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v«f  St.,  i    /^*'/9^>-l,-^^.^    ^^z^^-c  ^ 

hitadtlplna.       I'    ■ 

4    . 








)logical    Seminary, 





^      7"'^7-y,,^  \ 


I   N 


VOL.     I. 

Containing   the 

Epistles  o^  IGNATIUS. 

Both  Larger  and  Smaller,  in  Greek 
and  Englijh. 

VOL.     IJ. 

The  Apoilolicai  Conftitutions, 

in  Greek  and    Ryiglif.-). 
V  O  L.     TIL 

An    E  S  S  A  Y    on    thole 
Apoilolicai  Conftitutions. 

V  o  L.^  IV. 

An  Account  of  the  Primitive 

Faith ^  concerning  the  Trixvity 
and  Incarnation. 


1\\Az  is  Icarcc  any  Church  in  Chriflmdom^  ac  this  Day,  that  docv  not 
p'ociud:  not  only  Faliiuxjds  hntlach  F.^Ifi'ocus;  cliac  ivill  appear \o  any 
Free  Spirit  pure  Corr  Ididiom  And  Impoflibihtics  i  ami  tiiar  with  rhc 
fame  Graviry,  Authority,  and  Imporrjnity,  that  vhcv  do  the  Holy  Oracles 
et  God.     Dr.  H.  More,  Myji^ry  bfCcdlh^p^  lix.  C.  2.  5.  6i 

LONDON:   Prinredforthe  AU  T  H  O  R  ;  And  are  to  b. 
SoJd  by  the  Douklcliers  of  Loncion  and  Wcfitmnfier.   i  7  j  r. 

To  the  moft  Reverend 


Lord  Jrchbi/bop  ofC  ANTERBURlfi 

And  to  The  Right  Reverend 


Of  the  fame  Province^ 

His  grace's  Sugragaris,- 

And  to  the  Reverend 

The  C  L  E  R  G  Y 

Of  the  Lower  Houfe 



Hiftorical  Prefece^ 


Four  enfuing  VOLUMES 
therein  f  efer'd  to^ 

Are  with  all  due  Submiflion  offer'd 

Tc»  Their,  and  the  Publick  ftrious  C  O  I?- 

Th  Jutlm 



T  O    T  H  E 


MY  Hiftorical Preface y  efpecially,  as  now 
including  both  the  Univerfity's  and 
Convocation's  Proceedings,  is  fo  full 
and  particular,  that  it  prevents  the  Neceffity  of 
any  other  long  Preliminary  Difcourfe  in  this 
place,  I  fhall  therefore  be  as  brief  as  poflible  ; 
and  rather  call  this  an  Advertifement ^  than  a  Pre- 
face to  tjie  Reader  ;  Who  is  here  to  obferve,  that 
I  have  been  oblig'd  to  make  fome  Alterations  in 
this  Defign  fince  it  was  firft  proposed  ;  tho'  not 
at  all  to  his  difadvantage,  either  as  Purchafer  or 
Reader.  Thus  I  have  not  publifli'd  the  Arabick 
Didafcaly  as  I  formerly  intended/mce  it  proves  to 
be  not  the  Genuine.  DoBrine  of  the  Jpofiles ,  as  I 
once  hoped,  but  a  partial  and  fpurious  Edition 
of  the  y^%KiM\  JiJkTx,ct\U^  cJr  former  Six  Books  of 
the  Confl:itutions,and  to  he  generally  taken  from 
them  'verbatim  ;  fo  that  there  was  no  neceffity 
of  repeating  it.  Yet  is  its  Preface^  which  feems 
plainly  to  belong  to  the  Original  Doctrine  of  the 
Jpofiles,  exadly  here  fet  down  ;  and  the  Con- 
tents of  its  feveral  Chapters  alfo.  And  for  a 
compenfation  I  have  added  the  Acccuvts  of  the 
Univerfity's  and  Convocation's  Proceedings  re- 
lating tome  ;  as  alfo  the  Afologctkk  of  Eunowlus^ 
together  with  the  common  Edition  of  the  Se- 

A    2  «wi 


coffd  Book  of  Afocryfhd  Efdras  in  a  diftind  COr. 
lumn,  beyond  what  I  promised  :  all  which  is 
much  more  than  I  at  firft  eftimated  that  Arahkk 
P'idafealy,  and  about  as  much  as  it  really  proves 
to  be,  by  Dr.  Grabes  Account  of  it.  'Tis  alfo 
to  be  obferved,  that  I  have  .  dire^^cd  the  placing 
of  that  larger  Additional  Piece,  of  Apocry- 
phal £/^r^j,  at  the  gid  of  the  Smaller  Fourth, 
and  not  of  the  Larger  Firft  Volume,  for 
greater^ Qonveniency  both  of  the  Binder  and 
Reader.  ^Tls  farther  to  be  noted,  as  t'oJgnatiush' 
Larger  Epiftles,  that  I  have  almoft  always  prinr 
ted  ty  A.  B.  Ujljtrs  moft  accurate  Edition  ;  and 
that  in  the  Various  Readings  at  the  bottom  of 
each  Page,  A.  fignifies  the  Juguftan  or  Augsburgk 
Copy.:  B.  tho,  Lelccfixrjinre  Copy,  now  in  the 
BoJlcr^n  Library  :  ^.  -that  of  Gaffer  N'ldpruck  i 
and  Zt  that  o^'ThmfUiSy  which  are.  all  xht  Greek 
.MSS.  which  w.e  have  of  thofe  Larger  Epitlles. 
The  Greek  qf  the.rmallcr  is  according  to  the  laft 
px/W  Edition,  which  was  made  from  ProfefTor 
Siihjlntish  exad  Tranfc^ript  out  of  the  Medlcean, 
or  cnly^Greei  Copy  cf  them  ;  and  To  can  have 
no  various  Readings  at  all.  I  include  Rtunarth 
Copy  cf  the  EpiftiQ  to  the  Ro?r;ans  under  this 
Head  ;  tho-  k  be  wanting  in  the  Medlccm  MS, 
The  E^iglijh  Tranfiation  of  the  Larger  Epiftles  is 
piy  own  ;  but  as  carefully  revised  by  fome 
Learned  Friends,  efpecially  by  one  excellently 
vikill'd  in  fuch  matters  :  The  Englif)  of  the 
Smaller  is  that  of  the  Right  Reverend  andlxar- 
ned  the  Lord  Bifliop  of  Lhciiln,  in  his  Second 
and  more  accurate  Edition  of  the  Apoflolical 
Fathers,  The  Greek  of  the  Conilitutions  them- 
l^^h^es  is  accprding  to  the  Original  Fe?ii,^c  Edition 
A.  I>.  I  f  6:;.  whence  all  theother  are  deriv'd,  and 
,  ^^;h!9^  '^^^  chiefly  made  from  ^  very  good  Copy 
hop  Cme^  and  alfo  iji  part  ficm  two  interpo- 

ATiVERTISEMEMT.         iii 

fated  ones  from  Calabria  and  Skily.     And  the 
various' Readings  at  the  bottom  of  the  Pages  are 
taken  either  from  the  Margin  of  that  Edition, 
noted  al.  for  alitcr ;  or  from  the  Two  F/c77w^MSS. 
now  firft  collated  by  the  Reverend  Mr.  A?ulerfo?ty 
lately  Chaplain  to  our  Ambaflador  there,  noted 
1/.  for   the  later,  but  more  corred  ;  and  F,  for 
the  Older^  but  more  interpolated  Copy.  I  have 
omitted  thofe  other  various  Readings  which  may 
be  fetched  from  ancient  Citations,  and  fpurious 
Editions  or  Extracts,  fmce  they  are  more  propei- 
for  a  diftind  work,  and,  excepting  a  few  Cafes, 
will  not,    I   believe,  very  often  afford  us  the 
truer  Reading.  ,  In  this  X'olume  I  have  printed 
even  all  the  interpolated  Texts,  even  where  I 
knew  them  to  be  fuch,  but  in  double  Brackets 
thus  [[]]  to  gratify  the  Learned  :  but  I  have  not 
in  that  cafe  added  aTranflation,that  1  might  riot 
puzzle  the  Englifli  Reader  ,•  forwhofe  fake  only 
the  Verfion  is  made.     Yet  where  I   was  at  all 
doubtful,  I  puf  the  Gr^^^  into  fingle   Brackets 
thus,  [  ]  and' have  tranflated  it,  and  left   it  ro 
every  one*s  own  conluleration.     In  one  place 
indeed  I  have  added  a  Paffage,  which  is  norin 
any  of  our  modern  Copies,  I  mean  the  Gcnu^ 
ine  Rule  for  E.r/er,  but  with  Comma's  for  tli- 
ftindlion  ;  and  from  the  undoubted  Authority  of 
EfifhaniHSj  in  the  Fourth  Century.     And. in  the 
Eight  Book,  I  have  put  the  Spurious  xx?  of  feve- 
ral  Doxologies  into  the  Margin,  and  infert  a 
fmall  cy   into  the   Text,  for  Genuine  :  as  Dr. 
Graheh'^s  done  in  the  like  Cafes  of  his  Sevtua- 
gint  Mo.     I   have  a!l  along  preferv'd  the  fmaU 
ler  Divifion   of  Chapters  \n  Le  Clercs  Cotekrian 
Edition,    but   have  my  felf> parted  the  whole 
into    Seventy    great    Se^flion?,    which   appears 
tohave   been  the  original-  number   thereto  be- 
longing. As  to  the  Pages,  I  have  broken  through 

A  4  CuuO'^i 


Cuftom  for  ConvenienGe,and  omitting  the  num- 
bers of  Leaves,  or  of  Sides,  have  only  fet  down 
the  Pages  of  the  laft  mention'd  Edition  in  the 
Margin,  that  all  Quotations  may  equally  fit  them 
both,  without  any  confufion.     I  have  only  fet 
down  the  Contents  at  once  by  themfelves,  and 
have  not  prefix'd  them  to  their  refpedive  Chap- 
ters, as  was  partly  done  in  the  Venice  Edition 
alfo  ;  fince  thofe  Contents  and  that   diviiion 
into  Chapters,  are  both  of  late  date,  and  of  ve- 
ry little  confequence.     I  have  moreover  divided 
the  laft  Chapter,  or  Apoftolical  Canons,  into 
89  as  they  were  in  old  time,  and  as  they  ftill  are 
in  many  Copies,  particularly  that  Ancient  one 
in  Joannes  Antiochenus  of  the  Sixth  Century  ;  nay 
I  once  thought  to  have  fet  down  the  8f  th  Canon 
exactly  from  his  Copy,  as  beft  agreeing  with  the 
Original  Quotations  and  Teftimonies,  but  have 
not  taken  that  liberty.  The  EngUjh  of  thefe  Con- 
ftitutioxis  is  my  own,  but  as  almoft  entirely  re- 
vifed  by  the  fame  accurate  Hand  that  revifed  7^- 
natius ;  and  fome  of  the  more  difficult  places  by 
another  very  Learned  and  Judicious Perfon.  Nor 
did  I  often  truft  wholly  to  my  felf  inmy  Tranfla- 
tion  of  the  Original  Teftimonies  in  the  Fourth 
Volume,  but  had  them  generally  revis'd  by  the 
Hand  twice  intimated  already  :  So  that  I  hope 
all  the  Verfions  are  tolerably  exa6l,  excepting 
that  of  Emomius  ;    fo  far  I  mean  as  has    not 
been  already  p:ib'i(liM  ,*  for  otherwife  even   this 
Tranflacion  has  been  revifed  as  far  as  Bafil,  or 
Dr.  Ca've  could  a  (lift  us,  after  the  MS.  it  felf 
was   taken  away.      When   the  Oxford^    Greek j 
and  LatWy  Edition  is  publifii'd,  it  will  be  eafy 
to  corre(5t  any  miftakes  therein.    I  would  alfo, 
J  confefs,  willingly  have  given  the  unlearned 
Reader  a   Tranflacion  of  the  Greek  and  Latin 
paflages  both   in   the  DiJ/ertation  on    Ignatius 



nnd  in  the  Effay  on  the  Conftlttttkns  •  but  perceived 
it  would  fwell  the  Volumes  fo  much,  and  be  fo 
troublefome  to  the  Learned,  and  yet  not  give 
the  Unlearned  the  full  force  of  the  Evidence  ; 
which  in  fuch  cafes  frequently  depends  on  a 
nice  comparifon  of  the  Originals,  not  to  be 
eafily  exprefs'd  in  a  Tranflation  ;  that  I  was  de- 
terred from  attempting  it*  Nor  is  this,  I  think, 
abfolutely  neceffary  for  their  fatisfadion ;  fince 
there  is,  I  believe,  fufficient  evidence  for  them 
without  it,  tho'  not  for  the  Learned,  For  I  can- 
not but  think,  that  thofe  Pious,  and  Honeft, 
Unlearned  Readers,  who  are  lefs  prejudic'd 
by  Modern  Notions,  Difputes,  and  DiltiiiAions, 
are  fo  much  better  Judges  of  plain  Reafoning, 
obvious  Teftimonies,  and  common  Senfe,  than 
mod:  of  the  Learned  that  a  much  lefs  Degree  of 
Evidence  is  neceffary  for  their  Convidion, 

I  need  not  here  fay,that  theTranflation  of  the 
Second  Book  flfEfdras  is  the  Learned  Mr.  Ockkyh  ; 
and  that  of  the  Preface  to  the  DoBrlne  of  the  A^o files y 
for  the  main  the  Learned  Mr,  Gagnkrs ;  becaufe 
the  Publick  has  been  already  prepared  by  Dr. 
Grahe  to  exped  fuch  Tranllations  of  the  Arabick 
from  them  ;  fmce  neither  Dr.  Grahe  nor  my  felf 
do  pretend  to  underftand  that  Language.  And 
fo  much  fliall  fuffice  by  way  of  Advertifement. 
Only  before  I  conclude,  I  mull  here  publickly 
return  my  fincere  and  hearty  Thanks  to  thofe 
already  intimated,  and  to  all  others  who  have 
any  way  contributed  to  this  Work,  either  by 
affifling  direcflly  this  Honeft  and  Chriftian  De- 
fign  \t  felf,  or  by  fupporting  its  Author  in  any 
of  his  Straits  and  Difficulties.  And  I  do  ear- 
neftly  pray  to  God  to  return  an  Hundred-fold 
into  their  Bofom.  As  I  do  with  the  fame  Sin- 
cerity and  Opennefs  forgive  all  that  have  any 
^ay  diredly  difcourag'd  or  opposed  the  fame  de- 


vi      :a'D  fer  tisememt. 

fign,  or  flaiider'd  and  perfecuted  its  Author;  and 
with  the  fame  Earneftnefs  pray  that  God  will 
mercfully  forgive  fuch  their  heinous  Offences  ; 
nay,  and  open  their  Eyes  to  fee  the  things  that 
truly  belong  to  their  own,  and   the  Churches 
real" Peace,  Advantage,  and  Reformation  ^  that 
fo  inftead  of  fighting  againft  God,  or   againft 
one  another,  we  may  all  unanimoufly  agree  in 
an  honefl:  Enquiry  after,and  ready  Obedience  to 
the  Divine  Will,  as  it  was  entirely  reveal'd  to 
the  World  in  the  firft  and  pureft  Age  of  the  Go- 
^el.     I  conclude  with  thofe   Words   which  I 
fometime  llncemade  ufe  of  in  my  Fourth  Letter 
to  my  Lord  Archbifliop  of  Canterhury,  concern 
ing  my  felf,  and  my  own  Management  in  thefe 
Important  Matters ;  owning  that  they  do  ftill 
reprefent  the  Senfe  of  my  Soul,^nd  defiring  the 
Chriftian  Reader  to  attend  to  them  as  my  folemn 
Intention  and  Profeflion  before  God  and  Man, 
Firfi  Reply      ^  As  to  the  ManmY  of  my  Writing  upon  thefe 
to  Dr.  AI-      Subjeds,  it  is,  I  confefs,  too  agreeable  to  the 
^^6  ^'  ^^'  c  Warmth  and  Vehemence  of  my  Natural  tem- 
^  '  ^  per,  increas'd  by  an  hearty,  and,  I  am  fure,  an 

honeft  Zeal,for  what  things  foever  at  any  time 
appear  to  me  to  be  true,and  of  Importance  in 
Chriftianity.     I  hope  God,   who  knows  the 
'  inmoit  Receifes  of  my  Soul,  will  not  impute 
all  that  appears  to  be  rafli,  andalfuming,  to 
^  fuch  a  proud  and  conceited  Temper  as  it  may 
^  feem  to  others  to  proceed  from.  :  and  that  he 
^  will  mercifully  forgive  any  Offences  of  that 
^  Nature,  where  he  finds  the  Heart  in  the  main 
fincere  and  upright ;  and  honeftly  labouring, 
^  to  the   beft  of  its  knowledge,    to   promote 
^  Truth  and  Piety  in  the  World.     And  as  I  ear- 
^  neftly  wifh   that  this  uncorrupt   Faith    and 
^  Practice  of  the  Gofpel,  in  every  part  may 
■■  prevail  among  us  ;    fo  do   I  heartily  define, 

'  that 


that  I  may  not  be  found  guilty  of  breaking 
any  of  the  Rules  of  Chriftian  Mceknefs,  Hu^ 
mility,   Modefty,    and  Deference  to  Lawful 
Authority  while   I  am  aiming  to  promote,  to 
the  beft  of  my  Judgment  and  Ability,  the  Pu- 
rity of  Chrift's  Religion  among  Men.     And 
1  mull  own,that  I  am, upon  Refledion  fenfible, 
that  in  feveral  Expreffions,  and  in  many  Cir^ 
cumftances  of  my  Management,  I   have  not 
always  kept  within  thofe  ftrid  Rules  of  the 
Gofpel,  which   the  Meeknefs  and  Gentlenels 
of  Chrift,    and   of  his  Religion    requires  in 
fuch Cafes  ;and  that  therefore  I  may  fometimes 
have  given  Occafion  of  Offence  to  my  Chri- 
ftian Brethren,  and  to  thofe  in  Authority  in 
particular.     For  which  Faults,  wherever  they 
have  appear'd,  either  by  Word  or  Writing,  I 
do  heartily  beg  forgivenefs   of  God,  and  of 
all  good  Men.  And  I  now  add,  that  as  I  have 
aim'd  fince  that  time,  not  to  break  the  promife 
I  then  made,    ^   That  I  would  thenceforward 
^  be    more    careful  not  to  be  guilty   of  the 
fame  Fault  afterward,  fo  do  I  again  promife 
hereby  to  keep  it,  if  poflible,  ftill  more  faith- 
fully for  the  time    to    come  ;    bein^  heartily 
defirous,    that  I  may   by  the  Chrlfiian  Manner^ 
as  well  as  Hone  ft  Zerd  of  my  future  Procedure, 
endeavour  to  recommend  thefe  Sacred  Truths 
and  Books    of    Genuine    Chriftianity  to   the 

And  now  to  conclude  the  whole,  and  detain 
the  Reader  no  longer  from  the  Work  it  felf, 
I  muft  Hill  add  one  thing  more,  'viz>.  That 
fince  I  have  now  honeftly  difcharg'd  my  Duty, 
been  faithful  to  my  Truft,  and  hid  my  full 
Thoughts,  Dlfcoveries,  and  Evidence,  before 
the    Chriftian  World   in  thefe  Four  Vohunes, 

Vin       yiDFERTISEMENf, 

Tliave  no  Defign  hereafter  to  reply  to  fuch  hafty, 
and  injudicious  Pamphlets  as  may  be  written  a- 
gainft  me^  by  thofe  that  cannot  ftay  fully  to  con- 
fider^  and  throughly  to  examine^,  as  I  have  been 
fom.etimes  prevail'd  on  to  do  hitherto  ;  but  fliall 
defire  rather  to  leave  all/or  a  confiderable  time 
with  the  Church  and  the  Learned  ;  and  to  wait 
till  ibnie  Well  qualifyed  aad  judicious  Perfons, 
after  full  and  mature  examination,  fhall  publifli 
fomewhat  really  confiderable  upon  thefe  impor- 
tant SubjeAsj  before  I  trouble  the  World  any 
farther  with  my  own  Thoughts  about  them. 
But  in  the  mean  time  I  fhall  take  care  to  have 
the  whole  tranflatedinto  Latin  for  the  ufe  of  Fo- 
reigners, affoon  as  conveniently  may  be ;  and 
ftall  review  the  Tranflation  my  felf,  that  fo  it 
rnay,  as  exadly  as  poflible,  exprefs  my  Senfe  all 
the  way. 

*  I  have  alfo  juft  now  an  Hint,  as  if  the  Con- 
ftitutions  themfelves  are  found  in  Arahick  at 
Camhrldge,  and  at  leaft  one  MS.  more  thereto 
relating  ;  but  can  yet  give  no  partcicular  Ac- 
count of  them. 

WILL,    WHlSrON- 




IGNATIUS,  W  o^Antioch) 


Larger  and  Smaller,  in  Greek  and  in  Englifh., 
with  the  various  Readings  from  all  the 
Greek  MSS. 

To  which  is  Prefixed  : 


Including  the  Accounts  of  the  Univerfity's 
and  Convocation's  PROCEEDINGS, 
With  Relation  to  the  AUTHOR. 
A  Preliminary  DISSERTATION, 

Proving  that  the  Larger  Copies  of  IGNATIUS 
are  alone  Genuine,  and  the  Smaller  only 
Heretical  Extrac5ls  from  them ,  made  in  the 
Fourth  Century  of  the  Church. 

To  which  is  Subjoin'd  the  Apologetick  of  Eu- 

nomtus  entire  in  Englljlj, 

By    WILLIAM    WHISTON,    M.   A. 

'^v  w  I^AffiKeict  rff  H^.vav,   Matt.  V.  lo. 

LONDON:  Printed  for  the  AUTHOR  ;  And  are  to  be 
Sold  by  the  B  ookfellers  of  London  and  IVeftminJler.  ijti. 

To  the  moft  Reverend 


Lord  Archbiiliop olTORK, 

And  to  the  Right  Reverend 


Of  the  fame  Province, 

His  G  R  A  C  E  's  Suffragans  ; 

And  to  the  Reverend 


Of  the  Lower  Houfe 



E  S  S  A  T 

O  N  T  H  E 

Epiftlesof /GiV^r/a5, 


£  P  i  STL  E  S  themfeives ; 

Are  Humbly  Dedicated, 

And  with  all  due  Submiflion  offer'd  to  Their 
and  the  PubHck  ferious  CONSIDE- 

The  Author. 


A    N 

Hiftorical  Preface. 

TH  E    Affertions  contained  both  in  my 
Ej[ay  on  the  Afofiolical  Confiitutions^  and  in 
my  Account  of  the  Frimitive  Faith,  to  fay 
nothing  here  concerning  the  Dijfertation 
on  the  Epifiles  of  Ignatius^  are  fo  ft  range,  and  fo 
contrary  to  the  general  Belief  of  Chriflians  in 
thefe  latter  Ages,  that  it  will  not  be  improper  to 
give  fome  Account  by  what  Methods,  and  on 
what  Occafions   the  feveral    Particulars  were 
difcover'd,  and  the  whole  brought  to  its  prefent 
State.     For  tho'  the  07ie  vindicates  an  Original 
Divine  and  Sacred  Book  of  our  Religion;  &  the 
Other  contains  the  Original  Divine  and  Sacred 
Doctrines  of  the  fame  ;  both   which  univerfally 
obtain'd  in  the  firft  and  pureft  Ages  of  the  Go- 
fpel  ;  yet  are  thefe  things  now   fo  furprizing  to 
f ne  Ears   of  moft  Chriftians,  even  of  the  moft 
learned  themfelves,  that  they  do  not  know  how 
to  believe  the  Former  to  be  other  than  a  fpuri- 
ous  or  grofly  interpolated    Work,  and  fo  not 
worthy  of  any  great  Value  or  Confideration  a- 
mong  us;  or  the  Latter  to  beany  thing  elfe  than 
wild  and   dangerous  Faradoxes,   or  rather  bold 
and  pernicious  Herefies.     Now,  that  the  Reader 
may  come  a  little  better  prepar'd  to  the  Perufal 
of  thefe  Papers,  and  be  at  leaft  fatisfy'd  in  my 
Care,  Honefty,    and   Sincerity  in  .this  whole 
Management,  I   (hall   here  faithfully  fet  down 
the  Hiftory  and  Occafion  of  thole  WHtings,and 
ofthe  feveral  main  Circumftances  thereto  belong- 
ing ;  fo  far  as  my  Memory  ,  or   the  Original 
Papers  now  by  me  can  enable  me  to  do  it.  Th© 
(a)  Reader 

ii  An  Hiflorical  Treface. 

Reader  therefore  is  to  know^that  about  the  Month 
of  Fthuary  i7Cg.  1  was  deilred  by  a  Friend 
or  two  to  draw  up  fuch  a  Method^  or  DlreBmts 
for  the  Study  of  Divinity,  as  I  us'd  in  Converfation 
to  propofe  to  them  and  others,  as  the  only  way 
for  the  Union  of  Chriftians^,  and  the '  Reftora- 
tion  of  the  Primitive  Faith  and  Pracftice;  This 
I  confented  to  ;  and  that  the  rather,  becaufe  I 
was  then  at  Liberty  from  thofe  Ledures  of 
Mr.  BoyWs  Foundation ,  which  I  had  been 
engag  d  in  the  foregoing  Year.  When  I  was 
drawing  up  thofe  Papers ,  I  enlarged  in  my 
firft  Draught  more  particularly  upon  one  great 
Advantage  of  that  Method  I  then  propos'd,  i/;^. 
That  it  would  make  us  diftinguift  between  the 
Articles  of  the  Chriftian  Faith,  efpecially  that 
of  the  ever-blefled  Trinity  ,  fo  far  as  it  was 
really  a  part  of  our  Religion,  and  believ'd  by  the 
firft  Chriifians,  and  fo  far  as  later  Inferences 
and  Explications  had  htcn  fine e  added  to  it.  And 
in  thofe  hrft  Papers,  I  had  given  fome  Account, 
how  far  I  apprehended  chat  Do«flrine  to  be  True 
andGenuine  ;  and  how  far  Modern,and  of  Men's 
devifmg.  Infliorr,  I  therein  plainly  own'd  that  the 
Original  Dodlrine  in  that  importantMattter  was 
very  different  from  the  commonOpinion,and  was 
mofl:  certainly  nearer  that  of  the  Avians^  than  of 
the  Athanaficwsy  and  prefent  Orthodox :  Tho'  I 
had  not  then  examined  the  Matter  fo  exadly  as 
to  know  whether  theDo6lrine  of  thatPart  of  the 
Church,  which  was  call'd  Arlan  in  the  Fourth 
Century,  (for  thofe  I  always  mean  by  the  Avians ; 
not  ^m/j  himfelf  only,  with  a  few  of  his  parti- 
cular Followers,  )  was  entirely  the  fame  as  to  this 
Point,  with  that  delivered  and  believ'd  in  the 
lirft  times  of  the  Gofpel,  or  not.  When  I  had 
drawn  up  this  Ad-vice  for  the  Study  of  Divinity^ 
(which  has  beenfince  in  part  madepublick^)  and 


An  Hifiorical  Treface.  lit 

began  to  fpeak  of  it  to  fome  Friends,  and  freely 
to  declare  my  Thoughts  about  the  Dodrine  of 
the  Trinity,  I  was  immediately  made  fenlible 
what  a  nice.  Point  I  was  engag'd  in  ;  and  what 
a  noife,  and  buftle,  and  odium,  and  perhaps  Per- 
fecution,  I  fhould  raife  againft  my  felf,  if  I  ven- 
tur'd  to  talk  and  print  at  that  rate  ;  and  how  I 
and  my  Family  would  probably  be  ruin'd  by 
fuch  a  Procedure.     As  to  my  own  worldly  In- 
tereft,  and  that  of  my  Family^  I  very  well  knew 
the  Duty  of^  Chriftian;  and  all  along  firmly 
refolv'd  that  fuch  Arguments  fhould  have  no 
Influence  upon  me,  nor  in  the  leaft  difcourage 
me  from  Speaking  and  Writing  the  Truths  of 
Chrifi  Jefusy  when  upon  a  through-Examination 
I  found  them  to  be  fuch.     However,  the   Con- 
fideration  of  the  Importance  of  the  Subjed  ,  of 
the  deep    Prejudices    of  the    prefent  Age,  and 
of  the  great   Care   I  ought  to  take,   and  fure 
Ground  I  ought  to  go  upon  in  Points  of  this  Na- 
ture; and  withal  the  Confcioufnefs  that  my 
prefent  Thoughts  were  taken  up,  rather  from 
my  former  gradual  and  occaflonal  Obfervatious 
in  the  Holy  Scriptures,  and  in  the  moft  ancient 
Writers,  than  from  a  direcl  and  particular  Exa- 
mination of  this  diftin(fl:  Subjecl"  in  both  ^  ma^e 
me  refolve  to  fatisfy  my  felf  ftill  more  authen- 
tickly,  and   on  fee  purpofe   to  re-examine  the 
whole  Matter;  not  in  the  modern  Books  of  Con- 
troverfy,  that   grani  Alcthod  of  Imfcfitio7i  on   the 
Chriflian  World)  ;  but  as  before,  in  the  Books  of 
the  New  Teftament,  and  in  all  the  moft  ancient 
genuine   Monuments  of  our  Religion  now  ex- 
tant ;  that  fo  afterwards  I  might  either  go  ort 
with  Affurance,  if  I  fhould  find  m.y  former  Opi- 
nions fully  confirmed  ;  or  elfe  might  meddle  no 
farther,  in  cafe  I  fhould  fee  Reafon  but  to  dcuht 
concerning  the  Meaning  of  the  original  Do* 
•  (a  2)  drrineg 

iv  An  HiHorical  Treface. 

<^rines  of  Chriftianity,  as  to  thefe  Matters ;  ftilf, 
all  the  waVj  refolving  with  my  felf  not  to  make 
ufe  of  any   vain  Dedudions  or    Philofophick 
Reafonings  in  fuch  facred  Points  of  reveal'd  Re- 
ligion, but   exactly  and   fingly  to  be  guided  by 
the  Original  Tefiimonies,  and  determin  my  Faith 
and  Pradice  as  a  Chriftian  by  them,  and  them 
only  ;  and  at  the  fame  time  refolving,  as  much  as 
poffible,  to  keep  clear  from  the  Modern  Writers, 
and  the  darling  Notions  of  any  Church  or  Par- 
ty whatfoever  ;  that  fo  my  Mind  might  not  be 
at  all  prepoffefs'd    or  byals'd  by  them.     And  all 
this  I  did  as  in  a  Point  of  great   Confequence, 
with  all  poffible  Honefty  and  Sincerity  of  Mind, 
and  hearty  Prayers  to  God,  that  I  might  not  be 
deceiv'd  my  felf,nor  become  theCaufe  of  deceiv- 
ing his  Church  in  any  thing,  by  my  Enquiries 
or  Opinions.     In  this  manner,  and  with  thefe 
Refolutions  and  Defigns,  I  ran   over,  on  pur- 
pofe,  the  New  Teftament,  as  now  own'd  for 
Canonical  among  us,  twice  ;  to  colled  all  the 
remarkable  Texts  belonging  to  this  Matter.  And 
in  the  fame  manner  did  I  again  read  over  all  the 
known  Catholick  Books  and  Fragments,    till 
near  the  conclufion  of  the  fecond  Century,  to 
colled  all  the   next  moil:  ancient  Teftimonies 
relating  to  the  fame  Subjed:;  having  ftill,  in  a 
Paper  by  me.  Heads  for  both  fides  of  the  feveral 
Queftions,  fro  2nd  ccn,  all  the  way.     Nay,  that 
1  might  be  fecure  of  not  omitting  any  Teftimo- 
nies  for  modern  Orthodoxy,  I  fo  far  difpens'd 
with  my  propofed  Method,  as  to  run  over  Bi- 
fhop  BulPs  celebrated  Work  of  this  Nature-  and  to 
examine  his  Teftimonies  by  the  Originals  them- 
felves,  for  more  compleat  Satisfadion.     But  a- 
bout  the  time  of  my  entring  on  this  laft  particu- 
lar Examination,  I  light  upon  a  very    ftrange 
and  furprizing  Book,  I  mean  the  Learned  Mr. 


An  Historical  Trefrce.  v 

hyocklehfs  Goffel  Tlmfm  :  where  cafting  my  Eye  ^'^-  VJ. 
on  a  certain  Place^  I  met  with  this  Affertion,  ^/^^' 
which  was  then  to  mc  very  new  and  furprizing,  "^  *  '^* 

'VIZ,.        That  Chrift  had  jjo  human  or  rational  Soul 


diftincl  from  the  Logos ;  but  that  at  the  Tncar- 
^  nation  th^  Logos  fupply'd  the  placeoffucha 
"  Soul.  This  ^nj«  or  Jpolinarian  Notion^  as  I 
afterward  found  it  to  be,  tho'  rather  hinted  at 
by  him,  than  fully  purfu'd,  appear'd  to  me  ex- 
ceeding confiderable,  and  of  the  utmofl  confe- 
quence  to  the  right  Underftancting  thofe  truly 
Chriilian  Myfteries  of  the  Incarnation  and  Suf- 
ferings of  the  Son  of  God:  and  I  immediately 
perceiv'd  that,  if  it  prov'd  true,  it  would 
give  the  greateft  Light  poffible,  ^  not  to 
thofe  Points  only,  but  to  the  intire  Subjed  I  was 
then  about ;  fo  I  refolv'd  to  be  very  Curious  in 
my  Obfervations  as  to  that  matter  in  the  ancient 
Teftimonies.  Accordingly,  I  exadly  noted  the 
feveral  Paffages  hereto  relating,  as  I  went  along, 
and  generally  found  them  favourable  to  that  No- 
tion ;  infomuch  that  I  began  to  be  not  a  little 
fecure  of  the  Truth  ofit:  till  coming  to  Jttfiin 
Martyr,  I  found  him  exprefly  afferting.  That 
the  entire  Perfon  of  Chrift  included  a  4'^^,  as 
well  as  the  ao^©-,  and  a  ^/^'  a  Soul,  as  well  as  the 
Divine  Nature,  and  a  Body  ,•  which  Affertion  i 
then  did  not  know  how  to  reconcile  with  the 
foregoing  Opinion,  as  having  yet  no  Notion  of 
any  more  than  two  Parts,  a  Soul  and  a  Body,  in  hu- 
man Nature,  according  to  our  prefentPhilofophy. 
But  when,  upon  the  Examination  of  that  mat- 
ter, I  found  that  the  ancient  opinion  was  al- 
ways, that  Man  was  peculiarly  compofitujThonmal^ 
or  a  Being  thatcontain'd  more  Parts  than  Brutes; 
as  having  befides  the  grofs  Body,  and  its  -^foje^ 
or  fenfitive  Soul,  a  otsiT f^,  a  rational  Soul  or  Spi- 
rit feeftow'd  upon  him  from  above,  to  be  the 
(  a  O  '^ 

vi  An  Hifloncal  Treface. 

70  Yiy^iwvmv^  the  Governor  of  the  reft,  I  found 
Jtifiifis  Teftimony  not  to  imply  what  it  feem'd 
to  do  before  ,  but  that  it  well  agreed  with  the 
foregoing  Notion.  Nay^  what  was  the  princi- 
pal Thing  of  all,  upon  the  perufal  of  a  noble 
Fragment  of  this  Author,  De  RefurreBione^  in 
Tom.  U.  y)t,  Grahes  Sficilegium,  I  found  that  the  very 
jQi'  'j^02*  f^^^  J^^ft'^'^y  ^^^o  affirmM,That  Chrift  in  his  en- 
tire Perfon  did  include  the  ao^©-,  a  -i^-)^  and  a 
o^fjiA^  did  as  exprefly  affirm.  That  Man  does  in- 
clude juftthe  fame  Number  of  Parts,  a  ^su^,  a 
-i^-^,  and  a  «^f^'  and  that  by  confequence,  the 
>.oy^  in  Chrift,  fupply'd  the  place  of  the  ttvsoT^, 
or  rational Soulin  Man,  without  any  other  Ratio- 
'M  Philad  nal  Soul  at  all,exadly  according  to  the  otherTefti- 
^^^'  ^'  monies.  I  found  alfo  that  Ignatius ,  in  his  lar- 
ger Epiftles,  was  exprefly  of  the  fame  Opinion  ; 
and  that  Athanafius  himfelf,  in  his  BookZ)e  Incar-^ 
natione  Verhi ,  written  before  the  Arian  Contro- 
verfy,  appears  ever  to  have  entertain'd  no  other 
Notion  of  that  Matter.  And  indeed ,  I  can- 
not but  look  on  this  Difcovery  as  one  of  the 
moft  certain,  and  moft  important  of  all  others ; 
efpecially  as  to  the  Points  I  was  engag'd  in,  the 
Trinity  and  Incarnation.  But  to  go  on  with  my 
Narrative.  When  I  ha  d  made  my  felf  an  Index 
or  CoUedion  of  the  Places  where  the  moft  mate- 
rial Paflages  relating  to  thefe  Points  were  to  be 
fpund,  and  had  obferv 'd  all  along  my  Reading, 
that  the  Teftimonies  for  Arianifm  were  vaftly 
ifuperior  in  Number y  Tlalnnefs^  and  Antlc^ulty,  to 
thofe  which  are  commonly  fuppos'd  to  be  for 
the  Athanafian  Dodrine,  I  ^n tnt  to  London ^  on 
purpofe  to  fliew  my  Papers  to,  and  converfe 
with  fome  worthy  and  learned  Perfons  of  my 
Acquaintance  there  ;  who^  as  I  knew,  did  al- 
tcady  fiirewdly  fufpe(Si:,'if  not  know,  that  Part,at 
pf  tb€J  common  Notions  .now  currpfft^ 
['■  \''-\  \  '■  ■  ';  -'  .  ^         ■  '■  ■  were 

An  Hiflorical  Treface.  vii 

were  ungrounded  and  falfe ,-  and  were  willing 
to  examine  and  be  affur'dj  what  were  really  the 
genuine  Dodrines  of  Chriftianity  in  thefe  Mat- 
ters.    Upon  this  I  was  advis'd  to  take  the  Pains 
to  tranfcribe  ihofe  Teflimonies  themfelves  at 
large,  which  I  before  did  only  refer  to;  and  was 
then  promis'd  a  fair  Examination  and  Corredioa 
of  my  Papers,  when  they  fhould  be  fent  up  in  a 
manner  iit  for  the  fame.  Upon    my  return  to 
Cambridge^  I  fet  my  felf  immediately  to  perform 
my  Promife,  and   wrote  out  above  a  thoufand 
Texts  and  Teflimonies  at  larger  and  afterwards, 
in  a  fecond  Copy,  added   feveral  Notes  for  far- 
ther  lUuftration,  and  very   much  alfo  for  the 
obviating   thofe  falfe   Reafonings   or   Colours 
which  Bifhop   Bull  had  advanc  a.     And  now  it 
was,  and  indeed  not  till  now,  that  I  had  all  my 
Evidence  at  once  before  me,  and  that  1  was  able 
to  affirm,  and  affuredly  pronounce,  that the^?7^« 
Dodrine  was  in  thefe  Points  moft  certainly  the 
Original  Dodrine  of  Chrift  himfelf,  of  his  Ho- 
ly Apoftles,  and  of  the  moft  Primitive  Chrifti- 
ans :  That  that  fort  of  Eteynity  of  the  Son  qf 
God,  of  which    fome  of  the  Fathers  began  to 
fpeak  towards  the  latter  Part  of  the  fecond  Cen- 
tury,after  Phiiofophy  was  comeintothe  Church, 
and  of  which  the  moft  Doubt  might  arife,  (the 
reft  of  the  Particulars  being  almoft'indilputable:) 
was  plainly,  not,   as  we  have  been    made  to 
believe  of  late,  a  real  exlfience,  as  of  a  Son  proper- 
ly coeternal  with  his  Father,  by -a  true  Eternal  Ge- 
neratlon^j  hut  I'cithQr  2L  Metaphjjkk  Exifience  y  info^ 
tentidy  or  in  the  like  higher  and  fublinier  Aian- 
ner  in  the  Father, .  as  his   Wif^lam  or  JVorJyhefore 
his  real  Creation  or  Generafm/.  (  JFor  both  thgfe 
Words  are  frequent ;  in  .  the   eai^iefl  :Wricers  0 
Which  real  Creation  or  ^G&n^r  at  ion  was   then  <>.ver 
fuppos'd  a  little  b^efore  theCreation  of  the  World : 
^     (a4J  Tlvat 

viii  ^An  EHortcal  Treface. 

That  accordingly,  the  Council  of  Nice  it  felf  e- 
ftablifli'd  no  other  Eternity  of  our  Saviour,  as  all 
the  Original  Teftimonies  do  fliew.  And  by 
the  way,  upon  my  agking  the  very  learned  Dr. 
Grahey  whether  that  feeming  Eternity  of  the  Son 
of  God,  of  which  fomeof  the  Ancients  fpeak,was 
not  frier  to  his  Creation  or  Generation  ?  He  rea- 
dily own'd  that  it  was  fo  :  And  accordingly  had 
no  other  way  to  fapport  the  ordinary  Notions, 
but  by  faying  that  by  this  Creation  or  Generation 
of  Chrift  was  only  meant  his  Emiffion,  or  Proceed- 
ing out  oi  God  his  Father,  and  condefcending  to 
create  the  World  ;  as  Bifhop  BuU  and  Dr.  Ca^e 
Defenf.       ^^^  ^^^q  forc'd  to  fuppofc.  Upon  which  I  could 

I'ii.uC  ^^^  ^^^  ^^'^^^^  ^^^^  ^f  ^^^  ^^^  Writers  for  Or- 
Cap.^.      thodoxy  have  nothing  but  fuch  poor,  unintelli- 
gible, ill-grounded  Evafions  as  thefe  to  fupport 
-niM*        their  Faith  withal,  'tis  high  time  to  lay  them  all 
Ziterar.      afjde  r   and  to  have  our  Recourfe  to  the  Origi- 
^^jf^'      nal  Primitive  Texts  and  Teftimonies  themfelves 
J 6^66,   fo^  Satisfaction.     However,  I  then  alfo  obferv'd, 
that  Philofophical  Notions,    deriv'd  generally 
from  the  ancient  Flereticks,  and  propagated  in 
the  Weft,  and  at  Romcy  and  thence  to  Alexandria, 
and  theEaft  ;  and  this  chiefly  in  the  Days,  and 
by  the  Means  of  the  famous,  but  unhappy  Atha- 
TiafiHs,  were  the  Caufe  of  that  fatal  Change  which 
was  afterwards  made  in  the  Church's  Faith  and 
Practice;  and  that  this  novel  Faith  and  Pradice 
was  the  Firft  Branch  of  that  Antichriftianifm 
which  was  begun  by  the  old  Hereticks  themfelves, 
and  afterwards  ftarted  up  under  the  Name  of  Or- 
thodoxy ;  and  that  this  Orthodoxy  was  not  fully 
^ftablifh'd,  nor  did  finally  prevail  ovqv  Chrift  en- 
dom^  but  by  the  Means  of  the  over  bearing  Ty- 
ranny of  the  See  of  kome,  and  tbofe  that  fupport- 
jed  it.     This  difcdvery  made  me  reflecll  upon  two 
ipaflages  which  I  well  remember,  tho'  they  hap- 

'  "  ;  "  pen'4 

An  HiBorical  Treface.  ix 

pen'd  many  Years  ago.  The  one  of  the  very 
Learned  Dr.  Alllx ;  who  being  in  my  Hearing 
ask'd  by  Dr.  Pam,  (  who  was  then  bufy  in 
the  Enquiry  about  thefe  matters,  &  had  difcoue- 
red  that  the  Owe  God  of  the  Chriftians  was  no  o- 
ther  than  God  the  Father  ;  &  therefore  was  fo  far 
beginning  to  fee  the  falfliood  of  the  common  Opi- 
nions ;  nay  was  in  great  Danger  of  Suffering 
for  his  Boldnefs  in  fpeaking  his  Mind  therein  ;  ) 
whether  there  were  any  Inftance  o{ Invocation  of 
the  Holy  Ghoft  in  the  three  tirft  Centuries?  He 
readily  anfwe^^'d  that  there  was  not.  The  other 
Paffage  was  of  an  excellent  Friend  oF  min(? 
whom  I  have  not  liberty  to  name,  who  difcour- 
fmg  with  my  felf  and  another  Perfon  of  great 
Eminence  about  fuch  Matters^  and  particularly 
about  the  then  fo  much  difputed  Dodrine  of  the 
Trinity,  He  began  with  this  Declaration  of  his 
Mind,  ^^  That  for  his  part,  had  it  not  been  for 
^^  the  Church's  farther  Determination,  he  had 
"  been  contented  with  the  ^r/^»  Scheme.  Which 
words  at  that  time  a  little  fliock'd  us  both  :  tho 
now  I  have  examined  that  Matter  to  the  Bottom, 
I  am  more  fliock'd  that  the  fame  excellent  Per- 
fon does  not  more  freely  declare  the  Reafons  of 
fuch  his  ancient  Sentiments,  and  more  freely 
endeavour  the  Alterations  of  fuch  Things  in  our 
Church,  as  he  cannot  but  know  or  fufped  to  be 
unfupported  by  the  Chriftian  Revelation  in  thefe 
Matters.  About  this  Time  it  was  alfo,  as  far  as 
I  remember,  that  I  drew  up  forae  Queftions, 
proper  to  be  propcs'd  to  the  Confideration  of 
the  Learned :  which,  becaufe  they  are  not  elfe- 
where  inferted,  I  fhall  here  kt  down^  and  there- 
by offer  them  to  fuch  their  Confideration. 


An  Hiflorical  Treface. 

Plain    (Questions. 

I.  Where  are  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy 
Ghofl:  called  One  God^  m  the  Scripture,  or  the 
moft  primitive  Writers?  Idefire  but  one  plain 

II.  Where  is  Chrift  faid  to  be  properly  £- 
efualto  the  Father,  in  Scripture,  or  the  Moft 
Primitive  Writers  ?  I  defire  but  one  plain  In- 

III.  Where  is  Chrift  called  by  any  of  the 
known  Titles  or  Epithets  of  the  Supreme  God  ? 
fuch  as,  God  the  Creator  ;  the  In'vifihle  God ;  the 
True  God^  (dKv^ivh  GsofJ  th&  Blejfed,  or  the  Blejfed 
God;  the  Eternal  God ;  the  One  God;  the  Only  God ; 
the  lai'ving  God;  the  Good  God  ;  the  God  of  Hea'ven  ; 
the  God  o^er  all ;  the  Wife  Go//;  the  Immortal  God  ; 
the  Hlghefty  &c.  either  in  the  New  Teftament, 
or  the  moft  Primitive  Writers?  Idefire  a  few 
plain  Jnftances. 

IV.  Where  do  the  Scriptures  or  moft  Primi- 
tive Writers  fay  any  thing  of  the  Suhfiaiice  or 
Ejfence  of  God  ;  and  where  do  they  affirm  the 
,Father  and  Son  to  hcCoeJfentia hnd  ConjubfiantiaU 
.One  plain  Inftance  is  only  defir'd. 

V.  By  what  new  Revelation  did  the  Coun- 
cil of  Nw  confecrate  the  Word  l^i<n(Q- ,  when 
it  had  beed,  directly  rejeded  by  the  Council  of 
Antioch  fo  long  before? 

VL  Whether  it  be  a  Sign  of  the  facred  Au- 
thority of  the  fame  o^»<n©-  that  it  was  therefore 
introduc'd,  becaufe  it  was  known  that  a  great 
Part  of  the  Chriftian  Church  highly  difapprov'd 
ofit?  ■ 

Contr.  VII.  How  the  Samenefs  or  Equality  of  the  Son 

celf.  L.  ^^j-j^  fi^^  Father,  which  in  the  days  of  Origen^ 
y/-  ^*  was  barely  the  miftake  of  a  few  rafh  Chriftians, 
"  '  caa 

An  Hijlorical  Treface.  id' 

can  now  become  a  fundamental  Article  of  the 
Chriftian  Faith  ? 

VIII.  How  the  Eternal  Generation  of  the  Son  of 
God^  which  was  fo  utterly  unkngwn  at  the 
Council  of  Nicey  came  to  be  in  latter  times  ad- 
vanc'd  into  a  fundamental  Dodrine  of  Chriftia- 
nity  ? 

IX.  How  it  comes  to  pafs  that  the  known  He- 
refy  of  Cerinthus,  in  denying  the  Sufferings  of 
the  Divine  Nature  of  our  Saviour,  is  now 
fo  current  and  Orthodox  Dodrine  in  our 

X.  Where  is  the  Holy  Ghofl  diredly  called 
God  or  Lordy  in  the  Scripture  or  moft  Primitive 
Writers.   I  defire  but  one  pl^in  Inftance-? 

XL  What  one  Ghriftian  till  fome  time  after 
the  Council  o(  Nice,  ever  ventwr'd  to  Bz'ocate  the: 
Jloly  Ghoft?  A  Single  Inftance  is  here  alone  de- 
fired  alfo. 

XII.  How  it  comes  about  that 'we  efteem 
thofe  and  only  thofe  Doctrines  Orthodox  m  thefe 
Matters,  which  are  approv'd  and  eftablifii'd  by 
the  Church  of  Romei  and  this  at  a  time  whea 
Antichriftianifm  was  rifmg  apace  in  her.      ^^ .  \ 

XIII.  How  it  comes  to  pafs  in  particular,tfaat 
a  Creed  made  under  Antichriftianifm,  and  not 
received  till  it  was  at  the  height,  is  ftill  the  Stan- 
dard  of  Orthodoxy  in  any  of  the  Reformed 

XIV.  How  the /r/?  Four  general  Councils  come 
to  be  fo  facred  and  infallible,*  when  all  the  fuc- 
ceeding  ones  are  of  fo  little  i^^thprity  with 
us?  .    ',  :0:' 

XV.  Why  ^r/;^»^/« J  muft  be  efteerh'd  almoff: 
infallible,  while  thofe  much  greater  and 
more  learned  Merty  Or/g-f»,  Eufebius^  and  AfoUt- 
varius  are  rejeded  as  Heretical,  without  Exami- 
nation? \ 


xii  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

XVI.  Why  fo  many  of  the  ancient  Books  are 
loft?  and  in  particular  why  almoft  all  the' 
Artan  and  Afollinarian  Writings  are  utterly  peri- 

XVII.  Why  do  we  cry  out  againft  the  SocU 
viansj  for  fetting  up  humait^Reafmings  again  flaln 
Tefiimonies,  when  fo  much  of  our  Modern  Belief 
is  wholly  built  on  human  Reafonings  againft  as  flam 
Teftimonies  alfo  ? 

XVIII.  Why  do  we  cry  out  againft  the  Papifis, 
for  taking  away  the  Cup^  and  for  Prayers  in  a 
ftrange  Tougue^  notwithftanding  the  Inftitutiort 
and  Command  in  Scripture,  while  we  aflert 

^S^^M^'^  that  the  Father  is  not  Greater  then  the  Son^  and  that 
XXIV  '  ^^^  "^^^  ^'^'^  ^^^  ignorant  of  the  Day  of  Judgment^ 
3 6.  Mar.  notwithftanding  our  Lord's  own  exprefs  Decla- 
aIII.  32.  rations  to  the  contrary? 

XIX.  How  the  implicit  Faith  in  General  Coun- 
cils, nay  in  Athanapus,  and  in  the  Church  of  Rome 
as  to  thefe  Matters,  is  confiftent  with  the  own- 
ing the  Proteflant  Rule  of  Faith,  the  Holy  Scri- 
ptures; with  the  Duty  of  all  to  fearch  thofe  Scri- 
ptures ;  and  with  our  Belief  that  the  Church  of 
Rome  is  Antichriftian  ? 

:  XX.  Why  the  Difputants  for  the  common 
Notions,  never  ftateand  prove  the  meaning  of 
the  Words  they  ufe  and  Reafon  from  ?  fuch  as 

fntHv*  TnUyuC  ytvvoLv'  '^Vifjof'  '^yfio^,   ^r.  nor  fhew 

that  the  modern  Signification  of  them  is  the  fame 
in  this  Controverfy  that  it  was  in  the  firft  Ages 
of  the  Gofpel  ?  efpecially  when  the  whole  Con- 
troverfy turns  upon  the  right  ftating  the  fame  ? 

XXI.  Why  the  Athanafians  fo  often  charge 
thcArians  with  falfifying  the  Scripture,  and 
Ancient  Authors,  without  the  leaft  Proof?  while 
ris  notorious  that  they  have  themfelves  been  fo 
wicked,  in  this  Matter. 
.^'r:\  But 

'        An  HiBorical  preface.  xiii 

But  to  return  to  the  Series  of  my  Hiftory. 
After  I  had  made  my  entire  Extract  out  of  the 
acknowledged  Books  of  the  New  Teftament^  and 
of  the  two  firft  Centuries,  I,  upon  fome  Occa- 
fion,  met  with  an  excellent  Book  concerning 
thefe  matters,  which  is  own'd  to  be  near  Seventy 
Years  older  than  the  Council  of  Nice,  and  rather 
earlier  than  the  Council  of  Antioch,  and  which 
is  entituled  No^uatiarisTvt'MiiQ  of  the  Trinity,  tho' 
the  word  Trinity  be  not  in  it ;  nor  does  it  on  any 
fufficient  Evidence  appear  to  be  Nozfatian's.  Up- 
on theperufal  of  this  noble  Work^  written  by  a 
learned  Catholick,  from  the  known  Rule  of  Faith 
and  from  the  Scriptures,  againft  fome  Hereticks 
of  thofe  times,  and  which  is  the  only  large  and 
judicious  Book  of  fo  great  Antiquity  upon  that 
Subjed  now  Extant  in  the  Church;  1  was  ex- 
ceedingly pleas'd  to  find  there,  almoft  in  every 
Thing  the  very  fame  Account  of  the  Original 
Doclrines  of  the  Gofpcl,  as  to  thefe  Matters, 
which  I  had  before  learn'd  and  collected  from 
the  more  ancient  Teftimonies :  and  fo  I  was  fe- 
cure,^that,  for  the  main  at  leail,  I  had  not  mifta- 
ken  the  moft  Primitive  Opinions  thereto  re- 
lating. But  the  Confirmation  I  received  from 
the  Book  afcrib'd  to  Novatiauj  was  nothing  in 
Comparifon  of  what  I  received  foon  after  from 
the  Jpofiolical  Canfiitutions,  For  about  the  begin- 
ning of  July  this  Year,  my  Learned  Friend  (  to 
whofe  honeft,  impartial,  and  laborious  Affi- 
ftance  and  Sagacity,  I  am  too  deeply  indebted, 
to  be  ever  able  to  make  a  fuitable  Return;)  com- 
ing cue  Day  to  fee  me,  brought  along  with  him 
a  Paper,  wherein  he  had  tranfcrib'd  feveral 
Paifage^,  favourable  to  the  Arian  Opinions,  from 
the  fame  Conftitutions;  (a  Work  which  to  that 
Day,  as  far  as  1  can  remember,  I  had  never  feea 
in  all  my  life)  and  defired  me  to  look  a  little  into 


XIV  j4n  Hifioricd  Treface. 

that  Book,  the  bed  Edition  whereof  he  had  got-^ 
ten,  and  offer'd  to  lend  me.  I  well  remember* 
that  my  firft  Anfwer  to  him  was,  that  I  did  not 
care  to  meddle  with  fpurious  or  grofly  interpo- 
lated Writings ;  fuch  as  I  perceivM  thofe  Confti- 
tutions  were  generally  efteem'd  to  be  by  the 
Learned  ;  but  nad  much  rather  confine  my  felf 
to  Authors  really  genuine  and  uncorrupt.  Yet 
upon  his  fhewing  me  withal  a  fmall  Prayer  ror 
Collect  tranfcrib'd  thence  alfo  ;  which  I  could 
not  but  readily  own  to  be  moft  pious,  primitive, 
and  affectionate  in  its  Compofition  ;  I  was  per- 
fuaded  to  borrow  and  perufe  that  Work.  And 
indeed  I  do  not  know  that  I  was  ever  fo  perfed- 
iy  furpriz'd  and  mightily  pleas'd  in  all  my  Life  : 
To  find  fo  compleat  and  large  a  Book,  fo  plain- 
ly facred,  and  l3elonging  to  the  Companions  of 
the  Apoftles,  if  not  to  the  Apoftles  themfelves ; 
fo  full  of  the  Simplicity,  Piety,  Honefty,  Strid- 
nefs,  and  Difcipline  of  the  mofl  Primitive  A- 
ges ;  and  yet  fo  little  known,  and  of  fo  little 
Efteem  among  us,  was  very  amazing.  Tho'  in- 
deed this  Difregard,  as  j  foon  perceiv'd,  was 
principally  on  Account  of  that  old  plain  Chri- 
llianity  or  Arlmifm  contained  in  it,  without  the 
leafl  Colour  for  any  of  thofe  Novel  Notions  or 
Expreffions  which  Philofophy  began  to  intro- 
duce in  the  very  Second  Century  ;  and  which  ad- 
vanc'd  to  a  mighty  Syftem  in  the  Fourth  ,  un- 
der the  Condud:  of  Jthanapus.  And  I  could 
hardly  tell  how  to  forgive  my  felf  as  a  Clergy- 
man," (fo  I  then  us'd  to  exprefs  my  felf,)  when  I 
confider'd  how  long  I  had  been  in  Holy  Orders, 
without  fo  much  as  once  feeing  or  perufmg  ^o 
ineftimable  a  Work.  For  I  foon  found  that,  as 
it  does  moft  plainly  put  an  end  to  almoft  all 
the  Difputes  that  are  now  among  Chriftians, 
fo  that^  ac  the  loweft  Suppofition  poffible,  its 


An  Hiflorical  Treface.  xv 

Authority  is  fufficient  for  that  Purpofe  ;■  and  that 
all  the  Writings  of  thefe  laft  Fourteen  Hundred 
Years  muft  needs  be  comparatively  of  very 
fmall  Value  or  Confideration.  Upon  this,  with 
the  faithful  Affiftance  of  my  Learned  Friend 
above-mentioned  ,  I  immediately  fet  my  felf  to 
the  through-Examination  of  the  Nature  and  Au- 
thority of  the  fame  Conftitutions,  both  from 
the  internal  Marks  and  Characters  therein  con- 
tain'd  ;  and  from  the  external  Evidence  ,  Quota- 
tionsy  and  Teftimonies  of  the  following  Wri- 
ters. What  was  the  Refult  of  my  Enquiries, 
and  what  the  Authority  of  thofe  Conftitutions 
prov'd  to  be  upon  that  Examination ,  my  Ejjay 
upon  them  ,  which  is  to  be  the  Third  Volume 
in  this  Collection,  will  fhew  at  large  ^  and  I 
have  already  intimated  in  particular  in  one  of 
my  Letters  to  the  Lord  Bifiiop  of  Wcrcefier^  to  be 
fet  down  hereafter  ;  whither  therefore  I  muft 
refer  the  Reader  for  Satisfaction.  But  about  the 
Time  of  my  fetting  my  felf  to  examine  this 
Matter  of  the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions,  it  was 
that  I  ventured  to  apply  my  felf,  to  the  Moft 
Reverend  the  Two  Archbifhops  of  this  Church  ; 
to  both  whom  I  had  the  Honour  to  be  known  y 
and  in  Two  Copies  of  the  fame  Letter  to  give 
them  an  Account  what  Difcoveries  I  had  alrea- 
dy made  in  Points  of  the  greateft  Confequence  ; 
and  to  beg  their  Advice  in  what  Mauner  and 
Method  thofe  Difcoveries  might  with  the  great- 
eft  Quiet,  Peace,  and  Advantage,  be  commu- 
nicated to  the  World,  and  efpecially  to  the 
Learned  ;  that  fo  upon  their  Examination  and 
Corrections,  an  Authentick  Account  might  be 
publifh'd  of  thefe  great  Dodrines  of  our  Reli- 
gion, in  the  very  Words  of  the  Sacred  and  moft 
Primitive  Writers  themfelves^  and  free  from  the 


xvi  An  Htjiorical  Treface^ 

Perverfions  of  the  Writers  of  Controverfy;     A 
true  Copy  of  which  Letter  does  here  follow  : 

Camh.  July  17.  1708. 
May  itpleafeyour  GRACE. 

HAving  been  lately  examining  with  all  the 
Care,  Application,  &  Impartiality  I  could^ 
thtOriglnal  DoBrines  of  Chriftianity^  concerning 
the  ever-bleffed  Trinity ,  and  the  Incarnation  of  our 
Lord  and  Saviour,  both  in  the  New  Teftament 
and  in  the  moft  Primitive  Antiquity;  And  having 
in  that  Enquiry  obferv'd^  as  'tis  very  eafy  to  do^,  that 
the  Opinions  of  the  twoy  and  almoft  three  fir fi  Centtt^ 
y/Vy  were  very  different  fromthofe  of  the  Fourth  & 
following  ones  ^  I  think  it  my  duty  to  propofe  the 
Confideration  &  Examination  of  thefe  matters  to 
the  ChriftianWorU'^hut  more  efpecially  to  thePr^- 
teftant  Churches '^htC2ivSQ  they  have  never  yet  been 
examin'd  in  any  publick  Manner,  either  at  or 
fince  the  Reformation  :  and  becaufe  the  common 
Dodrines  appear  all  along  to  have  been  fetled 
and  eftablifh'd  by  the  See  of  Rome^  and  thence 
to  have  been  propagated  to  the  reft  of  the  Chri- 
ftian  World.  It  feems  to  me  plain^  that  the 
Scripture^  the  AfofioUcal  Fathers^  and;,  in  the  main, 
the  fecond  Century  do  agree  in  the  explication  of 
thefe  facred  Doctrines.  Nay  even  the  Body  of 
the  Chriftion  Church  appears  to  have  been  of 
the  fame  Opinions  fo  low  as  the  Couficil of  Antioch 
itfelf,  in  the  latter  part  of  the  third  Century^  a- 
bating  only  one  or  two  particular  Perfons,  (con- 
tradiding  themfelves)  and  fuch  Parts  of  the 
Church  as  w^ere  under  the  Influence  of  the  Bt-^ 
fhops  of  Rome ;  who,  ever  (ince  the  Days  of  Pope 
Vi^cr^  have  taken  upbn  them  to  be  the  Arbitra- 


jln  Hiftoricd  Treface.  xvii 

tors  of  thefe  and  other  Controverfies  among 
Chriftians.     I  hope  your  Grace  will  believe  that 
I  am  hone  ft  and  fmcere  in  my  Intentions  ;    and  that 
if  I  were  not  fully  convinc'd  of  the  great  Imfor-^ 
tance  of  what  I  have  to  propofe  ,    I  would  not 
trouble  your  Grace,  or  the  World,  in  this  Mat- 
ter.    I  am  fure  I  have  no  Difficulty  upon  me 
in  believing  Myfteriesy  whenever  I  find  them  re- 
veal'd  by  God.     Nor  have  I  the  leaft  D^iAgn  to 
detrad  from  the  great  Dignity  of,   or  from  the 
Divine  Worfhip  due  to  the  Son  of  God,  and  the 
Bleffed  Spirit  ,•   on  whofe  Redempim  and  SanBi- 
ficatlon  all  my  own  Hopes. of  Salvation  are  en- 
tirely grounded.      But  I  cannot  eafily  believe 
that  the  Doctrine  of  the  Fourth  and  following 
Centurlcsy  I  mean  that  which  at  length  prevailed 
in .  them  ,    can  be  purer  than  that  of  the  Two 
firft  ;    that  VigUlus  Tapfenfis,  Athanajius y^ov  Coww- 
ci/Zthemfelves  can  make  Articles  of  Faith  ;  or  that 
their  late  Authorities  can  excufe  me,  or  any  ho- 
neil  Chriftian  from  examining  and  embracing 
that  Original  Faith,   -which  was  once  ddi'ver\l  to  the. 
Saints,  and  receiv'd  in  the  firft  Ages  of  the  Go- 

As  to  the  moft  proper  Method  of  Prop.ofmg 
thefe  Matters  to  the  Publick  ,    I  fliall  have  the 
greateft  Deference  for  your  Grace's  Judgment 
and  Directions ,    and  thofe  of  my  Lord  Arch- 
bifiiop  of  Turk  ;    who,   as  the  Principal  Guides 
of   this  Church  ,    have  a  juft  Right  to  be  con- 
fulted  in  Matters  of  this  Nature  and  Moment. 
For  my  own  Part,  I  not  only  belie^ue,  but  hwiVy 
that,  for  the  main  ,    what  I  affirm  to  have  been 
the  Ancient  Dodrine,  is  fo  ^    having  examin'd 
all  the   certainly   Genuine  and  moft  Ancient 
Books  and  Fragments  hitherto  publifli'd.     I  have 
alfo  a  pretty  compleat  ColUBion  of  the  Tcjiiwonles 
by  me,  and  a  (hort  Chronological  Account  by  what 
(  b  )  Steps 

xviii  An  Hiflorical  Tfeface. 

Steps  the  Primitive  Faith  was  gradually  either 
altered  or  improv'd,  till  it  came  to  the  Model  of 
the  Creed  of  Vlgil'ms  "Taffenfis  ^  the  Standard  of 
Modern  Orthodoxy  in  thefe  Matters.  So  that  I 
think  mV  i'elf  in  fome  meafure  prepared  to  give 
an  Authentick  Account  of  the  Faith  of  the  T'-wo 
Firfi  Centurks,  Nor  do  I  find  any  plain  Tefti- 
monies  tt>  be  alledg'd  on  the  other  Side.  But 
then  3  ■  becaufe  in  fome  Particulars  I  may  eafily 
have  made  Miftakes^  or  Omiflions ;  becaufe^  as 
a  peaceable  Member  of  this  Church  ^  I  ought 
to  confuk  its  Unity  and  Quiet  as  much  as  poffi- 
ble  ;  and  becaufe^  if  it  may  be,  I  would  have 
this  Matter  calmly  and  fairly  debated  and  fettled 
by  the  Learned,  before  it  comes  into  the  Hands 
of  the  Ignorant  :  Upon  all  thefe  Accounts ,  I 
humbly  propofe  it  to  your  Grace's  Confiderati- 
on  ,  What  Way  I  ffiould  take  in  the  particular 
Management  of  this  Matter  ?  My  ovv^nThoughts 
are.  That  it  might  be  convenient  to  have  fome 
Copies  tranfcrib'd,  or  rather  a  few  printed,  for 
the  Ufe  of  the  Learned.  But ,  if  any  other 
Method  {hall  be  propos'd ,  which  may  better 
attain  the  fame  Ends,  I  lliall  very  readily  com- 
ply with  it.  I  am  aware  that  feveral  Political 
or  Prudential  Confiderations  may  be  alledg'd 
againft  either  the  doing  this  at  ally  or  at  leait  the 
doing  it  nov^  :  But  then  ,  if  the  Sacred  Truths 
of  God  muft  be  always  fupprefs'd ,  and  dange- 
rous Corruptions  never  enquir'd  into ,  till  the 
Toliticfa?is  of  this  World  fliould  fay  it  were  a 
frofer  Time  to  examine  and  correcfl  them,  I  doubt 
it  v^ould  be  long  enough  e're  fuch  Examination 
and  Corredion  could  be  expected  in  any  Cafe. 
I  think  my  felf  plainly  Mig'd  m  point  of  Duty, 
to  communicate  my  Collections  to  the  Publick 
Confideration  :  And  therefore,  from  this  Refihtti^ 
c?}  m  general :,   no  worldly  Motives  whatever, 


An  Bifiorical  Treface.  xix 

by  the  Bleffing  of  God^  flicill  diflliade  me.  But, 
as  to  the  particular  Propofitions  themfelves  when 
they  are  fent,  your  Grace  will  pleafe  to  look 
upon  them  as  a  fomewhat  hafty  Account  ^  I  do 
not  fay  of  n^ine  07i;n  Opinions  y  for  thej  are  of 
fmall  Confideration,  but  of  the  Opinions  of  the 
Tovo  firfi  Centuries  of  the  Church  of  Chrifi  ^  readv 
for  all  well-grounded  Alterations  ,  Corre- 
dions  and  Improvements^  if  my  own  fartherEn- 
quiriesj  or  the  Suggeftions  of  the  Learned,  fhall 
make  any  of  them  neceffary  hereafter.  I  moft 
humbly  crave  your  Grace's  Pardon,  for  the  great 
Freedom  and  Boldnefs  of  this  Addrefs,  with  the 
Continuance  of  that  Candid  and  Favourable  O- 
pinion  of  me,  my  Intentions  and  Labours^ 
which  hitherto  your  Grace  has  been  pleased  to 
afford  to, 

\_lhavefmt  the  fame         Your  Obh'ged  &  moft 
Letter  to  f/:?c'Archbi{liop  Obedient  Servant, 

of  York.] 

^  Soon  after  the  Receipt  of  this  Letter,  both 
■'the  ArchbijJjops  WQiQ  fo  fair  and  kind  ,  as  to  re- 
tiirn  me  their  feveral  AnAvers.  True  Copies 
whereof  do  here  follow* 

S  I  Ry  Lamhthy  July  2^,  1708-* 

I  Received  your  Letter  ;  but  cannot  judge  of 
your  Work  therein  mentioned  without  Pcr- 
ufmg  it  :  And  I  had  rather  at  firft  fee  it  in  Wri- 
ting, than  in  Print.  Perhaps  your  Second 
Thoughts  maybe  different  from  your  ftrft,  after 
you  have  drawn  them  out,  and  laid  them  beforo 
others,  and  they  have  given  you  their  Opinions 
upon  them.  Amongft.  them  ,  it  fcems  to  mo 
Cb  2  )  very 

XX  An  HiHorical  Treface] 

very  proper  to  confult  the  Learned  Bifliop  Btfll, 
who  hath  fhew'd  himfelf  a  great  Mafcer  in  this 
Argument.  For  my  felf^when  I  fee  your  Scheme^ 
I  Ihall  freely,  and  without  Byafs ,  give  you  my 
poor  Thoughts  of  it.  May  the  God  of  Wifdom 
guide  us  all  in  all  our  Refearches  ^  and  make  us 
wife  to  Sobriety.     I  am^ 


Tour  Losing  Brother^ 

Dear  Sir,  BiJhofs^Thorp,  Aug.  6.  1708. 

IHad  the  Favour  of  your  Letter  above  a  Fort- 
night ago.     I  earneftly  beg  your  Pardon 
for  not  fooner  returning  my  Thanks  to  you  for 
it ;  which  I  certainly  had  done,  had  not  fome- 
thing  or  other  continually  happen'd  when  1  de- 
fign'd  it.     I  fay.  Returning  my  Thanks  to  you^ 
for  the  Civility  you  exprefs  to  me  in  that  Let- 
ter ;  For,  as  for  giving  an  Anfwer  to  it,  I  pro- 
fefs  I  am  not  able.     I  mull  own  ,   I  do  by  no 
means  approve  of  the  Defign  which  you  tell  me 
in  your  Letter  you  are  upon  ;  (as  thinking  that, 
if  you  do  purfue  it ,    you  will  do  a  great  deal 
more  Hurt  to  the  Chriitian  Religion  among  us, 
than  you  will  do  Good  ; )  and  being  of  this  O- 
pinion ,    to  be  fure  I  can  give  you  no  Advice  as 
to  the  Method  in  which  you  fhould  make  the 
World  acquainted  with  it  ;    which  is  that  you 
defire  in  your  Letter.     If  I  was  able  to  give  you 
any  Advice,  it  fliould  be  this  ;  That  you  would 
lay  afide  this  Projed,  at  leaft  fo  long  as  till  you 
have  had  Opportunity  of  talking  freely  about 
this  Matter  with  your  Friends  at  London  ;  which 
you  may  have  in  the  Parliament- time  ,    if  you 
will  then  be  fo  kind  as  to  make  a  Journey  thi- 

An  Hisiorical  Trefrce.  xxi 

ther.  A  great  many  Things  may  be  ofFer'd  in 
Difcourfe  ,  for  the  Convid:ion  of  either  of  the 
differing  Parties,  which  cannot  be  fo  eafily  writ 
in  Letters.  I  my  felf  now  think  that  I  have  as 
great  Reafon  to  believe ,  that  it  will  be  a  great 
Sin  in  you,  to  difturb  the  Peace  and  Unity  of  the 
Catholick  Church  ,  by  endeavouring  to  impofe 
new  Articles  of  Faith  upon  us  about  the  BlefTed 
Trinity,  different  from,  or  contrary  to  the  De- 
finitions of  the  Council  of  Nice  •  as  you  have 
to  believe  that  it  is  your  Duty  to  expofe  the 
Nice7je  Creed,  as  contrary  to  the  Common  Be- 
lief, for  almoft  Three  Centuries,  of  the  Pri- 
mitive Church.  But  perhaps,  if  you  and  I  were 
to  talk  of  thefe  Matters  together,  we  fhould  not 
part  at  fo  wide  a  Difference  one  from  the  other. 
I  do  fincerely  profefs  that  I  not  only  love  you,but 
have  a  great  Efteem  of  your  extraordinary  Abi- 
lities in  all  the  Sorts  of  Learning  of  which  you 
have  treated  in  your  Books.  And  indeed,  I 
know  no  Author ,  whofe  Works  I  read  with 
more  Pleafure,  than  I  do  yours :  And  I  do  like- 
wife  really  believe  you  to  be  a  fincere  ,  honeft, 
undefigning  Man.  But  then  ,  give  me  leave  to 
addj  (for  I  would  defire  that  you  fhould  think  me 
an  honeft  Man  alfo, )  that ,  if  you  have  any 
Weaknefs ,  it  is  this ;  -That  you  are  too  fond  of 
new  Notions,  and  oftentimes  lay  too  great 
Strefs  upon  them  ;  at  leaft  it  appears  fo  to 
me.  Forgive  me  this  Freedom  :  I  dare  fay 
you  will ;  becaufe  it  is  the  pure  Effed  of 
Hearty  Friendfliip  and  Good-Will  to  you.  You 
feem  in  your  Letter  to  intimate  ,  that. you  have 
a  Collection  of  your  Authorities  and  Reafons, 
&c,  in  order  to  your  Defigns ,  already  drawn 
up.  If  you  have  a  Copy  of  them  by  you^ 
which  you  can  Ipare ,  and  would  be  fo  kind  as 
to  fend  it  down  to  me ,  either  by  the  Carrier, 
(  b  3  )  or 

XXii  An  Hiflorical  Treface. 

or  Tome  other  fafe  Hand  ^  I  fhould  own  it  as  a 

very  great  Favour  ;  and  will  return  it  you  again 
affoon  as  I  'have  perus'd  it.  By  this  Means  I 
fhall  be  the  better  able  to  form  a  Judgment  of 
what  you  are  now  defigning  ;  and  cojifequently 
more  fit  to  give  my  Opinion^  when  I  fiiall  have 
the  Happinefs  of  feeing  you.  I  heartily  wifh 
you  all  Health  and  Happinefs :  And  I  pray  God 
moftearneftly  to  direct  you  in  all  your  Under- 
takings, that  they  may  be  for  his  Glory :,  and  the 
Good  of  his  Churdi. 

1  am  fincerely^  v^ith  the  mofl  hearty 

Efieem  and  Ajfdiiony 
Your  Faithful  Friend, 


Upon  the  Receipt  of  .thefe  Kind  and  ChrilH- 
an  Letters  from  our  moft  Reverend  Metropoli- 
tans, I  refolved  to  comply  with  their  Diredion^ 
tho'  it  was  likely  to  occafion  me  fome  farther 
Pains,  and  that  of  a  Nature  not  very  agreeable^ 
I  mean  the  repeated  tranfci-ibing  of  Ancient 
Greek  and  Latin  Quotations  :  Of  wliich  more 

About  this  Time  I  received  a  long  Letter  from 
the  moft  Learned  and  Right  Reverend  the  Lord 
Bifhop  of  F/orcefier  ;  who  had  been  mifmform'd 
about  me ,  as  if  I  was  running  into  Socmlanlfm. 
So  much  of  it  as  concerns  thefe  Matters  I  fliall 
here  tranfcribe,  asalfo  my  Anfwer,  fo  far  as  it 
belongs  thereto. 


Hartlehury,  'July    30.     1708. 

I  Have  been  very  much  grieved  for  your  fake; 
and  much  more  on  the  Churches  Account  ; 
to  fee  that  one  with  v/hom  I  had  fo  great  a" 

'•  -  '  Frienq- 

An  Htflorical  Treface.  xxiii 

Friendfhip  ,  and  of  whom  I  expelled  fo  much 
Good^  as  I  reafonably  might;  (knowing  the  good 
Parts  that  God  had  blefs'd  you  with  ,  and  the 
honeft  Zeal  you  feem'd  to  havp^  to  employ  them 
for  the  Glory  of  God  ,  and  the  Service  of  his 
Churchj)(hould  fufFer  himfelf  to  be  carried  away 
as  you  have  been  by  an  extravagant  Fancy  , 
greedily  fet  upon  hunting  after  Novelties  ^  into 
Things  not  only  untrue,  but  alfo  hurtful  in  eve- 
ry Book  that  you  have  publiChed  of  late  Years. 
And  now  atlaft,  to  my  great  Grief,  1  hear  you 
are  running  into  Socinianifm  ;  &  are  about  to  pub- 
lifh  a  Book  of  that  Sort.  Which  if  it  be  true, 
will  make  it  necefTary  for  me  to  break  Friendfhip 
with  you  once  for  all.  For  after  that,  I  cannot 
but  look  upon  you  as  a  Subverter  of  Souls,  and 
an  Enemy  to    the    Church  of   Chrift.     God 

forbid  it  fhould  ever  come  to  this  I God 

knows  I  defire  nothing  elfe  but  your  good ,  and 
to  keep  you  from  doing  Hurt  to  the  Church.  I 
befeech  God  that  thefe  Notices  I  have  given  you 
may  have  the  Effecl  that  I  defign  by  them.  I 

S  I  Ry  Ifuur  fincerelj  AffeBionate  Friend 
and  Servant  in  Chrift, 


To  which  Letter  I  immediately    reply'd  in 
this  Manner. 

M/  'verjGood  LORD ^ 

j^ug.  16.  1708^ 

{Received  the  laft  Night  your  Lordfhip's  kind 
and  Chriftian  Admonitions ;  and  your  Rea- 
fons  againil  one  Propofirion  in  my  Harmony.    I 
(b4)  '  have 

XXIV  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

have  fome  Caufe  to  be  furpriz'd  at  both.     As  to 
your  Lordfhip's  Admonitions  I  take  them  very- 
kindly  :  But   muft  beg  leave  to  fay  the  main 
Foundation  of  them  is  not  true^  ^vlz..  That  I  am 
going  over  to  Soclnia7nfw  :  To  vi'hich  I  have  not 
the  leail  Difpofition^  nor  ever  had  in  my  Life. 
I  own  my  felf  not  fatisfy'd  with  the  Creed  of 
Vigllitis  TaffcTtfis^  and  fome  other  novel  Notionsj^ 
which  were  introduc'd  long  after  the  firfl  Times 
of  the  Gofpel.     But  that  I  might  go  upon  fure 
Grounds,  as  to  my  Determination  in  fuch  Mat- 
ters,  I  have  made  an  Extract  of  almoft  all  the 
Texts  of  Scripture,  and  moft  Ancient  Teftimo- 
nies  relating  to  the  Trinity  and  Incarnation,  un- 
der their  feveral  Heads,  and,  without  any  Hy- 
pothcfis  of  my  own,  have  exadly  followed  thofe 
Ancient  Teilimonics.  And  that  the  World  may 
be  no  longer  impost  on  by  the  Partiality  and 
Unfairnefs  of  Writers  of  Controverfy  ,  I  defign 
to  publifn  that  original  Colleclion  in   the  Au- 
thors own  Words,  wuth  a  very  few  Notes  or  Ob- 
fervations  as  I  go  along.     If  the  common  Do- 
ctrines difagree  with  thofe  Texts  and  Teftimo- 
nies,  they  ought  certainly  to  be  difcarded.     If 
-    thev  agree,  my  Book  will  be  an  unanfwerable 
Vindication  of  them.     And  it  would  make  an 
hen  eft  Man  amaz'd  to  fee  what  Fears  and  Jea- 
loufies  are  conceived  from  fo  fur  and  unexcep- 
tionable a  Method  as  this.     Good  my  Lord,  let 
us  acl-  like  Chriftians,  concern'd  for  the  Faith 
mice  Mi-vcred  to  the  Sni?2ts  by  our  Saviour  and  his 
Apoftles  ;  and  not  like  Men  ready  to  maintain 
all  the  Corruptions  which  T.iga7i  Thilofophy  and 
yhtlcbrlfilan  Tjranny  have  brought  in  and  impos'd 
upon  the  Church  iince  the  firlt  Ages.     I  plead 
for  nothing  but  this ;   and  beg  that  the  Texts  of 
Scripture  and  Teftimonies  of  Antiquity  may  be 
heard  hythe',v[d'v'es^  without  the  Colours  andSo- 

"  ■  phifticaticns 

An  HiBorical  Treface.  xxv 

phiftications  of  Writers  of  Controverfy.  And 
I  venture  to  fay  that  they  arc,  in  the  main;,  plain 
and  intelligible  to  honeft  and  impartial  Minds ; 
as  will  appear  on  their  Publication  ;  and  yet  not 
a  little  different  from  the  Notions  that  pafs  cur- 
rent among  us,  and  have  been  deriv'd  to  us  from 
the  Antichriftian  Church  without  Examination. 

Your  Lordfhip  muft  allow  me  to  govern 

my  own  Sentiments  and  Practices  by  my  own 
Judgment  and  Enquiries  ;  and  not  exped:  that 
Modern  Authority  muft  ferve  inftead  of  Origi-^ 
nal  Evidence  with  me  ,  whatever  it  does  with-- 
others  in  moft  Cafes.     And  if  this  be  efteem'd 
Pride,  and  Vanity^  and  QJbftinacy  ,  and  Here- 
tical Pravity  ,  I  muft  be  contented  with  thofe 
Imputations  ;  having  an  alTured  Hope  that  the 
juft  Judge  of  all  the  Earth  will  one  Day  acquit: 
me,  whatever  the  Paffion  or  Prejudice  of  Man 
may  now  think  of ,  or  do  to  mc.     I  flncerely 
enquire  after,and  honeftly  embrace  all  the  Truths 
of  God,  which  I  find  either  in  Scripture,  or  the 
firft  Writers.     But  w^hen  I  fee  Corruptions  plain- 
ly come  in^  when  I  faw  how  they  came  in ,  and 
whin  they  came  in  ;  when  I  fee  by  what  Jutho- 
rity  they  were  eftablifh'd  ;  and  by  v/h?xt  for b'ullngy 
or  dropping,  or  corrupting  the  ancient  Records  of 
our  Religion  they  have  been  fo  long  continued, 
1  cannot  hold  my  Peace,  left  I  my  felf  be  con- 
demned for  my  Silence  and  Hypocrifv  another 
Day.     Your  Lordfhip  is  fo  great  a  Mailer  of  the 
moft  Ancient  Fathers,  that  I  fiiall  wonder  if  my^ 
Collection  out  of  them  fiiould  be  thought  of  any 
dangerous  Confcquenceby  your  Lordfliip.  And 
I  hope  the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions,  No'uatians 
Account  of  the  Ancient  Dodrines  of  the  Tri- 
nity and  Incarnation,  and  the  moft  Primitive' 
Fathers  in  particular,  are  by  Providence  pre- 
ferv'd  on  purpofe  to  retrieve  to  the  Church  the 

truly  i 

xxvi  An  Hiflorical  Treface. 

truly  Primitive  Faith^  and  Practice  and  Difci- 
pline;  that  when  our  Saviours,  Kingdom  begins, 
it  may  be  eftablifh'd  upon  the  very  lame  Foot 
whereon  it  was  Originally  fettled  in  the  firft 
Times  of  the  Gofpel.  I  am  with  all  Refped, 
Duty,  and  Obfervance, 

Tour  LordflnpSy  mofi  obedient 
Son  aiid  Servant  J 

WILL.*    W  H  I  S  T  O  N. 

To  this  Letter  m.y  Lord  Bifhop  of  WorcejI-er 
M^as  pleas'd  to  anfwer  in  a  little  Time.  Such 
Parts  of  which  his  Second  Letter,  as  concern 
the  prefent  matter,  I  Ihali  here  transcribe. 

S  I  Ry  HdYtkhiry-Cafile,  Sep,  8.  1708. 

YOur  Letter  o^Auguft  26.  came  to  me  not  till 
Sunday  the  fifth  Inftant:  And  then  having  fe- 
veral  Letters  of  Bufmefs  to  write  by  the  Monday- 
Poft,  I  was  conftrain'd  to  put  off  the  anfwering 
of  your's  to  the  prefent.  But  I  cannot  anfwer 
it  now  as  I  would  if  I  had  Time  to  confider.  For, 
to  do  any  thing  to  the  Purpofe,  I  muft  have 
more  Time  than  Men  of  quicker  Parts  need. 
God  help  me,  my  Parts  have  been  always  very 
flow,  and  are  fo  now  more  than  ever  ,  by  Rea- 
fon  of  my  Age ;  and  will  be  more  and  more  fo 
to  the  End  of  my  Life.  But  to  husband  the  lit- 
tle Time  I  have  to  write  by  this  Poft  ,  I  will 
fiiorten  my  Work,  and  fpeak  of  nothing  more 

than  the  Things  I  ftnd  in  your  Letter.  In 

the  Account  you  are  pleas'd  to  give  me  of  the 
Work  vou  are  about,  I  am  glad  to  fee  this  in  the 


An  Hijlorical  Treface.  xxvii 

firft  Place  ,  that  you  are  no  Socima?t.  God  be 
thanked  for  that.  But  then  you  own  jour  J  elf  net 
to  he  jatlsfied  with  the  Creed  of  V^ig.  Tapf.  and  fome 
other  No^jehies,  By  the  Creed  of  Vig,  Tapf.  I' 
fuppofe  you  mean  the  Confeflion  of  our  Chri-' 
ftian  Faith^  ivhich  ts  commonly  called  the  Creed  of  St, 
Athanafius ;  That,  you  know,  is  tke  Title  that 
is  given  it  in  our  Liturgy,  But  what  then  are 
thofe  ether  no^cl  Notions ,  as  you  Call  them  ?  Are 
they  likewife  fuch  as  are  own'd  by  our  Church  ? 
If  they  are  not,  I  have  no  more  to  fay  to  them 
in  this  Place.  But  if  they  are,  then  I  hav-  the 
fame  to  fay  for  them,  as  I  have  for  the  Creed 
above-mention'd.  I  am  heartily  forry  for  thae 
which  you  fay ,  that  you  are  not  fatisfy'd  with 
them.  But  if  that  be  all  ,  you  m?v  keep  your 
Diffatisfadion  to  your  felf  •  if  you  find  it  very 
uneafy,  you  may  try  how  it  may  be  rcinov'd  by 
Reading,  or  Conference,  or  the  like  ;  ahvays 
joined  with  Pr/z/^r  fo  Go  J,  Eph.  III.  17  And,  if 
you  are  fure  you  are  in  the  Right  in  any  ivlat- 
ter,  whereing  you  have  the  Church's  Judgment 
agaihft  you,  yet  you  fliould  be  very  careful  noc 
to  break  the  Peace  of  the  Church  by  Writinjj 
againft  it.  If  it  were  but  one  Brother  that 
would  take  Hurt  by  your  Writing  ,  the  Apoftle 
faith.  It  is  not  good  to  venture  That  ,  Rom.  XIV". 
:ii.  even  though  you  know  you  are  in  the  l^ight : 
For,  as  it  folio weth  ,  Hafi  thou  Faith  ?  ha^ue  it  to 
thy  felf  Flow  much  more  when  the  Peace  of 
the  Church  you  are  of,  is  to  be  broke  or  weak- 
ned  by  it  ?  I  know  nothing  can  excufe  you  frorri 
this,  unlefs  the  Church  holds  fome  damnable  Er- 
ror ;  and  that  in  the  Cafe  you  are  fpeaking  of, 
muft  be  fuch  an  Error  as  the  Church  hath  been 
in  ever  fmce  the  Third  Century.  Can  you  think 
this  is  poffible  ?  I  am  fure  it  is  very  unlikely. 
^^hat  ?  that  any  Part  of  the  Faith  once  delivered 


XXV iii  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

to  the  Saints,  hath  been'loft  ever  fince  the  Nkene 
Times ;  and  had  been  fo  ftill,  but  that  my  Friend 
Mr.  Whifion  hath  found  it?  Believe  this  who 
win  ;  for  my  part,  if  my  Friend  were  an  An- 
gel ,  I  fhould  not  believe  it.     Pray  ,  my  Dear 
Friend,  be  not  over-fond  of  this  Fatus  of  your 
Brain,  as  you  will  be  furely  tempted  to  be,  be- 
caufe  it  is  yours.     But  pray  get  fome  thinking 
judicious  Friends  well  to  view  it.,  and  to  judge 
whether   it  be  fit   to  be  rear'd  :  If  they  advife 
you  againft  it,  if  they  tell  you  it  will  furely  do 
Mifchief ,  do  not  think  much  to  bury  it  ;  do  it 
even  for  His  fake  that  kept  in  many  Truths  till 
his  Difciples  jlwuld  he  able  to  bear  them^  Joh.  XVI. 
12,     It  is  the  Advice  and  very  earnelt  Requeft 


S  I  Ry   Tour  truly  JjfeBionate 

Friend  and  Servant y 

\y.    WORCESTER* 

My  Anfwer  to  this,  as  I  find  upon  the  Review, 
was  rather  too  fiiarp,  and  fo  unbecoming  as  to 
the  Stile,  which  I  am  very  forry  for :  but  becaufe 
it  is  defigned  to  recommend  the  facred  Truths  of 
Chriftianity  ;  and  becaufe  the  Natare  of  this  Ac- 
count requires  me  to  give  a  true  Copy  of  it  with- 
out Amendment,  I  fhall  here  tranicribe  it  ex- 

Af}  "very  Good  LO  RDy 

Camh.  Sept.  18.  1708. 

I  Received  your  Lordfhip's  Letter  in  Anfwer 
to  mine  :  and  I  confefs.  My  Lord,  I  am  not 

a  little  Surpriz'd  at  the  Contents  of  it. 

As  to  my  prefent  Defign,  your  Lordfhip  ama- 
zes me  in  intimating  your  own  Satisfaftion  with 


An  HiBorical  "Preface,  xxix 

the  Creed  of  VigHlus  Tlmffitanus.  One  that 
knows  the  Original  State  of  Chriftianity  fo  well 
as  your  Lordfhip,  might  as  well  fay  the  fame  of 
the  Worfhip  of  Images^,  but  that  violent  pre- 
poffeflion  for  what  is  in  the  Church  hinders  the 
plained  Truths  from  being  believ'd.  That 
Creed  is  moft  evidently  a  grofs  Corruption, 
compos'd  under^  and  eftablifli'd  by  the  Anti- 
chriftian  Church  ;  and  a  great  fhame  to  all  Pro- 
teftants  that  'tis  not  yet  exxluded.  But  that  is 
only  one  Point.  My  defign  is  general,  to  give 
an  Authentick  Account  of  the  moft  Primitive 
Faith  in  thefe  matters  in  the  very  Words  of  Scrip- 
ture, and  the  firft  Writers.  And  if  Perfons  of 
your  Lordfhip's  Charader  fhall  difcourage  this 
Honeft  and  Chriftian  Defign,  I  fhall  be  obliged 
to  let  all  the  Church  fee  how  grofly  they  have 
been  impos'd  upon,  by  putting  all  the  Tefti- 
monies  into  EngUfli,  Give  me  leave  to  reafon 
freely  with  your  Lordfhip,  becaufe  it  is  in  be- 
half of  the  Original  Chriftian  Faith,  againft 
the  Corruptions  of  Philofophy  and  Tyranny  : 
Tagan  Vhllofofhy  and  Antichriflian  Tyranny.  What 
is  Popery  and  Prieft-crafr,  if  this  be  not  fo  ?  to 
fupprefs  or  corrupt  the  Ancient  Books :  to  vouch 
fpurious  or  fufpecled  Authorities :  to  make  Me- 
taphyfical  Niceties,  Articles  of  the  Chriftian 
Faith  :  to  overlook  or  evade  exprefs  Teftimo- 
nies  :  to  put  forc'd  and  abfurd  Interpretations 
on  the  plain  Words  of  Scripture  :  to  lay  afide 
the  undoubted  Genuine  Work  of  Clemens  Roma^ 
ntis,  I  mean  the  Jpofiolical  Con  ft  hut  Ions  ;  and  the 
Original,  Jewifli,  and  Gentile  Liturgies  con- 
tain'd  in  the  Seventh  and  Eight  Books  of  it ; 
incomparifon  of  which,  all  the  Books  of  Di- 
vinity now  extant,  excepting  the  Sacred  ones, 
are  inconfiderable  :  and  all  this  for  fear  of  the 
Imputation  of  Arianifm^  i,  e,  becaufe  we  dare 


XXX  An  HiJloricalTreface. 

not  own  the  plain  Truths  of  God,  when  they 
lie  under  the  Odium  of  Men.  Good  My  I,ord^ 
whjit  is  the  Duty  of  honeft  Men,  ofgoodChri- 
ftiims,  of  Clergy-men,  of  Bifnops  of  the  Church 
in  this  cafe  ?  Your  Lordfnip  is  too  well  acquain- 
ted v/ith  the  firft  Books  of  pur  Religion  not  to 
guefs  in  part  at  my  meaning.  And,  if  you 
could  have  laid  afide  Prejudice  for  the  prefent 
Eftnhlifhment,  muft  have  ken  long  ilnce  that 
the  modern  Notions  are  and  only  can  be  fup- 
ported  by  the:  former  Methods.  And  can  your 
•Lordfhip  in  Confcience  go  onto  fupport  them  ? 
Dare  your  Lordlhip  difcourage  this  honeft  At- 
tempt to  correct  them  ^  I  take  the  moft  peace- 
able and  prudent  Method  I  can  of  propofmg 
thefe  things,  to  publick  Examvtation  :  And  I  hope 
to  have  a  Copy  ready  for  your  Lordfliip's  Peru- 
fal  and  Corredion  in  a  fhorttime.  But  as  to  the 
-Thing  it  felf,  I  am  refolv'd  by  the  Grace  of 
God  to  propofe  it  to  the  World  ;  and  am  fo  ful- 
ly affur'd  \rx  the  main  of  the  Truth  and  Impor- 
tance of  thefe  things,  that  I  am  rcfolvM  to  en- 
deavour their  Corrections ;  and  if  Occafion  re- 
quire,to  pcfiih  in  the  Attempt.  And  if  fuch  as  your 
Lordiliip,  who  are  bound  by  all  the  Ties  df 
Truth,  Sincerity,  and  Chriftianiry  to  affift  and 
fupport  me,  do  on  the  contrary,  difcourage 
and  reject  me,  fmufl:  appeal  to  the  Juftice  of  an 
higher  Tribunal '  to  judge  between  us.  I  hav^e 
written  to  both  the  ArMijhopSy  and  am  prepa- 
ring two  Copied  for  them  ;  One  of  which  I  will 
endeavour  may  be  fcnt  to  vour  Lordftiip.  As 
to  my  felf,;iipon  a  through  Examination,  I  am 
fatisfy'd  that  the  common  Do6lrines  have  no 
more  Foundation  in  genuine  Antiquity,  than 
Purgatory  and  Tranfubftantiation  :  and  I  fully 
believe  are  the  firft  part  of  the  Antichriftian 
Corruptions ;  in  cafting  out  of  which  therefore 

An  Hiftorical  Treface.  xxxi 

I  have  all  the  Reafon  in  the  World  to  expe<fl 
your  Lordfhip's  Concurrence.  And  fince  your 
Lordfhip  is  fo  throughly  fenfible  of  the  Anti- 
chriftianifm  of  Popery,  I  would  fain  know  how 
the  Confuhfiantialhy  and  Coecjualhy  of  the  Holy 
Ghofl  to  the  Father  and  the  Son,  on  which  foon 
followed  his  Invocation^  which  only  ftands  upon 
one  Letter  of  Pope  Llherius  or  Damafus,  can  by 
your  Lordiliip  be  look'd  on  under  any  other  De- 
nomination ?  That  wicked  State  arofe  very  gra- 
gually  *  and  I  fear  the  Reformed  Churches  have 
not  yet  call  out  all  the  Relicks  of  it  till  this 
Day.  Your  Lordfhip  will  forgive  the  Boldnefs 
of  this  Addrefs,  on  Account  of  the  Importance 
of  the  Points  concerned,  and  of  your  Lord- 
fliip's  Knowledge  of  the  Sincerity  of  the  Pro- 
pofer^  who  is  with  great  Submiffion  and  Re- 

Toisr   Lordjlnp  'mo(t  chlJged 

and  OhedicJit  Son  and  Servant 


To  tliis  Letter  I  received  no  Reply  till  the 
following  Afril  :  when  his  Lordfhip  was  pleas'd 
to  fend  me  a  very  long  Letter  ;  relating  chiefly 
to  fome  other  Debates  between  us.  What  there-- 
in  dire(5lly  concerns  this  Matter  I  fhall  here 


IN  your  Letter  of  September  1 8.  you  tell  me 
you  were  not  a  Httle  furpriz'd  at  the  Con- 
tents of  my  Second  Letter.  1  alTure  you  I  am 
very  much  grieved,  at  what  I  read  in  your  An- 
fvver  to  it.  There  are  fuch  Things  as  would 
difliearten  me  from  vvriting  to  you  any  farther 


xxxii  An  HiJIorical  'Preface. 

concerning  thefe  Matters ;  but  that  the  Matters 
themfelves  are  fuch  as  are  of  very  great  concern 
to  the  Chriftian  Faith,  and  to  the  Peace  and 
Unity  of  the  Church.     Thefe  great  and  pub- 
lick  Concerns  are  much  endangered  by  your  ex- 
ceffive  gratifying  of   your   Love  of  Novelty. 
It  is  plainly  Natural  to  you,  as  all  your  Friends 
too  vv^ell  know.     But  to  our  greater  forrow  it  is 
vifibly  grown,  and  daily  increafes,  by  your  in- 
dulging your  felf  fo  much  in  it.     When  you 
came  firil  to  publifli  this  in  Writing  of  Books, 
yc     began  with  Philofophical  Matters :  From 
thence  you  went  on  to  Scripture-Hiftory  ;  and 
from    thence  to  the  Prophecies  of  Scripture. 
Now  at  laft  you  are  come  to  Matters  of  Faith. 
Wherein  I  doubt  not  to  find  you  are  as  grofly 
miftaken  as  I  am  fure  you  are,  and  I  will  prove 
it  to  you,  in  every  one  of  the  Books  you  have 
publifli'd   hitherto.     I  except  only    your  firft 
JBook,  becaufe  in  that,  as  I  underftand,   Mr. 
Kelll  has  taken  you  to  task,  and  I  am  told  he 
handles  you  fomewhat  feverely.      With  what 
Juftice  he  does  it  I  leave  to  the  Judgment  of  the  ; 

Virtuofi. My  grief  is   much  increas  d  by 

reading  thofe  vehement  Declarations  you  make 
of  a  full  Refolution  to  go  on  in  the  Work  that  I 
fo  earneftly  defir'd  you  to  put  a  flop  to,  till  you 
had  advis'd  with  your  Friends.  And,  as  it  were; 
on  purpofe,  to  take  away  all  hope  of  your 
hearkning  to  any  Advice,  you  tell  me.  If  this, 
troceeding  of  yours  he  eficemed  Pride^  and  Vanity^  and 
Ohfi'macyy  and  Heretical  Fra^uity^  you  rnnfi  he  con- 
tent -with  thofe  Imputations.  Would  to  God  thefe 
were  no  Occafion  for  any  of  thefe.  Indeed  I 
cannot  charge  you  with  Pride  and  Vanity  in 
any  other  Inftance  than  what  I  have  met  with 
in  your  Writings.  But  I  cannot  deny  that  in 
thcin  I  have  feen  fo  much  Appearance  of  thefe 


An  Hiflorical  Treface.  xxxiii 

things,  that  I   know  not  how   to  excufc  you 
from  either  of  them.     And  therefore  there  be- 
ing great  Reafon  to  believe,  that  there  muft 
have  been   feme  Sins  of  Youi^s  that  have  pro- 
voked  God  to  fend  this  heavy  Judgment  upon 
you,  in  fuffering  you  to  write  and  publifii  fuch 
Things  as  you  have  done,  and  are  now  doings 
and  knowing  no  other  Sins  to  charge  you  with 
but  thofe  of  Pride,  and  Vanity,  I  am  of  Opi- 
nion that  thofe  are  the  very  Sins  that  have  gi- 
ven that  Provocation  to  God.     Pray  think  of 
it,  as  it  highly  concerns  you  to  do,  before  you 
go  any  farther  in  the  Work  that  you  have  now 
in  your  Hands.     As  for  Ohflinacy^  and  Heretical 
Fravhy,  I  am  forry  to  tell  you  I  fee  too  much 
of  both  thefe  in  your  fecond  Letter  now  before 

m  e.  —  And  if  the  Imputation  of  Obftinacy 

be  juft,  then  it  highly  concerns  you  to  take  heed 
of  the  laft  Imputation,  I  mean  that  of  Heretical 
Travity,  for  if  that  be  juft  alfo,  and  you  think 
to  pafs  it  over  by  faying  as  you  do,  I  am  content 
to  hear  ;>,  nay  niore,  I  am  refolved  to  go  OHy  tho  1 
perijh  in  the  Jttempt^^    what  will  this  come  to  at 
laft  ?  I  tremble  tS  think  of  it  ;  if  God  fliould 
once  withdraw  his  Grace,  and  give  you  up  to 
him  whole  Work  you  are  doing.     God  will  de- 
fend his  Chutch  againft  all  you  can  do  :  But  for 
your  felf,  if  you  go  on,  your  End  will  be  mifer- 
able.  ,.  Yet  I  hope  better  ;  and  therefore  I  will 
endeavour  to  make  you  fee  whither  you  are  go- 
ing.    I  befeech  God  my  Endeavours  may  have 
that  bleifed  Effed.     In  what  you  tell  me  of  the 
Work  you  are  about,  you  begin  with  a  very 
bold  Genfure  of  that  Confeffion  of  Faith  which 
is  often  us'd  in  our  Church,   and  which,  as  I 
mention'd  to'  you  before,  our.  Church  faith /V 
commonly  calVd  the  Creed  of  Athanafius,     You  call 
it  the  Greed  ©6  Vig.  Tnpf.  though  th^c  is  moi;^. 
C  c  )  than 

xxxiv  An  Htjlorical  Treface. 

than  you  know.  But  be  it  fo.  Vigilius  was  one 
of  thofe  Orthodox  Bifiiops  that  were  under  the 
heavy  Perfecution  of  thofe  Arlan  Kings  of  the 
Vandals^  about  A*  D.  <;oo.  and  then  he  did  write 
Books  againfi;  the  reigning  Herefie  ;  which^  for 
concealment  fake,  he  put  out  in  the  Name  of 
S.  Athanafius.  Thus  did  fome  of  the  Jews  in 
Times  of  Perfecution,  write  Books  againft  Hea- 
then Idolatry.  One  that  is  call'd  the  Wifdom 
of  Solomon :  Another  call'd  the  Book  of  Baruch  ; 
whereof  alfo  part  is  called  the  Epiftle  of  Jere- 
miah. I  cannot  commend  them,  that  to  conceal 
themfelves  ufed  thefe  Arts ;  But  neverthelefs 
their  Books  were  highly  approv'd.  Infomuch 
that  they  were  read  by  the  Heilenift  Jews  in 
their  Synagogues,  and  fo  coming  into  the  Chri- 
ftians  Hands,  they  were  alfo  read  in  Chriftian 
Churches,  in  and  next  after  the  Apoftles  times. 
The  Cenfure  you  pafs  upon  that  Creed  is  in 
thefe  Words,  That  Creed  is:  mofi  evidently  a  grofs 
Corruption  ;  cowpos\l  under  and  efiahlijli^d  hy  the  An- 
tichrifiian  Church  ;  and  a  great  Shame  to  all  Prote- 
flants  that  it  is  not  yet  excluded.  This  is  indeed  a 
thing  not  to  be  endur'd  ;  thaf  any  Member  of  a 
Chriftian  Church,  fhould  take  the  Liberty  to 
himfelf,  to  throw  fuch  a  Cenfure  upon  any 
part  of  its  Liturgy,  efpecially  on  a  ConfefEoi 
of  Faith  that  is  cnjoyn'd  by  Authority  to  be  i^s'd 
in  the  publick  Offices  of  the  Church  ;  and  hot 
only  fo,  but  to  cry  Shame  upon  the  Church  for 
continuing  it.  All  that  can  be  faid  for  you  in;; 
this  Cafe,'  is  only  that  you  do  it  in  a  private  Let-| 
ter  to  a  Friend,  acquainting  him  with  your  Opi- 
nion of  the  Thing,  and  your  Reafon  for  it ; 
promifmg  you  will  publifh  nothing  of  your  Opi- 
ni<)n,  nor  of  your  Reafons,  till  firft  you  have 
communicated  them  to  the  two  Arc hhijhops  oi 
thi$  Church,  Upon  thefe  Terms  I  go  on  with 
.  • '^'■•  you: 

An  Utflortcal  Treface.  XXXV 

you  ;  and  come  toconfider  the  particular  Things 
that  you  objed  againft  the  Confeffion  of  Faith> 
and  confequently  in  the  Prayers  of  our  Liturgy. 
I  find  them  toward  the  end  of  your  fecond  Let- 
ter in  thefe  Words ;  There,  fpeaking  of  th6 
Antichriftian  Corruptions,  you  fay,  1  would  fain 
know  how .  the  Confubftantiality^^  and  Coequality  of  the 
Holy  Ghofi  to  the  Father  and  the  Son^  on  which  foon 
followed  his  Invocation,  which  only  fiands  upon  one 
Letter  of  F ope  Liberius  <?r  Damafus,,  can  he  looked 
upon  by  your  Lordjlnp  under  any  other  Denomination. To 
thisDemand  of  yours  I  flialt'give  you  myAnfwei: 
in  as  few  Words  as  I  can.Firft/c^r  theDoBrine  of  the 
I  Confuhfiantiality  and  Coequality  of  the  Holy  Ghofi  to 
the  Father  and  the  Son,  I  talcCj  it  to  be  part  of  the 
Creed  which  our  bleffed  Lord  gave  us  in  his 
Form  of  Baptifm.  He  commanded  us  all  to  be 
[Baptized,  In  the  Name  of  the  Father  y  and  of  the 
Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Ghofi,  ^  God  was  pleafed^ 
when  our  Saviour  himfelf  was  baptized,  to 
make  a  vifible  and  audible  Appearance  of  three 
Perfons  concern'd  in  his  Baptifm.  Our  bleffed 
Saviour  gave  a  plain  Intimation  of  the  fame 
Three,  at  the  Entrance  upon  his  Prophetick 
Office,  Luke  iv.  He  declared  them  more  than 
once  in  his  laft  Difcourfes  rp  his  Difciples  j  tho' 
as  yet  he  could  fpeak  to  them^^homore  than  their 
Weaknefs  would  bear.  John  xvi.  12.  2f.  S^, 
John  tells  in  his  Gofpel  what  he  heard  our  Sa- 
viour fay  to  the  Jeivs,  John  x.  ;o.  I  and  my  iv?-, 
therareOne,  tvka^iv.  The  fame  Apoftle  tells  US 
in  his  Catholick  Epiftle,  Of  the  Father,  the. 
Son,  and  the  Holy  Ghoft,  Thefe  Three' are  One^ 
Itt^cUlv  iiai.  i  John\.^.  Thefe  laft  word's 
are  quoted  hy  Ten ullian,  that  wrote  toward. thd 
end  of  the  fecond  Century,  withiri  an  Hundred, 
Years  aftdr  the  De^h 'oiF  that 'Apoftle.  They'. 
are  quoted' ^Ifo  by  CypHa?}  that  v/rote  afeoi^  th^ 
(  G  2  )  Middle 

xxxvi  An  HiBortcd  preface.  | 

Middle  of  the  Third  Century  ;  and  after  then! 
by  many  other  of  tht  African  Fathers.     If  yotf 
doubt  whether  thefe  were  the  Words  of.  the  Apo- 
ftle,  You  may  fee  it  prov'd  by  many  Learned 
Writers^  and   particularly  by  Dr.  Mills,  in  his 
various  Readings  on  that  Text.    It  is  evident 
that  not  only  thofe  Fathers  themfelves  did  not 
doubt  but  that  St.  John  wrote  thofe  Words,  but 
that  neither  did  thofe  that  they  wrote  againft. 
queftion  it.      For  thofe  Fathers  did  not  only 
quote  thofe  Words,  but  they  argued  from  them ; 
which  had  been  ridiculous  if  there  had  been  any 
doubt  of  the  Text.     Particularly  TerttMan  urges 
it  againft   Fraxeas,  cap.  29.  .^siTres  unum  funty 
mn  unusy  as  Fraxeas  would  have  it.     This  I  take 
to  be  a  fufficient  Pf  oof  of  the  Unity  of  the 
Three  Perfons  in  the  Divine  Nature:  and  1 
think  there  needs  no'  other  Proof  of  their  Con- 
fuhfiantlallty  and  Coequality.     For   the  In^uocatlon 
of  the  Holy  Gholt,  which  you  fay  only  ftands  on 
one  Letter  of  Fope  Liberius  or  Damafus,  I  can't 
imagine  whence  you  had  this.     For  I  know  of 
no  Letter  of  either  of  thofe  Popes  that  has  any 
thing  of  this  Invocation.     My  ground  for  it  is 
what  I  have  fhew'd  you  :  The  Holy  Ghoft  is  , 
God,  and  therefore  he  is  to  be  pray'd  to.  There 
can  be  nothing  plainer  than  this.     But  if  you 
would  have  Practice  for  it  too,  you  may  fee  it 
in  St.  Faul  the  Apoftle  ;   who   as  he  concludes 
his  other  Epiftles  with  a  Prayer  to  our  bleifed 
Saviour,  The  Grace  of  our  Lord  Jefus    Chriil  he 
'ivhh  yon  all  ;  fo  he  concludes  his  fecond  Epiille; 
to  tht  Corinthians  with  a  Prayer  to  the  ever  blef- 
fed  Trinity,  2  Cor.  xiii.  14.  The  Grace  of  our  Lord : 
JefUs  Chrift,  and   the  Lonje  of  God ^  and  theFeU. 
loyjjluf  of  the    Holy    Ghofi  he  with  ptt  all,  Amen^' 
Pifft,..,  the   Apoftle  applies  to  our  Lord  Jefus. 
Chrifi^^  for  the  Grace  of  his  Redemption  and  In- 


AnHiBorical  Treface.  ^  xxxvii 

terceflion.    Then  to  our  Heavenly  Father,  for 
his  Love  to  us^  as  his  Children  by  Adoption. 
Then  to  the  Holy  Ghoft,  for  his  Kotvmia.,  the 
communication   of   his   Gifts.     I   know  lome 
have  faid  that  all  this  is  only  fo  many  Wifhes. 
It  is  true  :  and  fo  are  commonly  the  Prayers  of 
Superiors  for  them  that  are  under  their  Charge. 
Such  were  the  Bleflings  of  Jacob  to  the  Two 
Sons  of  Jofeph.  Gen,  xlviii.  i^-.  i6.     Such  were 
the  Prieft's  Bleflings  to  the   People  of  Ifracl, 
Num.  vi.  2^5  i6.     They  were  Bleflings  to  the 
People,  but  they  were  Prayers  to  God.    That 
Bleffing  of  St.  Paul  to  the  Corinthians  had  Three 
Comma's  in  it ;  of  which  each  was  a  Prayer, 
fpecifying  firft  the  thing  that  he  defir'd,  and 
then  the  Perfon  from  whom  it  was  properly  to 
be  received.     I  have  fhew'd  this  before  in  a  fort 
of  Paraphrafe  on  the  Words ,  and   therefore  I 
think  I  need  not  fhew  it  again  more  particularly. 
What  Forms  of  Prayer  were  us'd  in  the  Church 
in  the  Apoftles  Times  we  have  no  Account  of: 
And  indeed  very  little  of  any  that  were  us'd  in 
thofe  Times  which  you  call  Gemiim  Antiquity. 
You  perhaps  may  exped  I  fliould  ask  your  Par- 
don for  faying  this ,  after  you  have  told  me  that 
the  Original  Jeipi[h  and  Gentile  Liturgies  are 
ccntain'd  in  the  Vllth  and  Vlllth  Books  of  the 
Apoftolical  Conftitutions.     But  as  to  thefe  you   . 
mufi:  give  me  leave  to  be  of  another  Opinion, 
for  Reafons  that  I  fhall  fhew  you.     I  do  a  little 
wonder  indeed  why  you  fliould  fo  much  con- 
cern your  felf  for  them  ;  for  to  me  they  feem  to 
be  plainly  againft  you  in  this  Point,  of  the  In- 
vocation of  the  Holy  Ghoft.     There  arc  in  the 
8th  Book  before-mention'd,    at  lead  a  Dozen 
Doxologies,  to  all  Three  Perfons  in  the  Holy 
and  BlelTed  Trinity.     In  every   one  of  thefe 
Three  is- cxprefly  given,  to  the  Father,  together 
(  c  '>  )  with 

xxxviii  An  Hiflortcal  Treface. 

the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Ghoft,  all  Honour,  Glo- 
ry, Praife,  Thankfgiving,  Worfliip,  and  Ado- 
ration, ffiCdi^  )y  ^s^tncvvtim^  as  I  remember  are 
the  Words.  Could  any  one  fay  this  without 
believing  the  Confubftantiality  and  Coequality 
of  the  Holy  Ghoft  with  the  Father  and  the  Son? 
I  am  fure  none  can  reafonably  deny  Invocation 
to  one  to  whom  thefe  Things  are  due  :  There- 
fore they  that  made  thefe  Prayers  were  furely 
of  the  Faith  that  is  profefs'd  in  the  Creed  pf 
our  Communion  Service  ;  where  we  fay,  I  he^ 

lie^e   in  the  Holy  Ghofl who  together  ivlth  the 

Father  and  the  Son  is  worjlnpped  and  glorify ed.  This 
Creed  in  common  fpeaking  is  calfd  the  Nicene. 
^  But  that  has  not  the  laft  claufe  that  I  quote  here ; 
for  this  claufe  was  added  to  the  Nicenc  Creed  in 
the  Second  general  Council,  that  of  Confianti- 
nofkyJ.D,  ;8i.  But  for  ought  I  know,  that 
Second  Council  was  Antienter  than  the  Time 
of  making  thofe  Forms,  which  you  call  the  Ori- 
glnal  Jewifii  and  Gentile  Liturgies.  As  for  thofe 
Liturgies  we  know  no  more  when  they  were 
made,  than  we  know  who  were  the  Authors  or 
Compilers  of  them.  Nor  do  we  know  any  thing 
more  of  thofe  pretended  Apoftolical  Conftitu- 
tions.  Only  this  we  know,  that  the  Makers  of 
thefe  Conftitutions,  w^ere  fuch  as  made  no  Cori- 
fcience  of  abufing  the.  Names  and  Authorities 
of  the  Apoftles  of  Chrift.  I  cannot  think  of 
it  without  Indignation  ;  how  they  made  them 
their  Puppets  to  fay  whatfpever  they  were 
plcas'd  to  fay  in  their  Names.  Some  indeed  of 
the  Things  they  made  them  fay,  were  fuch  as 
the  Apoftles  had  faid  in  their  Writings.  Other 
Things  they  faid  were  agreeable  enough  to  their 
Writings :  Such  Things  they  muft  take  in  for 
their  own  Credit ;  but  other  Things  they  made 
thern  faV:,  that  were  very  difagreeable;,  and  fome 
"  •    •    ■     '  '  '  ".       ■       ■    ■  plainly 

An  Hifiorical  Treface.  xxxix 

plainly  falfe^  and  inconfiftent  with  what  we  have 
in  the  Scripture.  It  is  hard  to  guefs  what  they 
fhoulddrive  at  intheir  writing  of  fuchThings.But, 
if  it  were  only  to  get  Money  by  Publifliingfuch 
Books  as  they  knew  all  Men  would  be  ready  to 
buy,  there  was  a  double  Wickednefs  in  it ;  The 
abufing  thofe  Sacred  Names  which  they  affum'd  ; 
and  the  cheating  of  them  thatbought  their  coun- 
terfeit Wares.  It  is  plain  that  the  Writers  were 
in  hafte  to  have  their  Books  out,  by  the  Blun^ 
ders  they  made  in  many  Places,  where  they 
wrote  Things  only  out  of  Memory,  and  could 
not  ftay  to  corred  them  by  turning  of  Books. 
It  were  endlefs  for  me  to  go  about  to  reckon  up 
all  the  Inftances  I  could  give  you  of  this  Kind. 
But  I  will  lay  two  or  three  of  them  before  you  ; 
by  which  you  may  judge  of  the  reft.  My  hrft 
Inftance  fliall  be  out  of  Conftit.  Apoft.  v.  14. 
There  the  Impoftor  brings  in  St.  John  the  Apo- 
ftle  to  give  an  Account  what  he  faw,  being  pre- 
fent  all  the  Time  of  tlie  Paffion  of  Chrift.  You 
rightly  obferve  of  St.  John^  Harm.  11:;,  114. 
Ho7V  ftudiotijly  and  pi47i^ually  in  his  Gofpel  he  auoids 
repeating  -what  was  in  the  otijer  Gofpels  ;  and  yet  [up- 
flies  their  QmiJJioas  and  their  Hifiorics, 
Accordingly  in  his  Hiftory  of  the  Paffion  of 
Ghrift.  John  xviii.  15,  &c.  he  tells  us  diverfe 
Things  which  none  of  the  other  Evangelifts  had 
written.  He  tells  us  how  they  took  our  Savi- 
our, led  him  firft  to  Annas,  who  fent  him  im- 
mediately  to  Caiaphas  the  High  Prieft.  He  tells  us 
howP.m-follow'd  himtoC^/j/j/^/ZihisHoufe;  and  fp 
didJohnthQApoHiQ  himrelf,who  being  acquainted 
there,  got  the  Door-Keeper  to  let  in  Pete7\ 
He  tells  us  how  this  gave  Occafion  for  Peter's 
thrice  de  nying  of  Chrift  :  after  which  the  Cock 
crew.  All  this  St.  John  in  his  Gofpel  accounts  for 
very  particularly.  He  alfo  tells  us  there  how  the 
C  c  4  ;  High 

xl  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

High  Pricft  having  examin'd  our  Saviour  con- 
cerning his  Difciples  and  his  Dodrines,  Our 
bleffed  Lord  told  him,  that  as  to  thefe  Things, 
being  fuch  as  were  publickly  known,  there 
could  not  want  Witneffes  enough ;  and  there- 
fore there  ought  to  have  been  Witneffes  exa- 
min'd againfl  him,  and  not  he  to  be  interroga- 
ted againft  himfelf.  John  tells  us  how  there- 
upon one  of  the  Officers  buffeted  our  Saviour, 
who  anfwer'd  him  with  a  mofl:  fuitable  reproof. 
Then  St.  Johji  tells  us  how  they  led  the  bleffed 
Jefus  from  Caiaphas'^  Houfe  to  the  Vratorium'^ 
and  fo  he  goes  on  to  other  Things  which  I  have 
no  Occadon  to  repeat.  All  this  exa6lly  anfwers 
the  Character  you  gave  of  St.  Johns  way  of 
writing  in  his  Gofpel.  But  plainly  this  Impo- 
ftor  never  troubled  himfelf  to  look  into  that  Sa- 
cred Book,  and  to  take  things  from  thence  into 
the  Account  that  he  pretends  the  Apoftle  to 
have  given  of  our  Saviours  Paflion  ;  as  he  would 
certainly  have  done,  if  he  had  meant  honeftly 
in  it ;  but  he  makes  the  Apoftle  fay  fuch  Things 
■3$  he  had  ready  for  him  in  his  Memory.  Some 
little  Rags  he  has  out  of  St.  Johns  Gofpel ;  tQ 
which  he  pieces  Things  out  of  the  other  Three 
Gofpels  ;  not  regarding  how  they  agree  with 
one  another.  For  example.  He  makes  his  St. 
John  fay,  That  they  that  had  taken  our  Saviour, 
brought  him  to.  the  Houfe  of  Caiaphas.  He  has 
not  a  Word  of  A7mas  in  this  Place,  where  St.' 
John  firft  mentions  him.  But  he  goes  on  and 
tells  us,  how  to  Caiaphas^s  Houfe  the  Sanhedrin 
came  together ;  and  how  there  they  abus'd  our 
Bleffed  Saviour,  fcoffing  at  him,  reviling  him, 
fpitting  at  him,  boxing  him,  beating  him,  &c. 
he  tells  us,  thus  they  fpenr  their  Time  (Jiixv^  op9?« 
€ct^iafy  till  it  was  broad  day,     (Not  a  Word  of  their 


^An  HiBorical  Treface.  xli 

eating  the  PafToverJ  Then  he  makes  his  Pup- 
pet tell  us  how  they  led  Chrift  away  to  Jnms ; 
which  quite  breaks  St.  John's  Meafures.    There, 
at  Annas  5  Houfe^  he  makes  his  Puppet  tell  us 
there  was  another  Scene  of  fuch  like  Ablings 
for  a  while,  before  they  delivered  our  Blefled 
Saviour  to  Yilate,     Then  this  Juggler  makes  his 
Puppet  tell    us  how    our    Saviour  being  now 
before    V'tlate^    there   they  brought    in  againft 
him  Two  falfe  Witnefles.     Of  thefe  there  is 
not  a  Word  in  St.  Johns  Gofpel  ;  nor  in  any 
other,  while  our  Saviour  was  before  Ydate.  But 
indeed  St.  Matthew  fays,  there  were  Two  falfe 
Witnefles  brought  againft  our  Saviour  when  he 
was  before   the  Sanhedrm  in  Caiafhash  Houfe. 
This  was  only  a  flip  of  the  Juggler's  Memory. 
I  will  not  detain  you  with  this  Stuff  any  lon- 
ger, than  to  fhow  you  how  you  may  furely  di- 
ftinguifli  it  by  another  of  your  own  Obferva- 
tions.     You  have  it  in  Harm.  p.  iif .  That  the 
Three  firft  Evangelifts  reckon'd  their  Hours  by 
the  Jewifh  Account,  from  fix  in  the  Morning, 
till  fix  in  the  Evening  :  But  St.   John  reckons 
his  Hours  the  'Roman  Way,  from  Twelve  at  Mid- 
night, and  at  Noon.     According  to  this  way  of 
reckoning,  You  and  I  underftand  what  St,  John 
tells  us,  John  xix.  14.  that  when  Pi/^re  fat  down 
on  the  Judgment-Seat,  it  was  c^v^  tKTu^  about  the 
fixth  Hour,    But  how  did  this  Juggler  underftand 
it  .>  Not  as  we  do  to  be  fure  ;  for  he  makes  his 
Puppet  fay,  that  at  the  fixth  Hour  they  cruci- 
fy'd  our  Saviour,  having  receiv'd  the  Sentence 
at  the  Third  Hour.     What  he  faid  of  the  fixth 
Hour  we  know  he  had  from  St.  John  ;  but  what 
he  makes  St.  John  fay  of  the  Third  Hour,  is 
out  of  his  own  Head.     You  do  alfo  rightly  ob- 
fcrvc,  that  St.  John  was  very  exacfi  in  metho- 

xlii  An  Hijlorical  Treface. 

dizing  the  things  that  he  found  in  the  Three  for- 
mer Gofpels.  St.  Luke  indeed  takes  this  to  him- 
felf,  that  he  had  written  Things  >6ct9sg,7f  in  order 
as  they  happen'd ;  fo  that  he  had  no  need  of 
any  other  to  corred  the  order  in  which  he  de- 
liver'd  them.  But  this  Impoftor  makes  his  St. 
John  negleA  all  that  St.  John  the  Apoftle  had 
told  us  in  his  Gofpel.  Inftead  of  that,  he  takes 
up  Things  from  the  other  Three  Gofpels,  as  I 
have  fliewn  ;  and  with  thefe  he  goes  on  to  the 
end  of  his  Hiftory  of  our  Saviour's  Paffion:. 
Particularly  from  the  Two  firft  Evangelifts  he 
tells  us  how  about  the  Ninth  Hour,  i,  e,  about 
Three  of  the  Clock  in  the  Afternoon,  Jefus 
cryei  faying^  My  Cod,  My  Gody  why  hafi  thou  for^ 
faken  me  ?  Mat.  xxvii.  46.  Mark  xv.  ^4.  He  goes 
on  and  fays,  ^.t  My>v  i  A. LITTLE  AF- 
TER THIS^e  cryedy  Father  forgiue  them,  for 
they  know  not  what  they  do.  But  where  are  we 
now  ?  This  which  he  calls  a  little  after ^  was  fome 
five  or  fix  Hours  before.  For  he  has  this  out  of 
Luke  xxiii.  ;4.  Where  St.  Luke  tells  us  thefe 
Words  were  fpoken  by  our  Saviour  on  the  Crofs, 
immediately  after  it  was  let  up  with  his  Body 
nail'd  to  it ;  which  St.  Mark  tells  us,  Mark  xv. 
2^.  was  at  the  Third  Hour,  i.  ^,  at  Nine  of  the 
Clock  in  the  Morning.  But  here  this  Impoftor 
makes  his  John  tell  us  it  was  a  little  after  Three 
in  the  Afternoon.  That  mult  be  his  Meaning  ; 
for  his  next  Words  are  thefe,  that  Jefus  faid,  Fa^ 
ther,  itrto  thy  Hands  I  commend  my  Sflrit  ;  and  ha- 
'ving  thus  faid  he  ganje  uf  the  Ghofi  ^  which  he  has 
from  St.  Luke  xxiii.  46.  What  an  Impudent 
Fellow  was  this,  to  impofe  on  his  credulous 
Readers,  and  fo  wickedly  to  abufe  the  Holy 
Apoftle  in  making  them  believe  that  he  had  all 
this  from  his  Mouth  ?  1  ihould  have  queftion'd 
rhe  Judgment  or  Hor^efty  of  his  moft  Learned 


An  Hiftorical  Treface.  xHii 

Editjor  Cotelerius,  if  he  had  let  this  pafs  without 
a  Stridure.  But  he  does  not.  For  in  his  Note 
44.  which  is  on  thefe  very  Words,  f^r  Ihiytv^  he 
calls  him  Vfeudockments  :  And  fays,  Tirr'ianm  does 
in  vain  endeavour  to  excufe  him.  The  moft  un- 
pleafant  Pains  that  I  take  in  my  Studies,  is  that 
which  I  beftow  in  the  detedling  of  Impoftures ; 
and  therefore  I  willingly  go  off  from  that  Work. 
Only  that  I  may  not  feem  to  be  Singular  in  this 
Detection,  I  fhall  add  what  others  have  obferv'd 
of  thefe  Conftitutions  5  and  particularly  what 
that  great  Man  Primate  Ujloer  has  told  us  in  his 
Differtation  before  his  Ignatius's  Epiftles.  There, 
CXVI.  he  charges  this  Tfeudockments  ^  as  he  alfo 
calls  him ,  with  y^M'srha.^A  y  wicked  Forge- 
ry :  Which  he  proves  againft  him  in  feveral 
Inftances.  Firft,  from  ConH;  AfoH,  VI.  Book 
12,  i;  ,  14  Chapters  J  where  this  pretended 
Clement  brings  together  all  the  Twelve  Apo- 
ftles,  after  the  'Council  at  Jerufalem,  of  which 
we  have  the  Hiftory  inthe  XVth  Chzpttr  of  A^s. 
There  among  the  Twelve  he  brings  in  James  the 
Brother  of  John,  But  of  him  we  certainly  know 
from  AB.  XII.  i.  that  he  was  kill'd  fome  Years 
befor  that  Council.  With  them  this  Impoftor 
Joins  James  the  Brother  of  the  Lord,  and  Tad 
the  Teacher  of  the  Gentiles;  as  he  makes  them 
here  ftile  him.  But  St.  Faul'm  Galat, II.  Chapter 
giving  an  Account  of  his  Bufmefs  then  at  Jera^ 
falemy  does  certainly  fhew  that  at  that  Time 
there  was  no  other  Apoftle  at  JerufaUm  but  Teter 
and  John^  and  James  the  Brother  of  the  Lord. 
And  they  are  the  only  Apoftles  then,  at  Jerufa- 
Um that  are  fpoken  of  m  the  Hiftory  of  the 
Council  before-mention'd.  But  for  BarnahaSy 
the  Impoftor  feems  to  have  forgotten  that  he 
was  S.  FaiiVs  Fellow-Appftle.  Next,  from  Co«/. 
Ap.  tlie  Vltlth  Book  the  4th  Chapter,  where 


^liv  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

again  this  Impoftor  ,  bringing  the  fame  Twelve 
Apoftles  together,  makes  them  fay,  PVe  the  Twelve 
Afoftles  of  the  Lord  being  here^  together  with  our  FeU 
low-Jpofile  Paul,  and  James  the  Bijhop ,  and  the  <?- 
ther  Tresbyters  ,  and  the  Seven  Deacons  with  us^  do 
charge  you  with  thefe  Divine  Conftitutions,  It  is  cer- 
tainly falfe  that  ever  the  Apoftles  at  Jerufakm 
did  own  Taul  to  be  their  Fellow- Apoftle  while 
James  the  Brother  of  John  was  living.  And 
when  they  of  the  Twelve  who  were  then  at  Je- 
rnfakm^  who  were  only  Veter  and  John^  did  owr^ 
St.  ?aul  to  be  their  Fellow-Apoftle ,  they  own'd 
Barnabas  with  him,  as  we  fee  in  GaL  II.  above- 
mentioned.  Again  ,  in  Confi,  Af.  Vlllth  Book 
cap,  tilt,  this  Impoftor,  coming  to  fpeak  of  Ordir- 
nation,  brings  in  the  Twelve,  and  Paul  with 
them,  faying.  We  Twelve  Jpofiles  were  ordained  by 
our  Saviour  :  (  Surely  not  at  the  Time  fpoken  of 
in  John  XKJ  Then  he  makes  James  and  Cle- 
ment fpeak  for  themfelves,  I  James  was  ordained 
hy  the  Afoftles  ;  and  I  Clement ,  and  others  with  us 

— and  we  all  ordained  Priefis,  and  Deacons y  and 

Subdeaconsy  and  LeBors.  How  this  pretended  Cle- 
ment was  ordained  he  makes  St.  Peter  tell  us  in 
thefe  Words,  Conft.  Jp,  VII.  46.  Of  the  Roman 

Church  the  firfi  BiJIwp  was  Linus  , ordain  d 

by  Paul ;  and  after  the  Death  of  IJnus,  the  Second  Bi- 
fljop  was  Clement,  ordain  d  by  me  Peter.  There 
is  no  Church-Hiftorian  that  makes  the  Death 
of  Linus  to  have  been  before  A,  D,  64.  and  that 
was  full  20  Years  after  the  Death  of  James  the 
Apoftle  :  Yet  here  in  the  Vlllth  Book,  cap,  ult. 
this  Impudent  Fellow  takes  upon  him  to  fay,  I 
Clement  was  ordained  by  the  Apoftle  ;  and  he  faid 
it  as  in  the  Prefence  of  James ,  tho'  James  was 
dead  20  Years  before  that  Ordination.  There 
follow  more  Inflances  in  that  Chapter  of  Pri- 

An  HiBorical  Treface.  xlv 

mate  Ujlier,  But  thefe  are  enough  to  juftify  the 
Cenfure  of  that  Pious  and  Learned  Man,  in  cal- 
ling the  Writer  of  thefe  Conftitutions  iMe  Impo^ 
ft  or,  and  Lawatus  Cleme?iSy  and  Ffeitdo-Clemensy  as 
he  ufually  does.  The  beft  Account  that  any  one 
has  given  of  thefe  Conftitutions ,  as  far  as  I  am 
able  to  judge,  was  given  by  that  great  Man  Bi- 
fhop  Pearfon  y  in  his  F/W.  Ignat,  1.  IV.  There  he 
Iheweth  that  there  were  anciently  feveral  fpuri- 
ous  Books  that  were  faid  to  be  written  by  the  A- 
poftles,  or  dilated  by  them  to  their  Difciples, 
who  put  them  in  Writing  under  the  Names  of 
the  Apoftles  ;  or  perhaps  they  were  only  pre- 
tended to  have  been  received  from  the  Difciples 
of  the  Apoftles,  and  fo  have  been  put  out  un- 
der their  Names.  Of  the  firft  fort  he  is  of  Opi- 
nion that  one  was  called  cfiJky^  'A:to$tV*)I',  another 
</k1cc?«f  'A^TDfDAfyj/*  And  perhaps  there  might  be  fe- 
veral of  thefe.  Of  the  other  Sort,  one  was  caU 
led  J^JkcnccthicL  K\{)Uiv1Q-'  another  c/)Jk;yt,  of  Ignati- 
us :  Another  of  Polycarp  ;  another  of  Hippolpus : 
And  perhaps  there  were  thofe  that  went  under 
the  Names  of  feveral  others.  The  Confarcin?- 
tor  of  thefe,  he  faith,  had  his  Choice  of  all  thefe 
great  Names.  But  he  took  a  particular  Fancy  to 
that  of  Clemens  Romanus  ,  whom  he  plainly  imi- 
tates in  fome  little  Things,  not  worth  mention- 
ing ;  for  which  Bifhop  Fearfon  juftly  calls  him 
the  Ape  of  St.  Qlement,  p.  65. 1.  X.  But  that  he 
fhould  put  out  fuch  Stuff  under  the  Name  of  C/^- 
mens  Romanus,  was  furely  a  horrible  Abufe 
to  that  Holy  Bifhop  ,  whom  St.  Paul  mentions 
with  Honour  in  his  Epiftle  to  Philemon,{\t  fhould 
be  to  the  PhiUpplans :  ]  And  falutes  Timothy  in  his 
Name,  in  his  laft  Epiftle  before  his  Death.  [This 
isaMiftake  alfo,  for  Ziw^/.]  But  that  thefe  fhould 
be  th^Genuine  Work  of  that  Clements,  I  think  ne- 
ver came  into  the  Head  of  any  Learned  Man  fmce 


xlyi  An  Hifiorical  Treface, 

Learning  came  to  flourifh  in  the  Worlds  fave  on- 
ly fuch  as  having  given  up  themfelves  to  a  Sed, 
have  thought  they  could  do  great  Service  to  their 
Sed  by  fuch  Things  as  they  had  found  in  that 
Book.  This  was  furely  the  Cafe  of  Turrlan  the 
Jefuit^  who  wrote  warmly  for  this  Opinion,  be- 
caufe  he  found  Things  in  thefe  Conftitutions 
which  he  thought  might  do  great  Service  to  the 
Roman  Church.  But  the  great  Champions  of 
that  Church,  the  Two  Cardinals ,  Baronlus  and 
Bellarmtn,  having  better  confider'd  this  Matter, 
have  given  them  up,  as  more  likely  to  difgrace 
their  Caufe  than  to  lerve  it.  For  Baronius ,  you 
may  find  his  Opinion  of  them  in  his  Annals,J^.I>. 
102.  JV.  IV.  You  have  Bellarmins  Opinion  of 
them,  p.  n?  ^^'  ^^  ^^^  Varis  OBavo  Edition  of 
his  Book,  De  Scriptor,  EccL  There  have  been 
fome  alfo  of  the  Proteftant  Side,  who,  tho'  not 
altogether  of  Tfeudo-Clcments^s  Opinion  in  other 
Things,  yet  finding  fome  Touches  of  Arianifm 
in  this  Book,have  been  thereby  tempted  to  judge 
it  to  be  the  Work  of  Clemens  Romanus,  One  of 
thefe  I  fhall  name  to  you  ,  i.  e,  Chrifiopher  Sandi- 
us,  in  his  Nucleus^  HiB.  p.  66,  &c.  And  if  you 
pleafe  you  may  fee  the  moft  Learned  Dr.  BuU, 
now  Bifliop  of  St.  David's ,  Opinion  of  him 
for  it :  It  is  in  his  Defenfafidel  Nicena ,  p.  70.  of 
Dr.  Grahes  folio  Edition.  He  fays  oi  Sa7tdius, 
Credas  hominem  ,  poH  fidel  d^  bona?  Confcienti^e  nan- 
fragitim,  pitdorem  c^uocfue  omnem  perdidijje:  ^iippe  con-* 
Ceniiunt  Reformat  I  Theologi  omnes,  ncqne  reclamant  ho- 
die  ex  To7itificits  Critici  Docllores,  clamat  'verores  iffa 
Confihtttiones  illas  Clemcfttrs  non  ejfe.  Now  I  lee 
you  are  under  the  fame  Temptation  that  drew 
Sandiiis  into  this  Opinion.  For  it  could  be  cer- 
tainly nothing  elfe  but  that  you  think  you  have 
this  Book  on  your  Side  for  thofe  Opinions,  that 
fliould  make  you  rave  at  the  rate  that  you  do,  in 


An  Hijlorical  "Preface.  xlvii 

making  it  Vojery  and  Trieft-craft   in  us  to  lay  a- 

fide  the  undoubtedly  genuine  Work  of  Clements  Ro- 

ImanuSj  I  mean  the  Apoftolkal  ConBitution,  and  Oru 

\ginal  Jewifh  and  Gentile  Liturgies  contain  d  in  the 

\Seventh  and  Eighth  Books  of  it :  In  Comparifon  of 

'which  all  the  Books  of  Di'vinity   nav  extant  _,  except 

the  Sacred  Onesy  are  inconfiderahle,     I  tell  you  my 

Opinion  that  this  is  raving.     I  am  heartily  for- 

ry  to  fee  ;  and  fliould  rejoice  and  blefs  God  for 

it,  if  I  could  do  any  thing  for  the  Cure  of  it. 

Pray  forbear  publifliing  any  Thing  till  I  have 

feen  you ;  as  I  hope  I  may  fhortly  at  Londen^  if 

you  pleafe.    But  if  you  go  on  at  this  Rate,  I 

muft  leave  you  to  God  ;  and  content  my  felf  to 

do  what  I   can  to  prevent  your  doing  farther 

Mifchief  by  the  fpreading  of  your  Opinions. 

I  am, 


Tour  much  grievd  Friend 
but  not  yet  out  of  Hope, 

w.  Worcester: 

Afcer  this  followed  a  long  Appendix  concerning 
;  €)ur  Saviour's    laft  Paflbver  and  Death,  urhich 
!  was  in  Debate  between  us :  Which  Death  of 
Chrift  I  had  plac'd  on  the  if  th  ,  and  his  Lord- 
I  fhip  on   the  14th  of  the   Jeii^ijh  Month  Nifan. 
\  This  placing  it  on  the  ifth  his  Lordfliip  look'd 
upon  as  the  molt  pernicious  Miftake  in  my  whole 
Harmony  of  the  Gofpels ;  and  by  convincing 
me  of  which,  he  was  to  make  mc  fenfible  how 
unfit  I  was  to  write  about  the  prefent  Matters. 
But  this  Appendix,  and  the  reft  of  that  Nature  in 
his  Lordfliip's   Papers,  is  fo  remote    from   the 
A'S'airs  now  before  us ;  and  I  am  fo  well  pre- 

xiviii  [/in  Hifloricdl  Treface, 

par'd  to  fet  that  Matter  in  i  clearer  Light  thart 
ever  upon  a  fuitable  Occafion  elfewhere ;  that  I, 
fliall  wholly  omit  it  hpre.    Only  I  muft  aiTure 
d^e  Reader  that  my  Lord's  grand  Fonndation, 
That  the  Confiitutions  do  bring  in  St.  John  in  par- 
ticular as  giving  us  the  Relation  of  the  Trial  and 
Condemnation  of  our  Saviour^  is  utterly  ground- 
lefs,  without  any  juft  Occafion  from  the  fame 
Confiitutions ;  As  he  will  eafity  fee  upon  Exami-* 
nation.     And  I  muft  obferve  to  him  that  thofe 
few  feeming  fmaller  Differences  in  the  AccountSi 
^s  to  the  Circumftances  of  our  Lord's  paffion, 
here  mention'd  by  the  Bifliop  ,  are  fo  far  from 
Signs  of  Spurioufnefs  in  thefe  Confiitutions,  as 
his  Lordfliip  fuppofes,  that  it  is  a  great  Mark  of 
their   Original  Derivation  from  the  Apoftles 
themfelves :  There  being  ftill  the  like  fmall  Va- 
rieties in  the  undoubted  Accounts  of  the  Four 
Gofpels  compar'd  together  ;  and  no  later  Au- 
thors ever  giving  us  the  like,  but  all  along  fol- 
lowing one  or  other  of  the  Original  Accounts 
taken  from  the  fame  Gofpels ;  as  is  evident  in 
all  the  later  Writers.    However,  thefe  Letters  of 
my  Lord  Bifliop  of  Worcester  wert  efteem'd  fo 
convidive  to  the  Reverend  Dr.  Brajy  by  whom 
they  all  were  copied  and  tranfmitted  to  me,,  and 
fhewn  to  feveral  others ;  and  gave  fo  great  Aflu- 
rance  of  an  entire  Victory  over  me,  that  my 
Cafe  was,  I  underftand,  much  pitied  among  fe- 
veral of  my  Friends  at  London ;  till  I  fent  my  An- 
fwers  open  the  fame  way:  Which  were  frequent- 
ly fhew'd  in  London  alfo.     This  that  follows  in 
particular  was  read  ,  I  perceive  ,  ty  the  Lord 
Archbifhop  of  York^  and  this  or  another  by  Dr. 
Hickes.    And  it  foon  put  an  End  to  their  Tri- 
umphs.   It  was  in  thefe  Word  s ; 

An  HiBorical  Treface.  xHk 

My  very  Good  LORD,         Camh.  Apr.  14.  1709. 

I  Am  very  much  obliged  to  your  Lordfhip  for 
the  great  Pains  and  Trouble  you  have  been 
at  upon  my  Account :  And  ,  when  I  have  re- 
ceiv'd  all  the  Papers  you  intend  me  on  my  for- 
mer Booksj  I  fhall  confider  them  all  carefully. ; 
and  either  change  my  Opinions,  or  fhew  good 
Reafons  why  I  cannot  do  it.  Tot  Evidence, 
trae  Original  Evidence,  I  ever  ftibmit  to  when  I 
fee  it.  But  Modern  Opinions  and  Authorities, 
unfupported  by  others,  I  have  not  the  lead  Re- 
gard to.  Only,  while  the  Original  ConHltution 
of  the  Apoffles  preferv'd  by  Efifljanim  from  his 
Eaftern  uncorrupt  Copy,  and  made  the  Rea- 
fon  for  their  Rule  about  Eaficr  ,  (  ever  obferv'd 
by  the  fame  Apoftles,  as  your  Lordfhip  grants,) 
diredly  affirms  that  Chrift  was  crucify'd  on  the 
Fifteenth  0^  Nifaft,  Haref.  LXX.  §.  1 1,  p'ag,  ^i%. 
^'Ev  TH*  n.tte'f^.  -nii  lof???  r  ^f^v  l^v^ca^^  Your  Lord- 
fhip muft  excufe  me  if  I  exped  very  ftrong  De- 
monftrations  e're  I  alter  my  Opinion  in  that 
Matter,  and  fey,  he  was  crucify'd  on  the  Four^ 
teenth.-  However,  Good  My  Lord,  how  does  niy 
differing  from  your  Lordfliip's  Opinion  in  a  Point 
ever  efleem'd  lb  difficult  by  the  Learned  ;  and  in 
which  I  believe  the  mod,  and  molt  Judicious 
of  this  Age  are  of  my  Mind,  how,  1  fay,  does 
this  affeft  the  Arlan  Controverfy  •  or  prove  me 
tafli,  and  pfroud,  and  obftinate  in  my  Affertions 
on  that  Subject  ?  If  indeed  the  Original  Texts 
and  Tcilimonies  were  as  doubtful  in.  that,  as 
they  are  in  this  Point,  .1  fhould  never  be  io  vain 
as  to  fpeak  arid  ad:;  as  I  do.  But  on  a  full, 
impartial,  and  honeft  Enquiry  into  thole  Mat- 
ters I  am  abundantly  fattsfy'd  that  the  Arian  T>o* 
brines  ^re  thofe  deiiver'd  by  our  Saviour  ,  and 

(d)  his 

/In  Htfldrical  Treface. 

his  Apoftles,  and  all  the  Firft  Chriftians  j  till 
Philofophy  from  the  Ancient  ^  Hereticks,  par- 
ticularly from  Tcrtullian^  prevail'd  at  Rome  ^  the 
Seat  ox  Antichrift  ;  and  thence  fpread  like  a 
Torrent  over  the  Chriftian  Church.  Nay , 
were  it  not  improper  perhaps  to  make  fo  bold  a: 
Challenge,  I  do  verily  believe,  that  I  might  en- 
gage to  burn  my  own  Collection  of  the  Texts 
of  Scripture  and  Ancient  Teftirbonies ,  in  cafe 
any  one  would  bring  me  but  the  Ttntb  Part  of 
fo  many ,  fo  ancient  ^  and  fo  plain  Texts  and 
Teftimonies,  for  the  contrary  Dodrine  now 
current.         ,    : 

For  Example:  I  have  here  a  Lift  by  me 
of  Twenty  Ante-Nicene  Fathers,  who  have  own'd 
that  God  7nade^  or  created  our  Saviour ;  and  that 
our  Lord  is  his  Wfr/^wt,  /.77V*  5  cAi^«f^»t/^ie ,  or  a( 
Being  really  created  by  him  ;  whereas  I  have  met 
with  none^  till  Pope  Dlofjyfius^  who  was  offend- 
ed at  that  Language.  I  fpeak  of  dlrcB  Jfferti^ 
..ens  andTtfilnjonles  y  not  of  poor  re?note  Inferences 
from  them  ,  or  from  Philofophy  and  Metaphy- 
ficksj  which  all  the  Herefies  have  ever  fupported 
themfelves  by.  For  another  Inftance ,  Our 
Lord  affures  us  that  His  Father  is  greater  than  He  ; 
That  He  did  not  know  the  Day  of  Judgment ;  And 
that  no  Being  hut  his  Father  knew  it :  In  this  Cafe, 
I  expert  Texts  as  plain  on  the  other  Side ;.  and 
not  fome  poor  Inferences  from  other  Texts  not 
near  fo  plain  ,  e're  I  at  all  alter  my  Opinion. 
And  I  wonder  that  your  Lordfliip  thinks  to' 
prove  to  me  the  Confubftantiality,  Coequality, 
and  Invocation  of  the  Holy  Ghoft,  from  the 
Form  of  B-jptifm ,  from  that  of  Doxolog}^ 
from  a  fmgle  Form  of  Bleffing,  and  from  an  In- 
ference utterly  ungrounded,  and  unknown  to  the 
Church  in  the  firft  Ages  ;  fmce  I  allow  that  the 
Bleffed  Spirit  is  to  be  worfnipp'd  in  thofe  Forms, 


An  Htflorical  Treface.  !i 

but  never  by  Invocation,    And  I  appejil  to  your 
Lordflnp,  whether  you  have  the  leafl:  Renfon  to 
believe,  that  even  lb  I^te  as  the  Council  of  JV/ce, 
any  Chriftian  ventured  to  Invocate  the  Bleffed 
Spirit  of  Gcct.     For  I  own  ,    the  firft  Inftance 
I  have  obferVd,    is  about  ^o  Years  later  than 
that  Council.     But  as  to  the  moft  Concerning 
Part  of  your  Lordfliip^s  Letter  ,    about  the  Con- 
fihiitions  of  the  Apofl-les  y    I  muft  beg  your  Lord- 
fliip's  Pardon  ,  if  I  fpeak  my  Mind  more  freely. 
Your  Lordfhip  makes  a  few  ,  and  moft  of>them 
Wholly  ungrounded  ObjeAions  againft  them  ; 
as  never  having  ,  I  perceive ,  particularly  and 
fairly  examin'd  upon  what  Authority  they  itand, 
nor  what  Parts  aregenuine^  and  what  interpo- 
lated by  the  Orthodox.    (  For  they  only  have 
been  fo  wicked  :  And  from  their  Interpolations 
of   the   Original  Doxologies  of  the  Church, 
ftoes  one  of  your  Lordfhip's  A.rguments  proceed 
for  the  Invocation  of  the  Holy  Ghoft.)     As  to 
hay  felf,  I  have  been  for  feveral  Months ,    with 
the  Affiftance  of  a  Learned  Friend  y  examining 
that  Matter  to  the  bottom ,    and  have  an  Effay 
Upon  them  ready  for  the  Publick  :   Whereby  it 
jvill  appear^  That,  for  the  Main,  they  are  cer- 
tainly Genuine  and  Apoftolical ;  That  they  are 
jderiv'd  from  a  Second  Council  of  the  Apoftles 
kty^rufahm ^^hoiit  the  Beginning  o{A.D.6j[..  That 
they  were  written  at  the  Command  of  the  Apo- 
Jtles  themfelves,  by  St.  Clement  \    That  he  put  hi^ 
iaft  Hand  to  them  about  A,  D.  86.  ;  That  Three 
feveral  Pieces ,  really  Apoftolical ,  are  inferted 
into  the  Sixth  Book  :  That  they  were  by  St.  Cle- 
Tftent  fent  to  the  Nineteen  Bifhops  of  to  many 
Apoftolical  Churches,  as  the  Secret  and  Sacred 
Rule  of  the-  Faith  ^    JVorfliif  ,  .  and  Dlfclvllne  of  the 
Qhrlfiian  Churchy  to  be  tranfmitred  to  all  future 
Generations ;    Thaf  accordingly  this  Book  was 
f  d  2  )  aili 

Ill  A^  HiBorical  Treface. 

all  along  own'd  and  cited  as  fuch ,  in  all  th6 
fucceeding  Ages ,  till  the  Eleventh  Century  ; 
when  the  Pope^  or  his  Legate,  difcarded  it ;  and> 
in  all  probability,  forg'd  a  Paffage  in  the  Sixth 
General  Council,  as  if  it  had  been  interpolated 
by  Hereticks :  Tloat  the  Citations,  Allufions,  or 
Atteftations  in  the  Four  firft  Centuries,  amount 
to  Three  or  Four  Hundred  at  the  leafl: :  That 
Athanafws ,  that  grand  Corrupter  of  the  Chri- 
ftian  Faith  ,  cheated  the  poor  Ethiopians  with  a 
miferable  Extrad:  out  of  it ,  and  gave  it  theni 
as  the  Real  Original  Conftitutions  themfelves ; 
which,  till  this  Day,  they  believe  it  to  be  .*  That 
when  the  Churches  Faith  and  Worfliip  were  al- 
ter'd,  thefe  Secret  Conftitutions  were  made  pub- 
lick  to  all,  after  the  Middle  of  the  Fourth  Cen- 
tury V  That  after  a  little  Examination,  they  were 
by  all  own'd  to  be  really  Apoftolical ,  and  to 
)be  really  written  by  St.  Clement :  That  they  are, 
and  ever  were,  in  the  Onginal  Canon  of  the 
Sacred  Books  of  the  New  Teitament ;  and  were 
anciently  ever  efteem'd.of  equal  Authority  with 
the  reft  of  "diem  :  That  the  Church  of  Rome^ 
and  the  Wefi ,  corrupted  its  Copy  in  feveral 
Points  againft  the -^m??/,.  and  to  fupport  her 
own  Novel  Decrees ;  while  Efifhanlm ,  and  all 
the  Eaficrn  ^Churches ,  preferv'd  the  true  and 
Original  Reading  :  That  almott  all  your  Lord- 
iliip's  Objedions  againft  it ,  are  taken  from 
thofe  Places  interpolated  in  the  Weft ,  or  at  A- 
lexandria  ;  and  which  were  otherwife  in  the  Ea^ 
ftern  and  Genuine  Copies ;  Nay,  from  the  Old 
Citations,  may  generally  be  reftor'd  at  this  Day. 
When  all  thisappears  to  the  World  ,  and  unde^ 
mably  appears,  as  I  hope  it  foon  will,  I  believe, 
your  Lordfliip  will  alter  your  Stile  ^  if  not  your 
Opinion  concerning  thefe  Conftitutions  ,•  and 
will  not  think  Two  or  Three  appearing  Diffi- 

An  Hiflorical  Trcface.  lj[ii 

ciikies  5  or  feemini^  Contradidions,   any  niore 
'Arguments  of  their  Spurious  Character ,    than 
above  Ten  time:,  fo  many  in  the  Books  of  the 
New  Teftament  in    our  prefcnt  Canon ,    are 
Arguments  of  their  Falfhood  and  Spuriftufnefs 
alfo.     Nor,    if  an  Interpolation  or  two  fliould 
be  ftill  fufpeded  as  remaining  therein,  after  all 
our  Endeavours  to  difcover  them,  will  that  any 
more  affe(5l  the  Body  of  the  Conftitutions,  chan 
that  grofs  Interpolation  in   St.  Johns  Firfl:   Epiftle, 
does  affect  that  whole  Epiftle,  or  the  reft  of  the 
Books  of  the  New  Teftament.     I  call  it  ^.grofs 
Intcrpolaticn,  whatever  your  Eordfhip  thinks  •  to 
put  a  Verfe  into  the  Bible,  without  any  one 
Greek  Copy ,   Ancient  Quotation  ,   or  Verfion, 
till  about  the  Middle  of  the  Third  Century  by 
Cyprian  :    The  Origin  of  which  /Ingle  Citation 
is  alfo  now  fo  probably  difcover'd  by  the  Learn- 
ed :   and  a  Verfe  fo  very  difagreeable  ,    at  leaft 
as  apply'd  by  your  Lordftiip  to  the  Coherence 
of  the  Place,  and  all  the  other  Texts  andTefti--' 
monies  in  Genuine  Antiquity.     'TertaiUan  plain- 
ly never  faw  it ;  nor  any  one  that  we  know  be- 
fides,  till  it  was  found  ufeful  againft  the  Avians  • 
and  then,  no  wonder  at  its  Introdudlion.     Let: 
me  beg  of  your  Lordfhip,  to  keep  one  Ear  open 
for  Ancient  Truth  ,  and  Genuine  Chriftianity  • 
and  not,  like  your  Great  Predeceftbr,  run  3^our 
felf  aground  in  the  Defence  of  Modern  Cor- 
ruptions ,    which  will  foon  appear  utterly  incje- 
fenfible.      I  am,    with  all  due  Submif]ion  and 

Your  Lordfliip's  mcftObedient 
\_My  other  Tapers 
have  been  long  with  both  Son  and  Servant, 

/>k  Archbifhops.] 

f  d  ;  ;  Tlia 

liy  An  Htflorical  Treface. 

The  Reader  is  hepc  to  Obferve,  that  foon  af- 
ter, if  not  before  the  Date  of  this  Letter ,  Dr. 
Bray  received  from  the  Archbifhop  of  Tork  his 
Copy  cf  my  Papers  relating  to  the  Trinity  and 
Incarnation ,  to  be  fent  to  the  Lord  Bifhop  of 
JVorcefier  ;  whither  they  were,  a  little  after,  lent 
accordingly.  Yet  in  all  this  long  Interval  fince, 
I  have  not  received  a  Line  farther  from  his  Lord- 
ihip ,  either  in  Anfwer  to  my  Letter ,  or  with 
Relation  to  the  other  Papers.  I  have  put  all 
thefe  Accounts  together,  becaufe  they  belong 
to  my  Debates  with  my  Lord  of  Worcefter  ;  al- 
tho'  the  latter  Part  of  them  are  lower  in  Point 
of  Time,  than  that  whereto  I  had  brought  the 
prefent  Hiftory.  I  return  therefore  to  the  for- 
jner  Series. 

Soon  after  my  firft  Letter  to  our  moft  Reve- 
rend Metropolitans,  and  their  Anfwers ,  I  re- 
ceived Two  Letters  from  the  Right  Reverend 
the  Lord  Bifhop  of  Norwich^  Wixh  whom  I  had 
the  Honour  of  an  Intimate  Acquaintance  ma- 
ny Years  :  the  firfl:  only  in  general,  on  Occafi- 
on  of  uncertain  Reports  concerning  my  Opini- 
ons ;  and  the  other,  after  I  had  given  his  Lord- 
fliip  fome  Account  of  them  my  felf.  I  fhall 
tranfcribe  what  is  moft  material  hereto  relating, 
which  was  in  his  Lordftiip's  Second  Letter ,  ia 
thefe  Words. 

• 1  thank  you  for  the  Account  you  give 

me  of  the  Work  you  have  in  Hand  :  And  as  I 
fee  no  Hurt  in  fuch  a  fair  and  entire  Collection 
as  you  fpeak  of,  fo  I  fee  none  of  that  Good 
you  propoie  by  it :  Becaufe  People,  the  Learn- 
ed at  leaft,  will  think  of  thefe  Matters,  as  they 
have  done  from  fuch  a  Porufal  of  the  Scriptures 
and  Fathers,  unlefs  by  fome  Comment  of  yours 


An  Hiflorical  Treface.  Iv 

they  are  (hewn  that  they  ought  to  do  otherwife. 
And  when  it  comes  to  the  drawing  of  Inferen- 
ces from  fuch  a  Colle(i:l:ion  3  I  leave  it  to  you  to 
confider,  whether  it  is  likely  that  your  Inference 
ihould  be  more  juft,  that  that  which  the  Church 
in  the  general  has  fo  long  acquiefced  in  ,  after 
fo  much  acute  Contention  and  Search  as  has  been 
into,  and  about  thefe  iMatters.  I  think  you 
have  already  iliewn  that  you  can  err  ;  and  that 
a  little  more  Coolnefs  would  do  you  no  Hurt. 
I  cannot  believe  that  you  your  fclf  think  fo 
well  of  your  Defign  ^  as  that  it  will  end  all  Di- 
fputes  about  thefe  Things ,  as  you  feem  to  ex- 
prefs.  I  fliall  moft  heartily  rejoice  with  you  if 
it  does,  and  blefs  God  for  you  :  As  I  do  now 
pray  that  he  would  lead  you  into  all  neccffary 
and  Lifeful  Truth ;  for  I  am^  very  fincerely^ 

Tour  Affeciionate  Friend  and  Servant^ 


About  the  fame  Time ,  /.  e,  about  Aug,  1708. 
I  drew  up  a  fmall  imperfedl  Ejjay  upon  the  Apofio- 
lical  Conjiuutlons ,  and  ofFer'd  it  to  tlic  Reverend 
Dr.  Lany  ^  Mafter  of  Pembroke- Hall ,  the  then 
Vicechancellor ,  for  his  Licenfe  to  be  printed 
at  Cambridge ;  having  taken  Care  that  it  fliould 
be  as  inoffcnfive  as  poflibie ,  and  fliould  con- 
tain nothing  but  what  related  to  that  Critical 
Queftion ,  Whether  they  were  Genuine  and 
Sincere  ;  or,  whether  they  were  Spurious  and 
Interpolated?  The  Anfwer  I  receiv'd  from  the 
Perfon  employ'd  to  carry  my  Effay ,  was  in 
thefe  Words : 

(  d  4  ),  Mr.  r;v. 

Ml  '      \/in  HiBorical  Trefctce. 

Mr.  Trofejjory 

The  Vice-Chancellor  does  not  think  It  fit  to, 
er'i^je  an  Imprimatur  to  it:  He  thinks  it  is  not  Qr^ 

Upon  this  I  went  in  fome  Time  to  London^  m 
order  to  print  it  there.  But  was  delay'd  by  Rea- 
fon  of  fomewhat  that  happened  upon  the  Learn- 
ed Dr.  Grabe's  Perufal  of  it^  and  upon  my  Dif- 
conrfe  with  him  about  it.  This  Matter  occa- 
fion'd  a  current  Report  of  my  having  falfely  re- 
lated what  pafs'd  between  us,  infomuch  that  a 
Learned  Foreigner  ^  ("who  was  defired  by  feve- 
ral  confiderable  Men  at  Oxford  to  enquire  about 
me,  and  difcourfe  me,  when  he  came  to  Cam^ 
hridge,  as  he  did  accordingly  )  was  fo  Zealous 
for  Orthodoxy  as  to  fend  a  particular  Letter  to 
Camhridge,  as  from  Dr.  Grahes  contrary  Relation, 
J:o  niy  Difparagement.  To  this  Letter  I  imme- 
diately made  my  Anfwen  Take  therefore  the 
whole  of  this  Matter  in  the  very  Words  of  this 
foreigner's  Letter,  and  in  my  own  \^'ords,  then 
fubjoin'd  thereto,  as  follows : 

Mr.  Wilkins   Letter  to  Mr.  Hues,  Fellow    of 

Reverend  S  I  Ry  Oxford^  Nov,  2:1.1708. 

I  Cannot  but  gratefully  remember  the  great 
Kindnefs  and  Civility  you  have  been  pleas'd 
to  beftow  on  me  when  I  was  at  Cajnhridge  :  So 
that  in  a  great  Meafure  I  profefs  my  felf  to  be 
in  your  Debt :  Which  that  I  may  pay^  your  felf 
jiiuft  give  me  an  Occafion.    Not  long  after  I 


An  HiBorical  Treface.  Ivii 

came  from  your  Univerfity  y  Dr.  Grahe  came  to 

Oxford'^  and  as  he  is  ufed  to  be  kind  and  free  with 

me,  I  told  him  about  Mr.  WhiHons  Defign  :  But 

he  knowing  every  Thing  very  well  ,  efpecially 

of  elements  ConfiitnUons  ,  (  which   Mr.  fVhlBon 

thinks  to  prove  Genuine  ,  tho'  he  is  never  able 

to  do't,)  wonders  that  Mr.  WhiH-on  pretends  to 

fay  that  (he)  Dr.  Grahe  is  in  this  Thing  of  his 

Opinion.     Nay,  he  is  fo  far  from  that  ^  that  he 

thinks  himfelf  oblig'd  to  write  againil  Mr.  Whi-- 

BoTjy  alToon   as  his  Treatife  comes  out.     The 

Reafon  is  this :  Mr.  WhiHon  (as  you  know)  was 

laft  Michaehnas  at  London  ;  and  in  his  ftaying 

there  thought  to  print  the  Consiitutions  of  St.  C/e- 

menty  with  fome  Annotations^  which  fhould  e- 

ftablifli  his  following  Tracl  of  Arianlfm,     Thd 

before  he  went  to  his  Bookfeller^  he  came  to  Dr. 

Grahe^  direcled  by  the  Spirit  of  God  ,  to  whom 

he  {hewed  his  Treatife,  written  in  Englijlj,  defi- 

ring  to  give  his  Cenfure.   But  Dr.  Grabs  looking 

in  his  Prefehce  over  his  Treatife  oculo  curforio^  an- 

fwer'd  him  with  fuch  Arguments  that  Mr.  PVhi^ 

Hon  promis'd  him  not  to  print  it  now,  till  he 

had  ktn  the  MS.  of  Vienna  ;  (  containing  thefe 

Clement's  Cons}ltt4tions^  which,  as  Dr.  Grabe  fays, 

will  knock  him  down  with  one  Shock;  and  Mr. 

tVhishn  himfelf  told  Dr.  Grahe  that  he  would 

think  himfelf  wrong  if  he  could  procure  him 

the  Sight  of  that  Manufcript.     Concerning  bis 

Arian'tjh?,  Dr.  Grahe  could  never  bring  him  to 

fpeak  of  it  :  At  leaft  as  Dr.  Grahe  urg'd  Bifl^op 

Bull's  Works ,  and  his  own  Annotations  upon 

him,Mr.  WhiFion  faid  thefe  very  Words ;  ^  I  have 

*  nothing  to  fay  againfl:  your  Notes  upon  Dr. 

^  B«//'sTra6l.  How  does  that  agree  with  his  Ob- 

ftinacy  that  he  ufes  at  Camhridge  ?  Sure  he  that 

hath  read  the  Fathers  but  of  late,  and  f  not  all, 

but  fome  few  y  is  not  a  true  Judge  of  the  Do- 


iviii  An  Hifiorical  Treface. 

£tnne  taught  by  them,  which  requires  20  or  40 
Years  to  do.  But  I  am  afraid  I  detain  you  long 
with  my  trifling  Letter :  I  muft  beg  your  Pardon 
and  Excufe  for  the  Faults  I  have  committed 
therein.  Pray  remember  me  kindly  to  Mr.  Ock- 
lejy  and  believe  me  that  I  am  in  all  Sincerity, 

Dear  SIR, 

Tour  ever  AjfeBionate  Friend, 

and  Humhle  Serkjanty 


An  Account  of  'ivhat  fafs^d  between  Dr.  Grabe  and 
Mr,  Whifton  about  Michaelmas  laft  at  London, 
•  fofar  as  relates  to  Mr,  Wilkins's  Letter. 

Mr.  Whtfton  coming  to  Dr.  Grabe^  and  bring- 
ing him  an  tffay  on  the  Ajoftolkal  Conliltutions^ 
left  it  with  him  for  his  Perufal  and  Opinion. 
Wh^n  Mr.  Whifion  came  for  his  Papers,  Dr. 
Grabe  faid,  he  had  read  them  but  once  :  but 
that  he  defign'd  to  read  them  again,  had  not  his 
Bufmefs  about  the  Seftuaglnt  hindred  him  •  a 
Sheet  of  which  was  juft  then  come  from  Ox- 
ford.  Dr.  Grabe  both  then  and  before  feem'd 
highly  pleas'd  with  the  Defign;  faid  more  than 
once  that  he  had,  but  the  Day  before  Mr.  Whi^ 
fton  came,  had  an  Impreffion  upon  him  to  write 
toVienna  for  a  fmall  MS.  mention'd  in  his  Sft^ 
clleglnm  [p.  i^j.  Tom.  i.j  which  was  likely  to 
give  Light  who  was  the  Collector  or  Writer  of 
thefe  Confiitutions.  Since  Dr.  Grabe,  tho'  he  own'd 
the  firfl:  Book  written  by  Clemens,  as  being  his 
Stile,  and  could  not  deny  the  Fifth  Book  to  be 
written  in  the  Wefi,  where  Clement  liv'd  \  yet 
fuppos'd  Ignatius  the  CoUedor  of  the  Second 


An  Jiijlorical  preface.  Iij( 

Book,  as  having  feveral  of  his  Words  and  Ex* 
preffions,  as  Hiffolytus  was  the  CoHedor  of  the 
Eighth.  But  own'd^  with  great  Zeal  and  Con- 
cern in  general,  the  genuine  Truth  and  Apo- 
ftolical  Antiquity  of  this  Colle.^ion  ;  excepting 
fome  Points  wherein  the  later  Alterations  in  the 
Church's  Difcipline  had  occafion'd  Alterations 
in  this  CoUedion.  Mn  WhSfion  faid  that  fuch 
Alterations  he  did  not  deny  ;  but  that  for  the 
Dodrine  he  thought  it  wholly  Right,  and  agree- 
able to  the  Scripture,  and  the'  other  Antient 
Books  now  extant  ,-  and  particularly  had  met 
with  no  Examples  of  any  Arlan  Interpolations ; 
and  defir'd  Dr.  Grahe  to  tell  him  whether  he  knew 
of  any.  Dr.  Grahe  paus'd^  and  gave  no  Exam- 
ples 5  appearing  utterly  at  a  lofs  for  any  :  but  all 
along  ow'n'd  his  high  Eftecm  for  thefc  Confti- 
tutions,  and  that  feveral  Years  ago  he  ofFer'd  to 
have  fet  out  a  new  Edition  of  them  ^  aad  faid 
It  was  his  Opinion,  that  till  the  Three  firft  Cen- 
turies are  made  our  Rule  ;  and  particularly  thefe 
Conllitutions  reftor'd  to  be  the  Guide  of  the 
Church;,  inftancing  in  the  Form  of  Confecra- 
tion  of  the  Eucharift,  which  was  alwa^'s  at  firft 
according  to  that  in  the  Eighth  Book,  he  exped- 
ed  no  Amendment,  nor  better  Times.  In  all 
which,  Mr.  V/hifion  fully  agreed  with  him,  and 
told  him,  that  he  had  written  a  Dlre^ioti  for  Stu- 
dies to  the  fame  Purpofe,  which  he  defign'd  to 
propofe  to  the  World  •  and  that  he  had  made  an 
Extract  of  the  Teftimonies  of  the  earlieft  Times 
about  fome  of  the  great  Points  of  our  Religi6n  : 
in  the  very  Method  Dn  Grabe  propos'd  for  the 
Determination  of  Modern'  Controvcrfies.  Mr. 
Wblfton  did  not  tell  T>v,  Grahe  that  he  had  found 
the  Original  Dodrine  to  be  that  of  the  Brians  : 
nor  did  Dr.  Grabs y  he  fuppofes,  at  all  know  be- 
fore that  that  was  his  Opinion.    Nor  indeed 


Ijc  An  Hijlorical  Treface. 

had  they  any  direft  Difcourfe  about  that  Mat- 
ter at  all.     Only  on  the  mention  of  Hjppolhuf^ 
Mr.  Whiflon  faid,  that  the  common  Citations  in 
Bifliop  BuU  out  of  him  were  of  weak  Authority  • 
as  being  either  Suppofitious  or  very  doubtful, 
as  to  our  Saviour's  Divinity  :  but  that  Dr.  Grahe 
had  given  us  more  Authentick  ones  from  him  in 
his  Additions  to  Bifhop  Bull  on  the  fame  Subjedl:  : 
[which  Mr.  Whlfton  had  inferted  into  his  prefent 
Extract,  but  that  they  were  later  than  the  Times 
he  confined  himfelf  to.]  After  all;,  Dr.  Gr^^e  was 
fo  kind  as  to  inform  Mr.  Whlfion  of  Two  emi- 
nent Citations  of  the  Conftitutions  ;  the  one  by 
Orlgen,  the  other  by  Chryfoftomy  which  Mr.  Whi- 
fion  thank'd  him  heartily  for  :    And   Dr.  Graht 
alfo  promised  to  write  immediately  to  Vhnna  for 
the  foremention'd  fmall  MS.  [not  for  the  Consti- 
tutions themfelvesj   that   if  poflible  we  might 
have  fome  more  Light  in  this  Matter  before  Mr. 
Whlfion  pubUfh'd  his  EflTay  ;   to  which  Mr.  Whl- 
fton readily  agreed.     Afterward,  Dr.  Grahe  met 
with  Mr.  Whlfion  in  the  Street,  and  ask'd  him 
why  he  faid  the  Paraphras'd  Epiftles  of  Ignatius 
[pr  the  larger  Epiftles]  were  written  in  the  Se- 
cond Century  }    Mr.  Whifion  reply'd,  Becaufe  all 
the  CharaBers  in  them  were  7to  later, 

I  believe  that  Mr.  Wilkins  wrote  the  Account 
above-mention'd,  becaufe  I  fee  it  under  his  own 
Hand;  but  that  Dr.  Gr^^^  ever  gave  him  that 
Account,  as  it  is  there  contain'd,  1  do  not  be- 
lieve. Nor,  fmce  I  find  Mr.  Wtlkins's  Heat  and 
Miftakes,  fhall  Imuch  value  his  Account  of  what 
pafs'd  between  him  and  my  felf  at  Cambridge. 
He  that  imagines  2a  or 40  Years  Study  neceffary 
to  know  the  meaning  of  Authors,  who  may  be 
carefully  read  over  in  a  part  of  one  Year ;  and 
dares  not  truft  Authors  of  the  Firft,  Second, 
;ind  Third  Centuries,  till  he  has  the  Explicati- 

An  HiBorical  preface.  Ixi 

9ns  of  the  Fourth,  Fifth,  and  Sixth,  to  under- 
i^and  them  by,  [as  he  (aid  in  his  Conference 
with  me,]  fhall  not  be  the  Guide  of  my  Faith. 
And  indeed,  if  he  had  added,  that  we  cannot 
Ivell  underftand  thofe  of  the  Fourth,  Fifth,  and 
Sixth,  till  we  alfo  have  the  Explications  of  the 
Seventh,  Eight,  and  Ninth  Centuries,  he  had 
fpoken  notably,  and  faid  more  for  the  Primi- 
tive Antiquity  of  the  Novel  Doctrines  of  Pope- 
ry than  any  Body.  But  I  know  Dr.  Grahe  has 
no  fuch  Notions  ;  and  fo  they  are  not  at  all  to. 
be  charg'd  upon  him. 

T>ecemberi6.  1708.  WILL  TV  HI  ST  ON. 

Soon  after  this  began  the  Correfponderice  by 
Letters  between  my  Excellent  Fi^iend  Dr.  Brad- 
ford and  my  Telf,  ocQafion'd  by  forne  Reports 
fpread  of  me  in  London,  with  Relation  to  him- 
felf,  and  our  common  apd  highly  valued  Friend 
pr.  Lucas,  There  pafs'd  in  all.  Three  or  Four 
Letters  on  each  Side  :  But  becaufe  the  Two  firft 
were  the  moft  Material,  and  I  find  my  felf  not 
to  have  preferv'd  the  Copies  of  my  Anfvvers  any 
farther,  as  thinking  it  probably  of  no  Confe- 
quence,  I  (hall  only  tranfcribe  the  Dodor's  Two 
former  Letters  and  my  Anfwers  to  them,  as  fol- 

London^  Decern!;,  28.  1708* 


BY  what  you  fald  when  laft  in  Town,  I  had 
fome  Expectation  of  feeing  you  here  about 
this  Time  ;  but  not  being  certain  of  your  In- 
tentions, I  was  oblig'd  to  trouble  you  with  thefe 
Lines  upon  the  Oecafion  following.    Dr.  Lucas 


Ixi}  An  Htflerical  Treface. 

andl  have  each  of  us  feverally  been  inform'd^that 
in  difcourfing  on  the  Subje(5l  which  was  the 
Matter  of  our  Debate  when  we  faw  you,  you 
have  faid  that  He  and  I  were  of  the  fame  Mind 
with  you.  You  cannot  but  remember^  Sir^  thar 
both  of  us  did  in  very, good  earneft  endeavour 
to  convince  you  that  you  was  in  the  Wrong  ; 
and  were  fofar  from  being  convinc'd  by  you^ 
that  weurg'd  (as  to  us  appear'd)  feveralftrong 
Arguments  againft  your  Perfuafion.  And  if 
you  a6t  by  the  Rule  of  Chriflian  Charity  you 
ought  to  believe  that.,  if  we  were  fatify'd  with 
\vhat  you  oiFer'd  in  defence  of  your  Sentiments, 
we  would  not  from  any  Worldly  Confiderations 
perfift  in  denying  it,  I  cannot  therefore  afcribp 
this  Accufation  to  any  thing  elfe^  but  that  Zeal 
with  which  you  have  entred  into,  your  New 
Scheme  •  which  it  feems  appears  to  you  fo  clear 
that  you  determine  that  every  hcneit  Man  muft 
be  of  your  Mind  ;  and  he  that  does  not.  own 
himfelf  to  be  fo  cannot  be  fincere.  As  to  Dr. 
Lucas  J  he  defires  me  to  affure  you,  that  the 
more  he  thinks  of  the  Matter,  the  farther  he  is 
from  approving  your  Judgment  in  this  Inftance* 
As  to  my  felf,  I  have  entred  upon  the  Courfu-  I 
promis'd,  'viz,  to  take  into  ferious  Confiderati- 
on  the  Authorities  on  which  you,  depend,  be- 
ginning with  the  Conflltutions.  And  I  cannot 
forbear  telling  you,  that  there  appear  to  me  fo 
many  Marks  of  Forgery  in  them,  that  I  won- 
der how  a  Perfon  of  your  Judgment  can  give 
fuch  Deference  to  them.  They  feem  to  me  a 
Compofition  of  fome  AntientCuftoms  and  Opi-; 
nions,  and  fome  other  of  much  later  Date,  and 
by  no  means  to  be  depended  upon  til!  we  have  z 
fure  Method  of  diftinguifhing  one  from  the 
other.  And  whatever  you  may  think  of  Dr, 
Grabs,  he  tells  me  he  h  psrfedlly   of  the  far^e 


An  Hijlorical  Treface.  Ixjii 

Mind  with  me  herein.     What  Account  he  has 
from  Vienna   I   do   not  know:  but  I  believe  you 
will   hear  that   from  himfelf,  he  being  lately 
come  to  Town.     And  if  you  fhould  find  your 
felf  miftaken  in  the  Conftitutions],  I  hope  you  will 
think  it  reafonable  to  reconfider  your  other  Au- 
thorities nlfo,  and  not  venture  to  expofe  voiir 
Thoughts  to  publick  View  till  you  have  heard 
what  your  Friends  have  to  offer  againft  theiti. 
.  However,  tho'  you  are  at  Liberty  to  determine 
for  your  felf,  both  what  you  will  think,  and 
what  you  will   do,  yet  Juftice  will  oblige  you 
to  let  your  Friends  think  and  fpeak  for  them- 
felves,   and  to  charge  them  with  holding  no 
other  Opinions  than  what  themfelves  do  own  : 
and  I  ^m  fure,  that  if  you  keep  to  this  Rule" 
you  muft  allow  me  to  be  utterly  diflatisfy'd  with 
what  you  have  drawn  up  in  the  Papers  you  lefe 
with  me  ;  tho'  at  the  fame  Time  I  retain  a  rery 
great  Efteem  for  your  Perfon,  and  am  with  aU 
-Sincerity,  .:  I  lo 

S  I  Ry  '     Tk^ 

T'our  ajfeBlonate  Friend  .  I  ji 

and  humble  Sewant,         An 

X  ^^AM^BKADFORi:>, 

^My  Reply  to  this  Letter  was  as  foUovjSy 
bear    S  I  R,  Camh.Dece77rh.jS.1yoS. 

T  Received  yours,  which  occafion'dfome  Won- 
:  JL  der  and  Surprize  in  me  ,♦  altho',  after  this 
Account  from  you  and  Dr.  Lucas,  as  well  as 
from  the  Retreat  of  another  Perfon  once  in 
great  pare  of  my  Mind  alio,  I  Ihall  no  more 


IxiV  An  HiEorical  Treface. 

wonder  at  the  like  Procedure  in  others^  of  lef^ 
Courage,   Integrity^    and  Impartiality.     Your 
Letter^  inftead  of  bringing  any  Original  Tefti- 
monies  againfh  my  Account,  which  is  the  Prin- 
cipal Point,  and  without  which  all  you  can  fay, 
will   at  laft  come  to  Nothing,  -brings  me  the 
News,  you  have  been  mifinforni'd  ^s  well  as  Dr. 
,  Lucas ^  that  I  charge  you  both  ^ixhArlanifm^  or 
that  in  general  you  are  df  my  Mind,  which  is 
utterly  falfe,  as  all  I  converfe  with  can  teftify. 
In  fome  things,  and  thofe  of  Gbnfequetice,  you 
were  both  of  my  Mind  wheii  I  was  with  you. 
Whether  you  havechang'd  your  Opinions  fince; 
I  know  not  :  and  in  fuch  Points  where  we  were 
.  of  a  Mind  I  fuppofe  I  may  have  fa  id  fo  ;  and. 
when  I  know  that  either  of  you  hate*  dlter'd 
your  Mind,  I  will  certainly  fay  fo  alfo.    But 
why  yon  believe   the  Idle  Mifrepreferitations 
that  of  Couffe  will  pafs  abroad,  I  do  not  un- 
derftand.    1  do  not  ddfire  to  know  either  your 
or  Dr.  Lwc^i's  Opinion  for  my  own  Sacisfa^tionj 
for  I  have  taken  my  Notions  fromi-the  only  com- 
petent Witneffes,  the  Original  Authors  them- 
felves  ;  and  am  not  to  be  perfuaded  by  any  Opi- 
nions of  the  Eighteenth  Century,  that  thofe  of 
the  Firft  and   Second  were  other  than  Ariaiu 
Yc)u  fpeak  of  yoiir   aiid  Dr.  Grjhe's  Opinion 
about  the  Conflitutions,     Dr.  Grahts  1  well  I-  noW 
from  his  SficiUgium  in  Prints  and  from  a  parti- 
cular Converfation,  and  it's  well  that  nis  is  alfo 
in  Print,  or  elfe  it  would  be  faid  that  I  mifre- 
prefent  him  alfo.  Yoii  {Irangcly  ihipofe  on  your 
lelf  when  you  think  that  fome  Alterations  and 
Interpolations  made,  fmce  their  firfl;  Collection, 
imply  that  the  Paif^ges  I  depend  on  are  fuch  ; 
fmce  'tis  moft  plain,  that  every  individual  Iri- 
ftance  of  that  Nature  v/asmade  by  the  Church, 
and  by  the  Orthodox^  nay  fome  directly  againfi^ 


[AnHiBortcal  Treface.  Ix 

the  Arians.    And  not  one  p^xample  has  ever  yet 
been  produc'd,  I  think,,  of  an  Ari^n  Corruption 
or  Interpolation  in  the  whole  Work.     I  put  this 
very  Qucftion  to  Dr.  Grahey    whether   he  had 
met   with  any  Ariaii  Interpolations  in  them  ? 
And  upon  a  little  Confideration  he  could  name 
hone.     And  I  exped  it  of  you,  as  the  Right  of 
Truth   and  Sincerity,  that  you  put  that  very 
Queftion  to   him,  and  own  his  Anfwer,  whe- 
ther it  will  not  agree  to  the  fame  Thing.     So 
that  the  Confiitutions  are  now  ftronger  againfL 
the  Orthodox,  than  if  they  were  uncorrupted, 
as  ftill  appearing  Arian^  after  all  thofe  Corrup- 
tions to  the  contrary.     If  you  can  fee  no  Force 
in  this  Reafoning  I  cannot  help  it  ;  nor  fhall 
pretend  to  prove  the  Genuine  Antiquity  of  the 
Co7tftitut'ions  here,  a^  referving.  it  for  a  Book  by 
it  felf,  which  is  now  almoit  perfeded  ;  arid, will 
not  fear  all  the  little  Exceptions  that  Modern 
Orthodoxy   has  help'd  Men  to  faife  in  a  clear 
Cafe  :  altho'my  own  Opinion  was  fix'd  in  all 
but  one  Point  before  I  faw  thofe  Co7tftitutio7js^  by 
the  other  Teftimonies.     Dr.  Grahes  Opinion  is 
in  fag,  49.   in  thefe  Words  :    U  omTtlno  ^idctur 
certum^  LibrUm  ifium  ex  tradltionihus-  quas  EccJefi^ 
ah  Afofiolis   hie    ilUc  pr^dicarjtibu^y  d^   Ecclcjiafikit 
negotia  rite  confiituentihus  accefsrimt  ac  religiofe  oh^ 
Jernjarunty  comfofitum  fuiJJ'e  ;    cJ"   cjuidem  jtib  fincm 
feculi    p'imiy    aut  faltem   iffo   feculi  fecundi   Initio, 
Pray  take  his  Book,  and  read  the  Words  there 
with  your  own  Eyes ;  for,  fmce  you  fuppofe  me 
to  have  fahlfy'd,  in  declaring  your  and  Dr.  L«- 
cas\  Opinions,  you  may  fufpecl  even  the  faii;- 
riefs  of  my  tranfcribing  his  Words.     Tho'  rruly> 
after  all,  I  fear  'tis  not  (o  much  your  Belief  that 
I  charged  you  with  what  you  never  faid,  as  an 
unbecoming  fear  of  unacceptable  Imputations^, 
if  your  real  Thoughts  fhould  appear  in  Publick,| 
(  e  )  whicn 

Ixvi  An  Hifiorical  preface. 

which  occafion'd  your  Letter:  which  I  look 
upon,  not,  1  hope,  ^s  inconjtfient  with yhut  how- 
ever  as  no  fart  of  that  Sincerity  which  you  ought 
to  fliew  upon  this,  as  you  do  upon  other  Occa- 
fions.  I  may  now  be  run  down  with  Noife  and 
Number  for  a  Time  :  but  certain  Truths,  well 
attefted,  have  a  fecret  Force,  and  gradually  gain 
Ground,  efpecially  in  the  growing  Generation. 
And  a  great  Day  is  coming,  wherein  I  am  per- 
fuaded,  that  that  open  honeft  Courage  for  the 
defpifed  Truths  of  God  which  I  fliew,  will  ap- 
pear to  have  the  Advantage  of  the  prudential 
and  political  Management  of  the  greateft  part 
of  Mankind.  With  humble  Service  to  good  Dr, 
Lucas  and  all  Friends,  I  fubfcribe  my  felf. 

Tour  affetiionate  Friend^ 
P.  S.    Tray  dejire 
Br,  Grabe  to  fend  me  and  Brother^ 

the  Vienna  MS.  if     .. 
it  be  come.  W ILL;  W  H I  S  T  O  No 

,  JST.  B.  This  r/V««^  MS.  here  mentioned,  which 
Mr.  Wilkinsy  as  it  were  from  Dr.  Grabe  s  Mouth, 
affirms  in  his  foregoing  Letter  would  knock  me 
do7vn  with  one  Shock,  appear'd,  when  it  came,  to 
knock  down  Athanajius  inftead  of  Me.  It  proving 
to  be  a  part  of  thofe  Ethiofick  Conftitutions  in- 
Greek,  (indeed  I  think  the  two  firft  of  the  en- 
tire Eight  Books,)  with  which  Athanajius^  or 
fomebody  under  him,  cheated  the  poor  Chri- 
ftians  of  z^thhpia  ;  as  I  fliall  prove  in  my  Ef- 
fay  on  thofe  Confiitiitions  themfelves.  Dr.  Brad^ 
ford's  Second  Letter  was  this  which  follows. 



An  Hijiorical  Treface.  Ixvii 

London^  St.  Tlomas  Afoflhs^  Jan.  22.  1708. 

Dear    SIR, 

I  Should  have  reply'd  to  yours  fooner,  but 
finding  by  the  Manner  of  your  expreffing 
your  felf  in  it^  you  continued  with  full  Aflli- 
rance  to  adhere  to  your  Scheme  ;  even  to  the 
paffing  no  kind  Cenfure  on  tliofe  that  differ 
from  you  ;  I  was  willing  to  take  another  View 
of  your  Teftimonies  and  your  Arguments, 
which  I  have  done  with  all  the  ferious  Appli- 
cation poflible.  •  And  after  allj  I  cannot  but 
ftill  wonder,  that  you  fhould  be  fo  very  pofi- 
tive  in  your  prefent  PerfcrJlon:  1  very  well 
remember,  how  far  Dr.  Lucas  and  I  agreed  with 
you,  and  wherein  we  differed  ;  and  as  we  have 
not  chang'<i  Qur  Minds  in  the  former-,fo  neither 
have  we  in  the  latter.  I  always  did,  and  freely 
do'alTent  to  Eifhop  Bull's  Thefis  concerning  the 
Subordination  of  the  Son  to  the  Father.  I  al- 
ways did,  and  always  fhall  heartily  v/ifti,  and, 
if  it  were  in  my  Power,  I  fliould  endeavour 
that  all  the  Liturgies  of  the  Church  were  re- 
duc'd  to  as  great  a  Simplicity  and  Plainnefs  a$ 
might  be.  Thus  far  I  agree  with  you.  But  I 
can  as  freely  and  honeflly  declare  my  felf  no 
Avian,  as  you  do  that  you  are  one.  And  it 
feems  .Ilrange,  that  whilft  you  blame  the  Or- 
thodox for  adding  new  Articles  of  Faith  to  the 
Primitive,  ones,  you  fliould  not  be  afraid  at  the 
feme  Time  to  affert  other  new  ones .  in  dire<fl 
Oppofition  to  thofe  you  account  fo.  You  will 
underftand  me  fully,  when  I  tell  you  that  I 
could  no  more  be  perfuaded  to  fubfcribe  your 
celebrated  Eummian  Creed,  than  you  would  the 
Athanafian.  If  I  am  not  much  miftaken,  many 
(ez)  of 

Ixviii  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

of  thofe  Paffkges  you  have  cited  from  Irenahsy 
(too  many  to  be  here  mention'd,)  are  diredly 
againft  you.     And  indeed  you  feem  to  me  to 
have  improv'd  all  the  Paflages  that  feem  for  you 
with  much  dexterity  ;  whilft  you  pafs  over  the 
other  too  llightly.     I  can  by  no  means  admit 
your  very  Superficial  and  evafive  Comment  up- 
on l^enaus^s  faying,  that  the  Father  made  all  Things 
fer  femetlffum.     You  fiiould^  according  to  my 
Apprehenfion,  have  taken  equal  Pains  to  an- 
fwer  to  the  Teftimonies  alledg'd  by  Bifhop  BuU^ 
and  many  of  them  by  your  -felf,  as  to  adorn 
thofe  which  you  have  added.    I  cannot  in  a  Let- 
ter go  over  Particulars  ;  but  I  have  obferv'd  ma- 
ny Things  in  the  perufal  of  your  Papers  which 
deferve  your  Review  ;    and  which  I  ftill  hear- 
tily wifh  you  would  forbear  to  publifli.     At 
leall  your  Defence  of  the  Conftitutlons  ought  to 
appear  firft,  that  you  may  fee  what  will  be  faid 
to  take  off  fo  confiderable  a  Part  of  your  Tefli- 
monies.     I  have  not  met  with  Dr.  Grahe  fmce 
your  Letter  came  ;  if  I  had  I  iliould  not  have 
made  any  difficulty  to  hate  put  your  Queftion 
to  him,  nor  to  have  return'd  his  Anfwer,  tho'' 
upon  a  hafty  Perufal  of  what  he  fays  in  his  Sp- 
ell   It  feems  to  me  that  he  does  not  ufe  thofe 
Words  you  produce  of  the  Confiltutions^  as  we 
now  have  them,  but  of  the  Dodrine  of  the  A- 
poftles  as  firft  Publifhed.     Pray  read  backward 
and  forward  a  Page  or  two  from  that  you  men- 
tion ;  and  you  may  poffibly  agree  with  me  here- 
in.    I  have  many  Things  to  add,  but  am  forc'd 
to  write  in  haft,  being  call'd  upon  by  other  Bu- 
fmefs :  and  therefore  with  my  earneft  Prayers 
that  God  may  preferve  us  all  humble,  modeft, 
and  finccre,  and  make  us  to  underftand  and 


An  Htflorical  Treface.  Ixix 

obey  his  Truths  according  to  his  own  Revclad- 
pn,  I  fubfcribe  my  felf, 

S  I  Ry  Tour  faithful  Friend, 

and  bumble  Servant, 


71?  which  1  imtncdintely  return  d  the  follojving  Anfwer, 

Dear  SIR,  Cawh.  Jan.  2;.  i7o|. 

1  Received  yours ;  and  wonder  you  fliould  think 
me  defirous  of  any  ones  ilgning  any  Creed 
fo  modern  as  Eunomlus,  I  think  his  Creed  true 
my  felf:  but  abhor  the  Thoughts  ofimpofmgany 
other  than  an  uncontefted  oneuponthe  Church  : 
fuch  as  is  the  largeft  in  the  Conftitutions.  And  if 
you,  and  Dr.  Lucas,  and  fuch  other  honeft  Men 
as  are  of  the  fame  Opinion,  would  openly  own 
the  fame  Thing,  and  adually  leave  otf  that  of 
Vigilius  Thapfitanus,  it  would  much  contribute  to 
the  Reformation  defir'd.  I  alfo  hope  that  you 
will  own  fo  many  of  my  Propofitions  true  as  }'cu 
are  fatisfy'd  in  ;  and  let  me  know  which  in  your 
Opinion  are  not  fufficiently  warranted  by  the 
Teftimonies,  that  I  may  reconfider  and  alter 
them.  For  my  defign  is  to  publifh  an  Authen- 
.tick  Account  of  the  Chriftian  Faith  in  the  earli- 
eft  Ages :  and  if  any  Miftakes  be  yet  in  the  Pro- 
pofitions, pray  let_  me  beg  of  you  to  help  me  to 
amend  them.  Becaufe  Iren^us,  TtrtuJUan,  and  o- 
thers,  after  Vhilofofhy  came  in,  ventur'd  to  afFirm 
that  the  Son  was  in  a  fecret  Manner  in  the  Fa- 
ther/'t/ore  his  Generation  or  Creation,  and  thnc 
he  was  made  out  of  a  Vart  of  the  Suhftance  of  his 
Father,  as  TertuUlan,  alTerts ;  whence  afcerward, 
jn  all  probability^  came  the  0.^0^:7 9-^  I  have  fiid 
(  e  ;   )  nothing 

Ixx  An  Hiftorical  Treface, 

nothing  in  any  Propofition  againft  them  ;  tho'  I 
do  not  my  felf  believe  them,  as  being  plainly  no 
Parts  of  the  Chriilian  Revelation.  Nor  were  they 
by  them  pretended  to  be  fuch ;  but  propos'd  as 
.   bare  Human  Dedudions.     I  fuppofe  you  vi^ould 
not  have  me  put  fuch  things  into  my  Propofiti- 
ons  your  felf:  and  therefore  how  this  afFeds  my 
main  Scheme  I  do  not  underfland.     You  always 
feem  to  imagine  that  the  Antients  had  fome  No- 
tion that  the  Generation  or  Production  of  the 
Son  was  not  'voluntary  but  necejfary :  of  which  I 
iind  no  Fco:ftepS;,  but  always  the  contrary.  Pray 
obferve  this  in  the  Antienc  Exprcffions.     You 
feem  alfo  to  think  that  the  Metaphyfick^  or  real 
Eternity  of  the  Son  was  by  the  Antients^  or  by 
Irenau  at  leaft,  fuppos'd  after  his  real  Producti- 
on or  Generation ;  whereas  it  was  always  fup- 
pos'd hefore  it :  which  I  beg  of  you  to  obferve  in 
the  old  Authors^  and  if  you  pleafe^  to  ask  Dn 
Grahe  alfo.     Thefe  are  themofl  Material  Points; 
and  I  hope  you  will  confider  them  with  Care  ac- 
cordingly.    But  when  Iremeus  fo  plainly  and  ex- 
prefsly  owns  the   Son  inferior  to  the  Father; 
nnd  that  he  did  not  know  the  Day  of  Judgment, 
as  not  being  reveal'd  to  him  by  the  Father  ;  that 
in  his  divine  Nature  he  appeared  to  the  Patriar- 
chs, entred  really  into  the  Virgins  Womb,  and 
really  fufFery  for  us  in  human  Flefh,  I  wonder 
you  fliould  once  imagine  that  he,  by  that  Ex- 
preffion  you   mention,  fhould  fuppofe  him  the 
fame  Being  with  his  Father.     You  have  heard 
the  Moderns  talk  mightily  of  thefe  three  Divine 
Pcrfons   being    One  In  Suhfiance  and  Di'uinity -^  S6 
you  carry  that  Notion  in  your  Mind,  and  then 
the  Expreffion  looks  that  way  to  you :  juft  as  the. 
minth  to  the  Romans  looks  plain  for  Cal'vlnlfm  to 
fome  Modern   Authors;   whereas  the  Antients, 
who  never  dreaci'd  of  any  fuch  Opinions,  could  * 

not  . 

An  Htflorical  Treface.  Ixxi 

Slot  particularly  guard  againft  them  in  their  Ex- 
preffions.  Nither  h\' certain  that /rrw^v// refers 
to  the  Son  and  the  Holy  Ghofl  at  all  there  ;  but 
perhaps  to  the  Attributes  of  God,  his  Power  and 
Wifdoni  only.  However,  you  know  and  ap- 
prove my  Rule  to  admit  nothing  as  a  Do6lrinc 
of  Chritlianity,  which  can  be  trac'd  no  higher 
than  the  Philofophic  Writers.  Dr.  Grabs  m 
the  Paffage  refer'd  to,  fpeaks  of  the  cO^to^h^  -r^' 
pLTTz^^^cov  or  Confthutions  of  the  Jpofiles,  quoted  by 
Epiphanius;  which  by  a  ilrange  ungrounded  Mi- 
ftake  he  is  ready  to  confound  in  Part  with  the 
J^jy.y^j  '^'  c/.7n:d^a'/.  Whereas  Efphanius  has  a  1  moil 
€;iven  us  an  Abridgment  ofthe  Book  he  means  at 
the  End  of  his  own  Book  againllHerefies ;  which 
puts  it  with  me  paft  Difpute,  that  he  means  the 
Confiittitions  we  now  have :  and  I  wonder  the 
Learned  have  not  yet  been  fo  fair  to  the  World 
as  to  own  fo  plain  a  Truth  from  that  Abridg- 
ment. The  Additions  to  the  Original  Collecti- 
ons in  Dr.  Grabes  Words  were,  in  Points  where- 
in the  Churches  Pradice  afterward  was  alter'd  j 
except  is,  fays  he.  Us  punclls  c^ua  recent  lor  is  i fit  us 
avi  confuetudini  erunt  adverfa,  which  has  no  Re- 
lation to  the  Arian  Interpolations,  but  I  believe 
will  not  excufe  thole  of  the  Church,  and  of  the 
Orthodox.  You  caution  me  againft  Printing, 
at  lead  till  I  have  Publifh'd  the  Eflay  on  the 
Confiitutions.  I  thought  I  had  already  informed 
•you  of  my  Intention  to  the  fame  Effecl.  For  I 
have  found  fo  much  more  Evidence  for  the  Co;/ - 
fiitutions  fmce  Dr.  Grabe  faw  my  Papers,  that  f 
almoft  durft  put  the  whole  liTue  of  the  Caufe 
upon  them  ;  tho'  indeed  there  is  no  Occafion  for 
fo  doing.  I  vvifh  you  would  carefully  read  over 
that  judicious  Author  Novatian  de  Trinhate,  and 
fee  how  very  near  his  Account  of  the  An- 
cient Doctrines  is  to  mine,  ai>d  yet  mine  was 
(  e  4)  drawn 

Ixxii  An  HiBorical  Trefaei. 

drawn  up  before  I  read  that  Book,  and  has  been 
very  little  aker'd   fince.     However,    I  cannot 
but  think  it  the  Duty  of  honeil  Men  to  own 
freely  what  is  fo  plain,     (i.)  That  the  One  and 
Only  Supream  God  of  the   Chriftians^    is  no 
other  than  God  the  Father.     (2.)  That  the  Ori- 
ginal  Supreme  Worfliip  is  due   only   to   him. 
(:;.)  That  the  Son  is  Inferior,  as  well  as  Subor- 
dinate to  the  Father.     (4..)  That  he  is  not  equal- 
ly Omnifcient  with  him.     (<;.)  That  the  Holy 
Ghoil   is  Inferior,   as  well  as  Subordinate   to 
both  the  Father  and  the  Son.    (6.)  That  he  was 
never  exprefly  called  God  or  Lord  by  the  firft 
Chriftians  ;  nor  was  ever  Invocated  by  them. 
(7.)  That  the  Son   was  begotten  or  created  by 
the  Father  only  before  the  World,  whatever  fecret 
Eternity  he  had  before  his  Generation  or  Crea- 
tion.    Thefe  are  Truths  fo  plain  in  the  Scrip- 
ture and  firft  Writers  that  any  one  may  fee  them  ; 
and  yet  fo  miferably  perverted  or  deny'd  by  the 
Moderns,  that  'tis  high  time  to  attempt  the  re- 
ftoration  of  the.  true  Ancient  Faith  of  Chrifti- 
ans in  thefe  Matters.,     But  why,  inftead  of  join- 
ing heartily  with,  mp  wiiere  we  agree,  and  try- 
ing to  corred  any^  occafional  Miftakes  in  the 
reft,  and  fo  affifting  ip  this  Honeft  and  Chri- 
ftian  Dcfign,  you.iiill  difcourage  my  Attempt, 
and  are  afraid  of  beirig  thought  a  Partner  in  it, 
I  do  by  no  means  ■  underftand  :   However,  I 
moft  heartily  join  in  your  Honeft  and  Chriftir 
an  Petitions ;  and  earneftly  beg  that  Godmayfrer 
ferve  me  and  you  and  0II  good  thrift  iatts.  Humble^  Mo- 
.defty  and  Sincere  ;     ^nd  make  us-  to  underftand  and 
obey  his   Truth    according   to   his   own    Revelation ,; 
through  his  well-beloved  Son  Jefus  Chrift  our 
Lord.'    I  am  in  all  fincerity, 

Tour  affe^ionate  Brother ,  and  Sernjanty 
W.  W  HIS  TON. 

An  HiBorlcal  Treface.  Ixxiii 

p.  S.  I  cannot  but  vvqnder  that  you  ftill  avoid 
our  Saviour's  Expreffion,  77oe  Father  is  greater  than 
ly  and  chufe  the  Word  Suhordhtate,  as  being  Sa^ 
fer  Doctrine  at  prefent.  Till  we  are  not  afham'd 
of  Scripture  Language,  we  mufi:  never  fay  we 
are  entirely  impartial  in  thefe  Matters.  I  do 
not  know  of  any  Authentick  Teftimonies  in 
Bifliop  Bull  within  my  Period  that  are  omitted 
in  my  Papers. 

Dr,  Bradford'^  Third  Letter  7vas  in  thefe  Words. 

Dear  SIR,  London,  Mar.  <^.  170^- 

IHad  reply'd  to  yours  much  fooner,  but  that 
my  time  laft  Month  was  not  my  own.  I 
began  it  with  watting,  and  was  all  the  reft  of  the 
Month  taken  up  with  one  or  other  Bullnefs, 
which  turn'd  my  Thoughts  from  what  I  would 
have  engaged  them  in^  the  Subjed  of  your  Let- 
ter. I  'have  ferioufly  perufed  and  considered 
what  you  offer ;  and  as  I  do  not  charge  you 
with  defiring  to  impofe  your  Belief  upon  pthers, 
(^as  you  feem  to  think  in  the  beginning  of  yours) 
lb  1  cannot  but  ftill  wonder  at  your  fo  full  per- 
fuafion^  with  refped  to  what  you  profefs  your 
felf  to  believe.  This  was  what  I  meant,  when 
I  told  you,  that  I  could  no  more  fubfcribe  your 
Eunomian  Creed,  than  you  could  tho  j4  than  a  fiar, 
I  have  not  feen  Dr.  Gral^e  fince  I  received  yours ; 
but  I  perceive  you  do  fmd  that  you  miftook  him 
in  that  Paftage,  which  you  defir'd  me  to  read 
with  my  own  Eyes,  left  you  fhould  be  thought 
to  mifreprefent  him.  I  farther  think  it  ftrange, 
that  you  fhould  rank  Irenaus  amongft  the  Vhilo- 
fopbick  Writers,  and  that  you  fliould  add  that  it  is 
not  certain  that  he  refers  to  the  Son  and  Holy  Ghoft  m 
that  Paflage  I  cited.  If  To,  I  fhall  defpair  of 
tnowing  w;h^t  is  certain  in  him,  or  of  looking 
;  for 

Ixxiv  ^An  Htjloriccd  Treface. 

for  the  Do(5i:rine  of  the  Apoftles  in  any  other  of 
the  Ancients,  left  Philofophy  alfo  fhould  have 
perverted  them.After  all,  as  I  conftantly  ftand  to 
theTwoThings  I  conce^^d  to  you  in  my  fci  rner 
Letter,  fo  I  muft  Icclare,  that  I  cannot  by  any 
means  approve  your  alTerting  theArian  Dodrine, 
either  as  the  Dodrine  of  the  Scriptures,  or  of 
the  Firft  Fathers,  particularly  of  J^fi^n  and 
\remcHs,  who,  if  I  can  underftand  them,  have 
divers  Paffages  directly  contrary,  I  cannot  yet 
alter  my  Thoughts  of  the  Conftitutlons^  Whea 
I  fee  your  Defence,  I  will  endeavour  to  ccnfi- 
der  it  as  ferioufly  and  impartially  as  I  have  done 
what  you  have  yet  ofFer'd  ;  and  muft  ftill  chal- 
lenge it  as  a  Right ^  that  you  will  no  more  charge 
jne  with  Infmcerity  than  I  do  you.  I  thank  God 
I  am  neither  afraid,  nor  afiiam'd  to  ufe  xhoScrif- 
ture  ExpreJJions  in  this  Controverfie.  The  Dif- 
pute  between  us  is  not  about  the  Expre^ons 
themfelves,  but  the  meaning  of  them.  1  am 
far  from  difcouragiog  any  Attempt  you  ihall 
make  in  reftoring  the  Ancient  Chriftianity  in 
its  greateft  Simplicity  and  Integrity,  but  I  am 
not  convinced,  that  the  Method  you  take  is 
3'ight ;  however  I  perceive  jacla  eft  alea  ;  you 
have  fent  your  Books  as  you  intended,  which 
will  probably  produce  a  Reply  to  them,  the  Re- 
fult  of  which  I  heartily  wifli  and  pray  may  be 
the  clear  difcovery  of  Truth.  In  the  mean 
time,  unlefs  I  fee  you  in  Town,  I  will  not  en- 
ter into  fa: 'her  Particulars,  but  continue  to  pray 
ro  Almighty  God,  that  he  will  be  pleas'd  to  En- 
lighten and  Eftablifh  our  Minds  at  prefent,  and 
condu(5l  us  to  the  Regions  of  Light  and  Happi- 
nefs  hereafter.  I  am  with  aH  fincerity, 
S  I  Ry  Tour  affect onate  Brother 
and  'Servant 



An  Uiflorical  Treface.  Ixxv 

To  which  I  reply^d  immediately y  as  follows  : 

My  Dear  Friend,  Camh.  March  9. 170J. 

YO  U  muft  give  me  leave  to  deal  a  little 
more  freely  with  you  than  I  have  yet  done. 
For  I  plainly  find  by  your  laft^  that  becaufe  you 
cannot  anfwer  my  Arguments^  and  yet  are  not 
willing  to  undergo  the  Odium  of  affifting  me, 
you  grow  weary  of  the  Debate,  and  are  willing 
to  hope  for  an  Anfwer  elfewhere  to  what  I  fay, 
without  being  your  felf  concern'd.  I  muft  free- 
ly tell  you,  that  this  is  deferting  your  Duty,  and 
being  afham'd  of  the  Truths  of  God  out  of  the 
Fear  of  Men.  I  do  not  exped  you  fhould  go 
one  jot  farther  with  me  than  yourConfcience  is 
fully  fati  "Yd.  But  fo  far  as  it  is,  'tis  your  Du- 
ty, and  the  Duty  of  every  honeft  Man  to  own 
it,  and  fpeak  your  Minds  freely,  that  fo  the  Sa- 
cred Truths  of  God  may  not  be  fupprefs'd,  and 
the  falfe  and  pernicious  Impofitions  of  Men  may 
be  laid  afide.  Accordingly  'tis  p.ainly  your 
Duty,  as  well  as  Mr.  Clark's  and  Mr.  HoadlySy 
to  leave  off  the  Tapfenfian  Creed,  and  to  own  that 
you  will  never  ufe  it  more.  There  are  but  Two 
of  the  Univerfity  who  have  fully  examin  d  my 
Papers,  and  they  have  both  left  off  that  Creed, 
and  own  they  will  never  ufe  it  more.  And  if 
you  go  on  to  ufe  it  or  diffemble  your  difufc,  I 
muft  freely  warn  you  of  it  as  of  a  plain  Sin 
againft  God,  and  compliance  againft  your  own 
Confcience,  and  that  in  a  Point  of  the  great- 
eft  confequence,  and  wherein  a  Chriftian  ought 
not  to  ad  but  upon  a  fuller  perfuafion.  Thcfc 
Points  do  now  come  to  be  publickly  debated, 
and  your,  and  others  Confciences  are  appeal'd 
to.  If  you  therefore  defert  or  arc  afraid  of 
Truth,  when  it  lies  fo  much  in  your  power  to 
encourage  it,  it  will  not  be  a  fmall  offence  ano- 

-  ther 

Ixxv  i  An  Hijlorical  Treface. 

ther  Day^  whatever  Prudence  or  Difcretion  may 
prevail  with  you  to  do  now.     Erafmusy  and  Fa- 
ther Paul,  faw  in  great  part  the  Truths  of  God, 
but  would  not  venture  this  Worlds  difadvanta- 
ges  for  them.     I  am  fure^  I  would  not  be  in  ei- 
ther of  their  Cafes  at  the  Day  of  Account  for  all 
this  World ;  and  pray  my  Friend  confider  whe- 
ther you  will  venture  the  fanje.     Men  footh  one 
another  up  in  very  great  Sins^  and  then  prefume 
upon  God's  Mercy.     I  really  believe    the  Me- 
thod you  and    others  take  in  this  cafe  is  no 
fmall  wickednefs ;  and  pray  be  fecure  of  your 
Steps  in  a  Point  of  this  moment,  whether  you 
will  defire  another  Day   to  be  found  a  fmcere 
Promoter  of  the  Religion,  the  unpolluted  Reli- 
gion of  Chrift,  or   a  Compiler  with  and  Pro- 
moter of  the  Corruptions  of   Men,    of  Anti- 
chriftianifm  it  felf  ?  However,  I  have  now  dif- 
charged  my  own  Confcience,  and  fhall  be  eafie 
at  home,  do  you  as  you  pleafe.     I  care  not  to 
defcend  to  thofe  little  things  you  fay  in  your 
Letter,  becaufe  they  difcover  only  want  of  fome- 
what   more  fubftantial ;  and  when  I  fee  you,   I 
can  better  tell  you  how  weak  they  are.     On- 
ly fmce  our  Saviour  fays.  The  Father  is  greater  thaii 
I ;  and  aifures  us  moil  exprefly.  That  he  did  7iot 
know  the  Time  of  the  Day  of  Judgment  :  I  may  adcl 
fince  the  Scripture  and  no  lels  than  Twenty  of 
the  ^«f^«icewe  Fathers  fay.  That  God  Cr^^f^i,   or 
Made^  his  Son  ;  that  he  is  his  Kt/V^u^,  'minixay  or 
J)itaZ^yi]fMy  I  think  you  ought  to  own  and  ufe 
the  Sacred  and  Primitive  Language,  and  Ex- 
preffions,  and  Truths ;  and  if- you  fee  reafon  to 
add  any  thing  by  way  of  Explication,  let  it  be 
as  Explication  :  the  exprefs  Words   and  AiTer- 
tions  themfelves    being  ftill   freely  own'd.     If 
you  will  not  comply  fo  far  to  affiil  that  Honeffc 
and  Chriftian  Defign  I  am  upon,  when  your, 


An  HiBorical  Treface.  Ixxvii 

and  a  few  others  Courage  and  Plain-dealing 
would  go  fuch  a  great  way  towards  its  accom- 
plifhment,  you  muft  ufe  your  freedom,  but  mult 
certainly  give  an  account  to  God  of  your  Con- 
duct:, as  I  know  I  muft  alfo  of  mine.  I  am 
with  all  Sincerity  and  Affection, 

Tour  "very  loving  Brother ^ 

and  Humble  Servant, 


London y  Mar.  22, 1 70 8. 

I  Did  not  defign  to  trouble  my  good  Friend 
any  farther  by  Letter,  but  to  wait  till  I  had 
an  Opportunity  of  propofing  to  his  cooler 
Thoughts  what  I  had  to  offer  in  Perfonal  Con- 
ference 3  but  his  laft  to  me  extorts  one  more 
from  me,  that  I  may  for  once  be  as  free  with 
him  as  he  is  with  me.  It  had  been  but  fair.  Sir, 
to  have  convinc'd  my  Judgment,  before  you 
proceeded  to  cenfure  my  Practice  ;  and  to  have 
let  me  told  you  I  was  convinc'd,  before  you 
raflily  concluded  it  to  be  fo.  I  always  have  pro- 
fefs'd  to  you,  and  now  repeat  it,  that  I  am  by 
lio  meaps  fatisfied  with  your  Scheme  on  the 
Subjed  in  debate,  but  am  verily  perfuaded  that 
you  affert  what  you  cannot  prove  ;  and  that  the 
Authorities  you  cite,  do  not  only  fail  of  Evi- 
dence, but  leveral  of  them  do  directly  contra- 
did  you.  I  did  not  think  what  I  urg'd  was  to 
be  reckon 'd  amongft  fuch  little  Things  as  jou  care 
not  to  defcend  to  take  into  your  confideration  ; 
nor  did  I  in  the  leaft  dtclinc  anpvering  jour  Argu- 
fnents  in  hopes  of  an  Anfwer  elfevbere.  For  I  af- 
fure  you  I  am  refolv'd  by  God's  Grace,  not  to 


ixxviii  An  Hijlorical  Trefaci. 

fufFer  my  Judgment  to  be  over-rul'd^  either  by 
you  or  your  Anfwerer^  (whoever  he  fhall  be  J 
nor  will  your  rafli  Cenfures  affright  me  into  the 
doing  what  you  fay  Two  of  your  Camhridge 
Friends  have  determin'd  to  do^  till  I  fee  better 
Reafons  for  it  than  yet  I  do.  Let  me  therefore 
admonifh  you^  my  Friend,  once  more  to  forbear 
judging  your  Brethren^  till  you  know  their 
Hearts  better  than  they  do  themfelves,  &  to  per- 
mit them  to  fpeakand  a6t  for  themfelves;  with- 
out  being  deem'd  Hypocrites  and  Worldlings, 
becaufe  they;  don't  agree  to  your  Sentiments  or 
Practices.  But  I  have  done  writing  on  this  Ar- 
gument atprefent,  remembring  an  ufual  faying 
of  Dr.  Whitchcott^  when  he  perceiv'd  any  grow 
warm  in  Difcourfe ;  Let  us  lea^e  off.v  J  perceive  1 
am  like  to  do  jou  no  good ^  and  you  (by  making  me. 
as  warm  as  your  felf)  may  do  me  hurt.  However^, 
let  us  not  ceafe  to  love  and  pray  for  eachother, 
in  which  nothing  ftiall  be  wanting  on  the  part 
of  him  who  is^ 

S  I  R, 

Tour  Faithful  Friend 
and  Servaat 


t>ear  S  lA,  Camh.  March ^^.  1709. 

YOUR  ftrange  and  unexpected  refentment 
of  my  Chriftian  Freedom  with  you  in  my 
laft,  puts  me  in  mind  of  that  Obfervation,  that,  j 
of  all  Men  thofe  of  the  Clergy  are  the  moft' 
uneafie  at  Reproof  and  Government.  And  if 
good  Dr.  Bradford  cannot  bear  it,  whom  can  we 
except  that  can  ?  I  told  you  plainly  of  your  Du- 

An  Hijiorical  T'^eface.  Ixxi 

;.  e. 

ty,  and  what  I  know  to  be  your  Duty, 
without  re8;ard  to  this  World,  to  impartially  ex- 
amine the  Points  now  in  difpi^te ;  and  fo  far  as 
you  are  fatisfied  to  afl  alfo,  and  to  encourage 
the  Delign  of  bringing  all  to  the  Primitive  Stand- 
ard. Thus  to  Baptize  by  Immerfion  :  To  avoid 
eating  of  Bloody  and  Tlnngs  ftranghd  :  To  invocate 
only  the  Father  and  the  Son,  without  meddling  with 
Philofophick  Notions  about  the  Confubftantia- 
lity  or  metaphyfck  Eternity^  which  only  were 
deriv'd  from  Platonifm,  and  Difputes  with  the 
Old  Hereticks,  and  embrac'd  firft  at  Rowe,  are, 
without  queftion.  Plain  Duties  of  Christians. 
And  if  you  cainnot  bear  to  be  told  fo,  'tis  no 
part  of  your  Sincerity,  but  a  branch  of  fome 
6ther  Nature,  I  blefs  God,  I  have  all  along  rea- 
dily comply'd  with  *my  Duty  in  thefe  Points, 
when  by  learching  I  found  them  to  be  fo.  And 
do  know  the  Old  State  of  Religion  too  well, 
to  doubt  about  things  fo  plain  as  thefe  are.  But 
that  you  fhould  not  bear  the  motion  of  omiffion 
as  to  the  Tapfenfian  Creed^  the  moft  certain  and 
indefenfible  remains  of  Antlchriftianlfm  among 
us,  I  am  a  little  furpriz'd,  and  can  by  no  means 
reconcile  i:  with  that  Opinion  I  havo»  of  your 
uncommon  Sincerity  and  Integrity,  I  confefs  it 
gives  me  a  ftrange  difguft  at  the  Spirit  of  Or- 
thodoxy when  I  hear  you,  and  Dr.  Lucas,  and 
Mr.  Bennet,  making  poor  Evafions,  and  Excufes, 
and  putting  unnatural  Conilru(5tions  on  Words, 
that  you  may  make  a  fliift  to  palliate  the  ufe  of 
that  Creed,  which  the  Wife  and  Good  Men  of 
our  Church  have  been  fo  long  afliam'd  of  ;  and 
feveral  have  omitted  without  Publick  Notice. 
Nor  do  I  know  how  to  reconcile,  with  your 
Judgment  the  oppofing  a  very  few  doubtfulTcxts 
and  Teftimonies,  againft  that  vaft  current  of 
plain  ones  on  the  oth^r  fide,  which  I  have  pro- 

Ixxx  An  HtBorical  Treface. 

duc'd.     When  I  menrion'd  no  lefs  than  Twenty 
Antenlcene  Fathers    who  freely  faid  our  Saviour 
was  Made -ox:  Created^  by  God   ;    or   was  a  Crea- 
ture :  whilft  but  One  Pope  of  Rowe^  in  the  lat-' 
ter  part  of  the  Third  Century,    ever  excepted 
againftit^  that  I  can  find  inilead  of  examining 
whether  I  faid  true^you  alledge  that  you  imagine 
th'Sitlrenausy  &c.  have  a  few  Teftimonies  which 
do  not  quite    come  up  to  Arianifm.     I  defire  you 
uot  to  be  either  Arian  ov. Orthodox ^hut  to  examine 
the  Propofitions  in  which  I  have  included  the 
Chriftian  Faith,  a^  it  wasat  ftrft,  and  to  fliew- 
nie  how  any  may  be  alter'd  to  agree  better  with 
the  Original  Teftimonies.     Tho'  after  all,  I  do 
not  yet  find  that  thofe- Teftimonies  do  require 
any  fuch  Alteration  •   I  mean  on  account  of- 
plainejc  and  ftronger,  and  more  numerous  Te-. 
ftimonies  on  the  other  fide  ;  for  till  fuch  appear, 
you  your  felf,  I  fuppofe  in  your  cool  Thoughts, 
will  not  dqfire  an  Alteration*     Indeed,  if  ^  you 
continue  in  that  Temper  with  which  you  wrote 
your  laft  Letter,     I  fhall  not  be  fond   of  any- 
more Intercourfe  of  this  Nature,  tho'  I  believe 
I  have  fuch  Evidence  to  produce  for  the  Confti-* 
tutions,  the  Arian  Conftitutions,  as  deferves  the? 
ferious  Confideration  of  all  true  Ghriftians  ;  I 
mean  of  thofe  who  make  the  Revelations  of  our 
Lord  and  his  Holy  Apoftles,  the  real  Guides  of 
their  Faith  and  Prad:ice.     If  you  dare  not   in- 
carnett  venture  to  be  of  that  Number,     I  have' 
nothing  more  to  fay  to  you,  but  muft  le^ve  you 
to  anfwer  your  Gondud  another  Day.     I  hope= 
I  may  be  in  London   in  about  a  Fortnight.     If 
You,  and  Mr.  Clarke,  and  Mr.  Hoadly,  nay  andi 
Dr.  Lucas  alfo,  will  fpend  a  few  Hours  or  Days" 
in  examining  my  Ejfay  on  the  Confiltutions  with 
me,  cQoUy  and  impartially,  you  fliall  then  all 
judge  whether  I  have  fpoken  fopofitively,  with-j 


A^i  HiBortcd  Preface.  Ixxxi 

out  ground  or  not.  If  you  are  then  fatisfy'd, 
we  may  then  go  all  hand  in  hand  to  promote 
their  reception  \  it  not,  we  may  leave  thole 
Papers  to  the  Examination  of  others.  For,  as  I 
have  not  done  without  great  Evidence,  what  I 
have  done  already,  fo  do  I  verily  believe  I  have 
ftrong,  very  ilrong  Evidence,  for  the  Genuine 
and  Apoftolick  Authority  of  the  Conftitutions* 
And  if  you  are  once  convinced  of  that,  tho' 
you  will  not  hear  me,  yet  do  I  hope  you  will 
hearken  to  the  Apoilles  of  our  Lord  in  thefe 

Tour  AffeBionate  Brother ^ 
and  Humble  Servant , 


/  But  to  return  to,  and  go  on  with  my  Narra- 
tive ; .  which  has  been,  as  it  were,  interrupted 
by  the  Letters  to  and  from  my  Lord  of  TVorce-- 
fier  and  Dr,.Bradford,  with  the  other  intervening 
Matters.''  After  I  had  received  both  thcArcbbi- 
jhofs  Anfwers  to  my  former  Letter  above  recited  ; 
by  both  which  I  was  defir'd  or  advis'd  to  fend 
my  Papers  in  Writing  before  I  ventured  to  Print  5 
Lrefolv'd  to  comply  with  their  Graces  Inclina^ 
tions.     Accordingly,  befides  the  one  imperfcdl 
Copy  without  Notes,  and  the  other  more  com- 
pleat  one  with  th^m',  .which  I  had  before  vvrittea 
with   my  dwaHand  ;  I  did  alfa  tranfcribe  a 
Third  Copy  my  felf,  and  procur'd  a  Friend  to 
tranfcribe  a  Fourth  alfo.  for  the  fame  Purpofe : 
and  then  a,t  laft-I  fenra.Copy  to  ezch  Archhi-- 
fiiopy  and  at  the  fame  Time  took  the  boldnefs  to 
write  them  a  Second  Letter  upon  the  fame  Sub- 
Jed  :  a  true  Copy  whereof  here  follows* 

(f)  Ma  J/ 

Ixxxii  An  Hijiorical  Treface. 

Camk  Jan,  or  Feb,  170I. 

May  it  fleafe  pur  Grace, 

I  Have  now  prefum'd  to  fend  the  MS.  Papers- 
I  formerly  mention'd^  containing  the  Ac- 
count of  the  Faith  of  the  Two  firfl;  Centuries- 
concerning  the  Trinity  and  Incarnation  :  which' 
Account  feems  to  me  fo  certain  and  undoubted,^ 
that  I  cannot  but  think  it  fufficient  to  fatisfy  all' 
honeft,  free,  and  impartial  Enquirers  :  Nor  to 
be  otherwife  evaded  but  by  judging  of  the  Faith 
and  Pradice  of  the  Firft  and  Second  Centuries, 
by  the  Writers  of  the  Fourth  and  Flfth^  contrary 
to  the  plain  Declarations  of  all  thofe  Catholick 
Authors  themfelves  which  liv'd  in  the  fame  Pri- 
mitive Ages  :  which  how  very  abfurd  and  un- 
reafonable  it  is  I  leave  to  all  Mankind  to  deter- 
min.  Nor  is  there  indeed  occafion  for  a  great 
part  of  the  Teftimonies  here  produc'd  ;  fince 
the  Apofiks  of  our  Lord  themfelveis,  in  their  ge- 
nuine ConBltut'ions  do^  by  St.  Clement,  mofl:  clear- 
ly affure  us  of  the  Truth  of  the  Jame  Dodrines. 
I  have  had  Occafion  .to-  take  Notice  of  feveral 
great  Miftakes  in  the  Right  Reverend  and  very 
Learned  Bifliop  Bull  concerning  thefe  Articles, 
which  I  could  not  avoid  without  betraying  the 
Truths  of  God  Almighty  ;  fmce  I  think  he  has 
too  o(ttn  perverted  Them,  and  t\it  Tefiimonhs  in 
Antiquity  belonging  to  theni.  And  Lhope  your 
Grace  and  his  Lordfhip  will  forgive  me  if  I  ven- 
ture to  fay,  that  I  value  thofe  facred  Doftrines 
reveai'd  by  our  Lord  and  his  holy  Apqftles'  and 
a  ileady  regard  to  them,  fofar  as  I  can  poffibly 
difcover  them,  much  beyond  the  Reputation  or 
Efteem'of  any  Mortal  Man  whomfoever.  Nor 
can  I  forbear  to  wifh  that  his  Lordfhip's  plain 
Failure  in  fo  celebrated  a  Work,  may  be  a  Warn- 

An  Hiflorical  Treface]  Ixxxiii 

iiig  to  all  the  Learned  hereafter^,  how  they  writo 
in  the  ufual  Way  of  modern  Controverfy^  which 
has  too  long,  by  much,  been  the  Banc  of  the 
Church  of  Chrift  ;  and  to  all  the  Unlearned,  how 
they  truft  to  fuch  Writings  in  the  Determination 
of  their  Faith  and  Prad:ice  :  whereas  a  full  and 
impartial  Collecftion  of  all  the  Original  Texts  and 
TeBimonies  relating  to  any  Subjed:,  fuch  as  I 
have  attempted  in  thefe  Papers  for  the  Trinity 
and  Incarnation,  is  certainly  the  only  fair  and 
^inexceptionable  Method,  in  order  to  a  folid  Sa- 
tisfaction. As  for  any  Reply  that  may  at  any 
Time  be  made  to  me,  I  (hall  not  at  all  value  it, 
tmlefs  it  not  only  gives  a  plain  Anfwer  to  thofe 
here  alledg'd,  but  alfo  produces  more  numerous 
and  more  jlain  Original  Texts  and  Teftimonies  on 
the  other  fide  ;  which  yet  I  know  to  be  abfo- 
lutely  impoffible.  Tv;o  Things  I  earneftly  beg 
of  your  Grace,  in  order  to  the  through  Corr 
region  of  Modern  Errors,  and  the  obtaining 
the  Divine  >  Bleffing  on  our  Enquiries :  The 
FirFl  is,  that  your  Grace  would  conjure  thofe 
Learned  Men,  to  whofe  Examination  you  may 
pleafe  to  commit  thefe  Papers,  that  they  would 
examine  fairly  without  PrepolTeflion  ;  that  they 
>vould  communicate  their  Obfervations  as  they 
occur  ;  and  that  .  they  would  declare  their 
Thoughts  openly  and  freely  relating  to  thefe 
Matters,  without  any  Regards  but  thofe  to 
Truth,  Sincerity,  and  a  good  Confcience  ;  oc 
elfeall  their  Enquiries  and  Examinations  will  be 
to  little  purpofe.  Ih^Other  iSy  that  your  Grace 
would  alfo  pleafe  to  confider  of  the  great  Pol- 
lution of  God's  Sacred  Worfhip  among  us  by  the 
continuation  of  that  Corrupt  and  Antichriftian 
Creed  of  Vigilius  Thajfitanus,  ;,  which  is  fo  grofly 
f^lfe  and  ungrounded,  that  none  who  impartially 
examine,  can  read  or  join  in  it  but  he  muft  eer^ 
(  f  2  )  tainly 

Ixxxiv  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

tainly  do  it  duhltantCy  if  not  alfo  renitente  ConfcL 
tmia.  Nor  is  there,  I  believe,  any  Thing  of 
this  Nature  in  the  Antichriitian  Church  her  felf 
more  unjuftifiable.  I  muft  here  own  to  your 
Grace,  that  an  honeft  Zeal  for  the  Original 
Simplicity  of  the  Chriftian  Faith  and  Pradice  ; 
and  an  hearty  Indignation  againft  the  unhappy 
Methods  and  Inftruments  whereby  they  have 
both  been  fo  long,  and  fo  fadly  corrupted,  may 
perhaps  have  fometimes  betray'd  me  to  an  in- 
decent Warmth  againft  fuch  Things  or  Perfons 
as  appeared  to  me  moft  highly  culpable  in  thofe 
Matters ;  which  yet  on  a  friendly  Intimation  I 
promife  (hall  be  correded  before  thefe  Papers 
are  expos'd  to  a  more  Publick  Confideration.  I 
defire  to  offend  no  body  ;  but  only  to  roitx^e  Men 
out  of  their  Lethargy  in  thefe  Matters,  axid  ex- 
cite them  to  their  plain  Duty,  in  diligently 
fearching  after,  and  fmccrely  embracing  the 
Dodrines  and  Pradices  of  our  old  tmdefiUd  Re- 
ligion ;  not  as  it  has  been  of  late,  but  as  it  was 
Originally  underftood  and  obferv'd  in  the  firft 
and  pureft  Ages  of  the  Gofpel ;  that  fo  all  Chri- 
ftians,  as  far  as  poffible,  may  vjith  one  Mind  and 
Mouth  glorify  the  Father^  the  Son,  and  the  Holy 
Spirit,  in  the  fame  manner  as  was  done  in  the 
very  firft  Times  of  Chriftianity  •  than  which 
fure  no  truly  honeft  and  pious  Man  can  dellre 
ai  greater  Blefling  in  this  World.  Were  1  not 
entirely  fecure  of-  your  Graces  real  Concern  for 
Truth  and  Piety,  and  of  your  favourable  Opi- 
tiion  of  my  Sincerity  in  aiming  to  promote  the 
Defigns  of  both  ;  and  were  not  the  Sacred  Do- 
drincs  and  Rules  of  our  Religion  here  explaifi'd 
of  the  greateft  Importance  to  the  Church  of 
Chrift,-  I  fliould  not  venture  thus  freely  and 
boldly  to  addrefs  my  felf  to  you  :  nor  would 
fiich  an  Addrefs  at  all  become  me.    But  as  it 


An  Hiflorical  Treface.  Ixxxv 

was  the  Courage  and  Integrity  of  the  firfl  Chri- 
ftians  vvhich^  under  God,  propagated  our  Holy 
Religion  in  its  Infancy  in  the  World  ;  fo  a  pro- 
portionable Courage  and  Integrity  ought  not  to 
be  wanting  in  any  who  in  earned  attempt  a  Re- 
formation therein.  Nor  therefore  will  your 
Grace,  I  hope,  blame  the  Freedom  and  Relblu- 
tion  I  have  ever  fliewed  in  this  Matter.  What 
I  now  do  is,  I  am  perfuaded,  the  bounden  Duty 
of  every  fmcere  Chriftian,  much  more  of  every 
faithful  Minirter  of  the  Gofpcl :  Among  whom 
I  had  much  rather  be  efteem'd  by  My  Lord  and 
Saviour,  even  under  the  birtereft  Reproaches 
and  Calumnies  among  Men,  than  at  the  Ex- 
pence  of  a  good  Confciencc,  and  the  Hazard  of 
'oeing  unfaithful  to  the  Truths  of  God,  enjoy  all 
the  Reputation  and  Advantage  this  World  can 
afford  me.  I  am ,  May  it  pleafe  your  Grace, 
with  all  due  Gratitude  for  paft  Favours,  with  all 
■becoming  Flumility  and  Submiflion, 

Tour  obliged,  and  mofi 
obedient  Ser^a7n, 


To  this  fecond  Letter  I  have  never  received 
anv  Anfwcr  from  either  of  the  JrMijhops.  But 
they  were  both  lb  fair  as  not  only  to  perufc  mv 
Papers  themfelves,  (  hi  which  perulkl  My  Lord 
Archbifliop  of  CanterhHrj^  as  1  am  certainly  in- 
formed, fpent  no  fmall  Time  ^,  and  compar'd  the 
Originals  alfo  for  greater  Satisfaction  ;)  bur  en- 
courag'd  others  to  follow  their  Examplcby  com- 
mitting the  lame  to  feveral  Learned  Men  alio 
for  their  Perulal  and  Opinions.  Thofe  who  on 
one  Occalion  or  other  have  pcrufed  chcm,  lb  far 

( f  ? )  -15 

Ixxxvi  An  Htjhrical  Treface. 

as  has  come  to  my  Knowledge  ,  are  thefe : 
Both  the  Archhijljops ,  the  Biihop  of  Worcefter, 
Dr.  Fottery  Dr.  Sydal^  and  Dr.  Richardfon^  Chap- 
lains to  the  ArchbtjhofSy  Dr.  Grahe^  Dr.  Smalridge^ 
pr.  Bray^  Dr.  Bradford^  Dr.  Hare^  Dr.  Clarke^ 
Dr.  Hancock^  y[x,.Broughton^  Mr.Benvety  Mr.  Hoad^ 
7/,  Mr.  Ander forty  and  Mr.  Rohinfon^  and  probably 
many  more  that  I  do  not  know ;  I  mean  this, 
befides  feveral  here  at  Cambridge  alfo.  All  which 
are  fo  far  from  having  given  or  undertaking  an 
Anfwer  to  them,  that,  on  the  contrary,  fome 
of  the  fitteft  of  them  who  have  been  earneftly 
prefs'd  to  undertake  it,  have  wholly  declined  the 
fame.  I  fhall  not  name  Perfons  ^  but  I  believe 
I  have  not  been  milinform'd  as  to  the  Matter  of 
Fad.  Mr.  Bennet  indeed  of  Colchefher^  a  Learned 
Writer  of  Controverfy,  and  one  who  has  pub- 
lifh'd  a  kind  of  Vindication  of  the  Creed  afcrib'd 
to  AthanaJiMSy  and  fo  mull  be  fuppos'd  to  have 
ftudied  this  Controverfy,  has  beenfometimes  re^r 
ported  to  have  \>ttn  upon  it ; '  and  fince  he  was 
one  of  thofe  to  whom  my  Papers  were  commit- 
ted by  the  Archbifliop  of  Tork,  the  Expectation 
was  not  wholly  ill  grounded.  Yet  do  I  not  per^ 
ceive  that  he  has  a  Mind  to  fet  about  it :  and  if 
he  dares  not,  I  am  fecure  the  more  cool  and  cau- 
tious Perfons  among  the  Learned  will  not  ven- 
tHre  upon  it.  Nay,  he  has  not  ventur'd  upon  a 
private  Conference  with  me  about  thefe  Matters; 
no  more  than  Dr.  Jenkins ;  who  yet  has  written 
againft  me  on  other  Subjeds  alfo  ;  and  wha 
would  be  as  ready  as  any  one  elfe  to  confute  me 
in  this,  if  it  lay  in  his  Power.  That  thefe  laft 
Fads  are  true,  the  following  Invitation  to  Jt 
friendly  Conference,  which  was  intirely  refused 
me,  fhall  be  a  Teftimonial  :  which  was  fent  to 
Mr.  Bennet^  or  rather,   1  think,  delivered  by  my 


AnHiflorical  Treface.  l^xxvit 

felt  into  his  own  Hand,  when  Dr.  Jtnkim  ,\yas 
alfo  in  Cambridge^  in,;;hef|^;W^r4s: 

Dtar  SIRy  Mayio,  1'jq<), 

IUnderftand  that  myPapers  were  put  into  your 
Hands  by  the  Archbifhop  o^  Tork,  for  your 
Examination  and  Opinion.  You  are  therefore 
-a  Debtor  to  the  Publick  on  thofe  Accojunts :  and 
I  mufl;  exped  that  you  do  not  avoid  nor- delay 
fach  your  Examination  and  Declarationof  your 
Opinion.  Thefe  are  Points  of  greater.  Confe- 
quence  than  to  bear  either  your  Rcfu&l  -or  De- 
lay :  efpecially  when  you  have  fo  pablick  a  Call 
from  the  Jrchbljlw^  ;  and  are  therefore  appealed 
to  in  a  folemn  Manner  not*  to  concealypur  Sen- 
timents. In  the  mean  Time  it  may  much  tend 
to  the  clearing  up  the  Truth  in  thefe-.Points  if 
we  have  a  friendly  .Couference  about  them, 
while  you  a4d  Dr.  Jenhns  are  in  Town.  I  leave 
..the  Time  ai^d  Place  to  ypurlilf.  The  Coni- 
.pany  need -be  no  other  than  foma  cominon 
Friends.  I  exped  your  Anfwer  concerning  this 
•Propoi^I,  f^:-,. ;  ..:;  f:^i^,^oihu\/yr^odz  -   ' 

•But^  as  I  have  already  hinted^  all  was^tb  no 
Purpofe.  Several  indeed  Jo  venture,  out  of  the 
Pulpit,  where. they  know  I  am  not  to  contradict 
them,  and  where  they  fuppoTe  the  Audience  fa- 
vourable, to- aim  at  an  Oppofition  and  Confuta- 
tion of  me  :  yet  do  they  elfewhere  mod  ftudi- 
ouily  avoid  any  Conference. with  me  :  as  being 
r  f   1   )  either 

Lxxxviii         An  Hisimcal  Treface. 

either  wholly  unacquainted  with  the  Contro- 
verfy,  any  farther  than  BifHop  Bull,  or  their  o^ 
ther  Modern  Authors  have  inilruded  them  ;  or 
inwardly  Confcious  that  the  Original  Books  of 
Chriftianity  are  not  fo  clear  on  the  fide  of  Or- 
thodoxy as"  the  World  is  to  be  perfwaded.     But 
then,  As  to  my  Papers  ahout  the  Conftitutlons^  the' 
they  have  alfo  been  fee'n  by  feveral,  I  mean  an 
imperfect  Draught  of  them;'  )^et  have  I  received 
no  confiderable  Intimations  relating  to  them 
from  abroad.     The  Learned  generally  appear- 
ing almofl  as  much  Strangers'  to  them,  at  leait 
as  to  their  real  genuine  or  Ipurious  Nature,  and 
^s  to  the  Number  and' Nature  of  their  Interpo- 
lations, as  if  we  had  no'  fuch  Bo6ks  extant  a- 
nions;  us.     Bifhop  Fearfon  indeed  of  late,  and 
llnce  him  Dr.  Grahe,  found  a  few  MSS.  that  be- 
gan to  make  them  think  they  'vvere  Antient'er, 
and  of  more  Authority  than  is  vulgarly  fuppos'd  : 
and  Ccrekrius  has  written  fuch  admirable  Notes 
upon  them,  as  are  fufficicnt  to  flicw  that  their 
Authority  is  vaftly  great  as  to  the  Ancient  State 
of  the  Church,    and  its  Original  Settlements. 
But  the  Prejudices  againft  the  Jridh  Paffagcs  did 
fo  overbear  all,  that  none  of  thefe  either  did  or 
duril  really  and  throughly  examine  into  their  Sa- 
cred Authority  :  Which  yet,  upon  a  full  Exami- 
nation, I  take  to  be  undeniable.     And  truly  as 
to  my  felf,  whatever  other  honeft  Men  may  look 
for  or.  promife  themfelves  in  this  Matter,  I  have 
never  cxpeded  any  Anfiver  to  the  Papers  about 
the  Primitive  Faith,  or  indeed  to  thofe  other  ^- 
hout  the  ConfiltutioTJs,  and  about  Ignatius:   and  I 
own  I  have  had  but  om  Argi^went  why  I  did  not 
exped  any,    ^L^iz..  Becaufe  I  was  fully  fatisfy'd 
they  were  really  Unanswerable.     And  as  I  have 
now  had  the  Satisfadion,  almoft  thisTwo  Years, 
of  oblervine  the  Fad  to  corrcfpond,  and  not 
^  fo 

An  HiBorical  preface.  Ixxxix 

fo  much  as  a  Pretence  to  a  Reply  to  appear  as  to 
fhofe  ftrflPapers ;  fo  do  I  fully  believe  that  for  the 
Time  to  come  the  Fact  will  alike  correfpond  as 
to  all  of  them.  Had  I  found  Matters  doubtful 
6v  uncertain  in  the  old  Authors,  I  had  not  a6led 
as  t  have  done  :  but  finding  them  otherwife,  at 
the  fari^e  Time  that  1  publifh  the  Account,  I 
Know'  no  Anfwer  can  be  made  to  it.  Some  Im- 
provements and  Corrcdions,  no  Doubt,  all  fuch 
Writings  muft  be  long  capable  of :  but  to  think 
of  Anfwertng  a  Matter  of  Fa(5l,  when  it  is  once 
proved  from  all  the  Original  Witneffcs  that  are 
capable  of  being  examin'd,  which  muft  be  the 
Cafe  here,  is  abfurd  and  ridiculous.  I  meddle 
not  therein  properly  with  the  Truth,  or  Rea- 
fonablenefs,  or  Philofophy  of  the  Dodrines  or 
Pradices  ;  but  taking  the  Things  our  Saviour 
delivered,  and  the  Apoftles  received  and  preach'd 
to  the  World^  as  -Ar-tient  Fachy  and  therefore  no 
tJth'erwife  to  be  known  than  by  the  Teftimonies 
of  all  the  earlieft  Writers,  I  have  honeftly,  and 
faithfully,  and  impartially  given  an  Account  of 
the  fame  from  all  thofe  earlieft  Writers,  and  that 
almoft  wholly  ih  their  own  Words  r  and  that  Ac- 
count has^  in  every  Part,  been  review'd ,  exa- 
mined, and  corrcded  by  a  Learned,  Cautious, 
and  Impartial-Friend,  and  found  to  be  juft  and 
fair.  So  that  I  riot  only  knotv  it  to  be,  for  the 
Main,  Unanfwerahle  ;  but' I  can  hardly  forbear 
faying  that  thofe  of  the  I. earned  who  have  care- 
fully perus'd  it,  and  arc  able  to  judge  of  it,  can- 
not but  know  that  they  are  not  able  to  anfwer  it. 
Not  that  my  Papers  are  of  fuch  a  pcrfuafive  Na- 
tui-6,  or  the  Antient  Teillmonies  every  one  fo 
clear  and  exprefs,  that  when  they  are  read  by 
even  Learned  Men  with  their  former  Notions, 
and  Prejudices,  and  Fears  about  them,  they  may 
pot  {cav-e  them  doubtful  and  uncertain  in  fcve- 


%€ ,  j4n  Hijiorical  Treface, 

ral  Things.     But  this  I  affirm,  that  if  any.Learn^ 
ed  Perfons  do  as  I  did,  /.  e,  come  with  a  full  Re- 
folution  to  be  under  no  Manner  of  Byafs  at  all, 
but  barely  to  believe  as  they  fee  the  Original 
•Teftimonies  fhall  fway  ciiem;  and  not  only  pray 
for  God's  Bieffing  on  their  Enquiries,  but  f\n- 
cerely  refolve  to  alter  their ;  prefent  •  Faithi  and 
Practice  according  as- they  Ihall  fee  Reafon  from 
the  fame  Teftimonies  >:(  which  Ibl<?fs.Go,d  I 
have  ftill  done  all  along.;  and  u^ithout  doing  fb 
could  iiet  have  expected  the  Succefs  of  my  En- 
deavours;) They  will'then.  foon  fee  that,  in  the 
Main,  my  Account  is  certak}ly  true  ;  and  by  Con- 
fequence  my  Papers  Unajifwerahle,     Tho'  how 
long  it  will  now  be  c're  this  will  be  own  d  by  the 
Learnedi  and  the  neceffary  Alterations  made  in 
the  Articles,  Creeds,  and  Liturgy  of  theChuirch, 
I  cannot  tell  :   nor  indeed  when  Things  will  be 
own'd  to  deferve  fuch    a  publick  and -fokmn 
Confideration  and  Examination  as  they  ought  to 
have  before  fuch  great  Alterations  are  attempt- 
ed.    Could  I  but  once  fee  a  Publick  Faft  pro- 
claim'd,  to  lament  all  our  crying  Sins  of  tliis 
Nature;    and  to  implore  a  Bleffing  on  our  En- 
•  quiries  hereto  relating  ;   with  publick  Leave  or 
Comniiflion  to  examine  freely  and  impartially^, 
without  any  Fears  from  this  World,  -I  fhould 
then  eafily  forefee  the  Suddennefs  of  this  great 
Reformation.     But  till  I  fee  feme  fuch  Signs :of 
the  Churches  being  in  earneft,  and  really  .defi- 
rous  of  Truth  and  Chriftianity  in  thefe  Matters 
,  I  cannot  foretel  that  Time  ;  I  mean  any  farther 
than  the  near  Approach  of  our  Saviour's  King- 
dom in  the  Scripture-Prophecies  does  affift  me  : 
For  which  Period  I  muft  refer  the  Reader  to  my 
Ej]ay  upon  the  Revelation  of  St.  John.     But  to  leave 
this  Digreffion,    and  to  proceed.     About  May 
^']o<)y  I  was  accus'd  to  my  Diocefan,  the  Lord 



An  Hiftorical  Treface.  xci 

Bifhop  of  eIj,  by  the  Minifter  of  that  Parifh  in 
Camhridge^    where^  by  his  Lordfhip's  Favour^  I 
enjoy 'd  a  Catechetick  Ledurefhip,  that  in  m^ 
Explication  of  the  Church-Catechifm  T  did  af- 
ferc  Things  that  were  contrary  to  the  Dothlnes  of 
the  Church'^  and  alfo  that  when  I  once  read  Pray- 
ers for  him,  I  omitted  the  third  and  fourth  Peti- 
tions of  the  Litany,  or  the  In^vocatlon  of  the  Holy 
Gbofi,  and  of  the  Trinity.     Thefe  Accufations  I 
confefs'd  to  be  true ;    and  was  very  ready  to  ju- 
ftify  and  fupport  my  Opinions  and  Pradices  as 
to  thofe  Matters.     Accordingly,  when  my  Dio- 
cefan  appointed  a  Time  for  hearing  the  Accula- 
tion  and  my  Defence,    I  appeared  at  the  Time 
and  Place  appointed  :    But  my  Accufer  not  ap- 
pearing there  at  the  fame  Time  ;  tho'  he  after- 
wards came,  as  I  was  told,  when  the  Bifliop  was 
gone,  as  well  as  my  felf  j   this  Accufation,  in  a 
manner, 'came  to  nothing.      Some  Time  after 
^his  I  was  told  by  a  Friend  that  there  'was  a  di- 
red  Defign  againft  me  by  fome  of  the  Univer- 
fity,  and  that  there  had  accordingly  been  the 
Form  of  a  Grace^  (as  we  call  it,)  dravi^n  up  and 
carried  to  the  Reverend  Dr.  Co^el,    Mafter  of 
Chrifi's-CoUcge^  our  then  Vicechancellor,  in  order 
to  my  Degradation  or  Expulfion  j  at  leaft  fo  far 
as  lay  in  the  Power  of  the  Senate  of  the  Uni- 
verfity  to  do  either  of  them.     All  which  proved 
to' be  true  :  tho'  I  perceiv'd  no  publick  Hearing 
was  defign'd  to  be  allow'd  me  ;  nor  could  I  ever 
obtain  a  fight  of  that  Grace  which  was  intended 
againft  me.     And  indeed  the  Steps  taken  were 
fo   unjuftifyable,  and  the  Vicechancpllpr,  with 
the  reft  of  the  CafHt  Senatus,  and  fuch  others  as 
knew  the  fairnefs  of  my  Procedure  all  along, 
appear'd  fo  unwilling  to  go  into  them ,  that'  this 
was  foon  dropt ;  tho'  not  without  fome  remain- 
ing Threats  and  Contrivances  againft  me  one 


xcii  An  Hijlorical  Treface. 

w^y  or  other  :  which  yet  the  good  Providence- 
J[f  God  has  hitherto  delivered  me  from  ;  and  I 
afTuredly  hope  and  truft  will  ftill  deliver  me.  I 
fay  nothing  of  the  Rudenefs  ofFer'd,  and  Impu- 
tation intended  to  be  laid  upon  me  at  Dr.C/^r^'s 
remarkable  Ad  in  the  Divinity-Schools ;  be- 
caufe  the  unfair  Procedure  on  the  one  fide,  and 
the  prudent  Caution  on  the  other^  did  fo  wholly 
prevent  any  Difgracc  to  me  thereby,  that  after 
the  Heats,  which  were  then  excited ,  were  a 
little  over,  and  the  Univerfity  began  to  confider 
better  of  it,  all  fuch  Attempts  turned  rather  to 
my  Advantage.  But  what  Endeavours  were  elfe- 
where  us'd  againfl:  me,  and  how  far  they  fuc- 
ceeded,  will  fully  appear  from  the  two  follow- 
ing Letters  which  I  wrote  to  the  Lord  Bifhop  of 
Ely,  aj^out  the  fame  Time  that  the  foregoing 
Jparticulars  happened  :  \yhich  I  fliall  therefore 
here  tranfcribe. 

Mj  LORDy  Camh.  Seft,  29.  1709* 

IReceiv'd  by  Mr.  L.  and  Mr.  P.  aMeffage  from 
your  Lordfhip  concerning  my  quitting  that 
Ledure  which  I  have  hitherto  by  your  Lord- 
fhip's  Favour  enjoy'd  ;  tho'  with  the  AfTuranee 
of  the  private  Continuance  of  the  fame  Allow- 
ance to  me.  I  own  this  laft  Offer,  which  your 
Lordfliip  was  alfo  pleas'd  to  make  me  at  London, 
to  be  an  Inilance  of  your  Lordfliip's  great  Re- 
gard and  Kindnefs  to  me  and  my  Family  ;  and 
I  do  heartily  thank  your  Lordfhip  for  it:  Nay,  I 
own  the  Acceptance  of  this  Propofal  would  be 
both  for  my  own  private  Eafe  and  Advantage  at 
prefent  ;  and,  if  other  ill  Confequences  could  be 
prevented,  for  my  Satisfaction  alfo,  fo  far  as  it 
tended  to  your  Lordfhip's  own  Eafe,  and  the 
preventing  fome  Clamafs  which  are  to  your  Di- 


An  HtBorical  Treface.  xciii 

flurbance.  But  when  I  confider  what  will  be 
the  unavoidable  Confcquence  of  fuch  a  Proce- 
dure ;  and  how  it  will  dill  the  more  inibirccr  vail 
Numbers  of  the  Laity  againft  the  Clergy,  when 
they  fee  thofe  of  the  mod  Freedom  and  Tem- 
per among  them  go  into  the  way  of  Difcou- 
ragement  and  Suppreflion  of  the  fairelt  and  ho- 
nellefl  Enquiries  into  the  Truths  of  our  Religi- 
on, and  thereby  plainly  encourage  thofe  who 
aim  to  carry  Things  farther,  and  to  proceed  to 
direct  Violence  and  Perfecution  againft  me ;  and  / 
that  for  no  other  Caufe  but  becaufe  I  dare  to 
examine  and  openly  declare  thofe  Sacred  Truths 
of  Chrift  which  the  Antichriftian  Church  has 
fo  long  fupprefs'd  :  When,  I  fay,  I  confider  thefe 
and  the  like  Confequences  of  this  Propofal,  I 
muft  own  I  cannot  poffibly  give  my  Confent  to 
it.  1  know  very  well  that  your  Lordfhip  docs 
not  need  my  Confent  to  this  or  to  a  worfe  Pro- 
pofal. 'Tis  in  your  own  Brealt  to  take  the  Al- 
lowance away,  as  well  as  to  forbid  me  to  offi- 
ciate. And  I  afflire  your  Lordfhip  I  am  pre- 
par'd  for  the  worft,  both  in  this,  and  any  the 
like  Cafe :  being  fully  refolv'd  to  hazard  not 
only  my  Eftate,  but,  by  God's  Affiftance,  my 
Life  in  this  Caufe :  which,  on  a  full  Examina- 
tion, I  am  entirely  fatisfyVl  is  the  Caufe  of 
Chrift,  and  of  his  Sacred  Truths  reveal'd  to 
Mankind. .  However,  I  am  almoft  tempted  to 
wonder  that  your  Lordlhip  is  moved  by  fome 
idle  Clamors,  when  your  Lordftiip  may  per- 
ceive that  thofe  that  make  them  are  fo  little  af- 
fur'd  of  the  Truth  of  the  contrary  Doctrines, 
that  they  induftrioufl^  avoid  both  any  Confe- 
rence about  them,  and  the  perufal  of  my  Papers 
concerning  them.  May  your  Lordfhip  pleaie 
either  to  perufe  my  Papers  your  felf :  or  if  your 
other  Affairs  will  not  permit  that,  to  recom- 

iciv  An  Hijimcal  Treface. 

iriend  them  to  fome  Number  of  Learned  and 
Fair  Perfons  for  their  Examination  and  Opini- 
on, before  you  proceed  to  any  Thing  like  a  Pu- 
nifliment  on  any  fuch  Account.  'This  feems  fa 
near  to  ftrid  Juftice,  that  I  may  ahnoft  claim 
it  at  your  Lordfhip's  Hands  ;^  efpecially  fince  I 
am  well  affur'd  your  Lordfhip  does  not  defign  tot 
go   to  the  Rigor  of  that  with  me.     But  upon 
this  Occafion  give  me  leave,  My  Lord,  to  infill 
On  what  I  formerly  proposed,  nnd  have  hinted, 
already,  ^ix,.  That  your  Lordfhip  will  pleafe  fo 
far  to  Countenance  Truth  and  Honefty,  as  to 
recommend  the  Examination  of  my  Papers  ta 
the  Univerfity,  and  to  intimate  your  Dehre,  that 
fome  fuch  fair  .Method  may  be  taken,  before- 
any  harfher  Methods  are  thought  of.     My  Pa- 
pers are  ready  for  them,  and  of  Confequence 
fufficient  to  perfuade  to  fuch  a  Method.     And 
to  encourage  them  to  hope  for  all  poffible  fair- 
nefs  on  my  fide  J   I  do  here,  under  my  Hand,, 
promife  your  Lordfliip,  that  if  the  Examiners 
can  produce  a  Tenth  Fart  of  fo  many  Original 
Texts  and  Teftimonies  for  the  Dodrines  now. 
current,  as  I  do  agalnft  them,  I  will  hum  my  Va- 
fersy  and  the  Church  of  Chrift  fiiall  be  no  far- 
ther troubled  with  them.     But  if  this  cannot  be 
done,  I  hope  your  Lordfhip  will  confider  well 
e're  you  difcourage  and  difcountenance  fucll\ 
plain  Truths  of  Chriftianity.      I  am,  with  all 
due  Gratitude  and  Submiflion, 

Tour  Lordfljtfs  ohligeJ^ 
and  obedient  Servant^ 


An  Htjlortcal  Treface.  xcv 

4        r 

77je  Second  Letter ,  -ivhich  "was  wrote  a  Month  after ^ 
VJiird,  was  in  thefe  Words. 

My  LORD,  Camh.  OBoh,  27.  1709. 

I  Perceive  that  your  I.ordfhip  is  mnch  di- 
fturb'd  wkh  Complaints^  and  made  uneafy 
with  regard  to  that  Lecture  at  St,  Clements , 
which  I  have  hitherto  enjoy'd  by  yourLordftiips 
Favour.  It  has  certainly  been  all  along  in  your 
Lordfliip's  Power  to  have  taken  away  both  the 
liberty  and  the  Salary  of  my  officiating  there : 
Altho'  your  Lordfhips  Regard  to  me,  as  well  as 
to  my  Family,  on  Account  of  the  Relation  I 
have  formerly  born  to  your  Lordfhip,has  hither- 
to prevented  any  fuch  harfher  Procedure.  I 
muft  profefs  here  before  your  Fordfhip  that  the 
Doctrines  I  have  taught  in  thofe  Ledures,  as 
well  as  declared  elfewhere,  are  no  other  than 
fuch  as,  on  a  full  Examination,  I  am  fatisfy'd 
are  -the  Sacred  Truths  of  Chriftianity  reveal'd 
to  Mankind.^  So  that  '^tis  impoffible  for  me  to 
renounce  or  conceal  them,  without  being  con^ 
demn'd  by  my  own  Confcience  of  Hypocrify 
and  Prevarication  in  the  moft  Sacred  Concerns 
poffible.  Nor  therefore  could  I  formerly  confent 
to  your  Lordfhip^s  kind  Propofal  of  continuing 
the  Salary,  if  I  was  willing  to  drop  theLe(fture  • 
becaufe  1  then  underftood  it  to  be  intended  in 
fuch'Circumftances  as  carried  too  great  an  Ap- 
pearance of  Difcouragement  to  thefe  Truths  I 
had  there  daclar'd  ;  and  a  kind  of  Publick  Di(- 
countenance  to  thofe  free  and  honeft  Enquiries 
wliereby  alone  the  true  Genuine  and  Primitive 
Faith,  and  Worfliip,  and  Difcipline  can  be  re- 
cover'd  among  us.     The   fear  of  thofe  Confe- 

?uences  is  now  in  good  Meafure  over,  by  your 
ordfliip's  more  open  continuance  of  my  former 


xcvi  An  HtBorical  Treface. 

Salary,  ai>d  leayng  the  continuance  of  ftie  Le- 
dure  it  felf  to  my  own  Difcretion.     I  confeft 
to  ypurLordftiip.I  ,am  fpfenfibleof  the  Incoa- 
vehiences  which  have  ali:eady  arifen  from  fo 
great  diverfity  of  the  Opinions  of  Mr.  T,  who 
is  the  Minifter,  and.  my  felf  the  Ledurer  ;  and 
the  yet  greater  Inconvreniencie^  which  I  have 
Reaion  to  fear  if  it  be  ftill  continued,,  ibdired- 
ly  againft  his  Inclination,-  as  well  as  againft  the 
Bent  of  the  Body  of  the  Univerfity  itfelfj  that 
I  chufe  to  relinquifh  it  voluntarily  for  =  th^i fu- 
ture ;  at  leail  till  it  may  be  reviv'd  with, more 
Quiet  and  Eafe  on  all  fides.     Accordingly,  I 
do  hereby  heartily  thank  your  I.ordihip  fpryouv 
continuance  of  it  to  me  all  this  Time  -yioi;  youjr 
thus  leaving  the  continuance  or  ceafing  of  it  to 
my    own  Choice  ;   and   for  your  Regard  ftill 
abundantly  fhew'd  in  the  kind  Promife  of  the 
fame  Salary  which  I  had  before.     Only  I  beg 
leave  ftiJl.  to  put  your  Lordfhip  in  Mind  of  my 
former  Motion, that  your  Lordfhip  would  pleafe. 
tp  encourage  a  fair  and  publick  Examination  of 
thefe  important  Points  which  I  have  to  propofe 
to  the  Chriftian  World  ;   and  to  ufe  your  good 
Offices  with  all  thofe  concern'd,  that  no  fudden 
and  rafh  Attempts  upon  me  here  may  be  fet  on 
Foot  ;  but  that  I  my  felf  may  be  publickly  heard> 
and  my  Papers  carefully  read,  and  examined  be- 
fore any  Difcountenance  or  Cenfure  be  pafs'd 
upon  me.    I  am,  My  Lord,  with  all  due  Gra- 
titude and  Submiflion. 

t  • 
Your  Lordfhip's  much  obliged,  and 
moft  obedient  Servant, 
,  I  hat^e  s;ivcn  Notice  to 
Mr.  T.  tlat  the  Le^urc  UlLL.  WHISTON. 

witlhc  dijcoTjtifiucd^ 



An  HiBorical  preface.  xcvii 

But  to  go  on  now  with  my  Narrative.  After 
thefe  Things,  the  latter  part  oi  January  lafl:  i^% 
I  difcover'd  another  Thing  of  the  greateft  Con- 
fequence  to  the  Chriftian  Church,  and  to  my 
main  Derigns,i/i2:..That  the  larger  tfi files  afcrib'd 
to  Ignatius^  and  which  have  of  late  been  ftil'd 
his  wterpoluted  Efifiles,  were  not  only:,  a  Work 
fufficiently  early  in  the  Second  CenturyXwhich 
indeed  I  had  difcover'd  long  before,  upon  mV 
ftril  perufal  of  them  ;  and  had  thenceforward 
ftird  them  the  Paraphrased  E/>//?/fj  of  that  Fa- 
ther,) but  that  they  were  the  Original  Genuine 
Epiftles  themfelves ;  nay  that  thofe  three  in- 
fcrib'd  to  Tarfusy  to  Antiocb,  and  to  Hero,  which 
all  the  Learned  have  long  given  up  for  fpurious^ 
do  appear  to  be  genuine  alfo.  This  Difcovery 
I  was  fo  highly  pleas'd  with,  and  look'd  upon  it 
to  be  of  fuch  Importance,  and  the  obvious  Ar- 
guments for  my  Aflertion  fo  ftrong,  that  I 
could  not  forbear  immediately  drawing  up  and 
publifliing  a  fmall  imperfe(5l  Ejjay  on  that  Sub- 
jed,  on  purpofe  to  fet  the  Learned  upon  the 
re-examination  of  that  Matter.  •  This  Effay 
need  not  to  be  fpoken  of  any  farther  here,  be- 
caufe  it  is  Publick,  and  becaufe  that  more  com- 
pleat  DiJJertatlon  on  the  fame  Head,  which  is. 
prefix'd  to  this  Edition  of  the  Epiftles,  includes 
it.  Only  becaufe  I  have  not  there  thouglit  it 
heceffary  to  repeat  what  I  faid  in  my  Poftfcript 
to  that  Effay,  I  fhall  here  fet  it  down  entire,  lelt 
any  one  from  its  omiffion  fliould  fufpe(^  that  I 
^m  now  diffatisfy'd  with  any  part  of  it^ 

AMong  the  Paffages  of  BlafpBemj,  Irrdigion^^ 
and  Herefyy  referred  to  by  Dr.  Sache^vereH  at 
Jiis  Tryal,  fome  of  mine. are  thus  enumerated  ^^ 

•xcviii  j4n  Htjlorical  Treface. 

'uiz,.  Whtn   the  Scriftures  fieak  of  One  God^    they 
w^an   thereby    One   Supeam   Gvd  the    Father   only, 

—  The  Moderns  calFd  thefe  three  Di'vine  Perfons 

hut  One  God  ;  and  fo  introduced  at  leafi  a  new^  and 
unfcriftural  and   inaccurate^  if  not   a  falfe  way  of 

ffeah'mg  into    the   Church Errata  fag.  125. 

lin,  zi^  24..  To  ivhom  wth  the  Father  ^n^  the  Holy 
Ghofiy  read  in  the  Holy  Ghofi,  and  Dele  Three  Ter- 
fcns  and  One  God.  Thefe  I  allow  to  be  mine  own 
Words^  and  to  be  agreeable  to  my  own^,  not 
uncertain  Opinion  but  certain  Faith.  I  was  once, 
as  the  World  will  fee  by  the  Occafion  of  the 
latter  Erratum,  in  the  common  Opinion^  that 
the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Ghoft,  the  Three 
Divine  Perfons  were  truly,  in  fome  Senfe,  One 
God,  or  the  07ie  God  of  the  Chriftian  Religion  : 
that  is,  before  I  particularly  examin'd  that  Mat- 
ter in  the  Scriptures,  and  the  moft  Primitive 
Writers.  But  fmce  I  have  throughly  enquir'd 
into  it,  I  am  fo  fully  fatisfy'd,  that  the  Father 
alone  is  the  Owe  God  of  the  Chriftian  Religion, 
that  I  muft  now  own,  that  when  once  I  deny 
or  doubt  of  that  Doctrine  I  muft  deny  or  doubt 
of  Qur  common  Chriftianity  ;  there  being  no 
one  Article  more  plain,  or  more  univerfally  ac- 
knowledg'd  in  aH  the  firft  Ages  of  the  Church 
than  that  was.  And  I  here  venture  folemnly 
to^  challenge  Dr.' 5^c/;'.^T;m'//himfelf,  and  all  his 
more  Learned  Friends  to  produce  one  fingle  dl-^ 
reB  Teftimony  of  any  Chriftian  and  Catholick 
Writer,  ('excepting  One  or  Two  Expreffions  of 
Tcrtullian,  contrary  even  to  his  own  ufual  way 
of  fpeaking  ,  if  yet  he  can  be  call'd  a  Catho- 
lick Writer,)  who  faid  theft  Three  Perfons  were 
One  God,  or  the  One  God,  before  the  Days  of  Jtha^ 
nafiiis,  in  H'ie  Fourtii  Century  ;  while  I  am  rea- 
dy to  produce  above  an  Hundred ^hm  Teftimo- 
jues  on  the  other  fide,  that  this  One  God  is  no 


An  Hlflorical  Treface.  XQXiV 

btlher  than  God  the  Father,    Which  indeed  was  the         n. 
firft  Docflrine  which  the  Catechumens  learned,  and 
the  grand  Foundation  of  our  whole  Religion. 
I  alfo  thought  before  my  Examination  that  the 
Doxology  current  in  all  thefe  latter  Ages,  Glory 
he  to  the  Father,  and  to  the  Son,    and   to  the  Holy 
Ghofi,  was  the .  true  Chrillian  Doxology  ;  but 
upon  enquiry  am  fully  fatisfy'd  that  it  was  not 
fo  ;  butthus^  Glory  be  to  the  Father ,  by  the  Son,  in 
the  Holy  Ghofi  :  and  more  rarely.  Glory  he.  to  th^ 
Father,  arid   to  the  Son,  in  the  Holy  Ghofi -,  as  I  am 
prepar'd  to  (hew  beyond   reafonable   Contra-: 
diction  :  to  which  laft  Form  I  therefore  defir'd 
mine   might  be  reducM  by  the  former  Erratum^ 
^Tis  true^  that  my  not  revifmg  that  reprinted 
Sermon  my  felf,  as  I  did  the  reft,  occafion'd  the 
omiflion  of  the  Alterations  in  their  proper  Pla- 
ces ;  which  otherwife  I  had  certainly  made  ;  as 
I  did  make  one  elfe where  agreeably  to  the  an- 
cient Doxology.     This  omiflion  I  endeavour'd 
to  retrieve  by  putting  the  Paflages  into  the  £r- 
rata,  little  dreaming  of  the  Noife,  and  Outcry 
which  has  been  fmce  made  upon  that  Occafiom 
But  this  Age  is  fo  great  a  ftranger  to  fuch  Ori- 
ginal Enquiries ;  fo  bufy  about  Modern  Forms^ 
Notions  and  Phrafes,  that    old  Genuine  Chri-^ 
ftianity,  both  as  to  Faith  and  Pradice,  is  almoft 
loft  among  us.     And   an  honeft  Man  who  en- 
deavours in  the  moft  inoffenfive  and  peaceable 
yvay  to  retrieve  the  fame,  if  he -ventures  to  fpeak 
f)lainly  and  freely  in  fuch  Matters,  is.  readily 
rank'd  among  the  vile  and  wicked  Promoters  of 
Blafphemy,  Jrrellgion,  and  Herejy  among  iis.     But 
if  Men  do  not,  I  fully  believe  Chrift  will  make' 
a  Difference  between  them  at  the  great  Day  of 

March  2^.1  J i(^.  si*.  AV. 


An  HiHorical  Treface. 

Now  the  Reader  is  to  obferve  here,  that  tbo' 
this  Poftfcnpt  be  not  dated  till  the  29th  of 
March,  as  not  finifh'd  fooner,  yet  that  the  Effay 
it  felf  was  finifli'd  and  dated  the  27th  of  Febru- 
ary foregoing.  And  he  is  alfo  to  obferve,  that 
this  fmall  Effay  did  fo  fliock  the  Learned,  that 
upon  my  difcourfing  fome  of  them  at  London 
and  Camhrldgey  I  perceived  they  did  not  know 
how  to  Anfwer  the  Evidence  which  that  Paper, 
how  fmall  and  imperfed  foever,  contain'd  in  it. 
However,  having  obtain'd  fome  new  Hints  at 
Loftdon,  and  there  met  with  Profeffor  Salvlnus's 
mofl:  exad  Copy  of  the  fmaller  Medicaan  Epi- 
illes ;  upon  my  return  to  Cambridge  I  fet  my  felf 
to  compare  the  two  Editions  ftill  more  nicely 
and  exadly  ;  and  to  examine  that  whole  Matter 
more  throughly.  The  refult  of  which  the  fol- 
lowing Diifertation  prefcnts  the  Reader,  to 
which  he  is  therefore  to  be  referr'd  under  this 
Particular.  But  here,  to  go  a  fmall  Matter 
backward,  I  mull  acquaint  the  Reader  that  be- 
fore I  went  to  London  to  print  the  firft  Effay,  I 
wrote  a  Letter  to  the  Reverend  Dr.  Roderick, 
Provoft  of  Kings-Colledgey  and  Dean  of  Ely,  our 
Vice-chancellor,  to  be  communicated  to  the 
Heads ;  which  yet  I  order'd  not  to  be  delivered 
to  him,  till  one  of  the  Printed  Effays  themfelves 
could  be  prefented  with  it ;  as  was  done  ac- 
cordingly. This  Letter  is  highly  proper  to  be 
inferted  here  ;  and  I  fhall  itt  it  down  verbatim  ^ 
that  the  Reader  may  farther  fee  how  fairly  I 
have  acled  in  this  whole  Matter  ,•  and  by  confe- 
quence  how  little  Reafon  any  of  the  Univerfi- 
ty  or  elfewhere  can  have  to  be  angry  with  me, 
or  to  endeavour  to  do  me  any  Harm  upon  thefe 



An  Htjlorical  Treface.  ci 

Mr,  Vicechancelior^  Camh,  Feb.  22. 1715. 

HAving  now  in  good  Meafure  fiiiifli'd  thofe 
Papers  which  I  have  been  abduc  for  fome 
Time,  concerning  the  Vrimitloue  Faith  of  Chriftl- 
ans,  and  concerning  the  AfofioUcal  Ccnflktitions ; 
and  therein,  by  the  Bleffing  of  God,  made  Dif- 
coveries  of  fuch  Confequence  as  ought  not  any 
longer  to  be  concealed  from  the  Chrillian 
Church,  I  prefume  to  Addrefs  rny  felf  to  you  in 
this  Matter,  and  to  Offer  the  foremention'd  Pa- 
pers to  your,  and  to  the  Univerfities  Vnhlkk 
Ccnfickratlon.  As  I  have  the  Honour  to  be  a 
Member  of  this  Body,  and  defire  ever  to  be  a 
peaceable  Member  of  it,  I  think  it  very  well 
becomes  me  to  fubmit  my  Papers  to  the  Exami- 
nation of  the  fame ;  both  as  it  is  an  Univerfity, 
or  Society  of  Learned  Men ;  and  as  it  is  mainly 
an  Univerfity  ^f  Clergy-Mien,  or  of  Perfons 
either  already  of,  or  defign'd  for  the  Sacred  Of- 
fice of  the  Miniftry,  and  fo  peculiarly  concerned 
in  thefe  Sacred  Enquiries.  I  am  well  aware  that 
not  a  few  of  the  Difcoveries  contained  in  my 
Papers  are  contrary  to  the  receiv'd  Notions,  and 
the  Eftablifh'd  Dodrines  and  Prac^lices  upon 
them,  not  only  of  this,  but  of  almolt  all  the 
other  Chriftlan  Churches.  But  then,  I  am  Co 
well,  fo  fully  aifur'd  of  the  certain  and  unde- 
niable Truth  of  the  fame  Difcoveries  notwith- 
ftanding,  that  the  commonnefs  of  the  oooofite 
pernicious  Errors,  fo  fatally  ovcrfpreading  the 
Chrillian  Church,  difhonouring  the  Gofpd  of 
Chrift,  and  hindring  the  Propagation  and  Ef- 
•eds  thereof  in  the  World,  ought  to  infpire  all 
incere  and  honeft  Chriftians,  that  is,  all  thofe 
:hat  make  the  Doctrines  and  Laws  of  their  Blef- 
'ed  Lord,  and  of  his  Holy  Apoftles,  the  proper 
(  g  ;  ;  Rule 

cU  An  Hifiorical  Treface. 

Rule  and  Standard  of  their  Faith  and  Practice, 
with  the  greater  Concern  and  Zeal  in  the  Exa- 
mination and  Correction  of  them.  'Tis  not 
yet  Two  Centuries  fmce  all  thefe  Parts  of  Chri- 
fiendom  did  almoft  as  univerfally  believe  Purga- 
tory and  Tranfubftantiation  as  they  now  do 
thofe  Do(^rines  which  I  oppofe.  And  I  ven- 
ture to  fay,  that  the  Foundations  for  thofe 
itrange  and  abfurd  Opinions  are  yet  full  as  good 
and  as  plaufible  in  the  Scriptures,  and  the  moft 
Primitive  Fathers,  as  they  are  for  the  common 
Dodrines  in  thefe  Matters  ;  and  fo  they  ought 
upon  Examination  to  be  equally  rejecSted  with 
them.  But  then,  the  Correction  of  thofe  Do- 
Brines^  and  the  Prac^lices  founded  on  them,  is 
not  all,  nor  the  main  thing  that  I  labour  for. 
The  Difcoveries  I  have  made  are  of  ftill  a  high- 
er Nature.  For  I  have,  I  think,  certainly  found 
that  thofe  Afoftolkal  Conftitutions^  which  the  An- 
tichriftian  Church  has  fo  long  laid  afide  as  Spu- 
rious or  Heretical,  are  no  other  than  the  Origi- 
nal Laws  and  Doctrines  of  the  Gofpel  :  The 
^J^ew  Covenant  J  or  moft  Sacred  Standard  of  Chri- 
ftianity  ;  equal  in  their  Authority  to  the  Foar 
Gofpels  themfelves  ;  and  fuperior  in  Authority 
to  theEpiftles  of  fmgle  Apoftles  :  fom.e  parts  of 
them  being  our  Saviour's  own  Original  Lav^s  de- 
liver'd  to  the  Apoftles ;  and  the  other  parrs  the 
TuhlickAtls  of  the  Apoftles  themfelves  met  in 
Councils  at  yerufalem  and  Cafarea  before  their 
Death  :  and  this  was  the  conftant  Opinion  and 
Teftimony  of  the  earlieft  Ages  of  tlie  Gofpel. 
Nay,  I  have  difcover'd  alfo  very  lately,  that  the 
larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius,  which  are  ftil'd  the 
Interpolated  ones,  and  which  give  undeniable 
Atteftacion  to  thefe  Conjtitutions^  are  alone  the 
Original  and  Genuine  Epiftles  of  that  Apofto- 
Ileal  Bifliop  ^  and  that  by  confequence  the  fmal- 
^    -  ■  Icr 

An  Hlfiorical  Treface.  ciii 

lerEpiftles,  which  now  pafs  for  the  Genuine 
and  Original  Ones  themfelves,  are  only  later 
Extracis  made  out  of  the  former  for  the  Purpo- 
■fes  of  Orthodoxy.  Thefe  Difcoveries,  if  true, 
are  certainly  of  the  highcll:  Importance  to  every 
Chriilian  ;  and  therefore  they  ought  moft  cer- 
tainly, without  farther  delay^  without  all  Paffion 
and  Prejudice,  to  be  hcneltly  enquir'd  into  and 
openly  examined  among  us.  I  am  my  felf  fo 
fully  latisfy'd  of  their  cert^tin  and  undoubted 
Truth,  and  Divine  Authority,  that  I  am  wil- 
ling and  ready  to  hazard  all  I  have  or  hope  for 
in  this  World  for  their  Reception  and  Eftablifh- 
ment :  and  do  hope,  that  if  Violence  and  Per- 
lecution  ftiould  be  my  Lor  on  this  Account,. God 
would  afford  me  Grace  and  Courage  ta  refift 
even  unto  Blood,  with  Patience  and  Submiffion, 
in  fo  good,  and  glorious,  and  Chriflian  a  Caufe. 
But  I  hope,  the  Churches  of  Chrift,  efpeciallv 
the  Reformed  Churches,  begin  ^o  lay  afide  that 
Antichrifilan  Sprit  ofPerfecution  which  has  fo  long 
prevented  the  free  Enquiries  of  Chriftians  into 
the  Original  Doctrines  and  Duties  of  the  Gof- 
pel.  And  I  do  alfo  believe,  that  our  Saviour 
Chrift  is  bringing  onfoon  his  Kingdom  of  Peace 
and  Holinefs,  when  all  fuch  Defigns  fhall  be 
vain  and  fruirlefs  for  ever.  Good  Mr.  Vicechan^ 
celloYj  do  but  fo  far  encourage  Truth  and  Ho- 
nefty,  as  to  allow  my  Papers  a  fiir,  a  pubUcky 
and  a  careful  Exa?nination  ;  and  when  that  is  over, 
take  what  Refolutions  you  (liall  think  meet  con- 
cerning them  and  their  Author.  Thefe  are 
Matters  of  the  Highefl  and  moft  Sacred  Naturo 
that  have  ever  come  before  the  Church  of  Chrift. 
And  as  we  may  all  hope  for  Mercy  at  the  Hands 
of  God,  as  to  our  pa  ft  Subfcriptions,  Creeds, 
and  Practices,  fo  contrary  to  Chriftianity,  in 
cafe  we  now  readily  fet  our  felves  to  examine  and 
(  g  4  ^  correct 

chr  Avi  HiBorical  Treface. 

covvtSi  them  for  the  Time  to  come,  with  a  fin- 
cere  defire  to  know,  and  firm  Refolution  to 
pra6life  the  Truths  and  Duties  of  PrimitivQ 
Chriftianity,  how  contrary  foever  they  may 
prove  to  our  Modern  Notions,  Cuftoms  and  In- 
terei1:s  :  So  will  any  Degree  of  wilful  Ignorance, 
Obftinacy,  and  Difobedience,  be  hereafter  a 
Crime  of  much  greater  Guilt,  and  fo  bring 
down  upon  us  a  much  heavier  Punifliment,  The 
Times  of  the  former  Ignorance,  St.  Faul  tells  us^ 
God  winked  at:  But  when  the  Divine  Truths 
were  plainly  reveal'd,  he  more  exprefly  com- 
manded, and  juftly  expected,  that  all  Men  e^very 
^vhere  fhould repent.  'Tis  of  no  Confequence  hov7 
inconfiderable  the  Means  or  Inftruments  are 
which  our  Saviour  makes  ufe  of  to  difcover  his 
Truths  and  his  Word  to  Mankind.  If  they  ap- 
pear to  he  his  Sacred  Truths,  ^nd  his  hcly  Word,  \^e 
have  no  farther  Excufe  to  make  for  our  Difobe- 
dience. Nor  can  all  the  Authority  of  Articles, 
Canons,  and  the  like  A^s  of  Human  Contri- 
vance excufe  us  either  from  a  ferious  Enquiry 
into,  or  from  a  fuitable  compliance  with  the 
Will  of  Chrift,  when  it  is  'plainly  reveal'd  to 
Mankind.  If  you^  Sir,-  with  the  reft  of  the 
Heads  and  Members  of  this  Univerfity  pleafe  to 
encourage  that  fair  Examination  which  I  defir6 
and  infift  upon,  I  will  immediately  apply  my 
felf  to  the  Governors  of  the  Church,  the  Arch- 
bifliops  and  Bifhops,  for  their  Permiffion  and 
Directions  therein,  which  il[  have  good  Hope 
they  will  not  deny  in  fo  important  a  Matter. 
And  indeed,-  I  look  upon  it  as  the  peculiar  Du- 
ty and  Bufmefs  oMe  C/er^/,to  reform  and  amend 
the  Corruptions  which  at  any  Time  appear  to 
be  crept  into  the  Faith  or  Pra<5Hce  of  the  Church. 
Accordingly,  '  I  'moft  earneftly  defire  that  tik 
Clergy  would  thewfehes  fet  about  the  prefent  Ex- 

An  HiBorical  Treface]  cv 

amination,  while  ray  Papers  are  in  mine  own 
Power  ;  left  otherwife  the  Neglecft  and  Refufal* 
of  fuch  Examination  be  juftly  laid  to  their 
Charge,  to  their  Reproach  and  Condemnation, 
both  in  this  World,  and  in  that  which  is  to  come. 
I  have  my  felf  acSted  with  all  Sincerity  in  this 
Matter.  I  have  fairly  fet  down  the  Refult  of 
my  own  Enquiries  ;  and  earneftly  defir'd  the 
Affiftance  of  others  ;  that  fo  aJl  even  leffer  Mi- 
ftakes  or  Omiffions  might  be  avoided,  and  the 
whole  be  as  compleat  and  Autbentick  as  poflible, 
before  it  comes  to  be  publifh'd  to  the  World.  I 
do  ftill  earneftly  defire  the  fame  Afliftance ; 
which  a  fair  and  folemn  Examination,  by  a  fe- 
led  Number  of  Learned  Men,  empower'd  and 
required  to  enquire  and  fpeak  freely,  would  af- 
ford me.  If  this  be  refus'd  or  negledcd,  efpe- 
cially  by  the  Univerfity  and  by  the  Clergy,  I 
think  no  fmall  Guilt  will  lay  upon  them  both  be- 
fore God  and  Men.  Only  after  this  direct  Offer 
and  Reprefentation  here  ;  as  I  have  already 
made,  and  do  again  intend  to  make  the  fame 
Offer  and  Reprefentation  to  the  moft  Reverend 
the  Arch-bifliops,  on  account  of  the  Body  of  the 
Clergy,  I  hope  I  fhall  my  felf  be  efteem'd  whol- 
ly clear  and  blamelefs,  as  having  fmcerely  dif- 
charged  my  Duty  arid  Confcience  in  this  ferious 
and  weighty  Concern.  And  I  heartily  wifti  that 
thcvreft  of  my  Brethren  of  the  Clergy  would 
think  themfelves  oblig  d  to  do  that  which  is  now, 
without  Difpute,  become  their  hounden  Duty.  \ 
am  Sir,  with  all  due  Refped  and  Obfervance, 

Tour  moft  humble^  and 
obedient  Servayitj^ 



cvj  ^An  Hijlorical  Treface. 

But  this  Letter  had  no  Effect  at  all,  as  far  as 
I  could  perceive  ;  nor  do  I  know  that  it  was 
then  fo  much  as  fliewed  to  any  of  the  other 
Heads  of  the  Univerfity.  However,  I  ftill  went 
on  to  guide  my  own  Faith  and  Pradice  by  the 
Original  Rules  of  the  Gofpel,  and  the  Apofto- 
lical  Cpnftitutions,  without  concerning  my  felf 
with  our  later  Guides,  the  Dodrines  and  Rules 
of  the  prefent  Age.  [I  mean  only  in  fuch  Mat- 
ters as  were  too  facred  to  be  chang'd  ;  or  too 
plainly  enjoy n'd  to  be  liable  to  Human  Deter- 
niination  ;  while  in  all  other  Matters  of  IndifFe- 
rency  and  Chriftian  Liberty,  I  carefully  con- 
form'd  ipy  felf  to  the  Rules  and  Appointments 
of  the  Church  of  England^  as  a  peaceable  Mem- 
ber of  the  fame.]  Accordingly  upon  the  Birth 
of  a  Child  in  June  this  Year  17 lo.  I  refolved, 
as  exad:ly  as  poffible,  to  obferve  the  Laws  of 
Chrift  deliver'd  in  the  New  Teftament,  and 
more  fully  in  the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions,  as 
to  its  Baptifm.  And  for  that  end  I  drew  out  of 
the  fame  Conftitutions  as  exad  a  Form  for  the 
Baptizing  of  Infants  as  1  could,  which  I  made 
afe  of  Accordingly  ;  and  do  here  prefent  it  to 
the  Pious  and  Chriftian  Reader  for  his  Inftrucii- 
en  and  Edification^  and  when  he  is  fatisfy'd  that 
the  Ufe  of  it  is  his  Duty, .  for  his  Imitation 

An  Hijiorical  Treface]  cvii 

A  Form  for  the  Baptifm  of  Infants^ 
agreeable  to  the  Con  ft  it  ut  ions  of  the  Apoftles. 

[  The  LeJJon,    Rom.  vi.  ] 
[  The  Explication.  ] 

D Early  Beloved  :  Baptifm  is  a  Sacred  Ordl-  confiit.  l. 
nance  given  by  Chrill  himfelf,  as  a  foleran  HI,  c.17. 
Reprefentation  of  his  own  Death.  The  de- 
fcending  into  the  Water  reprefents  his  Burial. 
The  holy  Oyl,  which  ought  to  be  firll  us'd,  re- 
prefents the  Effullon  of  the  Holy  Ghoft.  The 
Holy  Oyntment^  ufed  in  the  Sealing  after- 
ward, is  for  the  Confirmation  of  the  Profeffion 
of  the  Perfon  baptiz'd.  The  mention  of  the 
Father  in  the  Form  of  Baptifm,  is  to  put  us  in 
Mind  that  God  the  Father  is  the  Original  Au- 
thor of  the  Difpenfation  by  Chrift,  and  he  that 
fent  his  Son  into  the  World.  The  mention  of 
the  Holy  Ghoft  after  the  Father  and  the  Son,  is 
to  put  us  in  Mind  that  he  was  the  grand  Wit- 
nefs  to  our  Saviour's  Miffion.  The  Immerfion 
of  the  Perfon  under  Water  reprefents  his  dying 
together  with  Chrift.  The  Emerfion  of  the  Per- 
fon out  of  the  Water,  reprefents  his  rifmg  again 
with  him.  The  Father,  who  is  firft  named,  is 
the  fupreme  God.  Chrift,  who  is  named  in  the 
fecond  Place,  is  the  only  begotten  God ;  the 
Beloved  Son  of  God  •  and  the  Lord  of  Glory. 
The  Holy  Ghoft,  who  is  named  in  the  third 
Place,  is  the  Comforter  ;  who  was  fent  by 
Chrift,  and  taught  by  Him,  and  who  proclaim'i 
Him  to  the  World. 


cviii  ^jfhi  Biflorical  Treface. 

[  TIk  Exhortation,  ] 

Caf,  1 8.  Now  every  Baf)tiz'd  Perfon  is  to  remember, 
that  he  muft  repent  of  and  forfake  all  forts  of 
Wickednefs ;  and  muft  no  longer  go  on  in  Sin ; 
but  muft  behave  himfelf  as  one  in  Friendfhip 
with  God,  and  at  Enmity  with  the  Devil ;  as 
the  Heir  of  God  the  Father,  and  the  Fellow- 
heir  with  his  Son  ;  and  as  one  that  has  re- 
nounc'd  the  Devil  himfelf,  wuth  his  Daemons, 
and  his  Deceits.  He  muft  be  chaft,  pure  and 
holy,  as  a  Friend  of  God,  and  as  a  Son  of  God  : 
One  that  prays  to  him  as  a  Son  prays  to  his  Fa- 
ther, and  accordingly  ufes  the  Lord's  Prayer,  as 
in  the  Name  of  the  common  Society  of  all  the 

Hear  the  Words  of  the  Gofpel  7vritten  hy  Mark  ,    in 
the  Tenth  Chaper^  at  the  Thirteenth  Verfe. 

They  brought  young  Children  to  Chrift  that 
he  fiiould  touch  them ;  and  his  Difciples  rebuked 
thofe  that  brought  them.  But  when  Jefus  faw 
it,  he  was  much  difpleas'd,  and  faid  unto  them, 
fufFer  the  little  Children  to  come  unto  me,  and 
forbid  them  not,  for  of  fuch  is  the  Kingdom  of 
God.  Verily  I  fay  unto  you ,  whofoever  fliall 
not  receive  the  Kingdom  as  a  little  Child,  he 
fiiall  not  enter  therein.  And  he  took  them  up 
in  his  Arms,  put  his  Hands  upon  them,  and 
bleffed  them. 

Hear  now  what  the  Afoflolical  Confilttitions  and 
Canons  fay  farther  concerning  Baptlfm  ;  and  Jartlcn- 
larly  concerning  the  Baftlz^ing  of  Infants  ;  and  con- 
cerning the  Dipping  three  Times  in  Baptlfm, 


An  HiBorical  Treface.  cix 

He  that  will  not  be  baptiz  d ,  out  of  Con-  l.  VI.  c. 
tempt  of  this  Sacred  Ordinance ^  fliall  be  con-  15. 
demn'd  among  the  Unbelievers ;  and  fhall  be 
reproach'd  as  an  ungrateful  Perfon.     For  our 
Lord  fays  ,    Except  a  Man  be  horn  of  Water  a7jd  0/ joh  JIJ.  j^ 
the  Spirit  he  cannot  enter  i?7to  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven, 
And  again,  He  that  belie-veth  and  ts  baptiz^edjJjall  be  Mar.XVL 
fa^ed  ;  hut  he  that  bellc'veth  jwtjlmll  he  damned.  But  ^^* 
as  to  him  that  fays,  ^^  I  will  defer  to  be  baptiz'd 
^^  till  my  Death ;    left  I  fhould  fin  afterward, 
^^  and  fo  defile  my  Baptifm  :  he  is  ignorant  of , 
God,  and  unacquainted  with  his  own  frail  Na- 
ture.    For  the  Scripture  fays,    Delay  not  to  turn  EccIus.V. 
unto  the  Lord ,  for  thou  knowefi  not  what  a  Day  may  1- 
bring  forth.     Do  ye  alfo  Baptize  your  Infants,  yy^; 
and  bring  them  up  in  the  Nurture  and  Admoni-  ,.,    vr  * 
tion  of  God  :  For  our  Lord  fays,  Sujfer  the  little  ^^^•'^'^• 
Children  to  come  unto  me^  and  forbid  them  not.  Mar.  X. 

If  any  Bifhop  or  Presbyter  does  not  dip  three  h.  * 
Times  in  the  Celebration  of  this  Sacred  Ordi-  Can,  i. 
nance  of  Initiation  into  Chriftianity ;  but  dips 
once  only,  and  ufes  the  Form  of  Baptizing,  In- 
to the  Death  of  the  Lord^  let  him  be  depriv'dT  For 
the  Lord  did  not  fay,  Baftiz^e  them  into  my  Death  ;    ^^atth. 
but  he  fa  id.  Go  ye  and  teach  all  Nations  ^  Baptiz,ing  ^^VIII, 
them  in  the  Name  of  the  Father^  and  of  the  Son^  and    ^* 
of  the  Holy  Ghoft, 

Hear  alfo  what  the  fame  Conftitut ions  fay  of  the  Suf-^ 
fciency  of  Baptifm  by  Water  alone,  without  the  Holy 
Oyl  and  Ointment ;  where  no  fuch  Oyl  and  Ointment 
are  to  be  had. 

If  there  be  neither  Oyl  nor  Ointment,  Wa-  l.  VII.  c. 
ter  is  fufficient,  both  for  the  Anointing  with  the  22. 
Oyl,  and  Sealing  with  the  Ointment';   and  for 
the  Profeffion  of  his  Faith  who  dies  together 
with  Chrift, 


ex  An  Htflorical  preface. 

[  The  Baftifmal  InfiruBion,  ] 

C.39.-45'       Thofe  who  at  Years  of  Dlfcretion  offer  them= 
felves  to  be    Catechumens^  are   to   be    fully  in-f 
ftru<5led  before  they  are  admitted  to  Baftifm :  and 
the  fame  Things  are  to  be  taught  thofe  that  are 
Baptiz'd  in  their  Infancy,  before  their  Baptifm 
is  compleated   by  Confirmation,     The  Heads  of 
which  Baptifmal  Inftrudion;,  as  they  are  con- 
tain'd  in   the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions,    are  as 
follows.     A  Catechumen  muft  be  taught  the 
Knowledge  of  the  unbegotten  God  the  Father! 
the  Acknowledgment  of  his  only  begotten  Son  r 
and  that  full  Aifurance  which  is  deriv'd  from  the 
Holy  Ghoft.    He  muft  learn  in  what  order  God 
made  the  feveral  Parts  of  the  World  ;    with  the 
Series  of  his  Providence  towards  it ;    and  what 
diftind  Laws  he  has  given  to  Mankind.     He 
muft  be  inftruded  why  God  made  the  World ; 
and  in  particular  why  he  plac'd  Man  as  the  Prin- 
cipal vifible  Creature  therein  ;    and  what  is  his 
own  proper  Nature  and  Conftitution  as  a  Man. 
He  muft  be  inform'd  how  God   punifhed  the 
Wickednefs  of  Men  by  the  Flood,  and  by  the 
burning  of  Sodom  and  Go?norrah  ;    but  rewarded 
and  advanc'd  the  Godly  in  every  Generation  ; 
as  Sethy  and  Enos,    and  Enoch,    and  Noah,    and 
JhrahaWy  with  his  Pofterity  ;    and  Melchlfedech, 
aiad  Johy  and  Mofes,  and  Jofim,  and  Caleh,  and 
Thineas  the  Prieft,  and  the  reft  of  the  Saints  in 
their  feveral  Ages ;  and  how  God  out  of  his  pro- 
vidential Care  did  not  caft  off  -Mankind  ;    but 
called  Men  in  the  feveral  Ages  of  the  World  froni 
Error  and  Vanity  to  the  Acknowledgment  of  the 
Truth  ;   in  order  to  reduce  them  from  Slavery 
•  and  Impiety,  unto  Liberty  and  Piety  •  from  Un- 
righteoufnefs  to  Righteoufnefs ;    from  Eternal 


An  H'ljlorical  Treface.  cxi 

Death  unto  Everlafting  Life.     He  miift  alfc  be 
farther  Inftrud:ed  afterward  concerning  the  In- 
carnation and  Paffion  of  our  Lord,  his  Refur- 
region  from  the  Dead,  and  Afcenfion  into  Hea- 
ven.    Furthermore  ,   when  the  Catechumen  is 
^Imoft  ready  to  be  baptiz'd,  he  muft  learn  his 
Duty  as  to  the  Renunciation  of  the  Devil,  and 
Dedication  of  himfelf  to  Chrift,  which  he  is  to 
perform  at  Baptifm.     For  he  muft  firft  forfake 
all  Things  contrary  to  his  Chriftian  Profeffion, 
and  after  that  be  admitted  to  the  Chriftian  My- 
fteries.     He  muft  firft  purify  his  Mind  from  alt 
naughty  AfFedions,  from  all  Spots  and  Wrinkles, 
and  then  partake  of  the  Holy  Things.     For  as 
a  wife  Husbandman  will  firft  cleanfe  his  Field 
from  the  Thorns  which  have  fprung  up  in  it, 
and  will  then,  but  not  before,  fow  his  Corn 
therein  :    So  are  the  Minifters  of  Chrift  to  do 
in  this  Matter-;    firft  to  purge  Men  from  all 
Wickednefs;   and  then  to  inftrud  them  in  the 
Rules  of  Piety ;    and  fo  admit  them  to  the  Pri- 
vilege of  Baptifm.     For  fo  did  our  Lord  himfelf 
exhort  us,  faying,  'FirH  Teach  all  K^^t ions  ;    and 
then  he  added,    Baptizes  them  in  the  Name  of  the 
Father^  and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Ghofi, 

[jloen  the  Surety  for  the  Infant  to  he  haptizdfap 
thtiSy  looking  Weflii^ard^ 

I,  in  the  Name  of  this  Child,  renounce  the 
Devil,^  and  his  Works,  and  his  Pomps,  and  his 
Worfhip,  and  his  Angels,  and  his  Inventions, 
and  all  Things  that  are  under  him. 

[Tloen  the  Surety  goes  on  thus,  turning  Eafiward^ 

I  do  alfo,  in  the  Name  of  this  Child,  dedicate 
my  felf  to  Chrift  ;  and  do  believe,  and  am  to 


exii  ^An  HiBorical  Trefate. 

be  baptiz'd  into  the  One  unbegotren  Being,  thft 
Only  True  God  Almighty,  the  Father  of  Chrift^ 
the  Creator  and  Maker  of  all  Things ;    From 
whom  are  all  Things.     And  in  the  Lord  Jelus 
Chriil,  his  only  begotten  Son,    the  Firft-born 
of  every  Creature,  who  was  begotten  by  the 
Good  Will  of  the  Father  before  the  World  be- 
gan ;    By  whom  all  Things  were  made  which 
are  in  Heaven  and  on  Earth,  vifible  and  invifi- 
ble :  who  in  the  laft  Days  defcended  from  Hea- 
ven, and  took  Flefh,  and  was  born  of  the  Holy 
Virgin  M^^Jy  ^nd  converfed  Holily,   according 
to  the  Laws  pf  his  God  and  Father  ;  and  was 
crucify'd  under  Vontius  filate,  and  died  for  us  j 
and  theThird  Day  after  hisSufFering,  rofe  again 
from  the  Dead,  and  afcended  ir^to  the  Heavens ; 
and  is  fat  dov/n  at  the  Right  Hand  of  the  Fa- 
ther ;    and  {hall  come  again  at  the  End  of  the 
World  with  Glory  to  Judge  the  Quick  and  the 
Dead:    of  whofe  Kingdom  there  fhall  be  no 
End.     I  am  alfo  to  be  baptized  into  the  Holy 
Ghoft,  that  is,   the  Comforter  ;    who  wrought 
in  all  the  Saints  from  the  beginningof  the  World; 
and  was  afterward  fent  down  upon  the  Apoftles, 
from  the  Father,  accprding  to.  the  Promife  of 
our  Saviour  and  Lord  Jefus  Chrift :  and  after  his 
Defcent  on  the  Apoftles  was  fent  down  upon  all 
Believers  in  the  Holy  Catholick  Church.     I  am 
alfo  to  be  baptiz'd  into  the  Refurredion  of  the 
Flefti;  into  the  Remiffionof  Sins;  into  the  King- 
dom of  Heaven  i  and  into  the  Life  of  the  World 
to  come. 

[I'hen  the  Bijhop,  or  Preshyter^  ufes  this  Eucharijikal^ 
or  Confecration-frayer^ 

We  blefs  thee.  We  glorify  thee,  O  Lord  God 
Ajmighty,  the  Father  of  the  Only  begotten  God: 

An  HiBoricdl  Treface.  CXiil 

We  give  Thanks  to  thee  that  thou  haft  fent  thy 
Son  to  be  Incarnate  for  our  Sakes,  and  for  ouc 
Salvation  ;  that  he  fubmitted  to  become  like  a 
Man  in  all  Things,  that  he  might  Preach  the 
Kingdom  of  Heaven,  the  Remiffion  of  Sins, 
and  the  Refurredion  of  the  Dead.  We  alfo 
adore  thee,  O  thou  only  begotten  God  the  Son> 
after  the  fupreme  God,  and  by  his  Appointment ; 
and  give  thee  Thanks  that,  thou  haft  undergone 
iDeatn  for  all  Mankind,  eVen  the  Death  of  the 
Crofs  ;  a  Reprefentation  whereof  thou  haft  gi- 
ven us  in  this  Baptifm  of  Regeneration.  We 
alfo  glorify  thee,  O  Cod  the  Father,  that  thou^ 
>vho  art  the  Lord  of  all  Things,  for  the  Sake  of 
thrift,  in  the  Holy  Spirit,  haft  not  utterly,  re- 
jelled  Ndankind  ;  but  in  the  feveral  pali  Ages 
haft  all  along  us'd  various  Difpenfations  of  thy 
Providence  for  their  Sake,  Acccrdinglyy  t<^hen 
Adam  was  in  Paradife,  thou  in  the  firft  Place 
didft.  affign  him  that  very  Paradife  for  an  Habi- 
tatiqii  of  Pleafure.  Afterwards,  as  an  Inftarjce 
of  thy  Providence,  thou  gav'ft  him  a  Command 
to  try  his  Obedience  to  thee  :  and  when,  upo^ 
his  Difobedience,  thou  didft  Juftly  drive  hijiKmt 
of  Paradife,  yet,  out  of  thy  Goodnefs  didft  thou 
not  caft  him  off"  for  ever.  Nay,  thou  dift  but 
as  a  Father  chaftife  his  Pofterity  after  him.  And 
on  his  Account,  in  the  End  of  the  World,  thou 
iiaft  fent  thy  Son  to  become  Man  for  the  Sake  of 
Men  ;  and  to  take  upon  him  aill  the  Paffions  of 
Human  Nature,  Sin  only  excepted.  Look. down 
therefore,  O .  Lord  God,  from  Heaven  upon  us 
in  the  Celebration  of  this  thy  Ordinance  of  Bap- 
tifm ;  and  fandify  this  Water  for  that  Holy  Pur- 
pofe.  .  Beftow  upon  it  Grace  and  Power,  that 

;his  infant  now  to  be  Baptiz'd  therein,  accord-. 
|ing  to '  the  Command,  of^  thy,. Chrift^, may : be. 

"irucify'd  with  him^  ,and.dye  with'  him;  and  b^ 
(  K  )  Suryed 

cxiv  -^^  Hifiorical  Treface. 

buryed  with  him^  and  rife  again  with  him  to 
the  Adoption  of  Children  which  is  by  him,  that 
fo  he  may  dye  to  Sin^  and  live  unto  Righte- 
oufnefs :  through  the  fame  Jefus  Chrift  our 
Lord.     Amen. 

{iten  let   the  Bifiop,  or   Treshyter  dip  the  Infant 
Thrice  under  Water ^  at  the  difiinB  Names  of  the  Fa- 
ther^  Sony  and  Holy  Ghofy   in  the  ufual  Form   of 

N.  I  Baptize  thee  in  the  Name  of  the  Father, 
and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Ghoft. 

[Then  let  the  Bijhop  or  Treshyter  return  Tl:fanh  in 
this  or  the  like  Manner^ 

O  Lord  God^  who  art  Unbegotten,  and  the 
Lord,  the  Ruler  and  Governor  of  all  Things  : 
Who  haft  fpread  the  Light  of  thy  Gofpel  through- 
out all  the  World  :  We  yield  thee  hearty  Thanks 
that  it  hath  pleas'd  thee  to  regenerate  this  Infant 
by  Baptifm,  and  to  receive  him  for  thine  own 
Child  by  Adoption,  and  to  incorporate  him  into 
thy  Holy  Church.  And  humbly  we  befeech 
fhee  to  grant  that  he  being  dead  unto  Sin^  and 
living  unto  Righteoufnefs,  may,  when  he  grows 
up,  fliew  that  he  has  been,  by  Baptifin,  buried 
with  Chrift  in  his  Death  ;  that  he  may  really 
crucify  the  Old  Man,  and  rife  again  to  New- 
nefs  of  Life.  So  that  finally,  with  the  Refidue 
of  thy  Holy  Church,  he  may  be  an  Inheritor 
of  thine  Everklling  Kiiigdom.  And  give  eve- 
ry one  of  us  Grace,  that  we  may  always  re- 
member, that  Baptifni  does  reprefent  unto  us 
our  Profeffion,  whtch  is  to  follow  th#  Example 
of  our  Saviour  Chrift,  and  to  be  made  like  unto 
him  j  that  as  he  dyed  and  rofe  again  for  us,  fo 


An  Hijiorical  Treface.  CXV 

may  we  who  are  Baptized  die  from  Sin,  and  rife 
again  unto  Righteoufnefs,  continually  mortify-^ 
ing  all  our  Evil  and  corrupt  Affedions,  and  dai- 
ly proceeding  in  all  Venue  and  Godlinefs  of 

[Then  all  fta7idi7jg  up,  and  turning  to  the  Eafi,  the 
Bljhop  or  Vresbyter  jhall  conclude  with  the  Lord's  Fray-^ 
tr  •  adding  the  ufual  Bkjjlng.'] 

The  Grace  of  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  and  the 
Love  of  God,  and  the  Fellowfhip  of  the  Holy 
Ghoft  be  with  you  all  evermore. 

A  ColleH  to  he  us^d  next  after  the  Lord^s  Prayer^  hy 
fuch  Adult  Ferfons  as  are  newly  Baptized  ,•  which  is^ 
f  roper  for  Confirmation^  as  to  thofe  that  are  Baptiz»ed     * 
in  their  Infancy ;  taken  out  of  the  Confiitutions.'] 

Almighty  God,  the  Father  of  thy  Chrift; 
thine  Only-begotten  Son.  Grant  to  me  a  Body 
undefil'd  ;  an  Heart  pure  ;  a  Mind  watchful ; 
with  the  fure  Knowledge  of  thee,  and  the.  Affi- 
fiance  of  thy  Holy  Spirit :  that  I  may  fully  un- 
derftand  and  be  eftablifli'd  in  thy  Truth-  through 
thy  Chrift.  By  whom.  Glory  be  to  thee^,  in 
the  Holy  Spirit^  for  even    Amen^ 

About  the  fame  Time  that  this  Sacred  Office 
was  drawn  up,I  happen  d  to  read  over  theLearned 
Monfaucons  AccurateAccount  of  the  Life  oiAtha^ 
nafius;  which  appear'd  to  me  a  very  remarkably 
One,and  fuch  anOne  as  deferv'd  aNicerReview, 
efpeciaily  as  compar'd  with  other  Fads  and  Ob- 
fervations  belonging  to  him  :and  indeed  fuch  an 
one  as  afforded  Sufpicion^  of  not  a  few  Inftances 

cxvi  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

of  Infmcerltyy  if  not  of  dired  Forgery  alfo.  Up- 
on this  I  read  it  over  again  more  carefully,  and 
with  a  watchful  Eye  upon  feveral  Particulars 
therein  related ;  which  did  now  more  plainly 
appear  lyable  to  the  lame  Sufpicions.  This  oc- 
cafion'd  my  drawing  up  the  following  Paper  up- 
on that  Subjecl,  which  I  Ihall  here  therefore  of- 
fer to  the  farther  confideration  of  the  Learned  ; 
as  being  wholly  New;  and  highly  worthy  of  the 
moft  exad  Examination  of  the  Church  of 

.Suspicions  concerning  Athanaftus. 

It  is  well  known,  that  no  fmall  Part  of  the 
Hiftory  of  the  Church,  fo  far  as  belongs  to  the 
*  Fourth  Century,  and  fo  far  as  the  Chriftian 
Faith  is  therein  concerned,  relies  mainly  upon 
the  Writings  and  Hiftory  of  Athanafius ;  and  that 
the  Truth  and  Certainty  of  very  many  impor- 
tant Fads  depend  entirely,  as  to  us,  on  the  In- 
tegrity and  Veracity  of  the  fame  Athanafius,  Now 
the  Reafons  why  I  dare  not  in  fuch  Matters  be- 
lieve Things  on  his  fole  Authority  are  thefe. 

(i.)  Athanafius  was  plainly  a  violent  Tarty- 
Man,  and  the  known  Head  of  a  Tarty,  and  is 
therefore  to  be  no  more  depended  on  in  Matters 
wherein  himfelf  and  his  own  Affairs  were  pe- 
culiarly concerned  than  others,  the  like  Tarty^ 
Men,  and  Heads  of  Tarties  are  to  be  in  parallel 
Cafes.  And  I  need  not  tell  the  Honeft  and  Im- 
partial, efpecially  in  this  Age  of  Divifion  and 
Fadion,  how  little  Regard  is  to  be  given  to  fuch 

(2  J  Athanafius  was  peculiarly  the  Author  of  a 
New  Syfiem  of  Divinity,  or  the  Author  of  a  Neii/ 
^eH  in  the  Church  ;  whofe  Language,  at  leaft,  and 
Tra^ices,  if  not   Notions,   were  moll  certainly 


j4n  Htflorlcal  preface,.  cxvii 

unknown  to  the  earlier  Ages  of  Chriftianfty. 
This  is  too  plain  to  be  deny'd  ;  and  Monfaucon 
does  in  a  Manner  confefs  it  :  Indicare  ne  pigeat,  Praf.  p0g. 
fays  he^  cum  nihil  ferktdl  ex  in  dido  fit ;  faluis  jhn-  '7- 
fer  c^  integris  rebus  ^  ac  fide  nihil  mutatii^  mult  a  Atha- 
nafiii  avo^  ejufque  ope  iy^dncla  Verba  fuijjc^  &"  ad 
certam  formam  redittla  fidei  capita  ;  ut  Pater  hodi- 
ernal Theologiar  jureiUe  ^uocare  pojjit.  ^^  Give,  me 
^^  leave^  fays  he,  freely  to  Declare,  fince  there 
^^  is  no  Danger  in  fiich  a  Declaration,  that 
^^  while  the  Things  themfelves  and  the  Church's 
^^  Faith  have  ever  continued  immutably  the 
^^  fame,  there  were  many  new  Words  or  Terms 
"  of  Art  introduc'd  into  the  Church  in  the  Age 
"  of  Athanafiusy  and  by  his  Means  ;  and  thence 
^^  the  Articles  of  our  Faith  became  fix'd  and 
^^  determinate.  Infomuch,  that  Athanafius  may 
^^  juftly  be  ftifd  The  Father  of  the  Modern  Sjftem 
"  of  Diz>init/.  And  Gregory  Naz,ianzen  fays  thus, 
in  his  Panegyrick  upon  our  Athanafius :    rtiT^  nv  op.Foi.  II 

VSUOi  oLvloh    0,     77  kyjiivO)  £o/^V,fi  ^      ^  TAl^  A  7110 (yLOTDV     TmhtV    ^O^S* 

^^-vouo^iTHcfioDCiiuiy^,  ^'' ySlh'^it  Athanzjttis  deter-  ^^^-39' 
*^  min'd  was  a  Law  to  the  reft,  and  what  he  dif- 
*^  allowed  was  rejeded  by  them.  Nay,  hisDo- 
*^  tirines  were  the  very  Mofaick  Tables  oi  the 
*^  Law  to  them.  The  Honour  that  was  paid 
"  him  was  greater  than  what  is  due  from  Men 
^^  to  the  Saints  themfelves.  Lideed,  Fie  G;ave 
^'^  Laws  to  the  whole  World.  Now  certainly, 
when  fo  bold  and  daring  a  Perfon  appears,  who 
is  not  afraid  to  innovate  To  vaftly  in  the  Chri- 
ftian  Religion  as  this  amounts  to,  all  true  Lovers 
of  the  Antient  Faith  once  deliver  d  to  the  Saints 
fliould  be  upon  their  Guard,  and  not  rafhly  be- 
lieve all  he  fays,  left  he  fliould  prove  to  be  one 
of  the  Forerunners  and  Introducers  of  that  An- 
(  h  ;  )  tichriftiau 

gXviii  An  Hiftorical  Treface. 

\  tichriftian  State  whom  the  Scriptures  have  fo 

fully  caution'd  us  againft,    and  of  whom  they 
give  fo  difmal  an  Account  before-hand. 

Cv)  A  Perfon  of  his  general  Charader^  which 
I  take  to  be  that  of  one  Refolute,  Ambitious, 
and  Tyrannical ;  of  admirable  Parts,  but  little 
Learning,  and  fmall  Appearance  of  Sincerity  5 
who  would  never  fubmit  to  either  Emperor  or 
Council  ;  and  who  would  rather  fee  the  Chri- 
ftian  World  in  a  Ccinbuftlon  on  all  Occafions 
than  recede  in  the  leaft  from  his  Pretenfions ; 
who  reafons  generally  very  weakly  ;  yet  treats 
his  Adverfaries  with  the  moft  unchriftian  Names 
of  Reproach  and  Scorn  poffible  ;  and  who  ftill 
altered  his  Notions,  or  at  leaft  his  Language  as 
he  faw  Occafion,  and  as  Matters  would  bear, 
and  yet  us'd  plaufible  Words  and  Infinuations 
all  along;  a  Perfon,  I  fay,  of  this  general  Cha- 
racter cannot  but  afford  great  Room  for  Sufpi- 
cion  to  confidering  Men. 

(4.)  Athanafiush  feproachful  Account  of  the 
^ag.  y.       Origin  of  the  Meletians^  who  afterward  join'd 
Bares,       with  the  Arlans  againft  him,  is  fo  entirely  diffe- 
LXVIII.    j.gj^^  f|.Qj^  t-l^r^t  which  Epiphanius  gives  us  to  their 
great  Advantage,    while  yet  Eflpbanms  was  cer- 
tulnly  Honeft  and  Orthodox  enough  not  to  be 
fufpeCled  of  any  Partiality  to  them,   that  we 
have  great  Reafon  to  queftion  Athana flush  Fide- 
lity in  this  Matter.     And  the  Council   of  isT/Ve 
it   felf  are  known  to  have  dealt  fo  much  more 
gently   with  thefe  Meletians  than  they  did  with 
the  Arlans^  and  than  A^^^^^fl^^  would  have  had 
Vii'AiUn*  ^hem  done,  that  the  Sufpicion  is  confirmed  that 
i>.  10.       his  Account  was  rather  the  Effed  of  Hatred  and 
Ill-will,  than  the  real  and  exad:  Truth  of  their 

(§■.)  Atha-' 

I  An  Htfiorical  Treface.  cxix 

I  (^9  J  Athmafius's  Works  drawn  up  before  the 
"  Rife  of  the  Arian  Controverfy  are  fo  very  dif- 
ferent from  thofe  written  afterward,  as  fhew  that 
Oppofition  andDifputation  had  quite  alter'dand 
fpoil'd  the  Man  ;  and  that  his  later  Writings  are 
of  fmall  Authority.  I  wiOi,  the  Honed  Reader, 
that  defires  to  fee  the  true  Dodrines  of  the 
Church,  nay  even  of  Athanajtus  himfelf,  as  they 
were  taught  and  believ'd  in  his  younger  Days, 
and  to  adjuft  them  with  the  other  broach'd  af- 
terwards, would  carefully  compare  his  youthful 
noblefl  Treatifes  Contra  GejJtes.  8z  De  Incamatm^e 
Vcrhl,  with  the  reft.  Thofe  containing,  fo  far  as 
I  can  judge,  in  a  Manner  the  fame  Dodrines 
that  he  afterwards  fo  violently  oppos'd  under  the 
Notion  of  Af'lanifm,  Nor  need  the  R.eader  go 
elfewhere  than  to  thofe  Treatifes  of  Athanafius 
hiaifelf  to  be  fatisfy'd  what  a  mighty  Change 
the  fame  Perfon  made  in  Chriftianicy.  This  is 
certainly  a  Matter  that  highly  deferves  every 
good  Chriftian's  ferious  Confideration. 

(6.)  Athanaflus  and  others  from  him  tell  us  an 
incredible  Story  about  the  Mehtlan  Biftiop  Arfe- 
niusy  ^Iz,.  That  when  Atkmafiiis  had  been  fclemn- 
ly  and  publickly  accus'd  of  killing  this  Arjailns^ 
and  of  the  cutting  his  Hand  after  he  was  dead, 
which  dead  Hand  was  fliew'd  publickly  alfo  ; 
yet  that  he  produc'd  the  Man  alive  before  his 
Judges  with  both  his  Hands  unhurt  ;  a  Letter  of 
*  which  Arfenius  toAthanafius  we  have  in  his  Works  :  • 
whilft  the  Avians  did  ftill  all  his  Life  nocwith- 
ftanding  accufe  him  publickly  upon  all  Occafi- 
ons  of  the  fame  Murder.  This  feems  to  me  ut- 
terly incredible,  that  he  fhould  ever  be  charg'd 
with  the  Murther  of  a  Perfon,  who  yet,  it  Atba- 
fitis  fays  true,  muft  have  been  known  by  all 
the  World  to  be  ftill  altve.  Nor  does  his  In- 
trodudion   of  the  Emperor's  Letters ,     which 

(  h  4O  implys 

cxx  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

imply  his  being  alive,   at   all  fatlsfy  me.  no^ 
to  fay,  that  we  have  no  Affurance  that  any 
pretended  Perfon  was   the    true  Arfenius ,    or 
the  Hand  produced  real,  we  have  certainly  no 
other  Evidence   for   even  this  Letter  but  Atha^ 
nafins  himfelf  ;  which  he  knew  how  to  produce 
for  his  Purpofe  as  Occafion  fhould  ferve.     And 
one  great  Reafon  of  Sufpicion  here  is,  that  the 
fame  Emperor  Confiantine,  whofe  Letter  does  iri 
this  Cafe  To  juftify  Athanafius,  and  exprefs  his 
Wonder  at  the  Impudence  of  the  Charge  of 
murdering  one  who  was  ftill  alive  among  them, 
did  yet  foon  banifh  him  not\yithftanding.     And 
certainly  had  Athanajius  had    fuch  undeniable 
Vouchers  for  his  Innocence  as  belong  afterward 
publifh'd,  he  needed  not  have  run  away  from 
the  Council  of  Tyre  as  he  did,  for  fear  not  only 
of  being  conderrin'd  but  even  of  being  torn  in 
Pieces  alfo  at  the  fame  Time. 
'   (7.)  The  Story  and  ftrange  Miracles  ofAntbo^ 
ny^  the  Father  of  the  Egyptian  Monks,  and  there- 
by of  the  Modern  Monkery  in  general,  doeq 
ibove  all  Things  make  Athanafius  fufpeded.    As 
the  true  Miracles  of  our  Saviour  and  his  Apo- 
ftles  do  undoubtedly  eftablifli  the  Chrittian  Do- 
<5t:rine  ;  but  if  they  were  known  to  be  either  falfe 
or  diabolical,  would  as  undoubtedly  deftroy  its 
Reputation  :  So  in  good  Meafure  does  it  feem  to 
me  to  be  with  Anthony  and  his  preteiided  Mira- 
cles, with  Relation  to  Athanafius  and  his  Do- 
^rines.    If  thefe  be  true  and  divine,  they  do 
indeed  feem  Authentick  Credentials  to  the  Per- 
fon and  Caufe  of  Athanafius :  Biit  if  they  be  ei- 
thar  falfe  or  Diabolical  Athanafius  and  his  Caufe 
muft  fink  with  thern.    For  they  are  not  only 
produc'd  and  attmed  to  by  Athanafius  hiraftlf, 
and  that  fometimes  as  done  before  his  Face  ;  in 
his  Life  of  this  Anthony  ^  but  they  feem  to  have 


An  HtBorlcal  Treface.  cxxi 

b&n  defign'dj  contriv'd,  and  alledg'd  both  by 
Anthony  and  Athanajtus  on  purpofe  for  Teftimo- 
nials  to  the  Athanafian  Caufe  and  Dodrine,  as 
the  Sagacious  Reader  will  obferve  in  his  Perufal 
of  them.     Now  that  this  Life  of  Anthony  is  not 
written  fincerely  by  Athanafius  is  plain  by  fevc- 
ral  Circumftances ;  befides  the  general  wild  in- 
credible Nature  of  the  Things  and  of  the  Mira- 
cles   themfelves.     Athanafius   fays^  that  Anthony  y.^  ^^^  ^ . 
was  wholly  Illiterate,     Yet  does  he  tell  us  of  his  j.  (^  y^[ 
fine  Difcourfes:,  and  of  his  Letter  to  the  Empe-  §.  i6.&c. 
ror  for  him.    Yet  does  he  fet  down  a  Notable  ^J^-    72. 
Anfwer  of  his  to  fome  Philofophers,    full  of  f^''   ^'^^^ 
Heathen  Learning.    Athanafius  airo5in  one  Place  Hi'ji.ariom, 
tells  us  of  a  Judgment  executed  on  Balaciusy  one  ^d  Monach* 
of  his  Enemies^  by  an  Horfe  on  which  that  Ene-  ^^^  H- 
my  of  his  rode  ;  and  in  another,  that  it  was  that 
Horfe  on  which  Neftorius  rode^  and  not  Balacius, 
Nay,  Athanafius  tells  us,  that  Anthony  when  he  Vit.    jintl 
dy'd,  orderd  that  Cloak  which  himfelf  had  gi-  "^'^•^"V 
ven  him  to  be  reftor'd  to  him  again  :  yet  has  Je-  ^^-l^^auL 
rem  affur'd  us,  that  it  had  many  Years  before  been 
affign'd  for  the  Burial  of  Paul  the  Monk,  by  the 
fame  Anthony.     In  fhort,  thofe  who  take  Atha- 
nafius to  have  been  that  great  and  good  Man  the 
Orthodox  fuppofe,  muft  alfo  believe  him  in  his 
Life  of  Anthony, thQ  beft  attefted  of  all  his  Works  ; 
which  yet  is  next  to  impoffible  to  be  done  with- 
out receiving  all  the  like  vain  Legends  and  Mi-- 
racles  which  have  been  fo   common  fmce  the 
Days  of  Athanafius,  tho'  not  heard   of  before ; 
and  which  are  frequently  pretended  .to  in  the 
Church  of  Rome  at  this  v^-y  Day.     But  for  the 
reft,  the  truly  Learned  and  Judicious,  who  will 
readily  difcover  the  Knavery  or  worfe  Original 
of  thefe  Miracles  of  Antichrift,    ji^hofe  coming  =  Thcf.  II. 
was  to  he  after  the  -working  of  Satan,  with  all  Power,  ^' 
find  Signs ^  a^d  lying  Wonders  :  tliey  ought  in  Con- 


cxxii  'jfln  Hiflorkd  Treface. 

feqaence  thereof  to  give  up  their  Author  Antho- 
ny^ and  their  Abettor  Athanafius  ;  and  no  longer 
engage  their  Belief  to  fuch  Stories  and  Dodrines 
as  come  in  fo  very  Sufpicious  a  Manner  recom- 
mended to  them. 
(8.)  Athanafius's  Character  of  the  Principal  A- 
V!t./ithan»  ria?}s  is  not  only  unfupported  by  other  contem- 
p.  26.        porary  Authors,  unlefs  by  his  fellow  Heretick 
Marcellusy  but  is  directly  contrary  to  that  of  Etr 
ftbltf s  ;whok  Integrity  is  yet  too  well  known, 
as  well  as  his  Abilities,  to  have  thofe  o(  Athana- 
Jius  come  in  the  leaft  Competition  with  them. 
(^9.)  Athanajius's  Story  of  the  miferable  Death 
i:al.  lufi.  of  his  Enemy  Arius  is  not  only  contrary  to  Ru- 
^'i'^'i3'fi92us^  who  relates  his  being  alive  till  the  Reign 
of  Conftantius  ;  but  very  fufpicious  in  it  felf.  He 
fays  it  happen'd  in  the  Reign  of  Confiantine  at 
Confiantinojky  under  its  Bifhop  Alexander,  and  in 
the  moft  publick  Manner  poffible  :  fo  that  not 
only  Egyft  but  the  whole  Chriftian  World  muft 
have  rung  of  it  prefently,  in  Cafe  it  had  been 
true.     Yet  Twenty  Years  afterward  is  he  forc'd 
to  write  an  Account  of  it  to  the  Egyptian  Bi- 
^p.adEpifc.  fhops,  to  fecure  them  to  his  own  Orthodoxy  ; 
^yh'  5fl^^^y  ^  \itt\Q  after  he  is  again  oblig'd,  tho'  with 
19. '        *  great  Relu6tancy,  to  write  it  more  largely  to  Se- 
Ep.  ad  Se-  rafion,  as  a  grand  Prefervative  againft  the  Arians : 
rap.cieMor,  ^ut  ftillwith  thefc  Cautions,  that  no  Copy  of  his 
^''^"?-340£piftie   be    taken,  no  not  by  Serapion  himfelf, 
^    *  nor  by  any  of  thofe  Monks  among  whom  he 

^^V  ^'  ^'  took  Care  to  fpread  the  fame  Story,  but  that  it 
be  fafely  return'd  to  him  again.  And  he  feems 
to  intimate  that  he  faw  no  other  fo  certain  way 
of  putting  a  ftop  to  fome  Difputes  of  the  Ariansy 
as  by  this  Story,  which  he  fuppos'd  would  effe- 
ctually do  it.  And  if  the  Chronkon  Vafchak  or 
^Ad  Jn.  Alexandrinum  be  right,  this  very  Alexander,  who 
Dom.  323,  in  this  Account  wa5  the  Bifhop  of  Confiantimfle 


An  Hiflorical  Treface]  cxxiii 

therein  concern'd,  had  been  then  dead  no  lefs 
than  Six  Years  before.  All  thefe  Circumftan- 
ces  afford  fuch  obvious  Occafion  for  Sufpicion, 
efpecially  when  the  Story  is  pretended  to  come 
only  by  his  Presbyter  Macarms^  fo  famous  or  ra-  ^eS-^-pa^- 
ther  infamous  in  the  Hiftory  of  Athanaftusy  thac  ^'^^^ 
I  iliall  not  need  to  enlarge  upon  them. 

CioJ  I  fhall  fhew  elfewhere  that  tis  highly 
probable^,  that  this  Athanafias  made  and  impos'd 
a  fpurious  and  ill-digefted  Epitome  of  the  Apofio^ 
Heal  Conftittitlons  on  the  Churches  of  Ethiopia  for 
the  genuine  ones ;  with  the  Omiffion  of  all  that 
contradicled  his  Notions  ;  which  Epitome  is  en- 
tire in  Etbiopicky  and  part  of  it  ftill  extant  in 
Greek  alfo  at  this  Day. 

(ii.)  I  fhall  (lie w  elfewhere  that  tis  highly 
probable  that  this  Athanafius  cited  xht  fpurious  Co^ 
pies  of  Ignatius' s  Eplftles  lately  made  by  his  Friend 
Marcellus  or  forae  of  his  Party,  for  the  genuine 
ones  ,*  and  that  at  the  fame  Time  when  he  diC- 
covers  his  Knowledge  of  the  true  Copies  alfo  : 
nay,  that  he  certainly  cites  Ignatius  that  our  Sa- 
viour dy-'/vtflci;  unhegotten,  contrary  to  the  known 
Dodrine  of  Ig^iatius^  and  of  all  the  firft  Writers 
of  Chriftianity. 

(^12.)  The  famous  Quotation  which  Athanafius  De  Deem, 
makes  out  of  Ori^cn  for  the  Eternity  and  Confub-  ^y^°^-    „ 
fiantiality  or  our  Saviour  is  lo  very  Suipicious,  ,_ 
as  to   its  being  Genuine,    that  Petavius,  that 
Learned  Jefuit,  cannot  here  forbear  to  cry  out 
thus.     Hac  plane  mirifica  funt ;     ac  fi  quis  alius  De  Trin.  L. 
^uam  Athanafius  fidem  faceret   talia  ah.Origine   ejfe  ^-    ^-     ^' 
fcripta^  profeBo  a  Cathclicls    quihujdam  intexta  fuijfe    ^  ' 
lihris  Origenishaud  ahfurda  foret  fufpicio.      And  this 
is  the  more  to  be  fufpeded,  becaufe  Jerom  par- 
ticularly  accufes  Origen  as    being  againft  that  contr.Ceh. 
Eternity  :  and  becaufe  he  does  moft  certainly  l.    v.  ?. 
ftile  Chrift  the  Antimtefv  of  all  Creatures,  ^57. 

(i;.)  The 

cxxiv  ^An  Htftorical  Treface. 

(i!;.)  The  pretended  Epiftle  of  Dlonyjlus  of 
D#  Synod.  Alexandria  for  the  ouo-^tne^  and  Eternity  of  our  Sa- 
^^*  '^^'  viour,  is  fo  different  from  the  Stile  of  the  Third, 
De  Decret,  and  fo  like  that  of  the  Fourth  Century,  is  fo 
Sjfttod.  Nic,  wholly  omitted  by  Eufehius  in  his  Account  of 
SeSf.  ly.  j^jj^  .  J5  f^  entirely  contrary  to  the  known  Do- 
Dt9nyf!^^  (ftrine  of  the  fame  Dionyjius,  as  we  are  affur'd 
SeR.  u  from  an  unqueftionable  Witnefs  Bafil  himfelf ; 
&C'  nay  does  fo  plainly  contradid  what  Jthanafms 

cannot  deny  to  have  been  the  Expreffions  of  the 
Bafd  Ep.  fame  Dionyfius  elfewhere,  as  well  as  the  Decrees 
^^'  of  that  Council  of  Antioch  whither  he  had  gone 

but  for  extream  Old  Age,  that  no  Manner  of 
Dependance  can  be  had  thereon. 
De  Decret.      (j^ )  'pj^g  Quotation  alfo  from   Tfoeognofttts 
2w^   SeSi.  aga^^^  ^^^  Arians  is  by  no  means  free  from  Su- 
25/  fpicion,  fmce  PZ?or/«j  himfelf,  who  faw  the  fame 

Cdd,  CVI.  Books  that  are  cited  by  Athanafius^  fairly  confef- 
fes  that  he  is  on  the  Avian  fide,  as  therein  dired- 
ly  owning  that  Chrift  was  a  Creature.  Nay  far- 
ther, it  is  to  be  exceedingly  remark'd  that  fince 
thefe  four,  Ignatius^  Orlgen^  Dionyfius  of  Alexan- 
dria and  Theognofius  are,  befides  Pope  Dionyfius y 
all  the  Antient  Fathers  whom  Athanafius  any 
where  cites  againft  the  Arians  ;  (and  thofe  cer- 
tainly a  poor  Number  for  a  Writer  then  to  al- 
ledge ;)  and  fince  it  does  not  appear  that  he  has 
cited  any  one  of  them  fairly,  but  the  contrary  ; 
we  hence  learn  either  that  the  Antients  were  all 
againft  the  Athanafians^  and  that  Atha?tafius  was 
plainly  forcd  to  prevaricate  and  forge ;  or  that 
he  was  an  Ignoramus,  and  knew  nothing  of  their 
Opinions  himfelf,  but  was  impos'd  on  by  others. 
At  the  leaft  we  fearn  that  his  Teftimony  and 
Authority  is  worth  nothing,  nor  to  be  at  all  de- 
pended on  by  any  Body  in  thefe  Matters. 

fi  J.)  But  that   all  this  cannot  be  charg'd  on 
his  Ignorance,  but  is  in  part  derived  from  his 


^An  HiBortcal  Treface.  cxxv 

Knavery,  is  evident  not  only  from  the  Strength 
of  his  Parts  in  general,  not  eafily  liable  to  Im- 
pofition ;  but  from  the  known  Cafe  of  the  Coun- 
cil of  Antioch  in  particular  ;  which,  as  himfelf, 
as  well  as  Bafil  and  Hilary y  does  not  deny,  did 
exprefly  affirm  of  our  Saviour  «>6  i^v  liioiciQ^y  that  ^^  ^^"•^* 
he  -was  not  Confubfiantial  to  the  Father  :  while  the  Ba/iiE^'l] 
Council  of  Nice  affirm'd  the  dired  contrary  in  ^oo.HHar. 
fo  many  Words.    Yet  will  not  he  own  the  two  </e    symd. 
Councils  to  be  of  different  Opinions,  no  not  ^^^'  ^^^ 
when  he  cannot  pretend  to  have  any  Records  in 
the  World  to  reconcile  them  by  ;  no  more  than 
Hilary  and  Baftl ;  yet  do  our  Modern  Writers  for 
Orthodoxy  follow  them  alfo,  and  will  needs 
have  them  to  be  both  for  the  Athanafian  Doctrine 
notwithftanding.     Sure  the  Church  was  never 
fo  grofly  cheated  as  it  has  been  in  this  Contro- 
verfy  ^  not  only  to  be  made  to  believe  that  Do- 
<5trines  are  true  and  certain  without  any  Foun- 
dation in  Antiquity  ;  but  that  thofe  very  Men, 
at  leaft  Seventy  in  Number,  who  exprefly  con- 
demn a  Dodrine,    did  yet  believe  it  all  the 
while.     I  do  not  fee  at  this  Rate  why  hereafter 
I  may  not  be  found  to  be  an  Athanafian  alfo,  not-  > 

withftanding  my  dired  writing  againft  him. 
Who  knows  but  my  Words  may  be  capable  of 
fome  witty  Reconciliation  hereafter,  as  it  feems 
Athanafins  found  to  be  between  thofe  of  the  two 
Councils  before  us,  notwithftanding  the  exprefs- 
nefs  of  the  Contradicflion  between  their  Deter- 
minations ?  I  am  willing  to  hope,  that  Bafil  and 
Hilary  only  followed  Athanafius  blindly  in  this 
Matter  ,•  otherwife  that  Comparative  very  good 
Opinion  I  have  of  their  Probity  and  Integrity 
would  foon  diminifh.  But  what  to  fay  for  the 
really  Learned  and  Judicious  among  the  Ortho- 
dox Moderns,  who  in  other  Matters  are  never 
to  be  fo  impos'd  upon,  I  do  not  know.  But  to 
go  on,  (i6,)  Athanajlus 

cxxvi  An  Htflmcal  Trefach. 

(i^.)  Jthanajiusy  when  he  and  his  Docflrme 
had  been  at  laft  condemn'd  by  the  great  HoJIus^ 
pretends  in  Excufe  and  Vindication,  that   the 
fame  Hofas  at  his  Death  declared,  that  what  he 
jjt/i  ArtMit,  1^^^  ^^^^  '^^  ^^^^  Matter  was  by  Compulfion  ; 
sd     Mon,  and  that  Hb/«j  did  then  Anathematize  the  ^r/- 
StSi.  45,     ans.    This  is  a  famous  Kenviexov  by  which  the  Fi- 
delity of  Athanajitts  may  eafily  be  try'd.     Hofius 
was  a  Weftern  Bifhop,   and  died  in  Sfain :  fo 
the  Weftern  Writers  are  the  only  Authentick 
Witnefles  in  this  Cafe.     To  them  therefore  let 
us  appeal.     Now  here  Hilary,  the  grand  Weftern 
Fountain  of  Orthodoxy,   and  Thahadiusy    not 
much  lefs  Orthodox  than  the  other,  are  fo  far 
Hilar,    de  from  any  fuch  Hopes  of  Hofius^  that  the  former 
symd.SeFi.  calls  the  famous  Arian  Crc^d  of  Sirmlum  the 
JO,  11,61,  Blaffhewy  of  Hofius ^  as  if  he  were  the  Principal 
phabad.^^    Compofer  and  Patron  of  it :  and  ever  writes 
r?r  /»  Cal'  againft  him  after  that  as  an  Avian,  without  the 
ie.  leaft  Hopes  of  his  Recovery,  or  Tidings  of  Re- 

cantation :  and  the  latter  agrees  exactly  with  the 
former  Account.    Nay  we  have  ftill  nearer  Wit- 
nelTes,  two  Orthodox  Presbyters,  by  Name  Mar^, 
''Ad  Jmpcm  ceUinus  and  Fauftinus,  who  liv'd  alfo  in  the  Weft: 
B -Ir  ^*     "^^^^^  Hofius  dy'd  :  and  thefe  are  fo  far  from  any 
patr!Max,  Confirmation  of  Athanafius's  Story,  that  they  tell 
Tom,' v./,  us  H(5/«j  was  not  only  become  an  Avian,  but  a 
^S5'         zealous  one  alfo  ;  infbmuch  that  the  Orthodox 
complain'd  of  him  as  of  one  of  their  Perfecutors  ; 
and  that  he  dy'd  upon  one  of  his  Ads  of  Perfe- 
cution  againft  them.    Nor  does  Monfancon  him^- 
felf  feem  here  willing  to  engage  in  Athanafiush 
Vindication,     So  that  he  ftands  here  convided 
of  Falfhood  by^  the  Atteftatation  of  Four  Sub- 
ftantial  Witnefles  of  his  own  Party. 

fiy.)  Athanafiui 

An  Hijiorical  Treface.  cxxvii 

(17.)  Athanafnis  relates 
fo  many  Stories  that  are  ^if^^than.f.  71. 
almoft  incredible  ;  and  see h!s  ufep,  1^,2^ r^6, 
produces  lo  many  pre-  27,30,  34,  3  5,37,39, 
tended  Letters  and  Mo-  4'»  4^1  43 »  44,  4'^,  47, 
numents  which  are  whol-  4^,  ?n,  c^,  j3,  5<J,  <5i, 
ly  unfupported  by  any  $;;  ^^^  3^/;  3^^.  ^^  ^.^^ 
other  Origmal  Teftimo-  ^.  ^^^^  ,3,^,  338,  339, 
nies;  and  fometimes  but  349. 
ill  agree  with  Chrono- 
logy, that  there  is  the  greateft  Reafon  in  the 
World  to  fufped  many  of  them  to  be  dired  For- 
geries, Had  the  Violence  of  the  Orthodox  fpa- 
red  us  the  Writings  of  the  Arians,  tis  very  likely 
all  might  ftill  be  deteded.  But  they  have  taken 
Care  to  deftroy  or  drop  thofe  Books,  which 
they  could  not  Anfwer  3  and  fo  feem  to,  defy  all 
Attempts  of  this  Nature.  Yet  do  not  I  think 
the  Cafe  quite  defperate,  if  any  fagacious  and 
honeft  Man  would  go  about  it.  I  heartily  wifh 
the  late  Learned  Writer  of  the  Hlfiory  of  Mont  a- 
nlpm  could  lay  afide  his  Byafs  for  common  No- 
tions, and  would  fet  himfelf  about  fuch  an  En- 
quiry. Since  I  doubt  not  but  he  would  foon 
difcover  not  only  the  Prevarication  and  Tricks 
of  Athanafius  ;  but  the  true  Origin  of  Athanafia^ 
nlfm  ;  I  mean  he  would  foon  clearly  find,  what 
he  has  already  much  ado  to  avoid  feeing,  that 
Athanafianifm  is  no  other  than  a  Remote  Branch 
of  Montanifm  ;  as  convey*d  down  in  Gahtia  and 
Ancyra  to  the  Heretick  Aiarcellus,  and  by  him  to 
his  known  Friend  and  Companion  Athanafius, 
However,  Thefe  Stiff  icions  feem  to  me  to  bear  fo 
hard  upon  Athanafius,  that  the  Orthodox,  who 
do  fo  very  much  rely  on  his  Authority  for 
their  Hi  fiery ,  their  Faith ,  their  TVorjlnfy  and  their 
^hok  Syfiem^  muft  be  oblig'd  eithof  to  viadicate 


exxviii  An  HiBorical  Tnface. 

him  throughly  from  the  fame^  or  give  up  this 
whole  Controverfy  ,  and  return  to  the  .  old 
State  of  Primitive  Chriftianity,  as  it  obtained  in 
the  Church  before  that  Unhappy  Forerunner  of 
Antkhrift  appear'd  in  the  World. 

W.  W. 

But  to  leave  this  Matter^,  and  to  proceed. 

Not  very  long  after  I  had  drawn  up  this  Pa- 
per I  made  an  Attempt  to  rectify  the  Doxologies 
in  our  Singing  Pfalms  at  Cambridge.  The  Cafe 
was  this.  I  had  been  employ'd  by  the  Steyvards 
for  the  Charity  Schools  to  feled  the  moft  pro- 
per Parts  of  the  new  Verfion  of  the  Pfalms  by 
Dr.  Brady  and  Mr.  Tate^  for  the  Ufe  of  the  Cha- 
rity-Schools and  Parifhes  in  Cambridge :  which  I 
had  done  accordingly.  But  when  I  came  to 
the  End,  and  was  to  add  the  Doxologies,  I  faw 
them  fo  different  from  thofe  in  the  firft  Times 
of  the  Churchy  efpecially  as  to  the  Holj/,Ghofiy 
and  the  ftiling  the  Three  Perfons  One  God^  that 
I  made  new  ones  exactly  agreeable  to  the  Anti- 
ents^  and  recommended  them  to  the  Minifter^ 
for  their  Approbation  and  Ufe  by  a  Paper  which 
I  drew  up  for  that  Purpofe  ;  and  which  her$ 
follows  with  the  Doxologies  themfelves. 


An  HiBorical  Treface.  cxxix 


According  to  the  Antients. 

Common  Meafure. 

TO  God  the  Father,  through  the  Sori^ 
And  in  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
iBe  Glory  now,  and  ever  paid. 
By  us,  and  all  his  Hoft. 

As  Pfalm  25-5  &c. 

O  Father,  through  thy  Son, 

To  Thee  all  Glory  be  j 
By  thy  good  Spirit's  aid,  uiitil 

Thy  bleffed  Face  we  fee. 

As  the  100  Pfalm,  (^c. 

To  the  Great  Lord  of  all  the  World,    , 
The  God  whom  Earth  and  Heav'n  ador^^ 

Be  Glory,  as  it  was  of  Old, 
Is  how,  and  fhall  be  evermore. 

As  Pfalm  37,  arid  the  lad  part  of  the 
113th  Pfalm  Tune. 

To  Thee,  Almighty  Lord  of  Hofts, 
(  Thro'  thy  dear  Son,  and  Holy  Ghofti) 

Whom  we  and  aH  the  World  adore  ; 
B_e  Glory,  A.doration,  Praife, 
Obedience^  Worfhip,  all  our  Days, 

Till  Time  it  felf  fhall  be  no  more, 

<  i )  hi 

cxxx  An  HiJUorical  Treface. 

As  Pfalm  14&,  &c. 

To  the  moft  Glorious  Nanle 

Of  our  Creator,  bleft. 
Who  Heav  n  and  Earth  did  frame 

All  Worfliip  be  addreft ; 
As  heretofore 

it  was,  is  now, 

and  fliall  be  fo 
For  evermore. 

Reaforts  for  the  Doxologies, 

The  known  Books  of  Scripture  never  mention 
the  Holy  Ghoft  in  any  Doxology.     So  that  de- 
pends entirely  on  the.Apoftolical  Ccnftitutions.- 
L.VI.  c.       Thofe  Conftitutions    exprefly    appoint    this 
14.  Form  of  Divine  Worfliip  to  be  To  the  Father, 

through  the  Son ,    and  in  the  Holy  Ghoft :    to 
Of.  ^.^94.  which  Athanafius  exadly  agrees. 

Accordingly  thofe  Conftitutions  generally 
now  have ,  and  always  originally  had  that  Par- 
ticle in  as  to  the  Holy  Ghoft.  For  where  alone 
the  prefent  Copies  have  now  fometimes  and^  we 
know  from  Juftin  Martyr  that  it  was  other  wife 
Originally  j  and  Clemens  Alexandrlnus  agrees  with 
his  Form. 

This  Particle  is  moft  frequent  in  all  the  old 

Fid.  op.  p.  ]gQoks  ftill  at  this  Day.     Athanafius  often  ufes  it. 

?o"  ^\i6  ^^  rarely  ventures  on  cOv,  and  never,  that  I  have 

593.*  701.  obferv'd,  upon  y^U     Bafil  has  a  large  Difcourfe 

714.  961.  upon  this  very  Subjed,    to  vindicate  himfelf 

De  spir,  s.  from  the  Charge  of  changing  hf  into  <^v  or  m  ; 

and  plainly  confelfes  that  iv  is  the  moft  unque- 

ftionable  Form,  which  he  fays  he  will  not  lay 

afidc.     He  owns  that  the  others  need  Apology 

for  their  Ufe,  and  he  tries  how  high  he  can  trace 

them  ; 

An  Htflorical  preface.  CXXxi 

them :  which  is^  even  in  private  Authors,  nd 
earlier  than  the  Beginning  of  the  Third  Cen- 
tury. He  would  fain  have  it  believ'd,  that  ori- 
ginally thefe  others  had  been  fometimes  ufed  ^ 
but  his  Adverfaries  utterly  deny'd  it ;  and  it  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  fo  by  any  certain  Evi- 

Our  Church  has  not  concerned  her  felf  in  the 
(inging  Pfalms.  So  thefe  Forms  are  not  againft 
any  Legal  Settlement  at  all. 

The  calling  the  Three  Perfons  One  God ,  ot 
the  Ofie  God,  in  any  Doxologies  is  without  all. 
Example  in  our  Publick  Liturg}*:,  or  other  valu- 
able Records,  ■  that  I  remember:  and  canue  in 
only  from  the  Poets  to  make  up  their  Verfes ; 
and  fo  ought  moft  certainly  to  be  laid  afide.  If 
fuch  a  way  of  Speaking  be  ventuVd  upon  by  any, 
where  the  Church  enjoins  it,  yet  fure  there  is 
no  Occafion  to  put  it  in  where  the  Church  has 
laid  no  Injunction. 

Thefe  Forms  are  undoubtedly  right,  and  can 
be  fcrupled  by  no  Chriftian  :  whereas  the  com- 
mon ones  are  not  fuch.     I  fliould  be  forry  after 
my  fincere  Pains  about  the  Charity  Schools,  and 
I  this  Collection  of  Pfalms  for  them  and  the  Pa- 
i  riflies,  that  the  Doxologies  after  all  fliould  be 
I  fuch  that  I  could  not  inConfcience  join  in  them. 
I  Nor  fliall  I  give  my  Confent  and  Affiftance  for 
I  the  other,  unlefs  ..the  Bifhop  over^rules  the  Mat- 
ter againft  me.  "''."' .. 

\Camh,  Aug.  20.  1710. 


But  my  Labour  was  in  vaiii :  the  Minifters 

themfelves  over-rul'd  me,and  order'd  the  Doxo-' 

logies  to  be  added »    All  I  could  do  vvas  to  tak« 

Care  that  my  Doxologies  fliould  be  printed  at  the 

(  i  a  )  Ea4 

cxxxii  Ail  HiBorical  "Preface. 

End  of  a  fingle  Hundred  of  the  Copies,  which 
were  to  be  at  my  own  Charge,  for  my  own  Ufe, 
and  the  Ufe  of  fome  Friends ,  that  might  be 
willing  to  Glorify  the  Father  through  the  Son,  in 
the  Holy  Ghoft,  according  to  the  Original  Ap- 
pointment of  the  Apoflles ;  and  not  to  go  along 
with  common  Cuftom,  without,  if  not  againft 
all  that  Sacred  Authority  whereby  we  ought  to 
be  guided  iu  fuch  Matters  of  Divine  Worfhip 
and  Adoration.  The,  next  Thing  which  I  fhall 
prefent  the  Reader  withal  in  this  Preface ,  ftiall 
be  a  true  Copy  of  my  Third  Letter  to  our  moft 
Reverend  Metropolitans,  before  I  fet  about  the 
AiSlual  Publication  of  my  Paper$ ;  which  was 
in  thefe  Words. 

Canib.  Sep.  5.  1710. 
May  it  fleafe  your  Grace j 

SINCE  I  have  now  compleated  my  De* 
figns,  and  am  going  to  Print  my  Dijjertation 
en  Ignatiws  Efifiles,  with  the  Epifiles  themfelves; 
my  Ejjay  on  the  Confiitutions,  with  the  Confiitutions 
themfelves  ;  and  my  Account  ofthePrmitI've  Faith 
of  Chriftians,  fever  ally,  in  the  Order  wherein 
they  are  here  mentioned ;  I  thought  it  would  be- 
come me  to  acquaint  your  Grace  with  it  ;  that 
ftill,  if  your  Grace  and  the  reft  of  the  Bifhops 
pleafe,  all  or  any  of  thefe  may  come  to  a  folemn 
and  publick  Examination  before  they  are  print- 
ed. I  plainly  find  that  hitherto  the  Learned  are 
no  ways  able  to  oppofe  the  Evidence  that  I  have 
in  thefe  Matters:  as  indeed  I  have  all  along 
known  that  it  was  too  ftrong  to  be  oppos'd.  But 
how  fenfible  foever  any  of  them  may  begin  to  be 
of  this,  "till  they  are  impowr'd  and  commifEon  d 
by  thofe  in  Authority  freely  to  examine,  and  as 
freely  to  declare  the  Refult  of  fuch  their  Exami- 
nation, there  will  be  little  Appearance  of  their 


An  Hlflorical  Treface.  cy.xyX\i 

generally  owning  tl\e  Truth  of  what  I  have 
pioved  on  thefe  Subjeas ;  nay  not  much  of  fair, 
full,  and  impartial  Examination  neither.  1  ha 
Reafons  of  which  are  very  obvious  to  tho  e  that 
know  how  far  Education,  PrepofTelTion,  ^orld- 
ly  Intereft,  Fears  for  the  Reputation  of  Parties, 
and  Dread  of  the  greatnefs  of  the  Alterations  to 
be  made  in  Faith,  Woriliip,  Praftice,  and  Difci- 
pline,  do  byafs  and  influence  Mankind.  How- 
ever, fince  I  art.  not  to  judge  for  your  Grace, 
and  the  reft  of  our  Governors,  but  only  for  my 
felf,  and  concerning  my  own  Duty  m  thele  .Vlat- 
ters,  I  muft  content  my  felf  to  aA  upon  the  Sup- 
pofition  that  no  publick  and  folemn  Examina- 
tion will  be  allow'd  my  Papers  before  their  Pub- 
lication :  and  fo  I  muft  make  them  as  compleat 
as  I  can,  with  what  private  AfTifhnce  I  have  been 
able  to  obtain  ;  and  leave  the  farther  Succe  s  to 
the  Good  Providence  of  God.  Which  good  Pro- 
vidence, I  believe,  will  fo  fupport  and  uphold 
thefe  Sacred  Truths  and  Books  of  Chriftianity,  • 
that  no  Oppofition  nor  Perfecution  will  be  able 
to  fupprefsthem  ;  but  that  they  will  graduaUv 
obt.iin  and  prevail  till  all  end  at  latt  m  Chnft  . 
glorious  Kingdom  of  Peace  and  Hohneis.  In 
the  Preface  ?o  the  whole  Collection,  which  is 
Hiftorical,  I  fliall  be  oblig'd  to  print  your  Gra- 
ce's Letter  to  me  formerly,  with  other  the  like 
Letters  and  Papers,  which  are  abiolutely  necel- 
Hiry  to  fuch  a  Dcllgri  ;  for  publick  Information, 
for  the  Satisfaaion  of  the  Church,  and  for  m> 
own  Vindication.  A  true  Account  ot_  thele  DU- 
coverics,  of  their  Times,  OccaHons,  Cireumltan- 
ces,  and  of  the  fairnefs  of  my  procedure  all  a- 
long  being  g  Debt  due  from  me  to  the  Chriftian 
Church,  to  my  own  Reputation,  and  to  thcts 
great  Truths  themfclves.     I  have  put  the  Account 

cxxxiv  An  Hiflorical  Treface. 

of  the  Trimiti've  Faith  laft,  tho'  it  was  firft  writ- 
ten ;  that  fo  it  may  ftill  be  ready  for  publick 
Examination  before  'tis  printed,  as  long  as  pof- 
fible,  even  after  the  preceding  Parts  are  in  the 
PreG.  I  could  add  many  more  things  here  not 
unworthy  of  your  Grace's  Notice:  But  fmce 
your  Grace  was  not  pleas'd  to  return  any  An- 
fwer  to  my  Second  Letter,  I  cannot  with  any 
Affurance  promife  my  felf  one  to  this  :  So  I 
fliali  fatisfy  my  felf  in  giving  your  Grace  this 
Information  before  1  proceed  any  farther  :  that 
no  blame  may  any  way  lye  upon  me  in  this 
matter.  I  beg  your  Grace's  Bleffing,  and  fub- 
fcribe  my  felf 

Tour  mofi  Dutiful  and 

obedient  Servant, 



To  which  Letter  I  received  no  Reply  at  all ; 
and  fo  do  look  upon  my  felf  as  at  perfed^  Li- 
berty to  proceed  in  the  Publication  of  this  and 
of  my  other  Papers,  as  I  before  intended,  with- 
out any  farther  Application  to  any  one  about 
them.  However,  I  refolved  to  try  one  more 
Method  of  Examination  with  Relation  to  the 
Apoftolical  Conflitutions  before  I  publifli'd 
them,  than  I  had  hitherto  done  ;  'vlz-.  To  fearch 
not  only  the  Greek,  but  the  Arabick  Records  re- 
lating to  them  in  the  Bodleian  Library  at  Oxford, 
Accordingly,  towards  the  End  of  the  laft  Sep-, 
tember,  I  went  my  felf  to  Oxford,  with  a  Perfon 
excellently  Skill'd  in  the  Arabick  Language  : 
where,  upon  a  little  Enquiry,  my  Evidence  for 
their  moft  Sacred  Authority  became  moft  un- 


An  Htftorical  Treface.  cxxxv 

queftionable.  For  I  there  found,  befides  many 
leifer  Teftimonies,  not  only  the  Atteftation  of 
the  moft  ancient,  and  perhaps  infpired  Author 
of  the  Second  Book  of  Apocryphal  Efdras,  at 
once  corrected  and  confirm'd  by  the  Arablck 
Copy  there  ;  but  I  difcover'd  alfo,  what  I  look 
upon  as  really  ineftimable,  two  diftincb  Arahkk 
MSS.  of  that  ancient  Sacred  Book  of  our  Re- 
ligion, call'd  the  DoBr'me  of  the  Afojiles,  which 
in  the  Days  of  Eufehms  was  reckon'd  with  Bar- 
nabas and  Hermas,  if  not  alfo  with  the  Afoca^ 
l)'pfe  it  felf ;  and  is  cited  for  Apoftolical  by  Ori- 
gen  himfelf,  but  has  been  loft  in  the  Weji  for  all 
thefe  latter  Ages  ,•  and  upon  the  Comparifon  I 
perceiv'd  that  it  was  taken  out  of  the  Original 
Conftitutions  themfelves,  and  that  generally 
verbatim  ;  ,  nay,  and  that  in  the  Preface  the 
Apoftles  intimate  plainly,  what  I  had  before 
learned  from  other  Evidence,  that  the  Confti- 
tutions were  repofited  in  fome  particular  Chur- 
ches, and  not  publifh'd  ;  while  this  large  and 
moft  authentick  Extract  was  fent  to  all  the 
Churches  for  the  Common  Edification  of  all 
Chriftians;  to  the  putting  an  End  to  this  Di- 
fpute  for  ever. 

Thus,  Chriftian  Reader,  I  have  faithfully 
brought  down  this  Hiftory  to  the  prefent  time. 
And  a  Hiftory  it  feems  to  me,  of  how  narrow, 
and  confin'd  a  Nature  foever,  as  containing  the 
Letters  and  Papers  of  a  few  Perfons  only,  yet 
of  very  confiderable  Importance  in  it  felf,  and 
plainly  due  to  the  Church  of  Chrift^  from  me. 
I  could  have  made  it  much  larger,  with  great 
cafe  ;  and  inferted  many  more  Letters  from  no 
inconfiderable  Perfons  both  of  our  own  Church 
and  of  the  Diffenters  hereto  relating,  vvich  fc- 

(  i  4  )  veral 

cxxxvi  An  HiBorical  Treface. 

veral  of  my  Anfwers  to  them.  But  being  un^ 
Willing  to  be  tedious,  and  to  difcover  more  of 
the  private  Intercourfe  among  Friends  than  was 
neceffary  for  publick  Satisfaction ;  and  for  my 
own  Vindication,  I  forbear  to  enlarge  any  far- 
ther. May  God  of  his  infinite  Mercy  profper 
all  welUmeant  Endeavours  for  the  Purity  of  the 
Faith  and  Pradice  of  Chriftians :  and  may  I  be 
1  Car.  IX.  enabled  fo  to  Beat  under  my  own  hody^  with  all  its 
17.  corrupt  afFedions,  and  bring  them  into  SuhjeBiony 

that  when  I  have  freach'd  or  proclaimed  the  pure 
and  undefil'd  Religion  of  Chrift  to  others^  I  may 
not  ^yfelf  become  a  Caftaway. 

P^ob,  4«  1710. 

Wi;.L.   WtflSTON* 




4n  AC  C  OU  N  T  of  the  Author  s 
"profecution  aty  and  Bani/hment  from 
the  Univerjity  of  Cambridge. 

LyPON  Sunday^  Ochh,  22.  1710.  (on 
I  which  Day  a  Sermon  in  Defence  of  the 
/  Athanafian  Greedy  was  preach'd  by  Mr. 
Hughes  of  j^e/wj College,  at  St.  Marfs ;) 
I  was  fummon'd  by  Mr.  Atvwod  of  Pemhokey 
Deputy-Beadle,  to  appear  before  the  Vicechan- 
cellor  the  next  Day,  at  Three  a  Clock  in  the 
Afternoon.  Accordingly,  I  was  that  Day  about 
Four  a  Clock  conducfled  into  an  Upper-Room 
of  the  Vicechancellor's  Lodge  ;  and  appeared 
before  Dr.  Roderick^  Provoft  of  Kings  College, 
the  Vicechaucellor ;  Sir  John  Ellis,  Knight,  Ma- 
iler of  Caius  College  ;  Dr.  James,  Mafter  of 
^eenSy  Regius  Profeflbr  of  Divinity;  Dr.Blithey 
Mafter  of  Clare-H^W  ;  Dr,  BaUerficn,  Mafter  of 
Emanuel ;  Dr.  CoW,  Mafter  of  Chrlfs ;  Dr. 
P^ichardfon,  Mafter  of  Feter^Houfe  ;  Dr.  Jjhtov^ 
Mafter  of  Jefus  ;  Dr.  Fijljer,  Mafter  of  Sidney  ;. 
and  Dr.  Lany,  Mafter  of  Temhroke  :  The  Uni- 
verfity  Regifter,  Mr.  Gro^e  of  St.  Jchns,  being 
there  ajfo.  Where  note,  that  the  Lord  Biftiop 
of  CbefitVy  Mafter  of  Cathcrim-Hall^  tho'  newly 


cxxxviii         AV  TENT)  IX. 

come  to  Town^  never  appear'd  with  the  Head^ 

at  any  of  their  Meetings  about  me  ;  but^  fuh- 

Ikkly  at  leafty  kept  himfelf  wholly  unconcerned  in 

the  Matter. 

I  came  to  the  Vicechancellor^s  Lodge  with  a 

Friend,  whofe  Prefence  and  Affiftance  I  defir'd. 

But  he  was  not  permitted  to  go  up  Stairs  :  fo  I 
was  all  alone  before  my  Judges.  I  was  then  im- 
mediately fliewed  a  Book  by  Mr.  Vicechancellor, 

and  ask'd  whether  I  would  look   upon  it,  and 
own  it  to  be  mine.     Perceiving  that  it  was  the 
Sermons  and  Ejjays  upon  fcveral  SuhjeBsy  I  reply'd, 
that  I  would  not  Anfwer  any  fuch  Queftions  ; 
nor  would  I  fo  much  as  look  upon  the  Book  ; 
Affirming,  that  all  which  I  had  to  fay  was  in  a 
written  Paper  in  my  Hands ;  neither  would  I 
make  any  other  Anfwer ;    tho'  then,  and  all 
along,  many  enfnaring  Queftions  were  put  to 
me.     But  when  I  ftill  perfifted  in  the  fame  An- 
fwers,  the  Vicechancellor,  who  with  the  reft: 
leem^d  much  furpriz'd  at  this  cautious  Conduct 
of  mine,  was  oblig'd  to  call  for  other  Evidence. 
Accordingly,  Mv,  Crownfield,  our  Printer,  (who 
had  been  terrify'd,  and    threatn'd    with  being 
tum'd  out  of  his  Place  by  fome  of  the  Heads, 
for  barely  permitting  his  Boy  to  carry  the  Pro- 
fofals  for  Printing  my  Trimlti've  Chrifiianity    Re- 
<ul'vd  to  them,j  was  fent  for,  and  depos'd  fo  much 
as  amounted  to  probable  E'vidence  that  I  had  fent 
the  fmall  Ejfaj  upon  the  Epifiks   of  Ignatius ^  to  be 
difpers'd  in   Cambridge  ;  and  that  I  had  fent  a 
Letter  to  the  Vicechancellor,  [which  is  fetdown 
already,  p.  ioi,&c.']  and  to  plain  Proof,  that  I 
defir'd  his  Boy  might  carry  the  foremention'd 
Propofals  to  the  feveral  Heads  of  Colleges  the  Tuef- 
day  before  ;  but  could  fay  nothing  to  the  Sermons 
and  Efjays  on  feveral  SubjeBs.     The    Regius  Pro- 
feflbr  particularly  wondred  that  I  would  not 


AT9  ENDIX.  cxxxix 

clear  Mr.  Cro-wnfieU,  by  owning  the  fending  the 
Propofals  ;  and  intimated^,  that  he  fuppos'd  the 
Vicechancellor  would  alfo  have  an  Order  from 
the  Chancery^to  oblige  Mr.  Benj.  Tooke  the  Book- 
feller  to  come  from  London^  to  prove  the  Sermons 
and  Ejfays  upon  me,  and  to  inform  them  how 
they  came  to  Cambridge.  I  faid  that  it  was  not 
yet  time  to  fay  all  I  intended,  but  that  when 
i  made  my  proper  Anfwer  it  would  be  time 
enough  to  think  of  fuch  things.  That  I  ha4 
been  accuftom'd  to  Reafon,  Arguments,  and 
Teftimonies,  but  not  to  Law  :  fo  I  had  taken 
Advice  as  to  my  Anfwers,  and  obferv'd  the  fame 
Advice  all  along :  which  he  own'd  it  was  reafon- 
able  for  me  to  do,  as  one  that  he  believ'd  had 
never  before  been  us'd  to  fuch  Legal  Proceed- 
ings. He  alfo  took  notice  of  an  Expreffion  of 
mine  in  my  Letter  to  the  Vicechancellor  before- 
mention'd,  as  if  I  were  apprchenfive  of  fome-. 
what  like  Perfecution  that  might  befalme  :  And 
he  added,  that  he  durftfay,  No  Body  there  had  any 
Intention  to  Berfecute  me.  About  this  time  it  Wras 
that  the  Bepofitions  of  Mr.  Hughes  and  Mr. 
Townfend  of  jefus ;  of  Mr.  Amyas  and  Mr.  Ma- 
cro of  Cains  ;  and  of  Mr,  Thackhayn  of  ; 
(which  were  in  Part,  if  not  wholly  obtained  by 
the  Vicechancellor's  Procurement,  not  by  the 
voluntary  Appearance  of  the  Parties  themfelves) 
were  openly  read  to  me,  as  they  here  follow. 

Certificates^  aftervjard  deposed  t4pon  Oath. 

I  well  remember,  that  hearing  Mr.  Whlfim 
one  Sunday  in  the  Afternoon,  at  the  Parifli- 
Church  of  St.  Clements^  in  the  Town  of  Cam- 
bridge,  explaining  the  Firft  Article  of  the  Apc- 
itle's  Creed  ;   having  eftabliflied  the  Unity  of 


cxl  ATTENTflX. 

the  Godhead  by  feveral  proper  Arguments^  he 
afferted.  There  was  but  One  God,  and  that 
God  the  Father  only  was  that  One  God  ;  That 
the  Father  was  in  all  the  Ancient  and  Primitive 
Creeds  mentioned  to  be  the  Only  God  :  That 
the  Son  was  indeed  exalted  above  til  Creatures, 
and  made  a  Partaker  of  many  Divine  Excellen- 
cies and  Perfedions,  and  as  fuch  he  was  to  be 
worfliipp  d  with  a  fort  or  degree  of  Divine  Wor- 
fliip.  This  is  the  Subftance  of  what  I  heard  the 
(aid  Mr.  Whifion  deliver  in  that  Leaure.  There 
were  feveral  other  very  black  and  aggravating 
Expreflions,  which  in  fo  long  a  fpace  of  time 
have  flipped  my  Memory.  But  as  to  the  Truth 
of  this,  I  am  ready  and  willing  to  give  my 

John  hughes. 

In  the  Year  1708.  in  the  Parifti-Church  of  St. 
elements  in  Cambridge^  I  heard  Mr.  TVhi[ion  in  one 
of  his  Catechetical  Lectures  upon  the  Apoftles 
Creed,  deliver  thefe  Words,  or  Words  to  this 
EfFed  ;  'viz,.  As  to  the  Dignity  of  our  Saviour's 
Perfon,  tho'  he  be  a  Being  of  vaftly  great  and 
xmmenfe  Perfedions,  yet  I  cannot  fay,  as  feme 
do,  that  he  is  equal  to  God  the  Father,  becaufe 
I  fhould  contradid  my  Blefled  Saviour  himfelf, 
who  fays  exprefly.  My  Father  is  greater  than  L 
Neither  can  I  affert,  that  he  is  Omnifcient,  for 
if  I  fhould,  I  fhould  contradid  my  Bleffed  Sa- 
viour himfelf,  who  fays.  He  knew  not  of  the 
Day  of  Judgment  :  Of  that  Day  and  Hour  know^ 
eth  no  Many  no  not  the  Angels  -which  are  in  Hta^uen^ 
tfeither  the  Son^  hut  the  Father,  Neither  can  I  af- 
fert,  that  he  is  ElTentially  Good  ;  for  then  alfo 
1  fhould  contradid  my  Bleffed  Lord  and  Saviour 
himfelf,  who  to  a  certain  Ruler  that  called  him 


A'PTENT>IX.  cxli 

Good  MafleVy  faid^  TVhy  calkft  ihounte  Gooi^  None 
is  Good,  fave  One,  that  is  God, 

Odob,  19.  17 10.  Witnefs  my  Hand, 

S  J.    roWNSE'ND. 

The  Two  Firft  Articles  mentioned  by  Mr. 
Townfend  I  do  likewife  atteft.  To  which  Mr. 
Whlfion  at  the  fame  time  added;,  That  all  the  Old 
Books  of  our  Religion  witneffed  the  fame ;  or 
Words  to  that  Effed. 

7.  AMYAS. 

I  do  declare^  that  at  the  famel?Iace  and  Time, 
I  heard  Mr.  Whiflon  fpeak  thofe  Words  above-men- 
tion'd  by  Mr.  Townfend,  or  Words  to  thatEfFed* 

Witnefs  my  Handy 


OBok  20.  1 7 10. 
Memoranda  That  at  a  Meeting  of  the  Minifters 
concerning  the  Charity-Schools,  at  the  Old 
CofFee-Houfe  in  Cambridge,  about  Michaelmas 
laft  was  Twelvemonth,  Mr.  Townfend  making  a 
Motion  for  the  Removal  of  Mr.  Whifionirom  the 
Stewardfhip,  by  reafon  of  Heretical  Tenets  in- 
terfpers'd  in  his  Catechetical  Ledures,  Mr.  fVhi- 
fion  enquired.  What  Tenets  they  might  be  ?  I 
reply'd.  The  Denial  of  the  Divinity  of  the  Son. 
He  laid.  He  own'd  him  as  God.  I  ask'd,  whe- 
ther as  God  ab  aterno  ?  Hc  anfwered.  No  :  Nor 


cxlii  ATT  ENT>IX. 

had  any    of  the  Fathers  for   the  firft  Three 
>   Centuries. 

At  another  Meeting  about  a  Quarter  of  a 
Year  fince,  on  the  Occafion^  and  at  the  Place 
above-mentioned,  Mr.  Whifton  offered  a  Paper 
hereunto  annexed;,  in  Vindication  of  his  Alte- 
ration of  the  Doxologies  fubjoined  to  Dr.  Bra- 
dy's Tranflation.  of  the  Tfalws  ;  a  Part  whereof 
he  was  authorized  to  Print,  for  the  Ufe  of  the 
Charity-Schools.  He  having  afferted  his  Alte- 
ration to  be  fuch  as  we  might  all  join  in,  (as  in 
the  Paper  is  fpecified)  I  ask'd  him  whether  he 
could  not  join  with  us  in  this, 

{To  Father^  Son^  and  Holy  Ghofi^ 
One  Gody  whom  tvq  Adore* 

He  replyMj,  He  would  be  'SiTurk  as  foon* 

Thefe  feveral  Depofitions  I  am  ready 
to  Confirm  by  Oath. 


N.  B.  The  Paper  referr'd  to  in  this  laft  Depo- 
fition  is  that  inferted  toward  the  end  of  the  fore- 
going Hiftorical  Preface.  And  Obferve,  that 
the  laft  vehement  Expreffion  of  mine.  That  I 
Dvould  he  a  Turk  affoon^  was,  to  the  beft  of  my 
Remembrance,  followed  by,  thefe  Words,  pr; 
others  to  the  fame  EfFe6t,  which  are  omitted  t^, 
Mr.  Thackham  ;  viz,.  That  is  a  rafli  Expreffion  : 
But  I  mean,  that  this  Language  is  fo  entirely 
contrary  to  the  Nature  of  the  Chriftian  Religi- 
on, that  I  cannot  go  into  it  for  any  Confidera- 
tion  whatfoever.     - 

Some  time  after  thefe  Depofitions  were  rea,d> 
I  defired  to  know  when  it  was  a  proper  time  to 


ATTENT>IX.  cxliii 

give  in  my  Anfwer  :  Which  when  it  was  inti- 
mated, I  publickly  read  this  Paper,  and  deli-, 
vered  it  in  as  follows.  Verbatim, 

Mr.  Vlcechancellor, 
C Aving  to  my  felf  all  future  Legal  Advantages, 
^  either  as  to  the  Jurifdiclion  of  this  Confiftory, 
to  the  Form  of  Proceedings  therein,  or  to  any 
other  Matters  whatfoever  ,♦  I  do  now  defire  that 
I  may  have  a  true  Copy  of  the  Statute  upon 
which  I  am  charg'd,  and  of  the  Articles  and  De- 
pofitions  given  me.  I  do  alfo  defire  a  compe- 
tent Time  may  be  allow'd  me  for  making  my 
Defence,  which  is  never  deny'd  in  Cafes  of  this 
Nature  :  And  that  I  may  have  Leave,  tho'  it  be 
Term-time^  to  go  to  London  for  fome  Weeks, 
where  thofe  my  Papers  ai:e,out  of  which  my  De- 
fence is  in  good  part  to  be  made  ;  efpecially  fmce 
I  intend  that  that  Defence  fliall  be  very  full  and 
particular,  and  drawn  up  by  the  beft  Advice. 
And  I  cannot  but  beg  and -hope  that  you  will  all 
hear  and  confider  what  I  (hall  have  hereafter  to 
offer  in  my  Anfwer  with  that  Juftice,  Equity, 
and  Candor,  which  the  Law,  of  Nature,  of 
the  Gofpel,  and  of  the  Land  require  ;  and  par- 
ticularly in  fo  important  a  Caufe  concerning 
the  True  Chriftian  Faith  and  Practice  ;  which 
your  felves  would  exped  to  be  heard  with  in  the 
like  Cafe  ;  and  which  the  Certainty  of  all  our 
Appearing  before  Chrift's  own  Tribunal  at  the 
Great  Day  does  demand  from  you. 
Camb.  OcJob,  2;.  1710.  fVILL.  JVHISTON. 

Here  follows  alfo  a  true  Copy  of  that  45'th 
Statute  of  the  Univerfity,  upon  which  all  thefe 
Proceedings  were  grounded. 

C  A  P.  XLV.  De  Concionibus. 
Nullus  Concionator  fity  ^el  allcjiuam  concionem  fra 
gradn  fuo  habsat ^    nifi  ad  wmmam  Diaconus  Jit, 

cxUv  AffEKDiZ 


OSlavo  Mat]  ad  Henrici  VIL  commendatlonem  facfd 
concio  fity  quiim  Regius  in  Theolog'ta   Vrofeffor  fackh 
Tridie  uniujcujujqm  Termtni  concio  Latina  hora  nona 
avt  enter  id  iana  in  Ecclefia  Beat  a  Maria  haheatur,  Fri-^ 
mo  Termino  anni  concionahitur  Regius  Prof effor  in  The^ 
clogia  :  Secundo  Frofejjor  Domina  Margaret iS  :  Tertio 
Concionator  Academia,     Unoquocjue  die  dominico  de 
anno  in  annum  condones  in  Academia  Temflo  fiant. 
Or  do  it  idem  Collegiorum  in  concionibus  fervahitur  quern 
in  diffutationihus  frafcriffimusy  incifiendo  afeniorihus 
qui  concionatores  funt  in  unaquaque  combinatione  ;  d^ 
fic  frogrediendo  ad  juniores.     ^ti   curfum  juum  in 
concionando  omiferit  'viginti  folidis  multiabltur,  Colle* 
gia  frofingulis  concionibus  jolvent  BedeUis  quatucr  de- 
fiarios  ;  nifi  quis  fro  gradu  concionatur,    Concionatores    { 
autem  in  condone  fua  utentur  cafutio  ufitato  Nonregen-    ^ 
tisy  fttb  fosnafex  folidoruniy  d^  oth  denariorumy  quo^ 
ties  deliquerint,     Vrohibemus  ne  quifquam  in  condone 
aliqua^  in  loco  communi  traBandoy  in  Letiionibus  fub- 
liciSy  feu  aliter  fublice  infra  Uni'ver/itatem  nojirant 
quicquam  doceaty  tra^ety  'vel  defendat  contra  rcligio- 
nemy  feu  ejufdem  altquam  fartem  in  regno  nofiro  pub- 
lica  autoritate  receftam  &  fiabilitamy  aut  contra  alt- 
auem  ftatumy    autoritatejfty  dlgnitatemy  feU  gradutn 
*vel  ecchfiafiicum  vel  civilem  hujus  regni  nojrri  An- 
gli^y  'uel  Hibernia.     ^ui  contra  fecerit  errorem   'vel 
temeritatem  fuum  Cancillarij  jujfu  cum  afftnfu  ma j oris 
•partis  PrafeBorum  Collegiorum  revocabity  d^  fUblice 
fatebitur,     ^od  ft  recufa'verity  aut  non  humillter   e6 
ynodo  quo  frafcribitur  perfecerity  eadem  autoritate  a  Col- 
legio fuo  perpetuo  excludetur y(^  Univerfitate  exulabit. 

But  to  go  on  with  my  Narrative. 
After  I  had  delivered  my  Paper,  defiring  Co- 
pies of  the  Statute,  and  of  the  Depofitions, 
and  competent  Time  for  my  Anfwer  ^  the  for- 
mer Parts  were  readily  granted  me; but  theThird 
much  debated*    I  defired  fix  Weeks  Tirtie,  as 


ATT  ENTHX.  cxiv 

not  too  long  in  a  Matter  of  fuch  great  Impor- 
tance ;  and  gave  particular  Reafons  for  it.  I  alfo 
afiured  them^that  the  main  of  that Anfwer  would 
not  be  what  they  fo  much^  and  often,  and  ear- 
neftlyfear'd  andcaution'dsgainft^jthe  producing 
my  Original  Teftimonies  in  way  of  Juftification 
qf  my  Opinions^  but  would  principally  turn  on 
thofe  very  Two  Heads  Mr.  Vicechancellor  pro- 
pos'd  as  proper  for  it  ;  'viz..  the  fhewing  that  my 
Doctrines  were  either  not  truly  and  compleatly 
reprefented,  or  were  not  fo  contrary  to  theDo- 
drine  of  the  Church  of  England  as  the  Vice- 
chancellor  and  fome  others  imagin'd.  I  was  An- 
fwer'd,  that  this  Confiftory-Ccurt  ufed  not  to 
allow  fo  long  Time  as  thofe  at  PFeHminfier;  and 
they  were  by  no  means  willing  to  allow  any  con- 
fiderable  Time.  However,  the  Mailer  o(jefu$ 
was- for  a  competent  Time,  that  I  might  fend  for 
my  Papers  ivom  London.  And  fomebody  hinted 
as  if  a  Week  was  more  ufually  the  Time  afforded 
in  this  Confiftory.  The  Mafter  of  Teterhoufe^ 
tho'  he  did  not  own  the'Neceffity  of  a  very  long 
Time,  yet  confefs'd  that  I  .  mull  have  Time  al- 
low'd  me  for  my  Anfwer.  Accordingly  I  fully 
expeded  fuch  Allowance.  And  when  the  Ma- 
fter  of  Veterhoufe  left  them,  it  feems  a  Week's 
Time  was  intended  for  that  Anfwer.  But  all 
this  notwichftanding,  when  I  was  finally  call'd 
in,  that  Mafter  being  gone,  I  heard  not  a  Syl- 
lable more  about  it ;  but  Vv^as  immediately  order'd 
to  appear  again  on  V/ednefday,  to  receive  the  main 
Charge;  (of  which  prefently  ;j  and  for"  other 
farther  Proceedings.  And  v/hen  I  once  fpake  of 
going  to  London  for  Advice  or  Affiftance,  the 
Mafter  of  Emanuel  faid,  it  was  fit  I  fhould  go 
live  elfewhere,  and  remove  from  Cawbrulge,  iince 
I  had  there  perverted  fome  already.  The  Ma- 
tters of  Sidney  and  Pembroke  not  only  fcem'd  to 

(  k  ;  grudge 

cxlvi  ATT  EKDtX. 

grudge  the  leaft  Delay  for  my  Anfwer^but  would 
needs  tell  me  what  an  Anfwer  I  was  to  make. 
I  reply'd^  that  I  fhould  not  ask  their  Advice  for 
the  making  that  Anfwer^  but  ufe  my  own  Judg- 
ment. Nay^,  when  the  Maltcr  of  Jefus  plainly 
own'd  the  Reafonablefs  of  Ibme  confiderable 
Time  for  my  Anfvver^  the  Mafter  of  Pembroke 
fecm'd  very  angry  at  him  for  it.  Yet  when  I 
oncej  with  fome  Vehemence  faid,  ^^  There  has 
"  fomewhat  been  alledg'd  here,  which  I  am  fur- 
"  priz'd  to  find  Co  many  Clergymen  to  fay,  mean- 
ing their  Affertion,  That  the  Three  Perfons  col- 
Udively  taken,  were  the  One  God  of  the  Chri- 
llian  Religion,  and  not  God  the  Father,  con- 
trary to  all  manner  of  Sacred  Doctrine  and  Lan- 
guage ;  no  Notice  was  taken  of  it  at  all.  But  to 
go  on  with  the  main  Narrative.  Upon  a  Second 
Summons,  I  appear'd  again  on  TVednefday^  OBoh. 
2^.  But  now  in  a  lower  Parlour  of  the  fame 
Lodge,  none  being  prefent  but  my  Judges,  as 
before.  Dr.  CoW  and  Dr.  Richardfon  being  now 
abfent  ;  and  Dr.  Gov^er,  Mafter  of  St.  JohnSy 
the  Lady  Margaret^  Profeffor,  prefent  in  their 
.Room.  When  I  appear'd,  expeding  the  allow- 
ance of  Time,  not  only  for  my  main  Anfwer, 
but  for  the  clearing  the  Exceptions  I  had  to  make 
to  their  Evidence  and  Proceedings ;  inftead  there- 
of J  had  only  the  fore-mentioned  Paper  of  the 
main  Charge  given  me,  and  a  folemn  Admoni- 
tion therewith  to  leave  my  Errors,  and  return  to 
the  Dodrine  of  the  Church  of  England^  or  elfe 
on  Monday  thty  would  proceed  to  execute  the  Sta- 
tute upon  me.  Only  I  was  allowed  to  read  and 
deliver  in  what  I  had  prepared  as  an  Anfwer  fo 
far ;  or  as  my  Complaints  of,  and  Exceptions 
againft  their  Proceedings.  Thefe  two  Papers, 
the  firft  deliver'd  to  me,  and  the  fecond  by  me, 
here  follow,  Verbatim, 


ATT  END  IX.  cxlvii 

Fofitions  puhlijhed  ayjJ  fpread  ahout  in  the  UnU 
verfity  of  Cambridge  ly  Mr,  Will.  Whiftori, 
contra  Reltgionem^^c.  Stat, Acad. ^^y, 

(i.) That  the  Father  alone        yid.  Poflfcrlpt  thro'- 

13  the  One  God  of  the  Chriftian    out.    vid.  Sermoss  an  J 
Religion,    in  oppofition    to    the     Ef^ays,d^'f. />.  2,3. /.  ,9, 

Three    Divine  Perfons      F'irhpr       ^°  ^^*    -?•  ^' 5- '•  3>  4»  J. 
inree    ij'ivme  1  erions,    iratnei ,     ^^  ^  ^  ^  ,0^  ^^     ^^  ^^ 

Son,  and  Holy  Gholt,  being  the     30.    Mr. Thackh am sDt^ 
One  God  of  the  Chriftian  Reli-    pof,   Mr.  Hughs\  Depof. 

pJon  ^'^  ToTonfendy  Mr.  Macro^ 

This-Pofitionis  contrary  to  the    ':^'''-^ri?:"'^i 
lit,  2d,  and  ^th,  of  the  :>^  Arti-    EfTays,  ^.  2715.  /.  21.  to 
cles,  and  to  the  Nkene  and  Atha-    p.  278.  /.  6. 
nafian  Creeds. 

(2.)  That  the  Creed,  commonly  call'd 

the  Creed  of  St.  Athanafim^  is  a  grofs  and  Anti- 
chriftian  Innovation  and  Corruption  of  the  Pri- 
mitive Purity  and  Simplicity  of  the  Chriftian 
Faith  among  us. 

This  Pofition  is  contrary  to  the  Rubrick  be- 
fore the  faid  Creed,  and  the  8th  Article. 

{%')  — ^  That  the  Canon  of  the  Scripture,  vidStrm, 
the  Rule  and  Guide  of  a  Chriftian's  Faith  and  ^'^^^^^ 
Pradice,  is  that  contain'd  in  the  laft  of  the  Ec-  (t  u^o^^ 
clefiaftical  Canons,  ordinarily  ftil'd  Apoftolical : 
Which  all  along  appears  to  have  been  the  Stand- 
ard of  the  Primitive  Church  in  this  matter.     I 
mean  as  including  all  the  Books  we  now  own 
for  Canonical,  and  alfo  the  twoEpiftles  of  St. 
Clement^  and  the  Conftitutions  of  the  .Apoftles 
by  St.  Clement :    To  which  the  Paftor  of  Hermaf 
is  to  be  added ;  as  well  as  we  have  already  added 
the  Apocalypfe  of  St.  Job». 

(kz)  C4.)  —  Thac 

cxlviii  JTT  EN^IX. 

Propoffils,  (4.)  *— —  That  the  DoBrine  of  the  Afofiles  np- 
S^d'  V^i  P^^^'^  ^^  ^^  ^  Sacred  Book  of  the  New  Tella- 
lll]  lol'  n^ent,  long  loft  to  the  Chriftian  Church. 

ThefeTwo  Pofitions  are  contrary  to  the  Sixth 

of  the  :?9  Articles. 
Propofals,      Mr.  Whiflcn  undertakes  to  prove  clearly^  that 
firft  Side,  (he  Apoftolical  Conftitutions  are  the  moft  Sa- 
yoJ.II.     ^^^^  p^j.j.  q£  ^i^^  Canonical  Scriptures  of  the 

New  Teftament. 
Vid.  Poft-      Mr.  V/hifion  afferts^  that  the  Doxolcgy^,  cur- 
fcript,  />.    j.gj^^  -^  ^u  xh^^Q  latter  Ages,    Glory  be  to  the  Fa- 

^'^j  ' "  \   ^^^'^y  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^"^^  ^^  ^^"^^  ^"^y  ^^^^fii  w^s  not 
fat}^s     ^he  ^^^^  Chriftian  Doxology. 
Depofiti-       This  Poficion  is  againft  the  Doxology  receiv'd 
on.  and  eftablifli'd  in  the  publick  Liturgy. 

Dated  O^^?^.  25*.  1710. 

This  Paper  was  delivered  to  Mr.  Whlfion  the 
Day  and  Year  above-written  by  Mr.  Vicechan- 
cellor's  Order. 

Witnefs  my  Hand, 

Robert  Grove» 

My  Afifiver :  Or  Complaints  of^  and  Exceptions 
to  thefe  Proceedings ;  deliver  d  in  the  fame 

'Mr,  VicechanceUor^ 

TH  E  Accufation  which  now  lies  againft  me 
in  this  Place,  gives  me  but  too  much  occa- 
fion  both  for  Surprize  and  Complaint,  For  truly, 
I  cannot  but  be  Jurpriz/d,  that  after  all  my  Gare 
and  Concern,  to  demean  my  felf  honeftly  and 
inoffenfively  both  before  God  and  Men,  and  to 
difcharge  my  feveral  Duties  as  a  Man,  a  Chri- 
ftian, a  Clergyman^  and  a  Profeffor  of  the  Ma- 


ATT  END IX.  cxlix 

thematicks  in  this  yniverfity  ;  after  an  uncom- 
mon Search  after^  and  Zeal  for  the  purc^  origi- 
nal^ uncorrupt  Doctrines  and  Duties  of  Chriftia- 
nity^,  as  they  appear  in  the  Sacred  Books  of  the 
Old  and  New  Teftament^  and  in  all  the  moft 
Ancient  and  Primitive  Fathers  ;  and  yet,  as  far 
as  poffible,  with  a  conilant  and  regular  Compli- 
ance with  the  Rules  and  Orders  of  the  Church 
of  England  ;  after  my  earnefl:  Endeavours  to  re- 
cover and  retrieve  feveral  of  the  Original  Sa-. 
cred  Books  of  our  Religion,    long  lofl,  or  dcT 
fpis'd,  or  negleded  in  thefe  latter  Ages,  at  leaft 
in  thefe  Wellern  Parts  of  Chriftendom  ;  and  after 
fuch  great  Succefs  in  thofe  and  my  other  Enqui- 
ries, that  of  all  the  many  Learned  Perfons  who 
have  perus'd  my  Papers,  not  any  one  of  them 
has  undertaken  to  write  an  Anfwer  to  them  ; 
After  all  this,  I  lay,  I  cannot  but  be  furpriz/d, 
that  without  fending  for  any  of  thofe  Papers,  or 
at  all  examining  them  ;    and  without  allowing 
me  any  publick  Conference  or  Difputation  a- 
bout  the  Notions  contained  in  them ;  while  eve- 
ry one  elfe  is  permitted,  if  not  encouraged  to 
preach  and  difpute  againft  me  upon  all  occafi- 
ons,  I  am  forced  to  Itand  here  as  an  Offender, 
and  a  Criminal  on  Account  of  them.     Nicode- 
mttSy  tho'  fo  timerous  as  to  come  to  Jefus  by 
Night  only,  yet  ventured  to  fay  in  the  mid  ft  of 
the  Rulers  of  the  Je'):.'Sy  Doth  cur  Law  judge  any  Joh.  VII. 
Man  before  k  hear  hlm^  and  know  what  he  doth  ^  50,51. 
And  certainly,   'tis  not  confident    with  com- 
mon Juftice,    vv^iih  the  Nature   of   the    Chri- 
ftian   Dodrine,  nor  with  the  Honour  of  this 
Learned  Body,  to  cenfure  or  condemn  either 
me  or  my  Opinions,  till  upon  a  mature  and 
folemn  Examination   it  plainly  appears,    that 
thofe  Opinions  are  not  only  falfe  but  ground- 
lefs ;  and  by  Confequence,  that  I  am  groily  mi- 

(  k   ;  ftaken 


ftaken  in  them ,    and    ought  to  retrad  them. 
And  give  me  leave  to  fay,  that  this  Method  of 
Conference   and    Examination    is  that   which 
ought  always  to  be,  and  has  ordinarily  been 
ufed  in  fuch  Cafes.     Nor  has  it,  I  fuppofe,  been 
any-where  denied  among  thofe  that  call  them- 
felves  Chriftians,  but  in  the  Popifh  Inquifition 
it  felf.     And  this  is  certainly  the  on^y  way  to  in- 
fluence reafonable  Men  in  fuch  Matters.     And 
as  to  my  felf,  1  promife,  that  it  fhall  influence 
me,  even  to  perpetual  Silence,  and  the  burning 
my  own  Papers,  if  the  contrary  Do(5lrines  can 
pi-oduce  but  one  Tenth  Part  of  that  Evidence, 
that  Original  Evidence  which  1  fhall  then  al- 
ledge  for  what  1  (hall  there  dj^fend.     Nor  will 
any  other  Method  at  all  weigh  with  me  as  to 
my  Faith  or  Practice.     For  I  dare  fay  you  are 
all  perfuaded  that  I  am  not  fo  infincere  or  fear- 
ful, as  to  retrad  or  renounce  any  thing,  which, 
upon  full  Examination,  I  am  really  perfuaded 
to  be  either  a  Truth  or  a  Duty  of  the  Chriftian 
Religion,  out  of  the  Apprehenfion  of  what  any 
fuchTribunal  as  this  can  inflid  upon  me.  Permit 
me,  Mr.  Vicechancellor^,  to  fay  farther,  that  this 
Way  of  Conference  and  Examination,  is  that 
very  Method  which  is  mark'd  out  by  an  Ancient 
and  Famous  Precedent,  when  this  very  Statute 
jiow  before  you  was  firft  us'd  :  I  mean  the  Cafe 
of  Profeffor  Canwright,  in  the  Days  of  Queen 
Eliz^abeth:  whom  Archbifiiop  Whitgift,  the  then 
Vicechancelior,  and  the  Univcrfity,  would  not 
proceed  againft  till  they  had  invited  him  to  a 
Conference,  and  that  in  writing,  in  order  to  his 
Convidion  :    but  which  he  refufed,  and  was 
thereupon  Cenfur'd  and  Expell'd  ;  As  the  Au- 
thentick  Record,  a  Copy  of  which  is  hereunto 
RnnexM,  will  teftify.     The  Cafe  is  here  quite 
ptherwife.I  am  not  onlyvvilling  to  accept  of  any 

ATTEND  IX.  cli 

fuch  Invitation,  but  do  here  folemnly  Invite  the 
Univerfity  to  this  Conference  and  Examination. 
Nay,  I  Demand  it,  as  the  Right  of  the  Sacred 
Truths  of  Chriftianity,  and  what  this  Learned 
Body  cannot  either  in  Equity,  or  Honour  deny, 
that  I  be  thus  heard,  and  my  Papers  fairly  and 
fully  examin'd^  before  any  farther  Proceedings 
be  had  in  this  Matter.  And  to  encourage  your 
Acceptance  of  this  Propofal,  I  do  fmcerely  de- 
clare, that  I  will  have  no  regard  therein  to 
Yidory  or  Triumph  ;  but  will  alone  feek  for 
Truth,  and  genuine  Chriftianity.  For  God  \s 
my  Witnefs,  that  I  am  very  unwilling  to  be  in 
the  lead  deceiv'd  myfelf,  or  to  deceive  the 
Church  of  Chrifl  :  And  that  I  am  always  very 
defirous  of  the  Opportunity  of  improving  and 
correding  my  Notions  and  Papers,  that  fo  the 
leaft  Syllable  of  the  Truths  of  Chrift  Jefus  may 
not  receive  any  Diminution  or  Mifreprefenta- 
tion  by  me,  when  my  Papers  come  to  be  pub- 

But  then,  Mr.  Vicechancellor,  befidcs  my  Sur- 
frlze  at  the  feveral  things  above-mention'd,  with 
Relation  to  this  Procedure,  I  think  I  have  greac 
Reafon  for  Complaint  on  many  Accounts  alfo. 
Accordingly  I  mull  here  take  the  Liberty  to  com-^ 
flain.  That  Matters  have  a  long  while  been  very 
unfairly  and  clancularly  manag'd  againft  me  : 
That  during  the  laft  two  Years  and  above  half, 
wherein  it  has  been  known  that  I  have  been  up- 
on thofe  Enquiries  whence  the  prefent  Accufa- 
tion  is  taken.  No  Vicechancellor,  no  Publick 
ProfefTor,  not  any  one  of  thofe  in  Authority 
here,  which  are  known  to  be  the  moft  difTatif- 
fv'd,  have  ever  fent  for  me  and  my  Papers^  and 
difcourfed  me  freely,  or  given  me  a  Friendly 
Caution  about  them.  I  think  I  have  alfo  Rea- 
fon to  complain,  that  fo  many  and  fuch  impro- 
i  (  k  4  ;  per 

clii  JTTEN7)IX. 

per  Ways  have  been  try'd  to  procure  fome  Cen- 
fure  upon  me  ;  as  if  I  were  fuch  a  publick  Ene- 
my, that  all  the  Methods  that  could  be  thought 
of  were  to  be  ufed  for  my  Deilrudion.     Once, 
a  Grace  of  the  Senate-Houfe  was  to  be  procur'd 
for  my  Expulfion,  without  my  bemg  heard  at 
all.     When  that  did  not  do,  I  have,  as  I  hear, 
been  threaten'd  with  the  Ecclefiaftical  Court, 
and  with  the  Affizes.     Then  Advice  was  taken, 
■whether  1  could  not  with  fafety  be  legally  con- 
vid:ed  of  Herefy,  and  fo  be  Expell'd  by  Mr.  Lu- 
ca/s  Statutes.     And  now  a  remote  Univerfity- 
Statute,  not  at  all  in  its  main  and  Original  De- 
fign,  as  1  conceive^  reaching  my  Cafe ;  and  fuch 
an  one  as,  if  ftrain'd  to  the  fame  Rigor  as  to 
others,  might  Expel,  I  believe,  much  the  great- 
eft  part  of  the  Univerfity,   is  at  laft  produc'd 
againft  me.     This  Statute  is  DeCondonihus^  con- 
cerning Publick  Sermons,  and  fuch  like  Publick 
A<^s  and  Ledures  before  the  Univerfity.     How 
can  this  Statute  poffibly  reach  me,  -fmce  I  never 
iiad  the  Honour  to  preach  before  the  Univerfity 
in  my  Life  ?     I  never  kept  any  Divinity- A  (51,  or 
opposed  in  the  Divinity-Schools,  fince  I  was  ad- 
mitted.    My  Publick   Ledures  have  been   all 
Mathematical ;  and  being  moft  of  them  printed, 
will  fhew  how  remote  they  have  been  from  any 
things  of  this  Nature.     This  Statute  muft  there- 
fore be  ftrained  beyond  all  reafonable  Conftru- 
dion  e're  it  can  affed  me.     I  have  indeed  for- 
merly had  an  Afternoon- Lecture  in  the  Town 
of  Cambridge,    by  the  Bifliop's  fole  Permiffion, 
and  upon  his  fole  Salary.     But  'tis  the  Opinion 
of  the  beft  Judges,  that  whatever  I  faid  there, 
can  no  way  be  .us'd  to  my  Prejudice  in   this 
Place.     The  Parifh-Churches ,  at  leaft  ordina- 
rily, when  none  but  the  Inhabit?. nts  are  fup~ 
p03'4  ^o  ^^  prefent^  being  certainly  under  no 


ATTENDIX.  cliu 

Other  Cognizance  than  of  the  Right  Reverend 
the  Lord  Bifhop  of  the  Diocefe.  And  accord- 
ingly^ one  Perfon  of  this  Univerfity  about  a 
Year  and  a  half  ago  did  once  make  fome  Com- 
plaint to  our  Diocefan,  for  what  happened  in 
one  of  thofe  Churches  ;  who  thereupon  ap- 
pointed us  to  appear  before  him  at  a  certain 
Hour  the  next  Day  ;  L  came  at  the  Hour  ap- 
pointed, and  ftay'd  about  an  Hour,  expeding 
my  Accufer ;  but  he  did  not  come  till  the  Bi- 
fliop  and  my  felf  were  both  gone :  Which  hin- 
dred  any  farther  Proceedings.  And  fure  I  can- 
not be  accus'd  both  before  the  Bifhop,  and  be- 
fore this  Confiftory,  for  the  fame  pretended  Of- 
fences, in  the  fame  Parifli-Church.  I  do  there- 
fore infift  upon  ic,  that  the  true  Extent  of  this 
Statute  may  be  fully  confider'd,  before  any  thing 
be  done  againft  me  by  virtue  of  it.  As  alfo  I 
defire  it  may  be  confider'd,  whether  Words  pre- 
tended to  be  fpoken  fo  long  ago ;  efpecially 
where  the  Time  is  either  not  fpecify'd  at  all,  or 
not  nearer  than  that  of  a  whole  Year's  (pace, 
can  be  admitted  againft  me :  And  whether  Books 
publifhed  at  London^  and  private  Difcourfes  elfe- 
where,  can  come  within  the  reach  of  this  Sta- 
tute ;  where  the  Offences  punifhable  by  ic  muft 
be  committed,  not  only  infra  JJniverfitatem  no- 
flram^  in  a  Place  belonging  to  the  Univerfity, 
but  muft  be  done  pihlkc  docendo^  trathndo^  <vel 
dtfendendoy  in  publick  and  folemn  Sermons,  Le- 
ctures, or  Difputations  before  the  fame  Univer- 
fity. I  do  alfo  complain  that  the  Chancellor  of 
the  Univerfity  has  not,  as  I  believe,  been  ac- 
quainted with  this  Matter  ;  when  the  Statute? 
fays  all  the  Proceedings  upon  it  are  to  be  Can- 
cellarit  jhJJh.  And  tho'  in  ordinary  Affairs  the 
Vicechancellor  may  have  Authority  enough  to 
ad  for  the  Chancellor,  and  may  well  enough 


cliv  AVTEMT>IX. 

Exercife  that  Authority ;  yet  certainly  in  a  cafe 
of  fo  uncommon  a  Nature,  and  of  fuch  mighty 
Confequence  ;  [  the  like  whereto  I  will  be  bold 
to  fay  never  before  came  into  this  Confiftory  ;  ] 
it  was  but  reafonable  that  the  Chancellor  him- 
felf  fhould  be  acquainted,  and  his  Directions  re- 
ceiv'd,  before  any  Proceedings  fiiould  have  been 
begun  by  the  Univerfity.     I  do  alfo  complain 
that  the  Accufations  or  Depofitions  againft  me 
relate  generally  to  Things  long  fmce  paft  and 
gone,  without  the  pretence  of  any  new  Offen- 
ces; unlefs  the  Civility  of  fending  fome  inoffen- 
five  Propofals  to  any  of  you  can  be  efteem'd  of 
that  Nature.     I  hope  I  may  well  call  them  m- 
cffen/ive,  fmce  they  plainly  are  fuch,   and  will 
appear  fuch  to  every  Chriftian  Reader  that  per- 
ufes  them.     I  have  alfo^  I  think,  great  Reafon 
to  complain  that  I  am,  as  it  were,  by  this  Pro- 
cedure prevented  in  my  honeft  Defign,  recom- 
mended to  me  by  a  very  learned  and  pious  Pre- 
late of  our  own  Church,  and  readily  agreed  to 
by  me,  of  laying  all  my  Papers  before  the  Con- 
vocation, which  is  almoft  now  ready  to  fit,  for 
their  Confideration  and  Corre«5lion.     Sure  the 
Univerfity  will  never  fuppofe,  or  believe,  that 
the  Convocation  will  Cenfure  without  Exami- 
nation ;  nor  is  the  Univerfity  to  prejudge  a  Caufe 
which  moft  properly  belongs  to  the  Cognizance 
and  Judgment  of  the  Convocation,     I  do  alfo 
complain  that  I  have  been  fo  exceeding  private- 
ly conven'd,  and  particularly  interrogated  ;  and 
not  in  the  Confiftory  before  the  Univerfity; 
where  all  that  defir'd  might  have  been  prefent, 
and  I  might  have  had  fuch  Affiftance  as  Law 
and  Equity  do  allow.     As  if  fome  Men's  Hopes 
of  Oppreffing  me^   arofe  rather  from  the  Pro- 
fped  of  the  Terror  I  fliould  be  under  in  fuch 
Circumitances^and  the  unwary  Anfwers  I  fliouldi 


JTT  ENDIX.       '  civ 

thereupon  make,  than  from  the  Strength  of  the 
Evidence,  and  the  Notoriety  of  the  Offences  I 
could  be  prov'd  to  be  guilty  of.  I  do,  laftly, 
complain,  that,  as  I  am  inform'd,  fuch  a  fort  o£ 
Determination  has  been  lately  made  about  the 
Senfe  of  that  Statute  whereby  I  am  charg'd,  as 
might  bcft  reach  my  Cafe,  before  I  have  been 
any  way  heard,  or  any  legal  Advice  has  been 
taken  concerning  the  tru^  Extent  and  Meaning 
of  it ;  contrary,  I  think,  to  the  plain  Rules  of 
Juftice  and  Equity  in  fuch  a  Cafe. 

Thefe,  Mr.  Vicechancellor,  are  the  principal 
Occafions  of  that  Surprize  and  Complaint  which  I 
at  firft  mention'd.    Not  that  they  all  directly  af- 
fed  your  felves ;    from  whom' I  am  willing  to 
hope  for  nothing  but  Fairnefs,  Juftice  and  Equi- 
ty ;  but  becaufe  they  all  belong  to  fome  Mem- 
bers of  this  Univerfity.     And,  for  a  Conclufion, 
give  me  leave  to  fay,  that  thefe  Matters  are  of 
fuch  mighty  Confequence,  they  are  become  fo 
very  Publick,  and  the  Fairnefs  and  Neceffity  of 
a  folemn  Examination  are  fo  generally  own'd 
by  the  Archbifliops  and  Bifhops,  and  the  reft  of 
thofe  Learned  Men  of  all  Parties  who  have  per- 
ufed  my  Papers,  that  if  the  Proceeding  in  this 
Matter  here  be  with  Haft,  Precipitation,  and 
Severity,    thofe  that  ad  in  it,  will  not  only 
wound  their  own  Confciences,  commit  an  hei- 
nous Offence  againft  God,  and  thereby  expofe 
themfelves  to  fevere  Punlfliment  from  his  Hand, 
but  there  will  hereby  be  laid  a  lafting,  an  inde- 
lible Blot  and  Reproach  upon  the  Univerfity ; 
as  undertaking  raftily  and  violently  to  punifh 
jne,  before  it  appears  that  I  am  at  all  guilty  of 
any  Oflfence  to  deferve  that  Punifliment :  While 
at  the  fame  time  I  (hall  not  only  have  the  Com- 
fort of  an  innocent  Qonfcience  for  my  Support, 


cl^i  ATTEN'DIX. 

but  fhall  alfo  have  the  Expectation  of  fpeedy* 
Relief  and  Redrefs  from  the  known  Juftice  and 
Equity  of  thofe  who  reprefent  Her  Sacred  Ma- 
jefty  in  Her  Courts  of  Judicature ;  to  which 
in  that  Cafe  I  fiiall  be  dbKged  immediately  to 

Saving  therefore  to  my  felf  the  liberty  of  ma- 
king any  other  future  Exceptions  to  thefe  Pro- 
ceedings againft  me^  the  Principal  ones  that  I 
make  at  prefent  are  thefe  :   I  fay, 

(i.)  That  I  am  charged  w^ith  breaking  that 
4^th  Statute,  which  I  have  been  uncapable  of 
breaking ;  becaufe  it  only  concerns  fuch  pub- 
lick  Univerfity-Exercifes  as  I  have  never  per- 

(2. )  That  the  Place  where  moil  of  the  Words 
are  pretended  to  have  been  fpoken,  St.  dementis 
Church,  is  utterly  out  of  the  Jurifdidlion  of 
the  Univerfity,  and  fo  no  ways  within  this  Sta- 

(5.)  That  the  want  of  the  Specification  of 
the  Time,  or  the  too  loofe  Specification  of  it, 
renders  moft  of  the  Depofitions  of  no  value. 

(4.)  That  Words  charged  at  fo  great  a  di- 
ftance  of  Time,  cannot  be  fworn  to  fo  particu- 
larly as  is  neceffary  to  affect  me. 

(^.)  That  Words  fpoken  in  private  Converfa- 
tion,  or  at  a  CoiFee-houfe,  or  [written]  in  a 
private  Letter,  can  no  way  be  within  this  Sta- 

(6.)  That  no  Books  printed  and  publifhed  at 
London  can  be  within  this  Statute. 

(7.)  That  I  ought  to  have  been  convened  pub- 
Hckly  in  the  Confiftory,    and  Evidence  fairly 
there  produced  againft  me  in  an  open  Court ; 
and  not  privately-in*  a  Chamber  been  ask'd  ma- 

ATT E  NT) IX.  civil 

ny  enfnaring  Queftions,  with  the  Exclufion  of 
even  a  fingle  Friend,  who  was  willing  to  have 
been  there  to  affift  and  dired  me. 

(8.)  That  any  prior  Determination  of  the^ 
Senfe  of  this  Statute,  before  I  have  had  Coun- 
cil allowed  me,  or  legal  Advice  taken  about  its 
true  extent  and  meaning,  is  of  no  Force  at  all 
againft  me. 

And  I  defire  and  demand  that  I  may'  have 
Time  given  me,  and  Council  allow'd  me  to  ar- 
gue the  Validity  of  thefe  Exceptions. 

'QBchi  2^.  1710. 


jNT.  B,  The  Record  herein  referred  to  about 
ProfeiTor  Cartwrigh^  is  tak-en  out  of  Dr.  Fuller's 
Hiftory  of  the  Univerfity  of  Cambridge^  Pag.  142. 
and  runs  thus : 

[Whereas  it  is  reported,  that  Mafter  Cart^ 
oirigky  oiFering  Difputations  and  Conference, 
touching  the  Aflertions  uttered  by  him,    and 
fubfcribed  with  his  Hand,   and  that  he  could 
not  obtain    his  Requeft  therein  :    This  is  to 
Teilify,   that  in  the  Prefence  of  us,    whofe 
Names  are  here  under- written,  and  in  our  hear-  ^^^-  R^g 
ing,  the  faid  Mr.  Cartiprigk  was  offered  Con-  ^t'^'n'' 
ference  of  divers ;    and  namely  of  Mr.  Dodor  i^jc-iT' 
Wbitgifty  who  offered.  That  if  the  Hiid  Mr.  Cart-  March  8. 
')vriglot  would  fet  down  his  AfTertions  in  Wri- 
ting, and  his  Reafons  unto  them,  he  would  an- 
fwer  the  fame  in  Writing  alfo;  the  virhich  Mafter 
CartTvright  refus'd  to  do.     Further,  the  faid  Dr. 
Whitgiff^t  fuch  time  as  Mr.  Cartwrigbt  was  de- 
prived of  his  Ledure,  did  in  our  Prefence  ask 
the  faid  Mr,  Carhvright^  whether  he  had  both 
fkiblickly  and  privately  dlyers  Times  oifer'd  the 


clviu  JTTEN^IX. 

fame  Conference  unto  him^  by  writing,  or  not ; 
To  which  Mr.  Cartwright  anfwered,  that  he  had 
been  fo  offered,  and  that  he  refufed  the  fame. 
Moreover,  the  faid  Mr.  Cartwright  did  never 
offer  any  difputation  but  upon  thefe  Conditions^ 
'uiz,  That  he  might  know  who  fhould  be  his 
Adverfaries,  and  who  fhould  be  his  Judges  ; 
meaning  fuch  Judges  as  he  himfelf  could  beft 
like  of.  Neither  was  this  kind  of  Difputation 
deny'd  unto  him,  but  only  he  was  required  to 
obtain  Licenfe  of  the  Queen's  Majelly  or  the 
Council,  becaufe  his  Affcrtions  be  repugnant 
to  the  State  of  the  Common-wealth,  which 
may  not  be  called  into  Queilion  by  Publick  Di- 
fputation without  Licenfe  of  the  Prince  or  his 
Highnefs's  Council. 

John  Whltgifty  Vicechancellor,  Andrew  Tearne. 
John  Mejy  .  WilliamChaddtrton^ 

■Henry  Har'vey  y  Edward  Hawford^ 

Thomas  B Thomas  F — 

[^Note,  Dr,  Fuller  Cgiysp 
that  this  Inftrument  is  Re-  ?- 
giftred  in  Cambridge^    j 

When  I  had  read  and  delivered  in  this  Second 
Paper,  I  expeded  fome  Anfwer  thereto,  and 
fome  legal  Notice  to  have  been  taken  of  it.  But 
all  to  no  purpofe  :  The  Torrent  was  too  ftrong 
to  be  ftopp'd  by  any  fuch  Methods.  The  Vice- 
chancellor  pretended,  (^without  the  leaft  regard 
to  what  I  had  faid,)  that  they  v/ere  agreed  that 
the  Pofitions  charged  upon  me  were  both  plain- 
ly contrary  to  the  Churches  Dodrine,  and  were 
fufficiently  prov'd  againft  me  5  and  fo  they 


AT'PENtlX.  clix 

would  proceed.  I  thereupon  boldly  defir'd  to 
know,  whether  every  one  there  prefent,  (for 
they  were  then  the  lead  Number  poffible  that 
could  ad:  in  fuch  a  CafeJ  had  entirely  agreed  to 
both  thefe  Propofitions  ?  And  particularly  ask'd 
Sir  John  Ellis's  Opinion.  He  anfwer'd,  that  he 
agreed  that  the  Paper  deliver'd  to  me  contained 
Dodrines  contrary  to  thofe  of  the  Church  of 
England  :  But  whether  they  had  fufficiently 
prov'd  that  thofe  Dodrines  were  chargeable  up- 
on me,  he  did  not  determine,  but  left  that  to 
others.  Yet  did  they  proceed  as  if  Sir  John  had 
equally  agreed  to  both  thofe  Particulars ;  which 
'tis  certain  he  did  not,  and  that  he  declared  he 
did  not ;  tho'  he  had  hardly  leave  given  him  to 
finifh  that  his  Declaration.  I  was  then  very 
gravely  and  folemnly  admonifhed  again  by  the 
Vicechancellor  to  leave  my  Errors  and  return  to 
the  Church  of  England^  or  elfe  he  let  me  know, 
that  on  Monday  at  three  a  Clock  they  would  pro- 
ceed to  execute  the  Statute  againft  me ;  with- 
out the  leaft  intimation  of  allowing  me  fo  much 
as  one  Hours  time  to  anfwer  the  Charge,  which 
not  till  now  was  properly  delivered  to  me.  As 
to  my  defire  of  Conference  and  fair  Examina^ 
tion,  the  Vicechancellor  faid,  that  the  Regius 
ProfeflTor  might  take  me  to  his  Lodgings  and 
difcourfe  with  me  if  he  pleafed  ;  to  which  no 
Anfwer  was  returned  by  any  Body.  The  Lady 
Margaret^  Profeffbr  alfo  once  upbraided  me,  as 
if  I  deny'd  things  there  which  elfewhere  I  af- 
ferted  ;  which  he  look'd  on  as  no  Argument  of 
that  Sincerity  I  pretended  to.  Upon  this  I  open- 
ly defir'd  not  to  be  mifunderftood,  but  that  I 
only  required  Legal  Proof  for  what  was  alledged 
againft  me,  without  being  enfnared  by  their  Que- 
ltk)ns,  and  without  affirming  or  denying  any' 



thing  my  felf  about  them.     Whereupon  he  faid 
no  more  of  that  Matter.     And  the  Regius  Pro- 
feffor,  who  underilood  me  fo  all  along,  did  me 
the  Juftice  to  put  that  Matter  rights  and  to  ex- 
plain in  what  Senfe  he  fuppos'd  I  did  not  now 
own  or  aflert  any  of  the  things  charged  upon 
me.  To  which  I  fully  aflented  ;  and  fo  that  Im- 
putation came    to  nothing.     The  Margaret  Pro- 
feffor  farther  told  me^  when  I  infifted  on  Exa- 
mlnathn  before  Ccnfure^  that  I  knew  well  enough, 
that  when  Hereticks  arofe^  it  was  not  ufual  to 
argue  with  them,   but  to  quote  feme  Canon  of 
^  Council  which  condemned  them,  and  fo  to 
Anathematize  them  immediately.  I  faid  to  him  ; 
But  fuppofe  that  what  I  faid  abput  the  Apoftoli- 
cal  Conftitutions,  &c.  fliould  at  laft  prove  to  be 
true  ?  He  replied.    If  fo,    he  would  come  and 
heartily  beg  my  Pardon.     The  Matter  of  Jefus 
thought  time  might  be  allowed  me  for  my  An- 
fwer.    But  fo  earneft  and  vehement  was  the 
Vicechancellor  in  his  Proceedings,  that  all  fuch 
Motions  came  to  nothing.     The  fame  Mailer  of 
Jefus  alfo  ask'd  me  why  I  called  the  Conftitu- 
tions  Themofi  Sacred  Book  of  the  NewTeftament  ? 
I  anfwered,  Becaufe  they  really  were  fo,  and 
were  fo  efteemed  in  the  firft  Ages.     I  alfo  faid 
to  him,  that  they  would  repent  their  Severity  to 
me  :  And  that  if  he  had  been  by,  when  Dr. 
Smalridge  fwho  had  read  my  Papers,    and  of 
whom  I  believed  he  had  a  very  good  Opinion^ 
and  my  felf  lately  difcourfed  upon  thefe  Mat- 
ters, he  would  fcarce  have  been  againft  their 
Examination  before  they  cenfured  me  on  Ac- 
count of  them.    Upon  which  he  owned  that  he 
had  himfelf  alfo  feen  fome  of  my  Papers :  which 
1  fuppofe  was  fome  time  ago,  when  Mr.  Hughes^ 
•and  Mr.  Toji^nfend oi  the  fame  College  had  the 


ATT  ENDIX.  clxi 

Pertifal  of  them  ;  I  mean  thofe  which  concern 
the  Trinity  and  Incarnation  only.  But  finding 
the  Mafter  of  Sidney  exceeding  hot  againft  me. 
I  faid  to  him^  that  I  believed  he  had  not  ftudiea 
thefe  Matters  ;  he  grew  paflionare^  and  faid. 
That  was  my  Imfudence.  I  faid^  I  meant  particu- 
larly as  to  the  Conftitutions.  He  reply'd,  that 
he  had  read  them,  but  however  that  he  knew 
my  AiTertions  were  contrary  to  thofe  of  the 
Church  of  England:  which  indeed  he  all  along 
confin'd  himfelf  to  ;  infomuch  that  when  on 
Monday  the  Vicechancellor  had  faid,  with  fome 
Moderation,  that  my  Tenets  were  Erroneous,  and 
contrary  to  the  Churches  Doclrme^  and  that  therefore 
I  ought  to  retrad  them  ;  and  I  had  reply 'd,  let 
them  be  but  once  prov'd  to  be  Erroneous,  and  I 
was  moft  ready  to  retrad  them  ^  the  Mafter  of 
Sidney,  at  whofe  Elbow  I  ftood;  told  me,  they 
did  not  mean  Erroneous,  but  cofjtrary  to  the  Doctrine 
of  the  Church.  Nay,  when  I  faid  to  them.  Will 
5'ou  condemn  or  cenfure  while  none  either  -wlllj, 
or  dare  anfwxr  me  ?  Somebody  that  was  offended 
at  that  laft  Word,  reply'd,  dare  ?  But  without 
any  farther  Addition.  And  indeed  great  Care 
was  all  along  taken  that  the  Truth  or  Falfhcod 
of  my  Doctrines  fhould  be  wholly  wav'd,  and 
all  fet  upon  their  Contrariety  to  thofe  of  the 
Church  of  England,  without  fo  much  as  a  Pre- 
tence that  any  Body  would  anfvver  the  Argu^ 
ments  and  Teftimonies  which  I  had  to  produce 
for  them.  It  was  once  urged,  that  my  affirm- 
ing the  Confiitutions  and  Dottrine  of  the  Afoftles  to 
be  Sacred  Books  of  the  New  Teftament,  was 
contrary  to  the  Sixth  Article  of  our  Church.  I 
defir'd  that  Article  might  be  read,  which  was 
done  by  the  Mafter  of  Pemhoke,  I  fliid  there- 
upon, 'Tis  plain  that  this  Article  owns  the  pre- 

(0  fertE 

dxii  A'PTEKDIX. 

fent  Sacred  Books^  being  all  the  Church  then 
knew,  and  that  had  they  known  of  more^  they 
would  have  fet  them  down  alfo ;  but  that  'tis  not 
affirmed  in  that  Article  that  there  are  no  other 
than  thofe,  and  fo  my  Aflertion  is  not  contrary 
thereto.  Yet  did  this  pafs  as  a  clear  Contra- 
didion  to  it.  And  no  wonder,  when  in  the 
Paper  given  me  from  the  Vicechancellor,  the 
very  Nkeve  Creed  is  it  felf  quoted  as  condemn- 
ing my  calling  God  the  Father  the  One  God  of  the 
Chrlfilan  Religion,  while  yet  that  Creed  begins 
with  a  dired  and  folemn  Affirmation  of  it ;  J 
helieve  in  One  God  the  Father,  Almighty,  After  all^ 
when  the  Vicechancellor  perceiv'd  that  I  began 
to  draw  feme  of  the  Heads  into  Arguing  and 
Reafoning  about  thefe  Matters,  he  took  one  of 
the  Candles  hirnfelf,  and  faying  a  few  things  to 
me  about  a  Recantation,  which  I  declared  I 
could  not  make  with  a  fafe  Confcience,  he'faid, 
he  pitied  me,  and  then  he  fairly  conduced  m^ 
out  of  the  Lodge.  And  fo  I  took  my  leave  :  ha- 
ving before  hinted  to  them,  that  I  did  not  de- 
fign  to  wait  on  them  any  more  about  thefe  Mat- 
ters, but  to  leave  them  to  do  as  they  pleas'd  there- 
in ;  which  Refolution  I  kept  till  Monday  accord- 
ingly. For  when  on  Sunday  I  was  again  fum- 
mon'd  by  Mr.  Ativood,  to  appear  the  next  Day  at 
Three  a  Clock,  I  made  this  Anfwer,  That  I  faw 
no  occafion  for  appearing  any  more.  However, 
for  fome  Reafons,  I  afterward  alter'd  my  Mind, 
and  came  and  appeared  again  on  Monday,  in  a 
lower  Room  of  the  fame  Lodge,  before  the 
Heads,  who  were  now  Twelve  in  Number, 
whofe  Names  will  be  fet  down  prefently.  And 
upon  Mr.  Vicechancellor's  enquiring  of  me,  whe- 
ther I  came  difpofed  to  make  a  Retradation  of 
chofe  my  Errors,  concerning  which  he  had  be- 

A9fEMT>tX.  clxia 

fore  admoniflied  me  ?  Upon  Leave  given,  I 
read  the  following  Paper  as  my  Anfwer  5  and 
deliver'd  it  in  as  follows^  'verbatim. 

Mr,  Vicechanceltor^ 

J  Did  not  think  to  have  appeared  to  Day  at  aflfi 
becaufe  I  underftood  that  this  Meeting  was 
appointed  only  for  my  Retra6):ation,  for  which 
1  have  neither  had  any  confiderable  Time,  nor 
any  proper  Motives  for  Convidion  afforded  riie  ; 
and  fo  to  be  fure  I  cannot  be  difpofed  for  any 
fuch  thhig.  Nay^  indeed  I  cannot  allow  that 
any  Dodrines  contrary  to  thofe  of  the  Church 
of  Englandy  and  within  your  Cognizance  by  the 
49^^  Statute^  have  been  Legally  proved  upon  me* 
However^  I  have  thought  fit  to  appear  accord- 
ing to  the  Summons  given  me  Yefterday.  Whac 
I  have  at  prefent  to  Alledge  againfl  thefe  Pro- 
ceedings, befides  my  former  Exceptions  is.  That 
the  Advice  for  the  Study  of  Divinity  quoted  againft 
me,  was  written  about  Febuarj  lyog,  andthatthc 
Depofitions  as  to  what  I  faid  in  St.  dementis 
Church,  belong  to  the  Year  1708,  and  that  if 
I  committed  any  Offences  in  either  Cafe,  they 
are  fully  and  compleatly  forgiven  by  the  lafl:  A<ft 
'of  Her  Majeity's  moft  Gracious,  General,  and 
Free  Pardon,  which  therefore  I  do  here  plead 
in  Bar  to  all  farther  Proceedings.  And  I  do 
think  the  Moleltation  already  given  me,  is  Pe- 
nal by  that  Ad:.  As  to  Part  of  Mr.  Thackham^ 
Depofition,  which  may  feem  to  be  a  Uttle  later 
than  that  AcSt,  it  is  not  at  all  charg'd  upon  me 
in  the  Paper  deliver'd  to  me  as  the  whole  Charge 
againft  me  ;  and  fo  is  of  no  force  at  all.  And 
as  to  the  remaining  Charges,  that  from  the  other 
Part  of  Mr.  Thackhams  Depofition  is  onlv  that  I 
(U)  'vvoi*id 

clxiv  A79  ENDIX. 

^ould  not  ufe  a  Doxology,  which  our  Church, 
I  think,  never  ufes,  nor  enjoins  ;  and-  which 
ftands  on  the  alone  Footing  of  Dr.  Brady  and 
Mr.  Tate^  or  fuch  like  Private  Perfons.  And  the 
other,  concerning  theftiling  God  the  Father  the 
Otie  and  Only  God,  'tis  fo  exprefly  the  Language 
of  our  Church  in  the  Nicene  Creed,  and  in  the 
Colled  for  the  i8th  Sunday  2iktT  Trinity ,  that  I 
am  furpriz'd  at  its  being  in  this  manner  alledg'd 
againft  me.  But  fmce  you  have  given  no  time 
for  the  Examination  of  my  Legal  Exceptions, 
nor  for  my  own  Anfwer,  I  publickly  Proteffc 
againft  your  Proceedings,  and  defire  that  my 
Proteftation  may  be  entred  into  the  Records  of 
the  Univerfity. 

OM.  qo.  WILL.  W HIS  TON. 


Affoon  as  1  had  delivered  this  Paper,  and  had 
owned  to  the  Vicechancellor  that  it  contained 
all  that  I  had  to  fay  at  prefent,  I  took  my  Leave. 
Whereupon,  the  Vicechancellor  and  the  Heads 
foon  came  to  a  Refolution  to  Banifli  or  Expel 
me  ;  as  the  following  Publick  A6t  will  inform 
the  Reader  ;  A  true  Copy  of  which  fliall  be  hera^ 
fet  down. 


ATTEND  IX,  clxv 

OHoher  :;oth,   171  o. 

At  a  Meetmg  of  Mr.  Vicechancellor^  and  the  Heads 
of  Colleges  in  the  Unlverfity  of  Gambridge,  in 
the  Vicechancellor  5  Chamber^  in  King'i  College^ 
in  the  [aid  Unlverfity, 

Whereas  it  hath  been  proved  before  Us,  That 
IVilliam  J4^hifironj  Mafter  of  Arts,  Mathematick 
Profeffor  of  this  Univerfiiy,  hath  alTerted  and 
fpread  about  in  Cambridge^  lince  the  19th  Day  of 
April ^  1709.  divers  Tenets  againft  Religion,  re- 
ceiv'd  and  eftabhfli'd  by  Publick  Authority  in 
this  Realm,  contrary  to  the  Forty  Fifth  Statute 
of  this  Univerfity.  And  whereas,  the  faid  Wil- 
liam JVhifion  being  required  and  exhorted  by  Mr, 
Vicechancellor,  to  confefs  and  retra6l  his  Error 
and  Temerity  in  fo  doing,  did  refufe  to  make 
any  fuch  Confeffion  and  Retradation  ;  It  is 
therefore  agreed  and  refolv'd  by  Us,  the  Vice- 
clianceIIor,and  Heads  of  Colleges,whofe  Names 
are  here  under-written,that  the  laid  William  Win- 
fion  hath  incurred  the  Penalty  of  the  forefaid 
Statute,  and  that  he  be  Banifhed  from  this  Uni- 
verfity according  to  the  Tenor  of  the  flime. 
C.  Roderick y  Vicechancellor  ;  Jo.  Ellys,  Humf. 
GoiiKr,  Hen.  Jawes,  5.  Blithe,  Joh.  Covel,  Jo, 
Balderfion,  Gabr.  ^adring,  Tho.  Richardfon,  Ch, 
Afiton,  Bardfey  Fifljer,  Edw,  Lany,  Unde  'vsfiera- 
hilis  ^ir  Dr.  Roderick,  Domlnus  Procancellaritts,  affi^ 
dentibus  c^  confentientibusjohanne  Ellys  Milite^  Do- 
tiore  Go7ver,  Dociore  James,  Do^ore  Blithe,  Doctore 
Covel,  Dochre  Balderfion,  Dociore  ^^adring,  Doclcrs 
Richardfon,  DoBore  Ajliton,  Dochre  Fijher,  DoHore 
Lany,  Collegiorum  Fr^feclis,  fcfUentiam  ferendo  de~ 
creVity     declaravit,  &  fronimcidvit   Vront  Jeqtthitr, 

(JO  i'» 

dxvi  ATTENT>IX. 

In  the  Name  of  God^  Amen,  I  Charts  Roderick^ 
Vicechaneellor  of  this  Univerfity,  do  decree, 
declare^  and  pronounce,  that  Mr.  William  Whi- 
fion,  Mathematick  Profefibr  of  this  Univerfity, 
having  afferted  and  fpread  abroad  divers  Tenets 
contrary  to  Religion  receiv'd  and  eftablifh'd  by 
Publick  Authority  in  this  Realm,  hath  incurred 
the  Penalty  of  the  Statute,  and  that  he  is  Ba- 
niflied  from  this  Univerfity. 

Lata  fait  hujufmodi  fententla  per  JiBum  Dominum 
'Procancellarium,  frafente  me  Roberto  Groove ^Not^ 
Tub,  &  AlmaUnrjerfitatis prucdiBa Regiftrario^ 

Now  the  Reader  is  here  to  Obferve,  that  fince 
all  the  Depofitions  concerning  St.  Clement's 
Church  are  here  given  up,  as  being  long  before 
the  19th  of  Afril,  1709,  the  Date  for  the  Ad 
of  Pardon ;  fmce  the  Paffages  quoted  out  of  the 
Ad'vicefor  the  Study  of  Divinity,  were  written  ftill 
earlier,  and  there  is  no  pretence  of  the  lead  Evi- 
dence that  I  any  way  publifh'd  it  in  Cambridge  ; 
and  fmcc  one  Part  of  Mr.  Thackham's  Evidence 
is  made  no  ufe  of  at  all  in  this  Matter,  'Tis  plain 
that  thisBanifhment  orExpulfion  is  folely  ground- 
^^^*^'^  5.  ed  on  thefe  Three  Things.  (i.J  My  affirming 
*  ^^^'  '  ■  with  our  Saviour,  St.  Faul,  the  Nicene,  and  all 
the  Original  Creeds,  and  moft  Ancient  Fathers^ 
that  the  One  and  OrAy  God  of  the  Chrifiians,  is  God 
the  Father.  (2.)  My  Aflerting  an  undoubted  Mat- 
ter of  Fad,  that  the  Original  Chriftian  Doxo- 
logy  was  not  the  Common  One,  but  Glory  be  to 
the  Father,  through  the  Son,  or,  and  the  Son,  in  the 
Jdfoly  Ghofi,  (q.)  My  Propojing  to  prove  that  the 
Confiitutions  and  DoBvine  of  the  Afo files,  are  Sacred 
|looks  pf  the  New  J^ft^mem  1  and  the  former 


ATTEN'DIX.  clxvii 

of  them,  the    tnofi  Sacred  of  the  Canonical  Booksy 
which  in  time  will  appear  to  be  undoubtedly 
true  alfo.     And  all  this  is  done  without  the  leaft 
Oifer  at  any  Examination  into  the  Truth  or  Fal- 
fliood   of  the  fame  AlTertions,  and  fo  without 
knowing  whether  the  whole  Proceeding  be  not 
directly  Fighting  again/^  God,  and  Oppojing  and  Per- 
fecuttng  the  Gofpel  and  Religion  of  Chrifi  Jefus.  And 
if  it  prove  fo  at  laft,  the  Authors  had  need  to 
think  of  that  timely  Repentance  and  Retrada- 
tion  which  they  required  at  my  Hands,  left  their 
prefent  Authority,  and  Pretence  of  an  Univer- 
fity  Statute,  fhould  be  too  little  to  excufe  them 
at  the  Day  of  Judgment. 

But  who  fliould  be  the  fecret  Movers,  or  what 
fhould  be  the  fecret  Reafons  why,  after  fo  long 
a  Forbearance,  theVicechancellorand  the  Heads 
fliould  all  on  a  fudden,  in  this  violent  manner, 
refolve  to  Cenfure  and  Expel  me,  is  too  deep  a 
Myftery  for  me  authentickly  to  dive  into,  and 
fo  I  muft  leave  it  to  another  Tribunal.  For  cer- 
tainly it  could  not  be  the  Vicechancellor's  own 
Motion  originally,  fince  he  had  forborn  me  all 
along,  and  was  now  in  a  manner  out  of  his 
Office,  and  was  ever  remarkable  for  Caution 
and  Deliberation  in  all  his  Proceedings^:  Efpe- 
cially  when  I  fuppofe,  that  neither  himfelf,  nor 
indeed  the  Major  Part  of  his  AffelTors,  do  at  all 
pretend  to  have  particularly  Examined  the  Mat- 
ters themfelves,  concerning  which  they  took  up- 
on them  to  be  Judges ;  but  went  plainly  at  Ran- 
dom, by  their  own  Interpretation  of  an  Old  Sta- 
tute, to  Perfecute  an  Innocent  Pcrfon  for  the 
fake  of  what  they  rafhly  call  Onhodoxy,  I  ven- 
ture to  ftile  my  felt  an  In?jocent  Pcrfon,  notwirh- 
Handing  this  their  Sentence  againft  me,  becaufe 
I  believe  that  every,  one  of  my  Judges  acquits 

r  I  4 )  me 

tkviii         ATT  END  IX. 

me  in  his  own  Confclence^  from  any  bafe  or 
finifter  Defign  ,   and  is  fatisfy'd,  that  I  did  no 
other  than  what  is  certainly  every  Chriftian's 
Duty  ;  'vlz».  The  Deelaring  plainly  what,  upon 
the  moft  compleat  Examination^  I  was  fatisfy'd 
were  the  certain  Truths  and  Duties  of  Chriftia- 
nity  :  For   which  yet,  without  fuch  Examina- 
tion, they  have  now  ventured  to  Cenfure  and 
Expel  me.  Which  things  I  own  I  durft  not  have 
had  a  Hand  in,  in  any  like  Cafe,  for  any  Con- 
fideration  whatfoever.     But  tho'  they  were  my 
Judges,  I  am  not  theirs  :  To  their  own  Mafier  they 
'wuft  fiand  or  fall.     And  therefore    I   can  only 
commit  my  Caufe  to  God,  the  juft  Judge  of  all 
the  World,  and  leave  it  in  his  righteous  Hands 
^o  determine  between  us.    However,  I  do  hear- 
tily wifh  and  hope,  that  as  foon  as  my  Papers 
are  publifh'd,  they  will  flill  ferioully  confider 
them,  and  foberly  reconllder  this  whole  Mat- 
ter ;  and  that  their  fmcere  Repentance  and  Re- 
tradation  will  prevent  the  Danger  of  any  fu- 
ture Punifliment  from  God  upon  them,  from 
that  God  Tpho  defireth  not  the  Death  of  a  Sinner^  but 
his  Re'pentd?}ce. 

Thus  ended  this  Univerfity  Profecution  and 
Banifliment  of  me  ;  ac  leaft,  this  is  all  that  has 
been  done  till  the  Date  of  thefe  Papers,  with- 
out the  leaft  regard  to  Mr.  Lucas's  Statutes,  or  to 
my  Mathematick  PiofeiTorfliip  depending  there- 
on :  And  fo  without  the  diredaffedingme  as  Mr. 
Lucas's  Profeffor :  How  plainly  foever  they  have 
(depriv'd  me  of  that  Memberfhip  of  thcUniverfitv, 
which  till  now,  either  by  Right  or  by  Courteiy, 
1  was  entitled  to.So  I  fliall  go  on  no  farther  with 
this  Narration.I  fay  in  the  main,  affecting  me  as 
Kir.  Lucas's  Profeffor  only,  meaning  thereby  that 
I  claim  ftill,  notvv^irhftanding  this  Expulfion  or 
|3ani(hment;,  to  be  Profeffor  of  the  M-athema- 


ATTENTHX.  clxlx 

ticks  of  Mr.  Lucas's  Foundation  ;  and  have  ac- 
cordingly a  juft  Right  to  the  Profits  thereof,  up- 
on my  doing  that  Duty  by  a  Deputy,  (as  the 
Statutes  dired  on  a  long  Abfence)  which  I  can- 
not fo  well  do  in  Perfon.     Otherwife,  this  Ex- 
pulfion  muff:  affeB  me  fenfibly  enough^  in  refped: 
of  my  Maintenance  :  Since  the  Allowance  to  z 
Deputy^  and  the  Lofs  of  the  Advantages  former- 
ly :{nfm2;  from  the  Courfes  of  Experiments,  to 
fay  nothing  of  thofe  from  Teaching  privately 
in  C.i7nhridge^  and  the  Charges  and  Lofles  of  a 
Removal^  cannot  well  be  eftimated  under  ^o  /. 
a  Year,  which   is  a  great  Deduction  out  of  a 
fmall  Subfiftence.     Nay,  there  want  not  thofe 
who  would  ftrain  this  Expulfion  from  the  Uni- 
verfity  to  a  Deprivation,  as  to  my  Profefforfhip, 
and  fo  would  deprive  me  of  almoft  all,  but  what 
the  Charity  and  Kindnefs  of  Friends  mightafford 
me.     Which  laffc  Method  of  Support  is  alfo  by 
fome  envied,  and  complained  of  before-hand, 
as  if  there  were  no  way  to  fatisfy  their  Zeal 
againft  me,  but  by  feeing  me  and  my  Family         • 
reduced   to  the  utmoft  Poverty  and   Diftrefs, 
without  a  Friend  to  fupport  and  relieve  me.  But 
before  I  conclude,  I  can  hardly  avoid  faying 
here,  that  I  take  the  true  Original  Caufe  of  this 
Severity  to  be  plainly  this,  That  I  have  written 
feveral  UnanfwerahU  Books,  which  are  therefore 
a  terrible  Eye-fore  to  thofe  who  are  more  con- 
cern'd  for  Modern  Orthodoxy,  and  the  pretend- 
ed  Power  of  the-Church  in  Controverfies  of 
Faith,  than  for  the  pure  and  undefil'd  Religion 
of  Chrift  Jefus.     So  that  when  it  appear'd,  as  it 
has  done  for  a  confiderable  time,  that  none  of 
the  Learned  could  or  durft  undertake  the  An- 
fvvering  me,  in  the  way  of  Reafon,  Argument, 
and  Teflimony,  This  Method  of  Enfnaring  me 
by  an  Old  Statute  was  thought  of.    And  I  ven- 
'  ture 

clxx  AT  TENT) IX. 

ture  to  fay  this,the  rather,  becaufe  that  Ofen^  that 
Unanfwerahle  Challenge  I  made  in  the  Fofifcrip 
of  Ignatius  to  the  Orthodox,  to  fhew  but  one  fin- 
gle  Catholick  Teftimony  before  the  Days  of 
JthanaftHs^  which  affirm'd  the  Father,  Son,  and 
Holy  Ghcft  to  be  One  God,  or  the  One  Godoi  the 
Chriftian  Religion,  while  I  promis'd  above  an 
Hundred  Teftimonies  m  the  fame  time,that  God 
the  Father  was  that  One  God^  appears  to  have 
been  the  principal  Evidence  againft  me,   and 
that  which  was  moftpublickly  and  folemly  read 
to  me  by  the  Mafter  of  Pembroke,  as  the  main 
Article  of  my  Charge,  and  for  which  chiefly, 
I  am  Cenfur'd  and  Expell'd.     I  call  it  an  Open 
and   an  Unanfwerable  Challenge  :    And   I  here 
again  make  it  to  the  whole  Body  of  the  Cbri- 
fiian  World  ;  and  do  venture  in  the  moft  folemn 
manner,  to  Appeal  to  the  Confciences   of  all 
the  truly  Learned,  whether  what  I  have  affirm'd 
on  this  Head,  be  not  undoubtedly  and  indifpu- 
tably  true ;  and  fo  whether  I  am  not  Cenfur'd 
and  Expell'd,  for  owning  my  felf  a  Chriftian  ; 
nay,  I  may  add,  for  alTerting  the  firft  and  moft 
Fundamental  Dodrine  of  the  whole  Chriftian 
Religion.     I  know  this  repeated  Challenge  may 
be  moft  eafily  Anfwer'd,  in  the  fame  way  that 
the  former  was,  by  a  repeated  Ccnfure  :  For  in 
any  other  way,  I  am  fure  it  cannot.     And  if 
that  be  again  put  in  Practice  by  any  fuch  like 
Body  of  this  Church,  I  fliall  only  beg  one  Fa- 
vour, That  thofe  who  do  it,  will  deal  plainly, 
and  declare  that  they  are  not,  nor  do  pretend  to 
be  Chrlftians,  but  Members  of  the  Church  of  England 
only  ;  Or  atleaft,  that  they  are  juft  fo  farChri- 
ftlans,  as  the  Original  Dodrines  and  Duties  of 
Chriftianity,  are   agreeable  to  thofe  that  the 
XXXIX  Articles,  the  Book  of  Homilies,  and 


jiTT  ENDIX.  clxxi 

the  Common- Prayer-Book  contain,  but  no  far- 
ther. And  then  it  will  be  fome  fmall  Satisfadi- 
on  to  have  the  World  know,  that  as  in  Popifli 
Countries  Chriftianity  is  generally  no  farther  be- 
liev'd  and  obey'd,  than  it  is  agreeable  to  the  De- 
crees and  Practices  of  the  Church  of  Rome^  fo 
that  in  this  Proteftant,  this  Reformed  Country, 
the  Cafe  is  the  very  fame  ;  only  with  this  Diffe- 
rence, that  the  former  pretends  to  that  Infalli- 
bility and  Dominion  over  Confcience,  which 
the  latter  difclaims;  and  by  confequence,  that 
the  latter  is,  of  the  two,  in  this  Matter,  the 
moit  plainly  unjuftifiable  and  inexeufable.  How- 
ever, as  to  my  being  condemned  for  afferting 
what  was  undeniable  and  unanfwerable,  we 
have  a  famous  Parallel  Example  in  the  Sa- 
cred Hiftory.  For  truly  juft  fo  it  was  in  the 
Cafe  of  the  Protomartyr  St.  Stephen,  all  due 
Allowance  for  the  great  difference  of  the  Per- 
fons  concern'd,  and  of  their  Circumftances,  be- 
ing ftill  made.  For  when  the  Jev^s  were  not  able  j^Bs  6. 30, 
Xo  refifl  the  Wifdom  and  the  Spirit  by  which  be  fpake^  ^c, 
they  drew  him  into  their  Confiftory,  and  Ac- 
cus'd  him  there.  And  when  they  could  not  find 
any  fair  Reply  to  the  Force  of  hisReafcning,?'/^^/  ch.  7.  5-4. 
ivere  cut  to  the  Hearty  andgnajlicd  ufon  him  with  their 
Teeth.  And  immediately,  without  any  other  For- 
mality of  Law,  put  him  to  a  violent  Death. 
Then  they  cried  out  with  a  loud  Voice ^  and  flopped  their  v,  57-  J  ^^ 
E^rs  and  ran  upon  with  one  accord^  and  cafi  him  out 
of  the  Cityy  and  ftoned  him.  Whether  this  Vio- 
lence towards  me,may  not  end  in  fome  Attempts 
not  very  different  from  that  Cafe,  I  cannot  tell. 
However,  I  fhall  venture  to  ufe  his  dying  Peti- 
tion for  all  my  Perfecutors  ^  Lord^  lay  not  this  Sin  v.  (Jq, 
tp  their  Charge f 


clxxii  ATTENDIX. 

But  now,  if  after  all,  the  Reader  be  defirous 
to  know  what  fort  of  Anfwer  I  fhould  have  made 
to  the  prefent  Accufation,  had  I  had  competent 
time  allow'd  me,  I  fliall  plainly  tell  him  in  a  few 
Words.  I  intended  therein  to  have  ftated  fome 
of  my  Opinions  more  fully  and  clearly  than  the 
Evidence  produc'd  did  inform  my  Judges  :  And 
in  order  to  fhew  that  then  they  were  not  fo  con- 
trary to  the  Doctrine  and  Settlement  of  the 
Church  of  England  as  they  fuppos'd,  I  defign  d 
to  have  infiftcd  on  fuch  Heads  as  thefe  : 

To  have  fliew'd, 

(i  J  That  the  Proteftant  Religion  in  general, 
and  the  Church  of  England  in  particular,  were 
begun  upon  this  Foot  ;  I  mean  the  Acknow- 
ledgment of  the  Churches  Errors,  and  the  At- 
tempt for  the  Correction  of  the  fame,  even  with 
the  Hazard  of  the  very  Lives  themfelves  of 
the  Reformers. 

(z.)  That  they  are  both  built  on  the  Founda- 
tion of  the  Hofy  Scriptures,  and  moil  Primi- 
tive Writers  ;  and  always  own  that  all  Errors, 
when  difcover'd,  are  to  be  amended  by  thofe 
Original  Standards. 

(;.)  That  all  Proteftants,  and  particularly  the 
Members  of  this  Church,  do  unanimoufly  own 
the  Fallibility  of  all  Councils  and  Churches  ; 
and  fo  cannot  be  furpriz*d,  if,  in  Points  never 
yet  brought  to  a  fair  and  publick  Examination, 
fome  Errors  be  fuppos'd  itill  remaining  among 

(4.)  That 

'AT  TENT)  IX,  clxxiii 

(4.)  That  accordingly  they  have  generally 
found  Reafon  to  alter  their  Opinions  in  feveral 
Doctrines  of  Confequence,  as  our  Church  has 
in  particular  about  the  Predcftinarian  Points  : 
Nay^  they  have  generally,  even  our  Church 
her  felf,  found  Reafon  to  alter  feveral  Practices 
of  Confequence  alfo,  fince  the  time  of  the  Re- 
formation. And  fo  it  can  feem  no  Wonder,  if 
there  fhould  appear  Occafion  for  the  like  farther 
Enquiries  and  Alterations  at  this  Day, 

(j.)  That  in  the  grand  Point  before  us,that  of 
the  Trinity  it  felf.  Our  Church  fometimes  fpeaks 
according  to  thofe  Ancient  Notions  which  I  ad- 
vance ;  nay,  commonly  Prays  and  Pradifes 
agreeably  thereto.  So  that  the  Corrections  I 
plead  for  M^ould  rather  be  the  rendring  the 
Church's  Language  and  Pradice  all  of  a  Piece, 
than  the  entire  Subverfion  and  Alteration  of  the 

{6.)  That  the  mofi:  Learned  and  Impartial,' 
both  Papifts  and  Proteftants,  and  thofe  of  our 
Church  in  particular,  have  in  this  laft  Age  been 
f  orc'd  to  leave  the  vulgar  Notions  in  that  Mat- 
ter, and  to  come  ftiU  nearer  and  nearer,  to  that 
moft  Primitive  and  Rational  Account  which  I 
plead  for,  as  appears  by  Erafmus,  Grotms^  Peta^ 
'vius,  Huetlusy  Dr.  Cudworth,  Bp.  Tearfon^  Bp. 
BuU^  the  Bp.  of  Gloucefier,  Mr.  Locke,  and  many 
others.  So  that  my  Notions  are  fo  far  from  New, 
that  they  are  rather  the  proper  and  laft  Re- 
fult  of  the  Enquiries  of  the  Learned  fmce  the 

(7.)  That  fince  I  have  taken  all  along  the 
moft  Peaceable,  Chriftian>.and  Inoffenfive  Me- 
thods   • 

thods  of  bringing  thefe  Important  Points  to  t 
fair  Examination  ;  and  have  ftilllaid  my  Papers 
before  the  Governors  of  the  Church,  and  the 
Learned  Members  of  it,  for  their  Confideration, 
and  the  neceffary  Corredions ;  I  have  no  way 
offended  againft  the  Laws  of  the  Land,  or  even 
the  Statutes  of  the  Univerfity,  as  to  their  main 
Defign  and  Intention  ;  which  can  never  be  fup- 
pos'd  to  be  the  Punifliment  of  an  Honeft  and 
Innocent  Man,  when  in  fo  fair,  quiet,  and 
open  a  manner,  he  propofes  Sacred  Books,  Do- 
ctrines, and  Duties  of  the  Gofpel,  to  the  ferious 
Confideration  of  the  Chriftian  World.  How- 
ever, if  the  Laws  of  the  Kingdom,  or  Statutes 
of  the  Univerfity  be  fo  Expounded,  as  to  for- 
bid any  thing  that  the  Laws  of  God,  and  of  the 
Gofpel  require,  I  know  which  I  am  to  obey* 
.rffff/4..  iQ.  ^^^^^^^  ^'^  he  right  In  the  fight  of  God ^  to  hearken  tin-' 
to  you  more  than  unto  God,  judge  ye.  For  -ive  cannot 
hut  fpeak  the  things  which  we  have  feen  and  heard, 

Thefe  were  uich  Heads  as  I  intended  more 
largely  and  fully  to  havepurfu'd,  had  I  had  time 
allow'd  me  for  my  Anfwer.  But  fmce  I  was  not 
afforded  that,  I  fhall  wave  the  farther  Profecu- 
tion  of  them  :  And  conclude,  not  only  with 
the  Declaration  of  the  Readinefs  of  my  Submiffi- 
on  to  any  Punifhment,  which  my  Governors  in 
any  fort  do  Legally  infiicl  upon  me ;  but  with 
my  hearty  Thanks  to  the  Divine  Providence, 
which  has  difpos'd  of  me  into  this  Kingdom  of 
Freedom  and  Liberty,  where  'tis  not  very  much 
that  by  the  Laws  can  be  laid  upon  me  for  the 
fake  of  my  Confcience  :  Where  therefore  with 
fmall  Legal  Hazard  I  can  greatly  promote  the 
true  Religion  of  Chrift  Jelus ;  and  that  I  am 
not  in  Sfain  or  Vortugaly  or  the  like  Countries, 
•     fubjed  to  the  Teri-or  of  a  Popifh  Inqulfitron  ; 


AT  9 END IX.  clxxt 

wherein  the  fpeaking  or  writing  a  fmall  Part  of 
what  I  have  here  fpoken  and  written,  would 
certainly  have  condemned  me  to  a  loathfome 
Dungeon,  and  to  an  Ignominious  Death.    The 
utmoft  Severities  of  which  I  hope  I  fliould  yet, 
by  God's  Grace,  have  endur'd,  rather  than  have 
retracted  and  renounced  what,  upon  fuch  full 
and  undoubted  Evidence,  I  am  entirely  fatisfy'd, 
is  part  of  the  Revelation  of  God  by  his  Son 
Chrift  Jefus.     If  any  Man  come  to  me^  and  hate  not  ^«^^    14* 
his  Father y  and  Mother y  and  JVlfey  and  Children^  and  *  * 
Brethren,    and  Sifiersy  yea,  and  his  own  Life  alfoy 
He  cannot  he  my  Difci^le,     And  whofoever  doth  not 
hear  his  Crofsy  and  come  after  me,  cannot  he  my  Dif- 
ciple,     I  End  the  whole  with  our  Saviour's  own 
Words,  which  in  fome  fmall  degree  do  now 
plainly  belong  to  me  ;  BleJJed  are  they  which   are  Matt. $.10'; 
ferfecuted  for    Righteoufnefs  fakcy  for  theirs  is  the 
Kingdom  of  Heaven,     Which  Blejfednefsy  I  own  I 
had  rather  have  a  Share  in,  than  in  all  the  dan- 
gerous  and  enfnaring  Pomp  of  this  Vain  and 
Tranfitory  World. 

Decemh,2:^.  WILL,    WHISTON, 





An  Account  of  the  Convocation'^ 
'Proceedings  with  relation  to 
Mr.  Whifton, 

WH  E  N  my  Hlfiorkal  Preface  had  been 
publifiied  near  Two  Months^  on 
March  I.  i7n.  I  was  inform'd  thac 
;tiy  Affair  began  to  be  talk'd  of  privately  among 
the  Members  of  the  Convocation,  and  that 
they  foon  intended  to  do  fomewhat  therein  : 
Thatfomeof  the  Leading  Men  in  the  Lower 
Houfe  had  been  Difcourfing  about  it  ;  and 
that  they  feem'd  to  have  fome  Thoughts  of 
Appointing  a  finall  Committee  of  their  own 
Houfe,  during  the  Summer  Interval  of  Convo- 
cation, to  examine  my  Papers,  and  give  in  rheir 
Report  the  next  Winter.  I  fufpeded  this  might 
be  fo  flight  a  way ,  as  fhould  rather  give  a  Co- 
lour for  a  Defire  of  my  not  Printing  this  Sum- 
mer, than  be  of  any  great  Service  to  me ,  or 
the  Publick.  I  guarded  therefore  agc^iiift  that 
Danger  •  and  was  unwilling  to  promife  any 
Delay  of  Printing ,  but  upon  the  Affurance  of 
H  very  full ,  free  ,  and  folemn  Examinarion  ; 
and  yet  was  very  ready  to  lay  my  Papers  be- 
fore any  Committee  of  Convocacion  whatfo- 

eV€f,  .      / 

a  Second  ATTEK'D  IX 

And  by  the  way,  this  fmaH  Tendency  to-^ 
wards  Examination  in  the  Lower  Houfe,  with 
one  more  Open  Propofal  of  the  fame  Exa^ 
mination  by  a  Right  Reverend  Prelate  in  the 
Upper,  were  all  the  direct  Attempts  of  that 
nature,  fo  far  as  I  have  heard,  which  aippear'd 
during  the  whole  Convocation. 

A  few  Days  after ,  while  I  partly  expelled 
a  Meffage  from  the  Lower  Houfe;  that  I  migbc 
not  be  furpriz'd,  I  drew  up  an  Anfwer  thereto, 
in  cafe  it  fhould  have  prov'd  as  I  then  expelled. 
Which  Anfwer,  tho'  never  fent ,  becaufe  I  had 
no  fuch  Meflage ,  fliall  be  here  inferted  ;  that 
the  Reader  may  fully  know  my  Thoughts  on 
that  Occafion. 

Umon-Courfy  near  Elj-Houfe^ 
Hothourn.  March    17^. 

Mr.  Prolocutor, 

Since  the   Convocation  has  been   pleafed  fo 
far  to  take  Notice  of  me  and  my  Defigns 
as  to  defire  my  Papers,  and  to  appoint  a  Com-  \ 
mittee  to  Examine  them  ;  I  take  this  Opportu-' 
nity  of  particularly  Addrefling  my  felf  to  them, 
^ni  of  Laying  before  them,  with  all  due  Hu- 
mility and  Submiffion,    what  it  is  that  I  hope 
for,  and  infift  upon   in  this  Matter.  And  I  do 
it  the  more  readily,  not  only  becaufe  the  Great 
and  Important  Concerns  of  True  Religion^  of 
the  Faith  and  Pradice  of  Chriftians,  of  the 
Peace  of  the  Church,  and  of  the  Duty  and  Ho- 
nour of  the  Clergy  are  therein  moft  deeply  con- 
cern'di    but    becaufe,  if  this  be  negle^ed,  I 


to  the  Hifiorical  Treface. 

may  not  have  fuch  another  Opportunity  oE 
Laving  open  mv  Thoughts  and  Defires  before 
this  Church  and  Nation.  I  need  not  be  very 
large  here^  becaufe  that  Hifiorical  Preface  which 
J  larelv  Dedicated  to  you,  and  which  I 
fuppofe  you  ha^e  all  feen,  does  in  great  Part 
prev  jnt  me,  and  fhew  my  real  Thoughts,  Dif- 
cove'-ies,  and  Defires,  to  you  and  the  Thri- 
li:ian  World.  Only  I  cannot  bu--  now  obteft, 
anr^  conjure  you,  by  all  the  mod  faced  Ties  and 
Oblieations  which  lye  upon  you,  as  Men,  as 
Ghriftians,  as  Minifters  of  Religion,  and  Re- 
prefentatives  of  the  main  Part  of  the  Eftablifh'd 
National  Chirch ;  as  vou  all  arc,  or  pretend  to 
be,  in  Earneft  for  Truth  and  Genuine  Chriftia- 
ni:y  ;  and  as  you  all  equally  Vvi'rh  me  mufl  give 
an  Account  to  our  common  I  ord,  of  your  Ma- 
nagement in  this  W  ighty  Matter  at  the  g^eat 
Day;  That  laying ';»flde  all  other  Regards  of  Par- 
ty, and  Policy,  and  Names  of  DilHn-licn,  you 
^  ill  join  wi:h  me  in  the  through  Exat  lin '"lion 
'  rrial  Difccvery  of  thofe  Orif;iran  rcths 
-:3  of  our  common  C  .h;-iO:iani"y,  v/hicH 
reprefent  to  you,  and  lay  before  you. 
done  my  utmoft  in  thofe  Matters  my 
Ar  '  a'^.  "are  T  c^n  f?^' '.y  '^ffir^m,  that  I 
h -^e  '^hin^^  .  to  propofc  a  y(;)u  highly  worthy 
yjur  mcft  fol^  nn  and  publick  Confideration  ; 
anr<  fuch  ?s  rught  not  to  receh^e  any  farther  De- 
lay frc.n  you."^  Wh.ji  H'ly^b  the,  Hi.^h-Pri-^.lt 
found  the  origina^  compleate  Book  of  the  Mojlz- 
/V/.  Taw,  he  v^^as  not  reprimanded  a-nd  di^cou- 
rag'd  from  producing  it;  but  had  it  carried  im-^ 
m^c^.iate.^y  by  Sh/iphm  the  Scribe  to  e:cod  King 
j.yfiah,  and  found  prefenrly  a  Reformation  ac- 
t:or^ino;to  it  undcrtAk;_n  by  him.  Kow,  to  lay 
no-hing  of  my  other  Papers,  I  do  v^^-ily  beb'f  ve 
ihave  found  a  grearer  Treafure^  the  Originril 
(  -^  a  )  Boofe 


Second  AT  T  E  N  7)  I X 

Book  of  the  Chriftian  Law  ,  the  Conftitutlons  of 
the  Af 0 files y  with  their  Doctrine,  and  the   Genu- 
ine Epfiles  of  Ignatius  giving  undeniable  Attefta- 
tion  to  them.     And  fhall  I  not  be  permitted  o- 
penly  to  produce  the  Books ,  and    publickly  to 
alledge  their  Credentials  before  the  Minillers  of 
that  BlelTed  Lord,  whofe  Appointments,  whofe 
facred  and  unalterable  Appointments  are  there- 
in contain'd  ?  Mull  I  be  oblig'd  to  leave  the 
Learned  among  the  Clergy,  and  try  whether 
the  Laity,  even  the  honeil,  and  commonly  un- 
learned Chriilian  Laity  will  hear  me  ?  This  is 
what  I  am  greatly  afraid  of,  and  would  fain  pre- 
vent if  poffible.     I  earneftly  defire  that  the  Ho- 
nour of  this  great  Reformation,  which  mull  en- 
fue,  may  belong  firft  of  all  to  the  Clergy,  nay 
to  the  Clergy  of  this  Church  ,  among  whom  I 
have  the  Honour  to  be  my  felf  numbred  :  And 
that  all  Dangers  of  Schifm  or  Diffention  ,  with 
all  other  Inconveniences  both  as  to  Church  and 
State,  may  be  entirely  avoided  by  the  Care  and 
Chriftian  Endeavours  of  the  Bifliops  and  Cler- 
gy of  the  fame.     I  fay  of  the  Bifliops  and  Cler- 
gy of  this  Church  :  For  I  muft  freely  own  that 
till  the  Bifiiops  and  Clergy  ,  or  both  Houfes  of 
Convocation,  do  publickly  Join  in  recommend- 
ing thefe  weighty  Matters  to  a  feled  Number  of 
the  moft  Learned,  whether  in  or  out  of  Convo- 
cation, with  a  folemn  Commiffion  and  Charge 
to  Examine  throughly  ,  and  fpeak  their  Minds 
freely  and  openly,  and  a  like  folemn  Promife  to 
endeavour    immediately    the     Corredion    of 
thofe    Things    which    on    fuch   Examination 
fliall  appear  not    agreeable    to    the    original 
Settlements  of  Chriftianity,  I  fiiall  not  look  on 
any  leifer  Attempts  of  this  Nature  to  be  of  any 
Confequence  at  all ;  nor  fliall  be  moved  by  them 
to  put  any  Hop  to  my  own  Defigns  on  their  Ac- 

to  the  Hiflorical  Treface. 

count.    This  is  my  real  Senfe  and  Refolution. 
And  if  thefe  moft  Sacred  Matters  may  not  by 
the  Convocation  be  thought  worthy  of  fuch  a 
publick  Confideration,  they  cannot  but  be  fup- 
pos'd   to  be  plainly  flighted  and  negleded  by 
them.     Not  that  I  {hall  refufe  Copies  of  my  Pa- 
pers to  either  Houfe  ,  or  to  any  Committee  of 
either  Houfe,  in  any  way  which  fhall  be  defired 
by  them  :  But  that  I  look  upon  any  other  Me- 
thod as  of  fmall  Confequence  ,  and  utterly  be- 
neath the  Dignity  and  Weight  of  thefe  Con- 
cerns ;  as  indeed  rather  tending  to  avoid  the  Im- 
putation of  an  open  Refufal  of  Enquiry  ,  than 
to  a  through  Search,  Examination,  and  Refor- 
mation.    I  have  however  herewith  fent  my  Dif- 
fertation  on  the  Efi files  of  Ignatius,  to  be  perus'd 
by  all  that  pleafe,  before  the  rifmg  of  the  Con- 
vocation :  And  whenever  any  Committee  (hall 
defii-e  the  reft  of  my  Papers  ,  I  will  take  all  the 
Care  I  can  that  they  may  have  Copies  of  them, 
and  that  as  long  as  they  pleafe :  So  far  I  mean 
as  fhall  be  confiftent  with  my  Obligation  to  the 
Printing  and  Publifliing  my  Four  Volumes  this 
Summer :  Which  indeed  I  am  fo  far  engag'd  in, 
and  the  Subfcribers  may  fo  juftly  expect  it  from 
me,  that  nothing  lefs  than  what  I  have  already 
mention  d  can  juftify  me  in  putting  a  ftop  there- 
to.    I  have  no!:hing  more  to  add,  but  to  implore 
the  Divine  Bleffing  on  your  Confultations  ,•  and 
to  p;-ay  that  all  may  at  laft  tend  to  the  compleaf 
Difcovery  of  Divine  Truth  ,  to  the  entire  Cor^ 
recflion  of  modern  Errors  in  Faith  and  Pradice, 
and  to  the  Advancement  and  Haftening  of  the 
coming  of  the  Kingdom  of  our  Lord  and  Sa- 
viour.    All  which  is  fincerely  done  by, 

Tour  vtry  Humble  and  Obedient  Servant^ 


^  Second  JTTEKDIX 

But  all  my  Profped  of  Examination  foon  var 
nifiicd  away.For,after  a  fewDaysJ  had  aprivcJte 
Intimation  given  me  that  other  Meafures  were 
taken ;  and  that  I  was  to  be  publickly  Cenfur'd 
and  Exccmmunicated ,  without  the  Allowance 
of  any  Examination. 

Tliis  was  a  grear  Surprize  to  me  ^    and   not 
eafily  to  be  believed  ;    but  foon  appear'd  to  be 
too  true.     For  on  Friday ,  March  9.  there  were 
Three  Speeches  made  againft  me  in  the  Lower 
Houft  :   The  firft  by  a  Dean  y  who  having  the 
Hifiorlcd  Preface  in  his  Hand  .  and  Reading  out 
of  it  the  Cenfure  which  had  been  pafs'd  upon 
me  at  Cambridge ,    mov'd  that  an  Addrefo  might 
be  made  to  the  Upper  Houfe  ,    to  know  their 
Lordfhips  Opinion,  what  Notice  was  fit  for  the 
Convocation  to  take  of  that  Book,  which  was 
Dt^dicated  to  it.     This  was  feconded  by  a  long 
Speech  of  another  Dean  ,  which  agreed  to  the 
Motion,  and  tended  to  aggravate  my  Offence  • 
and  exprefs'd  his  utter  Abhorrence  of  my  Do- 
ftrine,  and  yet  great  Commiferation  to  my  Per- 
fon.     This  was  thirded  by  another  Member, 
who  w^  fhorter,  but  in  the  main  agreed  to  the 
Motion  ;  with  much  the  fame  Expreffions  of  ut- 
ter Abhorrence  of  my    DoArine  ,    and   great 
Commiferation  of  my  Perfon  ,    as    the    for- 
mer Dean  bad  us'd.     So  the  Houfe  agreed  to 
the  Motion.     But  before  this  Addrefs  came  up 
to  the  Upper  Houfe,  on  Wednefday  March  14.  the 
Bifhop  0^  Bath  and  Wells  made  a  vehement  Speech 
again{^  me  there  ;  and  mov'd  that  they  might 
proceed  with  me  as  a  Court.  This  was  not  then 
agreed  to  :  But  a  Committee  was  appointed  to 
yneet  on  Saturday  ^  March  1-7.  at  the  Bifhop  of 
Lincoln  Sy  to  confider  what  was  to  be  done  with 
Relation  to  me.    On  Friday ^  March  16.  the  be- 

to  the  Hiflorical  Treface. 

fore-mentioned  Addrefs  came  up  to  the  Upper 
Houfe  'j  and  a  Mc  tion  was  there  made ,  that 
Mr.  DodweWs  Eftfiolary  Dlfcourfe  concerning  the 
Natural  Mortality  of  Human  Souls  .  mighc  be  re- 
ferr'd  to  the  fame  Committee  •  which  was  a- 
greed  to  accordingly.  On  Saturday,  March  17, 
the  Committee  Cc^me  to  Two  Refolutions  i/i^s, 
Thar  they  thought  the  Convocation  might  pro- 
ceed as  a  Court  :  And  that  fince  the  Hiflorical 
Fnfice  was  dedicated  to  them  ,  it  was  proper  to 
take  notice  of  it.  The  fame  Day  I  fent  the 
following  I.etter  to  the  Bifhups  aifembled  in 
this  Committee ;  which  coming  a  little  too 
late  .  was  only  delivered  to  the  Lord  Bifhop 
pf  LJncolny  at  whofe  Houfe  they  met ;  and  fo  it 
was  fent  me  back  again.  It  was  in  thefts 

March  17.  17^. 
My  LORD Sy 

UNderftanding  that  you  are  to  Confider  a- 
bout  me  and  my  Opinions  this  Day ,  I 
thought  it  very  reafonable  and  proper  for  me  to 
make  my  Application  to  your  Lordfliips  ^  and 
with  all  due  Humility  and  Submiflion  to  defire 
a  fair  and  publick  Examination  of  my  MSS.  Pa- 
pers, before  any  Cenfure  be  paft  upon  me.  The 
Hifiorical  "preface  has  fuch  entireRelation  to  thofe 
Papers,  that 'tis  impoffible  for  any  to  judge  fair- 
ly concerning  it ,  without  the  Perufal  of  tho. 
other  ;  which  therefore  I  do  humbly  tender  to 
your  Confideration.  And  I  am  bold  to  move 
your  Lordfhips,  that  the  Reverend  Dr.  Smahldge, 
with  fuch  others  as  the  Convocation  fhall  pleafe 
to  nominate  ,  may  be  direded  this  Summer  to^ 
make  a  Through  and  Impartial  Examination  of 
(*4)  the 

S  second  JT  9  EN'DIX 

the  fame  Papers,  and  to  report  next  Winter  whe- 
ther in  their  Opinion  they  contain  Things  wor- 
thy of  the  more  publick  Confideration  of  the 
Convocation,  and  of  the  Chriftian  Church,  or 
not.  I  am  fo  far  from  intending  upon  fmall  E- 
vidence  ,  or  by  any  doubtful  Opinions  of  m>^ 
own,  to  make  any  Difturbance  in  the  Peace  or 
Faith  of  the  Chriftian  Church ,  that  I  ftill  of- 
fer to  fupprefs  my  Books,  in  cafe  that  a  Tenth 
Part  of  that  Original  Evidence  which  I  have  to 
produce  on  my  Side,  can  be  alledg'd  for  the  op- 
pofite  Doctrines.  And  I  have  fo  great  an  Aver- 
fion  to  any  thing  that  looks  like  Schifm,  that 
I  have,  as  far  as  poffible,  in  all  publick  Admi- 
niftrations ,  kept  clofe  to  the  Rules  and  Wor~ 
fhip  eftablifh'd  by  Authority  in  this  Realm  all 
along  ;  and  am  ftill  difpos'd  to  do  fo  ;  even  at 
the  fame  time  that  1  was,  and  am  fully  fatisfied 
that  I  could  make  ufe  of  a  much  more  excel- 
lent Way  of  \yorftiip  appointed  by  the  Apoftles 
themfelves.  And  I  fhould  ftill  think  it  a  great 
lyiisfortune,  if  I  or  pchers,  by  any  publick  Re- 
jedion  of  Examination  in  thefe  moft  Sacred 
Matters,  or  by  being  excluded  the  Communion 
of  the  Eftablifti'd  Church  ,  ftiould  be  forc'd  to 
do  any  thing  which  might  caufe  the  leaft  Di- 
fturbance or  Divifion  among  us  ;  AH  w'hich 
'tis  certainly  in  your  Lordfhips  Power,  by  a 
fair  and  publick  Examination,  to  prevent.  But 
if  the  Convocation  fhall  refolve  on  the  way  of 
Force  and  Perfecution ,  inftead  of  that  of  En- 
quiry and  Examination ,  I  pray  God  grant  me, 
and  all  good  Chriftians  who  may  be  concern'd, 
a  clear  Senfe  what  will  be  our  Duty  in  that 
Cafe  ;  and  fuch  Chriftian  Faith  and  Patience, 
as  will  be  neceffary  under  fuch  great  Trials  and 
Affli(5lions  for  the  fake  of  our  Confciences.  I 
am^  My  hords^Tour  very  Humhle  and  Obedient Serv^^ 


to  the  Hiftorlcal  Treface. 

About  this  time  it  was  alfo  that ,  apprehend- 
ing hard  Ufage  ,  and  fearing  I  might  be  Cen- 
fur'd  and  Excommunicated  by  the  Convocation, 
without  being  heard  in  my  own  Vindication^  I 
drew  up  a  Solemn  Proteitation  and  Appeal ,  to 
be  then  made  ,  when  I  fhould  find  my  felf  in 
thofe  Unhappy  Circumftances.  But  this  fliall 
here  be  omitted ,  becaufe  it  will  more  naturally 
come  in  hereafter. 

On   Monday ,  March  19.   the  Refolutions    of 
the  Committee  were.  laid  before  the  Lord  Arch- 
bifhop  of  Canterbury ,  their  Prefident.     On  IVecU 
nefday,  March  21.  the  Archbifhop's  Anfwer  was 
return'd  ;    "  That  he  agreed  with  the  Com- 
^^  rhittee  that  my  Book  was  to  be  taken  notice 
■^  of  ;    but  as  to  the  Manner  ,    and  whether  in 
^^  the  way  of  a  Court,  he  would  take  Time  for 
^^  Legal    Advite.      On   Friday  ^   March  2:^,  the 
Upper  Houfe  appointed  a  Committee  of  their 
whole  Houfe  to  Sit  the  Day  following  about 
my  Matters ;   and  ^    as  far  as  I  could  learn  ,  to 
examine  Prefidents ,    ar^fing  chiefly  from  fome 
unpublifhed  Papers  of  Dr.  Heylm  ^'  which  feem- 
ed  to  prove  that  the  whole  Convocation  might 
ad  as  a  Court.     And  now  I  perceiv'd  that  there 
were  Three  Opinions  in  Convocation,  as  to  the 
manner  of  treating  me  ;berides  that  of  thofe  who 
were  for  a  fair  Examination.  The  firft  was  for  the 
whole  Convocation's  acling  as  a  Courts,  and  pro- 
ceeding to  Cenfure  &  Excommunication  immedi- 
ately. The  fecond  for  the  Archbifhop's  doing  the 
fame  things,  ajjidenttbus  &  confentkntibus  EfifcofiSy 
without  theLowerLIoufe;  as  in  hjsCourt  of  Au- 
dience.    The  Third,  for  only  palling  a  Syno- 
dical'  Cenfure  on  my  Book ,  and  referring  the 
punifhing  me  to  the  Bifhop  of  the  Diocefe  ,  by 
a  Procefs  in  his  ovyii  Court.  On  Tuefday^  MarcJ^ 


TO  Second  ATT  END IX. 

27.  the  Bifliops  fcnt  a  Meflage  to  the  Lower 
Houfe  5  that  they  were  adjourn'd  till  fVeJnefday, 
Afril  II.  and  that  the  firft  thing  they  would  then 
go  upon  was  the  Method  of  proceeding  with 
me.  In  this  Interval  I  underftood  that  the  way 
which  was  by  fome  at  firft  propos'd^  viz,,  of  go- 
ing upon  my  Matters  much  fooner,  and  making 
the  Trial  or  Procefs  more  full  and  publick,  had 
been  overrurd  by  others  •  and  a  Refolution  had 
been  taken  for  delay  ,  and  for  proceeding  more 
fumma^ily  toward  the  Conclufion  of  the  Seffi- 
on.  During  this  Interval  alfo  I  drew  up  the 
foUcwinp:  Letrer  to  the  Arrhbifhop  of  Canterhu-- 
ryy  as  Frefident  of  the  -^onvccatioa  :  Which 
was  dated  and  deliverM  to  him  Apr  ^-.  Copies 
of  which  were  alfo  delivered  to  the  Archbifhop 
of  Tork  ;  to  the  Prolocutor  of  ':he  Lcvver  Houfe ; 
and  to  fome  others ;  to  be  fiiew'd,  as  Occafion 
fliould  ferve  :  Which  though  it  has  been  already 
made  publick  elfewbere^  yet  cannot  be  omitted 
in  this  its  proper  Place. 

'May  it  fleafe  Tour  Grace, 

London,  Apr.  j.  17 11. 

Since  I  perceive  that  my  Hlfiorkal  Preface  has 
given  Offence  not  only  to  feveral  Good 
Men  in  particular,  but  to  the  Body  of  the  Con- 
vocation in  general ;  and  to  many  others  who 
are  really  defirous  that  Truth  and  primitive 
Chriltianity  may  prevail ;  and  that  not  only  on 
Account  of  thQ  Manner  of  my  Writing  ,  which 
feems  to  be  with  too  great  Confidence  and  AfTu^ 
ranee  ;  but  alfo  becaufe  it  looks  like  reviving  the 
very  Herefy  of  Arius  himfelf^  as  it  was  condemned 
by  the  Council  of  Nice ;  The  great  Regard  I 
have  to  the  Peace  of  the  Church  3  and  my  fm- 
cere  defire  to  approve  my  felf  to  my  Superiors 


to  the  Hiflortcal  Treface,  1 1 

■':  ir,  h'cive  made  me  think  ic  might  be  very  pro- 
pf.r  to  Addrefs  my  felf  to  your  Grace,  as  Prefi- 
dent  o*^  the  Convocation,  upon  this  Occafion  ; 
t:-  ■ny  before  you  my  fincere  Thoughts  as  to  thefe 
M^.  rers,  with  the  utmoft  Humility  and  Defe- 
rence :  "^har  I  may  not  be  eileem'd  fo  perverfe 
and  c ruinate  as  not  to  own  any  Indecencies  I 
?r.ay  have  b?en  ecni'ty  of:  And  that  I  may  not 
be  charged  with  what  never  was  in  my  Thoughts 
or  T)e;-n:n?.  with   regard  to  the  Revival  of  the 
yinan  Hcrefy  •  And  at  the  hmt  time  to  beg  of 
your  Grace  to    i\k  your  Endeavours  that  the 
Thinq-s  I  nrcrcfc   may  nor  any  way  fufFer  on 
account  of  any   Rafl^nefs  in  the  way  of  my 
propofing  them      For  as  to  the  Manner  of  my 
VVriing     oon   thefe  Subjeds^  it  is,  I  confefs, 
too  agreeaMi'  ro  tht  V^'armrh  and  Vehemence  of 
my  natural  T^emper ,'d  by  an  hearty,  and 
I  am  fare  an  horiei^:  Zeal  for  what  things  foever 
ai  any  time  apnear  to  m'.:  ro  be  true,  and  of  Im- 
portance in   Ch  in^iai^iity.     T  hope  God,  who 
knows  tb':  inmof^  Receff  s  of  my  Soul,  will  not 
impute  ail  that  appc-a  -s  to  be  rafh  and  alTuming, 
to  Hich  a  proud  and  conceited  Temper  as  it  may 
feem  to  others  to  pioceed  from  :  And  that  he 
win  mercifully  forgive  any  Offences   of  that 
Nature,  where  he  finds  the  Heart  in  the  main 
fincerc  and  upright;  and  honeftly  labouring,  to 
the  beft  of  its  Knowledge ,  to  promote  Truth 
and  Piety  in  the  World.     And  as   I  carneftly 
wifli   that  the  unco^^upt  Faith  and  Pradice  of 
the  Gofpel  in  every  Part  may  prevail  among  us, 
fo  do  1  heartily  defire  that  I  may  not  be  found 
Guilty  of  breakinp;  any  of  the  Rules  of  Chri- 
fi:ian  Meeknefs,  Humility,  Modefty,  and  De- 
ference to  lawful  Authority,  while  I  am  aiming 
to  promote,  to  the  beft  of  my  Judgment  and  A- 
bility  ,  the  Purity  of  Chrift's  Religion  among 


la  Second  ATTEKDIX 

Men.  And  I  muft  own  to  your  Grace  that  I 
am^  upon  Reflediipn^  fenfible  that  in  feveral  Ex- 
preffions^  and  in  many  Circumftances  of  my 
Management^  I  have  not  always  kept  within 
thofe  ilrid  Rules  of  the  Gofpel^  which  the 
Meeknefs  and  Gentlenefs  of  Chrift  and  his  Re- 
ligion requires  in  fuch  Cafes  ;  and  that  there- 
fore I  may  fometimes  have  given  Occafion  of 
Offence  to  my  Chriftian  Brethren,  and  to  thofe 
in  A  uthority  in  particular  :  For  which  Faults, 
wherever  they  have  appear'd ,  either  by  Word 
or  Writing;,  as  I  do  heartily  beg  Forgivenefs  of 
Cod  and  of  good  Men,  fo  do  I  faithfully  pro- 
mife  that  I  will  be  more  careful  not  to  be  Guilty 
©f  the  fame  hereafter.  Humbly  defiring  that 
my  fpeaking  plainly  what  I  judge  to  be  Truth, 
may  not  be  efteem'd  juft  Caufe  of  Offence  ; 
that  I  be  allowed  with  a  decent  Freedom  to  pro- 
duce all  the  proper  Arguments  and  Teftimonies 
for  what  I  propofe  ;  and  that  I  be  permitted 
modeftly  to  declare  what  Degree  of  Evidence  I 
think  I  have  for  what  I  aifert.  As  to  the  Impu- 
tation of  Arlanifm ,  which  I  confefs  I  have  not 
been  fufficiently  careful  to  avoid ,  I  do  declare 
it  never  was  my  Intention  to  affert  the  Arian  He- 
refy,?indi\y  fo  called  ;  or  to  revive  t  the  Herefy  of 
^r'iMSy  and  of  his  peculiar  Followers,  as  it  was 

t  N.  B.  By  this  fjerejy  of  Arius,  and  of  his  peculiar  Follow^ 
'ersyas  it  was  condemn  d  at  theConncil  o/Nice;  which  afterward 
I  explain  more  diftin£lly,  by  thofe  particular  Novel  Doclrines, 
sndthe  like  particular  NovelExpreJ/ions^of Arius  himfelfrohich  were 
tondemnd  at  theCouncil  of  Nice ;  and  again  by  thofe  rajh  andNo- 
nfel /^Jfsrt ions  and  Expre£ions  0/ Arius,  which  caused  the  Dijinvm 
hances  in  the  Church  at  that  time,  and  were  condemn  d  by  the  Coun* 
eil  of  Nice  ;  I  meant  and  could  mean  only  thofe  rafh  and 
Novel  AlTertions  and  Expreflions,  which  /^rius  and  his  Fol- 
lowers firft  introduced  into  the  Chujrch,  or  firft  difturb'd  the 
Publick  about ;  Such  as  «v  07?  »;c  h,  'welv  yjvn^m cu  ^x.  wV. 

to  the  Hiflorlcal  Treface. 

condemn'd  at  the  Council  of  Nice.     I  guarded 
agairift  this  exprefsly  in   my  Hlftorkal  Preface, 
p.  2.  by  a  particular  Declaration  ,   that  by  that 
Arianlfm  which  I  fpeak  of  ^    I  ever  mean   the 
Dodrine  of   that  Part  of   the  Church  which 
was  call'd  Arian  in  the  Fourth  Century  ;   and 
not  the  Doctrine  of  Arim  himfelf  only  ,    with 
a  few  of  his  particular  Followers.   And  this  Di- 
ftindion  is  fo  plain  in  all  my  Papers,  that  where- 
as I  every  where  ow  n  the  Doctrines  of  that  Part 
of  the  Church  in  the  Fourth  Century ,    which 
their   AdVeriaries   would    call   by    the   odious 
Name  of  Arian.,   yet  do  not  I  in  any  Propo- 
fition  affert  thofe  Particular  Novel  Do»5lrines,, 
or  ufe  the  like  Particular  Novel  Expreflions  of 
Ar lus  h\mk\{ y    which  were  condemn'd  at  the 
Council  of  Nice '^    but  ever  confine  my  felf  to. 
the  much  Ancienter  and  more  Authentick  Do- 
ctrines and  Language  of  the  Scripture  and  the 
nioft  Primitive  Writers.     And  I  take  leave  to 
bbferve  here  a  few  Things  farther  ^    That  the 
main  Body  of  thofe  whom  their  Adverfaries 

c'5  in  ouTzay  h.  For  as  for  that  Councirs  j4nathetna  againft 
the  \J(q  of  the  Word  ktjctj^,  created ,  concerning  our  Savi- 
our, which  feems  to  have  been  brought  in  under  the  Pre- 
tence that  the  /irians  us'd  it  in  the  very  fame  Senfe  of  the 
Son,  and  of  all  the  Inferior  Creatures  ;  ftho'  the  Avians  {o 
caird  by  me,if  noty^r/W  and  his  peculiarFollowers  alfo,  ever 
deny'd  it  )  it  was  moft  certainly  the  Ancient  and  Original 
Language  of  the  Scripture  ,  and  of  the  firft  Chrifti- 
ans,  and  ^o  out  of  the  Power  of  any  Council  whatfoever, 
to  abrogate  or  condemn  :  any  more  than  they  Iiad  Power  to 
confecrate  that  novel  and  unfcriprural  Expreflion  of  c-wo^- 
CT©-,  which  had  been  fo  exprefly  rejefted  by  the  Council 
of  Antioch  long  before.  So  that,  in  {ho:t,  the  Council  of 
Hicey  and  Arius  with  his  peculiar  Followers,  were  both  high- 
ly to  blame  in  thefe  Matters  ;  and  ought  neither  of  them  to 
1^  followed,,  without  better  Authority,  by  any  Chriflian.J 



H        Second  ATTENDTX^ 

call'd  Arians  m  the  Fourt"^  Century,  wei-c 
felves  fo  far  from  j ufti fy i n<?:  anv  of  thoi^^  Kam 
and  Novel  Affertions  a  id  Expreff  ons  o      V;w;, 
which  caused  the  Di^urtances  '^  ^he  Cl'-^rch  at 
that  time,    and  were  ccndemtM  by  ine  -'.(  -i- 
cil  of  Nice,  that  they  (^'-^  not  app  eve  cf    '  ..:,, 
or  infert  them  into  their  Creeds  .•    nay,  did  not 
themfelves  publickly  admit  y^r/W  and  '^ ' .  Follow- 
ers into  the  Church  again  ,    rill  h'^  eave  in  at 
Creed  without  the  leaft  Syllable  of  them  :  as  is 
evident  in  the  Hiftory  of  that  Age.     In  reality  i 
I  think  no  one  ought  to  be  at  all  led  by  any 
particular  Men  ,    but  to  take  their  •'rhnli-n 
Faith  and  Practice  from  thofe  moft  Sacred  and 
Primitive  Writers,    which  liv'd  long  befcre  the 
Rife  of  the  Controverfies  in  the  Fourth  Cen- 
tury ;    as   I    have   endeavoured  to  do   in  i^y 
Account    of  the  Frmiti^e   Faith   of    Chrifl-ians. 
I  take  this  Opportunity  alfo  to  beg  cf  your 
Grace,    if  you  fhall  think  fit ,   to  recommend 
the  ferious  Confideration  of  my  Papers  to  rhe 
Convocation  ,    or  to  a  Committee  of  Learned 
Men  this  Summer ;   that  fo  all   may  proceed 
with  that  Fairnefs,  and  fmcere  Regard  to  Truth 
and  Chriftianity,    which  becomes  the  Miniflers 
of  Chrift  Je^us.    If  once  this  Marter  be  bro':ght 
to  that  Method  of  Proceeding ,    I  flr^ll  exceed- 
ingly rejoice ,  and  be  ready  ,    whene^^er  I  (bail 
be  required,    to  lay  all  my  Papers  be^c^e  them 
for  their  Confideration  ;  and  re  corre(?:  any  Mi- 
ftakes  in  them  ,   or  retrad  any  Op'niLns  1  h?.ve 
advanced,    that  upon  due  Examinaricn  ftaM  ap- 
pear not   to  be  well  grounded.      1  bep*  yc  ir 
Grace*s    Pardon    and  Bleffing ,    and  fubfc.ibe 
my  felf,  with  all  Submiffion, 

Tonr  njoft  Humhle  and  Ohed'cnt  Sewr^f^ 

WILL.  WHlsroN, 

to  the  Hijlorlcal  Treface.  1 5 

^Aprll  II.  the  firft  Convocation  Day  after 
Eafi-cy  ,  the  Archbifliop  of  Ccinterhury  fcnt  the 
UpperHoufe  myLetrer  ^  accompanied  with  two 
of  his  own,  which  two  here  follow  Verbatim. 

To  the  Right  Reverend  my  Brethren^   the  BU 
Jhops  of  the  Province  of  Canterbury ,    in 

Convocation  aJfemhleJ. 

Right  Re'uerend  Brethren, 

WHereas  your  Lordfiiips ,  on  the  19th  of 
March  laft,  came  to  fome  Refolutions 
concerning  a  Book  lately  publifli'd  by  Mr.  ^hi- 
fioHy  and  in  Purfuance  thereof  did  agree  at  the 
fame  time  that  they  fliould  be  laid  before  me, 
for  my  Opinion  thereupon  :  I  have  already 
fignifted  unto  you ,  that  I  entirely  agree  with 
you  in  your  Refolution  ,  that  Notice  fliould 
be  taken  of  the  faid  Book  ;  and  after  having 
confulted  Inch  Books  and  Perfons  as  I  thought 
proper  on  rhis  Occafion,  I  do  now  fubjoin  and 
offer  my  Oi  don  concerning  the  further  Me- 
thods of  Proceeding  therein,  as  follows. 

To  proceed  rc.^ularly  in  the  Cenfure  of  Mr.' 
Whifton ,  Tvvo  Points  are  to  be  confider'd : 

I.  The  Cenfure  of  the  Book,  or  DodrineJ 
1.  The  Cenfure  of  the  Perfon. 

I.  In  order  to  a  Cenfure  upon  the  Book  or 
Doctrine ,  Two  Things  feem  neceffary  to  be 
done.  Firft,  To  have  the  Book  well  examin'd, 
and  to  fix  upon  the  Particular  Paflages  wherein 
he  has  alTerted  his  Pernicious  Tenecs  mofi  plain- 
ly and  exprefsly.  Secondly ,  To  fix  the  Parti- 
cular Places  ©f  Scripture ,   and  in  the  Council 


i6  Second  ATTENT>IX 

of  Nice^  and  the  Articles  of  our  own  Chiirch, 
upon  which  the  Charge  of  Herefy  riiay  be  moil 
clearly  grounded. 

2.  In  order  to  a  Cenfure  of  the  Perfon  in  a 
Judicial  way ,  there  are  Three  feveral  Methods 
which  you  will  weigh  and  confider  well,  in  or- 
der to  judge  how  far  each  of  them  will  be  fafe 
and  expedient^  and  how  far  effediial 

L  The  Firft  Method  is  by  Court  of  Con- 
vocation, in  which  fuch  a  Judicature  hath  been 
evidently  exercifed  in  many  Inftances  ,  both 
before  and  fmce  the  Reformation  ,  and  feems 
to  ,  be  the  moft  defirable  Method  in  the  prefent 
Cafe,  if  the  following  Difficulties  do  not  ftand 
in  the  way.  Firft  ,  Such  a  Court  being  final, 
or  the  Laft  Refort,  from  which  no  Appeal  is 
provided  by  the  Stat.  25'.  He?i{^  8.  Cap.  19.  it 
may  feem  to  be  doubtful^  hovi^  far  a  Profecution 
without  Appeal  to  the  Crown,  will  be  confi- 
ftent  with  i.Efe.  Cap.  i.  Sed.  17.  whereby 
all  Jurifdicftion,  and  particularly  for  Reformation 
cf  Errors  ,  and  Herefy  ,.  and  Schlfms  ,  is  united  and 
annexed  to' the  Imperial  Crown  of  this  Realm  ;  and 
alfo  5  how  far  it  will  be  confiftent  with  the  Sta- 
tute of  Appeals,  25".  Hen,  8.  Cap.  19.  which  in 
the  Coiirfe  of  the  Appeals  direded  to  be  thence- 
forth made,  doth  not  mention  Convocation. 

Secondly  ,  It  feems  to  be  another  Difficulty, 
that  there  does  not  appear  to  have  been  any 
Exercife  of  fuch  a  Judicatnre  for  this  laft  100 
Years,  or  thereabout  •  in  which  time,  Matters 
of  this  Nature  were  ufually  confider'd  and  ad- 
judg'd  in  the  High-Commiffion-Court ,  whilft 
that  remained  ;  and  when  that  Coiirt  was  fup- 
prefs'd.  It  was  enaded  17.  Car,  2.  Cap.  2.  That 
no  Court  fhould ,  be  thenceforth  ereded  with- 
Uke  Tower ^  Jtirifdi^ion  or  Authority  j  but  that  all 


to  the  Hiflorical  Treface. 

Commiflions  ereding  any  fuch  Courts ,  fliould 
be  void. 

You  will  therefore  think  it  fit  to  be  duly  con- 
fider'd  ^  how  far  the  Revival  of  this  Judicial 
Authority  in  a  Convocation,  empower'd  to 
proceed  and  ad  by  Her  Majerty's  Commiffion 
or  Licenfe  ,  may  be  conftrued  an  Ereding  of 
a  Court  with  like  Fewer  as  the  High-Commiffi- 
on  had. 

Thirdly  ,  Since  the  Difufe  of  fuch  Judicial 
Proceeding  ,  the  Writ  de  Heretlco  comburvndo  has 
been  taken  away  by  the  Statute  of  29.  Car.  2. 
Cap.  9.  And  you  will  alfo  confider  whether  the 
Provifion  there  made  for  the  JurlfdiHion  of  Vro- 
tenant  Archhi^wp  or  Bijhops,  or  any  other  fudges  of 
Ecclefiafiical  Courts^  hi  Cafes  of  Athefm^  Blajphemy^ 
Here/}  and  Schifm  ,  extend  to  Convocation,  or 
only  the  ordinary  Eftablifh'd  Court  of  every 
Archbifliop  or  Bifhop. 

Fourthly,  In  the  Year  1689,  feveral  Hereti- 
cal Books  having  been  complain'd  of  to  the 
Lower-Houfe;  the  Bifhop  of  London  Pi-QM^nt, 
and  the  then  Bifhops ,  after  mature  Advice  and 
Deliberation  thereupon ,  returned  this  Anfwer, 
SeJJ]  i:;,  ^iod  confcii  funt  differ  fas  ejje  claufulas 
fernlciofas  in  lihris  allatis  penes  eos^d^  direBione  diB.^ 
Domus  reliclis :  fed  informati  funt  per  Jurifperitos 
utrlufq-^  juris  proprias  eJJe  Curias  Judiciales  pro  pmtitl^ 
one  deliciorum  hujufmodi,  d^  eorum  ferunt  Opiniones 
nan  ejji  conveniens  in  prefentia  fefe  his  rebus  im^ 
mi  fare, 

.  IL  The  Second  Method  of  Proceeding  in 
the  prefent  Cafe,  as  I  humbly  conceive ,  is  for 
the  Archbifliop  to  hold  a  Court  of  Audience ; 
and  Calling  to  him  his  Provincial  Bifliops  as  Af- 
feifors  there  ,  to  examine  ,  proceed,  and  give. 
Sentence  as  in  his  Court  of  Audience:  Into^ 
(**)  which' 

iS         Second  JTTEnT>lX 

which  Court  he  is  fully  empowerd  by  a  Spe- 
cial ProvifO:,  25.  Hen.  8.  Cap.  9.  Se6t.  ;.  to 
cite  any  Perfon  out  of  his  Diocefe  wherein  he 
dwells,  in  cafe  that  the  Bifhop,  or  other  imme- 
diate Judge  or  Ordinary,  dare  not,  or  will  not 
convene  the  Party  to  be  fued  before  him  ;  and 
from  which  Court  ( as  within  the  Statute  of 
2^.  Hen.  8.  Cap.  19. )  a  Regular  Appeal  lies  to 
the  Queen's  Delegates  in  Cl^r^erj. 

Ill/y.  TheBifhop,  in  whofeDiocefe  he  inhabits, 
may  of  his  own  accord  cite  him  in  his  Court, 
or  the  Caufe  may  be  remitted ,  or  fpecially  re- 
commended to  him  as  his  proper  Ordinary  by 
the  Archbifhop  and  Bifhops  in  Convocation  ; 
which  we  find  hath  oftentimes  been  done  in 
Cafes  of  the  like  Nature.      ^     ^ 

Of  the  Three  foremention'd  Methods  the 
•  two  lafl:  feem  to  be  molt  plain  and  clear  in  Point 
of  Legality.  But  becaufe  the  firft  is  the  moft 
folemn,  provided  it  may  be  purfued  legally,  and 
with  fafety  to  the  Archbifhop,  Bifhops,  andCler- 
gy  of  the  Province  ,  it  feems  to  be  neceffary  to 
lay  the  Premifes ,  or  what  elfe  may  be  the  Re- 
fult  of  your  own  Debates  and  Deliberations,be- 
fore  her  Majefty,  with  an  humble  Requeft,  as 
from  the  Upper  Houfe  ,  that  Her  Majefty  will 
be  gracioufly  pleas'd  to  lay  the  Cafe  before  Her 
Reverend  Judges,  for  their  Opinions  there- 

I  heartily  recommend  you  to  God,  the  Ruler 
and  Guide  of  his  Church  ;  and  remain.  Right 
Reverend  Brethren, 

Tour  moji  JffeBlonate  Brother ^ 



to  the  Hijlorical  Tre fence.  1 9 

The  Second  Letter. 

Right  Reverend  Brethreriy 

I  fend  you  herewith  a  Letter  which  I  received 
on  the  ^th  of  this  ln^^x\t  Afr.  from  Mr. 
Whifton,  whofe  Cafe  (  as  you  have  given  me  to 
underiland)  now  coming  under  your  Confide- 
ration^  I  thought  it  proper  for  me  to  commu- 
nicate to  you  for  your  Perufal^  and  thereby  alfo 
to  cut  oif  all  Occafion  of  his  complaining,  that 
I  fmother  any  of  his  Overtures.  You  will  beffc 
judge  what  Ufe  is  fit  to  be  made  of  this  Paper, 
and  at  what  time.  I  defire  the  Original  may 
be  kept  as  long  as  you  think  convenient ,  in  the 
Hands  of  any  of  my  Subftitutes  that  ihall  be  this 
bay  in  the  Chair. 

I  cannot  but  obferve  one  Thing  in  this  Let- 
ter, with  Ibme  Degree  of  Admiration,  that  'tis 
his  earneft  Wifh  that  the  uncorrupt  Faidi  and 
Pra(5^ice,  of  the  Gofpel  may  prevail  ;  and  the  Pro- 
feffion  which,  he  makes ,  that  he  aims  to  pro- 
inote,  to  the  belt  of  his  Judgment  and  Ability 
the  Furity  of  Chrlfi-'s  Religion^  whilft  he-  would 
obtrude  on  the  World,  as  a  confiderable  Part  of 
the  Canon  of  the  New  TeRament ,  that  vcxy 
fpurious  and  corrupt  Book  of  the  Conltituti- 

Lamheth  y  II.  Afr. 

J  anjy 


.  .  Upon  the  Perufal  of  both  Letters,  the  Houfe 
appointed  a  Comrnittee  to  meet  on  Friday  Morn- 

.'ing,  before  their  ufual  Time  of   fitting  as   a 
Houfe^  to  reconfider  the  Prefidents  upon  which 
they  had  gone^  and  to  add  the  Confideration  of 
the  Ads  of  Parliament  thereto  relating,  which 
had  been  formerly  omitted.  Upon  Friday  it  came 
to  a  Divifion  of  the  Houfe  whether  they  fliould 
venture  to  ad  as  a  Court^without  Addreffing  the 
Queen  for  the  Opinion  of  the  Judges,  or  not  ? 
The  BifllOps  of  London^  Rochefier,  Bath  and  Wellsy 
and  St,   Da^ld'sy  were  for  proceeding  without 
fuch  an  Addrefs  and  Opinion  :  But  .all  the  reffc 
were  for  agreeing  to  the  Archbifliop's  Motion  ; 
excepting  the  Bifliop  of  Briftol  ^  who  was  Neu- 
ter.    So  that  theRefolution  was  to  Addrefs  ac- 
cordingly.    Upon  which  the  Bifhop  of  Bath  and 
Wells  produced  a  Draught  of  fuch  an  Addrefs. 
But  the  naming  of  Perfons  to  prefent  the  Ad- 
drefs being  left  to  the  Archbifhop  ,  he  appoint- 
ed the  Lord  Bifliop  of  Litchfield  and   Co'ventryy 
and  the  Lord  Bifhop  of  Ely  :  who  on  Tuefdajy 
jipr,  17.  prefented  it  to  the  Queen  :  She  enqui- 
red whether  they  expeded  a  prefent  Anfwer  ? 
They  reply'd,  that  the  Nature  of  the  Thing  ra- 
ther reqnir'd  Time  for  Confideration.  This  Ad- 
drefs was  in  thefe  Words. 

To  the  Queen's  raoft  Excellent  Majefly. 

T'he  Humble  AJJrefs  of  the  Archlijhop  and  BU 
/hops  of  the  Province  of  Canterbury,  in 
Convocation  Affemhled, 

May  It  fleafe  Tour  Majefly, 

WHereas  one  William  Whiflon^  a  Prestyter  of 
the  Church  of  England^  and  late  Pro- 
feffor  of  Mathematicks  in  the  Univerfity  of 
Cambridge ,  who  was  in  05ioher  laft  expell'd  the 
faid  Univerfity  ,  for  alTerting  and  fpreading  A- 


to  the  Hiftorical  "Preface.  2 1 

broad  divers  Tenets  contrary  to  Religion  re- 
ceiv'd  and  eftablifli'd  by  publick  Authority  in 
this  Realm^  has  fince  that  time  ,  and  a  little  be- 
fore the  fitting  of  this  Prefent  Convocation, 
printed  and  publiflied  an  Hljhrkal  Preface  to  o- 
ther  Writings  of  the  fame  pernicious  Defign, 
intended  for  the  Prefs,  in  which  he  has  advan- 
ced feveral  damnable  and  blafpbemous  AJjcrtions  a- 
cainfl  the  Doclrine  and  Worfliip  of  the  Ever- 
Bleffed  Trinity  :  Exprefly  contradicting  the  Two 
Fundamental  Articles  of  the  Nice77c  Creed  ;  and 
defaming  the  whole  Athanafian  ;  and  has  had 
the  Confidence  to  infcribe  and  dired  the  faid 
printed  Preface  to  the  Convocation  now  Af- 

And  whereas  we  take  our  fclves  to  be  both 
bound  in  Duty  to  God,  and  to  his  Holy  Truths^ 
and  in  Obedience  to  Your  Majefty's  pious  In- 
tentions llgnified  to  us  with  Your  Gracious  Li- 
cence, to  reprefs  the  faid  Blaffhemy  ^  and  alfo 
obliged  in  Vindication  of  our  firm  Adherence 
to  the  true  Faith,  and  for  the  Prefervation  of 
die  fame  in  the  Members  of  our  Communion, 
to  call  the  faid  William  Whif;on  before  us,  in  or- 
der either  to  his  Amendment,  or  Exclufion  from 
the  Communion  of  the  Church  of  England ;  but 
do  yet  find  our  felves  hindred  from  going  on,by 
fome  Doubts  arifmg  among  our  felves  concern- 
ing our  Power  fo  to  ad  and  proceed: 

For  that  the  Court  of  Convocation  being  Fi- 
nal, or  the  laft  Refort ,  from  which  no  Appeal 
is  provided  by  the  Statute  made  in  the  2jth  Year 
Henry  th^  Eighth,  Chap.  19.  it  may  feem  to  be 
doubtful  how  far  a  Profecution,  without  Ap- 
peal to  the  Crown  ,  will  be  confident  vv^th  the 
Statute  made  in  the  firft  Year  of  Queen  Eliz.a" 
heth ,  Chap.  I.  Sed.  17.  whereby  all  Jurifdidi- 
jon,  and  particularly  for  R-efarmation  of  Errors, 

C*  i)  Here- 

22  Second  JTTEKDIX 

Herefies  and  Schifms  ^  is  united  and  annex'd  to 
the  Imperial  Crown  of  this  Reahn  ^  and  alfo 
haw  far  it  will  be  confiftent  with  the  Statute  of 
Appeals  made  in  the  2  5" th  Year  of  Henry  VIII. 
Chap.  19.  which  in  the  Courfe  of  the  Appeals 
directed  to  be  henceforth  made  ^  doth  not  men- 
tion Convocation.  '  May  it  pleafe  Your  mofl: 
Gracious  Majefty,  out  of  your  known  Zeal  for 
the  Honour  of  God ,  and  the  Good  of  his 
Church,  to  lay  this  Cafe  before  your  Reverend 
Judges,  and  others  whom  your  Majefty  in  your 
Wifdcm  fhall  think  fit^  for  their  Opinion,  How 
far  the  Convocation,  as  the  Law  now  ftands, 
may  proceed  in  Examining  ,  Cenfuring,  an4 
Condemning  fuch  Tenets  as  are  declared  to  be 
Herefy  by  the  Laws  of  this  Realm  ;  together 
with  the  Authors  and  Maintainers  of  them. 

Upon  this  Addrefs  to  the  Queen,  Her  Maje- 
fty  was  pleafed  to  refer  the  whole  to  the  Twelve 

Judges,  and  to  Her  Attorney  and  Sollicitor-Ge- 
neral  :  who  being  feveral  times  aifembled  toge- 
ther, and  debating  the  Matter,  came  to  the  fol- 
lowing Refolutions. 

To  the  Qiieen's  mofl:  Excellent  Majefly. 
May  it  pleafe  Tour  Majejiy, 

N  Humble  Obedience  to  your  Majefty's  Roy- 
^.i  Command  fignified  to  your  Judges  by  the 
night  H(.-.aouiaKie  the  Lord  Keeper ;  We  whofe 
]\amc::s  arc  Tdblc-  Ibed  have  confidcr'd  the  QuelU- 
Giib  niCi7t?oned  in  the  Addrefs  hereunto  annex- 
es' >;.-c1  ?.\c  hL'ml'y  of  Opinion;,  Ihatfince  the 
Siavi:;.'^  c^.  ir  \  of  Hn?ry  VIH.  againft  Citing  out 
"  '^h:;  D?  xcfe^  and  thofe  Statutes  of  the  24th 


to  the  Hiflorical  Preface. 

and  2^-th  Years  of  the  fame  Reign  touching  Ap- 
peals^,  and  as  the  Law  now  ftands ,  the  Convo- 
cation hath  not  any  Jurifdidion  originally  to  cite 
before  them  any  Perlbn  for  Herefy ,   or  any  o- 
ther  SpifiLual  Offence^  which  according  to  the 
Laws  of  the  Realm  ma}^  be  cited,  cenfured, 
and  punifhed    in   the  refpedive  Ecclefiaftical 
Courts  or  Jurifdidions  of  the  Archbifhops,  Bi- 
fliops,  and  other  Ordinaries  ;  who,  we  conceive, 
have  the  proper  Judicature  in  thofe  Cafes  ,•  and 
from  whom  and  whofe  Courts  the  Parties  accu- 
fed  may  have  their  Appeals  ;  the   laft  Reforc 
wherein  is  lodg'd  in  the  Crown.     In  which  Sta- 
tute for  Citing  out  of  the  Diocefe  ,  and  in  the 
others,  as  far  as  relates  to  Appeals  for  fjch  Of- 
fences, no  Notice  is  taken  of  the  Convocation, 
either  as  to  Jurifdidion  or  Appeals.     Nor  doth 
it  any  way  appear  to  us  in  whom  the  pretended 
judiciary  Power  of  a  Convocation  either  before 
or  fmce  the  faid  Statutes,  (if  any  fach  they  ever 
had,)  refided ;  whether  in  the  whole  Body  of 
the  Convocation,  or  in  Part.     But  it  is  plain  by 
the  firft  Statute,  That  the  Archbifhop's  Jurifdi- 
dion,  even  in  Cafe  of  Herefy  ,  is  bounded  fo 
that  he  cannot  proceed  agairfjl  fuch  Offenders 
within  any  other  Diocefe  than  his  own,  without 
the  Confentj  or  in  the  Default  of  the  Dioceian 
Bifhcps.    All  which  Statutes  being  made  for  the 
Eafe  and  Benefit  of  the  Subjeds ,  they  cannot, 
as  WQ  humbly  conceive,  be  deprived  of  the  Be- 
nefit of  them  by  any  pretence  of  Jurifdidion  in 
the  Convocation  ;  from  which  we  cannot  find 
or  be  inform'd  of  any  Inftance  of  Appeal.    Nor 
have  any  Judicial  Precedents  or  Authorities  for 
Convening  or  Ccnfuring  of  fuch  Offenders  in 
any  Convocation  fince  thofe  Statutes,  or  the  Re- 
formation (  which  is  now  near  i8o  Years)  ap- 
pear'd  unto  us.     And  if  fuch  Power  fliould  be 
(*^  4)  allow'd 

24-  Second  ATT  EKDiX 

'  allow'd  to  the  Convocation,  we  conceive  it 
would  invade  the  ordinary  Jurifdidion  of  the 
Archbifliops  and  Bifhops  ;  which  we  conceive 
are  preferved  by  the  Ad  of  Parliament  made  in 
the  17th  Year  of  the  Reign  of  his  late  Majefty 
King  Charles  the  Firft^  Chaf.  11.  and  by  another 
made  in  the  1:5th  Year  of  King  Charles  the  Se- 
cond, Ch(}f,  12.  and  by  the  Acl  made  the  29th 
(^ar.  ndi.  Chap.  9.  which  took  away  the  Writ 
J)e  Heretlco  Comhurendo  ;  in*  none  of  which  any 
mention  is  made  of  the  Convocation.  -  And  by 
the  BlU  of  Rights^  I.  Wilh.  &Mar.  it  is  eftaded. 
That  the  Commiffion  for  Ereding  the  late 
Court  of  Commiffion  for  Ecclefiaftical  Caufes, 
and  all  other  Commiffions  and  Courts  of  like 
nature  are  illegal  apd  pernicious.  But  we  con- 
ceive that  Heretical  Tenets  and  Opinions  may 
be  examin'd  and  condemned  in  Convocation, 
authoriz'd  by  Royal  Licenfe,  without  convening 
the  Authors  or  Maintainers  of  them.  All  which 
we  mofi:  humbly  fubmit  to  Your  Royal  Majefty's 
Great  Wifdom. 

May  s^h.  17 11.  TJw,  Wardy    Jo.  BlencovJc^ 

*       Roh,  Dormer,      5.  Lovell. 
»       ■  •   -' 

The  other  Paper  here  follows. 

'May  it  fleafe  Tour  Majefiy, 

TN  Obedience  to  Your  Majefty's  Commands 
fignified  to  Us  by  the  Right  Honourable  the 
J^ord  Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal,  in  relation  to 
the  Humble  Addrefs  of  the  Archbifhop  and  Bi- 
fhops of  the  Province  of  Canterbury  in  Convoca- 
tion affembled,  hereunto  annexed  ;  We  whofe 
Names  are  hereunto  fubfcribed,  have  taken  into 
Confideration  the  Doubts  and  Queftions  therein 
fta:.d.  .^    ^   ^ 


to  the  Hiftorlcal  Treface. 

And  after  Conference  with  the  reft  of  the 
Judges,  We  are  hurhbly  of  Opinion,  that  of 
Common  Right  there  lies  an  Appeal  from  all 
Ecclefiaftical  Courts  in  England  to  Your  Majefty, 
in  virtue  of  your  Supremacy  in  Ecclefiaftical 
Affairs,  whether  the  fame  be  given  by  exprefs 
Words  of  any  Ad  of  Parliament,  or  not :  And 
that  no  Ad  of  Parliament  has  taken  the  fame 
away.  And  confequently,  that  a  Profecution  in 
Convocation,  not  excluding  an  Appeal  to  your 
Majefty,  is  not  inconfiftent  with  the  Statute  of 
I.  Eliz,  Chap.  I.  but  referv^es  the  Supremacy  en- 

As  to  the  Queftion  propos'd  in  the  faid  Ad- 
drefs.  How  far  the  Convocation,  as  the  Law 
now  ftands,  may  proceed  in  Examining,  Cen- 
furing,  and  Condemning  fuch  Tenets  as  are  de- 
clared to  be  Herefy  by  the  Laws  of  this  Realm^ 
together  with  the  Authors  and  Maintainers  of 
them,  we  underftand  it  to  import  only  thefe 
two  Things :  Whether  a  Jurijfdiclion  to  Exa- 
mine, Cenfure  a:nd  Condemn  fuch  Tenets,  and 
t4ie  Authors  and  Maintainers  thereof, could  ever 
be  exercifed  in  Convocation  ;  and  if  it  could. 
Whether  if  be  taken  away  by  any  Ad  of  Parlia- 

And  We  humbly  lay  before  Your  Majefty, 
That'all'our  Law-Bcbks  that  fpeak  of  this  Sub- 
Jed,  mentioning  a  J urifdidion  in  Matters  of  He- 
refy, and  Condemnation  of  Hercticks,  as  pro- 
per to  be  exercised  in  Convocation,  both  before 
and  fince  the  Ads  of  Parliament  mentioned  in 
the  Addrefs ;  and  none  of  them,  that  we  find, 
making  any  doubt  thereof;  and  we  obferving 
nothing  in  thofe  or  any  other  Ads  of  Parliament 
that  we  think  has  taken  i:  away  ;  We  are  hum- 
bly of  Opinion  that  fuch  Jurifdidion,  as  the 
Law  now  ftands,  may  be.  exercis'd  in  Convoca- 
cion.  But 

a6         Second  ATT  EKT>IX. 

But  this  being  a  Matter  which,  upon  Applica- 
tion for  a  Prohibition,  on  behalf  of  the  Perfons 
who  fliall  be  profecuted,  may  come  in  Judgment 
before  fuch  of  us  as  have  the  Honour  to  ferve 
Your  Majefty  in  Places  of  Judicature;  We  de- 
fire  to  be  underitood  to  give  our  prefenc 
Thoughts,  with  a  Referve  of  an  entire  Freedom 
of  Altering  our  Opinions,  in  cafe  any  Records 
or  Proceedings,  which  we  are  now  Strangers  to, 
fhall  be  laid  before  us,  or  any  new  Confiderati- 
ons  which  have  not  occurred  to  us,  be  fuggefted 
by  the  Parties,  or  their  Council,  to  convince  us 
of  our  miftake. 

T,  Parker^     L.  Vowys,     Ro,  Price,     E.  Northej, 
T,  Treuor.      T.  Bury.       R,  Eyre.        Ro.  Raymond, 
J,  Powell,     R,  Tracy, 

Upon  the  Receipt  of  thefe  Opinions  from  the 
Judges,  Her  Majefty  was  pleas'd  to  fend  the  fol- 
lowing Letter,  together  with  thofe  Opinions,  to 
the  Archbiftiop  of  Canterhttrj,  Prefident  of  the 
Convocation,  to  be  by  Him  communicated  to 
Both  Houfes, 

ANNE    R. 

Mofi  Re'uerend  Father  in  God,  Our  Right  Trufiy  and 
Right  entirely  beloved  Counfellory  We  Greet  yon 

UPon  Confideration  of  the  Humble  Addrefs 
deliver'd  to  Us  from  You,  and  from  the 
reft  of  the  Bifhops  of  your  Province  in  Convo- 
cation AlTembled,  We  have  confulted  Our 
Judges,  Our  Attorney  and  SoUicitor-General, 
how  far  the  Convocation,  as  the  Law  now 
ftands,  may  proceed  in  Examining,  Cenfuring, 


to  the  H'lfioncal  Treface.  o.  y 

and  Condemning  fuch  Tenets  as  are  declared  to 
be  Herefy  by  the  Laws  of  this  Our  Realm  ;  to- 
gether with  the  Authors  and  .Maintainers  of 
them  :  And  We  have  Ordered  the  Opinions  gi- 
ven by  Our  Judges,  Our  Attorney  and  Sollicitor- 
General  to  be  tranfmitted  to  You. 

We  are  pleafed  to  find  that^  according  to  the 
Opinion  of  Eight  of  Our  Twelve  Judges^  and 
of  Our  Attorney  and  Sollicitor-General^  as  the 
Law  now  ftands,  a  JurifdiAion  in  Matter  of  He- 
refy^  and  Condemnation  of  Herecicks^  is  pro- 
per to  be  exercis'd  in  Convocation ;  and  We 
cannot  doubt  but  the  Convocation  may  now 
be  fatisfted  they  may  employ  the  Power  which 
belongs  to  them,  in  repreffing  the  Impious  At- 
tempts, lately  made  to  fubuert  the  Foundatloyt  of  the 
fhrlfiian  Faith;  which  was  one  of  the  chief  Ends 
we  propofed  to  our  felves  in  affembling  them, 
as  appears  from  the  whole  of  our  Letter,  of 
December  12th,  and  from  the  firft  Head  of 
Bufmefs,  which  in  our  two  Subfequent  Let- 
ters of  January  29th,  and  February  14th  ,  we  re- 
commended to  their  ConlMeration.  We  truft 
that  thefe  our  Royal  Intentions,  fo  often  fignifi- 
ed,  will  not  be  without  efFed  ;  and  fo  Requiring 
you  forthwith  to  communicate  this  Our  Letter, 
together  with  the  Opinions  of  Our  Judges,  and 
Attorney  and  Sollicitor-General  herewith  tranf- 
mitted  to  You,  to  both  Houfes  of  Convocation, 
We  bid  you  heartily  Farewell.  Given  at  Our 
Court  at  St.James's-  the  Eighth  Day  o^  May  171 1. 
In  the  Tench  Year  of  Our  Reign. 

By  Her  Majefrys  Command, 



^8  Second  ATT  EKDIX 

Accordingly,  This  Letter  was  communica- 
ted to  both  Houfes,  on  Friday  May  ii.  together 
with  the  Opinions  of  the  Judges.  The  fame 
Day  a  Committee  of  both  Houfes  was  named  to 
compare  my  Doctrines  with  thofe  of  the  Church 
of  England :  The  Bifliops  of  Norwich^  and  St. 
Dazfld'sy  being  named  in  the  Upper ;  and  the 
Prolocutor,  Dean  Kennet,  Dr.  Smalridge,  Dr.  Ed- 
ra^ards^  and  Dr.  Gihfon  in  the  Lower.  "Some  time 
after,  the  Report  of  the  Committee  was  brought 
in,  which  contained  Propofitions  extraded  from 
fpme  of  my  late  Books,  compar'd  with  the  ufu- 
al  Texts  of  Scripture,  with  the  Dodrine  of  the 
two  firft  General  Counciis^  and  with  that  of  the 
Church  of  England. 

As  foon  as  I  heard  of  this  Procedure,  and 
before  the  Report  was  brought  in,  being  very 
defirous  to  be  heard  before  any  Cenfure  ,  I 
wrote,  and  fent  the  following  Letter  to  the 
Archbifhop  of  Canterbury,  as  Prefident  of  the 
Convocation,  in  hopes  he  would  pleafe  to  com- 
municate it  to  the  fame  :  Which  was  in  thefe 

London,  A/^j  II.  ijii^ 

May  it  pleafe  your  Grace ^ 

BEing  informed  that  the  Convocation  has  In- 
tentions of  Cenfuring  fome  of  the  Affertions 
in  my  late  Book  as  Heretical,  I  prefume  to  Ad- 
drefs  my  felf  to  your  Grace  on  this  Occafion,  as 
Prefident  of  the  Convocation  ;  Humbly  to  beg 
the  Favour,  that  before  any  fuch  Cenfure  I  be 
heard  by  the  Convccition,  both  for  the  Expli- 
cation of  my  Opinions  more  particularly,  and 
for  my  own  Defence  therein,  when  they  are 
fully  underftood.  This,  I  think,  I  may  infift 
upon  in  point  of  Juftice  j   and  confequently 


to  the  Htfloncal  Treface.  '^9 

cannot  fufped  any  denyal  or  difficulty  about  it. 
What  I  farther  promife  my  felf  from  your  Grace 
and  the  Convocation^  15  this.  That  as  foon  as 
the  Paffages  which  are  fuppofed  Heretical^  fhall 
be  noted,  I  may  have  Intimation  of  them,  and 
fome  competent  time  to  make  my  Defence.  I 
humbly  hope  for  your  Grace's  Pardon  for  the 
Trouble  of  this  Addrefs  ;  and  with  all  due  Sub- 
miffion  fubfcribe  my  felf, 

Tour  Grace's  mofi  Htimhle 

and  Obedient  Servant 


Now  the  Reader  is  to  note,  that  1  have  never 
been  able  to  procure  a  Copy  of  that  Report  of 
the  Committee  before-mentioned,  as  it  was  firft 
brought  in ,  with  its  Texts  of  Scripture,  and 
Citations  from  the  two  firft  general  Councils, 
and  from  the  publick  Ads  of  the  Church  of  £«- 
gland.  For  thofe  Texts  and  Citations  were  all 
dropt  afterward  in  the  Lower  Houfe,  and  that 
Omiffion  comply'd  with  by  the  Upper  ;  this 
made  the  laft  Re'fult  appear  in  a  very  different 
Form  from  the  firft  Draught.  After  fome  time 
had  paft  fmce  the  before-mention'd  Letter  was 
delivered ,  I  heard  nothing  about  its  being 
fent  to  the  Convocation  ;  nay  I  foon  heard  that 
it  wasmoft  certainly  not  fent;  and  that  it  was 
well  known  the  Convocation  did  not  intend  to 
hear  me  at  all,  I  refolved  to  try  once  more  to 
be  heard,  by  writing  a  more  free  and  bold  Let- 
ter to  each  Houfe  of  Convocation,  to  claim  that 
common  Right  of  Mankind.  This  laft  Letter 
was  dircded  thus,  for  the  Upper  Houfe,  To  the 
Arcbhi^hofs  Suhftitute :  And  ,  v/ith  a  very  few 
neceifary  Alterations  of  Stile,  for  the  Lovver,Tb 
tbs  Frolociitcr  •  and  was  in  thefe    Words. 


50        Second  ATTENT>IX. 

London,  A%28.  1711J 
May  it  f  lea fe  your  Lordjhlf, 

UNderftanding  that  there  are  fome  Propo--' 
fitions  extraded  out  of  my  Books,    in  or- 
der to  their  being  cenfur'd  by  the  Convocatioil 
as  Heretical,  I  cannot  but  make  this  Addrefs  to 
your  Lordfhip,  as  the  Subftitute  of  the  Prefi- 
dent  in  his  Abfence  ,•  and  thereby  to  the  Upper 
Houfe  of  Convocation,  to  beg  the  Favour  of  z 
true  Copy  of  thofe  Propofitions,  and  fome  fmall 
time  to  make  my  Explication  and  Apology  in 
relation  to  them.     This  is  the  known  confeffed 
Privilege  of  all  Men,  to  be  heard  before  their 
Dodrines  are  cenfured  or  condemn'd  ;  efpecial- 
ly  where  the  Crime  is  fo  heinous  as  that  of  He- 
refy.     I  do  not  remember  where  either  Taftfts 
or   FroteftantSy  Turks  or    Jews^  Heathens  or  Chri- 
ffiians  have  wholly  re fus'd'this  common  Right  of 
Mankind.     And  fo  I  cannot,   without  the  fe- 
vereft  Reflexion  upon  the  Honour  and  Juftice 
of  the  Convocation,  fuppofe  it  will,    or  can  be 
refus'd  me  in  this  Cafe.     Nor  fnall  I  be  able  to 
avoid   the  moft  open  and  affeding  Complaints 
and  Appeals  to  the  Chriftian  World,  if  this  molt 
equitable  Requefl:  be  denied  me.    I  am^ 

My  LORD, 

Tour  Lordjhlfs  ?mfi 
Obedient  Servant^ 



to  the  Hijlorical  Treface.  o  i 

This  Letter  I  fent  by  Mr.  Emlin,  as  a  faithful 
Friend,  and  as  a  Perfon  not  generally  known 
by  Face  to  the  Members  of  Convocation  ;  the' 
one  that  had  undergone  a  fevere  Fine  and  Im- 
prifonment  in  Ireland,  for  much  the  fame  Caufe 
that  this  Perfecution  has  been  rais'd  againft  me 
in  England,  and  on  that  Account  very  dear  to 
me.  Mr.  Emlin  could  not  get  the  Vergers  to 
carry  in  that  Copy  which  was  for  the'Upper 
Houfe  ;  and  fo  I  was  forced  to  fend  it  afterward 
another  way.  But  meeting  with  the  Prolocu- 
tor in  TVeftmlnfier-Ahby,  walking  with  Dr.  Gafirel^ 
he  delivered  the  other  Copy  to  him,  intending 
to  be  unknown,  and  to  appear  as  a  bare  Mef- 
fenger :  But  was  forc'd  by  the  Importunity  of 
the  Prolocutor,  and  the  Knowledge  or  Guefs  of 
Dr.  Gafirel  to  difcover  himfelf  to  them.  This 
caufed  a  current  Report,  that  I  aflbciated  my 
fQ\iw\K\\2i  SocinlanDijJenter^whoftill keft  a  Socinian 

Which  Character  of  Mr.  Emlin,  I  take  to  be 
diredly  falfe  :  As  I  have  elfewhere  intima- 
ted :  And  I  do  here  venture  to  recommend 
his  Judicious  Book  Intituled,  An  Humble  Enquiry  Second  Re* 
into  the  Scripture  Account  of  Jefus  Chrifl:,  for  which  ^^^  f'  ^^• 
he  fufFered  that  hard  Profecution  in  Ireland  be-  p '^'f' 
fore-mentioned,  to  the  Chriftian  Reader;  and 
^m  bold  to  fay,  that  if  I  could  but  fee  that  fmali 
Treatife  fatisfadorily  anfwered,  it  would  do 
more  to  convince  me  of  my  being  mifl:aken,than 
all  that  has  been  yet  faid  or  done  relating  there- 
to. Thait  Book  was  indeed  reply'd  to  by  Mr. 
Boyfe :  But  upon  Mr.  Emlin  s  Vindication  of  the 
Principal  Point  in  it,  the  Difpute  was  prudently 
dropt'by  the  other,and  no  fartherRejoinder  made 
to  it.  And,  by  the  way,  that  the  Honeil  Rea- 
der may  fee  who  Mr.  Emlin  is,  and  for  what  he 
was  condemn'd  in  Ireland,  I  willprefent  him  with 



Pag.  4. 

Pag.  9. 


an  entire  and  authentick  Copy  of  the  Words 
charg'd  upon  him  in  his  Indidment^  as  they 
were  extracted  out  of  his  before-mention'd  Trea- 
tife  :  *^  I  fee  no  Reafon^  fays,  he,  there  will  be 
to  oppofe  thofe  Unitarians  who  think  Jefus 
Chriil  to  be  a  fufficient  Saviour  and  a  Prince^ 
though  he  be  not  the  only  Supreme  God.  Nor 
can  any  with  Reafon  attempt  to  prove  him  to ' 
be  fuch  from  his  Works  and  Office  as  King  of 
his  Church  ;  fince  'tis  imply'd,  that  as  fuch  he 
muft  do  Homage  to  God  the.  Father,  in  de- 
livering up  his  Kingdom  to  him.  And  this 
very  Expreffion,  (to  God  the  Father,  )  makes 
it  plain  that  there  is  no  God  the  Son  in  the 
fame  Senfe ,  or  in  the  fame  Supreme  Eflence 
with  the  Father.  — —  So  then  Jefus  Chrift  in 
his  higheft  Capacity  is  Inferior  to  the  Father. 
How  can  he  be  the  fame  God  to  which  he  is 
fubjecl;,  or  of  the  fame  Rank  and  Dignity  ? 

So  that^.I  may  fafely  fay  thus  much. 

That  the  Bleffed  Jefus  has  declar'd  himfelf  not 
to  be  the  Supreme  God,or  equal  to  theFather, 
as  plainly  as  Words  could  fpeak ,  or  in  brief 
Exprefs.  -■    '     •  . 

This  Doctrine  of  Mr.  Emlin  is  far  enough  from 
Soclnianifm^  and  is  indeed  little  different  from 
that  which  Bifhop  Bull^  and  with  him  our  pre- 
fent  Convocation  it  felf  begin  freely  to  alTert. 
Yet  was  this  but  Eight  Years  ago  efteem'd  fo 
horrid  in  Ireland ,  that  for  alTerting  it  poor  Mr. 
Emlin,  after  Two  Indidments  drawn  up  which; 
would  not  bear,  was  the  third  tiftie  found 
Guilty  of  no  lefs  a  Crime  than  Blafphemji ;  and 
this  by  a  Jury  of  Tradefmen ;  but  at  the  Dire- 
<aion  of  a  Lord  Chief  Juftice,  and  by  the  Ter- 
ror infus'd  from  the  Prefence  and  Zeal  of  Two 
Archbifhops  upon  the  Bench,  and  of  feveral 
Biflipps  in  the  Court  ;  whereof  they  were  re-^ 


to  the  Hijlorical  preface.  ^  ^ 

minded  by  the  Lord  Chief  Juftice.     Nor  was 
the  Sentence  aud  Punilhment  fm^ll  ;  but  pro- 
portion'd  to  fo  heinous  a  Crime  ,  fo  far  as  the 
Law  would  warrant  ;  I  mean  a  Fine  of  looo  /. 
with  Imprifonmenc  till  it  was  paid.     Part  of  ths 
Fine,  indeed,  was  afterward  remitted  ;  but  not 
till  after  more  than  Two  Years  Imprifonmenti 
Which  Punifhmenr,  together  with  the  publick 
Odium  and  Infamy,  and  the  lofs  of  an  loo  /.  a 
Year  Income  befides,  he  has  born  with  Chrifti- 
an  Patience  hitherto.     Yet  after  all  this,  while  . 
his  laft  Book  remains  unanfwery  ,  and  not  one 
proper  Part  of   the  SGcima?^  Do(!:l:rine  can  be 
charg'd  upon  him  ,•  while  he  has  long  left  off 
keeping  any  Diffenting  Meeting  ;  nay ,  has  ge- 
nerally communicated  with  our  Church,  fo  far 
as  in  Confcience  he  can  ;  he  is  to  be  a-new  Re-^ 
proach'd  and  Stigmatized,  becaufe  at  my  Defire 
he  carried  a  Letter  for  me  to  the  Prolocutor  of 
the  Lower  Houfe  of  Convocation,  and  intend- 
ed not  to  have  appear'd  any  otherwife  than  as 
an  unknown  and  namelcfs  Meffenger  upon  that 
Occafion.     Were  not  all  this  plain  Facfl,  one 
w^ould  think  it  impoffible  for  Men  of  any  Cha- 
racter or  Figure  to  behave  themfelves  fo  partial- 
ly, unjuftly,  and  unchriftianly,  as  fuch  a  Pro-- 
cedure  implies.     And  I  hope  the  Body  of  this 
Nation  are  too  free,  and  too  averfe  from  Perfe- 
Gution  for  Confcience  fake ,  to  encourage  any 
Man  or  Number  of  Men  whatfoever  in  Matters 
fo  utterly  unjuitifyable  and..^nreafonable.     But 
to  return. 

When  the  Propofitions  came  from  the  Uppef  . 
Houfe  to  the  Lower ;  neither  of  which  vouch- 
fa  fed  to  hear  me,  nor  fo  much  as  fent  me  a  Co- 
py of  v/hat  they  were  going  to  Cenfure ,  it 
prov'd  to  be  thus :  That  Propontion  from  tho 
Upper  Houfe^  which  condemned  as  Herefv  my 
e*^^  Affirnv 

34         Second  ATT  EWDlX 

Aflfirminj^,  that  tt)e  One  'God  of  the  Chriftlans  tvos 
7tot  the  I'hree  Verfcns  taken  together^  hut  God  the  Fa- 
ther ordy^  was  generally  yielded  to  be  Heretical : 
Though  more  than  one  of  the  Lower  Houfe 
own'd  it  was  not  fo  :  And  one  of  them  entred 
his  Proteftation  accordingly,  that  he  did  not 
condemn  it  as  fuch.  That  Propofition,  or  Part 
of  a  Propofition  alfo  which,  as  it  came  from  the 
Upper  Houfe,  noted  .my  affirming  the  Son  to  be 
Subordinate  to  the  Father^as  Heretical ;  upon  De- 
liberaticn  in  the  Lower,  was  own'd  not  to  be 
fo  :  but  to  be  the  true  Chriftian  Do(5lrine ;  and 
accordingly  it  was  amended  or  omitted  by  the 
Lcvver  Houfe  ;  and  at  lalt  the  Upper  Houfe 
agi*eed  to  fuch  an  Amendment  or  Omiflion.And 
other  fuch  Alterations  or  Gmiffions  I  have  heard 
were  made  there  alfo ;  though  I  hare  had  fo 
very  imperfec^l:  Hints  about  them,  that  I  can 
give  no  very  good  Account  of  them.  Howe- 
ver, the  feveral  Affertions  of  mine  which  were 
condemn'd  as  Heretical,were  Twelve  ;  befides  a 
Thirteenth  about  the  Apoftolical  Ccnftitutions, 
as  if  what  I  affirmed  of  them  were,  tho  not  He- 
retical, yet  Impious,  and  fuch  as  tended  to  di- 
fturb  the  Canon  of  Scripture.  But  fo  privately 
has  this  Matter  been  carried,and  thefe  Cenfures 
are  fo  far  from  being  made  publick,  as  one  would 
think  their  very  Nature  and  Defign  requir'd 
them  to  be,  that  I  my  felf  have  only  heard  them 
read  over,  but  have  not  been  able  to  procure  a 
Copy  of  them.  I  hope  the  Members  begin  to 
be  fenfible  of  their  Error  in  this  way  of  Pro- 
ceeding, and  are  therefore  willing  to  conceal 
the  Effedis  thereof  from  the  World  :  Which  if 
it  be  fo,  I  own  there  is  good  Reafon  for  Con- 
cealment :  otherwife  I  and  all  the  Church  have 
a  Right  to  be  informed  of  thefe  Matters^,  and 
ought  to  have  a  Copy  of  this  Cenfure  authen- 


to  the  Hifiorical  Treface.  3  5 

tickly  communicated  to  us.  But  to  fay  no  more 
upon  that  Head,  I  fhall  venture  to  leave  thefe 
pretended  Heretical  Proportions  of  mine  to  be 
confuted  by  the  Learned  ,  when  m}^  Four  Vo- 
lumes are  publifhed  ;  as  well  as  they  have  been 
thus  before-hand  cenfur'd, without  Examination^ 
by  the  Convocation.  I  only  Remark  here  thefe 
Two  Things  ,  (i.)  That  the  Convocation  has 
not,  I  perceive,  thought  fit  to  cenfure  my  20th 
Propofition,  where  my  Dodrine  was  moft  au- 
thentickly  explained,  concerning  the  Divinity 
and  Invocation  of  the  Holy  Ghoft,  but  only  an 
occafional  Paffage  in  one  of  my  Letters  to  the 
fame  purpofe  :  So  that  the  Senfe  of  the  Convo- 
cation feems  to  be  this,  That  although  it  be  un- 
deniable that  the  Scriptures,or  the  mofi:  primitive 
Writers  never  ventur'd  to  call  the  Holy  Ghoft 
God,  or  Lord,  nor  to  Invocate  him,  yet  is  it 
Herefy  now  to  infinuate  that  he  is  not  to  be  fo 
called,  nor  to  be  fo  invocated  by  Chriftians. 
Which  fort  of  Determination  I  cannot  but  re- 
commend to  the  honeft  reformed  Chriftian^s  fe- 
rious  Confideration.  I  do  remark  (2.)  That 
over  and  above  the  other  Miftakes  or  Mifmter- 
pretations  of  my  Meaning,  the  Convocation 
have,  at  the  Conclufion  of  its  Cenfure,  afferted 
an  eminent  Matter  of  Fad  which  is  untrue  ; 
nay,  when  the  very  Foundation  of  the  Cenfure 
is  built  on  that  Fad  fo  untruly  reprefented,  as  I 
have  elfe where  noted  already.  For  I.  am  there-  Second  ^"1 
fore  cenfured  for  affirming  the  Conftitutions  to  Reply  to 
be  a  Canonical  Book^  becaufe  they  fay  no  General  Dr.  Mix, 
Council  ever  own'd  them  as  fuch.  Whereas  the  P*  ^^* 
Fad  is,  that  every  General  Council,  till  very 
late  Ages,  thofe  I  mean  which  fpeak  of  the  Ca- 
nonical Books  at  all ,  do  conftantly  own  them 
for  undoubtedly  Canonical ;  as  will  at  large  ap- 
pear in  my  Ejjay  on  thofe  Conftitutions,  This  erofs 
(*^^a)  \Mi. 

56  Second  ATT  EN  T>  IX 

Miftake  m:ikes  it  very  evident^  that  thofe  who 
drew  up  this  Cenfure  ,  were  not  fufficiently 
careful  to  underftand  the  Hiftory  of  thefe 
Conftitutions ,  nor  indeed  of  thofe  General 
Councils  themfelves,  on  whofe  Authority  they 
rely'd  in  rejeding  them. 

I  fhall  now  add  that  Speech,  that  Explicati- 
on, Defence  and  Appeal ,  which  I  intended  to 
have  made  'vi'va  njoce  before  both  Houfes  of 
Convocation ,  had  I  been  permitted  fo  to  do. 
For  tho'  I  could  not  obtain  the  Favour  of  be- 
ing heard  by  the  Convocation ,  yet  do  1  hope 
I  may  obtain  that  of  being  ready  both  by  them 
and  others,  upon  fo  great  an  Occafion.  It  was 
intended  to  have  been  in  thefe  Words, 

Dr.  AUix,  TTITHat  aLearned  Writer  has  lately  noted  from 
Remarks,  y  ^  Jerom^  thaty4  Man  ought  not  to  hear  the  Imput  a- 
^'  ^'  tion  ofHcrefy  with  Indifference;  is  certainly  not  only 

very  true,  but  very  pertinent  to  my  Cafe  at  pre- 
fent.     For  I  find  my  felf  under  the  Accufation 
of  Herefy  ;  and  that  not  only  from  a  fingle 
Perfon ,  but  from  the  principal  Part  of  the  Re- 
prefentative  Body  of    the  Church  whereof  I 
am  a  Member.      And  the  Accufation,  I  own, 
ought  to  go  very  near  my  Heart  indeed,  in  cafe 
it  be  well  grounded  :    For  I  know  that  St.  Vaul  reckons   Herefies  among  thofe  works  of  the  flejli 
which  exclude  Men  from  the  Kingdom  of  God. 
2  Pet.  IT.    And  St.  Peter  foretels ,    that  fome  fhall  bring  in 
I.  damnable  Herefies  ;    and  affirms,  that  fuch  Here- 

fies as  he  fpeaks  of ,    would  bring  on  their  Au- 
thors fwift   defiruBion.      St.  Taul  alfo   requires 
T*    TIT     '^^^^^  i  ^^  Bifhop  of  Crete ,    to  admonijlj  and  rejeB 
10  *  II.'     ^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^  Hereticky  as  one  that  is  a  fervert- 
edy  felf' condemned  Sinner,     So  that  I ,    who  fully 


to  the  H'tflorical  Treface.  ^  J 

believe  thefe  Sacred  Texts ,    and  expert  to  \>c 

judg'd  according  to  them^  ought  certainly  to  be 
very  careful  that  I  be  not  guilty  of  that  great 
and  fatal  Crime  of  Here/}  ,  whereof  I  am  ac- 

But  then,  on  the  other  fide,  feeing  the  Crime 
is  fo  heinous ,  and  the  Punifliment  fo  great, 
particular  Care  ought  to  be  taken ,  that  none 
be  accus'd  of  it ,  without  a  through  Examina- 
tion, and  full  Proof;  That  the  Word  Herefy 
be  now  taken  in  the  fame  Accptation  that  St. 
Peter  and  St.  Taul  us'd  it  in  ;  and  that  nothing 
be  efteem'd  fuch  ,  but  upon  Sacred  and  Divine 
Authority  :  Nothing,  but  what  is  plainly  con- 
trary to  the  clear  Teftimony  of  Infpired  Wri- 
tings :  Otherwife  it  may  moft  eafily  happen, 
that  the  Miftakes  of  Men  fhall  pafs  for  theTruths 
of  God ,  and  the  Holy  Dodrines  of  pur  Reli- 
gion be  efteem'd  dired  Herefies.  That  this  is 
no  impoffible  Suppofition,  I  believe  you  will  all 
grant  ;  as  knowing  that  every  one  of  you  your 
felves,  who  feem  willing  to  lay  this  Imputation 
upon  me,  are  efteem'd  Hcreticks  by  the  Church 
of  Kome  ;  And  that  thefe  Reformed  Kingdoms 
pafs  with  a  great  Part  of  the  Chriftian  Woi*ld, 
only  as  the  Principal  Branch  of  the  Northern 
Herefy.  And  I  believe  few  of  you  can  be  in- 
fenfible  how  very  frequently  thefe  Terms,  He- 
refy  and  Hereticks  ^  have  in  all  the  latter  Ages 
been  made  Matter  of  unjuft  Reproach ,  and 
been  faften'd  by  one  Party  upon  another,  with- 
out any  ferious  Regard  to  Truth,  and  the  Scri- 
pture-meaning of  thofe  Words.  Nay,  if  we 
look  into  the  Books  of  the  New  Teftament 
themfelves ,  we  fhall  find  the  whole  Chriftian 
Church  call'd  the  SeH  or  Htrefy  of  the  Nazmns  ;  y^^^ 
and  that  the  fame  Chriftian  SeB  or  ILrefy  was  XXVIII* 
once  every  whei'e  ffoken  againfi.    And  the  fame  St.  la. 

3S         Second  JTTEKD  IX 

Tauly  who  pafles  fo  hard  a  Cenfure  on  real  He- 
refies ,  was  yet  oblig'd  to  acknowledge  himfelf 
under  the  like  Imputation  ;  infomuch  that  he 
was  forc'd  boldly  to  fuftain  the  Charge  ^  and 
bravely  to  own  it :  And  I  defire  his  Words  may 
be  taken,  as  at  once  my  Profeffion  and  Apology 
XXIV  ^^^O.  This  I  confefs  mto  the^  ^  that  after  the  ii;ay 
41.  'jvhlch  they  call  Herefy^  '  fo  Ti^orp'tf  I  the  ,  God  of  my 

fathers  ^  belies 'mg  all  things  'that  are  written  in  the 
Lav;  and  the  Frophets.  So  that.  As  I  readily  own, 
that  in  cafe  I  be  once  clearly  prov'd  to  be ,  in 
the  Scripture  Senfe,  Piti  Heretic k,  you  may^,  nay 
you  are  bound  to  admonilli  and  rejec5l  me  from 
the  Church  of  Chrift  -So  do  I  earneftly  beg 
of  you,  that  you  make  a  through  Enquiry  into 
my  Opinions ,  and  a  full  Examination  of  the 
Grounds  whereon  they  are  built  ^  before  you 
venture  upon  declaring  them  Heretical.  I  am 
fure  I  have  not  gope  into  them  at  random  ;  but 
with  an  honeft  and  impartial  Mind  fearched  all 
the  Sacred  and  moft  Primitive  Books  of  our  Re- 
ligion, that  I  might ,  if  poffible ,  know  what 
was  true  ,  uncorrupt ,  genuine  Chriftianity  in 
thefe  Matters.  I  went  alfo  with  a  great  Dread 
of  being  deceived",  and  of  falling  into  any  Er- 
rors or  Herefies  which  might  be  pernicious  to 
the  Church ,  and  to  my  own  Soul  alfo.  Yet 
was  I  overpowerM  vv^ith  the  Original  Evidence^ 
and  oblig'd  by  my  Confcience,and  the  Convi- 
ctions of  my  own  Mind^  to  change  the  Opini- 
ons I  had. been  brought  up  in,  Nay,  I  was  at 
laft  oblig'd  by  that  Integrity  and  perfed  Honefty 
which  I  love  above  all  Things,  tho'  with  an  un- 
willing Mind  ,  to  fubmit  to  the  Imputation  of 
jirlanifm  it  felf ,  on  account  of  my  Perfwafion  ; 
after  I  could  not  deny  that  the  Sacred  Truths  1 
had  difcover'd,  had,  for  all  thefe  latter  Ages, 
Ts'd  under  that  odious  Name  in  the  World. 



to  the  Hijlorical^  Treface.  3  9 

This  is  the  plain  Truth  of  my  Cafe.  And  if 
any  of  this  Great  Body  will  plea(e  to  go  through 
the  fame  Courfe  of  Study  ,  with  the  fame  free 
and  unbyafs'd  Temper  of  Mind  ,  and  an  equal 
Defrre  of  Primitive  Truth;,  on  what  Side  foever 
it  is  found  ;  and  will  then  fpeak  and  write  his 
Mind  as  freely  as  I  have  done ,-  I  believe  hq 
will  be  in  great  danger  of  this  Imputation  alfo. 
All  that  I  beg  therefore  is  this  ^  That  you^  who 
are  willing  to  be  Judges ,  will  but  fpend  Part  at 
leaft  of  that  Time  and  Pains  which  I  took  be- 
fore I  fix'd  my  Opinions,  in  the  ferious  Exami- 
nation of  them  before  you  proceed  againft 

In  Civil  Courts ,  the  Judges  alv^^ays  fatisfy 
themfelves  of  the  Law ,  before  they  determine 
the  Cafe.  Accordingly,  fince  the  Sacred  Books 
of  our  Religion  are,  even  by  the  Diredion  of 
(the  kdi  of  Parliament  relating  to  this  Matter, 
the  firft  and  principal  of  your  Legal  Guides  ^ 
as  well  as  by  the  Nature  of  our  Religion ,  both 
as  Chriftian  and  as  Reformed ,  your  proper 
Guides  in  Confcience  ;  I  have  Reafon  to  ex- 
pert, that  you  fearch  and  examine  the  fame, 
before  you  pafs  any  Cenfure  upon  me.  Confi- 
der  what  Anfwer  you  will  make  to  our  Lord  at 
the  Great  Day,  of  Judgment ,  in  cafe  you  be 
miftaken  ,  and  condemn  his  Holy  and  Divine 
.Truths  for  BUffhemous  9.nd  Dammhie  Herefies? 
And  this  merely,  becaufe  you  would  not  fearch 
the  Scriptures,  nor  fairly  examine  the  Doctrines, 
.whether  they  were  his  Truths,  or  not.  Confir 
der  that  in  fuch  a  Cafe ,  even  tho'  you  fhould 
happen  not  to  be  miftaken  ,  but  the  Opinions 
■condemned  fhould  really  prove  Falfe  and  Here- 
tical at  laft  ;  yet  that  the  Condemning  the 
fame  without  a  through  Examination ,  will 
be  fcarce  a  lefs  Crime  in  this  than  in  the  for- 
(  "^'^^  4  )  mer 

4-0  Second  JT'T  ENTflX 

mer  Cafe  :  Since  there  is  no  Examination  fup- 
pos'd  3  whether  the  Do6lrines  were  truly  Here-^ 
fies  or  not  ;  but  they  are  condemn'd  while  it 
was  not  known  but  they  might  prove  to  be  the 
Certain  Truths  of  Chrift  Jefus.  And  indeed, 
what  has  been  already  done  ,  I  mean  the  Ad- 
drefs,  or  Reprefentation  of  my  Opinions  to  the 
Queen's  moft  Excellent  Majefty  as  damnable 
and  hlaffhemom  yljjertions ;  and  of  me,  as  one  of 
fcrnlciom  Deftgns  ^  as  guilty  of  dtreB  Blaffhewyy 
and  contradlBing  Fundamental  Articles  of  Chriftia- 
nity  ;  sind  this  before  any  Enquiry  or  Exami- 
nation ;  would  aiford  me  very  great  and  very 
juftOccafion  of  Gomplaint^did  not  the  Sacrednefs 
of  the  Charader  of  the  College  of  Bifhops,  under 
whofeNamethatAddrefs  appears,  whom  allChri- 
ilians  are  to  have  in  the  highefl;  Veneration  ; 
and  whofe  Authority ,  when  duly  exercis'd, 
Chrift  (bv  his  Apoftles,  in  their  Conftitutions) 
has  declar'd  to  be  fo  indifputable  and  divine, 
mightily  reftrain  me  ;  and  perfwade  me  ra- 
ther to  lay  my  hand  upon  my  mouth  for  the  prefent, 
and  fit  down  contented  under  thofe  reproachful 
Characters.  However,  the  good  Providence  of 
God  will,  I  hope,  afford  me  in  due  time  fome 
other  more  inoffenfive  Means  of  Recovering 
my  Reputation  with  the  Great  Defender  of,  our 
Faith,  and  Fountain  of  Juftice  ;  before  whom 
I  have  been  fo  hardly  reprefented  ;  that  I  may, 
if  poffible,  regain  Her  Majefty's  good  Opinion, 
without  the  leaft  Sufpicion  of  my  freaking  e^il 
pf  thp  Ecclefiaftical  RuUrs  of  Chriftian  People. 
Only  this,  I  hope,  I  may  have  Leave  here  to  fay 
without  Offence  ;  That  there  can  certainly  be 
flp  Caufe  to  place  me  among  Blafphemers ;  nor 
;to  fuppofe  m.e  capable  of  concurring  with  any 
^impious  Attempts  to  fub-vert  the  Foundation  of  the  Chrl- 
fi^an  Faith:  Unlefs  it  be  BUfphemy  to  prefer  what, 


to  the  Hifiorzcal  Treface.  4 ^ 

upon  the  fulleft  Evidence,  I  do  really  believe  to 
be  the  Sacred  Truths  of  our  BlelTed  Saviour 
concerning  the  Supreme  God  ,  and  himfelf  his 
Only-begotten  Son^  and  that  Blefled  Spirit  who 
is  derived  from  them  both  ;  before  the  late  De- 
crees and  Determinations  which  Human  Au- 
thority has  impos'd  upon  the  Church  in  thofe 
Matters  ;  And  unlefs  the  writing  zealoufly  for, 
and  by  both  my  Labours ,  Dodrine  and  Life, 
heartily  endeavouring  to  promote  the  Chriftian 
Religion^  and  to  fpread  it  over  the  World,  can 
be  interpreted  Subverting  the  Foundations  of  it, 
Efpecially  fuch  Imputations  are  with  lefs  Reafon 
laid  upon  me  at  this  time^  when  I  am  upon  fuch 
a  Great  Defign  of  Recovering  the  Original 
Do(5lrines  of  Chriftianity ,  and  Reftoring  the 
Purity  of  its  Worftiip  and  Difcipline  among 
Men  :  And  do  verily  hope  and  believe ,  that 
the  entire  additional  Evidence  for  the  certain 
Truth  of  the  Gofpel  I  brinjs;  with  me  ;  That 
which  will  arife  from  a  right  Underftanding  of 
it,  and  the  Vanifhing  of  thofe  prefling  Obje(5li- 
ons  which  have  arifen  from  our  modern  Mi- 
ftakes  about  it  ;  and  That  which  I  have  to  pro- 
pofe  anew  from  that  Ineftimable  and  moft  Sa- 
cred Book  of  our  Religion  ,  the  Confiitutions  of 
the  Afofiles ,  will  fcarcely  be  inferior  to  thofe 
ftrong  and  convincing  Proofs  we  have  for  it  al- 
ready ;  and  fo  will ,  I  hope,  render  all  the  Ef- 
forts of  Atheifm  and  Infidelity,  of  which  there 
are  fuch  great  and  fuch  juft  Complaints  among 
us  ,  for  the  future  perfedly  inefFedual.  How- 
ever ,  my  Comfort  under  fo  great-  Reproaches 
and  Accufations  is  this.  That  the  beft  and  firft 
Gonfeflbrs  and  Martyrs  for  our  Holy  Religion, 
nay,  the  Blefled  Author  of  it  himfelf,  and  his 
Apoftles ,  could  not  efcape  the  like  odious  Im- 
putations.     St.  Stephen  beins  accus'd  and  con-  ^^^  ^^' 

demnd     '   * 

\h         Second  AT  P  EN 'D IX. 

demn'd  for  hlaffhemous  'words  againft  Mofis  ,  0^ 
again  ft  Gdd  y  aga'm/i  the  Jeiviflj  Holj  Place^  dnd'af. 
gainft  the  Law.  And  the  like  Crimes  of  Blaff^^e^ 
iny  5  and  of  attempting  to  fuh^ven  the  EftMljlid 
Religion  ^  being  aifo  frequently  laid  upon  our 
Lord  Jefus/  and  his  Apoftles  after  him  ;  as  you 
all  kncrw  from  the  Books  of  the  New  Tefta- 

I  pafs  over  ^  the  harfh  Interpretation  of  my 
Dedication  of  the  Hiftorical  Preface  to  the  Con- 
vocation ;  as  if  it  were  a  Piece  of  Confidence  m 
me^  or  an  Affront  offer'd  to  them  ;  which  was 
fincerely  intended  as  a  real  Inftance  of  Refpe(3: 
and  Deference  to  the  Convocation  ,  and  to  the 
Church  of  England.  But  then,  as  to  the  Do- 
brines  themfelves  which  Ihave advanced,  I  am 
fo  well  aflurd  of  their  certain  Truth ,  and  of 
the  Strength  of  the  Evidence  that  I  have  for 
tliem  5  that  I  do  here  again  publickly  offer  to 
this  Convocation  ^  as  I  have  fo  often  done  it  in 
other  places,  that  if  I  be  allow'd  a  fair  Hearing, 
or  Conference  ,  or  Examination,  and  the  con- 
trary plain  Teftimcnies  in  the  earlieft  Antiqui- 
ty appear  to  be  one  Tenth  Part  fo  many  in 
■jSIumber ,  and  fo  weighty  as  I  have  to  produce 
for  my  Affertions  ,  I  will  entirely  fupprefs  my 
Papers,  ahd  they  fhall  give  no  farther  Difturr 
bance  to  the  Chriftian  World.  I  have  made 
this  Offer  fo  often  in  vain  elfewhere ,  that  I 
cannot  fully  promife  my  felf  better  Succefs 
here.  All  therefore  that  in  cafe  of  Refufal  I 
can  farther  defire  upon  this  Head ,  which  inr 
deed  I  fuMy  infift  upon ,  is  only  this  ;  That 
till  fo  fair  qnd  unexceptionable  an  Offer  be  ac- 
cepted ,  and  its  Succefs  known  ,  I  may  not  be 
condemned  as  an  Heretkk  ,  nor  my  Affertions 
pronoun c'd  to  be  Heretical  ^  leit  the  free  and  un- 
byafs'd  Part  of  Mankind  entertain  a  too  difad- 


to  the  Hiflorical  Treface^  43 

vantagious  Opinion  of  the  Proceedings  of  this 
Convocation  ^  and  of  that  Clergy  whom  it  re- 
prefents  :  As  indeed  ^  I  mull  be  allow'd  to  fay 
it  y  not  a  few  of  them  do  already  begin  to  do 
upon  this  Occafion.  Permit  me  farther  to  fay, 
that  the  ftiling  thofe  Dodrines  Heretical^  which 
are  by  all  the  Learned  own'd  to  be  plainly  con- 
tain'd  in  the  Conftitutions  of  the  Apoflles,  and 
the  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius^  without  the  lead 
Examination  of  my  Proofs  for  the  Genuinenefs 
of  thofe  Books,  is  certainly  a  moft  ftrange  Pro- 
cedure^  and  fuch  as  cannot,  I  think,  be  recon- 
cil'd  with  the  known  Rules  of  Juftice  ,  much 
lefs  with  Chriftianity.  All  other  bare  Human 
Authorities,  and  Expreflions  of  the  Ancient. 
Fathers ,  may  fometimes  be  fet  a  fide  by  preju^ 
dic'd  Men,  without  the  Impeachment  of  their 
Chriftianity ;  becaufe  they  may  poffibly  fuppcfe 
that  the  Sacred  Books  of  our  Religion  do  deli-- 
ver  Things  contrary  to  thofe  Notions.  But 
to  call  Opinions  Heretical,  that  are  own'd  to 
be  contain'd  not  only  in  St.  Paul's  'own  BilTiop 
Ignatlus's  Larger  Epiftles,  but  in  the  moft  Sacred 
Apoftolical  Conftitutions  themfelves  ^  while 
Men  not  only  neglect,  but  refufe  to  examine 
whether  thofe  Books  be  genuine  or  not;  feems 
to  me  not  at  all  confiftent  with  our  common 
Chriftianity.  Be  pleas'd  therefore  to  appoint  a 
fair  Examination,  at  leaft  of  the  Papers  which 
vindicate  thofe  Books ,  before  you  venture  to 
cenfure  the  Dodrrines  contain'd  in  them.  And 
that  I  may  prefs  this  Matter  home  upon  you, 
I  do  here  produce  and  offer  to  you  my  Dijjert^- 
tlon  upon  the  Eftftks  of  Ignatius ,  which  is  not 
very  long,  and  its  Subjed  not  too  remote  from 
the  Studies  of  the  prefent  Age,  for  your  imme- 
diate Examination  accordingly.  And  I  con- 
jure you  by  all  the  Ties  of  Sincerity  and  of 
^  Confci- 

H         Second  ATTEKTUX 

Confcience^  that  at  leaft  this  me  Tan  of  my  E-,' 
vidence  for  what  I  affert ,    may  be  throughly 
examin'd  ,    before  any  Cenfure  be  pafs'd  upon 
my  Affertions. 

And  this  I  do  the  more  boldly  plead  for,  be- 
caufe  ,  whatever  Difagreement  there  is  in  the 
Opinions  of  the  Reverend  the  Judges ,  as  to 
the  Jurifdidion  of  this  Body  in  other  Cafes  here- 
to relating ,  yet  do  they  all  unanimoufly  agree 
in  thiS;,  That  the  firft  Thing  (without  Difpute) 
in  the  Power  of  the  Convocation,  is,  the  Exa- 
mination of  fuch  Opinions  as  are  reprefented  to 
them  as  Heretical  :  Nor  do  they  in  the  leaft 
fuppofe  that  they  can  cenfure  or  condemn 
them,  but  upon  fuch  an  Examination.  And  if 
fo  fair  and  unexceptionable  a  Propofal  be  re- 
fused ,  I  muft  appeal  from  you  to  God  Almigh- 
ty, and  to  the  whole  Chriftian  World  for  my 

But  to  come  directly  to  the  prefent  Matter., 
namely,  to  that  Accufation  of  Herefy  which  is  laid 
againft  me ,  on  Account  of  fome  of  my  Do- 
<5lnnes  appearing  to  contradict,  I  do  not  fay  the 
Sefiptures,  for  I  am  well  aiTured  there  is  but 
fmall  Pretence  for  any  fuch  Imagination,  but 
the  Determinations  of  the  Council  of  Nice,  whofe 
Decrees  are  one  Rule  for  judging  of  Herefy  by 
the  Laws  of  this  Kingdom.  Now  I  do  humbly 
prefume  that  this  Convocation  cannot  of  it  felt 
alone  determine  what  is  Herefy,  at  leaft  in  the 
prefent  Cafe  :  Since  that  very  Ad  which  is  the 
Principal  Legal  Guide  in  this  Cafe,  exprefly 
makes  the  Parliament  a  neceflary  Part  of  fuch 
Authority  :  I  fay,  in  fach  Cafes  as  mine  at  leaft 
this  Confent  both  of  Parliament  and  Convoca- 
tion is  neceffary  to  determine  what  is  legal  He- 
refy ;  becaufe,  as  will  appear  prefently,  of  the 
i^\^^:i\  Legal  Rules  which  arc  mentioned  in  that 


to  the  Hijiorical  Treface.  45 

A(^:,thofe  Two  which  are  concern'd  in  my  Mat- 
ters are  exprefly  contrary  to  one  another  in  the 
principal  Point  of  all.     For  as  to  the  Creed  and 
Council  of  Nicey  which  are  fuppos'd  in  the  Ad- 
drefs  to  Her  Majefty  to  contradid  my  Aflerti- 
ons,  efpecially  in  two  Points  really  fundamental 
to  our  Religion  ,    I  fuppofe  the  Confuhfiantiali^ 
ty  of  our  Saviour^  and  his  being  begotten  ah  ater- 
noy  and    not  n^a^e  or   created ;  I   muft  declare 
that  I  have  not  fo  far  deny'd  the  Confubftanti- 
ality  of  the  Son,    or  fo  far  affirmed  that  our 
Saviour  was  made  or  created  by   the  Father,  in 
that  Senfe  I  mean  wherein  the  Council  of  Nice 
intended  chiefly  to  eftablifli  the  one,  and  con- 
demn the  other,  as  is  generally  believed  :  Which 
my  MSS.  Papers  will  more  fully  (hew.     And  in- 
deed my  MS.  Account  of  the  Primitive.  Fairh 
does  fo  diftindly  explain  my  real  Sentiments  in 
thefe  and  other  Matters,and  is  fo  perpetually  re- 
fer'd  to  by  the  fmaller  and  more  imperfed  Pa- 
pers already   printed ,  that  I  cannot  but  vehe- 
mently complain  of  great  Hardfhip  and  mgft 
fevere  Treatment  whenever  my  Opinions  are, 
pretended  to  be  authentickly  cenfur'd  or  con- 
demn'd  without  the  perufal  of  thofe  Papers  : 
Efpecially  when  you  all  cannot  but  know  than 
not  only  the   Convocation,   or  either  Houfe, 
or  any  Committee  of  either  Houfe,  but  every 
fmgle  Member   in  particular  may  moft  eafily 
comm.and  the  ufe  of  the  fame  Papers  at  their 
own  Pleafure,  upon  the  leafl:  Intimation  of  their 
Defires  to  that  Purpofe.     And  as  to  the  Term 
iuoianoi,  Confuhftantialy  any  that  read-  thofe  loofe, 
uncertain,  and  improper  Significations   which 
were  put  upon  that  Word  by   that  Council  to 
the  great  Eufebiusy  when  he  fcrupled  the  ufe  of 
it ;  and  that  confider  the  Word  it  felf  is   no 
where  us'd  in  Scripture^  much,  lefs  applied  to 



Second  j49TEN7)IX. 

Qur  Saviour  there  ;  that  Yis  no  where  us'd  by  the 
ancienteft  Carholicks  ;  and  that  when  it  firfl: 
appear'd  pubJickly:,  at  the  earlier  and  more  va- 
luable Council  of  Antioch^it  was  exprefly  rejed- 
ed ,  will  be  very  tender  how  they  interpret 
my  unwillingnefs  to  ufe  that  Word  in  a  Creed, 
or  to  own  it  for  an  Article  of  Faith^  as  a  Sign 
of  Heretical  Pravity ;  and  how  they  condemn 
me  for  an  Heretick  upon  that  Account.  Efpe- 
cially  when  'tis  only  the  dired  Affirmation  that 
the  Son  is  of  another  Suhfiance  and  another  Ef- 
fence  from  the  Father,  which  is  anathematiz'd 
by  that  Council,  as  really  Heretical  :  Which  I 
am  fure  I  have  no  where  done  in  any  of  my 
Papers.  However,  I  cannot  but  here  note  alfo, 
how  ftrange  the  Term  Confuhfiantlal^  or  of  the 
fame  Suhfiance  with  the  Supreme God,would  have 
appear'd  to  thofe  fir  ft  Chriftians,  who  fuppos'd, 
that  while  all  Suhftances  were  derived  from  the 
Father,  the  very  term  Suhfiajue  was  quite  be- 
neath the  Dignity  of  his  Nature,  and  that  he 
yN2is\\\m{t\i beyond  all  Suhfiance  whatfoever.  But 
as  to  the  ufe  of  the  word  create^  with  its  Paral- 
lels, and  their  Derivatives,  concerning  the  O- 
rigin  of  our  BleiTed  Saviour,  which  is  indeed 
directly  anathematiz'd  by  this  Council,  as  well 
Socrjt.  as  denied  in  its  Creed,  and  yet  is,  I  freely  own, 
Hlft.Eccl.  made  ufe  of  by  me  upon  all  occafions :  I  mull 
1-Kc.<s.&  f^rft  obferve,  thatit  appears  by  fome  of  the  moft 
^*   '  authentick  Records  of  this  Matter  now  extant, 

I  mt2in  Alexa7ider%  Circular  Letter  to  theBifhops, 
and  Eufehim's  own  Letter  to  his  Diocefe  from 
this  Council  ^  that  the  words  Create  and  M^key 
and  the  Derivative  ones  of  Creature  or  Work7nan- 
fhip  ofGody  were  therefore  rejeded  by  it,  becaufc 
it  fuppos'd  that  the  Followers  of  Arlm  us'd  them 
in  the  very  fame  Senfe  of  the  Son  of  God,  and 
pi  the  inferior  Creatures ;    Which  Suppofition, 


to  the  Hijior^ical  Treface.  4.7 

'Avhether  juft  or  not^-  did  plainly  give  a  Handle 
for  the  Councirs  Rejedion  or  Condemnation 
of  thofe  Expreflions  at  that  time.  So  that  the 
Senfe  wherein  they  were  rejected  is  fuch  as  little 
concerns  thofe  that  I  call  Avians ;  nor  among 
them  does  it  much  concern  myfelf^  who  ex- 
prefsly  Aifert^in  my  third  Propofition^  that  Chrifi 
is  in  an  extraordinary  and  fingular  manner  deri'vd 
■from  the  Supreme  God  the  Father  -^  as  is  alfo  more 
largely  explain'd  in  one  of  my  MS.  Notes  upon 
that  Article.  And  that  the  Council  originally 
did  not  mean  to  deny  that  Chrift  was  created  by 
God,  feems  plain,  becaufe  all  the  Church  ac 
that  time,  and  Athmajim  among  the  reft,  ever 
confefs'd  that  the  Scripture  it  felf  did  affirm  that 
He  was  created  by  him,  in  thofe  known  Words 
of  Solomon^  'iKV^i  tie  tIuj  AfyUu  hjiov  aZrk  « ?  'i^yt  tiZrk ' 
Which  I  think  no  Chriltian  ever  deny'd  to  be 
rightly  rendred,  and  to  belong  to  our  Saviour^ 
till  after  the  Council  of  Nice,  And  were  I  noi 
apprehenilve  that  fuch  a  long  Train  of  Citations 
from  the  facred  and  moft  ancient  Books  of  our 
Religion  would  feem  too  tedious  in  this  place,  I 
could  moft  eafily  fiiew  all  along,  not  only  that 
the  Generation  of  our  Saviour  was  own'd  to  be 
free  and  voluntary,  which  I  take  to  mean  the 
fame  with  his  Creation  ;  but  that  he  was  ftill  moft 
exprefsly  own'd  to  be  created  or  made  by,  and  to 
be  the  Creature  or  WorkmanjVif  of  the  Father.  I 
have  above  Twenty  of  thofe  Citations  now  by 
me,  all  ancienter  than  the  Council  of  N;Vf,  ta- 
ken out  of  the  Tro'verhs  of  Solomon,  Ecclcfiafiicus^ 
St.  Tauly  St,  Jobn,  the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions^ 
St.  Hermasy  St.  Ignatius.,  Jufiin  Martyr,  Athenago^ 
ras,  Tatian,  Melito,  the  Recognitions,  Clement  of 
Alexandria,  Tertullian,  Origen,  Gregory  of  Neocafa^ 
rea,  Cyprian,  Dionyfins  of  Alexandria,  Theog?iofiiiSy 
Methodiusy  and  La^mtius,     So  that  I  cannot  be 


48  Second  ATTEWDIX 

condemned  of  Here fy  for  affirniing  that  our  Lord 
was  created,  unlefs  at  the  fame  time  every  one  of 
thofe  Sacred  and  Primitive  Writers  partake  of 
the  fame  Condemnation  with  me^  and  be  pro- 
nounced Hereticks  alfo.   In  fhort.  Of  the  two  Le^ 
gal  Rules  for  Herefy^  the  Council  of  Nice,  which 
our  Church  owns  to  be  fallible,  fays  our  Saviour 
Ti^as  not  Created:    And  the  Sacred  Writers,  even 
fome  of  thofe  which  our  Church  has  in  her  very 
Canon,  and  owns  to  be  infallible,  fupported  by 
all  Antiquity  alfo,  fays  our  Saviour  was  Created^ 
Which  of  thefe  contradictory  Authorities  muft 
the  Church  judge  of  Herefy  by?   the  fallible 
Council  of  Nice,  or  the  infallible  Word  of  God  ? 
If  by  the  Former,  I  own  I  may  be  condemn'd  as 
an  Heretick  by  I:aw,  for  venturing  to  follow  the 
exprefs  Words  of  Scripture,  after  they  had  been 
condemn'd  by  a  General  Council :  But  if  by  the 
Latter,I  cannot  poffibly  be  condemn'd  at  all,  but 
muft  be  allow'd  to  be  entirely  innocent,  and  to 
have  kept  clofe  to  Divine  Revelation  and  Ex- 
preflion  in  this  matter.     But  now  if  after  all  it 
be  faid,  that  the  Church  does  not  except  fo  much 
againft  the  Words  as  the  Thin^^  and  only  expects 
that,  in  compliance  with  this  firft  General  Coun- 
cil's Doclrine,  I  really  own  the  proper  Coeternity^ 
the  real  Eternal  Generation^    or  Eternal  Creation  of 
the  Son  of  God,  or  elfe  fubmit  to  the  Imputa-* 
tion  and  Punifliment  of  Legal  Herefy  :    I  An^ 
fw^er,  That  I  have  never  yet  been  fo  fortunate  as 
to  difcover  fuch  Expreflions,  or  fuch  Dodrines^ 
either  before  or  at  the  Council  of  Nice,     Nor  do 
I  find  reafon  to  believe  that  any  Chriftian  fo 
early  aifcrted  fuch  things,  as  Doctrines  of  his; 
Religion  ;   whatever  Metaphyfick  or  Philofo- 
phick  Notions  do  then  appear  among  fome, 
efpecially  as  to  the  fecret  Exiftence  of  the  Son 
of  God  in  his  Father,  before  his  real  Creation  or 


to  the  Hijiorical  Treface.  4  j 

Generation.     This  I  take  to  be  the  Truth  of  the 
Cafe^  becaufe  the  Original  Writers  fo  inform 
me  ;    and  I  always  endeavour  to  judge  in  fuch 
Matters  by  Original  Evidence  ;  and  do  not  pre- 
fently  believe  that  every  Motion  Athanafim  vQnttdi 
fome  Years  afterward  was  therefore  a  part  of 
the  Dodrine  of  Chriftianity;,  or  even  a  Dodrine 
of  the  Council  of  Nice  itfelf.     And  I  venture  to 
promife,  as  I  did  before  on  another  occafion, 
that  I  will  fupprefs  my  Papers  ftill,    if  even  this 
common  Opinion  can  be  fully  prov'd,  that  the 
Council  of  Nice  did  ever  believe  the  ftrid  Co^ 
eternity  of  the  Son  to  the  Father^   or  even  his 
Eternal  Generation^  or  Creation  in  the  modern  Senfe 
of  thofe  Expreflions.     Nay  I  do  verily  believe, 
that  the  Council  of  Nice  never  was  of  thofe  Opi- 
nions ,*    nor  by  confequence  can  my  declaring 
againft  them  in  the  lead  expofe  me  to  Cenfure 
as  an  Heretick  on  account  of  that  Council's  De- 

But  if  I  be  miftaken,  and  the  Second  of  the 
Fundamental  Articles  of  Chriftianity  referr'd  to 
in  the  Addrefs  to  Her  Majefty,  as  part  of  the 
Nlcene  Creed^  and  deny'd  by  me,  be  that  con- 
cerning the  Divinity  and  Adoration  of  the  Holy 
Ghoft,  I  muft  fay  three  Things  to  it  :  Firft;> 
That  what  is  now  inferted  into  this  Creed,  as 
to  this  matter,  has  no  relation  to  the  Council  of 
Nice^  or  its  proper  Creed  ;  but  was  added  at  the 
Council  of  Confia72tlnople  afterward  ;  as  all  the 
Learned  know  :  And  therefore  this  fliould  not 
be  reprefented  as  belonging  to  the  Creed  or 
Council  of  Nice.  Secondly,  That  whatfoever  is 
even  in  that  our  ordinary  Creed,  which  in  grofs 
we  call  the  Nicene,  concerning  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
has  been  all  along  ufed  by  me,  even  in  the  So- 
lemn Offices  of  Religion,  as  all  my  Friends  can 
teftify ;  So  that  here  is  not  the  leaft  fhadow  of 
C^-^^)  an 

50         Second  ATT  ENf>  IX 

an  Accufation    agalnft  me    on    this   account. 
Thirdly,  Concerning  the  Holy  Ghoft,  and  his 
Name  of  God,  and  dired:  Invocation  to  him ,   I 
have  kept  as  clofe  to  the  Churches  Rules  and 
Forms  as  the  Nahire  of  our  Religion,  and  the 
indifputable  Tellimonies  of  Scripture  and  Anti- 
quity could  poflibly  allow.     And  in  my  20th 
Propofition  hereto  relating,  and,  as  I  remember, 
every-where  elfe  in  my  late  Writings,  I  have  not 
afftrm'd  any  thing  of  my  own  Opinion,  but  con- 
tented my  felf  with  fettlng  down  the  bare,  cer- 
tain, undeniable  Matter  of  Fad  in  this-Cafe,  as 
to  the  firfl;  Ages  of  the  Church  :  Which,  I  hope, 
is  far  from  the  Crime  of  Herefy.     And  indeed, 
if  I  have  been  any  way  guilty  under  this  Article, 
either  as  to  my  Writings  or  Pradice,  it  has  been 
in  venturing,  for  the  fake  of  Peace  and  Uni- 
formity, to  follow  fomewhat  too  far  the  Lan- 
guage and  Pradice  of  our  Church,  even  where 
I  was  not  certain  of  Original  Sacred  Authority 
to  fupport  and  to  juftify  me  therein.     This  my 
own  Confcience  does  witnefs  to  me  in  the  pre- 
fent  Matter,  as  well  as  in  fome  others.    For  I 
muft  own  that  I  have  rather  had  Sufpicions  in 
my  own  Mind,  that  I  have  fometimes  complied 
too  far  with  the  prefent  Settlement,  than  that  I 
have  left  the  fame  too  rafhly  ;  which  was  out  of 
that  great  Regard  I  always  have  to  Legal  Autho- 
rity, and  to  the  Peace  and  Unity  of  the  Church; 
and  that  Dread  which  is  upon  me,  leaft  I  fiiould 
any  way  be  the  occafion  of  the  leaft  degree  of 
any  unjuftifiable    Schifm    or  Divifion  among 
Chriftians ;    while  yet  I  am  fenfible  that  the 
Laws  of   Chrift  by  his  Ajpoftles,  and  not  the 
Decrees  and  Ordinances  or  Men,  are  the  proper 
Rule  of  our  Chriftian  Faith  and  Pradice ;  and 
that  by  which  we  muft  all  be  judged  at  the  grea^ 


to  the  Hijlorical  Trefidce.  5  i 

Upon  the  whole.  Since  I  have  done  nothing 
in  this  Matter  but  with  an  honeft  and  fincere 
Mind  ;  for  the  Glory  of  God,  for  the  good  of 
the  Church,  and  for  the  Advancement  of  true 
Religion  :  Since  I  have  fallen  into  no  Facetious 
Party,    nor  efpoufed  any  pernicious  Herefy: 
Since  I  have  governed  my  felf,  as  to  my  Faith 
and  Pradice,to  the  bed  of  my  Knowledge  and 
Judgment,  in  the  firit  Place  by  the  Original 
Sacred  and  infpired  Books  of  Chriftianity,  and 
in  the  Second  by  thofe  moft  primitive  Writers 
who  lived  and  wrote  in  the  very  next  moft  pure 
Ages  of  the  Church  :  Since  I  have,  with  a  qui^ 
et  and  peaceable  Temper,  and  Difpofition,  kept: 
full  as  clofe  to  the  Eftabliflied  Church,  and  its 
Doctrines,  Liturgy,  and  Rules,  as  the  foregoing 
more  Authentick   Guides  would  permit   me: 
Since  I  have  all  along  applied  my  felf  to  my 
Superiors,  and  to  the  Learned  for  their  Advice, 
Affiftance,   and  the  Examination  and  Corre-- 
^ion  of  my  Papers :    Since  I  have  had  all  pof- 
fible  regard  to  the  Honour  and  Reputation  of 
the  Clergy,  and  moft  earneftly  laboured  thac 
they  might  have  opportunity  of  the  firft  Exa* 
mination,  and  of  correcting  by  their  own  En-* 
deavours  what  things  are  amifs  amongft  us ; 
fmce  I  have  had  no  worldly  Motives  in  viev/ 
in  this  whole  Matter  ;    nay  have  hazarded  and 
incurred  many  Reproaches,  Loffes,  and  Difad- 
vantages  to  my  felf  and  Family  in  this  World, 
by  my  Proceedure :  and  fmce  1  do  verily  beiieva 
I  have  been  fo  happy  as,    by  the  good  Provi- 
dence and  Blefling  of  God,  to  have  difcove- 
red  the  true  Original  Chriftian  Faith  in  th« 
moft  Important  Matters,  and  to  have  difcove- 
red  likewife  fuch  Original  Sacred    Books  of 
Chriftianity,  as  are  fufficient  to  put  a  mighty 
Stop;  if  oot  a  final  End  to  all  our  Difputes*  and 
(****  a)  all 

5^         Second  ATT  ENDIX 

all  our  Diforders,  and  all  cur  Divifions,  and  all 
our  Impieties  alfo ;  I  am  lure  I  have  all  the  Rea-. 
fon  in  the  World  to  exped,  inftead  of  any  Ac^ 
cufation  or  Severity,  both  Encouragement  and 
Thanks  from  this  Convocation,  and  from  the 
Church  of  Chrift.  And  I  do  declare  I  defir^ 
no  Favour  at  your  Hands,  if  I  cannot  fuli)^ 
d'emonftrate,  before  equal  andlmpartialjudg-" 
es,  that  the  Opinions  I  oppofe  are  moft  truly: 
Heretical ;  and  that  moft  of  them  in  particular 
are  no  better  than  Branches  of  the  dangerous: 
and  fatal  Herefies  of  Marcellus  and  Athanafius  iii^ 
the  Fourth  Century.  To  conclude  therefore/ 
with  a  Prcteftation  and  an  Appeal, 

My  Froteftation  and  Appeal. 

Since  you,  who  are  Chriftian  Bifhops  and? 
Presbyters,  have  refufed  to  examine  the  Pai 
pers  I  have  offered  to  lay  before  you  concern^- 
ing  the  Original   Dodrines  and  Books  of  our 
Chriftian  Religion  ;  and  feem  refolved  to  cen- 
fure   my  Doctrines  not  with  ftanding,    without 
fuch  Examination,  I  do  folemnly  Proteftagainft 
your  Proceedings ;  and  do  here,   in  the  Pre- 
fence  of  the  great  God  the  Father,  of  his  On-' 
ly  Begotten  Son,  of  his  Holy  Spirit,  and  of  th^^ 
miniftring  Angels,  who  are  prefent,  and  Wit- 
rieffes  at  this  Solemn  Aflembly,  Appeal  from 
your  Cenfure,  to  that  awful  Tribunal  of  Al- 
mighty God,  at  the  great  and  dreadful  Day  of 
Judgment  •  when  the  Secrets  of  all  Hearts  fhall 
be  reveal'd,  and  all  unjuft  Sentences  revers'dV 
I  do  alfo  folemnly  here  Declare,  that  on  a  full 
Enquiry,    I  do  verily  believe  the  Conftltutlons 
ef  the  Afoftles  to  be  the  moft  Sacred  of  the  Ca- 
nonical Books  of  the  New  Teftament  ;  and  un- 

to  the  Hijlorical  Preface.  ^^ 

denlably  attefled  to  by  the  DoBrlne  of  the  Apofths^ 
and  the  larger  Epifiles  0/ Ignatius:  That  there- 
fore by  reMng  to  examine  thofe  Books,  you 
have  fo  far  rejeded  and  renounced  Chriftianitj' 
it  felf  ;  and  muft  give  a  terrible   Account  at  the 
Great  Day,  of  fuch  your  Rejedion  of  the  fame. 
I  do  moreover,  with  all  due  Reverence,  Fear, 
and  Regard  to  the  Prefence  of  the  Searcher  of 
all  Hearts,  Appeal  to  his  Divine  Majefty,  that  I 
have  a6led  uprightly  and  honeftly  in  this  Mat- 
ter ;.  and  do  folemnly  Cite  every  one  of  you, 
who  fhallj  without  Examination,  confentto  any 
Cenfure.  upon  my  Doctrines,  to   the  Judgment 
Seat  of  Chrifl ;    there  to  give  an  Account  of 
fuch  your  Proceedings.     I  do  alfo  humbly  Im- 
plore   of    his  Divine    Majefty ,    that    if,    in 
-confequence  of  this  Cenfure,  any   of  you  fhall 
venture,  fo'faras  in  you  lies,  to  cut  me  off  from 
the  Communion  of  Chrifh's  vifible  Church  on 
Earth,  for  doing  my  Duty  to  my  Lord  and  Sa- 
viour, in  thefe  mpft  Sacred  and  important  Mat- 
ters, he  will  be  pleafed  ftill  to  continue  me  a 
Member  of  his  invifible  Church,  whofe  Names 
are  written  in  Heaven:  That  he  will  direct, 
guide,  and  fupport  me  in  all  my  Doings :  That 
he  will  enable  me  to  bear  this  Violence  and  Per- 
fecution  with  a  meek  and  patient  Mind,  and 
entire  Refignation  to  his  holy  Will ;  and  will 
-ftill  make  me  an  Inftrument  of  fpreading  his 
true  Religion,    and  of   haftening  the  coming 
of  the  Kingdom  of  my  Bleffed  Lord  and  Savi- 
our, Amen.  ^V''-- 

Win,  Whifion. 

And  here  I  intended  to    conclude  my  Ac- 
count of  thefe   Matters.     But  becaufe  there  is 
lately  printed  a  Refrefcntatlon  of  the  State  of  Rdi- 
( '^'^'^'*'   5  )  gion 

54  Second  JTTEKDIX 

gion  ;  drawn  up  and  hid  before  a  Committee  of 
both  Houfes  of  Convocation^  for  their  Appro- 
bation ;  wherein  feveral  fevere  things  are  faid, 
which  I  and  all  the  World  muft  take  to  b^ 
meant  of  me,  yet  fome  of  them  are  by  no 
means  true;  I  Iball  make  bold  to  fay  fomewhat 
by  way  of  Vindication,  without  taking  any  far- 
ther Notice  of  that  publick  Body  it  feems  to 
belong  to,:  Since  in  this  cafe  all  amounts  to  lit- 
tle more  than  the  Authority  of  the  firft  Com- 
pofer,  not  fully  enquired  into,  or  openly  con- 
tradided  by  the  majority  of  the  reft.  Now  in 
this  Cafe,  what  I  vehemently  and  moft  juftly 
Complain  of  in  the  Compiler  of  this  Repreferu- 
tation,  as  I  did  formerly  in  Dr.  Sacbe^erel,  is,, 
that  I  and  my  Defigns  for  the  Advancement  of 
Chriftianity,  are  immediately,  and  without 
diftin£tion,  ranked  with  the  known  Enemies  of 
revealed  Religion,  and  with  their  pernicious 
Contrivances  for  its  Deftru<n:ion.  Sure  never 
were  things  fo  difagreeable  and  contradictory 
to  one  another  confounded  together,  as  thefe 
Authors  have  done  in  this  Cafe.  And  I  dare 
appeal  to  all  thofe  that  have  known  me,  and 
been  alfo  acquainted  with  thofe  Pious,  Chari- 
table, and  Religious  Defigns,  which  have  of 
late  been  carried  on  for  the  promoting  Chrifti- 
an  Knowledge  and  Pradice,  even  according  to 
the  regular  Settlement  of  the  Church  of  Eng- 
land ;  and  which  in  the  Fourth  Paragraph  of 
this  Reprefentation,  and  towards  its  Conclufion 
alfo  are  enumerated  as  the  great  Antidotes  to 
the  Wickednefs,  Herefie  and  Prophanenefs 
complained  of  therein  ;  whether  I  have  not.  to 
the  utmoft  of  my  Power,  promoted  every  one 
of  them,  and  am  ftill  ready  to  do  the  fame,  up- 
on all  Occafions.  And  therefore  it  muft  be  ve- 
ry hard  and  unjuft  ,    that  in  this  cafe  I  am  ftill 


to  the  Hijloriccbl  Trcface.  5  5 

joined  with  Deifts,  BiHfphemers  and  Athclfls  • 
and  my  great  and  honeft  Defigns  for  the  Refto-' 
ration    of  the  Primitive  Faich^    Worfhip^   and 
Difcipline^  muft  be  reckoned  among  the  fatalAt- 
temprs  for  the  fetting  up,  not  only  Herefie,  but 
Infidelity  feProphanenefs  among  us.But  juft  fo  did 
the  firftPerfecutorsof  theChriftiansgive  them  the 
Name  of  Atheifts,    or  Emmies  to  the  Gods,  before 
they  could  prevail  with  themfclves  or  the  World 
to  bear  with  their  Cruelties  towards  them.  And 
juft  fo  do  the  Modern  Writers  of  Controverfy 
frequently   do  with  the  Arians  in  general^  and 
their  Doctrines  ;     firft  join    them    with  the 
Sociniansy  if  not  with  the   Deifts   and  Atheifts, 
and  then  make  the  World  believe  that  they  all 
are,  in  a  manner,  equally  bad,  and  almott  with 
equal  eafe  to  be  confuted.     Yet  I  cannot  but 
fay,  that  how  little  Honefty  and  Sincerity  foe- 
ver  this  Method  has  in  it,  yet  has  it  a  great  deal 
of  Policy   and    Cunning  ;  there   being,  I  am 
well  affured,  no  other  way  to  run  down   that 
Chriftlanity  which  has  fo  long  been  called  Aria- 
nifrriy  but  by  fo  far  blinding  the  Eyes  of  Men 
that  it  may  pals  in  common  under  the  Notion  of 
Soc'mianlfm,  or  as  a  Branch  of  thofe  wicked  De- 
figns for  Irreligion,  Infidelity  ,  and  Prophane- 
nefs,  which  it  is  the  Duty  of  all  pious  Men,  by 
all  Proper  and  Chriftian  Methods,  to  put  a  Stop 
to.     Tho*,  by  the  \\^y,  fome  good  Men  are  of 
Opinion  that  even    this  Reprcfentation  it  felf, 
which  propofes  little  but  fome  legal  Reftraint3, 
?ind  the  Exercife  of  fome  temporal  Power  and 
Penalties,  without  any  through  Amendment  of 
thofe  great  Scandals  which  are  the  principal  Oc- 
cafions  of  and  Temptations  to  Infidelity  among 
us,  efpecially  while  Hearing  and  Examination 
are  refus'd,  even  in  the  moft  Necelfary  and  Im- 
portant Cafes,  will  rather  increafe  than  dimi- 
(*^*^  4)  nifh 

56  Second  ATT  EN'DIX 

nifli  that  Dlftemper  it  fo  mightily  complains  pf* 
But  to  wave  this^  and  to  come  to  Particulars> 
The  Compiler  of  this  Reprefentation  fecurely 
takes  the  common  Dodrrine  of  a  Trinity  of  Ter- 
fons  in  thQUnity  of  the  Godhead,  for  a  Eundamen- 
tal  Article  of  the  Catholick  Faith;  ;when  it  i^ 
fo  obvious  in  Antiquity  that  'tis  no  ^ more  than 
the  Dodrine  of  Athanafius  ,  not  yet  publickly 
examin  d  and  Cafl  out  of  the  Church  :.  And  when 
he  cannot  but  fee  that  all  the  truly  Learned  and 
Judicious  in  thefe  Matters ,  nay  even  the  Con- 
vocation it  felf^  begin  to  defert  what  has  fo  long 
been  call'd  Orthodoxy  ^  and  do  gradually  come 
into  fome  main  Parts  of  what  has  been  ftil'd 
Ariantfm^  which  yet  he  in  general  here- calls  the 
^oifon  of  the  Arian  Herefy,  nay  wicked  and  feftiUnt 
Errors  and  Blaffhemies.     However^  by  the  ufe  of 
fach  terrible  and  affrighting  Epithets  and  De- 
fcriptions  he  does  not  defert  the  original  fubtle 
Methods  made  ufe  of  by  AthanaJIw  gtnd  his  firft 
Followers  ;  who  when  they  found  themfelves  at 
•  a  Lofs  how  to  anfwer  fome  of  the  ftrong  Argu- 
ments of  the  Arians.,   immediately   cry'd  out , 
with  great  Vehemence ,  Blaffhemy  ;  and  fo  af- 
~  ffightedhoneft  but  fuperftitious  People  into  their 
'Sentiments  •,  '^s  is  very  evident  in  the  Writings 
'of  the  Fourth  Age.     After  this,  our  Compiler 
'  heavily  complains ,  not  only  that  the  Ujutarians 
fet  up  the  publick  Worfhip  of  God  according  to 
'  tbeir  own  vvay,a5  if  he  would  have  had  them  neg- 
led  all  publick  Worfhip  to  God  at  all ;  which  yet 
iselfewhere  by  him  juitly  eileem'd  a,  great  In- 
flance  of  Prophanenefs  and  Irreligion  ;  but  alfo 
'  afferts  that  the  fame  Unitarians  had  weekly  Setmons 
'  p-each'd  in  Defence  of  them.     This  every  body  will 
'ccrfainly  underhand    of  Mr.  Emlin,  and  that 
yM'eeting  he  formerly  hcldmLondon,  after  his  Re-- 
'l^.^fc  out  of  Prifon  in  lrdan^\  Who  yet  utterly  de- 

to  the  Hijlorlcal  Treface.  5  7 

nies  the  Fad  ^  and  aflures  me  that  he  ever 
preach'd  the  great^  known  ,  pradlical  Points  of 
Chriftianity  in  that  Meeting,  while  it  continu- 
ed ;  and  never  once  direc^lly  treated  of  either 
the  Arian  or  Socinian  Controverfies  therein  ;  e- 
ven  while  he  knew  fome  of  his  Hearers  expe(5t- 
ed  it  from  him..  With  what  Face  then  can 
this  Author,  affirm  fuch  a  things  and  endea- 
vour to  draw  in  a  whole  Convocation  to  af- 
firm the  fame ,  when  it  is  fo  entirely  falfe  and 
groundlefs  ? 

After  this 5  we  have  a  large  Paragraph,  to 
fet  forth  my  great  Boldnefs  in  writing  and  pub- 
lifhing  the  Hifiarical  Freface ,  and  Dedicating  it 
to  the  Convocation  :  For,  I  fuppofe  no  body 
can  imagine  it  belongs  to  any  body  elfe. 
fjj^jslow,  I  defire  to  know,  how  this  Compiler 

■iomes  to  call  that  honeft,  open  Appeal^  I  made 
to  the  Learned," and  to  the  Convocation,  to 
enter  upon  a  ferious  Examination  of  my  Pa- 
pers ,  and  to  enquire  into  thofe  Sacred  Truths 
and  Books  of  Chriftianity,  whicTi  I  had  to  lay 
before  them  ,  by  the  Name  of  great  Boldnefs ; 
nay ,    of  Boldnefs   in  fupporting  'wicked  Tojitiom 

,  alfo  ?  Js  the  Convocation  above  Looking  in- 
to fuch  Important  Matters  ?    Or ,    To  whom 

_could  I  rnore  properly  dedicate  that Pr^/^re,  than 

;  ^0  this  Ecclefiaftical  Body,  who  alone  could  le- 
gally amend  any  thing  that  fliould  appear  amifs 

,upDn  Examination  ?  Or,  Are  they  indeed  Infal- 
lible in  their  prefent  Notions ,  and  fo  paft  all 
Doubts  or  Difputes  about  them  ?  Nay  ,  fliould 
not  I  have  been  more  Juftly  reproached  by  them, 
had  I  publifh'd  all  to  the  Laity,  before  any  Of- 
fer had  been  made  to  this  Reprefentative  Body 
pf  the  Clergy  ,    when  they  were  met  in  Con- 

^ j^ation  ?    But  when  a  Refolution  is  taken  to 


58         Second  ATT  EKT) IX. 

blacken  3    the  mofl:  inofFenfive  Things  fhall  be 
mifconftrued  and  perverted.     Nor  is  it  poflible, 
indeed,    for  me  to  do  any  thing,  in  order  to 
my  Defigns,   but  fome  or  other  will  pretend 
they  have  Reafon  to  take  Offence  :   While  at 
the  fame  time  not  only  I ,  but  many  others  a- 
mong  the  honeft  and  fincere ,    have  the  jufteft 
Caufe  of  Offence  given  us ,    by  fuch  an  open 
:^nd  barefac'd  Rejedion  of  Enquiry  and  Exa- 
mination y   and  this  in  Points  of  the  greateft 
Confequence  to  every  good  Chriftian's  Faith 
and  Practice  ;    nay ,  "^by  fuch  a  Body  of  Men, 
as  are  of  all  others  under  the  ftrongeft  Obli- 
gations to  fuch  a  fair  and  impartial  Enquiry 
and  Examination.     But  then  ^   what  he  adds  at 
the  Conclufion  of  this  Paragraph,  which  all  the 
World  muft  apply  to  me  alfo  ,    ^  That  he   has 
^  fome  Reafon  to  believe  the  foremention'd 
^ '  Author  is  fupported  in  his  Undertaking  ,  and 
^  encourag'd  to  profecute  \t ,   by  the  liberal 
5:  Contributions ,    and  infidious  Applaufes   of 
^:\  thofe  5    who  are  the  determined  Enemies  of 
f -all  Religion  and  Goodnefs  ;   is  utterly  fa Ife,. 
and  highly  unchriflian.     As  to  the  Applaufes  of 
any  of  the  Enemies  of  all  Religion  and  Good- 
nels  y    if  he  thinks  that  1  can  be  mov'd  thereby 
jto  attempt  the  leaft  Harm  to  cither  Religion 
or  Goodnefs ,   I  am  fure  he  does  not  know  me. 
But  as  for  his  Intimation,  ^  That  I  am  fupport- 
,  f;,ed  in  my  Undertaking  by  fuch  Men's  liberal 
--^v-ContributionSj  it  is  utterly  falfe  and  ground- 
'lefs  :    So  falfe  and  groundlefs ,  that  when  upon 
my  Expulfion  from  the  Univeffity ,   and  a  par- 
ticular Strait  I  was  then  in ;,    I  did  not  refufe 
the  kind  Affiftance  of  fevcral  of  my  Chriftian 
Friends ;  and  underftood  that  fome  of  another 
Sort  had  Humanit3^  enough  to  be  willing ,    if 
not  defirous  to  join  therein,  I  utterly  refus'd  it : 


to  the  Hifiorical  Treface.  59 

Not  barely  becaufe  I  would  give  no  Handle^  to 
any  fuch  Scandal  upon  my  Defigns ;  but  be-^ 
caufe  I  well  knew  theApoftolical  Conftitutions  ^-  ^^' 
forbad  me  to  accept  of  any  fuch  Oblations.  And  ^'  jy 
that  the  World,  as  well  as  this  Author,  may  fee  qc,  7*  &. 
that  the  Vehemence  of  my  Temper  is  not  only 
fhew'd  in  Oppofing  Orthodoxy,  I  fhall  fet  down 
what  I  well  remember  was  my  direcfl  Anfwer, 
when  I  was  firfl:  told  of  that  fcandalous  Report 
concerning  me;  ^uiz,.  That  I  would  fooner  flar^e 
in  a  Goal ,  than  he  ftipported  in  that  manner, 
Thefe ,  indeed ,  are  Things  of  rather  too  pri- 
vate a  Nature  to  be  publickly  told.  But  fuch 
unjuft  Reflections  extort  them  from  me  ;  and 
fo  muft  excufe  what  they  render  almoft  una- 
voidable. Tho'  I  muft  own  ,  I  heartily  com- 
miferate  the  Circumftances  of  many  among 
us ;  vvho  feeming  to  have  a  great  Stock  -of  Na- 
tural Probity  and  Humanity ,  have  yet  had  the 
Misfortune  to  take  their  Notions  of  Chriftia- 
nity  from  thefe  lateft  Antichriftian  Ages  of  it ; 
and  who  therefore  are  not  a  little  fufpicious  as 
to  its  genuine  Truth  and  Authority  :  Tho'  'tis 
certain,  no  Man  of  Senfe  and  Reafon  ought  to 
Judge  after  that  manner ,  but  always  to  go  to 
the'  Fountain-Head  for  Satisfaction.  And  I 
heartily  and  fmcerely  wifh  that  I  might,  in 
fome  meafure  ,  be  the  means  of  perfwading 
any  of  thefe  Unhappy  Perfons  to  do  fo  ;  that 
they  might  fee  the  undeniable  Evidence  Primi- 
tive Chriftianity  is  built  upon  ;  and  that  no 
Corruptions,  or  Abufes,  or  Tyranny,  or  Perfe- 
cutions,  which  the  Church,  in  her  Antichriftian 
State  ,  as  was  foretold  ,  may  have  been  guilty 
of,  can  at  all  affed  the  Pure  and  Undefil'd  Re- 
ligion of  Chrifl:  Jefus ,  as  it  was  fettled  firft  of 
^11  by  him  and  his  Apoftlcs. 


<Jo  Second  ATT  EKT>IX 

^  But  to  return.    When  this  Paragraph  is  over,  I 
^  leem  to  be  forgotten  for  a  great  while,  unlefs  it 
-V,     \  be  now  and  then  obliquely  ;  rill  among  the  laft 
vi  "j  Caiifes  of  the* rnfidelily  of  the  Age,   my  New 
)  'Theory  is   reflected  upon  ;   for  the  Defcription 
cannot  but  include,    if  ic  does  not  alone  refer 
to  that  Book.     This  is  certainly  very  llrange  ; 
when  the  main  and  direct  Defign  of  that  At- 
tempt was  to  prevent  Infidelity';  and  that  in 
fome  Points  of  the  greateft  Confequence.     To 
fhew  that  Mathematicks ,    Reafon  and  Philo- 
fpphv  do  all   atteft  to  Revelation;   and  that 
the  Grand  Periods  and 'Changes  mention'd  in 
Scripture,    are    rationally  to  be  folv'd  in  A-  " 
"gre^ment  with  th6  Sacred  Accounts  ;'  and  that 
fuch  Solutions  and  Accounts  do  moft  admirably 
accord  with^*and  neceflarily  fuppofe  an  Almigh- 
ty Godj  and  an  All-wife  Providence  in  the  Go- 
vernment of  the  World.     But  I  fuppofe,    this 
Compiler's  Thoughts  have  lain  far  enough  out 
of  the  way  of  fuch  Noble  Contemplations,  and 
fo  he  never 'thinks  of  Examining,  much  lefs  of 
Confuting  ,    but  only  of  Cenfuring  and  Con- 
demning fuch  Difcoveries  as  are  contain'd  in 
that  Book  i,  which  I  yet  take  to  ftand  on  too 
nrm  a   Foundation  to  be  hurt  by  any  fuch  ill- 
grounded  aftd  injudicious  Reflexions  as  thefc 
-are.     In  fhort ,  what  I  Infifl:  on  is  this ;    That 
all  my  Aifertions,  there  or  elfewhere,  may  firlt 
ht  confuted  by  Arguments  and  Tefl:imonies,be- 
Tore  they  ^re  thus  endeavour'd  to  be  expos'd  and 
render'd  odious  to  the  prejudic'd  and  unthink- 
ing Part  of  Mankind.     iTay,  to  the  prejudiced 
and  lin thinking  Part  of  Mankind  only.     For 
I  muft  take  leave  to  aflTure  this  Author,  that  I 
■am  not^t  all  afraid  of  his  Reprefentations  ,    as 
to  the  truly  Impartial ,    the  Learned  ,    and  the 
Judicious  in  thefe  MatteiT  j  who  will  fcon  per- 
-'4  ceive^ 

to  the  Hi  ft  or  ic  at  Treface. 

ceive,  if  they  do  it  not  already ,  that  all  fuch 
plaufible  Complaints  againft  me,  are  at  the 
bottom  no  better  than  the  weak  and  injudicious 
Refle(5tions  of  one  who  is  a  great  Stranger  to 
me,  my  Books,  and  Condud  ;  and  that  is  no 
ways  able  to  anfwer  thofe  Arguments  I  have  for 
my  Affertions. 

Julfz^,  171 1.  mLL.  TVHIsrON. 

Note,  That  it  being  impoffible  for  me  to  know 
feveral  Things  contain'd  in  this  Account  at  the 
firft  Hand  ,  or  from  any  publick  Ads  ;  (  thofe 
of  both  Houfes  of  Convocation  having  been 
kept  from  me ;  )  I  cannot  equally  anfwer  for  e- 
very  Circumftance ,  as  I  otherwife  might  have 
done.  Yet  have  I  taken  great  Care  not  to  be 
mifinform'd  ;  and  am  fure  that  I  have  not  wil- 
fully made  any  Miftakes  or  Mifreprefenrations ; 
And  ,  upon  the  whole ,  do  believe  it  to  be, 
tho'  a  very  imperfed ,  yet  a  true  and  fair  Ac- 
count, fo  far  as  I  had  tolerable  Materials,  and 
thought  my  felf  not  oblig'd  to  Secrefy  on  one 
account  or  other ,  of  the  Proceedings  againft 
me  this  Convocation. 


{  y  -n/ 






Convocation's  Pro  c  e  ed  i  n  g  s> 

With  Relation  to  Mr.  Whipn. 

AFTER  the  foregoing  Account  was  fi- 
nifhed  and  printed  off,  I  received  a 
Copy  of  that  Genfure  upon  fome  of 
my  t)0(flrinesj  which  I  therein  mentioned,  and 
which  has  been  prefented  to  the  ^^e«,but  which 
I  could  not  then  procure  a  Tranfcript  of,  enclo-* 
fed  in  a  Letter  to  a  Friend  of  mine  ;  but  knt 
with  fo  great  Privacy ,  that  1  do  not  perceive 
that  very  Friend  either  knew  what  was  in  this 
enclofed  Paper,  which  was  Seai'd  up  by  it  felf  ; 
or  whence  it  came.  Yet  becaufe  I  do  not  at 
all  queftion  but  it  is  a  true  Copy,  I  here  prefent 
it  to  the  Reader,   without  the  leaft  Alteration. 


The  Judgment  of  the  Archbifliop  and 
Bidiops  and  the  Clergy  of  the  Pro* 
\incQ  o(  Canterbury  in  Convocation 
afTembled,  concerning  divers  Affer- 
tions  contained  in  the  Books  lately 
publifli'd  by  William  Whijlon. 

JT/Hereas  great  Offence  hath  heen  given  to 
^^  the  Church  of  God  hy  fever al  Writings 
fuhliflned  hy  William  Whifton  ,  and  particu- 
larly hy  a  Book  lately  dedicated  hy  him  to  the 
Convocation  ofthisProvince  ;  wherein  that  rafh 
and  infolent  Writer  declares  with  the  utmofl 
Affurance^  that  the  Arian  Do^rine  concerning 
/j[7^  Trinity  t7«^ Incarnation,  is  the  Dodrine 
of  our  Blefled  Saviour  ,  his  Apoftles ,  and 
the  firft  Chriftians  ;  and  very  uncharitahly  . 
infinuates ,  that  AH  who  have  confidered  thefe 
Matters ,  want  nothing  hut  the  Honefty  or 
the  Courage  ,  to  own  themf elves  of  the  fame 

We  have  thought  our  felves  ohliged ,  in 
Maintenance  of  our  mojl  Holy  Faith ,  and  for 
the  Vindication  of  our  own  Sincerity  ,  for 
Checking  (if  poffihle^  the  Trefuwption  of  this 
Author  ^  and  for  Freferving  others  from  heing 
feduced  hy  him,  to  compare  the  Dangerous  Af- 
fertions  he  has  advanced  with  the  Holy  Scrip- 
tures, the  Two  firil  General  Councils,   and 



Liturgy  and  .Articles  of  the  Church  of 
England,  in  Order  to  give  our  Judgment  upon 

And  now  it  was  ^  and  indeed  not  till  now,  Hiftorlcal 
that  I  had  all  my  Evidence  at  once  before  me,  [^  ^^^* 
and  that  I  was  able  to  affirm ,  and  affuredly 
pronounce^  that  the  Arian  Dodrine  was  in 
thefe  Points  (  'viz,.  the  Trinity  and  Incarnation^ 
as  in  Tag.  6. )  moft  certainly  the  Origiaal  Do- 
drine  of  Chrift  himfelf,  of  his  Holy  Apoftles/ 

and  of  the  moft  Primitive  Chriftians. 

—  '  ■  ■ .— i— ^-~^- 

Prt  fa  CC 

When  the  Scriptures  fpeak  of  One  God,  they  pag  81,^2. 
mean  thereby  One  Supreme  God  tlie  Father 

The  Moderns  called  thefe  Three  Divine  Per- 
fons  but  One  God  -^  and  fo  introduced  at  leaft  a 
new^  and  unfcriptural  and  inaccurate,  if  not 
a  falfe  way  of  fpeaking  into  the  Church* 

Errata,  fag.  125.  To  -whom  'with  the  Father  ^^"^^^h 
and  the  Holy  Ghofi  ;  readm  the  Holy  Ghofi,  and  ^'  ^''' 
dele.  Three  Terfons  and  One  God. 

Thefe  I  allow  to  be  mine  own  Words ,  and 
to  be  agreeable  to  my  own,  not  uncertain  Opi- 
nion, but  certain  Faich.  I  was  once  ,  as  the 
World  will  fee  by  the  Occallon  of  the  latter  Er- 
ratum^  in  the  Common  Opinion,  that  the  Fa- 
ther, Son,  and  Holy  Ghoft,  the  Three  Divine 
Perfons  were  truly,  in  fome  Senfe,  One  God,  or 
the  OfteGodo^  the  Chridi'^n  Religion  :  That  is 
before  I  particularly  examined  that  Matter  in  tho^. 
Scriptures,  and  the  moft  Primitive  Writers. 
But  iince  I  have  throughly  enquired  into  it,  1  am 
fo  fully  fitisfy'd  that  rhe  Father  alone  is  the  Cve 


God  of  the  Chriftian  Religion,  that  I  muft  now 
own,  that  when  once  I  deny  or  doubt  of  that 
Doctrine  I  mufl:  deny  or  doubt  of  our  common 
Chriftianity :  There  being  no  one  Article  more 
plain,  or  more  univerfally  acknowledged  in  all 
.    the  firft  Ages  of  the  Church  than  that  was. 

^lg,6s\         "^^f-  y  T^^^^  the  Son  is  Inferior  ,  as  well  as 
Subordinate  to  the  Father. 

Pof.  n.  That  the  Son  was  begotten  or  created 
by  the  Father  only  hefore  the  V/orU;  whatever 
fecret  Eternity  he  had  before  his  Generation  or 


.    ■"■'■■Mill  iiii'i'l  Mfc—iJa—  r  11     f  ■  ' *  I.I 

^mL  ?  '  ^^'^P'  ^'^^^'  JefmChrift,  th^^rVord  ,  and  Son 
^^^;x,pag.  ^^  ^^j^^  .^  ^  Divine  Being  or  Perfon,  far  Inferior 

to  his  Father  in  Nature,  Attributes,  and  Per- 

»MHJi  l'  ■  I  'I'  ■■  I'jit^M^.H     L  I    Li  i.       ]    .      ■■    I     ,1         I  I      I  II 

Pref  pag.  Pof,  <;.  That  the  Holy  Ghoft  is  Inferior  as 
^5-  well  as  Subordinate  to  both  the  Father  and  the 


Rep.  to  Froj).  XIX.  The  Holy  Sfh'lt  of  God  is  a  Divine 

^///x,pag.  Perfon,  made,  under  the  Supreme  God  ,  by  our 
33'  Saviour  ;  or  in  a  due  Senfe  ,  proceeding  from  the 

Father  and  the  Son ,  of  different  Perfedions  and 

Offices  from  the  Son  of  God. 

Since  Your  I.ordfhip  is  fo  tliroughly  fenllble 
Preface,  of  the  Antichriftianifm  of  Popery  ,  I  would 
p3g,  a8.  f,^^  know  how  the  Confnbfiantiality  and  Coeefuality 
of  the  Holy  Ghoft  to  the  Father  and  the  Son, 
on  which  loon  followed  his  hivocatloit^  which 
only  flands  upon  one  Letter  of  Pope  Liherlus  or 
Da?f7(7fnsy  can  by  Your  Lordfhip  be  look'd  on 
under  any  other  Denomination. 

■r'ill  I  >^r.,  —  ■  -     ■ 



This   Language  [  To  Father  ^  Sp?j  ,  and   Holy  Append. 
Ghofiy  One  God  whom  we  Adore  ]  is    fo   entirely  to  Pref. 
contrary  to  the  Nature  of  the  Ghriflian  Religi-  P^S'  5>  ^. 
oHj  that  I  cannot  go  into  it  for  any  Conlidera- 
tion  whatfoever, 

I  allow  that  the  BleiTed  Spirit  is  to  be  vvcr- 
fliip'd  in  thofe  Forms  [  ijl-z^,  Baptifm,  Doxo-  ^^^^- 
logy,  and  Bleffing]  but  never  by  Invocation,  ^^^  ^  ' 

I  connot  but  look  on  this  Difcovery,  {^^vlx,,  p   ^ 
That  the  K^yQ-  fupplied  the  Place  of  the  -mi^^  pag.V, 
or  Rational  Soul  in  Man  ]  as  one  of  the  moft 
Certain,  and  moft  Important  of  all  others. 

»— »— — ^M^^— »M  I  III        I— — i—    I  ■    II    II  »— — — — ^M 

Prop.  XVI.  Je[us  Chrifi^  the  TVord  ,  and  Son  j^     ^^ 
of  God,  when  he  was  incarnate,  was  liable  to  y^/jx 
Temptations  in  his  Di'vine  Nature-  and   therein  pag.  32. 
Suffered  for  us ,  as  the  Rational  Soul  is  tempted, 
and  fufFers  in  other  Men,  by  its  partaking  of 
the  Temptations  and  Sufferings  of  the  Body. 

\_Here  the  Texts  of  Scripture  propofed  to  he  compared' 
and  oppofedy  were  dropt  upon  the  Debate. ~^ 

[Many  others  condemned  hy  the  Bijliops^  were  drop 
by  the  Lower  Houfe.  J 

IV E  do  declare  ,  That  the  alovemention  A 
Pajfages  ,  cited  out  of  the  Books  of  William 
Whiilon,  do  contain  Ajfertions  Falfe  and  He^ 
y^ticaly  Injurious  to  our  Saviour  and  the  Holy 
Spirit^  Repugnant  to  the  Holy  ScriptureSy  and 
Contrariant  to  the  Decrees"  6f  the  Two  firft: 
^*M**  j^  General 


General  Councils  ,    a^J  to  the  Liturgy  and 
Articles  of  our  Church. 

^»(f/  we  ^0  earnejily  hefeech  all  ChrOiian 
people^  hy  the  Mercies  of  ChriJ}^  to  take  heed 
how  they  give  ear  to  thefe  Falfe  Do^rines^ 
as  they  tender  the  Honour  and  Glory  of  our 
'  Saviour ,  and  the  Holy  Spirit ,  the  Freferva- 
tiou  of  the  Purity  of  the  Gofpely  and  the  Peace 
of  the  Church. 

And  whereas  the  faid  William  Whifton, 
the  letter  to  fupport  his  Heretical  Opinions^ 
/peaking  of  a  Book  commonly  caltd  the  Apo- 
ftolical  Conilitutions,  hath  thefe  Words^ 

I  have,!  think,  certainly  found  that  thok  A f  ofio- 
VrtlP.Bs.  Ileal  Conftitutions  which  the  Antichriftian  Church 
has  fo  long  laid  afide  as  fpurious  or  heretical,  are 
no  other  than  the  Original  Laws  and  Dodrines 
of  the  Gofpel  :  The  l^ew  Covenant ;  or  moft  fa-" 
cred  Standard  of  Chriftianity  ;  equal  in  their 
Authority  to  the  Four  Gofpeis  themfelves  3*  and 
Superior  in  Authority  to  the  Epiftles  of  fingle 
Apoftles :  Some  Parts  of  them  being  our  b  avi- 
our's  own  Original  Lavjs  delivered  to  the  Apo- 
ftles ;  and  the  other  Parts  the  Puhlick  Atis  of  the 
Apoftles  theinfelves  met  in  Councils  at  Jerufa- 
tern  and  Cafarea  before  their  Death ;  And  this 
was  the  conftant  Opinion  and  Teftimony  of  the 
f  Jirlieft  Ages  of  th^  Gofpel 

}f^  cannot  ht  declare  this  Jffertion  advanced 
fp^cerrfjfJg  a  Book ,  which   was  never  yet  ac- 


knovoledged  as  Part  of  the  Canon  of  Scripture 
hy  any  general  Council  ^  nor  received  as  fuch  in 
any  Chriflian  Churchy  to  be  highly  ahfurd  and 
impious^  tendingto  create  in  the  Minds  ofChri- 
fiians  great  Uncertainties  as  to  their  Rule  of 
Faith^  and  to  fuhvert  that  Faith  which  was 
once  delivered  to  the  Saints^  and  is  preferved 
in  the  Books  of  the  new  Tefiament  received  in 
our  Church, 

f^^^^^  ^  POST- 



IHavmg  'met  with  fevcral  other  Hardfliips, 
not  included  in  the  foregoing  Accounts,  I 
cannot  but  take  this  occafion  to  Complain 
of  them  here  alfo.     I  mean.  Fir/?,  the  Hardfhip 
of  a  very  needlefs,  and  ill-grounded  trouble  in 
Chancery y  for  cutting  down  fome  old  decaying 
Timber  that  fliould  have  been  cut  down  Thirty 
or  Forty  Years  ago,  upon  the  Lands  b«longing 
to  my  Profeflbrfhip,  and  defign'd  either  for  Re- 
pairs, or  to  be  diftributed  as  every  one's  Share 
fhould  be,  and  refolv'd  on  long  before  I  dreamed 
of  fuoh  a  thing  as  an  Expulfion.     I  alfo  muft 
vehemently  complain  not  only  of  the  lies  and 
Calumnies  fpread  abroad  concerning  that  mat- 
ter^ but  more  efpecially  of  an  other  more  no- 
torious one,  as  if  I  had  cheated  the  very  Cha- 
rity-Schools  inCamhridge  of  a  confiderable  Sum  ; 
pne  of  the  lafl:  \yickedneffes  in  Nature  moft  cer- 
tainly I  ftiould  be  guilty  of ;  whilft  there  is  no 
other  Foundation    for  it,  than    that  as    thofe 
Schools  and  their  Stock  were  chiefly  owing  to 
itny  Labours  and  Intereft  ;    and  the  latter  had 
ever  been  entrufted  with  me  ;   for  which  the 
Stewards  always  had  my  Hand  in  the  Publick 
Book  of  Accounts  ;  and  of  late  my  Bond  alfo  ; 
fo,  do  not  I  know  they  have  had  any  occafion  or 
inclination  to  remove  it ;    tho'  I  now  intend 
foon  to  pay  it  in,  even  without  fugh  their  define, 
to  prevent,  if  poffible,  the  leaft  occafion  for  fo 
unjuft  a  Reproach  hereafter.   Another  Hardfhip 
was  this,  that  when  I  pafled  through  Cambridge 
\n  the  Spring,  upon  a  little  Eufineft  of  my  own, 
gnd  only  intended  to  ftay  a  very  few  days  there, 



endeavouringat  the  fame  time  to  make  thcHeads 
eafy  in  the  Admiffion  of  my  Deputy^  I  had  a 
Beadle  prefentiy  fent  to  me  hyDr. Lany  theDepu- 
ty  Vicechancellor,  to  know  how  I  durft  venture 
to  appear  even  in  the  Town  of  Cambridge^  under 
my  Banifliment  from  the  Univerfity.     Nay   I 
was  inform'd,  that  one  of  the  Heads  faid  I  might 
be  laid  by  the  Heels  for  my  Prefumption,     So 
I  was  oblig'd  to  haftcn  away  from  that  Place. 
A  farther  Hardfhip  I  have  reafon  to  complain 
of,  and  that  is  this,  that  my  Profeflbrfliip  it 
felf  was   declared  void  by  Dr.  Lany,  Deputy 
Vicechancellor,  and  Eight  other  Heads,  OBoL 
2^th  laft  ;  wherein  this  Circumftance  is  remar- 
kable, that  the  Lord  Bifliop  of  Chefter^  Mafter 
of  Catherine  Hall^  was  then  in  Cambridge^  and  was 
obliged  to  ac5l  ofenly  in  this  cafe,  as  he  had  been 
there  and  aded  frivately  in  my  Expulfion  the 
laft  year ;  So  that  now  I  perceive  1  muft  Appeal 
to  the  Law  for  the  preferving  of  my  Legal  Right 
to  the  very  Lands  of  my  Profeiforftiip,  or  prin- 
cipal Support  for  the  Maintenance  of  my  Fami- 
ly; and  that  the  Church  and  Univerfity  both  lay 
the  Strefs  of  their  Caufe  not  on  Arguments  but 
on  Violence;  fince  not  one  of  either  the  Con- 
vocation it  felf,or  appointed  by  them  ;  not  one  of 
the  Univerfity  whereto  I  belong,   have  either 
already  anfwered  or  undertaken  to  anfwer  what 
I  produce  for  my  Affertions  ;  while  ftill  both 
Bodies  go  on  to  trouble  me,  and  not  a  few  en- 
deavour, as   far  as  'tis  in  their  power,  to  ruin 
me  at  the  fame  time  ;  altho'  they  ftill  more  and 
more  find,  that  what  I   have  ever  faid  proves 
true,  'viz.  That  my  Difcoveries,  for  the  hiain  at 
leaft,  are  really  Unanfwerable  ;  and  therefore 
fince  they  cannot  be  fupprefs'd  by  Argument, 
they  muft,  if  poffible,  be  ftifled  and  run  down 
by  Perfecution,    But  the  laft  additional  Hard- 



fliip  which  I  mufl:  complain  of,  is  what  goes  near 
my  Heart  indeed,  and  that  is,  that  I  have  been 
for  fomeMonths  excluded  from  the  Holy  Com- 
munion,and  that  diredly  for  doing  my  Duty  to 
my  Lord  and  Saviour  •  and,  as  I  think,  with- 
out any  even  Legal  Incapacity  that  can  be  pre- 
tended againft  me.  This  I  can  truly  fay  has 
drawn  from  me  fuch  a  paffionate  expreffion  of 
Concern,as  none  of  the  other  Inftances  of  Seve- 
rity ever  did^and  which  I  own  to  be  a  fore  Try- 
al  to  me.  But  this  whole  matter  will  be  beft 
underftood  from  two  Letters  which  I  wrote  to 
the  Reverend  Mr.  Shute^  one  of  the  Curates  of 
St.  Andrews  Parifli  wherein  I  live,  and  to  which 
I  have  never  yet  received  any  full  and  proper 
Anfvver.     They  here  follow  verbatim, 

S  1  Ry  Aug,  i8. 171 1. 

MY  Lord  Bifliop  of  Chichefier,  the  ReAor 
of  this  Parifli,  did  fome  time  ago  defire 
me  for  a  little  while  to  forbear  coming  to  the 
Weekly  Communion,  on  account  of  the  Debates 
about  me  in  Convocation  at  that  time  ;  and  us'd 
this  as  the  principal  Argument  to  me, That  this 
Abfence  defir'd  needed  to  be  only  for  a  little 
while.  I  have  upon  his  Lordfliip's  defire  ab- 
fented  my  felf  for  fome  time  accordingly,  to 
fliew  at  once  my  regard  to  his  Lordfhip,  and  to 
the  Peace  of  the  Church  and  Parifli ;  without 
being  fenfible  all  the  while  of  any  Incapacity 
either  in  point  of  Confcience  or  Law  ;  but  that 
on  all  accounts  I  may,  and  if  I  may,  I  am  cer- 
tainly in  duty  bound'^to  frequent  that  Holy  Com- 
munion, as  the  New  Teftament  and  the  Apo-  . 
ftolical  Confticutions  enjoin  me.  Nay  farther, 
I  have  been  inform'd,  that  about  that  very  time 
when  my  Lord  of  Cbkhefier  defired  my  abfenting 


T0STSCRI9T.  75 

my  felf  for  a  while,  the  Lord  Bifhop  of  the 
Diocefe  had,  upon  application,  told  my  Lord  of 
Chichefter  that  the  Communion  was  not  to  be 
deny'd  me.  The  Convocation  indeed  have 
fmce  that  time  cenfur'd  feveral  Opinions  which 
they  take  to  be  mine.  But  then  they  have  not 
proceeded  againft  me  at  all ;  nor  fo  much  as  ci- 
ted me  to  appear  :  the  Cenfure  is  no  way  Au- 
thentickly  Publifhed,  but  indeed  rather  ftudi- 
oufly  fuppreffed.  Nor  has  the  Queen,  to  whom 
it  has  been  prefented,  at  all  ratifyed  the  fame ; 
fo  that  it  no  way  can  legally  afFed  me.  I  do 
therefore  take  it  to  be  my  Duty  as  a  Chriftian, 
and  my  Right  as  a  Member  of  this  Church,  and 
Parifli,  to  receive  the  Holy  Communion  con- 
ftantly  in  this  Place  :  and  as  I  am  very  willing 
and  defirous  to  perform  that  Duty,  fo  do  I  infift 
on  that  Right  ;  and  beg,  that  the  Lord  Biftiop 
of  the  Diocefe,  and  the  Re6tor  of  the  Parifh 
may  be  inform'd  of  my  Intention  to  offer  my 
felf  accordingly,  that  no  Surprize  or  Diforder  - 
may  be  in  the  leaft  occafion'd  thereby.    I  am 

SIR,  Tour  'very  loving  Brother^ 

and  J-Tumblp.  SprTf/jK 


I  our  very  lovmg  isrotDer^ 

and  Humble  Servant 

SIR,  OBok2.  171 1. 

ISuppofe  you  have  before  this  time  received 
the  Bifhop  of  London's  Determination  as  to 
my  Mmiffion  to  the  Lord's  Supper.  Nay,  in- 
deed, I  have  had  fome  information  as  to  thatDe- 
termination,  tho'  not  authcntickly,  nor  from 
your  felf.  I  therefore  let  you  know  that  I  ex- 
ped:  an  account  of  it  from  you  in  a  little  time^ 
that  I  may  come  to  fome  Refolution  about  my 
own  Practice.  I  am  very  unwilling  to  be  ex- 
gluded  fron>  the  Communion,  on  no  other  ac- 

7+  T0STSCRI9T. 

count  but  bccaufe  I  have  honeftly  done  ray  Du^ 
ty  as  a  Chriftian.  And  yet  I  am  very  unwilling 
to  be  the  occafion  of  what  any  may  call  a  Schifm 
or  Separation.  Nor  (hall  I  eafily  attempt  any 
fuch  thing,  while  I,  and  others  of  my  Perfua^ 
fion  are  admitted  to  full  Communion  with  the 
Church ;  but  cannot  tell  but  it  may  be  our  Du- 
ty to  fet  up  fuch  Publick  Worfliip  as  ^e  can 
with  a  good  Confcienco  more  entirely  join  in, 
if  we  are  deny'd  the  other.  I  have  alfo  had 
Advice,  and  find  that  by  the  Laws  of  England  I 
cannot  be  refused  the  Communion.  So  that  if 
it  be  now  refus'd  me,it  feemsto  be  by  fuch  a  Se- 
verity orRigor  as  the  prefent  Settlement  cannot 
juftify,  and  fuch  as  may  have  EfFeds  by  no  means 
to  the  fatisfa(5llon  of  thofe  that  are  inftrumental 
in  it.  However,  I  openly  take  you  to  witnefs, 
that  in  cafe  I  hereafter  find  it  to  be  my  Duty  to 
fet  up  any  Publick  Worfliip  different  from  that 
eftablifli'd  among  us,  it  will  not  be  till  I  was 
deliberately,  and  by  thofe  in  Authority  refufed 
this  moftfolemnlnftance  of  Communion  with  the 
Church  ofE»j^/^«^.Thisisamatter  of  great  confe- 
quence  ;  and  accordingly  I  give  you  leave,  if 
ypu  think  fit,  to  communigate  this  my  Letter  tq 
the  Lord  Bidiop  of  the  Diocefe,  and  the  Redor 
of  the  Parifli,  before  I  receive  a  final  A^fwer. 

I  am  S  I  R, 

Tour  /iffeEilonate  Brother ^  and  Ser^anty 


And  now  before  I  conclude,  I  muft  after  all 
advertife  the  Reader  of  what  I  have  lately  lear- 
ned. That  the  Lower  Houfe  of  Convocation 
did  not  dircdly  rejed:  any  Propofition  from  tha 


90STSCRI9T.  75 

Upper  Houfe,  mentioning  the  Son*s  Subordina- 
tion to  the  Father  as  a  part  of  my  Herefy,  as  I 
had  been  before  informed  ;  but  only  owned  that 
part  of  my  third  Herefy,  P.  66.  which  related  ^i^ount  of 
to  this  Subordination  was  not  fo,  as  being  it  ^*'»^<''^'- 
feems  own*d  by  the  Body  of  the  Lower  Houfe  ^'^^' 
it  felf,  and  therefore  to  be  fure  by  no  means 
Heretical ;  tho',  as  far  as  I  can  learn,  the  Up- 
per Houfe  efteemM  that  Suhord'mation  Heretical, 
as  well  as  the  Infalority^9.n6.  that  it  was  theMain, 
or  Second  Article  of  my  Herefy,  P.  6^,  which 
was  own'd  by  more  than  One  of  the  Convo- 
cation not  to  be  Heretical,  and  a  Proteftation 
entred  by  one  that  He  did  not  condemn  it,when 
it  appeared  too  late  to  recall  the  Cenfure  it  felf. 
1  muft  alfo  advertife  the  Reader,  that  I  now 
perceive,  that  the  Convocation  have  cenfur^d 
part  of  my  19th  Article  concerning  the  Holy 
Ghoft,  that  He  was  made  by  the  Son  under  the 
Father  ;  and  alfo  that  he  is  Inferior  and  StihorMz, 
nate  to  the  Father  ;  \X^ithout  taking  notice  or 
the  undoubted  Facls  afferted  in  the  20th,  on 
which  my  DoAiine  in  great  part  relies;  and 
without  the  Confutation  of  which  all  the  reft 
is  to  no  purpofe.  For  if  He  was  never  called 
Gody  nor  Invocated  by  the  Firft  Chriftians,  'tis 
intolerable  to  cenfure  the  reft  of  my  AfTer- 
tions  about  him.  And  this  Procedure  is  the  more 
ftrange,  becaufe  the  Council  of  Nice  is  now 
generally  made  the  great  Standard  of  Ortho- 
doxy and  Herefy,  v/hich  yet  was  fo  far  from 
condemning  thofe  Do(5trines  as  to  the  Holy  Spi- 
rit, that  'tis  highly  Probable  they  gen£rally,ifnoc 
univerfally,  believed  them.'  There  appearing  I 
think  no  (Ign  in  Antiquity,that  the  Modern  Or- 
tho:lox  Doctrine  about  the  Holy  Ghofl  isfo  An- 
cient as  that  Council  :  nay,  by  Enfehliis's  account 
of   it,  my  Herefy  appears  to  have   been  th^ 



known  Do(^rine  of  the  Church  at  that  very 
time  ;  and  the  contrary  Dodrine  to  have  been 
found,  if  any  where,  among  fuch  ignorant  He- 
re ticks  as  Marcellus  only. 

I  have  alfo  lately  learn'd,  in  fome  meafure, 

what  were  thofe  many  other  Articles  hinted  in 

that  Account  T.  67.  which  were  Herefy  in  the 

Upper  Houfe,  but  efcaped  that  name,  and  were 

dropt  in  the  Lower.     They  were  no  fewer  than 

Six  in  Number,  out  of  the  Original  Eighteen  ; 

and  were  as  follows,  fo  far  as  I  do  remember  the 

Account  I  have  had  of  them  ;  which  I  do  here 

freely  communicate  to  the  Reader  : 

mft.  Pref.      On  a  full,  impartial,  and  honeft  Enquiry  into 

p. 45-        thefe   matters,    lam  abundantly  fatisfy'd,  that 

the  Arian  Doctrines  are  thofe  delivered  by  our 

Saviour,  and  his  Apoftles,  and  all  the  firft  Chri- 


P-  ^S'  That  the  One  and  Only  Supreme  God  of  the 

Chriftians  is  no  other  than  God  the  Father. 
ibid.  That  the  Original  Supreme  Worfhip  is  due 

only  to  Him. 

P-  75.  1  was  accus'd,  that  in  my  Explication  of  the 

Church  Catechifm,  I  did  affert  things  that  were 

contrary  to  the  Do(5trine  of  the  Church  ;  and 

alfo  that  when  I  once  read  Prayers,  I  omitted 

the  Third  and  Fourth  Petitions  of  the  Litany, 

or  the  In'vocation  of  the  Holy  Ghofi,  and  of  the  Tri'- 

nlty,     Thefe  Accufations  I  confcfs'd  to  be  true, 

and  was  very  ready  to  juftify  and  fupport  my 

Opinions  and  Pradices  as  to  thofe  Matters. 

Reply     to      God  the  Father  and  He  alone  is  to  be  prima- 

Dr,  Allix,  rily  worfiiipp'd,  and  ador'd,  or  in  the  moll  pro- 

^''  \^\^^'  per  fenfe,  and  in  the  higheil  manner  :  He  only 

^*^  ^  ^'       being  theObjed  of  the  Supreme  Degree  of  fuch 

Divine  Worfliip  and  Adoration,  through  Jefus 




Jefus  Chrift  is  truly  God  and  Lord ;  or  really,  »^'^  ^^^  4. 
by  the  appointment  of  the  Father,  our  God^  and 
our  Lord,  our  King,  and  our  Judge. 

And  now  fure  we  may  eafily  learn  from  the 
whole  Condud  of  our  prefent,  and  other  the  like 
late  Convocations  and  Synods,  how  very  fal- 
lible fuch  Affemblies  are  in  matter  of  Religion : 
Where  few  or  none  dare  fpeak  their  real  Senti- 
ments freely  and  openly  ;  and  every  fmgle 
Member  is  afraid  of  the  reft:  Where  a  very  few 
Notable  and  Managing  Men,  fupported  by  o~ 
thers  behind  the  Curtain,  can  lead  whole  Bo- 
dies as  they  pleafe  :  Where  Examination  is  e- 
fteem'd  very  dangerous,  and  beneath  the  Dig- 
nity of  the  Body  ;  where  the  common  Right  of 
Mankind,  to  be  heard  before  Cenfure,  is  de- 
ny'd  :  where  Fads  notorioufly  falfe  pafs  for 
great  Motives  and  Arguments ;  and  particular 
Drawers  up  of  Cenfures,  or  Reprefentations,  v 
can  engage  whole  Bodies  to  affert  fuch  Fa^ls  : 
Where  Two  diftind  Houfes  Ihall  fo  little  agree 
about  the  Dodrines  of  the  Church,  that  out  of 
Eighteen  Heretical  Articles  Cenfur'd  in  the 
Upper,  but  Twelve  (hall  appear  Cenfur'd  by 
the  Lower;  and  the  Upper  fhall  appear  fo  farun- 
concern'd  about  one  third  part  of  its  Cenfure,  as 
to  drop  it  immediately,  in  complyance  with  the 
Lower,  as  if  feveral  of  thofc  Points  a:  leaft, 
were  no  Herefies  at  all,  or  however,  of  no  great 
confequence  •  Where  the  Obligation,  to  com- 
pare my  Docirines  with  the  Holy  Scripture^^  the 
Tivo  FirB  General  Councils,  and  Liturgy  d^  Articles 
of  the  Church  of  England,  own'd  in  the  Preamble, 
feems  to  be  forgot  in  the  Body  of  the  Cenfure, 
and  all  is  left  to  ftand  on  the  Authority  of  the 
prefent  Convocation  alone  :  and  Where,  after 
all,  that  Cenfure  which  does  earncflly  hcfeech  all 
Qbrlfilan   People  hj    the  Marcles  of  Chrifv,  to  take 



heed  how  they  gi^e  Ear  to  thefe  falfe  DoBrlnesj  is 
itioft  ftudioufly  and  induftrioufly  conceaVdfrom  all 
Chrifiian  Teople,  and  the  very  Perfon  whofe  Do- 
<5trines  are  cenfur'd,  is  forc'd,  not  without  great 
4ifficulty,  to  obtain  an  Account  of  that  Cenfure. 
To  conclude,  I  heartily  wifli  however,  that  all 
the  Honeft  among  the  prefent  Orthodox,  couW 
but  as  well  know  the  true  Hiftory  of  the  Coun- 
cil of  Niccy  as  they  may  of  this  laft  Convoca- 
tion :  for  I  believe  it  would  go  near  to  cure 
them  as  to  their  efteem  of  the  great  Authority 
of  fuch  Affemblies ;  as  the  knowledge  of  the 
true  Hiftory  of  the  Council  of  Trent  has  cur'd 
the  Proteftants,  and  I  believe  fome  of  the  mo- 
derate Papifts  alfo,  as  to  the  Infallibiltty  of  thofc 
Councils  which  are  under  the  Management  of 
the  See  oiRome.  Nor  do  I  fee  how  aProteftant 
Synod,  while  it  owns  even  General  Councils/^/- 
Uiley  can  2Ldt  as  if  it  felf  were  infallible  ;  without 
giving  up  the  Foundation  of  her  intire  Settle- 
ment ;  and  cutting  the  very  Sinews  of  the  Pro*. 
teftant  Reformation. 

WILL  'W HIS  ton. 
Novemk  14.  171 1. 





Epiftles  of  Ignatius, 


The  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius,  which  of  late 
have  been  fiitd  his  Interpolated  Epiftles, 
are  alone  the  Genuine  and  Original  Epiftles 
of  that  Father.  Jnd  the  Smaller  are  only 
an  EpitomG  of  fever  a  I  of  the  Larger;  wad^ 
mqfl  prohahly  about  the  Middle  of  the  Fourth 
Century  of  the  Church. 

THIS  is  an  Affertion  fo  1/^7  grange  in 
this  Age^  and  yet  of  fo  ^cry  great  Con-^ 
fecftte77ce  to  the  Chriftian  Church  on 
feveral  AccoufitS;,  that  it  requires  a 
very  careful  Confidcradon :  Efpecially  fince  thd 
Moderns  have  been  fo  affrighted  with  fome  Ori-^ 
ginal  5  but  Icng.  fince  Exploded  Docirlnes  of 
Chriftianicy,  and  Citations  from  the  Cmfiitutio?)s 
of  the  AfojHis  (  which  have  been  thenlfelves  alfo 
exploded  on  the  like  Occafion;, )  therein  con- 
tain d^  that  they  have  not  hadCourjrge  or  Impar- 

B  tiality 

^j!  A  7)ijTertation  upon  the  ' 

tiality  enough  to  enquire  throughly  into  their 
Antiquity  and  Authority  hitherto^,  as  they  ought 
to  have  done :  Which  therefore  I  fhali  attempt 
at  prefent. 

But  before  I  come  to  Particulars^,  I  muft  make 
this  Declaration  in  general^  that  under  the  Lar- 
ger  Genuine  Efiftles^  I  include  Ten,  I  mean  befides 
the  Seven  known  Epiftles  contained  in  the  Voly- 
car f  Ian  Collection  ^  of  which  Eujehim  gives  us  a 
particular  Account^    and   Jerom  from  him,    I 
efteem  thofe  Three  to  Tarfus,  to  Antioch^  and  to 
Hero^  to  be  genuine  alfo  •   tho'  the  Silence  of 
Ettfeiim  and  Jerom  concerning  them  makes  it 
not  reafonable  to  pretend  to  the  fame  Degree  of 
Evidence  for  thofe  Three^  that  v^^e  have  for  the 
other  Seven.     However ,    fmce  there  is  Rea- 
fon  to  believe,  that  Ignatius  did  write  more  Epi- 
Vi  j^         ftles  than  thofe  Seven  commonly  afcribcd  to  him ; 
Grab  Spi-  fince  the  Stile,  Genius,  Doctrines,  and  Nature 
cileg.        of  thefe  Three,  are  fo  very  much  the  fame  with 
'^Z^'  y*   thofe  of  the  other  Seven ;    fince  the  Notes  of 
p^H»  25,  Q^^j-onology,  with  the  Ancient  Quotations  and 
References  agree  to  them,    as  vv^ell  as  to  the 
other ;  fmce  Eufehlus's  Silence  only  lliews,  that 
he  had  met  with  no  other  than  thofe  Seven 
which  Volycar^  colleded,  and  fent   to  Philippi  ^ 
(  whereas  the  other  Three  were  written  from 
Vhilifft ;  )  as  was  the  Cafe  in  the  Epiftles  of  Vo^ 
Hlft  Eccl   b^^^?  himfelf :  [  For  tho'  Eufebius^  from  Irenaus^ 
L,  V.      '  alTures  us  they  were  Seven ;  yet  does  not  he  appear 
C  ?  w.       ever  to  have  feen  any  other  of  them  than  this  to 
P  '^'^'      the  Thiliffiansy  which  accompanied  thofe  of  ^- 
natius  before-mentioned ;  ]  and  fmce  all  theMSS. 
^'       that  are  known,  both  Gr^e^  and  L^r/77,  excepting 
na^  P-o^"  ^^^^  fingle  Copy  mention'd  by  Bifhop  Tearfon, 
le^.C.VI.  ^^^  ^^^  i^  the  Bodleian  Library,  of  the  Seven 
P  257.      Large  ones, appear  to  have  all  thefeThree,as  well 
as  the  reft ,  even  when  feveral  of  them  omit  the 
^  Spurious 

Efifiles  (?/ Ignatius.  5 

Spurious  Epiftle  to  the  Philippia77s  at  the  fame 
time  :  All  which  will  hereafter  be  proved  Z*^  W^e 
have  no  fufficientReafcii  to  rejed  thefe  Epiflles; 
efpecially  when  they  are  infcrib'd  to  fuch  flace^, 
and  to  fuch  a  Perfon^  as  Igjiatim  was  more  un- 
likely to  forgetj  than  mofl  of"  thofe  to  which 
he  wrote  his  other  Epiftles.  This  being  Pre- 
mis'd^  I  come  to  my  main  Defign  •  and  fliall 
comprehend  what  I  have  to  fay  upon  this  Sub- 
jed^  under  the  following  Heads. 

I.  I  fhall  offer  fome  G  enteral  Arguments  to  prove,     /^A. 
that  'tis  highly  improbable  that  the  Smaller  Epi- 
ftles fhould  be  the  Genuine  ones :  Which  Argu- 
ments will  alfo  infer  the  great  Probability  that 

the  Larger  are  fo. 

II.  I  fhall  fliew^  that  Eufehim's  Defcrlftion  of 
the  Epiftles  which  he  faw,  do  better  agree  to  . 
the  Larger^  than  they  do  to  the  Smaller  Epi- 
ftles ;  nay,  that  One  of  his  Defcriptions  entire- 
ly agrees  with  the  Larger,  and  as  entirely  dlfa- 
grees  with  the  Smaller  Epiftles.     -    ~     -       -     -    '/>-7- 

III.  I  fhall  fhew  by  Internal  Arguments  and  Cha-' 
-racers,  that  the  Smaller  Epiftles  cannot  be  the 
Genuine  ones^norfo  early  as  the  Days  oi  Ignatius,  -  /j-yc 

IV.  I  fhall  fhew  by  the  like  Internal  Arguments    \ . 
and  Chara5lers^  that  the  Larger  Epiftles  are  the 
Genuine  ones,  and  agree  exadly  to  the  Days 

and  Circumftances  of  Ignatlm.  ~     -      /'  "^^• 

V.  I  fhall  fhew,  that  the  Ancient  Exprefs  C/- 
tations  out  of  thefe  Epiftles,  that  are  not  equally 
in  both  Editions ,  for  the  Firft  Six  Centuries  at 
the  leaft,  do,  in  general,  much  better  agree  to 

the  Lai-ger  Epiftles  than  to  the  Smaller.  -  ~      -     /'  ^ 

VL  I  fhall  fhew,  that  the  Ancient  Obfcurer 
References  and  Allnfions  to  thefe  Epiftles ,  are  ge- 
nerally taken  out  of  thefameLargerEpiftles  only. 
VII.  I  ftiall  flievv  in  Particular^  that  the  Smal- 
B  2  ler 

-i4  T)iJfertation  upon  the 

ler  Epiftle  to  Philadelphia  is  certainly  Spurious, 

/■//'     and  the  Larger  alone  Genuine. ' ' 

VIIL  I  Ihall  confider  the  Nature  of  the  Smal- 
ler Epiftles  ^  fliall  (hew,  that  they  are  Extra^s  or 
Abridgments  of  the  Larger ;  that  they  are  Ortho-- 
dox  ExtraBsj  or  made  for  the  Ufes  of  Orthodoxy, 
after  the  fatal  Alteration  of  the  Faith  was  begun 
lA  the  Fourth  Century  ;  and  fliall  enquire  more 
exai5lly  at  what  time^    and  hy  whom  they  were 

J.-^o.     made. 

IX.  I  fliall  give  my  Reafons  more  diftindly, 
why  I  efteem  the  Three  Epifties  to  Tardus ,  to 
Antioch^  and  to  Htro^  to  be  Genuine  alfo,  as  well 

^-gd.     as  the  other  Seven. 

I.  I  fhall  offer  fome  General  Arguments  to  prove> 
that  'tis  highly  improbable  that  the  Smaller  Epi- 
ftles fhould  be  the  Genuine  ones  ;  which  Argu- 
ments will  alfo  infer  the  great  Probability  that 
the  Larger  are  fo.     For, 

(^  I.  )  The  Larger  Epiftles  were  generally  ownd 
for  the  True  ones,  by  thofe  who  believ'd  any  of 
his  Epiftles  to  be  fuch,  till  the  Middle  of  the  ve- 
ry laft  Age ;  both  the  Greek  and  Latin  MSS.  ge- 
nerally containing  no  other;  and  no  other  be- 
ing commonly  known,  or  heard  of,  at  the  time 
when  fuch  old  Books  were  firft  printed,  but 
thofe.  Nay,  what  is  very  remarkable,  all  thofe 
Three  MSS.  which  had  the  Smaller,  as  to  Six  or 
Seven,  had  yet  all  the  reft  of  thefe  according  to 
the  Larger  or  Vulgar  Copies :  [  For  the  Want 
of  the  End  of  the  Epiltle  to  Tarfus^  and  the 
Want  of  the  entire  Epiftles  to  Araioch^  and  to 
Hero  in  the  Medicean  Copy ,  feems  rather  owing 
to  the  prefent  known  Deficiency  of  feveral 
Leaves  at  the  End  of  it,  than  to  any  Original 
Defed  ;  ]  there  appearing  indeed  no  other  Edi- 
tion of  thofe  Additional  ones  ever  in  the 
Church,   than  the  Vulgar  or  Large  one.     So 


Epijiles  ^/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S^ 

that  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  have  plainly  this  Ad- 
vantage from  general  Confent ,  till  very  latejy , 
as  well  as  from  the  greater  Number  of  the  MSS. 
both  Greek  and  Latin ;  as  indeed  they  llill  have 
in  this  laft  Refpe(5t  even  at  this  very  Day.  Only 
we  muft  note,  that  none  of  thofe  Three  MSS. 
contained  the  Epiftle  to  the  VhiUfftans ;  which 
feems  to  be  Ancient,  but  has  few  or  no  Internal 
Charaders,  little  or  no  External  Evidence  to 
fupport  its  Pretences  to  be  really  Genuine  :  Nay 
indeed,  whofe  very  different  Stile,  and  Genius, 
and  Difagreement  with  Chronology,  plainly 
betray  its  Spurious  Original.  Which  is  alfo  ftill 
more  notorious  in  thofe  Two  others  from  and 
to  Maria  CaJJoholita,  Now  I  defire  to  know, 
how  thefe  Facfts  could  poflibly  be  fo,  in  Cafe 
thefe  Larger  Epiftles  were  only  Spurious  and  In- 
terpolated ?  Would  the  zealous  Athanafians  ,  du- 
ring vv'hofe  Management  and  Authority  all  our 
MSS.  were  written ,  encourage  forg'd  or  cor- 
rupted Epiftles,  fo  very  favourable  to  the  Arians? 
and  difcourage  thofe  which  they  knew  to  be  the 
Genuine  ones,fo  much  more  favourable  to  them- 
felves  ?  Would  they  ftill  join  Interpolated  and 
Heretical  Epiftles  with  the  Genuine  and  Ortho- 
dox ones ,  had  they  had  ground  to  believe  that 
.to  have  been  the  Truth  of  the  Cafe  ?  I  cannot 
eafily  believe  this. 

(  2.  )  The  Nature  of  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  is 
fuch,  as  will  not  admit  of  the  Suppofition,  that 
they  are  only  the  Smaller  Interpolated.  Several 
Infertions  and  Interpolations  have  been  on  Pur- 
pofe  made  in  old  Books,  either  from  the  Mar- 
gin into  the  Text,  for  lUuftration  and  Explica- 
tion ;  or  from  the  Orthodox  Opinions  of  the 
Corrupters  or  Tranfcribers ,  for  Caution  ,  or 
the  like.  But  then  thofe  Infertions  and  Inter- 
polations, efpeci.^liy  till  very  late  Ages,  were  ge- 
B  -^  nerally 

iierally  Sm^tl  ^  and  inconfiderable,  in  Compari- 
fon  of   the  entire  Contents  of   thofe    Books 
whereirito  they  were  inferted  :  Nay ,  and  even 
they  are  frequently  To  little  of  a  Piece  or  Co- 
herence with,  if  not  contrary  to  the  Original 
Text  it  felf,  as  to  be  readily  diftinguifii'd  from 
the  fame  by  Critical  Readers.    .{  Which  indeed 
IS  A^ery  much  the  Cafe  in  thofe  miferable  Infer- 
tions  of    this  Nature  in   the  'Smaller  Epiftles^ 
which  are  wanting  in  the  Larger.  ]     Whereas 
this  is  not  at  all  the  Cafe  in  the  prefent  Larger 
jEpiftles.     They  are  Xometimes  more  than  twice 
as  Large  as  the  Smalier,     The  fuppos'd  Additio- 
nal Paffages  are  entire,  and  of- a  Piece  one  with 
another ,  and  witli  the  Context.     They  are  in- 
deed the  very  Marrow,  and  noblefl:  Parts  of  the 
fame  ;  and  commonly  the  rnpfl  undoubtedly  O- 
riginal  Language  of  Chriiiianity,  and  the  moft 
peculiarly  fairable  to  Ignatms  of  all  the  Cohe- 
rence :  Nay,  are  cited,  alluded,  and  referred  to 
by  all,  but  a  few  AtJjajiafians^  in  all  the  firft  Ages ; 
ias  wiil  hereafter  appear.  And  truly,  I  think  there 
is  no  Parallel  Lnftajice  of  fuch  a- thing  in  all  the 
firft  Times  of  the  Church  •  that  fuch  Writings 
as  the  Smaller  Epiftles  are  have  been  fill'd  up 
in  fuch  a  Manner  ss  to  become  like  the  Larger  : 
Unlefs  we  except  that  equally  ungrounded  Fan- 
cy of  one  Learned  Man,  who  fliall  be  namelefs, 
as  to  the  Conffihutl(f7u  of  the  Jpofiles  themfelves, 
from  which  thefe  Larger  Epifi:ie5  are  in  great 
Meafure  deriv'd.    When  once  fo  ftrange  an  Hy- 
pothecs can  be/////)' pr^Ji/V  of   the  One  of  thefe 
Books ,  it  will  be  time  enough  to  think  of  vin- 
dicating the  Other,     But  till  that  is  done,  a  wife 
Man  will  be  unwilling  to  believe,  that  Ckmem^^ 
Confiittitionsy  arid  Ignatius^  Epiftles,  or  either  of 
them,  have  had  a  quite  different  Fate  from  that 
flpf  all  other  Books  of  the  firft  Ages  of  Chriftiani- 


Eftfiles  of  Ignatius.  f 

ty  ;  perhaps  of  all  other  Ancient  Books  whatfo- 
ever.     But, 

(  ;.  )  This  is  the  more  unreafonable  to  be 
fuppos'd  here,  becaufe  the  Reverfe  is  io  ealy  and 
obvious ;  'viz,.  that  the  Lelfer  Epillles  may,  for 
the  main,  be  an  ExtraH  from,  or  Epitome  of  the 
Larger :  I  mean  with  only  fuch  Smaller  AddltU 
ovs^  as  fuited  the  Defigns  of  their  Abridger. 
This  Method  of  Abbreviating  or  Epitomizing 
larger  Works ,  is  and  has  been  very  common  in 
the  World,  and  is  very  agreeable  to  the  Cir- 
cumftances  of  this  Cafe  in  particular ;  where  we 
have  no  plain  CharaAers  of  Interpolation  in  the 
Larger,  but  a  vaft  Number  of  Charaders  of  A- 
bridgment  in  the  Smaller  Epiltles ;  as  will  moft 
plainly  appear,  if  we  think  it  worth  our  while 
tiplompare  the  feveral  Copies  all  the  way.  But 
r  mall  have  Occafion  to  fpeak  more  diftinclly  to 
this  Matter  hereafter.  i^- 

IL  I  fliall  now  fliew ,  that  Eufehius's  Defcrifti-^ 
ens  of  the  Epiftles  which  he  faw,  do  better  agree 
to  the  Larger,  than  they  do  to  the  Smaller  Epi- 
ftles :  Nay^  that  one  of  his  Defcriptions  entire- 
ly agrees  with  the  Larger,  and  as  entirely  diC- 
agrees  with  the  Smaller  Epiftles.  , 

Eufebhis's  large  and  dire(^  Account  of  thefe 
Epiftles,  as  they  were  in  his  Copy,  is  in  thefe 

words  :  ''O^  71  ^^^  ^m^h  eioiv  v\iv  SictChmzi  \yvcin®'y  rT(x.j.    , 

x>wf<w^V©-.   ^.oyQ-  cA  'ip^« 'TOT^y  o/TTO  cveicts  0777  r   pauaiap  C.  3^. 
TToKiy  dvATntx^^VTTt  5>»etV«j;/  ■)Syw4o^  CqpJv^   '^  «?  XeiS^\f  ua^^  p.  io6, 

OV  .We^TD/^  LUtKlga.  fir^i^VKdLTTi^  7^4^  A/f fe^H^  6tp77  7TJT5  <m^~ 

B  4  y^jpo)^ 

p  j4  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

Here  thefe  Epiftles  of  Ig7jatius,  which  Eujeh'ms 
faw,  feem,  in  the  main,  to  have  been  firft 
preacFdy  or  deliver'd  in  the  way  of  Sacred  In- 
ftrudion  perfonally  to  the  Churches ;  and  then, 
as  in  a  Cafe  of  fome  Necejjity ,  wrinen  down  by 
himfelf :  They  were  principally  and  fully  op- 
pos'd  to  the  Ancient  Herejtes,  either'  then  newly 
arifen ,  or  very  prevalent  in  thofe  Days :  And 
they  were  principally  fupported  from  the  Tradi- 
tionary DoBrine  of  the  Apoftles^,  which  condemn- 
ed thofe  Herefies,  and  Eflablifhed  the  contrary 
Chriftian  Truths.  Every  Part  of  which  Defcri- 
ption  is  more  agreeable  to  the  Larger  Epiftles, 
than  to  the  Smaller.  The  Larger  alone  are  like 
Sermonsy  Homilies,  or  Religious  Difcourfes :  They 
alone  ^re  fuch  as  contain  many  Paiiages,  |h^ 
then  ufually  committed  to  Writing  :  They  aloSfe 
are  moft  fully,  and  hy  Name  oppos'd  to  the  An- 
cient Herefies  and  Hereticks :  And  they  alone 
are  direcftiy  enforc'd  by  many  and  pregnant  Paf- 
fages  out  of  the  Sacred  and  Traditionary  Confiitu- 
tions  of  the  Afofiks :  No  one  of  thefe  Charaders 
well  agreeing  to  the  Smaller  Epiftles.  So  that 
it  hence  feems  plain  to  me,  that  Eufehius's  Copy 
was  that  of  the  Larger,  and  not  that  of  the 
Smaller  Epiftles.  And  this  will  be  the  more  e- 
vident,  if  we  compare  another  Occafional  Re- 
ference to  thefe  Epiftles  elfewhere,  by  the  fame 
Eufehius ;  where  he  fpeaks  thus  againft  Marcellus ; 

Marcell      ^'^^^^   L'"''^  J  '^^^^^v  edei%ij^^  T6 -mhou  ^ofji^^i  ^i^jiV^j,  coi 
L.  I.  C.  4.  ouodh^vuTo^  Toii  VvjJi  <zs^<;  eumi  StACet>Ko/u^'oii,    lyi  q  ^  a- 

esiLKTijf  '^<^eiKi>v^.  WhatEpiftles  of  veryAncient  Bps. 
earlier  than  the  Days  oiOrigen ;  nay,  perhaps  ^ior 



Epiftles  of  Ig^  AT  IV  si  f 

to  thofe  of  Synods  earlier  than  the  Days  of  Or;- 

gen,  could  Eufehifis  mean^,  but  thofe  of  Clement^ 
Ipi,alus^  ^sA  Polycarp  in  particular  ?  which  we 
kno\v  were  che  Principal  Epiftles  of  that  early  P ^jjF*^^' 
Age  that  he  was  acquainted  '.vith  ;  and  of  fuch  ^^  "  ' 
a  'Kacure  as  he  mainly  enquired  for,  and  menti-  io5,-iio^ 
on'd  in  his  Hiilor)'.  If  fo,  he  plainly  intimates 
to  us,  that  thofe  mofl:  Ancient  Epiftles  which 
he  faw,  were  for  the  Do6lrinc  of  Origoi  and  his 
own^  in  Oppofition  to  that  of  Marcellus  and  A- 
tha7tnfms :  which  all  the  World  owns  to  be  the 
difting^ifhing  Charader  of  the  Larger  Epiftles 
only.  So  that  we  have  here  from  EHfebius  at 
once  an  lUuftrious  Teftimony,  that  the  Anci- 
ent Fathers  and  Synods  before  Origen ;  a 
vaft  Number  of  whofe  Writings  Eufthlus  fays  he 
had  leen^  and  does  here  Appeal  to  ;  were  on  the 
fide  of  Origen  and  his  own,  againft  the  Follow- 
ers of  Marcellus  and  Athanafius  ;  and  no  obfcure 
Intimation  that  among  the  reft  the  genuine  E- 
piftles  of  Ignatius  were  fo  alfo  :  And  by  confe- 
quence^  we  have  here  a  noble  Teftimony  that 
the  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius ^  which  alone  an- 
fwer  Eujehlus*s  CharaAer,  were  alone  in  Eufebi^ 
us's  Copy.  Nay,  indeed,  I  fliall  not  need  to  go 
here  by  Probability  only,  but  fhall  put  this 
Matter  paft  dcubr^  by  the  e:j^prefs  Words  of  the 
fame  Eufehius  elfe where  :  Tktuji/  h;co7&>?  l^  ovofjuLivi  Hift.EccT. 

p.^:t(?M   (ju^vav    r  (xvi^uijv   y^r^Ti^eiui^  ,  a^y  'in  iy   fuij  «V   L.  III.  C. 
^(x^g  cT/'  \iSJT>[j.v^ua,Tj)V  '^  kr7ni^\ix,»i  J)Jk7xctKiai  »  <^^Jb^   37>  3o-  P» 

^A^V  cmr^\aii.  So  that  as  Certainly  as  the  Larger 
Epiftles^  and  they  alone,contain  thofe  very  Do- 
drines  which  Enfeblus  own'd  to  be  the  original 
Doctrines  of  Chriftianity  ;  thofe  I  mean  which 
contradicted  Marcellus  and  Athanaftus ;  which  is 
acknowledged  by  all  ;  fo  certainly  do  Eufthius's 
Accounts  and  Defcriptions  of   thofe  Epiftles 


10  ji  ^ijfertatwn  upon  the 

which  he  faw^  belong  to  thefe  Larger  Epiftles, 
and  to  thefe  only.  But  of  this  Matter  more 
will  be  fpoken  hereafter. 

III.  I,  fhall  fhevv  by  Internal  Arguments  and  Char 
racers  y  that  the  Smaller  Epiitles  cannot  be  the 
Genuine  Ones  ,  nor  fo  early  as  the  Days  of  Ig- 
natius, This  appears  by  the  Obfervations  fol- 
lowing : 

(i.)  The  Smaller  Epiftles  are  plainly  IMwor- 
thy  of  fo  great  a  Man  as  Ignatius  •  and  by  no 
means  agreeable  to  the'Charader  we  haV^of  him 
in  Eufehhis  ^  Jerom  ,  Chryfoftorn  ^  &c.  and  that 
mighty  Truft  which  was  repofed  in  him  by  the 
Apoftles  themfelves^  when  they  made  him  Bi- 
fliop  or  Patriarch  of  Antlochy  one  of  the  Firft 
and  Principal  of  the  Apoftolical  Churches :  Nor 
indeed  at  all  correfpondent  to  the  Writings  of 
his  Fellow  Bifhops ,  Clement  and  Poly  carp.  For 
truly^  if  we  obferve  that  almoft  all  that  is  Va- 
luable in  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  is  'verbatim  taken 
out  of  the  Larger^  at  leaft  is  ftill  contained  in 
them  ;  that  when  any  Variation  is  here  made  'tis 
ufually  for  the  worfe  ;  that  thefe  Epiftles  feem 
afraid  of  fetting  down  the  Directions  for  Pra- 
<5lice,  and  of  quoting  not  only  the  JpofioUcal. 
Confiitutions  ^  but  th^  known  Books  of  the  Ne7i^ 
Tesfa?mnt  themfelves  j  while  the  Contemporary 
Epiftle  of  Tolycarp  ,  and  the  like  Writings  of 
Apoftolical  Men^  did  then  love  to  quote  the 
fame  perpetually  ;  that  their  Style  and  Compo- 
fition^  fo  far  as  they  are  different  from  the  Lar- 
ger, is  quite  contrary  to  thofe  of  Clement  and 
Tolycarpy  harfti,  confufed,  and  ill  digefted  ;  fo 
as  to  be  almoft  unintelligible  ;  that  they  con- 
tain many  Paftages  very  remote  from  the  old 
Chriftian  Doctrine  ,  and  on  purpofe  feem  to  a- 
Yoid  the  ufual  and  known  Language  of  the  firft 


Epiftles  of  I  G  N  AT  J  V  s.  li 

Writers  about  them  ;  nay  ,  to  affed  that  which 
came  into  the  Church  long;  after  the  Days  of 
Ignatius  :  When^  I  fay^  we  obferve  thefe  things, 
as  we  fliall  all  along  the  reft  of  this  EflTay ,  we 
fhall  be  difpos'd  to  think  of  Tome  other  Perfoii 
for  their  Author  than  the  Famous  Ig7iatlus  him- 
felf.  Efpecially  if  we  come  to  Particulars^  and 

(2.)  That  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  are  not  of  a 
due  Bulk  and  Largenefs  to  be  thofe  very  Genuine 
Epiftles  which  the  Ancients  defcribe^,  and  which 
the  very  Paffages  inferted^ill  into  all  the  Copies 
do  imply  alfo.  Jerom,  as  we  fliall  fee  prefently, 
fpeaks  of  this  Ignatius  as  the  firft  of  thofe  that 
did  write  plejta  fapenti^  ^uolumina  ,  Volumes  full  of 
TVifdoWy  againft  the  Ancient  Hereticks ;  and  this 
upon  occafion  of  a  Quotation  from  them  which 
is  now  only  in  our  Larger  Copies,  of  which 
hereafter.  Thefe  Words^  plena  fafientia  ^olumi-- 
7ja,  do  much  better  agree  to  the  Larger  than  to 
the  Smaller  Copies.  And  then  in  Three  of  the 
prefent  Seven  known  Epiftles;,  we  meet,  in  all 
the  Copies  great  and  fmall,  with  Words  imply- 
ing thofe  Three  to  be  comparatively  of  the  Lep 
fer  fort  I  which  Circumftance  is  not  true  of  the 
Smaller  Copies,  but  exactly  true  of  the  Larger. 
Thus  fays  he  to  the  Magneftansy  SuW^ax  7ra.^iy^\i<nL 
vfJM^,  To  the  Romans  ,  A/  l^i'^av  y^(tiuyi.Arutv  CLIP'S uax 
V yua,^.      To  Folycarpy  A/  o\iyo)i'  y.««^  y^ctdff.ctTwv  ot«^s- 

yJ^Kiort.  Whereas  we  have  no  fuch  Intimations 
of  Brevity  in  any  of  the  reft.  Now  that  the 
Reader  may  be  the  better  able  to,  judge  of  this 
Matter  without  Miftake,  I  fhall  fet  down  the 
Number  of  Columns  and  Parts  of  a  Column 
which  every  Epiftle  takes  up  in  Cotekrlus's  Edi- 
tion of  the  old  Latin  Verfion,  both  in  the  Lar- 
ger and  Smaller  Copies ;  and  if  the  Original 
Greek  be  confulted  it  will  exhibit  in  a  manner  the 
very  fame  Proportions  alfo.  To 


[A  DiJJ^ertation  u^on  the 

To  the  Efhefians 

9    i 


To  the  Magnefians  -  - 

^.  -^ 


To  the  Trallians  -  -  - 

4    i 


To  the  Romans 



To  the  Vhiladelfhians 



To  the  Smyrneans  -  - 

%    \ 


To  Tolycarf 

I    f 




To  the  Tarfenftans  -  - 1 2  | 
To  the  Antiochians  —  1 2  5 
To  Hero 12  o 

Sed.  14. 

7UV  m^ij^h.i<n,  SecS:.  7? 



Now  upon  comparing  the  Length  of  the  feve- 
ral  Epiftles  in  both  Editions^  it  will  appear^  as 
to  the  Larger  Copies,  that  the  Epiflle  to  Poly- 
carf  is  by  far  the  Smalleft  ;  that  that  to  the  Ro- 
wans is  the  next ;  that  that  to  Smyrna  is  next ; 
and  then  that  to  the  Magnefians ;  and  that  of  the 
other  Three,  wherein  there  are  no  fuch  Expref- 
fions  of  Brevity  in  any  Copy,  that  to  the  TraUi- 
am  is  the  leaft  ;  yet  is  it  Larger  than  any  of 
thofe  before-mention'd  :  That  the  Epiftle  to  the 
Thiladelfhtans  is  ftill  Larger ;  and  that  to  the  Efhe- 
fians the  Largeft  of  all,  in  very  good  Agreement 
with  the  prefent  Charader.  Nay,  if  Bifliop 
Tearfon  be  in  the  right,  when  he  thinks  that  the 
Note  of  Brevity^  in  the  Epittle  to  Polycarp,  is  to 
be  extended  to  the  Epiftle  to  the  Smyrneans  alfo, 
becaufe  of  the  Plural  «>«?  there  us'd,  the  Agree- 
ment will  be  ftill  more  exad :  Every  one  of  the 
Four  Smaller  Epiftles  in  that  Editipn  being  then 
fuppos'd  to  be  fuch  in  all  the  Copies ;  and  all  the 
Three  without  Notes  of  Brevity,  being  exadly 
the  Three  Largeft  of  all.    However,  this  Cha- 


Eftjlles  0/ Ignatius.  15 

nl6ter  will  in  no  Cafe  agree  to  the  Smaller  Edi- 
tion ;  fince  it  appears  by  the  fame  Table^that  on- 
ly Two  of  the  Seven  can  be  reconcil  d  to  it ; 
that  to  the  Efhefians  ^  which  is  ftill  the  Largeft  ; 
and  that  to  Polycarp,  which  is  ftill  the  Smalleft  of 
all :  Whilft  all  the  other  Five^,  whether  with  or 
without  Notes  of  Brevity,  are  much  of  the 
fame  Bulk.  Only  it  falls  out  here  fomewhat 
unluckily,  that  the  Epiftle  to  the  Magnefians, 
which  ought  to  be  of  the  Smaller  Sort,  is  fome- 
what Larger  than  the  reft :  Which  is  the  Cafe 
of  that  to  Smyrna  alfo;  arid  that  to  the  Trallians, 
which  ought  rather  to  be  of  the  Larger  Sort>  is 
fomewhat  Smaller  than  the  reft.  But  then  we 
muft  note,  that  the  Three  Additional  Epiftles 
are  not  here  concerned ;  becaufe  we  have  neither 
Notes  of  either  Length  or  Shortnefs  in  any  of 
them;  nor  have  we  any  other  Copies  to  com- 
pare with  them.  And  they  therefore  feem  to  be 
Smaller  in  Bulk  ,  than  moft  of  their  Fellows  of 
the  Larger  Edition,  becaufe  of  this  Martyr's 
Hafte  in  Writing  them  all  at  PhilJppi ,  before  he 
was  hurried  away  thence  by  the  Soldiers;  which 
even  little  Time  he  feems  before  not  to  have  at  Ad  Polyc' 
all  expeded:  And  becaufe  Two  of  them  were  Sea.  8. 
fent  to  Antlochy  and  the  Third  to  Tarfus  in  its 
Neighbourhood;  fo  that  all  of  'em  might  eafily 
be  feen  in  common,  and  needed  not  be  every 
one  fo  large,  as  otherwife  perhaps  they  might 
have  been.  Not  to  fay  here,  that  'tis  not  impof- 
fible  but  thefe  may  be  now  fomewhat  fhorter,  Ap.Grab. 
than  they  were  at  firft  written.  And  indeed  fmce  ^P^^^^^SJ- 
there  are  extant  a  few  Ancient  Citations  from  ^,^*  ' 
Ignatius ,  and  one  at  leaft  probably  from  one  of  25. 
thefe  Epiftles,  which  no  where  now  appear  in 
our  preientCopies;  there  feems  to  be  fome  Foun- 
dation for  fuch  a  Conjeduro;  tho'  indeed  I  look 
upon  it  as  too  weak  to  be  much  depended  on. 


14-  ^  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

However^  as  to  the  former  Seven^  'tis  plain  that 
if  thefe  Notes  of  Brevity  be  of  any  Weighty  they 
determine  this  Difpute  on  behalf  of  the  Larger 

(  ;. )  In  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Efhefians, 
Sea.  7.      in  all  our  prefent  Copies,  our  Saviour  is  exprefly 
affirrn'd  to  be  ^'f/jv^nQ-^  ingenitus^  unbegotten.  Now 
-   fince  'tis  the  known  Fundamental  Doctrine  of 
Chriftianity,  that  the  Father  alone  is  diipvnTc^  ^ 
and  the  Son  is,  in  this  very  Refped,   I  mean  as 
to  the  Original  of  his  Divine  Nature  before  the 
World,  •>'yoj/wTc?,  &  ^vo-^jiii^  the  begotten,  and  only 
begotten  Son  of  the  Father,  'tis  impoffible  that  Ig- 
natius ftiould  fay  what  is  here  afcribed  to  him : 
And  yet  we  fnaii  fee  anon,   that  this  Dodrine 
runs  through  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles,    that  our 
Saviour  was  really  fo  much  One  with  the  Father, 
as  to  be  truly  unbegotten,     Tho'  indeed  this  was 
fo  far  from  the  Dodrine  of  Ignatius^  or  any  A- 
poftolical  Perfon,  that  it  was  part  of  the  Flere- 
Iren.  L.  I.  j-j^^j  Doci:rine  of  Saturninus,  oppos'd  by  Ignatius 
p  *^**       in  thefe  very  Epiftles  ^  and  was  afterward  in  part 
Tcrtul.     tmhv2.d  d.hy  Terttilllany  and  entirely  by  M<^rce//«  J ; 
De  Carqe  and  after  a  Sort  by  Athanafius  alfo,  as  we  ftiall  fee 
Chnft.       hereafter;  but  otherwife  rejeded  with  Abhor- 
p  2  52       rsnce  by  the  whole  Church;  nay,   at  laft  by 
Theod.      the  Athanafians  themfelves.   I  Appeal  here  to  the 
Haerec.      Confciences  of  all  truly  Learned  Men,  whether 
Fab.  L.  I.  they  can  believe,  that  Igitatlus  could  ftile  our  Sa- 
'^^'         wioviV  A-f/ivv^To^y  or  not.     Yet  is  this  fo  furely  an 
^^'^'      Original  Text  in  thefe  Smaller  Copies,  that  'tis 
quoted  thence  by  Athanafius  ;  and  is  indeed  the 
only  certain  Quotation  from  them,  till  near  the 
Middle  of  the  Fifth  Century  of  the  Church  ^ 
and  muft  therefore  ftand  or  fall  with  the  fame 
Smaller  Copy. 

(  4.  )  In  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Magnefiansy 
Sea.  8.      Qm^  Saviour  is  exprefly  ftil'd  */d)^,  or  the  ao>©- 


Epifiles  <?f  I  G  N  A  1 1  u  s.  15 

e{i  a:U)<^^  xht  Eternal  Word  of  God;  which  Epi- 
thet, how  common  locver  of  late,  nay,  and 
even  (nwctiJiG-  alfo,  was,  I  believe,  in  the  Days 
of  Ig7jatius ^not  much  lefs  unknown  and  heretical 
than  the  'former.  Ckfr/e/js  Alexandr'nius  indeed 
ventures,  in  his  Juvenile  and  Oratorical  Wri- 
tings, before  he  was  fully  inftrucfled  in  the  Chri-  Proc.ept. 
llian  Dodrine  by  Pant^cnusy  to  call  Chriil  ct<//©-  P-  74>  IS- 
Zroi  IHW*    and    Koy'^   diyvccQ-j    Ateh    atAhtzi?^    <^'2^       ymn.aa 

AiS'iov,  But  then  this  was  long  after  the  Days  of  p.^dag. 
Ignatius ;  this,  if  taken  ftricflly ,  is  contrary  to 
the  known  Doctrine  of  the  fame  Clement ,  after 
he  v/as  better  inftruded  ;  and  this  is  unfupported 
by  all  truly  Ancient  Writers  befides,  that  I  know 
of,  till  the  Days  of  Marcellus  and  Athanafius^ 
who  fpread  fuch  an  Herefy  in  the  Church  in  the 
Fourth  Century.  I  might  here  therefore,  as 
before,  appeal  to  the  Confciences  of  all  truly 
Learned  Men  ,  whether  they  can  believe  that 
Ignatius  could  ufe  fuch  an  Expreffion  ,  as  hoy<^- 
05a  dUiQ-y  but  that  they  have  been  fo  long  pof- 
fefs'd  with  the  common  Dodrine  of  the  p-cper 
Eternity  of  our  Saviour,  that  they  have  loft 
their  Ability  of  judging  in  fjch  Matters :  And 
while  they  boggle  at  calling  our  Saviour  dipvn- 
T©-,  trabegotten,  they  do  not  fcruple  at  this  Title 
of  diJ'fG-y  even  in  the  ftrideft  Senfe  qf  Coeternal 
'ivith  the  Father,  W^hereas  it  appears  in  all  the 
firft  Books  of  our  Religion ,  that  our  Saviour's 
Original  Generation  before  the  World  began  was 
meant  in  direct  Oppofition  to  his  Coeternity  with 
his  Father:  That  Modern,  Unintelligible  No- 
tion of  Eternal  Generation  being  not  then  known 
among  Chriftians.  So  that  Ignatius  could  not 
much  more  ufe  diJ'tS-,  than  he  could  ufe  d^v»- 
T©-,  of  the  Son  of  God. 

(  V  )   In  the  fame  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Aiag- 
■7iefkinsy  in  the  very  fame  Place,    thefe  Words 


1 6  j4  T)tJ[ertation  upon  the 

are  added  ;  «^  o/^  ^^n^  (n^i?^^Vy  non  a  jilenuo  fro- 
grediens ;    that  Chrift  is  the  Eternal  Word^    mt 
froceeding  from  <nyh  ^  that  Famous  Female  Origin 
of  Things^  fo  much  alluded  to  by  Marcdlus^  the 
Heretick  of  the  Fourth  Century  ;  but  taken  at 
firfl:  from  the  old  Heretick  Vakntlnus  of  the  Se- 
cond.    This  Allufion,  at  the  higheft^  to  the  Va- 
lentinian  cnytiy  is  fo  plain  at  the  fir  ft  Sights  that 
the  ^greateft  Patrons  of  thefe  Smaller  Epillles 
are  afli^m'd  diredly  to  deny  it ;  tho'  it  be  fo  ve- 
ry ftrong,  and  indeed  almoft  an  undeniable  Ar- 
gument againft  them.     One  cannot  but  pity  the 
Millakes  and  Prejudices  of  the  greateft  Men^ 
when  one  fees  no  lefs  a  Man  than  Bifliop  Pear  [on 
Vind.  Ig-  himfelf  labouring,  in  Four  feveral  moil  Learned 
nat.  L.  II.  Chapters^  to  affoil  this  grand  Objedlion,  and 
^.  4»  5>     yet  with  fo  little  Succefs.     For  the  only  valua- 
•  ^*         ble  Anfwer  which  he  is  able  to  betake  himfelf 
to  at  the  lafl:^  is  this,  That  the  ^^w  of  VaUminus 
might  be  known  in  the  World  before  the  Death 
of  Ignatius,     Whereas  'tis  certain,  that  HygimtSy 
in  whofe  Pontificate  Irenaus  affures  us  VaUntinus 
firft  came  to  Rome^  began  not  till  A.  D.  126.  Teh 
L.  III.      Years  after  the  loweft  Date  for  the  Death  of  Ig- 
^'  4-  natius ;  and  'tis  almoft  equally  certain  from  Ter- 

P*  ^°  *  tulllanj  a  contemporary  Author,  and  very  near 
DePrsefc  ^^^  Place  alfo^  that  Vakmnus  was  alive,  and  at 
Haeret.  *  Ro'^^e^  in  the  Pontificate  of  Eleuthcrus^  or  be- 
C.XXX,  tween  A.D,  170. .and  18^.  and  fo  could  not  be  a 
P-  ^4^-  noted  Heretick  before  A.  D.  11 6.  Kay,  th6 
De  Carn  ^^^^  Tertullian  elfewhere  affures  us,  that  Valentin 
Chrift.  *  '^«^  '^'vas  Marcions  Scholar  for  fome  little  time  ; 
C.  I,  which  Mar-clon  yet  came  not  to  Rome  till  A.  D\ 

p.  358.  1:50.  and  then  learned  of  Cfn/i;?^  for  fome  time 
himfelf,  before  he  fet  up  for  a  Mafter.  So  that 
Vakntinus  could  not  be  a  Famous  Heretick  at  rh^ 
fooneft,  till  about  20  Years  after  the  Death  of 
Ignatius  ^  no^  not  even  at  Rome^  the  Seat  of  hi^ 


Epftles  ^/Ignatius.  17 

Fame  for  Herefy ;  much  lefs  at  Smyrna  and  Mag- 
nefia  in  Afia ,    where  alone  .this  Epiftle  of  Igna^ 
tius  was  concern'd  with  him.     Nay,    it  was  in 
probability  ftill  fomewhat  longer  e're  his  Fame 
was  fpread  Abroad,  fince.  Juji^'m  M^rtjr-^  about 
22  Years  after  the  Death  of  Ignatius ,  does  not  Apol.  1. 
vouchfafe  to  name  him  among  thofe  noted  He-  Seft.  34, 
reticks  which  are  enumerated  by  him  ,  tho'  he  '^..  " 
does  it  a  few  Years  afterward.     Some  indeed  are  cum°^* 
ready  to  tell  us,   that  Eufehius^  who  certainly  Tryph; 
puts  the  Rife  of  Vaknt'mus  no  lefs  than  ;6  Years  p. 
after  his  own  placing  the  Death  oi  Ignatius^  Ao^s  Chron.  ad 
however  afcribe  the  Origin  of  this  Famous  oiyj)  ,  J|  ^m.  1 
to  Simon  Magus  himfelf,  in  thefe  Words  of  his  jan.  &  6, 
(kOncerning  Marcellus  and  his  (nyh^    Kat'  acotcV  &«,«-  Antonin, 

<l7n(pAivi-n  Ki'^m,  »y  Oioi  )y  (nyri.      But  certainly  this.  Theolo^* 

is  a  moft  unfair  Conftrudion  of  Eufehius's  Words,  lii.  C.9, 
to  make  him  fpeak  of  Marcellus's  (nyt)^  ^s-  dQnv'd  p.  114* 
from  a  oiy>)  of  Simon  Magus  ;  when  ^either  he, 
nor  any  other  of  the  Ancients  ever  tell  us,  thac 
Simon.Magus  had  any  fuch  Dodrine ,  when  the 
cr^/H  of  Vakntinus  ( the  Arch-heretick  of  the  Se- 
<fond  Century,  as  Simon  Magus  had  been  of  the 
Firft,  )  was  then  alone  every  where  fo  Famous 
in  the  World ;  and  when  Acacius  of  Cafarea,  in  Epiphan«' 
Epiphaniusy    dire<^ly  affures  us ,    that   Marcellus  Hoercf.    , 
took  his  Notion  from  the  exfowj  of  Vakntinus,  ^^'^' 
and  1  cannot  but  wonder,  that  any  Impartial  ^  g.^^ 
Man  fliould  explain  Eufehius's  Word's  of  Simon  ^' 
Magus y    and  not  ,of   Vakntinus.     This  Vale^ttinus 
indeed  took  feveral  particular  Hints  and  Notions 
from  the  ancienter  Hereticks ;  but  that  he  took 
this  cjy^ij  this  Original  Goddefs  Silence^  from  any 
of  them,  does  no  way  appear  :  Nay,  the  earlieit 
^d  moft  Authentick  Account  in  Irenaus  rather 
implies  the  contrarf  ,•  that  himfelf  brought  this 
Matter  into  Form-,  and  did  himfelf  frame  his  ^p. 

Ct  cy£ons  j 

1 8  jd  7)i [fertation  upon  the 

zAions ;  one  of  the  Original  Pair  of  which  wa.- 

Ircn.  L.  I.  |-J^J5  myu.    o  /u^  yb  (z^^-^'i  cum  ^  Ki^^C^n^  y7a^K»i  ci/§i^ 

«7Ty^  *J^\)^<po^\)Tcv.  And  that  the  Author  of  thefe 
Epiftles  of  Ignatius^  does  here  and  elfewhere  al- 
lude to  the  aiyn  oi  JOAcntlnusy  or  rather  of  A4ar- 
celliis  himfelf,  who  had  it  originally  from  VaUnti- 
nus^  will  be  fo  plain  from  other  parallel  Paflages, 
which  ftiall  be  produc'd  hereafter,  that  all  thofe 
other  Anfvvers  which  fuppofe  the  contrary^  will 
deferve  to  be  efteem'd  as  of  no  Value  at  all.  So 
that  this  Argument  is  decretory^  and  unanfwe- 
rable  ;  and  is  itfelf  fufficient  to  deftroy  the  Re- 
putation of  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles,  with  all  Men 
of  Impartiality  and  Integrity. 

(  6.  )  In  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  Smyrna ,    we 

have  this  ftrange  Paffage  concerning  certain  Per- 

AdSmyrn  fons  efteem'd  by  this  Author  as  Hereticks :  'Eu- 

Ah  Eucharlflia  (^  Oratlone  recedunt^  -propter  non  con- 
jiteri  Eucharlfiiam  Carnem  ej]e  Salvatoris  nofiri  Jefti 
Chrifti^  pro  peccatis  noftris  pajfam,  ojuam  benigmtate 
Tater  refufcitavh,     Thefe  Hereticks,  it  feems^ 
whofoever  they  were,  Abfented  themlelves  from 
the  Chriftian  Affemblies,  hecaufe  they  did  not  own 
the  Eucharlji  to  he  th^  Flejh  of  Chri/l,  which  fuffered 
for  them^  and  was  raifed  again  by  the  good  Will  of  the 
Father.     This  is  a  ftrange  Paffage  indeed ;  and 
probably  fo  far  from  the  Age  of  Ignatius^  when 
Chriftians  did  not  permit  any  Hereticks  to  com- 
municate with  them  at  all ;   and  when  indeed 
there  are  no  Footfteps  of  any  fuch  thing  as  this 
in  the  World  ;  that  'tis  hard  to  fay  how  long  af- 
Monta-     ^^^  ^^^  D^ys  it  muft  be.     Perhaps  fome  of  the 
nifm.  '     Montanifis  in  the  Third  and  Fourth  Centuries, 
Artie.  13.  might  pretend  to  a  kind  of  Tranfubftantiation 
p^  i^3-  in 

Eftftles  ^/Ignatius.  19 

in  the  Eucharift,  and  thereupon  condemn  the 
Catholicks ,  who  would  not  communicate  with 
them.  But  I  fliall  not  fpend  any  time  in  this 
Enquiry,  nor  write  a  large  Comment  on  a  Text, 
which  perhaps  is  of  too  little  Authority  to  de- 
ferve  it.  I  fuppofe  it  will  eafily  be  granted, 
that  the  Fourth  Century  was  nearer  the  firft  Pre- 
ludes to  the  Dodrine  of  Tranfubilantiation, 
which  thefe  Words  feem  to  hint  at,  than  the 
Beginning  of  the  Second  ;  and  that  therefore 
the  Fourth  is  the  more  proper  Age  for  our  En- 
quiries concerning  thefe  Heretick?  before  us 
than  either  the  Firfl:  or  Second.  Yet  was  it  pro- 
per  to  fet  down  this  PalTage  here,  to  put  Men 
upon  the  farther  Enquiry  after  thefe  hitherto 
unknown  Hereticks  ^  that  fo,  if  they  can  be  a- 
ny  where  found,  fome  more  Light  may  thereby 
be  afforded  to  the  Origin  and  Author  of  thefe 
Epiftles  before  us. 

(7.)  Thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  cannot  belong  to 
Ignatius y  becaufe  of  thofe  many  later  Expreffi- 
ons,  abfurd  Reafonings,  diforderly  Periods,  and 
that  perplexed  way  of  Writing,  which  is  quite 
difagreeable  to  his  own  Stile,  Character,  and 
Time  ;  and  to  the  Stile,  Language,  and  Genius 
of  the  Apoftles,  and  of  the  other  Apoftolical 
Men  in  thofe  early  Ages.  For  notwithftanding 
the  preient  Difpute  about  the  Genuine  Writings 
of  Jguatius ,  we  have  two  fure  ways  of  judging, 
by  the  Stile  and  Contents  of  the  fe/eral  Copies, 
whether  they  belong  really  to  this  Father,  or  no: 
The  one  is  from  the  Stile,  Language,  and  Ge- 
nius of  his  Contemporaries  and  Fellow  Bifiiops, 
fuch  as  Clement  and  Polycarp  i  with  thofe  of  all 
the  Sacred  Books  of  our  Religion  befide ; 
whence  the  firft  Chriftians  fram'd  their  Notions  J 
and  Expreffions  about  Sacred  Things.  The  o- 
ther  is  from  fuch  Parts  as  are  common  both  to 
C  2  th» 

^o  A  7)iJfertation  upon  the 

the  Larger  and  Smaller  Editions,  efpecially  the 
Epiftles  to  the  Romans,  and  to  Poljcarp^  which, 
as  we  (hall  note  hereafter,  are  almoft  the  fame 
in  both,  and  fo  afford  us  a  true  Tafte  of  his 
Stile  and  Language,  and  help  us  to  a  plain  Me- 
thod of  Examination, ,  whether  the  Parts  pecu- 
liar to  the  Larger,  or  thofe  peculiar  to  the  Smal- 
ler Copies,  do  beft  agree  to  the  Stile  and  Geni- 
us of  Ignatluu  To  which  Tryals  I  dp  now  ap- 
peal ,  and  am  willing  to  be  determined  by  them 
in  the  prefent  Argument :  And  do  not  fear  to 
affirm,  that,  if  thefe  be  allowed  fair  ,Rules  of 
Arbitration,  the  Smaller  Epiftles  muft  be  cer- 
tainly condemned,  and  the  Larger  alone  muft  be 
own'-d  for  Genuine.  This  1  fhall  prove  by  a 
*  large  Induction  of  particular  Examples  or  Paf- 

fages,  taken  out  of  thofe  Parts  of  the  Smaller: 
Epiftles,  which  are  peculiar  to  th©  fame  ,•  and 
fhall  be  fc  fair  as  neither  to  infift  on  all  that 
might  be  produc'd,  for  then  I  muft  have  fet 
down  almoft  every  Expreffion  that  is  peculiar  to 
them  ^  they  being  generally  of  a  piece,  awk- 
ward, confufed ,  and  abfurd :  Nor  to  fet  down 
any  Paflages  from  the  MeJicean  Copy  alone,- 
where  the  Old  Verfion  of  the  fame  gives  any 
room  for  Excufe  and  Apology  ,  as  if  they  were 
not  in  thQGree^  Copy  which  that  Tranflator 
made  ufe  of.  Which  Equity  I  am  alio  willing 
to  allow  in  this  Cafe  ;  fince  'tis  plain  that  the 
Medicean  Copy  it  felf  is  the  worft  in  the  World, 
and  has  great  need  of  all  theAd vantages  poflible. 
AdSmjTn  (i.)  In  the  Epiftle  to  Smyrna^  we  have  this  Ex- 
5c6t.  1.  predion  in  the  Larger  Copy  concerning  Chrifl: 
crucify 'd ,  V-9*  «  1^  Yi^ini  er^aV :  Which  is  very 
clear  Senfe.  But  in  the  Smaller 'tis  \\<p  «  rs-^-^^ 
'^  rpcHf*  a  cujus  fi-uclu  7J0S :  The  Meaning  of  which 
Words  are  to  me  fomewhat  obfcwre. 

(i.)  Soon 

Epijiles  ^/Ignatius.  oi 

(2.)  Soon  after  we  have  thefe  Words  in  the  S«^'  ¥- 
Smaller  concerning  the  ^oKtiTal'  Kot»  k^^^  <^^viffjv 

<^uemadmod!tm  fapitmt  d^  accidet  ipJiSy  exlflentibus  w- 
corporeis  &  dicmoniacis.  Which  I  own  I  do  not 
underftand  ;  unlefs  they  imply  that  thefe  Here-^ 
ticks,  when  once  unbodied,  fhould  never  rife 
again  in  their  Bodies:  contrary  to  the  undoubted 
Chriftian  Dodrine  in  that  Matter. 

(;.)  Pre fently  after  follow  thefe  Words,  Hn<fiei^ 

fnjoTHTza,  T^ullus  erret :  d^  fupercxlefi'ia^  &"  gloria  ange- 
lorum,  d^  princlpes  v'tfibltes  d^  in'vifibiles  fi  non  cre^ 
dant  in  fangulnem  Chrifli  d^  tllis  judiciHm  eft,  .^jti 
capit  capiat ;  qnaliter  nulhts  infletur.  Whether  this 
Do(flrine  explained  in  this  Manner  be  true,  will 
it  felf  admit  of  great  Difpute.  However,  I  ob- 
ferve  the  Coherence  is  here  very  poor,  in  Com- 
parifon  of  that  in  the  Larger  Copy  ;  and  that 
the  Words  run  here,  as  if  the  invifible  World 
were  principally  concern'd  in  the  Death  of 
Chrift:  And  yet  the  Conclullon  is  wholly  turn'd 
to  this  vifible  World.  So  that  the  Larger  Copy 
does  certainly  reafon  beft,  as  its  Doctrine  is  cer- 
tainly true :  Whereas  the  Reafoning  of  the 
Smaller  is  very  obfcure  ^  and  its  Dodrine  not  ti 
little  queftionable  ^Ifo. 

C4.)  A  little  lower  we  have  this  Paffage,  con- 
cerning probably  thofe  Hereticks  Vv'hich  thj^ 
Author  fays  abfented  from  the  Chriftian  Alfem- 
blies  already  mention  d  ;  SwA^sfsj'  '-5  aZ-nU  a.-)cLTrAy ,  Cgj^ 
tvA  )Lf  ivAy^at.  Conferens  atttcm  ejjl't  ipjis  diligere,  nt 
refurgant.  The  Meaning  of  which  Words  I  do 
not  well  underftand,  unlefs  they  intimate  the 
fams  Opinion  which  feems  to  be  fuppos'd  above, 
i^iz,.  That  thefe  Hereticks  were  to  expect  no 
C  ;  llcfur- 

carp.  §.2. 

11  A  7)iJ[ertation  upon  the 

«  Refurrecftion  at  all.  If  fo,  Ignatius  could  not 
write  a  Dodrine  fo  entirely  contrary  to  the  firft 
Principles  of  Chriftianity.  41 

(<;,)  In  the  fame  Epiftle  we  have  thefe  Words, 

13.  Ktfi  TttV  TTttf ^Vk?^  TAi  h.iy>fj^a4 -^^as,      Et  Virgines 'vo^ 

cat  as  njUuas.  How  Virgins  fhould  be  called  Wi- 
dows in  the  Days  of  Ignatius  y  tho'  when  they 
were  ancient  they  might  be  fuftain'd  in  com- 
mon with  them ,  I  do  not  well  underftand : 
Efpecially  when  the  Larger  Copy  here,  and  all 
the  like  Parallel  Places  of  Antiquity  elfewhere, 
fpeak  dif.indly  of  thefe  two  Orders  in  the 

(6.)  In  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  Tolycarf  we  have 

^rn  °  I'  ^^^  Claufe;  "^va  7a  <peuvo(J%Ja.  cTK  fiV  'sr^azdTniV  JwAei* 
K<i'iff,  Ut  manlfefta  in  tuam  faciem  blandiaris.  The 
Larger  I  eafily  underftand,  where  the  Verb  is 
Imvo^^jYii,  But  what  Senfe  to  make  of  ymKAK^- 
«^,  I  cannot  tell :  Nor  can  I  imagine  how  fo 
improper  a  Word  came  into  this  place. 

(7.)  In  the  fame  Epiftle  we  have  thefe  Words, 

Malas  artes  fuge:   magis  autem  de  his  homeliam  fac. 

This  is  directly  contrary  to  the  Coherence  ,    to 

leave  out  the  negative  Particle  in  the  laft  Ciaufe ; 

and  equally  contrary  to  the  Larger  Copy  alfo, 

(8.)  In  the  very  Beginning  of  the  Smaller  E- 

piftle  to  the  Efhcfians^  we  have  thefe  Words,  'Ava~ 

AdEpheH  ^aTrv^nauvTif  hi  Sj^n  0fe».     Reaccendentcs  in  fangul^ 

S.  I.  neChrlfii  Dei,     If  thefe  Words,  as  is  univerially 

imjpos'd,  relate  to  the  Famous  Text  in  the  A^h 

^^  the  Jpo/^lesy  where  we  now  read  'EKK^naidtM  rk 

0g»,  nif  f^iirnnatfio  Sia.  ^  ic/>»  ai^axlto?^  they  are»plain- 

ly  of  the  Fourth  Century  :    It  appearing  from 

Dr.  Mills  J  that  no  Copy,  Verfion,  or  Citation, 

had  that  Verfe  fo  till  Athanafius,    Nay,  fince  the 

Latin  here  has  both  Chrifii^  Dei  ;  juft  as  forne 

Copies  in  the  A^s  have  xx^f »«  ^  ©s? ,  one  wou'd 


A£i:s  xjf. 

Epifiles  ^/Ignatius.  a  j 

think  the  feveral  Interpolations  arofe  from  the 
fame  Original ,  or  had  fome  near  Relation  one 
to  another.  But  whether  that  be  fo  or  not,  this 
Paffage  is  a  fhrewd  Sign  ,  that  the  Smaller  E- 
piilles  were  not  written  before  the  Fourth  Cen- 
tury. •And  this  is  indeed  fo  notable  a  Charader 
of  the  late  Date  of  thefe  Copies^  that  it  might 
have  made  a  diftind  Argument  by  it  felf ;  and 
deferves  the  cautious  Readers  particular  Obfer- 

(9J  In  the  fame  Epiftle,  the  Ufe  of  the  SeS.  3. 
Word  <rwjJ'tJhc.<ntA\i^y  efpecially  as  fpoken  of  j^- 
rtatius  and  the  Efhefiam  jointly,  is  no  good  Sign 
of  Genuine  Antiquity  :  There  appearing  no  juft 
Occafion  for  that  Word  here  ^  and  the  Word  it 
felf,  either  Simple  or  Compound,  as  Biftiop 
Pearfon  obferves ,  is  not  elfewhere  found  in  the 
Greek  Language.  The  Larger  Epiftle  has  a  bet- 
ter Word,  cA6o^«Ao/^  without  all  Difpute  or  Am- 

(10.)  Nor  do  the  Criticks  well  know  what  to  ib*d. 
do  with  the  Claufe  immediately  following,  '£.«« 

ofortet  a  ^uohis  fufcipi  y  fide ,    &c.     The  Larger  E- 
piftle  has  here  <im^^vi)^veuy  as  the  Senfe  requires. 

Cii.)  A  little  lower  we  have  this  Period  in  ibid. 
the  fame  Smaller  Epiftle ,  Kct*  ><>  hir^i  ^id? ,  /  -rs 

Jefus  ChrlfiuSy  incomfar'ahile  nofirum  'viverCy  Tatris 
fententia  ;  ut  &  iffi  fecundum  terras  fines  determlvati 
Jefu  Chrlfil  jentaitla  ftmt.  This  obfcure  Language 
is  not  at  all  like  that  of  Ignatius ;  but  rnull  belong 
to  fome  difficult  and  confus'd  Writer  afterward. 
(12.)  Nor  is  this,   which  foon  follows,  at  all  ^^o^ 

better  ;  ''Iva,  v^x^v  -^  a>c«  J/»,  >9  bhytvaaxuv  J\i'  Sv  X.  i&g^- 

OiSiTt yuvi^n  ^ovTuin  i!»  h/Td.     Ut  d^  I'os  andiaty  d^  cog- 

C  4  uofcat 

^4  -^  Dijfertation  upon  the 

mfcat  per  quem  honum  oferamlnl^  memhra  exlfttntei 
flu  ipjtus.  *  ^"  ■ 

Sc£l.  5.  (j^^^)  Prefently  after  we  have  this  Claufe :  'e^ 
3S  4i/^f  )y  c^<J^7^'f«  fo^trA)'^  roa-ajjnv  *ie/jv  V;^«,  Si  enim 
unitts  S"  akerius  oratio  tantam  'vim  hahet.  Sure  the 
Reddition  in  the  Larger  compleats  the  Original 
Sentence  of  Ignatius^  "^?i  ^  X^'^^  ^  aZToif  wveu. 
Which  Reddition  is  entirely  wanting  in  the 
Smaller.  This  Defed  feems  to  imply,  that  the 
Smaller  here  is  only  an  Abridgment  of  the  Lar- 

g  o.  g  (14J  Soon  after  we  have  this  Phrafe,  M«A/uf* 

•    •       Vet?  h)Hex<;^  c^  k'/zTj'.     Nf<7;  una  lis  comflexa  eft  In  "vobjs. 
Which  Phrafe  is,  I  believe  ^  a  perfed  Stranger  to 
the  Greek  Language. 
Ibid.  '     (l  r)  As  is  aifo  this  which  follows,  K<t/  iyvi^o^ 

t.  (lat  v^^v  tzid'av  htK^TKnof.     Caftificetur  a  'veftra  Efhe- 

ftorum  ecclepa,  ''  This  feems  only 'a  Blunder,  or 
&lif-reading  of  fome  ignorant  Fellow,  for  the 
true  one  in  thfi  Larger  Copy,  K«ti  ^  ajit^-nini  *€^g- 

(16.)  This  next  AflTertion  is  not  much  better , 

•  autem  ^  fecundum  carrtem  operata  funt  hacjpirhualia 
funt,  Hear.the  Parallel  Words  of  the  Larger  Epi- 
ftle,  and  tell  me  which  are  the  moft  like  to  ?aul 
and  Ignatius :  »</^V  ou^xjKfiy^  d^a.  'ttvd/f^TJX^  TittfTvt,  -sre^- 

(17.J  Hear  another  PafTage  in  the  Smaller, 
Scft.  9.     which  prefently  follows :  Bva-dirni  tw  &7a,  «V  70 

veL^  ^cLTf'^y,  Ohftruentes  auresy  ndnonrecifcrefemina^ 
ta  ab  iffis  ,  ut  exiftentes  lapides  templi  Fatris,  This 
feems  an  ill  contriv'd  Abridgment  of  a  Noble 
Context  in  the  Larger  ;  and  by  introducing 
Men  ftoffing  their  Ears^  that  they  may  not  hear  what 
ts  .fov>ed  by  the  Hereticks^  as  being  Stents  of  the 
Temple  of  God^  does  {6  jumble  together  inconfi- 



Efiflles  ^/Ignatius.  ^5 

ftent  Metaphors,  that  one  cannot,  without  grc?,t 
Injuftice,  afcribe  it  to  fo  great  a  Man  as  Ig- 

(18.)  Soon  after  follow  thefe  Words :  TlS^T^i  Sea,  lo. 

l^yai  etVTwy  vy.e7i  Q^eT;.  Ti^i 'ni  (jmytKG^y^unjxwasttV'Tvv 

c<^^f,  n^pf  T  ^\A\wv  etvmv  VfjLHf  iS^etloi  tIa  'mret. 
Ad  iras  if  forum  'vos  menft4eti  ;  ad  magniloajHta  eorum 
njos  humilia  fapentes  ;  ad  blaffhemias  if  forum  'vos  ora- 
tiones ;  ad  errorem  if  forum  njos  jirmi  fde.  This  is 
plainly  an  ill-digefted  Abridgment  of  the  Larger 
Copy  here ;  which  never  wants  Verbs  and 
Words  of  Connexion ,  as  the  Smaller  fo  often 

(19.)   Then  it  follows,    TU   nrkiov  aJ^/JCH9«;  -nf  Ibid, 

f «9m  iv  vuiv,     .§uis  flus  in]uftum  patiatur  ?  ^tfis  fiau- 

)dcturi  qitts  coptemnatur  ?  ut  ncn  diahoU  herha  quis  in^ 

nj'eniatur  in  'vohis.     A  fine  Paflage  for  Ignatius  to 


^^    (20.)  Yet  is  the  next  rather  worfe:  *h  3S  r  Se^.  n. 

kvcL^^yai.  '  Vel  evim  futurr.m  tram  tlmeamus ,  'uel 
frafcntem  gratiam  dlligamus  :  unum  duorum.  Solum 
tn  Chrifio  Jefu  iitveniiur  in  'verum  'vi'vere.  Sine  iffo 
nihil  'VOS  deceat.  In  quo  zfincula  circumfero^  Jpiritu- 
Us  margaritas^  in  quibus  fiat  mihi  refurgere.  To  fet 
down  luch  incoherent  PaiTages  is  fufficiently  to 
cxpofe  rherri. 

'■(21.)  Soon  after  the  Words  rnlcpJ"^  \^,  feem  ^^^*  '*• 
only  put  for  -mfctJh^U  yo^  which  are  in  the  Lar- 
ger,according  to  good  Senfe^and  the  Coherence 
of  the  Place.  And  indeed  this  Abridger  feems  in 
many  Places,  either  not  to  have  been  able,  or  at 
leaft  not  to  have  been 'willing  to  read  and  abridge 


a  6  A  Tfijfertation  iifm  the 

truly  thofe  Words  that  lay  before  him  in  the 
Ibid.  (22.)  Prefendy  we  have  this  Aflertion  con- 

cerning   Viiul  :        Oi    kv    TwVh    CT7<rD/\H    (JLiViUavXtH    Vf^V, 

^n  in  om-al  Eflfiola  memorimn facit  ueflri.     I  doubt 

this  is  by  no  means  true  in  any  fair  Senfe  what- 

foever.     Folycarp  intimates,  that  Fatd  wrote  *E^- 

Epi(^.  ad  'cc.\ctT,  more  than  one  Epiille  to  the  Tbilippians  i 

Philip.      And  Paul  himfelf  feems  to  hint  the  fame  thing  ,• 

Phil.  III.  ^*^«  B^^  ^^'^^^  ^^^^  wrote  more  than  one  Epiftle 
I.  '  to  the  Efhefians^  we  have  no  Reafon  to  believe. 
And  to  fay  that  Taul  made  mention  of  them  m 
every  Eft  file  j{\rp^o^mg  he  had  written  two  to  them, 
is  ftill  not  very  proper.  But  to  fay  fo  with  Re- 
gard to  the  reft  of  P^«/'s  Epiftles,  is  utterly  falfe: 
And  yet  to  render  thofe  Words  in  the  v>hole  Epifile, 
feems  hardly  fatisfadory.  So  that  after  all,  I 
fear  thefe  are  not  the  Words  of  Faul's  Biihop 
Sea  15  C^V)  I^  follows  foon  after  ;  *Ef  »  w  Tr^^ifioi  y^- 

x.  T.  K  In  €^ua  omne  helium  evacuatur  ccelefiium  d^ 
terrefirium  :  quorum  nullum  latet  vos^  &C.  I  doubt 
this  is  utterly  falfe  ;  for  I  do  not  perceive  that 
any  Chriftian  is  fo  perfedly  acquainted  with  the 
invifible  Powers,  that  none  of  them  are  hidden 
from  him.  The  Larger  Copy  is  more  rational 
and  confiftent  in  this  Place. 

Scft.  14.  (^4-)  Yet  is  the  next  AlTertion  more  hardly 
'to  be  reconcil'd  with  Truth,  and  with  the  Scri- 
pture: 'OvJ^eii'^ri^iv  imy}i>>/o,^^,tyQ'  df/M,fTuvH.  JSIuUus 
fidem  refromittens  feccat.  The  Larger  has  it,  e(?«- 
A«  dyui^-nipHv,  I  luppofe  every  body  will  allow 
this  to  be  the  truer  Reading. 

C29.)  Soon  after  we  have  thefe  Words :   *^lyct 

Sea.  ry.    ^^  i^  y^^;^  ^  ^^^^  r^  ^  ,;^7^  q^i^  t'/^v,  om^  yjil 

Epiflles  ^/  I  G  N  A  T  I  us.  2  J 

/uSjJ  ttviiy,  Ut  pmus  ipjius  tcmfla,  &  ipfe  in  noh^  De- 
ns fiofier,  ^uomodo  (^  efi  &'  apparehlt  ante  faciem 
nofiramy  ex  quibus  juBe  diUgimus  ipfum.  The  Co- 
herence here  is  a  little  unaccountable  : 

(26.)  A  little  lower  we  have  thefe  Words,  A*-  Se^.  17. 

CovTii  0€B  yoJaiVy  0  ^v  I«5-«f  Xetfcf.  Accipientes  Dei 
cognitionem^  qui  efi  Jefus  Cbriflus,  Which  would 
appear  a  ftrange  Expreffion,  but  that  we  have  fo 
many  of  a  like  Naturajili  the  fame  Author. 

(27.)  Who  prefentjphas  this  Phrafe :  ^€ex^^}f^^  ^^^ 
70  ifMv  TTvivfM  7«  Ttwfv/-    Peripjiwa  meus  J^iritus  cru- 
ets.    The  Tranflator  did  not,  it  feems,  undef- 
Itand  thefe  Words :  Nor  fhall  I  pretend  to  any 
greater  Penetration  in  this  Matter, 

(28.)  Prefently  after  we  have  this  Reafoning : 

^ii  72aius  efiy  &  haptiz^atus  efiy  ut  pajjione  Aquam 
purificaret,     Theodorit  quotes  this  Paffage  other- 
wife  :  '^VA  70  ^uiiv  YifxZv  y^btLei^'^,     Yet  do  I  pre-  Dialog.  I. 
fer  the  Larger  Copy  here,  as  taken  from  the  A-  P-  34- 
pollolical  Conftitationsj^Ir*  Tn^Tronnm-mt  r  Miu^iv 

(29.)  The  next  is  the  ftrangefl:  Infertion  of  all: 

^\t1f4A    «,     OV  77*1  J'diTl^O}  CiC\tJ)i(f>y     0  fJtk>^CO  ^a/p£iV    V^lVy 

OfaTToK  ^In^'iv  Xe/scV.  k,  t.  a.     Si  me  dignificet  Jefus 
Chriftus  in  oratlone  'uefirfty  d^  'voluntas  Jity  in  fecun- 
do  libdlo  quern  fcripturm  [urn  "vchisy  manlfefiabo  'vohis 
quam  inceperam  dijpcnfationem  in  ncvum  hominem  Je- 
fum  Chriftum.     To  fay  nothing  of  this  Authors 
ftiling  Jefus  Chrift  the  New  Man  ;  which  it  felf 
is  a  little  ftrange :  How  can  we  believe  that  the 
true  Ignatiusy  who  was  at  the  Mercy  of  his  Band 
of  Soldiers ;  and  who  therefore  defir'd  Folycarp  Ad  Poly- 
to  write  to  the  reft  of  the  Churches^  becaufe  he  carp. 
•ivas  not  able  to  write  to  them  all  him  felf y  Jhoirld  here,  ^^^*  ^« 
as  it  were,  promife  the  Ephefan fy  to  whom  he 


a  8  A  Dilfertation  upon  the 

now  wrote  the  longeft  of  all  his  Epiftles,  a  Se- 
cond Epiftle^  or  Little  Book,  I  rather  fuppofe , 
that  this  counterfeit  Ignatius  intended  to  make 
way  by  this  forged  Claufe  for  fofne  other  He- 
retical Book,  to  pafs  under  the  fame  Name  of 
Ignatius :  Efpecially  when  the  Larger  Copy  has 
not  a  Syllable  relating  to  any  fuch  Matter  here 
or  elfewhere.  If  the  J'lJk^yMio.  'lyvct-n^s^  menti- 
oned in  later  Ages,  werlfc  Book  diltind  from 
•his  Epiftles,  Genuine  or  furious,  'tis  not  im- 
poflible  but  it  might  be  that  very  little  Book  here 
liinted  at  by  this  Interpolator.  But  it  being  en- 
tirely loft  to  us,  we  can  determine  nothing  i« 
this  Cafe. 

(;o.)  In  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Magnefians 

Ad  Mag-  ^^  ^^^^  ^^^  Phrafes,  (Mi  <^y^^^  t?  tiMxja  ts  <5^^o- 

ncf.  ^«  .*  i^O"^  couti  net  ate  Epifcopi.  And  ^  <n:^cuK\]^o'Tm  ^ 

Sc£t.  3.      ^ouvofj^YwviaTiQjL^w  Tvi^iv'  Non  ajjumentes  juniorem  or- 

dinem :  For  not  defpifmg  the  Bifhop  on  Account 

of  his  Youth.     Thefe  Phrafes  I  do  not  under- 

ftand  the  Propriety  of ;  efpecially  in  Compari- 

fxm  of  the  proper  Word  in  the  Larger,  K^-m^c^vth, 

which,  as  Biftiop  Fearfon  here  obferves,  is  Paufs, 

iTim.iv.  own  Word  upon  the  like  Occafion:  And  fo  1 

i».  fiiould  think  moft  likely  to  be  us'd  by  Faul's  own 

BifllOp,  Ignatius, 

(;  I.)  Soon  after  we  find  God  the  Father  ftil'd 

Ibid.  the  Univerfal  Bifhop  :   7a  Truv-mv  thno-ra.      Omni- 

. .  „  urn  Epifcofo,  Accordingly  in  the  Smaller  Epiftle 
Seft  9.  *  ^^  ^^^  Rowans^  we  have  the  like  Phrafe  :  nv^^ 
fpeaking  of  the  Church  of  Jntioch^  <Ivt  t^.«  ^rof- 
fM^t  ro^  0£«  ^^n^,  ^£C  fro  me  Fnfiore  Deo  uti- 
tur.  Yet  do  I  not  remember,  that  any  other  but 
Chrift ,  is  ftil'd  the  Shepherd  of  the  Church  in 
all  the  Records  of  Primitive  Chriftianity.  As 
he  is  alfo  by  the  Larger  Copy  in  this  later  Place; 
and  the  Phrafe  excellently  confirm'd  by  a  Quo- 
tation out  of  the  New  Teftament :  "hWj  avt  *//» 

Efiflles  oflcNATivs.  0^ 

^^Aof.  Nay,  the  Words  following,  both  in  the 
Larger  and  Smaller  Copy,  confirm  this  to  be  the 
<G^nuine  Senfe  of  Ignat'iMs,  For  fo  the  next 
Words  are,  even  in  the  Smaller  Copy,  Mov^  <ti/- 

j^f/«/  Chriftus  'Vice  Epifcopi  fity  d^  'veftra  Char  has. 
So  that  here  the  Smaller  Copy  it  felf,  if  it  do 
not  mean  Chrift  by  God,  contrary  to  the  Lan* 
guage  in  fuch  Cafes  in  the  Days  of  I^natius^  is  an 
Atteftation  to  theLarger>as  containing  the  True 
and  Genuine  Reading  in  the  prefent  Cafe. 

(^i.)  We  have  next  this  Period  :  To  'j  ^li^-nv  »  „  .. 
ns^i  otL^yj.  0  ^oyQ-,     Tale  autem  non  ad  carnem  fer- 
mo.     Which  is  a  way  of  fpeaking  Ignatius  could 
not  cafily  fall  into  ^   if  it  be  at  all  usd  in  the 
Greek  Language. 

.    (;;.)  In  the  next  Se<5lion  but  one  we  have  «  «  ^. 
Incoherence  enough  in.  this  Sentence :  '£^.h  Iv 

><t\Q~  ^  "  ^^'',  ^5  «^5*0"  Hv  ^  "i^iay  lirnv  ^5a\h  /C^«'?f^t'. 
aWif  >a'f  '^v  vofM^fMTti  J)jo,  K.  T.  A.  ^iia  igitur  J?- 
nem  res  hahenty  &'  propofiuntur  duojimuly  mors  C^'i/i- 
ta  y  ^  unufqtiifcj;  in  proprium  locum  itttrus  efi^ 
^emadmodum  ejjim  funt  vumifmata  duo  ^  &c. 
Wherein  neither  the  i^«,  nor  theJ^cf*  the  cjuia^ 
nor  the  i^uemadmodum,  have  any  following  Words 
to  anfwtr  them  at  all.  Sure  Ignatius  never  wrote 
(o  abfurdly. 
.  (:?4.>  Soon  after  we  have  thisPhrafe:    'Aa\*  SteL6, 

J^iJk^y  cc^^fno^,  Sed  uniamini  epifcopo  ,  ^  prefi- 
d^ntih^y  in  typum  ^  do'cirinam  incorrnptionis,  I  be- 
lieve IgnatiMs  fcarce  wrote  thus. 

(:55.)  This  that  follows  is  worfe  :  U-.iJi  <rs^^inn'n  Se£}.  7. 

S'^Kfi'pv  73  ^(uvi^  \Sie.  v^ilvy  a'r^^  q|pi  71  dvTo.  x.^  r.  A. 
Ni^j  tent§tis  rationabiU  fili^uid  fifparerc  proprie  vobiSy 

50  A  Tyt^irtatton  upon  the 

fed  id  if  [urn  y  8cc,     This  is  not  fo  clear  a  Stile  as 

that  of  Ignatius. 
Sea.  s.  (  ;  6.  )  We  have  again  prefently  a  new-coin'd 

Greek  Word,  fAvQ^'f^aeny^  m  the  Smaller  Copy  ^  to 
^'^^iib/"^'  ^^^  Exclufion  of  Paul's  own  Word,  y^v^i^y  in 

the  Larger.     Which  is  no  mighty  Sdgn  that  the 

Smaller  was  really  written  by  Ignati/^s. 
Se^.  10.        (;?')  This  Author's  Word  ^i'^-/<&>t7a/«^',  tho'no 

ill  one,  is  yet  probably  but  the  Contradioa  of 

elvM^^Tvi  afjSii^  which  is  in  the  Larger  Copy, 
ibid.  (28.)  Prefently  we  have  this  Sentence :  Ahi^-n 

My)(^^iicn^.  Saluificewini  \_falificemim']  in  iffoi 
v.t  non  corruwfatur  aliquis  in  'vobis  :  qui  ah  odore  rc^ 
darguemini.  This  feems  more  remotely  Meta- 
phorical, than  we  any  where  elfe  find  in  Ignati^ 

(;9.J  It  follows  foon  after ;  'ek  tb  A^m^vax  <r 

Sect.  14.  cy  cvej.^  ok.kAwctcM'  //ct  -r  l^KhnaicLi  vfjLay  ^o<n^veu.  In 
dignificari  earn  qua  in  Syria  Ecclsfiam  fer  ecclefiam  i;e- 
ftram  irrorari.  This  Metaphor  is  not  to  me  fo 
likely  to  be  written  hylgnatim^^s  what  theLarger 
Copy  here  affords  us,  M  ^  IvTa^ia^  Cmmv  mtiM^^voA, 

Sea.  1 5.        (40-)  This  Epiltle  to  the  Magnefians  concludes 

thus  ;    Vfua^  ly  o^voiA  ©£»,    YJiil7y:fJ^ot   i'tAY^t'nv    []  cfc- 
^uiy^iToy  J  Trviv^y  oi  ^v  'I»5'»?  'X■e^s^i,     Valete  in  con^ 
cordia  Dei^  foJJiJentes  infefarahikm  Jpiritum.  qui  efi 
Jefus  Chrifius.    This  Language  is  hardly  that  of 
Ad  Phila.      (41.)  The  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Philadelphia 
dtlph.        ans  begins  thus  ;  *'Oj^  cmoxoTniy  %-)m7y  k,  t,  h,     J^em 
Scft.  I.      Efifcofum  cGgno'viy  &c.  without  any  proper  Con- 
tinuance of  the  Senfe  afterward.     1  efteem  this 
as  a  plain,  but  confufed  Abridgment   of    the 

'  Larger  •    ^ct^^VV©*  VfMov  r  cmJKomy^  'iyvan'  077,  x.T.  A. 

Nor  can  any  otl'fer  Account^  I  think,  be  fairly 
given  of  this  Matter.    .       ■ 

(42O  We 

Epjlles  ^f  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  '  51 

(42.)   We  have  prefently  the  old  Hereticks  S«^-  ^« 

ilird,  ^vyj>t  A^ioTTi^i,  Lufifi'dedign}.  An  Epithet 
that  Jgnat'ms  would  fcarce  have  beftov^'d  upon 
them/  The  Words  of  the  Larger^  'KaSiat^  hum^- 
P^ooi^  is  vaftly  more  agreeable. 

(4;.)   It  foon  follows^   ^x  071 -mi^  V uiv  ^exTfMV  Se£l. -,. 
tva-',  a^'  IrTmS^'ivKivfj^Qv.     Non  cjuontam  apud  "vos 
^rrltionem  Inveni^  fed  ahfiraBlonem,     This  is  fuflfi- 
cienciy  unintelligible  to  the  Criticks  themfelves. 

(41.)  Then  comes  a  Famous  Paffage :  ^f^o/^^  bctt  9.   ■ 

^'^a  -T?  OTt'Sf .  it,  T.  A.  Bonl  d^  Sacerdotes :  Melius 
ant  em  Vrlncep  Sacerdotum  ^  ctd  credits  funt  fanBiZ' 
fcinBorumy  citi  foil  credlta  funt  occulta  Dei,  ^ti  ipfc 
efi  jantiaVatris,  8zc.  If  the  Reader  comp^j'e  this 
with  the  Larger  Copy  here,  it  will^  I  'hink, 
molt  fenfibly  appear^  tha^his  is  no  other  than 
an  Abridgment  thereof  ^  ^d  a  bad  one  too: 
Nay,  that  it  was  made  for  the  fake  of  Ortho- 
doxy alfo.  Where  the  Word  dqyiipJt:^  is  made  to 
fignify,  at  the  fame  time,  the  Bifliop  and  our 
Saviour  ;  without  any  thing  in  the  Coherence 
to  juftify  fuch  an  Abfurdity :  And  where  a  molt 
eminent  PaiTage  is  omitted,  that  did  not  agree 
with  the  Abridger's  Notions,  tho'  it  is  moft  un- 
quellronably  confonant  to  the  Original  Dodrine 
and  Language  of  Chriftianity. 

(49.)  In  the  Epiftle  to  the  TrMans  we  have  Ad  Trail, 
a  ftrange  Context :  "Oy  K^-^l^or^ifx  }^  7?a>  AM^i^  hTfi-  Seft.  3. 

^<l(peiv  -v};^  tSts^  ch  'TbTo  av.^Vy  *ivA  e^^  L^'^1  ^^7vi>ipf- 
iQ-y  coi  kmi<yc\©-  <Pict77ic'jr>yMA.  ^em  exifi'imo  d^  tm~ 
fios  re'vererly  diligentes  qnod  non  parco  iffum  alto^ua^ 
km  potens  fcrlhere  pro  illoy  in  hoc  exifiimer^  ut  exiftens 
condemn  at  tts  ^  ijeliit  apojhlus  'vohis  praclpiam.  So 
much  Incoherence  and  Nonfenfe  I  have  not  oft- 
en met  with  in  fo  few  Words.    The  laft  part  is 


5  ^  A  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

alfo  remote  from  this  Bufmefs,  and  belongs  to 
another  Matter  j  as  one  may  plainly  fee  in  the 
Larger  Epiftle.  And  indeed  Ignatius  ever  refufes 
elfewhere^  to  Ordain  like  an  Afofiky  as  here  he  is 
made  to  do. 

Jca.  4.  (46.)  Prefently  Ignatius  is  brought  in^  faying, 

*Oi  Ai;;>KT6j  {Ml  fM^y^ffi  iii,  .Dicentes  mibi  flagellant 
me.  Sure  no  one  can  doubt,  but  i'TrauvrlyTii  in  the 
;  Larger  Copy,  is  the  true  Reading. 

Scft,  5.  (4'7.)  Soon  after  it  follows :  TIa^  'nm  «  «A»  )^ 

Tr^ter  hoc  jatn  d^  difcifulus  fum  ,    Tnulta  enim  vohi^ 
deficiunt  ut  Deo  non  deficiamus.     This  is  fcarcely 
the  Language  of  J^»<3ri//j. 
Scft.  is,         (48 J  Yet  is  this  which  follows  worfe :  ''htj^ 

^i^djO^Qt  COCWl^  ^ydcj^UOV  ^df^MV  S't^VTii     ^JLiTA     OlVO^ 

fii^tjQ'y  oTTif  0  dyyoav  hA'«?  hufxCctyH  &y  Me/b^M,  y^Kei  70 
cmv^tLUHv,  ^a  eft  h^JtSy  ^ua  d^  imflicatis  impli- 
cat  ye  fum  ChriHum :  e^ueinadmodtim  mortiferum 
-fharmacum  dantes  cum  'vino  mellitp^  quod  qui  ig7wrat 
dele^ahiliter  accipit^  d^  in  delcBr.tione  mala  mori, 
(49,)  Soon  after  this  Author  coins  .ahotlier 

Seft.  >.  utew  Word,  ^ajUTrtt^eiA^  inftead  pf  Paufs  own 
Word  ^sfc^'oThi  in  the  Larger:  Which  I  by  no 
Means  believe  Ignatius  would  do. 

Ibid.  (^o.)  A  little  after  we  \}ivh  this  P^iffage:  'Afctj^f- 

i'hv  AtfAA  ^lr)7v  Xe/r?.  Recreate 'vofmet-iffos  in  fide y 
quod  eli  caro  Domini  \  dr  in  Charitate,  quod  eH  fan,- 
guis  Jefu  Chrifti.  This  is  like  this  Author's  Lan- 
guage elfewhere  j  hut  not  like  the  Language  o^ 
Ignatius »  .... 

Seft.  10.        (t^-)  Soon  after  follows  this  Sentence  :  '£/  'jy 

oi^Tjif  vvii  ci^oi  ofT^fj  T-iTi^y ,  o.'yitTOty  hiynfftyy  t^  tfb^ 
KHy  •mTTtv^yeu  dvTcVy  oivTvi  oyji^  tv  JhKHv\  k'^c^,  77  JiJ^/uoA  • 
77  'jXv^fMU.  bue/of^ui^m^    /ttjfioiv%y  a/Tn^yfir^a',  a^  »  ^- 

h»4^Jhl^^  n  x/JSA^,     Si  (liittm^  quemadmodum  qtv^.^m 

Epijlles  ^/Ignatius.  33 

/tne  Deo  exiftentes^  ( hoc  efi  Infiddes )  dicimt^  fccun^ 
du?n  "vlderi  fajj'um  eJJ'e,  iffi  exifientes  fccmtdum  'aider il 
Ego  quid  ^inBus  fum'^.  e^uid  autem  &  ore  cum  befiiis 
tugnare  ?  gratis  igitur  morior  :  ergo  non  reprchendor 
menddcii  a  Domino,  This  is  a  clear  and  noble  Pe- 
riod in  the  Larger  Copy  :  But  here  'tis  very  dif- 
ferent^ and  fufficiently  perplex'd. 

(n-)  W^  have  prefently  this  Paffage:  T2  0£k  Seft.  ir, 
\vcd<nv  limyyi't^o^^y  oi  obv  ot:/7cf.  Deo  unionem  rcpro- 
mittente,  quod  efi  ipfe.  This  is  like  the  reft  of  this 
Abridger's  peculiar  unintelligible  Language ;  but 
not  like  the  eafy  and  natural  Language  of  Igna- 

(j4J  Afterwards  thefc  Words  follow  :  'AyvU  Se£l.  13. 
^£75  vfzSv  70  tf^v  'TTViCfxa,  Cafiificate  'veftrum  meum 
}i>iritum.  Which  I  own  I  do  not  underiland.  The 
Larger  Copy  has  it  thus ;  \\ayci{i'^  v{xa.i  ttj  \imv 
fmi\J]AA.  \yhich  was  no  doubt  the  Original  Rea- 

(^  v)  \\\  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Romans  vjq,  AdRom. 
have  thefe  Words :  'o  ^  ToyjsTtV  mi  <>^x«3^.     Ilk  lu-  Seft.  6. 
crum  mlhi  adjacet.     What  the  Greek  can   fignify, 
or  how  it  comes  in  here,  I  am  utterly  at  a  iofs. 

(5*6.)  Soon  after  in  the  fame  Epiftle  we  have  ^^^  ^^ 
thefe   Words :  ^  ^^  ^y  cy  luoi  ttv^  (pthivKoy   vJh)§  'j 

?^coy  )^  \a,hxv  h  ifxoi'ic^^V  (jloi  hl'pv,  X>,  7.  A.  Et  no7t  eft 
in  me  ignis  amans  aliquam  (iquam  :  fed  'ui^uens  d^ 
loquens  eft  in  me^  intus  me^dicit^  &c.  This  is  a 
ftrange  Period.  See  how  clear  and  natural  it  is 
in  the  Larger  Copy  .*   ^  »>t  ^^^v  Iv  ky.oi  ttv^  tpi^'^f  71, 

V  Jhf  '5    (^c^j/    ciy^/o/JfJov    hi    ky.Qt  'i<jrj^v  fj.oi  Kiyei.    k.  t.  A. 

Which  therefore  is  alone  worthy  of  Ignatim. 
Upon  the  whole  :  Thefe  numerous  Utemal  Ar- 
guments feem  to  me  fo  plain  and  evident;,  and 
the  general  Character  of  the  Larger  Epiftles^ 
appears  fo  vaftly  and  indifputably  better  than 
that  of  the  Smalier  in  all  refpeds;  that  I  cannot 
but  wonder  and  Hand  amaz'd  at  the  Judgment 

D  of 

54  ^  ^ijjertation  upon  the 

of  almoft  all  the  Moderns :  Efpecially  of  fucli 
Great  Men  as  Archbifliop  Ufljer^gmd  Bifhbp  Pear- 
fouy  who  have  written  for  the  Smaller.  Or  ra- 
ther, I  cannot  but  reflect  on  the  Weaknefs  of 
Human  Underftanding,  and  the  infuperable 
Power  of  Prejudice  in  Points  of  this  Nature. 
For  certainly,  had  thefe  larger  Epifties  never 
quoted  the  Conftitutions  of  the  Apoftles,  nor 
otherwife  favoured  the  Arian  Doc5lrines  ,  efpeci- 
ally had  they  at  all  appeard  for  the  Support  of 
the  Athanafian  Orthodoxy,  they  would  never 
have  been  in  the  leaft  queftion'd  by  any  of  thefe 
Writers :  And  the  miferable  Mdicean  Copy,  with 
its  Latin  Verfion,  would  hardly  have  been  fo 
much  as  thought  worthy  of  any  Confideration 
or  Confutation  by  them. 

IV.  I  am  now  to  fliew,  by  the  like  Internal  Ar- 
gurmnts  and  CharaBersy  that  the  Larger  Epifties 
are  the  Genuine  ones ;  and  agree  exadly  to  the 
Days  and  Circumftances  of  Ignatius.    For, 

fi.)  The  Stile  of  thefe  Larger  Epifties  is  moft 
truly  Primitive,  and  moft  agreeable  to  that  of 
the  Apoftolical  Age,  and  of  Apoftolical  Men : 
Yea,  without  Difpute,  much  more  fo  than  that 
of  the  Smaller  Epifties.  'Tis  free,  entirely  free, 
from  the  leaft  Tinclure  of  that  Philofophy  ^  | 
which  came  into  the  Church  very  foon  after  the 
Death  of  Ignatius ;  and  muft  therefore,  with  the 
greateft  probability,  be  earlier  than  the  Days  of 
Jufiin  Martyr  himfelf.  This  in  general  is  a  moft 
obvious  Mark  of  Antiquity.  For  as  a  Man 
may  eafily  know  by  the  Stile  and  Language, 
whether  any  Modern  Book  in  Philofophy  were 
written  before  or  after  Des  Cartes,  in  the  laft  Age; 
and  whether  any  Book  in  Divinity  were  written 
before  or  after  Athanafius^  in  the  Fourth  Age  ;  So 
in  the  Second  Age  may  one  eafily  difcera, 


Epjlles  of  JgnatiDs.  35 

within  a  due  Latitude,  whether  a  Primitive 
Book  were  written  fooner  or  later  than  the  firft 
known  Chriftian  Philofopher,  JuHin  Martyr^ 
After  whofe  Time,  but  not  before,  we  general- 
ly find  the  Original,  Plflin,  Pious,  Hellenifti- 
cal,  and  Apoftolical  Stile  worn  off;  and  the 
Rational,  or  Philofophick  Stile  every  where 
current  in  the  Church.  On  which  Account^ 
when  I  firft  peruied  thefe  Larger  Epiftles,  X 
foon  difcover'd  that  they  muft ,  in  ^1  Reafon  , 
be  nearly,  if  not  quite  as  old  as  the  Days  ofju- 
ftin  Martyr ;  tho'  it  be  very  lately  that  I  difco- 
ver'd ,  that  they  are  no  other  than  the  Original 
Genuine  Epiftles  themfelves.  Arid  'tis  not  a 
little  ftrange,  that  the  critical  Sagacity  of  thefe 
latter  Ages  has  not  difcovei^'d  this  mighty  Anti- 
j  quity  both  of  thefe  Epiftles,  and  of  the  Apofto- 
lical Conftitutions ;  whatever  might  have  beea 
thought  of  their  real  Genuine  Origin  and  Au- 
thority. Since  this  Degree  of  Antiquity^  rather 
earlier  than  the  Middle  of  the  Second  Century, 
is  fo  plain  and  obvious  at  the  firft  fight  to  any 
impartial  Reader,  who  is  at  all  vers'd  in  the  an- 
tient  Writers  of  Chrifti^iriity.  And  I  fuppofe,' 
when  once  any  one  is  fatisfy'd  that  thefe  Epi- 
ftles and  Conftitutions  are  for  certain  no  later 
than  that  Time,  he  will  be  eafily  perfuaded  that 
they  are  not  fpurious  Books ,  but  do  really  be- 
1  long  to  thofe  Perfons  whom  they  pretend  to  be 
'  written  by.  So  that  this  Argument  it  felf  goe^ 
a  great  way  in  our  prefent  Bufinefs;  and  makes 
it  very  probable,  that  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  were 
really  written  by  Ignatius,  ■ 

(2.)  Thefe  Larger  Epiftles,  which  fo  perpe-t 
tually  e^uote  the  more  known  and  undoubted 
Jooks  of  Scripture^  I  mean  thofe  both  recom- 
ipended  and  cited  in  the  Body  of  the  Apoftoli- 
cal Conftitutions  themfelves,   do  yet  confine 

D  2  them- 

5  6  A  7)iJfertation  upon  the 

themfelves  to  thofe  Books ;  and  fo  do  7wt  cfuote 
fuch  as  are  not  recommended  and  cited  therein. 
Either  as  exadly  and  wholly,  following  thofe 
Conftitutions ;  or  as  implying  vvithal ,  what 
was  true  in  Fa61:^  that  the  reft  of  the  Sacred 
Books^  written  after  the  Body  of  the  Conftitu- 
tions  was  finifti'd^  were  not  then  commonly  re- 
ceiv'd  and  known  every  where  in  the  Church  : 
I  mean  the  Epiftle  of  James^  the  Second  of  Pe- 
ter^  the  Second  and  Third  of  John  ,  Jude ,  Her- 
man ^  Barnabas y  the  Jfocalyffe^  and  Efdras  :  None  of 
which  are  here  directly  cited  in  all  the  Ten  Lar- 
ger Epiftles.  Tho'  Hermti^  feems  to  be  fome- 
rimes  alluded  to;  and  the  Banifhment  of  John 
into  Tatmos  is  occailonally  intimated  therein  alfo^ 
This  is  is  a  great  Mark  of  very  early  Antiquity, 
before  the  Days  o{  J ufi'm  Martyr -^  and  bett  of 
all  agrees  with  the  Time  and  Circumftances  of 
Ignatius  hlmfelf.  .  Nay,  what  is  very  remarkable, 
this  Obfervation  does  equally  confirm  the  great 
Antiquity  of  the  Three  Additional  Epiftles,  to 
Tarfm,  to  Antioch^  and  to  Hero^  with  that  of  the 
other  Seven  contain'd  in  Tolycarfs  Colledion. 
Whi<ph  is  to  be  noted  all  the  way  in  the  reft  of 
thefe  Internal  Characters  alfo. 

{%,)  All  the  Herejies  which  are  oppos'd  or 
nam'd  in  thefe  Larger  Epiftles ;  fuch  as  thofe  of 
Simon  Magus,  the  Ebicnites,  Menander,  Saturninus-^^ 
Bafdides,  the  Gnofilcks,  the  Nicolaitans,  the  AoKii% 
jljeodotusy  and  Cleohulusy  are  plainly  thofe  of  the 
Firft ,  and  very  Beginning  of  the  Second  Cenr 
tury,  before  the  Martyrdom  of  IgJtatlus,  For 
as  to  Theodotus  here  nam'd ,  he  is  plainly  an  Her 
retick  of  the  Firft  Times :  A  Fragment  of 
whofe  Eaftern  DoBrine  we  ftill  have  at  the  End  of 
the  Works  of  Clemens  Akxandrinm ,  as  drawn  up 
in  the  Times  of  Valentlnus :  And  not  that  later 
Jheodotm  of  B)z,antium^  as  feme  have  been  r^ady 


Eftflles  oflCNATlXJS.  37 

to  fuppofe.  Nay  ,  the  e?inre  OmiJJton  of  Valentt- 
ftus  himfelfj  who  a  little  above  20  Years  after  the 
Martyrdom  of  IgnaWd^^  made  fo  great  a  Noife  , 
and  almofl:  obfcur'd  thofe  Elder  Hereticks,  is  a 
mod  forcible  Argument^  that  thefe  Larger  Epi- 
ftles  were  written  at  this  very  Time,  and  no  o- 
ther.  Jufl  as  the  contrary  Allufion  to  the  Fa- 
mous <nyvy  originally  deriv'd  from  this  Vakntwm 
in  the  Smaller  Epiftles,  has  afforded,  us  a  moft 
flrong  Argument,  that  they  were  compos'd  or 
extra(fled  after  that  Heretick's  publick  Appear- 
ance in  the  World. 

(4J  The  Doctrines  of  Chriflianity,  and  the 
Exfreffions  wherein  they  are  here  delivered  ,  are 
fuch  as  were  alone  us'd  and  ftridly  kept  to  in  the 
Firft  Times  of  the  Gofpel ;  without  the  ieaft 
Sign  either  of  Arian^  or  of  any  Earlier  Philofo- 
phical  Interpolations,  Phrafes,  or  Diftindlions : 
Some  of  which  yet  began  in  the  Days  of  Juftin 
Martyvy  within  Thirty  Years  after  the  Death  of 
Ignatius.  And  as  to  Ariafi  Interpolations  here^ 
our  prefent  Greek  Copies  are  not  only  free  from 
the  lead  juft  Sufpicion  of  any  fuch ;  but  have 
rather  Marks  on  the  other  Side,  of  the  leaving 
out  fome  Claufes  that  too  plainly  favour'd  their 
Opinions :  Which  Claufes  yet  are  preferved  to  us 
in  the  old  Latin  Verfion  ;  which  it  felf  is  known 
to  be  at  the  Ieaft  as  old  as  the  Ninth  Century. 
Nor  indeed  do  I  find  either  in  the  Scripture,  the 
Apoftolical  Conftitutions,  or  thefe  Epifties  of 
Ignatius^  any  fuch  Avian  Interpolations  at  all. 
Tho'  it  be  notorious,  that  not  any  one  of  thefe, 
nay,  fcarce  any  one  of  the  Original  'Books  of 
our  Religion  befides,  have  efcaped  the  Corrupti- 
ons and  Interpolations  of  the  Athanafians  or  Or- 
thodox ,•  as  it  were  moft  eafy  to  prove  beyond 
Contradiction.  "  But  now,  that  this  Argument 
from  the  particular  DoBrines  of  Chriftianity,  and 

D  ;  the 


\A  ^ijfertafton  upon  the 

the  Exfrejfions  wherein  they  are  here  deliver'da 
may  have  its  due  Weight  with  the  Chriftian 
Reader,  I  fhall,  for  a  Specimen,  fet  down  fome 
of  the  known  Expreflions  occuring  in  thefe  Lar- 
ger Epiftles,  concerning  our  Bluffed  Saviour  ; 
and  {hall  fet  over  againft  them  the  Parallel  Ex- 
preffions  in  the  Smaller  Epiftles :  And  leave  it 
to  the  Judgment  of  thofe  Readers,  who  are  ac- 
quainted with  the  Dodrines  and  Languages  of 
the  Firft  Ages  in  this  Matter,  to  determine  which 
of  them  are  moft  agreeable  to  the  Apoftolical 
Writings ;  and  fo  moft  likely  to  be  written  by 
our  Apoftolical  Biftiop  Ignatius. 

Sea;/ 1. 


Sea.  3. 

Larger  Epiftles. 

SeQ;.  10.  'p^  J)a,'fdviif  X?'^^.* 

Ad  Poly- 




«j  Hi  71  u  jcueiov  «- 
yiWi  JkCl.f ,  x^ 
^Mfxay}y  J^iujctf^v 


'Cli  Jietyjiviii  ;^/- 
Toy  db^oyov^T^v  fitc- 

Efifiles  ^/Ignatius. 


TIE?  cf  eu/uci7J  ^». 
Toy  w^j^  ^«;^^    «r« 

71^  Oi  «   54'«/ttff. 


'^Et{   ifitJjV  ^r  Seft.  7. 

Kflci  jc  iffiTtff  ^J^^  TPxmt,  i(p  yco^/Jii) 

fjuuiVy  ^QVy  \)i\7'^v  r  ^iS^Vy  r^cda^      /}  ytv'o/^Q-  ^hf^ 
au^^Tnv  OK,  fAAeia^  "^  ttol^^v^*    0  Ao-      Aw3ti'>/,    i^  la*  <M4C- 

Theodorit.  ] 

'O}^)  :&tof  ^luelov 

^of  «^  "Om  fJULej.<tSy 

[  Compare  the 
prefent  Read- 
ing in  I  Ttm.  III.  1 61  with  this  Text.] 

D    4  UAVTii 

Ad  Eph. 

Sea.  I. 
Sea  3. 

'OTai'lMtfap^/f?  ^TV^., 

'O  )S  T«  S«a  110 f^  ^  ^Tsi^  aucovav  > 


f  y   Kj  TV.  7ra.v-TU.  ycoyin    r6   7mQ^ 

Sea.  12. 
Sea.  28. 


A  7)iJfertation  ufon  thi 



Sea.  21. 

Ad  Mag. 
Sea.  6. 

Sea.  7. 

Sea.  8. 

Thefe  moft  undoubted  Phrafes 
of  Primitive  Chriftianity,  fj^ovo- 

ycvrif  v,o^y  and  'Sjc^ttjWv^  TTziovi  KJi- 

<^»?,  are  ever  omitted  in  the 
Smaller  Epiftles.] 

^vd^ixtL7ia,-}i(f\  [This  lail  undoubt- 
ed Phrafe  of  Primitive  Chriftia- 
nity  is  thrice  omitted  in  the 
Smaller  Epiftles.  See  Ad  Thila- 
delpb.  in  cake ;  &Ad  Rom,  Sed:.8.] 
'iKtra  Xe/rK^  0;  ^^  cuavcov  ^^  tt^ 

^K,  tgcq  7lhQ-y   picn  e/itf'/wA  0  <arfiO»m<. 

'TH  A-^VYiTH  02».  [AV^^The  Smal- 
ler Epiftles  always  avoid  the 
word  a-^vrCiQ-  of  the  Father^ 
left  it  fhould  feem  appropriated 
to  him  ;  yet  do  they  give  it  to 
the  Son.  ] 

O77   i/?    0SO^  ohVy  0  OTWTOii^atTWp^    0 

i^«  conn'  og  ^v  Imm   hoyQ-^   »  p/Jn^^ 

Vif)(j.^y  CM  f/Jd,  7n- 
9eiy  )^  iv  /MiTK  ;v^/- 

liL  yiV^i  cfkCle^y    TO? 

5t«.  [  This  Au- 
thor here  omits 
God  the  Father 
at  the  begin- 
ning,&:  theHo- 
ly  Ghoft  at  the 

'Ih3-»   Xf/5-»_,  oi 
^Aiti  ^)Vy  ;^  ^  715- 

O77     «<     -S-gof 

IcfJJTOV     cT/A       'l«5"K 

lEfiflles  of  \gn  A 

T  I  U  S, 


dy^n^otg^  d)i  oXp/^cV  tc^tizcti^.  [Here 
we  may  obferve  that  the  Au- 
thor of  the  Smaller  Copy  has 
inferred  Three  Claufes  ^  and 
they  fuch  as  concradid  the  Do- 
drine  of  the  Larger  Epiftles, 
and  favour  the  Athanafian  Do- 
drine  of  the  Trinity.  J 

f Jt/h  %va^  Xf/fi/V  Q  A^vn^  V/oyTf)  ©sS"^ 
-^fj^^y  [See  Thil  III.  2.]  4<^=^/«- 

<hu©-,    \av  77?  OUQhoyri    Xft^V  'iHtT?;'^ 

7!:ot))7iiy  Traji^  ^  X^iT^^  0  to/st©-  Iv 
Tw  ctA«S^/rf,  ap/*  tr^yjiv.  X,,  r.  A. 


0£O?  ^  g<:t;/  (TWJ^AfMaaiV  «J  hoTUTA 

KctA(j«  ^.^  0/  ii^c'^^y  }y  oi  n  h'oy^ 

^dffjSp©-  roL  aytA  -^  A^iav^  o<  ^yQ- 
Tnrn^dj^  Tzt  y^VT^foL  "ra  0£»*  ;jat,\cM  fit/ 
A«T8f>//jiu   5^  02«  S'ujJA^e-t;'   of 7/©"  9 

771 7?5/- 

AiS^l^y  KA  CC/TPJ  OT- 
7^,  (Tryx)  ^  7rV(£fJLA- 

cj'  J/(^^  xj  -a-iiTSfj  x) 

cy    TPfiV [JiAT7.     

CT/COTCJ  59  A}X{\K0liy 
coi  'lUCTKf  Xf /?C<  7i;t) 
'srATO,  X^  <7a'fy^_, 
;9  0/  hj7Ti<;QKot  TW 
XflTf7y    x}   TCe)    /jya- 

Tsi^;^  T&S  'TnivyLctlt, 

Ad  Phi- 
Sea.  6. 

This  is  en- 
tirely wanting 
in  the  Smaller 

'Ev;^f/5Gr     tJ  Ibid. 

^iM  (AH. 

Uaijjy  »{/  fziTA-  Sect.  8. 
oiy  iHy  fy^TAVoriim^ 

CI  ftV  IvOTJfTA  '§«». 

•     K^Ao2  ;^  ^/  iV  Sea.  9. 

^SfguV^     0  97^777951/- 
^V<^  TT/:    ^>/fii  ^ 

TTi'^riv^    mi'    XfV- 




ji  7)iJ]ertation  upon  the 

Ad  Trail. 
Sea.  I. 

^Cty  0  tp^yi-lOiy    U   yO^Hiy     0    TPSlfxltS^  TO 
JC,  T.  A. 

SeQ:.  7.  Auuftjiv   vi^^tv   ^v   it)  dp^el<^ii 

Seft.  9. 

Ad  Rom. 




Sea  3. 

Sea.  6. 
Sea.  8. 


K659JSifT£  «i/  o7ct#  J/u7^  ;(«ei?  *lM<r» 
Xf/r»  A<:tAM  77^3  <rb;  Ji«  Ta  ©£»,  7b  -jSJt/o- 

«^f  'lJf3"K  Xf/rsT  GL^fJUiii  -^^(iV, 

This  is  entirely  wanting  in 
the  Larger  Copy. 

Toy  jcy'f'oi'  7ro9«,   tbV  wop  "To  aAw- 

oX^is^i(pAVi^e^(7?i^y^livTajJ7ity  di  aA«- 
^f  A6^. 

^t    Yii  ^oi^^l'^  fit- 
Xj  ^IdLmC,  iL,    T.  A. 

Tb  70  jj  '^fO^  iJ/xTif 
^  (pv(na^otiy   y^ 

IHJtS'  Xf/5-¥. 

ar»  Xf /rK  aa^m  77f^ 

KstTtt      dya'TTHV 

'O   j^    ^g^?   a- 

This    is  en- 
tirely wanting. 

CH^QTJ  ctA^^^Aefev, 


Epi files  ^/Ignatius.  4,.^ 

N,  B,  From  thefe,  and  a  vaft  Number  of  o- 
ther  Paffages  in  the  Larger  Epiftles,  not  here 
fet  dovvn,  becaufe  there  was  nothing  in  the 
Smaller  to  anfwer  thern ,  we  learn  how  exadly 
the  fame  Larger  Epiftles  exprefs  the  Original 
Language  of  the  Churchy  as  delivered  by  the 
Apoftles  and  their  Companions ;  before  the  old 
Hereticks ,  and  among  them  TertuUian ,  by  De- 
grees introduc'd  their  Philofophical  Notions  and 
Hypothefes  into  Chriftianity  afterwards.  And 
from  the  Parallel  Places  in  the  Smaller  Copies, 
we  learn  that  their  Language  is  either  not  at  all 
Chriftian^  but  Heretical ;  or  at  leaft  that  the 
moil  common  and  ufual  Ways  of  fpeaking 
among  the  Chriftians ,  are  there  the  moft  rare 
dnd  iinufual :  That 'God  the  Father  is  therein 

never  calW  AKy]^vQ-  0s&<r_,    TiavTnK^.TWfy   nor  a,yivv»^ 

tO"'  nor  the  Son  uovoytvh,  nor  o^^^vhtcV,  in  the 
ancient  Senfe ,  of  his  Generation  before  the  World  •  - 
but  exprcfly  a^vat'B-'  and  that  inftead  of  the 
ufual  Words,  Ky'e^©-^  (tutv,^^  and  the  like,  he  is 
ftiled  God  very  frequently ,  as  if  he  were  the 
principal  Perfon  concerned,  even  to  the  Negied 
of  the  Father  himfelf :  All  in  direcl  Contradi- 
ftion  to  the  other  Original  Remains  of  our  Re- 
ligion. Nay  indeed,  I  hardly  know  of  one 
iingle  Place  in  all  the  Seven  Smaller  Epiftles, 
where  they  have  the  Advantage  in  this  Refped; 
or  exprefs  the  Dodrines  of  the  Gofpel  more  a- 
greeably  to  the  other  moft  Primitive  Monuments 
of  Chriftianity. 

(f.)  The  Rules  for  TraBlcal  Religio?^  contained 
in  thefe  Larger  Epiftles,  and  generally  omitted 
in  the  Smaller  ,  efpecially  thofe  for  DowclHcal 
T>uties;  for  the  Clergy,  the  Laity,  for  Husbands 
and  Wives,  MafterS  and  Servants,  Parents  and 
Children,  Virgins  and  Widows,  &c.  are  fre- 
quent, ferious,  andfull^  and  are  exadly  agree- 
•    •     •      "        -  '  able 

44-  ^  Dijfertation  upon  the 

able  to  the  like  conftant^  ferious  Dired:ions  and 
Exhortations  of  the  Apoflles  and  their  Compa- 
nions elfev^^here:  When  Religion  confifted 
mainly  in  Pradice  ;  when  Preaching  confifted 
in  ferious  Exhortations  and  Divine  Inftrudions ; 
but  not  in  fine  Oratory,  and  florid  Compofiti- 
ons.  Indeed  I  believe  there  is  no  Example  of 
Epiftles  of  Apoftolical  Men,  vi^ritten  with  fo 
little  that  is  pradical  and  ferious  in  them,  as 
are  the  Smaller  ones  before  us.  Infomuch,  that 
a  Handle  has  been  given  to  fome  to  fufped 
that  they  aim  chiefly  at  the  Grandeur  of  the 
Clergy ,  and  that  they  do  only  l^Ks-i^cd^  dy^ipa^ , 
cry  up  the  Epifcopal  Authority ;  as  if  little  but 
a  CompHance  with  the  Bifhops  Commands , 
were  neceflfary  to  Chriftianity.  And  then,  as 
to  Domefiical  Duties  in  particular,  wherein  fo 
great  a  part  of  our  Holy  Religion  does  confift ; 
and  the  Rules  about  which  are  lo  frequent  and 
full  in  the  other  Writings  of  Apoftolical  Men, 
'tis  furprizing  to  obferve,  how  very  little  is  faid 
of  therti  in  the  fame  Smaller  Epiftles.  And  in 
general ,  how  dull  and  dry  they  are  in  all  fuch 
Matters,  in  comparifon  of  the  other.  I  am  fure, 
if  any  Pious  and  Serious  Chriftian  whereto  perufe 
both  Editions,  and  were  to  pronounce  his  Judg- 
ment from  his  own  Tafte  &  Relifh  j  by  the  bare 
Temper  and  Spirit  which  breath'd  in  them,  he 
would,without  the  leaftHefitation, determine  on 
the  Side  of  the  Larger;  and  heartily  wifli,  for 
the  Sake  of  true  Religion,  and  the  Edification 
of  Chriftian  People,  that  they  might  be  prov'd 
to  be  the  Genuine  Writings  of  Ignatius.  Now 
certainly  this  being  fo,  I  cannot  eafily  believe, 
that  a  villanous  Interpolator  in  After- Ages , 
could  write  more  devoutly,  religioufly,  and  pra- 
ctically, than  an  Apoftolical  Bifliop  himfelf,  go- 
iiig  to  Martyrdom  :  And  by  Confequence  I  can- 

Efifiles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  4.5 

not  eafily  believe ,  that  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles 
were  the  Work  of  Ignatius ,  but  that  the  Larger 
Epiftles  3  fo  much  fuller  of  the  Zeal^  and 
Temper,  and  Difpof^ion  of  a  Primitive  Bifliop, 
and  Chriilian  Martyr,  are  for  certain^  and  are 
alone  the  Writings  of  that  Excellent  Primitive 
Chriftian  Bifhop  and  Martyr  before  us. 

(6.)  The  Faas  which  the  Author  of  the  Lar- 
ger Epiftles  fpeaks  of,  as  of  thofe  that  he  was 
well  acquainted  wirh,    are  ftill  fuch  as  belong 
either  to  the  Apoftles  themfelvcs,  or  at  the  lateft, 
to  fome  of  their  Companions :  And  that  in  liich 
a  Manner  as  none  much  later  than  Ignatius  • 
fometimes  fcarce  any  one  but  Ignatlm-  could  well 
know.     Thus  we  here  find  Mention  of  ?eter  and  Ad  Eph. 
Faul^  as  joint  Founders  of  the  Church  of  Anti-  ^'«^-<^*''t 
och:  Of  John  cind  Timothy^  as  well  as  Vaul^  In-  Ad  Mag- 
ftru(flors  of  the  Church  of  Efhtfm:  Of  a  Paf-  nef. 
lage  or  Two  of  Scripture  now  loft;  Vv^hich  Sort  Seft.  10, 
of  Citations  are  commonly  Siens  of  ereat  An-  ^^^P^- 
tiquity:  Or  Ste^uen^  as  Deacon  to  ^'--^wfj  Bilhop  Seft.  7. 
of  Jerufakm:  Of  Timothy  and  Linns^   Deacons  AdHcron 
to  Vaulx  Of  Anenclettis  and  Clemens ^  Deacons  to  §•  3- 
Teter:     Of    Chrift's    living   Three   Decads   of  ^^^J""* 
Years  before  he  was  baptiz'd,   and  preaching  ^d^Rom 
Three  \ears  afterwards:    Of  Pern*  and  PW^ . as  §. ^. 
having  made  Conftitutions  for  the  Government 
of  the  Church  of  Rome ;  which  ftill  appear  un-  Conftlrut. 
der  their  Name  in  all  the  Copies  of  the  prefent  ^  ^^^^ 
Apoftolical   Conftitutions:'  Of    EUar^  J^^P^^^]  0^4^^' 
Melchifedechy  Elifia^   Jeremiah^   John  the  Baptifi,  ^i^. 
the  Beloved  Difcifk^  Timothy^   Tittts^  Euodius^  Cle-  Ad  Phi- 
mensy    and   Himfelf^  as  Virgins :    Of   Abraham^  ladelph. 
Ifaacy  Jacob y  Jofeph  y  Ifaiah  ^  and  the  reft  of  the    ^^' **' 
Prophets  ;  with  Teter^  Fauly  and  the  reft  of  the 
Apoftles,  as  married  :  Of  Peter  as  crucify 'd,  of  Ad  Tarf, 
Taul  Sind  James  beheaded,  of  John  banifti'd  into  Stft.  3. 
Tatmosj  and  of  Stephen  fton'd ;  Of  the  Church 


46  A  7)iJferthtion  upon  the 

Ad  An-  of  j4ntiochy  as  having  receiv'd  d  folemn  ^.^.^iw- 
rioch.  ^'^,  from  Peter  and  Paul:  Of  Emd'ms  their  Firft 
^''^*^*  Biftiop:  Gf  Owe/;;^/^^  Bifhop  of  Efhefus :  Of 
Seft  II  Damas  Bifhop  of  Magnefta:  Of  Polyhius  Bifliop 
&  aiibi.*  otTrallesi  but  of  no  BifllO^  of  Pi>i//p/>/ :  (Which 
is  the  only  Church  that  we  certainly  know  was 
Polycarp.  at  that  time  without  a  Bifliop.)  Of  Hero  a  Dea- 
^fphv  ^^^  ^^  AntiocB,  who  was  afterward  Bifliop,  to 
AdHe-  *  whom  himfelf,  under  Chrift,  folemnly  comr 
xon.  mitted  ^n  eminent  Tm^^y^-m^KYi  alfo :  And  of  a 

Seft.  7.      Reference  to  the  Hiftory  of  Jkgarus  and  Thad- 
-'^^i  Trail.  ^^^  g^  £it?//i?,   not  eafy  to  be  known  to  any  but 
^Hiadd       ^^  ^^^  Bifliop  or  Patriarch  of  Syria^  as  not  then 
apud         generally  made  publick:    And  other  the  like 
Grab.        Paffages  there  are  all  along ,  only  agreeable  to 
SpiciJeg..    n^^  Apofl:olical  Man  ill  the  firft  Times  \  and  moft 
'v^Ti^'     propei'ly  ^^^  peculiarly  to  the  Time,  Perfon^ 
and  Circumftances  o^  Ignatius,  •In  ftiort,    all 
fuch  Internal  CharaBers  feenl  to  nie  not  lefs  Indi- 
cations that  thefe  Ten  Larger  Epftles  were  re- 
ally written  by  Ignatius  hiftifelf,   ^s  he  was  go- 
ing to  Martyrdom,  than  the  Hke  Internal  Chara^ 
Iters  in  Paul's  Epiftles  are  Indications^  that  Paul 
himfelf  was  the  real  Author  of  them,  in  the  va* 
rious  Circumftances  of  his  Life^  therein  every 
where  mention'd  by  him. 

V.  I  fliall  now  fliew,   that  the  Ancient  Ex^ 

frefs  Citations  out  of  thefe  Epiftles,  that  are  noc 

equally  in  both  Editions,  for  the  Firft  Six  Cen^ 

turies  at  leaft,  do  in  general  much  better  agree 

to  the  Larger  Epiftles' than  to  the  Smaller.     lit 

Order  to  the  full  Proof  of  this  Aflertion^  I  fiiall 

Lv.C.28.  go  over  the.  particular  Citations  themfelves,  and 

p'445.'    '  (hew  the  Truth  of  the  prefent  Obfervation  all 

&Bufeb.    the  way. 

Hiftpcl.      (^j  )  ^he  firft  Exprefs  Citation  out  of  the  E^ 
C  ^5*       piftles  of  Ignatius y  is  that  of  Irmnsm  \  'Ci^e^Tji  mM^ 

Ejnflles  (>f  1  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  47 

3t«  Ivpsdry.     Thefe  Words  are,  in  the  main,  with 
the  like  Exadnefs  both  in  the  Larger  and  Smal- 
ler Epiftles  ;  excepting  that  the  Word  :^»  in  the  Ad  Rom. 
latter  Claufe,  which  is  dropt  in  the  prefect  Co-  Sea.  ^. 
pies  of  Eufehiusy  is  preferv'd  in  the  belt  MSS.  of         • 
Irenam's  Latin,  and  is  according  to  the  Reading 
in  the  Larger  Copy  only,  and  not  in  the  Smaller. 

(2.)  The  Two  next  Exprefs  Citations  are  out 
of  Origens  Latin  Works,  in  thefe  Words :  Eleganter 
in  cujiijdam  martyris  EftftoU  fcriftum  reperly  Ignati-  Homil, 
um  dico^  Efifcofum  Antiochia^  j)ofi  Petrum^  fecundum ,  ^ ^-  i^ 
t^ui  in  ferjecutione  RomiS  fugnazfit  ad  Befiiizs^    Trin-       ^* 
cifem  Seculi  hujm  latuit Virginities  Maria,  And  elfe-  Ad  Ep'h.' 
where;  Denitj^  meminimus  alic^mm  Santturum  dixijje,  SeO-.  19. 
Ignatium  nomine^  Mem  autem  amor  crucifixmefi.  Now  ^"  Cantic. 
both  thefe  Citations  being  equally  fcjnd  in  both  p'^|' 
the  Editions^  determine  nothing  in  our  prefent  Xd  Rohl 
Cafe.  Sea,  7. 

(:;.)  The  next  Exprefs  Citation  or  Citations, 
to  put  feveral  of  the  fame  Author  together , 
are  thofe  of  the  great  Eujehius  ^  who,  of  all  the 
Ancients,  has  given  us  the  moil  Light  concern- 
ing Ignatius  and  his  Epiftles;  and  whofe  Citati- 
ons therefore  cannot  but  be  of  the  greareft  Con- 
fequence  in  this  Matter.  I  fhall  let  his  Words 
down  at  Large,  both  as  they  are  in  his  own  Co- 
py, and  as  they  are  reprefented  in  Jerom^  being 
transferred  by  him  from  Eufehlns  into  his  Book, 
Ve  Viris  lllufiri-hus  afterwards  :  And  at  the  farrte 
time  fhall  tranfcribe  the  parallel  PalTages,  both 
from  the  Larger  and  Smaller  Edition;  and  after 
all  fhall  make  a  few  Obfervations  from  fuch  their 
Comparifon  together,  for  our  prefent  Purpofe. 



A  T)t[fertatwn  upon  the 



L.  III. 
C.  36. 
p.  107, 
De  Viris 
C.  1(5. 

Moj  9  aMh^^  «?  ccf;^^^  TOTS 
'Tv.VTUJ.i    ;^    Til  pafyUiuay  c^c- 

07m§Jht^  y    0  '6it    qicL-namvJiv 

yei^'di  ')iyvovy   Iv  0  tvi^  «t- 
JiKvifKAoiy  duTtoy  (m'Skov  fjLet- 

•7D/6«yf    [M,    ;>ji7u(pctyeiv*    ii^ 
tocmt^    77V ay      <Aei\cuvo/J/Ja. 



Ignatius  Antioche- 
naeEcclefiac  tertius^poft 
Petrum  Apoftolurn^  E- 
pifcopus,  commovente 
perfecutionem  Traja- 
no,  damnatus  ad  Beiti- 
as  5  Romam  vindus 
mitticur.  Cumq;  na- 
vigans  Smyrnam  venif- 
fet,  ubi  Polycarpus  au- 
ditor Joannis  Epifcopus 
erat;,  fcripfit  unam  E- 
piftolam  ad  Ephefios ; 
alteram  ad  Magnefia- 
nos;  tertiam  ad  Tral- 
lenfes ;  quartam  ad 
Romanos:  Et  inde  e- 
grediens  fcripfit  ad  Phi- 
ladelphenos  ;  &  ad 
Smyrnasos  ;  &  proprie 
ad  Polycarpum;  com- 
mendans  illi  Antiochen- 
fem  Ecclefiam:  In  qua 
&  de  EvangeliOj  quod 
nuper  a  me  tranflatum 
eft,  &  fuper  perfona 
Chrifti  ponic  teftimo- 
nium,  dicens,  Ego  ve- 
ro  &  poft  Refurredio- 
nem  in  carne  eum  vi- 
di,  &  credo  quia  fit: 
Et  quando  venit  adPe- 
trum,  &  eos  qui  cum 
Petro  erant,  dixit  eis ; 
Ecce  palpate  me^  &  vi- 

E^ijlles  (?/  I  G,N  A  T  I  U  S.  ^^ 

Larger  Epiftles,  Smaller  Epiftles. 

Th  mt^  i?    7foi?Xi(n   't  a. 


AfitAJv?,  yuKTZ';  )y  i^u^-f^y  (2) 

Joti  y  0  OCX  ('5)  c:pa.Tjcj7T/jav 
7uyua.j  01  y^  cUiPj^.Ta/xV^i 
^€ifisf  jiyovietLi'  op  9  7*7?  ae/)- 
KllfjMOlV    CfVTWV     (jUI,».OV    (JUL- 

eiwv,  c*^  ioo;  i'niuATfj^ficoi'y 

'A 770     CUSJLai  ili'Xtt    pc^^^f 

Actvn)?^  J'y;t7^f  }y  vcdoa^^  «/^- 
AfMpQ-  Ji/^  KiOTmfJhi^j  0 
b0    ^Avaiwv   TVLy^iAy    Of  y^ 

iv  Q  roii  a.J)}t)}iict{ny  a'jtw/ 
fx^^ov  (Xa'^tJJoucu'  £t>A'  ^ 
^5^^*   T«7D  S^-tiy^COjJLCJU,    ovcu- 

rvtuA7^^ay'   jy    i'jy^^cu  'i~ 

AAKd)77i>      (TlUiTOfXCOt   IJLi    rj.TZlt.M 

(fctynv'  ^x  ^^^i?  nvcov  Ju- 
dvTt  (i)  AvjiyTtt  u»)  ^^itrtfy 


A  ^i[fe7'tation  upon  the 



avucfj.   ovy}Vtl)ijduj  ^i  i^Tc' 

VVV  dL^-^^UOLl  fjUi^TV,^  ii)'  ,Ulj^ 

fxoi  oA«   n  (mf^Q'y  yjo\st~ 

TT^i  TCtV-m?  <T^Jtiy^f^Sfta>  THjAy- 

eo^  av  yvimQ-  id)  AyL^i  ttd/- 
TzttavTA  WA  -wfe*    -rs  Xezra 

gOLCJV  iv  Cttfx}  elvT^V   O/A3    )^ 

m'pivet)  ovtzl'  }^  071  'SJif^f  tjat 


dete  5  quia  non  fam 
ds^monium  incorpora- 
le:  Et  ftatim  tetige- 
runt  eiun  &  credide- 
riint.  Dignum  autem 
videtur,  quia  tanti  Vi- 
ri  fecimus  mentionem, 
&  deEpiftola  ejus  quam 
ad  Romanes  fcribic 
pauca  ponere.  De  Sy- 
ria ufq:  ad  Romam 
pugno  ad  beftias^  in 
mari  &  in  terra ;,  node 
dieque^  ligatus  cum  diC- 
cem  leopardis^  hoc  eft 
militibus  qui  me  cufto- 
diunt;  quibus  &  cum 
benefeceris  pejores  ii- 
unt ,  iniquitas  autem 
eorum  mea  dod:rina 
eft  :  Sed  non  idcirco 
juftiticatus  fum.  Uti- 
nam  fruar  beftiis,  qua^ 
mihi  funt  pra^paratae ! 
quas  Sz  oro  mihi  velo- 
ces  effe  ad  interitum  , 
8z  ad  fupplicia^  &  alli- 
ciam  ad  comedendum 
me  ;  ne  ficut  &  aliorum 
martyrum^  non  aude- 
ant  corpus  meum  at- 
tingere :  quod  fi  venire 
noluerint^  ego  vim  fa- 
ciamj^  ut  devorer.  Ig- 
nofcite  mihi;>  Filioli : 

Eptftles  <?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S, 


Larger  Epiftles. 

;\«7lf  77  uat  av{jL<pi^ei  lya  ^foi- 

CKU,     VVV    d^^^CU      /UtfC^T^ff 

Ak  ts  ffz^/MclQ-^ «;  (8 J  X/)Act- 

CTf    "TS     tf^ttCoKH   \'r     iUi     1^- 

Smaller  Epiftles. 

f/.A^7^i  71)'  f/4i/iv  ^  ^wAa;- 
<ril    0^'  0£9J7WJ/  ;^   (2)  ctO^ 

^^v^  hct  'Ins-?  xe/rs  ^7^'- 
71  (TV^^ei^^  AVA'mij.aAy  Siam- 
YJ)7i^  (xi\ay^  A\n(riJLQi  <^\h  -rs 


TJi  'ifVif    h.  (9)  <pt^etj),\. 


»or,  d?^A  ^  |t:«7tt  7iw  ctV*-      ^  TTi'^F  ^\^Vy  U»  dvTvl^^ 
5?twy  E  2  A*-. 


A  ^Dijfertation  upon  the 

TiV^y    )y  * 


077  yJC     Ci^t 


quid  mihi  profit  ego 
fcio :  Nunc  incipio 
Chrifti  effe  difcipulus  • 
nihil  de  his  quae  viden- 
tur  defiderans,  ut  Je- 
fum  Chriftum  inveni- 
am.  Ignis^  Crux,  Be- 
^\Xj  conf radio  o{fium> 
membroriimq^  divifio, 
&  totius  corporis  con- 
tritio,  &  total  Tormen- 
ta  Diaboli  in  itie  veni- 
ant;  fantum  ut  Chrifto 
fruar.  Cunlq,  jam 
damnatus  effet  ^d  Be- 
llias,  ardore  patiendi, 
cum  rugientes  audiret 
Leones ,  ait,  Frumen- 
tum  Chrifti  fum,  dtn- 
tibus  Beftiarum  molar ;. 
ut  panis  mundus  inve- 

Epjlles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


Larger  Epiftles. 

^aiv  hf  au.fxj  eivjiv  otJky  )y 

'TTt'^VeO  OVTTX.'    ^tji   'Cf^i  TJfU 

ccTTTEy^,  ai  Aviif  fin  0  Xex" 

Smaller  Epiftlog.    • 

E  ? 


54  A  ^ijfertatwn  upon  the 

Upon  a  nice  Gomparifon  of  thefe  Paflages, 
with  the  Citations  of  them  in  Eujehim,  it  will 
appear^  that^  excepting  the  laft  Paffage  that 
'Eufehius  quotes^  of  which  prefently,  the  Larger 
Copy  has  here  feveral  Advantages  above  the 
Smaller  ;  which  Advantages^  as  well  as  thofe 
few  of  the  Smaller  alfo^  I  have  noted  by  Figures 
all  the  way :  Whereby  it  is  evident^  that  if  we 
keep  ftridly  to  the  Medkean  Greek ^  and  Eufehim^ 
own  Text,  the  Citations  agree  with  the  Larger 
Copy  in  Ten  Places,  and  with  the  Smaller  in 
only'  Three.  And  if  we  make  Allowance  on 
both  Sides ,  from  the  Latin  Verfions  of  the  Epi- 
ftles,  and  from  Jeroms  and  Rujfimiis  Tranflations 
of  Eufehius,  we  fhall  flill  have  a  Concurrence 
with  the  Larger  Epiftles  in  Seven  oj-  Eight  In- 
ftances^  and  with  the  Smaller  in  only  One  or 
Two.  'Tis  true  ;  in  the  laft  Paflage  which  Eu- 
fehius quotes^  he  much  better  agrees  with  the 
Smaller  than  with  the  Larger  Copy  ;  and  that  in 
the  Omiffion  of  what  went  before  the  Paffage 
he  refers  to;  in  the  Omiffion  of  the  Two  Texts 
of  Scripture  Interpos^d  before  the  End  ;  and  in 
the  Words  ct^  m-Iaj/td  ,  which  are  entirely  want- 
ing in  the  Larger  Copy.  And  this  Advantage 
feems  to  me  almofl:  all  the  Foundation  upon 
which  the  Authority  of  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles 
ftands  at  this  Day^  in  any  truly  valuable  Anti- 
quity. Which  yet  how  very  fmall  it  is,  and  in- 
confiderable,  we  fhall  perceive  when  we  take 
notice,  that  Eufehius  does  not  here  pretend  to 
quote  an  entire  Paffage,  y^-m  hi^tv^  as  he  does 
before;  but  only  to  fet  down  feme  particular 
Exprefiions  which  he  was  furprizcd  at;  jvhich 
Exfrejjions  are  as  exaBly  in  the  Larger  Ccp^ ,  as  they 
are  ifi  the  Smaller :  That  thefe,  whether  Claufes  or 
Texts  omitted ,  were  not  in  the  leaft  to  his 
Purpofe ;  nav,  rather  a  little  inconfiftent  with  it: 


Efijlles  ^/Ignatius.  55 

And  that  the  la  ft  part  of  the  laft  Sentence  is  cer- 
tainly omitted  in  this  Place  by  Enfebius^  what 
Copy  foever  we  fuppofe  him  to  have  made  Ufe 
of:  In  the  Smaller  of  which  is  added,  after  the 
Words  laft  cited  by  Eufeblm,  yjictMym  \_y^ctw^v7^^^ 
T>i  oafxi  elvT^y  }L)  -uS  ^y<^(xa.n.  And  in  the  Larger, 
more  according  to  the  Coherence  and  the  Pri- 
mitive Language,  &•?  a,viii  ^»  o  Xei'^?.  Whether 
the  Words  dvi^  s^i^Tn  fhould  be  omitted  in  Enfe- 
biusy  or  added  in  omr  Epiftlcs,  I  cannot  certainly 
fay ;  tho'  the  latter  feems  moft  probable.  'Tis 
after  all  a  little  ftrange,  that  Eufehlus^  who  by  all 
other  Charaders  never  faw  any  but  the  Larger 
Epiftles ,  fliould  here  fo  nearly  agree  with  the 
Smaller.  But  the  true  Occafion  feems  to  me  to 
be  this,  that  Marcellusy  or  one  of  his  Followers, 
who,  as  we  fliall  fee  hereafter,  was  the  Author 
of  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles,  when  he  was  drawing 
them  up,  or  was  Epitomizing  the  Larger,  found 
this  Context  already  abridg'd  to  his  Hand  by 
Eufehius ;  with  whole  Works  he  could  not  well 
be  unacquainted  :  And  fo  fet  it  down  from  him 
accordingly,  as  his  own  Abridgment.  Nor  in- 
deed is  it  improbable,  that  the  Abridger  did 
therefore  draw  up  an  Epitome  of  only  Seven  E- 
piftles  of  Ignatius^  becaufe  Eufehim  had  given  an 
Account  of  no  more ,  and  becaufe  he  therefore 
had  no  Knowledge  of  any  more.  As  indeed 
fuch  ignorant  Herericks  as  Marcellus  and  Athana- 
JtffSy  with  their  Followers,  appear  to  have  known 
little  of  any  Matters  of  Chriftian  Antiquity, 
but  what  they  got  out  of  the  Writings  of  Orige?} 
or  Eufehius.  Which  therefore  I  believe  to  be  a 
true  Account,  why  there  was  never  any  but  the 
Larger  and  Genuine  Copy  of  the  other  Three 
Epiftles  of  Ignatius  extant ;  I  mean  of  thofe  to 
Tarfusy  to  Antioch^  and  to  Hero  ;  which  otherwife 
on  all  Accounts  muft  have  been  Abridg'd  and 
E  4  Inter- 

5  ^  -^  ^iJf^^t:atton  upon  the 

Interpolated  by  the  Orthodox^  as  well  as  the  o- 
ther  Seven  before  us. 

(4.)  The  next  e^prefs  Citation  is  that  ftrange 
one  of  Athanafiits^  which  moft  plainly  betrays 
the  heretical  Nature  of  the  fhorter  Edition 
whence  it  is  taken,  and  the  fame  Heretical  Na- 
ture of  his  own,  and  his  great  Friend  Marcellush 
Do6lrine  concerning  our  Bleffed  Saviour.  And 
this  Citation  I  own  is  not  at  all  in  the  I  arger 
Copy,  as  to  the  principal  Paffage,  but  the  di- 
red  contrary :  And  if  it  were  otherwife,  it 
would  be  the  flirewdeft  Argument  again  ft  the 
DcSynod.  f^p^e  that  were  poffiblc.  The  Words  of  Atha- 
acct.  47.    ^^jipi^  2,vQ,  thefe,  ''lyvcLv'^  %v^  0  (jutI  ka)  of7rQ<^KH;  iv 

Ad  Eph     ^vvo^eict  y^TttgaQeni  dln^rxom^yiC)  (xei^rji  rk  XefS"*  ^'ofJ^Q-^ 
\yVctvG'   ofS-a^  'iy^A^-i,  '^Hi^v   Ki'^av   e/)cr    r  a^^r^'    0  j<) 

Xe<?i:f  <j^^Z  H^'^'^o-  I  i^ave  already  fet  down  the 
Pag.  3p.  Parallel  Words  both  of  the  Larger  and  Smaller 
prius.  Copy,  and  fhall  not  repeat  them.  Only  we 
muft  here  note,  that  tho'  Athajiafias  quotes  this 
PalTage  according  to  the  Spurious  or  Smaller 
Copy,  yet  does  he  appear  not  to  have  been  a 
Stranger  to  the  Genuine  or  Larger  one,  even  in 
this  very  place.  For  what  elfe  does  he  mean 
by  his  immediate  Allufion  to  thofe  Words  of  the 
Larger,  which  go  before,  where  ct^^yVnr©-  is  the 
peculiarAttribute  of  the  Father,  and  thofe  which 
follow,  0  Koy>?  ><)  <we?  £')S}J5T3,  in  thofe  of  his  own, 
0  -^  ':^exdi  emf^  Vfikra  \  Hcrc  Athanafiiis  feems  to 
betray  himfelf,  and  to  hint  tp  us  his  Knowledge 
of  the  true  Epiftles  of  Ignatiifs,  at  the  fame  time 
that  he  impofes  upon  us  by  a  Citation  out  of  the 
Spurious  ones. 

(9.)  The  next  exprefs  Citation  from  the  Epj 
files  pf  Ignatius^  is  chat  of  DlHirnns  of  Alexandria ; 


Eptftles  ^f  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  57 

oi;  whoever  vvcis  the  Author  of  the  Books  under  DcDjvln. 
the  Name    of    Dlcnjfius  the  Jreopagite ;    whofe  J^^^"' 
Words  are  thefe,  Ti^tn  o  y^  o  ^iiQ-  iyvttvQ-^   I  \(u.U  q  j^' 
ifcoi  iUv^eo'^.     Which  Pallage  is  "jerhatlrn  both  in  p.  ^6^. 
the    Smaller  and  Larger  Copies^,  and  fo  deter-  ^^  ^om. 
mines  nothing  to  our  prefcnt  Purpofe.  ^^^  7- 

(6.)  The  next  exprefs  Citation  ,  and  that  the 
Largeft  and  moil  Exad  in  all  Antiquity^  is  that 
of  the  Chronlcon  Akxandrlnnw^  or  Vafchale.  I 
place  this  noble  Teftimeny  here,  becaufe  it  be- 
longs to  that  Original  Part  of  this  Chronlcon 
which  appears  to  have  been  made  in  the  Fourth 
Century  ;  as  reaching  no  farther  than  A.  D.  ;  f^.. 
and  as  omitting  the  Quotations  later  than  that 
Age.  While  the  reft  of  the  Chronlcon^  down  to 
the  Seventh  Century,  and  the  Days  of  HeracUmy 
with  fome  Additions  or  Interpolations  to  the 
former  Branchy  was  not  written  till  afterward,, 
by  one  or  more  later  Authors.  And  indeed  we 
haveAuthentick  Evidence  for  this :  Since  Holfie- 
nms  had  a  MS.  of  that  Original  Book  ^  without 
thofe  Interpolations^,  and  thofc  additional  Cen- 
turies after  A.  D.  ^^4.  And  he  has  noted  the  fe- 
veral  Interpolated  Paffages  all  along  ;  which  are 
now  publifhed  in  Dit  Frefne's  Notes  to  the  laft  and 
bed  Edition  of  this  Chronlcon  at  Tarls^  A.  D,  ' 
1688.  In  whofe  Preface  alfo  this  Account  is 
given^  and  fully  approved  of  by  that  very  Learn- 
ed Perfon  :  To  which  the  Reader  is  referr'd  for 
Satisfaction  in  this  Matter.  This  Citation  is  fo 
full  and  exprefs^  and  of  fuch  great  Confequence,  p^.^^ 
that  I  fhall  let  it  down  at  large;  &  it  is  as  follows :  Sca.  lo. 

OV  9  7f«f  oVteWT^^  Kl1§V^cti  TTj    c'Jet')yi\lOV  .0  yVeiQ"  CTTJ   r    p.  8. 

iKticiov  )^  ^aoTTOtQif  iiK^  <^v^pVy  ^Mr/.H  3^  \yvamQr  0  ^o~  Chron. 
(pof©-  xj  /Uilp-w^y  0  'ludvvv  n  ;^3a6q/»  yviiffjQ-  fca^-niiy.-  Pafch.  ad 
•yvcv^^    '^ ''^  c^  etvvcyj-iA  dyu-nK-m^  luKKnaiai  Ittitkott)';  V'<jrD   ^'      '  5^* 

n?"^^ ^i^f^A^i'/  c-^  hk^tui  tTj>i'  ^A^n^i'ntvvv  I'f^ijyrjm  ,ua.-   aj  Trail. 

e/fit  Sed.  10. 

58  A  Tl^ijfe nation  upon  the 

«A.HSry?  yi^PViV  CV  fJLVi'Tf'J.   0  Tidvitu  CtV^a'TTMi  iv    fJW'T^Ct    cf^tf- 

TcaVy   ^uv  oavv  o(Xi\ias  AvJpo^  a,vd>'  tiKn^i   oicvoeofYi^^ 

^Sw^    \£!SV  J^^Kav  ^   XOfM^    k(}^7n^A^  Ivi'^v^Ay    dii^V^VOV 

siipetvov  :y  7n>^(pv^^v  IfJuLnov  It^'o^iaiv^  YS^nxfi^y  igtLV^d^^ 
:^  gTaV^^  ^  «>ef 3if  oJt-  «^'  ViKfav'   i/k^  pal'Sfo)'?  0  7Bi«T©- 

TV  cAjAyykkiov  T  <raj7i7£^  A4>«.  This  whole  Context  is 
fo  much  seriatim  with  the  prefent  Larger  Copy, 
and  the  Leffer  having  not  lo  much  as  one  S3''lla- 
ble  thereof,  I  do  not  think  it  neceffary  to  tran- 
fcribe  the  fame  Paffage  out  of  Ignatius  alfo.  But 
hereby  we  plainly  fee,  that  the  Larger  Edition 
was  alone  known  and  made  ufe  of  by  this  Learn- 
ed and  Inquifitive  Author,  as  the  Genuine  Work 
of  Ignatius. 

{^7.)  The  next  exprefs  Citation  is  alfo  a  very 
remarkable  one ,  and  that  of  the  mofl:  Learned 
of  the  Latin  Fathers,  Jtrom  himfelf ;  and  with- 
out Difpute  belongs  to  the  Larger  Epiilles  only. 
I  fliall  fet  down  Two  Paffages  out  of  him>  col- 
laterally to  other  Two  in  the  Larger  Epiftles, 
for  the  Readers  eafier  View  and  Comparifon  of 

Jcrom,  Ignatius. 

Tunc  Simon  Magus  riivwj  ^  Jidvatauf^  af  ^- 
&  Menander  difcipulus    x,^a«3^  'iCicoy, 

Epiflles  of  I 

ejus  Dei  fe  afferuere 
virtutes:  Tunc  Bafili- 
des  fumtnum  Deum  A- 
braxas,  cum  ;6y  aroni- 
bus,  commentatus  eft  : 
Turn  IS^icolaus ,  qui 
unus  de  feptem  Diaco- 
nis  fuit,  die  nodluque 
nuptias  faciens,  &c. 

Nunquid  non  poffurn 
tibi  totam  veterum  fcri- 
ptorum  feriem  commo- 
vere,  Ignatium^,  Poly- 
carpum,  Irenscum^Ju- 
ftinum  Martyrem  ; 
multofq;  alios  Apofto- 
licos  &  Eloquentes  vi- 
ros ;  qui  adverfus  Hebi- 
onem^  &  Theodotum^ 
t  hxc  eadem  fentientes 
plena  fapientiar  volu- 
mina  confcripferunt  ? 

'\1  have  omitted  the  Word 
Byzantinum  in  our  ordi- 
nary Copies ,  as  very 
plainly  Spurious ,  and 
wanting  in  [ome  of  the 
MSS,  alfo. 

G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 

Jkf  J  aifjiavet  •?■  tcf^TitTVMy 
CoL<nh^<hVy   yy  Qhov   Avrk  r 

At>^<      li^ifJii'Jii     0     *Z3^(pY\-THi' 

7J0J  (piKY\Sbv>i(^  7«\j  mjiua^AV- 
rtti*  ^ivytTi  J^-nt  Til  TrafWf x 
'iyyovet  -d-io/oiDV    y^  x;\«6C»- 

a^offxcu^V  ^vetTvy  ^  6t^Aa 
T  tttaviov, 

1 1  have  here  infert- 
ed  the  word  £^/«mi«?, 
from  the  confefled 
Senfe  of  the  Place  re- 
quiring it ,  and  from 
the  Ancient  Latin  Ver- 


De  Alter, 
cat  Lucif- 
&  Or- 
p.  173. 
Ad  Phila. 
Sett  6. 
Ad  Trail. 
Sea.  u. 

p.  11^. 

Now  it  is  here  fo  very  plain^that  Jerom  quotes 
the  LargerEpiftles^but  not  the  Smaller,  that  there 
can  be  no  imaginable  Pretence  to  the  contrary. 
Nay,  of  the  Hereticks  here  mention'd  by  Je- 
rom^ Thi^odotus  the  Elder  is  no  where  liam'd,  that 
M^e  know  of,  by  any  of  the  Ancients,  but 
by  Ignatius  in  this  place  ;  unlefs  perhaps  Clement  ctfom 
of  Alexandria  means  the  fame  Perfon  by  his  The-  vn. 
odades-^  which  is  not  very  improbable.  I  need  not  p,  754. 


6o  A  Ti'i^ertation  upon  the 

here  mention  Jerom's  other  exprefs  Citation, 
Martyr  I^natim  enim  ^ucirtam  addidit  can  [am  cur  a 
JnUit,h  ^lej^onfata  i  once  ft  us  fit  [^Chrifir^s'].  Ut  partus,  in- 
^uiens,  ejfis  celaretur  diabolo ,  becaufe,  as  has  been 
already  obfcrv'd,  this  is  equally  in  the  Smaller 
and  Larger  Epiftles ;  and  fo  determines  nothing 
in  onr  prefent  Controverfy. 

(8.)  The  next  exprefs  Citations  are  thofe  of 
Chryfofinm  ;  who  being  brought  up  ^.tAntioch,  the 
Seat  of  Jgnatim,  could  hardly  fail  of  having  a 
true  Copy  of  his  Epiftles.     'Eya 't^^  ^elav  U^veov 

Tom.  V.    IvdLi^lu,'   And  fJ^Jiv  avzv  ya>fMii  an  yvi^'  fi»/i  ov  Avi'J 

Orat.  7^-  yvcSfit^^  0t«  77  ^rp^TJi.  The  ftrft  of  thefe  Citations 
^Ad^R*  ^^  equally  in  both  Editions.  But  then  the  latter 
Seft.  5.  is  alone,  in  fo  many  Words,  in  the  Earger:  The 
Tom.  VI.  Smaller  having,  according  to  its  Cuftom  of 
P•^4^  fliortning  Matters,  drcptthe  Word  yeJf<^^  in  the 
Ad  Poly-  Conclufion  of  the  Sentence  ;  which  yet  we  know 
Sea.'  4.      was  in  Chryfofiorns  Copy. 

Thus  far  the  exprefs  Citations  of  the  Anci- 
ents do  alraoft  wholly  favour  the  Authority  of 
the  Larger  Edition:  Eor  I  look  upon  Athanaftus\ 
Quotation  of  fuch  an  Heretical  PaiTage  out  of 
the  Smaller  as  Ignatim  himfelf  could  not  poffi- 
bly  write,  to  be  fo  far  from  a  Difad vantage, 
that. 'tis  a  noble  Advantage  to  the  fame  Larger 
Copy ;  which  ftill  contains  in  that  very  place 
the  contrary  Chriflian  Dod:rine,  and  fuch  as  is 
highly  agreeable  to  the  Time  and  Character  of 
Ignatius.  But  now  we  begin  to  find  that  fome 
of  the  Athanafians  light  upon  the  Smaller  Copy, 
and  made  ufe  of  it ;  tho'  indeed  they  are  but 
Two,  (  9.  J  Theodorit  and  (10.)  IPope  Gelafim : 
Whofe  Quotations  are  fo  well  known,  that  they 
need  not  be  fet  down  here.  And  thefe  Two  are 
indeed  almofl  all  the  other  Evidence  there  is  for 
thefe  Smaller  Epif{:les,  in  the  Firft  Six  Centuries 
of  Chriftianity.     For  truly  I  do  not  find  Reafon 


Epijlles  of  Ignatius.  6i 

to  Relieve  that  any  one  of  the  ancientQuotations 
but  that  of  Athanafiui  before-mentioned,  and 
thefe  of  Theodorit  and  GalafiMSy  till  more  than 
Six  Hundred  Years  after  Chriil^,  were  made  out 
of  any  other  than  the  Larger  Epiflles.  Only 
the  Smaller  Abridgement  is  fo  often  taken  "uer- 
hatim  out  of  the  Larger,  that  it  cannot  in  many 
Cafes  be  now  prov'd,  whether  the  Quotations 
belonged -to  that  or  to  the  other.  However,  to 
ballance  thefe  Two  Authors  of  the  Fifth  Cen- 
tury, I  ihall  produce  thofe  of  the  Sixth,  not 
one  of  which  are  on  the  Side  of  the  Smaller. 
And  here,  to  pafs  by  the  Quotations  made  from 
Ignathfs  by  Ephram  Patriarch  of  Aniiocb,  by  Jo- 
annes Rhetor y  by  Jo'uim  the  Monk,  by  our  own 
GildaSySi  by  Leontius  Byz^antinm^  all  Authors  of  this 
Century  ;  becaufe  their  Words  are  too  agreeable 
to  both  Editions  to  determine  any  thing  in  the 
prefent  Cafe  •  I  fhall  produce  fome  of  the  fame 
Age  w^hich  are  plainly  made  from  the  Larger 
Copy  only.  To  go  on  therefore  with  our  for- 
mer Numbers. 

(  1 1 .  )    Stephen  Gohar/ff,    in  Thctlus^s  Extracts, 
plainly  quotes  the  Larger  Copy  ,  arki  that  cnlv  P'^ot. Bib- 
in  thele  Words  :   'lyvA-nQ-  uiV-mi  o  -S-soso^^,  ^9  y.An//^K  !i^^^\ 

[t]  Tvr^Toy  71)  Irjn^pcLivQv'^.  \  Hccd  not  fct  down 
the  Words  of  the  Larger  Copy  referr'd  to  here^ 
becaufe  they  have  been  jufi:  now  produced  under 
Jerom\  Teftimony  ;  and  becaufe  they  are  by  all 
own'd  to  belong  to  no  other  than  the  Larger  E- 
piftles.  Only  we  may  take  notice',  that  this 
Quotation  being  produced  by  that  great  Critick 
Phrtim,  without  the  lea  ft  Sign  of  his  Diflike  ; 
and  none  being  produced  by  him  elfewhere 
which  favour  the  Leffer,  we  have  hence  fome 
Prefumption,  that  Photita  alfo  himfelf  approv'd 


A  ^tjj'ertation  upon  the 

of  the  fame  Larger  Edition,  as  the  Genuine 
one  ;  which  is  fo  far  a  very  valuable  additional 
Confirmation  of  the  fame. 

(i2.)  Anaftafius  Patriarch   of  Antiochy  if  not 
alfo  Gregory  the  Great  Bifiiop  of  Romey  cites  the 
fame  Larger  Copy  as  Genuine,  and  no  other : 
As  the  Anfvver  of  this  Gregory  to  Anafiafius^  ftill 
extant,  will  inform  us.     For  Gregory ,  when  at 
the  End  of  his  Reply  he  had  added  thefe  Words, 
Greg.        Amen.  Gratia^  explains  their  Import  thus ;  ^^ 
Regift.       'vlchllcet  "verba,  de  fcriptisvefiris  accefta,  in  me^  eft" 
L.  ly.        jio!.'s  po7tOy  ut  de  S.  Jgnatio  nje^ra  Beatitudo  cognofcat 
Yar^"       ^^^^  ^^^  folum  'vefier  efi,  fed  &  nofier.     Stent  enlm 
£p    *         magifirum  ejus  Apofiolorum  Prindpem  hahemus  com- 
mttnem  ,  tta  quoq;  ejufdem  Principis  difcipulum  nullus 
nofirum  haheat  pri'uatum.     'Tis   hence  certain  , 
that  Anafiafim  cites  the  Larger  Copy  only :  And 
not  much  lefs  certain  that  Gregory,  if  he  cites 
any  Copy  at  all,  and  does  not  barely  repeat  Ana- 
fiafms's  Words,  cites  the  fame  alfo,  and  no  o- 
ther.     For  'tis  plain  that  the  Words  <*^^/  «  ;^e'«S 
here  referr'd  to,  conclude  the  Larger  Epiftles  to 
the  Ephefians  y    and   to   Folycarp -,   but  conclude 
none  of  the  Smaller ,  as  is  acknowledg'd  by  all. 
'Tis  here  alfo  worthy  of  fome  Remark,  that  as 
Chryfofiom  before,  fo  Anafiafius  now,   both  be- 
longing to  Ignatius's  See  at  Antiochy  do  ftill  beft 
agree  to  thefe  Larger  Epiftles. 

Thefe  are  all  the  Authors  that  exprefly  quote 
the  Epiftles  of  Ignatius  in  the  Firft  Six  Centuries 
of  theChurch,fo  far  as  has  been  hitherto  obferv'd 
by  the  Learned.  And  as  they  are  very  numerous, 
and  exceeding  ftrong  for  the  Genuine  Authori- 
ty of  the  fame  Epiftles  in  general ;  which  ac- 
cordingly appear  to  be  diredly  attefted  to  in  the 
Six  Firft  Centuries ,  befides  Volycarp  himfelf,  by 
Irenausy  Origen,  Eufehius,  Athanafiusy  Didymus , 
the  Author  of   the  Chronicon  Fafchale ,  'JeroWy 


Efijlles  t?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S.  65 

Chrjfofiom,  Tljeodorh^  Gelafius ,  Efhram  the  Patri- 
arch, Joannes  Rhetor ^  Joints  the  Monk,  Stephen 
Goharus  y  Gildas  ^  Leontins  Byz^antinus  ^  Anafiafius 
the  Patriarch,  and  Gregory  the  Great  alfo  :  So 
does  it  not  certainly  appear,  that  the  Smaller 
Edition  is  quoted  by  more  than  Three  of  them  ; 
I  mean  Athanafius  ,  Theodcrit  ,  and  Gelafius  ;  that 
is,  by  Athanafius  himfelf,  and  Two  of  his  Zea- 
lous Followers,  and  by  no  others  in  all  thofe 
Centuries.  Nor  do  the  Citations  of  the  follow- 
ing Ages  for  fome  time  give  any  confiderable 
Advantage  to  the  Smaller.  -  Tho'  after  the  Te- 
ftimonies  of  the  Six  Firfl  Centuries,  thofe  that 
are  later  are  comparatively  of  fo  very  little  Au- 
thority, that  I  fhall  nor  continue  my  Enquiry 
about  them  any  farther.  . 

VL  I  fhall  now  {hew,  that  theancient  obfcu- 
rer  References  and  Allufions  to  thefe  Epiftles  are 
generally  taken  out  of  the  fame  Larger  Epiftles 
only.  Such  kind  of  Citations  of  Books,  efpe- 
cially  of  Sacred  Books,  and  moft  of  all  of  Sacred 
Books  of  this  Nature,  are  very  common  among 
the  ancient  Chxiftians ;  as  ■  might  eafily  be 
fhew'd  by  abundance  of  Inftances,  if  there 
were  Occafion  for  it.  But  becaufe  no  Learned 
Man  vnll  deny  the  thing  in  general ,  I  come  to 
an  Indudion  of  feveral  fuch  particular  Citations 
in  the  prefent  Cafe. 

(  I.)  Folycarf  himfelf  wrote  his  Epiftle  to  the 
Vhilifftans  immediately  after  Ig7iatius  had  been 
with  him,  and  had  written  thefe  Epiftles  to  him, 
and  to  the  Churches.  At  the  very  fame  time 
he  fent  Jgnatlush  Epiftles,  all  that  he  had  Copies 
of,  to  that  Church;  as  he  had  been  defir'd. 
Now  in  this  ineftimable  Epiftle  of  Polycarp  I 
obferve  the  following  Refemblances  to  or  Con- 
firmation of  the  Larger  Epiftles ;  fuch  indeed  as 
feem  to  me  of  great  Confequence  in  this  Mat- 

64.  AT)ij[ertattonuj^onthe 

ter.    (  I.)  The  Stile  and  Genius  of  this  Epiftl® 
of  Polycarp  is  clear,    eafy,    pradical,  and  afFe- 
ding  ;  and  very  much  liker  that  of  the  Larger 
than  of  the  Smaller  Epiftles  of  Ignatius,  (2.)  This 
Epiftle  cicei  alfo  the  Scripture,  and  refers  to  the 
Apoftolical  C  onltitutions  frequently  ^  which  are 
the  diitinguiiliing  Chara6lers  of  the  Larger  Epit 
ftles  before  us ;   while  'tis  m  a  remarkable  Man- 
ner otherwife  in  the  Smaller.     (;.)  The  Expref- 
iions  hereus'd  concerning  God  the  Father,  ^r- 
ToapetTt^f'  Qioiy  by  way  of  Eminence  :    T^vjiTroTrnji^' 
Pater  Domini  noftrijefu  Chrifii  ;   and  as  ever  the 
principal  Perfon  concern'd,'  is  remarkably,  ac- 
cording to  the  Larger,   and  different  from-  the 
Smaller  Epiftles. ,  (4.)  The  Expreffions  concern^ 
ing  Chrift,  vJeiQ-^  ffzonf^  <J)ci  'itur^  \ei^^ ,  Semfiter.y 
vus  VontiftXy-y  Dei  Filius ;    without  any,  of  the 
Words  0?^  Aoy^^diJ'.iQ-,  ^')SJ<; j'ht©:,. and  t;l;ielike^ 
which  are  to  much  afFedied  in. the  Smaller  Epi- 
ftles, do  plainly  favour  the  Lsfiiguage  oftthc 
Larger  in  thi5  Matter.     (^ .)  T^iiQ^J^lluCions  forne- 
times  to  the*  very  Words  .of  thefe  Larger  Epiftjcjs 
do   fliew  that  thofe  and  no;  other  were  ia  his 
Mind  when  he  wrote'  to  the  TjM'pfiani.     Thus 
for  Example,  when  Polycarp  ufes  tiefe  Words  of 
the   Followers   of    Simon  Magus y/k-eiv——  ^iy;n 
Sect.  7*       fjiMTidvd'^ctVy  fju^n  ysi(nv  1/),  .»t©-  fz^^izToyJ^  '^  tS  czc- 

Tttf^.     How  can  we  avoid  thinking  that  he  imi- 
tated Ignatius  y  who  in  his  Larger  Epiftle  to  the 
^  ft.  Trallians  has  thefe  Words ,    ^£y>7?  — -  cnf^^'/A  r 

'  '^'  eta^TtTOKov  dvr'^  [//ccC6a»]  v^v  ?  And  the  careful 
Reader  will  eafily  obferve  other  the  like  Refe- 
rences and  Imitations  therein.  (6.)  The  ferious 
Exhortations  to  Practical ,  efpecially  to  Dome- 
f^ical  Duties  here,  do  exactly  agree  with  the 
Larger,  and  only  with  the  Larger  Epiftles  ;  al- 
mott  all  things  of  that  Nature  being ,  to  a  fur- 
prizing  Degree,  omitted  in  the  Smaller,  as  has 


Epijiles  ^/Ignatius.  65 

been  already  obfervM^  to  fuch  a  Degree  indeed 
as  renders  them  unlike  all  the  reft  of  the  ancient 
parallel  Writings  of  the  firft  Chriftians;  and 
makes  them  of  fmall  Ufe  to  us,  as  to  any  Im- 
provements in  the  main  Parts  of  our  Religion. 
(7.)  Accordingly  the  Charader  here  given  of  5g£^^^j^ 
thofe  Epiftles  which  Polycarp  faw,  ^5  &>'y  iJ.iyiKA 
^(pi\»^vca  ^vmcnSn,'  Tnti'^-'X^'^  i^  'm^iv^  '/^  -Czjzuoyni'^  x^ 
cro^  otM<fbijJjJi  ^  uiivv  wjsxoy  i'l/xuy  avm^f^^    doeS  much 

better  agree  to  the  Larger ,  than  to  the  Smaller 
Epiftles.  And  a  pious  Chriftian^,  who  compares 
them  together,  will  eafily  fee  that  the  Larger 
will  much  better,  according  to  Volycarfs  Chara- 
cter of  thofe  that  he  faw,  inform  his  Belief,  in- 
creafe  his  Patience,  and  in  general  tend  to  his 
Edification  than  the  Smaller. 

(2.)  The  unknown,  but  moft  ancient  Author  l.  I.  C.  i. 
of  the  Recognitions  of  Clejnent,  begins  that  Book  p-  ^87, 
thus.  Ego  Clemens  in  Urbe  Roma  natus,  ex  frimci 
atate  fudicitia  ftudium  geffu  Whence  could  that 
Author  take  this  Fa6t ,  of  the  peculiar  Chaftity 
of  Clemens  Romanus ,  but  from  thefe  Larger  Epi- 
ftles of  Ignatius  ?  where  he  is  nam'd,  as  one  that 
maintained  a  Virginal  Chaftity  all  his  Life ;  as 
we  fhall  fee  prefently.  Which  Account  of  him 
we  have  not  elfewhere,  that  1  know  of,  in  any 
other  Remains  of  the  Apoftolical  Age. 

(:;.)  Melito,  the  Famous  Bifliop  of  Sardisy 
feems  moft  plainly  to  refer  to  that  Famous  Paf- 
fage  in  the  Larger  Epiftles  already  mentioned, 
concerning  the  Three  Decads  of  Years  before 
our  Saviour's  Baptifm  ,  and  the  Three  Years  af- 
ter it ;  fmce  we  know  of  no  other  Original 
Monument  of  Antiquity  that  could  inform  him 
of  it,  but  thefe  Epiftles.  Ignatius's  Words  have 
been  already  fet  down,  as  diredly  cited  in  the 
Chronicon  Pafchale.  Thofe  of  Melito's  Fragment 
(for   his    Books    are  all   loft,)    run    thus: 

.66  A  ^Differtation  upon  the 

Tiitl  cuf-  *n^  tfcAi  }x\dL  AVelyni)  tu^  v^v  'iyjifftv  V^  d/v  fniu  iz  Cctzfur- 
/jofteof         im   0  Xe<cr^  sTfatJ^  tm^i^u  tz  clK»^.4   y^  clsau msvv  -^  4'-'- 

ap.  Anaft.  j^  ^jAr^  to  CcLttJi&ucl^  pmv^  vsro  Xe^ra  'c^gi;:^,^^??*,  ;^  ^oo- 
OcA)^.  X/?tt  7%  <7v,yMdL  r  car?  v^t'^VLLijAvm  iv  (rxfxj  ^(HTfm  iJ^Any  ^ 
L,.  AHJ.      ^  rim^'^V'Ttc  TZf)  y^crpLCd.  Gicx;  y^cov  oy.»  7T  xj  ^v'^cothh Ti^^'B' 

Hid.  Lit.  ^^  «^^^  '^-''  a^uc'icdv  if  tv?  75^27726,  Tii*  .a€7«  tc  ^a,7jjtcp.cL  r 
i-'^rr  II.        3  dif^aTdiVTzt  hjTj  ov  tw?  TeiAyjcyiu  ^^svo/^'tt/?  <j?|^9  crb  i?«t- 

truuHA  '^  ctyT8  3^6 TOT©-,  '/^.tti^  '^oi  di?^n^i  <s^cf2(lvtQ-  u- 

-xtLf-^v,     This  Alluliofi  feems  to  me  fo  dired, 
that  it  might  ahiioft  have  been  alledgM  among 
the  proper   Citations   of    the   Larger    Epiftles 
L.  II.  (4.)  Ircfueus  argues,  that  ChriR:  was  not  cru- 

C.  39-  cify'd  when  he  was  barely  Thirty  Years  of  Age, 
P-^^'-  as  fome  Hereticks  laid;  (  who  had  introduce! 
that  Notion,  that  he  preach'd  one  Year  only  ;  ) 
but  that  he  liv'd  and  preach'd  feveral  Years  after- 
wards: And  for  tliis  alledges  not  only  the  Gofpel 
Account"  of  at  ieaft  Three  PafTovers,  but  that  of 
all  the  Presbyters  or  Apoftolical  Men,  who  con- 
versed with  John  the  Apoftle,  or  with  any  other 
of  them.  This  Paffage  feems,  among  others, 
to  refer  to  that  Famous  Place  in  the  Larger  Epi- 
ftles above  recited,  from  the  Chronkon  Tafchaky 
where  Ignatius^  the  Difciple  of  John  himfelf, 
gives  Three  Decads  of  Years  to  our  Saviour's 
Converfation  on  Earth  before  his  Baptifm,  and 
Three  Years  to  his  preaching  after  it.  .  Yet  Irenj:- 
»^'s  own  Opinion  or  Hypothefis ,,  which  he  im- 
mediately declares,  was,  that  our  Saviour  liv'd 
till  above  Forty,  if  not  towards  Fifty  Years  of 
Age;  from  a  Notion  of  his  own  about  the  Peri- 
ods of  the  feveral  Ages  of  Men  ;  and  from  the 
T  h  VIII  y^"^^  Words  to  Chrift ,  Thou  art  not  yet  fifty  years 
jy/       '  old.    However^  he  only  appeals  to  this  Apoftq^ 


Efifiles  ^/Ignatius.  67 

Heal  Tradition;^  as  to  the  Senior  <iy£tas^  or  feme- 
what  Ancienter  Jge  of  our  Lord  when  he  dy'd^a- 
gainft  thofe  that  held  he  dy'd  at  Thirty.  Now 
in  this  Appeal  he  feems  to  me  to  have  had  this 
Place  of  the  Larger  EpilUes  in  his  Eye  ;  and 
is  fo  far  an  Atteftation  here  to  the  fame  Larger 

(5.)  To  pafs  over  that  Tingle  Word  of  the  Martyr. 
Church  of  Smyrna ,  <ma(T^tctatlf^Qr^  which  Bifhop  Polycarp. 
Pearfon  juftly  thinks  may  allude  to  the  fame  Word  ^^^'  ^' 
in  Ignatius's  Epiftle  to  the  Rorm^ts^  becaufe  ic  is  ^*       * 
equally  in  both  Editions^    and  determines  no- 
rthing; Lucian  the  Scoffer  has  a.more  remarkable 
Paffage,  which/ as  the  Tame  rnoft  Learned  Pcr- 
fon  well  fuppofes^  belongs  to  the  Epiftles  of  i^- 
natms'j  by  way  of  AUufion  I  mean^  and  under 
the  pretended  Hiftory  of  Peregrinus  the  Philofo- 

pher.      ^ctai  3  TTu^c/Ji  ^iJiiu  IvS^oui  TToP'^^icnif   c^foAcij  J)-  Lucian  in 

'y^etyyiK-s?  }y  vi^i^^SiQi/.^^  'UT^ou,-)p^^7ci4.     This  notable 
.  Paffage  does  at  once  wonderfully  confirm  the 
Epiftles  o£  Ignatius  in  general,    and  that  they 
.were  many  in  Number  ;  and  by  ftiling  them  c.^- 
'<i,5»'V-af  77rct?5  ^  ;7ttf6wi^45-w^  yi,  vofxa^^  intimates  that  he 
had  no  other  but  theLarger  Epiftles  in  his  View  ; 
which  alone  have  plain  and  full  Quotations  out 
•of  the  Conflitutlons  of  the  Apofilesy  the  moft  emi- 
nent S'laLb^Ktiy    Chrifihin  Co'vmant^    ov    Tefi^jmnt; 
and  do  alone  contain  thofe  moft  ferious  Exhort  a- 
tlonsy  and  Sacred  ■La7^'s  of  the  Goipel,  which 
feem  here  to  be.referr'd  to  in  this  Paffage  of  Lu- 
ctan.  '        • 

(6,)  Theofhilits  ^    the  Sixth  Bifhop  of  Antioch 
is  by  Bifhop  Pe'arfon  alfo  fuppos'd  to  allude  to 
thefe  Epiftles,  when  he  fays.  The  Reafon  why 
Chrift  was  born  of  a  Woman  efpous'd  to  an  q^^  j^ 
Husband,  was  this,  Ut  pnnsejtts  falkret  diaholujn^  Match.  I, 
F  z  putimtem  ^S* 

68  A  7)iJfertation  upon  the 

futautem  yefum  de  Uxor  at  a  y  non  de  Virgim  naturft^ 
But  I  pafs  this  over ,  becaufe ,  as  has  more  than 
once  been  obfervM  already,  the  Text  in  Ignatius 
here  referr'd  to  is  equally  in  the  Larger  and 
Smaller  Epiftles,  and  fo  determines  nothing. 
(7.)  Clement  of  Alexandria  affirms,  that  Veter^ 
Strom.       'Philify  and  Vaul^  were  all  married  Men  :  Which 
III."  he  might  have  from  a  PaiTage  in  §w^?i«j's  Larger 

P*  448.  Epiftle  to  the  Philadelpbians ;  of  which  more 
prefently :  But  as  to  Paul,  not  fo  plainly  that  I 
know  of  from  any  other  Original  Author 
whomfoever.  The  fame  Clement  in  his  UKoyci^ 
or  the  Excerpts  out  of  his  laft  but  nobleft  Work, 
the  v3n>7i;W^«f,  has  a  plain  Allufion  to  the  Fa- 
Ad  Eph  J^o^s  Paffage  in  Ignatius,  concerning  the  Star 
Scft.  19.    which  appear'd  to  the  Magi:  A/at  t^tb  ^v^twas  |4- 

SeSt.  p.  va  f 6)77 ,  »  afijfjum  hA^i.-m/j^^,  Which  feems 
alfo  alluded  to   by   Nazianz^en  ;    Ata,  7^70  d^^^ 

Orat.  I.  ;;^»/xV©",  J9  f^V'  'o^^rm'^ovmy  i^  ef^^^f?j'7tf,  iV 
€iJ^\o\et7fe^'et  yj.tnwS^ :    And    morc   plainly    by 

VI  in         Chryjojtotn  ;   «  >o  tv  vvkti  tpcuviy,  a?^    cv  w^ff  /w«^«. 

Mat,  ^.ctfATi^VTOf    WAIK*     oTTgf    »x.    ^    ^md^eoi    et^^G" ,      A>\* 

^  aK-nvQ-  (pAVHcrnf  ^  ^htAKtii  xfxi^e^  j^  AlpAvi^i^.^^of  3  t» 

'f  OiK^Oi  Act//T£/77<T(^  vargf CoAm^  ;^  7a\  AKTJVai  iviKim  TWf 

)y  tJ  ;(^'m«  ^  ov^gfi)?  ctyT8<  iK-Tf^n^au.  But  this  Paffagc 
of  Ignatius  is  fo  nearly  the  lame  in  both  Editions, 
that  there  is  no  fure  way  of  knowing  which 
Copy  thefe  Citations  allude  to :  Only  the  Ufe 
of  one  Word  belonging  to  the  Smaller  y^Tzt^ve^v 
and  yj'TttwSM,  by  the  Author  of  the  Extracts  from 
Ckmenty  and  by  Naz,ianz,eny  would  incline  one 
rather  to  fuppofe ,  that  they  had  ftcn  the  Smal- 
ler Copy ;  as  'tis  not  impoffible  but  they  might. 
And  the  Ufe  of  the  Word  (p<ivq7^&  by  Chryfoftowy 


Epijiles  ^/Ignatius.  69 

from  ^avw  in  the  Larger  Copy,  would  a  little  in- 
cline one  to  think,  that  he  had  it  from  that  Lar- 
ger Copy ;  as  indeed  Chryfoftoms  Citations  and 
Allufions  agree  Hill  to  them  only.  But  thefe 
Conje<5tures  are  too  weak  to  build  any  firm  Con- 
clufions  of  this  Nature  upon.  So  I  place  thefe 
References  rather  among  the  doubtful  ones,  and 
fuch  as  determine  nothing  in  our  prefent  Con- 

(8.)  Tertullian  has  Two  Paffages,   which  to 
fome  may  feem  to  refer  to  the  Smaller  Epiftles  : 
the  one  is  in  thefe  Words :    Ita  omnia  in  imagines  q^^^^^^ 
*vertunt^  {Vakntiniani^  flane  &  iffiimaginariiChri'  Valent. 
ftiani.     Which  have  fome  Refemblance  to  thofe  p.  ^oo. 
in  Ignatius^  Kty^iTiv   tJ  JhyMv  'Prnnv^vau   Avnv  ,    dvivi  £^~^  ■*•  ^^"* 
oyTii  7B  <toK^y,    The  other  is  this,  cited  by  Bifhop  j^^^^j^^' 
Bull  as  Parallel  to,  and  a  Paraphrafe  on  thofe  Synod.' 
Words  of  the  Smaller,  which  are  quoted  by  A-  Nicaen. 
tbana/iHs,Theoilority^ndGelaJtusy2indh2iVQhQQn3\rQ9.-  P^rt.  2. 
dy  fet  down.  Itaq;  utriufq'^  fubfiantia  cenfus  hominem  ^   '  5  • 
O*  deum  exhibuit :  Hinc  natum^  inde  non  natum.  Hinc  £)e  Carn. 
carneumy  inde  Jpiritalem  :  Hinc  infirmumy  inde  -pra-  Chrift. 
fortem:  Hinc  morientemy  inde  vi'ventem.     But  then  ^S- 
it  is  fo  wholly  uncertain ,  whether  there  be  any  P*  5^^' 
AUufion  on  either  Side  in  thefe  Paffages ;  and  if 
there  be,  'tis  fo  much  more  likely  that  the  Au- 
thor of  thefe  Shorter  Epiftles  took  them  from 
Tertullian,  one  of  his  own  Opinion  in  this  Mat- 
ter, than  that  Tertullian  could  have  them  from 
Ignatius  himfelf,  that  there  is  nothing  at  all  to  be 
concluded  hence ,    to  determine   our  prefent 
Controverfy :  Or  if  there  be  any  thing,  'tis  ari 
Hint  Who  was  one  of  the  firft  that  brought  in 
this  heretical  Dodrine  in  the  Church,  that  our 
Saviour  might  be  ftifd  Unbegotten,  namely,  that 
injudicious  and  bold  Heretick  Tertullian ;  whom 
I  look  upon  as  one  of  the  principal  Perfons  that 
corrupted  the  Chriftian   Faith   in   the    IVefi ; 
F  ;  which 

yp  A  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

which  Corruptions  from  thence  were  in  •  the 
Fourth  Century  fpread  over  a  great  part  of  the 
Chriftian  World. 

(9.)  Origen^  and  many  others  of  the  Ancients, 
when  they  fpeak  of  the  Heretick  Ehion^  or  of 
the  Ehionkes,  fay,  they  were  poor  and  mean  in 
their  Notions  of  Chrift,  according  to  the  Sig- 
nification of  the  Name  Eblon,  Poor,     Thus  Orl- 
Contr.        i^^  5    ^^^'^^   "^  ^  °  7:^«?(fV  '^^  US'cuoi^  yS'^^d-      And 
Ccir.  L.II.  elfewhere,    ««-  kKayiCdLVOfj^fJ  ^mv-nt  a^  01  Tifev^i  TM  J^/oc- 
P-  S*^-  v'oicL  iCicovcuoiy   ^  7Tje<>X^^  '^   ^tcLvoioi   iTTuyvf^ot'   ICiav  -^ 

Philocal.  e  ^^^^  ^  iC^suoii  IvoyuLli^,  Thus  Eufehius : 
H'ft  Eccl  *^^  iCicdVAiav  ovofuLT©-  "T  'f  J'lctvoicti  irluyjicjjf  dvrSv  vz?tj- 
L.  III.     *  ipcthovrQ-,  And  elfewhere  more  diredly,  ^9  ^tc/^b  3 

C.  27.  «r«  05)77?^©-  WA^J*  0'  fsr^T^y-yifVK^^  iCtayetinf  avo^l^oVy  I- 
P-  99'  C^cuKYt  o«KM  i^ceyy^  ^  J'lcivoictif'iivy^A'^VTiS,      Which  laft 

Theolog^*  Words  have  fo  plain  a  Reference  to  the  Apofto- 

LI.  C.14.  lical  Conftitutions,  or  to  Ignatius's  Larger  Epi- 

p.  75.        ftles,  or  rather  to  both^  that  they  almoft  deferve 

a  place  among  the  exprefs  Citations  foregoing. 

For  whom  can  Eufehius  mean  by  his  0/  'ih  aro'n{f&' 

ji.u^v  rw^^-rvKYifvyi^i  y   v/ho  gave  thefe  Hereticks  the 

Appellation  of  Ebionhes,  ^^nd  that  on  Account 

of  their  mean  and  low  Opinions  of  Chrift,  but 

Con([lt      ^^^  Author  or  Authors  of  thofe  Conftitutions , 

L.  VI.;*     where  they  are  nam'd  among  the  Original  He- 

C.  6.         reticks ;  and  Ignatius ^  m\\Q  in  his  Larger  Epiftles 

^  P\'     .^i^'^s  that  very  Interpretation  of  their  Name; 

Id  ^  (J    '^'*'"^  r  ■S'leifotdMy  di  ^y^A«3  i^'^^v.     And  the  fame 

Vid.  '  *    Allufioh  that  we  have  obferv'd  in  Orlgen  and  Eh- 

Chron.      fchim^   is  in  Others  of   the  Fathers  alfo.     Nor 

Pafchal.     could  it  come  any  way  fo  readily  into  the  Greek 

^h!^'^'    Church   as  from  this  place  of   Ignatius,     And 

this  is  the  more  likely,    be.caufe  Ignatms  was 

Bifhop  of  Syria y    and  lo  well  acquainted  with 

fuch  Hc-hrew  or  Syriack  Words,  which  few  of  the 

,ar«e^)^  Fathers  were;   and  fo  the  Interpretation 

thereof  it  felf  is  a  good  Argument  that  this  In- 


1 04 

Epifiles  of  I  G  N  AT  I  u  s.  7  I 

terpreter  was  of  Sjria,  or  was  no  other  than  7^- 
natius  hinifelf. 

(lo.)  Novat/an,  or  whoever  was  the  Author 
of  that  Judicious  Book  De  Trln'itate  ^  has  a  Paf- 
fage  which  appears  to  be  no  other  than  a  kind  .of 
Paraphrafe  on  a  remarkable  Text  in  thefe  Lar- 
ger Epiftles :  Which  Text  does  alfo  feem  to  be 
leveral  times  alluded  to  by  others  alfo.  The 
Words  of  Ignatius,  in  that  very  place  where  the 
Smaller  has  brought  in  the  hQy>i  etUiG-,  vk  im^  ai- 
y»(  <n^z^^v,  are  thefe  in  the  Larger  Edition  :  J'la.  Ad  Mag- 

«t?A    HffiaJ'.i^*  »    5<j   e^   KetKia.^   iyc/.^^a  (payiiua^    eihX*  ci'rf- 

yetui  -^c'iKiU  isicL  'f,uviDT7i.  Thofe  of  Novatiajj  are  ^ 
thefe^,  Ex  quoy  quando  ipfe  -voltnt^  Sermo  Filius  natm 
efi :  Jhi  non  in  jono  ferctijji  acris^  aut  tono  ccacla  dc 
"uifcerihus  %'ocis  iiccipitm-y  fed  in  ftibftcmtia  frolata  a 
Deo  ^'irtutis  agnojcitur.  Thofe  of  Six  BifllOps, 
writings  as  is  fuppos'd  by  all^  in  the  Name  of 
the  Council  of  Jinioch,  the  very  Seat  of  Igfiatitis,  ^  ^^ 

are  thefe  :    ^   ^o^i>  -^  ^vlicttjuv   ©sS*  <z^  etio^vay  ov-my  k  Labb, 

cuoyvc^'^,  c«a\'  «^V  ^  'ccTocrtTfi  Oiov.  And  a  little  af-  Concil. 
ter,  «V  l^co£  ivi^yoi±v,  x}  IvvTHi-^  Toi\  Eufchius  alfo  ^^^^- 1. 
calls  Ch rid  exprefly,  as  here,  WJ/m  n  Qz^  hoyiy.  \]^^^' r 

AthanafiHs  himlelf,  C^v-ntKo-py^i^  iy^cnov  <n>pdM,    Epi-  Evang 

phanius  alfo  mentions  this,   ioia.  -^yni^  ^^mcoS^^,    All  L.  V. 

which  Expreffions  feem  ultimately  to  be  deriv'd  Proc^m. 

from  this  Parallel  one  of  Ignatius  before  us.  P:  ^^"*  , 

(ii.)    Mdhodius ,  Bafil  y  and  Others  fpeak  fo  Ha?ref°  * 

concerning  the  Prophets  and  Apoilles ,    which  lxxVL 

of  them  were  Married  A4en,   and  which  not,  Seft.  s- 

that  they  feem  to  me  plainly  to  refer  to  that  Fa-  P-  ^42- 
mous  PaiTage  in  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  hereto  be- 
longing.    Ignatiuis  Words,  on  Occafion  of  the 

Alention  he  had  made  of  the  Virgins,  are  thefe  :  .     , 

f^^-><^^^Xi  ^"'^  sA/r.Tau,  ai  h^ifxia,  ui  7^  ^ct^^i^^  ]ud,vviiy 
F   4  *f 

7^  j4  Dijfertation  upon  the 

1^    \oi7rii(  fxciK^ei^i  077  ylfxoii  'Zu^TtaiiiMt^,    wv  l^iyiic&'^y 
iv^i^vcu  Iv  TH   CctcnKeid.  cl'ia.C^a.y^^  :y  ioactx-^   )y^a.)(jaCy 

Convlv.     The  Words  of  Methodins  are  thefe,  U^a^iov  c^sto- 

an.  Com-   ,  ,  ,.     ^v    ^  ^,  ^/-      r   n   ,-/ 

bef.  Au-    ^"-7^^/^**^-^?  ^7^  ef^gTo,     Thole  ot  Bajd  concern- 

ftar.  p.(5p.  ing  the  Holy  Men  who  were  married,  o/©-  mi', 

Afcet.  hf  f.>SiJ  7^fi  TraKduZ  <PicL^.K,)^  a.C^A}Ji^  ^  )<mAKy  }y  tAKaC^ 
^aIa-'  ^^    ^^^^  ^^  Anafiaftits  quotes  it ;)  ^j^  eT^e?/  'jtahci/'  ^Cl^ 

Tom.  II.  ^oi'^'^t  'T^/  ^?c'Aa)i'.  And  other  Paffages  of  the  like 
p.  233,  Nature  might  be  produc'd,  all  probably  deriv'd 
y  4-^  ^  at  laft  from  the  forep-oing  Text  of  Ignatius,  Nor 
Onsft'  '^^^  •'^  ^^^^  ^^^  refied  on  this  Text's  exad  A- 
XV  ' '  greement  with  the  Scripture,  and  the  Apoftoli- 
P  17^.  cal  Conftitutions,  in  feveral  Refpeds^  as  parti- 
Vid  cularly  with  Paulas  Queftion,  Ha^ve  not  we  Power 

n^^  VJ  ^^  ^^^^  about  a  Sifter ^  a  fVifiy  as  well  as  the  other  A- 
\  Cor  IX*  f^ft^^^}  ^^^  ^-  ^^^  Brethren  of  the  Lordy  and  Cephas  ? 
5.  With  the  Mention  of  Judtzs^  the  Son  of  Jamesy 

Conftir.     as  the  Third  Bifhop  oijerufalejn^  in  the  Confti-, 
^'    J^*      tutions;  and  with  the  Vjalmift^  concerning  Ju^ 
p.  3V:.        ^'^  ^^^  Tray  tor  ;   Let  his  Children  be  fiitherlefy  and 
Pf.  cix.  9.  his  Wife  a  IVidov\     So  that  IHll  all  Circumftances 
confpire  to  afcertain  us  of  the  Genuine  Antiquity 
and  Verity  of  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius, 
(12.)  Eufebltis  inform.s  us  of  the  Manner  of  the 
Death  of  fome  of  the  Apoftle?  and  their  Com- 
panions, in   Words  almofl:  taken   from  the  E- 
piftle  to   Tarfus ;    which    he  never   mentions  ; 
yet  probably  had    he    this  Account  at    Icaft 
at    the    feccnd    Hand   from    the    fame    Epi- 
Epiftle  ^  fince  no  other  Original  Record  of  Chri- 
ilianiry  ,  that  wc  know  .,  could  fo  nearly  afford 

'  him 

Epiftles  ^/Ignatius.  75 

him  the  fame  Account.     The  Words  of  Ignatius 

are  thefe  :  Ti  cAf/roTi ;   yri^^  ^  €?ctyfK7o^    ^oZhQ-  x)  Ad  TarH 

'TTUTfjt.eif^  ^(pAv©-  0  ^  aiSd/?  dvM^eiTo,     Thofe  of  Eufe- 

^ii/i  are  thefe  ;  Ai^/?  ^ah9« ?*>»?« J)  ?tV»'©-.  — «>'-  ^^^^lonft. 

«Bri5<  *5  "^  pw.'^f   'CStTtt  )t69AA^^  qxi^fB^*   '^aJJ^Q~   0  «'/^-  C.  5. 
Tiixvi^'  \utlvvni  71  v\]Ta)  ■m.^JiJb'^.  p.  116. 

(i ;  J  The  fame  Eufebius  twice  calls  the  Sacred  ^^  ^"^» 
Virgins  >vj'cwxa^i'  <'«f«V  as  Chyfofiom  does  alfo  fpeak  ^°"**- 
of  the  Martyr  Domnina  :    xj  /€ff/<t  >4>>»'8.     Nay,  p.6(Si. 
Tertullian,  long  before^  ufes  the  fame  Language^  Oemond. 
^anto  autem  magis  blajphemabile  efi^  fi  qua  facer-  Evang. 
dotes  pudicitiae  dicimini,  imfudkarum  ritu  froceda-  z:  ^"• 
tis  culta  &  exfiB^e  ?  Whence  came  this  uncom-  p ' ,  *  . 
mon  Expreflion,  but  from  the  Epiftle  to  Tarfus  ?  be  Bcrni/ 
Where  the  Words  are^  TaV  cy  -m^HvU  vfMTt^  d^  8cc. 
U^^oi  XejL^^,  t)e  Cult. 

(14.)  Eufebius  does  alfo  apply  the  Title  of  the  ^^:^ 
VI.  and  XL  Tfalms^  according  to  the  Numbers  Ad  Tarf. 
in  the  LXXIL  ^V  to  li^Q-^  vs-if  'f  lyJinf^  to  the  Seft  9. 
Lord's-Day  ,  or  Eighth  Day  of  the  Week  ,  the  ^  J^- V'- 
Day  of  our  Lord's  Refurredion.     Whence  came        '• 
this,  but  from  Barnabas  or  Ignatius^  Which  latter, 
in  the  Larger  Epiftle  to  the  Magmfians^  fays  thus;  Ad  Mag. 

(15-.)  The  Council  of  Laodkea  orders  Chri- 
ftians  not  to  reft  from  their  ordinary  Employ- 
ments on  the  Sabbath-Day,  but  to  prefer  the 
Lord's-Day,  in  Words  molt:  agreeable  to  thofe 
of  the  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius -^  which  run 
thus    in    that    to     the    MameCians  : ,  [mYjm     «y  c-a  ^ 

That  Council's  Canon  is  this ;  'O77  »  «/^  xf^^^^^^  Cm. 

UJki{^Hify  jy  h  cuCCctTCj)  $(«Aet^«K,  ctMct  «f;^<^«'^  *WTK?  cj'   XXIX. 



Of  at.  in 
S.  Cruc. 

XIX.  k 




XXI.  Sc 





p.  600. 

De  Spir. 

S.C.  9. 

Ad  Ifa. 

rfal.  L. 
De  Edu- 

j4  T)ij[e nation  upon  the 

^Xa^w;/^  aJ?  y^i^Avoi ;  which  Words  fecm  almofl 
taken  out  oilgjiatlus. 

(16.)  Ephrem  the  Syrian^  Naz^ianzeny  and  O- 
thers  feem  to  me  directly  to  refer  to  the  Larger 
Epiftles^  and  to  the  Claufe  immediately  follow- 
ing that  now  mention'd^  in  the  Epithets  and 
Characters  they  give  of  the  Lord's-Day.     The 

Epiftle  fays  thus  :    T«;/  )wpa.x,Y\v^   r  CctciKlJhL^  r  VTTU^ 

TQV  'Tmaxav  7^  Yiy-i^c^v,  Ephrem,  a  Deacon  in  that 
very  Country  of  Syria  of  which  Ignatius  had  been 
Patriarch,  lays  thus :  Avn\  -^  w^iclm  xJ  Q>dLm7.ic^<L  ^ 
vfii^a!'/,  Naz,ianz,en  alfo  fays  thus  of  the  Eafier 
Lord's-Day;  :^  ^acnKtoc^a,  <r^  i'lup&^v  uui^^..  And  clfe- 

where,  «  C^t^'A/Ant  -^^  a§&!v  th  (^ct(nKiJ\i   ''^  v)ijUi^cov   TTC//- 

TtjLV.  To  omit  other  the  like  PafTages ;  all  feem- 
ing  ultimately  to  refer  to  the  foregoing  Words 
of  Ignatius, 

C17.)  Bafil  ufes  the  Word  y^v.wT^i'^i'  which  is 
in  no  Ancient  Author  but  the  Epillle  ad  Jntio- 
chenos;  and  Bajil^  Na2:,ian^en,  and  Others  ufe  the 
Word  ^t<A^7ii^Qt'  as  do  IreniC/tSy  Athanafim^  and 
Bafily  ufe  the  Word  Trvdi^ciropo^oi'  both  feldom 
found  in  any  Original  Writings,  but  thefe  Lar- 
ger Epiftles  of  Ig72athts.  All  which  are  fo  much 
in  the  way  of  the  Compofition  us'd  peculiarly 
by  Ignatius^  that  they  cannot  fo  well  be  afcrib'd 
to  any  other. 

(18.)  Chrjjofio7iiy  who  fcveral  times  makes  Al- 
lufions  to  thefe  Epiftles  in  his  Oration  upon  Ig- 
natiusy  and  does  it  fo  obfcurely,  that  no  Judg- 
ment can  be  made  from  them;  does  however 
elfewhere  more  plainly  allude  to  them,  I  mean, 
when  he  does  more  than  once  affirm,  that  Daniel 
received  Infpirations  from  God  at  Twelve  Years 
of  Age.  How  could  fo  great  a  Man  venture  to 
affert  fo  ftrange  a  thing,  but  that  he  had  foine 
Original  Sacred  Author  for  the  fame  ?  Now  this 
is  affirm'd  in  Ignatius's  Larger  Epiftle  to  the  Ephe- 


Epflles  oflCNATlVS,  75 

fiansy  and  in  no  other  moft  Ancient  Author  now 
extant  vvhomfoever.  This  Teftimony  I  take  to 
be  alnioft  equivalent  to  a  dired  Quotation :  And 
it  e!?.ceedingly  confirms  us^  in  what  has  been  all 
along  found  true  hitherto,  th^it  Chrjfofiom,  the 
Presbyter  of  Antioch,  had  no  other  than  the  Lar- 
ger Epiftles:  Who  yet  was  the  leaft  likely  to 
have  a  Spurious  Copy  of  any  Writer  in  that 

(  19.  )  That  moft  frequent  and  folemn  Word 
for  the  Incarnation^  fo  much  us'd  by  the  Ancients, 
I  mean  otwvoiii<t  ^  feems  alfo  deriv'd  from  one  of  ^^  ^^^ 
thefe  Larger  Epiftles  of  Ignatius^  where  and  Seft.  19*. 
wiiere  only,  as  I  think,  it  is  diredly  and  for- 
mally apply'd  to  that  Matter  in  all  the  Original 
Books  of  our  Religion.  Morefuch  indirect  and 
occafional  AUufions  and  References  to  thefe  Lar^ 
ger  Epiftles  might  probably  be  colleded,  if  any 
one  would  nicely  fearch  for  them :  But  thefe 
which  readily  offer'd  themfelves  fhall  fuffice  for 
the  prefent.  And  indeed  many  of  thefe  Cita- 
tions are  taken  notice  of  in  the  Notes  upon  thefe 
Larger  Epiftles  by  Archbifliop  V^^cr  or  Cotelerim, 
Yet  were  they  fo  poifefs'd  with  that  new  Opini- 
on of  the  Authenticknefs  of  the  Smaller  Copy, 
that  they  did  not  fufficiently  refled  on  the  Evi- 
dence thefe  Paflages  afforded  to  the  Authority 
of  the  Larger.  So  over-bearing  was  the  Preju- 
dice againit  Arianifm^  and  fo  much  was  the  Au- 
thority of  Two  or  Three  Athanafians  in  the 
Fourth  and  Fifth  Centuries  for  the  Smaller  Co- 
py, over-valued,  and  the  reft  over-look'd ;  altho* 
they  were  many  more  in  Number,  and  much 
greater  in  Learning,  which  fupported  the  Autho- 
rity of  the  Larger.  But  as  it  has  been  with  the 
more  Sacred  Conjihutlons  themfelves,  fo  alfo  with 
thefe  Sacred  Epftles,  derived  in  great  part  from 
them  ;  God's  Time  was  not  come  for  the  Difco- 


76  A  7)tJfertation  upon  the 

very  6f  his  Primitive  Truths,  and  the  Prepara- 
tion for  the  Advancement  of  his  Son's  King- 
1  Thcf.      dom.     Till  which  Time  ftrong  Delufions  have  ob- 
ir  YXV    <^^1J^'^  5  ^"^  ^  ^^'^  ^^  heenjpread  ever  the  Face  of  all 
y/        '  Chriftian  Nations,  that  they  have  not  been  able 
to  fee  the  moft  obvious  Truths  in  thefe  Matters. 
So  unfearchable  are  God's  Judgments,  and  fo  certain- 
Rom.  XL  ly  are  his  -ivays  fafi  poor  Mortals  own  finding  out ! 
5^*  But  to  proceed. 

VII.  I  fliall  now  fhew  in  particular ,  that  the 
Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Philadelphians  is  certainly 
Spurious,  and  the  Larger  alone  Genuine.  Now 
this  is  plain,  becaufe  the  Smaller  Epiftle  pre- 
tends to  be  fent  to  Philadelfhia  in  Jfia  ;  whereas 
'tis  clear,  that  this  Epiftle  was  fent  to  fome  City 
of  that  Name  belonging  to  Syria,  and  the  Jurif- 
didion  of  Ignatius;  and  moft  probably  to  that 
not  very  far  from  Tarfus  in  Cilicia ;  Which  was 
not  only  within  the  Patriarchate  of  Syria^  but 
lay  near  to  that  Road  from  Antioch  to  Smyrna, 
along  which  Ignatius  went  to  his  Martyrdom. 
That  the  Smaller  Epiftle  diredly  pretends  to 
have  been  fent  to  the  Jfiatick  Philadelfhia,  the 
Preface  or  Infcription ,  both  of  the  Greek  and 
Latin  Copies,  fully  informs  us.    'lyoji^  0  ^  ^£o- 

^o^i  hLKK\](ncL  0g»  -m^f,  i^  yjufia  'In^a  Xf/f »  tm  Wm  l^f 
^iXA/^f^ipiet  *?  dcna^,  Ignatius,  ^ui  &  Theofhorus,  Ec^ 
clefia:  Dei  Patris,  &  Jefu  Chrifii  e]ua  eft  in  Phila- 
delphia Afi^e,  While  neither  the  Larger  Epiftle, 
nor  Eufebius,  nor  Jerom  from  him  have  a  Syllable 
here  concerning  y^/^  at  all.  Now  that  this  Epi- 
ftle belongs  not  to  the  Afian,  but  to  the  Cilician 
Philadelfhia,  appears,  by  the  Arguments  follow- 

( I.  J  Ignatius  had  been  at  that  Philadelphia 
which  he  wrote  to ;  which  no  way  appears  to 
be  true  of  the  Afiatick,   but  could  hardly  be 


Epiftles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  77 

Otherwife  of  the  Cilician  Philadelphia,     iyj  «77a«f^  Sc£l.  j; 
viuv  f^^tTfxoy  Xu^y  rojjTxt  ^ei<fa'   fays  he  to  this 
Church ;  as  if  he  had  heen  among  them,  tho'  he 
had  not  found  any  Divifion  there,  .when  he  was 
among  them.     Thus  afterwards,  ik^v yaatt, -yl)  ^-m^u  ^^^- T - 
c!y'  when  I  was  with  you  Icryed  aloud.     And  again,  c  a  o 

heard  certain  Perfons  fay. But  to  them  I  reply  : 

Still  fuppofing  by  the  Objedion  and  his  Reply, 
that  he  had  been  at  this  Philadelphia^  and  there 
heard  fuch  things  faid  as  produced  the  Anfwer 
there  fet  down :  Which  yet  could  hardly  be  true 
of  the  Afiatick  Philadelphia^  at  400  Miles  Diftance 
from  Antioch. 

(2.)  Ignatius  had  not  only  been  at  this  PhiladeU 
fhiay  but  had  preached  publickly  there,  as  one 
that  had  Authority  fo  to  do.     iC,  ymcnv  Iv  on  IhcUtKn  Seft.  6. 
tv^fMu  'ivA  (Xi)  «V  ^fTVf/oK  ctuTB  KT^oznv^.    And  again, 

iKpcwytau.  yoLf  [jui'nx.^v  aV,  tKeLh^v  fxi}a\)f  ^a>if».      By  both  '  ^^ 

Paffages  implying  his  puhlick  Preaching  in  this 
Church,  and  that  with  great  Freedom  and  Boid- 
nefs  alfo,  like  one  that  was  executing  his  Fun- 
Aion  in  his  own  Diocefe,  or  Province,  or  rather 
Patriarchate ;  (  as  the  Jurifdic^ion  of  fuch  Pri- 
mary Bifhops  came  afterward  to  be  call'd  ;  tho* 
the  Authority  was  veiled  in  them  from  the  Be- 
ginning ;  )  which  could  not  well  be  true  of  the 
Afiatick  Philadelphia. 

(;J  Ignatius  had  not  only  heen  and  preach' d  at 
this  Philadelphia^  but  was  plainly  one  of  great 
Power  and  Authority  among  them  ;  Such  indeed  as 
he  could  not  have  any  where  out  of  his  own  Pa- 
triarchate. This  feems  to  me  to  be  undeniable 
from  the  following  Paflage,  which  is  alfo  in  all 
the  Copies  Larger  and  Smaller :  4f;t*p/5&  tJ  Oi^ ,  Se£l.  C. 

S'tA  *Im3"»  Xp/r»,   077  tv^uiJ$i<tH7ii  eifju  c#  t3(/tVy  jy  wt  *i^  vi 

fwxpJ,  w  Of  fMydha,    Than  which  Words  there  can- 

yS  A  U)i(fertation  upon  the 

not  be  defir'd  a  greater  Sign  of  Ignatim's  Power 
and  Authority  in  this  Church  of  Thlladelfhia. 

(4.)  The  whole  Tenor,  and  all  the  Circum- 
ftances  of  the  Epiftle,  do  beft  agree  to  the  CHi- 
^clanVhiladelfhta^  or  to  a  Church  under  j^w^fi«/s 
.Jurifdi(5i:ion,  and  to  the  Stile,  Nature,  and  Con- 
: tents  of  thofe  Epiftles  which  alone  belong  to 
'Places,  and  to  a  Perfon  under  the  lame  Jurifdi- 
.^iorih  I  mean  to  2jr/^x,  to  Antioch^  and  to  Hero; 
S  a  I  2  which  :fhall  be  hereafter  prov'd  to  be  Genuine 
2,.  *   '   *  alfo.     Thus  when  Ignatius  elfewhere  names  the 
Ad  Mag-  BifliOps^  ''Oneftmus  of  Efhefus^  Damas  of  Magmfia^ 
"^1*-  Tolyhl$fs\oi.TraUeSj  Poljcarp  o(  Smyrna^  znd  Vitus 

Ad  T^  II  ^^  fome  City  near  PhiUppi,    he  never  names  the 
Sea.  J .   '  Bifliop  of  this  Vhiladelfhia^  tho'  he  fpeaks  of  him ; 
AdSmyrn  no  more  than  he  does  the  Bifhop  of  Tarfits,  of 
Sea.  I  a.    whom  he  alfo  fpeaks.     Thus  when  he  infifts 
Ad  Polyc.  yj^uch  on  Domefiical  Duties  in  his  Shorter  Epiftles 
AdKk'ron  ^^  Tarfm^  and  to  Antioch,  and  but  a  little  in  thofe 
Sea.  8.     -Longer  ones  to  the  other  Churches ;  he  here 
Sea.  I.     enlarges  upon  them  very  particularly,  and  in- 
^i^v'^fi^^'  '^^^^  more  than  any  where  elfe.     Thus  does  he 
Sea.  4.     ^^^'^  feem  toufe  greater  Ereedom  of  Exhortati- 
5e<?Sea*.4.  on,  and  to  write  more  in  the  way  of  Authority, 
vith  id      than  he  does  ellfewhere  to  any,  but  thofe  under 
J^I^^'        his  own  Jurifdidion ;  and  indeed  ffill  feetns  to 
ad  Ant'     ^ddrefs  himfelf  to  them  in  a  Stile  more  affedi^ 
Sea.  II.    on  ate  and  familiar,  and  with  fewer  Commen- 
dations than  he  does  to  any 'Foreign  Churches. 
Thus  does  he  more  particularly  caution  thefe 
Sea.  6.      Philadelphians  againft  the  dangerous  Herefies  of 
thofe  Times,  particularly  againft  the  Doctrines 
of  Saturnine  the  Antiocbian  Ileretick,  than  he 
does  any  of  the  Afiatick  Churches ;  (which  were 
not  fo  much  under  his  Care,    and  were  indeed 
not  fo  near  the  Infection  of  that  Heretick  ;  )  as 
we  fhall  hereafter  obferve.     Thus  does  he  fpeak 
here  of  the  Sacred  Records,  or  Apoftolick  Con- 


Eftjlles  cf  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  79 

ftitutions,    more  diredly  and  fully  than  any  Seft.  7,?, 
where  elfe ,  as  belonging  peculiarly  to  Bifliops,  ^•• 
and  laid  up  in  their  Sacred  Anhi'ves ;  Nay^  and 
exhorts  thefe  Fhiladclpbians  to  be  content  with  (^Qj^^^jp 
the  Vublick  Gofpels ;    as  if   this  Church  had  not  l.  VII ' 
thole  Conftitutions  repofited  in  them,  which  yet  C.  46. 
were  reported  in  the  Afiatick  Philadelphia.     Thus  P-  3^4* 
he  expects  this  Church  fhould  chufe  a   Bifjop  to  ^'^^  ^^ 
go  to  Antiochy  as  fome  of  the  nearefl:  Churches  Seft!  10*. 
had  already  done ;  while  he  never  defires  the  A- 
fiatick  Churches  to  do  fo.     Thus  he  fpeaks  of 
Fhilo  a  Deacon  of  CiUciay  and  of  Agathopus  d. 
Deacon  of  Syria^  as  of  thofe  that^/ri/e  Tefiimony  SeCr.  ir. 
to  the  Church  of   Philadelphia;  which  exactly 
agrees  to  the  Cilician^  but  not  fo  well  to  the  Afi- 
atick Philadelphia ;  with  which  laft  thefe  Deacons 
could  fcarce  have  any  Concern.     Nay ,    he  I^^^- 
feems  to  imply,  that  he  had  formerly  fent  thofe 
Deacons  thither ;  and  that  tho'  the  Body  of  this 
Church  had  entertained  them  kindly,  yet  that 
fome  Members  thereof  had  treated  them  other- 
wife:    For  whofe  Repentance  and  Pardon  he 
here  heartily  wifties.     And  he  aifo  concludes 
the  whole  with  informing  them  how  kindly  he  jbij. 
had  been  taken  care  of  by  the  Churches  of  Ephe- 
fm  and  Smyrna  ;  and  had  had  Burrhus  a  Deacon 
fent  jointly  by  them  with  him  to  Troas^  to  mini- 
Her  to  him ;  by  whom  he  fent  the  Epiftles  he 
now  wrote  from  that  place :  Which  Account, 
and  all  the  foregoing  Particulars  are  much  niicre 
natural,  if  referr'diro  the  Cilician^    than  to  the 
Afian  Philadelphia.     And  I  fuppofe,    thofe  that 
fhall  be  forc'd  to  aJlow  that  this  Epiftle  was  fent 
not  to  the  latter,  but  to  the  former  City  ;  and 
by  Confequence  that  the  Larger  Copy  of  it  is 
alone  Genuine,  will  not  dowbt  but  the  reft  of 
the  Larger  Copies  are  alone  Genuine  alfo. 

VIIL  I  fliall 

8o  A  Dt^ertation  upon  the 

VIII.  I  fliall  now  confider  the  Nature  of  the 
Smalkr  Epiftles ;  fhall  ihew  that  they  are  Ex- 
trails  or  Ahridgments  of  the  Larger;  that  they 
are  Orthodox  ExtraBs,  or  made  for  the  Ufes  of 
Orthodoxy  after  the  Fatal  Alteration  of  the 
Faith  was  begun  in  the  Fourth  Century :  And 
(hall  enquire  more  exadly  at  what  Tiwcy  and  by 
whom  they  were  made.  All  which  I  fhall  do 
under  the' following  Obfervations. 

(i.)  I  obferve^  that  thefe  Smaller  Epiitles  are 
an  ExtraB  or  an  Ahridgment  of  the  Larger.  This 
is  very  plain  upon  the  Comparifon :  And  I  have 
therefore  printed  both  the  Copies,  that  the 
Reader  might  be  the  better  able  to  judge  himfelf 
of  this  and  the  like  Matters  fairly  all  the  way. 
The  Words  of  the  Larger,  where  they  are  ftiort, 
and  not  inconfiftent  with  the  Purpofe  of  the  A- 
bridger,  are  commonly  fet  down  verbatim  in  the 
Smaller :  But  where  they  are  Large,  or  belong 
to  any  Matter  not  agreeable  to  his  Purpofe, 
they  are  commonly  quite  omitted.  The  Citati- 
ons, whether  from  the  Apoftolical  Conftitutions, 
or  even  from  the  known  Books  of  the  New  Te- 
jftament,  are  generally  omitted  alfo  ;  which  cer- 
tainly could  not  be  fo  in  thofe  Original  Sermons, 
or  Religious  Exhortations  of  Ignatius,  which 
Eufebius  informs  us  thefe  Epiftles  were  generally 
derived  from.  So  that  we  muft  allow  the  Smaller 
to  be  only  an  Epitome,  inftead  of  fuppofing  the 
Larger  to  be  Interpolations  ;  unlefs  we  will 
imagine,  that  Ignatius's  Days  were  like  ours  ^ 
when  Difcourfes,  even  from  the  Pulpit,  are  fre- 
quently ftil'd  Sermons,  while  yet  there  are  no 
Quotations  from  the  Sacred  Books  of  our  Reli- 
gion at  all ;  perhaps  fcarce  any  either  Dodrines, 
Duties,  or  Motives,  proper  and  peculiar  to  Chri- 
ftianity  concerned  therein.     But  certainly  this 


Epijlles  (?/ Ignatius.  8i 

Heathenifli  Ciiftom  was  notarifen  fo  early  in  the 
Church  ;  nor  were  bare  Human  Reafonings,  or 
Prophane  Authority  of  any  value  then  in 
Divine  Matters.  When  indeed  little  elfe  but 
Sacred  Teftimonies^  with  plain  Inftrudions^ 
and  ferious  Exhortations  from  them,  appeared 
in  the  Sermons  made  in  the  folemn  Affemblies 
of  the  Faithful.  And  that  thefe  Shorter  Epiftles 
are  no  more  than  an  Epitome,  appears  ilill  far- 
ther by  the  Omiffion  of  fuch  PalTages  as,  of  all 
the  refl",  feem  moft  peculiar  to  Ignatiuj^  and 
could  not  probably  be  written  by  any  body  but 
himfelf:  Several  fuch  Examples  have  been  al- 
ready produced ;  and  Two  or  Three  more  fliall 
be  here  added.  Of  this  Sort  are  thefe  Words  to 
the  Ephefiansy  <^t  «\  ciyi>^tco/jh>'(^  h^ia^v  S'i'  av  ^A<pej  Se£l.  9. 

xp/r&T  'i/t^-K*  which  are  a  noble,  a  natural,  an  af- 
fectionate Allufion  to  PatiPs  own  Words  to  the 
fame  Efhejians,  and  moft  agreeable  to  his  own  ^^°'  '*  '* 
Biftiop  Ignatius.     Of  the  fame  Sort  are  thefe  that  ^  «  ^^ 
follow  in  the  fame  Epiftle ;  T^Lc^Mei^  y,  \y^'  cd^.o. 

ia^  -ry  cu^cirQ-  "lyjcCTja,  k^d^^i.    And  not  unlike  to 
thofe  is  this  following  Allufion  to  the  particular 
Do6lrine  of  the  Jmiochian  Heretick  Satummus^ 
who  afferted  Two  Kinds  of  Men,  Good  and  Bad^ 
made  by  thofe  Angels  to  whom  he  afcrib'd  the 
Creation  of  the  World:  Of  which  he  fays  thus;   .^  .^^ 
tf  J)jo  ®uV«?  clv^co^nov  Kiya"  z.  r.  A.     Thefe  and  the  ^^^ 
like  Examples  feem  to  me  plain  Signs,  that  Part  Seft.  5. 
of  the  Genuine  Epiftles  are  left  out  in  the  Smal- 
ler ;  and  that  by  Confequence  they  are  nothing 
more  in  their  own  Nature,  than  an  Abridgment, 

(2.)  I  obfcrve,  in  Confirmation  of  the  former  ^ 

AlTertion,  th^t  thak  Two  Epi/I-lesy  and  thofe  W/, 
which  were  fent  on  quite  different  Deligns  front 
the  reft,  and  which  were  not  drawn  from  any 

G  .    Sermons 


82  jl  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

Sermons orReligiousExhortations  to  theChurch- 
es,  and  fo  did  not  originally  contain  the  fame 
Account  of  the  Chriilian  Doctrines,  nor  equally 
quote  the  Conftitutions  and  the  Scripture  with 
the  reft^  have  the  leaft  Alterations  or  Omiffions 
of  any :  I  mean  that  to  the  Romans^  and  that  to 
Tolycarp ;  as  is  very  eafy  to  note  upon  theCom- 
parifon.  This  Obfervation  at  once  proves,  that 
the  Smaller  Epiftles  are  no  other  than  anAbridg- 
ment ;  and  no  other  than  an  Orthodox  Abridg- 
ment ^fo.  For  furely  thefe  Two  Epiftles  vi^ere 
capable  enough  of  Addition  and  Interpolation^  had 
that  been  the  Cafe  here ;  but  becaufe  there  is  no 
Sign  that  it  was  fo,  and  becaufe  thefe  Epiftles 
alone,  by  their  very  Nature  and  Occafions,  had 
little  that  offended  the  Orthodox,  our  Abridger 
had  little  Caufe  to  make  Alterations  therein.  I 
defire  the  Admirers  of  the  Smaller  Epiftles  to 
give  a  clear  Account  of  the  vifible  Difference 
there  is  in  this  Matter  between  thofe  Two  Epi- 
ftles, and  the  other  Five. 

(%.)  I  obferve  farther,  that  if  the  Three  Addi- 
tional Epiftles  be  Genuine,  there  is  no  room  to 
doubt  in  this  Matter  :  They  being  plainly  of  the 
Larger  Sort  ;  and  do  equally  quote  the  Scripture, 
and  the  Conftitutions,  and  favour  AriarAfm  with 
them  ;  and  do  never  appear  to  have  had  any  of 
the  Smaller  Sort  to  correfpond  to  them.  Nay, 
if  we  fliould  fuppofe  them  not  to  be  Genuine, 
yet,  being  by  all  Tokens  exceeding  Ancient,  they 
will  imply  that  their  Author,  when  he  fo  exact- 
ly imitated  Ignatius ,  and  had  a  mind  to  pafs  for 
him,  counterfeited  the  Larger  Epiftles  only  ;  as 
knowing  then  of  no  other  genuineCopy  of  them, 
the  fame  is  in  like  Manner  confirmed  by  that 
plainly  Spurious  one  to  the  PhiUppians  •  (  to  fay 
nothing  of  the  grofler  Forgeries  befides ; ) 
which  feems  to  me  very  Ancient  alfo;  and  is  in 


Epjlles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  $.  8^ 

Imitation  of  the  farrf.e  Larger  EpI (lies  only.  This 
Obfervation,  as  well  as  the  foregoing^  is  of  no 
fmail  Weight  and  Confidcration  in  the  prefent 

(4,)  I  obferve ,  which  is  the  principal  Thing 
of  all^  that  thefe  Smaller  Epiftlcs  are  dircdly 
Orthodox  Extfatls,  or  made  for  the  Ufc^  of  Or^ 
thodoxyy  after  the  Fatal  Alteration  of  the  Faith 
was  begun  in  the  Fourth  Century :  When  the 
Corrupters  of  the  Original  Doclrines  of  the 
Gofpel;,  were  in  fuch  mighty  Want  for  Ancient 
Teftimonies  to  fupport  their  Novel  Notions  and 
Decrees;  and  when  fo  great  a  Part  of  the  Wri- 
ters on  the  Side  of  the  Orthodox  began  to  be 
employ 'd  in  Abridging,  Corrupting,  and  Inter- 
polating the  Original  Books  of  our  Religion. 
For  now  it  was  that  either  New  Texts  of  Scri- 
pture Were  fram'd,  or  the  Old  ones  alter'd  and 
Interpolated  by  the  Athanapans ;  infomuch^  that 
there  are  very  few  Texts  in  the  whole  New-Te- 
ftament  ^  upon  which  thofe  Controverlies  do 
much  depend,  but  there  is  either  a  Certainty  or 
llrong  Sufpicion  that  they  have  been  otherwife 
read,  fince  the  Fourth  Century,  than  they  were 
before.-  For  which  I  a;ppeal  to  Dr.  Mills\  inefti- 
mable  Colledion  of  the  various  Readings.  And 
1  therefore  beg  of  the  Honefl  and  Chriftian 
Readers,  that  in  Difputes  of  this  Nature  they 
take  care  ever  to  diftinguifh  between  thofe  Co- 
pies, A'erfions,  and  Citations,  which  are  Anci- 
enter  than  AthanafiMs^  and  thofe  which  are  later  ; 
if  they  defire  to  go  on  fure  grounds,  and  would 
really  know  what  were  the  Original  Words  of 
the  Sacred  Pen-men  themfelvesy  as  to  thefe 
Matters.  Now  alfo  was  it-,  that  the  Conftituti- 
ons  of  the  Apoftles  were  abridg'd  and  alter'd  for 
the  Ufes  of  the  Church  of  Ethiopia;  and  that,  I 
G  2  think,' 

84.  A  T)i[fertatton  upon  the 

think,    by  or  under  Athanajius  himfelf :    And 

therein  rill  that  Chriftian  Faith  which  wasagainft 

his  Modern  Orthodoxy,    was  entirely  omitted, 

and  the  rell  moft  injudicioufly  and  aukwardly 

Ludolph.  Epitomiz'd.     Which  miferable   Abridgment  is 

Com-  ^      f^iu  entire  in  Etbiopick ,  and  Part  of  it  preferv'd 

K^^  JE    ^^  Greek  to  this  Day.     Now  it  was  that  the  Ori- 

thiop.    "   ginal  Liturgy  of  ChrilHans  was  alfo  alter'd,  and 

L  III.      made  to  comply  with  the  later  ov  Athanafian  Do- 

C.  4-         drine  of  the  Trinity  ;   and  that  by  no  lefs  Per- 

S^ti  '°(5     ^^^^  ^^^^  -^^fi^^  ^^^  Chrjfoftom:  And  the  Apoftles 
^^^/  ^  '    Creed  and  Doxology  themfelves  were  alter'd  to 
the  prefent  Form,  to  confront  the  Avians.  Now 
were  Athan^jtusy     Eufehius  Vercellenfis  ^    Ruffinus^ 
Jerom^  Hilary^  and  others  employ'd  in  tranfcri- 
bing  fo  much  out  of  Origen  and  Eufebiusy  thofe 
truly  Learned  Men  of  the  old  Chriftian  Perfua- 
fion,  as  might  fupply  the  Neceffities  of  their 
Party,   without  the  Danger  of  lofing  their  Or- 
thodoxy in  the  Perufal  either  of  the  Originals , 
or  of  entire  Tranflations.    For  great  Care  was 
taken  to  clear  them  all  along  of  their  old  Chri- 
ftianity  in  thefe  Matters,  and  to  make  them  not 
inconfiftent  with  the  Athanafian  Scheme.    Nay, 
this  Management  foon  became  fo  common,  and 
of   fuch  good  Reputation,    that  it  was  rather 
pleaded  for  as  meritorious.     Hear  Jixoms  own 
Adv  Vi-  Words  upon  this  Occafion,  when  iome  blam'd 
gllant.    '  him  for  coming  into  fuch  a  Pradice :   Si  igitur , 
Op.Tom.  fays  he,  qua  bona  [unttranftuliy  d^  mala  'i/g/<^wp«- 
II.p.  ^i-,  ^^<^./^    W  correxiy   'vel  tacuiy    arguendus  fumy    cur 
3  13.  Edit.  j^^^^J  j^y  ^g  Latini  bona  ejm  {Origenis]  habeanty  & 
mala  ignorent  ?  Si  hoc  crimen  efty  arguatur  d^  confef- 
for   Hilarlm ;  .qui  Vfalmorum   interpret ationeWy    & 
Homilias  in  Job  ex  Libris  ejm ,  id  efi  ex   Graco  in 
Latinum  tranfiulit.      Sit  in  culfa  ejufdem  co7ifeffioms 
Vercellenfis  ;    qui    omnium  Vfalmorum   Commentarios 
haretici  bominls  [Eufebii  C<efarienfs']  vertit  in  no- 



Epijiles  of  Ignatius.  85 

firum  elo^tiitfm  ;  licet  h^cretlca  p-^termhtens^  optlm-a 
qua/jue  tranflulerit.  Taceo  de  Vicforino  PiHavionenfi, 
d^  caterts  qui  Originem^  in  exvlanatione  duntaxat 
fcrifturarumy  feculijunty  (ir  exprtfferujJt  \  ne  nontam 
me  defenderey  quam  focios  criminis  njidear  qnxrere. 
Now  alfo  it  was^  that  the  ignorant  Athan.iftans 
Abus'd  or  Anathematiz'd  the  fame  more  Learned 
ArianSy  Orlgen,  and  Eufehius ;  aild  thofe  truly 
extraordinary  Perfons^  who  in  their  own  Times 
were  juftly  look'd  upon  by  the  Church  as  the 
greatell  Lights  fhe  had^  could  fcarcely  afterward 
be  efteemed  Chriftians.  Now  it  was  that  Antho- 
njy  that  great  Athnnafian^  introduc'd  his  Novel 
Scheme  of  Ignorance  and  Monkery  into  'E^gj^^  ; 
and  there  either  pretended  to^,  or  really  per- 
form'd  thofe  Wonders  of  a  Lye,  which  wrought  ^-t-l  r  • 
p'o?2g  Deht/tonsy  and  Eftablifh'd  Orthodoxy  there 
beyond  Recovery.  An  Account  of  which  Mi- 
racles Athanafim  has  given  us ;  fuch  an  one  as  I 
believe  cloys  the  Stomach  of  all  the  truly 
Learned  and  Judicious  that  read  it.  Now  alfo 
did  Gregory  NiJ/evy  or  fome  body  under  his  Name, 
tell  us  ft-ange,  and  till  then  unheard-of  Won- 
ders of  Gregory  of  Neocafarea  ;  and  among  the 
reft^  of  an  Orthodox  Creed  given  to  him  by 
John  the  Evangeliftj  and  the  Virgin  Mary,  to 
confront  the  Apoftles  Creed  y  and  other  moft 
Ancient  Confeffions  of  the  Chriftian  Faith  ; 
which  did  not  feem  favourable  enough  to  the 
prefent  Dodrines  of  the  Church.  And  now^  I 
believe  y  it  was  that  the  Genuine  Epiftles  of  Ig- 
natius were  thus  imperfedly  abridged;,  and  wick- 
edly interpolated  ^  as  being  themjelves  moft 
plainly  for  the  Arians  again  ft  the  Athanafians ; 
and  appealing  fo  often  to  the  Apoftolical  Con- 
ftitutions^  thofe  moft  Sacred  y^HuviK/a,  of  Chrifti- 
anity,  which  ftill  lay  in  the  Archives  of  the  A- 
poftolical  Churches,   as  unconteftably  on  the 

G  ;  fame 

86  A  T^ijfertation  upon  the 

fame  Side  alfo.  And  that  this  was  the  true  Oc- 
cafion  in  general  of  this  Forgery^  for  fo  I  make 
bold  to  call  it^  is  very  plain,  by  thofe  OmiffionSj 
thofe  numerous  and  remarkable  Omiffions  made 
in  the  Smaller  Copies.  Which  PafTages  are 
commonly  fo  home  and  decretory  againft  the 
jdtbanafijjis  ,  that  no  Wonder  this  Athanafian 
Abridger  left  them  out;  tho'  they  generally 
contain'd  nothing  but  the  plain  and  undifputed 
Language  and  Expreffions  of  moft  Primitive 
Chriflianity.  Infomuch  that^  excepting  his 
once  dropping  the  Words,  o  \v>.oyimi  «?  tb?  euava$^ 
apply'd  to  our  Saviour  in  the  Larger  Copy,  and 
not  inferted  into  the  Smaller,  probably  from  his 
VIII  g^^^ei'^^  KnX^  of  omitting  the  Citations  from 
Q^  j^,  '  the  Conftitutions,  of  which  this  is  one  ;  I  do 
p^'404.  not  remember  any  hereto  relating  omitted  in 
the  whole,  but  fuch  as  feem  to  favour  the  Arians^ 
and  to  condemn  the  AtfMnafians.  Of  which- 
Matter  the  Reader  will  eafily  judge  from  his 
own  Comparifon  of  the  feveral  Copies  in  the 
prefent  Edition  of  them.  But  that  I  may  not 
feem  to  pronounce  Sentence  without  fufficient 
Evidence,  I  will  now  produce  other  more  cer- 
tain Charaders,  that  this  Smaller  Copy  was  de- 
fign'd  againil  the  Arlans\  by  alledging  Paffages 
peculiar  to  the  fame  Smaller  Copy,  and  fo  ijiter^ 
polated  on  purpofe  to  ferve  the  Caufe  of  the 
Athamfians  againil  them.  Of  which  Matter 
take  the  Inftances  following. 
-  (i.)  Thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  moft  frequently 
change  the  other  commoner  Names  of  our  Sa- 
viour into  God ;  as  if  they  would  in  a  manner 
equal  him  to  the  Supreme  God  himfelf.  Thus  ^ 
AdSmyrn  ^&^^^  "U^'^v  Xexshv  t-  Qi'qv,  u?  ^av^ova^  0£«Xe/?».  hf 
Seer         ,  ^      cTs      \»T     ~  xr      "      -'  ^  -*  «    ~  X 

Ad  Enh      '^-^"/"^T?  '^  ^^^f,  >i)  I>tjr»   Xeera,   T6  ©sk  w^&j/.      fxttajTUt 

Prcef  tfJ'TE<   068,   dpa.^coTiufn'^Tif   iv  cufxuv  0£«.    h  cu^hf  "^^o- 

Seft.  '.7.  f^Q- Q^Qi^      oSio^^fAiuy  oii.vo(po^yi^'^^  f^eicc^f^' ^l^y  d- 
oe6k,  18.  ^el^H 

Eftftles  of  Ignatius.  87 

^el^t?  05«  'l^7»  X^/r«.  Iv  'Infl"»  Xf/rw^  ttJ  Giw  jj,^^p'.  Ad  Trail* 
0  ^  02of  «,a6~;/  'i>;cr«>'  x?/?t;V.  Befides  Others,  where  ^^  'p^^'j^^ 
one  would  think  this  Abridger  meant  Chrift  by  prccf.§.  3'. 
the  Word  God,  fingly  and  ablolutely  taken ;  iuch  AdSmym 

-znif^t  TM  Qi(7  ;)^h3,  &;c.  What  can  be  the  Mean-  ^^^  °  ^^' 
ing  of  fo  often  changing  the  ufual  Words ,  and  ^d  Rom. 
fo  frequently  calling  Chrift  God  ;  fo  much  more  Scft.  9- 
frequently,  I  mean,  than  the  Scriptures,  or  any 
other  Remains  of  the  Apoftolical  Age  do ;  but 
to  ferve  the  Turns  of  the  Athanafians,  who  were 
then  bufy  in  advancing  the  Divinity  of  our 
13lcired  Saviour  above  the  Ancienter  Chriftian. 
Dodrine  in  that  Matter  ?  Now  this  cannot  in 
Reafon  be  llippos'd  to  be  Omiffion  in  the  Larger 
Epiftles;  lince  they  Hill  call  our  Saviour  God^  as 
often,  and  in  the  lame  Manner  as  the  Firft  Chri- 
ftians  did  ;  but  muft  be  Inter polatio7i  in  the  Smal- 
ler :  And  lb  muft,  in  all  probability,  have  been 
defign'd  for  the  Purpofes  of  the  Athanafians  in 
t  le  Fourth  Century. 

(2.)  The  fame  Smaller  Epiftles  not  only  feve- 
ral  times  avoid  the  Ancient  Language  about  the 
Holy  Ghoft,  as  it  is  contain'd  in  the  Larger^  Ad  Eph. 
but  thrice  diredly  omit  that  undoubted  Expref-  Seft.  21. 
fion  of  the  Church,  iywdl^j.cfma.ylu^     Which  very  ^la^o"'' 
well   agrees  v/ith   the  Athancilians^    when  they  ^^Jphibd. 
chang'd  the  Original  Doxology  in  that  Age.        Sed.  n. 

(:>.)  Theie  Smaller  Epiftles  have  plain  Marks 
of  the  Atbaizafian  Doctrine  of  the  Trinity,  by 
introducing  twice,   very  clofely  and  necdiefly, 

thefe  Words  ;    ov  uw,   ^9  cy  zxtrs^'^  Kj  Iv  7r>i^y-a,n'   with    Ad^  Mag- 

the  iame  Particle  to  each  Peribn  :  And  the  Son  "^^*  ^'  ^3* 
in  the  lirft  place.  And  ^J^f/r©,  ^  WmtTSi,  «)  ^--i 
in^ijicf.ji^  with  the  lame  Article  to  every  one,  and 
the  Son  again  in  the  hrft  place :  While  all  thole 
Noble  Texts  in  the  Larger  Copy,  where  the 
Three  Divine  Peribns  are  diftindtly  enivnerated, 
G  J.  vvich 

88  AT)ij[ertation  upon  the 

with  proper  Hints  of  the  due  Subordination  and 
Inferiority  of  the  Son  and  Spirit ,  are  entirely 
omitted.  And  thofe  laft  mentioned  Words  of 
theirs  follow  fuch  others,  as  plainly  fhew  the 
fame  Defign  :  •v^tw^^wts  rrJi  omo-Zo'Trtp^  i^  am^ao/?^  ui 

:i^  nJ  Tutreiy   jy  ttJ^  'srvdL'f^Tj.      Whence   came  the 
Words  y^-m  avi^vs'  in  this  Place  ?  fince  they  are 
not  in  even  the  Larger  Copy;    but  to  guard 
againft  that  ancient  and  undoubted  Chriftian 
Doctrine  that  Chrift^  even  as  to  his  Divinity, 
was  ever  obedient  to  his  heavenly  Father;  Which 
began  now  to  be  difrelifh'd  by  the  Athanafians  : 
and  to  bring  in  the  Holy  Spirit^   in  common 
with  the  Father  and  the  Son ,  as  the  Lord^  and 
God,  and  Governor  of  Chriftians  ;  contrary  to 
all  the  frril  Books  of  our  Religion  befide. 
Ad  Ph'l  -       ^4-''^  Thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  do  not  only  leave 
delph/      o^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  Noble  Teftimony  in  the  Larger, 
Sea.  6.     which  flievvs  that  the  Son  of  God  had  no  Hu- 
man Soul,  and  that  the  a6;j^?  inftead  thereof  in- 
habited in  a  Human  Body,  but  their  Author  puts 
in  one  Paffage ,  as  it  were  on  purpofe,  to  con- 
tradidl:  that  Arian  or  Chriilian  Notion  :    For  fo 
.  ,c^  does  he  affert  of  our  Saviomr,  't^  Ti^tia  dv^caTni 

Se£t.  4.  i/jo^^^'  That  he  was  a  compleat  or  perfe^  Man  ; 
which  Words,  tho' capable  of  a  true  Senfe,  yet 
feem  here  to  refer  to  the  later  Notion  of  a  Hu- 
man Rational  Soul  in  Chrift,  contrary  to  the 
Original  Doctrine  of  the  Gofpel.  Thefe  Four 
Characters  do  plainly  enough  fhew,  that  thefe 
Smaller  Epiftles  were  intended  againft  the  Arians, 
and  for  that  Orthodoxy  which  arofe  in  the 
Fourth  Century ;  and  that  under  the  Condud 
chiefly  of  Marcellus  and  Athanafius,  But  then, 
chey  do  not  diftinctly  fliew  who  was  their  Au- 
thor ;  at  what  exa6l  Time  they  were  forg'd  ;  nor 
whether  their  Copipiler  belong'd  more  properly 

Eftftles  ^/Ignatius.  89 

to  Marcellus  or  to  Athana(ius.     For   tho'   thefe 
Two  Hereticks  were  all  along  intimate  Friends, 
and  joint  bitter  Enemies  to  the  Ariavs ;    nay 
and,  in  the  main,  of  the  very  llime  Doctrine  in 
thefe  Matters ;  yet  were  they  efteem'd  fo  far  fe- 
parate  Men,  and  their  refpedlive  Followers  fe- 
parate  Parties ;  and  did  ufe  fome  fuch  different 
Phrafes,  Terms  of  Art,  and  Diftindions,  that 
while  the  one  has  commonly  pafs'd  in  the  later 
Ages  for  a  fernkiom  Heretic k,  the  Other  has  been 
efteem'd  the  grand  Fountain  and  Standard  of  Or- 
thodoxy ;  becaufe  the  Phrafes,  Terms,  and  Diftin- 
(Stions  of  the  one  fell  to  the  ground,  and  were 
rejeded  ;    while  thofe  of  the  other  prevail'd  in 
the  following  Ages,  and  did  thereby  become  Ortho- 
dox.     Now  in  this  Cafe  I  venture  to  affirm,  that 
the  Smaller  Epiftles  have  molt  plain  Characters 
of  the  peculiar  Dodrines,   Phrafes,  and  Lan- 
guage of  Marcellus ;  and  fo  were,  in  all  proba- 
bility, compos'd  or  extraded  by  him,  or  fome 
of  His  peculiar  Followers.     At  leaft,  if  Athanafi- 
usy  or  any  of  his  peculiar  Followers  did  it,  it 
muft  have  been  before  there  was  any  confidera- 
ble  Difference  in  their  Notions  and  Language 
in  thefe  Matters.     Now  that  we  may  know  the 
real  Opinions  of  Marcellus^  I  fhall  not  only  re- 
fer to  diftind  PafTages  in  the  Margin,  but  Ihall 
here  give  the  Reader  an  Authentick  Account  of 
them,  and  that  in  the  Words  of  the  Learned 
Montfaucon,  the  principal  Patron  of  this  Marcel- 
lus  in  our  Age.      Jam  ex  Eufebio  ipfo,  fays  he,  ^ul  Diatrlb. 
contra  Mar  cell  urn  fcrip/it ,  Icca  adferamus  ad  MarceU  ^^  ^^^^. 
lianam  illam  hareCin  intellWendam  opportuna.      Ah  ^^^^^\' 
ttaq-^^  Hanc  ejje  Marcelh  opimonemy   Verhum/ilens  an-  ]q^^^q^^ 
te  Great lonem  in  Patre  fuiffcy  Unum  cum  D&o  Patre,  Tom.  II. 
Sempiternum^  dicDoVy  non  genitum^  ita  ut  Pater  qui-  Pr^fat. 
dem  &  Filius  di-verfis  nominihus  efferantur^  fed  Unum  P*  5^' 
tamen  fint  ejjentia  &  hypofiafi :  ioia.  'j  '^  \zr>^a^  %v  oy- 


9Q  A  ^ijfertation  upn  the 

TO.,  TJti  Sahellius  docuit,  Vcrhum  item  ante  emijjio-' 
nem  ejje  Jimile  ^verbo  nofiro  filenti ;  ouotov  rcl  Iv  rfjuiv 
eiuTmvTj'  cum  emittitur  ^ero  ad  oferationem  eJJe  fimil^ 
'verho  nofiro  cum  loqulmur,  Illud  porro  Verhum  cum 
carmm  adfumffit  tmic  Filium  Dei  faclum  fmjfe  ,  "Je^ 
fum  Chrifium  "vocatumy  Regemq'^  affellatum^  item 
imaginem  Dei  in^ifiblUsy  &"  frimogenitum  omnis  cre^ 
atura,  Nihil  autem  honim  frius  extitijfe  ;  ac  fofi 
judicium  h^c  omnia  amij]urum  eJje.  Iffumq'^  nudum 
ejje  Verhum  humano  jimile,  non  autem  Filium  ejfe  Dei 
'vi'uum  d^  fubjifientem  :  Non  fuijje  Dei  imaginem  an^ 
tequam  homo  fieret,  Exifientiam.,  vTm^itv,  d^ -^^sa.- 
Gtv  Filii  Dei  tollere  Marcellum  ait ;  ac  dicere  if  fum  fu^ 
ijj'e  nudum  folummodo  'verhum  ad  jujja  exequenda, 
J\4arcellum  item,  qui  in  Sabellium  innjehitur  ,  SabeU 
Ho  faria  [entire  ;  qui'Patrem  &'  Verhum  Unum  ejfe  di- 
cat  •  ipfumq'^  tres  v3jD9xc7?y?  negare,  d^  Unam  wogaOTy 
Tei'TT^pc^jiTDV  iy  Teiuvvuov^  id  efi,  Subftantiam  tri-per- 
fonalem  S5  trinominem  dicere.  This  is  Eufebius's 
Account  of  the  Matter ,  and  well  agrees  with 
the  other  Original  Accounts  befide.  Where^  by 
the  way;,  we  may  fee  how  very  near  our  Modern 
Orthodoxy  is  to  the  infamous  Herefies  of  SaheU 
Urn  and  Marcellm,  I  defire  Dr.  Ca^u.e,  Dr.  Grabe^ 
and  the  other  Learned  among  the  Orthodox,  to 
fhew  us  plainly  and  clearly  the  Difference  be- 
tween them.  But  let  us  now  prove  ^  that  thefe 
very  Do6lrines,  e'very  one  of  thefe  'uerj  Dotlrines  of 
Mareellus  are  contained  in  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles ; 
and  that  in  fuch  parts  of  them  as  are  peculiar  to 
::,h;;  them,  and  not:  taken  out  of  the  Larger^,  nay, 
in  dired  Oppofition  to  the  Dodrines  contain'd 
in  the  Larger.     And, 

(i.)  We  have  already  feen  that  thefe  Small 
Epiftles  are  diredly  level'd  againft  the  Jrians  all 
along.  Now  Mareellus  is  well  known  to  have 
been  a  violent  Enemy  to,  and  Writer  againft  the 

(2.)  MarctU 

Efljlles  oflGKATlVS.  91 

(2.)  Marcellus  alTerted  ^  that  Chrift  was  God's  Conrr. 
bare  IVord^  firjft  Silent,  and  then  Vocal ;  that  there  ^^{^q' ^ 
was  an  vsv^U,  or  (nyt)  in  God  before  his  Emiffion  ;  p '  "^  ^ 
and  that  he  did  "z^saQ^i/^  in  a  particular  Manner  C.4.p.  19. 
proceed  out  of   God  ;  inftead  of  fuppofing    he  ^^-  P'^i- 
was  begotten  or  created  by  him.     See  how  exactly  |^*^"*  ^^ 
this  entire  Doctrine  is  in  thcfe  Smaller  Epiftles,  Cj'njnl 
in  Oppofition  to  the  Chriftian  Dodrine  in  the  41,  42. 

Larger  :  hi  iv  J)Jb.-A.cLK(Q-^  S<  elTiw  y^  4'>S}J«'n>'  jy  a  ai'^uv  0  ^d  Ep^' 

Sty^  tTuiJco^  >y  't  \](w^(is  ^-^  dLK^iHv'  ivcL  TiKaQ- 11.  'tva,  St  cuv 

^TttTsi  «r.  r  for  o^vi'ttOeiV,  in  the  Larger  1  x)  iv  tea«   .  ,  ,, 
,    ,  r  ,  ^  /    ,      -  V      vv    ,  ,s  X  -•    rr^  Ad  Mag- 

'^icl'Ui@-y  ^K,  anr^  (ny7)<  '^^cASjjV.      o  j^  ,'^05  w^j/  'luja^   ^^  Rom; 

(;.)  Marcellus ^ff^rttd,  that  this  Word  was  not  l  j  c  , 
^  later  -pcoi^Jjcn^ ,  the  Third  or  Fourth  in  order,  p'5* 
which  proceeded  from  the  Father  after  number-  L.  11.  C.i. 
I'efs  Ages  were  over,  as  the  hoyQ-  of  th&  Valentin  P-  3^. 
?iians  was  iiippos'd  to  do  ;   but  that  it  v/as  his  a.i-      ^'  « 
S'tQ>-KQy><;,  God's  Eternaly  ov  CoeterjialiVcrd.    This  ^' ^ 
\ve  have  juft  now  feen  to  be  the  exprefs  Doctrine 
of  the  Smaller  Epiftles  alio. 
.  (4.)  Marcellus  alTerted,    that  this  Word  was 
therefore  06 :^5JrriT@-,  not  only  Eternal  but  t/w^^^<?/- ^  _ 
ten.     This  we  have  alfo  formerly  feen  is  the  ex-  p*  *    '  ^' 
prefs  Dcclrine  of  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles,    and  c  4. 
that  in  a  PalTage  cited  with  Approbation  by  P- 3  3»  2<r, 
Marcellus^s  own  Friend  Athanafins,     So  that  their  z^- 
DoArines  hitherto  are  very   much  the  fame,     \^     '* 
finQe  they  both  agreed  that  our  Saviour  was  dUt-  c.l.  p.35, 
@-,  -&  J.^vwtQ-,  Eternal,  and  Unhcgotten, 

(j.)  MarcelUs  afferted,  that  therefore  this  Word  L.  I.  C.  i. 
ofGcd  was  not  the  Son  of  God,  the  Begotten  of  God^  P-  ^^ 
OX  the  Firfi'hpr?;^  of  every  Creature ,  till  his  Incar-     '  f 


9^^  A  7)iJ[ertation  upon  the 

L.II.  C.T.  nation  by  the  Virgin  Alarj.    This  is  alfo  ever 
p.  3^&c.  fuppQ5'(j  in  the  Smaller  Epiftles ;  where,  as  we 
p.  3  /,  5cc.  have  now  feen,  tho'  he  is  allow'd  td  be  in  the  Fa- 
C.  3.         ther,  yet  ^  t5Ac<  Itpdvyiy   it  was  not  till  the  latfer 
p.  43,&c.  £^j  of  the  World,  when  hQ  appeared  out  of  him. 
Nor  do  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  give  us  the  leaft 
Sign  of  any  Sonfliip  or  Generation  till   the  Incar- 
nation.    And  'tis  worth  obferving,  how  nicely 
the  Abridger  avoids  the  known  Do6i:rine  to  the 
contrary  all  along ;  while  yet  the  Larger  Epiftles, 
which  he  abridged,  do  every  where  fpeak  of  his 
Generation  before  the  World.    But  this  has  been 
p.  1$.  &c.  formerly  obferv'd. 

^jrius.  (5^)  Marcellus  fpake  of  a  particular  Union  be- 

•'•  twcen  Chrift  and  his  Father:  as  if  he  were  in 

t  li.  C.I.  fome  unintelligible  Manner  0??^  with  him.  This 

f.^%.        is  alfo  the  exprefs  Dodrine  of  thefe  Smaller  E- 

AdSmyrn  nifties :   M^Ttt  q  r  dLvdgttciv  <Twk'pcty.v  ehj-m^  )u^  frm/^-miv^ 
ntf.  ^''  °  y-^^'^  ^^^  '^  77a'5?V  »AV  i7wh<7iyy  Yivatfj^f^  «yV*  h.,  t. 

ibid.  (^,)  Marcellus  alferted,  that  after  the  Day  of 

/•  d  Rom.  Judgment  this  TVord^  which  was  in  God  at  firft, 

*L  I  c' I    would  r^f?<r;?  into  him  again,  and  become,  as  it 

p.  r,.      '  was  before,  his  inward  or  filent  W^ord  ;  and  no 

L ir.  C.  I.  longer  be  diftind  from  him  :  W^iich  time  there- 

V  3  2'3j»  fore  was  to  put  an  End  to  the  Incarnation,  to 

j^\  the  Kingdom,  and  to  the  very  diftincfl  Exiftence 

P %j*,  42.  6f  the  Son  of  God  for  ever.     Accordingly  I  ob- 

C  4  ferve,  that  that  Paffage  in  the  Larger  Epiftles, 

F; j»  '^^'  which  fpeaks  of  the  Perpetuity  of  our  Saviour's 

il^f     ^^'  Kingdom,  and  that  it  fhould  have  no  End^  is  en- 

Scii.  6.      tirely  omit::ed  in  the  Smaller.     And  the  fame 

Notion  is  plain  from  their  exprefs  Words  already 

cited  ,   e^i  hct  ^oviu^  }^  :>^vH'^'     Thefe  Particulars 

plainly  fhew,  that  our  Abridger  was  Marcellus 

himfclf,  or  one  of  his  Followers.    And  if  we 

confider  the  very  bad  Character  of  this  Man  in 


Epiftles  0/  1  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  9  :^ 

Hiftory  ;  and  Euftblm's  Charge  againft  him,  of  L.  I.C.  2. 
corrupting   or   milieprefencing    the    Scriptures  P' *'»  ^^" 
themlelves,  vv^e  fhail  not  think  him  uncapable  of 
fuch  a  ViUany  as  this  is. 

And  now  if,  after  all,  any  one  defires  to  know 
about  what  time  in  the  Fourth  Century  I  fup- 
pofe  thefe  Smaller  Epiftles  to  have  been  framed : 
I  anfwer.  Not  till  after  A.  D.  -2,40.  or  the  Death 
of  the  great  Eufehim  -^  during  whofe  Life-time 
fuchignorantHcreticks  ^.sMarcellus  were  lefs  con- 
fiderable ;  and  yet  feveral  Years  before  A.  D, 
;99.  when  they  are  quoted  as  then  known  by 

Corollary.  From  this  laft  Branch  of  the  prefent 
Propofition  it  appears  to  be  certain  that  Eufthiur's 
Copy  of  Ignatlfis's  Epiftles  was  the  Larger  only. 
For  Eufth'ms^  as  we  have  feen,  exprefly  reckons  p.  5, 9. 
thofe  Epiftles  as  Noble  Atteftations  and  Tefti-  P"^^- 
monials  to  the  True  Original  Faith  of  Chrifti- 
ans.  'Tis  alio  certain,  that  accordingly  the 
Larger  Efiftles  do  agree  with  that  Ancient  Do- 
ctrine, as  underftood  by  Eufebius;  and  are  all 
along  on  the  Side  of  EMfehius :  And  'tis  as  cer- 
tain that  the  Small  ones  are  fo  far  from  that  Cha- 
radier,  that  they  contain  exatily  thofe  'very  DoBrines 
ivhkh  Eufebius  efteernd  highly  pernicious  and  hereti- 
cal ;  and  a'galnfi  -iMch  he  wrote  fi^e  Books,  ftill  ex- 
tant, in  the  Cafe  of  Alarcellus.  The  Confe- 
quence  is  eafy.  Nor  do  I  fee  how  the  Force  of 
this  Corollary,  I  had  almoft  faid  of  this  Damn- 
firatlon,  can  be  fairly  anfwer'd  by  any, 

IX.  I  ftiall  now,  in  the  laft  place,  give  my 
Reafons,  why  I  efteem  the  Three  Efiftles,  to  Tar- 
{US,  to  Ant  loch,  and  to  Ha-o  to  be  Genume  alfo ,  as 
well  as  the  other  Sc-v^n, 

(i.)  Thetr 

54-  ^  -^  J)i[fertation  upon  the 

(i.)  Their  Stile ^  Genius,  and  Compofition 
are  lb  much  the  fame  with  thofe  of  the  Larger 
Epifties,  that  one  cannot  well  allow  of  the  one 
Sort,  without  approving  of  the  other  alfo.  And 
if  there  be  any  Difference  here ,  'tis  rather  to 
the  Advantage  of  thefe  before  us  ^  as  having  ra- 
ther more  Citations  from  -  the  Scripture,  and 
from  the  Apoftolical  Confti  tut  ions ;  more  par- 
ticular Inilrudions  as  to  Doctrine ;  &  more  feri- 
ous  Exhortations  to  Chriftian,  particularly  to 
Domeftical  Duties ,  than  any  but  that  to  Thila-- 
delfhia  :  Which  Things  are  iiot  at  all  furprizing ; 
confidering  what  Churches,  and  what  Perfon 
they  were  written  to  :  All  in  fome  meafure  un- 
der the  peculiar  Authority  and  Jurifdidion  of 
Ignatius,  •  ^  s  .  .  .  ■ 

(2.)  .The  T laces  to  which  Two  of  thefe  Epiftles 
are  infcrib'd.  Tar  fas  and  Antioch  ;  and  the  Per- 
fon to  whom  the  Third  is  infcrib'd,'  Hero^  Igua^ 
tius^s  Deacon ,  who  he  earneftly  defir'd  might 
be  his  Succelfor,  are  more  unlikely  to  be  for- 
gotten by  him   than  almoft  any  of. thofe  to 
which  the  other  Seven  Epiftles  are  direded. 
Ad  Poly-       (t-)  '^^^  Tlace  whence  they  are  d^thd,. Philiffiy 
carp,         is  agreeable  to  the  Hiftory;  fmce  his  ovi^n  Words 
Se6t  8.      inform  us,   that  he  was  to  fail  to  Neajolis'^  the 
ready  Road  to  FhiUfp.     And  if  fo,  'tis  no  won-: 
der,  that  as  he  had  done  before  at  Smyrna  and 
Troas^  he  alfo  wrote  Epiftles  at  Fhilippi,    Nay, 
the  Letters  thence  to  Poljcarpy  and  Polycarfs  An- 
fwer  do  feem  to  me  to  infer  that  he  did  write 
thefe  Epiftles  at  that  Place.     For, 
Sea.  I.  (4.)  Poljcarp  himfelf,  in  his  Epiftle  to  the  P/;/- 

lipftansy  owns  the  Receipt  of  fome  what  very 
valuable  from  them :  thP^d^Q-  ra  fjufjuv^T^  ^ «/ AM9«f 
AyaTiYii'  Sufcifiens  imitahila  'verha  dileEhonis,  [The 
Latin  and  Coherence  imply  that  to  be  the  true 
Reading  of   the  Greek,']    Now  what  can  thefe 


Efijlles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  95 

T ledges y  or  Tokens,  or  Memorials  of  true  Lo'ue  be  fo  • 

well  fuppos'd  to  be^  as  thefe  Epiftles  of  Ignatius y 
dated  from  Philippi,  and  now  fent  to  Polycarj)  ? 
And  this  is  fomewhat  the  more  probable,  becaufe 
they  in  Return  defire  the  reft  of  T^w^rWs  Epiftles 
to  be  fent  them  :  And  they  were  fent  by  Foljcarp 
to  them  accordingly. 

(f .)  At  the  Conclufion  of  this  Epiftle  of  Poly-  ^^^  ^^ 
c^rpwehave,  as  far  as  I  underftand  the  Words, 
a  direB  Mention  of  thefe  Epiftles,  as  juft  fent  to 
him  from  Philippic  and  to  be  fent  to  the  Eafi^ 
whither  they  were  directed.     l:^ci-iari  uot  }^  u^«^ 

vfxav  amnKoixiirn  ^duucnu.  What  Writings  or  hct- 
ttvsfent  from  Philippi,  could  both  Ignatius  and  the 
Thilippians  fo  properly  defire  Polycarp  to  fend  a- 
way  towards  Syria,  as  thefe  Three  Epiftles  dated 
from  Philippi  ?  and  all  belonging  to  Syria  or  Tar^ 
fus  under  its  Jurifdidion?  For  I  take  7^w^fiw/s 
Recommendation  of  the  Antiochians  to  Polycarp,  ^^^^^^^ 
mention'd  in  the  Epiftle  to  Hero,  as  well  as  this 
Defire  of  Ignatius  to  Polycarp ,  to  belong  to  the 
Philippians  Letter  now  3  and  not  to  Ig7tatius's 
former  Epiftle  from  Troas  :  Since  Ignatius  had 
not  then  committed  them  to  Polycarp,  nor  could 
he  then  defire  Letters  from  Philippi  to  be  fent 
away ,  when  he  had  not  ken  Philippi ;  nor  did 
then  expert  to  write  Epiftles  from  that  Place  at 
all ;  as  appears  by  that  very  Epiftle  to  Polycarp.  Seft.  8. 
'Tis  alfo  worth  our  Notice,  that  thefe  Letters 
here  mentioned  were  of  fuch  Confequence, 
that  Polycarp  had  Thoughts  of  carrying  them 
himfelf :  oTiif  -ttb/jWj,  ietu  ^v.Cro  y^^v  vj^tov^  'im  i')^, 

{6,)  There  is  an  Eminent  Chro7jological  Chara- 
Ber,  which  mightily  confirms  me  in  the  Belief 
of  the  Genuinenefs  of  rhefe  Epiftles ;  and  that 
is  their  never  mentioning  a  Bifliop  of  PbiUppi , 


96  A  T>iJfertation  upon  the 

•  whence  they  are  all  dated ;  whereas  the  Spuri- 

ous Epirtle  to  the  Philippia?is  does;  and  any 
Counterfeit  afterward  ^  who  faw  fo  very  much 
about  Billiops  in  the  reft,  would  naturally  have 
Sea  6  ^^^^'  Now  Philippiy  as  we  know  from  Poljcarp's 
u.  ■^'  undoubted  Epiftle^  had  then  no  Biihop :  And 
feems  to  have  been  theonlyChurch  which  fo  late 
continued  under  the  Government  by  Prebyters. 
At  leaft  we  have  no  Affurance  of  any  other  in  the 
fame  Cafe  then  in  the  whole  Chriftian  World, 

(7.)  Volycarp  himfelf  in  his  own  Epiftle,  in 

Anfwer  to  that  of  this  Church  of  Vhilipft  feems 

to  me  rather  more  to  follow  the  very  Defign^  Stile, 

and  Language  of  thefe  Three  Epiftles,    than 

of  any  of  the  reft ;  as  if  his  Mind  was  full  of 

the  Notions  and  Phrafes  therein  contain'd.  Thus 

he  here  ftiles  the.  Widows  of  the  Church  ,  <dv<n- 

Ad  Phi.     «9viW  05K*  as  the  Epiftle  to  Tarfus  does  from  the 

tip.Se^t.4-  Conttitutions.     And  other  Allufions  of  this  Na- 

Sea  9  "^^  ture  the  careful  Reader  will  obferve  in  his  own 

comparing  them  together, 

(8.)  The  fame  Volycarp^  when  he  was  near  his 
Martyrdom,  feems  alfo  diredly  to  refer  to  a  pe- 
culiar and  uncommon  Expreffion  in  the  Epiftle 
Ad  A        ^^  Antiochy    where   the  Words   are  thefe  :    Tm 

Sea.  ir.    carfs    Parallel    Woi'ds   are   thefe:     ^iS'tMyui^ 
Martyr.      o.^X'^^  ^   l'^'^(nai<i   vsro  <rk  ,^?  nirf.yfj^cu?  vfdiJy   k^tc^ 

(9.)  Thefe  Epiftles  fent  to  Syria  and  itsjurif- 

didion,  are  particularly  levefd  at  the  Dodrines 

of  Satuminusy  that   known  Syrian  or  Antiochian 

Heretick,  in  the  very  Days  of  Ignatius ;  and  fo 

Iren.  L.  I.  have  the  exadeft  Charader  of  being  really  his. 

C  22.       Thus,   (i.)  We  know   that  Satuminus  aiferted^ 

Epiphan.    that  the  Father  of  Chrift  was  unknown  to  all, 

XXIII       ^^^  ^^^  ^°^  ^^^  Maker  of   th^  World,  nor  he 

Sea.  i'     that  Mofes  and  the  Prophets  fpake  from  under 

p.  6i.  the 

Epijiles  of  I  GN  AT  iv  s.  97 

the  Old  Teflament.     This  Doarine  is  diifinaly  Theod. 
defcrib'd  and  oppos'd  in  thefe  Epiflle?.     0/  q    077  jjfj^l'  , 
t;;t  cjTj'  v«^  7^  /niMH^yv    lays  Ignatius  to  the  Church  c.  3. 
of  7"rfr/Mj :  Which  Opinion  he  confutes  foon  af-  p.  194. 
terwards  in  the  fame  Epiftlc.     And,  fays  he  to  ^^^*'^^- 
his  own  Church  o{  Antioch  :  0,  -n  ofxaKo^av  yi^i<^v,  ^  ^     *• 

•7»  Tntii'^'T^  r  -/fi^UOV  ioVy    c6a\'    lli^H  771'©-   AJfa?V»,    ^TCftf'    ^^j  Aiiti- 

CoKv,     And  to  Hero  the  Deacon  of  Antioch :  uvt  Seft.  5. 

(pcw^i^eir  v'ouovy  «  7V\S  'S^^e^rfTO^,    ??  o  Xf/?^?  irafaJv  g7A»;-  AdHerort 
ffiJiTE,    €?y  CDt  d<;  div-n'^i9^<i.      Thus,  (2.)   We  knoW  iren.Ibid, 

alfo  that  Saturninus  held,  that  our  Saviour  was  Xertul. 
not  really  born,  had  not  a  real  Body,  and  did  de  Pros- 
not  really  fufFer ,  but  that  all  was  done  only  in  ^^f^P"^- 
Appearance.     This  Dodrine  is  more  fpoken  a-  CXLVI. 
gainfl  every  where  by  Ignatius  than  any  other ;  PhiUftr. 
and  particularly  in  every  one  of  thefe  Three  in  Saturn, 
Epiftles.     So  fays  he  to  the  Church  of  Tarfus ;  ^P'P^*"- 

»/  ti  \     fj!  (i   '^  "   <  '^>/9.'f\C'~    .     Ibid, 

^,   iy  Jh-A^noBi  dTrl^i'iu.     Which  Dodrine  is  con-  &  3. 

futed  in  the  following  Sedion.     And,  fays  he 

to  his  own  Church  of  Antioch  ;  0,    7?  r  hmv^a-  Ad  Anti^ 

jiSifAOA  y  KTsV  '6hv  AVTi^i^i.     And  10  his  Deacon       „ 

Hero  ;   €/77f  d^vti^  r  ?s/Jt:»^,    io  ts'  ^w'-^?  Waucylvi^^    'iyuj  ^1         '^ 
imt  a^  aW<  «  dvruei/tjS^Q-.      Thus,   (;.)   We  knOW  ^^    '     ' 

that  the  Followers  of  Satur7iinns  abhorr'd  Mar-  Epiphari. 
riage,  and  the  lawful  Ufe  of  Women  for  the  ibid. 
Procreation  of  Children.     Accordingly  Ignatius  Theod. 
thus  cautions  Hero  ae;ainft  this  Dodrine:  Vimo^-  ^}^^'      ^ 

a!ydj  ^'  ywtsu^;  Avh^  ^  xa/'./^TTs;/;?**.    —  «  (^  «:n)J 

TTjf  yfi/x»/x»   ft/|£a>'*    K.  T.  A.      Thus,  (4.)   W^e    know  ircn.tbi'l. 

that  many  of  the  Follov^ers  of  Satur?jimts  would  Epiphan 
xiot  eat  the  Fleili.  of  Animals.     Againft  which  ^^'^' 
Abftirisilce  Ign,nhis  thus  cautions  ^Hero :   e</^  -4  Jm 

9^  j4  ^ijfertation  upon  the 

AdHeron  ^ip^^p  ^  ^Vtm  drix^.  «  j^'f  ^  (I^wkta. ^  '^c/^ca^ 

Tertui'  '^^  dihA;)^vct,  Thus^  (^J  We  know  that  fome 
Ibid.  of  the  Followers  of  the  fame  Satuminus  deny'd 
Ad  Tarf.  the  Refurredion  of  the  Flefh.  Accordingly  Ig- 
Seft.  2.  fiatius  cautions  the  Church  of  Tarfus  againil  that 
'^'      dangerous  Opinion  alfo  :  mest  o^  on  w  m^^  Ivm 

And  this  Dodrine  he  afterwards  confutes  in  the 
fame  Epiftle.     This  Argument  I  cannot  but  look 
upon  as  of  great  Weight  in  the  prefent  Cafe. 
'Tis  true,  Ig^tatim  never  names  Satuminus  in  any 
of  his  Ten  Epiftles.    But  this  is  of  no  Confe- 
quence  ;  fmce  he  never  names  any  of  the  Here- 
ticks,  but  in  that  to  Philadelphia :  and  never  at  all 
Vid.  ad      willingl5\     Nor  does  it  appear  that  Satuminus^ 
Smyrn.      Herefy  had  fpread  fo  much  in  Afia^  as  to  make  it 
Sea,  5.      neceffary  to  name  him  to  the  Jfiatick  Churches. 
(10.)  The  Obfcurer  References  and  Allujions  do 
all  along,  and  after  fome  time  the  dire^  ^iotati'^ 
ons  dr^alfo  belong  to  thefe  Epiftles,  as  well  as  to 
all  the  reft.     Nay,  if  I  have  rightly  underftood 
Tolycarp  above,  their  Authority  will  be  not  at  all 
inferior  to  that  of  the  other  Seven  :  His  Words 
implying  more  than  a  bare  Quotation  of  them. 
fii.  )    All  the  prefent  hjown  MSS.  but  one; 
whether  they  be  Greek  or  Latin ;  whether  they 
be  of  the  Larger  or  Smaller  Epiftles ,  do  or  did 
contain  thefe  Three  equally  with  the  reft  ;  evert 
when  fome  of  them  did  not  contain  the  Spuri- 
ous' one  to  the  Thilipfians  at  the  fame  Time ;  as 
we  have  formerly  obferv'd.  '   ■    • 

(12.)  To  conclude  ;  Thefe  Three  Epiftles  are 
foVio^SySerious^andPraclical ;  are  written  in  fo  pe-^ 
culiar  and  affedionate  a  Manner,as  toChurches,- 
and  to  a  Perfon  which  Ignatius  was  nearly  related 
to;  of  whom  he  was  taking  his  finalLeaVe,and  to 
whom  he  Vw'as imparting  his  laft  Inftrudions :  And 
thgy  have  fo  many  Marks  of  Genuine  Concern^ 


EpJUes  ^/Ignatius.  99 

intimate  Friendfhip,  and  Paftoral  Care,  that 
they  feem  not  eafy  to  be  imitated  by  a  Counter- 
feit Author  afterward.  I  believe  the  Pious  Rea- 
der y  who  carefully  perufes  thefe  Larger  Copies 
of  the  Epiftles  of  Ignatius,  will  agree  with  me, 
that  fuch  an  unafFeded  Strain  of  Religious  Care, 
AfFe6lion,  Serioufnefs,  and  an  Heavenly  Con- 
verfation/uitable  to  one  going  to  Martyrdom,  as 
runs  through  all  thefe  Ten,and  particularly  thefe 
ThreeEpiftles  before  us,are  by  no  means  agreeable 
to  the  Temper  and  Characfler  of  an  Impoftor. 

Scholium,  We  muft  here  note,  that  the  pre- 
tended AncientA(5ls  of  the  Martyrdom  of  Ignatius 
are  plainly  Spurious  and  of  no  Authority.    For, 

(i.)  Their  Stile  and  Compofition  is  harfh,  and 
ftrange,arid  difagreeable  to  all  the  certainlyGenu- 
ine  Remains  of  thofe  early  Times  ^  and  only  like 
the  additional  Interpolations  of  theSmallerCopy. 
.  (2.)  .They  include  the  Smaller  or  Spurious  E- 
piftle  to  the  Romans  m  them  ;  which  yet  has  been 
prov'd  to  be  no  earlier  than  the  Fourth  Ceritury. 

{%)  They  are  entirely  difagreeable  to  Chro- 
nology :  As"  written  long  after  the  Reign  of  Tra- 
jan, and  at  firfl:  afcribing  the  Coming  of  Tra- 
jan to  Antloch ,  and  fo  Ignatius^  Condemnation 

to  the  Ninth  Year  of  Trajan,  or  tjd  A,  D.  io6.  or 

at  leaft  to  the  Beginning  6^'^A..d!'ioj,  and 

at  laft  attributing  his  Mai^rdom  to  the  Con- 

17.  and  then 

fuls  of  A.  D.  107.  alfo.    \Vhereas  'tis  now  prov'd  ^^^   ; 
that  all  this  belonged  to  y^,I>.  116.  nine  or  ten  Years 
afterwards ;  as  is  well  known  by  Ghronologers. 
(4.)  .They  directly,  contradicfc  the   Epiftles 
themfelves,  and  diredly  contradid  Etifeblus's  and 
Chryfofitmh  Accounts  alfo.     For  thefe  Ads  make      «    ;, 
all  the  Journey  from  Sekuciay  the  Port  of  Antl-       '  ^° 
och,  to  Smyrna,   and  from  thence  to  Troas,    to 
have  been  by  Sea :    Whereas  'tis  certain  that  ic 
was  perform  a,  mainly  at  leaft,  by  Land.    Hear' 
H  i  the 

lOO  \A  Dij[ertation  upoyl  the 

the  Words  of  the  Epiftle  to  the  Romans,  even  as 

they  run  in  that  Small  Copy  which  is  in  thefe 

Seft.  9.     A(^s  themfelves  ^  <*cctja{0  J^-^?  tz  i^uov  ^zrvivfjuiL,  j^ 

Xf/rs^  ^X'    '''^'^  TTOi^AuQVTvt.,    .  ^  ><)  ct/  fzi;  'S5£o^';cKffB«  ^/^ 

TM    o/o)'.    T?    >C«TCfc    OVLfK^y    XSi'TO.    T^KIV    fJUt    ^0»)fiV.        And 

Eufchius  is  not  lefs  clear  in  the  P^affage  formerly 

illft.  quoted  ;    ^  «^^   *^  ^^'^  *^'^  etfctyjoutSiiv  par   ^^liKi^VI? 

P  *  1  o^.  X.  T.  A.     Chrjfcjrom  is  here  alfo  as  exprefs;  ct/  3<J  ;?Ji 

In  Ignat.  r   o/bV  tto'aw?  ciwrfi^sfft"  TrovToSti/  «AH^5f  t  etQAMT^^^  ^ 

Op.  Edit.  ^jTcJ  7TD>^^av  l^tTn^JLTrop  ^  ifpoSiuv.    Tc«i)'7tt  J^tJ^.<nLKv 

'T-        V  ^?   '^t'  '^^"'  <**^«"« *^   0   i^  7^'^  "T"  pCOfXWJ   OtKvffJ  f/JO- 

503.  A(5- ctOTW  ^v^rtCT©-.— ;i^  r  «?  ;^  r  h^v  l-xwiiw;  ivieyc-T,)ozti, 

((;.)  They  are  never  mention'd  by  any  of  the 

Ancients  for  more  than  Six  Centuries  of  the 

Church ;  i.  e.  not  till  thofe  ignorant  Ages^  when 

Forgery  and  Interpolation  over- ran  Chrifiendom. 

'(6.)  Their  Copies^  Greek  and  Latin,    agree 

but  ill  together  :  And  that  belonging  to  the  Cor- 

f<5w -Xibrary  contains  abundance  of  Trafli  and 

'SeeGtdh.  Fables  interrnix'd :  Yet  does  it  want  the  conclu- 

Spicil.       '^mg  Br^achj  which  is  in  the  other.     The  Dia- 

Tom  II    ^^Kue  between  Trajan  and  Ignatius  is  not  a  little 

p.  22.    '    to  be  fufpedted  :  as  are  the  Mficns  or  Dreams 

Sea.  2.      ^t  the  Conclufion ;  which  alfo  appear  to  contra- 

Se*l.  6.      3j^  ti^e  foregoing  Narration :  And  are  therefore 

rejected  by  Dr.  Grahe:    to  fay  nothing  of  the 

modern  Form  of  Doxology^  (rJi^  rf  <^yia  -mil^^A-n, 

occurring  therein.     Nor  are  there  any  Motives 

or  Arguments^  whether  Internal  or  External,  to 

ballance  all  thefe  Itrong  Arguments  againft  them. 

'*'  In  fliort,   they  are  fo  evidently  Spurious,  that 

Ms  furprizing  to  find  fuch  Learned  Men  as  Arch- 

bifhop  TJ^Kr,  BiftlOp  Fearfon,  Dr.  Gral;e,   and  Dr. 

Smith  owning  them  for  Genuine*    And  I  believe, 


Epjiles  of  Ignatius.  lo  r: 

that  had  not  the  Smaller  Epiftle  to  the  Romans ^oi 
which  they  were  fo  fond,  been  therein  preferv'd, 
neitlier  they  nor  any  other  Men  of  Learning, 
would  ever  have  troubled  themfclves  aboutthem. 
Corollary.  Since  thefeA.(5lsare  certainly  Spurious, 
this  is  a  ftrong  Argument  againft  the  Smaller  E- 
piftle  to  t\\QRomans,  wholly  depending  on  them; 
and  by  confequence  to  its  Fellows^the  reft  of  the 
Smaller  Epiftles  alfo. 

Corollary  (2.)  Altho'  the  Smaller  Epiftles  be 
themfelves  Spurious,  yet  are  they  fo  very  much 
verbatim  extracted  fi*om  our  prefent  Large  ones , 
and  are  fo  evidently  little  later  than  E:(f^^///i'sDays, 
that  they  are  plain  and  Authentick  Atteftations 
to  thofe  Large  ones  we  now  have,  whence  they 
are  derived :  Nay,  they  are  fuch  unqueftionable 
Evidences  of  their  Verity,  and  of  the  Truth  of 
our  prefent  Copies  of  them  for  the  main ;  I  mean 
that  they  are  the  very  fame  which  were  own'd 
and  us'd  in  the  Fourth  Century,  when  Eufebius 
gave  us  an  Account  of  them,  as  we  rarely  have 
for  any  other  Ancient  Writings  whsitfoever. 

CorolL  f:».)  From  the  Ge»///W,  I  may  add,  the 
Sacred  Authority  of  thefe  Larger  Epiftles  of  Igna- 
tius thus  eftabliflied,  we  learn,  that  the  Afoftolkal 
Conflltutlons,  even  as,  for  the  main,  they  ftand 
in  our  prefent  Copies,  are  of  the  mofi  Sacred  and 
Dinjine  Authority :  They  being  ftill  in  thefe  Epiftles 
not  lefs  referr'd  to  and  cited  as  Sacred  and  Di'vine, 
than  the  other  knownBooks  of  theNewTeftament. 

Coroll.  (4.)  The  Faith  of  that  part  of  the  Chri- 
ftian  Church,  which  the  Athanafians  would  call 
Arlan,  is  alone  the  True^  Old,  Genuine  Chrifiian 
Faith ;  founded  on  thofe  wofi  Sacred  Ccfifiitutions  of 
the  Afofiles  themfelves ;  and  confirmed  by  the  un- 
deniable Citations  and  Teftimonies  of  our  A- 
poftolical  Bifhop  Ignatius  therefrom :  And  fo  is 
to  be  embraced  by  every  Chriftian.  171 1.  WILL.  WHISTOK. 


The  Epiftlcs  of  Ignatius 


npoz  E^Esiors. 

fj^n    fn^  audvcav    'it) 
ex^cd  T?  V(rM  tv  Ep4- 


HPOS  E*E2lOT2^    lA. 

?y  xx;ei»  »/Ua!'<'  I«<7a  Xetr?^  -t^ 
T«  d^tofjcayj.el^o)y  Tit   i^jra    cy 

C)  l^fu.  N.  B.    (t)  Attoc/^Ja'^©-.  a.    (.-.)  K«u\  B. 


Bifhopof  Antioch. 


To  ^/je  Ephefians. 

Ignatius,  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus^Tl?  thcChnrch 
which  is  at  Ephefus  in  A- 
fia^  defcrvedly  mofi  haffjy 
being  blejfed  by  the  Great- 
nefs  and  Fulnejs  of  God  the 
Father ,  and  -predefiinated 
before  the  World  began,  that 
it  fljould  be  alway  f  for  an 
enduring  and  unchangeable 
Glory  ;  being  alfo  united 
and  chofen  through  the  true 
Vaffion  ,  by  the  VAll  of 
God  the  Father^  and  of 
our  Lord  ^ejus  Chriji 
our  Sa'viour.  All  Happi- 
nefs  in  Jefus  Chrifl,  and 
in  his  undefiled  Joy, 

I.  T  Have  heard  of  your 

JL   mod  defirable  Name 

in  God,  which  you  have 



To  the  Ephefians. 

Ignatius^  who  is  alfo 
called  7  heophorus, 
to  the  Church  which  is- 
^r  Ephefus  inhS\i\ 
mofi  dtjervedly  hap- 
fy;  being  BkJJ'cd 
thro'  the  Greatfiefs  &" 
Fulnefs  of  God  the  Fa- 
therland predefiinated 
before  the  World  be- 
gan^ that  it  fjould  be 
always  unto  the  endu- 
ring d^  unchangeable 
Glory  ^  being  united 
and  chojen  thro*  his 
to  theWillof  the  Fa- 
therland JefusChrlfi 
our  God '^  All  Hap- 
plncfsybyjefmCh  rifi^ 
&  hisiPidefirdGrace. 


Have  heard  of 
your    Name, 
beloved    ill 


T'he  Larger  and  Synaller 


Xe^rw  T&i  ffUTvet  fif^v^ 

fliuVi'Tn.]  0V7*i  3t»3  ct- 
77  St»5  70  (JVy}ivi}coy  fif- 

luyfiv  i'xmh^  fML^tiTjii 
it)  *i^  -Jaref  hjuav  iauiiv 

-'^  'm>^V7;}.i)e}cttf   Cjuav  ov 

ja'th  elo'wy^Trp  ^  vjuaJp 
9  cd/  <7a^x^  cmjyjoiK)  ov 
%v^uax  xp  'i-m'^v  ^ei^v 

VfjC^f    eanza  ci*    owioviTJ 

(^lK(t.v^^a7nai  AVct^eoTWfYi^Tif  iv 
3<)  f^€  J\<hfj^tiV  arm  Tvt'et^  "Oa^* 
yjiv  iv  Pdy.i}  ^ct^fia^fftUy  %VdL 

(*)  g-^T-fi  h"  T(-t)7W\V7:^i1^CiM'' 

V/ucov  iv  ovqyxLTl  ^k  el'T^f<Y\(pcb  iv 
T(py  Vjucoy  i}  <^jrjcoV&/*  01/  Vu^o- 
'TTO.v'  i^  Travrtti  Vf/A^y  i'j  ofxata- 



(*)  i^  a4o\  N.  (f>    :TEAt'W-^^tct>'.  T. 

Epiftles  (?/  I G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  105 


obtain'd  by  a  righteous  dif- 
pofition^  according  to  the 
Faith  and  Love  which  is 
in  Chriftjefus  our  Savi- 
our. How  that  being  Fol- 
lowers of  the  Love  of  God 
towards  Man^  and  flirring 
up  your  felves  by  the  Blood 
of  Chrift^  you  have  per- 
fecflly  accomplifti'd  the 
Work  that  was  proper  and 
natural  to  you.  For  you 
have  Heard  that  I  come 
bound  from  Syria  for  the 
fake  of  Chrift  our  common 
Hope  ;  trufting  through 
your  Prayers  to  attain  to 
fight  with  Beafts  at  Rome  ; 
that  ib  through  Martyr- 
dom I  may  become  the 
Difciple  of  Him^  'who  gave 
himfelf  to  God  an  Offering 
and  a  Sacrifice  for  us.  I  have 
therefore  Receiv'd  your 
whole  Multitude  in  the 
Name  of  God^  by  Onefi- 
wus  y  one  of  unfpeakable 
Charity^  who  is  your  Bi- 
Ihop.  Whom  I  pray  you 
may  love  according  to 
Chrift  Jefiis,  and  that  all 
of  you  may  be  like  him. 
BleiTed  be  God  who  has 
granted  you  who  are  fo 
worthy  of  him ,  the  Fa- 


God;  which  ye  have 
very  jiiftly  attain'd 
by  aHabitof  Righ- 
teoufnefs  ^  accord- 
ing to  the  Faith  and 
Love  which  is  in 
Jefus  Chrift  our  Sa- 
viour :  How  that  be- 
ing Followers  of 
God ,  and  ftirring 
up  your  felves  by  the 
Blood  of  Chrift,  ye 
have  perfectly  ac- 
that  was  Connatu- 
ral unto  you.  For 
hearing  that  I  came 
bound  from  Syria  ^ 
for  the  common 
Name  and  Hope, 
trufting  through  Eph.V.  2. 
your  Prayers  to 
fight  with  Beafts  at 
Rome;  that  fo  by 
Suffering  I  may  be- 
come indeed  the 
Difciple  of  Him 
who  gave  himfelf  to 
Gody  an  Offering  and  • 

Sacrifice  for  us^  ye 
hjiftned  to  fee  me.' 
I  received  therefore, 
in  the  Name  of  God, 
your  whole  Multi- 
tude in  Onefimus  ; 

io6  T'be  Larger  and  Smaller 

^waller.  msfger, 

TlfMV  VjUCOV  K)  tS  ^(TM- 


/uo(/^   ov  <yf  l^ifJL'Tr^cLexov  ^  dp'  a- 
OvmfjiUy  )y  (.*.)  B/7p«j",    :^  Ew- 

(*)  Forte  Bupp«.    Cf)  i^  w^iU  fifjmv,  T.    C'.O  Forte  Byppw. 

Ep(iles  of  Ignatius.  jqj 


your  to  have  fo  worthy  a 
Bifliop  in  Chrift. 

II.  Now  as  to  our  Fel- 
low Servant  Burrhus^  who 
is  your  Deacon  in  things 
pertaining  to  God ,  and 
bleffed  in  all  things ,  I 
pray  God  he  may  conti- 
nue unblamable  for  the 
Honour  of  the  Churchy 
and  of  its  moft  bleffed  Bi- 
fliop. Crocus  alfo,  who  is 
worthy  both  of  God  and 
you,  whom  we  have  re- 
ceived as  a  Pattern  of  your 
Love  to  us,  has  in  all 
things  Refrefh'd  me,  and 
has  not  been  a^iamed  of  my 
Chain  :  As  the  Father  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  will 
Refrefh  him  ,  together 
with  Onefimiis  ^  and  Bur- 


who  by  inexpreffi- 
ble  Love  is  Our's, 
but  according  to  the 
Whom  I  befeech 
you,  by  Jefus  Chrift, 
to  love  ;  and  that 
you  would  all  ftri've 
to  be  like  unto  Him. 
And  Bleffed  beGod, 
who  has  granted 
unto  you,  who  are 
fo  worthy  of  Hlm^ 
to  enjoy  fuch  an 
Excellent  BifllOp. 

II.  For  what  con- 
cerns my  Fellow- 
Servant  Burrhtis^  & 
your  moft  Bleffed 
Deacon  in  things  per- 
taining to  God,-  I 
intreat  you  that  he 
may  tarry  longer, 
both  for  your's,  and 
your  Bifhop's  Ho- 
nour. And  Crocus 
alfo  worthy  both 
of  God  and  you, 
whom  I  have  recei- 
ved as  the  Pattern 
of  your' Love,  has 
in  all  things  re- 
frefh'd Me,  as  the 
Father  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift  fhalU/- 
•         fo 

--  Tim. 


716^  harder  and  Smaller 


"ivat,  hi  iMA'^^Tttyf  y\Ti 

vol    i^  T?     CoJtm    jW/UH  y 

;^  70  aZ'n    Kiyy^Ti   ^wV- 

^TttOJO/J^Ot       1W      CC7T- 


X)  TM  flOUTM    ycofl^y   y^  TO   CU;70    ^i- 

(•)  Dceft.  B, 

Efiflles  of  Ignatius. 



rht4Sy  ^nd  Euflus^  andF/w;- 
to^  in  whom  I  have  feen 
you  all  in  Love.  And 
may  I  always  have  Joy  of 
you,  if  I  fliall  be  worthy 
of  ic.  It  is  therefore  fit- 
ting that  every  way  you 
fiiould  glorify  JefusChrift, 
who  has  glorified  you; 
that  by  an  united  Obe- 
dience you  may  be  perfect ^ 
ly  joined  together  in  the  fame 
Mind^  a7tdinthefamejudg- 
wtnt  ;  and  may  all  fpeak  a- 
like  concerning  the  fame 
things ;  that  being  fubjed 
to  your  Bifliop  and  his 
Presbytery  ,  you  may  be 
entirely  (hn(5Vifv'd. 

TIL  I  do  not  Ordain 
things  for  you ,  as  if  I 
wxre  fome  great  Perfon. 
For  tho'  I  am  bound  for 
the  N^me  of  J^fus  Chrift, 
I  am 


fo  refrefh  Him  ;  to- 
gether vinhOnefimMs^ 
and  Burrhus ,  and 
EufltiSy  and  Front Oy 
in  whom  I  have,  as 
to  7<?«rCharity/een 
all  of  you.  And 
may  I  always  have 
Joy  of  you,  if  I 
fhall  be  worthy  of 
it.  It  is  therefore 
fitting  that  you 
fhould  by  all  means 
Glorifie  Jefus  Chrift 
who  hath  Glorified 
you  :  That  by  a  U- 
niform  Obedience 
ye  may  he  perfeBly 
joined  together  in  the 
fame  Mind^  and  in 
the  fame  Judgment  ; 
and  may  all  j^eak  the 
fame  things  concerning 
every  Thing  :  And 
that  being  fubjed  to 
your  Bifliop,  and 
the  Presbytery,  ye 
may  be  wholly  and 
throughly  Sandi- 

III.  Thefe  things 
1  prefcribe  to  you, 
not  as  if  I  were 
fome  body  Extracr- 
dinary;  For  cho'  I 

I  Cor.  L 



The  Larg;er  and  Smaller 

KelKcd  VfjJV  y   cU  of40j^iiXoi^,    l(A 
'm^i  y   va^&cfict  y    i^o[AoVii  y   f4A^ 

(lutj   ;(J'  yva(zltjj  ^^y  hf  Xf/r^, 


.  ir^WUM  -i* 

0;&ti'    «5^t7rrt    vy.7/  OZ^v    >^    v^ilif    ^Wh  ffojj. 



r)Dlcft.A.B.    (t)Deeft.B.    (/.)  v>~f.  B. 

Epjiles (?/ Ignatius.  iii 


I  am  not  yet  perfec^V.  For 
now  T  do  but  begin  to  be 
a  Difciple,  and  I  fpeak  to 
you  as  my  Fellow  Servants; 
for  I  ought  to  have  been 
admonifh'd  by  you,  in 
Faith  5  in  Inftrudion,  in 
Patience ,  in  Long-fufFer- 
ing.  But  forafmuch  as 
Love  does  not  fufFer  me 
to  be  filent  towards  you, 
therefore  have  I  firft  ta- 
ken upon  me  to  ethort 
yoa,  that  you  would  con- 
fpirc  together  to  obey  the 
Will  of  God.  For  Jefus 
Ghrift  does  all  things  ac- 
cording to  the  Will  of  hi^ 
Father ;  as  Himfelf  fome- 
where  faith  3  1  do  always 
ihofe  things  that  fleafe  him. 
Wherefore  We  ought  to 
Live  according  to  the 
Will  of  God  in  Chrift, 
and  to  Imitate  him ,  as 
Tatd  did.  Be  ye  foUoTvers 
of  me,  fays  he,  even  as  I  al- 
fo  am  of  Chrifi, 

IV.  Wherefore  it  will 
become  you  to  agree  toge- 
ther in  Compliance  with 



am  bound  for  His 
Name,  I  am  not  yet 
perfed  in  Chrift 
Jefus.  But  now  I 
begin  to  learn,  and 
I  fpeak  to  you  as 
Fellow-Difciples  to- 
get  her  wirh  Me,  For 
1  ought  to  have 
been  ftirred  up  by 
you,  in  Faith,  in 
Admonition,  in  Pa- 
tience, in  Long- 
fufferifig  :  But  for- 
afmuch as  Charity 
fuffef s  me  not  to  be  joh.VIIf. 
filent  towards  you,  29. 
I  have  firft  taken 
upoh  itie  to  exhort 
you,  that  ye  would 
all  run  together  ac^ 
cording  to  the  Will 
of  God.  For  even  \^ 
Jefus  Chrift ,  our 
infeparable  Life,  is 
fent  hy  the  Will  of 
the  Father ;  as  the 
Bifhops  appointed 
unto  the  utmoft 
Bounds  of  theEarth, 
are  by  the  Will  of 
Jefus  Chrift. 

IV.    Wherefore 

it  will  become  you 

to    Run    Together 


I  Cor.  xr. 


77?f  Larjzer  and  Smaller 


"ji.    To    {d   0.^,0'/ ofjia^oy 

<3^^    "iVA     ffUfJL(flG>yot  OVTii 
ev    ouavoia^y    ^OffAei.  ^« 

cfisTE  cy  ^«?i|  ^>^  J)oi  IH- 

jjfjiay  )^  GLK^jyiy  )^  cm- 


rk  }(p  ^9v  Tnif^ivovrQ-  v^i, 

VZ3-0     <7«  57Pdt'/UA7Df.    TC    }^    O^IOPO-. 

TCdy  a,^  p(??<^'  x<^'?f*  (riwJ\nh~ 

(pijKtL^  ImCKS  0  Xf/?5J.  Kflti  0/ 
"ivA  CVyL^UVOt  ^OVTli  C4/  OUOVOtcty 
7?77  \v  'fpn^  (*}    Til  cvii^edvlcl^ 

«/S?    5S   AVToliy    (pnai'y   TIATlf  cLyiy 

'^v  ^fJMiy  hdi^cayLU  ivo-nm  g\j* 
vmuyAVoi';  ^tw,  fn^m-mi  I?)  Xfi- 



Hpfiles  of  Ignatius. 
)larger.  ^matter. 


the  Bifliop's    Will ,  who 
fteds  yoQ    according    to 
God.     Which  indeed  you 
ah*eady  do^  as  being  in- 
ftruded  by  the  Spirit.  For 
your  famous  Presbytery, 
worthy  of  God,  is  as  ex- 
actly fuited  to  their   Bi- 
fhop,  as  the  Strings  are  to 
their  Harp.  Even  fo  being 
joined  together  in  that  U- 
nanimity  and  agreeing  Af- 
fedion  5    of  which  Jcius 
Chrill  is  the  CLipcain  and 
Guardian,     Do    ye  each 
Man  of  you  join  to  make 
up  one  Choir :  That  a- 
greeing  together  in  Con- 
cord, and  having  Union 
with  God,  you  may  be- 
come Ont  m  Unity  and 
Confent  with  God  the  Fa- 
ther, and  his  Beloved  Son 
Jefus    Chrill    our    Lord. 
For,  fays  He,  Grant  to  tbew. 
Holy   Father^  that  they   may 
he  One  in  us,  as   I  and  Thou 
are  One,     Wherefore  it  is 
profitable   for  you,   being 
joined  together  in  an  un- 
blameable  Unity  in  God, 
to  be  Followers  of  Chrift's 
Example  ;   whofe    Mem- 
bers alfo  ye  are, 

V;  For,  if  I,  in  this  lit- 

according  to  the 
Will  of  your  Bi- 
fliop,  as  alfo  ye  do. 
For  your  Famous 
Presbytery,  worthy 
of  God ,  is  fitted  as 
exadly  to  the  Bi- 
jfhop,  as  the  String^ 
are  to  the  Harp. 
Therefore  in  your 
Concord,and  agree- 
ing Charity,  Jefus 
Chrift  is  Sung;  and 
every  fmgle  Perfon 
atnong  you  makes 
uptheChorus:  That  • 
fo  being  all  Confo- 
nam  in  Love  ,  and 
taking  up  the  Song 
of  God,ye  may  in  a 
perfect  Unity,  with 
one  Voice,  fing  to 
the  Father  by  JefuS 
Chrift  ;  to  the  end 
that  he  may  both  Joh.XVit 
hear  you,  and  per-  u,  21. 
ceive  by  your  Works 
that  ye  are  indeed  the 
Members  of  hisSon. 
Wherefore  it  is  pro- 
fitable for  you  to  11  ve 
in  anuhblamableU- 
irity,  that  fo  ye  may 
always  have  a  Fel- 
lowfiiip  with  God. 

V.    For  if  i   in 

I  tbis 


T'he  LiWger  and  Smaller 


yjOTTOV  V(/.^Vy^)C  etV^CO'Tn- 

vhjj   S'^    ctMcfc  TndjyMjj^ 
crajfTrt  hi  Iv'OTHTl  cviJ.^pa- 

O^VrUu    \o^V    'iyfi^    7lT>T(d 

^?^ov  «j  Tg  'T«  crnifTyJ- 

O    Zv    fJM   Sfp^/WV'©-   ^ 

Viv'  yiyc^'^'^  3^3  vars- 

^iK^AVOt?     0      Sr^oj      etl/77- 

cho-KJ0'7r&>y  'ivct  ZfjS^  r^» 



7&I  (I))  ;^r3"'  -^   miet  ac/T«^  'tj'afi 

CTEtrTBt  h>   kvOTHTJ  ffV^(pCt)VdL   M.     /M-M- 

rd  '3-«»*  «  )^l>'^?  iV)  J^<inifii/s)fio^' 
'3^Iu>a<  dvToti  TidvTzt  Ttt  oj>  Xf/rc^ 

Ai/z©-  '€^v  iv  ^^oCd.7^  dh^^y   t]" 
c^Ti  dyciTHiTiit  \ssr:'TctynvdLt'TTM)  oh- 

\Sd-07WCOi//MV©'5       VTIZtziiBi    XpTfO 

0     etTret^P    duTvl^  ^        ATei^ 
Xf/rro    liKT^'     0    3    dTret^v  tm 

C)  Apctma^y.,uim,  T.    Cf)  Deeft  B.     (W)  Kve'i6>,  T. 

Efijiles  of  Ign 

A  T  I  U  S. 

I  I 


tie  Time,  have  had  fuch  a 
Familiarity  with  your  Bi- 
flicp  ;  I  mean  this  not  of 
a  Worldly ,  but   Spiritual 
Acquaintance  ;Howmuch 
more  mufl    I   think   5'ou 
happy  J  who  fo  depend  on 
him  as  tho  Church  does  on 
the  Lord  Jefas^  and  the 
Lord  does    on     his   God 
and      Father?     That    fo 
all   things    may  agree  in 
Unity.     Let  no  one   de- 
ceive himfelf  :  If  any  one 
be  not  within  the  Altar,  he 
is  depriv'd  of  the  Bread  of 
God.  For  if  the  Prayer  of 
One  or  Two  be  of  fuch 
Force  y  that  Chrif^  himfelf 
fiands    among    them  ,    how 
much  more  will  the  Pray- 
er of  the  Bifhop,   and  of 
the  whole  Church^afcend- 
ing  up  with  one  Confent 
to   God  ,  prevail  for  the 
granting  of  all  their  Peti- 
tions in  Chrift  ?  He  there- 
fore that  feparates  himfelf 
from  them,  and  does  not 
come  together  to  the  So- 
ciety where  Sacrifices  are 
oifered,  to  the   Church   of 
the  Firfi-horn  ivho  are  writ' 
ten  in  Heazfen,  is  a  Wolf  in 
Sheep's  Cloaithiiig;  while 



this  littleTime  have 

had  fuch  a  Familia- 
rity with  your  Bi- 

fhop,  I  mean  not  a 

Carnal,  but  Spiritu- 
al Acquaintance  with 

Him  ;    How  much 

more  muft  I  think 

you  happy,  who  are 

fo  join'd  to  Him,  as 

the  Church  is  to  Je- 

fus  Chrift,  and  Je- 

fus  Chrift    to   the 

Father;  that  fo  all 

things  may  agree  in 

the  fame  Unity  ^  Let 
no     Man    deceive 
himfelf;  if  a  Man 
be  not  within  the  ^^^^^ 
Altar y  he  is  deprived  xvill.soi 
of  the  Brcadof  God. 
For  if  the    Prayer 
of  One  or  Two  be 
of  fuch  Force,  as  7ve 
are  told ;  How  much 
more  powerful  fhall 
that  of  the  Biftiop 
and      the      whole 
Church    be  }     He 
therefore   that  does 
not  come  together 
into  the  fame  Place  HeK  MJ: 
with   it  ,,is   proud,  23. 
and  has  already  con- 
demned himfeif.For 
i  z  h 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  'jLargcr. 

lf<t»  AKiiayV  y    dLK^H    Til   TliyL-^HMTXii 

('';  :^"^:  T. 

Epijiles  of  Ignatius. 



he  makes  a  Shew  of  that 
gentle  Form.  Do  you^  Be- 
loved^ take  care  to  be  fub- 
je6l  to  your  Bifhop^  and 
your  Presbyters^  and  your 
beacons.  For  he  that  is 
liibjed:  to  them^  is  obedi- 
ent to  Chrift,  who  has  or- 
dained them.  But  he  that 
is  difobedient  to  them^  is 
difobedient  to  Chrift  Je- 
fus :  And  he  that  is  difibe-^ 
(Uent  to  the  Son,  jluill  not  fee 
Life,  but  the  JVrath  of  God 
ahhleth  on  him.  For  he  that 
lubmits  not  to  his  Superi- 
ors^ is  felf-vviird,  and  quar- 
relfome^  and  proud.  But 
God,  lays  the  Scripture,  re- 
fifteth  tb€  proud,  hut  glvetb 
Grace  to  the  humble.  And  a- 
gain;,  The  proud  ha^e  great- 
ly tranfgrefs'd.  The  Lord 
alfo  himfelf  fays  to  the 
Priefts,  He  that  heareth  you, 
heareth  me ;  and  he  that  hear- 
eth me  ,  heareth  the  Father, 
that  [ent  me^  He  that  deffi^ 
jeth  you  ,  defpifeth  me  ;  and 
be  that  defpifeth  me,  defpifeth 
him  that  fent  me, 

VI.  The  more  therefore 
you  fee  your  Bifiiop  filent, 
the  more  do    you  Reve- 
rence him.    For  whomfo- 


it  is  written,  God  re- 
fifeth  the  Proud.  Let 
us  take  heed  there- 
fore ,  that  we  do 
not  fet  our  felves  a- 
gainft  the  Bifhop, 
that  we  may  be 
fubjedl  to  God. 

John  IIL 

£  Pet.V.i. 

Luke  X. 

VL  The  more  a- 
ny  Qne  fees,  his  Bi- 
fhopfilent,  the  more 
let  him  Revere  him. 

I   %  For 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


dvTvv  Jix^^^y  '^^  ^^'^^ 
dvTvv  r  yjj^iov  </«   c^iy^ 

Cl?y    077  TldvTi^  K?     ««'^»/- 
^6W  {h76,      Pc)   077   ly  V- 

77y(^  TJ^fco;/   ^-^Tif    l»jr» 


077  di   CLVTZV  r    HU^loy    Jt"  'ST^J-; 
dvTO';   ,^'75/    OVntTiUd^   VTTi^iirOA- 

077  Tmvm  X^  ethrir^cuf  C^Wi'    i^ 

y^  c7,   V[Jiiti  ^W  «»'  S9^  73/- 
^wMvJi^j   (t)  riau^^y  Tb  Xe«- 



C;  i/'f^?.  N  B.      (t)  ridt/A'/)  T&f  Xe^9r^of^,  ;^  T{fMbia> 

TTri  Tn^Tdrqi.    A.  B. 

Epflles  ^/Ignatius. 



ever  the  Mailer  of  the 
Houfe  fends  to  govern  his 
own  Houfliold^  we  ought 
in  like  manner  to  receive 
him  as  we  would  him  that 
fent  him.  It  is  therefore 
evident  that  we  ought  to 
look  upon  the  Bifliopeven 
as  we  would  do  upon  the 
Lord  himfelf ,  while  he 
ftands  before  the  Lord.  For 
one  that  looks  carefully  about 
hiiTiy  and  is  diligent  in  his 
Bufinefs  y  mufi  fiand  before 
Kings  J  and  not  fiand  htfore 
flothful  Men,  And  indeed 
Onefimtts  himfelf  does  great- 
ly commend  your  good 
Order  in  God  ;  that  you 
all  live  agreeably  to  the 
Truths  and  that  no  Here- 
fy  dwells  among  you.  Nor 
do  you  hearken  to  any  one 
but  to  Jefus  Chrift  alone^ 
the  true  Shepherd  and 
Teacher.  And  you  are,  as 
Taul  wrote  to  you ,  One 
Body  y  and  One  Spirit ;  be- 
caufeyou  are  called  in  one  hope 
of  jour  Faith,  Since  there  is 
One  Lordy  One  Faith ,  One 
Baftifniy  One  God  and  Fa- 
ther of  all  •  who  is  o'ver  all, 
and  through  ally  and  in  alL 
Such  are  you,  as  tauglit  by 


For  whomfoever 
the  Mailer  of  the 
Houfe  fends  to  be 
over  his  ownHoufe- 
hold,  we  ought  in 
like  manner  to  re- 
ceive Him  y  as  we 
would  do  Him  that 
fent  him.  It  is  there- 
fore evident  that  we 
ought  to  look  upon 
the  Bifliop,  even  as  p^^y 
we  would  do  upon  xxii.  29 
the  Lord  Himfelf. 
And  indeed  Omfi- 
mus  himfelf  does 
greatly  commend 
your  good  Order  in 
God :  That  you  all 
live  according  to 
the  Truth,  and  that 
no  Herefy  dwells 
among  you.  For 
neither  do  ye  heark- 
en to  any  one  more 
than  tojcfus  Chrift 
fpeaking  to  you  in 
Truth.  Eph.  IV  . 

4;  5;<5. 

I  4        VIL  For 


"The  Larger  and  Smaller 



cv     d^VATo     i^ann     et- 
X^  7BT5   a6;7a3'r}f. 

C6^^a  771/ it  fS^(<^v\ii  a^Vdi^tet  ,^tf^ 

<^cDx.(rA,A\ieL;y  It'  tfA.e9p6)  idJJ'WV 
it)  r  ^H^o/i^SfleoV  etVToli'  »?  /h  u- 

dffUCav  cLTtdK^A  hoi  "^  iWVii 
ivioiy  i  ihjvdfJ^oi  Vhetit\eiVy  h.VfT" 

<Srw  ^ii'  dvictJA  yo  vocrvoiv'  )ct- 
T^i  'j  i)fjuav  SitV  0  (jLOv©-  dhV\^ 
^vU  '3£0f^  0  d-^JViilQ-  }^  AZS^^ 

enjQ-y  0  r  cKee>vyjjei"3~y  i^  3  z^- 
IrtyS*!/  T  Xex^v*    Tvv  ^wi^  cuayay 

Alf^eOTl^V  CAi  Mstei<^  '?  v7ttp,^J'«*    0 

.'^TiJ  Qo'fiavy  0  d^'yctlQ-  Iv 
^niTiS  QeofMVy  M  {«>;  Iv  (p^^fy 


Epflles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



fuch  Inftrudors  ;  Taul^  in 
whom  Chrift  dwelt;  and 
Timothy  the  moil  faithful. 
VII.  But  there  are  fome 
very  naughty  Perfons  who 
accuftom  themfelves  to 
carry  about  the  Name  of 
Chrift  in  Deceit  and  Wick- 
kednefs  \  but  at  the  fame 
time  doing  things  unwor- 
thy of  God^  and  indulging 
themfelves  in  things  con- 
trary to  the  Dod:rine  of 
Chrift;  to  their  own  Per- 
ditioii:,  and  the  Perdition 
of  fuch  as  hearken  to  them: 
whom  you  are  to  avoid,  as 
you  would  do  fo  many 
wild  Beafts.  For  the  Righ- 
teous  M'^n,  who  avoids  them, 
is  faved  for  ever.  But  the 
DefiruBion  of  the  UfJgodly  is 
fudden  y  and  to  he  rejoiced  at. 
For  they  are  dumb  Dogs 
that  cannot  hark  :  but  rave 
for  Madnefs,  and  bite  fe- 
cretly.  Whom  we  muft 
efchew,  becaufe  they  are 
fick  of  an  incurable  Dif- 
eafe.  But  our  Phyfician 
is  the  only  True  God,  Un- 
begotten  and  Inacceffible  ; 
the  Lord  of  the  Univerfe, 
the  Father  and  Begetter  of 
the  only    Begotten  Son. 



VII.    For    fome 
there  are  who  carry 
about  the  Name  of 
Chrifi  in  Deceitful- 
nefs  3  but  do  things 
unworthy  of  God ; 
whom  ye  muft  flee, 
as  ye  would  do  fo 
many    wild    Beafts. 
For  they  are  rave- 
ning Dogs,  who  bite 
fecretly  ;      Againfi: 
whom      ye      muft 
guard  your  felves,as 
Men  hardly  to  be 
cured.      There     is  Prov.  X. 
one  Phyfician,  both  -S* 
Fleftily  and  Spiritu- 
al ;  Made  and  not       ^  •  ^' 
Made;   God  Incar- 
nate ;  True  Life  in  j^  jy. 
Death;     Both     of  i  ** 
Mary  and  of  God  : 
Firft  Paffible ,  then 
Impaffible ;  even Je- 
fus  Chrift  our  Lord. 


iia  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

^waller.  iLargcr. 

^(jiict  hi)  vylv  (i!)  \^'£ip;^"^  Jl»- 


(I)  deeft.A.B.     HI)  deeft.A.B. 

Epiftles  ^/Ignatius, 


We  have  alfo  a  Phyfician^ 
our  Lord  and  God^  Jefus 
Chrift  3  the  only  begotten 
Son^  and  the  Word  before 
the  World  began:  Who 
afterward  became  Man  of 
the  Virgin  Mary.  For  the 
Word  was  made  Flejh.  Be- 
ing Incorporeal,  he  was  in 
a  Body:  Being  Tmpaffible, 
he  was  in  a  Paffible  Body : 
Being  Immortal,  he  was 
in  a  Mortal  Body  :  Being 
life,  he  was  liable  to  Cor- 
ruption :  That  he  might 
free  our  Souls  from  Death 
and  Corruption,  and  heal 
them;  and  that  he  might 
cure  them  when  they  wqtq 
dileas'd  with  Impiety  and 
wicked  Lufts. 

VIII.  Let  no  one  there- 
fore feduge  you  ;  as  indeed 
you  are  not  feduced  ;  but 
are  wholly  devoted  to  God. 
For  when  no  evil  Inclina- 
tion isinyou,  which  might 
defile  you  ,  and  torment 
you,  then  it  is  that  ye  live 
according  to  God,  and  be- 
long toChriO-.  Call  off 
that  which  defiles  you  the 
mod  pure  Church  of  the 
'Ef>oefia?iSy  which  is  fo 
famous      and     celebrated 



Joh.  1. 14^ 

VIII.  Wherefore 
let  no  Man  deceive 
you  ;  as  indeed  nei- 
ther are  ye  decei- 
ved ,  being  wholly 
the  Servants  of  God. 
For  inafmuch  as 
there  is  no  Conten- 
tion nor  Strife  a- 
mong  you,  to  trou- 
ble you ,  ye  muft 
needs  live  accord- 
ing to  God's  Will, 
My  Soul  be  for 
yours  ; 


T'he  JL,aro;er  and  Smaller 

czrsp  «J^  »  m^i  Tct  7Vi 
*^  'Ttiipiai,    A'j  )^  yTi  oa'p- 


yjot  Til  QeL^yjxi'   ^^  iJi  n  'm^i 
Tjf?  ^95 a>?.    u/^«7?  3,  '25-A«p«?  0;/- 

(Ziy^os{\i'  h>  Xp/r«  Ih!T«  te^<(«o^3 

iif  ifK  eidauli  auH^HV  di 
*tret7^fy  ^7DifAa.g-/uSf)oi  Hi 

'im  Ji  v/uuVy  i^yTiis  kwv  J)Jhb- 

^1  Ttt  (^l^dvicLy  I3vav/jii  Ttt  «y7tt^ 

'TJi'^eiTjj.ivot  70  KAOTrxdvov  'srj/dT- 

fJLAj  a  7«   Xp/r»^  fit  A\«t  Ttt  /c/>c6  Act- 


Eftjlles  of  1  G  N  A  T  I  u  s, 



throughout  the  World. 
Tbey  that  are  after  the  Flejl) 
cannot  do  the  Works  of  the  Spi- 
rit, nor  they  that  are  after 
the  Spirit  the  Works' of  the 
Fleflj :  As  neither  can  Faith 
admit  of  the  Works  of  In- 
fidelity ;  nor  can  Infidelity 
admit  of  the  Works  of 
Faith.  But  you  being  full 
of  the  Holy  Spirit ,  do 
no  Works  according  to  the 
Flefh,  but  all  according  to 
the  Spirit.  Ye  are  com- 
pleat  in  Chrift  Jefus ,  ipho 
is  the  Sa^uiotir  of  all  Men, 
ef pec  tally  of  thofe  that  believe. 

IX.  Neverthelefsj  I  have 
been  made  acquainted  that 
fome  Perfons  have  paffed 
through  youj  who  held  the 
evil  Dodrine  of  theftrange 
and  wicked  Spirit :  To 
whom  you  did  not  give 
Entrance  to  fovv  their 
Tares;  but  flopped  your 
Ears,  that  you  might  not 
admit   that    Error  which 



yours ;    and  I  my 
lelf  the   Expiatory  ^qj„; 
Offering   for   your  VIII.  $• 

Church  of  Ephefus, 
fo  Famous  through-  Gal.V.17. 
out  the  World. 
They  that  are  of 
the  Flefh  cannot  do 
the  Works  of  thc> 
Spirit ;  neither  they 
that  are  of  the  Spi- 
rit the  Works  of  the 
Flefli.  As  he  that 
has  Faith,  cannot 
be  an  Infidel;  nor 
he  that  is  an  Infidel  1  Tim. 
have  Faith.  But  e-  ^V.  10. 
yen  thofe  things 
which  ye  do  ac- 
cording to  the  Flefli 
are  Spiritual ;  foraf- 
much  as  ye  do  all 
things  in  Jefus 

IX.  Neverthelefs 
I  have  heard  of 
fome  who  have  paf- 
fed by  you,  having 
perverfe  Dodrine : 
Whom  jou  did  not 
fuffer  to  fow among 
you ;  but  ftopp'd 
your  Ears,  that  you 
might  not  receive 
thofe  things  that 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


fjLct'lt  T&]  ct^/ct),     H  Q  cri- 
^?  Vfx^v  dvctyayiv^    v- 

:)(^p}VcJUy    ©77    y^T    A»^OV 
(lovov  Toy  -S-go;/, 


ctMrt  ci/'TO  '7^  ;to'pJK  V  af  )^  0  }{ju-^ 
tjj'tT'SMsj'*    0  a6;!j??  >«'Pj  ^«OTy^  0^ 

even^'y  el<p*  kfwfiy  a.»C  cxizl  olv  d.- 
K-dJyi   wa^  1^8.   ;^  'u^  IcyjTa  i^w- 

ifll  cJ)>^clct^y    077   OK  7^  g^8  Aa/U- 

TD  KUf'VTieiy  7dL  \J)ct  \cLKfi'  etvrd.- 
fzcmov   >ap    '^v'    iiwn  Jh^ct^H* 

'JV(p>i  J^'p  K^  (JLi<^V*  -vfSl/c/^AOTjj^/  tT- 
Wp;^a  ATltL-nKoVy  ^7nV77KOVy   Yf. 

cAHfiyeioi  fvmTzu  (-j")  y  ^CfT? "  imo-S'^ 
^e^fo?;,  0  ^ui?^tac^i  (II)  vf^^" 
om  T  vriT^dy,  ai  Ai-S-xf  ojtASAi- 
T8?   ^cL^^oKoy^^^a^  £ii  o]}(joJh-' 

)  >;//Jtf.  T.    f/i;  «^.«rf.  T. 


Efijlles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



was  preached  by  them :  As 
bein^  perfuaded  that  that 
Spirit  which  deceives  Man- 
kind, does  not  fpeak  the 
Things  of  Chrift,  but  his 
own,  for  he  is  a  lying  Spi- 
rit.    But  the  Holy  Spirit 
does   not  fpeak   his   own 
Things,  but  the  Things  of 
Chrift ;  and  not  frorxi  him- 
felf,    but  from   the  Lord. 
As  alfo  did  the  Lord  preach 
the  Things  that  he  recei- 
ved from  the  Father.   For, 
fays  he.  The  Wordwhlch you 
hear  is  not  mine  ,  hut  the  Fa- 
ther s  which  fent  me.     And, 
fays  he  of  the  Holy  Spirit, 
He  fljall  not  fpeak  of  hlmfelfy 
hut  whatfoever  he  jhall  hear 
from  me.     And  thus  does 
he  fpeak  to    the    Father 
concerning  himfelf;  Ihave^ 
fays  he,    glorlffd  thee  upon 
Earth  ;    I  ha^ve  finiflied  the 
Work  7vhich  thou  ga'vefi  me. 
I  ha^e  manifefied  thy  Name 
to  Men.     And  concerning 
the  Holy  Ghoft ;  He  jlmll 
glorify  me ,  for  he  recei'ves  of 
mine.  Each  of  them  there- 
fore   glorifies    him    from 
whom  he  receives  what  he 
does,   and  preaches  him , 


were  fown  by  them: 
As  being  the  Stones 
of  the  Temple  o£ 
the  Father,    prepa- 
red for  his  Bi^jlding; 
and  drawn   up   on 
High  by  the  Crofs 
of  "chrift,  as  by  an 
Engine  ;    ufmg  the 
Holy  Ghoft  as  the 
Rope:  Your  Faith 
being  your  Support; 
and   your   Charity 
the  way  that  leads 
unto  God.     Ye  are  j^i,  xiV. 
therefore,  with   all  24. 
your     Companions 
in  the  fame  Journey, 
full   of    God;   His 
Spiritual  Temples ,  XVI.  15. 
full  of  Chrift,  full 
of  Holinefs:  Ador- 
ned   in    all  things 
with  the  Commands 
of  Chrift :  In  whom  xVir.4,5. 
alfo  I  Rejoice  that 
I  have  been thought 
worthy  by  this  pre- 
fent  Epiftle  to  con-  XVI.  14. 
verfe,  and  joy  toge- 
ther with  you  ;  that 
with  refpe(5t  to  the 
other  Life,  ye-  love 
nothing   Jbut    God 


1  a8  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

CM,  ytii   <sr^i  i^.vov^  (t)  C"'^^" 

^t7n§^/leti"    (LIMA   Ct/ZQ/^/f*    fXCt- 

oJ^^y  01  7n^<i>ofj^oi  cv  vo^ia  }UJ^ 
efa.  o«/bV  Ji  *^v  oiTj^avn^y  in<T^( 

voi  oiyov,  Actos'  «<  ^T^TnUciVy  <h* 
oTJ  /«>^*  ''■?   /^7!ao7Ji77  ^zjjf^jrs;^?^' 

(t)avyc«fbmp«y7ct.B.    (|i;dccft.A.B.    n«^'-A.B. 

Efifiles  of  Ignatius. 


Mrger-  Entailer. 

and  pronounces  his  Words.] 
But  the  Spirit  of  Deceit 
preaches  himfelf;  fpeaks 
his  own  things.  For  he  is 
one  that  pleafes  himfelf. 
He  glorifies  himfelf,  for  he 
is  full  of  Arrogance.  He  is 
a  lying,  deceiving,  footh- 
ing,  flattering ,  unfincere, 
talkative ,  trifling,  incon- 
fiftent,  verbofe,  fordid,  ti- 
merous  Spirit.  From  whofe 
Power  Jefus  Chrift  will  de- 
liver you  ;  who  has  found- 
ed you  upon  a  Rock,  as 
chofen  Stones,  well  fitted 
for  the  Divine  Edifice  of 
the  Father:  You,  I  fay, 
who  are  rais'd  up  on  high 
by  Chrifl,  who  was  cruci- 
fy'd  for  you  :  who  make 
ufe  of  the  Holy  Spirit  as  a 
Cordj  and  are  elevated  by 
Faith,  and  taifed  upwards 
by  Love,  from  Earth  tq 
Heaven :  and  have  the  un- 
defiled  for  the  Compani- 
ons of  your  Journey.  For, 
fays  the  Scripture,  BkJJ'U 
are  the  undefiled  in  the  way ^ 
who  walk  in  the  Law  of  the. 
Lord.  JsJo.w  the  unerring 
Way  is  Jefus  Chrift.  For, 
fays  he,  tarn  the  Way  and 

m  LifeVAm  taU  way 

lead?       K 


X.Pray  tf,,  . 

i|o'  T'he  'Larger  and  Smaller 

^matter.  larger. 

Cfioti  ULUTWV    C^Hi  -^(5^- 

P^jSb*       '€57  ;<>   fluJTO/V    «A;7Jf   fZ£T«- 

7^^  >S>  ■»«.  dAgoLTdL^  w  0  '^ktigpi^ 
^a>v   i%  ^hgpkipi'^    (t)  ^5744«- 


iri  Dccfi,  B,  ff;  Fort^^^ir4^72.  no  «^''^''^  a.  F; 

E^ifiles  of  I  GNAT  IV  S. 


leads  to  the  Father.  For, 
No  man,  fays  He,  cometh  to 
the  Father y  but  by  me.  Blef- 
fed  are  ye  therefore  who 
carry  God,  his  Spirit,  his 
Temple,and  his  Sanduary 
within  you :  and  who  are 
univerfally  adorned  with 
the  Commands  of  Jefus 
Chrift  ;  are  a  Royal  Triefi^ 
hoody  an  holy  Nationy  a  pecu- 
liar Peofle.  On  whofe  Ac- 
count I  rejoice  exceeding- 
ly, and  have  the  Honour 
by  this  Epiftle  to  fpsak  to 
the  Saints  which  are  at  Efhe* 
fusy  the  faithful  in  Chrifi  Je- 
fus, I  therefore  am  glad 
for  your  fake,  that  you  do 
hot  give  heed  to  Vanity  ; 
nor  love  according  to  the 
Fiefli,  but  according  to 

X.  Do  ye  alfo  pray  with- 
out ceafmg  for  all  other 
Men  :  For  there  is  hope 
of  their  Repentance,  that 
they  may  attain  unto  God. 
Cannot  He  that  falls  arife  ? 
or  he  that  goes  aftray  return  a^ 
gain}  Permit  them  there- 
fore to  be  inftrucSed  by 
you.  Be  you  .  the  Mini- 
llers  of  Goa,and  theMoutli 
bi  Ghrift;    For  thus  fays 



1  Pet.  a; 

Eph.  I,  i: 

X.Pray  alfo  with- 
out ceafmg  for  o- 
ther  Men:  For  there 
is  Hope  of  Repen- 
tance in  them,  thai 
they  may  attain  un-  n^  yj||; 
to  God.  Let  them  ^.  *  ' 
therefore  at  leaft  be 
inftruAed  by  your 
Works,,  if  they  will 
he  no  other  way.  Be  yc 
mild  at  their  Anger; 

K,  a'  hum^ 



The  Zjorger  and  Smaller 

^Kaufr^iDyLia;  olvtwv  V(J.etf 
^Kciv^V   etVTOiV   VfA^i  I- 

•70  Ayu-ov  cLVTwy  i///«f 
J\K(pot  etVTWV  Jjpn^f/^v 
C77V  'SrAiOl/  fitcT/WlQw,  77f 



■<S«  <jsr|^«j  Tttf  op><»V  cu/roy  v^uuf 
rrtt^  ^hA<T(p\)iJLia4  'turmv  (*)  u /xsiV 

J'iKoVy  X.iyoV,    }OJexiif    «  /«  ^'r 

7W77  -^jJ^'JiovTzt  ra^  dwefietv^' 
^'tff*  ^0  aTTycTcijJ'oj'T^;    diJLvvic^ 

TKf  diJ)K'iv]ai    V^JLAi"     (||J  «  ctV- 

TPatnozd^  Tin  oh^yMa!''  (*)  «  ^a- 
75  '^"'Hii  fju^^ffjv  vfj(Ai*\  diAh' 

<po)  YlfJUOif  i9iy  '^UA  li  oyof-uL  tk 
Xfei«  Jh^cL^^y  iij  (judaic fjii^  TXtf 

T«77fc'  *  Tniycov^  «x.  yj'TreiX^y  ct'rX* 
\J3-ep  '^'*  fe;»(^p««'  «si^cnit/;^7o,  :17a- 
T^p  ^^Sf  a/jTvii '  ^K  o^iJkcrjv  0  7?B/- 


( • )  Pcfunt.  B.      rt ;  Dceft.  A.  B.      (  f! )  Defunt.  N. 

r^  ^^>^7i  «Ae\  Nr     (tj  dvTvreiVi,  A.  B.    . 

Epjlles  of  Ignatius, 


the  Lord,   If  je   take  forth 
the  frecious  from  the  ^vile,  ye 
fjall  he  as  my  Mouth,  Be  ye 
humble    at  their «  Anger; 
to  their  Reproaches  do  you 
oppofe  your  earneft  Pray- 
ers :  when  they  go  aftray 
do  you  ft  and   fait  in   the 
Faith.      Overcome    their 
cruel  Temper  by  Gentle- 
nefs  ;    their    Paffion     by 
Meeknefs.     For,  Blejfed  are 
the  Meek,     And,  Mojes  v^as 
meek  abo've  all  men.     And, 
David  was  exceeding  meek. 
Wherefore  Vaul  gives  this 
Exhortation,  and  fays.  The 
Servant  of  the  Lord  maft  not 
firlvey  but  be  gentle  towards 
all  meny  aft  to  teachy  patient : 
in  meekneff  infiruHing  thofe 
that  oppofe  themfelves.      Not 
endeavouring    to    avenge 
your  felves  on  thofe  that 
injure  you :  as    fays    the 
Scripture,  If  I  have  return- 
ed evil  to  thofe  who  rewarded 
me   evil  for  good.     Let    14  s 
make   them    Brethren  by 
our   Gentlenefs  to  them. 
Say  ye    unto   thofe   that  hate 
you  ,    Te  are    my    Brethren  ; 
that  the  Name  of  the  Lord  may 
he  glorified.  And  ht  us  imi- 
tate the  Lord  ,  who  when 


humble  at  their 
Boafting :  To  their 
Blafphemies,  return 
your  Prayers :  To 
their  Error,  your 
Firmnefs  in  the 
Faith :  When  they 
are  cruel,  be  ye  gen- 
tle ;  not  endeavou- 
ring to  imitate  their 
ways :  (  Let  us  be 
their  Brethren  in  all 
Kindnefs  and  Mo- 
deration, but  let  us 
be  Followers  of  the 
Lord  :  For  who  was 
ever  more  unjuftly 
ufed  ?  More  defti- 
tute  ?  More  defpi- 
fedO  That  fo  no 
Herb  of  the  Devil 
may  be  found  in 
you ;  but  ye  may 
remain  in  all  Holi- 
nefs  and  Sobriety, 
both  of  Body  and 
Spirit,  in  Chrillje- 

XV.  19. 



or,  I  Sam, 
2  Tim  n 

24,  25. 

Pfal.  V 





The  Jjaxger  and,  Smaller 

OVA  \asn(JLBiV1fy  QW  fMH^ejL&,  6*f- 

ifjfl'.       X«a?<  TaTK   /t^eTt:/ 

(  *  )   IJM»<0V,    A. 

(t;  Defunt.  A.B.      (U  Deell.  B. 

Epijlles  of  Igk  ATI  VS^ 



he  was  revikdy  reviled  not  a^ 
gain ;  when  he  was  crucified 
he  contradiBed  not ;  when  he  • 
fuffered  he  threaUied  not ;'  but 
prayed  for  his  Enemies, 
Father  forgive  them  ^  they 
know  not  what  they  do.  If 
any  one  the  more  he  is 
injured  does  the  more  pa- 
tiently endure  it^  happy  is 
he.  If  any  one  is  defraud- 
ed or  defpis'd  for  the  Name 
of  the  Lord^  he  really  be- 
longs toChrift.  Take  heed 
that  no  Plant  of  the  Devil 
be  found  among  you  ;  for 
it  is  bitter  and  fait.  Watch 
ye^  and  he  fiohtr  in  Chrifl  Je- 

XI.  The  Laft  Times  are 
come  upon  us :  Let  us  be 
very  reverent,  and  have 
an  awful  Regard  to  the 
Long-fuffering  of  God, 
left  we  defftfe  the  Riches  of 
Ms  Goodnefs  and  Forbearance, 
Let  us  rather  fear  the  Wrath 
to  come,than  love  the  pre- 
fent  Joy  of  the  Life  that 
now  ig.  But  let  our  pre- 
fent  and  true  Joy  be  only 
this,  to  be  found  in  Chrilt 
Jefus,  that  we  may  truly 
live.  Do  not  ever  defire  lo 
much  as  to  breathe  with- 


1  Pet.  II. 




Match.  V, 

1  Pet.  IV. 

XL  The  Laft 
Times  are  come  up- 
on us  :  Let  us  there^ 
fore  be  very  Reve- 
rent, and  fear  the 
Long-  fuffering  of 
God,  that  it  be  not 
to  us  unto  Condem- 
nation. For  let  us 
either  fear  the  Wrath 
that  isxo  come,  or 
let  us  love  theGrace 
that  we  at  prefent 
enjoy  :  That  by  the 
one  or  other  of  thefe 
we  may  be  found  in 

K  4  Chrift 

Rom.  If. 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 


(juiftyctexTtUy  cv  oi;  '^oni  (loi  tc- 

Kotvavov  'Tb  ^rtfaTK  icw  •)iJ«^4o&5, 

ImTjyJiVy    ivA  cv  >cX>ifA)  \<pi(neov 
£^i^  ^  Xei^^^Vy  (  *)  0/"  ;^ 

J\jVA[JLi   IMiT?  Xei5"»,    UeUJhUy  I»- 

Ols/k   77f   «/^^     ;^    77OT    J^A^a" 

n  ij/cfc.  B.    (t)  Deeft.  A.  B.    (li;  Deeft,  I ^/^J  A.  defiinr, 
e)«  aMa\  B.     t;  tk  £A*;^V«.  A.  B.       (fj  DelunC  A.  B. 

Epiflles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



out  Him.  For  He  is  my 
Hope  ;  He  is  my  Glory- 
ing ;  He  is  my  never- fail- 
ing Riches  ;  on  vvhofe  ac- 
count I  bear  about  me 
thefe  Bonds  from  Syria  to 
Rome ;  thefe  Spiritual  Jew- 
els ;  wherein  God  grant  I 
may  be  perfe<5led  through 
your  Prayers ;  and  become 
thereby  a  Partaker  of  the 
Sufferings  of  Chrift  ;  a 
Partner  of  his  Deaths  Re- 
furredion,  and  never-fail- 
ing Life.  Which  God  grant 
I  may  attain  unto  ;  that  I 
may  be  found  in  the  tot 
of  the  Chriflians  of  Ephe^ 
fus,  who  always  convers'd 
with  the  Apoftles,  in  the 
Power  of  Jefus  Chrift; 
with  Pauly  and  John  ,  and 
Timothy  the  moff  faithful. 

XII.  I  know  both  who 
I  am  y  and  to  whom  I 
write.  I  am, the  inconfide- 
rable  Perfon  Ignatius ;  one, 
as  it  were,  under  Danger 
and  Condemnation  :  .  but 
you  are  thofe  that  fcave 
obtained  Mercy,  and  are 
eftablifhed  in  Chrift.  I 
am  one  delivered  up  to 
Death  ;  the  leaft  of  all 
who  have  been  put  to 


Chrift  Jefus,  unto 
true  Life.  Befides 
him,  let  nothing  be 
worthy  of  you  ;  for 
whom  alfo  1  bear  a- 
bout  thefe  Bonds , 
thofe  Spiritual  Jew- 
els ,  in  which  I 
would  to  God  that  I 
might  arife  through 
your  Prayers :  Of 
which  I  intreat  you 
to  make  me  always 
Partaker ;  that  I 
may  be  found  in  the 
Lot  of  the  Chrifti- 
ans  of  Ephefusy  who 
have  always  agreed 
with  the  Apoftles, 
through  the  Power 
of  Jefus  Chrift. 

XII.I  know  both 
who  I  am,  and  to 
whom  I  write  :  I,  a 
Perfon  condemn'd  ; 
Ye,fuch  as  have  ob- 
tained Mercy  :  I, 
expofed  to  Danger ; 
Ye ,  confirmed  /z- 
gainji  Danger,  Ye 
are  the  Palfage  of 
thofe  that  are  kilfd 
for  Godj  The  Com- 


21?^  Tjarger  and  Smaller 


'Z  '^uoiro  uot  -v^aro  Tit  {"xyn 
^Tij^a^oi  iv  Wiry  cm- 



^  Kv'iTtU  0  0Ag3p©-  «tj- 
in^oif*      OvJiv  *(^v  a- 


Xp/5^V  cipkuiify  cv  »  TOf  7r5A«^©- 
'mti/fxaTzav'  »  jap  e^j/  j^^/i'  w  zra- 
'Sjeof  TTt?  6tp;^j  xj  -syoj  l^^da^y 

eicy  cv  7TJI?  kTra^jtoif, 

^*)  J^^  A.  B. 

Efiftles  ^/Ignatius. 


Death  for  Chrift,  fro^n  the 
Blood  of  righteous  Abel  to  the 
Blood  of  Ignatius  :  You 
are  the  Companions  of 
Paul  in  the  Myftery  of 
theGofpel  :  oi  Paul,  who 
was  fandified  ,  and  had 
this  Teftimony  ,  that  he 
was  a  chofen  VeJJel.Atwhoi^Q 
Feet  may  I  be  founds  and 
at  the  Feet  of  the  reft  of 
the  Saints,  when  I  fball 
attain  unto  Jefus  Chrift  : 
ji^ho  is  always  mindful  of  you 
in  his  Trayers, 

XIII.  Let  it  therefore 
be  your  Care  to  come 
oftner.  together  ,  to  the 
Praife  and  Glory  of  God. 
For  when  you  meet  often 
together  in  the  famePlace, 
the  Powers  of  the  Devil 
are  deftroy'd,  and  \\is  fiery 
Darts,  enforcing  Men  to 
fm,  are  rendred  inefFe6lu- 
al.  For  your  Concord  and 
Agreement  in  the  Faith  is 
his  Deftrucflion,  and  the 
Torment  of  his  Airociates. 
Nothing  is  better  than 
that  Peace  which  is  accor- 
ding to  Chrift:  whereby 
all  War  from  the  Aerial 
and  Terreftrial  Spirits  is 
aboliflied.    For  we  firuggle, 



panions  of  Taul  In  Matth. 
the  Myfteriesofthe  X^^* 
Gofpel;  the  Holy,  ^^• 
the  Martyr,  the  de- 
fervedly  moft  Hap- 
py Vaul :  At  whofe 
Feet     may    I     be 
found,  when  I  (hall 
have  attained  unto  Aa5lJC. 
God;  who  through-  ^^' 
out  all  his-  Epiftle 
makes  mention  of 
you  in  Chrift  Jefus. 

XIII.  Let  it  be 

your  Gare  therefore 
to  come  more  fully 
together ,  to  the 
Praife  and  Glory  of 
God.  For  when  ya 
meet  fully  together 
in  the  fame  Place,  Eph.  VI. 
the  Powers  of  the  i<^- 
Devil  are  deftroy'd, 
and  his  Mifchief  is 
diffblved  by  the  U- 
nity  of  your  Faith. 
And  indeed,  nothing 
is  better  than  Peace; 
by  which  all  War 
both  Spiritual  and 
Earthly,  is  abolifli- 


14-0  'The  luurger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  TLargcr. 

71 A^  3  Aya.'Tm,     To.   ^ 

J)j9y    CV  ivOTjfli  '^O/jSfJA^ 
^K  ^V'   TO  'ij  a  Ma  TTttC- 

7»  «f  H^OKAyt^aP  efcJtfl- 
fXMV©-  fJtiffil,    ^dPi^V  TV 

tuna*  «7n>?  oi  ImiyyouiVOi 

af  UaM?^Q-(-[)  TtK^wi"  «f  Xp/- 

»77f    ^f     itppi^      ^<y"f    ^     TEA©-' 
«p;(^(^«wf, '3rif7^*   TEA©"  3,  <?.)^'- 

A^^.tf<  wxVTrt  «{  yg.KoK(lyL^ap  ct- 
xoA«3«.'  ^;'.     «/«?  'STijTi/  4^af- 

i^  diyL'Mv  yjiKTh/xivQ-  (jutuv  -f 
«4c/)iA(p6p*    0  ^  eiTTtoUy   Ayei'nvKTiii 

TiXv^oiov  (THy  a(  Qiauiiv,   ol  SOTtf- 
ytnjifj^oi  Xf /r»  'it)^    in.  'd%  ai/ 

/Sff^iiiici    ^Afaexi^ovTof    c^  )B  t« 



(•)  «A«ffi7e.  A.B.      (f)  7\Kwi.  B. 

Epjlles  of  1 

G  N  A  T  I  U  5. 


not  agalnft  Flejlj  and  Bloody 
hut  againfl  TrincipalitieSy  a- 
gainfi  Towers ,  againfi  the 
Rulers  of  the  Darknefs  of  thts 
World,  againfi  SfirltualWlc" 
kednefs  in  heavenly  Vlaces. 

XiV.  Wherefore  none 
of  the  Contrivances  of  the 
Devil  (hall  be  hidden  from 
you.,  if,  like  Paul,  you  have 
fcrfeB  Faith  and  Love  to- 
vjards  Chrifi  ;  which  are 
the  beginning  and  end  of 
Life :  The  beginning  of 
Life  is  Faith  ;  the  end  of 
it  Charity ;  and  both  toge- 
thcr,  being  preferv'd  in  U- 
nity,  do  perfed  the  Man 
of  God :  and  all  other 
Graces  do  follow  them^  to 
the  Perfedion  of  Good- 
nefs.  No  one  that  profef- 
fes  the  Faith  ought  to  fin : 
nor  he  that  is  poffefs'd  of 
Charity  to  hate  his  Bro- 
ther. For  he  that  faid^  Thou 
jl)alt  love  the  Lord  thy  God^ 
faid  alfo  ,  Jnd  thy  Neigh- 
hour  as  thy  felf  Thofc  that 
Profefs  themfelves  Chriiti- 
ans  are  to  be  known  not 
only  by  their  Words,  but 
by  their  Works.  For  the 
Tree  is  known  by  its  Fruit, 

XV.  It 



Xiy.Of  all  which 
nothing  is  hid  from 
you,  if  ye  have  per- 
fed  Faitlf  and  Cha-  '  Tim.  I. 
rity  in  Chrift  Jefus,  ''** 
which  are  the  Be- 
ginning and  End  of 
Life.  For  the  Be- 
ginning is  Faith  ; 
the  End  Charity. 
And  thefe  two  join- 
ed together,  are  of 
God  :  But  all  other 
things  which  con- 
cern a  Holy  Life 
are  the  Confequen- 
ces  of  thefe.  No 
Man  profeffing  a 
true  Faith  fmneth  ; 
Neither  does  he  ^^^^  ^ 
who  has  Charity,  27. ' 
hate  any.  The  Tree 
is  made  manlfeft  hy  its 
Fruit :  So  they  who 
profefs  themfelves 
to  be  Chriftians,are 
known  by  what  they  Matth. 
do.    YovChrifiianity  XII.  33. 

is  iiot  die  Work  of 
'  '-"^  an 

1 4s  The  J^arger  and  Smaller 

fXV\  eiVAC^  M  ActA»i/7»  fJlM 

laiv  0  Aeytfi^TTO/M,      eT; 

JS  ay  ActA«  iST'ctATEij    >J 

o)fuv  (WTd  vetoiy  )y  aZiii 
ay  ^Kouof^  AyiTiwyjsV  cju- 

^dLoiKeiA  7^  ;^»,  d^"  h  /OyctiJLi, 

3(^^^A  Vi9i0iTtU,    S^UATt    Q    0/iO- 

hoy^heu'   T?  ^\  f<^  <f))(^toavvluu* 

Iv  TM  ^Affj^eia.,  0  xj^^iQ-  tifjuiov 
>^  (*)  r^of  Imj»^  0  Xf/f^;,  0  Mo^ 

'IS  :&t«  TO  ^cS/IQ-  trs^TDV  iTiiitKrSy 
3^  Tvn  i-liJk^iv^  ©?  (ML^vjiei  Ab- 
^f ,  a  0  'g^Twy©-  h  TtS  iVAyyiKicpy 
J) A  'jm.azav  (7^  Itit^nfficSv,    ^Jiy 

^(SJ^^Vi   7vy    XUflOV,    *MC6    }^   7% 

y^v^JA  YifAjSv  tyyvi  cuj'ni  *0, 
-mvTVL  hy  TTQicHfj^  a;  cwTi  Iv   »- 

VAot^  3^  AUTVi  Ivnixly  ^tOf.  Xfi- 
fpV  cv  ("I")  ni/ty"  ActAWTw,  6/V  j|^ 
cy  TIav\6>*  7b  7niivf/4t  tv  eLyof 
J)cfhLC}(.i7ra  Yt^JLAi  idi  Xf /r»  9^')7'g- 



C)  0.  B.   ft;  v».  A, 

Epjlles  c/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



XV.  It  is  better  for  a 
Man  to  hold  his  Peace, 
and  to  be  [  a  Chriftian,  ] 
than  to  fay  he  is  one^  and 
not  to  be  fo.  The  Kingdom 
of  God  is  not  in  Wordy  but  in 
Tower.  Men  believe  with 
the  Hsart,  and  confefs  with 
the  Mouth  :  They  helie^ve  tin^ 
to  Right eoufnefsy  and  confefs 
unto  Sahation,  'Tis  a  good 
thing  to  teachj  if  he  that 
teaches  does  alfo  pradife. 
For  He  that  jhall  both  do  and 
teach  y  the  fame  is  great  in 
the  Kingdom.  Our  Lord 
and  God  Jefus  Chrift, 
the  Son  of  the  Living  God^ 
firft  did  and  then  taught  ; 
as  witnefleth  Lukt ,  whofe 
Fraife  is  in  the  Gofpel  through^ 
out  ail  the  Churches,  There 
is  nothing  'hid  from  the 
Lord  ;  but  our  very  Se- 
crets are  nigh  unto  him. 
Let  us  therefore  do  all 
things  as  thofe  in  whom 
he  dwells;  that  we  may  be 
his  Temples^  and  he  may  "he 



an  outward  Frofejfjton, 
but  jljews  its  jelf  in 
the  Power  of  Faith, 
if  a  Man  be  found 
Faithful  unto  the 

XV.  It  is  better 
for  a  Man  to  hold 
his  Peace,  and  be  ; 
than  to  fay.  He  is  a 
Chrifiian^  and  not  to 
be.  It  is  good  to 
teach ;  if  what  he 
fays,  he  does  like* 
wife.  There  is  there- 
fore oneMafter  who 
fpake ,  and  it  was 
done  ;  And  even 
thofe  things  which 
he  did  without 
fpeaking,  are  wor- 
thy of  the  Father. 
He  that  poffeffes 
the  Word  of  Jefus, 
is  truly  able  to  hear 
his  very  Silence , 
that  he  may  be  Per- 
fect ;  and  both  do 
according  to  what 
he  fpeaks ,  and  be 
known  by  thofe 
things  of  which  he 
is  fiient.  There  is 
nothing  hid  from 
God,  but  even  our 

I  Cor.  IV. 


Rom.  X. 



Aasi  i": 

2  Cor. 
VIII.  1 8. 

1  Cor.IIL 

16,  17, 
VI.  19. 

144*"  T'be  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  Sparger. 

A*^*©",      e<V    7«     77Vf    TIB 
3^  0  AKiaV   AUTV. 


(*J  SiJk^H^Uv.  A.  S.     (t;  Dccft.  N. 

E^ijiles  of  iGii  AT  IV  S. 



In  us  a  God,  Let  Chrift 
fpeak  in  us  as  he  did  in 
FauL  Let  the  Holy  Spirit 
teach  us  to  fpeak  the 
Things  of  Chrift^  as  h^ 

XVi.  Be  not  deceived. 
Brethren,  Thofe  that  cor- 
rupt Families  fhall  not  in- 
herit the  Kingdom  of  God. 
If  therefore  thofe  that  cor- 
rupt Mens  Families  are 
condemn'd  to  dye^  How 
much  more  fhall  thofe  that 
endeavour  to  corrupt  the 
Church  of  Chrift  faffer 
everlafling  Punifhment  ? 
for  which  the  Lord  Jefus, 
the  only-begotten  Son  of 
God ,  endur'd  the  Crofs, 
and  Death  it  felf.  Whofe 
Dodrine  whofoever  fets  at 
nought,  tho  he  be  v^axen 
fat  and  grown  t hie k^  he  fhall 
go  to  Hell.  In  like  manner 
every  Man  that  has  recei- 


Secrets  are  nigh  un- 
to   Him.      Let  us 

therefore  do  all 
things  as  becomes 
thofe  who  have  God 
dwelling  in  them  ; 
that  we  may  be  his 
Temples ,  and  h@ 
may  be  our  God  i 
As  alfo  He  is ,  and 
will  manifeft  him- 
felf  before  our  Fa- 
ces, by  thofe  things 
for  which  we  juftly 
love  Him. 

XVL  Benotde- 
ceiv'd^my  Brethren: 
Thofe  that  corrupt  i^or.Vi* 
Families  l?j  Adultery^  ^'  *"' 
{ball  not  inherit  the 
Kingdom   of  God* 
If    therefore    they 
who  do  this  accord- 
ing   to    the  Flefh, 
have  fufferedDeathj 
How   much    more 
fhall  he  dye,  who  bv 
his  wicked  Dodrine 
corrupts  the  Faith 
of  God,  for  which 
Chrift  was  crucifi- 
ed ?  He  that  is  thus  ^  ' 
defiledj  fiiall  depart  xyi)lii 
into   unquenchable  j^^ 
Fire  j  and    fo  alfo 


Thk '^ISttfger  and  Smaller 


eiQ'  (t)  ^  >«^<aa»k"^  <y*  1/  c^A" 

ciAB(p4^  (■*')  77?''  (f )  JhoaJhidff 
<xj<'c6  TV  3^»  oKHXi/icriei.  f^  eti^- 
ag  jj  -w^'tt/  yxyy*  (j|)  c/>a  77  Ao- 
J^d  77'  %iJ.(pvrov   7^  t«fet  :^K  '^J'^ 

(*)  Forte  777rrJ.  (f)  co^  dm  zijict^u^  jiii  c//c;tA«c775tf..  N. 
(11)  cro/.  A.  ■  f)  Deeft.  A.  B  (f)  J-jarjJ'ei'ap,  c/Vcc^r^cgiAw. 
ArB;     (f)  'I:u=c.  T,      C)  Deeft.  A.  B, 

Epjiles  of  Ignatius. 



ved  from  God  the  Power 
oi  diftinguifhing,  and  yet 

'follows  an  unskilful  Shep- 
herd,  and  receives  falfe 
Opinions  for  true,  fhall  be 
puniflied.  Wioat  Commu- 
nion bath  Light  with  Dark-^ 
nejsy  or*Chrifi  jvith  Belial'^ 
Or  what  Fortion  hath  he  that 
helli'veth  Tvith  an  Infidel^  or 
the  Tern  fie  of  God  with  Idol  si 
And,  fay  Ij' What  Com- 
inunion  hath  Truth  with 
Falfehood,  or  Righteouf- 
iiefs  witliUnrighteoufnefs, 

lot  the  True  Dodrine  with 

'that  v^hich  is  Falfe? 

XVII.  For  this  Caufe 
did  the  Lord  receive  Oint- 
ment upon  his  Head,  that 
his  Church  might  breath 
forth  Incorruption.  For, 
,lays   the    S.cripture,    Thy 

h^ame  is  Ointmpnt  poured  forth  ^ 
therefore  have  the  Virgins  Iq- 
"ued  thee:  they  have  drawn 
theCy  we  TviJl  run  after  thee : 
at  the  Savour  of  thine  Oi?n- 
?77ents.  Let  no  one  be 
anointed  with  the  ill  fmel- 
llng  Ointment  of  the  Do- 

.  clrine  of  the  Prince  of  this 

World.     Let  not  the  Holy 

Church   of     God  be  led 

captive  by  his  Subtilty,  as. 

'  vvas 


fhall  he  that  heark- 
ens to  him* 

t  Cor.V!. 

XVn.    For  thk 

Caufe  did  tlie  Lord 
fuffer  the  Ointmei;c 
to  be  poured  on  his 
Head ,  that  he  might 
breath  the  Breath  of  ^^^^  ^ 
Immortality     unto  ^^ 
his    Church.       Be 
nor  ye  therefore  a- 
nointed    with    the 
evil  Savour  of  the 
Dodrine     of     the 
Prince  of  thisWorld  * 
Let  him    not  take 
you    Captive   from 
the  Life  that  is  fet 
before   you.      And 
whv  ;ire  we  not  all 
I  z     Wife  i 


The  I^arger  and  S/mller 

«^/  Myt/uS^/iav  (TVVirmv  • 

O   3S    3t0<    ^/UCOU  lillT^i    0 
^etCtJ^j    TrySpLeLlQ-  ''j  ei- 



( "  ;  DeeO.  A.  B.       (  f  ;  Deefl.  A.  B.      rf)  Decll.  A.  B. 
r**)  Deeft,  A,  B. 

Epftks  of  I  GN  ATI  V  S. 



was  the  firft  Woman.  Why 
do  we  not,  as  reafonable 
Creatures ,  ad  wifely  '^ 
When  we  have  received 
from  Chrifl  the  Faculty  of 
judging  concerning  God 
implanted  in  us,  why  do 
we  fall  headlong  into  Ig- 
norance ?  And  through 
Carelefnefs  do  not  own 
the  Gift  we  have  received;, 
and  fo  foolifhly  perifli. 

ts  an  Offtnce  to  the  Unbelie- 
'ucrs ;  but  to  thofe  that  believe 
Salvation  ^nd  eternal  Life. 
Where  is  the  wife  M<Jn^  where 
is  the  Diffutant  ?  fVhere  is  the 
Boafiing  of  thofe  who  arc  cal- 
led Great?  For  the  Son  of 
God,  who  was  begotten 
before  the  World  began, 
and  difpofed  all  things  ac- 
cording to  the  Will  of  his 
Father ,  He  was  carried 
in  the  Womb  of  Mary,  ac- 
cording to  the  Difpenlati- 
on  of  God;  and  was  of 
the  Seed  of  D^t;/V,  through 
the  Holy  Ghoft.  For,  fays 
the  Scripture,  Behold  a  Vir- 
gin jhall  be  with  Child ,  and 
jhall  bear  a  ^on^  and  he  fl>all 
he  called  Emanuel,  He  was 
born ;  and  was  baptized  by 


Wife;  feeing  we 
have  received  the 
Knowledge  of  God, 
which  isJefjsChrift  ? 
Why  do  we  fufter 
our  felves  fooliflily 
to  p^rifh ;  not  con- 
fidering  the  Gift 
which  the  Lord  has 
truly  fent  to  Us  ? 

XVIII.  Let  my  ,  Cor.  L 
Life  be  ftcrificed  for  1 8. 
the  Doctrine  of  the 
Crofs ;  which  is  /w- 
^/^eiaScandal  to  the 
Unbelievers,  but  to  ^  ^^^-  '• 
us  is  Salvation  and  ^^»^^»'^ 
Life  Eternal.  IVhere 
is  the  Wife  Man  ? 
Where  Is  the  Difputer  ? 
Where  is  the  Boafi- 
ing of  thofe  who 
are  called  Wife  ^ 
For  our  God  Jefus 
Chrift,  was  accord- 
ing to  the  Difpen- 
fation  of  God,  con- 
ceived in  the  Womb 
of  Mary ,  of  the 
Seed  of  David ,  by 
the  Holy  Ghoil : 
He  was  born ,  and 
baptized  ,         that 

Match.  L 



The  Lawcr  and  Smaller 



Kit?  ikA^^v  -T-  tf.'p;>5J'- 

liTATd^  cfvTVi^,    ouotag  }t) 

rmVTVL  ATpCLy  eifJM.  Y\Mcp  >^ 

T^eov  TO  <pcoi  h/m  VTnp  -mV" 
•Ttt.  Ta^.;;^'  71  hh  ^ttI^v  » 

y^KiOi^  etyota.  y^Oiif wt^, 
^ttolKojo,  ^ctcnKeiO,  eOs^9f<- 
f  570,  3tK  AV^a-mvui  <prt- 

^dl^CdiViV   7C    -^^^t     3t^ 

Kit/   £Adi.§S  -f  <*PprCr7a    7^  rtlft-" 
0  TDK^Tc^   etvv)?^    QUoic&^   '^  0^'U 

vct]Q-  «r«  xt/eitf.  Tetct  ijv^exdi 
KfewyTn^    (L   TiVA  hf   viavyicf.  1- 

viyJhdKXjTvv  bJj^  1^  ^iv  'Tm^ 
^fi'^v  J7  \g!/i'or^^  etvTS  75/^  o^acnv 
CLVTOV'  7«  <A^  Ao/W  TjaVTa  Aq:Ay 
et(ua.  JiA/6>  ;^  iTgAtoyJij  ^&^  \-)4V0V'^ 
Tn  7W  ttWe^  etvi^<;  M  Uu  '\^€aK- 
Xuv  (*)  etCrd"  rod  (pavof'  tk^j. 

vofj^yi,  'iv^iv  \^jL(d^cfAviT^  Qo^p'tA 
}(x>qj.i)iii^  y>m7A  i^9a©-  lujy  3^  yi^ 
Kcoi  Yi  (xcf.yeiA'  '7iu<;  (f)  ^zaixo^" 
y^YAOi  h'pAVti^ZTQ^  dyfoia4  <^o^©- 
tPianuMvyvloy  i^  w^vviKn  d^^ 

eA)?A,     K75    70      AV71^9V    '^lAKOTifi'' 

ct^Aa  70  u'  d,\ii^Ay  to   ^^  o/xcro- 

|[/jCt*    «tppj4y    0  ikAfJiCAVi    70  o^ 

Tte  (n;j's;c/j/«TO,  cftcc  70  (u\i\a^ 
'"^AVAT^  y^7u?^vm. 

(')  twi^?.  A.  B.      (ft^  Vo^th  V^<?-f<fV. 

Efiflles  of  iQN  A^rrirs, 


Johjfy  that  he  might  give 
Atteflation  to  the  Inftitu- 
tion  which  was  entrufted 
with  that  Prophet. 

XIX.  Now  the  Virgini- 
ty of  Marj  y  and  her  Off- 
spring, as  alfo  the  Death 
of  the  Lord,  were  kept  fe- 
cret   from  the  Prince   of 
this  World  :  Three  Myfte- 
ries  to  be  noifed  Abroad, 
which  were  done  in  Si- 
lence, but  are  reveal'd  to 
us.  A  Star  in  the  Heavens 
fliined  above  all  that  were 
before  it^    and  its  Light 
was  unfpeakable  :  and  the 
Novelty  thereof  furprized 
thofe  that  faw  it.  Now  all 
the  reft  of  the  Stars,  toge- 
ther   with   the  Sun    and 
Moon,  were  but  a  Chorus 
to  this  Star:  for  it  exceed- 
ed them  all  in  Brightnefs: 
and  Men   were   troubled 
to    difcover  whence   this 
ftrange  Appearance  pro- 
ceeded. After  this.  World- 
ly Wifdom  became  Folly  ; 
the   Art  of    Conjuration 
became  ridiculous  ;     and 
the  Power  of  Magick  a 
thing  to  be  laugh'd  at ;  e- 
very  Law  of  Wickednefs 
vanifhed  away,  the  Dark- 


through  hisPaffion, 
he  might  puriiiQ 
Water,  to  the  Ti^aflung 
away  of  Sin. 

XIX.  Now    the 
Virginity  of  Mary, 
and    He  who  was 
born  of    her  ,  was 
kept  in  fecret  from 
the   Prince  of  this 
World ;  as  was  alfo 
the   Death  of   our 
Lord:  Three  of  the 
Myfteries  the  moft 
fpoken  of  throughout 
the  World^  yet  done 
in  fecret  by  God. 
How  then  was  ojiv 
Saviour    manifefted 
to  the   World  ?   A 
Star  flione  in  Hea- 
ven beyond  all  the 
other  Stars,  and  its 
Light  was  Inexprcf- 
fible,  and  its  Novel- 
ty ftruck  Terror  In- 
to Mens  Mhids.     All 
the  reft  of  the  Stars, 
tcgether   with    the 
Sun  andMoon,wcre 
the  Chorus  to  this 
Star:  But  that  .ferj.c 
out    its   Light  ex- 
ceedingly      above 
tliem     All.      And 
L  4         Men 


T'he  Jjarger  and  Smaller 




STTtJCfels  <l<hK(pOt    i^pCUOt    Iv  Tf 

mi^  ^««  TKiksiy   xj  I*i<r»  Xf/s-2, 

EptflleS  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



nefs  of  Ignorance  was  dif- 
fipated  5  and  Tyrannical 
Authority  was  abolifhed  ; 
God  appearing  as  a  Man  ; 
and  Man  working  Won- 
ders as  a  God.  But  neither 
was  the  former  a  bare  Ap- 
pearance ;  nor  was  the  fe- 
cond  a  real  Diminution. 
But  the  former  certain 
Truth,  and  the  latter  a  Di- 
vine Difpenfation.  But 
that  which  was  compleat 
before  received  a  new  Be- 
ginning from  God.  Hence 
all  things  were  in  a  Com- 
motion, becaufe  he  con- 
trived the  Deftrudion  of 

XX.  Stand  fall,  Bre- 
thren, in  the  Faith  of  Je- 
fus  Chri{l,and  in  his  Love; 
in  his  Paffion,  and  in  his 
Refurredion.  Do  ye  all 
affemble  your  felves  toge- 
ther in  common,  every  one 
^y  Name,  in  Grace  ;  In 
one  Faith  of  God  the  Fa- 
ther, and  of  Jefus  Chrift 



Men  began  to  be 
troubled  to  think 
whence  this  new 
Star  catTje  fo  unlike 
to  all  the  Others. 
Hence  all  tie  Tower 
of  Magick  became 
diffolved  ;  and  eve- 
ry Bond  of  Wicked- 
nefs  was  deftroyed ; 
M^wj  Ignorance  was 
taken  away;  and  the, 
old  Kingdom  abo- 
liftied;  God  himfelf 
appearing  in  the 
Form  of  a  Man,  for 
the  Renewal  of  E- 
ternal  Life.  From 
thence  began  what 
God  had  prepared : 
From  thenceforth 
things  were  diftur- 
bed;  forafmuch  as 
he  defign'd  to  abo- 
lifli  Death. 

XX.  But  if  Jefus 
Chrift  fiiall  give  me 
Grace  through  your 
Prayers,  and  it  be 
his  Will,  I  purpofe 
in  a  fecond  Epiftle 
which  I  will  fud- 
denly  write  unto 
you  to  manifeft  to 
you  ynon  fully  the 


^be  Larger  and  Smaller 




Eftfllesof  I  G  N  A  tius^ 



his  only-begotten  Son5and 

the  Firft-horn  of  every  Crea- 
ture ;  but  of  the  Stock  of 
David  according  to  the 
Flefh ;  being  conducted 
by  rhe  Comforter^  in  obe- 
dience to  your  Bifhop  and 
Presbytery,  with  ?.n  undi- 
vi'ded  Mind,  breakingone 
common  Loaf^  which  is 
the  Medicine  of  Immor- 
tality j  a  Prefervative  that 
we  may  not  dye,  but  live 
in  God ,  through  Jefus 
Chrift  :  a  Purgative  to  ex- 
pel Evil 

XXI.  My  Soul  be  for 
yours,  and  theirs  whom 



rpenfation  of  which 
I  h^ve  now  begun  (.^j^„^ 
to  Ipeak  ,  unto  the  ,j. 
new  Man,  which  is 
Jefus  Chrift  ;  Both 
in  this  Faith  ,  and 
Charity.;  in  his  Suf- 
fering ,  and  in  his 
Refurre(5tion:  Efpe- 
cially  if  the  Lord 
fhall  make  km-ivn 
imto  Me,  that  ye  all 
by  Name  come  to-' 
gether  in  common 
in  one  Faith  ,  a'nd 
in  one  Jefus  Chrift ; 
who  was  of  theRace 
of  D^i//V  according 
to  the  Flefh;  the 
Son  of  Man  ,  and 
Son  of  God  ;  Obey- 
ing yourBifhop  and 
the  Presbytery  with 
an  entire  Affection ; 
breaking  one  and 
the  fame  BREAD, 
which  is  the  Medi- 
cine of  Immortali- 
ty ;  our  Antidote 
that  we.fliould  not 
die  ,  but  live  for  e- 
ver  in  Chrift  Je- 

XXi.  MY  Sroul 

be  for  Yours ,  and 



T'be  T^ar^er  and  Smaller 


c>«tc7  'Tn^Vy  ^am^  h^ta^ 


i/Av,  o;&t;'  )i^  7£^?«  ^^V'*'^  <<^A??^ 
fxavdJiii  fj(.^y   eoi  xj  ux/30  Ih^b^  o 


[  {*)  ctj^^.N.      rt)^Vmp.  N. 

Eftfiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 


ye  have  fent  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  God   to  Smyrna. 
Whence  alfo  I   write  to 
you:  giving  Thanks  to  the 
Lord,  and  loving  Foljcarp^ 
as  I  do  you.    Remember 
me,  as  Jefus  Chrift  does 
you,,  who  is  blefled  for  e- 
ver.    Pray  for  the  Church 
of  Antiocb  which  is  in  Sy- 
ria: From  whence  I  am 
led  bound  to  Rome ;  being 
the  leaft  of  all  the  Faithful 
which  are  there :  who  yet 
am  thought  worthy  to  car- 
ry thefe  Chains,  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  God.  Fare  ye  well, 
in  God  the  Father,  and  the 
Lord  JefusChrifl:,our  com- 
mon Hope,  in  the  Holy 
Spirit.  Fare  ye  well,  yi/we;;. 
Grace  [  be  with  you.  ] 


Theirs    whom    ye 
have  fent,  to  the 
Glory  of  God ;  even 
unto  Smyrna  ;  from 
whence  alfo  I  write 
to    you  ,•     Giving 
Thanks    unto    the 
Lord  ,  and  loving 
Tolycarp  QYQTi  as  I  do 
you.  Remember  me 
as  Jefus  Chrift  does 
remember  you.    Pray 
for     the     Church 
which   is  in   Syria^ 
from  whence  I  am 
carried    Bound    to 
Rome  ;    being    the 
leaft  of  all  theFaith- 
ful  which  are  there, 
as     I     have    been 
thought  worthy  to 
be  found  to  theGIo- 
ry  of  God.  Fare  ye 
well  in  God  the  Fa- 
ther, and  in  Jefus 
Chrift  our  common 
Hope.    Amsn, 




1 5  §  Thf  larger  a,nd  Smaller  j  i 

^waller*  ^Larger. 

^i!pi§a  <hap.oli^  a.i^  Tag 
T  TizcoKV  Irm^HdUi^  T^i  <fcf- 

He^V  M  Ar.N  H2 1  or  % 

rnLTpL^  ^-  Xf /r©  IMS-?,    TW  i{/- 

cry  IMS-S"  Xf /fccT  r:s^iKci.K^(ru  v^^if 
Iveoeii^   to^/uuu  Qapiifii   )y    Trmv^ 

f/^1©-  iWflTjJ  Xr^^t^^  0?  ^'^  C^TT/'p 
»  gJ'J'ft^T?  'd'iOV^  ^'tO\QV  J^  VZ3'* 
TiiTH  (jl)  <^ict<piV^i^'\    ^l<^(  ^y 

C)  ee?.  A.  B. 

rt;  Deeft,  A.  B. 

(fi;  «^«pr»5fo^t.  N. 

Epjlks  of^i  G  N  aIt  ids. 



T^f/je  Magnefians. 

Ignatius^  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus^Tl^  theChurch 
7ijhicb  is  bleffed  by  theGrace 
of  God  the  Father ^in  Chrift 
Jefus  our  Saviour.  In 
whom  I  fa  lute  the  Church 
which  is  at  Magnefia;, 
?2ear  the  Meander  ;  and 
fray  for  you  in  God  the  Fa^ 
ther,  avd  Chrifi  Jefus  our 
Lord  :  In  whom  loi'iJJ)  you 
all  Happinefs. 

y  Y  acquainted  with 
your  well-order'd  Love  ac- 
cording to  God:,  being  full 
of  Joy,  I  detennin-ed  to 
addrefs  my  felf  unto  you  in 
the  Faith  of  Jefus  Chrift. 
For  having  been  thought 
v^orthy  of  a  Divine  and 
defirable  Name,  in  thofe 
Bonds  which  I  bear  about 
me,  I  falute  the  Churches : 
In  which  I  wifh  for  an  U- 
nion  of  the  Flefh  and  Spi- 
rit of  Jefus  Chrift  ,  who  is 
the  Sa-viour  of  all  Men  ^  hut 
efpecially  ofthdfe  Njatihelrs^fs ; 
by  whofe  Blood   ye   were 


Tff  ^thf^'  Magnefiahs; 

Ignatius,  who  is  aF" 
fo  cailedThQOpho^ 
rus,  Tothe  Bleffed 
[  Church  ]  by  the 
Grace  of  God  the 
Father  in  Jefus 
Chrifi  our  Saviour: 
In  whom  1  falute 
the  Church  which 
is  at  Magnefia 
7tear  the  Ma^ander; 
and  wijJj  it  allj-oy^ 
in  God  tJye  Father y 

I:-\Tf  HEK  f 
W  heard  <rf 
your  weli-order'd 
Love  and  Charity 
in  God  ,  being  full 
of  Joy ,  I  defired 
much  to  fpeak  unrb 
vou  in  the  Faith  of 
Jefus  Chrift.For  ha- 
ving been  thought 
worthy  to  obtain 
a  moft  excellent 
Name,  in  the  Bonds 
which  I  carry  a- 
bout,  4  falute  the 
Churches  ;  wifhing  ^Tlm.IV" 
in   Wi^^i-^  Union  '°- 

both   of 

the  Body 


l^he  Larger  and  Smaller 



^  'tS  QpixCtark  J^iayJvv  (f) 



r;  Decft,  A.  B.      rt)  S<i>77*'f©^.  A.  B. 

Efiftles  oflGNATlVS. 



redeemed  ;  by  whom  you 

have  known  GoJ,  or  rather 
are  known  of  God  ;  in  whom 
if  you  perfevere  you  fliall 
efcape  all  the  Violence  of 
this  World.  For  He  is  faith- 
ful ^  who  will  7iot  fuffer  yon  to 
he  tempted  above  that  you  are 

II.  Since  then  I  have 
been  vouchfafd  the  Ho- 
nour of  feeing  you  by  Da- 
mas  your  Biihop,  who  is 
worthy  of  God  ;  and  your 
Deacon  Sotio,  my  Compa- 
nion^ (  whom  may  I  long 
enjoy  ;  forafrriuch  as  he  is 
fubjed  to  his  Bifliop  and 
Presbytery,  by  the  Grace 
of  God ;  in  the  Law  of 
Jefus  Chrifl;; 


and  Spirit  of  Jefus 
Chritt,  our  Eternal  Gal.IV.y. 
Life  :     As    alfo    of 
Faith  and  Charity, 
to    which    nothing 
is  preferred  :  But  e- 
fpecially    of   Jefus  i  Cor.  X. 
and  the  Father  ;  in  13. 
whom  if  we  under- 
go all  the  Injuries 
of  the    Prince    of 
this  prefent  World, 
and  efcape,wefhall 
enjoy  God. 

11.  Seeing  tlien  I 
have  been  judged 
worthy  to  fee  you, 
by  Damas  your  moft 
excellent  Bifhop ; 
and  by  your  very 
worthy  Presbyters 
Bajfus  and  Afolloni^ 
us ;  and  by  my  FcU 
low  Servant  Sotio 
the  Deacon ,  in 
whom  I  rejoice  > 
forafmuch  as  he  is 
fubjed  unto  his  Bi- 
fhop as  to  the  Grace 
of  God,  and  to  the 
Presbytery  as  to  the 
Law  of  JefusChrift; 
I  determined  to  write 
unto  you; 

lit     M 



The  Larger  and  Smaller 


J&^^  iyvuv  it)  T«f  a}i^i 
e^i  (pdfvi^Hi  iv  d-iS  avf- 

^.Ao;/^s^.     To  3   71C1/K- 
>'©'j    «fcMa   «ST)^o^   'S-Sor^ 


Tiucw    h^Trnf    'cuma    cimvvifAHVy 

CuTi^iiiy  »  *i3-^i  ibjj  (pauvofj^Uu 
d,'po^cov]dLi  ViOTh\ct y  aMct  'Z5"£?\ 
7{w  h  ^i(c  (p^y\/\(nv'  k'TTHmf  «;;^ 
ol  Tr^Kv^ivioi  cioi  Qo(poty   »/^  ol 

y^^vjii    ^90LU^     ffVVicni'y     A>^A 

TmvfXit  (*)  ^v  Iv  (i^Toi^,  Act-' 
j'/wA  ^'  ;<)  0  Qof^ofy  Jh)J\y^iv}f 
y.y'VZ    H^70^(9-    ttjS   (f )  ^H<a" 

miV/HctUj     )^   rii    IJtAlhjJ  liutj  77D- 

hidiv  (pic^plcti  'sr§i<r^v7tL?y    Quhjo- 

yj.>}^^^ y  {\\)  A7iv\Kiy^i" .  :Eci(JL^i)K 
Ji  Tizucfhi^toy  cr  fit/^oVy  Tzy  Ivi- 
yUXjOVTrHTV  (*  )    HAf7"    tT/^Aif- 

AS^g  077  Vian^i  cifju.  SoAo- 
^r  3,    ;^  laojoSy   0  pi:\  JhtJ^y^i^ 

vhjj  }^  Jbn^(du>JiTou  cm  taI^ 
T-a^  /2«/!/.»f  yj  TO  TBf/^n  (•-{■)  ;(^- 

Tippi^i  'y     i^    TW      tfAOTf    y^TlTHfA^ 


■        '» 

f*)  0.  B.      (t;  0£?.  B.    ©gd)*.  A.        ri')  aV.1c^«f£^  A, 
(  V  'Ha/.  T.      CW  ^vfitT^peiar^.  A.  N.  ;(5i7?f  wVa.  B. 

Epfiles  of  IgnatiVS. 



III.  It  will  therefore  be- 
come you  not  to  defpife 
the  Age  of  your  Biftiop, 
but  to  yield  him  all  Reve- 
rence ^  according  to  the 
Will  of  God  the  Father: 
as  I  have  known  holyPref- 
byrers  do  ;  not  having  re- 
gard to  the  apparentYouth 
of  their  Biftiops^  but  to 
their  Underftanding  in 
God.  Seeing  the  Ancient  are 
not  the  wije  ,  neither  do 
the  A^^ed  under  ft  and  PrudeJice: 
But  there  is  a  Spirit  in  Men, 
For  Daniel  the  Wife  at 
Twelve  Years  of  Age  re- 
ceived Infpirations  from 
the  Divine  Spirit;  and 
convided  the  Elders^  who 
vainly  wore  their  Grey 
Hairs,  that  they  bare  falfe 
Witnefs,  and  lulled  after 
the  Beauty  of  another 
Man*s  Wife.  Samuel  alfo, 
when  he  was  a  little  Child, 
reproved  £//,  when  he  was 
Kinety  Years  old,  for  fre- 
ferring  his  Sons  before  God, 
In  like  manner  ^e^-emy  has 
this  Meffage  from  Gcd , 
Say  noty  I  am  a  Child,  Solo- 
mon alfo,  and  Jofias  [  ap- 
peared wonderiful  and  wife 
in  their  doings ;  ]  the  for- 


III.  Wherefore  it 
will  become  you  al- 
fo  not  to  ufe  your 
Bifhop  too  familiar- 
ly upon  the  account 
of  his  Youth;  but 
to  yield  all  Reve- 
rence to  him  accor- 
ding to  the  Power 
of  God  the  Father : 
As  alfo  I  perceive 
that  your  Holy  Pref-     *  ^ 
byters  do  ;  not  con-  XXXIL 
fidering    his    Age,  8,9. 
which  indeed  to  ap- 
pearance is  young  ;  Dan.XIIL 
but  as  becomes  thofe 
who  are  prudent  in 
God,  fubmittingto 
him,  or  rather  not 
to  him,  but  to  the 
Father  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chri{l,the  Bi- 
fhop of  us  all.     It 
will    therefore  be-  iSam.ltt* 
hove  you,  with  all 
Sincerity,  to  obey 
Y onr  Bijhop '^  in  Ho- 
nour of  him,  v/hofe 
Pleafure  it  is  that  ye  j     ^  ^ 
Pwulddofo.  Becaufe-'^^"'-^* 
he  that  does  not  do  fo^  ^  Kings 
deceives  not  the  Bi-  ill. 
ihop  whom  he  fees, 
but  affronts  him  that 

Ma  k 

164  T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

^malter.  liarger. 

¥  r  ^MJ'  Xi^7tl^^9Vtf}oVy  tlUV  ^iffi 

Ct)  f^X^^^y  ^^^  'TUTnt^cuea^ 
ttKHoztjiy  oict  ypsf^i  corr^  0  cT/- 
9^'  'm^Vy  iv  Ao^tf^  Iv  eivAgpo- 

l^^V  *Wt/TU  divvXi'^V  *  ^oCi^V 
ydf  ^  TrJ  7D/KT6)   etfT/Ai)**^'    « 

«tM«t  T  fltOf^fTDJ/  'sS^Aoy^S^j  T 
?^0')4^hjJCU  '      70    3   7P/K7T),     K  'Z3^,^f 

^ySpaTzu;',  a^Aet  -w^fV  -S-goy  'g;)^^ 
Atj/^  0  •3-gif^  »  ^  wl^iKq}4  ffmiTiy 
JC3t«3-'  «^i^  «  y>y^vajxoi^  et>^A  xj^ 

ACci^av  dvrsiTrwfy  A>^et  * 


Eftfiles  of  I 

G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


mer    reigned    at  T\^elve 
Years  of  Age,  and  then 
gave  that  awful  an(J  diffi- 
cult Judgment  in  the  Caf^ 
of  the  Two  Women  as  to 
their  Children  :  the  latter 
reigned   at    Eight    Years 
old,   and   caft  down  the 
Altars    and    Temples    of 
the  Idols,  and  burnt  their 
Groves :  for  they  were  de- 
dicated to  Daemons,  and 
not  to  God  :  and  he  flew 
the    falfe  Priefts ,  as  the 
Corrupters  and  Deceivers 
of    Men ,    and    not    the 
Worfhippers  of  the  Dei- 
ty.    Wherefore  Youth  is 
not  to  be  defpifed,  when 
it  is  dedicated  to  God.  But 
he  is  to  be  defpis'd  who 
has  a  wicked  Mind,  altho 
he  be  old  and  full  of  evil 
days.    Timothy  y  who  had 
Chrift    dwelling  in  him, 
was  young :  but  hear  what 
his  Mailer  writes  to  him. 
Let  no  one  deffife  thy  Touth  ; 
hut  he  thou  an  Exam  fie  of  the 
Believers^  in  Word^    and  in 
Conversation,     It  becomes 
you  alfo  therefore  to  be 
obedient  to  your  Biftiop, 
and  to  contradict  him  in 
nothing  \  for  'tis  a  terrible 


is  Invifible.  For 
whatfoever  of  this 
kind  is  doney  it  re- 
flects not  upon  Man 
but  upon  God,  who  j^. 
knows  the  Secrets  of  xxil.^* 
oi4r  Hearts^  XXIlJ. 

I  Tim. 
IV.  II. 

M  ;  IV,  I^ 

i66  T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  jLat^tt. 

ACiKm?i€ov  Trsij^hoicti  'j{oo/ui^Q-y 


C)  Ikh  xjUfMi^ti,  N.     (t)  ACj/ef.  N,      (jl)  «/^^  T» 

Epflles  oflGNATlVS. 


KLarger^  ^mailer. 

thing  to  contradid  fuch  a 
Perfon.  For  no  one  does 
thereby  deceive  him  that 
is  vifible,  but  impofes  up- 
on him  that  is  invifible  : 
who  yet  cannot  be  impo- 
fed  on  by  any  one.  For 
fuch  Procedure  has  relati- 
on not  to  Man  but  to  God. 

For  God    fays  to   Sammly  ^  ^^^^ 

They  have  not  rejeEled  me  hut  VlU.  7. 

thee.  And  Mo[es  fays,  'For 
their    Murmuring    is  not  a- 

gainfi  usy     hut  again fi    the  Exod. 

Lord  God.  And  indeed  not  •  ^V^-  ^^ 

one  of  thofe  who  rofe  up 
againft  their  Superiors  has 
efcaped  without  Punifh- 
ment.  For  Dathan  and  A- 
hiram  did  not  oppofe  the 
Law  but  Mo[es^  and  went 
down  quick  into  the  Pit. 
Korah  alfo,  and  thofe  Two 
Hundred  and  Fifty  who 
confpired  with  him  againft 
^^row,were  confumed  with 
Fire.  Jhfalom  alfo,  who 
had  (lain  his  Brother,hung 
upon  a  Tree,  and  had  his 
naughtyHeart  run  through 
with  Darts.  For  the  like 
caufe  was  Aheddadan  be- 
headed. Uz.z,iah,  when  he 
prefum'd  to  oppofe  the 
Priefts  and  the  Prieithood, 

was        M  4  IV,  It 


1  Kings 

1  Sam. 

1  Chron. 

1 68 

The  Lnrsier  and  Smaller 



Ket$  ^fi-mv  S^  AMI  fjiLvov  ;cst- 

H^etOV  TILtH,        (^)   El    77l'«;"  ^^ 

r«  ctppj^SpSyV*   77  ^  KAK^tn^  KVcii 

7B/a7B/   »K,  JjffvyeiJiiToty  ct>A'  «p»^ 
y4?  77^2?  :|^  fMf(pavii  Vl)'  ^loi  f ct(- 

x.«^  7T!t   cA;o  0UK3    0,  7S 

it)  %K(t90i  '^  (  11  )  ^^1^/M^v"  €if 
70V  ToW  T»  (*J  €UpS:&4V7©-" 
("j")   f/i^X«"   ^f^Vy   ^v'yOJU^  TVV 

C)  Forth  otvnf.     ^(V  Defunt.  N.    <yf  >^l  A.       Cl!)  i^^ 
pj/:^fcV6;;/.  A.N.       Oct^i^vrQ^.  N.      (I)  wf>«.  3.  " 

Eftflles  of  I  G  N  A  r  I  V  s. 

J  69 


was  fmitten  with  the  Le- 
profy.  Saul  alfo,  when  he 
would  not  flay  for  Samuel 
the  High-Prieft,  was  dil- 
grac'd.  It  therefore  be- 
hoves us  to  reverence  our 

IV.  It  becomes  you  al- 
fo  not  only  to  be  called 
Chriftians,  but  to  be  fo. 
For  'cis  not  the  being  lb 
cali'd,  bat  the  being  fo  in- 
deed 5  that  renders  Men 
bleffed.  To  thofe  who  mil 
Ipeak  of  the  Bifhop,  but 
do  all  things  without  him^ 
He  who  is  the  True  and 
Firft  Bifhop,  and  the  only 
High-Prieft  by  Nature , 
will  himfelf  fay  ,  fVh  call 
ye  me  Lord,  Lord,  and  do  not 
the  things  v^hich  I  fay  ?  For 
luchas  thefe  feem  to  me  to 
have  no  good  Confcience, 
but  to  be  no  other  than 
Piflemblers  and  Hypo- 

V.  Seeing  then  all  things 
have  an  End^  and  there 
are  fee  before  us  Life  upon 
our  Obedience,  and  Death 
upon  our  Difobedience  : 
and  every  one  that  has 
this  Choice  given  himfhall 
go  to  his  own  Place  ;  Let 



I  Sam. 


IV.  It  is  there- 
fore fitting,  that  we 
fhould  not  only  be 
called  Chriftians  , 
but  be  fo.  As  forae 
call  indeed  their  Go- 
vernor,  Bifhop  ;  but 
yet  do  all  things 
without  him.  But  1 
can  never  think 
that  fuch  as  thefe 
have  a  good  Con- 
fcience,  feeing  they  Luc.  VI, 
are  not  gather'd  to-  4<^- 
gether  thoroughly 
according  to  God^s 

V.  Seeing  then 
all  things  have  an 
End,  there  are  thefe 
two  indifferently 
fet  before  us,  Death 
and  Life :  And  eve- 
ry one  fhall  depart 
unto  his  proper 


'The  T^arser  and  Smaller 



vofjU7y.A  *^v  -vW  3t»  ;\:a^;)^94i>" 
0  elffiCtiiy  4'ivJ):Svv[jL0V  vofjuapLcty 
KiCtN\oyj    vo^v,    ^^^•^^.^y'^y 

^UTTZOP    hkya^    A>^A    liv   tvA  AV' 

AV^a'TrQ'  ^^  t)^v*  iAv  q  aj^C? 
77?,  av^wttQ-  c^  SiACoK\i^  \tK  omo 

ytLm^  yVQfJ^Qt,    o*  A'm<^i  «- 

v^eiti^'   ol  cTTfDij   eiyJvA  i^'^cn  7« 



O  Dc«;ft.  A  N. 

Epflles  ^/Ignatius. 


us  efchew  Death^and  chufe 
Life.  For  I  fay  there  are 
Men  of  two  different  Cha- 
raders :  the  one  true  Coin, 
the  other  falfe  Coin.  The 
Religious  Man  is  true 
Coin,  having  its  Impref- 
fion  from  God.  The  Irre- 
ligious Man  is  falfe  Coin, 
fophifticated  ,  fpurious  , 
counterfeit,  coined  not  by 
God,  but  by  the  Devil.  I 
do  not  fpeak  of  two  diffe- 
rent Natures  of  Mankind  ; 
but  of  the  fame  Human 
Nature ;  as  it  fometimes 
belongs  to  God,  and  fome- 
times to  the  Devil.  If  any 
one  be  Religious,  he  is  a 
Man  of  God:  But  if  he  be 
Irreligious,  he  is  a  Man  of 
the  Devil ;  made  fuch  not 
by  Nature,  but  by  his  own 
Will.  Unbelievers  have  the 
Image  of  their  Prince  of 
Wickednefs.  The  Faithful 
have  the  Image  of  their 
Prince,  God  the  Father, 
and  of  Jefus  Chrifl  ;  thro' 
whom  if  we  are  not  readi- 
ly difpofed  to  dye  for  the 
Truth,  unto  his  Paffion, 
his  Life  is  not  in  us. 


Place.  For  as  there 
are  two  forts  of 
Coins,  the  one  of 
God,  the  other  of 
the  World  ;  and 
each  of  thefe  has  its 
proper  Infcription 
engraven  upon  it; 
So  alfo  is  it  here.  The 
Unbelievers  are  of 
this  World  3  but  the 
Faithful ,  through 
Charity,  have  the 
Character  of  God 
the  Father  by  Jefus 
Chrift:  By  whom 
if  we  are  not  readi- 
ly difpofed  to  Dye 
after  the  Likenefs 
of  his  Paffion,  his 
Life  is  not  in  us. 

VI.  For- 

VL  For. 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


^ivc^    cv     huovQlA     ^» 
coiiJhi^iTi  -TrdpTU.  tr^.^^ 

ffxoT'd  «V  TVTnv  ^»,   y^ 
^  iuot    yKvwmTwv , 

ya>V    <!&^  TWLTQl    Uuy     iL^ 
%yy     CfMti^CiP     StK     AflC- 

tt>A*  cv  Imj-s  Xg^r/w  *A* 
A»iAif?  SictTwnii  ct5<»TO- 

cuAy  etAA*  ij'fi)^7e  7w  <^- 
CKO'Trtty   )^  TUf  <©i^;(^5w- 

fAvoii  y      Cii   TVTTOV  }^   cf)^ 


pots    a^^O^Tnt^j      7^    TOK    7J?twd®» 

'mi^iv^y  Iv  o(MVo\a  ;^»  (mHjhl» 

0^  ^?iDA<yj'*  ;^  '^  J)eti(fiyav  ^ 
tfAOt  yKvxjuitLTaVy  Tmrt^iv/u^a'/ 
J^AKjDvicty  Imc-k  Xp/r«,    o;  ct»^  cu- 

a6^©-  3to?^  fxoj'O'jiJonf  uof  •  j^ 
^  cvv%?^eia,  ^  cuavm   o    twriii 

(priTtif,    'mv\iS  %v   Iv  oiAoyoisf,  <tA- 

AHAKf    (t)    6CJA7nJ(7Zy|«<V'*     xj   /tt«- 

ciovj  66M'  ly  Xejt^^  Itj^?.   fm^y 





(*)  nyi.'m<m,  A.B.     (\)  *V^'^W»A. 

Epftles  <?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



VI.  Forafmuch  therefore 
as  I  have,  in  the  Perfons 
before-mentioned^feen  the 
whole  Multitude  of    you 
in  Faith  and  Love,  I  ex- 
hort you  that  ye  ftudy  to 
do  all  things  in  a  Divine 
Concord :     Your    Bifhop 
prefiding  in  the  place  of 
God  ;  and  your   Presby- 
ters in  the  place  of  the  Se- 
nate of  the  Apoftles :  to- 
gether with  the  Deacons ; 
who  are  moft  dear  to  me, 
and  are  imrufted  with  the 
Miniftry  of  Jefus  Chrift  ; 
who  being    begotten  by 
the    Father    before     the 
World  began,    was  God 
the  Word,  the  only-begot- 
ten Son  ;  and  will  abide 
the  fame  at  the  End  of  the 
World  :  for.  Of  his  King- 
dom there  jhall   he   no  Endy 
fays  Daniel  the   Prophet. 
Let  us  all  therefore  love 
one  another  in  Concord  ; 
and  let  no  one  look  upon 
his  Neighbour   according 
to  the  Flefh,  but  in  Chrift 
Jefus.  Let  there  be  nothing 
among  you  which  may  di- 
vide you  ;  but  be  ye  uni- 
ted to  your  Biihop  ;  being 
through  him  fubjed  toGod 
in  Chrift,  VIk 


VL    Forafmuch 
therefore  as  I  have 
in  the  Perfons  be- 
all  of  you  in  Faich 
and  Charity  ;  I  ex- 
hort you    that    ye 
ftudy    to     do    all 
things  in  a  Divine 
Concord :  Your  Bi- 
fhop   prefiding    in 
the  place  of  God  ; 
your  Presbyters  in 
the    place    of   the 
Council  of  the  A- 
poftles;  and   your 
Deacons  moft  dear 
to  me,being  intruft- 
ed  with  the  Mini- 
ftry of  Jefus  Chrift; 
who  was  with  the 
Father  before  all  A- 
ges,  and  appeared  Dan.  II. 
in   the  End    to  us,  44- 
Wherefore     taking  y^^-  ^'^* 
the      fime       holy  "^' 
Courfe  ,  fse  that  ye 
all  Reverence  one 
another :   And    lee 
no  one  look  upon 
his  Neighbour  aftet 
the  Flerti  ,   but  do 
ye  all  mutually  love 
each  other  in  Jefus 
Chrift.     Lee  there 

174-  The  Larger  and  Smaller  j 

Smaller.  jtarger. 

«/>'    lcW>T«^      «7?     c/>tft    T?^ 

^  icft'ot  viTiv'    dhX"  am 

6571'   IJtiTK?    XeJL^'iy     »  fit- 

%v  o>i  «?    VAoy  /<n/yef- 

ctff  xets^f J   vcV  «tV  hoi 


yUCdudfJi  '      TC     j3     TVl'^TOV^     77Z<£wtI'0- 
alOTTS    C5/   Till   '©T^OCTByp^M   *//<X    (TVJ'ep- 

«?  r  J'fitoj'  r^^»  <7i/i'7f4;r€75,  ai  ^ 
%v  ?pj(nAr^etovy  (II)  6^  eyat  I«<r8i/ 


c;(t)/c^\A.B.    ri')«v.  T. 

Efijiles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 

%amt'  Smaller. 


ML  As  therefore  the 
Lord  does  nothing  with- 
out the  Father  :  For^  fays 
he,  I  can  of  mine  own  Jelf 
do  notb'wg  :  fo  do  you,  nei- 
ther Presbyter ,  nor  Dea- 
con^  nor  Layman,  do  any 
thing  without  yourBiihop. 
Nor  let  any  thing  feem 
proper  to  you,  which  is 
contrary  to  his  Sentiments. 
For  that  would  be  to  a6t 
unlawfully,  and  in  oppo^ 
fition  to  God.  Do  you  all 
Affemble  together  in  the 
lame  Place  for  your  Pray- 
ers. Let  there  be  one 
Common  -  Prayer  :  One 
Mind:  One  Hope,  in  Cha- 
rity, and  in  unblameable 
Faith  towards  Ghrift  Je- 
fus  :  than  which  nothing 
is  better.  Do  ye  all  as  one 
Man   run  together    unto 



be  nothing  that 
may  be  able  to  make 
a  Divifion  among 
you-  but  be  ye  uni- 
ted to  your  Bifhop, 
and  thofe  who  pre- 
fide  over  you,  to  be 
your  Pattern  and 
Diredion  in  the 
way  to  Immorta- 

VIL  As  therefore 
the  Lord  did  no- 
thing without  the  John  V, 
Father,  being  uni- 
ted to  him  ;  nei- 
ther by  himfelf  nor 
yet  by  his  Apollles ; 
So  neither  do  ye 
any  thing  without 
your  Bifhop  and 
Presbyters:  Neither 
endeavour  to  let  a- 
ny  thing  appear  ra- 
tional to  your 
felves  apart ;  but 
being  come  toge- 
ther into  the  fame 
Place ,  have  one 
Common  Prayer  ; 
One  Supplication; 
One  Mind  ;  One 
Hope ;  in  Charity, 
and  in  Joy  undeft- 
led.  There  is  One 


The  Larg^er  and  Smaller 



Mm  'T^dMo,^  -mii  In- 

^ihkaiv  Z(nv,  E/  yd  (jd- 
yp.  vvy  xj^  vo^v"  I«- 
cAti'fljuoK  ^^(MVy  oaoA.0- 

rmvTzi  6t/«p677/ffif  7w  m^- 

•^CWTJ  eUJTlV, 

^ontToi  <o/>op'il^  x^  I«o-«V  Xf/fTjV 

i^jLTniQfjSiJoi  arm  ^  ;^f/7B?^  «V  tJ 
7:hn^(p9^n^you  rii  (f )  aV«9«k- 
W,  077  «f  ^0?  ^j/  0  vnufTOK^ 

Xp/rK  T»  iJoJ  ojjT^^    o<  ^v  h/iQ 

yaf  ^   Art  A /a  f   cvrtf3]pK  (peSvmiAAy 

(||J    o;  Wj/Tit  yj^TiVAfi^ffi  Tw 


E^les  of  Ignativs. 


fhe  Temple  of  God^  as  to 
one  Altar  ^  to  one  Jefus 
Chrift,  the  High-Prieft  of 
the  Unbegotten  God. 

VIII.  Be  not  deceived 
with  ftrange  Dodrines ; 
nor  attend  to  Fables^  nor  to 
endlefs  Genealogies  ^  nor  to 
fuch  things  in  which  th 
Je'ws  boaft.  Old  things  are 
fafi  a-way^  heboid  all  things 
are  become  new.  For  if  we 
ftill  continue  to  live  ac- 
cording to  the  JeTi^iJh  Law, 
and  to  the  Circumcifion 
of  theFlefti,  we  deny  that 
we  have  received  the  Grace 
[  of  the  Gofpel.  ]  For  e- 
ven  the  moft  Divine  Pro- 
phets lived  according  to 
Chrift  Jefus :  For  which 
reafon  they  were  perfecu- 
ted  ;  being  infpired  by  his 
Grace5  to  convince  and 
fully  fatisfy  the  Unbelie- 
vers that  there  is  One  God 
Almighty ,  who  has  ma- 


Lord  Jefus  Chrift,' 
than  whom  nothing 
is  better.  Wherefore 
come  ye  all  toge- 
ther as  unto  one 
Temple  of  God  ;  as 
to  one  Altar,  as  to 
one  Jefus  Chrift; 
who  proceeded  front 
one  Father,  and  ex- 
ifts  in  One,  and  is 
return'd  to  One. 

VIII.  Be  not  de- 
ceived with  ftrange 
Doctrines;  nor  with  i  Tim.  t 
Old  Fables  which  4- 
are  unprofitable.For 
if  we  ftill  continue  ^  >^°'*  ^^ 
to  live  according  to 
the  Jewish  Law,  we 
do  confefsour  felves 
not  to  have  received 
Grace.  Foreven  the 
moft  Holy  Prophets 
lived  according  ta 
Chrift^  Jefus.  And 
for  this  caufewere 
they  perfecuted,  be- 
irig  infpired  by  his 
Grace,  to  convince 
the  Unbelievers  and 
Difobedient,  that 
there  is  one  God 
who  has  manifefted 
hinifelf    by     Jefus 

N  "  Chrilt 


The  'Larger  and  Smaller 



El  %v  01  ht  TTciKtuoii 

«V      XtfjtVOT}fjct      SATIeT©- 

n\^V  )     yDiydu  attCCct- 
71^0 v%f^  cthKoi  }(p  axietet-^ 

jy  OJJT^y     3^    'fit  ^VATH 

fjUL^mx  UffvS  xets^'5  '7» 
^nazu  ^eli  auiiy    »  >^ 

i%^  hJiyjiVy  «  ^5^i/sT5  (I  I J  M<y- 

XOJ^vlii*     0  (JIM   Ipyi-l^d/y^Q-  ><), 

TBL  hoy  A  '    «tA\'  iX^?V(  (II)  Vf/Sjy" 


(*)  hfT.      (t;  xivoTTiTW.  A.  B.  j/€0  7;/7tt.N.    Hi)  Mw^jT.  N 
( * ;  c^CCavl^ofiir.  A,  N.       (f)  «f .  B.        (li;  »^k.  B. 

Epifiles  ^/Ignatius. 


nifefted  himfelf  by  Jefus 
Chrift  his  Son  •  who  is  his 
Word,  not  pronounced^  but 
fubftantiaLFor  He  is  not  the 
Voice  of  articulate  fpeech, 
but  a  Subftance  begotten  by 
the  Divine  Power  :  who  in 
all  things  pleafed  him  that 
gave  him  his  fubfiftence. 

IX.  Wherefore  if  thofe 
that  were  converfant  in  the 
ancient  Scriptures  came  to 
newnefs  of  hope,  expeding 
the  coming  of  Chrift,  as 
our  Lord  teaches  us,  when 
he  fays.  If  ye  had  belie^ved 
MofeSy  ye  would  ha've  belie'ved 
mcy  for  he  wrote  of  me.  And 
again ,  Tour  Father  Abraham 
rejoiced  to  fee  my  day^  and  he 
faw  ity  and  was  glad.  For  be- 
fore Abraham  1  am  :  How 
fliall  we  be  able  to  live  with- 
out him  ?  Whofe  Servants 
the  Prophets  were,and  fore- 
faw  him  by  the  Spirit,  and 
waited  for  him,  as  for  their 
Teacher,  and  expelled  him 
as  their  Lord,  and  their  Sa- 
viour, faying.  He  ii^ill  come 
andfa'veus.  Let  us  not  there- 
fore any  longer  keep  the 
Sabbath  after  the  Jewijh 
manner  ^  and  pleafe  our 
ftlves  in  days  of  Reft.  For, 


Chrift  his  Son;  who 
is  his  Eternal  VVord, 
not  coming  forth 
from  Silence,  who 
in  all  things  pleafed 
Him  that  fent  Him. 

IX.     Wherefore 
if  they  who   were 
brought  up  in  thefe 
ancient  Laws  came 
ne'uerthelej^    to     the 
Newnefs  of  Hope; 
no  longer  obferving  John  V. 
Sabbaths,  but  keep-  4<^. 
ing  the  Lord's  Day, 
in   which  alfo  our  ^^^^-  ^^^ 
Life  is  fprung  up  by  ^^' 
Him,   and  through 
his  Death,    whom 
yet  fome  deny  :  (By 
which  Myftery  we 
have  been  brought 
toBelieve,and  there- 
fore   wait   that  we 
may  be  found  the 
Difciples    of  Jefus 
Chrift,     our    only  ^\[''*^ 
Mafter:)Howihall  ^^^^'^^ 
we  be  able  to  live 
Different  fromHim  • 
whofe  Difciples  the 
very  Prophets  them- 

N  i  felvw 

i8o  T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

^maUcr.  liarger. 

yjjejLtLit^Vy  lUJj  AVeL<d<Ji[^Vy  liuj 
fiAoi?^iJky    rCuj  vTTATuv  'Tntmv  t^^ 

AviretKiy  3^  tfk  5t«i>aT»  }i)j>v6. 
vhn  Iv  Xez^ep'  ov  Ttt  tikva  ni 
Amaheioi  Aftv^ifJAt^  ot  l^^^^  "^ 
cvon^iy  av  0  Sr^o?  ;i  MtKtAy  ol 
•Ttt  cmyeiA  oeyv^vjiiy  ol  (piKr\Jbv6ty 

^i^v]lf^   T  0    J^VAfJUy  AUTVi  Hfflf- 

yj.-miKjjoVTify  )^  Toy  Inv^v  ttw- 
^.KJ'T^f  *  ot  ^  yJVAivjS^v  ^QoffyV, 
J^  r^  A».o7eiav  eh^Mi^y  ol 
^^(AATahAiKATni  '  Sv  pu^imi 
eA.4^  ^Vy  <hA  Tk  weA^  ^d^  In^i' 

n  vif^V'  N.      (V  nki,  T. 

Epiftles  of  Ign  ATIVS.  i8i 

KLarger.  Smaller. 

He  that  does  not  work,  let  him    felves  being,  did  by  ^  Thcf. 
not  eat :  For,  fay  the  Oracles     the    Spirit    expedl  J,"*  ^?{. 
\  of  God^  in  thefweatof  thy    Him  as  their  Ma-  ™'"** 
face  jlialt  thou  tat  thy  bread,     fter.   And  therefore 
But  let  every  one  of  you    He  whom  they  juft- 
Jceep  the  Sabbath  after  a  fpi-    ly  waited  for,  being 
ritual  manner ;  rejoicing  in    come,   raifed  them 
the  Meditation  of  the  Law,    up  from  the  Dead, 
not  in  the  Reft  of  the  Body. 
Admiring  the  Creation  of 
God.     Not  eating   things 
prepared  the  day  before  ; 
and  drinking  things  luke- 
warm ;  and  walking  but  to 
a  certain  meafure ;  and  de- 
lighting in    dancing    and 
noifes,  that  have  no  fenfe 
in  them.  And  after  the  Ob- 
fervation  of  the  Sabbath, 
Let  every  Lover  of  Chrift 
keep  the   Lord's  day  as  a 
Feftival ;  the  Refurredion- 
day,  the  Queen  and  chief 
of  all  the  days  of  the  Week : 
in  expedation  whereof  the 

Prophet   faid.    To  the  End.  PfalmVI 

Upon  the  eighth  day  :  where-  ^  XI. 

on  our  Life  fprang  up  again, 
and  the  vidory  over  Death 
was  obtain'd  in  Chrift  ; 
whom  the  Sons  of  Perditi- 
on ,  the  Enemies  of  their 
Saviour^,  deny :  Ti'^hofe  God  is 

their  hetly,    who  mind  earthly  P^il.  HI. 

things :  who  are  Loven  of  f lea-'  ^^*  '^* 

fiirey  N ;        Let 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 



Ala,    'TbTB   fjM^TVU    etVTH 

A>^a    Ivo/uin    y^Kii-mi, 
yji'mCaAi^  Ci^  viav  (v- 

^nlQ-  cum.  tAV  ("*')  /uauiitnty 

A^tOt  <f    \7mVVyLiaf    Y\^  H\ri<pAJ(jSfj' 

oi  y^  AV  a^^fi)  0^0^77  (t)  H^Keiy 
^>.f7oj/  T«T»  ,  c?tr  \iK  *igi  to  3t*f, 
«  (II)  yii"  JiJ\H,^  jiw  'snc^onTHAP 
rlw  xiyHau^  'ofei  '^f^y  077  jOih- 
^'c;^3  ovofjutv  v^v^y  (*)  0"  ;u;- 
e«©-  oyo(juL<7H  mrov.  iy  icxcj  Kao^ 

{ivmv  tIw  onxXtioidLP,     (||)  octo- 

C*;  /Mu^tnt-mi.  A.  B.    (t;  y^AwTtf/.  A.  B.      (||)  Dceft.  A.B. 
n  ?'  T.     (f)  Q<Tms.B,      f(|;  J^np^ecShf.  A.  B. 

Epiflles  ^/Ignatius, 


\  Klatger. 

fure^  and  not  Lovers  of  God : 
having  a  form  of  Godlinefsy 
'  hi4i  denying  the  faver  of  it : 
i  Who  make  merchandize  of 
Chrift,corrupting  hisWord, 
and  felling  Jefus  himfelf: 
who  are  debauchers  of  Wo- 
men, and  covetous  of  other 
men's  goods :  who  are  inr 
fatiable  in  fwall owing  up 
Money.  From  whom  may 
ye  he  delivered,  by  the  mer- 
cy of  God^thrpugh  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift. 

;X.  Let  us  not  therefore 
be  infenfible  of  his  kind- 
nefs.  Lor  fhould  he  rebuke 
us  according  to  our  Works, 
we  had  not  now  had  a  Be- 
ing. For,  IfthoH  Lord  Ih alt 
mark  inifjuities^  O  Lord  who 
jl}allfiand  ?  Let  US  therefore 
behave  our  felves  worthy 
of  that  Name  which  we 
have  received.  For  who- 
foever  is  called  by  any  o- 
ther  Name  befides  this.  He 
is  not  of  God ;  for  he  has 
not  receiv'd  that  Prophecy 
which  fpeaks  thus  concern- 
ing us,  The  Feofle  jljall  he 
called  by  a  neiv  Name,  which 
the  Lord  ft] all  name^  and  jljall 
he  Holy,  Which  was  firft 
fulfilled  in  Syria.     For  the 





X.    Let    us  not 

then  be  Infenfible 
of  hisGoodnefs;  for 
fliould  he  have  dealt 
with  us  according 
to  our  Works,  we 
had  not  now  had  a 
Being.  Wherefore 
being  become  his 
Difciplesjlet  us  learn 
to  live  according  to 
the  Rules  of  Chri- 
ftianity  ;  For  who- 
foever  is  called  by 
any  other  name  be- 
fides this,  He  is  not 
of  God.  Lay  afide  Iftlah 
therefore  the  Old^  "" 
and  Sowre,  and  Eyil 
Leven  ;  and  be  ye 
changed  into  the 
N  4  Nevv 



77?^  Larger  and  Smaller 


9UCU  yKaastt  ^mom/m 


'7mK<ua)^$iaWy   liw    (ntrnTn/ietM*   i^ 

dmmv   ^  Im^kV   Xe/>oi'  Kakhv 
cm   yhtoo^svii  y    ;^  tcv   Tiwj^/jet 

Iv  Xf  <rf  . 

HK.  It**  *iya9  TiVAf  tl^     iTfiyuv"  Tjveii  t!^  v^  ^tjx  'i^v-- 
fi;'f  Ac? 

C)  yiytvctv.  A.B. 

(\)  Forte  ^lAJf.       (Ji;  Forte  W« 

Epfiles  ^/Ignatius. 


Plfclpks  were  called  ChriftU 
ans  at  Antiocb^  when  Vaul 
and  Veter  laid  the  Founda- 
tions of  that  Church.  Lay 
ajtde  therefore  the  e'vlly  the  old^ 
the  corrupt  Lev  en  ;  and  he  ye 
changed  into  the  new  Leven  of 
Grace,  Dwell  in  Chrift,  that 
the  Adverfary  may  not  have 
dominion  over  you.  It  is 
abfurd  to  fpeak  of  Jefus 
Chrift  with  the  Tongue, 
and  to  have  Judaifm,  which 
is  now  ceas'd,  in  the  Heart. 
For  where  there  is  Chrifti- 
anity,  Judaifm  cannot  be 
there  alfo.  For  there  is  but 
One  Chrift;  in  whom  eve- 
ry Nation  that  Jias  believed, 
aiid  every  Tongue  that  has 
confefled  is  gathered  toge- 
ther unto  God :  and  the 
fiony-hearted  are  hecome  the 
Children  of  Abraham  ^  the 
Friend  of  God  :  and  in  his 
Seed  all  thofe  have  been 
hlejfed  who  are  dijpofed  for 
eternal  life^  in  Chrift. 

XL  Thefe  things,  my 
Beloved,  I  fay,  not  that  I 
know  any  of  you  that  lye 
under  this  Error;  but,  as 
one  6f  the  leaft  of  you,  I 
am  defirous  to  forewarn 
you,  that  you  may  not  fall 



New  Leven,  which  AS^-XI. 
is  Jefus  Chrift.     Be  =^^' 
ye  faked  in  Him, 
left  any  one  among  ^  q^^  y 
you  fhould  be  Cor-  y^ 
rupted ;  for  by  your 
Savour  ye  fhall  be 
Judged.     It  is  Ab- 
furd to  Name  Jefus 
Chrift,  and  to  Ju- 
ftian  Religion  did 
not    embrace    the 
Jewifli,  but  the  Jew- 
ifh  the  Chriftian; 
that      fo       every 
Tongue  that  Belie- 
ved might  be  ga- 
thered together  un- 
to God. 

Mat.  III. 

XXII.  18. 


XL  Thefe  things, 
my  Beloved,  I  write 
unto  you  ;  not  that  I 
know  of  any  among 
you  that  lye  under 
this  Error :  But  as 
one  of  the  leaft  a- 


The  J^arger  and,  Smaller 


fm    IfATJiO^V  Hi    Ttt  Ay- 
7U9PA  -f  VJiVoJh^ltiiy  flCMct 

dvA^oicsi  T>»  yivofAvij  Iv 

TM  ^a^  TraVTtav  <«V  etiaVaj'  '^vn^. 
^VTt  TTO^  Tk  7ra^$'  (f)  -j^i/fi;-^ 

VOcrOV  3^  fXAKAHJAP  ^i^TTiVCrccVTl 
hf    TLd    KAUy      i^  (771  y.^ A  }^    T5£^T* 

TntYKmVTty    i'T    ivi^y^cHA   Av^a^ 

TTUV*     }^   TciV    (II)  ci^OKeiKAOJV   (ii 

7nkv^dAif"y  r  iVA  >^  f/^vov  «t?A)i- 
^vov  ^iov  yj!\AyyHhAVVy  r  ioju^ 

tH  TIATl^'   Xj  T8   Tm^Q-  \!Zin:^V7ty 

^  TLovTJ^  UthATti  ryi(^ovQ'y  i^ 
Hp^fcTs  ^AtnKia^^  (^)  )ti"  gzw^i'v 
'Csaro^HvtiJinjy  i^  hnn^vow'  y 
AVA'^VVy  i^  Avih^vn  «?   TiAj  »- 

>^h(^VV  h  Ji^lA  AVTiS^  iy  if^- 

/j^a>    am  '  cvvnKHA  v^   A\eovccv 

(/^  J)^^Vf    TlATeiKn^y     (t)    y/tVAz" 

yh  Iv  TrKv^OQej-Ay  J^  'm<^VQVLiy 
fjMxd^i©^'  ucm^  (ID  vvv"  ^  u- 
^«?  (p/Ao^eo/   )^  (piKo-x^exsoi  \^ 

wV  C4tT£$C^l'rt/  fJLnJ\vi   (^*)  «A(3B'5' 

f*)  9«TAti^(pof«e9a/.  T.  (t)  CaC  Accus  ^trfJ^or,  Sc 
;ta  in  fequcntibus*  A.  B.  (/))  'g$<y  ai)  <f  TnhtTeicf^.  N, 
T)  Forte  vacat.    (t)  x^ivii.  B.    (J)  «V.  A  B.    C)  iJ/^^  T. 

Epftles  6?f  I G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  187 

Tiar^tv.  Smaller. 

into  the  Snares  of  vain  Opi-    mong  you^  I  am  de- 
nion,  but  may  arrive  at  a    firous  to   forewarn 
full  AiTurance  in  Chrift,    you  that  ye  fall  not 
who  was  begotten  by  the    into  the  Snares  of 
Father  before  all  Ages^  but    Vain  Dodrine :  But 
was  afterwards  Born  of  the    that  ye  be  fully  in- 
Virgin  Mary^  without  the    ftruded  in  the  Birth, 
Affiftance  of  Man :  whofe    and  Suffering,  and 
Converfation    was  Holy  ;     Refurre(5lion  of  Je- 
who  healed  every  Sicknefs^,     fusChrift, our  Hope; 
and  every  Difeafe  among    which  was  accom- 
the  People ;    and  wrought    plifhed  in  the  Time 
Signs  and  Wonders  for  the    of  the  Government 
Benefit  of   Men  ;   and  to    of  Pcnttus  Tilate,  and 
thofe  who  had  fall'n  into    that  moft  truly  and 
Polytheifm ,   jias  preach'd    certainly ;  and  from 
the  One  and  only  true  God,    which  God  forbid 
his  Father ;  who  has  under-    that  any  among  you 
gon^  the  Paffion,  and  en-    fhould  be  tum'd  a- 
dured  the  Crofs  from  the    fide. 
Jews  his  Murderers^  under 
Vontms  Tilate  the  Governor, 
and  Herod  the  King  ;    who 
died,  and  rofe  again,  and 
afcended  into  the  Heavens 
to  him  that  fent  him  ;  and 
is  fat  down  at  his  Right 
hand;   and  fhall  come  in 

the  End  of  the  World,  with  ^ 

his  Father's  Glory,  tojudge 
the  Quick  and  the  Dead ; 
and  to  render  to  every  one 
according  to  his  Works.  He 
who  knows,  and  is  fully  af- 
fur'd  of  thefe  things,  and 

be^  Xir. 

1 88  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

f&waWer.  larger. 

%vtL  W  KiKvf/^av  v^v 

\h,    eifJLl.         dtefk      077      K 

^  *  <yf  ycy^'^euy   on 


^   A^tQ-  a*  «  >B  ?^   JiSif^Mt^ 
tiiu,  olcfk  «77  K  ^vffi^^  *    In^^v 

OTViV     iinUVOi    V(XA(y    OtJk    077    CV- 
SiATiTtt^ukvA    V^JJVy      Aft>^78,      077 

»3-«©  *   0  <^goj  jftf  ^hct;'^  IhAS^vni 

(AOt  "TW  A(JtA^'mKtd,  cOa  tStU  t\  {JUt" 

ydhQi  Is^UvQi  hQ^^yi  ^  (*J  let- 

"S-fK   icwT^f    f"!")  dv'ofXA^^ov,   i^    0 
ActCiJ^y  77'f  «V'  ^y^  ivAvnov   o'K 

X.y£ZS,     077  iJ})^A<mi    fJii  lax  TKT»  • 
^AOTtt]©-  J      Afc>«      -S^J      S«OI/  • 

e}6),  'Ttt'7r€ivo(p^vH7i  yv  ^  (||)ouJ- 

(?;  Forte  'UC.      (i)  "im.  A.  B.      (\\)  v>^f.  N. 

Epijlles  ^/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u 



believes  them,  is  Happy  : 
According  as  you  are  now 
the  Lovers  of  God,  and 
Lovers  of  Chrill,  in  the  full 
AlTurance  of  our  Hope  : 
from  which  God  forbid  that 
any  among  you  fhould  be 
turned  a  fide. 

XIL    May  I  have  Joy  of 
you  in  all  things,  if  I  fhall 
be  worthy  of  it.    For  tho' 
I  am  bound,  I  am  not  wor- 
thy to  be  compar'd  to  one 
of  you  that  are  at  liberty. 
I  know  that  ye  are  not  puf- 
fed up  ;   for  ye  have  Jefus 
Chrift  within  your  felves : 
and  efpecially  when  I  com- 
mend you,  I  know  j^hat  ye 
have  an  Awe  upon  you ;  as 
it  is  written ,  The  Jufi  Man 
IS  his  own  Accufer,  And  again. 
Do  thou  declare  thy  fin  fi>'fiy 
that    thou  maj^fi   he  -ft^fied. 
And  ^Lglin^When ye ^mU have 
done  all  things   that  are  com* 
manded  yoUy  fay^  We  are  un- 
frofitable  Servants  ;    for  that 
which  is  highly  efieemd  among 
Men^    is  Ahominaiion  in   the 
fight  of  God.    For,  fays  the 
Scripture,  God  be  inerciful  to 
Vie  afinner:  Therefore  thofe 
great  Perfons,  Abraham^  and 
Johj  called  themfelves  Duft 



XIL  May  I  there* 
fore  have  Joy  of  you 
in  all  things,   if  I 
fhall  be  worthy  of 
it.    For  tho'  I  am 
Bound,    yet  am  I 
not  worthy  to  be 
compared  to  one  of 
you  that  are  at  Li- 
berty.   I  know  that 
ye  are   not  puffed 
up ;  for  ye  have  Je- 
fus Chrift  in  your  Proverbs 
Hearts.    And  efpe-  ^^^^I- 
cially  when  I  com-  ' J*  .  „. 
mend  you,  I  know  t^.^^"** 
that  ye  are  Aflia-    j^^^^ 
med,  as  it  is  writ-  XVII.  10, 
ten.    The  Jufi  Man 
condemneth  himfelf, 

XVI.  rj. 



XIII.  '^ 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



%VA    'mlv]A    o<m    Trot  ATI 

Cl'  T£A^,     -«J?  'tS  cfcf/OTpS- 

JioiXfit^ay'  \izirtimyii\7i  tm 

OK  cy  u/:aij'. 


I')  d^rnhv.  B.      CW  -yps^CuT^cxtf.  T» 

Efiflles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 


and  Afloes  before  God  :  And 

David  fays.    Who  am  I  before 

thee,  O  Lord,  that  thou  hafi 

glorlffd  me  hitherto.  And  Afo- 

fesy  who  was  the  Meekefi  of 

all  Men  upon  the  face  of  the 

Earth,  faith  to  God,  lam 

flow  of  fpeech,  and  of  a  flov/ 

tongue.      Be   ye    therefore 

Lowly  in  Heart  your  felves, 

that  ye  may  be    exalted: 

For   He  that  abafeth  hlmfelf 

fimll  he  exalted,    and  he  that 

exalteth  hlmfelf  Jhall  he  aba^ 


XIII.  Study  therefore  to 
be  confirm'd  in  the  Do- 
ctrines of  our  Lord,  and  of 
his  Apoftles  :  that  fo  all 
things,  whatfoever  ye  do, 
may  profper,  both  in  the 
Flefli  and  in  the  Spirit,  in 
Faith  and  Charity,  with 
your  moft  worthy  Bifliop, 
and  the  well- wrought  fpiri- 
tual  Crown  of  your  Pref- 
bytery,  and  your  Deacons, 
which  are  according  to  God. 
Be  fubjed  to  your  Bifiiop, 
and  to  one  another,as  Chrift 
was  to  his  Father,  that  there 
may  be  Unity  according  to 
God  among  you. 




I  Chron. 
XVII.  16, 
XII.  3. 


XIV.  II, 


XIII.  Study  there- 
fore to  be  confirm'd 
in  the  DoArine  oE 
our  Lord,  and  of  ^/x 
Apoftles ;  that  fo 
whatfoever  ye  do, 
ye  may  profper  both 
in  Body  and  Spirit ; 
in  Faith  and  Chari- 
ty; in  the  Son,  and 
in  the  Father,  and 
in  the  Holy  Spirit; 
in  the  Beginning, 
and  in  the  End  : 
Together  with  your 
moft  worthy  Bi- 
fliop, and  the  well- 
wrought  Spiritual 
Crown  of  yourPref- 
bytery  ;  and  your 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



lK,x>,fi(neuf  M  'f  ^Tu^idi  (||)  «• 



C*)  wVtd^c®-.  B.      (t)  w{ft^<u%^MJ.  A.  B.      CII)  u^K.  N; 

Ej)ijiles  oflGNATlVS. 



XIV.  Knowing  you  to 
be  filled  with  every  thing 
that  is  good^  I  have  the 
more  briefly  exhorted  you 
in  the  Love  of  Jefus  Chrift. 
Be  mindful  of  me  in  your 
Prayers,  that  I  may  attain 
unto  God ;  and  '  of  the 
Church  which  is  in  Syria, 
of  which  I  am  not  worthy 
to  be  called  Bifhop.  For  I 
ftand  in  need  of  your  uni- 
ted Prayers  and  Affeclion 
in  God,  that  the  Church 
which  is  in5/W^  may  obtain 
yet  the  favour  to  be  fed  by 
your  good  Order  in  Chrift. 



Deacons  u^hkh  are 
according  to  God. 
Be  fubjec^  to  your 
Bifliop,  and  to  one 
another,  as  Jefu^ 
Chrift  to  theFather; 
according  to  the 
Fiefh ;  and  the  Apo- 
ftles  both  to  Chrift, 
and  to  the  Father, 
that  fo  ye  may  be 
united  both  in  Body 
and  Spirit. 

XIV.  Knowing 
you  to  be  full  of 
God ,  I  have  the 
more  briefly  exhort- 
ed you.  Be  mind- 
ful of  me  in  your 
Prayers,  that  I  may 
attain  unto  God  ; 
and  of  the  Church 
that  is  in  Sjria,  from 
which  I  am  not 
worthy  to  be  called, 
For  I  ftand  in  need 
of  your  Joynt-Pray- 
ers  in  God,  and  of 
your  CharitJ^  that 
the  Church  which 
is  in  Syria  may  be 
thought  worthy  to 

O  XV. 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


(pifftot  am  ^(JiVfm^y  o^iv 
«f  db^cHM  -J-gtf^    eaajtf  Xj 

3[^f7r(p  hmTAOfTrtd  2^i/p- 
VAiwv,  Ka/  etl  i^otntxi 
0  c/AX.>,ti(neu  Iv  Tt/x?  Iw- 
c^     Xe^5"»     eicajtti^ovTeu 


Acom^oVira  vfjuLi   i(pi(noi  arrn 


Epfiles  of  I  GN  AT  IV  S.  195 

XV.  The  Ephefans  frotn  XV.  The  Efbefi^ 
Smyrna  (  from  which  place  ans'  From  Snjyr7ta  fa- 
I  write  to  you)  falute  you,  lute  you^from which 
who  are  prefent  here  to  the  place  I  write  unto 
Glory  of  God ;  in  like  you ;  ( being  pre- 
manner  as  you  are  :  who  lent  here  to  the  Glo- 
have  in  all  things  refrelli'd  ry  of  God,  in  like 
me ;  together  with  Volycarf,  manner  as  you  are,) 
The  reft  of  the  Churches  who  have  in  all 
alfo,  in  the  Honour  of  Je-  things  refrefh'd  me  j 
fus  Chrift,  falute  you.  Fare  together  with  P0/7- 
ye  well  in  Concord,  enjoy-  f^^-ptheBifhop  of  the 
ing  the  Spirit  infeparably^,  Smyrnaans.  The  reft 
in  Chriftjefus,  through  the  of  the  Churches>  in 
Will  of  God.  the  Honour  of  Jefus 

Chrift,  falute  you. 
Farewel,  and  be  ye 
firengthned  in  the 
Concord  of  God  ; 
enjoying  his  Infepa- 
rable  Spirit,  which 
is  Jefus  Chrift. 

d  2  7> 

196  T^he  Ijc^yger  ami  Smaller 

^mallet.  larger. 


(JM.7J     Tit)    m«'9«     lH(r« 

^ofigj/  Iv  Tit)  Ti^n^afjta.-- 
^ic-niejiy    ^   <^^^cu 

tiLVct^v.a^y   v,V  '/y  a,-nj^/^Q\J.tu  hi 


i(j^yiKo)oiv  /not  HahvCiQ- 

vtjMf  'i^i'la^y   8  )(p  ^TiatVy  dh>^d 

.(*;  oSr^i*  A,B.  oW'f.  N» 

Eftflles  <?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S.  ;  I  9y 

7'o  the  ftrktiians. 

Ignatius;  oi^oo  is  hlfo  called 
Theophorus,  To  the  Huljt 
Churchy  beloved  of  God  the 
Father,  andofjej/is  Chrlfi, 
7vhich  is  at  Tralles:  Eletl, 
and  Worthy  of  God ;  ha- 
'vlng  Ve^ce  hi  the  FlcjJo  a7ul 
Spirit  of  yefm  Chrlfiy  our 
Hope  :  in  hjs  Sufferings,  by 
his  Crofs  mtd  Death,  and 
in  his  Refurreclion,  Which 
alfo  I  fa  lute  in  the  Fulnefs  , 
in  the  Apoftollcal  Chara- 
tlcr  ;   Aihl  wijl)  all  Joy. 


i^m' acquainted  with. 

your  unblameabie  y. 
and  finesre  fteady  Temper 
of  Mindj  vvhich  you  en- 
joy in  Pati.ence  ;,  not  only 
for  prefent  Uft  ,  but  for  a; 
Poffeflion ;  according  as 
Tolybim  your  Bifhop  iias 
declar'd  :  Who  is  come  to 
Smyvna^hy  the  Will  of  God 

fS'iBe  'tn\\hns, 

Ignatius,  who  is  alfo 
.  called  Theppho- 
rus,  to  the  Holy 
church  which  is  at 
Tralles  in  Alia  • 
Belo-ved  of  God  the 
Father  of  Jefus 
Chrifi;  Elecl,^nd 
Worthy  of  God ; 
Having  Peace  thro* 
the Flejl, and  Bloody 
and  PaJJion  of  Je^ 
fm  Chriftour  Hope^ 
in  the  Rejur  reel  ion 
which  is  by  him : 
Which  alfo  I  falute 
in  its  Fuhiefs,  con- 
tinuing in  the  A- ; 
JVi^nng  nil  Joy  arul 
-,  Hifpinefs  untadl.  . 

Have  heard  of 
your  Blame-. 


leis  and  Conltanc 
Difpofition  through 
Patience,  which  not 
only  appears  •  in 
yourOutward  Con- 
verfation,  but  is  Na- 
turally rooted,  and 
grounded    in  jou 




ihe  Zj(i>'ger  and  Smaller 


T»^     %Jh^et  Xfav  VfMfy 



Jif^Cfi  cv  Xc^r©  iHTx  ^   &)f  7?'  /t^« 
iJh^ety  tdJfeuv  v/uai  fu^fjL»7u,i  ovTai 

rfl't'    otitpvytlTl.      dvetf- 

T^v   ^'vctTov  can  J)a  aS  ^ctizji-rl 


C*)  Fort5  t/z/^Tj. 

Epijiles'of  Ignatius, 



the  Father,  and  the  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift  his  Son,  with 
the  Co-operation    of    the 
j  Spirit.     \yho   fo   rejoiQcd 
\vith  me,  that-  an)  bound 
in  Chrift  Jefjs,  that  T  favy 
j  your   whole   Multitude  in 
I  him.  Having  therefore  re- 
ceived by  him  the  Tefti- 
mony  of  your  Good  Will, 
which  is  according  toGod, 
I  gloried  to  find  you  the 
Followers   of  Jefus  Chrift 
our  Saviour. 

II.  Be  ye  fubjed  to  your 
Bifhop,  as  to  the  Lord  : 
For  he  watches  for  your 
Soulsy  as  he  thut  mufi  give 
an  Account  of  thefn  to  God. 
Wherefore  you  appear  to 
me  to  live  not  after  the 
manner  of  Men  ^  but  ac- 
cording to  Jefus  Chrifl;  ; 
who  dyed  for  us ;  that  be- 
lieving in  his  Death,  ye 
may  by  Baptifm  be  made 
Partakers  of  his  Refurre- 


In  like  manner  a5 
Polyi'ius  your  B.illiO{3 
has  declared  untd 
mcj  Who  came  to 
me  to  Smyrjhiy  bj 
Jefus  Chrift;  and 
fo  rejoiced  together 
with  me  in  my  ^ 
Bonds  for  Jefus 
Chrift,  that  /« cffe(f 
I  faw  your,wl>oIe 
Church  in  Him^ 
Having  therefor^ 
received  the  Tefti^ 
mony  of  your"  Good 
Will  towards  me  for 
God's  fake,  by  Him; 
I  feemed  to  find 
you,  as  alfo  I  knew 
that  ye  were,  the 
Followers  of  God. 
II.  For  whereas 
ye    are    fubied  to  .^  , 

^         -pTL  Heb  ews 

your  Biihop  as  to  xm,  ,7. 
Jeius  ChrUt,  3'e  apr 
pear  to  irie  to  iiv^ 
not  after  the  maur 
ner  of  Men,  but 
according'  to  Jefus 
Chrift  ,  who  died 
for  us;  that  fo  belie- 
ving in  his  Death, 
ye  might  efcape 
Death.  ^  It  is  chere- 
O  4  fore 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



f*J  Pro  ■\^7aV(T9o'^  habet.  N.    \!xsr>-i^'(m^i ,  aAX^t  ;(^  W^ 

Efiftles   0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



c^ion.  It  is  therefore  ne- 
ceffary,  whatfoever  you 
do,  to  do  nothing  with- 
out your  Bifliop  :  Nay,  to 
be  fubjed  alfo  to  your 
Presbytery.,  as  to  the  Apo- 
ftles  of  Jefus  Chrlft,  our 
Hope.  In  whom  if  we 
walk  we  fliall  be  found  in 
him.  It  behoves  you  alfo 
in  every  thing  to  pleafe 
the  Deacons,  who  are  Mi- 
nifters  of  the  Myfteries  of 
Jefus  Chrift  :  For  they  are 
not  Minifters  of  Meat  and 
Drink,  but  Servants  of  the 
Church  of  God,  They 
therefore  are  obliged  to  a- 
void  Offences ,  as  they 
would  a  burning  Fire.  Let 
them  therefore  take  care 
to  be  fuch  Perfons. 

III.  And  do  ye  Reve- 
rence thcm,asJefusChriil  ; 
whofe  Place  they  fupply  : 
as  alfo  the  Bifhop  is  the 
Reprefentative  of  the  Fa- 
ther of  all  things :  and  tl\e 
Presbyters  are  as  the  San- 
hedrim of  God,  and  Af- 
fembly  of  the  Apoftles  of 
Chrift.  Without  thefe  Of- 
ficers there  is  no  Eled 


fore  necefTary  thar, 
as  ye  do ,  fo  with- 
out your  Bifhop  , 
you  Ihould  do  no- 
thing :  Alfo  be  ye 
fubjed  to  yourPref^ 
byters,  as  to  the  A- 
poflles  of  Jefus 
ChFift  our  Hope ; 
in  whom  if  we 
walk,  we  (hall  be 
found  in  Him.  The 
Deacons  alfo,  as  be- 
ing the  Minifiers  of 
the  Myfteries  of  Je- 
fus Chrift,  muft  by 
all  means  pleafe  alL 
For  they  are  not  the 
Minifiers  of  Meat 
and  Drink^  but  of 
the  Church  of  God. 
avoid  all  Offences, 
as  they  voulddo  Fire. 
III.  In  like  man- 
laer  let  allReverence 
the  Deacons,  as  Je- 
fus Chrift  j  and  the 
Bifhop  as  the  Fa- 
ther; and  the  Pref- 
byters  as  the  Sanhe- 
drim of  God,  and 
College  of  the  A- 
poftles.  Without 
thefe  there  is  no 


T^he  .Lmxer  m(l  Smaller 

?^if.        X^df    TSTWt'  ^w- 

cfvw  J)jVAfJUi  '  oy  Koyi" 
iofJLox  }^  Tin}  et:^'ii^  Cf- 
T^fcTncb^.   d'^a.TrKy'TWfy  af^ 

^y   S>jyoiujtyQ-    ypjjpnv 

^Vy   'lyet  a^  y^-nty^tlQ- 


ay"  »  <jvvA'^o>y»  hoiay.    Td'^iofJteu 

cafi^yjoTrM  v^y^   »  cjjto  to  y^vt^j 
om  cuj:^^    J)/Vctfju^'    (II)  o;/"  Aa- 

TKyV   <^75;7A£«_j     tl'Ct  AMI    /ojci)   T9n 

^»   cy   }{c}jjy^su  hfTtikU'      TV  iv  yjJfi»  y^J^^m    yj^y  m^e<>- 

(*)  ^}^py,A.B.    (t)  Forte  vfjuSvinikn  debet,    (/j)  Sr.  A.B. 

Efifiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


Church;,  no  Colledion  of 
Saints,  no  Airembly  of  Ho- 
ly Perfons.  I  am  perfua- 
dcd  that  you  alfo  are  thus 
j  affecfled.  For  I  have  re- 
ceived the  Pattern  of  your 
Love^  and  even  now  have 
it  with  me,  in  your  Bifliop: 
Whofe  very  Behaviour  is 
greatly  inftruc5live ;  and  his 
mild  Temper  of  great  Ef- 
ficacy :  Whom  I  fuppofe 
the  Unbelievers  themfelves 
reverence.  Becaufellove 
you,  I  avoid  to  write  more 
fharply  to  you ;  that  I  may 
not  feem  to  fome  to  be  too 
vehement,  or  to  want  any 
thing.  I  am  indeed  bound 
for  the  Sake  of  Chrift  ,•  but 
I  am  not  yet  worthy  of 
Chrift.  But  when  1  fhall 
be  perf€(5led,perhaps  I  then 
may  be  fo.     But, 

IV.  I  do  not  Ordiiin  , 
lik*  an  Apoftle;  but 
I  meafure  my  felf  that 
I  may  not  perifli  by 
boaiting  :  but  it  is  good  tp 

Church.'  Concern-* 
ing  all  which  I  am 

perfuaded  that  ye 
think  after  the  very 
fame  manner  :  Vqt 
I  have  received,  and 
even  now  have  with 
me  the  Pattern  of 
your  Love,  in  your 
Bifhop.  Whofe  ve- 
ry Look  is  Inflru- 
d:ive;  and  whofe 
Mildnefs  Powerful: 
Whom  I  am  perfua- 
ded, the  very  A- 
theifts  themfelves 
cannot  but  reve- 
rence. Butbecaufe 
I  have  a  Love  to- 
w^ards  you,  I  will 
not  write  any  more 
fharply  unto  you  a- 
bout  thi§  Matter, 
though  Lvery  well 
nught ;  biit  now  I 
have  done'  fo  ;  left 
being  a  condemn'd 
Man,  I  ffiould  feem 
to  prefcribe'to  you 
as  an  Apoftle. 

IV,  I  have  great 
KnowledgeinGod ; 
but  I  refrain  my  felf, 
left  I  fhodd  perifli 
Li  my  Boafting.  For 



The  Larger  and  Smaller 



i}    (t)  '^^'/^^   '•       P[^"C^  ^'^    ^05- 

"Keti  cvyfva/uMV^Ti  (/.oi' 
f«OTUjS;pA»'«A(5i'3«7?,  K«i 

:^  JbveL/iSfjQ-  7«  gTK^'- 
I'M,     J^   TwV  Tym^oioi 


(*)  eiyeLTm  tj^  -^-n  tta^hv,  inferi  debent,  vel  hujufmodi, 
nonnulla.  (t>  ?reAg.««i'.  B.  (p)  Forte  jcTWAOf;/.  C*}*)^*- 
Aw.  i^.N. 

Efljlles  of  I  G  N  A  T  1  \J\, 


glory  in  the  Lord.  Yea  tho' 
Twere  confirm 'd  in  things 
pertaining  to  God  ^  yet 
ought  I  to  be  fo  much  the 
more  fearful  ,  and  not 
hearken  to  fuch  as  vainly 
puff  me  up.  For  thofe  that 
commend  me  fcourge  me. 
For  indeed  I  defire  to  fuf- 
fer,  but  know  not  whether 
I  be  worthy  to  do  fo.  The 
evil  Will  of  the  Wicked 
one  is  not  vifihle  to  many, 
but  it  wars  again^  me.  I 
therefore  f^and  in  need  of 
a  meek  Difpofiticn,  where- 
by the  Devil,  who  is  the 
Ruler  of  this  Worlds  is  de- 

V.  For  am  not  I  able  to 
write  to  you  ftill  things 
more  myfterious?  But  I 
am  afraid  left  I  fhould  do 
you  harm,  as  being  Babes. 
Pardon  me  in  this ;  left 
when  you  are  not  able  to 
bear  their  Force,  ye  be  fuf- 
focated  by  them.  For  I 
my  felf,  altho'  I  be  one  in 
Bonds,  and  am  able  to  un- 
derftand  Heavenly  things, 
the  Orders  of  Angels,  and 



now  I  ought  the  '  ^^^  ^• 
more  to  fear ;  and  ^^' 
not  hearken  to  thole 
that  would  puff  me 
up.  For  they  that 
fpeak  to  me,  in  my 
Praife,  Chaften  me. 
For  I  indeed  defire 
to  fuffer,  but  1  can- 
not tell  whether  I 
am  worthy  fo  to  do. 
And  this  Defire  , 
though  to  others  it 
does  not  appear,5^GC 
to  my  felf  it  is  for 
that  t'fy  Reafon  the 
more  Violent.  I 
have  therefore  need 
of  Moderation;  by 
which  the  Prince 
of  this  World  is  de- 

V.  Am  I  not  able 
to  write  to  you  of 
Heavenly  things  ? 
But  I  fear  left  I 
fliould  Harm  you, 
who  are  yet  but 
Babes  in  Chrift: 
(Excufe  ma  h/'sCarc;) 
And  left  perchance 
being  not  able  to  re- 
ceive them  ,  ye 
fliould  be  choakcd 
'ii^jth  thsTK.  For  even 


71?^  Larger  and  Smaller 

f^iy  het  ;&tK  m  K^Tid" 

'Tmaij  TV  T  'TnuroKfi^TD^i  St.?  d- 

7if  f^  oivo[A^t]^y  om^ 

7B   tf/J^   Kiyy\7i  -myjl^y   >^  ami  ^ 
C4/  vfJilv\A  '     VTi  t)'  ^77/p- 

kc/T?  j'ol    «£;7  ^f  77KS?  fjurnuo* 

(*;  Deed.  A.B. 

Epjlles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  i. 


the  dififereht  Sorts  of  Arch- 
angels ^nd  Hofts ;  the  Di- 

Riht^iGhs  between  Powers 
atid  Dt^mmions;  the  D'u 
verlVty  belweeh  Thrones 
Jtrtd  Authorities ;  the  M^g- 
nihtenee  of  thb  ^^otjs  j  the 
Sup^remihehceof  the  Che- 
rubitti  and  Seraphim ;  the 
Sublimity  of  the  Spirit ; 
the  Kingdom  of  the  Lord ; 
and^  above  all,  the  incom- 
parableMajefty  of  Almigh- 
ty,God;  tho'  I  fay  I  am 
not  urtacquainted  with 
thefe  Things,  I  am  not 
therefore  perfed  ;  or  fuch 
a  Difciple  as  Paul  and  Peter. 
For  1  ftand  in  need  of 
many  things ,  that  I  may 
riot  fall  fliort  of  God. 

VI.  1  therefore,  or  ra- 
ther not  I,  but  the  Love  of 
jjefus  Chrii!:  exhort  you, 
that  ye  all  fpeak  the  fame 
things ;  and  that  there  be  no 
di'uifions  among  yoti  ;  hut  that 
ye  be  ferfeBly  joined  together 
in  the  fame  judgmefn,  and  in 
the  fame  mind.  For  there 
are  fome  'vain  talkers  and 
deceiuers  ,  not  Followers  of 
Chrift,  but  Merchandizers 
of  Chrift :  Bearing  about 
the  Name  of  Chrift  frau- 

I  my  felf,  altho'  t 
am  ih  Bonds,  yti 
am  not  thiet-efore 
able  to  underftand 
Heavenly  Things : 
As  the  Places  of  the 
Angels,  and  the  fe- 
veral  Companies  of 
them,  under  their 
refpedive  Princes ; 
Things  Vifible  and 
Invifible ;  but  in 
thefe  I  am  yet  a 
Learner.  For  ma- 
ny things  are  want- 
ing to  us,  that  we 
come  not  fliort  of 

VL  I  Exhort  you 
therefore,  or  rather 
not  I,  but  the  Love 
of  JefusChrift ;  that 
ye  ufe  none  but  v.  i», 
Chriftian  Nourifti- 
ment ;  abftaining 
from  Pafture  which 
is  of  another  Kind, 
I  mean  Herefie.  For  Tit.  1. 10; 
they  that  areHtreticks, 
confound  together 
the  Docfrpje  of  Jefus 
Chfift  I  \Vath  thiir 

2  oS  The  tuarger  and  Smaller 

^matter.  ^larger.         > 

isn^vm.  TUi^vvvrify  tvet  i  rnvm  tJ  ("*') 

•yiv$iKiiv  tuSnmVy  d^v^dtcmf  tJ 

.  ct;*,   cfc?^'    ly*  AVQiitdV  i&Ttt.yj'ei- 

Aeoai'    «7'  i/t    5S  X^/5^K  ethXoTSiVffi 

^Vy  70  W9(^  <^?v^v^y  ^  '5'  flt;'*- 
5Ci'  €iayiy'>iv^ '    ivv  '^tis^v  a^'- 

J/JITBI'  PO//l^»CT  '     70    3  ^Vitl(Za,  «cA£ 

'Tw;',  70V  ^'  v,oVy  '^i^oy  AV^arnv 
7j)  \%y^(n*  TUUToV  cA'  it)  OTt7^£^ 

3^   \iflV    ^    *^VZV(.liL    Aytov  *     }^   ^ 

K7z<nv  ("*')  *ify>v"  ^^\  « c/>ct  Xf/- 
crd,     d>^*   ili^^  77VOi  tiit^^cj^oi 


{♦;  y?^vKV7dr<i   A.      (t>  Ao>4^.  A.       OU  Decft.  B- 

O  'Hr^'  A. 

Epfiles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  fe.  009 

%tixm^  ^mallei?* 

dulently,  corrupting  the  vford  own  Poifon  ;  whilft  *  ^°^*  "• 
of  the  Gofpel,  and  inter-  they  feem  worthy  of  '^' 
mixing  the  Poifon  of  their  Belief :  As  Men  give 
Deceit  with  their  fweet  a  deadly  Potion 
Words;  tempering,  as  it  mix'd  with  fweet 
were,  rank  Poifon  with  a  Wine  ,-  which  he 
jpleafant  Potion ;  that  fo  who  is  ignorant  of^ 
he  that  drinks  being  de-    does  ,      with     the  J 

ceiv'd  in  his  Tafte  by  its    treacherous     Plea- 
extraordinary  Sweetnefs ,    fure,  fweetly  drink 
may,  before  he  is  aware,    in  his  own  Death, 
meet  with  his  Death.  One 
of  the  Ancients  gives  us 

this  Warning  ;  Let  no  one  l^miffg, 

he  called  Good  that  mixes  good 

•ivith  e'Vil,    For  they  fpeak 

of  Chrift ,  not  that  they 

may  preach   Chrift ,  but 

that  they  may  rejed  him  : 

They  fpeak  alfo  of   the 

Law,  not  that  they  may 

eftablifli  the  Law,  but  de- 
clare Difobedierice  to  it; 

For  they  alienate  Chrift 

from  the  Father  ;  and  the 

Law  from  Chrift.     They 

(Calumniate  his  Nativity  of 

the     Virgin  ;     they     are 

afiiam'd  of  the  Crofs,  and 

deny  the  Paffion  ,  and  do 

riot  belieVe  the  Refurredi- 

6n.     They  introduce  God 

as  a  Being  unknown,  and 

fuppofe  Chrift  to  beUnbe- 

gbrteh  ;  And  as  to  the  Spi- 
rit p       \ti, 


The  'Larger  and  Smaller 




^'    T«T    g's?;')   0  /t?'e^^ 

cL^iff^i^omv  ( t  )  7^^^"  fnaiv 
(II)  '''?  <^^077Jd'\  y^  c^i  J^'k-jvov 
iduuTov  iv  irTif  i^y>ti  iauT^y  a.(hK<» 

(*^    'TarfOf   TJ<f  TC/KTKf.    A.  B  (t)    775toJa/.  A.        CI'.)    '^  0-^0* 

'fhZi,  y.      C)  d^e.'i76i.  A.  ft.    (I)  ^Ort.  B.  y^^'  wfi)'f,  A. 

Epiflles  ^/Ignatius, 



Tit  they  io  not  own  his 
JBeing.  Some  of  them  fay 
that  the  Son  is  a  meer  Man, 
and  that  the  Father,  Son, 
and  Holy  Spirit  are  all 
one  ;  and  that  the  Creati- 
<5rt  is  the  Work  of  God, 
hot  by  Chrift,  but  by  fome 
other  foreign  Power. 

VII.  Have  a  care  there- 
fore of  fuch  Perfons,  that 
you  may  not  admit  of  a 
Snare  to  your  own  Souls  ; 
but  render  your  Life  inof- 
fenfive  to  all  Men,  left  you 
become  a  gin  upon  a  watch- 
tower y  and  as  a  net  fpread  a- 
hroad.  For,  he  that  does  not 
heal  himfelf  in  his  own  works 
is  the  brother  of  him  that  de- 
fir  oys  himfelf.  If  therefore 
you  alfo  put  away  Pride, 
Arrogance,  Difflain  ^nd 
Haughtinefs,  you  may  be 
infeparably  united  to  God : 
For,  He  is  nigh  to  thofe  that 
fear  him.  And  ,  fays  he  , 
Upon  who7n  will  I  look  ,  hnt 
Upon  him  that  is  hujnhle  and 
quiet  ^  and  trembles  at  my 
word}  Do  ye  alfo  reve^ 
rence  yourBifliop  as  Chrift 
iiirnfeif  ,  according  as  the 
feleffed  Apoftles  have  or- 
dained for  you;  ^  He.  chat 






VII.    Wherefor* 
guard    your  felveS 
againft    fuch    Per- 
fons. And  that  you 
will  do  if  you  are 
not  puffed  up  ;  but 
continue       infepa- 
rable     front    Jefus 
Chrift  w  God,  and  xvTii 
from  your  Biftiop,  9. 
and  from  the  Com- 
mands of  the  Apo- 
ftles.    He    that    is 
within  the  Altar  is 
Pure:  But  he  that 
is  without ,  that  is, 
that  does  any  thing  p*;;  , 
without  the  Bifhop^  lXXxV, 
and  Presbyters,  and  10. 
Dcacons,is  not  Pure  ifaiah 
in  his  Confcienee,    L^^I-  i^ 


^  I  Tr  T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  KLarger- 

T6   av^aTnv   K^rtty^    fMfMiiicu 
yuofii^ov   x^  J)jvetfjuv   Xe/r?  <r» 

^diltti    T«    C^(7XflTtf,      77    '^J  ef>fl6- 

Xlew^V.i^  (*)  Ay'ij'y.y.nU"  J^  KXii-. 

fO»f  niTJ-ftJ.     0  Toij/UK  TK7WK  -T^^^t- 
1^   T^u)  ftWTK    (II)  M-m^iy"    fffAt^ 



C)  AyctKhnrQ-,  A.  B.  T.    (V  Deefl  B.    (n;  M^<ny.  T* 

Efiflles  of  Ignatius.  aij 

larger.  Smaller. 

is  within  the  Altar  is  Pure, 
therefore  he  is  alfo  obedi- 
ent to  the  Bifhop  and  Pref- 
byters;  But  he  thai  is  with- 
out is  one  that  does  any 
thing  without  the  Bifliop, 
the  Presbyters,  and  the 
Deacons  ;  Such  an  one  is 

defiled  in  bis  Confciemey  and  * 

is  worfe  than  an  infidel.    For  V  *8^ 

what  is  the  Bifliop  ?  but 
one  having  all  Power 
and  Authority ;  govern- 
ing all  things  fo  far  as  a 
Man  is  capable  of  govern- 
ing :  Being  a  Refemblance 
according  to  the  Power  of 
the  Chrift  of  God.  What 
is  alfo  the  Presbytery  ?  but 
an  Holy  Affembly ,  the 
Counfellors  and  Co-Aflef- 
fors  of  the  Bifhop.  And 
what  are  theDeacons  ?  but 
a  Refemblance  of  [Chrift ; 
miniftring  to  the  Bifliop  as 
Chrift  to  the  Father,  and] 
attending  upon  him  in  an 
holy  and  unblameable  Mi- 
niftration  ;  as  the  holy 
Stephen  did  to  the  bleffed 
James  ;  Timothy  and  Linus 
to  Vaul ;  AnmcletHs  and 
Clemens  to  Veter,  He  there- 
fore that  will  not  hearken 
to  thefe  Officers  muft  needs 

be     P  ;  VIII. 

I  \  4  T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

iDtt^alter.  larger. 

«iv.    Of  ^v  aa  pj  tS  x/;- 

S«a  '^AhQ©-  0kcLO-(pti(JLei^ 
mtt,      Qvcti  }3  c/>'  »  c/7n 

ky   072    iyvCdV   7D/bTKf   TJVAi  C*  U- 
^/J'*     CfcMcfc   ^J^  CufyjO^mBii  TTD- 

li.Kvet  /!/»  AytiTfirsLy    )y  ^^/^  ok 
duvTiDTaKitav    voaHy    C"j*)  ^i"  J- 

fjumwi  Tm^uctrav   XeirS"  ^     ;^ 

Tiahaudii  Jho^CeicLiy  '^  (alw  fiyHv 

t^^^^JJTUly    (j|)/t^M0f/'7Xw"^    0(71)]; 

ToT?  %hifftVy     tvA  ^  oh\y»v  77-^ 


(t;  ?.i;f«>c»>.  N.    (t)  oT^  N.  forte  legend.  Zv.    (I'j  f^'?>.«» 

Efifiles  of  Ignatius. 


i  Ularger. 

be  one  utterly  withoutGod^ 
an  impious  Perfon^  who 
defpifes  Chrift^  and  flights 
his  Conftitution. 

VIII.  Now  I  write  thus 
I  to  you^  not  that  I  know 
any  fuch  Perfons  among 
you  :  Nay  indeed^  I  hope 
God  will  never  permit  any 
fuch  thing  to  come  to  my 
Knowledge,  that  God,  I 
fay,  who  has  not  [fared  his 
Son  for  the  fake  of  his  holy 
Church  :  But  forefeeing  the 
Snares  of  the  wicked  one 
I  fore- arm  you  by  my  Ad- 
monitions, as  my  beloved 
and  faithful  Children  in 
Chrift :  Giving  you  Pre- 
fervatives  from  fo  peftilent 
a  Diftemper  of  unruly 
Men  :  From  which  do  you 
flee  by  the  good  Will  of 
Chrift  our  Lord  ^  w  here- 
fore  putting  on  Meeknefs , 
be  ye  followers  of  his  Suf- 
ferings, and  his  lo've  where- 
with  he  has  leaved  m  ^  when 
he  gave  himfelf  a  ranfom  for 
ufy  that  he  might  cleanfe 
us  by  his  Blood  from  our 
old  Impiety  ,  and  beftow 
Life  upon  us  when  we 
were  in  imminent  Danger 
of  perifhing,  through  the 


VIII.  Not  that  I 

know  there  is  any 
thing  of  this  Nature 
among  you  ;  But  I 
fore- arm  you ,  as 
being  greatly  Belov- 
ed by  me  ,  forefee- 
ing the  Snares  of  r^^^^, 
the  Devil.  Where-  vm.  32. 
fore  putting  on 
Meeknefs  ,  renew 
that  is  the  Flefh  of 
the  Lord  ,•  and  in 
Charity,  that  is  the 
Blood  of  Jefus 
Chrift.  Let  no  Man 
have  any  Grmlge  a- 
gainft  his  Neigh- 
bour. Give  no  Oc- 
cafion  to  the  Ge?;- 
t'lUs  ;  left  by  means 
of  a  few^  foolifh  Eph  II.4. 
Men,  the  whole 
Congregation  of  *  '^*"^-^^- 
God  be  Evil  fpcken 
of  For  Woe  to  that 
Man  through  whofe 
Vanity  my  Nrime  is 

P  4  XL 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 

^twaller,  ^larger. 

^•6    /3^.6t^(?»f.H^  OP    TBI?  ^-S-f SflX. 

J^Tk  p5^e.«»  I«^«  XfiTK 
l.a.Kin  Vi^Tti  lit  'f/J^i  Art- 

75  ;^  'iyniv.   di^ti^S'i  icfi- 

LUt.'  cdi  ^  VfJidi  TifU  ct;- 
^vo/jcii  'carr^y  kreoi  \yt' 
(ii  0  7rctv]f  aZTk  cv  Xf /- 

Kfy^fi^'^jfTt  ^fj   oTBU^  J^7;/  ^«y~ 

Vn^rly     )y  In,  3«K,     )^  iX,  OTtp^Vy^ 
^^>/  Bp^  aoWi7ri>i  *    iSiy^  TtLVTvy 
bio:  }y  dy^aTrQ',     eiKn^f  ei- 

iy  *i'7rny  AW^bZi '  l<xwpca%,  }^ 
ATii^etviV    ^    XloVTJH.  TltX-dra, 

i^vtav^  iy  hmyeiavy  )^  r^-nf^o- 
viuy  *  ^^Aav  p!y  eoi  t^  aou- 
^ctTWK  (^^inm*   *6hyHa>v  (*)  eAt", 

<•)  ?«•  H- 

Efijlks  of  Ignatius. 


wicked  Temper  that  is  in 
us.  .Let  no  one  of  you 
therefore  bear  any  grudge 
againft  his  Neighbour. 
For,  fays  our  Lord,  For- 
give and  ye  jhall  he  forgiven. 
Give  no  Qccafion  to  the 
Gentiles,  left  by  the  means 
of  a  few  foolifli  Men  the 
'}i;ord  and  doBrine  of  Chrifi  he 
hlaffhernd.  For,  fays  the 
Prophet  5  as  in  the  Perfon 
of  God,  Wo  to  him  hy  whom 
my  name  is  hlaffhemed  among 
the  Gentiles. 

IX.  Stop  your  Ears 
therefore  when  any  one 
fpcaks  to  you  without  Je- 
ius  Chrift,the  Son  of  God, 
who  was  made  of  David, 
and  of  Mary,  who  was 
really  begotten  both  of 
God  and  of  the  Virgin; 
but  not  after  the  fame 
manner.  For  the  Divine 
and  Human  Nature  are 
not  the  fame.  He  really 
cook  a  Body ;  for  the  Word 
-was  made  flejij,  and  con- 
verfed  without  Sin.  For, 
fays  he ,  vJoich  of  you  con- 
vinceth  me  of  Sin  ?  He  re- 
ally did  eat  and  drink  :  He 
was  crucified^  and  died  un- 
der ?07itlus  Pilate :  He  real- 



Mat.  VL  ] 
Mar.  XL 



IX.  Stop  your 
Ears  therefore  ,  as 
often  as  any  one 
fhall  fpeak  contrary 
toJefusChrift^  who 
was  of  the  Race  of 
David,  of  theVirgin 
Mary.  Who  was 
truly  Born,  and  did 
Eat  and  Drink  ; 
was  trulyPerfecuted 
under  Pontius  Pilate ; 
Was  truly  Crucified  J^^^-  »4- 
and  Dead  ;  Both 
Thofe  in  Heaven, 
and  on  Earth,  and 
under  the  Earth  be-  ^"^'  ^^' 
ing  Spectators  of  it. 
Who  was  alfo  truly 
raifed  from  the 

,9 1:^  T'he  Z^arger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  ^rgcr. 

fMvG-'  ct^wAO^  J^  f/^  77Ah9b;.   ;^ 

%e^lCf%  r  et'T    ouavQ-  (p^^PJ^fy    J^ 

VAT»  ATTc-m^trij  fS^  »>^»«  cA>- 
<T?<i>f   iTU<pn'     70    ouCCetTW   vsm 

^im  Aviiv  ^a>(rn<p  o    a/Tm  (*)  A- 

3iiif    eln^    Ik    't^   ViKpay^     yTt 

70  H^}l]fJ^OV  \Cat-  etU'T^y  Li  ^ 
Ijj  I«f fit?  Iv  TJf  Xft^idl,  '7^  iCnTiify 
Tf^i     «^£5K?     }^     Tf^i      VVKTUi' 


{"J  Aeifwtv««tf.  T, 

Epiftles  (?/  I  G  K  A  T  I  U  S. 

i  19 


ly,  and  not  in  Appearance 

y/^.?  crucified  3  and  died , 
in  the  Sight  of  the  Cele- 
&h\y  Tcn-eftrial^  and  Sub- 
tex-Tcririal    Beings,      The 
Ceieitial^  that  is  the  incor- 
poreal Natures ;  Terreftri- 
al,  that  is  the  Jews,  and 
Romans  y    and  thofe   Men 
I  which  were  prefent  at  that 
j  time  when  the  Lord  was 
[  crucify'd  :  The   Snbterre- 
!  ftrial,  that  is  the  Multi- 
'  tude  of  thofe  that  arofe 
with  the  Lord.     For^  fays 
the  Scripture,  Many  Bodies 
of  Saints  which  Jlep  arofe  y 
their  Graves  being  opened. 
He  defcended  indeed  into 
the  invifible  World  alone, 
but  afcended  with  a  Mul- 
titude, and  rent  that  Pale 
which  had  been  from  the 
beginning  of  the   World, 
and  took  away  its  Partiti- 
on Wall.     And  rofe  again 
within  Three  Days,  being 
raifed  up  by  his  Father: 
And  when  he  had  conver- 
fed  with  the  Apoftles  For- 
ty Days,  he  was  received 
up  to  his  Father  ,  and  fat 
down  at  his  right  hand  ;  ex- 
feeling  till  his   Enemies    are 
jHt  under  his  feet.     On   the 
'  Day 


Dead  by  his  Father^ 
after  the  fame  man- 
ner as  he  will  alfo 
raife  up  us  who  be- 
lieve in  him  ,  by 
Chrifl:  Jefus :  with- 
out whom  we  have 
no  true  Life. 

J  2. 


Hcb.  X. 
^h  '3. 



The  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  iLarger. 

Hj    Jl, 

titn^  mti 

(t)    tr   Ji,    «Wf  77V^  «^ 

i'xmiy    xiynfftv  7i5  eft-     ^tf^  TzJ  JhKrifti  y^'^ij^w.  avtiv ¥  TfiTTov^vcu   ttMvy     }[vSfamv ,    »*  ti\»^$  dvuKiu 

n  mh]^.  N.     (t)  0/.  B. 

Epjttes  oflGUATtVs.  ^M 



Day  of  the  Preparatloit 
therefore,  at  the  Third 
Hour,  he  received  the  Sen- 
tence from  Pilate  ,  by  the 
JPermiflion  of  the  Father:  :  v<^\}64- 

j  At  the  Sixth  Hour  he  was  j 

crucified ;  and  at  the  Ninth 
Hour  he  gave  up  theGhoft: 
Before  Sunfet  he  was  [tak- 
en down  from  the  Crofs  ] 
&  buried  [  in  a  new  Sepul- 
chre :  ]On  theSabbathDay 
he  continued  under  the 
Earth ,  in  that  Tomb 
wherein  Jofefh  of  Arima- 
thea  laid  him  :  At  the 
dawning  of  the  Lord's-day 
he  arofe  from  the  Dead  ; 
according  as  himfelf  faid. 
So  fljall  the  Son  of  Man  he 
three  Days  and  three  Nights 
in  the  heart  of  the  earth.  The 
Day  therefore  of  the  Pre- 
paration contains  the  Pafli- 
on,  the  Sabbath  Day  con- 
tains the  Burial,the  LordV 
Day  contains  the  Refur- 

X.  But  if,  as  fome  that 
aire  without  God,  that  is, 
the  UnUelievers,  fay,  that 
he  was  made  Man  in  Ap-  dels,  pretend,  that 
pearance ;  that  he  did  not  he  only  feem'd  to 
really  take  a  Body ;  that  he  Suffer: (They  them- 
died  in  Appearance  ;  and    felves  only  feeming 

4id  ^  to 


3C.  But  if  as  fome- 

who    are^  Atheifts, 
that  is  to  fay  Infi- 


/^he  Larger  and  SmaUet 

77    ffiJ^(JUU  •    77    e/^  ^^^^' 


iUvfU,  'Tiimv^veu  K  tJ  ivn"  77- 

Om    A>JtTnT?<'t,     Itfit  our   66  77751?/  rtW-* 

c^     7^?    ■Traps* ^'y  ^    tTaZ-w  o^xoto-* 
AH3ty?  fc}AAa;c7o*5^^NSr«,   :^  &^«if 

C)  Ekfurit.  t.       (\)  cfjfMiwy.  H. 

Epfiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  aij 

Hmm-  Smaller. 

did  not  fufFer  in  Reality;  to  exift;  why  then 
!  For  what  caufe  am  I  bound,  am  I  Bound  >  Why 
and  defire  to  fight  with  do  I  defire  to  fight 
Beafts  ?  I  therefore  die  in  with  Beafts?  There- 
vain  ,  and  belye  the  Crofs  foredo  I  die  in  vain  • 
of  the  Lord.  Then  is  that  Therefore  I  will  not 
Saying  of  the  Prophet  to  fpeak  falfly  againft 
ho purpoiQ  y  They jhalllook    the  Lord.  ZachXII 

on  him  whom  they  fur cedy  and  ,^    ' 

jimll  mourn  over  themfelves 
as  over  the  beloved,  Thefe 
Men  therefore  are  equally 
Unbelievers  with  thole 
that  crucified  him.  But, 
I  for  my  felf,  I  have  not  my 
'  Hope  placed  on  him  that 
died  for  me^in  Appearance 
only,  but  in  Reality.  A 
Lye  is  quite  remote  from 
the  Truth.  The  Virgin 
Mary  therefore  did  feally 
conceive  that  Body  which 
had  a  God  inhabiting 
therein :  AndGod  the  Word 
was  really  conceiv'd  of  the 
Virgin  :  having  cloath'd 
himfelf  with  a  Body  of  like 
Paffions  with  us.  He  was 
really  in  the  Womb  ,  who 
forms  all  Men  in  the  Womb ; 
and  made  himfelf  a  Body 
of  the  Seed  of  the  Virgin, 
but  without  the  Affiftance 
of  Man.  He  was  carried 
In  the  Womb  ,  as  we  are, 

the  '  %h 

t7^  The  Larger  und  Smaller 

ly/i^y  kfiAgiyoi^y   cm  (*)  x«- 

;•  l(po^tjffiy  y^Ti)ifi^,  k^KWftb^  d^ 

tTttcfiiiy  )^  tiyif^  c4C7^  vix^ay^ 
tJ  upeii  dvcignffvv  fjusy  3^  ctj/TWTrb- 

fC»ft»y    6077$    TntT^fy    "i^lCpi^iii  A.6- 

>^,    077     (TV   ng.-TtLxXv\^voyt.notii 

dyet^ait^  (Wi^v  Traiit^y  3^  fifJMi 
^^  ewrk  (t)  ^?^?«"'  %  X^^^y 
7^  Ahn^vai  ^Uj  ^x  ^?^  '^^'  ^^" 
7«  j^,  077  iyo  Hfju  fi  C^att  0 
<sri^vcoy  «f   5^^^   jj^f'   ajm^yny 

0^3    c-^f  w   euayct'     ^ivyiTi   Zy 

TfltV    <t3t«f   CWflcTWf  •    (II)  -r^   e/>rt« 

^6a.k  jAf"  eitTJV  \(pdifia^^y  tH 
d^^ydif-^i  o(^zcd^y   <ni   J)a.  lit  70- 

n  "if  »'^'  T.     ct)  Aj^fw.  A,    (ji;  T»  j<J  cC't'iiA'^.  B. 

Epijlles  oflauhTivs.  ^^5 

%nvm*  Smaller. 

the  ufual  Periods  of  Time  ; 
and  was  really  born,  as  we 
are  ,•  and  was  really  fuck- 
led,  and  partook  of  com- 
mon Meat  and  Drink,  a^ 
we  do :  and  when  he  had 
converfed  among  Men 
Three  Decads  of  Years, 
he  was  Baptized  by  John^ 
really,  and  not  in  appea- 
rance ;  and  when  he  had 
preached  the  GofpelThree 
Years,  and  had  done  Signs 
and  Wonders,  he  who  was 
the  Judge  was  judged  by 
the  Jewsy  falfly  fo  called, 
and  by  Tilate  the  Gover- 
nor :  He  was  fcourged , 
fmitten  on  the  Cheek,  fpit 
upon  :  He  wore  a  Crown 
of  Thorns,  and  a  Purple 
Garment:  He  was  con- 
demned :  He  was  cruci- 
fy*d,  really,  and  not  in  ap- 
{)earance,  not  in  imagina- 
tion,  not  in  deceit.  He 
dyed  really,  and  was  bu- 
ried ,  and  rofe  from  the 
dead;  as  he  fomewherd 
pr^Lytiy  (kyingy  But  Jo  thou 

O  Lord  raife  nie  up  agatn^  E"l^ 

andljhallreTvardthenf,  And  ^"'  '" 

his    Father  3    who    at-ways  *^  y^^ 

hears  him  ,    ^nfwer'd   and  ^2/ 

faidi  Ar'ffe^  0  God.  judge  thi 

imhi       Q  XLFIe4 

Smaller.  Hargec 

ctvra  LrTToSviiiTK^,    OvTVt 

«cV  0  y^fTTo?  *cLJmv  ct<p^(t^ 

fxaJtv  'f  K^xAO^y    (*)  -rtfi}   cty- 

(  )  f  ^  ^iCtayeuisi]  h  verfione  LaM'na  vctere  inferpoflcndunii 

Eftfiles  ^/  I  Q  N  A  1 1  u  $•  ^17 


iRarth  ;  for  thou  fl)alt  take  all 
the  Heathen  for  thine  Inherit 
tance.  The  Father  there- 
fore who  has  raifed  him 
up,  will  alfo  raife  us  up 
through  him  ^  without 
whom  no  one  will  enjoy 
the  true  Life^  For,  fays 
he,  /  am  the  Life  :  He  that 
belie'veth  on  me^  altho  he  dye^ 
fl}all  live  ;  and  every  one  that 
Jiveth  and  believeth  on  me, 
altho  he  dje,  jhall  live  for  e- 
ver.  Do  you  therefore  a- 
void  thefe  Atheiftical  He- 
refies ;  for  they  are  the  In- 
ventions of  the  Devil,  that 
Serpent  which  was  the  O- 
rigin  of  Wickednefs:  which 
by  the  Means  of  the  Wo- 
man deceived  Adam^  the 
Father  of  our  Race. 

XI.  Do  you  alfo  avoid 
thofe  wicked  Branches  of 
his ,  Simony  his  firft-born 
Son,  and  Menander  ,  and 
Ba/lidesy  and  all  his  wic- 
ked Rout :  [  the  Ehionites 
alfo  ]  thofe  tVorjhippers  of  a 
Man ;  whom  the  Prophet 
Jeremiah  pronounces  accur- 
fed.  Avoid  alfo  the  im- 
pure Nicolaitansy  falfly  fo 
called ;  thofe  Lovers  of 





joh.  Xi 

XI.  Flee  thefe^ 
fore      thofe     Evil 
Sprouts  which  bring 
forth  deadly  Fruit ; 
of  which  if  any  one 
tafte,  he  fhall  pre- 
fently    Dye.      For  .    ^.. 
thefe   are  riot   theJ"'    ^"^ 
Plants   of   the  Fa-  ^' 
ther  ;  feeing  if  they 
were  j  they  would 
appear   to   be    the 

Q  z  Bran- 

2  28  ■T'hi  Jjxfger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  itargei?. 

Vtlywy  *^   'nf   Ji^»i  iUJfioy,    vvv 
flte'S©-  f'TfTtJ^yvQfjLipQiy  y^Kv-^^m 

(f)     TT^^"    IJfJWft*;'       <^^VOlJLidJfy 

v/Mi  Ji  <:^^)(^H  ^^i^i  «V  Tit* 

Aoj^flt-  Aflzra- 

(*;  »^^i^/©-.T;r  (t)  wK.  T, 

E^ftles  ^/Ignatius.  ^^ 

}larger.  Smaller.:- 

Pleafure;    thofe    Calum-  Branches    of     fhe 

niators.     Avcnd  alfo  that  Crofs^    and-  their 

Brood  of  the  wicked  one.  Fruit  would  be  iir- 

Thtodoitis     and  .  Ckshulus  ;  corritptible  :       By 

which     produce      deadly  which     he    invites^ 

Fruit ;  whereof  if  any  one  you  through  hisPat- 

j  taftes  he  prefently  dies, not  fion,  who  are  Met»^ 

ia   temporary  Death,  but  bers  of  him.     For 

that  which  is  eternaLThcfe  the  Head  cannot  b^e 

Men  are  not  the  Plantati-  wkhout    ir-s  Meni- 

on  of  the  Father,   but  ari  bers ,  God   h^vin^^ 

accurfed  Brood.  Now,fays  prortj jfed  a  UnioHy  v 

the  Lord,  Let  e-v^ryThmt  that  is^  himfelf.     /'Alatt.XV. 

'U^hichmy  Hsai^enly  F^ither  has  iir  ix   ?                       -JJ* 

not  planted  be  rooted  up.  For  "    ' '       - 
if  they  had  been  Branches 

of  the  Father  they  would  ,^*5i3X  "i'^^^  >i'-ar 

not  have  been   Enemies  of  -  .*a>.V':^          '-rrr^j^ 

the  Crofs  of  Chrifi,  but  ra-  ^"-V.s'x,    .                  v.Ph.I.  IIF. 

ther  of  thofe  who  pw  the  MslT^x^vi, 

Lord  of  Glory.    But  now  bv  -^"^    -^^v'                       iCor.lJ.^. 

denying  the  Crofs,-   and  i£.is^«j^'^              'jV 

being  afham'd  of  the  Paf-  - 
fion,  they  cover  the  Tranf- 
greffion  of  the  Jews,  thofe 
Fighters  againftGodj  thofe 
Murderers  of  the  Lord  ^ 
for  'tis  too  Httle  to  fay. 
Murderers  of  the  Prophets. 
But  Chrift  invites  you  un- 
to his  Incorruption,  by  his 
Paffion,  and  Refurredion; 
^s  being  Members  of  him. 

XII.  I  Q ,,      %m 


T'b'e  Larger  and  Smaller 


^  ^Vy   fit  xj*  'mvlet  fjx 
dviirojuortv   aufxi   Tt   )^ 

i^ovj©-  iv  Tb)   iKtH   «rw 

VAl   (JUt  fni  X>i/jpK,     ^  «fet- 
XW^OAt   ^TV^Vy    ivA  fl^ 


AajJA^ofLAi  viJiAf  km  2^up» 
rUf,    rt^    TWif  avfAT^ficwif   (*) 

«,^»^ol  /tt«  ;^  ^?  AViTnLUfftufy  j 

VfMf    Ttt    iffe^A    f/»,     A   iviymv 

Inax  Xexr»  -cfetfspw,  «Jt^aV©- 

yj.y  IV Ay  iJ^Atf %TWi    iy  Tih  -Sjeg- 

ftZu;  (t)   l«<r«"Xe4S'«,    ^-3/. 

^Vm  Ait?avu  lA\ty  JPA  fJW  «V  AW'p- 

A'yi'm$  ^^^oylQ-  Iv  tJ  €a4^  t» 
:5i?^  «f  7c   r^A^itaMieu  f^  -r^ 


^OJiL^  I 

V)  i^^.  N.      in  vi^.  To 

Eftftles  of  1  Q  N  A  T  1  V  S, 



XII.  I  falute  you  from 
^Smyrna ^  together  with  the 
Churches  of  God  which 

iare  prefent  with  me  ; 
whofe  Rulers  have  refrcfli- 
ed  me  in  every  thing^both 
in  the  Flefh,  and  in  the 
Spirit.  My  Bonds,  which 
I  carry  about  me  for  the 
iake  of  Chrift,  (  begging 
that  I  may  attain  unto 
God^  )  exhort  you.  Con- 
tinue in  Concord  one  with 
another^  and  in  Prayer. 
For  it  becomes  every  one 
of  you^  efpecially  thePref- 
byters^  to  refrefti  your  Bi- 
fhop ,  to  the  Honour  of 
the  Father,  and  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  Jefus  Chrift,  and 
of  the  Apoiiies.  I  befeech 
you  in  Love  to  hear  me, 
that  I  may  not  by  thus 
writing  be  a  Teftimony 
againft  you.  Do  you  alio 
Pray  for  me,  who  ftand  in 
need  of  your  Love,  by  the 
Mercy  of  God,  that  I  may 
be  thought  worthy  to  ob- 
tain that  Lot  I  aim  at : 
that  I  be  not  found  a  Re- 

Xni.  The 


XII.  I  falute  you 
from  Smyrna^  toge- 
ther with  the  Chur- 
ches of  God  that 
are  prefent  with  me; 
who  have  refrefh'd 
me  in  all  things, 
both  in  the  Flefh 
and  in  the  Spirit. 
My  Bonds  which  I 
carry  about  me  .for 
the  fake  of  Chrift, 
(  befeeching  him- 
that  I  may  attain. 
unto  God  )  exhort 
you,  that  you  con- 
tinue in  Concord  a- 
mong  you-r  fel ves, 
and  in  Prayer  with 
oneanothqr.  For  ic 
becomes  every  one. 
of  you,  efpecially 
the  Presbyters ,  to 
refrefli  the  Biihop, 
to  tlie  Honour  of 
the  Father,  of  Jefus 
Chrift,  and  of  the 
Apoftlcs.  I  befeech 
you  that  you  heark^ 
en  to  me  m  Love  ; 
that  I  may  not  by  '  Cor.I^ . 
thofe  things  which  '^' 
I  write,  rife  up  in 
Witnefs  againft  you. 
Pray  alfo  for  me  ; 

Q  4  whQ 

sjj  '^be  Larger  and  Smaller 

aV  *i%d£\©'  one^'vav,   Ep- 

(*)  W^",    (t)  -^f  ^  ^veff, 
d')4t7m7i  h  dujiei^ep  y^fJicC  d<md- 

fMVOV  VUV^  A>\A  ^  OTUV  5??  c/W-    I 

'Jv'X^*    V77  fi  amMVehvof  eiixi*:) 


^c;  «^'^j'.  A.  N.   a)  Tciu  T. 

Efifllef  (?/  I  q  N  A  T  I  u  s* 



that  belong  to  Smyrna  and 
Efhefus  falutes  you.  •  Re- 
member ourChurch  which 
is  in  Syria  ;  from  which  I 
am  Hot  worthy  to  be  deno- 
minated ;  being  the  le^^ 
of  its  Members.  Fare  ye 
well  in  the  Lord  Jefus 
Chrift  ;  being  fubjed  to 
your  Bifliop,  and  fo  like- 
wife  to  the  Presbyters  and 
Deacons.  And  do  ye  eve- 
ry one  Love  one  another 
with  an  undivided  Heart. 
My  Spirit  falutes  you,  not 
only  noWj  but  when  I  fhall 
have  attained  unto  God. 
For  I  am  yet  under  Dan- 
^ger.  But  Faithful  is  the 
Father  of  our  Lord  Jefus 
Chrift  to  fulfil  both  mine 
and  your  Petitions.  In 
whom  God  grant  we  may 
te     found     unblameable. 


who  through  the 
Mercy  of  God  ftand 
in  need  of  your 
Prayers,  that  I  may 
be  worthy  of  the 
Portion  which  lani 
about  to  obtain , 
that  I  be  not  found 
a  Reprobate. 

Xm.  The  Love 
of  thofe  who  are  at 
Smyrna  and  Efhefus 
faluteyou.  Remem- 
ber in  your  Prayers 
the  Church  of  Syria ^ 
from  whichlam  not 
worthy  to  be  called, 
being  one  of  theleaft 
of  it.  Fare  ye  well  in 
Jefus  Chrift  ;  being 
fubjec^  to  your  Bi- 
(hop  as  to  the  Com- 
mand of  God;  and 
fo  likewife  to  the 
Presbytery.  Love 
every  ojie  his  Bro- 
ther with  an  un- 
feigned Heart.  My 
Soul  be  yourExpia- 
tion,  not  only  now, 
but  when  I  Ihall 
have  attain'd  unto 
God  :  For  I  am  yet 
under  Daoger.  But 


2^54  '-^'^^  Larger  and  Smaller 

Sfemaller.  llarger. 





(t)    WA^M^vVw"  c^  fU}<t\iO'ni7J 
XAflO?^  (II)  M^/AOJuCr/'^   iS^  m- 

H77?   <s^yJ.^Tru  hf  7rV«  p^- 

(t)  «^?**>»'©'?  ^  «sn^;^^^V>f 
77f?  aV*^"<)  (II)  p^'5^Vy(^t©-''_, 

Up    x)  Acopx^ofxeu    cv    ovof/an 

jf t)  cyAo^M^gVw.  ISJ.        Cjl)  vcl  w)a;7)>At5p'«.  T.       f*)   d^HTn^M^ 
f'^.  N.      Ct)  «$/«t>^.  N,      Cli)  Forte  ;)^/9i5/6^cf,' 

Epiftles  of  Igu  ATiv  s. 


May  I  have  Joy  of  you  in 
the  Lord. 


the  Father  is  Faith- 
ful in  Jefus  Chrift, 
to  fulfil  both  mine 
and  your  Petition : 
In  whom  may  ye 
be  found  unblame- 

To  the  Romans. 

Ignatius,  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus  ,  To  the 
Church  which  has  obtained 
Mercy  from  the  Majefty  of 
the  MoftHiih  God  the  Far 
thety  and  of  Jefus  Chrifiy 
his  only  begotten  Son ; 
which  is  fanBified  and  en- 
lightned  by  the  Will  of 
God  y  who  has  made  all 
things  that  are^  according 
to  the  Faith  and  Love  of 
Jefus  Chrifi  our  God  and 
Sa'uiour,  To  the  Church 
which  frefides  in  the  place 
of  the  Region  of  the  Ro- 
mans ;  which  is  worthy^ of 
God ,  worthy  of  Honour  , 
worthy  of  the  greatefi  Blef- 
fednefs  ,  worthy  of  Praife^ 
worthy  of  Credit ,  worthy 
of  the  Saints  ;  that  Pre^ 
Jides  in  Love^  which  is 


To  the  Romans. 

Ignatius,  who  is  alfo 
called  Theopho- 
rus, To  tte  Church 
which  has  obtained 
Mercy  from  theMa^ 
jffiy  of  the  Mop 
High  Father  y  and 
his  only  Begotten 
Son  Jefus  Chrifi  ; 
Belovedy  and  lllu^ 
minated  through  the 
Will  of  Him  who 
Willetb  all  things 
which  are  accord^ 
ing  to  the  Love  of 
jefus  Chrifi  our 
God ;  which  alfa 
Prefidesinthe  Place 
of  the  Region  of 
the  Rpmaas  ,  and 
which  I  falute  in 
the  Name  of  Jefus 
Chrifiy  as  being  w- 


The  Lm'ger  and  Smaller 

'^  JUJei^  (4-)  ii/Mov"  I«5"»-Xe<r 

etafdaa^nuj  \ctv7nf  ^- 

H    /^*    >S  <fcp2^    iVOtKOVO' 

Efifiles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 


'  namtd  from  Chrifi  ^  nni 
from  the  Father  ,  and  is 
pM^^^  h  thtSftrit. which 
I  alfo  fatnte  in  the  Name 
cf  Almighty  God,  and  of 
jefus  Chrift  his  Son,  To 
thofe  Tvho  are  united  both  in 
the  Flejlj  and  Sprit  to  e'very 
one  of  his  Commandments ; 
'ivho  are  filled  with  all  the 
Grace  of  God  infefarahly  ; 
and  are  clcanfed  from  e^ery 
firangeTintiure.  All  Joy 
tmhlameahly  in  God  even 
the  Father  ^  and  in  bur 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift. 

I  Have  obtained  by  my 
Prayers  to  God  to  fee 
your  Faces,  which  are  wor- 
thy of  him:  as  I^idear- 
neftly  beg  that  I  might  fee 
you.  For  being  bound  in 
Chrift  Jefus  I  hope  to  fa- 
lute  you,  if  it  be  the  Will 
of  God  that  I  be  thought 
•worthy  to  attain  unto  the 
End.  For  the  Beginning  is 
well  ordered,  if  I  may  ob- 
tain the  Favour ,  without 
hindrance ,  to  receive  my 
Lot  unto  the  End..  For  I 
am  afraid  of  your  Love, 
left  it  fhould  do  me  an  In- 
jury. For  it  is  eafy  for  you 



ntted  both  in  Flejk 
and  Sfirit  to  ail  hit 
Commands^  andfiU 
led  with  the  Graet 
of  God  y  All  Joy 
in  Jefus  Chrifi  our 

I.TT^Orafmuch  as  I 
Jj  havb  at  laft 
obtained  through 
my  Prayers  to  God, 
to  fee  your  Faces, 
which  I  much  defi- 
red  to  do ;  being 
Bound  in  Chrift  Je- 
fus, 1  hope  eV  long 
to  falute  you ,  if  it 
Ihall  be  the  mil  of 
God  to  grant  me  to 
attain  ua to  the  En:d 
I  long  for.  For  the 
Beginning  is  well- 
difpofed,  if  I  fliall 
but  have  Grace, 
without  Hindrance, 

2^8  T^he  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  JLarger. 

•uJt;?  ^  A^m^\f.     TyTtv     fx«f  (*)  few"  ^«<nf^'  ^«  «»igf9fl(« 
X'^^y  letvpn^  viuii  ^«- 

7f«       Ou  3<)  €yiJ  CTO7S  e0Q> 

EfltV    y^  QioiTniniTi   Air 

Vfi^y,       riAio;^  ^/  Ml) 

a?556^<Si  '7»  (nnV(hA^- 

cy    Xetr6r  ImS"?,      fi77    TB^ 

fiffKtiffru^    A>^A   ^iM    rtpljcu,    «-   ^ 

'tnii  xpJ^v  TD/aTtf,  a^s  -^-fiB  c/th- 

xfe^Tievt  'i^ya  (t)  l;^7l"  ^- 
y^ptiMAi'  \av  Ti  jS  C''^<^Te 
rt-r'  g/^« J  i"|j;<y  'fpnsv^ai  ^tiSf  *  ga^i* 

(II)  (u"  TiAfi)^^  (  *J  -7^  arc^- 
Si^vAi"  ^a  ^  tii  'in  ^ctA'd- 
etov  iToiiAv  <^v^  IK*  cv  Aydirn 
^e)^  O^fl/^Vo/j  rtdT<7$  'rrS  TiATQt 
Iv  XexTa  liicrv,    ov  tck  ^ojcsTny 

^vAty  £ii  <f)jcny  aim  cV*7bA.»^ 
(t)  ^/t4e7f^^iu^|^'//VO-^     (II)  ;^" 

C)    KS'hSv,     ^"    (t)  J>gA9«V' 

(';  >t.  N.    (t;  6>t)i4,  T.  rfi;  ^/.  foree  /««/  /t-Mi\    (•;  «* 

»(«Ai  emoJi'ffvt^  m  tzS.  N.      Ct)  -t^w.      ( |l)  Deeft.  A.  B\ 
("■;  J(^^^;'  m  T.     '(t)  sOrtAv^j'rt/.  A.  B. 

Eftftles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s, 



to  do  what  you  pleafe;  but 
!  it  is  difficult  for  me  to  at- 
tain unto  God,  ifyoufpare 
me  under  pretence  of  Car- 
nal Affedion, 

II.  For  I  would  not  have 
you  pleafe  Men,  but  pleafe 
God;  as  indeed  you  do 
pleafe  him.  For  neither 
fhali  I  ever  hereafter  have 
fuch  an  Opportunity  of  at- 
taining unto  God :  Nor 
will  you,  if  ye  fiiall  now 
be  filent ,  ever  be  entitled 
to  the  Honour  of  a  better 
Work.  For  if  you  be  fi- 
lent as  to  me  I  fhall  be- 
come God's :  But  if  you 
fliall  love  my  Flefli,  I  fhall 
be  flillin  my  Race.Where- 
fore  a  greater  Kindnefs 
you  cannot  do  me  than  to 
fuffer  me  to  be  facriftced 
to  God,  whilfl  the  Altar 
is  now  ready  ;  that  fo  be- 
coming a  Choir  in  Love, 
in  your  Hymns ,  ye  may 
give  thanks  to  the  Father, 
by  Chrift:  Jefus ,  that  God 
hasvouchfaf'd  to  bring  me 



to  receive  what  is 
appointed  for  me. 
But  I  fear  yourLove 
left  it  do  me  an  In- 
jury. For  it  is  eafy 
for  you  to  do  what 
you  pleafe ;  but  it 
will  be  hard  for  me 
to  attain  unto  God, 
if  you  fpare  me. 

XL  But  I  would 
not  that  ye  fliould 
pleafe  Men  ,  but 
God  ;  whom  alfo 
ye  do  pleafe.  For 
neither  fhall  I  ever 
hereafter  have  fuch 
Opportunity  of  go- 
ing unto  God  ;  nor 
will  you,  if  yc  fhall 
now  be  filent,  ever 
be  entitled  to  a  bet- 
ter Work.  For  if 
you  fhall  be  filent 
in  my  behalf,  I  fhall 
be  made  fartaker  of 
God.  But  if  you 
fhall  love  my  Body, 
I  fhall  have  my 
Courfe  again  to  run. 
Wherefore  ye  can- 
not do  Me  a  greater 
Kindnefs ,  than  to 
fuffer  me  to  be  Sa- 
crificed unto  God, 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



<S-gr,  *ivA  fM  [Avov  As- 
fM   fiovov   h^yo^  xez- 

ftii    tpcuveouai,       ©y/feV 

If  fit  }(^K€4VA    0iCeUA    rij    «t   fW^. 

A4y4»,   AhKdt  }^   ,^Afi»"^    0^«»<  ^* 

ff)    oral   jwc7/«  ^*   (pdufa^jMt'  \ 
»/feV  (^11)  <pouvo/J^ou  Aie^yts/    rrvt 

f/J   (^Ki7!t)f^a^   aluvtd,    k  (*) 
mHoixovni"  ^  '^'f^'',  a>^^  ^)^- 

C  )'^e)<'  A.  B.    (t)  lvATHKa>fj%).  T.     fil)  J)jvAfjuy  euTmt*\ 

Epiftks  of  Iguatius. 
namt  Smaller. 


the  Bifhop  of  Syria  tb  be 
found  in  the-Weft,  having 
brought  me  from  the  Eaft, 
and  to  call  me  to  be  a  Wit- 
nefs  of  his  Sufferings,  to 
pafs  out  of  the  World  to 
God ;  that  I  may  rife  again 
unto  him. 

til.  Ye  have  never  en- 
vied any  body.  Ye  have 
taught  '  others.  I  defire 
therefore  that  you  will 
firmly  obferve  what  you 
inftrud  others  in.  Only 
pray  for  me  that  God 
would  give  me  Steength 
both  inwardly  and  out- 
wardly ♦  that  I  may  not 
only  fay,  but  do  ;  that  I 
may  not  only  be  called  ^ 
Chriftian ,  but  be  found 
one  :  For  if  I  be  found 
fuch  ^n  one,  I  may  then 
be  fo  called  ,  and  may  theii 
te  erteemcd  feithfuL  when 

now  that  the  AI-' 
tar  is  already  pre- 
pared :  That  when 
ye  (hall  be  gathered 
together  in  Love,ye 
may  give  Thanks  to 
the  F$ither  through 
Chrift  Jefus  ;   that 
He  has  rouchfafed 
to  bring  a  Bifhop  of 
Syria  unto  you  ^  being 
called  from  the  EaS 
unto  the  .\Vefl.  Foe 
it  is  good /or  trie  i6 
Set  front  the  World> 
iinto  God  ;  that  I 
may  Rife  again  uri- 
to  Hini. 

III.  Ye  liave  ne- 
ver envied  any  One; 
ye  have  taught  07 
thers.        I    would 
ther^fdhe    that    ye 
pjotfld  now    do    thoft 
things    your    felves  ^ 
which  in  yout  In- 
ftrudions  you  have 
prefcribed  to  Other i-^ 
Only  Pray  for.  me^ 
that  God  would  give 
me  both  in  ward  and 
outward  Strehgth^ 
that  1  may  hoc  oilly 
fayi  but  Will  ;  tibr 
be    bhly   ejlllcki    it 
k  €hH^, 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


^eutvoUisVQV^  dutoviov.    Tit 
r^J*     7a    A'  fjCvi  ^Kcrd- 


^K*    «   C//6  'TS  ;w^^   jap   ^WOT, 
''iJiov*   vvy}  Q  ix,  g9E  ok.  «r«  aoopLifj 

ffJV)       077     S^«    1x6)  J'    "V^^^ 
^2S  • 

OTi'['\)  i-yCi"  iKUV  "C^^^  •3-5»  a/7rtt- 

<^^VClct  cL-^2^(;  -fp'^M  ^l*  el(pi7i 
(U  ^elcai^    £/)   ^fco[Aciy    jy  av  '^ 

^  C)  huh'^^cLt.  A.  '^n7b.\cc,  N.    (t;  D^t^..  A.  B     (»il)  I^V.T. 

Epiflles  of  Ignatius. 



I  fhall  not  appear  to  the 
I  World.  Nothing  that  ap- 
pears is  eternal :  For  the 
things  that  are  feen  are  tempo- 
ral ;  hut  the  things  that  are 
?!ot  feen  are  eternal.  To  be  a 
Chriftian  is  not  a  Work  of 
Perfuafion,  but  of  Great- 
nefs  of  Mind  :  When  he 
is  hated  by  the  World,  he 
is  beloved  of  God  :  [  Be- 
caufe  he  is  not  of  Men  but 
of  God.  ]  For^  fays  he,  If 
ye  7uere  of  the  World  ^  the 
World  would  lo've  its  own  ; 
hut  now  ye  are  not  of  the 
World ^  hut' I  have  chofen  you 
out  of  it.  Continue  with  we. 

IV.  I  write  to  all  the 
Churches ;  and  fignify  to 
them  all  that  I  am  willing 
to  dye  for  God,  unlefs  you 
hinder  me.  I  befeech  you 
that  your  Good  Will  may 
not  come  unfeafonably  up- 
on me.  Suffer  me  to  be  the 
Food  of  Wild  Beails  ; 
whereby  I  may  attain  un- 
to God.  1  am  the  Wheat 
of  God,  and  I  am  to  be 
ground  by  the  Teeth  of 


Chriftian ,   but   be 
found  one.  For  if  I 
fhall    be    found    a 
Chriftian^  I  m^y  then  ft  Cor.  IV. 
defervedly  be   called   ^^* 
one  :  And  be  thought 
Faithful ,    when   I 
fliall  no  longer  ap- 
pear to  the  World. 
Nothing  is    Good, 
that  is  feen.    For  e- 
ven  our  God,  Je- 
fus  Chriftj  now  that 
he  is  in  the  Father,  j^^^  ^V, 
does  fo  much  the  rp.  4. 
more    appear.     A 
Chriftian  is  not  a 
Work  of  Opinion, 
but  of  Greatnefe  of 
Mind ,    [  efpecially 
when  he  is  hated  by 
the  World.  ] 

IV.  I  write  to  the 
Churches,  and  fig- 
nify to  them  All^ 
that  I  am  willing  to 
dye  for  God,  unlefs 
you  hinder  me.  I 
befeech  you  that 
youfliewnot  anun- 
towards  me.  Suffer 
m.e  to  be  Food  to 
the  Wild  Beafts;  • 
by  whom  I  fliall  ac- 

R  2  tain 

344  '^^^  J-MTger  and.  Smaller 


€JLm  dKi^ofJieUy  tvdL  Hg.- 
^e)^    et-fl©'   €Wp63ti>  '7K 

Xp/s"K.  MaMoi'  Ko^a- 
ioaj<m%  7«  Sweiflt,  tva, 
ftot  lupQ-  yivavTtUj  )^ 

fMl9«V  ^Ofu'i  77Vt  yiva- 
fieu.     To 75  %avf*eu  (*a- 

^S  70 r  Xp'fci'  vsr^p  I- 
f/»,  tvet  eOct  -^  l^yivoiv 

Ou;t  <Jf  rifcTj'©-  '^  Viajj- 
t/lti'  am^fjifiy    miviJUVfiV 


^V  fJ\AK^7mfft  (*)  ^"  7K  OW- 

/Mrtl©-  ft»,   IJ'A  /u^  xo/^Sbj  /Jet* 

pi/'f  77f/  «yffiS>iar^A<'    7CT€  3  l6ff9- 

org  iJi  TO  c^yLo.  fji.\t  o   xoflju©- 

e/«/'  -v^*  If-tK^  ll^cfc  ef>*  -^  ep;a- 
ya;'  7»7w;'  (||)  :^^j"  3vo7*  ("'') 
fiUfsStS.  »;^  fiJf  IliTf ©-  ;^  rTow- 
A©-  J>«fc7«ekjO(WA»,  Jf^YK*  oH^ycg 
oJifis^Kot  iM{r»   Xe/r? ,    (f )  iyj 

vvv  cTkA©-  '    a>^di   iAv  m3w, 

r»,  J^  dvA^i^ixcu  Iv  'cunu  |A€u'- 
^£?f.   J'w  J'  (XAv^'vci)  ov  ftwnS  A- 

XoV,    S    /JMTAiOV, 



r;  Deed.  T.      (t;  T&r  Xt'ScS-,  T.      (li;  0s«,  N.     C)  ^ 

Epjlles  ^/Ignatius. 



the  Wild  Beafts ,  that  I 
;may  be  found  the  pure 
;Bread  of  God.  Entice  the 
Beafts  rather  that  they 
may  become  my  Sepul- 
chre, and  may  leave  no- 
thing of  my  Body  ;  that 
when  I  am  dead ,  I  may 
not  be  troublefome  to  any. 
Then  fiiall  I  be  the  true 
Difciple  of  Jefus  Chrift , 
when  the  World  does  not 
fee  fo  much  as  my  Body, 
Make  Supplication  to  the 
Lord  for  me,  thatbythofe 
Inftruments  I  may  become 
a  Sacrifice  to  God.  I  do 
not  make  Conftitutions 
for  you,  as  Teter  and  Taul 
have  done.  They  were 
Apoftles  of  Jefus  Chrift  ; 
but  I  am  an  inconfiderable 
Perfon.  They  were  free, 
as  the  Servants  of  God  •  I 
am  even  to  this  day  a  Ser- 
vant. But  if  I  fuffer,  I 
fliall  then  become  the 
Freeman  of  Jefus  Chrift  ; 
and  fliall  arife  a  Freeman 
in  him.  Now  I  am  in 
Bonds  for  him,  I  learn  to 
have  no  worldly  or  vain 

V.  From 


tain  unto  God.  For 
I  am  the  Wheat  of 
God ;  and  I  fhall  be 
ground  by  theTeeth 
of  the  Wild  Beafts, 
that  I  may  be  found 
the  pure  Bread  of 
Chrift.  Rather  en- 
courage the  Beafts, 
that  they  may  be- 
come my  Sepul- 
chre ;  and  may 
leave  nothing  of  my 
Body  :  that  being 
Dead,  I  may  not  b^ 
troublefome  to  any. 
Then  fliall  I  be  tru- 
ly the  Difciple  of 
Jefus  Chrift,  when 
the  World  fliall  not 
fee  fo  much  as  my 
Body.  Pray  there- 
fore unto  Chrift  for 
me,  that  by  thefe 
Inftrumeots  I  may 
be  made  the  Sacrir 
fice  of  God.  I  do 
not,  as  Veter  and 
Tatily  command  you. 
They  we're  Apo- 
ftles, I  a  Condemn-, 
ed  Man  ;  They 
were  Free,  but  I  an^ 
even  to  this  day  a 
Servant ;  But  if  I 
Fl  ^  fliall 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 



ev^um  iTviud  /uoi  tv-. 
v'of^a.  ^-^  «  v{;o«f7B.     K&V 

77  ^0/    <7I/f^^4f«5.    €^  ^- 


Avn  'Zveioi  uk')(tK  Pa^m^  (*) 
^exO(JM-j(a^   J)a,  y7]?  y^  ^hsLcr- 

<hhfj^^"   Jiv^   MOTrdpJhl^y    o 

(pioe^  ly^  yti'e^oxa'    vvv  a^^^di 
lua.^if)Vji    it)'     /««}S^V  i^A  Iv.Kcocru 

c^zw^^y  ^Hei'^V  71  cfvgdaeify  dva.- 

al'y       CJ^MTTC]    (MK£vV  y      Q\)     d" 

Epfiles  of  Ignatius. 



V.  From  Syria  to  Rome 
fight  with  Beafts,  both 
by  Land  and  Sea ;  both 
Night  and  Day  :  being 
bound  to  Ten.  Leopards, 
that  isj  to  a  Band  of  Sol- 
diers ;  who  are  the  worfe 
for  kind  Treatment.  But 
I  am  the  more  inftruded 
by  their  Injuries.  Tet  am 
I  not  thereby  jufrified.  I  ear- 
nellly  wifli  for  the  Wild 
Beaits  that  are  prepared 
for  me ;  which  I  heartily 
defire  may  foon  difpatch 
me  :  whom  1  will  entice 
to  devour  me  entirely  and 
fuddenly,  and  not  do  as 
they  have  done  fometimcs, 
been  afraid  to  touch  feve- 
ral.  But  if  they  are  un- 
willing to  meddle  with  mc, 
I  will  even  compel  them 
to  it.  Pardon  me  in  this 
matter ;  I  know  what  is 
good  for  me.  Now  I  be- 
gin to  be  a  Difciple.    So 



fiiall  Suffer,  I  flnll 
then  become  the 
Freeman  of  Jefus 
Chrift,  and  fliall 
rile  Free.  And  now, 
being  in  Bonds  I 
learn,  not  to  defire 
any  thing. 

V.  From  Syria  e- 
ven  unto  Rome,  I 
fight  which  Beafts 
both  by  Sea  and 
Land  ;  both  Night 
and  Day  :  Being 
bound  to  Ten  Leo- 
pards, that  is  to  fay 
to  fuch  a  Band  of 
Soldiers  ;  Who  ^^^^  jy 

though  treated  with  ^, 
all  manner  of  Kind- 
nefs,  are  the  Worfe 
for  it.  but  I  am  the 
more  Inftruded  by 
their  Injuries;  Tet 
am  I  7tot  therefore  jn- 
filfid.  May  I  enjoy 
the  wild  Beafts  that 
are  prepared  for  me  ; 
Which  alfo  I  wiili 
may  exercife  all 
their  Fiercenefs  up- 
on me :  And  whom 
for  that  End  I  will 
encourage^that  they 
may  be  fure  to  de- 
ll 4.  vcur 


T'be  Larger  and  Smaller 



ffvJtiiOTm  m^^Vy  aXttojuo? 

J  I    4  IIJII  II     I       M.    I 

1  *(^  "^ 

^'l^'"TS^'^Vci.  T. 

Epflles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


that  I  have  no  Defire  after 
any  thing  vifible  or  invifi- 
ble,  that  I  may  attain  un- 
to Jefus  Chrift.  Let  Fire, 
or  the  Crofs,  or  Concourfe 
of  Wild  Beafts,  cutting  or 
tearing  of  the  Flefli,  Di- 
ftortions  of  the  Bones,  and 
cutting  off  Limbs ;  Let 
the  grinding  in  pieces  of 
my  whole  Body,  and  the 
Torments  of  the  Devil 
liimfelf  come  upon  me , 
fo  I  may  but  attain  to  Je- 
fus Chrift. 


ana  not 
as  they 

VI.  AUth^Compafsof 
the  Earth,  and  the  King- 
doms of  this  World  will 

vour  Me, 
ferve  me 
have  done  fome, 
whom  out  of  fear 
theyhave  not  touch- 
ed. But,  and  if  they 
will  not  do  it  wil'- 
lingly  ,  I  will  pro- 
voke them  to  it. 
Pardon  me  in  this 
Mattery  I  know  what 
is  profitable  for  m^. 
Now  I  begin  to  be 
a  Difcipie :  Nor 
Ihall  any  thing 
move  me,  whether 
Vifible  or  Invifible, 
that  I  may  attain  to 
Chrift  Jefus.  Let 
Fire,  and  theCrofs; 
let  the  Companies 
of  Wild  Beafts ;  let 
Breakings  of  Bones, 
and  Tearing  of 
Members ;  let  the 
ftattering  in  pieces 
of  the  whole  Body, 
and  all  the  wicked 
Torments  of  theDe- 
yii  come  upon  me  ; 
only  let  me  enjoy 
Jefus  Chrift. 

VL  All  the  Ends 
of  the  World,  and 
the  Kingdoms  of  it. 


T'he  Xjorger  and  Smaller 


ij^  til  ^etfflXeicu  7^  et)-. 
KetCeiv  *     o*{.«  ,'^^')SJuo- 



A«aM     TO    ctlWJ/©-    T«T«,     ;j^Aoi^ 

TOV    yjOlTjUOV   OAOI/  JWpcAlcrM^  ('"*^)  7^ 

5  4'>^X^    ^'^  d/7r3Ai3"M"  *     tt;/ 

UJJ^IOU    7n^  J      7VV    l|OF  TO    aAm- 

3if»  (t)  ^^"  ^  Tra&iyha-h  liv 
avy^vco^avHii  ^ot  dAK(po]^  ^ 

Tngtov,  fjM  ^KUTTjii  (At  LrTD^- 
Xf/rS*  l^wu    TO   ;^a   ^KQvlJi  yA 

%av^au,  ^T^i-^Ajz  fAOt  fJJ[.<M70j$ 
TP)  m-^-a?  Xf/r»  to  '3'2a  ^»  *  « 
77?  ctJUTvy  ([])  ov  lajj-m"  tyfi^  von- 
cn^'-m    0    ^Af«)^     ;^    ffv (j.7ia^' 'no 



Ttt  iJVVlycvTU,  y,i, 



(f;  o'Tttv^.  A.  B.  N. 

Epflles  (9/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



profit  me  nothing.  It  is 
better  for  me  to  dye  for 
the  fake  of  Jefus  Chrift^ 
than  to  rule  unto  the  ut- 
moit  Ends  of  the  Earth. 
For  what  is  a  Man  frofittd^ 
if  he  jhall  gain  the  whole 
TVorUy  hut  lofe  his  ojimSoul? 
'Tis  the  Lord  I  defire ;  the 
Son  of  the  true  God  and 
Father,  even  Jefus  Chrift. 
'Tis  Him  that  I  feek  after, 
who  died  for  us,  and  rofe 
again.  Pardon  me  ,  my 
Brethren ;  Be  not  my  hin- 
drance in  attaining  toLife; 
for  Jefus  is  the  Life  of  the 
Faithful.  Be  not  defirous 
that  I  fhould  dye ;  For  Life 
it  felf  without  Chriil  is  no 
better  than  Death.  When 
I  am  defirous  to  go  to  God, 
do  not  ye  yield  me  back  to 
the  World.  Suffer  me  to 
partake  of  the  pure  Light. 
When  I  arrive  there  I  fhall 
be  a  Man  of  God.  Permit 
me  to  imitate  the  Paffion 
of  Chrift,  my  God.  If  any 
one  has  him  within  him- 
felf,  let  him  confider  what 
I  defire,  and  let  him  have 
Companion  on  me  ;  as 
knowing  how  I  am  ftrait- 



will  profit  me  no- 
thing :  I  would  ra- 
ther die  for  Jefus 
Chrift,  than  rule  to 
the  utmoft  Ends  of 
the  Earth.  Him  I  Matthew 
feek  who  died  for  XVI.  26> 
us:  Him  I  defire, 
that  rofe  again  for 
us.  This  is  the  Gain 
that  is  laid  up  for 
me.  Pardon  me,  my 
Brethren  ;  ye  fhall 
not  hinder  me  from 
living  :  [  Nor  fee- 
ing I  defire  to  go  to 
God,  may  you  fe- 
parate  me  from  Him 
\ox  the  fake  of  this 
World ;  nor  feduce 
me  by  any  of  the 
Defiresofit.]  Suffer 
me  to  enter  into 
Pure  Light :  Where 
being  come,  I  fhall 
be  indeed  the  Servant 
of  God.  Permit  m.e 
to  imitate  the  Pafli- 
on  of  my  God.  If 
any  one' has  Him 
within  himfelf,  let 
him  confider  what 
I  defire ;  and  let 
him  have  Compaf- 
fion  on  me^as  know- 

551  2l>f  Larger  and  Smaller 

g^maUer.  iiatgcr. 

fiay     /3on^«7w      'tamp ' 

Aoy  w»?tyOTC7S,^^i^  ycJ^^^.  v[Miy* 
^f «<  \<PAu^cd^y  ^  \iK  %$iy  ly  tfiot 

TlVf  9t^Zv   77*    U  Alp    t)^  ^^V)    *A.- 

0  ^  C*??  (II)  I«^«"  T«  Xe^rS 

^»  TO  •3'fttf ,    TO    'ffjQ/U^^i    ly  V^f6> 
^    (  *  )   7TO/Wa"  'S'iA.ey,      70    77D^ 

(*)  Dccft.  T.    (t)  Si  Tirte^yiviSfi.  N.    (ID  to  St?.  A.  % 
n  Xexr«. B.     (t)  Ti^iJ^i,  N.     (II)  Deeftc  T,  B.    (*;  71^^* 

Efijlles  e?/  I  G  N  A  Ti  u  s. 



VII.  The  Prince  of  this 
|World  would  fain  carry 
jneaway,  and  corrupt  my 
Will  towards  my  God.  Let 
none  therefore  that  are 
with  you  help  him.  Ra- 
ther do  ye  join  with  me, 
that  is,  with  God.  Do  not 
fpeak  of  Jefus  Chrift,  and 
yet  prefer  this  World  be- 
fore him.  Let  not  any  En- 
vy dwell  among  you.  Do 
not  ye  hearken  to  me,  no 
not  tho  I  my  felf,  when  I 
am  with  you,  fliould  in- 
,  treat  you  :  But  rather  be- 
lieve what  I  now  write  to 
you.  I  am  alive  when  I 
write  this  j  and  do  affedi- 
onately  defire  to  dye  for 
Chrift.  My  Love  is  cru- 
cify'd  :  and  there  is  no 
Fire  in  me  that  loves  any 
thing  :  but  there  is  Living 
Water  [fringing  up  in  mc^ 
which  calls  to  me  inward- 
ly •  Come  to  the  Father. 
I  take  no  Pleafure  in  cor- 
ruptible Food,  nor  in  the 
Pleafures  of  this  Life.  I 
defire  the  Bread  of  God, 
•  the  Heavenly  Bread,  the 
Bread  of  Lifej   whicK  is 



VIL  The  Prince 

of  this  World  would 
fain  carry  me  a- 
way ,  and  corrupt 
my  Refolution  to- 
wards my  God.  Let 
none  of  you  there- 
fore help  him :  Ra- 
ther do  ye  join  with 
me  ,  that  is ,  with 
God.  Do  not  fpeak 
with  Jefus  Chrift, 
and  yet  covet  the 
World.  Let  not  any 
Envy  dwell  with 
you:  No  not  tho' 
I  my  felf  when  S 
fhall  be  come  unto 
you,  fhould  exhort 
you  to  it,  yet  do 
not  ye  hearken  to 
me,  but  rather  be- 
lieve what  I  nouf 
write  to  you.  For  Jo^-  IV. 
though  I  am  alive  ^** 
at  the  Writing  this, 
yet  my  Defire  is  to 
Dye.  My  Love  is 
Crucified;  [  And 
theFire  that  is  with^ 
in  me  does  not  de- 
fire any  Water:  But 
being  alive  and 



"The  Larger  and  Smaller 

IwfiTtfXeir^  78  M»  "«  ^5f, 


Oj;c  It?  -S-eA-ft)  ;(Tf  ^y^ 
l^»^    n't*  omvj'xed.     Ow 

'm/Jj^^t  d}ia.   »  xp  C^fK^  i^V''*' 

(*)  ^ihnascTl  «^,  ha  J^  l/^.e^J  ^iA».^T5,  T. 

Efijiles  of  I  G  N  A  T.I  u  s. 


the  Flefh  of  Jefus  Chrift, 
the  Son  of  God,  Who  was 
made  in  the  latter  Days  of 
the  Seed  of  David  and  A- 
braham,  I  defire  that  Drink 
which  is  his  Blood,  which 
is  incorruptible  Love,  and 
eternal  Life. 

VIIL  I  have  no  defire 
to  live  any  longer  among 
Men.  And  I  fhall  attain 
my  Defire  if  you  confent. 

lam  crucify  d  with  Chrifi  : 
but  I  li've  :  yet  no  longer  7, 
Jmce  Chrijt  li'ves  in  me,  I 
make  my  Requeft  to  you 
in  this  fhort  Letter.  Do 
not  refufe  me.  Believe  me 
that  I  love  Jefus,  [  becaufe 
he  loved  me ,  and  ]  was 
was  delivered  up  for  me. 
What  Jl)all  I  return  unto  the 
Lord  for  all  the  Benefits  he  has 
rewarded  me  with  ?  Now 
God  himfelf  even  the  Fa- 
ther, and  the  Lord  Jefus 
Chrilt  fhall  manifelt  this 



fpringing'  within 
me,  fays,  ]  Come 
to  the  Father.  I 
take  no  Pleafure  in 
the  Food  of  Cor- 
ruption, nor  in  the 
Pleafures  of  this 
Life.  I  defire  the 
Bread  ofGod,which 
is  the  Flefii  of  Je- 
fus Chrift,  [  of  the 
Seed  of  David;  and 
the  Drink  '  that  T 
long  for  ]  is  his 
Blood,  which  is  ua- 
corruptible  Love. 

VIII.  I  have  no 
defire   to   live  any 
longer     after     the 
manner    of    Men ; 
neither  fliall   I ,  if  Gal.II.ic;, 
you  confent.  Be  ye  2^. 
therefore    willing  , 
that  ye  your  felves 
alfo  may  be  plea- 
fing  to  God,    I  ex- 
hort you  in  a  few 
Words  ;    I  pray  yon 
believe   me.     Jefus 
Chrift    will     fhew  pr-^Im 
you  that    I    fpeak  CXVlu. 
truly.    My  Mouth 
is  without   Deceit, 
and      the      Father 
hath    truly    fpokeii 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



•^  Ji^dL^lveov  fJii   e^f  o- 


W77f   CtyT*  £/[X?   TID/^'/    /t^«7^  '^ 
fJLAf    TV    tpLOy  *ZFV<t^y     i^  >*  A^iU^    \ 

(JLi  (II)  «V"  ovofXA  Iwfl'fc  Xf/rtf, 
»;)^  &<  7mcpJ^<£ov']A'   :9  >B  6U  ^h 

n  o^^vxl  T.     Ct)  Deed.  B,      (il)  «^'^  N.      (*)  tt^f- 

Epijlles  ^/  I  G  N  A  T  I  0  S. 


to  you  that  I  fpeak  Truth. 
And    do  you  Pray  with 
me,  that  I  may  attain  my 
\  Aim,  in  the    Holy  Spirit. 
j  i  have  not  written  to  you 
I  after  the  Flefh ,.  but  ac- 
cording to  the  Will  of  God. 
If  i  fhali  fufFer,  ye  have 
loved  me :  if  I  fhall  be  re- 
jededj  ye  have  hated  me. 

IX.  Remember  in  your 
Prayers  the  Church  which 
is  in  Sjria;  which  now  en- 
joys the  Lord  for  its  Shep- 
herd, inftead  of  me :  the 
Lord  who  faid  ,  I  am  the 
good  Shefherd,     He  alone, 
together  with  your  Love 
to  Him,  will  be  their  O- 
verfeer.     But  I  am  aflia- 
med  to  be  reckoned  as  one 
of  them  :  For  neither  am 
I  worthy  :  being  the  leaft 
of  them,  and  as  one  born 
out  of  due    time.     But  I 
fhall  have  obtained^ercy 
to    be    confiderable ,  if  I 
fhall  attain  unto  God.  My 
Spirit  falutes  you,  and  the 
Love    of    the    Churches 
which  have  received  me, 
for    the  Name    of  Jcfus 
Chrift;  and  not  as  a  Paf- 


by  it.  Pray  therefore 
for  me,  that  I  may 
accomplifh  -what  I 
defire,  I  have  not 
written  to  you  after 
the  Flefh,  but  ac- 
cording to  thewili 
of  God.  If  I  fliall 
fuffer,  ye  have  lov- 
ed me:  But  if  I  fhall 
be  rejeded  ye  have 
hated  me. 

IXi    Remember 
in  your  Prayers  the 
Church    of    Syria^ 
which  now  enjoys 
God  for  its  Shep- 
herd inflcad  of  me:  job.X.  tt\ 
Let  Jefus  Chrift  on- 
ly Overfee  it,  and 
your  Charity.    But 
I  am  even  afhamed 
to    be  reckon'd  a? 
one  of  them  :  For 
neither  am  I  wor- 
thy, being  the  leafl 
among  them,  and  as 
one  Born  out  of  due 
Seafon.  But  through 
Mercy  I  have  ob- 
tain'd  to  be  Some- 
body, if  Ifhdl  get 
unto  God.  My  Spi- 
rit falutes  you ;  and 
the  Charity  of  thd 
S  Churches 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



0  ^  ct/M^  '^jOOi  avv  ctK- 
^01^  Tn^oli  K^<?;c©*^  to 
TUi^Tvy  fxai  ovof/^L,    TTs- 

arm   Xvela^    ei^     VcufJiviv 

36j  J^ihaattjiy  \yyvi  ym. 
ovict.      TlctVTZi  yip  eicnv 

•TTai/Ta  ctycCTizfMcrxA.  E- 
'^  IvvicL  ^dLXaMS&)V  2s- 
>sr«  «7^'c/>  Te^V;)*  Ep- 
^;'«  bjira  Xe<rtf .    AumV. 

TToStiTcV  ouofxa,.  ttfel  ';?^''  ("^'^  rsrg.'j- 
ai\^PTi)y"  arm   Xv^io^  eii   Vei- 

\7nyjCdm cUy      o7i   )^  thXCtXTlTZ  if- 

ogiv  v^  -mym  avatizljqvu, 
'iy^.-^  3  tuZta^  tw  *i^ 
hviet   ysKOJifStov    (f)  (rz:^?yCei- 

tov" .     6pp«^   «V   TiA©'^    <^   •'J3JT5-. 

$  I- 

r;  7i/;/5A!^V7wy.  T.       ri)  ^c-^-yCe'tp.  T. 

Epjlles  o/Ignativs. 


fenger  only. For  even  thofe 
iChurches  that  did  not  be- 
long to  me,  condu(5led  me 
in  the  way  from  City  to 

X.  Thefe  things  I  write 
to  you  from  Smyrna^  by 
the  Ephejtans  ;  thofe  moft 
worthy  and  happy  Per- 
fons.  There  is  now  with 
me,  together  with  many 
others.  Crocus^  that  beloved 
Name.  As  for  thofe  that 
went  before  me  from  Syria 
to  RoTfje,  to  the  Glory  of 
God,  I  fuppofe  you  are 
not  ignorant  of  them.  Sig- 
nify to*  them  that  I  draw 
near  :  For  they  are  all 
worthy  both  of  God  and 
of  you  :  Whom  it  is  fit  you 
fliould  refrefh  in  all  things. 
ThisI  have  written  to  you 
the  Ninth  of  the  Calends 
of  September,  Fare  ye  v^rell, 
unto  the  End,  in  the  Pa- 
tience of  Jefus  Chrift. 


Churches  that  have 
received  me  in  the 
Name  of  Jefus 
Chrift-  not  as  a 
Palfenger;  For  e* 
ven  they  that  were 
not  near  to  me  ia 
the  way,  have  gone 
before  me  to  the 
?iext  Cit}''  to  meet 

X.  Thefe  things 
I  write  to  you  fcoin 
Smyrna^  by  the  molt 
Worthy  of  the 
Church  of  Ephefus, 
There  is  now  with 
me,  together  with 
many  others,  Croats, 
moft  beloved  of  me. 
As  for  thofe  which 
are  come  from  Syria , 
and  are  gone  before' m^ 
to  Romey  to  the  Glo- 
ry of  God,  Ifuppofe 
you  are  not  Igno- 
rant of  them.  Ye 
Ilia  11  therefore  fig- 
nific  to  them  that  I 
draw  nearj  for  they 
are  all  Worthy  both 
of  God,  and  of  you: 
Whom  it  is  fit  that 
you  Refrefh  in  all 
things.  This  have  I 

S  2  writ- 


ihe  Larger  and  Smaller 



*IAAAEA*ET2IN.  (*)  ne?V  *IAAAEA*EIS". 

iAt(/  *      iitf  d:!:av.^oucfj 
cV  CHf.ieL77  Ih5"»  X6<r«, 

W77?  ifJi'   ;i^£5'.   CUM- 

VlQr    it)     ■:^^uov<!^^ 
IjJj^iqv,    isiv     iy    ift 

^«K  :m©?j  ;^  wpu  Iws"?  Xe/- 
cy  Ayd-jy}   «A5W//^'>)j    xj  ««/^et- 

p»«    WjO^tJ^  I«5-»    (f )    etJ^AKfi- 
tta)^,    «J    CV   TH    dl'etielcvi  cuttQ 

(jAhtctL  CV  CV/  KfTT  <;vV  nl  ^- 

CV      ^\i\uA]t     3^»    TTttoV,     «/)ot 

Epijiles  ^/Ignatius. 


written  to  yon,  the 
day  before  the 
Ninth  of  the  Ca- 
lends of  September. 
Be  Strong  unto  the 
End,  in  the  Pati- 
ence of  Jefus 


To  the  Philadelphians.        Tc^r/jePhiladelphians 

Sjnatius,  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus,To  tbeChurch 
of  God  the  Father ^  and  of 
the  Lord  Jefus  Chrlfi  ivhicb 
is  at  Philadelphia;  ^Mch 
has  ohtaiited  Mercy  inLo'ue; 
ovhlch  is  efiahlijijed  in  the 
Concord  of  God  ^  and  re- 
joices in  the  Vajfion  of  our 
Lord  Jefus  ,  infeparably^ 
and  through  his  Refurrecti^ 
ony  has  attained  to  a  full 
j^jjurance  in  Mercy:  Which 
Ijalute  in  the  Blood  of  Je* 
fit:  Chrift  ;  ii^ho  is  our  e- 
ternal  and  Lifting  Joy  ;  e- 
ffecially  while  you  are  uni^ 
ted  to  your  Bijijop ,  and 
Freshytersy  and  Beacons  , 
appoi?ned  by  the  Will  of 
Goi  the  Father y  through 
CUT  Lord  Jefus  Chrift: 

Ignatius,  who  is  alfi 
called  Theopho- 
rus,  to  the  Church 
of  God  the  Father^ 
and  our  Lord  Jefus 
Chrifty  which  is  at 
Philadelphia  ;/; 
Afia  5  jvhich  has 
obtained  Mercy  bi- 

.  ing  fixd  in  the  Con- 
cord of  Gody  and  re- 
joicing evermore  in 
the  Vajficn    of  our 

and     bi  /?;£■ 

fulfilled  in  all  Mo 
cy  through  hls^  Re- 
jurrcciiun :  Which 
alfo  /  (aluie  in  the 
Blood  of  Jefus 
Chrifty  which  is 
our  Ftenial  and  im- 
dtfiled  Joy^  Efpe- 
S  5  clalh 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 



tin    TV    TT^TftL^   (*)    o]yj)JhiJ.lji 
vpiixi  h]7^  Xeers  r  yJJ^i^  tluc^Vf 


TJJJ   cDetXjOv'tcLif    liw    «V  7^ 
I>;<r»  Xe«5"«^a  ;yi7it7rs7r?,Hj'- 

Kcu'i^cii  -^<^J)xj<;  iu^(^'.. 

axoTTjUy     (jl)   'iyva/'  on 

y^tt7A7:>n^^ajt    r   ^eiK^tip ,     o? 

t/<^  f^V  Sts^I'  fiuJ'rS    (*)  yva>(diMj 
^hyyii  ii'df-iTzy   -^  Ti^cHf  sow' 

Epjiles  of  I  G^  AT  1  us. 


'ii'ho  a  c  cor  drag  to  his  oivn 
Will  has  firmly  efiahlijh'd 
his  Church  upon  a  Rock  by 
a  ffiritual  Building  ,  not 
made  with  Hands:  again (i 
which  the  Winds  and  the 
Floods  have  beaten  ^  but 
haije  not  been  able  to  o'utr- 
turn  it.  And  may  Spiri- 
tual WickedfieJJes  ne-ver  be 
able  to  O'verturn  it,  but  be 
fiill  weaken  d  by  the  Power 
•  ^f  y^fi*^  Chrifi  cur  Lord, 

I.TTAving  feen  your  Bi- 
JTJl  fliop  I  know  that 
he  was  not  appointed  by 
himfelf,  neither  by  Men^ 
nor  out  of  Vain-glory,  but 
has  been  vouchfafd  to  be 
intrufted  with  that  Mini- 
ftry  which  is  of  fuch  com- 
mon Concern,  not  of  hiff7- 
felf]  neither  by  Men^  nor  out 
of  Vain-glory  :  but  by  the 
Love  of  Jefus  Chrid,  and 
of  God  the  Father,  who 
raifed  him  from  the  Dead. 
Whofe  mild  Temper  has 
furprized  me  :  who  by  his 
Silence  is  alfo  able  to  do 
more  than  thofe  that  talk 
a  great  deal :  for  he  is  fit- 
ted, to  the  Commands  and 
Ordinances  of  the   Lord, 



ciaUy  if  they  are  at 
Unity  with  the  Bi^ 
fljopy  and  FresJfy- 
ters  who  are  with 
Himy  and  the  Dea~ 
C07JS  appointed  ac^ 
cording  to  the 
Mind  of  Jefus 
Chrifi ;  whom  he 
has  jet  led  according 
to  his  own  Will  in 
all  Firmnefs  by 
His  Holy  Spirit, 

WHich  Bifhop 
I  know  ob- 
tain'd  that  Great 
Miniftry  among 
you,  not  of  Himfelf, 
neither  by  Aien, 
nor  out  of.  Vain 
Glory  ,•  but  by  the 
Love  of  God  the 
Father  and  our 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift  : 
Whofe  Moderation 
I  admire  ;  who  by 
his  filence  is  able  to 
do  more  than  others 
v/ith  all  their  Vain 
Talk.  For  he  is  fit- 
ted to  the  Com- 
mands, as  the  Harp 
to  its  Strings. 
Wherefore  my  Soul 
S  4  efteems 

Gal.  I. 


T'be  Jjxfger  and  Smaller 



CKei,KlefJ;'    o'TTH  q  0  -mt^MV 

Epftles  ^/Ignatius. 



as  the  Strings  to  their 
i  Harp ;  and  is  as  unblame- 
able  as  was  Zachary  the 
Prieft.  Wherefore  my  Soul 
cannot  but  admire  his 
Temper  of  Mind  towards 
God,  as  knowing  it  to  be 
virtuous  and  perfect :  and 
his  unfhaken  Stedfaltnefs, 
and  freedom  from  Anger^ 
in  all  the  Moderation  of 
the  Living  God. 

II.  Do  you  therefore,  as 
Children  of  Light,  and  of 
the  Truth,  flee  the  Divifi- 
ons  of  Unity,  and  the  falfe 
Doctrines  of  the  Hereticks; 
from  whom  Pollution  is  gone 
forth  into  all  the  Earth,  Now 
where  the  Shepherd  is, 
there  do  ye^  as  Sheep,  fol- 
low after:  for  there  are 
rnany  Wolves  in  Sheefs 
Clodthlng ,  which  with  a 
wicked  Pleafure  lead  Cap- 
tive thbfe  that  run  in  the 
Race  of  God :  But  in  your 
Concord  they  fhall  find  no 

IIL    Abftain  therefore 

fron^  thofe  Evil  Plants  ^ 

which  are  not  under  the 



efteems    his    Mind 

towards  God  moll 

Happy  knowing  it  Luc.  i.  C. 

to  be  Fruitful  in  all 

Virtue,  and  perfect ; 

full  of  Conftancy  j 

free    from  Paffion, 

and    according   to 

all  the  Moderation 

of      the      Living 


IL  Wherefore  as 
becomes  the  Child- 
ren both  of  the  Light 
and  of  Truth  ,•  flee 
Divifions  and  Falfe 
Do6trines :         But  jeremy 
whereyourShepherd  XXIII. 
is,  there  do  ye,  as  15. 
Sheep,    follow   af- 
ter.  For  there  are 
many  Wolves  who 
feem  worthy  of  Be-  ^*' 
lief,    that    with    a  *^' 
falfe  Pleafure    lead 
Captive  thofe  that 
run  in  the  Courfe 
of  God :    But    ia 
your         Concordj^ 
They  fhall  find  no 

IIL  Abstain  ther^^ 

fore  frgn  thofe  Evil 

Herbs' which  Jefus 

■^  Chrifl 

Mat.  VII. 


The  JuM'ver  and  Smaller 


y^  Ina^i  Xe/fc<*    Jiet  to 

«75/      5««      »(?:>?' TUi^        IJ'i* 


(pvre^dv  7rot®fj   AMct   cojipua,  t^ 

TTOVWfK.  »p^  077   77Wp  V^7r  [M^l^oV 

-S-fttf  *     0^/    ><>  (II)  Xf/r«  <?ij;7V3 

«7D/  ^    '!«    i%c;x6:rK    fi(77l/  *      ot;^/ 

x^/j/ftjj'lcu*  daxm(7Ti}V^    ^^  <:^  >ji- 

yjO'^Tdovv^'      »   >af  «t77  ^fiJ^^foi^ 
Xf/r»^    ("^)   et>^"'  6pr8f«    axjxi^r 

y^^ra  »V  J^?  oj'  yjJ^ia^y    oavt  clv 
u^^etPon<ruv7iiy    'i^^ffJV   zm    lia) 

hat,  «/>(*  *?  ^iJ^'nflQ-,  }y  'f  c6- 
S'ldCoK'i  -m-fi^^  a.^i9t  Itj^a  Xe/- 

sl<h\<po,iy     l^'A    TJ^dilfA^y     «    77?    C)^'- 

^o;/77   oLTnJ    'f   eL>A]^Hai    d,}iB\ii^'^ 

«  77?    «;{-    ct^ffa^  T«   ^Psuc/bAo^y 
?C)jpyKo?j  t^?  ^Uyyco^  y^ct\Lpt^(n- 

<  4 

;  iv^cy.m       cii;  "*.«.  T> 

Eft  files  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


Cultivation  of  JefusChrift, 
but  of  that  Wild  Beaft  who 
is  the  Slayer  of  Men,  Be- 
caufe  fuch  ar^  nor  th^ 
Plantation  of  the  P^ther^ 
but  the  Seed  of  the  Evil 
One.  I  do  not  write  thus 
becaufe  I  have  found  Divi- 
fion  already  among  you; 
but  I  forearm  you^  as  the 
Children  of  God.  For  as 
many  as  belong  to  Chrift 
are  with  the  Bifliop  ;  but 
fo  many  as  feparate  from 
him^  arid  embrace  Com- 
munion with  the  accurfed, 
they  fhall  be  cut  off  toge- 
ther with  them.  For  they 
are  not  Chrift's  Husban- 
drV:,  but  the  Seed  of  the 
Wicked  One  :  from  Xvhom 
may  you  all  be  deliver'd 
by  the  Prayers  of  the  Shep- 
herd ,  that  moil  faithful 
and  gentle  Shepherd^  who 
pj-efides  over  you.  I  there- 
fore exhort  you  in  the 
Lord  to  receive  all  thofe 
that  repent  and  return  to 
th.e  Unity  of  the  Church, 
with  all  Gentlenef? ;  that 
by  your  Kindnefsand  For- 
bearance they  may  recover 
thanfdves  out  of  the  Snare  of 
fhe  Devil ;  may  become 


Chrift  does  not 
drefs ;  becaufe  fuch 
are  not  the  Planta- 
tion of  the  Father. 
Not  that  I  have 
found  any  Divifion 
among  you,  but  ra- 
ther alT  manner  of 
Purity.  Foras  many 
as  are  of  God,  and 
of  Jefus  Chrift,  arc 
alfo  with  their  Bi- 
fnop.  And  as  ma- 
ny as  fhall  with  Re- 
pentance return  in- 
to the  Unity  of  the 
Church,  even  thefe 
fliall  alfo  be  the  Ser- 
va?jts  of  God,  that 
they  may  live  ac- 
cording to  Jefus 
Chrift.  Be  not  de- 
ceived ,  Brethren  : 
If  any  one  follows 
him  that  makes  a 
Schifm  inthe  Churchy 
he  fliall  not  inherit 
the  Kingdom  of 
God.  If  any  one 
walks  after  any  o- 
ther  Opinion,  he  a- 
grees  not  with  the 
V^ffionofChrifi  ^Tim.n. 


Tloe  Xuorger  and  Smaller 

W£>    ^f  wrt7»p  ">  ^*'  ^*S  't5t«' 

(iiTAVOtdP  ^^r^hiiVy  i^y  a^ 
AK^azitffjyy  \av  a^  IvSZti  '    ^t* 

tuSvy  3^  mtyiAi  AV^a'x^i  ^K{ 
Qa^va^y  j^  eii  ^yyatny  aM- 
Sf/c^  \k^V  *  «0o  liv  ^htov  Av- 
^  AVA7i>}\>i  c/7n  7nvii§ii  jy  Ayt^ 
^»f,  ;g  ^{v^  ft)  tbV'vstdV 
^  Jiigi^ii  i^  AJ)'K\ii '  S  -mi  ;>^«- 

•  xfettf,  At>«^  ><V£«&«  Ti^^ioiy  y^ 

(*)  iKTirm^i.  N.     (t;  Decft.T* 

Epftles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  0  s. 



worthy  of  Jefus  Chrift, 
and  fo  may  obtain  eternal 
Salvation  in  the  Kingdom 
of  Chrift.  Be  not  decei- 
ved, my  Brethren,  if  any 
one  follows  him  that  fepa- 
rates  from  the  Truth  ,  he 
(hall  not  inherit  the  King- 
dom of  God ;  and  if  any 
one  does  not  efchew  a  Ly- 
ing Preacher ,  he  fliall  be 
condemned  to  Hell.  For 
we  muft  neither  feparate 
from  Religious  Perfons, 
nor  aflbciate  with  the  Ir- 
religious. If  any  one 
walks  after  ftrange  Do- 
clrine^  he  is  not  of  Chrift, 
nor  a  Partaker  of  his  Suf- 
ferings ;  but  is  one  of  the 
Foxes  Tvhichfpoil  the  Vineyard 
of  Chrift.  Ha^e  no  Fellow^ 
Jhip  withfuch  an  one^Q&  you 
perifh  together  with  him ; 
no,  not  if  he  be  thy  Fa- 
ther, thy  Son,  thy  Brother, 
or  one  of  thine  own  Fa- 
mily. For,  fays  the  Scri- 
pture ,  Thi7te  Eye  Jhall  not 
/fare  him.  You  ought  there- 
fore  to  hate  thofe  that  hate 
Gody  and  to  he  grieved  at  his 
Enemies.  I  do  not  mean 
that  you  are  to  beat  them,, 
or  perfecute  them  i  as  do 




I  Cor.  v.* 

^16,  Si 



0/7(5  ^be  Larger  nnd  Smaller 

^matter.  Harget 

iV     rtVT«    70     At  (JUL    70    ^^2^*   ^flZv 

i*)  ?ff^'.  T. 

Efijiles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 

the  Gentiles  who  knoiv  not  xh% 
Lord  God:  but  to  elleeiti 
I  them  your  Enemies ,  arid 
tofeparate  from  them  ,•  but 
ftill  to  admonifli  them^  and 
invite  them  to  Repentance: 
If  perchance  they  will  at 
lafl:  hearken^  if  perchance 
they  will  at  laft  fubmit. 
For  our  God  is  a  Lover  of 
Mankind^  and  will  ha^ue  all 
Men  to  he  fa'ved^  and  to  come 
to  the  Knowledge  of  the  Truth, 
;  Wherefore  he  makes  his  Sun 
to  rife  on  the  evil  and  on  the 
goody  andfendeth  Rain  on  the 
juf  and  unjufi:  whofe  Kind- 
nefs  when  our  Lord  would 
invite   us  to  imitate  ^  he 
fays^   Be  ye  T  erf  eel  ^  even  as 
your  Father  luhich  is  in  Hea- 
ven is  prfecl, 

IV.  I  am  perfuaded  of 
you  in  the  Lord  that  you 
will  be  of  none  other 
Mind.  Wherefore  I  write 
boldly  to  your  Love  which 
is  worthy  of  God  ;  and 
exhort  you  to  continue  in 
one  Faithj  one  Preaching, 
and  one  Eucharift  :  For 
the  Flefh  of  the  Lord  Je- 
fus  is  but  one  ;  and  his 
Blood  which  was  ihed  for 
us  but  one  ;  OnO'  Loaf  is 


IV.  Wherefore 
let  it  be  your  En- 
deavour to  partake 
All  of  the  fame  Ho- 
ly Eucharift.  For 
there  is  but  One 
Fledi  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift  ;  And 
One  Cup,  in  the 
Unity  of  Blood ; 
One  Altar  ;  As  alfo 
there  is  One  Bifhop, 
together  with  his 


IV.  s 

>  TimiL 

Mat.  V 

V.  4^« 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 



^tr,  ivA  %  lety  ittc^oJUTi     ^V  l^up^^  )^  %v  TtaifeiOp  TsVtf 

*^  ^^V  «re/M>JTi» 


TBI?  SlAYfiyoii  7b7<  ffVV<tv\Olf  fXli* 

0  ^zJ^'xAMTDf,    70     TlViV/Mt  7^S  A- 

j;  'Sris??  /aict,   i)^  7B  ^ATTJtcr^A  ty^ 

y^    fJLlA  If    ItCXXia  Ay     tw   tc^VOwflo 

01  etyoi  ami^Kot    ami  'm^/wv 

Xe/r?^  oiKHo/f  iJ^^yw  ;^  Tnvot?, 
s^  vixAi  %v  ;^«,  «yj  Aaor  CefetK- 

•mvTVL  ov  XgirftJ"  6h7^hHy,  aI 
yjvcujufy    Tvti  AV^   wotk'- 

Q/H75  OV  ^0^6»  •3-g»  •  a\  CWp^-fc^O/, 
'raJ  Xe/r^d  cv  a^3ttpcrTot,  «  .5cAi- 
Kvrssr^fj^JAi  ytf/fiv^  a.»^A  7^  Xf«V- 
<r9y©-  {^/eAVa<  *   «^  <^  SiACo\1f 

I'oun"  lAiKivif,  «nt  TT^tytf,  *»«- 
.3ttp;^7B  7c7f  y>v£civ  Vfjiuv^   x) 

«df.    CI  avStii^  Ayt-mTi  tkV  ^v- 

(*j  r?^'  -J^uu:'.  No 

Epifilis  of  Ign  AT  IV  si 



broken  to  all  the  Commu- 
nicants ;  and  one  Cup  di- 
ftributed     to    them    all  : 
There  is  but  one  Altar  for 
the    whole  Church ;  and 
one  Bifhop,  vvich  the  Pref- 
bytery,  and  the  Deacons, 
my  Fellow-Servants.  Since 
there  is  but  One  Unbegot- 
ten  Being,  God  even  the 
IFather :   And  One  only- 
begotten    Son  5  God   the 
Word  ,   and  Man  :    And 
One  Comforter  ,  the  Spi- 
rit of    Truth.      But  one 
Preaching  ;  One  Faith  ;  one 
Baptifm  ;    One     Church  j 
which  the  Holy  Apoftles 
founded  from  the  one  end 
of  the  Earth  to  the  other, 
in  the  Blood  of  Chrift,  by 
their  own  Sweat  and  La- 
bours. It  behoves  you  there- 
fore ;  as  a  peculiar  people,  an 
holy  nation,  to  perform  all 
Things    in    Concord    in 
Chrift  :  Wives,  beyefub- 
jed  to  your  Husbands ,  in 
the  Fear  of  God.     Virgins> 
be. ye  fubjed  to  Chrift  in 
Incorruption ;  not  out  of 
Abhorrence   of  Matrimo- 
ny, but  as  having  chofeii 
the  nobler  State  :  Not  to 
the  Reproach  of  the  Bond 



Presbytery,  and  the 
Deacons  my  Fel- 
low-Servants :  That 
fo  whatfoever  ye  do, 
ye  may  do  k  accor- 
ding to  the  Will  of 

feph.  IV. 

Tit.rr.  14. 

i  Pec.  II. 


Color  iiL 



•7A.  itD^  i^arg 

The  Larjyer  and  Smaller 

^waller:  KLatger. 

3t«<r»    '78  Nfltju>f_,  a(  MsAp^o?  «/^;;^, 

vcV  iSioJ'.  »  (*)  ^e^  e/^''  TJrtr 
ctdiAxy\aWy    (t)    ^''''  \tv}\\^Ojj 

1^9,     «;    (II)    lo^U",     ^    ^ 

(*)  bz'  <im  ^s^^fjiioi  (t)  Ji*' 
73?«r  'sfe*  7^^  ^sr^ffMiy  (ID  ctM;' 
-It'  ivvctai  (*)  iiwmv"  'Td  yiv^i^ 
U^v  £xhV»?.    0/  Tntri^i^y  (f)  OK, 

C)  4^;^i'.  A.  B  (tJ  T^Ttyf.  A  B.  (JIX  HcmU.  (*)  A^, 
;.^  A.  B.  (t)  Deed  A.  (n;  (wiv\,  A.  B.  rtt/rw^.  T, 
Ct)  Defunt  vero  ccAA' 6c  r-T  ;^Vc;;,  A.  &  «aa'.  B,      (1)  iv 

Tfi^STT.   B. 

Epijiles  d?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S.  ^75 

of  Wedlock ,  but  for  the 
Meditation  of  the  Law. 
Children ,  obey  your  Pa- 
rentSj  and  have  an  AfFedi- 
on  for  them^as  Inftruments 
under  God  for  your  Pro- 
creation. Servants ,  be 
fubjed  to  your  Matters^  in 

God  ;  that  ye  may  hecoma  iCor.VIIi 

the  Freemen  ofChrifi.     Huf-  -=l 

bandsj,  loveyour Wives, as 
the  Fellow-Servants  of  the 
fame  God,  as  your  own 
Body,  as  Partners  in  Life> 
and  Affiftants  for  the  Pro- 
creation of  Children.  Vir-  T..^ 
gins  ,  have  Chrifl:  alone 
before  your  Eyes ,  and  his 
Father   in  your  Prayers  ; 
being  enlightened  by  the 
Spirit :  And  may  I  enjoy 
your  Holinefs,  as  that  of 
Elijah^  as  oijojhua  the  Son 
of  Nun,  as  of  Melchifedecky 
as  of  Elijhay  as  of  JenmU 
ah,  as  of  John  the  Baptift, 
as  of  the  Beloved  Difciple, 
as  of  Timothy  J  as  of  Titusy 
as  of  Euodlus  y  as    of  C/e- 
ment :  Which  are  departed 
this  Life  in  a  pure  Virgi- 
nity.    Not  that   I  blame 
the  reft  of  thofe  BleiTed 
Perfons  who  entred  into 
that  Married  State  which 

I        T  z  V. 

Cij6  T^be  Lurger  and  Smaller 

Tilf    al^yyfftV  '    ol    J)ciMVOl,    Tvlf 

01  'nffia^v'ncsty    ^   01  SiAMvoty 
«y  f  0  Xe/fOf  "TT'^  -JTrtTCi  *    ;>^  «7»^  » 

ivOTJJi    J) A    TrdvTZiiV    Qo^i^.    *is^' 

/a<i^  (II)  ^r/Z^'^s  y^  iikjt%-^hiy 
h^  af  ami^hQ- J^ATUo^fjuu*  77; 

;a'P    f]^    6^^       «     77V    0     oTx;OJ    7X 

'wa'Jj?  ix\s^  IvA  lazvuov  ifxajjiip^' 
C4i6il'av  HT/ro  '    A?^    di    cugpATice^ 


r)  ivrplpi.  B.  (\)  Forte  )^  vel  <y?  h.pzijj7v  colon  poni- 
eur  poft  'TT^i^Cni'^gii  &  non  poft  Ap-/ip<€^v,  B.  ([^  Ai;^* 
T5/,  A.  B.      r;  I=;c/»-^.  T.      (t)  ii^jjTvy,  A.  B, 

Efiftles  ^/Ignatius, 


larger.  Smaller- 

J  Juft  now  mentioned ;  For 
1  wifh  that  being  found 
worchy  of  God  I  may  be 
found  at  their  Feet  in  their 
Kingdom  y  as  at  the  Feet 
Abraham  and  Ifaac  and  J^a- 
cob  J  as  of  Jofephy  and  Ifai- 
ah ,  and  the  reft  of  the 
Prophets  ;  as  pf  Peter  and 
Pauly  and  the  reft  of  the 
Apoftles,  who  were  mar- 
ried Men.  Not  that  they 
did  fo  for  the  fake  of  Plea- 
fure^  but  out  of  regard  to 
the  Propagation  of  their 
Kind.  Fathers ,  bring  up 
your  Children  in  the  Nurture 
and  Admonition  of  the  Lord  • 
and  teach  them  the  Holy 
Scriptures  and  Trades  ; 
that  they  may  not  indulge 
themfelves  in  Idlenefs. 
Now  the  Scripture  fays,  A 
righteous  Father  dees  educate 
his  children  well:  His  heart 
jJjall  rejoice  in  a  [on  of  under ^ 
ftanding.  Mafters  be  gen- 
tle towards  your  Servants, 
as  Holy  Job  teaches  you  ; 
for  there  is  one  Nature, 
and  there  is  one  Race  of 
Mankind.  For  in  Chrifi 
there  is  neither  bond  nor  free. 
Let  Governors  be  obedi- 
ent to  Cicjar  ;  the  Soldiers 

to  T  ; 

fph.  VI. 






Gal.  III. 




■  7'he  Ijirffer  and  Smaller 


fJ!^}7\9Vj   &$  %V  m  fit^«p- 

fCrt^MpI''    '277  yi^tifH  AVetTm  f77Cl(' 

Epflles  /?/  I  G  N  A;  T  I  U  S. 



to  thofe  Governors ;  The 
Deacons  to  the  Presbyters, 
as  to  Priefts ;  The  Pref- 
byters  and  Deacons ,  and 
the  reft  of  the  Clergy,  to- 
gether with  all  the  People^, 
and  the  Soldiers  ^  and  the 
Governors^  and  Cafar  him- 
felf  to  the  Bifliop  ;  The 
Bifhop  to  Chrift ;  as  Chrift 
is  obedient  to  his  Father : 
And  fo  Unity  is  preferved 
in  all  Things.  Let  not 
the  Widows  be  Wanderers 
about,  nor  Indulgers  of 
their  Appetite  3  nor  Gad- 
ders Abroad  ;  but  like  Ju- 
tilth  Famous  for  her  Gravi- 
ty; 2.nd  like  Anm^.  Eminent 
for  her  Sobernefs.  I  do 
not  ordain  thefe  Things  as 
an  Apoftle  :  For  li^bo  am  I, 
or  what  is  my  Father  s  houfc  ^ 
that  I  fhould  pretend  to  be 
equal  in  Dignity  to  them  ? 
But  as  your  Fellow-Soldier  I 
fupply  the  Place  of  a  Mo- 
nitor to  you. 

V.  My  Brethren  3  my 
Affedion  towards  you 
makes  me  enlarge  my  felf 
the^  more  ;  and  being  o- 
yerjoy'd  I  endeavour  to  fe- 
cure  you  again  ft  Danger, 
tho'  indeed  not  fo  much  I 



VIII.  4,^. 
Luc.  II. 

1  Sam. 

1  Sam. 
VII.  28. 
Phil.  II. 

V.  My  Brethern, 
the  Love  I  have  to- 
wards you  makes 
me  the  more  large  ; 
and  having  a  great 
Joy  injoit,  I  endea- 
vour to  fecure  you 

T  4  againfi 


The  ZiOirger  and  Smaller 


70   )^  dl/T8f  f<f  70  (it>Cty- 

fii  cLVTty  ihTn^HVy  :y  etv- 
h'onv  luiTtf  Xp/ra  ovti^ 


^TV^y  <nr^a'^uy»v  7&)   dJetyyi- 

Ao/^  cy    :^  70  cuJto  ("*'}  «AH^e- 

KcL97ika.VQV  Tiv^fiA'  »78t)  ;^  o| 
fsr^tpnTUJ'  }y  01  aJTHi^Koty   iv  Hj  ro 

Iho-k   Xgir?.    (f)  « ?  )B  0  S^otf 

0  lvz^y\]aui  CV  (j|)M6)3-M,  ^  ^wtS^ 
OiiTtUfy  }y  imgihoti,  'mvT^i  Hv 
ei  ft 7/0/  CV  Xp/r^  Icm^cmLVy  i^- 
'Tnjnvm  «V  ctVT^Vy    }y  etV'Tvv  duet- 

%Tj^v  y  ^ovTi^  A^ictyl'TrAToiy  ;^ 
d^so^v'^^t   oiytot  y    \S3^  \m^ 


C)  «AMJ'(Wf.A. 
A  B. 

(t;  l^^i  m;^v-<ft^  A.  ?.      rli)  Mft-^^ 

Epftles  of  I  G 

N  A  T  I  U  S. 


my  felf  ^  as  the  Lord  Jefus 
by  me.  In  whom  being 
bound  I  am  the  more  fear- 
ful ;  for  I  am  not  yet  per- 
fected. But  your  Prayers 
to  God  fhall  make  me  per- 
fect ;  that  I  may  attain  to 
him  in  whom  I  am  called  ; 
Whilft  I  flee  to  the  Gofpel 
as  to  the  Flefh  of  Jefus 
Chrift  ,•  and  to  the  Apo- 
ftles  as  to  the  Presbytery  of 
the  Church.  I  do  alfo 
love  the  Prophets,  as  thofe 
who  preached  Chrift,  and 
were  Partakers  of  the  fame 
Spirit  with  the  Apoftles. 
For  as  the  falfe  Prophets 
and  falfe  Apoftles  drew  to 
themfelves  the  fame  wick- 
ed, and  deceitful  ,  and/fe- 
ducing  Spirit  ;  So  alfo  did 
the  Prophets  ane  Apoftles 
receive  the  fame  Holy  Spi- 
rit, the  good,  the  govern- 
ing ,  the  true  ,  and  the 
teaching  Spirit  ;  from  God, 
by  Jefus  Chrift.  For  there 
is  One  God  of  the  Old  and 
New  Teftament ;  one  Me~ 
dlator  between  God  and  Men^ 
for  the  Creation  of  the  In- 
telligent andVifible  Beings, 
and  for  a  proper  and  fuita- 
bie  Providence  to  be  exer- 


againfi  Danger :  Of 
rather  not  I,  but 
Jefus  Chrift ;  in 
whom  being  Bound 
I  the  more  fear,  as 
being  yet  only  on 
the  way  to  Suffer- 
ing, But  your  Pray- 
er to  God  fhall 
make  me  Perfect, 
that  i  may  attain  to 
that  Portion,  which 
bv  God's  Mercy  is 
allotted  to  me;  Flee- 
ing to  the  Gofpel 
as  to  the  Flefh  of 
Chrift  ;  and  to  the 
Apoftles  as  to  the 
Presbytery  of  the 
Church.  Let  us  al- 
fo love  theProphers, 
for  as  much  as  they 
alfo  have  led  us  to 
the  Gofpel ,  and  to 
Hope  in  Chifi,  and  ^^ , 
to  expea  Him.  In  li  "J/ 
whom  alfo  Believ- joh.  XVI. 
ing  they  were  laved  3  '• . 
in'the  Unity  of  Je-  ^  Tim. II. 
fus  Chrift  •  being  ^' 
Holy  JVUn^  Worthy 
to  be  be  loved,  and 
had  in  Wonder  ; 
who  have  received 
Tfeftimcny  from  Je- 

uSi  The  Jjirger  and  Smaller 

fjLoy  AKiieiVy    h  fs>^^  d^ 
3i£pCvr^  laJk'icrjicov,  Eav 

X^tTn  m  KdLKcoaiVy   «7o/ 
l^i  ^hcu  elojy  )^  '7zl(pot 

fjLovov  Ivofju^jct  dv^>co7mv. 
frn'mTi    ^KiCivn^     t>i 

rwTJU  HOI'  ^  '3-2«^  42v?>if  ^''j 

fj(^iy  'iiVcfhhJtuQ-,  Idv  77?  0^- 
\oy)j  xeis^y  itfo'^v  v^eiovy  d^vn- 
Ttix  Ji  ivy  ^isv  7«  yo^K  iy  ^ 
/c^(p«7wr,  »x,  it)  K^yav  rriv  »- 
£^VK  ^  yv\^  Tni^ibjj  'JTcni^^  m 

•^•f/rt     «%    %<;y\YJiVy      CcV     ^9   0   OTtT^? 

ctuT«  0  J^tdCo\Q-'   )^  'isiv  0  7T>/- 

era  6t^u  "jTVdi'^T©-  fC6t'S-Ji7»V. 
«66f  77?^  Ae^/vt  <mV  ^Vifc  -S-so;/^  0- 
lAoKoy'^  Ji  }y  Xf/^f  Iw^af^   4'- 

w^loVy     i^  'd-iov  y.oi'O'^ily     )^ 

Epijlles  ^/Ignatius. 


cis'd  over  them.  There  is 
alfo  One  Comforter ;  who 
wrought  in  Mofes,  and  the 
Prophets ,  and  Apoftles. 
All  the  Saints  therefore 
were  faved  by  Chrift ;  hop- 
ing in  him  ,  and  waiting 
for  him  ;  and  they  obtain- 
ed through  him  Salvation  ; 
being  Holy  Perfons^  wor- 
thy of  Love  and  Admira- 
tion 5  attefted  to  byjefus 
Chriil^  in  the  Gofpel  of 
our  common  Hope. 

VI.  If  any  one  preaches 
the  One  God  of  the  Law 
and  of  the  Prophets ,  but 
denies  Chrift  to  be  the  Son 
of  God^  he  is  a  Lyar,  as  is 
alfo  his  Father  the  Dez>iL 
Such  an  one  is  a  JeTr,  falf- 
ly  fo  called  ;  of  the  Cir- 
cumfion  which  is  from  be- 
neath. If  any  one  con- 
feffes  Chrift  Jefus  to  be  the 
Lordj  but  denies  the  God 
of  the  Law  and  of  the 
Prophets ;  faying,  that  the 
Father  of  Chrift  is  not  the 
Maker  of  Heaven  and 
Earth  ;  fuch  an  one  has  not 
abode  in  the  truth  ,  no  more 
than  his  Father  the  Devil: 
And  he  is  the  Difciple  of 
Smon  the  Magician^  and 



fus  Chrift^  and  are 
numbred  in  the 
Gofpel  of  our  Com- 
mon Hope, 

VI.    But  if  any 

one  fliall  preach  the 
Jewifh  Law  unto, 
you  J  hearken  not 
unto  Him  :  For  it 
is  better  to  receive  joh.  VIIL 
the  Dodrine  of  4^. 
Chrift  from  one  that 
has  been  Circumcif- 
ed,  than  Judaifm 
from  one  that  has 
not.  But  if  ei- 
ther the  One  or  O- 
ther,  do  not  fpeak 
concerning  Chrift 
Jefus;  they  feemto 
me  to  be  but  as 
Monuments  and  Se-  I^i^- 
pulchers  of  theDead:) 
upon  which,  are 
written  only  the 


71?^  Larger  and  Smaller 


C77  J^ffvveiiPimf  «fw    iv 

yi\6>,      Kflti  ^07  3^    ov 

IvA  y     AMI    eif    ^a^TveAOV 



;^     fJUOKVTJXQV     K.^y^'ij      tUij  VOfMUQV 

TBoJy-Ttt    ^    0(JLO\oy'lfy      ^  077    ^Of 

ffpiCHy    ay  c4f  icujiw  o  \oy@-y 

(t)  ^^^P     ^"   "i^lS    ^  C^f^T/y 

(*;  fiJ?  CTiiKP^hi}  Qii^v,  A.  T,  smAjj;',  B.    (\)  wV.  A  B. 

Epftles  ^/Ignatius. 


not  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  If 
any  one  fays,  There  is  One 
God ;  and  alfo  confeffes 
Chrift  Jefus ;  but  fuppofes 
him  to  be  compos'd  only 
of  a  Soul  and  Body  ;  fuch 
an  one  is  a  Serpent,  that 
preaches  Deceit  and  Error, 
to  the  Deftruclion  of  Men. 
Such  an  one  is  Foor  in  his 
Unnderfianding,  as  he  is  cal- 
led by  Name,  Ebion,  If  a- 
ny  one  confeffes  thcfe 
Things ,  but  calls  the  ufe 
of  Lawful  Marriage ,  and 
the  begetting  of  Children, 
Corruption  and  Pollution  ; 
orcalls  fome  Kind  of  Food 
Abominable  ;  fuch  an  one 
has  the  Apoftate  Dragon 
inhabiting  within  him.  If 
any  one  confeffes  the  Fa- 
ther, Son,  and  Holy  Ghoft, 
and  praifes  the  Creation, 
but  affirms  the  Incarnation 
to  be  only  an  Appearance  , 
and  is  afham'd  of  the  Paf- 
fion  ;  Such  a  one  has  de- 
nied the  Faith,  no  lefs  than 
the  Jews  who  (lew  Chrili. 
If  any  one  confeffes  thefe 
Things  ,  and  that  God  the 
Word  did  inhabit  in  a  Hu- 
man Body  ,  being  therein 
the  Wordj  as  the  Soul  is  in 



Names  of  Men.  Flee 
therefore  the  wick- 
ed Arts  and   Snares 
of  the  Prince  of  this 
World  ,'  lefl  at  any- 
time being  Oppref- 
fed  by  his  Cunning, 
ye   grow    cold    in 
your  Charity.   But 
Come  all  [together 
into  the  fame  Place, 
with     an     undivi- 
ded Heart.      And, 
I  Blefs  my  God  that 
I  have  a  good  Con- 
fcience  towardsyou, 
and  that  no  one  a- 
mong      you       has 
whereof  to  boa  ft  ei- 
ther Openly  or  Pri- 
vately, that  I  have 
been    Burthenfome 
to  Him  in  much  or 
little.     And  I  wifli 
to        All      among 
whom  I  have  con- 
verled,  that  it  may 
not  turn  to  a  Wit  ^ 
ncfs  againil  Them. 



'The  Larger  and  SniHUer 

Smaller.  jLatget 

'nlvTiiy    T^hcU  €107    y^  nutpoi    re-i 
TL^aVy    Ip     off  "^y^^ax   fxlvov 

y^v\Q'  hf  7olf  v,ol^  fK  eucovQ' 
T^Tis^  fjun  vnTi  (*)  oi"  ^KiCiv%i 

im^  Xf/rK,     077    iV(WV£icN]o$  BifjU 
071    iCd^Yi^  77V Cty    n   OV    f^KpMy    n 

Of  ^jueyLhq>y   i^  -mciv  iv  oli   eAct- 
Kin<m,y  zv^fMXy  IV et  (Mi  H  J  ^j- 



(*)  Forte  vacat. 

Efijlles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s.  187 

Itargetr*  Smaller, 

the  Body  ;  becaufe  it  was 
a  God  that  was  the  Inha- 
bitant ,  and  not  a  Human 
Soul ;  but  yet  affirms  that 
unlawful  Mixtures  are  a 
good  thing,  and  places  the 
compleat    Happinefs     in 
Pleafure ;  as  do  the  Nico- 
laitans  fallly  fo  called ;  fuch 
a  one  can  neither  be  a 
Lover  of  God,  nor  a  Lov- 
er of  Chrift  ;  but  is  a  Cor- 
rupter of  his  own  Flefli ; 
and  is  therefore  void  of  the 
Holy  Spirit;  andenilrang- 
ed  from  Chrift.     All  fuch 
as  thefe  are   Monuments 
and    Sepulchres    of     the 
Dead ;   upon    which   are 
written  only  the  Names  of 
dead  Men.  Do  you  there- 
fore avoid  the  wicked  Arts, 
and  the  Snares  of  the  Sp- 
rit which  now  worketh  in  Fph.  II, 
the  Children  of  this  World  ;  2. 
Left  being  one  time  or  o- 
ther  oppreffed  thereby,  ye 
be    weaken'd     in     your 
Love.  But  do  you  all  meet 
together  in  one  place,with 
an  undivided  Heart,  and  a 
willing  Mind  ;  being  of  one 

accord^  of  one  mind -^  being  Phil.  II. 

always  of  the  fame  Opi-  =•, 

nion  about  the  fame  things  ; 

when  ^  VIL 

a  88  The  laarger  and  Smaller 

^matter-  %^xm^ 

CV    «    tfiSi(HClty       077    O/TTO 

77;^£f  TAeLVYumty   A>^d  to    TrviVf/xc 
^»    %Hfctuyet<m   (^)  ^"  ^tol^i^ 

rrov  fzificrixov  nvcoVj  Kiyeiv  ttw'tw, 
ft/7110  ^fuAJQ-  oLv^cS-Tr^  8;6  'gp^'ai' ' 


{*)  Deeft.  A.B,        ft)  tip/mti.  A.  B. 

Epjiles  ^/Ignatius, 


when  you  are  at  reft  or  in 
Dangers ;  or  in  Trouble, 
or  in  Joy.  I  give  thanks 
to  God  through  Jefus 
Chrift,  that  I  have  a  good 
Confcience  among  you  ; 
and  that  no  one  can  boaft 
either  privately  or  openly 
that  I  have  been  burden- 
fome  to  any  one,  either  in 
a  fmall  Matter  or  a  great 
one.  And  I  pray  for  all 
among  whom  I  have  fpo- 
kenthat  they  may  not  have 
it  for  a  Teftimony  againft 

VII.  For  altho*  fome 
would  have  feduc'd  me, 
according  to  the  Flefii,  yet 
is  not  my  Spirit  feduced  ; 
for  I  have  received  it  from 
God.  For  it  knoivs  v^hence 
it  comes,  and  v^hither  it  goes  ; 
and  reproves  the  Things 
that  are  fecret.  For  while 
1  was  among  you  I  cried 
aloud,  I  fpake  with  a  great 
Voice.  'Tis  not  my  Word 
but  God's  :  Hearken  to  your 
Bijljopy  your  Vresbyter}'  ,  and 
your  Deacons^  But  if  ye 
fuppofe  that  I  fpake  this  as 
having  learn  d  beforehand 
the  Divifion  of  fome  a- 
mongyou  j  He  is  my  Wir- 



VII.  For  altho' 
fome  would  have 
deceived  me  ac- 
cording to  theFlefh; 
yet  the  Spirit,  be- 
ing from  God,  is  joh,  iH- 
not  deceived:  For  8. 
ir  knows  both 
whence  it  comes, 
and  whither  it  goes, 
and  reproves  the 
Secrets  of  the  Hearu 
I  c  ied  whilft  I  was 
among  7^?/;  I -fpake 
with  a  loud  Voice; 
Attend  to  the  Bi- 
fiiop  ,  and  to  the 
Prcbbytery,  and  to 
the  Deacons.  Now 
U  fome 


T^he  Larger  and  Smaller 



*iy>oiV,      T3    cf^    TTViVf^a,      jfetov    -^iS   77/f wre  *     tIw'    tveaciy 
^tHi  T6  ^(ncoTTH  fA^Jiy      fjum-m    yln^    TJetoKv^     i^  ^ 

E^^J     ^^'     »V     75     icT^Ot^ 

,^/y  ^-   jft'  7^  icOoi'  ^    *:79>«y 
civ  "iv  Villi   fj.i}etvo\i(nv  (*)  ctcxH- 

(^jit^^.V  T. 

Epijiles  ^/Ignatius.  291 

nefs  for  whofe  fake  I  am 
in  Bonds,  that  I  knew  no- 
thing of  it  from  any  Man 
whomfoever  :  But  the  Spi- 
rit Preached  to  me,  faying 
thefe  Things  ;  Do  nothing 
without  yourBijhop  :  Keep  your 
Flejh  as  the  Temple  of  God : 
Love  Unity  :  Flee  Divijtons : 
Be  je  followers  of  Paul ,  and 
of  the  refi  of  the  Apoftles,  as 
they  wer€  alfo  ofChrifi, 

VIII.  I  therefore  did 
what  properly  belonged  to 
me,  as  a  Man  compos'd  to 
Unity.  Adding  this  alfo. 
That  where  there  is  Di- 
verfity  of  Opinion  and 
Wrath,  and  Hatred,  there 
God  dees  not  dwell,  God 
therefore  forgives  thofe 
that  repent,  if  they,  with 
one  confent,  return  to  the 
Unity  of  Chrift ,  and  the 
Council  of  the  Bifliop.  I 
believe  in  the  Grace  of 


fome  fuppofed  that 
I  fpake  this  as  fore- 
feeing  the  Divifion 
that  fiiould  come  a- 
mong  you.  But  H© 
is  my  Witnefs  for 
whofe  fake  I  am  in 
Bonds  that  I  knew 
nothing  from  any 
Man.  But  the  Spi- 
rit fpake,  faying  on 
this  wife;  Do  no- 
thing without  the 
Bifliop:  Keep  your 
Bodies  as  the  Tem- 
ples of  God  :  Love 
Unity :  Flee  Divi- 
fions :  Be  the  Fol- 
lowers of  Chrift,  as 
he  was  of  his  Fa- 

VIII,  I  therefore 
did  as  became  me, 
as  a  Man  compofed 
to  Unity.For  where 
there  is  Divifion  , 
and  Wrath  ,  God 
dwelleth  not.  But 
the  Lord  forgives 
all  that  Repent ,  li 
they  return  to  the 
Unity  of  God,  and 
to  the  Council  of 
the  Bifhop,  For 
I  truft  in  the  Grace 
U  2  of 


'The  Lariyef  and  Smaller 


fbf^    cv  Tze)  iJetyyiKicp  « 

etvTo/f,  077  y.y^iijau , 
et'TTiry^i^oviv  fiot  y  otj 
tir^iiCiTVX^  Boot  fh  <*p- 
yfa.  6C7I'  iHjrS"?  X?/?^?, 
-Tw  a^)t]ct  cl^^lict  Q  gzw- 

'msi'S  H  Ji   eLVTd  'hi   oj^- 


X^^a    (  * )     7z     XcLyyi?^tov "    \ 

A©-  oAeSp©-.    ft)  (w^ivvM^;^ 
lij  0  ^'pctlQ-y    it,  if  dvagacns  ctu- 
oiV  ,jtA<y  ^Iv  TM  /?i»»0£r5up^M  •iJ/^t' 
}^A/(y^    Tizf^cJV    oy.a    ct:57?w        «  5O 

TfdL  KetKTl^my    OTcAM^y  7^    XeiTCa 



j   ..  ,:?r 

y^tirxfj.  A.  B. 

Efiftles  ^/Ignatius. 



Jefus  Chrifl:  that  he  will 
loofe  you  from  every  bond  of 
wlckedncfs,     I  therefore  ex- 
hort you  that  you  do  no- 
thing out  of  Strife^  but  ac- 
cording to  theDodlrine  of 
Chrift.     For  I  have  heard 
fome  fay ,  Unlefs   I  can 
find  the   fame  things  y  in 
the  Archives  ,  I   will  not 
believe  the   Gofpel.      To 
fuch  as  thefe  I  fay^,  my  Ar- 
chives are  Jefus    Chrift  ^ 
whom  not  to  hearken  to  is 
manifeft  Deftrudion.  My 
untouched  Archives  are  his 
Crofs,  and  Deaths,  and  his 
Refurrediion^and  the  Faith 
concerning  thefe  Things ; 
wherein  I  defire  to  be  ju- 
ftiiied  by  your  Prayers.  He 
that  disbelieves  the  Gofpel 
disbelieves    all     at    once. 
The  Archives  of  the  Spi- 
rit are  not  expofed  to  all. 
'Tis  hard  to  kick  againft 
the  Pricks  :  'Tis   hard  to 
disbplieye    Chrift  :     'Tis 
hard  to  rejed  the  Preach- 
ing of  the  Apoftles. 



of  Jefus  Chrift  that 
he    will    free    y^u  j^^  lVIIX 
trom    every  Bond.  5. 
Neverthelefs  I  ex- 
hort you  that  you 
do  nothing  out  of 
Strife^  but  accord- 
ing to  the  In  ftrucli- 
on  of  Chrift.     Be- 
caufe  I  have  heard 
of  fome  who  fay  • 
Unlefs  1  find  it  writ- 
ten in  theOrigiuals, 
I  will  not  believe  it 
to  be  written  in  the 
Gofpel.  And  when 
I  faidj  It  is  written  : 
Taey  anfwerd  what 
lay  before  them  in 
their  corrupted  Co- 
pies.    But    to    me 
Jefus   Chrift  is  in- 
ftead  of  all  the  un- 
corrupted     Monu- 
ments in  theWorld : 
Together   with  thofe 
undcfiled       Monu- 
ments y    His  Crofs, 
and  Deaths  and  Re- 
furjedion;,  and  the 
Faith 'which  is  by 
Him:  By  which  1 
defire^through  your 
Prayers^  tobejufti- 

U 1        IX. 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 


-rS  'TiaTfofy    cO'  «?  «fftf- 

3^  ot  arm^KQty    }y  »  c^- 
x>^i)cnet»      JlelvTtt    tuvtu, 

cuTsies^  vjjex^  \)iutZv  i»j^» 

Xf/(7tf,   70  WS©-  «tJTy, 
?^  Ttui  divA^aiv,      Ol  ^ 

Ct;«tC7H75X  -S^OO^M^  ^:7»^- 
yc-iXetv  hV  aJto'i'  '    70   cAi 

ofjLH  }{^hdL  \cjVy    lay  zv 



j^oym  J^AMVOt '  iCfeioc!Si)y  'j  o  ctp- 
-^  dL}iedVy     c^    ^vQ-  Tnm^v'^ 

^^  Li^^^  J>  «  0  OT«TOp  7a  'mV'TA 
'7n'm>tyiKib ,     :^  (^  o^ay  ^ovoh  * 

yMaVL  Oc/S^^    W   77l7f«,    0   (?£^.Jltwf3 

»  ;a«f^  0  TP^t^tu^y  70  /sp«or,    if 

^V  AC^.4l^  )y  laacliCy  )^  leLmCy 
M^'m^  -^  0  av^jLTmi  fV  'Uffop]- 
iTDv  yo^yiy  j^  ol  ^hot  «T»  vJi<TlJ.\t 
01  hnn^Koty   ^  «  vv^^^  7«  Xe^- 

^t  70  otKHov  aifJUiLy  hot.  oZtOJj 
c^et}fi^(rvi,  'mvm  'tvlvta  «;  ivo" 

^K.  cJ^eu^iTiV  S'i  77  ^;^  70  «U- 
it^JiA/oi'j   7^  7rUfi\i(ndif  7»  OTa7»- 

<W77W  T^iu^    Avdi^cnv '     A  ^  at 

f«?   AV  fcA(7«    (^^^  ft)     anroKBiTeUy 

(')  AfiT«p;;rt,;^\     T.  (f)     D(5Cft.    B.         (|1)    Dccft.  U, 

Efifiles  ^/Ignatius. 


IX.  The  Priefts  indeed, 
and  Minifters  of  the  Word 
are  good  ,  but  the  High 
Prieft  is  better  ;  who  is  in- 
truded with  the  moft  Ho- 
ly Things :  Who  is  alone 
intrufted  with  the  hidden 
Things  of  God.  The  Mi- 
niftring  Powers  of  God 
are  good.  The  Comforter 
is  good,  and  moft  Holy  a- 
bove  all  Holy  Things,  and 
the  Servant  of  the  Word. 
But  the  High  Prieft  and 
Prince  of  High  Priefts , 
who  is  the  Legate  and  Mi- 
nifter  of  the  Father,  and 
the  Prince  of  the  Legions 
of  the  Heavenly  Hoft,  is 
moft  Holy  above  all  Holy 
Beings;  by  whom  the 
Father  made  all  Things, 
and  provides  for  them  all. 
He  is  the  Way  which  leads 
to  the  Father  :  The  Rock  , 
the  Wall ,  the  Key  ,  che 
^hefherdj  the  Sacrifice,  the 
Poor  of  Knowledge:  thro' 
which  are  entred  Abrahar/j, 
and  Ifaac^  and  Jacob  ,  and 
iW^o/ej^and  the  whole  Choir 
of  the  Prophets ;  and  all 
.the  Pillars  of  the  World, 
the  Apoftles ;  and  the 
Spoufe  of  Chrift  ;  on 


IX.  The  Priefts 
indeed  are  Good : 
But  much  better  is 
the  High  Prieft  to 
whom  the  Holy  of 
Holies  has  been 
committed  ;  and 
who  alone  has  been 
intrufted  with  the 
Secrets  of  God.  He 
is  the  Door  of  the 
Father  ;  by  which 
Abraham,  and  Ifaacy 
and  Jacob  ,  and  all 
the  Prophets  enter 
in  ;  as  -well  as  the 
Apoftles  and  the 
Church.  And  all 
thefe  things  tend  to 
the  Unity  iMch  js 
of  God.  Howbeic 
theGofpel  has  fome- 
what  in  it  far  above 
aU'othcr  Diffevfations \  Joh.XIV. 
Namely,  the  Ap-  ^' 
pearance  of  our  Sa-  ^  °^*  ' 
viour,  the  Lord  Je- 
fus  Chrift,  his  Paf- joh.X.ii> 
fion  and  Refurredi-  9. 
on.  For  the  Beloved 
Prophets  referr'd  to 
Him  :  But  the  Go- 
fpei  is  the  Perfed:i- 
on  of  Incorruption. 
AH  therefore  toge- 
y  4       ther 


T^he  Larger  md  Smaller 

Smaller.  ^Larger. 

70  e/>   *tu/Tzi>y  m9iv^   uiyov  iciy 


C)    ^fJLUV.A, 

Epflles  ^/Ignatius, 





whofe  Account  he  pour'd  ther  areGood^ifye 
out  his  own  Blood,  as  her  believe  with  Chari- 
Marriage  Purchafe ,  that 
he  might  redeem  her.  AH 
thefe  things  Center  in  the 
Unity  of  the  One  and  on- 
ly True  God.  But  the 
Gofpel  has  it  felf  fome- 
what  extraordinary  ;  the 
Coming  of  our  Saviour 
Jefus  Chriftj  his  Paffion, 
and  the  Refurredion  it 
felf.  For  what  Things 
the  Prophets  declar'd,  fay- 
ing, U?7til  he  jhall  come  for 
^hom  it  is  refer/ued  ;  and  he 
Jhall  he  the  ExpeBation  of  the 
Gentiles  ^  the  fame  are  ful- 
fiird  in  the  Gofpel  ^  Our 
Lord  faying ,  Go  ye  and 
teach  all  Nations  ;  haftiz>tng 
them  in  the  Name  of  the  Fa- 
ther ^  and  of  the  Son  ,  and  of 
the  Holy  Ghofi..  AH  there- 
fore together  are  good  : 
The  Law ,  the  Prophets , 
the  Apoftles ,  the  whole 
Company  of  the  Faithful 
which  has  believed  through 
them  ;  only  if  we  love  one 

X.  Since  I  am  inform'd 
that  according  to  your 
Prayers,  and  the  Bowels 
which  ye  have  in  Chrift 
■^  •  Jefus 



X.  Now  as  con- 
cerning the  Church 
of  Antioch  which  is 
in  Sjria  ,  feeing  I 


T^he  JLarger  and  Smaller 


TB  avf^pnycu  etvTnlf  cm 

Jh^etJtU    7B  OVOflA.      Ma- 
7©-  •&2tf  ^     ©^  ;^  fit/  *£}/- 


pHi'sJ^y  T^   liirJ^tideuf  r  cy  AV779- 

^  (k^ci^vn  70  oVofW  7«  (f)  5t»". 
(uande^O"  c/V  Xe/r<»  Ih^tk  of  ;^- 
7?^/6>3i»   ^f  TUtewlHi  JietKfiviai,    )^ 

•mm  dif^jvetjoVy    -u^^  QVOfjcajQ- 


r;Deeft.  N.      (t;  X£4r?.T, 

JEpiftles  c/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



JefuS:,  the  Church  which 
is  at  Antioch  in  Syria  is  now 
in  Peace,  it  is  proper  for 
you,  as  you  are  a  Church 
of  God,  to  chufe  a  Bifliop, 
that  he  may  undertake  a 
Divine  EmbalTy  ,  that 
they  may  obtain  the  Fa- 
vour to  meet  all  in  the 
fame  Place,  and  to  glorify 
the  Name  of  God.  Blef- 
fed  is  he  in  Chrifl:  Jefus 
who  fhall  be  thought  wor- 
thy of  this  Adminiftration. 
And  if  you  do  your  Part 
therein  you  will  receive 
Glory  in  Chrift.  If  you 
be  willing  'tis  by  no  means 
impoflible  to  be  done,  for 
the  Name  of  God.  As  the 
neareft  Churches  have  al- 
ready fent  fome  of  them 
Bi{hops,and  others  of  them 
Presbyters  and  Deacons. 


am  told  that  thro* 
your  Prayers,  and 
the  Bowels  which 
ye  have  towards  it 
in  Jefus  Chrift  ,  it 
is  in  Peace  ;  it  will 
become  you,  as  the 
Church  of  God,  to 
ordain  fomeDeacon 
to  go  to  them  thi- 
ther as  the  Ambaf- 
fador  of  God  ^  that 
He  may  rejoice 
with  Them  when 
they  meet  together, 
and  Glorify  God's 
Name.  Bleffed  be 
that  Man  in  Jefus 
Chrift,  who  fliall 
be  found  worthy  of 
fuch  a  Miniftry  ; 
and  ye  your  felves 
alfo  fhall  be  Glori- 
fied. Now  if  ye  be 
willing,it  is  notlm- 
poffible  for  you  to  do 
this  for  the  Sake  of 
God  ^  as  alfo  the  o- 
ther  Neighbouring 
Churches  have  fent 
them,fome  Bifliops, 
fome  Priefts  ^nd. 




The  Larzer  and  Smaller 


/fCtKOV^i  WD  KtKtyjoi  AV- 

fsTfT  fMt  Afxa.  Vi(d  Ayt^ 
%i  o/TTo  Si/ei^^  ^^'  ctKo- 

^ejt<^  "^^  v^y,    071 

dih\(pfoV  ^   ov  TpWoteO* 

tf4o}    oJTFO     Epiff)coy     :^ 
^yLV^Vouav   €ii  K'oy>v  77- 

fj^i,        'VtfJtM(TBl   etUT»f     0 

vncpi  y  etyc'Tryt  y    oiiovoid, 
Eppa)J^  h  Xeis-fiT  Ihj-«^ 

xoVkj   a,vJ)^oi  arm  (f)  KtKtjtiki' 

y^    (II)    VmplTH    ^Oiy    cCfMi  (^) 

Tdioi"  J^   A')<t,^7ni-Pi ^     a,yJ)>t  z/Aj^ 
A5;cT&),    0?  oATT)    ^uelct^  [Ml  AKjP- 

A«:^5       (^-j*)     a/TTOTV.^AUJfl'Oi''    ToS 

i^  Vfxai  0  KuexQ-*  ol  3  dvfXil^ctif- 

fJ^>i     (II J    7^V     drtVatTTJl'    7«   dliO.^^ 

iroKij  d'l^d  liw  yiATUVoiaJf   dami^ 
^5^  vfJULi  ('*')  ff  dyL'Tiyi"  c^cT  ct- 

!&•   (LiJua,  asm    ipigicav   i^  cijai/p- 

'ipp(4>^  h  auelcp  I«(3-8  X^i7fpy   T? 
yjj/i'M  i.h'7n<h  Yi'M^y  <^  «t><V  TTVgt/- 




(*)   ^a'.  N.      ('t)  ;teA«ctf.  N-        ClU  Forrc  inferend, '5^» 
/•)  rWi.  A.B.      (t;  Forte/ to T^gctW©-.    (IP  «f.  A.B. 

Eftjiles  6?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



XL  Now  concerning 
Thilo  the  Peacon,  a  Man 
of  Cilicia,  having  a  good 
Teftimony,  who  ftill  mi- 
niilers  to  me  in  the  Word 
of  God  ;  together  with 
Gaim  and  Agathofus/^  cho- 
{tn  Perfon  ^  who  follows 
me  from  Syria  ,  having  re- 
nounced this  World;)  who 
alfo  bear  Witnefs  concern- 
ing 3'ou  both.  I  my  felf 
do  return  Thanks  unto 
God  on  your  Account, 
beca  ufe  you  have  received 
them,  and  the  Lord  will 
alfo  receive  you.  But  thofe 
that  have  difhonour'd  them 
may  they  be  delivered  by 
the  Grace  of  Jefus  Chrifl; 
who  'wlUeth  770t  the  death  of  a 
Sinner^  hut  his  repentance. 
The  Love  of  the  Brethren 
that  are  at  Troas  falutes 
you  ;  whence  alfo  I 'write 
unto  you  by  Bmrhr-fs,  who 
was  fent  with  me  by  thofe 
of  Ephefm  and  Sjnjrna,  out 
of  Refpe(5tto  me,  :  Whom 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrlft  will 
requite  ,  in  whom  they 
hope,  in  their  Flefh,  Soul, 
and  Spirit  ;  in  Faith, Love, 
and  Concord,  Fare  ye 


XL  As  concern- 
ing P/j/7otheDeacon 
of   Cilicia  ,  a   moil 
worthy  Man ,   He 
ftill  Minillers  unto 
me  in  the  Word  of 
God;  together  with 
Rheus  of  Agathopolts 
a  fmgular  good  Per- 
fon, who  has  fol- 
lowed me  even  from 
Syria y  not  regarding 
his  Life  :  Thefe  al- 
fo bear  Witnefs  un- 
to you.     And  I  niy 
felf  give  Thanks  to 
God  for  you  ,  that 
ye  receH'e  ■'  them  as 
the  Lord  fhall  re- 
ceive 5^ou.^fiut  for 
thofe     that    diflio-     pzefc. 
nour'd  them  ,  may  XVIII. 
they     be   forgiven  -3.  3  2. 
through  the  Grace  ^^^^^^• 
of    Jefus  ^    Chrift.  ipet.IH. 
The  Charity  of  the  9. 
Brethren    that  are 
at  Troas  falutes  you : 
From  whence  alfo 
I  now  write  by  /?«?-- 
rhus,  who  was  fent 
together   with    me 
by  thofe  of  Ephefi^is 
and  Smyrna^  for  Re- 


^o7  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  iiLargcr. 




{^)   77tT^Mf»/t^V», 

Epijiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



well  in  our  Lord  Jefus 
Chrift,  our  common  Hope 
in  the  Holy  Spirt. 

*     Smaller. 

fpeA  fake.  May 
our  Lord  Jefus 
Chrift  Honour 
them  ;  in  whom 
they  Hope,  both  in 
Flefli^and  Soul,  and 
Spirit  ^  in  Faith,  in 
Love  ,  in  Unity. 
Farewel  in  Chrift 
Jefus  our  Common 

To  the  Smyrna^ans.  To  the  Smyrn^ans. 

Ignatius  ,  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus,T6J  theChurch 
of  the  mo  ft  High  God  the 
Father,  and  of  his  BelcueJ 
Son  Jefr^s  Chrifi  y  which 
has  obtained  the  Fa'uour  of 
every  Giftjjeing  filled  with 
Faith  and  Lo've  ,  fo  that  it 
IS  wanting  in  no  Gift  :  To 
the  Church  which  is  at 
Smyrna  in  Afia ,  mofi 
worthy  of  God^  and  which 
has  his  Temfle  in  them. 
All  Joy  in  his  immaculate 
Sprit  y  and  in  the  JVord  of 


Ignatius,  who  is  alfo 
called  Theopho- 
rus  ,  to  the  Church 
of  God  the  Father ^ 
and  of  the  Beloved 
Jefus  Chrift 'j  which 
God  bath  mercifully 
Blejfed  with  every 
Good  Gift  ;  be- 
ing fiird  with  Faith 
and  Charity y  fo  that 
it  is  wanting  in  no 
Gift ;  moft  iVorthy 
of  GocJy  and  Fruit-* 
ful  in  Saints  ;  the 
Church  which  it 
at  Smyrna  in  A- 
fia.  Ail  Joy,  thro' 
his  immaculate  Spi- 

2  04-  Tk^  Larger  and  Smaller 

VfAAi  €n^i<Jtijf\cL*     hior\av. 

iftt^^va  ,    (iiCct-njicjxivov 

^    yd,g-7rii    Yiyi^i    cUW)    TH 

kt'  Ts  cy  V'^vScTTraOV  Ivi  Ce^- 

^■^  Xjyf/K  v(^  Ijt3-»  Xf /r»^  7cV 
J)*  etJ-xS  «7ry<    i/fxct<  QotpifmlA' 

tLKiVilTej)    isri^^y     acun^   y^^ha^ 

(mv  ino-s  (^"^^  XP/rs  ^  C.etf)u7i  iCf 

•yLnry}    cv    irj    etifietji   7«   X^/r?^ 

TBI'     KU^iQV     VfjUCV     Im'^V     Xf/^TK^ 

7VV  ^VO^fj'vt  ^Oyy  "OV^A  eft  C/A  '■^U>i^ 
wbtf^V«,    liiCA77fiap.ip0V  "^^  Id)" 

ocnaf  Avdj  df^TjdL;^  -^  hm  Tlov- 
V<i   H/AidTif,     }y    Hf^i^cTa    -rs    715- 

iv  Ccy;^    etAnSwf    c6(Z>'  »  xj  ^;^f7^ 

atoJvas^  J) A  '^  AVAgrf^'neci ^  «^ 
TtTJ  tf^^ii^  }y  ns-i^iii  Ji^y  ^n_  hf 
)iiJ)xIoi^y    «T5   h    €^iC7Vy     iv    lyi 


C)  Deeft.  A.  3. 

iflles  of  Ig  ^  at  tvs^. 



1.  T  Glorify  the  God  and 
X     Father  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift,  who  by  him 
has    thus    inftruded  you. 
For   I  have  obferv'd  that 
you  are  fixed  in  an  Im- 
moveable Fait  h,  asif  vou 
were  nail'd  to  the  Crofs  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  3  in 
the  Flefli ,  and  in  the  Spi- 
rit ;  and  are  confirm'd  in 
Love,  through  the  Blood 
of  Chrift  ;  as  being  fully 
and  really  perfuaded  of  the 
Things    concerning    our 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  the  Son 
of  God  ,  the  firfi-hom  of 
every  Creature  ,    God    the 
Word,  the  Only  Begotten 
Son     [  according  to   the 
Will  and  Power  of  God,] 
who  was  of  the  Seed  of  Da- 
'vld  according  to  the  Flejh^  and 
of  the  Virgin  Mary ;  who 
was  baptized  by  John,  that 
all  Right eoufnefs  might  be  ful- 
filled by  him  :  Who  conver- 
fed  holily  ,  without  Sin  , 
and  who  under  Tontius  Pi- 
late and  Herod  the  Tetrarch 
was  ill   the    Flefii  feally 
naikd  to  the  Crofs  for  us. 


rlt ,  and  the  PTord 
of  God. 

t  T  Glorify  God, 
X     even    Jefus 

Chrift ,    who    has 

given  you  fuch  Wif- 

dom.    For  I  have 

obferved  that  you 

are  fettled  in  an  Im- 
moveable Faith ,  as 

If  you  were  Nailed 

to  the  Crofs  of  our' 

Lord  Jefus  Chrift^ 

both  in  the.Flcili^ 

and  in  the  Spirit* 

and  are  confirmed 
in  Love,through  th© 
Blood    of  Chrift; 
being  fully  perfuad- 
ed of  thofe  things  ^^loC  I- 
which  relate   unto  '^* 
our    Lord  :     Who 
truly    was    of  the 
Race  of  David  ac-  Rcjm.I.|; 
cording  to  theFlelh, 
but  the  Son  of  God 
according     to    the  Mitth* 
Will  and  Power  of  HI*  If, 
God  :  Truly  Born 
of  the  Virgin^  and 
Baptized   of  John  j 
that  fo  ail  Rigbteouf- 
fiefs  might  be  fulfilled 
by  him.   He  was  al- 
%  lb 

306  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

^V    eft     Ylf^iy      IVA  OW- 

^/t/SfJ.       Kelt  tf  AM-&W  J  %- 

^vcu  y    etVTDt  70   Jbaeiv 
>^  ffVi^CrKmrU  etVTOify  «- 



TeLVTtL  3IB  Tittvm  i-mbi  <ft*  «- 
dhh*    »%   acmf  TjvU  7^  ATngvv 

TTKdLmVy     i^    T^V    gtW^Vy     3y  elVTlV 

7ZV  ktavaJov  hkynffiVy  on  tfhKiKreiy 

)^^     Ay' (TOTE  T  VctOV  TbTOf,     )Lf   J)a 

id.v  v-^^  cLTTm   <f  y^^^y   Tiuvms 

ihKU^ti  <G^i  ifXCt'jToy,   VKVy  0   Ao- 


Cj  cjMci.  T.      (t;  ^.'^r^ycu.  T. 

B$ifiles  of  ttm  At  tV  S.  ^oj 

From  whom  we  all  are^  fo  truIyGrucified  by 
from  his  Divine  and  Blef-  Fontius  Filate ,  and 
fed  Paffion,  that  he  might  Herod  the  Tetrarch, 
fetup  a  Signal  for  all  Ages  being  Nailed  for  us  ^^i'%^^' 
by  his  Refurr e<aion  >  for  in  the  Flefh  ;  by  the  ^''^^•^^' 
his  Saints  and  Faithful  Fol-  Fruits  of  which  we 
lowers ,  whether  among  are  ,  even  by  his 
the  Jews  or  Gentiles,  in  the  moft  Bleffed  Pafli- 
one  Body  of  his  Church.      on  ;  that  he  might 

fet  up  a  Token  for 
all  Ages  through  his 
Refurredion,  to  all 
his  Holy  and  Faith- 
fal  Servants ,  whe- 
ther they  be  Je^x 
or  Gentiles^  in  ons 
Body  of  hisChurch* 
IL  For  he  fuffered  all        II.  Now  all  thefe 
thefe  Things  for  us ;  and    Things  he  fufFer'd 
he  re  ally  fuffer'd  them^and    for  us^that  we  might 
not  in  Appearance  only :     be  faved*    And  he 
As  alfo  did  he  really  rife     fufferM  truly,  as  He 
again.     But  not  as  fome  of    alfo  truly  Raifed  up 
the  Unbelievers ,  who  are     himfelf:  And  not^ 
afliam'd  of  the  Formation    as  fomeUnbelievers 
of  Man,  of  the  Crofs,  and    fay ,  that  he  only 
of  the  Death  of  Chrift ,    feemed    to    fuifer  ^ 
fay  ,  that  he  took  a  Body     they  themfelves  ort~ 
of  the  Virgin  in  Appear-    ly   feeming  to  be* 
ance,  and  not  in  Truth  ;     And'as  they  believe^ 
and  fufFer'd  in  Appearance*    fo  {hall   it  happen 
forgetting  him   that  faid,     unto  them  ;  when 
The  Word  was  made  Fleflj  :     being    diverted    of  jqI^  f  fA 
And  2gim,Defiroy  this  Tew-    the  Body  they  fliall 
pU,  and  in  three  dap  1  will    become  meer.  Spl-  ft  i^, 

tulfe    rit.v.        X  7-       HL 

5o8  T^e  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  Tlarser. 

Vei^fftV    cv    QufM   AVT^V 

ca7t  ^«,    :^  *«/^7?,  077  »;6 
Kcu  gJ^V  «Jt«  «\j;5«'7o, 

MSTW  5  T  AVeisaoiy  cu^ 

5tu>ftf<dit{   j/y^ywtfy  au>7tK  cy  Q<0^ 
fj^  Tim  Avd^civ  oy  (jif^  a/jTvy 

Qtdk  y     Xj    ^mveo    CVjet.      Xj    07i 
tuijTOliy    AcfcCsT?,  4«Xa^MOTtTE  /lie, 

;(^    iAt*    077  »;c    «/uci    J^fioytoy 
dcmfMlov'    'mivfjia,    )H  Qeifty^  )^ 

Toy  cfhLKJvKov    c-a    (*)   t^J)k'*  ei4 
liv  TV  my  r}f  tWay,    3^  tpkpi  liw 

TI^JL^V  IJLH'    J^  iV^i  (II)  ^9iV~. 


C)  Deeft.  T.      (j)  ^ctMs.  N.     (II)  (T^^vny.  T. 

Epijiles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



raife  it  tip :  And  again  ,  If 
I  be  lifted  uf  from  the  Earth  I 
'iviU  draw  all  Men  unto  me. 
Therefore  the  Word  did 
inhabit  in  Flefti :  For  Wif 
dom  built  her  felf  an  houfe. 
The  Word  railed  up  his 
own  Temple,  when  it  was 
deftroy'd  by  the  Jews , 
thofe  Fighters  againft 
Chrift,  and  this  on  the 
third  Day.  The  Word, 
when  his  Flefh  was  lifted 
up,  after  the  manner  of  the 
Serpent  in  the  Wildernefs^  has 
drawn  all  Men  to  him  unto 
eternal  Sal'vation, 

III.  But  I  know  that  he 
was  in  the  Body,  not  only 
in  his  being  Born  and 
Crucify'd,  but  I  alfo  know 
that  he  was  in  the  Flefh 
after  his  Refurredion,  and 
believe  him  to  be  fo.  And 
when  he  came  to  Peter^znd 
to  thofe  that  were  with  him, 
he  faid  unto  them,  Take^ 
Handle  me^  and  fee  that  I  am 
not  an  incorporeal  Damon  : 
'For  a  Spirit  has  not  FlejJj  and 
Bones  as  ys  fee  me  have.  And 
he  fays  to  Thomas,  Reach 
hither  thy  Finger  unto  the 
print  of  the  Nails  ;  and 
reach  hither  thy  Handy  and 


XII.  32. 

Prov.  IX. 

XXI.  9. 
Joh.  Ill, 

even  after  his  Refur- 
region  he  was  in 
the  Fleih;  and  I 
believe  that  he  is 
ftill  fo.  And  when 
he  came  to  thofe 
who  were  with  Pe- 
ter  y  he  faid  unto 
them,  Take,  Handle 
me  and  fee  that  I  am  Lue. 
not  an  Incorporeal  Da-  XXIV.39 
mon.  And  ftraight- 
way  they  felt  him 
and  Believed  ;  be- 
ing convinced  bothJ 
by  his  Flefh  andSpi-  '^'  ^ 
rit.  For  this  Caufe 
X  ;  they 



3 1  o  l^he  Larger  and  Smaller 

f^ma«cr.  larger, 

mf    <vv<i^tmt    t)va^     yL\iy  }^  o  ^ot  p»'    J^ai  -^  -tSto  i^ 

AVTVt^y     077  d^ti^fy  dhX'  «7M  JSLi 

ovv  etv7»  'mKiv   €p;^- 

Voy^     ^TWi   i\iv(n7tu^     oy  ©Tsrof 
l^etou^  tiLVT^v  7npd>o /(jSfJoy  wf 

ct  hLUVTViam\it y  i^  ^ytiy^ii  xi^o 
■^yytit    tp'    iojurott  •     dcmfActTaii^ U 

T4f^^  T<*f 


Epftles  of  Ignatius.  911 

thrufi  it  into  my  Side ,  and 
prefently  they  believed 
that  he  was  the  Chrift. 
Wherefore  Thomas  alfo  fays 
to  him ,  My  Lord  and  my 
God.  For  upon  this  Ac- 
count alfo  did  they  defpife 
Death ;  for  'tis  too  little  to 
fay  Affronts  and  Stripes 
only.  Nor  was  this  all, 
but  alfo  after  he  had  fhew- 
ed  himfelf  to  them ,  that 
he  was  truly  rifen ,  and 
not  only  in  Appearance ; 
He  both  Eat  and  Drank  with 
them  until  Forty  entire  days^ 
and  fo  with  that  Flelli  was 
he  in  their  Sight  received 
up  to  him  that  fent  him  ; 
being  with  that  very  fame 
Flefli  to  come  again  with 
Glory  and  Power.  For, 
fay  the  Oracles  of  God, 
This  fame  Jefrss  which  is  tak- 
en  up  from  you  into  Heaven 
pall  come  in  the  fame  manner 
as  herein  ye  have  feen  him  go- 
ing to  Heaven,  But  if  they 
fay.  He  will  come  at  the 
the  End  of  the  World  with- 
out a  Body  :  how  fliall 
thofe/^e  him  that  pierced  him^ 
and  when  they  know  him, 
mottrn  for  themfelves.  For 
Incorporeal  Beings  have 


they  defpifedDeath, 
and  were  found  to 
be  above  it.  But 
after  his  Refurre- 
dion  he  did  Eat 
and  Drink  with 
them  ,  as  he  was 
Flefii;  although  as 
to  his  Spirit  he  was 
united  to  the  Fa- 


V.  11; 



Y\f  Apoc.1.7 


315  The  LiCiXgef  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  li^rger. 

fXOf^OJP  '    Kf   i    {MVOV   JVi 

<6A\*j «  JUvetrop  kgjv  fMj^i 
aiivewrlv'  (Jtvov  '^  (T^- 
ffiv^^m    \ari§    oujtSv  , 

%-;^  lf^\iaiaM  liiJ^i  Xf/- 

jo'et^  »<uA)y.  Ti  '^  ^ 
ieujiiv  *4}cJh^ov  J^k<hn^ 
nx^  ^v 0,7(0 y    fur^i   Tivfy 

€^S  *^>^Pf  -^^S  A««7tf|y 
^f fo);' ,      fii-m^i)    '3-eJ?. 

^rS"    Xp/5"?^        «V     7B    <^fA;- 

<sfa8«'i/  WS,  5w;'7a  -uam- 

?;^7?.    '3rjy^uAAoa»  3  v/iXAf  oti^ 
(*)  a."  i  ffAVov  fl!/7n)s^4pe«&ai  ;^»^, 

JiA/ueu'  7J  J^  }y  tfjuwrav  ([|)  '/*- 

0V77  Wj'Tre    V35ro^»  ^<*  Xe/5TjV^ 
«V   70  ovyLfnt^v  eU/7W^    ctUT^   ^ 


(t)  'PdPr.J;^:^/.  N.        (11)  Dceft,  f. 

Epflles  ^/  I  G  N  A  T  I  vs. 



neither  Form  nor  Figure, 
nor  Mark  of  an  Animal  in 
a  Shape,  on  Account  of 
the  Simplicity  of  their 

IV.    Now    I  admonifh 
you  of  thefe  Things,  Be- 
loved ;  knowing  that  you 
your  felves  alfo  are  of  the 
fame  Mind.     But  I  fore- 
arm   you  againft  certain 
Beafts  in  the  Shape  of  Men, 
whom  you  muft  not  only 
reje(5t ,  but  muft  flee  from 
them.  Only  pray  for  them 
if  by  any  means  they  may 
be  brought  to  Repentance. 
For  if  the  Lord  were  in  a 
Body  in  Appearance,  and 
was  crucify  d  in  Appear- 
annce  only ,   then  am  J 
bound  in  Appearance  on- 
ly ;  Why  then  do  I  expofe 
my  felf  to  Death  ,  to  the 
Fire,  to  the  Sword,  to  the 
Wild  Beaft  ?  But  I  endure 
all  things  for  Chrift  :  Not 
in  Appearance  only  ,  but 
in  Reality  ;  that  I  may 
fuflfer  with   him ,    by   his 
ftrengthening  me  :  For  of 
my  felf  I  have  not  fuch 



IV.    Now  thefe 
Things,  Beloved,  I 
put  you  in  Mind  of, 
not  queftioning  but 
that  you  your  felves 
alfo     believe    that 
they  are  fo.     But 
I  arm  you  before- 
hand againft  certain 
Beafts  in  the  Shape 
of    Men  ;     whom 
you  muft  not  only 
not  receive ,  but  if 
it  be  poflible  muft 
not  meet  with.  On- 
ly you  muft   pray 
for  them,  that  if  it 
bethe  Willof  God. 
they  may  repent  ; 
which  yet  will  be 
very  hard.     But  of 
this  our  Lord  jefus 
Chrift  has  the  Pow- 
er, who  is  Qur  true 
Life.  For  if  all  thefe 
Things  were  done 
only  in  ftiew  by  our 
Lord,  then  do  I  alfo 
feem    only    to    be 
Bound  :  And  why 


Tlje  Larger  and  Smaller 


»<  in  %7rH(m.v  at  -s^^w- 
vvv  79  iVAyyi\toVy   ^/i 

x.    1     /  <y>«  «    t/ 

Tit   »,t45Tg^    TOW    JKtT    £tK- 

J^A     Tnt^fXAlet.       K.Ai    jb 

«i',      Ti    >Ap  ^  0^2 Ah 

(*)  Ttt"  )(5f.T'   a,vJ)BA    Tnt^^A  • 

9^y»<77         77    >0    0^iK6iy     ti    ifX/i  £- 

;5A4fl"9»ft«,  ^  OUOXOJCCV  AVTOV 
OsfYJO^^ieSV  3<0V  ;  0  c))e  'T«70  ^ 
Ai^y^    7lA««f    aUT^K  ATn^Va^y 


C)  7wy,  A.  Bo        (t)  J^y.  A.B. 

Epiflks  of  \gh  AT  I  vs. 



V.  Whom  fome  not 
knowing  have  deny'd  ;  be* 
ing  the  Advocates  of  Falf- 
hood,and  not  of  the  Truth. 
Whom  neither  the  Pro- 
phecies, nor  the  Law  of 
Mofes^  nor  indeed  the  Go- 
fpel  it  felf ;  nay,  nor  eve- 
ry one  of  pur  Sufferings 
have  hitherto  convinc'd. 
For  they  think  alfo  the 
fame  things  of  us.  For 
what  does  a  Man  profit  me 
if  he  Commends  me,  and 
Blafphemes  my  Lord  ?  not 
pwning  him  to  be  a  God 
Rearing  Flefh  about  him. 

have  I  given  up  my 
felf  to  Death  ,  to 
the  Fire ,  to  the 
Sword  5  to  Wild 
Beafts  ?  But  noov  the 
nearer  I  am  to  the 
Swofd ,  the  nearer 
ami  to  God:  When 
I  fhall  come  among 
the  Wild  Beafts ,  I 
fhall  come  to  God* 
Only  in  the  Name 
of  Jefus  Chrift  ,  I 
undergo  All,  to  fuf- 
fer  together  with 
Him  ;  He  who  was 
made  a  perfed  Man 
ftrengthntng  me. 

V.  Whom  fome, 
not  knowing ,  do 
deny  ;  or  rather 
have  been  denied 
by  him  ;  being  thQ 
Ad  vocates  of  Death, 
rather  than  of  the 
Truth.  Whom  nei- 
ther theProphecies, 
nor  the  Law  of  M?- 
fes  have  perfuaded  j 
nor  the  Gofpel  it 
felf  even  to  thisDay, 
nor  the  Suflferingsof 
every  one  of  us. 
For  they  think  alfo 
the  fame  Things  ot 



The  Larger  and  Smaller 



ov}a  rtT/sa  5  iff'  'iJh^kif 
fjt.ot  iyy^.^cu'  Ah^ei  /un^ 
cTi  '^oni  fxot  *Ai/iSv 
fj^vii^oyivHy  ^    fiiXV9  ^ 

$Q-y   0  ^y  iifjdf}  arV*- 

^  Ayyi?.mvy    xj    0/  *p- 

MWc/W^  T^dUfA^ '   \av  (JIM  -»/- 
rsuV/i  Xf/fpv  Iwj'Ki'  cy  C^^  ''*" 

x/ojtXK  Qavtei<Hy  (*)  »  m"  C^wf 
;(5tV  lif4^fy  K^y  Ap^Vy   rjlv  ifi/)- 

r;    ?77.   A.B.N. 

Epifiles  ^/Ignatius, 


Now  he  that  does  not  a- 
grce  to  this  has  entirely  de- 
ny'd  him,and  himfelf  bears 
Death  about  him.  But  as 
for  th^ir  Names,  being  the 
Names  only  of  Unbe- 
lievers ,  I  thought  it  not 
fitting  at  this  Time  to  write 
them  unto  you.  Nay  God 
forbid  that  I  fhould  ever 
mention  them,  until  they 

VI.  Letno  Man  deceive 
himfelf:  Unlefs  he  believes 
that  Chrift  Jefus  has  con- 
verfed  in  Flefh  ,  and  con- 
feffes  his  Crofsand  Paffion, 
and  that  Blood  which  he 
has  fhed  for  the  Salvation 
of  the  World,  he  fhall  not 
obtain  Eternal  Life:  Tho' 
he  be  a  King,  tho'  aPrieft, 
tho'  a  Ruler,  tho'  a  priva'-e 


us.    For  what  does 
a  Man  profit  me,  if 
he  (hall  Praife  me, 
and  Blafpheme  my 
Lord ;  not  confel- 
llng   that   he   was 
tru^  made    Man  ? 
Now  he  that  doth 
not  fay  this,  does  in 
effeA  deny  him,and 
is   in  Death.    Bui> 
for  the  Names  of 
fuch  af  do  this,  they 
being  Unbelievers, 
I  thought  it  not  fit- 
ting to  write  them 
unto  you..  Yea,  God 
forbid  that  I  Ihould 
make  any  mention 
of  them  ,  till  they 
Ihall  repent  to  a  true 
fion,  which  is  our 

VI.  Let  no  Man 
deceive  himfelf  ; 
Both  the  things 
v/hich  are  in  Hea- 
ven, and  the  Glo- 
rious Angels  ,  and 
Princes,  whetherVi- 
fible  or  Invifible,  if 
they  believe  not  in 
the  Blood  of  Chrift, 
ic  fhall  be  to  them 


TV  J-M'ger  and  Smaller 


Ia<ra  Xeer»  i^w   «^  w- 




e<^  Xf /^p  8A?wf J  »  'St^  ^<rJb}{X^r 

(Hov  \ff\i  di  (Ticwrov '  iy  0  w^t©- 
^ivy  iy  ov  dTiintMv  Imw  Xf/- 

0  vo^jiQ-y   )y   0/  (S^tpri^  Kf^utv^^ 
TASy   TTui  vo^^TiiCiv  Ay»a<piv  si) 

yd'mi    ewT^li    «  /^^^,   *>^  'orcs^'^ 

i97V\A^  za^^uffty     ^^V    ^    Op-" 
(pAPhv  'tkyiOfCCffty    ^KtCofJ^OV  </)fl6- 

V)  Defunt.  A.  N.      (t)  ^f  r^irTa.  N« 

Epifiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 



Perfon:  Tho*  a  Mafter, 
or  a  Servant ;  a  Man  or 
a  Woman.  He  that  is  able 
to  receive  it  ,  let  him  receive 
it.  He  that  hears  let  him  hear. 
Let  no  Man's  Place,  or 
Dignity,  or  Riches ,  pufF 
him  up  :  And  let  no  Man's 
low  Eftate  or  Poverty  ahafe 
him.  For  the  main  Bufi- 
nefs  is  Faith  towards  God  ; 
and  Hope  towards  Chrift  ; 
the  Enjoyment  of  thofe 
good  Things  we  expe(5l ; 
and  Love  towards  God  and 
our  Neighbour.  For,  Thou 
jhalt  love  the  Lord  thy  God 
ovith  all  thine  heart  ;  and  thy 
Neighbour  as  thy  felf.  And 
the  Lord  fays ,  This  is  Life 
eternal  to  know  the  Only  True 
God ;  and  Jeftis  Chrifi  ivhom 
hehasfent.  And  again,  A 
new  Commandment  I  give  un^ 
to  yoUy  that  ye  love  one  ano- 
ther.  On  thefe  two  Command- 
ments hang  all  the  Law  and 
the  Prophets.  Do  ye  there- 
fore obferve  thofe  who 
preach  other  Do«5trines, 
how  they  determine  that 
the  Father  of  Chrift  can- 
not be  known  ;  and  how 
they  have  Enmity  and  De- 
ceit one  with  another, 


to  Condemnation. 

He  that  is  able  to  re- 

ceive  thisy  let  him  re-  Matt; 

ceive  it, L,Qt  noM.2iris  XIX.  12. 

Place  or  State  in  the  ^^^^'  4J. 

World  puff  him  up  : 

That       which      is 

worth  All  is  Faith 

and    Charity ,     to 

which  nothing  is  to 

be  preferred.     But 

confider  thofe  who 

are  of  a  different 

Opinion  from  us , 

as  to  what  concerns 

the  Grace  of  Jefus  l^^.  ^ 

Chrift     which     is  27. 

come  unto  us,  how 

contrary  they   are 

to    the   Defign    of 

God  ?    They   have 

no  Regard  to  Cha-  joh  XVIL 

rity  ;  No  Care  of  the  3. 

Widow^  the  Father- 

lefs ,  and  the  Op-  X"^-  H- 

preffed  ;     Of    the 

Bond  or  Free  ,  of  ^y'/r  ,, 

the      Hungry      or 



2  ao  The  Jjirger  and  Smaller 

^mailer.  %wm* 

e  TTccTWp  liy^fiv.      Oi  %v 

wad©-  yk^tLl^cn^  ib^  dvA^tiaiif 
yji)yL(^J^^ffiv  '    'iyfoyoi  £iai  7«  «tf-« 

f?i/T©-"  Imj?   Ti<  (ID  M?"  l^yot- 

yjjfttpy  «r«  (* J  ;^"  yuy  ivi§y^VT}( 

pt/asj)  (f)  Y\fMi"  0  w^et©"  Iwd^?/ 
Xf/5^;^     0  cffew5€i^<  /W.M  onKei'^eiy 

\Sitl»    (II)     fWT^"   <5K/fWt'     ^AKhYj 

n  ;^.  B.      (t)  vf^f.  N.      (P,;  ^%4\   A.  3J, 

Epfiies  of  lQlihri\5S. 



They  have  no  Regard  for 
Charity  ;  they  defpife  the 
good  Things  we  expert 
hereafter  ;  they  efteem  the 
prefent  Things  as  if  they 
were  durable ;  they  affront 
him  that  is  in  Affli(5lion  ; 
they  laugh  at  him  that  is 
in  Bonds ; 

VII.  They  are  afiiam'd 
of  the  Crofs ;  they  mock 
the  Partion  ;  they  make  a 
jeft  of  the  Refurredion  ; 
they  are  the  Off-fpring  of 
that  Spirit  which  is  theAu- 
thor  of  Evil  ;  who  hindred 
Adam  from  keeping  *  the 
Commandment ,  by  the 
means  of  his  Wife  ;  who 


Vtl.    They   aB^ 
ftain  from  the  Ett^ 
charifi  ^    and    frorri 
the    Publick   Offi- 
ces ;   becaufe   they 
confefs  not  the  Eu- 
charift    to   be  the 
Flefli  of  our  Savi^ 
our  Jefus    Chrift  ; 
which  fufferred  for 
our  Sins^and  which 
the  Father ,  of  hi$ 
Goodnefs  ,     rjiifed 
again  from  the  Dead^ 
And  for  this  Caufe, 
contradicting     the 
Gift  of  God,  they 

flew  Ahel  by  the  Hands  of 

Cain  ;  who  fought  againft 

job  ;  who  was  the  Accu- 
ser of  JoJIma  the   Son  of 

Jofedek ;    who    fought  to 
Jlfi  the  Faith  of  the  Apo- 

flies,-  who  ftirred  up  the 

Multitude  of  the  Jews  a-  dieintheirDifputes: 
gainft  the  Lord  5  and  who  But  much  better 
mvj  zijoyks  in  the  Children  of  would  it  be  for  thetrl 
jyifobedience  :  From  whoni  to  receive  it ,  thkt 
the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  will  they  might  one  day 
deliver  ils,  who  frayed  [to  i'ife  through  it»  It 
the  father]  that  the  Afc- 
files  Faith  wight  not  fail  : 
InoC  becaufe   hlmfelf  was 



Bph.  iU 

will    therefore   beS-  jl^c. 
come  yoil  to  abftain  32^ 
from  fuch  Pcrfon^?  i 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  larger. 

fS!fi<r^V7ielfp y^'i  '^^^  ^- 

lltTfiTTi^y     as    ^»    cy- 
7T»Awf.     MwcTei^  ;^Je}s  7» 

77    fWi^oATO)    7^   dl'tlKOVTZOV    m  T 

hiLYJhvimaM ,    liieiv'A  (^iCctia.    <^^' 
'Tj'evl-H.     oTra  AV  yWj  (pAvyi     o  6-h- 

{*)  «V't'.  N.      (\)  Defun^C.  B.      (D  Deeft.  B. 

Epiftles  of  Ignatius.  .5^5 


not  able  to  preferve  it ;  but 
becaufe  he  rejoiced  in  the 
Supereminence  of  the  Fa- 
ther,  [therefore  did  he  pray 
to  him  for  them.]  It  will 
therefore  become  you  to 
abftain  from  fuch  Perfons  ; 
and  neither  to  difcourfe 
with  them  privately  nor 
publickly :  But  to  give 
heed  to  the  Law  ,  and  to 
the  Prophets,  and  to  thofe 
who  have  preached  to  you 
the  Word  of  Salvation. 
But  do  you  flee  from  the 
infamous  Herefies ,  and 
thofe  that  make  Schifms, 
as  the  Origin  of  Evil. 

VIII.  Do  you  alfo  fol- 
low your  Bifhop;,  as  Chrift 
Jefus  did  his  Father  ;  and 
your  Presbytery  ,  as  the 
Apoftles.  Do  you  alfo 
Reverence  the  Deacons,  as 
thofe  that  Adminifter  the 
Commands  of  God.  Let 
no  Man  do  any  thing  that 
belongs  to  the  Church 
without  the  Bifliop,  Let 
that  Eucharift  be  efteemed 
valid  which  is  under  the 
Bifliop's  Management  ;  or 
his  whom  the  Bifhop  ap- 
points. WherefoevertheBi- 
jhop  fliall  appear  there  let 



and  not  to  fpeak 
with  them  neither 
in  private,  nor  in 
publick.  But  to 
hearken  to  the  Pro- 
phets, and  efpecial- 
ly  the  Gofpel,  in 
which  both  ChrljFs 
Paffion  is  manifeft- 
ed  unto  us,  and  his 
Refurredion  per- 
fedly  declared.  But 
flee  all  Divifions,  as 
the  beginning  of  E- 

VIII.  See  that  ye 
all  follow  your  Bi- 
fhop, asJefusChrift, 
the  Father  :  And 
the  Presbytery,  as 
the  Apoftles.  And 
Reverence  theDea- 
cons ,  as  the  Com- 
mand of  God.  Let 
no  Man  do  any 
thing  of  what  be- 
longs to  theChurch 
feparately  from  the 
Bifliop.  Let  that 
Eucharift  be  look'd 
upon  as  well  efta- 
blifh'd,  which  is  ei- 

Y  2  ther 

524-  T^^  Jjvrger  and  Smaller 


€itt.      OVK  'J^QV  t^V   ')<^' 


^etTTJi^HVy     87?  '©C^y^fefftl',      »^7i 
(t)  'St$^WTJ7^''» 

•tycWW-J^M*  ^9^  0/*^  '€7J  K5W- 
fi{]ctVQe^v,  Kethaf  *4^ 
Veu,  O  nfjioiv  c1n^67iz/Vy 
Spflc   cnnrKOTni    77  {Sf^.(f- 

'Ev^o^v  ^  ^o/TTDf  dvcUf'ti-^  (jl) 

/s)?^  'tsfsazdiTM  carm.*  vf^a,^  (pmy^ 
v^  7D  J/  ^t^i'^    ;^  ^etcthXet '    €^  jj 


Do^W.T.    (t;-:jrp/ai€?f.N.    (iOuWrN.    Oiyjlitn 

Epjlles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S.  315 


the  Multitude  be.  As 
where  Chrift  is,  there  does 
all  the  Heavenly Hoft  ftand 
by 5  attending  on  him  as 
the  Commander  of  the 
Lord's  Army,  and  as  the 
Difpofer  of  every  Rational 
Nature.  Without  the  Bi- 
fhop  'tis  not  lawful  either 
to  Baptize,  or  to  Offer,  or 
to  Prefenc  Sacrifice,  or  to 
Celebrate  the  Love  Feaft. 
But  what  feems  fit  to  him 
is  agreeable  to  the  Will  of 
God:  That  fo  whatfoever 
ye  do  may  be  fecure  and 

IX.  For  what  remains, 
it  is  reafonable  that  we 
ftiould  repent  whilft  there 
is  yet  time  to  return  unto 
God.  For  In  the  in'Vifible 
World  there  is  none  ivho  can 
confefs  his  Sins,  For ,  Be- 
hold the  Man  y  and  his  p^ork 
is  before  him.  Now  the 
Scripture  fays ,  My  Son  , 
fear  thou  God  and  the  King. 
And  lay  I,  Fear  thou  God, 


ther  off'er'd  by  the 
Bifliop,  or  by  him 
to  whom  the  Bifliop 
has  given  his  Con- 
fent.  Wherefoever 
the  Bifliop  fliall  ap- 
pear, there  let  the 
People  alfo  be  :  As 
where  Jefus  Chrift 
is,  there  is  the  Ca- 
tholick  Church.  Ic 
is  not  lawful  with- 
out the  Bifliop,  nei- 
ther to  Baptize,nor 
to  celebrate  the  Ho- 
ly Communion  : 
But  whatfoever  he 
fliall  approve  of , 
that  is  alio  pleafing 
unto  God  ;  that  fo 
whatever  is  done, 
may  be  fure  and 
well  done. 

IX.  For  what  re- 
mains ,    it  is   very 
Reafonable  that  we 
there  is  yet  time  to  p^-^j  yj 
return  unto  God.  It  5,    " 
is  a  good  thing  to  iraiah. 
have  a  due  Regard  LXII.  n 
both  to  God  ,  and 
to  the  Bifliop  ;  He  ^'^[^^ 
that    Honours    the  ., 
Bifliop,fliall  be  Ho- 

Y  ;  nour- 


"The  Lkrger  and  Smaller 

'JTl'.OZiji.       A^tiCoi      viTiv 


CTO£77  7Z)7?  liCnv'     K7?    c/)£    cv  c//{.>:>^«- 

oi(L  <^!3XpT«   77  f/.ei^oy    Ufa^jSfJa 

CJ-^y    0    civdi    cmcrKQ-TTa   77    7n)teilf 
ov '     iifuav'yti    ytg   ^    to    Trdv- 


Epflles  of  I  GN  A 

T  I  us. 


as  the  Author  and  Lord  of 
all  Things  ;  And  the  Bi- 
fliop^as  theHighPriert  who 
bears  the  Image  of  God  : 
Of  God  in  his  Capacity 
of  Governing  ;  of  Chrift 
in  his  Office  of  Priefthood. 
After  him  we  muft  alfo 
Honour  the  King.  For 
there  is  none  more  excel- 
lent than  or  comparable 
to  God  among  all  the  Be- 
ings that  are. .  Neither  is 
there  any  one  in  theChurch 
greater  than  the  Bifhop  ; 
who  exercifes  the  Office  of 
a  Prieft  to  God  ^  for  the 
Salvation  of  the  whole 
V/orld.  Nor  is  there  any 
one  to  be  compar'd  to  the 
King  among  the  Rulers : 
Who  manages  the  Affairs 
of  Peace  and  good  Order 
for  his  Subjects.  He  that 
honours  the  Bifhop  fhall 
be  honoured  by  God  :  As 
he  who  di {honours  him 
fhall  be  punifhed  by  God. 
For  if  he  that  rifes'  up  a- 
gainfl  Kings  fliali  be  juftly 
efteemed  worthy  of  Pu- 
nifliment  ;  as  difToiving 
the  good  Order  of  the 
Publick ;  Of  hdw  much 
J  over    Viinljljment  fnf^oie   ye 


noured  of  God.  But 
he  that  does  any 
thing  without  his 
Knowledge ,  mini- 
fters  unto  the  De- 
vil. Let  all  things 
therefore  abound  to 
you  inCharity ,  fee- 
ing ye  are  Worthy. 
Ye  "'have  refrefh'd 
me  in  all  things  ; 
Co  fhall  Jefus  Chriil 
you.  Ye  have  loved 
me  both  w^hen  I 
was  prefent  with 
yoU;,  and  now  be- 
ing abfent  ,  je  ceafe 
not  to  do  fo.  MayGod 
be  your  Reward^for 
whom  whilft  ye  un- 
dergo all  things,  ye 
fiiall  attain  unto 

Heb.  X. 

^iS  TT:>e  Larger  and  Smaller 

Entailer.  %ats,tv. 

Jicixtov  cam   cj»g</fe<5*<^'    W   3<> 
Q7J  i^  0  Vf^v  Jiajxiov  max  Xci^^^ 

n  ^^\  A.B. 


Epiflles  0/ Ignatius.  539 

%mm^  ^waller, 

Jhall    he   he   thought   worthy 

whoprefumes  to  do  any 

thing  without  his  Bifliop  ? 

As  diftracftingthe  Churcns 

Cpneord,  and  bringing  its  ' 

good  Order  to  Confufion. 

For  the  Priefthood  is  an 

Office    furpafling  all  the 

good  Things  among  Men. 

Againft  which  he  that  is 

fo  mad  as  to  arife  does  not 

diflionour  Man  but  God ;  c  i 

and  Chrift  Jefus  the  Firft-  .\ 

born  [of  every  Creature! 

and  the  only  High-Prieft 

by  Nature  of  the  Father. 

Let  all  things  therefore  be 

done  by  you   with  good 

Order  in  Chrift.    Let  Lay 

Perfons  be  fubjed  to  the 

Deacons ;  the  Deacons  to 

the  Presbyters ;  the   Pref- 

byters  to  the  Bifliop  ;  the 

Bifliop  to  Chrift  ;  as  he  is 

fubjecSfc  to  his  Father.     As 

ye  Brethren  have  refreflied 

me,  fo  may  Jefus  Chrift 

refrefli    you.      Ye    have 

loved  me  both  prefent  and 

abfent.     God  will  requite 

you  ;  for  whofe  fake  ye 

have  fliew'd  fuch  Kindnefs 

to  his  Prifoner.  For  altho- 

I  am  not  worthy  thereof, 

yet  your  Readinefs  to  aflift 

me  X« 

5^9  Tl3e  Tjvrger  and  Smaller 

Smaller.  Hargetr. 

fMt  €ii  \0)fiV  •^5«,  K^Kai 

CI  }y  iv^eiT^ffJV  ttjH  ku~ 
fl(i>    "\^^  ^fjJ^Vy      077  cm-' 

m$7i  ItiJ^i  X£/?rV. 

AO^J/  ^2?^    f^tdLMVOt  X£/r«   OfTSf, 

y^Kai   l7n)i(i<7nTi    \sSJn(h^diujiVot j^ 
di  J)ietKjom  Xe<r»*    ot  ;;^  (Tp'oJ^A 

077  c«;T«f   dviTizt/JaoCli   ^  Tidvinu 

TCU.  ^V  '€ii    CfcUTa?  iTntilOttTi,   J^fJtl 

VfJAV  0  yJezQ'  iv^np  '4kioi  «^^ 
I«^»?  0  Xe45^y. 



Epiftles  0/ Ignatius. 


me  is  a  great  Thing.  For, 
He  that  honours  a  Trophet  in 
the  name  of  a  Frophet  fliall  re- 
cel've  a  Prophet^s  reivard.  Ac- 
cordingly'tis  plain  that  he 
that  honours  a  Prifoner  of 
Jefus  Chrlft  fhall  receive  a 
Martyrs  Reward. 

X.  Ye  have  done  well 
in  that  ye  have  received 
Thllo,  and  Galus^  and  Aga- 
thopm,  who  have  followed 
me  for  the  Word  of  God's 
fake  as  the  Deacons  of 
Chrift^whogive  exceeding 
Thanks  to  the  Lord  for 
you,  becaufe  you  have  re- 
frefli'd  them  in  all  things. 
None  of  thofe  Things 
you  have  done  for  them 
will  be  loll  to  you.  The 
Lord  grant  to  you  that  ye  may 
find  mercy  from  the  Lord  in 
that  day.  My  Spirit  be  for 
yours  5  and  my  Bonds 
which  ye  have  not  defpis'd^ 
nor  been  afhamed  of  : 
Wherefore  neither  fhall  Je- 
fus Ch;ift  ,  our  perfed 
Hope,  be  afhamed  of  you. 


Matt.  X. 

X.  Ye  have  done 
well  in  that  ye  have 
received  Phllo^  and 
followed  me  for  rhe 
Word  of  God  ,  as 
the  Deacons  of 
Chrift  our  God, 
Who  alfo  give 
Thanks  unto  the 
Lord  for  you  ^  for- 
afmuch  as  ye  have 
refreflied  them  in 
all  Things.  Nor 
fliall  any  thing  that 
ye  have  done,  be  loft 
to  you.  My  Soul 
be  for  yours,  and 
my  Bonds  which  ye 
have  not  defplfed, 
nor  'been  afli?.med 
of.  Wherefore  r\tit\\Q,Z 
fliall  Jefus  Chrlft , 
our  perfed  Faith^be 
afliamed  of  you. 

2  Tim.  I, 




The  Larger  and  Smaller 


dJf  fioi  Jh^VcUy  'luet  Of 
vt^   yivtireu   to   *'ipy>Uy 

cvy^^'^PGU  ewT^lf  on  «- 
^.tiVivnTj  y  }^  am\ACoP 
•n  iStov  (jLiycBQ-,  )^  a- 

iJ^ov  cznyAT^ov.  BpAVn 
(/^t  IV  a,^iou  ^ciffieL 
'Tni/.'isu  71V a.  rff  v/xiTt- 
fiuv  fx^r    c/7n<^^t{^y    "tvet, 


TUf  dcaja^oudi  y  in  ay  a^iQ" 
(*jtu  Ti^eieUf  [JMt  Jb^JUJoUy   tvA  cv 

p^^.  OTTTyf  Zv  VpL^V  TO  *if^V  Ti-^ 
A«Of    •)?«m5    cm    77??  ^Mf,      )§  ht 

^CPTT^yniTtu  Tiui  l¥.Y>.ma»  vfjuav 

&i07r§i(TfivTJ}Vj      €ii   TO    '^uOfJ^OV 

^^mivHctj   J^  atAkaCov   to  IJ^Qy 

IxiytQQ-y  )y  A7n)(^TiqA^  Ctt/TcTf 
70     iJioV    m)/UAVOV,      0    k^Ayu  (lot 

^  (II)  ^^li^^v"  ftiT  c/^n^AHf, 

If  A    OVvJh^ATf  7^^  Xj^   ^iOV    AV- 

Toti  'fpof^'kfj  XJidM '  )y  tn  Ki^ 
Jia.  r^"  ^ojiv^v  Cu^mv,  t^'a^o/ 
AjjffT   yb  Vfuy  iv^t^TiiVy    ^  (*^ 

-S-tOJ  fcTBI^©-   Hi"  70  f^^^JhV, 


C)  Deeft.  A.  B.      (V  Defunr.  A.B.       (||)  «V«7ip^y.  N, 
C)  i-ntixjoi  ^iv  \  ^Qi  hV.  N.  T. 

Epfiles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  1  u  s- 


XL  Your  Prayers  are 
come  to  the  Church  of  An- 
tiocby  and  it  is  in  Peace: 
Whence  I  am  bound,  and 
falute  you  all ;  not  being 
worthy  to  come  from 
thence,  as  being  the  mean- 
eft  of  the  Chriftians 
there.  But  I  am  thought 
worthy  ,  according  to 
the  Will  of  God,  not 
from  any  thing  that  I 
am  Confcious  to  my 
felf  of:  But  from  theGrace 
of  God :  Which  I  pray  may 
be  compleatly  given  me; 
that  by  your  Prayers  I  may 
attain  unto  God.  That 
therefore  your  Work  may 
be  compleat  both  on  Earth 
and  in  Heaven  ,  it  is  pro- 
per for  your  Church  to 
chufe  a  Divine  AmbalTa- 
dor  ,  to  the  Honour  of 
God  ;  that  when  he  is 
come  to  Syria  he  may  re- 
joice with  them,  that  they 
are  at  Peace,  and  that  they 
have  received  their  own 
Fulnefs ,  and  that  their 
own  Body  has  been  reftor- 
ed  to  them.  What  appears 
to  me  fit  to  be  done  is  this. 
That  you  fend  one  of  your 
own  Body  with  anEpiftle; 



XI.  Your  Prayer 
is  come  to  the 
Church  of  Antiocb 
which  is  in  Syria. 
From  whence  be- 
ing fent  bound  with 
Chains  becoming 
God  ,  I  falute  the 
Churches  ;  being 
not  worthy  to  be 
called  from  thence, 
as  being  the  leaft 
among  them.  Ne- 
verthelefs  by  the 
Will  of  God  I  have 
been  thought  wor^ 
thy  of  this  Honour  ; 
not  for  that  I  think 
I  ha've  dcfer^jed  /V^but 
by  the  Grace  of 
God  :  Which  I  wifh 
may  be  perfectly 
given  unto  me,  that 
through  your  Pray- 
ers I  may  attain  un* 
to  God.  And  there- 
fore that  your  Work 
may  be  fully  ac- 
complifli'd  both  up- 
on Earth  and  in 
Heaven  ;  it  will  be 
fitting,  and  for  the 
Honour  of  God  , 
that  your  Church 
appoint  fome  worthy 

534-  ^^^  Ljurger  and  Smaller 

^mailer.  Xargcr. 

3^  077  Ki^iv'3-  JcAf  eTy]** 

C)  Deed.  B. 

Epfiles  of  I  G  N  A  T  I  u  s. 


that  they  may  with  them 
glorify  God  for  that  Tran- 
quility which  they  enjoy ; 
and  becaufe  by  your 
Prayers  I  have  obtained 
Chrill,  my  fafe  Haven. 
Forafmuch  as  ye  are  per- 
fect your  felves  you  ought 
to  think  of  thofe  Things 
that  are  perfed.  For  when 
you  are  defirous  to  do  well, 
"God  is  alfo  ready  to  aflift 

XII.  The  Love  of  the 

Brethren  that  arc  at  Troas 

lalutes  you  •  from  whence 

I  write 


Delegate,  who  be- 
ing come  as  far  as 
Syria  y  may  rejoice 
together  with  them 
that  they  arc  in 
Peace  ;  and  that 
they  are  again  re- 
ftored  to  their  for- 
mer State  ,  and 
have  again  received 
their  proper  Body. 
Wherefore  I  fhould 
think  it  a  worthy 
A(ftion  3  to  fend 
fome  one  from  you 
with  an  Epiftle,  to 
congratulate  with 
them  their  Peace  in 
God ;  and  that 
through  your  Pray- 
yers^they  have  now 
gotten  to  their  Har- 
bour. For  in  as 
much  as  ye  are  per- 
fed  your  felves^you 
ought  to  think  thofe 
things  that  are  per- 
fed.  For  when 
you  are  defirous  to 
do  well  ,  God  is 
ready  to  enable  you 

XII.  The  Love 

of  the  Brethren  that 

are  at  Troas  falute 

vou  : 


The  Larger  and  SmaUer 


s^\<t%   fi^T     IftK    afut 

^«    J^   AVetgtLtm^    Qdp>u- 
%Ki(^y  eiplwYf^  -C^t^f^yn 

ifid  TWITCH* 

j^  o^eXoi'  wtVref  avivv  kfJUfAHV^o^ 
ovJa  *J^iyL7i^eLeJLQV  ^in  i)<twvi<ti ' 
et[JL6i4'i^  etunv  «  ^fti  T«  XJ^fl* 

vjatv»  TraVTAiy  cy  ovqcuIti  Xp/5"» 
I»)(rK,  J^  (t)  iiji  CtifAfii"  cu/7Vy  «^ 

7W77      -J-SK   X^    Vf/^fc/.       A5?'^    ^^^"'i 



C)  <^vcfJ^^toi^  A.  »..       (t)  Forte  7-  ^,'xi\      T''^  Fort« 

fyjlUs  (?/  I  ON  A  t  I  U    S.  g^7 


I  v/rite  to  you  by  Btmhus^ 

whom  ye  fenc  with  me,  to- 
gether with   the  Ephejiansy 
your  Brethren ,  who  has 
alfo  la  all  things  refrefli'd 
me.     And  I  would  to  God 
that  all   imitated  him,  as 
being  a  Pattern  for  the  Mi- 
nifters  of  God.  The  Grace 
of  the  Lord  will  requite 
him  in  all  Things.     I  fa- 
lute  your  Biihop  Poljcarpj 
who  is  worthy   of  God  ; 
and  your  divine  and  vene- 
rable Presbytery ;  and  my 
Fellow-Servants,  the  Dea- 
cons who  haveChrift  with- 
in them  ;  and  all  among 
you  in  general  and  in  par- 
ticular,   in  the  Name  of 
Chrift  Jefus,  in  his  Flefh, 
and  in  hisBlood,his  Paffion 
and    Refurredion ,    both 
Fleflily   and   Spiritual,  in 
the  Unity  of  God  and  of 
you.  Grace,  Mercy,Peace, 
and  Patience  be  with  you 
always  in  Chrift. 



you ;  from  whence 
I  write  to  you  by 
Burrhus    whom   ye 
fent  with  me,  toge- 
ther with  the  Efhe- 
(tans  your  Brethren ; 
and  who  has  in  all 
things  refrefti'd  me. 
And    I  would    to 
God  that  all  would 
imitate  Him,  as  be- 
ing a  Pattern  of  the 
Minillry   of    God* 
May  his  Grace  ful- 
ly reward  him.     I 
falute     your    very 
worthy  Bifliop,  and 
your  venerablePref. 
bytery^    and  your 
Deacons ,  my  Fel- 
low-Servants ;  and 
all  of  you  in  gene- 
ral, and  every  one 
in  particular,  in  the 
Name     of      Jefus 
Chrift ,  and  in  his 
Flefti  and    Blood; 
in  his  Paffion  and 
Rcfurredion    both 
Flefhly  and  Spiritu- 
ally ;    and  in   the 
Unity  of  God  with 
you.  Grace  be  with 
you  ,  and  Mercy  , 
and  Peace,  and  Pa- 
Z  ti- 


The  Larger  and  Smaller 


f/^"  ctcTs^vip&F  fy.»  fCv  ^u- 
ycw^i  )y  Tiif-votfy    )^  'mi 

Juvecfjii  'ptvivf^Q-.    A- 
CUV  £,c^i  oiv,      AazmCo- 

fJMVm.    Aajm^of^oA  A\- 

XftTVVy    }^   EVTeKVOVf     «5 

^v^a;  Y^T  ovofia,     £p- 


ro/f  *    :^  AeiTiztf^Viify    jy  tw?  ;)(M-  ' 

ffVvJidjiovQ-y  (*)  0  ^v  avv  ifioi, 
etajjA^^Q/uaj.   r    cIkov    Tewioi^    Vm 

eiauA^oyLcu    AKK)1v  ^    ^    TTj^iiv 

y^tioVy  y^  EuTizvaVy  iy  -^-VTzti 
yj.7*  ovo(i^,  %hfa^  iv  ^piTi  -S-sa, 
)^  yjufiH  ti(^  Ihc-«  ^fiT'^y  S7B- 
vrXtif>afjSfiot    TTVc^iMijQ-    d}iVy    y^ 

ti  O  A  T- 

(Vfo^^>.      (t)  Deeil,  «. 

Epjiles  ^/Ignatius.  5^9 


XIII.  I  falute  the  Fami- 
lies of  my  Brethren,  with 
their  Wives  and  Children, 
and  the  conftant  Virgins, 
and  the  Widows.  Fare  ye 
well,  in  the  Power  of  the 
Spirit.  Philo  my  Fellow- 
Servant  ,  who  is  with  me, 
falutes  you.  I  falute  the 
Houfhold  of  Ta'via  ;  which 
I  wifh  may  be  eftablifh'd 
in  Faith  and  Love  both 
Flefhly  and  Spiritual.  I 
falute  Alee ,  that  Name  to 
me  fo  defirable ;  and  the 
incomparable  Daphnus,  and 
Eutecnus^  and  every  one  by 
Name.  Fare  ye  well^  in 
the  Grace  of  God,  and  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  ;  fil- 
led with  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
and  with  Divine  and  Holy 


tience ,    for  Ever- 

Xin.  I  falutethe 
Families  of  my 
Brethren,  with  their 
Wives  and  Child- 
ren ;  and  the  Vir- 
gins that  are  called 
Widows.  Beftrong 
in  the  Power  of  th^ 
Holy  Ghoft.  m^ 
lo,  who  is  prefent 
with  me,falutes  you. 
I  falute  the  Houfe 
of  Ta'uiaSy  and  pray 
that  it  may  be 
ftrengthned  inFaith 
and  Charity,  both 
of  Flefli  and  Spirit. 
I  falute  Alee  my 
Well-beloved  ,  to- 
gether with  the  in- 
comparable Dafh- 
nm  ,  and  Eutechymsy 
and  all  by  Name. 
Farewell  in  the 
Grace  of  God. 




'The  Larger,  and  Smaller 



Ue)i  noATK APnoN.       n^v  n  o  a  r  k  a  p  n  o  n. 

Xv'/J.f'Traf  ^o'Xfi-Tw    o}cx?\if(nai 

CcOVTJJ-,         EKJlKCi    (Tti     r 

(Tit   yjco.uljuJ.  f\S^feto]x<<.vltij  J 

«^Y/K,     K   OVctAtJlLu    Cy   ^iro.       7P3L~ 

^y.r^hS  en  h  /f'^iTf  yi  hSi<h<rru^ 

C)  y.'.  eJii.  T.     N.  B.    F    notat  Codicem  FJorer.tlnum  k 
Mtdkec  Fpiftolaruni  fareviorum  diverrum.      (iJ  €;*;/«.  y. 

Efifiles  ^/Ignatius. 


71;  Pol  yea  rp. 

Igncitius,  Bl\hofof  Knuoch,. 
v^ho  IS  alfo  the  Atartyr  of 
Jeftfs  Chrifi^To  Polycarpy 
Bijhop  of  the  Church  jyjhich 
is  at  Smyrna^  ouer  whom 
rather  God  the  Father ^  and. 
Jefm  drift  is  BJjJwp,  Ad 
'  "7. 


I.  TV^Nowing  that  thy 
IV  Will  in  God  is  fix- 
ed as  it  were  upon  an  im- 
moveable Rock,  I  eKceed- 
ingly  rejoice  that  I  have 
been  thought  v^orthy  to 
fee  thy  blamelefs  Face  ; 
which  may  I  always  enjoy 
in  God.  I  befeech  thee 
by  that  Grace  wherewith 
thou  art  cloach'd  to  prefs 
forward  in  thy  Courfe^and 
to  exhort  all  others,  that 
they  may  be  fav'd.  Main- 
tain thy  Character  with  all 
Care,both  Fle(hly  and  Spir 
ritual.  Take  care  of  the 
Church's  Unity  ,  than 
which  nothing  is  better. 
Ucar  with  all    Men,  even 


To  Polycarp. 

Ignatius,  irho  is  alfo  , 
calltd  Theopho-A 
ris,  to   Polycarp 
which  IS  at  Sfnvr- 
na  ;    Their    O-,- 
verfcer,    but   rr- 
they  him fi'lfOvcV' 
^Jook'd  hy  God  the 
-Father^     avd    the 
hovdjffus  Clrifip 
All  lliffincf, 

I.  TT  A  V I  N  G 

Xrl  known  that 
thy  Mind  towards 
God,  is  fix'd  as  it 
were  upon  an  im- 
moveable Rock  ;  I 
exceedingly  give 
Thanks, that  I  have 
been  thought  wor- 
thy to  behJd  thy 
BiefTed  Face ,  in 
which  may  I  always 
rejoice  in  God. 
Wherefore  I  bsfeech 
thee  by  the  Grace 
of  God  with  which 
thou  art  cloathed/o 
pi'efs  forward'inthy 
Courfe,  and  to  ex* 
hort  all  others  clvit 

Z   -»  rhev 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 

0  xjiSexQ;      UcLvtzov   ct- 
«^'A6t^s  dJ)ct\ei7ifotf,  A)- 

Tap  TmOfia,  XAKltif/,iyQ-, 


^1/   VAcc^S,     >^  Tat?  vS^K?   rjucdV 

}^0tlM)7i§Vf  Iv  (S^V'ViTI  \W7EtM6  ' 

(•)  ctA«Si?ir.  B. 

Epfiles  of  Ignatius. 



as  the  Lord  does  with  thee  : 
Support  all  in  Love^  as  al- 
fo  thou  doeft.  Allow 
time  for  continual  Prayers. 
Ask  more  Underftanding 
than  thou  haft  already*  Be 
watchful  as  one  that  has  his 
Spirit  always  awake.Speak 
to  every  one  according  to 
the  Divine  Affiftance. 
Bear  the  Infirmities  of  all, 
as  a  perfecl  Combatant : 
As  does  the  Lord  of  all 
himfelf.  For  ,  lays  the 
Scripture^  Himfelf  took  our 
Infirmities ,  and  bear  our  Slck^ 
nejfes.  Where  the  Labour 
isgreatj  the  Gain  is  great 

IL  If  thou  lovefl:  the 
good  Difciples,  this  is  not 
Thank-worthy  ^  But  do 
thou  rather  fubjed  to  thee 
tht  Peftilent  by  Meeknefs. 
Every  Wound  is  not  healed 


they  may  be  faved. 
Maintain  thyPlace, 
with  all  care  both 
of  Flefli  and  Spi- 
rit :  Make  it  thy 
Endeavour  to  fre-f 
ferve  Unity  ^  than 
which  nothing  is 
better.  Bear  witb 
all  Men  3  even  as 
the  Lord  '^I'itlj  thee. 
Support  all  inLove, 
as  alfo  thou  doft. 
pray  jvithout  Ceafrtg .: 
Ask  more  Under-  jfa.  lhl 
ftanding  that  what  4. 
thou  already  haft.  ^;^/r^- 
Be  Watchful,  hav-  ^^"*  '?' 
ing  thy  Spirit  al- 
ways awake.  Speak 
to  every  one  ac- 
cording asGod  ftiall 
enable  Thee.  Bear 
the  Infirmities  of 
all  5  as  a  perfecffc 
Combatant :  Where 
the  Labour  is  great, 
the  Gain  is  the 

II.  If  thou  flialt 
love  the  good  Dif- 
ciples,  what  Thank 
is  it  ?  But  rather  do 
thou  fubjed  to  thee 
thofe  that  are  Mif- 

Z  4  chie- 


T^he  Larger  and  Smaller 


$:t^'.      A/66  TbTD  Qdfm- 
KOi  ^  )y  7n/4>{4tt7JKo(j  ha. 

do^^et  euT«  IV*  cn)l  ^a8- 

fMJQ-  n^onvnf,   O  hsu- 


•S-££^mue3  *  "^^^  •^J^es^vap.^ii  (*) 

irct  7»  (peuv'o/uS'f/A  ffoi  iif  ©^9aztf-. 
(II)  rtiw«",    'iva  avi  q>atnfo)^yi' 

•9'S7z>/  «\  QeoTneiapy    »7a>    ;^  (^oi' 
70    ^\ti,uety     a.^ gaiety     :y  (^a$ 


C)  iv  Cfvycui.  A.      (i)  Decft.  A.  B.^    HI)  aJ'rit.  A.  «i*- 
T«V)h  N.  cuTti.  F.      C)  Dceft.  A.  F.  rs  pro7o\  A  B.  i?^- 

Epiflles  of\G 

N  A  T  I  U  S. 



with  the  fame  Plaifter.    If 
the  Acceflions  of  the  Dif- 
eafe  be  vehement,  mollify 
them  with  foft  Remedies. 
Be  thou  wife  in  all  things^  as 
a  Serfent ;  and  always  harm- 
lefs  as    a  Vo've,     For   this 
Caufe  art  thou  compo^'d 
of  Soul  and  Body,  art  both 
Flefiily  and  Spiritual,  that 
thou  may'fl:  reform  thofe 
Things  that  appear  before 
thy  Face,  and  may'ft  pray 
that  the  invifible  Things 
may  be  difcovcred  to  thee  ; 
that  thou  may'ft  not  be  de- 
fedive  in  any  thing  ;  but 
may'ft  abound   in    every 
Gift.     The  prefent    Sea- 
fon  requires  thee  to  pray. 
For  as  a  Gale  of  Wind  is 
advantageous  to  the  Pilot ; 
And  as  Havens  are  com- 
modious for  Safety  to   a 
Ship  toft  with  a  Tempeft, 
fo  is  alfo  Prayer  to  thee,in 
order  to  thy  attaining  to 
God.     Watch  thou  as  the 
Combatant  of  God  ,•  whofe 
Will  is  Immortality  and  E- 
rernal    Life ;     of    which 
thou  alfo  art  fully  perfuad- 
ed.     My  Soul  be  for  thine 
in  all   Things,  and  thofe 
B»3ndsof  mine  which  thou 
h^ft  loved.  III. 

^  ^^maller. 

chievous,  in  Meek-  , 

nefs.  Every  Wound 

is  not  healed  with 

the  fame  Plaifter  : 

If  the  Acceflions  of  . .      ., 

ment,  mollify  them 

with  foft  Remedies: 
Be  }fi  all  things , 
wife  asy  a  Serpent ,  hut 
harmlefs  as  a  Dove, 
For  this  Caufe  thou 
art  compofed  of 
Flefh  and  Spirit , 
that  thou  may'ft 
mollify  thofe 

Things  that  appear 
before  thy  Face : 
And  as  for  thofe 
that  are  not  feen, 
pray  to  God  that  he 
would  reveal  them 
unto  thee ,  that  fo 
thou  may'ft  be 
wanting  in  nothing, 
but  may'ft  abound 
in  every  Gift.  The 
Times  demand 
thee,  as  the  Pilots 
the  Winds ;  and  he 
that  is  tofs'd  in  a 
Tempeft ,  the  Ha- 
ven ii/bere  be  would 
he  ;  that  thou  may'ft 
attain  unto  God- 


The  Zjarzer  and  Smaller 



0»     «A)X,8y7S<     CL^tO-Tn" 

AwrS  70   Sif^^    y^   vt- 

xZv  '       fJLAhttpL    3     iviYJiV 
/MAf    J^^       l^ifc     ^9     CWJTOf 

<m\iShuQ-  -jiva  »  «.    Ta^ 
X^p«j  vJlAfjixLv^vi  '     ^ 

\j^''  '^pJ^V  (uJ^o<TJiK^y  ^ 

A/$a    3    kviyjiV  -S-Stf    Trdvnt  wo- 
yJ]cfjyLAV^Vi  '     ai    IvtoZ^  h  , 

^  avA^Tij   ft/?  dji^fxajov  y     Si    Yi' 

Qu,fA.ATl'      TZV  d-TTA^y      Cog    •^'iOV^ 

Si"*  iiuAi  *5   TM^T^Vy    edi  AV^rfa^ 

OTV  '  T   Xj*   'Xa.ViA  ©7751'  eO'  J7M0t^ 

\;;srofjL(rivA/lA.  Xn^ 

')    Deeft.  B. 

Epiftl^s  ^/Ignatius. 



IIL  Let  not  thofe  that 
feem  to  be  Perfons  of  Cre- 
dit, but  yet  teach  ftrange 
Dodrines,difl:urbthee:  But 
ftand  firm  as  an  Anvil 
beaten  upon.  'Tis  the 
Pare  of  a  brave  Comba- 
tant to  endure  Blows  and 
yet  to  overcome.  And 
efpecially  we  ought  to 
bear  all  Things  for  God's 
fake  ,  that  he  may  bear 
with  us ,  and  bring  us  to 
his  Kingdom.  Add  to  thy 
Diligence  continually. 
Run  thy  Race  more  ear- 
neftly.  Obferve  the  Sea- 
fons  of  Adion.  Whilft 
thou  art  here  Conquer  : 
For  here  is  the  Race^  and 
there  are  the  Crowns. 
Wait  for  Chrift  the  Son  of 
God  3  for  him   that    was 



Be  fober ,  as  the 
Combatant  of  God : 
The  Crown  propofed 
to  thee  is  Immortali- 
ty ,  and  Eternal 
Life ;  concerning 
which  thou  art  alfo 
fully  perfuaded.  I 
will  be  thy  Surety 
in  all  Things ,  and 
my  Bonds  5  which 
thou  haft  loved. 

IIL  Let  not  thofe 
that  feem  worthy  of 
Credit,  but  teach 
other  Dodrines  , 
difturb  thee.  Stand 
firm  and  immovea- 
ble y  as  an  Anvil 
when  it  is  beaten 
upon.  It  is  the 
Part  of  a  brave 
Combatant ,  to  be 
Wounded,  and  yet 
Overcome.  But 
efpecially  we  ought 
to  endure  allThings 
for  God's  fake,  that 
he  may  bear  with 
us.  Be  e*uery  Jay 
better  than  other: 
Confider  theTimes ; 
and  exped  him 
who  is  above  all 
Time,  Eternal,  In- 

^4-8  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

$>maUer3  Kiargcr. 

iwv  (p^vv^yii  *iov,     M*i- 

«M«6   ^Jt     CuJtO/     (pUO/S- 

TJ'XJ^tnv    oirn  ^i^,   rxvi  (||)  oipe- 

(*)  Deeft.  N.      (t)  'srAaW.  F.      (|l)  e^'TO^ay.  F.  cfjfi, 
^^y.  ^.      (*)  >c<;e<».  N. 

Eptfiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 



before  time,  but  appeared 
in  time  ;  him  that  was  by 
Nature  Invilible  ,  but  be- 
came Vifible  in  the  Flefli ; 
him  that  was  impalpable, 
and  could  not  be  touch'd, 
as  Incorporeal  ,  but  could 
be  touch'd  and  was  palpa- 
ble in  the  Body ;  him  that 
was  Impaffible,  as  being 
Godjbut  becamePaflible  for 
our  lakes,  as  being  a  Man, 
him  that  endured  Afflicti- 
on all  manner  of  Ways  for 
our  Sakes. 

IV.  Let  not  the  Widows 
be  neglected.  Next  to  the 
Lord  be  thou  their  Guar- 
dian. Let  nothing  be 
done  without  thy  Appro- 
bation :  Neither  do  thou 
do  any  thing  without  the 
Will  of  God,  which  in- 
deed thou  doll  not.  Be 
Conftant.  Let  your  Af- 
femblies  be  more  frequent. 
Enquire  about  every  one 
by  Name.  Do  not  over- 
look the  Men  and  Maid- 
Servants.  But  neither  let 
them  be  puffed  up  ;  but 
let  them  the  rather  lerve 
to  the  Glory  of  God  :  That 
they  may  obtain  fromGod 
a  more  excellent  Freedom. 



vifible,  though  for 
our  Sakes  made  Vi- 
fible :  Impalpible, 
and  Impartible,  yec 
for  us  lubjeAed  to 
all  manner  of  ways 
for  our  Salvation, 

IV.  Let  not  the 
Widows  be  neglect- 
ed :  Be  thou,  after 
God,  their  Guardi- 
an. Let  nothing 
be  done  without 
thy  Knowledge  and 
Confent :  Neither 
do  thou  any  thing 
but  according  to 
the  Will  of  God  ; 
as  alfo  thou  doll, 
with  all  Conftancy. 
Let  your  Aflemblies 
be  more  full :  En- 
quire into  all  by 
Name.  Overlook 
not  the  Men  and 
Maid-Scrvant5;  nei- 
ther let  them  be 


'The  Larger  and  SmaUet 


fl"JwV»,  '^'o^pj.  npfc- 
jAixufjiil'cugy  y^  yi0fAM{ 
77D/««&^*    I  J''*   0  yd  11^  H 


A.OV  Q   'Sfet    TKTWl'  OfJUKlOM  (*)  AMi" 

I  US'?  Xsir«  djcL'mv  rdi  C^f^^'^^^y 
af  0  WJCi^^  liw  c/Ax^iiaioM,  el  77tf 
^y<L^  hi   dy^HcL  fj^iv^    eii  77- 

fJiVTriii,     (II)   (J(^  yCt)[M\i"    "7^   ^- 

0  yoLfjt,©'  It  y7\  ^^toy,  jy  um  v^r 


r/Deeft.T.      W.Defont.N.     (i)  i^hw-t. 

Epijiles  0/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S. 


Let  them  not  aim  to  be  fct 
Free  by  the  Publick  ;  left 
they  be  found  to  be  Slaves 
to  their  own  Lufts. 

V.  Flee  Evil  Arts ;  or 
rather  do  not  fo  much  as 
Difcourfe  about  them.  Say 
to  my  Sifters  that  they 
Love  the  Lord^  and  be  fa- 
tisfy'd  with  their  own 
Husbands,  both  in  theFlefli 
and  Spirit.  In  like  man- 
ner exhort  my  Brethren, 
in  the  Name  of  JefusChrift, 
to  lo'ue  their  Wives ,  as  the 
Lord  did  the  Church,  If  any 
one  is  able  to  continue  in  a 
Virgin  State  ,  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  the  Flefli  'of  our 
Lord  5  let  him  do  it  with- 
out Boafting.  If  he  boafts 
he  is  undone  :  And  if  he 
fets  himfelf  uptobe  known 
more  than  the  Bifliop  he  is 
ruin'd.  It  becomes  thofe 
that  Marry,  whether  Men 
or  Women,  to  be  joined 


puffed  up  ;  but  ra- 
ther let  them  be  the 
more  fubjed,  to  the 
Glory  of  God;  thac 
they  may  obtain 
from  him  a  better 
Liberty.  Let  them 
not  defire  to  be  fet 
free  at  the  publick 
Coft  ,  that  they  be 
not  Slaves  to  their 
own  Lufts. 

V.  Flee  Evil 
Arts :  Or  rather  , 
make  not  any  men- 
tion of  them.  Say 
to  my  Sifters ,  that 
they  love  thelord  ; 
and  be  fatisfiedwith 
their  own  Husbands 
both  in  the  Flefti 
and  Spirit.  In  like 
manner  ,  Exhort 
my  Brethren  in  the 
Name  of  Jefus 
Chrift  ,  that  they 
love  their  Wives, 
even  as  the  Lord 
the  Cht4rch, '  If  any 
Man  can  remain  in 
a  Virgin  State  ,  to 
the  Honour  of  the 
Flefh  of  Chrift,  lee 
him  remain ,  with- 
out Boafting  :  But 

Eph.  V 

35^  The  Larger  and  Smaller 

g^maUer.  liarger. 


^ZO^UTi^l^y    (fictKJOVOti' 

:y  fWT*  'camp  (jloi  to  ^*- 

0/}'.       To  ^(tJ^tqjLA  VfjufJ 

T6>    bhffvja'Xta  nsftai^Ti^  h<t 
Qvm^^^^Ti,    (t)  &^7j'fc;^75% 

o' C   'of*4)uipctAfltiA  *    >;  tlyim^  &V 

C)  ^(?.T.      (i)  Deed.  B.      (\\)  Airi^Tcogiv^f,  A.  </)««• 

Epifiles  (?/  I  G  N  A  T  t  U  S. 


together  with  the  Appro- 
bation of  the  Bifhop  :  That 
fo  their  Marriage  may  be 
according  to  the  Lord^and 
not  out  of  Luft.  Let  all 
Things  be  done  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  God* 

Vt.  Hearken  to  the  fii- 
fhop  that  God  may  heark- 
en to  you.  My  Soul^  be 
for  their5  that  are  fubject 
to  their  Bifhop^  their  Pref- 
bytery,  and  their  Deacons. 
iViay  I  have  my  Portion 
with  them  from  God.  Do 
you  in  common  labour  to- 
gether one  with  another. 
Strive  together  :  Run  to- 
gether :  Suffer  together : 
Sleep  together  :  Arid  Rife 
together  ;  as  the  Steward s^ 
and  Affeirors^  and  Mini- 
ftersot  God.  Plcafe  him 

if  he  Boaft^  he  is 
undone.  And  if 
hedefire  tobe  mor^ 
taken  notice  of 
than  the  Bifhop/he 
is  Corrupted,  fiut 
it  becomes  all  fuch 
as  are  Married, 
whether  Men  er 
Women ,  to  comd 
together  with  the 
Confent  of  the  Bi- 
fhop, that  fo  their 
Marriage  may  be 
according  to  Godli- 
nefs,  and  not  in 
Luft.Let  all  Things 
be  done  to  the  Ho- 
nour of  God. 

VI.  Hearken  un-=. 
to  the  Bifliop,  that 
God       alfo      may 
hearken  unto  you.; 
My  Soul  be  Securi- 
ty  for    them    that 
Submit  to  their  Bi- 
fhop ,    with    their 
Presbyters  andDea- 
cons.      And     may 
my  Portion  be  Co- 
gether  with   theirs 
in    God.      Labour 
with  one  another  ^ 
Contend  together  ^ 
run  together  ;fufFef 
A  a  toge^ 


The  Larger  and  Smdler 



(AJiV»  ai  TIW/OTihiA,        T<*        77/7/,     ^  0   •S'io;    ^^*  Vt^,     IvAt^^ 
V/XitV  *     tVA   T*    etKyj^T^A 
M«txfo9i//t»ic7a7s   Si'    fitr 
0   ^hi  VfJiZv*      OyeufjUuf 

Epflles  of  I 

G  N  A  T  1  U  S; 



under  whom  you  fight,  and 
from  whom  you  are  to  re- 
ceive your  Wages.  Lee 
none  of  you  be  found  a 
Deferter.  Let  your  Bap- 
tifm  remain  as  your  Arms ; 
your  Faith  as  your  Hel- 
met; your  Charity  as  your 
Spear ;  your  Patience  as 
your  whole  Armour.  E- 
fteem  your  Works  to  be 
the  Talents  entrufted  with 
you,  that  ye  may  receive 
for  them  Rewards  worthy 
of  God.  Be  ye  therefore 
Long-fuffering  one  cowards 
another  in  Meeknefs :  And 
God  be  with  you.  Let  me 
always  have  Joy  of  you. 

Vll.  Now  forafmuch  as 

the  Church  of  Antioch  m 

Syria  is  ,  as  I  am  inform'd, 

in  Peace  ,    through   your 


together  ;  fleep  to- 
ge»-her,  and  rife  to- 
gether ;  as  the 
Stewards,  and  Af- 
feffors  ,  and  Mini-' 
iters  of  God.  Pleafe 
him  under  whom 
ye  War  ;  and  from 
whom  ye  receive 
your  Wages.  Let 
none  of  you  be 
found  a  Deferter  ; 
But  let  your  Bap- 
tifm  remain,as  your 
Arms ;  your  Faith 
as  your  Helmet  i 
your  Charity  ^  as 
your  Spear  ^  your 
Patience,  as  your 
whole  Armour.  Let 
your  Works  be  your 
Charge ,  that  fo 
you  may  receive  a 
fuitable  Re  ward. 
Be  Long-fuffering 
therefore  tovi^ards 
each  other  inMeek- 
nefs  ;  as  God  is  to- 
warcjs  you.  Let  me 
have  Joy  of  you  in 
all  Things. 

VIL  Now  foraf- 
much as  the  Church 
of  Antioch  in  Syria, 
is,  as  I  am  told  iri 

Aa  2        Peace 


ihe  Larger  and  Smaller 


vltt  ^»  5    IcLv  7n^  Sta. 

CiihiQv  dLyenyetv  ^ajTpg- 
%^7i  >y  ctoKVQVy    or  cA;- 

a  y      \vet     TTOfdi^i     «V 

AOKVov  a.yi'mv  « r  t/Jjfcw' 

07WJ  'cunw  uTra^TjanTS, 
11/95  u«  5^  T«  ;)^eiVy  on 

imtuoi    €96     hV    cUTTOneil^ 

^ai  dvim^crw.  E]J^i  %v 
V/Lucy  79  cCv]oV0V  '^  etAw- 
SWrf^^      J)'    OKtyiiV    VfjtAi 

\-^Qfjdw   h  dfuejifMtA    St»,   tttV 

Xie^Tvvnmt  «  77y«fc  etyt'Tnmy  Ai- 

V[ji&V  liuu  Aoyjiov  dyl'Tiiv  eii  Ji^- 
ttv  (t)  -S-ea".  0  ^t^etvhy  o/|k- 
CTct;/    l««/Ta    k;c   jj'p^^^    fiiMcfc  '566> 

^Xfi6^«,       '7^71)75    'fi'p^I'     '3-5tf     ^ 

;)^  vfjLaVy  oTxte  (||)  ^oJtt)  et^Tj- 
K^cmif.    eiJ^i   C^a^v  to  ('*')  (ruVit- 


(I')  (W'Top  al)4>.7nij}i7i'  N« 

Efiftles  19/  I  G  N  A  T  I  U  S, 


Prfyers ,  I  alfo  have  been 
of  better  Cheer,  and  freer 
from  Care  in  God.     If  fo 
be  that  by  Suffering  I  may 
attain  unto  God  ,  fo  as  to 
be   found   a    Difciple  by 
your  Prayers.    'Tis  fit ,  O 
Poljcarp  y    moft  blefled   in 
God^to  call  a  Council  moft 
worthy  of  God  ,    and  to 
chufe  fome  one  whom  you 
•  particularly  love,  and  who 
is   diligent,  who   may  be 
called  a  Divine  MeiTenger; 
a^d  to  honour  him  with 
this  Journey  toSpia  :  That 
going  to  Sjria  he  may  glo- 
rify your  unwearied  Love, 
to  the  Glory  of  God.     A 
Chriftfan  has  not  the  Pow- 
er overhimfelf,  but  muft 
be  always  at  Leifure  for 
God's    service.      This    is 
both  God  s  Work  and  yours 
alfo,  when  ye  fhall  have 
perfected  it.     For  I  have 
this    Confidence    in  your 
Charicy^that  ye  arc  readi- 
ly difpos'd  to  do  good  ,  in 
fuch  a  manner  as  is  agreea- 
ble  to    God.       Knowing 
therefore  your  earnsft  Af- 
feAion  to  the  Truth  I  have 
exhorted  you  by  this  Oiort 



Peace  through  your 
Prayers  ;  I  alfo 
have  been  the  more 
comforted,  and 
without  Care  in 
God  ;  if  fo  be  that 
by  Suffering,  I  fhall 
attain  unto  God ; 
that  through  your 
Prayers  I  may  be 
found  a  Difciple  of 
Chrifi,  It  will  be 
very  fit ,  O  moft 
worthy  Volycarf,  to 
call  a  Seled  Coun- 
cil, and  chufe  fome 
one  whom  ye  par- 
ticularly Love,  and 
who  is  patient  of 
Labour  ;  that  he 
may  be  the  MeiTen- 
ger of  God  :  And 
that  going  unto  Sy- 
ria, he  may  glorify 
your  inceffamLove, 
to  the  Praife  of 
Chrift.  A  Chrifti- 
er  of  'Himfelf  ,•  but 
muft  be  always  at 
Leifure  for  God's 
Service.  Now  this 
Work,  is  both  God's 
and  your's ;  when 
ye  fliall  have  per- 
Aa  ^  feci- 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 



77i^ev©-,   «?  70    :i^   AU- 

fdi  NiATTOhiVy    ai  TV    (*)  ^^Vjf/M* 

«^5aAy«5  y^.-^^i  (t)  7«i?  ?/5*' 
/i^Zu>  (II)  MK\y)fj$p^" y  «V  7^'  ;^ 
jm^Uotj'm^^i  '7nu\l/:fJiy    ol  e^,  c^- 

fOAst^^      «/><*    -l^    WD     ^»   Tns^'OT- 

ettmlcp  t^ycoj  ai  ft)  af /©-  aV. 

^ofjLeu  At! dL\ov  (j])  Tof^  eiyi7r«7iv 
fx\i.  dj(m<Ll^tiyt.ajL  tvv  (jd^^ovjct  yjr- 
^cL^i^^tu  cHi  'Euelctv  m^Jji^tu  ' 
'gpay  »   ;^2-if   iJ^T   ax/Tif  JicL  ttov- 

D  ^5?.  N.    CI)  <7i^'.N.     (\\)  yuc)tvfiAvffMM,      C)  Forte 

Epfiles  ^/Ignatius, 



VIII.  Since  therefore  I 
have  not  been  able  to  write 
to  all  the  Churches ,  be- 
caufe  I  muft  fuddenly  fail 
from  Troas  to  Neapolfs  ,  for 
fo  is  the  Command  given. 
Do  yoQ  write  to  the  neigh- 
bouring Churches^  as  be- 
ing fully  inib'ucled  in  the 
Will  of  God;,  that  they  al- 
fo  may  do  the  like :  I  mean 
that  thofe  which  are  able 
may  fend  MelTengers  on 
Foot^  and  the  reft  fend 
Letters  by  thofe  which  fliall 
be  fent  by  you  ;  that  ye 
may  be  glorify'd  in  fo  en- 
during a  good  Work  ^  as 
you  are  worthy.  I  falute 
every  one  by  Name  :  Par- 
ticularly the  Wife  of  Epi- 
tropMs,  with  all  her  Family 
andChildren,  I  falute //r^- 



feded  it.  For  I 
truftthro' theGrace 
of  God  that  yc  are 
ready  to  every[good 
Work  that  is  fitting 
for  you  in  the  Lord. 
Knowing  therefore 
your  earneft  Affe- 
dion  to  the  Truths 
I  have  exhorted 
you  by  thefe  fhorc 

VIIL  But  foraf- 
much  as  I  have  not 
been  able  to  write 
to  all  the  Churches, 
becaufe  I  mull  fud- 
dainly  fail  fromTro- 
as  to  NeapoUs  ;  (for 
fo  is  the  Command 
of  thofe  to  whofe 
Pleafure  I  am  fub- 
jed;  JDo  you  write 
to  theChurchesthac 
arc  near  you,  as  be- 
ing inftrucled  in  the 
W^ill  of  God  ,  that 
they  alfo  may  do  in 
like  'manner.  Let 
thofe  that  are  able 
let  the  reft  fend  their 
Letcersby  thofe  who 
fhall  be  fent  by  you; 
That  you  may  be 

A  a  4  Glo- 


T'he  Larger  and  Smaller 


vov    f/t».      A(377a.^o^eu  ^ 
xj  e^OTtOTM,   A<mct(^0{j(.cu 

Af  Jj^'p-TK.    gppa<3^  J^<  e/>a  TWr- 

•75?  CV  ^i^    YlfJui^V  I»a"«  Xetr©   iV-r 


Efifiles  ^/  I  Q  N  A  T  I  u  s.  561 

ILarger.  §>maWer. 

lus  my Well-beloved.I  falute  Glorified  to  all  E- 
him  that  fhall  have  the  ternity  ^  of  which 
Honour  to  be  fent  to  Syria,  you  are  worthy. 
Grace  fhall  bewith  him  for  I  falute  all  by 
ever^and  with  Folj/carp  who  Name  ;  particular- 
fends  him.  I  wifh  you  all  ly  the  Wife  of  Ep- 
Happinefs  always  in  our  trop/^s ,  with  all  her 
GodJefusChrift:  Inwhom  Houfe,  and  Chil- 
do  ye  continue  in  the  U-  dren.  I  falute  At- 
nity  of  God  and  of  the  talus  my  Well-be- 
Biftiop.  I  falute  Jlce ,  a  loved.  I  falute 
Name  to  me  very  defira-  him  who  fhall  be 
ble.  Amen^  Grace  [  be  thought  worthy  to 
with  you.  ]  Fare  ye  well  be  fent  by  you  into 
in  the  Lord.  Syria,      Let  Grace 

be  ever  with  him, 
and  with  Polycarf 
who  fends  him.  I 
wifh  you  all  Happi- 
nefs in  our  God  Je- 
fus  Chrift;  in  whom 
continue  in  the  U- 
nity,  and  Protecti- 
on of  God.  I  fa- 
lute Alee  my  Well- 
beloved.  Farewell 
in  the  Lord. 


7  he  Eft  file  ^/ 1  g  n  A  T  i  u  s 

7JAJ       Of 


7(?   the    Inhabitants   of 
'    Tarfus. 

r©  oKtxma,  (*)  <*- 

f  LtjJw  o/TTD  ^2?  -na^fy 

^    /i  no  2ve/«^  f«Xei 
^      i^     vsro    A^o'^tov 

Dan.  VI.  ^KnarttilQ-y  Imtravlo  tts 
&  XIV.    ^^,{^^.    (I)  .^j^- 

dp^o'^ro^uop^arv ,     ox?    o 

Avi^i^Qg  ^f   (II)  «//^«- 

cf^tvay  y     'dfi    "i^  liuj 

'\l)yhjj     VyAdV    \'MLUTU)  y 

ai   (*)  d-^aiTuv"  cLuiiw 



Aa.  XX. 


Ignatius,  who  is  alfo  c  i  lied 
Theophorus/o  the  Church 
7vhich  is  faved  by  Chrifi, 
and  is  worthy  of  Fraift, 
wtrthy  of  Remembrance ^ 
and  wdrthy  of  Love y  jMch 
is  In  Tarlus.  Mtrcf  and 
Veace  from  God  the  Father y 
and  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrifi. 
b^  ever  multiplied,     ^    /  . . 

I.  T  Fight  with  Beafts 
A  from  Syria  to  Rome : 
Being  evendevour'd^notby 
bruteCreatureSjfor  thofe  ye 
know,  at  the  Will  of  God, 
fpared  Daniel ;  but  by 
Beafts  in  the  Shape  of  Men  : 
Wherein  the  cruel  Beaft 
himfelf  lies  hid,  and  thence 
Galls  me,  and  Wounds  me 
every  Day.  But  I  have 
no  Regard  to  Hardfliips ; 
nor  do  I  account  my  life  dear 
to  mj  felf ,  fo  as  to  love  it 
better  than  the  Lord. 
Wherefore  I  am  ready  for 

%u  A.    C)  dy^.TT^p,  A, 

'to  T 

A  R  S  U  S. 


Xe«>oV  ife/5i»  tbV   ('*^)  <7a>- 
t3<^*     iyi^    eUTnBoMOvTzi. 

Fire,  for  wil3  Beafts,  for 
the  Sword  ,  for  the  Crofs ; 
fo  I  may  but  fee  Chriil  my 
Saviour  and  my  God^  who 
died  for  me.  I  therefore, 
the  Prifoner  of  Chrift^who 
i^^y^xal  Zy  vfJuZi  i')a  am  driven  along  by  Land 
0  Ji^iQ-  xe/^»,  0  <J)a  and  Sea  exhort  you  :  Stand 
fafi  in  the  Faltb :  Be  ftedfaft : 
For  the  Jaft  ^lallliue  by  Faith, 
Be  ye  immoveable,  [and  of 
one  Mind  in  the  Faith  ;  ] 
for  the  Lord  makes  thofe  of 
one  Converfation  to   dwell  in 

?«   (t)  ^J'o'&Vk;"  ^     an  Houfe, 

I  Cor, 
XVI.  13, 
Hcb.  II. 

Gal.  IIL 





tu'  ol  p^\  077  IW^tf^  Jh- 
Kil^i     i-^Vti^y      it)     e/b- 

077   «X.    iSiV     l!Of     T^    cA/- 

fjua^yv  *  o|  cTfe,  077  aC- 
^U '  ein.ot  Ji,  077-4^- 
est  fhy   oTt  «  Cfltp^  ewn 

i^  (lU  '^t^c-T,  ^  f 

II.  I  have  been  inform- 
ed that  fome  of  the  Mini- 
fters  of  Satan  have  been 
defirous  to  difturb  you ; 
fome  afferting  that  Jefus 
was  Born  in  Appearance, 
and  crucify'd  in  Appear- 
ance y  and  Died  in  Ap- 
pearance. Others,  that  he 
is  not  the  Son  of  the  Crea- 
tor :  Others,  that  he  is  the 
God  over  all  :  Others,  that 
he  isa  meer  Man:  Others , 
that  this  Flefli  is  not  to  rife 

(t;  o/u67t('^\ii.  N.       (I)  iy^iyc 

564.  The  Epijlle  oflcNATlVs 

Gal  ihs. 


Gal.  VI. 

V  14 


Ct)    T^TTn"    ^     ij)    77%'^^ 

trvTzav  H^KoJv   Iff^oi  «- 

(TZKjCOfiafflV  '      Ci?y\*   V[JLtiS 

im  '}4ya7Zi%  077  Iws-tf? 
0-  (II)    K/;f/(^''  ctAwSra^ 

fro  7«  Xi'f*a  T^  1)1^8*   ;^ 

again,  and  that  'tis  our  Bu- 
finefs  to  live  and  enjoy  a 
Pleafurable  .Life  ,  for  that 
this  is  the  chief  good  of 
Men  ,  who  within  a  little 
while  are  utterly  to  perifh, 
A  fwarm  of  fuch  Mifchiefs 
has  broken  in  upon  us.  But 
yon  have  not  given  place  by 
SuhjeEilon  to  them^  no^  not  for 
an  hour.  For  ye  are  the 
Fellow- Citizens  and  Di- 
fciples  of  Paul,  who  fully 
preach' d  the  Gojpel  from  Jeru^ 
falem,  and  round  about  unto 
Illyricum  ;  and  bare  about  th^ 
marks  of  Chrifi  in  his  Flejh, 

III.  Whom  ye  keeping 
in  Remembrance  do  ye 
fully  know  that  Jefus  the 
Lord  was  truly  born  of  the 
Virgin  Mary,  and  made  of 
a  Woman,  and  was  really 
Crucify'd,  por,  fays  he, 
God  forbid  that  I  jhould  glory 
five  in  the  Crofs  of  the  Lord 
Jefus,  And  he  really  fuf- 
i'ered  ,  and  died  ,  and  rofe 
again :  For,  fays  he,  Tljat 
Chrifi  jljould  Juffer  ,  and  that 
he  jhould  be  the  fir fi  that  fiiould 


V)  ^tt%  A.      (t)  7?w.  N,  F.      (\\)  y^i^^.  A. 


^J»'    \fiu  lis  ^i»A  J\- 

If  Ki^ti  Avn^eim  (f) 
t&^"  W  xju^icKTivav 
hJ^ua'v  '   rt>A'  iSiv  T«- 

Kctc   077  dnr    0  ')i{o;^W- 

Tarsus.  365 

rife  from  the  dead  :  And  a- 
gain.  In  that  he  died  he  died  Rom.  VI. 
unto  Sin^  but  in  that  he  li'veth  ^^' 
he  liveth  unto  God,  For  6- 
therwife  what  Advantage 
can  there  be  in  Bonds,  if 
Chrift  has  not  died  ?  What 
Advantage  in  Patience  ? 
WhatAdvantage  inStripes  ? 
And  why  all  this?  Fetet 
was  crucified :  Taul  and 
James  were  flain  with  the 
Sword:  John  was  baniflv-  ^"- ^al 
ed  into  Tatmos  :  Stefhen 
was  ftoned  to  Death  by 
thofe  Jev.fs  that  (lew  the  Apoc.I^. 
Lord :  But  none  of  thefe 
Sufferings  were  in  vain: 
For  the  Lord  was  really 
crucify 'd  by  the  Un- 

IV.Alfo  ye  know  that  he 
who  was  born  of  a  Woman- 
is  the  Son  of  God  ,  and  he 
that  was  crucify 'd  is  the- 
fir fl -horn   of  every  Creature  ;« 
And  God  the  Word  :  And* 
he  made  all  things   [  by- 
the  Command  of  the  Fa- 
ther.]    For^  fays  the  Apo- 
file.  There  is  one  God  the  Fa-.  ^  ^^^ 
thery  of  whom  are  all  Things  ;  vill.  6» 
and  one  LordJefus  Chrift,  by 

C)  rt/7n3*KoyT^.  A.       (t;  'jtc'V.  A. 

^66  The  Efifile  of  Ignativs 

i  Tim.  II. 



1  Cor. 
•XV.  28. 

Joh.  XX.   r  'Mtiie^  ^»,  ^  77a7se« 

TUj     ("*')     7B7I     i^    <*yV? 
VSrOTtt  ^aWT?  (SU/TW  Ttt  Wtt^- 

itty    tva.   M    0  ^io$  m 
(II)  ^^"  ^   ^  Wyw;/ 

2^;6(?w  ^r^  <?//  Things.  And 
again  J  i^or  f/;ere  ij  one  God^ 
and  one  Mediator  between  God 
and  Men  y  the  Man  Jefus 
Chrlft :  And  [  who  is  the 
hnage  of  the  invifihU  God, 
the  Fir  si  -  Born  of  e'very 
Great urey  for  ~\  by  him  were 
aU  Xhi^g^  created  that  are  in 
Heaven  and  in  Earthy  Vifibh 
and  Invifible  ;  and  he  is  be^ 
fore  all  Things y  and  by  him 
do  ^U  Things  confifi. 

V.  And  that  he  himfelf 
is  not  the  God  over  all, 
and  the  Father ,  but  his 
Son,  he  fays  ;  J  afcend  un- 
to my  Father  and  your  Father y 
and  to  my  God  and  your  God, 
And  again.  When  all  Things 
fljall  be  fubdued  unto  hiWy  then 
jliall  he  alfo  himfelf  be  fubje^ 
unto  him  that  fut  all  Things 
under  himy  that  God  may  be 
all  in  all.  Wherefore  he  is 
One  Perfon  that  put  all 
Things  under,  and  who  is 
All  in  All ;  and  he  ano- 
ther to  whom  all  was  fub- 
dued; who  alfo  himfelf, 
with  all  the  reft ,  muft  be 
made  fubjed  to  the  other, 
VI.  Nor 

C)  Tr«.  N.     ft)  « H^i,  A.     rn;  cT.  A. 




7t^*     «Jf<<;fc  STTOl^  Toy  »^- 

*>«]">  ;^^,  (t)  o^'Jct- 
'^  >  \      ~      \         t 

ycv'\   K^TttCiCi^yj.  Iz  7^ 

ffy-td  lujy    iy  0  yJ^T/xQ-  cT; 

AUT^v  ^K.  iyya  '   «V  tk 



VI.  Nor  ii  he  a  meer 
M^in  through  whom  and 
hy    whom   all    Tbiytgs   v^erc  J^^-^-l)' 
made.     For    by  him  were 
all  Things  made  :  When  he     Prov. 
madi  the  Hea^vens  I  was  there  ^^^*-  *7» 
with  him  ,  and  join.d  with 
him    in    the     Formation    of 
Things  ;  and  he  rejoiced  7i^ito 
me  daily.     How  could  he 
be  a  meer  Man  to  whom 
it  was  faid_,  Sit  thou  on  my  Pf.CIX.w 
right    hand  ?    How  could   Heb.I.ij' 
fuch  an  one  fay,  Before  A-  Joh.VIII. 
hraham  was  I  am}  And  a-  5  8* 
gain  y  Glorify  me   with  thy  XVH .  j. 
Glory  which  I  had  before  the 
World  was  ?  What  Man  did 
ever  fay,  I  came  down  from  VI.  38; 
JrlearQen  not  to  do  mine   own 
will  hut  the  will  of  him  that 
fent  me  ?  And  of  what  Man 
was  ic  ever  faid.  He  was  the  19,10,11 . 
true  Light  which  lighteth  e^ve^ 
ry  Man  that  cometh  Into  the 
World,  He  was  in  the  World  ; 
and  the  World  was    made  by 
hir^  ^  and   the  World   knew 
him   not.     He   came  unto  his 
own  y  and  his  07Pn  recei'ved 


C)  Deefl.  A.      (f)  c/iJctV«f.  A,      ri!.^  Dccf^.      n^'^% 
•&W/.  A.       (t;   6fc7.  A.  ' 

3^8        The  Efiftle  ^/Ignatius 

ISict   »Ta^,     ^  0/  \^ot 

Joh.  I. 

V.  3. 

V.  14. 

V.    ig. 

VIII.  2 

A/;»  »o?  ?  How  could  fuch 
tthi^v  i  Titt^ihcLCof.  -mi  an  One  be  a  meer  Man, 
%v  0  TD/KTDf,  -vpAof  rtj/-  having  the  beginning  ol 
Sp^yT©-,  ii^  C.16  MtfeA«^  his  Exiftence  front  the  Vir- 
'i-^^v  -riw  A^'^v  ^  £?) ;  gin  Mary  ?  and  not  rather 
tf?A'«;^' ;^oj  A03/©-,  «)  God  the  Word,  and  the 
(Mvoi^iti  vioi ;  hf  dp^n  Only  Begotten  Son.  For, 
^US  0  \oy^y  )^  5  aL  li'/  ^^e  beginning  'was  theTVordt 
yQ-  lui  ^^  ToV  ^ov^  and  the  Word  was  with  God  : 
and  the  Word  was  God,  \_All 
Things  were  made  by  him^and 
without  him  Was  not  any 
7hing  made,~\  And  a  little 
after.  We  beheld  his  Glory^ 
the  Glory  of  the  Only  Begotten 
of  the  Father  ,  full  of  Grace 
and  Truth,  And  again. 
The  Only  Begotten^  who  u  in 
the  bofom  of  his  Father ,  he 
hath  declared  him,  ]  And 
elfewhere  ,  [He  fpeaks  by 
Solomon  y  faying  J  The  Lord 
created  me  the  beginning  of  his 
Way Sy  for  his  Works,  Before 
the  World  did  he  found  me  3 
and  before  all  the  A-lountains 
did  he  beget  md 

'i^yt  him  "     C3^  rk  eu- 
AV&-     i^uA.Kiaffi    fm  ' 

Joh.  V. 
25,  28. 

O77  <A  iy  dvigvLTtii 
TO,  QafidfJA  Y},u^Vy  a4- 
yi^  d^i  hiyj  vIjav^ 
0  77  'if^-mi    cu^y     oy   H 

v'\)<;  "i^  i;a   'Tb  .jt«^    Kj  01 

VII.  And  noWj  that  our 
Bodies  are  to  be  raifed  a- 
gain/  he  fays ,  Vtrily  I  fay 
unto  ycUythcit  the  Hour  cometh 
in  the  v^hich  all  that  are  in 
the  Gra'Vts  fl^aii  hear  the  'voice  " 
of  the  Son  of  God  ,  a^jd  thofe 
that  hear  [hall  li-vc.  And^ 
fiy^  the  Apoftie,  For  ti/^ 
.  ft''"* 


T  A  R  S  U  S< 


najt.     x)  077  cA7  Qapel' 
of",     (f)    ;'^3wf    l\(W' 

^Q-"   TuihiV     Ai}«,     ftf) 

»7t  fii^(nt  y     »7i  x^e- 

(II)  v^^^vdfj^JWi  J\>v(ty^ 
yci(yvTcu  y      iJ^    Xfttftf 

3  ;«^  «  '5ri57j  Q^J  uA^f  . 

^^  xj  Qt  KOtflft^VTif  tV 

Xei^rpy  ^i7^aKoy^o.     ci  cy 

1^^;'    cv   Xex^a  f^voVy 
CAgi/roTt^/    TnvTtev  a>V" 

x/)oi  B>t  iyet^vretty   (pa- 

^TB/oV  oi/<y;/  ;i^  KJJvaVy   cl 

-^v     (\)  «f  o^g|/r  «p- 
tpayetv'  AVi-ri^Tvi  ^ciot 

corruptihle  muft  put  on   ittcor- 
ruption:  Kiid.  this  mortal  mufi  i^Cor. 
put    on    immortality.       Arid  ^     •  ^^* 
that  we  muft  live  foberly 
and  righteoufly,asP^«/  fays 
agairij  Be  ?iot  deceived  •  Nei^ 
ther  Adulterers  y  nor   Effemi- 
nate   Perfons  ,  nor  Ahnfers  of  VI.  jj. 
themfelves    jvith   Mankind  y 
nor  Fornicatorsy  nor  Revilersy 
nor  Drunkardsy  nor  Thieves^ 
can    inherit    the  kingdom   of 
God.     And  again  y    If  the  ^^   , 
dead  rife  not yt hen  is  not  Chrift  ,  ^  'V ',  2 
raijed*   then  is  ourfreachmg  19,  32. 
"uain  y  and  your  faith  is  aljo 
vain  :  Te  are  Jlill  in  your  fins : 
Then  they  alfo  that  are  fallen 
afleep  in  Chrifi  are  perilled. 
If  in   this  Life  only  we  have 
hope  in  Chrifr^  we   are  of  all 
mtn   mofi   miferabte  :  If  the 
dead  rife  noty  let  us   eat  and 
drink  for   to-morrow  we  die» 
If  this  be  our  Cafe  where- 
in fiiail  we  differ  from  Af- 
fes  and  Dogs  ?  who  take 
no   Care  for  the  Future, 
but  only  take  CardofEat- 
ing.-and  of  indulging  even 
thofe  Appetites  which  fol- 
low after  it.Not  being  fen- 
fible  of  any  Mind  which 
fhould     inwardly      move 

B  b  VIIL 

r)c^!^?>yV;  N.     (f)  eWTD^  a    VicWhOi.N.     (ID  «  KWi^J'-'Of^" 
ff^TfrA,      ("I  YlfMyr  N.      if)  «  ^V  C^iKVMl.  A.       01)  T^V  »?:  .A. 

370  The  Epflle  of  Ig  NAT  IV  s 

erf  H^^Kidfi  am^.^^  tlj 

^  wtiov  (f)  iiM^v"  Im- 

7i(yt  'dziro'Tttosi^  tm 
^rKOTrCf)'  ol  J)a.yxvot^ 
TOli  '^icfivTi^ii'  0  Kit- 

}^  Titg  J)ctKJOvoi(.  (\\)a,v» 
71"^^  f"  syy  '^  (f>v\ctt- 
nxvmv   'jnLiiw  liuj   hi- 

fUT  ^cujmv  chtwiyjSi. 

Tai   ytf^iTtti  v/jUi>v  *  at 

yjvcLiiUify  TiAj  o^^vyiif, 

ol   'TmSti ,    7»\)    y>vi\i 

Eph.  V.      (*)  ^^^^'[  '  oi  yv^i^y 

VIII.  May  I  have  Joy 
of  you  In  the  Lord.  Be 
ye  fober.  Let  every  one 
layafide  afide  all  Malice, 
and  beaftly  Rage  ^  evtl 
Speaking  ,  Calumny ,  fil- 
thy Speaking ,  Jelling  , 
Whifpering,  Haughtinefs, 
Drunkennefs^  Lull,  the 
Love  of  Money ,  and  of 
Vain-glory  ,  Envy  ^  arid 
every  thing  of  a  like  Na- 
ture. But  fut  on  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrlfi  ^  and  make  ho 
Trouijtonfor  the  Flejh  to  fulfil 
the  Lufis  thereof.  Ye  Presby- 
ters be  fubjed  to  your  Bi- 
fliop :  Ye  Deacons  to  your 
Presbyters:  And  the  People 
to  both  the  Presbyters  and 
Deacons.  My  Soul  for 
theirs  who  obferve  this 
good  Order :  And  the 
Lord  be  with  them  perpe- 

IX.  Ye  Husbands  love 
your  Wives  ^  and  ye  Wives 
your  Husbands.  Ye  Chil- 
dren reverence  your  Pa- 
rents. Ye  Parents  hrlng  up 
your  children  in  the  nurture 
and  admonition  of  the  Lord, 
Honour  thofe  that  are  in 
Virginity,  as  the  Prieftef- 


(*)  z^yiyttc"^,  A.F. 

(  !';  *V7?4v/?v.  N.  F 

to   Tarsus 


iv  vfjiiv  *p;i<  'gc^y'  ^'- 

ai  e!iv  73y    «  i«^    SiAtitu^ 
fUfjLUiimca.  tit]  xjijaof  i^^* 

TJoyeisL  oityCXr\aiAV.  ctcam" 
^57ai  u^^  ^iAwv  0  /}ct- 

crsj    0   ehdnjovQ-y     0    c/A 

cv  Xei^a,  etaimoa^  ctA- 

A.«AKf  cy  ct^ci)  ^/Aw/^«77. 


fes  of  Chrift.^  And  the 
Widows  that  live  gravely 
and  decently  as  the  Altar 
of  God.  Ye  Servants  ferve 
your  Matters  vi^ith  Fear. 
Ye  Mailers  command  your 
Servants  with  Gentlenefs. 
Let  no  one  be  Idle  among 
you  ;  For  Idlenefs  is  the 
Mother  of  Indigence.  I 
do  not  command  thefe 
Things,,  as  tho'  I  were 
fome  great  Perfon  ;  altho* 
I  be  in  Bonds ;  but  as  your 
Brother  I  put  you  in  mind 
of  them/  The  Lord  be 
with  you. 

X.  May  I  enjoy  your 
Prayers.  Pray  that  I  may 
attain  to  Jefus.  I  commit 
the  Church  which  is  at 
Antioch  to  you.  The 
Churches  of  the  Philifpians 
falute  you,  from  whence 
I  write  to  you.  Thilo  yonv 
Deacon  ft  lutes  you  ;  to 
whom  I  give  Thanks,  as 
to  one  that  has  diligently 
miniftred  to  me  in  all 
Things.  Jgathopts  the 
Deacon  from  Syria ,  who 
follows  me  in  Chrill ,  fa- 
lutes  you.  Salute  ye  one  ano- 
thtr  with  an  holy  Kifs,     I  fa- 

B  b  2  lute 

^  Cor 


0  h(UMi\  T, 

^7-         T'he  E/iJile  of  I  <J  N  AT  I  u  s 

lute  you  all  both  Men  artd 
Women  which  are  in 
Chrift.  Be  ye  eftabliflied 
in  Body  and  Soul ,  and  in 
one  Spirit ;  and  do  not 
forget  me/  The  Lord  be 
with  yoii*       ~  -^:.v   r  j 



n^Jj   ANTIOXEI2. 

fjiiVA  (*)   "vmi"  Xe^- 

^inUyji^  (t)  ^'^VTo,'^ 




To  the  Antiochians. 

Ignatius ,  who  is  alfo  called 
Theophorus^To  theChurch 
"ivhlch  has  obtained  Mercy 
from  God  y  and  is  elected 
by  Chrifiy  which  is  at  Sy- 
ria :   which  firjl   received 
the    J^ame  of   Chrifiian : 
'   Which  is  in  Antiocb .    A^l 
"  .^yoy  in  God  the  Father ^  and 
in  the  Lord  J  ejus  Chrifi.  > 



THE  Lord  nas  ren- 
dred  my  Bonds 
light  and  eafy  fmce  I  have 
underftood  that  you  areirl 
Peace  ;  and  that  you  live 
in  all  Unanimity  both  of 
the  Flefti  and  Spirit.  1  the 
Trifoner  of  the  Lord  therefore 
befeechyou  that  ye  walk  wor- 
thy of  the  Vocation  wherewith 


C)  ^}^\  N.      (t)  f^^y-n.  F> 

to  the    A  N  T  I  O  C  H  I  A  N  S. 


yJez©-  0  '3'5  0f  era,  a  J  e^©" 

KVeiOlf   YiJUMV   hiyj3Vy     KV- 

e««    TTUf    jy   •d^Hov  *    ;^ 
iToUnv  eufiiy  '   xj  e|»?f^ 

AV^aWQ^,    iy  ?77  ')?^>}^"53 


ye  are  called:  Avoiding  the 
Herelics  of  the  Evil  One, 
that  have  broken  in  upon 
us,  to  the  Deceit  and  De^ 

ftru(5lion  of  thofe  that  are 
perfuaded  by  them :  But; 
that  yc  give  heed  to  the 
Do6lrine  of  the  Apoftles  ; 
and  believe  both  the  Law 
and  the  Prophets :  That  ye 
reject  all  the  Errors  of  the 
Jews  and  Gentiles'^  and  nei- 
ther introduce  a  Multitude 
of  Gods,  nor  yet  deny 
Chrift  under  the  pretence 
of  the  Unity  of  God. 

II.  For  Mofes  the  Faith- 
ful Servant  of  God  when 
he  faid.  The  Lord  thy  God  is 
One  Lord,  and  fo  preached 
that  there  was  only  One 
God  ;  did  yet  prefently 
confefs  our  Lord,  when  he 
faid.  The  Lord  rained  ufon 
Sodom  and  Gomorrha  Bi'lfn- 
Bone  and  Fire  from  the  Lord, 
And  again  ,  And  God  [aid  ,  I.  2^,  27. 
Let  us  7nike  A  fan  in  our 
Image.  And  God  niada  Mm  ; 
according  to  the  bn.2ge  of  God 
made  he  him.  And  after- 
ward. In  thi  Ima^e  of  God 
made  he  Man.  And  that 
he  was  to  be  made  Man 
B  b  ;  he 

Deut.  VI. 




V.    T.     & 

IX.  6. 

(*j    eH7K(e^7zf.7%',,    A.       (iV  >'-^'c  ^.    T. 

374-  ^^^  Epifile  of  Ignatius 


Ad.  III. 






Matt.  I. 

Ifa    UII. 



rtV^^7ro<5?«w,«sje?^"7^  he  fays ^  ^  Frophet  Jhall  the 
Lord  your  God  raife  up  unto 
joufro7n  your  Brethrerty  like 
unto  me, 

III.  The  Prophets  alfo 
when  they  fay  in  the  Per- 
fon  of  God  y  I  am  the  fir  ft 
God^  and  I  am  the  last ;  and 
hefides    me  there  is  7to   Gody 
concerning  the  Father  of 
the  Univerfe;do  alfo  fpeak 
of  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift. 
To  us  y  fay  they  ,   a  Son  is 
ginjen  ^  upon   whcfe  jhoulders 
the  go'vernment  is  from  above  ; 
and  his  Name  is  called  the  Angel 
ofhisgreatCounciljthe  wonder- 
^'jfxAi^i    Qv[xCis?\.Q- y    fulCcunfellor.thefirongGodythe 
^50?  )i^e}^y  t^^^<nA^i.     powerful.  And  concerning 
his  Incarnation  :  Behold  a 
Virgin  jhall  be  with  child y  and 
fljall  bear   a    Son  y    and  they 
jloall  call  his  name  Emmanuel, 
Alfo  concerning  his  Paffi- 
on  ;   He  was  led  as  ajioeep  to 
the  Jlaughter^  and  as  a  lamh 
before  her  pearers  is    dumh^ 
I  alfo  was  as  an  innocent  lamb 
led  to  be  fieri fic^d. 

V(J^y    iii  *i(JLi. 
^  f^i    Tltt^i  ^   OhCoV  ' 

(•\)  ^cLciu'\  IJo^  ^yTiVy 

ffn  t>$v  a.v6>^iVy    iy  K^f" 
Ahtux  tc  opof^a.  carry  f^- 


KVIl.  3. 

vQ-  cv  ytq^l  hn'^troUy 

xijaaj    Tu    ovof^    curry y 
g«jU.*r»MA.     x)     <«%*'   'i>i 

(TipcLyUtj   h)^n-i   K)  cci  ct- 

^'/IQ-   anir>v  a.(^civ^  ' 

ol      T5       loctyfiXiguj 

IV.  The  Evangclifts  al- 
fo when  they  faid  the  Fa- 
ther alone    was   the  Only 
'^7%  ^  T  av^iov  lul^v     j-yj^c  Gody  did  not  omit  the 


if  TIU" 


Mill    ,I.«.L»| 

n  't^e^©'  0  ;^cf.  F.    (U  ^«e7^.  F.N= 

to  the  A  N  T  I  O  C  H  I  A  N  s. 


bxf  0  h,oy<!^  '■  ^  luj  iv 

TV.     Si     OuJt»    \'^i'Tt^      ^ 

iV  0  j«V*'     ^    '^  "^^ 

ifi  KC^'dyi,   ol  <fi  and- 
S^\oi  eiydvn'fy   071  -d-iof 

€if   '^Vy     ftTf^V   ol    eWTtty 

on  Hi  J^  f^.<pvti  iO^si?  '^ 
(jLATZixnVy     ^  1^   Tm^Q- 

riV/0  rUl  '• 

k'T   AUcUfi-jr>i  nf  TV-  Xf/- 

Co\Q-y    j^  iS^po?  ^^rcicyti 

Dodrine  concerning  our 
Lord,  but  wrote  thus.  In 
the  beginning  was  the  Wordy 
andtkeWcrd  was  with  Gody 
and  the  Word  was  God,  The 
fame  was  in  theheginniiigwitk 
God.  All  things  were  made 
by  hlmy  and  without  him  was 

I.  I. 


not  any  thmgy 

made  that  ji^as 

V.  14. 

made^  And  concerning  his 
Incarnation  fays  the  Scri- 
pture, The  Word  was  made 
Flejhy  and  divelt  among  us. 
And  again.  The  Book  of  the  Matt.  1. 1. 
generation  of  Jefus  Chrisfy 
the  Son  of  Da'vidy  the  Son  of 
Abraham.  And  the  very 
fame  Apoitle  who  faid  , 

There  is  One  God  ;  faid  that  i  Cor. 

VIII.  4.($. 
Gal,  III. 

there  is  alfo  One  Mediator  be- 
tween  God  and  Men,  Nor 
were  they  ^fham'd  of  the 
Incarnation  or  Paffion  : 
For  what  is  added  ?  The 
Man  Chrift  Jefm  :  Who  ga've 
himfelf  for  the  Life  and  Sal- 
ivation of  the  World. 

V.  Whofoever  therefore 
Preaches  that  there  is  but 
one  God  alo??e ,  in  iuch  a 
manner  as  to  take  away  the 
Divinity  of  Chrift  ,  he  is 
a  Devil,  and  the  Enemy 
of  all  Righteoufnefs.  He 
alfo  that  confeffes  Chrift  , 

B  b  4-  but 


Eph,  IV. 

5,  6, 

(')   '^uvnaitoi  T. 

376  The  Efiflle  of  I  g  j^  a  rjv  s 

fl<U,  K75?  ^I*  <fcl'77;)^f /TCf  * 

2f,.    TIE    4<Aoif    kv^aTPOV 
^.Tof  ^  xj^  tdV  «^^tj- 


('^)  ^"  T«  Xf /?•«   (t)  I'S- 

iKetiaf'y   »  Qvv&tMf  (II) 

VfJUv"  7B  TD/KTD  (p^Vi)f/Ay 
VfJ(Aiy    di  'Tia.T^^  TA  IcW^ 

Ttt4y    TBI?  S;)(;3^K<  'TO  <;txv- 

fB    «rH     Xf/TKj    <yy  7D   71c'- 

rjlll.  III.       ^^  ATTUKHtlyeoV  Yl  Ji^A 

^fa.  LVI.    cvea?^    Tirvy  o^(/f  TKf  Qv- 

p-  e?M»^'«^,  T«^'  O  ?>/a6- 

but  not  as  the  Son  of  the 
Maker  of  the  World  ^  but 
of  fome  other  Being  that 
cannot  be  known  ;  diffe- 
rent from  him  whom  the 
Law  and  the  Prophets  de- 
clare, the  fame  is  an  In- 
ftrument  of  the  Devil.  He 
alfo  that  rejeds  the  Incar- 
nation y  and  is  afliam'd  of 
the  Crofs  ;  for  the  lake  of 
which  I  am  in  Bonds ;  the 
fame  is  AntlchriH,  More- 
over, he  that  fays  Chrift  is 
a  meer  Man  is  accurfed, 
according  to  the  Prophet  ^ 
as  not  putting  his  truH  in 
God  but  in  Man.  Where^ 
fore  he  is  unfruitful,  and 
like  the  wild  myrtle  tree, 

VI.  I  write  thus  to  you, 
O  thou  new  Olive  Tree 
of  Chrift  ,  not  that  I  am 
fenfible  that  you  have  any 
fuch  Opinions,  but  that  I 
may  forearm  you,  as  a  Fa- 
ther would  his  own  Chil- 
dren. Beware  therefore 
of  thofe  Men  that  run  tp 
work  Mifchief  ♦  thofe  ene- 
mies of  the  Crofs  of  ChriB  • 
whofe  end  is  deffruBion  ; 
jifhofe  glory  is  in  their  jliame. 
Beware  of  thofe  dumb  dogs, 
thofe  drawling  Serpents , 

C")  uf.  F.       (t)  vio\eua.'N.  vioAict,  F.      (i)  t/^^oN 
C)  (^iKoito^,  N.  F. 

to  the  A  N  T.I  O  C  H  I  A  fiS)i 

e/i^'     J^AMVVA ,    rati 
Uavkh  )^  TliTfv  yt' 

(t)  0^vetvigTaf(pttv"  fi^y 

^V  VyTlV^  TttOTtt  i^  ATTlaV 
^ifJM.     fJUfAMTVJ.  fJL^  ytH- 

fcaly  Drago;is,  anc}  Afps, 
and  Bafilisks,  and  Scor- 
pions ^  for  they  are  fubtle 
Wolves,  or  Apes  that  per- 
fonate  Men. 

VII.  Ye  were  the  Di- 
fciples  of  Taul  and   Teter. 
Do  not  ye  lofe  what  was 
committed  to  your  Truft. 
Be  mindful  of  ituodius  your 
moft  worthy  and  bleffed 
Shepherd  ;    into     whofe 
Hands  the  Government  o- 
ver  you  was  firft  entrufted 
by  the  Apoftles.    Let  us 
not    put    our   Father   to 
fhame.    Let  us  fhew  our 
felves  his  true  born  Chil- 
dren ,    and.  not  Baftards. 
Ye  know  after  what  man- 
ner my  Converfation  has 
been  among  you.     What 
Things  I  faid  to  you  when 
I  was  prefent  with  you,the 
fame  do  I  write  now  I  am 
abfent  from  you.     If  any 
one  lo've  not  the  Lord  Jefus 
let  him  be  anathema     Be  ye 
followers  of  me.  My  Soul 
be  for  yours ,  when  I  at- 
tain unto  Jefus.  Be  mind- 
ful of  my  Bonds. 


I  Cor. 



f*)     7ltL^V^-nL^K\iV,    F. 

A.  F.    ai  h.  N. 

(t)  OVVAHTfi'pm.  (\\)    A-f. 

5  78  7^^^  Efiftle  of  I G  N  A  T I  u  s 

I  Pec.V.2, 



Phil.  III. 


Sn  I  Pet. 

in.  6. 

ow  etfXifJLTfloi  f|^j  im  ta^ 

i  7lD>Xeu  ivl  Itfb^^uv  iv 

n fJuLTraavLV   "^    a,vJ]pa;y 
af  Qdp)(g.lJlicfM'     (AMfS^ 

Eph.  VI. 


VIII.  Ye    Presbyters; 

Feed  the  fiock  which  is  among 
yotiyuntil  God  declares  v^ho 
is  to  be  your  Rujcr  after, 
me.  For  lam  now  ready M. 
be  offered  that  I  may.  guin 
Chrip,  Let  the  Deacons 
know  of  what  Dignity 
they  are  ;  and  let  them  en- 
deatour  to  be  blamclefs  j. 
that  they  may  be  the  fol- 
lowers of  Chrift.  Let  the 
People  be  fubjed  to  their 
Presbyters  and  Deacons. 
Let  the  Virgins  know  to 
whom  they  have  confe- 
crated  themfelves. 

IX.  Let  the  Husbands 
love  their  Wives^  remem- 
bring  that  at  the  Creation 
one  Woman  was  given  to 
one  Man  ;  not  many  Wq^- 
men  to  one  Man.  Let  the 
Wives  honour  their  Huf- 
bands,  as  their  own  Flefli., 
Nor  let  them  venture  to 

pj^i-moKv  c/v\  fAx^vnf  Af^    call  them  by  their  Names. 

Siiai  7iA7  o^ccd^vy^f  ip  Let  them  be  Chall  ;  hav- 
ing no  Converfation  with 
any  other  Men  but  their 
Husbands ,  to  whom  they 
are  united  according  to 
the  Will  of  God.  Ye  Pa- 
rents give  your  Children 
Holylnftruclion.  Ye  Chil- 
dren ,  Honour  your  Tarents, 
thfit  it  may  he  well  with  you, 
ol  X. 


(* )    ajTiVcPofJMt.    N. 

to  the  A  N  T I  o  c  H  r  A  N  s. 


0/  cAeWto/,    fAM  J- 

'tJjJTUV     <SSf>Qi     f^i'      77     >B 

Iva.  ACM    pg/[/Cof  '§pr\TaJty 

^«    OTrttTaA.ctTttcai',     tt'ct 
fCM     ii^AgpiiVtdazocrj     m 

v^    «    Kssvnyd,     T«f 

X.  Ye  Mafters  do  not 
treat  your  Servants  with 
Haughtinefs,  in  Imitarion 
of  Patient  Joh,  who  fays. 

If  I  did  dcffifc  the  caufe  cfjohXXXl 
my  M^in-fer^ant  or  of  my  I3ii4' 
Maid-fer^ant  when  they  con^ 
tended  with  me.  For  what 
thenjhall  Ida  when  God  brings 
me  to  examination  ?  Ye 
know  what  follows  in  that 
Place.  Ye  Servants  do 
not  ye  provoke  your  Ma- 
ilers to  anger  in  any  thing, 
left  ye  become  the  Authors 
of  incurable  Mifchiefs  to 
your  felves. 

XI.  Let  no  Idle  ferfon  eat^  ^  i:\it(^, 
left  he  become  aWanderer  m.  lo. ' 
about,  and  a  Whoremon- 
ger.    Let  not  either  Drun- 
kennefs,  or  Anger,  or  En- 
vy, or  Slandering,  or  Cla- 
mour, orBlafphemy,  ^^/^Eph.V.j. 
much  as  named  among  you  X.Qt 

not  theWidows  W«/^erZ>^;;7. 
felves  in  fleafures,  left  they"  i  Tim.  V. 
72^ax  wanton  again fi  the  word,  6>  i '  • 
Be  fubjedl  to  C^far  in  fuch 
things  wherein  Subjedi- 
on  will  not  endanger  your 
Innocence.  Provoke  not 
your  Rulers  to  Wrath,  that 
you  may  not  afford  C)cca- 
fion  againft  your  felves  to 

(')    7fpp;'CfMT5f. 

380  The  Efiftle  (?/l  G  KL  A  T  |  u  s 

TBI?  *i^iC1V    Am^fi^dfTCU 

Aeosv.<^ofJLtu    70    a;/0I' 

3^  7D   TjoSwi^o}/  ^/  oro- 
f^,   or  Q/TnJhifju  AVT7  e- 

^V     tvAlfMluJ     CV      KV^IM 

Inj^,   (II)  A<m4^QyLau  ^ 

\AOV      XVflK     et/TT?     ^y^« 

thofe  that  feek  for  it/  But 
as  to  Magick  Arts  ^  or  ob- 
fcene  Wickednefs  with 
Young  Men  ,  or  Murder, 
'tis  needlefs  for  me  to  write 
to  you;  when  fuch  Crimes 
are  forbidden  to  be  com- 
mitted by  the  very  GentUes^ 
themfelves.  I  do  not  com- 
mand you  in  thefe  Matters, 
as  an  Apoftle,  but  as  your 
Fellow-Servant  I  put  you 
in  mind  of  them. 

Xll.  I  falute  the  facred 
Presbytery ;  the  holy  Dea^ 
cons  ;  and  that  to  me  de- 
^  firable  Name,  whom  God 
grant  I  may  fee  in  my 
Place  by  the  Holy  Spirit, 
when  I  fliall  attain  unto 
Chrift.  My  Soul  be  for 
his.  I  falute  the  Subdea- 
cons,  the  Readers,  the 
Singers,  the  Keepers  of 
the  Gates,  the  LabourerSj^ 
the  Exorcifts^and  the  Con- 
feffors.  I  falute  the  Dea- 
coneifes  of  Chrift,  thofe 
Keepers  of  the  Holy  Gates, 
I  falute  the  Virgins  devoted 
to  Chrift  :  whom  may  I 
have  Joy  of  in  the  Lord' 
Jefus.  [I  falute  the  Widows; 

fftn^^v^i.  F.     f  B)  Forte  ex  interpretibus  &  He^Qrv 

to  the  A  isi  r  10  cm  Mis. 


jy  T  ofio^vpv  cuJtS^  Jy 
Ttx  fpih-Tttltt  ewrk  TiKVei, 
^md^irajt  vfMi  IToAu- 

xx\mct   Qyi'jfvcuav  ^j/w- 

o  \(piaiav  TntaUu.  dcojei^ 
Z^lTcu     v,u£i     (f)    Ah- 

Acti^jy.  (II)  el<mei^ovrcu'^ 

A«AKf  iv  A-}i(d  ^t\^{MlJt, 

TeWTTX.  cuTTO  $/At7r- 
'TTuv  y^%a)  vfjiJV,  ippco' 
^Kf  vfMf  0  av  (xovQ- 

alrJtvav  yi-^uvti/j^a^  e/>Cfc- 
^vhA^H    mdj^t  ,     iy 

Eminent  for  Chaftity  and 
Gravity.]  I  falute  the  Peo- 
ple of  the  Lord  both  fmall 
and  great  ;  and  all  my  Si- 
fters in  the  Lord. 

XlIL  I  falute  Cafiams 
and  his  Yoke-Fellow,  and 
their  mod:  beloved  Chil- 
dren. Polycarp,  that  moft 
worthy  Bifhop  falutesyou, 
who  takes  particular  Care 
of  you,;  to  whom  alfo  I 
have  committed  you  in  the 
Lord.  And  the  whole 
Church  that  is  at  Smyrna 
remembers  you  in  their 
Prayers  in  the  Lord.  One^ 
fimus  the  Paftor  of  the  £- 
fhefians  falutes  you  :  Da- 
rn as  the  Bifhop  of  Magne^ 
fia  falutes  you  :  Volybius  Bi- 
fhop of  the  Trallians  falutes 
you  :  Thilo  and  Agatbopus 
the  Deacons,  my  Compa- 
nions, falute  you.  Salute 
one  another  7vHh  an  holy 

XIV.  I  write  this  from 
Thlliffi,  He  that  is  alone 
Unbegotten  preferve  you 
ftable  in  the  Spirit  and  in 
the  Flefli  ,  through  him 
that  was  begotten  before 


1  Cor. 

C)   A^'^C^.  T.      (t;  Forte  Z^/^,-.       (-(];  aV^O-  A,' 

381  The  Efijile  oflG^ATlvs 

CotfKi^ic,  ^iJhifu  v(jiAi  the  World   began.     And 

IvT^'fk  xe^rK  0a.(n\H^,  God  grant  I  may  fee  you 

tL(md^oi/.cu  ^  AVT  iijiv  in  the  Kingdom  of  Chrift. 

fu^ovU  af>xiv  tj^v'  I  falute  him  that  is  to  be 

»  ^  ovctiiilM  cv  Xf/r^.  your  Ruler  in  my  ftead  ; 

%ppa^  ^$  ^  Xf/r^',  whom  may    I   enjoy    in 

m(pavcrf/,ivoi    T&J  «fc;/^  Chrift.     Fare  ye  well  in 

■^dJfMjt.  God,  and  in  Chrift,  being 

'  illuminated  by  the  Holy 


Gal.  1.4. 

^  5l£077ft«T6)3    ;^  7ID- 

VOTZLTCd" y    XeJL^<^Of(i)y 
(  f  )     TTldilJUI^Oipo^U)" y 

^  Xf /9-»  I«3-a  7^  ;«/- 

Ji?  Hero. 

Ignatius,  ^i'^^?   is  alfo  called 
Theophorus,  To  Hero 

the  Deacon  of  Chr^  , .  the 
Minifter  of  God  y  who  is 
honoured  by  Gody  and  high- 
ly belo'ued  ;  famous  for^  his 
Graulty^  who  carriesChrifi 
and  the  Holy  Spirit  in  him  ; 
who  is  mine  own  Son  in 
Faith  and  Lo've,  Grace y 
Afercy  ,  and  Peace  from 
Almighty  God  ,  and  from 
Chrijl  yefus  our  Lord  y  his 
Only  Begotten  Son,  who 
gave  himfelf  for  our 
SinSj  that  he  might  de- 
liver us  from  the  prefenc 
evil  World,  and  preferve 

C)  Deeft.  N.  F.       (f)  Deeft. 



PA^yj^a  en  cv  ^^ 

^€,  rtMee  ^  dfiiTfa^y 
f^ihWKlA '  Ti  y^  dLya.^ 

3^  *4J^^  Hfiu.    CO?  ^ti^' 

va  '    yy,  01  v@-  cii^^i- 

%hujiov    IhA^vvi^   '}y  Af^ 

'7f^)fdpai  iij  liiTdjcU)?, 
&?  5ts  ^fnyit/jQ-'  77? 

v^fi^  etUTy       {^)  071  «- 

rtrjarr^;',  ctU7«.  Tit  ttvsf' 
y/eo:m  v^<Ti^^  iva.  fjuii 
fxovov   <ci>'70f   eiS'ri  7Ki 

E    R    O. 

us  unto    his 




I.  T  Exhort  thee  in 

X    that  thou  prefs  for- 
ward in  thy  Courfe  ,  and 
maintain     thy     Dignity. 
Take  care  ofConcord  with 
the  Saints.    Bear  with  the 
Weak  y  that  thou  mayfifuU  vi.  2, 
fil  the  law  of  Chri(l:     Find 
leifure  forFafts  andPrayers, 
but  not  to  an  immoderate 
Degree ;  left  thou  caft  thy 
felf  down  thereby.     Do 
not  altogether  abftain  from 
Wine  and  Flefli ,  for  they 
are  not  abominable  ;  for, 
fays  the  Scripture ,  Te  Jhall 
eat  the  good  things    of   the  jf^  j. 
Earih.     And  again/T^y^W/ 
eat  Flejij  as  Herhs,     And  a-  Gen.IX  5 
gain^  P^i^e  makcth  glad  the 
heart  of  Man  :  !And  oil  makes  Pf.  CIV. 
his  Face  to  pine  :  And  bread  •'5- 
firengthens  him.     But  all  is 
to  be  usM  with  Moderati- 
on, and  in  due  order  ;  as 
being  the  Gifts  of  God. 
For  whoflfall  eat^or  who  fiall 
drink  -without  him  ?  for  if  a-  ^^^^ 
ny  thing  hefleafmt  Vis  his ^^  zi.^lK, 
and  if  d7iy  thitig  be  good  tts  i-j^ 




{,*)  %,  77  «.'?.  A. 

384.        TheEpifile  ^/Ignatius 

his.  Give  attendance  to 
Reading,  that  thou  may'lt 
not  only  thy  feif  know 
the  Laws ,  but  may'fl:  ex- 
plain them  to  others,  as  the 
Combatant  of  God.  No 
Tim  II/^'^^  *^^"^"*  *»''''«4«^-     man  that  warreth  entangkth 

/m^Q-  IfAT^'iM^  7IUS  ^ 

fiia  ^srC^ff^TiiiUf^    hoc 

4»  5. 

^v  ffis  tya  0  J^ay.tQ- 


1  Cor. 

xm.  2. 

Qat  cJs  avT^i  0  Avnm- 

himfelf  with  the  affairs  of 
this  life  ,  that  he  may  fUafe 
him  who  hath  chofen  him  to 
he  ]a  Soldier  :  and  if  a  imn 
alfo  ftrive  for  mafieries  yet  is 
he  not  crowned  exceft  he  ftrive 
lawfully.  I  who  am  in 
Bonds  wifh  my  Soul  may 
be  for  thine. 

II.  Every  one  that 
Preaches  any  thing  befide 
what  is  commanded  5  tho* 
he  feem  never  fo  worthy 
of  Credit,  tho'  he  Fail^  or 
has  the  Gift  of  Cbntinen- 
cy,  or  the  Power  of  work- 
ing Miracles ,  or  of  Pro- 
phecy ;  Let  him  be  look'd 
on  by  thee  as  a  Wolf  in 
JheefS'clothlngy  working  the 
Deftru(5^ion  of  the  Sheep. 
If  anyone  denies  theCrofs, 

and  is  afliam'd  of  the  Pat 

ofw  f^StroT,  K^y  'j^^Q?    fion^Iet  him  be  to  thee  like 

7^'  C^^  ^*f  y^wF,  %<,z>    the  Adverfary  himfelf ;  e- 

Ven  tho'  he  gives  all  his  goods 

to  feed  the  foor  i  tho  he  re^ 

moves     mountains  ;    tho    he 
gives  his  body  to  he  burned  * 

let  him  be  to  thee  abomi- 



E  R   6. 


w  ^v^ci-ntiv  [  (*)  4<-    nablc.  If  any  one  defpifes 
A^j^]  Afcyw  Toy  Ki/fiov,    the  Law,  or  the  Prophets, 


y.n^(  71  fM^   Ta?   cV-i 

^Vy  U^yy^tn,  (t)  x«" 
(jTov'in"  ^    ^H£j)Bi*fhffj  * 

(^y   3    otiOTBiV  (II)  J}etKO~ 

(•k.\  ft!      CI      «      r.  X 

)  yjatvava    y>  t}^iv  xj 

fw-mi    w    (f)    (^uffjf". 

which  Chrift  fulfilled  at 
his  coming,  let  him  be  to 
thee  as  Antichrift.  If  any- 
one fays  that  the  Lord  is 
but  a  [meer]  Man,  he  is  a 
'Jev^ ,  a  Murderer  of 

III.  Honour  Widows  that  i  Tim.V 
are  Widows  indeed.  Provide  3- 
for  the  Fatherlefs  :  For 
God  is  the  Father  of  the  Fa^  [xVlir 
theriefsy  and  the  Judge  of  the  ^^ 
Widows.  Do  nothing  with- 
oiit  the  Biihops :  For  they 
are  Priefts ,  but  thou  the 
Minifter  of  the  Priefts. 
They  Baptize  ,  Offer  the 
Sacrifice,  Ordain,  and  lay 
on  Hands  •  But  thou  mi- 
niftreft  to  them  ;  as  Holy 
Stephen  did  to  James  at  Je^ 
rufaleWy  and  to  the  Pref- 
byters.  Do  not  negled: 
the  Sacred  Affemblies.  En- 
quire for  every  Perfon  by 
Name.  Let  no  one  defpi'fe 
thy  youth  :  But  he  thou  an  ex- 
am fie  to  the  faithful  in  word 
and  in  converfation, 

IV.  Be  not  aOiam'd  of 
Servants :  for  there  is  the 
fame  common  Nature  co 

C  c 




(J  Deed.  A.  N-  T.  F.      {\)  Deeft.  T.      {\\)  J):t^y^.  ^, 
aKii'fi.  F.      (*;  KQ^vfi.  T.      if)  ^j7r  T. 

386  The  Ejnfile  of  I  GlJ  AT  IV  S 

^<^j  ^  (t)  ^|^9f5vW^ 
cTfe^   ci/ (ID  xoeiw".  a.v<i> 

dv^o^-i    €i    f^  cm  ^ 
I  Cor  XJ.  /E?re5»r5;j?A?!yj' '   t«  jS  A- 

Act  TM  r^^rPb^u^  )y  ^ej/H, 


US  and  them.  Do  not  a- 
bominate  Women  •  for 
they  have  born  thee,  and 
brought  thee  up.  We  mull 
therefore  love  thofe  that 
have  been  the  Authors  of 
our  Bitrh  :  I  mean  only 
in  the  Lord.  Nov^/  a  Man 
can  have  no  Children 
without  a  Woman.  We 
muft  therefore  honour 
thofe  that  affiiled  to  our 
Procreation.  Neither  ts  the 
wan  vjithout  the  'ivoman  ;  Jtci- 
the  'ivoman  without  the  nuin  : 
Excepting  the  Cafe  of  our 
firft  Parents.  For  the  Bo- 
dy of  Mam  v\^as  made  out 
of  the  Four  Elements^^and 
that  of  E've  out  of  the  Side 
of  Adam.  Moreover  the 
Surprizing  Birth  of  the 
Lord  was  of  a  Virgin  a- 
lone.  Not  as  if  the  law- 
ful Mixture  of  a  Man  and 
his  Wife  were  abominable> 
but  this  manner  of  Gene- 
ration was  worthy  of  God. 
For  it  became  the  Creator 
not  to  make  ufe  of  the  or- 
dinary Method  of  Gene- 
ration, but  one  which  was 
furprizing  and  ftrange  ^ 
on  Accouut  of  his  being 
the  Creator, 

V.  Flee 

C)  y.'^Jl'myjf.v.  T.F. 

Ct)  (bVi^r-My-  F.    (W)  >s»"^'?'  ^f 

to   H 

E    R    O. 


\<t\^v](^     TO      ']>ivS''&. 

yi>  (j)  cwn  'b^v"  0  J)cl- 
Co\Q- ,  xj  J^eizfb^i  0 
Kai/y  *,  11)  aAa^  J"  /?A- 

Vi)rcav  fjw  a^JLi^iy    bf  oji 

(t)  Xez5-«"  t;TO>;^<f<, 
oiJ'oLi  07ru>i  ffi  divi^i  lot.' 

I  Per.  V. 
Pfdl.V,  ?. 

V.  Flee  from  Pride  ; 
for  the  Lord  re/ifrcth  the 
p'oud.  Abho:  Lying,  for 
fays  the  Scripture  ,  Thou 
palt  ikftroy  all  them  that 
ffeak  lias.  Beware  of  En- 
vy, for  its  original  Patron 
is  the  Devil  •  and  his  Sue- 
cefibr  therein  Cain ;  who 
envied  his  Brother,  and 
out  of  Envy  became  guilt- 
ty  of  Murder.  Exhort 
my  Sifters  that  they  love 
God,  and  be  content  with 
their  own  Husbands  alone. 
In  like  manner  exhort  my 
Brethren  to  be  content 
with  their  Yoke-Fellows. 
Take  care  of  the  Virgins 
as  the  Treafures  of  Chrift. 
Be  lo7Jg-ftifftring  y  that  thou 
may 'if  hQ  filled  with  TVifdom. 
Do  not  negled  the  Poor, 
fo  far  as  God  has  profpered 

thee.    For  by  alms  and  truth  ^^'  ^^ 
fi72s  are  f  urged. 

VI.  Keep  thy  felf  pure, 
as  the  Habitation  of  God. 
Thou  art  the  Temple  of 
Chrift  ;  thou  art  the  In- 
ftrument  of  the  Spii'it. 
Thou  knoweft  after  what 
manner  I  have  brought 
thee  up.    Alcho^  I  be  the 

C  c  2  leaft 



(*)  Deed.  A.  F.      (+^  Defunr. 
(*)  CVTTDfWj.  N.       (t)    '^i«.  T. 

T.  F.      (\)  ^AK^h,  T. 

^88  The  Epjile  ^/Ignatius 

rCor.I.     ^^^    ^j^^,,   .  ^^f^ 
icor.X.   «f*V«l©-  ^oi,  i^  0  )w- 

^'ppci^  f.mS^  a.V77f  \ssn}- 
f^cjp  uTTHpiivm  ffk  {jtivt.- 


fPit  cm  TV  5t»  r^'J   cKc<)v^ 

leaft  of  all  Men  ;  be  thoi; 
a  Follower  of  me ;  imitate 
my  Converfation.  I  do 
not  glory  in  the  World, 
but  in  the  Lord.  I  exhort 
Hero  my  own  Son  :  But 
let  him  that  glorteth  glory  in 
the  Lord,  May  I  enjoy  thee 
my  dear  Son,whofe  Guar- 
dian may  he  be  who  is  the 
only  Unbegotten  God,and 
the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift.  Do 
not  give  Credit  to  all 
Perfons :  Do  not  trull  all 
Perfons.  Nor  let  any  one 
impofe  on  thee  by  Flat- 
tery. For  many  are  the 
Minifters  of  Satan  :  And 
he  that  is  hafty  to  give  credit 
is  light  minded, 

VIL  Be  mindful  of  Ged, 
and  thou  wilt  never  Sin. 
Be  not  double  Minded  in 
thy  Prayer  :  I  or  blefled  is 
he  that  is  not  doubtful. 
For  I  believain  the  Father 
of  oui*  LorI  Jefus  Chrift, 
and  in  his  only  Begotten 
Son  5  that  God  will  fhew 
me  Hero  upon  my  Throne. 
Do  thou  therefore  prefs 
forward  in  thy  Courfe.  I 
charge  thee  before  theGod 
of  the  Univerfe  y  and  be-^ 
fore  Chrift  ,  and  in  the 

{  ' )  "H^c^m  iC  euoy  li'iivov,  N.      (f)  }4w77.  T. 

to   Hero. 


elvoi^tov  xfiyifi  n^  (f) 
^^7i^(xi  Qat  Tiw  o<t- 

Aamt^o?7tti  fff  01  ^'- 

.ittf^^'-nyj/^  ^\J\et^h  fttr  prefence  of  theHolySpinti 
•7^'  (*)  <^^'»cwi'",  f^w  and  of  the  miniftring  Or- 
ders^Keep'that  facred|thing 
which  I  and  Chrift  have 
committed  to  thee  :  And 
do  not  judge  thy  felf  un- 
worthy of  thofe  Things 
which  have  been  fhewn 
[me]  concerning  thee  by 
God.  I  commit  ito  thee 
the  Church  of  Antioch,  I 
have  committed  you  to 
Folycarf  in  the  Lord  Jefus 

VIII.The  Bifhops  Onejl^ 

dkAiJutij  Uo^vCiQ-^  )^  and  all  that  are  atPZ>/7i/)/)//a- 
cromf  0/  M  ^iKt-r^  lute  thee  inChrift:  Whence 
'Tmv  h  xe/rf ,  o^v  )^  alfo  I  have  written  to  thee. 
\m<^\<L  Qoi,  AcamoTu  -n  Salutc  the  Presbytery, wor- 
3?<Mr|)sc7^V  'G^icfivTiaoy.  thy  of  God.  Salute  my 
Aoanavu  Tvi  dyUf  Qjv-  Holy  Fellow  -  Deacons  : 
^AKovni  Qtty  av  ey»  Whom  may  I  enjoy  in 
Chrift,  both  in  the  Fiefh 
and  in  the  Spirit.  Salute 
the  People  of  the  Lord 
both  fmall  and  great,  every 
one  by  Name :  Whom  I 
commit  to  thee ,  as  Mofes 
did  the  Ifraelltes  to  JojJjua, 
who  was  their  Leader  af- 
ter him.  And  do  not  think 
this  that  I  fay  too  alTu- 
ming  :  For  altho'  we  are 
not  Tuch  as  they  were,  yet 

7f  ^  'fivJifxetjt,   a.mrL<m 

^T  cuj-nv  g^A-myra  •  ji^ 
ftw    Qot   ^(t9n    iSafcfy    to 

(*)  m^y^TVL^Knv.F,    (t)  Ji/jHvTU¥.li^  <fh)^Mv7W».Td 

3^0  T'he  Epiftle  ^/Ignatius 

iJfilu  wa*  Af.     i^«    yj*, 
Qvvetyiyh    KVeia  y     tai 

2  Tim.  I. 

AoTO-ottt  Ket&stenfoy  r 

however  we  pray  that  we 
may  be  like  them  ;  Inaf- 
much  as  we  are  the  Chil- 
dren cf  Abraham,  Be 
fttong  therefore  ,  O  Hero^ 
and  ad:  Heroically  ,  and 
like  a  Man.  For  from 
henceforth  thou  ihalt  lead 
the  People  of  the  Lord, 
which  are  in  Ant  loch ,  in 
and  out ;  and  fo  the  congrega-' 
t ion  of  the  Lord  jh all  not  be 
likeSheep  which  ha've  no  Shep^ 

IX.  SaluteC^^^w^j  mine 
^ivov  fjLVy  ^tIw  Qiuvo^  Hoft,  and  his  moft  grave 
TWTity  iunh  of^(v^v^  )^  Yoke-fellow  y  and  their 
'  (ptfiTula  '(wmv  OTu-  moft  beloved  Children. 
God  grant  that  they  may  find 
mercy  of  the  Lord  in  that  day, 
on  Account  of  their  Mini- 
ftration  to  us :  Whom  alfo 
I  recommend  unto  thee  in 
Chrift.Salute  all  the  Faith- 
ful that  are  at  Laodlcea^  e- 
very  one  by  Name ,  in 
Chrift.  Do  not  negled 
thofe  at  Tarfusy  but  look 
after  them  frequently  ; 
confirming  them  in  the 
Gofpel.  I  falute  Maris  , 
the  Bifliop  of  the  New  Ci-r 
ty  near  Anaz^arhus ,  in  the 
Lord.  Salute  alfo  Maryy 
a  Woman  of  gi*eat  Gravi- 

7a  (piATuia   (WW>v  wtU' 
af   J^     Tm^^TibtiiAt  Qot 

(*)  Avct^apC^"  hijxo^ 

3(,Vfla'\     (TS^C^Tn    3     it} 

C)  Defunt.  N. 

(11)  Deefl.A.F.N. 

to   H 

(t)    ;9   Tiw    ng.T    olvxv 

E    R    O. 

ty,  my  Daughter,  famous 
for  Learning  ;  as  alfo  the 
Church  which  is  in  her 
Houfe.  For  whom  may 
my  Soul  be  the  Security  ; 
for  fhe  is  the  very  Pattern 
of  pious  Women.  May 
the  Father  of  Chrift,  thro' 
his  Only  Begotten  Son  , 
himfelf  preferve  thee  found 
and  of  good  Repute  in  all 
Things,  to  a  very  old  Age, 
for  the  Advantage  of  the 
Church  of  God.  Fare 
well  in  the  Lord,  and  Pray 
that  I  may  be  perfeded. 


r^Defunt.T.      (t)  Defunt,  N. 


(  I ) 


Againft  which,  B  a  s  i  jl  the  Great 
wrote  his  Confutation. 

Td  calumniate  and  abufe  any  one, 
is  the  Employment  of  an  ungo- 
vern'd  Tongue,  and  of  an  ill  Tem- 
per of  Mind:  'tis  indeed  the  bud- 
nefs  of  troublefome  Perfons,  and  of  thofe 
who  are  skill'd  in  nothing  fo  much  as  in 
Strife  and  Enmity.  But  to  endeavour,  with 
all  chearfulnefs,  to  ihew  the  Falfhood  of 
thofe  Lyes,  in  thofe  that  are  themfelves  mif- 
reprefented  as  Impious  by  fuch  Calumnies,  'tis 
a  part  of  Prudence,  that  they  may  fhew  their 
own  fincere  Inclinations  ^  and  that  they  eHeem 
the  Safety  of  the  multitude  of  Chriitians  as 
a  thing  of  mighty  confequence.    We  couldf 

^  Note;  In  th?  MS,  'fii  The  Impious  Emominio 

A  Wifh 

Eunomius'i   Apologetick. 

vvi(h  therefore,  as  not  being  ignorant  of  ei- 
ther of  thofe  Cafes,  not  to  be  Partakers  with 
the  former  fort V not*  indeed  to  have  any  oc- 
caflon  to  ad  the  p3rt  of  the  latter.  But  fince 
the  Succefs  of  things  has  not  anfwer'd  our 
Wifhes,  and  we  have  after  various  manners, 
and  in  feveral  inftance^,  endur'd  ill-grounded 
Cenfufes  and  Irxdignities,  both  in  Words  and 
Adions,  from  many  Pcrfons^  which  things 
are  grievous  to  us,  and  of  mifchievous  confe- 
quence  to  the  Faithful  :•  and  fince  this  has 
been  done  by  fuch  as  ars  themfelves  wicked, 
and  care  not  what  they  either  fay  or  do  \ 
and  others^  who  are  weak  and  fimple,  do  mea- 
fure  the  Truth  by  the  Calumnies  of  the  ma- 
ny, and  not  by  exact  Jnftice  \  and  do  not  ex- 
amine with  Judgment  the  Truth  of  the  Accu- 
fations  brought  againft  us  j  We  have  thought 
fit  to  make  a  Profeflion  of  our  own  Faith  in 
writing  before  you,  both  on  our  own  account, 
by  way  ot  Apology  *,  and  to  make  others  more 
cautious  as  to  thofe  things  th^t  are  fa  id  with- 
out any  examination  againft.  us.  If  perhaps 
by  this  means  we  may  overcome  that  re- 
proachful Charader  which  is.  already  fpread 
abroad  \  and  may  make  ill  Men  lefs  daring, 
and  thofe  that  are  too"  light  and  foolifh 
more  careful  how  they  believe  hereafter  : 
and  may  thereby  at'  once  .fhevv " the  W^eakrifefs 
of  thofe  that  fpread  the  Lyes^;  a'nd  the  In- 
cautioufnefs  of  tjiofe  that  believe  them  : 
while  this  Courfe  will  at  the  fame  time  de- 
monftrate  the  truth  of  what  we  fay,  and 
what  Punifhment  will  eh fue- to  both  thofe  forts 
of  Ferfons.  For  the  being  j^int  Partners  in 
the  propagation  of  Lyes,  will  bring  down  a 
common  Punifhment  upon  both  of  them. 


EunomiusV  Jpologettcli.  3 

Now  above  all  things  we  beg  of  you,  both 
you  who  fhall  hear  what  we  fay  at  prefcnt, 
and  you  who  (hall  afterward  light  upon  this 
Apology,  not  to  think  of  nieafuring  Truth 
andFalfhood  by  multitudes,  as  reckoning  that 
Truth  which  has  the  greater  number  on  its 
fide  ^  nor  fo  far  to  be  influenc'd  by  the  world- 
ly Dignities  of  fome,  or  the  Haughtinefs  of 
others,  as  to  fuffer  your  Minds  to  be  blinded  ^ 
nor  indeed  to  be  fo  prejudic'd  by  what  you 
have  firft  heard,  as  to  Hop  your  ears  againft 
an  After-examination  ;  But  to  prefer  the  Doc- 
trine of  our  Saviour  Jefus  Chrill  before  the 
regard  to  any  number  of  Men,  to  Ambition, 
the  Love  of  Difputation,  nay  to  Cuftom,  and 
Relation  \  in  ihort,  to  all  things  whatfoever 
that  are  wont  to  darken  the  Faculties  of  the 
Soul  \  and  lb  to  pafs  fentence  upon  what  (hall 
be  faid,  with  a  Mind  only  difpos'd  to  embrace 
Truth.  For  a  peculiar  xA.lliance  of  the  Mind 
to  Truth,  is  of  the  greateft  confequence  to- 
wards the  difcovery  of  it.  We  muft  farther 
defire  of  you  not  to  be  difpleas'd  at  ys,  if 
we  have  no  regard  to  the  Pride  or  Terror  of 
any,  nor  to  that  Favour  or  Security  which 
the  prefent  World  might  afford  j  but  ever 
prefer  that  Tranquillity  which  arifes  from 
the  Hopes  of  a  future  \A^orld  ^  and  ftill  look 
upon  thofe  Threatnings  which  are  made  a- 
gainft  the  wicked,  as  more  to  be  dreaded 
than  temporal  Death  ^  and  in  confequence 
hereof  publiih  the  plain  Truth.  -  For,  as  the 
Apoftle  fays,  The  Sujftrings  of  this  prefect  time  R,om.VllI 
are  not  worthy  to  he  compared  with  the  Glory  18. 
which  jlhill  be  revealed.  ISIor  is  the  whole 
World,  tho  we  were  fure  of  its  Enjoyments 
and  Dominion,  capable  to  compenfate  the 
A  2  lofs 

4  Eunomius'i  Jpologetkk. 

lofs  of  one's  own   Soul :   The  future  things 
vaftly  exceeding  thofe  that   are  prefent  on 
each   fide  ^   both  as  to  enjoying  Happinefs, 
and  as  to  fufFering  Punifhment.    But  that  we 
may  not  be  too  tedious  in  this  Preface,  and 
prolong  our  Difcourfe  beyond  meafure,  let  us 
now  come    diredtly    to  the  Profejfion   of  our 
Faith 'y  whereby  thofe  that  have  a  mind  may 
molt  eafily  and  readily  underftand  our  Opi- 
nion.   For  it  is  neceilary  that  thofe  who  are 
to  difcourfe  of  thefe  things,  and  to  undergo 
an  Examination  of  their  proper  Doftrines,  do 
not  give  up  themfelves  at  random  to  the  Opi- 
nion of  the  many^  but  that  they  have  in  their 
view  all  the  way  that  Sacred  Tradition  which 
has  obtainM  originally  from  our  Forefathers, 
as  a  fort  of  Rule  and  Guide  ^  and  to  permit 
Men  to  make  ufeof  that  as  an  exad  Standard 
in  the   diftinguifhing   and   judging  of  thofe 
things  that  are  to  be  faid. 

Conftltut.     "  We  believe  in  One  God  the  Father  Al- 

L.  VTL  *"  -mighty,  of  whom  are  all  things.    And  in 

C.  41*      "  One  only-begotten  Son  of  God,  God  the 

y.  :'3o.    u  Word,  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,   by  whom 

"  are   all  things.     And  in  One  Holy  Spirit, 

*'  the  Comforter,  by  whom  the  Diftribution 

*'  of  all  Grace  is  beftow'd  on  every  one  of 

"  the  Saints,  according  to  their  proportion, 

*'  to  profxt  withal." 

This  is  the  moft  llmple  Creed,  and  com- 
mon to  all  who  either  are  careful  to  appear,  or 
to  be  Chriftians  *,  as  being  an  Abridgment,  or 
as  it  were  an  extempore  Summary  only  \  omit- 
Ibid,  ^iiig  ^^  prefent  the  additional  Articles  which 
have  been  controverted,  and  thinking  it  fu- 


Eunomius'i  J^ohgetkJ^ 

perflnous  to  make  mention  of  them.  As  to 
our  felves,  if  we  could  perceive  that  thofe 
who  once  had  received  the  Words^  did  necefla- 
rily  preferve  together  with  thofe  words  the 
true  and  invariable  Senfe  contain'd  under  them  \ 
or  if  we  perceiv'd  that  thofe  who  accufe  us 
of  Impiety  would  upon  this  Profeflion  of  our 
Faith  prefently  free  us  from  their  Accufations, 
and  let  all  finilter  Sufpicions  againft  us  go  out 
of  their  minds,  we  would  take  this  Creed 
for  the  Meafure  and  Standard  of  our  own 
Difcourfe :  that  this  Profeflion  of  our  Faith 
might  procure  us  Peace  and  Security.  For 
indeed  neither  was  SahelUm  of  Lihya^  nor  Mar^ 
cellm  of  Galatia^  nor  Photinns^  nor  any  other 
of  thofe  that  proceeded  to  the  like  degree  of 
Madnefs  with  them,  excluded  from  the  Sa- 
cred Aflemblies,  or  the  Participation  of  the 
Myfteries,  or  the  peculiar  places  appointed 
for  Ecclefiaftical  Perfons.  But  becaufe  nei- 
ther is  this  fliort  Profeflion  fuflicient  for  the 
Settlement  of  the  Truth,  nor  futable  to  our 
purpofe,  to  filence  the  Accufations  brought 
againfl:  us,  but  fome  more  accurate  Explica- 
tions will  be  neceflary,  in  order  to  the  plain 
and  fall  Declaration  of  our  Mind  ^  and  be- 
caufe, out  of  an  ill  Temper,  or  fome  other 
diforder  of  Difpofition,  feveral  do  endeavour 
to  mifreprefent  and  corrupt  the  true  Senfe  of 
the  words  ^  We  fliall  make  it  our  bufinefs,  as 
well  as  we  are  able,  to  explain  difl:indly  what 
Jslotions  we  have  of  thefe  matters  ^  by  firft 
fetting  down  our  Faith,  and  then  explaining 
its  meaning, afterwards;  or  futing  the  words 
to  the  Senfe  which  lies  before  us  *,  but  fo  that 
^his  Change  fhall  no  ways  be  to  the  prejudige 
of  the  Truth.    Aiid  indeed  this  method  will 

'"  A3  '■   u 

6  Eunomius'^  Jpologeticl^. 

be  peculiarly  futable  to  our  purpofe,  both  as 
we  write  an  Apology  for  our  lelves,  and  a  Con- 
futation of  our  Adverfaries.     Therefore, 
Conftitut.     W^  Qwn,  according  to  natural  Senle,  and 
L.VI.  C.  according  to  the  Dodrine  of  our  Forefathers, 
ii.p.339,  O/zf  6'<?^,  not  made  either  by  himfelf^  or  by  ano- 
340*        4her  \  for  both  thofe  things  are  equally  im- 
poffible:  for  molt  certainly  the  Maker  muft 
exift  before  that  which  is  jrodvc'd^  and  that 
^vhich  is  ;w^^f  muft  be  after  that  which  made 
it'^  nor  can  any  thing  be  fboner  or  later  than 
it  felf  ^  nor  can  any  thing  be  before  God.    For 
certainly   that  which    is    before    the  other, 
would    then  have   had    the  Dignity   of   the 
Godhead.     For  he  that  affirms  it  pofTible  for 
a  real  Being  to  be  made  by  another,  muft  al- 
low that  it  felf  is  one  of  them  ^  and  that  it 
will  jultly  be  rank'd  among  them.   Wherefore, 
if  it  be  demonftrated  that  neither  could  God 
be  before  himfelf,    nor   could  any  thing   elfe 
be  before  him,  but  that  he  is  before  all  things, 
Conftitut.i^  thence  follows  that   he  is  ih^Vnbegotten'j 
L.VII.     or  rather,  he  is  himfelf  the  Vnbegotten  Sub- 
C.  41.  V'fla7ice.     It  may  indeed  probably  feem  needlefs 
T^  Vlf  &  ^^^^  iLiperfluous  to  fome  to  prove  thofe  things, 
Viir.  '     as  if  they  were  doubtful,  which  are  common- 
pafiim.     ly  taken    for  granted.      However,  it  feems 
See  [gnat,  proper  for  us,  on  account  of  thofe  that  look 
ad  Mag-  on  it   as  a   piece  of^  wifdom  to  oppofe  the 
nef.  §.  8.  ,-)i^i;.,e(t  things,  as  well  as  of  thofe  that  may 
othc'wife   take  a  handle  for  Complaint  and 
C.Jurny,  to   treat  more  accurately  of  thefe 
matters.     Kow  when    we  own   God   to    be 
Vnhigotttn^  we  think  we  ought  not  to  do  it  by 
ufing  that  word  only  in  our  Wor'Ihip,  after  a 
vulgar   acceptation,    but    to   pay   in    reality 
that  Debt  to  God  which  is  of  all  other  the 


Eunomius'i  A^ologeticl^.  y 

molt  juftly  due,  that  is,   the  acknowledging  Conftitut. 
him  to  be  what  he  really  is.     For  thofe  Ideas  ^- ^*^ 
which  are  in  the  Mind  only,  and  the  Words  ^^*'^'- 
belonging  to  them   having  no  real  exiftence      V  ' 
elfewhere,  as  diftind  from  thofe  Names  where- 
by we  exprefs  them,  are  dillblv'd  land  vanifh 
when   we  forbear  to   fpeak   of  them.     But 
God,   whether  we  are  filent,   or  fpeak,  and 
while  things  come  into  being,  and  before  all 
things  were   made,   both  was,  and  is  Vnhc- 

But  then  he  is  not  fuch  by  way  of  Privation^ 
feeing  Privations   belong    to  the  nature   of 
things  already  in  being,  and  after  the  Habits 
to  which  they  belong.    But  according  to  the 
Courfe  of  Nature,  there  could  be  no  Genera- 
tion as  to  God,  nor  had  he  therefore  a  Gene- 
ration formerly,  which  when  he  was  depriv'd 
of,  he  was  ftil'd,  Without  Generation^  or  Vrihe- 
gotten:  fince  this  would  be  great  Impiety,  and 
deftrudive  of  the  true  Notion  of  God,  and 
of  his  abfolute  Perfedion.     Indeed  to  pretend 
that  God  has  been  depriv'd  of  fomewhat  na- 
turally belonging  to  him,  would  be  a  Demon- 
ftration   of  the  Madnefs   of    the    Inventors 
of  fuch  an  Opinion.     And  no  wife  Man  can 
fay  that  any  Being  is  depriv'd  of  fuch  things 
as  did  not  before  exift.     If  therefore  the  Cha- 
x^i^QV oi  Vnhegotteni%  not  a  bare  Imagination, 
nor  us'd  by  way  of  Privation^  as  the  la  ft  rea- 
foning  has  (hew'd  :  Nor  is  this  Charafter  of 
Vnbegotten  apply'd  to  God  in  part  only  \  for 
he  is  without  Parts  :    Nor  is  it    apply'd  to 
him  as  allowing  fomewhat  different  from,  him, 
within  him,  that  is  Unbegotten  v  for  he  is  lim- 
ple,  and  uncompounded,  nor  is  any  [internal] 
thing  different  from  him  befide  him,  for  he  is 
A  4  '  One 

8  Eunomius'^  Jpologetick. 

Conftitut.  Orte  and  alone :  he  mufl:  himfelf  be  the  Vnhegotten^ 
Y'  ^^^'    Subflance,    Since  therefore,  according  to  the 
^g^'^yjj^*  foregoing  Demonftration,   he  is  Unbegotten, 
C.  5*.  p.  '  he  cannot  fo  adrait  of  any  Generation  from 
39 1. C.I 2.  him,  as  to  communicate  his  own  proper  Isla- 
P»  'i99'     ture  to   any  Being  that  is  made  \  and  muft 
L.VIII.    hQisiV  remov'd  from  all  Comparifonj  andFellow- 
?*  ^r^*^  ^^P'    ^^^^  what  is   made.     For  if  any  one 
p?422*.^  *  ^^^^^^  determine  that  he  has  fomewhat  com- 
mon with  another,  or  does  communicate  to 
any  one  his  own  Subftance,  it  malt  be  either 
by  Divifon    and   Separation^    or  by  Coalition. 
But  whether  of  thefe  two  ways  be  aflerted, 
the  Notion  will  be  intangled  with  many  Ab- 
furdities,   or    rather  fo   many   Blafphemies. 
For  whether  it  hchy  Divifion  and  Separation^ 
he  muft  be  no  longer  the  Vnhegotten  ^  being 
now  by  this  Divifion  become  what  he  was  not 
before  ;   nor  indeed  Incorruptible j    while  this 
Divifion  is  deftrudive  of  that  Perfedion  of 
Incorruption,    Or  whether  it  be  by  that  Coa- 
lition  which   he  admits  with  another,    this 
Coalition  depending  on  that  wherein    they 
both  partake,  the  Charader  of  Subftance  muft 
be  common  to  them  both :  and  if  fo,  the 
Name  alfo  muft  be  common ,  Hand  each  be 
call'd   the  Uiibcgotten  Subftance.]    So  that 
they  muft  be  forc'd  by  this  reafoning  either 
to  keep  theNime  incommunicable,   as  being 
willing  that  the  Charader  of  Vnbegotten  Sub* 
fiance  (hould  be  alfo  efteem'd  incommunicable  5 
orclfe  if  they  attempt  to  allow  the  Commu- 
nication of  the  Subftance,  together  with  that 
will  they  be  forc'd  to  own  the  Name  to  be 
common  alfo.    For  the  defire  of  aggrandi- 
zing both  will  be  defedive,  if  they  give  but 
one  part  to  the  o;ie,  while  the  other  enjoys 

both  J 

Eunomius'^  Jpologetick,. 

.  both  •,  nor  will  they  vouchfafe  to  explain  the 
reafon  of  fuch  difference  ^  nay,  are  more  nice 

as  to  the  word  than  as  to  the  thing  it  felf. - 

But  if  they  own  one  to  be  greater  and  the 
other  lefs,  feeing  we  have  prov'd  that  when 
a  thing  is  granted,  the  word  ought  to  be 
granted  alfo^  let  them  ufe  the  word  Vnequal : 
but  if  they  deny  that,  let  them  not  fear  to 
ufe  the  vf or di  Equal  in  this  cafe  ^  as  not  find- 
ing to  which  the  Supereminence  is  to  be 
afcrib'd.  For  they  cannot  pretend  to  fay  the 
Suhftance  is  common  to  both,  but  as  to  Or- 
der, and  the  Prerogative  of  greater  antiqui- 
ty in  point  of  time,  the  one  is  firll  and  the 
other  fecond :  fmce  we  acknowledg  in  all 
things  that  have  any  Prerogative,  the  Caufe 
of  that  Prerogative.  Now  neither  Time^  nor 
^/f,  nor  Order  have  any  connexion  with  the 
Subftance  of  God,  For  Order  is  polterior  to 
him  that  orders :  But  nothing  that  belongs  to 
God  is  order'd  by  another  Being.  And  Time 
is  a  certain  motion  of  the  Stars  j  and  the 
Stars  were  later,  not  only  than  the  Unbegot- 
ten  Subftance,  and  all  intelligent  Natures, 
but  than  the  Elements  or  primary  Bodies  alfo. 
And  as  to  the  Ages^  what  occakon  is  there 
for  any  farther  reafoning?  when  the  Scrip- 
ture plainly  affirms  that  God  exifted  before 
the  Ages  ^  and  the  common  Notions  of  Man- 
kind do  attelt  the  fame  Truth  alfo.  For 
'tis  not  only  impious,  but  exceeding  ridicu- 
lous for  thofe  who  admit  of  -but  one  Unbe- 
gotten  Being,  to  affirm  that  fomewhat  elfe 
exifts  either  before  him^  or  together  with  him. 
For  if  any  Being,  exifted  hejore  him^  that  Be- 
ing has  a  juft  Title  to  this  Charader  of  Vn- 
begotten^   and  not  the  fecond.    if  it  exiiled 


lo  EunomiusV  Jpolo^etick; 

only  together  with  him^  by  this  Communion  be- 
tween thefe,  fo  as  to  coexift  together,  both 
the  Vnity  of  God,  and  the  Charader  of  Vn- 
hegotten  will  be  taken  away.  But  for  thofe 
who,  together  with  the  Communication  of 
the  Subftance,  do  introduce  a  certain  Parti- 
tion and  Boundary  on  bath  fides,  they  muft 
fuppofe  a  mutual  Agreement,  nay  and  befides 
an  Author  of  that  Agreement.  Kow  'tis 
plainly  impolTible  that  any  things  fliould  have 
place  in  the  Eflence  of  God,  of  fuch  a  Nature 
as  Species,  or  Magnitude,  or  Quantity  \  becaufe 
on  all  accounts  God^  muft  be  free  from  all 
Compofition.  But  now,  if  it  can  never  be 
agreeable  to  Piety,  to  fuppofe  thefe  or  any  the 
like  Circumftances  connected  with  the  Sub- 
ftance of  God,  how  can  Reafon  admit  us  to 
equal  a  Begotten  Subftance  to  that  which  is  Vnbe- 
gotten?  feeing  that  all  Likenefs,  or  Compari- 
fon,  or  Communication  of  Subftance  leaves 
no  Supereminence,  or  Difference,  but  implies 
a  plain  Equality^  and  by  that  Equality  de- 
clares him  that  is  fo  intire  like  the  other,  to 
be  equally  Vnhegotten  alfo.  But  no  one  is  fo 
mad  and  daring  in  his  Impiety,  as  to  aflert 
that  the  Son  is  Equal  to  the  Father,  when 
Joh.xiV.  the  Lord,  himfelf  exprelly  fays.  The  Father^ 
^^'  who  [em   me^  is  Greater  than  I :  or    to   apply 

both  of  the  Names  at  random,  while  each 
claims  the  Appropriation,  nor  does  admit 
the  Communication  thereof  to  the  other. 
For  if  either  Perfon  be  Vnhegotten^  he  is  not 
a  Son  'j  and  if  he  be  a  Son^  he  is  not  Vnbe" 
Ubi  pi>  gotten^  But  that  there  is  only  one  God  of  the 
Hs.  Univerfe  Vnhegotten^  and  beyond  all  eomparifony 

befides  the  many  Argumencs  omitted  here, 
what  we  have  faid  already  upon  that  Subjedt 
does  fumciently  demonftrate.   And  there  is  but 


Eunomiiis'y  J[)ologetick.  1 1 

oneSon^  for  he  is  the  Only  beq^otten\  concerning  Conftitut. 
which  it  wereeafy,  by  adding  the  Teftimoniesl^-^^-  C. 
of  Holy  Men  who  have  flil'd  the  Son  a  Being^^'"^'^^^ 
Befotten^  and  a  Being  Made^    and  by   fuch   a 
difference  in  their  Expreflions   declaring  the 
difference  of  their  Subftances,  to  prevent  the 
occafion   of  any    farther    care    and    trouble. 
However,  on  account  of  fuch  as  fuppofe  this 
to   be  like  the  Generation  of  Bodies,  and  fo 
ftumble  at  the  Ambiguity  of  words,  it  will 
be  neceflary,   1  fuppofe,  to   fpeak  briefly  to 
this  matter. 

We  therefore  affirm  the  Son  to  be  a  Being 
Begotten^  according  to  the  Dodrine  of  the 
Scriptures  ^  not  imagining  him  one  thing  as 
to  his  Subftance^  and  yet  another  thing  to  be 
defcrib'd  by  the  Words  apply'd  to  hicu  \  but 
that  he  is  the  very  fame .  fublifl;ing  Being 
which  the  name  ffgnifies,  the  Appellation 
rightly  exprefling  the  Subfiance  *,  and  that  this 
fubfifting  Being  was  produc'd  when  he  was 
not  before  his  own  proper  Produdion,  but  l,  y\\\, 
that  he  was  begotten  before  dl  things^  by  the  C.  12.  p. 
J^/7/of  God  and  the  Father.  But  if  this  Ex- ^99- 
prelTion  feem  over-bold  to  any  one,  let  him 
confider  with  himfelf  whether  it  be  'true  or 
Fdfe :  for  if  the  former,  the  Boidnefs  is 
without  blame,  according  to  his  own  deter- 
mination J  iince  nothing  that  is  true^  if  it  be 
fpokenin  due  time,  and  within  due  bounds, 
can  be  culpable:  but  if  it  be  Falfe^  'tis  abfo- 
lutely  neceflary  that  the  oppofite  Dodrine  muft 
be  efteem'd  true,  that  is,  that  the  Son,  who 
jv^  in  being  before^  was  begotten  \  which  does 
not  only  exceed  all  Abfurdity  or  Blafphemy, 
but  all  the  moft  foolifh  and  ridiculous  Opi- 
nions poiuble.  For  what  occafion  for  Gene- 

1  2  EunomiiisV  Jpologetick^. 

ration  to  a  Being  that  exlfis  already  ?    unleft 
it  be  chang'd  into  another  Being  ;  according 
10    the   nature    of  both    living    and  lifelefs 
things,  v/bich  any  one  may  truly  fay  to  have 
that  Being  which  already  exifts,    but  not  to 
have  that  Being  into  which  they  are  made  : 
For  Seed  is  not  a  Man, nor  are  Stones  an  Houfe  j 
the  former  of  which  is  made  a  Man,  the  latter 
an  Houfe.     Now  if  in  every  one  of  thefe  Ex- 
amples,   to  which  'tis  the  greateft  Inftance 
of  Piety   to  compare  the  Generation  of  the 
Son,  thofe  things  only  are  made  which  were 
7iot  before^    what    Medicine  mufl:    he  require 
who  affirms  that  the  Son,  when  he  was  before^ 
was  p-oduc'd  notwithftanding  ?  For  if  he  were 
before  his  Generation,  he  was  without  Genera* 
tiony  or  Vribegotten  ^  whereas  it  has  all  along 
been  fairly  acknowledg'd,  that  there  is  vo  o- 
Ubi  pri-   ther  Vnhegotten  Being  but  God,     Either  there* 
^^-  fore  let  them  leave  off  this  Profeffion,    when 

they  introduce  another  Vnhegotten  Beings  or 
while  they  perfift  in  the  fame,  let  them  not 
pretend  that  the  Son  was  froduc^d^  tho  he  ex^ 
ified  before  *,  fmce  the  Charader  of  Son^  and  of 
a  Being  Begotten^  will  not  admit  that  of  aa 
Vnhegotten  Sithftance,  For  by  this  means  all 
imaginable  Confufion  of  Names  and  of  Things 
will  a  rife,  while  there  is  but  one  Suhflance 
which  is,  and  which  is  call'd  Vnhegotten  ^  and 
yet  in  the  fame  breath  is  there  introduc'd  a- 
I^rnat.-u-  nother :  And  after  all,  this  other  Being  is 
bi  piius.  nam'd  a  Begotten  Suhfiance^  and  is  call'd  a  Son, 
tho  Vnhegotten^  according  to  the  fame  Perfon's 
Notion  *,  and  the  other  has  the  name  of  Fa- 
ther given  him,  without  his  begetting  a  Son, 
if  the  other  indeed  be  Vnbegottsni 


Eunomius'5  Jpologetick.  13 

But  perhaps  fome  body,  aiming  to  cure  one 
Malady  with  another,  a  lefler  with  a  greater, 
according  to  the  Proverb,  will  fuppofe  a  Ge- 
neration byAugmentation  or  Mutation.   This 
is  to  add  one  perverfe  reafoning  to  all  the  for- 
mer, as  not  being  fenfible  even  of  this  plain 
Cafe,  that  if  there  be  any  Augmentation,  it 
mult  be  by  the  addition  of  fomewhat  elfe. 
Whence  therefore  is  this  Addition,  but  from 
fome  foreign  Matter  ?  But  if  fo,  it  v/ ill  beab- 
folutely  neceflary  to  fuppofe  mafjy  Beings^  ma- 
ny Vnbegotten  Beings^  to  fupply  the  Defed  of 
one  alone.     But  if  the  Augmentation  be  made 
out  of  nothing,   which  is  the  more  rational 
Suppofition,  to  confefs  that  every  thing  was 
made  when  it  was  not  in  being  before,  by  the 
Will  of  him  that  produc'd  it  ^    than  to  fay 
any  Subftance  is  a  Compofition  made,  part- 
ly out  of  what  was  in  being,  partly  out  of 
what   was  not  in  being  •,   they  muft  admit 
of  a  Mutation,    when  there   is    nothing  to 
which  that   Mutation  could  be   made  \   and 
when  by  confequence  of  neceflity,  the  Muta- 
tion muft  be  made  into  that  which  is   not. 
And  how  can  it  be  other  than  foolifh,  not  to 
fay  impious,  to  affirm,  that  what  has  a  Being 
is  chang'd  into  that  which  has  none  ?  Indeed 
it  will  become  us  to  leave  off  this  prodigious 
Folly,  or  Madnefs  rather,  and  to  keep  our 
felves  to  the  words  of  Truth  and  Sobernefs. 
But  thefe  Men,  who  are  liable  themfelves,  tho 
unwittingly,  to  thefe  and  many  more  Abfur- 
dities,  do  not  with  Juftice  lay  the  Charge  of 
Boldnefs  upon  us,  but  in  reality  bring  that  of 
Impiety  upon  themfelves.    For  our  parts,  we 
perfift  in  what  has  been  antiently  demonftrated 
by  Holy  Perfons,  and  now  by  our  felves  ^  in 


14  Eunomius'i-   Jpolo^etick^. 

afErming,  that  (ince  neither  the  Subftance  of 
God  admits  of  Generation  [as  being  Vnhegot- 
ten  ^  nor  of  Separation  or  Divifion,  as  being 
Jncorrvptible  Q  nor  is  there  any  other  Subftra- 
tum  for  the  Generation  of  the  Soa:    there- 
fore the  Son,  when  he  was  not  before,    w^as 
begotten.     Not  thereby  intending    that  tlie 
Subftance  of  the  Only-begotten    was  in  common 
the  fame   with  that   of  thofe  Beings  which 
were  made  oMf  0/  nothing-^  feeing  what  is  not, 
cannot  be  any  fort  of  Subftance.     But  we  de- 
termine, that  the  difference  of  all  Subftances 
depends  on  the  Will  of  him  that  made  them  ; 
and  accordingly  we  do  afcribe  fuch  Saperemi- 
nence  of  Subftance  to  the  Son,  as  'tis  necefta- 
ry  to  fuppofe  the  Creator  to  be  poflefs'd  of 
above  that  of  his  own  Creatures.    For  we  ac- 
knowledg,    according   to  the  blefled  Apoftle 
Job.  I.  9.  John^  that  all  things  were  begotten  by  hlm^  that 
Power  of  Creation  being  begotten  together 
with  him  ^  whence  he  is  the  Only-begotten  ,(3  od 
to  all  Beings  that  are  inferior  to   him,   and 
Conftit.    that  were  made  by  him.    For  he  alone  v^asbe^ 
i^^ten  and  created  by  the  Tower  of  the  Vnbegotten 
0*94.  &*a-  ^^^>    ^^^  ^^  became  the  moft  perfed  of  the 
libipaf-    fubordinate    Beings,   and /w^/^r'v/Vwf  for    the 
fim.c.i2.  Creation  of  all  the  reft,   and  for  the  perfor- 
P-  399-      mance  of  his  Father's  Will.     But  now  if,  be- 
^•^^'•^  caufeof  the  names  Father  and  Son,  v/e  muft 
3  •  P'37  •  ^g  Q5[ig'(^  ^Q  fuppofe  a  ki,n4  of  human  and 
corporeal  Generation^  and  from  that  Method 
of  Generation  among  Men,    muft  introduce 
Godas.fubjed  to  the  Imputations  and  Affec- 
tions of  a  Change  in  his  Subftance,    We  muft 
alfo,  according  to  the,  eVrOAeous  Opifiion  of 
t\^Q  Greeks^  becaufe  God  isa  Creator^  introduce 
Adarter  for  the  Frodudion  of  the  Creatures. 


EunomiiisV  Jpoh^eticl{.  i  5 

For  Man,  who  ^f^ff^  out  of  his  own  Subflance, 
if  he  were  to  create^  could  not  do  it  without 
Matter.  But  if  they  reject  that  Hypothefis, 
without  regarding  the  ftrid  ufe  of  Words 
which  are  imploy'd  to  exprefs  our  meaning, 
becaufe  they  muft  take  care  to  afcribe  none 
but  worthy  Notions  to  God  ^  and  fo  allow  that 
he  creates  by  his  Power  alone  :  how  can  it  be 
neceflary  to  think  of  the  Aftedion  of  a  Change 
of  Subftance  in  God,  on  account  that  he  is 
RiVd  ^  Father  <*  For  what  Man  of  good  Senfe 
is  there,  but  acknowledges  that  the  names  of 
fomc  things  do  only  agree  in  pronunciation  and 
expreflion,  but  not  at  all  in  fignification  ?  as 
when  an  Eye  is  fpoken  of  Man,  and  when  it  is 
apply'd  to  God  :  Of  Man  it  denotes  one  dif- 
tind  Member  •,  but  of  God  it  denotes,  fome- 
times  his  Help  and  Prefervation  afforded  to 
the  Righteous  ^  and  fometimes  the  Knowledg 
of  the  Actions  of  Men.  As  on  the  other  hand., 
many  words,  which  are  different  in  pronuncia- 
tion, have  ftill  the  fame  fignification ;  as  He 
that  Is  \  and  the  Only  True  God, 

Wherefore  when  God  is  ftil'd  a  Father^  we 
ought  not  to  fuppofe  the  fame  Operation  or 
Efficacy  which  that  word  implies  among  Men  \ 
as  if  ia  both  Cafes  it  equally  included  fome  E- 
manation,  or  the  like  Affedion  \  iince  the  one 
is  without  all  fuch  Affedions,  and  the  other 
with  them.  Nor  when  he  is  faid  to  be  a  5/?i- 
r/>,  is  he  to  be  fuppos'd  to  have  the  fame  na- 
ture with  other  Spirits.  Accordingly  fhould 
we  in  all  things  obferve  the  like  Equity  and 
Proportion,  and  not  as  foon  as  we  hear  the 
name  of  S>on  apply'd  to  Chrift,  to  be  difpleas'd 
at  the  name  of  a  Made  Being  ^  as  if  the  Sub- 
ftance were  immediately  to  be  fuppos'd  com- 

X<J  EunomiiisV  Apotogetlci^ 

mon,  becaufe  of  this  Community  of  thenamc> 
Conftit.    For  he  is  a  Being,  begotten  and  made  by  a  Be- 
L.  VIII.  ing^  which  was  it  felf  nnhegotten  and  unmade  ; 
aoof '  ^'  ^^^^^  ^^^  ^"^  Angels,  and  whatfoever  Crea- 
ture there  is  befide,  are  Beings  made  by  that 
Being  which  was  it  felf  made^   and  produc'd  by 
him  at  the  Command  of  the  Father,    For  by 
^rov.      this  means  we  Ihall  preferve  the  fa'cred  Truth 
Aft.n  q5  of  the  Scriptures,  which  affirm,  that  the  Son 
Col'.l.iciisa  ^f/^^?7i^^^,  and  froduc^dhY  Godi'^  and  we 
Apoc.ill.  fhall  not  go  allray  from  fober  Reafoning,  as 
i4«         neither  being  forc'd  to  afcribe  Parts  to  God, 
nor  lay  his  own  Subftance  as  a  Subftratum  for 
Generation,   nor  Matter  for  Creation,   from 
which  different  Notions  the  difference  of  thefe 
ISIames  has  arifen.    Now  if  God,   when  he 
begets^  does  not   communicate  his  own  Sub- 
ftance to  the  Being  that  is  begotten,  accord- 
ing as  happens  among  Men,    for  he  is  Vnbe^ 
gotten  \  and  when  he  creates^  he  does  not  ftand 
in  need  of  any  Matter,  fince  he  ftandsin  need 
of  nothings  and  is  powerful  ^  the  rejedion  of 
the  word  Creation  is  on  all  accounts  unreafo- 
-.         Now  fince  from  thefe  and  the  like  Argu- 
L  viil*   ^^^^^  ^^  ^^^^  (hewn,   that  we  muft  neither 
c.*^.  p.'    attempt  univerfally  to  think  tliat  the  fignifi- 
391.        cation  of  Words  is  exadlly  agreeable  to  the 
Words  thcmfelves,  nor  to  change  that  Agree* 
ment  at  random,   but  muft  attend  to  the  Sub- 
jeds  we  are  upon  ^  we  muft  fute  Words  and 
their  Signification  together,   with  regard  to 
that  Agreement  refpedively :   for  the  nature 
of  things  is  not  a  Confequent  of  Words,  but 
the  Force  of  Words  is,  according  to  their  re- 
fpective  kinds,  to  be  luted  to   the  nature  of 
things*     One  may  therefore  very  juftly  com- 

Eunomius'y  Jpologctkk^.  17 

plain  of  thofc,  who  believing  that  the  Son  is 
a  Being  Begotten^  and  a  Being  A^ade^  and  areal- 
(9  perfuaded  that  God  is  a  Being  V/jhcgQtte??^ 
and  a  Being  Vnmade^  do  yet,  by.  the  addition 
of  other  words,  and  by  faying  that  they  are 
alike  in  Suhftance^  contradidl  what  they  con- 
fefs'd  before  ^  while  they  ought,  if  they  had 
had  the  leaft  regard  to  Truth,  from  that  dif- 
ference of  Characters,  to  have  own'd  the  dif- 
ference of  their  Subllances  \  becaufe  they  could 
only  by  this  means  preferve  the  jufl:  Order  of 
Things :  that  is,  by  accommodating  to  each 
feverally  a  futable  Acknowledgment.  But  if 
they  have  no  confideration  of  this  Agreeable- 
nefs  in  the  nature  of  things,  yet  ought  they 
at  leafl  to  take  care,  that  their  own  Words 
agree  with  their  own  Notions,  and  not  allow 
themfelves  to  afcribe  intirely  different  Cha- 
racters to  the  fame  Nature^  for  we  have  de- 
monftrated,  by  all  our  foregoing  Difcourfe, 
that  thofe  Characters  are  fignificative  of  the 
Subftances  themfelves. 

But  now  perhaps  fomebody  that  is  heated 
in  this  matter  may  argue  thus,  in  way  of  con- 
tradiction to  our  Reafoning :  that  if  we  mult 
thus  ftricily  adhere  to  the  words  made  ufe  of, 
and  thence  be  led  into  the  meaning  of  the 
things  ^  as  we  pretend  that  Vnhegotten  and  Be- 
gotten are  fo  intirely  different  from  one  ano- 
ther ^  yet  is  it  plain,  that  the  names  Light  and 
Lights  Life  and  Life^  Power  and  Tower ^  which 
areafcrib'd  to  both,  are  alike.  To  fuch  an 
one's  Queftion,  we  fliall  reply,  not  with  the 
Argument  of  the  Stajf^  inftead  of  an  Anfwer, 
according  to  the  Saying  of  Diogenes :  For  the 
Philofophy  of  a  Cynick  is  vaftly  remote  from 
Chriftianity  ^  but  in  imitation  of  the  blefled 
B  ApoftlQ 

1 8  EunomiusV  Jpologetick. 

Apoflle  Paul^  who  fays,  that  we  ought  to  in* 
iTimAhftruch  thofe  that  oppofe  themfekjes  with  great  Long- 
25'  f^^ff^^^'^i'  We  anfwer  then,  that  Light  is  ei- 
ther Vnhegotten  or  Begotten  ^  and  we  ask  whe- 
ther w^hen  Light  is  fpoken  of  an  Vnhegotten  Be- 
ings and  of  a  Being  Begotten^  it  fignifies  diffe- 
rently,or  has  the  very  ftme  (ignification  ?  If  the 
very  fame,  'tis  plain,  that  that  mull  be  a  com- 
pounded thingwhich  confilts  of  different  thingsv 
Kow  what  is  compounded,  is  not  Unbegotten  : 
But  if  it  has  a  different  {ignification,then  as  much 
difference  as  there  is  between  an  Vnhegotten 
and  a  Begotten  Being,  fo  much  difference  ought 
there  to  be  fuppos'd  between  Light  and  Lights 
Life  2Lnd  Life^  Power  and  Power,  For  there  is 
but  one  Rule  and  Method  for  the  Refoliition 
of  all  fuch  Difficulties. 

If  therefore  every  Chara^er  'of  the  Father, 
which  concerns  his  Subftance,    be  equivalent 
totiiatof  Vnhegotten,  as  to  its  proper  figni- 
fication,    on  account   of  his  being  free  from 
Parts,  and  not  compounded  j  and  if  the  Cafe 
be  the  fame  as  to  the  Only-begotten^  that  every 
CharaQ:er  muft  be  equivalent  to  that  of  a  Be- 
gotten Beings  and  yet  they  will  ftill  fay  thefe . 
Charaders  may  be  convertible  ^  who  can  fur- 
ther endure    that  they  fhould    ufe  the  word 
'Lihnefs  of  Subfia?7ce  ?  or  that  they  fhould  de- 
termine one  to  have  a  Supereminence  above 
the  other  as  to  Greatnefs,  even  tho  all  Confi- 
deration  of  Qiiantity,  and  of  Time,  and  the 
like  Circumftances.  are  fet  alide  ?  and  tho  the 
Subftance  be,  and  is  own'd  to  be  fimple  and 
ConBit.     one?  And  in  the  firlt  place,  they  who  pre- 
L.  VIII.   fume  to  compare  that  Subftance,    which  has 
^*  S*  P-     no    Svpcrior,    and    is  above    all  Cavfe^    and  free 
}V.'^?'  from  all  Laws,  to  that  which  is  Begotten,  and 


Eunomius^  Jpolo^etick.  19 

is  fuhfervlent  to  the  Lavps  of  its  Father^  feem 
either  not  at  all  to  confider  the  nature  of 
Things,  or  not  to  form  their  J  jdgments  about 
them  with  an  uncorrupt  Miad,  For  there 
are  plainly  two  ways  cat  out  for  the  Diflo- 
very  of  the  Truth  in  fuch  Qiaellions  ^  the  one 
of  which  is  a  priori^  whereby  we  conllder 
the  Sabltances  of  things  themlelves,  and  by 
fair  and  clear  Reafaning  we  determine  a- 
bout  every  one  of  them  j  'the  other  of  which 
is  a  foficrioriy  whereby  we  make  the  En- 
quiry from  the  Effeds  to  the  Caufe,  and  fo 
diftinguifli  Subftances  by  the  Creatures  they 
make,  and  by  their  Operations.  Kor  is  it 
poflible  to  perceive  that  either  of  thcfe  ways 
can  difcover  this  Likenefs  of  Subftance. 

For  in  cafe  any  one  takes  the  Rife  of  his 
Enquiries  from  the  Subftances  themfelves,  and 
finds  that  One  is  fuperior  to  all  Dominion^  and  ^bi  pri- 
aboveail  Ge»eratloi7^3.nd  all  Indigency  ,  This  will  "''" 
teach  a  Mind  that  comes  with  a  iincere  Defire 
after  Truth,    and  oblige  ir.  to  reject  with  the 
greatefl  Indignation,  from  the  very  Law  and 
Rule  of   Nature,    all    Gomparifon    between 
them  ^  and  will  give  us  to  undcrltand,    that 
the  Operation  mult   be  fa  table   and  agreea- 
ble to  the  Dignity  of  the  Sabltance.     But  in 
cafe  he    firlt    regards  the    Creatures    made, 
and  thence  goes  back  to  the  Sublbances,  when 
he  finds  the  Son  to  be  the  Behg  m.ide  by  the  Uhi  prl- 
Vnhegotten  Beings  and  the  Comforter  the  Be^  ii^- 
ing  made  by  the   Only  Begotten^     and   is  fatif- p^j^'^* 
fy'd  of  the  difference  of  the  Operations  by  jj.p.'f^. 
the   Supereminence  of  the  Only  Begotten  \ 
he  will  thence  perceive  an  indifpu table  De- 
monftration   of  the  Difference  of  their  Sub- 
ftances,    Not  here  to  add  a  third  Diflerence, 
B  2  that 

10  Eunomius'i   Jpologctick. 

L.  Vlir.  that  be  who  creates  by  bis  own  Power,  muft 
C.  12.  p.  i^g  vallly  f^jperioLir  to  him  that  does  it  at  the 
ahb'i  paf-  p^^^fi^^^  ^f  ^^^  Father^  and  confefTes  that  he  does 
fim.  nothing  of  himfelf'^  and  he  that  isado-Zd^  from 

Joh.V.19.  him  that  adores. 

If  therefore  they  edeem  it  not  at  all  abfurd 
to  afcribe  all  thefe  things  equally  to  both,  as 
for  inftance,  Subltance,  Energy,  Power,  and 
Name,  as  intending  to  take  away  all  dif- 
tinction  both  as  to  Names  and  Things  *,  let 
them  plainly  call  them  both  Vnhegotten  Be* 
wgs.  But  if  this  be  a  notorious  piece  of  Im- 
piety, let  them  not,  under  a  colour,  by  ufing 
the  word  Lihnefs^  hide  that  which  is  by  all 
own'd  for  Impiety. 

But  left  we  fliould  feem  to  ofler  violence  to 

the  Truth  by  our  own  Fi(?^ions  and  Reafon- 

ings,  as  we  are  falfly  accus'd  to  do  ^  and  that 

falfe  Accufation  is  laid  heavily  to  our  charge 

by  abundance  of  People  :  we  will  demonftrate 

what  we  aim  at  out  of  the  Scriptures  them- 


Conftltut.      There  is  but  one  God^  who  is  declar'^d  both 

L.VI.  C,  yy  fijg  j^^^^  ^^^  fij^  Prophets :  and  he  is  own'd 

^l'c^'^^^^*^y  our  Saviour  hiovxif  to  be  the  God  of  the 

Joh.'xx.  Only- begotten.     For  fays  he,  I  go  vnto  my  God 

17.  and  your  God*     The    only  True   God^    the  only 

Xyil.3.  [f^/y^^  ^W  only  Good^  and  only  Powerful  Beings 

1  Tim.  I.  ^^Q  ^.^j^y  ^^^  Inyncrtallty,     Jvjor  let  any  one  be 

Ma't.xix.  diforder'd  or   difturb'd   in  his  mind  at  this. 

1(5/17.     For  we  do  not  ufe  this  Language  in  order  to 

iTim.  VI.  take  away  the  Divinity  of  the  Only-begotten, 

1 5,  16.     Qj.    j^is   Wifdom^    or    his   Immortality^    or  his 

^^^^^'  Goodnefs^  but  in  order  to  put  a  difference  be- 

c'.^.p.  *  tween"'things  *,  and  to  own  the  fupereminent 

391.*        Dignity  of  the  Father.    For  we  acknowledg 

the  ojily-begottea  God  and  our  Lord  Jefus, 


EunomiusV  Jpologetick.  ii 

to  be  Incorruptible-,  and  Immortal^  and  IVtfe.^  and 
Good  ^  but  we  aiTirm  that  the  Father  is  the 
Caufe  of  his  intire  Being,  and  of  every  thing 
that  he  is  ^  who  himfelf  has  no  caufe  of  his 
own  Subftance,  or  of  his  Goodnefs ;  as  being 
Unbegotten  :  the  foregoing  Premifes  affording 
us  this  Notion.  If  therefore  he  be  the  only 
True  God.,  as  being  only  Wife.,  and  only  Vnbe- 
gotten^  the  Son  is  his  Only  Begotten^  becaufe  he 
alone  is  a  Being  begotten  by  the  Unbegotten  Ubi  prl- 
Being:  which  yet  he  would  not  be  alone,  if"^* 
the  Kature  was  common  to  both,  on  account 
of  their  Likenefs. 

We  ought  therefore  to  lay  afide  the  No* 
tion  of  Likenefs  as  to  Suhflance^  and  to  em- 
brace that  of  the  Likenefs  of  a  Son  to  the 
Father,  in  agreement  with  his  own  words ; 
that  is,  fo  to  reduce  the  intire  Caufe  and  Ori- 
gin of  all  to  the  One  and  Only  Beings  that 
the  Son  may  be  efteem'd  fubject  to  his  Father.  Paflim. 
We  ought  alfo  exaftly  to  purify  our  No- 
tions about  thefe  matters,  and  not  to  efteem 
the  manner  of  his  Operation  to  be  after  the 
manner  of  Men  *,  but  with  eafe,  and  divine  : 
and  not  to  efteem  his  Operation  to  be  any 
fort  of  divifion,  or  removal  of  his  Subftance  \ 
fuch  as  thofe  cannot  avoid  who  are  led  by 
the  Sophiftry  of  the  Greeks.,  and  conned  the 
Energy  to  the  Subftance  \  and  becaufe  they 
fuppofb  the  World  to  be  coeval  with  God, 
fall  into  all  forts  of  Abfurdities  on  that  ac* 
count.  For  thofe  that  allow'd  no  Period  to 
the  World,  no  wonder  that  they  aflign'd  to 
it  no  Beginning  :  nor  would  that  ceafe  or 
come  to  an  end  which  was  not  deriv'd  from 
a  certain  Beginning.  But  as  to  thefe  Greeks, 
which  never  look'd  on  the  difference  of 
B  3  thing* 


Eunomius'«j  Jpologeticli. 

tunings  with  clear  eyes,  nor  can  be  equitable 
Arbitrators,  let  them  not  be  concerned  in 
thefe  matters :  fince  the  jult  Judgment  of 
God  has  hidden  the  Truth  from  them,  oa 
account  of  the  Pravity  of  their  Difpofitions. 

Bat  then,    as   to    our  felves,   we  do   not 
think  it  fafe,  as  we  have  faid  a  little  before, 
to  conned  the  Operation  with  the  Subftance  : 
lince  we  judg  of  it  by  its  Works,  and  know 
the  Subftance  to  be  without  beginning,  fimple, 
and  without  end  :  but  the  Operation  not  to 
be  without   beginning  *,    for  if  it  were,  the 
Work  it   felf   would    be  without  beginning 
alfo,  as  well   as  without  end :  fince  'tis  not 
poffibie  for  the  Works  to  ceafe,  and  yet  the 
Operation    never    to   do    fo.     For  'tis  very 
childiili,  and  the   reafoning  of  a  very  weak 
Mind,    to  fay  the   Operation  is  unbegotten, 
and  without  end:  and  while  they  fuppofe  it 
the  fame    with  the  Subftance,   yet    to   own 
that  none  of  the  Works  can   be  made  fo  as 
to  be  Unbegotten,  or  as  to  be  without  end. 
For  one    of  thefe   two  things  would   hence 
follow,  either  that  the  Operation  of  God  did 
not  operate,   or  the  Work   muft  be  Unbe- 
gotten :  but  if  both  of  thofe  Hypothefes  are 
without  queftion  abfurd,  what  remains  muft 
be  true  •,  that  becaufe  the  Works  have  a  be- 
ginning, the  Operation  was  not  without  be- 
ginning ;    and   becaufe   they    muft  ceafe,    {o 
muft  the  Operation  ceafe  alfo. 

Wherefore  we  ought  not  to  acquiefce  in 
ft.e  Opinions  of  the  Greeh^  taken  up  with- 
out examination;  and  fo  to  conned  the  Ope- 
ration with  the  Subftance  *,  but  to  efteem 
the  Will  of  God  to  be  the  trueft  Operation  *, 
which  is  moft  worthy  of  God,  and  fufficieht 


EunomiusV  Jpologctick.  23 

for  the  Being  and  Prefervation  of  all  things ; 

as  the  vvords  of  the  Prophet  do  alfo  attell : 

For  he  hdth    done  whatfoevcr    he    ^le.ifed.     ForPr.CXV. 

he  docs  not  ftand  in   need  of  any  Being  for  '; 

the  Conftitution  of  thofe  things  he  is  pleas'd  ^^^'^^1^  ^• 

to  make:  but  at  the  fame  time  that  he  wills,  c*  ,2. 

what  he  pleafes  is  made.  p.  399. 

Wherefore  if  the  Word  of  God  demon- 
(Irates  that  his  IVill  is  his  Operation^  and  not 
that  his  Subftanceis  fuch  ^  and  that  the  Only- 
begotten  fubfiited  by  the  Will  of  the  Father  \ 
'tis  certainly  neceflary  that  the  Son  prefcrve 
this   Ltkefiefsj  not   as  to  Subfiauce^  but  as  to 
Operatiorjy    which   is  alfo    his  Will.     Whence 
alfo  we  ought    to  be  perfaaded  to   preferve 
that  true  Notion  of  his  being   his   Father'' s 
Image^    which   the    blefled  Apoftle  Paul  de- 
clared, when  he  faid,  Who  is  the  Image  of  the  ColofT  \, 
Jnvifible  God^  the  firfl-born    of  every  Creature  ^  i5>  i^* 
for  in  him  were  all  things  created^  both  things  in 
Heaven^  and  things    on  Earthy  vifible  and  invi-- 
fible.     For  therefore   is   he  calFd,  The  Image 
of  God.     Now  thefe   words,  ^11  things  were 
created  in  him^  together  with  the  Appellation 
of  the  Firfi'born,   do  not  give   us  the   Cha- 
racter of  an  Vnbcgctten  Subflance  :  for  here  is 
nothing  about  Subflance^  but  about   that  Ope- 
ration whereby   he,   as    a  Son,    performs   all 
things.     The  Expreifion   of  Image    does  not 
bear  any  refemblance  to  the  Subftance,  but  to 
that  Operation  which    was  hidden,    without 
any  Generation,  in  God's  Foreknowledg,  even 
before  the  Conftitution  of  the  Son,    and  of 
thofe    things   which  were   created    in    him. 
For  who  is  there  that  knowing  the  Only-be- 
gotten himfelf,  and  confidering  that  all  things]^^.i,i* 
were  made  by  him-,  will  not  acknowledg  that 
B  4        '  lie 

24  Eunomlus'5  /IptjlGgctlck^. 

he  at  once  contemplates  the  whole  Power  of 
the  Father  ?  To  which  the  moft  blefled 
Apoftle  Paul  has  refped,  when  he  does  not 
fay  by  hlm^  but  in  him  j  altho  he  adds  the 
Charader  of  Flrft-horn:  that  when  himfelf 
is  alfo  included, .  together  with  all  the  Beings 
made  by  him,  he  may  make  manifeft  to  all 
that  are  able  to  comprehend  the  whole  at 
one  view,  the  Operation  of  the  Father.  We  . 
therefore  call  him  the  Image  of  the  Father^ 
not  as  comparing  a  Begotten  Being  with  that 
which  isVnbegGtte-a\  for  that  is  certainly  dif- 
agreeable,  and  in  all  Beings  impofTible  ,  but 
as  owning  him  the  Only  begotten^  and  Firft- 
horn  of  the  Father  :  the  appellation  of  Son 
declaring  the  Suhftancey  as  does  that  of  Fa- 
ther the  Operation  of  him  that  begat  him. 
But  if  any  one  out  of  the  love  of  Conten- 
tion, and  as  lixt  in  his  own  Opinions,  will  not 
apply  his  Mind  to  what  has  been  faid  ^  but 
yet  is  forc'd  to  own  that  the  Charader  of 
Father  is  figaificative  of  the  Subfiance'^  let 
him  attribute  the  like  Charader  to  the  Sony 
to  whom  he  has  already  attributed  the  like 
Suhfiance,  Or  rather  let  him  attribute  both 
Charaftcrs  to  each  of  them.  ^  we  mean  the 
Charadter  of  Son  to  the  Father,  and  that  of 
Father  to  the  Son.  For  the  Similitude  of 
Subltance  obliges  thofe  who  are  of  that  opi- 
nion to  charaderizc  them  both  by  the  fame 

Flaving  now  fpoken  fufficiently  concerning 
the  Ohly-bcgctteny  Order  requires  that  we 
difeoui  fc  next  concerning  the  Comforter  ^  not 
fallowing  the  Opinions  o^  the  many,  which 
are  talica  up  without  examination,  bat  keep- 

Eunomius'^  Jpolo^etick.  2j 

ing  clofe  to  the  Dodrine  of  Holy  Men  in 
all    things.     From  whom  we    have  learn'd 
that  he  is  the  Third  in  Dignity  and  Order  ^Paflim. 
and  do  therefore  believe  that  he  is  the  Third 
in  Nature   alfo  :   not  changing  the  Dignity 
and  Nature  according  to  the  political  Chan- 
ges among  Men,  no  more  than  we  can  change 
their  Order,  fo  that  their  Subftances  fhall  be 
contrary  to  their  Creation,  but  agreeably  to 
the  Rules  of  Harmony ;  that  fo  the  Firft  in 
order  may  not  be  Second  in  nature  ^  nor  that 
which  is  Firft  in  nature,  may  have  only  the 
Second  or  Third  place  in  order.     Wherefore 
if  the  Order  of  Creation  be  the  beft  Order 
in  intelligent  Beings,  the  Holy  Spirit,  which 
is  the  third  as  to  Order,  cannot  be  the  firft 
as  to  Nature :  which  is  no  other  than  God 
the  Father.     For  is  it  not  foolifh  and  vain, 
that  the  fame  Being  ihould  fometime  have  the 
Firft,  and  at  other  times  the  Third  place  ? 
and  in  both  of  them  to  be  ador'd  according 
to  his  nature,   as  the  Lord    God  is  a  Spirityjo^^iy' 
and  they  that  rvorjkip  him  mufi  worjljip    him  in^^' 
Spirit  and  in  Truths     Nor  is  he  the  fame  with 
the  Only-begotten^  for  then   he   would  not 
have  been  enumerated  after  him,  as   having 
a  Subfiftence  of   his   own.      Our    Saviour's 
words  being  here  in  the  firft  place  fufficient, 
whereby  he  faid  exprefly  that  he  ftiould  be 
fent  afterward^  for  the  inftrudion  and  teach-' XVI.  i<^, 
ing  of  the  Apoftles.      Nor  is    he  numerically  ^^' 

different  from  God,  and  yet  Vnbegotten  withal. 
For  there  is  only  One  Vnbegotten  Being,  from 
whom  all  things  were  made.  Nor  is  he  a 
Being  different  from  the  Son,  and  yet  a 
Being  begotten.  For  our  Lord  is  but  0;/^  ^  UbI  pr{- 
and  l\i^  Only-bemt^n 'j  by  whom  arc  ^11  fhin^s^^s. 

^5  Col.  I.  l4f 

26  EimomiusV  Jpologetic^. 

Conftitut.  as  the  Apoftle  fays:  but  he  is  the  third  in 
L.  VI.  c.  ]s;[ature  and  Order,  made  by  the  Command  of 
Ji.p.340.  ^j^g  Father,  and  by  the  Operation  of  the  Son  *, 
and  honour'd  in  the  third  place,  as  the  firft> 
and  greateft,  and  indeed  the  only  Being  of 
this  fort  made  by  the  Only-begotten  :  not 
enda'd  with  equal  Power,  Divinity,  and  the 
Power  of  Creating,  butendu'd  with  the  com- 
pleat  Power  of  Sanftifi cation  and  Inftrudtion. 
For  as  to  thofe  that  believe  the  Comforter 
to  be  only  a  certain  Energy  of  God,  and  yet 
do  ftill  enumerate  him  after  the  two  real 
Subftances,  they  feem  fo  very  foolilh,  and  fo 
intirely  remote  from  Truth,  that  one  muft 
have  great  leifure  indeed  to  think  it  worth 
while  to  confute  them.  Bat  that  we  may 
not  tire  our  Readers  by  the  prolixity  of  our 
Difcourfe,  we  will  contrad  the  Sum  of  what 
has  been  faid  into  a  ihort  compafs,  and  fay  \ 

Ubipri-  "  That  there  is  only  One  true  God^  the 
•us,&  paf-  «c  (y^^  qC  ^11  xhinzs^  Vnheiotten^  without  Be^in- 
^'  ning^  and  beyond  Compare  ^  fuj^erior  to  all 
"  Caufej  the  Caufe  of  Exiftence  to  all  Beings 
"  that  are:  not  creating  the  World  in  com- 
"  mon  with  another  Being,  [or  by  commu- 
"  nicating  himfelf  to  another :  ]  Not  the 
"  firlt  in  Order  only,  not  fomewhat  greater 
"  upon  the  comparifon  only,  and  a  little  fu- 
^^  perior  to  them  all  ;  but  by  way  of  Saper- 
^'  eminence,  beyond  all  compare,  as  to  his 
'*  Subllance,  his  Power,  and  his  Authority: 
''  One  who  before  all  things  begat,  and  made 
"  the  Only-begotten  God,  our  Lord  Jeflis 
''  Chrift^  by  whom  all  things  were  made  ^ 
^^  the  Image  and  Reprefentation  of  his  own 
*^  Power  and  Operation  '■,  who  is  himfelf  not 

''  to 

Ennomius'i  Jpologetick.  27 

*^  to  be  compar'd  with  him  that  begat  him, 

*'  as  to  his  Subltance  j  nor  to  that  Holy  Spi- 

*'  rit  which  was  made  by  him :  for  he  is  in- 

''  ferior  to  the  one,  as  a  Being  made  by  him  ; 

''  andfupcrior  to  the  other,  as  his  Maker." 

Now  that  Chrift  was  made,  Petery  who,  as 
our  Lord    himfelf  attefls,    had   his  Knowledg  yi^t^XSl, 
fromGodj  is  an  authentick  Witnefs,  when  he  17. 
fays.  Let  all  the  Houfe  of  Ifrael  \noxo  ajfuredly  Ads  IL 
that  God  hath  made  him  both  Lord  and  Chrifi,  3<^. 
And  he  that  fpake  in  the  Perfon  of  the  Lord, 
when  he    faid.    The  Lord  created  me  the  Be-  Vrov. 
ginning  of  his  ways.     And  he  that  faid,  There  VIII.  22. 
is  one  God^  from  whom  are  all  things  j  and  one    i  Cor. 
Lord  Jefus  Chrifi^  by  whom  are  all  things.     And  YIII.  6, 
the   Blelled  Apoftle  John^   when  he  faid,  All 
things  were  made  by  him  ^  and  without  him  was  John  I.  3. 
not  any  thing  made.     From  whence  it  will  fol- 
low, that   either    the    Spirit    is  Vnbegotten-^ 
which  is  a  piece  of  Impiety :  or  if  he  were 
made,  he  mad  have  been  made  by  him.     For  Ubi  pri- 
we  profefs  that  the  Son  alone  was  made  by  "s. 
the  Father  '■,    fubordinate  both  in  Subltance, 
and  Will  :  and  himfelf  owns  that  he  lives  tf«  JohaVL 
iic count  of  the  Father^  and  does  nothing  of  him-  57» 
felf     Nor  do  we  acknowledg  him  confubflanr      ^'  ^9* 
ti.Uj  for  that  denotes  fuch   a  Generation  as 
implies  Divihon  of  the  Subftance.     For  nei- 
ther is  the  Father  Begotten,  nor  the  Son  Un- 
begotten  :    but  what  he   ever  is,    that  is  he 
truly  call'd,  a  Begotten  Beings  an  Obedient  Son^  Ubi  pri- 
a  mo7t  ferfetl  Ad  mi  ft  er^    as  fuhfcrvient  in   the  "s. 
whole  Creation  to  the  Will  of  his  Father,  in 
order  to  the  Conftitution  of  things,  and  to 
their  Prefervation  i  and  for  the  giving  of  Laws 
to  Men,  making  ufe  of  the  Comforter  as  his  Yi^^m, 


i8  EimomlusV  Jpologetic^. 

Minifter,  for  the  difpenfing  of  his  Gifts,  and 
exercife  of  his  Providence  ^  for  SaiK^ification, 
for  Inftrucftion,  and  for  the  Confirmation  of 
L.VII.     the  Faithful:   Who  was  himfelf  in  the  laft 
^•'^';  P:  days  born   of    the    Virgin   Mary,  who  con- 
bi  pafTim.  ^^^^  ^  hojily,  according  to  the  Laws  or  God  j 
'  was  crucify'd,  and  died,  and  rofe  again  the 
third  day,  afcended  into  Heaven,  will  come 
again  to  judg  the  quick  and  the  dead,  by  a 
righteous  diftribution  to  every  one  according 
to  their  Faith  and  Works  j  and  is  to  reign 
for  ever  and  ever.     So  that  the  fupreme  Dig- 
nity and  Monarchy  of  God  is  ever  to  be  pre- 
ferv'd  in  all  things :  viz..  that  the  Holy  Spi- 
rit, with  all  the  other  Beings,  be  own'd  fub- 
ordinate  to  Chrifl:^  and  the  Son  himfelf  to 
Paflim.     God,  even  the  Father  *,  according  to  the  Doc- 
trine of  the  Blefled  Apoftle  Pavl^  who  fays 
I  Cor,      thus  :  For  when  all  things  jhall  he  fubdued  unto 
XV.  28.    him^    then  jfjall  the  Son  at  fa   himfelf  be  fubjed: 
unto  him  that    -put  all  things    vnder  him  \    that 
God  may  he  all  in  alL 

We  have  elfewhere  with  greater  care,  and 
more  largely  demonftrated  thefe  things,  which 
we  have  here  in  brief  included  in  this  Pro- 
feffion  of  our  Faith.  And  we  beg  of  you  of 
the  prefencAge,  and  all  others  that  are  Par- 
takers of  the  fame  Mylteries  with  us,  not  to 
fear  the  Cenfures  of  Men,  nor  to  be  impos'd 
on  by  their  Sophifms,  nor  fcduc'd  by  their 
Flattery  ,  but  to  pals  your  judgment  upon 
what  has  been  offer'd  according  to  Truth  and 
Equity  *,  as  fuffering  the  better  part  to  pre- 
vail, and  preferring  Rcafon  before  Prejudice, 
fo  as  to  fly  from  all  the  Snares  and  Nets 
■which  the  Devil  contrives  againft  Mankind  ^ 
and  thereby -thinks  to  affright,  or  at  leaft  to 
\,  allure 

Eunomki^V  Jpoh^ctick.  1^ 

allure    many   of    thofe    who  do    not  prefer 
what  is  really  profitable  btfore  what  is  plea- 
fant,  nor   efteem  things   future    more  fecure 
than  thofe  that  are  prcfent :,  that  fo  the  wor- 
fer  part  may  prevail  over    ferae    of   them. 
But  may  God   avert  any  experience  of  this 
that  I  have  faid  !  tho  there  be  mauy  thatcon- 
fpire  for  Falfnood,  and  are  departed  from  the 
Truth*,  preferring  the  prefent  Glory  and  Se- 
curity    before  things  pleailng   to  God   and 
truly  ufeful.     May    he  preferve  the  Faith  of 
my  Follovv^ers  unmoveable  and  firm  to  him 
that  deliver'd  it  to  them  ^  while  they  wait 
for  the  Judgment-Seat  of  oar  Saviour  Chrifl:  j 
where  all  Haughtinefs,  and  Glory,  and  Falf- 
hood  will  intirely  vaniih^  and  thofe  that  are 
to  be  judg'd  mull:   ftand   naked    of  all  their 
Authority  and   Attendance^  and   where  Af- 
fluence and  Riches,   be  they    here  never  fo 
highly  eftecm'd  among  Men,  is  utterly  infuf- 
ficient    to  put    their  Adverfaries  to   fhame. 
For  a  multitude  of  Men  in  all  their  fplendor 
is  not  there  equivalent  to  one  poor  and  pious 
Perfon  i  or  able  to  caufe  his  rejedion,  where 
Truth   it  felf  is  to  approve   him.     It  being 
agreeable  to  God's  juft  Method  of  Retribu- 
tion, that  their  Piety  fhould  plead  for  them 
at   that   day,    who  do  now,  on  its  account, 
efteem  Death  it  felf  to  be  Gain  ^  while  Chriif, 
the  Difpofer  of  the  Rewards,   did   formerly 
and  ftill  does  render  to  every  Combatant  the 
Prize  according  to  his  Dcfert  ;  to  thofe  that 
undergo  great  Labours  for  the  Truth,   trae 
Liberty,  and  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  ^  but 
to  thofe  that  have  difhonour'd  it,  from  the 
Wicked nefs  of  their  own  Minds,  inevitable  Pu- 
mlhrnents.    And  fo  much  Ihall  fuffice  on  both 


'5  0  Eunomius'5  Jpold^etkli. 

fides  at  prefent  ^  and  may  all  at  laft  fucceed 
for  the  belt.  [[See  Eunomimh  large  Creed,  here 
to  be  added,  in  my  Recount  of  the  Primitive 
Ffith  at  the  end  of  all  :  and  note  Dr.  Caver's 
Cha rafter  of  this  A'pblpgetick  of  Eunomius  \ 
jirgiite  difputat  Vafer  H^refiarcha  ^  that  therein 
the  Sly  Arch' Her etick  reafons  flirewdlyr^ 



3  sn^ 

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'    ,x    .     -  i*». 









