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Full text of "The present status of the pasteurization of milk"

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3 = ae 
Rev .ed * 



Washington, D. C. Issued January 8, 1916; revised October 10, 1922 

OF MILK. i ‘ ; > & V 

By S. Henry AYERS, te} NO Va i¥2Z 
Bacteriologist, Dairy Division, Bureau of, Aqinal Jydustw.« aghoultere 

errr ey eer Se Lk 

Page. Page 
Meaning of the term pasteurization_ 1 | Handling milk after pasteurization_ 15 
Valse of  Pasreuriza tion <— | -_-_ 2 | Cost of pasteurizing milk. 2. 16 
Electrical and ultra-violet-ray treat- Bacteria which survive pasteuriza- 
OVE Tc RCO) 1k ee ee ee 4 OW Sod Fen Aes Gee ge SGA OS 16 
Extent of pasteurization in the The colon test for efficiency of pas- 
Limnbed Esietlesee et Se ee SS TT ye Hi) teurizalion 22722 <3 Sey. See 20 
Methods of pasteurization________~- 7 | Past and present theories of aataae 
Advantages of low-temperature pas- PZE OI OG a es ee 20 
‘Males hintyi es ree eee eee eee a 10 | Pasteurization and vitamins_______ 22 
Temperatures and methods most suit- The necessity for pasteurigation____ 24 
able for pasteurization__________ aft | References to literature___________ 25 
Supervision of the process___-______ 13 


The term “pasteurization” originated from the experiments of 
Louis Pasteur, in France. From 1860 to 1864, in experiments on the 
“diseases” of wine, he found that heating for a few moments at 
temperatures of from 122° to 140° F. was sufficient to prevent abnor- 
mal fermentations and souring in wine. A little later he found 
that by a similar heating beer could be preserved from souring. 
The applicaticn of the process gave rise to the term “ pasteurization.” 
As applied under commercial conditions, pasteurization is the process 
of heating for a short or a long period, as the different processes 
demand, at temperatures usually between 140° and 185° F. As ap- 
plied: to milk for direct consumption, pasteurization should mean 
a process of heating to 145° F. and holding at that temperature for 
30 minutes. The process is followed by rapid cooling. 

Jt is believed that the term pasteurization should be applied only 
to. the process of heating at 145° F’. for a period of 30 minutes. 



From a sanitary standpoint, the value of pasteurization is of 
greatest importance when market milk is under consideration. The 
pasteurization of milk, when the process is properly performed, 
affords protection from pathogenic organisms. Such disease-pro- 
ducing bacteria as Bacillus tuberculosis, B. diphtherie, B. typhi, 
and other organisms of the typhoid-paratyphoid group, and the 
dysentery bacillus, when heated at 140° F. for 20 minutes or more 
are destroyed, or at least lose their ability to produce disease. 

Occasionally results are reported, such as those of Twiss (30),2 
which again open the question as to the destruction of certain patho- 
genic organisms by pasteurization. Using test organisms of the 
typhoid-paratyphoid group, she obtained results which indicated 
that there was not a complete destruction of these organisms when 
heated in milk at 140° F. and even at 149° F. for 30 minutes. Krum- 
wiede and Noble (24), however, using some of the same test organ- 
isms of the typhoid-paratyphoid group as used by Twiss, found that 
_ they did not survive heating for 10 minutes at 140° F. They further 
pointed out that the apparent heat resistance of the strains used by 
Twiss was due to the method of determining their thermal death 


_ According to Mohler (25), pasteurization offers protection against 
foot-and-mouth disease. He makes the following statement: 

Milk which has been pasteurized for the elimination of tubercle and typhoid 
bacilli will not prove capable of transmitting the disease (foot-and-mouth) to 
persons or animals fed with it. 

In view of the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in this country 
a few years ago this statement is of importance. 

The abortuslike bacteria in the udders of healthy cows which were 
demonstrated by Evans (15) may also be considered in a discussion 
of pasteurization. Although their sanitary significance has not been 
definitely established, it is interesting to observe that it was found 
by Evans (16) that both the pathogenic and lipolytic varieties could 
be destroyed by heating to 125° F. for 30 minutes or to 145° F. for 
30 seconds. 

Within recent years several epidemics of septic sore throat have 
been traced to milk. In some of these epidemics it was found 
possible, by pasteurization, to destroy streptococci which were iso- 
lated from throats of infected people and which were believed to 
be the infective agents. Pasteurization, properly performed, seems 
to protect against epidemics of this kind, but until the organism 

1See References to literature. 

ce ee 

eee oe eee es ae Pee 


which causes the disease is definitely known it is impossible to say 
that it affords absolute protection. 

Since it is quite generally believed that the streptococci are the 
causative agents of septic sore throat, the ability of certain of this 
group of organisms to stand temperatures above that of pasteuriza- 
tion naturally presents a grave situation. If pathogenic streptococci 
are able to survive the usual process of pasteurization, the value of 
the process, from a sanitary standpoint, is materially lowered. 

Experience with the use of properly pasteurized milk and the de- 
termination of the thermal death point of pathogenic streptococci 
by various investigators indicate very clearly, however, that the 
thermal death point of these organisms is relatively low and that 
they are readily destroyed by proper pasteurization. Thus Ham- 
burger (17), who studied the epidemic of septic sore throat in 
Baltimore in 1912, traced this epidemic to a certain milk supply. 
Advice was given to boil all milk, and the dairy connected with 
the epidemic raised the temperature of its flash pasteurization to 
160° F.; then it changed to the holder process by which the mill 
was heated to 145° F. and held for a period of 30 minutes. The 
cases of sore throat that followed were neither so severe nor so 
numerous and did not follow the milk supply, but appeared to 
have been transmitted from individual to individual. Hamburger 
(18) also found that a streptococcus isolated from a patient having 
a case of sore throat was killed by heating in milk at 145° F. for 
30 minutes. 

Again, Capps and Miller (12) who studied the Chicago epi- 
demic of septic sore throat, traced it to a dairy where the milk was 
pasteurized by the flash process at 160° F. On certain dates they 
found that there was a pronounced failure to pasteurize and follow- 
ing these dates there were outbreaks of septic sore throat. These 
authors believed that the final responsibility for the epidemic rested 
on the inadequate and unreliable pasteurization. They state that 
the absolute protection of the children of the Michael Reese Hos- 
pital from infection by efficient pasteurization demonstrates this 
point. Bray (11), who studied an epidemic of tonsillitis of tuber- 
culous patients, traced the epidemic to a milk supply of one farm 
where a carrier presumably infected the milk. Forty cases of 
tonsillitis resulted among 400 people. As soon as the epidemic 
broke out the milk was pasteurized, and from that time only 1 
case appeared. 

From the results achieved from the proper pasteurization of milk 
it seems evident that the thermal death point of pathogenic strep- 
tococci, which cause septic sore throat, is relatively low. This belief 


is borne out by the results of the studies of Davis (13), who found 
that streptococci isolated from cases of sore throat were readily killed 
by heating at 140° F. for 30 minutes. He also found that none of 24 
strains of pathogenic hemolytic streptococci of human origin resisted 
heating at 140° F. for 30 minutes. He makes the following statement: 

I know of no evidence that strains of streptococci pathogenic to man can resist 
the usual temperature of pasteurization, 145° F., for 30 minutes. 

Further evidence that pathogenic streptococci are destroyed by 
proper pasteurization was presented by the results obtained by Ayers, 
Johnson, and Davis (7), who found that 27 strains of these organisms 
were always destroyed by heating at 140° F. for 30 minutes. 

Epidemics of scarlet fever have been traced to milk supplies, and 
in such cases pasteurization has been resorted to, with apparently 
satisfactory results, as a means of safeguarding the public health. 

Pasteurization is of value from a commercial standpoint so far as 
it increases the keeping quality of the milk and assists in preventing 
financial losses by souring. As practiced at the present time, commer- 
cial pasteurization, with reasonable care, destroys about 99 per cent 
of the bacteria (this percentage varies, depending upon the propor- 
tion of heat-resistant bacteria in the milk), and while it does not 
prevent the ultimate souring of milk, it does delay the process. At 
the present time pasteurization is the best process for the destruction 
of bacteria in milk on a commercial scale. 


Many attempts have been made to destroy bacteria in milk by 
means of electricity, but no process has been devised which has been 
commercially applied to any great extent. 

Alternating currents have been most extensively worked with, be- 
cause direct currents were found to produce undesirable chemical 
changesin milk. While the proper application of suitable alternating 
currents has resulted in bacteria reductions similar to those produced 
by pasteurization, it appears to be an open question as to whether 
the action of the electric current is due to the heat generated or to 
the direct action of electricity on the bacterial cells. | 

Thornton (28), who studied this question in England, came to the 
conclusion that the destruction of bacteria must be regarded as due 
largely to thermal changes rather than electrical, but thought his 
results indicated some electrical action on the molecular structure of 
the bacteria. Beattie (8, 9), also working in England on the same 
problem, came to the conclusion that heat was not the principal fac- 
tor in the destruction of bacteria by electricity, but found that to 
obtain satisfactory results the temperature should not be below 145° 



F. In the United States an electric process has been investigated by 
Anderson and Finkelstein (1). Their conclusion as to the cause of 
the destruction of the bacteria is as follows: 

The destruction of bacteria in the “ ” process is apparently due to 
the heat produced. by the electric current rather than to the electric current 
itself. The ‘“ ” process furnishes a method for producing a very 
sudden high temperature for a brief period of time. 

It seems evident from a review of the literature that in the use of 
electricity, as it has been applied, sufficient heat is generated by elec- 
tricity, or a combination of steam and electricity, to raise the milk 
to the pasteurizing temperature.. Since the temperatures reached 
are in themselves destructive to most nonspore-forming bacteria, 
the problem of determining whether the effect of electricity is due 
to heat or direct electric action is a difficult one. 

The use of ultra-violet rays for the destruction of bacteria in milk 
has not proved to be of value as a commercial process. Experiments 
with these rays carried on by Ayers and Johnston (5) showed that 
while the rays cause great destruction of bacteria in milk, when ex- 
posed under suitable conditions, the process in its present state of 
development can not replace that of pasteurization on a commercial 
scale. It is difficult to obtain the proper exposure of milk to the 
rays on a scale sufficient to permit of practical operation and im- 
practicable to secure suitable bacteria reductions without seriously 
injuring the flavor of the milk. 


Pasteurization when first practiced by milk dealers in this country 
was carried on more or less secretly, and, except as a means of pre- 

serving the milk, was regarded by them as a process of no value. As 

the practice became more general the subject of pasteurization was 
studied, and its value as a means of destroying disease-producing 
bacteria was recognized. In consequence of the recognition of the 
merits of the process there has been during the last 20 years a rapid 
increase in the quantity of milk pasteurized. Jordan (23), in a paper 
published in 1913, stated that 10 years previously only about 5 per 
cent of the milk supply of New York City was pasteurized; figures 
from other sources show that about 40 per cent in 1912, 88 per cent 
in 1914, and 98 per cent in 1921 was pasteurized. In Boston very 
little milk was pasteurized in 1902, but in 1915 80 per cent, while at 
present about 90 per cent is so treated. In many of the smaller cities 
there have been corresponding increases in the quantity of milk 
pasteurized during the last few years. 

The general tendency in this country to-day is toward the pasteuri- 
zation of all milk for direct consumption, with the exception of 


certified or equivalent grades of milk from tuberculin-tested herds. 
Some idea of the increase in the extent of pasteurization in the United 
States from 1915 to 1921 may be gained by a study of Table 1. The 
figures were obtained from a questionnaire sent to health officers. In 
1915 the figures were based on 344 replies and 379 in 1921. 

TABLE 1.—Eztent of pasteurization of milk in cities m the United States of 
more than 10,000 population in 1915 and 1921. 

wee of oe Der caw | 10t0 50 per seer Qto10 per a None 
Population of | answering. pasteurized. | SS es ES gE pasteurized. 
cities. | 
| 1915 | 1921 | 1915 1921 | 1915 1921 1915 | 1921 1915 1921 
pao" -9iode flan TiOur Of “SV Sneha eats amen 
| | 
| Per ct.| Perct.| Perct. | Perct.| Perct.| Perct. | Perct. | Per ct. 
More than 500,000. - -! 9 12 77.8 | 100.0 22.2 0 0 0 0 0 
100,001 to 500,000... - .| 40 42 30.0 90.5 50.0 9.5 15.0 0 5.0 0 
75,001 to 100,000. .-... 19 15 26.3 78233 42.1 26.7 21.0 0 10.6 0 
50,001 to 75,000-...-- 30 344! 24253 67.7 50.0 14.7 20.0 2.9 16.7 14.7 
25,001 to 50,000-.-... 7 62] 16.7 59.7 39.7 25.8 15.4 2.3 28.2 11.3 
6.0 33.3 23.8 18.3 10.7 9.5 59.5 38.9 

10,001 to 25,000... ... 168 126 

It will be noted that since 1915 there has been a great increase in 
the percentage of cities in which more than 50 per cent of the milk 
is pasteurized. There has been during the same period a marked 
decrease in the percentage of cities having no pasteurized milk. 

Table 1 does not contain any data from cities of less than 10,000 
population, but replies from 88 such cities showed the following 
figures: In 22 cities 50 per cent or more of the milk was pasteurized, 
in 12 others from 11 to 50 per cent, and in two cities 10 per cent 
or less was so treated. Fifty-two of the 88 cities reported no pas- 
teurized milk. It seems evident, therefore, that the process of pas- 
teurization is being used extensively in this country even in the 
small cities. 

A study of the available figures on the extent of pasteurization 
revealed a few more facts which may be of interest. Im 1915 milk 
was pasteurized in about 62 per cent of the cities with a population 
above 10,000, and in 1921 in about 80 per cent of such cities. The 
increase in pasteurization in small cities, 10,000 to 25,000, is shown 
hy the fact that in 1915 about 40 per cent of these cities reported 
pasteurized milk compared with approximately 61 per cent in 1921. 

Considering these figures as a whole the increasing trend of pas- 
teurization is plain. 

A good idea of the present extent of pasteurization may be 
obtained from Table 2. It will be observed that there is an increas- 
ing tendency, which follows their increasing population, for cities 
to have pasteurized milk and also to pasteurize a higher percentage 
of the supply. 

ee a Se ae Se ee ee a, en 


TABLE 2.—Proportion of cities having pasteurized milk and average per cent of 
their milk supply which was pasteurized in 1921. 

Number of | Number of} Percent Average 

cities cities of cities per cent 
Population of cities. reporting with no with of milk 
pasteur- pasteur- pasteur- pasteur- 

ized milk. | ized milk. | ized milk. ized. 

Morena 500: (00> 24 5 58 oe See, 12 0 100 95 
TO OOIT ODO 000M thet aoe an See a eae Ea ruy ay. ts 42 0 100 72 
OO COD OOOEE. ees sas >. oc. me, Rep tien BE Oh 15 0 100 68 
SOOT O75 UO eee as. oe ee a ea ee Id Sereda ee 2 29 5 85 65 
ENE SONG PR a2 So Oo ko sate et tes ts Se 55 7 89 58 
MOROCCAN 2 doo cae sae Seth Ose cee oe ab ae 77 49 61 51 
LU ESSU ICING 1 Gees See ie eee ee = Fan eet AER yS 36 52 41 53 

PAN [ro bees tee aie ees oe I. eee a Re 266 Psu ls Sse Sela oe ee 

For those who are particularly interested in the quantity of milk 
pasteurized in various cities, Table 3 has been prepared. In it is a 
list of 266 cities that reported pasteurized milk and the approxi- 
mate quantity of milk pasteurized. The cities are listed in order of 
their population given in the 1920 census and include all cities re- 
porting pasteurization up to the time the table was prepared. It is 
particularly interesting to note the extent to which milk is 
pasteurized even in the smal] cities. 


At present three processes of pasteurization are practiced in this 
country. The first is known as the flash, or continuous process; the 
second, the holder, or holding process; and the third is known as 
pasteurization in the bottle. 

TABLE 3.—Approximate quantity of milk pasteurized in various cities as shown 
by returns from questionnaire sent in 1921. 

Per cent Per cent 
Popula- A Popula- : 
City. tion, 1920] Of milk City. tion, 1920] Of mile 

census. | toutrized. census: | terized. 

Wow: York, No Ye foo 85-35. 5, 620, 048 98:\)- Columbus: Onion 4-222. <-5.5: 237, 031 75 
lereten Wile  e 2,701, 705 98 fl Mouisville: Ky 2. to eS) 234, 891 85 
Philadelphia, Pa............- 1, 823, 799 O8iIl St.Paul, Minn i... 92252205: 934, 595 60 
Depot, Mich--s_-....-.-..... 993, 678 Osi Micron. OHIO te oie sso 208, 435 98 
Cicyeland, Ohio... .-...:...:- 796, 841 BS he Omaha Nebe <2. sett stt es 191, 601 30 
DOW S PMO x sao soo osa es 772, 892 92 || Worcester, Mass...........-.-- 179, 754 65 
aston, Massoeses 028222252. 748, 060 OO | WO VEACUSC NERY one eee eee ee AAT 66 
Ralamoere Md se. 2 222i 25... l | 733, 826 OS RACH mMonG: Vase sen ose 171, 667 97 
1B HiG OL EU 3 ees a | 588, 343 95 || New Haven, Conn...........- 162, 537 55 
Los Angeles, Calif..........-. 576, 673 86) ||) Memphis;“Tenn== === =222222- 162, 351 50 
S52 a 506, 775 100 || Dallas, Tex......-.--.----.--- 158, 976 70 
San Francisco, Calif. ......... 506, 676 Shi Dayton. Ohio eas.) 2) saee" 152, 559 95 
Milwaukee, Wis.........---.-- 457, 147 98:1 ouston) Text tee. 25.462 53s: 138, 296 50 
Washington, "DiC 2. $225..22.- 437, 571 9is|\HartiordlConne-sssscee. 2 see 138, 036 70 
GWA KEIN Uma -\scit 2s cess 414, 524 80 || Grand Hapics, Miches= esse: 137, 634 90 
Cinemnati, Ohio-2: 5. 2.222... 401, 247 983 ||\patersony NERO... oe secon. © 135, 875 80 
Minneapolis, Minn...........- 380, 582 94 || Youngstown, Ohio. ........-- 132, 358 92 
Kansas City; Mo......-.-.---. 324, 410 50 || Springfield, Mass......-....-. 129, 614 95 
meabhle»Wastt! 22.2 .222222552. 315, 312 85 || New Bedford, Mass.........-- 121, 217 40 
eechestersinery 20s. 295, 750 Gol walPRiveriMasss: = pee cee 120, 485 55 
Rartlands Oreg.)...$2.5.2-252 258, 288 Hau erentonewNe dee cemecasoe sees 119, 289 60 
BenvercCole. . oS. 562222522 256, 491 80 || Nashville, Tenn............-- 118, 342 40 

Providence, R.I.........---. 237, 595 60 || Salt Lake City, Utah.......-- 118, 110 88 


TABLE 3.—Approximate quantity of milk pasteurized in various cities as shown 
by returns from questionnaire sent in 1921—Continued. 

Popula- | Fer cent | 

op i Popula- Per cent 
City. tion, 1920) Of milk | City. tion, 1920| of milk 
census. | ;ourized. || census. ino esa 
MorialkowV ak aeock icc chs kc 115,777 50 || San Jose, Calif... .2252-5.22 39, 642 70 
mulpary IN. I¥ias2 ss. scones - 113, 344 60 || Dubuque, Iowa... -....222... 39, 141 50 
Eowell, Massc. 20 - c AS.. 112, 759 34 || Brookline, Mass..-........... 37, 748 88 
“The Oranges” TaN Jeo eee 111, 958 91 || (Golambia, SaGs ees or aie 37, 524 15 
Wilmington, Del........-.--- 110, 168 66°, d,oram, OIG... .2ss5soeeees 37, 295 99 
aReniti re Pt 5405. 2S: a Rep 107, 784 96 || Evanston, Ml................. 37, 234 99.5 
Kansas City, Kans. .....---.- 101, 177 65 |! Waterloo, lowa...........__.. 36, 230 90 
Wanker oN. Yo 365.6) 100, 176 98 || Williamsport, Pa............. 36, 198 75 
dgyiin, Mass) 2% 502k. .) ere 99, 148 19.1 Agiborn: Ne Yoss5 5-2 36, 192 15 
DBalush Mann, 5 Seek ee | 98,917 46 || Newport News, Va..........- 35, 596 50 
Piizabeth Ned ose hseen es | 95, 283 87 || Poughkeepsie, N. Y.-.....__. 35, 000 95 
b OTe Peictc 0 Van yg ee a UE 93, 372 10'|| feriden. Conus .-< 22 ee 34, 764 10 
Somerville, Mass............. 93, 091 85 || Pontiac, Mich.-_......... 34, 273 50 
Pink, Mick. § 2 CET SS 91, 599 80 ll Maston, Pass, 25.2) aoe ee 73 
Jacksonville, Fla...........-- | 91, 558 (01 Ochkoshowiss, Sota 33, 162 25 ? 
Oklahoma, Okla sissies) =)=im late niet =i = 91, 295 75 Ogden Utah ts A hase ee 32, 804 50 ‘ 
Schenectady, N. Y....-..-.-- | 88, 723 36 |! Green Bay, Wis..--......-- 31, 017 75 : 
Clintons Ohio. 254.._TF | 87,091 30" Negnort fu | ee) peers 90 
Evansville, Ind..............- | 85,264 80 |i Goloado Springs, Col "| 30,105 85 | 
a= Colorado Springs, Colo........ , ' 
Honolulu, Hawaii..........-. | 83,327 451! 7 vnchbure, Va 30, 070 40 4 
Manchester, N. H............| 78,384 CDN rae eee ag peyiO wal 29, 053 25 
Se sosephy, Mo..220 ee ess: | 77, 939 Us ear rie arr i a Pano Po 28, 806 90 
LDU ESTA bs Caan a ae 77, 560 33. lines ap VN Ce GE ee 28, 379 40 : 
Allentown, Pa..........-..... | 73,502 (bg We enene Ais Se nena so 28, 064 20 
South Bend, Ind............. | 70, 983 90 | rar cticld ¢ Glib batt ee 27, 824 80 | 
Portland, Me.............---- | 69,272 8 On RE. Nos ee a 27, 700 75 . 
@harleston’ 8) @2co, oy | 67,957 100 cna cote) With ich at as 27) 644 75 
Jennstowsaiy Pas. ce. oo 222305 | 67,327 50 ayia RE Wee aa ee 26, 341 10 
Binghamton, N. Y..........- | 66, 800 75 ae Nig ee eee 26, 224 80 
Rueictord Wie 2. cel. | 65,651 92 | Grae Walk Eee 25, 202 50 
Little Rock, Ark............. | 65, 142 BO Se ee ee ee 24 057 30 
Saginaw, Mich................ | 61, 903 41 || x eee Ohio: ee 23” 504 98 
Springfield, Ohio............. 60, 840 Uy cece Uae eres coer 23,197 33 
Altoona, Pal 0201200. | 60,331 OF iG TPEn VEO erasa State 22, 307 100 
Holyoke, Mass.....-.......:-. | 60, 203 75 SanGusly, Wibal asc (geo i 22,779 30 
New Britain,Conn....__....| 59, 316 207 1B aN iO Meee" esas 22) 561 45 
Springfield, M1.....22222222277 | 59,183 04 || CHEN Ena a ee 22) 486 90 
Waring, Wis... --<1.-..31.1...| 58, 593 B5 | Ee Seer eee 21, 961 50 
Chattanooga, Tenn........... 57, 895 80 || Fargo, AN iGo 21,719 15 
Hrarsing, Mich. oo... 50.0) oe. 57, 327 0) ope Did See 21, 626 50 
Gary tad ek ag Fick: 56, 378 100; || ROGuCs Es aes ene 21, 393 7 
‘Wheeling, W. Va.............| 56, 208 15 ee eee as aa 21, 284 80 
Berkeley, Calif... .....2..2:2. | 56, 036 82 Below : o Wis ee Swe 20, 906 65 
Long Beach, Calif... -.-...1..) 55,593 80 eae ee pant Mao 20, 879 100 
Hincolm, Nevres ec ee | 54,948 70 ae ee: ibs > 90) 474 85 
Haverhill, Mass.............- 53, 844 25 | yes 20, 299 50 
MiawiCasier ea. toes nto | 93, 150 50 SE say Se Ee a 20, 065 50 
a TAVIS Fo Cf he Ce eee | 52,548 20 || Mason. ©ivy, nN. Oe 2 ae 19, 861 8 
Teaipa tinge 1 6320, | 51,252 ee eA ied ay ae ia 19,653 | 100 
Rognoke, Vaulo2i. 50, 842 Re SE Saenger 19, 516 75 
Niagara. PalisvN? ¥ J. . 2222252 | 50, 670 95 || Ann Sent Sait cores eeee- 19° 44] 20 
Tppeks, Hans secs 50, 022 £0. eS ee 19, 336 15 
Winston-Salem, N.C......-.. ' 48,395 50 || Dunkirk, N.Y -------------.- 19. 143 70 
Jackson, Mich................ | 48,374 30, || Winona, MUN. 9955-222 2< 2 ae 18, 661 25 
Quincy, Mass.......2....-.... | 47,876 Bil Wiousaay Wie ae Les sae 18, 539 80 
Cedar Rapids, Iowa......--.- 45, 566 75 || Yakima, | vv Fa a ERT ee 18, 060 8 
PimiracN) Ves sce ete | 45,393 33 ae cae Tat Tae 17. 734 90 , 
ivcro Ne eek ee 44, 955 75 || Anniston, Ala. . fi doesneekes 17. 677 100 ' 
Mow Castile: Bay a ee. tee | 44, 938 45 Hackensack, BS a2 ae ee aes 17. 033 50 : 
Presn Os (C alidee sees Sates oe See | 44,616 40 Framingham, BIAS ---< ~~ 17. 004 25 P 
isnlveston tex eee bet Ors 44,255 15 || Ithaca, N. ¥..-----------2--- 16. 971 20 
Montgomery, Ala.........--.. 43, 464 50 || Gardner, eter 5A eee ero 16. 843 99 : 
gE FCN) Pojed 71) Ce aia ak lng ping ee | 43,050 55 || Richmond, Calif-...-......... 15, 820 12 3 
Wit. Vernon. aNcoy eos... csc ce | 42,726 100 || Corning, N. Y .-..--.--------- 15, 873 100 ‘ 
Bdlprat) Masso ot Wek St. | 42,515 60 || Champaign, Ill --...-..-....- 15, 868 10 ~< 
Perth Amboy, N.J........... | 41,707 85 || Peekskill, N. Y.-....--.---..- 15, 831 55 ' 
Bite; Molise sss2 see eee. 41,611 33 || Chillicothe, Ohio. aa pores: = 15. 731 10 ' 
Lexington, Ky ee a ee 41, 534 35 Marshalltow n, Iowa SS 15. 482 80 § 
Pittsfield, Macca =o SRI 41, 534 14 North Tonawanda, N.Y...-.- 15, 462 20 
Lima, Ohio ESS OY eS 41, 326 j 50 | Greenfield, Mass Se ae, oe ae 15. 195 95 ~. 
Fitchburg, Mass.........----- 41,013 13 || Mishawaka, Ind...-...------- 15, 157 40 ; 
Kenosha, j YT shied I is SR ae Sete eeaoiee 40, 472 75 Albuquerque, N. Mex....---- F 100 16 ] 
Biockteon satis: cack o32tia 2: 40, 296 90 || Billings, Mont..........------ ” A 50 | 
BVOLetL, MASSeuyess fuse cee 40, 120 98 || Piqua, Ohio ek gate oe Sa ee 4 eis 84 ' 
Wichita Falls, Tex..........- 40, 079 20 || treneva, Ni Ws 34 Se. = y= = 5 a 50 
Hamilton, Ohio........-..--- 39, 675 100 || Tiffin, Ohio. Setar wt S SASS SRS a 10 
PELIOly WAN aes. ccsem ete ot 39, 671 60 || Bridgeton, N. J............... 14, 323 
“The Oranges’? include Orange, East Orange and West Orange, South Orange village, and South ; 
Orange township. | 


TABLE 3.—Approximate quantity of milk pasteurized in various cities as shown 
by returns from questionnaire sent in 1921—Continued. 

| | 
Per cent || | Per cent 
Popula- : | Popula- | : 
City. tion, 1920 Bare | City. tion, 1920) ue sigs 
Census. | teurized. || aDSHS Micnriced: 
> Coe PT Pie | Ges Fe neva a ee OP 
FUGhPoint.wN. Cp. sg0.t ce. 14, 302 20; || Ashland + ORO x 45.26 so. 9, 249 70 
Connellsville; Pace ost. 13, 804 50 || Chippewa Falls, Wis......... 9, 130 50 
Bvochester; Minn>..-° 22 =sd2. 13, 722 Soi, Bedtord 5 nd. <2 /s45. = =552542- 9, 076 60 
WMonewpranchs Ned's 2 2sss 0. 13, 521 79 ||-Welisville, Ohio... .... 22. --- 8, 849 50 
NWatervillo Me... 5.28 oot 4 13, 351 5 || Washington, Ind............. 8, 743 50 
COLMAN NG se ee se cock sono 13, 294 1OF||PELanOVeR ha nese sees cen eee 8, 664 30 
sab rekag Calif geo. 3s eysk 13, 212 65 |} Mitehell, |S. Daks-.2.2.2.-2%.- 8,478 40 
DHEAUO PA NY eee ee ore oe 13, 181 35 |} Manhattan, Kans............. 7, 989 23 
Cambridge, Ohio. ............ 13, 104 50 ||.,Die- Kalb, dl. one se sect ae 2 7, 871 75 
Marquette, Mich.............. 12’ 718 30 |\sSuleii Ne gates ss ene 7, 435 25 
Morristown, N. Jo. .....2:.-.-| ~ 12,548 25 || Marblehead, Mass............ 7, 348 80 
Mawrence. Kans*s. 2-2-2924 12, 456 4 CVINIOUT NG se Seen 7, 348 75 
GONE sWOwacwe cot cca ee. aoe 12,451 10.}| Niles “Mich. 444-08) $5 <* Sil 75 
Asbury bank, "Ne J- == 5.2.2 2s: 12, 400 95 || Painesville, Ohio............. Mahe 56 
Benton Harbor, Mich........- 12, 227 @57) | Merincetons Inde ashen eee 7, 132 25 
Tuscaloosa, Ala-..-........... 11, 996 75 || Bemidji, Minn............... 7; 096 25 
Independence, Kans.......... 11, 920 Geli av Oswell, Ni... Mexans8. 085 2. 7, 062 25 
Martins Ferry, Ohio.......... 11, 634 80 || Rumford Falls, Me........... 7, 016 30 
ran ktoris ind eee = 11, 585 66: eNewarkeuN Yeo Soe eee oe 6, 964 85 
Fairfield, Conn........ Benes 11, 475 Seti eANleyOr OP UU ieee see he Ce 6, 757 50 
Arkansas City, Kans ........- 11, 253 “Gy I ARS ROL WESe seesc oe soso se oe ae | 6, 729 10 
_ Florence, S.C. 21. 2.222 22.2... 10, 968 17°]! Medina: Na Youre i AV os irs | 6, 011 50 
iatesnpre We ne ge oe 10, 909 50. || Greenwich, Conn..........:.- 5, 939 75 
Plwood; md=.2!/2)2-5.. 2. 10, 790 55} Printeton, Nos 2-22. 2 8k | 5,917 25 
Minot, .N; Dak... -¢.55-5¢ 25.2 10, 476 15a EalovAl ion Califa esas oneness 5, 900 55 
Bucyrus; Oto. FAL 22h: 10, 425 100 || Fredericksburg, Va....-.-..-- 5, 882 50 
ae HOH. 5. ee Ee v3 10, 305 (oll ollevaie sO nig N= sass aoe 5, 776 75 
Chickasha, Okla..:......-.... 10,179 20: ||? Delphos, ‘Ohios.- 2222-322 - 5, 745 100 
PMOTIgEN oY. iets 10, 169 60,1) ‘St. Marys, Ohio... ..-2.+..-3- 5, 679 100 
Whitthe, Indi i22..54 22:2. 10, 145 160 ti Oberlin, Ohio! 22822-2222. 4 4, 236 10 
AUsting Manni, = ce... 10, 118 65 || Brookings, S. Dak..........-. 3, 924 50 
Connersville, Ind............. , 901 25 || Pullman, Wash.2.. 2.2204 2225. 2,440 45 
aitnerson., Nod 2s. ov 9,497 OF lieDavis. Cali 2. oe 1, 500 97 
Webster Grove, Mo........... 9,474 44 || 


The flash process consists in heating rapidly to the pasteurizing 
temperature, then cooling quickly. In this process the milk is heated 
from 30 seconds to 1 minute only, usually at a temperature of 160° 
F’. or above. In view of the previously mentioned requirements for 
pasteurized milk this process should not be considered suitable for 

. proper pasteurization. Several cities now prohibit the use of the 
flash process for the pasteurization of milk. 

In the holder process the milk is heated to temperatures of from 
140° to 150° F. and held for approximately 30 minutes, after which 
it is rapidly cooled. Sometimes the milk, instead of being held at a 
certain temperature in one tank for 30 minutes, is merely retarded 
in its passage through several tanks or other retarding device so that 
the length of time required for the milk to pass through is about 30 

SF minutes. In such cases, however, there is not always assurance that 
all the milk is held for the desired time. The holder process has 
almost entirely replaced the flash process, and is the one most used 
in this country. 

Pasteurization in bottles is the latest development of the process 
to be used on a practical scale. This process, as first practiced, con- 
sisted in putting the raw milk into bottles with water-tight seal caps, 

107148°—22 2 


then immersing them in hot water until heated to 145° F. and hold- 
ing them at that temperature for from 20 to 30 minutes. The cool- 
ing was accomplished by gradually lowering the temperature of the 
water until that of the milk reached 50° F. 

The advantage of this process is in the fact that the milk after 
heating is not exposed until it reaches the consumer, thereby elimi- 
nating any danger of reinfection with disease-producing organisms 
through handling. For this process to be successful, however, it is 
necessary that the temperature of the milk in bottles be measured at 
the bottom of the bottle, and that the holding period of 30 minutes’ 
begin when the temperature at the bottom has reached 145° F. This 
is essential, because the milk in the top heats faster than that in 
the bottom of the bottle. 

The matter of seals is also important. They should be absolutely 
water-tight, as the bottles are submerged in water, and during cool- 
ing a defective cap might allow infection by polluted cooling water. 
The disadvantage of this process is in the increased cost of pasteuri- 
zation, caused by the cost of the seal caps. It is claimed, however, 
that the saving in milk losses by pasteurization in bottles makes up 
for the added expense of caps. It is now possible to pasteurize milk 
in this manner without using water-tight caps. This is accomplished 
by the aid of devices which fit over the tops and necks of the bottles, 
thereby protecting the ordinary paper caps from the water which is 
sprayed on the bottles for the purpose of heating or cooling. This 
method of protecting the tops permits the use of the ordinary caps 
and seems to remove the possible danger of polluted water infecting 
the milk. 


In general, the trend of pasteurization has been toward the holder 
process, and with this tendency the use of lower temperatures has 
become more common. As a general rule, when the holder process 
is used milk is heated to about 145° F. for from 20 to 30 minutes and 
to at least 160° F’. for 1 minute when the flash process is used. From 
bacteriological, chemical, and economical standpoints it is highly 
desirable that milk be pasteurized at the lower temperature. 

From a bacteriological standpoint, pasteurization at 145° F. for 
30 minutes gives assurance, so far as we know, of a complete de- 
struction of nonspore-forming disease-producing bacteria and at 
the same time leaves in the pasteurized milk the maximum percent- 
age of the bacteria that cause milk to sour (lactic-acid bacteria) 
and only a small percentage of those that cause it to decompose 
(peptonizers). When higher temperatures are used, while the total 
number of all kinds of bacteria is reduced, the percentage of lactic- 


acid bacteria becomes less and less and the peptonizing group in- 
ereases until at 180° F., or above, the lactic-acid bacteria are prac- 
tically destroyed and most of the bacteria left belong to the pep- 
tonizing group. The heat-resistant lactic-acid bacteria which sur- 
vive pasteurization at 145° F. for 30 minutes play an important 
role in the souring of commercially pasteurized milk. 

From a chemical standpoint, the advantage of the lower tempera- 
ture is in the fact that milk pasteurized at 145° F. for 30 minutes 
does not undergo any appreciable change which should affect its 
nutritive value or digestibility. According to Rupp (26), the solu- 
ble phosphates of lime and magnesia do not become insoluble and 
the albumin does not coagulate. At 150° F. about 5 per cent of 
the albumin is rendered insoluble, and the amount increases with 
higher temperatures to 160° F., when about 30 per cent of the al- 
bumin is coagulated. The heating period in Rupp’s experiments 
was 30 minutes. 

From an economic standpoint the advantages of pasteurization 
at low temperatures is in the saving in the cost of heating and cool- 
ing the milk. Bowen (10) has shown that the flash process of pas- 
teurization requires approximately 17 per cent more heat than the 
holder process. There is, of course, a correspondingly wider range 
through which the milk must be cooled, which also adds to the 
cost of pasteurization. This is owing to the fact that in the holder 
process milk may be heated to 145° F. and held for 30 minutes, 
while to obtain the same bacteriological reduction with the flash 
process, with one-minute heating, the milk would have to be heated 
to 165° F., and even then the complete destruction of disease-pro- 
ducing bacteria might be questionable. 


In view of the advantages of the lower temperature for heating 
it is believed that the temperature of pasteurization should be 
145° F. and that the milk should be held at that temperature 
for 30 minutes. It has been found that heating at 140° F. 
for that length of time will destroy pathogenic bacteria, provided 
all the milk is heated to that point and held the full length of time. 
But it has been shown by Schorer and Rosenau (27) that it is diffi- 
cult to do this under commercial conditions. These investigators 
tested the destruction of pathogenic organisms by inoculating milk 
with B. diphtherie, B. typhi, and B. tuberculosis and pasteurizing 
it in 100-gallon lots under commercial conditions. They found that 


sometimes the organisms were not all destroyed, and in this connec- 
tion state: 

Nothing in our experiments throws any doubt upon the thermal death points 
of the microorganisms tested. We are sure that if the milk reaches 140° F. 
and is held there for 20 minutes it will kill tubercle, typhoid, and diphtheria 
bacilli. Our experiments show that milk pasteurized at this temperature for the 
specific time may not always, in practice, reach these minimum requirements. 
It is therefore evident that a liberal factor of safety is necessary in the opera- 
tion of this type of pasteurizer under commercial conditions. 

They state further: 

Perhaps the best temperature to meet practical conditions is 145° F. and the 
milk should be held from 30 to 45 minutes. This should give sufficient leeway. 
If the pasteurizer is set at 145° F. care will probably be taken that it does 
not go above 148° F. on account of destroying the cream line, and it is not likely 
that the mixed milk in the holding tank would drop below 140° F., which is 
the minimum. 

Other experiments are reported by Pease and Heulings (in the 
Report of the Committee on Milk Supply of American Public Health 
Association, 1920), in which the destruction of pathogenic organisms 
was tested under commercial conditions of pasteurization. Some of 
the pathogenic types were found living after heating to from 140° 
to 141° F. and holding for 15 minutes, but none were found alive after 
30 minutes’ holding. Here again is evidence of the narrow margin 
of safety when milk is pasteurized at 140° F. for 30 minutes, and 
the committee expressed the following opinion: 

The committee feels that while enough has been done to indicate clearly that 
a proper application of heat to a temperature of 140° F. for a minimum period 
of 30 minutes will destroy substantially all the pathogenic bacteria in milk, 
still they believe, as already expressed, that a margin of safety for biological 
reasons calls for the use of higher temperatures of not lower than 145° F. 

The United States Department of Agriculture, since 1910, (2) has 
advised the use of a temperature of 145° F. for a period of 30 minutes 
for the pasteurization of milk. Besides insuring an ample margin of 
safety, a temperature of 145° F’. causes a considerably greater destruc- 
tion of bacteria in milk than 140° F. when held for the same period 
of 80 minutes. 

Extensive experiments (3) in the research laboratories of the 
Dairy Division have shown that the thermal death point of a con- 
siderable number of bacteria lies between 140° and 145° F.; there- 
fore an increase of 5° above 140° F’. produces a great increase in the 
destruction of bacteria. 

There is a marked tendency in commercial work to pasteurize at 
or near the minimum temperature requirement necessary to destroy 
pathogenic organisms, namely, 140° F. Such seems to be the case 
because of the fear of injuring the cream line. In fact, the opinion 
is often expressed by milk-plant operators that a temperature of 


145° F. can not be used because of the marked loss in cream line. 
Harding (19) has studied the effect of temperature on the cream line 
in a number of different plants throughout the country, and has come 
to the following conclusion: 

The data here presented show that the volume of cream on milk begins 
measurably to decrease when the temperature of pasteurization rises from 142° 
F. to 144° F. As the temperature goes higher, the decrease in the volume of 
cream becomes rapidly more pronounced ; at 145° F. it amounts to slightly more 
than 10 per cent by volume; at 146° F. it amounts to 16.6. per cent; and at 
148° F., to approximately 40 per cent. 

It may be said, however, that there are plants in this country, in- 
cluding some of the largest, in which milk is successfully pasteurized 
at 145° F’., and this temperature is maintained for 30 minutes. It is 
also interesting to note that at the 1921 meeting of the International 
Dairy and Milk Inspectors’ Association, Pease reported experiments 
carried on by Heulings and him which showed that pasteurization at 
145° F. for 30 minutes did not decrease the cream line when the milk 
was properly heated and cooled. 

The method of pasteurization, whether it is the holder or in-the- 
bottle process, is not so important provided the process is such that 
the milk is heated to 145° F. and that all of it is held for 30 minutes. 
The great majority of plants pasteurize by the holder process, and it 
is gratifying to observe that the flash process is but little used. 
Replies to a questionnaire sent to numerous cities in this country 
showed only 33 plants using the flash process in 18 cities out of the 
966 which supplied information on this subject. Five cities reported 
that the flash process was not allowed, while one permitted its use 
but would not allow the milk to be labeled “ Pasteurized.” ? 


Intelligent supervision of the pasteurizing process is absolutely 
necessary and can not be provided unless there is a thorough knowl- 
edge of the primary object of pasteurization and the bacteriological 
principles involved. 

The primary object is the destruction of any disease-producing 
bacteria which may be in the milk and the handling of the pasteurized 
milk in such manner that it can not be reinfected. When this object 
is accomplished it is found that a large percentage of the bacteria 
in the milk are destroyed and its keeping quality greatly improved. 

The primary object can be accomplished by heating all the milk to 
145° F. and holding it for a period of 30 minutes. It is then only 
necessary to cool the milk immediately over thoroughly cleaned and 

2For information on pasteurizing equipment the reader is referred to United States 
Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 890, Milk-Plant Equipment. 

107148°—22 3 


steamed coolers, to run into thoroughly cleaned and steamed, or other- 
wise sterilized, bottles through a thoroughly cleaned and sterilized 
bottle filler, then to cap the bottles with sterilized caps and place the 
milk in low-temperature refrigerators. 

This process sounds relatively simple, yet at every step problems are 
encountered which may defeat the primary object. 

First of all, it must be kept in mind that bacteria are too small to 
be seen by the naked eye and that they are distributed in the air of 
the milk plant, upon the equipment with which milk comes in contact, 
and upon the hands of employees. Flies also carry millions of bac- 
teria. When milk comes to the plant to be pasteurized the logical 
thing to do is to see that it comes in contact only with apparatus 
which has been thoroughly cleaned and thoroughly steamed. The 
equipment may appear clean, but since bacteria can not be seen 
with the naked eye, a clean (to the eye) tank or pipe may contain 
many millions. Means must be taken to destroy as many of them as 
possible. To do this steam is usually employed, for steam at 205° F. 
or above for a period of 2 to 5 minutes will destroy disease-producing 
bacteria and all but spores of the harmless types. Equipment so 
treated may be called bacteriologically clean, but must be visibly 
clean before application of the steam if satisfactory results are to be 

When the equipment is in this condition, the milk can be pasteur- 
ized. At this point the object is to heat all the milk to 145° F. and 
hold it for 30 minutes. In intelligent supervision many problems 
are encountered at this step in the process. They are well dis- 
cussed in a paper entitled Pasteurization of Milk, which is a report 
of the Committee on Milk Supply of the Sanitary Engineering Sec- 
tion of the American Public Health Association, 1920. Briefly, the 
principal points are: 

1. Heat all the milk to 145° F. 

2. Hold all the milk for 30 minutes. (Some continuous-flow systems do 
not do this.) 

3. Watch for leaking valves, also pipe lines which hold milk below the pas- 
teurizing temperature. 

4. Have accurate recording thermometers so arranged as to show the total 
heating period. Recording thermometers should be frequently checked against 
a standard thermometer of unquestionable accuracy. 

5. Watch for foam on the milk. This may stay in the vats for hours at a 
warm temperature suitable for bacterial development. 

After proper heating and holding, the pathogenic organisms have 
been destroyed and the total number of bacteria reduced to a mini- 
mum point. The next problem is to cool and bottle the milk with- 
out reinfection, particularly with disease-producing bacteria. 



To do this, bacteriologically clean coolers, bottle fillers, bottles, 
and sterilized caps are necessary; and what is of greatest importance 
is to see that the pasteurized milk does not come in contact with 
human hands, or with apparatus, including bottles and caps, touched 
by the hands after being sterilized. The hands of milk handlers 
constitute perhaps the most dangerous source of reinfection in the 
plant, for they may convey pathogenic organisms. Through such 
channel milk may be contaminated by carriers of many diseases. 

In order to guard against such possibilities, all employees who 
handle apparatus or milk in the plant or during delivery should 
undergo frequent medical examination, and any diseased persons 
or carriers should be prevented from working in positions in which 
they have even indirect contact with milk, milk equipment, or deliv- 
ery of the product. 

It is perhaps unnecessary to say that flies are also a very serious 
menace to the milk supply. They must be kept out of milk plants, 
for it is impossible to tell when they may infect the milk. This in- 
fection can occur directly by flies getting into the milk or indirectly 
through contamination of equipment or containers. 

At every step in the pasteurization of milk, one is compelled to 
think of the process in terms of bacteria in order to supervise it 


Pasteurization of milk destroys about 99 per cent of the bacteria; 
consequently the milk is not sterile. On account of this fact, pas- 
teurized milk is still a perishable product, and must be handled 
with the same care as raw milk. This is a point for both the con- 
sumer and the milkman to remember. 

Milk after pasteurization should be cooled to about 40° F. and 
kept at that temperature until delivery. During warm weather it 
should be iced on the delivery wagons. From a sanitary standpoint 
all milk, whether raw or pasteurized, should be delivered as soon as 
possible, in order that the consumer may get it in the best condition. 
In the best pasteurized milk, when held at about 40° F., there is only 
a slight bacterial increase during the first 24 hours. In many cases 
the pasteurization and delivery may be so arranged that the con- 
sumer gets the milk before much, if any, change has taken place in 
the bacterial content. For the benefit of the consumer the word 
“ Pasteurized ” should be printed on the cap, as it is only right for 
him to know whether he is using raw or pasteurized milk. Some people 
object to pasteurized milk, especially for infant feeding, while others 
desire it. It has been the experience of numerous milk dealers that 
the labeling of their product has greatly increased their trade. 


The present cost of pasteurization has been estimated by Bowen 
from the cost given in his earlier paper (10) on the assumption that 
the average price of coal has increased 2.04 times and that milk- 
plant labor and equipment have increased 50 per cent over the prices 
of 1913, the year in which his paper was written. He obtained the 
information from a series of tests in five establishments which were 
considered to represent the average city milk plant. The pasteuriz- 
ing equipment in each consisted of a heater, a holding tank, a 
regenerator, and a cooler. The cost of operation was based on the 
pasteurizing cycle, starting with the initial temperature of the raw 
milk and raising it to the pasteurizing temperature, then cooling to 
the initial temperature of the raw milk. He based the costs on daily 
interest at 6 per cent per annum on capital invested in pasteurizing 
equipment, and depreciation and repairs per day at 25 per cent 
per annum; interest per day at 6 per cent per annum on capital 
invested in mechanical equipment for pasteurizing, such as engines, 
boilers, etc., and depreciation and repairs per day at 10 per cent per 
annum. Other costs figured were labor, coal now estimated at $8.16 
a ton, cooling water now estimated at $0.75 per 1,000 cubic feet, and 
refrigeration now estimated at $2 a ton. With these new estimates 
substituted for the old figures, Bowen calculates that the average 
cost of pasteurizing 1 gallon of milk is approximately $0.0049, or a 
little less than one-half cent. 


It has been stated that about 99 per cent of the bacteria in milk 
are destroyed by pasteurization; consequently about 1 per cent of 
the bacteria remain alive, and the kinds left depend entirely on the 
temperature to which the milk is heated and the number of heat- 
resistant bacteria in the milk. From studies of the bacteria which 
survive pasteurization, it is possible to show graphically the hypo- 
thetical relations of the bacterial groups in raw milk and in milk 
pasteurized by the holder process at various Taal under 
laboratory conditions. 

The bacterial flora of the various kinds of milk is represented in 
Figure 1 by columns of equal length divided into sections, which, in 
a general way, show the relative proportion of the bactoual groups. 

From the figure it may be seen that raw milk contains four prin- 
cipal groups of bacteria—the acid, inert, alkali, and peptonizing. 
The acid group is divided again into two—the acid-coagulating, 
which coagulates milk within 14 days, and the acid group, which 
merely produces acid and does not coagulate it in less time than that. 
In raw milk the inert group is the largest. 


In milk pasteurized at 145° F. the great increase in the proportion 

of the acid-coagulating and acid groups is plainly shown. 



The per 

At this 

At 160° F, 

the total-acid group is still the largest, but the acid-coagulating 

cent of the alkal and peptonizing groups is reduced. 
group is made up of bacteria which coagulate very slowly. 



F6E7C, 82.2C. B7EC G3IC 
i | (200%) 

Ze (70%) (80%) 


62.8 °C. 




a MWK \K\pp\), ]] GG *$_ °F 








i —_¥§¥—S 




Fic. 1.—The hypothetical relation of the bacterial group to raw and pasteurized milk, 

At 170° F. the total-acid group remains 

about the same, but the organisms produce acid and coagulate the 
The alkali group is practically destroyed although 

temperature the alkali group is greatly reduced, and the peptonizing 

reduced to the minimum. 

milk very slowly. 


occasionally a sample may show a fairly high per cent. The most 
important change is in the peptonizing group. At this temperature 
the ratio of this group to the total number- of bacteria begins to 
increase. The increase when milk is pasteurized at 180° F. is even 
more striking. At this temperature more than 75 per cent of the 
bacteria which survive are peptonizers. No organisms of the acid- 
coagulating group are found, and only a small per cent of the acid 
group. Occasionally a few of the alkali group may be found. At 
190° F. and 200° F. the bacterial groups which survive are about the 
same in their relative sizes as at 180° F. 

It is very evident that when the bacterial flora of pasteurized milk 
is under discussion the temperature of the process is of fundamental 
importance. From Figure 1 the bacterial groups left in milk pas- 
teurized at different temperatures may be seen at a elance. It must 
be remembered, however, that the relations of the bacterial groups 
represent only average conditions and that the bacterial flora of every 
sample of milk must not be expected to conform exactly to these 
averages. Variations in methods and conditions in the production of 
milk may considerably influence the bacterial group relations of an 
individual sample. 

The results in Figure 1 may perhaps be better explained in popular 
terms. When milk is pasteurized at 145° F. for 30 minutes, most 
of the bacteria (lactic-acid) left alive in it are of the kind which 
cause it to sour, and there are present only a few bacteria (pep- 
tonizing) which cause it to decompose. As the milk stands, the acid 
formers grow and cause the milk to sour instead of decompose. 
When milk is pasteurized at 180° F. for 30 minutes, however, the bac- 
teria (lactic-acid) which cause the souring of milk are practically all 
destroyed, and those which are alive (peptonizing) continue to grow 
and cause the milk to decompose. 

Not only do certain types of lactic-acid bacteria survive pas- 
teurization but some also grow at the pasteurizing temperature. 
Sometimes upon long-continued heating at 140° to 145° F. for 
several hours, milk sours in the holding tanks due to the growth 
of these organisms. The ordinary period of holding does not provide 
‘sufficient time for their development, so this type of souring 1s not 
encountered in milk plants except when there is an interruption 
in the pasteurizing process due to some abnormal condition. 


Since the general groups of bacteria which survive pasteuriza- 
tion have been discussed, let us now consider a more specific group. 
It has been the custom of some authorities to consider the presence 
of streptococci in pasteurized milk an indication of an ineffective 
process, As already pointed out, pathogenic streptococci are readily 



destroyed by proper pasteurization. In a study of the subject (4), 
however, it was found that certain strains of streptococci are able 
to survive pasteurizing temperatures. 

The thermal death points of 139 cultures of streptococci isolated 
from cow feces, from the udder and mouth, and from milk and cream, 
showed a wide variation when the milk was heated for 30 minutes 
under conditions similar to pasteurization. At 140° F., the lowest 
pasteurizing temperature, 89 cultures, or 64.03 per cent, survived; 
at 145° F’., the usual temperature for pasteurizing, 46, or 33.07 per 
cent, survived ; and at 160° F., 3 cultures, or 2.16 per cent, survived ; 
all these were destroyed at 165° F. The streptococci from the udder, 
on the whole, were less resistant and those from milk and cream 
more resistant to heat than those from the mouths and feces of 
the cows. 

Two classes of streptococci seem to survive pasteurization: (1) 
Streptococci which have a low majority thermal death point (the 
temperature at which a majority of the bacteria are killed), but 
among which a few cells are able to survive the pasteurizing tem- 
perature. This ability of a few bacteria may be due to certain 
resistant characteristics peculiar to them or it may be caused by 
some protective influence in the milk. (2) Streptococci which have 
a high majority thermal death point, and which, when such is the 
case, survive because this point is above the temperature of pas- 
teurization. This ability to resist destruction by heating is a per- 
manent characteristic of certain strains of streptococci. 

These streptococci which have a high thermal death point above 
the pasteurizing temperature undoubtedly play an important part 
in the occasional high counts found in pasteurized milk. Such 
counts are sometimes observed when the count of the raw milk runs 
the same as usual. As the proportion of these heat-resistant types 
vary in milk their numbers may at times reach such figures that 
their survival of the pasteurizing process gives an abnormally high- 
count product. The presence and variation of their numbers in milk 
therefore is a matter which must be given consideration in connec- 
tion with bacteria standards for pasteurized milk. 1 

It is evident that certain varieties of streptococci are able to survive 
pasteurization, while others are probably always destroyed. Numer- 
ous investigators have studied the thermal death point of streptococci 
isolated from patients having septic sore throat and have found that 
the organism was destroyed by pasteurization at 145° for 20 minutes. 
These results, together with the protection which proper pasteuriza- 
tion seems to afford against epidemics of that disease caused by milk 
supplies, indicate that the varieties of streptococci associated with or 
responsible for the disease are among the varieties which have a low 
thermal death point. 


In a study (6) of the ability of colon bacilli to survive pasteuriza- 
tion it was found that certain strains could survive pasteurization at 
145° F. for 30 minutes. On examining 174 cultures of colon bacilli it 
was found that at 140° F., the lowest pasteurizing temperature, 95 
cultures survived; at 145° F., the usual temperature for pasteuriza- 
tion, 12 survived. In each case the heating period was 30 minutes. 
Considerable variation was observed in the thermal death point of 
the colon bacilli which survived at 145° F. When the cultures which 
withstood the first heating were again heated it was found that many 
did not survive, and in each subsequent heating different results 
were obtained. Colon bacilli have a low majority thermal death 
point but on account of the resistance of a few cells, they may survive 
the pasteurizing process. 

The colon test as an index of the efficiency of the process of 
pasteurization is complicated by the ability of certain strains to 
survive a temperature of 145° F. for 30 minutes and to develop 
rapidly when the pasteurized milk is held under certain tempera- 
ture conditions met during storage and delivery. Consequently 
the presence of a few colon bacilli in pasteurized milk under ordi- 
nary market conditions does not necessarily indicate that the milk 
was not properly heated. The presence of a large number of colon 
bacilli immediately after the heating process indicates that the milk 
has not been heated to 145° F. for 30 minutes and the test properly 
applied should be valuable in control work. Fermentation tubes 
can be used for making the test, but when gas formation is noted 
the presence of colon bacilli should be demonstrated by further tests. 
Often anaerobic spore formers are encountered which survive pas- 
teurization and give the typical fermentation tube test. 


Pasteurization at present is looked upon with favor by medical 
men, sanitarians, dairymen, and consumers, but the art has not been 
developed without opposition, and its value is not universally ac- 

cepted. Most of the objections to pasteurized milk have been based 

on theory or on experiments in which the milk was pasteurized at 
high temperatures. In view of our modern theories they are of no 
ereat importance. j 

One of the greatest objections to pasteurized milk has been that 
the heating destroyed the lactic-acid bacteria and that putrefactive 
organisms were left, which, when relieved from the restraining action 
of the acid-forming bacteria, would develop, forming toxins and 
putrefactive products. It was believed that the milk, because it 
was not sour, would be consumed in that condition. This objection 

< _ 


was based on experiments in which milk was heated to temperatures 
near the boiling point and can not be applied to milk pasteurized at 
low temperatures. From the results of many years’ work in the 
Dairy Division on commercial pasteurized milk, it has been found 
that such milk sours, as raw milk does, but that the souring is 
delayed when compared with the souring of the same grade of raw 
milk. Pasteurized milk sours in a manner similar to that of a high 
grade of raw milk, and there is no more reason to fear the over- 
growth of putrefactive organisms than there is in any high-grade 
milk. Pasteurization for 30 minutes at temperatures of about 145° 
F., as is generally practiced in this country, does not destroy all 
the lactic-acid organisms, and those which survive play an important 
role in the souring of commercially pasteurized milk. 

Another objection to pasteurized milk has been that bacteria grow 
faster in it than in raw milk. In spite of several experiments which 
seem to prove this point, it has never been thoroughly established. 
It has been found that the rate of bacterial increase is approximately 
the same when the comparison is made between raw milk and pasteur- 
ized milk having about the same bacterial content. 

It is often stated that pasteurization, even if it does destroy 
bacteria, does not destroy poisonous products of their growth. This 
can hardly be considered a real objection, for if they are present in 
raw milk they must be consumed with it, and if pasteurization does 
not destroy them the pasteurized milk would be no worse than raw 

The question as to whether pasteurization destroys beneficial 
enzyms is still an open one. In the light of our present knowledge 
of the enzyms in milk and the part they play in the digestive process 
it is quite impossible to settle the question of their importance. It 
is evident, however, that the low temperatures now in use in pasteuri- 
zation have little effect on the commonly recognized enzyms. 

The opponents of pasteurization have raised an objection on the 
ground of its direct influence on the milk producer. It has been 
asserted that pasteurization would cause lax methods of production 
on the farm, for the reason that farmers would know that the milk 
was to be pasteurized and, therefore, they could be careless in its pro- 
duction. There seems to be some basis for this objection, but in any 
city where there is any inspection of the raw-milk supply the same 
inspection can and should be continued even though the milk is to 
be pasteurized. 

From a chemical standpoint serious objections have been raised 
against pasteurized milk, because the heating produces changes which 
render the milk less digestible, particularly in the case of infants. 
As has already been stated, however, Rupp (26) has found that milk 


pasteurized at 145° F. for 30 minutes does not undergo any appreci- 
able chemical change. He found that soluble phosphates do not 
become insoluble, that the albumin does not coagulate, and that when 
higher temperatures are used chemical changes do occur. He also 
developed the fact that 5 per cent of the albumin is rendered insoluble 
in milk heated for 30 minutes at 150° F., while at 160° F. 30.78 per 
cent of the albumin is coagulated. Further evidences that low-tem- 
perature pasteurization does not injure the digestibility and nutritive 
value of milk are shown by the results of feeding experiments with 
babies. According to Weld (31), a number of babies that were fed 
raw milk and pasteurized milk showed only a slight difference in 
the average net daily gain in weight during the feeding period. The 
slight difference was in favor of pasteurized milk. Hess (21), how- 
ever, has found that milk pasteurized for 30 minutes at 145° F. may 
cause, in infants, a mild form of scurvy, which yields readily to so 
simple a remedy as orange juice. 

High-temperature pasteurization of earlier days must not be con- 
fused with low-temperature pasteurization of the present day. Many 
of the objections which have been raised to pasteurization have been 
founded on the observation of milk heated to high temperatures. 
The fallacy of the objections to pasteurization have been shown, 
however, through scientific research in the last few years, and as a 
result the value of the process has.been firmly established. 


The discovery of vitamins within recent years has shown how im- 
possible it is to estimate nutritive requirements solely in terms of 
digestible protein, carbohydrate, fat, and inorganic salts. But little 
is known of the real chemical nature of vitamins, except that they are 
necessary for normal growth and health. Three vitamins are now 
recognized, known as vitamin A (soluble in fat) and vitamins B 
and C. (soluble in water). Most authorities now agree that fat- 
soluble A and water-soluble B are essential for growth, and water- 
soluble C, the antiscorbutic vitamin, may also play a part in this 

Because of the limited character of the infant’s diet the vitamin 
content of its food is more important than that of the adult’s, as the 
latter has a great variety of foods. Fortunately, milk has been 
found to be a food containing the three vitamins and the effect of 
pasteurization on the vitamin content is of importance. 

Fat-soluble A and water-soluble B have been found to be quite 
resistant to heat, and it is agreed that pasteurization has little or 
no effect upon them. The antiscorbutic vitamin C, however, is quite 
sensitive to heat above 122° F. While the destruction of this vita- 


min depends upon the temperature, length, and condition of heat- 
ing, as well as the reaction of the material in which it exists, there 
seems to be little doubt that pasteurization of milk, under usual com- 
mercial conditions, at 145° F. for 30 minutes, weakens the antiscor- 
butic property of the milk. 

Hess and Fish (20), in 1914, in studying scurvy in children found 
that some cases of scurvy developed when milk was used which had 
been pasteurized at 145° for 30 minutes. 

After further studies on this subject Hess (22) made the following 

Although pasteurized milk is to be recommended on account of the security 
which it affords against infection, we should realize that it is an incomplete 
’ food. Unless antiscorbutics, such as orange juice, the juice of an orange peel, 
or potato water is added, infants will develop scurvy on this diet. This form 
of scurvy takes some months to develop and may be termed subacute. It must 
be considered not only the most common form of this disorder, but one which 
passes most often unrecognized. In order to guard against it, infants fed ex- 
clusively on a diet of pasteurized milk should be given antiscorbutics far earlier 
than is at present the custom, even as early as the first month in life. 

In the course of the development of infantile scurvy, growth both in weight 
and in length is markedly affected. Under these conditions weight ceases to 
increase, and a stationary plane is maintained for weeks or for months. There 
is quick response, however, on the administration of orange juice or its equiva- 
lent; indeed supergrowth is thereupon frequently manifested. 


A rational view must be taken of the use of pasteurized milk. 

Shall the protection against infection, which is made available by 
the proper pasteurization of milk, be discarded because of its defi- 
cient antiscorbutic property, or shall its protection be accepted and 
the deficiency in vitamin C be made up by feeding orange juice or 
other antiscorbutics ? 
_ Perhaps the feeding of infants calls for even further thought than 
is generally given. As Eddy (14) in his recent book points out, there 
are two points to be kept in mind in infant nutrition. The first is 
that the vitamin content of cow’s or human milk is dependent pri- 
marily on the food eaten by the producer of the milk. In other 
words, milk is merely a mobilization of vitamins eaten, and if the 
diet is to yield a milk rich in vitamins the food eaten must also be 
rich. He further points out the fact that cereals are poor in vitamins 
and green grasses rich in them, and that this brings up the question 
of winter feeding if the milk supply is used for infants, and he sug- 
gests that the variability in vitamins A and B in milk may at times 
make it necessary to supplement the diet. 

The second point brought out by Eddy expresses what appears to 
be the most reasonable attitude toward the use of pasteurized milk 


for infant feeding according to our present knowledge of vitamins, 
and it is therefore quoted: 

The second point in regard to milk lies in the effect of pasteurization. This 
measure is now well-nigh universal and in America at least has played a tre- 
mendous part in the reduction of infant mortality, especially in the summer 
months. At present, however, we know that this treatment while removing 
dangerous germs may also eliminate the antiscorbutie factor. The sensible 
attitude then is to recognize this fact and if a clean whole milk is not available 
retain the pasteurization and meet the vitamin deficiency by other agents. 
Such agents are orange juice and tomato juice, and experience has already 
shown that these juices can be well tolerated by infants much earlier than 
used to be thought possible. 

It seems, therefore, that the only serious effect of pasteurization 
on the vitamins is on the antiscorbutic vitamin C, and it is evident 
that the feeding of orange or tomato juice, or other antiscorbutic, 

readily makes up for the deficiency of this vitamin in pasteurized 


The need for safeguarding the milk supply is amply proved by 
the numerous epidemics traced to milk. Trask (29) reported 179 
epidemics of typhoid fever from 1881 to 1907, of which 107 were in 
the United States, 51 epidemics of scarlet fever, including 25 in this 
country, during the same period, and 23 epidemics of diphtheria 
from 1879 to 1907, including 15 in the United ‘States. These were 
all traced to milk. He also listed 7 epidemics of sore throat, most 
of which occurred in England. Since 1907 several epidemics of 
septic sore throat have been traced to milk. Among these may be 
mentioned the epidemics at Boston, Chicago, and Baltimore, and 
others which have occurred in smaller cities. 

The problem of pasteurization is not based simply on the question 
of which is preferable, raw or pasteurized milk, but rather upon the 
most economical and practical way of producing a safe milk supply. 

In connection with the possibility of transmission of disease 
through the agency of milk, certain fundamental facts must be 

1. That such possibilities exist as demonstrated by epidemics of the past. 

2. That certain diseases transmitted to man, such as tuberculosis, may come 
from diseased animals. The danger from this source can be prevented by the 
elimination of tuberculous cattle from producing herds on the basis of the 
tuberculin test. 

3. That the freeing of the herds from tuberculosis offers no protection against 
other diseases, as typhoid fever, diphtheria, and septic sore throat, because the 
pathogenic organisms causing these diseases may come from infected water sup- 
plies or probably in most cases from human carriers of disease. 

The term “carriers” is used to designate persons who carry the 
disease-producing bacteria. In the case of diphtheria, carriers har- 


bor the diphtheria organisms and discharge them from the nose or 
throat. Typhoid carriers discharge typhoid bacilli in their feces or 
urine. Diphtheria carriers may become so after having an acute 
attack of the disease or from other carriers. Typhoid carriers are 
particularly important, because from 2 to 4 per cent of the persons 
who have had typhoid fever continue, as evidence shows, to discharge 
the typhoid bacilli in their feces or urine or both and become chronic 

Persons suffering from sore throat are a menace to the milk 
supply, and probably the organisms responsible for septic sore throat 
are sometimes carried in the throat of apparently normal individuals. 

Tt is manifestly impossible to have a medical examination of all per- 
sons engaged in producing and handling milk. Yet such examinations 
at frequent intervals would be necessary, together with tuberculin 
testing and the assurance of unpolluted water supplies on every farm, 
in order to safeguard the milk supply of the Nation to the same 
extent that is now possible by proper pasteurization. The apprecia- 
tion of the need for pasteurization is distinctly shown by the marked 
increase in pasteurization in the United States. 


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