams. This material was freely employed in 
Mexico, Japan, the Greek Islands of the Mediterranean, 
Transcaucasia and Armenia. It can be chipped in exactly 
the same way as flint, but it does not lend itself to 

When a flint nucleus is struck obliquely with a hammer 
or a simple pebble of hard stone, a chip is flaked off whose 
virgin surface is slightly convex, and projects at the point 
where the stroke was made. This protuberance is known as 
"the bulb of percussion," and is to be seen in chips of all 
hard rocks. It leaves a corresponding cavity on the core. 
If, after chipping a certain number of flakes from the same 
side of the core, we strike it in the other direction, a very 
sharp though wavy edge is produced, whose alternating con- 
vexities and concavities can be reduced by further light 
knapping, till quite a regular cutting edge is achieved. These 
two methods belong to palaeolithic industry, the Chellean type 
most often showing wavy edges, and the Acheulean presenting 
a nearly regular cutting edge* With the Moustierian industry 
the trimming becomes more highly finished in the " coups 
de poing " ; but Man chiefly uses the chips whose edges he 
trims on one side only, either by percussion or pressure^ 
We have seen that the " coup de poing" disappeared with 
the archaeolithic industries, but the method of chipping both 
sides, as in that implement, is thenceforward applied to 
the chip ; this results in the appearance of nuclei cores 
from which flint blades are split off, eventually to be fashioned 
in a hundred different ways according to need, one or both 
sides being trimmed* 

The mesolithic industry shows great progress as regards 


variety of form ; there appear, among others, the paring-tool, 
precursor of the axe which, later on, will be polished ; but 
the paring-tool is generally chipped only on one side, the 
other remaining flat. 

In Egypt and in India 1 , this paring-tool appears in the 

FIG. 70. Nos. i-iz, Nucleus (Grand-Pressigny). Nos. 3-4, 1st blade. 
No. 5, 2nd blade. No. 6, 2nd blade. 

form of a true hatchet, concurrently with another disposition 
in which the implement is trimmed away on both sides ; 
the knapping being effected by blows skilfully struck on the 
side of the tool thus prepared* In the Egyptian paring-axe, 
however, the edge is often produced by a series of chips, 
which differentiates it from the true Campignian parer as 
well as from the corresponding Indian implement. 

i Communicated by H. Seton Karr (Pnaar River). 


The polished axe appears in the neolithic industry along 
with a number of new forms, and its use continues during 
eneolithic industry, and even into the bronze phase, for 
metal was then still very rare, and for many purposes the old 
implements continued to be employed. 

It is in neolithic and eneolithic industry that we meet with 
the masterpieces of flint-knapping, and it is hard to believe 
that craftsmen existed who were skilful enough to trim those 
large perfectly-executed Egyptian blades, always so fine, 

FIG 71. Nucleus and blades in obsidian (Phylacopi, Isle of Milos). 

and sometimes polished on one side, that bear traces of 
chipping so regularly done as to be mathematical in its 
precision. The neolithic craftsmen in Egypt, as in Scandi- 
navian countries, were past-masters in their art. Along the 
Nile valley they even fashioned light bracelets of flint, perfectly 
circular and polished on the outside. In Jutland and Scania 
they excelled in the manufacture of daggers. Some specimens 
found even in France are by no means negligible, but it 
remains to be proved that they are really indigenous, for at 
that time trade in flints had been greatly expanded. 

In the north of Europe flint appears in large nodules in 
the upper cretaceous beds (from the lower green chalk to the 
white chalk inclusive) ; these nodules are especially formed 
in the chalk, after it is deposited, the silica collecting in 
the holes and hollows caused by the moulds of decom- 
posed organisms buried in the mud. The sponges have 
been the principal agencies causing this concentration of 
silica. The finest flints in the world are found in the white 


chalk of the south of England, the north of France, Belgium, 
the north of Germany, and Denmark. Flint-bearing chalk 
does not exist in Sweden. 1 

In Algeria and Tunis flints are plentiful in the same 
formations as in Western Europe, whilst in Egypt they appear 
in the Tertiary (Nummulitic) beds ; and, so far as concerns 
the low hills of the Nile Valley, the quality of the flint is in 
no way inferior to that of the West. 

In order to feed trade and to supply flints to populations 

FIG. 72. Shafts for the extraction of flint at Mur-de-Barrez ( Aveyron) 
After Marcellin Bottle (Mat. 1887, p. 8). 

whose own territory yielded none, flint-knapping centres 
formed ; such workshops were established in Belgium, in 
the basin of the Loire, and at Grand Pressigny. In this last 
locality very fine flint knives were made which were exported 
all over Western Europe, but other implements do not appear 
to have been made there to any large extent. The abandoned 
nuclei that had done the service required of them are found 
in the fields by thousands at Grand Pressigny among other 
places. These nuclei consist of longish pieces of flint that 
have had large chips flaked off them on every side, but one 
of which alone was prepared for the splitting off of blades. Morgan, 1882. Les terrainsTcr6tac6s de la Scandinavie, X. 


They are of varied dimensions ; some have a length of more 
than 50 centimetres (Fig. 70). 

These great blades were split off by percussion, and very 
great skill and special precautions must have been required 

FIG. 73. Topographical sketch of the flint mines of Wady el Sheikh 

(Egypt), from a survey by Seton Karr. 
(Mines prhi$toriques=pTebistoTic mines ; puits arabes= Arab wells.) 

to prevent the jar from breaking these long-, thin, fragile 
knives. Of course we do find broken blades, but these are 
very few in relation to the enormous number of cores, and 
thus to the number of blades produced, 

The chipping of obsidian blades was done in the same 
manner in the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, but 
neither cores nor blades reached large dimensions ; the biggest 
nucleus never exceeding 20 centimetres in length (Fig. 71). 


year, it is extremely difficult to recognize their position. In 
Egypt, the conditions are quite otherwise ; there the neolithic 
people opened up mines in the desert where the ground 
remains still in the state in which they left it more than six 
thousand years ago ; we still see the mounds of rubbish 
(Fig. 74) left by the work of the miners around the pits, and 
these heaps extend in infinite number along the edges of 

FIG. 76. The "Pierre aux dix doigts," Villemaure (Aube) 

certain valleys known in those times for the rich flint-con- 
taining beds existing below the Quaternary drift. These 
extensive workings must have been contemporaneous with 
the flint- working industry of Egypt in its heyday ; that is to 
say that they probably commenced to be worked before the 
appearance of metal, and continued to be exploited under the 
kings whose remains repose in the necropoles of Nakadah 
and Abydos. 

Long before he began to polish flint, sedimentary and 
crystalline rocks, Man had carved and polished bone and 
ivory, together with certain stone utensils ; he was not 
ignorant, then, of this method of treating his material, but 
for reasons that escape us, he did not employ it, and it was 
not till very late that he used it. 

The implement, after being knapped with great care, took 
its final form before it was polished. For flint tools as much 


as possible of the too prominent ridg-es was taken off by 
minute trimming skilfully done ; and for other rocks the 
implement was given its form by chipping it with a pointed 
hammer-stone of very hard rock ; it was then ground by 
friction on some harder substance, and probably the project- 
ing ridges of the concavities were taken off by the aid of 
sand and water. 

This operation was carried out either on a rock or on a 
large stone brought into the encampment, and to which we 
give the name of rubbing-stone. We are familiar with 

FIG. 77- 

Bas-relief of the Sixth Egyptian Dynasty. 
Making stone vases. 

rubbing--stones of the Aurignacian, 1 Magdalenian, 2 and 
Azilian 8 industries ; but these stones only served for the 
polishing of bone and ivory and for the making of needles 
and pins. Stone-polishing came in with the neolithic phase, 
and was applied only to a few implements, such as axes, 
adzes, gouges, chisels, and tomahawks throughout the world, 
and to knives and bracelets in Egypt alone ; even then 
implements were often only polished at the edg*e. We should 
notice that in the south of Europe, in Italy, Greece and 
Spain, polished flint axe-heads do not occur, 4 nor are they 
found in North Africa, or at least they are extremely rare. 

The rubbing-stones are usually of hard sandstone ; 
they are also known, however, in granite, quartzite, and 
other hard rocks. In the Dordogne slabs of flint 6 were 
frequently used. One of the most remarkable is that known 
as the " Pierre aux dix doigts" (Fig. 76) from Villemaure in 

the Aube. 6 

But in addition to these immobile polishing-stones on 

* Cornbarelles Cavern. 
4 XXVI, I, 512. 

* Trilobite Cavern. 

* Mas-d'Azil Cavern. 

5 Dr Testut, V (1888), 77. 
fl A. deMortillet, I*es polissoirs de ViUemaure (Aube), JX (1906), 44, Figs. 26 
and 27. 



which the implement to be finished was rubbed, there are a 
good number of hand polishers and sharpeners which cer- 
tainly were not intended for polishing stone tools, but must 
have been used for bone, ivory or horn. "We find them in 
great numbers in neolithic stations; some even are holed 
and could be hung at the belt. 

The neolithic industry at its zenith included implements 
that were perforated to receive handles, such as axe-heads, 
hammers, clubs, tomahawks, etc., found all over the world. 
These weapons are^almost always made of very hard stone, 
such as diorite, serpentine, etc., and were in use a long time, 

FIG. 78. i to 5, Stone vases. El Amrah (Upper Egypt), 

for we find them frequently with bronze implements ; but we 
should be quite wrong in considering them to be representative 
of an epoch 1 for eneolithic industry cannot be considered of 
the same antiquity in all the widely different regions where they 
are found. In Egypt and Chaldea, maces of various shapes 
are extremely ancient and their use is preserved up to our 
times in Mesopotamia. The tribal Arabs, in fact, are still 
armed with an instrument consisting of a short stick furnished 
at one of its extremities with a large ball of bitumen. 

The boring of the hole for hafting was done as it still 
is in our days by the rotation of a circular drill, generally 
hollow, worked either by hand or by the aid of a string 
bow, operating on the stone to be pierced ; wet sand played a 
great part in this work which also permitted vases in hard 
stone, such as rock crystal, obsidian, cornelian, etc., to be 
hollowed out. Certain bas-reliefs of the old Kingdom in 
Egypt show us labourers occupied in this work (Fig. 77). 

From the times of the chipped stone industry, Man had 

* As does Dchelette, XXVI, I, 519. 


worked in wood ; in the closing periods, those which preceded 
the appearance of metal, he cut down great trees whose trunks 
he hollowed to make pirogues, 1 a sort of elongated trough, 
rounded or square at either end. He also cut and trimmed 


FIG. 79. Stone vase. Abou Zedan (Upper Egypt). 
Eneolithic. H. de Morgan's researches. 

to a point the piles of his lake villages and the beams of his 
houses. This work certainly required patience, as we our- 
selves know, having seen the Indians of South America 
engaged in it ; still they achieved their objects, just as well 
as if they had had metal axes* Time was the prin- 
cipal factor in all this work, as it still is among primitive 
peoples ; the Indians of Alaska polish walrus ivory by 
rubbing it for weeks and months in the hollow of their hands 
and thus obtain a lustre that a more rapid process could 
never produce. 

1 Moringen and Robenhausen (Switzerland), Saint- Anbin-en-Charollais (Satae- 
et-Loire), etc. 







WE know nothing of Man's dwellings earlier than the 
evidences of Moustierian industry. The caverns, however, 
were open to him, for in most of them, we find, at the lowest 
level of the deposits silting them up, remains bearing witness 
to their occupation by wild animals. Hence we are led to 
believe either that the country was not inhabited before the 
coming of the Moustierians, or else, as we have said earlier, 
that the Chellean and Acheulean industries were con- 
temporaneous with the Moustierian, that they responded to 
needs that the troglodyte population did not experience, and 
that the Chelleans and Acheuleans built themselves huts in 
districts where there was no natural shelter. It is impossible, 
in fact, not to believe that these people would take shelter in 
caves if such were at their disposal. 

The caverns, preserving, as they have done, traces of 
succeeding generations inhabiting them, furnish the most 
precise information as to the life of palaeolithic and archseo- 
lithic Man. In the Grimaldi caves (grotte des Enfants) the de- 
posits that filled them had accumulated before the excavations 
to a depth of about ten metres. The lowest layer contained 
hyaena coprolites, and above it there were superposed nine 
distinct floor levels, all Quaternary. The lower layers were 
characterized by the presence of bone fragments of Rhinoceros 
mercki^ nor do the Grimaldi caves constitute an isolated 
example, for all our caverns have been inhabited in the same 
manner, more or less consecutively. Some, however, provi- 

* Cf. LXIV : Historique et description, by the Chanoine de Villeneuvc ; 
Anthropologie, by Dr Verneau, Glologie et Paltontologie, by Marcellin Boule. 



sionally abandoned by Man, once more became the haunt of 
carnivores ; then they were reconquered, and floors yielding- 
evidences of habitation succeed the sterile layers in which the 
products of industry are absent. 

We really know nothing* whatever of the dwelling-places 
of men other than caves during- Quaternary times ; the first 
traces of huts built in the open appear with mesolithic in- 
dustries. The Danish kitchen middens and the Campig-nian 
stations reveal to us that Man was then constructing shelters 
of interlaced branches daubed with mud and clay. As a rule 
these huts were grouped in villages, and were usually protected 
by natural means or by palisading. These primitive houses 
were low, circular, and at most 2*50 metres in diameter. In 
certain cases, one hut would be used for habitation, and 
another as kitchen. 1 Usually these villages were situated near 
running water ; for we must not forget that, although occupied 
in cattle-raising and cereal culture, the mesolithic and neo- 
lithic populations still depended on hunting and fishing for 
a large part of their subsistence. A good many of these 
settlements were in the neighbourhood of the more important 
beds of flint or of obsidian, and, later, of metal ore, leading 
to the establishment of veritable manufactories catering for 
export trade. The land had to support these groups, which, 
being small, easily produced all that was needed in the 
vicinity of the villages. 

The manner of their life in those days did not, as a rule, 
lead men to build actual cities, although certain agglomera- 
tions may be dignified by the name of towns, such as the 
Camp de Chassey, in the Cote-d'Or, covering no less than a 
dozen hectares, and that at Campigny (Seine-Inferieure), 
where the huts spread over three or four square hectometres. 
Further down the river, in the valley of the Bresle near the 
village of Incheville, there was a Campignian encampment 
on a plateau, probably fortified ; this camp measures several 
hundreds of metres in length. We may further mention 
the townships of Catenoy (Oise) ; Camp-Barbet, at Janville, 
in the same department; and Peu-Richard, in the commune 
of Thenac, Charente-Infferieure. 

The manufiactories of stone implements varied in kind 
H(Mtaiion$ *Uthiques du plateau dts Hautes Bruytrts ( Villejuif), 


according- to the nature of the soil and the demand for 
exportation. In many localities weapons and tools of every 
shape and form were fashioned, whilst in others only certain 
types were produced. In Normandy and Champagne they 
polished axe-heads ; in Calvados and Seine, they chipped 
scrapers. Grand Pressigny, we have seen, was a centre for 
the manufacture of large flint blades. 

But it is not only in France that we find remains of human 
settlements of the latter portion of the Stone Age. In the 
province of Li&ge, in Belgium, there are traces of numerous 
villages of this period. 1 In Italy interesting discoveries 
have been made in the Abruzzi, in the province of Reggio, 
and in the provinces of Mantua, Brescia, etc. 2 

What we know of the huts of Germany shows us that 
the manners and customs responsible for the mode of their 
construction differed from those of the inhabitants of France. 
The German huts were rectangular, constructed on a 
framework filled in with trellised branches plastered with 
pis6 which was decorated with geometric designs in 
various colours. 8 In Bohemia, Hungary, Bosnia, Tran- 
sylvania, and as far as Roumania, traces of neolithic villages 
have been discovered ; but if we compare these discoveries, 
we note perceptible differences, either in the construction of 
the shelters, or else in the pottery or stone tools, though the 
underlying principles are the same. 

It is very difficult to distinguish between neolithic dwell- 
ings and those of peoples who knew the use of metal ; tastes 
differed according to locality and the various materials at 
Man's disposal. Further, the date of these dwellings can only 
be determined by the objects found among their ruins. The 
houses of Megasa and Phaestos, considered by Dawkins and 
Mosso to be neolithic, are, without the slightest doubt, 
eneolithic from the evidence of the objects they contain as 
much as from their method of construction. In the same way 
the constructions at Orchomenos, with stone sub-foundations 
and walls of unbaked bricks, belong to an already well- 
advanced civilization, in which metal was certainly known. 
Schliemann wrongly attributes them to neolithic culture. 

i Cf. Marcel dePuydt, U (1888 to 1903). 
a Cf. Pigorini, XXI (1875), 175- 
*Cf. LXXIV. 


Europe at that time was peopled by tribes belonging to 
diverse races of very different manners. Variations in 
customs, which were to make themselves felt still more after 
the appearance of metals, are the best proofs of this. 

In the fertile plains and valleys where game was abundant 
Man had to be on his guard not only against wild animals 
but also against his neighbours ; conflicts between tribes 
were incessant in those days, as they still are to-day among 
nomads, either for the possession of hunting and fishing 
grounds, or for pasturage and agricultural land. Security 
was only relative. Do we not well know that before they were 
practically annihilated by the Europeans, the Indians of the 
United States were constantly at war one with another? 
Thus we see nearly all neolithic villages surrounded by 
defensive walls. Unfortunately, since these sites continued 
to be inhabited long after the appearance of metal, it is 
impossible to attribute to neolithic people with any certainty 
the fortifications whose remains we recognize. 

Constantly in search of more favourable conditions of 
existence, the neolithic populations of the lake regions sought 
refuge from their enemies by building their dwellings on 
the water. In spite of the rudimentary means at their dis- 
posal, these men felled the forest trees and made them into 
piles, which they drove into the mud of the lakes ; on these 
piles they constructed more or less broad platforms on 
which they built their houses. This procedure, unknown 
in France before the appearance of polished stone, is 
still in use in both the Far East and in Oceania. The bay 
of Singapore affords a striking example : there an entire 
Chinese settlement, consisting largely of fishermen, still lives 
thus on the water. 

We can enumerate in Switzerland to-day over two hundred 
pile villages. 1 Stations of this kind are common in our 
French Alpine lakes, and they are found from the Jura to 
Scotland, and in Russia. 

Elsewhere construction on piles is not limited to dwellings 
built over water. Throughout Malaysia the houses are built 
on piles, and their platforms are raised several metres above 
the ground ; it is thus that the natives protect themselves 



from marsh mists and dangerous animals. The terramaras 
of North Italy were constructed on the same principle. x 

The construction of the crannogs of Ireland and Scotland 
spring from the same idea, but the same principle of defence 
by water developed on different lines from those of the pala- 
fittes. Crannogs are small artificial islands produced by 
the building up of shallows, which are under water in winter 
and are dry in stimmer. 

It can be readily understood that the inhabitants of the 
palafittes threw their daily refuse into the water and that very 
often useful objects fell in by mistake. Thus from the 
forest of stakes still standing in the mud and marking the 
position of these villages, the drag brings up the various 
household and personal articles of those times ; stone, metal, 
trimmed bone and wooden implements, pottery, even pieces 
of cloth, nets and ropes preserved by the peat, pirogues 
hollowed from tree trunks, nuts and berries in short, every- 
thing which in those days had a place in the everyday 
existence of the inhabitants. Thanks to these many relics 
we have a thousand and one details of information on the 
intimate life of the lake village populations. 

The piles which have stood in place for so many centuries 
permit us to estimate the size of the various settlements 
and to determine their plan and shape. 

At Robenhausen (in Switzerland) on Lake Pfaffikon the 
area occupied by the village was nearly a hectare and a half 
and it stood about three thousand paces from the shore of the 
lake. A long bridge connected the village with the mainland. 

The ancient method of constructing human habitations 
persisted in our part of the world long after the appearance 
of metals ; Roman bas-reliefs, particularly those on the 
column of Trajan, supply some very conclusive representa- 
tions in this regard ; and some of the funerary urns from 
Etruria and Latium (Fig. 80) give us an exact reproduction 
of the huts of those days in those countries. It was only 
much later that Man thought of constructing walls for his 
dwellings ; his first care was to use stone in order to preserve 
the bones of his dead ; it was only long afterwards that he 
took pains to protect his own life by raising up ramparts for 

1 C O. Montelius, after L. Pigorini, Civ. prim. Ital. 


defence. Nevertheless, we should note that in the Eastern 
Mediterranean the local populations had built the walls of 
their houses of dry stone ever since the coming in of neolithic 
industry ; and that in Asia they made use of clay briquettes 
of different sizes for prehistoric ramparts, at Susa amongst 
other places, and that this method of construction was 
rapidly transformed in Egypt, developing into the brick- 
work of which the tombs of the Thinite dynasties were built ; 

FIG. 80. Hut-shaped funerary urns (Etruria). 

the royal tombs of Nakadah and Abydos are built of un- 
baked brick. A little later they even used these materials 
in the construction of ramparts for the protection of their 
towns. The walls of El Kab are an excellent example of 
primitive military architecture. Later still, under the twelfth 
dynasty, the pyramids of the Usertesens and Amenemhats 
still consisted of a huge core of unbaked brick, faced with 
stone ; and, many centuries after, under the Achsemenidas of 
Persia, everything was built of large unbaked bricks 
houses, palaces and ramparts, although baked brick had 
been known at least since the time of the Patesis of Elam. 
In Gaul, in Greece, throughout Europe, and even in Egypt, 
baked brick only appears and comes into current use at the 
time of the Roman conquest. 

The nomads of our times live in tents, shelters made of 
skins or of a coarse haircloth, which they pack on their 
animals as soon as the pasturage is exhausted around their 
encampments ; for they stay only a few weeks in one place. 
It was no doubt thus in prehistoric times ; the nomadic 
hunters or herdsmen packed up their tents and departed, 


either when the game was exhausted, or the grass all con- 
sumed by the flocks. These constant changes of site leave 
no durable record ; in a few days rain and wind scatter the 
ashes of the camp fires, so that only a few semi-calcined 
stones and occasional forgotten or abandoned objects remain 
on the ground* Thus may be explained the discovery, in 
all countries, of innumerable isolated objects whose presence 
cannot be corroborated by similar finds. 

Prehistoric settlements differ much in size in different 
countries ; we have seen that the palafitte of Robenhausen 
measured about one and a half hectares superficies. These 
proportions reappear in several primitive cities ; at Murcens 
(Lot), and at Mont Beuvray (Saone-et-Loire) the dimensions 
of the town or citadel are equal to those of Robenhausen. 
Alesia (C6te-d'Or) occupied an area of 9700 ares ; x Gergovia 
7000 ares; and Palatine Rome covered 1320 ares; while 
Tiryns was only 200 ares, Athens 250, and Mycenae 300 in 

It is to be noted that the custom of settling on high 
ground and of constructing an acropolis surrounded by walls 
seems to have been brought in by peoples comingfrom Siberia, 
for all the great towns founded by the old stock are in valleys 
on the banks of rivers. Thebes, Abydos, Memphis, Ur, Uruk, 
Babylon and Susa, are situated in the plains ; whereas Rome, 
Athens, Ecbatana, Alesia and many other towns and villages 
founded by the new-comers (Aryans) have an acropolis, or 
are entirely built on heights. In Gaul there are innumer- 
able examples of the choice of heights. The occupation of 
islands and the construction of lake cities and crannogs is 
due to the same need of natural protection for the settlement. 

i An are equals 119-6046 sq. yards. 



Hunting. Primitive peoples to-day, as in the past, are de- 
pendent on hunting, fishing 1 , and the gathering of wild 
plants and berries for their subsistence, and it was 
thus in the oldest prehistoric phases. The debris met 
with in the drift yields no information on this point about 
the life of the men who chipped the Chellean and Acheu- 
lean " coups de poing". In the Moustierian levels of 
the caverns, however, the numberless fragments of bones 
of wild animals then inhabiting the plains, valleys and 
mountains, leave no doubt as to the doings of the 
troglodytes. They were hunters, and no doubt fishermen 
also; the capture of game and fish was their principal 

Life, however, was not so easy as might be thought, 
for throughout Quaternary times Man had to measure his 
strength against terrible adversaries, no matter whether he 
struggled with them for his subsistence or to defend his 
own life. It was certainly not by his rude flint weapons 
alone that he was able to master the pachyderms, rhinoceroses, 
bisons, and other great herbivores on whose flesh he lived, 
nor that he vanquished, as he did, even bears and lions. 
Undoubtedly, he made great use of snares and traps, like 
many modern savages, and of pits such as are still used in 
Indo-China to capture the royal tiger, and he must also have 
made formidable weapons, such as spears, of hard wood, 
perhaps with poisoned points. A boxwood or oaken stave, 
properly prepared, becomes a most formidable means of 
attack in the hands of a skilful and vigorous man. 

Among modern savages this kind of weapon is frequently 
used, and varies in shape and design according to the use 
intended. Pikes, javelins, and spears pointed with flint, 



bone or horn, or merely tapered, are the principal hunting- 
weapons of primitive men, and in prehistoric times as in 
our own day they could be turned against man just as well 
as against wild beasts. 

The bow and arrow certainly appeared in our part of 
the world before the advent of neolithic industry, and was 
a great improvement on the throwing-stick, for the pro- 
jectile could cover great distances four or five hundred 
metres, (in the Roman epoch), making it possible to hit 

FIG. 8 1. Hunting scene. Bas-relief from the tomb of Mera, at Sakkarah 

(Sixth Dynasty). 

an enemy or game without giving the alarm. Thence- 
forward men could fight against lions and bears with less 
risk of life than in the past. In hot countries, however, the 
hunter had not only to deal with the great carnivores : in 
Egypt* crocodiles coming- out of the marshes by night 
entered villages in search of prey, just as alligators do to 
this day in Central America, and neither arrow nor spear 
would have the least effect on their armour. These monsters 
sometimes attained enormous dimensions, and while the 
inhabitants sought refuge within their palisades, and dared 
not venture forth, lions would leave their desert haunts 
and prowl around the huts and the cattle enclosures. In 
Chaldea the memory of such conflicts with the king- of 
beasts was kept alive for centuries, as the carvings and 
sculpture bear witness, whereas Egyptian bas-reliefs of the 
earliest historic period for the most part (Fig. 81) demon- 
strate more pacific exploits qf the chase, such as gazelle and 



antelope hunts, or water-fowl hunting in the marshes. 
Archery and netting play a great part in these hunts. 

In the kitchen middens of Egypt and Europe and in 
the caves considerable heaps of broken bones are found, 
remains of meals that the men of those days did not trouble 
to move far from their dwellings ; this d6bris varies at 
different periods, thus providing for each a list of the wild 
animals Man used for food. At Solutre there have been 
found the remains of no less than one hundred thousand 
horses, whose bones had been heaped up around the ancient 

FIG. 82. Hunting falcons : i, jessed ; 2, free. 
Second Iron Industry. 

Russian Armenia. 

dwelling-places. Whereas in regions outside Europe we 
see rock drawings of men in pursuit of game, such repre- 
sentations are non-existent with us in Quaternary times, 
though our caves are covered with paintings. They occur 
later only, contemporaneously with neolithic industry. This 
observation has a significant bearing on the spirit in which 
the Magdalenian representations were done. 

The general introduction of cattle raising and agriculture 
did not put a stop to hunting, but thenceforward the taking 
of game, no longer indispensable to existence, became 
a secondary occupation. It would appear that the neolithic 
people lived as much on wild animals as on theif herds, if 
we may judge by the fragments of bones found in the mud 
beneath the lake villages. It was not till much later in 
historic times that hunting became an agreeable pastime, 
a luxury that the greatest kings did not scorn. With the 
advent of metals, however, weapons became more formidable, 
game grew scarce, and a number of species disappeared. 
It was thus that the Roman cavalry of Julian the Philosopher 
exterminated with their arrows the last ostriches of the 


Euphrates desert, that the lion disappeared from Continental 
Greece and Asia Minor at the very outset of historical times 
in these countries ; and that bos urus of Western Europe was 
exterminated in the first centuries of our own era. 

At the date of the iron industry, we first see the falcon 
employed for hunting (Fig. 82) in Transcaucasia, and this 
sport, so dear to the knights of the Middle Ages, has been 
pursued vigorously by the Orientals up to our own day. 

FIG. 83. Harpoons and fishing implements: r, Ivory; 2, 

(Abydos) ; 3, Flint (Helwan) ; 4, The hafting of No. 3 ; 5, Deer u^x* 
(Lake of Neuch&tel) ; 6, Robennausen (Switzerland) ; 7, Pinewood float, 
Robennausen (Switzerland). (Nos. 5, 6 and 7 after A. de Mortillet.) 

Fishing. If Man was a hunter of game, he certainly did 
not neglect the abundant fish in the lakes and rivers of those 
days an abundance unknown now except in new countries 
where modern methods of fishing have not yet been applied. 

There is no evidence available to inform us what methods 
of fishing were employed in the early days contemporaneous 
with palaeolithic industry. The advent of the harpoon at 
the opening phase of archaeolithic industry, however, pro- 
vides certain proof that the predecessors of the Gauls hunted 
fish. No traces of fishing-lines, however, have been found, 


FIG, 84* Fish-hooks: Nos. i to 8, and n to 13, Swiss lake cities; 
No. 9, Susa ; No. 10, Egypt. 

FIG. 85. Fishing scenes. Bas-reliefs from the tomb of Mera, at Sakkarah 
(Sixth Dynasty). Above : i, Mera goes fishing in a boat ; a servant 
gives him to drink; in the bow another servant splits the fish for 
drying. 2, Fishing boats picking up fish-traps. 3, Two boats with 
hoop-nets; fishing-birds are seen underneath. Below: Eighteen 
fishermen landing a seine full of fish under the orders of their leader. 


but it may be remarked that fish-hooks could be made from 
splinters of bone or hard wood bound together to form an 
acute angle ; the geometrical microliths (Tardenoisian or 
Tourassian) would seem to have been made for fishing. 

The harpoon (Fig, 83, Nos. i to 5) in use towards the 
close of Quaternary times is present in all later industries 
down to our own day* It is made of bone, ivory, or metal, 
and certain small flint implements found at Helwan (Egypt), 
among other places, are probably harpoon points. 

Fish-hooks (Fig. 84, Nos. i to 10) similar in form to those 

FIG. 86. Cattle of the Ancient Empire (oxen). Bas-relief from the 
tomb of Mera at Sakkarah (Sixth Dynasty). 

in use to-day are found in large numbers in all the copper 
and bronze industries. 

Nets (Fig. 83, No. 6) appear in the lake villages with 
neolithic industry ; or, rather, it is in the lakes that the oldest 
specimens of net yet known have been found. 

The netting seems to have been more often of the simple 
square pattern known as " thumbs" than of the more com- 
plicated " finger" pattern. Pieces of light wood (Fig. 83, 
No. 7) served as floats, while pierced pebbles (Fig. 84, No. 1 1) 
or the large holed discs of baked clay, called fusaroles or 
spindle- whirls (Fig. 84, Nos. 12 and 13), took the place of 
our sinkers for lines as well as nets. 

In certain districts rich in lakes and streams, or situated 
by the sea, fishing was the principal means of livelihood ; 
the Danish kitchen middens furnish proof of this, and the 
bas-reliefs left us by the Egyptians of the early dynasties 
show numerous representations of scenes of fishing with 
nets in the Nile or in the lateral marshes of the Nile valley 
85). The kitchen refuse of the Egyptians, moreover, 


contains a great deal of fish debris ; and some of the verte- 
brae of these fish indicate that in those days veritable monsters 
of two or three metres in length were sometimes caught in the 
sacred river. 

In Chaldea, a country of rivers and marine marshes, 
fishing was also held in great honour, and according 
to the archaic texts the legendary kings engaged in it. In 
Japan, China, Polynesia and even in certain parts of Europe, 
fishing still supplies the inhabitants with a large measure 
of their daily food. 

Cattle-raising. The domestication of certain kinds of 

FIG. 87. Domesticated animals of the Ancient Empire : antelopes, 

gazelles, hyaenas, and jackals. Bas-relief from the tomb of Mera at 

Sakkarah (Sixth Dynasty). 

animals begins in our part of the world at a time when 
rnesolithic industry was flourishing. The earliest domesti- 
cated animal seems to have been the dog, the hunter's com- 
panion and guardian of the hut, whose skeleton is found in 
the Danish kitchen middens, Hypotheses attributing the 
breaking in of horses to the Solutreans rest on no 
substantial base, nor can we seriously consider suppositions 
relating to domestication in Quaternary times. 

Apparently it was at a much later date that Man made 
animals his auxiliaries and kept them for reserve food. 

Pigs, horses, cows, goats, sheep and dogs had been tamed 
in the period of the pile-dwellings ; wild Boar, Fallow-deer, 
Red-deer/ a large Ox, Elk, Beaver, Cat, Fox, Wolf, Polecat, 
Marten, Badger and brown Bear, existed in the wild state. 
Man, ever a hunter, usually brought back to his dwelling 
only the most useful parts of the game, dismembering it 
where it had fallen. This custom, which we see practised 


from Quaternary times, and which has been perpetuated by 
savage tribes to our own day, has enabled zoologists to 
distinguish between beasts slain in the chase and domesti- 
cated animals killed in the villages. Thus we find every 
part of the skeleton of the domesticated animals among 
the remains in the vicinity of the dwellings, but when we 
are dealing with game, 1 always the same bones. 

FIG. 88* Antelopes, from a Medum fresco (Third Dynasty). 

We do not know where animal domestication originated. 
Certain authors 2 without any supporting proof pronounce 
for the Orient ; but it would be more credible that such 
domestication had taken place in a number of different 
localities. The Peruvians, as Reinach observes, had 
domesticated the Llama, and the Aztecs the Turkey, before 
the Spanish conquest, 8 

While exploring the kitchen middens in Egypt, I found 
not only traces of the domestication of animals among the 
remains of habitations, but also the enclosures where the 
pre-pharaonic people kept their herds at night. These herds 
were composed, for the most part, of antelopes (Bubalis 
buselaphus)^ gazelles (Gazella dorcas and isabelld)^ goats 

1 Cf. XXVI, I, 341- 

2 Cf. Zaborowski, JL'origine des animaux domestiques en Europe et les 
migrations aryennes ; XIII, Grenoble (1905), II, 1034. 

3 LXI, 13- 


(Hircus thebaicus), sheep (Ovis longipes), and bearded and 
ruffled moufflons (Ammotragus tragelaphus).^ The ox was 
also known, for its remains are found in the kitchen d6bris, 
but we do not as yet know whether, at that period, it was 
wild or domesticated. 

Among- the herds which appear on the bas-reliefs of the 
Ancient Empire, we notice certain cattle (Bos macroceros and 
Bos brachyceros) as well as the Asiatic sheep. Their skeletons 
are constantly met with in the kitchen middens of Ttikh. 
Such live-stock was probably imported 2 at a very early 
period. We have nothing whatever to go by which might 

FIG. 89. Rock painting at Cogul (Spain), after H. BreuiL 8 

help us to determine the date of animal domestication in 
other lands ; for instance, we are ignorant of the epoch in 
which the reindeer, so important an item of food at the 
close of the Quaternary period, first became the servant 
of man. 

Agriculture. To appreciate the conditions of prehistoric 
agriculture we must seek information from the period 
of neolithic industry in the Swiss lake villages, because the 
mud of the lakes has preserved for us in good condition the 
substance of plants, whereas in the other stations such traces 
have disappeared. 

Dr Herr, 4 whose work on this question deserves every 
confidence, has established the fact that the inhabitants of 
the lake' villages harvested hazel-nuts, sloes, strawberries, 


LXVH ; Pi&trement, les chevaux dans Us temps prthistoriques, I (1906), 658. 

'The human representations are more recent than those of the animals. 
H. Breuil (in Hit. Jan. 10, 1923). The relation between the two subjects is thus 

4 Die Pflanzen der Pfahlbauten. Neujahr. naturf. Gesellsch., 1896. 


apples, -water caltrops, beech - nuts, acorns and grapes 
as food either for themselves or for their herds ; and 
Neuweiler 1 recently drew up a list of nearly 120 different 
sorts of prehistoric fruits, without including cereals such 
as rye, barley, wheat, and oats, which abound in the 
pile-dwellings either in grain or ear. Sir John Lubbock 2 
tells us that the inhabitants of lake villages cultivated three 
kinds of wheat, two of barley, and two of millet. 

FIG. 90. i, Wooden statuette (Third Dynasty), Dahshur; 
2, Monsheim (Rheinhessen) ; 3, Susa. 

It is impossible to tell whether all these sorts were 
indigenous, or whether they had been imported from other 
countries such as Mesopotamia, where graminaceous plants 
are common : we can only state with certainty that the 
Egyptian wheat (Triticum turgidum), and the six- rowed 
barley (Hordeum hexasticori), a variety which the people of 
antiquity cultivated in Greece, Italy, Egypt and Western Asia 
have been found in the Swiss lake dwellings. In every land 
Egypt, Chaldea, Italy, and Hellenic countries from the 
earliest times of the polished axe, we find hand milling- 
stones (Fig. 90), common also to mesolithic and neolithic 
stations, and lake cities. These hand mills consist simply 
of a large, flat nether stone of hard rock and an elongated 
grinding stone flattened on one surface. With this primitive 

2 IX, 4th edit., I, 204. 


FIG. 91. i, Wooden sickle armed with flint, after W. M. Flinders Petrie, 
Illahum Cahun and Gurob, pL III, Fig. 27; 2, Section showing the 
method of mounting the flint, and the bitumen cement ; 3, Hieroglyphic 
from a Medum fresco (Third Dynasty). The handle is painted green 
and the teeth white ; 4 to 8, Sickle pieces ; 9, Flint still showing the 
bitumen cement and the marks left by the wooden handle. 

FIG. 92. Abuchal, near Carmona (Spain), after G. Bonsor. 


implement, still found to-day among some backward peoples, 
the lake-city populations ground the coarse flour with which 
they made their loaves. A good many specimens of these 
have been found at the bottom of the lakes, a sort of flat, 
unleavened ' ' bap/*, analogous to those made by many African 
and Asiatic peoples to-day. 

The . most curious discovery of recent years relating to 

FIG. 93. Bronze sickles : i, Moringen, Lake City (Switzerland) ; 2, 
Corcelette ; 3, Gu&vaux ; 4, Athlone (Westmeath) ; 5, Jura ; 6, Hungary ; 

7, Caucasus. 

prehistoric agriculture is that made by Flinders Petrie in 
Egypt. He found a wooden sickle armed all along its cutting 
edge with serrated flint blades (Fig. 91). Up till then these 
flint implements, extremely common in all neolithic and 
eneolithic stations in Egypt, had been thought to be 
saws. This it is evident they are not, and it is possible 
to recognize on almost each blade of this kind, now 
scattered abroad, a peculiar polish on the teeth that has been 
caused, not by friction against a hard body but by some 
pliant substance, such as straw, rubbing away the pro- 
jecting ridges. In Chaldea (at Yokha), in Elam (at Susa), 
and at the lowest level of all the tells, we find these 


sickle pieces in great quantities ; almost all of them are 
worn like the Egyptian ones, and are covered with a 
patina produced by weathering since their abandonment. 
They are also found in Syria and Spain (Fig. 92). 

The existence of this wooden implement armed with flints 
shows how important it is to be prudent in our assumptions 
regarding the use of chipped flints whose method of mount- 
ing is unknown. 

With the coming of metals we see the form of the sickle 
changing ; it differs slightly in different countries, but it 

FIG. 94. Cultivator and his plouglu Rock carving from 
Bohusland (Sweden), after A. Montelius. 

is always a curved blade, furnished with a stouter back 

(Fig: 93). 

The date at which the plough made its appearance (Fig. 94) 
is impossible to fix, because at first this implement had no 
ploughshare and consisted only of a hooked piece of wood, one 
of whose branches was attached to the yoke, while the 
other penetrated into the soil ; it was later only that the plough 
was armed with metal. A considerable number of iron 
ploughshares are known. In Egypt, however, we find very 
large chipped flints which are supposed to have been used 
as ploughshares. 

Chariots are found in Chaldea, Egypt, Italy, Greece, and 
in almost all Mediterranean countries during the bronze 
industry. In the north and west of Europe they are quite 
common from the time of the Hallstatt culture (Fig. 95), 
though they had existed much earlier, as the Scandinavian 
votive-chariots prove. 

All this progress came about gradually, either as the 
result of native inventions or through contact with more 
advanced peoples. Thus Man, clinging to the soil he had 
cultivated, modified his manner of life and from being a 


hunter became sedentary. In many mountainous districts, 
however, the needs of his herds obliged him to con- 
serve somewhat of his old nomadic existence, and to seek 

FIG. 95. Vehicle, with horses harnessed to it, incised on a clay 
vase (Iron industry) Odenburg (Hungary) . 

pasture according to the season. It is thus that most of the 
Kurdish and Tartar tribes of Asia live to-day. For the most 
part their villages are built in the midst of the cultivated 
lands and the winter pastures ; but when the heat comes, 
they go up into the mountains, returning to the village 
for a short time in the summer for the harvest. Then they 
go back to the mountains till the snow drives their cattle 
from the upper pastures. 


ACCORDING to the rare representations of Man dating- from 
the Quaternary period, it would seem that in Western 
Europe in those days he went naked, or did not need cloth- 
ing* ; for even if in the cold season he covered himself with 
the skins of animals killed in the chase (which is not in- 
dicated, however, in representations of him) this did not 
prevent him from exposing- himself to wind and weather. 
Perhaps Nature, with forethought in this regard as in the 
case of the pachyderms, had provided him with a fleece 
certain graving-s on reindeer horn at least suggest it. 
If this was so in cold climes, a fortiori it could not 
be otherwise in hot. Thus, in Egypt, even in the days 
of neolithic industry, Man does not seem to have been 
clothed. The most ancient drawings show him naked or 
protected simply by a sort of loin-cloth, which is the case 
to-day with most savage communities in hot countries, and 
even with some in lands such as Patagonia where the cold 
is intense. 

In the caverns, at the floor level of archaeolithic industry, 
a number of bone and ivory needles are met with, from which 
we may draw the . inference that the people of those days 
sewed furs to cover their bodies in winter, as, the Kamcha- 
dales do to-day. It would not be safe, however, to attribute 
to them any knowledge of textile fabrics. 

However this may be, it is during the course of neolithic 
and eneolithic industry that we first definitely find cloth. 
The proto-Susians made a linen cloth of quite fine texture. 
It is even probable that under the early dynasties of the 
valley of the Nile the people wore those cotton stuffs of which 
we find samples, so well-preserved, on the mummies from 
the third dynasty onwards. Since the burial-places of the 
first princes of Upper Egypt were given to the flames, all 




the perishable materials they contained have disappeared ; 
and in the graves of the common people not a trace has been 
found of any textile fabric, which, moreover, had it already 
existed, would have been a luxury. 

In Western Europe the lake-city people spun and wove 
flax, but did not yet know of hemp ; but this was not the flax 

FIG. 96. i to 
Roumania) ; 4 

we cultivate to-day, but a narrow-leaved species (Lznum 
augustifolium) which still grows wild in Mediterranean 
countries, and which in early days they probably gathered 

The custom of going naked, however, would seem to 
have persisted for a long time after, for the practice of tattoo- 
ing and painting the body was continued up to historic 
times in Europe and Africa, and assuredly in Asia also. It 
will suffice to cite the figurines discovered in Roumania 
(Fig. 96, i to 3) and those of Upper Egypt (Fig. 96, 4 


and 5) representing dancers ; they all belong to neolithic, 
or at the latest to eneolithic industry. 

Corporeal decoration is effected in two ways : by indelible 
tattooing- (done with a needle which injects the colour under 
the skin), and by superficial painting. These two processes 
are still in use among all primitive peoples; but it is im- 
possible to distinguish them apart in the drawings left to us 

FIG. 97* i and 2, Mycenae ; 3, Knossos. 

by prehistoric Man. In Egypt and Chaldea these customs 
seem to have almost gone out at a very early date. Similarly 
in the -^Egean wprld, as in Crete, if tattooing and corporeal 
painting existed at all, it would appear to have been excep- 
tional. Painting the person, in all ages and in every land, 
was incidental, and practised, as a rule, in connection with 
religious rites, or on certain days only. 

The characteristic costume of different peoples has been 
extremely varied from the time when clothing first came into 
use, up to the beginning of the nineteenth century to which 
belongs the melancholy honour from an artistic point of 
view of having begun its unification. Dress in prehistoric 
times, however, is alnfost a sealed book to us, because we 



can judge of it only by the rare representations that have 
come down to us, and by archaic figurines, whose costumes 
bear witness only to the fashions in dress of one or two 
districts (Fig-, 97). For other regions we are reduced to 

FIG. 98. Stone industry amulets and necklace. x to 6, Grotte des 
morts (Gard). 7, Aveyron. 8, Steatite : dolmen of Aigueze (Gard). 
9, Scallop shell: dolmen of Gamat (Lot). 10, Shell (Dijon, Cote-d'Or). 
u, Shell, bone and schist: dolmen of Vinnac (Aveyron). 12, Luzarches 
(Seine-et-Oise). 13, Camp de Chassey (Sa6ne-et-Loire). 14, Dog's 
canine (Lake Constance). 15, Callais: dolmen of Carnac (Morbihan). 
1 6, Steatite : dolmen of Vayssifcres (Aveyron). 17, Lignite : dolmen of 
Bessoles (Aveyron). 18, Alabaster: dolmen of Montaubert (Aveyron). 

conjecture based on the objects found in tombs, which, 
however, throw more light on the jewelry worn by the men 
and women of those days than on their costume. 

Assuredly men and women decked themselves with 
ornaments from the time of the Quaternary industries ; but 
even their most primitive ornaments are still almost unknown 
to us. 


It is among* the remains of neolithic industry, in the 
burial-places and lake villages, that we first find any number 
of amulets and beads from necklaces (Fig*. 98). In neo- 
lithic and eneolithic graves in Egypt, necklaces of beads 
or shells, pendants and bracelets of ivory, alabaster, mother- 
of-pearl, and even of flint, marvellously chipped (Fig. 99, 5), 
are constantly met with ; but real jewelry only begins with 
the bronze industry. 

The most interesting ornament from the point of view 

FIQ. 99- Bracelets, i to 3, Frignicourt (Marne). 4, Alabaster (El 
AmraJbi). 5, Yellow flint ( Abydos). 6, Mother-of-pearl (El Amrah). 

of its variety is the fibula, which appears with the bronze 
industry and is still used to-day. Before the fibula was 
known, however, and in countries such as Egypt, where it 
was never in use, there were other means of fastening to- 
gether two pieces of cloth. In Russian Armenia, in the 
sepultures of the first iron industry, all the graves contain a 
large pin ; and in one of these graves, by a lucky chance, 
the pin was still fastened in the remains of the cloth, 
and bound around with the string which held it. 1 Thus a 
pin satisfactorily took the place of a fibula, and we may 

1 Cf. J. de Morgan, 

VH, I. Muse*e de Saint-Germain. 


therefore assume that pins found with products of archceo- 
lithic industry were used in a similar manner, either to hold 
skins tog-ether, or to fasten the folds of woven garments* 
Later still came the button, a small piece of metal with a 
ring* attached. 

In Egypt, as in Elam, the fibula does not seem to have 
been generally used even in historic times. It is never 
found in the pre-pharaonic or proto-EIamite tombs ; and 
there are none in the deposits at the foundations of the temple 
of Shushinak. It is found, however, at Muquyyar and at 
"Warka in Chaldea, in sepultures which are supposed to be 
very ancient, though their date is uncertain. 

The primitive type of fibula is the safety-pin (French 
" archet" *= " bow"), in which the metal stem does all the 
work ; folded back on itself, it forms pin, catch, spring, and 
back which soon becomes highly ornamental. Thence- 
forward the fibula is made up of several parts adjusted to a 
central motif that is often very complicated. 

In the Eastern Mediterranean world the fibula would 
seem to have made its appearance at the same time as the 
peplosj of which it was the indispensable complement ; for 
this feminine garment, as it was not sewn, had to be held 
on each shoulder by a brooch. This ornament appears only 
towards the end of the Mycenaean period, and was but little 
in use up to the time of the Dorian invasion, when it became 
general. One may assume, therefore, that the peplos and 
the fibula came into Greece from the North ; but originally 
the fibula was not peculiar to the peplos. From very ancient 
times it was in use among the people of North Asia and 
"Western and Central Europe. It appeared, for the most 
part, contemporaneously with the late bronze industries 
in both Italy and Gaul. In Transcaucasia and the north- 
west of Iran, it came in with iron. Its absence in Egypt and 
Susa supports the opinion that this ornament is of central 
Asiatic origin. 

Other prehistoric ornaments have but the sihgle purpose 
of adornment necklaces, diadems, bracelets, anklets, rings, 
ear-rings, pendants and metal pieces sewn or attached by 
hooks to the clothing-, and finally belts, which in certain 
countries served also as defensive armour. 

The most ancient necklaces are made of small objects 


strung together. These are usually mineral beads of 
turquoise, callais, chalcedony, agate, cornelian, haematite, 
amber, etc., marine or river shells, hard berries, beads of 
ivory or bone, or in metal such as gold, silver, copper or 
iron, varying with the locality and period, and finally glass 
beads which appear in Western Europe at the time of 
the bronze industry. Generally an amulet or conspicuous 
pendant like the Egyptian breast-plate, was suspended from 
the centre of these necklaces, and hung on the breast. 

During the metal phases there were more of these and 
they alternated with beads all round the necklace ; they are 
occasionally made of stones, but usually of gold, silver, 
copper, lead, tin, antimony, etc. 

Then comes the rigid metal collar, of which the most 
perfect and at the same time the most ancient type is the 
torque, frequent in all epochs and in most localities except 
Chaldea, Elam and Egypt. Later it becomes elaborated by 
having a hinge in the centre. 

The bracelet, common to all districts and probably of 
very ancient origin, presents highly diverse forms. Some- 
times, like the necklace, it is composed of beads ; sometimes 
it is in one piece and rigid, made of mother-of-pearl, lime- 
stone, or even flint (Egypt), jet, ivory, horn, pottery, metal 
or glass. It was worn, in different countries, on the wrist, 
the ankle, or the forearm. 

The ring appears only with the metals. In early times, 
and for long afterwards in certain countries such as Elam, 
it was nothing but a more or less ornamented circlet. Else- 
where, in the JEgean world, for example, the gem and 
its setting become prominent and covered with designs. 
Then it became a seal, and replaced both the Chaldeo- 
Assyrian cylinder and the Egyptian scarab, which, during 
pharaonic times, was not mounted in a ring. In Western 
Europe the ring does not seem to have become prominent 
as an ornament before the spread of Mediterranean taste. 

The ear-ring is at least as old as the metal industry. At 
first it was simply a metal stem, tapering at its extremities, 
later it was bent into a circle ; but soon this ring supported 
pendants which were often large, especially in the Hellenic 

In the examination of burial-places we sometimes find a 


single loop of this sort, and one is tempted to think that 
these single rings were worn in one of the ears only, as is 
the custom amongst certain of our maritime populations 
to-day. It must not be forgotten, however, that among 
many Asiatic peoples, in India for example, the women 
wear a single ring in one nostril. It is possible that this 
was a practice in Western Europe and many other localities 
in prehistoric times. 

The diadem also played a great part in the ornament of 
Mediterranean peoples, and it may have been a symbol of 
authority in very early times. In Egypt it was of capital 
importance, and thence the custom may have passed on to 
the Hellenic countries, and subsequently into Italy and 
Spain. The adoption of the crown as the emblem of 
sovereignty grew out of this practice. 

The belt, which at first was a simple band of leather 01 
cloth, soon became ornamented in metal, and then became 
entirely covered with gold, silver, or bronze leaf. Thus it 
developed into a protection for the vital parts, hence the 
idea of forging a cuirass to cover these organs. Metal 
belts are numerous in certain of the burial-places of Trans- 
caucasia, . but we find them also, though less frequently, 
in the Mediterranean world. They came, no doubt, into 
our part of Europe from the northern Orient, for they are 
found neither in the valley of the Nile nor in the land of 
the Tigris and Euphrates. 

Sequins on clothing vary greatly in all countries, but the 
Asiatic love of display made the most of them. We find little 
evidence of them in Europe except among the Mycenaeans. 
In general they consist of small leaves of cut metal, plated 
over and pierced with holes to permit of their being sewn 
on to cloth. The zenith of this fashion of dress decoration 
was in Byzantium at the time of the Basilii. 

Every people brought to the manufacture of its ornaments 
not only care but all its artistic genius. The craftsmen 
sought therein to achieve the ideal of contemporary taste, and 
thus we see in jewelry an infinite variety of form and orna- 
mental motif. The general form was obtained by casting 
or beating metal. The artist then took it over and finished 
it either with a burin or by the addition of filigree work, 
and later encrusted it with gems. 


We have seen that graving- was already known and even 
practised with considerable skill in our own lands from the 
time of the Magdalenians ; but the processes of the caverns 
did not give birth to the arts of the sculptor and graver of 
modern civilization. All the peoples of Asia practised them 
when the Occident was still in the barbaric stage of artistic 
taste demonstrated by neolithic populations. In Egypt, how- 
ever, as in Chaldea, these arts do not seem to have been 
applied to metal from the inception of the bronze industry. 
It would even seem that for many centuries after, copper 
did not attract the attention of artists, for neither in Elam, 
nor in the Valley of the Nile do we see metal implements 
ornamented with fine graving. It seems probable that a 
taste for this work was brought in by races who, in very 
ancient times, settled to the east of the Mediterranean, leaving 
behind them on the Continent their congeners who were 
inspired by the same artistic tastes, or, at least, who were 
familiar with the same processes. 

Filigree comes much later, demanding a more advanced 
technique necessitating a knowledge of soldering. It was 
known in Egypt from a very remote epoch, and in the twelfth 
dynasty it reached rare perfection. In Susa it figures in 
very ancient foundation-deposits, so that we can assert, with- 
out fear of exaggeration, that in Chaldea, as well as in the 
valley of the Nile, this type of work was quite common in 
the thirtieth century before our era. These countries trans- 
mitted it to the ^Egeans, who, in turn, introduced it into 
Western and Central Europe through Greece. Certain 
peoples, however, coming from Central Asia by way of the 
steppes of Russia, seem to have received it when at a fairly 
recent date they came into contact with Iran, together with 
the arts of setting precious stones and of enamelling jewelry, 
the latter being a process which is only a simplification of 
the incrustation in metal of coloured or sparkling minerals. 
But this elaborate jewelry only came among the Northern 
peoples long after the Occident had learned filigree work 
from the Greeks and Etruscans. 







IN the study of artistic production two distinct elements 
of entirely different order must be envisaged technical pro- 
cess and artistic conception though both render mutual aid 
and influence one another. Technique depends on a people's 
industrial knowledge, whereas artistic taste is inborn and 
peculiar to each human group, being part of its heritage. 
Artists in expressing themselves take advantage of the prac- 
tical processes evolved from the industrial development of 
their national group. 

Both in technique and artistic conception the native 
tendencies of a given group are frequently influenced by 
foreign ideas and methods, but none the less does the genius 
of the race remain individual in the sum of its productions. 
It was thus with the Greeks who, though they had borrowed 
many of their ideas from Egypt, followed their ancestral 
tendencies, broke away from the rules of Asiatic and Pharaonic 
art, and, returning to Nature for their inspiration, attained to 
the summit of art ; whereas other less gifted peoples sprung 
from the same stock, remained their inferiors from the artistic 
point of view, though they had undergone the same foreign 
technical influences. 

Before we begin to study the art forms of different nations, 
something should be said of the processes involved in the 
artistic expression of thought, because we have to bear in 
mind that the production of a work of art has ever been 
limited by the available means of execution. In the course 
of centuries the technique of this expression has advanced 



among* different nations along with the development of g-eneral 
culture. It was dependent at first on very simple means, 
which have continued to be elaborated up to our own day, 
when according- to their development they have permitted 
artists to realize their ideal more or less adequately. 

Drawing, graving, painting, and sculpture are the 
principal branches of art. The first three are intimately 
connected with one another, and the third, though also 
evolved from drawing, is yet independent. Indeed, there 
are not wanting sculptors, who, although mediocre drafts- 
men, execute impeccable works in relief. 

The impulse to draw, whether in the decorative or 
naturalistic manner, is innate in every people and is to be 
met with in every age and in all parts of the world ; and 
although the execution varies in success, the procedure is 
always the same. The artist makes an outline with colours 
that are either darker or lighter than the surface on which he 
is working. Charcoal, ochre, and chalk were in use from 
very ancient times. These colours were applied either dry 
or wet, and, when put on wet, constitute Man's earliest essay 
in painting. 

It would seem that from the remotest epochs, in the 
caverns, on the Nile banks, and in the Eastern Mediterranean, 
a drawing was done in two stages, just as it is to-day first, 
a sketched-in outline roughly giving- the form, then a 
definitive drawing, worked-up from the sketch, in a different 

Graving- followed as a means of fixing the finished draw- 
ing ; this was done by inscribing the line with a stone or 
metal graving-tool. Sculpture in bas-relief developed from 
graving, the intention being merely to give an impression of 
relief, and though it is often scarcely more than a sug-gestion 
of form, it was enough to please the eye and give satisfaction 
to the spirit of the artist. 

Painting is another means of achieving relief, but in the 
primitive arts it did not play this part, being- limited to render- 
ing- the colour of the object in the flat. It was later only that 
the artist thought of depicting shadows, and thus giving to 
his creation an apparent relief. In Greece and in Egypt, 
colour used to be applied to bas-reliefs and statues. The re- 
presentations covering the walls of the mastabas of Pharaonic 


times, and the statues themselves, were painted in con- 
ventional colours, approaching- as nearly as possible to 
nature. The material of these sculptures was of importance 
only in the degree of its hardness, which might thus ensure 
for the image a longer preservation. The graving of cave 
drawings seems to have been done in the same spirit in an 
effort to resist deterioration. Among the Hellenes, as in 
Egypt, bas-reliefs, statues, and architectural motifs were 

With the arrival of metal, the processes of figuration 
developed. From that time the graving instrument or burin 
became the artist's principal tool ; jewels, bronze weapons 
and belts, and divers utensils were engraved with this 
instrument, while the art of statuary, which had been very 
crude in the time of the stone industries, began in certain 
lands to feel its wings during this period. The general 
form of metal implements and figurines was obtained easily 
enough by casting, then the object was finished with a chisel 
and inscribed if it was to be thus ornamented. 

We can easily imagine how arduous was the work in 
hard materials when Man still had nothing at his disposal 
but stone tools. The troglodytes sawed up pieces of ivory, 
bone and horn, and it was thus that the general form of the 
subject was rough-hewn. The work was finished by means 
of scrapers, graving-tools and polishers. But when the 
metal chisel appeared, not only was the work itself more 
rapid, but the sculptor had every facility for making his tool 
amenable to his will. 

To those hard materials on which the earlier artists 
exercised their talents, there were added later others whose 
plasticity permitted modelling. The invention of pottery 
gave to the artist a new and effective means of self- 

From the day that Man first knew fire, he must have 
hovered on the discovery of ceramic industry. The clay 
of his hearth hardened by the fire taught him that earth 
once baked is no longer friable under the action of water. 
Nevertheless, as we have seen, it was only at the time when 
mesolithic culture came in that pottery was actually in current 
use, although it was already known to the Magdalenians of 


These first essays in the ceramic art are extremely crude, 
if we may judge by fragments found in the caves near 
Li&ge, but the principle had been discovered and applied; 
With the Campignian culture we are in the presence of 
a more carefully thought-out manufacture. The numerous 
potsherds found among the hut foundations of the Bresle 
Valley are occasionally of carefully-chosen fine earths, but 
usually the p&te is coarse. Geometric designs are frequently 
incised on both. The potter's wheel was still unknown at 
this epoch, and does not appear until later, in the polished 
stone phase, and even then only in certain countries. 

In the study of pottery, three elements must be sharply 
distinguished as independent one of the other, though 
together they constitute ceramic art, whether advanced or 
crude. As all three are susceptible of numerous variations, 
the general study of pottery becomes extremely complicated. 
First of all the technique of the manufacture of the vase, 
the plastic material of which it is made, the preparation of 
the pate, and the degree of baking must be taken into con- 
sideration, since pottery can be hardened beside the fire, 
baked in an oven, or vitrified at a high temperature. 

Then comes the decoration which is both a technique and 
an art in itself. The technique comprises the processes of 
inscribing, glazing and enamelling, and these methods, 
of great variety, follow in a general manner the progress 
made in the different industries of a given district. The 
actual form of decoration depends on the tastes of the people, 
being modelled on their art, and simply translates into a 
special medium the aesthetic conceptions of the locality and 
the time. 

In all the different countries the technical processes of 
vase decoration follow a general order in their appearance 
throughout the entire prehistoric period. First, incision, with 
or without filling the depressions with white or coloured pate ; 
next the glossing of the earthen paste of the vase itself, or 
the addition of a clay glaze ; then the imprint by mechanical 
means of a design, followed by moulding and the addition of 
ornament in relief, and finally cold painting with colours 
mixed with fat or glue, fast painting, done on the unbaked 
or baked paste, and then burned in by fire, culminating in 
enamelling. Over and above these processes, all of which 


were in use at different dates and in different countries during 
prehistoric times, there are to-day a great many other methods 
thanks to recent discoveries which there is no occasion to 
mention from the prehistoric point of view. It should be 
noted, however, that porcelain made from a hard paste was 
unknown, that certain colours such as blue, green, and violet 
were not used, and that the ancient pUte, except in rare cases, 
was always a natural one that is to say, colouring matter 
was not mixed with it. Colour, then, was generally superficial, 
and obtained with iron and manganese only. The Egyptians 
discovered porcelain very early, but they employed a soft 
paste, covered with a glaze which vitrified at a low tem- 
perature. This was the process employed in the ancient 
potteries of China. In Elam and Chaldea the employment 
of a vitrified glaze is seen from the time of Naram-Sin, and 
was continued up to the Sassanid and Arabian epochs. 

Sometimes, but very rarely, the potters encrusted their 
vases with sparkling or transparent minerals either before or 
after firing. Certain vases of the iron industry of Russian 
Armenia have at the bottom a flake of obsidian fixed in the 
soft clay and fired with the paste. 

In the earliest days the potter had only a utilitarian object, 
and the vase's shape was determined by its use. Therefore 
but few varieties are met with in the shapes of primitive vases, 
and these were evolved spontaneously in every land. But 
little by little, as local taste became refined independently 
of other districts, local characteristics both in form and in 
decorative subjects appeared among each people. Then 
certain centres more favourable to progress, where culture 
was more highly developed than in the neighbouring dis- 
tricts, influenced the taste of these backward populations, so 
that to local progress was added external influence, and thus 
so many ceramic schools sprang up that it would be quite 
impossible to review them all, even summarily, without over- 
stepping the limits of this book. We shall mention only 
those most worthy of interest, either on account of their 
antiquity or because of their intrinsic importance. 

Pottery really appears contemporaneously with mesolithic 
industry, and from its earliest essays it exhibits incised 
decoration on the lines of the bone decorations of archaeo- 
lithic culture. Such work proved easy in the soft paste, as 


the graving-tool cut deeply into the clay, and to give more 
prominence to the design the incisions were often filled in 
with a white or coloured paste. 

Handling- the soft potter's earth naturally put into the 
artist's head the notion of fashioning- figurines. Thus was 
born the art of modelling-, which became of still greater 
importance on the appearance of metal. At first modelling 
was done in wax, then statuettes were done in cire perdue. 
Moulds were made, in which it was only necessary to press 
soft clay in order to turn out figurines in great numbers. 
It was thus that votive offerings, pendants, and sacred and 
funerary statuettes were made in Chaldea, Elam, and Egypt. 

In some countries, however, as in the valley of the Nile, 
Susiana, Syria, and the Eastern Mediterranean, the pottery 
was not only decorated by the incised designs but was also 
painted before or after the paste was baked. Thus arose the 
highly specialized art that among the Greeks and Italiotes 
reached such technical and artistic perfection. Gradually 
these processes spread to Central and Western Europe, but 
here, for a long time to come, the crude painting of pottery 
was secondary to the incised decoration. 

Far from Europe ceramic painting also evolved in the 
Americas. Mexico and Peru excelled in this art. 

In the early days of every metal culture, the metal was 
simply cast and hammered, beaten into repouss6, embossed 
or engraved, and the various parts were bolted or riveted 
together, for soldering did not appear until very much later. 
The method was used for bronze and gold at a date that has 
not been determined. Then, in jewelry, filigree appeared, 
of which the jewels of twelfth dynasty Egypt and Elam 
are remarkable and antique examples. The Greeks and 
Etruscans produced incomparable works of art by these 
procegses, at a time long posterior to their appearance among 
Orientals. Filigree then penetrated the north of Europe, 
and constituted the foundation-technique of the jewelry of 
Scandinavia and the Germanic tribes. 

This brief glimpse of technique renders it possible to 
follow the evolution of art-crafts as the media of man's artistic 
self-expression. We must note the facts at this point that 
certain peoples who had but the most primitive technical 
processes at their disposal nevertheless left highly remark- 


able works of art denoting- wonderful purity of taste and close 
observation of nature, whereas others who had every advan- 
tage in technical means never rose above mediocrity in their 
aesthetic inspiration. Thus, even though technique counted 
for much, its influence on the development of the arts was 
not decisive. It was the individual aptitude of a given 
human group that created this or that promising artistic 

This said, we may pass in review the varying manifesta- 
tions of the aesthetic spirit, ranging them in the epochs giving 
them birth, and with due regard to their milieux, pointing 
out their several characteristics, and so far as is possible 
estimating* the foreign influences at work in each school. 
In such a study ceramics take their place as aesthetic mani- 
festations for they are inspired in the same way as the other 
arts, differing from them only in the nature of the material 
decorated and in the technical processes of design, and so, 
contrary to the usual custom in works of this nature, we 
shall not treat ceramics in a chapter apart, but grouped 
together with other artistic products. Nevertheless, we shall 
often be obliged to refer to technique, because of its influence 
on the artist's work. 

The earliest works of art so far discovered are found 
amongst the debris of archaeolithic industry. No trace of 
artistic effort has yet been met in association with the different 
phases of palaeolithic industry, and yet, when we do meet 
the evidence of aesthetic feeling, it would seem as though 
it must have been cultivated for a long time, for it is no 
longer in its infancy. 

It is true that, so far as Aurignacian culture is concerned, 
the relics of the work of Quaternary artists we possess 
are few and far between. But until we are better informed 
we must consider this culture as having seen the dawn of 
art. Thanks, however, to the magnificent discoveries of the 
past few years, we are comparatively rich in regard to later 
Quaternary times. 

Are we to believe that Magdalen ian art evolved from 
that of the Aurignacians ? Many reasons lead us to reject 
this hypothesis. The two schools differ notably in character 
and tendencies, and Solutrean culture has left us too few 
evidences to enable us to establish the transition. The 


various tribes responsible for the two different schools were 
probably of different ethnic origin, hence their aptitudes 
were also different* It is probable, however, that the 
Aurignacian efforts were not without their influence on the 
cave populations succeeding- them, at all events in so far as 
technical processes were concerned. Art, in fact, is the 
characteristic mark of the times in which archseolithic 
industry flourished. Its manifestations, in so far as we 
know them, show that it had already attained a high degree 
of perfection ; of its masterpieces we are ignorant. It has 
been held by some that the artistic taste of the period was 
born in Western Europe under the influence of foreign 
civilization. Sophus Muller 1 has gone so far as to suggest 
that we should recognize in our Quaternary western art a 
gleam projected by the radiance of Egyptian pre-pharaonic 
civilization. Nothing could render such a hypothesis legiti- 
mate, for a supposition of this kind implies a chronological 
agreement for which we have no authority. 

It would seem quite unnecessary to torture chronology 
in order to link up our European civilizations with such 
distant centres, for there is no reason whatever why aesthetic 
feeling should not have come to birth in our part of the world 
and there have developed in districts which have not yet 
yielded up their secrets, nor that these artist populations, 
wandering from locality to locality, should not eventually 
have come to dwell in our caves. Thus through their influence 
their arts would have spread from the territory they occupied, 
or, when they themselves changed their habitat, they would 
have left traces scattered over regions far greater in extent 
than those they occupied at any one time. It would be some- 
what rash at this time of day and in our present inadequate 
state of knowledge to dogmatize on the place of origin of 
this culture, just as it would be premature to attempt to 
classify definitively these Quaternary works of art, whether 
according to the nature of their execution, their relative age 
or geographic distribution. Each day brings new discoveries, 
which sometimes upset all the theories previously held. In 
regard to such questions we are still at a stage in which 
science must content itself with placing the evidence on record. 

i T.XXT, 8. 


Piette, as we have seen, 1 proposed the establishment of 
a glyptic period, because in his excavations at Bassempouy, 
at the Aurig-nacian level, he found a g-ood many ivory 
statuettes, mostly representing- women in the nude, but these 
observations were purely local, and we ought not to deduce 

Flo. 100. Quaternary statuettes, i, Willendorf (Austria) : Auiignacian 

or Splutrean ; Vienna Museum. 2 and aa, Bassempouy (Landes)* 3-5, 

Aurignaco-Solutrean. 3 and sa, Grotte de Grimaldi at Mentone. 4 and 

4a, Man (?), Bassempouy (Landes). 5, Rochebertier (Charente). 

from the almost complete absence of other artistic works 
that sculpture in ivory only was customary at the epoch 
characterized by Aurig-nacian industry. Graving was not 
entirely absent from Aurignacian and Solutrean levels. 

Quaternary art, says Dechelette, 2 consists of two distinct 

See above, p. 54. 

2 XXVI, I, 213. 


phases : an archaic or primitive style, and a free or evolute 
style. Realistic and naturalistic from its inception, it retains 
the same character throughout its development, although 
degeneration of the typical motifs gradually introduces con- 
ventionalized forms into its creations, and the schematism of 
these forms is occasionally obscure. 

Fio. 10 1. Graven human representations, i and 2, Laugerie Basse 

(Dordogne) : graven on reindeer horn. 3, Mas d'Azfl (Arfege). 

4, l*a, Madeleine. 5 and 6, Marsonlas (Haute-Garonne) : on rock. 

It seems to me to be impossible to follow D6chelette in 
this classification, for the artistic character of the Aurignacian 
figurines appears to be the result, not of archaism, but of 
ideas about the fertility of -woman analogous to those of the 
primitive Chaldeans, whereas these ideas would seem to 
have no place in the inspiration of Magdalenian artists. 
The motives inspiring the artists of these two epochs are 
therefore very different. 

The Aurignacian figurines present a marked steatopygous 
character (Fig. 100, Nos. i and 3) linking them on the one 
hand very closely with the ceramic statuettes of the valley 


of the Nile and Chaldea, and, on the other hand, with 
the physical form of the Hottentots. We thus find 
ourselves dealing- either with conceptions of a religious 
character or with faithful representations of nature. Never- 
theless, slenderer models approaching the normal feminine 

FIG. 102. Mammoth (Font de Gaume). 

form (Fig. 100, No. 4), have been found in the same layer 
at Bassempouy , as also a figurine of a young woman with 
long hair (Fig. 100, No. a). These sculptures, especially 
the head of the young woman, Show genuine talent. They 
are much superior to the human representations left by the 
Magdalenians (Fig". 100, No. 5), for in their times we find 
only crude pictures graven on bone, ivory (Fig. 101, Nos. i 
to 4), or rock (Fig. 101, Nos. 5 and 6). It will be noticed, 
moreover, that both men and women appear to be covered 
with long fur 1 and that their hair does not seem to be 
crimped as in the Willendorf Aurignacian statuette. Hence 
the ethnic types serving as models were not identical. 

Among' the numerous Magdalenian drawings and sculp- 
tures on bone and ivory which we possess, there are very 

1 II. Breuil (in lit. Jan. loth, 1923) thinks that this is simply hatching and 
does not represent hair. 


FIG* 103. Bison (Altamira). 

Flo. 104. Rhinoceros tichorinus (Font de Ganme). 


few in which the human form is represented, and these few 
are highly barbaric. The Magdalenian, who, as we shall 
see, was a past-master in the representation of animals, 
showed himself extraordinarily unskilled in the anatomical 
drawing of man. Therein, perhaps, lies the explanation of 
the extreme rarity of human figuration. 

Except for a few deer in stone discovered at Solutre, all 
the animal representations known at present belong to 
Magdalenian culture, and are sculptured, graven or painted. 
In the first case, they decorate the implements in common 

FIG. 105. Bear incised on a pebble. Grotte de Massat (Artege), 
one-hali natural size, 

use and are of small size ; in the second, they are either of 
medium dimensions, outlined on plaques of stone, ivory, 
bone, or horn, or they are graven on rocks, and are of all 
sizes up to life-size, even when large animals are represented. 

The number of these animal sculptures, gravings, and 
paintings already known is considerable thanks largely to 
the wonderful finds of the Abbe Breuil and Obermaier and 
almost daily new caves are discovered whose walls are 
covered with paintings. In the gravings and the paintings 
the figures are generally done one on top of the other, the 
artist failing to respect the subject already outlined on the 
surface he had chosen. This results in frequent confusion 
of different subjects. Elsewhere the subjects are isolated, 
just as in sculpture. Compositions are also known in which 
groups of animals are associated, and in which the individuals 
no longer belong to a jumble of different drawings. 1 

The Mammoth, which is found sculptured, graven on 
ivory, and painted on the cavern walls (Fig. 102), is repre- 
sented with a thick fleece and armed with powerful tusks. 

1 Cartailhac, VI (1903), 180. 


The squat form is generally exaggerated in the drawing in 
order to give an impression of massiveness. 

The Bison, very frequent in the caves (Fig. 103), usually 
represented in natural size, and sometimes in large herds, 
is generally very cleverly done. The great neck with the 
small head sunk into the shoulders, gives the impression of 
tremendous force. The horns are menacing, and the slender 
legs are marvellously expressive of the agility and rapidity of 

FIG. 106. Wild boar (Altamira). 

movement of this great ruminant, which was the favourite 
game of the Magdalenian hunters. 

Next we have the Rhinoceros (R. tickorinus) (Fig. 104), 
which is more rarely depicted, but whose form is skilfully 
rendered. With its long body, its short limbs, and its two 
long horns, this denizen of the forests is to this day a terrible 
fighter. The skin of the Rhinoceros was proof against 
bullets till recent improvements in the rifle, and we may 
well wonder how Quaternary Man, scantily armed as he 
was, mastered this dangerous beast. 

The Bear, though common in those days, seldom figures 
in the caves (Fig. 105), but the rare examples of incised 
drawings of it that we possess are none the less most exact. 
The salient characters of the animal are rendered in a few 
strokes, and even its highly characteristic attitude is 
reproduced with surprising fidelity. 

The wild Boar (Fig. 106) is not very common in the 


cave painting's. The example we reproduce, after H. Breuil, 
is painted in the Altamira caves, and shows the animal 
charging or running- away. The proportions are happy, 
and the action very cleverly rendered. 

Cervus elaphus (Figs. 107, 108), abundant at that period, 
and a great resource for the hunters, appears on a multitude of 
objects, sculptured or incised, and painted on rock walls. 
This animal is always admirably rendered no matter in what 
position, and a modern artist would have difficulty in giving 
to it the living quality we find in most of the Quaternary 

The Roe-deer (Fig. 109) is rarely represented, but in such 

FIG. 107. Cervus elaphus (Altamira). 

drawing's of it as we possess, the proportions are happy and 
the attitude good. 

The Horse, one of the most widely distributed animals of 
the period, sometimes does duty for decoration of very nearly 
an entire cavern. It is seen under every aspect, in repose 
and galloping* (Fig. no), alone or in herds, and in every 
case it is drawn with accuracy. In sculpture (Fig*, in), it 
cannot have the same movement as in drawings, but its 
proportions are well kept. A head from the Mas d'Azil 
shows a horse neighing- (Fig*. 112). This piece of sculpture 
is one of the most remarkable among the art objects of 
Quaternary times which have come down to us. 

The Wolf, though rare, also figures in the caverns 


(Fig*. 113), and is in no way inferior to the other representa- 
tions of animals either in the accuracy with which it is 
drawn, or in the rendering of its action. 

All the larger beasts inhabiting France at this period 
are represented : JBos urus and Bison, wild Goat, Saiga, 
Deer, Chamois, Goat, Elk, wild Boar, Bear, Fox, Glutton, 
and Seal are incised on the rocks side by side with the 
great pachyderms, the Rhinoceros and the Horse. These 
representations on the cavern walls would seem to be more 
or less contemporaneous. As new drawings, however, are 
very often made on top of the old ones, we may well believe 

Fig. 1 08. Cervus elaphus, Lor- 
thet Cave. Piette collection 
(Mnsee de Saint-Germain). In- 
cised on reindeer horn. 

FIG. 109. 

Reindeer (Font de 

that various types have been figured in succession, accord- 
ing as they predominate in the valleys and the forests. 

Fishes were not forgotten by these artists. We find 
gravings of them (Fig. 114), and we recognize the Pike, the 
Trout, and the Eel. 

Plants (Fig. 1 15), on the other hand, are poorly represented 
in the art of the caves. We can only quote a few rare incised 
drawings figuring plants we are unable to identify. Further, 
the artistic feeling of all primitive peoples finds expression 
in the animal form, but very rarely in that of plants, 
which, since they render to man but secondary services, and 
could be got without a struggle, attracted less attention than 
animals which had to be pursued and overcome before either 
their meat, or the skins, ivory, horns, and other parts out 
of which the utensils of daily existence were then made, 
could be obtained. 


FIG. no. Horse (Font de Gaume). 

FIGS, iii and 112. Horses: i, Orotte des Espeluges (Lourdes), 
Magdalenian ; 2, Mas d' Azil. 


But the Magdalenians did not only copy nature ; they 
went further in their artistic progress and introduced 
geometric ornamentation into their decoration. This, in 
a people acquainted with great art, is a product of con- 
ventionalization (Fig. 116), but in those ignorant of how to 
observe nature and to record what they see in a drawing, it 
betokens the efforts of artistic infancy. 

In this geometric ornament the spiral appears, and its 

FIG. 113. Wolf. (Font de Gaume). 

FIG. 114. Fishes (Lorthet). 

presence in Quaternary times brings to nothing every theory 
of its migration at later epochs. 

Geometric decoration is not frequent, but it is found 
incised on bone and reindeer antler, and probably entered 
into tattooing, corporeal painting, and personal ornaments, 
and it is likely that the skins these people wore as a 
protection against the intense cold of the period were also 
decorated with painted geometric ornament, 

Here we are brought to a standstill in our knowledge of 
Quaternary art, but before, leaving the subject we must add 
a few words on the technical processes then employed in 
sculpture, graving and painting. 

The materials used for sculpture were (Fig. 1 17) mammoth 
ivory, bone, the antlers of stags and reindeer, soft rocks, 
such as steatite, gypseou$ alabaster, limestone, and other 
substances easily inoised with a flint. 

The workman made great use of the saw to cut bone and 
detach from pieces of ivory those long splinters which he 
transformed into needles, pins, bodkins or punches, and even 


daggers. The scraper and the notched blades made this 
work possible ; then he took his saw again to cut the 
geometric ornament, and the graving-tool to incise curved 
lines. A wide selection of implements of diverse forms was 
necessary for carving hard material, but flint was there to 
hand, and the workman fashioned it according to his 

To-day we possess only those pictures outlined on cavern 

FIG. 115. Plants: i and 2, Laugerie Basse; 3, I-e Veyrier 
(Haute-Savoie) ; 4, Grotte du trilobite (Yonne). 

walls, and thus protected from weathering. But it is probable 
that the rocks outside and the cliffs also bore representations, 
probably less confused than those of the caves, because the 
artist, having large surfaces at his disposal, was not con- 
strained, as in the caves, to draw on the top of older 

These open-air works of art, common to all primitive 
peoples, and traces of which are found in every country of 
the world, are now lost in our part of the globe. 

If we may judge by the representations of our caves, the 
artist probably sketched in his subject in charcoal or ochre. 
Then he fixed his outlines with a flint graving-tool without 
inscribing them deeply, and finally he coloured his work with 
a mixture either of red ochre or black manganese ore with 
oil or fat, or even water. In these paintings there are only 



two colours, red and black, which, when mixed, give brown. 
We never see green or blue, which could, however, have 
been obtained from copper ores ; but let us not forget that 
the mineral colours only could have outlasted the ages, and 
that all colours obtained from organic animal or vegetable 
substances would have disappeared. We can therefore form 
a clear idea of the art of drawing, but the colouring escapes 
us. Such colouring must have played a considerable role 
in the art of the cavern-painter for it permitted him to work 
on a wall already covered with figures, which he could easily 
have obliterated by washing and then covering them over 
with bright colours. Thus is explained the confusion of 
representations on the rock walls of the caves. 

We know that all oriental rugs are coloured with dyes 
of vegetable origin, and that even now in our dye industries, 
in spite of the discoveries of chemistry, vegetable dyes still 
play an important part. 

It should be observed that the Magdalenians did not 
content themselves with purely artistic works, but that they 
adapted their art to the decoration of common objects, as did 
the Chaldeans, the primitive Greeks and Egyptians, the 
Mexicans, the Australians, the Mincopies, and the Hyper- 
boreans. In fact barbaric peoples applied art for the most 
part to the objects of daily life. We have obtained from the 
caverns numerous implements and weapons in which the 
artistic motifs, carefully executed, are often deformed and 
cramped by the necessities of the use to which the objects were 
put. Similarly, in most of the Japanese and Chinese ivories 
the decorative subject either yields to the original shape of 
the material or has to be adapted to the way in which the 
implement is used. It is forcibly brought home to one that 
these primitive artistic conceptions have all arisen among 
the people who have left us evidence of them, and that, 
inspired by a practical spirit, such conceptions have nothing 
in common. 

"With the close of Magdalenian industry the arts suddenly 
disappear without our being able to ascertain the precise 
cause. Very few further efforts remained to be made in 
the study of the human form, or of forms belonging to the 
vegetable kingdom, and the peoples of the European "West 
might have achieved great Art; for they were certainly better 



endowed than those peoples (Chaldeans, Egyptians, and even 
Hellenes) from whom we have received the principles of 
modern art. Not only did they possess in the highest degree 
a genius for observation, but they had also arrived at the 
conception of expressing form by processes simplified to the 
last degree. Like the Japanese, the Egyptians, and especially 
the Greeks of the great period, the Magdalenian knew well 
how to render an impression by a single stroke. Detail, 
which, both with the Orientals and ourselves, has been so 
prejudicial to aesthetic expression, was for him secondary. 
With these artists line and attitude were dominant. The dis- 
appearance of Magdalenian art was a great misfortune for 
humanity, which, without this disaster, would have progressed 
rapidly, and the great period of the century of Pericles would 
have arrived, possibly some thousand years sooner. 

Hitherto our observations on Quaternary art have been 
confined to Western Europe. It is probable, however, 
that the area occupied by the Magdalenian artists was 
not of very great extent, for the peoples occupying the 
Mediterranean basin did not all belong to races susceptible 
of profiting by the teaching and example of a more highly 
gifted people. The disappearance of this already well- 
developed school shows that, if, as appears probable, it 
were due to invasion, the new arrivals were not capable of 
assimilating artistic progress. Was it not the same when 
the Germanic tribes precipitated themselves on the Roman 
Empire? If, at that epoch, the arts did not entirely dis- 
appear, it was because the great majority of that large 
population remained Graeco-Latin in spirit. 

Leaving Quaternary western European art, we must 
go East to find again the arts, for in our part of the world 
aesthetic feeling had disappeared, and the manifestations 
so wanting in form which, after a long hiatus, succeeded 
to the art of the caves, belong to the days of neolithic in- 
dustry ; in other words, they are much later than the earliest 
artistic manifestations of Chaldea, Elam, and Egypt. 

As we have said, the first men who established them- 
selves on the low hills that were later to be built over by 
the great city of Susa, Elam's capital, had a knowledge of 
copper and made weapons of it though they still chipped 
flint and obsidian. These colonists were of an advanced 


culture, for they wore textiles the oxide of the copper axe- 
heads found in their tombs has preserved the imprints. 
They were agriculturalists and cattle-raisers, and showed 
themselves highly skilled in the manufacture of stone vases. 
Not only steatite and both calcareous and gypseous alabaster, 
but the hardest rocks yielded to their chisels. And, finally, 
they were responsible for one of the finest of the ceramic 
arts of human prehistory. 

The proto-Susian vases, made of a fine paste, are turned, 
and extremely regular and elegant in form. They are 

FIG. 118. Bronze industry, human representations 

covered with delicate paintings, black or brown according 
to the degree of baking, the subjects being highly con- 
ventionalized (Fig. 119, Nos. i to 7), animals and plants, and 
thus removed by many centuries of time from a primitive 
naturalism. All the sepultures of the primitive necropolis 
of Susa contain these vases but no other kind of pottery. 
However, the deepest layers a few metres only above the un- 
disturbed gravel beds, often contain shreds of incised pottery 
(Fig. 119, Nos. 8 and 9), decorated with those primitive 
geometric designs we are accustomed to classify as belonging 
to neolithic industry, and made of coarse half-baked paste 
Evidently the proto - Susians had retained the old-time 
models for everyday use, but they did not consider them 
sufficiently precious to accompany their dead into another 
hfe. It would seem likely that the conventionalized animals 
and plants on these sepultural vases were done with some 
religious or magical intent ; we shall return to this subject 
later when considering philosophic conceptions (Ch. XIV) 

It was neither in Susiana nor Chaldea that this interesting- 
ceramic art was born. It arrived on the banks of the Kerfcha 


already fully developed, and does not depict animals which 
at that time frequented Mesopotamia, such as the Hippo- 
potamus, Rhinoceros, and possibly the Elephant. Its princi- 

FIG. 1x9. Nos. 1-7, first phase of Susian painted pottery; 
Nos. 8 and 9, rustic incised pottery, 

pal motif is the long-horned mountain Goat unknown in 
Chaldea and the Elamite plain, but still common in all the 
mountain ranges of Western Asia. We must therefore con- 
clude that the first rudiments of this proto-Susian art had 
their beginnings elsewhere, in a mountain district. But in 
what district we do not yet know. Nevertheless, the presence 
of copper indicates the northern massif. The mountainous 


district comprising* Anatolia, Armenia, and Transcaucasia, 
in our opinion the cradle of metallurgy. 

This beautiful pottery is succeeded by that of quite 
another school. The paste is coarser, the painting- less fast, 
but in two colours, red and brown ; and naturalism is again 
in evidence side by side with geometric decoration. W"e still 
find conventionalization (Fig-. 120), but brought to such a 
pitch that the subjects become incomprehensible (cf. Fig*. 120, 

FIG. 1 20. Second phase of Susian painted pottery. 

rig-ht-hand vase). These vases are occasionally of great size, 
and we find them both at Susa and Tepeh Aly Abad in the 

After this second phase, ceramic painting- slowly but 
surely disappeared for ever from Elam. At the period of 
its birth, history was not yet, and it was only in the layers 
at a much higher level in the ruins of Susa that the most 
ancient texts of the Patesis 1 appeared. 

The first phase of this pottery would seem to have been 
peculiar to Elam, but we find traces of the second phase in 
Chaldea, in Luristan, in Bactria, and as far as the tells of 
the south-west of the Iranian plateau* Apparently it was 

1 King-Prieit*, 


widely distributed, for, towards the west, it appears at least 
to have influenced Palestine (Fig. 121) and Phoenicia. 

"What was the cause of the disappearance of these arts ? 
We do not know, and are reduced to conjecture. No transi- 
tional phase, linking- these two schools of painted pottery, 
has come to light, and the final school dies out gradually 
only and does not altogether disappear until after the dawn 
of history. Pottier, however, considers the second to be 
derived from the first. "When we come to the subject of 
writing we shall find that another custom peculiar to Elam 
was to survive for a few hundred years more namely, the use 
of proto-Eiamitic signs that, little by little, was supplanted 

FIG, I2T Painted vase,'Palestine. 

by Semitic writing, a fact suggesting that the second ceramic 
school died out on the arrival of the Semites in Lower 
Chaldea and Elam. The Semitic conquest took place at a 
very remote epoch, because it occurred when polished stone 
was still used in Elam, along with copper and occasional 

If in Elam painted vases of the second phase ceased 
to be made, it was otherwise in the rest of Western Asia, 
where the art was widely distributed. "We find traces of it 
in Assyria, 1 Palestine and Syria, 2 Cappadocia, 8 and in the 
-^Egean Islands. Herein lies a knotty problem only to be 
solved by chronology. Did the technique of painted vases 
come into Syria from Chaldea, or from Crete as many 
archaeologists believe? 

Considerable indecision prevails in the chronological 
estimates made for the early history of Egypt, Chaldea, the 

1 Cf. Helbig, 1875. Ann. de I'Instit. de Corresp. archtol., p. 221 ; XT.TTT, 

' 1 885* 

* LXV, ch. v, 297. 

8 According to J. Garstang. 


Asiatic coast, and the islands of the Mediterranean. Putting 
on one side all the debatable dates, are we not justified in 
thinking that an art so widely distributed as to reach in the 
east the region of Ispahan and Hamadan, could never have 
originated in the centre of the Mediterranean, and that we 
should rather seek its birthplace in Susiana? The pottery of 
Palestine and Syria, moreover, presents greater affinities 
with the ceramic industry of prehistoric Elam than with that 
of the Islands. 

Thus ceramic art in Elam is highly conventional from 
its inception and presents a character peculiar to the 
country. It has its roots in naturalism, and is embellished 
with certain geometrical motifs ; but the greater number of 
these may be but conventionalizations whose origin we do 
not grasp. 

In the valley of the Nile 1 we meet in neolithic and 
eneolithic industry a pottery that is quite as remarkable 
as that of Elam, not for its paste, but by reason of its form 
and decoration. The technique of the Egyptian painting-, 
however, differs completely from that of Susa. Here the 
vase is no longer covered by a fired glaze, but is cold painted, 
doubtless with colour ground and mixed with oil, fat or glue, 
and the organic materials having been destroyed by time, 
there remains but a powdery layer. It must not be for- 
g-otten that these vases were destined for sepultural and not 
household use. The decorative subjects are of great variety. 
Certain types, whose form is modelled on the stone vases so 
common in Egypt at the time, are sometimes speckled in 
imitation of the crystals of hard rocks (Fig. 122, Nos* i, 2 
and 3), or decorated with spirals suggested by nummulitic 
limestones (Fig. 122, Nos. 4 and 8), or with veins suggesting- 
agate and cornelian (Fig. 122, Nos. 12 and 15), common 
minerals of the desert. But more frequently the funerary 
vase paintings represent the ship of the dead (Fig. 122, 
No. 18; Fig. 123, Nos. i, 2, 3 and 9), ritual dances (Fig^ 123, 
No. i), libation vases (Fig-. 123, Nos. 8 and 9), or scenes 
from daily life. Thus we may see the first steps taken in that 
artistic practice which was to develop into the decoration of 
the mastabas of the old Empire. 

1 Cf. 


FIG. 122. Pre-dynastic Egyptian Pottery, 


But ceramic art in Egypt went further than this. In 
neolithic and eneolithic graves, as in the kitchen middens, 
we find glossed red vases, with black borders, in great 
numbers, and others, thickly coated with a smooth red glaze, 

FIG. 123. Pre-dynastic Egyptian painted Pottery. 

and having- a white painted decoration fired on a process 
also seen in the Mediterranean Islands. Finally, we find the 
paste incised, both with and without any filling- of the in- 
cisions ; such vases, though rare, are still found in the time 
of King- Seneferu ; that is to say, up to the close of the third 

With the appearance of the first Pharaohs, the red-painted 
pottery suddenly ceased. We have called attention to a 
similar happening in Elam where the second phase of 
painted vases is succeeded by a crude pottery. The working 


FIG. 124. Ivory handle of flint dagger, showing the fauna of Egypt at 
the beginning of the Pharaonic regime (discovered by Henri de Morgan 
at Hassaya, near Edfu). Hows, beginning at the top: i, Elephants; 
2, Ostriches and Giraffes ; 3, Panthers ; 4, Goats ; 5, Jackals ; 6, Ante- 
lopes; 7, Porcupines; 8, Oxen; 9, Hippopotamuses; IP, Antelopes; 
n, Elephants and Salmon; 12, Goats; 13, Panthers; 14, Goats and 
I>og; 15, Asses; 16, Antelopes; IT, Dogs and Jackals; 18, Oxen; 
19, Hogs or Wild Boars ; 20, Oxen. 


of hard stone dominated Egypt at the beginning- of the 
Ancient Empire ; it was at its zenith about the time that 
painted pottery ceases to be in evidence. The tomb at 
Nakadah and those at Abydos contain veritable marvels of 
lapidary art little vases in rock crystal, milky quartz, 
cornelian, agate, and even in obsidian, a substance no longer 
used to-day because of its extreme fragility but all, unfor- 
tunately, in fragments. These tombs contain no painted vases. 

We saw that the pre-pharaonic people had great skill in 
the working of ivory and stone, and that they ably sculptured 
and graved a number of animal and human figures. We 
need only mention here the ivory handle of a flint dagger 
discovered by Henri de Morgan in the necropolis of Hassaya 
near Edfu. The entire surface of this magnificent piece is 
covered with animal figures, and the entire fauna of the 
Egypt of those days is portrayed (Fig. 124). 

If the people of Egypt in eneolithic times were experts in 
the working of rocks and ivory, they were equally skilled in 
metal work. Another stone knife, with its handle covered 
with sheet-gold, proves that they were skilled in gold re- 
poussd work (Fig. 125). 

All these early Egyptian works of art demonstrate great 
freedom of style, but with the passage of time they get 
further and further away from nature. The explanation 
lies in the freedom of the artist of neolithic and eneolithic times 
from the religious canons which gradually shaped the highly- 
specialized art of the times of the Pharaohs* This evolution 
took place early, and was already accomplished in the third 
dynasty ; thenceforward, both drawing and sculpture were 
governed in the minutest detail by immutable laws. This 
convention, peculiar to Egypt, became more and more 
accentuated up to the time when Rome became mistress of 
the valley of the Nile. Thus the more natural and broadly- 
conceived works of art belong to the Ancient Empire. 

We meet again in the vases of the Mediterranean Islands 
the same technique described in connection with Elam 
and Egypt, always excepting the fragile red painting of the 
Upper Nile valley. In the Islands these different varieties 
of pottery are associated with neolithic industry, which 
would seem to have been the stage of culture arrived at by 
the first inhabitants of Crete, Cyprus, and all those lands 



Flo. 125. Knife in yellow flint with gold-leaf repoussg handle. 
Necropolis of Saghel-el-Baglieh (?), Upper Egypt (Cairo Museum). 


which were later to become the domain of the Hellenes. 
They bear witness to a potter's craft still in its infancy (Figs. 
126 and 127), and here, too, the first artistic essays began 
with metal. But if the technique of the Mediterranean world 
was the same as that of Asia and Egypt, from the very earliest 
phase of ceramic painting (Fig. 128), its artistic taste was 
quite different. 

Although the ^Egaeo-Mycenaean world had been largely 
influenced by Egypt and Asia, it showed, nevertheless, a 
well-marked individual taste. Naturalism was the basis of 
most of the artistic work, but its tendencies were peculiar, 

FIG. 126. Incised Pottery : Cyclades. 

differing not only from those we have described above, but 
totally foreign to those of Quaternary times In Western 
Europe. We shall not here enlarge on this subject, which 
will be treated in full detail in another volume of this 
series. These arts played a great part in all Mediterranean 
countries, in Italy, Spain, and Gaul, and even in Central 

Before speaking of Europe, let us glance eastwards once 
more at Northern Persia and Transcaucasia, regions in which 
ceramic art differs completely from that of Chaldea, El am, 
Phoenicia, and Greece, but regions, also, which share the 
artistic ideas of the northern peoples and have considerably 
influenced European culture. And this independently of 
Mediterranean influences, because many of the Caucasian 
peoples, and still more, the Asiatic peoples, once formed 
part of those groups, portions of which invaded Europe, 
while others settled by the way. 


When we leave the Mediterranean to penetrate into the 
heart of Asia in northern Persia, Transcaucasia, and Siberia, 
we are confronted with two quite distinct artistic concep- 
tions, one corresponding- to the copper and bronze industry 
of the dolmens of northern Iran, and having- only a simple 
geometric decoration, the other having- animal figures as its 
principal decorative motif. This latter art is met with in 
Ossethia (Fig. 131), in the Russia and Persian Talish, and 
in Russian Armenia, in association with iron (Fig. 132). The 
spiral now becomes prominent, and the swastika more 
common than in earlier times. 

In the Siberian districts of Minusinsk and Krasnoyarsk, 

FIG. 127. 

towards the frontiers of Mongolia, in the Altai, and as far 
as the Ural and the Volga, localities where copper ore is 
common, there have been found, both isolated and in the 
burial-places, numerous objects in which animal figures pre- 
dominate in the decoration* These figures are either moulded, 
forming part of the implement or weapon, take the form of 
statuettes, or are engraved on the metal of such objects as 
axe-heads, daggers, vases, and metal belts. Artistic taste 
and technical manner are identical with that evidenced in the 
work of the Persian engravers of to-day. We are tempted to 
see in the appearance of this highly-characteristic art which 
came to supplant geometric decoration an indication of the 
arrival on the Persian plateau of the Iranians among those 
peoples of unknown origin of which the texts of the kings 
of Assur speak. 


We have to recognize that this naturalistic art would 
seem never to have penetrated into Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, 
or the western world. There is no question, therefore, of 
its intervention as an influence in the development of 
Mediterranean naturalism (Fig*. 129). 

But if we compare its general artistic aspect with that 

FIG. 128. Vase from Karri ares (Crete). 

which developed in western lands at the beginning of the 
iron industry during the period to which the Hallstatt 
label has been given we are struck by the number of 
analogies between the naturalistic art of the Orient and 
Occident. The forms of weapons and implements are fre- 
quently identical ; and the decorative subjects and method 
of their application, especially engraving, are so similar 
and are specialized to such a point that we cannot help 
associating these two arts, which, according to discoveries 
in the Danube basin and in the Ukraine, would appear to 
join up north of the Caucasus by way of the Russian 

In Transcaucasia, this iron civilization was preceded by 
another, more simple, whose art belonged to the geometric 
system, a civilization which would seem to have been 


derived from a bronze culture, whereas in the west the 
Hallstatt phase directly succeeded the bronze by a rapid 

These considerations would lead us to suppose that iron, 
long- known in Asia prior to the arrival of the naturalistic 
artists, only penetrated into Europe with the Hallstatt 
people, who came from the Orient by way of the Russian 
steppes and the valley of the Danube. 

We must, nevertheless, take into account those Mediter- 
ranean influences which at this epoch probably helped to 

FIG. 129. Dog and wild boar, from a fresco in the palace at Tiryns. 

modify considerably the customs of the naturalistic artists 
from Asia. 

This industry, with some likelihood, is generally attributed 
to the Celts. Thus it follows that the Celts, before they 
came to Europe, must have inhabited or sent colonies 
into the countries south of the Caspian, either by way of 
Derbent or Dariel (Ossete districts) from the North, or 
else from the Transcaspian country, skirting the Elburz 
mountains, to the Araxes districts. Then the southern branch 
of the race would either have been absorbed, or would have 
retreated northwards, leaving their taste and their natural- 
istic methods still in force to-day among the Persian 
gravers as a legacy to Iran. The very characteristic 
Hallstatt art would then have been effaced in Western 
Europe by a more cultured taste that of the Mediter- 
ranean peoples, which becomes dominant from the La T&ne 

The beginnings of the Hallstatt industry in Europe is 
placed at the beginning of the first millennium before our era. 
It must, then, have been earlier still, perhaps by only a few 
centuries, perhaps by a millennium, that this art appeared in 
Transcaucasia. Thus the eastern * * Hallstattians " in all pro- 


bability would have come by the knowledge of iron in 
Transcaucasia, since it existed in that country before their ad- 
vent. This would make the Ossete burial-places merely 
the witness of the passage of the " Hallstattians " through 

FIG. 130. Ossete iron industry. Animal figures. 

the Great Caucasus, a country where copper in the natural 
state is much more abundant than iron thus explaining 
the rarity of iron in the necropolis of Koban. 

These are but conjectures ; still, the wide diffusion of so 
specialized an art as that of Hallstatt cannot be considered 
the result of mere coincidence. 

Hitherto, unfortunately, research has made but little 


FIG. 131. Figures engraved on bronze'belts'from the necropoles of 
Russian Armenia. Iron industry. 


progress either in Transcaucasia, Persia or Central Asia. 
Excavations have been made in Ossethia, in Russian 
Armenia, and in the Russian and Persian Talish but there 
our researches end for the moment. Nevertheless, we 
have discovered that the peoples of the North lived in 
complete isolation from those of the South, and that the 
flourishing" civilizations of Babylon, Susa, Nineveh and 
Ecbatana did not influence those peoples whose graves we 
have discovered in the necropoles of the North. 

In the north of Western Asia we find a few rare traces of 

FIG, 132. Incised pottery. Djonu Necropolis (Russian Talish). 

a specialized painted pottery in tombs containing- iron 
weapons. Pottery ornamented with designs made by a 
polisher predominates, and incised ornamentation is fairly 
common (Fig. 130). With the appearance of iron, we meet 
with numerous vases in the forms of animals, such as horses, 
oxen and birds, but here, as with the engraving, we are in 
the presence of a specialized style of Altaic origin if we 
may judge by the discoveries made in Siberia during the 
last few years. 

In Western and Central Europe the earliest stag-e of 
ceramic art shows us vessels which are generally wide- 
topped, flat-bottomed and irregular (Fig. 133), made of a 
coarse paste, and ill-baked on open hearths. The sherds 
of this pottery are generally composed of two brownish 
exterior layers, and a central greyish portion, scarcely baked ; 
the earth of which has hardly been worked into a paste 
and is mixed with grains of sand. 

Later on, as neolithic industry was perfected, the technique 
of ceramics gradually improved. Forms were elaborated 


(Fig. 134) and became at times quite elegant, and decoration 
appeared. It had already been met with in the shape of 
incisions during the Campignian industry, and now it 
was elaborated by means of dotted depressions (Fig. 134, 
Nos. 9, 10 and 12). Rope-marked vases then appeared 
(Fig. 134, No. 12); that is to say, the vases were decorated 
with the impression of a cord twisted round the vase 
while the paste was still soft; next, the potter used little 

Rough pottery : i, Tertre 
(Seine-et-Miarne) ; 2, Dolmen 
f Cli&teau-Larcher (vienne) (after 
A. de Mortmet). 



FIG. 134. Neolithic vases: i to 3 and 

5 to 10, Chassy (Sa6ne-et-Loire) ; 6, 

Bohemia; 4, n and 12, Brittany. 

pellets of clay pressed into the soft vase to make designs 
(Fig. 134, Nos. 5, 7 and 8). This was exceptional only, for 
in nearly every country incised ornament predominated ; at 
times it became very artistic, as in Scandinavia, where it was 
particularly remarkable from the days of polished stone. 
With the advent of bronze, pottery improved still further ; 
the potter's wheel had then long been in use, and gradually 
the shapes of the vases became inspired by those of the 
Hellenic world. In southern Italy, Sicily, Spain, and even 
southern Gaul, the Mediterranean arts had exercised great 
influence on the West ever since the Cretan zenith, and 
Mycenaean forms (Figs. 138, 139) spread overland into Central 
Europe. So much was this the case that, from the time 
when iron appeared, the vase forms, the subject of the 
designs, and the technical processes had become hybrid, 
deriving both from native culture and from Mediterranean art. 
Vases were painted, but without the skill of the Hellenic 
peoples, and, as a rule, these efforts of the potter were merely 
rather unstable colour tracings over the incised decoration. 


FlQ. 135. Neolithic decoration on pottery. 

FIOK 136. i, 2, Cyprus; 3, Hissarlik; 4, Isle of Moen fDenmark) ; 


The Mediterranean influence made itself felt throughout 
Europe in later proto-historic times, but it was exercised 
on peoples highly diverse in origin and artistic feeling, hence 
a multitude of schools and innumerable varieties resulted, 
the study of which is further complicated by the migration 
of populations. In Gaul alone we can recognize a number 
of different areas, and successive schools for identical 
districts, the phases of which correspond to the migrations 

FIG. 137. The iron industry in Transcaucasia. Vase decoration 
(Helenendorf, near Yelisavetpol). 

of populations, the opening of new commercial routes, 
military events, and a host of other causes that often 
escape us* " 

In the West and in Northern Europe, the prehistoric 
era came to an end during the development of the 
iron civilization associated with the La T&ne industry. 
Thenceforward, the arts are the product of native taste 
largely influenced by Grseco - Etruscan and Greek art. 
The ancient motifs and processes are still seen on the 
incised vases ; but ceramic painting and sculpture are both 
stamped with a special character derived from Hellenism, 
which, in the northern districts, survived until the Middle 

On the whole, outside of Elam, Egypt, and the Greek 
world, where we meet with genuine artistic schools, 
sharply characterized both by their technique and their 
expression, the artistic taste of the Ancient World was 


FIG, 138. Buchheim (Duchy of Baden}* 

. 139. Burzenhof (Wfcrtemberg). 


still most confused, the reason being that nowhere do we 
find among the numerous peoples of whom we have any 
trace, the same originality as in the great centres of the 

But the New World must not be neglected, for certain 
regions of America Mexico and Peru had schools no less 

FIG. 140. The arts of the La Tfcne industry : i, Turoe (Galway, Ireland) ; 
2, Kermaria, near Pont-1'AbbS (Finist&re) ; 3, Hoch-Redlan (Prussia) ; 
4 Betheny (Marne) ; 5, Glastonbury (Somerset) ; 6, Roanne (Loire) ; 
7, Marne ; 8, Roanne (Loire) ; Qa, Matzhausen (Palatinate) ; 9, animal 

frieze on 9a. 

remarkable than those of Asia and Egypt. Here we are 
dealing with a world apart, cut off from relations with the 
rest of the universe and evolving independently. This 
evolution produced the same results as in the Old 
World, because in America we find an incised and polished 
ceramic art showing all the varieties of the old world 
and culminating in painted pottery- The technical pro- 
cesses are the same : the artistic conceptions alone differ. 
We can make no reliable estimate of the date of this 


^ What has happened in the New World demonstrates how 
necessary it is to be wary in our hypotheses relating to 
influences, especially when processes of a simple order 
are concerned. The same idea may have come to any 
number of peoples at different times. The characteristics 
of primitive unpainted pottery cannot be considered con- 
clusive from the chronological point of view where different 
peoples or diverse regions are involved. 

Moreover, we are still very ignorant of everything 
relating to the arts, and of ceramics in particular, in the 
major portion of the Old World. We have seen that for 
Transcaucasia, Persia, and Russia we possess vague in- 
formation only, and that limited to a very few districts 
and peoples but beyond that, further eastwards, our lack 
of knowledge is complete. 


Two principles would seem to have swayed the minds of 
men in those far-off days when as yet the Occidental folk 
of Europe were in the palaeolithic and archaeolithic industrial 
phase : respect for the dead, implying a belief in an after- 
life ; and, probably, totemism applied, as among modern 
primitive populations, to the issues of mundane existence. 

In the Grimaldi caves, and in many others, the dead 
have been found buried beside their hearths, surrounded by 
the objects of their intimate daily life. This custom, which 
remained in vigour up to the close of the polished stone phase, 
and which was even more marked after the appearance of 
metals, undoubtedly shows that the early inhabitants of 
France already cherished a cult of the dead and believed 
in a future life and hence in a superhuman power. Nor was 
this notion peculiar to the races inhabiting the Western 
Europe in Quaternary times ; it was universal* But it 
would appear to be in our caverns that the earliest testimony 
to such a belief has so far been discovered. 

Their totemism is more debatable. Nevertheless, the 
study of cave paintings and their comparison with the 
collected data regarding the practices of contemporary 
uncivilized populations, has led archaeologists to consider 
that the Magdalenians were not prompted to cover the walls 
of their dwellings with paintings from a single-minded desire 
to satisfy their aesthetic tastes, but that these representations 
had a religious significance. 1 

" Both in Australia and America," says Dchelette, 2 
"a tribe or group believes itself to be under the pro- 
tection of a tutelary being, usually an animal that has to 
be propitiated in the interests of the common weal. Hence 
the animal totem becomes the object of a regular cult. 

1 ffi Reinach, I' Art et la Magie, VI (1903), 257 ; id., LX, I, Paris, 1905. 

2 XXVI, I, 268. 



Totem groups display representations of their totem on 
their arms and shields. By the intervention of magic 
the totem can bestow fecundity, so profitable to the com- 
munity. Spencer, Gillen and Frazer have described the 
strange ceremonies performed with this object by the 
Australians at the foot of rocky walls covered with 
zoomorphic representations. A number of details in these 
magical practices are easily correlated with facts observed 
in the caverns of the Pyrenees and Perigord." We must 
not strain totemism too far, however, by seeking- to find 
its traces everywhere. We do not know all the motives 
that inspired men's actions in those far-distant days. 

The European cave painting's are sometimes placed in 
corners or on inaccessible parts of the rock, and it has been 
supposed that they were thus placed because they were 
forbidden (Taboo} to women, children and to uninitiated 
persons in general. 

This is but a plausible hypothesis, but one that it would be 
as rash to develop as that regarding totemism, for we cannot 
deduce from the superstitions of modern savages ideas that 
were current in times so far distant from our own. 

The belief in larvce, that is to say in spectres and ghosts, 
which we meet with in the Italian peninsula from the earliest 
historic times, is certainly not a conception peculiar to 
European peoples. It existed in Egypt under another 
form, but the fear lest the ghosts of the dead should return 
to disturb the calm of the living undoubtedly had great influ- 
ence on the respect with which men would always seem to 
have treated burial-places ever the object of mysterious 
dread, unformulated, but intense in primitive peoples, and 
still extraordinarily vivid in the minds of many highly- 
developed persons of our own day. 

With the appearance of neolithic industry the cult of 
the dead was emphasized under a number of forms, for 
the interments of the period, greatly in evidence in every 
land, are at the same time highly diverse in character. 

Simple burial in the ground without any protective 
wrapping for the body is uncommon in Europe. It is 
met with, however, in the department of the Marne among 
others, at Dormans : the bodies, squatting or doubled up, 
were laid in small graves oriented north south. 


This, the simplest of all modes of sepulture, was customary 
in the valley of the Nile during the period of neolithic and 
eneolithic industry (Fig. I4I). 1 We often find the skeleton 

FIG. 141. Neolithic interment, El Amrah (Upper Egypt). 

enclosed in a wrapping sewn into an antelope or gazelle 
skin nor does the coming of copper alter this usage. In the 
deepest deposits of the Tell of Susa the graves present the 
same general character* 

In Germany this method of inhumation is more frequent 
than in Gaul. 

We have seen that in Quaternary times the dead were 

i Cf, XXIX. 


frequently interred in the caverns close to their dwelling- 
place. In neolithic times these caves, uninhabited for the 
most part at that date, were used as cemeteries, as, for 
example, the cave of the Homme Mort in Lozere, where an 
extensive ossuary was found. Often a wall of dry stones 
blocking* the cave entrance protected the bodies from beasts 
of prey. 

As, however, natural caves do not exist in every country, 

Fio. 142. Graves from the necropoles of Russian Armenia. Iron industry. 

men had to dig artificial shelters in the ground. The 
form of grave can best be studied in the department of 
the Marne. The valley of the Petit Morin contains a large 
number. 1 They are veritable hypogea, dug with great 
precision in the chalk, and made up of one or two chambers, 
closed in former times by slabs of stone or stout wooden planks. 
A trench made in the outer debris and the drift formation 
enabled the diggers to reach the out-cropping chalk. A 
large number of skeletons were laid carefully one on the top 
of the other in two rows with a passage left between. 2 

1 Baron de Baye, Sur les cavernes sfpulcrales dans le department de la 
Marne (Congr. internal, arch., Brussels, 1872) ; XXII, 1st edit., 1879* 

2 These artificial caves, which are very rich in polished flint implements, contain 
also some traces of copper ; they thus belong to the Eneolithic and not to the 


Certain of these artificial caverns are considered by 
archaeologists l to be either funerary chapels intended for the 
celebration of ritual ceremonies, or tombs reserved for 
personages of high rank. 

Hypogea are fairly common throughout the greater 
part of Europe, in Mediterranean countries, Egypt, and 

?IG. 143. Crypt orCoisard. *Valley of FIG. 144. Crypt of Courgeonnet. Valley 
he Petit Morin (after Baron de Baye). of the Petit Morin (after Baron de Baye). 

Western Asia ; all are inspired by the same feeling of respect 
for the dead and desire to protect their remains from beasts 
and men. The tombs of the Pharaohs at Thebes, and the 
Achaemenidsean sepultures of Persis are artificial crypts of 
monumental proportions. The excavation of such hypogea 
must have entailed great labour only to be undertaken 
for a very few persons, hence as a mode of burial it must 
be considered exceptional. The same is true of dolmens, 
large chambers built of blocks of stone and then, usually, 
covered over with earth. 

A dolmen 2 (Figs. 145 and 146) is a stone monument of 
varying dimensions, composed of vertical walls formed of 
great blocks set on end with one or more large slabs forming 
the roof. Some dolmens consist of one rectangular chamber 
only (Figs. 145 and 146, Nos. t, 3 and 4), others of several 

* XXIV, 157- 

8 From ^o/ table and m*J= stone (in Breton). 


(Fig. 146, Nos. 5 and 7) ; whilst still others have shorter or 
longer galleries, of varying width and height, leading into 
them, and constructed on the same principle (Fig. 146, Nos. i, 
3 and 7). Occasionally the lateral walls are inclined and 
give the dolmen the appearance of a truncated pyramid 
(Fig. 145, Nos. 4 and 5) ; galleries are even known in 
which the covering stones are supported on one side only, 

FIG. 145. Dolmens : i, Brautdme (Dordogne) ; 2, Table des Marchands 
(Locmariaquer, Morbihan) ; 3, Krukenn (Plouharnel, Morbihan) ; 4 Lauzo 
(Orgnac, Ard&cfce) ; 5, Gramoat (near Lodfcve, HSrault) ; 6, Trie-Chateau 


giving the alley a triangular section. Quite a number of 
these monuments are known that consist only of a long 
gallery without any definite chamber (Fig. 146, Nos. 2 and 
6). In some countries, Ireland among others, the covering 
stones are replaced by corbelled vaults, constructed of small 
flat stones (Fig. 146, No. 7). In France dolmens are often 
floored with slabs of stone (Fig. 148, Nos. i and 6). 

In many cases dolmens are covered over with mounds of 
earth of smaller or larger size, but we cannot say for certain, 
that every dolmen was covered by a tumulus, nor that those 


FIG. 146. Dolmens in plan and section. 


that are now uncovered were denuded of their mounds by 
cultivation or rain. In dolmens complete with tumulus, we 
observe about the circumference of the mound, a circle of 
large stones intended to circumscribe it. These circles of 
isolated stones are often seen without a dolmen in the centre. 
The greater number of such circles are merely the ruins of 
ancient mounds, but we must not confound them with 

FIG. 147. Geographical distribution of dolmens in the Old "World, 

cromlechs, 1 monuments of unknown purpose, whose dimen- 
sions are much greater. 

The appearance of dolmens 2 in Western Europe seems to 
coincide |with the second phase of the neolithic industry of 
France and Switzerland, but this appearance is apparently 
illusory, since the most ancient among them, whose funerary 
furniture consists only of stone implements made of hard, 
imported rocks, contain traces of metal copper and gold* 
Others are clearly eneolithic. 

The geographical distribution of dolmens is very wide, 
(Fig. 147). We find them from the south of Scandinavia to 
Algeria, and from Portugal to India and Japan. 8 In the 
north of Western Asia (Russian and Persian Talish) they 
all belong to the local copper and bronze age. It follows 

1 From crowcircle and /*6*Astone (in Breton). 

2 Cfl A. de Mortniet, VIH, XL 

* Of. JUULV11, 153, and note* 2, 3 and 4. 


that if the practice of constructing- such edifices came into 
our part of the world from Asia there would have come 
with it the knowledge of metals, and this seems to have been 
the case, since although in Western Europe these tombs 
contain funerary furniture of neolithic appearance, this is 
certainly due to the scarcity of copper among* their con- 
structors. The hypothesis that dolmen building spread in 

FIG. 148. 

Builded dolmen, Namin, Ardebil province (Persia) 
(Author a Researches). 

the opposite direction is untenable, for it would postulate an 
inception of the metal industry in Caspian countries posterior 
to its beginnings in Armorica, which is an impossibility 
because Asiatic civilization goes back much farther than that 
of the West. 

It remains for us to suppose that the idea of constructing 
these huge tombs was born at different dates in different 
countries, since the cult of the dead is far too ancient and 
widely distributed for us to explain its general acceptance by 
propagation from any one centre. Apparently the solution 
of the problem must come from a combination of hypotheses, 
for it is impossible to connect the monuments of Japan, 
Madagascar, and South America with the great group of 
Asiatic-European dolmens. 


In all countries the earliest dolmens are built of large 
unhewn blocks of stone. Then the blocks used for the 
vertical walls gradually diminish in size, until the earlier 
lateral blocks are replaced by a built-up wall of undressed 
stones, it is true, but carefully laid. The great roof-slabs 
alone persist (Fig. 148), * and, as the monument becomes 
smaller in size, the cist is finally arrived at. 

This is not to say that the practice of burying the dead 
in stone cists is posterior to the dolmens. The two methods 
of sepulture were certainly in use at the same time in the 
same countries but the principle of these funerary con- 
structions is the same. Further, the conception of the 
dolmen with its tumulus, interpreted by peoples of advanced 
culture, produced in certain districts veritable colossi 
witness the royal pyramids of the Ancient and Middle 
Egyptian Empires. 

The dolmens are not the only megalithic monuments of 
prehistoric antiquity. In many districts we also find traces 
of religious or superstitious beliefs as yet unexplained con- 
nected, perhaps, with the cult of the dead, and manifesting 
themselves in the form of standing stones (menhirs) * (Fig. 
149) ; trilithons somewhat rare, and composed of two up- 
rights and a lintel , and finally of alignments of monoliths 
(Fig. 150), usually associated with cromlechs. The dolmens 
themselves sometimes present inexplicable peculiarities. 
Some are divided into several chambers communicating 
with each other by a circular hole pierced through the 
partition (Fig. 145, Nos. 5 and 6 ; Fig. 146, No, 6). 

In France menhirs are even more numerous than dolmens. 
A. de Mortillet counted 6192 of them, including align- 
ments and cromlechs; 8 their distribution, however, does 
not altogether coincide with that of dolmens. The greatest 
of these monuments is the Men-er-Hro^ck (Pierre de la F6e), 
now fallen and broken, which measured 20.50 metres in 
length. This monolith recalls the obelisks of Egypt in its 
dimensions ; that of Hatasu at Karnafc, however, is much 
larger, its height being 33.20 metres. We soon become lost 
in conjectures as to the primitive purpose of these monu- 

i XXXVI, IV, ist paurt, 13 ff.; XXXV, VIII (1905), 251 ff. 

3 Afn=stone, and &*y=long (in Breton). 

* A. de Mortillet, Distribution des ntigalifhes en France, VIII (1901), 40. 


ments, but up to the present time none of the proposed 
hypotheses have rested on scientific bases. 

The same holds true for the alignments, long parallel 
lines of menhirs planted in the earth at almost equal 
intervals, a remnant of which still may be seen in the depart- 
ments of Morbihan and Finist&re. Formerly the alignments 
stretched much further, but, even what remains of them is 
still very impressive. 

Cromlechs are large circles of 50 or 60 metres in diameter 

v x 1Si ~' Menhir of Krou6zel at Porspoder (Finist&re) ; 2, Gant de 
KercUf, Carnac (Morbihan) ; 3, Penmarch (Finist&re), 7 metres high. 

formed of menhirs. These megalithic monuments are 
widely distributed in France, the British Isles, Sweden 
and Denmark. We meet with a few in Western Asia. So 
far the interpretations given all belong to the realm of 

The number of Quaternary burials hitherto discovered 
is too small to furnish us with much information as to the 
rules then governing inhumation, and there are no indica- 
tions for that epoch to throw light on the practice of incinera- 
tion, which was frequently resorted to by the neolithic 
population of Europe. With the appearance, however, of 
polished stone, there is much more to guide us. In certain 
districts, such as Scandinavia, the neolithic burials were all 


by inhumation, whereas in France, and especially in Brittany, 
the dead were frequenty burned. 1 In the departments of the 
Marne, the Aisne, and the Gard, and in many other parts of 
France incineration -was also the rule. 2 This custom of 
destroying* the body by fire was also in force in the same 
period in Thuringia and in Western Prussia, 5 whereas in 

FIG. 150. Alignments of Menec at Carnac (Morbihan). 

the British Isles, in Italy, and in Switzerland no traces of 
incineration in the corresponding epoch have yet been found. 

In historic times, moreover, both cremation and inhuma- 
tion were practised by Latins and Etruscans. It was only 
in the East, and especially in Egypt, that the destruction of 
the body would appear to have been avoided. Nevertheless, 
the burning of the primitive royal tombs of Nakadah and 
Abydos suggests that in the earliest times incineration was 
practised in the case of important personages, and not only 
incineration of their bodies but of everything that had 
belonged to them. 

Judging by the colour on the bones, it would seem that 
ante-sepultural excarnation had been practised from Quater- 
nary times.* For more recent periods there are numerous 
traces of the custom in Western and Central Europe, in 
Russia, and, it would seem, even in Northern Caucasia. 

1 Cf. XXIV, 270. 

9 Olshausen, Lcickerverbr*nnune t XX (1892), 163- 

Piette, VI (1896), 386, 


Flos. 151 and 152, Iron Industry Burials, Djonu (Russian Talish) 
The author's excavations* 


During the course of the bronze industry, in our part of 
the world, the ancient customs of neolithic times persisted. 
Dolmens, however, gradually ceased to be built, those that 
remained being often used as ossuaries. Thenceforward, 
burials were effected in cists, in graves with walls of rough- 
hewn stone, and in chambers (Figs. 151 and 152) over which 
a tumulus was raised, sometimes attaining considerable 
proportions. That of Saint-Menoux (Allier) measured no 
less than 25 metres in diameter ; x it contained four skeletons. 

At this epoch, cremation was also practised In Europe, 
but, as in earlier times, Asia did not adopt it, or at least we 
have not yet encountered any trace of it in the Orient. There, 
in certain districts, such as the north-west of Persia, the 
various transition phases from the large dolmen to the cist 
can be followed, while the funerary furniture is seen to im- 
prove in proportion as the architecture of the tombs becomes 

If the primitive inhabitants of the mountains bordering 
the Caspian on the south-west did not actually burn the 
dead, together with their wives, as was done in India, it 
would seem that a man at least took them with him into the 
other world. A burial that I had the good fortune to discover 
at Veri (Russian Talish) in 1890, is explicit in this regard. 

A cist of irregular contour (Fig. 153) contained four 
bodies. 2 At the right were the man's remains (No. i) accom- 
panied by his arms a long and slender sword, four daggers, 
several lance-heads, and a considerable number of arrow- 
heads. His personal ornaments consisted of a torque, some 
beads and small golden discs. To the left of the man, in 
the middlf of the tomb, were two women's skulls (Nos. 2 
and 3) surrounded by beads and gold discs ; each skull 
had its torque and bracelets, but no weapons. To the left 
is another female skull (No. 4), surrounded by the same 
ornaments, and, not far away, a metal mirror. (In Fig, 
153 the vases have been taken out, in order that the position 
of the objects and of the skeletons may be better appreciated)* 

An examination of the grave goods shows very clearly 
tht the three women had accompanied their master into 
the tomb. The position of the ornaments, the orderly 

2 All the ejects found in this tomb are at the MusSe de Saint-Germain. 


FIG. 153, Bronze industry burial, Veri (Russian Talish) ; the author's 
excavations. (The vases have been taken out). 

manner in which they are distributed, and the fact that not 
a vase was broken, proves that these women had been put 
to death before the closing of the sepulchral chamber. Here 
the ascertained data comes to an end, but they are important 
in regard to the funeral ceremonies of the bronze period in 
this district, for they open the way to comparisons with 
India, where the same rite of sacrificing- the women has 
existed in another form from very remote times. This tomb 
recalls those of the Scythians of which Herodotus tells us. 

The manners of those days were highly diverse and were 
often horribly barbaric. Thus Stolpe, a Swedish authority, 
who studied a cave on the island of Stora Carlso (Gothland), 
bias established the fact that the inhabitants of that island in 
neolithic times were cannibals, 1 and we also find mention 
3f cannibalism in Europe in historic times, 2 

The neolithic people indulged in still other practices on 
te bodies of the dead, and these customs have left their 
;races. They cut circular portions from the skulls trepanned 
;hem, not with any surgical end in view as in this operation 

* LIT 20. 

* /&, p. 20, and for Switzerland, LXVHl, 150. 


to-day, but in order to obtain fetishes, for these circular 
pieces were pierced with holes that they might be suspended 
or worn as part of a necklace ; the Gauls also indulged in 
this practice. 1 In the oppidum of Stradonitz in Bohemia a 
fragment of a brain case, decorated with engraved geometric 
designs, has been discovered ; this is evidence of a custom 
that exists to this day in Oceania. 

Thus, as we see, funeral customs in prehistoric times 
were extremely varied ; we possess but scant information on 
most of them, and many escape us completely. 

In Persia, Mazdaism put an end to earth burial, and in 
the north of Iran coffins for the exposure of the bodies 
succeeded the graves of the iron industry period** It is only 
with the coming of Islam, that is to say, in the seventh 
century of our era, that graves reappear. As it is now gener- 
ally agreed to place the appearance of the Zoroastrian doctrine 
in Media in the fifteenth century before our era, this would 
then be the date, within a few centuries, of the disappearance 
of the sepultures of the iron industry in that country if, 
indeed, the men of the iron industry, whose sepultures have 
been found, ever were converted to Mazdaism. 

The cult of the dead was not, of course, the only religious 
belief of prehistoric times. There were a multitude of others, 
but this question of the philosophical ideas of prehistoric 
peoples is most obscure, because we have practically no such 
evidence as would support even a hypothesis. Except for 
the funeral rites which, as we have just seen, show that in 
all countries man was preoccupied about a future life, we 
are nearly always constrained to turn to historical sources, 
and to go back, in thought, across the ages, with the feeble 
assistance of such rare prehistoric objects as seem to lend 
themselves to an interpretation, ere we can have any idea as 
to what these primitive cults consisted in. Such an excursion 
into the historic origin of beliefs reveals to us religions that 
are infinitely varied, which still further complicates the task 
of the prehistorian. In truth, if we have evidence that at 
the beginning of the historic era the peoples of even a single 
region possessed a variety of beliefs, what are we to think 

1 Of. G. de Martinet, Trepanation prthistorique* I. (1882) 144. 
* Cf. Reck, archfol. (1896), 13-125 ; XXXVJU IV. 


of those that successively jostled each other in this same 
district in earlier times? 

Religions are born, prosper, are sometimes very widely 
distributed, then become decadent and die. Only those 
based on g-enuinely philosophic principles survive. But the 
further we go back in time and the further we get away from 
higher conceptions, the more deeply we penetrate into the 
practices of superstition and magic, because the human being, 
faced with the impotence of his efforts against incompre- 
hensible phenomena, and being guided on the one hand by 
fear, and on the other by hope, necessarily attributed most 
of what he saw and all such experiences as passed beyond 
the bounds of his intelligence, to a host of different causes. 
Thus an infinite variety of practices grew up : " Man at first 
populated space with free, sentient forces, susceptible to 
prayer and pity/' 1 The idea of the one God came only 
much later, since it demanded a generalization of causes that 
a highly-evolved mind alone was able to conceive. 

The domain of the incomprehensible, at first of vast 
extent, became gradually limited in proportion to intellectual 
progress. The primitive divine pleiad, born of the multi- 
plicity of phenomena, was provided with a master, and in a 
few rare and refined souls was born the conception of a force 
superior to and containing all other forces. The concept of 
a unique deity was now formed, but in many religions this 
higher conception remained a secret of the priesthood* Such 
was the case in Egypt, and probably also in Chaldea ; and 
it is very probable that the Hebrews got their idea of Jahveh 
from these sacerdotal ideas. But in no oriental religion 
were the ancient gods entirely sequestered from office ; the 
priests retained them for a long time to come, because the 
people were not sufficiently advanced to be made to renounce 
their superstitions. 

Among* all the peoples whose religious origins we have 
been able to study, or where, at least, we have been able to 
go far back in the examination of their beliefs, we meet 
with polytheism. Egyptians, Chaldeans, Elamites and 
Hellenes all possessed an elaborate pantheon. The same is 
true of those races which, by our geographical discoveries of 

i Kenan, Hist, du Peupte d'lsratt, I, 97. 


the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, we were able to sur- 
prise in the actual possession of their prehistoric civilization. 
Among- the Semites of Chaldea, the Akkadians, we find 
from the beginning that the idea of divinity is connected 
with the stars, whereas for the Sumerians, the ancient inhabi- 
tants of Mesopotamia, the incomprehensible power belonged to 
the forces of nature conceptions, which, though differing in 
form, sprang from the same spiritual need to address oneself 
to someone or something by which to conjure ill-fortune. 

FIG 154. Religious emblems and tribal crests on Egyptian pre-dynastic 

painted vases. 1-13, Nakadah and Ballas ; 14, El Amrah and Abydos ; 

(15-21, after Schweurfurth). 

These two primitive religions had nothing philosophic about 
them. Self-interest was their motive power, and superstition 
their guide. 

In Egypt it would appear that there were two cults, that of 
the Libyan stone chipping aborigines, and that of the invaders 
who brought with them the knowledge of copper. Out of 
this mixed cult was evolved the pharaonic religion. The old 
customs survived, however, to Greek and Roman times. 
Everything in nature had formerly been deified, and each 
nome retained its god up till the early centuries of our own 
era. This was a survival some four or five thousand years 
old dating from the division of the country between those 
tribes whose distinctive badge or crest we noticed on the 
painted prehistoric vases. In Egypt, as in Chaldea, every 


divinity had its emblem, its animal, or its privileged object, 
and this primitive cult of animals, the last trace of the early 
totemism, was preserved by the pharaonic people. Cats, 
dogs, jackals, crocodiles, and oxen were mummified, as 
though they themselves had been the divinity. 

But Asiatics, both Semites and those of the ancient races, 
also venerated nature trees, springs, rivers, and mountains 
and this cult would seem to have been the oldest among 

FIG. 155. Impression of a seal (Palace of Knossos). Goddess appearing 
on a mountain top between two mastiffs, and a worshipper. 

every people. We meet with it in Western Europe and 
among uncivilized peoples to-day, and more extended research 
cannot fail to bring us proof that in every land it was the 
basis from which all other cults were elaborated. 

In the study of prehistoric religion we must thus reject 
any idea of a unique divinity and recognize that naturism, 
whether it concerns the astral bodies or confines itself to 
terrestrial phenomena, is at the root of all early religion. 
The sun, moon, stars, thunder, tempests, rain, wind, heat 
and cold have everywhere at some time been considered 
divine. So also have springs, lakes, rivers, mountains 
(Fig. 155) rocks, and trees, and the beasts of the field and 
birds of the air. These cults have varied greatly, however, 
according to place and time. We must content ourselves 
with gleaning from this infinite variety a few about which 
definite testimony has come down to us. 

First of all we will contrast with the cult of the dead and 
the conception of terrestrial annihilation, the cult of life, 
creation, fertility, abundance and good fortune personified 
by the Chaldean goddess Nana, only another form of the 
Astarte of the Hellenes. 


Right down to those deeper deposits of Chaldean and 
Susian ruins in which the painted vases of eneolithic 
industry are at last reached, we find crude figurines of this 
goddess (Fig. 156, No. i), and also of her symbol (Fig. 
156, No. 2) in a form which in later historic times is con- 
stantly in evidence as a votive offering in clay (Fig. 156, 
No. 3). In Egypt, we again find either the actual image 
(No. 4) symbolizing fertility, or symbolized (No. 5) in a 

FIG. 156. Representations of the goddess Nana (Astarfce). 

purely Egyptian fashion, for it never appears in Chaldea 

under this form. It disappeared from the valley of the Nile 

from the time of the establishment of pharaonic civilization* 

It did not, however, emigrate from Mesopotamia to Egypt 

alone, for it is also found at Hissarlik, in the ruins of the 

second city (No. 7) ; in Cilicia, at Adalia (No. 9) ; in the 

-3g-ean Islands at Cyprus (Nos. 6, 10, n, 12) associated 

with objects of neolithic industry, and even at Klipevac in 

the Danube basin not far from Belgrade (No. 13). The 

entire East and some European countries worshipped the 

Mother goddess, the giver of fertility to the fields, and to 

man and beast. 


The gods had representations made of them and temples 
and altars raised to them, both in Asia and Egypt, whereas in 
the west and north of Europe such images were apparently 
forbidden by the laws governing religious cults. At all 
events we have no evidences of religious sculpture in neolithic 
times or the period in which the bronze industry flourished. 
A single rock painting from Spain (Fig. 157), which, in my 
view, has mistakenly been approximated to Magdalenian art, 
shows us for the neolithic, or some later period a ceremony 
of sorts, perhaps a dance by women which would appear 

FIG. 157. 

Ritual dance, Hock painting from Cogul (Spain). 
After H. Breuil. 

to have some connection with the cult of Priapus. These 
women are depicted as wearing long skirts and strange head- 
dresses, with breasts bared ; their costume reminds us of 
Cretan representations of a ritual dance (Fig. 158). These 
paintings, however, are situated in Spain, a country which, 

FIG. 158. Gold Ring from Isopata (near Knossos). Ritual dance. 

according to H, Breuil, had not been subjected to 
influences. We must therefore consider this to be either a 
purely native scene, or else of African origin, 


The solar cult, very ancient in Chaldea and Egypt, shows 
itself, in Europe, from the time of the bronze industry, but the 
objects Wearing- witness to its existence in France accord so 
nearly with the Greek myth that we are led to believe that 
the ritual implements were inspired by the Hellenic world. 

We know that according to the ancient myth the sun 
made his daily journey across the heavens in a chariot drawn 
by horses (Fig. 159, No. 2), and that when he had to return 
from the place of his setting to the place of his rising-, the 
god left his chariot (Nos. i, 2 and 10, solar disc and chariot), 
and was conveyed in a boat on the river Ocean (Nos. 3-7, 
solar ships). 

At Trundholm in Scandinavia, a bronze ritual chariot 
has been found, drawn by a horse and carrying the disc ; 
and in both Ireland and England several solar discs in 
gold have been disc6vered (Fig. 159, Nos. 8 and 9, the swan). 
These same northern countries furnish examples of rock 
gravings (in Scandinavia), of knife blades with graven repre- 
sentations of the solar ship, and finally of a votive bark in gold 
(Jutland). Thus the myth was fully developed in Scandinavian 
countries. Montelius considers that the Trundholm chariot 
belongs to the second Scandinavian bronze phase, which he 
places about the year 1300 B.C., and at that period the Hellenic 
peninsula had long had commercial relations with the Baltic 
countries, thanks to the trade in amber. 

But if the Horse was associated with the daily solar 
journey, it was the Swan that drew the divine bark on the 
return voyage, and even if no representation of the Swan 
thus harnessed to the divine ship has yet been found, at 
least the Swan itself figures constantly as a decorative motive 
in France, the north of Italy, Central Europe, and the 
Scandinavian countries themselves, from the time of the 
local bronze industries right up to iron age times just prior 
to the historic period. So much so that, according to the 
most competent prehistorians, the solar cult must have been 
in honour throughout Europe for fifteen hundred years at 
least. It extended throughout the Hellenic peninsula, 
Egypt, Chaldea and Arabia, and was thus distributed all 
over the ancient world. Further east still, in Media, it took 
a peculiar but not, as has been claimed, an exclusive form, 
since the doctrin e of Zoroaster admitted of secondary divinities, 


and centuries later, although they were fervent Mazdeans, 
the Sassanid kings described themselves in their protocol 
as minutchetri men yezddn, that is to say, as the rt issue of 
the gods/' 

FIG. 159. The Solar Attributes: i. Silver band from Syros (^Egean 
civ.) : 2, Solar chariot from Trundholm (Sweden) ; 3 and 4, Solar boats, 
graffiti in Sweden ; 5 and 6, Scandinavian knives bearing solar boat ; 
7 Votive boat of gold from Nors (Jutland) ; 8, Bronze belt from Falerii 
{Italy) ; 9, id. from Poggio Burtone (Italy) ; 10, Disc from. Staadorf 
v y) (Upper Palatinate). 

The solar cult in Persia, however, was certainly much 
older than Zoroaster, for the disc, the swastika and other 
symbols recognized to-day to be merely conventionalizations 
of the sun have been met with in the earliest burials. The 
swastika appears on the earliest Indian money stamped 
ingots attributed to the seventh century B.C. 


FlG. 1 60. Pu 


barks painted on 
ynastic vases. 

FIG. 161. i, Votive axe-hea 
in bronze (Susa) ; 2. Voth 
axe-head in stone (Hissarlik 


Ships (Fig. 160) figure frequently on the painted funerary 
vases of primitive Egypt ; but these representations must not 
be confounded with the barks symbolizing the sun's nocturnal 
journey, for these ships would seem to be the first witness to 
the pharaonic custom of transporting the dead to his last 
abiding-place by river. This custom was still in force up 
to the twelfth dynasty, and funerary ships, as my excavations 
at Dahshur have shown, are unquestionable proof of it. 
Furthermore, the Egyptian bas-reliefs of every period bear 
witness to this rite. 

We must again draw attention to the ritual importance 
attached both in the Orient and in our own land to the single 
or double-headed votive axe (Fig. 162), and the bull, whose 
image is rendered in full or represented quite often by its 
horns alone. These two symbols are often combined, hence 
they must have figured, if not the .same idea, at least beliefs 
that were very closely related. 

Thus, in a number of instances, primitive naturism 
gradually became transformed, and the early notion of gods 
under their actual form gave place to emblems symbolizing 
them. For example, we see the god or his symbol figuring 
indifferently on the Chaldean koudourrous (boundary stones). 
It was thus that the Egyptian, Greek and Italiote pantheons 
likewise originated. 

Such, in general outline is the sum of our knowledge 
regarding men's religious beliefs in the days before History. 
Magic and divination, developing out of naturism, played a 
great part in the rites of those days, but we are quite ignorant 
of the details of such practices ; the evidence is still to seek. 



WHEN men got beyond the purely material stage, and their 
minds were stimulated to reflection, they began to experience 
a need to place their thoughts on record that they might be 
conveyed to others by signs intelligible to all. The first 
means they found by which to do this was to represent in 
drawing the simple ideas conceived, and from this first essay 
pictographic representation was born. But as the limits of 
detailed pictography were soon felt to be too narrow to 
respond even to the simplest abstract ideas, conventional 
pictographs were evolved whose outlines rapidly took a 
hieroglyphic form. Thanks to Man's intellectual develop- 
ment, and to the progress that he daily achieved in all 
branches of thought, his needs soon outstripped even this 
writing, because certain spoken words could not be expressed 
by the figures at his disposal, and he was unable to create 
for them any means of graphic expression. It was thus 
that, neglecting the representative signification of certain 
signs, he accorded to them a phonetic value instead, just 
as we do with a rebus to-day. Hence arose hieroglyphic 
writing properly so called fhat is to say, the hieroglyphs 
of Egypt, primitive Chaldea, the Hittites, Crete, China, 
Mexico, etc., composed as they are either of representative, 
ideographic, or phonetic signs, all used side by side. 
From these was evolved, by successive transformations of 
the phonetic signs, syllabic writing such as Chinese and the 
cuneiform of the Achaemenidae ; and it was from these 
systems again that the alphabetic conception derived. 

Such was the rational evolution of writing. Only certain 
peoples passed through all these successive phases. Side 
by side with writing there also grew up among many 
tribes a purely conventional mnemonism, but since it was 
conventional, the key to it disappeared together with the 
men who made use of such methods, 



In Quaternary times, graving and painting- in many cases 
probably served for simple pictographic writing, though 
we cannot be sure of it. But alongside of these possibly 
ideographic artistic representations, there were also a variety 
of memory-aids, of which traces are frequently found. The 

FIG. 163. i to 12, painted pebbles from the Mas d'Azil (Azilian) ; 13 and 
14, engraved bones, Lorthet cavern (Hautes-Pyr6n6es) (Magdalenian). 

painted pebbles of the Mas d'Azil (Fig. 163, Nos. 1-12), and 
the engraved bones of Roche-Bertier (Charente), and Lorthet 
(Hautes- Pyrenees) (Fig. 163, Nos. 13 and 14) are undoubted 
examples. 1 Thus from the close of the Quaternary period 
the men of our regions used the same mnemonic means still 
employed by the uncivilized tribes of Oceania, and which 
-were also used by the Indians of the New W^orld. But the 
custom seems to have disappeared with the coming of 
mesolithic industry, or, at least, we see no further traces of it 
from the moment when the Campignian industry appeared, 
nor throughout the bronze phase of the west of Europe. 

Hieroglyphics do not seem to have been known in our 
part of the world. This system was evolved in the Orient, 
in Central America, and in China. We find it established 

FIG, 164. Miinsingen in- 
scription (Switzerland) on a 
glass bead found in a dis- 
turbed tomb of the La Tne 
industry (epoch uncertain). 

in Egypt from pre-pharaonic times ; it must have come into 
the country tog-ether with the knowledge of copper. In 
Chaldea and Elam it already existed in eneolithic times as 

* Piette> Efrute d' ethnographic prtkistorique, VI (1896), 385. 


a precursor of cuneiform signs. We see it completely 
developed among* the Hittites at the epoch of the Rames- 
sides, but we know nothing of its beginnings. The same is 
true for the ^Egean hieroglyphs. 1 These systems of 

FIG. 165. Figurative Mexican painting 
with descriptive legend in hieroglyphics 
(alter L. de Rosny). 

writing, in which phonetization undoubtedly plays a great 
part, did not extend beyond the countries in which they 
corresponded to the local idiom. Even when communication 
between Orient and Occident became easy, they were never 
adopted in Europe, and did not even inspire analogous 
systems. No alphabetical system was known in the Occident 
before the appearance of Hellenic writing. As an example 

* Cf . JLJLVUU 42A ff. 



of the sole attempt independent of Greece, so far discovered, 
we may instance the inscription of Miinsingen in Switzerland 





FIG. 166. Chinese characters of different epochs. 

FIG. 167. Pictographic repre- 
sentation on rock at Skebber- 
vall (Bohusland, Sweden). 

FIG. 168. Pictographic representations 
on the rocks of the river Irtish (after 

(Fig, 164), on a glass bead dating- from the beginning- of the 
iron industry. We know nothing of its origin. 

Among essays at figurative inscriptions which remain 
without sequel we may mention those on the Bohusland rocks 


in Sweden (Fig. 167), those in Siberia (Fig. 168), Upper 
Egypt (Fig. 169), and Mane-Lud at Locmariaquer (Morbihan) 
(Fig. 170), as among the more characteristic of this kind of 

There are several hieroglyphic systems which have had 
a long career and whose transformations have led to much 
more complete systems of writing. The most important are 

1fl " 

FIG. 169. Graffiti scratched on the rocks of Jebel Hetemat 
(Upper Egypt) (discovered and drawn by <5. Legrain). 

those of Chaldea, Elam, Egypt, China, and Mexico; we 
can easily follow the stages of their progress. 

In the Chaldeo-Elamite countries we find ourselves, from 
the very earliest times, in the presence of two parallel 
systems the native system of Elam, and the Chaldean 
which would appear rather to be of Semitic origin, and which 
finally dominated the whole district. 

A very ancient cylinder-seal discovered at Susa (Fig* 171) 
bears a clearly hieroglyphic text, and the clay tablets in- 
scribed with the most archaic texts of that country frequently 
bear the stamp of hieroglyphic cylinders (Fig. 172). 

The proto-Elamite writing (Fig. 173) seen on these 
numerous tablets is transitional between representative or 
else ideographic hieroglyphic characters, and the purely con- 
ventional signs. This writing was used not only on clay 
but on stone (Fig. 173), and preserved the same aspect in 
both cases. 

In the Chaldeo-Elamite countries, soft clay was the 
usual medium for writing, but as clay did not lend itself to 
the drawing of curved forms, the writer, except where he 
could stamp circles and ellipses, was generally reduced to 



FIG. 170. Figures outlined on one of the stones of the chamber, 
tumulus of Man6-Lud, Locmariaquer (Morbihan). 

FIG. 171. Impression from a hiero- 
glyphic cylinder found at Susa 
(Mem. D&eg. en Perse, Vol. II, 
1900, p. 129). 

FIG. 172. Stamp of a cylinder, 
bearing a hieroglyphic inscrip- 
tion, on a proto-Elamite tablet 
(id. Vol. X). 

FIG, 173. Proto-Elamite inscrip- 
tion on a clay tablet (id., Vol. VI, 
pL and). 

FIG, 174. Lapidary inscription 
in proto-Elamite characters of the 
Susan Patesi, Karibou-Sha-Shu- 
shinak. Vol. VI, pi, ii), 27th 
century B*C, 


transforming the curves into more or less regular polygons 
when he had only the triangular point of his stylus to 
depend on. 

In spite of the physical difficulties he had to overcome, 
the writer of those early days frequently retained, in his 
signs, the general form of the subjects he intended to 
represent, even while he translated them by irregular strokes. 
We give (Fig. 174) facsimiles of some of these signs ; first, 

*n**tfu m 
m A^ v sl> 

FIG. 175. Proto-Elamite writing. 

those in which it is easiest to recognize the original shapes ; 
and then (Fig. 175, Nos. 49-61) the late cuneiform equivalent 
of some of these groups* By studying this figure, the reader 
will be better able to grasp the evolutionary process that took 
place in Elam than by any detailed description* It should 
be noted that such hieroglyphs on clay could only be a 
copy of more complete signs, obviously foreign to Elam, 
for it was not by making their first essays on clay that the 
scribes had found themselves in a position to work out 
such representations. 

One of the most interesting of signs in this regard, is that 
which represents a man (Fig. 176). The silhouette of 


a more perfect and ancient model is preserved, but, except for 
the head, it is represented by simple cuneiform strokes. 

The use of the proto-Elamite system, however, was to die 
out. "We see the Chaldean linear cuneiform (Figs. 177 and 
178) introduced into Elam at a very early date, and replacing 
the native writing. 

This Chaldean writing also was hieroglyphic in origin 
(Fig. 179), but these hieroglyphs, when they made their 
appearance in Elam, differed from those of Susa since they 

FIG. 176. Proto-Elamite FIG. 177. Chaldean Hn- 
writing: representation ear cuneiform (Yokna, 
of Man Chaldea) . 

FIG, 178. Chaldean lin- 
ear cuneiform (Susa). 

started from different bases although following the same 
principles. It would seem certain that the Chaldean 
cuneiform was already much more advanced than the 
writing of the proto-Elamites. The two peoples aimed at 
analogous results, and the more advanced writing prevailed. 
In Egypt it was quite otherwise, because there clay was not 
the medium used for writing on, but the soft or hard stone so 
plentiful in the valley of the Nile. 

In the earliest burials, however, and in those graves only, 
we find cylinders similar in every way to those of Susiana, 
and covered with representations and primitive hieroglyphs 
(Fig. i So), This type of seal is common in the tombs of 
the first dynasty, at Nakadah and Abydos, In these two 
localities we also find imprints of these cylinders on the large 
clay stoppers closing the big vases. 


The Chaldeo-Elamite seal thus had its day in the valley 
of the Nile, but it did not long- survive, for it was soon re- 
placed by the real native seal, prototype of the scarab. 

It was during the time that the cylinder was in use that 
hieroglyphs were definitively formed (Figs. 181 and 182), a 
process of writing which continued in use at least until the 
third century of our era. The materials which nature had 

FIG. 179. Fragments of a tablet discovered at Nineveh, giving 
the explanation in cuneiform characters of the primitive 


set to the hand of the scribes of Egypt and Chaldea were 
thus the means not only of preserving the hieroglyphic 
system in the valley of the Nile, but of forming the cuneiform 
in Asiatic regions. 

It was not only in Egypt, however, that hieroglyphs 
were in vogue. They were also used by the Hittites (Fig, 
183), in Crete (Fig. 184) from the time of the third Minoan 
period, in China, Transcaucasia, and Mexico. 

Then, in certain districts systems of writing appeared 
that were derived from a simplification of the hieroglyphic 
signs, such as the Egyptian hieratic and demotic, and 
possibly the Cretan writing. 



FIG. 180. Pre-pbaxaonic cylinders (Egy^t): i. Soft limestone (Cairo 

Museum, No. 14518; Quibell. Archaic objects); z, Kitchen midden of 

Adimiyeh: steatite (Cairo Museum) ; 3. Thebes : black stone (Cairo 

Museum) ; 4, Hierakopolis, steatite. 


We know the Hittite hieroglyphs only from the rock 
inscriptions of Cappadocia, and we are ignorant both of their 
earlier development and of their origin. Opinions are 
divided about the hieroglyphs of Crete. Some consider 
them to be native to the island, while others and we our- 
selves are among these believe that they originated else- 
where. In China, the hieroglyph is the source of the signs 
still in use in the greater part of the Asiatic Orient. In 
Central America they survived up to the time of the 

FIG. 181. Arcliaic Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Schist tablet. 
(Cairo Museum). 

Spanish Conquest. Other attempts do not seem to have left 
any traces in more recent systems of writing. 

It is not our province to enter here into the origin and 
relationships of certain of these primitive systems. It is 
interesting, nevertheless, to note that the cradle of all writing 
is in Western Asia, and that it was thence that this knowledge 
was first carried to the Mediterranean by Phoenicians and 
Hellenes, while the peoples of Europe and Centra! Asia, 
Western Europe and East Asia were deprived of this great 
lever of progress. It was only much later, barely a few 
centuries before our era, that the use of writing spread slowly 
among the barbarian peoples. Etruscan, Iberian and Runic 
inscriptions appear only in centuries quite near the time of 
Christ, and sometimes not even until the first centuries of 
our era. This readily explains why, for several thousands 
of years, Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, the coasts and islands of 
the Mediterranean and Western Asia remained undisputed 
mistresses of civilization. 



\\Then we consider humanity's efforts, as a whole, to record 
the spoken word, we see that this necessity has arisen in 
many places, and among* many peoples at very different times. 

FIG. 182. Ivory tablet from the royal treasure of Semti's tomb, 

representing King Ten, or Semti, dancing before Osiris (First 

Dynasty, about 4266 B.C.) 

We also find that in most cases these attempts remained 
unfruitful, and that only in three centres did a more or less 
complete success crown these efforts. Finally, we see that 
Western Asia and Egypt alone succeeded in overcoming 

FIG. 183. Hittite hieroglyphic inscription from Djerablus (after Wright, 

The Empire* pi. x). 

every difficulty. It was from these two centres, thanks to writ- 
ing, that the light of knowledge spread throughout the world. 
Certainly, even in this limited area, every attempt did 
not meet with the same reward* Cretan, Hittite, and proto- 
Anzanite hieroglyphics disappeared without leaving any 
descendants. Cuneiform writing, after a long and useful 
career, became extinct in its turn* The Egyptian method 


alone survived, not in the pharaonic form, but through 
others derived from it, whence, from the Phoenician 
characters, the ancestors of our present writing- are believed 
to have been developed. 

Certainly the five families of Oriental hieroglyphics, like 
the languages of the people who used them, are independent 
of one another. Can we admit, however, that, in a space 
so limited and among peoples dwelling so closely together, 
these varied attempts had no common origin? It is un- 
believable. We cannot avoid seeing, in these very early 
periods, a common pictography, of which each people would 
have taken advantage, according to the needs of their 
particular language, and following their individual genius, 
quite independently of their neighbours. 

FIG. 184, The Pha&stos disc (Crete). 



THERE can be no question of the commercial relations 
that existed in Europe from the days of the palaeolithic 
industries ; exchanges both as between different clans and 
different tribes certainly took place, but these transactions 
have left no trace* It is only with the appearance of 
neolithic industry that we have evidence, in the ddbris 
of daily life found on the sites of former habitations, of 
materials . foreign to the locality and which must, there- 
fore, have been imported. Thus the resinous -looking 
flint of Grand Pressigny is met with in prehistoric stations 
throughout the centre and east of France and even in 
Switzerland. Towards the close of the Archaeolithic, both 
ocean and Mediterranean shells, used for ornament, become 
more and more frequent, in association, in the caves 
of Central France. These discoveries, however, are not 
conclusive in regard to the existence of actual trading, for 
in those days there was constant inter-tribal warfare, and the 
presence of these marine shells among populations living far 
from the coast might well be due to booty taken from the 
conquered enemy. 

But it must have been otherwise with neolithic objects 
met with at great distances from the geological beds furnishing 
the material of which they were made, because we know of a 
number of manufacturing centres undoubtedly established 
with a view to the exportation of the implements there made. 

Beyond doubt the trade in flints was considerable 
though the field for exportation was naturally limited to 
districts poor in stone that was capable of being satisfactorily 
worked* Other minerals were used as the raw material for 
personal ornaments, such as callais, 1 turquoise, and gold 

1 The callats of Pliny is a hard translucent mineral, often marbled with white, 
blue, or brown veins. 


nuggets found among the grave goods of the dolmens, 1 and in 
some of the caverns in the west and centre of France, as also in 
Portugal. These minerals are not found in Central Europe 
nor in the pile-dwellings ; but they certainly came from beds 
in our own part of the world whose location is no longer 
known to us, and they were the object of a limited trade in 
Western Europe. 

Certain archaeologists 2 consider that callais was brought 

FIG. 185. Map of the trade routes of the Ancient World. 
The heavy dotted lines indicate the natural obstacles such as mountains : 

the lighter dotted lines the principal land and water-ways. 
(Au=*gold; cu*=copper; $b=*lead; ar=*si?v*r / $t=*tin ; fe 

from the Orient, but this cannot be the case, because, if it had 
really been transported from distant lands, it would have 
been met with on the route of the caravans which it is not* 
The same holds good for turquoise. Native gold, however, 
exists in quite a number of the rivers of France, Spain, 
Austria, Hungary and other countries, more especially, as 
regards France, in the basin of the Rhdne. It is not 
surprising, therefore, to find it along with callais in the 

* Cf. DSchelette, Manuel, I, 621. 
2 Cazalis de Foudoucc among others. 


dolmens of the south of France nor as far as Brittany, 1 and 
Portugal 2 . 

Amber was far more commercially important than the 
materials just mentioned. It does exist in France, and is 
collected on certain low hills in the Seine-Infrieure where it 
is associated with the diluvium pebbles, but the beds where 
it was found in abundance were on the Scandinavian and 
German coasts of the Baltic and North Sea. These were 
the deposits mentioned by classical writers, and the source 
alluded to by Herodotus, who, while he admits ignorance of 
Northern European geography, assures us that he has heard 
it said that amber came into Greece by way of the river 
Eridan (the Elbe, or the Vistula). 

The earliest example of the use of amber in Western 
Europe is found in the cave of Auresan (Hautes-Pyr6nees), 
contemporaneous with the Reindeer, but the amber of that 
period must have come from France itself. 

During neolithic times amber was still rare in Gaul, but 
it was common in North Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, 
the countries of its production. This was because a market 
had not yet been established. With the appearance of 
bronze, it soon became the object of a considerable commerce, 
and was distributed throughout Europe and the Mediterranean 
countries. This traffic reached its culminating point in the 
iron age, and amber continued to be used long after the 
Roman occupation of Gaul, because there is not a Prankish 
necklet but has its yellow amber beads. 

Amber seems to have been unknown in the southern parts 
of "Western Asia, though it was used in Egypt from the twelfth 
dynasty. It should be noted, however, that the amber of 
the Egyptian tombs is more reddish in colour than Baltic 
amber, and did not therefore come from the Northern countries, 
but from some other undetermined source. Furthermore, 
during the times of the Amenemhats and the Usertesens, 
Europe was still sunk in barbarism. A certain number of 
peoples were just entering on the metal industry phase, and 
the Egyptians, who were very powerful in Africa, were 

1 Cf. Pitre de Lisle, "Notice sur les fouilles du tumulus de la Motte Sainte- 
Marie (Loirc-Infcrieure) " in the Bull, arcMol. 1891, 38. 

* Cf. E. Cartailhac, Les Grottos artificielles styulcrales du Portugal, V (1885), 
1 6. 


pushing- their expeditions far towards the South. It was from 
the Sudan, also, that they probably brought the amethyst 
beads of the necklaces of the twelfth dynasty princesses, 
stones of a deep wine-coloured violet, whose provenance is 
unknown and which are not met with in modern commerce. 
I have never found the slightest trace of a trade in amber in 
my excavations in Western Asia, either in the dolmens of 
the copper and bronze phases, the graves of the iron industry, 
or in the ruins of the city of Susa. Therefore, no relations 
existed between the Baltic countries and Western Asia. Nor 
is amber found in ancient times in Siberia or India. Thus is 
brought to nought not only those hypotheses attributing- a 
European origin to peoples of Aryan speech, but any hypo- 
thesis postulating- an eastward migration for western peoples. 
At least this holds gx>od from the times when neolithic and 
eneolithic industry had become established in Western 
Europe. It also rules out Europe altogether as a birthplace 
of metallurgy. Further, what holds good for Baltic amber 
does so equally for callais. 

There are still other materials whose presence in Western 
Europe has long- been attributed to commerce. From the 
period of the Breton dolmens and the Swiss lake dwelling's, 
precious materials appear in the form of axe-heads that are 
unknown for earlier prehistoric implements, such as nephrite, 
jadeite, chloromelanite, and saussurite. 1 The source of 
these minerals is not easily explained, and their origin 
has been the subject of much debate. For a long time 
opinion was at one that these precious rocks had been 
brought from the East from Siberia and China. However, 
certain discoveries in Switzerland of strata bearing these 
minerals proves that they exist in Europe, and that it is 
therefore profitless to seek their provenance so far from home. 
It should be noted, moreover, that jade is not found in 
prehistoric times in any part of Western Asia, nor in the 
valley of the Nile, and that if this stone had come into 
Europe from the Orient it would have penetrated also into 
lands more advanced than ours where rare stones were 
greatly esteemed. Even in the flowering time of the historic 

1 Cf. A. Damour, XIV, LXI (1865). Meetings of the zxst and a8th of Aogost 


period, when pharaonic lapidaries diligently sought for rare 
material, jade is never seen in their jewelry. Nor did the 
Persians make use of it. 

Still another material played a great part in the polished 
stone civilizations and in the early days of metal : this 
was obsidian, or volcanic glass. It is met with in volcanic 
ranges as a molten substance in beds of pumiceous tufa. 
It may be dark green (Mexico, Columbia), blackish and 
almost opaque (Greek Archipelago), almost colourless, or 
simply smoked, and it is sometimes veined with opaque 
red streaks (Alaghiz, Russian Armenia). It is almost 
always translucent, and sometimes as transparent as window- 

The natural beds of Auvergne, Bohemia, Hungary, the 
JEolian Isles, and the neighbourhood of Naples appear to 
have been but little exploited, and used only for local needs ; 
but the obsidian from the Isle of Melos, in the form of 
knife-blades, not unlike the flint knives of Grand Pressigny, 
but much smaller in size (the obsidian cores from Melos 
rarely reaching ten centimetres in length) formed the base 
of an important trade. 

Thanks to the red veins so often present in the Alaghiz 
obsidian, we can follow its commercial exploitation right 
into Susiana. In fact, fragments and flakes of this rock are 
common in the oldest deposits of the tells of Elam, Pusht-i- 
Kuh, Luristan, the Bactrian province and all the western 
part of the Persian plateau. Even in the relatively recent 
period of iron weapons, very fine arrow-heads were made of 
it in the Little Caucasus and the Talish. 

In the New World obsidian was made into beautiful 
implements not only in Mexico and Columbia, but also for 
export, and there does not exist an Indian encampment in 
the southern territories of the United States that does not 
contain arrow and lance heads in obsidian. 

A large number of the Japanese neolithic implements are 
of obsidian, and there its use persisted long after the intro- 
duction of bronze. It should be noted that both in Europe 
and the Eastern Mediterranean, obsidian has apparently 
been in use only from the time of the eneolithic industries, 
when it is found with metal ; at the foot of Alaghiz in the 

Mount Ararat massif, however, it was apparently employed 



for chipping archseolithic implements, because no flint existed 
in those parts. 1 

In Egypt obsidian was imported either from the Islands 
or from Arabia, for there were no volcanic hills nearer the 
valley of the Nile, and we find it in the form of small vases 
in the Nakadah tomb. It was never used like flint in Egypt, 
for it was not employed for the fabrication of weapons and 

Thus we see that the instinct for barter was strongly 
developed in all lands from the times of neolithic industry, 
though at first the materials of exchange were few and means 
of communication absent. Travelling was either overland or 
by river in pirogues, and, whatever may be the opinion of 
many archaeologists, the people of those times ventured little 
on the high seas, except for fishing. Their vessels were 
far too unstable to warrant the risk of long voyages along 
coasts that were often very inhospitable. The Mediterranean 
was much more inviting to navigators than the wide ocean. 
Thus it should not surprise us to see the first steps in 
navigation made on this inland sea long before the great 
expanse of the pathless ocean was ventured on. 

With the appearance of the metals, however, the con- 
ditions of travel were swiftly modified. Sanchoniathon tells 
us that the first navigators of Tyre, 2 having cut down a great 
tree and stripped it -of its branches, rolled it into the sea, 
and, mounting astride this hobby-horse, set forth to discover 
the unknown. The men of the polished stone phase were 
at all events less primitive than these legendary Phoenicians, 
for they hollowed out pirogues, occasionally of great size, 
but implements of metal permitted of more rapid and accu- 
rate work, and the building of real ships was then under- 
taken, whereupon a coasting trade developed all along the 
sea-shore. A considerable extension of trade relations re- 
sulted, whilst negotiable articles of merchandise became 
more numerous from day to day. In this overland and sea- 
borne trade metals occupied the premier place, then came 
rock salt, for which, as for salted provisions, there was a 
great demand on the Continent. 

1 J. de Morgan, " Les Stations Pr6historiqnes de I'Alagheuz (Armnie Russe).** 
Rev. de I'Ecole d'Anthrop., I9thyea.xv Vol. VI, 1909, pp, 189*203. 

2 According to Eusebius, JPra*p. evang., I, X, 10. 


If we mark on the map those districts where bronze 
ingots have been met with most often, it will be seen that 
in France they lie on the Ocean and Channel coasts, in 
the vicinity of copper mines and natural deposits of salt, or 
near the passes leading from Gaul into Italy. The explana- 
tion is that the transport of metals, which were brought from 
Cornwall, was by sea, and thus the salt was paid for in 
metal ; further, that the pre-Gauls supplied the North of 
Italy, crpssing over the Alps. 

Scandinavia, though rich in copper, had no tin, and we 
are of opinion that tin was imported exclusively from the 
British Isles in the form of bronze ingots, for it was bronze 
itself that formed an article of commerce, not the separate 
metals of which it was the alloy. 

What did Gaul receive in exchange for its products, and 
what did it give to the overseas metallurgists in payment for 
their metals? Cloth, certainly ; for all primitive peoples 
rate it highly : and those manufactured articles that we find 
both in the lake dwellings and in sepultures, such as gold 
ornaments, daggers and helmets from Italy, quantities of 
weapons from the Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia, 1 
implements and ornaments of every kind, glass beads 
undoubtedly of Mediterranean origin, and weapons of 
Hungarian pattern. Since we find this diverse merchandise 
on the Continent, we may reasonably suppose that it also 
went across the Channel and so reached the mining districts. 2 

The Gaulish trade in metals was not exclusively with the 
Western peoples. The Greek world also brought its quota 
by ever-nearing stages. We have proof of this in the weight 
of certain pigs of metal found both in France and the north of 
Italy. These ingots present, as a rule, the form of a two- 
edged axe, and their weight, which is practically constant, is 
that which was customary in the Hellenic Mediterranean. 

These general considerations have regard only to the 
Western portions of Europe, and to comparatively late 
periods, since relations between Gaul or England and the 
Hellenic world can scarcely go further back than the second 
millennium before our era. They have no bearing on the 

1 Cf. O. Montelius, V (1880), 86. , , v , , 

* Cf. E. Chanel, "Note sur une pe en bronze trouve"e 4 Beynort (Am), Bull. 
arch. (1908), 309 ; L&YJUU, 237- 


commerce of Western Asia or Egypt in pre-dynastic times, 
at a period when the Greek world had not yet emerged into 
the light, and the Semites of the Phoenician coast were far 
from dreaming of a passage through the Pillars of Hercules. 

A people who had come down from the mountains had 
then recently occupied Chaldea, a land newly risen above 
the waters, and they brought with them copper, the know- 
ledge of which they passed on to Egypt. But whence came 
these men ? It was not from the Iranian plateau, uninhabited 
in Quaternary times, nor from Transcaucasia. Probably 
they came from the mountains of Armenia and Upper Assyria* 
Be that as it may, they knew how to make bronze with 
tin a few hundred years after they had established themselves 
in Elam and Mesopotamia. Egypt and Syria were with 
them in this new way of metallurgy. "We have seen above 
that, according to indications, we have not yet been able to 
verify, there did exist in these districts natural deposits of 
tin, and that these mines have been abandoned for centuries. 
It would seem to be likely that the earliest bronze used in 
Chaldea and in Egypt came from these mountains, for it is 
impossible to believe that at this remote epoch the Orientals 
could have obtained this metal either from Portugal or from 
islands in mid-ocean. It would have been equally impossible 
for them to have got it from Central or Southern Asia. 

Though we may claim a number of discoveries for Europe 
and in many cases should be justified in rejecting explanations 
involving Central Asiatic influence, in regard to Chaldea 
and Egypt we are obliged to seek in Western Asia itself an 
explanation of the presence of tin in the early days of the 
bronze industry. 

Probably this traffic was not effected by caravans travelling 
directly from the mines to Susa and the old cities of the 
Tigris and the Euphrates. The precious metal was pro- 
bably passed on from hand to hand, for direct barter would 
have involved the introduction of Chaldean influence into 
the mountainous regions of the North, and we have found 
only fugitive traces of such influence in the iron industry 
period, even when the metallurgists of Transcaucasia had 
adopted the Assyrian weights for the metal they exported. 

The traffic was very active at an early period between 
Chaldea and the Phoenician coasts. The main route 


followed the Euphrates as far up as Antioch, turning then 
towards the South. Another natural route along- the valley 
of the Tigris brought the lower plain into communication 
with the Ararat district, which, as we have seen, was rich in 
obsidian. Here, extensive copper deposits were worked, 
where the ore outcropped, and exploited for export, since, in 
the Armenian iron age, ingots in the shape of rings a form 
of currency of standard weight were made on the pattern 
of the Assyrian mina and its subdivisions. 1 

E S7P t traded chiefly with the Asiatics of Phoenicia and 
Chaldea andwith the Libyans. Her ships visited all the islands 
of the Eastern Mediterranean ; but apparently she did not 
penetrate further into West Africa than the oasis of Ammon* 
Her trade in barter was more particularly directly towards 
Central Africa, whence she received gold, ivory, and also, 
probably, those fine minerals which she knew so well how 
to fashion into vases, amulets, and jewels. The Nile was her 
natural highway a divinity to her merchants no less than to 
her priests. But, so far as we know, the Nile did not bring her 
the tin she needed for her hjponze metallurgy, nor did Egypt, 
any more than Chaldea, go to seek it beyond the Ocean mists. 
The Sinai peninsula, rich in turquoises but poor in 
copper, furnished Egypt only with a very modest pro- 
portion of metal, in spite of the many fables reported on this 
subject. That is why the men of the Nile later went to 
Cyprus for their supplies. The Sinai peninsula, none the 
less, was the main bulwark of Egypt, and protected Pelusium 
against an enemy coming out of Asia. Its reputation came 
thence, and not from its copper deposits, which, as we have 
seen, were of little or no importance in relation to the needs 
of the Empire of the Pharaohs. 

It would not seem that Egypt was ever in direct com- 
munication with western Mediterranean lands. It was 
through the Cretans, Phoenicians, and Hellenes that its 
influence, and occasionally its products as well, gained access 
to Italy, Southern Gaul, and Spain. 

The ^Egean world lived on the water, and its trade routes 
were those of its ships. In the north, as we have seen, the 
continental Greeks had indirect relations with the northern 

1 Cfc J. de Morgan, Mission scientifique au Caucase (1889), I, 


countries and Western Europe, but the islanders were limited 
as regards their trade to the Phoenician coast and Egypt. 
Hence they sought to traffic with new countries, and em- 
barked on the quest of the Golden Fleece along the shores 
of the Euxine, the coasts of Italy, Gaul and Spain, and in 
the greater isles. 

Undoubtedly certain Central Asian elements entered into 
this commercial traffic. In any case -Egean trade is of much 
more recent origin than that of the pre-dynastic Egyptians 
and the proto-Chaldeans. The foregoing considerations are 
singularly strengthened by the fact that, from the earliest 
times of which history or tradition tell us anything, -we hear 
of a regular flood of barbarian peoples who, coming out of 
Central Asia invaded not only Europe but South-western 
Asia itself. They all followed the same direction the course 
of the sun. Why should we suppose that this great stream 
only began to flow at the moment when history begins? 
Why not admit that these peoples maintained some con- 
nection with their land of origin and continued to trade with 
it, importing from the Siberian plains, or possibly from even 
more distant regions, such articles of merchandise as they 
lacked in their new home, and that they distributed these 
articles in Europe as well as in Western Asia and Egypt? 
Not so long ago every invention and all commercial relations 
were attributed to these foreigners. To-day we deny them 
everything and even seek their cradle in one of our western 
lands, though the concatenation of fact shows that they 
came out of the very distant East, by successive waves, and 
that even to-day many of these hordes are ready to recom- 
mence this migration towards the setting sun. 

It is necessary to consider these far-eastern influences 
very carefully ; it is true that we cannot yet appreciate them 
at their full value because the study of Central Asia has yet 
to be undertaken. But let us not seek to attribute every- 
thing to our own land just because documentation is wanting 
for other regions. By doing so we lay ourselves open to 
serious error. Is it not better to confess that sufficient 
evidence is not yet at our disposal to warrant us in attacking 
these problems, and that we are as yet unable to do more 
than put forward certain hypotheses ? 


IF we indicate on a map the data supplied by prehistoric 
archaeology relative to glacial times, and if we fill in this 
outline with the information furnished by geology as to the 
extent of the Quaternary ice, we find ourselves face to face 
with the most unexpected revelations. Unfortunately the 
disclosures made by the study of such ground as. is now 
accessible are incomplete, for we know nothing of the lost 
continents, and only very little about the modifications 
undergone by the coastlines of the land we now inhabit. 
Be that as it may, such information as we have about those 
portions of the earth's crust which are emergent to-day is 
sure. And even if considerable uncertainty still reigns in 
regard to the migrations of the earliest human colonies and 
the influence exercised by one primitive tribe on another, we 
yet have sufficient data at our disposal to outline the first 
steps in human progress. I must observe, to begin with, 
that, in all their works, prehistorians take as types of the 
various industries the forms found in "Western Europe, and 
that for the most part they make Western Europe the centre 
of diffusion. This entirely unscientific procedure is due to 
the fact that Western Europe is more fully explored than the 
other parts of the world. We are still obliged to give to 
Europe an importance disproportionate to the part it has 
played ; but the day will come when it will be assigned its 
exact provincial value, and the terms and nomenclature 
employed to-day will then lose the illusory importance with 
which we now credit them. 

We have seen that palaeolithic industries the earliest 
of which we have certain knowledge may be divided into 
three sub-industries ; Chellean, Acheulean, and Moustierian ; 
that apparently these three forms of stone- working are con- 
temporaneous and dictated to Man by local needs. Chellean 
and Acheulean implements, moreover, are found in many 
parts of the world far removed one from another, and cer- 
tain of these districts apparently had no contact with other 
districts of the same industry (Fig. 186). We are led to 



conclude, therefore, from the wide geographical distribution 
of these types, that the same causes have produced the same 
effects at various times in different regions, and that palaeo- 
lithic industry originated not only in North America but in 
India, in Australia where it is still extant in southern 
Africa, Western Europe, and perhaps in many other places 
beside.s. We note on the other hand that the "coup de 
poing" is absent in a great many regions such as Siberia, 
Eastern and Central Asia, Greece and its islands, Asia 

FIG. 186. Glaciation, and the distribution of palaeolithic industry 
(Chellean and Acheulean types). 

Minor, South America, Mexico, certain parts of Central 
Africa, North Africa, and in the Iranian and Armenian 
plateaux districts that were covered with ice during the 
greater part of the Quaternary period and were consequently 

Western Europe was then separated from the Eastern 
world by a veritable natural obstacle. In Russia the polar 
glaciers descended as far south as the Ural, and the area 
separating them from the I rano -Caucasian glaciers was 
occupied by the Aralo-Caspian Lake whose waters covered 
the Turkomans of our era, and of which the Caspian and 
tl*e Se^ of Aral are but the l^st traces and the deepest 


depressions. But if communication was cut off between 
Central Asia and Europe, it was otherwise in regard to 
the Mediterranean. There the way was open, easier to 
follow even than it is to-day, for there were certainly land 
bridges connecting our continent with the African coast at 
that time. The Balearic Isles, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, 
and Malta are nothing but the remnants of those great * 
causeways by which the animals of the north retreated before 
the constantly increasing rigours of the European climate, 
and which, perhaps, permitted Man to spread abroad his 
first industrial discoveries. In those days it would have 
been possible to pass from the valley of the Rhone to Africa 
in a few short weeks, either via Italy, or through Spain as the 
Germanic invaders did later, or by crossing over land that 
has to-day disappeared. 

The diffusion of palaeolithic industries throughout the 
Mediterranean basin is thus readily explained by the 
facilities for communication. Moreover, the diffusion of 
Moustierian forms of implements, which were peculiar to 
the Old "World, supports this hypothesis (map, Fig. 187), 
for the habitat of those forms apparently centred around the 
Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, the deduction we have 
just drawn does not permit us to form any opinion regarding 
those more distant regions where palaeolithic instruments are 
found. Was there still, at that epoch, ^ continent joining 
Somaliland to the Indian peninsula ? It is possible ; but 
on the other hand, the Somalis were separated from the 
pre-Egyptians by great spaces and high mountains which 
were unfavourable to intercommunication between peoples. 
And perhaps North America was linked to Europe by an 
" Atlantis," a continent of which Terra Nova and Iceland 
would be to-day but the highest points remaining above 
water, and then covered with ice. This assumption of 
communication via an " Atlantis " would seem to have very 
little foundation, although it is based on the geographical 
distribution of the seas in late Tertiary times. 

However that may be, if a single centre of palaeolithic 
culture ever existed perhaps in a land which has to-day 
disappeared the propagation of these industries was not the 
matter of a day, hence synchronism for the same industry in 

regions cannot in any case be admitted* 



What then are we to think about those lands in which 
palaeolithic implements are not found, though these lands had 
emerged from the water and were not covered with ice? 
Were they uninhabited, or were the men who dwelt in them 
still at the stage of homo stupidus? Greece, Macedonia, and 
Asia Minor, to speak only of countries of the Old World, 

FIG. 187. Distribution of Moustierian type. 

had no knowledge of the " coup de poing." And yet these 

countries are not far removed from Syria, Egypt, or the 

Italian peninsula, where we have discovered some traces of 

palaeolithic industry. In these regions, as in the islands 

of Cyprus, Crete, and the Archipelago, the first colonists 

were Neolithics, and often even Eneolithics. They polished 

stone and made use of copper; they must, therefore, have 

been foreigners, who had necessarily advanced to this degree 

of culture in other lands. 


Whether this great first industrial expansion had its origin 
in distribution from one main centre or from many, it came to an 
end, none the less, with the palaeolithic phase. Regionalism 
became established after the post-Moustierian depopulation, 
and we should seek in vain and, moreover, we have sought 
in vain, for a generalization of archaeolithic types. From 
that time forth each region had its own habits and customs 

FIG. 1 88. Distribution of the Aurignacian industry. 

adapted to its needs and local resources. The Aurignacian 
(map, Fig. 188) is scarcely seen outside France ; the Solutrean 
(map, Fig. 189) extends a little into the north-west of Spain 
and Switzerland, and certain analogies have led us to believe 
that it extended as far as Moravia and Russian Poland, but 
this is still very doubtful. Magdalenian industry was of 
greater extent (map, Fig. 190); it covered the north-west 
of Spain, the south of England, all Gaul, and a part of 
Central Europe, extending as far as the Ukraine. It is 
permissible, nevertheless, to be sceptical in regard to the 
homogeneity of the industries thus grouped, for similarities 
in a few flint implements do not, of necessity, imply an 
Identity of culture. The polished axe, the single or double 
scraper, the awl, and the trimmed blades of the Egyptian 



Neolithic recur in Spain, France, Algeria and many other 
countries, but we cannot attribute an identical origin to 
the men responsible for the civilization of these different 
countries. A complete set of facts bearing- on all their 
manifold applications would be necessary before we should 
be justified in identifying two cultures. 

The close of the Quaternary period saw the breaking 

FIG, 189. Distribution of Solutrean Industry 

down of the barriers that had hitherto shut off different 
portions of the Old World. The glaciers gradually re- 
treated to become limited to Polar regions and the summits 
of high mountains. Lakes fed by the snows dried up, and 
the gates of Northern Asia were thrown wide open. It 
was a great reservoir of men which was to empty itself, if 
we may judge by post-Quaternary events, in successive floods 
throughout thousands of years into our part of the world, 
where the appearance of mesolithic industry would seem to 
have been its earliest consequence* 

With the arrival of these new-comers we see cattle- 
raising and agriculture appear, and cereals are henceforth 
cultivated, but it is impossible to say whether these ad- 
vances in culture were achieved by an autochthonous 


race, or were brought in from distant lands by invaders. 
Very little later, stone was polished in Gaul, in Central 
Europe, and in Scandinavia, and the potter's art developed. 
But the newly-arrived peoples, though they were probably 
more highly developed industrially than the aborigines, were 
but barbarians in matters of art and taste. The eclipse of 
the fine Magdalenian school of sculpture and drawing 

FIG. 190. Distribution of Magdalenian industry. 

coincides with their arrival. The cavern representations 
are generally considered to have had a mystical significance 

a totemic value and therein probably lies both the reason 

for their abandonment and the appearance of new conceptions 
supplanting the old beliefs. 

This epoch, which supplies the basis for our first sub- 
stantial ideas in regard to the migrations of peoples, also 
raises a problem of the highest importance. We have seen 
that wide spaces on the map were left empty by palaeolithic 
industry, and we know that European archaeolithic types of 
implements occupied but a small portion of the ancient 
continent. What happened in those blank areas? Certain 
countries such as Greece, Asia Minor and the Islands were 
settled by colonists, and their earliest industries were those 


of polished stone often accompanied by metal as was the 
case in Chaldea and Elam. 

In other areas, such as Tunis and Algeria, a very few 
highly specialized and differentiated flaked stone industries 
followed the palaeolithic phase, thus corresponding to the 
Aurignacian, Solutrean, and Magdalenian in our part of the 
world* Thus the Capsian, particularly characteristic at El 
Mekta (Tunis), was the transitional stage between the 
Acheuleo - Moustierian and the neolithic types, and was 
possibly accompanied by metal. 

The transition is even more abrupt in the valley of 
the Nile. Acheuleo - Moustierian implements which are 
numerous in the desert alluvium, but have never yet been 
found in situ, are immediately followed, with no interven- 
ing transition, by the most perfect examples of neolithic 
type. It is always possible that examples of the inter- 
mediate industry are yet to seek, but this is extremely 
doubtful, for the zone still to be explored is limited, and no 
trace of an archaeolithic phase has hitherto been discovered. 
In the caverns of Syria remains have been found that at first 
sight seem to belong to archaeolithic culture, but their age 
and nature are still under discussion. 

From these observations, bearing on a number of different 
areas, it is seen that certain districts were still unoccupied 
when the first post-Quaternary colonists arrived, that others 
were still in the palaeolithic stage, and that in certain dis- 
tricts archaeolithic forms were in use ; further, that the various 
" ages " of Western Europe have merely a local value, whose 
importance has been exaggerated by many archaeologists. 
They have been led to assign to these industries a pre- 
ponderant r61e simply because they themselves were absorbed 
in daily study of them. 

It must not be forgotten that in glacial times rnid- 
European countries were exposed to a considerable lowering 
of the temperature, whereas these climatic conditions were 
not present in more southerly districts. The graffiti dis- 
covered on the rocks of Upper Egypt show rude representa- 
tions of the Giraffe and Elephant, and the painted funerary 
vases depict herds of Gazelles and Antelopes, and troops of 
Ostriches. In North Africa, which had not then dried up 
to the present degree, there was a hot, damp climate, hence 


the conditions of existence were very different from those 
contemporaneous with them in our part of the world, and 
these differences in the life of its inhabitants are reflected 
in the weapons and utensils Man made to meet his needs. 

So long- as the dam remained that in glacial times closed 
the route from Central Asia to both Europe and the fertile 
land of the Tigris and Euphrates, and so long as the Persian 
plateau and the Caucasus were covered with snow, and the 
Aralo-Caspian Lake extended to the very edge of the polar 
glaciers, so long did civilization evolve independently in 
each district, advancing slowly but without interruption. 
It is probable that it was into this relatively homogeneous 
environment that foreigners came, bringing with them new 
knowledge, when the gates of Central Asia were opened. 
Undoubtedly this barrier, corresponding with the maximum 
extension of glacial invasion, may have been broken several 
times during the course of the Pleistocene when the snows 
retreated, and thus the Central Asian peoples may have 
overflowed more than once into the Mediterranean West, 
and into Central Europe. Possibly the primitive arts and 
industries of Chaldea and Elam, whose origin is still un- 
known, may be traced to such migrations. Perhaps they 
came from the north of Western Asia, from the land of the 
mountain goat and the sheep. It is at all events possible 
that certain practices spread from the banks of the Tigris, 
the Euphrates and the Kerkha to Syria, Palestine, the valley 
of the Nile, and later, through the intermediation of the 
islands, to the Mediterranean West. This first emigration 
of Central Asiatics, or, at all events of their ideas, must 
have been by far the earliest great human movement. 
It would have found Man still using palaeolithic weapons 
and implements in Chaldea and Egypt, and the Hellenic 
peninsular and the islands devoid of inhabitants ; later on 
it would have found on the coasts of Northern Africa an 
indigenous population that had replaced the palaeolithic 
industries by others, such as the Capsian, more suitable to 
their needs. 

These currents which flowed from Central Asia would 
necessarily have been divided into two separate streams by 
the obstacle presented by the Caspian and the Caucasus. 
The northerly route, winding through marshes left by the 


retreat of the glaciers, was longer and more difficult than 
the southerly, and many centuries certainly went by ere 
the migrants, or at any rate their culture, actually reached 
our Western European area. For thousands of years the 
East continued to pour forth these human waves in the 
direction of Western Europe and Western Asia, each 
creative or destructive wave invariably modifying the exist- 
ing conditions. 

These successive floods flowing slowly westwards each 
brought with them different ideas. In the land of their 
origin some populations would be more advanced than 
others, though even these relatively advanced peoples may 
actually have been backward. If we limit our consideration 
to the human waves that came from the East in historic 
times, we still realize their wide divergences in aptitude and 
taste. It was not otherwise with the earlier invasions, as 
the traces they have left us prove. 

Such inferences, though justified in the light of present 
knowledge, are merely hypothetical, and as such must not 
be strained too greatly. To-morrow, maybe, they will 
crumble to nothing in the presence of new discoveries* 
However, we may take it as certain that the discovery of 
metal was made neither in Chaldea nor in Elam, because 
these countries were not inhabited prior to their occupation 
by eneolithic colonists ; nor, for the same reason, in Egypt, 
and because copper ores were there too scarce ; nor in the 
Mediterranean Islands of the East* The discovery was made 
in the northern mountains of Western Asia, as the finger 
of tradition has pointed out to us. 

In the last two thousand years before our era the com- 
plication of prior influences was accentuated, for to the 
direct and ever more nearly approaching influences from 
Central Asia were added those of the civilizations of the 
Eastern Mediterranean, and these cultures reacted on one 
another and were linked together by a number of conceptions 
common to them all, though they retained their individuality. 
This influence on barbaric peoples, whose aptitudes were 
extremely diverse, was still further complicated by the 
influence such populations had upon each other. Relations 
between different populations, which are most difficult to 
reconstruct, usually developed from a gradual approach, 


thus producing hybrid ideas which were sometimes very 
far removed from the parent conception. 

We are ignorant of the cause of these Siberian migrations. 
Maybe we should attribute it to the increasing cold in that 
country and Central Asia, but we are too ill documented 
to say for certain, since Central Asia and Siberia are still 
almost unexplored from the archaeological point of view. 
The sole traces of Magdalenian industry in Western Asia, 
excluding Syria, are those yielded by my investigations 
of obsidian stations at Alaghiz (Transcaucasia). These, 
however, are extremely doubtful. Perhaps the forests and 
valleys of the Altai, almost uninhabited to-day, may hold 
great surprises for us with regard to the variety of causes 
which prompted the departure of the Siberian populations. 
It is possible, indeed, that the enormous increase in the 
Chinese population caused the westerly migration of the 
last Mongolian and Turkish hordes. 

Yet these peoples, come from afar, if they brought with 
them new customs and valuable industries, nevertheless 
failed to reap from their knowledge all the advantages 
possible. For the most part, they remained barbarians in 
the face of the great civilizations of Egypt and Chaldea, 
They did not all lack aptitude and individual genius, how- 
ever, for from their stock were to spring Hellenes and 
Latins, whose ancestral ideas were complemented to such a 
point by what they learned from Asiatic and African culture 
that eventually they surpassed their teachers in every branch 
of human knowledge. 

Each people settled in Europe bore its share in general 
progress, but not all were equally apt at learning, nor in 
assimilating fruitfully higher ideas. Thus it was that Grseco- 
Latin culture, which to-day dominates the world, was not 
comprehended in every land, in the same degree, and that 
even in this twentieth century, many peoples still retain the 
barbarian instincts of their ancestors, although they may 
appear to be of advanced culture. 

The theoretical method which consists in creating a 
" chronological period" for each new custom, and synchron- 
izing the event in different countries, has for long been 
highly prejudicial to prehistoric study, for to-day we have 
proof that these customs arose at very different times in 


different localities. Even as history does not beg-in at the 
same period of time for all peoples, so we should delete from 
the archaeological vocabulary the words age^ epoch and period. 
We should recognize in the evolution of humanity a succes- 
sion of local and individual advances and retreats, discoveries 
and forgettings, making up a whole, the result of which, 
though sometimes slow and sometimes rapid, is a steady ad- 
vance by humanity towards an ideal. But we must study each 
element of this advance by itself, while taking due account 
of external influences, for it is often possible to get a chrono- 
logical notion of the data under investigation by comparing 
these with the culture of peoples who have already passed 
into history. Among these influences there are some that 
emanate from centres forgotten to-day. We little knew, 
forty years ago, what an important part Crete had played in 
Mediterranean culture I Can we be sure that no other 
revelation of a forgotten civilization will arise to disturb our 
hypotheses ? 

Many a people who in their day played a great part dis- 
appeared into oblivion as the result of some misfortune. 
Urartu was a powerful kingdom that fought, often with 
success, against the kings of Assur; it would be quite 
unknown to us but for the inscriptions cut by its princes on 
the rocks at Van. We scarcely remembered Elam, before 
the labours of the Delegation in Persia. "We know nothing 
of the powerful sovereigns who constructed the ruined cities 
of Yucatan. From these few examples taken from history, 
we can gain some Idea of the causes of uncertainty relating 
to prehistoric facts, for prehistory is no less fertile in great 
events than history events that are even further removed 
from us than those of which the annals of history tell us, so 
that we are frequently led by our ignorance to synchronize 
facts that are analogous but nevertheless of very different 
date and origin. We talk of the " epoch of the dolmens," as 
though the dolmens had all been constructed at the same 
epoch in all parts of the world. Let us be on our guard 
against such generalizations and content ourselves with 
studying in each district bounded by natural frontiers the 
succession of manners and customs, industries and ideas 
that took place before destiny brought its population within 
the ken of history, and then if certain regions have to be 


grouped together facts will compel such association as they 
already have done for certain artistic groupings. 

For thousands of years all peoples were without annals ; 
then the dawn of history appeared with the discovery of 
writing. Chaldea, Elam, and Egypt early realized this 
vision, whilst many other peoples have left essays that 
had no to-morrow. Then Crete, Phoenicia, Assyria, the 
Hittites, Cyprus, and finally the Greeks and Latins appear 
on the scene. The barbarian nations registered their high 
deeds at a comparatively late date. The history of Gaul 
begins only with Caesar in the first century before our era, 
and Scandinavian history begins under the Carlovingians ; 
the annals of the Slavonic peoples are less ancient still ; and 
the uncivilized tribes of the New World, of Oceania, Central 
Africa, Laos, and of the Malaysian Islands are without any 
history at all. Each nation, each tribe even, provides the 
prehistorian with a heavy task. Ethnography long pre- 
cedes history, then comes into contact with it, to be 
eventually but gradually merged in it. 

We have shown, at the beginning of this volume, how 
risky it is to launch into chronological estimates whether in 
regard to the geological history of the earth or to the events 
of human prehistory. Thanks to certain data that are less 
inexact and to historical documents, we are enabled, however, 
to outline a few dates relative to the latest periods of human 
progress which belong rather to proto-history than to pre- 
history. For events prior to these we can indicate their 
succession only, as in geology. 

In our part of the world the glacial period followed 
the elevations of portions of the terrestrial crust that marked 
the close of the Tertiary epoch, and led to the formation of 
immense snow-fields. Those first traces of human intelli- 
gence evidenced in palaeolithic industry appeared towards 
the close of this geological phase* Then, as a result of 
climatic change, cataclysms, and fresh needs, archseolithic 
industry follows in its three successive forms : Aurigna- 
cian, Solutrean, and Magdalenian. After the retreat of the 
glaciers, new men, or at Jeast new ideas, penetrate into 
our part of the world, and spread not only over the 
districts inhabited at that time, but also over those regions 
which had but recently been abandoned by the snows. It 


was then that mesolithic industries appeared those of the 
kitchen middens and Campigny and the knowledge of 
pottery accompanies them. Then comes polished stone, 
cattle-raising-, agriculture, and weaving" ; and, in the course 
of neolithic industry, copper, the precursor of bronze, whose 
coming is placed in the third millennium before our 
era by those archaeologists most worthy of confidence. The 
beginning of the first millennium before Christ must have 
seen the use of iron distributed throughout our regions, and 
the whole of Central Europe must have followed very nearly 
the same phases of progress under other forms, and more 
or less during the same period. 

The northern countries Scandinavia and Finland 
covered with ice during the entire Quaternary period, re- 
mained uninhabitable, and the earliest traces of Man found 
there belong to the phase of mesolithic industry. Then, as 
in France, though much later, we discover polished stone, 
copper, bronze, and finally iron. 

In the Mediterranean in Crete and Cyprus the first 
inhabitants were Eneolithic. They introduced the knowledge 
of copper during the fourth millennium before our era ; then 
bronze, a thousand years later, and finally iron, during the 
same epoch as in the West, although certainly a few centuries 
earlier. The same is true for continental Greece, Asia 
Minor, and Thessaly. The dates generally proposed for the 
Eastern Mediterranean region do not seem, however, to be 
sufficiently remote, if we accept those which we have put 
forward above in relation to the West ; for the Eastern 
Mediterranean communities were in communication with the 
oldest civilizations of the world, and consequently could not 
have long remained ignorant of the processes in vogue In 
Chaldea and Egypt. 

It would appear that the Egyptian valley of the Nile, in 
its upper part at least, was early occupied by African tribes 
with crimped hair, and perhaps also by some Libyan groups, 
who had come from the African shores of the Mediterranean* 
These men succeeded, probably after a long interval, the 
palaeolithic population. They were in the polished stone 
stage when copper made its appearance among them, brought 
in by straight-haired Asiatic peoples who probably already 
occupied the river delta. 


The phrase of eneolithic industry was of long duration 
in Egypt. It included what the pharaonic people called 
the period of the " servants of Horus," and the reign of the 
first dynasty princes. It was only later, probably in the 
course of the second dynasty, that bronze made with tin 
appeared* We cannot be sure when iron was introduced, 
as the scanty information we possess about it is not con- 
clusive, though it would appear to have been known as 
early as the Thinite times. Its current industrial use ap- 
parently dates only from the end of the second millennium 
before our era. 

Thus even if we follow the Germans and bring forward 
the entire Egyptian chronology by a thousand years, which 
puts the era of King Menes at about 3300, the early days of 
pre-pharaonic civilization must still be placed more than 
6000 years before our time, and for Chaldea and Elam the 
dates would be somewhat earlier still, since it was from Asia 
that Egypt derived her progress. 

We shall speak neither of India nor of China, whose 
local legends exaggerate their antiquity at will. Their civi- 
lizations are not so ancient as is generally supposed. That 
of China dates from seven or eight centuries before our era, 
but its prehistory is still absolutely unknown. It is re- 
markable that up to date not a single Chellean implement 
has been made known in the Far East. 

In India the data furnished by archaeology remain vague. 
The "coup de poing " is met with in the southern and 
central parts of the peninsula, but a long hiatus then 
follows. We see dolmens in the north, and polished stone 
is in evidence in nearly every province ; but we do not know 
whether metal accompanied it. At all events the copper 
industry flourished in the peninsula during a long time. 
Indian history begins very late, only, in fact, a few centuries 
before our era, with the conclusion of the campaign of 
Alexander the Great. 

In the New World certain regions enjoyed prosperity. 
In Mexico and Peru, among others, vases were turned, 
metal engraved and cast, and the annals of various kingdoms 
were inscribed on monuments and skins. Unfortunately, 
however, the religious fanaticism of the Spanish monks 
destroyed all those perishable documents that might have 


informed us as regards the evolution of these peoples, and 
perhaps have told us their history. Since every positive 
chronological guide is lacking for these regions, we are 
reduced to conjecture. 

We have seen that nothing is known about the peopling 
of the islands of the Mediterranean East before their 
colonization by men in the eneolithic stage of industry. 
The earliest archaeological evidence in our possession relating 
to these colonists leads us to believe that they migrated from 
continental Asia and not, as I myself thought, from Europe, 
and also that this migration took place in the course 
of the fourth millennium before our era. Then the 
Pelasgians appeared on the scene, bringing with them 
into this environment new conceptions foreign to Asia* 
While they occupied the Hellenic peninsula in Europe 
these tribes must also have advanced as far as the Asiatic 
islands and mainland amongst other highly evolved popu- 
lations, which in no case can be confounded with the 
Pelasgic tribes. There was further the progressive invasion 
by a new element known as the ^Egean. Two physical types 
were in evidence from somewhere about the second mil- 
lennium before our era : the one dolichocephalic the 
earlier of the two which had already furnished the Minoan 
civilization ; the other and more recent, brachy cephalic, 
which must have been the author of Mycenaean culture, 
and was related to the tribes that in those times inhabited 
Thrace and the banks of the Danube. These colonists 
were not, -properly speaking, Hellenes, but Thraco-Phry- 
gians, closely related to the Greeks, From this stock came 
the Armenians, who, after having crossed the Bosphorus, 
probably proceeded from the west eastwards in a direction 
contrary to that taken by all other invasions, and who, 
towards the sixth century B.C., settled on the plateau of 
Erzerum and in the Ararat district. 

It was altogether otherwise in Central and Western 
Europe. One of the human waves from Asia that flowed 
across the Russian plains carried with it right up to the 
shores of the Atlantic the use of polished stone and that of 
copper and bronze. This particular wave is generally 
identified with those Ligurian tribes, which, during many 
centuries, peopled GauL Next came the Celts, with their 


Hallstatt culture and iron industry people who left traces 
of their passing in the valley of the Danube, in the Ukraine, 
in the Central Caucasus (Ostethia), Transcaucasia, and in 
those Persian districts of the West that lie near the Caspian 
but the cradle of whose race, though still unknown, is 
probably much farther towards the east. 

Ligures and Celts brought with them not only specialized 
industrial knowledge, new to the European West, but also 
artistic tastes that differed greatly. The first limited their 
artistic conceptions to geometrical decoration ; the second 
introduced into their work representations of men and animals, 
but shared the same methods of using the geometrical 
designs as the Ligures, who had used them before the Celts 
came. Neither of these two groups, though both had 
skirted the great Asiatic Empires, would seem to have been 
influenced by contact with their civilization. Their taste 
remained highly individual right up to the time of their 
establishment in Europe, and it was only after their arrival 
that their art showed signs of having borrowed from Medi- 
terranean civilization. In the industry that succeeded the 
Hallstattian, known as the " La Tne,~" abundant traces of 
Mycenaean, Greek, and Etruscan influences are visible. But 
here we enter the historic period of the western districts of 

Such, in a few lines, was the successive order of the main 
facts relating to human prehistory in the Old World. It 
is simple in general outline, because the real advance was 
derived from two great centres, the more recent of which 
was situated in the north of Asia, and the more ancient in 
the southern portion of Western Asia and in Egypt. This 
outline, however, is extremely complicated in its details, 
whether we envisage the numberless clans of primitive 
humanity, or examine the diverse branches of advancement. 
The double origin of our civilization is an established fact 
indicated by tradition and confirmed by archaeological 
discoveries. But the great problem remains of the discovery 
of metal and of what happened in Central Asia before the 
arrival in the European world of the Aryan-speaking peoples. 
Diverse problems become ^confounded one with another, and 
we shall only arrive at their solution when Siberia and 
Central Asia, to-day uncivilized, are administered by peoples 


interested in the sciences, and when, having been made to 
yield up the secrets of their soil, these are studied with the 
same method and perseverance as are our territories in 

Even then the prehistorian's task will be far from ac- 
complished. For . though light is gradually dawning on 
European and Mediterranean origins, four-fifths of those 
continents whose populations individually have played a 
more or less important part in the general concert of progress 
remain to be studied. What we know to-day is very little 
in comparison with what remains to be learned. 




Bulletin de la SodetS d* Anthropologie de Paris, Paris, 1859. I 

Bulletin de la SocietS d f Anikropologie de Bruxettes, Bruxelles, 1882. n 

Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne du Nord de la France. TEL 

Bulletin de la Societe pr&historique de France, Paris, 1904. IV 

MaUriaux pour Vhistoire de rhomme, Paris, 1864-88. V 

L'Anthropologie, Paris, 1890 (continuation of V). VI 

Revue d'Anthropologie, Paris, 1872-89. VH 

Revue de l'cole d'Anthropologie de Paris, Paris, 1891. VI" 

L' Homme prehistorique, Paris, 1903- *X 

Mentoires de la Socilte Geologique de France. X 

Revue Critique. , XI 

Congres international d'Anthropologie et d' Archeology pre- 

historiques, 1866. XH 

Association francaise pour I'avancement de's sciences, Pans, 1872 

(comptes rendus des Congres). AlLi 

Copiptes rendus de I'Academie des sciences XIV 


Bulletin of the Liverpool Museum. . . 

Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and 
J Ireland, 1871. 

Journal of the Ethnological Society. 
Journal of Geology, 
Man, London, 1901. 


Berliner Anthropologische Gesellschaft, Verhandlungen* XX 


Butlttino di Patetnologia XXI 


Baye (J. de) Archtologie prthistorique, ist ed ; , 1879- __ XXH 

Boule (Marcellin) i5 ^row? ^ GrimaMk, vol. I, Part IV: __ 

Gtologie et pdltontologie, 1909. ^^^P 

Les hommes fossiles, Paris 1921, XXHIbis 

Cartailhac (E.) /: France prthistorique, d'apres les sepultures * 

les monuments, Paris, 1889* , . 

Credner. Elements de Gtologie, 8th edn., French transl.. 1897- , 
Dechelette (T.) Manuel d' arch&ologie prthistorique celtigue et gatto- _, 

romaine, 4 vols. Paris, A. Picard. 1908-14- J55S 

I>nssaud (R.) r dvihsations prthelleniques. vruuvn 

Hamy (E.) PrA5 de Paltontologie huma^ne t Paris, 1870. 
Tolv. L'Homme avant les mttaux, 5th edn., 1888 
tullian (C.) Histoire de la Gaule t Paris, 1908. 
I^Lpparent (A. de) Trait* de Gtologie, 6th edn., Paris, 1906. 
LyeU (Sii^C.) Antiquity of Man, 4 th edn., 1873. 

*he same, French transl. : Andennete de Khomme. 

" Principles of Geology, xoth .edn. wv 

Morgan (H. de) Mtmoires de la d&ltgabon en Perse. JS2SJ. 

*7 ( J- de) Mission sdentifique en Perse J53HR 

U . i Premises Civilisations. Paris, 1909. 
;; ; j^won arcane***. 1889- . t _ _ _ 

Btfc^rtf*^ wr les oriffines de l'gyptej I'dgejd* 
pierre et les m6taux> Paris, 2 vols., 1896-7. 


Mortillet (Gabriel and Adrien de) Le Pr&historique, origin* et 
antiquitt de I'homme, ist edn. by G. de M. (alone), 
1883 ; 3rd edn., Paris, 1900. XL 

Mortillet (Gabriel and Adrien dejl Musee pr&historique : album of 

105 plates, 2nd edn., Paris, 1903. XTiT 

JSTadaillac (de) Les Premiers hommes. XTiTT 

Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C.) Histoire de I' Art* Paris, 1885. XLTLE 


Briarfc, Cornet, and Houzeau de Lehaye. Rapport sur les dScouvertes 

g&ologiques et archeologiques faites & Spiennes en 1867, 

M!ons, 1872. JciViy 
Cliatelier (P. du) lies tyoques pr6historique et gauloise dans le 

Finistere, 1889. XLV 

Dupont. L'Homme pendant les ages de la pierre. XLVI 

Evans (Sir J.) Les Ages de lapierre (French transL), 1878 %LVII 

Girot and Massenat. Stations de I' age du renne. XLVJLLL 

Kraemer. L'Univers et Vhumaniti (French edn.). XLIX 

Laxtet et Christy (O.) Reliquiae Aquitanic<&, 1864. I* 
Lortet (Dr) La Faune momifie de I'ancienne gypte, Lyons 

1905. LI 
Montelius (O.) Les temps prShistorigues en Suede (French transl. 

by S. Reinach). T.TT 
Moret (Abbe) Le tumulus de Saint-Menoux (Allier) r Moulins, 

1900. T>TfT 

Morgan (E. and H. de) Notice sur le Campigny, Amiens, 1872. LIV 

MortUlet (G.) Formation de la nation franpaise, 2nd edn., 1900. LV 

MUller (Soph.) Syst&me pr&historique du Danemark* LVT 

Pallas. Description de toutes les nations de I' empire de Russie, 

St Petersburg, 1776 LVH 

Rigollot. M&moire sur^ les instruments en silex trouves a Saint- 

Acheul, Amiens, 1854. LVJJLJL 

Reinach (S.) Alluvions et cavernes. LIX 

Cultes, mythes* et religions, Paris, 1905. LX 

Le mirage oriental. 

Rutot (A.) Esquisse d'une classification de V epoque neolithique en 

France et en Belgique. 
Siret (H. and L.) Premiers dges du metal dans le Sud-Est de 

FEspagne, Antwerp, 1887. LXTTT 

Villeneuve (Canon de) Les grottes de Grimaldi LXIV 

Vincent (H.) Canaan, 1907. tXV 

Worsaae. La prthistoire du Nord, 1878. LXVI 


Durst (3>r Ulrich) Die Kinder von Babylonien* Assyrien, und _____ 

Aegypten, Berlin, 1899. LXVH 

Heierli. Urges chichte der Schweiz. T-XVIU 

Hoernes. Der Diluvial Mensch. 

,, Eisenzeit, 1912 

Miiller (Soph.) Urgeschichte der Europa. 
Neuqeiler. Die pr&historischen Pflcmxenreste Mitteteuropas. Zfirich 


Penck and Brucker. Die Alpen ^m Eiszeitalter, Leipzig, 1901-5. 
Schliz (A.) Das Steinzeitlische Dorf Grossgartach {W&rtt*fnb*rg) f 

Stuttgart, 1901. T.xyiv 

MiiUer (Soph.) Ordning a) Danemarks Oldsager, Leipzig, 2888-95. LXXV 


Abbeville, 36, 41 

Abruzzi, 155 

Abydos, 146, 158, 216, 242, 248, 263 

Achaemenidse, 158, 256 

Acheul (St), 40, 41 

Acheulean (type), 30, 40, 279, 286 

Acy (D'>, 37 

Adalia, 250 

Adimiyeh, 89, 109, 164, 265 

.SSgean Islands (civilization), 91, 99, 

115, 121, 122, 182, 218, 257, 272 
Africa, 20, 25, 28, 45,60, 79, 110, 113, 115, 

136, 271, 277, 280, 281, 286, 291 
Agriculture, 160, 168 
Aisne, 242 
Akkadians, 248 
Alaghiz, 273, 289 
Alaska, 149 
Alesia, 159 

Alexander the Great, 293 
Algeria, 45, 114, 142, 238, 283, 286 
Alignments, 241 
Alpine lakes, 156 
Altai, 21, 114, 219, 224, 289 
Altamira, 196, 198 
Amazon, 7 
Amber, 271-2 
Amenemhat, 158, 271 
America, 4, 24, 27, 29, 45, 55, 83, 99, 

113, 115, 161, 190, 229, 231, 257, 

266, 273, 280, 281, 291 
Amethyst, 272 
Amiens, 36, 40 
Ammotragus tragelaphus, 168 
Amulets, 177 
Andrews (E. C.), 17 
Animal (representations), 197 ff 
Anklets, 179, 180 
Antilles, 96 
Antilope (saiga), 200 
Arabia, 21, 252, 274 
Aral (Sea), 280, 287 
Ararat, 273, 277, 294 
Araxes, 221 
Arcelin, 59 
Armenia, 47, 114, 132, 139, 178, 234, 

273, 277 
Arts, 185 ff. 
Asia, 21, 101, 105, 114, 116, 118, 120, 

122, 123, 158, 163, 169, 219, 221, 

224, 238, 239, 243, 249, 267, 271, 

276, 278, 280, 284, 287, 288, 289, 


Assur, 21, 219, 290 
Assyria, 122, 125, 211, 220, 266, 276 
Astarte, 249 
Athens/ 159 
Atlantis, 20, 281 

Aubin-en-Charolais (St), 149 

Ault du Mesnil (d'), 24 

Auresan (Grotte d'), 271 

Aurignac (Aurignacian industry), 57- 

59, 147, 191-195, 283, 286, 291 
Aurochs, 68 
Australia, 25, 64, 231 
Austria, 67 
Auvergne, 115, 273 
Aveyron, 144 
Axes (votive), 254, 272 
Azilian (epoch), 75 ; (industry), 147 
Aztecs, 167 

Bactria, 210, 273 

Balearic Islands, 281 

Baltic, 83, 131 

Basques, 21 

Basque (language), 9 

Bassempouy, 193, 195 

Batons de commandement, 66 

Bavaria, 132 

Baye (J. de), 144 

Bear (see Ursus), 181 

Behring Sea, 26 

Belgium, 45, 61, 67, 88, 131, 142, 155. 


Beliefs (religious), 231 f 
Belt, 181 

Beuvray (Mont), 159 
Bison prisons, 38, 58, 196, 198, 200 
Bithin, 254 

Black Sea, 130, 131 (see also Buxine) 
Boar, 198, 200 
Bohemia, 112, 155, 245 273 
Bohusland, 258 
Bolts, 190 
Bosnia, 155 
Bospriscus, 38 
B. brachyceros, 168 
B, primigenius, 59 
B. urus> 163, 200 
Boucher de Perthes, 3, 4 
Boue, 23 
Boule, Marcellm, 24, 36, 37, 71, 142, 


Bourgeois (Abb6), 35 
Bow, 161-2 
Bracelets, 82, 179 
Brangka, 112 
Brass, 127 
Brazil, 76 
Brescia, 155 

British Isles (see England) 
Brittany. 19. 115, 236, 240 
Breuil (Abbe), 24, 59, 75, 168, 195, 

Brick, 158 


300 INDEX 

Broca, 13 

Bronze, 111-126, 273, 275, 293 

Brfcckner, 11 

Bruniquel, 65 

Brussels, 18 

Bubalis buselaphus, 178 

Callais, 180, 269 

Calvados, 156 

Camhodia, 95 

Camp-Barbet, 154 

Campignian industry, 55, 77-89, 188, 


Campigny, 77, 79, 154, 291 
Cannibalism, 245 
Cap Breton Fossa, 14 
Capitan (L.), 24, 37, 40, 44, 52 
Cape of Good Hope, 45, 116 
Cappadocia, 8, 10, 131, 211, 266 
Copra ibex, 58 
Cartailhac, 43, 144, 197, 271 
Caspian, 122. 132, 221, 244, 280, 287, 


Castor fiber, 38 
Catenoy, 164 

Cattle raising, 130, 162, 166 
Caucasus, 21, 126, 132, 218, 220, 222, 

242, 273, 287 

Celle-sous-Moret (flora), 38 
Celts, 21, 127, 129, 130, 131, 221, 294, 


Central Massif, 61 
Ceramics, 187-191, 208, 210-14, 224, 


Cervus belgrandi, 38 
C. canadensis, 59 
C. capreolus, 38, 58 
C. elaphus. 199, 200 
C. evryceros, 38 
C. megaceros, 48, 58 
C. tarandvs, 59, 200 
Csfisar, 68, 291 

Chaldea, 6, 8, 13, 47, 72, 88, 91, 92, 96, 
99, 102, 105, 114, 118, 122, 126, 
126, 132, 134, 148, 161, 166, 169, 
171, 172, 176, 179, 180, 182, 189, 
190, 194, 195, 207, 213, 218, 220, 
247-255, 256-7, 260-8, 276, 277, 
278, 286-290, 291, 292! 
Chamois, 200 
Champagne, 155 
Chanel, 275 
Charentes, 43 

Chariot, 128, 172-3, 251. 262 
Chassey (Camp de), 154 
Chellean (type), 30, 36-40. 279 
CheUes, 37, 38 
Chili, 76 
China. 116, 166. 266, 260, 264, 266, 

272, 293 
Christol, 23 
Christy, 24, 47 
ChuhcM, 26, 49/64 
Circumcision, 110 
Cloth, 157 

Clothing, 174 

Coins, 136 

Collars (metal), 180 

Columbia, 273 

Commerce, 267 fL 

Comment, 41 

Conventionalization, 202, 253 

Copenhagen (Museum), 24 

Copper, 99, 102, 105, 109, 110, 276, 


Cornwall, 21, 275 
Corsica, 281 

Cottes (Caverne des), 59 
" Coup de poing," 40 
Cousade (Cavern), 75 
Crannogs, 157 
Credner, 12 
Crete, 82, 123, 176, 211, 216, 256, 266, 

267, 277, 290, 291 
Croatia, 52 
Croll, 12 

Cromlechs, 240, 241 
Crot-du-Charnier, 59 
Cuneiform, 256, 257, 263, 264, 267 
Cuvier, 23 
Cydades, 218 
Cylinders, 263-4 

Daghestan, 132 

Dahshur, 265 

Damour (A.), 272 

Danube. 88. 123, 130, 131, 22O, 221, 

250, 294-6 
Dariel, 221 
DSchelette (J.). 11, 37. 45, 71, 73. 131, 

148, 193-4, 244, 270 
Delphi, 131 

Denmark, 76, 92, 94, 226, 241, 271 
Derbent, 221 
Diadems, 179. 181 
Diodozis Siculus, 1 10 
Diorite, 94, 139 
Dolmens, 235, 240, 272, 29O 
Domestication (of animals), 166-8 
Dordogne, 147 
Dormans, 232 
Drawing, 186 
Dress, 174 ff. 
Dupont (K.), 24, 50 
Dwelling-place, 163 ff. 

Ear-rings, 179, 180 
Eburnean (industry), 68 
Echnoz-la-Moline (Crotte d'), 60 
Egypt, 6, 8, 13, 24, 29, 46, 47, 63, 66, 
W, 72, 82, 88, 90, 92, 96, $8, 99. 
107, 110, 114, 116, 124, 125. 120, 
134, 146, 148, 158, 161, 162, 165, 
167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 17^-182, 
185-4, 189, 190, 192, 205, 207, 212, 
214, 216, 220, 227, 229, 285, 240. 
247, 248, 251, 255, 256, 259, 2dO, 
263, 266,|276, 277, 282, 266, 288, 
~2. 238, 



Elam, 6, 8, 10, 25, 82, 88, 96, 102, 114, 
118, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 134, 
158, 171, 179, 189, 190, 207, 209, 
210, 211, 212, 218, 227, 247, 257, 
260, 262, 263, 286-288, 293 
Elaphian (industry), 71 
Elaphotarandian (industry), 68 
Elaphas antiquus, 38, 39 
JE. meridioncuis, 38 
E. primigenius, 38, 43, 58, 59 
Elymais, 96 
Emilia, 88 

Eneolithic,, 292 
England (British Isles), 21, 45, 47, 61, 
67, 88, 105, 114, 115 131, 144, 241, 
242, 262, 275 
Eoliths, 5, 35-6 
Equidian (Industry), 68 
Equus caballus, 38, 58, 59 
JE. stenonis, 38 
Eridan 271 
Erlanic, 19 
Erzerum, 294 
Esquimaux, 7, 64 
Etruria and Etruscans, 8, 10, 28. 134, 

157, 182, 190, 242, 295 
Etruscan (language), 8, 9, 266 
Euphrates, 6, 276, 287 
Euxine, 278 (see also Black Sea) 
Eusebius, 274 
Evans (Sir John), 24 

Falconer, 24 

Felis spel&a, 43, 58 

Fibulae, 178-9 

Figuration (of thought), 266 

Filigree, 182, 190 

Fimstere, 241 

Finland, 83, 91, 94, 115, 136, 292 

Fishes, 200 

Fish-hooks, 165 

Fishing, 160 ft. 

Flint, 138, 143, 178, 269 

Forbes (H. O.), 47 

Fouju, 144 

Fox, 48, 166, 200 

Fraipont (J.), 66 

France, 45, 62, 62, 67, 77, 88, 114, 131, 
142, 144, 225, 232, 234, 236, 240, 
242, 257, 269, 270, 271, 276, 277, 
283, 285 

Frazer, 232 

Gafsa, 28, 30 

Galatia, 131 

Gard, 242 

Garonne, 42 

Garret (Station), 44 

Garstang, 211 

Gaudry (A.), 24 

Gauls. 22, 59, 163, 246 

Gaul, 91, 123, 126, 127, 131, 158, 218, 

227, 233, 271, 275, 277, 278, 283, 

286, 291, 294 
Gautier (J. E.), 121 

Gavr' Inis, 19 

Gazella dorcas, G. Isabella, 167 

Georgian (language), 9 

Gergovia, 159 

Germany, 45, 47, 67, 83, 94, 124, 136, 

155, 228, 233, 242, 271 
Germans, 22 
Gillen, 232 

Glacial Periods, 12, 70, 72, 74, 280, 284 
Glaciers, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 53, 55, 284, 


Glutton, 200 fto 

Glyptic (period), 54, 193 (industry), 68 
Goats, 38, 56, 200 ; (mountain ditto), 

48, 200 
Gold, 112, 128, 216, 252, 270 

Goldschmidt, 12 

Gourdanian (industry), 68 

Grandlieu (Lake), 19 

Graving, 186-7, 193 

Greece, 45, 82, 127, 134, 136, 139, 147, 
158, 169, 172, 182, 186, 190, 205, 
207, 218, 252, 255, 258, 273, 275, 
278, 280, 282, 285, 289, 291, 294, 295 

Greenland, 14, 16, 17 

Greenwell, 144 

Grimaldi (Caves), 37, 47, 153, 231 

Guerville, 36 

Guiana, 7 

Gulf Stream, 14 

Habitation (see dwelling-place) 
Hallstatt (culture), 127-8, 132, 134, 

136, 172, 220, 221, 222 
Hanxy, 54 
Haeckel, 12 
Harpoon, 64, 65, 165 
Hassaya, 216 
Helbig, 211 
Helenendorf, 132, 227 
Holland, 18 
Hellenes, 294 
Helwan, 163, 165 
Herodotus, 245, 271 
Herr (Dr), 179 
Hesiod, 110 
Hieroglyphics, 266, 257. 260, 263, 264, 

266, 267, 268 
Hildebrand (H.), 82 
Hippician (industry), 68 

Hippopotamus amphibius, 38 ; 
major, 38 

Hissarlik, 250, 254 

Hittites, 8, 10, 256, 259, 264, 291 

Hoernes, 131 t ^ ^ 

Homme Mort (Grotte de 1*), 234 

Horse, 128, 201 (see also Equus) 

Hircus thebaicus, 168 

Houses (primitive), 154 

Hungary; 45, 61, 67, 110, 111, 123, 
155, 273, 275 

Hordeum hexasticon, 169 

Hottentots, 195 ,*,* 

Human (representations), 193 197, 

Huns, 22 

802 INDEX 

Hunting, 160 ft. 

Huts, 164 tf . 

Hy&na spel&a, 38, 58 J 69 

lakobhavn Glacier, 18 

Iberians, 8, 131 

Iberian (language), 9 

Iceland, 18, 281 

Incheville, 164 

India, 26, 46, 62, 94, 106, 136, 140, 253, 


Indians (American), 66, 99, 149, 166 
Indo-China, 96, 116, 160 
Intercommunication, 269 ff. 
Iran, 25, 47, 114, 120, 179 
Iron, 127 ff., 220 
Ireland, 47, 68, 157, 262 
Irtish, 259 
Islam, 246 
Istria, 88 

Italy, 45, 83, 88, 123, 127, 131, 147, 
167, 169. 172, 208, 252, 265, 276, 
277, 278 

adeite, 96, 272 

apan, 76, 99, 139, 207, 238-9, 273 

6nyen, 28 

oly, 23 

ulian, 162 

Jura, 61, 88, 128, 156 
Jutland, 141, 252 

Kab (El), 158 

Kamchadales, 22, 26, 49, 174 

Karnak, 14, 240 

Kartvelian (language), 9, 10 

Kerkha, 287 

Kitchen middens, 55, 76, 154, 162, 

165, 166, 168, 214, 265 
Khorassan, 115 
Klaatsch, 37 
Kulpi, 96 
Kurds, 21, J.73 

Lake Villages, 83, 86, 156-7, 164; 

(industry), 85, 176 

Lane-Fox (A.) (Gen. PitlxRivers), 144 
Laos, 291 
Lapland, 68 

Lartet (6d.), 17, 23, 24,f47 
Larvae, 232 
Latium, 157, 242 
Laze, 9 

Lelwar, 132, 134 
Lepsius, 114 
Lepus timidus, 59 
Lesse, 66 

Liakhov Islands, 62 
Libyans, 101, 248, 277, 292 
Ligures, 69, 128-9, 131, 294, 295 
Ligurian (period), 130 
Linum augusti folium, 175 
Lithuania, 68 

Locmariaquer, 236, 260, 261 
Lortet, 26 * 
Lortetian (industry), 68 

Lorthet, 257 
Luristan, 210, 273 
Lubbock (Sir J.). 12, 169 
Lyell, 12, 24 

Macedonia, 131, 282 

Madagascar, * 1 1 5 

Madelaine (Grotte de la), 13, 62 

Magdalenian, 29, 64, 62, 147, 187, 195, 

205, 207, 231, 257, 283, 285, 286, 

289, 291 

Malaysia, 27, 112, 291 
Malta, 45, 281 

Mammoth, 48, 56, 62, 197, 202 
Mantua, 155 
Marseilles, 130 
Martin (H.), 61 

Mas d'Azil, 65, 75, 147, 199, 267 
Maspero, 26, 100 
Mazdaism, 246, 253 
Media, 246, 252 
Mediterranean, 102, 118, 119, 139, 143, 

212, 235, 292 

Megalithic (monuments), 240-41 
Mekta (El), 28 
Melts taxus, 59 
Melos, 273 
Men-er-Hroeck, 240 
Menes. 25, 105, 293 
Menhir, 24O 
Mentone, 37, 51 
Mesopotamia, 52, 72, 148 
Metals, 111 flf. 
Meuse, 66 
Mexico, 7, 60, 64, 116, 139, 229, 256, 

260, 264, 273, 280, 293 
Meyer (Ed.), 100 
Micoque (Caverne de la), 44, 47 
Mills, 77, 169 
Mina, 277 
Mincopis, 205 
Mingrelian (language), 9 
Modelling, 190 
Mongolia, 47, 219 
Montelius <<X), 90, 159, 262, 276 
Moravia, 61, 283 
Morbihan (Gulf), 19 ; (dept.), 241, 260, 


Morgan (Eugene de), 77 
Morgan (Henri de), 216 
Morgan (J, de), 26, 27, 30, 142. 178, 


Moringen, 149 
Morocco, 115 
MortOlet (Adrien de). 12, 24, 85, 51, 

76, 147, 238, 240 
Mortillet (Gabriel de), 12, 24, 35, 40. 

41, 78, 245 

Moustierian, 29, 30, 47-56, 279, 286 
Moustier (Grotte du), 13, 47, 50, 51, 52 
Miiller (Sophus), 192 
Mttnsingen, 268 
Muqayyar (Ur), 106, 175, 179 
Murcens, 159 
Mnstolla pustorius, 59 
Mycenae, 126, 159, 176, 181, SIS 



Nabonidus, 100 

Nakadah, 25, 89, 105, 146, 158, 216, 

242, 248, 263 
Nana, 249, 250 
Naram-Sin, 115., 118 
Necklaces, 178 
Negritos, 27 
Neolithic, 77, 78, 80-98, 112, 139, 141, 

144, 147, 148, 232 ff, 243, 269, 

273, 286 
Nephrite, 272 
Nets, 157, 163, 164, 165 
Neuweiler, 169 
Nile, 6, 14, 25, 72, 88, 90, 92, 141, 142, 

165, 182, 186, 190, 195, 212, 250, 

264, 277, 286, 287 
Nineveh, 21, 244 
North Sea, 66 
Normandy, 155 
Norway, 14 
New Zealand, 17 

Obermaier (M.), 11, 42, 43, 52 

Obsidian, 139, 143, 148, 273, 274 

Oceania, 25, 45, 99, 136, 257, 291 

Odenburg (Scarahantia), 173 

Ojc6w, 61 

Orchomenos, 155 

Ornament, 174. 

Ornamentation (geometric), 202 

Ossetes, 10 

Ossethia, 132, 219, 224, 295 

Otta, 35 

Ovis longipes, 168 

Painting, 186 ; (Corporeal), 175-6 

Palafittes, 159 (see also pile dwellings) 

Palaeolithic (civilization), 45 

Palestine, 45, 90, 211, 212, 287 

Pallas, 26, 27, 49 

Pamirs, 114 

Patagonia, 7, 76 

Patesis (King-Priests of Elam). 158, 210 

Pelagians, 294 

Pelusium, 277 

Penck, 11 

Pendants, 179 

Peplos, 179 

Perak, 112 

P6rigord, 27, 232 

Peru, 7, 29, 64, 167, 190, 229, 293 

Perrier (E.), 13 

Persia, 21, 120, 124, 126, 130, 158, 212, 

218, 219, 221, 224, 230, 238, 239, 

244, 246, 253, 273, 295 
Persis, 235 

Petermann (Mount), 16 
Petrie (Flinders), 25, 100, 171 
Peu-Richard, 164 
Pfaffikon, 157 

Pharaonic Culture, 100, 115, 165, 235 
Phocaeans, 130 
Phrygians, 8, 10, 131, 294 
Picardy, 42, 79 
Pi&trement, 168 
Piette (E.), 24, 64, 75, 193, 242 

Pile dwellings, 166-7, 169, 178, 272, 


Pigorini, 155, 157 
Pitt-Riv 2ers (see Lane-Fox) 
Plough, 18, 172 
Po, 88 

Poland, 61, 67, 68, 283 
Polynesia, 92, 136, 166 
Porcelain, 189 
Predmost, 61 

Pressigny (Grand), 82, 142, 155. 273 
Prestwich (Sir John), 24 
Priapus, 251 

Pusht-i-Kuh, 90, 108, 210, 273 . 
Puydt (Marcel de), 155 
Pyrenees, 61, 232 

Qua, 101 

Quartz, quartzite, 138, 147 
Quatrefages (de), 24 
Quibell (I. E.), 25 

Reggio (province, ^Emilia), 155 

Reinach (S.), 167, 231 

Reindeer (Age), 54, 56, 59, 62, 63, 68, 

73, 200, 271 

Religious Beliefs, 231 ff. 
Renan, 247 
Rhine, 61, 131 
Rhinoceros mercki, 38, 39, 153 ; J. 

tichorimts, 43, 48, 58, 62, 196 
Ribeiro (C.), 36 
Rigollot, 24 
Rings, 179, 180 
Rivets, 190 

Robenhausen, 149, 167, 159 
Roches (Station), 58 
Roe-deer, 109 
Rollain, 164 
Rome, 159, 216 
Rosny (de), 258 
Roumania, 155, 175 

Russia, 16, 21, 24, 47, 67, ia6, 156. 242 
Rutot (M.), 36, 88 

Sahara, 88, 93 

Sakais, 27 

Sakk&rah, 161 

Salmon (Ph.), 77 

Sanchoniathon, 274 

Sargon, 115 

Sassanid, 189, 253, 255 

Saussurite, 272 

Saxony, 38 

Scandinavia, 14-18, 47, 60, 82, 91, 92, 

105, 114, 123, 136, 238, 252, 275, 

285, 291, 292 
Scania, 141 
Schmerling, 23 
Scotland, 47, 76, 167 
Sculpture, 186, 187, 197, 202, 206 
Seine, 77, 155 
Seine-et-Marne, 38 
Septier (M.), 58 
Serabout-el-Khadin, 114 
Serpentine, 139, 148 



Semangs, 27 

IbSSft 21% 2 6?45, 49, 62 96 136, 

219, 224, 260, 272, 280, 289, 295 
Sicily, 45 
Sickle, 171, 172 
Silures, 22 
Sinai, 114, 277 
Singapore, 156 
Solar cult, 252 ff . 
Soldering, 182, 190 
SolutrS (Solutrean industry), 59-62, 6d, 

64, 66, 193, 197, 283, 286, 291 
Spain, 45, 56, 61, 67, 84, 114, 115, 123, 
P 131, 147, 168, 172, 251, 278, 281, 

Stone industry (ornaments), 177 ; 

(Vases), 147-9 
Somaliland, 25, 47, 52, 281 
Somme, 23, 77, 
Soprony (see Odenburg) 
Spencer, 232 
Spiennes, 82, 144 
Stennstrup, 12 
Stolpe, 245 
Stora Carlsd, 245 
Stradonitz, 246 
Sudan, 272 
Sumerians, 248 
Sur Baher, 

Susa, 13, 60, 90, 99, 158, 159, 174, 179, 
182, 190, 208, 210, 212, 224, 233, 
260, 276, 277 
Susian (language), 9 
Sus antiquus, 38 ; S. scropha, 38 
Swastika, 253 

Sweden, 92, 142, 241, 260, 271 
Switzerland, 47, 85, 88, 91, 149, 156 

272, 283 

Syria, 25, 28, 45, 52, 67, 79, 82, 119, 
* 121, 172, 190, 211, 212, 276, 282, 
286, 289 

Talish, 25, 120, 131, 132, 219, 244- 

246, 273 

Tar an di an (industry), 68 
Tattooing, 175-6 
Taubach, 37, 51 
Tayac, 44 

Tene (La), 136, 221, 227, 295 
Tepeh Aly Abad, 210 
Tepeh Gulan, 108 
Tessin, 88 
Testut, 147 
Thebes, 235 
Thenay, 35 
Thomsen (Chr.), 24 
Thrace, 131, 294 
Throwing-stick, 64, 65 
Tibet, 48 

Thinite Dynasty, 158, 292 
Tigris. 6, 277, 287 

Tin, 111 ff., 275 fl. 

Tiryns, 159, 221 

Torsukatak Glacier, 18 

Toukh, 168 

Tourasse, 76 

Tournal, 24 

Trajan's Column, 157 

Transcaucasia, 2 , 96, 114, 120, 124, 

130, 136, 139, 163, 181, 219, 220, 

221, 264, 289, 295 
Transylvania, 112, 155 
Trepanning, 245 
Triticum turgidum, 169 
Trongotherium, 38 
Trundholm, 252 
Tunis, 28, 30, 45, 52, 6O, 69, 88, 142, 


Turquoise, 180, 269, 277 
Tursac, 62 
Tyre, 274 
Tyrol, 47 

Ukraine, 220, 295 

United States, 

Upernivick Glacier, 18 

Urartians, 8, 9, 119 ; Urartu, 290 

Ur (see Muquyyar) ; Urartian (lan- 

guage), 9 
Ural, 219, 280 

Ursus arctos, 38, 59 ; U.ferox. 48 

U. sptl&us, 38, 58, 59, 198 
Uruk, 159 
Usertesen, 158, 271 

Van, 290 
Verneau, 153 
Vezere, 24, 48 
Vibraye (Marquis de), 24 
Vienna, 43, 59 
Villefranche, 44 
Villemaure, 147 
Vilteneuve (de), 153 
Volgus, 26 
Volga, 219 

Wady Maghara, 1 4 
Wales, 21 
Warka, 105, 179 
Weapons, 16O 8. 
Wolf, 199 
Worsae, 24 
Wright, 267 
Writing, 256 ff , 

Yokha, 171 
Ys, 19 
Yucatan, 290 

Zeughelis, 116 
Zoroaster, 253 
Zuyder Zee, 19 
Zumhoien (K. P.)* 25