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Theological Seminary, 
ne Case, __ bj, Sale AMBION... d= tenons 

Shelf, | Section. Ye £22. 

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Ce ied 5 8 
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rinutive Chrttianity Reviv’r. 

wee a 2 ok 
uae OF THE 

|| Holy APOSTLES, 
a eB TY 


Greek and Engh/ ; 

hue WiTH THE 
| | Various Readings from all the Manu/cripts. 

oublith’d by WIL LIAM WHISTON,M.A | 

Kay nvoiya o vaos EF Oce cv» & seavw. 4 ODM 

& wealG. & AlgAanns aurs cy DB van ant. 
1] Apoc.xI. 19. | 
ta : : , , 



Printed for the Author; and are to be Sold by the Book 
~ fellers of London and Weftminfter. MDCCXI. 



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(Bley weve tine Pagers: ay, hae he ty ee er <<; : 

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r MotExcellen Majefty 

ya N NE 

QUEEN ‘of 

Great Britain, France, and Ireland, 
7 RSs FRC 
“Vidtorou CONQUEROR of the Grand 
_ Oppreflor; The Grear SUPPORTER 
of the Protefant Religion ; and, The 

Shining ORNAMENT 74 the Church 
| of England ; 

This C atholick Doctrine , and thefe 
CONSTITUTIONS of the Holy Apoftles, 
the Unerring Rule of that Chriftian Faith, 
whereof Her Majefty is the Glorious 
_ DEFENDER, are moft Humbly De- 
dicated by | 

Ae Her Majefty’s Moft Obedient 
tie AND 

Dutiful Subjeé and Servant, 

- —— ye i ae 


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VES “One 
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98 megres (iGAis TS Serra yay arrospAlnay. 

“i adi by mreoyectag. 

e ay Theeits wii dvsvCet- 

i Lew, 3 Haudvadwu % adnsy- 

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a oy. Tees ne reomoyus x 
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ne 78S XOKOS Carag, Pay ey 
‘obneio Egyo gorn'Ce. 

Me g. Mots F yeatiie Bilata 
o det ayaa Tey 

Sig's Meet te ah Te Yee my 
j mov ay tl aSev Ais 

si 4 Tleet yuvaunas gan ans. 

eg, TU ‘ef Naaoreyils yuu ue 
ue: x06 weIs hg % giadydps 

xy owpesy 

OY. Teer te pi ou SESttz 
f yuvaaug. avd @grv 

E.  boiklsex Mend las tj YAO: 
‘ em dus yuuaanis. 


Ceo Tyee CONTENTS | 
i : of the Firft Book of the Apoftolical Conttitutions. 


If That we ought not to return 
Injuries, "Or revenge our {elves on 
him that does us wrong. 

Ill. Concerning the Adornment 
of our felves, and the Sin which a- 
rifes from thence. 

IV. That we ought norto be over 
curious about Lll-Livers, burt to be 
intent upon our own proper Employ- 

V. What Books of Scripture we 
ought to read. 

VL. That we ought to abftain from 

Chap. I. Cenne Covetouf- 

all the Books of thofe that are out of 

the Church. 
VII. Concerning a naughty Wo- 

. nan. 

VIII. Concerning the Subjection 
of a Wife to her Husband, and thar 
fhe muft be loving and modeftt. 

1X. That a Woman muft not 
bath with Men. 

X.. Concerning a contentious and 
brawling Woman. 

A 3 COQN- 

of the Second Book. | 

Chap. I. Hat a Bifhop muft be 
well inftrudtedy and 
experiene’d in the Word, ; 
If. What ought to be the Cha- 
racters of a Bifhop, and of the ‘eft 
of the Clergy. 
ILf. In what things a_Bithop is to 

be examined before he is ordain’d. ~ 

IV. That charitable.Diftriburions 
are not to be made toevery Widow. 
But that fometimes a married Wife is 
to be prefer’d : and that no Diftribu- 
tions are to be made to any one who 
is given to Gluttony, Drunkennefs, 
and Idlenefs. Nee 

V. That a Bifhop muft be‘no Ac 

cepter of Perfons in Judgment: that 

he muft be gentle in his Converfation,. 

and temperate in his Die. __ 

VI. That a Bifhop muft not be gi- 
ven to filthy Lucre, nor be a Surety 
nor an Advocate. 

Vil, What ought to be the Cha- 
racter of a Candidate for Baptifm. 
~ VIIT. Concerning a Perfon talfely 
accus’d, or anorher convicted. 

IX. That a Bifhop ought not to 
receive Bribes. 

X. That a Bifhop, who by wrong 
Judgment {pares an Offender, is him- 
feif guilry, ~ 
__ XI. How a Bifhop ought to judge 
Offenders. YBa 

X!I. Doctrinal. How a Bifhop 
ought to behave himfelf to the Peni- 
gent. =, ty POPP lau | 



ad deurepe BibAte. 

7 © Wh Ken  Cmioue= 
mov '¢h) Temeud des 
leroy, © Zu 7eegy TH Abyss. 
B'. Ojar €) 980 t émane- 
TW, Ky TSS Aolmss rAnernis. 

Y, Tive yeh domaleces 
T emignommy@eseterlo yor: 

i "Om by. taden Wee $8 
uaradidovas ann’ 2S" O76 1G 
F Umavdegv aegneivew, x) 
on XTAD yi, URQUTWs aes 

YP, b ueradtdives 263. 

€ "On 28h d oesrwrtanr- 
Tv $)  emizxomp ew v1 

ee Vice 18 t 
KeLvery, x Te n9G- UsTehoy, 
GF Savoy cuicerue ov. 
f Meet 7 wl DF Ge 
7G 0 zr0P an geonsed i, wage 
D wien it cuvnpoediv. 

&- Ojoy pr) 7) oe Mey 

Pr, 4 , wv 

Nn Teer oyxopayTsuers, H- 
ToL fASyrouers. 

Oi Om a dogs Bunrey 
46" ‘a EMIT KOTOY. . 

i (in : exigxom @ dxets 
70s veto uwG TH iuagmHxd- 
7&, YarautiG- V8 Tok. 

td "O7mas ene t emtone- 
TOV KEEY TAS a acTevope 


1G", Aiduoxgrke, Sms 
26" wesogigedcu mis were 
A (4 Caer >» Ol 

5 7 


. Oh eeuyew ae # 
Datta ysetron eed ameieyvs 

i. were Meet 7. Asyevray ya 



_ RngSus uarayosyTe, % on 

Aye nev TUVESTY ob uae TW) 
dels ao dan TLD 
i rts aN’ 219.506 Nop SanTe 
— Nbwy a reAT ATU 
. “On di mis adevto We 
et iv ms Con Sea 
"Ons xeon + Skiononoy 
Ase Aung srorades. 


4. Org IBN T Kegeer wi- 
MUTE THEI Y Te ax Ler eT LLe- 
Th, NTE wes resepy EL) ov ey wis 
TieAcop etc 

is Meet waravcbas, 7 

auths 6 reaQ-, % @ 77S. Hg" 

ae ake "On dveniaindoy D 

Ban P emionomy, ws Ture 
‘ (ny ° 

m On ya F Sato KOTO 
wesvnCev ozs 6 Aads wi 
TANULEAY Se vo ¢) aitey 
CxOT Gy. 

ae "On % 4 Tren a ue 

Os MEGUMI Gea ad wes: 

aie, deny nvvuery, % 70 
aestarw wi TeaSep Key 

Kh. * O7ws xen TOS oh pO 
pss Tresele YEA Ts dex: 

na. "Ort xiv dus @- uaa 
ween xelow TOU Te Set Pa 
mumeldy oelowu xF' 78 und¥- 
qe eneyxroTe 

2G". "On Mie ropedery 
eee * gia Te of eg ares nen Tes Sa- 

Cid xy Nivdiires, “ECerdag 

XII. That we ye to beware 
how we make Tryal of any finful 

XIV. Concerning thofe who af- 
firm that Penitents are not to be re- 
ceiy’d into the Church. A rightee 
ous Perfon, altho’ he converfe with 
a Sinner, will not perifh with him, 
That no Perfon is punifh’d for ano- 
ther ; but every one muft give an 
account of himfelf. That we muft 
affift thofe who are weak in the 
Faith: and that a Bifhop muft not be 
govern’d by any turbulent Perfon a- 
mong the Laity. 

XV. Thata Bifhop muft neither 
overlook Offences, nor be rafh in pu- 
nifhing them. 

XVI. Of Penance. The manner. 
of it, and Rules about ir, 

XVII. That a Bifhop muft be un- 
blameable, and a Pattern for thofe 
who are under his Charge. 

XVII. That a Bifhop muft take 
care that his People do nor Sin ; con- 
fidering that ke is fet for a Watch- 
man among them. 

XIX. That a Shepherd who is 
carelefs of his Sheep will be condem'd; 
and that a Sheep which will not be 
led by the Shepherd, is to be pu- 
nifh'd, | ; 

XX. How the Governed are to o- 
bey the Bifhops who are fet over 

XXI. That’tis a dangeraus Thing 
to judge without hearing both Sides, 
or to determin of Punifhment againit 
a Perfon before he is convicted, 

XXU. Phat David, the Nincvites, 
Ezekias, and his Son Manaffes are 


eminent Examples of Repentance. 
The Prayer of Manaffes King of 
Fudab. | 

XNUI. Amon may be an Exam- 
ple to fuch as Sin with an high hand, 

XXIV. That Chrift Zefus our Lord 
came to fave Sinners by Repentance. 

' XXV. Of Firft fruits and Tyths ; 
and after what manner the Bifhop 
ishimfelf to partake of them, or to 
diftribure them to others. 

XXVI. According to what Par- 
terns and Dignity every Order of 
the Clergy is appointed by God. 

XXVIII. That ’tis a horrible 
Thing for a Man to thruft himfelf 
into any facerdotal Office ; as did 
Corab, and his Company, Saul and 
Uzziah. | 
XXVIII. OF an Enterrainment ; 
and after what manner each diftind 
Order of theClergy, is to be treated 
by thofe who invite them to it. 

X XIX. Whar is the Dignity of a 
Bifhop, and of a Deacon. 

XXX. After what manner the 
Laity, are to be obedient to the Dea- 

XXX. That the Deacon muft nor 
do any thing without the Bifhop. 

XXXII. That the Deacon muft not 
make any Diftributions without the 
conient of the Bifhop, becaufe thar 
will turn to the reproach of the 

XXXIIL Afrer what manner the 
Bifhops are to be honourd, and to 
be reverene’d as our {pirirual Parents. 

XXXIV. That Bifhops are ro be 
prefer'd before Rulers and Kings. 

Te xy o Tere Yd¢ Mayas. | 

xy’. Negs mF 2x ype 

Desribceces a LeeLp retvey tes Sow 

mreeg. Stayyeuce” A peady. 

wd. "On Xests “Inots 
wu Tapeywern duagra- 
Ags rg Sra werervoiay : a 

x€ [lees awacjav % de 
X70 V % 077s rine é- 
MT Kee O, HowTrs LeTAAaIL- 
Cévew JE awusdy, i reeves 
Aavauay, ’ a 

us Fig tv@- TU 
oe tap tras *" bv 1d ae 
&@ TéeTanTE meg Bea. 

al "On gemodes, ave 
Seamev ouv7» emppinfap 
aliaduan nvi isegnKa* ws 
of Kooeizu, ws Basa, wg 

xi Tiéet dooi's, % o7ms 
Var of! wesoxgavuiveoy THAd= 

AN Tis neki oe eme- 
homes % 7 dhxxoys | 
A' "O7ms vei me Aak- 
NX id ~ 
x85 Teepray Tis diand- 
pols. . 
ad “Ori pi xen + Nane- 
ww ~ ? ’ 
voy a & 18 emonows 1 Teg] 
Jew. " . 
, 8 . , 
ac’. On pai xn & Dano 
yoy Og. ywouls 7 mans 
7 dro van Tivi tat dbaCo- 
AnD TS Emoniers ToT Teg 
: Bh g ‘ ‘ “ 
Ay Omws xen mudSus 
TSU Legets, wy Nar]es hyei dur, 
A. "On AW dendy 7 % 
Baurrrtey ciot xpermus ot begets. 
‘yang an. “On 




a aC. Teel xemppor % 

Ab. "On @pguerdovrns 
ob vouor yaermpopay® woud TMs 
4 7 Mali soy. 
ast. *Yoropwnors HS exe 
ope Oes roplav, % O7ws av- 
get Cwradsa Napedec. 

an \ a ‘ 
TUnavT@y Hy OTS Ken 

“pi mesXetpws meV ew 1 am- 

iy Tere F nerTHY. aM 






WE dnetss ero arms. 
- gd x ARE & 
an On ON TSS Meep Te -~ 
voure.s italy ras UZeacfrvay, 
he weravors yes eegT de ye" 
: x STB Kwels date 
Ww. | 

ab’. Magadtiyuare wet 
pe revolas. 

u."On& xen exfeadds 
Saxton ces Pa msi dh: 
TEEN Luae Ta vOvTe. 
x ba “O7ms JB swesmiecsan 
T weTavosy Te, %) O7mws Sa: 
Hvedu Ege h ALO TLVOV TAS, 
Wy OTe Cnnowlew T SKxAN- 

ul". "On sen & cesowre- 
anw]ov €2) neni 

vy "Ones Kei HS a- 

ud” “On xpi dha novey 
3 s ‘ , nm 
emusoiCey 7 Cac@ F eme- 
norav, % Ad Suvev Te xE- 
97 Cg 

ps. "On ph ‘aesmnnov 
Kesszavels, avnaojias Gy dla- 
mAnKTIC 40k. 

rat > % N 5 
us’ “On 8 XN TSO mIS 8S 

tot AS amicwy § dydCedeu, . 

é7e pls VE army twa xg." 

Adv eis uaotelan F Xeista- 

ref sof A» Zz 
ul’. "On xenew SAropa 

XXXV. That both the Law and 
the Gofpel prefcribe Offerings, 

| XXXVI. The recital of the Ten 
Commandments ; and after what 
manner they do here prefcribe to us. 

XXXVII. Concerning Accufers 
and falfe Accufers, and how a Judge 
is not rafhly either to believe them, 
or disbelieve them ; but after an 
accurate Examination. 

XXXVI. That Sinners are pric 
vately to be reprov’d, and the Pent- 
trent to be receiv’d, according to the 
Conftitution of our Lord. 

XXX1IX. Examples of Repen- 
tance. | « 

XL. That we are not to be im- 
placable to {uch who have once or 
twice offended. 

XLI. After what manner a Peni- 
tent is to be treared, as alfo Offen- 
ders: and when they are to be cut 
off from the Church, 

XLII. That a Judge muft not be 
a Refpecter of Perfons. 

XLIIL. After what manner falfe 
Accufers are ro be puniflid. 

XLIV. That the Deacon is to 
eafe the Burthen of the Bifhops, and 
to order the {maller Matters himfelf, 

XLV. Thar Contentions and 

Quarrels are unbecoming Chriftians, 

XLVI. Thar Believers ought not 
to go to law before Unbelievets. 
Nor ought any Unbeliever to be 
call'd for a Witnefs againft Believers, 

XLVI. Thar the Judicamres of | 


Chriftians ought to be held on the 
fecond Day of the Week. 

XLVI. That the fame Punith- 
ment is not to be inflicted for every 
Offence ; but different Punithments 
for different Offenders. 

XLIX. What are to be the Cha- 
‘racters of Accufers and Witnefles. 

L. That former Qffencesdo fome- ~ 

panes render after-Accufations credi- 

LY, Againft judging without hear- 
ing both Sides. 

LIX. The Caution obferv’d ar Hea- 
then Tribunals before the condemna- 
tion‘of Criminals, affords Chriftians 
a good’ Example. 

LUL That Chriftians ought not 
to be Contentious one with another. 

LIV, That the Bithops muft by 
their Deacon, put the People in mind 
of the Obligation they are under to 
live peaceably together. 

LY. An Enumeration of the feve- 
ral Inftances of divine Providence, 

_and how in every Age from the Be- 
ginning of the World, God has in- 
vited all Men to Repentance. 

~ LVI. That ‘tis the Will of God 
that Men fhould be of one Mind, 
in matters of Religion, in accord 
with the heavenly Powers. 

LV. An. Exa& Defcription of 
a, Chnirch, and the Clergy; and 

what Things in particular, every 
one is to do in the folemn Affemblies 
of the Clergy and Laity for religi- 
gious Worfhip. 

- LVI. Of commendatory Letters 
in favour of Strangers, Lay-perfons, 
Clergy men, and Bifhops. And that 
thole who come inte the Church Af- 

“guClaauy rrtei Ths Deas: 

ui. "On wi xe rewmay 
mize Tuwelap 4m miong 
TANUAAEeS, rAd Ak ooesY, 
ak AL poesy Ts Lmegret - 

vo. ‘Omiss €D xed TAF 

vy. On efooed mwa 4% 
ge SevTeey.. al 

vat. "On & KOI geovowerers 

v6 Meggderyu0 78 Snes 
xpiueTG@ 4 dW taser db- 
Lacwy eh rls wmopdens ae 
@wrcia. eee 

9 On wn xp) xT eax 
AnAwy Exéty TS Wises. 

yd. “On xen TH emTnd* 
ares rh Ge cipllns Da Te 
SAunoys ratomvingkery i, 
Aaa. . om 

ve "Aaacibunns dhapbox 
amervotes, x) Ss US wes 
xa.’ éxacny Susdy cudaccev’ 
GOsds 4s meTdvosey miPTAs. — 

vs’."On Seanue Oc®, o- 
(ooeoves $4) 759 av Soares 
mei f svoCeaae, meegmn=. 
cias F ev sega uve ues. 

rC. Biar’ mens eanana 
os % nAnpB, % Th exasG> 
BessCondweoy KANELKAY, tb Acts: 
thoy ow TH Cunatd- 

vi» Vleet cusannay, roe 

Eaveov, Aainov,  waneindy, 
Emon TIER Has ¥ XPeL dhe 

wee GAA A I-A: 

Aw eytgon 6 
“ladbawy udreu@- Tundpoum 

sf! "on: meu Leasov. sebte 
6 tarices anedtaw i) Ge 
mes cundleg. 

 & Teed deryua aes; Ci- 
“EMluiov % 

Em OU 1905 1G 7s guNdya- 

Make Ht 


femblies, are to be teceiv’d without 
regard to their Quality. : 
- LIX. That every Chriftian ought 
to frequent the Church diligently: 
both Morning and Evening. 

LX. The vain Zeal which the 
Heathens and Jews thew in frequent- 
ing their Temples and Synagogues is, 
a proper Example and Motive, toex- 
cite Chriftians to frequent the 

— Church. 

a "On é Sy Gotoy wesnel: 

tae Te Biong He Sev. 

ee. "On xlyra 7 “EA- 
Alwey are iiecel]et dL mS eepe: 
eeu xe 

Ey. "On. dorsy é xen &: 
Siav Ta We mis oY" Os ob 
seh Tlézpov a ALES. x ot 

_ Aolot Sadsoaot. a > we 

Thataoy uy "Awaav cunvo 
mock. ok } er isdey lane- 
Bis yiis teya res. 

a8 Tegts Gib Aree 


Ne rina. 

pag ‘Onnbas e ex Vou eh Ths 
sess % 0770s BATKBOE Ove 


F emsuors. 
Dp. "On civ 9° 
edi Dmviciv v xsi 
¢ “On OT nes ¢ e TILeA 
Tew - xieg. 
5". "Ons s xen Yume ees 



OS mragplT TEV xe. 

LXI. That we muft not prefer the 
Affairs of this Life, to thofe which. 
concern the Worfhip of Gcd. 

LXIL That Chriftians muft ab- 
ftain ftoin all the impious Practices, 
of the Heathens. 

LXII. That no Chriftian that 
will not work As Peter 
and the reft of the Apoftles were . 
Fithermen,But Paul and Aquila Tent- . 
makers ; Fude the. Son of Fames an . 
Husband- man, 

of the Third Book. 

Chap. 1. Hat we muft avoid the 
and IL. choice of younger 
Widows, becaufe of Sufpicion, 

Lil. What Character the Widows 
ought to be of, and how they ought » 
to be fupported by the Bifhop. 

1V. That we ought to be charitae | 
ble to all forts of Perfons in Want. 

V. That the Widows are to be 
very careful of their Converfation, 

Vi. That Women ought not to 


, bh ne ilies 
- ‘i ee) a 
oy iy, *) - 

teach, becanfe ‘tis unfeemly ; and 
what Women follow’d our Lord. 

“VE. Whar are the Characters of 
Widows falfely fo called, 

VIIL That the Widows ought nor 
to accept of Alms from the Unwor- 
thy, no more than the Bifhop, or any 
other of the Faithful. 

1X. Thar Women ought not to 
Baptize; becaufe it is impious, and 
contrary to the Doctrine of Chrift. 

X. That one of the Laity ought 
not to do any Office of the Priefthood, 
he ought neither to Baptize, nor Offer, 
nor Lay on Hands, nor give the Blet- 

fing. . 

XI. That none but a Bifhop and 
Presbyrer, none even of the inferior 
Ranks of the Clergy are permitted to 
do the Offices of the Priefts, thar Or- 
_ dination belongs wholly to the Bifhop, 
and to no body elle. 

XIE The Rejection all uncharita- 
ble Actions. 

XH. How the Widows are to 
pray for thofe that fupply their Ne- 

XIV. That She who has been kind 
tothe Poor oughr not to make a Stir, 
and tell abroad her Name ; according 
to the Conftirution of the Lord. 

XV. That it does nor become us 
to revile our Neighbours, becaufe 
Curfing is contrary to Chriftianiry, 

XVI Concerning the facred Initi- 
ation of Holy Baptifm. 

XVII. Whatis the meaning of Bap- 
tifm into Chrift: and on what ac- 
count every thing is there faid or done, 

XVITL Of what Character he 
, ought to be who is initiated. 

Adisueay, darcems WO 
Tole yudenes mv TS WU - 

ay 9 ’ 3 at 
C' " Ojak cio ak Lddooi- 
Crt . " 
4 "Oné xpi ood dva- 

ciwy aapbavery + meow, ” 
F EmtonKOTOY,  &MOV mov. 

6°."On & KEN yunal ngs 
Lawlilew doses P. HF 

BR = 

Keisd NSuonartas drrorecoy, © 

ood 2 4 - % ~ 
_ & Ons XpH AaixoY qolELy 
teegmndy enoy Baw, 
n~ ’ na , an , 
i Suotay, i yeegzeoian, i d- 
Aopay- , 

12, "On ml emoniors i 
apeaCurtes sdtvi AW Acimmy 
xAnekov emretegt]ae re 
oH" ieeécov cveordy 7 > E46 

, ae F eA ? ,. 
onxq, &7Tep@ 2 wdevt 

1B. "Amorgom® Bacnaviag. 

iy “Onws SG west hina" 
Seu ris yheas vawep aW db- 
dovrwy Th wees Tes KXeeias 
is “On & xen route Ce, 
w Detalyinrery To SauTHs OyO- 
Uh, t XARTODOPE UY, xT! | 
TF uvets dareEsv. 

1%. "On awapems 70 Aotdd- 
eely t mAncloy aArACTeLev 79 
Xerstavoy To wera. 

: uc’. [eet wvicros Stic F 
aye Barticual@. 

iC'. Viciay airiey tne we 

eis } Xeusty Boricua, s Da 

TT Cy aNTw €igsoy AS}e7TU, 

1 @reg Ti re, 

sh OT@ ogeines VD 8 uae 
puny Q-. . 

| 1, OF@ 

> fs i. Oj 

eoeiaer £) 6 
et xovG. 

yy’. 10n “a rerav in SVo 

Omonommy aveiad nete9 THE - 

Sui HowG, an sx 

nav Svog' acCaudy WW. 


ae TemapTs ECA iv. 

"LD YMes 9@) 4 Fiono- 
JA: TOV wesvory F Op- 
gavay, 3 

y Tives cpetavor Stnne- 

ple, xP wuecaniiy Nevree- 

dY. Week meaceweias. 
€. Meza mis 900s gen 



? ‘ e ’ 

s. Tivey as xapmopoeras 

dixral, x) rvev ddenzee. 

"On ak Ta Vasiov xg e770 
Qocias, 2a wy Dor THB TOL, [0 - 

yoy se SE iAcey 7a Gedy an dn 


it “On Béarioy on xdare id's 
ogee TF Meals, Kav it 
LRA Hy cata, i we C 
F aowlav. nav MOMe % ee- 
yira wJxcevn Bearioy 3 Ase 
ve Daersucivar, HOS a» 
ody ounntpoegy Noadu. 

ol "On 92h wes7etmdu 
T Aaoy aI F teckas A mv- 
GY TAS MevnTas dis 4 9 Zodo- 
MOY 0 gD@ae. 

t Averakis, iv’ gay no. 
a dovley, Ria gesgelnbu 

SAY Sep et Por 

XIX. What are the Characters of 
a Deacon, 

XX. That a Bifhop ought to be or- 
dained by Three, or by Two Bithops ; 
but not by One. For that would be 

of the Feurth Book. 

OW the Bifhop oughr 

Chap. I. 
and II. to provide for the Ore 

Ill, Who ought to be fupported, 
according to the Lord's Conftitution. 

IV. Of the Love of Money. — 
V. With what Fear Men ought te 
partake of the Lord’s Oblations. 

VI. Whofe Oblations are to be re- 
ceiv'd, and whofe not to be receiv'd. 
VII, That the Oblations of the un= 
worthy, while they are {uch, do not 
only not propitiate God, but on the 
contrary, provoke him to indignation. 

VII. Thar *tis better to afford 
tho’ it be inconfiderable and few Con- 
tributions, to the Widows from our 
own Labours, than thofe which are 
many and large, receiv’d from the 
Ungodly. For ’tis better ro perifh by 
Famine, than to receive an Oblation 
from the Ungodly. 

IX. That the People onght to be 
exhorted by the Prieft to do good to 
the Needy, as fays Solomon the Wile. 

X. A Conftirution, that if any one 
of the ungodly by force will caft 
, i in Money 

‘Money to the Priefts, they {pend it 
in Wood and Coals, but not in Food, 

_ XI. Ot Parents and Children. 
XII. Of Servants and Mafters, 

XII. In what’ Things we ought 
to be fubject to the Kulers of this 

XIV. Of Virgins, 

of the Fifth Book. 

Chap. a i Hat it is reafonable for 

the Faithful ro fupply 
the Wants of thofe who are affliéted 
for the fake of Chrift by the Unbe- 
lievers ; according to the Conftitution 
of the Lord. 

IJ. That we are ro avoid Conver- 
fation with falfe Brethren,» when 
they continue in their Naughtinefs.. > 

Ili. That we ought to afford an 
helping Hand to fuch as are {poil'd 
for the fake of Chrift ; altho we fhould 
incur Danger ourfelves. 

IV. That ’tis an horrible and de- 
ftructive thing to deny Chrift. 

V. That we ougit to imitate Chrift 
in Suffering, and with Zeal to follow 
his Patience. 

~ VI. That a Believer ought neither 
rafhly to run into Danger, through 
Security ; nor to be over-timourous, 
through Pufillanimity, Butsto fly a- 
way for Fear ; yet that if he does fall 
into the Enemy’s Hand, to ftrive ear- 

‘eiuare mis iegdow, eg 

Evaa Y evOegxiay avara 
CHO TALTL, GMa Wh eis dd- 
a7eodas (IRE AD. 

ta T1eh ppv'evy  qai- 

& Ae <a 
ea - 

iB' Tleer clneroy , % 

ty Ev row Narordose Su 

id”. Teel aepStyey. 


as menmle Cibrts. 

a. Tr mis Da Xesev 

SaiCoud' ois meee 
aaicwy, dxguoy Tes msvis Te 
Stovre muperev, xt TF TS 
xwels Sta THE te 

B'. °On edurew F wess 
TS LAdudtagus ovvsciag, 
orev emu act TH CavACmHT. 

y' "On mis Ad Xescv 
mmeIuu8vous Kei EES OEE IEP y 
Kav rayduuG- map 

SY. "Ost cernrov x) ortder- 
cy, Madovacm Xersov 

@, "On paynTteov Xecsoy ew 
Te mice, x Cnrorev F 
cure “asoco lus 

x “On xen F msty ute 
prrloxtvduuey ts) SY arpa’ nes: 
av pate Cerden J! avav= 
Seiw’ ime 4 ohiyew di 
Macleay, x eumrovvTa a&- 

evils, Je j garoncizdvoy 

SEDty OV. 
g'. Mees 



: ', leer: vas. THs ammo 
ru: eS rk D0e9 meh Zl 
Cuanns. G7 ob Erernol 
ae Te golvex@- Ts Opies. 
aed eet “Taueees TS atbA- 
O8 Te welt, OH UMEAE TS 

3. Mee spebenserenii ay: 

t CUSia @pgivens, on 

- bt odiyew uaa sonarietg, au = 

© gegnoyias, Oregmatag, me 
Say, Peaywciay, Spirley 

te Meesiriets, med ays: : 
 eidwrorargeiag . 

om obra 
| ahucee- 
Pi. va. “On lua xorg dtu 
 2Ovennv A Toeveniiy di Seay. re 
Emu eidwrov’ areas ~ 
; > tacdedr. é 
ty’. Kartnoy@ ep. Te 
welts topriv, as Ste ound 
Ose, 7) more TETwy eugsn 
; eQeIAg OhizeAg sen 
as. Tet 78 anid wu ~ 
ets. 7 9 Engin Hueed, &- 
sens r yy Ted wid: 5 
mail Bede ey Te 
mis. waseriisobpg 
pusiice ; 

4 get Y ewan ae . 

uadQ uae 7 , Ter eg ke 
Gj bya 

| an cm naecs 
rnsiiewy 3 etece 
ts’. * Ames unas DeIgn= 
TN ae piocar + Neisdy 
XNSUTI BTW Oy "ledeuor 
babar Seacdtidvos. Sa xauno~ 
Yokes « n7isHory on TOY @) Tey 
Xersov Te Cis, % sone vg 


HE T3. O28 yorws 

neftly, upon account of the Crowa 

that ts Jaid up for him. 

VIL. Several Demonftrations con- 
cerning the Refurrection, concerning 
the Styl, and what the Stoicks fay 
concerning the Bird call'd the Phanix. 

VUI. Concerning Fames the Bre- 
ther of the Lord, and Stephen the firft 

IX. Concerning falfe Martyrs. 

X. A moral Admonition, that we 
ate to abftain from vain Talkin , ob- 
{cene Talking, Jefting, Drunkennefs, 
Lafciviouf{nefs and Luxury. 

XL, An Admonition, — infncing 
Mento avoid the abominable Sin of 

XIf. That’we ought not to fing arn 
heathen or an ob{cene Song: nor to 
{wear by an Idol ; becanfe tis an im- 
pious ‘Thing, and contrary to the 
Knowledge of God. 

XIII. A Caralogue of the Feafts of 
the Lord which are to be kepr,. and 

.when each of them ought to be ob-. 

XIV. Concerning the Paffion of 
our Lord ; and what was done on each 
day ol his Sufferings. And concerning 
Fudas: and that Fudas wasnot prefent 
when the Lord deliver'd the Myfteries 
to his Difciples. 

XV. Of the Great Week ; and‘on 
what accotint they enjoyn us to faft 
on Wednefday and Friday, 

XVI. An Enumeration of the Pro« 
phetical Predictions which declare 
Chrift; whofeCompletion rhough the 
Fews faw, yet ourof the evil Temper 
of their Mind! they-did not believe 
he was the Chrift.of God, and con+ 


demn'd the Lord of Glory to the | 


XVII. How the Paffover onght to 
be celebrated. | | 

XVII. A Conftitution concerning 
the great Paflover-Week. 

XIX. Concerning the Watching 
all the Night of the Great Sabbath, 
and concerning the day of the Refur- 

XX. A Prophetick Prediction con» 
cerning Chrift Jefus. 

_ of the Sixth Book. 

Chap. I. H O they were thar 

ventur’d to make 
Schifms, and did not efcape Punith- 

iJ. That *tis not lawful to rife up 

either againft the Kingly or the 
Prieftly Office. 
- WII. Concerning the Vertue of 
Mofes, and the incredulity of the 
Fewifh Nation, and what wonderful 
‘Works God did among them. 

IV. That he makes Schifm not 
who feperates himfelf from the 
Wicked, but who departs from the 

V. Upon what account, I/rael 
falfely fo named is rejected by God, 
demonftrated from the prophetick 

VI. That even among the Jews, 
there atofe the Doctrine of feveral 

Herefies, hateful ro God. 

_ NII. Whence the Herefies {prang, 

Texeway ¥ ¢ SvENS nJeuP. 
HC. “Ormos tpemag pred 
7 7a 

in Didraki aes $ uye= 
Ans Té mia, eChpyat@. 

19’ Veet Faayvuyid@ te, 
weds Clits 4 Ge 
dyasuoius Husegs. . 

x” Thesppnars @eIQUT cies 

i Xeuss oy Ines. 


78 ents BiBais. » 

a Tin obsuere meeiv 
Quoy F Tuweiay. : 

B' "On tre Baorrcte “78 
iegaruy SemsTev copia. 

y'. Neel t Maiceas dpé- 
7s, % amsias Tt " edeaay 30- 
VES, x) avs O20s eSauuate= — 
eynos d) anTay net SOC 

“Or Saeopli, 8X 0 F 
doldy swercouw@-. aM 
6 Pluclay agish WO 

2 Tir@ yew cmCansn 
& Ld dwvuuos ‘logan erro = 

s' “On % mued Tudtaors 
Gupisn Seouons diducnaale 
Dapscav aieeoray. 

C'. “Ones avium a 

oigtoee, % Osis eularey apy 
ws - Nee Yeon ra. 

n. Tlves * Siuov@ aoe 
| Betas Nadonats % olay abot~ 

6" "Ors § Si uev yonret= 
Qs Ta a|ib a SaAiiowss d- 

nbes nro, gunererSn TOS 
mbes Te. mee TAS TUeTES. 
ohh "Omas au aap eects x) @ess 
tauras, 4) @ers oat Seay dhe 
, "EE h nang QMeSOAKs 
4B’. Tess 7S ocoroyey- 
Tes, “le dtiiCew > Oiroysus. 

vy’ “Ones xpi qweife- 
ou Fz aupennioe 

ie Tives ob xngucaw7es 

e TORY Aduaxaertar. 1: 

iva re dy OTD fyen- 

6. "On % STE dneCanfiCen 
xis & eT pls mretog SEEN, 
TO mpg F agelay Se ds 
doSéy, 0 & 
ahha UaRua iets 

is’; eee F 

ba Bibricy. : 
. Tisez xanemav yuu 
re regs Sena, 

th: Mage ivenrs, wer disor 
odinar + oP dgloy aigenuaiy 

s0'. Thess gaualCoyras ¥ 
yo uoy. 
gw Tis 6- cuornes you, 

mis 4 eq@eiouxT@, 4 dt 
ie aTiay ereCh XM. 

Ld dkayd- 

xd, O'n Nat satew tauhe 
an ex, Vad dbvaciag 78 :é- 

sx tot Baéwious, 

pa, et 
i A 

and who was the Ring. leader of 
their Impiery. 

VIII. Who were the Succeffors of 
Simons Impiety, and what Herefies 
they jet up. 

IX. How Simon defiring to fly by 
fome magical Arts, fell down head- 
long from on high, at the Prayers of 
Peter, andbrake his Feet, and Hands, 
and Ancle- Bones. 

X. How the Herefies differ from 
each oti her, and from the Truth. 

XI. An Expofition of the Preach. 
ing of the Apoftles. | 

XII. For thofe that confefs Chrift, 
but are defirous to Judaize. 

XILL., That we mutt feparate from 

XIV. Who were the Preachers of 
the Catholick Doctrine, -and which 
are the Commandments given by 

XV. That we ought not to rebap- 
tize; mor ro receive that Baptfm 
which is given by the Wicked : which 
isnot Baptifm, but a Pollution. 

XVI. Concerning Books 
falfe Infcriptions. 

XVII. Concerning Clergy-mens 
Precepts abour Maftiage. 

XVIII. An Exhortation “come 
manding to avoid the Communion of 
the impious Hereticks, 

XIX. For thofe that fpeak evil of 
the Law. 
XX. Which is the Law of Na- 
ture,-and which is that afterwards 
introducd, and why it was intro- 
ducd ? 

» XX. That we who baer in 
Chritt are under Grace, and nor nu- 
(a) der 


der the Servitude of that additional 


XX. That the Law for Sacrifi- 
c¢s is additional ; which Chrift,when 
he cathe, took away. 

XXUL How Chrift became a 
Fulfiller of the Law; and what 
parts of it he put a Period to, or 
changed, or transferred. 

XXIV. Thar it pleafed the Lord, 
that the Law of Righreou{nels fhould 
be demonttrated by the Romans. 

XXV. How God on account of 
their Impiery towards Chrift, made 
the Jey Captives, and plac’d them 
under Tribure. 

XXVI. That we ought to avoid 
the Hereticks, as the Corrupters of 

XXVIII. Of fome ‘Jewifh and 
Gentile Obfervances. 

XXVLUL Of the Love of Boys, 
Adultery,and Fornication, 

XXIX. How Wives ought to be 
{ubject ro their own Husbands ; and 
Husbands ought to love their own 

XXX. That ’tis the Cuftom of 
Jews and Gentiles to obferve natural 
Purgations, and to abominate the 
Remains of the Dead ; but that ail 
this is conwary to Chritianity. 

of the Seventh Book. 
Chap. I. 

Hat there are twe 
Ways; the one na- 

tural, of life ; and tho other intro- 

ATL V5 Ley ot eds Xesoy 
masa. ov7es. 

x6’ "On énelount@® 6 
mt Suovwy voGr, Gy TEMAS 
Xersos mags Yuu omy. 

xy’. Tlas TrnpeThs TB po: 
ux yepven 3 Xetsos’ vive 
Tere Enewrey, i evnnrak ty, 

nd". “On x de ‘Peualav 
di dounoey 4 Ue@ 3 F d- 
xgosuuns vo Loy Pa leuvw Sue. 

Hee “Ns Geds iedhtys dhe 
7 eg KXessdy fovea, ux, 

wus. "On 76" Odi ysy TAF 
aicendras, as uray gSope- 


ne Tees Tele gTH EN TOY 
Iedeunoy ny “Errtwinav. 

xi eee oad St dh > 
Morxeias F, % mobeetas 

0M “O7es rei mes w- 
Vor Kes Nem rab ost Suz Tis ty - 
ons ay began 4 TSU advdegs 

"Un 19@ ‘Isduios 78 

% aa TUL TL CTH GES atetA 
TAS QuaES Kg Dh TENS % ra 
TeSveaTwv Te Adhbave Bde: 
AvosINy, Xerstavey } aaro- 

7 eC dvue Pibris. 

Pa Tr Sve oot efor, ule 
® Cais, quem, 
1G a Te Severs, H emetow- 


usG@, % on n ude om Oe, 
4 1} MH 3 om Te0THS xg] ombsals 

Te anrorets. 

e’. "Hong Soagivkcess ww 

- euennsay Starts ea, CULOaVE- 
ows TH meu, craggnardls oes 
a Seay vous a. mp9 edng 

Sue, paevs. Sag Sveds, 
(aires, % adous danoed- 
eng Tegcews. 

y’. "amupsediang puTeat, 
Texvonsoviag, Cmogyiass fd- 

JY. *amanseddns Xe KDAsy@ 
, ulaiO-, % nbs - Saou 
As, derproyias adid'ss, TrE- 
ove eg, NaoKelozes- 

&. "Aaupedons xaxonSeius, 
aesow7maAn ag, ogyiis, use 
oulewmes, Bacnayias. 

co’. Wset otwyomxomtnns §: 

3G: *Amapedians wine- 
ps % an Sa deiceg, % v 79H 
gavizs, %) Servi T@. 

i. Neer uanepsu us as, e- 
Xda, wegoTuI@, raouUo- 

3. "On 98 388 x2! Xess - 
Tey SrSnon rss peer aoe 
‘ev iyo x wy pm TF 
3D), of 3 70 eran Eeoyor sl a 


1 "On 28 ue auTeggZ ety 
se av, ann” exeny Mery 

‘ ws noudies, xelvey Te Dragions, 

red Tees Ilex, 

iG’. Teet droits. 

ty. “Ovros fe EIT DE ge: 
oy TOS one rus 785 weiss 
x O71tas ON NaoTROE MS TOF 



duc’d afterwards of death; and thar 
the former is from God, and thelar- 
ter of Error, from the Snares of the 

tI. Moral Exhortations of the 
Lord’s Conftitutions agreeing with 
the ancient Prohibitions of the divine 
Laws. The Prohibition of Anger, 
Spite, Corruption, Adultery nad 
every forbidden Action. 

If{. The Prohibition of conjuring, 
murderof Infants, Perjury and Falfe- 

IV. The Prohibition of Evil {peak- 
ing, and Paffion, of deceitful Con- 
duct, or idle Words, Lies, Cover: 
oufnefs, and Hypocrify. 

V. The Prohibition of Malignity, 
Accepration of Perfons, Wrath, Ma- 
lice and Envy. 

VI. Concerning Augury and In- 

VIL. The Prohibition of murmue 
ting Infolence, Pride and Arrogance. 

“VIEL. Concerning Long-fuffering, 

Simplicity, Meeknets and Patience, 

IX. That *tis our Duty to efteem 
our Chriftian Teachers, above our 
Parents: The former being the 
means of our well being, the other 
only of our Being. 

X. That we ought not to divide 
our felves from the Saints; bur to 
make peace between thofe that quar- 
rel, to judge Kighteoufly, and nor 
to accept Perfons, 

XI. Concerning him thatis doubie 
minded and defponding. 

XII. Concerning coing Gocd. 

XI How Maiters ought to be- 
have rhemfelves to their Servants ; 
and how Seryants ought to be fu be 


~ XLVI. Who were they that the 
Holy Apoftles fent and ordain’d ? 
XLVI. A Morning-Prayer, — 
XLVI. An Evening- Prayer. 
XLIX. A Prayer at Dinner. 

of the Eighth Book. 

Chap. I. O% whofe Account, the 
Powers of Miracles 
are perform’d. 

I]. Concerning unworthy Bifhops 
and Presbyters, 

UI. That to make Conftitutions 
about the Divine Offices to be per- 
form’d in the Churches, is of great 

IV. Concerning Ordinations. 

VY. The Form of Prayer for the 
‘Ordination of a Bifhop. 

VI. The Divine Liturgy, wherein 
is the Bidding Prayer for the Cate- 

VII. For the Energumens, 

VIII. For the Baptized. 

IX. The Impofition of Hands and 
poi for the Penirents. 

The Bidding Payer for the 

XI. The Form of Prayer for the 

XU. The Conttitution of Fames, 
the Brother of ¥obn, the Son of Ze- 

XIII. The Bidding Prayer for the 
Faithful, after the divine Ob!ation. 

XiV. The Bidding Prayer after 
the Participatjon, 

ps". Tivag mepmveres @ e544 
EPToynouy OL A704 Saesoaor. 

ul’. Tessugh eaSwi. 

pai “Eearsenvas. 

po’. Eo ew” dcisy. 

we oydte Bieriv, 

a i bigs Tye ze CMTEASY- 
ae onpetoy 
Gi. Meet Fe ¢ toronowep 6 
aptaCuTeewy avatioy | 
y' “Onan Nearer 
wt  euuanctas emTeAcuVa 

. Emnanois 641 2@9Tei- 

as iy 35 

s'. “H Sele aerrepzla, ov 
s DesTparNas Ta KATIXS- 

C'. “Toke AS cateryeus- 

i "Tone F Baw iCodpay. 

Q' Keres Sores w dn 

ey usTevold. 

i Ileocgaivnors “ase A s- 

id. "Emxanons F msap- 

iC’. Aidratss "laxwls, F 
adtags loaves te ZeCedeis. 

wy’: Tesopdenas oat oe 
mswv UF Seay divagoesy. 
1d”. Nl esogaynars “we vy 
weTeanr lye P 
sr’ Tees 

1% Eaianas uf mi us- 

is’. Teed retegTov i as ope 
Curteay Admakis "Ioarve TS 
girnsedus Yao ners. 

—4t', Teet seteotvias dha. 
uivay, Te DiAbams darakis. 

gh. Eoduanns xepotevies 
19. Tleet ddaxovtomns Been 
Swacuats Stal EAs. 
x. “Emuanons Om 7e1e9T8 
“yhag dd xevioms Pay 
nd Usted vadbaxsvov di- 
acs T3 Ooud. 
xt’. Teel dvayvasov, ta 
MarSux dtdrnkis. 
uy’. “laxaCs ve” Aagase 
Yiuoroputay dealacis. 

xd’, TS aurs et maede> 

wa Ac€Cals te emxaniev- 
7O- Oaddus wei yucor 

xs’. "O artis GO emoent- 

x7" Susy 6 Kavasims, 
aes T8 Naae mosey apetAes 
ogig TA, 0 cmionor@- 

xn 1s dus xovoves wel 
emoxiway , apicCurecay , 
dlaxsvar, %) Aoi7my xANEL 


x0’. Tlees dhroplas US: 
7@- % trails, ge Malisic 
da Jaks. 

NTE dunk aed a mmeySy 
%, Seng TOV. 

ad. TE aun Oh aici 

XV. The Form of Prayer after 
the Participation. 

XVI. Concerning the Ordination 
of Presbyters, the Conftitution of 
Fobn who was beloved by the 

XVII. Concerning the Ordination 
of Deacons, the Conftitution of 

XVII. The Form of Prayer for 
the Ordination of a Deacon. 

XIX. Goncerning the Deaconefs, 
the Confticution of Bartholomew. 

XX. The Form of Prayer for the 
Ordination of a Deaconelfs. 

XXI. Concerning the Sub-dea- 
cons, the Conftitution of Thomas. 

XXII. Concerning the Readers, 
the Conftitution of Mazthew. 

XXII. Concerning the Confef- 
fors, the Conftitution of Fames the 
Son of Alpheus. 

XXIV. The fame Apoftles Con- 
{titution, concerning Virgins. 

XXV. The Conftitution of Leb- 
beus, who was furnamd Thaddeus, 
concerning Widows. 

XXVI. The fame Apoftle concer- 
ning the Exorcift. 

XXVIL. Simon the Canaanite, con- 
cerning the Number neceflary for 
the Ordination of a Bifhop, 

XXVIIL. The fame Apoftles Ca- 
nons, concerning Bifhops, Prietts 
Deacons, and the reft of the Clergy. 

XXIX. Concerning the Eulogy of 
Water and Oil, the Conftitution of 

XXX. The fame Apoftles Confti- 
tution concetning Firft-Fruits and 

XXXI. The fame Apoftles Con- 
ftirutions, concerning the remaining 
Oblations, XXXL 


XXXII. Various Canons of Paul 
the Apoftle,concerning thofe that offer 
themielves to be baptized, whom we 
are to receive, and whomto reject, 

XXXL Upon which Days Ser- 

vants are not ro work. 
XXXIV. At what Hours, 
why we are to pray. 

XXXV. The Conftirution of 
Fames the Brother of Chrift, concer- 
ning Evening-Prayer. — 

XXXVI. The Bidding Prayer for 
the Evening. 

XXXVI. The Thank({giving for 
the Evening. ; 

XXXVI. The Thank{fgiving tor 
the Morning, 

XXXIX. The Impofition of Hands 


- for the Morning. 

XL. The Form of Prayer for the 

XLI. The Bidding - Prayer for 
thofe departed. 

XLIL. How and when we ought 
to celebrate the Memorials of the 
Faithful departed ; and that we 
ought then to give fomewhat out of 
their Goods to the Poor. 

XLII. That Memorials or Man- 
dates, do nor at all profit the wicked 
who are dead. 

XLIV. Concerning Drunkards. 

XLV. Concerning the receiving 
fuch as are perfecuted for Chrifts 
fake. | 

XLVI That Every one ought to 
remain in that Rank wherein he is 
pice ; bur not {natch fuch Offices to 

imfelf, which are not intrufted 
with him. ) 

XLVI, The Ecclefiaftical Ca- 
pons, « 

aC’. Keavives . cdhacoge 
Tlavas te aumosvay, wer oi. 
mesnovray Ted Bamligue- 

f s : ‘4 A) 

7 tives Sel wevtdeneR, % 

Ay’. Olas nucegs SE de- 
YAY HOS OlneT aS. 4 

ad. Moles weyss % Dan- 
ey row rus SY oego ds 448%. 

As. “iano ve adage 
Xess Datakis wet serves. 

as’. Tlescodvnas emau: 
XVb0g. : 

al’. Evneesia émauxye 
An Evyetessia ¢ few. 

a9’. XevepSeota debe. 

ue’, "Endxanois 62 ci mmp- 
ud. UTescoavnors vag HS 
neKoLum Xo wy , 
ul’ ds SE x mere pivs~ 
Oy Tes FU KoLUMSEr Tey mCOy 
pens Wy Om cn TW vorap- 
uy’ "On Tig doles re. 
Ad rwvTas sty opertor ures 
a, i CYTVIA GE. 
pds Tee? weSvowy. 
ve. Titer verdad 78s 
Sa Xeisoy dhonoudyes. 
us" “On exgcos tw é- 
way )n opeiad euptvey % 
ourdsiew TF 'ritiv, dNet | 
baud yr aly rh muh Eyoese 
Cider Te. Ser gh 
uC Kavoyes dyxancrast- 

Kab. | 

| we ALATATAI +,* Pag 
(rer ACR A Hh ME NYE OS 
HOOOALEN AidioxaAric. , 
Tleek Acixov. 
Ro) NOt Le UT Os 

The Catholick Doctrine. 

nies 1g Laity. 

Re ALK AE Apoftles and 
SESS Elders to All chofe 
&* who from among 
Sass “® the Gentiles have 
3 yay ome Macy eis’ roy believ’d in the Lord Jefus 
nuezov Inowy dhe Chrift; Graceand Peace from 

1 ea, V. 

B : Al- 


‘Almighty God, through our 
Lord Jefus Chit, be multi- 
ply'd unto you in the Ac- 
knowledgment of him. 

The Catholick Church is 
the Plantation of God, and 
his beloved Vineyard; con- 
taining thofe who have be- 
lieved in his unerring Divine 
Religion; who are the Heirs 
by Faith of his everlafting 
Kingdom; whoare Partakers 
of his Divine Influence, and 
of the Communication of the 
. Holy Spirit ; who are arm’d 
and inwardly ftrengthen’d 
with his Fear, through Fe/us; 
who enjoy the Benefit of the 
fprinkling of the precious and 
innocent Blood of Chrif ; 
who have free Liberty to call 
Almighty God,Father; being 
Fellow-heirs and Joint-Parta- 
kers of his beloved Son : 
Hearken to this Holy Do- 

rine, you who enjoy his 3s 

Promifes, as being deliverd 
by the Command of your Sa- 
viour, and agreeable to his 
glorious Words. Take care, 

yess Upav © eiplin Berd | 
S aduavxeg top. O<e 
De. nueke nye In- 
oe Xecoe man Suvbetn 
Cv Etqyacd cure. 

Ges gute n 4g. 70 
Aiwn euxAncia, © apes 
of oremic~éuygTes es Tw 
arravn races elay dw 
7B, ot Tl ayady toy xgp” 

qrepQuot Alcs ansews Ba= 

aed curs, of Suya- 

pay ure et AnQores € pe- 
Teor Te ates mda 

Fa,” WTA LEVoL Ale: 

‘Ings, € Crsepvic p08 
amy gebov CLSTS , paw 
qual. peTOIOL cB Tt 
pis % adae aypral@. 
m3 Xerces, of auppn- 
chew eAn pores tov mp 
monegrmes Qeovy mu- 
Ter. GAG, aveAn- 
envoygt C  cumpén- 
gat re nacre TY 
$ are" an tote drvdh- 
onaridy teeae ot Qwte- 
nepiyvor THs ema yeAices 
curs x mepsaynal. 

fx) Bowmen, ' ougsoingy 

* ouosnin@s. V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

Tis SwdbEots pool yeys dy 
78. Duraovede ol i Oee 
Yor a myre as UmK- 
yolu Oss megovely” ‘% 
rede a pesvl Cy THOT 
1 Xere my) Oey 0 n- 
pis "Edp gap ks 2wo- 
pew perrendrconn @ 7a 
er dulece T? Sernuars 
We Oze Tin, ws oxpg.vo 
gy ev@. Te Ow 6 
‘ameTOw Aap cicero. 
“Arégeds: By qo.ONS 
mrcovesians % adrut 
us’ 4 op ev ad vow 
yeyer tla Oux bnh- 
Supnoas Th qnuscing. 18 
TA ngtoy oH, esd TV a: 
yeov wtb, Ges Toy Tey 
Skate. ere thw myd\- 
ou" ) QUT, ete avy er 
é wre, an 3 uaoCuytoy 
| UT es UTE cote 13 wAN- 
o1oy cube ony me (& 
rimwy bhSupia on 7B 
movnps vrapy,  O ~ 
beh Sumsiows alw quay 
tomy TOY rade, n oly 
monday 1 WANTON, 
dn 2 Aeuvordy ugines 
% sad: boy. ed pn 

Z neta. V. 

ye Children of God, to 
do all things in obedience 
to God ; 
pleafe Chrift, who is our 
God. For if any Man fol- 
lows Unrighreoufnels, and 
does thofe things thar are 
contrary to the Will of God, 
{uch an one will be efteem’d 
by God as the Difobedient 

Abftain therefore from 
all unlawful Defires and in- 
juftice: For ic is written in 

and in all things — 

CAP, I. 

the Law, Zhou [halt mot co- Exod: xx, 

vet thy Neighbour’ s Wi 
his Field, nor his Mais Ser- 
vant, nor bis Maid-Servant, 
nor his Ox, nor his Afs, nor 
Any thing that is thy Neigh 
bour’s: For all coveting of 
thefe things is from the Evil 
One. For he that covers his 
Neighbour’s Wife, or his 
Man-Servant, or his Maid- 
Servant, is already in ‘his 
Mind an Adulterer, and a 
Thief; and if he does not 
repent is condemnd by our 
Lord Jefus Soe: ie (onan 

B 2 ‘whom 

“or a 


thal look on bis 
_ bour's Wife, 



whom Glory be'to God for 
ever, Amen. For He faysin the 
Gofpel, recapitulating, and 
confirming, and fulfilling the 
Ten Commandments of the 
Vv. Law, Zt is written in the Law, 

Thou fhalt not commit Adulte- 

ry: But l fay unto you; That 
is, I faid in the Law, by 
Moles s But now I fay un- 
to you my Self, mbofoever 
to luff after 
Fler, hath committed Adul- 
tery with her already in his 
Heart. Such an one is 
condemn’d of Adultery who 
Covets his Neighbours Wife 
in his Mind. But He that 
Covers an Ox or an Afs, 
does not he defign to fteal 
them >? to apply them to 
his own Ufe, and to lead 
them away? Or again, He 
that covets a Field, and 
continues in fuch a Difpo- 
fition, does not he wicked- 
Jy contrive how to remove 
the Land-marks, and fo com- 

pel the Poffeflor to part 

with fomewhat for nothing? 

perouyy gis “ener ’) za 
T3 nek pps Inse 
Xerces, Ov 6 ndtEa 
ra Qed as Tes u@yos, 
A ump. Aéyq —p ey TQ 
dacleAiw ; dpanepa- 
rape pho G. C nerCav,C 
TAN ep They dexg.AgnoY Ts 
vores’ ole ev Te a 
yer war, 8 ugtagdods é fo 
ye a rege Dysay’ Teves 
ev Te vow dq Macews 
bd tagane ai 3 8 
atts UjAdy Arey. Tas 
agus en Cabld a as rhe nus 
xo Te TANoIOY mess } 
ben Summoey auTiy, nda 
eugiordbcey a quTny & TH 
ngpd'ich are” S7Qy éx- 
efor yghns xl evvoldw, 
6 bhSupmns. OF 
Biv’ } ovey Ea Soyhecs, 
cou th al Ena 4 
Peat n eae 

payer avin Mavees,) 5 

i 4 > A ' 
nO Tov a Cov MAL bh- 

unows, © Boh mers TH 
otc.dt SLasFEOY 5 & WDyn- 
/e TY, onws 0 poy au- 

: gnows ayayecon T Eq0y- 

Are TE pndeves Bodvadey 

15 V. 2g. V. 3. deelt. V. 

eure ; 

3 . \ 4 T¢ 

ouTd 5 nol yup we "a 
‘ aA c 

aeg ims’ ° Ova} ot av- 

yomovTs o1nidy WEgs of. 

> y ' ? 
may, © arpoy megs a 
jeer yaCorms, Wa ae 
ordnoioy aperwy rey T° 
No’ Ate] mrormran- 
3 ‘ fad 3 
me ygrot baa € os: nxe- 
cn 8 Gis Tou oT wwelE 
a \ 
ouereh Gorm Ka 
™N / 
Marys “Eonyg.tben- 
7 \ 4 hed 
1. 0 PATRAS Ofc 
cal / 3 ™u y 2 oe 
78 TANTIOY aurs © épel 
T&S 0 Anos, 7 Rvotr 
Ato gnaée Means. Ov 
; ? qa ~ 
par naynads 0OCsh TT? 
mAngoy cx, 1a eSevan 
/ wt ee pet BE 
Tmo Tepes oe . Lice da 
ey Qobot, Seivaqt, dy- 
HEMEL 4 — yoTaAd KEY y 
a ‘ 6 om jf ~ ~ 
og ° 78 Oe cis 
/ / ? 2 . 
Coracrats emnxoarnben 
ors C 2 van 
mis 4 vumrnxgos Oca 
‘i_t9 : Cy / 
wSepmis es vouG 
Ose 2 amrus, cAnors, 
Ye, ET@Qu crunnpyd’ 
6,0U Wucds up - eTeps 
col ue dey , GU anu 
& mura{s & Bead tH 
’ 3 
yuu Of Tad eu- 

E relay ULKD: es Ake. 

the Holy Apoftles. 

For as the Prophet fome- 

where fpeaks, Wo to thofe lf v. & 

who join houfe to houfe, and 
lay field to field, that’ they 
may deprive their Neighbour 
of fomewhat which was his. 
Wherefore he fays, Muff 
you alone inhabit the Earth ? 
For thefe things have been heard 
inthe Ears of the Lord of Hofts, 
And elfewhere, Curfed be he 



who removeth his Neighbours xvi. 17. 

Land-marks : ana all the People 
fhall fay Amen, Wherefore, 
Mofes fays, Thou fhalt not re 
move thy Neighbours Land- 
marks, which thy Fathers have 
fet. Upon this Account there- 
fore, Terrors, Death, Tribu- 
nals and Condemnarions fol- 
low fuch as chefe from God. 
But as to thofe who are obedi- 
ent to God, there is one Law 
of God, fimple, true, living, 
Whichisthis, Do not that to ge 

Should do to thee. Thou wouldtt 
not that any one fhould look 
upon thy Wife with an evil 
Defign to corrupt her; Do 

nother which thou hate/? azother 16. 


>" Pag 

not thou therefore look upon ~ 

figasas. V. 2 ddd. 
© decit V. 7 deeft V. 

3 yavailo, yever]o. V. * deed. Vi yi cave V. 

ee 3 thy 

| thers. 

Luke vi. 


Prov. xx. 





thy Neighbours Wife with 

a wicked intention. Thou 
wouldft nor that thy Garment 
fhould betaken away, do not 
thou therefore take away ano- 
Thou wouldft not be 
beaten, reproach d, affronted ; 
Do not thou therefore ferve 
any other in the like Manner, 

But if any one curfe thee, 
do thou blefs him: . For it 
is written in the Book of 
Numbers, He that bleffeth thee 

.is ble ffe cd, and he that curfeth 
thee is curfe ‘d. In the fame 

manner it is written in the 
Golpel, Blefs them that curfe 
you. Being injur’d, do not 
avenge yourfelves, but bear 
it with Patience 5 for the 
Scripture {peaks thus, Sg not 
thon, 1 will avenge my felf on 
my Enemy for what Injuries he 
has offered me; but acqui Ace 
under them, that the Lord may 
right thee, and tring Venge- 
ance upon shits dig as injura 
thee. For fo fays he again 
in the Gofpel, Love your Enc- 

mics; do good to them. that 

pregy a GUTHS pnd% ov 
Ty 73 TAnTIoy oe yuu 
cys. Ov Bead ce © 
iugeoy cepeoriva, pnd é 
ou mm 78 éTepL apis. 
Ou Serves aAanynvay y 
Aoidopnshvey , ub egan- 
voy, pnd au Aw Gu- 
aw drabns. 

Ama xernenty oF 
kes; a LAgynsoy au= 
a0Y. ok yyentia oy S 
mH Bien 2 T ZerOus’ 
‘O dbAoqar oe dlAGyn- 
Tey’ % 0 xg GeeyuG. ae, 
Qian aul declare 
venta BuAgye te T3s 
XLe.TOL EO IS uugs’ adl- 
xp o8 pa dprediinonre, 
aw RELL TE * on 
ri» yest. Ma er 
THs, TTD GY Tv aches, 
ce, JA ndwanaev. 2M’ 09 
wevoy, ive oF 1 Di 
on! 0 wer@s, © cadrxt- 
av emajayn Td adixev- 
m1 08. Kayod aur cy 
mf arleriy rtd. A 

naman Tes ey Opes u- 

' Bonduca. V. 


the Holy Apofttles. 

ps Ag Aws aruieste (ois 
 paceoty “UMS, a ‘BIC 9- 
odine dz ap T T empea- 
Covrwy uygs @ Diangy- 
amy’ © egense yo 18 WL 

os Upp @ cy mis Ben 
vols, on ¥ HAtov ours 
avatenrg orn movnpes 
ayabes, ¢ Bpéad 6nn dt- 
xges, C adwiees. TTeo- 
oenge Sy ey cbycuT Tok - 
ov T0/.045 Gureys » te? 

Texva Mews dupectaysy 



Acufere uv oi die- 

Aor 4 yor S Qes, 
MMnrass. O py aviip 
"megs T BUTE * yuna: 
ng. “esw pun arepn oe 
bie. pnde ergy Cov, A 
Veacaryw@:, beret 
IG., THIdice ryusay es 
Fygvoy"’ BergsuG. a- 
peony @ lavmy yorg- 
xdudy Cn Ty oss,caredee Cav 
Mi ne mamcopyo- 
1G. Mee: deedcprel 
keve 3% éteogy " th 
: * abfuac V. 

§ U aise Ven? 


hate you; and pray for them 
which de ppitefully ufe you, and 
perfecute you; and ye “foal be 
the Children of your Father 
which is in Heaven; for he 
maketh his Sun to fhine on the 
Evil and onthe Good, and rain- 
eth on the Fut andUnjuft. Let 
us therefore, Beloved, attend 
to thefe Commandments,that 
we may be found to be the 

‘Children of Light by doing 



EAR _ therefore with 

one another, ye Ser- 
vants and Sons of God. Let 
the Husband not be intolent 
nor arrogant towards his 
Wife ; but compaffionate, 
bountiful, willing to pleafe 
his own Wife alone, and 
treat her honourably and o- 
bligingly, endeavouring to be 
agreeable to Her. 

Do not adorn thy felf Hl. 

in {uch a manner as may — 
entice another Woman to 

3 al. érategy. vewltegy. V. . 
Bb 4 “nye thee 

$,” Pag. 


Exod, xX. 
14, 17. 


thee. For if thou art over- 
come by her, and finneft 
with her, eternal Death will 
overtake thee from God; 
and thou wilt be punifh’d 
with fenfible and bitter Tor- 
ments: Or if thou doft nor 
perpetrate fuch a wicked 
AG, but fhakeft her off, and 
refufert her, in this-cafe thou 
artnot wholly innocent, even 

tho’ thou art not guilty of 

the Crime it felf, upon ac- 
count of thy bare adorning 
thy felf, fo that a Woman 
was enfnared to defire thee. 

For thou art the caufe that the 

Woman was foaffected, and 
by her Jufting aft:r thee was 
guilty of Adultery with thee; 
yet art thou not fo guilty, be- 
caufe thou didft not fend to 
her, who was en{nar’d by thee; 
nor didft thou “defire her. 
Since therefore thou didit not 
deliver up thy felf to her, 
thou fhalr find Mercy with 
the Lord thy God, who hath 
faid, Zhou fhalt not commit 
Adultery, and, Thon fhalt not 

Gi. Elite  dvaquge 
Seis col warns, aypto- 
Thons 4s quTH, Soe- 
Te. aby Gee emeardiac- 
Toy Got ana @e § ey ai Sha 
o4 TH. eis ora Corbi. 
Elite wn momors (9 wo- 
o@y, 3A’ rot hu. 
eutiv, apyton ‘duty’, 
% TeT0 mpipTes, ea © un 
“arenas Hove 4 3 Se 
6 AEILWT OAs os T= 
MIS ory qyuvane. eis B 
OmSumnoey oH EMOINTHS 
pF Tee aubiody SG 
t opeZews pgingsucnvey 
éoht oor soy STws 
uk ©. areas, Ake o 
a, Deo LMS EL Acy Ge ™ 
i oF meme Shops ng 
no CU emeSU noms OUTS’ 
ya cuvemtdids 4 du- 
77 EQUTOY Aen cron V9 
wee 8 Oct amwl@., 
Ov paigceboys, CG ux bat 
Suumats. ** Et pc Cnet 
vn Seales oF, a 
aegis cuudyrn (gece, 
myn © Leavy, 2% 
mogremeu le (61, ov 3 ws 


covet. For if fuch a Wo- Seocas npn @ amin § 
"al. aire & V.” * al. éerices pro bziays. ep isus V. 

KE ae KyeK Nuaores es auTly. Vv. 

3 ame 

s / 

Enewn porn 2 xg pd icy 
eresvmalidn, cuugpps 
yewreps areep yo ts ripe 
C xexamwriope, ose 
tenOyvas a8, voy 
dieicxn ov 8 cnevns 
aby Waygl@s, as exymos 
auTns caer uo- 
Os, '§ BF va} xAn- 
orga. FAG dlen- 

ouk wes 3 Oce o- 

Tus pndey got Aly Te: 
eviews oe xpN 
eptoxely es ctrageplecey’ 
wre @©zw es oo1o~ 
TM Te Cutis Te, ¢ dpa 
manaeeos P aiwyis apy- 
TE aey. Lo vat gu 
ans (Cor dedouduav dx 
Oce 1¢AGs un Megae- 
migmames, ona To~ 
meivopeoveas peresacov 
ober meas Ly SMwTHes, 
baw 2 Tenn 78 EG 
has jen mbyreéet ay, 
UGAAGY 4 Culitear low 
€ Neate owrny iva 
pen xgernnniCopue” 
; oe y aonwAloy anpsri@s 


T wePAAnY, Tl AOL Tepe 

ais 8 bu ihe 

ae deeft.V. 7 

* xd lanysCopsty: 8. Vv, 

the Holy Apoftles: 

‘man upon fight of thee, or 

unfeafonable meeting with 
thee, was {mitten in her mind, 
and fent to thee ; but thou, 
as a religious Perfon, didft 
refufe her, if fhe was wound- 
ed in ‘her Heart by thy 
Beauty, and Youth, and 
Adorning, and fell in love 
with thee, thou wilt be found 
guilty of her Tran{grefitons; 
as having been the Occafion 

of Scandal to her; and fhale Mateh: 
inherita Wo. Wherefore pray *¥™- !7- 

thou to rhe Lord God, that 
no Mifchief may befal thee 
upon this account: For thou 
art not to pleafe Men, fo as 
to commit Sin; but God, fo 
as to attain Holinefs of Life, 
and be Partaker of everlafi- 
ing Reft. That Beauty which 
God and Nature has beftow’d 
on thee do not farther beau- 
tifie; but modeftly diminifh 
it before Men. Thus, do not 

thou permit the Hair of chy 

Head ro grow too long, buc 
rather cuc it fhore; left by 
a nice combing thy Hair, and 
wearing it long, and anoint- 
ing thy felf, thow pb upon 



thy felf fuch enfnar’d, or en- 
{naring- Women. Neither do 

thou wear over-fine Garments 

to feduce any; neither do 
thou, with an evil Subrilcy, 
affe@t over-fine Stockings, or 
Shooes for thy Feet, but only 
fuch as {uit the Meafures of 
Decency and Ufefulnefs. Nei- 
ther do thou puta Gold-Ring 
upon thy Fingers; for all 
thefe Ornaments are the Signs 
of Lafciviou{nefs ; whieh if 
thou be folicitous about, in 

* an indecent manner, thou wile 

not act as becomes a good 
Man: Forit is not lawful for 
a Man, who is a Believer, and 
belongs to God, to permit 
the Hair of his Head to grow 
long, and to bufh it up to- 
gether, nor co fuffer it to 
{pread abroad, nor to puffic 
up, nor by nice Combing and 
Platting to make it curl and 
fhine ; fince that is contrary 
to the Law, which fays thus, 
in its Additional Precepts, 

Levicxtx. Jou fhall not make. to your 

XXI. 5. 

felv-s Curls and round Rafures, 
Nor may Meén deftroy the 

yns ceaumS tas eawé 
ous ywarygs. Mudie e- 
/ \ ~ 
omrlndsypyin Cd oH 
> ™ / 3 ’ ‘ 
earnie Qenon Hs ATmK- 
\ i) / 
THs mde avacuepdess 
nupnaidss Ce ais 1 
OL NgNGTEYVwS | \Zap~ 
parbust” SMad t ces 
vornG. € F agaas 
ugvov’ pnd se puon rg. 
Tov Coevdtwly cruis dux- 
v el 
qUAQLS os aer8ns, on 
Taner via erugions 
: ; dd 
meKUNELA arapy, a 
mp Bia S weganngy 
bimd day & orpingess 
‘Omatws, Thee yap ont 
wn Carspomw 8 Ose 
om eSeql 
gev mas melas F née 
~ J 
% qmoey > as 
5 cmeTEALOY 
\ 452 t i >\ . 
1 * RMTOYXUKR » 1 Meuse 
’ at.2 To 
exopywny ampar’ odie je 
“a Led ) 1 
oyugmuey, n AlaSar- 
yovan %% © WAcomyTE 
T] ~ _ ee: 
aan Mok dey, 1 Sav- 
Sombiey. auTay’ 6 7eimTep 
@ 0 voun@Qs aaeroopdod 
gacnay ev mm Advlego- 

o> Pa f 
Col Tee" 

> vappiys. V. ? deefteal. 3 Cishny. Ve 4 com onus. V- 


the Holy Apoftles. 

youl’... Ov moinzere 
vuiv glovlw, ede avae 
vedas. Xpn 4 2d 
wee Tel Vat Sole 
CT yopyla & dpdpe- 
Te whg quay efamra- 

ouely Oux Der9 149.00 
pacers 3p, Gnaty 0 yo 

pO, Tes Taywvas U- 
pov. Tea ~ qwrar- 
Eu charpenes o*nri (gs 
émpinge @ecs’ avdega 
) dwapygsoy cdryquece. 
Bu 4 rawr miav SG 
aptoxecw, cvdpk ep§uos 
TS vonw, BdtAuxans 
Swioy aby Oca af 
xTioevli ae nal eiyovae é= 
ate. Bay éy Pers 
Oxy aptoney, droogs 
TOY TOY WY pacer aires, 
é pndey 2g. 088 T We 
aS omeperngy rm. 


Tx eoy ws. oreTO 

HO C emoret 
Tro TDY % arapuG Cy 
* plugs, *ancbepe ToT 
Tas’ # Kanes Covey" 
mia Ty Teyyn he € 
ad tele oe meg CHa" 

Hair of their Beards, and un- #*+ Pag. 
naturally change the Form of | °° 
a Man. For the Law fays, 

Te {hall not marr your Beards. Levit. 
For God has made this de- ee. 
cent for Women, but has de- 
termined that tis unfuitable 

for Men. But if thou do 

thefe things to pleafe Men, 

in Contradiction to the Law, 

thou wilt be abominable with 

God, who created thee after 

his own Image. If there- 

fore thou wilt be accepra- 

ble to God, abftain from 

all thofe things which he 
hates; and donone of thofe 
things that are apne, to 



HOU fhale not be as 

a Wanderer and Gad- 
der Abroad, rambling abour 
the Srreets, without jult 
Caufe, to {py out fuch as live 
wickedly. But by npaive 
thy own Trade and Employ- 


ante usy@. v. 

> guecgememins. V. 


*.* Pag. 



ment, endeavour to do what 
is acceptable to God. And 
Keeping in mind the Oracles 
of Chrift, meditate in the 

. fame continually. For fo the 
- Scriprure {ays to thee, Thor 

fhalt meditate in his Law Day 
and Night; when thou walkeft 
in the Field, and when thou fit- 
teft in thine Floufe, and when 
thou left down, and when thou 
rifeft up, that thew mayft have 
Underflanding in all things. 
Nay, altho’ thou beeft rich, 
and fo dof{t not want a Trade 
for thy Maintenance, be not 
one that gads about, and 
walks abroad at random. But 
either fome that are Be- 
lievers, and of the fame Re- 

ligion, aod confer and dif- 

courfe with them about the 
lively Oracles of God : 

Ox if thou fiayeft at home, 
read the Pooks of the Law, 
of the Kings, with the Pro- 
phets, fing the Hymas of 
David, and perufe diligently 
the Gotpel, which is the 
Completion of the other. 

G. ads Ora) P1g. aya 
Cnet WOley , xy me 
B Xerces Acoma duva- 
pero ns» dinve- 
nas perita. Ney 95 
7 yexgn hag ok on Tab 
nucegs ¢ yuKeTos, pe 
Tampy cv drey.@ cy oF: 
xy xacnpuCr, © yg0- 
Cope, C Savisu- 
pRuO- ive cupins ov are= 
av. Aw a € mrca@s 
naaxpods, x Sx pete rage is 
me95 ss) “e mee PER 
Gon ene, jan pep6os yin 
yesunde cxopgo@emn- 
m@."* 2M’ an we9- 
cen als Wisvis 7% @ 
cpgdosots , ou arreay 
Teh u CwoTrola eganusrd 

Ei 4 un, xede- 
¢- ‘py ©- evdby ewe 
yoda ne T Oe meh 
Baciress, Tes weogr- 
Gs’ Larrg Tes UAVS. 
Dabid™ d1ep% w bonpe- 
Aws dialoinio & te: 


uy. V. 

? augipomems Vv. 



the Holy Apoftles. 

Toy eOyxdy ibs 
Aiwy mak yTaY ares 
we 8 yp Cat ¢ 20A0- 
‘menals Ar9Q015, n YOUGLS, 
1 tddb DegOn THIS, A 
é 4 woe neem 
Tr isE0s Tes eAg- Opes: ; 
k 2p Co ¢ @ Acad cy 
a Ope S eds) iva 
fa CHEV Te * evo 
pu Ses cpiions 5 : AT. ~ 
ie ed ets drépne- 
Sey, yds a mas BaciAesys’ 
are moDisiKgs a Troink.= 
xSe5 eaek Te BDLIMncas, 
T Ta6, t Mee0 ljuAce~ 
om CY ols TRLONS TroIN- 
aus © TODIG*e 2s mre 
ove ay acivordy dipaceis, 
ak. wes S pgve go: 
G3 Gee OSorJu ey. 
at aca kuay oper, 
eof THs barmes TE 
eipocauonpvices; ends 7 T 
ofreaw * eine VOR iMG? 
5 elas, 7 eye 
Foy were S Oey yo- 
HgV. Teavawy ev 7 BM o- 
Tele ¢ GS ortnav 
igpupas amg. Nake 

Abftain from all the Hea- 
then Books. For what haft 
thou to do with fuch foreign 
Difcourfes, or Laws, or falfe 
Prophets, which fubvert the 
Faith of the Unftable> For 
what Defect doft thou find 
in the Law of God, that thou 
fhouldeft have Recourfe to 
thote Hearhenifh Fables? For 
if thou haft a mind to read 
Hiftory, thou haft the Books 
of the Kings: If Books’ of 
Wifdom or Poetry, thou haft 
thofe of the Prophets, of Fob, 
and the Proverbs; in which 
thou wilt find greater depth of 
Sagacity than in all the Hea- 
then Poets, and Sophifters, be- 
caufe thefe are the Words of 
the Lord, the only Wife God. 
If thou defireft fomething to 
fing, thou haft the Pfalms ; 
if the Origin of things, thou 


haft Genefis; if Laws and Sta- *4* Pag. 

tutes, thou haft the glorious 
Law of the Lord God. Do 
thou therefore utterly abftain 

from all ftrange and Diabo-. 

lical Books. Nay, when thou 

STE upéring pl eretyivwent.v. 2 ccevouude, V. 




readeft the Law, think not 
thy felf bound to obferve the 
Additional Precepts, though 
not all of them, yet fome of 
them. Read thofe barely 
for the fake of Hiftory, in 
order to the Knowledge of 
them,, and to glorify God 
that he has delivered thee 
from fuch great and {fo ma- 
ny. Bonds. .Propofe to thy 
« felf to diftinguifh what Rules 
/were from the Law of Na- 
ture, and what were added 
afterwards, or were fuch Aa- 
ditional Rules as were intro- 
.duc'd and given to the //- 
yaelites after the making of 
the Calf. For the Law con- 

tains thofe Precepts which 

were {poken by the i. ord God 
before the people fell into Ido- 
Jatry, and made a Calf like 
the Egyptian Apis, thatis, the 
Ten Commandments. Burt 
as to thofe Bonds which were 
farther laid upon them after 
they had finnd, do not thou 
draw them, upon thy {felf: 
For our Saviour came for no 
other Reafon but that He 

> Se.v. * defunt v. 

3 defunt. v. 

x T “ vougvduvalipararas 
T Cw ante é TELM Tw? 
amooye & :é [An Ty Tw, 
Ma kvov, FF Ma- 
pucews’ pgvoy *) megs 
i soexdy ga ee 
eis prwoney Cz, € 
SvbaCey r- Ocor, b 
Ca mute Twy 4 meoeTwy 
eG Ce So uyy. 
“Ege % col meg oP Sur 
Uy vac, Th ge 
QUT ING, G 1 @’ 

ES 4p eo ce005, am Te op 
Th EpniL@ arols Hagen 
ouot dotev ice erreronse lee. 
NonG- yap é6l,. Tives 
eAgAnTEe wE2G o Geos 
megs T agov cidwAg- 
agli nowy “C pa gorutiony 
T Gap Atgyuatioss Am, 
Tulesw’ n dixs-AgyO-° 
a 4 AAG PTICHTY wurois 
emenen deo, a (Ce- 
wre) yen brn TOON. o* 
2) OwTnp NUGY & J te 
ev ke nAderyn iva > pus 
ony Tes rains ams 
Dero x ex wyans opyis, Cc 
TAN CT og vo 1g? x Tes 

meg gnGs, % TH diqua 


the Holy Apoftles. 
P SS reewcews T eTele might deliver thofe thar 
cunleoy n amuon in pe- Were obrtoxious thereto from 
aaln. Ai 9 tl that Wrath which was re- 
@ejmarepu@.nugse- ferved for them; thac he 
Aeya Adie * wegs might fulfilthe Law and the 
pe" aayns ot xomav- Prophets; and that he might 
ms © mepopkopyior, abrogate or change thofe fe- 
xaqw dparat(q uygs. condary Bonds, which were 
Zo éy awayes T vougy {uperadded to the reft of the 
mp gwrvor crt) Ves- Law. For therefore does He 
Oirin % was weggn- call to us, and lay, Comeun- Mate. xi2 
als, cwayivwone % rus to me all ye that labour and?* 
Bares, cams -edivay are heavy laden, and Iwill give 
Zags, omi(ge Siygior e- you Reft. When cheretore thou 
Sova Bactras, ~ nue haft read the Law, which - 
Exmnody xo @ee, @ is agreeable to the Gofpel, 
newalyarie F aiwvty and to the Prophets, read 
Cons was ddueave alfo the Books lof rhe Kings, 
map ws oro 7) Ba- thatthou mayft thereby learn 
oirds eSenopydony a0 which of the Kings wererigh- 
©ce, cy dmsucia w= teous, and’ how they: were 
cov cues &7wAgy- profper'd by God; and how 
a tm & Oe drygtoe the Promife of Eternal Life 
xorcie’, 2 F abt Cons continued with them from 
-esepndnads, arti ave him. buc cthoie Kings which 
aaucens awvidy xgag- Went a whoring from God 
ow xAneo(g wot, rav-" did foon perifh in their Apo- 
x47 ev duaorrdenwy, the righteous Judg- ,*, Pag: 
MAD TH aigd awEn- ment of God, and were de- — 22% 
21s, weg corngdounin- priv d of his Life, inheriting, | 
on X€iea, € coug 4 inftead of Reft, Eternal Pu- 
a a 

* deeft. V. 

Prov. vii. 

ted to Men, 


nifhment. Wherefore by read- 
ing thefe Books thou wilt be 

mightily firengthen d in the. 

Faith, and edify’d in Chrift, 
whofe Body and Member 
thou art. Moreover, when 

thou walkeft abroad 

Publick, and haft a mind 
to bath, make ufe of that 

Bath which is appropria- 
left by difco- 
vering thy Body in an un- 
feemly manner to Women, 
or by feeing a Sight not feem- 
ly for Men, either thou beeft 
enfnar'd, or thou enfnareft 
and inticeft to thy felf chofe 
Women who eafily yield to 
{uch temptations. Take care 
therefore, and avoid fuch 
things, left thou admit a 
Snare upon thy own Soul. 
For let us learn what the 
Sacred Word fays in the Book 
of Wifdom, My Son, keep my 
Words, and hide my Come 
mandments with thee: Say unto 
Wifdom, Thon art my Sifter, 
and make Underftanding fami- 
liar with thee: that fhe may 
keep thee from the ftrange and 

perQ. muy yeves: The 
ema Tey ) Cy Th a- 
pop, © Adcadey Bu- 
ops, epion Barg- 
ViGa dwd\neiga, vat [An 

3 deni Ce 
UE cw aopnind Sirona 
Auld yuraelvy, n dean 
ond, Sedw ey aipugte- 
odp dpdexaw, 3 1 OD War 
ysslans, 7 n mansdsuans 
on Cand " aus 2s 
Marates Saw otings. | C 
Su rgoss ¢ vy qe loaner, - 

iva pen agSus Bepyes 

w ¢ “~ ab 

Mateophy 7», ev 7H 
Copin TL rey 0 a= 
u@- Avy@ ‘Tie qu 
ig. 8 eas Agyes, Tous 
*) eUgs Cvermrg.s xpurlo 

Ceaured. Elvroy 
* Cogidy Cry ada- 
pls ciney, Th 3 5 perrn- 

defunt. Vv. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

rs “1 ¢ ls 
Tey Ceanrel, ba o€ Tn- 
oy > 1 \ ? 
— pngH S70 Ywv0angs Mio- 
~~ > er 
agias, GC mvneds, cay 
Ce Agnes mis wes 
’ 2 f 2 4 
qaary eubadnrey. Az 
ra f ol “2 
 wed@ cine au- 
Ths as TAS WAaTIAs 
x ty a Cs ee 

abarrMera, ov av idy 
T GQegvwY TeWwy yE- 
dwiav cvdin Qpevav ae - 
exmopduopSuor cy anp- 
re * ; 
pm, cw drodbis oimwy au= 
amis, © AgAGrTE CY ON5- 

c es AU -s 
Tel eoaeehyn, Lusing. ay 

sl e t \ 
“jh noveyia ruxteesyn © 

yrogwons nn 4 yun 
Cundple wire! &d@. 2- 

vty eidlads, ygpdias, 
Quemegginjun ds ecw © 
ari, cv oinw %) ey 
nauyaCvorv ot odes w= 
ms. sesvov yap kva 
eeu peuCerry, yeovor 3 
cy MALT ais BLE Te 
ay yoview * oved\pdlq”. 
ere 67h ay Copan epi 
Angev quay, dwuda *4 
br. @Qvcia et pluinn 
H9L ES, Tueeoy amdi- 

wicked Woman, in cafe [uch an 
one accoft thee with {weet words. 
For from the Window of her 
ELoufe (he looks into the Street, 
to fee if fhe can efpy [ome young 
Man among the foolilh Children; 
without Underftanding, walk 
ing in the Market-place, in the 
Meeting of the Street near her 
Floufe,and talking in the dusk of 
the Evening, or in the Silence 
and Darknefs of the Night. A 
Woman mectshim in the Appea- 
rance of an FTarlot, who fteals 
away the Clearts of young Per- 
fons. She rambles about, and 
is diffolute : Hler Feet abide not 
in her Flonfe: Sometimes jhe 
is withost, fomsetimes in the 
Streets, aad lieth in wait at eve- 
ry Corner. Then fhe catches 
him, and kiffes bim, and with 
an impudent Face fays unto him, 
T have Peace-Offerings with me, 
this Day do I pay my Vows, 
Therefore came I forth to meet 
thee; earneftly L have defired 
thy Face, and I have found 
thee; 1 have deck'd my Bed 
with Coverings, with Tapeftry 
from Egypt have Iadorwd it. 

2a V, 2 deeft, Vv. 

G T bawe- 


T have perfum’d my Bed with Swysmas dinas wx % 
Saffron, and my Houfe with yexg rete eEnASow eds 
Cinnamon. Come let us take Cabaret? ov, mbe(g 
our fill of Love until the Morn- 8 ow mem, Uennee 
ing; come let us folace our ce xeerus térane wd 
felwes with Love, &e- To wAvny Be, au giledma 3 
which he adds, With much ¢ espwoet rois or Alpin 
Difcourfe fhe feduced him, with Te Subppalnon % @ xgiriw 
Snares from her Lips fhe forced es EDK, T 4 ofKgy Be 
him. He goes after her like a suwaygpw erbe % dm- 
Prov.v.3. filly Bird. And again, Do wot Agu(aphu girias ews op- 
hearken to a wicked Woman; Ope, d3e9 © ey wai 

_ for though the Lips of am Hlar-  SapSpegon © ae ecas* 

Lot are Sitke Drops from an ois bon gtd, "Amemaa- 
Efoney-comb, which for awhile yyce > ase orn opt 

is froooth in thy Throat, yet Aide, Perrers T% Tis 
afterwards thou wilt find her > eer ewor eCOneirey 

more bitter than Gall, and fharp- ava’ o 4) 2mmngrsdnoep 

er than any twoedged Sword. wiry vewquStis. Kaj 

viz.26. And again, But get aivay quick mmALW Ak’ Mn weg ce- 
ly, and tarry not ; fix not thine 92 QxvrAx yuvani’ wear 

Fyes upon her. For fhe has yp Dvsatl yf Dm yerewy 

e* ee thrown down many Wounded, be yuragnss mopyns, 
— -yea innumerable multitudes buve megs netegy Armniver 
been flain by her. If not, {ays ay papul ya, # Useepy py 

ti 11,@¢. he, yet thou wilt repent at the om mu eDTEeD yeris 
Laft, when thy Flelh and thy dipnaets, @ mxgvapsysov 

Body are confumed, and wilt ygraw ygnaiess de 

fay, Flow have I hated Inftru- ctw. Kei muir. “AA- 

ction, ana my Fleart has avoid- 'n@éammduov, |" wi 

ed the Roma of the Righ= eyneovicys, pmd’ Sax- 

were er ~~ 

+ del Vv. 

iN 4; OT Ve 

the Holy Apoftles. 
chans Gov ouuge wee teous? L have not hearkened 
wird. Tlomtsyi age to the Voice of my Tnftructor, 
Cace xeGcanne, @ nor inclined mine Ear to my 
wae Wun ecry, es Teacher. I have almoft been 
mmegovduuev: Er 4 pn, in all Evil. Bur we will 
‘gnot » MeTeLjLe/ nfnon’ make no more Quotations, 
er eynTwy O8, Liiyg. and if we have omitted any, 
cy xomameiaor (Gores be fo prudent as to feleét rhe 
owas (4 © 2 epets, zws moft valuable out of the Ho- 
Epaan(¢e maideidw. Gé- ly Scriptures, and confirm 
Asyox¥s Since eFere- your {elves With them, re- 
Auvey i napdla 12s om jeéting all things thar are 
Husov porns wader evil, that io you may be 
mos Hey @ d:dicxoves found Holy with God ineter- 
pe, e ma pecamMov 3 nal Life. 
3s ee" map orinoy é- 
Ruoun ov wart: xnaxe. “Ive ym 4 Met arAetoy ev 
mracpenc ety cys ras popmueas Cakre rec pmic ces y of 
Cope eourals Te AKA bo eqovees. Cn Tay Lewy yer 
gor Boh sepeude, _mhairephvor TO TO TO Qavrg. as & 
ogies opeanvzy v UG oy Con OL GOV ECO THES O<e. 

7 Ret LV 

Az yuun aan | Oa the Wife be obedient vitr 

rao Son as + &- to her own proper Huf- 
auras dod ex om wegaan band, becaute the Husband js \ Corxt. 
TE yuuaryos o awe uv the Head of the Wife. But > 
miupyd’ 3 4 avdpos & Chrift is the Head of that’ 
mopdvouSie cv od di- Husband who walks in 
_ Ranoowrns, mozan ésy the way of Rightecoufnels ; 
oXecw € Keres 5 and the Hhad . of  Chrift 
HEDAAN O° e0s ig ama is God, even his Father. 

deeft. v. ? ustewaandels.V. 7 3 deeft.V. 4 bias ¥. 3 eet advrov. v. 
€ 2 There- 


Therefore, O Wife, next af- 
ter the Almighty, our God 

and Fa 

ther, the Lord of the 

prefent World, and of the 

~ World 

to come, the Maker 

of every thing that breaths, 

and of 
ter his 

every tower ; and af- 
beloved Son our Lord 

Jefus Chrift, through whom 


be to God, do thou 

fear thy Husband, ‘and reve- 
rence him, pleafing him alone, 
rendring thy felf acceptable 

to him in the feveral Affairs 
of Life; 
count thy Husband may be 


that fo on thy ac- 

bleffed, according to 

the Wifdom of Solomon, which 
Proverbs thus {peaks ? Who cau find a 
XxX1. 10; uirtnous Woman> For {uch a 


one is more precious than coftly 

The Heart of her kluf- 

band doth [afely truft inher, fo 

that fhe [hall have no need of 

= ig 

For {he does good to her 
d all the Days of her 

Life. She buyeth Wool and Flax, 

ard wo 

with her Hands, 

rketh proftrable things 
She is like the 

Merchants Ships, he bringeth 

her Food from far. 

She r ifeth 

amp ww7e. Mean oy & | 
We TWAT Sop he 
oY, 2% waTess Fo 
CvEege.T Oe 4 S merror- 
1@. uovG@. + KUeKO y, Woe 
os tT avons @ JD uuct- 
pews Symuseipor, Ci v n> 
yaurnpsjov OTe Yor» © T 
UeKOV igey ‘Tnowy 
Xexso, di &" 4 Svea 
* aS Ogg." 9 Gobnones oe 

wv AS 

Afg.noviaus auTs, ive 

#3 boa Col UEXL ELON 
o dae Sy. e Cogias ra 
Asysons Ag. SoArgumv= 
1G. aad. Tuwwaine 
dpsd\petes TIS dupnad 5 5 7° 
piwréen ob é es Abe 
mAUTEA@Y 7 Toler 
Srepoe er auTn n 
ed eld S dudens as 
ams 7 Tour oWwAwy 
Gon dmpnot’ cvepya . 
v7 aides - Grelete i 
Taymre T ior" *unpu- 
(pQon” Z@KOY y 3 Aivoy, 
emoincey Unence © 969 




a deeit. Y. a ONT iP Ve 

+ pupeuouever, ¥, 

the Holy Apoftles. 

oly avims* ever as 
. n > / ° 
vals eemopdvonun, Ug 

Cay cuvaysoc we 

Y Pioy’ © OV ISETEY 4 
fe \ 1S) : 
YUXTAV, % edwner Lee 
P ByA \ 
wag 7 ony, % 
s nee 
ep} e 6 WEeR Tan cUs 
EWPNT ATH pawpyroy é= 
Tekan, 2) Kap- 
« vt PN 9°4 
ary Tay Sele aus 
~ ee 2 " > 
eQuTévee “TUG Akan 
Cacapyin T * ooguy’ 
awTm, pace Tas EaUTNs 
/ ¥? t 
Bexnnovas® % eydicala 
\ , 
Om xaAg’ @ EpyaCedey, 
4 Gon dancbéyvuTey 0 
Avsyy@e owns oAny © 
wT Tes WEIS aw 
rns cateivd cs Te ‘svpn- 
CU 5 THs aes aW- 
oo ? / > ” . 
Tis epedy es ategtloy 
_ oo al > ad y 
eens 2 airns din- 
\ e 
voice wernt, xo.pMDY 3) 

m™ > Ui \ 
THs) Cn Buose x 70p- 

al{o while it is yet Night, and 
giveth Meat to her Honfnold, 
and Food to her Maidens, She 
confidereth a Field, and buyeth 
it: with the Fruit of \ ber 
Hands fhe planteth a Vineyard. 
She girdeth her Loins with 
Strength, and firengtheneth her 
Arms. She tafteth that it is 
good to labour; her Candle go- 
eth not ont all the whole Night. 
She firetcheth out her Avis for 
nfeful Work, and layeth her 
Flands to the Spindle, She 
open:th her hands to the Necay, 
yea fhe reacheth forth her hands 
to the Poor. Her Hlusband 
takes no care of the Affairs of 
his Ffoufe, for all that are with 
her ave cloathed with donble 
Garments. She maketh Coats 
for ber Husband, Cloathings of 
Silk and Purple. Her Haf- 
band is eminent in the Gates, 

when he fitteth with the Elders 

of the Land. She maketh fine*,* Pag, 
Linnen, and {elleth it to the 2% © 

Phenicians, aud Girdles to the 
Canaanites. She is cloath’d 
with Glory and Beauty, and fhe 
rejoices in the laft Days. She 

a TT eee 

3 deeit. Ve 2 save. V. ° oupepeeoy re. V. 

C 3 openeth 

Kile 4. 

Zrv. Je 


openeth her mouth with Wifdom 
and Difcretion, and puts ber 
Words in order. The ways of 
her Hloufbold ave ftrict ; fhe 
eateth not the Bread of Idle- 
nels. She will open her Mouth 
with Wifdom and Caution, and 
upon her Tongue are the Laws 
of Mercy. Her Children arife 
up, and praife her for her 
Riches, and ber Flusband joins 
in her Praifes. Many Dangh- 
ters have obtaind Wealth, and 

done worthily, but thou fur- 

palfeft and excelleft them all. 
May tying Flatteries, and the 

vain Beauty of a Wife be far 

from thee. For a Religious 
Wife is bleffed. Let her praife 
the Fear of the Lord: Give her 
of the Fruits of her Lips, and 
let her Hlusband be praifed in 
the Gates. And again, A vir- 
tuous Wife is a Crown to her 
Hlusband. And again, Mazy 
Wives have built an. Houfe. 
You have learn’d what great 
Commendations a prudent 
and loving Wife receives from 
the Lord-God. Jf thou de- 
fireft to be one of the Faith- 

arn Se 

Quens cyduugere’ eA 
Casn@. 4 yiverey ov 
TUAGIS G inp aT ns, 
eee: a\ t Lg 
f TT! p 
CuneD enw pt! oS rpece 
Curéepy tar ‘xaruleer= 
It, , 2 / 
cov" ciydoyas empines, 
* aredora wis donee, 
TACO UG. Te 4 mis Xa- 

—ydpaos’ dvtdy © db 


Tpemecrdp cvedioar, 2% 
digegvan cv nueesis e- 
gan TmLs SOc aUTAs dun 
rake copes © @wegan- 
novlws, @ aa&ii eset- 
ag.lo TH yAwosn av- 
rns’? Seyre 2) Sa res" 
Cay olnev auTns 1TH 
4 Curnex oot evan’ 
> a" Suna auras avoid 
~ , “3 ! 
Copas 4 crveygs, Sea 
‘ si 3 2 it 
ygt 2° eAEngouNns 
th ¢ yawoms au THs" 
civesuaty Cm Tenva aus 
” ; ‘ . @ c 54 
phe emda 
ynp auTNS emnvecey aU- 
qi, Tomcat . Suan 
pes * Cutnodyrm TAs 
Tov, Tomo ewonoey 

Doe paty’ Ce 9) ap 

‘eras yus.¥. * defunt. Ve * aizits. v 

ean deeft. V. 
4 OC 

the Holy Apoftles. 

‘uci © VaPnegs Ta- 
ous. VAS Es cepean cian 
a [ee TOUOY xoLa~A Qe 
cpuuaangs pan eq-aa | Coa’ 4 
gunn p Vaekis sag 

Oo , «\ ‘ 
Yatra, Mv ov OQ were 
ee ? / / 
auTH ayyvetw. Lote 

QUTN 2m xapte? ye 
AcwvavTns, © ayado 
Cy TUAmSs 0 ap aU 

ans Kamara. Tun 
dwdpaa sepdwQ. TH 
adenavris. Kat ra- 
duv’ > Flora” Nv 

WES wnodvumatys oixov. 
MenaSnuate, oroie eS 
apLic yun copegy %y 
iagrp@. Ageard 
> were $ Oce. Ei 
isn @ apegn wey 
Berd eva, @ yuncy, er 
namics 67h TH cope 

gnay Ce MMorges ay- 
Sega. pndde rH ? 
Eales Copsuns ecrag)- 
ence a Siege 
bh S vranecdeu Ce res 
is TH malay T2- 
Mophues. Key ~p et 
Co om th 3 cyapra 

* 7? Copat, v. 

ful, and to pleafe the Lord, 
O Wife, do not fuperadd Or- 
raments to thy Beauty, in 
order to pieafe other Men: 
Neither affect ro wear fine 
Broidering, Garments, of 
Shooes, to entice thofe whe 
are allurd by fuch things. 
For alchough thou doft not 
thefe wicked things with de- 
fign of finning thy felt, buc 
only for the fake of Orna- 
ment and Beauty, yet wilt 
thou not fo efcape future 
Punifhment ; as having com- 
pell’d another to look fo hard 
at thee as to luft after thee, 
and as not having taken care 
both to avoid Sin thy felf, 
and the affording Scandal to 
others. But if thou yield chy 
felf up, and commit the 
Crime, thou art both guilty 
of thy own Sin, and the caufe 
of the Ruin of the others 
Soul alfo. Befides,, when 
thou haft committed Lewd- 
nefs with one Man. and be- 
sinneft to defpair thou wilt 
again torn away from thy 
Duty. and follow others, and 

C 4 grow 


RVIRT, 3. 

her ETands are Fetters. 
in another Paflage, As a Fewel 

x11. 4,inAnd again, 



grow patt fecling ; as fays 
the facred Word, When a 
wicked Man comes into the 
depth of Evil, he becomes a 
Scorner, and then Diferace and 
Reproach come upon him. ¥or 
fuch a Woman afterward be- 
ing wounded; enfnares with- 
out Reftraint the Souls of 
the Foolifh. Let us learn 
therefore how the Sacred 
Word plainly defcribes and 
condemns {uch Women, fay- 

ing, I hated a Woman who is 

a Snare and Net to the Heart 
of Men, worfe than Death 5 

of Gold in a Swine's Snout, fo 
7s Beauty in a wicked Woman. 
As aWorm in 
Wood, fo does a wicked Wo- 
man Pp ftrcy ber Flusband. And 

uX1.9,19,again, Zt is better to awell in 

the Corner of the Fou|e-top 
than with a contentious and 
an ancry Woman. You there- 
fore who are Chriftian Wo 
men, do not imitate {uch as 
theie. But thou who defigneft 
to be faithful to thine own 
Husband, take care to pleafe 
him alone. And when thou 

s ) 
Net a «.. 

vey mov roles re 
uvon, 6m 4 8 Haver 
xamwmrices, ed dg 
Ts Cngaren v drum 
eis Fe pl’ aula, “ee 
veluncace emave aSn- 
vy Cor ma, es & ben- 
Suuniow Ce, % en eave 
alu quaractaca thi an 
pene Ce WOTET AY @- 
Haptic, Ante plu é- 
Tepes ondudury Et 
4) UG PTH Es ond ure 
eaulny, % Ce em Aa bh 
Anos. eK ete evo @e 
Erluyins efue’ eres a 
ngpticada & ED ily we 
db. Demy vse ehocbmee Ey 
ey eTéepis CuTenwnen 
Tar awmnrAynxua’ 
nace ono o Séos Ao- 
nos. “Ondy crQn acebns 
els Babs nana a Ge 
Pepve emepnerry 3 
auTe ale jwice @ cverdbse 
‘H § TULUM AglTey o- 
pedis terewpSun may 
ddd ugats apesreny, 
Maloy. « gp 2% THUS Ile 
aves mws Berapbdid a 0 
SEI. AoyO», gacnwv' 
‘Euionca Nap 7 7 ioe 
vanoy (uv. T yurome, 


“a oe 

the Holy “Apoiles 

Ihe? eg i Sipdiya € ca" 
qhin ." 4% napdias, sto- 
yg! aetpes aUTAS. Ka 
cy arrois" ‘Qaap ovr 
Toy peperey ow piv 
xieovt 1t7%Gu_ Kas 
may Qaawep ov Eu 
Aw THANE, & 8 Tes cma 
aAvaw dwdex rn Koen 
9 TLDS, Kaj aman Atv" 
K peosor oixey * ban 
Nevis Narabspe, 1 PY 
PUUUNGS yAwos wd os xy 
posiuas. Mn ey ps- 
ede Tes mua Gs yu- 
YOUNGS, Upeess ay X e¢st- 

God's Workmanfhip ; 

art in the Streets, cover thy 
Head ; 
vering thou wilt avoid being 
-viewd of idle Perfons. Do 
‘not paint thy Face, which is 
there is no part of thee which 
wants Ornament, inafmuch 
as all things which God has 
made are very good. But 
the lafcivious additional a- 
dorning of what is alrea- 
dy good is an Afiront to 
the Bounty of the Work- 
man. Look downward when 
thou walkeft abroad, veiling 
thy felf as becomes Women. 

for by fuch a Cos #,* Pag, 


Sway emrahpyy 3 oCy- Tiga 

% SEA wor eivey a Ce dud ez, DEI ENE bh 6 ap 
cney wT yore’ wi + ® mates onéireon + weDen 
Any 08 Bo no * Brana Avifewss Daonrecds F Sed ais 
meLeonoTeesis’ ji ner oy ERI os & zm Qee werin- 
poor mes (gor ee ey sp oP Col, @ 0 A OCHN TO deeroy, 
eres "rep mev le 50 erro. nOEY ) ) Oees, RAL Aiav* ctoe apis 
cl oy xe. Erte ngo mers, TeggyiTe query cut exCy. gem 
“oni % éSvimoesdu ce mie, Wemngrvemecn sau 

mw, yglus mrpewd yuvusgiv. 
NegiaG 3 % 2 Avoid alfo that diforder- rx. 
Bargree pt avdpav ly Practice of bathing in ~ 


4," Pag. 


the fame Place with Men 
For many are the Nets of 
the Evil One. And let not a 
Chriftian Woman bach with 
an. Hermaphrodite: For if 
fhe is to veii her Face and 
conceal it with Modefty from 
ftrange Men, how can the 
bear to enter naked into the 
Bath together with Men? But 
if the Bath be appropriated 
to Women, Jet her bath or- 
derly, modeftly, and mode- 
rately. But let her not bath 
without Occafion, nor much, 
nor often, nor in the middle 
of the Day, nor, if poffible, 
every Day; and let therenth 
Hour of the Day be the fet 
time for fuch feafonable,Ba: 
thing. For ’tis convenient 
that thou who art a Chriftian 
Woman: fhouldft ever con: 
fiantly. avoid ulelefS Recre- 
ation, efpecially when it is 
inthe Eye of the World. 
But as to a Spirit of Con- 
tention, be fure tocurb it as 
to all Men, bur principally 
as to thine Husband; left, 

OTR TOY qvepyilw As-- 
ay moma 1 rm Nxnlve 
S aovnpe. “Ardegru- 
voy yun TSH Wt Auée= 
Very 3 welgm, # 
an Darcy dpdpap - 
onlay pO cudies pumeGe, | 
ows yewn pe apd ecav 
1 mim eS As‘Sgv ei- 
oer dicerey > Tuvunes 
4 crlG» Burgas, b- 
ran tes xT! ad es awe 
aenpuws Avédw. Mn 
BeonTeanv Avo 
Ne artery * unde ow 
pean TH Tepe, WM et 
Dubbale: umdé xqagns 
peenv. “Qea & Cor 
ew Gxt 1 PigtepAg- 
ores Bex’ De. yap oe 
amgh sac, On Terns ¢e 

poy. merepydu odlyery. 

ToS ususres oese 
omvGs, UgAtse 4 ¢ 
mes Faden oe Wek 
1grlory msn arcipy woe 

* unde mai, wid’? mAAMus. ¥. 

fad ? 


"am gos , n Orns, pan 
Ae Ce onan de Ares 
ee Ozor, 464 
Co 3 em wrneoviu@. 
dipeB 6 bg Oc Ovg) 
yp Qian, ‘iS 3 Ovo- 
UG [at Ragopnpeciray 2 oy 
is eQyecu. a ‘ mists 
amapyd o8 0 avnp, & 
yalygcdncemy. ws eid 
res yexous. aniv & 
pias re) yd exuphwor c cy 
Tm Topic. _Kpetosoy 
ol say oy gonuw, n pe 
cyumseugs yawosud us € 
USOC UMS. At ay 
yous, Se F aides ¢ 
Tpqom@. + T Seooel daw 
er Seiuvuad¢, cis bong @9- 
oles ¢ _Begrgomy uae 
sews, y avis us T= 
ay, &Té qua’ cy ate 
OAiyev vecEeTnaduTEs é- 
maid duce YASS, ae 
Agar c Suyatepes x 
eeAn hug 0s Copy % 
array eAgi opi: $ Bis 
Aopmeavare cuinra te 

Ky a &. A 

the Holy Apoftles. 
be od @ api edyv # 

if he be an Unbeliever; or an 
Heathen, he may have an oc- 
cafion of Seandal, or of blaf- 
pheming God, and thou be 
Partaker of a Wo from God. 
For, fays he, Wo to him by taurus. 
whom my Name is blafphzmed 
among the Gentiles ; and left if 
thy Husband bea Chriftian, 
he be forced from his Know- 
ledge of the Scriptures to 
fay that which is written in 
the Book of !Wifdom, It is Prov,xxi. 
better to dwell in the Wilder '‘* 
nefs, than with a contentious 
And an angry Woman. You 
Wives therefore demonftrate 
your Piety by your Mode- 
{iy and Meeknets, in order 
to their Converfion and !m- 
provement inthe Faith to all 
without the Church, whe- 
ther they be Women or Men. 
nd fince we have warn’d 
you, anc inftruated you brief- 
ly, whom we do efieem our 
Sifters, Daughters,and Mem- 
bers, as being wife your 
felves, perfevereall your lives 
in an unbdlameable Courfe of 
Lite. Seek to know fuch 

7 OS0$, Vs 




kinds of Learning whereby i ay duunoede ty a 
you may arrive at the King- xwese nygy yisey Ca- 
dom of our Lord, and adda clapess, % dua 
pleafe him, and fo Reft for mma. uae. Sey as TEs alwyas 
ever and ever. Amen. F OAD. "Aula, 


the Holy Apoftles. 


‘Tleet emenxozwy, mpecburcav, © SL nguany. 



Soe Y. 
‘4 a auch and Deacons. 

AUQY, T Spe T 
aeiempipov brhexo mov 

es amas CunAnTIOS Ov 
miaon wooinin, * da” 
Ummpyey aveludnry 
diver iAntoy, coy <r Dov 
areas aOvuias cy omar, 
Gon Z Agu OV eTwy orev 
ova’ O71. TeoTrwlevt 
Tes vMTEeLKAS & G.E1as 
¢ Gs ee Say S.Forgs 
CnmeQeugus umupryet » 

* U T concerning Bi- 
Sf fhops, we have 
= heard from our 
Lord that a Pa- 
hae who is to be ordain’da 
Bifhop for che Churches in 
every Parifh, muft be un- 
blameable, unreprovabl, free 
from all kinds of Wickednefs 
common among Men, not 
under Fifty Years of Age ; 
for fuch an one is in good 
part paft Youthful Diforders, 
and the Slanders of the Hea- 
then, as well as the Re- 
proaches which are fome- 

Ras CREM Casta he eee re 

Séqug.¥. 7 f. deve 

3 f 07%. 


*,* Pag: 


times caft upon many Per- 

fons by fome Falfe Brethren, 

who do not confider the 

Word of God in the Gofpel, 

Matth.xit [7/7 bofoever Jpcaketh an idle word 
a frail give an Account thereof 
to the Lord in the Day of 

5. Fudement. Andagain, Bythy dw 

Words thou {halt be julified, 

and by thy words thou {halt be 
condemned. Let him there- 

fore be well inftrudted. and 

skilful in the Word: and of 
competent Age. Bucif ina 

{mall Parifh one advanced in 

Years is not to be found, let 

fome younger Perfon, who 

has a good Report among 

his Neighbours, and is e- 
fteemd. by them worthy of 

the Office of a Bifhop ; who 

has carry’d himfelf from his 
Youth with Meeknefs and 
Regularity, like a much el- 

der Perfon; after Examinati- 

on, and a general. good Re- 

#,% Pay, port, be Ordain’d in Peace. 
214. For -Solomon at twelve Years 
3 Poss. of Age was King of J/rael, and 
aking, oftah at Eight Years of Age 


@egs ras kevay didi | 
AQw» eis TMA es bom? 
een was Bagapnpics» 
8 YvwcKovTMY png. 

Oe o cy eS Baden 
Aig’ “Os ay * Agus | 
Anon’ preg apne, 270 
of 2k WB Aggy 
arb wes Cv ph pa x Of- 
cews. Kay aeaAw Ex 
OES Agywr ce Sixasw- 
Oton, © cx TF Agnuy ce 
xaradxacdnon. “Esu 
ty > are S841 O» 
4 x my enrreip@ S Ag ves 
sabicar 7 NAH 
Ei 4 @ ow Srornice 
Usepd varpyeon we 
meg eb nuus Td geoves 
pen suesonntey peusplu- . 

pnper@. 5 an F Cu- 
YOY TY sh as uO. 

brhoxom s, We, T es 
anl@., ow ampquTile ¢ 
Mantia yeas b>dy. 
unos Douygndets » 
ej 1a my ° menor * 
HEPTUpE TY, ** ne Ot- 
sucste cy eiphuin. Kaj 

> Lorgugy dwdéxas- 

\ * gighuevoy V. * crt. Vi °* & dvvardy. v, Ma a d-yedupards, 
aan’ by te a 7009s els étuoneaiy xatasadiven, vies Sie ond ¥. © ard- 

Toy 7S. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

ans & “Ioegna e€act- 
adee, © Iwoias ev die 
MOKOTUIN OxTw eTmy é- 
Canaday’ ougias 4 
@ loces sala erwy npee 
me age. “Qed % 
1G», Waa rpa@s v 
ajem, Daag vm 

navy ck Azyd x 
7 Hoaie me 0 
©eds’ “Ext tiva bn- 
Erdle, Mn n bh + 
1 amTeavoy' 2% novetov 
Hj aeeugvTe ME TES AQ 
yes Alomdvles ; opgiws 
G cw ay) LaSyarin ¢- 
am Maxagzot ot rpm 
pence ony. Bow * 3" 
eipnTy Maxeexot ol 
Aenpwoves,on oulos é eb 
Oncovrey 3 Pied ) € 
diawe SnlO-y Taos nae 

wins ¢ munefar oe adinuas nencenera uO 

reign’d righteoufly, and in2Chron: 
like manner Foafh govern’d. a Kip e 
the People at seven Years of x1, 3, 4 
Age: Wherefore although the 
Perfon be young, let him be 
meek, gentle, and quiet. For 
the Lord God {ays by Afaias, tf. uxvn 
4 Upon whon will I look but apa * 
on him who is bumble and quict, 
and always trembles at my words? 
In like manner it is in the 
Gofpel aifo, Bleffed are the 
Meck, for they thatl inherit the 
Earth. Let him alfo be mete 
ciful; for ic is faid, Bloffed v. 7. 
are the Merciful, for the ey fhall 
obtain Mercy. Ler him alfo 
be one of a good Conicience, 
punty'd from ail Evil, and 
Wickednets, and Unrighte- 
oulneis. For tis {aid again, 
Bliffed are the Pure in Eeart, 
for they fhall fee God. 

Mat, v.53 

v. 3. 

(Cy ¢ / 
on Taaty 

epnrey Maxgiesot ot xa Snegh ™m xapdic, om evens 

eo onlowrey 

"Esw ay @ niga, 
coupe, nooriG., 
clus, amber yO, pan 
qaepw@s, pn mann 

* reauy. Vz * Br. ie 

Let him therefore be fo- I. 
ber, prudent, decent, firm, 
ftable, not given to Wine, 
no Striker, but Gentle; not 


wy Eco 3 Senvoneids & Om malty ASQ, pect 

wgeot Ob eipuverselds, 872 cxiTel, Hod Des xand hovv7ee, Ve 


Luc, xv. 

I Tim. 
° 2 

Ve 4. 

Eph. vi. 4. 


a Brawler, not Covetous ; “ot 
a Novice, left being puffed up 
with Pride, he fall into Con- 
demnation, and the Snare of 
the Devil. For every one 
that exalteth bimfelf [hall be 
abated. Such an one a Bi- 
fhop ought to be, who has 
been the HYusband of one 
Wife, who alfo has herfelf had 
no other Husband ; ruling 
well his own tionfe. In this 
manner let Examination be 
made when he is to receive 
Ordination, and to be plac’d 
in his Bifhoprick, whether he 
be grave, faithful, decent; 
whether he hath a grave and 
faithful Wife, or has former- 
ly had fuch a one; whether 

he hath educated his Coun- 

dten pioufly. and has brought 
them up in the Nurture and Ad- 
monition of the Lord; whether 
his Domefticks do fear and 
reverence him, and are all 
obedient to him; for if chofe 
Who are immediately about 
him for worldly Concerris 
are feditious and difobedient, 
how will others, not of his 

ms, DA’ bhemns, a. 
> / e 
yay», aprrgp wer 
\ f gq 4 
fen yeogulG., ya [An 
qupwbels, eis xELUG EfA- 
/ 1 | / " wv 
Teon, '% made 
/ ~ ey 
SCerw ok mus a ve 
Ley eourov tere 
cerey. Tava 4 da eval 
temonomy,puas ardeg 
youn wor yurauxos yg 
yoyAUs, HAAG T3 Ide 
cine @egeswT. Ov- 
mw  SompgCedw, o- 
hg ok 4 y 1d 
OT dW THY yeeproricy 
AgpSavov xadisetey 
Gy Te rome EmnKO- 
~ > 7 a 
MS, & eSl Cefevas, 7 - 
\ \ t ¢ > 
gos, % NGG a qu- 
™ \ 
vuine Ceevlw © ae 
onv enor, a eqvnney’ e 
awa Seocsbws ara 
Spear C ov pbecia 
{ 4 
wees WaioSsuors . 
WOE a, my, eee 
neu hu & Ot xal O:1moy 
aute Magbepuo: @ 
> / Be Er EF - 
Crapemp wot avay v- 
a et ~ ol uF) Ct pt Ce 
idiot ave, Degs ab- 
\ / 2AM.» 
aw seraCeot ~@' ames- 
Osan, wes of tSw F 

* defunt. Y. 

2 8. Me 


si ay A ° the ‘Holy. Apoftés 

“olnias aure ‘Bua mus- 
physat aun Ura ra yt 

Tory 5 a 
Aoupg lise w, 6 ei 

ayougs ber aes Bie 

TK eS ageas. - 
Toy ep Mepoonore- 
Be tT error as tees 
oul TOO cover ent. 
wae" Srey re gy & 
aisponrO. ole Ae 3 

Gpiar ‘Opym J Gepri- 
pees amruow. "“Be-w 
* SPs, Seev@n, ab cays 
cGs, eirya rile nos" a 

re err" ‘Ey. 73- 
Te yrocov Ty TayTs, 
cle e4g) Kg Srey eSe, 
cay ayuraete DVnAYs, 

"Bo C hpeandlG., 

G1Aboe12O- Px, ace . 
U MMpEeTIX<5, LAfenoras, 
dcx vrlGr, dweranqyu 
10. edus UpMoy 

ay TH aE top wearin pews. 

* 4 

Ri BS. xnes T1s Umep- 
mera a Suvawhun e 

mapucty ey mh Big Te 
SypnSTe ka, ETE OC ) 8 

Family, when they are under 
his Management, become o- 
bedient to him? 

Let Examination alfo ti _ UL 

_made whether he beunblame- — 

able as to the Concerns of 
this Life. For it is written, 
Search diligently for all the, 
Faults of bine who ts to be or- at 
dain d for the Priefthood. On*,x Pag, 
which account let him alfo. 215. 
be void of Anger; for Wif 
dom fays, Auger deftroys even Prov, xv: 
the Prudent. Let him alfo, 1. lxx. 
be merciful, of a generous 
and loving Temper. For our 
Lord fays, By this. fhall alfSoh-x111. 
Men know that ye are my Difci=*” 
ples if ye love one another. 
Let him be alfo ready to give, 
a Lover of the Widow and 
the Stranger, ready to ferve, 
and minifter, and attend. 
Refolute in his Duty; and - 
let him know who is the 
moft worthy of his Afiift- 
ance. Bee 
For if there be a Widow, 
who is able to fupport her- 
felt, and another Woman who 
is not a Widow, but is needy 


* ore mits. V: 

D by 


by reafon of Sicknef$, or 
the bringing up many Chil- 
dren, or Infirmity of her 
Hands, let him ftretch out 
his Hand in Charity, rather 
to this latcer. But if an 
one be in Want by. Glutto- 
ny, Drunkennefs, or Idlenefs, 
he does not deferve any Affi- 
{tance, or to be efteemd a 
Member of the Church of 
God: For the Scripture, 
{peaking of fuch Perfons, 
Prov. xixfays, Zhe Slothful hideth his 
me Hand in his Bolom, and is not 
able to bring it to his Mouth 

Feel. gain, And again, The Slug- 
1v.5. gard folds up his Hands, and 

eats his own Flefh. Far every 
Prove = =Dyunkard and Whoremonger 
XXIl1. 21. 

ball come to Poverty, and eve- 
vy drowfie Perfon [hall be cloae 
thed with Tatters and Rags. 
bxx thou give thine Eyes 10 Drink- 
ing and Cups, thou fhalt after- 
wards walk more naked than the 
FYoufe-top: For certainly Idle- 
ne{$ is the Mother of Famine. 

And in another Paflage, 7f &b 

YNCH, an’ evdtns v- 
mapa] Aly vocov, 2 
mivoreogiav, n d\ acs 
Sty ear seegv oz TaAU- 
Er & 'ks" os 
AgTApa yes, n HAUT, : 
n apo cw (gis Biwn 
yois OAiC ery, oon sy 
a&iQ. Ehnvesas, ene 
ulus Canrnoir Ose. 
én ~~ n aeagn co | 
Temmy Qaoxe(y, ok 
upulas onnegs® ae 
OUTS am T ASAT, #@ 
Ou cerey a mevesuev 
ait sO soug ard. 
Kay méAw' ‘O apops 
aertrg ev ras Yaous 
ALT, 4 eDane THs cup- 
“5 w73,  Ulas ) 
peSucG@., © smoproxg- 
T@., wydicd, C ov- 
ioerey * dteppenote 
3x) pacnudy’ mes varvws 
Sys. Kae Gv aarois® 
"Eady 4 cis THs Qiargs 
C 1m mTIeLe Dus THs 
OD SuAMES G8, Useopy 


pO: vase. ‘Os a A. newtas 9 penanp * ecw 4 acyn S Ate. 

! Bw Vi? Seppnyuava. V. ? det. v. 

4 deeft, V, 


‘the Holy Apoftles: 

"Eow 568 emenoT@a 
eae(omrna@., pairs 
orAgaioy Cvagemophu Ge 7 n 
19 Ag.x Sucoy oy S apo- 
evewy » 1 ygmaduva- 
ebay. Ob Amn ~, 
: * noi’ 6 ®e0s mS Ma- 
ea, ‘Depron Tyo, 
¢€ ment Got éAenads 
a xejct. “Ok F w- 
een xeias Kaj aw: 
Pur’ Aurxgios dues 
Six coy. * Tespn 5 
moms Avan rn: % au- 
eraiprens ar ap YE Te 36 
emonoa@ » iva *dbirn- 
65" ynDery mess o yes 
Serdv Tes daraudurys. 
"Esw 3 pa Bei ey xQuy pa 
nei jan nde Os, 
f ensopay Ou. "Est 
5 | MbeEingx@s, Ke~ 
pian oy F yen 
ois, Smoarvdidexs’, 
pereroy € ws eat 
"wv ey ® mu esaggis Bi- 
€ Aas, mors co yieSves 
cacy, ive Tes Je0- 
gas bonpaneis igulicdly ; 
Og SDISCN5 rots meggn- 
* ceett, V. 
dennis 5 deeft.V. 

3 al. Tool x motes 7 all. Cos @ bhicno7T 
5 mearudiduninoes V. 

A Bifhop muft be no Ac 
cepter of Perfons; he muft 
not fearany, nor bafely flat- 
tera rich,Man, neither over- 
look nor domineer over a 

poor Man, For, fays God 

to Mofes, Thou fhalt not Accept Levit. xix} 

the Perfon of the Rich, nor {halt 15 
thou pity 4 poor Man in his 
Caufe : For the Fudgment is 

Ex. Xxii1.3, 

the Lord's. And again, Thou Deuti.17: 
fhalt with exact Fuftice follow *¥*?™ 

that which is right. Leta 
Bifhop be frugal, and con- 
tented with a little in his 
Meat and Drink, that he may 
be ever in a fober Frame, 
and difpos’d to inftruct and 
admonifh the Ignorant ; and 
» let him not be coftly in his 
Diet, a Pamperer of himfelf, 

given to Pleafure, or fond of 

Delicacies, Let him be pa- 
tient and gentle in his Ad- 
monitions, well infiructed 

himfelf, meditating in, and *s* Pag 

diligently ftudying the Lord’s 
Books, and reading them 
frequently, that fo he may 
be able carefully to interprec 
the Scriptures, expounding 

4 al, 

2 the 



the Gofpel in correfpondénce 
with the Prophets, ‘andowith 
the Law-s;' and lec the: Expo: 
fitions: fcom the Law sand 
the Prophets correfpond: to 
the Gofpel. . For thé Lord 

fotvirg. Jelus fays, Search the Scrip: 

tures, for they are thofe: whith 
teftify of'me.~ And again, For 
Moles: wrete of me. But a> 
bove all,aclée: him carefully 
diftinouith ‘between\ the ori- 

ginal Law, and the Addirio- 

nal Precepts, and {thew which 
are the Laws .for Believers, 
and which the. Bonds for the 
Unbelievers, left any fhould 
fall under thofe Bonds. | Be 
carcful therefore, O Bilhop, 
to fiudy the Word, thatthou 
-may{t be able to explain eve- 
“ry thing exactly, and. that 
thou. mayft copioufly nou- 
tith thy People with much 
DodGrine, and enlighten them 
with the,Light of the. Law. 

pas! x, 12," For, God. fays, Enlighten your 

felves with the Light of Know- 
Ledge, Ibi we have Sid we 

TaLs emai .BeS - 
mr stoves 2 Epp hea ae 
peor ws ‘mak lve ap Aw Sol" 
seer on CUO ‘vase @ 
meponlove FP cunu sion. Ae 
4 QP onmver©. Enges’ 
Lpclvcits ths peepas’ | 
ok ‘ci beoy: cain ow iho* 
Tupemy Ceh En8: Kas 
car? Elset- 2 a 
Mens year pes 

OLY "Ted i) Eney tes C= 
necas qavedrass vougy %- 
SMrewnv Spears  S 
Deanuav be vor @e 
onsav, @ Tt koug am 
TOY ive, pin kes aan 
mean Tol 5 Siopgis ‘Eon 
Mere 6 ey % Aoye: thoxe> 
me (ye # Suneloy Cae 
Ly TO 2) AsEin ep 
wove SC or: MAG, 
dene: AB TOS mpegs 
xy pamans: T Aqpovee e 

Own soy: S: oft. Dads 

Tire , gnow 0 eas, 

ayers.» gas UATE wis, 
ws ee, NGHEIS> 

PAD «OMT geo SS 

® deeft, V. *é:uanvevons ¥. “earens. v 

Ag. 2 I 1 fe Holy ‘Apafttes:’ 

ipa 3 pe ee ~Let not'a Gat be given VR 

pan ciggereey 4 Agi 
VE aot erev i 

Aue’ bh 

BralépuGu- BIA, 
ni Brgmlay' anh ALO" 

ues, pan eepireek yn 

Brosepatns; peak QiAgmas- 
ae; yon kuanrlion Or, 

Ma ge TBAGLAGSS (42! pou: 

Dogerus:: “pant Suppons, ' 
fear piAgusey Gesu Toss 
B. Bis. amegl ager ians, 

Piperreerre) Eps, mene 
were pues ke aye inrauvae 
Rey = BSF PNG 

DUIS BR Bi AgepD 5 
[ata diy 1 iD a Dt i 
yrvosGs. vs yen: 5 Dege 

Aa Barlio) i KeTO Age 
Airs HAINIOS, fa 
Van eATIS, JAMS 00° 
OAS oa surely Pmapen a. 
ah amurnis \neraas. 
KOS, emda 
aiou iene pend Die 

2 Beards. Y. 

to filthy Lucre, © ¢ipecially. 
before the: Gentiles, : rather. 
{uffering than offering Anju> 
ries, noti:covetous, nor rapa-: 
cious ; ono Purloiner, no Ad-; 
mirer. of the Rich, nor Hater: 
af the Poor’ noEvil-{peaker, ' 
nor. Falle-Wwitnefs$ not: piven 
to..Ainger, no Braivler,. not: 
entangléd with the Affairs of” 
this:kife; /notica Surety for. 
any One; Ory atr Accufer in 
Suitsiabout Money ; ‘not am- 
bitious) -niot double-sninded, 
nore double-tongued; noe 
ready, to: hearken to Calum- 
ny! Or.vil (peaking; ‘nota 
Diflembler, nor addicted to 
the. Heathen Feftivals, not 
given to vain Déceits, nor 
eageriafter’ worldiy. Ebings, 
nora Lover of Money: For 
allthefe things areoppofite to 
God; and: pleafing to De- 
mons. Let. the Hifhop ear- 
neftiygive all nhefe Precepts 
in. charge to. the Laity. alfo, 
. pervading them ‘to. imirare: 
ig Gonverfarion.: 
He, Do ye make the. Children3'- 

rE ot {ays Levit. “7, 

"of Wael pious, 


Let him be 
prudent, humble, apt to ad- 
monifh with the Inftructions 
of the Lord, well-difpos'd, 

~ one who has renounced all 

the wicked Projects of this 
World, and all Heathenith 
Lufts. Let him be orderly, 
fharp in obferving the Wick- 
ed, and taking heed of them, 
but yet a Friend to all ; juft, 
difcerning, and whatfoever 
Qualities are’ commendable 
among Men, let the Bifhop 
poffefs them in himfelf. For 
if the Paftor be unblameable 
as to any Wickedrefs, he will 
compel his Difciples, and by 
his very Converfation prefs cw 
them to become worthy Imi- x9 
tators of his own Actions. 
As the Prophet fomewhere 

Bofiv. 9 {ays, ‘And it rill be, As is 

the Prieft the People ; For 
our Lord and Mafter Jefus 
Chrift, the Son of God, be- 
gan firft to Do, and then to 
Teach, as Luke fomewhere fays, Which Fefus began to do 
Meise - and to teach. Wherefore he 

7." Pag, 


fays, Whofoever fhall do and 

Ease puQ Mgr: | 
DET 5 Cncigeow aUTES 
payem rs yredey S 
wre Tepe. Eurg- 
Gas yp Quay rom (gre 
Tes yes ‘Igegna. "Esw 3 
*) gops, TUTELVO EM» 
vedemlengs ¢ Cy mals w= 
enaugs TUDES. Aope 
Ayo UY, QroTeTHLY~ 
wu@. Tot mis cv TH 
Biw crovnegis Sanamds- 
ugar, © wales eDyingets 
Sr Gunics. "Esa “ob- 
megsxxlas: > ofos ese 
} yrwvay Tes Gavrus, 
10) QU AG. OEE om au- 
08 QiAG. 5 ay op- 

> dings @s, ee 

.@ oom "GAG cy 
MiSpeians boy, 2 ue 
wapyd y Gurw o 6 bh 
onoT Ge ev sauTed xex= 
TASH ake Asreminnme 
Te ciSixices ay amt 
pola res idivs aure ug 
OnGs awe Sughog, ¢ SG 
E wacespns ava 
ment perfeudey MH) iDiay 
are LNG TAY pap 
Tes a fis * Runcorn 

oe eed 

S 6v@ess070s.¥. al. ed mrcsinxes Dgaoncamnds.. salterutram vacat. 


the Holy Apoftles 

vay’ ws Ad we Ce 
_ @eggnms’, Kai g 
xgAws o iepdus, Sw % 
a agos. * Kay 98" 
wer tugy % drd- 
oxxr@s “Inces > Xezsvs 
0 yes S Oe apSam 
Tebroy Mey, x WT 
— Oduenav’ + os Te As- 
‘so Avygs* “Oy npea- 
mt Inoes mie, @ d- 
duoneay’. Ai ona’ 
“Os dV” cv minon @ d- 
Owen, STO. papas xAn- 
Snoery co TH Banreic 
BS Oce. Zyores 90 a- 
vay D&a vgs TH Aaw 
res bhoxtlres, on x 
“Umels cxomy eyes 
Xess. Kay omas ev 
gavede oH97701 a yadul 
am Aya B Qs" ok rz- 
nq wer@- Ale B le 
Cemnr wegs exg.50v Us 
“U@y Qaonwy, “Tie dp- 
‘Spare, cngwiv dedog. 
a TS cine IoennA, © 
anton ok SOUGTES jeu 
ANY, % Sg Quagcas. 
c LoS yires O-TOV map 
EUs’ cw Te AggKiv ps 

teach, he foall be valled great 
in the Kingdom of Ged. For 
you Bifhops are to be Guides 
and Watchmen to the Peo- 
ple, as you your felves have 
Chrift for your Guide and 
Watchman. Do you there- 
fore become good Guides 
and Watchmen to the People 
of God. For the Lord fays 
by Ezekiel, {peaking to eve~ 

ry one of you, Son of Man, Ezek. 
I have given thee for a Watcb- ag ey 
man tothe Foufe of \(rael, and Lf a he 

thou fhalt hear the Word from 
my Mouth, and foalt obferve, 
and fhalt declare it from me. 
When I [ay uato the Wicked 
thou fhalt furely die, if thow 

dot not {peak to warn the wick- 

ed from his wickednefs, that 
wicked Man fhall die in his 
Tniquity, and his Blood will I 
require at thine Hand. But if 
thou warn the wicked from his 
way, that he may turn from it, 
and he does not turn from it, 

he [hall die in bis Iniquityr 

andthou halt delivered thy Soul. 
In the {ame manner, if the. 
Sword of War be approaching, 

M4 ign. Ye 2 ages 14 V. 6 fine 5 pads. ee detunt. | 

D4 and 


and the People fet a, Watchman 

to watch, and he fee. thé fame 

| approach,. and does not, fore» 

warn them, and the S word come 
‘and, take. one ‘of ‘them, ' he is 

‘taken away in bis Init wily’ 7 
his wets fal be required - 
‘Cau, ¢ be did not Elow the Ti “mM 
‘pet. "But if he blew the Trim- 
tt “nd-he who heard it would 
not take Warning, and the 
Sword come and take him away 

his’ Blood fhall be upow ‘him 

‘becanfe he beard the Trae, 

“and took not warning, * “Bit he 

“who took warning has Welivered 
“his Soul, and ‘the Watchman, 

becaufe he gave warning, thall 
farelylive. The Sword ‘here 

“is the Judgmenc} the Trum. » 
pet is the Holy ‘Gofpels the ‘ae%, 

“Watchman is the Bifhop, who 

‘is fer‘in the Church, who is 

“obliged “by ‘his’ Preach’ng to 

‘forewatn” concerning * 

teftify ‘and veliemently to 

Judgment. If yé'do, forde- 

* clare and teftify’ this to the ° 

“People,” the Sits OF thofe 


whe are "ignorant, of "3 it will 

bag ; 

. ~ 


ey ve 


Bdparea, « - 

wm, eee, ca 
roy 9 8 oom 
Pros 7% Nose ha 
VOUgY oH T we w= 
72, 0, anes Cx 


w TH gies bee 
‘30 4S x) | 

ae en7e.. “Cx ‘t 
os but narow" a *. te 
Beseian. al ewe 
am Tt od ure ano= 
ee ou OL'TNSy i 
wa i emg pet, ~ avars ow 
“7 ‘Owopic wT B3{p- 

bapa, 3 a abo 
“189, HO9 2467 Civ 
oy be) a8 € pugee.. “Qouil- 

a WT ae 

Tos 2 Hogue, mo) E~ 
pee ede n “Epyeuerny, 

ng (3 (g.08 ONG TRY Els 

. x) ae 3 

Dep 9 re: ian, ay bdigy 
and bane lt’ 
ete es 

~ > De! 

“ayiprige KUT iis Binal 
DF aye ex ct dens. ag 
oxg@s iE nTIMTE Te ‘ 
cle cox ogre TH 
Gamer , ad 4 msi 7 

TH meen Tig, @ wh purge 
Esty 6 a eRgoHS, CeADn 
n eae Cc ag 


we | , 

AD Tov “ % él 
qurgiem FHA a 
MERELY US o. 3 Qu 
FahiOn % » Aluoan a> 
Res rea ¢. ) ox9- 
ams ole - emnuudusy Kany 
ene. Maonex. uly 
4 hrs 
», Sleepy 
Balyinuoy’ THOS. re 
“0 D gurenge SEIS ™ Ch: 

wrnoig Eioxow Guy € y 

eke RE ‘urd 
. ish es 
Sh pri? al pe 

es es 7 eMEPT Ia. 
eyyoen Tay dbpencerea 

Aug. Tes es dwag-pes oy bes. 

1T'Gy vy SOEs 

\ vu 


ae. pmo tats , Tes anyony~ 

Gs Ddxonere, Tes ht 

meDaw IS boa pe 
‘ Peres, + Ta” UTE PEN 

avTRY Aeyrrs, Ge 
Hagel, bo LUG. PTNCO™ 
PAS te. 72 TA 


: = 
t a 

Ni t dei. ve a hel Vv, windy, “2 : # deel V: wl 

y ~ 

“oe sHoly Apoftles. 

be found upon you. Where- 
fore. do, you. warn and ree 
prove. the Uninftructed with 

4g: Boidnefs,:teach the Ignorant, 

confirm: thofe» that /under- 
fland, bring back thofe chat 
goaliray, > if we repeat the 
very fame things on the fame 
Occafions, Brethren, we thall 
not do amis; For by! fre- 
quent, Heating ‘tis to »be 
hoped... that.{ome. will be 
made afham/‘d, and atv leaft 
do fome good Action, and 
avoid fome wicked one. For, 
- says God. by, the Prophet, 

4. Leltifie. thofesthings to-thenrs Jer xxvic. 

perbapsthey mill bear thy Votee. 

And :again,. Jf. perhaps. they Szek. rr. 
will Hea if, perhaps they sill | 

fulmit. 2, Mpfes. alo {ays:to- 

the Peaple,. Tf hearing thou Exod. xv, 

pill. hear. the, Lard God, and cd 
do that which is good and 
right ina his Fyes. And a- 
gain, fear, -O Hraeljs 

And our.lLord is often: re- i 
corded in the Gofpel.tothave 
faid, Ele. that hath Ears to 
i sia let him. hear, And wile 

‘ or 2 

* .49 


ihe Deutivi.4. 
Lord, our, Godsis ones Lord. Mr. x. 

o x 

- Mother. 

& Pag. 




Frov.18.Selomon fays, My Son, hear 

the Inftrudtion of thy Father, 
and reject not the Laws of thy 
And indeed to this 
Day Men have not heard ; 
for while they feem to have 
aright, as appears by their 
having left the One and On- 
jy True God, and their being 
drawn into deftrudtive and 
dangerous Herefies, concern- 
ing which we fhall {peak a- 
gain afterwards. 

eure. Kajau aw" 

they have not heard 

Agnus axvey eKgs mes 
SvowmsivGs xdv a 
aa en fs Ag.rev arpin- 
coy, 4 ayS movnggay a= 
exit nando" Aid ~ 
Ae Deo pte 6 @e& 
Arayueptips extras Gb 
Thy tos ax 6oN Te vs 
. gavis. Kay meri’ 
‘Bas a Gee ax Bow, edp 
aegevdon. Kayo Moons 
gna TS Ag "Edy aon 
axons wes 3 Ces, 
@ minors 3 aad ¢ 
3 Sede 3 €y Op SLA Has 

"Axve loegna, weros 6 Gers o#,nwEros 

asta. Ke 6 werGue ey v oS dhaSyersce mmo M cents pvnugrole- 
Ty Atqwv’ ‘O ence corey CxeE1y, anverw. Kay o oopes 

BoAcuwy gnaw" 

awn Seo mes maT eps oe, 

“Anee ue mend eyo TOUT C05 oe, é yn a= 
Kak pares OnUkeOY wen 7X8 

ou" xy * dbxrmes, ‘yp’ aumnoevar, acpinuadp, NETHAE 
sjdpaes T eva % yugvoy aA ncdivey Sedv, © es aus crAcbeiss 
@ Devas aspécds ApTHaUpay Tes, WEA GY aUedis Epophy. 

Sect. VI. 

Eloved, be it known to 
you, that thofe who are 
baptized into the Death of Badicdeuns es + 

our Lord Chrift, are obliged 
to go on no longer in Sin. 
For as thofe who are dead 
cannot work Wickedne(s a- 

E defunt.v. 2.4: 2 9. v. 


Nosw 4 tow vply 
amr! , ok ot 
daahbid 72 ese Inge» 
oontTt operAuons ausp- 
Gueyv ol mleeres. cer 
S ot Domo Suvov- Tes ge 


Cte Holy Apoftles 

ptpynrot mess usp 
Tie nerapyeo, ew 

x ol Cue TO SaLve VTS 
ome Xere amenuTot 
1s augpridp. Ou 
an buoy 7, LOLAQO!, 
Aupuo kiw SF 
Cons AvTesy, ch meg 
ony re Fs voy a: o- 
penyicarr: O & «- 
praprncrs py UF.) Ranlic- 
pews 81. ed yuan pan 
Tanya, C mas onrey 1 
ANNA, es Ofer- 
Ei & ms a0 aomnswy 
ovnopdurally Ag B xn: 
wele aves ou aer~ 
giver, yevwane re ole 
paxder@. r aos TQ 
exp ad ‘@eg, uglods 
xj 0 wEer@ ¢ ov reS dal- 
; grin rey Maxdeso! 
ese oGy cveStowoy vs 
Gy ddbwo, 7 n ae 
TUT 8" Ungy mar 

mmynegy pipnct, $d.30- 
pRvot, ¢ evenev Guu” Yat} 
pert, @ anaraiccde, ok 
P > pacdos Uysr mMorUs cv 
Bi ey 

res veavols ° 

ny longer; fo thofe who 
are dead with Chrift cannot 
practice Wickednefs. We can- 
not therefore believe, Bre- 
thren, that any one who has 
received the Wathing of 
Life will venture to a@t the 
open Wickedneffes of Tranf- 
greflors. Now he who fins 
after his Baptifm, unlefs he 
repent and forfake his Sins, 
fhall be condemn'd to Hell- 

But if any one be malici- 
oufly profecuted by the Hea- 
then, becaufe he will not 
{till go along with them to 
the fame Excefs of Riot, let 
him know that fuch an one 
is blefied of God, according 
as our Lord fays in the 

Golpel, Bleffed are ye whet rae y.cs 

Men fhall reproach-you, or per- 
fecute you, or fay all manner 
of Evil againft you falfly for 
my fake. Rejoice and be ex 
ceeding glad, for your Ree 
ward is great in Fleaven. \€ 
therefore any one be flan- 

= tad beng. V. 



EXILE. 3. 


a aren 


dered and) falfely. accus’d, 
fuch an oné is‘blefled ; for 
the Seripture Says, A ‘Man 
that is a Reprohate is not tryr 
cd ‘by God. But. if- any one 
be convicted, as having done 
a wicked Action, fuch an 
one not only hurts bimfelf 
but eccafions the’ whole Bo- 
dy of the -Church and. its 
Do@rine to be blafphemed ; 
a> if we Chriftians did not 
practice thofe things that we 
declare to be good and ho- 
neft, and we our felves 
fhall be reproached by the 
Lord, That, Zhey fay.and do 
not. Wherefore, the Bithop 
mutt boldly... rcjegt. fuch; as 
thefe ‘ied full: Convidi- 

on; unle(s they change their 


Courfe of Life.) 

For the Bihop mutt not 
only himfelf give no Of ence, 

but mutt be no Refpecter of 

Perfons; in Meeknefs in- 
ftruGting thofe chat offend. 
But if he. himfelf, has not 

‘a good Conf{cience, and is a 

a.‘Relpecter .of Perlons); 
for the fake of filchy. Lu- 

lec Cracgnpn Sain én. 
pcbowaley eae 
oO ore Gs Ming 
recep “Arne: albioes 
ameies Gu \arby Orgs 
Ek 8% ms erclog? 1 ed 
Eas Ft apougys Q. mi 
Or 2 UGvOVs Euueroy. 25 
Cagrber, We @Bra- 
exp do nesainentes 
Kole F Cuwrnrias | 5 

Matty: @ Ta dione 
Adcuy ws en, vir ole mov 
Oneiaces, a3 ; Ae IY. ney 
HO Agay. © Suede uke 
Je 4 pects am Te Ww 
ess, Dit). Aeyvetey Ga 3s 
moieaive Oey, 45 aTRlue 
TESS erg J asinees: cork te 
Bids, eathcevrtirarly pa 
and piv 0) nie hi 
e. fen peresaan | Gt 
Tesmon MT: oe 

» Oud ugvo, dees: 

FHAT Bes eyes, bee Ti 28 
Gnanotrer, Wad Ca: 
ebea(dun odie stn a pits 
corals. GoeguiCorl a Tes 
apeng TA vor lcese Bi. 3 
xu au ays Gun al ceeusii= 
[Qs waipowr, goles 

modnmdas. oro Bu@u , 
cre, and receiving of Bribes,. 

Ake vive ancy egnep sn 
deep yo 

‘Fagin. Holy Apifttess< 
: Fides, 

\ Pesercy 
oe dieopyios anoprul@r, 

cao every CHUAN oy 

ber BVA». whe nt: 

Cus teins © wesar 
ims Gans: Ag! AEeyeous’ 
Arworws: diokas 8 Ju 

AglOWs Ou eae Deg 

OwrOV “2 Keto. Oe, 

Dixcuwods Tr aoely * 

Ody arid. won fen 

| dona? am B dion Ct” 

; paren Dixgiony, 

TUGAL Op Surya G- 
Pav, @ Au peat eroy 5 pn 
ey aMors. gnc" ; ESap- 

ee, t qroynegy ev UMgDY 

au Tar: Kay. 3 2029 

ecu rey € ey Swain iuss 

“Ex@are Aotuor cus 
Opies om osha pee 
aU: vem 

. ‘©: a pen ae i 
Telgls, axeLTws peice.) 
on Tu) epeagrlt Tite 

erp; ws Baur tm 
Te). ‘Agay.: (A 9 “Hae 
én tis yois * ux edo 
© nuepop,... °°O at b- 
TO " ebebiAwes @ 
oincidy aFidy, @ ¥ 7B 

. i deeft. V. 

> eyeney MWeam We > Ex, Ve * Ths. Ve FO Tal TES.V. 

~ Fy : A es ae | el he hs . DS 


and {pares the open Offender; 

and permits him'to continue 

in-the Church, he difrégards 

the Voice of God and of 

our Lord, which fays, Zhoy Deut. x. 
fhalt exattly execute right Fugd=* Bintiets 
ment : Thou halt not accept Per- 

fons in Fudement :T hou fhalt mot Ex xx!12, 
juftifie the Wicked. Thon hale ”* 

nok receive Gifts againft any.v.®. 
one’s Life; for:Gifts do blind: 
the Eyes of the Wife, and pere 
vert the Words of the Richte- 
ous. And elfewhere he fays, 
Lake away from among your | 
felves wie wicked Perfo ae te 
And Solomon, fays- in-, his, *¥#1.7- 
Proverbs, Caf ont a peftilent Prov xxii, 
Fellow from the Congregation, *° 
and Strife will go out along 

with him. 


But he who does not con- 
fider thefe things, will, con- 
trary to Juftice, {pare him 
who deferves Puniihment. As 
Saul {par'd Agag, and Eli his ; King xv: 
Sons, who knew not the Lord, sap.11. 
Such an one profanes his 

+, own Dignity,and that Chureh 

of God which. isin his Pas 


og XVII 

3 Lr 




tifh. Such an one is efteem’d 
unjuft before God and good 
Men, as affording Occafion 
of Scandal to many of the 
newly Baptizd, and to the 
Catechumens; as alfo to the 
Youth of both Sexés, to 
whom a Wo belongs, and a 
Milftone about his Neck, and 
Drowning, on account of his 
Guilt. For obferving what 
2 Perfon their Governour is, 
through his Wickednefs and 
Negle& of Juftice they will 
grow Sceptical, and, indul- 
ging the fame Difeafe, will 
be compell'd to perifh with 
him. As was the Cafe of the 
People joining with Feroboam ; 
and thofe which were in the 
Conf{piracy with Corah. But 
if the Offender {ees that the 
Bifhop and Deacons are in- 
nocent and unblameable, and 
the Flock pure, he will ei- 
ther not venture to defpife 
their Authority, and to en- 
ter into the Church of God 
at all; as one {mitten by his 
own Con{cience ; or if he 
values nothing, and ventures 

ee curranady F 3 
e aonidy QUT’ a 
dtxG- By sr @ ¢ Ow, 
@ colts db egheeote,: cis 
on T1Qr oxavdeaAg ror 
Agis * veoQwTicols, e@ 
nator sHyiors DwopHuos, 3 

eT 4 veats ] reas TH 

nati, ov 3 3 bay axe 

Psd» 9g ovings murA@s 
ey a) Tenernry, @ o 

Addis, 2 ey Q wad. in@s 
vara p a: Aa pF 7? 
ain enorces Apo tow Bad: 
wovTns ¥ ToeTOP * au- 

abe Uf 

Toy apyorla, ¢ ev saue 
rats Afg-nexSna ovrrey, e 
eypnotpyor Ty AUTH ¥e~ 
ow, cuveatrorsdoy an 
7a avalxgSnoor,), ws 
TO TegoGocu, 0 Ay. 
e Ta) Kop: or ounces | 
puor auta. Et D ) Baé- 
rat 6 dmepriv + bt- 
oxorroy @ Tes ALergves 
ales vs Suaruel@., e 
3 Woiviov nosne08 
improv, weplov fr, & 
maApunr > xomeepesrt- 
cas", eis énxrncidy Od 
aeer Stir, mrAnosop eos 

Cre eee —E = 
* seoguzis. V. * aurey. V. 2? deck. y. 


the Holy Apoftls: a 

to efiter in, either he will 

"ah cuwedicd avr oo 
Aa " oS edev 4 iqegts 
we ecelot, # | n- 
mpg y pi ip | BAel ey Sr- 
C8), ws 'Oha tn’ + 

mb wre arta @., se 
iepiray, @. os “Aras 
bmn’ TH urown TE dwa- 
Sepal@., x as Viele 
Son avis : Need aen- 
pac, & + aspaus ing. 
Tywpnmncerey, % an ves. 
TEs aa 1% TI- 
pw@., «&s perwvoiw 
Name ye Sizer. merc A= 
fe @- 98 Tas xgneva, 
C devi uugy duese- 
nav, ere whe bhoyg- 
Te, ete ft wha Ty var 
an lov remy Que Aaa, 
aigvuuSEls, Bey ades @ 
 mMMwy Pauper eceadun 
ere eiplasiieas X-THVE* 
wyywe., g power xen 
roi exo wor 3 7 L~ 
“lors weg THAda4 Te 
7) Ore, @ peruvorcd 
dthicte iuarar,@ Ke 
ermm&, © 3 moi vioy 
eAgv Seco GySuoy Cxe~ 
ve mL deinpuce, vsBe- 

be convicted immediately, 

as: Usza at the Ark, when 2 King. 

he touch’d it to fupport it; 

t and as Achan when he ftole Jof. v1. 

the accurfed thing, and as 
Gehaxi when he coveted the 
Money of Naaman; and {o 

will be immediately punifh- 

ed; or elfe he will be ad- 

4 King. 7; 

monifh’d by the Paftor, and 

drawn to Repentance. For 

when he looks round the — 

whole Church, one by one; 
and can {py no Blemifh, nei- 
ther in the Bithop, nor in 
the People who are under 
his Gare, he will be put to 
Confufion, and prick’d at 
the Heart, .and in a) peace- 
able manner will go his way, 
with Shame, and many Tears, 
and the Flock will remain 
pure. He will apply himfelf 
to God with Tears, and will 
repent of his Sins, and have 
Hope. Nay, the whole Flock 
at the Sight of his Tears, 
will be inflruted, becaufe a 
Sinner avoids Deftruction “id 

oiav e&q. ole ctuupray So perrevoray sen dmprulay, 
er ae eee ae —- 

1 guy ouvednow.Vs* x v. 

3 deeit. V, He. 



 * Pag. 



is. vores ri 



i Upon this account there- 
fore, “OQ Bifhop,. endeavour 

to be pure in thy Attions, 

and to adorn thy Place and 

Dignity, which is that of one’ 

{uftaining the Character of 
God among Men, as being 
fet over a}l Men, over Priefts, 
Kings: Rulers, Fathers, Chil- 
dren, Mafters; and) in gene- 
ral over all thoie who are 
fubject tothee: and fo fit in 

~ the Church when thou {peak- 


eft as having’ Authority ‘to 
judge Offenders. For to you, 
© Bifhops, is ir aid, W hat- 
“foever ye fhall bind. on - Earth 
(ball. be bound in Heaven; and 
whatfoever ye hall loole on 
Earth. {hall be beoled ia Hea 



Do thou therefore, O Bi- 
fhop, judge wlth Authority 
like God, yet receive. the 
Penitent. For God isa God 

of Mercy. Rebuke thofe » 

that fim; admonifh thofe that 
are. not converted; exhort 
thofe that fland to :perfe- 

Aid aie eV ‘eae 
oto oxtdule MgvOb 
eps evey als epypls, 
qpwerCar 3 a ‘opomr 78 
eG i weidp, é: @ez 
TUTroy ie cy" Aespoe 
mis, Ty) ” mre ye | 
apt Wales say, tee 
pear; Raoireay ‘apr 
sou TOY, Tro TEEY, ‘yor, 
Aidiongrow, © cdurov’ 
One rps vamngeivs” Kay 
Stas Gy Cena noon 19." 
wee, + Ag YU mute 
ps, wor eExctaw eq 
coy ELV Tes  hwapmnnge 
Ga" ok v vpay avis 6a 
GTS epuTey <9) ed 
: Des oure emt tT ys: ee 
Ba iota on ad e- 
CXVO . ‘ge 0 fay AuonTe 
bmn t Yisy € esxy Deru 
pov cx Tes é Beng. 

“ nao ey @ Como KOE 

pe eSeoias, as? Sh 
evs, Bra TF pete» 
ae Fame oe Set 

 *O 93 @ecs, ees 
aw Beye. ‘Eariorknose 
mis. duconnuyyo, ves 

ery Tes pu OT piie 

* £, Svoure. 


mis segyois. Ve? decht. V. + wesrd¥xs, V. 5 deci. V. 

Qo Gs, 

pores, co nA res 

esas em wy Ly emDls yo 
pamuoes Gs 
meodiqe ok WU ELOS 
o Ogos wy apne ems- 
ofiagemoapeny ahem 
avis perdpovciy,, ep ais 
Ug pT. Aéyd 98 

72 TeCenana. _Etry 
Degs aU es Lah ene, 
ae , ‘a Davey HOES , 
a. Any * Tv Rutter 


Nees UM 90 ADV NeDYs 
ive. tt tem Synonerey’ 
oinGs locanars cvraw- 
Bee $6 Aby@." bam 
dhs empinge Tes nwrpt- 
1GGs, O71 Ean prerduon- 
(Gav, ercridee(grmesar 
efva peanrrore aos arnr- 
‘gnomes Sonres oidion # Pe 
mbavopuxis, aM eqoi'les 
Amo (gligias bonspa~ 

1 waG 6. Ours. Vv. 
5 desi. V. ° Seu]és. v. 

? deeft. V. 

vere in their Goodnefs; res 

ceive the Penitent: For the 
Lord God has promis’d with 
an Oath to afford Remiffion 
to the Penitent for what 
things they have done amifs. 
For He fays by Ezekiel, 

: Speak unto them, As I live; Brek. 
faith the Lord, 1 weula wot the XxI. FL, 

Death of a Sinner, but that the 
Wicked tara from his evil way 
and live. Turn ye therefore 
from. your evil ‘ways, for why 

will yerdie, O Eon{e of Mrael2 

Here the Word affords Hope 
to Sinners, that if they will 
gor: they fhall have Hope 
of Salvation, left otherwife 
out of Defpair they yield 
themfelves up co their Tran 
greffions ; bue that having 
Hope of Salvation they may 
be converted, and may ad- 
drefsto God with Tears, on 
account of their Sins, and 
may repent from their Hearts, 
and fo appeafe his Difplea- 
{ure towards them; fo hall 
they .receive a Pardon from 

+ deeft, V. 

+ amdricners. V. 


ti" Page 


Pal v1.6. 


Him, as from a metciful Fa- 

Yet it is very neceflary 
that thofe who are yet inno- 
cent fhould continue fo, and 
not make an Experiment 
what Sin is, that they may 
not have Occafion for Trou- 
ble, Sorrow, and thofe La- 
mentations, which are in or- 
der to Forgivenefs. For how 
doft thou know, O Man, 
when thou finneft, whether 
thou fhale live any Nnmber 
of Days in this prefent State, 
that thou may{t have time 
to repent? For the time of 
thy Departure out of this 
World is uncertain; and if 
thou dyeft is Sin, there will 
remain no Repentance for 
thee; as God fays by David, 
Fuse Greve wha wid! confefs 
to thee > It behoves us therc- 
fore to be ready in the do- 
ing of our Duty, that fo we 
may await our Paflage into 
another” World without Sor- 

"Gch wea afl duap- 
may ou Ty ag Aa- 
for rep. mop aunts 
cb LY ASIOW, cis mafic, cre 
meas cea, 

Tes pe col Qyoce ectps 
TOT Bs, TONET US [ar ety agit | 
4 yn zaedp env ¢ rel 
8 rps ciaseple a 0 O7wWs 
pan Sbovrey osunns, Aw 
ams, © xravbugy aoEe- 
cews. Te. ~ oidks dpe 
Besse aLugpTmOUE , @ 
hpeens Ciaets Cy TH 
web Bigs iva © perrenvon- asnr@. n ef o- 
Sie ow en 7 Bis aretp 
76 4 ov ayxpTiCn 7 
ar durian pre rdyotce ux 
ecoy’ ws Aen SG a8 
Aakid. "Ey 4 Te) adn 
hs eConoAoyroera obs 
Ad ey ero gy AVL CD 
ceyenSei ive dds Av- 
ams © 40d" éxeyl seem 
Acpe nL» Ato Cmbxt- 
ye 6 FAQs Ayy@. 1Dke. 
Zorougvl@. 78 Cogs 
Atquy Cor" ; Envine€e 
as efoduy te ep 

(a) ete 

* yamr Ver 

é | ody. V. * defunt. v. * defunt.v. 

uerayont@oy cn xoeddeys eEdicvans ont usnot wTer, 4: V. 



‘the Holy Apoftles’ 

eR idy chsh wel uk 
barely auliy ve PHS 
heeidiy: cious aiile 
dy mf Mialypnign. ah 
Severs Si eaerdy ere: 
reme & EF) aeGaas 
EAcuov, * yj DSerorG now- 
ooy TES Ag. ve Toedtes ¢ 
atoyywnas amb Anta 
Ws 78 von gavG Ara 
Sm aduvduGs wwe 
TRS 0 PaddupwO Tt £ 
eure Cwis, € Wyo 
awe ugeml@ rar cas e 
Tas megyenoryces vo 
auTe dugtoounzs au 
7) ouumpnTn, Su by 
Saw xelve, we Ose 
dixeiCov. Ts pw Ws - 
C/3, gucry, mn ELAS, 
Tepiroy gy am efy- 
cias ¥ évonoy cca 
nate. are. pe erdes 
oleTIpAs e weg rn 
bews, oinee, Umgve- 
pO. aut Cometip, 
a wera ducy 78 Teprs, 
4 DES peerduatdy qt 
pron werreneercuiuay 
Duper mepadiyy,me 
, pans 73 est et 

row. Wherefore alfo the fa- 
cred Word fpeaks to thee 

by the Wife Solomon, Prepare Provxxis 

thy Works againft thy Extt,*? 
and provide abl before-band in 
the Field, \eft fome of the 
Things neceffary to thy Jour- 
ney be wanting ; as the Oil 
of Piety was deficient in the 

Five foolifh Virgins, mention’d Matcxxy; 

in the Gofpel, when they, 
on account of their having 
extinguilh’d their Lamps of 
Divine Knowledge, were fhut 
out of the Bridechamber. 
Wherefore.he who values the 
Security of hisSoul will rake 
care to be out of Danger, by 
keeping free from Sin, that 
fo he may preferve the Ad- 
vantage of his former good 
Works to himfelf. Do chou 
therefore {o judge as execu- 

ting Judgment for God. For, 

as the Scripture lays, The Deut. i 

Fudement is the Lord’s. Inthe +7. 
firft place therefore condemn 
the guilty Perfon with Autho- 
rity ; afterwards try to bring 
him home with Mercy and 
Compafiion, and Readinefs 

© al. Drwiias. 

. defunt. Vv. 


Pf Ixxn. 

w.* Pag. 


to receive him, promifing 
him Salvation ifhe willchange 
his courfe of Life, and become 
aPenitent, and when he does 
repent, arid has fubmitted to 
his Chaftifement, receive him 

f ss a e A a 

omvl Guy Ot yaen% Rm 

> > ~ 2 ‘ 

very Cv. vegva bah 


: remembring that our 

Lord has {aid, There is Foy in Heaven over one Sinner 

that repenteth. 

But if thou refufeft to re- 
ceive him that repents, thou 
expofeft him to thofe who 
lie in wait to deftroy, forget- 
ting what David {ays, Deli- 
ver not. my Soul, which con- 
feffes to thee, unto deftroying 
Beafts. Wherefore Feremiah, 
when he is exhorting Men to 

~ Repentance, fays thus, Shall 

Jer Yit4. 

ce cs,.9 

not he. that falleth arife 2? Or 
he that turneth away, cannot 
he return? Wherefore have my 
People gone back by a {hamelefs 
Backfliding 2 and they are har- 

‘dew'd in their purpofe. Turn, 

ye backfliding Children, and I 
will heal your Backflidings. Re- 
ceive therefore him that re- 
pents without any doubting. 
Be not. hindred by fuch un- 
merciful Men who fay, chat 

"En 5 } pecdpowyles 
un wegadsen, .bnbe- 
Agis aumy exdoroy TWoL- 
pends. bon Ag. SopwO- S 
Aabids. Aégovl@. Mn 
bg das lois Onesors Wu- 
oi la™,*eSougagyepsuay 
Co. Aue aneppuge 
as perdwoidy o lepe- 
pias A&yq’ Mn o mr 
Tov osm avisemys nO 
De peQuy ome bch gpa . 
O43 Tl, ot: | ameepen 
fav GAguos us Wrogpo=: 
oly avaydn, C xgmx= 
exTnonady cv.Tn Beg~ 
oupecy QU TY 5 ‘Em 
Tegpnte uss apesnng 
cwremugla yuo. Aée- 
cy ev werduour re, 
jn disaC wy ors, und 

' avesegan V. 


| hea -; Pe ae Ra ane O. a? ees pare CONF ot! ae . - ea 
(7 ‘ , © * ae 
“d 7 

the Holy Apoftles. 

mrenmrarC ou. vo we mutt not be defiled with 
ats ‘avndews Aegsyawy, fuch as thofe, nor fo much as 
pen dey avis(gis * ovyx- {peak to them: For fuch Ad- 
poAueSey, were Agle vice is from Men that are 
qovwvey’ > admy’ 5 a unacquainted with God and 
CopOsria dewoetwye- his Providence, as from un- 
gi Gecy @ F av7B weg- reafonable Judges and un- 
yoidw, cAgywy + xee- merciful Brutes. ThefeMen 
aay @ Sneswy cerix are ignorant that we ought 
aw’ & 2 yweoueow, to avoid Society with Of- 
ott gh guagord, & fenders, not in Difcourfe, but 
T Ov *Agya' yowewvidy in Actions: For, The Righter py.4 
megs THs cuaprduor Gis, onfnels of the Rizhteons fhall be xm. 2°. 
DMa F ov epyo. Ar- upon him; and, The Wicked-. 
xotoouun 99 dixue er nels of the Wicked fhall be upon 
avaw ery, % avouice him. And again, Jf 4 Land x. 13. 
civoje er ave ecey. finmeth againft me by tre(paf- 
Kaj wir a tava- fing grievoufly, and I ftretch 
HopTH pot TE @DiHNey ont my hand upon it, and break 
adunng, xg) curva F the Staff of Bread upon it, 
geet ue ear avrny, and (end Famine upon it, and 
2% Cuwtenla er avris deftroy Man and Beaft therein: 
enenyug apts, © ea Though thefe three Men, Noah, 
msre as avtry Aiygy, Job, and Daniel, were in the 
] eEorghodicw auris midft of it, they (hall only fave 
avlewme C xmvQu their own Souls by their Righ- 
‘ney wow oi apes ay- teoufnefs, faith the Lord God. 
Shes Gy pow avras, The Scripture moft clearly 
Noe, 4 7leé, @ Aa fhews, thet a righteous Man 
wna. 7 eat” cv 77 A- that converfes with a wick- 
aglocuwn xUtey core ed Man, does not perilh with 


1 5 

movneas Ve 7 ovpvavaulyruce,. V. 2 auadranv. taenass: V 
af deeft.v. ¢ deeft.V. 7 decft.V. : 

B34. him 

Matt. v. 


2 Tim. 
Ab $33 

him. For in the prefent 
World the Righteous and 
the Wicked are mingled to- 
gether in the common Al- 
fairs of Life, but not in ho- 
ly Communion ; and in this 
the Friends and Favourites of 
God are guilty of no Sin. 
For they do but imitate their 
Father which is in Heaven, 
who maketh his Sux to rife 

on the Righteous and Unrigh- 

teous ; and fendeth his Rain on 
the Evil and on the Good; and 
rhe righteous Man undergoes 
no Peril onthis Account. For 
thofe who conquer, and thole 
who are conquered are in 
the fame Place of running : 

But only thofe who have 
bravely undergone the Race 
are where the Garland is be- 
ftow’d, And, No one is 
cronned, unlels he ftrive law- 
fully. For every one fhall 
give account of himfelf, and 
God will not deftroy the 
Righteous with the Wicked ; 

for with him ‘tis a a conftant 
Rule, That Innocence is ne- 
ver punifhed. For neither 


ied sa 

res ZUTEP 5. 
Ae ‘Aderaj mer@-'. 
Sages re SednAwnev. x 
aeuQn, ok Cunciy X- 
uu adn % Cuua.- 
TAU TOY peel au7B. cy 
~p 7) Ago TeTQ e 
dyygio: © adiygr @A- 
AnAgis Cuneene ra. Corry 
yovaria fis, 3 i ¢ 
oooml@y" ¢ 787 ay 
cL -chp Tea 8 OY ot Srogie 
A ets” Ah U7 TO 24 cian 
13 maT EI au Tey S oy 
Tals Beavols, 1 ¥ mALOv 
ure avaremovT@. é eon 
dinaes advices, x 
Breyer @- avrg 7 ves 
aw 6hTran npes, ¢ ale 
Gas. Kay gd\ev avd uu 
duct o o dixouQ. om TE- 
Te Cy TH sadug C 
VAM TOs a wixoatiiied a: 
OW oy 4» ad) sepavey 
go ol uraieos agar 
ouphat. dies 3 sepane~ 
ary, Edw en vont pws a0 
ie exagGu 9 Wes 
cours eConoroyiaeray, 
2) g jan sae Oo 
Qecs * >” SDinanoy per 

> eytauan. ve 7 deeft. V- 


OM, tine ARR lls ali id ae: 
+ A ky Sy i 

é Holy Apoftles: 

fos ae adding, emeionep 
ore p "aul S av aeUgiD - 
Taro ai He ugiparroy Te 
t Awe Ka THprE 
Eady ", ‘Paw av- 
ee et rp Bsrede 
wavy © mH ep nYgy 
msl, “Tedtus Coy 
7p By, eag.Ger i urine 
env rs Afg.ngrias, oy e 
myees, € Linyr 0 ge 
YO. cv wey opes- 
pide’ DW’ exgimep@s awi- 
Top avd cxynFeis pau- 
Ags, 0 & ‘dany Eco 0 
5 why Quay mat u@, 
5 Cuvereien. or 7H 
mb ore, Noe © 01 Yo! 
aun naarhip ov Ma 
movness o Kaine dupe» 
Geis pwv@., es T Yop 

midday % le yoopevrey, iste 
Yok AP TATE, Or 
Bf ne bos get 
ues Nap avdpor, STE an 
MTU RD Stoo Tay, oT 
Culoavéis ep Coly- 
VOY YT DiAge AP Gi- 


: ¥ det, v. "NYS@l0.V, >arapyv. 

did He drown Noah, nor burn 
up Lot, nor deftroy Rahab 
for Company. And if you 
defire to know how this mat- 
ter was among us, Fudas was 
one of us, and took the like 

part of the Miniftry which 

we had; and Szmoz the Ma- 
gician received the Scal of the 
Lord; yet borhthe one and 
the other proving wicked, the 
former hang’d himfelf; and the 
latter as he flew in the Air, 
in a manner unnatural, was 
dafh’d againft the Earth. 
Moreover, Noah and his Sons 
with him were in the Ark; 
But 44am, who alone was 
wicked, receiv'd Punifhment 
in his Son. ‘But if Farhers 
are not punifhed for’ their 
Children, nor Children: for 
their Fathers, ic is thence 
clear that neither will Wives 
be punifh’d for their Hof 
bands, nor Servants for their 
Mafters, nor one Relation for 
another, nor ohe Friend for 
another, nor the Righteous 
for the Wicked. But every 
one willbe requir’d an ac- 

Vv. ‘dee. V. “deeft.v. 7502 %, 

eourit of his own Doing. For 
neither was Punifhment in- 
flicted on Neah for the World; 
nor was Lot defitroy d: by 
Fire for the Sodomites; nor 

®." Pag. was Rahab flain for the Ins 


habitants of Fericho; nor /f- 
vacl for the Egyptians. 


not the dwelling together, 
but the Agreement in their 
Sentiments alone could con- 
demn the Righteous with the 
Wicked. We ought not there- 
fore to hearken to {uch Per- 
{ons who-call for Death, and 
hate Mankind, and love’ Ac- 
cufations ; and, under fair 
Pretences, bring Men to 
Death. For one Man {hall 
Prov.v.22, not die foranother, bur £ve- 
ry one is held with the Chains 

Uflgii 11. of bis orn Sins. 

And, Behold 

the Man, and his Work is be- 
fore his Face. Now we ought 
to affift thofe who are with 
us, and are in Danger, and 
fall, and, as far as lies in our 
Power, to reduce them to 
Sobriety by our Exhortations, 
and fo fave them from Death. 

Py ' —_ \ 
Awv, ee dixqior way 
adtxav’ DW’ éxageG@s 
¢ \ ~ 2 , > \ 
cmp TS olnele epyse T 

v a7 wrmbnoelas. ure: 

) Nae vap 73 oe 
SOS Diseny aceang On, 


eae Aw ap 2 0dbycor 

emuproandn, & “Te Paab, 

ap Tegngguy tion é- 
ap Ainuiay. 2 99 
7 auvorunars xaraxeind 
res Sixanes Cw amis “ 
Singts, ar nt ye: 
ps ougvoie’ & gen sy 
“eruls erotygbdarats, Cc" 
eh Me e piney: 
nrnyga, © pe Deg ga~ 
oeWs Cducaomrotois Deo 
Teng ety. “Exep@. | ~" 
—2 erps oon “ambdud- 
Tey wa Coens aps 
EwTs augekoy exa- 
Os opiSyelar’. Kay id 
avlewr Ou, aires pop 
wre Deo WeygowrEs 
auTte Ae 4 MUGS Ban- 
bey ais? Cuvsn © my: 
dundisa, C opamo- 
pjucts, @ cow oiov 

ore* oF tT egMNt ett: Vv. 

puved Thbe \ 

a de efirnt: v. 

: én 3 4] ET ag ¢ ts ®: v. 4deeft. v. 
© KaeTUCE Hy CAAG wesdiTys Agar. VY, 

] yore. va 

3. 2 

pete 6 Ioegha” 

rote 2 abe Holy Apoftles. | 
For, The Whole have no Need Mattix iz: 

cr abyiver| 7 Dove 
| imndCew avagus, © p pre 
Or Cn owas. Ou acpedw 
~ § enc vow ‘ol iggvovns 
tangs, an Ol xaxws 
th ea one ibn . 
em 64 Sehne ek 
desde a mangas, Wwe 
Daw Anon as T F panpay?. 
OUST? oxAnegnep= 
Siwy ctv \peoy Pernow t I 
rav yen, oma 4 e978 
Geos ¢ Tranges TPS orev 
t Ate. Thee Kenge S 
1wese MLO, wn dvga 

Gis TEs ahayas, “Apluy. 

Se ~ Dix anoy 

MeQaAry ( avereu oe, 

& » boxe me, & ged ‘BEI Te» 
| ‘sew, lores Ading Seer 
OY avbewrw, eS éaepy 
memmaciey, Ma: Cew 
Hae. cipacety yep oe 
api Uimatgev, g pau 
¢ un amy apyect’ 
£7 P Yes apy aaless 
a) TT Rucoews, Aonor, 

of the Phyfician, but the Sick. 

Since, "Tis not pleafing in the XVIIT.14, 

Sight of your Father that one 
of thefe little ones {hould perifb. 
For we ought not to efta- 
blifh the Will of hard-hearted 
Men, but the Will of rhe 
God and Father of the Uni- 
verfe, which is revealed to 
us by Jefus Chrift our Lord, 
to whom be Glory for ever. 

Bots MIE 

‘OR “tis not equitable 

thar thou, O Bifhop, who 
art the Head, fhouldft fub- 
mit to the Tail, that is to 
fome feditious Perfon among 
the Laity, to the Deftruction 
of another, but to God alone. 
For 'tis thy Privilege to go- 
vern thofe under thee, but 
not to be govern’d by them. 
For neither does a Son, who 

< gnoty 0 Caike ey diafyeasirs yj alauv.v. 2 deeft. v. 

3 TET MY, V. 



is Subject by theCourfe of Ge- 
neration, govern his Father ; 
nor a Servant, who is fubject 
by Law, govern his Matter; 
nor does a Scholar govern his 
Teacher, nor a Soldier his 
King, nor any of the Laity 
his Bifhop. For, that there is 
no Reafon to fuppofe fuch 
as converfe with the Wicked, 
in order to their Inftruction 
in the Word, to be defiled 
by, or Partaker of their Sins, 
Ezekiel, as it were on pur- 
pofe preventing the Sufpici- 
ons of ill-difpos’d Perfons, 

Exek. swifays thus, Why do you {peak 


this Proverb concerning the 
Land of \frael> The Fathers 
have eaten four Grapes, and 
the Children’s Teeth are fet on 
Edge? As I tive, faith the 
Lord God, ye fhall not hence- 
forth have Occafton to ufe this 
Proverb in Mrael. For all Sonls 
ave mine; in like manner as 
the Soul of the Father, fo alfo 
the Soul of the Son is mine: 
The Soul that finneth it fhall 
die. But the Man who is rich- 
teous, and docs Fudgment and 

uve D8AGe TB wef 
ars, <) Tt eFvoias, 
UTE UG InTHs DiduonaAL, 
te cogkwms Baa- 
Agws, ote pr Aaings bre 
caters hy 88 ph 
douay Tes marno€ ove 
Gs ad ings, 7 g a9" 
ye Didar oumpgruie- 
An ygwrwvave ‘auger 
ties, 0 leCenna one 
HOTT 00? Tt aps xgronbay 
Namo v oLcw Asp. Ti v- 
mas Agere wnapis F 
aig.Corluy Gum ooh 
yes ‘Ioeann’ ol mKsE- 
pes panov omgangs, % 
of oduvres aS TELV COV a 
ypdiaadys 5 Go eM, 
Ay] “Addovait ner@r, 
et the” este Cy uuu 
Aco ySun n ax born 
oun Te loegnare ole 
mrevmey et} Niggas emt 
ein. oy Tepmey i Xpuxn 
78 mT ENE, Sys nwyh 
e ye epen 1 boxy" a lune 
n LUG PTOVE CCL ain a- 
mMoSaverrey: 0 0 4 Gy 
Spww®., és ee-ay ae 
xgi@-, may xetug 



> witdy. ve * dee. V. 74. V. 


7 i. " " 
ral s 
Y e 
‘fou |S SL - 

_ the Holy Apoftles. 

% Sixuocwly’ @ ékas 
ot Ae yw Teas Agi mms 
aperas, bhopenyiCe- 
my Acqwy’ Oausl@. 
es ; ‘2 
Pingi@. vartp yd, Cor 
/ , > i. 
— Cnoery, Ad °Adwray 
/ e , 7 / 
WEG. % tay Qurncy 
yov AGtHgY, cungovG 
UKG Cv TH ody Te 
\ > «2 “yA 3 
amu7e0s wie S dingés 
3 3 nV . @ I ? ¥ 
- Box e7mpdUIn eh 
yao" aw kas, eaaSd 
mis TAC AEIos Loy 
7 ‘ 
S Cnaeroy’ TUS Tos 
Qwowias Guras éavinae, 
SAVaTY BWodnvary’ 
O anyg eure ex avay 
x - 23 7 My 36k" 
eso’ © * épermey”’ 30 
ey ees 
om eagbey o yos # 
? 1 \ 2 
adixidy $ murTess, hn 
¢ gxglocuyny wre, 
Aiygiocwvny % crAcQu 
cmempinnas ; © épeis av= 
miss 1 Wuyi 1 ausp- 
ga ea v 
mmyeon aum amédve- 
as A eit 1 ‘ b] 
Tuy. Yyoss Anferas add- 
maw auT EIS, % are. np 
ee p) ' 0, 
eAmeta @ediouew ys’ 
Dixgsoocuwn dinaky €7r 
mur ecu. Kay per 
ae 2 Fr 
oAiye now? “Ey af 

Fuftice (and fo the Prophee 
reckons up the reft of the 
Virtues, and then adds for 
a Conclufion, Such an one is 
juft) he fhall furely live, faith 
the Lord God. And if he bea 
get 4 Son whois a Robber, a 
Shedder of Blood, and walks wot 
in the way of his righteous 
Father ; (and when the Pro- 
phet had added what fol- 
lows, he adds in the Con- 
clufion,) Ze hall certainly 

not live; he has done all this 

Wickednels, he fhall furely die, 
his Blood (hall be upon hin. Tet 
they will ask thee, W hy? Does 
not the Son bear the Iniquity 

of the Father, or his hightee 

onfnels, having exercifed Righ- 
teoufne{s himfelf2 And thon 
halt fay unto them, The Sonl 
that finneth it fhall die. The 
Son fhail not bear the Iniquity 
of the Father, and the Father 
fhall not bear the Iniquity of the 
Son. ) 
Righteous {hall be upon him: 
and the Wickedne{s of the wick- 
ed {hall be upon him. Anda 
little after he fays, When the 

2 falyov. V. 2 fépeizs. 2 deft. v. 

R ight es 

The Rightcou[nefs of the 


Clee cl taal > sess A 


¥,” Pag. 

Righteots turneth away from 
his Rightcou[nefs, and commit- 
teth Iniquiguity, ail his Righte- 
eu|ne(s, by reafon of all his Wick- 
edne|s which he has committed, 
(hall not be mentioned to him: 
In his Iniquity which he hath 
committed, and in his Sin 
which he hath finned, in them 
fhall he die. And a little af- 
ter he adds, When the Wicked 
turneth away from bis Wicked- 
edue{s which he hath committed, 
and doth Fudzment and Fuftice, 
be hath preferved his Soul 
he hath turned away from. all 
bis Ungodline{s which he hath 
done, he frall furely live, he 
{ball not die ; and afterwards, 
J will judge every one of you 
according to his ways, O Floufe 
of Mrael, faith the Lord God. 

iugy xervo 

Obferve, you who are. our 
beloved Sons, how merciful, 
yet righteous, the Lord our 
God is ; how gracious and 
kind to Men; and yet moft 

> . - 7. 
Dgpelas Dinanoy Cx* - 
‘ ~ 
 Dixcucouwns wT, 4 
t 3 : I ~ 
amoincy adinsdw, ‘anory 
€ ’ > eet} Th 
! ? 
ace. 2 U - v 
nx > a > . 
uancsoow, cy TH adr- 
f > Pe Ne ~ 3 i 
> ~ / 
4 ov TH augphe aus 
T3, nnYgpTED, oy ave 
™ Swiuveatul. Kay 
Mel OAL yO emg. ‘Ev: 
> d v 
mS droqpinlay avougy 
Fumes © cil » * 1, ~ ©& 
am P avopsts are nF 
=) y 7 , 
emvinge, % moinc, xeA- 
ue @ dingtocuwlw, e- 
TQ. T wylw ante 
> s \ 5] ‘ 
epuag.ce, 7% ameg peley 
> ~ : > 
2 waswy aS aoe 
Cewy ante wy empinaey 
Conn Cnoereut, C oom 
> ~ 
Sm Savearat. Kat Fs" 
e/ c 
Exygsov x! aus cdigs 

* tugs, oix@s “Iaegnr”, rey “Adwral 

*K * O “. le c_ 

py *, ae aea ees 7 
yy NYA IMP \ia, 7s d= 
ax raleyvos pe) dixcue- 
cuuns wer» o Qos n- 

F defunt,v. 2 deefi, V. 

Mor, yas % Hrrgin= 

beow ©, 

the Holy Apoftles. 
Bega@., 4 adwor ce certainly He will not acquit Na. 1.3, 

thems] + tvongv, € 
+ Sng peporla. mepat 
PO. x4 Cuore, 
Namyoias mis ames 
Bsrguwos newer, x 
TACov Be-piped, Tes 
apnapravevas, C pn 
NoWwovey Waris Agyoy 
-adpotew Cyajaraly due 
‘vap§wy “ois én TW ev- 
dutiwy 0 Oecs Ag H 
Gis Azyd wegs Tes é- 
ooxoTres’ Tlaenygard- 
fey lepas, AgAn(gte eis 
© xeqpdrdp lepe(Qanu. 
Xpn gyuygs ate axe- 
ovGis, ‘ ahyygarey Tes 
hugpringas, 5" Des 
perdporay Spopucir, © 
dirnmdus miey, 4 pan 
namvoay, ws “4xgIVW25" 
pera wus aS manu ue 
AnSerawy werris eveney 
Pasavres ay mS. &o- 
Myas 4 res mecdyour- 
a Sepa inE OH), 29° 

eprres er anais, pe; 

the Guilty ; one that admits 
of the returning Sinner, ‘and 
revives him, leaving no room 
for Sufpicion to {uch as would 

be favage in judging, sand 

utterly: reject Offenders, and 
not vouchfafe them fo much 
as any Exhortations which 
might bring them to Repen- 

tance... In» Contradiction-to 

fuch, God, by Jfaéah, fays 
to the Bithops, Cormfort ye, 
comfort ye myP eople, ye Priefts 
[peak comfortably toJerufalem. 
It therefore -behoves you, 
upon hearing. thofe “Words 
of his, to; encourage thofe 
who have offended, and lead 
them to Repentance, and af. 
ford them Hope, . and not 
vainly to fuppofe that. you 
fhall be Partakers of their OF 
fences on, account of fuch 
your Loye to them. Re- 
ceive the Penitent with Ala- 
crity, and rejoice over them, 
and with Mercy and Bowels 
of Compafiion judge the Sin- 
ners. For if .a Perlon- was 
walking by the Side of a 

gegen 4 = ae 
* d-funt. v. 

* yotyeyizes. VY. 


*,* 6 
te x 

Pf, cxxix. 


claration is that which 

in Sin. 


fence, as two, three, five or 
{even Weeks, fo fet him at 
liberty, and {peak fuch things 
to him as are fit to be faid 
in way of Reproof, Inflructi- 
on and Exhortation to a Sin- 
ner for his Reformation; that 
{o he may continue private- 
ly in his Humility, and pray 
to God to be merciful to 
him, faying, Jf thou, O Lord, 
fhouldeft mark Iniquities, O 
Lord, who fhould ftand> ¥or 

with thee there is Propitiae 

Of this fore of De- 
faid in the Book of Genefts 


‘to Cain, Thon haft finned, be 

quiet; that is, Do not go on 

For that. a Sinner 
ought to be afham‘d for his 
own Sin, that Oracle of God 
deliver’d to Mofes concerning 
Miriam is a fofficient Proof, 
when he prayd that fhe 

might be forgiven. For, fays him, /f her Father 

had {pit in her Face fhould lhe 
not be-afkam’d>? Let her be jhut 
out of the Camp feven Days, 

and afterwards let ber come in 

* euusvase Ve 

3 ci appre, eC Sous 
Das dba, n Tpes, a 
evry Mee emmy, 2 
aws ausuy droAu(Or; et © 
cruy ait cow cepugcd 
necpmngT as valeordys. 
Son mrnosovla Ddurondy: | 
4 ahywweiy, 0 Onrmws prewn 
map savTd mumreivo- 
Pepvay, xj Sop O. S o 
Gee mye avTe ‘dime: 
yes, g *Atyar Bay 
yo as PTHPNTY, 2 « 
ese; wu ene ms \exosmae~ 
Tout 5 ont aby Coto 
Lag ongs 621, Torgeuy 
yep nm arenqart OB 
cy Th Wueoq. elpny Wey 
7) Kai’ “Hygpns' 5 5 
HOU ynTOV." -'TOTEST. fen 
DegA 6. ‘On ~p + 
aincep mato. de ap 
S oines TANIA EAM ce 
1@s arqpuned, ixdwor 3 
Agyeov a Mwctt aS 
Maezsas conor, bay: 's 
xe ngie apetnney aUuTH » 
gna ~ aumy 0 © @¢%s° 
&; 0 Tramp au ns Av wg 
crémlucer as 3 Deo TH 

oy \aUTNs, Ye? wes 

*£, aéqor, 3 av V. 

4 U 

PES i I 
TELM 5 em Te IAC gS” 

 aQogednrw c5eE wey, 


— pemSarns, 4 wy Guten 

eer dicemy Uvrws ey 

ee <otbigesake 
2) nygis Seay bet. wrote, 

Tes EM AUgpTIEIs. Ae 
novarms perduos , agar 
Cl ev SE DVOY WELT IAN) av, 
WT Tw duaagydy 78 
aapmyg.i@s,  emreite: 
pardyosy Ges DEIT AGA 
Scivedoy, ws. oieTipes 
yous. - 

[ets aire ee GT eee ee 
ae oi 

\y 27 the Holy “Apoftles.” 

again, We therefore ought 
to do fo with. Offenders,. 
when they profefs their Re- 
pentance, namely to feparate 
them, fome determinate time 
according to the Proportion 
of their Offence ; and after- 
wards, like Fathers to Chil- 
dren, receive them again up- 
on their Repentance. 

Bh an VIII. 

I 4 6 bthonomros. au- 

mS CY @egTIOL- 
ugleraraprd, TMS E71 E>, 
mest A Sot cx Cn maey ce 

| SIKNUG krvQ., in ohne 


punoey levis Mor meg cw- 
aman icu, c n YG) Sto- 
eprn id’, navaus, not 
Algngver, a ‘asi 
jours ucuwerdy rot 5 O 
ady D oO apneey aTn» 
*j 0 “eLTHS AgeSavn, 

Cb delaneny as we 

AQ. xesas. Katvwvor 4 
nremav © *xekor sa- 

- decie V. 2 xelosy. V. 

Ber if the Bifhop’ hime xvi, 
felf be an Offender, how 
will he be able any longer to 
profecute the Offence of ano 
ther > Or how will he be able 
to reprove another? Eirheg 
he, or his Deacons, if by 
accepting of Perfons, or re- 
ceiving of Bribes, they have 
not alla clear Confcience> 
For when the Ruler asks, and 
the Judge receives, judgment, 
is not brought to Perfection ; 
but when both are Companions 

fa. 1: 236 
of Thieves, and regardlefs of °"*? 

F doing 

Luk. vi.41. 

Gil. V. Oe 



doing Fuftice to the Widows, 
thofe who are under the Bi. 
fhop will not be able to fup- 
port and vindicate him: For 
they will fay to him what is 
written in the Gofpel, Why 
beboldeft thou the Mote that is 
in thy Brother's Eye, but conf 
dereft not the Beam that is in 
thine own Eye? Let the Bifhop 
therefore, with his Deacons, 
dread to hear any {uch thing ; 
that is, let him give no oc- 
cafion for it. For an Of- 
fender, when he fees any o- 
ther doing as bad as himfelf, 
will be encouraged to do 
the very fame things; and 
then the wicked One, taking 
Occafion from a fingle Jn- 
ftance,worksin others, whieh 
God forbid; and» by that 
means the Flock will be de- 
{troy’d. For the greater num- 
ber of Offenders there are, 
the greater is the Mifchief 
that is done by them: For 
Sin which pafles without Cor- 
reGiion grows worle’ and 
worie, and {preads to others ; 
fince, A little Leaven infects 

ev & megoengues, & 
SuvncovTey of am F €- 
ws bong’ epeor 4a 
atta S ow re Malye- 
Aim yrexuyyor Th 
Baemis & 46.996. a 
cy mS oonrue & 
akrge os, + 4 dd- 
ny Tov TH idi@ 6g 
farAua & xoadlvoess 
Evzy Caco tv o bh- 
onom@s, Cw AUIS SNe» 
NgVOIS AUT, axEory pr= 
ug. wre moleqy" TETET, 
pn rdotrw apopulw. o 
~ entries 
ion Te Cpgia aut 
d\neo verens: oingdoumonce~ 
Toy eS Bae autre moe’ 
Emm oO Tones D1 Eves 
egopuly agCwv, es 
e Tips Crepya’ 0 wm 
worm. © saws Ala- 
mexgnce rey aad seit 
TREACVOY yA) Cymmy afd 
aneeprdyovrmay, mewy 
ectey gad auTwy bmn- 
TEA SPUN HoLrLice. comecp- 
Tie C “at verAeyures  , 
sverewy éowTns yrvemey, 

gig vuds.v. ZaveleacynTos, Ve 


” “od — al x * © 

es * ames “aw SG- 
pony Agubdwd.. ere 

Coun panest Porra- 
<enug. quesugl@-" dv- 
Agls %j as uAémns eis 
oAgy thvG. ao uvc@. 
teamya nn, yay Ga- 
yeoy -oumpiect exdva- 
aidp ndvoygl@- ercys, 
€ Bacirtws varaxdor- 
1Qs Agnoy adiyov, wav 
ms ol Ur ava Uape- 
TOY abe voygt' oT 4 
mopsany  rlwonazon 
paradidwoaw eteopis t 
VOTE, AN ymercdrev Ts 
Uyavov wegbatwy, @ 
ay Spar Qn Agiugorey 
MMos QvAgnTuOs, 
© war Avorn ova Beis 
bminivdueGr mavTti, @ 
eV ey Prreo(ety". ety 
Br @ SavSpamy a<¢- 
POUgy An T Cxnrnoins S 
Ose qwesowpSu, omin- 

 # oixor wess 
arnAgiov Answy. Da 
cB cig Sele. 

f \ ~ 


the Holy Apoftles: 

the whole Lump; and-one 
Thief f{preads the Wicked- 
nefs over a whole Nation, 

and Dead Flies {poils the whole Recl. x. 7 

Fot of {weet Ointment ; and, 

When a King hearkens to wn=Prov.xxik 

righteous Counfel, all the Ser- 
vants under him are wicked. 
So one {cabbed Sheep, if nor 
feparated from thofe that are 

whole, infects the reft with 

the fame Diftemper ; and a 
Man infected with rhe Plague 
is to be avoided by all Men; 
and a mad Dog is dangerous 
to every one that he touches. 
If therefore we neglect to fe- 
parate the Tran{greflor from 
the Church of God, weihali 
make the Lorda’s Houfe a Den 
of Thieves. Fortis the Bi- 
{hop’s Duty not to be 
the Cafe of Offenders, but to 
rebuke them, to exhort them, 
to beat them down, to aillict 
them with Faftings, that fo 
he may filrike a pious Dread 
into the reft: For, as He 

fays, Make ye the Chitdrem of Lev.xv.31. 
* MW erdovew, ve- Lrael pious. For the Bithop * sigh 

dds CAAMABS. Ve? ah wom ee7eh ¥.. > ae dupn Ques ee Te. Wontar 
Aas: ¥. > @egoetiLnzes. v. ° jucis.V. 7 dealt. V. 



F 2 mut 


XXI. 13s 

, LEX, 


‘muft be one who difcourages 
‘Sin by his Exhortations, and 

fets a Pattern of Righteout- 
nefs, and proclaims thofe 

good things which are pre- 

pard by God, and ceclares 
that Wrath which will come 
atthe Day of Judgment, left 
he contemn and neglect the 
Plantation of God; and, on 
account of his Carelefnefs, 
hear that which is faid in 

‘ Hofea, Why have ye held your 

Peace at Impiety, and have 
reaped the Fruit thereof? 

Geri,» neammiCey, or 
Gey vaseiaus: omms % 
Tols eTeeos bi argEecey 
em meinon. Burgas ete 
: gnaw aroun qe Ts 
yes “Ioenna. Xp 
au emonxomy C aps 
a pipk ay narvtle Sg 
 yedecias yiveddery 
CF dtugsocuns oxg- 
my, % mS nrmiygo- 
poor am O<e ayabay 
MPU HC, CF pen.eons 
Op yi ovTn netoq GS 
yates’ Onws mn xg” 

3 Qurepyas, anon Ae cacti a meh Qan eipn yor. 
“lve Th ovseoomacle atk aly, x T xg.pmr avTAs erpuyi- 


Mat. xvii. 


alors. vi 

CUTE. 5 

EFI the Bifhop therefore 
extend. his Concern to 
all forts of People; to thofe 
who have not offended, that 
they may continue innocent ; 
to thofe who have offended, 
that they may repent. For 
to you does the Lord {peak 

not one of thefe little ones. °Fis 


T[* VTwY ey *Pepile= 

Céaw 0 bho xg7os'', 
4 T T Mn hplpary grey, ives 
PELVOCY waugprirut y 
CG aw a prev overeov 
iva petoovowot > Agyd’ 
~p 0 WEG. tarOg5 Va 

UGS ‘Ocat pen Poe 

Take heed that ye offend Tampegvncnre ives oF 

Ku \/é 

~ ! 

‘ deeki, Ve * 6 emeKO mS Perv neta. 

S entey, Y, 

V. 2 amw.v st cy sucfyss 



the Holy Apoftles: 

als peTUVOEOLY abeow 
Sidovar son aye. ~ 
‘le evmrely ke vee Tov TAN 
pearnodplov Synore dsa- 
hen geting A 
wwelw amxeme.) to 
ayo mb ug’ Ney ww- 
eG. apnue Cor aly 
apbkar', Sapaqs & un 
Bmnduvns'. TrwerCe 
ug 08, onus & Roney 
Curnepme thu e&ecidp, 
eTw © 3 Avew. e&u- 
Olav ey FQN S Aver, 
woecle coat ec? 
eSiws Sarre o8 Cy TE- 
Bnd a avin 
eds om Adora > av- 
ms amiimoron T Ag 
Ve Y Yap Gan, cape 
elo MAU, BeL0N0- 
auTe. ‘AvaugemlQ- 
fe > erSpommy ides 
ware & wows du 
nas ay Sper eE1 

Moexmay Oud es 4g 

your Duty alfo to give Re- 
miffion to the Penitent. For 
as {oon as ever one who has 
offended fays, in the Since- 

rity of his Soul, Z have finned » Kiag.xit, 

againft the Lord, the Holy’* 

Spirit anfwers, Zhe Lord al- 
fo hath forgiven thy Sin, be of 
good cheer, thou fhalt not die. 
Be fenfible therefore, O Bi- 
fhop, of the Dignity of thy 
Place, that as thou hatft se- 
ceivd the Power of Binding, 
fo haft thou alfo that of 
Loofing. Having therefore 
the Power of Loofing, exert 
thy feif, and behave thy felf 
in this World as becomes thy 
Place, as knowing that thou 
haft a great Account to give. 

For to whom, as the Scrip= put x; 3, 
ture fays, Mex have intrufted 48. 

much, of him they will re- 
quire the more. For no one 
Man is free from Sin, ex- 
cepting him that was made 
Man forus; fince it 1s writ- 

ten, No Man is pure from lob viv.4: 

' Filthine{s, no not though he be LX%. 
5 but one Day old. Upon which 

account the Lives and Con- 

2 gz. & deeft seliqge V. 2 deel. V- # pads aptens. V. 


E 3 

XX. 9. 

Namb. itis written; Aad the Lord faid 


bitin ARS Ba 

werlations ef the ancient ho- a % af aegqafua- 

ly Men and Patriarchs are 
defcribd ; not that we may 
reproach them from our read- 
ing, but that we our felves 
may repent, and have Hope 
that we alfo fhall obtain For- 
givenefs. For their Blemifhes 
are to us both Security and 
Admonition,becaufe we hence 
learn, when we have offend. 
ed, that if we repent, we 
fhall have Pardon. © For it is 
written, Who can boaft that he 
bas a clean Heart > and who 
dare affirm that he is pure 
from Sin? No Man therefore 
is without Sjn. Do thou 
therefore labour to the ut- 
mott of thy Power to be 
unblameable; and be folici- 
tous of all the Parts of thy 
Flock, left any one be {can- 
daliz'd on thy account, and 
thereby perifh. For the Lay- 
man is folicitous only for 
himfelf, but thou for all, as 
having a greater Burden, and 
carrying a heavier Load. For 

un?oMofes,7 hou and Aaron {hall 

| 2 deeft, V. 

~ HV. Baess 

Sov Dtygei@oy a 
Tee mesa pyyeav. ot Bir @ 
ou aoreecpo per aveyese. 
Quod Bey ive cnewes 
overdiCwpu cragrve- 
onavTes, QW’ iva nas 
parovonp yy. © déAri= 
d¥s Ruavnedo, as ape. | 
cews TALEopHuor mH 
amparaae C mbqive- 
as, tk @ hues aptp- 
thodTes Eady prerevon- 
ompR , alone ele g£0- 
pu ere nex tan’ 
Tis GUY NTE TY ceeyy bus 
Eady alu xgpdiaw 5 n 
Tis am oeppnareoerey eh 
S95 evar cir at lip 
Tiag ; Oud es ev ava 
ugeml@... Cu ey 7) 
Sune psy, oadute a od 
wiAna@s & eve @ we 
TU Tww [KECK IveL, jam 
Alo cé ris cnayS arte 
Sas Dem Anrey. 0 ~ 
Aang Wes EowTe fa 
Beennre, C9 } ORs 

* bogav res * xg 

eyoy. V. 3 deelt. V. 


_— the Holy Apoftles: 

meCor BaseCav gop- 
at vides oy qap. 
Ka are 1werQs wegs 
Moieny Ce @ "Aapay 
anede ' apforias F 
TAcovay sy BWwAgys- 
pps , Lo T OY 
peu. % Tes pO v- 
yias, ouvtnpd tes. 4 
Ap mygTas , vaceres, 
Cobar ov tn ynseicn, 
cy th apical cAagpu- 
yor, © MEY MAG. TH 

cadive, mum € 
Cnurnoias °p aut 
Stowns. C  sveteode- 
Tnows ava, ex Agt- 
ay ewan ** Gy ted 
motion, res 4 Nave 

das © bepSues bn- 

Spege, ncansnenC Ey TF Ob - 

LANGA, Isectareue, é- 

mst SuGQ. nAinoy pac- 

‘Sov eves Gum *otia- 

~ Ii ed EY i] 
-Aay , Waar €p ey © x1y- 

ah y the , tf 
Duuoy cav PaucAncus 

TET OY. And no Degs 

Tes amEeAdrG@s S Aase 

‘Qs wet. 

bear the Sins of the Priefthood. 
Since therefore thou art to 
give an Account of all, take 
care of all. Preferve thofe 

that are found, admonifh . 

thofe that fin; and when 
thou haft affliated then with 
Fafling, give them Eafe by 
Remiffion; and when with 
Tears the Offender begs Re- 
admiffion, Receive him, and 
let the whole Church pray 
for him ; and when by Im- 
pofition of thy Haad thou 
haft admitted him, give him 
leave to abide afterwards in 
the Flock. But for the Drow- 
fie, and the Carelefs, do thou 

endeavour to convert and *,+ pag. 

confirm, and warn, and cure 
them, as fenfible how great 
a Reward thou fhalt have 
for doing fo, and how great 
Danger thou wilt incur if 
thou beeft negligent therein. 
For Ezekiel {peaks thus to 
thofe Overfeers, who take 

no care of the People, Wo 



unto the Shepherds of Mtael,xxsr. 
brnonomus. leCewnr * for. they have fed themfelves ; +, Se 
Ova nls TOLMe as the Shepherds feed not the 

1 als. v. 2 masay. Ve 3 tyeris.V. 

f 4 S heep 

not be Meat for thewe. 

of a ene Sw : 
- Pi re 

—se hh ee ie 
eB ’ . 

7 ys. 

/ ae 


Shoee beet himfelvess® D2 eat 
69 318) tend sy elomphid with 
2 Ne wody ye flap the. Stronz; 
a eo not fecd the Sheep. The 

‘Meal have ye not ftrengthened, 

norther have ye healed that 
which was fick, neither. have 
ye bound up that which was 
broken, neither have ye brought 
again that which was driven 
axay, neither have ye fought 
that which was loft ; but with 
Force and Tufult have ye ruled 
over thems and they were feat- 
tered, becaufe there was no 

Shepherd ; and they \ became 

Meat to all the Beafts of the 

Foreft. And again, Zhe Shep- 
herds did not fearch. for my 
Sheep; and the Shepherds fed 
themfel ves, bit they fed wot wry 
Sheep. Anda little after, Be- 
hold I am cgainft the Shepherds, 

and IL -swill require: my Sheep 

at their hands, and caufe them % 

to ecafe from feeding my Sheep, 
neither fhall the Shepherds feed 
themfelves any wove 3:cand ol. 
will deliver my Sheep. ont of 
their Elands, and. they fhall 

Teegnay bé ” eai- 
gor \Eanirhs, 2 re 
Beye x Te” arly vio 
of motes, DA’ ean - 
Tes Yhry ng.reDieley 
qt toga aexed men 
ae, d lopuegy opacens, 
aw megbale & moincne 
vere’ BD  cHomaspSuov 
Gen CriqyvoxTe, 14 B 
appusov cow idoude, C 
S cum Tex Wor & yo 
aedyonte, & eEwopuov 
2 ygtemacpalane', @ 
ThowTe" 4] cw xneutd e 
a S8u(gre- oem pe 
moar’ © diecus’ 
prods ade O put evey 
moipyiae, Cafpavioa ais 
Snesots B+ Spums’. 
Kaj ort Kat ecw 
eleCnmmody ot ropes 
Laeger me" xg 
E Tbi potty ov of cropdwes | 
éaUTss,) me > weg baled 
Meow emiygivov, Kes 
pel cAinpy? “Ide equa 
Degs tes mwas, @ 
oxnCnmow eyo EL weg- 



ne rere Way ee ee a 
the aay Adis 

Cacw ee Cx yciegs Usj= 
av, © xoTHA TANT ws 
Tes 3. miygiweay Te 
meg «res as, © 8 ro 
duo che ot TTDI WES & é- 
ates, p poaorngs Te Teo. 
bare ee on Yeegs aW= 

Ty ,€ oun eqDv Toy ow (gis 
ds yqraSenug. | Kar” 
Brngepd 4 Wegs T Agov 
Aéquy’ “IS? ego xexva 
aye per aoobaty as 
mesSaroy A C Xx EfOY 
WeHs KELOV. [AM Muanepov 
> ta” ups, ok % yo- 
pay i, ug. ATY Ove Mec ey 
yous AGTETA TATE ols 

he alfo adds, {peaking to 
the People, Behold J will 
judge between Sheep and Sheep, 
ana between Rams and Rams. 
Seemed it a [mall thing unte 

you to have eaten up the good 

Pafture, and to have troden 
down with your Feet the Re= 
ftdue of your Pafture, and 
that the Sheep have eaten 
what was troden. down with 
your Feet? Anda little after 

He adds, Aud ye thall know 

that I am the Lord, ana 
you the Sheep of my Pafture 
are my Men, faith the Lord 


moa uuay, © te mesa Ted awmugre 8 oobi 

Ups nc 10Y 5 Kay br Gepd pel’ origa’ Kou qa cece, ole 

eye WEL, Eo bets Deg aT T VOLMS pe, op SPwTTDL MB 
est, © ey@ Ozos uywy, Aggy Adwvay mwErQu 

SzoT. X. 

ARG OL bh aHo- 

¢ aX eu TE 

ai ein, 3 aye” now 
° Ozc¢ Kew x ELOY 
megs “ploy, C wegla- 
apy @eIs moybamy’ © 
Begs Tes mipwas Az" 

2 deeft. V. 

5 ae 
, 47%. Ve 


EAR, O ye Bifhops, 

and hear, O ye of 
the Laity, how God {peaks, 
I will judge between Ram 
and Ram, and between Sheep, 
and Sheep. And He fays 
to the Shepherds, Ye hall 

* Z 
3 hv. 





be judged for your Unckil- 
fulne{s, and for deftroying 
the Sheep. That is, I will 
judge between one Bifhop 
and another, and between 
one Lay Perfon and ano- 
ther, and between one Ruler 
and another: (For thefe 
Sheep and thefe Rams are 
not irrational, buat  ratio- 
nal Creatures;) left at any 
time a Lay Perfon fhould 
fay, | am a Sheep, and not 
a Shepherd, and I am not 
concern'd for my felf; let 
the Shepherd look to thar; 
for he alone will be requir’d 
to give an account for me. 
For as that Sheep that will 

* not follow its good Shep- 

herd is expos’d to the Wolves 
to its Deftrudtion ; fo that 
which follows a bad Shep- 
herd is alfo expos‘ to un- 
avoidable Death, fince his 

_. Shepherd will devour him. 

Wherefore Care: muft be had 
to avoid deflructive Shep- 

As to a good Shepherd, 

Jet the Lay Perfon honour 

es naede evenev P ce 
mel ef wry y's 
eis’ amy @megbann Se 
PERS" TUTE, éoh- 
oxoTroY wes Eh ongmoy 
HEN 4 Aaingv meIs 
Adingy C apyorG. mej: 
cep yor re Aoyng 
Te mepfame, @ of 
uplor erat, DW oon a= 
Ao ive pam ary 
© AnENg5> Or. equ meg 
Cac ami @ & mopar, 
*@ udéva Agnov euguT’ 
* remo ingy, 0A 0 Tot 
pn crlerey, @ avans 
nuov@s ear cc nbn cemey 
TARP é Ee Stuny'. we 
aa ep ~ au) URAGW wor 
yur A pai angruby 
mee aay, Avxuols ¢@ &x- 
merry as Sa pSvesiry 
Tw , Tovnpta TrOt= 
psi B axorsbar, Tes- 
SnAgv end T Sevacny, 
on xoTA MeO LETEY ais 
ae fo Qdvurior am 
aps OSvpewe = Trott 

Toy poror mule 

Tt  ayadoy a. Aaings 

*sHoy. V. 2 declt. V. 3 mmituas. V. 



keyg, cya TéiTw, Oo" 
Ecidws * ws meson, 
* wis Seoworlw", ws ap: 
Mepea Oe, ws ‘didte- 
THA diaeGelas. 0 2) ) 
wre anear, Keres 
axed, 2% 0 au ade 
wth _Kersor a Sere, 
t XKessov ] 0b 
7150 6 degery * 
on 78 Qedv xj Tete se 
‘O Uugy ~, Ona, c= 
2c800¥, EUS axed, Eo 
Uugs coe. ene abe 
mi, 0 ee aderay, 
adeTE T WMS AgvTH 
pe.  Opgins 0 ba- 
cxomGs ws mE Tes 
Adlixes cameleon 
TOV C stpywr" 7 ach 
an FP ayes, ws wa, 
H ws yoosia, alygal= 
CopSuGr as Sermvinow 
OpriSwy" oduias ve-Se- 
cv, mor (gis tory - 
he quis bmn dStopwois ** 
Eharnomm, Wa a) 
mrnoxW, amome oy es 
ev r9e0THY, ore wn 

‘eis avetegm: 1S- 

the Holy Apoftles. | 

him, love him, reverence 
him as his Lord, as his Ma- 
fler, as the High-Prieft of 
God, as a Teacher of Piety. 
For he that heareth him hear- 
eth Chrift, and he that: re- 
jecteth him rejecteth Chrift : 
And he who does not receive 
Chrift does not receive his 
God and father: For fays 

He, He that heareth you hear Luk.x.16. 

eth me, and he that rejecteth 
you rvejecteth me, and he that 
rejecteth me rejedteth him that 
fent me. \n like manner let 
the Bifhop love the Laity as 
his Children, foftering and 
cherifhing them with affectio- 
nate Diligence ; as Eggs in 
order to the Hatching of 
young Ones; or as young 
Ones, taking them in his 
Arms, to the rearing them 
into Birds ; admonifhing all 
Men, reproving all who ftand 
in need of Reproof; repra- 
ving that is, buc noc ftriking ; 
beating them down to make 
them afham’d, but not over- 
throwing them ; 
them in order to their Con- 


ws mares | v. 

5 deft, V. 

* deceit. V. 

3 Seapwy x Vepuauyop. Ve + dha V. 


* ,* Pag, 

warning — 



verfion, chiding them in or- 
der to their Reformation, and 
better Courle of Life : Watch- 
ing the Strong, that is, keep- 

ing him firm inthe Faith who 
is already ftrong; feeding 
the People peaceably. Streng- 
thening the Weak, xhatis, con 

firming with Dudiastakion that 
whichis tempted. Healing tha 

whithis fick, that is,curing by 
Inftruction that whichis weak 
in the faith thro, Doubtful- 
nets of Mina. Binding up that 
whichis broken, that is, bind- 
ing up by comfortable Ad- 

monitions that which is. gone 

afiray, or wounded, bruisd, 
or broken. by their Sins, and 
put. out. of the way; cafing 
ir of its Offences, sand. gi- 
ving Hope; by this means 
reftore and reduce it into the 
Flock. Bring again that which 
is driven away, that is, do not 
permit that which 1s in its 
Sins, and is caft out by way 
of Punifhment, to continue 
excluded ; bur receiving it, 
and bringing ic back, reftore 
it to the Flock, that is, to 

mee meme * al “are ¢ 

i z deel, V. 2 emdiouay. 

Brve oy 

v. 3 oy. V. 

amy 4s bhi gegolu ton = 
ke ucov eis sop Sway, xg 
diSumnres Top eas’ Bes 
wey EU AgqeOruims te 
ast, & eDeatov 7H ams 
aoma res mew, g.0¥ 
e1 plu ines MOGI OY" 3} 
Crone rephuoy Cugyuer, 
TET, 3 mreten Cop voy 
Cy TH ve Seog SEppo- 
WOLD i's, £00 au pps saw ie 
pur, TeTESIy OS) vo= 
(up oe EF wisews or 
dYNOKOID, S¥e ? didue 
ongrias | Seegmilovs 
qTadquey, TeTES, © 
enuoudor, 27S. NOE - 

4 c / 
Tem Meroy Ov a pip Tidus 


&5 yer. aay ode, > Ett- 
Ale. aon. ne 
ke wns? ve seoias’ EAqs 

puns um abet oH oa 
MoT, xy » Sued may Foo 

a Tus poracr Atoy on TH 
CHUANTIR Wola iG w, 
3 U 2 © r 

yn. To eEwopevoy brie 
Speve, Temes, S cr a= 

pPoxriais vopSwor 


the Holy Apoftles. 

‘et Oantivngy cHbe- 
EAnpevoy ya ewv ew 
Bisbien, Bae tese- 
AoE sopH@u  rr- 
SPeDOW Darnigg.G igen oy 

and Ag? ? augue Cx- 
xr novas’ O 3 WoAwgs 
CnCnsl, Tere, Oram 
maAnves mbomougtmy 
euu7Te aawerAwiolps T 
Cameras, pn eaons 
TeNéws DmrcKy’ BS 
‘Dao aeaans «= -LuZews 
 Afunanins® 25 vane 
Alas xe Suavey Quo- 
pHyor, a Ye Bape@ 
tae EP gau7d Cots 
Brn Ag. Po.Hu07 C ygn- 
egy Sevosee TH ov ud t- 
Dias Minvys, ws x 
Avxols a@ermecey * eis 
Roexy" ; Cy avaCnrd, 
-) peOETH) y bhispege, € 
amipew  abexrd, x24 
erode eaboarepe, fait 
algae aur Agsety 
o <aa0 mye eIpne- 
vov, ok i a aeCriyge Tee 
meso? p mpay, 2) neds 
 €y ascrels THOME a, 

the People ef the undefiled 
Church. Seek for that which 
is loft, that is, do not fuffer 
that which defponds of its 
Salvation, by reafon of the 
év Multitude of its Offences, 
utterly to perifh. Do thou 
fearch for that which is grown 
fleepy, drowfie, and fluggifh, 
and that which is unmindful 
of its own Life, through the 
Depth of its Sleep, and which 
is at a great Diftance from 
its own Flock, fo as to be 
in danger of falling among 
the Wolves, and being de- 

vourd by them. Bring it . 
back by Admonition exhort 
it to be watchful, and infi- 
nuate Hope, not permitting 
ic to fay that which was 

taid by fome, Our Impicties Ezek. 
are upon us, and we pine away X*xuL Ic 
in thems; how fhall we then 

live> As far as poffible there- 

ym fore let the Bifhop make the 

Offence his own, and fay 
to the Sinner, Do thou but 
return, and J will undertake 
to fuffer Death for thee, as 

@ our Lord fuffer’'d Death for 

% TS 

i deelt.v. 7 Boos. V. 

3 deelt v. 


Joh. x.11. 


me, and for all Men. For, 

The good Shepherd lays down 

his Life for the Sheeps but 
he that is an Hireling, and not 
the Shepherd, whofe own the 
Sheep are not, feeth the Wolf 
coming, that isthe Devil,and + 
he leaveth the Sheep, and ficeth, 
and the Wolf feives upon them. 
We mutt know therefore that 
God is very merciful to thofe 
who offend, and hath pro- 
mifed Repentance with an 
Oath. But he who has of- 
fended, and is unacquainted 
with this Promife of God 
concerning Repentance, and 

does not underfiand his Long- 

fufleriag and Forbearance ; 

and beiides, is ignorant of 
the Holy Scriptures, which 
proclaims Repentance, and 
has never learned them, pe- 
rifhes through his Folly. but 
do thou, like a compaffio- 
nate Shepherd, and a dili- 
gent Feeder of the Flock, 
{earch out, and keep an ac- 

Matt.xvitcount of thy Flock. Seek 


that which is wanting, as 
the Lord God our gracious 


arms Cnqoese 5 Ei otoy 
m ov, Domed ¢ } 
ion Oe 40) TNA pe 
ANUS, Asem a) 
MLC TMNGT » ort Cé 
ygvey bmsperlor, Mae GY) 
TARP od eye TOY 
radeon ws o nwWeKAGu 
gus © mdpr ov. 
0 qropl  o xqAgs 
T ual avts Tino 
arp ays mepbarov" 
0) pucdwls © sx ay 
orb , e éx eo aw 
wesbu te Sfp, Sewpes 
+ Auxov epycuiwoy , 
Terie, T BenCorgr’, 
. apiner G tert: 
C gay, 4 0 Atn@e 
ap 7 C4 aig.  Eidé- 
voy sy meson, ok n° 
perpranngg7iy barre y- 
Ww wy o Qegs, were 
Opn we@voidy amy 
MirAgm. 0 4 amapty- 
om € earas Ald 
ce Oce F wrx nea 
volay ary owy, @ 70 
pa nerSuuge @ aveb i> 
HRV w7s un bh- 
sejywwG., ele je x) THs 

* defunt. V. 


a P (eal 

the Holy Apoftles. 

erylas yen pas THs Gw- 
ry rine 4 
pracnnas mhge os * a- 
amaury. Cu *4 ws o- 
Agsopy@. monly x 
@s aruda yopndus 
ayaCnrd, >aerryqy 
mipvny’ & Acmy CH- 
Curd, ws wes « 
Ocos ayacdcs Warnp x 
UY, _Daasel Ages T eau 
78 voy Topevae xa- 
Agy © Comex + d- 
duonargv nugy ‘Incey, 
emmperas aut carry G 
cvvevnxovlavyee + bm 
Ta dpny 4 Tropduanvey 
oo Cama me 
arenes. © deovan 
aegt bm Tes EwwTs w- 
MBs, % Qépav “ov ry 
TOIL 5 yeaiegvee, bh 
ay duped Te WeAw- 
RTOs. Saws by vayn- 
xoG- vive 4% .Cv, w 
emonome, oxCntor & 
WwAwAgs, xg. TCU Suvesy 
3 TEMA HUNIOV, émn- 
TPepoy 3 ae pesvs" Ege 
Tew ~ eves eomope- 

Father has fent his own Son, 
the good Shepherd and Savi- 
our, our Matter Jefus, and has 

commanded him to Jeave the L*v.4. 

Ninety nine upon the Mountains, 
and to go in fearch after that 
which was loft, and when he 
had found it, to take it upon 
his Shoulders, and to carry it 
into the Flock, rejoicing that 
he had found that which was 
loff. Yn like manner be obe- 
dient, O Bifhop, and do 
thou feek that which was 
loft, guide that which wan- 
ders out of the right Way, 
bring back that which is gone 
aftray: For thou haft Autho- 
rity to bring them back, and 
to deliver thofe that are broken 
hearted. by Remiffion, For by 
thee does our Saviour {ay to 
him who is difcouraged un- 
der the Senfe of his Sins, 

Thy Sins are forgiven thee s rukier9 
Thy Faith hath faved thee; Mattar 4, 
But this Peace Mi-¥.34 

Go in Peace. 
and Haven of Tranquility is 
the Church of Chrift, into 
which do thou, when thou 
haft loofed them from their 

a ee, 

‘aly U7 ayolas & VY. * Sy 

moiuviy. V. 

Ve r % 


Ve + eyo Senuwy. » én Tiv 



Sins, reftore them, as being 
now, found and unblameable, 
of good Hope, diligent, la- 
borious in good Works. As 
a skilful and compatlionare 
Phyfician, heal all fuch as 
wander in the Ways of Sin; 
Matix.1r, for, Zhey that are whole have 
no need of a Phyfician, but 
Luk. xix.they that are fick. For the 
AO, Son of Man came to fave and 
to feck that which was loft. 
Since thou art therefore 
a Phyfician of the Lord's 
Church, provide Remedies 
 fuirable to every Patient's 
Cafe. Cure them, heal them 
by all means poflible ; re- 
fiore them found to the 
Church. Feed the Flock, 
Exck, Not with Infolence and Con- 
xxxiv. 4. tempt, as lording it over them, 
but as a gentle Shepherd, 
Matt: xx. Gathering the Lambs into thy 
25. Bofom, and gently leading thofe 
Mlaxltt. which are with Young. 
*a* Pag. 

pay, © amssmev m+ 
Geauoneres Cv apeay® 
Aho. ow 0 Comp Ae 
TH) mapa sq) Cy am 
peapriass® ‘Agewrry oe 
cut peep icy. ‘Homes. 
ols cB Ceo wNE Ge TrOPSUE: 
eis Epluily. Eiptan 3 
@ Atpeny" yurnvos boy 
n S *Xece CHHAN@ 
ci’ eis bw Avwy Tes 
npacrmncls >roye.Bise 
uyEs x BUOUBS, den 
mous, omuduins, ep 
poms cy Tals , aye 
Svis epyois’ ws cree 
pO. € foe be 
T eI mes * 1" Tes 
cv * augpria mee 
arrdunwpes. Ou 95 ager 
ow roe 01 LovuonTes 
bali 2, ol xgKaS 
engITE. ane ie 
$ opbpame owoey © Cu» 
‘laregs av > op Od Cae 

f > Sig 
Anais o “ Wek, 

229. mescanp leesmetdy KaTEIA NAGY ENCLSTO ay vow Ty 7eyTk 
agorry) Beene, vylaCe, ows seeming ™m Cxurnoie™ 
qoimosve & roievior, pn cy xexTd w \ erent as 
names uoralon, ay’ ws mowulen aes: ms Aww Cuvee 
pov TH apvia, % Tas Cy yer ey eos TAELKAA@Y, — 
EE een 

i deeft, v. > O&. V, > tausyes V. 4 hactoriaus, V. * vadenav. V. 


ye RS LD a oon os 

m Supe ited ess 
5 8 te aim 

pe so 
AabrFas. haces. nom, a~ 
F02.@- 5° af ddne em 

G2 My. 

an Anes, fen ewsadnsy 
pon crabroygs 2 fan ae 
Cav, jan Apnrrensy AN: 

TeADVOOUY' GO, ; « pe d+ 

SpurripeonOs,: \pamn Der’ 
Ags pein’ depress em 

emma ‘quis. Cae o€ 
Agios, pn Pmupsitlons 
am an Tey ae) $) ce 
adoias Agyss eanireo 
cate Beye ma eB 

oty 2) enbiendy, ar 
caparns, ' pn ginem: 
Tums Degmems wi 
hen db9C PO. xo Gm 
noe kaprvetdp ard 
TEL: omiga'' Lepr 

; NL 
Cy. Cremwy’d yw 0 Tep 

oa i MeLuprupe 

Smaroy, jet jen 
or ‘Ebene wuvep wot 7 
Dove: ear op- moot 
Eon qveupecing nots Teo 
“4a meee leh y Ae 

“ts Holy port FOD 



BE seni, sracious: init 
' without Guile, without 
Falfhaod, tot tigid, not in- 
folent; not (evere; not ‘arro- 
gait, not unmerciful, not puf 
fed! up.not a Matpleater; 
not’ tiforous, not» doubles 
minded, not ‘one that! in- 
fulte ‘over the” People ‘thac 
aicounder thee ‘not one that 
conééals the* Divine Laws, 
and rhe -Promifes to Repen- 
tatice, ‘nor haity in thrufting 
out, arid‘expelling, bur ftea 
dy: Not one that ‘delights 
in Severity, not heady. Do 
not-admit: lefs Evidence to 
convict any one than that of 
three Witnefles. and chofe 
of known and eftablifh’d Re- 
putation. Enquire whether 
they do nor accufe out of 
Hl-wili, ot Envy ; for there 
are many thac delight in 
Mifchief, forward in Dif 
courte, flanderous, Haters of 
the brethren, making it their 
Bufinefs to feaccer the ‘Sheep 

~ deefts V. 2 deeftyv. 


3 Gey. Ve 

G of 


]« h. Vii, 


of Chrift; whofe Affirmation 
if thou admitteft without 
nice {canning the fame, thou 
wilt difperfe thy Flock, and 
betray it to be devourd by 
Wolves, that is by Dzmons 
and wicked Men, or rather 
not Men, but wild Beafts 
in the Shape of Men, by the 
Heathen, by the Jews, and 
by the impious Hereticks. 
For thofe deftroying Wolves 
foon addrefs themfeives to a- 
ny one that is caft out of 
the Church; and efteem him 

as a Lamb deliver’d for them 

to devour, reckoning his De 
{tru@ion. their own Gain. 
For he that is their Fa- 
ther, the Devil, is a Mure 
derers He alfo who is 
feparated unjufily by thy 
want of Care in Judging, 
will be overwhelm’d. with 
Sorrow, and be difconfolate, 
and fo will either wander 
among the Heathen, or be 
intangled in Herefies, and fo 
will be altogether eftranged 
from the Church, and from 
Hope in God, and will be en- 

oxdy enovmes, puondea~ 
ga, poopy kdepiuot 

ouopmcey mm Xege 


wesbale. wv & me- 
exdénedey Stres Tes 
Agyss anerrws, Alg= 
amepes a8 DB. soijLvlovy 
xj afg duds Auygis es, 
Sakyga , GC movnegis 
dwlegmnis 5 HUGirrov 4 
aon AwSewames, Ma 
mehots aplewmroa dev, 
eDyingis, @ "Ied aces, 
@ aiperioaeus aSéors" 
md oP. cxbanlon & 
CnxAnoias, duSus ‘m3e9- 
awerg vay "ok Aun 
peoves * Auvxgt, © ws 
capo Coes inyurrey’s 
nipS@+ rdrov nyepSvot 
+ Chee anwrcay. © 
Porter mum Afe- 
CoraQs ewlemmxmG@ 

6. HO Ale F Cis 

aneroias, adinws a 
2 ' 
Poere Gs, ce upc au: 
oebels, xj oALgoWwoyne 
ous, nes e0vy NmmAae 
yn InceTeYy, n eis cupeays 
’ \ f 
umd scSHae.), % TLV 

® westmuiCscly. V. ? ds. Ve? ane marty rus. Ve 



RAGS Suxrnoies € 
e es Ocoy earid@ 

the Holy Apoftles: 

arTeM onerobiicery,, ¢ 

Counmddioeny cao 

‘acebeasy GC nono 
PB Cues omwrcas e 
woes. & 9p: Diagucy ¢ é- 
oy,” emmy Y ae einey On~ 
Karrew * rg Tugpring Te, 
oxmneoy oe Narapycesy 
es 8 megodinesey + 

Crnepigovere é. hie 
myetegv je as 3. a0" 
gery apnrsn 3 AVes8 
+ ar yeveren box” wes 
~p TS roleT ey rey n 
baa peugn*. 

 wTmy ets nomad Tpe- 



O1. aides 

act rs 

Cuytay ong  Cuw- 
LG Cc Te Aa Tr 
ela cv odbis WIT OD 

Godby ephuns: oom E- 
swoddp cen >t) Qo- 
6. Ocx amévdun ofS 
“CPLA MB audrey. O- 
dbs 3 3 eiplums beivo oe 
mip mage "Ines 6 Xer- 
“60S, Os xy edidutey n- 
PGS Aero’ “Agere, % 
a oeBioeaey) Upuy’ of 

Son, @ Sobriceny *,* 




tangled inWickednefs,whtre- 
by thou wilt be guilty of his 
Perdition: For it is not fair 
to be too hafty in cafting 
out an Offender, but. flow 
in receiving him when he 
returns; to be forward. in 
cutting off, -buc unmerciful 

when he is forrowful, and 

ought to be healed. For of 
fuch as thefe {peaks the Di- 
vine Scripture, Their Feet run Prov.i.ré: 
to Mifchief, they are haffy to Ua.lix. 4 
(hed Blood ; Deftruction and Pial xxv. 
Mifery are in their ways, andy. a, 
the way of Peace have they Mot 15. 
known, the Fear of God is not 
before their Eyes. Now, the 
way of Peace is our Savi- 
our Jeius Chrift, who has 
taught us, faying, Forgive, Marxi2§ 
and ye fhall be forgiven; give, kvi38 
and tt fhall be given to yon, 
That: is, Give Remiffion of 
Sins, and your Offences fhall 

be forgiven you. - As alfo, 

He intiructed us by his Pray- 
er to fay unto God, Forgive Matvi.120 
us. our Debts, as we forgive our 
Debtors. \f therefore you do 
not forgive Offenders, how 
can you expect the Remil- 
fion of your own Sins? Do 
G 2 not 

#,* Pag, 

not’ you rather ‘bind your apemy \apupniy, °@ 
felvés fatter, by pretending agebicery:- Uplay > ree 
in your Prayers to forgive, ahymoyg-rek 2 bs: ao 
when you really donot for- 3 f devas nygs era 
give? Will you not be con- Sse Aryer: wep & 
fronted with yourownwords, @zcy. “Ages: apae 7. 
when you fay you forgive,and OPE ANYg Te, HUQ?, es 
do not forgive? For know ye, © spas: a piephy ais 
that hewhocafts out one who opelAsereuts Ca "Edy 
has not behav’d himfelf wick- ev pir ag nre TOIS TIRE” 
edly, or who will not receive “axon, us UP AIS: An- 
himthat returns,isa Murther- Yede> 7 wee@enty ays 
* >... er ofhis Brother,and fheds his ike UaoN 5 ey 
Biood, as Cain did that: of his ‘revdption & equres “dea brother Abel; and his: Blood pdlene, Aégpvees agre- 
; cries to God, and will be  re- VeYs % en * cpienrss’ 5 ; 
quir’d. “Fora righteousMan ¢@ ad ‘savqwy somgn 
unjuftly flain by any one, crawl wbrioede, Aéopy- 
will be in Reft with God for mis aDLEvOR, ‘% wen 
ever: ‘The fame isthe Cafe Gres res 5. yreioners typ" 
of him who without Cauféis oro Py.# posing 
. feparated by his Bifhop. He. éxSaren, 27 pois 
who has caft him‘out ‘as a gavew x4 wees 
peftilent Fellow, when he was | phu@s, 3 ponds & ca 
‘innocent, is more furious than RAGE ons ED, 424 
a Murderer. Such: an one wine cused, ws Kay 
has no regard to)the Mercy “AREA: re adage : 
of God, nor is: mindful of @°Scdiya atte Gacdy 
his Goodnefs to thofethat are reps ‘Oddy’ dxv Cuan 
© penitent; nor keeping in his carey’ ding. “pBi@- 
Eye the Examples of thofe, Sixws’: govdiSels” ‘sees 
Pe amen 2 halted ident As oho 


*Uuar. v. * deo uvers, rAeyar: Vs ? dgioy Ve tin vi > gordd ray 
a dbAgay ate V, * ee. Vi. toe 


mW», aoe ea. cy 
ihik ts Eo Aag 7 y nae 
aramnual escy as 
hi ¢ as e 
unre wonutws Co 
I o/s: Ae \ 
cos & Eioeixe, 6. 2 
Cub arow ws Agugn 
2 WW) , are 
Guauleay , mrxepnpGr 
/ ¢€ ww 3 
Qovews 0 mavTQ-, con 
? ~ oy m 
aoe es O83 Ces 
cAEQy, 8d'2. eynpygvdueay 
ene 2 \ Cun) SF 
are 1 bh amis pelam 
= > fj , if ode 
yguoly ayalooundwe 
Ag pSacvov ongmres AS 
D OU wae eT h 
qTueTOV Tes CH. mAnbYs 
Rie TwUgTWY Cv [LE 
BORA TeV 07, 
Fo aice Anas aQe-~ 
nn” 2 ? 
aw Ye asm iGuo- 
TO» Cougrins Qo- 

aN A sila Z 
yews oT duumoy damp- 

who having been once great 
Offenders, receiv’d. Forgive. 

nefs upon their Repentance. 
Upon which account he who . 

ca{ts off an innocent Perfon 
1s, more cruel than he that 
murders the Body. In like 
manner, he who does nor 

receive the Penitent {catters. 
the Flock of Chrift, being. 
really againft him. . For as. 
God: is juft in judging of 

Sinners, fo is He. merciful 

in receiving them when they. 

return. For David, the Man 
after. God's’ own Heart, in 
his Hymns afcribes both Mera 
cy and Fudcment to Him. 

pimlor, Woavnws 40 wn megadinouOs ris metavowves, 

—oxopmed mm 8 Xerce, yet wre qavowG. ws 9 
Diygtcs bev 0 Oeas cv ta xepvew Tes CUEPTMALS, wTWS 
eAenygy cv Te reordered res brie peporG@s. 
© xesow div wre o Acogians Aabid. 

" Sect. XII. 

VPH' 4 Ghiexom, ” : ‘LS alfo: thy Duty, O 
TED COSRAPMOY Bifhop, to have before 
evav 4% au? @egw- thine Eyes the Examples of 
dngG, 4 eu7eiews. thofe that have gone before, 

\ Padlnas. ve > eg piv. v. > mesenger. V. 
| G 3 bias, and 

tAEQu 99. 




and to apply them skilfully 
to the Cafes of thofe who 
want Words of Severity or 
of Confolation Befides, ’tis 
reafonable that in thy Ad- 
miniftration of Juftice thou 
fhouldeft follow the Will of 
God; and as God deals with 
Sinners, and with thofe who 
return, thac thou fhouldeft 
act accordingly in thy Judg- 
ing. Now, did not God by 
Nathan reproach David for 
his Offence? And yet as foon 
as he faid he repented, he 
deliver’d him from Death, 
faying, Be of cocd cheer, thou 
Shalt not die. So alfo when 

.God had caus’d Fouah to be 

{wallow'd up by the Sea and 
the Whale, upon his Refu- 
fal to preach to the Nine- 
vites ; when yet he pray’d 
to Him our of the Belly of 
the Whale, he retriev’d his 
Life from Corruption. And 
When Hezekiah had been 
puffed up for a while, yer 
as foon as he pray’d with 
Lamentation, he remitted 
his Offence. Bur, O ye Bi- 

" Se. v. 

=h. V. 

ae. V3 Srurpdowro eray. 
BUTS HV. bn Coeds ad's Thy Cony, V. 

Seoiay PhS comma hr 
amegrrninay StopSov 
Aoyow: th 4 ow TH 
xekvey Ce,’ Dingioy” ab 
& @es eax crud 
Seanugk, © » Cees 
Sued ms cng prom 

Gs, *n bme-pegorlasy 

xelvey. np yi © F 
AabiS orcsnadue& oe 
vadious Aas Nabay, 
ATT KEernyoey, 
difus 4 F Savarese 
3 Auapery, Agyov'” 
Oapol & wnrd<anlavas; 
‘Tovey pon SeAnocaw 
Nuvetireis xmprEay, u- 
mm SaAagoms © wires 
AGTUTOMNVAA aolnacts, 
Ea pie “cy xolrin”, 
duinay > cx pens 
? Cols aire". Ele 
way Tes OAigpy ‘TUR 
gwbiven , dEapQuov 
pt; duxpuwr, a Qiive & 
SxaAnualG > axdoale 
4, @ bhhaxotrot, megs 
art rola UG, weEALugv 
amd eye. yegentHay 

V. i éxxosnlas.V. Sets Coity 


e 7 

yp orn TITHPTY ays 
Bacircay, C cy TH 
Srépe ws meexra- 
arphor, an a a 
pec, saws’ “Key a- 
mecavev ECexias’ @ 
zEanadvoey o! yos an- 
a8 Mavaosins’ erwy dto- 
ding. © CY TO’ Baciadvey 
way, c mevtnnovle 
€ mevTee™ 66 aan oty 
rr Tepe Gan @ o ovo~ 
wa Tm pres QUTE 
Baa & é7T O1nge 3 
HOV neov Cv errioy w= 
es, 3x amegyero 20 
nS Bderuyygirey aS 
ebyay wy a wadipdlar 
"4 meEr@. 2m wep- 
icy yav Icegnr. © 
emg pers Mavaosns, c 
enodounce re valmrg.s 
ee AGT THCY Elemas 
‘ea ramp are C ésnce 
mags TH Bawa, 4) 
ewésnoe Suoiasnesoy Tn 
Baars @ eminay 
aam, xglws énvinory 
“Agaaé Bacrrds 'Ia- 
| ean’ Hy emoinae aus 

clasneka 3 Gy olnw wr 

$< ee 
; defunt. v. ?delunt. V. ?auon TH Segnd TS reqs x otnod ence 

Bu cashes. V 

“the Holy Apoftles) > > 

fhops, hearken to an’ In- 

{tance ufeful upon this Oc- 
For it is ‘written - 

thus in the Fourth Book 
of Kings, and the Second 


Book of Chronicles, And He- King: 

zekiah died, and Manafleh Pee 

his Son reigned. He was~ 



twelve Tears old when he bee xxxiii 

on to reign, and he reigned 
fifty and five Tears in Jeru- 
falem, and his Mother's Name 
RAS Hephzibah. And he did 
Evil in the Sight of the Lord; 
he did not abftain from the 
Abominations of the Heathen, 
whom the Lord deftroyed from 
the Face of the Children of 
Iftae!. . And Manafles re- 
turnd, and built the High 
Places which Hezekiah his 
Father had overthrown: and 
he reared Pillars for Baal, 
and {et up an Altar for Baal, 
and made Groves, as did Ahab 
King of Mrael. And he made 
Altars in the Houfe of the 
Lord, of which the Lord {pake 
to David, and to Solomon 

*,* Pag 

his Son, faying, Therein will — 

I put my Name. And Ma- 

G4 na(leh 

nafleh, (ct up Altars, pare were 
them firved, Baal, andyfaid, mess .Aab idog. mess 
(My. Name jfhall continue: for DoAguora tT Yor antes 
ever, And he built, Altats Xéqwy, Gt: wraure@ 
to the Fioft, of ddeaven ia the now OS arong we. € 
two Courts of the; Floufe of tsnve-Mdyaosns Svotee 
the Lord; and he made; his snezas @ cw. owicots €> 
Children pafs throuch the Fire dSeadoe ry > Baea. 2; 
jn a place named Gebanais aad orev’, eczy md ovougs 
he confulted Enchanters, and me es maya. x) gr 
dealt with Wizards and fa modvunge Suoiasuesa 
miliar Spirits, and with Con- ew. #dSvay auAws one 
jurcrs, and Obfervers of times, 2wets, th: geatia Ts 
and with Teraphim ; and he zeave’ @ aums din- 
finned exceedingly in the Eyes yaa qe. tina aire 
of the Lord to provoke him Cy TU eh ow Peavey.’ 
io. Anger 5 and he fet a. Mol- dy ovopale: x. cxnan- 
ten and a Graven, Image, the SwviCean, 2% epapua. 
Image of his Grove, which be xdser’ © émroincer é- 

made, in the Honfe of the yacenuSes, © é 
Lord, wherein the Lord had modes, % 

: anas, 
chofem torput his Name in \e- 4 Segoe’ sail 
rufalem, the Holy City for Suve * 28 woo’ m 
ever, and had faid, I will no. wovney ev apdua- 
more remove my Foot from pgts welts aspop- 
the Land of \rael, which I yey atay 2 enue 
gave to their Fathers: Oaly mm > ywovdv" @ 8 
if they will olferve to do ace yaurlov 78 arces ? 
cording to all that, 1 have. gingve, li éwotnoey op 
commanded them, and accord- oinw uveie, cv & te 
ing to al the Precepts that ackam wes@. taeay 

PFeCatu.vs * deel. Vi 3 navdriteny. V- 



” . i arise 5 x 
DS cvomen eure cnet 

2. «¢ \ Vn o> 
ev lepscaAnn TH a> 

Yc WoAq es T above, 
x ane 8 @egdncw 
T ade pe GA ay 
dw Fons S Ioenna, 
¢ P ~ / 
kis cdung. mis mete¢- 
CW auTweY mA ap 
Quag-corry x) aeires 
: a “ri wk > 
aan A Lames Coa 
Alu, Li cveriagm o 
fsqgs pe Mads. @ 
ae nesodp, 4 ewag- 
vncey avanus ~Mave- 
: rw TT ~ \ 
ASN.9 Troingey O mo- 
\ > / / 
yneoy. eyOTloy. wes, 
€¢ al Wie do sam 
a2 me. lyn a e&npe 
eed t ay 5p 
wes am wegcwre 
aps yov Iceatra. © 
erAgance werG. bh 
. 4 ) X 
— Mavaosy, © bm + 
me > ™ > \ 
Aw AUTS, ey Ses 
DzAwy auzs aS reo- 
QnTwY, Azqwv. awS’cy 

Sf ? J 
oca eémronce Mave-. 

oss 0 Bactads ‘ieda 
me Borrvsux% @ qo- 
ynek THU TH, 270 ay 
Bahist ] 3 

To” wy eroingey c A- 
M9PPGI0S EuTrendey au- 
ies \ 267 MN o27/ 
73, 4 eSnuapte } ‘Te- 

i 3 nN > / 3 
Oxy ev mols adWAgis aw- 

A628 F the Holy Apoftles: 

my Servant Moles commande 
ed them. And they hearkened 
not. And. Manalfich feduced 
them to: do more evil bea 
fore the Lord than did. the 
Naticns whom the Lord ¢aft 
out. from the Face of the 
Children of irael. And 
the Lord {pake. concerning 
Manafich , and concerning 
his People, by the Hand of 
his Servants the . Prophets, 
faying, Becaufe Manafleh Xing 
of Judah bas. done all. thefe 
wicked Abominations, in a 
higher degree than the Amo- 
rite did which was. before him, 
and hath mad: Judah to fin 
with his Idols; Thus faith 
the Lord God of \irael, Be- 
hold, I tring Evils upon \e- 
rufalem aad Judah, that who- 
focver heareth of them, both 
his. Ears hall tingle. And 
I will ftretch over Jerufalem 
the Line of Samaria, asd the 
Finmmet of the Hloufe of A- 
hab; avd I will blot out Je- 
rulalem as a Table-book is 
blotted out by wiping it. And 
I will turn it upfide down, 
and I will give up the Rem 
nant of my Inheritance, and 


will deliver them into the 
hands of their Encmies, and 
they [hall become a Prey and 
a Spoil to all their Encmies : 
Becan(e of all the Evils which 
they have done in mine Eyes, 
and have provoked me to An- 
ger from the Day that I 
brought their Fathers out of 
the Land of Egypt, even un- 
til this Day. Moreover, Ma- 
naffeh fhed innocent Blood ve- 
vy much, till he had filled Je- 
rufalem from one End to ano- 
ther; befide his Sins where- 
ith he made Judah to fa, 
in doing Evil in the Sight of 
the Lord. And the Lord 
brought upon him the Cap- 
tains of the Hoft of the King 
of Affyria, and they caught 
Manatich iv Bonds, and they 
bound him in Fetters of Brafs, 
and brought him to Babylon, 
and he was bownd and lhackled 
with Iron all over in the 
Honfe of the Prifon ; and 
Bread made of Bran was gi- 
ven unto him {cantily, and by 
Weight, andWater mixed with 
Vinegar but a little, and by 

ae, rede Aénd nUEROS 
0 @Qi0s “Ioegna’ ide 
ene gees yong bah Tee 
puoarnu, 4 lady, ase 
aavas axgovl. awa, 
ngcniory MOOT ES Te 
Gam ws, C cxme 
6m ‘lepuoarne & pre 
apov Laugpeas, yoy T 
sulugy oine Anak, x 
amaraly +t lepyoa- 
An xg.00s LALAEDER 
TH; 3 amuétov aware 
Qoperoy C ygrersperler 
‘bo @megcwmoy awe- 
Te, % dmdwovygy To 
pias ee, 4 mh woos 
anTes as syeens ey: 
Bpay QUT OY, ki eoovrey , 
as * megvoury 4? dM 
apmay le Taek aml s 
ey Oepis quTav, ay 
@y ooe emoinadys orovin= 
eg. oy ODSmALGIS As, 
@ aady opopy Covtes 
pe, ap ts npeecs e&n- 
Jay THs meTogs des 
ri dw git Adoalate 
ews T AE 
XY 9% cing. aowov & 

md aescume. Vi? dagmyiv 4 Ve 

3 deeft. V. 

the Holy. Apoftles. 

Eeqee Mavaosis woavd meafure, fo much as would keep 
apides, ews 3 veman> him alive; and he was in 
Get leperaripe soug Straits and fore Affliction; 
th songn’ mrlu 2a and when he was violently af~ 
rp anapnay avs wy flicted, he befought the Face of 
eEnnapre T isdkr7oin the Lord his God, and hum 
ay rovnesy cv op5uas bled himflelf creatly before the 
pgis wes. ¥nyane we Face of the Lord God of his 
EG. err’ aonw Tes cp. Fathers. And he prayed unto 
gortas  DSuwapews 8 the Lord, faying, O Lord, 
Banrtas’Acep, @xg- Almighty God of our Fathers, 
meraboylo t Mavaosmy’ Abraham, Ifaac aad Jacob, 
cr dsoquois, © eDnovy and of their righteous Seed, 
airy cv réduts gar- who haft made Heaven and 
xois, % nyanpvavmyves Earth, with all the Ornament 
Babuadva x Lu bd%- thereof, who haft bound the Sea 
BIO: ¥ rgrewcendSnew- by the Word of thy Commana- 
pwG. *,* cra@. ev ot ment, who halt fhut up the™.* Pig. 
xm guaguns, x 2%. Deep, and fealed it by thy tere ~** 
Ole wird cx omrigpy rible and glorious Name, whom 
apl@e cv oxOue Bea- all Men fear, and tremble be- 
aus, @ tdwe Coy off fore thy Power; for the Mac 
OAinoy Cv metpy, age jefty of thy Glory cannot be 
iy ava, x) du ouve- born, and thine angry threate 
roG- © cdovep§u@. ning towards Sinners is infup- 
opodien. x ws Ciaiws portable: But thy merciful 
ein, @Cnance 19 eo- Promife is unmeafurable and 
cumoy xvenws & Ge unfearchable; for thow art the 
ore , %j ereretvaddn molt high Lord, of great Com- 
cpidieg Wm wegowme paffion, Long-fuffering, very 

S émaiicwauy. V. 
one mer ete 


merciful, and repenteft of the. 

Evils of Men. . Thow, O Lord, 
according to thy great Gooa- 
nefs, halt promifed Repentance, 
and Forgivenels to them that 

have finued againft thee; and. 

of thine infinite Mercy  haft 
appointed Repentance unto Sits 
- mers. that. they may be faved. 

Thou therefore, O Lord, that. 

art the God of the Fuft, halt 
not appointed Repentance ta the 
Fut, as to Abraham, and 

Waac, and Jacob,.. which have. 

not finned acainft thee; but 
thou halt appointed Repentance 

unto me that am. a Sinner 3, 

for I have finned ‘above the. 

Number of the Sands. of the. 
Sea. My Tranfgreffions, 
Lord, are multiply d, my Traaf- 
greffions are multiplied, and I 
am not worthy to behold and 
fee the height of Heaven, for 
the Multitude of mine Ini- 
quity. I aw bowed down with 
many lron Bands, that I can- 
not lift up my Elead, neither 
have any Releafe; for I have 
provoked thy Wrath, and done 


were 8 Ose nfs wet 
aeeyw unTe, © megone, 
can Degs unekov'. Ag "5 
yov" Ku ese wduaxes-; 
TOP, r) ©éos wy mere”. 
deetaiis® ecayah 
xy Iowan, % ‘la xw6s, 
8.8 omepug|@x OUT OY: 
S dinate, 0 momo + 
Senvor. oT yov oun 
omed nous F SA OT KP 
TD Aoyp 78 wWepsuy- 
UgerDs Ody * 9 Mreoee, 
© abuosnyy: 4 open: 
pakepg y Cvdbey 010- 
METE, TB oy ody Te, 
megoume f. Sup apews 
as, OTL acex |G n pe 
yee Agmrpemrea F SvENS ges, 
xy -dwurricel@ i cpgn &, 
bon ainaplorcs, are 
ans Cs. aperensy te 
a aw’ €E loypie Sov 7m €- 
AcQe F emuloeartas oe, 
é1t CL a mer. W- 
ax rg yv@s , -HEKED 
Sun Qs,amAveds@y, oe 

gov Ody. v. ? defunt. V. > deeft. V. 

” ° <2 “ 


the! Holy Apoltles> 

‘hires tn nornaecé 
ms dubes ray, ors (Co 

d: Qeosy ay ala sepn- 
Series’ Pe aryahoouuns 
Es eamlyero pero- 
yorus epeoy emis: on 
oF aioe pugin Ge 
MeL ce -parrdporey a 
pe prangss: eis Cwanese 
ays (ye ey iene 0 eos 
ne Brie cheor, oon ee 
quer voidy dinaiots, TH 
OBE expcepey 2. loads, 
1} Nema y ols an 
ince prrmtgar Cot * 
‘e0w. peeerduoicy é er £Ugs 
is ena pro rt, ove 
necoperay, aD aerbugy 
aleiies SuAcows. * 
masuid a av opascy 
~hByo nvere: : eau 

“ads oy yo paacry JAB; © 2g 

eH ETL as ae a- 
TELE OY. % idea a Ry” 
“tLGs. 8 teary; 270 
manbes, AS adinieay 
ee, norTeangs p.Tophy.@r 
Tone dkeoqng adupe. 
peas" cvilicteineh Tuy 

‘befeech thee forgive me, 
Lord, forgive me, and deftroy 



Evil before thee: I did not 
thy Will, 
Commandments: 1. have fet 
up Abominations, andhave mul- 
tiplied Offences... Now there: 
fore I bow ‘the Knee of mine 
‘Heart, befeeching thee of Grace ; 
Pave finned, O:Lord, I have 
finned, and I acknowledge mine 
Iniquitiess wherefore L humbly 

mo not ‘with mine LIniquiticse 
Be not angry with me. for 
ba. referving. Evil for 
me; neither condemn me- into 
the lower Part of the Earth. 
‘For thom art the God, .even 
the God, of them that repent, 

and in me thou wilt. thew all 

thy Goodne|s; for thou wilt 

Save me that, am unworthy, ac-| 

cording to thy great Mercy. 
Therefore Iwill praife thee 

“for ever'all the Days. of MY x x 
Life ; for all the Pomers of * 

the Heavens do praife thee, and 
thine is the Glory for ever and 
ever. Amen. And the Lord 
heard his Voice, and had 


—} werivelay Xp Vs 

‘d deeft. Vs 

° Come 

neither kept I thy. 




Compaffion upon him; and there 
appeared a Flame of Fire a- 
bout him, and all the Iron 
Shackles. and Chains which were 
about him fell off; and the 
Lord ‘healed Manafleh from 

his Affliction, and brought him pp 

back to -Jerufalem = wato his 
Kingdom; and Manafich knew 
that the Lord he is God alone. 
And he worfkipped the Lord 
God alone, with all bis Heart, 
and with all his Soul, all the 
Days of his Life, and he was 
eftcemed righteous ; and he took 
away the ftrange Gods, and the 
Graven Imace out of the Houfe 
of the Lord,. and all the Al- 

yars which he had built in the: 

Houfe of the Lord, and all the 
Altars in Yerufalem, and he 
‘caft them ont of the City. 
And he repaired the Altar of the 
Lord, and facrificed thereon 
Peace-Offerings and Thank-Of- 
ferings. And he {pake to Ju- 
dah to ferve the Lord God of 
Hrael: And he flept in Peace 
with his Fathers, and Amon 
his Son reigned in his ftead: 

And he did Evil in the Sight 

/ ‘ een 
Suugv oe, % B rovneow 
CWOmav TY eDINcy 
cmos BoeAUypare, 4 
TAnsuyas megcoybic- 
pale, 9 vuuoeAivee 
py xepdias 4, > déo- 
©. € why ce sypn 
kid eo 
that aes. 
dwousas ee egeo gave 
tay I Sm’ t anrSuey 
SsopQuos ae -dwes ygt, 
WOKE, eves HOt. xy pen 
Covemaéous jee aevis 
dwopdais ns, mde es 
T awa junviore: ampne 
ons TH Koh boty pamdie 
ov @z0s, Qos aS pe- 
adwoeTwv, xy em é- 
not Deas” PF ayaSwe 
curly os. OTL avaFioy 
Oye wads 3 2) ao moru 
eAcos ov. © muvtow ce 
Al ardyslos, cy ark. (ox a 
npkegis F Coons pew. 
 Sudawus HS seavavs yg 
oe bow n dofa, as Tes 
uw yas. aly. Ky Ge 

‘ deelt. v. * aicay. V. ? uti v. 


the Holy Apoftles: 

minece F avis ants of the Lord, according to all 
—des@s, © oxreipnoev things that Manafleh his Fu- 
autor x64 eQuelomer ther had. done in the former 
Wie PAGE mess x4 part of his Reign. And he pro- 
eramnccy mK aw voked the Lord his God to Anger. 
ae, aunw cidner’ © | 
tacam wes@» F Mavaosiy cx F Orintews aur, @ dmb 
epeer auaw as ‘lepecaann bh  Baciredy atts. @ 
gw Mavaosns, on wWer@. avars br Oecs pv@’ @ 
eAaredlcey ygvy xUelw TW Qed cy carn ygpdicn aur, 
EC cy oan ry uyn curd, aeons Tas nueons F Cons a= 7 
mB, xu EAgyian Dixci@s yoy aesare THs Sees Tes GAG 
aes, 3 yauT ev 6& olny wwese, © moire Te Suctasnesee 
a aygdvuncer cy | oinw were, ~@ adure ra Suotas- 
era ta” cy ‘lepuoaann, @ etbarev tEw F rergws, 
@ xgreaprduce O Sumasnerov, x eSuciecey ex’ avad Sv- 
aidy Comers, © atvécews. © ame Mavyaosas 7d “Iedian, F 
dvrday xvelw mS Ceo “Ioenna. @ ero1 mon oy e| but 
po aS rane airs. © eCaciadicer "Aywy o vos ave 
78 aT ava’ 2% eToinge qo wWovneoy ev@onoy xUeLE, 
XE! adores coe eroince Mavaosis o TerTnp avend ey 
meres, x owEwe xvesoy + OQcoy aos, 

S.2.6-T... aH. 

EJ Kovcan, téixve YE have heard, our Be- 

TOMTS AYO, loved Children, how the 
omws xtes@» 0 @ecs Lord God fora while pu- 
3 adaags @wegadue- nifh’d him that was addicted 
qovra, x womes a- to idols, and had flain ma- 


A ov , 4 
* 004 ons. V. 2 deeft: v. 2? zép. Vv. 



** Pag he fay with bimfelf, 4 és, 


was Amon, 


ny innocent-.Perfons ; and 
yet that He received him 
when he repented, ,and for- 
gave him his Offences, and 
reliord him ro his K.ngdom. 
For He not only forgives 
the Penitent, but reintlates 
them in their. former Dig- 
nity... | 

~,.There is no Sin more grie- 

vous than Idolatry ; for ‘us 

.an Jmpiety againit God: and 
yet.even this Sin has. been 
forgiven, upon fincere Re; 
pentance. Bur. if any one 
fin in dire@ Oppofition, anc 
on purpofe. to try whether 
God will punifh the Wicked 
or not, fuch an one {hall 
chaye no Remiffion, although 

well, and I will walk accord 
ing to the Conver{ation of my 
evil Heart. .Such an one 
the Son of Ma- 
nalfeh. For the: Scripture fays, 
Ana Amon reafend an evil 
Reafoning of Tran[grefion, and 
faid, My Father from his Child. 
-hood was a great Tran{ereffor, 

TH 2 


Bass. pordbarilas Bes 
DEMS Tiugpncep Oe 5 
wélaquovla menaeAg.- 
Bere, 4 aes aut 
‘emeg-perfer au neu * €7R 
~ Eacredp.é UGKOV 9 
AQiNE mois Erdwoear, 
Wa 4 as MeyTEany 
acidy aures emda. . 

MeCov . adwraoagr 
Tiz, es Qecy yap bot 

duoseb ei’ DM. aps 
Cat Aig: wigias. 

werdporas, Culxegwpur 
>) r > 

my, av dé-ks Oe a= 


AN ‘ ¢ 
meaealoy TF Qgay sas 

pert earestovla qols 7rO7 
viagls, 0 qist7OQy adge- 

kee FS w 

f a) c re) > , 
Aeyn ah EUUTW 001% 

pgt wore ole wropdb- 
; 3 

Cougy ev TH waregn 
gn tT xapdlas ee ms 
qovneas aut. 9a 

icynceloie’’ Anas’ 

c “~ at) ‘ 
0 7 Maraosn-uyos. 

gna! 727 yeagn. Kar 
M<ergyicanto VA» 

1 Scoeley. V. * Sad. Ve al. gigs 2apamg. Ve tae. V. 



pho bdoews 

or, a: aTEv’ 0 mR, 
ap pe Cn veomt 
maha aSpluvoumor, xo 
cy mpc: Perens x94 
yew eq rod oop cy Xo 
wo bah Sup et nH rlugyn 
Ke, Ev usreo? ban spénlen 
mess Wg por» ce carol 
ce 3 pide crmmoy 
were ang  aduces : 
Tes Pwowus eumega- 
ey ord, @ eEwAQ- 

Spdicey ana nuepOs o Ocos ow Exe eae P ys T eeablins } 

eutod. Ka eredey a 

yaurrnod aumy vy Te 
Jo pga. 

- ? = r ef ‘ 
AP dctiess ay O1 Adk- 

Ot, wiles E yugy & 

Aopqnsy 73 * Auer 
toh aap Pidp a5 oN om 

ern , Ce eseey * cut 
, ti 

Hes BRnIAvpeO-" o- 

pgs o ear lonoa Oe 

ouyrmperTa), Kee du- 
yeTrY, rods Uh HUG PTH- 
gras Mpayoplin xs p.ei- 
yoy #4 as am agp 
may omcpeqorGis Se 
exmouav deyeSw" Edy 

the Holy Apoftles: 

and repented in his old Age; 
and now I will walk as my 
Soul lufteth, and afterwards I 
will return unto the Lord. And 
he did Evil in the Sight of the 
Lord above all that were before 
him. And the Lord God {oon 
deft roy'd him utterly from his 
good Land. And his Servants 
conlpired againft him and flew 
him in bis own Honfe, 
he reigned two Tears only. 

auT@ ot ars aval, y heal 
oixw atmo’ @ actAdvaey em 

Take heed therefore, ye 
of the Laity, left any one of 
you fix the reafoning of A- 
mon in his Heart, and be 
fuddenly cut off, and perifh. 
In the {fame manner, let the 
Bifhop take all the care he 
can that thofe which are yet 
innocent may not fallinto Sin: 
And let him heal and receive 
thofe which turn from their 
Sins. But if he is pitilefs, 
and will not receive the re- 

i deelt. V. *duas. V. 2oneton. Ve tous 7a duis.V, idurnézw v. 

H penting 




penting Sinner, he will fin 
againft the Lord his God, 
pretending to be more juft 
than God’s uftice, and not 
receiving him whom He has 
received, through Chrift ; 
for whofe fake he fent his 
Son upon Earth,to Men, as 
a Man, for whole fake God 
was pleasd that he who 
was the Maker of Man and 
Woman, fhould be born of 
a Woman; for whofe fake 
He did not fpare him from 
the Crofs, from Death and 
Burial ; but permitted him 
to die, who by Nature could 
not {uffer; his beloved Son, 
God the Word ; the Angel 
of his great Council; that 
he might deliver thofe from 
Death who were obnoxious 
to Death. Him do thofe 
provoke to Anger who do 
not receive the Penitent. 
For he was not afhamed of 
me, Matthew, who had been 
formerly a Publican ; aad 
admitted of Peter, when he 
had thro’ fear deny'd him 

three times, but had appeay’d 

Pr: of 

of — 
) T PeTESy angTe dwn: 
Ans Ov pil mead een 
my, cugpTnoy cs nu- 
epov F Qeov auvand, dt- 
ugly EuTW ap 2 
cnave drygiocwly, % 
wn @ega Ag. 6 do Wwos 
ov megaedecam Als 
Xercod, MM ov arée 
sive + uoy ware bm 
yas ais Awleganis ws 
avpwaror, di oy ddb- 
umTev Om yeuranngs au- 
aw Qunlivey, TF moin- 
mw dapdess © rus 
95, 8 YLELY PM Getore- 
wuG ' ~avpod @ Sa- 
vars © megns, cuwwe= 
YapUce maSey + ™m 
gucfaradn, Tt yoy > 
ayumeay, T Oscy Ag- 
Dv, TE peyans av= 
aS Berns alqnagv, o- 
ous ous ~wannepsuus 
Surat puny’ S Sa 
rate. > avaoy aXpop- 
yiCeow of un mogadt 
joujjuot ammous pereposre 
Gs” tt@. nD Martbaioy 
EMA TED wv ley cy re *ameg- 

Tepy, Gon emratounln, 

i ~~ ON : - “pe , r 
L TAUGH, G davaTo, 4 TApY. Vv. 2 deelt. V. 2 wivey, V. +70 VY, 


the Holy Apoftles. 

49) Ter egy COPY NOC Ue 
voy ava Ag dQ. 
TEATOV ao pe 
TAuoias eFtAewoupevoy 
€ aegonravonrla Tr 
Trove aS ideo ap 
Vy AgTENEE, @ [lav- 
Agv Sak Curva rosvagy 
AUQY, mro}aa G Deg - 
Teor as nyss SmteE 
ra wwov xone, 5 Brg. 
oonunadle et: & cvong. 
BS aysov, WmusvAgy ATi 
AOxTy Dever aehnlo, 
ono0 Gs avaw nrgyes 
Awadatas Canny 
a ip Tore Qnuscn ns Ae 
4° "A gewvrey oY rs 
cpr icy oy money oT! 
Ne THOS aD AU eTéCay 
oO TWA apprnayay © eon 
ons ol mpeabunent 
eumeocey y QUuTS, 
er alms Baur F 
xeLoLY, eenASov 0 4 
ee m4Q. 

@. auris, et 
NOTEnesvay auThy ol 
Tperluteegt, 9 em2ons 
: PELs au= 
La "Trane ev, 2B 



him by Repentance, and had 
wept bicrerly ; nay, he made 
him a Shepherd to his own 
Lambs. Moreover he ordain d 
Paw!l, our be 
of a Periecutor an Apoftle.and 
declard hima chofen Vefiel, 

even when he had heap’d ma- 
ny Mifchiefs upon us before, 
and had blafphem’d his {acred 
Name. He {ays alfoto ano- 
ther, a Woman chat was a 

Sinner, Thy Sins, which arema= 
aft Luk.vit, 49 

ny, are forgiv i, fot thou lov: 
much: Ard when the Elders 
had fet anotherWoman, which 
had finned, before him, and 
had left the Sentence to him, 
and were gone out, our Lord, 
the Searcher of the Hearts, 
enquicing of her whether 
the Elders had condema’d 
her, and being anfwerd, 
No, he faid unto her, 
thy way therefore, for nei-* 
ther do I condemn thee. This 
Jefus, O ye Bifhops, our sa- 
viour, our King, Wand our 
God, ought to be fet be- 
fore you as your Pattern, 
and him you ought to imi- 
tate, in being meek, quiet, 
H 2 able, 

Go Joh. vill. 

#. * Pag 

Luke x. 7 


able, without Paffion, apt to 
teach, and diligent to con- 
vert, willing to receive and 
to comfort; no Strikers, not 
foon angry, not injurious, 
not arrogant, not {upercili- 
ous, not Wine-bibbers, not 
Drunkards, not vainly ex- 
penfive, not Lovers of Deli- 
cacies, not extravagant, u- 
fing the Gifts of God not 
as anothers, but as their 
own, as. good Stewards ap- 
pointed over them, as thofe 
who will be requird by God 

to give an Account of the 

fame. Let the bifhop efteem 
fuch Food and Raiment fuf- 
ficient as fuits Neceffity and 
Decency. Let him not make 
ufe of the Lord’s Goods as 
anothers, but moderately : 
For the Labourer is worthy of 
his Reward. Wer him not be 
Juxurious in Diet, or fond of 
idle Furniture, but conrent- 
ed with fo much alone as is 
neceflary ic his Suftenance. 

Age exo1s wenerSa), wat [LEE MENLRY WS. 

Totvlvt Cartier Bacr . 
Azz, € soy nugy '!n- 
cou, “ » EMcxo7m, CxO- 
roy } ene De, mre 
“Pete Tees ev cy ™ pqs > 
nouy les, Nama gee 
Men HOVES, erplusingus, a a= 
opyntes , rdixle yous 
bcng-pemk yous, ecden- 
k xous. maenurnk xous, 
pen man Ge, pa py | 
Ags fan uC eases, pan a= 
AgCavas, ea nam eegT= 
kngus, [en ovogaulas, 
en peluoes, jen excu0™ 
oe: adies, wn meUONGS, 
pen Toru dee meus, mn ws 
a roreso1s MW’ ws L- 
Sitots ais Te Oeow Se~ 
act agupsjuss, Ws oe - 
yous olmovones xo.8e- 
COTES, ws perro Ges 
aTruniKx whe & Ocod 
T Asp. aU Tepe eye 
TH tesply, a augiac= 
ygv oO thors, ¥ 
Th ype @ th cepnyd- 
™ moj onx ovaw' mn 
ols WU ELAHOLS ws arn 

“AEG. P 0 

epyams g Mid aure ba. Mn 3 oraqwaGQ", pen Tt pTe- 
| FO. 2ma * Ver sven ry megs Cusnay * epic pyr. 


* Umas. Vive v. 

he yovels Tse V. Fen BUsyos, Vs 

* xile Minot Svat WEY xed Ve 2 AVAYAAwTOS 7. 

the Holy Apoftles. 

S°e* oT. 

ET himufethofe Tenths *XV. 

A‘ NdopQue var 

Cvapat Qeod Pps 

deynT ay C@ oh! arap- 
NOs ws Oce dy. Yowans 
Awarionita' & eiocpe- 
ent ban EIGER, 
Ten Tay exovate., ded 
Aws oinova ete, op- 
Qavots, @ snes, XG 
SALE opjuors, 8 Sevols 
Dope psevols, eqqeay 
Gedy pays dt Tov 
tov, & elyerekodwam 
auTe Tattiw F olxo: 
pomiay: Sak 2)" aruls 
© Seo wois pe ' SDingocv- 
vans ‘bapeerCovres @ 
ULES “UTS ageusuor 
Cn PS weanay, wWra 
fan abe rcpomat, éo- 
Siovms 3 @& autor’, 
Aa fen oT 10V'TEs 
we Hg”, mol ev EY - 
aS + mts xprceay, abe 
Tesonom: Osw yive 
Se’ ed ~ pgyot au: 

’ ve . / > 
am waArwoute oVveadl- 

| Snoeds ohg Oce, A€- 


and Firft-fruits, which 
are-given according to the 
Command of. God, as a 
Man of God; as alfo, let 
him difpenie in a right mgn- 
ner the Free-will Otferings, 
which are brought in on ac- 
count of the Poor, the Or- 
phans, the Widows, the Af- 
flicted, and Strangers in Di- 
ftrefs, as having that God 
for the Examiner of his Ac- 
counts, who has committed 
the Difpofition to him. Di- 
{tribute to all thofe in want 
with RighteoufnefS ; and 
your felves ufe the things 
which belong ro the Lord, 
bur do not abufe them; ecat- 
ing of them, but not eat- 
ing them all up by your 
felves ; communicate with 
thofe that are in want, and 
thereby fhew your ‘elves un- 
blameable before God. Far 
if you fhall confume them 
by your felves, you will be 

2 Tobyuy. V. 

* dtayeuov7es. v. 

3 decit. Vv. 

Fi 3 res 

«. Pag. 


XXKIV. 3. 

Ifa. v. 8. 

Levit. xix 

XV. 4. 


reproach’d by God, who fays 
to fuch unfatiable People, 
who alone devour all, Te eat 
up the Milk, and cloath your 
felves with the Wool : And 
in another Paflage, Muff you 
alone live upon the Earth ? 
Upon which account you 
are conmanded in the Law, 
Thou fhalt love thy Neighbour 
as thy (lf. Now we fay thefe 
things, not as if you might 
not partake of the Fruits of 
your Labours; for ‘tis writ- 
ten, Zhou (halt not muzzle the 
Mouth of the Ox which tread- 
eth out the Corn; but that you 
fhould do it with Mode- 
ration and _ Righteoufnefs 
As therefore the Ox that la- 
bours in the Threfhing-floor 
without a Muzzle, eats in- 
deed, but does not eat all 
up : So do you who labour 
in the Threfhing-floor, chat 
is in the Church of God, eat 
of the Church; which was 
alfo the Cafe of the Levites, 
who. ferv’d in the Taberna- 

cle of the Teftimony, which 

was in all things a Type of 

orl. os weys amr 

ces © pgvogayys, *,” 
To arg xareS ier, 4 
y ees mesbameds. 
Ka cv aprois’ Mh at- 
woes ygvot 6mm F yWs5 
Ais @ Ww Te reme 
moor eTax Tay." Upay” 
‘“Ayamo{s tT mAncioy 
Cs as cealgy Kaz 
andra” Aggophy, soe 
tye pan weraagmoayn- 
T% Us@y aS movev yé- 
ea TH yap Ou Qipw- 
ods Bev ana e mM’. 
ine pseerenpyows pe} 
Aixcnocwwns. oy reomoy 
3uy'o (es epyaCoup@s 
zy TH aAw* axryglos , 
xnancdid srw © umes 
epnaCopwot as TaAw, 
TeTésw as T CHHAN- 
ole S Ozcd, CH t 
Cnnrnoias edicts . ov 
Tegay © of Advitey oF 
$ pwomete nhs Ly 
curs & tnxAnclas 
@) adpra’ “megcért 5 
xen 7 6m 78 crcpat@s 

: * deeft.v. ? TsT0. V. : 52tp wie éobyel] 9-. v ° ¢Syeiv CDeAETE: V- 
fdefunt. V. 7SiiAoW pole. cum TH KGAA NTIy WxeT Vers TKI O72. V- 


the Holy Apoftles. 

| paprigsoy, t onuAn- 
cias 1 onnVT Wepw 
enero. evan ee yer 
4 Adiny Tn oxnvn 
arepaedydiornt, on Ay 
as @megovoesy: mm 
— Oeod Didowyowv raz 

wars 73 Ag Mes 
0% eee : er 
ao pap C Sexa two, 
e Suoiay, a sit a 
enV, jeemeinoy OxwAU 
ras, * aio ,¢ yw 
é SUYA TEES au Toy. 
) ewedy ? 3) 4" To epyov 
UTOY i AcTupyic 
© onnvns, Ale TST 
wAnepdooiay WS Gx 
Ag.E ov éy mis yois Io 
esnr’ oT! a} eiopoest 
qe Ags, uAnepddria 
& Adi. © uAneovopria 
TNs QvAns autor. *U- 
pes ev Oo Keegy, @ &- 

Tioko TO, ese TW Aga 

Uae lepers, Adizy, 
ol Aerepyevtes TH ig- 
pe oxnin, TH ayice 
peso éuurneice, ¢ 
apes ares a Sect 

the Church; nay farther, its 
very Name imply’d, that that 
Tabernacle was fore-appoint- 
ed for a Te/timony of the 
Church. Here therefore the 
Levites allo, who attended 
upon the Tabernacle, par- 
took of thofe chings thar 
were offered to God by all 
the People, namely Gifts, 
Offerings, and Firft- fruits, 
and Tythes, and Sacrifices, 
and Oblations, without Di- 
fturbance, they and their 
Wives, and their Sons, and 
their Daughters: fince their 
Employment was the Mi- 
niftration to the Tabernacle, 
therefore they had not any 
Lot or Inheritance in the 
Land among the Children 
of Jfrael, becaufe the Ob- 
lations of the People were 
the Lot of Levi, and the 
Inheritance of their Tribe. 
You therefore, O Bifhops, 
are to your People Prieils 
and Levites, miniflring to 
the Holy Tabernacle, the 
Holy Catholick Church; who 
ftand- at the Altar of rhe 

2 ‘ 

22 ’ 3 > ek % 3 
V. " ¥ movey on Top a/rAw. Ve 

eS, 4y. y 
Whe Ve Ve 

goad 4 Lord 

ns aaer rn % Bh Sis fe 



Lord your vod, and offer 
to him reafonable and un 
bloody Sacrifices through 
Jetus, the great High-Wricit. 
“You are to the Laity Pro 
phets Ruiers.Governours.and 
Kings; the Mediators becween J 
Goa ana his faithful Peo- 
ple, who receive and declare 
his Word, well acquainted 
with the Scriptures; ye are 
the Voice of God, and Wit- 
nefles of his Will, who bear 
the Sins of all, and intercede 
for all; whom, as you have 
heard, the Word feverely 
threatens, if you hide the 
Key of Knowled gefrom Men, 
who are liable to Perdition, 
if you do not “igi his 
Will to the People that are 
under you; who fhall have 
a certain Reward from God, 
and unf{peakable Honour and 
Glory, if you duly minifter 
to the Holy Tabernacle. For 
as yours is the Burden, fo 
you receive, as your Fruit, 
the Supply. of Food and o- 
ther Neceflaries. For you 
imitate Chrift the Lord; and 

exw * wes 7B Qce 
nov, © mee qenonres 
LU Ty) TUS Agyness % 
aUUgeTes SuTias SG 
 nood * Te peyarw ap 
Hse peoos ues als ey 
Upay Adiiass eSe WEI 
Gh TY, epson Tes , xo 
ngou pyar, 4; Bacires, 



of pea Toy Oe € HS 

THE ay aUTB, ot ddsyers 

73) Asys Cc alyrra- 

pés, O1 wesc eu 
Qwy, 5 qbalgor’ a 

@es x ma pTUpes 7 
Seanpal®. curr ok 

Tov TeY Tes a nap Tis 

BasuCovns, @ WEA TOLpe | 

Tay DMAGYPL|WWoe" o's, 
ws nner, euCopSws 
0 AGy@s AT EAE, ee 
epunwite a ut egireoy " 
ams qy wate Yrady’ ols 
xiv @« onbexG, eds 
Hn SoS quanre a be 
aie aur ag dp" Us 
Ups - Age" ols 2 
Orr pacdas arclans @ 
xreQs apex cinyn cop éy 
oven, Koras Aersp- 
syorunt TH ounvn TH 

" re deeft. Vo * Xese, Ve 3 HNGUKES. VY. 

1 the Holy Apoftles. 

; > 8 ¢ 2 f 
ayia. 05 95 6 SapO. 
ayiz. os 6 & Cap 
UpeTECDVY, FIw % Tas 
Le rovian «98 veezéy, 
, i t ¢ 
Cc &s a 7ras Aka U- 
fas ynpMDUAE. Lun: 
ToL) Yop éSe Xersod’ 3 
f c \ 
mwele x | ws anTOS ” 
mpteyv nua Gs a pp- 
cf gs F} : A 
mies dplwesney Eat a 
e 7 
EvAgr, GUUEW STIS 9 ae 
« ‘ i 
UeprO. ap HS xorg 
oY ¢ AW 8 
CE wS aEioy. oT %% U- 
Hos B Ags tas app 
mids *ciOommaay aon. 
2 Pw. hes ~ 
eipntey PP Wet 7B (qT 
> InyAe uv o 
PQs ow Alain, on «- 
TQ Teas apaptias ne 
~ / Gr oe 
Hey ged, © wet Am 
~ ~ Pde | f 
Mov oda TeYy™ NOY T= 
Juv’ Autres apeptias 
TLIA@Y dulweSve. @ Sy 
mes dwopa ices CUT? Toe 
pedban. “Qorep SY 
c ~ 2 ¢ 
“ x oxo Toy ene TE T 
/ «ec > > eh 
1 ¢ ~ g 
TNT vygy, eT @ 
m~ . 9 o 
nav. wn > yonice on 
dogpis n eag Peay Pop- 
, 2 ¢ 3 
Tiov bo n bhoxord. 

2 fic) v. relig. male dau! s cs. * deeft. V. 3 vouilere, V. 

as he bare the Sins of us all 

upon the Tree, at his Cruci- 
fixion, the Innocent for thofe 
who deferv'd Punifhment ; fo 
alfo you ought to make the 
Sins of the People your 
own. For concerning our Sa- 

Viour, it is faid in J/aiah, He Ifa. lili. 43 

bears our Sins, and is afe 
Hlitted for us. 
bare the Sins of many, and was 
delivered for our Offences. Ag 
therefore you are Patterns for 
others, fo have you Chrift 
for your Pattern. As there- 
fore he is concern’d for all, 
fo be you for the Laity un- 
der you. For do not thou 
imagine that the Office of 
a Bifhop is an eafie or light 
Burthen. As therefore you 
bear the Weight, fo have you 
a Right to partake of the 
Fruitsbefore others, and to 
impart to thofe that are in 
want, as being to give an ace 
count to Him, who without 
Byafs will examine your Ac- 
counts. For thofe whoattend 
uponthe Church ought to be 
maintaind by the Church, as 



And again, He v.12 


being Priefts, Levites, Prefi- 
*,* Pag. dents and Minifters of God: 

*3° As it is written in the Book 

of Numbers concerning the 

Numb. Priefts, And the Lord [aid un- 
XViil. I 

to Aaron, Zhou, and thy Sons, 
and the Houfe of thy Family 
Shall bear the [niquities of the 
Floly things of your Priefthood. 
Behold I have given unto you 
the Charge of the Firft-fruits : 
y.8, ec. From all that are fanétified to 
me by the Children of \rael ; 
I have given them for a Re 
ward to thee, and to thy Sons 
after thee, by an Ordinance for 
ever, This fall be yours out 
of the holy things, out of the 
Ollations, and cut of the Gifts, 
and out of all the Sacrifices, 
and out of every Trefpafs- 
Offering, and Sin-Uffcrings, and 
ali that they render unto me 
out of all their holy things, 
they fhall belong to thee, and 
y.12,03c. to thy Sons: In the Sanétu- 
ary fball they eat them, And 
a ‘little after, All the Fir/ft- 
fruits of the Oil, and of the 
Wine, aud of the Wheat, all ap 
which they {hall give uato the 
Lord, to thee have I given 

vpn oy asd Bap@. ge: 
pers, Saws @*, * ays 
AgeC are, 4 Tals dio 
pevors peredrdovay,. ws 
Asoy Upecovees Tu) a= 
mg Agyisws UUGS URA- 
Aork Aoye av. De 
oS ‘lous tn cunrncin 
meg ced pclov res, nt 
CHurNT ios SGT DER, 
are iepels AduiGes , 
megidpes , AeTepyes 
Gee’ yobs ow BiSAw 
rps aertugv Wena 
Tay ae TS i lepewy Kos 
ame WW ep De mess "Aa: 
egw Cv, @ a! yot eB, 
Gs 0 oixGu TA MELAS oS 
Anleve THs aie pT ies 
oy ay ay, Pi Leen Trias 
vAgy idov dkdtoyg vpay 
T AlgTronaw MS are 
qgav amo rte TPS 
fnyacea psc uot mg, 
awv yav loeand, Coe 
dé diongs aura 6:6 ones 
4 amis yois os pe! Ce 
vopsangy ak V107' @ 78- 
mm Esty UuLy 70 Tw 
MYaoLEVwY » Cae Tew 
xg pTWUgTaV, EC MX 

Oy AS os i CORMIER, TAG SEE dD oi iat 
i aR iy Sete 

Toptey Tw Suoiwy, 
oj Dem) LIN TAMER Ue 
Aaa, © : objec p- 
kav’ © don ddr dvact 
Hot am Trev Tay 
CoO? , Cor esoy © sols 
yols oe a ig) 
parade attm. Kay 
pet orga Ta a: 
Wwe. 4 \ By] 
ation tras % ove © 

cits, oon aw dwot xu- 

omer nh, 

| the Holy Apoftles: 
aye Sooo, x) aD 

them; and all that is firft 
ripe, to thee have I given it, 
and every devoted thing. E- 
very Firft-born of Man and of 
Beaft, clean and unclean, and 
of Sacrifice, with the Breaft, 
and the right Shoulder, all 
thefe ‘appertain to the Priefts, 
and to the reft of thofe be- 
longing to them, even to the 

elo, (ol Sédong. arma 4 Ta meployunugte wre Cor 
Didone. yoy F cuueppd! way dwarena * THY @BewTOTO" 
gy Wocwrs © xrliss ye Supe B axgdupty, © Svaoias, 
@ cndwiz, @ BeaxiorO- ders avis tepdvar *@egadne 

ad, 2) Tals Agtmis tals my. Weary auaors Adi Gis. 

Se Ct, 

3 , Ld w 
A OS aw TH © 
¢ ~ 2 te 
ULES OL Aaixol, 
: Ns 4 

Bes. © Po Ago: Wes 

ameepy Gee Agos © <A- 
yvG. aytov avousi a0" 

ov woul erp 
© umes ev ee ayia 
m2 Ose ice duxAncia 

| Dawyeyenun cv # 

ie ‘ t 
CHIH, Baciraov eeg- 

i Thue, 20y@- ‘eyoy ‘ 
‘deett. V. -edyaQae. V. ‘Cob epti.V.v. tdeelt. V. S@egouviiney. V.v- 

Se eS 


Santoure. V. 


EAR this, you of the 
Ta lsat alfo, the Elect 
Church of God. For the 
People were fornierly called 

The People of God, and, Atpy og yi 
You therefores,6. 

Holy Nation 

are the Holy and Sacred Heb. xii. 

Church of God, 
Hteaven,. a Royal Priejtbood, 
an holy Nation, a peculiar 

People, a Bride adorn d forthe 


en ld in devi 



Lord God,’ a great Church, 
4 faithful hurch. Hear ar- 
tentively now what was faid 
formerly : Oblations | 
Tythes belong to Chrift our 
High-Prieit, and to thote 
who miniiter tohim Tenths 
of Salvation are the frit 
Letrer of the Name of Je- 
fus Hear, O thou holy 
Catholick Church, who hatt 
efcaped the Ten Plagues, 
and haft received the Ten 
Commandments, and haft 
learned the Law, and haft 
kept the Faith, ‘and haft be 
lieved in Jefus, and art nam’d 
after his’ Name, and art e- 
{tablifh’d, and fhineft in the 
Con{ummation of his Glory. 
Thofe which were then the 
Sacrifices, now are Prayers 
and | nrerceflions,and Thank{- 
givings. Thole which were 
then Firft-fruits,and Tythes, 
and Offerings, and Gifts, 
now are Obiarions, which 
are prefented by hoy bi- 
fhops to the Lord God, thro 
Jefus Chrift, who has cted 

,? 7 ae ‘ aN 
Yo 4 \ Per : ~ id 
rs, 87g Ghiy acy OvOmaTeS INTs, TemMENKUsde Y. 

xyla, om 7O ia 



Agis eis Wesmoinay, - 
YUKON ene Dwmo LAIR 
weErw Te) Ose. sxxrn= 
Tae peyrArn, * onxAn- 
Cee" ONS a Deo Tee pV 
eppemn » yun CvaTiCe 
aDUpEYe ToL, ¢ Jeygi~ 
TOY, ampoy ay Te ap- 
qepa Kesey als 
Aa Tepypuay on Tes. de- 
vg.) Comer apn 
cvougl@s “Ings. axue 
leeg xg lorlen CAXAN~ 
ale, nv Sexqgmrnyov 
cumepeuyya, © P de- 
vOugr pAUgonnya, xy 
oo t Ingey wemoe 
nya, > @ om oroyg au- 
73 emovougCopun, @ 
sl TH TA awd ¢ dy- 
Eys auts emenlua 
@ +2qumuce a} cOTe 
Suri, yu diya, @ 
Setaqs, x dyaereias 
ou OT and yuh, KO 
De Kgurey, € a DAPEUS - 
; Og. vUU @mego- 
@o2xt, a Ag tay o- 
cin» bthono zwy Tege- 

THs xy 

ky Thy Pena le eryvarn 

the Holy Apoftles. 

geenwicy veiw Te 
~ pj \9 ~ <s 
— Bed, Aa Snow Keres, 
: S vay autey anpSe- 
} ( ~ / > 
yovl@., ocucet yap egy 
ed eee oo, ¢ 
ULV Ol cepytepes” a1 
*) Epes UO, OL aIpEC- 
Evumeot’ © o: Adiny 
¢ ny ¢ ~ J 
uuwy, or yuu Algixovol, 
E of Auaqsvwxoyms v- 
~ ¢ ¥ \ » c 
lv, © ol dds, % ot 
mawes, a ALgnovor 
vuav, © a ynegt, @ 
c / A c > 
ey ao Szval, % Ol Op- 

Qdwoi yay o 4 TeTwy 

** ‘O’Emenor@., 
STON Agye AlgnovG,, 
‘ wagews’ Quad é, pa- 
gims Ose % vuov cw 
mls We9s AUT Ag- 
aecious TQ didkouc- 
AGs Caebcias’ 57T@Q. 
pt! Osov camp unay, 

MuderG. © mbug- 
TO. dwaQurnons vmgs 
eis Yossoiw’ ovr@s ape 
ov © nopupju@. UY. 
— ouTG@s unay Banads 
24 Suvasns our1G. v- 
peur ome @ecs po) 
 Ozcy, os ogead F ao 

for them For thefé are 
your High-Priefls, as the 
Presbyters are your Priefts, 
and your prefent Deacons 

inftead of your Levites; as— 

are alfo your Readers, your 
Singers, your Porters, your 
Deaconefles, your Widows, 
your Virgios, and your Or- 
phans : but he who is a- 
bove all thefe is the High- 

Tostwy dworep@. o wpyseodis box 

The Bifhop ; heisthe Mi- xxvn 

nifter of the Word, the Keep * 

er of Knowledge, the Me- 
diator between God and you 
in the feveral Parts of your 
Divine Worfhip: He is the 
Teacher of Piety: and, next 
after God, he is your Father, 
who has begotten you again 
to the Adoption of Sons by 
Water and the Spirit. He 
is your Ruler and Gover- 
nour ; He is your King and 
and Potentate; He is, next 
after God, your Earthly God, 
who has a Right to be ho- 

he Abys: V. 


«* Pag. 



fourd by you. For con- 
cerning Him, and fuch as 
He. it is that God pronounces, 

pat. luxxi. J have faid ye are Gods, and ye 

are all Children of the Moft 

ae xxli Ffigh. And, Ye /hall not [peak 

evil of the Gods. For let the 
Bifhop prefide over you as 
‘one honourd with the Au- 
thority of God, which he is 
to exercife over the Clergy, 
and by which he is to go- 
vern allthe People. But let 
the Deacon minifter to him 
as Chrift does to his Fa 
ther, and jet him ferve him 
unblameably in all things, 
as Chrift does nothing of 
himfelf, but does always 
thofe things that pleafe his 
Father. Let alfo the Dea- 4 
conefs be honour'd by you % 
in the Place of the Holy 
Ghoft, and not do or fay 
any thing without the Dea- 
con; as neither does the 
Comforter fay or do any thing 
of himtelf, bur gives Glory 
to Chrift by waiting for his 
Pleafure. And as we can 
not believe on Chrift with 

vucy keds d,orcwav’ 
D TOUTE ma Tay 
0 gi @Y auTay o Qeas 
eA gy" Eye re 
ese, Xo yor uig's me 
as Kol ees 8 xog- 
xoAoynoy s. iO:* 3 
bnroxor@. Degg Je 
Cédw voy, ws Gee 
aw Ein rapm@s, 2 x 
Lente 3 x)npt 1g 
S Ag. ordyeros apa o 
9) ) Aexov@. TW TE) T= 
ers, * ws 0 X exsus 
7) TATA y 4 AaTe- 
pel OTD, oy mo 
chee TTS ws x Ker 
0s ay sau aro. 
ou dey, Tos ct peste ole: 
aS mETeL aro. ty 
a GaxovG. eS TUT 
z ays mdiugl@. a- 
keurSw ovpar , ynder 
avd Says went 
Tem, > n @SSyop8un, ws 
ide o ahgxant@. ap 
Sante 11 Ag? & 7 TOL 
Dna dotalwr T Xee- 
soy aphid BS cue 
ew as + Xeigty ome 

1 bdAdyé.v. 2? ty, 

V. 'xgdamee ok Suyauas Te Cee. V. 12-¥ 

- ote 


the Holy Apoftles. 

5 Sbowy & yu FE ade 

| 4g1@. Oidkonarias , 
dams avd F JSGngns 

. end € peice meg ctw Ww 

yn Te) Ag X99 n Te 
Ehoncwe. of Te T peo 
Curent eis Tomy ney 
Tey SsvA wy Umiy ye= 
vopicdwacy. rdemnaAot 
2q-wovly Seon 

A ae 
WOlINS €- 

amen yoy 0 xVELG. T- 


Bway xa 

UGS Doser. wy eAEge 

. Topdl Seas gsr ds 

cure rtm TH eso, 
Band iCovrs aus eis 
30 Ovo. Te THT E95 x94 
a8 ue ney 3 aye awv6u- 
rel@- Orduaxontes ous 
mus mpety roy Tee One 
GreTeiraulw vuiy Al 

Fe oyna xg opQaval 

> “ey” 
7 4s qumy & Suaast 

Ef 8 AcropSwor}s viv. 

tre oobevor as THTTDY 
S * Sumiamess tele pxn- 

roe) s ey oom ba 

i arp Movi, wan ovla. 


, . 

Adin, meaevel acy 
am, 7 Tegce. Say es 

u \ / ” ro 

O Suoiasnesoy avd +e 
iS Y ~ 
LEpe 0s, STW xO umes 

 guoy. V. 2 deiunt. V. 

out the Teaching of the 
Spirit, fo let not any Wo- 
man addrefs herfelf co the 
Deacon or Bifhop without 
the Deaconefs. Ler the 
Presbyters be efiteem’d by 
you to reprefent us the Apo- 
{tles, and let them be. the 
Teachers of Divine Know- 
ledge; fince our Lord, when 

he fent us, faid, Go ye, and Mit. 

make Difciples of all Nations, 
baptizing them in the Name 
of the Father, and of the Son, 
and of the Holy Ghoft : teache 
ing them te obferve all things 
what foever I have commanded 
you. Let the Widows and 
Orphans be efteemd as re- 
pretenting the Altar of Burnt. 
offering: and let the Vir- 
gins be honourd as repre- 
fenting the Alcar of Incenfe, 
and the Incenfe it felf. 

As therefore it was not 
lawful for one of another 
Tribe, that was not-a Le- 
vite, to offer any thing, or 
to,approach the Altar with- 
out the Prieft; fo alfo do 


¥,* Pag, 



you do nothing without the 
Bifhop: For if any one does 

any thing without the Bi- 

fhop, he does it to no pur- 
pofe. For it will nor be 
efteem'd as of any avail to 

him. For as Sau/ when he 

had offer’'d without Samuel, 

tKing. Was tola, It will not avail 
xl. 136 for thee; fo every Perfon 
among the Laity, doing any 
thing without the Prieft, la- 
bours in vain. And as Uz 
ziah the King, who was not 
a Prieft, and yet would ex- 
ercife the Functions of the 
Priefts, was {mitten with Le- 
profie for his Tranfgreilion, 
{o every Lay-Perion {hall nor 
be unpunifhed who defpifes 
God, and is {fo mad as to af- 
front his Priefts, and unjutt- 
ly to {natch that Honour to 
himifelf; not imitating Chrift, 
Heb.v. 5. #0 glorify d not hinfelf to be 
made an Hieh-Prieff 5 but 
waited till he heard from 
PGl.cix. 4, his Father, The Lord fware, 
and will not repent, Thon art 

a Prieft for ever after the 

2 Chron. 

aid 73 Shhoyae um | 
Dev moras. 4 dB ksavdy . 
73 bhoxgre mid hk, 
es KTH mie aveap 
38 cum! es Foor ro- 
ydrice?). ws 40 Laour 
avsu a Damyenr DWeo- 
cevélyas, mevocy, ole’ 
peugeroiormy Cot Sw 
xa} ams Aaurgs av F 
lepeeos bamawy k, Uge- 
Tact Woya. xm ws ‘Us 
Cias o Banardis, oom 
wy tepdls ak may lepewy 
bai mA GY cAcmewln Ag 
ome nvoptidu, eT xd 
Tris Adings cou dhkpw- 
putT@. gry, ugaraPeoe 
yridhs @es, xc Tey awe 
qT uc G@ugves lepiov, 
xa) Th) Tuba & pron 
saute, pen pren(qwos - 
Xersor, os boy saucroy 
edvdace uechy cue a p= 
usps, Wa wet- 
Maever ax ¥ oDYy 73 TOs" 
T EDS: "Quwce wer@uy 
xay 8 peTmmeAndnce- 
amy. Cv tepdis es # 

_~ AA te 
cua ve x! FP roosiy MeA= 


* isptas. V. 



‘ist. Er ‘By aycl 
a3. mmerens O° Kesses 
& dé Fad « bunerUy ows 
clo <7 dw Sperry ean 
Gy eis iegounle, émhp 
pemlew) pn rqCovan o 
aStwoug moot npertlo 
vO, xo moc CHE Gey 
a Hgvess als tepdvow 
eSecw ; n 8) ot Kos 
perrey, eaerot ? Adi 
QvArs overs, mverie.u- 
Sot eoverm, emwacty- 
ms Maca © ’Acewr, 
6, Fo AS hag 
Awwwor; © AaSay € 
“ACaewy, Cavs 4o- 
mb nod es ty ade ; ? 
% pabd@s Bragsn(qore, 

Beress aH monary ~ 
dyooidyp , Ct a Cee 
neieornin fcak apase- 

pew aida ; 5 wmeg™ 
xe ev € UGS, adeA- 
‘go, mus Suoies- Uma 
nt Deprgoess ad ¢ = 
menor DEI OPEPELY ws 
2depes, mn dt saut@y 
sag AHS ALeeoveoy 

i nr 3,204 mus a 
athyats, © mats dxoGs, 
4 TMEKETIa AUT! wep 


=o OP fel Holy TApoRtes? 

Order of Melchifedek.. If 
therefore Chrift did not glo- 
rific himfelf without God the 
Father, how dare any Man 
thruft hiinfelfinco the Prieft- 
hood, who has noe receiv’d 
that Dignity from his Supe- 
rior > And do fuch things 
which ‘tis lawful only for 
the Priefts to do? Were for 

the Foliowers of Corah, even Numn.xvi. 

tho’ they were of the Tube 
of Levi, confum'd with Fire, 
becaufe they rofe up againtt 
Mofes and Aaron, and medled 
with fuch things as cid noc 
belong ‘to them? And Da- 
than and Abiram went down 
quick. into Hell ; 

to the Maane{s of the Mul- 
titude, and demonttrated who 
was the High-Prieft ordain'd 
by God. You ought there- 
fore, Brethren, to bring your 
Sacrifices and your Oblations 
to the Bifhop, as to your 
High-Prieft, either by your 
felves, or by the Deacons, 
and do you bring not thofe 
only, but alfo your Firtt- 
fruits, and your Tythes, and 
your Free-will Offerings to 


and the *,* Paz 
Rod that budded put a {tap "24:3 

Luk. xiv. — 



Him. For He knows who 
_ they arethat are in Adliction, 
and gives to every one as 
is convenient, that fo one 
may not receive Alms twice 
or oftner the fame Day, or 
the fame Week, while ano- 
ther has nothing at all. For 
‘tis reafonable rather to fup- 
ply the Wants of thofe who 
really are in Diftrefs, than 

of chofe who only appear to 
be fo. 

omnare” aie 9 " unde 
ox4 Tous BAs6 ophuuss 

4 6x cG-0) di don mess 
3 apg Cor, Omws jan 
‘i dis n mre seens ™ 
aur y nape, 1TH We 
7H e6dougds Agiee 
Going, eT p@u 4 ode 
oAws: Pinguoy gap 3 
HgMay ais BAG ophysors 
AUT a Anderew emmtup= 

“EVs TIS voyatoplars 
3 bribed. - 

S Evc. 3. XVI 

F any determine to invite 
elder Women to an En. 
tertainment of Love, or a 
Feaft, as our Saviour calls 
ir, Jer them mof frequentiy 
{fend to fuch an one, whom 
the Deacons know to be in 
DiftrefS. Buc ler what is the 
Paflors Due, I mean. the 
Firft-fruits, be fet apart in 
the Feat for him, even tho’ 
he be not at the Entertain- 
ment, as being your Prieft, 
and in Honour of that God 
who has entrufted him with 

ip Ose as ayumny, n 

Dogg la, as a 
see? wre ngot, Teor 
cupspwors + ga . 
mpeabureess, Li bhi 
Soyrey Ol Akgngvot BAe. 
Coppi, arn mAe- 
poerCedw 5 cv Ty db- 
un 3 Te) aronHi 5 6Si- 
[L0P. 9 Aeyw 3 dF a- 
Spaces aos Lepe, xg 

yn adn on doen s as 
mel Ges Te T lige 

~ Pad a & 
®oucas. Viv. ? 61GVe FN 

smonCopskvols. Ve 4 deelteV. 

Tia DUTTA elyerekaty- 

5 @0suov. V 





the Holy Apoftles: 

AOE Evan 3 incl oP 
— peobutidey Sidbrey 5 3 
SaAsy Dido als 
Aferxgv ots ee viens 
Keres. ols 4 mper~ 
Euréepis ws dy xomvoor 

Dene F Ndkoxgr: as: 

Agyov Skwenas''s Soran 
© eucois apoenCeidu ti a 

Poglen es yeionr ol a8 

weke DBmscray, ° 
| OF an7r* Qurdoseay, 
ds Cupbsarge "3 6h 
Cu9we, 4 Gaur noch 
SEDWOr’ Eiri 4D cwwe- 
Dezov © Burn ? éx- 
wanes. a 4 avay- 
yeors 64, Ag weCareres 
avis pgieny peidy 
es kuls rh megon 
mv wonvaws x) War- 
awdos, 3 mAwes. e- 
hee ev aciougk ot 
Adding: F Begameadps 
nubs veer ard 7 
als Dosis grr a, ry 
Biov © Cvregny. ean pe 
dws 4 * * Cvoyaerrar 
on) a. dpyerle: na 
| Be. eT aa npe TeV ct 
. Rerovrey mmgiverraiat , 

the Priefthood. But as much 
as is given to every oneof the 

elder Women, let double fo: 

much be given to the Dea- 
cons, in Honour of Chrift. 
Let alfo a double Portion be 
fer apart for the Presbyters, 
as for fuch who labour a- 
boat the Word and Dodtrine, 
upon the account of the A- 
poftles of our Lord, whofe 
Place they fuftain, as the 
Councellors of the Bifhop, 

and the Crown of the Church. 

For they are the Sanhedyim 
and Senate of the Church. 

If there be a Reader there, ° 

let him receive a fingle Por- 
tion, in Honour of the Pro- 
phets, and let the Singet and 
the Porter have as much. Let 
the Laity therefore pay pro- 
per Honours in their Prefents, 
and urmoft Marks of Reipect 
to each diftinct Order. But let 
"em not on all occafions trou 
ble their Governours, but let 
chem ‘fignifie their Defires by 
thofe whominifter ro him that 
is, by che Deacons, with whom 
they may be more-free. For 

 deeft. V. 
D2, tr 

tv. ? estoy. V. 


I 2 

y i. 
4," Pag 

Mal. it.7. 

mons in their hateful, 


neither may we addrefs our 
felves to Almighty God, but 
only by Chrift. In the fame 
manner therefore ler the Laity 
make known all their De- 
fires to the Bifhop by the 
Deacon, and accordingly. lec 
them act as he fhail direct 
them. For there was no holy 
thing offer’d or done in the 
Temple formerly without the 
Prieft: For the Prieft’s Lips 

fhall keep Knowledge, and they 

lhall feck the Law at his Mouth, 

as the Prophet fomewhere, 

fays, For he is the Meffenger. 3 
of the Lord Alinighty.~ For 
if the Worfhippers of De- 
minable, and impure Perfor- 
mances till this very Day * 
imitate the facred Rules; 
Cris a wide Comparifon in- 
deed, and there is a vatt 
Difiance between, their Abo- 
minations, and God's facred 
Worthip ; however) in their 
ludicrous Worthip. they nei- 
ther offer nor do any thing 
withouc their pretended 
Pricfts: But eftecem him as 

® deeft, V. 7 ¢yH@, Vav. 

renss SG S. Sim. 
AGW Oreos. us mL ov. 
rppnoraleSwoady, ohh 
yb Ty adproxesdttoes 
Oxy wepoen Sev boyy 
cp mn VG 78 Keen 
8. ST WS xj ol Aaiyoe 
may TO. o(% BovAgveey, 
Sy 1 Algnore gas 
veen Td  bhaxoTre@ 
muatwodp, % ete x5} 
OS doxev cnenw boat, 
Aemo(qy. oak Teg 
Teeoy CP Te) epg) apie. 
aoa Wey TPE PET o 
n ey ive avy & 16 
pews ean pi Lepews 
gurd Seray Wy oay é. 
yougy exCntmaeny ¢ én & 

song. aut, gist 
Te 0 aH eo gnTns’ “OTE 
as frG. WERE WYT O* 
HEAT ODS. boy". Er ms} 
x) ot ru dex ugveay de: 
exmdumy, c Cy. TpIs. muR 
mepis x. Bdavrois 
rat ang ScpTols. Depo 
73 deo TH ana fet> 
wer’ © ugxedy pip 
bon ouluetoews 3 Ed e~ 

Avy KG 

as a ‘ 
a | & 4 
i Bs 

a ’ 

ae ¥ 

Avg xenerehcSas Tey 
ayia mrlu cy. rots 

LMU Y UGA auToy, 

j abd 73 umepiws excl 

i 2a 

@mepopipsow, cide 
TiAvow, Ma soug vo- 

feiCeor may Aicwy * 

peptic, Des puovees a 
meg seid MOL ety aUTols, 
é TV Tey ot ay y DEY 
En aorats, Cnelva bon 
maAga, © avd avre 
mrotisary sey, xj Tipe 

OW eum t unepec, © 

oeiiy eure nye.) 3 

ovopa, as mul Toy 

ax} Useay Sodtvev, %j ds 
Aenea Toy ‘mroyneo 

ev dyger oy. a ev cue- 

yor pgitmia x * dye- 
Lac Qua" SocaCovars, 

Ber abet Bebaip & 

ortes Y eauTay erAwie 

ot, bri mdsbuct petpeet- 
Sey me aye” mot 
Sing.toy UNgis Ts gan 
yorumy mw x a} db- 
On came eras, * 

the Holy Apoftles. 

the very Mouth of their Idols 
of Stone, waiting to fee what 
Commands he will lay upon 
them. And whatfoever he 
commands them, that: they 

y and wichout him they 
do nothing; and they ho- 
nour him their pretended 
Prieft, and cfteem his Name 
as venerable in honour of 
lifelefs Statues, and in order 
to the Worfhip of wicked 
Spirits. If thefe Heathens 
therefore, who give Glory 
to lying Vanities, and place 
their Hope upon nothing that 
is firm, endeavour to imitate 
the facred Rules, how much 
more reafonable is it that 
you, who have a moft cer- 
tain Faith, and “undoubted 
Hope, and who expect glo- 
rious, and eternal, and ne- 
ver-failina Promifes, fhould 
honour God in thofe fet a- 
ver you, and efteem your Bi- 

fhopto be the Mouth of God > 

zydoEov @ alevioy' r aedraiwroy era S a4) id amex de 
aves, TLC Ae Tey DegeswT My wWesor FT Ozov, ale- 

Pees SULA Cet a evey res bhhaoxores 5 

I etsucptya. V. 

f defunt. \ Vv. 

13 For 

For if Aaron, becaule he 
declar’d to Pharaoh the Words 
of God from Mofes, is calld 
a Prophet ; and Mofes him- 
{elf is call’d a God to Pha- 
yaoh, on account of his, 
ing at once a King anda 

High-Prieft, as God fays to 
him, J heve made thee a God 
to Pharaoh, and: Aaron thy 
Brother fhall be thy Prophet ; 
why do not ye alfo efteem 

the Mediators of the Word. 

to be Prophets, and reverence 
them as Gods? 

For now the Deacon is te ‘ 

you Aaron, and the Bifhop 
| Mofes. \f therefore Mofes was 
called a God by, the Lord, 
let the bithop. be honour’d 
among you as a God, and 
the Deacon as his Prophet. 
For as Chrift does nothing 
without his Father, {fo nei- 
ther does the Deacon do any 
thiag without his Bithop: 

And as the Son without his 
Father is nothing, fo is the 

Deacon nothing without his’ 

Bifhop ; 

and as the Son is 


Ei .’Aapev ¢ ere | 
oy nleynre Ta) baena 
ahy Mogens Tes Ao- 
Y le men pris PNT, 
Moons 3, Ogos B ba- 
CHW, tes Banrdis ¢ ops 
é cengepdls ws gua 
9 Qeos megs ava 
Ozoy ToELAg Ce as 
Paenw, c "Aaewy 0 és 
adingas ae. ecty oe Tep- 
pnms: Ae be pane U- 

els. T3s preg Ges U uRgY S. 
Aays. wEesynGs avay 
youione, GC ws Qevs 
ccbadnodes 6 | 

* «Nuys ‘ie ie » Be 
o “Aaepy. bay 0 “Sou 
y@., Mavens. 3 0 éhia- 
xoT@.. et BY eppean 

2 ~—y )? € ty, / 
Movow wae nels 
@zos’, @ Upiy o bésha- 

19m Gx as Oeoy TTI 
wnoru, Go Yoenor@s ws 
DegPnens auTe. ws 
0 y Xen sos | dpdl $ z eiless 


dey ample, SWS GEdkO 
Agno: ay du g thho- 
OTs Cw woes yas dud 
g TT E05 osm eS, ¥- 

mus edt nor cy dl 

_ # defunt. v 7 diy. V. 

yt 0 “Aacay EIT H: V, 


the Holy Apoftles. 

re bmonga" @ a aomep 
Namggews' uds oe 

© TFs Asinovas é emo 

nou C ciarmrep o Yos 
eel args box 2) mespires 

ametess, Stws © 6 
ona aslyra@ @ 

a@eoonms bh 2 iho- 
nore. dro @ mG. “re 
bhimAswWa ver a- 
eas ke, ee oaun a 
bhongrp Saved,” @ 
chi eure TeAEeSw 

| 7 SE 
yess 4) opoletrw ) 
CuwoAgy avd vB 
CHiexbire, pnd TI's 
Adirw re ard fe Cnete 
ve qeuns ed ~ Gs 
GAC ope kevas agbon 
7 bhoxore ADO keys, 
es Aoidberdy % bhe- 
OTe dood, 48 AegGar- 
Aq away ws cb wee ve 
“Tay BACopdear’ 0 2 
Ehioxomvy n Aoye n 
epy@) KgKOAOYAY, Cee 
mega Ti4, Go axe- 
ous auTe anawTG.° 
Ores & yexoroyncys. 


{ubje& to’ his Father, fo is 
every Deacon fubjeét to his 
Bifhop ; and as the Son is 
the Meflenger and Prophet 
of the Father, fo is the Dea- 
con the Meffenger and Pro- 
phet of his Bifhop. Wherefore, 
let all things that he is to do 
with any one be made known 
to the Bifhop, and be finally 
order’d by him. 


L=T him not do any thing *%*!- 

at all without his Bifhop, 
nor give any thing wichout 
his Confent. For if he gives 
to any one as to a Perfon in 
Diftrefs, without the Bifhop’s 
Knowledge, he gives ict fo 
that ic muft tend to the Re- 
proach of the Bifhop, and he 
accufes him as carele{s of the 
Diftrefled. But he that cafts 
Reproach on his Bifhop, ei- 
ther by Word or Deed, op- 
pofes God, not hearkening 

to what he fays, Thou fhalt a xxi. 

not {veak Evil : the Gods, * 

aq. v. 3 deeft. V, 

I4 For 

Pfal Ixxxi. 




For he did not make that 
Law concerning Weities of 
Wood and of Stone, which 
are abominable, becaufe they 
are fallely call'd Gods-;) but 
concerning the Prieits and 
the Judges, to whom Ged 
alfo faid, Ye are Gods}. and 
Children of the Moft Hizh. 

if therefore, O- Deacon, 
thou knoweft anyone to be 

in Diftrefs, put the Bifhop in 

mind of him, and fo give to 
him; but do nothing ina 
clandeftine way, may 
tend to.his Reproach, left 

- thew raife a Murmur.again 
him... For the Murmur will Te" ¢ yp ROT sre 0 ‘ gol 

Wi umb, 
xu §. 

xvi, 8. 

not be againft him, but a- 
gainft the. Lord God: And 
the Deacon, with, the reft, 
will, hear. what 4aro# and 
Miriam heard, when they 
{pake againtft Moles, Elon is 
jt that ye were not afraid to 
fpcak againft my Servant Mo- 
fes? And again, , Moles. ays 
to thofe who role up againtt 
him, Your Murmuriag is wot 
againft us, but again the Lord 
cur God, For if fie that calls 

Aguove , j 

Ou 5 we. Ailey on 
cu Amy Simla: 
Tov CWO ugher4,dAun- 
Trav, * ovrwv Se 

4 Borage, ances 
TOY sbeptoor x Toy 
nection, 018 8 ATE, OTE 
deol &, 4 yor utis 

Ges vin sy » 
Ei ¢ ey yeshones é 

Bai cpuav 
Tivos, Namie a 
TT OKONDY, xT@ duds" 
Ma jan ra besios es 
Aadbehav avrg om boie 
Tend; ive un xorangs 
oqo eyetpus RT au~ 


‘a venags yeuncerey,, IA 

Loe mere a3 @eov, G 
cinsaerey 0 6 YoxorG.@. 

ot DOtTe) as Aaggy 
om Magia RTA 
Tos oo haruhi UG 
ame Aor Anory ae \ "Measa 
re a el [LB 5 
Ka amar aums Ma- 
ous Ono Trois bchouvary ° 
bacw airs’ Ov 
Wes myeay 0 olqua- 

3 deel, V. 


Paty... ES obs daar 


the Holy ‘Apoftles. 

Oe 2.6.0 3g 
Hgs.* UMm@Y ery, SMe 

1) gwele 1B Ces. a- 

2» we ‘ 3\ ne 

3 ! cof 

c.f. cp aw 
ub eros. & 7B Kerrs 
a Ne AT Se ” 
OVO, Thy” > atts 

> } a 
ugt bmoKoTs. Ean 5 

3-5. ayoy ovddug 6. 
ov « Ho ¢ 

BM Co rwocy 

mer@y * ex!" tay edo 

way CU TH NeLep-TETICh 
cet, / " 

di. s eyo Oby Ug. Tey, 

pag.cmg.t, ©. Oey 

= u Cinh. 2 

Soy: mremg-bUite. TE, bbe 
ey Siite vam Qez, JS 
S eobeayiaute Fagin 
LALA GEMS 24 Lupa 
CUuETEHSs..d 1% ual Das 
ans dwedey Onze, dt g 
weeOr cv, 72) poole cjaca 
ungy Ty 8 bmoxsme 
yeep eaten eprucers 
2D EXg.sov Uy T Lee sy 
eLereive gow, Aequr 

Lios ps a Cv, 0 nI- 
peesv yep 4. Qia 

ne bmonows oe 0 Ogos 
LOmBLeR TOY oe, av) owe" 
ow WerCE Ye, % dead 
¢ pMTées W, gepy F 

one of the Laity Rak, or Mat.y23 
Fool, fhall not be unpunifh’d, 

as doing Injury to the Name 

of Chriit, how dare any Man 
{peak againft his Bifhop, by 
whom the Lord gave the Ho- 

ly Spirit among you upon #,* Pag 
the laying on of his Hands, 744 
by whom. ye have learn’d 

the facred Doé¢trines, . and 

have. known God,.and have 
believ’d in Chrift, by whom 

ye were known of God, by 
whom ye were fealed with 

the Oil of Gladnefs, and the 
Ointment of Underftanding, 

by whom ye were declar’d 

to be the Children of Light, 

by whom othe Lord. in your 
tumination, teliified by the 
Impoiition “of the Bifhop’s 
Hands, ana fent out his fa- 

cred. Voice upom ¢very,.one 

of you, faying, Zhou art my Palit 7; 
Sov, this Day have I begotten 

thee. By thy Bilhop, O Man, 

God adopts thee for his Child. 
Acknowledge, O Son, that 
Right Hand whieh was a 
Mother to thee. Love him 
who, after God, is become 

I deeft.V. fdeeft, ¥. 3 aretoijag v. + deft, V, 


Exod. XX. 

x¥1, 17. 


a Father to thee, and honour ; 


For if ie Divine Oracle ) 

fays concerning our Parenis, 
according to thé Fleth, © Ho- 
nos thy Father andthy Mother, 
that it may be well with thee. 
And, He that turfeth his Fa- 
ther or his Mother, let him die 
the Death; how much mote 
fliould the Word exhort you 
to honour your ‘Spiritual Pa- 
rents, and to love them as 
your Benefactors and Ambaf- 
fadors' with God, who’ have 

_ regenerated’ you ‘by Water, 

and endued: you’ with the 
Fulnefs of the Holy’ Spirit, 
who have fed you with the 
Word as with Milk, who 
have nourifh’d you with Do- 

rine, who have confirm’d Ge 

‘you by their Admonitions, 

who have imparted to you 
the faving ‘Body and preci- 
ous Blood of Chrift, who 
have loofed you from your 
Sins, wlhto have made you 
Partakers of the holy and 
facred Eucharift, who have 

~ ¥ deeft. V. 2 déeft. V, 

uy Qeov “ght os 

Ei ch ee ev 
oop Ng. qpvewy ‘Quel rey 

3 Seay Agyov Ting 

Aoyiv mares nun 
nea Savdty mrs 
7s Vg Tiki np- 
yey UiKiv O ) AVVO 7a 
estiveoy lepmeuy auras, 
#; sepnfiy; ws Sepyies: 
x) \ arpeo€ dumtis < areps 
Oeoy, Tes? Oi -vPIOs 
Uns adraRunody Ge, 
Tes TS dyin Trduygle 
mrneso rby es, Tes md 
Aoyw YooAge eT eDg nowy 
, wes cy tH dyde- 
oxgnria dyalperdaphius 
THs OV F veleoias on: 
engavGs, Tes Te cwM- 
ers cwngl@. © F n- 
pis ayal@. at Esa eave 
THs | *Uugs’, Tes a) 
a pSomey Avodras, 8g 
T aylas % cess sci 

3 dao. V. * decft. v, 



elas ervey ys mon 

apes, © eral yer 
Aas Gee yowares 
@. aluAnepvouss de- 
peeves UGS 5: retes o- 
Ae Fephyot legire mys. 
mpious | mgs Sol 
abet Cea Cots 2 Sm" 
vars zuaidy aAnga wed OtsygCav res 
aponinges C xg2ad\- 
waGew aS Sevary mu 

ens. awvie, 4 Ave e- 

0 Teres a pyovres u- 
pov % Banaras nye- 
Day vomiCent, %j duo 
Bes. os Banrdia Tep- 
opepere eG ULgY ~ 
QUT és “ae y mes Cuwol- 
HES. ousTaY aeepedey 
pl» ws Bapeunr de 
macare megs T Agov 
wer 73 Ramartws, ov > 
Th TyTN T T Bamarccy, 
¥ ise: arr mS te 
pea, \? cy mS Adul- 
Qs Saw @ iis | Upy 
a} TS emo TW 
soci a yp 

ry Cwonorery auTes. " 

the Holy Apoftles. 

admitted you to be Partakets 
and Fellow- Heirs of the Pro- 
mife of God; reverence thefe, 
and honour’ them with all 
kinds of Honour ; for they 
have obtain’d from God the 

Power of Life and Death, in* 

their judging of Sinners, and 
condemning them to the 
Death of Eternal Fire, as al- 
fo of loofing returning Sin- 
ners from their Sins, and of 

or — to a new 

Reschita thefe worthy to be xyxry. 

efteem’d your Rulers and 
your Kings, and bring them 
Tribute, as to Kings. For by 
you they and their Families 
ought to be maintain’d, as 
Samuel made Conftitutions 

for the People concerning a King: 
King, inthe Firft Book of “ii 

Kings, and Mofes did fo con- 
cerning Priefts in Leviticus: 
Sodo we alfo make Confti- 
tutions for you concerning 
Bifhops. For if there the 
Multitude diftributed the in- 
ferior Services in Proportion 

I Sayers 4 Bamacs. V. 

2 deeZ V. 

3 deeft. V, : 
‘ t0 



to fo great a King, ought™ 
not therefore the Bifhop much 

. more now to receive of you | 
" thofe things which are deter- 

mind by God for the Sufte- 
nance of himfelf, and of the 
feft of the Clergy belonging 
to.him; butif. we may add 
So tahag farther, let the Bi- 
fhop receive more than the 
other receiv'd of old: For he 

the 5o.diery, , bei 
ed with War an 

dies; but. the! other is in- 

_rufted with the Exercife of 

the Prieftly Officein relation ! 
to.God, in order to preferve 
both Body and Soul from 
Dangers. By..bhow — guch 
therefore the Soul is more 

valuable. tha «the Body, 

fo: much the Prieftly Of- 

fice. is beyond the Kingly. 

For it binds and loaofes thofe 
that are worthy of Punith- 

‘ment or of Remiflion. Where- 

fore you ought to love the 
Bifhop as your Father, and 

fear him as your King, and 

i deeft. Y. 

vam itn $ ) @es” 

eae. DONE NG 

cna wAnt@s miners | 
Banrtes Awargzis res 
ty “vmupecias edd uy mo 
oo UgrAOP yt - © vp 
0 eriaxom@s Ag Sain 
very opeiad ay UuGY 
ci) werousz,mers Sf 
reogls OTE "Te x) ays 

ou outs nAnencan 5 5 
a ada G4 Th wero 
only managed, the; Affairs of . 

Seinvegp ad Ayo. wav 

BT Ge Act pREdwerw, a 

ee me 
the Prefervation of bec B0- 

cnevG. B Te CnOY" °O 

jaye spake worxg: Have 
y@ a= 
plusleo Moubodel wy Qe 

cs" guraniv Cone 
THY, 0 4 vt as Qéov te- 
ewounlus, Cons sLu- 

haan eaireSu@ “Avs 

Sudwve cow spiruy aLu- 

un Coual®. xparthor, 
MIvTH leewouty Be 
areas’ deerudud 8 ai- 
7 x) Auf Tes TYweras 
napecews alivs, dio % 
emo %o mov TEpyuy om 

Merete ws MUTELS, Qo- 

Cadey ws Panrta, be- 
~w ¢ 
[LL WS WesOry THE 

. SS 


Ts a Holy Apoftles. 

repr van 2) G ep 

yu. TH greeny UO as 
dagyidue U ay TOT PE- 

eovTes ow Tae Tas a 
aus Ups Ga ees ding 
Gs Uma, 5 TH apa 
PEER TH vmoy, Cm 
diex yar SiSbys 
eum ws 1epe + Oe, a 
oa bus Cite, oive, a 

Aaie, omwens, ‘epeas’, 

6 Osos emagpnryes v- 
Mins % escy Corn Teese 

poest os deeTn as oc- 
piv Uwdias were red 

Oo ov, % diagy tot 

wer. me tp ap 

LCGY ‘0a; 4 mrAnsuve: 


am ayidu T os oe 
sity dbroyia eis Ke- 
Qarlku.8 parodrdoyans. 


Skic YT. 

xX” 4: Lugs pave: 

/ oHeY, omt ai @ 
éjjdoary unas mer@s 
 @ derAeas F eneicen- 
Tv Sequin, % a 
ih Opes es cra oE, 

» tumnal’ Fruits, 
8 myroy. ay were 

honour him as your Lord; 
bringing to him your Fruits 
and the Works of your Hands, 
for a Bleffing upon you, gi-’ 
ving to him your Firft-fruits 
and your Tythes, and your 
Oblations, and your Gifts, 
as to the Prieft of God; the 
Firft-fruits of your Wheat, 
and Wine, and Oil, and Au- 
and Wool, 
and all things which the Lord 
God gives thee; and thy Of 
fering fhall be accepted as a 
Savor of a {weet Smell to the 
Lord thy God ;-and the’Lord 
will ble(S the Works of thy 
Hands, and will multiply the 

good things of thie Land. For Prov, xi. 

a Blefing is upon the Head of >* 
him that giveth, 


| Now you ought to know XXXY. 

thac altho’ the Lord has 
deliver’d you from the Ad- 
ditional Bonds, and has 
brought you out of them to 
your Refrefhmefit, and does 

2 GAAS. v. 



Prov. Xv, 

not permit you to. facrifice 
irrational Creatures for Sin- 
Offerings, and Purifications, 
and Scape-Goats, and conti- 
nual Wafhings, and Sprink- 
lings, yet has he no where 

freed you from thofe Obla-* 

tions which you owe to the 
Priefts, nor from doing good 

to the Poor. 

For. the Lord 

fays to you in the Gofpel, 

Unlefs your Righteoufne{s a- 

bound more than that of the 
Scribes. and Pharifees, ye fhall 

by no. means enter into the 

Kingdom of  FLeaven. 


herein will your Righteouf- 
nefs exceed theirs, if you 

take greater Care of the 

Priefts, the Orphans, and che 
_ Widows: As it is written, 
Plalext9. F7¢ hath fcattered abroad, he 
hath given to the Poor, his 
Righteoufnels remaineth for-e- 


And again, By Ads of 

Righteoufne{s and Faith Ini- 
quities are purged. And a- 
xi, 25. gain, Every bountiful Soul is 

bleffed. So therefore . fhale. 

thou do as the Lord has 
appointed, aad. fhalt give to 

* defunt. V, a Vv. 

wnnile ences tgs Qvew 
BAG ya Cun SK aphr- 
key, x undwesgns, @ 
emmy, Cs Ave 
Tegy CUE; % Wesp> 
pawmneswr’ & dnre xy 
TW ecmoeay ungs eAdu- 
Stemoev, ay cHEAETE 
avis iepVat, © aw as 
Tes deo wus dvaroiicy. 
Ae ~ 0 nmerG@. Upety 
cy Ty) Malyrin’ "Eas 
wn werosdion vpay a 
Okyglocuun IAG OV TD 
(civ, ¢ un eaocrAdnte 
as T Banredw top 
écavay. Quaws ay wAgo~ 
vacd n dtxgtocuwy v= 
pray, cv TW mAgoy te 
Mas Trepvoidy omLEtey 
Te Leptwy, %j Tey op- 
gdwer, © Tey synepy, 

Ti mdprav Sour" 

¢ ‘ oa / 
tus yéngarnay Foxops 
7 _™ ‘ 
matey, edwue mols Te 
ynoy, Jingiocusn 
curs Wud > ets’ res aned= 
A / " 
vas. Kay ama’ Enens 
/ A ‘ > 
PGTUUOAS 2 Triseoiy D70~ 
ApovIieo Toy cpp Tiay, 

*. © the Holy Apoftles.: 

Ky CrLALy’ Pug due 
Aolap Wn mee aorrn 
! > \ 
Ovarws, by moviogs. Ce, 
we ‘i 
cs Sigler" dG 
AY ¥ ww ¢ ~ 
Facto" #, doays TH 1€pe 
‘ei > ce 
\ @ Y 
acosy bus AAWIOS 24 AN- 
ye@ Beianapkay, ws 
— peoity ©¢s © twy deo- 
poy ay xolapaews xj TH 
: ’ 1Vg Q / 
esiancews. a8 & P didb- 
yay Wegannd o1ygvomey 
~ >" 
4 Sueyov,aTe olxovopgy 
4) Diokunmy Toy Cxxnrn- 
aasnav ToalugrTay. 
pW tot Agye-dlals oe 
+ btionomev, oud’e mee 
‘ i ] 
exmpnay ST OlXovoKeidy 
- eurs, ws ChnaAa, n 
amr, ntiov, na, i 
e&. UAWS, z Qwraws, 
/ * ' 
bh dtovrrws. ed ~ Ag- 
B 4, \ ‘oN 
ys wero t Oeov T 
> b) \ 
xcaerad Ge. es. aus 
~ > ™ > 
YHeKs auTs. T o1novo- 
— Bidy. ranm, CG xg 

/ > 4 A\ 
melwgavim wry 

" . 
wa pe 

J [P COA MaN 2q¢ 
18 Oeod pe€ oy, 

“gmho roe peepevnp Gy 7 

to the Prieft what things are 
due to him, the. Firft-fruits 
of thy Floor, and of thy 

Wine-prefs, and Sin-offerings, *.* Pag. 
as to the Mediator between 74° 

God and fuch as fltand in 
need of Purgation and For- 
givenefs. For ’tis thy Duty 
to give, and his to admini- 
fter, as being the Adminia 
{trator and Difpofer of Eccle- 
fiaftical Affairs. Yer thale 
thou not call thy Bifhop to 
Account, nor watch his Ad- 
miniftration,. how he does 
it, when, or to whom; ‘or 
where, or whether he do. it 
well or ill, or indifferently, ; 
for he has one who will call 
him to an Account, the Lord 
God, who put this Admini- 
{tration into his Hands, and 
thought him worthy of the 
Pricfihood of fo great Dig- 

€ / ™ ? / 
Lepwcuuns 3 AMALKETY TOT. 

. Seen XIX 
HyAave before thine Eyes xxXvi 

“.-* the Fear of God, and 
always remember the. Ten 


Commandments of God. To 
Jove the One and Only Lord 
God with all thy Strength; 

to give no heed’ to Idols, or 
any other Bei''gs, as being 
lifelefs Gods, or irrational! 
Beings, or Demons. Confi- 
der the manifold Workman- 
flip of God, which receiv'd 
its Beginning through Chrift. 
‘Thou fhale obferve the Sab- 
‘bath, on account of him who 
ceafed from his Work of 
Creation, but  ceafed not 
from his Work of Providence : 

“Tis a Reft for Meditation 
of the Law, not for Idlenefs 
of the Hands. Reject every 
unlawful Luft, every thing 
deftructive to Men, and all 
Anger. Honour thy Parents, 

as the Authors of thy Being. 
Love thy Neighbour as thy 
felf. "Communicate the Ne- 
ceflaries of Life to the Needy. 
Avoid {wearing falfly, and 
{wearing often, and in vain, 
for thou fhalce not be held 
guiltlefs. Do not appear be- 
fore the Priefls empty, and 
offer thy Free-will Offerings 


DERG 73 Oc Aoyitoy. 
bye ay wderov $ @eov 
teva © Hovoy & : 
# iqu@s'. pene 
vege eidirots, 7 n now 
emeepls, ws eoIs aan 
q91s. n aA GHpIS, n dorm 
root. yivwoke Snr 
epyidy Geo Alepo- 
@07, ctpo las Ag. Fecdp. 
SG Kees, €°GE- 
Canes Ae YT meio 
pluov pu & mL, g 
menscauyor 3 448 

voay, GEC alecucy fik- 

' AA U >: ~ 

3 / ~ a of ’ 
apyicw. macay exve- 

, ; 1 f 
‘HOY EMmOUIAiay eorwoRy 

THOU Auplus av bot 
Ag press api egmar, ; 
TAO Opyn. Opvets 
tiug, 0: abttis wer . 
Chws. ayara TT ANH 

t c 4 : 

veord Bis erois deopRJors. 
emopx ip 2 aroAuop- 
Kiow UGTeULOY od yf, & 

oP cdwwdie re [An O= 
Oins why mols epoca 

HEVOS, @ | ExVOrEL od 


ou. V. 

3 . 

the Holy “Apotttes 

ro. ie 
hy Ft Ketcod cxnrn- 
elas en RWpArres, op- 
WV ( > > ‘ ° \ 
Celov cs wale wey 
ree: \ 7 Ud 
Tors epys, © merry 
aaa ia lg 5) \ 
tasé-as as aptly &- 
' p) _~ ~*~ 
; Tru, Ayers cay Ow 
© al sv ah) ae 
aap oy Ca t Colw 
/ > J, > 
Hee! Sey. Epypmrg cv 
Aue, xomz, Deg 
ae Ie, ’ ‘ f 
OPEpe Welw TH Exvore 
> TE | : \ \ 
o. Tings, ona, * 
t took 2 \ v Pu 
swenov am (gy dix asap 
ovev, * a” cis ¥ xop= 
Caydy >t Suvcory Ber- 
m) , 
Dev, xav xatverd “ 
mis. Egvois fv, n dbo, 
/ ‘ 
D Were Aetrau® Suc 
vw 5 f 
ele Cautd F tecnoy 
; Oy 2h 
TATU, Oy 8TE Crs, ete 
uAgmoy Auug.vouuTeY. 
~ 4 , 
E miov stm, pinner 
Mone f / ava N 
vay t bticKomy o8 1 
oe \ Ee} 
Craraingv’? edu 9 ner 
\ a \. 
vis T adtAgov, xEet- 
‘ams enue, pemazvos Ce 
f ~ 
MOVE ore us * ols 
x cf > ; ‘ 
SS ispduny éeweresm 
j di 
%eLVaY pgvoLs: OTL Epn- 
> a 4 / 
my was’ Kesug due 
; * x U ‘ A 
yg.iov”.” xewaTe Key 
mAw' Livede Tegae 

continually. Moreover, dé 
not leave the Church of 
Chrift, but go thither in the 
Mortiing before all thy work; 
and apain mect there ih the 
Everiing, to retutn Thanks 
to God that He has preferv’d 
thy Life. Be diligent, and 
conf{tant, and laborious in 
thy Calling. Offer co the 
Lord thy Free-will Offerings ; 

for, fays He, Honour the Lord 

with the Fruit of thy honeft 
Laboirs. \f thou art not a- 

Prov.iii. ¢; 

ble to caft any thing confi- 

derable into the Corban, yet 
at leaft beftow upon the 
Sttangers orie or two, or five 
Mites, Lay up to thy felf 

Fleavenly Treafure, whith nei=~ 

ther the Moth nor Thieves can 
deftroy: And in doing this, 
do not judge thy Bifhop, or 
any of thy Neighbours a- 
mong the Laity ; for if thou 
judge thy Brother, thou be- 
comeft a Judge, without be- 
ing conftituted fuch by any 
body ; for the Priefts are on 

Matt. vig 

ly intrufted with the Powef #*. Pzg: 

of Judging. For to them it 

* deefts y. 

29 Myaras Barrop, xaveves. al. V. v. 

K ig 

247 « 




Deut. is (aid, Fudge righteous Fude- 

16. ment; and again, Approve 

bib vio your felves to be exact Money- 

dectt, changers. For to you this is 

not intrufied. For, on the 

contrary, it is faid to thofe 

who are not of the Dignity 

_ of Magiftrates or Miniiters, 

Lukv137 Fydee not, and ye [hall not be 

Cimy OvxAyt Taiy 
1 WD Gon TeTenTaCy 
Tavdpkov yp epnrey ris 
ecw & atone l@., $ 
dine.sine, 7 Adu cnerAt- 
xe” amrapoytor Mn 
xekvete, © 3 en xEA 

SzcT. XX. 

XXXVI. QUT ‘tis the Duty of the 

=“ Bifhop to judge rightly. 
Job. vi. As it is written, Judge righ- 
#4 teous Judgment ; and elfe- 
where, Why do ye not even of 
your [elves judge what is right ? 
Be ye therefore as skilful 
Dealers in Money: For. as 
thele reject bad Money,. but 
take to themfelves what is 
current ; in the {ame man- 
ner tis the Pifhop’s Duty to 
reiain the Unblameable, but 
either to heal, or, if they be 
pail Cure, to caft off thofe 
that are blame-worthy,: fo as 
not to be hafiy in cutting 
off, nor to believe all Accu- 

O'N ps co Bhie- 

nom da xefe 
vey opllas, xondws 9e-- 
seammey’ Thy dingiay 
xekow xozvere’ Ka dA 
agye Ti 4 @ ag 
cute & xeueTe (9 dia 
ngiov 5 Tivede ev as 
apywesvongt bmngnyg- 
Ta Qawvag oS vomice 
UGTev amoxeveot, Tee 
4 Sou. olxetey rey’ va 
way dn testy C 
onic Kom aes rot i 
5 thymus 1 Seen 
mbvav, 1 piers va- 

a | 

1$$.V. 2 defunt. V7. 

Or TH 

lie. Holy Apoftles: 

pen erousyéws nome, pm 
Dz ols Sm mote me-dudy’ 
Unwed gdp mas xo 
Mo Cirgy 1 pdavoy 
yore TIVO» adK%rAgod 
eysnne, Ldn xom- 
/ é eq? 
Hoeldw, #5 a! dvo T peo 
Curept bat Zwadjayns 
cw Babvaonu, © A 
Aiguaia 6m ‘red | Tw 
mo. Cv a ws Oeod 
dw) eer Gs Tb TOL Te 
\ / f 
Kn Degsveipws mpg de- 
v2, iva jan a verns T 
aSwoy x WoeTewns T 
Aiyglov. 0 99 moianTe 
mbg dine dey erAwy, op: 
ns matin 621 Ugirroy 7 
cS aaah Fis alee 
epluns Ome 2%) opye, 
Cue 0 wer Gow esiv" 
np opyn 48! Sarava 
nar prec DiAn, Atyw 
3,1 moe D dDingiov 
suvepon Ao. a 1d- 
OuEA@wy 20a0te a: 
Dina \ Wuedz ougvoldw 
2m aonovtes Tes tLe 
Tes aDeoves, EQLSUS, 
3 Cnrwarts 5. * yaupear- 
(1gt.V. 208. 


fations ; for it fometimes hap: 
pens that fome, either thro’ 
Paflion, or Envy, do infift on 
a falfe Accufation again a 
Brother, as did the two §l- 

ders in the Cafe of Sufznma pan. xin 
in Babylon, and the Feyprian Gen xsxig 

Woman in the Cafe of Fo- 
fepb. Do thou therefore, as 
a Man of God, not rathly 
receive fuch Accufations, left 
thou take away the [nno- 
cent, and flay the Righte- 
ous: For he that will receive 
{uch Accufations is the Au- 
thor of Anger rather than of 
Peace... But where there is 
Anger, there the Lord is 
net. Forthat Anger, which 
is the Friend of Satan, | mean 
that which is excited unjuit- 
ly by the. means of Falfe- 
Brethren, never fuffers Una- 
nimity to be in the Church. 
Wherefore, when you know 
fuch Perfons to. be -foolith, 
quarrelfome, paifionate,, and 
fuch as delight in Milchief, 
do notjgive Credit rothem, 

but obferve {uch as they are, 

when: you hear any thing 

vy. 2 deelt. v. 4 Stra cecngines. V. v. 

K 2 from 

Kvill. 15. 

Prov. xiv. 





from them againft their Bro- 
ther; for Murder is nothing 
in their Eyes, and they cait 
a Man down in fuch a way 
as one would not {ufped. 
Do thou therefore confider 
diligently the Accufer, wife- 
ly obferving his Converfa- 
tion, what, and of what fort 
it is; and in cafe thou findeft 
him a Man of Veracity, do 
according to the Dodtrine of 
our Lerd, and taking him 
who is accufed, rebuke him, 
that he may repent, when no 
body is by. Bur if he be 
not perfwaded, take with 
thee one or two more, and 

fo fhew him his Fault, and Eo 

admonifh him with Mildnefs 
and Infiru@tion : For Wifdom 
will reft upon an Fleart that is 
good, but is not underftood in 
the FLeart of the Foolifh. 

ugues', en ong-duere 
owrols’ Ya %4 eaBge Th 
peice Tes Gieres, a= 
xeovTes TL OS wTeY 
uo aderge OTL oedky 
ow OpcAUgIS on Tae 
pov@.’ 4 Tis ey ae 
y OG, ng-rabarnr vow dy: 
Des. Cv gy megorye 
Cae ag.mnoopnserle wy 
Gola ape reny © dpa 
spoplu wwe, ks @ o- 
Mic TW Toind € « 
Mepis avaw arbor 
qm, % 7 8 wele 
didte goles TVINTOY x 
pgvov mer Ageay T 
ng. TanepInrer Es » erey= 
oy away, o7rws perns= 
vm, pmdeves Cor aupu- 
ahr 1@v a 3} 8 mF 
Sen, Yuouw@. SMia- 
pO.,2 Test @.,er0s as 
oe) am DexEov 1 TAN 
RANKS, vecrrtons ah 

& ey mpqomn 2 arad\esge® OTL oy agphics ayy 
avamnvoery copie’ ov + ngpdice apeovwy x Bone 


If therefore he be per- 
{waded by the Mouth of you 
© Three, ’tis well. But if any 

Davi one hardens himfelf, Zell zt 

e wr "Edw ay mre 
oma sual. wy mena 
Uw, 6u ap. eno € bE 


the Holy Apoftles. 

' oT ORO Ee oe rt 
7p cunrnoig’ car 5% 
PE duuracias Why 
, c- c 
mon, qo (Cot ws o 
EOvings yo AwINs C 
puivele airy ws Xero 
dwar Dhydeyu Cy TH 
CHHANTICny DM’ os ef 
vingy obgiTe a 3 Be- 
‘Agia perdpody, wegc- 
Agpbave’ chk p + 
> \ v / 
edviygy, 1 acrwyly 
‘es xowovidy ~ abhg- 
or env paTarye * eXg- 
Pia (18 3 vi = 5 
gas” avcwy on THs weg- 
aepy aoebnugrmy’ Tris 
. , ‘ 
Ne perran pe rgusyvors To= 
omoy petdpoias wesaey 

wx. /¢C 

o wer. Uy lnces, 
6 Xessus * 1B Ose. 
Ka} > &0 Mer- 
SniG., as HP dodeng. 
ays ev rade rh Orde 
HLA Ag Aev TOP v 
pay, ef UOTOA Guy % 
woms ay TeAwyns PY 
megmeny, run 3) Ag 
8 wicday nrenphos, 
| pereloponns Te T Poe, 
TepY Tegzewy, XI 1” 
E1apRuQs Doo As e- 

to the Church: But if he neg- 
leé?#s to hear the Church, let 
Lim be to thee as an Heathen 
Man and a Publican; and re- 
ceive him no longer into the 

‘Church as a Chriftian, but 

reject him as an Heathen. 
But if he be willing to re- 
pent, receive him. For the 
Church does not receive an 
Heathen or a Publican to 
Communion, before they 
every one repent of their for- 
mer Wickednefles. For our 
Lord Jefus, the Chrift of 
God, has appointed Place 
for the Acceptance of Men 
upon their Repentance. 

For f, 
thofe Twelve which {peak 
to you in this Doctrine, am 
an Apoftle, having my felf 
been formerly a Publican, byt 
now have obtain'd Mercy 
through believing, and have 
repented of my former Pra- 
tices, and have been vouch- 
fafed the Honour to be an 
Apoftle, and Preacher of the 

Hee ce near ee ee eee ee ennnneennemnrennennnnn aaa iid 

? paiens. Ve v. 2 micadixy. V. > eraser. ¥. 46 uses. V. 

K 3 Word. 

Matthew, one of yyxix. 


Word. And Zaccheus, whom 
the Lord receivd upon his 
Repentance and Prayers to 
him, was alfo himfelf in the 
fame manner a Publican at 
firtt. And befides, even the 
Soldiers and Multitude of 
Publicans, who came to hear 
the Word of the Lord about 
Repentance, heard this from 
the Prophet Fohn, after he 

fuk.j ill. 13. had baptiz "d then, Do no- 

thing more than that which is 
appointed yew. In like man- 
ner, Life is not refus’d to 
the Heathen, if they repenr, 
and caft away their Unbelief. 
Efteem therefore every one 
that is convicted of any 
wicked Action, and has not 
repented, as a Publican, or an 
Heathen. But if he after- 

ward repents, and turns from @ 

his Error, then as we receive 
them into the Church indeed 
to hear the Word, but donot 
receive them to Communion, 
until they have receiy’d the 
Seal of Baptifm, and are made 

te" Pog. compleat Chriftians; fo do 


we alfo permit fuch as thefe 
to enter, only cto hear, until 

‘our stp. “a xen, 

yy © xinput a7 A974, 
¢ ZanyuQs, oy 0 wy 
eG. mepaeag.ber ¢ ov 
perdporc. DenSevre ane 
a, OUgiws xg awrTs wm 
Awras 3 mE9 THEN U- 
mnpyev. non 7) 4 spam 
kwrey © terwror ony. 
AG. megen Soy Tes ms 
WI EhAUG @ OE) tame 
Aoyy, cxsun woe 
aeggnts ‘lwavye pe 
& Pamioug Madey 
OnrEoV who 3 Age 
roy Sor Upaly OLE» . 
Ougivs 5 c ais e0yt- 
LOls Gem CTE mcey A 
Cony ede perdsororly- 
Tes, T a7isiay amb anr~ 
Away. ws reAwrLU ¥ ey 
2 Zloty fom beaten 
x) epye arc Seva, | 
Ah paTayywonov ia. 
edu + Useeoy perduon 
@ “erisp 2On om T WAa- 
vis’ ws © res eXvines 
oma Servo Meee 
Yoel, 45 Cano ids 
mea Neoware, onws 

SX Joys LHI e 

wa aire aurls, 
mies 6" % oper 




’ wow a) el 
P ~ 

the Holy Apoftles. 

| yids AgEovns TeAcwWe 

wry ere © ais eroie- 
Mpls, pLeyees 3 PeTIO- 
yoins xopmov erride- 
Ewav, eqn ine? Trop RU a- 
cepa, onus & Aoys 
Sly amr wy rey? pani “Ol- 
2 ’ eA > uu 
yvovatwardp > wry 
’ _ ? > 3 
a@egaduyn, MW’ e€ep- 
2000 TP ava 
pemcamdy xy 
wor we vone@ HS 
} ae Pah 
ie Ge sim CG 7 da] 
mris, ows Ale we 
: oe 
sbitvan * BeAnwdwa’ 
a avespoply S Bis, 
y \ ' 
axedu(ovres THs 
cuuates anpray om 
/ vv / 
pee, @ rn Denod 2° 
aga, on7ws @ ava! 
 SeunSway ode diva, 
%j of Seaport avres 

they fhew the Fruit of Re- 
pentance, that by hearing the 
Word, they may not utterly 
and irrecoverably perifh. But 
let them not be admitted to 
Communion in Prayer : And 
let them depart after the 
reading of the Law, and the 
Prophets, and the. Gofpel, 
that by fuch Departure they 
may be made better in their 
Courfe of Life, by endea- 
vouring to meet every Day 

about the Publick Affem-. 

blies, and to be frequent in 
Prayer, that they alfo may 
be at length admitted, and 

that thofe who behold them 

may be affected, and be 
more fecurd by fearing to 
fall into the fame Condcion. 

neo) wor, % arbareseent Nor), ag Cep8uor (Or 

Ogiols WeATeTEIY. 

Od vhs aor 96 BS e- 
AvEn vs ore TOv ree Ey! 
@ Shiny cozarugk, 
@ GOrIOKO Te, ity u@Av- 
ols aumy 73 were- 
xe Agys, ok xowns 

But yet do not thou, O 
Bifhop, prefently abhor any 
Perfon, who has fallen into 
one ortwo Offences, nor fhale 
thou exclude him from the 
Word of the Lord, nor re- 

2 émtsanodan. V. 

Ky ject 


mw 6 cer 9m i 
MyLal. th. k2. pi 

ALgurrns auauy efworss 

je him from common Con 
ver'ation, fince ngither did 
the Lord refule to eat with 
Pubucans and Sinners; and 
when he was accufed by the 
Pharifees on this Agcount, 
Ele faid, They that are well 
have no need of the / byfician, 
but they that are fick. Do you 

therefore converfe and dwill 

xx, 3. 

Prov. xiv. 
29. LXX 

with thofe who are fepa- 
rated from you for their 
Sins, and take care of them, 
comforting them, and con- 
firming them, and faying to 
them, Be flrexgthencd, ye weak 
Hands, and feeble Kaces. For 
we ought to comfort thofe 
that mourn, and afford En- 
couragement co the Faint 
hearted, left by immode- 
rate Sorrow they -degene- 
rate into Diftraction, fince 
Ele that is faint-hearted fs 
exceedingly diftracted. 

srevmep Gedy 0 wwes@s 
cSpyrato po) aS tes 

Awyav etiayv © ap 
CILUpTWADY, ' 6 wa 
ays Dagsmioy eyng-- 

AupuGy DEA TeTey ee 

Aen’ Ou spec eye=. 
aly ot lopvorrs targa, | 


Tois ww dt apiptias 
a poerdS ear ay UUQYs 

x) quudwasptpede xo} 

cuvawriCeds , erie 

Axphuot, mpenarsyars, 
ms aveus’ —“lovtoun 


nye pes aver, Coss 
yon ahe rcrupua Sd 

Nacguuaray 0 ocpH- 

res meer Gs, % a0ls ox 
Atoousyea meg luniew 
A ¢ 

Gore, OWS Kn TH 

auenese EF Aums. Es: 

3 / 

abesously qwone wary" 
> r) > / 3 

5 esti 90+ 10S to 

3; A 
» £5. V, 




7.) the Holy Apoftles, 

Sua. XXL 

[oe & ks é wispe pels 
“—~ weadyoias xap7roy 
bmndacnry, we € as 
megody lu acdecacde 
auaoy’ ws  yov + W- 
Awagra, T Cow, T 
pe ** apyay pew- 
oda F mutenly 
flav, T yoipus Bocxoy- 
aa, @ negation 2y- 
mrndivey babu yous, 
2 MA Tuy OVA, pe 
aULNOI TY, x ma Aly 
Spi eps 
TAs ; @ anwar’ 
"H bao eis T vegvoy 
2 v@omoy Cs, C sone- 
k cit afiQ AG-AAL, 
yos Ce" pt) puotuwr o 
VAGnWO. Tang we9- 
angbem, CF ato» 
spatev sorlw, 4 T dex: 
quntoyv, © me ramdy- 
uoG Dapdes, opakas 
wv % ards gor 
nugexivers pe! ay Qi- 
Awy. ¢aws ty © Cov 
aroid, @ brtoxo 

; wat 
= Ve 

ae C&, 

ore Sax? 


UT if any one returns, ¥LE 

and fhews forth the Fruit 
of Repentance, then do you 
receive him to Prayer, as __ 
the loft Son, the Prodigal, who ke xv, 
had confumed his Father's Sube 
ftance with Harlots, who fea’ oe 
Swine, and dejired to be fed ~° 
with Husks, and could not oba 
tain it. This Son, when he 
repented, and return’d to his 
Father, and faid, / have fin- 
ned againft Heaven, and be- 
fore thee, and am no more wore 
thy to be called thy Son; the 
Father, full of Affe@ion ta 
his Child, receiy’d him with 
Mufick, and reftor’d him 
his old Robe, and Ring, and 
Shooes, and flew the fatted 
Calf, and made merry with bis 
Friends. Do thou,  there- 
fore, O Bifhop, act in the 
fame manner :. And as thou 
receive(t an Heathen, after 
thou haft inftru@ted and bape 
tizd him, fo do thou let 
all join in Prayers for this 


Pia’. 1. 


Man, and reftore him. by 
Impofition of Hands to his 
ancient Place among the 
Flock, as.onc purify d by Re- 
pentance ; and chat Jmpofi- 
tion.of Hands fhall be to 
him infiead of Baptifm. Ff or 

‘by. the laying on of our 

Hands the Holy Gholt. was 
given) to Believers. And: in 
cate fome one of ‘thote ;Bre- 
threa, who had ftood im: 
moveable, acculfée thee, be- 
caufe thou art reconcild to 
him, fay to him, Zhow art 

always with me, and all that I 

have is thines. Jt was meet 
to make merry. and, be glad, 
for this thy Brother was dead, 
and is alive again ; he was loft, 
andiis ‘found. For that God 
does rot only receive the 
Penitent, but reftores them 
to their former Dignity, ho- 4 
ly David is a {ufficient Wit- 
nefs; who after his Sin in 
the Matter of Uriah, pray'd 
to God, and faid; Reflore une 
to me the Foy of thy Salvation, 
and uphold, me with thy free 
Spit Andyagain, Turn thy = 

womep 7 Tv eOvingy rgous 
acdern py T dida- 
CKaArAidy, 270% Teo 
peep temas, ws ay 
perdporc MaG- Seuplo Bk 
VOY» TOT ap ous 
73 Beg sduyop yan, a 


aeetegy , iidbae av du ge 
ceynoy.. cus omg-duuot. 
ney les atS pan core 
Acjhucy owergeay “ay - 
reity 3 . 

Te emelygrcay Cots 

on: dn HETIL a 

0 Dav | Aipesbiiva 
df © aeupiivay OTe 
0 > ain ox 3TOd vex- 
eos Ld; © civel nae, y 
Dmrwrws, ¥y dupéan. 
“Ort op é é Hgvoy we gia 
Seqetey 0 Osos. res ue- 
rdwosrGs, Da x es 
T DepTecc#y ahidw a- 

* Asoudl@-. V..-2 dedit. Vv. 


the Holy Apoftles, 

mroeaisnay ixaves Hsp. 
f as 0 6 an Gs Abid, 0 as 
pot ast Ouesdp a- 

popkay, nugelo re) Osa 
Adquv’ -Amd@. pygt 

a aya Micow E Co- 
meses Ce: ¢ a du: 

yg nyeugving see 

Sp Ree ect 
ayopnias ue ecarenlov. 
mapHiav nalaeds le. 
any Cy erg! 0 ees, yy 
eons. MSs eSncu hay 
ey aruls JSngiruis ee. par 
Deo patns [ae 2 72 
MegcwTe Ce "4 3 
avoing Ce m ayor 
pa Apress amr eee 
Ka Ce ay ws OUP. Ter 
ns iameos, THs app 
anygras Tes west: 
move, ages Com 
hols Dey s Botiteiay oe a 
yuyeus, jan Hg:o TE[h- 
YOY, n nowy. Enela. 

Weg Tdeegy, Sona 4g 
erndeomay, % yotev, © 
oles yAuned PLPUS- 
wa! ear vAWTING, x94 
“2 QTeAOTINg. Vs 

Face from my Sins, and bios 
out all mine Offences, Create 
in me a clean Fleart, O God, 
and renew a right Spirit in 
my inward Parts. Caft me nat 
away from thy Prefence, and 
take not thy holy Spirit from 
me. Wo thou therefore, as 

. @ compaflionate Phyfician, 

heal all that fin, making 
ufe of faving Methods of 
Cure; notonly cutting and 
fearing, or ufing Corrofives, 
but binding up, and putring 
in Tents, and ufing gentle 
healing Medicines,and {prink- 
ling comfortable Words. if 
it be an hollow Wound, or 
great Gath, nourifh ic with 
a fuitable Plaifter, thar it 
may be filld up, and be- 
come even with the reft of 
the whole Fleih. If it be foul, 
cleanfe it with corrofive Pow- 
der, that is, with che Words 
of Reproof, If it have proud 
Flefh, eat it down with a 
fharp Plaifter, the Threats of 
Judgment. «If it {preads far 
ther, fear ic, and cutoff the 
putrid Flefh, mortifying him 
with Eattings. But if, after 


,* Pag. 

Vil. 7. 



all that chou haft done, thou 
perceiveft that from the Feet 
to the Head there is no room 
fora Fomentation, or Oil, or 
Bandage, bur that the Malady 
{preads and prevents all Cure, 
as a Gangrene, which corrupts 
the intire Member ; then, 
with a great deal of Confide- 
ration, and the Advice of o- 

therskilful Phyficians, cut off 

the putrify’d Member,that the 
whole Body of the Church be 
not corrupted. Be not there- 
fore ready and hafty to cut off, 
hor do thou eafily have Re- 
courfeto the Saw, with its ma- 
ny Teeth: But firft ufe a Lan- 
cet to lay open the Wound, 
that che inward Caule whence 
thePain is dériv’d being drawn 
out, may keep the Body free 
from Pain. But if thou feeft 
any one paft Repentarice, and 
he is become infenfible, then 
cut off the Incurable from 
the Church with Sorrow and 
Lamentation. For, Zake out 
from among your felves that 
wicked Perfon. And, Te hall 
make the Children of Mrael to 


Paprey dt. V. 

. gs tee 
xa GS péeyeav Agqols Tae - 
WE Nees). ta 
exurnle nots. gay *) x08 
> \ “_~ 
Ayn S Texvyg, Spé- 
: a ih ~ 3 : 
rlov © ava nda” ee 
' .¢ 
TRE PO, LV Oifdio~ 
Siv, *,* icov ta ap- 
Tin SmTACSh* Edw 4 
pumduln, re KOC 
/ t ¢ 
env Enek@, TeTégt Ag- 
yotmnunlexe tay 4 
< f ; ; 
arteolaov Suntey Ses- 
Pe ns “kt Ay 
a xomPuekw Eerougi~ 
Atooy ava, arean 
KeloEwWS Kav VON oA 
f > 
\ 0 
a, © F Cameddva ex 
xorlov, sibwons yngvet= 
cus. eay 4 ever opin 
ons, © pros, ort 3m 
~~ Gg ra > 
mowy 0s WEDAANS BH 
y / ree 
EST UGA VUE embnvey, 
i 13 eAg.tov, Te KATO 
Skoiies: BAA’ emexreiver 
Tey Avon © meg ag.[e- 
Caavg TTI aay, ws 
” yaSoouva TAY PEAQS 
Cume(e' sorte pt! aA 
Mat ene 
ais oneews © Cun€e- 
ries € ETEOUW iar eGsv 
| > / , 
enmelegy, amxorlov & 
She omrrev r8AQu, tre ey 



BS miy * Lapsupi ow- 


the Holy Apoftles: 



padios By to Wegy et 
pO. as ma Brome. 
pende creusyews 67h mov 
[-vesoddovaee 1 ehovee Ope 
Ue Wa megre now 
Qwidn, me BW, Setenv, oams & cvlgs eyxeipSuoy 
aaniov * & ay movoy" auiey CHKEMIEY, chraAnes B amug 

Rich in Fudgment. And, 

in his Caufe: for the Fudgment 
is the Lord s. 

aN ; > p) , > 
mercy. eno oF Tyce he Guvontes eqgvre BaAzrns %y 27TE= 

CHANCPUGTR, TUTE pe! Avans © mvbes dwidcres eqov'T ce, 
t Cunrnoias Wrongme. “E&apere 92 ay monesy & Ungy 
aumwy. Kay Evrg Seis moincere res yes Ioegnr. Kas 

Tre ALy® 

Secr. XXIkE 

HAY 4 AMS ns 7 7 

xamopera  Sz= 

€onns, @ umes ot m- 
’ ag 

pes Cuv mis Yony- 

yois, SLMUIG: ws as 
Anlear wha déeEnde, i 
Ale wep rwmAnLidp, 
a Aho dwegy eEama- 
yy urAguyuor 3 apes 
cw TH AMaorw mie, 
3 ey xamoppe wor je, 
vardpyorra 4A" 8 ey- 
eAnug. | Gu arrotesor, 

But if the flanderous Ac- 

cufation be falfe, and you 
that are the Paftors, with 
the Deacons, admic of that 
Falfhood for Truth, either 
by Acceptance of Perfons, or 
receiving of Bribes, as wil- 
ling to do that which will 
be pleafing to the Devil ; 
and fo you thruft our him 
that is accufed, but is clear 
of thé Crime, you fhall give 
an Account in the Day of the 

> oSeen, V. 2 tev meyey. VLY. 

3 wy v. 4 deeft, V. 

fear. And again, Thow fhalt Denti.r7, 
not accept the Perfons of the Levit. xix. 


Thon fhalt not pity a poor Man*xod. 

XXilie 3s 

> t / 
: Ov Amy wegcwmy mrvais cv neice, 4, 
“4 3 cd / > { er ~ / e / 
Tlevat cow ereno{s cv nefol, ort 78 wets h xejas. 



Deut.xxvil ¢hoy fhalt not flay. 


Xvi, 19. 

Va. y, 23- 

¥. 20. 


fixodxxii Lord. For it is written, Zhe 

Innocent and the Righteous 
Thou fhalt 
not take Gifts to {mite the 
Soul: Far Gifts blind the 
Eyes of the Wife, and deftroy 
the. Words of the Righteous 
And again, They that juftifte 
the Wicked for Gifts, and take 
away the Righteoufnefs of the 
Righteous from him. Take 
care therefore left by any 
‘means ye become Acceptors 
of Perfons, and thereby fall 
under this Voice of the 
Lord. Be careful therefore 
not to condemn any Per- 
fons unjuftly, and fo to af- 
fitt the Wicked. For, Wo to 
him that calls Evil Good, and 
Good Evil, bitter fweet, and 
frcet bitter ; that puts Light 
for Darknefs, and Darknefs for 
Light. For if you condemn 
others unjuftly, you pafs 
Sentence againft your felves. 

Matt.vii2.For the Lord fays, W7th what 
Lukvi37Fudgment ye judge, ye [hall be 

judged; and as you condemn, 
you [ball be condemned. it 
therefore ye judge without 

a ruMmde t ennancics, - 
Agnov upekers Gv rH Fe 
pepo weks" oT: - 
yeammay® "Absoy X93 
diygiov osu DroxTeves’ 
g Anta dwoc, CO. Teh 
Say Nuss rai 8 dese 
COPa’, ¢ Avpanyerey 
pnugae * diygiw Key 
maw Ot Oygtous 
as  acoeGn eveney dw- 
EV, 4 3 Otnertoy ae 
dinars aeovnis. > legs 
one Ts BY, enous oo= 
@marnaey Pvophuor We 
omen Tn Pwn ne 
mwueLe TUUTY Quac- 
ance ty O xomnxes- 
vay kyas ad inns, 1G 
cuunoppey ols myn 
epis. Oud 30 * af rg 
govmt & movnegy xo. As 
2) 3 NEAGY arov neg, a 
mxesy yauw, @ o 
yruw mixegy, ° ama 
ke Seyre’ } Das not Qs, 
€ SB cxor® ows. Edy 
~ ETepes adinws yon 
meuneitr, “as saw 
Toy da Patvecde" OTE 

HEV. * Nygia. V.v. ? Defunt hoe loco ; poft gas autem in fe- 
senda. V. *of Atzov7es. V. 5 08 mOey7es.V> 


Arty merQy oy x Oh- 
wok HENETE » xenln- 
ance, % op Kg T LOW 
Cin ; xgtadingd- 
ode. Et sy ames 
owTmOAnTAws XEN ETE, g 
wr woes TF xaTIDD- 
ey Te ) 8 S aAnoIOY 
dunt * Kopruprod, © 
pds, é bon Sates 
aTOY Corsgarm, fa: 
CnAYOY, Porta, amned- 
CONDITA Ws Hag) avre 
Aoyiais, teseeroy Cv auls 
Aspets. eauTed crdpTion 
220” ois goto). C 
a Atonophoov paygaty t- 
dis sougl@- meuryts yp 
aur) ‘qed Epes, 
ie 3 cen. ov pe 
Tes eeloyss T das 
Agyias ELVES amono- 
megs why Stead * 
arvinoys aur, oy Ps 
roy Zaroynpdicalg qroin~ 
oy Te) mAngioy” agov 
—~p *eraAncey er av- 

mS, tpovdvae + aidea- 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Refpect of Perfons, ‘ye will 
difcover that Accufer, who — 
bears Fal{e-witne(s againft his 
Neighbour, and will prove 
him to be a Sycophant, a 
fpiteful Perfon, and a Mure 
derer, caufing Perplexity by 
accufing the Man as if he 
were wicked, inconftant in 
his Words, contradi@ing him- 
felf in what he affirms, and 
entangled with the Words of 
his own Mouth. For his 
own Lips are a dangerous 
Snare to him. Whom, when 
thou haft convicted him of 
{peaking falfely, thou fhale 

judge feverely, and fhalr de- 
liver him to the fiery Sword, 

and thon fhalt do to him as 
he wickedly prepofed to do 

to his Brother. For, as much pane ak 

as in him lay, he flew his1y. 
44, Brother, by foreftalling the 
Ears of the Judge. Now, it 

is written, that He that hed. Gen ix. 6. 

deth Man's Blood, for that his 
own Blood (hall be fhed. And 

Thou fhalt take away that 13. 

 uaetuptay. Ve > ey. V. 3 deeft. V.v. al. wv. 


» Deut. xix, 




zanocent Blood, which was lhed ov, wegruGoy te ae 

Pag. , ) 
% without Caufe from thee. 

anu & nxepTd. *,* ofa 

yeamicy 4, ott 0 cH 

neu Re avlearts, ayT! e anugl@. aut Cnr nae rer, 
x, eapesd apa d avukoy moe, B cud pgm. 

~ Thou fhalt therefore caft 

him out of the Congregati- 
on as a Murderer of his 
Brother. Some time after- 
wards, if he fays that he 
repents, mortifie him with 
Faftings, and afterwards ye 
fhall lay your Hands upon 
him, and receive him; But 
{till fecuring him, that he 
does not difturb any body a 
{econd time. But if, when 
he is admitted again, he be 
alike troublefome, and will 
not ceafe to diflurb and to 
quarrel with his Brother, {py- 
ing faults out of a contentt 
ous Spirit, caft him out as a 
pernicious Perfon, that he 
may not lay waftethe Church 
of God. For fuch an one is 
the Raifer of Difturbances in 
Cities: For he, though he 
be within, does not become 
the Church, bur is a fuper- 

Tlomods ey atau an 
: y ‘ 
Mowery; 05 Dor 
/ > ™ . 
vie adtAge. tmenw 
nocve diasivT@. tay 
/ “ : f 
Aeyn PET AVOE?, aba 
Gre avley viceus @ 
py ravta saepas- 
momvns aunty Teses 
Eade, dopaar(gp wor 
/ , ‘4 / | 
Pyro avr pon kya 
f ! 2 dl 
1 mar” eocrlov, d= 
/ ‘ A , 
pgins surat, ¢ manuo- 
~ ! 
pevGQs 78 amHeHosey, 
? \ ? 
GIEADOY, Cx DlAove= 
/ 2 / “/ y 
nes ~ umes’ baran- 
Ddiwv, mbar av- 
‘ ¢€ \ ¢/ 4 
Tov WS AGLUGV, 19K Lan 
% CutAnciay Avpase 
ynry & Oes. 6 aude 
TQ. ~ ff nennas cuui= 
sna ?macov. sr@s 
a\ ow 
XLV ETH ny [AN Tpe- 

| © dec, V. 7 pouty. vy. ? mad. Y. 

OS 06 

os @ ygruiGs nI- 

adv4, ariAwy, ooo 8" 

em wnt, * B Cone eg 
Kerce. et gap mises aif 
a vepmrmy Ruvap duo) 

BeIose Th) cupgrov 

pbrnwes OUP THD) ce-eop ~ 

baw om at ey Van VA 
oymes, oloy du xuAus,: 

tom eo. “uD sonrray 
tenn Aly 7 amr pe 
mad, 4 estnia wego- 
yverty arperan, S70 
Age ov7G.s. & avbogre 
Ag 18 veavite F gv- 
oinhs dingo ips’ roo e 
Hgroy Vines 08 TOLLWEs 
EB Cnnrnoias, vated 
ons owug.l@. aptis @ 
parav Uyaver’, ohh 
OQzov onediovawy cw 
poly were 4 ayarn, 
orreuy dipe Dn ev ptAQe 
ver, B mS Agurp cw 
pole curr pé rei dy . EL 
motey, % svegCav wi- 
mm way 7h up © xo 
mu rg rig, ap2qov di- 
ad poles", tegyng- 
ib Atay: 

Che PON Aponte? OO 


fluous and vain Metter? 
cafting a -Blot, as far as in 
him lies, © on the Body of 
Chrift.’ ‘For if fuch? Méfas: 
as are born with fuperfiuous 
Members of § their’ Body; 
which’ hang to them, as" Fin~’ 
gers, or Excréfcences of Flefh;! 
cut them away from them- 
felves on account of their Ine 
decency, whereby the-Un 
feemlivels vanifhes, afd ‘the 
Mah “récovers ‘his’ nattifal 
good Shape by the means of © 
the Chirurgeon ; how’ ‘much: 
more ought you, the Pafvors 
of the Church,  ( for >the 
Church’ is a perfec Body; 
and found Members ; of {uct 
as believe in’'Godjin the Feat 
of the Lord, and in Love)'to 
do the like, when theré is 
found in it a fuperfludus 
Member, with wicked De» 
figns, and réridring the reft 
of the Body unfeemly, and 
diflurbing it with Sedition 
and War, and Evil-fpeaking; 
caufing Fears, Diftirbances) 
Blots, * Evil-fpeaking, Atcha 
fations, Diforders, and dos 

Geet, Ve 2 a may. V. 

2 aay. V. 4 obbyag. V. 

L | ing 


ing the like Works of the 
Devil, .as if he were ordain’d 
by the Devil to. caft a Re- 
proach on the Church by 
Calumnies, and mighty Dit 
orders, and Strife, and Di- 
vifion Such an one there 
fore, when he is a fecond 
time caft out of the Church, 
is juftly cut off intirely from 
the Congregation of the Lord. 
And now the Church will be 
more beautiful than it was 
before, when it hada fu- 
perfluous, and, to it felf,a dil- 
agreeable Member. herefore 
henceforwara it will be free 
from: Blame and Reproach, 
ana become clear of fuch 
wicked, deceitful, abufive, 
unmerciful, traiterous Per- 

2 Timiil.fons : of fuch as are raters 

3- 4- 

of thofe that are good, Lovers 
of Pleafure, Aftecters of Vain- 
glory, Deceivers and Pre- 
tenders to Wifdom, of fuch 
as make it their, Bufinefs to 
fcatter, or rather utterly to 
ditperfe the Lambs otf the 

Alas, eyuAnugan, a- 
yglasuoias, © & me, 
ata 78 Alg-bcrs Gye Cute? @y, we 
Thy wyaeoTUnp Gs 
azn Te SfaloAw cnu= 

Ean Cav % cnnrncdp. 
Ale. Bagepnw.o  xo4 
mnns axatugucias @ 
cS % dingrnciasy 
: uTO- or dsaeor eco 
PE Cnurnaias -BAn ts, 
akiws ameter F Te 
OT I CUM yey hs ) 
nS wee Curiae, A 
} repay, om & west 
ao Cuenta © cauTn 
avoln eor p2rQy, dra, 
dm @ uw as Agoonume 
aus 62 oa A oUUC MA ISOS 
dvAwr, Agidvewpi', ayn- 
péEsy, Ww Epdt Te''s Mas 

Guero , QiAnddoy wy S 

wevOdvEwY, ammTTAAY, 

SvEoqurwy, epqov ae- 

wr Ag ar espe AgA- 

Aw 3 Sgonopw Cap 


i Redoute Tey Teer SauTay, wees Lu7e. Vv. 


a the Holy Apoftles; 

. Seer XXL 

< yo ey, wt ong 7e, 
asdale aug mp 
ND oe KApY, cpa 
mY T Agno F a- 
Andes’ OTL Agyd x0- 
eG. fp MALY 
mpsvede ' wegs Key 
xayo Devs vgs Tee - 
yiws mopdl(cucy Kay 
—amang, Meta cois 
onwnon * © pt! g. 
rotss aloG. con; @ 
By spsbas SLecpiveas. 
*Qalws by Bae mropdue= 
oe, ive UGMA ov émairy 
3 xotakiwdSr | San F 
MweAHy TD éurlees ter” 
" Cravrit. , 
— Ongrepves Sy overse 
@ess Wanaus, a br\- 
ox9 701, eipludbers per” 
OMnrw», CupmeS<is, 
Giradergor, po céx- 
eSaas ° TDi AGE iV E-SE 
T Agov, 0 ugPeg!' es oX- 
Cuonovnes Ts Ud vucs 
Cu mygver, 2% B ai 

—D° thou therefore, O Rje 

fhop, together with thy 
fubordinate Clergy. endea- 
vour rightly to divide che 
Word of Truth. tor the 
Lord fays, /f you walk crofs- Lev. xxvif 
graind to me, I will walk 2? 
crofs-grain’dto you. And elf{e- 
where, With the Holy thou Pal. xvii, 
mélishe holy, and with the Per- 26. 
fr? ‘Man thou wilt be perfect, 
and with the Froward thou wilt 
be froward. Walk therefore 
holily, that you may rather 
appear worthy of Praife from 
the Lord, than of Coniplaint 
from the Adverfary, 

*,* Pag} 


Be ye of one Mind, O XLtVv, 
ye Bifhops, one with ano- 
ther, and be at Peace wth 
one another ; ‘ympathize 
with one another; love the 
Brethren, and feed the Peo- 
ple with Care; with one 
Content teach chofe that are 
under you co be of the fame 

‘deeft. V. * deel. V. 3 dksoliz. V. + Um V. 5898. ve 

© moipcdyoy 74s. Ve 

| i Seni 

1 Cor, 1 

Eph. iv. 4. 




Sentiments, and to be of the 

fame Opinions abourthe fame: 

Matters, Zhat there may be 
no Schifms among yous that ye 
may be one Body, and one Spi- 
rit, perfectly joimd together in 
the [ame Mind, ana in the {ame 
Judgment, according to the 
Appointment of the Lord. 
And lec the Deacon refer all 
thingsto the Bifhop, as Chrift 
does to his Father. But let 
him order {uch things as he 
is able by himfelf, receiving 
Power from the Bifhop, as 
the Lord did from his Father 
the Power of Creation and 
of Providence. . Buc the 
weighty. Maiters let the Bi- 
fhop judge: Bur let the Dea- 
con be the Bifhop’s Ear, and 
Eye, and Mouth,:and Heart, 
and Soul,- that the Bifhop 
may not be diftrated with 
many. Cares, but with fuch 
only as are more confide- 
rable: As Fethro did appoint 
for Mofcs, and his Counfel 
was receiv d, 

mo Te OS ata db 

Falav, Omws an n ov 

< Fer 
a td SM a. bo) 

ey TMUG C ev ambunG, 

xgmpkeap§uor aes wires 
yal, 4 TH OTH oy a= 
per, EF aveccnay “Oe 
ay’. © ara fe 
MagingvO- wel Chongrep 
aN aDEpETH, ws 0 Xese 
cus Te) omer” DM’ Core 
3e” Suwarey, dSuveqw 
bmongrs T eEvoiay, wos 
6 t+weG. why 7 
watess > & dyuisp- 
oly 5° 8 mepvoay" Th 
dy : —apoyyg 6 éthie 
onGT Os nesveTw. TAnv 
£w oO Algingr@- 73 6 
Surg, % sume, xap- 
Ole %, % spur; ye 
yov obmnongT Gay 2G 
povee Ge werwren” te 
aT EP yj o ‘Tolep 37) 
Mouort derataro, @ 
a med ey Sn aTS h OUpA 
Ceria. EY, 1) ke 


x deeft. VY, » mee hmAlay.Y. >deeft V y, * * 
fore. v, - pi ole’ XH, 

§ deeft.V. * Mes= 




the Holy Apoftles. 

Sect. XXIV. 

K Aw po ay bz 

mS Xessova éS- 
apuov, Megs pumnddeves 
eyey Ted mata 4 4 
ex kvQs cvepyias 2 
reenonos bhouney 
ket meziuae, audk- 
Cémw Syrvedey ove, 
nev Oem Brag Elisa ke, 
@ pm epyedw beh x exm- 
exov eOvinov. Ma ply 
pen 4 wreyeds HOozAL- 
axes aprovas 2) nif 
umetecoy Dingle. SL 
Nd auTay 6 AlgSora@s 
| Ehamdoed" avis DeAgus 

: wv > 
ae Os, CoveD Os *e= 

oreripd, WS [Ln eyovrmy 
nuty eve Copay t dy- 
yaiwwov peratu Ben 
EBay m Dixnatov, x 
Ges apy nagryias Algru - 

: he Mh 2p vBonE 
awards ara elyn creas MEGS 
aaanags: UU? Alepo- 

1 egededie. ¥. > etapicd. V. 

“T! S therefore a brave Ev: 
| comium fora Chriftian 
to have no Conteft with a- 
ny one: But if by any Ma- 
nagement or Temptation a 
Conteft arifes with any one, 
let him endeavour that it 
may be compos'd, though 
thereby he be obliged to 
lofe fomewhar; and let it 
not come before an Heathen 
are not to permit that the 

' Rulers of this World fhould 

pafs Sentence again our 
People: For by them the 
Devil contrives Mifchief to 
the Servants of God, and 
occafions a Reproach to be 
caft upon us, as though we 
had not one srife Man that is 
able to judge between his Bre- 
thren, or to decide their 

Let not the H athen there- 


1 Cor. vt. 

1, Ge, 

Nay indeed, you 


fore know of your Difie-*.* Pag. 

rences among one another, 
nor do you receive Unbe- 

L 3 . lievers 




lievers as Witnefles againtt 
your fe.yes, nor be judged 

by them; nor Owe them any 
thing on account of Trt 
Matr.xxii. bute or Fear; but, Reader to 
pi. Cetar the things that are 
Czxiar’s, and unto God the 
things that are God's, as Iti- 
bute, Taxes,or Poll Money ; 

xvii, as our Lord by. giving a 
24,%0. Piece of Money was freed 
from Difiurbance. Choofe 
therefore rather to futfer 
Harm, and to endeavour af- 

ter thofe things thac make 

for Peace, not only among 

the Brethren, but allo among 

the Unbelievers. For b 
fuflering Lofs in the Affairs 

of this Life thou wile be 

{ure not to {uffer in the Con- 
cerns of Piety, and wilt live 
religioufly, and according to 

the (command of Chrift. tut 

if brethren have Law-Suits 

one with another, which 
God forbid, you who are the 
Rulers ought thence to learn 

that fuch as thefe do not 

do the Work of the Lord, 

but rather of publick Ene- 

eis" orvesaw abe 

deqeds Tas a Tig es me 
aw unre ogeAete *k"” 
TeIwis Degs CULTAday n 
S odor! Saad amdiny 
aa K a(G pG@. Kasra ety 
C am 8 Ove ry Gey’ 
oiov goepr, n xbuaor, 
3 / ¢ . ¢ 
1 Did CAYMGY, WS % Q 

/ c ~ \ ae 

wwerQ. nuov Des T Sue 
mes nanan 7 295= 
UST OY. ounce sy UZMOV 
Bagalece, €@ megs 
epluly arudulav, g 
gro» Deys Tes actA 
gus, Da © wags res 

Y arige’s BrgCas 8 aps 

Biwk xav +7, & wegs 
Ve . ¢ 
Oicr & Cnuwlnon are 
Sroabns rarapqw, @ 
nal cvaadw *X ergo” 
Cov. a 4) w@deAgor as 
? ! y d A 
dMndrss exw, Oo fn 
Qwotm, aurodey voey 
Q : Teonyee 
pSpot, o7t oa: Tole TOE 
osu adr gay 6 cw XU- 

We gl Fh x n 
CAw sphov bmn ACay, ; 
Ma pgrmroy ey Deay 
moartunia;, C as pW 

Sdeeit. Viv. * deeit.V. 7 gtew.V. 4 dee.V, 5 Css, v. £ deeft. V; 

7, ~ 



the Holy Apoftles. 

au ray Ape Snormy i mies; and one of the Par- 
ais bshanns, gwas tieS will be found co be mild, 
sino, érepQ» 5 an- gentle, and the Child of 
pep Or,av dans, maco- Light; but the other unmer- 
vents o wv xgtayl- ciful, infolent, and covetous. 
voonguy@ bmhri14g- He therefore who is cone 
Sw, agwerCedw, Ji- demn’d, let him be punifhd, 
we ? paadergias let him be feparated, let him 
inv Te are petaue- undergo the Punifhment of 
Ags O. Tega Ag uC ax his Ha red to his Brother. 
vedw’ 4 ¢rw Gpepvi- Afterward, when he repents, 
'< por, bh xupiosay Jet him be received, and fo 
Yely Teh x EL MELAL eh when they have learn'd Pru- 
4 ¢ suloeaperv aw es dence, they will eafe your 
Sanus adixnuate  Judicatures. Tis alfo a Du- 
Tes xesv0 Ge da Tes ty to forgive each other's 
enor Gs eis EQUTES Ng Trefpaffes; not the Duty of 
sis 0 Her De aenegn- thofe that judge, bnt of thofe 
yao tue [linge eewin- that have Quarrels. As the 
odwl@. au Ty Mooetous Lord determin’d when ( Pe- 
a prio cis tut 6 a= ter ask’d him, How oft fhall Mute. 
Berges Ke, @ agnow my Brother fin againft me, xviii. 21. 
‘aut, gus Emons ; and I forgive bim2 Till Shien 
€ coil Ot ad times? Hereplyd, 7 [ay not un- 
70, Sus Etta, to thee, Until Seven times, but 
an é ws BE Doumngr G- until Seventy times Seven. For 
xs frm  Ovrws 8 fo would our Lord have us 
bq o 0 ver. aanses tobe truly his Difciples, and 
ava aure paSn7s @ never to have any thing a- 
ponder exe oT) umd e- gainft any body ; as for Ine 
90s qwmoTe, olor opymv f{tance, Anger without mé€a- 
zapTdy. V 

L 4 fure, 


Deut. xix, 

ys * 


fure, Pafiion without Mercy, 
Coyetou{nefs without Ju- 
{tice}; Hatred without Re- 
conciliation. Draw, by your 
InficuQion, thofe who are Friendfhip; and 
thofe who are at Variance 
to Agrecment..- For the Lord 
fays, Bleffed are the Peace- 

GEMPOY, a Supgy arte | 

oe itt Aide 

Peep, n brn Supeicey a 

OVngY, i pio@s a wo WDV= 
Sbys res. ey opyeComies 
out Cal ene ets prrsay, 
Tes ex DexivorGs eis o7 

pgvotay" OTL AE xu : 

eG" Maysiesor, of 
eiphuomotol, OTL qweue 

makers; for they fhall be cale yor Oee achilles 
led the Children of God. : 
SECT. an 

per your Judicatures be 

held on the fecond Day 
of the Week, that if any Con- 
troverfie arife about your 
Sentence, having an Interval 
till the Sabbath, you may be 
able to fet the Controverfie 
right, and to reduce thofe 
to Peace who have the Con- 
tefts one with another againft 
the Lord’s Day. Ler alfo 

the Deacons and Presbyters . 4 

be prefene at your Judica- 
tures, to judge without Ac- 
ceptance of Perfons, as Men 
of God, with Rightcoufnels. 
When therefore both the 
Parties .are come, Recordi 
as the Law fays, thofe that 

TA Raectegi UUgey 
Gledrey, Onmws cay 
ay nAgy ic ™m j Doopetoy 
ULwy Sony, | 20s onG= 
Care enovtes ad aay, 
dv nb are diSuvey T dpe 
TIAQY ION, %; esphidh cay 
as < xv eKeeniy Tes 
Aho Peers us MOgs cA 
AnAss. CopSpesworly 

rT) Dingsnene yok 
Weswavces c ol ™pea= 
Cumept , emepowm- 
Anmws 2% CLVOV TES ws 
Oe pews, pel dr- 
HUNGCULNS. Sbefiope- 
yov av sxcmecov aS 
HOT TW, acess Cc 

0 voK@s 

pevecdw dsrepa : 

2 3 vip. rbd, STW TY 

Ng TEED! Cw Ber ad 

merTiEs?, ois bew 4 
QwriAgyin: © axsadu- 

> iw e ? 
mS aUTMY,co1Ms Owerel- 

nate mas biges, ors- 
dui Covres ares girs 
aimporepys muincey eA 
cmopec aeons t & bhtoK0- 
Te, Orrws pen e&€AS01 bn 
cae x CLOTS 4S a ipl 
aplO- xaduts % ev 
mm Axasnesw Cop}n- 
Qoy ea © cwisoeg T 
ims + Keiser ve 
Ges. a SE keves * ¥ * oy 
Ag. opnyetans 78 jain reokm 
Aws dep ey nuery 
ene gig as TWO, 
DMgios cansadTs SHO= 

meg TS Teptoxwy, 

Te xarngopsyT@., 2% 
73 xarinopyphis, aAe 
ag: wn Teprmtd, jn 5 
Hovopetis, Oa po! 
Oinauoouyns , ws RB 
Coins avis 2 SuvaTy 
didwrs sopanv.e Ate 
UMS Nelp, Qnov o 
@ecs, DiWEd B Dixauar. 
‘O ~ Ovxauws THAQIPN- 
wes xj ap 0ERE eis oy 
uugy, awvis Cons @ 

oe the Holy Apoftles. 

have the Controyerfie thall 
ftand feverally in the mi 

dle of the Court ; ao 
when you have heard them, 
give your Votes holily, en- 
deavouring to make them 
both Friends before the Sen- 
tence of the Bifhop, that Judg- 
ment againft the Offender 
may not go abroad into 
the World: knowing that 
he has in the Court the 
Chrift of God, as confci- 
ous of, and confirming his 
Judgment. Buc if any Per 

fons are accus’d by any one, #,* Pag 

ely ann av 

and their Fame fuffers, as if 25%: 

they did not walk uprightly 
in the Lord: In like manner 
you fhall hear both Parties, 
the Accufer and Accufed ; but 
not with Prejudice, nor with 
hearkening to one Party on- 
ly, bue with Righteoufnels, 
as paffing a Sentence con- 
cerning eternal Life, or Death. 

For, fays God, He {hall tro- Deut, XVie 

frente that which is right juff- 20 

ly, For he that is juitly pu- 
nifh’d and feparated by you, 
is rejefted from Eternal Life 
and Glory ; he becomes 

difhonourable among holy 



Men, and one condemn’d of 

Do not pafs the fame Sen- 
tence for every Sin, but one 
{uitable to each Crime, di- 
flinguifhing all the feveral 
forts of Offences with much 
Prudence, the great from the 
little. Treat a wicked AGi- 
On after one manner, and a 
wicked Word aiter another, 
a bare Intention ftill other- 
wife. So allo in the cafe 3 
of a Contumely or Sufpici 
on: And {ome thou {halt 
curb by Threatnings alone, 
fome thou (halt punifh with 
Fines to the} cor, ‘ome thou 
fhalt mortifie with Fatlings, 
anid others thou {halt feparate 
according to the Greatne(s 
of their feveral Crimes For 
the Law did not allot the 
fame Punifhment to every 
Offence, but had a different 
Regard to a Sin againtt 
God, againft the Prieft. a- 
gaint the Temple, or againtt 
the Sacrifice. from a Sin a 
gaintt the King, or Ruler, 

cr deeit. v. 

wigé ve > deett. v. +H v. 

dvEns dE Anlos yeopre, : 
¢ ass dwS ep a ois ogi018 
xa Te) nO, 

Mn ara.ons fs) 0 ph 
Tias ~ avmy TWiase 
re cs? wr’ EGE 
id'.dp pe TOMA Peo 
qm Te quinen 

meyerg, '@” amos 
p78, Joye * may 
eTHEMs " regdece ws, 

n Agidvetas, 1 \aa0An- 
Yews + Nepogps. >@ 
Ts pp Vanbareis 4g~ 
yus a@eaAals. Tes 4 
TeVNTaY yeapmry ious, ars 
Ass 0) vnseius TCH) 
%) eTED US a POesey iene 
3 nenb@ Te eluAn-- 
wal adm. € 
Co we & mdr 
auwpmualG. % avr 
ET NATO Th wWeseEY 2A- 
AL 2A Cw Be mh es 
Ceor, ¢ eis lepton. ¢ 
° eis leepy, % as LEPEiOV, 
errctas qm es Banta, 
Ca apnoverer, % reane 
MY, arn goy ong 
¥ deeft.v. © danas. v. 

‘gpa! “ ow  ayee 
’ Bu t n 4 
oe tie - 

caer eae | 2's a) 
FUOVs nN o1nemy, 7 eis 
xmjac, hn es cAgnoy, 
C aarw mnmaluios 
G@ csqovas % culver, 
Mos mee EQ0d's, % 
To axucios emgys +) 
als fe Sovany ni Ahe 
~ a “ ; 
gaps. nt Se abov, 
als 3} Cnpidp, 1 Ug 
, \ 
sys, in BS ame opgie 
alley ois dogcey. Gon 
ay © unas aff SG.g0: 
¢ / 
ey” a pipmygireoy SNe 
7 ~ 
Popes muadSe x Tas 1 
Meesas, ive pinks a- 
Dixie Penmecton u- 
4 \ \ \ > 
vron T Qgoy megs ajya- 
VaXTHOWY. Tis 9S aw a- 
Dine xekoows peoirey 
; f ‘ \ \ 
Mende, trarms 4 + 
Bm Cee Amkde pic- 
ge 1 
O° @  xelugT 
/ ‘ , 
neler, xexSnrecre, 

the Holy Apofiles: 

or a Soldier, or a Fellow- 
Subject : and fo were the Of 
fences different which were 
apainit a Servant, a Poflef- 
fion, or a Bruit Creature. 
And again, Sins were diffe- 
rently rated according as they 
were againft Parents and 
Kinfmen, and thofe diffe- 
rently which were done on 
purpofe, from thofe that hap- 
pend involuntarily. Accord- 
ingly the Punifhments were 
different ; as Death, either 
by Crucifixion or by Stoning; 
Fines, Scourgings, or the {uf- 
fering the fame Mifchiefs 
they had done to others. 
Wherefore do you alfo al- 
lot different Penalties to dif- 
ferent Offences, left any In- 
juftice fhould happen, and 
provoke God to Indignation. 
For of what unjuft Judgment 

foever you are the Inftruments, of the fame you 
fall receive the Reward from God. For with what 
Fudgment ye judze ye (hall be judzed. 

Katodpres ev bon 
3 xepmecoy, dovrwy 
exoticwy AS megcu- 
TW, B ~ epepu a 

SAQwy, pengis S §au- 

Tes cy eipluin deAg.E ao: 

When therefore you are 
fet down at your Tribunal, 
and ‘the Parties are both of 
them prefent, (for we will 
not call them Brethren until 
they receive each other in 


Deut. xix, 

Dan. xill. 


Peace) examine diligently 
concerning thofe who ap- 
pear before you, and firft 
concerning the Accufer, whe- 
ther this be the firft Perfon 
he has accufed, or wherher 
he has advanced Accufations 
againft fome others before, 
and whether this Contett 
and Accufation of theirs does 
not arife from fome Quarrel, 
and what fort of Converfa- 
tion the Accufer is of. Yet 
though he be of. a good 
Conf{cience, do not give Cre- 
ditto him alone; for that is 
contrary to the Law. But let 
him have others to. join in 
his Teftimony, and thofe of 
the fame courfe of Life. As 
the Law fays, At the Mouth 
of two or three Witneffes every 
thing fhall be eftablifhed. But 
why did we fay, that the 
Converfation of the Witnefles 
was to be enquir'd after, of 
what fore it is? Becaufe it 
frequently happens that two 
and more teftifie for Mif- 
chief, and with joint Confent 
prefer a Lye; as did thetwo 

a eR 

Ot eee 

> ~ 3 a> 
OW, epduva te. axen€ ws 
wer PPS cvenophuwv’ xp 
ied \ _™/ | 
Titov TRA TE you~ 
tn pala t “ 
pppavt@e, a BEATS 
OVE 20 3 Pe 
éTeegis mow s)xAne 

J X. 

ugme. Komvlnoye, x 

@ en Cx pterlews aus 
Tov % OlAgvernia 4 S 
esxrnug amnaty, 
omia Ts % dwaspogn 
ont aceon" %y auiee 
TOv 4 dy Maweadye 
1@s, pn one dédw pg- 
1O- mBavorcy p 3d 

aolsmv DW espe Te 2g 

emepes UgpTueRs, ougi¥s 
uty) t eon’ xgbas 
0 voMGu Ay. “Ext 
cog l@. duo © meow 
$ peapru egy” sence roy 
mar paug. LQiati 4 
ex7ropSu, - TeomDY a> 
cov bonCnteIS{, o7mvios 
? aol yeuvd; €Weoy mDA- 
Agus eSoeap et, @ Tes 
duo xy Tes WAeovas bh 
eee din ae 
a8" Ldides’ ws res 

3 nN ? 


ye ; 
dvo Tpecburepus a 

* ges. V. 15. V. 3 deeft. Vs 4 deft. V, ns. v. © deft. Vu 


Py tee hy 

tee) ee Le ee a eet ee ee ee ee ee ee 
¥ - , ' 

° the Holy ‘Apoftles. ; 

Buorhined ow Bae VAI, 

ny Tes Yas rps mbyvo~ 

poy 4 To Na€sha 
cy _Zaygpec » € 2 
— mir@ as ‘Tedkioy 
dE} 78 wwete cv ‘Tepe 
CUA Ly Cx} Snga- 
ye Te ZzermugprpO- 
OTS. eswody @ ey 1 AStp 
Pee T exes, aopyns 
nut, brekEs, a yam- 
knot, Gipeores, eluen 
-Felsy LTTUVNepL, msv}, 
eae eis q3 ~ a 
“Toleray apmuesn 
SG 78 Tepre UT 
Bel aia, x 4 Se. - dwo- 
Seogns awry annbns 

reripyd HE 3. wh 
muemwy pen, obs oe 
ae Fr 7 popruesdy's 
nay * UL PwvEry 
nar Fh ai geTEL A cop 

iS Gr mf reuy" Ove 
on Pa ODI WY orn 
AGUIL. & mad een a 
cha Upaniay. & aus- 

renin By TANT 8s 
Cum rtvay ® dingtov. Ey 

— pepp BCT matte Std 

Elders againft Sufanna in Ba- 

bylon, and the Sons of Tranf- 3 King. 

greflors againft Nabéfh in Sa-“ 

maria, and the Multitude of Matt. 
the Fews againft our Lord at **”" 

Ferufalem, and againtt ae 
phen, his firt Martyr. Let ® 
the Witnefles therefore be 
meek, free from Anger, full 
of Equity, kind, prudent, 
continent,’ free from Wick- 
ednefs, faithful, religious: 
For the Teftimony of fuch 
Perfons is firm on account 
of their Character, and true 
on account of their Conver- 
fation. But as'to thofe of 
a different Character, do not 
ye receive their Teftimony, 
altho’ they feem to agree to- 
gether in their Evidence a 

- gainftthe Accufed. For ’tis’ es: Pag, 
ordain’d in the Law, Thou gxoa. 
shalt not be with a Multitude xxiii.r1. 

for Wickedné{s. Thou {halt not 
receive a vain Report. Thon 
halt not confent with a Mul 
titude to pervert Fudzment. 
You ought alfo particularly 
to know him that is accufed, 
what he is in his courfe of 

2 gas uaeveias Vs 




Life, and in his Converfa- 
tion, whether he have a good 
Report as to his Life, whe- 
ther he has been unblame- 
able, whether he has been 
zealous in Holinefs, whether 
he be a Lover of the Wi- 
dows, a Lover of the Stran- 
gers, a Lover of the Poor, 
and a Lover of the Brethren; 
whether he be not given to 
filthy Lucre; whether he be 
not an extravagant Perfon, 
or aSpendthrift; whether he 
be fober, and free from Luxu- 
ry, or a Drunkard, or a 
Glutton; whether he be com- 
paffionate and charitable. 
For if he has been before 
addicted to wicked Works, 
the Acculations which are 
now brought againft him will 
thence in fome meafure ap- 
pear to be true, unlefs Ju- 
{tice do plainly plead for 
him. For it may be that 
though he had formerly been 
an Offender, yet that he 
may not be guilty of this 
Crime, of which he is ac- 
cufed. Wherefore be exactly 

edivcu OGeActe, comics © 
6h 7H 76 Bin nba 
@ darespi. & pe 
peaprupnpyrQ. t Bior, 
e& aesnaniGx, & oo1o- 
mT eCnAwnas, a ' ie 7 
AconpO-", @ giroce- 
vO, € GiAgmungs, r| 
PLAGIADD, & 2h ah 
sceruep sis 1G wh Bee 
Aan, & cupegy, © wn 
arwt Gy, 7 pAsuaG , 
” apoopay@., 4 &- 
arralya@u, 5 per 
dot Gy. 

Ei ) aw7Td @egue 
mene) py Pairgy 
non cn pers aArnses 
ay ee % ou yu ots 
Geepuevay * aut" xq< 
anpekar, & en ay ao- 
TS Sixgsov °94 cues 
quoviCcpSuov’ elope ~ 
amore, T3T8 4 & elxan- 
ugzlQ. adwor varape 
je. Ovo axerbas Oh 

\ ~_ , 
THA TWhavuim yvnPovTsy, 

sae sssnetiassuastastesssisanasessnssesisiensteaieasineenisensseet® 

* deeit. v. * 4 mavavaaw]@, v. 3 defunt. v. * deeii.v. 


te - gi Xai 

airbares € BeCuas 
mics: ames dempaays 
c ort ancl cber! Ge 4 
ean uy a Goerqudy 
eiiyoepl CUT, xg 
mega TET 77) Bh ons 
aw, © hapa o- 

Hoon? ; merodi cade 

| au xp, wate DT TUHD-. 

garmy aT iM apn TOY eat 
om, 1% un © eTegy 
TWA gras Beer Toe 32g 
opnpencn, » THEM me 
mene ne) Te Cole 
aur) Segory nee 
plu ercSocberre a= 
yl exsov, O7wS KN ee 
; 0G. uis auris Cy 
gett. eT ~ Kaprps 
guar aringont é- 
, Stef” gO” o 6 TANIA We AY 

— Sinns éxlgs. 

Eta mropsyy 3 ort freus.” 
wel ¢ diygioy gv o- 
pepes muieiDey, bay ~ 

ae ev0s pegeare are 
ovr, jan aa! Qs 73 
éTepe wade DaDAgyn- 
Gubls apse B Enoe- 
ego xAnug, Tes 

the Holy Apoftles. 

cautious about fuch Circum 
ftances, and fo render your 
Sentences, when pronounced 
againft the Offender convia- 
ed, fafe, and firm. And if 
after his Separation h- begs 
Pardon, and falls down be- 
fore the Bifhop, and acknow- 
ledges his Fault, receive him: 
Bur neither do you fuffer a 
falfe Accu‘er to go unpunifh’d, 

that he may nor calumniate 
‘ another who lives well. or 
encourage fome other Perfon. 
to dolike him. Nor, to be 
fure, do ye fuffer a Perfon 
convicted to go off clear, 
left another be enfnard in 

the fame Crimes. 9 nei- 
ther fhall a WirnefS of Mif-. 

chie‘s be unpunifh’c, nor fhall 

he that offends be withour 

We {aid hefore, that Judg- 
ment ought to be given upon 
hearing only one of the Par- 
ties : Forif you hear one of 
them when the other is not 
there.and {o cannot make his 
Petence to the Accuiaiion 
brought againft him, and 

" er 
' deeft.V. 2 9 Viv. ? deceit. Ve +4. Ve 



on xxvi ds he that holdeth the Tail cf 

Dan Xiil. 


fafhly give your Votes for 
Condemnation, you will be 
found guilty of that Man's 
Deftruction, and  Partaker 
with the falfe Accufer before 
God, the juft Judge. For, 

a Dog, fo is he that prefides at 
unjuft Judgment. But if ye 
become Imitators of the El- 
ders in Babylon, who when 
they had born Witnefs a- 
gainft Sufanna, unjuftly con- 
demnd her to Death, you 
will become obnoxious to 
their Judgment and Con- 
demnation. For the Lord, 
by Daniel, deliverd Sufanna 
from the Hand of the Un- 
godly, but condemn’d to the 
Fire thofe Elders who were 
guilty of her Blood’; and re- 
proaches you by him, faying, 
Are ye fo foolifh, ye Children 
6f Wrael> Without Examina- 
tion, and without knowing the 
Truth, ye have condemned a 
Daughterof \racl, Return a- 
gain to the Place of Judgment ; 

for thefe Men have born Falfe- 
wirne/s againjt her. 

mens eevéSuente Lie 
Qov RG-TIEM Ch TES, eyO-- 
not F ap aupecemrs,C TUE 
werent Td cuxopay= 
Th, WY Oc6 dupes 
cee y a) * dete x ef= 
TH ‘Qs p 0 0 xenTey | 
HEPKY xmids, eT ws o 
Deg Esws aMronenas ner 
CEOS. “Ede! [kp TO) 
Sunde aS op Batu- 
Awve mpeaburecy, or- 
levesyg-rape2pru pads 
Ts T Sworluvns aed ines 
xg-Ted naar auTiV: ES 
Saivaloy, & gyorg “ Cn 
ey oy x CLOEWS @ xalees 
Dinns Wwade. om ¥ 
pu Seoodprep 0 unenos 
Ag & oS Aaninr eppuoee 
TO Cn aceeoe aby. v0~ 
Ug, Tes 4 wanes eS 
ainal@. aur w peo 
Curipys * oy | TEE mc" 
Td Inacery’ ungs 4d 
auTe wyadnoe Aequv" 
OvTws yweptoi vot les 
XNA 5 orn Quanerveu= 
Tes, otk S ges omt- 
quovnes nan eware ous 
yaTaest Ioes nA ayos 
gpa ey es 3 x ERE 

arezov’ Ldn pe 8 ToL caddie kd aUuTns. 

‘ deeft, V 

ceo. Ty 


im ; . a ze. 
@rexse3 © ore 
rx oT LINgoe SMxcesn- 
Ela, av Tn eEvaice. o- 
eau cng us -gores 
HG!N 2S DAP Lares, TULL= 
€ Cope ges Ansrs. THs 
| avanetals avTey Ae 
Gores of nyepSwor vu 
 Trepmnwyroy, Aé- 
yeot Td Mexepya, e 
anv T a rms end; yeu- 
/ ; ; , 
xeve Culxaralee, 
osx Whiws Eh * x0- 
Aga auaw Cnr 
OW, DMaz WrAdoow He 
uty ‘ ~_ > ~ AN 
preecis omoley.) ‘ams T 
— 8S6Tac pers ounbs- 
“spelt b cgilgee 
Ale Toms, x abo. Te 
mre. |@s edow' | res 
. nn. m. 
Aduratop Oegn “Lie 
Pov Savateo prcroy 
Cut Epety mols eure 5 
Wejs F HAtoy ewaens 
\ _“ fe ey 
Tas weeds, De ncp 
TupsToy a0 Qu arco 
“av 13 cimalGuoae 

© She Holy “Apofttes: 

ie Ss Sear. XXVE 

Onfider even the Ju- 
dicatures of this World, 

by whofe Power we fee Mur- 
derers, Adulterers, Wizzards, 
Robbers: of Sepulchres, ‘and 
Thieves, brought to Fryal; 
and thofe that prefide: when 
they have receiv'd their A’é- 
culations from thofe tha 
broughtthem, ask the Male- 
factor whether thofe things 
be fo? And tho’ he does nor 
deny the Crimes, they ‘do'tot 
prefently fend him ‘out ro 
Punifhment, but for feveral 
Days they make Enquiry ‘a- 
bout him, with a full Coun- 
cil,.and with the Veil inter- 
posd: And he that is to pafs 

the final Decree and Suffrage 

of Deathiagainft him, lifts up 
hisi lands ro the Sun, and 
folemnly affirms char he is 
innocent of the Blood of the 
Man: Thoughthey be Hea- 
thens, -and know: not -the 



Deity, nor the Vengeance 
which will fall upon Men 
from God, on account of 
thofe that are unjuftly con- 
demn‘d, they avoid fuch un- 
juft Judgments. 

Lit. § But you who know who 
our God is, and what are his 
Judgments, how can you bear 
to pafs an unjuft Judgment, 
fince your Sentence will be 
immediately known to God? 
And if you have judged 
righteoufly, you will be 
deem’d worthy of the Re- 
compences of Righteoufnels, 
both now and _ hereafter ; 
but if unrighteoufly, you will 
partake of the like. We 
therefore advife you, Bre- 
thren, rather to deferve Com- 
mendation from God than 
Rebukes : For the Commen- 
dation of God is Fternal 
Life to Men, as is his Re- 

buke Everlafting Death. Be §@ 

y¢therctore righteous Judges, 
Peace-makers, and without 

Mattv.22 Anger. 

For, Ave that is an- 

> ; a ? ra 
cv Degrre, MAitot ov Tes 
eGytxes, % & yy WonxO¥= 
/ ? 
res Geacman, 1 * es 
> ~_ > 
avTes 2m Ose auuvay 
ap aS dwartios xa- 
, ] > 4 
raxeslevawy, ope 
c ~ I , ‘ 
Tues 4 yvwrxor 
TEs Tis 0 Secs nUgyy 
@ orca TH KELULTA 
~ ~ a ? 
curs, mms ay xal é- 
wmipedp duuraese mvt 
wmganv dey, T xee 
e ~ a 
CLWS UOY mmpDaspNa 
! ~ y 
yvocnopyns Qew 5 % 
a f dixaiws Cuewarte, 
Axaiwy aygieor xa- 
Takiomads % raw %y 
> » pe? atl) tees 
eis aus a adixes, 
mar TS ongiwy TEU 
c ad Ve ad > 
Eee nines Ww uy, a 
DAGol, cunesadophe 
UMivg AGIMOY emnivwr 
acid why Osa 2 
boqwv’ ors Ove Ents 
4 5 
vO. Cor atwnG. ay 
ewrrols, wowep * x 0 
boy@. Suival@. aim 
SiG. dio yivede MM- 
xcot xeaTry eiplue 



2 ai70 mie. Vv. 7? Gy. v, 


the Holy Apoftles. 

qrotot, aopryT ot. ie 
EpyiCowuO. 9 mi a- 
ADH aur ann, évo- 
4G. try tn xetod. Ei 
4-@ cupln @& cvep- 
prices kevds opydnvoy U= 
nas yg. TWO», o a= 
OQ pn badvETH bt 
‘an opyn | Yagy. Op- 
miCecde 1D, giayvo Aa- 
Cid, 4 pn apiprdpere” 
TeTest, maREWs ALor- 
Ago St, Onrwus wn n e- 
ompgvO. *,* opye uwn- 
augnia Rynty, 4 a= 
piolkidy amepyaon). Yu- 
dal 9p vnoe gnaw els 
| Stvaay, no 6 Xo- 
Jou. Aéyd 570 ww 
BD agin oworrnp Ln 
ous 6 Xessus cw Malaga: 
Alois’ “Edo wegodepns 
S Meo cd tS Sune- 
 Ghesov, © cner wyndns 
STL O advrpes ov end Tw 
ce qe, aes exad dMD- 
Cov oe Emegarey a2] 
Sunemee, 4 omy, 
orpo@ray Agparayacr TH 
BRAGS ob, % ToT er- 

gry without a Canfe is obnoxi=' 
ousto the Fudgment, But ifit 
happens that by any ones 
Contrivance you are angry 

at any body, Let not the Suz Eph.iv.6 
go down upon yourWrath. For, = 
fays David, Be angry and fin Pal. iv, 4. 
mot: That is, be foon recon- 

cil’d, left your Wrath con- 

tinue fo long, thar it turn to 

a fettled Hatred, and work. 
Sin. For the Souls of de 
that bear a fettled Hlatred are 
to Death, {ays Solomon. But's Pag. 
our Lord and Saviour Jefus gir, 
Chrift fays in the Gofpels, yfatv.23; 
Tf thow bring thy Gift to the 24. 
Altar, and there remembreft 

that thy Brother hath ought 
againft thee, leave there thy 

Gift before the Altar, and go 

thy way ¢ firft be reconcild te 

thy Brother, and then come and 

offer thy Gift. Now the Gift 

is every one’s Euchariftical 
Prayer and Thank({giving. If 
therefore thou haft any thing 

againft thy Brother, or he has 

any thing againft thee, nei- 

ther will thy Prayers be 

Loh magepnoual v. 

29-V> ? deeft. V. 

M 2 heard, 


heard, nor will thy Thank{- 
givings be accepted, by rea- 
{on of that hidden Anger. But 
‘tis your Duty, Brethren, to 
pray continually. Yet becaufe 
God hears not thofe which 
are at Enmity with their Bre- 
thren by unjuft Quarrels, ¢ 
yen tho’ theyfhould pray thiree 
times an Hour, ’tis our Duty 
to compofe all our Enmity 
and. Littlenefs of Soul, that 
we may be able to pray with 

a pure and unpollured Heart. 

For the Lord commanded us 
to love even our, Enemies, 
and by. no means to hate 
our Friends. And the Law- 
Levit. xix, giver fays, Zhou [halt not hate 

17. thy Brother inthy Mind. Thou 
fhalt certainly reprove thy Bro- 
ther, and not incur Sin on his 

Deut.  ecount. Thon fhalt not hate 

xxiii 7. aa Egyptian, for thou waft a 
Sojourner with. him. 
fhalt not hate an \dumzan, 
for he is thy Brother. And 
David fays, lf I have repayed 
thofe that requited me L£vil. 
Wherefore, it chou, wilt bea 
Chriftian, follow the Law 


Qwv @egapepe am dwegy 
ad. Adegy d¢ bey Oca 
nexgcs @egTdan © 
dinenessicn. edu Gy Engi 
k, 48) 7B adeAge. ces 
nauqs exnk xt) as, 
gre ak wepTdyat oe 
dounsdnow ry, o7e a 
dinaerSy o# megaute 
obncorny, Al Fae 
axel cpryiv’ agn 3 
UNE yes meg odvedy 
uugs, ad:Ago: 2" 
exes Dn. aps Ov opyauis ci 
N 2005 ey lesivortwy a= 
SAGoIs 0 Ogds Gu t= 
manel, © 2d res F 
weas megodEwyry, 
qn Nerver amrody 
exfear © puxeougie 
av, We Duvwuela meg- 
diye xecepe. TH 
aapdig 4 aplarw. 494 
Tol YY e ey Opes o ww 
Gs ayamgy megct 
Gee, svi 3 X wes 
pirus pscety’ @ a yor: 
yg sens @noiy? Ou ps- 
oat s open ay Degs7roy’ 
2 puonals * adeAgov ow 
an Algvoin ov eAs- 


YER eAgylas T ader- 

the: he Holy Apoftles. 

easy apridu. 3 ae. 
cards Aiyuatiov,. ont 
tr eptn@» idee oy a= 
mrs’ & ionoys ISenotoy, 
ole aden pes Ce 621. 
Kay 0 Aabid ren 
Ei ‘ “wracredong. - mls 
duramadrd or Lot ng 
Oey a X esst- 
dues SAGs & avey, aca 
| mores mS 3 wyeKe 
youw ade mute cow 
Ctqnov adyxias. bh 
Cot 9S 0 wer @: 
Evcidy EUEO aDlévay a= 
popkas 137) akrge Tes 
eis Oe owas f Ors 56 
SoumreavrenKs sa TH » 
TUTES, TET CS xooias cv 
eymcov ree: moons «BY 
790 aginas me akrge 
oe, wtT-3 per Bernoys © 
: adr apie vat C vues 
xe ml axeous S Tepe 
fie Aingil@-, ¢ OT! exc 
eGQ T ein 10 8 adn- 
clor aus jan AoyiCe- 
oe on eis xpd ics U- 

UV. 20 4 ernorne- 
“A e * cuuanpes: en 
C CH xerov 

Lord has given thee Autho- 
rity to remit thofe Sins’ to 
thy Brother which he has 
committed againft thee, as 

far as Seventy times Seven, Matt. xviii. 

that is, Four Hundred and ** 
Ninety times. How oft there- 
fore haft thou remitted. to 
thy Brother, that thou art un- 
willing to do it now ? when 
thou alfo haft heard Fere- 

wmiah faying, Do uot any of Zach, Vill. 

you impute the Wickedne[s of 17: 
his Neighbour in your Hearts, 
But thou remembreft Inju- 
ries, and keepeft Enmity, and 
comeft into Judgment, and 
art fufpicious of his Anger, 
and thy Prayer is hindred., 
Nay, if thou haft remitred 
to thy Brorher Four Hundred 
and Ninety times, do thou 
{till multiply thy Aas of 
Gentlenefs more to do good 
for thy own fake; altho’ he 
does not do fo, yet how- 
ever do. thou endeavour to 
forgive thy Brother for God’s 
Son of thy Father whith is in 
‘Heaven ; and when thou 

7 971 & OeAcis. Ve 

> gGileis. Y, Quacz Tle, 7> 

M 3 prayelt 

That thou mayeft be the matrvagg 


#,* Pag. 
» 259s 

Matt. X12 fay, P 


prayeft mayft be heard, asa 
Fricnd of God. ~ 

eRati C wiiviy ‘upopei a 
“an @epadiogs ou eh 
mrodiCereye DW 6.2%) Teh, 

mileaxine é CvEvnn ove pers ou) adinGe eet TAEO velgy % 
Lopyncias bh ava ov. Gis aya berowil Dt éaueroy. x OLY Cnet= 

‘pos pen TIE, Maing Gd 70 Abe. Ocov axedue ce pievay mf 

mAncioy, cows Mon y yos S GATES TY Z¢ cy vegvols, x mer 
odino pO. ATLKEN 0S girG- Oca. 

Wherefore, O Bifhop, w hen 
you. are to go to Prayer, after 
rhe Leffons, andthe Pfalmo- 
dy, and the Inftruction. out 
of the Scriptures, let the Dea- 

con ftand nigh you, and with | 

a loud. Voice fay, Let none 

have any Quarrel with ano- 

ther ; Let none come in Hy- 
pocrifies that if there be any 
Controyerfie found ‘among 
any of you, they may be 
affe@ed in Confcience, and 
may pray to God, “and be 
reconcil’d to their Brethren. 
For if upon coming into 
any one’s Houfe we are to 
eace be to this Fioufe, 
like Sons of Peace beftowing 
Péace on thofe who are wor- 

Ifa. iro thy, as it is written, Zo them 
rapt Ul 17 ph ap are nigh, and them that 

3 Timi; 


yee ten, ) ae 
THOT, parr overoy Ue 
wey es: meg odious a a: 
maT, | we Paya 
yon, eF 4 farmer 
Ord, CHF yee 
Pais Side cneeridy, 6 
Keno: Eas orAnziov 
YUgY, pate Uxnans ha 
vns ™ ie Acgre” paris 
roel tg m7 @. pons ov 
SDK ELT, ive ec dhe 
pel ey Tow Awriag- 
Yity cuvednog xpe- 
Sens, denban S Gri, 
a SGMma quar Tals a 
AGIIS. a s) Tes oy 
orn ig. TGs eicep norSies, 
Dep ‘mayor Fe rzlew 
Eipluin TT) 0! org TeT@" 
as uss Epis ejptivus 
yacerCousjies ayisaE sors, 

ogg.mas. V. ae TeT0. ¥. 

3 euvt@enons, V. 


op los » 


the Holy Apoftles. 

‘aectws peyesmlaty' mis 
es eye mex» ovGee 
aus" > amAU " Ugaroy 
Tis cy sv nae a 
coepoeivs aeph 

orchrrwy ? txdigasny ® 
s Gee eipluiny’. a4 
aAo1s Tau emdige- 
ay, * amon" _BeMoy 
ET; ws envoy pws. 
0 9 pn age | ant cy 
cauty, aon ecw’ att 
meO., Mois auTny 
yeeiCedey. 36 meP 
odprwy apn as eauerny 
espnvdvety auc. 0 ~ 
pn Des saurey gaLO1C 
Cav, ed\ dy ae9s aA- 
Av Hore ned naeray 
5 oy ‘eceey  eiplunngs, 
S mere, © Cunepops 
cine My gO. "9 
@ogs & mrsove ny au 
mS tes CoCopluss dy 
CLIQYOI. of 98 Echvaay- 
as exloas @ uss, 
| Spin Agytas © x etoys,70- 

are far off, whom the Lord 
knows to be his, much more 
is it incumbent. on thofe that 
enter into the Church of 
God betore all things to pray 
for the Peace of God: But 
if he prays for it upon o- 
thers, much more let him- 
felf be within the fame, as 
a Child of Light; toe he 
that has ict not within him- 
felf is not fic to beftow it 
upon others. Wherefore, be- 
fore all things, ’tis our Duty 
to be at Peace in our own 
Minds; for he that does nor 
find any Diforder in himfelf, 
will not quarrel with ano- 
ther, but will be peaceable, 
friendly, cathering the Lord’s 
People, and a Fellow-worker 
with him, in order to the in- 
creafing the Number of thofe 
that fhall be faved in Una- 
nimity. For thofe who con- 
trive Enmities, and Strifes, 
and Contefts, and Law-Suits, 
are wicked, and Aliens from 

eo x4 78 Oss Bwo-gior Ty java. 

Leadey sunfy: Akzere elenyny viv. v. > moana. V.v. * pe ee 

Bye Tiv 78 Ags cipiyny. V. + moaaw.V. 

pvouevG@-. V. 
LC T. 

Sdelunt. Ve ° 

M 4 


* Re R God, being a God of oO Tap Oede, Ochs 

Mercy from jthe Begin- coy cries, oa ap 
ning, called every. Generati- acs EXGSHY qWvedp. th 
on to Repentance by rightee pero era Ge 
ous Men and Prophets.- He drxg.icay © 7S meo- 
inflructed’ thofe before the Quam. @ tes @. me9 
Flood by Abel,‘ and Sem, and 7 tgraiuqui hg S 
Seth; alfo by Enos, and by ‘AGEA % Sips 4 n8, 
‘Boch that ‘was tranflated : ert 5 Evas, Cs. pare 
Thofe-at the Flood by Noab: “SwlQ@, Evy eowGes- 
The Inhabitants of Sodom by we res Bae Cy Te) Hg 
hofpitable Lot ; thofe after the rauruorni, SF Nae. 
_ Flood by Ichifedeh, and the ves éx Bodbucts ’ lg. & 
Patriarchs, and Fob; the Be- QA05 Ee Aor’ Tet AY 
loved of God; the Egyptians % ygrmnarucygy See, 
by Mofes; the Lraclites by Meaytardix,@ a qr. 
him, and Fofhua, and Caleb, TEAAPYAY 4 ce Spor 
and Phineas, and the reft. girvs Iw. res ov Aix: 
Thole after the Law by An:. yale a, Ble Mocews * 
gels and Prophets, and the es ‘IecanruGes, MM ape 
fame by his: own Incarnation. a¥, 4 ‘Inge, xy Xanzey. 
of the Virgin; cthofe alittle @ dives, @ afl Agr. 
before his Bodily Appearance, zwx Tes meG vopgr-s: 
by Fohz, his Fore-runner, and JM alyrwy c DeopN- 
the fame by the fame Perfon -my* res avtes Ag F 
after € hrift’s Birth, : faying, idics cr dp bewmaews 

Mar is 15. Repent ye, for the Kingdom of 3 én atsSzve, Quowhins, 
| Fleaven is at b. nd. Thole res meg pinps F dwae. 

ead du ard ae] GH ebey acne Very gir Se eal gaa 


dacews wre tT Gug- 
kexns SG ‘lwayre oB 

@egd egies’ Tes A au 

OW Beavey. Tes perm 
‘pov MHS didengy, © 1B 
Ԥ cxaroryns oxdles Tau- 
‘As. hues sv of xqeree 
‘Evwdevres cvay ugpru: 
‘pes T mpucias au 78, 
oun lanwbo res 78 20" 
‘els aDEAgo, @ éqegis 
s6 dburnorl& duo ug-ba- 
amis, @ *,* ais éram 
‘Sraygvots auto, 6x 50: 
ugl@r ve wets nA 
"ings Xess 1k 8 oepSu, 
3 Od werk ws addres As- 
opusy, Ti CAS SEAMS 
we Oc B ayaduy xou 

— the Holy Apoftles.: « 

after his: Paffion by us, the 
Twelve Apoftles,and Pau/ the 
Chofen Veffel: Wetherefore 
who have.been vouch{af’d 
the Favour of being the Wit- 
nefies of his Appearance, to= 
gether with James the Bro- 
ther of our Lord, and the 
other Seventy two Difciples, 
and his Seyen Deacons, have 
heard from the Mouth of 
our Lord Jefus Chrift, and 
by exa@ Knowledge declare 

What is the Will of Ged, that Romine 

good, and acceptable, and pir 
fe? Will, - which is miade 
Known to us by Jefus; chat 

none fhould perifh, but that *+* Pag: 

all Men, with one Accord, 
fhould believe in him, and 
fend unanimoufly Praife to 
Him, and thereby live for 
ever. | 

dapecov 4 TAGoD, 3 Ag Ine’ woedey nuiv, vee 
pnd es Dw Ante, Da UOTE S Ae Ceg ree UiL Dey &s MSeU= 

dures av7e), cuvoy 


; ~ ’ \ / 
Team gap ber 3 ed\- 

CUnguvoy cvameedavres avr, Chow: 

For this is that which our 

duEev. tugs 0 werxG. Lord taught us when we 

mesc dugc pes Aénety 

pray to fay to his Father, 

‘ rtp. V. 7a V, 3? deeft.v. 






CONSTITUTIONS of Dhy will be done, as in Hea- i aner atrB’ evn: 

wen, fo upon Earth. That as 
the Heavenly Natures of the 
incorporeal Powers do all 
glorify God with ene Con- 
fent, fo alfo upon Earth all 
Men with one Mouth and 
one Purpofe may glorifie the 
Only, the One, and the True 
God, by Chrift, his only 
Begotten. *Tis therefore his 
Will that Men fhould praife 
him with Unanimity, and a- 
dore him with one Confent. 
For this is his Will in Chrift, 

that thofe who are fav’d by 

Matt. $i. 


him may be many ; bue that 
you do not occafion any Lofs 
or Diminution to him, nor 
to the Church, or Jeflen the 
Number by one Soul of Man, 
as deftroy'd by you, which 
might have been {av’d by Re- 
pentance; and which therefore 
perifhes not only by its own 
sin, but alfo by your Trea- 
chery befides, whereby you 
fulfil that which is written, 
Fe that gathereth not with me, 
[cattereth. Such an one is a 
Difperfer of the Sheep, an 


" TeTECly. V. 

* delunt. ¥. 4 Gaal ety. ve 

Simm SB Sern cv, 
ws wtesvw € bh t 
ers’ omws WS ah” erry- 
estviol Quads ais aow= 
/ ww 
ugtev dvvapewy wWe= 
cy ddéalun + Ozoy 
r vy >. 
cunQwrws, eto © emt 
F yas adres ot avbeg- 
mo. cw éyt SOUGTL Y 
pd dra teo} doEaCan 
ANY / 1 > y: 
T pgvoy Qeor, 2p ct, 
> \ ~ 
~ hid ¢ 
pgvomwes Xesos. dee 
Anug ev auté bey ate 
YeV QUT oNgDEepras, 
> Teprxuuay auc 
= ( “fy ~ ~ 
Coppavas”. TeTO 3 
ava 64 Sang cw 
Xero, momes eivey 
\ U > > 
nus CoCop§uus cv au- 
a, Ma pn Capisy 
o red DE 42 7 Pa 
aut, pnde *eAglTo 
ye Upnces T CHKANTION » 
a ) 4 \ > \ 
n Cusen ev Tv aerbugr, 
die puas reyns dubeas 
Mme Up UYygy dwourpedel= 
ons, mris 7dunero (ys 
Orivan. die parduoias’ a= 
aware *\ & yovev 2 
rDiees opyns, amr’ 7ndy 


downers dvveuci wagat ev cova. Vv. mom V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

giz vpeTeess bm6 ¢- 
aie C  emrnewran 3 
ypexmpoy. O mn 
CUNK Yor HAT E's, qnop- 
mit. Tosr@. 3 4 ov, 
gnepmsgns , Det arwy 
gyTidixOy, Oce en 
bess, ats eepvicoy oflo- 
pais’ , Ovo wens mt- 
pla raaiipée. % * nues 
quwaywpt ox Sago 
yy Ora 24 yAwosan, 
Cv mre 2 ug3c4o», Gj WAY 
ano, ¢ nom diluie- 
x4, 5 eaeuevials, ear 
TLS, qaeedbvias, diaS- 
Hgis, WAnyais, PuaAa- 
u's, we *8 SEA NAS 
SG Ge arongoprs: ; 
aanewraphy 7 T TeMAt- 
yor aS avanepQuor, 
Tens F teeny xgdv- 
Any Cxuanciav, db- 
Qeawowuor, af xrn- 
wv, © aqariopuor, 
Yuaver Tay a doFaCov- 
Toy T xoAcTyp Te au- 
res Dt nUgy ets So 
zor. ULES ov & 
vuly Demopmia : 

ULES *) of Aaingi, er 

<1 by v. ? umes by oureyssr QPEAOV TES THE v. 

2 “nar. vs 

Adverlary, an Enemy of God, 
a De(troyer of thofe Lambs, 
whofe Shepherd was the 
Lord, and we were the Col- 
lectors out of various Na- 
tions and Tongues, by much 
Pains and Danger, and per- 
petual Labour, by Waitch- 
ings, by Faftings. by Lyings 
on the Ground, by ‘erlecus 
tions, by Stripes, by Imprt. 
fonments, that we might 
do the Will of God, and 
fill the Feaft-Chamber with 
Guefts to fit down at his 
Table, that isthe Holy and 
Catholick Church with joy- 
ful and chofen People, fing: 
ing Hymns and Praifes to 
God that has called them by 
us to Life. And you, as 
much as in you lies, have 
difpers’d them. Do you al- 
fo of the Laity be at Peace 
with one another, endeavour- 
ing, like wife Men, to in- 
creafe the Church, and to 
turn back, and tame, and 
reftore thofe which feem wild. 
For this is the greateft Re= — 
ward by his Promife from 

4defuat. V, 

> gy. V. 

CONSTITUTIONS of God, Jf thou fetch out theWor- pludinne megs Warargs, 


thy and Precious from the Un- asudeCovnes as Deore 
worthy, thow fhalt be as my wort dnxrnoidp ab&ey, 
Mouth. Camm vopuCopWe-as 
nf | ? yern bhe-ptpey es ave 
any, CeEnpepuy, @ amoxgSte-ay. | 4 Tee" bay o pena 
26 emnloprias pidos we Ocs** “Edw eLaqayns & aves 
Siw akiov @" ripsov, ws come pew doy, SY 
- But be thou, “O Bifhop, vd 4 6 bAtxor@., 
holy, unbiameable,no Striker, a0! ayaosjczpearnoss pen 
not {oon angry, not cruel; adxxems, ph opyirA@s, 
but a Builder-up, a Conver- pha mins’ Xv’ oinodd= 
ter,.apt to teach, forbearing w@, bmaopoods, 7d 
of Evil, of a gentle Mind, dexlexos, dveEient0’, 

‘meek, long-fuflering, ready ° nondSup@', apdos, 

to-exhort, ready to comfort, yexedSup@, ahqtve> 
asa Man of God. kings, abpurnrings ws 
OD BNG | Gee avbewrG-e 


GB 484 Sear. XXVIII. 

AXT HE N ‘thou © callett ‘Or 4 cuvabepiCns 
t an Aflembly of the “2 8 @cé éanay 
Church, as one that is the cidp, Os ay myGepynms 
Commander of a great Ship, yncs pegeans, pel’ bth 
appoint the Aficmblies to be syns aedons werdve arora: 
made with allpoffible Skill, Sey ais cuvcdes, ae 
charging the Deacons, as ealoéawr ais Aland: 
Mariners, to prepare Places vos woe! vav%us, THs 
for'the Brethren, as for Pat? Gwws exroseip avis 


sT® yelp ve? o2abporG, v, *delurnt, V. + deeft.V. 2 al. Dera- 
RTOS. x deeft. Ve : 
oe. GAPIIs 

the Holy Apoftles. 

HAGIS, xodeo7ep Sn 

thi pareces C expen. 
Tos. @ aregomy 0 ofnas 
$50 boners, 4o.1° a 
yasrorgs Tenge [i5}/O 
e& é EAGT? ay lakad 
ra! TASOPC EK eos 
Suamalw, oots colne 
Wi. xeow %) pecGso 
Ss brongre Fe91Q." 
mp engines 3. avre 
ne dCdu 7 mpegby. 
megsoy, 4 ol Algsmoves 
ma epsecSui rc, deres 
3 2 mraovG’ eSar@. 
foing.a1 PD vawmnls % 
TOL YCIP YOK Wepre f 4) 
Tew sGe ETE OY fae- 
pQ of Aaixo! ge 
Lediody pe) mons n- 
ougsas C Uaakias’ x) 
en quanues KEQWELO™ 
piers - % oNTEY age Ce 
uady, owe my airy oct. 

KeoG. dl 0 Brenna 

m8 ep unas heyos & e 
50s, dy ayavwonénrs ame 
Moaws @ Ince Te 
t*Naun , ce  xeetwv 
%j ae Banrawy, | 

fengers,with all due Care atid 

Decency. And firft ler the *.* Bis. 

Building be Jong, with irs 
Head to the Eaft, wich its 
Vettries on both Sites at the 
Faft End, and fo ‘twill be like 
a Ship. In the Middle Jer 
the Bifhop’s Thronebe plac’d; 
and on each Side of him:lec 
the Presbytery fit down sand 

lec the Deacons ftand nearat 

hand, in Clofe and {mall girc 
Garments; for they arelike 
the Mariners and Managers 
of the Ship : With 
thefe, lee che Laity fic omthe 

other Side, with all Quier- 

nefs and good Order: Aad 
let the Women fit by them- 
felves, they alfo keeping Si- 
lence. Inthe middle, Jet the 
Reader fland upon fome high 
Place; let him-read the Books 
of Mofes, of Fofhua the Sonof 

Nun, of the Judges, andsof *’ 

the Kings, and of the Chro- 

nicles, and thofe written after ~ 

the Return from the Capri- 

Books of fob and of Solo. 

aw mon, and of the Sixteen Pro, 

th y. ? Si Y. 2 ward Jt Avg. V- ‘Nat Edis, Turriac. 



-vity ; and befides thefe; che +,* pag.- 


phets. But when there has 
been two Leffons: feverally 
read, let fome other Perfon 
fing the Hymns of David, 
and let the People join af the 
Conclufions of the Verfes. 
Afterwards Jet our Adfs be 
read, and the Epiftles of Paul, 
our Fellow-worker, which he 
fent to the Churches under 
the Condu& of the Holy 
Spirit; and afterwards ler 
a Deacon or a Presbyter read 
the Go/pels, both chofe which 
I Matthew and Fobn have de- 

liverd to you, and thofe 

which the Fellow workers of 
Paul received and left to 
you, Lake and Mark. - And 
while the Gofpel is read, let 
all the Presbyters and Dea- 
cons, and al! the People 
ftand up in great Silence; 
for ic is written, Be filent 
and hear, O\{rael. And a- 
gain, But do thou fland there 
and hear. \n the next Place, 
Jer the Presbyters, one by 
one, not all together, exhort 
the People, and the Bifhop 
in the laft place, as being 
the Commander. Let the 
Porters {tand at the Entries 

{ denyany. Edite Turrian. 

WW abe rAcmpuorv @ 
Tm F emp de" @Degs 
Terug THT Lo 7S 
LorouwrG, Cm 7 
Exncidend WegOn Tey. 
asa duo 4 wouwov a- 
VanpoqLatat , eqns 
as res € Aalid lar- 
Aéaw Uuves, 4 0 Ag.ds 
Tm ehego ina <ZaI0- 
lamer. WT THT a 
vayywonedwadp. © é- 
msora TlawaAe S ave 
vepye nncy, chs omega 
Ae F Cuwrnaiais yo.F 
‘upnymow & cryis avd 
ual@! © pt! raven 
Blenov@s xn mpeabs- 
tepQs avarsvwonirw la 
Halyarre & eyo Mal- 
Slos, © Teo syns ahs- 
dtoxeepSo UpLiy, @ a of 
cuwepop Tlaway obe- 
Angvors xomAarlay U- 
piv Asygs © Mapxos. 
Fe jody aya qiyc~ 
oxopQuov nO Maloe- 
Alov, ordre s or Tr pec 
Curent, 4 of Bona- 
VOL, % Mas 0 Agas He 
nerwody pS ois n- 
cuyias’ ohy9¢amaj yap" 

Dre Tree 5 


| the Holy Apoftles. 

Diwan, © axve “Io- 
exnnr. Ka mua Su 
3 wresalt, @ axeon. 
Kat eeMs wang rere 
oop of Tperument 7 

oy. 0 xabels aurwe, 
Wa pn | andres ¢ 
re AdUTLI Ov myvrey 0 Q 
bticnowG., os zone ws 
Cepynry. smarwods 3 
of PW mAwep! eis G. 
esood'us HS dnd egy ou- 
Ag. saves aU TES, tk a) 
Oraxovot eis tas afd 
yuvannay, Jd iuny vaso 
Aor. ¢ ~ 4 oy TH 
oxy & phqvere o 
TOS oxpanorssd * a9 

y@. C' ams, > EC oy 
mS vans Oey’. a dé 
as dpely ahs somo 
1g Cou @ny oon 
sires a Drangre, 
as > megpdis', © eis 
a, avd s- 
Tov pe G. ged. & pgvoy 
~ vn, Mma © ugw- 
J py co}401 cory m CHKAN» 
ia. ws 49 of moi wes 
exceSo TH eAgyar, au 
ov, Qual, 4% Wegba- 

of the Men, and obferve 
them. Let the Deaconefles 
alfo fland at thofe of rhe 

Women, like Ship-men. For Deut. 
the fame Defcription and Pat: **iii ,Se. 

tern was both in the Taber- 
nacle of the Teftimony, and 
in the Temple of God. But 
if any one be found fitting 
out of his Place, let him be 
rebuk’d by the Deacon, as 
a Manager of the Fore- -Ship, 
and be remoyd into the 
Place proper for hin: For 
the Church is not only likea 
Ship, but alfo like a Sheep- 
fold: For as the Shepherds 
place all the Bruit Crearures 
diftin@ly, | mean Goats and 
Sheep, according to their 
Kind and Age; and ftill eve- 
ry one runs together, like to 
his like; fois it to bein the 
Church. Let the young Per- 
fons fit by themfelves, if 
there be a Place for them ; 
if not, let them ftand up- 
right. But thofe that are 
already ftricken in Years, 
let them fit in Order. For 
the Children which ftand, 

2 ua, V.? defunt. V. ?defunc. ¥, + aececws rimpy saver. Ve 



Jet their Fathers and Mothers 
take them to them... Let the 
younger Women alfo-fit by 
themfelves, if there be a Place 
‘for them; bucif there be 
not, lec them ftand behind 
the Women. Let thofe Wo- 
men which are married, and 
have Children, be plac’d by 
themfelves: But let’ the Vir- 
gins, and the Widows, and 
the elder .Women, fland 
or fic before all the refts 
and lee the Deacon be the 
Difpofer of the Places, that 
‘ every one of thofe that comes 
in may go to‘his proper 
Place, and may not fit at 
the Entrance. In like man- 
ner, Iec the Deacon overfee 
the People; that no body 

may whifper, nor flumber,nor’ 

laugh, nor nod : For all ought 
in the Church to ftand wile- 

dy, and foberly, and atren- 

tively, having their Attention 
fix'd upon the Word of the 
Lord. After this, let all 
rife up with one Confent, 
and looking towards the Eaft, 
after the Catechumens and: 

-_ « 

rey 7} Culovetes @ i / 
Atte 1swar, @ exasov 
a Te) Saycion,lg a ongh4) 
ounce: BT Ge oy ad 
OnMA NACL, OL it vethre- 
entidcn x ooo Cecdwathp 

egy % TUM, a > a 
srkertn Tey oplct ot 4 
T™ nAtnicn nn Deg Se- 
CuxoTes , .xarkCedn- 
ody cy rakd: wa 4 
Age Cdped woe wus TY 
at ree Tepes, ¢: ‘parepes” 
ay 4 yewnrepon amy rs 
Dice, x eaW 7 1 7 ToT Qs, 
a wing, dondep ays 
yuuuxay ised worey” oy 
J adn oayaunnyay, 9 
} menve par toey id\iow 
isadtoray ai nth Srévor 
Bg ay ociipay x %; j mere Um 
k dks, mpwroy ma cwy one 
meT MOON. 1 are ES O- 
cay e-w 4 raver 
cep vowy 0 b 1axov@s, 
iP exaq Qe TOY e1.oeps 
eM oor es ¥ id'iav m8 
my Oph, @ pn aby, 
j° iy Tegituy nadeav 
Te Ouslws Oo Dicen0705 

1 Fh TEVA EXT aE. ale Vo > MEITIKOMYs 

Chonomitw T Ago, 
dams pnks ~LiSvexon, 
a vusety, a agen. 
ydvon. svpn ~p CY Cita 
HAnoi bristugyles, ou 
MNPRALDS, @ Henqpes- 
Tws Etat, CHT Tt 
Willy norte F dn ols 
tm t € Were Agno. 
% po, Tero Cupgaras 
amdns eedueesey res : 

ea dwar reds 'na- 

adpondutes’, po Pater 
relnyspjoorv © 2 F ue 
adpoevrav eSoSoy, weg- 
oben wcay Te) Oe, 
7o brEebnyots bh + 

Beaver 1 beave 

pra eC F a pyatas yo 

pes e ot aramAes 

msC¥ dnb ew rrts aceamons 

a a4 

© évmalu, opews Cup- 

Cerin mides, ame- 

Earns. of 4 Naxovds 

| py Teotduylw, ol 

be TH Teorpopa & W- 

aeGgias gory CéTOr 


ody, rarnpeTep§uor Ted 
qe uvere oougl pe 

2 gmiGas artes. v- 

i 33.2 

— OME Ce nO ae , | } ale Pe FF 
the Holy Apoftics’ 

men the Lords Kits. 

Penitents are gone out, pray 

to Goa Eaftward, who afcend- Pal.tvity 
ed up to the Heaven of Hea-** 

vens to the Baff. Remem- 
bring alfo the ancient Situas 
tion of Paradifé in the Eaft; 
from whence the firft Man, 
when he had yielded to the 
Perfwafion of thé Serpent, 
and difobey’d the Command 
of God, was expell’d. As 
to the Deacons, after the 
Prayer is over, let fome of 
them attehd tipori the Cblas 
tion of che Eucharift, mi- 
niftring to the Lord’s Body. 
Let others of them watch the 
Multitude, and keep theni 
filent. But let that Deacon, 
who is at the High-Prieft’s 
Hand, fay to the People, 
Let no one have any Quarrel 
againf? another: Let no one 
coone in FXypocrifie. ‘Then lec 
the Men give the Meri, and 
the Women give the Wo- 
let no one do it with De- 
ceit, as Fudas berray’d thie 
Lord withaKils. Afterchis, 
lec the Deacon pray for the 



whole Church, for the whole 
World, and the feveral Parts 
of it, and the Fruits of ir: 
for the Priefts and the Ru- 
leis, for the High-Prieft and 
the King, and the Peace of 
+ * Pap. of the Univerfe. After this, 
“265. Jet the High-Prieft pray for 
Peace upon the People, and 
blefs them in thefe Words, 
Numb, vi. 24¢ Lord blefs thee, and keep 
24. thee; the Lord make his Face 
to fhine upon thee, and give 
thee Peace. Let the Bifhop 
pray for the People, and fay, 

Phalxxvii, Save thy People, O Lord, and 

8. ble{s thine Inheritance, which 
apne: wy haft obtaind with the 
i.9. precious Blood of thy Chrift, 
and haft called a Royal Prieft- 

hood, and .an holy Nation. 

After this let the Sacrifice 
follow, the People flanding, 

and praying filently ; and 

when the Oblation has been 

made, let every Rank by it 

felf parrake of the Lord’s 

Body, and precious Blood, 

in order, ard approach with 
Reverence and holy Fear, as 

to the Body of their King. 

¢ ¥ oo ~ 
gobe, a3 Tes 0 yAus 




Aackomitwony, © n= | 

3 n 3 
ounidy avTols Eu7DI- 

emwatp. Asyerw 4 a 

mbesms om" aipyaepes 
Sranov@s wel Ag, pit 

/ ‘ , 
ms nota kves' un ms 

Cy “amxeicd. erm C 

acme wre arrnrus 
ot dudes, © MWaras 
an yuvaines, ~~ BO cp 
wee giAnug.® wa 
en Tis SbAiws, ws Ia- 
dus F wesov giAanugle 
bédove. © peta t8T0 
mega dyed o diaxo- 
YQ. rap F cnxAncias 

amums, © aduas eB 

“‘YGCW, A Tey Cn eure 

wer, % exgoeniy’ be 
mp Twy ispewv, © Tay 
? u ei ¢ agi ? 

oP 0 TeaP wap 3 ape 
qsepews, x TS Raat 
agws, © F xaWas a- 
puns. % pata TT oO 
apyaepels ed youQu@n 
17) Ag ephuny, duag- 
YiT® rBTOv ws HY 
Moons SvEeTELAg. TO les 
po av duAgyaiv F Agar 

/ ~' ees A > 
Teruls toispnugow Ev- 

Let the Women approach 
ee em i i eee MRR ee 

2 depa. Vy 

Agtynooy oe wees, & 


, QuAg- 

, ae. 

ws Banréws megaepsouywos TWOUETE® 


vagy oe hpavas 
xveros @ WegcwmoY an- 
adem of, '% Son cot 
Ew dyed 
by € ° brricxor@, é 
Aenetw” Lacov T Axov 
od, “were 14 UAgynooy 
® xAnepromidy oa’ ly 

rh eh < = Agocn 
Ly Apoftles. 
with their Heads covered; 
as 1s becoming ‘he Order of 
Women: Bur ‘et the Door 
be watched, left any Un- 

believer, or One not yet int- 

tiated, come in. 

emo, @ asyemnijow TS Te 

prin whug Th 18 Xesgs os, GC cuergous Bacaeor 
feeatdua. © *rG. aqeor’ Mera 5 tauTa gave 

inh Sulk  ME®. aduve eB a2, @* wepade 

ord > aveven On 5 peer rg. p Sa 
geroringen Talis ugh? Euutay 7B wierane Cvyai@ € 
ae rinis aygl@., ‘ov aed’, ph des xu uAgGeas, 
2 cy qyuuaines non 

aoe ; nowryas xy 

manera runway ? weQarlis ws aouged qwuvanx oy qwsd; 


aeroepedwaay. Our tieswoay 3} or vert, NTs ams 
5 O- acer, 1 dont. 

* * 3 U - ’ i 
“ Er de Tis dim Spot 
Kias adeAgos n adergn 
emtAbn, Cusucw bth 

xouuCop wot, Aleungvos 

ohinenveto G@ 1yT 

ape Some Mop, ‘ ? oh ok > 
auTes, dpaxnekywy a 

MS 4 

es jan 70 aupéceees eat 
peugruopyuor’ @ rei- 
Aw a4 vadpdoG. , h 
ones € eTw wes rH 
‘yoT antes, OS eoWa- 

| andas Tisdi @ Ougyy wo 

3 ay$Aby. Vo 4 defunc. V. 


If any Brother, Man or tvit 
Wonian, come in from ano- *)¢ 

ther Parifh, bringing Recom- 
mendatory Letters, let the 

‘Deacon be the Judge of that 

Affair enquiring whether they 
be of the Faickful, and of 
the Church? Whether they 
be not defiled by Herefie? 
And befides, Whether the 
Party be a matry’d Woman, 
or a Widow? And when he 
is fatished in thefe Queftis 

ES Ee 
‘WG eArciout os,emdons werQ 7 wescarey ats eat 7z.V.v. 2deeit.V. 

N 2 



. “4 ®& \ 24 4 oR Pe 


oris, that they are really of 
the Faithful, and of the fame 
Sentiments in the things of 
the Lord, let him conduct 
every one to the Place pro- 

per for him: And if a Pref-: 

byter comes from another 
Parifh, let him be receiv‘d to 
Communion by the Presby- 
ters ; if a Deacon, by the 
Deacons; ifa Bifhop, let him 
fic with the Bifhop, and be 
allow'd the fame Honour 
with himfelf; and thou, O 
Bifhop, fhale defire him to 
{peak to the People Words 
of Inftrudtion: For the Ex- 
hortation and Admonition 
of Strangers is very accepta. 
ble, and exceeding profira- 
ble. For, as the Scripture 

Luk.iv.24fays, No Prophet is accepted 
Job.v.44- ig his own Countrye 

fhalt alfo permit him to of- 
fer the Eucharift: Bur if out 
of Reverence to thee, and as 
a wife Man, to preferve the 
Honour belonging to thee, 
he will not offer, at leaft 
chou ihale comrel him to 
give the Blefiig to the Peo- 

3 ~ fw \ 
ATU TH exasoy es T 
/ , wee ¢ 
>. | aad =. 
ov’ a 7) © wpeabure- 
\ ‘ 
pQe 270 aboxias érér- 
ery aan 
Jol, Wepavirye ID 
rps mpecCutecwy * x90 
te os 
vouings * & >) Menovosy 
an TW Danovar’ 4. 
4 brhicnot@., cus tw 

 Cheygaw ygSelidw, 

& avans acer var 
wre tipns’ © eewTie 
ads ave, w eTlonome, 
Tent Agr Roy TY Age 
Agyus Diduxtixes 7H 
p al Eawv meg 
wAnos 4 vaceoia * da 
ama eddenl|@." 3 wgnrs 
YoTam opodes’ Ou- 
en fi sepetth a 
ow, Stuns Cy TH IS ic 
amTerdt,  Ertageress 
J’ auty x r dina er- 
Slav Owolony ear 4) dE 
Mag baav, ws Coges, 
tT Tiany Cot meay en 
TeArton dpevelycy, xolv 
as} Agov UAgyidp aui= 
arov MOINoU Xo THVAy= 
xeols: & > cy wd ugg 

7 deeft, V. 

® al. powevings. ¥. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

leas, ETeeps Tis é-. 

MEA SOL dagaww ¢ Gi ‘ey 

SEOs cv eS Bio, n Ee- 
yQ., " * lowers 
Cuo Saplonae Gat O.7reo- 
Agra t wet Oe 
Asov, nO anewy ae 
alamrorT@u.,, nS ven 
| yveonorl@s, Kn arep- 
THs. © Diayoviayv 7B 
Aoye, twa Siamen 
avr tepeDeiav, Ma 
poe touy®., pen da- 
Gay os t oye, 7 
% axolu’ ot *) ) edt Got 
Sf THY Srangveor Tel 
exdige Se mur evra et 
4 ar sou est, o 
DianoG.. TF Up Moy 
vewreeny enslens, By 
Days, Wad wh per 
_ Opyyis, cuevoy Agim 
70. Diyguay 3 TeTO 4 
a éaute + Pe 
SA Qoy Troe eas 5 
dived, @ eyens. aU TOP 
avalkagcus , omicw 
SAG % of Agumi 
avlimmennwwpery lot's cv- 

ple. But if after the Congre- 
gation is fat down, any other 
Perfon. comes upon you of 

good Fafhion and. Character *,* Pag, 

in the World, whether he be 
a Stranger, or one of your 
own Country; neither do 
thou, O Bifhop, if thou art 
{peaking the Word of God, 
or hearing him that fings, 
or reads, accept Perfons fo 
far as to leave the Miniftry 
of the Word, that thou mayft 
appoint an upper Place for 
him; but continue quiet, not 
interrupting thy Difcourfe, 
nor thy Attention ; but let 
the Brethren receive him by 
the Deacons; and if there 

be not a Place, let the Dea- - 

con by {pcaking, but not in 
Anger, raife the Junior, and 
place the Stranger there. And 
tis but reafonable that. one 
that loves the Brethren fhould 
do fo of his own Accord: 
But if he refufe, let him raife 
him up by Force, and 
fet him behind all; 
the reft may be taught ro 
give place to thofe that are 

ie Hage 
i gdvacty ag. V. 

N 3 More 

that | 




more honourable: Nay, if 
a poor Man, or one of a 
mean Family, or a Stranper 
comes upon you, whether he 
be old or young. and there 
be no Place, the Deacon fhail 
find a Place for even thefe, 
and that wich all his Heart 
That inftead of accepting 
Perfons before Men, his Mi- 
niftration towards God may 
be well-pleafing. The very 
fame thing let the Deaconefs 
do to thofe Women, whether 
poor or rich, that come un- 
to them. 


HEN thou inftruGet 

the People, O Bifhop, 
command and exhort them 
to come conflantly to Church 
Morning and Evening every 
Day, and by no means to 
forfake it on any Account, 

- but to affemble together con: 

tinually ; neither co diminith 

’ ghe Church by withdrawing 

themfelves, and caufing the 
Body of Chrift to be with- 

ke yomeen se e mea age, 
na guns, a GeO é emeA~ 
Sot, mpeacumns n ve 
Tm Ania, @ Gr@- 
ex, ’ Spapad, © reais 
aD 70V ADIN eG ons tT 
naps ices ae ° Suc | 
xovOs iva pn mwegs 
MVewroy avrs Runrey 
i TepTwamarns, mwa 
Megs eer 1 n Mianovie 
dbaipeces. 1B AN atan” 
moato CH Sicixov@e, 
Gis é e7rep novos yuvase 
Et monceis Nerul TAs" 



J\ Idkonwy 3 4, @ é7ri= | 

 onomme, utade GC 
atvaivd red 4a Qo, as? 
Cnurnaiay nDenenci- 
Cay opps @ é carbons 
exons huseas, % pn 
dwAemedey B cuwoAoy, 
WwAa ounep ye Sey dtn- 
yerus, © urte F xe 
wA.noidyy xorgeuy eau- 
ay UpsUper re, % why 
pAAGs may MV OOUy 

£76 dave? Edit, Turrian, 

4 ‘ 

‘the Holy Apoftles. 

e Keren g ~ pgvoy 
eK Lepécoy Eppeln, Wa 
mye 5 Or vps Adin cuy 
sQuTS axuerer, 
FeCl. ons eipn- 
Tey Van 7 auseke 7 0 
pen oy eer cue, nar 
eus Cer, - 0 ) fan ound 
muy rel eas, oKop TE 
Cd. Mn ey EUUT ES 
pacan oes TH Xece 
ChOPTICETE, pa cuua- 
BeoiCopuor. Xess 
weparlus * ¢ eNovTEs Mee ads 
Pes eal yaricv aus 
ouUeN Te e 3 yotvevere 
fre nly” pn auerare 
EQUTOV, pnd amosem 
perme tT Comer tay 
olxewy perce, pnd 
Sicipeste 3 Coug av- 
Te, pandé cnopT iene 
me fern av7B, pnd 
Teor envete Te tiv ag 
ye Gs Rrokngs AZelas” 

QM’ Excisns ndegs cu- 

valeniCecde opp ¢ 
ta Tréeas, Laprovtes a 
aeoa duno Swot ae 
mis wenanois’ opps 
fe Acoovees darpgy T 

out its Member. For ’tis not 
only fpoken concerning the 
Priefts, but let every one of 
the Laity hearken to it, as 
concerning him(felf; confider= 
ing that it is faid by the 
Lord, He that is not with on wil. 
me is “againft me, and he that *° 
gathereth not with me {catter- 
eth abroad. Do not you theres 
fore fcatter your felves a- 
broad, who are the Mem- 

bers of Chrift, by not aflem- 

bling together fince you have 
Chrift your Head, according 

to his Promife, prefent, and yyyiit ia 
communicating to you: be 

not carelefs of your felves, 
neither deprive your Saviour 

of his own Members, neither 
divide his Body, nor difperfe 

his Members, neither prefer 

the Occafions of this Life to 

the Word of God ; but aflem- 

ble your felves together every 

Day Morning and Evening, 
finging Pfalms, and praying in 

the Lord’s Houfe,in Soest 

ning faying the Sixty fecon it ee 
Pla, eae the Biche the ers 
Hundred and fortieth ; bur 


2 ba. Vo Ma V. 2 ovyeixtym vuly. Va 

4 ny prin: 

q a ee 


principally on the Sabbarh- 

Day, and onthe Day of our. 
Lord’s Refurrection, which- 

isthe Lord’s Day, meet more 
diligently, fending Praife to 
God that made the Univerfe 
by Jefus, and fent him ro us, 
and condefcended to let ath 
fuffer, and raifed him from 
the Dead. Otherwife what 
Apology will he make to 
God, who does not aflemble 
on chat Day to hear the fa- 
ying Word concerning the 
- Refurrection ? Qa which we 
pray thrice, fianding, in Me- 
mory of him who arole in 
three Days, in which is per. 
form’d the Reading of the 
Prophets, the Preaching of 
the Gofpel, the Oblatien of 
the Sacrifice, the Gift of the 
holy Food. 

And how can he be other 
than an Aadverfary to God, 
who takes Pains about tempo- 
rary Things Night and Day, 


EG’ comeans an + pe ‘ 
Mgprise. jovi mUAep ge 
78 GCCare, Cory 
S HUCLY Lv seTiG, 
™ xveraxn, areduio- 
/ >) ~ >y 
Teeys aT THTE, Avo 
ab cere M-TTUY TES Te) Oxp 

oS minut G@. oAg 
da ‘Ings, @ avayp 
‘as qugs eames 

AIT, @ Culoerph our le 
TUTE, % Ch vEXeyY 
ava. ems ke Q0= 
Agync,) TS Oem o un 
cwvepyeu@ ¢ ow a. 
TH Tmepes angen 
™mek# Wes t at asriaras 
Aoys 3 5 oon n @ Tes ou- 
nets 250) TES bhmrephy, 
portiums qaeny 73 Dice 
TEE avasurl@- nee 
egy" Cr y T eOpn TAY a- 
Pa Wwns, G Wa S ori 
WMNPUX ket C Suaaes a- 
vagoes, © opis legus 
; WPEM, 

Tes —) . A$ UK@y 

; Geto ° me Teh POP THA 


€ FG @* peb 

maces credee Cov, Toy 

but takes no care of things 4 wwviwr aucaovs @ 

"¢ deceit, VY, 

ree é > : ry ° nok 
i: defunr, Y, 


-_. 1 Fo U Murr "Tra eee ghy CR tis ote wre oa? ine re 4% the ow ate 
‘gloat ee BI yaite Yk oi mia ik A Aerial de aoa ( sh ae 
Ted NY) Ja in 4 2 7 ¥ 


ETN img ee, OE ae FT) " ‘este 4 VS eae tf 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Aerear ie @ Tepcxai- 
pe CoP, axchons * Pete 
‘ ow od * 
mospQu@., Tey 3 xe 
mb gvev ow baspe- 
P ite 7a \ 
Dep3no@.; mos AL ens 
; ne pO Lind 4 i ¢ 
2 yu Epet TH TOIBTH 0 
’ Ee ; . \ 
wwes@. edtxoeaIn Te 
e 2 ¢ ~ it a 
ebyn varep  UMas. we 
, Q ay < \ 
arep 4 T lepscaAnu 
? ! 4 e "ED im 
overdCoay eAentu ‘ 
xonwIn Zodbug cx oy. 
3 x 3 e 
Ei 5 72 cbyn e& vave 
QUTOY xast neeqy 
QWascivrn, aeegd bm 
a edwrg, 7B Ag 
agdyery aur, C meg 
\ 3 U 
oops epye © muons 
mencews TMepro au- 
xX ! 
mis mepcdioovry, @ 
2 ~~ ¢ ~ A, 
TOUS adynryupeoty auU- 
n~ > a i 

ma qvoraCsary, ay 

of t qvmxol ygvOy, &A- 
Age 2 of ArOppwdey ol- 
xevts’ @ cv ais Gea 
Sols cuT@Y ws CP Cua: 
ey myne Cunep- 
novToy “aa Opgh os ¢ 
ot UgTHY AEnoufuor Iy- 
Suiot, xab’ s& nueons 

‘iphens Ve 2 imag We 2 dmesegany- Vi 4 Sfyg ve 

Eternal > Who takes care of 
Wafhings and Temporary 
Food every Day, but does 
not take care of thofe that 
endure for ever. How can 
fuch an one even now avoid 
hearing that Word of the 
Lord> The Gentiles are jufti- Ezek. xvi, 
fied more than you; as hes» 
fays by way of Reproach 
to Ferufalem, Sodom is juftify d 
rather than thou. For if the 
Gentiles every Day, when 
they arife from Sleep, run 
to their Idols to worfhip 
them, and before all their 
ork and all their Labours, 
do firft of all pray to them; © 
and in their Feafts and in 
their Solemnities do not keep 
away, but attend uponthem ; 
and not only thofe upon the 
Place, buc thofe living far 
diftant do the fame; and in 
their publick Shews all come 
together, as into a Syna- 
gogue lathe fame manner 

‘thofe which are vainly called 

Jers, when they have work'd *,* Pag, 
Six’ Days, on the Seventh 2°? 
Day Reft, and come together 

“3 rt 
~ ne a 




into their Synagogue, never 

leaving nor neglecting ei- 

ther Reft from Labour, or 

aflembiing together; while 

yet they are depriv’d of the 

Efficacy of the Word in their 

Unbelicf; nay, and of the 

Force of that Name Fudah, 

by which they call themfelves; 

for Fudah is interpreted Con- 

feffion; but thefe do not con 

fefs to God, (having unjutftly 

occafiond the Suffering on 

the Crofs,) fo as to be {avd 

on their Repentance. If there- 

- fore thofe who are not {a\ed 

frequently aflemble together 

for {uch Purpofes as do not 

profit em, what Apology wilt 

thou make to the Lord God, 

who forfakeft his Church? 

not imitating fo much as the 

Heathen, but by fuch thy 

Abfence groweft flothful, or 

turneft Apoftate, or acteft 

Wickednefs? To whom the 

peefle vic Lord fays by Firemiah, Te 

ee have not kept my Ordinances ; 

Fizik. v.7 Hay, ye have not walked accord- 

avi. 47. ing to the Ordinances of the 

Heathen, and you have im a 

apapuutes, Ty ee doun 
nntpn cuwlacw es F 
Cuvayuyny avray, 3 
dimote why Qiovnes. A 
Mpgrehsvns, 2 T 
> ; > «~ yi 
apyias avTey, ee T 
Cuwwaguyes avrwop’ of 
& Swapews 7B Agye 
Cy TN amrisin avT@y 
weveooey Tes, TepaeTt On 
4‘ 8 ovongl@ édures 
xnaarsoy leds. ledus 
U > f e 
> eougroynas épum- 
ydvery’ eto cow aay 
eFougroyspwuor Oew , 
' ; ~ 
3 * madnyg 8 Xeres 
bya “ peroyvortts 
Coban. a Sv ot pn 
Colopwor,cn ois vx w- 
gersyrey * mwalea’, 
» "\ > 
Cu ti ay B3aAgpon 
if “ e 
wer Tm G:y, o.F 
? ? ~ 
Cnurnoies aurd oAe- 
mroevG@s 3 4 unde ret 
y U 
evn pace G., Sw 
\ > / c 
Ss & amram par 
SULwY, n DI TL TH» 7 
Sere's HY f e 
xgLNgTOLGY 5 01s Aq O 
wer. Ay B ‘Teper 
~ 7 \ ‘ 
eis? = - Ta Olxygtouge 

‘. gb. V. 2 mtOG.V. Pui. V. + Covers d mar ]daw. ¥. 


UP ee ee Re Fig aed Re 

the Holy Apoftles.. 

QW aad « G& dingo 
pola or” éSyay ero- 
pdisna, oy oAsgov a 
nape amnenre ares. Key 
mary: “Ednowoe * 
sfpuneles aves Ioeatar 
a | 8" aawders 
Teds. Kat é2%s: Ei 
IMMaEovry | 2Ovn Ocss 
eoTav, © Eat oon cit 
tor * dott dcAbere 
3 a! vers Keke ei, a 
dere, 14 is Kndip: 2770" 

fagy yONOUTE 

aur OTL Cueva py 
ux apebuar Gi eauroy 

| v0 pags” 0 3) Ae.0s [Ly 
: gua, mazar 7 ¥ dve 

Fav d CUTS cE hs oom dipernSiceray 


4 manner exceeded them. 

again, Afrael has juftified hisSe. iti vv: 

Soul more than treacherous 

Fudah. And afterwards, W771] i. Zi, 10, 

the Gentiles change their Gods 
which are not Gods >? Where- 
fore pafs over to the Lfles of 
Chittim, and behold, and fend 
do Kedar, and oblerve diligente 
ly whether fuch things have 
been done. For thofe Nations 
have not ewes their Ordi- 
nances: But, {ays he, my Peo- 
ple has changed its Glory for 
that which will not profit. How 
therefore will any one make 
his Apology, who has de- 
fpifed or abfented himfelf 
from the Church of God 2 

5 Fws" Sv dmaAoyi- 

aera ks 6Atyopnons: * Omses F CHnAnoIas & Oce t 

Er a Tis? & epye 
Z ide mesgarw bmngée- 
EY, CAL yopea; De9Pa- 
atewu@ MEN Pays ov 
eorias’ yrwanéme 0 
aist@s, cas sey Tye 
ays omntrayv emepy ic e- 
aw’ spqov 3 1 Seoge- 

But if any one alledge the Lx, 

Pretence of his own Work, 

and fo is a Defpifer, offering Plal civ4» 

Pretences for his Sins, let {uch 
an one know that the Trades 
of the Faithful are Works 
by the By; but the Worfhip 
of God is their great Work, 

> ve. Vv. *ysnnexs Jt aries. yp? deelt. V. v. re # wat sre. v. 5 Th. vg 

F ollow 

ich. vi, 27 


ies the 

Follow therefore yourTrades, 
as by the By, for your Main- 
tenance, but make the Wor- 
ihip of God your main Bu- 
finefs, as alfoour Lord faid, 

Labour not for the Meat which 

perilhes, but for that which 
cndureth unto everlafting Life. 
v.29. And again, This is the Works 
of God, that ye believe on him 

whom he hath fent. 


wour therefore never to leave 

the Church of God : 

But if 

any one overlooks it, and 
goes either into a polluted 
‘Temple of the Heathens, or 
into a Synagogue of the fers, 
- or Hereticks, what Apology 
will {uch an one make in 
the Day of Judgment, who 

has forfaken the Oracles of 

the living God, and: the 
living and quickening Ora- 
cles, {uch as are able ro deli- 
ver from Eternal Punifhment, 
#,* Pag, and has gone into an Houfe 
of Demons, or into a Sy- 

nagogue of the Murderers of 

Chrift, or the Congregation 
of the Wicked 2 Not hear- 
kening unto him that fays, 

Cea. wus by mesas v- 
gv ws CY Poepya 
mune, es Me Sool» 
Una’ ey *) F Seo- 
cel av aoneiTe” ws x 6 
1wexQe ere” "Eps 
nalede un Bema T 
smupwly, Wa + 
pivady as Cols aha» 
yioy. Kay mur Te- 
anode b4 3S epyoy & 
Qce,-ira mwig-dunte ets 
oy amcaargy cnavO©s, 
Sredulere oy ymdéorore 
T Cnnrnciay $ Ose von 
ToAitely. 4 08 Tis TH 
Thu peerdot, eis pta- 
epv *) ebvay aceASut, 
n Es cuse yoryay “Te 
Suieov, 1 apckuav, o 
aolet Gs Ti DwAgyion- 
Ty Te) eq ov nreper 
xehcews 5 Agpa Oey 
Cavt@s yxg.teALmuy , 
Cover 4) Cwomosrae 
4g *," Sunawwa pu- 
CuK NOAQTEWS aiwris" 
) mopductis as oixgy 
deiugvev, nes" cuyes 
nuoryny ‘Qeicoxttray, A 

< deeft. My 

cuxrnoiav oroynpdope- 


the Holy Apofiles. 

ziy oot entree & ei 

I have hated the Congregation Pfal. xxv. 
arovi|@eEyrionow én- ‘“ 

of the Wicked, and I will nots. + 

wAngoay orev npobophsery, 
2% we oho. voyguarroy % 

jan eicerAbm@* ex cna- 
lott Me: ree UG 

rata rl Qs, x po! aoe 
Cav & eh yg.diow. Kay 
amekty" Maxe eG. a 
yp, os ux emopduan ¢ cy 
Beran aclor, C cw 
oD@ aomwAwy ux En, 
 & th xgledeny Apgt- 
Na ex Cudchcey, WA 

cy mW vow were S 
Servis auTe, % cy 
2) yom aU Te peAg- 
avad nueens 4 yux ose 
Su iy 1g. G.ALzrov THs 
misov oO ouverlent- 
Tha, 18 Oe F CunAn- 
cay, Tes Chave vous, 
— EE rEmres En TH aii 
Agia HJ Ansty, ae 
nyephp O- a cnerv@ 
Belnrg AMEND ECE, x 
9 07DIOY a cnayvG 
: ETE EATE wag 8 
aBT0 Lgrov, 2A nd 
@ mojzmis Ernrevour- 

amperes; © 6% aa Sa- 

enter. with the Ungodly. I 
have not fat with the Affembly 
of Vanity, ncither will I fit with 
the Ungodly. And again, 
Bleffed is the Man that bath 

wot walked in the Connfel of 

Ungodly, nor flood in the way 
of Sinners, and hath not {at 
in the Seat of the Scoraful : 

But his Delight is in the Law 
of the Lord, and in bis Law 
will he meditate Day and Night. 
But thou, forfaking the ga- 
thering together of the Faith- 
ful, the Church of God, and 
his Laws, haft refpect to 
thofe Dens of Thieves, calling 
thefe things holy which he 
has called profane; and ma- 
king fuch things unclean 
which he has  {fandtified. 
And not only only fo, but 
thou already runneft after 
the Pomps of the Gentiles, 
and haftencft to their Thea- 
tres, being defirous to be 
reckoned one of thofe that 
enter into them, and to par- 
take of uafeemly, not to lay 

rh ex werss. V, 


1. Be 


ghominable,Words; not hear- 

kening to Feremiah, who 
Jerav.17.fays, O Lord, 1 have not fat 
in their Alfemblies, for they are 
Scorners; but I was afraid, be- 

caufe of thy Hand; nor to 

_ . Fob, who {peaks in like man- 
fobxxxis-ner, Jf J have gone at any 
time with the Scornful : For I 

fhall be weigh'd in a juft Bal- 

lance. But why wilt thou be 

a Partaker of the Heathen O- 

racles, which are nothing but 

dead Men, declaring by the 
Infpiration of the Devil, dead- 

ly Things, and fuch as tend 

to fubvert the Faith, and to 

draw thofe that attend to 

them to Polytheifm ? Do you 
therefore who attend to the 

Laws of God efteem thofe 

Laws more honourable than 

the Neceflities of this Life, 

and pay a greater Ref{pect to 

them, and run together to 

aia. ag, the Church of the Lord, which 
xx. 28. he has purchafed with the Blood 
Col. '5- of Chrift, the Beloved, the 
Firft-born of every Creature. 

For this Church isthe Daugh- 

ter of the Higheft, which has 

tex enelyn, bru 
ous as TS eaxopduo~ 

Jovy CHE Avs linays 
x peerage v aneou= 
UGTwHY aurperwy, ta 
un Aggophu wvowegv® 
wn axecus S ‘lepenié 
Aéprl@: Kvere vx 
Chacon * ov oue- 
Dein avtav muCov- 
av, WW bagbeplec 
cum Og TW ‘yeege 
Ce 4 78 106 gacxgy- 
1Qs cre opgte” Er 4 
© pe! oAgtaswy em- 
pusay one, *iseumy 9 
dv Coys Sixgtv. Tt 
4 Bern parugeay as 
“F aAnvimav Agylwv, ove 
awy venegy aslegarmy 
e& bhewoias S%6oau 
Dwopdwoeyawy * vexep= 
mile, x4 Tigews ara- 
mee TH iXg, 2) wegs m- 
Avotiay a TRL oy rth Tes 
weg ode nov Gis, ce0erats : 
Deets ey qoraCarres 
mols 78 Ges vougis, x4 
ats Bionxoy see 
TET HS nl Se T1pseoTE 

pss @ mAcova rimbus 


* ysrd ovvedens. Viv. 7 Sqepnt, Ve ¥. 2 arire es7i¥. Ve 


| the Holy Apoftles. 

welign Tes aunvis, cu 
aginen § eis PF exnan- 
viny 73 eke * bis 
arose moingalo ae ae 
uen Te Xess, Te 
nym ys, ce we 
atm  Ougamp br +B 
vlice, 1 adtyncace 
wugs Ale Te rope F 
sacilG..3 peppeonc 
Cy npaiy + Xersoy' & me 

been in Travel of you by 
the Word of Grace, and has 
formed Chrift in you ; of whom 
you are made Fartakers, and 
thereby become his holy and 

chofen Members, mot having pytv.27, 

Spot or Wrinkle, or any [uch 
thing ; but as being holy and 
unfpotted in the Faith, ye are 
compleat in him, after the I- 
mage oft God that created yotte 

erogo1 Ru epsuor, i 1Eeg EAN ese. :.@ Cu ren re, pen rqguTe Gre 
Agy, 7 npuTide, 4 TL aFs role Te" DMA ws anol C eu oMge 
cy me TeTEAercv0& ee CY aura, ugl eygve Te % Ti 

oHil@- tugs | Oce". 

Dvrdaese sy Te 

jan Cuagord lay aris 
a momupyouts, ) 2 bax av 
yey vey, eis ae 
are TNY 4 amwradp. 3- 
Sryeie oP Nol avice Oe@ 
megs AlgCoAgy. o os 
ourabepiCoperGs pt? 
TH G Aglorv geo- 

- pOMNT WY, as EE. aU TOY 
Aoyanceny, CS sat 
xAneovoptoy diners 
dn xy & amen aps 
Seaygirioy® Te Oca 
TEX Onjat, % Tes ‘EA- 
Abunxgs TOIL TOUS 5 é- 

‘ : deefte V. 

Take heed therefore not 
to join your felves in your 
Worfhip with thole that pe 
rifh, which is the Afflembly 
of the Gentiles, to your De- 
ceit and Dejtruction. For 
there is no Fellowfhip be- 
tween God and the Devil: 
For he that affembles himfelf 
with thofe thar favour the 
Things of the Devil, will 
be eftcem’d one of them, and 
will inherit a Wo Avoid 
alfo’ indecent Spectacles, 1 
mean the Theatres and the 

Pomps of the Heathens, their 




Enchantments, Obfervations 
of Omens,  South-fayings, 
Purgations, Divinations, Ob- 
{ervations of Birds, their Ne- 
cromancies, and Invocations. 
Numb. For it is written, Zhere is 
XXIIl- 23+ yg Divination in Jacob, mor 
Sonth-faying in Mrael. And ep 

: King. again, Divination is [niquity. 
phy And elfewhere, Ye (hall not 

perit, xix. 2¢ South-fayers, and follow Ob- 
26. fervers of Omens, nor Divi- 
Deut xvlll pers, nor Dealers with Fami- 
liar Spirits. Ye thall not pree 
ferve alive Wizzards. Where- 
fore Feremiah exhorts, faying, o 
Jer. x. 2. Wale ye not according to the 
*,* ae Ways of the Fleathen, and be 
not afraid of the Signs of Hea 
ven. So that tis the Duty 
of a Believer to avoid rhe 
Affemblies of the Ungodly, 
of the Heathen, and of the 
Fews, and of the reft of the 
Hereticks, left by uniting our 
felvesto ‘em, we bring Snares 
upon our own Souls; that 
we may not by joining in 
their Feafts, which are cele- 
brated in Honour of Dx- 
mons, be Partakers with them 

Tenaidiisnrnderces, paar 
Teles, ng Fa eng es, o1w- 
yigIAes, Opry Sno xoT las, 
vEnvoprdy Teas, émngw- 
yas OTL pea tlas. 
Ov gap bow ob wecopLos 

cw laxa6, a2 udp Téa 

5 godin. SnBLION 
Oiaviqua a Ip ria bet 
Kot arrays Ovxoiw- 
vlEcdE, x “Ando j 
eta @ Syaspiyr- 
Pols 8x emuxorubnaes, 
Papugnes 8 eAMN- 
oer Arc mig iva G 

‘Tepejtas, Aeqwv. Ka- 

we aes odes PS elvay 

pen mpduede xy per 
>a Toy anawye gec- 
ve mn Go6 crede. ' Atoe 
mep axpr TISbY gdb 
yy THs Cuwod es TOY 
acceler Em nrwy.% Tee 
duiwv, © Tay Aovmay 
opckxwy’ ive qa ref 
Cuscoagew auevis , 

* amen idtxs” agSwphy ry 
savrwy Luyais’ onws 
a Twwavraspego pol * = 
éoprwis avtay. ost 

res bh kun tov des- 

5 ase Ve 2 KNAidus. ¥. 


the’ Holy Apoftles: 

aye ; 

Hovey Chrrerry, xot- 
vovnowu avnis @ F 
adelaas. Obutatay 7 
aoray 2" dy cern 
qpas, @ ta & au 
duis 6bmteAsp Sue mls 
qyvice. Tisay 9 ov mab 
ynyopd & vpn me Car- 
‘Dav, * MAdoy 7B co- 
ueriov rend, @" Lue 


etted kva Curwyncad 
Toy Wegs Cucxcw ap- 
pgCov Ty. cbr eyed ep 
duos & Tey ad wray 
OTDLTENS , Gap h.cias . 
ax dpnyupews » OULeLT0= 
diay, pgvomayiras, x 
3 eros’ Oeas + Deeg 
yinns i Sa 



OVW 4 vewnes: F éx- 
Qi ® ageidis wonwais 
Aatupyey CredaCer’ 
po) addon: cpvomlOs 
mais EpNDIS UfL@p eyo Ag. 

in their Impiety. You ateal- 
fo to avoid their publick 
Meetings, and thofe Sports, 
which are éelebrated in then, 
For a Believer ought not to 

go to any of thofe publick - 

Meetings, unlefsto purchafe 
a Slave, and fave a Soul; and 
at the fame time to buy fuch 
other things as {uit their Ne- 
ceffities. Abftain therefore 
from all Idolatrous Poripand 
State, all their publick Meet- 
ifigs, Compotations, Duels, 
and all Shews belonging to 
Demons. we: 


LE the young Perfons of 
the Church endeavour 
to minifter diligently in all 
Neceffaries; mind your Bufi- 
nels with all becoming Seti- 
oufnefs, that {0 you may 

‘ ates . fi a : and ’ a Aan a j us 
cw ruy. V.* ot i) Udaarze ts wend Seu Tay TS OWUAT Mrayrgtay 

US Tema, Ve 2 AMM, Y. 

Wis, 8 ; 

, 4 Paravinns Ve 


3 le 



* + Pag. 
Prov. vi. 
6, &5c, 

come wifer than 


always have fufficient to {up- 
port your felves, and. thofe, 
that are needy, and not burs 
den the Church of God: 
For we our. {elves, | befides 
our Attention to the Word of 
the Gofpel, do not neglect 
our inferior Employments : 
For fome of us are Fifhermen, 
{ome Tent-makers, fome Huf- 
bandmen, thac fo we may 
never be idle. So fays Sole- 
mon fomewhere, Go to the 
Ant, thou Sluggard, confider 
her Ways diligently, and be 
fhe. For fhe 
having neither Field, Overfeer, 
nor Ruler, prepareth her Food 
inthe Summer, and layeth upa 
great Store in the Harveft. 
Or elfc go the Bee, and learn 
how laborious fhe is, sand her 
Work how valuable it is, wh fe 
Labours bath Kings and. mean 
Men make afe of for their 
Flealth. She is defirable and 
elorious, thoazh (he be weak 
in Strength, yet by honouring 
Wifdom [he is improv'd, &c. 
Ftow long wilt thou lie on thy 

Cere, Onms'ey mayt Te 
Parga UiKeaY Time emis y 
aes 7% eoMUTOs @ mals Tee 
oH Wats, DeE9SS pen bat- 
Capay © Qcod ap. 
xANCICY. 4 np C nes. 
aporgicorms 1) AGYY $ 
WalyeAlt, Omms 4 TAY, 
OL fe bp ey e& nuwy 
mae, ne aL 3 x0 
megs & pndeTOTe MAGS. 
apyus avn. A2y4 dérae 

| 0, BorAaygy' "Lot WEIS. 

T Muvpunitg @ omunpey 
© Cnrwoy iday tas o- 
Des cnr, x4 Mue buen. 
yompyis mn Varcipgone 
1G., the ¥ dpalyglov 
ay eyav, cide rao de- 

Spas © . 

TI OLATOY amy.’ why, ber 
ee er : \ 
ay * n.ropouonn Des 
\ my te ‘ we oT 
my peelosmy, ¢ Je 
a ong ' “3” 
Ws EPA THS ber, ous Te Eps 
naciey cenvly as emo: 

eh > Mabe 
guerraziy. V, 


Te. eae rae > 

2 che Holy TAgeRties?: oO > 

pAlerny. 5.125 arias Reo 

Pion Typo tie meg. 

Has, 9 itary. weps 
oyiicy. mepopeeny Ty 
ma Suish dB. ae 

SEO.” Zeam|p. oe 77 
<7 ei a “A 
POUR BETS, : Fo, Dn 

Sal, Key §2h5. Boe 
Can aS ae gh 
TOTE, OWNER, 4qumTebrd~ 
™ / 

. ae ns 
Cty 5 ALTE ies vars ex; 

/ we 9 PN oc 
plnoy ; oAugoy [eo I 
vols, OAIDpy 4) xcs 
pineoy * yusuces, om 

Aigr ) eras: HOLA iCn 

Depot snon" ates amKeg- 
yiverey Cot oomeo o- 
195 ddim 2 TeV, 
xj 4 eden ao mp = 
gadus Seomeus, ed 4 
aom®s is, 1Ef aonep 
myn o auyas o, @ 
tn eDece WTmp xoH95 
ewe amuuropganay. Kaj 
TU ALY" ‘O epyerlcpaSuos 

EOwTS Yhv, TAnDa 
ceroy aprwy. Ka o 



cAAols gna’ 
Sebagee Tes eects 

‘oO apyps 

EIuTS , x epane Tous 



Gpxgs qwTs. 

Kai ¢- 


Bed, OSlagcard? When wilt 

thou amake oub. of thy’ Sleep 

Thow fleepeft awhile; thom lieft 
dows ca while, how: flumbereft 
awhile, thou foldefhthy FJands 

on thy Breaft to fleep a while: 

Then. Powerty comes od thee 

like’ an evil: Travebler,-and 
Wart ns \a fwift Racer..<But 

ifs hod beefediligent, thy 
Flarveft fhall come as a Foun 

tain, and Want fhall fly from 

thee as an evil Rwnagate, 

And again, Hye that ma- ys ey: 
nageth his own Land fhall 

be filled with Bread: And 
elfewhere he fays, Zhe Sioth- ecelef. 
ful has folded his own Hands™: 5: 
together, and has eaten bis ; 
one Flzfh,. And afierwaras, Prov: Sit 
The Sluggard hides nis Aland; # 

he will not be able to bring it 

to his Math. And again, Feel Xs 
By Slothfulnefs of the Hlands*™ 

a Floor will be brought low. 
Labour therefore continual 

ly; for the Blot of the Sloth= — 
ful is not to be healed. But 2 Thee: 
if any one does not work, let™ ' 
not fuch am one cat among 

t gl, emdep@-, * deeft, v. 

al, vatate. ? defunr- v. 

©. 2 you 


you. For the Lord our Eins” Kptrfas 3 duonene 2 
God hates the Slothful: yeaex aad, 2 Suvs- 
For fio one of thofe who oe Tee caplet asd 
are dedicated to God, ought oxy av7e. Kar aaiy® 
to be idle. At ct pry tay see Te 

Tet eo STE Tey n dbuwors. 
, EpyaGete ay endereneas iMeermdur@®. yep baw apnod 
wapnGr. de TIS pan epyaCerey, et@. ap Upely pr ‘o~ 
SETH. apyss ~ pace © omes@. 0 Ocos new apoys 
~ avy Gs opaagd das a Geq map ave rev. 


“the Holy ‘Apoftles? 

1a eee oyncgy. 

Sect. XXXI. 

» Concerning. Widows. 

Me Lloofe your Widows Chap. I. 
em not under Sixty Tears V0.1 Tim 
Je of Age, thatin fome © ~ 

MES meafure the Sufpi- 
yaa lye Gry kvi® cion of a fecond Marriage 
 Oyapias army duv- may be prevented by their 
momov BéCucy duiv Age. Butif you admit one 
Ale F nrixias*xazap- younger into the Order of 
Pa a 4) vewneedy xg- Widows, and fhe cannot bear 
TeLSTINTE as ray anes her Widowhood in her Youth, 
15Y, % [An Gepsce *éy and marries, fhe will procure 
year oxnpeicey,. yeupan- indecent Reflections on the 
On, aMperretcy eR TNT Glory of the Order of the 
bai 7 dd&n Se qnneens, Widows, and fhall give an 

2 Aggy upecd 7) @ca" Account to God ; not be- 
al ant rt Bdyatpco yee caufe fhe marry’d a fecond 

 gitén, Vs 

O 3 : time, 


time ; but becaufe fhe has cuungan, MA ott 

1 EO againfe Chrift,- carr ys—erreeloiinteay sin. 
arid “not kepr Ther Proniife, eQUALEE 1G TeRpaN a 
becaufe fhe did not come Gow $ Xec8 ‘dol 

“and keep * ‘her Prothife With! pind sls Oce 

¥. 42 

2K np. 
xvii, 9. 

nt) OF fome@ other Occafs iF, a 
tb remains. ‘by-.. heslelf, fai 
* the Gift of | Widowhbe Sree 

Faith and the Fear of God: osm nAde quagta + 
Wherefore {uch a “Peoatite > “bara Sonnac. 5fg nen pan 
oughr not to be rafhly made, porem * Tr 
but with great | Cautiongy é ena Jofeiaey, Sma pe 
Fortis better for hex nat-to arpa) eas “ipiasoont 
vor, than to vow and not to oui eg pen deadey, 
py. But if any” ¥otnger % Bi 2a © jh dan) e- 
Woman, who has liv'd bur voy: a oe Tis A 
a while with her Husband; edgy )agovoy Cav aS 

and has loft him by Death, dudez mrovioee et, Xo 

1aViNg ; sagan’ a be g 

s TinGu : €Te i 
will be found-to,, pebletie ed,. ay * equi, nd 
and ro. he like the Widow of » Efguoret) quupetees, enteen 
Sarepiay belonging» to Shdgn,:, e » ent, Bupe ie Ty, Ought. 
with .whom,)t holy Pro~\, Sfau TH. Sapegr 
phet of .God, Elijah } edy, Seis. - Dideiie, ‘Pah. 
Such an. eng | may aif be C weps bis. 0. dG ' 7e 

Luk. ji.36 compared to, Anns, the, Lang be Ose PENG NTHS AA iae,. 

ter. of , Phanpel, jof the Brive. ie et Cae n Tolan ey 
of Aler, which departed. not  Eoyotebnce).” Avy ae 
fram the.T<mple,|tat, conti=, Suyeret daveir . TH) 
nucd-in, Su) plications and.Praye? éx punts “Aahpy, i h ott. 
ers Night ana Day, i rho. Was. ad pisile ¢ ‘Lepe, riaclop 
Ponrleore Lhars, ald; and bad. Tha nusegy Dego> . 

 wanpel, v. . 3 deelte Vv. 

3, ee aa geo 

Faclunt. Vo 


° the Holy Apoftles? 

pusce = dion, CF 
megobuyais, soa fr é 
TOY oy dUnAOV Te” me 
escewr ‘i Givare 5 mes 
amy dwdlpos : ot e. aip- 
cele auras ean Emr Teh, 
*@ mv & Xergs dv- 
Edoaoe ‘than ay: 
Sagroyeira Th wero, 
@ eagad. wee autre 
moe avis 7° @epodb- 
OTL Avageoow ov ‘Io- 
emir. on capton Ty -S- 
menor -ageure & pan- 

livid with an Husband Se 
ven Years from her Virgini- 
ty, who glorify’d the Coming 
of Chrift, and gave Thanks 
to the Lord, and [pake con- 
cerning him to all thofe who 
look’d for Redemption in \{rael. 
Such a Widow will have a 
good Report, and will be 
honour’d, having both Glo- 
ry with Men upon Eatth, 

‘and eternal Praife with God 

in Heaven. 

Bioerey, ure@ eyeae ec obs agBesinois om ws, @ 

at ith och T 

SAL 3 yewTEpay ai } 

vd eleven cry PY wn 
‘Craesosecdwarys, wiiTTO Te 
meggdcd TE yun Suet 
‘ey *,* HELTIVE ax- 
pons, bh Sotrepyapmicy 
€Ab ecu, ée resiuak 
4 uw) Crrnvpacdu- 
“> © Ronserdwory, 
ce fn @epgacl re 
Dement, rs dmes- 
Qapiay 2Absay » ey 
mesyugle ampead é ey: 
aot @ TS © ne 

ane. vioy ect Ivor, 

But afb not the younger 
Widows be placed in the 
Order of Widows, left un- 
der Pretence of Inability to, 

I L 

contain in the Flower of * a" ede 

their Age, they come to a 
fecond Marriage, and be- 
come fubje& to Imputation. 
But let them be affifted and 
f{upported, ‘that fo they may 
not, under Pretence of be- 
ing deferted, come to a fe- 
cond Marriage, and fo be 
infnared. in an unfeemly 

| * deft. vs Agpades ve 

"Geir Tuaebeie Vite ughe Vv. 
| § Bees Im pus 



imputation.. For you ought 
co know this, that once mar- 
rying according to the Law, 
iy righteous, as being accord- 
ing to the Will, of God; 
buc {ccond Marriages, after 
the Promife, are wicked ; not 
on account of the Marriage 
it felf, buc. hecaufe, of the 
Falfhood. Third Marriages 
are Indications of Inconti- 
nency : But fuch Marriages 
as are beyond the Third are 
manifeft Fornication, and un- 
queftionable UncleannefS. For 
God in the Creation gave one 
Woman to one Man: for, hey 
two fhall be one Fle(h. Butco the 
younger Women, let. a. fe- 
cond Marriage be allow’d af 
ter the Death of their firft 
Husband, left they fall iaro 
ihe Condemnation of. the 
Devil, and many Snares, and 
foolith Lufts, which are hurt- 
ful to Souls, and, which bring 

upon them Punifhment ra- kyves. ygagew wepie- 
~ pels 

ve ar HUGAMoy n aye. — 

ther than Reft. 

Bur the true Widows are 
thofe which have had only 
one Husband, having a good 
Report among the generaliry 
for good Works. Widows 

adSévey> openers 5> oT! 
povoynpeia pha x2) por 
pov srvophin, Miygice, 
ws 2y a qv e plus Ces 
Nara som ° Ogee 
4} peTe |maloeriap y 
mpavonugy, % Si my 

\ A 

S MSGS seca pie 

3, aKegoins omestoy® 

O dnp aw reryur 
flaws @egparhs rop= 
vein, €C AGEN Cwaper 
Gib oAQGe. 6. > Oeos 
[Liav oewoane. evi dw- 
oes DoDouer ey Tm dy- 
mispyic” “Egovrey 9 
oi Ova es onpKy. ieee 

Newmesis 5 pera ay 

Te. TepTs TeASUmYy ous- 
eneipige B Gena 
ve PM 4S KER TE 
AlgSors ertown, % 
meyiS%s mDPras, xed 
ooQumias avontes, @ 
EomCncies unas, as 

* Ald aancway 
qclext cir, a4 jugidpe 
d\por UmripEa cetyy polu= 
pepduan a TAO 
ey spppis AK Wisy ya 


{oo PhD Holy Apoftles. 

pan ms Sidi Gyevress 
Ryyal, om¢-as, dock ets, 
Teva bo pna ctcry AGA, 
4 cevodoonoaaay aie 
perwaaas® av € apr 
Aq Caveds vpn as@ca 
yee nepyiov. ora pla 
24 0S rrevntwy, wtm- 
Korres eevnpgrdbe, 24 
euros: aces opagcov é= 
minwelas, 24 mes void 
aUTaY “Top, ws 
ce _orygre Qu, dung i- 
COS ENGLeD Lave? & 
ynenis % 

da otipaa >-n nen’, 

Bondtias: 4 epiGen 
Bes wevidp, 7 SG v0- 
Govy Ye Tex o8g~ 
Gide; mypras ce de 
 ehopety, 4 mhirwy é- 
TIMBAGE ot '~ To 
Obugree didevaes, oom 
aro ediws aan de 
doen HMeKS ara 
Cuneipepuoy LAWS, 
SKETIL LUTE rare oKor- 


take care of them all. 

indeed, fober, chafte, faithful, 
pious, who have brought up 
theic Children well, and have 
entertain'd Strangers unblame- 
ably, which are to be {upport- 
ed,’ as’ devoted to God. 
Befides, do thou, O Bifhop, 
be mindful of the Needy, 
both reaching out thy help- 
ing Hand, and making Pro- 
Vifion for them, as the Ste- 
Ward of God, diftributing 

feafonably the Oblations to 

every one of them, to the 
Widows, «the Orphans, the 
and thofe try’d 
with Affli@ion, 

.*s me Phat if {ome are neither 

Widows nor Widowers, but 
{tand in need of Affiftance, 
either through Poverty, or 
fome Difeafe,~ or the Main- 
tenance of a great Number 
of Children? *Tis thy Duty 
to overfee all People, and to 
they that give Gifts do not 

of their own head give them - 

to the Widows, but barely 
bring them in, calling them 

| 2 Seine v. 

’ > deft, Ane. 3 ‘defant. Vo 




Pree-will Cfferings, thar fo 
thou that knoweft thofe 
that are \in Affliction, 
mayeft,’ asa good. Ste- 
ward, give them their Por- 
tion of the Gift.» For God 
knows the’ Giver, though 
thou diftribuceft it to thofe 
in Want when he is abfent: 
And he has the Reward of 
Well-doing, «but thou’ the 
Bleflednefs of ‘a con{cionable 
Difpenfation of ix But-do 

thou tell chem who: was the . 

Giver, that they: may pray for 

him by Name+ For tis our - 

Duty to do: Good ‘to all 
Men, not fondly preferring 
one. or another, :s whoever 
they be. For/ the Lord fays, 

Luk.vizeGive to every énbsthat asketh 

of thee: °Yis evident that ‘cis 
meant of every. one that is 

really im want, whether he : 

be Friend or Foe, whether 
he be a Kinfan: or a Stran- 
get, whether he be fingle 
or married. For in: all, the 
Scripture the Lord» gives us 
Exhortations about the Nee- 

dy, saying. firlte by: “eae 

Ts onws Cu 0 bier 
wy res SAComlpes, 
491 pO meesCns ave 
mis én 18 dougl@. a 
sp Oecs yivaond T d8- 
Janome, xeLV. ‘aml@. 
obs, a0 oS vrols dto~ 
pots peerCnrey” 2% 0s 
py eq & darotias 
puso Ci 3 Reade 

} a9 
ouEadnts ot4gvopias 

amis, © Ts 70 Sedee- 

mays Ges Aibenmes pn 
iron errtr Gs TeRDY 
os. kes. Fa, "my Cmetvay. 
o ~ eros ona Tidp- 
th oy fabhaaie we Jude 
d370r: 4 ws. 7a) een ov 
2X) ed mdeteiey Cu gi 
xO. nxchy eacbers, Gy 
Cuyguis. ager o- 
reOs Loy eqapD 
tly. gaya nanas naar eepe 
x7. cw muon ~ yer 
Gin 6 werGugeh ape 

2 * deft, V. 

Yo 2 the! Holy Apoftles. 

his Des pha “Hoes 
v7] pan ; > ae 
Avabounle mavovre: 
y ¢ C4 SS .t > 
dpnvvce Cmtwyes ae 
Sy ws Ciceeteurye eis P° oF 
t a2 3 hs4 6 
4gv ge -edwD id\ns supe» 
Gy ps8 wee 
voy, mere ars' € 270 
as Olney S arepug.- 
a Ct. ey , - 
as o8 ey vapoln € 
Ales F Acuna rzod ref 
a a ‘ 
Suwarn Lio, Baer 
Ade; BEAN pe aipe- 

Grew Cor, 1G TAS ch Lp: 

L dete: ~ aie Fe 4s 
Uices ad Cw eAenygouras: 

Avrepay, © mus adr 

yp : 3 a ~ 
XIes TB CY ol nTIPYgtS 

reviray’ CAlg Toag- 

pravos@now’ “BAenyg~ 
Ouvaus'%) mWiseoty amoxe.- 
Su lepvrey apIpricy® 4 
7 pei Aabid) me- 
0 Curtav trv alasov, 
ee mevnte! Gv Hwtpc. 
movnpce pucrrey CuToy 
wer © mAtw, Eo- 

nopmaey, edwnervis we 

WNW, OlyeLocuyy a= 
ae pd es ¥ ajova’ @ 
a Dorougv gnaw ‘O 
sAcwv amainov™ xwelo', 
dave g* 

i Bod Sous 

Deal thy Bread to the Hua-ta.twiii.s, 
ary, and bring the Poor, which 

have no Covering, into thine 

Floufe : If thou {eeft the Naked, 

do thou cover him ; and thou 

fbalt not overlook thofe which 

are of thine own Family and 

Seed. And then by Daniel 

he fays to the Votentate, 
Wherefore, O King, let may Daniv. 242 
Counfel pleafe thee, and purge 

thy Sins by AGts of Mercy, and 

thine Iniquities by Bowels of ; 
Cowspaffion to the Needy. And 

he fays by:Solomon, By Adfs Prov. xv. | 
of Mercy and of — Paith Tni- ff 
quities are purged. . And he- 

fays again by David, Ble{fed*'!. *1. > 
is he that has Regard to the 

Poor and Needy, the Lord fhall «,* Pag. 
deliver him in the evil Day. +17- 
And again, He hath difperfed xi. 9. 
abroad, he hath given to the 

Needy, his Righteoufuefs ree 
maineth for ever. And Sole- 

mon {ays, He that hath Mer- proy yg. 
cy on the Poor lendeth to the 17. 
Lord; according to bis Gift 

it foall be repaid him again. — 

And afterwards, Ave that flop- xxi. 13. 
peth his Ear, that he may 



sot hear him that is in Want, 

he alfo fhall call himfelf, and 

there fhail be none to hear 

Outs, Awewmdbonce,) 
ours: @ £&45' “Os ex- 
of G warm wre ph 
con nglory & dkophuu, xy 
aves brhygArécemy, & 


ET every Widow be meek, 
quiet, gentle, fincere, free 

from Anger, not talkative, 

not ciamorous, not halty of 
Speech, not given to Evil- 
ipeaking, not captious, not 

- double-rongued, not a Bufie-. 

Body. If fhe fee or hear 
any thing that is’ not right, 

let her be as one that does. 

not fee, and as one that 
does not hear;. and let the 
Widow mind nothing but to 
pray for chote that give, and 
for the whole Church; and 
when {he is asked any thing 
by any one, let her not ea- 
fily anfwer, excepting Que- 
{tions concerning the Faith, 
and Righteoufnefs, and Hope 
* in God, remitting thofe that 
clefire to be inflructed in the 

Srihepiaas 4 TAG 

vQvy bthenuns, axe. 
2G , espyil®-, en 
marsrgnOr, pa xen 
ya @ry jan Wepyrc- 
pan retiOnp@-, pen Ore 
osvngy Oe » par QiAgTe 
CAV UG  Raearvon Te. 

Bh NS 
oKoALoY 2 % anew 

prewhwor, * £5) Ws pa 
Crcrega » Cas pn 
ansioc Nara Ta om 
pumdev eT ep a aempct 
PRACT ELUM 3 @eg~ 

cdbnadey AP af dh 
Stvrwy © wap caus € 

CunAnoias + emreggumw- 

pn dé Tia TWG., 
wm tiadiws Dero eAy 2 - 
et drlw ¢ oon BRA 

‘i deeft. v, 1 * deck. Y. 

Wi GEOS ’ 

7a aT ae 

the. Holy Apolltes: 

mri sews, 2%) Siscor usd 
2% TF 45 Ocop crrrid Ow 
SeosePAuara, amis Wye- 
pois Tes SeAgy Gs xge 
ampei dey TH 1 Moelaas 
oy naG ygve 3 BKr- 
reoms moa ules aravns, 
Sndauwisca TF Wes 
pgvecper ics Oe Aggor’ 
Jig ays e&ns Weg 1re- 
ms 7h ya Seren envecdto» 
Comms PM TL aug 
prey Ecphpn Brgcon 
pola me9rert? 7) As- 
Y?. none ~ ova eNs 
Sotneyey T Asoov oO 20- 
e©. edoy gna. TeTO 
NB Mamvesr, @ 
edu TIS aarei ess pion 
my, mK eV oar 0 duptcg 
2 na OP 015 _feusinols 
i me9 Som €1 E1P OU, aa 
aopann byes pn n= 
piv o wer@. Asywor" 
Mn Bamere Tes poy 
Cf Tas Yygy eumey Sav 
aps NENG, peneroTe Ne 
TOMA NTT ty antes oy 
quis moly aumuy, x 
Spagen res paEwor v URS. 
“Axsadpres Pot am 
gat We Xerces Ay 

fore Swine, 

Doctrines of Godlinefs to the 
Governours. Let her only 
an{wer fo as may tend to 
the Subverfion of the Error 
of Polytheifm, and let her 
demonftrate the Aflertion 
concerning the Monarchy of 
God. But of thie remain- 
ing Dodtrines, let her not 
an{wer any thing rafhly, left 
by faying any thing unlear- 
nedly, fhe fhould make the 
s Word to be bi afphemed. 
For the Lord has taught us 

that the Word is like a Grain Matt xié 

of Mujftara-feed, which is of3' 

afiery Nature, which if any 
one ufes unskilfully, he will 
find it bitter. For in the 
Myftical Points we ought not 
to be rafh, but cautious: 
For the Lord exhorts us fay- 
ing, Caft not your Pearls be 
Left they trample 
them with their Feet, and turn 
again and rent you. For Un- 
believers, when they heat 
the Doctrine concerning 
Chrift mot explain’d as it 
ought to be, but defedtive- 
ly, and efpecially that con- 
cerning his Incarnation, or 
his Paffion, they will rather 


vil. 6, 

Ifa. lit. 5. 

1Cor xiv. 

a x Pag. 


laugh at ic as falfe, than 
praife God for it. And fo 
the aged Women will be 
suilry of Rafhnefs, and of 
caufing Blafphemy, and will 
inherit a Wo: For, fays he, 
Wo to him by whom my Name 

is blafphemed among 

gna, Mis S cvoug we BAaoday 

the Gene 

We do not permic, our 
Women to teach in the Church, 

- but only to pray, and hear 
thofe that teach : 

For our 

Matter and Lord, Jefus Chrift 
himfelf, when he fent us 
the Twelve to make Difci- 
ples of the People, and of 
the Nations, did no where 
{end out Women to preach, 
although he did not want 


For there were with 

us the Mother of our Lord 
and his Sifters; allo Mary 
Magdalen, and Mary the Mo- 
ther of Fames, and Martha 
and Mary, the Sifters of La- 
zarus 3 Salome, and certain 


reject ic with Scorn, 

nov, 2 dkoverais, ' WA 
CHDEWS''y - y, UGAuce T. 
S males LUTE, poem 
exolp tes aduacouce | 
LGiroy ws Len; n ea 
Eaoun, ¢ £70 Qs 2: 
Gay Ya Wey TETRiLs n 
apeabutis 2. F.. BAH 
apnaias, CB oar wra- 
eprounc Oven * dé", 
aToYy cy apis €0venv. 

Oux bciape ay ey 
yuvuygs didkonav cx 
Canrnoicr, Mia (grey 
mea dined, € cfs de 
OuonatrAwy emnteey,. € 
op anqns.0 AdiangerA@. 
nur 4 wee@s ‘Iness 
> hugs Tes Sudtug, cmepen 
Las ug Sntbory F Aquoy 
@ rm lyn, qyveingste 
Dupgd esa weqnerey res 
dove’ Cuuls -Sm- 
iy re pnp TB ow 

eh, war. aderagar *,* 

ena" eT: 5. Magee 
Malay Ant xj Maes 
n lanwls @ MapSa @ 


* defuntev. * Aovzmy.v. ? deeft. V, * 509. V. 45 yess ve 



a -2 4 the} ‘Holy Apottles: 

Magix aA A Dera Aa 
Sap we x” Sa Awuny om 
eTpal lak ind luna- 
_ waelagioy yuuens Aiden 
THEY, ADTs ay Cite 

aAses.a@ eG Qs % Tuse 

Tass. Cu. 2 iyely xg-TH 
se Agcy. 4 ~P al 

Quan yor cungs o are, 
we su Dixgtov B Agt- 
my Gog t negaais 
staan gy wen Cer 
auth gies; ort Suae- 
engeov og Gee, 4 xg 
idae em ™m olxice au- 
ams Uh Were les Teo" 
pela wet mor 
oimiass. OA aul. Aq Me 
Gedveruc elcaropdoopSyin * 
Ged jap.more S Sunasi- 
por 78 Oe aealpénd, 
DMA ew. eve mre rid pus 
| Rarapget ov n op 

Tehime al» ies, OTL 

€or , Qwaades, 8, cy 

TOLL TOY, a hougen sal 

mpasaodas Gy ty} TTY, 

ae 3 uh aes aA- 

A 1 defune: Vs. 



others. For had it been ne- 
ceflary for Women to teach, 
he himfelf, had, . fir com- 
manded thefe alfo to inftruct 
the People with. us. For 
if the Ltead of the Wife fe 
the Man, “tis not reafonable 
that the reft of the Body 

fhould govern the Head. Ler, 

the Widow therefore own her 

{elf to be the Altar of Ged, 

and let her fic in her Houfe, 
and. not. enter into the 
Houfes of the Faithful, un-. 
der any Pretence, to receive 
any thing: For the Altarof 
God never runs.about, bur 
is: fix’d in one Place. Let 
therefore the Virgin and the 
Widow .be fuch as do not 
run about, or. gad to the 
Houles of -thole who. are 
Alien from the Faith. For 
fuch as thefe are Gadders 
and impudent; they do not 
make their Feet to. reft in 
one Place, becaufe they are 
not Widows, but Purfes, rea- 
dy to receive, Trifiers, Evil- 
{peakers,Counfellors of Strife, 
withour Shame, impudent, 



+ Pag, 




fifa. vi, 9. 




who being {uch, are not wor- 

thy of him that called thems 

For they do not come to the 
common Station of the Con- 
gregation on the Lord’s Day, 
as thofe that are watchful : 
But either they flumber, or 
trifle, or allure Men, or beg, 
or en{nare others, bringing 
them to the Evil One ; not 
fuffering them to be watch- 
fulin che Lord; but taking 
care that they go out as vain 
as they came in, becaufe they 
do not hear the Word of 
the Lord either taught or 
read. For of fuch as thefe 
the Prophet J/aiah fays, Hear- 
ing ye [hail hear, and fhall not 
aunderftand ; and feeing ye shall 
fee, and not perceives for the 
Fleart of this People is waxen 

Werk ae. ~ 
Age Megs ares ump} 
yey, emimes asd Agen 
€ rs pauapys, 41g" 
Avs; cvudes, ayou- 
/ ¢ ~u 
out Es” antes emmlan= 
¢ / 

Toy UmUPpy ton, ve a 
Ey 18 ygrtodpT@. 
/ ’ 2 
culyaveow, 2p 6h S 
xolvev & Cupagwryes 
avamaunge © w TH 
i wif 5 _~ ’ 
c c 3 / » Pd 

A - / 
n yuseCeow, hh paAue- 
peo > 4 uecpomdua= 
“ | eee 
ow, na Teo, 
[aR a TAR 
eTroes aly ygAwriCe 
aw, DO TLIPY TS re 7 
Pas ~ > a7~ ’ 
VND, 8H ewvTEs on Tes 
et.) oe , 
oy ondlaCovrs rod. 
ik 2 Pues we 
Tes auTes eSlevok O80e . 
>, op PC PTB: \ 
€ gs: Lame Ol; jf . 
S un ansety aps drdbe- 

oxcvtwy 1 afd Qwanvecnivrmy Tt TB xvere Agnpy. Wek x 
aps aoiéTar 4 Hodias o weppnas: As’ Axoy axdoert, 
a8 un contin’ x Bremoweaes BALLere, GY & wn Ont em 
cpuuln oH xopdia F aged rare}, * ge 

In the fame manner there- Tey adaoy ty Somvy 
fore the Ears of the Hearts @ as Tue TMY one 
of {uch Widows as thefe are éxrecdy ve dae € Hep- 

‘ defunte V, 2defunt. V. 2 x 715 dcty Ractos Hnwoml Ve 
Pia sy 

the Holy Apoflles. 

Coppers evdop ev 2 oe. 
ovis aT Deoo Ag Ae 
TY) xverp, Ma wee- 
mee UUs, CF bohvoic 
aT playKe, XY T "QAva- 

ns yay ? 
Chor, TH BS dwTixes. 

pou bahSunnug te 
megoseiy. on (piety ey 
 genpont eomplnyrey Ie 
Sunasney 3 Keres, 
a\ <i y ~ 
eit) Evian = Mpay 
> U e€ , \ 
Epyaciay nye pou i) 
medyuge © && ov a- 
Ui > \ 
amAng ws Ag. uSaveny, 
ndy x oxinegmpes ras 
amrmres regs & dydbvar 
maTeshads’ Skov 79 awe 
Tas aoxadey aruls CH= 
wrarasnols Ale pee 
meio THT wouns, On 
aS evdutior, *euwee- 
Pema eet “10 8 BB 3) 
wy ines Baaivay, 
dimetay spongy é- 
wrist br owpdyucar , 
© bh Timegis coxets 
HaperCenr, 4 Hove S 
HOKU mae pesvtiCeay* 

av o Geos, 8 Bamay- 

ftop’d, that they will not fc 
within in their Cottages to 
fpeak to the Lord, bur will 
run about with the Defien 
of getting, and by their foolith 
Pratling fulfil the Defires 
of the Adverfary. Such Wi- 
cows therefore are not af. 
fix'd to the Altar of Chrift: 
For there are fome Widows 
which efteem Gain their Bu- 
finefs; and fince they ask 
without Shame, and receive 
without being fatisfied, ren- 
der the generality more back- 
ward in Giving: For when 
they ought to be content 
with their Subfiftance from 
the Church, as having mo- 
detate Defires; on the con« 
trary, they run from one 
of their Neighbour's Houfes 
to another, and difturbrhem, 
heaping -up to themfelves 
Plenty of Money, and lend 
at bitter Ufury; and are 
only follicitous about Mam- 
mon: whofe Bag is their God 3 
who prefer Fatingand Drinks 
ing before all Vertue, faying, 
Let us eat and drink, for to 

1 Cor. 2% 

“al gaotaesdv. * Stargexuaan Vo Srtesxutas. v. > forte maxcioy. V. 3* 

3 bmowpdivcep. V. 



Matt. vi. 

“a Pag. 

ba : i 8 

Morrow we die; who efteem 
of theie things as if they 
were durable, and not pe- 
rifhing Things. For fhe that 
ufes herfelf to nothing but 
talking of Money, worfhips 

Mammon inftead of God ;. 

that is, isa Servant to Gain, 
but cannot be pleafing to 
God, nor refignd to his 
Worthip: not being able to 
intercede with him on ac- 
count that her Mind and Dif 
pofition runs afcer Money: 
For, Where the Treafure isythere 
will the Heart be alfo. For the 
is thinking in her Misd whi- 
ther fhe may go to receive, 
or chat a certain Woman her 
Friend has forgot her, and 
fhe has fomewhat to fay to 
her. She that thinks of fuch 
things as thefe will no longer 
attend to her Prayers, but to 
that Thought which offers it 
felfs,fo that though fome- 
times fhe would pray for any 
body, fhe will nor be heard, 
becaule fhe does not offer 
her Petition to the Lord bur 
with a divided Mind: But 


kov ad Qayav ed 
MAY Wegnesvydt TAS 
apems, Agyuoa’ Pa 
yop © miwphp, av- 
EO 99 DeoOrncnophw" ey 
Ws swam Taam eAo- 
Ri GI ag 
yr’ 4p noxnxyos 

, 6 PNA TAAO- 
iv, wri S Oe rAg- 
agi, mf Hae Qv ee » 
merest Deadid tw nep= 
SY mS 4 Oe Mapesus 
aya 3 SuveTey, oad 
quis AaTpeors ars U- 
TMH005, Cuvenans & dvs 
vawun evrulnavey ae 
we, th 3 apywepro- 
yy Tye CT Alg- 
Seo * tyson ewes 
cna © oH yopdic ave 
mms" ey ve yp Alec po= 
Cavd, me mopduln Ann 
uglOs» gage, 2 O76 
i Dave HOiAN awTns 
‘— bah reAnsey, ¢ Agr 
9 Tie TauTn Tepg- 
ceveluay opaad ao 
aoiaiG. - AopCophun , 
GoueTt TH Mmepoduocn 


3 deeft.v. 7 xd. v. 


the H 

amen, ame ™ ef 
MMmeon Evvoir xy xo 
mT: Seaton meoods: 
Sadey ap ki@., om 
coun e dnc Tay @ 8 2 eG C 
Ans xo.p dts meg rpe- 
py Denaw wey, &A- 
Aa memcerouin YG- 
yoic, 7 4 Gen Bero- 
win meoadyenews Rem 
npn evdby, Genres Ta 
npeess CRE TOL ONG- ep 
mgh dénoly _wesrpe 
aie eArmeeuin, aoe 


gv XN adwam ie: 
dnb, PipqupepSun ch 
Pep rust, yuxns % 

nptoas eam & Oecs 
nino & "loewhan’ Saws 
a jm Ouighae avr 
anes evmusiy ang. Tou 
alan menor Oca, C 

eonnecerey avris, &E 
rey ¢ Ahgvoidy avis 
mess A he TET @ 7p - 
TIA, pre: Wey s a 
OAngay, pare mes é= 
. AnSUpkid monudeire. 
voy Cnn Sey" ore op- 
| am Ags murs A905, 


yuxms #9 

Holy Apoites: 

fhe that will attend to God, 
will fic within, and mind the 
Things of the Lord, Day 
aa Night, offering her fin- 

Petition with a Mouth 
ready to utter the fame 
without ceafing. As there- 
fore Fudith, moft famous for 
her Wifdom, and ofa good 
Report for her Modefty, 

prayed to God Night and Day Judith ix 
for \{rael. Soalfo the Widow, xii 

who is like to her will 
offer her Intereeffion, with- 
out ceafing for the Church 
to God; and he will hear 
her, Bdeaiite her Mind is 
fix’d on this thing alone, and 
is not difpos'd to be either 
infatiable, or covetous, or 
expenfive ; ; when her Eye is 
pure, and her Hearing ciean, 
and her Hands undefil’d, and 
her Feet quiet, and her Mouth 
prepar’d for neither Glurto- 
ny nor Trifling, but fpeak- 
ing the things thar are fic, 
and partaking of only fuch 
things as are neceflary for 
her Maintenance: So being 
grave, and giving o Diftur- 

‘bance, fhe will be pleafing 

ee to 


to God, and as foon as fhe 
asks any thing, the Gift will 
prevent her; as He {ays, 

Ifa. Wili.o.While thou art {peaking J will 
fay, Behold I am here. Let 

{uch an one alfo be free 
from the Love of Money, 

free from Arrogance, not gi- 

ven to filthy Lucre, not in- 
fatiable, not gluttonous ; but 
continent, meck, giving no 
body difturbance, pious, mo: 

deft, fitting at home, fing- ¢ 
ing, and praying, and read- 

ing, and watching, and fatt- 

ing ; fpeaking to God con- 

tinually in Songs and Hymns. 
And let her take Woot, and 
rather affift othets than her- 
{elf want from them; being 
mindful of that Widow who 
is honour’d with the Lord’s 
Teftimony, who coming into 
the Temple, caft into the Trea- 

fury two Mites, which make a 

oo xi, 
Tukaed ad 

a Farthing. And Chrift our 
Lord and Matter, and Search- 
cr of Hearts, faw her, and 
faid, Verily I fay uato you, 
that this Widow hath  caft 
into the Treafury more than 

@ i aixch xg dues, @ 
a dElpes @ughuuToL, 
2y ol modts navagt ‘ 1€ 
S  soug ors meV 
rau pifpyray, aTé mops 
grvagrer ETOLUGY, ar 
Aa Ag AS? py a die 
ovren petorgeGavoy 
3 div emepcine Be ub 
plu  cusuoy. eT 
cen @ aGeaxG u- 
qupaet ; dbape-@ 
soy Te Gen" ¢ Rc, 
ay imran au my Thy 
mer ctin uum 7 Ov- 
"Et yp oe, gic, 
ag ABO Epo, 100 ar 
Pespete Torairn 5 eae, 
are poe re apinapy- 
(On, EnPGr, 1h al 
qvepxeponsy pn ara ~ 
+@, pn n AievOw an 
Geax » Bag Cis : 
cudIUys xg.Snhun 6 ow 
TH oxic. avans, taa- 
Avoa. aesadiaguin 
wayvicnuca a yeus 
mveca,vigdsca, Osa 
wdous © Upvotse tere 

jou. V: 

. the Holy Apoftles. 

we eAapbdvuce, én theyall: For all they have caft 
ests gov baiqopn- in of their Abundance, but this 
gplaw, arep osrrn tt Woman of her Penury hath caft 
y@. Siw’ prpvnono- in all the Living that fhe had. 
pun & ev ty Malor 

Ale np , enuduns um & were nent, ins erdg- 
ca Gy mS ico, tare es B yaCopuaaneny Te 
Mo Aema, Grep 64 yodesvas’ x Oeacaph.O- aumP 6 
xgpdioyvasns Xexsus, 0 weErO. nygy © drduonnraGs, 
evmey" "Aula AEqw UmIy, OTL BUTY Fi nen aAGoY odys- 
aw Larey cs B yaloguaanciov? ort o1 adres ox F 

axegosduygt@s avtay aroy aura! 4 ox 

E isepne 

HGIGe" croy avars T Biov oy ene. 

Se ork 

SEmvas by DE avay 
“aus eyn2as, oreio- 
ges Psinm / 

wwas Tots bchoxomuls 

@ ais mpecCunepis © 

als SHG 01s, ert plu 

e2 Sg ngvets, Ura: 

oft 3 93 t 
Cupias, Cvage Toyas, 
ima Bar ele 

MoCuwwas, en xg-TE- 

Evaaleons, pnts Dog 

a ; ge elo ~ 

7 Soqyy mm molety 

Serdos, Dina ywaens 

7, NO rit te \ \ 

3 Sangve, olny & Begs 

‘ levee * a mer Soucris ' oon 

3S ganiv ah avr © 

meav, nrglay ti ae- 

e% TWOs, & 3 pn wee 

2 defunt. V. 

‘TH E Widows therefore 

ought to be grave, obe- 
dient to their Bifhops, and 
their Presbyters, and their 
Deacons, and befides thefe ro 
the Deaconeffes, with Piety, 
Reverence, and Fear ; not u- 
furping Authority, nor de- 
firing to do any thing be- 
yond the Conftitution, with- 
out the Confent of the Deas 
con; as fiuppofe the going 
to any one ro eat or drink 
with him, orto receive any 
thing from any body; but 
if wichout DireCtiion fhe does 

2 dwerey. v. amabious. Vo 

23 any 



anyone of thefe chings, Jet 
her be punifh’d with tafting, 
or elfe lec her be fepara- 
ted on account of her Rath. 

For how does fuch an one 
know of what Character the 
Perfon is from whom the re- 
ceives? Or from what fort 
of Miniftration he fupplics 
her with Food; whether it 
does not arife from Rapin, 
or fome other ill Courfe of 
Life : while the Widow does 
not remember, that if fhe 
receives in a way unworthy 
of God, fhe muft give an 
Account for every one of 
thefe things, For neicher will 
the Priefts at any time re- 
ceive a Free-will Offering 
from (uch an one; as fup- 
pofe {rom a rapacious’ Per- 
fon, or froma Whore. For 
it is written, Zhou fhalt not 

~ covet thofe that are thy Neigh- 
bour’s: And, Thou fhalt not’ 
», Ofer the Hire of an Harlot 

to the Lord God. From fuch 
as thefe no Offerings ought 
to be accepted, nor indeed 


ASecce oroinen ev TE 
‘ream, banygdw — 
NTE, n aQogrledw, 

Ti 53 btisemy, o- 
mole Tis 62%, add is | 
AawSard, n x 7reTIE 
ams Alenovias ~ mreg= 
Cand’ % Sole + 1. 
meepv €& apres, a 
qeyiss on boi sepain” 
1 ned om (ae ev0s 
exaqs Teta duod Ad 
pov Oza, deaguun a- 
yaeio: Qes’ ete yp of 
Lepels roraumns exuciag- 
pov desovrey mote, oop 
comms @., 7 TrOpyNS. of- 
vena yap" Oux bhr- 
Suatiols +m B Ane 
ciov @° Ov repganicds 
idwyg wiprns wueka 
Td Oca. & Sa ay Be 
‘i whe HS raster, 
ene ul) De apweso- 
por. *.* oveSwedy 
de ay Synpcr érotygt megs 
vmaxolw aff Cy TeTHA= 
ey avreis vam aS 

L 7Ov cignulvoy» Vv. * gocnysl. v. * dyvoed reivup. ve-4 n TON TS. V 


the Holy Apoftles. 

xperrloveoy, 4 th 
Agirakey S Och onowe 

moermoady » as Oca 

ak ~ 
uTenoveoar’ 0 ~ a0. 

mets brn ppire, n 20- 
omanays deyophuOs , 
jay TTY mood: 
avO-, Emme zis 
semole mesaspeuli, 
pan DEAOVTOS peGue- 
AnSnvas TUT, x olveoves 
TeTw TH ) mena dua’, 4 
Aurea aatcte T ss 
ad ines Daospepopyuor, 
© oixodyue aures Ae 
e avoeE ie Soaews, xo4 
guLugAmIETY avloIS , 
fA aGiwy avres as 
elias antler. cc 
TEpmhAavog , C dn- 
Snven TE Ocod. 

from thofe that are feparated 
from the Church. Let the 
Widows alfo be ready to o- 
bey the Commands given 
them by their Superiors, and 
let them do according to the 

_ Appointment of the Bifhop, 

being obedient to him as to 
God: For he that receives 
from fuch an one who is 
worthy of Blame, or from 
one excommunicated, and 
prays for him, while he pur- 
pofes to go on ‘n a wicked 
Courfe, and while he is not 
willing at any time to repent, 
holds Communion with him 
in Prayer, and grieves Chrift, 
who rejects the Unrighteous, 
and confirms them by means 
of the unworthy Gift, and 
is defiled with them, not 

fuffering them to come to Repentance, fo as to 
fall down before God with Lamentation, and pray 

to Him. 


Fe 4 18 ywa- 
ngs Bardia, qy- 
ef Co » UMAY, ont “LV 
Dun Qs. panegs F re- 
mm bhyepeous. de 3 

N°? W asto Womens Bap- 

tizing, we let you — 

know, that there is no {mall 
Peril to thofe that under- 
take ic. Therefore we do not 

P 4 advife 



= 1 Pla So ats 

advife you to it; for ‘tis CupSsrdiopiur Ponopee 

dangerous, or rather wicked, 
and impious: For if ° the 
Man be the Head of the Wo- 
man, and he be originally or- 
dain’d for the Priefthood, 
it is noc juft to abrogate 
the Oraer of the Creation, 
and leaving the Principal to 
come to the extream Parr of 
the Body. For the Woman 
is the Body of the Man, 
taken from his Side, and 
jubje& to him, from whom 
fhe was feparated for the Pro- 
creation of Children. For, 

Geniiiré.fays He, Ae fhall rule over 

*,” Pag 
* 254. 

thee. For the principal Part 
of the Woman is the Man, 
as being her Head: Bur if 
in the foregoing, Cox/titw 
tions we have not permitted 
them to teach, how will any 
one allow them, contrary to 
Nature, co perform the Of- 
fice of a Prieft? For this is 
one of the ignorant a abe 
of the Gentile Acheifin, 

ordain Women Priefls ro the 
Female Deities; not one of 
the Conititutions of Chrift. 

“deel nf sus xspenh v, 

ris ~, ugarov 4 qwa- 
eavougy © ag ebese ef a 
~ weQarn yuseungs 6 
avip, s7@ 3 Teo Eh 
efCery es Le @omUN Hs 
2 dicioy, adimoy % T 
Sumerian, % ? XoTOo 
Amore F apy 
Be fated ervar TAY 
yun 49 owns. avd 295, 
én mrdueus o Ov, % a 
#4 Soy onetven, e& omep 
% Ovnpedn eis mrajdtoy 
dwenv® Avs | 9h ods 
Gigi * sieschad apo 
neup ruvarngs 0 avtip, é- 
wasn © uoaan. 4&4 
Cy ais weorabea dbe 
duckay avers CoH & 
wmeage anberp Qu, Ws i¢- 
ExT cay TU TOUS abe 
quay les Culoespnog ; 
TET yb ap er~ 
Aluwy a Seomr@. & 
UY VOU uAercus be- 
es lepecs Ketep TOPE, 
Mn s F xers Akgem 
macews. « 4 C ed iow 
yuuunav BadiCed 5 
oduqws av Co wes 


:) ee 4 


nga E 1ONas pegs @ 
Caddie, ¢ By naa 
*"Twavvy, n xj AUGS 27707 
|S rwy oon 3 Ban 
Cay, . Cuvaregarey ay 
jyay @. qwvaings bm 
T3T@ puu 2) dune, 
ote meg m&éy, STé 
eloeapars aos dwuev, c= 
dus 2 ancora F 
Queews, C durperddy 
S messug|@u. ws © 
E Querws; Snuswenys, 
Ot SeanSews voug- 

2AM ere Aajnois 
Soir pémopys moieay TE 
nS igegmnav epywy. 
gioy Sucidp, n Bania- 
Ke, 0 oelepSriav, 7 
dAroyidy pixedy 7 
payorlun Ouy éau- 
TH yapks Aaubard t 
mule, GAR 0 AGA 
puG. ra S Ges. Ala 
gap TF eqideccws aS 
NaCoy Te earlonga# 
Dido.) 1 wotautn asic’ 
o > pn edogierdeis 
Tata, WA’ apanons 
eyThy ears F Tieecm 

Ri ‘ the Holy Apottles. 

For if Baptifm were to be 
adminiftred by Women, cer- 

tainly our Lord would have 

been bapriz’d by his own 
Mother, and not by Fohn; 
or when he jent us to bap= 
tize, he would have fent a- 
long with us Women alfo 
for this purpofe. Lut now 
he has no where, either by 
Conftitution, or by Writing, 
deliver’d tous anyfuch thing; 
as knowing the Order of 
Nature, and the Decency of 
theAction ; as being the Crea- 
tor of Nature, and the Legi- 
{lator of the Conftitution. 
Neither do we permit the 
Laity to perform any of the 
Offices belonging to the 
Priefthood: As for In{ance, 
neither the Sacrifice, nor Bap= 
tilm, nor the laying on of 
Hands, nor the Bleffing, whe- 
ther the {maller or fhe greater: 

For, No one taketh this Hoe Heb. ¥s 

nour to himfelf, but he that is 
called of God. For fuch fa- 
cred Offices are conferr'd by 
the Laying on the Hands of 
the Bifhop. But a Perfon to 
whom fuch an Office is not 
committed, but he feizes up- 
3 SCRE on 

on it for himfelf, he {hall 
2Chr.xxyj. undergo the Punifhment of 





farther, we do not 
to the reft of the 
to Baptize: As for 

Inftance, neither to Readers, 
nor Singers, nor Porters, nor 
Minifters, but co the Bithops 

and Presbyters alone, yet fo 

that the Deacons are to mi- 

nifter to them therein. 

thofe who venture upon it 
fhall undergo the Punifh- 

ment of the Companions of 7 

Nom, xvi, @ ora. 

We do not permit 

Presbyters to ordain Deacons, 
or Deaconefles, or Readers, 

or Minifters, 


or Singers, or 
but only Bifhops: 

For this is the Ecclefiaftical 
Order and Harmony. 



~ e , 
ean 7 OCia Gans 

” rg ~ 

"Am ete avis Agramvis 

HANELLOIs Emagee Tro 
/ s & ? 

BarriCav’ oiov dwa- 

/ 2» ' a 

Ty wsais, 1 params, 1 

TOE in earnpe = 
eit ‘in pgvots eart- 

comes, % wpeabure 
ents , eSu mpeT way 
auerats ys Afgogvere 
Oo! 4 TOA LQUTES T8370, 
ops Kogstwy vances 
T Dtumy. ex emit per 
ary , _™peabumenis 
261 Cray et Afgngves, a 
Mo noviosers, ,  dvanyan 
Ges » n omperes, n ww 
des, n TuAwpLs, Yd 
Hgrats mols emoxgTulr. 
aum yp br ameis cu- 
xAnmasium © apugvie. 

twwSirie Tis EXXYV, 
KIL New as concerning En- 

vy, or Paflion, or Evil- 
{peaking,or Strife, or the Love 
of Contention, we have {aid 

to you, that thefe are 

[ [Fed esi.; ” CnAg, 

n eedQ., 5 n G1 Agrete 
was, Deg Ei pnTeY ULLAL, 
le Tadty Xescdwois 



aM o- 

“the Holy Apoftles. 

Wwsrere, e Morse 
bri Nea? eradan *) 0 
rep yor Age orQs 710« 
Avior @ 2g TrormrAQe 
Uren poor, es TELS pen 
qnens europe dud, ws 
XH aro 1s T Naty. evtay 
~ Aeyeay ewer gynpa, 
am} ¢ rNpetas aE tee 
meen! rug @ & mate 
ow, ws 3d’ o Katy ve 
akArAging drxgsoug le. 
asvosn ~ as 8 ovong. 
genpeias eis Baor) cay 
ures aioas4, mW’ i 
aANINS Trisisy "x G*o- 
ole eyes a dé Ths 3 
pe ovo tee t senpetas 
WERTNTO, Th 2) & av- 
arn Epis crime Aes err: 
md dygre, n fe ova" 
perce nuts oydivae- 
TOY, eGmdevon *» € Bas 
areas, OU evECe xondoy 
who, nia rey. auvopSu 
ap kevees qnexs Cnro- 
* quwmes, OSoveess. Algo 
Corus, Baonuyuous 7 
eTEOY aveqeani* a 3] 
aviavmy, ex eo TB 

Kersod, ok F cretrs 

alien from a Chriftian, and 
chiefly in the Cafe ‘of 
Widows. But becaufe the 
Devil, who works in Men, 
is in his Condu@ cunning, 
and full of various De- 
vices, he goes to thofe that 
are not truly Widows, as 
formerly to Cain; (for fome 
fay they are Widows, but do 
not perform the !njun@ions 
agreeable tothe Widowhood; 
as neither did Cain difcharge 
the Duties due toa Brother: 
For they do not confider 
how ‘tis not the Name of 
Widowhood that will bring 
them to the Kingdom of 
God, but true faith and 
holy Works) But if any 
one poflefles the Name of 
Widowhood, but does the 
Works of the Adverfary, her 
Widowhood wi'l not be im- 
puted: But fhe will be thruft 
out of the Kingdom, and 
deliver'd to eternal Punifh- - 
ment. For we hear that 
fome Widows are jealous, 
envious Calumniators, and 
envious at the Quiet of 

* Osi. v, 



Te” Ath CRP SORE eae ERC Oy 

by Sy i) ie ER hake eee! pe ee 


others: uch Widows as 
thele are not the Difciples 
of Chrift, nor of his Do- 
Grine: For it becomes them, 
Wher one of their Fellow- 
Widows is cloath’d by any 
one, or receives Money, or 
Meat, or Drink, or Shooes, 
at the Sight of the Refrefh- 
ment of their Sifter to fay, 
Thou art blefled, O God, 
who haft refrefh'd my Fel- 
low-Widow. Blefs,O Lord, 
and glorifie him that has be- 
{tow’'a thefe things upon her ; 
and let his good Work a- 
{cendin Truth co thee; and 
remember him for good in 
the Day of his Vifitation. 
And as for my Bifhop, who 
has fo well perform’d his 
Duty to thee, and has or- 
der’d fuch a feafonable Alms 
to be befiow’d on my Fellow- 
Widow, who was naked, do 
thou encreafe his Glory, and 
give him a Crown of Rejoi- 
cing in the Day of the Re- 
velation of thy Vification. 
In the fame manner, let the 

Widow, whehas receiv’d the ( 

AdeongAres ygdarercy” 
tov 92 airs cvdvbet- 
os aww aulemens 
am TWOs, 1 AgELons 
I 3 / “ a \ 

APWELa , 1 Spl, 
n mtg in waodtors 
Yearumwast averghy 
LUT OY wary Ea ody ’ 

> ~~ e 

Evroynrs a 6 Qess 
o aaicas # Culere 
CRY. chAcymnaoy, WEE, 
@ dvEaco + Alerxort= 
overs aitn, € SB ép- 
pov auT# avabnvor ov 
arnica regs Ce *@" 
> emicnon auTe as a" 
qedov Cv Huepe eriano= 
ms * avcé'. © & bm 
cxemy fe TF xgrws 
> Cat Aarepynodurens 
@" Drdu Ean res Bix crs 
Epy erenugourly Vr 
pn on tn Cusynpw pee 
Wed, TWesseans av= 
a ° dofav, © duons 
aut  sapdwov xau= 
YNOEWS Cr. neo amos 
xarulens emonomins 
¥. OUgi@s 4 ” Ap Sioa 


agwesoy.V. > deeft. v. ? pyidin.y. 4 e8.v. 5 defunt. v. * defunt.v. 




the Holy Apoftles. 

Vagal g { 
“nex Tm crAcQuy cupn- 
’ ‘ 
mesa dingdw mf didbvle 
aurn F Sqanoyiars 
‘Hey vai” & ante 
on, Bxpulad B ols 
xEiov ovale, &$ Cogn’ 
\ / y 
fan. CaamCecn EiL= 
amendev avTAS ive of- 
va) nzAEnygouwn 3ess 
T Oeov cy xpuma’ yg 
Bas gna 6 weQ- on 
os 3) mayr@. éAren- 
pooublu, **un wor 
<¢ ? / = ~ 
n aeLsteg oe, Te mole 
7 SeEre Cys, Omws % n 
od 1 EAenygouwn ov Ted 
xpuma. Ka i see 
Teptdnedw rm 1B 
didwyor@., 05 Tis ml 
9\ i? ed / 
ay n, aYov csvatagr 
3 xX Mf ¢ f 
€foy CTs VaTap- 
€N ¢ 1 
xeon 2% 6 mamp Oo 
BAtawy oy mS xpue, 
padwod ted My omisytt 
cv mS gavepo. Am’ 
¢ 4 > > \ 
Oh. wn xXgT CyapaAlw 
Oe Cli Strvay yn 
PY, PepvTiCea * maAv- 
by ~ tl t c 
mousey, Tis 7 Alo 
/ / ce 
‘xovnoupyun © tives on 
Agbeany © police, 

Alms join with the other 
im praying for him. 

But if any Woman has *!¥- 

been good, let her, asa pru- 

dent Perfon, conceal her own 
Name, not founding a Trum- 
pet before her, that her Alms 
may be with God in Secret, 

as the Lord fays, Zhou when Mat.vi2} 
thou doeft thine Alms, let not 3» + 

thy Left Hand know what thy 

Right Hand doth, that thine +,» Pagi 

Alms may be in fecret. And 
let the Widow pray for him 
that gave her the Alms, who- 
foever he be, as being the 
holy Alear of Chrift; and 
the Father who feeth in fe 
cret, will render to him that 
did Good openly. But thofe 
Widows which will not live 
according to the Command 
of God, are folicirous and 

inquifitive what Deaconefs it 

is that gives the Charity 2? and 
what Widows receive it> And 
when fhe has learn’d thofe 
things, fhe murmurs at the 

Deaconefs who diftributed 

the Charity, faying, Doft not 

2 deeft,V. 2 deeft. V. 2 @s¥.¥. 4 gsaomuseiy. V. 




thou fee that | am in more 
Diftrefs and Want of thy 
Charity? Why therefore haft 
thou preferr’d her before me? 
She fays thefe things foolith- 
ly, not underftanding that 
this does not depend on the 
Will of Man, but the Ap- 
pointment of God. For if 
fhe is herfelf a Witnefs chat 
fhe was nearer, and upon En- 
quiry was in greater Want, 
and more naked than the o- 
ther, fhe ought to under- 
ftand who it is that made 
this Confticution, and to hold 
- her Peace, ane not to murmur 
at the Deaconefs who difiri- 
buted the Charity, but to en- 
ter into her own Houle, and 
to caft herfelf proftrate on 
her Face to make Supplica. 
tion to God, that her Sin 
may be forgiven her. For 
God commanded the Dea- 
conefs, who brought the 
Charity, not to proclaim the 
fame, and this Widow mur: 
murd, becaufe fhe did not 
publifh her Name, that fo + 
fhe might know it, and run 

ey WTeeg me” Cweinnr, xy Uarroy. V. 

ynoaery, Asyuoe’ Gow 
idns om ego Cor uga- 
Aov ken cnetvby Bar€o- 
pwn 3 or” ev meperi- 
WAnOeLs Cnervlus ciety Tal 
‘Te 4 4 Aty4 ap ey areip 
von, & vow oe OTL 53% 
av bepme T8370 ANAS 
yerover, oma Gee ep 
THY AG es Tupe 
aum oT é yur Us 
npg, C Gw mao 
ord ei eFaraCern, gh 
gov aut pan n 
Cneavn, oGeAd vou ® 
Dianuzauior, © ame 
ayoace, © wn pee 
Laphon F Sraxovton- 
ody. eicerAbdon es of= 
nov cautn:, @ bh wepg- 
ow my sauTiy Barraa, 
inelcuy * Ocov age- 
Given .avty OB mAnp- 
PEANGs © 9 Ozos Gren 
miagro TH OU mieon 
en Tenyedey © 7 de 
aro id n 3 ne 
7m on! men cunpus Se ° ans 

SB ocug, tra 
avum yobeca desun 

2 Th. Ve * saving. V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

es & Agbay, *@" g 
pgvov EUELOETD, na 
i, YrgeMeKT AUTH 
érAg SpQun BS eimov- 
7@s ‘O daAgnay Ce 
Sroyary, © o xgro- 
epQues Ce xexgareg- 
ay. Aen 4 0 nwesos’ 
“Oady exaepeyncde es of- 

nov, Aeyore’ eiplun te) 

cing teTw® © edp i 
>. “w ey > ‘ a > 
CHa Yas epluins, n G- 
c rt 3 7 
pln. vugr eM et U- 
ceToy ear aunty exp 4 
VS ‘I! o° e€°.:9 t < 
penn 2EI@s, 4 etplun u- 
roy Tens Uugs baspérd. 
> y& c > 2 \ ~w 
Ei ey eiplum bch ves 
merlaves avthy ear 
Cues, mA Ehopecd 
bch Tes = Weonygpreves 
t ¢ 
aut, YS un d- 
~ g/ > \ 
pay aveivs auTHs omAu 
~ € ' = 
Mgrror 1 xeGex ba 
peld as ueQarlw 73 
, : / 
adinas autiy Cumen- 
davt@s, 03 sou ati 
ovt@. Agbav avriy 
éneive DEIS ovrep ea~ 
TESHAN. Wes yp) 0 gery 
Agidbemy, Eu Toy wes), 

to receive; nay, did not on- 
ly murmur, but alfo curs’d 
her, forgetting him that {aid, 
FYe that bleffeth thee is bleffed, pabtzatea 
and he that curfeth thee is’? 
curfed. But the Lord fays, 

When ye enter into an Honfe Luk. x s- 
fay, Peace be to this Foufe ; Matt.x.13 
and if the Son of Peace be 
there, your Peace (hall reft up- 
on it: But if it be not wor- 

thy, your Peace fhall return 


to LL / 

If therefore Peace returns Xv. 
upon thote thac fent it, nay, 
upon thofe that before had 
actually piven. it, becaufe it 
did not find Perfons fit to 
receive it, much rather will 
a Curle return upon the 
Head of him that unjuftly 
{ent it, becaufe he to whom 
it was fent was not worthy to 
receive it: Forall thofe who ~ 
abufe others without a Caufe 
curfe themfelves, as Solomon 
fays, As Birds and Sparrows Pior.xxvi.: 

ng Quay 0 Loag- fly away, fo the Curfe cau[e- » 

® deeft. v. ? m@-. v. 



lefs [hall not come upon any 
one. And again he fays, 
Thofe that bring Reproaches 
are exceeding foolifh. But as 
the Bee, a Creature as to its 
Strength feeble, if fhe {tings 
any one, lofes her Sting, and 
becomes a Drone: In the 
fame manner you alfo, what- 
foever Injuftice you do to 
others, will bring it upon 
Pfavi,.¢ your felves. Ale hath graven 
and digged a Pit, and he (hall 

fall into the fame Ditch that 
Prov.xxvihe has made. And again, 
27. He that diggeth aPit for his 
Neighbour fhall fall into it. 
Wherefore he that avoids a 

Curfe, lec him not curfe a- 

- nother; For, What thou ha- 
camels teft Jhould be done to thee, do 
not thou to another. Wherefore 
admonifh the Widows that 

are feeble-minded, flrengthen 

thofe of them that are weak, 

and praife fuch of them as 

walk in Holinefs. Let them 

rather blefs, and not calum- 

&* pap, niate, Let them make Peace, 
"287. and not ftir up Contention. 
Let not therefore either a 

&. 18 

Vy ae o + 
ayy Quaxep open 
TE TOV TA} € Spesu, S- 
3 ? mn 5 
mms nek UgGGice. coe 
emercvorry ¢% cathy. 
/ Ly (pee 
Kaj maaw | red * Or 
4) On DEepy Tes Agidveras, 
! mc) 
adepresut eoy ~Q- 
: zit fh © ‘ 
omep 2 7 éAlosm, 
> ~ / > ™ 
cy tn Suyaud avrns 
> | > 2° ‘ 
adevns soc, tm wAn- 
f Rui ate > 
En va, 3 wevtegy w= 
/ / ~ 
amb aad, C VivEeTey SEE- 
en F avaw Gym 
< ¢ / yi 
vets 0. E20 minTe adl- 
nov > es ETEpYS, T¥TO 
es fauTes cvepynaere. 
D ” \ 
Aanxngy  wouge, xoy 
5 ’ 4 > ef 4 
ayécnarey *avaw, % 
eumreceiney es oder 
f 4 
Oy etpyeoum Nay >a 
rus O cpvoswy Bee 
Seov ° ta mrnoliov av- 
f > ~ ¢ , 
ay. Ovxey‘o Oger 
, \ ~ 
THe LIM. 0 rL08is (GE 
ae oe 
ued, ed8 arAw’ ay moin- 
ods. dio pe Semel te tus a 
k kj 
elas, *,“tchaAmorete 
7 dprucwris, afg= 
“w \ > , 
UGAET Tas oAIngu- 

“ucitv. ? deeft,. V.360.V. + dee. V. * 0 ovaoudy.y. * defunt. V. 

? deeft. V. 


se ! iaevep matin ras 
Devers, Furey Te TOES 
Gy aci0 mn odvUeaNs. bu 

Aoi aod UeARoP, oe 
jan Agi doperra Toys" eipn- 
vo mmc amocy , yj jan 70 

ve ay Eni cnon@», ANTE 
Freire unre df 
avs, wente arr@e les 
om s KG TMACYY 73 
igeaTine- Agere rs 
yAtosay UgAunetw, va 
Me AP urneovop nen” 
2sw 4) aredy © btipé- 
nex Te bqnoKoT a, "b 
ws pide Acings ware: 
env cngep Rocw: oe 
ay aus meray 
Oped, Wes uANELDY, 
ie, oe ab Serav, Dek yn: 
“ €DY, meh Dckitcay. Akg 
7870, @ 6cnono Te, Tes 
OWEpYyES o8 T Cwns x) 
 OAxcuscuns epyaes, 
Nangres dha pices Osa 
Men aercs, ws Coe ody 
ms TS Age Pouiugcas 
Eyck acius, © eis aus 

¢ Svcer ov as agelas éb- 
mints. WEI etowy 

he ae = Hoty sates? 

Bifhop, or a’Presbycer, ot 4 
Deacon, oryany' one elfe 
of the Sacerdoral Catalogue, 
deiile his Tongue with Ca- 
lumny, left he inherit a Curfe 
inftead of a Blefling; and 
Jet it alfo be the Bifhop's 
Bufinefs and Care, that no 
Lay-Perion utter any Curfe: 
For he otght to take care. 
of the Clergy, of the Vir- 
gins, of the Widows, of the 
Laity; for which Reafon,O 
Bifhop, do thou ordain chy 
?éllow-workers, the Labou- 
rers for Life and for Righre- 
outnefs, fuch Deacons as are 
pieafing to God, fuch whom 
thou proveft to be worthy 
among all the Peopie, and - 
me as fhall be ready for 
e Neceffities of their Mi- 
satiated Ordain alfo 2 
Deaconefs who is faithful 
and holy, for the Miniftra- 
tions towards Women. For 
fometimes he cannor fend a 
Deacon, who is a Man, to 
the Women, on account of 
Unbelievers. Thou fhalt there- 
fore fend a Woman, a Dea- 
conets, on account-of the !- 

Q magi« 

al cali Se 


ey We ae a 

> ld ’ 4 be < eer * +i SS 
Pity é Tt Ce 
i * , 


Imaginations of the Bad. For 
we {tand in need of a Wo- 
man, a Deacone(s, 
ny Occafions; and firft in the 
Baptiim of Women, the Dea- 
con {hall anoinc their Fore- 
head with the holy Oil, 
and after him the Deaconefs 
fhall anoint them: 
is no Necefficy that the Wo- 
men fhould be feen by the 
Men; but only in the Laying 
on of Hands the Bifhop fhall 


her Head, 

for ma- 

For there 

as the 

Priefls and Kings were for- 
merly anointed, not becaufe 
thofe which are now Bap- 
uizd are ordain’d Priefts, but 
#* Pao aS being Chriftians, or A- 


nointed, from Chrift the A- 

1Pet.ii9. nointed, A Royal Priefthood, 

1 fim. 11. 

*, and an holy Nation, the Chu ch 
of God, the Pillar and Ground 
of the Marriage-Chamber, who 

formerly were not a People, 
but now are beloved and 


upon whom is cal- 

led his new Name, as 7 
faiah the Prophet witneffes, 
Ia Ixi', 2. faying, Aad they fhall call the 

sre j hoivldmicschiuedep elon MLAA acme entem echt tee 

H | DlaKoytomays 
© O78. Vv. 

07% ¥. 

7£ Duvaces. 4 daxdyserny. 

| Aeixorar" wig 
3 se: eis mrms ys 
oy UU Ae Narinpecias. 
be1 ~ * onvay ” ev ke 
kaw oixicus avd ex dta- 
nOvOY yunasiy eZ du: 
peeTey OME [L TES OG 78s 
art gus’ DSaseAas By 
qpvauince + Algnovoy" aby 
Oe as TF pan rwy d1a- 
yOIcLSe G —p es mrAAgS 
eypeias uuanrys agnco- 
py Siangre. T ewTOY fie 

ey Te) QwTiCeR qyyane 

HAS, 0 Akgnor@s ert 
Sy povov 3 pemomOy 
avravTy ¢: ayy CAL IGs 
“mel oneoy n Sfugvos 
arenld ava sa" ry % 
aver Syn Gs yuudinases 
am asd ey rean-rorr lovee 
Ma ugrey cy TH ae 
epvecic, T weQaAny 
auTns setoy 0 boKexo- 
7@ ov Sym ol igs 
pes: @ a Pana 8 
DEITIEDY en ehovre Boy 
OTL % of yrs BamCao- 

pyar, Lepess Xeep To- 
yevtey, DA’ ows" dor 
V, 5 deett. v. 


a | 

a the Holy Apoftes: 

: af Koet Xesnavoi', People ly his new Name, which 
Bacirerov veegtdugs, the Lord (hall name for thens, 

4 ZOrGs aqsov, cnurn 
gia Ozod, tape 4g edpatoner gz? 
n yarn ot Cn Aenerus i 

8 Aaos, ru ra 

vop.ces Ov ot mbt 

Ar On & xavoy au7e ovoug ws pipruper % ‘Hooias 
o TepP nts, Asyov' Kay Racoon Ager S cvong. aure 
SB xarvor, G0 mex avensing QUTOY 

wi Gre 
SUE ay, @ Crone, 
sees TH Wry acioys 
ee veparte ae Batre 
mow pay, are avd\peoy 
ere yuuanne, 
i Vig eAaw, eis TUmay 
—F mvduanne Baa 
qual@v emer i Ce 
0 bhhaxcm@G., 0 tam 
Ce wperlunp®. 4 T ig: 
exy er avr: Tw © 
‘emovoyngous eminAngy 
melds © ous G ayie 
avdipal@®., Badiods 
 BvTEs Cv mes Uden. 4 
Ore Bf atvSpx wand necSue 
<p Mgor®. ¥ 3.4 yr 
yah Afgnor YO 
ws OelkyoTpeTms 7 
 perenddans al ab oades 
— open Vi DG ontan. 4 

are) an 


Thou therefore, O Bihop, 
according to that Type, fhale 
anoint the Head of thofe 
that are to be baptiz’d, whe- 
ther they be Men or Wo 
men, with the Libly Oil, f 
a Type of the Spiritual Ais. 
3 Mie Afrer that, either thou, 
Bithop, or a ee ter 
ies is under thee, fhallin 
the folemn Form Naine over 
them, the Father, and Son, 
and Holy Spirit, and tha it 
Dip them inthe Water; and 
let a Deacon receive the Man, 
and a Deaconc{s’ the’ Wo. 
man: that fo the Collation 
of this inviolable Seal may 
be done with 4 becoming 
Decency. And after that leg 
the Bifhop anoint thofe that 

iN ey 
* os €orE- 


a ‘xen v. * al. vungams. 3 
* omnia, Y, ? Pandysont V. 
ey QO 2 

pyem ud'G x taacems. V. tdefuoe 


Vid. Ror, 

& Pag, 


= ee ten woe 


are bapruzed with Oint- 

ment. — 

This Baprifm therefore is 
given into the Death of Je 

{us: The Water is inftead of 

the Burial, 

Chrift: The Afcent out of 

and the Oil in- 
ftead of the Holy Ghoft; the 
Seal inftead of the Crofs: 

The Oinment is the Confir 
mation of the Confeffion: 
The Mention of the Father 
as of the Author and Sender ; 
the joint Mention of the Ho- 
ly Ghoft, as of the Witne(s: 

The Defcent into the Wa- 
ter, the Dying together with 

the Water, the Rifing again 
with Him. The Father is the 
God over all ; 
Only- begotten God, the Be- 
loved Son, the Lord of Glo- 
ry; the Holy Ghoft is the o 
Comforter, who is fent by 
Chrift, and taught by Him, 
and proclaims Him. 

Bur let him that is to be 
Baptized be free from all Ini- 

quity ; one that has left off 

to work Sin, 

Te. Vv. i 

as, V, 

Chrift is che 

the F riend of 

3 deefi. V. 

pe TeT0 0 erioncT@ Os 

velit Tes Baddty- 
» TS pep. 
‘Eq av 8 


av @ Ings Sido wor" 
3} 4 udiep, Qwri soupns® 
CS eAg-i0y, avk mydu= 
pal@ abe n opese 
vis, aT. TB seeps" 3 
uveor, Be C alwors ? ce 
py Agyias oe mais i 1. 
enn, ts cy Tie @ dan- 
UAews. TB mvp! Qu 
n ouummecan tis, ws 
paprupGn’ nxatady= 
as. 'S" cwamSarar, 
navaduors SO" comavaes 
Snide meth oO emt Top" 
awy Ozos Xexsus 0 page 
voywns Cees, o a0. 
Gs "Ys: che % ovens mus 
e498" "s “ave pect ayiov, 

Leurant@r, S raa0 
Xerce menmopSuor, @ 
vr Cnewve ide cnopfuoy, 
2%) Cnewoy anpuT lov. 

‘O 3 Rail c8u@s, 
are PE Tw 2rereG. 

aoeb eas 7 ons ictverépe 

yl@. Degs a Loti ctiy 



the Holy ‘Apoftles’ | 

on. Ozz , ey fens 
Oiclors, xAneovopOe 
*@s" ands, Cus- 
“AnepvonGs 2 8 Ye 
wits, wormTmypuO. 
Te) Zama © cis dus - 
Yager C Tet Tre TOLLS 
curs, aycs, GSH, 
onGs, SzoMiAns, yos 
S Cee" meg duyoue- 
¥Gs, s Yos TA TEL, xy 
Ae geay ws Dm yoWe & 
T mswy Sele aig 
1.8 BTS" ta arp mA 

0 CY ais Beavals, ie 
Ant BS oveyg@ oe’ za- 
atm 1 RanArAda oe. 
Sungnaw & Seanug 78s 
ws oy teary @ Emm t 
ais” T ap Tov hug 
beh dooy ots 7 ipesy ope 
ov" x aQEs tly Te 
eparnnale TUQY 5 oS 

¢ Ties apiensy Tol 

Operrereurs mY GC yn 
eacaelans 7 hugs es Wet= 


God, the Enemy of the De- 
vil, the Heir of God the 
the Fellow-Heir of 
his Son, one that has re- 
nounced Satan, and the Dz- 
mons, and Satan’s Deceits; 
chafte, pure, holy, beloved 
of God, the Son of God, 
praying as a Son to his Fae 
ther, and faying, as from 
the common Congregation 
of the Faithful, 
Father which art 
ven, FLallowed be thy Name; 
Thy Kingdom come; Thy 
Will be done on Earth, 
as it w in Heaven; Give 
us this Day our Daily Breads 
And forgive us our Debts, as 
we forgive our Debtors ; Ana 
lead us not into Temptation, 
but deliver us frou the Evil 
One: For thine is the King- 
dom, and the Power, and the 
Glory for ever. Amen. 

CAqULV, Wa pucey iiss 20 Te oravape* ole a8 bow ] 

Barren, 4 i Sunes, 4 1 ddEa, 

"A pl. 

ets Tes AjD bse 

« deeft, v. 


thus, Onur Matt. vi 
in Hear o, 3,” 

* xX. 

Jfa int 
pi. LXX. 

Matt, xx. 



Ete the Deacons be in 

all things .unfpotted, as 
the Bifhop himfclf is to be, 
only more active ;: in Num- 
ber accerding to the Large 
nefs of the Church, that they 
may minifier to the Iniirm, 
ax Workmen that are not 
atham’d ; and Jet: the Dea- 
conefs be diligent in taking 
care of the .Wonen ; but 
both of them ready to car 
ty Mefiages, to travel about, 
to mi inifter, and ro: ferve ; 
as {pake Maiah concerning 
the Lord, faying, Zo juftife 
the Richtcous, who ferves ma- 
ny faithfully Let every one 
therefore know. his proper 
Place, and difcharge ic dili- 
gently with one Confent, 
with one Mind, as know- 
ing the Reward of their Mi- 
ni@ration: Buc let them not 
be afham’d to minifter to 
thofe chac are in Want: As 
even our Lord fefus Chrift 

came not to be miniftred un- 

ee ae 

- Panceray. v.? dg. Ve 


mi VA 

Eich 22 3 
co Aes 
Alo ngvol Cv - 


onom Gs pgvoy 4 d- 
ChuAToTEe Dr avec Aonot 
megs & Tris T Cn: 
wAnmes* ive % Ds 
a Senarats | Narnpe Trt” 
Pun TeY, WS eoraTey 
abe mee Loe TOI. Cnn’ 
UN TEs yuwanes ore 
Sel aon Seeamtay a ape 
Qorepot ) am Begs aJ- 
ger id cxSnjelaw, U- 
amMpeTIan, dereay ws 
@ ati 7 were “H- 
cules AE, Gacnwy 
Aingioay Dixgtoy oF 
Surdbovre moarois. E- 
x95 O- ey T iBsov gyi 

exeren ToD % cnle- 
Act autor cred ahws, 
ouogesres, ouorinzs" 
pur@orovles TT dang: 
vices uardov. sway 3 

€ LV ETO GRU TOL eis. 2 
Vance riety avis dto- 
pos ws Co wer@s 

the Holy Apoftles. 

fuiy nuts 0 Xessos 

ou TAGE diaxovndr- 
ra, a axovnay, 
5 Dera + onele a= 
re AUrgay aYTI mm r~ 
Ady. eT ws gy © ares 
da DIEM. xcbp den 

* afuog bus no" der 

guowoy’” cede 4 0 W- 
er. ¢ runt HUY 
Inges 6 0 Xensos ehiseae 
tabula usr & El~ 
yoy 5 ws aves 207, v 
arep aS Piro ¢ aus. & 
ev 0 wes me Zeaye 
CF yus *.* apres 
ware Ay ay a ortys 
av mas dtaxovicey 
rmais dea Buors Crdbia- 
onte’ | Bayern Ago 
Tes ours evar, B g d 
Acdp, @ 5 ev eidyy : r 
TAIN eC cuuepY dy 
Cad vampevart & 3 5 
agen By 2% MUGS derdudy 
rls adenQols, @s Kesz- 
ce pivatas. O oe 
Acwy ~, gnc, Cr U- 
pay avon Hayes a) 

to, but to minifter, and to 
give his Life a Ranfom for 
many. So therefore ought 
they alfo to do, and not ro 
{cruple it, if they fhould be 
obliged to lay down their 
Life fora Brother. For the 
Lord and our Saviour Jefus 

Chrift did not fcruple to 

lay down his Life, ag Hime Job. x.15, 
felf fays, for his Friends. *¥- 13 
if therefore the Lord of 
Heaven and Earth under- 

went all his Sufferings for 

us, howthen do you make 

a Difficulty to minifter to 

{uch as are in Want 2? who, + Pag. 
ought to imitate Him, who “230. 
underwent Servitude, and 
Want, and Stripes, and: the 
Crofs for us. We ought chere- 

- fore alfo to ferve the Bre- 
thren, in imitation of Chrif. 

For, fays He, He that will wir yy. 
be great among you, let him2r6. 

be your Minifter ; and he 

that will be firf? among you, 

let hime be your Servant, For 

fo did He really, and nor 

in Word only, fulfil the Pre- 

E giv Squley. v. > eyth, Ve ? Sbcwawe Ve + Deis. Ve Seved@ ve 

Q 4 : diction 

IM in dition of, Serving 

Joh. xiii, 4. 

jn. f 


faithfully. For, When be had 
taken a Towel, he girded him- 
(of ‘\ afterward he puts Water 
jnto 4 Bafon, and, ias we were 
fi isting at Meat, he came ana 
walhed the Feet of us all, and 
wiped thm with the Towel. 
By doing this he demoz- 
{trated to us his Kindnefs, 
and Brotherly Affection, that 
fo we alfo might do the 
{fame td one another. . If 
therefore our Lord and Ma- 
fter fo humbled Himfelf, 
how can you, the Labour- 
ers of the Truth, and Ad- 
mMiniftrators of Piety, . be 
afhamd to do the fame to 
fuch of the Brethren as are 
weak and infirm? Minifter 
therefore witha kind Mind, 
not murmuring, mor muti- 
nying : For ye do not do 
jt on the account of Man, 
but on the account of God ; 
and fhall receive from tin 
the Reward of your Mini- 
firy in ‘the Day of yout Vi- 
fitation, ' “Tis your Duty, 

UMgy AgnorGe Ga 
SeAwr. w Ueay cny 
rapt Qs, € ese ug d gs 
AG.’ OiTe ~ € ou 
ars ey? TreTTAneyiMe TO" 
oo Dyacay aMols, ee] 
g Ayo. rebav 49 Agv- 
Toy, diel wont atte 
M Being” Adlopoele oe 
yalnes G AUOY. we 
veer expyaeoy emery, 
mopar ey ‘ 
Tig ett uake. 770.4) 
TU ty umeDeanuuEey 2- 
pay a 3 gag bergias 
aevmilengi ive © ae 
pees eis WT rss aus 
oe ys e uy 0 WUELOS 
HAG”, ce) 0 Sidon Ag%y 
TOS emcee Ey: 
aw mas ay Upeis é- 
TOG oe Uy. HTE coe reap 
amuitizey ais. a Suvet- rms 
om ace! ee os aden 
Pov, epyaty cums a- 
Andeias, ez éUde- 
Ceias WEI sa TOY } eéu- 
rape ine SY came 

ing: yan bagelyCoy- 

: Larwle Ve? 
® ¢ 7.4 ; 

deeft. Vv. : He Vv. igi 


ms, ymee Naseottlov- 
ts coe Ale. dp) eooray 
micitz, Ma Ao + 
Oeiy’ 41 t pudtoy + 
i 8s “SD enews 
| amanlede ov MEPL 
Sona noTas upecay’ ae 
by UMgS. Tes Drangves 
bmrovetede tres res 
deowus Emoxalews, zy 
ae. SAC opuav a- 

the Holy Apoftles: 

who iare Deacons, to. vifit 
all thofe that ftand in need 

of Vifitation. And tell your 

Bifhop of all thofe that are 
in AffiGion: For you ought 

to be like his Soul and Sen- 

{ation, active and attentive 
in all things to him, as to 
your Bifhop, and Father, and 

yalyimere mel enongrre v var" rluyn aval, G3 aut Sn 

Is iva 0 »PErere, Monvactet, ' 

@ Aviso0t ets adires ovees 


aur, ws smog y UNG, ¢@ MUTE, 2% Diduangprwre 

‘Exicxomoy 3 @¢ meg 
geo _esteprroveniey 
ced meno emaongmrey” 

nO goun eAagtioy, ra 
Do: 1 eFavau 2 aa 
5105 > Guay” xe: isecs. 

i a dio % aeuov 

orvese Bebmores 
4 ampeniise mpeaCu~ 
TeepY 5. 2g Agnovav 
am s0s  Emanore y 
; Co Aosmray urnes- 
wav Chae) e) “pea 
Eureesy ue prire Afos- 

XOVOV> risteormey cx 

We command that a Bi- 

fhop be ordain’d by three ¥%: 

Bifhops, or at leaft by two; 
but tis not Jawful that he 

be fet over you by one; 

for the Teftimony of two 
or three Witnefles is more 
firm and fecure. But a 
Presbyter and a Deacon are 
to be ordain‘a by one Bi- 
fhop, and the reft of the 

Clergy. Nor muft either a 

Presbyter or a Deacon or- 

dain from the Laity into the ,+ a’ Page 


Clergy: But the Presbyter” 291, 

ye defunt. Vv. 

> deft, ve 
4 deeft. v. ai 

3 aoenTes x Ty Aumdy xAigpy. V- 



is only to Teach, to Offer, 
to Baptize, to Blefs the Peo- 
ple, and the Veacon is to 
minifter to the Bifhop, and 
to the Presbyters, that is, to 
do the Office of a miniftring 
Deacon, but not to meddle 
with the other Offices. 

Ayinay WAnesKes, ZA- 
Ag. ugvey @ jk pea 
Cutzepy Sidkoxar, a 

‘yapepay, BamiCay, d- 

Aoyiv T Ago e 4 
Algnovoy eEummpere lar 
Td emotgra % amis 
awpeclurepis’ Test, 
Dianova’ 8 plu % TH 
Agima dreveoyer. 


se sd eee 7. 


Ieee "Oppdweyv. 



SiB<c: T: 


Concerning Orphans. 

SEES: eg S1AVE, 7T0b 
Sadik 2 n odrczre, ot" 
Aav ie, ive ms as a 
KAW, oon eye Tx- 
voy, m9 0 Ae. HG 
Tero, & a eis mmidbs 
TTY ei is SS ov, 
0 eyow yor Suvep§uor 

poo Re Se a 
Ute F oS Jeopes ee 

Col ecposticey, Cogn: 

To bi O4 GH OLeV TES, 
epqov Key, EMIT LO» 
eppper Tare Es agep- 

of a Son: 

pagesere FILE N any Chiri- 
Wh (Se. {tian becomes an 
% = Avex Orphan, whether 
peckee? itbe a young Man, 
or a Maid, it is good that 
fome one of the Brethren, 
who is without a Child, 
fhould take the young Man, 
and efteem him in the Place 
and he that has a 


Son about the fame Age, 

and that is marriageable, 
fhould. marry the Maid to 
him; for they which do fo, 
perform a great Work, and 
become Fathers to the Or- 



Ifa, 1. 76 



phans, and fhall receive the 
‘Reward of this Charity from 
the Lord God: But if any 

one that walks in the way 

of Man-pleafing is rich, and 
therefore is afham’d of Or- 
phans,the Father of Orphans, 
and Judge of Widows will 
make Provifion for the Or- 
phans. -But himfelf hall 
have fuch an Heir as will 
fpend- what -he has {par'd: 

and it fhall happen. to him 
according as .it is {faid; 

What Things the Holy Peo- 
ple have not eaten, thofe (hall 
the Aflyrians eat. As al- 
fo. Haiah lays, Your Land 
Strangers devour it im your 

Do you therefore, O Bi- 
fhops, {be follicitous about 
their Maintenance, being in 
nothing wanting to them ; 
exhibiting to the Orphans 
the Care of Parents, to the 
Widows the Care of Hutl- 
bands; to thofe of fuirable 
Age, Marriage; to the Arti- 


MS eaSpeox etary oe 

SavTes, é. mhy * aye 
eh ‘a8 Océ Amlovry 
 pelavoy a Staxovias 
ea 08 Tis x 

TAaToy, emongvuuorra, 
masa. ay, TH Fo op=. 
Qapias Lean a nis 
opgdws @egvolay wolne 
Ce TY 0 TaTNp rs Gp- 
Gaver, 4 KEATIS as 
ney wrs 4 eure 
ca) loit@., ¢ cs me 
ww7s ducati t gee 
Sa’ © Runcery * ea " 
ones ral Sonido a 
OsH EQangy a& Vol, TaN- 
Tu Duooy.) “Aosuezor* 

downs © Hoses A¢- 

of Thi sweav vugy 
Cvaomoy ULgv WAorguot 

c ~ ~ 

Tuas sy, 
Bi a le 

o emis 

Meek LvTC a TE 

ORL t ava rga- 

gas CnTaY, pnd ev eA 

AEMovess avails’ Tais 

ie fe opgewois 4 abegor- 

Ts" Te gpvewy, 7 4 

qpnests To ap deoy , q 
TOls @eYgIOls TES 7b 

t decft, V.° 2 deeft. V. 

3 deeft. V. 

5 deeft. V. 

fer ears wee ts 

: oe Pi ha Holy Apoflles: 

mes; nor epyov, &- 
Deava cA, Savas 
sy G, TEYO nLowugy, 
dvloa mom, qe 
yois EvdUNg 5 voosar 
tidy. Megs TYToILs 
Trews ups xa Veogve 
Tis @eh T T cv opgdwic, 
Omws anrols mandey or 
Jey Tm Bp axpSeve, 
Begess dw zrbn cis eae 
ex lees @  éndiore 
autny adeAgy’ ty 5 
mous qopnyiay, mess 
oy Tiyolu CHa Seay, 
c DlameePecy ¢ Cnt ere 
nopnysas i ody dk 
fies 7 meng tg. TOp= 
suo, ra) rhuing. ures 
Susnrey Cat Tey vs 
epyaneia eauTed * vm ete 
Oo" ’ onws pnuett ce 
pun Sriva Tp adea- 
ger, duu rin eer oy els 
aun ajyame : oN 
soured 2 eminepny ey 
cA nstas Me xGEs0s é: 
cw, os dp duvaph.@. 
BonSay eaves, yen bAc- 
En corey oppure, Etre 

* Tubs oy QUAGKI EMIT KOLIY. V. > wmepereny, Ve ? vlad. ve al, 

ficer, Work; tothe Unable, 
Commiferation; to the Stran- 
gers an Houle; tothe Hun- 
ery Food; to the Thirfty 
Drink; to the Naked Cloa- 
thing; to the Sick Vifitati- 
on; to the Prifoners Affiit- 
ance. Befides thefe, have a 
sreater Care of the Orphans, 
that nothing may be wanting 
to them ; andthat as to the 
Maiden, till fhe arrives at’ 
the Age of Marriage, and 
ye give her in Matriage to 
a Brother: tothe young Man 
Affiftance, that he may learn 
a Trade, and may be main- 
taind by the Advantage a- 
rifing from it; that fo when 
he is dexterous in the Ma- 
nagement of it, he may there- 
by be enabled to buy him- 
felf the Tools of his Trade, 
that fo he may no longer 
burden any of the Brethren, 
or their fincere Love to him, 
but may fupport himfelf : for 
certainly he is a happy ,Man 
who is able to fupport him- 
felf, and does not take up the 
Place of the Orphan, the 
Stranger, and the Widow: 



Since even the Lord faid, 

wx, The Giver was happier than 

the Receiver; for it is again 
faid by Him, Wo to thole chat 

~« FAlave and Receive in F1ypo- 

crifie, or who ave able to {up- 
port themfelves, yet will re- 

"Emel xy 6 were 
HENGELOY evrer eta a 
Sidov Gp, n7rep oa AGefe~ 


Cavovcw" yj ~ Ei purey 
i ee a are 

ak mols eso, & cv 
vox eto AnuCareny, 

ceive of others: For both of x Suva Sous BonSav 

them hall give an Account to 

ewwris, © AguCavay 

the Lord God in the Day of af’ émvegy eAoqu§uois 

Gudement. But an Orphan, 
who, by reafon of his Youth, 
or he that by the Feeblenefs 
of old Age, or the Incidence of 
a Difeate,or the Bringing-up of 
many Children,receives Alms, 
fuch an one fhall not only 
not be blam’d, but {hall be 
commended : For he ‘hall 

be efteem’d an Altar to God, 
‘and be honourd by God, 
-becaufe of his zealous and 
‘conftant Prayers for thofe 

that give to him} not re 
ceiving idly, but to the ut- 
termoft of his Power recom- 
pencing what is given bim 
by his Prayer. Such an one 
therefore fhall be blefied by 
God in Eternal Life. But he 
that Hath and Receives in 

scurep Gr ~ dzodbucd 
Aggy mene mi Osa 
or ne epee % @ATEWS. 0 

edi Ardy apGa- 
hes n 9ynews caroviay, 
n yooe ‘Degomway, n 
TeV ODY TmAvreOpIay 
ag. wh aven, 0 Tost. 
& LOU OV & MEE OnaeTey, 

Aa @ Emre VE Moe Tey 
' DeAgpaBu@" raw . 
gS ce Tynan)" a0- 
wos ap HS Adorawy 
ou) Te) Dilusenes Deo - 
odvoouhe Bu” Go ap- 
Quis Ag wG avery na 
> Noews avrg, oom 
Buna pss, Y piSov &- 
des Aha ¢ arozo dungiis® 

o TaeTG ay ev rt 

1 Atroya waver. v. ? Umeg. Ve 

> us 
Gh WY io) 

PT SSIRPE AS RUAN Ce as nS EN aid FN, eg by 
ceils pnaratabe tai el iis Nala 


@beovien Con nan ee 
Hangerdicerey. 0 3 
OLE % Cy NK eT 
Agmaroy, i me on ap- 
yidu, avert & epyaCe 
pQwov Bonbetv % erezpis® 
Sunny opanoy ® Oca, 
OTL mreyn tw Tp 1H. 

‘O yep ena at py 
Clr, % pen pera did es 
ETE DS, [Ane plus au 
“emus cere, Grow o o- 
Qews * were negrney 5 op 
Qaow cw ros Snoau- 

ests yg bdidev’ x 62x. 

C ew@ avTd arn on 
229 4 n Qarnera. 
Sun yurye TASTY ef 
Bs yeu very 4 oedey 
avn) a¢nrAG, daA- 
Auppie whe & dawns. 
Ovx wpernay nd, ny: 
e, are p yey Tey cy 7- 
pepe opyyis: Op 
ao i$ Ocw me- 

iedne, Sad Se 
ound sepucig, Coy Te" 
To myeH@s, € ¢é ew 
wre) Temi yos, VD 
HELMS aAnSeas o [oi8- 

_. yy nm . ae x. Ji. 7 
Sem pe I Fae 

the Holy Apoftles. va 

Hypoerifie; or through Idle- 
nefs, inftead of Working and 
aflifling others, he {hall be 
obnoxious to Punifhment be- 
fore God, becaufe he has 
{natch’d away the Morfel of 
the Needy. - 

For he that has Money, 
and does not beftow it upon 
others, nor ufe it himfelf, is 
like the Serpent, which they 
fay flecps over the Trea- 
fures; and of him is that 
Scripture true, which fays, 
Fle has gathered Riches, 


of Jo. Xx. 

which he fhall Hot tafte ; ; and, LXX. 
they will be of no Ufe to rrov.xi As 

him when he perithes jutt- 
ly. For, fays-he, Riches 
will not profit in the Day of 
Wrath. For {uch an one has 
not believed in God, but 
in hisown Gold: efteeming 
that his God, and trufting 
Diflembler of the Truth, an 
Accepter of Perfons, un- 
faithful, cheating, fearful, 

unmanly, light, of no Va- 

i memrgewrel. Ve 


Seth an oneis a 


fue, a Complainer, ever in 

Pain, his own Enemy, and 

no body’ s Friend. Such an 
one’s Money fhall perith, 
anda Man that is a Stranger 
fhall confume it, either by 
Theft while he is alive, or 
by 'nheritance when he is 
Si dead. For Riches unjuftly 
"gotten fhall be vomited up. 

We exhort therefore the 
Widows and Orphans to 
partake of thofe things that 
are beftow'd upon them with 
all Fear, and all pious Re- 
verence, and to return Thanks 
to God, who gives Food to 
the Needy, and to lift up 
_ their Eyes to Him. For, 
age fays He, Which of you fhall 

eat, orwho fhall drink without 
Pistia Him > For he openeth his 
3 Eland, and filleth every living 
thing with his Kindnefs: Gi- 
ving Wheat to the young Men, 
.. and Wine to the Maidens, and 
Vit cui Oil for the Foy of the Living, 
14,15. Grafs for the Cattel, and green 



TQy @egowmanans, 
am-Gu, aegy, DEays; 
ardud Qs, x2g@., d= 
nepi pepsbinerp@e, 
* emad un @e ", EQuTs 
eylegs, x j eadwvds QIAgs. 
TBTe & xpiugla c- 
Aaroy C avnp EQ 
2dy,) ana, n Covr@ 
UpEALIUGr, 1» Savor- 
os AG prmmmpAVOS. mrE- 
TG  &dDinos Cuux9p- 
pO, eepestar’). | 
Taeatepie ¢ uy dg 
qnestts % oppawols, pw 
adpas pole x aeons 
Miagbeas pemmagje- 
Cavey mys everals epn= 
year, @ dinaesseiv 
2a, BS didwk Tors: 
Teva al agog lu, x) em 
oie) Tes OPSAAMES 
éxtevey, Tis, Que 
ay, Uugy Panercy, 7 
Tis Bete, ose ave 
7 5 Avaus 9° avaing ® 
ees aus, 2% eon 
TAL ory Cwoy Mdd- 
“iad Cirov vedwioxotss 
© oiyoy Severs, you 
eAyiov es Aesculus 

2 deeit. Ve 


the Holy ‘Apofiles: 

¥ Cobyemoy* aeprry mis Flerb for the Service of Mes, 
xmmen, © xagly ty Flefh for the wild Beafts, Seeds 
Merew oye Cilabuae for the Birds, ‘aud fuitable 
mM pee Tals Snetors, awtp Food for all Creatures. Where- 
Ute aris opveots, xg) fore the Lord fays, Con/fider itt vi 
ot 7 megopoesy & the Fowls of Heaven, that %6- 
gl, * dio gna % 0 n= they fow not, neither do they 
eo" Kamuyglen reap, nor gather into Barns, 
Tee WETICE "a8 teave , and your Father feedeth them. 
on & aeipenv, esd) Are not ye much better than 
SeiCuaw's ork = they? Be not therefore folici= 
ysow eis dmsimgs’ © citous, faying, What fhall we 
0 mernp Uugy aeepd eat? or what fhall we drink ? 
avmn’ ey uses UGA For your Father knoweth that 

y Akg Pipers auras ye have need of all thefe things. 
jan ey peerprnanre, re Since ye therefore enjoy fuch 
Qoves ti Qadoop§v, » aProvidentiai Care from him, 
Ti mau 5 ide o and are Partakers. of the 
mELTIP UYABY, ore apr good Things that are de- 
Cem Tete amps, rivd from him, you oughe 
Tocavans éy ¢ mJ av- to return Praife to him that 
a meg voices deoag.u- receives the Orphan and the 
ons. 4 TJ wh ave Widow, to Almighty God, 
petargeCavores *,* through his Beloved Son Je-, * Pag, 
ayabiarr, aivov atramepe- fus Chrift our Lord ; thro’ 294s 
wey opereT Sopge- whom Glory be to Godt 
ydv @ oheay avargus Spirit ana Truth for ever. 
Ecvorle TpTUKESL TOES Amen. 
Oce. Ale & 8 nT 
ue aure Tnoe Xores TB eke huge" +h 6 n NEa & 
Ox, ey avduygen a arnberc’, Ais THS CMAs, A ubebs 

sail a a a ta 
Sta % wien maghid nig adnan aus Mqwry Ve * defunt.V. 

7 basin Ve A yal Bourn ddba ody To ard uan. V 

we A 



L WoW the Bifhop ought to 
know whofe Oblations 
he ought to receive, and 

whofe he ought nor: For he 

is to avoid corrupt Dealers, 
and not receive their Gifts. 

Eccl. xxvii fOr 4 corrupt Dealer fall not 


be juftifyed from Sin. For of 
them it was that J/aiah re- 

Ifs.i.2z. proachd Z/rael, and faid, T/y 

corrupt Dealers mingle Wine 

with Water. He is alfo to 

Deut xxiii, avoid Fornicators, for, Zhou 


fhalt not offer the Hire of an 

Fiarlot to the Lord. He is 
alfo to avoid Exgortioners, 
and thefe that covet other 
Mens Goods, and Adulterers; 
for the Sacrifices of fuch as 
thefe are abominab’e with 
God. Alfo thoie that op- 
prefs the Widow, and over- 
bear the Orphan, and fill 
Prifons with the Innocent, 
and abule their own Ser- 
vants wickedly, I mean with 
Stripes, and Hunger, and 
hard. Service, nay, deftroy 

Pi 4 + Bloor 
ivan Tiyey oped 
dene KepmUpoesas x 
C tivwy om OPGAG. 
Quagxreiot ~ nid 
megs Stow xgmMAgK é 
Suxgucon dice Tey > xg 
mG ' eh” ayip- 
Trias" 1 aUTOY Jap 
Ts 9. ‘Houtes, ovedi- 
Cay + ‘Toesna, ie 
Be O: xgTmAgt 
pigyen * oivoy sain 
edn Gor NY aut € 
Tropvot" Ou @ep mi 
qs GS wep pic 
SWS mp ms’ @ cpm 
Te YS, % TH arrorEay 
Fa uumras Gs _Botage 
BdiAverey ~ oy Teme 
Fuciay aa Qaeda 
ot i nb AUG ov aes nex, 
a ‘opQavep XG Ue 
ocuorles,@ Tes guages 
@ avis eat oy oinée 
mous movnews syesyiuar, 
TANyass Quel © Asa 

RN TE a — IT 

2. S 

. OSG vi 


‘eects 4, 8 Cuan eas 


the Holy Apoftles: > 

é yonoderia, 3 n 42) 
mores O Ages Avpasyo~ 
Payor, | goon lator esac 

24, ws OTE, 4 aU 
TET Wegoborat ds 
oneal. aha r1 4 ¢@ 
pe dupyes, @ pnave2gs 
aD ixice TuveencoriCo- 
pees, 4 edter wrroits, 
4 wrbalas, @ teAwvas 
adinys, % Cugoepésas, 
% Srguerons x Tea 
kody mu xopew ry wi 
apxzduov nis elevi- 
ois, Da vas mens 
Alacesovrn’ Coven 
@ dypnoy, @ Stxeisn 
TMLeLvouGY , tmealuch- 
mov avabyrex, av beg 
ag Ml OnE soy , Via= 
ey eoyaray eSuaov , 
Ragcon. GY dayeudoy, 
eons Uday % mpsen 
pleysy Townegv, x TH 
ener S es Yoraa 

neBuoy OTL Ae a 
aenpn Sdeauetes & ewety 
me Oce ia leg THs 
ToIsT 4s Ol ave vis 
Toverwy denouluor, “gH 
agiporT: NN2AS % 6p 
Dawes, rarsbduvor cs) 
meATE/Y 73 es Yun 

whole Cities: Do thou, O 
Bifhop, avoid fuch as hele, 
and their odious Objati« 
ons. Lhou fhalt.alfo reiufe 
Rogues, and fuch Pleaders 
that plead on the Side of inju- 
{tice and idol-makers, and 
Thieves, and unjuft Publi- 
cans, and thofe thar deceive 
by falfe Ballances and deceic- 
ful Meafures, and a Soldier 
who is a falfe Accufer, and 
not content with his Wages, 

but does Violence to the 

Needy, a Murderer, a Cute 
throac, and an unjuit Judge, 
a Subverter of Caufes, him 
that lies in wait for Men, 
a Worker of abominable 
Wickednets, a Drunkard, a 

Biatphemer, a Sodomite, an 
Ulurer, and-every one that 
is wicked, and oppofes the 
Will of God For the Scrip- 
ture fays, thar all fuch as 
thefe are abominable with 
God : For thote that receive 
from {uch Perfons, and there- 
by fupport the Widows and 
the Orphans, fhall be obnoxi- 
ous to the Judgment feat of 
God. As-> Adonias the Pro- 
phet in the Book of Xinzs, 
R 2 when 

‘ aha ee 
. etn 7 

when he difobey’d God, and ovr. coop j Adtse 
3 King. both eat Bread and ‘ded pias re ow FF rT BanAreas 
xii, = Water in the place which the Deo Pims , mz neous 
the Lord had forbid him, be- Gee, © Gagey a proy 

‘. Shy. caufe of the. WickednefS of *,* @ mmiy idvop oe 
Feroboam, was flain by a Lion. aire @ TEL TEV a= 
For the Bread which is di- wo wesG., Ao tS 
firibuced tothe Widows from ‘leeeCoae aoe edy, ‘Us 
Labour is better, tho’ it be a AsovlG. avapedeis. 

fhort and little, than that o 96 cx xpre Aeng- 

from Injuftice and falfe Ac- vey. apt. ness 
cufation, though it be much * % oppawors 5 Dinar 

and fine’ For the Scripture yoror, xdy # Beaggs 
@fal.xxxvi fays, Better is a little to the @ ériyG., n e& adit 
16. Righteous, than much Riches of nias © auxroPawrias, 
the Sinners. Now although xev n aad *eEnown 

a Wicow, who eats and is yO", Aen 1 2ea- 

fill'd from the Wicked, pray og” K petovoy oAinor Ted 

for them, fhe fhall not be Sixgiy, AP TABAY ch~ 
heard: For God, who knows pipawaav maw. Er 

‘the Heart, with Judgment 4@ anlar gation 

has declar'd concerning the yea, 4 eeaAnSacn, 

Je. xv. 1 Unrightcous, faying, Jf Mo- wegadéery ap au- 
{es and Samuel ffand before wav, own ehounu coe)” 

my Face in their Behalf, I ari ones pdaacy Se tac 

will not hear them. And, po! xeicews ameprvale 

vil. 16. Pray thow not for this. People, eR aobayv., A€qwvr’ 
and do not ask Mercy for them, “Bas on Moons. @ Za- 

| and do not intercede with me puna we wep Gare Ke 
for them, for Iwill not hear thee. vay aUTwY, SoM eon" 
uagDHLYy LU THY, & Ce 

pa megadicce ao B Age TeTe, @ yen ais cren Siva au 

mes, © un meg ABS yg! Shaders OTL Ux EC OAKEGUUGY Tee 

- &- Vv. 2 deluat v, 3 aded's. Vv. .4 Ov 

EF Ov ula 3, 2mna 
2.01 Cy &ppTicns suo- 
por, 2) wa peered voy 
as, & UQvOY GOK eons 
xedSinovvry megady6- 
wor, Wa 4 T Ceov 
apotuurcw , aout 
porngkoyTes QUT F Eau- 
re Ay te af. 
TOV Hg Nehas” West 
sud sy THs TolwuTES 
‘ ‘ Wine 4 
SLengvias, os Mad | UGe 

4 \ tw 4 
AUU9s, % pAiwHAg Op- 
vopgis amanopdrey. ete 
“qQ > ~ \ 4 
op Edson Ge rm why 
7 "Alana 1g scoe la 
2A ey, ? ‘ \ 
ede5aT0, eve Mas Te 
apy & IcepSoan. a 
4 ot 1 O28 weggutry 
me Dye TS aceboy & 
mepongv7 Evia, di 
ngsov ante UGS 0) é= 
moyomt. Ma 4 Zt 
. ¢ f At Op , 
poy o Uy» eygi Te- 
men ‘Twdvyn  sypne 
yg.te megoeveseay, 
‘weLegn TD ovntmy © “TI 
unroy yaony Amledsey” 


TEP en THegmMrg: Y¥204, 
cipcas anwylors aU toy 
edyoupesen’ ort 7 d= 
pedy ® *@ce, vx due 

} ~ \ ‘ 
yon TH Regs O<or, 

; i the Holy Apoftles: 

. e 

And not thefe only, but vir 

thofe that are in Sin, and *.* Pag. 

have not repented, will not 
only not be heard when they 
pray, but will provoke God 
to Anger, as putting him in 

mind of their own Wicked- 

nefs. Avoid therefore fuch 
Miniftrations, as you would 


the Price of a Dog, and the | 

Hire of an Harlot ; for both 
of them are forbidden by 
the Laws. 
Elifha receive the Prefents 
which were brought by a- 
zael, nor Abijah thofe from 
Feroboam; but if the Pro- 
phets of God did not ad- 
mit of Prefents from the 
Ungodly, it is reafonable, O 
Bifhops, chat neither fhould 

you. Nay, when Simon the Aa. viii. 

Magician offer’d Money to 
me Peter and Fohn, and tryd 
ro- obtain the invaluable 
Grace by Purchafe, we did 
not admit it, but bound him 
with everlafting Maledicti- 
ons, becaufe he thought to 
poflefS the Gift of God, not 
by a pious Mind towards 
God, but by the Price of 
Money: Avoid therefor fuch 

R3 Obla= 




For neither did 4,Kise. 




fa. liv.14. 

% * Pag. 




Oblations to God’s Altar as 
are not from a good Confci- 
ence. for,fayshe, db/tain from 
all Injuftice, and thou fhalt 
not fear, and Ti rembling hall 
hot come nigh Seta 

Bat if ye ae that thofe 
who give Alms are {uch as 
thefe, and if we do not re- 
ceive from them, whence 

fhall we adminifter to the 

Widows? And whence {hall 
the Poor among the People 
be maintain’d > Ye {hall hear 
from us, that therefore have 
ye receivd the Gift of the 
Levites, the Oblations of 
your People, that ye might 
have enough for your f{elves, 
and for thofe that are in 
Want.;- and that ye might 
not be fo ftraiten’d as to 
receive from the Wicked. 
Buc if the Churches be fo 
firaiten’d, “tis better to pe- 
rif, than to receive any 
thing from the Enemies of 3 

Waele deans 
1” Cyopdice > mrt” 
Sey’. Cnr Br aus 
Suosmadytas es O Su- 
aasieoy Te Oe ea- 
oboens. arene ~, Qn- 
Cis B70 ad ine, G 3 
QoS nanon, % SeO ¢ u% 
ya Cote 
a 2AM edp Ag 
yim, OTL of didoymes 
ros cen Tees, Sut 
eat, moLY pet rab orBe 
asp WITH, TOE af 
oyna aarnpe mn Snow Toy 
+ ath ACY 5 ene 
Obes 7 Age. > Mas 
TagQany ; ang oe Se 
oy nyo, ort SG B= 
To erg Sere doug Adi- 
Tey aw Xopmepo chav 
a8 oy UULY Age, ive. 
eapu nite © ewrois ¢ 
Tals Seophiors, @ pn 
6 by" Dmekn, cue NO ~ 
ver, ay! roo neg 
Agee vine. et 4 2 Tass 
amas 71 on CHUA NTI, 
AuarteAe S20 plusayy 


| AG TaSIAl. Ve 
4 dvelt, v. s 

Ble V. 2 'Eelp 9 J. Ve 4 deeft. V; * defunt. V. 


the Holy Apoftles: | 

ne bav ke, 2” iY @ God, to the Reproach and 
ag ear piror, Abpfe of his Friends: For 

Me, > 5 Tol TY %j o Of fuch as thefe the Prophet 
De OGHMs AL "EaAwov fpeaks, Let not the Oil of a Plalcxls. 
a pipaw arg pm Aimla- Sinner moiften my Head. Do 
™ © napecrlus me. ye therefore examine fuch 
Aompygsey Sy. yivede Perfons, and receive from 
ays roemwv, @ apy fuch as ‘walk holily, and fup- 
pea cows aezme- ply the Afflicted. But re-— 
TOUT OY Agu Savers, @ ceive not from thofe that 
Tots SACophyors qgpu- are excommunicated, until 
opin mx 3 4 Smewa- they are thought worthy to 
ory? ea Aapbcvers, become the Members of the 
Tepy av £ énxancias Church. But if a Gift be 
eva pean vete.ole- wanting, inform the Bre- 
oy. & 4 Shalom dv- thren, and make a. Col- 
pe,’ @egotoeme rois lection from them, and 
adApois, @ €¢ avy thence minifter to the Or- 
Curmoryiy roimonp§u@., phans and Widows in Righe 
Secyovd Tos “oppavois teoufnes, 

1. SS , > 
% F ynegis cv dixg.10- 


Sect. XMXXIX. 

\E'ne 4 & veo ce QAY unto the People un- yy; 
Aad, Soraguav ““ der thee what Solomon 
6 ps" Ting % enor the Wife fays, Loseur the Prov. iii 

en owy Diygicoy aroveor’ Lord out of thy juft Laboars, 99% 
Cc a TeLp ag aumd dm and pay weal Fruits to bim 
owy xgpmmy dygioad- out of thy Fruits of Righte- 
yns iva MM OAa TY Te 0 oufnels, that thy Carners may 
UE ob TANTUQIAS be filled with Fulne[s of Wheat, 
, R 4 and 

SKIV. Iie 
* oe: 

$4* Pag. 


and thy Preffes may burft out 
with Wine. Therefore main- 
tain and cloath thofe that 
are in Want from the righ- 
teous Labour of the Faith- 
ful:) And fuch Sums of Mo- 
ney as are colleted from 
them, in the manner afore- 
faid, appoint it to be laid 
out in the Redemption of 
the Saints, the Deliverance 
of Slaves, and of Captives, 
and of Pritoners, and of 
thofe that have been abuted 
by Tyrants, and condemn‘d 
to Single Combat and Death 
but are efcap'd. For the 
Scripture fays, Deliver thofe 
that are led to Death, and re- 
deem thofe that are ready to 
flain, do not pare. 

But if at any time you 
be forced unwillingly to re- 

ceive. Money from any un-' 

godly Perion, lay it out in 
Wood and Coals, that fo nei 
ther the Widow nor the Or- 
phan may receive any of it, * 
or be fore'd to buy with it 
either Meat or Drink, which 
tis unfitto do. For ’tis rea- 
fonable that fuch Gifts of 
the Ungodly f fhould be Fuel 


% ’ A phate 

ars’ oly on Alwor 
os cnbaAucwoy. "Ex 
S Saige ey oes ons 
S015 me? pens % hi 
yuTE Tes Usspephues © 
& @& avqwy, ws move: 
ec, abeoiCom ua 
sepnincloe Siar OseTEy 
Stangvountes es 78s a 
egopes aps dyiov" 
puopauo DsArus, OU om 
ATES, Ciopelesy é7m" 
ced ooiluey’ Nx OveTEES OM, 
xgTOd 14M§ SL 3 ovo= 
ue eS Xeice eu) T- 
envyay ets pgvousindan 
© Solvator. aed pa n 
2exgn. Posey age us 
eis Sex'valoy, 2%; Cures 

‘Bay dé cron duasin 
So nrey, abe TivQ be 
Eady a ay oni an ovmes ap- 
wetoy, es suAw % ay= 
Beamdy ana duaduie 
Ga ive un Aa sow 

**, “anes cE aired ny, 
nO opavos, Matyas 
wire, ppt n, ant 

the Holy Apoftles. : 
yay xomarwug, ose for the Fire, and not Food 
balay Rearuc. awi- forthe Pious. And this Me- 
mmm) € 0 vop@s dia- thod is plainly appointed by revit. xig, 
pppdid, Suoidu dxaa- the Law, when it calls a Sa- 6. 
ody a6 eoslov DeNg. AV, crifice kept too long a Thing 
@ me Taimy avarr- not fit to be eaten, and com- 
onedey verAdwy. 2 y mands it to be confumed 
™ Qvol gavAw me with Fire: For fuch Obla- 
mepepeeslun, 2Ma tions:are not evil in their 
™ qvann T ‘ megono Nature, but on account of 
puorrra wea, aro the Mind of thofe that bring 
4) megstopy, 6S them. And this we Ordain, 
* Drospepay Tes mAn- that we may not reject thole 
 oaCov@s vssy eddaes that come to us, as know- 
Cz ourrundcyy mmraus ing that the common Con- 
Ny Tos en verfation of the Pious has 
i. Wwiidey’, 7 t 3a@egs often been very profitable 
mes ducebas', bhEAx- to the Ungodly, bur Reli- 
CRS ygvln xt Spx- gious Communion with them 
oxeidy xowviey, tTau- is alone hurtful. And fo 
am fev bh TOTe TON, much, Beloved, fhall {uffice 
eyemrol, pnd Upy to have {poken to you in 
megs pepeteny undy, order to your Security. 

é SR Cir. wool: 
oO: [pO ror TUTEpEs, ye Fathers, educate yqur 4%t, 

murders TU THe Children in the Lord, 
Ra ey wey, cxtpé- bringing them up in the 
Poyres cub Go reid etcy Nurture and Admonition of 
a re SECC WWEkt, XoY the Lord, and teach them 

S cessoieleman. Vs 2 ylides v. 2 E29 780 evaCar. ¥. 


» ‘ 


fuch Trades as are agree- 
able and fuitable’ to ~ the 
Word, left they by fuch Op- 
portunity become extrava- 
gant, and continue without 
Punifhment from: their Pa- 
rents, and fo get Relaxation ex 
before their Time; and go 
aftray from that which is 
good. Wherefore be not a- 
fraid to reprove them, and 
to teach them Wifdom with 
Severity: For your Correcti- 
ons will not Kill them, but 
rather preferve them. As 
Solomon fays fomewhere in 
Provxxix the Book of Wi{dom, Chaften 

17- - thy Son, and he will refrefh 
xxii. 14. #903 fo wilt thow have good $ 

Flope of him. Thou verily om 
fhalt. fmite bim with the Rod, 
and {halt deliver his Soul from 

xiii, 24. Death. And again, fays the 
fame Solomon thus, Eze that 
Jpareth his Rod, hateth his 
Eccluf Sow; and afterwards, Beat 
x¥x. 21. fis Sides whilft he is an In- 
fant, left he be harden'd, and 
difobey thee. He therefore 
that negleéts to admonith 
and inftrué his own Son, 


Sidiicners avr Bhim 
dO ees % apo C eore B 
Avy Teves, ive pn 
Se. F dingteras cpnvicee 
oor» a enemnripeailat 
aa aS pprewy pew 
» Bey wes cy €oe00s 
mu yin ’ epayic rem 
S xgare. df9 wh dra- 
Cacds avrois btatan- 
wibuiss 5 _CopepriCormte, 
cu) wT! euegceias® 
g 99 Sobatetin ow Co 
dMovees, Mgaroy 4 
omreTe aT xs 
ms yo ZoAguav cy Ty 
(ovia pra Tladhe yov 
Bea 2 9 avamnucd oe 
TQ — é g of ‘Buen 
Cu Rp 5 pacdyy 
te etn T 3 
luylo durB porn bx 
Snvare. Kay monty A€- 
94 0 awas * eqs "Ors 
pedery t caus Bae 
™mekas, eed T saute 
yor. Kay? eens! KaAa- 
gov tes mdveus wre, 
as ec1 nmr [N70 Te 

7H Cor. "Os padercy 

i deeft, a deeft. v. 

3 aersy ovpes 1g E7tC95. V- 

VOI ae ae 
Ney (ine 

44s 7: 

¥ ¥ 

3 gs. aobce wv ev « @oeo- 

A 1. hips 
pilew $ éauTe Yor, pa 

ce ti dvoy masde. cx- 
! » c 

Ordkoxens oy ULQY TH 
‘ x / " A 

Te t Ayov wes 

gugert 5 ave © * dup- 
~ an we S 

vols © muats at x- 

ng. dm Bpiges d- 

; ? A c \ 
— Okonovmes avTa icen 

VOSA, nmeTEed 
T% 4% Yéia, % maddy 
aeagly > Betay mDo~ 
Didoytes > wn Suddorns 
4 eveow averais yo 
mevaaCey unay wey 
7 Unereeny qwouby’ 
wy OMMAL ROY Es Cpe 
MOIOY jan eoyTes AUTEM 
aunbameay’ daw 99 e's 

ame cnt exmon- 

As mopyecy 7ré- 
: Ld \ 2 \ 
EswETowTey, % Edy 
i ‘ > 
abe tT aS novéwy a- 
percay rear 3x Swot, 
¥ an ~ 7 oN 
eyojot T yey aUTmy 

ot Quveodyres Ucrcip- 
Sua. a orn TF” yt 
pasion’ paula cin 
Gy amoAgSas Ol met 

¢ f 3 
dis a piped tes CoH 

the Holy Apoftles: 

hates his own Child. Do 
you therefore teach your 
Children the Word of the 
Lord. Bring them under 
with cutting Stripes, and 
make them fubject from their 
Infancy, teaching them the 
‘Holy Scriptures, which are 
Chriftian and Divine, and de- 
livering to them every {a- 

cred Writing, wot giving them y, II, 

fuch Liberty, that they get the 
Maftery, and act againit your 
Opinion, not permitting them 
to club together for a Treat 
with their Equals. For fo 
they will be turn’d to difor- 
derly Courfes, and will fall 
into Fornication; and if this 
happen by the Careleflnefs of 
their Parents, thofe that begat 
them will be guilty of their 
Souls. For if the offending 
Children get into the Com- 
pany of debauch’d Perfons, 
/by the Negligence of thofe 
thac begat them, they will 
not be punifh’d alone by 
themfelves : But their Parents 
alfo will be condemned on 

QUT grat xorgdn their account : For this caufe 
a We 

4 P Ky, ~ ‘ te 
al. wAnyats x Sugars 

ft defunt.v, > 20véev VY. 
ww < “+ ‘ e trea; ¥ 

* Qsompdizay, dveor aumis Vv. 2 avrEs. V. 



endeavour at the time when 
they are of an Age fit for 
Marriage, to join them in 
Wedlock, and fertle them 
together, left in the Hear 
and Fervor of their Age their 
Courfe of Life become dif- 
folute, and you be requird 
to give an account by the 
Lord God in the Day of 

XII. But as to Servants, what 
*«* Pas. can we fay more, than that 

-*99 the Servant bring a good 
fe Boh Will ro his Matter, with the 
1 Pet. ii, Fear of God, although he be 
18. impious and wicked; but 
yet not to yield any Com- 
pliance as to his Worlhip. 
And let the Mafter love his 
Servant, although he be his 
Superior. Let him confider 
wherein they are equal, even 
Col.jv.1.aS be is a Man. And, Fe 
See Tim. that has a believing Mafter, let 
%2, him love him, both as_ his 
Matter, and as of the fame 
Faith, and asa Father; but 
ftill with the Prefervation of 
his Authority as his Matter ; 

uray, Wad oe] nap 
au Tay ot qoveis au THY 
nersnoovry. Doi B= 
To arwduCeTe Wp Jeb 
[ee Cobo may e ouy= 
yarPrecosery aura, 1yc, 
pri t nrinias ww TH 
uM ' Ceaans, zon 
mopvangarc. dan > x94 
Upecis drasmonoede ¥ 
Aglov cw nadpg ® nek 
oEws aM nek o Ore 
Meek 4 otvevey th 
ay er mrvity mAEOY, mole 
0 MAG Syoiay et ei- 
opepera #8 ' } dkoune 
qhily x" pe pels Ces, 
“cD dents, chy AroVn* 
es nme ac * Gomes 
we amt © og? 210 m, 
aus Sprioncty. Go de- 

carom cbyavmeL To) + ol- 

were" x CLV AepopQe 
2, 8 tow HEAETO, a 
xg.090 aepr@ 0 UTrcap= 
od. 0 5 msn eqwoy De- 
capTiw, Co Coujuns aus 

ns T meas, aya r= 
Tw, 4 ws deomorw, © 

WS ONGTISO, 2 ws Ta- 
TEES an as Op IHA- 

1 yeaCigns, €0rn. V.° ? ets, Ve 

3 defunt. v, 


the Holy Apofttes 

phen, OA ws gt 
ee cides on 
© Osos anted thw pucSee- 
aro dboiaey cirri T u- 
Tupeoias, noe. UeTas % | 0 
wErG 0 0 onsoy een or 
nérien, (Couns ata 
P OLeamMlas, ayTE- 
TH WS Yo, 1 &5 AA- 
gor, Ae du & wi- 

Macy Bandera, x94 
ape nam nT " 
ois" apéoxd Osa, we 
Gee Saygvois, @ mes 
aaek wy Tiywenis, may 
meu goborv + opeag- 
Poy auanls dzomAnew- 
TATE, Tag aopoesy, 
my TAGs, mead TI 
ulw , dba y xlucoy. 
G28 95 137 Serasye, 
pndeyt Tt agewg er, et 
pen wt iris ques o- 
Agr, 0 0 Gecs NeGEa- 
0 Mos Xersov’ ; 

Tees) adodevias ep- 
oA lus oon BALE OMB » 
™ 3 HS Bsagusiov 
eEuci, Tet braage T0- 
py, ws. hin-lus’ cneive 


2 gSus. Ve 

Not as an Eye Servant, but ds ¥ 6, 
a Lover of his Mafter, as know~ Cobiii.22. 
ing that God will recompence 
to him for his Subjettion. In 
like manner, let a Matter, 
who has a believing Ser- 
vant, love him as a Son, or. 
as a Brother, on account of 
theirCommunioni in the Faith; 
bur ftill preferving the Diffe- 

rence of a Servant. 

Be ye fubject to all Royal Xr. 
Power and Dominion in Wy Pet, 
things are pleafing to God Tit ii me 
as to the Minifters of God, Rom. xiti, 
and the Punifhers of the ‘4 
Wicked. Render all the Fear: 
that is due to them, all Of 
ferings, all Cuftoms, all Ho- 
nour, Gifts and Taxes. For 
this is God's Command, that 
you owe nothing to any 
one, but the Pledge of Love, 
which God has commanded 

xii. 8. 

by Chrift. 

Concerning Virginity we. gee 
have received no Command- “eg ot 
ment; but we leave it to 
the Power of thofe that are 
willing, as a Vow: exhort- 


Ecclef.v, 4 

1 Cor; vil. 


mae L > a 
ey auearpls aby t- 

ing them fo far in this Mat- 
ter, that they do-not promife 
any thing rafhly ; fince Solo- 
mon fays, Zt is better not to 
vow, than to vow and not pay. 
Let fuch a Virgin therefore 
be holy in Body and Soul, as 
the Zemple of God, as the 
Houfe of Chrift, as the Ha- 
bication of the Holy ‘Spiric. 
For fhe that vows ought to 
do fuch Works as are {uit- 
able to her Vow; and to 
fhew that her Vow is real, 
and made on account of lei- 
fure for Piety, not to caft a 

‘Reproach on Marriage. Let 

her not be a Gadder abroad, 
nor one that. rambles about 
unfeafonably ; not double- 
minded ; but grave, conti- 
nent, fober, pure, avoiding 
the Converfation of many, 
and efpecially of thofe that 
are of ill Reputation. 

al aa 

I < 

YEVTES, pM WEpEl eos 
Th emaS yl Ag. &¢° eoreie 
7m™ep 0 BSorqumy Pnayv" 
"Anadoy 0 pn iad, 
n @ Ueadey Cah Bo 

Devey- ‘H osprey Qe oy : 

aum ew ayia owugle 
* \uyn, ws vaos ez, 
ws oix@s Xesoe, ws 
avdugl@s * ayie' xe 
qmoyoyovre da p 
Emel netrg bu, w&ten 
38" Gaaleerias eyes 
Sexes osopSp lu, dee 
mwuELY aU én A 
anm™s, ore Ley GAnoEs, 
C Aly yorln Maeleas, 
64 dGCorlu rams 
Swowplu. em 4 pen 
+ pnubas ywnoe buon 
eo eam ml Ge, jan SiS 
roe Ge Bd atierh 
elxenms, owpewy, alyny 
ghiyyon mas aS apar- 
Awy cUMTUN aS, Ca Agim 
Alice oa BLY OY. 

* uavoy.v. * deeft. V. 3 deeft.v. + piroxagu@-. V. 




: | *# Pag, 
pe ee - Theee ppprvegy. ia 

Szecat. XLI. 

Concerning the Martyrs. 

 orougy S 
ESR Kenge, é 
Pas T tants at yeumny @ 
Tis, ygronestn wa20 
aaboy cis 1 Agdoy", 2 
nese, 7 7 perarroy, jen 
maeponre auty, WW’ 
ee 14 nga CHB" 
3 iDewr@s" uxgy weer 
dare wird as SK bo 
glu OTe, © eis * kale 

Somodocian' af? spas 

ee Sey F anyt Chriftian, on 
| ice account of the 
Ries: be  Wameé of Chrift, 
ee AS = and Love and 
Faith towards God be con- 
demn’d by the Ungodly to 
the Games, to the Beafts, 
or-to the Mines, do not ye 
overlook him ; but fend to. 
him from your Labour and 
your very Sweat for his Su- 
{tenance, and for a Reward 
to the Soldiers, thar he may 
be eafed and be taken care 

* Sedov. Ve 2 aay. v. 2 iacendy uy. v. Led Edit. Al. 4 Seeg- 
of . 

Weiay. V. 


eee ot 

iis! | UY 

5 alae 

Const Ti tiens 5 of 

of, that, as far as lies in 

your Power, your blefled 
Brother may not be afflid- 
ed: For he that is condemn’d 
for the Name of the Lord 
God is an holy Martyr, a 
Brother of the Lord, Hibs 
Son of the Higheft, a Re 
ceptacie of the Holy Spi- 
rit, by whom every one of 
‘the Faithfal has received 
the JIlumination of the Glo- 
ry of the Holy Gofpel, 
by being vouchfaf’d the in- 
corruptible Crown, and the 
Teftimony of Chrift’s Suffe- 
rings, and the Fellowfhip of 
his Blood, to be made con- 
formable to the Death of 
Chrift, and the Adoption of 
Children. For this Caufe do 
you all ye of the Faithful, by 
your Bifhop, minifter to the 
Saints of your Subftance, and 
of your Labour: But if any 
‘one has not, let him faft a Day, 
and fet apart that, and or- 
der it for the Saints. But if 
any one has Superfluities, let 
him minifier more to ‘hem 
according to the pt ol 

Tinney’ iva zag. qpuutl 
G b7h we revees TU gy HY wy 
o(gy } ep Uply ° pn 
BAiCnray 0 O Hgge@- 
averQas uaa. 0p Ave 
3 ovoug were & ee 
xgrendryCopSu@e, 8 

7@. usiprus ay@y, é 

deA.gos re | WEhe s Yos 

78 ag Te, doyeiov & 
f ~ cyl avdiugl@., De 
s@ t peonaygy € dbe 
Sus S ays dal genie 
3 Ganev 210.¢-Q r 
amis ov Te AG TOE 
Cavan 8 * apdupte” cee 
gars, 4 T piprvesas 
ats Troe SMASPT oY aut, 
€t HoLWeoY Las S cuphce~ 
TO. aunt, CULMOP RG” 
Orivar red Supary 73 
Xe es to Szotdp 
ToT! ey eveney eG | 
of wisn, Ao 7B 
ougre Upecoy. on ? Ue 
ap yor Tov ULM@Y % Ox 
S ee Aha. non neers 
als ayo. & 4 osu 
end Ts, ng Boes G 
7 tpaeas, © peepors, 

Tet0 Ci TH anw als 

® Xesss V. * deeft. V. 

3 ralCouly, V. *deeft, V. 


PETAR + A w.” » : 
ty iy " 
Ry s ¢ 

the + Hels Apoftles. 

diy iors. GM ks dv me 

ensrie warp, @ oAeiov 
Th 2 dvaAgyiav t du- 
vol ews wine Dfoungy et 
Tw atiaols, a4 % 010s 
ve boty andre T Biv 
EOuTs 8 don Fopu@. j pucee- 

Sey auTes om & eq 

Teh Harter. ¢ Ecce, 
x giAG. = Xess. et 
| po TH Vara poov Tey ma 
is das, TAEGe, By 
re we aS ELaY yoe- 
av'* TOM Go) UgMaor 6 
cen) Breen. op role 
+TQu, ab. Ocku vTap : 
Eas, TANGO 7 An: 
Ug ars, agpnyynone e- 
xEVOLS, oileves euro 
wugAgyaady crwmoy e0- 
gov, © Bacirew, yor 
wm: IcennrA. Wes oy o 
werQ.amepluiarto ré 
yor’ "Us ab oygagyron 
Cy EU91 ee @eycdev ays 
a Bee may, og Ag prow 
xargw cv aun é eee 
Sv 8 matress pe. 
Kat & coisa cia, os 
%j xcao Xess bh 7d 
| ra sys auTes Mprupet- 

of his Abiliry. But if he 
can poffibly fell all his Live- 
lihood, and redeem them out 
of Prifon, he will be blefied, 

and a Friend of Chrift. For 
if he that gives his Goods 
to the Poor be perfect, fup- 
pofing his Knowledge of 
Divine Things, much more 
is he fo that does it on ac- 
count of the Martyrs. Fot 
{uch -an one is worthy of 
God, and will fulfil his Will, 

by fupplying thofe who have. 
confe(sd him before Nations 
and Kings, and the Children 
of Zfrael; concerning whom 
our Lord deciar’d, faying, 
Whofoever fhall confe of me bee 
fore Men, him will I alfo con: 32. 
fefs before my Pather. And if - 
the’e be fuch as to be attett- 
ed to by Chrift before his 
Father, you ought not to be 
afham’d to go to them in the 
Prifons. For if you do this, 
it will be efteem'’d to you © 
for a Teftimony, b:caufe 
the real Trial was to theny 
a Teftimony,and your Keadi- 
ne{s will be fo to you, as be- 

> gre vay Ts mele NaTecey, V. * 7% Or Tels 


Beavers. Vv. ; 
S ing 

Matt. x 

WRC? . ape iaes 


ing Partakers of their Com- 
bat; for the Lord {peaks 
{omewhere to fuch as thefe, 
Matt-xxv. faying, Come ye Bleffed of my 
340°. Rirher, inherit the Kingdom 
prepar'd for you from the Foun- 
dation of the World. For I 
was an hungry, and ye gave 
me Meat; Iwas thirfty, and ye 
gave me Drink ; I was a Stran- 
ger, and ye took me in; naked, 
and ye cloathed me; 1 was fick, 
and ye vifited me; Iwas in 
Prifon, and ye came unto me. 
Then fhall the Righteous an- 
fer, and fay, Lord, when faw 
we thee an hungred, and fed 
. thee? or thirfty, and gave 
thee Drink? When faw we thee 
naked, and cloathed thee? or 
fick, and vifited thee ? When 
faw we thee a Stranger, and 
took thee in? or in Prifon, and 
came unto thee 2 And he will 
anfwer and fay unto them, In.f- 
much as ye have done it unto on 
of the leaft of thefe my Brethren, 
ye have done it unto me. 
And thefe fhall go away into 
Life Everlafting. Then (Fall 
he fay unto them on his Left 


MX, YnEs con oarere 
@egs auras Cy ans Qu- 
oouTwY ULOY. fLaptu- 
Choy Uuay AgUdSnceny" 
oT! Cnenols fe Teer O 
mapTuesor rarnpeey, UR 
ely 4 . ETECHIS , DWEI- 
Suwa, ws yxgwwvols T 
abAncws aumar Ae 
yp Ws o werG. Degs 
/ ; f 
Abbas of roy Aior S 
TAaTeHs 4, wAnegro- 
pncuTe The navingo- 
wy.lw viv Banredys 
Dro ygTMEOANs YGo ee 
erevara sp, © edung- 
Te pot ayiir® edi rny- 
(je, Céemk(Qre pe fe 
yv& nylw, © cuwnye- 
ORT pe duves, x4 
aprelarere jee’ ade- 
vis * auby', © emeone- 
led pe’ Cv Quagnn 
nul, % nASETE Dos 
Ke. ToTe Box Erdroov= 
ay? aut” of Sixgtoty 
Agqpvres* were, te 
ce dtp wavearta , 

1 7ews.Vs 2 deeft.v.. * deett. 7, 



4 Pies “ 
@ eSperlapiy, n d= 
bow, @ emotion: 
py; ' mre dé o ie 
ddpSu ” yuere, 2 ora 
f B) = fat) 
efeCaropy, n acder7, 
Céemorerlaued v; * mG. 
we D€ o@ idvpQu' Eevov, 
\ t a 2 
2y Cuwnganopsy. in ey 
Qurgnn, © nrdophu 
amex: of35 © Bxer- 
EIS epee au Trois" ED O° 
ony eroitcarte ev) TY 
Toy ys adAgar ee v 
ehayiswy, EUG! e7r ln. 
bd / 
(q res @ wm erdiao) 
Stal eis Coby OV Loy. 
3 aUTE Epa € Tols ee 
Bia yco' mropduede ar’ 
, pe ar \ 2. of 
pIvot,asS mp S uw- 
ylov TO nroiug.ouevov B 
4 Ua ~ i J / 
GGCIAG € arais aryo6~ 
Aols*auTs t’qwavaca 
BO sist yin ob ape 
~~ > { > 
gayev, Dinnoa, © vx 

the Holy Apofties. 

Fland, Depart from moe, ge 
Curfed, into Everlafling Fire, 
prepared for the Devil and his 
Angels. For I was hungry, 
and ye cave me no Meat; I was 
thirfly, and ye. gave me no 
Drink; L was a Stranger, and 
ye took me not in; naked, ana 
ye cloathed me not; fick, and 
in Prifon, and ye vifited me 
not. Then hall they alfo an- 
fer and fay, When faw we 
thee hungry, or thirfly, or a 

Stranger, or naked, or fick, or 

in Prifon, and did not minis 
fler unto thee > Then fhall he 
anfrer and fay wnto them, 
Verily I fay unto you, Inaf- 

much as ye have not done its 

unto one of the leaft of thefe, 
neither have ye done it unto 
me. And thefe {hall go a 
way antorEvertafting Punifhe 

i" ‘ , >” , / : t 
EBUTION TE pe Eav@a nla, 4 @ CUUNIAYTE ME, YUMras, 
Ce mereCarens pe’ adevns, © cv Quagni, @ cow ere- 

ontladé we. cure aroxerSnGy.) © avrol, Aéoovtes’ w- 

! ¥ ‘4 2 ~ 5) / 5) 
ere, mote ce addpy mraiwrvim, n dior, n Efvov 7 
\ =, aA hs A) SD ~ 5 / , 4 
Wwevoy, nade, nov guagun © & dnxovnGphy Ca ; 
/ > ~ : > \ ; c™ 
mre DoxnerUnserey % avtois, Acquvy’ auby Adqw Uys, 
9. > > / oT oe / an 3 t C_. 2 4 
; / ? ? ’ ais ht 
emin(ete. Camerdoorry eto es WGAacivcyaviov - 

“tdef $ 2 

 Mefunt.v, *defunt. ve *defunt omnia. v. But 

Ps Pag. 




But if any one who calls 
himfelf a Brother is feduced 
by. the Evil One, and aéts 
Wickednefs, and is convidt- 
ed and condemn’d to Death, 
as an Adulterer, or a Mur- 
derer, depart from him, that 
ye may be fecure, and 
none of you may be {fu- 
{pected as a Partner in fuch 
an abominable PraGtice; and 
that no evil Report may be 
{pread abroad, as if all Chri- 
{tians took a Pleafure in un- 
lawful AGtions. Wherefore 
keep far from them. But do 
you affift with all Diligence 

_thofe that for the fake of 

Chrift are abufled by the Un- 
godly, and fhuc up in Pri 
fon, or who are given over 
to Death, or Bonds, or Ba- 
nifhment, in order to deli- 
ver your Fellow-Members 
from wicked Hands. And 
if any one who accompanies 
with them is caught, and 
falls into Misfortunes, he is 

ite blefled, becaufe he is Par- 

taker with the Martyr, and 
is onethat imirates the Suffe- 

Ei de kes adagoy 
Asqwv sue eiyey, an . 
maTiles am & mrovnps 
xgnomingn, © erey- 
gels rdlanesbt Sue 
yar wus HGLNIS, 7 Pas 
dbs nee Cede aor | 
ane, iva nee ‘ kovagt : 
vearde wudeds “eaioald 
ODI, ws TAT oy 
Xessiduay qeulenyr ey 
6m tois abgrouysis € £0 
pis. dio ugKexy om 
QUT OY Serpette. "roils wo 
ant Ale Kessov UT 
emmper dy mg T aoe 
Cav Cugirevopucts es 
Quagey, i eogs te 
vaLToy cndrSepHyso1s y 7 7" 
me9s Neopices x) % eee 
TOON aruda Bonte: 

G mern LOY bide 
ex ace SEQ. 5 
edy Tis aners ovyxnen 
HO. * Cumugty oe 
@ aun ians CRD TET Ot y 
wgengeres 621, ont Cl 
peoyes ugprup@. enuee 
am, © ppums Ph «8 

SL a ee ae 

 ayoues,V. * xegabs”. V 


Ate ne dae dt a 
5 oe 

Xesce monygroy. © 
op Cres rap Xesee 
mmaus aa Kuga 
oy Arscdwdpe 4 "Arve 
manyas Ag CovTEs, yout 
eovres BEinp§y, OTL ag- 
many ap 8 we 
ap@s newy sida 
aaley. © uses oui- 
OTL UgtoLeLoL Muncede 
Cy Cueiyn TN Huspa. 
Kas tes StwxopWwes 
A Aga T wisw, % T- 
Aw 6x maAEws gduopy- 
Gs, Yt malw F 
wee, WesTrAgmea- 
ved! aUTES, aOTIAG-A 
Eavcywor avtay, % 
men odigous}vo1 au Tes, 
On xoLvwrol auTwy Te 
Diwyys yeuede, y- 
a pasms Maxgezol 
ese Ondy ovediowny v- 
BGS, 4 AWEwn, % ce 
xo. vpcv, ~LAdbpQuor 
EVEKAY eugv. “aipe te 
C ayamiaSe, oT o 
plas Ug TAS Cy 

the Holy Apoftles. : 

rings of Chrift : For we our 
felves alfo, when we often- 

times received Stripes from 
Caiaphas, and Alexander, and 

Annas, went out rejoicing that nq x, 6 
we were counted worthy to [uf-v. 40, 41 
fer fuch things for our Savi- 
our. Do you alfo' rejoice Vid. Luk. 
when ye fuffer fuch things, ""*”** 2 
for ye fhall be blefled in 

that Day. 

Receive alfo thofe that are Ill. 
perfecuted on account of the 
Faith, and who fly from City Matt.x.23 
to City on account of the 
Lord’s Commandment ; and 
affitt them as Martyrs, re- 
joicing that ye are made 
Partakers of their Perfecu- 
tion, as knowing that they 
are efteem’d blefied by Chritt: 
For himfelf fays, Bleffed are v.11. 12: 
ye when Men [hall reproach you, 
and perfecute you, and fay all 
manner of Evil againft you 
falfely for my fake, Rejoice 
and be exceeding glad, bea 
caufe your Reward is great in 
leavin; for fo perfecuted they 
they the Prophets which were 
before us. And again, Jf Joh.xv20 
they have perfecuted me, they 
ty) , will 

Mitt. x 

XVI. 33. 

vy. 23, 

YT eT 


will olla p2rfecut you; and 
afierwards, If they perfecute 
you in this City, Je D ¢ to 
another For in the Vv World ye 
hve Tribulition, for they fhall 

deliver you into t he S yua- 
gocnes, ana fhall. be 
brought pave? a ers, ana 

Ki ¢s, for my fake, and for A 
T fiimony to them. And, He 
that evdurcth unto the End, 

the fame fball be faved. For 


** Pag. 


he that is  perfecuted for 
the fake of the Faith, and 
bears Witnefs to Chiifl,.and 
endurcs the fame, is truly a 
Man of God. 

‘ ruls Besvois ; LETape e* 
Dincay a 2s mes gnGs, 
TEs TOY nay. Kas 
mAw Et ‘ene ediwe- 
Edw, © ungs AwEea, 
Kay eens’ Edu dona 


w 3 ~ } 7 ; 
av uugs cy Tn IoAd 
Tatn, Oduye is” aA 

Aly". on TH USTLY 
Sains eqete. why - 
dwoun ~ Uuas ES GU 
veenenes. 4 bn ineyg- 
vas G Baorress ang SM 
Otase evexey cue, ets 
pe pTueror avls. 4 
0 mmeavas cs TEAGs, 
STQs cusnaerey. ‘O 8 
Diwgedess ¢ evexev T als 

SEOs, Rarryphons 2 met ors, c DLE a5, 67@s wAn- 

60s ai ear G Gs Oe 

But- he that denies him- 
felfto be a Chriftian, chac 
he may noc be hated of Men 
and to loves his own Life 
more than he does the Lord, 
in whofe Band his Breath 1s, 
the fame is wretched and 
miferable, as being cetefta. 
ble and abominable,’ who 
defires to be the Friend of 

O..4 cl pune py. @ 
cou TUp "Reig eva 
Ala S wy cad, a0 
avlgwrwy, QiAvou & 
“tans dul Her 
Agv nt wweior ya mon 
urs OY Sveiek ars” 
TO. eAcayvos, 0Asos*, 
ws raryns © BAUR Tos” 

DiAG ie ar becrmmy te 

a } 2 segnéa Vv. ; eTiegy. V. 

2 deeit. v, 

4 gdnris. Ve 
Mee Ances 

ORR te Ree 
si uM et wee Ne 
Bis y Y 

re ~~ 

‘Anows ewat, eySegs 4 
S Oce peesds Ag Cay 
Gnert peta Th a- 
yiwy, Ma BS TW xe. 
Meg wywr’ ' apTl Ba- 
aaAdas Ao ymp§uor , 
moonous & mup S aw 
yiov, O AriUgop oy 
TS Sy Corw © mis al- 
gfrois ours’ ay CCral 
Mi Geomrmy en peta pe 
vQ., WH’ vam 7E Ces 
a7UTYWOr, x 3 F 
wmesmwTe wns cnbe- 
Ean ve.. DOL Te 
Acqav’ “Oct epy noe TOY 
pe eu megss ey ys ay 
Copzwy, * x emo 1’ UU 
Oy S oyona jew’, aip- 
ake emoiqyuy Sno oLyoy xt 
Eumoegdey TS muTEeVs 
Ae TE On Beavols. Kou 
marty Ae (ois wgeSue 
aris ane, nay au) 
mis, Tws' O Gira 
meter 1 UnTien VAP 
eine Gan ST 3 aHi@. 
E 0 pirwy yoy 2 Suya- 


t ‘23 A 3 7 

MOE REE Bap i 

BA Ort ato a 

- the Holy Apoftles: he 

Men, but is the Enemy of 
God, having no longer his 
Portion with the Saints, bur 
with thofethat are accurfed: 
chufing inftead of the King- 
dom of the Bleffed that e- 
ternal Fire which is prepar'd 
for the De il and his An- 
gels: not being any longer 
hated by Men. but rejected 
by God, and caft out from 
his Prefence. 
an one our Lord declared, 

For of {uch ° 

faying, Whofoever fhall denyMatt.x 

me before Men, and fhall be ™*2¢ 

alham'd of my Name, T alfo 
nill deny, and be alham’d of 
him before yy Father which 
is in Ffeaven. And again, 
He {peaks thus to us our 

felves, his Difciples, He that Mattx.37 

loveth Father or Mother more 
than me is not worthy of 
me: And be that loveth Son 
or Daughter more than me is 
not worthy of me; aud he that 
taketh not his Crofs, and fol- 
loweth after me, is not worthy 
of me. Ele that findeth his 
Life ‘fhall lofe it ; and he that 
lojeth his Life for my fake 

gs ,* 

ij Y. 

2 defunt.v. 2 defunt. v. 


S 4 : faqlt 

svi. 36. fhall find it. 
Man profited if he foall gain 


For what-is a 

the whole World, and lofe his 
ewn Soul? or what fall a 
Man give in Exchange for bis 
Soul? And afterwards, Fear 
not them that kill the Body, 
Lut are not able to kill the 
Soul; but rather fear him 
who is able to deftroy both Soul 
and Body in Fell. 


ee aEIGu.* a @ 
AgwSar T saver au- © 
73, 4 aKoAere OT ote 
ade Bh Eck Ae abi". 
0 Meg F uy ly eure, 
DSmoAdad auTny Ga ° 
Darcaus T T unhy au- . 
738 eveMay eM uy Monay 
auTHy. Th yp ogererny 
ay Peerr@-, édp "go 
Hg oAoy uepdion, © 4 
4 rluydy aUTSe Cnpanea~ 

7, n Ti dwood avlewaQ. ieee t losis auTe 5 
Kas ane Mn G06 nediiTe 2770 as dave tavoyrwy mo (o- 


v 4 sponcls j2n Suna pHjuory emK TEAR gob monte 

5 Hamer § t dwwapwov x ruyla © cwyg. arr E eH oy 

See T: 

BY one therefore who 

learns any Art, when 
he fees his Mafter by his 
Diligenc: and Skill perfect- 
ing his Art, does himfelf ear- 
neltly endeavour to make 
what he takes in hand like 
ro it. If he is not able, 
he is not perfected in his 
Work. We thetefore who 
have a Matter, our Lord Je- 

* deeft, Y. 
Pe. Ve 

 defune. v. 


so) gy uduSeivery 
I gol mve, Bat 

mY T + Adenine av= 

8, Ee cveppias -¢ 
epemreLesaes " eatpriCoy- 
aw reqyly curd, xg) 
aus Agno! : ougioy 
tava" "aroun cee 7 
éyoceienSty 2a ph 
eciquon, ux eo rele- 
Ac @pwWwOs cv re) Epy ae 

2 gasdeCdeVs tdeelt, v. Fzoiicude V. 


nes sv, enevles Sue 
ducnarov T nwWepov n- 
<p pxdageles 
pov Inowy tf Xessor, 
Boeri @ Usmenedor ‘T 
eure Dsdeovly > oT 
CnéivGu fe areca To 
avéoq, mevgn , dfn, 
pct / / 
MABTH's THRs of 
eq xpuuTien , pnres, 
\ > ~ » a \ 
% adeAgols, non 4 x 
te 3 f Led ‘ 
ken fos. Ai 
% weys TF autéen 'd- 
' fees Ni Bae. FOE! ey 
aha , % T as nUgs 
€ 4 
girdw leg dy’ Va [et 
vas & pgvov * Swyvugy 
CC" ugeijes, oveadic- 
\ x; \ ? ? 
HOV 4 Ea ouyugr, mn 
on © tT wegs d 3 Ev- 
; sed 
Aov' *aegounty', omws 
‘Isduivs @"Em Luas pae- 
adon arses Gon. ei By 
es 3 f 
aums Si Hugs a TET: 
; > f 
Sato avamaval, pi 
2 \ \ 
Emooyuudels suvegy , 
: } 
pn addftcaus + Sm 
yaTov , TivQs evenev 
F yuas & mipssedos 
wre qe aan, © dm- 
wiry TH Con her, 
didtyt@s, auTs tua 7 

the Holy Apoftles. : 

fus Chrift, why do we not 
follow his Do@rine> Since 
he renounced Repofe, Plea- 
{ure,Glory, Riches, Pride, the 
Power of Revenge, his Mo- 
ther and Brethren, nay, and 
moreover his own Life, on 
account of his Piety towards 
his Father, and his Love to 
us the Race of Mankind: 
and {uffer’d not only Perfe- 
cution and Stripes, Reproach 
and Mockery, but alfo Cru- 
cifixion, that he might fave 
the Penitent, both fews and 
Gentiles. If therefore He, 
for our fakes, renounced his 
Repofe, was not afham’d of 
the Crofs, and did not efteem 
Death inglorious, why do nor 
we imitate his Sufferings, 
and renounce on his Account 
even our own Life, with that 
Patience which he gives use 
For he did all for our fakes, 
but we do it for our own 
fakes: For He does not ftand 
in need of us, but we ftand 
in need of his Mercy. He 
only requires the Sincerity 
and Readinefs of our Faith, 

i v@anoiy v. 2 defunt. v. ? svezy. Ve 4 dvaprnoy.v. * deelt.v. 



fies sil 


9," Pag. 


pray- thar we may not en- 

f anoroyiicwpip. ve £ xgrsudvol, Ve 

iF fe i , = ) bh Bat ae | ” 
ie Pee. Sees 
7 é 


Jobxxxv.7 as the Scripture fays, Tf thou 

becft righteous, what doeft thou 
give ta him? Or, What will 
he receive at thy Hand ? Thy 

Wickednefs is to a Man like 

thy felf, and thy Righteou{nefs 
to a Son of Maz. 

aw 7 yen. Fi SxuQs a, 

nzamyguln; éneyGu fe 
~ di maces! > nuas 4 
Mt éonres. & ~ iS 
np.» auaus, Klsie 4 8 
eh€es aut’. pgvov 4 
SO ff Wisews nov 
ee baiC ares Ca 

* an Suiperov . es Me 

TH Pieogs auma, i 7 

Cx Peale oe Ainnferey * ; avd ep nh ogi od 4 4 ar ee 
os, © yo avlewre n Dincsoows Cz. 

Let us therefore renounce 

our Parents, and Kinfmen, 

and Friends, and Wite, and 
Children, and Poffcfiions, 
and all the Enjoyments of 
Life, when any of thefe things 
become an impediment to 
For we oveht to 

ter into Temptation; but if 
we he called to Martyrdom, 
with Conftancy to: confefs 
his piecious Name;. and if 
on this account we be pu- 
nifh'd, ler us rejoice, as ha- 
flening colmmoartality. When 
we are prefecuted, let us not 
think it ttrange; let us not 
Jove the prefent World, nor 

> Seducdw v. 

a - ye 

> etammenpes. V. 
7 und é. V. 

+ Aang Lauede 
oP XU pore ar, @ Cuy- 
neon, 1H} Girots, XY 
ure, xo TEKwOLEs 
ToT wT) Biv, ond x 
Th Tey MOUUG weg 
doeCaay. da ~ 7 Teo- 
chlnede he Hens We 
pen coe BeonSy eis Tet: 
ero ugy. ed 5 ates 
py es ie SSNs pu} 
ovsettas euaroay & 
Tiptoy ovoug’ xo eap 
Tere qereny x0 Aq Sophy 
paul eeaev ws 67 a Swe- 
Tia “aa ddbures”. Stas 
9 RV! pn Seri Coowe see. 

7 pn adyaumowpe 

‘ Mote a V: 


the Holy Apoftles. 

Yuu aieve,unds Ts Tee 
ex avbemamy erranyes, 

pond z eT i) apyovrwy 
‘dbEav yoy kple, xo 
Sow Ep xo Tives THT 
‘Iedeiov, Feu aor tes 
TE meh Tes or ep yea, 

ex dmc duoy es aur, 

gabe Tu) wep Tes ap 

“ aepes. yg Tes Aoires 
Ty) apyovtey ‘Hyam- 
ch 8 Near FP 
eu ntpe WY Ugrrov n 7p 
 dvSav 7 Oz O- 
ghoynadprs 3 7 xg 
Ales OngAoyiay. & ygvoy 
sates Cotoner, Ma 
C res veopoTigss Be- 
Caunphe, C zs ag-THICH 
Dx Supe jer Ts Ne Omo= 
Aoyias PEc punoe[eevot 
tas doveray Bes ewes 

pens YAuvoTH Te xGU Qo- 
Gor Beane Gans huge 
Clas, 3 ugvoy Eaurres 
QTOSE DY In EV Pa aicovits b- 

Ens. oA 731 xQ4) eT 
eis aunt a AwAECICLS 
Suncoresn, xy * De 
mroteeay  wa1comey 

the Praifes which come from 
Men, noc the Glory aad 
Honour of Rulers, accords 
ing as tome of the Fens won- 
derd at c'e mighty Works 
of our Lord, yer did not 
believe on him, for tear of 
the High-Prietts and the reft 

of the Rulers. Fer the y loved y, 

the Praif: of Men more than 

the Praife of God. wut now 
by confefling a good Con 

feflion, we not only fave our 
felves, but we confirm thole 
who are newly illuminated, 
and ftrengthen rhe Faith of 
the Catechumens. Buc if 
we remit any part of our 
Confetiion, and deny Godli- 
nefs by the Faintnels of our 
Per{wafion, and the Fear of 
a very fhort Punifhment, we 
not only deprive our felves 
of everlafting Glory, but we 

fhall alfo become the Caufes 
of the Perdition of others; 
and fhall fuffer double Pu- 
nifiment, as affording Su(pi- 
cion, by our Denial, that 
that ‘Truth which we glo- 
ryd in fo much before is an 

® defunt. v. 

> SiaAasiova vy, 


of. XH 4 

“Matanvis Lord fays, 


Matt. viit, ment, 



erroneous Dodirine. Wheres 
fore neither let us be rath 
and hafty to thruft our 
felves into Dangers, for the 
Pray that ye fall 
not into Temptation ; the Spirit 
indeed is willing, but the Flefh 
is weak: Nor let us, when 
we do fall into Dangers, be 
fearful or afham'd of our 
Profeifion. For if a Perfon, 
by the Denial of his own 
Hope, which is Jefus, the » 
Son of God, fhould be de- 
liverd from-a Temporary 
Death, and the next Day 
fhould fall dangeroufly fick 
upon his Bed, with a Diftem- 
per in his Bowels, his Sto- 
mach, or his Head, or any 
of the incurable Difeafes, as 
a Confumption, or Gangrene, 
or Loofenefs, or iliack Paf- 
fion, or Dropfie, or Cholick, 
and has a fudden Catattro- 
phe, and departs this Life ; is 
not he depriv’d of the things 
prefent, and lofes thofe eter- 
nal? Or rather he is within 
the Verge of eterna! Punith- 
and goes into outer 

trio’, ws campy 
i Sbaodyres s Akg ? ap- 
le ave Th woTEe UD 

nav ddfal opiulus a 
Anberdw. dio pate TD 

yaeot ane xu pirle- 

xivdwor’ Aéyd yP 0 20 
o@- Tepadgede, an 
* epeeweceiy as Ta ego 
yoy & ie p- mE oe ™ eo" 
ni a n 4 upg adee 
[Anode ) ene? 
pin Darin xgTor 
a op acvn(Qmeros ks* 
T EQure ea@ide, os 
Biv Tnowe 5 Oecd oo, 
Daub g enon apt 
Suvare, ausesov dV th 
urivAs vorw wewery 
ocumaTn, UALS, | 11 S0- 
sigs, Nn xeQaans, 2 
TW, arent TS avic toy, 
onleas, n yelyenivns, 
a Dinseeaeeas, 7 n 1AES, an 
Uo, n NoAw, TaNele 
av TOMY T Agree 
resply, @ S Cha rare" 
EeASn, byt Cap cre 

Tanda ésepndn, © by) 

* Nun. ve 7 Ayres.v. 


3 eiggnd dy. ¥. 

a eyiesy 

chaviay  cnmemune y 
— HgGMoy 4 -F aidiv no- 
Acco « cole Mimatie 
mopdudzis ets & oygt@s 
7.) ew Teegv, 8 0 HAaUO- 

\ ee Cy empls 
y9s 40 Bpvyygs 7 o- 
Styrwy; 0} a&indeis 
Mpwe/e, super 
cy mW Ehe Aen, ws 
MAKETs bay Uy Se- 
gave, % Dt opgroyias 
moiepwG. F eody 
Bis. acy note epev Ov 
ny aruT@Os awitw O 
pp 72 6@ 3 ap X op- 
G8, egy aut quai: 
aeegy Bamliona, ort aus 
Gs @ Tepe ouma7rol- 
ynoud Te) wer, ot 4 
Agim, tury. seaupe 
TO sy. paepwG. 
— Sdxouarov’ exadn @ 
@eyserantey Kagno: 
ops tsw mas, ws 
0 didkcxeAG. aur" o 
4 didkenarA@s * wre 
@" quwy ‘noes 0 ww: 
XG. DI YSs “earrnyts 
Brazonates raxeudve 
ui5g , f 
x cyer drones UGK eEQOU = 

HOS: cvemucdn, CHOAg* 

the Holy Apoftles. 


Darknefs, where is Weeping 
and Gnafhing of Teeth. But 
he who is vouchfaf’d the 

‘Honour of Martyrdom, let 

him rejoice with Joy in the 
Lord, as obtaining thereby 
fo great a Crown, and de- 
parting out of this Life by 
his Confeffion. Nay, tho’ 
he be but a Catechumen, 
Jet him depart without Trou- 
ble; for his Suffering for 
Chrift will be to him a more 
genuine Baptifnf, becaufe he 
does really die with Chrift, 
but the reft only ina Figure, 
Let him therefore rejoice in - 
the Imitation of his Matter, 

Since is it thus ordain’d, Let tukvigs 

every one be perfect, as his 
Mafter is. Now his and our 
Mafter Jefus the Lord, was 
fmitten for our fake, .he uns 
derwent Reproaches and Re- 
vilings with Long-fuffering. 
He was fpit upon, he was 
{mitten on the Face, he was 
buffeted; and when he had 
been fcourged, he was nail’d 

to the Crofs; He had Vine- 

gar and Gall to drink, and 

-defunt. V. 7 defuar. V. 




Danii. fuffer nothing, likethe Three’ 

a’x Pag. * 


Pal a “ "rt! Tr a | ye 
Cy, ee eal oe L- : 5 
4 Ls x + he 
OF, bom ra rh. 
out vA Pod 


when He had fulfilled all 
‘things chat were written, 
He {aid to his God and Fa- 

Luk.xxiii. ther, Znto thy Hlands £ com- 

mend my Spirit. Wherefore 
Jer him that defires to be 
his Difciple earneftly follow 
his Confliéts: Let him imi- 
tate his Patience: knowing 
that although he be burned 
in the Fire by Men, he will 

Children; or if he does fuf 
fer any thing, he fhall re- 
ceive a Reward from the 
Lord, believing in the One 
and the Only True God and 
Father, through Jefus Chrift, 
the great High-Prieft, and 
Redeemer of our Souls, and 
Rewarder of our Sufferings. 
To whom be Gloiy for ever. 

Pom eppemric, onue 
PP KYB yasinSivey 
Deg MADIN, of Qe xo 
gents emoticon ' 
Aawons Tyra opp 
pa, eme tel Oca ¢ 
aumes Eis veeus oe 
obyl nut 8 mdiug 
ws. Ato Go dno pe- 
y@u cuave Mgdnms et | 
VduL, Cnrste Tes eure 
aywvas, pipecow F U= 
moguls’, savwcnoy ole 
neiv by ugh aw ay 
becom mom) edey Te 
on): Ws ol apes meides, 
ne © man 11, pucdor 
whe mers Amery’ 
ome duesy Tad Evi 4 gg 
dancing Och @ mare, 
Alo “Ince Keres, 73 3g 
peUA _&pydepews, Cc 
AuvrewTs TS ogee 4 
picemdotes TF Tr abrawr. 
@ nd0Ec as Tes ahMyasy 


op 2 Owe. 

Vil, FoR the Almighty God 

himfelf will raife us up 

thro’ our Lord Jefus Chrift, 

AT™ 3 5D Hes eo 
pa o Toproxes- 
Twp Sele, Aig 78 xw- 

a ay. 



a coi Oh SME 

ae te Holy Retice 

es Susy ‘Tak Xer- 
8, ey T emul qeriay 
aus FT atddn xy 
eeyeesto Las CU TET 
mrols & 7 yoy 01 en 
ECL, TOILET HS, omrviot 
aap yous Cy TH vu 
HOP , padev eA. &-T1es 
Env Gs n? omeny e 
eT eTEp apo. prot aya 
GTO Ect. xav TE 
ov meray madrioa- 
pp, xcly ov baa Alg.- 
oxaebySo, xv wan On- 
erov 7 opvéwy. Afg owen 

Super, evasnay mugs 

7 ears duuand" on 
o mes 190 uO ™m 78 
Oe CUE XE TY eels 
Océ 4, ono, at 
TOANTOY. Aro waives, 
Aegon’ "Ey ry Neg 

voy x Tow Se THs “fe 
nds UL coye Tees 4 ¢ 
a VEX ogy avLSeTEOS, 
2 E TPS UopTuEwY pLt- 
Sumorias Ady Ta- 
Cesar a) Aavinr’ Kay 
are7A.01 y T wexouumpsocor, 

ou yrs 

qoutes a aya- 

according to his infallible | 

Promife, and grant us a Re- 
furreétion with all thole that 
have flept from the Begine 
ning of the World; and we 
fhall then be {uch as we now 
are in our prefenc Form, 
without any Defect, or Cor 
ruption. For we fhall rife 
incorruptible, whether we 

») die at Sea, or are fcatter'd 

on the Earth, or are 
Pieces by wild Beafts and 
Birds, he will raife us by 
his own Power: For the 
whole World is held toge- 
ther by the Hand of God. 
Now He fays, 
your FXead fhall mot perifh.** 
Wherefore he exhorts us, 
faying, Ja your Patience pof- 
fefs ye your Souls. But as cons 
cerning the RefurreCtion of 
the Dead, and the Recom- 
pence of Reward for the 
Martyrs, Gabriel {peaks to 

An Hair of: Tuk, xx 


Daniel, And many of them that Dan. xiiz 
fleep fall arife out of the Duft » 3 

of the Earth, fome to everlaft-. 

ing Life, and fome to Shame and 

_everlafting Contempt. And they 

» qm Tis Od0eKS, Y. 



that underftand hall (hine as 
the Sun, and as the Firma- 
ment, and as the Stars. There- 
fore the moft holy Gabriel 
foretold that the Saints fhould 
fhine like the Stars: Forhis 
Sacred Name did witnefs to 
them that they might un- 
derftand the Truth. Nor is 
a Refurre€tion only declar’d 
for the Martyrs, but for all 
Men, Righteous and Unrigh- 
teous, Godly and Ungodly, 
that every one may receive 
according to his Defert: For, 
Keclef: xii, God, fays the Scripture, will 

14. bring every Work into Fudg- 
iment, with every fecret thing, 
whether it be good, or whether 
it be evil. This Refurredti- 
on was not believ’d by the 

| Fews, when of old they faid, 

Bik. Our Bones are withered, and 


1i,crc. we are gone, To whom 

God anf{wer'd and faid, Be- 
held I open your Graves, 
and will bring you ont of 
them, and I will put my Spi- 
rit into you, and ye fball 
live, and ye fhall know that 1 
the Lord have {poken it, and 

‘7 4 a’ 1 
anor.) o! je as Colw 
cuayiov, of 4 as a- 
yulye € ovadiopygy 
> # 
ajwyiov. % OL cunity= 
~ f ¢ € 
ms tHAaurLeoy ws o 
nuiG@, Cows! & 
‘ f ¢e 
ploug» % of astpes. 
c ~ cs 
Qs Qwsress toivu cue 
/ / 
ag prev Tes ayivs 
~ c ’ 
Tepamey o Tyan. 
Talesnr* auavis ~ 3S 
/ ' ee 
cuvievon omy aanbedy 
* eufoavenae @ 3S ieeov 
5. Saas 
aUTe OVOKG & yavoy 4 
Tols ugpTuCW emSyer- 
Tey Thy LV aSETY, yma 
% Tracy ayleprois, dr 
xaos Te © ad\inols, 
dakin @ dbanbeon’ 
ra] oF] \ 1 
iva exgG Qu TH Wegs 
aciav tion. "“A€es 
yp, Gnsiv,o Qeos vps 
aay & minug as xek- 
> A 
av Cw TOWTi Tapeweg- 
t 2\ P) { 1 
Pp, eav anarw, 404 
>] \ ' ‘ 
ecw movnegy, Taumyp 
4 my avacnow pn Tse 
ohovns “Iedutor, 
\ 9 ay > 
y \ ~ ¢c x 
ove TH 0Se Mer, 

Ale reQavnng pus  Ois 

* Adumesrus 7% sepeepat@. Ve 7 duorcynou V. 3 Ady v. 



6 Qecs Dex Exels 2QN" 
Se &qya avoinw 735 Te 
Mes UL@Y, Cavan U- 
ugs €& auto’ © de- 
ca 3B ming je ow 
Uuiv, x Creede, © wer 
cESe OTL eyo weir’ 
Ka Alo “Hoxie quoi’ 
’Avasngoy ey Ol vexepl, 
4 eNep Mc orTey ol Cv 
avis pavnretois, x) due 
Qeavmoor.) OL 'houna- 
Covres” ov tH yin ok 
n DesoGQui why adia- 
pa auais est. Tove 
Aa ev © men wes 
TP avasecews eputey, © 
aE FS Axgiov cv 
Oven SLapygvas, % Wes 
¢ a acclav kuyw- 
eras, Tacews, dXzospo- 
Qns, ugtadinns, add- 
Zias, mess awris, C 
onwAnxGe avercumre. 
@ ott e& ebsreto adp 

Gs arbrmmes ay a- 
Savers, nduvar, é 
dake ra Eves x ’H- 
Alay, wm exces Soi a- 
Te MTilesy Aasay a 

: deeft. V. 

er Lb 2 2 i) 

i ee 


“+e Holy Apoftles: 

will do it. And he fays by 
Ifaiah, “The Dead. fhall rife, 
and thofe that are inthe Graves 
foall be raifed up And thofe 
that reff in the Earth (hall 
rejoice, for the Dew. which 

Ifa. xxvii. 

is from thee fhall be healing 

to them. ‘There are indeed 
many and various things faid 
concerning the Refurrection, 
and concerning the Conti- 
nuance of the Righteous in 
Glery, and concerning the’ 
Punifhment of the Wicked, 

their Fall, Reje@ion, Con- 

demnation, Shame, Ererual ity tevig 
Fire, and endle[(s Worm, Now 23: 

that, if it had pleas’d him 
that all Men fhould be im- 
mortal, ic was in his Power, 
he fhew'd in the Examples of 
Enoch and Elias, while he did 
not fuffer them to have any 
Experience of Death; or if ic 
had pleas'd him in every Ge- 
neération to rail2 thofe thac 
died, that this alfo he was 
able to do, he hath made 

manifeft both by himfelf and 

by others: As when he 

raisd the Widow’s Son by 

| E lijan By, 

3 King. 

i Kio i, Elijah, 


- rational Nature of Man; 



and the Shusamite’s 4 
Son by £ilifha. But we are 
perfwaded that Death is not 
a Retribution of Punifhment. 
becaufe eventhe Saints have 
undergone it; nay, even the 
Lord of the Saints, Jefus 
Chrift, the Life of them that 
believe, and the Refurrecti- 
on of the Dead. Upon this 
account therefore, according 
to the ancient Practice. for 
thofe who live in the great 
Ciry, after the Combats he 
brings a Diffolution for a 
while, that when he. raifes 

up every one, he may either 

reject him, or crown him. 

For He that made the Body 

of Adam out of the Earth, 
will raife up the Bodies of 
the reft, and that of the firft 
Man after their Diflolution, 
to pay what is owing to the 
mean the Continuance in 
Being thro’ all Ages. He 
therefore. who brings’ on 
the Diflolution, wili himfelf ° 
procure the. Refurrection. 

M eTeEY ” 

7 ay eh 1 tRwedy Tes Te: 
; inn aprigcy ne 
eae, © di sour c 
Te 70 Sn 
Aov envi NCE pe yoy 
® ness dia “HAle 
avasnos, CT F Zw- 
pavik SC. GG *EAu- 
oat. Tea pes. Je 
jan pacsov Tiyweras a 
yoy T Sowaawy, ef ay 
** aumoy % ayo vaze- 
shod, h xy aves o wp 
ayiov wes. Ines o 
Xersos, n Con ats m- 
WY % n chan srits TS. 
ven ep? Ae 78'T0 uy 
aes ws dy” Oy peye- 
Aomad TOL Toop ys 01s, 
on ces abAus exund 
weg 6 Agor ay Ag 
Avo, iva, Cyc SHO, g- 
xosov. > Daoumpusy 7 
sepa 77. 09° 8 Adm 
s) Gua on yrs * arin 
O75 os gy THY Agizwy 
@ 7 76.7 py Ahoie - 
Avery, } Tape avant, 
megs 3 Resi, 73 

7 TH Agyixn Tay aye 

2¢ ee ¥ V. 3 
© deeft totu 

* Emery. V 

Us v. Soums. Vs m. V. 

4 TOP AciTOY meh § 



| Celzuy Qual, AéoopSu 

HS OrareoviCery. 0 t= 

\ / > J 

a \ . a 52 

Yu, HUTS % My ava- 
Y ey ek Y ? 

Ty, on. eagle uvepos 

_  ™/ \ ~ 
ev 200 F ons © é- 
2 | ae ; 
mace T avlewmov, 2 
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awmoy wre nvolw Cons, 
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pe i ® >) 7 
4 pe) ay aynxeciay 
emamay Tx &, 4 as 
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cvascov.  Axecoy.) 
I \ / ¢ 2 
, Ona, adores of ey 
a j mu 
ats fLYNILEOls T Gwvns 
To eae ~, 5 ¢ 
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2 tems migeuy my 
; Labs 
evaseoy yivedt, XC CH 
T S xwete dwyasucews. 
242, \ 
aves 9p es 6 xa 
AdCaeoy OWwesnoes te 

Teanwcepy, 2 ay THY | 
Svyatien ‘Taeips, xa} 

xX <i , ‘ 4 \ 
yor © gmegs, xay 

corey wegseymolk ra 

mass Ae recov tme- 

? ) GG. 2d 
CFI. KVEYileRs, o appa 


the Holy Apoftles: 

And he that faid, The Lord Genii. 7, 
took Duft from the Ground, 
and formed Man, and breathed 
into his Face the Breath of 
Life, and Man became a lis 
ving Soul, He added after 
the Difobedience, Farth thou 
art, and unto Earth fhalt thon 
return; the fame promis'd 
us a Refurrection afterwards. 
For, fays He, All’ that areJoh.v. 45. 
in the Graves hall hear the 

Foice of the Son of God, and 

iii. 19. 

they that hear phall live. Bea 

fides thefe Arguments, we 
believe there is to be a Re- 
furrection alfo from the Res 
furreCtion of our Lord. For 

it is he that rais'd Lazarns, 

when he had been inthe Grave  ¥b 
four Days, and Jairus’s Dangh- Mar. v, 
ter, and the Widow's Son, it Luk vii 

As he that raifed him(clf by 

the Command of the Father, 

in the Space of Three Days, 

who is the Pledge of our 

RefurreGion. For, fays He, 

I am the Refurrection, and the Joh.xi.2 53 

Life. Now, He that brought | 

Fonas in the Space of Three a. 

Days, alive and unhurt, out 

of the Belly of the’ Whale, 

and the Three. Children out Dav. iti 
Ber 7 


of Vi, Xi¥. a 

‘at us, 

Orac. Si- 

byl L. iv. 

in fine. 


of the Furnace of Babylon, 
and Paniel out of the Mouth 
of the Lions, does not want 
Power to raife us up alfo. 
Bue if the Gentiles laugh 
and disbelieve our 
Scriptures, tet at leaft their 
own Prophetefs Sybilla o- 
blige them to believe, who 

fays thus to them in exprefS + 

Coo t anasaa ews nage 
"EQ ~; gncw, eek 

4 dyer seuats “ob 7 n Corn | bs 
‘O F lovey "Ya mene 
TPE egy Cavin xd a= 
ora Sn esauyauyay 7 
Holrlas 3 XNTYS, oY 
Tes mes THIdks Ce NO 
pve Balbuawvias, lf 
Aavinr on snral@ 
AEcvTwr’ oem Saopiiog 
Deseo gass Cy yeas 

aveyeipay ei ) } crdaluow “Faamves, aLmG VTS, z bea 

eas Megas, TST T 0 AUTEs, 
*Sibuma eTw ww auaisrey 

But when all things fhall be 
veduc'd to Duft and Afhes ; 

Ana the Immortal God, who 
kindled the Fire, thall have 
gucnched it, 

God fhall farm thofe Bones, 
and that Alhes into a Man 

And hall place mortal Men a- 
gain, asthey were before. 

And then fball be the Fude- 

ment, wherein God will do 


“oY n auTay Tepgiks 

on 4E) Asks. 

m3 cmv" nda adja 
a TPES cud be oxen 
Kay que ngtpelor eas 
apal@., oomEP ae 
Osex * ooodile ave 
ms ‘@eds EMAL 
+ dwd\p wy 
‘Moppsiey, smo 4 ) Bes 
Tes mbAly &s anes 
nos / 
Ka an dn ness 2 é- 
ey. ep fee 

®<zos cunt 

defuur. V.? ita. v. & Turrian. re&e, fon "ABuaaa, cum Coreler. 

® smray. V. 4 gurss Ed, al. rege. hic. v, 

5 opposes, V, 


the Holy Apofiles: 

Kerns cures * noo 
pov. oo dl Namo 
dvase6 mary 

‘Hyhaow Saray Tes 
AN av mat * Qala 

 yg.auld” | 

"Oosnt A Woeb ever, 

maw Cnoayt crt 

Didug Oe Bir 
© Golut! ag. @ Qa- 

ey avuaols 

Evcelian. aif 3 2 wT 
Egor lovTDy & éauTes. 

Ei moive @ avrh 4 a= 
yasnol opgronA C red 
mudsl Secon om cp 
verry, Sanelrd 3 xbs 
dhaetes * ox” Tes cae 
Ewy, ugemy aeg mis 
hjnereeg amen", HOU 
1) gaat 5 © adv de- 
WY ELY "F coveseory, An 
ong-Uovres ols aver! 
Ornyavreys Gert pe He” 
veor Ie ygvoyhues ” rep 

sey TAucl4y Toya: 

3 = 

GL7E 0S aff: zngv Pore 

And judge the World teain ¢ 
But for fo many Men as have 
been wicked, 

And Sinners, they feall again 
be covered under the Earth: 

But fo many as have been pious +,+ Pa 

Hg live again an the We orld: 

When God puts his Spirit iato 
themp, and zivesthofe at once 
that are godly both Life and 
Favour, . 

Then hall all fee 


If therefore this Prophetefs 
confefles the ‘Refurrection, 
and does not deny the Re- 
{toration of all things, and 
diftinguifhes the Godly from 
the Ungodly, ’tis in vain for. 
them to deny our Doctrine. 
Nay indeed they fay, they 
can fhew a Refemblance of 
the Refurrection, while they 
do not themfelves believe the 

‘Things they declare : For they 

fay, that there is a Bird fingle 

- in its Kind which affords a 

adn %s wovG-. Vv. 


* yi emidaue. 9 a 
5 pix wh Vy ids ) Senne digs 
He AXpUTsy. s Aicty aAragvey pel ai Tab CINE S EI Ve: 2 ag 

3 bv. 4 Aby alee Ve 


pate cO- 


copious Demon(tration of the 
Refurrection, which they fay 
is without a Mate, and the 
only one in the Creati- 
on; they ~call it a Phoenix, 
and relate, that every Five 
Hundred Years it comes in- 
to Egypt, to that which is 
calied the Altar of the Sua, 
and brings with it a great 
Quantity of Cinnamon, and 
Cafiia, and. Balfam-Wood, 
and flanding towards the 
Fait, as they fay, and pray- 
ing to the Sun, of its own 
Accord is burnt, and becomes 
Duft;. buc that a Worm a- 
rifes again out of thofe Afhes, 
and that when the fame is 
Warmd it is form’d into a 
new-born Phoenix; and when 
it is able to fly, it goes to 
Aralia, which is beyond the 
gy! tian Countrics. If there- 
fore, as even themfelves fay, 
a Refurrection is exhibited 
by the means of an irrational 
Bird, wherefore do they vain- 
ly difparage our Accounts ? 
When we profefs, that he 
who by his Power brings 

POV. 7 xgrt. Ve > séaaedeu, V. 

4 al. Bopise 

Dac’ @ Aeyvoty atu- 
2" Umm pocetv, c Hgvav 

ow Snpaaepy i Qolving. 

*) TeTo Pep mnertis 
ow 01” % Isopaan 7 . 
as Atqualoy bn + Ae= 
Npujuoy nAte Beugy, Pe- 
Corre mri HAVE 
Kole, xgosias te E 
Euagea nova € ey 
Devs " dvamAdsy ws 
ouetol Qa, Tu) nAlo 
mer dueappor, aUTo= 
Up TwWS DAsy nvr XU 
Muedey novi aa Et 
Candas, CHAINS. aie 
vaguivey, © Teqoy JEp= 
ga Severe pop pobiivas 
is a ph Quin Goiwing., € 
cAlwoy anor, § ew 
‘Aexé dy > cetagat 
ump £24 TECGITERD 7 
Aiyitans 3 yous ef e 
aivuw, ws 5% aro PSS | 
a, a 73 aAuys Ope 
yee Demwurey 7 haves 
as, TE UI GD 7 be 
ex Aglarruar, Cady 
suoanene, oTt Q Ju 
yang & wh aves @ ae 


‘the Holy Apoftles. 

vy aigyaray, 1@ 
iyuq To © wy v 
GAvow eis et 
my yale mien poets, 
¢ BSI AS, 3 Siwy: 
joes, © Seve 4s ETO « 
pop" ered = LaTHY 
me ToL ngndiea- 
Peds pen Tera eyove 
aes Thus mANEDPOEkay 
ay wapunes eau Sprnro- 
pectcoe avey. wo7ep ey 
ere ayo Macy er 

aovTt, on oh apogn at 

omoincev 6 ets * geg- 

yoy, OF yi Gs yve- 
oxopyy ott By vans 
las Grdtns, BAa Ks- 

fat * dn Beaver, yu, 
Seingomey Gas, yUx- 
Tes, © meen "5 gag 
vara TT ELMO, » £p- 

Te TCy Que, Borruccs" 

+ aur Gyaor, © qv 

Gs avai) Seanuyk, 

cuuepyiias pan deoue- 

that into Being which was 
not in Being before, rhe 
fame is able to reftore this 
- Body, and raife ic up again 
after its Diffolution. Foron 
account of this full Affurance 
of Hope, we undergo Stripes, 

and Perfecutions,and Deaths. 

Ocherwife we fhould to no 
purpofe undergo fuch things 
if we had not a full Affu- 
rance ofthefe Promifes, where- 
of we profefS our {elves to 
be the Preachers. As there- 
therefore we believe Mofes, 

when he fays, Jw the ‘Begin-Gen. ii, 

ning God made the Fleaven 
ana the Earth ; and we know 
that he did not want Mat- 
ter, but by his Will alone 
brought thofe things into 
Being, which Chrift was com- 
manded to, make; we mean 

the Heaven, the Earth, the * s Pag 

Sea, the Light, the Night, 
the Day, the Luminaries, 
the Stars, the’ Fowls, the 
Fithes, the four footed Beafts, 

the ‘creeping Things, the 
‘Plants, and the Herbs; fo 
-alfo will He raife 

all Men 

2 mtegqay. V .? 


nocanozye V. 

3-def nt. ye 


Jer. i. 5. 

Zach. xii. 2 


was not in Being before, and 



up by his Will, as not want- 
ing any Affifiance. For: ’tis 
the Work of the fame Power 
to create the World, and to 
raile the Dead. And then 
He made Man, who was not 
a Man before, of different 
Parts; giving to him a Soul 
made our of nothing, But 
now he will reftore the Bo- 
dies, which have been dif 
folv’d, to the Souls chat are 
flill in Being: For the Ri- 
fing again beiongs to. things 
laid down, not to things 
which have no Being. He 
therefore that made the Ori- 
ginal Matter out of nothing, 9 
and out of it form’d various 
Bodies, the fame will alfoa- 
gain revive and raife up thofe 
that are dead. For he that 
form’d Man in the Womb 
out of a little Seed, and 
created in him a Soul which 
as himfelf fomewhere {peaks 
to Feremiah, Before I form'd 
thee in the Womb I knew thee: 
and elfewhere, 7 am the Lord 
who eftablifh’d the Heaven, and 

1@-" ? > avai Duce’ 
pees Coy € Epo, } on 
prepytocey O79", xg 
3 ven pos eben. ¢ 
ore @ jan ovTe TF ay= 
eco mov of Ae pce 
ENDINGENs Sided didi 7 
DesouTd © spur hw ¢ on S 
pe ovr Qe" yun 3 se 

eons Luyals mm Tee 7 

Avdevan (Copan dm 

TIT. aesyocoy Yeap bay 
7 Apetsecars, ! Boi s) pen 
7 eT age Te CH pn 
ovrcr Tones, % eF 

asian Selgres yuu. 

otGy 2%) Tes Soe 
oy Ceiwovdoas dpa. « 
cnt? 0 8 Gy TN xOL- 

Aloe T ‘Wabeapae Cx fle 
xp Pissed sft 

gar @ Wuryin cium 
Gsu cody on Sega" 
3 @ ws" qua Te guar 
Te leprle Ties a 
ne mao Ce o 7 
Aid, Ehsuucy oe x 
Waye “Eyo RU EROS, 
sepEemy BOLVOY, ¢ Ee 
meruav vba, %. ada~ 


i deefi.v. 7 Gdw.v. 3 xgdds, ve 

Pete res jug oh, 

ony mdi, aS ere 
ew aotd, avrs x a 
&s antemrares avasnod, 

are ov Gs AUT AG oe 
xavws © hi Sia x00- 

gn pprupa Anovte Tt 

Geer 7d ygropuea Xer-- 

ge Moin(oudu arbeg- 
DY HoT ELngvae © 4g. 
OuglwoWy HEeTeocy. 4 

3 7 ¢ a \- v 
envingey 0 @cos T aye 
> pes et } ~ 
Gewmov’ ug.l’ aygva Gea 
empinowy aumy aposy 

Ram > } 4 Say 
oy SA emuinegev avTes. 
hans rumalO,@ seo: 

‘ > i ee 

mesngs lwl, Weis gn- 
‘ c U 

ov 74 rai, ovt - 

las AP Ae RE ie 

yesmy * avmy * a- 
/ a ¢ / 
pagnoede web wy 0 x0- 
p aaa | NN / 
EA avisnay’ sms Qin 
mee tg a Bi = 
megs t Cecv’ H vy 
q / y 
Sas, > eqméas. dg fe 
Y co ~ , , aq 
tow upw; pug x 
_ mpeoes pe cvedriows oseois 
4 Gx ydbeots fee cwel= 
eas Com 4 © Fréoy 
ey ay emo yg" an 4 
; > / 
byonom™ od | eQuag Ee 
pe amma. TaUTE 

ego ov tuguTl, oid 

the Holy Apoftles: 

laid the Foundations of the 

Earth, and formed thz Spirit 

of Man in him, He will alfo 
raife up all Men, as being 
his Workmanfhip ; as alfo 
the Divine Scripture tefti- 
fies that God faid to Chrift, 

his only Begotten, Let ws Gen.i. 

make Man after our Tmage,>*» W7e 

and after our Likenefs. And 
Godmade Man ; after the Image 
of God made he him: Male and 
Female made he them. And 
the moft Divine and Patient 
Fob, of whom the Scripture 
fays, that ic is written, thac 

Fle was to rife again with thofe' 

whom the Lord raifes up: The 
fame {peaks to God thus, 
Flaft not thou milked me like 
Milk, and cruddled me like 
Chcefe2 Thou heft cloathed me 
with Skin and Flelb, and haft 
fenced me with Bones and Si- 

news. Thou haft granted me 

Life and Favenr, and thy Vi- 
fitation hath preferved my Spi- 
within me, I know that thon 
canft do all things, and that 
nothing is impofible with thee. 

Lava. Ve 23. Vs 3 ttgomms. V. 


n fine 

ob in- 


Xe Io, 



Flaving thefe things +, Pag, 


Wherefore alfo our Saviour 

and Matter Je(us Chrift fays, 
Lukxvilchat what is impofible with 
> Men is polfible with God. And 
_,David, the Beloved of God, 
peat fays, Thine Hands have made 
me, and falhioned me. And 

ci. 14. again, Zhou knoweft my Frame ; 
and afterward, Thou hajt fa- 
fhioned me, and laid thine 
fLand upon me. The Knowe 
ledge of thee is declar’d to be 
too wonderful for me; it is 
- Uery great, I cannot attain un- 
to it. Thine Eyes did fee my 
Subflance, being yet imperted ; 
and all Men thal: be written 
in thy Book. Nay, and 
faiah fays in his Prayer to 
‘Aim, We are the Clay, and 
thou art the Framer of us. \f 
therefore Man be his Work- 
manthip, made by Chrift, 
by him moft certainly will 
he after he is dead be 
raifed again, with Intention 
either of being crown’d for 
his good Aétions, or pu- 
nifh'd for his Tranfgreffions. 
Buc if He, being the Legi- 
flator, judges with Righte- 


v. 16. 

Ifa, Ixiv.8 

ok ord Te Sener ct Ge 
duvata dé Cor osdey. 
* Av gnow"* @ 0 nyee~ 
np@- cwrnp 4 didke 
on2AQs ‘Inass 0 Xepe- 
cus, ok B ahg avlege 
mis aXunatov duva- 
aw aby eS Ocw ". Aé- 
4} G0 Seogians Aa- 
Bid" Al syeipes ov é70in- 
oo Ke 2% EmAaouy pe. 
C ana Zu eyvws B 
mragna nugy @ ns’ 
Sv emra(ys we, @ eSn- 
vas ew emer eed oe 
eonmaswdn nov Oars os 
e€ ens éneaTaiwln, @ 
wn Dunwycy Deys avmy. 
+ mh axyarepjasT Be 
eddy O ODIMAMOL 4,4 
én BS CiCAtov os adp- 
as yeggnow my. Ama 
@o “Houtas rt Tep- 
ohincpWwG@. ava, ors 
ras 0 mMAgs, 4 CUo 
odasns HILO. Ei nmi- 
yay ants Sypuspynmac 
6 avlewr@s, Afgi X ex- 
os SvopG., orduerws 
on € Survey, Mt wre 

dpzsnoery bh mJ 2 

Se ae ae 
i deeft. V. i defunt.v. 3? @ 4 xd andes. V. 


. oe 

y Tre es Te 

5 coo biiven ” ch emis ag 
molapccm, 3 nN YgAG@ 
Svar 6% ais 5 RO 
EAT Lac» e 3 ox- 
x LOC xepr4, $ ¥o- 
pronSerns" coowep 19g.C4 
Tes cobs, Sarees diep- 
gray Cece T2s Ti 
ey @ res dt anny 
aT “ev egroy apasfi- 
Gs ayiss Tes ft 0s 

ase goad puuwr, Tes 

3 as Qusness AGE 
TpuNeY ngs o Tas 

the Holy Apoftles. 

oufnefs; as He punifhes the 

Wicked, {0 does he do Good | 
to, and faves the Faithful. 

And thofe Saints, who for 
his fake have been flain by 

Men, [ome of them he willDanxii.. 

make light as the Stars, and 
make others bright as the Lu- 
minaries ; as Gabriel {aid to 
Daniel. All-we of the Faith- 
ful therefore, who are the 
Difciples of Chrift, believe 
his Promifes. For he that 

has. promiféd it cannot lye : 

Eesna ta Aavinr ' 
AEy reese 2 ey Xe- 
78 meres Nemeepyon Ts 

as fays the bleffed Prophet . 
David, °The Lord is faithful Pfal.cxliv2 
in all his Words, and holy int3. ~~ 

ol | amsat am duopSy cus 
a8 T eamlyeAius ae 
La dus 98 Q eal oitrae 
wev@s' Aéy D0 mange 
e@- meg gnTHs © Aan 
Gis", : ove 1S05 muEos 
cy Tok tals Ags - 
7, “¢ on@s ¢ o” TE 
ols _epppis amg’. O 
Pp ox Si Saak eQUuT a 
Kg ndUaons Coie ces 
Gcorray Snuscns a" 33 
 Sgauerey Cwcsnocis 6x a 

4 pS aro dur 

all his Works. 
framd-for himfelf a Body 
out of a Virgin, the fame is 
is alfo the Former of other 
Men. And he that rais‘d 
himfelf from the Dead, will 
alfo raile again all chat are 
laid down. He who raifes 
Wheat out of the Ground 
with many Stalks from one 
Grain; He who makes the 

Tree that is cut down fend — 

forth frefh Branches; He thae 

! sepayaQnvase 

v, ?deeft, V. 

“3 defunt, V. 2 6V: 

, eth 

For he that 


as made Aaron’s dry Rod params, 


forth Buds, the fame will 
Matt.ix.., raife us up in Glory; He 
Ge. that raifed him up that had 
Mar. iit, the Palfie whole, and healed 
Ge. him that had the withered 
Hand; He that fupply’d a 
defective Part to him chat 
was born blind from Clay 
and Spittle, the fame will 
joh.ix.1,raile us up: He rhat facil 
#e. fied Five Thoufand Men with 
Matt. xiv. Five Loaves and Two Fifhes, 
17- and caufed a Remainder of 
Twelve Baskets, and out of 
Joh. ii 3. Water made Wine, and fenr 
a Piece of Money out of a 
Matt. xvi. Fifh’s Mouth by me Peter 
to thofe that demanded Tri- 
bute, the fame will raife the 
Dead. For We teftifie all 
thefe things concerning him, 
and che Prophets teflifie the 
other. We who have eaten 
and drunk with him, and 
have been Spe@ators of his 
wonderful Works, and of 
his Life, and of his Con- 
verfation, and of his Words, 

veneav, avris® aduras 
Tes xaWWus Anand. 
o } auepy €& Evus yon 
“x8 TMMAUY EY Ox Yrs A= 
viswv, oO Gxxomey dys 
Deny as ' pade rvov" g~ 
radumwy,or Aaegy 
pat dov® Enesraody cu- 

’ tt > / > 
Ques as Brasov. aL@ 

‘Cs G neds ENP éy 
dtén ot maearunygy 
Twov avEnsiers, % T €= 
Enespapubw eo re Tay 
gee iaoupuO., % 
S Aciomoy mepG. cv we 

Gu Querns ape cx gus 

© srw Rates 0 ave 
ms x) UGS HvEnepe” G 

On wey te aptay © vo 

us xopcous @ merosd- 
cus Swdiyg xoGives, @ 
ef udul@. olvoy Mes 
Tumuicas, % ox soKc~ 
1@s iy SuQ. cethen M 
eae Tlérpe trois amee- 
a8o1 wavooy Wore Acs 
- \ \ , . 
TQ. x Tes VEX PBS Om 

and of his Sufferings, and of vege. audam 8 a- 

' his Death, and of his Refur- 
reion from the Dead, and 

Tipry nels WA avTs 

. PoprupepSu" aa cl aar- 



S cegduuvon Ve ? Enogitcen cx guoiges V. 



| Dy. of Dep Prey. haces 
OL Gop gansyars outs 

Lume ts 1% Vee 

mij hucpvor ae at 

TE Tpagioy,% F Cwisy 
‘ : 1 : a 
@ F amaAimias, © ate 
1 : \ i 
Aor, 4 WPS aeons 
mav, © S Suvats, 
S on vEexeuy auTe a= 
YOALSETEWS yj cuuenee- 
. / 3 e vA 
reagan aut ne 
exs Tosaednovam pe) 
a + CE 

Corres CravAlu cS au- 

mB unpusa ® dbase 
Alov as CAcy ¥ yoomar, 
aw clyn, © Bamioy es 
Y aute Savaererv, bh 
avczytin & Oe aff 
oAov, os bd auTS Te 
Tip, © piprere mdb- 
ugt@-, os 64 aohy- 

the Holy Apoftles: 

ee oN ae A? ae 4 Ate x MEF, 
! ; ETA 

who converfed with hii as; Fs 
Forty Days after his Re- 
furreCtion, and who receiy’d 

a Command from him to Marxxviig 
preach the Gofpel toall the World, '9- 
and to make Difciples of all Na- 

tions, and to baptize them into 

his Death, by the Authoriry of 

the God of the Univerfe, who 

is his Father; and by the Te- 
{timony of the Spirit, who is 

his Comforter ; we teach you 

all thefe things which he 
appointed us by his Confti- 
tutions, before He mas ree aG i. 9; 
ceived up in our Sight into 
Fleaven, to Him chat fene 
Him- And if you will believe 

you fhall be happy, bur. if 

you will not believe, we 

fhall be found innocent, and 

clear from your Ineredulity. 

wrnl@s" didsonopQu uncs Gure mdprmn, a Sf Ge Eu- 
pwGs tir avernoon er etd nudy es * Zeavoy Megs 
T MmcaAdurn avaw. © tas je moony, ugrgierot 
mengede a 4 un meduonte. aSwot nes dupe Snoone Ses 
@ ygduept F tuenens dvarigias. mS | 

\ oA me 
~ Meee 5 a pv egw 
¢ ~ ¢ 2 
| Aeqophy univ, omms-ev 
1 wy LO eas 

5 © OSD! hyde, ** ae 

Now concerning the Mar- VII. 
tyrs, we fay to. you that they 
are to be had in all He- 
é ¥,* Pag, 
hour with you, as we ho *, (%8 
: nour 


nour the blefled Fumes the 
Bifhop, and the Holy Ste- 
phen, our Fellow-Servant: For 
thefe are reckon’d blefied by 
God, and are honourd by 
holy. Men, who were pure 
{rom all Tranfgreffions, im- 
moveable when tempted to 

Sin, or perf{waded from good | 

Works, without Difpute de- 

ferving Encomiums. Of whom 

Pfal.cxv. alfo David {peaks, Precious 

Ng in the Sight of the Lord is 

- the Death of his Holy Ones. 

Prov. x.7. And Solomon fays, The Memo- 

ry of the Fuft is with Enco- 

mium’s. Of whom alfo 

Ifa lvit.t-the Prophet {peaks, Richte- 
ous Men are taken away. 

IX. Thefe rhings we have faid 
concerning thofe that in 
Truth have been Martyrs for 
Chrift, but not concerning 
faife Martyrs, concerning 
whom the Oracie {peaks, 
Prov.x.7. Zhe Name of the Wicked is 
_ xiv. 5. extinguilhed. For, A faithful 

Witne(s will not lye, but an une 
jut Witne{s inflames Lyes. For 
he that departs this Life: 

Tivduyray 0 asic. 
“Tana6 0s,0 oemaxgrus,% Q 
aos Hwy ouurhgingy os 
Srepavos. Saul Yap eat 
x anOct Pepannero 
pot, @ va ociwy axe 
Dewy rile prnpHwor, xo.9e0- 
eps TeHLoNs Anya peererass 
b crpeqlor DeGs a= 
pAptiar, ausGmso tT 
REAOY, avevddiesor mess 
eSuapete® Der av © o 
Aabid ercye* Tipios 
CrdwTioy wweLe.o Se 
val@. aS oowy avs" 
HO Zoropesy’ Minn 
Jungs peel encom” 
ae ov © o megonms 
ene "Ard\pes Oi 
ag.LOL cueoyTE. 

TavG 4 Oe, F o) 
CAnJHaAy 2% Kent 
ApS elect expn- 
my, IM v Ger TP 
Padinepley aOR 

ov Aguoy gnaw? "O 

yopece 4 cicehay oie. 
vy): Mapas 90 Th 
os 8 pdiderey Caenerid 
4 bdn xprus ad\t- 
x@.. ‘O 2 Cy pucp- 

* aviydoros. V. 


et ean yey 
eve! eee 

pr ae H 

mele 2erbay an. du- 
dis 2 f aAndeias, 

i7@. awrnbivos Bap 

TUS. actoaig-@ Cw ois 

CuUnywviowro Te Aoyy 
T diceCeas Nos $ ol- 
Kae aiynalOe, | 

) SE 
[ [Acer E Uply 
} ade gol 4 cud e- 
Aly gdiyey Tes He 

TuLoAgY IAs, €S rs 
aayeproyias’, Tous 
Airegmenias , i 

Acyveas, Spuyes, © 
meus a MeTpRs * opyas', 
Uy Hs umerray ics’ 
ort cede Cy TOS UUELG 
ICAL aes, T 7 i gep- 
cwey, Erarpe mui. v U- 
pay cicepr ay Tin n Orde) 
yecdey, n meat ley Aé- 
Wyte meh yeagn’ 
Asrdbouts Ty xu Ete 
oy gow, Cc acu tee 
Se aT 6 oy TeOHG. 
Kos Tus ayamars 8 ey 
yor, wy 7 9c6e TEI 
(Kee yivedt gan © yap 

, & a ae 

x the “Holy Aopitten, 

in his Teftimony, without 

Lying, for the fake of the 

Truth, the fame is a faith- 
ful Martyr, worthy to be 
belicv'd in fuchthings where- 
in he ftrove for the Word of 
ARPY: by his own Biood. 


N° W we exhort you, 
Brethren and Fellow- 
Servants, to avoid vain Talk 
and ob{cene Difcourfes, and 
Jeftings, ._Drunkennefs, La- 
{fciviou{nefs, Luxury, un- 
bounded Paffions, with foolifh 
Difcourfes, Since we do not 
permit you fo much as on 
the Lord’s-iZays, which are 
Days of Joy, to fpeak or 
act any thingy unfeemly: For 
the Scripture fomewhere fays, 

rejoice unto him with Trem- 
bling. Even. your very Re- 
joicings therefore ought to 

_be done with Fear and Trem- 

bling: Fora Chriftian who 
is faithful ought neither to 
repeat an Heathen Hymn, 

Xdefunt. V. 2 al. scuds. 


‘Serve the Lord with Fear, and Pfal.ii. 11. 


Jer. v. 7. 


nor an obfcene Song. Be- 
caufe he will be obliged 
by that Hymn to make 
mention of the idolatrous 
Names'of Dzmons, and in- 
ftead of the Holy Spirit, 
the Wicked One will enter 
intO him. 

act Xersiaves o wFisus 
oe odlu eSyinlw o- 
gard Aye, ere ac- 
Cnceray avd, Sy oF 
wdns , cidinwr pene 
pordoey ovoHg. Tet Sai- 

= vis amdipalG., & eoppn= 

You are alfo forbidden 
to {wear by them, or to 
utter their abominable Names 
through your Mouth, and 
to worfhip them, or fear 
then as Gods; for they are 
not Gods, but either wicked 
Demons, or the ridiculous 
Contrivances of Men: For 
fomewhere God {ays con- 
cerning the J/raclites, They 
have forfaken me, and fworn 
Ly them that are no Gods. And 

Zack. xii, afterwards, J will take away 

y 2 


XXKXI1. 21. 

the Names of your Idols out of 
their Mouth ; and elfewhere, 
They have provoked me to Fea- 
‘Loufy with them that are no 
Gods ; they have provoked me 
to Anger with their Idols. And ¢ 

ol cv avnds" 8 a-. 


“Amepntay 3 494 3 
omyuesp cy aul xa 
3 og soa! 1. auTOY 
mepvipay qa BikAux- 
Th OVOATm, n Weg- 
one AUTOS, n gob a~ 
Sey autres ws Oess* & 
yep eit tol, SA’ 7 
om nept Sanygres , n 
peygundoa & Ep}. Aé- 
4 yep ms 0 Qecs Wee 
ays ioeandurar" ‘E)- 
KO TAITY fe, wat coum 
yuov oy Tals CH ul 
E01" mah sens. E- 
Eaop qu ovonate at 
cidtirwy ¢ cu soy. Qs 
auTar* xa Maye’ 
Avavi ohelincons we 
ex & Sols, ox pupyt- 

* gauT@. Ve > mauy. Vy 

a) ates bin ays, ae” Ad sy | Ss '. 278 &y 

‘ou Le on emals edwAgis 

eat Oe: oil f.a f ol 
autov. Kaj ev. maouts 4 

the Holy Apoftles. 

aero Eee pe ree Ee gees oe ee 

in all things that are for- 
bidden by the Lord God. 

~ v . 64 t ~ 
# reagas emoppevlaraiam “ao nueis & Oxe. 

* Or pgvov 4 DRA 
— etdwrav amunppduar, 
MMe ¥% eA ws: 
Calvert, MnTe OmrUEY 
awry, ywnre Agu meduety 
awl. gaa yxiep §=Mn 
idday + nAtoy © thy a- 
Ally © Tes ase2KG85, 
aAdwn SE Is meron 
GIS aU ToIS" a Wane” 
Kaew mas odes rp) 20- 
yoy en! ududoivere, 
2 Apouneiwy S epare 
pan pobacde. Tap a 
qpa % ol Dwsmpes E15 DaU- 
ov dp seym0 is," ¥x eis 
@mogonunmy edtcnadp" 
e174 01 Ioeanritey gs: 
Snee {yas wegse- 
xusey aeT! S RTICS 
lu TLD Z ie On- 
felepopy yo. Sus exrsres, 
ey utiov Tray 2 
Sa Snuygeodyrs’ yoy 
ore fe pgqcomley 7s, 
ws ov épnuw mon) 
BeeAgequp wegonuvey 
aes ahoTe VT Baca, 
@ + Oxuuss, % thw 


time Baal, and Thamaz and 

Nor dothe i-egiflatorsgive Xt 
us only Prohibitions concern-**" Pas. 
ing idols, but allo warn us aaa 
concerning the Luminaries ; 

‘not to {wear by them, nor 

to ferve them. For He fays, 
Left when thou feeft the Sun, iv. 19. 
ana the Moon, and the Stars, 
thou fhouldeft be feduced to 
worfhip them, And elife- 
where, Do. mot ye learn to fer.x. 4 
malk after the Ways of the 
Heathen, and be not afraid of 
the Signs of Ffeaven. For the 
Stars and the Luminaries 
were given to Men to ihine 
upon them, bur ner for 
Worthip, altho’ thé Z/rzclites, 
by the Perverfenefs of their 
Temper, worfhipped the Crea- 

‘ture inflead of the Creator, and 

became injurious to their 
Maker, and adivired the 
Creature more than was fit. 
And fometimés they made Ex.xxxiieg 
a Calf, as in the Wilder: 

nefs; fometimes they wor-Numxxyv. 


fhipred = Baal-pevr, - another a iiag 

Aftarte of Sidon: and. again, Ezek. viii 
ai ge eee Moloch 

TAT ys ee 


: Moloch. and Chamos ; another 
time the Sun ; as it is writ- 

3 King.xiten in Lzekiel, nay, and he- 
3 fides, Brure-Creatures, as a- 
is mong the Egyptians Apis, and 
Ezek. vii.the Mendefian Goat, and Gods 3 
7 ote Stlyer and Gold, as in 
Gudea. On account of all 

which things he threaten’d 

them, and {aid by the Pro- 

v.17. phet, Js it a fmall thing to 

| the Hloufe of Judah to do thefe 
Abominations, which they have 

done >? For they have filled the 

Land with their Wickeduefs, to 

provoke me to Anger: And be- 

hold they are as thofe that mock. 

Anudl will ad with Anger, 

mine Eye fhall not fpare, acim 

ther will I have. Mercy, and 

they fhall cry in mine Ears 

with a great Voice, andl will 

wot hearken unto them. Con- 

fider, Beloved, how many 

hs things the Lord declares a- 
 gainit Idolaters, and the 
Woartfhippers of the Sun and 

Moon. Wherefore ‘tis the 

Duty of a Man of God, as 

he is a Chriftian, not to 

{wear by the Sun, or by the 

Moon, or by the Stars, not 

by the Heaven, nor by the 

ooh 1 nor. by any. of the 


Sider iew “Asiptny, B 
amAW Moasy, 431 x94 
Xauys, % ahove + 
TAtov, ws moy wy Te- 
Ceminr ' Yergamas 3% 
‘1 argv Coa. ws 
ice Aiqudios * “A- 
mm, 4 T MevSio.oy 

Tesgpy 4 Gees aip- 

qupes 4 AgUaEs, - 0s OW 

Iedkio” St aoe p as 
TH air EADY auqos é- 
rcp Al coe Beg PUT. 
Mn puxegv TeTo Ty) 01@ 
xw led, 7 mmole 
ees ToT , 
a emoinods, ort em Ati- 
oy t yh dvopeices, S 
mpopyioey ne 3 C ide 
out ald as pum Tes 
Covres. 4 €9u mina 
wey Sune, 8 Get sere 
O RN ee, ed 
g wn caer" uy | Men eck 

ovTDy CH als wow ee 
gery BAAN, x4 Cow 
clo ee royo4 avriy. ‘O- 
CRT, Co LTTE, 0m 
12) ats adwagagTpav, 
4%) ceCowwwr nAtov 
4 oAlwhy Ampaive,) 
0 wes. dia nen T 
$ Oe avVewmoy, as 
Xesctaver, pente nricy 


Pee LT A Fe eer eel fae A RTI ONY. 
ee Oe 8 TPO RO pak ele 

Be Holy: Apoltles: , 

peveeta, pnts Ally, 

iit gery BAIT Mh 
eaves, noi, att 
SDIev Ee, peleepv 2 jas 
je. a oy 0 didtonc- 
AG. BULB ort @s ce 
eSpnlyarrey mpeey pen 

Oey deity Omr@s’ 6 0 ASO. 

egy awisonpOs 3 n 78 
‘Cpu, pene ules bah 
escvay avTuy,, “En lui 
mov Pp a Duosel muses 
pire ples ‘leper any., 
n ae Te Oe wee, 
n Pe Suaastexor, € 3 co 
dwepy, 7 TS vag Agu 
owny, 1 clus otxedy we 
oa rlu, "Ted Inns nap 
whe gdoens n n cuunbera, 
dvo 7 cemipepourey Sty 
38 val, veh, CS 8, g, 
ls omsois abelouc, @ 
3 Teqwy MP LOSDY re. 
disedies'c Evo Az and” 70 
ow hei adhe o1 
qa Léidoyuyg os cp- 
We &MoeWv pot, Cam 
yomuCcpmuce atvle afl ca- 


ante dvieCovtes, es 

o' Ozvs Ae rox dneray : 
ass demey eas abuniav, 

2 P w \ \ LA 
cvepyey Ge pm decom. 
2 che 

Elements, whether {mall or 
great. For if our Mafter 
charged us not to {wear by 
the true God, that our Word Matt.v.g4 
might be firmer than an) / 
Oath, nor by Heaven ir felf, 
for that is a Piece of Hea- 
then Wickednets, nor by Fe- 
rufalem, nor by the San@u- 
ary of God, nor the Altar, 
nor the Gift, nor the Gild- 
ing of the Altar, nor one’s 
own Head; for this Cuftom 
is a Picce of Fudaick Cor- 
ruption; and on thar ac- 

‘count was forbidden: And 

if He-exhorts the Faithful, 
that their Zea be. Tea, and 
their’ Nay Nay; and: fays,. 

thac what is more than thefe 
is of the Evil Oue: How 
much more blameable are 
thofe who appeai to Deiries 
- faltely fo callei, as the Ob- 

jeats of an Oath? ‘and whe 

glorifie imaginary Beings, in- 
{tead of thofe thar. are real 
whom God,» for their Per- 
verfene(s, delsver'd) over to Rom. i288 
Foolifhne{s; to do thofe things 

‘that are not. convenicut. 

agree Qsy. ¥, 
agers iisy ie 

A da ee ed en 


¥ .*. Pag, 



Sect. XLV. m: 
Rethren, obferve the Fe- bi , PA Shu pac 

ftival Days : 

The Faft of Lent is ‘to be 
obferv'd by you. as contain 
ing a Memorial of our Lords 
Converfation and Legifla- 
ture. But let this Solemnity 

be obferv’d before the Faft of. 

the Peffover, beginning from 
the Second Day of the Week, 

‘and ending at the Day of ; 

the Preparation. After which 
Solemuities, breaking off your 
Faft, begin the Holy Week 
of the Paffover, fafling in 
the fame all of you with 
Fear and Tremblng, pray- 
ing in them for thofe that 
are about to perifh. 

For they began to hold a 
Cottneil againft the Lord on 

0p Toy QuaAg- 

cusTe, AEA oot 

: [[ Ka pati Ye atu 

Muesarov,nksuygy bm- 
TAc.cIw Ago TETAS 
Evet le pamvos. ee" ny he 
amgavios uuav est be prerm 
aam. 49-0’ Lio wupios a-. 
vaNEly vpay T olxelias 
eet @s érvincn tm Yes 
yécdw *) g wuinenly € See 
e-les prmves.peO | a é 4) 
“s "T pay," sa Raia 
Tice vara F Teosen est 
HOTS 4 warns mene 
oyoce cS mene 770" 
Aimias Te % voygdE- 
olees" bari e:cBep An vine 
Tee aim wep TF yngret= 
as TE TAG, apne ujun 
i aD SSimesss manps~ 
1d 3 3 eis apg oxbuln 
pad as razovng-Sdodms, 
apa: SayasS ae- 
qa. eb dougd @., tl 
oy Ts avmy adres pe} 
goes us, mepody- 
eNBsiviey: avawis Wes 
HS down Avpuwy. 
"HpEdwae 9 2 A\ ih 
S mee Burty ale 

Sey dyreper (26 Carwy, 
pla repta,es 6u Zav- 
ings’ Cm TET) s 

GECate oberevevr a 

ants s! m™m 3 mrenr 
" wetady my) exp) 
aveney TEN 4 ‘[g- 
dus wes ae, dn TAS 
Ab i z  Mecentas, Gr 
rae wires Ale- 
bins Banbels Pt Agep™ 
qwele, xOUTOL amard & 
yAwosnugugy eluexer 
ero phu@, G udeioy 
am ayS Treva, om 
dare Ann wa 8 we 
eke Sen ugnepSupuay, 
Soa! € m0 * h eebto- 
per augy aul esr, 

Bero5u@- @ onseroy @- 

edpaliae: rey iuiy. 
es 2 vag oe fr 
fae* @: EUG S- ng Aé- 
ote Min a0; 4% 
a3 Eh arrays O, 
— Opvases 290.45 én F dio 
bee, O1rspe@s mAELov 

ae arma vc an, 

‘by Crucifixion. 

the Holy Apoftles. 
the Second Day of the Week, 
in the fir, Month, which4s — 

NXanthicus; and the Delibe- 
rationcontinued on the Third 
Day of the Week; but on 
the Fourth Day they deter- 
min’d to take away his Life 
And Fudas 
Knowing this, who for 

long time had been pervert- 
ed, but was then {mitten by 
the Devil himfelf with the 
Love of Money, 
had been long entrufted with 
the Purfe, and ufed to fteal 
what was fét apart for the 
Needy, yet was he not caft 
off by the Lord, through 
much Long fuffering ; nay, 

and when we were once — 

feafling with him, being wil 
ling both to reduce himito 
his Duty, and inftruct us in 

m his own Foreknowledge, He 


altho’ he Johxxii.é. 

faid, Verily, Verily, I fay une ‘0 xi, 

to you, thatone of you will be- 
tray you ; and cvery ‘one of us 
fayiag, Is it 12 Aad the Lord - 
being filenc, 4, who was one 
of the Twelve, and more 

beloved by him than the reft, 

4. eycepricenuwGs, sav- arofe up from lying in his 
BekTaw7e V, * erie way. Ve at > nuby DAE aL. Vv. 4 Omer Bi 
bate bd 

SvOd aus v. 



*.* Pag. 


Bofom, and befougit him to 
tefl who it fhouid be that 
fhould betray Him: Yet net- 
ther then did our gracious 
Lord declare his Name, but 
gave two Signs of the Betray- 
er; one by faying, He that dip- 
peth with me in the Difh: A 
Second, Zowhom I fhall give 
the Sop when I have dipped it : 

Nay, altho’ he himfelf {aid, 
Mafter, is it 1? The Lord 
did not. fay, Yes, but, Zhou 
haft faid. And being willing 
to affright hit in the Mat- 
ter, He faid, Wo to that: Mam 
by whom the Sou of Man is 
betrayed; Good were it for him 

ae xvi if he had never been born, Who 

7 *< - 
EXvil 9. 

when he had beard that went 
his way, and faidto the Pricfts, 

What will ye give me, and I 

will deliver him wato you ? 
And. they bareain’d with him 
for Thirty Pieces of Silver ; 
and the Scripture was fulfilled, 
which faid, And they took the 
Thirty Pieces of Silver, the 
Price of him that was vie 
lucd, whom they) of the Chil- 

dren of Mrael did value, ana 

coy’ inet duop, Emre Ts 
ay ein 6 ie) mz duler oui 
aw’ @ ad» TMs et 
piney aur? & ovougod= 
you 70s 1iep@r* dna da 

CnAe ce & wep dere "5 
cowuey” 6) he, ATRY" 4 
lhe ius sso 
jee oy m7 meueALw* 
osreeov DE co enw Bar 
das 3 alepion 67 dwar" 
454 TOE GEM’ Aégpilos® 
Mnzé eo ce pat - 
615 CoH ETE 0 wWw- 
AO; & OT! wal aan ok. 

OU. AAS % gobnzey ws 
mov Ot TET~ Berndes, 
Gow Odey-re) aivdeorny 
txenvw di S o UosS ay= 
bese wy Fidorey" 4g" 
Agy ka aug ci-Gou é= 
Quensn * @” anvaw 
cudous, cmalov ere 
ruls rep aay: Ti oe 
Aete pgt devon, © eyo 
Uy weary mpedwow § 
ot A exodu ott Tesa- 
HOV Ge GP WEle’ x & 
mane 4 yeaQn a 
Aéywon’ > Kat cago 


® deefi, V. 2 deeft, V. 2 defunt, V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

T nul 7 2 rerun 
cp eTiumacaan Da0 yor 
“‘Iopana, @ eduygy a- 
tied ast oingy & He 
ape *@ ry Tet 

» Ganpyns ad’ bass 
4d mmiga, Bairavr@. 
cyeye thw eeipe as Tm 
mpuBArzor, g aorlopsoy t 
Aabovros; @ c&erSoys 
0 merGe° EB anaudey 
h Oe, Iva cnopmadyts; 
@ cue pgvev aon € 
NOT? BiiquerComipe 

pon 2): yoturcirly wre, 
ees ‘Tere ema) yhano- 
pie © awaemSavey, 
AT, A’uly Aéyw Gr, 
TeV aAdKmee Qwiiis 

\ > / 

eidevey pe. Tleeades 

5) aay G@ctvkqvaw wo 
cnene & le pas Guel@. 
adit. 3 cualG., 
Pade pn mugen ep v1@s 
nav, e€nAdey as 
0 ops 2 érAuwy, wANCIOY 
g augips F T wadipeor 

ore wna Gut oun n= 

piv 3 @ tyres, 8 prin. 

and Blood, Judas not being 

gave them for the Froufe of 
the Potter. And on the Fifth 
Day of the Week, when we 

had eaten the Paffover wirh 

him, and when fudas had 
dipped his Hand into the 

Dith, and received the Sop, 

and was gone out by Night, 

the Lord {aid to us, Tbe Hour Jon. xvi. 
is come that ye (hall be difpers'’d,3* Mat axvis 
and (ball leave mz alone, and 3;. 
every one vehemently affirm- 
ing, that ney would not 
forfake him, I Peter adding 
this Promife, ZAat £ would 
even dic with Fim, Fe faid, 

Verily I fay unto thee, Be fore Luk, xii. 

the Cock crows thou (halt thrice **° 
deny that thou knoweft’ wrt 
And when he had deliver'd | 
tous the Reprefentative My= 
{teries of his precious Body 

prefent with us, He went out johxviii.r 
to the Mount of Olives, neat 

the Brook Cedroz, where 

there was a Garden; and 

we were with Him, and fang Mat. xxvi. 
an Flymn, according to the 3°- 
Cuftom; And being fepa- 

rated from us, he pray’d ear- 

Payeyvv. 2 dec. V, 

—- neflly 

Pe Oe Re to A 
Og te ee 
; . 


bei Aa Ua «Saat Ola i eG A He iy oN to Ati tc Et il Nk 


heftly to his Father, faying, Gr» <7 mweliG. € 
Luk xxil. Father, remove this Cup away qwercdes iygy, ’ mv 
Mic xavil7m me; yet not my Will, wegonrer Te) Aweh, 
44-43. bat thine be done: And when Aénew' Tlamp, wuperel> 
he had done this thrice, while ar exe 1 eo7Hezon" 
we out of Defpondency of alu pn' eugy Seanug 
mind were fallen afleep, He ywedw, aaa m om. 
Luk. xxi.came and faid, The Hour is % 78avmoinous Test, 
4s: ~ come, and the Sow of Man is nuy. amt adupaas es 
“betraya into the Hands of trvov — yglemecovrwys 
Sinners. And beheld Judas, ¢rASaw ats’ “Ho ever 
and with him a lMéultitude of n een, Co yas 3 ar- 
ungodly Men, to whom he begwre aneadidory es 
fhews the Signal by which yéeus ayaprwady’ @ 
he was to betray him, ade. tdouTedks, xoy pel aw- 
ccittul Kifs; buc they, when 72 oy~aG, 3 eseCay * 
they had received the Sig- @ oymeor meg dooias ane 
nal-agreed on, took hoid of avis.’ Dexvua,” % db- 
the Lord, and having bound Atov @iArnuge of 4 
him, they led him to the &Zap8uor% awonue, 
Houle of Caiaphas, the High- éwegmody *. wwezor’ 
Prieft, wherein were aflem- @dicusoy ° moincivhu- 
bled many, not the People, oi’, nyaqor es P otc 
buta great Rout, not an holy Kajaga & aposepzws® 
Council, but an Aflembly of cx aavs ouluexegrn- 
the Wicked, and Council of a, ¢aaes, am’ On Adsy- 
the Ungodly, who did ma- 208 rpecSurrexor teegy, 
ny things again him, and amd awd exov apa: 
jeft no kind of Injury un- voyoxr @ Bearduanesoy 
tryd, {pitting upon him, ca- aax€av of 4 mame 
villing at him, beating him, 7 gom(QpQuor" ner av- 

aaa = oT arta 
8V. > WV. PaAVs 4 deeth ve So 7 vy. “aaloy7esv, "TOA yiouy TEs -Y. 



‘ad = 4p 
we, mar dG. ve pews 
> ry 2 . 2 
@ TUpeA LADY epTvay- 

OTs,  pamQovres, 
“Aor Sopavms serpy 
Ts, 5 UAV TELLS bo Cn rey - 

mes civk, Megguteas’ a: 

CGV," ‘Bada caygy, Me- 
cas @iglaru, 1epe 
xe baipern, Qumey erase 
pemy Paygyor TOS pe 
ov. Kusup@. Cv dpsleay 
Dioxg-Aguanes 4 TE TO 
peopes sietger eke 
me ep wn acares ot 
maven! €or i eUbes | oT 
Syay 3 CuspOY TOS, Avra, 
os bas mevSeens & 8 Raje- 
2° HLL Th OUgie 
Senmuns, mozox.cuis 
Zons rms apyovke 7 re Pa 

Buoy TU PEdwNgY Quaw 
I. hiaary Ke Tepe gun TES 

ours ‘apna @ Asa 

oy bday guar * aurTEe 
eyEan' €D ‘vis @ cipsyeny 
Suaduage mes, een 
Ou: Seedy a abled ae 
ours dese O: 

UgeTUpss dus bie 
1 DD" 73S. 86 


} brougl it 

the Holy Apoftles. 

{miting him on the Face, revi- 
ling him, tempting him, feeck- 
ing vain Divination,in{tead of 

’ ecue Prophecies from him,cal- 

ling him a Deceiver, a Blat- 
phemer,a Tran{greflor of Ao- 
fes, a Deftroyer of the Tem- 
ple, a Taker away of Sacrifi 
ces, an Enemy tothe Romans, 
an Adverfary to Ca/ar.. And 
thefe Reproaches did thefe 

Bulls and Dogs, in their Mad- pal. xx lif 
ci[} 13-17. 

nef}, _caft upon him, 
ic was very early in the 
Morning, and then they lead 
him away to <Azzas, who 
was Father-ia-Law to Cata- 
pbas, and when they had 
done the like things to him 
there, ic being the Day of. 
the Preparation, they deli- 

‘verd him to Pilate che Ro- 

man Governour, accufing him 
of many and great chings, 
none of which they could 
prove. Whereupon the.Go- 
vernour, as out of Patience 

with them, faid, J jind no - Xxlii. 

Cauf: again him. But they.,.4 oh 
two falfe Wirnelles, 38. 

tonid hy fuch Tettimo- 

Seidsbu, S ey ywovTes. V. 

VO Aya. & aceit we9sv. Pdsiunt. ¥. 


Deere Se ee te *) ¥ 7 . fav" pa...’ ws a eee a 
* i" Foe hs : i ae ' { Sih a 


nies have deftroy'd him: 
But they being found to 
difagree, and fo their Te- 
ftimony not confpiring toge- 
# 2 Pag. ther, chey alterd the Accu- 


fsninds to that of Treafon, 

ee xxii, laying, This Fellow fays, that 
he is a Kine, and fortids to 
give Ti vibute to Cezfar; and 

themielves became ‘Accufers 
and Witnefles, 

and Judges, 

and. Authors. of rhe Sen- 

v.21, belice, 

faying, Crucifie him. 

cracifie him; that it might be 
fulfilled which is written by 
the Prophets concerning him, 
Plal.xxvi. jn/t Witnel{cs were gathered 


togethir azainft me, 

aad Ina 

juftice lyed to it f if And 

XXi. 17. again, 

Many Docs compaffed 

me about, the Affemlly of the 
Wicked laid Siege oe me 

jer. xii.8. And elfewhere, 

y Lnheri- 

tance became to ae cs a Lyon 

ina Wood, and has fent forth 

her Voice againft me. 


rherefore, difgracing his Au- 
thority by his Pufillanimity, 
convinces himfel€ of Wicked- 
ne{s, by regardina the Mul- 
titude more than this juft 

’ CI, 

ounopwréiy ® B wiesov" " 
a TUL OO ay 3 On Tay 
dupeSevemy, es  YapSoci- 
way avigpy a mesy~ 
UG, Aegovees Ovr@s 
eaueroy oe req Beot- 
rea Wid 4 gepes Kas> 
Ger dover maru4. € 
voy rey ore XS TIND= 
4 uoprupes, © 
nest, © B dmopacews 
euorasey , © AeqovTes® 
Saavpwav, cavewlov 
aa Ive mrAneolin 16, 
n yenea tian” t ours 
Cv eruls Dep Gnreys 20 
mmegmod | ear = gp 

qupes adrygt, © pe 

our ae ETH 
© ana Neerenturw- 
(Qi pe wyes = orpPAdl, 
ous yuoryh mrovnpévopie~ 
ans WKF eq0¥ pe Gc CV 
Tee pls Enferm i wan 

epr ous ee eugt ws 
Atqy ov Spun , & 
Swouey ex Me Qw- 
yl * ats.” “O ey TIt- 
act@. avdud een ug 
TOYS eLLde § T apyw, ave 

* me yyereusyoy Ve 

* gum. Ve 


__ ms ewnlgy Senn 

J hed 

a AF | 

Me ACLS Baie PM a ee 
; ache io ; 

Pern ee Ont aot 

the Holy Apoftles ) : 

* gents” > mop & é\- 
aie Teh TANI dep a 
mbions, @ UepTUEDY 
pu ound ws avenTie, ws 

enle av 4 WATE Tea 
croxpeed\d 2s seUpy, 44. 
ant Paycywy yces” a 
Sepuwy , pudive ave- 
Eereycor Syncney” Sy 
cot *) maparaCovts 
xt dv&ns nvepor, GUKw 
Depmrwady extn wy 
epee Breen (gv Tes ont 
TELTH a woe + Jeane 
av dEapuor P ae 
ae wage ine ap 
oe) Es mes PY agans. 
esTO Te inginia dure 
3 wAnpe Srepeces (qv. 
emelTe do qenepyes e= 
“geen gener y ow aur ee 
eng Tepe pe pes. ive TAN 
ecb oo) ga pec pe. Spon. 
"Edongy eis Resue: 
pe sora, © as lus 
dnlev pee ETO TONY [Me 
of Gee 4 aa ru’ Lispsre 
efcaven res LugeTia. [As 
mig yer [28 Cady wan- 
eov @ on carrots’ «Kan | 

Ferfon, and bearing Witne(S 
to him that he was innocent, 
yet as guilty delivering him 
‘up tothe Punifhment of the 
Crofs ; although the Romans 
had made Laws, that’ no 
Man unconvicted fhould be 
put to Death: But the Exe- 
cutioners rcok the Lord of 
Glory, and nail’d him to 
the Crofs, crucifying him in- : 
deed at the Sixth Hour, bur 
having received the Sentence 
of his Condemnation at the 
- Third Hour. After thisthe 
gave to him Vinegarto arink, 
mingled with Gall. Then 
they divided his Garments 
by Lor. ‘Then ‘they ‘cruei- 
fied two MalefaQors with 
him,.on each Side one,. that 
it might be fulfilled which 
was written, Zhey gave we pial ixviii 
Gall to eat, and when T was xx.19- 
thirfty they gave me Vinegar 

eo drink. And again, They xxi.19. 
divided my Garment among 

themfelues, and upon my Fe- 

flare have they caft Lots. And 

in another Place, And Iwas Ualliiier2 
reckon'd with b-the Tranfereffors. 

"? deeft, Vv. ? Semérop v" 

. ded. Vv, 

eS Shee 

4 f ; es 

Then there was Darknels pi! &vdygy eaoyate” 
for Three Hours, from the “E7ecaw iver pes. 
Sixth to the Ninth, anda wpas onoTGy, \amo x” 
gain light in the Evening: as 2wsdvaqs’ nal m= 
Zach. xiv. As it is written, Zt hall mot aw gas weds SéAbw. 
<i be Day nor Night, and: at rhe yalossiyoatau’ ' Kas 
| Evening there thall be Light. vo npepa, 4 2 we", @ 
Fok wx, All which things, when thole aegs érwpap escy QaS. 
32% Malefacors faw that were *SAmep atdprn Stacu- 
crucified with him, che one pvc: of cusauew Stuns 
ef them reproach’d him, as aFrd xexspgor, 6 py 
though he was weak, and duawy taAcognma, w- 
unable to deliver himticlf; but cave diadevedo ym du- 
the other rebuked the Ig- yvep§uov eowaad eaeno- 
norance ef his Fellow, and vewv’o 4 rete Wanye 
turning tothe Lord, as being veiw éveting, megs 4 
enlightned by him, and ac * wwerov epageds ws 
Knowledging who he was dy gak&es var aud, 
that fufler'd, he pray’d thar @ yes os ms 6 axquy, 
he would Remember him ia zie wvavbe dune Que 
| «his Kingdom hereafter: He & dv ta Banaec eis 
then prefently granted him, zs po) aadan’ o dL 
the Forgivencls of his for- diSts durnsdy and ¥ 
mer Sins, and brought him PEO YOVOTWY YBeLCe 
into Paradife to enjoy the p§uGu, es mgd ecu 
Myftical good Things; who canyantu, xmrataorre 
alfo. eryd -out»abour the Sposmar ayabdiy’ de 
Ninth Hour, and faid to @ aSi % dvdaw dpdy 
Mat.xxvi. hig Father, \Aty God, my God, caveConons ane tH ras 
aes why haft thou forfaken mze2 And ek @eé us, Océ us, 
» | Ey exeiry Til tutew bu Yooy does, Hj me p05 ¥ccy ul op Hybcay. V- 
* deeft torum V. ’ / 



PT me a. Yurthe ee) 

the Holy Apoftles 


Wat k pa eSygurasres § 5 
x per’ CA: ov xeakas 
Porn peyury” Matep 
apes avrois, s 5p ot Ct 
jar es sv apas od TK: 
palcnps av mevun ws, 
anmeavducer’ © Sade 
my Beg iris ducews cv 
pnw xoHVe. bhow- 
oxe%s 3 iy pances GEEa- 
THY arages cn venga 
em Anegiaey cnenver a 02} 

mes 8 mates i nay Deo7 

#rE9%, Gaon, ok Je 

% yoy & ro cvlpame ol 
Tae ov Th A ugp DIG. 1 T ys 
meas nk pas xa ages 
YR TEUS. HO Lyasus Cx 
yexpay, ago ty pSu Ga: 
yepeToy Maeig TH 
Maydxalui. x Meese 
an 8 “lanes ern oda’ @ pe 
aot Nudy mols Ugsu- 
crus au" * x. pdyea 
pS Aho % tT Qo6ov 7 Ie- 
dna, Acbpatws 4 wee- 
cppautoplus at. nor 


know not what they do, 
mn moan ¢ ema 

us his Dilciples, 

mou ren 2) Cy 

a little afterward, When he Luk xxii. 
had cryd with a loud Voice,3* 
Father, forgive them, for they 
had added, Suto thy Hands 
1 commit my Spirit, Fle 
gave up the Ghoft, and was 
bury’d before Sun-Set in a 
new Sepulchre, But when 
the firft Day of the Week 
dawn'd, He arofe from the 
Dead, and fulfilled thofe 
things which before his Paf- 
fion he foretold to us, fay- 
ing, Zhe Son of Man muff Mut. xii. 
continue in the Heart of the 4°: 
Earth Three Days and Three 
Nights. And when He was 

rifen from the Dead, He Mar-xvig 
appeared firft to Adary Mag- 
dalen, and Mary the Mother J°> 0 
of Fames, then to: — in Luk. xxiv, 
the way, and after that ro ‘8. 
who had ,, ar 
fied away for fear of the 
Jews, but privately were very *. 
inquifitive about Him. Bur 
thefe things are alto written 
in the Gofpel. 

Vv. 46. 

Rie’ 2 


Tz aloe Aig eyergn. 



Luk. xix. 


s WT, = . \ on i ” “se => 


$ pated 

HE therefore Shame us 
himfelf to faft thefe 
Six Days, on account of the 
Impiety and Tranf{greffion of 
the Jews, commanding us 
withal to bewail over them, 

and lament for their Perdi-. 

tion. For even he himfelf 
wept over them, becaufe they 
knew not the time of their 
Vifitation. Bur he command- 
ed us to faft on the Fourth 
and Sixth Day of the Week, 
the former on account of his 
being betrayd, and the lat- 
ter on account of his Paf- 
fion. But he appointed us 
to break our Faft. on the Se- 
venth Day ar the Cock- 
crowing, but to faft on the 
Sabbath-day : Not that’ the 
Sabbath-day is a Day of 
Fafting, being the Reft from 
the Creation, “but becaufe 
we ought to faft on this one 
Sabbath only, while on this 
Day the Creator was under 
the Earth. For on their very 

MLV 3, wate ee 


[Arsene ey my 
 auros ynsduey 
Spuipas Gove, Bute 
Tr Ieduwy dSuewbedpy 
2 @eDgevojrrcv,  mev Sev 

antes @ cdi ped 
wer duoap3uGs bm 
dorwnee, aurey" wy 
SLUTS cusruls emeduixpu- 
Gey, ayvoncaes t xe/e00 
¢ bhongms ww. Te- 
aneg cemueev ney yn- 
otay? PF pu Wot 
mpd t 3) Be vo 
ar 0G.° emoynSEv coy 7) 
wey erate TH CODEN 
nee pa, eAtxToP Gs Qw-= 
moduT@s. aero 4 oa- 
sucy Uo (elbanv by 
ole da 6 obEaray 
ih * RgTeT ats 
" Oypsepysan Uareep- 
si am ole enero 
povovecpn png bvety" 3 
Supcepys cy eT 
am yay avTG Cy an 

cy >) QU TOV ™ €0p= 

Pydramauns. V. ? deeft. V. 



ae oA Pee 
te . 7 a} a 
Re ae ’ 

ft ‘ Aa = ~~ 

the Holy ities 

77 ettgoy T nusepor, 
Omws mrangsehy Cneivo 
mo actor Acar’ "E- 
Sevr0 G Tipesa CUTE - 
‘ev peay a copTrs aL- 
wy | 2 om ty wony. Ae 
ev.meyUey rare) aw Tey 
ole sr covTG. S wee 
Gow big duaas ours, 
am * areadoaplo 
als Sidious ridy ¢ aurd 
ava ies eedvopTns eas 
Tes Tw TMEAcS: Uwe ey 
yg eLOL Ol mOm% ¢ 
fon yun *) 20vQ. ay- 
ov, pudey am mravans 
eidbAwy, 3 ayroias, 
270 duoswS eias. ot Cot 
nAENYW OE. yuu * 5 eA€n- 
EV Tes GG i T aseagl 
t nenpdtas v ULgar” Uy >) 
awokrys n TAY 7 Cons 
TOls eS elymy of ves 
mee Go yeem\IOL, 
bs as Germinay Oee 
Tm yyyG-., tw ams 
ciperreie orb ecaSoimner 
OO GY Ei ik Saha o “cw | 
Eupesry Talks id pada 
Teo. empanyis. equo- mm 

plas ais gue am emcees 

® defunt. v. oucia V, v. 

Feaft-Day they apprehended 
the Lord, that that Oracle 

middle of their Tae, 
knew them not. Ye aii 
therefore to bewail over them, 
becaufe when the Lord came 
they did not believe on Him, 
bur rejected his Dodtrine, *»" 
judging themfelves unworthy 
of Salvation. ‘You therefore 
are happy, who once were 
not a’ People, but .are now 

an holy Nation,deliver’d from 

the Deceit of idols, from ig- 
norance, from Impiety; who 
once had .not obtain’d, Mer- 
cy, hut now. have obtain’d 
Mercy, through your hearty 
Chedietice: For to you, the 
‘Converted Gentiles, is open’d 
the Gate of Life, who for- 
merly were not beloved, but 
are now beloved; a People 
ordain’d for the Poffeffion of 
God, to fhew forth his Ver- 
tues, conerning whom our 
Saviour faid, Z was found of 5 
them that hiagls me not; £ was 
made manifeft to sess that 
asked not Set me? =. Be- 

a. [xv 

* wn. « Pate 4 


i lees ae 


hold me, to a Nation which 
did not call upon my Name. 
For when they did not feek 
after him, then were they 
fought for by him, and you 
who have believed in him, 
have hearken'd to his Call, 

-and have left the Madnefs of 

Polytheifm, and have fled 
to the true Monarchy, to 
Almighty God, thro’ Chrift 
Jefus, and are become the 
Completion of the Number 
of the Saved; Zen Thoufand 

Dan. vil. times Ten T: houfand, and Thou- 


finds of Thoufands ; ; as it 1s 
written in David, AThoufand 

Phat xcy.fhall fall befides thee, and Ten 

Thoufand at thy "Right Fland. 
And again, Zhe Chariots of 

tuviii. 13. God are by Tens of Thoufands, 

and Thoufands of the Profpe- 
yous: But unto unbelieving 
f{ract He fays, All the Day 

txv. 2, Jong have I ftretched out mine 

Hands to a difobedicnt. and 
£aine -[aying People, which go 
ina way that is not good, but 
after their own Sins, a People 
provoking me before my Face. 

away" ame" idé cil, 
my ebrd, o1 oon cuaren 
cop To OV OLE Ye bi 

Camads res 98 aucray, | C 
Te _emeQntdere 9 
awe. @ * upeeis™ ms 

(aves cis autcr, varie 
xecarte TH “Anod cue, 
yeraAelavtes T T1W- 

“Audtoy Herp, os 7. 

arase pgvaepy 1 Trpog= 
pugs, Te aapre- 
paropt Geg.” Alor Ing 
eens FT owlop ov 
uoiuc" Mueras ass 
eras, € pric YAla- 
dks’ ws cy Te Aabid 
yenenimar” + Neo direy x 
Te uAITes od yAAIxs, © 
[LU ChES Cn beSiay ow 

@ aiaw’ To ape a3 
©ed wwerowAaaor, 
parades A Snrev top. 
less 4 F IoeanaA, my 
dnsor Abd. “Onde ® 
mpeesey es eens Ke 
eSemeraca mess Acoy 
amelevra, 2% avnAe 
he als Trop opin 

vors Cy ode & RAN, 

cn’ Comte T aUgpTIaY QUT ay Ago oy waeoturaslee pa 

Cyeommoy pee, 

* weve Viv. > deeft. v. ? 

o% wayroxedtmess Oe¥. v.¢defunty. RE- 


the Holy Apoftles. 

_ Baenete THs ape 

See how the People pro- 

Suey 0 6 Aquos TF uvesov,. Voked the Lord by not be- 

pn melicas aus’ did 
AE Feepéuvay 3} 
ae *, mol Ug cS) aq101 
éreapn avavis es 
eg lear. "ACAgtia ~ 
ouTols 1g.TE QUIN Lg 
agHgVOLcy aus Ta OTL 
baémvrs + Tncev 2x 
bhicdlor anny evo 
X eesoy Te Ces, meg 
adam * akwvev €& an 
72 urndev-ren' yoy Mon 
youn, As Asgov Geor, op 
ox * emery dM % - 
meiav, em die ry 
dveplerwy aur8, ore ula 
Aig Ty) Der aurd oe 
Fez physov acoonle: 1@y. 
OT! p Cuore Dya- 
Oe TOY, aveyinoonoy a0 

‘Ide 1 oxpceyG. cv ye 

Ter Amferey @ n&s- 

THY Yer, € UGDECBat re) 
ovoug wre Eunyge 
yenr’ ol aaidsoy é 
gfnan MAY use 
edbon mp» oar op 

gen bar 78 w iat curt, 4. 

AAG.) & ovoyg eure, 


his. Name 1s called 

lieving in him; therefore he 

be their Enemy. For Blind- 

nels is caft upon them, by 
reafon of the Wickedne{s of 
their Mind, becaufe when 
they faw jetus, they did not 
believe him to be the Chrift 
of God, who was before 
all Ages begorten-of him, his 
only begotten Son, God the 
Word, whom they did noe 

‘own through their Unbelief, 

neither on account of his 
mighty Works, nor yet on 
account of the Prophecies 

which were written conceérn- . 

inghim. For that he wasto 

‘be born of a Virgin, they 

Bebold ifa vii, 14, 
Matt.i. 43. 

read this Prophecy, 
a Virgin fhall be with Crild, 
and fa il tring forth a Son, 
and they fh ald. call his Name 
Emanuel. For to us 
Child is born, to us a Son 
is given, whofe Government 
is upon his Shoulders, and 
the An- 

‘ : s 
~ . ; 

® deeft. V.& aldywy Ve 

2 gyywouy V. 

3 deefh V. Vay . 

Scr gel 


They promaked the Efoly Ifa. Ini. 

and he was turned to f°. 
a© Page 


Wiehe ba Gi: us 

A Ifa. ix 6s’ 


iii 16 

vi, 9. 

het Lee oe ee 
me Sager 


gel of bis great Council, the 
Wonderful Conn: ellor, the Migh- 
ty God, the Potentate, the 
Price of Peace, the Father of 
the future Age; now that be- 
caufe of their exceeding great 
Wickednefs, they would not 
in him. the Lord, 
fhews in thefe Words, Who 
hath believed our Report ? and 
to whom hath the Arm of the 
Eard been revealed? And af- 
terward, Hearing ye {hall hear, 
and fall not under tana, and 

 fecing ye foall jee, and hall not 

perceive : For the Fleart of 

this People is waxed grofs. 

Wherefore Knowledge was 

taken from them, becaufe 
feeine they over-look’d, and 
hearing they heard not. But 
to you, the Converted of the 
Gentiles, is the Kingdom 
piven, becaulfe you, who 
knew not God, have beliewd 

9. by Preaching; and have known 

Flim, or rather are known of 
Him through Jefus,  the-Sa- 
viour and Redeemer of thofe 
that hope in-Him. For’ ye 
are tranflated from your 

. xe ~- 

paneirins Beans alonrgs, 
Senyy4ygys0s Ciplyi.os, 
Stos 4 tggvess", 
Ta 5H cupsyeay ciplebis) 
aume Te perovr@e 
aavGs.“On 4 Agi vg 
Ap DSi@Ocir voting 
mcrosay avnd, Ay" - 
*KierQn", ais btig~ duce 
™m ayon ; 4 0 Beg 
Yiwy wes TIVE OTe 
AGABOTH 3 Kay ects’ A= 
On atecta, Ce un 
cuvite «OG Raenvons 
Barter, % g pea 1on7e” 
emcee un “84 n xoxp dee 
we Ag-6 Tere. Ano + 1p 
an om CU) TeV n ag 
oT: tobyms atbedoy, © 
axneons 2x neyodu" 
upiy 4, ols ee vay, 
evs n Becrretee’ 0 6 
jen Yu oonovaes Ozcr, 
fe: TS 8 xnptyyglos aot 
es LY TES ey OTE aur, 
grog "9 CQO ye 
var unre Ales “Ines 8 
awmp Gr, © Avmyats 
T eAwtlovawy ep as 
Ws per’ aires yb Wr- 
P mepneas * ugTano- 

ecu ( 

Wefan anvnetpaptmneoasoasisomnnininnmsicunmanpatasainoepitineioaeasseoteooeclee chun 

Pideeft. Vi ? 


’ " . ; 
we. Ve? aalesmendtru. Ve 


TO; & 

the Holy Apoftles: 

ove’ cuwnbeas, @ ays 
ct une pyaduray d UTECL 
Sovres, © al" op ongle 
Te syovav AgTepern- 
OC TES meprdexygrtss 1 
Te TH) QwTt Te) arnt 
¢ bray ovTEs Jt 
wn TE ee EVA $ Hgyo7 @ c= 
aabivey Ozoy ai ware 
Ck xANepVOUgE ? gue 
73 Baccus avegan 
yn, Bocrtucdév res * sp 
cis T 78 wets Salva 
TY, CG oes . 
OW are, ws a ple Nun 
Rpg avevepyalce Res 
TT ey SUG pT Ha oper 
Ate 4; & Jap ese 
EU TH, LA me an: 
etoail®. UugS TW és 
urs aug. oi no, & 
& ort Toes, ame 
0 » wWEsGr, cae T ait 

Tidy auto, _ ep 


On ce rey ome CTD 7 

Bamrae 13 Oe, xy 
Svouoerey edd muevec 
pes XG 0m auTs’ 
ag an OTE Mie gots 
core ° ‘caw 4 ud 6 
vars aUTe UgXed 

ww >? F ; 
T AYAsau= 

- own. Blood: 

+ the Vineyard, - and did noc xxi, 23. 

former vain and tedious Con- 
verfation.and have contemnd 

the lifetefS Idols, and de{pifed 

the Demons Which are indark- 

ne{s, and have run to the 77neJoh.i 9: 
Light, and by it have known yvi, 3. 
the One. and only True God and 
Father, and fo are own’d to be 

Heirs of his Kingdom, For 

fince ye have Leen. baftis’d 
into the Lord's Death, andinto 

his Refurreétion, as vem bora Pet ii2: 
Bates, y¢ oughtro be wholly 

free from.all finful A@tions. 

For ye gre not your own, but? ba vi. 
his that bought you with his °” 

For concerning 

the former //rael the. Lord 

feaks thus, on account, of | ; 
their arises The, Kingdom Matt, xii. 

If God lhali be taken from thew, 43. 
fy given to a Nation Lrine- 

ing forth the Fruits thereof’; 

that is to fay, that having * 
given the, Kingdom to: you. 
who were once far eftranged 
from him, he expects the 
Fruits of your Gratitude and. 
Probity. For ye are thofe 
were once fent -into 

‘defunt v. ? gv. 
\ . 

i deeft, V. 4 Sincy dk ve > deel ve 
on 2 iy 

Vv. 34. 


obey, but thefe they that 
did obey ; but you have re- 
pented of your Denial, and 
you work therein now. But 
they being uneafie on ac- 
count of their own Cove- 
nants, have not only left 
the Vineyard uncultivated, 
but. have alfo killed the 

Stewards of the Lord of the — 

Vineyard ; one with Stones, 
another with the Sword ; 

one they faw'd afunder, ano- 
ther they flew in the Holy 

Heb.xi,37 Place, between the Temple and 

Matt.xxiiiga/t the Heir nimfelf out of 


xxi. 4% jected as 

Pfal. xvii. 

the Altar; nay at laft they 

the Vineyard, and flew him. 
And by them he was re. 
an unprofitable 
Stone, but by you was re- 
ceived as the Corner-Stone. 
Wherefore he fays concetn- 
ing you, A People whom I 
new not have ferued mes and 
at the Hearing of the Ear 
have they obey'd me. 


dust Pamnrcaw, ende~ 
SETA Tes Bry 19" ? 
ouunis He pTss. opers 
yp és Ol WOT Doms 
Agvres as T aren overs 
a ea amanerayTs” 
Cnetvot 4, of rapraxe- 
cules ama tues pp 
pea pernderles bh ry 
AVTIAOUD » epyaCecie 
on enrtal YU. Ol ie) dv ge" 
ERIV OVTES th Fz sary 
cuvdrnnas, % pgvoy avep- 

yusov nora eros om 
aperrer ever PIN x 

rs bhteores S wise 
S anwerav@. ame 
beckon cy pe Aides, 
oy 4 EiQer" ch ve phu € x 
Tew, T 4 evdoy CP 
Tu) 1Epq aveAoy peer: 
Eu 7 vase 4 F Sua- 
asneis. useegv >) © au= 
S corer wy Qe cub a- 
Aovles amexlavar’ 2% 
Top duis ws Ais 

[Os &rcQu ameban- 

On’ rep. Moo J, ws aireoorycon tit Qe Zia Sn, dio Aéqd wee 

uur acs, cv GoM ENvOW, edcr duos Mgt, 

Ts MITNLE OB oy e 

* eis ayglu w- 


7 wav exGyoss. V. ? defunr. V. 



—— =e 

the Holy Apoftles. 
‘s g C7, XE, 

"a - * ABE ey UNG 5, abe 

ag Tas 
™ 7 Keres apo 
eEnppenaplies atugle, 
mas mpkegs Te si 
ane a ws miacy pe 
moons OonpeAaas, 1 
‘TegTmy ionpe ery les’ o- 
ows pn As TB CywwTs 
eves am onugl@. veep 

eTus TS amen & rope 

ost - Tees pn alngiCa- 
“Te, are MOLE TE oro 
* of adirpoi v UU@y ol Cx 
Segre, per au) 
re TAA NIOA, pndb 5 u- 
© yay beret. any oe 

£ acummidp pépele pec 

 Cevrmy THY, elo gr. 
(ore eX EIVOL eupngvrey 
“juas vaseovles une 
‘ awlov wevbare, ok & oy 
mH i naepa, Pe gopm™ns “Tuy 
‘ Xessiv escevema dw. tj 
So adw a QUT orevSeaat |at 
* aCunge eosisv les * oy 
Ommeov ves cum- 
* eee. 

| tHe p 




lane genuina ex Eotph 

be Bes therefore your Duty, % 

Brethren, who are re- 

deemed by the precious Blood, 

of Chrift; to obferve the 
Days of the Paflover exact- 
ly with all Care, after the 
Vernal Aiquinox, left ye be 
obliged to keep the Meme- 
rial of the one Paffion twice 
ina Year. Keep it once on- 
ly in a Year for him that 

died but once. 

Donot you your {cives com- 
pute, but keep it when your 
Brethren of the Circumcifion 
do fo; keep it together with 

*x *« a age 

them, and if they err in theic 

be not you 
concern’d. Keep your Nights 
of Waesning in the middle 
of the Days of Unleavened 
Bread. And when the Fews 
are feafling, do you faft, 
and wail over them, becaufe 
on the Day of their Feaft 
they crucified Chrift. And 

while they are lamenting, 

and cating Unieavened Bread 

in Bitternefs do you featt. 


ano codice 

+ ([ Mae 

huc tranftulimus. 




 [[ Mantas’ 3" aSb.~ 
mpeyyor po) deduer 
zoplaCey peoast »'s . 
agIvoT Ee Tiuay > su 
megs ours" MmeT Ac” 
ymimy yp % curls ® 
Siaerche woe ele 
TAY" omws TA VTL - 
“OEY Cal mer nar iar, 
eet aane r elas _ emmeggl 
mayor Upeets 2). gu: 
Agovede anerSws % T t- 
CnpHe eLOH TEgTm T cx- 
CANS Orgs, NTs yue- 
Tuy + Sdtipa 6 eng- 
Os 3 Sadia prlusios,os 
261 Aup@. bchamper- 
ms gS cad Ox 7 ems 
mms cenliass ° Crws ea 
Cy ete EEdougdr eu~ 
an f.ceAluns'* 2. aren 
ns yvohyns, ayvotes 
du criaurd ners 
Gp. n meg 7 
aan rept prasad 
cy S eh TAG! ‘lags 
cLvee soit y4gy ipeenv : 
(aN cy WU ELLHA Hs 

v4 |}. 

| Hee plane fpuria inter pretatione hand dignati fumus? 
Re Wy Ft 2 EG | A Der aeons ee 
~ © deeft v. 2 * deeft v. 3 > deeft v4 defunt v. 'in marg. V. fed eadem 



the bigs “Apoftles. 

‘ "EN = hpkegis ev 
a Th yng-doele » 
apyouSuor >a d\laees. 

pénet ra axoondins, e 
oalbbare, | echpeens: : 
Hg" age pluor apr %j 
GAL Acydivors, ) 770” 
aw iduk* ove 3 % 
uDE@Y dimenecde ov tatie 

Tis” we eset 3p cian 
orev bus, PA ay eop™ms. 

7 vi vu ome onclus 
ra mn GE Canov ao 
waAneD? vigduoale, ois 
Ouuepus Degaest roicw- 
am, padivos sAvopQuor 
ylasyuxes 4 Ts a 
durares G dio cuwa- 
leny* ome "QU Ag OmSt 
mG To ) EG carrey Ag 

yap Te 0 nner @ GEA 
Equrs Gau miceay” 
aaapin or cumly o 
vyegiQn vngdcany 6 cy 
enews = npeecus. By 
raw) js er mpi aD 
hug “ao TF aLdudtens- 
Hay ‘tedteor, ag 


pe DEPORT YN, af pe b 
; _.gre(lers. 

ev OUBY eroycn” 


Do you therefore faft on xvint. 
the Days of the Paflover, 
s beginning from the fecond 
Day. of the Week until the 
Preparation, and the Sabbath, 
Six Days: making ule of on- 
ly Bread, and Salt, and 
Herbs, and Water for your 
Drink : But do you abftain 
on thefe Days from) Wine 
and Fleth, for they are Days 
of Lamentation, and not of 
Feafting. Do ye who are 
able faft the Day of the Pre- 
paration, and the Sabbath- 
day intirely, tafting nothing 
till che Cock-crowing of the 
Night; but if any one is 
notable to jeia them ‘both 
rogether, at Jeaft let him 
-obferve the Sabbath-day-; 
for the Lord fays fomewhiere, 
foeaking of Flimfelf, When Matt. ix. 
the Bridegroom hall be taken \s 
away froms them, in thole Days Lucy, ney 
fhallithey fof. In thefe Days 
therefore He was taken from 
the Jers, falfely fo named, 
and faften'd to the € ‘rofs, and 

4, [it 2. 
was mumbred am ong the Tran, wf Ma. titi 

* defunt VY. ? deeft Vy. 

oa =71 
4 . Vay I. : 
Pa 4 ¥} nere= 



Wherefore we exhort you 

".* Pag. to faft on thofe Days, as we 



alfo fatied till the Evening, 
when he was taken’ away 
from us: But onthe reft of 
the Days, before the Day of 
the Preparation, let every 
one eat atthe Ninth Hour, 

orat the Evening, or asevery 

one is able. But from the 
Even of the Fifth Day, till 

Cock-Crowing, break your 

Faft when ‘tis Day-break | of 
the firft Day of the Weck, 

which is the Lord’s-Day. 

From the Even till Cock- 
crowing keep awake, and 
aflemble together in the 
Church, watch and pray, and 
intreat God ; reading, when 

you fit up all Nigh, the 

Law, the Prophets, arid the 
Pfalms until Cock-crowing, 
and baptizing your Cate- 
chumens, and reading the 
Gofpel wich tear and Trem- 
bling, and {peaking to the 
People fuch things as tend 
to their Salvation, put an 
End to your Sotrow, and be 
feech God that Iracl may 

? defunt. v. * aad dkuvegys V, 


es * Aud mapanveyyy 
% yea rng sew mn Es, 
ws ) necis crn bioa- 
poy © ow a) eve ANG Savey 
UT CP aD AGP pane ets 
mare ens" ror ove T Aote- 
wais # wes t Pore 
ondons;) WaTH wper, * 
ETWEDCL Lee: cohen, 

ew scl of 
n Omrms ay Tis OULoy- 

a> mS 4 cabare” 
pery ers CALL TSS WY!= 
as ; mLegTE VOY G5, 

derovnsrCecde ben pacne 
ons ucts oakley, % n- 
ks és. xwesaun, da0 
someens £03 & Ax le- 
Qeavias areuawivles, € 
6o To awi0 ov TH eu- 
RAN TIL awabesCepe- 
yot, yennoperr se, eg" 
ody aguas C deopSuoe 
qe Ocd cy TH Ale 
ruxlepduoy u YUDYs cee 
veocuavles “rrOv vougy, 
Tes Ge eo gnTas, Tas ale: 

ry, PEXELS aren- 
Tpuovy KEL, 4 
Bamliodp Tes Ug Tes 
Xo). TE qebues, a avery 
yosles ar) Valyirtov c cy 

2 ugg reir yes V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

gobw % Tepem, @ 
mee ag.rnadples Ts 
Aan ried @egs (met 
aw, Tuvcads Te we= 
Ges tug, 2 denonle 
73 Gee, brag ex plus on 
Tov. ‘loeatr, @ Age 
Cav awroy rome pela 
yoids, 7) ? acebeas x e- 
—geay. ok o pp MO: 
QuaG. x OATHS, rinban- 
py.Q. Tas eens erey" 
A'badds apn a0 78 on- 
HgTO» Te Ninos av 
ire, ues aed” *,* 0 
4 ‘IoegnaA éemeonce® 
To aug wns ep AYES, 
€ th @ TERY nue’ 
~ Magre amv 
‘Toy Banréa vngy caus 
eyow 3 muro ereC cur. 
Oux enouly Banrca a 
pn Kaucceg.' oanep- 
ov, §SeUETOy QUT Ors 
Tks 9 Oma EouTcy 
Banrea, divlerend. Te) 
Kata ef. Ce cay Tey 
MwAvens, os es @iAos 
13 KaucapGv. Kau Th 
Ag.t@: o nyiygv © ‘H- 

ens o Baaards ‘Cuge. 

be converted,and that He will © 

allow them Place of Repen- 

tance, and the Remiffion of 

their Impiety : Fot the Judge, 

who was a Stranger, wa/hd Matt xxv 
his Flands, and faid, 1 anz Bs es 
innocent of the Blood of this 

juft Perfon: See yeto it. But rie a 
ifrael cry’d.out, His Blood be re 
on us, and on our Children. 

And when Pilate faid, Shall 

I crucifie your King > They 

cryd out, We have no King - 

but Cefar 3 Cracifie him, cru- 

cifte him’; for every one that *,* Pag: 
maketh hinafelf a King, [peaketh 3°* 
againft Cafar. And, Jf thou 

let this Man 0, thou art not 
Cefar’s Friend. And Pilate 

the Governour and Herod 

-the King commanded Him 

to be crucified, and that O- 

racle ‘was fulfill’d, which | 
(ays, Why did the Gentiles Plal ite r- 
rage, and ihe People imagine 

vain Things: The Kings of 

the Earth fet them{elues, and 

the Rulers were gathered to- 

gether againft the Lord, and 
againft his Chrift. And, They tf. xiv.19 
caft away. the Beloved, as a 


! xd woav gaCinomy. V. 

: dead 


dead Man, who is abominable. 

And fince He was crucify 

‘on the Day .of che Prepa- 
tation, and; rofe again at 
‘Break of Day. on the Lord’s 

' Day, the Scripture was ful- 
Plalixxxi filled, which faith, Arif2, O 
fics God, judge the eu ths for thou 
falt have an. Inheritance in 

all the Nations... And. again, @ 

ai 6 4 will arife, faith the Lord, 

Twill put him in Safety, I 

. will wax boldwihrough him. 
xlii, ~And, Bat thon, Lord, have 
Mercy mpon me, and raife Hie 

up again, and I thall + iquite 
thm. for this reafoa do 
you alfo, now the Lord is 

rifen,. offer your Sacrifice, 

concerning which he made 
ya -Conititution .by us, fay- 
Luk. xxii ing, Do this far a Remem- 
9. icbrance of me; and thencefor- 

w ward leave off your Fafting,. 

and ejoice, and keep a ke- 
oftival, becaufe Jefus Chritft, 
the Pledge of our Refurrecti- 
on, is rifen from the Dead. 
And let this: bean everlatt- 
ing. Ordinance till the Con- 
fummation ef the World, 
until che Lord come. .-Fer 
to jews the Lord is ftill 

Advoav Suey eugene 
voy C mAnpry a Pan. 

onoy Aojsor" le, - 
Ppiacew ya, Ag.ot 
emenemn(gy aad ane 
pésna dy ol Banres a 
9705 x 0! cepagumes | 
sia rN bch an’ au 
7, ee mehr B90 
Keres ines Ca 
amepprrfau T ayeomary, 
asvenpey e6 e&avywiior. 
Kau Cure sewep SevIG. 
mm taegondy, © a- Bapecigions 
renga n Dey Boon Ae 
yes 0 Qz05, x ELOY 
sav clesau nereucrnen- 
VOMWNT ts ey coder} ais 
elvew C aur. “Avae 

I TOG Aep4: EH Ony 

Wnaygy oF WMELLW, 

macppnoralouey ¢ cv aud. 
1G). 20 i) ws ehE een auy 
Ma, GQ cavasnooy pe, 
chvam medwow .. aucis. 
Ara 181m ty @ umesa> 

vaseyl@. TB wee, 

meg 7 CYNGTE Th dus 

ayo ULUGIY, eA. tis U- 

psy Sietatalg dd n- 
LOY, Aeqev' Tem at= 

the Holy Apofies 

“Ts AS ad elu ot cheep 
yyy. Kou Aowmoy 2a0- 
ang dere, Bpeniwop5p- 
a: © cop Tea ovTEs, ole 
dppabery rae arasirews 
Up ey "laoes D Xess i 
eynyeprey Cx veExepy G 
a3 omay ecw VO LAAg9 
CUWploy ews E GULTEAG” 
as Te aay, 7 pee 
wen aja 
pls ay erOx O Xuplos. 
‘Tedtuots 98 0  wwerGs 
ek ely nue Kessiavass 

i.e eynqnp Tey smal wot at : 
made in his Side by the Spear. 

amsiev, 015 fe 

eee ogech ie, on n as 
CUT EATS a) ie 
‘Gani e anovi Gu pe 

onTe pees eo) a 
my eop mi TG a 
mM 7 oydba, ¢ oH duga= 
‘SDubY Te eLe Ouray 
om Ty avaseod, emAn- 
Tes TUTOUS bi TAY @ 
vy Deva, ow TH | aadu- 
pe T TeoTY. ic 
Aly, 270 F poms wwe 
Esa uns a enSuno cures 


x 270 Eka UMNS * * pemer’ 

2 axes V: 

decas wot 

Paves Vi 

dead ; but co Chriftians He 
is rifen ; ; tothe former, by 
their Unbelief; to the latter, 

‘by their fall Affurance of 

Faith. For che Hope in him 
is 'mmortal and Eternal Life. 

“After Eight, Days, Jet there 

be .another Feaft. -obferv’d 
with Honour, the ..Eighth 
Day. it felf,. on which, he 

gave me, Thomas, who was Job. XX.2 §- 

hard of Belief, full Affurance, 
by fhewing. me. the Print of 
be Nails, and the Wound 

And again from the -firft 
Lord’s-day count Forty ee 
4 from the Lord’s Day till the 
Fifth Day-of the Weck, and 
celebrate, the Feaft of the 
_Afcenfion.of the Lord, where- 
on He finifh’d all his Dif 
penfation, and Conftitution, 
and ccturn’d to that God and. 
Father that fent Him, and 
fat down, at .the ‘Right -hand 
of Power, and remains there, 
until his Enemies are put 
under his Feet; who, alfo 
will come ‘at the Confum- 

mation of the World with 

- Power 

= ch. xi. 


iV. 20. 

: Bar, til. 35. 

*4* Pag, 



Power and great Glory to 

judge the Quick and the 
Dead, and to recompence 
to every one according ro 
his Works: And then fhall 
they fee the beloved Son of 
God, whom they piered, and 
when they know him, they 

fhall mourn fer themfelves, 

Tribe by Tribe, and their Wives 

erduaerey oon cuuTAE 7 ajav@- pe by 

mer lMs 5 | eoprencue 
al coptin t ava ane- . 
ws 78 KUCLEs xe8) bis 
arAnegas THTLY O129V0" 
pay © Alganéw, a- 
PAGE EVs T dome e= 
AQY Te auaw Oegoy 4. 
Tk TG, YGerdions OM 

diy F durcpews, © 

TRA wo ews ay ae 
had ot encfier! wis “am 
Tes qdKs curs 

 dyva peers % dvEns 


morris, x Eh au Cyras a vex pes, % dod avey ence as 

am epya curs. x me olorty T eye-mTOY yor Te ask, 
cy eceuevmnrey, c Baiowovers aur xg" \ov Ty ep ewUTOLSy 
bY x2) QuAiv, *C as yuvajves on Tov ¥g.T Ldlay. 

Fo! even now, on the 
Tenth Day of the Month, 
Gorpiexus, when they Afar 

ble together, they read the 

Lamentations of Feremiah, in 
Which it is faid, Zhe Spirit 
before our Face, Chrift the 
Lord was taken in their De- 
firuétions, and Baruch, in 
whom it is written, Zhis 

| Bape 

Kay 2 © run dindrn 
ae plucs VTopmaie 
gunaderiCcpiuor » Tes 
Spives epee ave oA™ 
VOCKYOIY, CP  ofs epi Tex 
Wvug weg mepowre 
nuwy Kessos wesQe 
cuverngan cr ¥ Bog- 
Svegis way. 4 > 
y Ove YyerT- 

is our God, no other -{hall Toy * » CTOs 6 @ess 

be eftcem’d with him: » Fle 

found out every way of Know-. 

eipy: 8 Ao Sucerey 

: 2 Gop reiCere. V. .2 defunt. V. 


eTvTepOv Megs wwTy" Ee 

Eo p¢ 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Edipe aucdp cdby ban- 
' 1? +? 
GNANS 5 ¢ edySey aN» 
alu ‘laxws tw meds 
ars, % ‘Io antar Te 
yam Nar eure 
pe) Teap th T ons w= 
Sn, @ ais avbewrus 
cuvavespign. Kai omey 
avayvec, xgrlovry C 
Oolusar, Ws py Cute! 
| POLIC wor, rg epnpeiew T 
a9 Nabsnodovo(op o- 
yopdulw, ws 3 aAn- 
Sa tyd wegoipa crui- 
Byrey aygvles +B prenror- 
rQe aires xQTMAG. LO 
Eavevarevfus. pt! 4 dée- 
Ho npeeas ve ava rnrte- 
WS, nks 20 TE OYTNS 
pulp e500. Cv wry 2 

f + ieee = 

nugs 0 mers ‘Inoes & 
~ ae / 

dwpeay Tm aye amdu- 

a > 7 
valG., © ETAT Spy 
auTe T CvEepyaas, € 
~~ 2 

yraAdosys xguvaus EA 
Antap, robs Cnet = 
e / Ie” 6 Ree, ¢ 

ro varnyd cy nhiv ¢ 
cunpveapdu [eS aiais re 

ledge, and {hemed it to Jacob 
his Son, and Merael his Belp- 
ved. Afterwards He was feen 

upon Earth, and converfed 

with Men, And when they 
read them they Jament and 
bewail, as themfelves f{up- 
pofe, that Defolation which 
happen’d by Nebuchadnezzar ; 
but, as the Truth fhews, they 
unwillingly make a Prelude 
to that Lamentation, which 
will overtake them :. Bur 

after Ten Days from the 

Afcenfion, which from the 
firft Lord’s Day is the Fifti- 
eth Day, do ye keep agreart 
Feftival: For on that Day, 
at the Third Hour, the Lord 
Jefus fence on us the Gift of » 

the Hely Ghoft, and we were 

filled with his Energy, and 
we fpake with new Tongues, as 
that Spirit did fuggcft to us; 
and we preached both to 
Fews and Gentiles, That He 
is the Chrift of God, who | 
is determined by hina to be the x4u_ 
judze of Quick and Dead. To 

Act. tia. 

Him did Mofes bear Witnefs, 

and {aid, Zhe Lord received Gen. xix. 
| | 24. 

Blew yy” 


oe Fire 

Ve wee ee 

7 aoe ee 

Peewee, Ce, 

ee, ee ae eee 


Fire from the Lord, and rain- 
ed it down. Him ‘did Jacob 
xuxii. 30. fee as a Man, and faid, 7 
have “(een God Face to Face, 
“. and my Soul is preferved. Fim 
did Abraham entertain, and 
xviii 25. acknowledge to be the Fudge, 
of: and his Lord. Him did Mofes 
Ex. iii. 2. fee in the Bufh ; concerning 
Him did he fpeak in Dextro- 
Deut.xviii zomy, A Prophet will the Lord 
> your God raife np unto you out 
of your Brethren like unto me. 
Elim fhall ye hear in all things 
whatfoever he fball fay unto you. 
And it [hall be, that every Soul 
that will not hear that Pro- 
phet fhall be deftroyd from a- 
mong his People. Wim did 
| Fofhua, the Son of Nuz, fee, 
jot v. 14.48 the Captain of the Lords 
Hoff, in Armour, for their 
| Afliflance again{t Fericho ; to 
. ,. whom he feil down, and 
worlhipp d, asa Servant does 
to his Mafter. Him Sumuel 
1King. Knew, as the Anointed of 
xil3e°" God, and thence ‘named the 
Pricfls and the Kings the 
Anointed. Him David knew, 
and fung an Hymn concern- 

TOV edky 

2) elven, autuy aay 
y Kessov 7s Ons, & 
werscp§woy Lr aur 
xen .* Covrmy 
yexegy. rete Moons 
uaprupiv trey “E> 
Aale we-G. mp aby 
nue, % eb pede. TH 
"lamwe ws aye 
beamov, 4 aaer Eidoy 
EOP aes (pay aeUs 
@es(amr, C cowsn 
ps hn ues. ted, 
"A€eaap Eevodonnons, 
x enmlue wugarcyd x es 
UUTe we. Tea 
Moos th? Bare t- 
Secrecy eh TeTe cy 
Ableepvonia ren 
Tes gia tty cveesned 
xver@: 0 Qsos on T ate 
AQ Y ULaY tos cua" 
UTS aneord:e. xe y= 
G@ con ay AaAdyon 
Begs UUGS Escy 1}, Te 
cx soy ims dy pna- 
nLCN TE Deg OuTS ene 
ve, eSorotpducuceray cx 
Ts Awe avis. Teavy 
adty. Inns o 78 Nawn 
cex Tapy ly ? Swuc~ 

aves V. ? 


epee ee Ri Maree i le Snare ie 7 is ; z 

the Holy Apofles. 


pov, ounpanoy es 
< f 3g \ 
legeyw’ ao @ weowy 
f = hie ‘ oS) 
AG. Somorlu. Te xy 
Sauer cides Xersry 
©ze, res lepels 2 Tes 

: ~ ee: \ yh 
Baciras,. Xeroe: aiyo- 
ugCe. Tey ddes Aca- 
Cid, elame F unre 
> w ? 4 : } . 
auTs @dnv, Aeqwy 
Q3y U7rep TeajamrTe. 
@ thocpov es megow 
omy  aule, edaoney’ 

’ 4 PS ey 
Teel acy F poroaar 

ale | 

Owen, Th weston 
od, © TW xome ov, @ 
7 : \ ou dig 
EVTEVOV, 4 Yg.TOOd\e, 
4 Bacardle, everer a 
AnSeau @ resomrOs 
Xx , , p c / 
24 dixgyoourns © 0 dyn. 
of ce Sauygsws ih dveie 
\ 2 
ob. TH BEAN oe nQrOM uc 
x € / 
Ouate Ado) wane aw 
oe Teaey Tey Cr nerpd ou 
Toy ey Decay T Ba nados: 
I \ / » / 
Mop TS%Q. €qelge CE 
e , ¢ ras >] Wd 
o ©20s, o Osos cs eAgte 

> , o.. 
\ ' , aX 

Ts pElgnres O78. lege 

jews xUELE yQomuc- 

ing him, 4 Song concerning Plal. xliv. 
the Beloved; and adds in his 
Perfon, and fays, Gird thy 
Sword upon thy Thich, O thou 

who art mighty in thy Beasty 

ana Renown; Go on, and pro. 

[per, and reign, for the fake 

of Truth, ‘and Mecknels, and 
Fighteoufnels, and thy Right 
f1and fhall guide thee after a. 
rondertul mauncr. Thy Darts 

are lharpened, O thon that art 
mighty; the People hall fall 
under thee ihn the Flecrt of 
the Kiug's Enemies. Wherefore 

God, thy God, hath anointed 

thee with the Oil of Gladnefs 
above thy Fellows. Concerns 

ing Him alfo fpake Solomon, 
as in his Perion, The Lord Prov. viii, 
created me the Beginning. of 2" *5 
his Ways, for his Works: Be» 

fore the World he founded me, 

in the Beginning before he 
made the ‘Earth, before the 
Fountains of Waters caine, bea . 

fore the Mountains were faftene 
ed, he. begat me before all the ~ 
Fills. And again, Wifdom ix, 1. 
buiit herfelf an Foufe. Con- 
cerning him allo’ Z/aiah faid, 

\ @¢es 
Of wg 6509. V. 

® : 


se xt. 4 Branch fhall come out of 


the Root of elle, and a Flower 
fall {pring out of his Root. 
And, There [hall be a Root 
of Jefe, and. He that is to 
rife to reign over the Gen- 
tiles; in Him fhall tie Gen- 
tiles truff And Zachariah 

Zacheix.9. fays, Behold thy King cometh 

Dan. vil. 

il» 34. 


WW. 2Ce 

unto thee, juft, and having 

Salvation, meek, and riding 
‘upon an Af, and upon a Colt 
the Foal of an Afs. Him 
Daniel defcribes as the Son 
of Man coming to the Father, 
and receiving all Judgment 
and Honour trom him; and 
as the Stone cut out of the 
Mountain without Etands, and 

becoming a great Mountain, 

ana filling Be Earth, 
dafhing to Pieces the many 
Governments of the {maller 
Countries, and the Paly- 
theifm of Gods; but preach- 
ing’ the One God, and or- 
daining the Monarchy of the 
Romans. Concerning Him 
alfo did Feremiah prophefie, 
faying, Zhe Spirit before his 

Face, Chrift the Lord, was ta- 

auTe ac ° Sorouey & s* 
rey ws on eev(gae 
UTE. Rue. ExT 
pee apecne adtov a& dure eis 

pyar “UTS Weg Te aye 
v@. edrersenae ee, OP 
rol Hie» Weo T 
Say” ams mys TOY 
udirwr, ep TF opn é- 
DeaSuvay, weg *) wav 
crav Bouuwy, Wurm me. 
@ auaw “Hargiz o- 
Tlee: autre 4 H Galas 
crash bk Eeaduaeay 
pabs@s cut pias 
"Leosetty © avtG@e cx 
7 pins ava ln cery. ¢ 
escy n pica oO ‘eoell, 
yj 0 aviscr su @u. ap- 
oa elyarv, eT ond 
eFyn eamsa. Ze 
eas & *'Id20 Bans 
yes ae cpQETEY diy Qs 
5 THC OY, aves ° wpe 
Ou", @ bmeE«E nwes bon 
voy, % uly 
en Cuyie. temo La- 
vy InAUay ay bpowre rend 
4 eivan', epjo wor megs 


 WOHASAY VV aq’ rakes opid'cg VzaTee cidy. V. *deeft V. 4 deeft. V. 



oe a een ae 

T WUTC, %Y Thoay 
et xepow 4 P kul 
map chee warden 
pov, x AiSov duo opus 
avs deg tyumdI=%, 
E uopluov eis op@. 
peyn, @ mrngodure 
anol F Wy, cuter 
Cova maAvepey icy ™m- 
aoyicov, © mavcJeidy 
1 SEOY, wmpuosoveren *) T 
sva Qeov, x sveepTo~ 
yEraw oi mw “Pw- 
Meio pgvapsyiny, Te- 
eh wets 4% lepepias 
aegoutcuav éAsyA * 
ThMug me9 weplo 
Te nuwyv Kescos ww- 
EG. Cuverngsa w 
mais Alegloesis aw- 
Tov & eT) . or Hh 
onic auTS Cnoajrecee, 
dv ois elven. Kaj 
IeCexinrA 4 © at age 
SEs wepgn.) Ty- 
fitwos TET oy avo Xef- 
cov, yoezov, Banarée, 
4 ently, vougleriw, aJ- 
Yiagy TE TaTEDS, UG" 
pom un Qecy. 18 TOV 
ev © rpres xnpuosopy 

the Holy Apoftles: 

ken in their Snares: Of whom 
we faid, Under his Shadow we 

hall live among the Gentiles. 

Ezekiel alfo, and the fol- 
lowing Prophets affirm every 
where that He is the Chrift, 
the Lord, the King, theJudge, 
the Law-giver, the Angel of 
the Father, the only Begot- 
ten God. Him therefore do 
we alfo preach to you, and 
declare him to be God the 

Word, who miniftred to his *,* Pag: 

God and Father for the Crea- 
tion of the Univerfe. By 
believing in Him you {hall 
live, but by disbelieving 
you fhall be punithed. For 
Fle that is difobedient to the 
Son fhall not fee Life, but the 
Wrath of God abideth on him. 
Therefore after you have 
kept the Feftival of Pente- 
coff, keep one Week more 
Feftival, and afcer that fait, 
for tis reafonable to rejoice 
for the Gift of God, and to 
faft after that Relaxation: 

‘For both Mofes and Elias 
faited Forty Days; and Da- 
niel for Three Weeks of Days te. xxxiv, 

. a Sey. V. 

ae ie did 

* Joh. 136 


3King? did not eat defirable Bread, and 
5 lg Fle(h and Wine did not enter 
‘into his Mouth; and bleffed 
Hannah, when fhe ask’d for 

1 King.i Samuel, faid, I have not drank 
45. Wine, nor ftrong Drink ; and 
I pour out my Soul before the 

Lord; and the Ninivites, 

Jon. ii. s. When they fa/ted Three Days 
and Three Nights, elcaped the 

. Execution of Wrath. And 
haa Efther, and Mordecai, and Fu. 
viii 6. at by Fafling efcaped the 
~~ -‘Infurre@tion of the Ungodly 
Holofernesand Haman. And 

Pal. cviii. David fays, My Knees are 
74: weak through fafting, and my 
faileth for {want of | Oyl. Do 
you therefore faft, and ask 
your Petitions of God. We 
enjoin you to fait every 
Fourth Day of the Weck, 
and every Day of the Pre- 
paration, and the Surplufage 
of your Faft beftow upon 
the Needy ; every Sabbath- 
day excepting one, and eve- 
ry Lord’s-day hold your fo- 
lemn Afflemblies, and rejoice ; 
for he will be guilty of Sin, 
who fafts on the Lord’s- 

UIs %j Mal garrZo- 
PASC, Oecv Aw, v= 
ampeTepyov tm Oc 
auts @ mame as tls 
aps orwy Sypuxpyar. 
TeT@ mo-dUovTEs Cnoe- 
de, ameurtés 4 '@" 
norAganceds’ “O 48 
awebov mm) ux, osu 
overey aw Col, wr 
i cpyn te Gee pad 
er avaw. Meaw sy 
3 cop Tecey uugs Tw 
amevMnosny, EOpTUTATE 
piav ebdhugdu, - xy 
mer Cuevlw yvaod- 
TUTE piay diygtoy 98 
€ VMoenvanvan 6m TH 
cx Qe8 DSwpec, % vn- 
oho hy The aveany. 
4 99 © Mam: @ *H- 
Alas ong duadly TEose- 
OoKoveTey npaens 494 
Aavina Tpas eCdbuge 
dus nee egV apToy é- 
mupiwyv aw *,* ¢ 
Gane, 4 xptas @ of 
vO ex ecnayey eis & 
SOUR ATE oH pcm 
xgexe Avvo: arep yin 
T Dapenr, Aéyq’ Oi= 

 deeft. V. 

the Holy Apoftles: 
You @ peSuoyg & we day, being the Day of the 
wang, % cxogo P yu- Refurrection, or during the 
sylu' cvwmioy xvess' xy Lime of Pentecoft, or in gene- 
Nudiny vngeoduns ral, who is fad on a Feftival- 
meds ipeegs *) reas vux-. day tothe Lord. For onthem 
Ge, & opps ie mei- We ought to rejoice, and 
exv amepuypy’ © E- not to mourn. 
np, © Mapddyai@., er , 
xy ‘Tednd, cle afl aceCov empacnny yacdueduTes tres 
Qugov ‘OAgvEeprs Cc "A ardp" @ Aakid Ay? Ta paren 

3 , > \ ; A c¢ ‘ 2 > 
LAY ncSEvnadp D770 wnqaas, % 7 caps Me mMoLWdn di |Z - 

Ag.tor. Ky UKs ey yncduorres OTE Love mg TH Oce ae 

mug G vugv. pe! 4 F ~eCdoucidk” ¥ pnseias, mos 

mregixu @ whyoudila megsnosopp univ rn-dey, 4 F 

meLoniay Uugy F vnsEIES mevnow Ba nopyngly. ody, wp 

rot cubbany avd & eves, C auody wean, * 


vt bah-0,* Pag 

meAsvms cuwodes, deexivede’ tvoy@ po aprias ecoy 325. 

€ A \ es 3. Of AD hes 
: \ 1 ct € c re ! ~ 
nt ~f » 3 bs) ™ > 5 \% i 
Giver avawis, DA’ & mebizy. | 
* ¥rcoy. Edit. Turr. 7 deeft. 

‘Yigere pee ston 

»* Pag, 



Mees OV Le Tee 





C oncerning Schifms. 

wd BO V E all things, 
=a O Bifhop, avoid 
the fad, anddange- 
rous, atid moft A- 
cheiftical Flerelies, efchewing 
them as Fire that burns thofe 
that come near to it. Avoid 
alfo Schifms : For ’tis neither 
lawful to turn one’s Mind 
towards wicked Herefies, nor 
to feparate from thofe of the 
fame Sentiment, out of Am- 
bition. For fome who ven- 
turd to fet up fuch Practices 
of old did not efcape Punifh- 
ment. For Dathanand Abi- 

 a&reuites, Ve VY. 

a aus Devas 
1a) een Mw SEw= 
TOTES | opto s, gdinov- 
Ts ours WoweD TUPy 
Parenoy ‘tes aura orAn- 
ore Cov Gs, edbgnre +@ 
To Kio ugete, ere yD) 
@C7S ayooius _ aps ios 
Separoy CunrAlvar % 
youn, ene WS ongyva- 
pgvey seerCedey Se- 
par Ae grag poids 

we Z 

LU Te Ot 

Ag. toy 

he aed nied a Val eae) : 
a * ¥ nD WY 
“i : 

the Holy Apoftles: 

Agiov wes aA fAnoojs 
TEs othiyepnaey, & d\e- 
Qugpy 7 mpwesdu. Aa- 
Sov p @ “Abaco 
CYT HNL) cw TUL PopHuoe 
Moet, xg-remanady es 
ary" Kope 5 4 ol wet 
onrs Saygoiot cevm 
yo, * TS “Aaegv” 
SL cumaouy Tes, amvegs 
abypvarayge oAnpvect. 
Maese 4 * coved i(Gon 
Moon, ew ¢ ahen- 
Eoans ambAndn ena 
nuéens’ Zrene 7, O71 
epeesscta xe Mwions. Ar- 
sromosav eager. Ou 
plu 3, Waa © ACa- 
eras @ ‘OGias, sT@u 
lw Banrdus 3 ‘Lede, 
Cuwns, 4 Supectocy Be- 
Andes S SyeiaHgy 4 
2 Meany aT, 4" 
AvopwO. v2 “ACa- 
eke F apysepewsey a 
oydonnovam ispewy, 
wR razaxeous, eEdue- 

ram, Who fet up in Oppofi- 
tion to Mofes, were{wallow’d 
up into the Earth. But Co- 
rah, and thofe Two Hun- 
dted and Fifty who with him 
raisd a Sedition again{t Az- 
rom, were confum’d by Fire. 
Miriam alfo who reproach’d 
Mofes, was caft out of the 
Camp for Seven Days: For 
fhe faid, that Mofes had taken 

Num, xvi. 

Xii. £, 

an Ethiopianto Wife, Nay, in 

the Cafe of Azariah and Uz- 

2 Chron. 

ziah, the latter of which xxvi. 

was King of Fudah, but 
venturing to uf{urp the Prieft- 
hood, and defiring to offer 
Incenfe, which it was noc 
lawful for him to do, was 
hindred by 4zariah the High- 
Prieft, and the Fourfcore 
Priefts; and when he would 
not obey, he found the Lepro- 
fie to arife in his Forehead, 
and he haften’d to go out, 
becaufe the Lord had re- 
proved. him. 

: / 3} > ~~ 
mire Aetmegv cy tH petwre, © tarda eerSziy, 
2, > | ¢ / 
ome NAgycey away 0 wes. 

4 defunt. V... 2 al. ws enalworoitiu add. 

m3 Let 


2Kin g. 
XViti. to 

Num. xvj. 

Let ustherefore, Beloved, 
confider what iort of Glory 
that of the Seditious is, and 
what their Condemnation: 
For if he that rifles up a- 
gainft Kings is worthy of 
Punifhment, even tho’ he be 
a Son, or aFriend ; how much 
more he that rifes up againft 
the Priefts> For by how much 
the Prieflhood is more noble 
than the Royal: Power, as 
having its Concern about the 
Soul, fo much has he a 
greater Punifhment who ven- 
tures to oppofe the Prieft- 
hood, than he who ventures 
to oppofe the Royal Power, 
although neither of them 
goes unpunifl’d. For neither 
did Abfalom nor Abdadan e- 
feape without Punifhmeént ; 
nor Corah and Dathaz. The 
former rofe againtt David, 

Kingdom; the latter again 
Mofes, concerning Pre-emi- 
nence ; and they both f{pake 
Fvil, Al falons of his Father 
David, as of an unjult Judge, 



Tleooeseepo & Sp, ct" 
pam, Th wrEOn 
aS | sxoeadrwy's 25 


Tov. & 0 Bamardvow / 

* emeyaner Oy 49° 
gazes wei, me CLY Yas 
Be xOLY PirOs" moe 

Ugrrov o 1epv ary ¢ io 
yisepOs 5 com yp 1e= 
encoun actrees ancl 
des wet ‘juris € EN BO 
T cqeover, Gourw @ a 
puTeeny end & c TInwek 
ay, 0 TRUTH Toran 
Ons 3 civmouygeri" ) i 

orep * on | Bandee” 494 

Tol yf mii és cile upon: 
7@.. ~~ "A Gtosn" 

wpe é "Agedudiy eu: : 

yoy aT [LAPT Ot oust 
Kope xj Aadcuy’ of je 
& Labid wer Bea 

Adas, ol 5) 1) Moueet 
and {trove concerning the a} 

LTewreioy eanvest- 
ony aierrwpSuor. xoYy 
Cuangrcnouy’ o fr As 
Ceasar wpe Aabid + 
mates ws a NGY xk 
al, rege > éxguq* 

' cunasay. V, 
¥ decit. v. 

* emqun si Qu. v. 

* dyzopoaapuey. V. +6 TH. VY. 




0: Asp Ce XAG, ¢ 
4” GoM eS @ axXBCD- 
oe Ce, 4 Dixgsca~ 
ous Ce. tis me mono 
apyovere 5 O 4 AC- 
Cudtiy, com & €S1 Gl, wo 
epGu cw Aalid, ode 
UANEDV fda cy yw Ie- 
ose, dnAgy ws eevee Eto 
sci ape am Qc- 
Eid, eA $ cme o 

@eas, < ont dueov Aabid found David the Son of Jefle, 

+ 3 Leora, andes us 
re 1g.pFidyy JAB, OS OrDIn- 
of Tyee @ DEAT Ug 
G@ me ‘O27 3 Dace ¢ 
ASaeey Ol Koperrey 
Acogms ” Maori . Mn 
unegy on auayanKs n- 
Hos CH ys Aryals, & 
yas peeons Mert yj yE- 
Aes Erith eSénorlas 
Tes op Swaps hay : 
© Cu apyes hpi ay 5 4 
Brhowwesn(gv em aulgy 
Cnurnoiay peyoarlu’ © 
01 Kopery’ Min Mace 
Ac rgrnne ugve a Qeos ; 
rion Aceay de done 
ry cepneempowilu gv 5 

the Holy Apoftles. 

faying to every one, Thy 2 King: - 
Words are good, but there is. 2 
no one that will hear thee, and * Fags 

do thee Fuftice. Who will make 
me a Ruler? But Abdadan. 

I have no part in David, nor xx. t- 

any Inheritance in the Son of 
Jeffe. ‘Tis plain that he 
could not endure to be un- 
der David's Government, of 
whom God {pake, 

4 Man after my Heart, who 
will do all my Commands. But 
Dathan and Abiram, and the 
Followers of Corah {aid to 

I have A&. xiii. 

Mofes, Is it a {mall thing that Num yyi. 
thou haft brought us out of 13. 

the Land of Egypt? out of a 
Land flowing with Milk and 
Floney? And why haft thon 
put out our Eyes? And wilt 
thou rule over us? Ana they 
gathered together againft him 
4 great Concregation, and the 
Fellowers of Corah faid, Fas 

Xil. 2. 

God jpoken alone to Moles? . 

Why is it that he has given 
the Hich-Priefthood to Aaron 
alone 2 Ls not all the Congre- 

Bey! mouth ouueyoryn a sg of the Lord holy : 2 And 

* deeft. V. 

Y 4 


Xvi. 2: 


Xil, 3. 

why is Aaron alone poffe{s’'d 
of the Priefthood? And be- 
fore this one {aid, Who made 
Ex. ji. 1.¢4¢¢ 4 Ryler and a Fudge o- 
| wer us? 

And they rais’d a Sedition 
again{t Mofes, the Servant of 
God, the MeckefF of all Men, 
and faichful, and affronted 
fo great a Man with the 
higheft Ingratitude; him who 
was their Law-giver, and 
Guardian, and High-Prieft, 
and King, the Adminiftraror 
of Divine Things, one that 
thew'd, as a Creator, the 
mighty Works of the Crea. 
tor, the meekeft Man, fréeft 
from Arrogance, and full of 
Fortitude, and moft benign 
in his Temper, one who had 
deliver'd them from many 
Dangers,. and freed. them 
from feveral Deaths by his 
HolinefS, who had done fo 
many Signs and Wonders 
from Ged before the Peo- 
ple, and had perform’d glo- 
rious and wonderful Works 
for their Benefic; who had 

HUEY Ape 3 4 TL on 
’Aaewy leent dud H9VOS § 
Kot weg tea arn 
les cee’ Tis o8- xg 
rimcev aprovim @ de 

(Ys nee 

Kay exdyesnony Moe 
aims 8 Os dteg- 
arovle ® abcp res 
'¢ NTipmony ¥ MAES 
aw arden ot ALR 
somata tT yvougSemr, 
T QuAany, T apyte 
pee 4 Banrta, + weu- 
ow GS Stiwy, ws 
Supeepopy mas 7g Oye 
puspys bmn dDdealawov 
Cvepyiias® - To paorge~ 
To, T arUTwTETY + 
pom F aDA- 
Awy miduswr ouTes a= 
TMAIAAEavTH, % Alon 
O2ewy Saver dws 
pucupuov, Ti aS’ cape 
a8 oom” + aout 
TH aoe Ose oypda 4 
mpaG & Age weoroin- 
Ug TH TF 7H Evdoea xj epger eis dep 

Yer ~~ aw 

a ee ee 

* deeft totum. V. 


the Holy Apoftles. 

gitiav auvmy amTmAE- 
wot | tée@ Alqut- 
miss OeKg.cANQ OV TETAN- 
enone, + ¥ epvlecy 
SwAgosev Anpnygrn, 
ey as Tee @ an ude 
evyey x evBey Afeest 
cavG., € ws dé epmyas 
Enpas oy Agov ayno: 
oT, a Bubicdwla Da- 
pac x) Tes Airyodias, 
xg mdapTas T2s aS aw- 
TOV per auTwy? sor 
ry ruycr dla myles an- 
arols en guAg, € Cx 
mer pes AHEITE UY aye 
erols @eganensr Tee udwo 
Nao my e& save 
panoderionil a OUTS, 
@ 2é wep. * HpEWAS 
yroarla” Toy suAgY TU" 
E05 cv yunTi as Qgukae- 
HoV. % ody teey pen 
pyor cueraisy yj suagy 
vEgenns es thao Hg? n- 
pepas Ake 7 e& nade 
PAvyugY" Ge vougy Ore 
Cn so4g.1@. c aceteps 
% eaQns@zs cv maak 
Ass cus a 
wba 9/9 Woy dwr0ls, TE 

brought the Ten Plagues up- 

on the Egyptians, who had 
divided the Red-Sea, and had Ex.vii(#e. 
feparated the Waters as 4 

Wall on this Side and on that 

Side, and had led the People 
through them, as through a 
dryWildernes, and had drow xy, «¢; 

ed Pharaoh and the Egyp- 
tians, and all that were 
in Company with them, 
and had made the Fountain 
fweet for them with Wood, 
and had brought Water out 
of the Stony Reck for. them 
when they were thirfly, and 
had given thens Manna out of _., 
Heaven, and had diffrituted ** 
Flefh to them out of the Air, 
and had afiorded them 4 Pil- 
lar of Fire in the Night to 
enlighten and conduct thewa, 
and a Pillar of a Cloud to 
fhadow them in the Day, by 
reafon of the violent Heat 
of the Sun,’ and had exht- xxxi, ee 
bired to them the Law of 

Ged, engraven from the 
Mouth, and Hand, and Wri- - 
ting of God, ia Tables of 
Stone the perfect Number 

XVil. 6s 

Rill, 2x. 

2 defunt, V. 

? noeadd] iionyrt. V. ale 



xxiii! OF Ten Commandments: Zo 
whom God fpake Face to Face, 
as if a Man {pake to. his Friend. 
Of whom he faid, And there 
avofe not a Prophet like unto 
Mofes. Againft him arofe the 
Followers of Corah, and the 
Reubeniies, and threw Stones 
at Mojes, who prayd and 
faid, Accept not thow their 
Offering : And the Glory of 
God appear'd, and fent fome 
down to Hel!, and burnt + 
up others with: Fire ; and fo 
as to thofe Ringleaders of 
this SchifmaticalDeceit,which 
faid, Let us make our [elves 
a Leader, the Earth open’d 
its Mouth, and {wallow’d 
them up, and their Tents, 
and what appertaind to'them, 
and they went down quick 
into Hell: But he deftroy’d 
the Followers of Corab with 


Num. xiv, 

Xvi. 15. 

xiv. §. 


F al. *uCnatree, 

Aw desis dexseAggor’ 
wa ° Oées cvam@. 6 Cw 
ami) opirdy woes Ts” 
Ag Anay EIS care Qt- 
Aov" Wer 8 emrev Kaj 
oom Lien BeggN™S ws 
Moons. Terw emeyue- 
ed ot Ko pcvrey @ ot 
We nice: xg rides 
eCamoy ) & Maoeus 
mepadgowne x04 Ae 
ore Mn DEGAS as 
© Sunav avtwy © oo- 
Save n Joga @ @es, 
Tes e eis yay gut Luse]- 
ue, Tes 4 meh AGT 
prste’ © daw Tes zip 
enyes ? oravns8 gio: 
ugl@., reno Gs Apis 
cepoynn soevis Jot 
fev i ya 3 SOUS enris, 
C yomemiey wes, xo 
Gs onbnas piers xo.) 
% Nmondla OL THs 4 
yar rder es ade Cav 
ms’ Tes 4 K operas a" 
orn? Ale cruepss 


the Holy Apoftles. 


Bt ev Trois Ae Gt 

Ag-pxide Daogi- 
canny, mpawTing Qeds 
eTnjyaye T+ Tyumesar, 
TT MEMOY Tois a- 
picewy aoelov xelngn. 
capois; & opod\or 
par emul] t ricw Bag- 
TONKGOW wwe ? @eP- 
votey n  Snuaspyioy 5 
MMA Uneis, AAO, Cx 
? pen gis aaudslopsHuot, 

Pug. ‘oseE pn TLE: 

iougle F ' 

Po ye a t an 
cows *Up@y? olkeaxonvi 
amwArdasot dbEns aber 
fLITS apEav Tes Kes 
SAY ve) Tots Ag.o1s oygicas 
xO at Agno. ToIs TH 
wound Os wartia 
Obyugticac: jn man 
aalere, wndé xoivwvol 
© acebetas auray yt 
vecde" rey 0 Oéos. 
Amaidare OH peice 
Ts avd egy Tem, 1¥ct 
ph CuvamaAnde ane 

| XLIX. 
F therefore God inflicted , 

Punifhment immediately * oi. 

on thofe that made a Schifm 
©n account of their Ambition, 
how. much rather will he 
do it upon thofe who are the 
Leaders of impious Herefies? 
Will not he infli@ feverer 

Punifhment on thofe that. 

blafpheme his Providence, or 
his Creation? But do you, 
Brethren, who are intruded 
out of the Scripture, take 
care not to make Divifions in 
Opinion, nor Divifions ia 
Unity. For thofe who fet 
up unlawful Opinions are 
Marks of Perdition to the 
People. In like manner do 
rot you of the Laity come 
near co {uch as advance Do- 
Ctrines contrary to the Mind 
of God 5 nor be you Par- 
takers of their Impiety. For, 

see ge 

fays God, Separate your felves um, xvi, 

from the midft of thefe Men,2r. 

left you perilh together with 

tdefuntev. 7 away. V 


And again, Depart 2 Cor. vi. 

Jer. xxiii. 


Xil. 7. 

Ifa. v. 6, 


from the midft of them, and 
feparate your felves, faye the 
Lord, and touch not the un- 
clean thing, and I will rea 

For thofe are moft cer 
tainly to be avoided who 
blafpheme God. The great- 
eft part of the Ungodly in- 
deed are ignorant of God; 
bac chefe Men, as Fighters 
againft God, are poflefs'd 
with a wilful evil Difpofi- 
tion, as with a Difeafe. For 
from the Wickedne(s of thefe 

Hereticks Pollation is gone 

out upon all the Earth, as lays 
the Prophet Jeremiah. For 
the wicked Synagogue is now 
caft off by the Lard God, 
and his Houfe is rejected 
by him, as he fomewhere 
fpeaks, J have forfaken mine 
Floufe, I have left mine Inhe- 
ritance.. And. again, » fays 
Haiah, I will negleét my 
Vineyard, and it fhall wot be 
pruned nor digged, and Thorns 

[hall [pring up upon it, as wp- 
ona Defcrt; and 1 will come 

To1s' ygy mea “BEA 
Serve Ch fetoe WwTaYs 

kDELAnTe, rey wwe 

eG, xg aye Seep Te 
jan anede, xaYO ac- 
DeSoucy UKas. 

Dd reatot nop eo 
ws arnbeos ot Bag-opn- 
peevres Ogor, ol fc 
TREASOL TW aeakay a= 
oid é eyear ©cs’ Save 
4 Ag.NGVOLeY ws  Wtouge 
not voosory. on ~» F 
LO. MACH aes pect Ty 
2EhA Se pgrvona bm 
ame ody) r ‘ny, ws Qn- 
av ‘lepenias 0 aesgn- 
mS. ab Andesons pF 
cua quigins hy TONERS 
Cao muese S Ges, xo 
8 olne Nop pipet Ga 
vz ars, nobles we 
guow ESygamasagure 
olay Pes, : ol 
t wr nepvojctey es” xy 
amAtv Hontas’ "Arnow 
vs ch TEA Wc ee, xo 
@ pati 7 BH ad) te 
nag ¢ awa 
ES OUTUY WS es sep 
angvSn" © amis veps. 

Sy. V. 

Ag. 4s 



the Holy Apottles: | 

LE Ns Be) mi Ss 
BpsEur eis ance velov’ 
ESxqmarizror ey ay’ 
¢ WU 
Agcv, «5 oxlulw cy 
> wv ¢c > 
enQuag mov cy oUMM Ag. 
Th, % WS TAL T- 
Avopuspérly, Wereroy 
4 an” wry 98 
mbsyg Bayo, + 
1 c \ 2 
amoggnk xgv VET emrAn= 
eee T curs CnuAnciay 
ovdygnxns yaesl@., 
ct x 2 , 3 
ws omawygy Alone ov 
AKERS Ew, xy rar E- 
two’ onary os oi 
P > 2 of ©, £3" 
19Y Ear Opus, n Ws OEps 

mand the Clouds that they 
rain no Rain upon it. He 
has therefore left his People 
as a Tent in a Vineyard, and 
4s 4 Garner in a Fig or Olive- 
yard, and as a lefieged City. 
He has taken away from 
them the Holy Spiric, and 
the Prephetick Rain, and 
has replenifh’d his Church 
with Spiritual Grace, as the 

i. 82 

River of Egypt ia the times eRecof 
of Firfi-fruits ; and has ad. xxiv. 25- 

vanced the fame as an Hfoufe 
spon an Fill, or asan high 
Mountain ; asa Mountain fruit- 
ful for Milk and Fatne{s, where- 

NT EPVEPES, ws op. Te 
TUCWNIOY, 2 Cops Tov" 
cv @ dUdbumzev 0 @eos 
xemoiney cy aut. 3 x 
po wErQs xganonn- 
yuo es TAG. xj oy 
@ lepeutor Aeyd* “Oep- 

in it has pleafed God to dwell. pry tevit 
For the Lord will inhabit v6. 
therein to the End. And he 

fays in Feremiah, Our San-jer. xvii, 
éiuary 1s an exalted Throne 2 

of Glory: And He fays in | 
Lfaiah, And it fhall come tots. itr. 

Qs dvEn< vlouwu@., a= 
~ ia 

ylaqua nugrv 4 ov H- 
ne ’ J ‘yy > 

ou Aey4" Kos’ ecoy Cv 

nN > ‘ 7 

Tots eqorois NACE gts 
> \ \ 2 , 

ee Qawves S opGu awere, 

~ ~ nm 3 

© 0 olx@u 78 Oee er 

eupwy oa opéwy, @ Unle- 

pafs ia the laft Days that the 
Mountain of the Lord fhall be 
Klorious, and the Hloufe of the 
Lord: fhall be upon the Zop of 
the Mountains, and [hall be ad~ 
vanced above the Hills. Since 
therefore he has forfaken hig 

te deeft, V. ? vary V. ?defunc.y. + defunct. v. 



People, he has alfo left his 

- Temple defolate, and rent 

Matt-xxii Spirit. 


the Veil of the Temple, and 
took from them the Holy 
For, fays He, Behold 
your Floufe is left unto you 
defolate; and he has beftow’d 
upon you, the Converted of 
the Gentiles, Spiritual Grace, 

Joel ii 28.a8 He fays by Foel, And it 

** Pag. 


[hall come to pafs after thefe 
things. faith God, that L will 
pour out of my Spirit upon all 
Filefh, and your Sons (hall pre- 
phefie, and your Daughters (hall 
fee V iff fons, and your old Men 
fhall dream Dreams. ¥or God 
has taken away ail the Power 
and Efficacy of his Word, 
and fuch like Vifitations from 
that People, and has tran{- 
ferr'd it to you, the Convert- 
ed of the Gentiles: For on 
this account the Devil him- 
felf is very angry at the 
Holy Church of God; he 
is removed to you, and has 
railed againft you Adver- 
fities, Seditions, “2nd Re- 
proaches, Schifms, and He- 
refies. For he had before 

Snoeny Umea T Be 
yov. Ere ev @ P 
Agov elngrerume, ¢ t 
yao aOnney epnygys 
cious B ygrevmemengc 
Mae ya's ‘5 € Agéay 
aw wry & andl ug. ray 
cysoy" ‘Ide ~ ‘@now, 
a Piero univ 0 ox@a 
Ug epnc@e *@ Ses 
ep Uuas” res e€ e0- 
yay © amd yee clus 
yeser, 05 ring 2s 
‘Lonr Ka} egey per 
TAU Ty repg 0 0 eos, % 
Cnyew dm onda 
pee Boh a Cys Gprg, € 
meson duosay oi yol 
Uasy eC a Suyaripes 
vUgY joahah onlorrey, 
OL wpeatu mest U- 
Roy Coloma Crvumias 
Sngov Tey me oda 2 db- 
VOL PAV Aay's 24 Crp 
yelay, Cr T Taare é e- 
amoKcTmy embess Q 
OQecs Cx & Age. 4 
vugs Tes 2& elvwy ebero. 
ASD Afg. Te Cnrw- 
04 ry r) La 6orAQs + rm 
ayidp 7 Oe caxAn- 

idefunt. V. * 2atuctey, V. 



the Holy Apoftles. 

Tee, eres es tugs, fubdued that People to 
emenilens pty BA: tds, himfelf, by their flaying 
Diwynes, axgrauswoias, of Chrift. But you who have 
Bagopnpssas 5 gique- left his Vanities he tempts 
qx, cupéoys. cxetvoy > in different Ways, as he did 
+ aga YG F xersox- the blefled Fob: For indeed jodi, Se. 
Tovias es caus rzen- he oppofed that great High- 
yaar UNG *) arose Prieft Fofowa the Son of Fofe- Zachiii.s. 
Ges a aust ugrasomrs, dek, and he oftentimes fought * ri xxii. 

drrove aus meexCs, to fift us, that our Paiths\y, a 
ost ugxgersoy Iw6. might fail. But our Lordz, &c. 

Co my peyry ap- 
ouepa Inge @ 8 lw- 
aedix 'duaexeva’ © i- 
ue mMmams eeyTHOE- 

* ecudeeysivan 'y 3 Qe 
cms CHAIN nh Mos he 
pov MW 0 nuetep Ox 
2werGn 4 diduaxcAgs, 
Gy dlnn xgrmsnons w- 
TVs erequ ours’ °"E- 
omk wnoy wey Gi 
AlgSore, € bak pn 
ony mwerQ. on Tol, 0 
enrecapyGr © Teps- 
OAL CoH ide Te 70 
eSeomma wor, ws Be 
AM 5 Kat 0 emmy wT 
srals aspeswn Teh apm 

2 Ul 

and Mafter having brought. 
him to Tryal {aid unto him, 
The Lord rebuke thee, O 
Devil, and the Lord, whe 
hath chofen Jerufalem, rebuke 
thee: Is not this pluck’d out 
of the Fire as a Brand? And 
who faid then to thofe that 
flood by the High-Prieft, 
Take away his ragged Gare 
ments from him, and added, 
Beboid I have va i thine Inte 
guitizs away from thee; He will 
fay now as he {aid formerly 
of us, when we were aflembled 

together, Z have prayed that Luk xxii- 

your Faith may not fail. 

Meetthen Te Luge. Teh poms aby am aus © 
TDe a gapnyg. Tt.s LVOLLIees Ca: Doe oe’ STO 

epat 4 vu Os x Tree Age k cubes pSuoy t ecoy, eres 

e 3 
mo Wiuwy, om edénSuy 

Ire tn euAdrnn omas ULOY, 

{Beg xu. al. ~ oyscons, V. 

“ USLGAl ¥, 


a cae 



| For even the Fewi/h Na- 
tion had wicked ;Here- 
fies: For of them were the 
Sadducees, who do not confefs 
the Refurrection of the Dead ; 
and the Pharifees, who afcribe 
the Practice of Sinnets ro 
Fortune and ‘Fate; and the 
Bafmotheans, who deny Pro- 
vidence, and fay, that the 
World is made by {ponta- 
neous Motion, afd take a- 
way the Immortality of the 
Soul; and the Hemerobaptifts, 
who every Day, unlefs they 
wath, do not eat; nay, and 
unlets they cleanfe their Beds, 
and Tables, or Platters, and 
Cups, and Seats, do not make 
ule of any of them. And 
thofe who are newly rifen 
amongtt us, the Fbdsonites, 
who will have the Son of 
God to be a meer Man, be- 
gotten by human Pleature, 
and the Conjunction of Fo- 
feph and Mary. There are 
alfo thofe that feparate them- 
felves from all thefe, and 
obferve the Laws of their 



"Blog @ & @ 6 te 
SuiXQS OY~AGe a- 

pects yonias, 2% 90 xO 
Zaddwyguiot Ze UN TOV, 
ol Len ougAgy sr TEs vex 
egy civ ceseeov" Pas 
eGiory ol TUyN xo 
ei SopQun Ehyex pores 
TTP a Soctuvovqwy 
reser © Bacuwleor, 
OL megvoidy aprepycor, 
ee au ngTe 4 goexs 
Aeoovans me Gyre ciguol 
caver, © ruyns t a= 
Savaciay wesxgmor- 
as’ © ‘HycesSaaicey, 
cinwes ya exgsry a- 
péogy, ey mi Bame- 
CHV TOY, SOX eSivow 2A 
Ad @ ais wArivas © tes 
C mmesa xy ngedic* 
pale by en youSoeeoe 
oly vden, ever! Agen Toys 
@olep nuov yun Qa~ 
veveres: "EC tmyarot, Ge 
yay & Os Lingy ava 
Bere ewan BuAopBuct, 
eSadovns evdiegs 4 oun~ 
TOK S "leony ¢ Me- 

ehas | oneroy Suvavres’ 
of by) Tew TpTwy sw 

Tes qwekod tes, € & 

MULT Che QuadcosovTes . 
** daw" Bosent0t. aa. 
fT pe ay oy BS we9 Tp 
Ag: e vu o TOVNGISy 
copes ey Te AGH OTN 
TOY) 4 3 RAG? ole 70> 
we boyy awowy, @& n- 
hey levas éxEaroy, 
Conpyncey Cy ananis ay 

9203 aC Henge 

‘A dD xg leepag? ays 

year epecewy yaprev 
STW Se Sino TW 270 

Titbay 2am ng.Aupryans 
eonuns Sager, ™ 

pO. 6 Afglor@: , 
narnpe chy aur T HIX 
ness yawns EWULNT Z- 
7. Nyika 4 Dirrwr7os 
Oo cuneTSoAGy nor, 
7 re eke Stay xo 
an 8 mAugl@ curr 
evennpic. Ruyawes la- 

HgeTwy OmeTEDG ey ecb. 

yap, ws ngulec Ax 
ae Tas Tas Ra ygpes 
eis wis eAveiy & 

the Holy Apoftles: 

wife to do Mifchiet, 

v, eySuou- 


7 ak om « 


Fathers, and thefe are the 

Effens. Thefe therefore arofe 

among the former "eople. 
And now the Evil One, who is 

as for Goodnefs, knows no 
fuch thing, has overcome 
fome among us, ‘and has 
wrought by them Herefies 
and Schilms- 

Ney the’ Original of the 
new Herefies began thus; 
The Devil entred into one 

Simon, of a Village called. 

Gitthe, a Samaritan, by Pro- 

feffion'a Magician, and made _ 

him che Minifter of his wick- 
ed Defign. 
lip, our Fellow-Apoftle, by 
the Gift of the Lord, and the 
Energy of his Spirit per= 
form’d the Miracles of Heal- 
ing in Samarta,. infomuch 
that the Samaritans were af- 
fected, and embrac’d | 
Faith of che God of the 

2 Jefus, and. were baptizd in- 

1 deeft. V, 


and of the Lord — 

and #,.* Pag. 


For when PAi- A&: vill. 

“alle f 

in Cee FN 


to his Name; nay, and that 
Simon himfelf, when he faw 
the Signs and Wonders which 
were done without any Ma- 
gick Ceremonics fel into 
Adiiration, and believed, and 
was baptixd, and continued m 
in Fafting and Prayer, we 

heard of the Grace of God, 

which was among the Sa- 

_ maritans by Philip, and came 

down to them, and enlarging 

much upon the Word ot Do- 
“€tcine,. we laid our Hands 
upon all chat were baptizd, 
aad we conferr’d upon them 
the Participation of the Spi- 
rit. But when Simon faw 
that the Spirit was given to 
Believers by the Impofition 
of our Hands, he took Mo- 
ney, and offer'd it to us, 

aying, Give me alfo the 
Poue that on whom focver I 
fhall lay my Fland, he 
may receive the Lely Ghoft ; 
being defirous that as the 
Devil deprivd Adam by his 
Tafting of the Tree, of that 
Immertality, which was Be 

‘mifed him, fo alfo char Sj- 

mon might intice us by the 
receiving of Money, and 


“Tat, 44 BatliGcdy eis 

oAwy Oce, @ 73 weye 

m cvoug eure, nda 4 
@ aure & LinwvG. on- 
mean xo) megle sea- 
(apps avd ug yavetas 

vos qalenns bo te Ae= 
nije XY as aU Ug 
wat HTD TO sy “oh Tm" 
cduatuTGs, xoy Rew- 
k Ser @s, xa 4 me9- 
oxaprepsit Os TH vit 
Sei HU TH meg ody: 
Dain anegdpres nas 
amy aces 8 Oe my 
are aoa Saygpev- | 
ot Af Pidrurrs, anpe- 

Sus puedes Begs auTes, 
Xa) TOAD au arro- 

pvot ad Royo F der 
Ouoxnarlas, aKa amis 
BeCamiop§uors bhk- 
bénres Tas yeens, Ae 
nas Thy 3 meus.|@ 
perky, edwpe pesos 
idtay 4 SigoY "th Ales 
T Baebes dhe v peal 
mp.0y J Dorey S avetpe 
quis mSevuor, ag.E ay 
agiala DEI TI VEY HEV 
nes, Aeqoy Ast x 
ug! Thy eSumiccy Tau 
Th, ive Koyo w av 

émib es 

the Holy Apoftles: 

bhba cw yaer Age 

Ectyn TrvOu pec ayy" 

BursGuO. os T es 

TH ypioy re EuAu, T 

HOT eralnpricy ae 
Seavecorees esepnc ey" ,8TO 
C7 meas ™m a ae 

nugiTev ° eee 

& dkoews TB st} |é= 
exnenrbau- VOmms ayTI 
xaTaMalapyot 2a70 
Dispnedn camel oe pnygh- 
rey thy @Tipatoy B 
| mi diualos Srapecty. may): 
Toy >} nay th TeTH 
raeanlevrey, curey 
aed ene Ter eos eis T 
ev outs Ha% LupnDY ogy, 
ery Te) Biygye” To 
ai pryoeror ce ou Cot 
ein els ob Tra .d crt 
THV dopeny & $ Qed évo- 
procs re agngrey 
ToC, Gow 251 Co ee 
eAs ow ® Poyw TET, 
ook udp Tt) Ti- 
ed ToT i 7 xeepdia 

od 5H tow Oi Stia cra. 

TOY S @eg.- < peachion- 

coy ey S70 TS NG MIMS 


might thereby cut us off from 
the Gift of God, that fo by 
Exchange we might part with 
to him for Money the in- 
eftimable Gift of the Spiric. 
But as we were all troubled 
at this Offer, I Peter, with a 
fix'd Attention on that mali- 
cious Serpent which was in 
him, faid to Simon, Let thy 
Money go with thee to Perdi- 
tion, becanfe thow haft thought 
to purchafe the Gift of God 
with Money. Thow haft no 
part ia this Matter, nor Lot 
in this Faith; for thy Fleart 

is not right in the Sight of- 

God, Repent therefore of this 
the Lord, if perhaps the T bought 
of thine Fleart may be forvi- 
ven thee. For I perceive thou 
art in the Gall of Bitterne[s, 
and the Bond of Iniquity. But 
then Simon was terrified, and 

faid, / intreat you pray ye to 

the Lord fer me, that none 

of thofe things which ye have 

[pokem come upon me. 


ce 6 aC ora@- Vi 

> @aetlaga. Vv. 

: SEgiious. V 4 Ngo 7h Sato 

To yUY xy 9 Si uey WAIN Des Begouveyre Te pide. vy, 

An | BUT 

and pray to | 

V, 20, 

€ je, 


*,* Pag. 


oe TUT, @ dendnk ere, ad dee. eigebiicerey 
(tn btwon napdias oe’ as op goals THK Ehees, fe) 
cuusiqnor adrxias Srepe ce ovaw. Ara aut feo Bu- 

Hoy UE SwerOry gnaw 
ay LPT KO TE. 


Bor when we went forth 

among the -Gentiles to 
preach the Word of Life, then 
the Devil wrought in. the 
People to fend after us falfe 
fipottles to the corrupting 
of the Word, and they fent 
forth one Cleobius, and join’d 
him with Simon, and thefe 
became Difciples to one Do- 
ficbens, whom they de'pifing, 
put him down from the 
Principality. Afterwards al- o 
fo others were the Authors 
of abiurd Dodtrines, Cerin- 
thas, and Marcas, and Me- 
nander, and Bafilides, and 
Saturnilus. OF thefe fome 
own the Doctrine of many 
Gods; fome only of Three 
but contrary to each ae 
without Beginning, and ever. 

Ticenxarw, Ren Sue 

eee megs mWweEsor, O7rws pend ey exéaly ea 


Pyniee e) bine 

pp pits aris eO- 
vEor umpuorety | eh Asqor 
? Cons, amore comp ynaey 
P) YG. Car @eis ery Ago 
Deel Acy omiaw TOV 

Nddeanguaus es Be-, 

CnAwoy Aoye. 4 
megeCaaguaa KaccSioy 
ma, © ape Coeay ® 
Zlygye’ STO ®) Lada 
auvow Doabéo kvl, 
oy *@" abd Son spehodae 
Tes a ms cups, 
ere Tee ergy xO~ 
Tipsay Camiawy dby-: 
ugtor, Kiews@, @ 
Mapx@-, *,* 3 Mev- 
dwpQ., 4 Bamredys, 
@? Raropvir@.. amu= 
Tay Ol OAs Yes, 
eho meas Cray Tiss, 

* deefi. V. 


2 ets Tey KOT Moy, V. 

3 al. Sregrivine. 

ave Poesy 


cbr pores, ae! owns Gs 
eaurols, at a) anrei pss 

@ apace DopaCuar’. 

20) ol ie roy peg? abe- 
Teo, bx evar & Oe 
epyoy SofaCopres’ aaror 
Ne tive TW Bewugirwy 
BdkAvosovray * ot 5” 
avudlu * énmprdisav, 
otot ot yun dev 
*_* Ningagireyo py- 
sTol Ziggy & 498 Tléaee 
Te Toy cy Kajoupeta, 
an ZresTwrG., ee 
Kopria@s 6 o omsus boh- 

gee, ay eOyings, bon. 

arov 3 awepor' ‘Inoey, 

du cine, CUTE ay gt 
eT ees to Aenspe Dery muy 
Aspov  Oee, cuumn- 
esvrmr vot as iseqy 
Txvov, Lennaies 
mr tAwvs, @ Bap- 
yaba, % Ninmnte xy 
VP Amwag adir.gery Kan- 
PIG. ae Peoproetory 
bhongwe te x) DALIT ty 
* masnrerbert@" jx 

Tlawrg Te) i etncas: 
iugy 8 ouepyd dv St 
chal yrrwe’ Pe | TOA 

_T thrice’ 

‘tthe Zrw#e Pre ophet,, 

Holy Apoftles 

with one another, and fome 
of an infinite Number of 
them, and thofe unknown 
ones alfo. And fome reject 
Marriage, and their Doctrine 
is, That it is not the Ap- 
pointment of God; and o- 
thers abhor fome kinds of 
Food : Some are impudent 
in Uncleannefé, fuch as thofe - 

who are falfely call’d Nico: #,* + Pag. 
laitans : And Simon meeting ‘337. 

me Peter fick at Cafarea Stra 
tonis, (where the faithful 
Cusnitiae. a Gentile, believed — 
on the Lord Tefus by me) 
endéayourd to pervert the. 
Word of God: there being 

with me the Holy Children, 

Zaccheus, Who was once a 
Publican, and Barnabas, and 
Nicetas,and Aquila, who were 
Brethren, and | Clement tlie 
Bifhop and Citizea of Rome, 
who was the Difciple of 
Paul, our Fellow-Apoftle, and 
Fellow-Helper in the Gofpel. 
di (courfed before 

him concerning 
and coi- 
cerning the Monarchy of God, 

them with 

we v3 

moev ecw.v. 3 deel. ve tei] 

Mav. V.* deeft. v. 

a ~~ and 

ome ee 


Pleafire. Now a Lover of gsandtroy + girgleor- 

God ought not to be a Lo- 
ver of pleihire. 


YE Wives be fubje@ to 
your own Husbands, and 
eh them in Efteem, and 
ferve them with Fear and 
Love. as holy Sarah honourd 
Abraham. For fhe could not 
endure to call him by his 
Name; but called him Lord, 
when fhe faid; My. Lord is 
oid Yn like manner, ye 
Husbands, love your own 
Wives, as your own Mem- 
bers, as Partners in Life, 
and. Fellow-helpers for the * 
Procreation of Children. For 
fays He, Rejoice. with the 
Wife of thy Touth. Let ber 
Converfation be to thee as a 
loving Elind, and a pleafant 
Foal ; let her alone guide site, 
and be with thee at all,times : 
For if thou beeft every may 
encompals'd with her Friend- 
fhip, thou wilt be happy in her 
Society. Love them there- 
fore as your own Members, 

Edeet V. 24. v. 2deeft. V. 

vaepxce Ve 

A! yuuannes ‘waz 

ayecde Tuls Vd itous. 

wdeaa, © Yo nuis 

ates tgete, © gelw @ 

aged erevel Eo ad 
ws n ayice Zappa T 
"Abegauw eTINS, oud 
&& dvougl@s aucoy wan- 
Pveoa RoE, Wa 
Wwehov aUTY @egTe- 
qopevuoa, cy To) Aé- 
sav’ “O 4 wwepos per, 
m per eum. 

of dur d\pec STE Tes 

iSfp prety Ws QLVEOVES | 

Ran Gane ee 




Bis, @ Cuvepyes megs 

qeeow anidtay. Suydu- 
weaivs MDs gia RY 
loos F cx vec 
ms o8" ect eG. 3 ons" 
pirias, gy xan. Cas 
Nace rey OuAeTw (o4" 

n) tduat 19% codes T8, 9 

Cuvesw wok cy mer 

2 AD G)” cy 902 TH TON. 



~~ eee 


a . 

-_ \ 

the Holy Apoltles: 

ams QiAta Cummerge- 
er, TOP OSes eon. 
Ajaaan ¢ ey auras, ws 
ona [eAy Os ULE- 
mes Guele. s¢07- 
my yap era” Kuer@ 
Depipwearo, ot vee be 
coy oe 4 uve pegoy 
qyuvaungs yeonires os. 
€ avm yovwves cv, % 
dx anM@» eamvince, % 
amr erte ngs re caaee: 
os x quag.cacde me) 
eeu nce ougy ¢ ye 
yong veomas ov pen 
Suglarians. “Avip ¢ Sy 
24 urn, * vojKapec sa 
fe auvEp cuRuat 5 2 
Dre sa iesioir. 
aeOig. mpi tws abechet 
acecdwery G pen? re Gr 
haan » xgSnep! ELOY. 
os dL dp Morea yw 
VaIKG. wag eens pact 
vy n ovpeusdubn 7pV 

as your very Bodies ; for 

foit is written, Zhe Liev has Mal ii 1a 
teftifed between thee, and be- 151% 

tween the Wife of thy Youth : 
And fhe is thy Partner, and 
another has not made her: And 
fhe is the Remains of thy 
Spirit. And, Zake heed 5 
your Spirit, and do mot forlake 
the Wife of thy Tcuth. An Hula 
band therefore and a Wife, 
when they company toge- 
ther in lawful Marriage, 
and rife from one another, 
may pray without any Ob- 
fervations ; and withourWajh- 
ing are clean. But whofo- 
ever corrupts and defiles a- 
nother Man’s Wite, or is de- 
filed with an Harlot; when 
he arifes up from her, tho’ 
he fhould wath himfelt ia 
the entire Gcean, and all 
the Rivers, cannot be clean. 

eevee sees awe muri, ad ay ct me Any O cAov x Tes 
arol pans omy Ges dwoAeonTey, AS IULEIS eivay Suunar.), 

Mn miempads sy 

am evvoue @ * ovo, 
pomiCovmes morAuedt di 

Do not therefore keep a- 

fy fuch Obfervances about 

legal and sacurai Purgati. 


* youlueg V. 

2 AsAupidor V. 4 ab, Vi 

Dd 2 ons, 




ons, as thinking you are de- 
filed by them. Neither do 
you feck after Fewilh Sepa- 
rations, or perpetual Wath- 
ings, or Purifications upon 
the Touch of a dead Body. 
But without fuch Obferva- 
tions. affemble in the Dor- 
mitories, reading the Holy 
Books, and finging for the 
Martyrs which are fallen a- 
fleep, and for all the Saints 
from the Beginning of the 
World, and for your Bre- 
thren that are afleep in the 
Lord, and offer the accepta- 
ble Eucharift, the Reprefen- 
tation of the Royal Body of 
Chrift,bothin your Churches, 
and in the Dormitories ; 
and in the Funerals of the 

*,* Pag. Departed accompany them 


with Singing, if they were 

Pfal.cxy. faithful in Chrift. For, Pre- 


cious in the Sight of the Lord 
is the Death of bis Saints. 

cxiv.7, And again, O my Soul, re- 

turn unto thy Reft, for the 
Lord hath done thee Good: 

Prov,x.7, And elfewhere, The Memory 

of the Fuft is with Enco- 

wT er? pnd Con Cnlers 
‘Tudkings agoesopes 
n ouveyn Bamiougle, 
hugSaesgques ba Sed 
yenpy. cape ™mpntws F 
cuvalesiCede ov ais 

% ALT ! 

ywoy ? isegy BiG Aor 
ADLE PHO, G Lamosles 
nay pS xexgtumpvov 
potwewr, 4 TivTey T 
am aw ayo, © 
T adeAQay Ug TS 
Cy wwehy WEL UMPOY™ 
G F dwtdumy S Cane 
ray GuglQ' Xece 
dix tlw dunaesstdp mrep- 
oGEepets, ev Te THis Ons 
tAncios Uugv, © cw (ois 
AOlUMT™NEAOLS" @ cy cals 
eEodois ofS nenormpes 
vor, *,*“Lamovass 1rep- 
msn cw wwerw’ Tipnas 
yo CrewTiov wele o 
Scival@. 2 onwy du- 
n° muri “Eis 
spelov n luyn ee as 
avennUoW a8, OT w= 
erQr dVepoemnae ge* @ 

3 BT] 
cy amos’ Minumn die 


5 eg. VL 

CAS ood 

the Holy Apoftles. 

AGIWY UT elect’ 
nga Aingiwy sluyay cy 
Eek Oe. O1 yup 
Oca meme duygtes, edy 
4 yotunlany, som cow 
vexegi” Ae 0 ow 
Tip tis Ladd ungioss’ 
Tleet 5 t avasucews + 
VEXED Gre ariqewwTe @ 
aleauuyiov, oney a 
@zos "A€egau, Go 
Geos Ioan, € 0 Ocos 
lauo’; cow esw by o 
O<cs, Qeos vexewy, aA- 
Age Cavroy adres 
coumS Caav. Quxsy F 
my Oce Cavrwv oats 
qu Aredlava aku. % 

pp 4 EArosar@Qso rep- 

gums ta 3 xotunbinvay 
awry, veKegy noflpE 
Uy € \ 
areQordupuoy raa0 Tre 
extov Svesas, Lavee 
8 Guo ane FEA 
oswle ostwv, @ avases 
eCncev’ cow av * enfnp- 
wf tem, a pn ly SO 
owyg Enrtosets aor. 
x "lwonp 6 owe, me 
/ ? \ 
exsmariueto TH lanat 
pe, 3} DTedwVaY, ove 
Om t uAins © Moons 
\? a“ 2 n~ ™ 2 
4 lnoes 0 Te Navn é- 

miums: And, Zhe Souls of wii 
the Righteous are in the Hands 

of God. For thofe that have. 
believed in God, although 

they are afleep, are not dead. 

For our Saviour fays to the 
Sadducees, But concerning the Ex. iit 6. 
Refurrettion of the Dead, have Luk. xx. 
ye mot read that which is writ-3* 

ten, Iam the God of Abra- 

ham, and the God of Kaak, and 

the God of Jacob? God therefore 
is not the God of the Dead, but 
of the Living ; for all live to 
Flim. Wherefore of thofe 
that live with God, even 
their very Reliques are nor 
without Honour. For even : 
Elifba the Prophet, after he 4 King. 
was fallen afleep, raifed up *"** 
a dead Man, who was flain 
by the Pyrates of Syria. For 
his Body touch’d the Bones 
of Elifha, and he arofe and 
revivd. Now this would not 
have happen’d unle(s the Bo- 
dy of Elifha were holy. 
And chaft Fofeph embraced Gen 1.1: 
Facob after he was dead 
upon his Bed, And Mojfes Ex.xi 19 
and Fofhua the Son of Nua lob % 
carryd away the Reliques 
of Fofep>, and did not c- 

es 0.2 dae aia {leem 


RS PR RTC hen Ry pi urine ARE ef eS Sa aie Mali 




fteem it a Deflement. Whence 
you alfo, O Bifhop, and the 
refit, who without fuch Ob- 
fervances touch the Depart- 
ed, ought not co think your 
felves defiled: Nor abhor 
the Reliques of fuch Per- 
fons, but avoid fuch Ob- 
fervances, for they are foolifh. 
And adorn your felves with 
Holinefs and Chaftity, that 
ye may become Parrakers of 
Immortality, and Partners of * 

the Kingdom of God,and may 

receive the Promfe of God, 
and may reft for ever, thro’ 
Jefus Chrift our Saviour. 

To Him therefore, who is 
able co open the Ears of your 
Hearts, to the Receiving the 
Oracles of God adminittred 
to you, both by the Gofpel, 
and by the Doétrine of Je 
fus Chrift of Nazareth, who 
was crucify'd under Pontius 
Pilate and Herod, and dicd, 
and rofe again from the 

mrepeepv TO me rerlarce 
*"ToonQ, MgAUE HB? Boe ’ 
nyepijsor qBTO. aSEr x 
Upels, G bhicnom, % 
01. Agt7l, aahympn 
cas aTAC LUO TF nexol- 
PmPyoOV, pn yoRionTe 
puaavedt, pndé Bdxau- 
oes Tu Teter Aer 
‘fave’ esismphyoot mrs 
rrotcu Ges cic PNG Etsy 
noeds ects €: sel mattis 
ques” cw BLL» 
x} (pesaum, Ow [ae 
«09! t aSuvamias x 
worwcor ok - Bamreis 
ae Ocs Punde, CF 
eral yenidy 5 3 Qe” 
Agbute, dwanevep§uor 
Ne ince Keree ov 
To ey Susaepheo c= 
yoiean Teh wre T 4o.p- 
diay UugIY as Ot xele- 
dened & AnxovnpYee 
S Ose Aoyia, Akg. vB 
Malyeriv,e Gy t de- 
TKAAIAS ‘Tugs X eros S 
Nalweais, BS comegn- 
Styv7 Geb Moytis Tre 
ars, © ‘Hops e,@ xot 

a 7%» V. £ eauTss. V. 3 wus, V. 

4 etodkyeny V. 

pas i !@s 

mY ere SY Bk a 
{ > 

4 F 

unberl@s, @ dwastivl]@. 
Ce vexe@y, % TRAMP 
ep ge ye on oral 
re) ajov@y My ’ dens % 
Faerpeets MINTS, xg 
Tes i vexpes avegeleny- 
th, Tey NGTLG , 7 
AG emunpvTG@., sg 
speed sew Gp 
emveygy Ow Tu) dwwke 
Hely appa ava, T a 
vasuaes euueray" XG 

4 yoy). Vee A) aa «an PRE ul IORI MIN OO a Neen Be TaeB ici as, 4. Mee Ve wa hae, 
: 3 v y oN ; Y ihe 

ue ne ie 

‘ WY e's hd ist 

Ye . Tease 

the gee ‘Apoftles; 

Dead, and will come again 
at the End of the World with 
Power and great Glory, and | 
will raife the Dead, and pur 
an End to this World, and di- 
{tribute to every one ac- 
cording to his Deferts: To 
Him that has given us him- 
felf for an Earneft of the 
Refurrection, who was taken 
up into the Heavens by the | 
Power of his God and Fa- 

eis Seayes ctvecrngberle’ ther, in our Sight, who eat 

ae t Puce eco 3 

Gee TeL'T E95 ard em 
overy nyeeteonis, ris 
Cupoayiar onl © 
Cupmsayv ba mae 
Teor ed nov la py uc, 'S a- 
yasavar auto én vex= 
env? ©] yadedivk Su 
SeEtcoy 73 Ooove ? Ve- 
yarAwouwns & yr 
xexwp@. Ose tht 
Xepeliu’ tw anechule’ 
Kalbe cn”, dkEiay pe, 
2s WW Sw Tes ey Spes 
Ce vammSiov aS oo- 
dwy os? ov edea(aTo 
Se pdwG- o UERLELW= 
C!@. tsar dx SvELcay 
T Ouyapews, xy evan 

Concus eine? Ide Yew 

and drank with him for 
Forty Days after He arofé 
from the Dead; who is fat 
down on the Right Hand of 
the Throne of the Majc- 
fty of Almighty God upon 
the Cherubim;: to whom 
it was faid, Sif thou on Peilcixey. 
my Richt Eland, uptil I make 
thine Enemies thy Foot ft 00 
Whom the mot ‘blefled’ Ste 
phen {aw flanding at the 
Right Hand of Po. ver, (and *,* Pag. 
cry’d out, and faid, B hold Mg Li 

fee the Fleavens opener a, andthe — 
Son of . Man frandin 17 at il 

Right Hf ware of Goa as 
High- Prieft 

tional Siclaien 
Worfhip and 

Dd 4 ; Glory 


Glory be given to Almigh- @ 78s 2egves avewype~ 
ty God, both now and tor ves, @ 7 yorS * dubeo: 
evermore. Amen, 3s CH diy ena TE 
) . Oe,s apyseptae ToTwY 
ao ~ prs yet eee gC Sb ise he , 
2 4 NEx ? me adprxermer Ocp, 4B vu, % as res 
aOvase "A 5 : 

x Fy Sa Ni. “Iya ~ ee ¢ , 
Bes V. QwTO vs gue. Tw miler, % TH guystsd' ¢ mvdiuats, 

> ‘ t~ a: % 
Bs Tes Uae: gy aleyoy, AUN. 


the Holy Apoftles. py VII. 


Tees TOANTELS 5 2 Macuerstaty CF ae Xess puncews, 


re hk A wees yoke oe, 

Concerning the Chriftian Converfation, and the - 
Eucharift, and the Initiation into Chrift. 

Sei E Lawgiver Mo- Chap. t. 

as Mec- | Z|": fes {aid to the J/- 
NS e1pnng- swe Faclites, Behold I Deut.xix. 
? rosaus Io have [et before your 15. 

exnrsreuts [de dedoxe, Face yrs way of Life, and 

eI DeoTwWT UUgy Fy the WAy of Death ; 3 and ad- 

odty € Cwins, % vodw ded, Choofe Life, that thou v.\9. 

8 Savaty’ © bnge- mayeft live. Elijah the Pro- 

env7@. "Exrecae * phet alfo faid to the Peo- 

'oolus", iva Crons @ ple, Lfow long will you halt 3 King. 

aS weggity Hrie ad- with both your Legs; If the >" 
pil. ores aa.¢" "Eas Lord beGod, follow him, The 

mine ywagvete her a Lord Jefus alfo faid juftly, 

Cra otey Tis Cons V. 


Lib. VU. 
No one can ferve two Mafters; 

forcither he will hate the onz, 
and love the-other; or elfe be 

‘Matt. vi. 

will held to 

the one, and 
dcfpife the other. We alto 
following our Mafter Chriff, 

rVim.iv.Who is the Saviour of all 




Mir. 21 


Men, efpecially of thofe that 
believe, are obliged to fay 
that there are Two Ways, 
the one of Life, the other 
of Death ; which have no 
Comparifon one with ano- 
ther; for they are. very 
different, or rather entirely 
feparate ; and the way -of 
Lrfe is that of Nature, but 
thar of Death was after- 
wards introducd; it not 
being according to the Mind 
f God, bur from the Snares 
of the Adverfary. ' 

SDR De Cirerd NGS. Ais 

3 Savers, e we x 


Qortteg 7 ® iyevous, us 
UY; 2 @Qéos est nUeR? 
Oy, mopcuecse Otte an 
73. a4 9THs eAey Eo 
mwerG.s ‘Indes Oude:s 
Suwarey duct uy 
Surdav’ n Bk T ey 

puonay , C+ eTEC DY cVeb- 
macy” n vs ct SESE Tey 
@ 73 ETepe xgTAp eo 
ad’ cavecSxgies x) Hers, 

$m yot 7 Ade oncrg 



os én ow p 
cv Spebrreaw y 
UoAtsce MSCs apy, 
as dvo odbi erat. [ke e 
Couns, © pe 78 Sma 
rs, esepidy 4 obleee 
ou eeaw EIS saureEs® 
MAY 48 7 Akt POEM, 
ia 4 mauve HE hed” 
eropsvau aul yar ear oa 
quernn py Cite & Cons 
CO weplus 

Gee varapédpl@., Die cB ee émEwAns 7s "Yroreie. 

The firft way therefore 
is that of Life, and is this, 
which the-Law. alfo does 
To live the Lord 
God with all’ thy Mind, and 

Teg & ev rulgeurd 3 n 
Od0s © Cans’ € @ Esty ane 
m™, bis ¥0 vow Gv Bem 
qepeud” ayamay nwexoy 
+ Oeccv cE crust" de, 

I xg.e Nag. VY. 


Yoias' Ge é cans ‘ ve- 
qs, T eye % Hgvov 
mp ay aIrAQ GEM ESTs 

aT T orAncioy Ws Equa: 

xd, Tlavo um Saas 

7 weeds Gi, ou" so 

ame g mroLnoys. * SUAg- 
yee Tes nore Ru¥s 
UNgS Meg TEU YeTE U umrep 
wey empea Covey U- 
Ops ¥ Ug. mie pu pay 
qceers eat y ger Tes 

Qirsrans vugs ; 4 4 nD 

; oe OL eBrure 737 

moigoy. Uneas >) OA cte 
Tes pacay Gs YASS, xoA 

clea Ts Tes 07 

| ex feov é a cele & te 

Oly CTH Id #ugHY. ch 

adptes yap ans Ose 

micas 5 guar, ay Te 

ai 8 zcscroy, cou A ea 


) \ 
ep). Qeuryire dz 2 Tees 

Quazis, rd Gs yo 

BGS eros * eovneq. a 

ment aps G prustey xy 
AQT PAKkav EmOduptwy. 
eavks cu do pamong. 
5 > AN \. A> “i 

as PD Ray ciagpra’, 
>? , \ Teel 
sperlov was © aw a@a- 

eto defant. Vin ck ESWv.0.GU. MITES anes mingas V. 

ra FULMAY. a0: 5 defunt V. 

a SR aia i ca 
the Holy Apofles: 

with all thy Soul, who is the 
One and Only God, befides 
whom there is no gaat and 
thy Neighbour as thy 

Hida) chttee 

Lib. vit; 

olf: an d' Levit. xix. 

wbitfocver thou veal not Topiv 16 

fhould be done to thee, that 
do not thow to another. 
them that curfe you: pray for 
them that defpitefully ufe eit 
Love your Encusies; for what 
Thanks is it if ye love thofe 
that lows you? For even the 
Gentiles do the fame: But do 

ye love thofe that hate you, 

and ye [hall have no Excmy: 
For, eee He, 
hate any Man, no not an 
Egyptian, wor aa Edomire. 
For they are all the Work- 
manthip of God. Avoid not 
the Perfons, but the Senti- 

Luk vi.32. 

Thou fhalt not Dut. | 
XXili. J- 

ments of the Wicked. Ag-1 ily if, 

vig from Flefbly and World-** 


a a Stroke on thy Right 
Cheek, turn to him the other 
alfo. Not that Revenge is 
evil, but» that Patience is 
more honourable. For Da- 
vid {ays, 


If any one gives lee 

If I have made Pfal. vii.s. 


le ae, SPP ye ee AY 
by 4 


Returns to them that repaid 
Matt.v. me Evil. Jf any one compel 
at 4°. thee to go a Mile, go with 
him twain. And, He that 
#,* Pag. will [u2 thee at the Law, and 

363. take away thy Coat, let him 
have thy Cloak alfo. And, 
from bim that taketh thy 
Goods require them not a 

Lukvizo. gain. Give to him that ask- 

eth thee, aad from him that 

would borrew of thee do not 
Pfalicsi5. (but thy Hfand. For, The 
righteous Man is pitiful, and 
lendeth, For your Father 
would have you give to all, 
Matt.v.45 who himfelf maketh his Sun 
to rife on the Evil, and on 

the Good, and fendeth his Rain 

on the Fuft, and on the Un- 

~ juft. “Tis therefore reafona- 

ble to give to all our of 
thine own Labours: For, 
fays he, Ffonour the Lord 
“out of thy righteous Lalours ; 
but fo that the Saints be 
Ga.vito. preferr’d. = Thon fhalt not 
kill; that is, thou fhalt not 
deftroy a Man like thy felf; 

for thou diflolveft what was 

well made: Not as if all 

Exod. xx 



ee, a oe ae 


Alu’ % Qawans sons B 
a uUINs, Da newer: 
exs F aveEingwias’ Ag- 
"4 sp 0oAabid Et ap= 
maT dwg TUls Ly Te TO 
ADGA vot vange "Eas 
dihapdion ® oh age 
Atoy ey, vam ye pal cue 
78 duo. © aw Sean 
Gt xesdrvm, @ T 94° 
THIe Ts Akay, apes 
D0 TB wegvTOs Ie cv, 
pnameite, > rd) uTey- 
ki oz, Sde"* 4 Ba we 
SAG Ga duvaoncsey 
mb. oc, wn * amereg- 
Qes Dmouraons F yee 
ex* diyouG. ~ avnp 
olxtepd © maed’ m= 
On op SEA ddbSe 0 7H 
mp, 0 T nALoY ante 
avatemov on amy npss 
@ ayabes, © * very 
dT Boenev bri Srxoyus 
© adinus. ana bp di 
ygyov Oiddvas && ot ney 
away’ Ting 5, Ono, 
} wwekov duo Gy yey 
wy Tovey wool umnroy 

af \ ¢ 
4 res anys. Ou gord- 

(Qe re SS ES EE a) 

? defunt. V. 2 deeft. V. 

g 635 


oon” vet ey, 2 Qe 
pas t OghOv got cL ep 
oroy" Norves ? 0 
AGRAWS yevopee" ao os 
aay (9s gore Ganns au 
gavovt®., sma cvs 
Te cr, aadl cpoine 
cpu gv01s ope ere - 
pe’? Ov pgioeduc es 

JGIpers 9" paan mpeg. 
es i oe ZODYTEY Dy gn- 
ow, 0: : dbo ets Gpree pa 
ow" ey yup eony rnp i) 
yun TY PUG » TH 
TUR WVOIG, 7™m Svasod, 
TH NaSeaq, rE) Biw, 
a Teor” YONG: 
pot be aa me eaugle, 
a TP aerS ug. 8° my 
dp ropngas. ay Qu- 
ov yp 7m 4oHO! on 20° 
Svugy Quer, ithes Truegs 
pope” brrgg- men TO 
f 3 Q ) ret OM 2% eper Tes 
Py Ag.os" ‘ jah: & W0p- 
| yduoas Oux escty ~ 
Ona, roped cy yols 
"Joenna. Ou urnl4s® 
“Agap yp p ures oy 
an Ioeanr cy ‘Te exo, 

the Huly Apoftles. 

Lib. VIE 
Killing were. wicked, but 

only that of the Innocent ; 

but the Killing. which is 

jult is relerv'd to the Magi- 
{trates alone. Zhou [halt not. 
commit Adultery: for thou 
divideft one Fleih into two. 

They Two fhall be one Flefh : Geniirg. 
For the Husband and Wife 

are one in Nature, in Con- 

fent, in Union, in Difpo- 
fition, and the Conduct of 

Life. But they they fepa- 

rated in Sex, and Num- 

ber. Zhou (halt not corrupt Levit. 
Boys; for this Wickednefs is *”#* * 
contrary to Nature, and a- 

rofe from Sodom, which was 
therefore intirely confum’d Gen. xix. 
with Fire fent from God. 

Let {uch an one be accurfed : © sbi 
And all the People fhall fay, ¢ deft 
So be it. Thou fhalt not com- 

mit Fornication. For, fays 

He, Zhere fhall not be a For- will. 57. 
nicator among the Children 

of Mrael. Thou fhalt wot fteal. 

For ‘dchan, when he had Joh vit 
{tolen in Ifrael at Fericho, 

was floned to Death; and. 
Ghazi, who ftole, and told 

1 ony. V. 2 SS V. 



Lib. VI. 

a uf) en . 


4King. v.a Lye, inherited the Leprofie 
Joh. xii.6. of Naaman ; and Fadas, who 

XXVIi. 5. 

Act, i. 18 tray 



Fx, xxii. 

an # Pag, 


XX1. 2.2. 



ftole the Poor's Money, be- 
‘d the Lord of Glory to 
the Jews, and repented, and 
hanged himfelf, and burft 
afunder in the midft, and all 
his Bowels gufh’d our. And 
Ananias and Sapphira his Wife, 
who ftole their own Goo dé 
and tempted the Spirit of 
the Lord were immedciate- 
-at the Sentence of 
Peter our Fellow- Sree 
{truck dead. 

; i I a ¥ by 4 ee ‘ , : ? # ee ve 1 Aaa Te 
‘yy An : f " ‘ . 
, } 4 

On a ae 
, . " 
} ' 


Aides Bandas wo Chia 
umecnade @T 1eCet y 
wrérlas © pduociphuo@., 
CxAneovopmce re Nee- 
ugv ® Atwear. © le 

dus, nremoy Ge aps 
menTwHY, Tt nuesoy 

Ovens aupedwuey “Teds 
os, © peTapernsels a 
my Say 2% e Aguas 
pet @s, 4 S eEcoa Sn Tm" 
G & car re) oyvee ard. 
4 Avavias, 4 Sar 
gars p Tere yun, 
wAtlavtes TH Ida, © 
Teegodp tes mo msg 

mek, mmeLaen Ug dngaad Tlé seu a ouveemtsuAs NUGYy 

eSeuvee Ta Snodys. 

Thou fhalt not ufe Ma- 
gick. Thou fhalc not ufe 
Witchcraft. For He fays, Ze 
feall not fuffer a Witch to 
live. Thou fhale -not flay 
thy Child by caufing Abor- 
tion, nor kill that which is 
begotten. For, Avery thing 
that is fhaped, and bas re 
ceived 4 Soul from God, if it 
be flain, (hall be avenged, as 
being unjuftly deftroyd. Thow 
fhalt not covet the Things that 
belong to thy Neighbour, as 
his Wife, or his Servant, or 

08 payin 8 gap- 
Hencloys’  pacugmes 
yp, ¢nolv, & aera. 
ete" Ov pov diay Tet- 
yor o Cy Quupd, 206 
0 Surasey dee TEvEs" 

x TAY Qeup "EEE Ng: 
Bt ee wyly Aa- 
Ecy wee @:3, cordy- 
oe, cxd 
es a VOU penser. Ove 
oa Sumy s ae TS TAM * 
Gloy od, Oloy ry UN LANG 
nT THjde, 1 Gav, 7 
tT ayesy. Oux bricp- 


mM NOeTHy am 

| bh tee a Rs RP ee te 

wreds* éppeQn gap, pwn 
Cumory crws’ e *) pate 
%; new Vopunons’ ok 
suey ov aut. Ou deu~ 
dbugprvencys’ O71 0 oU- 
evturd } minodpan 
=) / 

Ov xercoAgyiods® wt 
apame yap, Qual * xe 
MOACVEY 5 lve pM e= 
Sapbns’ 208 manag. nn" 
ays" odth Jap UyNOIKS= 
nov, es Jovan. Ov 
Eon inna G., 2dé ddr 
AwoG.' Tans yap 
ied avden mau dre 
saan’ xy avnp yAw- 
ow Sus 2 neteubuw Sice- 
my bm Fone. Ovx é 
coy 0 AoyG@u os nevis" 
CL Tow as Neup Aoye 
aoye dwoere Adnoy’ Ou 
sLevon amaAas up, 
* Onn", oth) (es Tes 
AsvGs mLe0S@- Ove 
gon mAcovenmms, oh 


the Holy Apoftles. 


Lib. Vit. 
his Ox, or his Field Thoy. 
[halt not forfwear thy felf. For 
itis faid, Zhou fhalt not [wear Matt 
at all; but if thac cansot be 
avoided, thou fhalt fiyear 
truly, For every one that Pt. txiz 
fears by Flim fhall be com. 2 
mended. Thow hale not bear 
Falfe Witnefs. For, Ee 
fal[ely accufes the Needy 
vores to Anger Him 
made him, | | 
Thou fhale ‘not fpeak 
Evil: For,’ fays He, Love 
not to {peak Evil, left thon 
becft taken away. Nor {hale 
thou be mindful of Inju- Provsif. 
ries; For the Ways of thole 2% 
that remember Tajuries are 
unto Death. Thou fhalt nor 
be double-minded. nor dou- 
ble tongued : For, 4 Man's 
own Lips are a trong Snare to 
him; And, A talkative \Por- Pfal. 
fon fall not be profpered upon cXxxix 11 
Larth. Thy Words thall |, ee 
not be vain: For ye fball Bg en 
give Account of every idle Levit xix. 
Word. Thou thelr not tell! 
Lyes: For, fays He, Zhou Phil. v. 7. 
fhalt ad-ftroy all thofe that fpeak 

Vv. 34 

t hat Prov. xiy. 
pro- 31. 



Vi. 2, 

 gtaarcpay. V.. * deeft, V. 



Lyes, Thou fhale not be 

coyetous, nor rapacious : 
Hab. ii.9.For, fays He, Wo to him 
that is covetous towards his 
Neighbour, with an evil Cove- 

Thou fhale not be an Hy- 
pocrite, left thy Portion be 
with them. Thou {hale not 
be ill-natur’d, nor proud. For, 
1Pet.v.5.God refifteth the Proud. Thou 

fhalt not accept Perfons in 
Fudzment 5 for the Fudgment 
Deut.Jery 25 16 Lord’s. Thou fhalt not 
Levit.xix. hate Any Man; thou (halt fure- 
AT- ly reprove thy Brother, and 
not become guilty on his Ac- 
counts And, Reprove a wife 
via a Man, and he will love thee. 
Efchew all Evil, and all 

that is like it.- For, fays 
Italiv.1,he, .4’flain from Injuftice, 
and Trembling [hall not come 
nigh theee Be not foon an- 
gry, nor fpitefui, nor paflio- 
nate, nor furious, nor daring, 
left thou undergo the Fate 
of Cain, and of Saul, and 
of Foab; for the fir of 
thefe flew his Brother 4e/, 
becaufe Abel was found to 

Matt, xv, 

Gen. 1Ve 

oe ae 

t a gue 
cepmas. ea} Yap, PNW, 

/ ’ “ - . 
gloy adsoveciay ag.nbes 

Oux 2on ann esTns, 
oO \ ‘ / > 
tv um ao peeOs oe ET 
LU TOV IHS. Oux eon nga 
107. ns, 208 narepn paw os” 
repngarois yaupo Qees 
> ‘ oa ’ 
ark leoserey. Qu Anly 
Degowmy | CY XELTEty 
ok 8 HU ELEN xehas.Qu 
Monod aay oe avbegs: 
> ‘ie Wests! SF 
ay’ BAcy pw edeysas 
Toy adiAgovav, g Anla 
di anlgy augeTiOW. xo é= 
AEY OE copor © cyan 
ay oe. Deng do Tylgs 
YORE, E Da adpalos ougis 
wauuTd amESE YAP, OU- 
ol, 270 are, e@ Teg" 
} > AY ~; 7, aa 
Kosi @) prego. Mn q4- 
ve opp Aos.umde BacKg- 
vos, unde CnrAways, vamm 
oF UGVINGSpmOz Boaaus® 
pamnins le § Kav, @ 
Te TB darr,x las lon 
ason Gs yp a TEX TAVE 
Gy adergoy wre Tov 

Suva'ce. V. 


Cie b> iat we “aie 

Lib. VIL 

, Ug B wegner- 
a bpelnvey me- 
eg® Gep, € YgB' rep 
elie’ T Suey a. 
m2" 05 4 t caoyv Aa- 
Eid edione, vinnocy lc 
2 Doased 3" @rpt- 
giaior, # Pian, bn 
a sopdireiiny 

eugnpic.” os 4 res duo 

SextTipyas avers, + 
"Abevenp tS Ioenia, 
@ Apso tS lade. 
Mh pire otwvocng- 
Gs ort odyya Dees 
eidtoo Aa Tpedus Oia. 
vigpe. 4, now o one 
peer ap rice Est 

Oux § este oleviopgs ¢ Cy 
‘Taxa’. code peep Tela 
ov iene ae eon 
ewaduy, ? nN BONG 

Seni cgay vs yoy Ce 6: 

HAndoVIES’ Gedy clwit- 
Sncn Gidkopveooori- 
ods’ ody ug Bion ° er 
Ory mov ned. Ge 
me  annveree #6 vo- 
pQvawate: MA yous 
bhSumytns yguav, o- 

be dtefetbed before him with 
God, and becaufe Avcl’s Sa- 
crifice was prefert’d ; the fe- 
cond perfecuted Holy David, } King. 

XVi'g XVI. 

who had flain Geliah the 
Philiftine, being envious up- 
On the Praifes of the Wo- 
men who danced; the third <1 
flew two Generals of Ar= 1 King. | 
thies, Abner of Jfrael, and ii. 32. 
Amafa of Fudah. 

Be not a Diviner: forthatc Vi 
leads to Idolatry: For, fays 
Samuel, Divination is Sin 
And, There fhall be xo Divi-? 
nation in Jacob, 
faying in Mrael.. Thou fhale 

not ufe Enchantments, or 
Purgations for thy Child. 

Thou fhale not be a South- 

fayer, nor a Diviner by great 

or litele Birds. Nor fhale 

thou learn wicked Arts; ~ 
for all thefe things has the Deut-xviii 
Law forbidden. Be not one jevit wig, 
nie wilhes for Evil, for thou 26. 31. 
wilt be led into intolerable 

Sins, -. Thou fhale not {peak 

1 King XY. | 
Ni umb: 
nor South- xxiii. 23 

* wear Se *Oiver. Ve 2 ry deeft. V. rad, al. 3 

a2 V. ‘pain mney. V. 

deefl. V. 48. V. °8- 


BE € . 

Mat® vi 


<0" 2. 

Pi Xxx. 5 


ebfcenely, nor .ufe wanton 
Glances, nor be a Drunkard. 
For from {uch Caufes arife 
Whoredoms and Adulteries. 
Pe not a Lover of Money, 



inflead of God. 


ferve Mammen, 

Be not 

nor haughry, 

nor high-minded. For from 
oil chele Things Arrogance 
does {pring. Remember Him 
Phosxx-s Whe faid, Lord, my Heart is 

not haughty nor mine Eyes lofty ; : 

I have not exercisd my felf in 
great Matters, nor in Things 
too high for me: But I was 


Suryabnan > es ane= 
TEND coke PINS. 
Oux éon anergy 
aah jrLopSuau@- ¢- 
de peSve@-" Hm op 
TET wy TTOpY ELA a Hg! 
oy ea yivovray. Mn es 
ves Gi Argerps * 

jan apt Gee Suneboys 
wy! uougyg. Many 
ve xevodv0EG., pnd? pe- 
Tew Qn, pnde urns 
Pen’ Cit - yap Torey 
aTATWY &Ag. Covieut yin 
vovToy: MynaInTt 7B em 
qo T Ge" Kueze go 
Lace n xgpdie pes 
ced ea rac ek dn TOY ob 

apaaryos ms" oie é mopey Say Ov pega Agts, ede cv amu 

UyporoLs Lap cpt. 

Be not a Murmurer, re- 
“membring the Punifhment 
. Which thofe underwent who 
murmurd againft Mofes. Be 

not { 

elf-will’d,. be 

not ma- 

licious, be not hard hearted, 
be not paffionate, be not 
mean-{pirited; for all thefe 
Things lead to Blafpbemy. 
be .meck, were 


and David . 


a pn CTU TELYOD egy urs 

Mn yive siyuo@s 
pyadsets ? Twesas is. 
ares ol Xu TADIY~ 
quoarms Macews. Mn 
00 au sedis, unde 710 
yncgDc@y, ude OKAN- 
e91g.pdi@s, nde ju" 
eons, pnde pimeor” 

uy Ge wre yap 

FU TO oS» yea Megs 

Bag. opipiay® Se 4 


Lib. VII. 

rei@. as Meine 4 

Aabid eres of memeis 

wAneovornovar yl 

Dive exes Sup@.* 

6 Dy cep weT@r, moAVS 
cv pepingy, ewermrep 
CAigenwuocos | igevest ap~ 
COV Live cheng” 
MeRGELOI yap 01 eAen- 
GES, ott aver! eAgn- 
Sraov Tey, "Baa LCE 
xO, nox ® » a yeurD05, 
TEEUQY Tes Agyes 73 
Ocse Ov upaces 
ceauroy, ws 0 Page> 
GiGss on mus ovary 
may’ xoy B valnagy co 
Owlawmis, BderAvyua 
meg, 7) Oso. Ou dw- 
oes 7 yn ov begs 
oG. on Fenas apinp 
EA ETE TOY es mice 
Ov Maeda ree 
aperver, na we an- 
gar x dsxawy* ' 0 guia 
arp doy @. yap 0: 
Qos, goos a. o 4 
ove Top duophu@- naiper 
at, quednceray’* Te 
cup voy (Gt an, 

i defune. ¥. 

the Holy Aoatie 

the Meck hall inherit thé ray re 

Be flow to Wrath; for vit 
for {uch an one /s very pris P ov. xivs 
dent, {ince He that is hafty** 
of Spirit is a very Fool. 

Be merciful; for, Béeffed are Mitt. 0.7. 
the Merciful, for they fhall ob- 

tain Mercy. Be fincere, quiet, 

good, trembling at the Word Valavis; 
of Ged. Thou fhale noc ex- 

ale thy felf, as did the 
Pharifee : ere Fuery one tuk. vit} 
that exalteth himfe Lf (hall be ‘4. 
abafed: And, That which is 
of high Efteew with Man is 
Abomination withGod. Thou 
fhale not éntertain Confi- 
dence in thy Soul: For, A Prov xii 
confident Man fhall fall into ‘7. LX%s 
Mifchief. Thou fhalt not go 

along with the Foolifh, bue 

' with the Wife and Righ- 
teous: For, He chet rater uit, 1a 
with wife Aden fh hall be wife 

4 he that walketh with ‘the 

Foolilh {hall be kvown. Res 
ceive the Affictions that fall 
upon thee with an_ ever 

Mind, ‘and the Chances of 



XVI, 186 

Ee 2 

a ss, es, 77 — = te ee we ge rane ee 

of Life without over-much 
Sorrow, knowing that a 
Rewaid fhall be given to 
thee by God, as was given 
to fob and’ to Lazarus. 

‘Thou fhalt honour him 
that {peaks to thee the 
Word of God, and be mind- o 
ful of him Day and Night 5 
and thou fhalt reverence him, 
not as the Author of thy 
Birth, but as one that 1s 
made the Occafion of thy 
Well-being. For where the 
Doétrine concerning God is, 
there God is prefent. Thou 
fhalc every Day feek the 
Face of the Saints, that thou 
mayeft acquiefce in, their 

Thou fhale not make 
Schifms among the Saints ; 
but be mindful of the Fol- 
-lowers of Corah. Thou fhalt 
make Peace between thofe 
thar are at Variance, 
Ex. li. 13. Mofes did, whea he per- 

-fwaded them to be Friends 
Thou fhalt judge righte- 
Deut.1.17. ouily : For, Zhe Fucement 

Job x'11. 
Luk. xvi. 


+,* Pag. 



ev}Sycos dens” xy mas 
dws oT purtcSos abs Occ 
Cor dooncery, ws ad 
Taf © mf AaCapers 

es a a} Ve Pee a Veee 



Toy AgAguarret Coz 

T Aer 78 Ose dose 

pevacdnoy 3 aure 

Ht ¢ yYUXTOS* k- 
peng ess * 4 auTor, 

uo os Jueceaos aikov, 

aN was @ cu evey Cot ; 

wep ieror yevepijsoy'o ore 
yep a eA Ore Orda 
ounriz, ena 0 Ogre 
Tepe SW. cnn ta ets 1g" 

One env 3 Dejoumy 

vp ayiar, ly eqye= 
ray Tols Agppts aus 

Ov moun ets qa 
TH megs Tes ayies® 

pundas aS Kopermye | 

eiplueucas mane es 
ws Moons, ! Cuvarmer 
oxy es Diridwe xes- 
vas dixgiws® TS yap 
wwe n xefos. Ov 
Anln meg(Gmov ergy 
Eu th abyalouen, 

* xgcreard oxy. Vs 


ir we " Sere r , ) ee eee | 
7 . je 4 
~ . 4 re . ‘ 

Lib. VII. the Holy Apoftles: — 
es nip og Migaias & ts the Lord’s. Thou fhale 
"Agadl, % “sdué- not accept Perfons, _ when 
nang 6 Atbiod + Sede- reprovelt for Sins; but 
nav, % i NasauvtTAe do as Elijah and /Mi- 
E13, 4 ‘lwaivas ¢ ‘H: caiah did to Ahab ; ; and 3 King. 
eile. Ebedmelech the Ethiopian xvii, 
to Zedcchiah, and, Nathan eis 
to David, and John to He- Matt.xiv. 
Ma vive diye. Be not of a doubtful Mind 
cr mend oe, 4 € e- in thy Prayer, whether it xt,’ 
gy, ns Ae 93 6 fhall be granted or no. For 
weEA@s eng! Nerpy bi the Lord faid to me Peter 
? Sercoms” *“Oar- upon the Sea, O thou of lite 
Qorise', es Ti ed gee tle Faith, wherefore didft thou , 
ons; Mn vii mess fe doubt > Be not thou ready to ilies 
re) AgFav Cuteivev. & ftretch out thy Hand to ree 31. 
yer, @egs 5B de- ecive, and to [but it when thou ‘ 
Pod age [houlde ft Live, 
Fao eyes, alg. TH If thou hat, by the XIL 
Neg o8 Obs, We éep- Work of thy Hands, give, 
yaon es Avteway & that thou mayeft labour for 
PSriay ow “EAenwoe the Redemption of thy Sins: 
cuius 2 %~wigenv For, By ‘Alms and Acts of Prov. xvy 
Dmygcutegvry apvirp- Faith Sins are purged aw Ay, 27- 
ia. Ov Acuces de. Thou fhalt not grudge to 
yu Taye es dM- give to the Poor, nor when 
bes, oolypcas’ weon thou haft given fhale thou 
op 715 bt o 8 patcsod murmur. Forthou thalte know 
dutamodutus’ 6 eAgey Who Will repay thee thy 


xvi. 6. 

joao lux. Ve 
EF ecs Re- 

¥xi. 13. 

max, 18. 


‘Maid- -Servant, 

~ £7 a ks Ba rare et 5 



Reward: For, ‘fays He, He 

that hath Mercy on the poor 

Man lendeth to the Lord, ac- 
cording to his Gift fo foall it 
be repaid him again. Thou 
fhalt not turn away from 
him that is needy. For, 
fays he, He that ftoppeth his 
Fars, that he may not hear 
the Cry of the Needy, bimfelf 
alfo (hall call, and there hall 
be none to hear him. Thou 
fhalt communicate in all 
things to thy Brother, and 
fhalt not fay [thy Goods] 
are thine own. For the com- 
mon Participation of the 
Neceflaries of Life is ap- 
pointed to all Men by God. 
Thou fhale nor take off 
thine Hand from thy Son, 
er from thy Daughter, but 
fhale teach them the Fear 
of God from their Youth. 
For, fays He, Correét thy Son, 
fo fall he afford thee good 

Thou fhalt not command 
thy- Man-Scrvant, or thy 
who truft in 

the fame God, with a fu- 

Ps QT, - PaaN, Ww 
ye) Pavel gy i 43- 
Stina aprs, 8Tws wy- 
mrodvlncerey outs. Oux 
QO eA ONTN r Ses pa- 
¥OV. Os Penos4 yep, 
gnc, one urs pan 
eounery * BS dtopge 
ye’, % avros orang ree 
GET, % ux, esey Oem 
oun sey wre. ae 
oes es mote». © ader~ 
Ow oe Cc CoH pes Te 
Ahern eve git 3p 1 
pera nn}is aby CEs 
mal oy, beaarnis ape 
ondvadin. Gow apets ra 
xed Ce dm 78 ue oe, 
n 200 T Super ess oe" 
ad Pu) veomr@- ‘ON. 
dxfas aves * oeboy 
g ion Tladybe, 98, 
gue, Tt you oy &tw 

np é esoy Cor derms. 

Ov'x oohmmEess dee 
Aw oe in mand 1o“n, Avis 
1 \ 

mT cueray ecy mre 
amuSvY , OV TK Oh 

" . % . -~* Ae ; 
wit syee Ve * aigay. V, 
j r » Fut ; 


Lib. VII. the Holy Apoftles. 

lugs’ en oroTe seve 
Ewa bz Tol, @ esty 
got opyn aha Oxe. ¥ 
ULES OF derot \am0 Te 
Vnte empis nu ehots v- 
HOM oe tums Qés, co” 
' weo (ony ‘@ poe y, as 
TH WWEL@, 4] Cow ay- 
Gogo mts. 

c* Mions es oreuley 
canes cl TAY O ey 
, a pest eke, aoroin= 
Cblse & fAn ey KouTRAL- 
ans cura Ages weks” Ou 
rakes 4 a mbergees 

cums, pnts Rep" 
oibets ¢ er auras, nT 
CPU ae AUTH). 
Ou mecSnres 90 ais 
Aools durB, va pi 
Aeyen oe, pel dins 
on. Efoyoagyion ws 
ern T) Oca ov Tes 
oriole ce 4 8x 
tk @mogancas er av- 
ais’ iva 60 Cor Sune 
my Me wem & Oza 
Cs, os &@ Berery + 
Savany 8 avrwA3, 
Wa Tt peTmroiay, 

Tov mtn oe @ 
MS unTieg a ei i 

~ era 

: gigyry. V, 

rious Soul, left they groan 
againit thee, and Wrath be 

upon thee from God. And 

ye Servants be fubjec? to your Eph vi 5. 
Maffers, as to the Reprefen- 
tatives of God with Atten- 

tion and Fear, as to the 7 
Lord, and not to Men. 

Thou fhale hate all Hy-, XIV 
pocrifie, and whatfoever is Aye 
pleafing to the’ Lord, that 

{hale thou do; By no means 

forlake che Gommands of the 
Lord: But thou fhale obférve 
what things thou haft receiv'd 
from him, neither adding to 
them, nor taking away from 
them: For thow halt not Prov. 
add unto his Words, left **** 
he convil thee, and thow be- 
comeft a Lyar. Thou fhale 
confefs thy Sins unto the 
Lord thy God; and thou 
fhale nor add unto them, 
that ic may be well with 
thee from the Lord thy 
God, who willeth mot the 
Death of a Sinner, byt his 

Thou thale be obfervane XV- 
to thy Father and Mother 


Ee4q as 

(fa Sviti7. 




as the Caufes of thy being 
born, that chou mayett live 
Jong on\the Larth, which 
the Lord thy God giveth 
thee. Do not overlook thy 
Brethren, or chy Kinsfolk: 
For, Zhow fhalt wat overlook 
thofe nearly related to. thee. 

Thou fhale fear che King, 
knowing that his Appoinc- 
ment is of the Lord. His 
Rulers. thou fhale honour, 
as the Minifiers of God ; 
for they are the Revengers 

of all Unrightcouinels. To 
whom pay Taxes, Tribute, 
and every Oblation. with a 
willing Mind. 

Thou thalt not proceed 
to thy Prayer in the Day of 
thy Wickednrels, before thou 
hati laid afice chy Birterne(s. 
This isithe Way of Life; in 

which. may ye be fouad, 
through Jefus Chrift our 

os wives Cot Wuecews, 
ie. Quy Raxesaeprios - 
eon T Ys, vs mes 
0 @eos ce bidver Gr. 
Tes adiapes Ce Hj. Tes 
oul Ques oe pn wae 
ee is" Tes »~ ol nets 
3 caps. tis o¢ bey 

vareeg ld. 

Tev Bamréa gob none 
on, edts ok nu ene 
bay % KACO TIE Tes 
aprorGs a cir’ TATTES, 
as eT Epes Ors. ¢ ex 
O1Kg! Yap ici TONS 
Oinias* ats DraTion Te 
TAGs Qcegy, © au- 
oul KODCCRY, duoy w= 
(GV e Se 
Oo wenaerdioy brn 

mega sunclas ov Cy pe 
pd muy nesas o8, Te 
au hugns T MOL Oe. 
nan bev nodes. & Cons” 
5 Spowro Cures UKs 
cUpetinvey, Ae inact 
Xexend S xUG# 2° 




aay Rast 


‘ uteb kita haa a 
a AiR i Ae CY eee 
aS i he Go ay oe a aA, th aris 
/ A ‘ 
f I] 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Si cr. LXI. 

, Lé odts $ bara - 
2, ‘ 2 / 
Fe boi Ov TEs 

Eeny muynegss Sewpy 

pun? ce aurn 9 aye 
yorw *,Oes- as TIA 
7 ugnay € DAW oY 
meer gov  eracalayn 
dt oy Qevol, LOLNCE CY, 
Up EA, Bhropnias é 71" 
Pups mbyvaygt; “nAO= 

Tah, cdg ag. rgacy x 
MEIC , Pa pug nea : 
apr ye, pudeylpsus. 

Eft, ramxeeTes, Ole 
mroyapdio, dvAQs, 
Urepn@dwia , 
amarudan , 
Ele, agen rgyia, Ca 


Aotumia » Segoums 5 

ulnAgpercuun, awrar 
avec, acosia, Ove 

HGS analoy, aruteces 
exfer, Lhd es aya 
7M cio ote dingroowuns. 
OL Tanwy TroLn Tes, 
2 4QAwY Tey analy ocd 
% CLOG Dingign * a3¢u- 

mvsov ecas OB ay 


BY T the Way of Death 

is known by its wicked 
Practices; for therein is the 
Ignorance of God, and the 
Introduction of many Evils, 
and Diforders, and Diftur- 

bances ;. whereby come Mur- 

ders, Adultes ries, Fornicati- 
ons, Perjurics, unlawful Lufis, 
Thefts, Idolarries, Magick 
Arts, Witchcrafts, Rapines, 
Falfe-Witnefles, Hypocrifies, 
Double-heartednefs, Deceit, 
Pride, Malice, Infolence, Co- 
vetou{nefs, Obfcene Talk,Jea- 
loufie, Confidence, Haughti- 
neis, Arrogance, Impudence, 
Perfecution of the Good, En- 
mity to Truth, Love of Lyes, 
Ignorance of Righteoufnefs. 
For they who do fuch thiogs 
do not adhere to Goodnels, 
or to righteous Judgment; 
they wacch not for Good, 
but for Evil: From whom 
Mecknefs and Patience are 
far off, who love. vain 
Things, purfuing after Re. 

* Oroy. V.V 

* defn V. 

2 eyTITDINTe al. - 






having no Pity on 

the Poor, not labouring for 
hira that is in Mifery, por 
knowing him that made them. 

Murderers of Infants, 


ftroyers of the Workman- 
fhip of God, that turn a- 
way from the Needy, adding 
Affli@ion to the Affli@ed, 

the Flatrerers of the Rich, 

the Defpifers of the Poor, 

Full of Sin. 

May you,Chil- 

dren, be deliver'd from all 

#,,# Pag. thefe. 
_ 368. 


See that no one feduee 

thee from Piety: For, fays 
Dent.v.32 He, Thou waft not turn aftde 
from it to the Right Hand, 

or to the Left ; 

” that thou 

mayelt have Underftanding in 

all that theu doef. 

For if 

thou doeft not turn out of 
the right Way, thou wilt 
not be wicked. 


Now concerning the feye- 

ral Sorts of Food, the Lord 

“Sty, av es 3 movnes?” 
wy MaKe megoms ~ 
RD UG UTI ayeu" 
mdbyss6x éAcurles His 
9ov,8 movers bah no Gn 
ove ww, 8 yveocnay~ 
7S Tromadyres AUTH, 
@oveis TEXYOOY , pPopeas 
mraal@s Ces, ae 
mruspepoywor erdeopse= 
yor, ° Xo.qeumrover tes 
SriSowwor", mrvoiwy 
** abauAnrol, mevi- 
nov vartep ton, meds 
raugpmlgt , puodernre, 
THe, 2 TeTMY ce 

“Cee unts of TAG 
ynon Do Tt Aoeleas*® 
Ovx Cnnrivns Ps. Qn 
mW, ae au Tins Era 

* avuya”, ive au- 
se ev jmaov ols edp 
mesorns” 8 9b edp Fh” 
cCatrenTis teem f be 
Seas ods, Suarebucds, 

Teese 3} Rewugirwr 
Aig Cao nei 

if defuat. V. * 

desseeg. Vs ? deeft, V. 

t deeth V, 

Lib.Vil. the Holy Apoftles: 

Tea aya Se t ys pa- 
mde’ xo) [lav xpéas é 
dkSz, ws Agenavee Aine. 
OD aia cuneds’ oP 
i me Eat pyouSuee es } 50- 
pou xolwor T ayb ce 
my Sa Te Croropdud~ 
pee’ Atqw dry Baa 
oPNLicy, APTWAG.Atal, 
aT clea’ av y) 
Qayn T Uvergy F Ks 
py xcocws* on 
ak UGAS!'s ort, ra a- 
ke ayadcv, dure’ oitos 
pedwioxats, %, olv@. dw- 
AleCav bdtvos. ris 
> Qaranu, n TIS T1é- 
ay, pet ers 3 * Tas 
esiwve dé Co: Co. or- 
os "Ecd eas, Asqwr" 
Tlopdedz, @ Payers 
Aumuopale, © wrist 
yauygqale, C py 

Am 3 aH? adwag- 

Sutwy odboate’ hit 
wn divgvey Suva 
aaura @p uCpq dy- 
ag dn B ugrs Océ, & 
ws en Yande xolWe- 
Beri Sr 

_ i defune, V. 

come Partners w th Demons, 

fays to thee, Ye hall eat\&, 1.19, 
the good Things of the Earth: 

Aud, All forts of Flefh fhallGen.ix3. 
ye eat, as the creen Herb; 

but, Zhow {halt pour out the | 
Blood. For, Not thofe things xe 
that ‘go into the Mouth, but Mat.ixy, 
thofe that come out of it defile Page 
a Man: | mean Bla{phemics,3,.— a 
Evil-{peaking, and if there 

be any other thing of the 

like Nature: Bnt, Do thow Zach. ix. 
eat the Fat of the Land with*7: 
Righteoujnefs : For, If there , 
be any thing pleafant, it is deel. 
flis ; andif there be any thing 

good, it is His. Wheat for 

the young Men, and Wine to 

chear the Maids, For, WhoEccl. it. 
fhall eat, or who hall drink?® ***. 
without Him? Wile Ezra 

does alfo admonifh thee, 

and fay, Ge your way, and eat sey 
the Fat, and Drink ihe Sweet, ° ~ 
and be not forrowful. 

But do ye abftain from XXt_ 
Things offered to Idols;,°°* 
for they offer them in Hos 
nour of Demons,) that is, 
to the-Difhonour of the One 
God, that ye may not be 






S#£c'r.’. EXIE 

XXII. — concerning Bap- []é eis eAioieme, 

tilm, O Bifhop, or 
Presbyter, we have already 

given Direction, and we now 
{ay, That thou fhalr fo bap- 
tize as the Lord command: 


ed us, faying, Go ye and teach 
sxvill' 19, 4// Nations, 

in the Name of the Father, 

Baptizing them 

and of the Son, and of the 

Holy Ghoft: 

(teaching them 

to obferve all things what{o- 

ever I have commanded you ) 

Of the Father who. Sent, 
of Chrift who Camé, of the 


who Teftified: 

But thou fhale before-hand 
Anoint the Perfon with the 
holy Oil, and afterward Bap- 
tize him withthe Water, and 
in the Conclufion fhalt Seal 
him withthe Ointment. That 
the Anointing with Oil may 
be the Participation of the 

~ Holy Spirit ; 

the Symbol of the Death of 
andthe Ointment the 
Seal of the Coverants. 

Chrift ; 

and the Water 


@ A Crhionom, 3 0 1 peo 
Curepe, ny je © weg- 
teeov Netacauedsn © 
yun Dé Madu, ole eaw 
Batlioes, os 6 mesos 
Netwlato Tri, Aeqwv" 
Mepd.Svres Hedi dbs 
(ire adr Te esa’ 
Pants Couns avtes eis 
So bv opme Z TUT EIS, e 
a3 yes ’ % a3 ayié 
abipal@. ddducnor- 
des aU eS TmpEY ToT 
Coe aveTeAguly viv’ 
re Mme aagl@. Ta 
TeIs" 3 eA Sar |G XK e- 
ce oS pbauprodlOe 
PCW TOY Age ayle e° 
mele Bamiods udueTL xy 
‘me AduTmMIOy cheayieds 
wopy” twa B it were 
JAM perori n S avis 
mbipal@., 3 4 udwp 
gur6 oror S Suvare, o 
4 wes, obeayls TW! 
awaynor. 6 4 unite ee 





a) er mca al ~ 
Aue 5 UN, ¥, tag's 
oF ; ¢ “ ‘ 

; Lib.VI rf 

Ag.tov ™, ENTE uven?, 
apne ‘ udeep, c DeYs 
KEK, % megs PES 
idee, ec DeIs ougAg- 
batt € Xv duvavtOy, 
nat cuuacrooynceay los. 
Des 4 7 Band ine los 
** ynqduecitw 0 Bowe 
Le ZS G98 0 weros 
wey TY Boca cSets <0 
— Twavyes ga? eens 
ugy avAicses mereret lo. 
erie duce Teosve st 1.59 lee 
HMCORS HY Tease drnor 
yUXTEAS * eCatmicdn 7 
x eunig- dicey’ ia avers 
DeTOpU TE Tees n VICE: 
eypetay FO g2¥ 7 x eeOokp- 
gews, 0 TH uct xa- 
sibs. @ ayn.G, Xv’ 
tye @ lwaryyn can- 
ELLY GNP Deoqeepruenci. 
ty ipedy Wan pg 49) 
arioh OC NTE. gx uv 0 ie 
werGu, sx es Eats 
mG. eacionro, in 
nvamy, hn ayes’ 
wera 99 ediey rarer é e- 
pegend’ WM eis Sire 
Evy ¢ erica A) Car 
zeuras xy S Baring 

the Holy Apoftles. 

ie Tw eee 

a) 7 & > a 
i ? 4 »* 
Si st Me ey J 

Oy ae The f 

oy NA 

if there be neither Oil nor - 

Ointment, Water is fuffici- 

ent both for the Anointing, 
and fcr the Seal, and for 
the Confeflion of him that 
is dying together [withChrift] 
Buc before Baptifm, let him 
that is to be baptizd faft: 
For even the Lord, when 
He was firft baptiz'd by 

*,* Pag, 


Fohn, and abode inthe Wil- Mate iii, 
dernefS, did afterward faft & iv. 

Forty Days aad Forty Nights. 
But He was baptizd, and 
then fafted, not having him- 
{elf any need of Cleanfing, 
or of Fafting, or of Purga- 
tion, who was by Nature 
pure and holy; but that he 
might bear Teflimony tq his 
Fore-runner Joh7, and afford 
an Example to us. Where- 
fore our Lord was not bap- 
tiz d iato his own Paffion, or 
Death, or RefurreGtion; for 
none of thofe things had 
then happen’d ; bur for ano- 
ther purpofe, Wherefore He 
by his, own Authority fafted 
after his Baptifm, as being 
the Lord of Fohn. Bur he 

> Fr V. 




who is to be initiated into 
his Death ought firft to faft, 
and then to be baptiz’d. 
For it is not reafonable that 
he who has been bury’d 
with Chrift, and is rifen a 
gain with Him fhould ap- 
pear dejected at his very 
Refurrections For Man is 
not Lord of our Saviour’s 
Confticution, fince one is 
the Mafter, and the other 
the Servant. 

But lec not your Fafts be 
with the Hypocrites; for 
they faft on the fecond and 
fifth Days of the Weck. 
But do you either faft the 
entire five Days, or on the 
fousth Day of the Weck, 
and on the Day of the Pre- 
paration, becaufe on the 
Fourth Day the Condemna- 
tion went out againft the 
Lord, Fudas then promifing 
to betray Him for Money: 
And you mutt faft on the 
Day of the Preparation, be- 
caufe on that Day the Lord 
fuffer'd the Death of the 
Crofs, under Pontius Pilate. 


; « Banliivas y. 


vigduer, as aver 
b Sale 

‘lwawe' o es F aurd 
Saray uuspsyw@s ; 
megTEDY oped vn 
seurey, %. avte * Bam 
Thea" 28  dixaoy 
T ouuro.ger la @ ave- 
vousctvereu, ay avthys 
T crestoly “ampay” 
dS xdgi@cd aillabe 
rG@: 7 Soe ra5 ers to 4 
@rip@’ emevmep op 
Skowoms, o 4) naanne@.s 
Ai 4 vg-etas Uw! 
pA eswody pty PS eaa0- 
Lek TOY" vn eon 59 
awa (bbaqr, % 
me ay tes 2 1 Gs 
qeyTe vilgevoRTe npe= 
eas, n meTetdr xou 
ahgondils ch rn fe 
mTeadt 1 n@sos t- 
SiAdey a ay 78 xU- 
enw, “Ide Fen aay 
emeJoairg wie T eI - 
Siiay’ P} oDrondls, 
G soil 3) 
auTy 7 TG. Q SG cous 

2, ‘ao Toytiv Ting 

tee & (6Camy py 
a F xverantw éop- 


re VII. 

— raCers* on & Zp B on- 
puspyias bo aon 
he, ‘git oo ayase- 
Otws. Ev by, gy ov out 
Gccrop v UPIy QuAgeTeoy 
ey caw Td cout, 3 
SB nvEele THIN, o- 
mp pavtien west 
HEY, on wy goa 
Cay" Co oow mo Oye 
pesepyys an yhe avs- 
yard, topuepteepy 3 
ao av7 mvIG, ¢ 
ng T Snetupyicey aan 
ens’ ole 0 Spare paps 
OPS caurs Snpispynyg= 

the Holy Apoftles: 

But keep | ‘the Sabbath, and 
the Lord’s Day Feftival ; be- 
caufe the former is the Me- 

‘morial of the Creation, and 

the Jatter of the Refurreci- 
on. But there is one only 
Sabbath to be obferv’d by 
you inthe whole Year, which 
is that of our Lord’s Bu. 
rial, on which Men ought 
to keep a Faft, but not a 
Feftival. For inafmuch as 
the Creator was then under 
the Earth, the Sorrow for 
Him is more forcible than— 
the Joy for the Creation : 

awy gue, vw 4 aia for the Creator is more ho- 
ay1erep Qe ' nourable by Nature, and 
Dignity than his own Crea- 
a Now, When ye pray, be not XXIV. 
"Ondp 3 es we ae 5, 

yeas the Ffypocrites; butas the» y , ng 
Lord has appointed us in “370. 
the Gofpel, {o pray ye, Ourv.9, Ge. 

ae, jan yivede os ol 
—ever@s 7 ney CW & evaS- 

Arig dierncsarn, Tw 
men oeunedde Tanp 
mmeeoy, 0 cy MIs veg 
yols, ayadnted Ovo~ 
ue Ce’ eAdetw 1 Ba- 
aarca Ce" unsure & 
Sue Gan dean 

Father which art in Heaven; 
Flallowed be thy Name ; 7) by 
Kingdom comes; Thy Will he 
done as in Hleaven, fo on 
Earth; Give us this Day our 
Daily Bread; And forgive us 

our Debts, as we forg ve our 

a ai 


Ha. lit. 5s “For, 

Debtors ; And lead us not in. 
to Temptation, but deliver us 
from Evil: For thine is the 
Kingdom for ever. Amen. 
Pray thus thrice in a Day, 
preparing your {elves before- 

hand, that ye may be worthy 
of the Adoption of the Fa- 
ther ; left when you call Him 
Father unworthily, you be 
reproached by Him, ag /frae/ 
once his Firft-born Son was 

Mal. i. 6.told, Jf I be a Father, where 

is my Glory? And if I be a 
Lord, where is my Fear >? For 
the Glory of Fathers is 
the Holinefs of their Chil- 
dren; and the Honour of 
Mafters is the Fear of their 
Servants; as the contrary is 
Difhonour and Confufion : 
fays He, Through you 

my Name is Llalphemed among 
the Gentiles. 

+ cpmy nuay T bee 
ow dbs ala sorpaeoy" 
x; apes pay TO oper 
Anpaclee TUQY, 4 
mess apie ruts c- 
Perens gy * 

wn eloevdlans nuns es 

\ \ «nw 
TELOLTNGY, wma puoey 
€ ~w Sn | «~ a ~, 
MAGS o7g T?8 fae 
ke o boawen Banrea, 
eis Tes anayes. cpl 
Tes & negexs ere 
meoTeryede, MEI aGH~ 
obaCovrs sauTes as 
E1us : Yyourias 

\ ¢/ 4 > 
TAT EIS, bic pan Owes 
! ¢ ~ > oF 
Elias Uywy aut moe 
/ i € 
ow ~ 
SiSnre ar eure’ 
c % We 4; \ ed 
ws 2% @ oh Omg 
ae ToT Ox» ues mew 
oey” on é: TH Tp Eifel 
eyw,7e boy n dvka pees 
> { ‘ > 4 ~ 
G GX KUCLOS ert, are 

by o go EG. prs 5 Ouse —~p Tate: coy coucrns 7 roudwev, 

mun dtocoTH, 
bSoiie 2) Aux poy te. 
ps Bagopnpetey cy ais elven. 

ol meTwp poe Gr wommep ey 8 evil 
Ai uu as ~, | 

ena , 3 c vouUge 


* deeft.V. 


CXI'B, c én P ys* 


Lib.VIL the Holy Apoftles’ 

Be ye always thankful, as XXV. 

Tivede *) ore Tore 
Bigaersot, as msvi % 
Cywengves SeAor" ome 
ep? Mincnereias 
Saw Aspyas’ Moaer- 
Gey (1, mitep nay, 
ane Cams Tis ey depors 
HEALY PYG} "Inoe S crete 
Oc oe S&C am mup- 
nu emoinoas, @ FoAwy 
THE VOES * o € a- 
omreaags oat cwmr 
Ce Th Tempe ye- 
Sey dwlewamny’ oy XG 
cuuEroonors ale 2% 
amSuvev. oy C ava 
OCU, ag Cnas10ts cn dt 
Eiav Cs’ dis © éml- 
HAW Aly T cvaseory 
ms vexegv. C2 décor te, 
adrnegstp Ott aiv- 
vig’ wouep Li req dse- 
onopmayysor, ¢€ ou- 
vay Gey esuero as ap- 
TOs, ome Tween 
Cy tlw cxurnciay 2X0 
YS mMeegtav F yrs as 
tly * BanrAday. én 
nae apy, mitep he 
POLE 2D ae TLL ot 

faithful and honeft Servants, 
and concerning the Eucha- 
riftical Thanfgiving fay thus, 
We thank Thee, Our Father, 
for that Life which thou 
haft made known to us by 
Jefus thy Son, by whom thou 
madeft all things, and takeft 
care of the whole World; 

whom thou haft ent to be. | 

come Man for our Salvation ; 
whom thou haft permitted 
to Suffer, and to Die; whom 

thou haft raifed up, and _ 

been pleafed to glorifie, and 
haft fer Him down on thy 
Right Hand : By whom thou 
haft promifed us the Re- 
furretion of the Dead. Do 
thou, O Lord Almighty, 
Everlafting God, fo gather 
together thy Church from 
the Ends of the Earth into 
thy Kingdom, as this [Corn] 
was once {fcatter’d, and is 
now become one Loaf. We 
alfo, Our Father, thank thee 

for the Precious Blood of | 

Jefus Chrift, which was fhed 

for us, and for his Precious 

te cremate eee 

Cty. V. 

F £ ke Body 

EO Oe Cee ee 

1 Cor. xi. felf appointed us, 


w. 29, 


io ‘ed Thanks in this manner: 



Body, whereof we celebrate 
this Reprefenration, - him- 
To (hew 
forth his Death. For through 
Him Glory is to be given to 
Thee for Ever. Amen. Let 
no one eat of thefe things 
that is not initiated ; bur 
thofe only who have been 
boptized into the Death of 
the Lord. But if any one 
that is not initiated conceal 
himfelf, and partake of the 
fame, Z7e eats eternal Damna- 
tion; becaufe, being not of 
the Faich of Chrift, he has 
partaken of fuch things as 
it is not lawful for him co 
partake of, ro his own Pu- 
nifhment. But if any one 
is a Partaker through Tgno- 

rance, inftruct him quickty, 
and initiate him, that. he 
nay not go out and defpife 

After the Participation give 
thank thee, O God and Fa- 
ther UE Talis our Saviour, for 
thy Holy Name, which thou 
haft made ro inhabit among 
us; and that Knowledge, 

ug! Gr Ines Kees & 

cnx herr OD I nor” ! 

C a TAL owugl@.* & z 
Qutiry re erent Te 

a4 5 

bate euy, ard Ale 
anaes 7 ney xg. ta.5 

ope T cre Soya ; 

Gy" DM CUTE DeLp out G 

- > 
7 Svea, Eis TES WWVAS. 

aply.. pandas 3 “) eodie~ 
rw && QU Te), “9p a 
UnTw?® sna gros 
ot BeCamicpQua as ¥ 
dé ks auont@ Let 
equTuy perarg Sa, Hel 

Mo abaovioy _ganirey. m 
ok pnave as X exsov 
TiSEQ)S, parerd bev ay 
g Orns, as kumesow 
ae Pee 
yoLoy _paceirg Oct, T= 
TOY Teeygoy sony ELLY 
NA TALENTS e&¢r Gor. 

“ Meare 4 7ly ee 

cellar, f ST OS dingret- 
CNT TE Dinyer ene ep- 

gat, 0 “Geos G mA TI 
"lage v2 5 owt np fi Huw”, 
ap 7 aye OYOMO. 
aus ‘ge, & xg¢tecnlew, 

; * deelt. V. al 



Lib. Vii 4 
ous. 7 nya” Cy ADD’ vs 
qywucews, % TSEC, ¢ 
aos, a euwaotes® 
hs tongs nly BLoy Tne 
oe Te aranroos” os" Cu 


SCOOT Tops roe esp, 

0 Ogos Tw onwr, eu 
be cers! T xonoy, @ & 
ov ured A aur a 

vougr-xg| PU THU CoE “ey 

Geis Nugais hay’ @ 
- O95 pera rns|v 

3 poy iagémons dy- 
Ged aris 6 Gece nth te 
yioy % Ce pe ONY * Rise 
Tee" Lev, “Aenea, 
4 ‘Toucan, a Taxa, 
ays mew derov TH. 

° Dunas O<os, 0 om: 

GOs x an SiVes, © a- 
Lddns cv % eaulyee 

Aes’ 0 Wor eag.s ban 
ans Tnosy © Xersov Gs, 
2p Besimrors TUAVAKeK- 

hoa wos avD eos mov > 

Oecy ovrw Aanpy @ du- 
Besrroy, C+ aAaty bu 
eo ppiCor aveneiv. on= 
os © rua dt curd pon 
auk ayias ae ¢n- 
wnoiars TRUTHS 5 bes 

DEKE TON TO 7) Tito 


1 ORTIGAS. v. 

the tely Apoftles: 

Faith, Love, and Immortali- 
ty; which ‘thou haft given 
us thro’ thy Son Jefus. Thou, 
O “Almighty Lord, the God 
of the Univerfe, haft created 
the World, and the Things 
that ‘are therein by Him; 

and haft planted a Law in 

our Souls, and before-hand 

‘didft prepare Things for the 

Convenience of Men. O God 

of our holy and blamele(s 

Fathers, Abraham. and Tae 
and Facod, thy faithful Ser- 
vants; Thou, O God, who 
art Powerful, Faichful and 
True, and without Deceit in| 
thy Promies; who didft fend 
upon Earth Jelius thy Chrift 
to converfe with Men, as a 
Man, when he was God the 

Word, atid Man, to take a- 

way Error, by the Roots : 
Do ‘Thou even now, thro’ 
Him, be mindful of this thy 
Holy Cherch, which thou 
haft purchafed with the pre- 
cious Blood of thy Chrift, 
and deliver it from alf Evil, 
and perfect ic in chy Love 
and’ thy Truth, and gathe 

us all together into thy King. 

2 dccit, V. > Aretmons. V. 

Ff 2 dom 

dom which thou, haft pre- aiygn 72 Keres os 
pared, Let this thy King- C pdcey authy dam ady- 

Sageae sof come: Hofanna to the ms avnps’ @ meee 
aes XXis Son of David. Bleffed. be he Gy aumy cy ™ aun 

rah xi. 


that cometh in the Name of. Ce, @ ra arn Seien oe" 
the Lord; Godthe Lord who ¢ Cundyeune motes f- 
was manifefted to us in the Hes eis Thy Cl bane 
Flefh. If any one, be holy, Asiey » iD) ATVI G.CeLs” 
let him draw near ; Bur sits; auTn f ULCLVRT. 
any one be not fuch, let him oda ml yo Aabid. 
become fuch by Repentance. boy}: ¢ ° epnoUR- 
Permit alfo to your Presby- vO. on oroyerle ws 
ters to give Thanks, els’ Oeos xe®- ° 

bh paweis Hi hey cy CUpitis 

aks ayQ., megoepy cco a dé Tis ax, ect, veces 

Ate perasoias, bonogimen: 3 x ais wpeclumesis 
tig Uncaergay. 

Concerning the Ointment  Mlees 4 78 ecpe 8 
give Thanks in this manner: ws dnacsenomme’ du 
We give thee Thanks, O ee shy Cots or 
God, the Creator of the Snpuspye Hd « OAWy 4 
whole World, both for the 7 dodias ® g yee 
Fragrancy of the Ointment, ps” @ vp Ti ce Suc 
and for the Immortality cv a drOsy 3 Ewes 
which thou haft made known ozs hued ve) ‘lags rae 
to us by thy Son Jefus: cuidts ox. on o@ Ody 
For thine is the Glory, and a SoEas gn Out pas, 
the Power, forever. Amen. as Tes aiavas, cout, 
Whofoever ‘comes . to you, "Os éay érbav ers 
and gives Thanks in this Mnaereny megadcacd 
manner, reccive him, as a. avawy os Xess ue- 

* Ti. V. 



mist jan Coy wpe ) 

dinaersev’ vb erCd oS 
o qHT@. + OQzoy, 7- 
mp Sosa, 

Tlas 3 6 epyou§u@. 
@egs Uugs, Sbxtyqo- 
Geis, STW deen" Cuse- 
oly ~ eq, © Dua 
Be oyayar’ dvédp, i 
aerseny, 2 Sx ervas 
VSS ouoncrus dide- 
outAwy. erSwn pho 
mo td Sidkoxgaw, cx 
aluyins bon no onya(qre 
ae Sovrn’ weS 3) Ld- 
Od idicnarw ducer = 
ma > megs spear, % 
mogdileSe 4 avte 7 
mravlw’ ee wld cup- 
mega duende om, ive. 
en ouppuar Ore aured, 
THs Dents eAncg- 
vos, » didtonarGe, ép= 
youev@s wegs vues, 
agios bor f Tepgiis, ws 
epyams Ayys D4xg10- 

the Holy Apoftles. | 
Difciple of Chrift. But if 
’ he preach another Do@trine, 
> different from that which 

Chrift by us has defiver’d to 
you, fuchan one you mutt 
not permit to give Thanks; 
for fuch an one rather af 
frontsGod,than glorifies Him. 

But whofoever comes COxXViIT 

you, let him be firft examin’d, 
and then received; for ye 
have Underftanding, and are 
able to know the Right 
Hand from the Left, and to 
diftinguifh falfe Teachers 
from true Teachers. Bur 
when a Teacher comes to 
you, fupply him with whar 
he wants with all Readine(s, 
And even when a fa'{e Teach- 
cer comes, you fhall give him 
for his Neceffity, but thal! nor 
receive his Error. Nor indeed 
may ye pray together with 
him, left ye be polluted as 
well as he. Every true Pro- 
phet or Teacher that comes 

to you is Worthy of his Main- Matt. x. 

tenance, as being a Labourer 4's 

in the Word of Righteouf 

=: Nayvives.V. ? Moya. V. 

Rt 3 All 

* * Dag. 





All the Firft-Fruits of the 
Wine-Prefs, the Threfhing- 
Floor, the Oxen, and the 
Sheep fhall thou 1 to the 
Friefts, that Store- 
houfes and Gaiked. and the 
Produats of thy Land may 
be blefled, and thou mayft 
be ftrengthen’d with Corn 
and Wine, and Oil, and the 
Herds of thy Cartel, and 
Flocks of thy Sheep may be 
increafed. Thou fhalt give 
the Tenth of thy Increafe 
to the Orphan, and to the 
Widow, and to. the Poor, 
and to |the Stranger. All 

_the Firft-Fruics of thy hor 

of rhy Barrels of 3 
Wine, or Oil; or Honey, or 
Nuts, or Grapes, or the 
Firft-Fruits of other things 
fhalt thou give to the Priefts, 
but thofe of Silver, and of 
Garments, and of all fort of 
Pofleffions, to the Orphan, 
and to the Widow. 

- On the Day of the Re- 
furrection of the Lord, that 
is the Lord’s Day, aflemble 
your felves together, with- 

ie. Taodp aatoats 
niesebe Alnus ,arw: 
v@, Bowvrs x wegba- 
Tay Soces avis iepdl'- 
ay, Wwe cv Aggndoary Te 
aan ligey a Te Les 
Ce, © ta Cxpcese t 
ons Ce, @ nena bins ols 
TH ove 9 eAdKtdy xy 
avenby TO. Bergria 
ays Bowy co, % ai) 
moipavice aps wesba 
Twy Ode moo dexge- 
Tlw Recess mS oppava 
C rn ynpe, dss Teo 

z mys Deg onrer ie” Wh= 

oy aSpoda cep lcoy Bep- 
Here meen abe ive, 
n tray 7 perl, 2 n 
axeodpiay, Su DUANS, 
1 aps aor © adhe 
yl deces als lepeu= | 
av" apwuele 3 4 i c* 
IUGTIOS , % Tey ous 
xTHYGETOr, © oppara 
@ rH oipe. 

Try a PEST LIC 3 
mele huserp, TF mw 
bath cstleations 
nedet Snremws, |v- 

Segue, ve 4é : | 


yy ae Oa 2 ye ah eA iH, 
‘Lib. VIL the Holy Apoftles. 
qaercwvns m$ O23, 5 out fail, giving Thanks to 
eEougagyemwos ep ois God, and praifing Him for 
evnpyamoey Ungso eds thofe Mercies God has be- 
Mo Xeres, puowpe- ftow’d upon you, through 
y@s aqyoias, wAavys, Chrift; and has deliver’d you 
Sequav’ omws emenm- from Ignorance, Error, and 
1G. nn Sucie tug, @ Bondage, that your Sacri- 
evavapopG- Oca, mS fice may be unfpotted, and 
eitovk wei € oixeye- acceptable to God, who has 
_ plnhs ave CunAncias, Laid concerning his Univer- 
ort Cy met: www fal Church, Za every Place Mal.i, 11 
pot wepaeverlncerey fhall Incenfe and'a pure Sa-'* 
Sumlaug, % Sucia xg- crifice be offered uato me; 
Sauer’ tk Banreds for I ama great King, faith 
menas eqn etter, Adyd the Lord Almighty, aud my 
werQ. rdptoxextwp, Name is wonderful among the 
% BS cvougpsSnuug- Heathen. 
Soy cw atols eOyear. ; | | 
Tesxeetcade 5:  Doyoufirft Ordain Bilhops XXX, 
bhoyomes a&ies 78 xv- Worthy of the Lord, and Pref- 
es, % wpecBunpes, byters and Deacons, pious 
% Menges, avdees Men, righteous, meek, free 
* evaeb ds", dingies , fromthe Love of Money, Lo- - 
Texes, &OiAgpyepes, Vers of Truth, approved, ho- 
“giag antes, didbximac- ly, not Accepters of Perfons, 
pues, ocius, am@egow- Who are able ro teach the 
mantles, Susap§ies Word of Piety, and right- 1 Tin. i. 
Didkoney % Agyor ¢ ly dividing the Doctrines of '5. 
gvoteeas, opdoronsvy- the Lord. And do ye ho- 
Gs cy avis 7 xvers nour fuch as your Fathers, 
dtypany. vues 4 Tie as your Lords, as your Bee 


S al Laaleis. V. 

Ff 4 - efactors,; 

Luk. xii. 

Mar. xiii, 



nefactors, as the Caufes of 
your Well-being. Reprove 
ye one another, not in An- 
ger, but in Mildnefs, with 
Kindnefs and “Peace. Ob- 
ferve all things that are 
commanded you by the 
Lord. Be watchful for your 
Life: Let your Loins be 
girded about, and your Lights 
burning, and ye like unto Men 
who wait for their Lord, when 

Hie will come, at Even, or in py 

the Morning, or at Cock- 
crowing, or at Midnight. For 
at what Hour they think not 
the Lord will come; and i 
they open to Him, bleffed are 
thofe Servants, becaufe they 
were found watching. For He 
will gird himfelf, and will 
make them to fit down ta Meat, 
and will come forth, and ferve 
them. Watch therefore and 
pray, that ye do not fleep 
unto Death. For your for- 
mer good Deeds will not pro- 


ws nvEHes tos Mepyeras, 
¢ ~ re / 2 
Ae gers 4 Wnrags, wh 
Cv opyii, WA ov par 
aus © cipluns. mavarc TH 
DED SETH Pye Upely ue 
om & xvese Qurackan. 
rennppeite vap Cums 
‘ungy. “Eswods an 
oopues Umwy MeseCwa- 
Jy 4 at Avyvos 
YGLOPHUOL xy Upeels o- 
pgtot pleas mepa- 

\ x 
omens n @ewl, 
i FY 2 
AcxTmMesQwvias n pes 
z a 
Gyuxtiz’ » wpm 2 
a © > i! 
Tepcdbuwow, crue.) 
‘ ; 5 aiox' 2 
co we@. © edp aunt 
. / -¢ 
~ “~ o ¢ 
DEAgt Cuevot, OTL Eur 

pecnady yenqope y mes" ont 
morCwoeny, @ dua- 

~4 > A om 2 ta 
HALVE ANTES; x *° The 

fit you, if at the laft part of peagcay Afenguacy dyn 

your Life you go aftray from 
the true Faith. 

‘lS. NQETR BVy x4 
, \ rd v 

Wiel CEU AEE ED ae ae 
ny as Saved. & 

oT ¢ ~ \ r ,. ’ . 
omod Uugs mH @egTeen agroplaugrn, ey es Te Ede" 
> c ~~ : ‘ , , on o a’ ; 
aw UYugvammavninn F wiseas F canes. 

7 deeft. ¥. *4. V. 3 defuar, V. 


Lib. VII. the Holy Apoftles. 

Ey p 2 eyarus 
nyAeecis arnduubnaoy2) 
ot, tdddaeoginy, ¢ 
of QIupes 7B AGYE" 
Sexpnowry Te MEI 
Camu 4s Auxes, Cc r 
ayo as pioG’ mAn- 
Suvdeions P F ayopr.sasy 
aluyncery 1 yam ¥ 
AnAss of dwewm, C 
‘Aiden, © weg dren. 
c auTe QawnceTey 0 ta 
yomomagyGs, o ms 
aAndzias és Oeos, og 
Adidus mepsoms’ oy 0 
menu *Inoes” ewe- 
rae mbipgk & so 
gros curd, 0 Ag yen 
Aéwv avarewy acebn * 
244 -TOPAO! ondpdr Arcsin 
corey en’ oums* *o1 3 
Saat owlncovtTey . % TW 
me Qdncercy re) Guy.ciov 
S ya’ 73 dea cr 
mw tenve’ ag pwvn 

pisign 3? aime. 164 6 

For in the laft Days falfe xxxu. 
Prophets fhall be multiply’d, 
and fuch as corrupt the 

@ Word, and the Sheep fhall 

be changed into Wolves, and 

Love into Hatred; for thro’ 

the abounding of Iniquity 

the Love of many fhall wax 

cold. For Men fhall hate, 

and perfecute, and betray 

one another. And then fhall 
appear the Deceiver of the “** P32 
World, the Enemy of the lei 
Truth, the Prince of Lyes,> Toit 
whom the Lord Jefus -/hall tm. xi. 4: 
deftroy with the Spirit of his Mt. xxv 
Mouth; who takes away the 
Wicked with his Lips: And 

many [hall be offended at him. 

But they that endure to the 

End, the fame fhali be faved. 

And then {hall appear the 

Sign of the Son of Man in 
Fleaven : and afterwards fhall ; Treg, 
be the Voice of a Trumpet”. 16. 
by the Arch-Angel5 and in 

that Interval fhall be the 
Revival of thofe that were 
afleep; and then fhall the 

Lord ‘come, and all his 

Saints with Him, with a 


3 e e , , , eg ? r 3 ees 
Tdeelk. ¥. 76 ce varmpeivas cis TAG eres cwthoeras. V. * 0 yes V. 



. gteat Concuffion above the 

Matt. xvi. 


Xxv. 46. 

Clouds, with the Angels of * 
his Power, in the Throne of 
his Kingdom, to condemn 
[the Devil] the Deceiver of 
the World, and to render to 
every one. according to his 
Deeds. Zhen fhall the Wicked 
go away into everlafting Pu- 
‘nifbment, but the Righteous 
hall go into Life Eternal, to 

:Coriig inherit thofe- things whith 


Eye hath nat feen, nor Ear 
beard, nor have entred into 
the Fleart of Man, {uch things 
as God hath prepared for them 
that love Him; and they fhall 
rejoice in the Kingdom of 
God, which is in Chrift Je- 
fus. Since we are vouch- 
fafed fuch great Bleffings 
from Him, let us become his 
Supplicants, and call upon 
Him by continual ° Prayer, 
and fay, | 

Our Eternal Saviour, the 
King of Gods, who alone 
art Almighty, and the Lord, 


wer, a a of 

ayo \ pal ars, cw 
quo eons), endive ahs 
VEDEAWY, pel” al yore 
Paver pews auTs, bh 
Segue Panreas, Ne: | 
[AhgS orgy, | 4 amd svey 
Choe eo T me pEW 
aut. sorte ameAdany: 
my ol fe mov NEI, , es 
MOvioy AAW" ot 9) 
Ding tor mop ducov) es 
Cooly) a wyloy, HANeg- 

™ ~ > 
PORSY Tes CnerTe a + 

See” p98 ory edt, @ os | 
Gow NKECe, X em nop 
Didy pbegre oon aves 
En, a nwolugcey 0 Ozos 
als ayacruay ¢ cry" 4 
aupnray Tey Ce TN: “Ba- 
area 8 Ose, 7H cy 
Kercg Inge. recep 
5, nEcopSior aps avy’ 
ane ayelav, Quopeba, 
WwTe 1XETOLy brnygAg= 
wor auTOY et ouue= 
ves Sencews, x Aeqoiles, 

Alavig (Tee mY@y, 
0 Banas ats Oeay' 
O ay y9v@s Tyr Cs= 

: ad Ty ercs. Vv. 





rep %) nwEerGr’ 6 Qeos, 

ade Tey aS ovawy, @ 

eos HP ayiav % a- 

penmdav malegwy nay, 
ee. aS we9 Spear fs 
“ASesan, xg 
‘Toan, x lanwb o 

x 3 v4 
eA EM 4 Ole TOY, 

o nonepcuuG. © a 
AveAcOr, @ mbox Quye~ 
veghte Badman.” 
xopdia, © adi xpu- 
Ploy Crduumuge Boiger 
Avalery’ megs ae Bowe 
sluscal Dixgioy" bi G 
oem Sc1y €AT idts o- 
cay? 0 WS apéutiov 

Lib.Vil. the: Holy Apoftles. 

the God of all Beings, and 
the God of our holy and 
blamelefs Fathers, and of 
thofe before us; the God of, 
Abraham, and of Ifaac, and 
of Facohs who art merciful 
and compaffionate, long- 
fuffering, and abundant in 
Mercy ;. to whom every. 
Heart is naked, and by whom 
every Heart is feen, and to 
whom every fecret Thought 

is revealed:..-To Thee do: 

the Souls of the Righteous 
cry aloud, upon Thee do 
the Hopes of the Godly 
trruft; thou.Father of the 
Blamelefs, thou Hearer of 
the Supplication of thofe rhat 

call upon Thee with Upright- 

nels, and who knoweft the 
Supplications that are nor 
utter'd: For thy Providence 
reaches as far as the inmoft 
Parts of Mankind; and by 
thy Knowledge thou fearchs 
c{t the Thoughts of every 
one, and in every Region 
of the whole Earth the In: 
cenfe of Prayer and Suppli- 
cation is fent up to Thee. 

i deceit. V. ? paivens. V. 3 deeft. V. Prd : 

*,* Pag. 


Generations of Generations. O 

thou gteat Protector of the 
Pofterity of Abraham, thou 
art Biefled for ever; 

| Thou art Blefled, O Lord, 
the King of Ages, who by 
Chrift haft made the whole 
World, and by Him in the 
Beginning didft reduce into 

Orcer the ‘diforder'd Parts. 
Who dividedeft the Waters 

fromthe Warers by a Firma. 

-ment, and «didft put into 
whem a Spirit of Life ; who 

didit fix the Earth,and ftretch 

cout the Heaven, and didit 

difpofe every Creature by an 

-accurate Conftirution: For 

by thy Power, O Lord, the | 

World is beautify.d, the Hea- 
ven is fix'd Arch over 
us, and is rendred illuftrious, 

with Stars for our Comfort 

in the DarkriefS: The Light 

alfo and the Sun were begot- 
ten for Days, and the Pro-. 

duation of Fruit; and the 
Moon’ for the Change of 

re ee 

TESTO gl CVOMA bay" | 
24 Ss 4s ia week 

Cbavlov, % upnugouoY 

Means Qvewv “Y mep- 

poage Rous “Abenan, 
EUAQ NTS &° as Tes 
iiphesis 1 ee 

* Evaognas Gi, xU- 
ere Banrcd + aioe” 
o Ale Xetes mono 
aw oda, OC dt anre 
Cy apn KomANons aU 
omnekcrs uduTa vdw- 
mv sepewa Tl, © amev- 
pa Car ixgy TELS efL~ 
Earwv* o pla edous 
yas, oP exciqe “ap 
eliongtwy axeren dra- 
tat Kons. on 
> Sepa ped‘, Sto mTH, 
1190 De + repondputey’ 
voaves *) ws noMoee 
memynerG , nyrai- 
Cun pols, evEney Tee 
enpubias TB oNoTes 
Qws 4 2) nrauG@. as n- 
pepas 5 x KeLpabY 90° 
yas ova vrey 4 CeE- 

Anyn 4 ets x Ue Ss 

er ED 

* deeft. V. * danwoioas. V, ? csvunad. V. al.4 ome pend puy Tee. v. 

> deeft. V. 


Lib Vit 
ry, ae ne C. mewy- 
peten’ % WE wrouselo, 
pevero : supewpea 3 A DLen 

* peecoy as bv oxy 
edexvuTo. Camas gu- 
vavlnvar tm waG, 

oh ‘ola’ T Enesy. aye 

TH 3. T Pb cos 7s 
ay Tis CupeRoey 37° 

kes € EPXETOY pu do 71s- 
Aayes 3 

fame, 7H megseyn 
wun? + ems 

! > > re ’ 
9p, cy auTT cu mEx5 h- 
GEDY auT™s: Te HUB: 

Te Coors 2 percepts C 
porting litt’e.and great Crea- 

peyrrgs, ° 4 WAo101s 
cradles éayrded Bin 
Ces. Car Saapero 

yo, wdyeroiols ay Sear 
OMOLK ALC J avd egy Ye 
’ Qeanpes Tet oy tbn 
Oly cease. aro oa: 
Cortes t SbAinov, % ul 
) oedk abe Actoonns t 
ons mepsuyns* DAA om 


Heanvopsyia . 
mara d esc A, 70 

TL DaEs TE. 

the Holy Apottles. 

Seafons,. by its Increafe and 

Diminutions ; and one .was 

called Night, and the other 
Day. And the Firmament 
was exhibited in the midft 
of the Aby{S, and thou com- 
manded{t the Waters to* be. 
gathered together, and the 
dry Land to appear. 
for the Sea it felf, who can 
poflibly detcribe it 2 Which 
comes with Fury from the 
Ocean, yet runs back again, 
being ftopp’d by the Sand. 
at thy Command; for thou 
haft faid, Zi hereby fhalé herJo® 
Waves be broken. 
alfo made it capable of fup- 

tures, and made it naviga- 
ble for Ships. Then, did 
the Earth become green, and 
was planted with all forts of 
Flowers, and the Variety. of 
feveral Trees ;" and the fhi- 
ning Luminaries, the. Nou- 
rifhers of thofe Plants, pre- 
ferve their unchangeable 
Courfe, and in nothing de- 
part from thy Command, 


_ Tihpas. <7 

ee V. * maowy V. , deett. V. 
* Begress ® 3 rarer au THE GY GA THs TAC ols CHa 705, Vv. 

5 Damsc- 

Z on" 


+ ef mets. V. 

Thou haft XiX VIL. re 

But where thou biddeft them av xerdoys, rauTy an 
there do they rife and fet, riqpvor gj dueow, es on- 
for Signs of the Seafons, peta xg. ecay é cries 
and of the Years, making TOY, aa ophuor t T 
a conftant Return of the ap Seo zay tornpecicLy 
Work of Men. Afterwards érean Aggoew Cow 
the’ Kinds of the feveral ngreanduaCelo Yun, EP” 
Animals were created, thofe Gav, cvidepr, agen 
belonging to the Land, to arog yb epi vay" Cet 
the Water, to the Air, and ons TEpvOIas n ev TED” 
both to Air and Water; and »Q. Goia aw uglar- 
the artificial Wifdom of thy AnAg» exgqw mepvordu 
Providence does {till impart dwpary’ oomer P YE 
to every onea fuitable Pro goeg Son om nroynoe 
vidence. For as he wasnot ahzjeya9, etws oot 
unable to produce different Aepoepr wegvoray e- 
Kinds, fo neither has he dil- xaqe womoudt yxoqw- 
dain’d to exercife a diffe- Aryepnes. 4 reAQ F 
rent Providence towards eve- Sypispyias, BS Aoqangy :- 
ry one. And atthe Conclu- Cwov, * x9quomAirin, 
fion of the Creation thou ga- ti on copia StaGa- 
veft Direction to thyWifdom, puOn, HPTET RULES” 
and. formed{t a reafonable emy* Toinowp§s dp 
Creature, as the Citizen of Begmroy RAT GHC, ' 

Gen. 1.26 the World, faying, Let us ago og @ary BATE SLY 2 
make Man “after our Image, ngcpes nooo" duly a 
and after our Likene{s; and yadetaetn aT mosa- 
haft exhibited him as the gay *sviyetwv,reptey’, 
Ornament of the World, and (@usqy SGwaacas 
formed him a Body out of aux! THUG yKaicto x dvei= 
the Four Elements, cthofe cxs Maca F Woy lu cx 



‘ juerecoy, 4 wa” ouolwmp. V, = defunt,V. 

Se BR iG, ait Snow 
WN aurd mvabaoy 
gacinihu®., © yey 
‘mus uyis Liioagy aris 
adSnoow ‘bnencas. © 
Goh eck Téauls, dD éoa70~ 
Tt xUCKE, Tis emg is 
‘Olnoe rey vepor cpa 
Eeomuay Coen, a 
Senrns enraunby > 
Besvrar qt rev, AS 
agogins | p aelarriire ag 
payin » 4 xegow as 
Cosy arvpioep AgV1Oy. hs 
exxtodula 4 T ay Deg 
TOV, cueidre Cans é 258 - 
| paces’ oon as & ay 
Tes apavioas, Me 
yeni regs OA INpV 4OL- 
micas, spew as TaAsS- 
Munoiay CnxAeons, 2 d- 
env Savars eAvons, 
hg Cwomnes aps ve- 
xeov Sf Ince Xeree, 
E cAmridDQs nw, 

Méyas @, mere 
myilonestrop, ue 
yarn y iapus o, CF 

> the Holy Apoftles 

primary Bodies, but hadft 
prepared a Soul out of no- 
thing, and beftowedft upon 
him his Five Senfes, and didft 
fer over his Senfations a 
Mind, as the Condu@tor of 
the Soul. And, befides all 
thefe things, O Lord God, 
who can worthily declare 
the’ Motion of the rainy 
Clouds, the fhining of the 
Lightning, the Noiie of the 
Thunder, in order to the 
Supply of proper Food, and 
the moft agreeable Tempe- 
rature of the Air. Bue when 
Man was difobedient, thou 

‘didft deprive him of the 

Life which fhould have been 
his Reward ; yet didft thou 
not deftroy him for ever, 
buc laidft him to fleep for a 
time, and thou didft by Oath 
cal! him to a Refurrection, 
and loofed{ft the Bond of 
Death 5 O thou Reviver of 
the Dead, thro’ Jefus Chrift, 
who is our Hope. 

Thus art thou, O Lord 
Almighty, and great is thy 
Power, and of thy Unders 

* aur. Y. * sognylar siniee V. 3 weg. V. 485, Vi 

g ftanding 


¥ # Pag. 

Pfal. clit. 


flanding there is no Num- 
ber. Our Creator and Sa- 
viour, rich in Benefits, Long- 
fuffering, and the Beftower 
of Mercy, who doft nor 
take away thy Salvation from 
thy Creatures ; for chou art 
good by Nature, and {pareft 
Sinners, and inviteft them to 
Repentance ; for Admonition 
is the Effect of thy Bowels 
of Compaffion ; for how 

‘fhould we abide if we were 

requird to come to Judg- 
ment immediately, when at- 
ter fo much Long fuffering, 
we hardly get clear of our 
miftrable Condition, |The 
Heavens declare thy Domi- 

nion, _and the Earth. fhakes 
With Ea: ‘thquakes, and hang- 
Ing upon nothing, declares 
thy unthaken Stedfafinefs. 

The Sea raging with Waves, 
and feeding a Flock of Ten 
thouland Creatures,is bound- 
ed with Sand, as ftanding in 
awe at thy Command, and 
compels all Men to cry me 
Hfow great ave thy Works, 

Lord! In Wildom haft is 

cuueeeds o8 Gon ES Gr 
ersy9s" UT IS2, Cwlnp, . 
wagae ‘ op” REA, 
HX 9-008 y My +3 
éAéus ropnye 0 hs * 
Pig ay as Cav xko- 
UgT oY ¥ (amefar’ Qu- 
of ays narcip= 
ods" gad 4 ot pip 
adov rar, es pwerrdpvordyy 
ke pugy yp ae n pe” 
Gears. mms pa dy > u- 
amrésnpy 4 em eQp Uy le 
TraurTepyo4 “elo, o- 
TT UgXxEgSuiLepyal, 

MOAIS c.vew Cuophu ? a 
EVEICLS 5 ime) eget Qs 
aunloelray of gecpol, 
E yn xnesd cuvophun, 7 

? f ONL OF ‘ 
aAopanraacy er Gelkvos 

+ peng pyin « Sago 
. gl on, % dss 
eke Booxso Cou a a 
Pray Temes Tay fh 
eo, ¥ Cl Bernat 
moenuz’ © mores 
cvarynet Cd Bog Kor, 
cepa Aun re Epp 
v8, ene ay. ov 

Govicn envinons erAn- 

Pdeeft, ¥.-8 

ates V. 2 al Carsmpdy, * nengeuace. V. 


SONARSTTS AETV a bh yet oer A ee Nd 
i > . 

Lib. VIL 

_¢@ . 9 Pek 

the Holy: Apoftles. 

\ ah 

made them all : 7; be Earth is 

aKa rearsalyawy full of thy Creation. And 

PAEQIO@s,@ awel p.ce® 
Ta voeek, Aéyuow as 
au@. a? Serygvea’” 
C Secavimapa,aug 
cols Qepu6ip. tals Lam 
Tepunpisy oot thw bah vi= 
mov wdlu' lerAgvia, 
aalnais wvers Boway* 
‘AuG, a105, e105 
wEp¢~Qs Sabawt)" ran- 
pns 0 Seaves CHT 
dbéns ov C ah ineg t 
ralygpray mano, * aJ- 
Hrs", cpr yagi bes- 
efecion, Sua jets, th- 
ECoovra Atysav’ Eo- 
Aoyapsun a DdEx mweis 
da t8 lore awu7e. “Ic- 
exnr 5, 7 brates oy 
CnKAngin, 7 e& eSvar, 
TosSKaT Begvey Suya 
Tie njatper, cy ngpedin 
arAnpq @ buy wEAgs- 
an, Nard: To apug. 
S Os wwesowAaaoy, 
gariadis dnvevnwy , 

Ui 3 3 ~u  ] 
werG. Cy auaris, cy 

full Heart and a | 
Soul, fings, Zhe Chariot of POL tavii. 

the bright Hoft of Angels, 
and the Intellectual Spirits 

fay to Palmoni, There is bwt Dan. viii 

one Ffoly Being; and, the Ho- '3- 
ly Seraphim, cogether wich 
the Six winged Cherubim, 
who fing to Thee their Tri- 
umphal Song, cry out with 

never-ceafing Voices, Aloly, ia vi xz 
g y 3: 

Floly, Holy, LerdGod of Fiofts, 
Fleaven and Earth are full of 
thy Glory; and the other Mul- 
titudes of the Orders, An- 
gels, Arch-Angels, Thrones, 
Dominions, Principalitics, Au- 
thoritics ard Powers, cry a- 

loud,and fay,Bleffed be theGlory Ezeketl.- 

of the Lord out of his Place. But’ 
Yrael, thy Church on Earth, 
taken out of the Gentiles, 
emulating the Heavenly Pow- 
ers Night and Day, with a 

God is ten thoufandfold, thou-** 
[ands of them that rejoice : 
The Lord is among them in 
Sina, in the holy Place. The 
Heaven knows him who fix d 

> gerysyd. Ve ? deeft. V. 

SG Baro it 


ate ia a, .Ayvu SC 


it as a Cube of Stone, in the 
Form of an Arch, upon no- 
thing, who united the Land 
and Water to one ‘another, 
and {catter’d the Vital Air 
allabroad, and conjoind Fire 
therewith for Warmth, and 
the Comfort againft Dark- 
nefs. The Choir of Stars 
(trikes us with Admiration, 
declaring Him that num- 
bers them, and fhewing Him 
that names them; the Ani- 
mals declare Him that puts 
Life unto them; the Trees 
fhew Him that makes them 
grow; all which Creatures 
being made by thy Word, 
fhew forth the Greatnefs of 
thy Power. Wherefore eve- 
ry Man ought to fend up 
an Hymn from his very Soul 
to Thee, through Chrift, in 
the Name of all the reft, 
fince He has Power over 
them all by thy Appoint- 
ment. Forthou art kind in 
thy Benefits, and beneficent 
in thy Bowels of Compaf- 
fion; who alone art Al- 
mighty ; for when thou 

> Le ey 
7 * 

aon ee aw Ow a ee oi 

Swairs oH Ty ayia. 
Oidey Secyos + Ooh we 
Stves anlgy ug Bowady- 
Ta, ws Aiwa @ 
niv © udwe eauevis Eve 

cura” © ates Soe 

oe ae 


dwle LwoScpor , 454. 

TET@ Tup cunmAresay= | 

a as SHnarG, ¥ 
CHOTRS =e wuTiays 

be] / \ Rip 

T aes Sumadysloe On. ar~ 
yov, © F ovongadla 
Deanwuwr Coa T ~Lu= 

yardula, Seven ® ox- 

quadpla. amrép amervie 

ad CP Aove Rupees 
TEL h Ms ons Suye- 
pews B xeat@. 34 @ 
coda mas avlega@s, 
e< wTov sepvesy,(gr Afet 
Keree ays af “atr- 
roy" Upevoy ava pee 
wav, Blo ce TIS ames 
Trav xegtav. CU @ 
6 sepnses cv sepggcicus, 
24 piArgdwe@. CY ote 
Tipugts 0 ygvGs auve 
Aes, Woeqt aot O Dpa~ 
Say S yo oy siwyioy 

* gy. V. 7 amtyzay. V. 

x CR" 

~ Lib. VIL. | \» the Holy Apoftles: 

ned. 4) DAG mee 
Teesbuiges, @ AéovGis Qe- 
Gi, G xT Nour a- 
Tesiind, © vorevtes é- 
 pipts 4 Suvapersyae- 
remperd.” € mexty 
eo begy,. é@ Ageov den). 
peapuor, cv mys are 
pugapsiede, NTR Clr 

ug. qu et o cv Beane, 

O° fob vis 30 a ae 
Adosy, | TORT a>. 
peevors: 9 oo aD ve et 

Mean Tee an 

B Mea roounns od os 

AgyOV5 paaniyl Ou Kay 
ea a yo.pdicu Ce, 
3 Gh 2a wesGs 6 eos 
oe, Oecs ov Spavy. aver, 
©. bon as yes Keir ew, 3 
Gnu esw & ett mAlw aw 
73. . Oud peep O34 Od: 
ras oes gue" ay@. 
8x kot wAly Ce, 
werQu Ocos 9 
ow, eos ayiov, « 
uO umrep TONGS ae 
yiss’ 01 DP nyracpWwor, 

willeft, to be able is prefent 
with Thee; for thy eternal 
Power both quenches Flame, 

and flops. the Mouths of 

Lions,;;\ and tames Whales, 
and tailed up the Sick, and 
over‘rules the Power of all 
Things, and overturns the 
Hoft of Enemies, and cafts 
down a People numbred in 
their Arrogance. ‘Thou are 
He who art in Heaven, He 

who. art en Earth, He who | 

art in the Sea, He who art 
in finite things, thy Self un- 
confin'd by any thing. For 

a of thy Majefty there is no 
63. Boundary ; for ’tis not ours, 

O. Lord, but the Oracle of 
thy Servant,’ who faid, And 
thon fhalt know in thine Heart 
that the. Lord thy God he is 
God, in Ffcaven above, and on 
Earth benzath, and there is 
none other befides Thee: For 
there is no God befides Thee 
alone, there is none holy 
behde's Thee, the Lord, the 
God of Knowledge, the God 
of the Saints, holy above all 
holy Beings; for they are 


L Mee gees us. V. 2 2 meg Sub V. 3 xy vied. V. 

g 3 fanQi- 

Deut, iv, 


fanctified ‘by thy Hands: 
Thou art glorious, and high- 
ly exalted, invifible by Na- 
thy Judgments; whofe Life 
is without Want, whofeDu- 
ration can never fail, whofe 
Operation ‘is without: Toil, 
whofe Greathef{s is unlimit- 
ed, whofe Excellency “is per- 
petual, whofe Habitation: is 
inacceilible, whofe Dwelling 
is unchangeable, whofeKnow* 
ledge’ ‘is without: Beginning, 
whofe Truth is immutable, 
whofe Work is without At 
fiftant:, whofe Dominion can- 
not be taken away, whofe 
Monarchy is without Suc- 
ceflion, whofe Kingdom is 
without end, whofe Strength 
is irrefiftible, whofe: Army 
is very numerous: For thou 
Father of Wifdom, 
it Creator of ‘the Creation, 

“a Mediator, as the Caufe. 
Che Belower of Providence, 
cae Giver ef Laws, the Sup- 
Hier Of Want, the’ Punifher 

t rh¢' Wicked, and the Re- 
pail of the Righteous ; 


i CR Vv. ? acd O77; Vv. 

heh tha 
ts & ~ he 

land unfearchable in’ 

Saditbigpitie: 3 
oy. evdveQe © age: 
puenhu@s , adpaT Gy 
x ehuUgor”® 3 % avevdens n 
Con, angen @y ] ayiern 
Aearns h Aeugrn, ange 
alr We cvepyie, am 
weigenalOni | pega 
Agoms”, cena Qe n eu 
aptme, a@egoros i 
Xer o1nte, emendaa~ 
edblos. om keraaniven\ 
Gis © napags y ~. 
anecinvay & naiie 
averiGerdrov & eee 
Ts, aAfaddoos 7 n po= 
yaepocidey are NEU TH TOS n° 
Baarerc, cy Apa reeryed=) 
visns’ 7 tapus, move 
en8 6s n opaTio, ee. 
40 OQias pened 
o | Sypmcepyiaes $ SG pe 
OITe wrisns, “se ws a= 
Troe" a mepvores Sophias. 
o VOLO doomp,6 fe) cuderees: 
wNneouris. 6 ah aoe 
C cay. FIUEDS, 4) ays 
Ce ae iidwarody- 
mis: 2 Xeee Geos 


Lib. VII, the Holy Apoftles. 

e mee x ays és the God and Father of Chrift, 
ory edo oben xb + and the Lord of tholé that 
ee € cdtatd-@. are pious towards Him,whofe 
h emalyprse, adwesdt- Promife is infallible, whofe 
wnTer 4 x eras, ae Judgment withour Bribes, 
aameGs i youn, @ - whofe Sentiments are immu- 
rag Ost dice aa, aie table. whofe Piety is incef- 
AO- 7 i Macersia. d¢% fant, whofe Thankigiving is 
ot 4) OF emici@s everlafting, through whom 
‘@egokuunas opeAeny Adoration is worthily due 
ahs maions Aoyinis © to Thee from every rational 
a yas GicEes, and holy Nature. 

Kuese marmxer- © Lord Almighty, thou 
mop, HOT Ug? enleoas YG haft created the World by 
Keres, gy ot 6 cucruy Chrift,, and haft appointed 
enous eis peynpbys Te- the Sabbath in memory there- 
Te on Gy ours Kote of, becaufe that on that Day 
ora (4s 270 ‘i epqav, thou haft made us. reft from 
ets perro T wy yo- our Works, for the Medita- 
Hye % copTms eG 5w, tion upon thy Laws. Thou 
es Upestwly Fiuarr- haft alfo appointed Fellivals 
ey honey, cmws as for the Rejoicing of our 
prnul epyouesa, * Souls, that we might come 
van o% xn cians gogi- intothe Remembrance of that 
as” ws SN nua Swenv Wifdom which was created 


Prov. Viil- 

nares ra T Ahoy uwauegs by Thee ; How He fubmitted .,. (xx 

borepatyiy Tu) Bie, aya- to be made of a Woman on 
SYxvus écuery ov 7s our account ; He appeard in 
Baanonen, ws @zos Life, and demonftrated Him- 
er @ av) er Or é ga: felf in his Baptil im; how He 
yeas’ erane ds rugs on that appeard is Beth God 

7 sf GV. . 
Gz4 aa 


and Man,. He fuffer’d for us 
by thy Permiflion, and died ; 

and rofe again by thy Power ; 
on which account we. fo- 
lemnly aflemble to celebrate 
the Feaft of the Refurrection 
on the Lord’s Day, and re- 

joice on account of Him who ; 

has conquer'd Death, and 

Ahas_ brought Life and Im- 

mortality to Light: For by 
Him thou haft brought home 

the Gentiles to thy Self for 3 
Gey. oD. P» were, € 
Tes MaTeegS pecan €- 

Srey Cit ys Aiy- 

a peculiar People, the true 
Ifrael, beloved of God, and 
feeing God: For thou, O 
Lord, broughteft our Fathers 
out of the Land of Egypr, 
and didft deliver them out 
of the Tron Furnace, from 
Clay and Brick-making, and 
didft. redeem them out of a 
the Hands of Pharaoh, and 
of thofe under him, and didft 
lead them. through the Sea, 
as through dry Land, and 
didft bear their Manners in 
the Wildernefs, and beftow 
on them all forts of good 
things; Thou didft give 
them the Law or Decalogue, 

rt a ene 

ore = 

© deeft. V. * deelt. V. 

muy qeociay ) @ ares, 4 

8 aici Ch xeget 
Jo. xy rly. CPL SCOLLGY 
sop THY Pen werCovres 
7 HU CALE N, Dy) Neulen- 
pe Oo D -vianovle fe 
+ Selva: Sah eal 
ph Be 9Supatay 

i fh 
ye 7a, oy tars, 
as Ageoy | OLY , 
T a nnQivey "Inegha, 

T Seogirn'y § vs cept 

me, % eppiaw cx xg 
Alves adneas , C cx 
™r8; x au Soupypas 
eAuaewow. 4 eens 
Daeg CaS rar aw: 
nO" ALE Se gee 
ons ws Mo’ ates ay~ 
Tas apiyars’ @ eo 
mrupepncns auTes oy ™H 
epnycg rduroiois: Ba 
ois’ vougy auatvis edwe 
pi, % o i 3 Dene. Ao- 
yin", “C3 Devan ? Qedtloen 
tyres, ty YAEL xg lecs= 

exvevla’ “Beta Cav 

3 forte dexgardzioye Vi 

~ Fo | we Ls ae 
" “ 

Lib vi \ 

eveTano g wep gaa 
apyas. ‘Sidds, DM a: a 
Gopulus diceb eras, as 
queow ms ons Duvee- 
pees, ets ua rvar UR 
Gy WS OV Lep@ xg.0eip- 
Eas mess ory, Orde 
oxgAles etek, eis a> 
gamiayg, ebdoucices * 
Gy qeTO eCdousis fete, 
oy eb dougdts eran, ¢ 
ul esdouG., ©. cute 

euilgs ebdou Qu" 4 rare 

NdwerenvanrvKA nats” , to- 
Cirdi®., @ » bey er@." 
TEV TINGS es ageny 
_O7us pndepeicey 20108 
Degas ot ay eos rot 
aqyotar curler. Te- 
TB YLELY dys GECacu 
eareage fev oe Pry V8 7 
ynde Aggov * qs. cv op- 
yn cu Te souglos os 
73 meg e.ey SeAnon éy 
TH npeepn MHS 66d 
Ter. msCatov yop 6% 
rglamauans Symrwpyias, 
Cima, aiv@. ets _Oeov 
dinaesr> Os 12h oy abe 
Ceamois edwpnonro wy 

—_—, —----——. 

ee ug lavany nanan. V.* defunt, V. ? deeft, V. 


the Holy Apoftles: AAs 

which was, pronounc’d by 
thy Voice, and written with 
thy Hand : Thou didft en- 
join the. Obfervation of the 
Sabbath, not affording them 
an Occafion of Idienefs, but 
an Opportunity of Piety, for 
their Knowledge of thy Pow- 
er, and the Prohibition of 
Evils ; having limited them 
as * within: an, holy Circuit 
for the fake ‘of Dorine, 
for the rejoicing upon the 
Seventh .. Period. 

ed one ‘Weck, 
Weeks, . and> the Seventh 
Month, ‘and the “Seventh 
Var, aid the Revolution of 
thefe, thé! Jubilee, which is 
the’ Fiftiech Year for Remif- 
fion, that Men might have 
no occafion to pretend Igno- 
rance. On this account. He 
permitted Men every Sab- 

“and Seven 

bath to reft, that fo ‘no ofe 

ee be willing to {end one 

Word out of his Mouth in 
Anger on the Day “of the 
Sabbath: For the Sabbath 
is the ceafing of the Crea- 


On this Levit. ¥xtii 
account was there appoint- & xxv. 

a Pag. 



tion, the Completion of the 
World, the Enquiry after 
Laws, and the grateful Praife 
to God for the Aeffings he 
has beftowd upon Men: 

All which the Lord’s Day 
excéls, and fhews the Me- 
diator. Himfelf,’ the Provi- 
der, the Law giver, the Caufe 
of the Relurrection, the Firft- 
born of the whole. Creation, 
God the Word, and Man, 
who was born of Mary a- 
‘lore, without a ‘Man, who 
conversd holily, who was 
crucified under Pontius Pi- 
late, and died, and rofe a- 
gain trom the Dead: So thar 
the Lord’s Day. commands 
us to offer usto Thee, O 
Lord, Thankfgiving for all. 
For this is the Grace afforded 

by Thee, which on account 
of its Greatnefs, has obfcur'd 
all other Bleffings. 

Thou who haf fulfilled 
thy Promifes made by the 
Prophets, and haft had Mer- 
cy on Sion, and Compaflion 
on Ferufalem, by exalting the 

‘Throne of David, 

thy Ser- 

ai mp creay a menace 
mepuyeon * qua 
peor. T meov ones, 
T voucber, Patyasan 
CBMs ab rioy, T wep 
ear Aspe, 24 cis eat 
mov, TCH Maesas Sus 
rn Ser gay d\bya,.cp- 

des, os mA dota 

yoy ogiws, + Seusegrrey= 

aw bm Morrie Thagre, 
wy Deropuv ait, 4 cL vce 
Say TO On ven egy a0" 
Semmvect, as wweha- 
xn, ofyuadeny, Ges 
Stomtm. F ap a 

Ty yes Tepe 

Ta ds ou pi 

Ce” obs yeraoe oY 
ers, thes Ag peg 
rer dep yaricey Cnm* 

**'O as eer ans yf 
Aias tas Al TS weg 
Qutwy wAnewoas, © é- 
Aznoas T Diwy fr olx- 

/ Ue \ 
Tepnoast lepytarnn, 
ad & Segvoy Aalid F 

'.defunt. V. 

wus § 

~ a? ee | rae, ae Ay. hee ee 

Lib. VII. 
muds os adyubOoy ov 
piow auTns, Th Suéoy 
mg Xeuve, & on aarép- 
HeIO» curd B x2! (Gep- 
ug Suvnbevr@s ox yg- 
yas | MoSeve, auiles xj 
yuu, Déomorn 0 Mees, 
megodcia, * aus” Sy 
sxertwr denols & Age 
Ce@ 2& eSvav, tT bmh- 
nr spyior Ce cy aAn- 
Oder; xodas mes oedeE eo 
my Sioa T dxaiwy ov 
aa dwod Tt Oixascwoy 
F Queus auray. AGzA 
ev Tewruis T Sucidy é7ra- 
- 85 4 wepaedeEw, Noe 
eEcrSoyT Qt wb wr , 
"A€exap pt! & e&ea- 
Sev 7 ee os Xaa- 
Douwy, Ioudxn ow af 
Cpzan 3 oper, Tana 
Gv *Bnbrcen”, Macews 
Gy TH epnum, Aaegy 
ava peony T Cavawe x 
v > nbyeoroy", “Inge 
me Nowa cx Targa 
Aois, Tettav bn oe 
teas @ 4S money wep 
Papp tias, Mast x 
S dwTe suroungs cy D 
mid ity aprpay. cv. 

mee) il ania”, * ne Mee! 7 * 

the Holy Apoftles. | 

vant in the midft of her, by 
the Birth of Chrift, who was 

born of his Seed according — 
to the Flefh, of a Virgin a- _ 
lone; Do thou now, O Lord 

God, accept the Prayers 
which proceed from the Lips 
of thy People, which are 
of the Gentiles, which call 
upon thee in Truth, as 
thou didft accept of the 
Gifts of the Righteous in 
their Generations. In the 
firft place thou didft refpec 

the Sacrifice of Abel, <and Gen, iv: 

accept it, as thou didft ac- 
cept of the Sacrifice of Neah 
when he went out of the 
Ark ; of Abraham, when he 
went out of the Land of the 
Chaldeans; of IJfaac at the 
Well ‘of the Oath; of Facob 



in 'Bethels of Mofes in the Exodxii 
Defart ; of Aaron between Num. xvi 

the Dead and the Living ; 

of Folkwa the Son of Naz in Jof.v. 

Gilgal; of Gideon at the Rock, Jug 
and the Fleeces, before his viii. 

Sin; of Manoah and his 
Wife in ‘the Field of Samp- 
fon, in his--Thiet, before 


gis: V. ideeh, V. 3 auzty. V. 4 forte Bydga. V. 5 rebvexe wy. V. 


g. Vi. 


xii, the Tranfgreflion; of Feptha 
in the War, before his rath. 

KY. XV. Vow.3. of Barak and Deb- 
bora in the. Days of Sifera ; 
wKingwiof Samuel. in , Maffepha; . of 
2 Chix’. David in the Threfhing floor 
oe of Ornah the Febufite; of So- 
xviii. lomon in Gibeos, and in Fe- 
aking. i%¢falem; of Elijah in Mount 
2 Chron. Carmel; of the. bar- 
aking, 6M Fountain 5, of fehofaphat 
MX, XIX. in War ; of Hezekiah in shis 
Si¢knels, and: concerning Se- 

2hron. gacherib 3, of Alanalfeh in the 
zxxilt. Land of the Chaldeans, after 
sax his Feanfgreflion; of Foftah in 
Fz. vii. Phaffa; of Ezra at,the Re- 

DanvixivtUtn sof Daniel in the Den 

jon, ii Of Lions ; .fomab,in the 
Whale’s Belly ;. of, che Three 
Dau, ii Children in the Fiery Fur- 
ica. 3. nace ;: of A/cana, in the Tae 
~~ berniacle before the..Ark; of 
Ezi.ite, Nehemiah at the) Rebuilding 

of the Walls;, of Zerobabel ; 

+ Maccab, Of Adatatibias and his Sons in 
i, &c. their Zeal; of Fabdelin Blef 
eek. fings. , Now allo, do thou 
receive the Prayers of thy 
People, which are.offered to 

Didd weg F panna 
rAdas, leprwe cv oof. 
TALL Deg Ws. cxO‘= 
Te eTaloersas, Baesu, 
x AclEcens bch a8. 
S10wedt , VaAMenr op, 
Maompa, Aalid by, 
arm Opye a8 “leSge, 
(is, LorAguavG@.. cv 
Ta€awy % ov ‘lepuog-, 
Anu, Hale éy,.1). opq. 
@ Kepunaig, Eric 
(Git cn . etevsous me. 
wis, lwoagar ty. m- 

eT wanuucradp, lwe 
oo? y ott 3 
ae eB Paosg , Ear 
is) > f 
Dew. ey Ti. ec duad\y, 
Aayiarn ev S Aanx@ 
/ bd 
TPS Asovrwr, “love ey 
~ / ~ 
mec@v Trasdwy ey TH AG 
} Ete dA ek! , 
Hir@ 8 . megs, Avyns 
> > & ce? / 
ev TH. oklwa eyomoy F 
n yh eee 
mowrTe,Neepia bmn 
> t ~ , 
aveyapay rp reiqeav.. % 
x x t 
+3" Zoeplatear, Mal- 

€ owarsety WV. 2 fede Pdeeht Ve #deett. Vi 


aren ice 

route @ Tay you ans 
ey 7) GHA co, ‘Taba 
ey evAgyias. é yun ey 
meg coeur aus & Ag.8 

_ the Holy Apoftles: 

Thee with Knowledge, thro’ 
Chrift, inthe Spirit. 

ae mopoduqas , per Pas we 

ces Cor Me Keres wegodeco was ty tw mevuett. | 

Evnaers phy Col T= 
eh myrar, J éor oT 
os i 706 olnnp ts o8 
ap nay ama yo é ingu- 
cny quedy x savedy (y- 
Cds, pu'n, ay Tg. LC ery, 
onErT eis. ayTEAaE 8 ~ 
ev nuzesis Evws xu 
Bray, ey mpce ests Mo. 
ony Ties, ey nus pais 
Twy xO Tey, ey npLe- 
pas Zapeenr x Aaa 
GC wy TepgnTwY, ey n- 
penis Aabid’ x mop 
Bacireuy , Cy nes 
exis Eanp © Map- 
Ohyau, Ww nucects 
“Iedeib, ov nucenis ie- 
Oy Paaiiet tis @ Twp 
atergay cure. C cy 
Gis 7 mek ens To dy 
TeAgCe TG Se 78 
PEQaAg Es" a pysepews 
"Ince Kees cB mu 
dbs Te 20 am usa 

ort Sx 

We give Thee Thanks for 

allthings, O Lord Almigh- *%SVIl 

ty, that chou haft not taken 
away thy Mercies and thy 
Compaffions from us; but 
in every fucceeding Genera- 
tion thou doft fave, and 
deliver, and affift, and pro- 
tect: For thou didft affift in 
the Days of Eos and Enoch; 

in the Days of Mofes and 
Folhua; in the Days of the 
Fudges; in the Days of Samuel, 

and of Elijan, and of the Pro- 
phets; in the Days of Da- 
vid, and of the Kings; in 
the Days of Efther and Mor- 
decai; in the Days of Fa- 
dith; in the Days of Fudas 
Maccabeus and his Brethren ; 
and in our Days haft thou 
affifted us by thy great High- 
Prieft -Jefus Chrift thy Son: 
For he has deliver’d us from 
the Sword, and hath freed 
us from Famine, and fuf- 
tain us, has-deliver’d us 

£ use, 



oat from Sicknefs, has preferv’d 

us from an evil Tongue. 
For all which things do we 
give Thee Thanks through 
Chrift, who haft given us 
an Articulate Voice to con. 
fefs withal, and added to 
ir a {uitable Tongue, as 
an Inftrument to modulate 
withal, and a proper Tafte, 
anda {uitable Touch, and a 
Sight for Contemplation, and 
the hearing of Sounds, and 
the {imelling of Vapors, and 
Hands for Work, and Feet 
for Walking; and all thefe 
Members doft thou form 
from a little Drop in the 
Womb; and after the For- 
mation doft thou beftow 
on it an Immortal Soul, and 

produceft it.into the Light, 

as a rationalCreature. Thou 
haft inftru@ed Man by thy 
Laws, improv'd him by thy 
Statutes, and when thou 
bringeft on a  Diflolution 
for a while, thou haft pro- 
mifed a Refurrection. Where 
fore what Life is fufficient > 
What Length of Ages will 

eas yP eppvoaro, *,* 
C cx Alps B&aAgro 
SY. Spérlas, Cn vor ta- 
Tavray cot dye Xere 
Lnaers spy. © 0 € 9e- 
ybu evapbeoy es e&o- 
HoAg Na SwpncepSwase 
24 yAwosew dap cso, 
Seay Geld if Os op- 
yeuvoy namaets, gy yur 
ou WEITPIEDY'» “@ ca 
glu RE-TAPANAQ’, x94 
oeaol ee, 3 a 
yglu geviis” 9% omppn- 
oy aTugr, © seens 
es epoov, © qrodus “megs. 
odtumrogi dy, 4 Gua 
TY Th Ch MMKERS get 
r@: * Aomratleas" 
oy entree, @ uals 
adovartor py Thal yoo 
gua qeeiGn"” g Tepe 
nels es 9%, 3 Agyingy 
Caov, + dwlewaor, v0- 
gis ewaidsoas, d\t- 
AGOUgOW epaud puuces® 
Tegs oringy emeuquay 
DiaAvow, PF apasnow 
Sale iae omiGy tot" 

< defunt. V. fed extant in marg. ? ig Ve 2? damadoas V. 



Lib.VIL. the Holy Apoftles: 

‘gaepuu an Tepumns Bios, 

aovwy 4 unx@Qy croc 
f ? / ‘ 
SL. precy avbegmors regs 
’ wi f A | \ \ 
Wnaessiav; 1 & py 
? 3 / 
megs acidp ad uwacy, 
ft UT 
B51) Sune pay ages, 
er An le 
Eppuow np aoel ca or 
Audewr, % yvessour- 
yey appecens eceiAw, 
oremAc yn ys ns ae oices 
’ ‘ ‘ 
nrdudtewoas TX essoy 
> > 7] 3 > f 
¢ ‘ 
ares ws dulewmor, Qgoy 
, ~ / 
oven pgvomun’ F mpge 
aloorys ememoas, 1 
Sraloroy noyvyas osw 
ovles empingas, Swope 
{ p ly) 
pus quagoves” Cw 
banpenge, yopnyes Co- 
@lw® perdpoay eml- 
flrO. ap aTUVTWY 
Can diéa 4B clas, 
» Ma ‘Ince Xeree’, 
~~ 2 2 a Ee TK ‘ 
yu, Cae”, y els Tes 
20 > ’ ns 
cwras. duly, TevAw 
‘ > ~ 
an o xues@s 28 tugy 
Raa nh Maarey Pact 

ow a > . 
7s © avqtw WMG Ei 

be long enough for Men to 
be thankful 2 To do it wor- 
thily ‘tis impoffible, but to 
do it according to our Abi- 
liry is juft and right; for 
thou haft deliver’d us from 
the Impiety of Polytheifm, 
and from the Herefie of the 
Murderers of Chrift; thou 
haft deliver’d us from Error 
and Jenorance 5 thou haft 
fent Chrift among Men, as 
a Man, being the Only Be- 
gotten God ; thou haft made 
the Comforter to inhabit a- 
mong us ; thou haft fer An- 
gels over us; thow haft puc 
the Devil to Shame; thou 
haft brought us into Being 
when we were not 3 thou 
takeft care of us when made; 

thou meafureft out Life to 

us; thou affordeft us Food ; 
thou halt promifed Repen- 
tance. Glory and Worfhip 
be to Thee for all thefe 
things, through Jefus Chrift, 
now and ever, and thro’ 
all Ages. Amen Meditate 
on thefe things, Brethren, 
and the Lord be with you 


* wate Xess OH vd] G ayis- V. 2 defune: V. 



upon Earth, and in the King: 
dom of his Father, who 
Rom, vii. both fent Him, and has d- 
+ liver'd us by Him from the 
Bondage of Corruption into Fis 
glorious Liberty ; and has pro- 
mifed Life to ‘thofe who 
through Him have believ’d in 


agvT@, 8 ings de 

‘wre eAddeemcdul@s 
en F dereas F Oeas 
‘es FF eadSreiay 
‘OvEnss © Culy' taa= 
‘qargudie (is dt awe 
omelcaay es TOV Tay 
‘CAwy Qeoy. 

‘the God of the whole World. 
Sect. LXIIl. 

Now after what manner 

thofe ought to live that 

are Initiated into Chrift, and 

what Thankfgivings they 

“ought to fend up to God 

through Chrift, has been {aid 

in the foregoing Directions: 

But 'tis reafonable not to leave 

even thofe who are not yer 
Initiated without Affiftance. 

xxxIx, ‘He therefore who is to 

be Carechiz’d in the Word 

of Piety, Jet him be inftru@- 

ed before his Baptifm in the 

Knowledge of the Unbegot- 

ten God, in the Underftand- 

ing of his only Begotten Son, 

~ in the affured Acknowledg- 

ment of the Holy Ghoft. 

Let him learn the Order of 

the feveral Parts of the Crea- 

tion, the Series of Provi- 

‘OMe by OMe ALOR 
re Cli ot) Xe 

Ainaessins dwamemady . 

TS Oey dia Kee, 
apnTay Ag. mav Teng 
Ecvrwv’ dixetoy 4,unde 


Tey a6 onbnTes. 

Ps 1 2 
‘O PZrwY ‘ToWwU 

ygTnyedey T Aooy T 
daocbaas, maidsbecdw 
ae & BartiquaT@. 
T Wee TS aunts 
qwaciy, Ks wer us HO- 
yomues erinywar, T 

wel '23 dyin’ aia 

Tos WAnepPoesays Ug 
S41 éTw dnprtspyas Da 
opts THEM, 7 Ep) 0128 
E19 U9"'s PopgrEcias Sta 


Lib.VII. the Holy Apoftles? 

Siygiotnera” mraudsve- 
- ‘ ay Wg 
Bo Moti oqr@s of- 
© syd Baie cave 
nove, % St o yQOLOTMD- 
Aims o WwhewrOs xe- 
; f ) / UW 
mim. bohovwcniva 
EWUTS QUI, ola Ts 
nacre waudtidw 
¢ \ 
omws 0 Qos Tes mvn- 
\ 3 / el ~ 
3 ¢ > / 
“mel, T3s Dt ayivs edb- 
2 IN Ul 
Eace yoX engcny ofe 
veav Aéqyy D2 T Zeb, 
% “Evas, t “Evay, + 
Noe, + “ASegan @ 
tres cngpves ours, © 
3 ‘ 
5”) Sa ay nN 
4 t Moca, Inoey zz, 
@ Xanrsl, x Pivers + 
c ? \ Xe 4 
bepen, © Tes gd exo 
¢ e 
civ Wweav cows. onws 
= : 
T BWeyvospwG. cw 
, ; c | 
amcegon ‘0° Oecs 
~“ ’ / / 
3 awy avbes rw yu. 
> 4 \ 
Ma 30 mdcvas xS4 
- om la f 
ug G.oml@. eis Emig o- 
owaandeas Cxaard — 
Sf Popes ygipes, Bue 
t > 
Durcas % arlaas as 
each deka x) doe cay 
Se b] 
* enavago', 29,0 ad\- 
Klas @s Siygtocuv ly dm 

dence, the different Difpen- 
{ations of thy Laws: Ler 
him be inftructed why the 
World was made, and why 
Man was appointed to bea 
Citizen therein ; let him al- 
fo know his own Nature, of 
what fort it is; let him be 
taught how God punifhed 
the Wicked with Water, and 
did glorifie the Saints in eve- 
ry Generation, I mean Seth, 
and Enos, and Exoch, and 
Noah, and Abraham, and his 
Pofterity, and Melchifedeck, 
and Fob, and Mofes, and Foa 
fhua, and Caleb, and Phineas 
the Prieft, and thofe that 
were holy in every Genera- 
tion ; and how God ftill cook 
care of, and did nor reje& 
Mankind, but called them 
from their Error and Vanity 
to the Acknowledgment of 
the Truth at various Seafons, 
reducing them from Bon- 
dage and Impiety unto Li« 
berty and Piety, from In- 
juftice to Righteoufnels, from 
Death Eternal to Everlafting 
Life. Let him that offers 

: deeft. V. * éva'yuy. V, 







himfelfto Baptifm learn thefe 
and the like things in his 
Catechizing; and let him 
who lays his Hands upon 
him adore God, the Lord 
of the whele World, and 

thank Him for his Creation, 

for his fending Chrift, his 

*,* P88 only begotten Son, that He 


2Corvii.t Filthine[s of Flelh 

might fave Man, by blor- 
ting out his Tranfgreffions, 
and that He might remit 
Ungodlinefs, and Sins, and 
might purifie him from all 
and Spi it, 
and fandtifie Mi, according 
to the good Pleafure of his 

Kindnefs, that he might in- 

fpire him with the Know- 
ledge of his Will, and en- 
lighten the Eyes of bis Heart 
to coniider of his wonder: 
ful Works, and make known 
to him the Judgments of 
Righreoufnefs, that fo he 
might hate every way of 
Iniguicy, and walk in the 
Way of Truth, that he might 
be thought worthy of the 

SavarTs awvie es Coote | 

aidror, anita © am 

_ Suvlrw Cy TH XYQAMYN- 
of, 0 mega weg- 

‘ ioe 
oKUUeTO 3 0 eiegues 
THY aUITOY, so Ocoy © t 

pgvo Run Xeisw, ive 
won uv Sesame, ebe- 
renlas mrs avoprias’ C 
iva agn Tas aorCaas 
@ &: aptprias. © xg- 
Seuehonn 2x0 TANTO. 19° 
Avowrs onpyos 4 omvédb- 

ugl@., AUKTH 3 @) | 

ayl 2y7rur val Addu idp 

B gensorrilos ours ',* que 

vevion °D "8 Seamua 
aurs, % QwTicn Tes 
opomArpuus t xo.pd 1s 
ure es agrovanay aS 

SLU Ag OTOY curs ache 

efon onTs Te AG 
TH T "Oe Pe omws 

dv mimmon acody odby 

Laver of Regeneration, to adxies mpdinry 4 
the Adoptio on of Sons, which # ody fF aAnSees’ as 
* gusnow. Vi? ev. oes y. 


Pe i 

Lib.Vil. the Holy Apoftles: 

S xalatiwbivey avery 
Te Auage F marine 
vegias, as Yovrciay T 
cy Xeicw iva oue- 
} ™N 

Gu7@. Yuou@. ry 
¢ t 
ouuomk |S Suvere 

~ a > ie 

1m Xecs, tw eA- 
‘ 3 / ‘ 
wid’ cudvée GLY a= 
pias, vexe@ln fe TH 

Ty BisAp aS Covawy 
* quucer9unlin’ © po 
re Uaaesqidy TULOTHY y 
aucsyouTo ary rT 
et ES were cvdp- 
Dewmncews, G te Wet 
S auSus are, © t 
Ct vEnegy anasKaews, @ 

Bia end, 
oem Agim 3 BawdiS7- 
y 0 xamMoy OPIS", ugy- 
sor gS t >a0- 
rays S AlaCoars, x) 
@ Bet F aways e 
X ergs. de 9 auroy 
wean A dametdry 
re Crow iwy' 4 0 Te 

Sores Query Te Lust 

is in Chrift, that being plant, 

ed together in the Likenefs of 
the Death of Chrift, in hopes 
of a glorious Communicati- 
on, he may be mortify’d to 
Sin, and may live to God, 
as to his Mind, and Word, 
and Deed, and may be num- 
ber’d together in the Book 
of the Living: And after 
this Thankfgiving, let him 

inftrud himin the Do@rines 

concerning our Lord’s fnear- 
nation, and in thofe con. 
cerning his Paffion, and Res 

{urretion from the Dead, - 

and Aflumption. 

And when it temains that 
the Catechumen is to be 
baptiz'd, let him learn what 
concerns the Renunciation 
of the Devil, and the joining 
himfelf with Chrifts For ‘tis 
fic that He fhould firft abflain 
from things contrary, and 
then be admitted to the My- 
{teries ; he muft before-hand 

8 deel. V. * evraedundives. V. > dect. V. + % Vz 

Ah 2 pur: 



purifie his Heart from all 
WickednefS of Difpofition, 

from all Spot and Wrinkle, 

and then partake of the 

Roly things : 

For as the 

skilfulleft Husbandman does 

firt Purge his Ground of 
the Thorns which are grown 
up therein, and does then * 
fow his Wheat, fo ought 

you alfo 'to take away all 
Impiety from them, and then 
to fow the Seeds of Piety 

inthem, and vouch{afe them 

Baptifm: For even our Lord 

xxvill, 19. did 

in this manner exhort 
us, faying, firft Make Difci- 
ples of all Nations, and then 
he adds this, vd Baptize 
them into the Name of the Fa- 
ther, and of the Son, and of 
the Floly Ghoff. Let there- 
fore the Candidate for Bap- 
tifm declare thus in his Re- 

Csnv, Mepnadnegyla 
eure T xapdiay mo 
ons ' xangnleas’, ani 
Av 7 ¢ pukd@. yj 
muTe Tw ayiwv etm 
Agyev ws YP yup 
ae ners Qe enxadaripd 
7 apueny mepTEED Tap 

cap puectay oy auth 
duarSuv, % 2%" mT ome 
py t mes" etm De 

G vugs megTeesy rT 

aol ee e&eAgy Gs an 

OTe, wom P duae- 
Eady anavis esxare- 
Eamedoy, 4 8 Baw- 
Tiquat@? aErarery. ¢ 
4 4 0 » ner ‘ing He 
oro ha nTeVonTE Treg 

aeeov odurm me dyn” 

4 Gre emyans, mo % 
Rarclicune OUTS Eis oe 
oe 9, 8 wahys % xy ae UB 
8 ayie mdat.. 

— aralyemérw evo Bem 

TI renounce Satan and his 

* xgxo;cetas. Ve 

- Works, and his Pomps, and 
his Worthips, 

and his An- 

L, Ugepmructy, * auras V. “iwdy. V. 3 deeft ¥- 

mCowuQ. cy ms 70" 
‘Am Gosonsy sy 2a 
Tye g als Zpgpi wus 

m3, 4% T moms w= 

- wearen gee Poe. a EY, 4S. 

Lib. VIL 
78, a 3 Ag-rgeicas * # 
cure, *%j  uls _ aloeAgis 
aur, ¢ Tes epebpe~ 
oerly aur, C mia als 
nim avany. pe 39 t 
sGylw , cuwTKosD- 
yO. AnyiTe, ok @ 
CouGlaonay 7) Ker 
Fey MEO trie @ Bar 
TiCougy e as eva anon 

TOV 5 YgvoY aAndwoy 

T mTeegn Te Xerces, 
xT isn © Snectepoov Tay 
cieyreoy, eb & 6 Te Trt Y= 
Te , es T muenay ‘In- 
oy Kersory "7 Ug 
von OUTS uey A 9 
C25, T udu wy 
didonia $ amuress Ww- 
ymnsevte, | dts ae 
mivie eguero G cv 
Begvois G bi y1s, 028" 
ie yg xy \ LOCRTA, T ear 
ear oy “NRERQY Kam 
opr apargEovle, 

én PT ayias - sie 

Macias QurndSevta, © 

moritoucupXwov ogiws 

the Holy Apoftles: 

gels, and his Inventions, and *« ‘ve 

all things that are under him. 

_And after his Renunciation, 
let him in his Confociation . 

fay, And I affociate my felf to 
Chrift, and Believe, and am 
Baptizd into One Unbegot- 
ten Being, 
God, Almighty, the Father 
of Chrift, the Creator and 
Maker of all Things, from 
whom are all things; and 
into the Lord Jefus Chrift, 
his Only-begotten Son, the 
Firft- born of the whole 
Creation, who before the 
Ages was begotten by.the 

good Pleafure of the Fa-— 

ther, by whom all things 
were made, both thofe in 
Heaven, and thofe on-Earth, 
vifible and invifible, who in 
the laft Days defcended. from 
Heaven, and took Flefh, and 
was born of the holy Virgin 
Mary, and did converfe holi- 
ly, according to the Laws 

’ of his God and Father, and | 
was crucify’d under Pontius 

Pilate, and died for us, and 

rofe again from the Dead af- 

2 sxqpiotyta& Viale * 

Toy. V. 

H ly 38 P 44 ter 

the Only True 

OE Pe ae 


ter his Paflionthe Third Day, 

and afcended into the Hea- 

vens, and fitteth at the Right 
Hand of the Father, and a- 
gain is to come at the Ead 
of the World with Glory 
to judge the Quick and the 
Dead. of whofe Kingdom 
there thali beno End. And 

I am bap:iz’d iato the Holy 

Ghoft, that is the Comforter, 
who wrought in ail the Saints 
from, the Beginning of the 
World, but was afterwards 
fent co the Apofiles. by 
‘the Father, according to 
the Promife of our Saviour 
and Lord, Jefus Chrift; and 
after the Apoft'es, to all 
thofe that believe in the Ho- 
ly Catholick Church, {nto 
the Kefurrection of the Fleth, 
and into the Remrfion of 
Sins, and into the Kingdom # 
of Einduens, and into the Life 
of the World to come; aad 
after this Vow,he comes in or- 
der to the Anointing with Oil. 

Tick, eis crpngs avebseuary, XB eis ce pay dichlibe, x aS 

a) Tas vopees $ Ose 1 
ewlivra th. ovtie 
Thiagrs, @ 2a Quvev- 
Te ae nygr, © dpow 

cupTa Cx vexeoy pyro . 

ameseay Tn TeLTY nyae> 
Pes G3 aiverSevra ais 
8s beavis, xj nadea 
Seva Cv deta, 78 Te 
TEI, XY TAY ép90- 
pov bot Curren 
78 aav@s yt dvéns 
eva Caves @ ven 
pes, ar Banrdas 8 BX 
Esty TEA @.. BaaliCo- 
Moy 4 &4s co) amd pect 3 
ayo, TET T mregi= 
UD UTDYs 3 veya c 7 
Teo ols an aov@. 
eyiots, Useeoy 5 erase: 
Atv’ 14 9 avis Damsargie 
* oho TS warteps a 
T ewal yeridy S owe: 
PG § hugy @ nu ere Tn 
oe Kees, x6L) wy Tes 
Smee + tea amis 
one deci, cy TH ayin 
Haein , ; oni n= 

Ban, \ how HeEgVOY SU eis Colw S pirrovl@- aiu Qs, 
1H vy x eral yeriay TaUTY, XAT axorubidy Ep XeTOY 5 

x5: as S eAats Laue ec ay. 

- deelt, V. al, add. nly. : 

) SAPSO.\iKH » Y. 


Lib. VI. 

Buagyery 3 73 

am aby & apsylepsws 
es aQEciy apiole coy, 4 
1 ‘ 7 td “3 
Can iqeal@- bn: tg” 
AaTY yo ste @ a 
‘ \ \ 
ovinrw, Qeov, T m- 
aieg Te Xeree, O 
E ' . t > 
Bamrta Tess Atodu" 
ris © yonTns Qucws, 
iva aydan  eAcuor D 
> Wh ™ ‘ ? ~ 
cvongle re were lige, 
» oy 5 fis 
IO FY Ol ~ 
pert LOR faa 
an, © Suveus ow 
epynrixdy', avery Te 
ark wvs #3 BO Te 
exondulus OugArgrias 
Padinnal@., es ©) 
oy eko py ov am AvOvaw 
mmons  castecas , a&- 
Eiov ede -P LU! oews 
nal éxmoaby’ B pgvo- 
yes | 
~ Elam epgery as 
Edw. drgye 4 Sved- 
Cd @ dkomtiw Cezov 
% gdyronestoes, 7 
amuTiee Te pigvonwues 
3 Gc, Ayaerqwr, 0 
€ £ dg =a $v gh 
igodbs 0 AMEN aAAEY 
> ~ Loe $i 
cw a D> TAY @. uy 

* geprig. tacnsiv. V. 

TQ. V. 3 gt Vz 

the Holy Apoftles. 

’ Now this is bleffed by the 
High-Prieft for the Remit- 
fion of Sins, and the firft 
Preparation for Baptifm. For 
He calls thus upon the Un- 
begotten God, the Father of 
Chrift, the King of all fen- 
fible and intelligible Natures, 
that He would fandtifie the 
Oil in the Name of the Lord 

Jefus, and impart to it Spi- | 

ritual Grace, and efficacious 
Strength, the Remiflion of 
Sins, and the firft Prepara- 
tion ‘for the Confeflion of 
Baptifm, that fo the Candi- 

dare for Baptifm, when. he 

is anointed, may be freed 
from, all. Ungodlinefs, and 
may become worthy of Ini- 


tiation,according tothe Com- — 

mand of the Only Begot- 
ten. , . 
After this He comes to 
the Water, and bleffes and 
glorifies the Lord God Al- 
mighty, the Father of the 
Only Begotten God, and 
the Prieft returns Thanks, 
That He has fent his Son 
to become Man on our Ac- 


h 4 


©,” Pog. 



‘count, that He might fave 

us: That He has permitted 
that he fhould in all Things 
become obedient to the Laws 
of that*Incarnation, to preach 
the Kitgdom of Heaven, the 
Remiffion of Sins, and the 
Refurrection of the Dead. 
Moreover, He adores the 
Only-Begotten God Himfelf, 
after his Father, and for Him, 
giving Him Thanks thac He 
undertook to die for all 
Men by the Crofs, the Type 
of which he has appointed = 
to be the Baptifm ot Rege- 
neration. He glorifies him 
alfo for that God, who is 
the Lord of the whole 
World, in the Name of 
Chrift, and by his Holy Spi- 
rit, has not calt off Man- 
kind but has fuiced his Pro- 

usr J HUGS, ive 1 
cms owon’ ole lacovera 
t Srey Seprboe, v- 
WNL CTY Sued ov 
THM, enpuea Baan 
Aad Beavay, ageny 
appniay, vex eooY avae 
cua. OA Teqols WEO- 

~_ > 1 ay 
CHUWe Witoy T pigvas 

WH Gece pal duasy, 

@ dt eure dinaere ov 
curry o7) awad esac 
aU TU aff ap Toby Tov 
Screroy Sy v2 SUPE | 
3 Tum edwxe & Bare 
k.que ? maa Svecias. 
Saivitdbad ths oe een 
Ssacherh © Kgesth Oe 
0 a cAwy werGs, ey 
avin *,* avdugl sx 
ameppileS ofS cevbegie 
bikony eo. oma MG." 
Qoeols xarepis egos 

vidbace to the Difference of pes megvoias emiion- 

Seafons; at firft giving to 
Adam himfelf Paradife for an 
Habitation of Pleafure,and af 
terwards giving a Command 
on account of Providence, 
and cafling Ht the Otfender 
uitly, but through his Good- 

TO" ome ARE we" UL" 
Te cw aoatacry, 7 CG 
‘TOV ih meus Arye ne 
abo Nercoy ol nn T 7 EAOY 
des, ETE Tey Wegvoics 
Aoyy? Cran ww amoln= 

Gp3Qu apts ovr 4, 

Srygocum e&wdous, a- 
pjacdtorn’s. % ph Soph 
das es DB amuyterzs, 

ews mod8uons” J av 
én SB repyg TE asovos 
anmeseiAe T you cure a 
Oepmoyv Quidy di dp- 
Oegrss © adirm te 
Wh eganve TI evar 
decay 5 hIEAS appr ian. 
auTay ey % yun woz 
ug. AE Te 0 1epdUs meIs 
ae Batloquen, % Ag- 
yet ; ok ygETIOe e@F 
Begve, x ayiacy & 
idtop qTéto° obs * 4" 
qaew C dwar, 42 
&) BanifopSwor, vgl 
cvarly' te Xess 
Cz, aur ouseuess iva, 
a CUY ce MOSBY EAN xo 
yornwak es Yo ctoidp 
Tey aut, D vexew- 
Onvar i Ty aRric, 
¢ KY Ten, Banli- 
OS cay ow Te): G1'0- 
rok ce ; mralegs joe 

the Holy Apoftles: 

nefs not utterly cafting him 
off, but inftructing his Pofte- 
rity in fucceeding Ages after 
various Manners, on whofe 
account in the Conclufion of 
the World he has fent his 
Son to become :Man__ for 
Man’s fake, and to undergo 
all humane Paffions without 
Sin. Him therefore let the 
Prieft even now call upon 
in Baptilm, and let him fay, 
Look down from Heaven, 
and fanctifie this Water, and 
give.ic Grace and Power, 
that fo he that is to be-bap- 

‘tizd, according to the Com- 

mand of thy Chrift, may be 
crucify’d with Him; and may 
die with Him, and may be 
bury’d with Him, and may 
rife with Him to the Adop- 
tion which is in Him, that 
he may be dead to Sin, and 
live to Righteoufnefs; and 
after this, when he has Zap- 
tiz’d him in the Name of the 
Father, and of the Sou, and 
of. the Holy Ghoft, he thall 
anoint him with Ointment, 
and fhall add as follows: 

use TH ayis misuug Ge, verlgere uipa, bhAs wor: 

+ qutay. V. ? Tt. V. 


- baptizd, 


*O Lord God, who art 
without Generation, and 
without a Superior, the Lord 
of the whole World, who hatt 
featterad the {weet Odour 
of “the Knowledge of the 
Gofpel among all Nations, 
do thou grant at this time 
that this Ointment may be 
efficacious upon him rhat is 
that fo the {weet 
Odour of thy: Chrift may 
continue upon him firm and 
fixd, and thatnow he has 
died with Him, he may a- 
rife, and live with Him. Let 
him fay thete and the like 
things ; for this isthe Effica 
gy of the laying on of Bands 
onevery one ; for unlefs there 
be fuch a Recital made by a 

pious Prieft over every onc of 

thefe, the Candidate for Bap- 
tifm does only defcend in- 
to the Water, as do the Fars, 
and he enly puts off the 
Filth of the Body, not the 
Filth of the Soul. After 
this let him ftand up, and 
pray that Prayer which the 
Lord taught us.’ Bur of Ne- 

Kueze 0 @ees, 0 ‘ae 
SivnlOu, CEN 
T@., 0 ae oAay wy 
ee, or “4 cqulw 
qy waeeos ae dialnprte 
Cy mma ruis Overy loo 
yg¥ meeps Gv ou 
a vuD nto & uLegy 

dbs Cvepyfs iveQ bon 

. mus BawiCo www, Ose 

EeC aay © mupov cw 
aut * dwdidp pa~ 
yy 3 XKeree Cs, 
TUM MO 108 Tee au Tov 
Cueva Hh eu % oun 
ory aun, Gute @ me 
TeTOLS anna renee 
TO. EXoew op hn OuLa- 
pus Py eal hed Ect 
aUuTN’ ed op jan) GS E- 
1g.S0v Tetayv btinAnans 
Pinray* aby 12 doe 
Cus 1epews rocvtn kes, 
cis Udtop pgrov xg.lab ate 
rq 6 2m: CopQuGe, ws 
3 ‘led wor, %y Dao ide 
Toy UgVOY T T puaroy 73 
BEI, 4 T pUmror 9 
ine Ceti 
Groga ov 240 The 8 nde 
bis @S ide 

Ee WU.2S 0 Us 


~t dynt@ al. Xap: V. 265 V. 


“ibs VI. the Holy. Apottles. 

eL@. dvalugios 3% a- ceffity he who is rifen again 
vasnvTs Je szyor x Ought to fland up and pray, 
megadioedry, Ag S becaule he that is raifed up 
% eyaeophuoy oparov {lands upright. Let him 
evar* 4 aus ev ov. therefore who has been dead 
yamomvery Td Xes- with Chrift, and is raifed 
ge C oumepipdrs, s1- up with Him, ftand. up. 
xéto. megodice dw) Buc lec him pray towards 
tt) covatoAds. 4 np 2 the Eaft: For this alfo iS 
q87T0 yexeaTMu cy 77 Written in the Second Book 
OS repe TS wmhercm- Of the Chronicles, that after 
pov, ort x S cuw- the Temple of the Lord was ~ 
mAcoweu ¥ veo a finifh’d by King Solomon, in 
wee am 7 Ban- the very Feaft of Dedication 
Adws Loroygy@-, cw the Priefts and the Levites, 
aurd & exqunoud oi and the Singers, flood: up 
tepas, % ot Adviny, 4 towards the Eaft, praifing 
ot tarrqdoi, pt xp andthanking God withCym- 
Caro x rlarmpiov bals and Pfalteries,- and fay- 
aqgnnacty x2) dwaro- ing, Praife the Lord, for f2e5 Chron: 
Ags, uvsyns, % eSo- is good, for his Mercy enduev.13. 
HGAG YEP AU0L, % Agnpv- dureth for ever 

as’ Aivere + wetop, | 
GTt ayadts, oT as * 

anya & ersGu aur. | | 

. Desediysdw 5 mt- But let him pray thus a& xy, 
am pi * megtéegy ter the foregoing Prayer, and 
diyny, Aéyov' c@zoso- fay, O God Almighty, the 
adtoxentwp,omatnp Father of thy Chrift, chy 
a3 Xeece Cx, ve pg Only-begotten Son, give me 
yonwss ys Cx, dos eat a Body undefiled, a Heart 


2 gcouney. V, 


rifhes of 4f4, Aquila and Ni- 

cetas. OF the Church of 
ZEzina, Crifpus. ‘Thefe are 

the Bifhops who are entrufted 

by us with the Parifhes in 

the Lord; whofe Doétrine 

_ keep ye always in mind, and 

#,* Pag, Obferve our Words: And 
385. may the Lord be with you 
now, and to endle{s Ages, 

as Himfelf faid to us when 

He was about to be taken 

up to his own God and Fa- 

Matt. ther: For faysHe, Lo J am 
XEVHL1O. ith you all the Days, until 

the End of theWorld. Amen. 

Tims Asovin@. 4 ép 
"Abnvaus t 4 wy Bot 
yinn Tesmoacws 'Ma- 
excons’” 4 cy Bpu- 
yig Naodixeas “Ap- 
ura. KoA ooscugwy 
4 Dirnugy’ Beegias 4 
Eo) ** Maveddviay 
"Ovnoreos 0 DiAnygvos* 
Kononas 4 pS 2! Tae 
Agtiay Cnurnawy. A- 
maras 4% Nixiras t 
() “Aciay odoixtoy" 
Kelaros 3 ) Ale 
suvav enxrnoles Scot 

2 ¢se/ vc 5. ~ 3 
ol ug HPAWY eM Tt= 
" $ 

od Stas aus 6y yw 

eo Homias’ ov Edd ammarias pvnugrdorvres mava0T 
a , ? < ; 

mg Qu Agosecde Tes nILETED KS Asyss @ Eno xVELOS ped 

c ww ~ > 2 / ; 

, 3 

hed ’ by / / q ¢ o> 
Tes BTACUTNTSS Svesyss WS auats 

© pnnev HpLty- [LEA WY WU aranbavedd DOGS Ye ELvTS Ocoy 
? A a] fies ' te 3 

€ TOOT E 2c" [dg oe Dungy eyo web UKaY Et TLCS 

2] c i] / ~m >~ , ; 
tems tutogs tus T CuwnAcas 78 awvos. “Aulw. 

xrivu. Glory be to God in the 
Luk, ii14 FJighe/t, and upon Barth Peace, 
Good-will among Men. We 
praife Thee, we fing Hymns 
to Thee, we biefs Thee, we 
glorifie Thee, we worfhip 
Thee by thy great High- 

Aoka cw ulisais 
Gca, & bh ys a> 
pln, ev avbeurmus cb- 
Soule. cveyy) ce, Upe- 
ve po Ce, dUAroyephu 
oe, * SdEoAoyeuhy oe, 
megTHurvepy ce,dia & 

a pag Desys V. ? deeft. V. # deeft. V. + dintensot uivos, Ve 

| pe 



Lib. VII. 
Meyer's cipogepews’ ae T 
rere, Oevy, aQurnrey § s- 
3 CL @DEGCIT OV Ygvov.Ove 
E eegaaluy os dear 

nu ELE Ramned'e ewees: 

yig, Oée mote p TAY Te 
nesi-rop ' xUene 0 Oees 
0 MUTI 78 Xeies, 8 
cigs avs, Os eupy 
T aorian Te YOK 
mer adecay T o€noy 
oy * 0 xg. SmpSi0s boi 
ay XepyCipee OTL Ce 
paves antos Cd pgves 
29 e405 Tnoes, Xexsos 
re @es mucus Puntis 
guaws, Te Banréws 
nua dis Cot dvee, 
kyr, my ceGas . > | 
Aware maids “v= 
esov" aveTe OD ovo 
xuere. Aivspdo cs, 
DLV eyo C2, Laroyephs 
06, Ag rs peyarly 
ov dveav’ xvere Bac- 
Ae, 0 matunp 13 Xez- 
oe, TB Reetolaad CV 
aapq 7 T apptiay 7 
nore’ (91 rpemrd te: 

€ Father of Chrift, 

the Holy Apoftles: 

Prieft ; Thee, who art the: 
True God, who art the One 
Unbegotten, the only Inaccef- 
fible Being; for thy great 
Glory, O Lord, and Heaven- 
ly King, O God the Father 
Almighty, O Lord God, the 
the Imma-_ 
culate Lamb, who taketh a- 
way the Sin of the World, 
receive our Prayer, thou that 
fitteft upon the Cherubim: 
For thou only art holy, 
thou only art the Lord Je- 
fus, the Chrift of the God - 
of all created Nature, and 
our King, by whom Glory, 
Honour and Worthip be to 
Phere. 4 

Te.Children, praife the Tord XLVI.” 
praife the Nome of the Lord, Pbicxt # 

We praife Thee, we fing 
Hymns to Thee, we blels 
Thee for thy great Glory, 
O Lord, our King, the Fa- 
ther of Chrift, the Imma- 
culate Lamb, who taketh a- 
way the Sin of the World. 
Praife becomes Thee, Hymns 

" were ue uoreyevi ‘lave Kearse, Wy 7400 cary (te wusere ry 1 Beo6, a 
auv@ Ts es. F ds 78 mehess 6 | eek p oy: TE auneTias Te KOT US zASHOUY 
nurs 0 apap TLS du eTiers 7% HOC [Al wegrd scan Tily denon aay e 
xan G- wy DeEed Te TUT EF en noo nas OT oD a pov aug, 

sau G wa, ings Kewsvs, 5 May Get me regs 

Amny. V. 




o" ¥ i ae Phy 


become Thee, Glory becomes 
Thee, the God and Father, 
thro’ the Son, in the moft 
Holy Spirit, for ever and 
ever. Amen. Now, O Lord, 
lette(t thou thy Servant depart 
in Peace, according to thy 

Word, for mine Eyes have feen 
thy Salvation, which thou haft 

prepared before the Face of all 
People, a Lights for the Reve- 

lation to the Gentiles, and the 

Glory of thy People iftal. 

Thou art bleffed, OLord, 
who nourifheft me from my 
Youth, who giveft Food to 
all Flefh. Fill our Hearts 
with Joy and Gladnefs, 
that having always what is 
{ufficient for us, we may 
abound to every good Work, 
in Chrift Jefus our Lord, 
thro’ whom Glory, Honour, 
and Power be to Thee for 
cyer. Amen 

vos’ oot deta mpeg 
; mS Cee go TAaTes 
S MX Ts ye, ey mrIdKZ- 
k mS wepayio', es 
Tes ahovas MS aiaver, 
aulne. Nui aves 
% DEAqv ce Jeon Gs 
5 cm a8, ev a= 
pln’ ore Shy ot 0g. 
Saag! fad Focwmesoy 
ov, 0 Aripmacas 4S 
@esoumoy mdroy ams 
AgLOV, QOS as Bag 
Aus eSvaay, 4 dvEaY 
ag? Cz Toeana. 
Evdoyims & xv ete, 
0 apEquy fhe Cx yeom- 
aus j1e, 0 dides repgluy 
neers % WUgescuuns 
aus xgpdias npaay ive 
odyrote moods au) re p= 
ey enevtrs weio~ 
cet opty as A) epopv 
ana ry, ey Xeage Tne 
cs Te xUekw hao" 
Wk foe dose, Tipe, 
2) REKTOS, AS TRS aed. 

VASe aul. 

: deeft. V. 7% 0 Ue, WTO cyto 

arVuars V. 3 ued’. V. 


Dib.Vill. othe “Holy Apoftles: 

4 m 
: «ot 
’ _ . 
7 \ 
| . 


The qeresoud Tey, © ¢1eomvwv, © xgrovey 
- spi CHa norer siieay | 

= BO!O K ‘VIL 

“S'g’c'T. LXV. 

diiron Gifts, and Ordinations, and. the 
ai aftical Canons. 

% our God and $ es 
di viour, deliver cs 
4 us the great My- 
dyen E duac€aasn npedy tisey: of Godlinefs, and cal. 
apg rdsvt@.. woga- led both Fews and Geatiles to 
exar, © megougAupe- the Acknowledgment of the 
ve Ied cuss a © Enns One and. Only True -God, 
yas as bhewwoy o@ his Father, as Himfelf fome- 
évos @ pgvs a Andie where fays, when He was 
Gee. * maT ess dur 5 Biving Thanks for the Salvya- 

* PiCrtovn, eyo wel Xacioudray, % KeVegtoviays x xgsdiay ome 
HATIASiKey. Ve 7 delunt. Vv. ‘ok 
a li | iow 

Jok. xvii. 
€, 4. 

Mar. xvi. 


tion of thofe that had be- 
lieved, J have manifefted thy 
Name to Men, F-have finifi'd 
the Work thou gaveft me, and 
{aid concerning us to his Fa- 
‘ther, Afoly Father, although 
the World has mot known thee, 
yet have I known thee ; and thele 
have known thee. With good 
reafon did he fay to all of 
us together, when we were 

Gifts which were given from 
him by the Spirit ; Now 
thefe Signs fhall follow them that 
have believed in my Name, 

Teh, Te Tep aye, 


nebo ams * are’ gn 
ow Minaerg iy oh mi 
ower ap amq-dvore 

mov, epavtew(g od 3 
ovata. mols Aud egrmats, 3S 
pony a edtwxois Ot 5 
eTeAiae- é Ok n° 
giv Aeysv7@: vu ia 
0 197 HO ot GSH eye, 

mms nee nen iCeé ey WY 
perfected concerning thole $2 4. 

i Ce eyed ange 
Ebay NRO, gir Th 
oy iets asen aff J 

urs Aig 7B amdbuc~ 

they [hall caft out Devils, they bi er ) avers 

fooll {peak with new Tongues, 
they hall take up Serpents ; ii 
if they drink any deadly thing, it 
fhall by no means burt them; 
they fiall lay their Flands on 
the Sick, and they [hall reco- 
wer. Thefe Gifts were firtt 
beflow’d onus the Apoftles, 
when we were about to 
preach the Gofpel to every 
Creature,and afterwards were 
of Neceflicy afforded to thofe 
who had by our means be- 

-jieved ; not for the Advan- 


® deeft, V. 

* Laman 3 als 

ose oo, Tore Te: 
exxorebnad’ cy @ eves | 
peri jos Saaygvie exe 
Carson yAwosats xaos 
pans Ag. Angeny. oes 
wey Savecaygy 
mM Tiwow, ¥ jen onTes 
Bag] Oa appaices 
qsens | noes, xoy 
LA @s e5eon. Teorey 
ats yacronerey Des 
mepv ph mply nteyt wy 

a peat" 


: “Enlwov’ én 

ue - 

U ~ ‘ ae 
af ™ > e ~ ¢ 
4 vols a myay mic ou- 
cao chy cyngor yopn- 
Severs Bx es T a c Cre 
Epyermy WHEAGAY, GA 
eis 2 ‘amiswy oul tere 
avec, * bya. 2s GSM e- 
wee ° Agy@., Te- 
Tus i TP onaciov du- 

comnay D waiceps are 
9p one & avis msdis 

cd ? \ ~ 5) 
HAY, MAad amis azi- 

‘led aiwy- ae xoU 
38 da 
opgvaes name eae 
eoy xepd'&, or TOY 
Crepyin mers xalas 
- Enpiuoy * ag Je0s auilgs 

ore mruddey npeaes Oo 


‘ mer®s Dever ual Aegon" 

pa oui pere oT! ren TH - 
eke? ue Naraneeary, 
wma ocuupere ort are 
ovopala v Uo, Veer 
Toy oy id Beare é 
edn & fe au7e Duwe- 
4 hire So 3. npe- 
Tipe. div aig. € aredn, 
SnAov ort BonBapSsore 

abe Gils vice, Eadie) 

* } ” ¥ ’ ’ Lite 

the Holy Apoftles. 
. Walyartop yglaSyarmres 

tage ot thofe who perform 
them, but for the ConviGion 
of the Unbelievers, that thofe 
whom the Word did not per- 
{wade, the Power of Signs 
might put to Shame: For 
Signs are not for us who 
believe, but for the Unbe- 
lievers, both for the Jems 
and Gentiles. For neither is 
it any Profit to us to caft 
out Demons, but to thof¢ 
who are fo cleanfed by the 
Power ‘of the Lord ; as tlie 
Lord himfelf fomewhere in- 
ftructs us, and fhews, {ay- 

ing, Rejoyce ye not becanfe the Luk. 110 

Spirits are fulje® unto you ; 

but rejeyce, becanfe your Nunes 
are written infieaven. Since 
the former is done by his 
Power, but this by our good 
Dilpofition and Diligence, 
yet (‘tis manifelt) by his Af- 
fiftance. °Tis not therefore 
neceflary that every one 
of the Faithful fhould cat 
out Demons, or raiie the 
Dead, or fpeak with Tone - 
gues; but fuch an one only 
who is vouchtaf'd this Gifs, 

si Te 4, V. 2 ty. Ve 

lia for 




for fome Caufe which may be wes 24. aduren risty dad- 

Advancage to the Salvationof pgvas exfarren, in ve- 

ten put to Shame, not, with 

the Unbelievers, who.are of- xpes duiggy, in yre- 
: ? 

osenls AgAEY Lmao © 

the Demonftration of the akioce Ge « yea na 
Vy ord, but by the Power of 1G be mvt TiC. agn= 

the Signs; that is, fuch as 
are worthy of. Salvation: 
For all the Ungodly are not 
affected by Wonders; and 
hereof God himfelf is a 

WitnefS, as when He fays in. 
Ifa. xxviii che Law, With other Tongues 
coh eee peak to this People, 

and with other Lips, apd yet 
will they by no. means believe. 

_ Deut xviii For neither did the £gypti- 

ans believe in God, ..whea 
Mofes had done fo many 
Signs and Wonders ; nor did 
the Multitude of the Jews 
believe in Chrift, as they 
believ’d Mofes, who yet had 
healed every Sicknefs and 
every Difeafe among them ; 
nor were the former fham’d 
by the Rod which was turn’d 
into a living Serpent, nor 
by the Hand which was 
made white with Leprofic, 
nor by the River Nile turnd 

TUL, es cwmeley Tar 
? f 
aricwy, ducwrsp yor 
: al haw 
t , t b) \ 
Asnov wmd<elEd, Wa 
~ ~~ ‘ > 
TH TOY HLewy CrEp= 
? U 
i's wEievovT@y T= 
metas’ ome P Tepes 
ot agebas rao TS Suu- 
ce 3 \ c 
TETY UGpTLS wis 0 
t c7 j > 
@<os, ws omdu Asyn oo 
t ef 2 ¢€ 
ay) vojeg@ OT) cw €te> 
epyAwospis AaAncw @ 
es / » Sat / 
ALD T3TH, 4 Ow sem 
Aca steegis, G & pn 
' 2 3 
micdaony Ova 99 
ot Algutivor bong-uodu 
aS ep, * Maiicseis’ 
~ tv 4 
mow Cnhean xo) 
Tate TamDinKeT@s * 
dre tm manin ws hee 
Daiwy mJ os’ Mai 
ot | Keay, woody 
yoooy x} maa AAG. 
xiv Cv AUIS VEC 

s ~ , ? ’ - : ~ > 
‘ chy Tey AdQaV aged esip-annd Thy Tey cnudoy eyépyeay V 


* ueosas. V. ? wood V. 

ae Oye 

Lib. Vil. 
adiedyn* 2) “re ton 
éneves edvowrnsce pac 
JG gpxpungs Po es 
ogly, 4 ~ HG Adina 
yopsun, 4 Ner@ cy 
pare Ov ote TeTes 
TupAo1 avab Ae movTEs, 
4 qco7gh DEA TAT TES, 
@ vexeg) | avisup§uor” 

Cw avs ig-dpto 
"Tavis @? MauEpts * 

mS 3" es x Kaia- 
_Qas° eros @ mdpros 
Sbowres Te onpeecie, aA 
Ae. a 2s dinueryg- © 
yas, ov © naesv de 
Sud 6 o " @cde brTeAcd 
Stuserpets, as Go0s ob 
ygvounGu. 77 ye yi- 
| Beh rain tau, ae 77 
gan7e Buancl. rave 
de paphy, tat BS pan 
eomeulpedy Tes An CarGs 
qaseopalee aad, x) 

aS pen Aakovtwp ni 
CLT UG TO “ Aegis, 
To pats" oHLaAwy’ 
eme osK ecy avQewrros 
mesons Si Keres 
eis  @eov, 0s oom G:An 
ge qagcne maugh- 

the: Holy Apoftles. | 

nor the latrer*s* Pag- 

their Sight, nor by the Lame Matt.xi 

into Blood ; 
by the Blind who recover’d 

who walk’d, nor by the 

Déad who were raifed. The A 

#1, 8 

one was refifted by Fannes” 

and Fambres, the other by 
Annas and Cuiaphas. ‘Thus 

Signs do not fhame all in- 

to Belief, but only thofe of 
a good Difpol ition ; for whofe 
fake alfo it is thar t God. is 

pleafed, as a wife Steward of. 

a Family, to appoint Mira- 
cles to be wrought, not by 
the Power of Men, bur by 
his’ own Will. Now we 
fay thefe chings, that thofe 

who have received fuch Gifts 
may not exalr themfelyes a- 
gainft thofe, who have 

noc receivd them. Such 
Gifts, we mean, as are for 
\ the working of ‘M racl’s : 
For otherwife, there is no 
Man who has believed in 
God through Chrift, that has 

not received fome Spiritual 

Gift: ‘For this very thing, 
having been deliver’d irom 
the Impiety of Polycheifm, 


. Syed. Ve * bapbois. al. V- * deel, V: 

li 3 an: 

Lie Sass <3 

= Le © tery - taal be >» ig * =i! -_ 
= , aed . v} ral 5rt ' % 



and having believ’d in God 
the Father, through Chrift, 
this is a Gift of God; and 
the having caft off the Veil 
of Fudaifm, and having be- 
lieved that by the good Plea- 
{ure of God, his Only-be- 
gotten Sos, who was before 
all Ages, was inthe la{ft time 
born of a Virgin, without 
the Company of a Man, and 
that He convers’d as 2 Man, 
yet without Sin, and fulfill'd 
ail chat Righteoufnefs which 
is of the Law3 and that, by 
the Permiffion of God, He, 
who was God the Word, 
endurd the Crofs, and de. 
{piled the Shame ; and that 
He died, and was buried, 
and rofe within Three Days; 
and chat after his Refurredi- 
on, having continued Forty 
Days with his Apofiles, and 
compleated his whole Con- 
{ticutions, He was taken up 
in their Sight to his God 
and Father who fent Him; 
he who has believed thefe 
things, nor at Random and 
irrationally, but with Judg 
ment and full Affurance, has 
receiv d the Gift of God, So 

4ov" Qua Tr ~ Ae 
TUMayivay mAvSE 
acebeas, x msevory 
Oca mater 5 Xer 
<8; yacsque be Cee’ 
mo 7% Bappiny S “Tes 
Saeingy UBAU Gey x4 
msevny on suddxicn 
©ee o Wey away 9 
yoruns, Cy Ustom xa 
p® cn MpSéve qunun- 
my Di qa OmiAtaes pe 
Segs @ ore evorira- 
onto ws leparos avd 
a por ias,mrAn ews Te 
ovlp Axctocuvlw dw S 
yous’ © ole auyqwpn- 
of Ges cowesy rage 
eWvEy, ciovUUNS NeLTOD- 
Peovnons 0 Qeos AO. 
x oT. ameSuve, © é 
ann, 6 avegt Ales 
meov nce, © pe} 
“A 24 iN, ¢ 
T GanaV Teosnes- 
1gVTH Hunens ae mer 
vas mls dmestAos, 
aAn egons macs Algo 
maety wveAnoon ew 
Overy auTwy megs @ 
Dace Agr la QUT coy 
a warteg’ 0 TRUTH 
omerdvons, ey amAads, 
ode UAD YS, ona sft 

NS ao eh te Oe 
rae ae 

Lib. VIII. 
of % TAnep Peles Y= 
erga cn EY én Qee" 
woattws 4 © o macys 
aypeoeme arama fis. 
pen ep ms Tay mIOW-= 
Toy onprciee, ¢ Teen 
TIStAV pa LE wcevrce 
evepyetv’ Aaigoes yap 
ber Te 13 O¢e eP- 
quale, Wp avre Ale 
Keee dove" xo 
Ce 2 aaugas Tro" é- 
nev Gr 4 aro vt nop) 
Asgey TUG ies n qe 
greasy Seen encewns mveu- 
UETOV, 7 DEI wei 
aS merrawrav, a ay 
Av Sidinlensys 7 n eve 
Engtiar, n eymen rd: 
wy evvoLgy. 4% ~ & 
— Moicys o 73 @es dy- 
sSeorG, oy Ainyoates 
Chi nA@Y Tey OMe, & g 
Awy" x Ocos xAnvels, 
BoH nraCord owe a 
 idie wep gnte ‘Aa- 
eg. A’ @mo B Naw 
‘Inows, ngyna ai wuos pel’ 
query 73 Ag 8, ueiv Te) 
@egs eC yore ius mr 
2 gg Ve 

the Holy Apoftles. 

alfo has he who is deliver’d 
from every Herefie. Let not 
therefore any one that works 
Signs and Wonders judge 
any one of the Faithful, who 
is not vouchfafed the Fash: 
For the Gifts of God which 
are befiow’d by Him, thro’ 
Chrift, are various; and one 
Man receives one Gift, and 
another another; for per- 
haps one has the Word of | 

Wifdom, another the Word xi. & 

of Knowledge ; another, dif- 
cerning of Spirits; another, 
Foreknowledge of things to 
come; another, the Word of 
Teaching; another, Long- 
fuffering ; another, Conti- 
nence according to the Law: 
For even Mofes, the Man of 
Ged, when he wroughe 
Signs in Egypt, did not exale 
himfelf againft his Equals; 
and when he was called a 

God, he did not arrogantly Ex, vii t. 

defpife his own Prophet 4u- 

ron; nor did Felhua the Son bm: 

of Nua, who was the Leader 
of the People after him, 
though in the War with the 
Fetufites he had made the 

lig ‘Sun 

ae aoe. 
" ' 7 


‘Sun ftand fil over-againft 
Gibeon, and the Moon over- 
again{t the Valley of Aja- 
lon, becaufe the Day was 
not long enough. for their 
Victory, infult over Phineas, 
-or Caleb: Nor did Samuel, 
who had done fo many fur- 
prizing things, difregard Da- 
vid, the Beloved of God; 
oyet they. were -both “iui 
phets, and the one. was 
Fiseh Prieft, and the other 
,was King. And when there 

ah ng. were only Seven ,Thoufand 
holy Men in Tfrael, who had 
Rom.xi.g HOE bow'd the Knee to Baal, 

Elijab alone among them, 
and his Difciple Alba, were 
Workers of Miracles: Yet 
neither did Elijah defpife, Obadiah the Steward, who 
feard,.God, but wrought 
no Signs, nor did Alifha 
defpife his own Difciple, 
when. he trembled at the +? 
Enemies. Moreover, neither 
Dan. i& did ithe wife Dz chal who 
x. it 
Was twice deliver’d fromthe 
-Mouths of the Lions, northe 
Three Children, who. were 

Asim Snoes inAtov "Ty 
Dabawyr c qs ae 
Alulw Ko. TO gdealye 
AlAey, Akg 3 pen ahi 
Gpuey mess Ths vie 
xl rhe TRECAMy wee 
Sn xgam & Prvees,. 
a Aarse. eTé Se. 
LENA. Toa apedo- 
Ea conicns, aS ody 
nyncaTo @) EOGLAN 
Aabid XG) To ape~ 
psment werginy 
0 ja, apysepdls, 0.3, Bas 
ards. © ena aga 
doy weareepy amy cy 
Iaennr, LY LOW y Tey 
pen 1 ag prloww Tey gon TH 
Bawa, gv Fi Lac 
Gy auaolss © 0 tere 
uganilis EAtosentos Qaw- 
eero7D 101 opeperlsray” 
OVA é doe Halas +. ot- 
HOVOLY » AC DyseEeutpne- 
TELE» po8 jySjc avait 
Qcov, moianle 5 
pine ene EAtoselos 
T sare ugonm OesT- 
exov'(et T2s MAE [LIBS U= 
omepel our. wma ~ ere 
Aannr o (opos,. pu- 

* deeft. V. 

co 61S 

ae ae | Tee a 
¥, he 8 rh, . pee 

Bas SMiteeoy ¢ CH 0p 
16 Acovrwy, 29% Ol 
ages wares Cn Mepis 
TRI Eudevoadhs T2s 
Aguirés ms opogudwy. 
ni geLYTO OTL ¢ TH 
one Duvaud meese- 
Moree aS Seva an- 
Ag TH 18 Oce fogui; xj 
Xj ONL eTETAS?y ¢ 
nfs * 4 Ouace@ey wma 
Agoven, imps’ 
Ug eroupedw xy, 
adirQe, xoLY dase 
i» chy Sesvyg-ro mids 
e sp dobn ae evey 
Te LmSOYs aert ii Agt 
Troy ecvy Tao gopesely 
i Crbeyerce. 3 p ee Seavey 
euge6n, au FS THO. 
euyoias’ O 4 Suupas 
Tomy, Cx TS cvEp- 
ysvt@. duyapews’ wy, 
Om TRHTOY Nas aw- 
Tes OP es 34 devneesy 
sev T Cvepyiy Ta, St 
as ' wegen” ayTias, 
Couey ANTE Bamreus 
| JEsbeverra Tes oy ue 
TOY Seat nyes ene 
apnorres Tes UmmngEs. 

eee Ce ee 

the Holy Apoftles. 

deliver’d from the Furnace.of 
Fire, defpife the reft of cheir 
Fellow I[raelites: For they 
knew that they had not e- 
{caped thefe terrible Mife- 
ries by their own Might, 
but by the Power of God 
did they both work Mira- 
cies, and were deliver'd from 
Mileries. Wherefore let none 

of you exalt himlelf again «+ pie 
his Brother, though he be 389. 

a Prophet, or though he be 
a Worker. of Miracles: For 
ifit happens thac there be no 
longer an Unbeliever, allthe 
Power of Signs will thence- 
forwards be {upeifluous: For 
to be pious is from any 
one’s good Dilpofition; but 
to work Wonders, is from 
the Power of Him that works 
them by us; the firft of 
which re(pects our felves, 
but the fecond refpeets God 
that works them, for the 
Reafons which we have. al- 
ready mention’d. Wherefore 
neither let a King defpife his 
Officers that are under him, 
noc the Rulers thofe who 


are f{ubject. For where there 
are none to be ruled over, 
Rulers are fuperfluous ; and 
where there are no Officers, 
the Kirgdom will nor ftand. 
Moreover, let not a Bifhop 
be exalted again{t his Dea- 
cons and Presbyters, nor 
the Presbyters againft the 
People: For the Subfiftance 
of the Congregation depends 
on each other ; for the Bi- 
fhops and the Presbyters are 
the Priefts with relation to 
the People ; and the Laity 
are the Laity with relation 
tothe Clergy. Andto bea 
Chriftian is in our own Pow- 
er, but, to be an Apoftle, ora 
a Bifhop, or in any other 
fuch Office, is not in our 
ewn Power, but at the Dil 
pofal of God, who beftows 
the Gifts And thus much 
concerning thofe who are 
yvouehfafed Gifts and Dig- 

1. @ ~ > 
An ov Tey ~ THY & 

wov, wert lol of ap 
sovles’ @ jen OvemY ~egm 

anny, & sroeTey Boor 
Aca. MMe pnd: bm 
onom@. erroupecdw xt! 

Trav ALeyovav, n ap 

arpecG urecpy” mre ul 
ot mpecCuteeot 2) a8 
age’ JE SAnArwv yeip 
tay n avsnoi S cuue~ 
bevicugl@.. *01 ae 9 
bchono7a’, 2) ot T™per= 
Eumept, Tey cic I¢- 
pas’ @ ol Aaixel, Te 
yoy ot Aaixg © B 
py avey sy eLSIaLvor , 

iy BB Bae 

amo k, ux ED NAV, 
ww’ bh al Adovk 
Ore rw Yaeho are. 

Y a» > 27 \ ~ 
TU TO pL Sy TuGBe 
cov eipndw Ag res 
dkiwSnGs nerqna- 

avy? / 
Tav 1 aciougTey. 

: b7e wie omoxowG-. V, * deelt. V: 






ABA. 7) the 

"Exevo 4 BENT Se 

He wd Aoyy, ¢ om. ere 

Tas 0 meg PUTIN, o- 
ag.’ ore waso dai- 
piso e Agus ayQ-. 
HP G Bargau of 
Bewp o ugwkes MEI EGiI- 
cuca, dvorbns wv x 
Kaizpas, o bdudavu- 
p-On eepadepaus aA 
Ag i © o GEor®- 

meprig. 5 oi aug 

awegy Deiugves. oH g 
SG ire wh 

avris euceCaas arty 
np" ayy aig 4p ein 
memer os dt éxea1oy 
morycnekavy. SnAoY BY 
ok odorless, xoY Tepe 
QnTwwoy, & ygAuaiuat 
Ag ? TeognTeas T 
souawy acéledy’ sdk 
oi Satugras eAadvortes, 
oe EF TeTwy ax ynpn- 
ews OW InoDYTEY A- 
AnAusPaTaTwan” xe 
Samp of tas rad\as 
parol ¢ evVERG bad aq 
mvupQuor’ x Tes Teo 
GrenovGes LUTOIS, Gs 
morMrusow’ ete OF Bx- 
mareus dvowbns, et 
Bagirsds vmarad, aAr- 

, CP igree a il 

Holy Apoftles: 

Add in the next place, 
That neither is every one 
that prophefies holy, or 
every one that cafts out 
Devils religious ; for even 


Baalam the Son of Beor, the ‘a x¥, 

Prophet, did prophetie, tho’ 
he was himfelf wicked; as 
alfo did Caiashas, the 
nam’d High-Prieft. Nay, the 

Devil foretels many things, 
and the Dxmons about him; 
and yet for all that there is 
not a Spark of Piety in them; 

for they are oppre({s’d with 

Ignorance, by reafon of their 
voluntary Wickednefs, It’s 
manifeft therefore that the 
Ungodly, although they pro- 
phefie, do not by their Pro- 
phecying cover their own 
Impiery ; nor will thofe who 
caft out Demons be fanéti- 
fied by the Demons being 
made fubje@ to them; for 
they only mock one ano- 
ther, as they do who play 
childifh Tricks for Mirth, 
and defiroy thofe who give 
heed-to them; for ncither ig 
a wicked King any longera 
King, but a Tyrant, nor is 
a Bifhop opprelgd with Tgnoe 


& xxiv. 

falfely oh. xi.§ 1. 

ifa.txvi.2e him. For. 



own Mealures. 

| te 

thefe elated againft their Hut- 
but preferv’d their 

if among you alfo there be 
a Man, or a2 Woman, and 
fuch an one .obtains any 
Gift, let him be humble that 
God may, be, pleafed wich 

jays. He, 


whom will 1 look, but upon bits 

that is humble and. quiet, and 

trembles at my Words. 

aOLY aynp Ts n 

x OLY yuu ce) quyn croaans mvas 

sacil@, Gravogerer, i iva ex curr dudoxn o Oreas" 

ye! rawaes, ‘Orde 
xq ‘Iedrd, nn @ 
‘ow, 3 Bin! a 
peas % mt enTNP 4 18 | 
xnuers aepegntiuce, C- 
tn’ Eatouber n auluns | 
aiaie, Avra’ Cen 
nccov a PirAiw@e Sue 
yare pes’ MM oH & | 
mopmoay x, Th ys ay 
Dewy au Tey, ae equ 
Aaeay Te olnetae ‘fe | 
Tex SHBY G £y vt 

emt TV ~: gnaw, bab Aslan, an ton} anmravey © 
hovadey, 24 aeeLovTH fas Tes Ayyys. 


E have now finithed the 

Firft Pare of this Dif- 
courfe concerning Gifts, what- 
ever they be which God has 
beftow'd uponMen, according 

to his own Wil 

Ls; and how 
-He rebuked, the Ways of 

thofe who cithee attempted 

to. fpeak Lyes, 



moved by the Spirit of the 

Adverlary ; 

and that God 


Cy ow rr av wo CUT 

Aoye esele- 
7S Dek Thy eee 
Tce Teov, IT LATED 0 Geos 
oe idiav BeAnow 

aN pEgEY dwlepros' @ 
Ocrws way tain bm 
veIp HY Tey AEyEY » n 
amoreia mvdimars xt. 
yep oy , nareyCe (e) 
Teo x ole amovn- 

K decft. V's 


enis. morrduis * azre- 
r wee \ , 
qaelonro o Geos megs 
m mooguniay © mex 
Ne ok {3 my" 
OMB. yuu 5 bon 

3} xopupasore Tov - 

ast Sera; ob tay: 
Sevres Sk ny won 
Keres erionomor, ay- 
wa @&s mOgdbrem 
Se" advTes OTL O Huo 
axvwv, Keres axed’ 
05 Xeqs axeoy 
Ose-* and’ 4 waress 
cined gn dda es Tes 
eyavas. aula 

aqovTes Mees of déxaduo 
3 “LUCE amosvAol Tuc 
8 mas Yeas hey cv- 
mAAGES dSfraEes 

rb Troms SnnAnoies 
Tov nly © BF one 
Agyns ondues Tawae & 
Cwwamsors iar, @ 
"lanw6s 3 bhoxore, 


-. the Holy Apoftles.. 

often takes away his Grace, 
both as to Prophecy, and 
the Performance of Wonders, 
from the Wicked. Buc now 

our Difcourfe haftens as to 

the principal Parc, that is, 
the Conftitution of Ecclefi- 
aftical Affairs, that fo when 
ye have. learn’d this Con- 
{titution from us, ye who 
are Ordaind Bifhops by us, 
at the Command of Chrift, 
may perform all things ac- 
cording to the Commands 
deliverd you, knowing that 

he that heareth us heareth tokx 16, 

Chrift, and he that hearerh 
Chrift heareth his God and 
Father, to. whom be Glory 
for ever. Amen. 
Wherefore we the Twelve 
Apoftles of the Lord, who 
are now together, give you 
in charge thofe Divine Con- 
{litutions concerning every 
Fcclefiaflical Form ; there 
being prefent with us. Paué 
the Chofen Veffel, our Fel- 
low Apoftle, and Fames the 
Bifhop, and the reft of the 
Presbyters, and the Sever 

|  amxgnouta. V. * deck. V, 





Déacons, In the firft place 
therefore 1 Peter’ fay, That 
a Bifhop to be Ordain’d 
is’ to be, as we have al- 
feady ail of ‘us appointed, 
unblameable in/all things, a 
felect Perfon, chofen by the 
whole People, who when he 
is named and approved, let 
the’ People ‘affemble, with 

the Presbytery and Bifhops 

that are prefent, on the Lord’s 
Day, and let them give their 
Confent : And Jet the Prin- 
cipal of the Bifhops ask the 
Presbytery and People, whe- 
ther this bethe Perfon whom 
they defire for their Ruler? 
and if they give their Con- 

: fent, let him ask farther whe- 

ther he has a good Tefti- 
mony from all Men, as to 
his Worthinefs for fo great 
and glorious an Authority? 
Whether all things relating 
to his Piety towards God 
be right >. Whether. Juftice 
towards Men ‘has been ob. 
ferv’'d by him? Whether hk & 
Affairs of his Family have 
been: well order’d by him? 
Whether he has been un- 
blameable in the Courle of 

@ afl Agrzav mpecum 
TEED @ roy ema, Afee- 
yovew. mepTG@s Sy ena 
Purr Tlérp@.,] ¢ eTrIa noe 
oy aeeteproveSey ws 
oy Tos ‘ TepAabsoty 
oh [hee maou res drernta- 
eS, Cv mao a 
pemoy, ' cererivius * 
a0 dns ae Age 
cnre rAEypRWove: $ o- 
vougedertTGu x cepé- 
opr @s, cuverfar 6 
Ag.os Ch phat 7) Bpeo@ 
Cureeio © amis aha- 
ow brHoxemls, Cw te 
peepee WI ELA HY s quy- 

Sonata’ o 4 meo- 
xerT@s aS Agiarwy 

ae ceaurren 02 7 pire 
Curéezoy Ct) Ov» 
el auras tow, ov ae 

Tey TOY es aprgvlcs 3 
Cravdb our ray , Tepoe 
TrEegiTn TW a pfoav- 
pa) ¥ a0 bei he aE 10s 
vie meyaans > Tae 
@ AquTeHs ny 
povias, a @ @) Pas 
Ocov aund dicteaar 
yo. tinnw.), & TH megs 
dw beqares Duncuice os 

QUAGx Tey, ei Ta 7) 9 ae 

> deeft. V. 7 deeft. Ve * 7% Qas. V. 


Lib. VL 
Oinoy are xgaais Ng 
vopentey, eb ah x0) } 
— Biov caver antes. 9 
THiTev aug x2) can 
tidy, ar @ x2) @eo- 
Annay Mprupucdw ry 
amleray auTeY Eran, ws 
6h dngecn Oca @ 
Xerqa, mes 1 O- dye 
Ag dn © 1B ayix reeb- 
Her, 4 TOY Tes vs \ 
ciryicoy xj Acrrepyteay 
avbiyoqey, oy TelTe 

ToAW TstowTar, 

aw E105 by arntos 

‘ Pel Cee be 
AciTupyics dion mew | 

pprucwy saSa aay pn- 

peo” ¥) cn Sephycon 
ioc Ch TeATEY ae 
Eiov evar, comrantelcSa- 
ody ot mevies cusby- 
He 4 doves BDIGSUUWS, 
axvicdwocy yj Glade 
ans uophuns, es 
aestay 6moxjamy an 
Ug. 4 Svaw eréeois, rAn- 
giov S JUMasne Ks ESws, 
PW Agiray bnoKg rw 
@ reeclumewy ciomrn 
mescdiyouyioy, # a 
ALenovev G@ Sela aJ- 

“ fe Holy : ‘Apottes! 

his Lite? And if allthe AC 
fembly together do according 
to Truth, and not accord- 
ing to Prejudice witnefs rhat 
he is fucl’an one, let them 
the third time, ds before God 
the Judge, and: Chriff, |‘ che 
HolyGhoft being alfo prefenr, : 

as well’as all ché Holy and: 

Miniftring Spirits, ask again, 

Whether he be eruly worthy Matt xviii 

of this Minifiry, that fol in: 
the Mouth * two or three Wits. ; 
niffes pari Word maybe: eff ax 
blill’d ; and if they» dgree | 
the third tinge ‘thavivheris. 
worthy, let them all -be dew 

manded their Ve te, and wher 
they all give it! willingly, 
lec him be heard; and Si- 
lence being made, let one 
of the principal Bifhops, to- 
gether with two others, ftand 
near to the Alrar, che refi of 
the Bifhovs. and Presbyters 
prayingiilentiy, and the Dea- 
cons holding the Holy Gof- 
pels open upon the Head of 
him that is co be Ordain’d, 
and fay to God thus; 

Ate OnE DS qcereo ror Sis: HEQZANS A ng 
90: lor, Asyite Weds Qeoy. 

Kk’ QO 


© thou the Great Being, 
O Lord God Almighty, who 
alone art Unbegotten, and 
ruled over by none; who al- 
ways art, and waft before 
the World ; who ftandeft in 
need of nothing, and art 
above all Caufe and Begin- 
ning; who only art True, 

“who only art Wife; who a- 

@ Cor. iw: 

Pia! cxil § 

lone art the moft High; who 
art by Nature Invifible; whofe 
Knowiedge is without Begin- 
ning; who only art Good, 
and beyond Compare ; who 
knowelt all Things before 
they are; who art acquaint- 
ed with the moft fecret 
Things ; who art Inacceflible, 
and without a Superior; the 
God and Father of thy Only- 
begotten Son, of our God 
and Saviour; the Creator of 
the whole World by Him ; 
whofe Providence provides 
for, and takes the Care of 
all; the Father of Mercies, and 
God of all Confolation ; who 
dwelleft in the Higheft Hea- 
vens, and yet lookeft down 
on things below; Thou,who 

‘O ay, Déowore, WI" 
ene, 0 Qeos, 0 aya- 
’ c ! > 
nesrap, 6 pjrQs 
SuvnlG, © abaairev- 
1G. 0 ded ay, % Deg 
an oe ¢ : ¢€ 
T OLWYWY arapywy” Oo 
\ ? \ \ , 
mats avevdens, x Uhm 
Ons GATIAS x Yweoews 
/ ¢ ? 
xpaTtlwv’ o pygvos wAn- 
\ ¢ / 
vOS, ) ugvQs gopis' 
¢ aA / 
6 ov U91G vlig@’ o 
wh that abeg (Os Sab 
ow wars avapy Ov 0 Ug 
’ \ 
yG. ayados, 4% aavy- 
¢ I f 
xerl@, o | aduTe en 
dus mew Swérws au- 
~ e <™@ ~ t 
Tay oF xpumov yee 
> ¢ 9 s e 
ons 0 amet Or * a) 
adécanlos’ 6 Ocos @ 
aulip @ povemwes va 
* ~ 
Cs, & Ges % Coltegs 
c ~w ¢ et 
NpLWP? O Syperegags T 
ti 3 . ~ c 
orAwy dt avrg o - 
‘ c ee 
VONTVS 5 0 nHdLLwY' Oo 
TuUTIp TOY oixlippoy, 
\ \ 
x4 Oecs muons abye 
ywrAecEws’ oO CH urlmAois 
nolotnoy, 2 Te To 
A> ~ ¢ 
WEAVE EDOM» guodes 
Opes CHHANOIAS, Abe e 

> L t 
Cvoupns wdecias Te 

1 qt. V. 


 Tib-VI. the Holy Apoftles. 

Keree Ce, van uge- 
aves Te) DDZUANTH, 
Dos aS oy dmsvAwy, 
@ nov F qaekTt on 
asvesw Tay bh ons zy ‘ 
0 wepoehous JE apy is 
lepers as bhsaclay Aa? 
au, “AbcrA cy weg- 
qos, >, © Evas, @ 
"Eva ,% Nae, @ Mea- 
— aedexn, @ LW 6 ava- 
Sekas ACerau % THs 
Agures malesapyas guy 
mis msvis Ge SFeL 
rsav Mosc @ “Aa 
cay, © "EAcaldpw © 
Diyets’ 6 OF CL TeY 
mea xcexGpwG@. xp. 
91 (Gs % lees oy TH 
onbun & phrvets o 
S x Sapyna cure 
Ea Ou Es lep2a xy 
a@eg oni’ 6 ' aed < 
Macugts Ce a relep- 
Maroy an eynalerimuy. 
o bounces ov ais npe- 
T1Tw SvExc by ay. aus 
ats © ypu uAciteia & 
Xeioe Ce, St nyo 
bnyec F Suey F 
nyimovine o8 ovduug- 

did{t appoint the Rules of 

the Church, by the Coming 

of thy Chrift inthe Fleth; of | 
which the Holy Ghoft is 

the Witnels, by thy Apo- 
{tles, and by us the Bifhops, 

who by thy Grace are here 
prefent; who hait fore-or- 
dain’d Priefts from the Be-- 
ginning for the Government 

of thy People; Abe/ in the 

firft place, Seth and Enos, 

and FExoch and Noah, and 
Melchifedeck and Fob; who 
didft appoint Abraham, and 

the reft of the Patriarchs, 
with chy faithful Servants 
Mofes, and Aaron, and Elea- 

zar, and Phinzas; who didft , 
choofe from among them Ru- 

lers and Priefts in the Taber- *,* pag: 
nacle of thy Teftimony. who 39? 

a- did{t choole Samyel fora Prieft 

and a Prophet; who didft 
not leave thy Sanétuary with- 
out Minifters: who didft de- 
light in thofe whom thou 
chofeft to be glorify’d in ; 
Do thou, by us, pour down 
the influence of thy free Spi- 
rit, through the Mediation 


2 ya ive Vs 

Kk 2 of 


of thy Chrift, which is com- 
mitted to thy beloved Son 
Jefus Chrift ; which he be- 

ftowed according to thy Will 
on the holy Apoftles of thee, 
the eternal God ; Grant by 
thy Name, O God, who 
{earcheft the Hearts, that this 
thy Servant, whom thou haitt 
chofen to be a Bifhop, may 
feed thy holy Flock, and dif: 
charge the Office of an High- 
Pricit to thee, and minifter 
to thee unblameably, Night 
and Day; that he may ap- 
peate thee, and gather to- 
gether the Number of thofe 
that fhall be faved, and may 
offer to thee the Gifts of thy 
holy Church : Grant to him, 
O Lord Almighty, through 
thy Chrift, the Fellowfhip of 
the Holy Spirit, that fo he 
may have Power to remit 
Sins according to thy Com- 
mand; to give forth Lots 
according to thy Command; 

to loole every Bond, ac- 
cording to the Power which 
thou gaveft che Apottles ; 

1@., ome SG eon ester 
71) ngavmphog Ce Tra ' 
1 inee AGTH, omep 
edupionto yroun Ce 
als Wy lols SaMSOAOls oR 
3 awvis Ges, dts ow 
@ oveygt: Ce xypdroe 
yrose 2, bh t des 
Aw Ce wyd3, cy Jge- 
AsEw ets bang oy , 
Toljeevey © ayiny oe 
muinvly, © apyces- 
thay (or, eee meas 
Aatupyerla VUx TOS 4 
jybrcs. % Setar 
Wocy g8 S Desowm", 
brhicovwwayaniy Tt aez8- 
pov T (@Copluar, xa 
amestpipay Cot qa dw- 
ext aylas Ce cxxAn- 
cas. dts aered décarten 


adtoxextp, Ye' s 
Kemet Ce, F pere- 

lav & aryl myduug= 
1. woe ¢ every uciay 
agievy awotias xo) ¥ 

cron lw os, 5iSbvay 

uAnpes oy 3 megmy~ 
UG oR, Avety 4 TLV Tb 
ound eo pagy i) oe- 

chac he may pleafe thee in orev Lis edtoygs avis a 

| * deeft. V. 



Lib. VIII. 
amstrais apecay dé 
bare) weg ttnne 
yeJeope nopdign, a 
meeTios, chutmlas, a- 
veluAnrws, megopeesr: 
aa Cot xg Ineny Hoy = 
youanny Suoiar, bes 
Hs Keel Gee" 
O wuenesoy TF xgsvns 
Sliuns, as cops 
boas, Wo F aziz 
amidts 8 ings XercB 
S Ocz 2; owt np n- 
pov * dis” Cor ddéa, 
kun © alas, dy ania 
ambiugle, run, % vet, 
@ cis Tes moves F aua= 
yov. § Glan exd- 
EapSue, of Agro te- 
pes bmAcyerwad, a- 
"© ow awais a- 
THs 0 Ags. é 1g. a 
mesabuyhy', es ase 
Sucizy eal + oe egy 
yeteoTvnstvT Gs. yoy 
TH gSEy evblegniCecdw 
as t amd Becéeovla 
mom whe T Aol 
Oohaongmmy, Wey Tey ay- 
aw GlAnctvawy & cw 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Mecknefgs, and a ppre Heart, 
with a ftedfaft, unblameable, 
and unreproveable Mind; to 
offer to Thee a pure and 
unbloody Sacrifice, which, 
by thy Chrift, thou haft ap- 
pointed as the Myftery of 
the New Covenant; for a 
{weet Savour, through thy 
holy Child Jefus Chrift, our 
God and Saviour: through 
whom Glory, Honour and 
Worfhip be to Thee, in the 
Holy Spirit, now and al- 
ways, and for all Ages. And © 
when he has pray’d for thefe 
things, let the reft of the 
Priefts add, Amen; and to- 
gether with them all the Peo- 
ple. And after the Prayer, 
let one of the Bifhops ele- 
vate the Sacrifice upon the 
Hands of him that is Or. 
dain'd, and early in the 
Morning let him be plac’d in 
his Throne, in a Place fet 
apart for him, among the 
reit of the Bithops, they all 
giving him the Kifs in the 
Lord. - And after the Read- 
ing of the Law and the 

~ Aeraeaila V. > us’ oy V. 3 apy. V. 

Kk 3 Pro-, 


Prophets, and our. Epiftles, 
and Acts, andthe Gofpels, 
lec him that is Ordain’d fa~ 
lute the Church, faying, Z74e 
Grace of our Lord Fefus Chrift, 
the Love of God and the Fa- 
ther, and the Fellowfbip of 
the Holy Ghoft be with you all; 
and lec them all anfiver, 
And with thy Spiric ; and after 
thefe Words Jet him {peak 
to the People the Words of 
Exhortation,and when he has 

ended his Word of Doctrine, 

all flanding: up, let the 

Deacon afcend upon fome 
high Seat, and proclaim, Let 
none of the Hearers, let none 
of the Unbelievers ftay, and 
Silence being made, let him 

Ye Catechumens pray, and 
let all the Faithful pray for 
them in their Mind, faying, 
Lord have mercy upon them. 

And let the Deacon bid Pray- 

weseAe oanuglt. ¢ pe 
T avayyvocy & voy 
T WegQnTor ,TevTE bAt- 
WA WY Hyg 4 TP) Tes: 
Ecap © THY alyerrwr, 
arm Uw o yeep TUiT 
Geis P dxuarncian Asser. 
n aes 8 were nov 
Ind NELTS nao & 
Oeuy waless,% 7 ygivw- 
vie S avis mdugl@, 
pe mavloy yore od 
les amuesvidwoar’ @ 
prt! 7B mvdiug.tms 8. Y 
py? DegT pnaw ,.wegT= 
yes mie KANTEWS, ¢ 
manewouvIOs eure 
- dyducnarias Asgpv’ 
Llonpes egw Ard peas o 
adkagos Terps} | are- 
n9v Qs, @D urlnas Tivos: 
averQap,xuputlere jon 
ks TF axepwphuays i 
kes Tay amiswy. % Kov- 
oni Jeowhpins Asliro, 
y Eugacde of 4g- 
amsyepduot. © mov7es ot 
onsol i: Afevorccy ‘U- 
aad QMuToy. mega dugg: 
wor, Adqovas mwese 
éAgnavy. Staengvatw *) 
| ump 

Bib. VIII. 
RP THY YoNyEyov 

craves * roy Cov ae 
exrigartompy , ive o 
BAM, Qirarlewrts , 
diiuws acaxnson aS 
Oinoewy awTay € TOD 
ROL UANEDY, 9 Wega: 
deSahu@s a QUT OY Fis 
ueTicey ale Sney 3 a 
TOV, % Dw atiapis re Toy napdray 
wWTaY Begs B ounge 
ep”, Dog Auy aU r01s 
3 balyerroy E Xesee 
AUT, PwTion avTes © 
aE EN on™ 
ras P Sroyrwciay, dd- 
Owen ares Ge magseel 
ugle ave 4 7 ds 
agi ycslas , Sxalaqu- 
mon on _woreis Tt ay- 
voy aura © owrnesoy 
golov, Algvoitn ra w 
1% Tay Heed ico au TOY 
megs B ow wl roy 
auTs clearyivedsey n- 
péoxs a WOK TS, Be- 
Eawon 4 ares on i) 
Morb, § EvOon yj ey 
aglaesburcn avres S 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Ete Sin en t " 
NEP LUTON, Atquy. 

ers for them, faying, Let us 
all pray unto God for the 
Catechumens, that He that 
is good, He that is the Lo- 
ver of Mankind, will mez- 
cifully hear their Prayers and 
their Supplications, and fo 
acc¢pt their Petitions, as to 
affift them, and give them 
thofe Defires of their Hearts 
Which are for their Advan- 
tage, and reveal to them the 
Gofpel of his Chrift, give 
them Illumination and Un- 
derftanding, inftrué them in 
the Knowledge of God, teach 
them his Commands and his 
Ordinances, implant in them 
his holy and faving Fear, open 
the Ears of their Hearts, that 
they may exercife themtelves 
in his Law Day and Night 5 

firengthen them in Piety,unite 
them to, and number them 
with his holy Flock ; vouch- 
fafe them the Laver of Re- 
generation, and the Garment 
of incorruption, which is the 
true Life, and deliver them 
from all Ungodlinefs, and 
give no place to the Adver- 

*de‘unt. ? éezeds. Ve 

Kk 4 {ary 

glenn: | a 
: ‘ “ 
2Cor.viit fary againit them, and Cleanfe apie awTs omipvie, ) 
nites thom from all Filibinefs of Flefh xgla€wmons. avres 78 ~ 
and Spirit, and dwell in them, ruts F warilqeves 
and walk in them, by his aas,8 cydyelos? ag; 
Chri; Ble fi their. Goings-out, Saporas,. F Cvmws 20 
and their Comings-i2, and or- Cans, pucwroy 4 ares 
der their Affairs for their alonsdabeas, 4 jen 
Good. Let us ftillearncitly J¢-qumy nlamotelo 
put‘up our Supplications for nal avqwu, xaSuess 
them, thet they may obtain ay 4-evres Ban. auras 
the Fongiveneis ef -their perve@nt- capygs xo 
Tranfgretlions by their Ad- grdual@.; crounan 
miflion,and fomaybethought m-cy avanis.%) eume- 
worthy of the holy Mytie- escurion Blo ® Xe 
rics, and of conflant Com- es atc, dnoyicn 
munion with the Saints, Rife aus aodes avawy © 
up, ye Catechumens,, beg ans efédus, © xarwe 
for your felves the Peace of Quon avavis rau megnet- 
God, through his Chriit, a piye eS oungeeor, 
peaceable Day, and free from tm Canias rah avray 
Sin, and the like for the ixentcaphu. wa agé- 
whole time of your Life, and cews quran F Ane 
your Chriftian Ends of it;, a peraAnygres Me F 
compaflionate and merciful pyncews, dkialoct ray 
God; and the Forgivenels of eyiov wusnesav, 44 
your Tranfgreflions, Dedi- po! trav ayiav Afgm 
cate your felves to the only ygvis.zgeipeSe of xcome 
Unbegotcen God, through his s4§yor 2 eplulu ae 
Chrift. Bow down your @ed Na F Xeree aus 
Ficads, and receive the Blel- 72 aamcads, a plustxles 
fing But at the naming of | audoay Wwaygiorn 

: giy.V. 
| Tor 

Lib. Vill. the 
mmoy Hy Wek’ T aT xesvon - 
Coote uea, agisiave u- 
Rov mmréAn, ier % 
yun & Oeov , epeny 
Tes aed Nore a uynTo 
Og No te Keer 
aurs wg Sede. 2At- 
vate, © srAopacds. 
ep exagw 4 Tere wy 
6 Algnar®. @epope- 
Vay ws 7 DET OBS Aé- 
yore 0 | vere 
ZAéncor, © weg mur 
awy TH Tudia. “At 
yovTay 4 avToy Tus 
megaras, Uironeim One 
Teso yeeoToun Els é 
grionoTrs GUA Oyler Tole 
aide) Ogis 6 wyav- 
xeantap, 0 aQuvalos x) 
a megal@x, 0 gv. a 
Anervds @Qeos, 6 Oeds 4 
| mre Tp 73 Kees Ce 

ct QS. 

3 poveniues ye os, Ore 

* Obs" a aSguarnte, 
C cmv SAwy wet? 6 
Ake. Kere duoxa- 
cate Tes Hebnras én.° 
gnome Begs Masao T 
dicebaas” avavs © rw 

Holy Apoftles. 

every one by the Deacon, 
as we faid before, let the 
People fay, Lord have mercy 
upon him,, and let the Chil- 
dren fay it firft. Andasthey | 
have bowed down their 
Heads let the Bifhop who . 
is newly Ordain’d; ble& them 
with this Bicfling 3 ; O God 
Almighty, Unbegortten and. 
Inacceflible who only-art the 
True God, the God and 
Father of thy Chrift, thy 
Only begotten Son; the God 
of the Comforter; aed.Lise: 
of. the whole World; who 
by Chrift didft appoint thy 
Difciples to he Yeachers for 
the Teaching of Piety,do thou 
now alfo look down upon 
thy Servants, who are cate- 
chiz'd in the Gofpel of thy 
Chrift, and give them a new 
Heart, and renew a vight Spi- 

rit in their inward Paitst that pra. tr2. 

they may both know: and 
do thy Will with full pur- 
pole of Heart, and with a 
willing Soul. Vouchfafe them 
anhely Admiffion, and unite 
them to thy holy Church, 



and make them Partakers of 
thy holy Myfteries, through 
Chrift, who is ouc Hope, 
and who died for them ;. by 
whom Glory and Worthip 
be given to Thee in the Holy 
Spirit for ever, Amen. And 
after this, let the Deacon 
fay, Go ont ye Catechumens in 
Peace; and after they are 
gone out, ler him fay, Ye 
Energumens afhiced with un- 

-clean Spirits, pray, and Jer 

us all carneftly pray for them, 
that God, the Lover of Man 

kind, will by Chrift rebuke 
the unclean and wicked Spi- 
rits, and deliver his Suppli- 
cants from the Dominion of 

“the Adverfary. He that re 

Mar.v 9 

buk’d the Legion of Demons, 
and the Prince of Wicked- 
nefs, the Devil, may He even 
now rebuke thefe Apoflares 
from Piety, and deliver his 
own Workmanfhip from his 
Power, and cleanfe thole 
Creatures which he has made 
with great Wifdom. Letrus 
{till pray earneftly for them; 
Save them, O God, and raife 


i \ 
emote emi Tes DeAus od, 

Tes nam upwes D gue 

a SyeAtov Te Xescs ae 
. ° ~w 

@ dts autos xapdiav 
\ \* * > 

xouviy. 74," meu 

eu Sis eleaivicoy oy is 

| > wv 

elygieols aut, WeEOS 


S adivay 4 muicv S_ 

WANK 78, Cw “a p> 
/ Z ~ 
Dig wanes @ Nox be 
Ason xaTeEL woo au~ 
Tes F ayias Wwuncews, 
x tywoov auTes TH 
avin Ce cxnrncin, @ 
peroyes Woncoy | THY 

’ t \ 
Sawv pwousneswr, SZ 
ce > 
' Xesr~e, T cAwID@s 
HAO", S BP auTwy 

> 2 >? 
amuvsviGw di & Cot 
' : / 
dea C BS cas op 
¢ . ‘ 
avin meals, as Tee 
waves. aul. € pe 
‘ “~ e ' 
Th TETO 0 SGnovG. 
nameyswot, cv eiphun. 
4 pe o Seen Sev auU- 
THs, Asoitw’ evdacds 
c > ’ ec ‘ 
of crspyspQuor 09 
f ) U 
meuugrav — axacdcp- 

wap autey denbadpSyr 

1 how. Ve 


Lib. VIL. 
Cmws 0 piagvbewr@. 
Sos, Ao Xesres bhh- 
kmioy (is dxaSeoros 
€ qoY negls MVEU LG. O1, 
© pionmy Tes aur" i 
xemas am ES aMo- 

the Holy Apoftles. 

them up by thy Power. Bow 
down your Heads, ye Ener- 
gumens, and receive the 

Bieflings and let the Bifhop 

add this Prayer, and fay, 

0 brikepwnows TW Asqeane aff 

- ’ ~ ’ ‘ i > 

Duugev, @€ ® apyercue AleSiaw, br: TANT a 

~ ~ ‘ ral ? / ¢ ‘ 3 

ms © ruy wis Smsxitus F evcebeas, @ puontoy Te é- 

oo : in ~ v . > 4 

OUT? mrad le 2m Tt CrEpresces wT, © HASHEOLTN AUTH 

; ~ © > ~ 

& PRT MOPARS coins Expincer ett CyTEMS VAY duTOY 

~ ou b / iA « ‘ > ~ a 

dnlaphu' cwooy © avasiooy aotes 9 Oeis, ov ty Suucind 

oe. “uAlvate ot CrepyeuSuar, @ evAoyide. © 6 ém- 

moO» ew dyedw, Aéquy. 

‘Oly: quegv Devore, 
CO mavra re oneun au- 
ae Napmacas 6 Sas 
nul keaay emave 
opeey 4 TROCMMMY wae 
TH, 4 ETL mad 7 
Ouapiv & expe OF 
ay cmon Tovey Ogu, 
Kopwom wmbydes i- 
jAly, Qs cps fioy @U- 
Siots’ oy wdura OesT- 
Td % Tped, 2a @eg- 
cwme Duuxusws oe 0 
pusas auly ws arene 
alu JE segue asylu, 

Thou, who haft bound the vir 
{trong Man, and fpoil’d all Mate. xii 
that was in his Houfe, who ;7;, Zig. 
haft given us Power over — 
Serpents and Scorpions to 
tread upon them, and upon 
all the Power of the Enemy; 
who haft deliver’d the Ser- 
pent, that Murderer of Men, 
bound to us; as a Sparrow 
to Children, whom all things ; 7 

“2” Job xi, 24 
dread, and tremble before the py y 
Face of thy Power ; who haft 
caft him down as Lightening 
from Heaven to Earth; nor S°**!* 
. 3 

3 Oh MeTe §s V. 


» f “ ” 


with a Fall from a Place, 

SoM xs pny [LOTi,ca- 
but from.Honour to Difho- 

4 3 Oo eS] 3 
Aa 200 kpuns es ati~~ 

nour, on account of his vo- 
lunrary evil Difpofition, whofe, Look dries the Abyffes, and 
Threatning melts the Moun- 
tains, and whofe Truth remains 
Pf xcvis.for ever; whom the Infants 
praife, and fucking Babes blefs, 
whom Angels fing Flymns to 
Plcxvi.2.4%d adore; who lookeft upon 
the Barth, and makeft it trem- 

viii. 3 Gle 3 who toucheft the Mountains, 

_ and theyfmoke ; who threatneft 
XW 3° the Sea, and drycff it up, and 
makeft all its Rivers as De- 
fert, and the Clouds are the 
Nahi4.3.Duf? of bis Feet; who walkeft 
upon the Sea as upon the firm 
Ground ; thou Only begotten 
God, the Son of the Great 
Father, rebuke thefe wicked 
Spirits, and deliver the Works 
of thy Hands from the Pow- 
er of the adverfe Spirit : For 
to Thee is due Glory, Ho- 
nour, and Worfhip, and by 
Thee to thy Father, in the 
Hely Spiric, for ever. Amen. 
And letrhe Deacon fay, Go 
out ye Energumens. And af- 

Ifa. li.' 10. 

Lfalxiv. 1- 

cil. 32. 

Job ix. 8. 

/ 2 Mew F ? 
pricy, dk sxeTIoy avU- 
73 yongvoidp’ & ' a3” 
Batuuc Enenivg a- 
Evoses, 4 aweiAn 

/ ad eS ee 
Tied Opty %n annem 

1¢ ? \ I~ a 
pg es T anwya” ov 

> ~ \ , Q ? 
uVel TR INMA, % éi- 
Aopa ms Madoran, 
oy unveat © weg onwwe- 
oy alyeagr 0 bmEAE- 
Tw bn rg bn, x01 
6 cap @. FW bpéwr, 
2) xe-mviCormy 0 ae 
THAwy Snadolw, © 
Eneaioyv avtny, XO4 

/ \ ’ 
moves Tes Temamss 
> Tes” Sepa url 6 
VEDeAcl, Aoviopavs 
odwy 0 MermeT@v® é- 
wi SnAdosys, ws oe 
eduges povoswurs Bee, 
PAQOAL muTess ue ee 
esis oye, % pucey 

\ >) Yy 
G cpya 7H yeewy Ce 
> ~ , a A 
cx tT Te Mores 
avugh cvepnstas’ 
Ort Cor doéa, ken @ 

1m.v. *deeft. V, 



Lib. VIL. 
ob as, x) Ales ve ru) 

OO) WLTEly ayiy 

arvduot, Gs Tes ajo 
as* ot bse 4 C Alg.- 
xXovos AEyato’ Tevtnr- 
Sete ol cvepyypyuor" a 
pal Oures, Deg Tpwver 

TH" ead oL Qwt-. 

CopSwot. CnteyG@s Ol TI 
SO! TuyTES WP aver oy 
mee nc rere py, Omws 
0 me relazioon 
cures ae. asT 
Te Xeives Savaertoy 
pelors Nuedey é Ba- 
oevces wwTs, 2% why 
yooves vy ee nesov 
are, §Evorn * auy- 
xTAACED aurds py 
ay earl opsjony oy Tn 

ayicn ure CnurnTicre 

the Hal Apoftles. 

ter them, let him cry aloud. 

Ye that are to. be illuminated 
pray: Let all us the Faich- 
ful eatneftly pray for them, 
that the Lord will vouch{afe, 
that being initiated into the 
Death of Chrift, they may 
rife with him, and become 
Partakers of his Kingdem, 

and may be admitted ro the 
Communion of his Myfte- 
ries; unite them’ to, nums 
ber them among thofe that 
are faved. in. his 
Church: . Save them, and 
raife them up by thy Grace : 
And being fealed to God 
through his Chrift, lec them 
bow down their Heads, and 
receive this Blefling fromthe 

gucov © avasncoy av Tes cy T™ gn Yueh. xglacbege 

( you yo Te) Oew Le 1 Kees cure, wAivaytss dUAo- 
Yidwaar ahh 1 ewloxgre tide v daoyiay. 

¢ \ 4 
oe Omen ewssy dia 


hou sities haft former: 

holy - 


vp cry tao Ts Deg yi~ ly faid by thy Prophets to fate * Pag. 
thofe, that be initiated, Wap tm i. 16. 

On0Te 5 | tee I vie 
yee 4 Ala ae Xe 

ye, become clean; and hatt ap- 
pointed Brac Regenerati- 

® mepvendste.V. 2 bri Curevas vate au ray Sanam, V. 



on by Chrift, do thou now 
alfo look down upon thefe 
that are baptizd, and ble(s 
them, and fanctifie them, 
and prepare them that they 
may become worthy of thy 

_ Spiritual Gift, and ofthe true 

~ Penance ; 

Rom. xvi. 

Adoption,of thy {pirirual My- 
fteries, of being gathered ro- 
gether ‘with thofe thar are 
faved through Chrift our Sa- 
viour ; by whom Glory, Ho- 
nour, and Worfhip be to 
Thee, in the Holy Ghoft, 
forever. Amen. And let the 
Deacon fay, Go out ye that 

are preparing for Ulumina- 

tion. And after that ler him 
proclaim, Ye Penitents pray ; 
Jet us all earneftly pray for 
our Brethren in the State of 
that God, the Lo- 
ver of Compafiion, will fhew 
them the Way of Repentance, x 
and accept their Return and 
their Confeffion, and Jruife 
Satan under their Feet {udden- 
ly, and redecm them from 
the Snare of the Devil, and 
the Ill-ufage of the Demons, 
and free them from every 

© suare V. 

oe: Spe ts m9 
avduuglenhy avagRuvan- 
ow ateros © yup emids 
bm 72s Bani Copipes, 
4 Soagynaoy ares, x 
i alld x abe ondva- 
oov acivs Wa t 
Tidal xis Ce du- 
peas, @ F aaAnadrvis 
eas” Oe aah 
pec Td LLUMEL Wy 

i) AT Cater 
Pisa Ye 
Keres 73 3 owns 7 ne 
pps Ms Cor obey 
k pan % uy oe as, ov ayia 
omy Gs Tes Ua- 
Vas. ap lu, @ AcyeTw 

0 AfgnorG.’ ce 

T% OL gw nC spfuot. 
pie. T3870 bie 
dead ol 7 Me- 
TAY OIC. Cum as may= 
6B WD by perm 
‘ats akirgay | ahy- 
AGAET OLA’ Oorws 0 Oe. 
Agixtipuwy Qeds ra00- 
daky auavis odby bes 
Teves revo deEntey 
nih T mTnAwadiay 

% owsagguay, x , 


“Lib.VIL. the Holy Apoftles. 

Curteln + Saaduay 
nan Tes orodus aUTmY 
Cy muy. * AvTagon- 
my auTés dP re: 
ViO@. te NabbAs xy 
& empaas TW ding 
ya, 4 deéAntey autres 
dao was a Senite 

unlawful Word, and every 
abfurd Practice and wicked 
Thought; forgive them all 

their Offences, both volunta- 

ry and involuntary, and blot col.ii. 13, 
eut that FVand- writing which *4- 

1s againft them, and write philiv, 2. 
them in the Book of Life: 

Aoys, @ meons avr sEleanfe them from all Filthixr©or. - 

‘ ~ 
mexcens, © mynegs 
crvoias’ aulowpron 4 

f > ~~ , 
extawale aura, Te- 

e / \ 2 / 
mT exeaa@ Taaxena, 

@ Karddy B xer 

“ auTwY  syeeryenQoy ;, 

» Soectrlnrey aures ep 
BibAw Cons xafapn 
<a SEEN Sat j \ : 
4 aurTes amo mdwats ge 
Augns (cqepygs @ avd- 
pal@s, @ sworn av- 

\ > 
Tés DmygaTag nous As 

on ph 2x r 
T 2Yav GUTS WDi- 
Mia,” ey \ t 
pvbus Ck auas Mya- 
? U a 
mdm mAaona jel. 
Ort Tis xausynae.) c- 
why eyev xapSiay 
11 TLS We Ppnricce Tey x2 
Ses evar am apt- 

/ f é > - 

; > E) / 7 ; 
oo) oy baTu101s, .erL 
¥ ce > ? 


Rnbawy’ Ok yee yt- 

. s 

nels of Flelh and Spirit, and” © 
re{tore and unite them to his 

holy Flock : for, He knoweth 

our Frame ; for, Who can glory trov. xx.9 
that he has a clean ¢feart? 

And who can boldly fay, that 

he is pure from Sin? For we 

are all among the Blame- 
worthy. Ler us ftill pray 
for them more earneftly ; for 
there is Foy. in Eleaven over. xv.7. 
one Sinner that repenteth, that 
being converted from every 
evil Work, they may be 
join'd to all good Pradtice :, 
That God, the Lover of 
Mankind, will fuddenly ac- 
cept their Petitions, will 
reftore to them the Foy of his pei.tr4. 
Salvation, and ftrengthen them 
with bis free Spirit, that they 
may not be any more {haken, 
but be admitted to the Com- 
munion of his moft holy 
. Things, 

ae Se aS eee ie ae RD SN ee 
: ,, oe a " 


Things ; and become Parta- 
kers of his Divine Myfleries ; 
that appearing worthy of his 
Adoption, they may obtain 
Eternal Life. Letus all flill 
earneftly fay on their Ac- 
count, Lord have Mercy upon 
them. Save them, O God, and 
vaife them up by thy Mercy. 
Rife up, and bow your Heads 
to God thro’ his Chrift,and re- 
ceive theBleflings. Let the Bi- 

fhop then add this Prayer; 

marae i 
HOLY WYO! qyedey TP ayiov ure leegiv, 

fee cy eenve » Oo eve’ 
a pip Lrwarg pemdodrle ss 
Crm Mnvesgerles wav 
pqov LSE LLITOWs dh 
Ginewbea cr TAaCH Tes 
Ed ayabn’ t ive 0 0 pice 
bcw7@. eis # Tasos 
duds resadeLapevos 
aU Tey Tos PUTAS, as 
moxalarnay “auTols 
ayer iacy Te ower 
ere, % TVA LaTL 7 ange 
page * enepen" aures, 
ive pane omardbecs' 


Setwy puseson" (ve a5 101 Daeg dy Sevres , yovecias, 
Tuer E akawis Cwns. en CHT EY ODS wapres ap aUTOY 
CT Nie UDELE eAmicoy. Twooy AUTES 0 Oé0s, co) cby.ct 
Gy S ead ov. avasuvtes mS Qce Yo Te ewe aur, 
HAivatEe xg) UAoyide, zmdinedw Sp 6 bmiotomG. 


1X, Almighty Eternal God, Tdpaxexlop Sed 

Lord of the whole World, cwrre, dicaore ays 

the Creator ‘and Governour SAwy, xtise xo) mpu- 

of all Things, who haft ex-~ aan a ravray o * 

** Pag hibited Man as the Orna- dB 2e7rov “y* HOT AB 
39e. ment of the World, thro’ xgcpor avahetas Dia 

Chrift, and didft give him 
a Law both naturally im 
planted and written, that 

Xe, Gy coy des aus 

me epuroy Xt} 9.001 T= 
av, megs & Clb au- 

* sueloy, Ve 

* ants es F megttegy dZiav © amodwon on tile B.v. 

my Er uUys, ws Ao 
muy 4 aphoawt ov 
moannlu des megs pe- 
mopody 2% cave ayer 
some: 2mde bm res 
mendungras Cot au yevee 
Juagiis % owralQu ok 
v Redd @ Savany 8 
appar, Band? pee 
mebvoicy, Ose Woe cpertay 
auto 2 E ods are 
~® amovnegs, 4 Clu. 6 
Nivdizwr mega deca 
pu@. + pereivoidy" 6 
rEAwy meses ay ogi- 
wis owllivan, 4 @sbh- 
qwwoy arnbeias éA= 
seiv’ © @) yoy @mego= 
deEapuGr, + Mgt ce 
Qanoveren vr Bioy aw 

arralevois, Gt T Me- 

mreeyotow’ autos % yuu 

wesadecay ats i (MET OY 
oe = peGy oa on 
Gow esiv os 8 ari 
carey Cote edu 9 a- 
VOMIAs woa™pNTy, Use 
E/E, were, Tis ram- 
NE TOY 5 Ort wee gol 
oO Aaoygs: bor 4 2a" 
xo: SNTOY GTS TH oe 
yiz Cs cnadide, Cy 


a ate | “ 
iy ik aie 
» ran! 

‘the Holy Apoftles) 

his Repentance ; 

he might live according to 
Law, asa rational Creature; 
and when he had finned, 
thou gaveft him thy Good- 
nefs as a Pledge, in order 
to his Repentance. Look 
down upon thefe Perfons, 
who have bended the Neck 

~ aan Soul and Rody to 

olen o Dats Salad i eee ee 
“ eS Lue : 

ce: for thou defireff not Ezck xviii 

the Death of a Sinner, but his 
0 Repentance, that he turn from 
his wicked Way, and live. Thou 
who didf accept the Repen- 
tance of the Ninxevites, who 
willeft that ail Men be ‘{eved, 
and come to the Acknowledz- 
ment of the Truth s who didtt 

accept of that Son who had 

& XX Xiile 

jon. tii. 


confused his Subftance in rio= Luk. xv. 

tous Living, with the Bowels 
of a Father, on account of 
Do thou 
now accept of the Repen- 

tance of thy Supplicants, for ° 

there is no Man that has not 

finned ; for, Zf thou, O Lord, 3 Kings. 

markeft Tniquities, O Lord, 
who fhall ftand?> For with T, hee 
there is Propitiation: Anddo 
thou reftore them to thy ho- 
ly Church, into their for- 
mer Dignity and Honour, 

-Li eee 

Vill. 456 



through Chrift our God and 
Saviour, by whom Glory 
and Adoration be to Thee, 
in the Holy Ghoft, for ever. 
imen. Then letthe Deacon 
fay, Depart ye Penitents; 
and let him add, Let none 
of thofe who ought not to 
come draw near. All we of 
the Faithful, let us bend our 
Knee; Ict us all intreat God, 
through his Chrift; lec us 
earneltly befeech God, thro’ 

his Chrift. 

Let us pray for the Peace 
and happy Settlement of the 
World, and of the holy x 
Churches; thar the God of 
the whole World .may af- 
ford us his everlafling Peace, 
and fuch as may not be ta- 
ken away from us; that he 
may prelerye us in a full 
Profecution of fach Vertue 
as is according to Godlinefs. 
Let us pray for the holy 
Carholick and Apoftolick 

7 wep TPE ace Y 
bbe > Ee 73 Xers, 
ad" Ose ye caTie@. 
TUM. dié $ OOL ‘dae 
Degtnuvncis, cv TS a- 
vie rvdugtt, as Tes. 
aiavas, aul. % 0 Brae 
xovGs AeyéTw” BW- 
Avecde of Cy meGroig. 
é wegsbito pikes T 
wen Stave Hoey Teper 
SETH. 6 Ogos OS0l; xAi= 
yoo ov. dnl wy 
73 Cee, ig a Xez- 
re eure OLY TES or 
myes + Qedyv dia ae 
Xerce was meng.ré- 


TE" ap Luns 
€ ? deo $ Ms 
oe as ayioy ound 
aor dnbaw Cams o | 
aS ory Geos aidoy ‘ 
u, ava Parperoy T sae 

8 eipnrly t nly abe - 

9470, iva oy TA’ ED- 
poke. Fug? bart ed 
ap|ris Ao rrrsvres 7 n= 
Ho's Cuvmmpron’ Lp 
TP ayias xaSoainns @ 
DmosvAtnns CxkxAnoiee 

ee NSSENSESNtptannansastannapnnesnmnsnmmessis 


fw v. 2? deeft. V. 





mide peTmronay, 4 
aeerccoy cmd’ ms 


Lib. VI. the 
Boh nd Br : 

¢ dm meeLTOY gars 
weextoy dinlaphy’ o- 
mus 0 wersQs acer 
Tov aut x% axAu- 
dbovisay Siaquagén, 2) 
Algmpncn héret F cuy- 

“~ 2 

TAcas Te atwyos , 

. TEedemersoprs ly Oo 

thy) witeny. 4 ap 

eplxies Senlapdo Onws 

. yglaEiagn njaces 0 ay 

oAwy werGn eperdorus 
a 3 / > NO 


Dencews Dod dba 

operly. ab auons 
Chorons 2 a ¥ i 

exvoy TS CeSoroméy= 
Tov TF Agno F Cis a= 
Anbaas Senbouw 

aR TE eric Kore Huov 
3 ‘ gts o 
Tanabe, 4 tS or- 

may autre denlophs 

"ae 78 bhongre mpl 
eptmny aurs dennawys’ 
VPS bongs np 
Evodie, @ tpl mx- 

' ~ bah 1 Sas ~ 
— epiuov ere denfo- 

c \ ~ alr 
plu’ 2p 7B Shoexore 
~ ‘ ~ : 
nuwv Avyiave, © ay 
2 deiupe 1A Baitionipur aius. 

$4 Pe 
y a 

Holy Apoftles; 

7, -' > z Rr a A 
| a a -° r Ate J , ey $a5 

Church, which is {pread from | 

‘one End of the Earth rothe o- 

ther; that God would preferve 
and Keep irunfhaken, and free 
from the Waves of this Life 
until the End of the World, as 
founded upon a Rock; and for 
the holy Parith in this Place, 

gi the Lord of the whole 
PP wands aylas ra- 

orld may vouchfafe us, wirh- 
out Failure, to follow after his 
Heavenly Hope, and without 
ceafing to pay him the Debr 
of our Prayer. Let us pray 
for every Epifcopacy which 
is under the whole Heaven, 

of thofe that rightly divide 

the Word of thy Trath. 

And let us pray for our Bi- 

fhop Fames, and his Parifhes. 
Tet us pray for our Bifhop 
Clement, and his Parifhes - 

‘Let us pray for our Bifhop 

Fiuodius, aad his Parithes - 
Let us pray for our Bifhop ’ 
Annianus, and his Parilhes; 
that the compaffionare God 
may grant them to continue 
in. his holy Churches in 
Heaieh, Honour, and Long- 
Life, and afford them an ho- 
nourable old Age, in God- 
line(s and RighteoufpefS, And 

I Ict 

¥y* Pag. 

_ niftration. 


let us pray for our Presby- 

‘ters, thac the Lord may de- 

liver them from every un- 
reafonable and wicked Adcti- 
on, and afford them a Pref 
byterate in Health and Ho- 
nour. Let us pray for all 
the Deacons and Minifters, 
that the Lord may grant 
them an unblameable Mi- 
Let us pray for 
the Readers, Singers, Vir- 
gins, Widows and Orphans: 
Let us pray for thofe that 

are in Marriage and in Child- 

bearing; that che Lord may 
have mercy upon them all. 
Let us pray for the Eu- 
nuchs, who walk holily. Let 
us pray for thofe in a State 
of Continence and Piety. Ler 
us pray for thofe that bear 
Fruit in the holy Church, 
and give Alms to the Needy. 

And let us. pray for thofe 

who offer Sacrifices and Obla- 
tions to the Lord our God ; 

that God, the Fountain of 
all Goodnefs, may recom- 
pence them with his Heaven- 

Mate. Gifts, and give them in this 

World an Hlundredfold, and in 
the World to come Life ever 

aNpormay a que @ Denba- 
py." omws o olntip= 
ueY Oe0s naexomrey a os 
mis F ayiaus ans 
kms, ugxesnuepduoy « | 
Gs 2 TipLLov avis 3 
Yiess abeonmy ey 
xy dictb eter 4 d- 
nooo x) vay aS 
mpecbuneny § ‘py en: 
Suphu” ows o us 
e@- puonrey auTEes 
2a Trey TOS anmmwe 4 
mrp mex yHat®: y 
@ Caov 4 ey pov 
3 m pea uTeeroy ou= 
ais mbsquot VAD oH - 
ons t op Xerwre Ora 
movies 2% _ Nornpecias 
Senlophs. cawso xu- 
e©- apap loy % T oe 
xovicey curls merce 
Tas. Lazrep VC WSBT, 
parrwr, TL POEVIOY 
Sen Ove 2% ppaver , 
denBapdur ip TF cy 
ouCuyans @ TexvOne™ 
vies SenflopRu® omws o 
wesQr Tes | moves 
quTss eAghon ag ep 
divgogy ociws ampduo- 
ev dente piu wazip 

Be ae A alas 
4 » A ‘ 


Lib. VIII. the 
tow duegnia, % d- 
Aabera Denbaphy.” Us 
ep T Keep mopopeyToy 
oy TH aye. Cun arnoice, 
€ migvrey ais Tena 
TLS eAenygouves: den- 
Barpsu" @ <axtp r Tes 
Sucias q ms aT 
Tero pEpovrwy wel 
TO Ozp a Hay Senha 
pho Omws oO ryote 
Gos Ores ceptor ats 
mus @ ear westy lols au: 
ve t dupews ’ ¢ Do au- 
“mmol Cy TH mu povTi éxct 
mover Aaoiove, 4 oP 

7 pemovnt Geol Oh 

avian, @ yachonray au= 

mus ctvle F TepTKg.ipevy 
TU Ueyice aun Ths bmn 
qiov & emovegua® 

aazip TS veopwokewy 

adecrgay rugy denvu- 
poy f OTes Oo wwerQu 
* oH een “avurous @ 
BeCawen® Umip TY cv 
ppeosicn eS ere. ops yory 
adergay t mega Sennw 
pip" Omws 6 eEr@s 
pusnray aus om 

yord x34 TRONS 

Holy Apoftles: 

lafting : and beftow upon 
them for their Temporal 
Things, thofe that are Erer- 
nal ; for Earthly Things thofé 
that are Heavenly. Let us 
pray for our Brethren newly 
enlighten’d; that the Lord 
ey firengthen and confirm 

em. Let us pray for our 
Brethren exercis’d with Sick- 
nefs, that the Lord may de 
liver them from every Sick- 
nefs; and every Difeafe, and 
reftore them found into his 
holy Church. Let us pray 
for thofé that travel by Wa- 
ter, or by Land. Let us 
pray for thofe that are in 
the Mines, in Banifhments, 
in Prifons, and in Bonds, 
for the Name of the Lord. 
Let us pray for thofe thar 

are affli@ted with bitter Ser-. 

vitude. Let us pray for 
our Enemies, and thofe that 
hate us. Let” us pray for 
thofe that perfecure us for 
the Name of the Lord, that 

the Lord may pacify theit 

Anger, and {catter their Wrath 
ites us. Let us pray for 


f tmuggiiass V, Helo, V. 

Lie thofs 

mY Pee 


—thofe chat are without, and 

are wandred out of the way: 
that the Lord may convert 
them. Let us be-mindful of 
the Infants of the Church 3 
thet the Lord may perfect 
them in his Fear, and bring 
them to a compleat Age. 
Let us pray one for ano- 
ther; that che Lord may keep 
us and pre‘erve us by his 
Grace to the End, and de- 
liver us from the Eyil One. 

and from all che Scandals of 

thofe that work Iniquity, and 
preferve us unto his Hea- 
venly Kingdom. Let us pra 
for every Chriflian Soul. 
Save us, and raife us up, 
O God, by thy Mercy. Let 
us rife up, and let us pray 
earneftly, and dedicate our 
felves and one another to the 
Living God, through his 
Chrift. And let the High- 
Pricft add this Prayer, and 



grammes, x Gus 270" 
awy © odbemopert ap 
Dencwysy vmep TOV OY 
perren7r.o18 5 x) eFoehans, 
24 Qurangns , C. Jea~ 
g's ov Ta Sia a ovo- 
ug. wel, denjaphy" 
Aap T Cv inp ds 
Ada  yglemovepiov 
Sendaeer” ra ey boa 
C pucevTev nugs den= 
owner rap MS drw- 
novTroy ngs, die a 
ovorg O wess, Sen 
Sap" onws 0 were 
Tegubces @) Supa? ae 
Ta Ggoucduoy * T x98 | 
nig opyln * “mip + 
tw o ovTY %Y TET AY I= 
poy SenBaophy” Omws 
6 wes. ares oanspé= 
Ly ai yume Foxe 
HA iia pvaygy dice 
py’ Onmws o Q wuehos. Te 
Aeiaons cy Teh ow D gos 
Cw qr, as Let epy 

NAM (as ayayi? virep MANA wy Densapsy" oTrws 0 xu: 
o& : mipnon TKgS 4 guag.és TH urs yaerk as TAOS, 

—_—_——-—-— ~~. 

gp puontey NGS 8 mpynps, x airy as cnavdrAwy Tey 

78. Ve? dendopdecV. 3 ddalncian, v. 


9 Bar Aa itl Mee Ue, Wika abh 98 yt wa, 
Lib. VIII. the Holy Apoftles. 
Foy opSueor T avopuay, % owen est Banarday are 

EvTeegvioy" umep TRLONS duyits ey CAS1OWS dnbardy. o@ av 
@ dvasncoy nugs 0 Geas ad) cred oe. enaremresn” den- 
Sévres Cnmvas EuuTas © PUnaus Tw Cavn Ceo MG wa 



’ Kueze aeyToKerTop, 
urLise, ey] ornagis Ugo” 
“qUIN@y, aE cy ayo 
Qwamewopave, dpapryes 
ugvapye 0 Ye Kers-2 
xnpulug qwacews des 
nueiv es Chie oar F ons 

-dEns, C 7B crougars 

Cs, S tgdweepory nesy- 
3 ‘ 


¢ yw emde M eure 

x ‘ v iu te 

67: SO omvivioy oe TET 
‘ ‘ } 

] Avtepny aur mHLINS 

a F) \ ~ 

Gyolas, % Twileas 

_ menkews 4 dbs Delp 
gobaSa oe, © cyury 

: a ~ af ~ 
a OT OY Ce, 4 SEM. ECS 

a) / & . 
dm wegomwTe dd=ns 79 

Auevts anris ye, © 
4 Ne Se : b as 
LAEws, % eTmMxOG Cy 

meg TeUyAIS wav € 

quaacoy quTes wt pew - 

Tes, atures, aie) 

Xesoe eure whe laeda» edu yedea 14" oapysepdis, © 

_O Lord Almighty, the moft 

“High, who dwelleft on High, 

the Holy One, that refteft 

among the Saints, without 

Beginning, the Only Poten 
tare, who haft given to us 
by Chrift the Preaching of 
Knowledge, to the Acknow- 
ledgment of thy Glory, and 
of thy Name, which He has 
made us, for our 
Comprehenfion. Do thou 
now alfo look down, through 
him, upon this thy Flock, 
and deliver it from all Igno- 
rance, and wicked Practice, 
and grant that we may fear 
Thee in earneft,and loveThee 
with Affection, and have a 
‘due Reverence of thy Glo- 
ry. Be gracious and merciful 
to them, and hearken to 
them when they pray unto 
thee, and keep them, that 

Lig. they 


waa, a 4 _ 


they may be unmoveable, 
unblameable, and unreprove- 
able, that they may be holy 
in Body and Spirit, not ha- 
ving Spot or Wrinkle, or any 
{uch thing ; but that they 
may be Compleat, and none 
of them may be defective or 
imperfect. O our Support, 
our powerful God, who doft 
not accept Perfons, be thou 
the Afiitter of this thy Peo- 
ple, which thou haft re- 

deemd with the precious 

joh. x. 29. 

pxvi. 17+ 

o,* Pag, 

Blood of thy Chrift; be 
thou their Protector, Aider, 
Provider,and Guardian, their 
ftrong Wall of Defence, their 
Bulwark and Security. For, 
None can [natch out of thy 
Hand: For there is no o- 
ther God like Thee; for on 
Thee is our Reliance. San- 
ctifte them by thy Truth; for 
thy Word is ‘Truth. Thou 
who doft nothing for Favour, 
Thou whom none can de- 
ceive, deliver them from 
every Sicknefs, and every 
Difeafe, and every Offence, 
every Injury end Deceit, from 



Gyal @ yy, pr 
ax tAov n puTide 
nti ops cowtwy. IA’ 
Wa way apkot, 2%) N= 
Ses cv avais 1 AgAobos 
NaTRANS BEWY-, Surale, 
a megowTlAnme « nwe 
rete, ' ov denqvencus 
a Timi 1 Xece 
os amal, megswrns, 
EoinupGr., a mias, Qu- 
Aak, Tele Gu epupvo~ 
ants Pexsugs, acea- 
Aaa” ort cu F ome 
yes edie cp Tr oety 
Suna Tey ' otdk yup ec 
@¢os wonep GU eTepQn" 
Ort cy (ot 1 ~Dmorn 
nO. ayleooy a= 
o#, OTL oO Avy@. 
0 gis aAnfete boy. ot - 
PALS) pUcery auTSs ore 
Oys vorg x4 TNS ho-. 
Atxkias, ardysras mDgare 
Tougl@s, aeons eme 
paces * @! ** aaa, 
270 goby ey fpr, anv 
BzAxes arelopSue nLeeas, 

1 Gy eEensem cu wupsaddwy. V. ve * dopszacias, V. 4 deeft. V. 



Ir ie re mt, Se 
yt Re 

Lib. Vill. 
_ém mesymclos 6 ow ~ 
rd Sa. mrp duoptjie" 

nglagicoaoy OL Tes - 
) ancoy ie Coots, Sov Xee 
cond yoo & [ovo- 
Wwe, © ® Oa I (G- 
Tieh nia" du ¢ Co 
ov & 16 Oe sy on ayic a) 
advuglt, vUU xy cet, 
5 as Tes aovas 53 
aucoy cor. aula. 2 

Tm AEyTw 0 en 
OY megagepen” x94 
ct caren e609 0 baano ms 
7 Sana nciey, x Aeqs- 
“aw 7 eipluin 73 Cee 
: wy TUT wy Uma. 2; 0 
Agos Panewadwo x 

pe! 78 mrdugms Ce. 

X c Cf > ‘ 
40 AgxoGQs anit 
ie , 4 { ] 
S ¢ 

ol 78 xAnce T Ottono- 
Vy Ob Aaingk ayd\pes 
Tes Adixes, a yeuannes 
Tas you sings ToL To 
dia 4 crnermanls me9s 
od Bag. ¢ Main avos 
ouiruls erspQ ¢ et ege- 
Sts, omws Nn TOT: 

a1, xj arrot Algmovot 

Rote T | Twody,€ cHo- 

_ the Holy Apoftles, 
fear of the Enemy, from thet. Gee 2. 

Dart that flyeth in the Dz I 
from the Mifchief that wal 

eth about in Darknefs ; waa 
vouchlafe them that Ever- 
lafting Life which is in 
Chrift, thy Only-begorten 
Son, our God and Saviour, 

Peough whom Glory and 

orthip be ro Thee, in the 
ut, Holy Spirit, now and always, 
and for ever.and ever, Amen. 
And after this let the Dea-. 
cou fay, Let usattend. And 
lec the Bifhop falute the 
Church,. and fay; The Peace 
of God be wiih you alle And 
let the People anfwer, Azd 
with thy Spirit; And let the 
De:con fay to all, Salute ye 
one another with the Efoly Kifs. 
And let the Clergy falute the 
Eifhop, the Men of the Lai- 
ty falute the Men, the Wo- 
men the Women: and let 
the Children, ftand at the 
Reading-Desk: And let ano- 
ther Deacon ftand by them, 

that they may not be dif- 

orderly ; and let other Dea- 
cons walk about, and watch 
the Men and Women, that 
no Tumult may be made, 

: ! and 

a wy 



and that no one nod, 

whifper, or flumber ; and let 
the Deacons ftand at the 
Doors of the Men, and the 
Sub-Deacons at thofe of the 
Women, that no one go out, 

nor a Door be opened, al- 

though it be for one of the 
Faithful, at the Time of the 
Oblation. But let one of 
the Sub-Deacons bring Wa- 
ter to wath the Hands of 
the Prieffs, which is a 

Symbol of the Puricy of 

thofe Souls 
voted to God. 

that are de- 

Then fhall the Deacon imme- 
diately fay, Let none of the 
Catechumens, let none of 
the Hearers, let none of the 
Unbelievers, let none of the 
Heterodox flay here. 
who have pray’d the fore- 
going Prayer depart. Let 
the Mothers receive their 
Children; let no one have 


mel Taody Tes dv) pas 
om Gs Yea recs o7rws 
pan Saput os * ms hen 
my, 4 an nis vdlon, n 
LiSveson, NvuseEn. ot 
4 Aanovor ised wody 
2: aus 5 avd egy Su- 
eas, © of amdianovor 
eis Tas PHS yuvanar’ 
orws NTIS Jez Fob y 
ponte avoin Sy a Wes, 
xy mss Tis ts we , 
x OUeDY - ava goeds. 
as 4} wandlaxov@. dt: 
Sores Deer infay oy et egay 
amis teed or, ounCoaop 
rou ep Thos Lunar Oew 
dnax epSuwr. 

[[Onut Dnxaye ic- 
ae Qsy o aderges Ta 
ave TeLeCedcus, 1 |] 
dSus 0 Alenov@. Aé- 
oped ms Rl age 
Hepa. pn TIS Tye 
anenapaéy oy, pn Ts TOY 
atismy. ples aT ene 
epdvéay. of F rewmy 
biel doguevor Teper: 
ETE. Te mad tet T ep 
oAguS avede au nTes 
pes. pan kes xquere Tivos’ 

_ 2 deett Ve 

Lib. VII. the Holy Apoftles. 
pt ks cv Gaxeicl. any thing againtt any one; — 
opdar wegs meso» wy let no one come in Hypo- 
gobs ©] resus towns crifie; let us ftand upright 
@mev wesapepar. av before the Lord with Fear 
Qvoperaw of Aeixover and Trembling, to offer. 
wepmuyerorhs ra dw- When this is done, let the 
ex TY bono @ess Deacons bring the Gifts to 
S Suaasnesoy’ © ot the Bifhop at the Altar: and 
mperCunen: cx deEicv eact the Presbyters (land on 
7) aie" @ oe Mww- his Right-Hand, and on his 
ug smeroody, ws av Left, as Difciples ftand bee 
pganty Sdesores d- fore their Mafter: But let 
Oronairw. duo 5 SG- Two of the Deacons, on 
“OVOL ok ER TECGNY a3 each Side of the Altar, hold 
ee 8 Sunasmew a Fan, made up of thin Mem- 
-agnoetwody JZ vue branes, or of the Feathers of 
yov Aemav prada, 'n the Peacock, or of fine Cloth, © 
mee Taav@., in odo- and let them filently drive 
yns' © npzxa dmg away the {mall Animals that 
Batwcdy mm jxiner fly about, that they may not 
as imlap3uoy Cav, come near tothe Cups. Let 
one OTrws ey ph” eleye. the High-Prieft therefore, to- +.” Pag, 
etumoyrey” es au xv- gether with the Priefts, pray 39% 
mena. eapw@. gv byhimfelf:and let him purom — 
4aS Easilov o apysepdus, his fhining Garment,and ftand 
aug mis iepia, @ atthe Alcar,-and make the 
Ag.umesy eSicw pe- Sign of the Crofs upon his 
mvdus, @ sas megs Forehead with his Hand be- 
Sumasie:@, & S¢raov fore allthe People, and fay, 
8 coupe xt tBperare The Grace of Almighty God, 
mn scaes roincatrG» and the Love of our Lord 

i dectt, V. 2 tyxetaerms. ¥. 
fs 7 

Eph. tii 


Felus Chrift, and the Fellowfbip 
of the Holy Ghoft be with you 
all. And let all with one 
Voice fay, And with thy Spi- 
rit. The High Prieft, Lift up 
your Mind. All the People, 
We lift it up unto the Lords 
the High Prieft, Let us give 
Thanks to the Lord: All the 
People, Zt is meet and right 
fo todo. Then let the High- 
Pricft fay, Ic is very meet 

and right before all things 

to fing an Hymn to Thee, 
who art the True God, who 
art before all Beings 5 From 
whom the whole Family in Flea- 
ven and Earth is named; who 
only art Unbegotten, and 
without Beginning, and with- 
outa-.Ruler, and wirhout a 
Matter; who ftandeft in need 
of nothing ; who arc the Be- 
flower of every thing that 
is goods who art beyond all 
Caufe and Generation ; who 

art alway and immutably the 

fame ; from whom all things 
came into Being, as from 
their proper Original: For 
thou arr Eternal Knowledge, 

ets mre , mere” 
ni yhees TB mproxest” 
mop Gn Oe, @4 ce 
rns eke ng ‘Ino 
Ker e,€ a A nowovla & 
avis. aveougl@. enw 
pe! adyrmy uyg" 4H 
is A aye 
Twocav’ oT @ py 78 7 
avdmatis od. Be 0 dp 
qaepaus’ dee 4 vey. ¢ 
meses eqguer, ney © 
xUELOVe % 0 a pysepdus” 
Cura eemnowper au) xuU- 
et" ¢ wavres abtay 
4 Dingioy. xg ° ape 
ter dus aware a&oy 
ws aaAnbas @ Dixgioy, 
Ded Tay Tey VU LLVEY 
ot @) 6 orto overen cor, 
T T Weg ays Sunray o GF 
es (oes 6 7b Tee rene 
CY veave ty oot ys a 
YoU erty’ t pgvov a= 
Surnav, xy ev pyov, 
€ aCacirdyroy 5 XO 
adtomotor, t aveyd eh. 
@ meaverig arabs xepn- 
ODN, T waons OT LAS 
a Wweceens npeirlovar 
® Ty aD TE x O) & are 

* defunt. V. 


Vr ee aie re aS ee 

the Holy Apofttes. 

Lib. Vint. 

14 co ceuT 096 eqgy Tee" 
Hs 8 The THVT Oy neat 
mep ex Tivos apemejas, 
eis 3a avey aspnasey. av 
pen apapa-@s qe 
Ooms, 7 drd1@. ¢ cenas, a 
aRcvnlG. déxgh, i a- 
Didunlos Gia’ 0 mPa 
05 TH Qucd, «oH yeeos.” 
evar, xy xpat lwy 
mops aenne, * rep 
wave on 7) an Ov- 
1@ ei es OB a CAV OU obese yeu~ 
Jw» Ale g _Hgvoues 
Ge ye au Top 4 @e9 
mayTey cuca ony uyan- 
“ous Bsrraq, 191 Juve 
jad, xy ajyacomk, a- 
MerTUTwS, yoy ugvo- 
wn, Acyoy Oeor, Co 
Did Cacdw, Teploro 

xOvV was “x TICEWS, aJ- 

gfrov F peqaarns Be- 

Ais o8, apysepea avy, 
Banrée > xa mwesoy 
TaaoNs YONTHS Ak aye 
_ As QUcews. T Deg Tav- 
cov, DS ae TOY ID 

Ce %, wee CU COYLE , Ou 

OTe Te TeLyerey We~ 

moinngs, xay ds ate 

everlafting Sight, Unbegot- 
ten hearing, untaught Wif- 
dom, the Firft by Nature, 
and the Meafure of Being, 
and beyond all Number : 
Who didft bring all Things 
out ot Nothing into Being, 
we thy Only-begotten Son, 
ie didft beget him before 

| Ages by thy Will, thy 
Power, and thy Goodnefs, | 
without any In{trumeat, the 
Only Begotten Son, God the 
Word, the Living Wifdom, 

the Firft-born of every Crea- oh i hes 

ture, the Angel of thy great 1% x 
Connfel, and thy High-Prieft, 
but the King and Lord of eve- 

ry*incellectual and Senfible 

Nature, who was before all 
things, by whom were all 
Things. For Thou, O Eter- 

‘nal God, did make all things 

by Him, and through Him 
it is that thou vouch{afett thy - 
{uirable Providence over the 
whole World ; for by the very 
fame that thou beftowed{t 
Being, didft thou alfo beftow 
Weil-being : The God and. 
Father of thy Only-begorten 

' wv@.V. 74. V. 

Son 3 


Son; who by Him. didft 

make, before all things, the aw 

Cherubim and the Seraphim, 
the:Zons and Hofls, the 
Powers and Autliorities, the 
Principalitics and Thrones, 
the Arch-Angels and Angels; 
and after all thefe didft, by 

- Him, make this vifible World, 

5 9 -* 

and all things that are there 
in: For Thou art He who 

. didft frame the Heaven as 

an Arch, and ffretch it oat 

i, like the Covering of a Tent, 

and did% found the Earth 
upon nothing by thy meer 
Wills; who didft fix rhe Fir- 
mament, and prepare the 
Night and the Day; who 
didit bring the Light out of 
thy Treafures, and on its De- 
parture didft bring on Dark- 
nefs, for the reft of the li- 
ving Creatures that move 
up and down'in the World; 

who did{t appoint: the Sun 

in Heaven to rule over the 

_ Day, and the Moon to rule 

over the Night; and didft 
infcribe in Heaven the Choir 
of Stars to praife thy Glo- 

i a) 

t T eponucns Tegvoias 
” one ab iors, di 

| ~ 3 csv Egte} or dt 

OTS xa) O ou iP Ot é- 
dtaphow. 0 Qcos nay mr 
Tp a) povoRuss Ye 
os’ o dM aba wep rey 
TOY moines Ta Xepe- 
Cin xa TH Zeengip, 
OhwvaS Te Kak venkas, ; 
Suyctjnes Te xa Je: 
cies. a pete ve oy Seo 
ee «° apyaloprus TE 
xt) Bybnee x oY a 
Gur alwae mit= 
Cus bt wire T ¢ Gosyo 
payee TS Tov HOTLY, LOL 
ware Ta oy cure 
a9) aor Beavov cos 
Je ppiv Cureivaes, no + Yi 
yy er ootky2s Donors 

ypopen Bg? ° micas 

sipempece, ol YUKA “ay 

neogy net laondveccas. 
0 Berayay 90s én 
roa u ey, Heh 7% Tere 
* SDA ¥ Emaar ay a 
oxgTGs, es avamras- 
Agy TH ov ® Howe 
UV EP SW oy Codey" o@ 

ES St nr aseegnancarney 

! Cuscar. V. 


“PAS Pees 

Lib. VII. 
nAtoy Teas ets ai pras 
t npeens, Cy veava, 
xoy ra acAluly eis ap 

“Qais T vuxTs, pa) T 40- 
eov aS ase CY Bene 
1® xe@yesrlas, es 

awoy EF ons pmeqaac= 
TIpEWElAK’ 0 oroLnotLs U~ 
dwp megs may @ ye 
Supa, agen Connor 

Degs eazvoly } 4 a= 
vis dmdbvoiv Ale yrAwr- 
ams manticons T atest 

gy exoln cuveplephilu 
ar ats, 0s emuley 
ead enopy-Ly * Ded ~ 
ainiscy QwTA Age 

Arc’ 6 avinces . mp 

megs ONGTYS Mfg 

Sidu, Megs wd eas a- 

VARMANEHIAN's 2% O attp- 

UgWEr nas © Qwti- 

Cede Nar WTe OF pe- 

— gtrly SuAgosay yes = 

enoes FT yns, © T py 

Wadeakas mwtly, 2 

35 ma Bacpgy mune, 

@ rw & Coots ix esis 

2 pegaagis mailuwas; 

aw * aucegis © ate. 


/ © dvawveir. Ve 

“the Holy Apoftles. i 

rious Majefty ; who did@ 

make the Water for Drink, 

and for Cleanfing; the Air 
in which we live, for Re- 
{piration, and the afford- 
ing of Sounds, by the means 
of the Tongue which firikes 
the Air, and the Hearing 
meh co-operat¢s therewith, 

as to perceive Speech 
when its receiv’d by it, and 
falls upon it; who madett 
Fire for our Confolation in 

Darknefs, for the Supply of © 

oug Want, and that we might 
be warm’d and enlighten'd 
by its; who didft {eparate 
the great Sea from the Land, 

and didft render the former 

Navigable, and the latter 
fic for Walking; and didft 
replenifh. the former with 

Amall and great living Crea- 

tures, and filledft the latter 
with the fame, both Tame 
and Wild; didft furnith it with 
various Plants; and crown 
it with Herbs, and bean. 
tifie ic with Flowers, and en- 

rich it with Seeds; who didft 

ordain the great Deep, and 


jer. v. 

Biss Bien  % Y 


r obsxxviion every fide madeft a migh- 

ty Cavity for it, which con- 
tains Seas of falt Waters 
heap’d together; yet didft 
thou every way boundthem 
with the fmalleft Sand; who 
fometimes doft raife it to 

~ the Height of Mountains by 
and fometimes. 

the Winds, 
doft {mooth it into a Plain; 
fometimes doft enrage it 
with a Tempeft, and fome- 
times doft ftill # with a 
Calm; that it may be eafie 
to Seafaring Men in their 
Voyages; who didft encom. 
pafs this World, which was 
made by Thee, thro Chrift, 
with Rivers, and water it 
with Currents, and moiften 
it with Springs that never 
fail, and didft bind it round 
with Mountains, for the im- 
moveable and fecure Con- 
fiftence of che Earth; for 
thou haft replenifh’d thy 
World, and adorn’d it with 
fweet-{melling and with heal- 
ing Herbs, with many and 
various Living Creatures, 
{trong and weak, for Food 

als Ts Ag.geepis senlerss 
% Pormvaus sEpduweie, 
MOA apse OLA UA ss 
24 ar epygat oaenioas’ 0 
aug noeeSu@u abvosy, 
© pega > xntT@s aorn 
aserles, GAmvegy Ude- 
Tov cecwpdupc wme- 
Aaya» TEUGEAEaS J an 
aul TMUAuS ame 
Aemlorems 6 amdouge 
o1 mur i OuTHY KOpU= 
gay es Opéeay Hin @r, 
ote 2) spwvydaoy curt 
hee Se med tov » x eth 
GUT fe cnusiveay nen 
wee, ToT 2) weaivow 
yer lus ws ranicrTroeg ie 
aro Tpaty Qxoroy ea e:- 
voy megs aropeiey’ 8 aro 
TOU I1G15 Sfy Coons @ 
nam os Ag Keres 
Seopevoy yomov, ey 
xaugppos bchuAvoas, 
c Tapas @EVYHOLS Lem 
Sveas,o open 4 ) weaopil 
Eas es eSeay regan , 
nis clatbar Aesoemny. ean 
EWTAS yeup oe TF ACL, 
@ Dexoqncas avaw 
BoGraus dicoygis oy 

S f.nu7rG@. V. 75. V: 


RS a tae Aa 3.” S 
Hass is 

( - ’ a ge | . et , , Ws . RAD ee : 
vhe vars vaP ae a / : 
‘5 , a F y 
t py ee 
; Sey “ee 
i e 
Lib. VU 

I. the Holy Apoftles! 
lacipos, Colomrcis and for Labour, Tarhe and 

3 Ne poepis, eAningis Wild, with the Noifes of 

mal aSeveszeo, eds creeping Things, the Sounds 
Ngee © cvepngic; nté of various forts of flying 
9s © ak Sviamus* ép- Creatures, with the Circuits 
Teme overyugis, mi Of the Years, the Numbers 

yoy mlxiAwy ural of Months and Days, the 
Qals’ CxiawT oy HUH AGLS 5 Order of the Seafons, the 
pluor % nécor wenrb- ets of the rainy Clouds, 
His, Soma raeen* ve- for the Production of the 
gov ouertixav Sz Fruits, and the Support of 
Deougis, as xepxwv living Creatures. Thou haft 
Opias, % C#u» ausenr, ‘alfo appointed the Station of | 
sxOugy aveyov Aly» the Winds, which blow when ej 
amecvTey OTe Begsxy- commanded by Thee, and the 
Son mhe o, 7S gu Multitude of the-Plants and 
Tov © TW Bommvay @ Herbs: And thou haft noe 
mniGs. < 8 ugvovG only created the World it 
ag.oy ednwriepymoos , felf, but haft alfo made Man 
“Da CF xequomai- for a Citizen of the World, 

ain \wWiewmor cv eal exhibiting him as the Or- 
emincas, xoonre xoqeov nament of the World: For 

' awry” avedatas* thou didft fay to thy Wil: 
ermas 49 7H cnoogie’ dom, Let us make Man ac- ceri 6, 
Tloimzap§o avSegrov cording to our Image, and ace | 
aol eygra nuerienv, cording to our Likenels, and 

%j wes onoiwav’ GC let them have Dominion over 
aoyntwody 24S to-Suav the Filh of the Sea, and over 

® Swrgom?, € Sma the Forls of the Heaven, 
ravav® ¢oeye Lio Wherefore alf> thou halt. 
Re METDINYCLS aut, nm mde him of an immortal 

+ deoh. Y, | . ee 
Tee | Mom Soul, 

Gen. iti. 
7° Pag. 



Soul and of a Body liable 
to Diffolution ; the former 
out of nothing, the latter out 
of the Four Elements; and 
haft given him as to his 
Sou! rational Knowledge, the 
Difcerning ot Piety and Im- 
piety, and the Obfervati- 
on of Right and Wrong; 
and as to his Body, thou 
haft granted him Five Senfes, 
and progreffive Motion: For 
thou,O God Almighty, didft, 
by thy Chrift, plant a Pa- 
radife in Eden, in the Eatft, 
adorn’d with ail Plants fic 
for Food, and didft intro- 
duce him into it, as intoa 
rich Banquet ; and when thou 
made{t him, thou  gaveft 
him a Law implanted with- 
in him, that fo he might 
have at home and within 
himfelf the Seeds of Divine 
Knowledge :. And when thou 
hhadft brought him into the 
Paradife of Pleafure, thou 
allowedft him the Privilege 
of enjoying all things, only 
forbidding the tafting of 
one Tree, in hopes of greater 
Bleffings; that in cafe he 
would keep chat Command, 

loys adurare % ows 
ugl@- oxedue’ F 
én B un TGs, F 4 
én tS qeosegy sate 
qetcor” % Sédwues due 
ah, x) je Tn burly, 
aw Agyxls Aleryva- 
oy, cucebeias x aoe 
Ces Sanerony Since 
C adine wOQyTnpnay 
4g.Th >} B cong. Thue Ter- 
anbrerv eqn ehow acy 
ay,@ thw pelaCannxnbe 
rox eg TOP, 4 Ale. Xex* 
os ahedacw cv En 
Dip xt} avamaArds egu- 
cov edwodiuIhl nGopew, 
x) Cv oud ws ey a EStet 
mv" ucly Te orev y5= 
nov Dédwyas cums epe- 
QuTav, ows o1xgczy % 
ads’ taut enol TH arép 
ugle F Seon WE IaK. Et 
ouyayay 4 ast T meus 
Gis Pe Dcoov, aeur ay 
ae ccvangs cont F Iu 
cidy @egs wernAn ay, 
by0s 3) gre T yea am 
WAM Tr crores x peal 
Oy wy, ye By QurAaen 

A ae. a ., on 


Lib.VII. the Holy Apoltfes: . 

ghe cymalu), pd dy 
aouoms F aSuvacidy 
| aerial. 
4 fF cymaAns, @ 
' emp 
AGPWe, Gre TH 
agews Couplyrim ou- 
YOUNGS, TE PE mhgd' et 
oe Oingias efwoas due 
Gy, ayadcmle 4 as & 
Typreres amorrupSvoy 
By rabad’es” cov nd ha 
Snrdpryaig’ Mia oe 
Sumotacas clad t xTi- 
airy Hédwxyers ates ol: 
xeols ID eGN x ToVoLs 
meCav curd T bo- 
Qlu', os TivT® Qvoy 
“TQ. 8 aveovlG@. @ ae 
oer tvov |G. venw 7 
wigas, Vpxwes aris 
mfrecidy cnareoas’ 0- 
ep SuvaTe Auoas, 
Colu IE dvastcews é- 
ml yiirwe x & T3To 
H9VOY, wna C THs Je 
auTs as WANIG. 3 a- 
yaepOnoy " Neus, Tes 
eu ev dw Tes Cot ednka- 
gas, Tes 4 Dasa Ges 

he might receive the Reward 
of it, which was /mmorta- 
lity; but when he neglected 
that Command, and tafted 
of the Forbidden Fruit, by 
the Seduction of the Ser- 
pent, and the Counfél of 
his Wife, thou didft juftly 
eait him out of Paradife; yec 
of thy Goodnefs thou didft 
not overlook him, nor fuf 
fer him to perith utterly ; 
for he was thy Creature: 
But thou didtt fubje@ the 
whole Creation to him, and 
didft grant him Liberty to 
procure himfelf Food by his 
own Sweat and Labours, 
whilft thou didft caufe all 
the Fruits of the Earth to 
{pring up, to grow, and to 

ripen: But whenthou hadft 

laid him afleep for a while, 
thou didft with an Oath calf 
him to a Reftoration again, 
didft loofe the Bond of 
Dearth, and promife him Life 
after the Refurrection : And 
not this only, but when 

thou hadft encreafed his Po- 
{terity to an innumerable 

‘5 US ANoKS Von yeurn wg. y. 3 ave el unzy. ‘. 


m 2 




Gen. iv. 

Xlix 19. 

Gen. iv. 

& Vv. 

vi. & Vil, 

y Pet. iii. 

Enoch ¢ 


Multitude, thofe that con- 
tinued with Thee thou didft 
glorifie, and thofe who did 
apoftatize from Thee thou 
didft punifh: And while thou 
didft accept of the Sacrifice of 
Abel, as of an Holy Perfon, 
thou didft reject the Gift of 
Cain, the Murderer of his 
Brother, as of an abhorred 
Wretch: And befides thefe, 
thou didft accept of Seth, and 
Enos, and did&%t tranflate x 
For thou art the 
Creator of Men, and the 
Giver of Life, and the Sup. 
plier of Want, dnd the Gi- 
ver Of Laws, and the Re- 
warder of thofe that ob- 
ferve them, and the Avenger 
of thole that tranforefs them: 
who didft bring the great 
Flood upon the World, by 
reafon of the Multitude of 
the Ungodly, and didft de- 
liver righteous Noah from 
that Flood by an Ark, with 
Fight Souls, the End of the 
foregoing Generations, and 
the Beginning of thofe that 
were to come; who did{t 
kindle a fearful Fire againgt 
the Five Citics of Scodpm, 


cxexjaacas @ Te je 
"AGiA, ws boi @ega- | 
dea. F Sucidp, 
S 4 aleAQoxane Kay 
Some a as 3 deo, 
00s Cr ayes. x wes Tes 
aus & ZnO, g + Eves 
Tesctrace.€ + ‘Evay 
perareJEHgs. Copa 
O Snuuuposs ap! cuban 
mov, CF Cons NePIDIE, 
¢ Eovd eas MANEWTHS 
TW r6poy dotinp, % ) 
=e Guivccleey abe On- 
Tes pic mdtams, © % ope 
ToC ouverte Ou Tes 
exdixn@s. 6 @) meq 
xe leeuruoygy é ema yaiev 
ae noonsp Asp G mAn- 
6G. ays aoelnodwrtwy, | 
CG + Di xesoy Noe 5 pus 
oepSyu ox Te nga 
UrVE BE ov Aapvant 
Cun 6x70) lusyas, TE 
AGs ie ris aspeggine 
ygTav, apyly 4 as 
Per Agv rw? bon yivedsey. 
6 & goleeor Tue G 

T Lodkplyins TEV SOL TO= 
Aews dEcrlecs % yay 
Aa PME Oeov eis ar pilus 
eQuGs B70 NEL H1aS 
we ugnrieeyrwy ev an~ 


+ ah Ty sae “| . ae ol ee 
ie ee os EO be PY) i” Cali raektt 
2 ayy d 

EA. VILL the Holy Apoftles. 

™m,C + onto Aor 
Skapmicas 3 ee Tne 
Mee ob & 0 ® ’A- 
€ Hep puoapiyios Beg - 
Npvinins aceCelas, XoU 
RAT ASNT as, C tnoa- 
vicas aun) t Tv XNersov p 
Ce. 6 T Merygaed 2x 
apy tenia - ons 
T mALTAay Sodas 
Te Ce Jaé wena has 8 
mp oeKgiit Egeas dae 
Salas 6 + lomex 2- 
mas yariecs yoy mTUunoeE 
pie 0 >) "Taxwe 

antics during nei doy, 

xj Tes de OUTS es TAT 

UC. NES é a Tee yee 
yay ets Aiqurtoy cy 
eSDbeiin ovr ome Te wu 
pease Gu were, * “Te- 
‘ong 2 ay Unvadis* aa- 
ag. pacdy F SG Ci 
ewPeocuuns eduners au- 
aH) S He Aiye my 
aoveay, es were, “B- 

Ceales van Atyonttion 

xglamovesys us meses 

oes, Akg TEs mags Tee 

and didft turn a fruitful Land cen six. 
into a falt Lake for the Wick-Widx 6. 
ednes of them that dwelt there. Pal ev 
in, but didft {natch holy Lot 
out of the Conflagration: 
Thou art He who didft de- 
liver Abraham from the Int- G Siig xii, 
pasty of his Forefathers, and © 

dft appoint him to be the 
Heir of the World, and didft 
difcover to him thy Chrift, 
who didft aforehand ordain 
Melchifedech an High Priett 
for thy Worlhip ; who didft 
render thy patient Servane 
Fob, the Conqueror of thar 
Serpent, who is the Patron 
of Wickedncfs; who madeft 
Tfaae the Son of the Promife, 
and cor the Father of 
Twelve Sons, and did? en- 
creale his Pofterity to a 
Multitude, » and bring him 
into Egypt with Seventy Ra viet. 
Souls: Thou, O Lord, didft 27- LXX. 
noc * overlook * Fofeph, bur 
granted{t him, as a Reward 
of his Chafticy for thy fake, 

the Government cover the &- 

oyptians - ‘Thou, O Lord, Synd. 
didit noc overlook the fi;- 1, Ke 

. deeft. V. * wy V. 

Mm Hoke : — breirs 

See Yfa. 
Viil. 20, 


' for 


brews when they were af- 
flied by the Egyptiazs, on 
account of the Promifes made 
unto their Fathers; but thou 
didft deliver them, and pu- 
nifh the Feyptians. And 
when Men had corrupted 
the Law of Nature, and had 
fometimes efteem’d the Crea- 
tion the Effect of Chance, 
and fometimes honourd it 
more than they ought, and 
equalld ic to the Gad. of 

the Univerfe; thou didft not 

however fuffer them to go 
afiray, but didft raife up thy 
holy Servant Mofes,and by him 
cidit give the written Law, 
tine Aififlance of the 
Law of Nature, aril didft 
fhew. that the Creation was 
thy Work, and didf banifh 
away the Error of Poly- 
theifm: Thou didft adorn 
Aaron and his Pofterity wich 
the Priefihood, and didft 

punifh the Abrews when they - 

finned, and reccive them a- 
gain when they returned to 
Lhee: Thou didi punith 
the Egyptians with a Judg- 

¥ thy Bor ? 

9g. 8 e¢ wrt 
cuihagas. V. 


of Lib VIII. 
rattess wTey erns- 
yYirias* MM! eppurw, 
noragas Ainyalies. 
ahyosecgvlay 4 yp 
whem FT voy 
voygy, % “Tio, W- 

WTO, OTE > aAeiO” 
nda lkunocwvawy, x94 
Ca aw Oa AW anv- 
cov cuuTtelro TOV, SoH 
dacas mravacdey’ aAr- 
ag wadatas t ansoy 
os aegmula Mav- 
clo, St are wegs 
Bonlady & qguaxe 
yexmarv vougv. ded 
vos, % Thy xTiov &- 
SerEus Toy epyoy GV, 
t 4 moaudeoy gravlus 
Sewderoas® as ‘Aaeoy 
x tes JE ats tgeglt 
xn kun edddacas* 
‘Ee oniss augplois é- 
yorag2s, bmaspipuv Gs 
edilw" res Aiqurliss 
Ong mANyY ETwpATO" 
HAC OSELY derwr, ‘Iae 
eanritas AeCiGacas” 
Atwalivs bh dwar Ge 

vea06 puryias : a mMnEe~ 

eet ee ee TET apd 
; Ki 
“re < a3 ; & Ra wee ‘ewe 

Lib. VII. 
cas * Sua men u- 
dwn é cyrvncvas’ On 76" 
Tees axeoToLe UD wp 
aire yeas’ de geave S 
youve voces, Soplu of 
aip@. Sprupoentedy - 
suAgy amuegs thy ruxle 
Eps QaTiougy, 4 su- 
Aov vEQerns neg 
Dogs onic yg JHA- 
8s. % lnoey ¢enTH- 
oov dwadeckas , em Te 
28vy Xdvavaey di av- 
a8 ualeirss, ‘lopdtun lus 
SreppnEasy Tes MTL: 
ees "Hoau Snenvas, 
BiH ‘ea Teppiters ad 
UM YAY N AGT OY 4 aesens 
ech ap a 

the Holy Apoftles. 

ment ot Ten Plagues, and 
didft divide the Sea, and 
bring the J/raelites through 
it, and drown and deftroy 
the Egyptians, who purfued 
after them: Thou didft fwee- 
ten the bitter Water wich 

Wood: Thou didft bring 

ater out of the Rock of 
Stone: Thou didft © rain 
Manna from Heaven and 
Quails, as Meat ouc of the 
Air: Thou didit afford them 
a Pillar of Fire by Nighc to 
give them Light. and a Pil- 
lar of a Cloud by Day to 
overfhadow them from the 
Heat: Thou didft declare 

Fofhua to be the General of jo¢ ji, 

the Army, and didit over- 10, &e. 
throw the Seven Nations of *.” Pes. 
Canaan by him: Thou didt ** 
divide Fordan, and dry up pf, Isxiii 
the Rivers of Athaw; Thou. 

amuvrov Cot n dv&ay 
* * Seow Te mL (gn eg 
Top, Ce megrxueay 
anes y zor ceak ual- 
Serwy,apyase pro, Bese 

- 1 Ty (, s 
YOV, HUCLOTNTO, ap- . didft overthrow Walls with-?°" " 
yar, dEenay, Suve- out Inftruments, or che Hand 
peer » cperiay . aha of Man For all thefe things 

yiey G@ Xepelin, x04 

re salepuya Soe 

Dip, ret jx dues coat 

» Glory be Thee, O Lord Al- 
mighty. Thee do the inaue - 
merable Hotts of Angels, 

-Arch-Angels, Thrones, Do- 

 yareppntas. V, 

Mm 4 


Ta. vi. Ze 

Dan. vii. 

Th. vi. 2. 
Rom.i 25 

minions, Principalities, Au- 
thorities, and Powers, thine 
everlafting Armies,adore. The 
Cherubim, and the Six-wing'd 
Seraphim, with twain cover- 
ing their Feet, with twain 
their Heads, and with twain 
flying, fay, together, with 
Thoufand thoulands of Arch- 
Angels, and Ten Thouland 
times Ten Thoufard of An- 
gels, inceflantly, and with 
conflant and loud Voices, 

and let all the People fay 

it with them, Fely, Holy, 
Fil), Lord of FHlofts,  Frea- 
ven and Earth are full of bis 
Glory : Be thou bleffed for 
ever. Amen, And afterwards 
Jet the High-Prieft fay, For 
thou art truly Holy, and 
Mott Holy, the Higheft and 
moft highly exalted for ever. 

Holy alto is thy Only-be-: 

gotten Son. our Lord aiid 
God, Jefus Chrift, who in 
all things miniftred to his 

God and Father, both in thy: 

various Creariod: and thy 
filitable Piovidence, and has 
lot overlook’ d lott Mankind: 


dus, e M Sua} Ts uA? 
paras, eA Suot wera: 
Pct, xy ASQovTEH, apiece 
BS ACcoade ee ape 
nally Vero” ; xj LLU eKOUs 
(AU esLay celyprooy, a 
xalemavsws x aol yt 
T ws Bowoas® x os ° 
Aars apr aiaTe” c= 
u@., ayO., ay@. 
wet Q. Baal: oN 
pns 0 weaves 4 n yo t 
dvEns euTs, CuAg yates 
as THs ayaras. aul. 
Go apocrepdls cis Ase 
veto" ay@. Gt 0s 
aArnbss, 4 mapayOx, 
tiuicG. % vabpule- 
pw. &5 T35 aii ess 
ayGu 3) x04 0 ygvonim 
yns Cx yisy 0 XUELOS a 
paps xa Oeos Tages. 3 
Xessvs" os eS packed 
are THOR LETS Cor wef 

Oro LUTE He Tare, 
as TE D npeaepy leev Bg 
@oenv, xa megroidy 
ne GIAsQOV, ¢ Woe 
Se BQ. wT dubeo- 
OLY BS gt avs 
Aw po) Quaixcy Io OV 

. deck. V. 


LibpVIll.-.. sthe 

pe yorintes aby ery, 

pe merge eAey- 

XS, xy THS ahs alye- 
Awy ochsacias, mz Q- 

Beery my ous Te) SETe) 

x T Puarnsy YOMOP, é 
T ernyans énb armrar- 
aw T xalenrucyar, 

3 f ‘ > 
3 1 \ \ 
Alnutlion mAnzas, THs 
XD Tarasov opae- 

nhs @ merAgvawy o- 
gov ocd rw om uDey 

. myToy, dbuncer ave 


0s won Cin 0 dypaup= 

ys dwiewre, dwOecs7ros 
errs byoug Seas am | 

volts, 0 epoaepols 1 lee 
peor, Oorpupadise megs a- 
oY 2% Leb wpioale G oe 

T sQUTS Oxov xj TO: 

Teen, © TH) yoTey HoH 

TIMa sey 4 b bone e- 

puns 6 OE g/s Tes moun ees 
nAdSe2ae, sycphuos 

Cn xprere, owe Pye 

cv (puts, 0 Qe0s ASH, 
o ays Yes, 0 ROW 
Cea! me Tes ae) oh) 
To xa are Bey pn 
" Seloes DogQnTeias CH 

ge ge pHs Ds Aabis\, ¢ 

Holy Apoftles, 

and. Father; 

But after the Law of Na« 
ture, after the Exhortations 
in the pofitive Law, after 
the Prophetical Reproofs, and 
the Government of the An- 
gels, when Men had per- 
verted both the pofitive Law, 
and that of Nature, and had 

‘owt out of their Mind the 

Memory of the Flood, the 
Burning of Sodom, the Plagues | 
of the Ezyptians, and the 
Slaughters of the Inhabirants 
of Paleftine, and being juft 
ready to perith univerfaily 

after an unparallell’d man- 

ner, He was p'eas’d by thy 

Goed will to become Man, 
who was Man’s’Crearor ; to 
be under the Laws, who 
was the Legiflator ; to be 
a Sacrifice, .who was an 
High Prieft ; to be a Sheep, 
who was the Shepherd ; and 
He appeafed Thee, his God 
.aod reconciled 
Thee to the World, and 
freed all Men from. the 
Wrath to come, and was 
made of a Virgin, and was 
in Fleth, being God the Wore, 
the Beloved Son, the Firft- 
bora of the: whole Creation, 


and was, according ie the 

% Prophecies which were fore- 

told concerning Him by ‘him- 
felf, of the Seed of David 
and Abraham, of the Tribe 
of Fudah: And He was made 
in the Womb of a Virgin, 
who form’d all Mankind that 
are born in’o the World : 

He took Filefh, who was 
without Flefh: He who was 
begotten before Time, was 
born in Time: He convers’d 
holily, and taught according 
tothe Law: He drove away 
every Sicknefs, and every Dif 
eafe from Men, and wrought 
Signs and Wonders among 
the People, and He was Par- 
taker of Meat, and Drink, 

and Sleep, who nourifhes all 
that ftand in need of Food, 

i". and fills every living Creature 
yy, With bis Goodnefs : 

He mani- 
fefted his Name to thofe that 
knew Elimnot: He drave a- 

_Wway Ignorance, He’ reviv’d 

Piety, and fulfilled thy Will; 

He finifh’d the Work which 
thou gaveft Him to do: and 
when He had fet all thefe 
things right, He was feized 
by the Hands of the Ungod- 

“ACesap, guaran Tedeu* 
2 yepovev Cy pnney 
abdevs 0 Agwarac- 
wy mer ces Tes yve- 
wuss, j crac praia 3 
ara Gry 0 hoy COV 00s 
Surndeis ov yeoven fe 
Wyrnrey To AiTev ce 
rQs ociws, % roudsuous 
erbéoqnws. meady ee 
cov © mica pa 

nid JE aplenzwy am 
Tre c.COts onps eice TE I 
TEER Tey cy ® Aga 
mroimarss  Sypiis x 7TO= 
73 § vars pélarg- 
Cav, o Tpepwy iid 
12s sepaCov Gs S4ns, © 
ELMAR Ty Gor C= 
doulas’ ePavegwor Ce 
3 vane ols aryvoury 
wun, cry o1dp pu: 
qadsuae , r cuctSaap 
opel wmrvegiae, Q SAn- 
Ug Ce erAnep7e, & 
epppv 0 edwygs au7as 
eTeAawoe C anu 
arety xgropBadcers, Ep 
oi av uy xe.lagver 
Sels tepswv © a pygepecoy 
pd dtovd ysov , © Aag 
mbhyvone, wegdooia - 
BT xgxiay yoosav 


Lib. VII. 
TG., © mmra ma ryuy 
nar WWTOY, 4 maodp 
ak widy rzonsus Ca 
uy nancy, arg dobes 
Thaare Ty) ny ENgVE, 
Gd nope 0 xELTIS, % 
ygpranertess 6 (wri, 
Supa DegmMrAwsn 6 
Grams, % areSnver 
on quoy ase, 
¢ magn 0 Cwomnios, 
vet TAS 8s Away @ Ia- 
vate Htanaey TeTHs 
“Tes Si vs ape Wer, % ; 
bres ie , Seon 78 Dee 

EcAg, & puornrey Tes 
Quen mes, Cu P amuETNS 
usr c avern CH vEx= 
ey TH TETH maspa, 
4 TEosene HOV a "ipa 
exs cr diarenlas amis 

UR MNTHIS 5 avEerAnDSn. 

eis TEs geares, Hee 
Séau cn &Eiav ov 
ez © autess aurve 
pervnudjos ty ov dt 
"HUGS Nareeetver, Cuna- 
ere ey Cat, see me V- 
MmuCLTOP, ty. oaoy 
ope ropyy, BU _ogov 
Suvamern, © F- Ag 

the Holy Apoftles: 

ly, of the High-Priefts and 
Priefts, falfely fo called, and 
of the Difobedient People, 
by the Betraying of Him 
who was pofleisd with:Wick- 
ednefs as with a confitti’d 
Difeafe: He {uffer’d many 
things from them, and en- 
gered all forts of Ignominy, 
by thy Permiffion: He was 
deliver'd to Pilate the Go-_ 
vernour, and He that was 
he Judge was judged, and 
He that was the Saviour 
was condemned ; He that 

‘was impaflible -was nailed 
and He who 

to the Crofls, 
was by Nature immortal 
died, and He that is the 
Giver of Life was buried, 
that He might loofe thofe 
for whofe fake He came, 
from Suffering and Death, 
and might break the Bonds 
of the Devil, and deliver 
Mankind fram his Deceit. 
He arofe from the Dead 
the Third Day, and when 
He had continued with his 
Difciples Forty Days, He was 
taken up into the Heavens, 

2 juecay gu Daterlas. V. . 


ae 2 ee: / 
: ag: - 
a c 

and is far down on the 
Right-Hand of Thee, who 

arc his God and Facher. Be- 

ing mindful therefore of 

thofe things that He endur’d 

for our fakes, We give Thee 
Thanks, O God Aimightry, 

not in fuch a manner as 

we ought, but as we are 

able, and fulfl his Confti- 

rCor. xi curion: For in the fame Nizht 
that Fie was betrayed, He took 

Bread in his holy and un- 
defiled Hanas, and locking 

up to Thee, his God and 
Matt.xxviacher, /7e brake it, and gave 
seit it. to his Difciples, [aying, 
o. A5 This is the Myftery of the 
403 New Covenant; Take of it, 
and eat: This is my Body 

which is broken for many for 

the Remiffion of Sins. \n like 
manner allio, F7e took the 

Cup, and mixed ic of Wine 

and Water, and fanctified ir, 

and deliver'd it to them, 
faying, Drivk ye all of this, 

fer this is my Blood which is 

hed for many, for the Remif- 

fien of Sinus: Do this in Ree 
 moembrance of Me: For as 
often as y2 eat-this Bread, and 

dvjnk this Cup, ye do fhew forth 


anew ars Zrnpepy. 
ov nO vUxTs abed t= 
dora, Anta _apTor = 
arias x cz ygeots oe 
ce DEPT, 4 epal hee 
“des ameoys (Ce tT Seep 
wre ‘y TATECL, xo 
wracus, edwue (915 ume 
Snawis, aauv* To 
OS pucnesoy T ugivns 
Ale Sens AaCere dg 
cure, Pa nere® 7350 Et 
3 Teh cb ue. & wee 
rior eay Spunle Popov ais 
a deow a pioTioy. @ wou 
ams 2% OS motmnesov wen 
enmus Jf ove @ vdxlor, 
é aycec es, ane eme- 
CU TOL y eyo’ 
mists J% nurs weyers’ 
Tim bs 8 age me, 
SB WEL mPa CKoyuwe™ 
vuov es apeny api: 
kay Sav mien as 
eu) aiapvnow. oozt- 
ms sp ep @Sinte © 
aptov teTov, @ Tinte 
G mttesov tem, 
ovary T ugy x ola S- 
~ylIA€TE, coy eRS ay ¢A- 
Aas peprnpsysor Tai es 
3 me 8s urs, XO 
re) @ as 
1 Ci 




Lib: VII. 

I > Cee | dete / 

% P as Keonves ear dwo- 
du, @ Tt pemsons aw- 
a8 Ddtéegs Pucias, 
2% 9 Dae ane 
Cyn ep eTouy pA, Coss 

Ouvxucws nxexvoy 

J A 
Covaes % venpes, x 
> ~ ¢ / eR 
amdsvay siggm xi) 
Te Eptyce cure, WED - 
meen Cah Baa- 

~ ~ \ “9 

Aa @ Osa, 40) Tau 
a3 Morac, + apToy 
Te TOP, % O mornesoy 
7870, unaersav7Es (91 
Si aus, ED ols xa- 
“UNE woas Nas EgeLvaL 
jwwaricy os, © teen- 
muev cot, © alésapio 
2, omws cuplues bj- 
See a a ad 
; 322 e ok w ~ , 
Xepwa Owen TawtE 

> , ’ We > 

dens Qecs, @ cuddxncys 

fa auvTols és Tilly 
& Xess ov, © xa- 
aureus & aozoy oe 
mosug bh F Sucidy 
aa UNUGT OY Te were 
"lngd, cars soglan. + 

apr Troy Coug & 


the Holy Apoftles. 

my Death until I cou. Bee 

ing mindful therefore of his 
Pailion, and Veath, and Re- 
furrection from the Dead, and 
Return into the Heavens, 
and his future fecond Ap: 
pearing, wherein he is te 
come with Glory and Power 
ww jadge the Quick and the 
Dead, and to recompence 
tO every one according to | 
his Works, we Offer to Thee, 
our King and our. God, 
according to his Confti- 
tution, this Bread and this 
Cup; giving Thee Thanks 
through Him, that thou hatt 
thought us worthy ro fland 
before Thee, and to {facri- 
fice to Thee; and we be- 
feech Thee that thou wilt 
mercifully look down upoa 
thefe Gifts which are here fer 
before Thee, O thou God | 
who ftandeft in need of none 
of our Offerings :. 
thou accept them’ to the 
Honour of thy Chrift, and 
fend down thine Holy Spi. 
rit, the Witnefs of the Lord 

> defunt. V. ? defuar V. 

Jefus’s Sufferings, that Be 

NOS Oe ESP Pa ee 
; PORN re bs 


may fhew this Bread to be 
the Body of thy Chrift, and 
the Cup to be the Blood of 
thy Chrift, that thofe who 
are Partakers thercof may 
be ftrengthened for Piety, 
may obtain the Remiflion of 
their Sins, may be deliver'd 
from the Devil and his De- 
ceit, may be filled wich the 
Holy Ghoft, may be made 
worthy of thy Chrift, and 
- may obtain Eternal Life up- 
onthy Reconciliation tothem, 
O Lord Almighty. We far 
ther pray unto Thee, O 
Lord, for thy Holy Church 
{pread from one End of the 
World to another, which 
thou haft purchafed with the 
precious Blood of thy Chrift ; 

that thou wilt preferve it 
unfhaken, and free from Di- 
fturbance until the End of 
the World ; For every Epif- 
copate who rightly divides 
the Word of Truth. We far- 
ther pray to Thee for me, 
who am nothing, who of- 
fer to Thee: For the whole 
Presbytery, for the Deacons, 

and all the Clergy, that thou 
wilt make them wile, and 


Xerre oe, @ x) aor ti 
Choy 7870 aie 7 
Xeres od, ive of pes 

Taro€ cyass our8 Be- 

Euwbact mess ougt- 
Cerdy, agerems a pipe 
SG Sorw @ F warns 
aur pudact, mTvbu= 
uglGs « ayis Trangia « 
ay, asin ® Keres os 
SWeovaey, Gens Cho its 
TUSLIT, a xalarre- 
Murs avcrnis, dtomole 
adptoxextop, ert déd- 
peScs od, xUeLE, & 
ap Ft un ias Ce cu= 
wAnoias ¢ am weed 
Tov ews medtwv, lus 
LEMONT w Td) Title 
cage! a Xece Ce, 
omms au Thy Akeguag 
Ens a eure S09 x axArudwe 
visoy aver § cute 
Acas we ww @ 
ap anos bhoxsris 
T opSuropeons + Aglov 
T cAnSeas. eth 

naAupdu aE 2% VD e 
eMNs TE megopsesvTds 
Cot oihvias, © 28 
aduens te mpeaCutes. 

eke, Wap ay sre 

Lib. Vill. the Holy Apoftles: 

% movers UANPY, ive 
mei v Ges Cogicas orvéu- 
ele. Byis TAnewpars. 
¢ na reps ce, 
tiie ¢ Ban 
Azws, © TW cv <R%0- 
Vi, 4 muvee B cealo- 
wede, iva eiplu diay 
Tey Teh Degys Huds, o- 
Tus ow houyia © ojo 
voin, Danovass t avila 
ge91 0” a Cons na, 
SvEaC ops oe Aly “In- 
we Xece F cATriSC. 
apy. tle wegapien- 
‘PS Cot © aS a yaw 
aps ar ajar@. Cua pé- 
cnodpawy (Co ayior, 
Tamercpyav, weg ue 
Awy, Lprvewy, Opa 
Aoyntwy, bmhoncrewr, 

a peabuTéewy, Stax co 

c / > 
vanvwsor, larrtwr, 
aSplevav, synew, Aai- 
nav, © qauvTeyv ov 
ie, Paha ae f. aate 
auTis btisecey me Ovd~ 
Kgle, the meyapees- 
pe Cot a 18 age 
cf > 

TET, Wa avadatkrs 

me {> ’ 3 4 ~ 
aUTOY GS EmMivoy Tm. 

XKeseu Ce BagiAcoy 

replenifh them with the Hos 

ly Spirit. We farther pray , 
to Thee, O Lord, for the 1Timiiz 
King, and all in Authority, 

for the whole Army; that 

they may be peaceable to- 

wards us, that fo leading the 

whole time of our Life in 
Qaietnefs and Unanimity, 

we may glorifie Thee, thro’ | 
Jefus Chrift, whoisourHope = 
We farther Offer to Thee 

alfo for all thofe Holy Pee- 

fons who haye pleafed Thee 

from the Beginning of the 
World, Patriarchs, Prophets, 

‘Righteous Men, Apoftles, 

Martyrs, Confeflors, Bifhops, 
Presbyters, Deacons, Sub- 
deacons, Readers, Singers, 
Virgins, Widows, and Lay- 

_Perfons,with all whofe Names 

thou knoweft. We farther 
Offer to Thee for this People, 
that thou wilt render them 
to the Praife of thy Chrift, 
a Royal Priefthood, and an ho» 
ly Nation; For thofe that are 
in Virginity and Purity ; for 
the Widows of the Church; 
fcr thofe in honourable Matr- 
riage and Child-bearing ;_ for 
the Infants of thy wens ; 

1 Fe Vil.g. 


that thou wile not permit 
any of us to become Cuaft- 
aways. We farther . befeech 
Thee alfo for this City, and 
its Inhabicants ; for thofe that 
are fick; for thofe in bitter 
Servitude ; for thofe in, Ba- 
nifbments ; for thofe in Pri- 
fon ; for thofe that travel by 
Water or by Land; thar thou, 
the Helper and Aiiifter of 
all Men, wile be their Sup- 
porter. We farther alfo be- 
feech Thee for thofe that 
hate us and perfecute us for 
thy Name’s fake; for thofe 
that are without, and wan- 
der out of the Way, that 
thou wilt convert them to 
GoodnefS, and pacifie their 
Anger. We farther alfo be- 
feech Thee for the Catechu- 
mens of the Church, and for 
thofe that are vexed by the 
Adverfary, and for our Bre- 
thren the Penitents, that thou 
wilt perfect the firft in the 
Faith, that thou wilt deliver 
the fecond from the Energy 
of the Evil One, and that 
thou wilt accept the Repen- 

leesTeu pect, br@. ae 
yoy" wap ac cy al- 
EPIC e avert, ap 
ays oneov Tt CHKAT 
Occ, OF aS Cv cops 
pols young a Texvono- 
ViaIS, ap Ts PNP 
ge Ag.# C4, omws yn 
Deva mp > 6 Ana 
oolnens, eTI aleis py oe 
© vad Fo mtAews tav 
ams © vs CHOLKEVT OM, 

ap Tes ov appoqias, 
Uorep aS o minpa des 
Ada, Ume HW oy ceo~ 
erais, UTE BS és dye 
pdict, vmep mAs rami | 
@ odbimopsytwy, 0mws 
brine p@. Qn. -mds- 
cruv on des Xoo aYTIM 
Anmop. tle mba na- 
Awe of x) UTED ays 

 pLoayT Oy ngs © dro 

OU TeV ces Ales 3 
av / 

eho C8, ump ays 
ew Overey xO Tem )\ae- 
pnpS\deorserrens Echspexais 
auTes 65 ayacty, ay 
@) Suugy au rey Tegv- 

2) ww 

vns. 2TL abcnars yyy 

oe xwume TW xeTR- 

» oiyray. V. 

ocupSe wr 

_ ee ~ "ae SS gp ee 
' qr y ¥1 


Lib VIII. the Holy Apoftles: 
aeuphsoov & éxxanoias, tance of the laft, and fors 
yj NOR os seuglo- give both them and us our 
por 4 zm & Mores, Offences. We farther Offer to 
4 ap ats ow pélavoice Thee alfo for the good Tem- 
adiAgon np” ¢ Omws tes perature of the Air, and 
pe TiAIOoNs Ov TH mie the Fertility of the Fruits, 
aq, *X obs 3 xa Se1- that fo partaking perpetually **" Pas: 
etons 6 ox 2 crepyias of the good things derived *°* 
78 momps, TH 3 tm Thee, we miay praile 
pores void megodtey , Thee without ceafing, who Plalexxxv 
24 oulowopnons © avavis giveft Food ta all Flelh, We*> 
@ nly @ wheaapale farther befeech Thee al{o for - 
a . ert mepmpies- thofe who are abfent on a 
pe Cor % 3 vay  cv- juft Caufe; that thou wile 
_neacias Te 250. 4% keep us all in Pisty, and ga- 
Agogsas aS xapawv’ ther us together i rhe King- 
omms avemeamus rela- dom of thy Chrift, the God 
AaunCavorns + why of all fenfible and intelligent 
ge anatay, ares oe Nature, our King; that thou 
anauisos, * ddbvrx wouldit keep us immove- 
Syplu aacn oe pei en able, unblameable, and un- 
Bynerzphi ce @ v reproveable : For to Thee 
orep HS Dt Uaronsy cu belongs all Glory, and 
Tidy amy roy" 07ws.a- Worfhip, and Thank{gi ving, : 
mbes 7 ints Afgan pr Honour and Adoration, 
Ou TH diet C etary the Father, with the Son, i 
tn oumeeyearyns év tm the Holy Ghoft, both now 
Baciren 8 Xeee and always, and for ever- 
Cs, F Océ auons a- lafting, and endlefs Ages 
Sutis © vonrns Quaews, for ever. And let all the 
@ Basirgws np, a People fay, 4men. And 
aginies, dpénales, a- ler the Bifhop fay, The Peace 
wines 6 G71 cor man of God 3 with you all, md 
n ae et 

ten YK “Ale g Peay: 
lec all the People day; (@ dofe, aibas, tj um 
And with thy Spirit. And saerqie, Tian, ® mep- — 
let the Deacon proclaim a cxmiias, TO 
gain, . ‘marter, x [[e]) 
avin admatt, Crud, © wea, © as ras avemaetras iy 
arrdurnres cavas A?h cave, 8 ahs 0 Aas AsyeTo' 
aplus. ©-0 bronor®. AMAT i eplun Ose an pl 
apres? upd 2 THs 6 Aa as AeyiTo C py iar psec 
os. Go Bfeicov@ xnpUOTe TH TaAALy” 

sux Let us ftill farther befeech = “Ett 271 denba- 
God through his Chrift, and py 73 Ded Bos F Xex- 
let us befccch himoon ac. ¢-2 aur, ap re dupe 
count of the Gift which is 78 ‘wegcxopideirl@s 
offered to the Lord God, wem mJ Geq, ‘ows 
that the Good God will ac- 0 aiyards eos mwesode- 
cept it, through the Media- Ena avn, Ag t pe- 
tion of his Chrift, upon. his oTeices 7TH Neigee av- 
Heavenly Altar, fora fweet-. @8 es 3 ervenmnor av- 
{melling Savour. Let us 72,Qunasresoy, es do- 
pray for this Church and plo wodias. 2 ¢ 
People: Let us pray for eve-  éxnAnowes rau’ 8 F 
ry Epifcopate, every Presby- Acs dunbaiphu, va ae- 
tery, all the Deacons and oy dtionom:, aeyats 
Minifters in Chrift, for: the mpealurese, wagis F 

whole asides ta! That ¢x Xero Agrovics 

the Lord will keep and pre- x *azrnpecies”, a 

rTim.ii2 {ervethem all, Let us pray for  marneoudl@. £ dx 
Kings, and thofe in Authority, yrncias dSenbaphu o- 
that they may be peaceable aw: 6 wer. wares 

* Jindaoudw. V. ? deeft. V. 


Lib Vik! \the Holy Apoftles. 

Seraph 5: Myo 
Aakn rap Banrdov 
Be Nahe Don 

CapSu. ive. eipludior- 
} d 

‘my me Begs Ney o- 
TOs TPELUQY x Rave; tay 
Biov enorme, Diayw- 
pop Gu ragn coeben 
4 oeuvomik. WW a: 
yiov popTuegy evn." 
ylawp hs ores xotvw= 
yok Med F abaAnazws 
GUT MY gla Ecco wmphy). 
sft ie Cae 
Umep PY Cv Wig-g: ere 

OTOL tL JIYICIY dnlapsy. 


towards us, that fo we may 
have and lead a quiet and 

“peaceable Life in all Godlinefs 

and Fionefty. Let us be mind- 
ful of the Holy Martyrs, 
that we may be thought 
worthy to be Partakers of 
their Trial. Let us pray for 
thofe that are departed in 
the Faith. ‘Let us pray for 
the good Temperature of the 
Air, and the perfect Matu- 
rity of the Fruits. Ler us 
pray for thofe that are new- 
ly ‘Inlightened, that they 

ump € wxeacias 7S may be ftrengthened in the 
aeegw 4% tAcopoesas Faith, and all may be mu« 

aps AEP TeV denQw pay. 
ump Ty) yeodwTicwy 
cin Sap" “omws Be 
Cuolaow ov r7 mir 
WT cy TES. UIT. LAA wY Tite 
eargrcSwadp'. aya 
gnoar Has 0 Oez0s cy 
TH Ti Od Ava- 
sn aaa, a Qep 
Ag F Xerces aud 
abe luperdan x 0 O7- 
oxo7r Oe AEyeTw gi Sp 
@zcs o weqas @ per 
qarwvur®, o eyes 

tually comforted by ore a- 
nother. Raife us up, O 
God, by thy Grace: Let 
us ftand up, and Dedicate 
our felves to God, through 
his-Chrift. And let che Bi- 
fhop fay, O God, who are 
Great, and whofe Name is 
Great, who art Great in 
Counfel, and Mighty in 
Works, the God ard Father 

» of thy holy Child Fefus, our 

Saviour; Look down upon 
us, and upon this thy Flock, 

Uap annrer megn Newey. N 

n 2 which | 

which thou haft chofen by vy Bery, % xearauios 
Him to the Glory of thy is épnpis, 0 Geos % 
Name ; and fanétifie our Bo- warip 72 ayis aon 
dy and Soul, and grant us dbs Ce Inod, 7 corn 
«Cor. the Favour to be made pure p@s tipi, ta€relov: 
vit. — from all Filthinefs of Flefh and e? apas,@ om B coin 
Spirit, and may obtain the vr ov am, 0 dt qe 
good Things laid up for us, 78 dertEw as ddfar 
and do not account any Of 78 ovopaas ov. ¥ ax 
us unworthy; but be thou gdone apf! S coy’ 
. our Comforter, Helper, and 3 F Wuyls xelacio- 
- Protector, through thy Chrift, coy noSapes  Ruophues 
with whom Glory, Honour, am wdums porvope 
Praife,Doxology,and Thank Gpxus 4 ardyget@,, 
giving beto Thee ia the Ho- wyav a7 mepnepe- 
ly Ghof for ever, Amen. vov ayalor, 4 pn- 
And after that all have faid, Suva ipl avetiov xes- 
Amen, \et the Deacon fay, vns, SMe Bon dus api 
Let us attend. And let the Wve, dvaanzwp, vaze- 
Rifhop fpeak thus to the exavisi, Yq 8 Ker 
People, Fioly things for holy gece peS & oo: db- 
Perfons ; and let the People a, ripn, av@., dd- 
an{wer, Zhere is One that is Eoroyia, ww. i 
Froly, there is One Lord, One yaereia, rey” TT] 
Felus Chrift, bleffed for ever, Gani rvdl- 
to the Glory of God the Far yok, es 42s ajovas. 
Luk iis4. ther, Amen. Glory toGod in aplo. © pS raGs 
a the Hicheft,and on Earth Peace, amey, aul o Ale 
Good will among Men. Hlo- xovosreyétw' meg ya- 
fanna to the Son of David! pu. @o bmcnxomosm@eo- 
Bleffed be he that cometh in cowvacato & age %- 


rt owuale V. 

5 oo", 

Lib. VII. the Holy Apoltles. 

BR Cpe MN 
TOT LUG TOs ey1 046 
Co Ag osumanuér’ es 

a Cy L.% Digg Seed 
aM0s,es WEL, as 
‘Tnots Xexsos, as dbzay 
Oe martess, cvAogn= 
aus es TRS ahworas. a~ 
pla, dvka ew vrlic-ats 

_ 2 \ ? ‘ 
O¢q, @ bm ys eplun, 
> + | / 3 ? 
Cy avSemmots cuddxia. 
‘Qeawe md yo Lae 
Eid: curoynwwQ. o 
epyouu@ Cy ovougn 

1m A / X 
xvers Qeos werQ, x 
emepayn nai Qony- 
\ > ~w ¢ } QA 
ve CY avis UficuIs. % 
2 pe T3TO pera 

AapCarérw 6 Ettono- 
aG@.. erale ot ™pea- 
Cuneo’, Goi Yaxovor, 

‘ U ¢c 

Gs NGA OVOL, @ ot 

b € 
va wcoy @ of Laa- 
c > \ 
my, © ot donnty, @ 
: ¢ 
cy TF yyacivay Man 
xgrtoseet, @ ot wodevor, 

} ~ 4 \ 
@ ay ynpar, ere Te 

4 / ‘ef 
gudia, © wre Tas 
(0 Aaos x) aati, pe; 

aw, > 3} 
audesxy wrAabaas,dudh 

Sopuy. 4% 0 fe brhono- 

Tr@ dSidtto * we9- 

TPIEKY, A€quy’ owug 

PO nee os ee by ae pe ie noi, fw Ad 
" ‘ 2 NGA a a Oo 
S ans Ve F 
1 f 

the Name of the Lord, be- 
ing the Lord God who ap- 
pear'd to us, Hofanna in the 
fTighefi! And after chat lec 
the Bithop partake, then the 
Presbyters, and Deacons, and’ 
Sub-deacons, and the Read: 
ers, and the Singers, and the 
Afceticks; and then of the 
Women, the Deaconefles, and 
the Virgins, and the Wi- 
dows; then the Children, 
and then all the People in 
order, with Reverence and god- 
ly Fear,without Tumult. And 
let the Bifhop give the Ob/a- *.* Pag. 
tion, faying, The. Body of Rak 
Chriffs and let him that re- 
ceiveth fay, Amen. And lee 
the Deacon take the Cup, 
and when he gives ic, lec 
him fay, Zhe Blood of Chrift, 
the Cup of Life, and let him. 
that drinketh fay, Amex. And 
let the Thirty Third Plalm be 
faid, while all che reft are 
partaking ; and when all, 
both Men and Women, have 
partaken, let the Deacons 
carry what remains into the 
Veltry ; and when the Singer 

‘t deen. v. 

Nn 3 tes has 

has done, let the Deacon Xeqt %0 Breweren 
fay; Astro vars 6 4 

Saxwe rareryinw 8 
auThesov, % bmidides AeyeTo” ajece Keres, TUTMELOY 
Cons’ Go fo) TVG AsyeTo. optus. rlarwgs 3 AsnfcPrw meacte 
10505 Tert@, Cy Ted LETRA ab ave Taras Tes Agus’ 
@ badly raves arena te @ racy, ag.Sevrs oi om 
297 f Teh HR LOSE jadaT a, ciopeper aod Gs, Tee Meh SOPC CAM. : 


@ 0 Algnov@. aeyeTo, mass & S Larnrovi@«. 

Now we have’ reeeived 
the precious Body and. the 
precious Blood of Chet, let 
us give Thanks to Him who 
has thought us worthy to 
partake of thefe his holy 
Myfteries ; and let us be 
feech Him that 1¢ may not 
be to us for Condemnation, 
but for Salvation, to the 
Advantage of Soul and Boe 

Mermrabovms & ot 
mis UGG, x6y se 
THLE cungel Qe 73 Xos- 
oes Cuyacrenmaphy & S 
ya GEwadp Ti Tees ee 
TarAgb ey wys a Yyiwp 
Curd LUSNOROW.C aatige= 
xgnerapys, fan ES KEE 
Lan OA as owamesdp 
nyuly eX, As wer 

ed ame © (ug 

dy, to the Prcfervation, of 1@., 6s. @uag xl cus 

Piecy, to the Remiflion of 
Sins, and to the Life of the 
World to come. Let us a- 
rife, and by the Grace of 
Chrift let us dedicate our 
{elves to God, to the Only- 
unbegotten God, aad to his - 
Chrift. And. let the Bi ifhop 
give Thanks: 

oe etc 45.0 agen 9 0 Re 
mov, es Caly & & wer- 
Agulos 10 Q ey eg 
pe, +4 ELT KETes 
sutes rd Osa’ aed 
yore at Seah ry ed, @ 
ww Xere dntd aha 

Bas uees xo 0 b7oKe- 
amQso CUnanehe ea me" 


; defune, ne eee 


Lh tS ag tial M oy eg 

the Holy Apoftles! 

Lib. Vill. 

~ Adconrm 0 “Qecs o 
gdpmxectop,0 Tanip 
ae Xerce Ce, ew 
Aoyure maidds, “0 
mel cuderntos bmnKe- 
Aupuov oe exnnoGy 
o ¢ ae Ciotrevt wy 
Esp O- Tas Cnr» 
Seis’ Ouyang Lev Obl, 
metmaaé ay TS ayov 
peoye muiv, es WANED- 
Qogiay AP ygrws ey 
peso Uys, Es QuAw- 
xh $ cuctGeas, es 
agen Ane ee ANUGS 
Toy ott BS dvome ae 
Keres Ce Churn] 
ip neds, xa Cor @eg- 
ohows eas T TPS xe 
Cay OLWOVIAS, sven(oy 
npas py Tp no bwatea- 
icv oor, mesSov a 
yas ov TH arntein TH 
qBayis wdipal@. 
mootnoy, TH ayrou- 
pe “4 oy domKarvyor, 
Th Aemovle aC 9- 
oduaTAngacay, qe ey- 

er a 


> remove V. 

O Lord God Almighty, 
the Father of chy Chrift, thy 
blefled Son, who heare(t thofe 

a%f whoicalliwpon Thee with Up- 

rightnefs,. who alfo knowett 
the Supplications of thofe 
who are fileat; We thank 
Thee that thou has thought us 
worthy to partake of thy ho- 
ly Myfteries, which thou hatt 
beftowed upon us, for the 
entire Confirmation of thote 
things wehave rightly known, 
for the Prefervation of Piety, 
for the Remiffion of our Of- 
fences;' for. the Name of 
thy Chrift is called upon us, 
and we are join’d to Thee. 
© thow thar haft feparated 
us from the Communion of 
the Ungodly, Unite us with 
thofe that are confecrated to 
Thee in HolinefS, confirm 
us in the Truth, by the Af- 

fiftance of thy Holy Spirits. 

Reveal ‘to us what things 
we are ignorant of, Supply 
what things we are defective 


in, confirm usin what things + .* Pag, 
we already know, preferve 46. 

the Priefis blamelefs in) thy 


Worfhip, keep the Kings in 
Peace, and the Rulers in 
Righteoufnels, the Air in a 
good Temperature, the Fruits 
in Fertilicy, the World in an 
Ail-powerful Providence ; pa- 
cifie the warring Nations, 
convert thofe that are gone 
altray, fanctifie thy People, 
keep thofe that.are in Vir 
ginity. preferve thofe ia the 
Faith that are in Marriage, 
{trengthen thofe that are in 
Purity, bring the infants to 
compicat Age, confirm the 
newly admitted, inftruct the 
Carechumens, and. rénder 

them worthy of Admifiion, 
and gather us ail together 
into thy Kingdom of Hea- 
ven, by Jefus Chrift our 
Lord, with whom Glory, Ho- 
nour, and Worthip be to 
Thee, iz the Holy Ghoft, 
for ever. Amen And let 
the Deacon fay, Bow down 7 
to God through his Chrift, 
and receive the Bleffing. And 
Jet the Bifhop add this Pray- & 
er, and fay, O God Almigh- 
ty, the True God, to whom 

< qaazor. Vs ? aupapud, V. 

or gi: / \ 
yaa pyWwe HER TUVOY: TRS 

c ae 3 / I dS ie 
lepeas amamys — duce 
QuAagov' cv TH: Aa 

/ sf \ nw 
agen oe Tas Paginas 
ducurnpn (gy co eplum, 
Tes apagulas c ow Duman 
awn, Tes avons cr cu- 
HERG ICr, Tes xa pres 

ov cupoern, T gq 


w DULrAne maeg= 

roid. qm ern G@ To- 
Aegina megipor’ rey 
TremTncev n wise brhspe- 
Lov’ T Ag.ov oe ayias 
oy» Gy Sb Senlge 
Siapuor Tes Cx eb | 
[hw Praguag.cov © oy mt" 
eq! Tes Gy chyvesae Cr 
Suvctpucooy" Tes vie be 
ad\punoy 18s yeorenes 
BeCarwoov ras cy xge 
Tyne 4 audduooy, ¢ 
PE puncews albivs cee 
DesSov' C waves a 
pees ork cuuetyaurye eis 
i" Beavay Pan: 
Adar, ov Xerep Tne 
aw mmerp phd” mes 
& G dee, 

le pa x % oes mn 


bd u 
"ow S ayia 

amdijral, as Tes ayo 
yas. avlw. %j o Side 
nov. Acyitw' & OQew 
Ae 8 hemos art 
“AiWaTe, @ oUAoyi- 
de. C o bhonorG: & 
aa dusyéSuy Aeywr" o 
OQeoso ravToxnexTwp, 
o aAubivos x) coulner 
1@., o Tow ee aV 4 
mis Tan oay 4 ov 
@ederl Ws CvorT! UTAp- 
Nee» 0 07015 pen oes 
expowywG., o yeovois 
jan TaeAcspyOx,o aw- 
OL An TEeLTeLUGs, 0 
Agyts wn ahynohu@., 
0 Wwuecd pn vazonxeme- 
YOQry 6 Quagxns jan 
deowerG-, 0 gloegs a 
‘yotepG., 0 Tepmins a- 
yerridix|@s, a Quay a- 
yarmoiwlG., 6 Das oie 
ov a@megnter, 0 TH 
guy a£eal@., 6 qwo- 
os mucus F nel cu 
yoias euCnTeouls Ce 
Aovxgis Qucecw, o 
xe GAgUEavou@, v- 
mm TY cy covaia tm- 
Cntevtwy ce’ co Qos 
‘Ioenna, 3 @ancwas 

Lib. VII. the Holy. Apoftles. 

nothing can be compar’d,who 
art every where, and prefent 
in all things, and art in no- 
thing as one of the Things 
themfelves, who art not 
bounded by Place, nor grown 
old by Time, who art not 
terminated by Ages, nor de- 
ceived by Words, who art 
not fubjeét to Generation, 
and wanteft no Guardian, 
who art above all Corrupti- 
on, free from all Change, 
and invariable by Nature, 

who inhabiteft Light inaccel- «vim. vi. 

(ible, who art by Nature in 16. 
vifible, and yet art known 
to all reafonable Natures, 
who feck Thee with a good 
Mind, and art comprehend- 
ed by thofe chat feek after 
Thee with a good Mind; the 
God of. Jrael, thy People 
which truly ‘fee, and which 
have believed in Chrift. Be 
gracious to me, and hear me, 
for thy Name’s fake, and blefs 
thofe that bow down their 
Necks unto Thee, and grant 
them the Petitions of their 
Hearts, which are for their 
Good, and do not reject 
any one of them from thy 



"Kingdom: But fanctify, guard, 

cover, and affift them; de- 
liver them from the Adver- 
fary, and every Enemy; keep 

Pfal.cxx.8 their Houfes, and guard themr 


Comings-in and their Goings- 
out. For to Thee belongs a 
the Glory, Praife, Majefty, 
Worfhip, and Adoration, and 
to thy Son Jefus, thy Chrift, 
our Lord, and God, and 
King, iz the Holy Ghoft, 
now and always, for ever 
and ever. Amen. 
Deacon fhall fay, Depart in 
Peace. Thefe Conftitutions 
concerning this My {tical Wor- 
fhip, we the Apoftles do Or- 
dain for you the Bifhops, 
Priefts and Deacons. 

And the & 

medal: age oe" 
cupsuns Ws Su. enn- 
x BODY Ke Ake 3 mac 
oe, 4 ouAy ynoay Tes 
got menPingras Tes eae 
Toy _dunetvaes, @ dbs 

GU TONS Teh bea Thig lee ays 
xapdray a nyraiY aa bat 
Cue peeorTt, qj pendever 
CU Tay Sei A oroin- 
ons ox t Bamreas oe" 
wd ayia ov ATES, 
@pepnaoy, Oke el TOY, ays 
ag-be, pocey $ are 
Agrere, meals eq per 
TBs ones Cy TeV quag 
boy, mas egodes auTey 
e mes Sodus gpepn(gr’ 
or (GF dose, anv ., par 

Pages otbas, 

Weponmnas, Em CO wad Tho’ aS Kez 

rome) oe, ad wer ip @ O%e x 4 Boone, * ey" 
ars a ay icp mvbuyglty vay © ce 2) ts Te8 ayes 

“te I 

ape ay area. aul. © o AegnavOs ¢ Epa’ DRrorAvede cw ef- 
plus. Tare ai t dusiens Ag rpetas Afgraosaperta 
Hees o1 DmIsvAgt ely rots Ome Ng mois, xy mls smpeaG UTE 
Epis, % mois Soros, 

Concerning the Ordinati- 

TTege 9 HO TO 
on of Presbyters ; 

vices mpeoC uaneein, [leo 
0 GALLO a0 7 
wens, Se Taosouy u- 
perv rmols bhoyoris. I 


Lib. Vu. the Holy Apoftles. 
TipeaSiaegou year When thou Ordaineft a Pret 
yoy w@ brenome, & byter, O Bifhop, - lay. thy 
yew. bm tT xegauans. Hand upon his Head, in 
bontiSd avlgs, 2 mpece the Prefence of the. Presby- 
Conese averons Cots ters and Deacons, and, pray, 
4 TIS Siaygov' ~ cu- laying, O Lord Almighty, 
2G. Asyo* xvers our God, who haft created 
mymnertop, o Oecd all things by Chrift, and.doft. 
mpy!, 0 Ae Nec in like manner take care of 
am Tra Sypaupyncus, the whole World’ by Him; 
G di ane HJ oawy for He who had Power to 
@egueay yganrrnaws. make different Creatures, has, 
op Sumas Aggoer. allo. Power to take care of 
ae mminocey, tet» dus them, according to their dif-» «* Pag. 
VoL fis 2 .psews mep- ferent Natures; om which ac- 4°7+ 
-yonoy’ Af 7 Tro count, O God, thou takeft 
Oges wegvoes, aH2 care of Immortal Beings by 
a ceSeuveereoy guAaxy bare Prefervation, but of thofe 
povn, 7S 4 Synqwy, thatare Mortal by Succeffion, 
Madan, 7 fungiis of the Soul, by the. Provi- 
Gesvtids vouev, & vw fionof Laws, of the Body 
ual@- Awa mr neaay é by the Supply of its Wants, 
crdeas, ums ty * Do thou therefore now alfo 
yu EaCreyoy 6A # look down upon thy holy 
a yiew Ce Enid. @ Church, and encreafe the 
awen(r @ auriv, & wn: fame, and multiply chofe that 
Quwov res ce duty prefide init, and grant them 
Tepes gs, x dds Swiee Power, that they may labour 
pay megs rome eu- both in Word and Work for 
wus Aye © é YY ets the Edification of thy People. 
obeosbubus ve agx os. Dothou now alfo look down 
Gurus x yun u Emde 6m upon this thy Servant, who 
Seay os Tem, © is put into the Presbytery 


, , 

by the Vote and Determina- 
tion of the whole Clergy : 
And do thou replenifh him 
with the Spirit of Grace, 
and Counfel, to affift and go. 
vern thy People with a pure 
Heart, in the fame manner 
as thou didft look down up- 

Rx yi, On thy chofen People, and 
& xxiv. & didft command Mofes to 


choofe Elders, whom thou 
didft fill with thy Spirit. Do 
thou alfo now, O Lord, 

grant this, and preferve in 

us the Spirit of thy Grace, 
that this Perfon being filled 
with the Gifts of Healing, 
and the Word of Teaching, 
may in Meeknefs inftruct 
thy People, and fincerely 
ferve Thee with a pure Mind 
and a willing Soul, and may 
fully difcharge the holy Mi- 
niftrations for thy People, 
through thy Chrift, with 
whom Glory, Honour and 
Worthip be to Thee, iz the 
Holy Ghott, for ever. Amen. 

& co dbee. 



higw 4 xelol 18 xAn- 
pe mdr es apeclu- 
TeeLOV bon do Sev ren, wy 
eu 7rAn (ov auroy oe Kgs 
yae4l@. © cuplsrias, 
ae Qwri rg wEavedx @ 
nub epvay T Ago Ce 
cn ngdope gpdige” 
ov tegmvy bandis bmn 
Acov CMAgyns av, @ 
mejcermEeas Maices as 
pacey mpecburépes, es 
emrnoes mvdygl@s. x 
Qwemimres TewY Cv HulY 
B cede eeu 
ox" Onws TAnSes c= 
Eepyuaror tak nov, 2 
Aoys diduxTine, cv 
megomk mous dun os 
agin 3 SndKG 
dra vote x sbusyn cdte 
Aton, 7 Tas vay cB 
Ags \epupyias amass 
CHT AD, S¥e 7 Xee- 

Ge oe mes 
' (fe 
Tien @ csCas, . 
tay! Te ayig wrvoougn, 
> \ >” > r 
aes Tes cmvas, aMlws 


Lib. VIE the Holy Apoftles.. UR ety 

Concerning the Ordinati- *VIt 

Tees 4 sperepacvias 
Maygvay,| (eyo Birra 
mG. Siamnosoucy: ] 
Algnovoy AGTANTAS, 
Pa bqioKOTrE, bmn SEIS 
ours THs yeeRs, T= 
pegans go mms & 
axpecuTeely,x 1 dla- 
ygvev, @ emusawuOs 

‘O Secs, 0 wdua- 
xegTwp, O LAndIVOS 
@ alddis, o wAe- 
aay cs TOTS THs Zone 
AL ABW Wes ce CY GAN- 
Gea, 0 poleens cv Bs- 
Ag.iss © Gps Savoie, 
o xegmuics GC meyas’ 
“eioineooy Tegadbyis ne 
pl, were, 4 cre- 
kooy Seno apt, © 
étipavey 6 woegowmiy 
Ce bh t Samy Cs 
mvde, @ wervee-Co- 
pQvov oat eis Maxgviay, 
xj TARCOr umay mrd- 
Hg.\@.* ayis’, % dv 
1.0L LAOS ws erAnous 
Srépawoy T ygprues 
C pinay HS rabne 
pgtwy 73 Keres cx, 

on of Deacons; 

Thou fhale Ordain a Dea- 
con, O Bifhop, by laying 
thy Hands upon him in the 
Prefence of the whole Pref- 
bytery, and of the Dea- 
cons, and fhalt pray, and 

ay 5 
O God Almighty, the 
True and Faithful God, who 

art rich unto all that call 

upon Thee in Truth, who 
art fearful in Counfels, and 
wife in Underftanding, who 
art powerful and great, hear 
our Prayer, O Lord, and let 
thine Ears receive our Sup-> 
plication, and caufe the Light 
of thy Countenance to fhine 

upon this thy Servant, who 

is to be Ordaind for Thee 
to the Office of a Deacon; 
and replenifh him with thy 
Holy Spirit, and with Power, 


as thou didft replenifh Ste- 4g yg 
phen, who was thy Martyr, & sii 

and Follower of the Suffe- 
rings of thy Chrift. Do thou 
render him worthy to dif: 

| re deeft, V. 



charge acceptably the Mini- 
ftration of a Deacon, fteadi- 
ly, unblameably, and with- 
out Reproof, that thereby he 
may attain an higher De- 
gree, through the Mediation 
of thy Only-begotten Son, 
with whom Glory, Ho- 
nour, and Worfhip be to 
Thee, ## the Holy Spirit, for 
ever. Amn. 

| XIX: Concerning a Deaconefs : 

O Bifhop, thou fhalt lay thy 

Hands upon her in the Pre- 

fence of the Presbytery, and 

of the Deacons, and Dea- 
coneffies, and fhalt fay, 

XX. O Erernal God, the Father 

ae 48 of our Lord Telus: Chrift, 

* the Creator oF Man, and of 

Woman, who didft replenith 

Ey.xy oo, With the Spirit Miriam, and 

Judg.iv.,, Debborah, and Anna, and Hul- 

sek 36. dah: who didft not difdain 

et asf that thy Only-begotten Son 

% fhould be born of a Wo- 

man, who alfo ‘in the Ta- 

a xo. GEELWT ov OuTUy 
cuapeswis Aerre pynody- 
am T eyyvHesa 
oums Rts of ore 
Yeds: AKERTOsS, arey= 
HANT 0S, pec ovos alias 
SH vOA Base, SS F 
panrias TB povowwes 
Ce us" wed 5G ER, 
npn € ono as, 
toy “me ayie "T(e]] 
av Me™, eis 
res aj@ves, cepeley. 

the 4 diaxgvio- 

[| Bap Aguat@s 

Ag tei jo Ena 
COTE, Smnancets QUuTH 
TUS YEORS, oherdims 
cf apersuTese C Hy 
S1AKG@ig C AS tae 
noviosa@y, © Epes. 

yer .s 0 eos 0 hte 
n®, o me Tp ‘8S we 
ers mpd "Inoe Xer- 
<8, o des © yuna: 
68 Symiepgos, 0 TAN 


eons ombingl@.” 

Ma ena @ Asbépiar, 

x" Ayvdu, 4% Oadky, 
? en amEwos @ 
HgVOLA oe Yor Nuvnlte 

& ayia. V. 


Lib. VIL the Holy Apoftles. 
von on qveryys,@év bernacle of the Teftimony, 
qn only 78 ppqvers and in the Temple, didft 
@ cv & vad resxa- Ordain Women to be Keep- 
e(GpQv@. zs gpspes ers of thy holy Gates; Do 
ay ayiov ce maev thou now alfo look down 
ana 4 vuw écide 6h upon this thy Servant, who 
7 daly o tlw, 7 is to be Ordaind to the 
aresxeerCcomply eas Office of a Deaconefs, and 
Sianovidw, 4 dosavrn grant her thy Holy Spirit, 
mdiug ayov, © xg and cleanfe her from all Filer Cor) } 
Suescov eum ao rav- thinefs of Fleh and Spirit,-' - 
Tos ugauone oupyys 4 that fhe may worthily dif 
aviugl@., wegs & charge the Work which is 
 eauEins” boteaey committed to her, to ‘thy 
amy & édyeediv Glory, and the Praife of 
awirh tony, eis dvéav thy Chrift, with whom Glo- 
omy.) ereyvov 8 Xeze-s ry and Adoration be to Thee, 
os acd & Gr dvEa x im the Holy Spirit for ever. 
ameomuuos , Amen. 
A) car’ ahdyip 
nv, as 

Tes wwvas. cpl. | 

Tleet 4 vandvexd- Concerning the Sub-dea- 
vov,{[eya Ownas Sta- CONS: 
auosDugy UY toils bt- 
ono7ms || kzndiaxovoy When thou doft Ordain a 
seeptovay, @ brione- Sub-deacon, OBifhop, thou 
oe, baanonser ats fhale lay thy Hands upon 
fas syeieas, %. epeis’ him, and fay, O Lord God, 
Sicooie, St, vegve oy the Creator of Heaven and 
ons Sipcepy?,  aey- Earth, and of all things that 


2 actos. V, 

Nom, til.. Tahe; nacle of the 


are therein, who alfo in the 

iC : m 
ng ve didi appoint Overfeers and 


# * Pag. 

Keepers of thy holy Veflels. 
Do thou now look down up- 

on this thy Servant, who is. 

to be ordain’d a Sub-deacon; 
and grant him the Holy 
Spirit, that he may worthi- 
ly handle the Veffels of thy 
Miniftry, and do thy Will 
always, through thy Chrift, 
with whom Glory, Honour 
-and Worfhip be to Thee, i” 
the Holy Spirit, for ever. 

Concerning Readers. 

Ordain a Reader by laying 

thy Hands upon him, and php 

pray unto God, and fay, 
O. Eternal God, who art 
plenteous in Mercy and Com- 

ps b | ~w ef. \ 
amy TYS cw aunanis, 6% 
ov Tn only 73 vip au 
€k# Tes vewmkopus ara~ 
datas WW aeylwy ow 
ad / a ? 
onduay QuAaguas de 
ros @ yun bmCAE Loy 
th t+ Se Agvas revd'e, 
T' @wegyeerdivrn v- 
, > 
modianovory % Sos aun 
ad ryding. cyov, Tes 
@ emnkiws eparledey 
OW “Aarupynay” o8. 
onduay, € miay 3 oe 
Anug os diardwros, 
‘ ~ w 3 
Sy 78 Xeres oes wed 
s ( deka, | 
\ eH eh I 4 |] 
wien xoy oe * [Lg 
Cas, 'w& @ am 
! " r > \ 
yiy Trvdugti, as Tes 
Pay) > , 
cuayas. ctrl, 
Ql ? 
[[Heer 3 avayon 

gay, ya MalSani@s o 

€ Adis, 6 mri nAw- 
UNS, Sranwosopzas’ }] a 
yaquasry *,* mepcyer 
ercey, bes cond 
peed: xa: sabe 
OQ. wegs F Ocov, Age 
oe o Geos o avi Gn 
Oo mAus cy ered nat 

oixkpucis, o F Te 


* xHesrvyléyre V. 2 icomy, V. 


LibVIIL the Holy Apottles: 

xoouy. cusmay dio TPS 
Crepye nov Gave 
amoinons, nok tT wepd- 
pov Pp cnAexTor. os 
diaguretior.  awres 
xoy yun emde oon |G). 
DsAgy oe T # ey year 
Cophwor Gs ayias ov 
meaepas, dwayrwmey 
aT Agw cs, xa dos 
ented  wvdiyg. aor, 
mvouug. or eCODATLNOY, 
o aogions Eodpar @ 
Weenmym a8 62 8 
ara yreaey Tes yomEs 
cut Age ox Kay yun 
abg. ng rcp vg a 
Pov, Coricey tT dBAgy 
ov, xu Dosautes, | ep: 
eee U 
Nov araGyvesoy dia- 
yucda le B eSyererdev 
aT, ak.ov avad ace 
Gnvar jeciCovO. BaS- 

pa(fions, who haft made maé 
nifeft the. Conftitution of 
the World. by thy Operatic 
ons therein, and keepeft the 
Number of thine Elect: Do 
thou alfo now look down 
upon thy Servant, Who is ro 
be entrufted to read to thy 
People, and give him thy 
Holy Spirit, the Prophetick 
Spirit. Thou who cid{t in- 

firuck Efdras, thy Servant, to Ne hetns 
read thy Laws to the Peo.” 

pie, do. thou now alfo at 
our Prayers inftruct thy Ser- 
vant, and grant that he may 
withouc. Blame perfect the 
Work: committed to him. arid 
thereby be declared worthy 
of an higher Degree, thro’ 
Chrift, with whom Glory and 
Worfhip be to Thee, i» the 
Holy Gholt, for ever. Amen. 

ws, We Keres? me¥ EoarandcSa, xu 

VaAS.- ale. 

| [[laxa8@..5 0’ Aar- 
Outs, mayo Drannosé= 
Wed) meh onoagyaTay. || 
OMgAOVITIS & eeprD- 



(£ decis videtur, V. ¢ deed. v. 

: Fs) i ’ { ~~ 
‘T[xay]] cebas, ee ms ayia mvdpari, es Tes ahas 

A Confeffor is iot Ordain’d: 

or) | For 




¥ Cok. vii. 

tie heal 

= ah 

For he is fo by Choice and 
Patierice, and is worthy of 


Honour, as having 

confefsd the Name of God, 
and of his Chrift before Na- 

tions and Kings. 

But if 

there be Occafion, he is to 
be otdain’d either a Bifhop, 

Prieft, or Deacon. 

Bur if 

any one of the Confeffors 
who’ is not ordain’d {matches 
to himfelf any fuch Digni- 
ty, upon account of his Con- 
feffion, let the fame Perfon 
be depriv’d and rejected - 
for he is not in fuch an 
Office,, fince he has deny’d 
the Conftitution of Chrift, 
:Timvg.and is norfe than an Inft- 


A Vir- 

ein is not Ordain’d; for we 
have no {uch Command from 
the Lord; for this is a State 
of yoluncary Tryal, not for 

vearTes” y oums ~ T8TO 
¢ ~ ~ y 
xc) WoDLOVNS® Tins > 
' ? U c 
peyarns emusi@., ws 
¢e oI 
dygroynons O ovoug 
ee ~ \ ov ~~ 
13 Qev, ny TS Keres 
~ 2 7 > nr 
ans <Cywmoy exw 
xo Banrtwov. eav 3 
ypAe ons n ets otis 
axon, 7” mpeacume- 
a ’ 
env, a Alg.novay yee 
epvaty. a D€ Ts ofoe 
AOYNTHS, MN seereoroyN- 
Sas, apmion éaures 
Elona wT TlsToy, ws 
Da T. ousrgyiar, S05 
\ A 3 
ng ToIpEiswo, Kak amo - 
Carmécw. # gap bev" 
2 4 + aA 
ereamep npyntey rT Kee 
~ ' 4» 
ou diate’ xo egy 
aTIigt syegyy. 
[['O auras, Bes oh- 
Stvev'Srarcosoyey ” JI 

moc. & yeeore 

VeITEY. Con restyhy —~ Y= 
eke cow egopp’ wae 
ums yop 6248 exabAgy’ 
cow Om SuaGory +3 

the- Reproach of Marriage, yéme, Wr bm yoant 
but on account of Jeifure cuceaas. 
for Piety. 

& destft. Ve 


Lib.VI. the Holy Apoftles - 
[[KRaga AeblaQ@c | 
bhuanlas Oaddatos, ! Mt 
made wei ney See ee 
TH OSD UGYs |} nex ¢ A Widow is fot Ordain’d ; 
yeeptovary® A’ « yet if fhe has loft her Hut 
‘fe é« mame amare band a great while; and has 
@ Awdex, Cowpervws lived foberly and unblame- — 
@ angraqvesas eCnot, ably, and has taken extraor- *4* Pag. 
@ aS otxciwy aesse dinary Care of het Family, ,, dith gvi. 
* emeuernon. os Ie as Fudith, and Anna, thote’,, y.3,234 
Ji, 4g Awe, aciu- Women of great Reputation, Lux u 
yoramy yglaqreosédw let her be chofen into the 3% 
es SB smerny. « 3 Order of Widows: But if 
weg) awelare @ fhe has lately loft her Yoke- 
bugugev, pon madlé- fellow, lec her not be be - 
Sw, We sveorm ves- liev’d, but let her Youth be 
ams nenvedw. Ta yO meL- jude’d of by thetime : Fog 
dn &F one 'x3' ovlonpa the AffeCtions do fometimes 
ebeomis, * e& un grow aged with Men, if 
nam xpeirlov@- gaAsve they be not reftrained by 2 
* eipy puerta. better Bridle. 7 

4 if ‘O dums, BOK XXVI. 
émopuge Alganosa- | st eS 
oy -\] emoprusns & ve- An Exorcift is nét Ordain’d : 
eprvary. curaias 9 For ‘tis a Tryal of voluntary 
gxuoie @ emcfaov, @ Goodnefs, and of the Grace 
g2erl@: Oc Aa Xex- of God, through Chrift, by 
ge, bugil 8 a the Affitance of the Holy 
yis avdiugl@- ¢ » Spirit: For he who has re- 
Agbay yorqua ia- ceived the Gift of Healing 
ugtav, di BXwxwav is declared by Revelation 



. Gurizoged arOead mois wait. al. 2 deeft. V« ? cipzeutuaeal. # defune V. 
OQor  . from | 


from God. But if there be 
Occafion for him. he muf 
be ordaind a Bifhop, ora 
Deacon. : 2) 


Let a, Bifhop be Ordain’d by 
Three or Two Bifhops : burt 
if any one be Ordain’d by 
one Bifhop, Jet him be de- 
privd, both himfelf, and he 
that ordain’d him. But if 
there be a Neceffity that he 
have only one to Ordain 
him, becaufé more Bithops 
cannot come together, as in 
time of Perfecution, or for 
fuch like Caufes, let him 
bring the Suffrage of Per- 
miffion from more Bifhops. 

MSVIN. Concerning the Canons. 

A Bifhop bleffes, bur. does 
hot receive the Blefling. He 

 } Shanbas. V. * deft, V. 

ews 1200 Ost avadet- 
wut, Gdpeers zons 
mat cy aut yever- 
TG. ean 4 pela awe 
a Roney es bconomy, 
n mpeacuTeegy, n Align 
[[Zingy 4 6 Kava- 
viens, xagw Ale raaso- 
Yoy a0 TIwY ODAAg 
yeteptvacdey 6 bhi- 
oxorG. |] brioxgr@. 
<a texuy 1 dto bmn 
/ . 
ONGTWY. sveegroY Ew 
ean dé TIS \ae0 E905 yen 
esrovnln bmnoxgare,xe- 
Seetpeicdza, a CUTS, #0 
velepmuynoeus dusmoy® ed 
4 avayun yommaraen 
Do €10s * yeteptovnbn- 
you, Aly 3} jan Suvade 
mreoves maby edry 
_ A 8 
diwypne ovT@y 1 aA- 
Ans mloweams wuTias , 

—alngiope youilidw F 

&) ( > 
ériaeorns WAGoywy €= 

9 ve | | éononor Qe cue 
Aoyit, Gen CurAonEiToy’ 



-Lib.VII! ° the Holy. Apoftles. 

syeiep SerEl, ‘gzeslva, lays on Hands, Ordains, Of- 
megrpep] , cvrgyidw fers, Receives the Bleffing 
ahd thoxgrwv agu- from Bifhops, but by no 
Card, ax mpec€v- means from Presbyters. A 
miewy tdujees’ éricxo- Bifhop deprives any Clergy- 
a. yeSuipa mite man who deferves Depri- 
uAnesyov' aéiov" oveaw Vation, excepting a Bifhop ; 
No.THIPETEWS, * aals for of himfelf he has not +,« Pags 
Ghongre’ wevG ee Power to-do that. A Pref: 41 
oid: ae. * rpexUrp@. byter Blefles, but, does not 
Cuagyit, cow cuaronsi- receive the Blefling ; yet does 
my’ Wagyies déoery he receive the Bleffing from 
mb bhoxgrs,4 cve- the Bifhop, or a Fellow-Pref- 
pecburips, contrws byter. In like manner does 
erididwa oupmrpersu- he give it to a Fellow-Pref- 
ripe" veepSere,8 ye byter. He lays on Hands, 
eomvel, ¢ x¢Scueq, but doesnot Ordain ; he does 
agoeiCd 4 res ~amCe- not deprive, yet does. he 
Cnygras, 20 Gay v- feparate thofe that are un- 
wAQwor ty quot, der him, if they be liable to 
kpwete. Aguov@« dx fuch a Punifhment, A Dea- 
aon, & didwow d- con does not blets, does not 
Doyiav, Argued 4 give the Bleffing, but receives 
ahs emiaxguy @ Tpeo- it from the Bifhop and Pref- 
Eure’ & Bami€q' ¢ byter; he does not baptize, 
megotipt, ¥ 4 ea- he does not offer, but when . 
oxore @ogaeveynxavlos a Bifhop or Presbyter has 
4 & rpecCuréoe, au- offet’d, he diftributes to the 
as imdidon mJ Avg, Peoples not as aPrieft, buc 
uy ws iepdis, BM’ ws aS one that minifters to the 
SargvipuGs iepdln, Priefls. Buc ‘tis not lawful 

 deeft. V. * Sew. V. > waeg V- 
Oo 3 for 

BE soe 


for’ any one of the other 
Clergy to do the Work of a 
Deacon A Deaconefs does 
not biels, nor perform: any 
thing belonging to the Of- 
fice of Presbyters or, Dea- 
cons, but only 1s to “keep 
the Doors, and to: minifter 
ro. the Presbyters: in’ the 
Baptizing of Women, on ac- 
count: of ‘Decency.. A Dea- 

- con feparates a Sub-Deacon, om 

a Reader, a Singer, and a 
Deaconefs, if there be any 
occafion, in the Abfence of 
a Presbyter. ‘Tis not law- 
ful for a Sub-Deacon to fe: 
parate either one of the 
Clergy or Laity, nor for a 
Reader, nor for a + Singer, 
nor for a Deaconefs, for 
they are the Minifters to 
the Deacons. 

pe the Bifhop blefs the Wa- 

er, or the Oil: But if he 
be not there, let the Pref- 
byter blefS it, the Deacon au 
Handing by: Butuf the Bi- 

! "§ Daxorfoony. V. 
Bee Tels 6 ae iF ae 

° & 
eens wk 

TH 3 aay wrnes- 
nav BB 3 Yonave ¢ Epgov 
arose oodet JE ov. dia 
LOvlose, SBM arog * 
LW’ cede TL wy moLsoty | 
Q! mpeoCureesly | n of 
Alon over 2 EDITEA 
an’ n & quaarley 
Ts Su2cs, 4 Jum 
emeiiey amls mpecGu= 
om ts oy Tes Bamileds 
yuwdinas, 4S 
dinaeeie AlgnovGr a~ 
goerCd vada xovon , 
pec asnv , parr y 
drancysoseey, ey nk 
Tole Tov en witepl> 
wer’ urépy. scan dice 
mong ooH elec ty apo 
ehoey, ers pel anys 
nest, oT army, am 
* Mex cvtosey" 8 sKAn= 
esn07, 8 Acixor’ us 
mptry yap eo dan 
% YOY. 

[{Meer 5 vdl@ ¥ 
EAgit, #0 Marba@. 
SiaGosoysy |] cb Agyi= 
om 0 eonoggmrs 8 dup, 

no _eAguoy® ep 3 5 wan 
on, dUAQ_Ki Tw 6 PEG 
CinyOy ering 


Lib. VII. 
Saxo, émty. 0 
sucSw o.mpeabu Tepe x) 
e LenovO» Acyet 3 
eras were pabawl, 
0 Geos as Ramen, 
eT ise TS vdercar, a 
meray qe éAae, 01x 
TIPO % pircerenore, 
a des 3 Udtop Pegs me 
OW. %. AQSHG-Tg me 
pete Te I Ag pusian eo: 
{amo es a PPD Age 
| digecouins”. 
yun di Xetge' ayia- 
ad udup qwéto CB 
eAuoy, er  ovougle. 8 8 
-meonouizhsl@- , a 
dts . Sywapay. Uyfias 
zerinte nbs 5. voowy 
ameAgsnly., SDayg 
- y Gop guyadsrintys, am" 
ans ems wis dw 71 
wie da Keres, F 

sAmMD Ou 1- 

é! aco) pips MES e Cor Sofa, le pan x 4 aba, 

airy By 

Li a the Holy Apofiles. 

fhop be prefent, let the Pref- 
bycer and Deacon ftand by, 
and let him fay chus . 

O Lord of Holts, the God of 
Powers, the Creator of the 

Waters, and the Supplier of 

Oil, who art compatlionate, 
and a Lover. of Mankind, 
who haft given W>ter for 
Drink, and for Clcanfing, 

and Oil to give Man a chear Pial. cil, 
, ful and joypad Countenanee. Do 15s 

thou now alfo fanétifie this . 
Water, and this Oil, through 
thy Chrift, in the Name of 
him or her that has offer’d 
them, and grant them a Pow- 
er to reftore Health, to drive . 
away Difeafes, to banifh De- 
mons, and to difperfe all 
Snares, through Chrift, our 
Hope, with whom Glory, 

Honour, and Worfhip be. to 
Thee, in the Holy Ghoft, 

fot ever. Amen. 

Bad ore 
an Ted ciryiqa 

mV Ug es Tes Chava. Cars 



¢," Pag. 





Let all Firft-fruits be brought 
to the Bifhop, and to the 
Presbyters, and to the Dea- 
cons, for their Maintenance; 
but let all the Tythe ‘be 

‘for the Maintenance of the 

reft of the Clergy, and 
of the Virgins, and Wi- 
and of thofe under 
the Trial of Poverty. For 
the Firft Fruits belong to the 
Priefts, and to thofe Deacons 

that minifter to them. 

Thofe Eulogies which remain 
at the Myfteries, 
Deacons diftribure them a- 
mong the Clergy, according 
to the Mind of the Bifhop, 
or the Presbyters: To a Bi- 
fhop Four Parts, toa Presby- 
ter Three Parts,.to a Dea- 
con Two Parts, and to the 
reft of the SubeDeacons, or 
Readers, or Singers, or Dea- 

trols ¥ 

lec the 

es O atderas, ay ae 
“ae y C ‘ena Tor I] 
gle menstorw, mrad a 
apy bn wegenspriCer 
T%) emoxcwo, © mls 
wren unieois | © mls 

draxdvots,es sat esola 

autey mary jden ety 
mevrpepedicy, as’ dia 
resplw 7 Agimmy yvAte 
pean er axpdevar, 

wh i T eneay, ah rps 

‘py mevice Sera Cope- 
VOY, ay s antpyar od 

Tepécoy aol, 6 T avs 

Jeu mperr epic ov 

((“O autos, cS me 
enoscluaray | dtae 

THM OSOH- AY ‘HH Gs aee- 

o JBODs Cy ais Lust: 
1915 dagyias, iQ ye 
ula re emonows nr 
mper varewy ot diets 
XGVOL Sraventrwodp ned 
urnpe” Te) é emaonowe 
pépn TeosL es, ampere 
Cunmepy, Pepa Teke, dra 
move eepn duo’ vis 4 
dros, Weather cvs , 


Oe deeft. V. 

n avaqwases, # are 




Lib. Vill. 
res, n Dice ngviorerss y 
pip@: é Ve TT: p RB, 
Agy’ x4 cmon roy vee 
mioy 73 Ocz, exo. SOY 
kugey yt} ta aure a. 
Baym iy CnuAnCIa 8% 
az Eres, Aira Eias 
ber Adaaxgrcoy. 

suas T. 

[ Ke Tur. 
aS amsvrwv é- 
rane Gs, ren Se Dict 
Mro.osopat UnIY mols € 
“MoKITDS, @ mpeoSu- 
Teens, eA xgvovars | 
OL TET WS Ep c10VT8 

ad pugneio & cae 

Cau, Mie HS dia- 
“aegneav mepoayedwarls 
ad é emionsm es aN rots 
C aus 
uric SeGCeSwody, 
4% yLoKy DEPT IADoY. ny 
WU eROKG Aove ole 
patwady a outs, an ete 

Carers TH xgT due 

Tes. Ee reel eercooy: ) 
away x, ol Teg ro, 
o BiG, Ca dkAoi e- 
ay 2 eAdSrest. x edu 

\o the Holy Apoftles. 

conefles, one Part: For this 
is good and .acceptable in 
the sight of God, that eve- 
ry one be honour'd accord- 
ing to his Dignity; for the 
Church is. the School, not 
of Confufion, but of ‘good 


él] Allo ‘Paul, 

of the Apottles, do 
make the following Con- 
{titutions for you~ the Bi- 
fhops, and. Presbyters, and 
Deacons, concerning Canons. | 

‘Thole thar firft come to the 

Mytftery of Godlinefs,let them 
be brought to the Bifhop, 
or to the Presbyters, by,the 
Deacons, and let them: be 
examined as cto the Caules 

wherefore they come>.to the 

Word of the Lord: And let 
thofe that bring them exact- 
ly enquire about their Cha- 
racter, and give them their 
Teflimony. Ler their Man- 
ners and their Life be en- 
quir'd into, and whether they 
be Servants or Free-men : 
And if any one be a Servant, 


the leaft XXXII. 


let him be ask’d who is his. 
Mafter? If he be Servant to 
one of the Faichful, let his 
Mafter be askd if he can 
give him a good Chara- 
ter. if he cannot, let him 
be rejected until be fhew 
himfelf to be worthy to 
his Mafler: But if he does 4 
give him a good / Chara: 
Ger, jet him be admitted. 7 
But ifvhe be Sérvant to an 
Heathen, let him be taught 
to pleafe his Matter, that 
the ‘ord be not blafphem'd. 
Wfethen he have a Wife, or 
-a@ Woman hath am Husband, 
let them be taught to be 
“contenc with each other ; but 
-if they be unmarry’d, let them 
learn not to commit Forni- 
cation, but to enter into law- 
ful Marriage: But if his Ma- 
fter be one of the Faithful, 
and knows that he is guilty 
of Fornication, and yet does 
not give hima Wife, or to 
the Woman an Husband, ‘let 
him be feparated : But if ¢ 
any one hath a Demon, let 
him indeed be caught Piety, 

ut aphex. 

ones deA@en, seus. 
So 6 wer dud, a 
pAprupe curl cures od’ cay 5 3 
pn. ambamride, ews 
dw save aEtoy emi 
deen & dowry’ 
3 pioaupél curr Tepe: 
byl a4! byixe 
n oixems, dideonedo 
diapesciv Tu) SkomOT Hs 
bya en Bagconuid) | 6 
AJ... apy é 
yUIhKee , ; i yw 
andes, didkoueS wars 
a pre carols. a dl 
CL YL [LOL Aan, pecuSeure- 
awodys pen mopr duc, 
Ma yomay ope. et 
A 0 dkomoTns dure Wie 

“ous av, x eds Om wop- 

vg, 8 didwary ound 
ryusseuec, HTN yuuas- 
Bon cay dz les day Mgvee 
eyn, Didone den pT 
dict’ ad, Kn megade- 
naw 3 eis xotvwvidy 
men ay voeRSY * 

14 Seival O. ng Te Tel 
ei Depadinyed oy, ae 

kes mropyoSoonns 1" Tu 

2 eBvsnds. V. 


Lib. VIL. 
oud 13 pasportuer, 

n Bmbamedy, ropyn 
me phtichg n Tort 
ao, 7 aeobamecd er. 
edwAorn105 Megnay, 7 n 
moubadSw n doobarmre- 
OO» t bmi ons ede 
os Degen avnp si yun, 
n Luiox@., n pgvolge 
ngs, in“ oudrodieg- 
ur, ih Audemmists, a 
Orv wigs, 3 n ag astu- 
Ans, ’ 7 x Jeremy n Aue 
CLIK, now op Ty 
emid'davupyuGr,n XQvIM- 
Ags? 1 reg wordy, 2 
ambamedwody. fen 
katns megnwy, drdeu- 
oxedw pn adinav, pr 
quxopdyTity 5 LP KEN 
3 aos SSopS§ois ovlen- 
yiots * —* greta QuGr, 
mene dened dwTiAg- 
guy 4, ambamedw’ 
appnrocroids, xiveados, 
Bagé, Moros, €7t0l- 
obs, aSpoAgnys , 
so Snpewodds, Aw- 
qTak, bey Agequnss, me- 
ertneys.lar TOY, me" 
eng Pate” ; O1wVISHS, 

> the 

Holy Apofttes. ~ 
‘but not received into Com 
munion before he be cleans'a 

‘yet if Death*be near, let him 

be receiv'ds: ff any ‘one. be 
a Maintainer of Harlots, let 
him either leave off to pro- 
ftitute Women, orelfe let him 
be rejected. If a Whore come, 
let her leave off Whore- 

dom, or elfe let her be reject , 
ed. If a Maker of idolscome, * 

let him either leave off his 
Employment, or let him be 
rejected. Jf one belonging 
to the Theatre come, whe- 
cher it be Man or Woman, 
or Charioteer, or Dueller, or 
Racer, or Player of Prizes, 
or Olympick Gamefter, or 
one that plays on the Pipe, 
on the Lute, or on the 
Harp at thofe Games, ora 
Dancing Matter, or an Huck- 
{ter either let them Icave off 
their Employments, or let 
them be rejected. If a Sol- 

pds. dier come, let him be taughe 
- to do no Tijuftice, to aceafe Luk.lit 14 
no Man falfly, and to be con- 
tent with his alistted Stipend, 
if he fubmit to thofe Rules, 

* Pag, 

ab im 

¥,* Pag. 



Jet him be deceived: : but if 
he refufe them, let him be 
rejeAed. He that is guilcy of 
Sins not to be named, a Sodo- 
mite, an Effeminate Perfon, % 
a Magician, an Enchanter, an 
Aftrologer, a Diviner,an Ufer 
of Magick Verfes, a Juggler, 
a Mountebank,one that makes 

_ Amulets, aCharmer; a Sooth- 

fayer, a Fortune-teller,an Ob- 
ferver of :almiitry, he thar 
when he meets you obferves 

Defects in the Eyes, or Feet 
of the Birds, or! Cars, or 

Noifes,or Symbolical Sounds, 

lec thefe be prov d for fome 
time, for this fort of Wick- 

ednef{s is hard to be wath’d 

thofe Practices, let them-be 
receiv d, but if chey will nor 
agree to that, let them be 
rejected. Leta Concubine, 
who is Servant to an Unbelie- 
ver,-and confines herfelt to 

‘her Mafter alone be recciy’d ; 

but if fhe be incontinent with 
others, let her be rejected. -n 
Jt one of the Faithful 
hath a Concubine, if fhe be 

away ; andvif they leave off »2 

UTIONS of Lib. VIM. 

oun’ oAgSelnarnty mn 

wpe eprlusdh Sy, Qu- 

ihewith Sea'a cy Cundp- 

ie Awbas * crews", 

modiar, ” Opriwy, 7 
isindier< z er IQwyn- 
aewy, wha nesauge 
Tay TUE OAIMaY, veo" 
yw doug ced wodw. dv- 
cenit los —~ n xgKIC" 
Towra uot Sy Wega 
DEVE wouy, UN. Wan 

SopQuat 4 domBarre- 

Owoav’ mranun Tves 

aries Svan, Cneve 
Yge 9 gordlvrasmere~ 
dined" & 4) 4) megs 
aus aoeryaivd, Pe 

art SOS ap 

eyn anumaxly, e [& 

dcalw, mowaudw, C 

YOnw Jame a 4 
eradSteav, examen 
anThy voR@. & 4 pn, 
aabamedo, “Enlu- 
nals Tis eSeay Skcemo~ 
Ashav, n ied ainxore 
uo Fors, % PATAOEI, 
n*, Dero aan tde, bea~ 
resudl aks me 

COX ATY, n sway toss, n 

2 Oabecay. V 


Lib VIL. the Holy Apeftles: «oo 

i@modDeoutol, n aye 
ow? in Tru(gcdw, n ae 
0. 6 LEM WY 
gE THEYE ONTO" ei 2 aa 8= 
Odds kes t, G dyoidp 
megrdinesw Sti sy 
6 ye9v@, WW’ 6 7es- 
a. 2 AVE TEY. 0 dide- 
Cxwr, & % Aaings n, 
guTapG@. 4 8 Agye, 
C+ tesmy ores, dtm 
OucueTo” evry § 
gtuns dent} Oce. 
amas TiSesn wisn, ealev 
ayasevns dF ume, 
meo Te Epnov err'teAd 
oy, vinapuor wmege 
chiqedwady a dé ke 
Aye ne-Tonas Runrey, 
1 wegtipnoute' & tp 
ye & Asoo F ee- 
Eeas. 6 rises, 1 4 WL 
on, als ol xécreuts diner cs 
meganetwodp’ xobas 

cw mis mepraten 
Reanbauere, @ by F 
—bhgvlas edidakaphy, 

a Bond-Servant, let him leave 
off that way, and marry in 
a legal manner: If fhe be — 
a free Woman, lec him mar- |, 
ry her in a-lawful manner : 
lf he does nor, let him be 
rejected. He that follows 
theGentile Cuftoms,or Jewith 

Fables, either let himreférm, © ~~ 

or let him be rejected. tf any 
one follows the Sports of the 
Theatre, their Huntings, or 

’. Horte-Races, or Combats, 

either let him. leave them 
off, or let him be rejected. 
He who is to be catechiz’d, 
let him be catechiz’d Three 
Years: But if any one be 
diligent, and has a good 
Will to his Bnfinefs,, lec him 
be admitted ; for’tis not the 
Length of Time, bur. the 
Courfe of Life that is judg’d. 

He that teaches, although 

he be one of the Laity, yer, 
if he be skilful in the Word 
and grave in his Manners, Jet 

him teach: For, They fhall Joh. vi.45. 

be all taught of God. Every 

_one of the Faithful, whether Man or Woman, when 
he rifes from Sleep, before they go co Work, when 

_ they have wathed themfelves, lec them pray : But 



Eph, vi. 

#f any Catechetick Inftruction be held, let the Faith- 
ful Perfon prefer the Word of Piety before his 

Work. Let the faitnful Perfon, whether Man or 

Col.iv. Woman, treat Servants kindly, as we have Or- 




Peter and Paul do make 
the following Conftituri- 
ons. Let the Servants work 
Five Days; but onthe Sab- 
bath-Day and the Lord’s- 

‘Day let them have leifure to 

as Pag. 

go tO Church for the Do- 
ctrine of Piety. We have 
faid that the Sabbath is on 

account of the Creation, and 

the Lora’s-Day of the Re- 
furrection. Let Servants reft 
from their Work all the Great 
Week, and chat which fol 
lows it; for the one in Me- 
mory of the Paffion, and 

~ the other of the Refurrection; 

and there is need they fhould 
be inftruted who ir is that 
fuffer’d, and rofe again, and 

who it is permitted Him to 
faffer, and raifed Him again. 

Let them have Reft from 

Leia Dice Te. al. *-hvesous nase: 

dain‘d in the foregoing Books, and have taught 
in our Epittles. | 


"FQ Q' Maa, ¥ 
eyw Terpos, die~ 
FCLOSOILE Seb. Eppa eo0ta- 
coy ot SeAot wera 7 
péess. CalCatoy 4 x 
wera lo goralerw- 
cay Ww Cn Hr gaice, Ale 
t didagygaio T due 
cebeas. & pe yp (KE- 
Eatov ampiu dine 
pelepyies Aagov Ey EVe 
*) xveranly, arom 
curws. F peyrrly ees 
Sougdu macar, CH 
td A > i 
T QUT apniitwoay 
Oe ieaoe 5 en A pe 
muses bay, 4 4 ayer 
GUTEWS, 2 eee didu= 
oNgAIas, TIS 0 me 
Sav © avasus, a Tis 
0 aupapnons, 1% ‘ae 
vans. ¥ ava Antiv 
apyitwrde, Ag SG 
al. | 


1 tit Teen 
a rf, 

Lib-VIII. the Holy Apoftles; > 

men tx a ' Xaagey oi- 
hapoiias. T Weymxo- 
SH apopirwauy, Ake * 
moendy 18 avis mda 
Hgl@. * T dupa Seiaay 
evals qm iseu oma es Xs 
chad {l? vs fuelrsav 
fopmy pnp mace, Dro 
3 oy wry 7. area dbs 
nmrov ‘gapzy dedi av 
Segrross, SurnBiivan * 7 
a3 Ox Agrov Lnowy 
Xessey cx Maesas 
oo Stre, Oi ewneke. B 
OTe TS * " Ghnga 
yeLay opti a PopiTa~ 
adp, dia & 3 QUuTn 
avadeaciy pepngy iS 
es Xess chdmrG, 
Pp rupiadel@- eum 3 
maT eys cv a) Bacio 
i @ 7 aigurn- 
re ov add TEASERS 
namdatarl@- eros TL" 
peswar @ piprupaSey- 
Tt: TUS nateas 
DuosaAwp magna 
drdeongAot op vps es 
Kersty 7 werésuaep, 
@ mduglos URgS ne 
Liwoa.*, acer? 

—— Xs 

their Work on the Afcen- 
fion, becaufe it was the Con- 
clufion of the Difpenfation 
by Chrift. Let them reft at 
Pentecoft, becaufe of the Co- 
ming of the Holy Spirit, 
which was given to thofe 
that believed ia Chrift. 

* xeedy al. 2 *desgartins ‘V. 3 agzisalucay. al oy) V. 

O Ter 


XXXIV. Offer up your Prayers in 

the Morning, at the’ Third 
Hour, the Sixth, the, Ninth, 
the Evening, [and at Cock- 
crowing] In the Morning re- 
turning Thanks thar the Lord 
has fent you Light, thar He 
has brought. you paft the 
Night, and brought on the 
Day. Ac the Third Hour, 
becaufe at chat Hour the 
Lord received the Sentence 
of Condemnation from Pi- 
late. At the Sixth, becaufe 
at that Hour He was Cru- 
cifyd At the Ninth, be 
caufe all things were in Com- 
motion at the Crucifixion of 
the Lord, as trembling at 
the bold Attempt of the 
wicked Fews, and not bear- 
ing the Injury offer’d to their 
Lord. In the Evening gi- 
ving Thanks that He has 
given you the Night to reft 

Sngave ee ; ep TO 

} Heple eps” aepyitwacn, 

x TP Agimray LYyioy 
piprvewy. + wesk june 
od ray Xerso F sau- 
TW Coons J] | 

Evyas bch rect Te 0 pop" 
Pes ¢ TEATH Won, 
Ge exTD, @ cwarn, 
ET TEPC, ly wen Teo" 

peric.| cpipe its ding- 

eres ort EQWTI GEV 
“opiv 0 HU EL0S, wpe yee~ 
Quy + wxme, G@ ene- 
gayov T nuéeav. TEA 
Tn 4, Ott Dmpacy cy 
aun vam ThaAare 6- 
AgEevo wmwesos extn 
“) oT ov QwTn Esty - 
enn. avvarn de, ole 

most xexiinto & dee 
ova F wAmay vs 
dvorbay ud ureov, pn 
Dreov Te 13 mee ? 
UC exy. eoamepe. 3 » CUDA 
aay edwre TS wen 
yUxTo0 [arextpucrar 

4 xeauyn, dia & thes 

r nMepTueG. Vi * iif. al, 


Se ee a) eee eT Pele 


Lib.VII. the Holy Apoftles: 

Moar cualypriledy rhe 
mMucidy F hucexs, as 
Epyeaciay aS TE Qw- 
ms Eoqwv.] & pandiwa- 
any cv CHUA NT Ice Degié- 
yu Si Tes ameus, 
ugT oixoy Casas, 
@ bahoKome ive Kn 
ecepomTy cvcbins eas 
Cxnrnzidp aceboy’ vey” 
0 GG » © Whew 


Koren G) 
Gav, chxnGi@ Co 
ew, 3  BeBnrw- 
buy vir ead os 8 
01 Ont lepas anate- 
OW, 8Tws of Cranfis 
paciveoy. & pnte cy 
Oinw@', Une Cr CnxAn- 
oie Cuvabeoicdin ox Su- 
valor, exaqG ap é- 
aud lameTw, aver 

Ywonito, megrdne- 

er / x 
Sw, ny aug dvo, m 
wv». f 2 b ae ae 
ak cl” nie a 
/ 5) ~ 
Ova in meas cuMNyP Lot 
Cy D OvdugTi me, ene 
° 2 / > ? 
emt Cy przow aur. 
\ \ : 
MmS0s, PU ugTy eis 

from the daily Labours. [At 
Cock-crowing, becaufe thar 
Hour does bring the good 
News of the Coming oa of 
the Day, for the Operati- 
ons proper for the Light] 
But if it be not poffible to 
go to the Church, on ac- 
count of the Unbelievers, 
thou, O Bifhop, fhale affems 
ble them in an Houfe, that 
a godly Man may not en- 
ter into an Affembly of the 

Ungodly. For ‘tis not the 

Place that fanctifies the Man, 
but the Man the Place. And 
if the Ungodly poffefs the 
P:ace, do thou avoid ir, be- 
caufe itis profan’d by them. 
For as Holy Priefts janctifie 
a Place, fo do the Profane 
ones defile ic. If it be for 
pofiible ro affemble either 
in the Church, or in an 
Houfe, let every one by 
himfelf fing, and read, and 
pray, or Iwo or Three to- 

gether. For, Where tro or Mate. xviii 

three are gathered together in x. 
my Name, there am I ia the 
midlt of them. Tet not one 

> dia, Vi? coy aot, gnoip nuewws V. 

P p ‘of 


. of the Faithful pray with a 
Catechumen, no not in the 
Houle:. for it is not rea- 

fonabie that. he who is ad- 

» mitted fhould” be polluted 

wich goe not admitred. Let 

ty not one of the Godly pray 
with an Heretick, no not in 

2 Cor. vi.the Houfe. For, What Fellow- 
14. — fhip hath Light with Darknefs 2 
A Chrittian Servant, whether 


vere xe!” olxoy rep 
oeulgcow" 6 > Dixctoy 
T ‘peuonoy pl oe 
CMUNTS TUK 14g Au ct’ 
Cusebns “pee onpelexg, 
pure xgl ofxoy cup 
Degnuyenw’ Tis od 
ngWoVvia QwTt Oeys 
ongt ; msds 0 mon 
A eAgt Cuuaodens, i 

agisaduaay , th 270" 

‘Man or Woman, that are Bamtcawadp, 
join'd together, eitherletrhem _ MLE 
_ deave it off, or let them be 
# * Pag. oct ) 
416. a SECT. LXIX. 

KXXV. ] Fames, the Brother of Chriff, 
“according to the Fleth, 
‘but his Servant as the Only- 
begotten God, and one aD- 
pointed Bithop of F:rufidem 
by the Lord himfelf, and 
the Apoftles do Ordain thus: 
When it is Evening, thou, O 
Bifhop,- fhale afiemble the 
Church ;.and after rhe Ree 
petition of the Pfalm arthe 
lightiag up the Lights, rhe 
Deacon fhall bid: Prayers for 

“the Catcchumens,. the Ener. 
gumens, the lluminated, and 

i , Pee 

. bAvy voy nlAUgY 

Ax "laxwE Qs 

™ aderpes fe 
cupyg. 7 Xerces, de- 
AQ: 4 ws Ose pagvom 
wes, brows. 4 vo’. 
cure 73 wwese x ays 

_ >dmsarav ‘TeerGatumy 

veesmnstis , Tade 
Qua’. éoméegs Qwo- 
pens, cumcteoiaes Tue 
CunaAnciay, -@ boncK0- 
am, © pt & pnbivar > | 

mepasenic 6. Yenor 

oe et | 

WIENS * ehplouse V. 


Lib, VI. 

per, © geraCope- 
VONy x 7 panCouioy, 
€ ats cv pélavoin, 
as mocemopy. pt 3 
B somavbjias cawtes , 
AfgrcovO- epet* ooot 

TES0, denboiphy 2 S ws 

ete EG S aor 
sioey aueray or T Teg 

qus cusyns, epee 

: alg © ayasnoy 
ngs 6 ©e ss Nex 
oe, hyasetes aye 
mnTmuedce tH Erno 
wwels,@ Tes oie TIEAES 
curd, G aloprgy 
tat ep bans; re uo" 
ra pie TuAGeap rrr, 
Kepnavas qty TEAN, 
tapéoay 4 © vuxly e 

plusin bo , x avenger 

av, @ ppighiot t a envov 

- Cons mp es, 
qesoy Ammen. 8 

auras @ Wrndes am 
Cork ed, Ae Xez 
o3 aut ~ ade Sears r 

Go Boer. 3 emu 
or, AeyeTo” 

\ the Holy Apoftles? © 

the Penirenrs, as. we have 
formeriy: faid.. But after. che 
Difmitlion’ of thefe; the Dea- 
con fhail fay; So many as 
are of ‘the Faithful; let us the Lord: and after 
the Bidding Prayer, which is 
formerly fet down, he thall 


Save us, O 
us up by ‘thy Phen’: Let us 
ftand “wp, and ‘beg “for: the 
Mercies of the Lord, and his 
Compattions, for the “Angel 
of ‘Peace, 
are sned and prottable; for 
a Chriftian Departure out of 


this Life, an Evéning and a 

Night of Peace, and free from 
Sin; and fer us’ bee chat the 
whole courte of our Life may 
be unblameable. de- 
dicate our felves and one 
another to the Living God, 
through his Chrift, and lee 
the Bilhop add this Prayer, 

and fay, 

for what Things | 

Le Fay 2 
el. ae 

God: and raile xy xvi, 


Pfal Ixxiti, 



O God, who art without 
Beginning, and without End, 
the Maker of the whole 
World by Chrift, and the 
Provider for it; but before 
all His God and Father, the 
Lord of the Spirit, and the 
King of intelligible and fen- 
fible Beings; who haft made 

the Day for the Works of 

Light, andthe Night for the 
Refrefhment of our Infirmity. 
For, Zhe Day is thine, the 
Night alfo is thine, thou haft 
prepared the Light, and tne 
Sun. Dothou now, O Lord, 
thou Lover of Mankind, and 
Fountain of all Good, mer- 
cifully accept of this our 
Evening Thank{giving; Thou 
who haft brought us thro’ 
the Length of the Day, and 
haft brought us to the t egin- 
nings of the Night, preferve 
us by thy Chrift, atford us 
a peaceable Evening, and a 
Night free from Sin, and 
vouchfafe us Everlafting Life, 
by thy Chrift, thro’ whom 
Glory, Honour and Worthip 
be to Thee, in the Holy 

Te) dvapy@u Leped d't 
C anradm7G., 6 aH 
CAwy muntns Ag Kee- 
Tey xndeUgy, ; Deg 
\ adyrev' eure * Qcos 
xy malnp, o T8 rrduuge 
1@. * wes@., © oF 
vonT Es xy ay Sus Bac 
aIAds, 0 amumoes nee 
CAV megs Ep Qwrs, 
x) vx es cvamoway 
T ccSevens npad Ca 
yap bey nuzen, © on 
Coy n vv, CY xgamp> 
Tig® Quinny % nAtoy’ 
ounms © yun décworey, 
girarbewmre x 7 aOyce- 
nade, cupuws mega 
Eun T écacesvly we 
QA eLS iA npaps TAU: 
ny. 6 Seqyayov mugs 
d unxG. F nécens, x 
ayayuy bm Gs apnas 
T vuums, CtAcEor He 
Has Ale rs Neues ov’ 
cpluixks mabye ¥ 
noweesy, © rw wale 
avanciotntar, % Xgl 
Eiwaoy ings T awrie 
Cwis, Ao re Nees 
ow StS (Gi Ea, Ten 

2 deeft. V. * defunt, V. 24, V. 4 westoads, V. 5 m0. V~ 


Lib. VIII 
@ ot€as, ' cv” avin 
ambiugilt, as Tes ajo 
ves. dulw. © 6 Ale. 
x0ovQs AeyéTw’ xAI- 
VATE mH Keleg Sec in. 
xy 0 onto Qe Aena- 
Te note Th TEEYIY Cc 
mwele TE eAces, 6 TH 
copia oe yglacndvaces 
A0 ey roy 3} AoVngr 
Coon, 3 SEOMLAES aS 
ton is, % des aur 
ats bn - n- Joves cp 
say UOT SHI ye 
yen on epyorGis © ie- 
pas, Tes “* i megs 
amparaay F Cwns, Tes 
) wegs Aageciay ey- 
vowoy’ aurus © yuy eT 
xg /LOSule , MUCkE TWKY= 
mxextop, © éapavoy 
S wegowmy ce 6h + 
Agcy o#, Tes x¢urlar- 
Gs augeva ugpdias ay: 
ay, © CUAQYNTOY dy 
res Nea Xeucs, Ms 
EDL rus Has Gas we 
CES,  emexgrurilas 7 
wiv (gut. ph eCoa e 
n € TALE 105 OMerg.) TED - 
: g's Vv. 


the Holy Apoftles: 

Spirit, for ever. Amen. And 
let the Deacon fay, Bow 
down for the laying-on of 
Flands ; and let the Bithop 
fay, O God of our Fathers, 
and Lord of Mercy, who 
didft form Man of thy Wit 
dom a rational Creature, and 
beloved of God more than 
the other Beings upon this 
Earth, and didft give him 
Authority to rule over the 
Creatures upon the Earth, 
and aidft ordain, by chy 
Will, Rulers and Prie{ts, the 

former for the Security of, 

Life, the latter for a regular * 

Worlhip: Do thou now alfo 
look down, O Lord Almigh- 
ty, and caufe thy Face to 
thine upon thy People, who 
bow down the Neck of their 
Heart, and blefs them by 
Chrift ; through whom. thou 
halt enlighten’d us with the 
Light of Knowledge, and 
hait revealed chy Self ro us: 
with whom worthy Adora: 
tion is due from every ra-- 
tional and holy Nature ro 
Thee, iz the Spirit, who is 

* Pag, 

aw Comforter for ever, Amen. 
And let the Deacon fay, ' 
Depart in Pesce. in bike man: 
fier in the Morning, afcer the 
Repetition of the Morning’ x 
the Catechumens; the Ener- 
gumens, the Candidares for 
Baptitin and the Penitents, 
and after the ulnal bidding 
GE Prayers, that we ‘may not 
again repeat che {ane things, 
Wet the Deacon add after the 
Words, Save us, O Gad, and 
raife us up by thy Grace, 

Let us beg of the Lord his - 

Mercies. ‘and > his “Compat 
fions, that this Morning and 
this'‘Day may be with Pezce. 
and: without Sin, -as alfo-all 
‘thé time of our Sojotirning 
that Be will) prant- us” his 
Angel of Peace, a Chtifian 
‘Departure cur of this Life: 
and that'God will be mer- 
-€iful<and gracious? Let us 
dédicace our felyes, abd one 
another, to the Living' God, 
throvigh his nly: bevotten. 
And''let: che Bilhop add this 
Prayers and fay; aan 

es 9 (  e vo shill aiden pen ee oe 

and his Admitijon of. % 


“75 one eg" 
TV ee Pie: (éi] 
CRA: fre: ‘Edy ‘hike (é) 
om@yves, iibod: xy 6 be 
vs Asyérwi” megens 
Te OW eaplain. womus 
Pus Prerer 0 Alan ores, 
ped padiven T opbes- 
eA xj dere hu toy ATED 
Tes apy ee vs @ 
na Copies, i) Geers! site 
us, @ THs Oy peTO® 

voi, © Poperop§ule 

. ~ 3 : t., 
minmAey DegTpOVN- 

oly ty pen THAW Age 
Vows ae aut Sap! 
pero YY) m0" omoDy WO- 
Tease Cees, % avasn(gy 
Cn Ti" ‘a aiTl Cs aye 
inate See ate wigs 

mtn ware Ry Tee abe 
ke pie aa rT ‘op env 73- 
TOV. % 7 nie Ze AY: veiplase 
whe © apengprntoy, 

@ aroun va ocenvov. sa 

aReaiduprtas n py, © 

asyargy. Bie em Te e 
pins, Herava es 
THAN, IEP % % euphyn 
Y @err Haoess x) aXe 

Wave Te. Cave Ose 

Deh F -pevomues cure 

my laeede, Co 0 eamvowa m4 srt ope G- Dette 


Pad sil eh Pe ee a 
: ' ; 

Lib. VIII. 

ie, OQeo0s 0 SRS amdu- 
HE rosy © muons pas, 
o 2 dhaviynetlos he amege- 
ding o das F nALoy es 
Seay P 4 noeEegs, T 
3 aaAnly © mares 
eis uoiay ? pur los’ 

autts © yuu eride ep 

HU cudueay" OD IaA 

gts, mege Secon Ts 
St Oras ipso Curcer” 
gis, x sen Gop ngs 
25 Derre raL on Ml Tes 
ens nwpl meg s Ocaop 
oor d yp bay 
ov ay eos DOHA 
TO., Mae GU 4 av 
é anrsumnl@.” 0 
aver naiv Ae Xeure 
mhz YG. Ho 
Sivas 9: cunt Supa gue 
yOu dnris has Si urd 
xo lxE tooo bs P cjavig 
Coiis’ va & (Cor dv&x 
¢ Tien x Chas, 
ey ‘ayiy amsuige' {2 ]] 
Tes Tes WAvas. 
ahs x 0 Naxov GD 
AryeTo ” “Awate. TH 
Perr. @ oemng- 
Rs ere yecy ay ae 
‘O Geos o TtsDs 

a An dives, 0 mur é- 

‘art beyond Compare, 

aie Holy Apoftles: 

-O God, the God of Spi-xxxvun 
rits, and of all Flelh; who 
ftandeft in need of nothing; 
who haft given the Sun to 
have Rule over the Day, and 
the Moon and the Stars ro 
have Rule over the Night; 
Do thou now alfo look down 
upon us with gracious Eyes, 
and receive our Morning 
Thankfgivings, and have 
mercy upon us: For we have 
not fpread out our Flands unto pra, xii 
a ftrange God; tor there is?™ | 
not among usany new God, 
but thou the Fternal God, 
who art withour End, w s 
haft given us our Being thro’ 
Chrift, and given us our 
Well-being through Him. Do 
thou vouchfafe us alfo, thro’ 
Him, Eterna) Life; with whom 

Glory, and fondue and Wor- : 

fhip he to Thee, 7a the Holy 

pirlt, forever Amen.» And 
Jer the Deacon fay ,Bow.down 
forthe layingon of Gands, 
And let the Bilhop add this 
Prayer, fayin 



““O God, “who art Faithful XXXIX, 
and Truc, who haf mercy on 2%. *4xtve 

Pp 4 sboslabae™ ‘e 



thoufands, and ten thoufands of reQ« eis yrds S 
them that love thee: the Loe 
ver of the Humble. and the 

Protector of th: Needy, of 

necd ; 

ail things ftand in 
for all things are fub- 

ject to Thee; Look down up. 

on this thy People, who bow 

down their Heads to Thee, 

and blefs them with Spiritual 
Pfal.xvi.§. Blefling. Keep them as the 
Apple of an Fye, preferve 
them in Piety and Righte- 
and vouchfafe them. 


Frernal Life in Chrift Je- 
fus, thy Beloved Son, with 


Worlhip be to Thee, 

Glory, Honour, and 
im the 

Holy Spirit, now, and al 

Ways, a 

fay, ree in Peace. 

when ti 

na for ever and ever 
And let the Deacon 
r1¢ Firfi-fruits are of- 

fered,the B.fhop givesThanks 
in this manner; 

muena Sees mis aon 
mma Ce, 0 PAG. TEU 
Taras, G mrntwp 
TOUT NE, & mcpire Co 
Agee yg tésnuey, on 
Te Cope repre Sara 

emde br T Agov 
Gs Cos res eur ys ne~ 
garas, & uAgynaoy 
CwT ss curoyiay avdue 
Het ixbw, Gt Ag Eov a= 
TRS WS nop lu OS Apt 
Akg Tapna oy antes oP 
cusebeion % dig tocuny 
Tv au writs Cwiis, ow X ete 
oo nos, Te) NLT 

ve Ce wad: ph & 
Gi: * REx”, 
myn 4% o- °[[@]] 
Cas, oo’ adh 

iadul: sd, ae \ 
ayin avdugn, yun, y 
. \ > A ~ «av 

Met, Y GS Tes CYeDVaS ays 
ayer, abn. Eo dia= 

xOv0s ASyETa’ mertrdn & wy etpbun, em) = Beorpeey 
povaus a me pry cits, eT ws S UNLELG EL ¢ 0 ema xo Qu. 


We give Thanks to Thee, 

EU YAOLE8 My Cor, 

OLord Almighty, the Crea xwese adroxedrop . 

* deeft. 



Lib. VIL. 
Dysciepye aS orwy x 
@egvon Te, SY & 8 fL000- 
owes Ce waidts ‘lnce 
Keres TB WEL! TUM» 
ert ©  Teoreven JEioans 
Co Ser oma as ogey 
open op, MA 

gov duyamedo. Ts ae 

arb eazy emutiws Ou- 
quer Tne Cor duvx,), 
Vp wy dedweas au- 
avis eis peTRAnLIV; 0 
Geos “ACexap, % 'I- 
onan, © ‘Taxw6, x dys 
cov vps ayicor’ o | ar 
Te qeMecoegions Sct 
a3 Agys Ce, © wead- 
ae ™m yn ay rudares 
CPL cry ae es cue 
Qeprun lus @ Sip lu a n- 
PETECLY™ o dus Tus 9 
Sestests € Banogoce- 
ot Neror Mage Le ac 
oc 7igha x robs ie x pea, 
mals 4 axrépue la, 
3 ore Dees Sop lu 
a@megrpres” 2% YGTHA: 
AnAav 2 © erees dice 
GeeF Te in meps acpi 
av, Te D Tegs uyeizy, 
ma} ress Téeiv. € 


the Holy Apottles: 

tor of the whole World, and 
its Preferver, thro thy Only- 
begotten Son Jefus Chrift 
our Lord, for the Firft-fruits 
which are offerd to Thee, 
not in {uch a manner as we 

ought, but as we are able.+y* pag. 
For what Man is there that 41% 

can worthily give theeThanks 
for thofe things thou haft 
given them to partake of? 
The God ot Abraham, and 
of Jfaac, and of Facob, and 
of all the Saints ; who madeft 
all things fruitful by thy Word, 
and did{t command the Earth 
to bring forth various Fruits 
for ‘our Rejoicing and our 
Food; who hatt given to the 
duller and more fheepith fore 
of Creatures Juices; Herbs 
to them that feed on Herbs; 
and to fome Fiefh, to others 
Seeds ; but co us Corn, as 
advantageous and proper 
Food 3and many other things, 
{ome for our Neceflities, fome 
for our Health, and fome for 
our Pleafure, On all thefe ac- 
counts therefore art thou wor- 
m thy of exalced Hymns of 

* ahy wey T poesV Y) KgeTNMIAGE TEsOIIV. V. 

BN ee a 



Sl. he 


Praite for thy Beneficence by 
Chrift, chrough whom Glory, 
Honour, and Worthip be to 
Thee, in the Holy Spirit, for 

‘ever. Amen. Concerning thofe 
that ate at Reft in Chrift’: 

After thebidding Prayer, that 
we may not repeat it again, 
the Deacon thall add as fol- 

TeTols SY LO nah. 

pupey ni@e \araip gts, 

“e4s TT a s CuEpyAaiees, 

Sie Xess * si" | 
Cot pees nuh, x Lg 
Cas, cr eyiy 7 

Db, Gis Tes aoras ae 

els, exrk 3 oH by Kee: 

ow ApeTaucnpRvev , 
a ra + Ger Thzey mH . 
* rege duos : lve Ba 

miduy ALyapSy, 0 diaxoyvGs mesoinc, © ravqy. 

Let us pray for our Brethren 
that areat Reft in Chrift, that 
God, the Lover of Mankind, 
who has receiv’d his Soul, may 
forgive him every Sin, vo- 
Juntary and involunrary ; and 
may . be merciful and gra- 
ciolis. to him; and give 
him his Lot in the Land of 
the Pious, thac are {ent into 
the Bofom of Abraham, and 
‘Waa, and §Ficob, with all 
chofé chat have p Sleafed Him, 
and done his Will from the 
Beginning of the. World; 
whence all Sorrow, Grief and 
Lameéitation are banith'd. 
“Let us arife, tet us Dedicate 

I unl V. > s9’V, 

Gfmels V. dgicy. V. 7 warms. 

"Yarep Ka TL Oot 

pRsev oy Ne —@ a= 


BAG Oy nLoy Se Baidu ’ 

Omws oO pins 
Qcac, 0 mepo See dpe 
vos urd? ur bo,” Tk 
padn ores 7s agp 

THe é ExUoroy, Ae AKETOY, 

€ 1Aews 4 cuphuns uc» 

pO, epee Tet EN ds 
egy oligo ad eve 
wav as 7x9Am~ A= 
Condy @ 'loacx 2 
Teena By aavroy aT 
a av» dlapésne 
CuyTOY, xo mon gays 
amy & SeAnege aur" 

VK amen, odwin, 

5 Ming oat ig VS meatus A KHS. V. 



Lib. Vill. 


eve CUE IE. EAUT ES fa) 

DMnaes Te aS b A) Qe. 

Six a8 ey apn Asys 
aka leur. © 6 tai- 

MOT ODs Abye Te ae 
\ ot 

dict aSura'G. 
AdmIG., “ap % " 
Gia TON ey 1% Sil fe 
Dever, CO. Aoy nov Cwoy 
+ dbew mov, @ x ogho- 
mr tihe, Sint? oy 
CC  aracnolap emasnem d 
AaliSvos® 6 F Byala’ g 
T HAay Savers meh 

exy pen excus Aase® 

0 Geds Aexay, iy 4 
Ode“ naa ¢ 0 
Oees" Tata’, * sey" ws 

VEREDYn as as Ree 
Tey Cees a ‘ort aeya- 
TOY Ch’ cya CALE Gi 
Con, @* ey digg.scoy 

@ ay igs Cr “oh 
HEE Ce aa. ; 
pan bi a Bagyyos 
adres > ; yao wyso4 
Mea) 7 
artes 7 vow) Pride oh 
Seg? Ce ays, 

ON RC tw 



Mh, Of 

a Nleds os. eC 1V: 

Sew ugrao ding. V. 

2g Aim ) seraryugs.” 


oe ea BM SR il mates MT id at 

the Holy Apoftles. 

our felves, and one another, 
to the Erernal God, through 
thar Word which was in the 
Beginning. And let the Bi: 
fhop fay, O thou who art 

by Nature Immortal, and. 
hat no End of thy Being; 
from whom every Creature, | 
Whether {mmortal or Mortal, 
is derivd; who didi make 
Man a ra ont! ‘Creature, the 
Citizen of this W orld, in 
on ‘Conflitution mortal, and’ 

idft add thé Promife of a 
Rifive dion: ; who did noe 
fuffer Evos and Elizs to tafe 
of Death; 

the God of Jacob, who art the 
God of them, of Dead, 

but as of Living Perfons ; for 

the Sols af: all Men live with Wild.iii.r. 

Thee, ‘and “the ‘Spr its of the. 
Rigbeec cous dre in thy Fland, 
which wo. lorm-nt can touch ; 

for they are all (an@tified une. 
der thy Hand.” Do thou 
now alfo look upon this thy 
Servanc, whom phon haft fe- 
lo%ted and receiv d into ano- 
y ther S ate, a and forgive hi im 

ee hee - 

. 4 Faas ~ < 
* dyacnsiy. V. 3 defunr. V. Far Ve Sa. V. 


The God of Abra- Matt.xxii, 
ham, the God of ‘Sfaac, and3% — 



if voluntarily or involunta- 
rily he has finned; and af- 
ford him merciful Angels, 
and place him in the Bofom 
of the Patriarchs, and Pro- 
phets and Apoflles, and of 
all thofe that have pleafed 
Thee from the Beginning of 
the World, where there is 
no Grief, Sorrow, nor La- 
mentation; but the peace- 
able Region of the Godly, 
and the undifturbed Land 
of the Upright, and of thofe 
that therein fee the Glory 
of thy Chrift; by whom 
Glory, Honour, and Wor- 
fhip, Thank(giving and Ado- 
ration be to Thee, in the 
Holy Spirit for ever. Amen, 
Aad let the Deacon fay, Bow 
down, and receive the Blel- 
fing.. And let the Bifhop give 
Thanks for them, faying as 

dzertew, © mevaerg- 
Ce es éTi2 gy Ang, yj 
Culocopnaoy aun a be 
sua naxnwy cenygpte, 
4 alyires Users TL" 
exsnooy ow Tes € 4G-TOk= 
aaEav aLTUY CH as xgA= 
wep WS meumerap 0% 
ae respnty, xg HS 
DawAwr, 4 TOY T 
amr ares Cot Miape- 
cnodT wy ore Sou eye 
Aum, oduyn, © sevay- 
gs, DMa o@eps dce- 
ate cep ner 6, xy él 
Seats = Gina 
dw ddcav 3 Xeps 
Ce fis Car doSay m1 
wn, cesas, in nersiny 
ee aes 
VaS, uli» % o dia= 
@ Varomicse. Co & 
ono x 0ADS dina erento 
Lap awry, Aeqoy avie- 
Se (@oov, were, ® 
agcv Cx, © dag yncor 
T xAneovomidy C¥, 
his weremoncw mS a 

‘ool aysxnun. V. 



Lib. VIII. the 

r] a. ~ ~ 

pio avon rs Kegs 

: \ 

Ce’ mipduov auTss 

e A: Of 4, > 

wm t Sefiav Cx. € 

> i+ \ 


: ’ \ 

Gs THepuyas ou, © dos 
lw om I ON > 

. " X “ 

7 envi TX yo Ag, T 

‘ 2 a AN 

de9 9 “ 

, ~™ ’ 
ansiy Tmpn zy aT pemcs, 
>’ é 
aes, apeluAntes, 

Holy Apoftles. 

and grant chat they may /izht 2Timiv.7 
the good Fight, and finilh their 

Courfe, and keep the Faith im- 
mutably, unblameably, and 
unreproveably, through our 

our Lord Jelus Chritt, thy *-" Ps 
bc loved Son; with whom Glo- oii 
ry, Honour, and Worfhip be 

to Thee, ia the Holy Spirit, 

for ever. Amen. 

Ag Te were paps "lyoe XLT, 73 ayamT3 oe Troudts ° 

TTDS]] amdagrs &5 

"Rontir/edw %) Texte 
a engin pov ov 
alarugis, 4 aan w- 

CTI, mega buqauts, 
3 / Vowel \ ay ne 
Ale T Ae Teo” 1 

pecgy eyeprevTen XH 
vant, 61S WaOILPNo 
at) Devt, € ay 
wer orpenpy ov’ * x 
mugs noe. x) - 
> mov UT" Maal 
nd BTWS 0 Aaos emevan- 
a. éyiaigia, “EP 
peveras une. % 5 dow 
én os NarapjorT oy 
ynTY wre: 

% Co dea, nn Hj Teas, 
76 ’ ; 

13 ti ~ c / 
| or @ ayic 
mes aimvas. aulbe 

Let the Third Day of the 
Departed be celebrated with 
Pfalms, and Leffons, and 
Prayers, on account of Him 
who aro’e withia the Space 
of Three Days; and let the 
Ninth Day be celebrated in 
Remembrance of the Living, 
and of the Depatted ; and the 
Fortieth Day according to rhe 
ancient Pattern; for fo did 
the People lament Mofes; and 
the Anniverfary Day ia Me- 
mory ofhim. And ler Alms 
be given to the Poor our of | 
his Goods, for a Memorial 
of him. 


yxxiv 3. 

‘ gengow, V. *dvvoan Ve 2 defunt. V, + recexese. al. 




xuiu, | Thefe things we fay con- 
*,*Pag. cerning the Pious; for as 
4a to the Ungodly, if 

giveft all the World to the 

Poor, thou wilt not be- 
nefic Him atc all: For 
. to whom the Deity. was 

an Enemy while he was. a- 

jive, tis» certain: ic will be 

fo alfo when he is departed ; 

for there is no Unrighteouf- 

Phi x.g,nefs with Him: For, Zhe 

Lord isrighicous, and has lov’d ¢ 

Vali wie Righteoufn: fs And, Behold 
the Man and his W aN 

SLIV, . 

ted to their Memorials, do 

you feaft with good Order, 

and the Fear of God, as dif- 

pofed to intcede for thofe 

, that are departed : For {ince 

you are the Presbyters and 

Deacons of Chritt, you oughe 

always to be fober, both a- 

mong your felves, and a- 

mong others, that fo you 

may be able to warn the Ue 

ruly, Now the Scripture fays, 

Bart bee Men in Power are paffto- 

A LXX. es But let them not drink 

Wine, left ‘3 drinking they 


Now when vou are invi- 


~ ** Tavre 4 @eiou- . 

aebav, Azggi. weh 
anc€oy, eav Ta S yoo" 
paw dos rhea cel 
Ovnays ot QUIY. @ 30 : 7a” 
CLavTl ice Li 8 
Sear, dn oy OTL pe 
qosevT ¢ yao bey ae 
Orxice ap xurd Dinonos 
p 6 ers, re a 
is avlewn Os, és 

Epopv aurds 

Eva? area as 
aps ee hy Ky wus - 
amEias era oe % poe 
ee, os dura pyar 2% 
opeabevay LPT r a> 
atin mpeolunepe 
xj Afr aras . Xere 
vPay o- 
oe Aen ak 4-0E 
SUT 2s 24 Ae 2! 
(vex Suunde Tes eto 
re Ges VO ET EDs Ag 
+m yeata. \ O1 Sue 
reesey SUG es eiciy* 
clvoy 3 pn ave THT, 
[ice fan orloveres bon Ade 

* gue, Vi = deck V. 


ied: Shas By al oe 

Lib.Vll. the Holy A Apoftles: 
agro t TEMLes yop: forget Wefdom, and are. not 

LEAVE ¢ fan Dunwv: 
mr. Ouxey © at Tpeo- 
Cuaeet, 4 of Bfgnayot, 
pe) Oey mops ran eR 
mes, Ga T ner TH OF 
ars yoy 3D wuyet soup U- 

mmaipacean ? CHUANTIOSe. 

e719 De parertyg | Le 
pen iy wow’ LAWS 9 
o oe ett ve eho Gu- 
33 Ge- mopar ets cue 
epoiwlas wwe inet 
pn Arotvar g ~ 4 a 
Tey vero, pan tars 
ow 3 Mn mire o1voy. es 
peony’ Th ALY: "Evga 
ene quarry. ov EEL 
Suge. Tere. .4 6 
Oh as Ov Hrnew 9" 
ons caus it 2 
mer Tdas Actus Kes 
Slavs, aon & bonwenane 
my & ovoura S mere 
aps lige Xess € 
aur 7 espn Tey Tint 
day 5 . Tv SupuS@. ; 
gTivt andi @ ALU § 
riv@e > werid vot ot 
OOSnA for 3 Tivtvauy- 


Ideeft. V. ? weases. V. 

able to judge aright, Wheres 
fore both the Presby ters and 
the Deacons are thofe of 
Authority in the Church next 
to God Almighty, and his 
Beloyed,,son,, We fay. this, 
not, they. are mot to. drink. ...1. 
at all, otherwife, ic would ‘ ™ 
be to. the Reproach of what 
God has made for Chearful- 
nefs, but.that they be noe 
diforderd. with Wine.. For 
the. Scripture does nor fay, 
Do not drink Wine, but wha 
fays it?) Drink not, Wine. so | 
E runk aniness. sand again,Z Abeige Provex xiit 
[prinz uy anthe dla nd of the ah 

Drunkard... Nor do.we lay Eph. ¥, 

this’ only to thole. /of| the Provesavie 

Clerg Y: but alfo to,,every 


Ly ay-C hriftiad, upon» whom 
the Name of our Lord Jé- 

fus-Chrift is. called: For to 

ro them alfo it is faid, Wo ysiii29. 
hath W702. Who hate Sorrows 
Who hiat het CO neafen fs > Who 
ha: h Bak, ling 2 WY ‘ho bath red 
Fe: 2,Whe hath W ounds with 
ont atl 2. Do ag the| fe things 

belona,.to tial that tarry long 




at the Wine, and that go to 
feek where Drinking-Meetings 
ares ) 

Receive ye thofe that are 
perfecuted on account of the 

Matt.x.23 Faith, and who fly from City 



to City, as mindful of the 

Words of the Lord: For, 
knowing that though the Spi- 
rit be willing, the Fle(h is weak, 
they fly away, and prefer 
the Spoiling of their Goods, 
that they may preferve the 
Name of Chrift in them- 
felves without denying it. 
Supply them therefore with 
what they want, and thereby 
falfil the Commandment of 
the Lord. 


meneugla Aleneriis ; 
& ops ey yeoviCovTwy ov 
ite; © ait qulceme 
aa EpDy.coV, ame SvTOL 
yvorray i 
Tes Dwxopioes Ge 
ml, @ maw x ae 
AEWS Poux01 Gs, Ag. 3 
pervs TES Aggy ae 
welt, a A 
Se. brtisaphuor ?, ont 
) 2 ie DEI» 
n> (epé acdens, am- 
did en onuarye T apa 
yh vs Vora pyov Tay 
' @moglev Toy : lve aypée 
Ectpynry cy équavis & 
cvoud. a Xerces Dia- 
Tpnaway. bonxu pete 6 ev 
Auris Teh [DeVs svpet 
AV, cvTran ly wu erent 

Sot: LAM: 

OW this we All in com- 
mon do charge you, 

that every one remain in that 
Rank which is appointed him, 
and do not tranfgre(s his pro- 
Bounds ; fot they are not 

i Sant 4 xg 
RuvTES  mbgey= 

perropsp Ex SOY F eu 
pew aned Ty 1 doSeoy 
aum, © (ph aps ous 

vay Ts opus: 8 901 = 

* ds Ve 

> megobey 7a. al. 


Lib. VII. the Holy Apoftles. 

ours, but God’s. For fays 

ou nwereeot, Ba 7 
Oe. ‘O tpi 7, er 
ol 0 é wer. ax eov, 
zee axed xj 0 eee ae 
x4 OY, axed TE Doser 
Ag. vr0s Le 4 0 ungs 
aSepf. ems arntra’ 
0 4 tueabertl, adera 
® Wop aAay Tes ae 
Ei ae awa sui 
wwe, re curekidp 
amaw? 4 oloy we, ne 
pees, nuQe, cerlun, 
aren, soya, Gy ml, 
ules, 6 Roiechdbs, nyee- 
est, wegk, © dardlf 
Tn » 5% lu rw! Jeon KPH 
z 3 cipnulyiov efor 
o 3 be Adiconray” 
: art aby ? Jee” 
Acoms: ene: ys GUTH 
ORL, ao leas © wra- 
| 5 cg x munas are 
4 avuty, Benes TeT¢ 
eadior, 4 by ap sn- 
on. MOT es Ugpmoy ULEls 
ewy opeaere | tA 
poy apgxivey T ULY 
) ern Os a’ 
npeeov OLS EV TIP § mw’ 
eradn vic 2h of 

the Lord, 

Fre that heareth you, 

heareth me; and he that hear- 
eth me, heareth him that font r0. 
me. And, He that d-(pif: th 
you, de Apiferh mes; and ne that 
difpifeth me, de[piferh him that 

ent me. 

For if thofe things 

that are without Life do ob- 
ferve good Order, as the 
Night, the Day, the Sun, 
the Moon, the Stars, the 


the Seafons, tlre 

Months, the Weeks,the Days, 
and the Hours, and are {ub- 
fervient to the Ufes appoint- 

ed them, 

according to that 

Joh, xin 

which is faid, Thou Aaft fet Put citig, 
them a Bound which they fhail 

not pa{s. 

And again concern- 

ing the Sea, J have fer Bounds jc xy, 
thereto, and have encompa{s'd ro, 

it with Bars and Gates, and 
I faid to it, Hitherto fhalt 
thou come, and thou halt go 

no farther : 

ought ye 

How much more 
not to venture to 

remove thole things which 
we, according to God’s Will, 
have determined for you ? Bur 
becaufe many think this a 

a ‘i dec, V. 



um. xvi. 

2 Chron. 


{mall matter, and venture to 

confound the Orders, and to © 

remove the Ordination which 
belongs to them  feverally, 
{natching to themfelves Dig- 
nities which wefe never gi- 
venthem, and allowing them: 
felves to beftow that Autho- 
rity, in a Tyrannical manner, 
which they have not them- 
felves, and thereby provoke 
God to Anger: (as did the 
Followers of Corzh and King 
Uzziah, who having no, Au- 
thority, ufurped the High: 
Priefthood, wirhour Com- 
miflion from God ; and the 
former were burnt with Fire, 
and the iatter. was ftruck 
with a Leprofie in his Fore- 
head) atid provoke Chrift Je- 
fus to. Anger, who has made 
this Confiitution; and alfo 
gricve the Holy Spiric, and 
make void his Teltimony : 
Therefore foreknowing: the 
Danger that hangs over thole 
who do {uch things, and the 
Neglect about the» Sacrifi- 
ces and Euchariftical Offices 
which will arife from their bee 

ee ee ae 


OMOL GC Tm nyt 
TO e1vet, oulogey 
5 4s ameas © hw 
ED Exgq"8 2 ceo Tov LOW 
ugapmuCortes eaueais 
aFiauole G jen didb- 
pve, © Ecnrpérovrs 
cauruls TUCR Vu Lis & PLT 
EGO dgsaay dvdtven, 
G Aho 731 aSpopy le * 
Cuot pp je Oecy, omar 
ot Koparey, ¢ 0 Ban- 
Adis “OCias, anh aleidy 
brn Je. vo4 av el ce 
TH epydecpounn, G i 
suune,.. ot ih mek 
QALKTELs 0 4 La ae 
UeT OI Aewmegs, T7- 
essuen 3 " Xexcay 
‘lagu > Yo. raea 
wor. ebsii 4 Cs 
avd ug. 3 a a/0¥ ow 
epuuTes curd tlw pip- 
TUChaY F END Tes, 
3 emp mov” xivd uwop 
Tos Te Tela TeaTs 
‘Tear wepadopSwor, 
mw 65 aus Sucias x 
Ayaercias ausredy, 
cu S up’ oy un yon 

oy Te. V, i deeft, V. 3 brrengulver, V 




Lib. VII. 

Sr sonst eae Wsy 
mondiav wyepSuov Tie. 

aipconurviclu) keudus , 

Ags Helene westnd & gS 

veya a pyaepe ws ‘in- 

oe Xerces 7 Bacnrens 

TUG’, a eyo- 
phe xe 72 oBerwve- 
cor’ d\n 7etp, loves oe 
Tegmadp oxime © é 
aur) pecerestorml os. Aé- 
guy AE Mom’, Q 
$ ez Seenmuy, 0 
Ocos varie & WwTrig 
ws cies Ac 
Angn Des $a Qi- 
Agv, corey oi dt Ce 
why Teh y Tes @ Hee 
Degewaroy amid 48 
er adnrwy', 7 cn 
Via, hay otor, n Oh~ 
niyugrey’ 8t@Ov bnixg. 

Seay vopoleciay die- 

TELOTETO» dere TiVd 
fe ph ae HS epyge 
pee Brn re Acces, Tine 3 
Neon Wi LEpewy, T1vae 
5 a0 HS Asia, exc 
sw the oleic % Lyne 
HYTAY ™m Aarepyics 
Spngxdayv BWoveimas, 
: \ 


the Holy. Apoftles. 

ing impioufly offered by thofé 
who ought nor 10. offer 
them; who think the Honour 
of the High-Priefthood,which 
is an Imitation of the great 
High-Prieft Jefus Chrift our 
King, to. be a Matter, of 
Sport ;, We have found ir ne- 
ceilary ro give you Warning 
in this Matter alfo: For fome 
are already: turned. afide af- 
ter their own. Vanity. We 
fay, that Mofes, the Servant 
of God, (to whom God Jpake, 

Face to Face, as if a Man Ey exsiii 
[pake to his Friend; to. whom "1. 17 

He faid, J kvew thee above 
al Men; to whom He fpake 
directly, and not by.ob{cure 
Methoas, or Dreams, or An- 
gels, or Riddles) this Ferfon 
when he made Conflitutions 
and Divine Laws, d:{lingutth- 
ed what Things were to be 
perform’d by the High-Prietis, 
what by. the, Priefts, and 
what by the Levites 3 ditiri. 
buting ito every one his pro- 
per and fuitable Office in che 
Divine Service. Ard thole 
things which are allotted for 


a: V. 2 da duaey. al. 



ph Lite 

1 King. 

2 Chron. 


ach Pag 


the High-Priefts to do, thofe 

Camp fe Gis apye- 

might not be meddled with p&n resceraxa 

by the Priefts; and what 
things were allotted to the 
Priefis, the Levires might 
not meddle with; but every 
one obferved thofe Miniftra- 
tions which were written 
down and appointed for them. 
And ifany one would meddle 
beyond the Tradition, Death 
was his Punifhment. And 
Sau’s Example does fhew 
this moft plainly, who think- 
ing he might offer Sacrifice 
without the Prophet and 
High-Prieft Samuel, drew up- 

on himfelf a Sinanda Curfe 3 

without Remedy. Nor did 
even his having anointed him 
King difcourage the Prophet. 
But God fhew’d the fame by 
a more vifible Effect in the 
Cafe of Uzziah, when He, 
without delay, exacted the 
Punifhmentdue to this Trant- 
greflion, and he that madly 
coveted afrer the High-Prieft- 
hood was rejected from his 
Kingdom alfo. As to thofe 
things that have happen’d 

~ J ' c 
TeAGAY. Tels Tes Le 
peas g Sen uruy Li reg 
oiévon arp 4 Trois te 

a Pal ’ ‘ $ 
pov aerso, Turis ot 
Adi & wesneray * 
MMA exgisnt ‘aomep me 
peAnpacav arnpecias 

LA f 
meunilecupas, eQu- 
Aatloy* a Dé Tis muem 
a aby doce ws Tepate- 
vu eGsrem, Soaval@e 
de 5) ~ 
bi 3 bcripiov, 80 
4 ugarise diedeke yt 
) t Sasa ween’ 
< , \ / 
os Sut an vevorinws dine, 
Teppnts x apyte- 
ni \ 3 
peas Damenr, eowe- 
- b) ra \ ¢ / 
cey eis SuuTOY apTiaY 
4 NOTRE cya 70" 
Hp Gave 
SAnToy" 4 Code S uey= 

! eri > ™ »? 
CX ar are es Ba- 
arta, edvowmoe @) 
weopntny. * cvEepnfi- 
spa 3 mm weakq “y 
Nédaker 0 @ecs 3 Gy” 
mis it OCiav, cee 
3 ~ oo 
cy * BeAtoL@ 7s” th 
™ @bgvonic ciarese 

f ; \ 2» 
EapwOs dinas® XY 0 

26 Vi 2 £ 

| , . Y : 
cvaoryessod. WV. 2 deefte V. 4£ wsranoyo, 


Lib. VIII. 
P dpyiecwouwns nare- 
wduas, xg4 T Banrcas 
Mores ygtén. Te 
\ 8p new ites om 
owonte. ise yO ToLv- 
aws bhoygres ass n* 
OY ovougcdevmas, % 
apeabumipys, 4 Be 
ngves, Uyn © sere 
bnSiol, TH Alggo- 
pe AS cvoygrwy ‘xoy"” 
T 5% Doeav Ty Teg J- 
ugtav DSeanwuorlas. x 
9 5 BerquQu@. ap’ a- 
ply errAnps T Yaen, 
waomep bh F udnag 
ays dxugrcev, bh F 
Teesboan mhgnenon- 
puns ieewouuns, 2A’ 
6 grup. rx. F 
@cs. & & 49 wh Geo- 
pos mis lw, xu Ta&ewy 
Sa. PES, npuq ay dt 
€v05 ova l@. Ta OAg 
TeAGa. WA an 3 
were Midas Sevts an 
xorsbiar wealugrar, 
apis fe bhoygmos Ta 
P apyscewouns oven 
“WGPY2, wols 3 wpecbv- 
Tiepls TA F ie2pounns, 
mis 4 Algygvos re F 


the Holy Apoftles. 

amonpft us, you your felves 
are not sgnorant of them: For 
ye know undoubtedly that 
thofe that are by us nam’d Bi- 
fhops,and Presbyters,and Dea- 
cons were made byPrayer,and 
by the Jaying-on of Hands; 
and that by the Difference of 
their Names, is fhewed. the 
Difference of their Employ- 
ments. For not every one 
that will is Ordain’d, as 
the Cafe was in that {purious 
and counterfeit Priefthood of 

the Calves under Feroboam > 3 King, 
but he only who is called of xiii. 33. 

God. For if there were no 
Rule or Diftin@ion of Or- 
ders, it would fuffice to 
perform all the Offices un- 
der one Name. But being 
taught by the Lord the Se- 
ries of Things, we diftribu- 
ted the Fundtions of the 
High-Priefthood to the Bi- 
fhops, thofe of the. Prieft- 
hood to the Presbyters, and 
the Miniftration under them 
both tothe Deacons ; that the 
Divine Worfhip might be 
perform’d in Purity. Fer 
ris not lawful for a Dea- 



conto Offer the Sacrifice, or megs a DOTEpEs Due~ 
to Baptize, or to give cither. xgvias’ wy a to SRLEAS 
the greater or the lefler Blef; ta ¢ Spvoneias bay te 
fing: Nor may a Presbyter Asa. eTe 90 ¥g- 
perform Ordination; for ‘tis ww T 0p: ipay Sugiay 
not agreeable to HolinelS to. Senin, n BaddiCar, a 
have this Order. perverted. dacyidy apes 
—3Corxiv. For, Gad is not the God of yaaAlw amuiacdey;, . 87 
33- Confufion, that the Subordi- mpeabureegy, seeteg 0 
date Perfons fhould tyran- vias banAay’ ¢ Po 
nicaily aflume to themfelves ao», dverer prey © 
the Functions belonging to rat’ ¢. yelp boi 6 
their Superiors, forming a @ecs ayglecuaas, ive 
new Scheme of Lawsto their of xaxGeSmjres ratap 
own Mifchief, not knowing xpativev megwvinas 
A&. ix. 5. that ’Z7s hard for them to kick open erCovrry y VRE 
againjt the Pricks ; forfuchas Seaav xovld ave 
tnefe do not fight apainit marloyns bch xomg 
us, or again(t the Bifhops, but ay exurd, aqwosrars 
again{t the Univerfal Bifhop, ou axAues auwis & 
and the High-Prieft of the. regs uerTes Ae. “Te 
Father, Jefus Chrift our Ce. ¢ 98 tas, n res 
Lord. ‘High-Priefts, Priefis bra ngTas 7 AE LoID 
Bx xxvij.and Levites were O:dain'd of aisrr, Brae @ 
&xxix. by Mofes, the moft Beloved axrzws bra K my, gs 
of God. By our Saviour mT O98 apogepede 
‘were we Apoftles, Thirteen Xexsoy ‘Lager, @ nD 
in Number, Ordain’d; and enor nov rau Mo 
by the Apofiles I Fames and ciws jr oO & Seogr 
Y Clement, and others with Agstite apyepess xote- 
uS. were Ordain'd, that we sxducay, 4 epess. xy 
“may not make the Cata- Adviny’ wan 3 73 70> 



THpGs 4 neon NILES, aL 
Bet ps SracoAor" u> 
70 4 TP daosareoy ¢ eyo 
ne 4 eye » KAn- 

, © wy pet cree! 
ive en aowans muy 
e-lenregeapsyy" age, 4 
uwro maren nw y Tpeo- 
Cumest, : 4 Algxgrat, © 
a a xoU ect 
yo sety. aenT@. TOL- 
yuu. TH Quay apraepdls o ° 
poperfurs pace oa 
eur) + ) apie 
ous, ne oe 73 Tr 
9s ug-Teuscefleis’ os uo- 
15.B. aveorG. MM 
mG, 4 amd 
uw’ Suoiay Deoopeey 
S Weg ars Gj Tek 
Pet, mes S mbes, 1 n- 
ety Diemazaro ygyots 
T8r0 mro4cty” x fut 
ewy tS eis auroy Tem: 
obnorey DW’ 3 mev- 
Tos “6 me does, non 
xg4. tepdls xgurégiy a 
oe abias & é- 
quye. po! 3 che ava- 
Anlay ded, LAS @eg> 

the Holy Apoftles. 

logue of all thofe Bxhops 
ever again... And in com- 
mon Presbyters, and Dea- 
cons, and Sub-deacons, and 
Readers were Ordain’d by 
all of us. The Great High- 
Prieft therefore, who is fo 
by Nature, is Chrift the 
Only-begotren; not having 
{natch d that Honour to him- 
felf, but having been ap- 

pointed {uch by the Father; 
who being made Man for our 
fake, and offering the Spis 
ritual Sacrifice to his God 
and Father, before his Suf- 
fering, gave it us alone in 
charge to do this; although 
there were others with us, 

who had believed in him. 
But he that believes is not 
prefently appointed a Frieft, 
or obtains the Dignity of the 
High Priefthood. But after 
his, Afcenfion, we offer'd ac- 
cording to his Conflitution, 
the pure and unbloody Sa- 
crifice; and ordain’d Bilhops, 
and Presbyters, and Deacons, 
Seven. in Number. 
which was Srephen, that blef- "i 


One of Ac. vi & 


fed Martyr, who was not ceveyxorms, Pl rh duct= 
inferiour to us, as to his wmv eure, Sucka xg 
‘pious Difpofition of Mind Suegy | @" avangx- 
towards God; who fhewd a, wepereeronpata 
fo great Piety towards God, b7naxowes, xy mpecbu- 
by his Faith and Love to- Tips, 1H Afg.ngves em» 
wards our Lord Jefus Chrift, 7a + aerbugy Gv as 
as to give his Life for him, 43 2r2paw@.o Hog 
and was {toned to Death by eG. pgerus, 0% 3am- 
the Jews, the Murderers of odie inyps Ls 
the Lord. Yer ftill this fo T wegs Oedv duvotav. 
great and good a Man, who as (ooaroy ? JeoaeCaay 
was fervent in Spirit, who tx wig] wedataro, 
faw Chrift on the Right- @ te es nWeAOV me 
Hand of God, and the Gates py ‘Ingev Xexssov am 
of Heaven opened, does no yarlw, cos wp auTs 
where appear to have exerci- Seay 1h uy, 
fed Functions which did not @egs afi) nvesontovwr 
appertain to his Office of a ‘Isdaswv Asjus Bane 
Deacon, nor to have of- 6es. 20’ ouws 6 apie- 
fer'd the Sacrifices, nor to TO. x3 mate Tr am 
have laid Hands upon any, vip, 0 1 & avec n Ceeor, 
but kept his Order of a 0 % Xessw oe Gx db= 
Deacon unto the End. For buy S Oev, xqui Tas 
fo it became him, who was veavias maAas aveny 
# @ Pap, 2 Martyr for Chrift, to pre- pes. sdupru Parvereey 
"423... ferve good Order.But iffome avis un avnnuo *,* oH 
vit, &ix do blame Philip our Dea- MG. 49" 1a agnaiisBe 
con, and Ananias our faithful 4 Suoiay aveveyxav, in 
Brother, that the one did yeeos bribes Tints 
baptize the Eunuch, andthe amad SGxovias re). 

« eacelt. V. 
re Kg 

Lib. VIL. the Holy Apoltles. 

He Qurdcas méver 
réAus’ Siw ys ewpeme 
ays F Xerru uspTves, 
# Wantiay drow er. 
e fs) Birurmy + Ale- 
seovoy nugy, xy Avavi- 
ew } mgay &dkAgor aj- 
kecivret) tives, OTL 0 
T cuvuggy 6 amioey, 0 
4 ent Tavaoy’ arwou- 
oly abel ¢ AEqopoy n° 
pees. earopu 98 OTF 
dy iauTS ns apmeCd 
@ icgatingyy akiwua, 
am’ aby 7 Oce 
Aapbard, ws Merge 

other me Pasl, thefe Meri dé 
not underftand what we fay : 
For we have :affirm'’d only 
that no one fnatches the Sa¢ 
cetdotal Dignity to himfelf 
but either receives it from 
God, as Melchifedech and Fob, 
or from the High-Prieft, as 
Aaron from Mofes. Where- 
fore Philip and Ananias did 
not conftitute themfelves, but 
were appointed by Chrift, 
the High-Prieft of that God, 
to whom no Being is to be 

aed ix, X94 Tae, n TCS ae pytept cas, es "Accegy aby Mae 

, a ~ U \? 3° 2” f 
céws* dxsy yoy Dirrrra Qs wy Avaylas sy sauTss megan 
Dora, cr vas 8 Xerce meveraekamertp 3 apyzsepews 

S aovlneste Ose. 


K AN O- 

Yin Lids: oder sary! 
Rene Sets Colla pack tier 3BAT 
© Ro\iniicl ay yring ih fey 

Sabres AWG BK 2g SD 
a font dolt sy tte 
es mes eh are ok en ae 
a Qpwerty bas qe: saet 
sa Royisieisits anNebeee 
SRO ed besinqan so" 
a hay. wee Pisce agit ods 
a het Sa a cm ai inodwo2 

“es eem, i 
; i Vege Ee 
a a Qe & 
xg Hi AL (it Gite ror 
hace. 2 2 rates bande Hage 8 

se ae 

he fae ceed 
“shor: AF govisosr tole send 


sper “aa ety sol 
n NSQARS ssp re fas 
- 2 1rd pains s 

conte Da Wahi % 

aah ‘ass Vath 

va’ 6 ma es pes 
site ayers 1 
wae Be. ye S 
SO “ey eA 

< , 

Lib. Vil 

TAS hg 
: 2 
5 8 tf 

a eiTay 



Quis O LX 

J Nicxem: tat emcxs- 

‘orev Fees lover Sw SVoH 
—") Tey: uae 
TleecBureg@- vav évds e- 

wronbors, x5 Shaxoves, x; Ob 

Aotm nANELKOL. | 

ii mete 

THEY. Ke Seg W TH xgL- 

70 Novn,  7ALw yeev 54- 
Setiy Hisaqwas cre, ii Sa 
Mi) 8200 bem wegen yrdul n 
wers Te Bumasberoy,| x, Erczey 
ws F wyiey auyviay, x Sv* 
playa ia ene © Sei ava 

ath AAW Bow Sawes bE 
ghKoy GrTOstAngdw, dimeopng aes 

Of the fame 


two or three Bifhops, 

[22,2 Biter te ordain'd by XLVIL. 

A Presbyter by one Bifhop, as alfoa 
Deacon, and the reft of thc Clergy. — 

If any Bifhop or Presbyter, other- 
wife than our Lord has ordain’d con- 
cerning the Sacrifice, offer other 
things atthe Altar of God, as Honey, 
Milk, or ftrong Beer inftead of Wine, 
any Neceffaries, or Birds, or Ani- 
mals, or Pulfe, orherwife than is 
ordain'd, let him be depriv’d; ex- 
cepting Grains of new Corn, or Ears 
of Wheat, or Bunches of Grapes, in 
their Seafon. | 

For ’tis not lawful to offer any 
Thing befides thefe at the Alar ; 
[and Oil for the Holy Lamp, and 
incenfe in the Time of the Oblation_] 

Bur let all other Fruits be fent to 
the Houfe: of the Bifhop, as firft 

Q4q P Frits 

i doen ot 









Fruits to him, and to the Presbyters ;, 

but not to the Altar. Now ’tis plain 
that the Bifhop and Presbyters, are 
to divide them to the Deacons, and 
_tothe reft of the Clergy. | 

Let not a Bifhop, a Prieft, or a 
Deacon, caft off his own Wife, un- 

der prerence of Piety; ‘but if) he 

does caft her off, let him be fuf- 
pended. If he goon in ir let him 
be depriv d. | 

Let not a Bifhop, a Prieft, or Dea- 
cori. undertake .the Cares of this 
World ; but if hedo, let him be 

If any Bifhop or Presbyter, or 
Deacon fhall celebrate the Holy-day 
of the Paffover, before the Vernal 
“Equinox, with the Jews, let him be 
depriv'd. i 34 

If any Bifhop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, or any one of the Catalogue 
of the Priefthood, when the Obla- 
tion is ovet,, does not communicate, 
let him give his reafon; and if it be 
juft, Jet hitn be forgiven, but if 
he does not do it, let Him be 
fufpended, ‘as becoming the Caufe of 
Damage to the People, and accafio- 
ning a Sufpicion againft him thar 
offer'd, as of one that did nor rightly 
offer. | 

All thofe of ‘the Faithful that en- 
fer into the holy Church of God, ‘and 
hear the facred Scriptures, but do 
not ftay during Prayer, and the ho- 
ly Communion, mutt be fufpended ; 
as caufing Diforder in the Church. 

If any one, even in the Houfe 
prays with a Perfon excommunicate, 
let him alfo be fufpended, | 


amoxer@ xy Tels TeecBure- 
Pieas 3 SWAov 3, vt emi= 
axyer@ 4% ob swptoGBuregge 
ShnusetCuor 3 Wis drandvosss 
%, Tels Aolnvis xaneckois. 

"Emsxem® , 0 opecCu Te 
eG, wAawi@, F tows 
vain uh onCarrtre weg: 
pacts MAaCeias xv > enlas 
an, cpoerlé dw’ éhykov 3, 

"Fooxemes, 1 aptoCurseos, 
A ? ‘ 
nD saxov@, xoT Lunges Oesv- 
Tidus UM atyaraCavede, ef 
3 ua, HGSeu CO . 

Et ms sx0G@,, fi apee- 
Cure, i NiaxewG@, Fae- 
exes bounseley WD Iudueoy — 
GM TAG, Ng Seugeidw. 

Fi 15 Gmlsuox@: 3B mpegs 
CiTeGs Fi Shaner; i in 
7 MLTAACYyS Te: isegnnt; 
aerrpoeds Wuoduns; mi us- 
reAdbo, F altianeimtre x; 
tay Maoyes W, -oulvaiuns:ws- 
YAve Tw’ et Fim AbyH. aQO-. 
eltdw, os anG@ CadCns y4- 
vines Te). Amps x) Xatvoray 
éea7mvEn orcs xzt Te weszavefunve 
T@ as uM Ujas.arevtyxer- 

. Tldvrag 103 eipoytes meds 
ed F orgy 7 Ose exxancias, 
HP bepav yeypey adxcovras, 
us meeguiserrag 3TH wes 
CU H 137 alg, wari 

— OS ay ara lapy Smey Tas TR 

, ESS cXosvarnTes Kav of 
cin» curhen) x wists ago- 
iC tow. ,, 



| Lib. VIN: the Holy Apoftles: 

_ El ms ramen xanexxos 
OY xanenn® cuudlEnre, 
HOSaupHaw H, avTVs. 
nd m, Nv ve 
Sigs Ei 15 KANELKSS i) AGL KS Ss 
druasuoG, nmadur@, 
OF avd yegupatep cusun- 
~ > 44 c dé a 
aby dowerkeciaony O4 ea 
Wor wa de sets. a } peo 
eVcuKi® 4, emTevecde av- 
: me toe a e e 
7 0 LPOEIT LO Ss ds nLcborupee- 

> “id : VIvw 
Extoxomoy us ek eave xgi]a- 
Actlavia F éauTs meeolniay, 
eee ommddv, xdv ao 
where dvayuaCnree’ [[e 
‘pans SroyO- asa i, T3870 
Cralouhsn avrey motiiou, as 
“‘grasioy 77 xeedos Suneueve av~ 

GY Tos eneiot Ady Ths Maz- 
Betas cuplaarrcdu. x, Te 4, 
Ok a EavTs, aa xeloes 
maha GHOKITIOY, Ky Teg. 
xAnoe uezsn- J] 

El ms weecCuregss, 1 dda- 
Hoves, N0Aws TB xgLTAAD Ys 
nanennOy, Smoreinlas F gauts 
megan es eTecgv amendn , 

1 FAV TEAS 'ueTasts'’ SaT~ 

‘ ° oo” ’ : a 

eiCn cy ay meegiuE may. 
~ a >. 

youlw Te ids omoxers, 
~ 7 a ’ 


~ > , \ 
. >» v2 ~ 2 ‘ 

vs avTUY emtyerQery Oho ms, 

“> 2 ‘ > ~ 

sy Vantec, omullay th 
ye) ee oN 

erikia” as Aaines MO vo 


Er} 6 étisme@ ate’ o 
yxdvsov, mp 8dtv nyn- 
ou 2> F xg’ eitoy Gee- 
cleiow dove, NEn)) ari, 
Ws waAnemss, apoelsdy, ws 
A SuTigra@ gracing, 
— E Plaga. al. 

If any Clergyman prays with one 
depriv’d, as with a Clergyman, Ler 
himfelf alfo be depriv'd. 

If any Clergyman, or Layman, 

who is fufpended, or ought not to be 

receivd, goes away, and is receiv’d, 
in another City, without Commen- 
datory Letters, let both thofe who 
receiv d him, and he that was receiv’d 
be fufpended. But if he be already 

fufpended, let his Sufpenfion be 

lengthned, as lying to, and deceiving 
the Churchof God. 

A Bifhop ought not to leave his 
own Parifh and leapto another, al- 
tho the multitude fhould compelhim. 

If any Presbyter, or Deacon, or 
any one of the Catalogue of the 
Clergy leaves his own Parifh, and 
goes to another, and intirely remo- 
ving himfelf continues in that other 
Parifh, without the confent of his 
own Bifhop, him we command no 
longer to go onin his Miniftry ; ef- 

pecially in Cafe his Bifhop calls upon 

him toreturn, and he does not obey ; 
but continues in his diforder. How- 
ever, let him communicate there as 
a Lay-man. 

But if the Bifhop, with whom he 
is, undervalues the Deprivation de- 
creed again{tthem, and receives them 
as Clergy-men, let him be fufpended, 
as a Teacher of Diforder. 

R He 







He who has been twice married 
after his Baptifm, or has had a Con- 
bine, cannot be made a Bifhop, or 
Presbyrer or Deacon, or indeed any 
one of the {acerdotal Catalogue. 

Hie who has married a divorced 
Woman, or an Harlot, or a Servant, 
or one belonging to the Theatre, can- 

— not be either a Bifhop, Prieft, or Dea- 







Weh. 19. 


con, or indeed any one of the facer- 
dotal Catalogue. 

He whe has married two Sifters, 
or his Brothers or Sifters Daughter, 
cannot be a Clergy-Man. | 

Let a Clergy-man who becomesa 
Surety be deprivd. 

An Eunuch, if he be fuch by the 
Injury of Men, or his Sefticles were 
taken away in the Perfecution, or he 
was born {uch, and yet is worthy of 
Epifcopacy,let him be made a Bifhop. 

He who has difabled himfelf, let 
him not be made a Clergy-man; For 
he jis a Self-Murderer, and an Ene- 
my to the Creation of God, 

ifany one who is of the Clergy 
difables himfelf, let him be deprivd : 
For he is a Murderer of himfelf. 

A Layman who difables him(elf, 
let him be feparated 

for he lays a Snare for his own 

A Bifhop, or Presbyter, or Deacon, , 

who is taken in Fornication, or Per- 
jury, or Stealing, let him. be de- 
priv’d ; [bur not tufpended,; for the 
Scripture fays, Thou fhalt not avenge 
twice for the fame Crime by Afflittion ] 

In like manner alfoas to the reft 
of the Clergy, a 

‘O duo? yaucis cuutaa- 
ues LD oe Bdalicue, i 
morraxnie xmMousuG, % 
dwar diva thicwaG-, i 
reeatureeG., it DianoiG-, 
HS. j 

“O vicav ratoy, in one 
CanwWilu, i éruiegr, H ote 
Tw, Hay! cm culuing, & Due 
qe ever OmonxomG-, i Teeo- 
CUreG, i SNaxorG, i OAGS 
G8 Kg TAAC'ys TB beco lene. 

‘Sor hi: ddunoaeatyanse 
BvO-sii dS erg SW, & ddd 

Kanecwds [wos Ds 
NE Sd beet Sw A Ph He 
Edvex@-y¢i uke JE tameetag 

3 3 nde ww) ® ’ css : s 
AVI CO TTEY euero is, nw 
Nays &oueesw me avdpoy, 
\ ¢ td We eae, | tee 
i 8 TOs SPUs Wy Sot CARS 
CMTKOTS, Wwide. 

un jvtda: xanewnds’ _di7o- 
Covms yap Ess BATH Oss 
SnprspriagexTegs. > 6x 
_ Fins xoneuds ay EauTey 
dt . xgSreupes | Qa- 

F Gastek Chee he 
ys ye ecry CavTe” 

_Aainss EUTEY @&%00 Tele 
ous, ageesl caw [ [Em Tela’ 
CUCEAG yelp esty F Lents 
Coins. hess: 

"Exioxoa@”s } opeoCu Tee 

e@, ii Maxov@>, ) Tevet, 
jn Omoexic, H xrAomW &ASS; 

epee, [ok deo 

‘Sm Alpes Don yes oe 
: 7 ’ eS > A 2 
endiunoes Dis Oh Ti aura 

d SAlfes } yk Biwi y 
Qanvereng 14 0b Aelwee XANS 
eines 2p 


Libs Vill. \ ¢ obec Holy’ Apofttes 
Of thofe who come into the Cler- X XVII, 

Tay eis uanesy aagsaSdy- 
Tuy ayeuov, rercouy Bs- 
Aowius 7aueV, edvawosus 
4 -aares woves. 

"Emtonony, noreea CuTeeoy, 
i danover, Tefovra mses 
auaerivoyTas. N dmces a= 
Sinizayres, x die a’ sot- 
ézwy pov eSéAov ze, RG See- 
REAL caesstiorouhn eduis 90 
yudso we@- rows edt 
) 5}. wTes 
Su cvTeTUTS, 
aaddesuuQ-, 2% avTerodd: 
fet, TA qeoy 8x iimeAtt. 

Ei 11 énoxot@-, ii wreer- 
CurpG-. ii Aanow@, xe 
Sunce Seas Ayal ws om ey xan- 
pat Oayeesiss TOAUMIEIED 
e0anbaay * m7e eyrfer- 
may ramen ennorhice ® dp. 
nAnatas iil | 

El mis emoxow@- ddd nen- 
uarov TF akiag TauTus ety: 
Keaths Youra, i apeolvze- 
eG, i ADaxov@ > ne-Saaget 
Sah awms, © 9 sesrori- 
Clb Hy CMKow Tee TeV reL’ 
TAT ty T nowveovies, ws St- 
Mud uasy@ va (eus] Ié- 
ToH. vi 
Et ng Sttonomros xotuanets 
ET yar genoewG-, dt aus 
Th, XLSaLpe SW, & dipreCe- 
QW, Hy ob KOlvwv EY TEs CTD 


Ei 15 apeolureeG@> xare- 
Opovires Te thts Shoxtare, 
ners Tunayelyn, 4 Sunes it- 
"yrvexnas Te Chondares dics- 
Reig 5 Sxgscgwiny ng.Quget= 

gy unmarried, we permit only the 
Readers and Singers, if they have a 
Mind, to marry afterward. . 

We command that a Bithop, or XXVHI: 

Presbyrer, or Deacon, who fttikes 
the faithful that offend, or the un- 
believers who do wickedly, and 
thinks to terrify them by {uch Means, 
be depriv'd; for our Lord has no 
where taught us fuch Things. On 

the contrary, When bim[elf was frricke ¥. Pet. T1¢ 
en, he did not firike again; when he23 

was revild he reviled not again ; when 
he fuffer'd, he threatned not. | 

If any Bifhop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, who is depriv’d juftly for 
manifeft Crimes, does venture to 
meddle with that miniftration which 
was once intrufted to him, ler the 
fame Perfon be entirely cut off from 
the Church, 

Ifany Bifhop obtains that Dignity 
by Money, or even a Presbyter-or 
Deacan let him, and he that ordain’d 
him be depriv’d ; and let him be in- 
tirely cut off from communion; ‘as 
Simon Magus was by [me] Peter. 

If any Bifhop makes ufe of the Ru- 
lers of this World, and by their 
means obtains to be a Bifhop of a 
a Church, ler him be depriv’d, and 
fufpended, and all thar communicate 
with him. 




If any Presbyter defpifes his own XXXII, 
Bifhop, and affembles feparately, and - 

fixes anether Altar, when he has no- 
thing to condemn in his Bithop, either 
as to Piety, or Righteoufnelfs, Ict 
him be depriy'd, as an ambitious Per- 

R a fon ; 






fon; for he is a Tyrant ; and the 
reft of the Clergy, whoever join 
themfelves to him. And let the 
Laity be ‘fufpended. Bur lev thefe 
things be done after one, and a fe- 
cond, or even a third Admonition 
trom the Bithop. : 

If any Presbyter, or Deacon, be 
put under Sulpenfion by his Bifhop, 
ris wot lawful for any other ro receive 
him, but him only who put him un- 
der Sufpenfion ; -unlefs it happens 
that he who put him under Sufpen- 
fion dye. 

Do not ye receive any Stranger 
whether Bithop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, without Commendatory 
Letters: and when fuch are offer’d, 
let them be examin’d ; and if they 
be Preachers of . Piety, let them be 
receiv'd : but if not, fupply their 
Wants, but do not receive them to 
Communion : For many Things are 
done by Surprife. 

The Bifhops: of every Country 
ought to know who is the Chief a- 
mong them, and to efteem him as 
their Head, and not to do any great 
Thing without his Confent: but eve- 
ry one to manage only the Affairs 
that belong to his own Parifh, and 
the Places fubject to ir. But let him 
not do any Thing withour the Con- 
fent of all; fortis by this means 
there will be Unanimity, and God 
will be glorified, by Chrift, in rhe 
Holy Spirit.’ 

A Bifhop muft nor venture to Or- 
dain out of his own Bounds, for 

Ciries or Countries rhat'aré nor fub-- 

jet to him. But if he be convicted 

Swag giaapxO@ TverG- 
ye tomy" % ob Aotmml xAneL 
of 3 Aaixoel &ocerlé Strap. 

Tare 9 2@ pian 4 SdTeeay 

Nv P) e . 

i xy leitlw ge emonoms me* 

CRAANTY Pye Sw. ba 

“EL ns opeoturee@, ii 

Srainov@-,°  Xaae nome 

: “a ~ 
72] eceivan mo esees Sexy Si = 
> > ~ 

VOL. AM i DPS T8 dpeat cur= 
e 8 > a en 

T@ wry, e& un dy x3 

cuyuetas TEASTITN 6 &po~ 
a , 

Chas an Tey emoxomrG-. | 

A ? 

_ Mindeve, fl Fave emoxb- 

TV, it aopeaCurecay, ii dy- 

avo, avd ovsunuar 
U ’ ka 

MAULTOY wesTdericse Hj 

Chregseay > wav, a- 
4 N28 > 

xiheunes T Mowleing aegrd'e- 
dwcu & Dum ye, re 
ess Tes 7e4x anT'ls bie: 
PW x2! gunzpraeylur plve- 
Tie Ohroxoares Eve BO yue 
cit van 90 F CF QuTils Tee- 
TH, XH, aT ws te- 
gurl, x undy 7 TedTey 
Tew oy bv F enews yo 
uns Creve J pov €1g.S0V 
Ooe TH eauTs MLE Hsde 
emarhd, mF va wiTip 
3 egts. ama unde EnervQ- 
ar & mlyreov yueuns moer* 
ita TY 87a yD Gudvora Eccy, 
dma 6 Osds, da 
Kass, by Wide Td ues 
Tle ; 3 bes ’ 
"FonmnoTey um TAUAY E- 
Fa BW éauTs Seay Keres tryles 
TUN, cis Ths pi XaOKed> 
7 *, rp ’ nv ; : 
ing WT TAKE i) 2 ESS: 

Lib. VIII. 
et 3 GAcyy Sein Te70 Te7IN- 
Kat, @ ‘9 
TUS TANS Cuevas n THs 2a- 
CXS ‘yrdulu, xpSwtpedwo x 
wus, xy 8s eXereoTOVNoEY. 

Eb ng yesegton sels 6779- 
yoaG-, ui ypted¥yorT - 
ANTeCyay Hy F CoovTides 73 
Aal £ eyxererdelouy owes 
oe we gociruly oy wy avew, 
fag ay naTedvenTuU. woar- 
Tas x TpeTCUTeO, © dha- 
rov@-. a N admarday, ui 
DEX SM & Whee T Sats 
youl, dra T 
Aas woxSueiav, avTs ud 
tow Shiono G* 6 SE xanp@ 
P maAsa, dpoerledw, 7 m- 
Tw sx eWWovro. | 

» Od zeeov 7% Eres cuod\ag 
vedo AS omrnomeVv, x a&- 
vaxkewerwoay aNANAwS Te 
Aiyrarn F vreCet uy x As 
TAcpias Darvitoruw. wme 
ww, TH TEeTdeTH eCcbuad) > 
mevtuxosus’ SU Jeeov 4, “T- 
mepCecetess Md 'exg TH. 

Nayray SW tnxnannacuay 
RELY UT ov 6 ttaL0m G é- 
ere # gegitide. Aormeirw 
an Te Os Cs cpocayT@-" un 
ekewar) euro coereer(edu 
n dg airav.n cul uta id i- 
08s Teh GB Oss xh CeSa.e1 5 
MVNTES OnY, ws Fevnow 
Oi aeeaCursent, © of a- 

nove avd yrouns Te cmeno- 
Fs pendev OMTEA TOTRY an- 
Ts yelg Esty a mems huss G- 
& Andy Te xueLs, 4) > Varée 
F u2Ov a Tav Abzov dea 

PF wgregvrey 

the Holy Apoftles. __ 

of having done fo, without the Con- 

fent of {uch as governed thofe Cities _ 

or Countries,let him be depriv’d, both 
he, and thofe whom he has ordain’d. 
If any Bifhop that is ordain‘d, does 
not undertake his Office, nor take 
care of the People committed to him, 
let him be fulpended, unrill he do 
undertake ic: and in the like man- 
ner a Presbyter and a Deacon. But 
if he goes, and is norreceiv'd; not 
becaule of the want of his own Con- 
fent, but becaufe of the ill Temper 
of the People, let him continue Bith- 
op; But let the Clergy of that City 
be fulpended : becaufe they have 
nor taught that difobedient People 
better. | 

Let a Synod of Bifhops be held 
twice in she Year; and ler them ask 
one another the Dodtrines of Piety : 
and let them derermine the Ecclefiatti- 
cal Difputes that happen Once ia 
the Fourth Week of Pentecoft ; and 
again on the twelfth of the Month 



Let the Bifhop have the Care of XXXIX 

Ecclefiaftical Revenues, and admi- 
nifter them as in the Prefence of God. 
But’cis not lawful for him to appro- 
priate any pen of them to himfelf, 
or to give the Things of God to his 
own Kindred : But if they be pour 
Jet him fupport them as Poor; But 
ler him not, under fuch Pretences, a= 
lienate the Revenues of the Church. 
Let not the Presbyters and Dea- 
cons do any Thing without the Con. 
fent of the Bifhop,; for it is he wha 
is entrufted with the People of the 
Lord, and will be requird to give 
an Account of their Souls, Let the 



proper Goods of the Bifhop, if he has 
any, and thofe belonging to the Lord, 
be openly diftinguifh’d ; that he may 
have Power when he dies, to leave 
his own Goods as he pleafes, and 
ro whom he pleafes; that under pre- 
tence of the Ecclefiaftical Revenues, 
the Bifhops own may not come fhort, 
who fometimes has a Wife,and Chil- 
dren, or Kinsfolk, or Servants, For 
this is ju(t before God and Men, 
that neither the Church fuffer any 
Lofs by the not knowing which 
Revenues are the Bifhops own ; ‘nor 
his Kindred, under pretence of the 
Church be undone, or his Relations 
fall into Law Suits, and fo his 
Death be lyable to Reproach, 


We command that the Bifhop have 
Power over the Goods of the Church ; 
for if he be intrufted with the pre- 
cious Souls of Men, much more 
ought he to give Directions about 
Goods, that they ali be diftributed to 
thofe in want, according to his Au- 
thority, by the Presbyters and Dea- 
cons, and be usd for their Supporr, 
with the Fear of God, and with all 
Reverence : He is alfo to partake of 
thofe Things he wants, if he does 
want them, for his neceflary Occafi- 
ons, and tholfeof the Brethren who 
live with him, that they may not by 
any Means be in Straits : for the 
Law of God appointed, that thofe 
who waited at the Altar, fhould be 
maintaind by theAltar : Since norfo 
much as a Soldier does at any time 
bear Arms againft the Enemes at 
his own Charges, : 

THSnor uo." Ew oevted re 
ov ~ 3 rb ln ’ . 
dha. Te Chionoms menyve]a, 
‘ a ‘ , 
ey ty bdia Soe, pavees 
TH wWerang, iv’ SExoiaw EXY 
F tMav TeAd Tay O &mm0- 
w@-, as Beanra, © cis BE- 
Ag) ugrareinLen, % uh weg 
wesyudTov Sane rh Te 
ommans, eo o7e quyaind 
1 mriadeas LanTH Ups, i ov \y~ 
ves, i} obnévus. Di xguay ~p 
F370 L O<d x) avOgazmis, 
\ a 2 ‘ ye ‘ 
Te Un Te F CnKAroT CHa 
Te “gooey ayvols oy T% 
> Z ’ 
xanoiag SuudeSe, i ets 
ir > ' er he 
TEP i uareL emo Tes auTep 
Aaeteovras.4)F ews Setye- 
Tor ducgnuig DeACd rent: 

Tlessa'osou + Ontono~ 
moy eceoraw Exe FP 2nKane 
Gieg DEryudTwy. ef W Tes 
myakas F dvtedzrov Nuxas 
‘wuta msUTe, me av 
Nor GO TF 9enudtev wren 
AtSeuy OSE x2 F cure elem 
chap movie ALKA, Ts dko- 
dors Net F rpeclutegay % 
F dlaxovey, 4 omyagnyany 
UF pis Oc?, H mucus Made 
Beles ueTaaraaulavey FY 
an rev F Dedy Rev (expe S¥ot]0) 
eig 7S dyayygdas cure Gees, 
% F ntevevay ad cagav, 
as xT! und¥va 707m ww Tes 
Uisepeie. 0 8 vin@ we Oes 
NértEalo, Tes Td Suoasum 
ei @OgBe ov |e, MH 78 Su= 
orasncls TEtPEn, |emvizee = 
Ke seandms m7i id ics 3- 
rlavior SmAe x2 ToAGuioy 


Lib. VIIL 

°@, it dranovG-, wilog 
sordl ay 6 wer aus, mayor. 

we, : it Ugudabgerore 

"YmoditduovG ii dvaryvecn, 

Ri laams, tuota miav, ii 
‘geuniricio, i dronterIa. a 
ouvres 1 AaiKOs 
 *EmonowG-, iv areeabu- 
“Te O-, i AdnovG, ons c- 
ouTay 3s SaveaCoulues, 
ii remoicle i xaSeucgeiaba. 
beancsor@-, i.apeoCuree 
x / ren € ~ 
eG, ii Adnov’>, akeerinols 
ow eadpG@- iovey. apoes- 
Cisbatt > 0 emerge Ley an: 
m, wdaceacia. 
a ee A : ’ 
Emxomy, W weeaCuTs- 
ev, ii Atanover, aseeTuoy 
detaueves Baane us i Suot- 
ap, gape we9T]dos0~ 
WW Tis P cUypernas Xes@ 
E95 beAlae - ii Ws wees 
ms@ Dances ~ 
"EoimmonG, i weecle'ze- 
CQ. F xT aandeiay Er0v 72 
Bdanoucd, tav dveSty Bagr- 
qiay RE uguorueuov ors 
FanCiy thy um Bawticn, 
yoeToaucdalw,ws AGH E coy 
£3¥y YF 7B wuets Setvaroy, 
A ‘ ¢ Z . 
ud Saneivey tegeas Ldy- 
EL mg Aainds F éau7s 
obpaitdes "Salata! dove 
azCor, Hh meeg ANAS aUTTOAS: 
auucvln, 2 ooeeZer4a 
Li ns GxorG-. ii apec- 
CuTeeG, x fF 78 wets 
Da rakw wad Carns ets m- 
TE eds Y Udy, ayov md tue, 
aia es Tes BAe Kes, 

the Holy Apoftles. 

_Eximor@-, i ageotu re 

A Bifhop, or Presbyter, or Deacon: 
who indulges himfelf in Dice, or 
Drinking ; either let him leave off 
thofe Practices, or let him be de- 


Jf a Sub-deacon, a Reader, or a 
Singer. does the like, either let him 
leave off, or ler him be fuf pended : 
and fo for one of the: Laity. 

A Bifhop, or Presbyrer, or Dea- 
con who requires Ufury of thofe 
he lends to, either ler him leave off 
so do fo, or let him be depriv’d. 

A Bifhop, or Presbyrer, or Dea- 
con, who only prays with Hereticks, 
let him be fuipended ; but it he 
allio permit them to perform any 
Part of the Office of a Clergy-man, 
let him be depriv’d. 

We command that a Bifhop, or 
Presbyter, or Deacon, who receives 
the Baptiim, or tke Sacrifice of He- 
reticks be depriv'd : For what Agree- 

ment is there between Chrif? and Belial? V 

or what Part hath a Believer with an 

Infidel ? 






To hGs 

[fa Bihop, or Presbyter, rebap- XLVIL 

tizes him who has had true Baptifm ; 
or does not baptize him who is pol- 
luted by the ungodly, let hin be de- 

tivd, as ridiculing the Crofs and 
the Death of Chrift, and nor diftin- 
guifhing between real Priefts and 
counterfeit ones, 

It a Lay-man divorces his own XLVI. 

Wife, and takes another, or one di- 
vorcd by another, let him be fuf- 

ended. | 
If any Bifhop or Presbyrer, does 
not Baptize according to the Lords 
Conftitution, into the Father, the 
Son, and the Holy Ghoit, but into 
4 ihiee 




three Beings without beginning, or 
into.three Sons, or three Comforters 
let him be depriv’d. 

If any Bithop, or Presbyter, does 
not perform the three Immerfions of 
the one Admiffion, but one Immer- 
fion whichis given into the Death of 

-Chrift, let him be depriv’d ; for the 

Lord did nor fay Baptize into my 
Death, But, Go ye and make Difciples 
of all Nations, baptizing them into the 
Name of the Father, and of the Son, 
and of the Holy-Ghoft, Do thou there- 
fore, O Bifhops, baptize thrice into 
One Father, and Son, and Holy- 
Ghoft, according to the Will of 
Chrift, and our Conftitution by the 

If any Bifhop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, or indeed any one of the 
facerdoral Catalogue, abftains from 
Fiefh, and Wine, nor for his own 
Exercife, but out of hatred of the 

Gen, 1,31 Things, forgetting that Al things 



were very good, and that God made 
Man male and female, and blaiphe- 
moufly abufes the Creation, either 
let him reform, or let him be 
depriv’d ; and be caft out of the 
Church: and the fame for one of 
the Laity. 

If any Bifhop, or Presbyter, does 
not receive him that returns from his 
Sin, bur rejects him, ler him be de- 
privd: becaufe he grieves Chrift, 

Luk.xv,7 who fays, There is Foy in Heaven over 


one Sinner that Repenteth, 

If any Bifhop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, does not on Feftival-days 

7 w cv a ~ 
eis Tis es, i ets BpEIS mL 
CUKANTES, WgTougeTo~. 

El ns ChoxorG-, ii apee'- 
CureeG-, us ceia Bawnio- 
Lares Las punoees SmTEAE- 
Oi, and ey BEGNT ues 
eis 3 Seuyaroy Ts wes di- 
Sousvov, xasccncia. % ~ 
amy 0. weG-, as + Sauvye- 
Jovy us Barnonte’ 
qvre. Th eSyn, BarnCovTes 
auTis eis TO oyoue Te mtn 
190s,% Te Us,% 78 opie avd 
“aT. vusis ev, @ edmond 
Toh, eS SVa TATED, Hy Udys%y 
dyuov mbus, eile B2ar7- 
NEN Page ch 
HT nusttegy w mduan 

Ei 115 ChoxorG-, i opeg- 
CiTeG, ii NaxnwG, ij de 
T8) ya ps, ugh Keecoy, ra) one, 
e dt acxnav, ane da 
Cheaveiaw dma), omaav 
SevodvG- in. xv gad 
Alay, 4 37 apper x, SHarv 
eminzey 6 Qeds + av ecompy, 
art Caacenuay dala rnd 
F duusepap, i doedicba, 
A xgrouwata xy t caxanatag 
Siobanric§a. aonyTws © Ace 

Ef’ ns cttoxotG,, ii apez= 
Curep@-, + Cmcpepavae Sa. 
duaorinc 8 weyr Sk zaTUE , 
arr SoC amet, xgScuced~ 
cla on Aum F Xeusov, c= 
muy re’ xteg: iver cw beg 
yObYTI- mo 

Ei n¢ émenrG, ft 
mpeaCuTe@, ii danw@, 




Lib. VIII. the Holy Apoftles. 
w iuless BS teri = partake of Flefh,or Wine, lethimbe |. 
perarmudver upedy, ii of ve, deprivd ; as having a feared Canfci- * Tim.iv, | 
 xaSeuces aus xaygumeres- ence, and becoming a Caufe of Scan->> | 
ube Q F iNav cunetd vows Pa dal to many. 
ain@- gravdirs mOMois 74- 
vou. | 3 a 
Ed rg vanecnds oy xemmaeio If any one of the Clergy be ta- LIV. 
oven eSiav, apoertécbw ken eating in a Tavern, let him be 
maces 1% cw muyddcio, ev f{ulpended, excepting when he is 
ENG St dvdynl xgrurvew. forced to bait at an Inn, upon the 
. Road. LV. 
Big xanecnds vEcioe © «If any one of the Clergy abufes Ex. xxii. 
Raanom ad inws, xgSeugei- his Bifhop unjuftly, ler him be de- 28. 
Ge, ergy re 9, gia, 9% priv’d : For fays the Scripture, Thou 
ARS Tb BK SLES KGKVS. fhalt not [peak Evil of the Ruler of 
, gg. Pb People. 
EE ms xanennos vei =“ If any one of the Clergy abufes LVI? 
apesCi ree , i Sdxovovy, 4 Presbyter or a Deacon, let him be gi 
apoerleaba. feparated. 
Ei’ ms xanemnds arty, i If any one of the Clergy mocks LVII. 
- ROQeY, TPAD), ihe qés @a- ar’a Deaf or Blind-man, or at one 
gels memuyuvov xAMAT Jame of his Feet, let him be fufpen- 
=” Oa. couvros x4 A&- ded : and the like for the Laity. 
- JEnisna® yi per Cuze- A Bifhop or Presbyter, who takes 7 VIII, 
e@-, %ucroy TS xANP’, NT no Care of the Clergy or People, 
aoe 1 wih croad , ov78$ and does nor inftruct them in Piety, 
ae eon A ae, ~ Jet him be feparated ; and if he con- 
at hie 78 Pawuuid, I~ rinues in his Negligence, let him be 
7 depriv'd. 
 Ef'neGhionewG-,hapec- ‘If any Bithop, or Presbyter, when 11x 
ClreG@-, mds F xanemov any one of the Clergy is in want, ; 
ends BvT@y UA ompapn- does not fupply his Neceffity, let him 
ys ta dtovim, dpoerteciw’ be fulpended ; and if he continnes 
Shudvav 5, wSageiote.@s init, let him be depriv'd ; as having 
gordicus & adergey curs: killed his Brother. 
EE ns re tddemyeroe If any one publickly readsin the [x 
foe RiGria, ws shai Church the {purious Books of, rhe i 
ee iM app ss yea : Ungodly, as if they were Holy, to 
EGER "4 1s"? the Deftruction of the People, and 
oct of the Clergy, let him be depriv’d. 
Ei’ 75 veTupela Sonn If there be an Accufation againft LX, 
xT mss, moeveias, i woryeias, a Chriftian for Fornication, or Adul- 
i arans waves armgophudens tery, or any other forbidden Action, 


and he be convicted, let him not be : 
promoted into the Clergy. 

If any ane of the Clergy for fear 
of Men,as of a Jew,or a Gentile,or an 
Heretick, fhall deny the Name of 
Carift, let him be fulpended : butif 
he deny the Name of a Clergy-man, 
let him be deprived; but when he 
_repents, ler him be receiv’d as one 
of the Laity. 

If any Bithop, or Presbyter, or 
Deacon, or indeed any one of the 
facerdotal Catalogue eats Flefh with 
the Blood of its Life, or that which 
is torn by Beafts, or which died of 
it felf, ler him be deprived : For 
this the Law it felf has forbidden : 
but if he be one of the Laity, let 
him be fufpended, 

If any one of the Clergy be fogind 
to. faft on. the Lord’ s-day, or on the 
Sabbath-day , excepting one only, 
let him be depriv’d: but if he be 
one of the Lay, Jet him be {uf 

If any one either of the Clergy 
or Laity, enters into a Synagogue of 
of the fews or Hereticks to pray, 

7 let him be depriv'd, and Giinende. 

LXVI._ If any of the Clergy ftrikes one 
ina Quarrel, and kills him by that 
one Stroak, let him be deprivd, on 
account of his Rafhne(s: But if he 
be one of the Laity, let him be fu 

\f any one has offer'd Violence to 
a Virgin nor betroth’d, and keeps 
her, let him be fufpended: Bur’tis 
not lawful for him to take another to 
Wife, bur he muft retain her whom 
he has chofen, altho’ fhe be poor. 



Gen. IX. 
Lev, xvii. 




megceas, x ereyxgy, eis 

Ef me xanesxis did 98Coy 
ev S canyon “Tedeats, i i” BA- 
AlwG-,. 7 ab cI aeviiow- 
vue. ef pe 7 ovolee v8 
Xusk, dpoeltdw. & 4 70 
OvOUd TE XANES, gcaueer- 
Se ustavonous 3, Os Aas- 
x05 Sex Size. 

Ee ong chonon@, i 
ox eallTeeG. i Sraxov@ y 
P dAws XG TAROYE T ie ceg.- 
TKS, geyn ng eae ey aha 
sonal curs i Sneed ATV, 
i. Suna ade 0'y NaS auger cr. Te- 
7 P x a) vou@- LUE. 
ee 3 retide i, dgvesecde. 

E?’ 71s XANELKOS Micebin F 
HELLA iusegy ii 70 onl Ca 
mov, wal Te ends. wave, yn- 
say, oP auger sey eay > 
AaEnos i, apoere tra. 

Es’ ns XANELLOS, i AakKes 
eigt Sa els greece Is- 
Suey. aecnuay oregoeu a 
rm NICAL SD 2) abpoerlé - 

Ei m5 xAierKos wy a) 
Td npbous, xy Se Te €yos 
xeeaue]@ CUTOKT EAN vous 
Saupe da + @esMe TED 
ene. ey 4 Agiixes %, aoret- 

Bins smeSevor auvisd- 
TOV Braowr§0G (i, cet 
CiSw wn Soden > aure €7e 
eg Ag uGaveds ann’ emery lus 
HaTE HEV be x) NeeTIou7a, 
Kev MAY EXC Tuy rey. 


Lib. Vill. 

“EP one émanorG, 

- opeabute@, i pear 

SArbeay eesTWlay Jen) 

mG, xa SeUgrSO.. x 
aL TS 4 0 geleszanii™s, et 

wn P50, 

yD Tustay Bamnocey- 
TAS, 4 gesen Torn Sev ras, om 


71S. emsxen@ , 

cache, | 4 fried 
i aveyvesns, i Naams, + 
yay Teomeegocny & i 9 
ii Tet ead, i aregrndiluy 
ygSaszeicda’ cures « uy dt 
ace vey Tana TInHY elamad't- 
Corr edv J Awinos ii, “go> 

EG me Sonn, ii F da- 
AG XANELLIS, ys dig “ey 
*hedetoy, ft éograld wer asi 
TO" ij SENG Tee aUTOY Teh 
F éogriis Seven, ojov aCuue, 
i 7 ToLS FOV, Kg Seupeicsra' e2 
) adinds fi, aprerleda. 

ow ng Bistaves EAasoy 
ak mveynos eis ieesy EVAN, 
i ong Gun yarylun * edway, i 
ey © goeTdhs auitiy] Av XyEs 
dnl, dpoerli de. 

Ee 7s Anemos, ii Adinrs 
Sa F picts Cnnrnotas a oE- 
ANT uneov, i i) €Aquov, a&Qo- 
acide. 4 ommumoy 
wessiSere uel & taaCer. 

= MUG aeups, it 2€u- 
cs, i oBovns, aacdsy, ih 
dtis @n_ eis obneids YC iawV 
cosTeeCiSw maedvouo’ ag. 
ed d¥ ns guenSein, em Ae~ 

1 EF ance Key 
oui Sew T yeses Te lan” TEs 

the hy Apoftles. 

If any Bithop, or Presbyter, or LXVIIL. 

.. Deacon, receives a fecond Ordinati- 

en from any one, let him be depriv'd, 

and he who ordain’d him ; unlefs he* 
can fhew that his former Ordination 
was from the Hereticks : For thofe 
that are either bapriz'd or ordain’d 
by fuch as thefe, can be neither 
Chriftians nor Clergy-men. 

lf any Bifhop, or Presbyter, or LXIX.’ 
Deacon, or Reader, or Singer, does 
not faft the Faft of Forty Days, or 
the Fourth Day of the Week, and 
the Day of the Preparation, let him 
be deprivd; except he be hindred 
by weaknefs of Body : Butif he be 
one of the Laity, let him be fufpen- 

If any Bifhop, or any other of the 
Clergy fafts with the Jews, or keep 
the Feftivals with them, or accepts 
of the Prefents from their Feftivals, 
as unleavened Bread, or fome iuch 
Thing, lec him be depriv’d : but if 
he be one of the Laity, let him be 

if any Chriftian carries Oil into an 
Heathen Temple, or into a Syna- 
gogue of the Jews,or lights up Lamps 
in theit Feftivals, let him he fufpen- 

If any one either of the Clergy or LXXIL 
Lairy, takes away from the Ho. 
ly Church an Honey-comb, or Oil, 
let him be fufpended; and ler him | Lev.v.r6 
add the fifth part, to that which he 

A Veffel of Silver, or Gold. or LXXIIE. 
Linnen, which is fanctify'd, let no 
one appropriate it to his own Ufe : 
for ‘tis unjuft: but if any one be 
c wight, let him be punith ¢ "d with Sat- 
penfion, if : 




LXXIV. . If a Bifhop be accus'd of any Crime 
~ by credible and faithful Perfons, ‘tis 

> é ' 
_ Emoxomoy xgmpognsevre 
Ch nve “aad aztomswy % 

Deut. xix fays, 


neceflary that he be cited by the 
Bifhops ; and if he comes, and makes 
his Apology, and yet is convicted 
let his Punifhment be determin‘d : 
but if, when he is cited, he does 
not obey, let him be cied a fecond 
Time, by two Bifhops fent to him ; 
but if even then he defpifes them, and 
will not come, let the Synod pafs 
what Sentence they pleafe againft 
him; that he may not appear to 
gain Advantage by avoiding their 

LXXV. Do not ye receive an Heretick in 

a Teftimony againft a Bifhop ; nora 
Chriftian if he be fingle: for the Law 
In the mouth of two or three 
Witneffes, every Word fall be efta- 

A Bifhop muft nor gratify his Bro- 
ther, or his Son, or any other Kinf- 
man with the Epifcopa! Dignity, or 
ordain whom he pleafes ; for ’tis not 
juft to make Heirs to Epifcopacy,and 
to gratify human Affections in Divine 
Matters ; for we muft nor put the 
Church of God under the Laws of 
Inheritance ; But if any one fhall do 
fo, let his Ordination be invalid ; 
and let him be punifh’d with Sufpen- 

If any one be maimed in an Eye, 
or lame'of his Leg, but is worthy of 
the Epifcopal Dignity, let him be 
made a Bifhop: for tis nor a Blemith 
of the Body that can defile him, but 
the Pollution of the Soul, ~ i 

wUuTY dveyugioy ao 
Got, x, SmrAoyvirt7, eArcs= 
xStvT@- uw, ser0edw 70 
emu” édy 3} xa.rtudu@- 
pi “aaxtoo, wrdde % 
SA'zegev, So emoxtmepv 
Smocurtyrwy aes asroy" $- 
ay 3 87m un arto, 
emTKommy  a&mosudty rey 
coh airy tay 8 re 
i Cuno’ O amepawese nor 
aus eh dbusyre, O7ws un 
Sen needuvew cuypdnay. 
Els wacwetw ho xt 
éhonors aiestinoy pi aegd¥= 
ade, ard p> msde Eva, 
psvev” ona 36 vou -ome 

Ul t bY ~ 3 
souel@ dVo x, rere uaem= 
gov USN oe TE may pie, 

"On ph 9¢) F Shicxomp 
TS a deago, ii 1 U0, i é 
Tee ousjvet xaecl ouov 7 
roveiy 85 quiTes BEASTUA” XAN- 
egvouss 94 Stonemns dure 
TIAN, & Sixgaw, Te 7 Ove 
qaerl odor mt Set avbowmt- 
yo’ % 5D F Te Xess cnnan- 
misty i JG mS T8TO TOLII- 
ovr, Lup why sw 9 ess 
egrvia, ants ) omnudow 
APOCT UD. aed 

"Bay ne advame@G a + 
CPSuAuoY, TO oXEAG weE- 
mAnyRG, &i@ MX ecw 
Stagnoms, WVESw'  WaAdey 
ow 40]@- anbrevy miaivd, AMe 
Nuxis wornvonds, 



Lib, VIII. 

“Kaois 5} av, % TUMADS, 
pa je8 0 sioner 8X as 
usmueaunG, arn” ive un 
ze daxanoiasiygs meeeumo ies 
"Bay ns Sei wove. ¢ eX, NAN 
Ends wait wesw, ara ui 9 
ae mISOES. ound 2S. xg 
eicbeis 3, aesaderedwy Lx) 
say it alee, yved. ; 

Toy zg “Deity meron Sey: 
Te, wy Bara rcdey re. ii én. ous 
As Daywyins,.  Singsiy est 

UT? wes elle dus ag 
ShasKomiv a ieay ~. Fume 
dm meiegy emdet a uivor, 
artpoy ervea SidStiangrov’ a 
beh we xz Seta sete Tero 
Yoarra aL 
Eizoaly, O74 pa pal biie- 
Kom xe -Serveu eauToy eis 
Sucooteg Posninoess PANN) weg 
Rees: i masse sy T8T0 
My Tole. i i nasasceiclo % - 
dds PMvaru dvat xweiols 
Ssradew, xT! ql mugraniiy 

Olxemns eis Katies @wegn 
fel CecSe avy + F dtavo 
Toy Woums 8X em7eenbaly, 
em hums ra itera Rveoy ote 
xv 39 a yareomlus 7 Tons TOV 
rareeya Cer. a de mre % 
a=i@- cavern OlnETHS weds 
ees Tov baw Babus , iC 
‘OvhaeS 6 6 usTee@ | aye~ 
gay, a uy reper ok oe 
COTUL. Y) ead Seger, 6 7 
ohne éauTay cEammese Aum, 
"Enis uoas@>. i i aproClrs- 
‘9 g Any, SPAT CIC 

the Holy Apoftles.. 

But if he be deaf and blind, let him ES*VH! 
not be mada a Bifhop ; not as being a 
defiled Perfon, bur that the Eccle-. 
fiaftical Affairs may not be hindred. 

If any one hath a Demon, let LXXIX. 
him not be made one of the Clergy : : 
Nay let him not pray with the faich- 
ful: but when he is cleanfed, let 

‘him be receiv'd ; and, if he be wor- 

thy, let him be ordain’d, 

Tis not right to ordain him Bithop LXXXs 
ptefently, who is juft come in from 
the Gentiles, and baptiz’d ; or from 
a wicked Converfation : for’ tis un- 
juft that he who has nor yet afforded 
any Trial of himfelf fhould be a 
Teacher of others; unlefs it any 
where happens by divine Grace..:. 

We have {aid that.a Bifhop ought Lxxxt 
not to let himfelf into publick Admi- Can. iv. 
niftrations, but to.attend on all Op; prius. 
portunities upon the neceffary Affairs 
of the Church. Either. therefore 
let him .agree not to do fo, or ler 
him be depriv’d. .For, No one can 
serve two ae: according to the wee uh 
Lords Adimonition, 

We donot permit ane to. si: LXXX L. 

ordain’d into the Clergy, without 
their Mafters Confent ; , for this 
would grieve, thofe thar. .own’d 
them. For fuch.a Pradtice* would 
occafion the Subveri on of Families. 
But if at any time a Servant appears 
worthy to be ordain’d into an high- 
office, our Onefimus appear d 
to be; and if his Mafter allows of it, 
and gives him his Freedom, and dif- 
mifses him from-their Houfe, let him 
be ordain’d. 

Ler a Bifhop, or Presbyter, or Dea- LxxxtU. 
con, who goes tothe Army, and 



defires to retain both the Roman Go- 

vernment, and the facerdotal Admi- 
Matxxjitiftrarion, bé deprived :\ For, The 
2I. Things of C.efar beiong to Cefar, and 
the Things of God to God, 

- Whofoever fhall abufe the King: or 
‘the Governour unjuftly, let him fut- 
fer Punifhment :“and if he be a Cler- 
gy-man, ler him’be depriv’d : bur if 
he be a Lay-mian, “let him be fut 

Ler the following ‘i Books be 
efteem'd venerable and Holy by you, 
both of the Clergy znd Laity. Of 
the Old Covenant, the Five Books 
ot Mofes, Gencfis, Exodut, Leviticus, 
Numbers and Deuteronomy, One of 
Foflua the Son of Nan, One of the 
Fudges, One of Ruth, Four of the 
Kings, Two of the Chronicles, ‘1 wo 
of Efta, One>of ‘Bfther. [One 
of Judith) Three of the Macca- 
bees. One of Fob. One Hundred 
and Fifry Pfalms, Three Books of 
Solomon, Proverbs, Ecclefiaftes, and 



the Song of Songs, Sixteen Prophets, 

And befides thele take care that your 
young Perfons learn the Wifdom of 
the very learned Sirach. But our 
Sacred Books, that is thofe of the 
New Covenant, are thefe, The Four 
Gofpels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and 
Foln: The Fourteen Epittles of Paul: 

Two Epiftles of Peter: Three of Fobn: 

One of ¥ames: One of Fude : Two 
Epiftles of Clement And the Con/ti- 
tutions dedicated to you: the Bifhops, 
by me Clement, in Eight Books: 

which "tis not fit to publith before all, 

becaufe of the Myfteries contained 
in them: and the Acts of us the Apos 

goneilov ) RsrouduG@- . 
wUvoTeeg. xa TE IEW » Hi 

nay ce xl x, regoel th 
now, xgtosgersea md p 
Kaioup@- Kasough uy Te 
ge Oss, O¢@. - 

| "06 75 ‘UGeiow Bag inea., 
i ag yOVTAy ms) Sixgeov, 
Tiuweter TvyuTe. He ue 
XAN EINES, Kocupeae a 3 

Acne, dooelese, 

“Ese as vey wat range 
mols; % Adinals, Bilria 
oeCag art Hy ape, T UNO Tbe 
Accs DzSunns, Moiiceas 
TN TR, Wueis, 50d'G-, adi'= 
Tindy, chet) ual xy Ndi legevo- 
puoy” ‘Inge 3 Nawii, ty = 
Here , ey” Ps, ¢p. "Bae 
otheay; Teosaes NetTO- 
wbte oy @ Bilas F “nuspors 
duo “Eadpa, da" "Edie. eo: 
Lindt §, év | MaxnaCaioy , 
Tela. ‘Tos, ev" «Lea eok Exch" 
Tov Tev TH KovTe = onoeecov De 
Bilata, Tela > me eot use, mn" 
mangvashs, ao te. aoa Toy" 
rd Senn ee” casey: 4 
Uuly cae gTIsop ere Ca¥ SeLy ey 
Uuay yess ¥ oop hay T 
mmawun biss SlEKX, Net ees 
4, TouTést F ygu¥ns AaSnxns, 
dha yense TEareteg, MazSult, 
Meéexs, Avyg, Ivevys’ Mav- 
Aw Siasorad dena, Técsmpes’ 
Teves emsvaad Mo “Toy- 
V5 Tees "Taxalr, wa’ 
"ltd, pla® Kaiwl@- § ¢-. 
mISDAa Jvo” xgh an i Darayat 
Uuay TOKS omnes KomDIs Siéue 
Kaiuwr@- y'ox7e  BsGators 7y 
Cesarean we ae, ons eyed 
ducorsdew oH mel Te dia 
Ta. os ays rahe pusings” xg ou 
mephes nuaY TF aapSBAV. 


Lib, VIEL 

Taba 3 oe revive de: 

“germ Udy me’ nuor, @ 

misnomer’ v pcis 3 suudvoy- 
Tes wITs, owe, WH et 
ellen Sere. dmessountes 3 
2.6 ¢ ’ 

& MinAay & tdtov acere, Sixny 
P aynucies FF @esmuKeouy 

6 Bes Fy 0 woVG dy- 
Mut@, GF aay mom- 

ohs, amyres vuas dat 

eiclns ey mauatt aye 
» s ~ 
Gyadcer XO7TLCTICN Hs mY %e- 
. \ > 7 . T 

ries, avelxantes’ yateE idee: 

Te? aevis Cans, cw ny, 
dd F weoireicg Te nyemmuhse 

mudd cure "Ince Xpise, 

Oss % owrieQ nuav “ued? 

Si Dee ure, rel bt aiy- 

Tov Os, 4 mgel, Wane 

4 a , 

~ >. > 3 

Yul TE, X) der, G ets TOS adm 

Lind on 27 > e 

Ova FT aoyoy. abs. 

TEAC Naraya Vor ayiay 
> ’ ‘ 7, 
amos wy Sit Kanu G-, xg 

the Holy Apoftles. 

Let thefe Canonical Rules be efta- 
blifh’'d by us for you, O ye Bithops; 
and if you continue to obferve them, 
ye fhall be faved, and fhall have 
Peace: but if you be difobedient, 
you fhall be punifh’d, and have ever- 
lafting War one with another, and 
undergo a Penalty fuitable to your 

Now God who aloneis Unbe- 
gotten, and the Maker of the 
whole World, unite you all thro’ 
his Peace, in the Holy-Spirit ; per- ~ 
fect you unto every good Work, 
Immoveable, Unblameable, and 
Unreproveable ; and vouchfafe to- 
you Eternal Life, with us, through 
the Mediation of his beloved Son, 
Jefus Chrift, our God and Saviour ; 
with whom Glory bero Thee, the 
God over all, and the Father, in the 
Holy-Spirit, the Comforter, now,an 
always,and for ever and ever, Ame 

The End of the Conftitutions of 
Holy Apoftles by Clement, which are 
the Catholick Doctrine. 

sii at f Bac oe aie ae Me Rye 
z aber are gees: Slee en RS 
Be ina mer sete ‘edt. ew hie 
Bh SEMA arth ea feta ve a fs Mis 3 
Ren, ctvecr: Cormac, a i 
ea ee D003 RIS OGY AOR ROR oe 
, we Bi dui iO Mg aldos yo acitat:) 
) ae FoF feet § baat *ppllicnenip sail 4 
3. ae ok STS RE BSrfor sch 

ich ES EoD 

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, hae epee te ee pe ma BY 
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IC, pea: Pieri s pits 

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Pa, ey. BSC Sergi tcp wall - +s aaa ee st aon as . 
ie, Sa. 2 5. SS ae ae 4 tae 2S ate Saas 
a ah oe tf ties iad, of y ag Mp, Ben: ag barack ite 

ale AN foe} Jat. Oat yt Rk ea ae 
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pias: mie goth Anis aay ee 7 
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ia “ » psohae gene cd) Seta gener org fe. Wise 

. pest SpE ms r0ve bps diel ee ere. ‘ 
ae Shan ais 1, tome asst bas Dy Se aaa 1H 

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hand Ayes 1d Ral flog & fal a a ee Be 

i diear? bh sista id 0 




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